HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignOil M eeting Set m ""'tl n a: to ciJ UY. tbf' C'l'a .. tal oil 'Huatlon h.a<~ bPt n t .~llt•d l•1r Jl p.m . Thurfiiday, ~fa~' ill. .tt th•• 'fwrf' Mitf<O homt Of -'lr. Rlld ~1 ,.... T. O UJH"an , t~w- V OL 3 Ito. 41 jn.ird Npt. Well Flows Thf' hf'll Oi l Co. req\K.>St for an-art. 1~' :"~ht•r•• Cll/f Rd. Mf'lft· J'r, par t1"n, 1-1 "lr k an 011 "' U othnr flil ~, ... 11 two miles from Co-twrs of th!' C'outal ommlltt¥ Wlth.n th( Ctt)o lurut" or \V t ~t~­ mna d I Mllr and t\\o mil s mland pln!lit Ull Wf'll-. aDd o~r port '' r rcporh·d nt lJ.st Friday'tt rrom Cr}stal Con•-will come up lnt.-rf"'tf'd Mti7JC 0 Will atU.d. mC!'t'l m~ of tht• \\'r t Xf"\.l)()lt lm· a~aln at 1 :30 p. m. tomorrow 1 f"l-i. provt•ment A., .... lCJat1on m Cit\ day 1 b<'fore thC' Count~ Plannln~ · Hall · Comm1ssion in the Court Hou~e ~r J .e R~lected Pr('btd<>nl F 1 a n c lt- ~ision had lx-f>n dela~l'd last , \•al<'ntin(.> of Pasaruona 1\o wrot1 AnnC'x in Sant~ Ana. ~ Of Hor\ath read ~' I ttt'r rrum t .. ~ Fnda) so that an illl'pection of tht', l am gam$: ahead and am mak- propo ed drillinE. site could be b ,. fltM> m~ arrt'lncerne'nt.s tC" drill for U OIL DIULU.NO Mt_TD hu ""'"an taw>, .1)' ,....., ,..,.. ftlt .......... , ONiaa Hll(tllaM dt'wn t iM> "'''"' to tiM>" llttlfo (.'nroau ht•"co"" ht-'-"• "'"o"' C'II"L'. Ttlk ptC'turfo, t.a.kf'D b3• T. ~~~ , t.-"an J-t '""low 11th~ Clitia N'Jtlll._.f', •~ !!oOIIll Bob .... Bin f'OII~c ~ ol tile drlllblc mad, \\'ltk'h "·• diJIPbyed t'rtuy by M"" ,.,._,.,t to u.~ Ooellt)• PtamUJ~c ComrniMion, "'ltlr h " .. " <'~dfortwt,: thf' !ilht'fl ".....,..' ror aaothf'r w-t'll. made. Ye terda) an in~pcction m the area of 52n<l St My at- party ,·isltro tht' .ite. led by 1 ks r·k 1 tome} c makinc the ~ry ln-ChaJrman \\'. L Binoham of the AO 1 e 01 ac roinst to be the \ <'Slll."3tion as to ""'rnut.~ and )"""-.... big i..ssu ... ..- County PlanntnK Commission and Thl mnJ:njfiC'1'nt community of ni proceoed.ln . So far w.- J . N. Grt-go~ of Shell Oil and in-ours whJC'h ''<'all boast of M tht' ha\l" a bright ptcture of a very cludinJ: Plannina Commis.saoner most ldt al r id~ntlaJ arH i.n the ~:ood ~biUt) , Waltt'r W imc-r and mem~rs of world suddenly 1., urrounded by Drillint:t wathin cit\ !Jma th<' rna..;tal Committ<'t! AStainst Oil 011 fi Ids a nd potcnllal 011 fiel . prohabited b~ or<hnantt. but \Mr. Well!'. JerJ!tn~ to th "t"St &nd ~hell to has bN:-n talk of O\ ~'Ul~ thfo Thf' party dron• th inland tht> I'll t and down the ~ t. ordinan(.'(' by Pn"'Pf'T1Y ~'Mn l!IIMtrtrf ,... -~ aaao•l'll"'l thbl DCMMI l .. t till' body of l ft- )'e&~ Patrk!la leaa ..... Bwtla Partl ~ -rlcUnt, hllfl ~Mod ,._. Ia Tra'-e c-,._ !I 8111N from S..ta ~. Hf' .-14 ~ ...,. .... de .... W y '"-... ttflel &II P atricia'" aa d tlult -'"' ".._. route. walkro thE' Jut half mile Ho" \t'IJ nf'ar at u; was brought S<'t'kin~r to prou-ct thear propert) or so to thl' top l'lf Lof; Tt-aneo5 to pubhc attention m a dramatic risth Canyon. where tht> drilling site mannt'r b~ Mrs T Dunca.n Stew· Dunng tlx-rnN't'l~. rn.arlcro by wa marked. Thel't' it was sho'-"'Tl art or ~ hoN' CUH at the C.ounty 8 Pl't'ponck>rance of ob)t'ctlon to that the contours o( the hills hide Planrun~ CommissJon rnet'tlng last ~g Mar th<> dty. ~,,. that site from \'i<"W from the Coast F'l-id&y. Shell Oil Co. v.-a.s asking ~ng Dlrector Cbartes Diap ...... Com1111 '-P b<-f<n Oty Court- ell. ~ Ulb Monday evening, will be a proposal to enact an em· ~ency ordinan ce designed to re- ~ate Uve beJt receivers and the hand.Ung &nd u le of live b&i t in th(' Bay. These regulation11 ha\'e been consldf'N'd by th<' local landings and boat opt-rators. who have con- f<'rred tog<' I her on this proposa 1 ''to pl.~cc rt>strictions on t h(.>m· sel\'\'8. TI'l<' propo<;ed regullltlons Y.'Ould prohibit any . t>llinc: or bait b~· boats 10 thf' ba~ fi n lin£' with th<' long Pstabli. he<! poli<"Y that no sellin~ of an~: kind i!i: allowro on the waters or th<' harbor). pro- vides for SCT'('('n covers on receiv- ers a nd SCJ"t"('n tra~ in the re- ot'iwrs to retain all dead. baH .vithin the rt'ceh·er. prohibits dis· po8ing or bait in the harbor wa- ters. requires a Jl('rmit for install· lng bait rC'Ceh'N's in the harbor. Art &hmit At -Hl~hway. for a permit to drUJ another well described the ~ &o •' •1 A la.rge local contlnlrnt wu on and timon · .... _ ........ amendme'lt whictl ,..... e.ea .... .., •..:-:.!1..1.!.-:· p -01UI(Jiflg fte fin& ~• ...,.._, art f'XIAK Pft1!MtM 'Y ~ Coul 0~ 1l'I.U .,... ~blr­ day .. tile Eatllp .......... •• COf'OIIa tk-1 Mar altd \\111 Mil· U.M ror ttt~ "'f'f'kll. A ~ Cftttloa "111 1M' hf'ld a t '!:SO p. "'· s.,...3 .. The u hlbtt. almM t -tlrt'l~· OCC cb .. f'llt "·ork, •111 liM'Iadf' "'at~r ~tors. ~p. adv~rU..­ tac ar t.. ~ ltaJtd dra•illlr"o ar- t'llltf'C'tuf'f" aad ~rarnk'& Hoan .tll '"' 1ft l., 4 p. "'· "'f"f\kdays, It a. m. to t p. m. "'f'flt-t"K "- hand Iaiit Friday wberl the Shell tes y was gtve:t u .. t um Pf'O""fll oiJ fields In dill . .._, (a. .. -U@St for a use ......,.. --up. ~t wt>ll ncar Corona Hlp-.....,....__ ~ • 0.. ·Mae W 111M • -~ .... ' .... '-'-'"''; la.oda W8JI policed 110 --to ... ._._~ Opposttlarl to pantJng a tlditiollal CJ'Hlt' a n ubanat. Wbfteupon the J('rgina wt-& ._,. "'-it ~- pennits ~ ~ on the. argu-Mrs. tt>wart exhtbitt"d a bottle or port l and ~ • .._ .,..,.., for mt>!"ll ~t th1s most ma~truficent oil drilling mud. evidence of ~ t'very weJl outm •. of proyen f'ielll.. rmdcmt1al area along the' entire age from t he oil well a mile and H(.> ~ad .20 restricti<Jns ~ California roast shouJd be pr£>-, a hall away to th St('Wart pro-for oal ~ and lnvi~ thlo CJti· servt'd." perty rhtht down theN' a t the> I l:ef!S to submit otlwr desil't'd ~ Little Corona ~ach ! lauons. I ~lla-.... .lat to ~~ModE oa t~ ..,~ E. E. ~les. 'i~~t or ecr~IIVIJ 1'1 1 of that. drU.U. ..... Jlr. ~-Jer~ Oil Co., ~ that art uut 1 \\'8l ~ ~ the t.hird weU. near ~ St has Council action lo aSSUff $3,000 1 u.e ra\iat-"hkta ~ dowa .,Y tarted producmg. brin~ m 57 for the summer recl't'ation pro-H \lou \\ay from ._ c.,... barrels a ~·The ot.Mr two w llP ~am was recommended by the' Hlcftlaadtl oU 'W'f'll to Uttk c. a l't' ~ucm£_ 15 and 35 b&n'l"~. I ne'-". Park, Beach and Rrereation I ,....._ Wt> took aamplf-8 at ~ Ht' sa1d tha! an 30 to 60 da.ys tm Commi ion at tts lll("('tint: last ~~h al~ at botll M'lcl or tk company WJII bt> re-ady to sign nisrht in City Hall. The Commis-t'al\·t-,:. that I'Of'8 ~r thfo rommuruty .le~ "',th prope!'Y , 10n \'Oted to ask the city to <'oa't RJ&tttway, aDd ...-.r lhf' oil O\\'TK'r"S P"'',ding for oil royalU<-"5. nuttch Elementary School Board w.-11 IW>If. ~ 'iU'ft.PI~ an ln rep~ to an A..~uon ~ B • Set fundo; 50-50. not to exceed Sl.SOO. no" at t hf. t:a.lp otfkfo. quest to~ m.spect Jc'f1ni\S rt'COrds AaftiiiR 011 Th<-China Con• matchin~: la nd • • • of th<! \\l"St Nt"WJ)Ol't wt-lls. t r ,-... ~-,-problem was .discussed and ";u ~ 1 . . And at the other end of the Pyl said uch reocor'ds &rt' ord.l- 11;. I • taken up agaan when th(.> Commu:-citv th~ Jt-rgins 011 \\'t'lls are narily confidential but would bf> .._....... sion holds its !'(.>~t ml'(.>ti!"lg· June 6 prOducing just off '\V(.>St N(.>wpor-t. sho'-"'Tl to property OWMrs in thto ..--...... -:. The CommiSI!ton con firmed last alon J:S}<k> the Coast Highway 1 drilling area. Presi~nt Honrath The propc>Ml to re-zone 11 Co-Friday's (.>lecti~n and i!l tallt'd il;S I remembt>r the early meellnjl~ of was authoriZJed by tM Aaocllt· rona del Mar bluff Jots from R-1 ~ officers. Sh~ u; • Franct'l the WCt>t Newport Improvement tion to appoint a committ~ to eJC· to R -2 was re\i\'ed last Thursday Horvath. VJce-<:halJ'l!U'D ts U oyd I Continued on Page 2) a~!'<'~=· of Corona ~1 by Attorney George Penney at the Wood llnd St'Cl'etary 18 l\Irs Em~t .. Crosier Mar, Vi~nn&n of the Coa.stiO meeting of the P lannin(.t Commis· Soderber~~:. • • Committee Against Oil. told or t)w sion, which set June 21 and July campaign to restrict drilling on the 19 as h£arin~ dates. The P~rsols B "' Dies Ate • coastal slope. Im ·olvcd in this proposal are lots ~• U .J .A'I l n t~ ~lection of officers. Prest· 1 to 11 or Tract 1026. between c Pha • dent Horvath wu J't"oelectN: Nor- Larkspur and Jasmine a\'('Ollf'S a ve rmacy 5<-rvlet'S "'ere held Monday at gan Lowery wa5 named ~presi- along Ocean Bl\'d. . Baltz Mortuary in Corona ck-1 dent: Mrs. C. A. Lytk . ~~ Mr. and M~. G H. P etrsol. for-Mar for a Harbol' area pioneer ~tary and t.reesur't'r: Mrs. J . P . Newport Harbor went on the I z • Dispal m<'~l~· of Co,,na .. han• purchasec;J ;\Irs. Milli<' Crol;1er, who died Sat: G~rln. corr('Sl)OOCting !M'<:ftt&ry. aJr at the choice hour of 8 o'clocl< .. 1'fe C,a'e 8 Pl'etlcriptton PharrnaQ · urday at the a~e of 92 at her BaJ. !C.ontin\M'd on Pa~ 12) Sunday evening for a hall-hour R23 Coast Blvd .. Co~na del Mar .j boa home. 311 Island Av(.>. ln- progtoam arranstt'd by the New-. aa..-....il 11'--.:.1 ... ,, from }io~'8rd ~. Ol\e, a nd ha\'t' terment was at Fo~t Lawn, ·-L lacoa Dies:, port Harbor Ensign and Nei!M>n ftii1:U ...... 1 ren~ed rt Ca\e s I)(' I Mar Phar-1 Glendale. \\,lh Rev. Edwud Good· IIUU -- Mclninch of IWdlo tntlon KFI. City CounciJ will ha,·e before it ~~ Peirsol al'(' living at 600 Pll officlatin~. "" The program is the recently-in-da . . , Mrs. Crost<'r wa.J; th<' \\1dow of s So.pt auaurat .... '""'-J'!' I Our Town" for action Mon y ('\"emng the A~acan Aye .. and With them liS Mrs. w w CrosJer, who had ('ntcn:'d accessor .... -"' ~"" controversial matter or the Stan-F:h1.a Bnmberry ~ndmotht>r of series desi(:tlled to acquaint listen-lev Tract in Balboa Con•s which • . . the lumber businE',s m ;-.;~-port ers with the past history and pres-laSt Thursday recei\'ro Planninr Mr Pl'trsol. m 1905 a nd o])('ratro the ~ard ent chai'TTlS or Califnm ia citi(.>S. Commi ion recommendation for FISHING IS GOOD later sold to Hllyward I umber Co Interviewer Mclmnch. Producer C-l-H zoning in the fllce of con· :\trs Crosier h3d h<'ll)('d round the Jack Ha~. Enliti nc>er Roy Watson sidPrable opposition "Let's f:O del'p se:l fish.in~" il' Nt>WJlOrt library, was a charter and PublicitY Director Bud Coul· The tract. which include thc-th<' cr~ hPard ttus week folltmins: I fll('mber or th llarbnr A!"<a. tnnl'\"' <Continued on Pap 4) Mo-Bo-TC'I &nd the ~tN.>lcraft Co .. r<'ports or s:-ood fi him~ off Dana 1-t'aS::U<' and one of thl' founder<; of Lots of Talent In Pepito Show A \'ariety of tal<'nt wiU be on hand Frid~ evenlr .. June 1, wh<'n Pepito and Joann<' Pt'r<'z prt> <'nf their show (ot• the benefit or the building program of the Corona d<'l Mar Community Church. a t Newport Harbor High School. lleat'Uining the ,·ariety how will be Peplto himJt'lf in thrt-e scpa- n~e a('ts, UIJisted by his wife Joennt'. Abo on ttl<! program \\ill -. X)'lophcJnMts V a u tt h n a n d Wrtpt tmd Slllrley 0. MUla of the ~ ''OidMGma" cut. now is R-3. W<'St :-.;ewport and Point. One skipper said he bad the Santa Ann 8nd :'lit"wporl Eh<-11 _ _. nC'ver E'<'n so many barracuda A flubs Cov<' residents said thcv oppos~ .... ~'arm<-r watPr tcmJ){'ratuN' nf 61 Thl'N' ~>Un;vin~ rht'drt n llrl" thf' re-zoning principally b<'caus<' df'~rf'f'~ is ont' of thr ra,"'(\r'\blc Frf'd Ct O"i<'i nf !\r-wpt lldchl~. of the noi e a nd s~dm~ of boat. C(ll)dJtions for rishin~ rh;ht now 1nd Flort'nc. n"ld 'hldrHt C'rn<~U'l Lions Name Loughlin \ ~OTUF.R U .. f.N"E~!'O I Jua• Ray wms· RI\TTY Loughlin of C'orona d<'l Pilinl! t rouhll's on top of troll- Mar was eJrctc<1 last nh:ht AS hit'<~, RNlltor Rotw-rt Lynn of 2n preside-nt of th<' Balboa Bay Llon111. lris A\1". Corona d<-1 Mar , i sl'r· Contrac-tor .lam. c n RAy or C'o- Otht•r nfficers: Dun<::ln McAiprnc.j ima.,.ly ill wilh pn<'umonio. He hao: tllna d<'l :P.1ar '~"' dl·<'tf'd \\1th ·• f1rst 'ic<'·pr(.>Sidenl; Howard Bal· ju"t l>4'1'n brous;:ht hom<-from St ,,;de rru r~n O\l"r hi-. t\\O oppon- mer. second 'ice·pt'(' ld nt: Al .Jo"f'Ph I tospitaJ folio,,;, • a hl"nrt o•nt~ ar lh1' Ckmrtll!lt' Sc.-hrol C'lt>mf'nce. third vic • presidC'nt: attack Ro.trd ra<>t Frid.n\ F.rne-.t Sod<-rberg, lreasur r: Clar-1 Jr Ra~ rt'<"'iHoci 216 votC's, ln- ence Hi~bic. S«t't"tary: Gardner !ilGT. P;\Lr.~ HOME C'umlx'nt 0 7 Roh<'rt,on had 142. King. tnit"istt'r; Kenny 01.•11. lion-Home on a ri\'C-d.'l' pa._~< is a nd Robf>rt l Allt>n had 'i7 J A. tamer; Gordon Walker. Harold S .. s:;. John P81l'n, former C\t.y ~k \\;t N'-C'll'<'tt'd "1thout p- Glass, Bob Jayred and AI PI ~er. Watt'r r:>cpartm<'nt emplC\yee. \\'bo ~tlion h.' the Hitoth &hool 803rd ctire-ctors. TonuD)' Fostel' is editOt" I is a c:kmtat f('('hnldan at Mc:Olord I and D D l..&'-"~d wu unoppoc:4'd of tbe WM)dy See Uon, Atr Flt•ld in Washin~rtcn. for the board Th<' dm•c1or.: c•f ttl( Hoa~ Me-- moraal Hospl1a la<:1 ntiO!ht ap- pomtro a mnunn IN• tn find a suc- N'S!i r tC\ Admam~trat('r RC~h<'rt l &ron. who ru<'d ~,tul"da, a(tf't' SUlf(>rin£: ~ "lrt'lkl "hilt ph) IOJt CC\If on the> N11 ta \n" Countlj Cluh cflur.:e l•1 fht ('('' m attN• lfl• )llT{'('tor.-. Ralph Pnn~H~ (' E 14-ll .... h. Mnr· t<'n Y ·•Jrl Gord(\n 'T('\":owRn And Wtllian Kant~ ..\J'){)hC'lllcm-; C' n ll(' sent t c: Cht""ttr Hll" k, 32• N H!'Nldwa~·. &.nta Ana Th<' 51-~·en-old Mr B ron had <;top[X'd to tllftrk h1 h.'\11 Rt thtt ~<'COnd l<'<'. "-Uddt•nh t'IUtC'ht"'d hJI' ~1d• nnd fdl Hr dat"d thnt C'\f'· nll'll, at ~t Jo ... ph Ht • p1tal ~'un­ Nlll .cn·ict'!t w€'1'\~ held 1'111 • da) , n Pon10n.a h f onn r hotnf" Sun.ivor.-in<'lu<k' hUt v.·1oow, WmafN'd Bacon of Em<-nld Ray: dauc:htt'r 13(' t~. his mot h<>r, Mrs. M~rg&n'1 Baron; &Mo ol ~: a !1.1 t<'r, Mr!'. C. ~ rry ot Pua· dMa. IU:NS\' .Sif'IIOI-'1 I" the-.:uy 1\t thf" t'\:hot'.ntf' rl(h l un t hr nintt of thr .lf'afty. 1ft" e nd h\0 uthf'r m..m- bf'toc of thf' "tll Blae"k f'Jtb" •r f' da at'tec lh" ('h.arll• .: 1n In tlw ulr. on•· or thPir nl8n~ dM't'dt•\il l'lunhc or fhr nelddl.-''!tk. ln~t: Kf'llD~· l<i tdtowa Itt hl<i r:trln.:-t'lt r, th t>Maf'Ottup ll SpMial. "Parachute jump, $80 .... Two air-minded public from Burd<'lll' t}<'("3n Iandin~: . 150. parachute ITM'n on on(> chute , $180 ... Fif::ht Airport out.J: ide 11f Los Angel.-s.t 1"\ct'S, two jumpers. $150; upside- on upJ)f'r wara~o:. onr map knockt'd Tiley got the idea o r hirim; a down flying, $100; upside down off. ~25 . . ('rashln~ a plane. couplE' of s tunt mt>n, spent thc:>lr 1 flying with man on landing gear, $1 .20<1 . .. last nickels in advertising, whit'h $150: delayed opening parachute That'' 1t part uf th<' ·•rate card" broustht out an excited S unda.) jump. O\'t>r 1,000 feet. $150; crash of a ~roup ul plont't'r dan.>d vils of crowd-but no stunt men. So t.'l'lr into traln, $150: head-on col· a quar tt'r C<'ntur) osco who callt'd Kt'flny and his two partners went lision with autos. $250: plane spins thrmst>h <'ll tht• 13 Black. Cau and up themselves and scared them-down on fire, d<H>s not CT'ash, $50; werC' 1 t>ady to do just nbout any-S(')u•s silly. ThPy w~·l'(' a big s ue- blow plane up in t~ir. pilot bails thing for u hnrnstorming thrill or, C\" s. a nd that was the start of the I out. $1.500: a plane gO<'s down in a mO\ w sllmt. 113 Rlack Cats. spin to crash. S1.200." One nf tlw~l' fum wa mnck Cats. T he> l{athPI't'(! 10 mort• mf'n.l KE'nny can't forget that last would ~ou h<'lic•vc it , i" that mild amon~ th<'m At·t G<lcbcl. who wa~ 1 atl'm Ht.> wal' sch<'dull"d to take manm•n ·d. s.:ond humored fellow I to win the Dole Un ited Stat to pari m such a l'lunt in the movie. who run" tlw W,afffp ~hop on Bttl-1 Honolulu raC\", .anrl Actor Rrcln~ld 'llt•JI'o; ..\n~els," b~t a nother stunt bolt J..,h!•tl. '' ho om-.• llangl<'d fr-om r>1~nny. who ''<4S a top pilot of I man took the assi~mment instead. rackf'l ~ plan!'!-\\Ill~ walk<'d about \\'orld \\'.tr I. but who wa1o0 obli~t'd ~onw or you may rt'm<>mber lhe ~ r1•adll) fl" lw ~·tw no" whip up '" h<'COmP nn honorary nwmbcr 1 tx'CaMnn, "hich, as Kcnny writes :. M~·'· •·Hr•w tllll un~<cnlht'41 lro"!' of thP Cats b<-c:tus<> his studio con-11, lhrillt'd tht' audiencc "with a numht r .,{ hnar-rat.stnl! dan:odl'\11 sidcred ham ttll> \aluable for \\1111!-tlt.tt \1\'td hot l)f a bomber flam- nels walkm~ j rm: to ttl<> (!round, twa ting its long I K··nn~ ="•cholo; rM"1II'\ tho. e h~'i·· Tht'\ Wt'l't.' buo;incsslik!' about Ira ti or '>mOkl' 3('~ the !l;ky'' ... 11 ru'" of rlnrrn~ m an artidf' their 's.:am blin..: with dl'ath ror a Jnd tho<' <'C'in~ thP pktur{' were th11 1 hi" h:t" nut hort'd for. th<• II\ ina.:. HenCt' thf'ir announCt'· un8\\ 81'(' th-.t a h\-l' stunt man was mAf':l71nt Sk\'WIJ \S, and pubhsht'd I m<'nt. introdudn~ themselvt'!> to ansid<'. Ttw plunr was supposE'<) m tlw Apnl t~UI". llf' was one• of th<' Hollvwood studios as "the only to pull out of tht' spin. but this the thrN· !J't>" "'ho ~rJtant7C'd thf' fly{'rs "ho will do an~ thin~ at Hmc lt lalll'tl. Tht' pilot balled 13 Black Cats b:tck rn 1924 aftl'r fixt-d prices," and listinR tho {' out. but the:' stunt man. 1\pparently purchtNnt.: t.hi'N' o~·rr-~<;{'d Ar-m) 1 prire!> 1 t ·s ~81'('~ ju.c:t to read hllnded by th€' lamp black he was Jennie to ~1\·c thrill rade to thc that h~t . r >leastnst to !'amulatt' thP smoke, 'LtliiJI with mttn standiN: on dad not S<'e tht> pilot jump and C d l M N·ntu s<'Ction, 150: loop wtth rode the plane down to th<' ground Orona e ar man on C'3Ch \\;n~. standing Up, to hi.o; d ath. F L 0~ E 8) ~ j ~ 1!">0; charu::<' from plant.> to plant', There a~ other colorful epi· ~ ~ J l'lOO: upside down pl8nc change, c;odcs In Kenny's life. He had I. )('IO; chnn~e from plane to traJn. joitU'd the Navy at the age of 16 4M COA~T 8L\'D. l'il5f'l: 1rom car to plane-. $1~: in the closln't days of W orld Wa r O.t\rbor 188% from "'fK'I'dhoat to planC'. $~: 1 r hl''s ~tot tattooinJ:! on his arms fContinued 1 rom !"age 1) A sodation. wh(-n the discussion was almm.t c>xdw.h ly on com- munity I · wtth th~ oiJ com· peny, and on royalties. Then came some pendl and papt>r work ahow· ing what a pittance those royalties would mean to the lndivtcJua.l pro- perty owner. And the talk has w aduaUy turned to the problem <?f keeping th1s community the rest· dential Paradise that It ls now. • • • 011 has derlnitetf entel't'd our lives and is loomin g as the blg de- cision fo r us all. AM t111e *'dtlloa Is oae for .thfot majortt;y of rH&Iellt. or Ws ., 0 -.... l t.., to .... tc.. f'vetl thoactl •011e of the oU drllU•Ir· aC'Clordt• to ...., pt'ellf'•t dty or- dl.._ecP, eaa t.e doee wtthla thf' t'lty lhnlt!L ftfl Baaalq trat't JW'&r W~t Newp4trt a•d Ut6 lr- \'bH> raJK"Ia .... ~« Cu- .._. *l Mar a,... tM &N'M hf.la~r ·-.1Jdea tt(od.. a.y th oil eompA•· If'S, ... t u.e.e OSM"NU.. are tiM- eo • ee r • or .. ,,..~ thur: wttltbl ~ dty Rmll!& of Nf'"'· pert 8eadL Is this golng to be-an oil city, like Huntington Beech, or con- tinue to develop u tM West Coast's ---and the world's- finest resideotlal community and yacht harbor! n-e majority should rule on t.hls question just u In other questions in our democratic way of Ufe. Eacb weU that Is to be drilled m ust come up for approval ~ore the County planners and supe'Visors. If it Is the wish of the majority of the resldt>n ts of this community to pre54.'n·e this coastal beauty, then it is the obUgatlon of the planners 11nd supervisors to re- quire that any future drlllln~ be kept out of 'iew a IonS( the coastal 'IIOJ)f'. • • ... W'h.at nf th~ C"'fttlllaalty ltoa-~ About NX moeU.. IP.l'O & K PyiN of .lt'~U 00 <'o. told the W~t Se".,ortfors U..t lhfl lt>A.!N'fl woald be ~J' .. "H to. • days... t.ter UN! SIUilMI ~ " .. " made .... last Fri-day M ...._. said "M to te da:f!J, .. Fralldtl llon"&tlt, preet~•t or th~ WHt Nt"wport llTO'IP ..... ..... till• ~ .. the: ...._ Ut.ree wen. a.rtJ Ia a ~ U. wt .. U.. St.., w1t1c111 ., .... &h~ lerat-Oil • J'Mdy MIM;M to u~ oU ...._ ... tt u.e tT. s. S..,..eme Ooart ....... Ia ra\-or or •ta~ ~nlalp of tile Ud«>laad• • -• aftd tbeM woald be no net'd of t'ommmtlty l~a~~e~~. • • • ~~ii~~~~~~~ii~~ij-f~ro~n~1 ~rin~o~to~l"<'~}~c~le~t~o~r~la~ni{'~,~$~1.~)0~: a~ 11 sou,·l"nir of those day >. He iii I'Pr.'f'd rmu-~·rl\1'" in th£> !llavy. on I !o.Ubmnrinr duly Onb clos<' call Ther·e is anothcr threat in this <·am<• \\hl"n lhrrc "·as an explosion oil driiJinl! activity: The possi- in thl" <~ubm·,rinl", 60 f{'Cl down. bilit) that the city o r d J nan c e as an accumulntion or gas lPI the j a~ninst drilling within city limits cpntral operating tO\''<'r caught can be OH'rt hrown. Jergins Oil lirt-and flru>hc-d the flames In an Co now is pumping oil from undt>r inc;tsnt t hrou~hout the sub. All Pacific EI('Ctric property with.ln :'6 mt n aboard Wf'rc sin~t'd. but 1 city limH.s. Already one property t ht·~ \\£>1'(' obi<' to put out the fire owner has stated that he:> will ask llnd brin~: thl" .;ub saft'ly up. for permis ion to s ink ll well on Ht> \\llS married before the his lot to protect hi.s property nla<'k D.t days. His wife and rights •• -so that oil will not be 1 th<'ir "'n Lron u.<;E'd to come to draint>d rrom under his lot without 1 t hc airfal'ld to watch the stunting, remuneration. a nd Leon at the:> a~te of three could • • • I namt~ l'\'t'r'Y part of a planE.'. (Leon OnE' of the complaints ratst>d by is now T·St:tt. Nichols. flight en-folks here who do not wish to see I ~nf'(.'r wi th the Air Forcc;> in Ja-the spread of oll driiUng near this pan, tlyln~ in C-545, taking sup-community is that thc:>re ia no ade- plics to the combat fot'CX's in Ko-quate public notlct> or such re- rott, and flying out t.hc v.'Ounded. quests for permits to drill a well. The other boy in the family. 22-The answer from the oU represen- And so it wa that along tbe Coa t Highway, n ar Crystal Cove, three little plaC8rd! "'~ posted st.aUnR that SJ\t'll 00 had ~ questt'd permission to sink a well "two miles inland and two miles from Corona del Mar." Tbat's the pubUc notice. Thanks only to a sen~ of pubu_c duty in the Plan- ning Commission. owr and above Jegal requirement, the head of the Coastal Committee Against Oll Wells was informE'<l by phone, and t11a1 Jut l'ltdQ'a meeting wu pubUclzed. . The Plannln£: Col'flmis.~Jon MAY call an official public hearlnft, but is not requiN:'d to do so. Jf a pub- lic ht'aring is call('(!. tht-n that ht.•8l'in~ Will be J.:IH'O pubJidty In a pubhc nutir~· 1n a n!'wspaJ)('r clr- culalc•d in Uw Ull.l L'OnOt•rned. Tht• lltll\'loclun for pab)le~ e o- tl<'t' In OCUC'h AD l'DOrMtl-.1)' Jm- porltmt tn:t lt4'r loc Ob\ IOnAIJ ••· ad.-qw. tt-. a•IJuullntt D I r fl ~ t. o r Ctu.rlt·~ Dl~lt• last Fr1da7 .... .._ C'CI Uat~8Ht ... for lm~ t.IMI t'OIIttluo .... 1m~ .. di'UIIac. u .. ~ •• the-~ tut...., e--mit~ A~l. 011 Wf'llll ... ot~r l•tf'rHW dwtc P*IIMt ~d ffi~W'St.: ~ .... Ia tJiMI ('O(Nit ... ty -= .. for EVElll' ...,....t .. - oU '"'" oatiJI., ol ... _........ pt'0\'81 oU ~W.. ~ ._..,. aclf'q-te publldty be • M. • • • Now a word or n>proach to the citizens of this community: 'lltere )VAS much talk of the ~·fi.ne print" announcing such important ma t- ters as the rt>qU(>St for a new oll well. I n this Cllsc "tht~t fine print'' was one-inch high type on pa~e ont> of th<> En~ilttl: "New OU Well Askt>d l'<ear COM." We a re mnking It our duty to keep in- formed on these requ<-sts and hearing. and to publicize them . It is the civic duty of every resi· dent and property owner to read a loca.J newspaper so that he can ~ informt>d or matt('rs that afft"Ct hJm. DIRECTORY 1117810 Margaret L. Scharle Tea.cber or PlaDo Organist-ACXXllftPIU\Ist Evenlngau,e. for AdUlts !IJ7 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona cJe1 liar PHYSIOIANs-8lJR.OEON8 Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave.., Costa Metaa Practice Umlted to Di~ases of the Ear, Nose and Throat and Allergy Office Hours: by Appointment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Pbone HArbor 1138 .. 'A I DllliiO'I'Oa year-old Gene. is now working ln tatives and county officials wu thE' Waffle Shop, wants to be a that notice is given to the public. Baltz Mortuary marinl' engin('('r.) Wllat Is tile aatare of ~t DO- Ha''' you walked fnto your liv- In g room r('('('ntly nnd had at sud· denly dawn on you that tht' room has a 'tir<'d"' look about it:' !lave you uddcnly rcalt.t<'d that it has look~ the !lame ror too long? The tx--.t tom<' we know of for tired" rooms as fumiture rcar- m ngem«'nl. Not just pu.o;hin:: the sofa ov«'r onto another wall and the d('Sk into thc opposite com er, but a CQinpJete reassemblin~t o( all furnishln~ to .put th{' room in a fresh., bright mood. You may find that you want to di.lcard some pi~ . • . or that a repla~ent Is neccssary. Some· times just one n<'W piece Is all that ts needed to g\ve existing furnish- ings a whole new lMse on Ufe. ~ Black Cats organization taee! An tlaat tile P'eee4!ac O.pel by tbe Sea broke up when competition pushed ~ Is ~ &o .... prlot's too low. a nd Kenny went &o poet Ute propert7 to lfae ef-HARBOR 42 In to ice skating and fancy bicycle feet that • reflaellt for a -.e Corona del Mar, c..utonda ridin g. He was with t he early permit llu beea _.. aad ctv- Sonja Ht>nie ice shows, and toured Ia~ Ute date of tile ~~~eeU.C Ample Off-Street Pa.rktq with Eva]yn Olandler's troupe. wllea lt .. t.o ~ eoa~ On<> or hfs big acts was bicycle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiii r--· --=INS~~uaA.N;.;::;;.=.;~CII:=----.... riding on ice. He had learned to The sketch abo,·e illustrates ride n unicycle wht'n he was a boy, 7% _ rtiJ JNSURANCE bt'cause the brother or a friend of 'TH!lLf)J.~~ ~ N __.. an lnlcr('sting compact arrange-h . K ·u r or Every =u ment that is a departure from the his wa~ in t e orcus. C enny sli ,-.\ usual. The only new pieces added own<; a lltunt bicycle. and he can ~ ISLAND REALTY CO. "I"H' s~lional bookcases abovc rldc It too.) d During World War n . Kenny Harvey D. Peue sGfa I to give wall inte~st an wa, a~:Sin with the Navy Depart· -r h_ . .J~L. • ('OOSI'r\l' space) and the generoUS· nwnl, in the Bureau or Aeronau-.J't:JrFJ!O;ckl,."' ,, ;t .... HARBOR m -w ·izcd coff('C table. Note the eon-,uvo.., PIC Ll Park a t Agate , Balboa IalaDd v!'nient grouping or s torage units. tics, gtvtng pre--rught inspection ._.AM'A ,., ._,..._ with dishes handy for serving tea t!l the speedy twin engined Marine and snacks. This grouping gives faghter ,Planes, t~ F·75· ~e.~ 'I'HE ENSJON is publa.hecl rftf7 .. BE SURE -INSUJlE" a rril'ndJy, intimate feeling to the also With the IDCC'!Iive diVlS.lOI\ Thursd"' mo~ for the Newport wltb room and leaves other area for of the Nllvy, •u·rangm~t programs :!-~,.".m. ~nday~~~=r~';: writin~t and music groups. I and s~akc~ . for war plants to Actftrtlllnc •• -• CORWIN llOOT Maurie Stanley Our selection of coffee tables Is boost the ctv•!•an war effort. One * • • -._ w---...,_ .... __ E-..Z-. hi h Wh th or ~ m il!:B1ons was to aooom· ·-.._ ......... ..,.._. ....._.. ~ ClcNnleDar at its all-ttme g . e er you ...... v Seaman BuU lzzi to the war "-• be. 4et .. Mifle4 to .,_ • ,...... Prefer a large Ofle) or a small one ,_...,.. -'b' -..al -• 1 1-.... -tiOII Lor ..,.... .. .... _..R 1-... we have it and you'll get what plants to tell of his te! II 'lC O•vo:: fNitW .. rs· c ~ .., ... ".. n.an.uv 'tV you've been lookJng for at the or 83 days on a rart WJth four oth· . 5:: ~-C.~<:,:' fw :: 225 11artne Aft,. BaJbaa fllllld • pedoed in the Atlantic. .._..., ..,.. -·--· BILWD I'IA'I'DfO Kenny had bcoen familiar with t'-eof Is .,_,; to ith eft right prioe ers aft«>r their ship had been tor· "'-·-ty of ,.._~ .-.. ~- 1'\alboa as far back as 1913. when fHtbhc f!Otice. ~ ltJ ••· • • • Silver Platers .,--~1at.... hf' wA.s just 11 years old &nd his l1ni8CIID'ft011 llATD .. _. _..._._ d.'ld used to run the Pacific Elec· One Year ···--·-·--------11:1 ..... _._._.._ 'EflY,IIT tric train from U. An~lH to Ollt ot ~ .. ·-· -·---'~· ~-~ ..... .,~ Balboa . At the clo.e of World. ~t otYee._:..=...-..-::::.-_·-----t=.-·• ._._ War n K8my bougt\t the lot """ .....,_,, ~ Ool4 • SO.. • Capper • Jllilia /"" where h!s 1"1-<'p is now located, a...:!liJl: ~ Near Qw uallr a..ntl -..ca. Mtt bwJt the building ln t9M. and m mt ...,.. ...._ · o.ta ... 122 Coat Hw:r Newport leach Mllrch of that ~·e~ir op.med the __ a...... . a.a --. ~~~ .............. 2_. .. .-s•u-.u-.u.-.. -. .... .---~----... un-.u•s~s•s .. s-s~u~• cottare lratOeShop. llllililiiiliillilillillllll ~------~~~--~~--~------_. ' ~. MaY H. 1151 1 .. .\nV A~f t.t:n ,..;ntTII <IO"EPII nr ·~·• .. •a '' "h'"' ' h 1 :o.· "''h 1 ... r 56-J>Ottwd \\hie.-..,. • .,.,., thut oJt .. Mt•atrh ' l;t't " 1 • •, fh • l'.t• tll•t:l tw.-.t \n~rh•· d n r ln t: th1• th•rh\ h1~l<l t ... 1 1~ '" :-• • 11 • .n f 'h't l'rot"f"h \,. ' .. .,.,wt •lion. Show Prize Catch on TV 'I 1 IO·ro•tnt1 l u h .\n.·lf>t ·wrl 11,.. 'Wi-pou"'' \\Ill I•• · "' l•'h< ~I••• • rnu••ht l • ..,1 ''' •·k \'JI1 l11• on 1t·l•- · • '"" "'"' r C'h;.tlltl•' 1~ '' ~ 'tl• rlu' t•\l·nan~ (TJ ""'d 1\ nn th•· "J-''"' r. '•llr in ·, Fun" Jttll\!t.tnl t.•·,t1 ,•• It Thf lillie• I ... ~(· "'"'' 11 '" .'\1•' f.drlh J cos,..ph :.•otiR 1 lc·• "" n hd. H<tlhwt. branrl 11•'\\ rnf'rnl~<•r "' th•• .1\••""JKirt llnrhw Lad,· Ant:lPn;, Whit Wl'tll dt I'JI .. ,..,. fi..,hlnt: fnJ lh(' l tr"t tuT'(' on \VP<ittt''-d;l\ nl last ""'"'·k wht n lht• R<tlboa· Pn\lhon H< lil he: .. , i i ".' •FI \ I' ·•• 1 . i or spedal jntc:'""'t ,, this area • tM •~~y ot t '14~k or Mrs Km1p J. \V"mkler. • idcw.: of tJw la t RPv Kemp J Wtnklt>r, and Reo\· Ftank.l.m Paul Ha.rri.s, putor ol EJdbrooke M tb- 001.5t Onarch, Wat!hmt!"fo D C. Rt-''· Wmkw '14 pe or of Ctu'i t Chlll"cll b thP St>a from 1935 un ttl his ck-at.h an 1936 and tJM-altar .td &111M' ~tuar} a1 ttwo dna'C'h are clOOJC3 tC'd to hi n t>roory. :\trs WutUf'r , ....... 1 ~""ltl"d at 1) f' alt·u or C'hrl. l (' \ltd! b~ th •a b> I 1•: -.on. 'font . • freshman ut \\'hrt11\l C(lllf'~t . \\;..0 was a -n(liJ chJ!d !wr'f' 10 :'\ 'l" rt "h n hh fath, r "U pa ror :::h wa!'; dr1''"''Ci m a blu l~tC'f' <;trf'f't I n~h tln "ith "httP ac<C t ,._uri~ ~nd a •hould<·• lrngt h '1 tl Sh• ''on '"" rt• uf v.l 111 ••H'htd.. Mr nd \Jr, Wtll ·n natk •f P:!"'<t· d• Ita "'"' 4tJ,o <till ndant' ·nv Cl 'lt mor ~ ''~'~ r1 'Jd b~ Ot Ru-. ... , II t-: l"h.' )" o:tnt 11' ,,.-. ~-., I \lt thf.dl"' ( 11Ufl"0t t' \\'1>&1· 1 l r .. Ro'~~r 11 Cll'l r~. ••I Chat ~ rn11n \\" 011 .. \\l'l' .. .,1' • ""' n ~fr .. ;. , •'fl< \·td1 •... • \ ,., nl dt I \1 r a r 'h fl:• 11 nau bouqtW or • hi ,. p clloli .m ~\Oclc: J)TO\ drd b) Las A.rruru Ci rcl • ck-eonatt'd t.M mu.rc:h fOJ tht> C't'rt'melny •t 7:15 p m . 'l'\.K'6da~ and t fJo-.""ers '14 rc-USt~ for thfo Mothf!r-da~ 1('1' banqort and ·~ .. dmr ra.s.h- •on ~hov. a t Gond 1J Hall lat('r ln tl1• ~' run~ • ptl<'1al snw t at th< '14f'ddlns: '14 n • Dt ,, t t Supt and l\tr Paul Hu~h~r ,f Cl ndale o· trit't. Dr and' ~f~ F'n: nk Wll!l:un<. Pa d na , R('\ and '"' n•-uc {· r:riJ ~al IJtarh. Rr•, and ~r' wn. ham KOt'hl r , J ~ • Anr::f I( d Rf' Tht>m ,, H P< ndf'll N• '' 1 n, d 1 Th<· (It•\.\ )\'\\ ( c\.o. " ~~ Ji• I \\' ,,, llS,:l<lfl .,. ( ork -... -~!Or--!' r. .:> ,',r j~ ~.L<.: • • t t: r J 'fl 'I\ Tl.' • Ches. ~arran I S01 BE c • 5 t • • h AtbM 0!, J 11 t) N""'IJO'' £!vd Co1•• M.,. ..... Il l F OY ·Brides I LINENS There ' ,.ot.,ito9 m«e pt..,;,., tt.... ... .. ~ +•bl. ''"•"' fr-om Sw.cl-. o .. rrty ;, uulfen~ end pricH lo .. .. -( c ti.9!. ,:-. c t.•• '·" r 11.9$ ~; c I) 95 r:. .. H! ~ 7.50 IN£ lUG STEit 'ATitl NS ~011 Sl iDES KAREN MARGRET A G •c-. ~ 13t You n :n hno a profltabl~ l'X· cl.nn.·· lo: •ha• rr·al P"tat" m thtt \' nnt at'! " '('!JOn htlrJ :a lt~•nd tt , .. hm • tl• rh to hdp 1 ht· ( )t I',Jil F t .. h P• ,,, It'll\(' A ... c:o- (.'l~llion' .. If• •i,h tl\• h·•ht lo pro- t ( d o;p<trt r , .... hrn _. ""<' w n' ItO t iH• lt<t"a I A JJat ht> of 1l •· Pa• rh<lll. •onc.l lt' G• m -k~ "11' DUMONT Television fHi t • l OCI \.\.alit It" Jnlt\11' l'iOlt'lo.l., c;,, h• ~~;hc•l trw 4"111111 lf•·mtnutl' ha:th T ht• •ll'\1 u•n atldrl"nN· '"'II thu'~> ,.., • l h•· trt• t1 t•atrh f•! 1hr bu: ftsh . Ot hrr l..url\' .\n Ju, to r('C'('I\"•· 1rophiM: \\o;n• P t'f'<;ttf•n1 O il\• k i<J>n..rit• for 1 ht• ladw:-ha' m~ I h• lx-:.1 M'prt>M n11\laon and Julia ~aw­ \l"r for til<' lar~~ t fhh on thrN:· ~ax tack l<', u halibut Jack Cumow ol ,\ltadena won t h bo~~:cy t ropny 1 dt-pict mg an an~lt'r lhrowinA; a bull 1 ror catch- inst the strangest fl h. n ltbbon rm-.. said to tX' the fir t of its kind caught lnoe 1932. The Gronskys t urncd O\ cr the-1 !'ntirt> day's p~. $1.025.50, to th<> ~ Fi~:h Protective Asso- ciation. ln r<'ply. Robert Ketcham of the Associ a tlon wrote the fol-lowim: lt'ttcr of thank" 10 th e . Cronsk)'!l· WA LPAPER All Naw 1951 Patterns Cour'e1y to Painten & Oecor11fon House & Garden 61 1 Coest Highwey Newporl !each Opan Ni9hh . • Sun. 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. Authorlz.d repr•,ent11hYe j for lee<lir-9 t .. eoh•• end atiradiort excels 1n the MT. VERNON by OU MONT ~soo le aders hip 19 INCH ~-..... • ; ·-r-·- \ r::: * ._ . . : . r · E :: J.. :.' * -.. c:: ~ r--. . . . * c :. ::. ,, I :::-•·I . ~t" r · ~ . . r -• .. . , -:-.. Via Udo, N-porl HA 1246 ....... ·.·~ ... '~ .. •M•••no•n•i•n• .......... ~~----------------------~------------------------------~'~------------------~---------------------------~ ord that her husband. Major Elmer p naou pliOil. • CorsaU' p lot. • nov.· a Ulff omcer with ~ Marint> Corps Ul Korea. hU been N'C('}\'\?'d b) Mrs. 'l'hclrllJ*)n ol 311-0 Margut"'itt> Ave . Corona del Mar. MaJor 'I'bolnpwn •u rt'a!'I\UY a •-arded a a:old li tar tn addition to hia other meclats. t.ncludi.ng thr DasUnguWled F1)inl C'OIS &ocl .u. air ITM'd&ls Th Ia t t award •-as prt'SI'ntt>d for "Mttraordinary bt'f"'lSm •. nw Titomp.;oos came to Nl."''t'- port from .eM")' Point. N. C., in ~tl"mber and Major Thoiiii.OO was herE' only two cla)-"S befo .. ah.,\ppang out to Korea.. "'Ibue arE' t ~-o httle boys abo waltJ.nc at hame for d.:lcldy. they art' tephen, S, and MJdlael. l '"-ye&l'"$. ...... & W""- Uecaaliti...a G-..... s. ........ v-w.-... A9eiMt Mottl o.....- Fw FW.Y--. tllllart.e ............ 1-....e: IIArltw 1t ROD ,. RONALD REAGAN ·~Groom Wflft ~ GINGER ROGERS (O.tm.d Ina ,... 1) I prov~r. P''e aome or the history 101'1 were here last Thursday tore-of the de\elopment of Newport cord the interviews for the un-I Harbor and also ~ot in a few clay e\•ening audience. l words about the Hoag Memorial F ollowing the introduction by Hospital plans. NOW 8ROWIJif0 MARJORIE MAIN PERCY KILB~E AND PA lEI ILE BACK ON THE F ........... pi• tJw mutdeal lilt .. Rhythm ~nn·· SPECIAL Kiddie Show l:Up.m.8a~ ROY ROGERS "IN OLD CALIENTE .. OOmNG 8UNDAW DIE MOST T.u.aat OP PIC'I'VR"E OF '1'111!: YUa Publisher An-o Haape of ttM-New-Ha) Langenht-im, ~tary of port Harbor Ensign, Presldent the Chamber of Co~. told of Tom Norton f the Chamber of the world's No 1 small boat race. C,oovnerce bneny &-scribed the> he J-'li~ht of the S nowbird s city o! Nt>WJ10r1 Beach and listed 1" htl'h thi y~ar will be held CUrta18 S:SO. AdntiMioa •t.ae highlights m tht' year's acth~ties. Jul~ 291 Ba.lboa Booster Monte PRO'".·~·. LAGw-~·· 4 -••- ~-­SP E EDWAV TlfRILL8 -la- LonniE' Vmcent. who is prestdent Grimt'S describl-d thE' area known I ... •~ '-•'" _ .. of t~ Balboa lmpro,emt"nt Asso-to so man~ anci endc-ar·ed in the held 8 :15 dation. .told of t~ NNport-to-phra e "We are ~lng to Bal." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HOT ROD .. ~cnada r8C(', in WhiCh he paT· Th first par1 Of the t.nter\,eW uopated aa en'~ mcmlx>r on the M"llS conduc tt>d nt the O ty Hall I Pletad, llarr) Welch. ~ar~ steps. nwn :--:t'lson .1clninch and Comrnt.Ss ion and Coa t Al>SOClaUon ci'E'\\' ''Went to Bal" to interview I Sl'CTE'tary and piont>o~.•r Harbor lm-bathin~ bc-aulle at the beach. A ~ood job done tn the b1,11in wot·ld was likened to a ch,c con- tribution b) )fiss Dori Rae!, p~ fessor at Orange Coast Collf'ge, ~ ho was spcakt>r at the Business and Prof,-. ional Worn n' Club duml'r mN'tan~ last T h u r s d a y niJ:'ht. She said that a busine \\'O- man' rontribuhon of a creditable JOb will ht-lp a busmess suce('ed. that ue<X's rut bus messes help ,,~,, the Fun Zone area. listen to the nic.kclCideon and record Paul Blair's comment. on this German- mad!/' music box ~ inten,ew concluded on Mc- NaUy's pier m Balboa. Rex Brandt and Braden Finch told of the art a.nd ceramic fame or Co- rona del Mar. J . B. McNally, who's been in the sportflahing busin('S here for a quarter cen- tury, ~\e tntormation on this No. 1 acU\'it) of ~ewport Harbor. Realtor Francis Hon·ath explained the phenomenal increase in real ('State values that has accompan- ied the development of this fast gto\\ ing coastal community. , build an t?<:Onomac system of free -...w· _,., <'ntt-rprist•, which strengthens the Amnican way or ure. T en outstanding Newport High ' School senior girls were special • J:l)es ts at the dinner and were a ked to give a hort talk of their I plans for the future. They were A "M~orial Day ror the U v- LuBelle Boice, Margaret Diehl, ing" is being planned by the Or- usie Pleger, Ann Gristle, Eleanor angc County branch of the Ameri- Fcrb"USSn. Marlene ·A n de r a on, can Can~r Society in honor of Joanne Newman, Iris Higbie, Memorial Day. Mona McTaggart and Coleen M~ Memorial gifts, which will help Dennot L to sa\·e the lives or those now Uv-BPW member C~ara Ellen Spe.l-ing who might otherwise fall vic- man Jed commuruty singing ~d Urn to can cer. may be sent to the musical stunta; AccomP8;0Ytng Arn('rican Cancer Society branch music was f'umt bed by ~I T~ at 368 Otis Building, Santa Ana, z.ler of Santa Ana with his clari-or to the Newport campaign chair- net. Kathlee~ Coleman at. the men, Walter Spicer and Mrs. Don-piano and Mtss Spelman wtth a a id McCaUum. ukulele. After the speakt-r a bush~ I BENEFIT roa TilE IIUND ~~eSSion was conducted by Prest- dent Ruth Wilmes. Carolyn W~ Mary Catherine Andrews, 11- ber discussed the proposed budget year-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. for the year. Dennie Anc!rews~ o! Corona del Mar. will take part in the Dance Theatre production being preeent- ed at the Laguna High School to- night and tomorrow (Thursday Up and Friclay) as a benefit for ''the Enchanted Hills." a recreation camp for underprivileged blind Additional collections of trash c~ldren in Napa Valley .. Curtain mad<' this week -"Clean I W JII be at 8 p. m. for this talent p ·p WeeK"" and lo-c;how, whJch include ~nty children '-, M: tim •lid p.riillt k6 ~.,,-,.,., to, kiWS. ,. t:dld-'G,.,, I til OM"" ,,_,_,. llltJtJ IWI.l. ,Mrf.* .......... 10 a."'· w 4 p. •· I cal r id nts are urged to pot. tn the cast C'ans, bot ties and papers in ca rton~hpijiiiiiiiiiiil.iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~iiiiiiiiiiiiili!i at t ht' spot wlwre trash is usua Uy 1 plac d for collection. In his pa-oclama Uan last week, Mayor Les 1 bell urged the citi-1 zens to cooperate in the campaign to mak<> New·port Beach "on<' of the world's most beautiful cities as well u always a cleaner and happif"'' city, a city of whJch eVft')' one of ill citi7.cns can be j\aUy ..... Dances Held at finsign.Sdtool Sus Assistance League Accepts 4 Flnal t!Cbool dances of tht' by Joan a.rtr. Mary Gilby, M~ YHr .,Of' both th(> evenlh and linda LefthoJd. Ronald Oase. ~ighth graders WE're held thl.l Marcia Moorhead and David Co- month in the newly built cafeteria mer. of the horace Ensign School. The student ~ 1Dcluded The ~~evf!nth graders. about 125. linda Adair, Johan Hlrt.b, JUehard heJd their dance Friday evening, Reddick, Joel Kemper, Jlarla Ple- .,.,_ 11, and a llke number of ger, Ann Stewart, Dirk Callahan eilf»th graders held a social eve-and Marvin Lusk. Faeulty mem-Dinc the week befon? -haviD& bers in charce were .._ Mary postponed It 1n order to hold It in Beery and C. H. Mahler. Parent the new cafeteria. The Horace chaperones lncluded Mr. and Mrs. En8J.gn Swing Band, under the ell-Lawrenot Pfister, Mr. and )Irs. recUon at MJss Nol'ma Ptorldns. William SchmJdt and Roy 0 . An-pla~ for both dAnces. dersen, principal. At Friday's dAnCE>, <>mcee Peter Mrs. Kenneth S~· is tht' Lardner announet>d ,e,·enth grad-PTA chairman in cllarce of Uw ers Sharon Crowet, T rd Von Ht>n-dances. Mrs. Paul Lorentzen was ert, Sob McDonald, Ethel Stone-ln charge of the lleVt'lltb grade beck. Jlm Rich&rc!Mn and Sharon dance, and Mrs. Roswell Huff and Oilldrea aa winners or the var-Mrs. c. 0 Gaughan made ar- lous d&noes. A song by Lyle Uon-ran~t>ments for the eighth graders b&rger was <k-dlcatt>d to faculty ~ru~t T. J . Johruon. Housewarming For MacGiUivrays Movie pas s. contributed by Mason Siler of the Udo and Mesa Thcat.n-s, wert' awardf'd to Donn W11ldron, Dian<' Joy. Judy Fergu- son and Lynn Littlt>ton Student hostll a nd hostl"S t'S wert• Rick Bal-A complete surprisf ¥.'8.S th lard, Nral 1t'trolr. Bob McGill. house-v:a.rmin't ghr n b:. th ir Co. Bob M cNair, John GrRtl!'r, Pat rona d<'l Mar frirnd!. for Mr. and Kt•lt<>r. Jranlnf' ~w110.,0n, Effir l\Jrs. Alex ~lacGilh\T8~. and th('sr Lc>st<'r. Krnn} F.c;robar nnd Jo Ann dauchtcr Gay Ann and Sun Grt>){g, M ..~ "'h ''"f v. ho rP<'Pn th mO\ I'd from t h"lf our.,..art. ~ Rpc>ronl" WPr<' •• r. formf'r restd<'nC<> at 1610 f'sr-.t &nd Mn;. C. W ChMI:', Mrs. Mau-h ric<' B8ndy, ~~~-and Mr~~. c. w. A'<' .. Corona d I ~1ar ,,, 1 <'II nrv. Crowl. Mr. And Mrs. c L. Mert>-homl', 544 Sl'8\\,,u-d Hnhd ('tnvM dlth and farulty mrmiX'r~ Roy An-Htl!hlands dcr.<;t-n, Mrs Jnne Pf'ttit and T. J. GuPI'ts cam< ladt>n ''lth e\l··~- .Jolmlcn. t hmg it takf>s lor a "Plt~h('t t1 dm· Thf' eig hth 1:rad dane£', which n"r ~tn;. Jamr .. Rutkr brou,hl Is alS<I Rponsort'd by thf' £.1l'men· an l'laborately dt•roratl·d homf'- tary Schools PTA, was t'm('('{'d by made cake Prt."~Pnt Wf•rr Mf' sr .. Art R.ambll" Gnry Fil"ld" wot;~ two i and M.ml'l\. Ehon l)(mn<'r. Jamt"" prlU'!'I, and othrr pri71'!1 wf'rc· won 1\utll'r, Ed Sedlm:(!r Albl•rt Jrwm $100 Is Cleared By Guild Part)' ;,m! Wnlt<'r Wood alii)( Coron:l d.-1 Mar. ~'f\ bra.~s plat£'' :md .11 hrct .. ,. pal chf"r v. f'rf prP"t nil 1: fr 1 I h• 1 '" hmnl· Starlight Club Meets M n ,Fn>d Harri~on 612 Orchid A' .. Corona dl"l \tar, l"ntertairK'd ThC' \<•N'•na f!,J ~tar !'--1 '~'' m<'mlX'n. of lh,• !'unday ~chool c · ub m•·t I:J•.r Fn d ·t) lt•l lur 1 t ' on :II I hi I om• nr :\1 --~ I' o,th· I n.-GUJid or the Comna d~,>l ~for Com--t· ('-h d A ( I ........ , ' ~ h f · i \10( I ~ 11 C I \1 It r , ,,.. 11 mumty , nurc . or tht•ar P\'f"n n~ '\tar. !\II' \Vllbur :'-1aC'Ganu1 ,,3 ... m l't'tlng )n.,t "t;k on :\fonda~. ro-ho 1 ~. Prl". nt v.t•n :\lm•·" M rs. llarv<>~ ~<'aS(' an~ Mrs Ken-I Harrv .Jasper, Wilham Gnffttt .. net.h Hunt v.C'r<' assrc;tlnlo! host-Ro c0c.-1 Cub:l t Morn" fk>..:o;J P essA~Portlon of tht> hook, "\\'omen &ned1ct. LiUian l lt>nnP~•rr). Arch th B bl " · _.. b ZE'rman. ~rthur K<'m()('r. C'h&riM of e I e. \\llS revu~wt."U Y Kyte. Frank Batt>s, Stuart l)J('h\ Mrs. ~ymond Kent Harvey. The and Flor<'nce And rson ahor t buainess S<' lon lnclu~ a financial report on the recent card party. Tbe Guild cleared nearly Dentist 0peDS Practice SlOO. to be uaed for choir robes for tbe cblldren. Newest ~dents among the pro- ressJonal people are Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Wilkinson. who have mo"-ed from Glendale to S28 {)(> Anz.a DT .. Corona Hi~hlands. Dr. Wilkinson has opened his prac- tice in the Birtcher Building H e has had 20 years in dentistry prac• tice' in Glendale and a:lso taught &t the school of dentistry at USC for a few ye&rs. Th<' Wilk.insons ha'<' on dau'th- ter, who was rt>eentl) marrit'd and Js, 4?:0: in Los An~ele uon"EFt'L OF nsrroR~ On Tu day of Ia 1 " k thf> ~txth Anny Ba.nd JlerfOTTYK'd for th Harbor 5tudent body at an a mbly. The band consisted or members. and th y Wert' tht> ones to g:noet General ltacArtbur upon his arri\'aJ an the United States. They prest'nted an unus- ual pl'Ogram for t he students, wtth '-'' erythln~ from COnC'\'rt music: to ac·tual Jh<': Clin ton Sawin led the o.tnd in "Anchors A'l'etg11," while lhe audit>n<X' joint'd in and clappPd. • • At last 1 he• son~ and ~r I ader u-youu have "been bad." Thts J!l'elll e\·en t came about il .,.. N'k aJ:G ye t<'rda~ m th<' hiJ:'h sch<lOI audHoriwn \\'sth loa~ of ~chool pint, the conte<>tant$ ()("r- form<-d \\1th mam shale.' lPs::s un- d r 1 hPm But the wtnnel"" ,.,. «> for chet>rk-aders -Bob Gallkan 1••tt' GIO(>~. L) nn Brown. and ~1&t) r ... ,u !'nowd n A" th<"~ didn't h.l\t tn) romPt'tlll••n H was a land,!Jdo• lor tht>m 11ur "~"'' n ar' •mcll·tdPI"! au ~tadcr Ful-hnl!tot Challf'rrr C'hiiml.wrlaan, Bnd 1'-'rb:tt 1 1-u l Cun -ra1Uhtll<m" 1• .,JI r' \f U' Ynu CJ( .,, z' l' 1 hf! ltonur•' · Four lM"W l'IM!fi bt-t ,., ho ha "e plrlf-d thtt n-qwrc 'd nwn~r of ho•J,.... m wdfar work w re .., 1- rom•-d tntQ ac I' tatu b> Mrs. Edtrar Hill, pn-:qd<-nt ol tho! Har-tx.r AMu.~n<X' V&JniO•, at tht>lr ml'(>tin&: at ~ ~t Ja.mt' Par1 h Hou l&Sl Wf ek on l'u• da~. 'Tht>) are Mrs. Edward Brook::.. Mrs. Rl- chard Pleg•r. Mrs. 0 W Rich- ard and Mrs Gt>org M1<'haud. &>!!inrung on Tut'Sday of thu we<ok. the LA"a~ is kE'("l>in~ th Thrtrl • hop of)l'n cadt 1\Jesda.y ""Pnmg from 7 to 9. for t~f' ron-' Pnlen('(' of m< n • hoppen; and wonwn who an· 'la.Orkm~ dun nc thP daytllfK' ~1r \\~u1ard K.llllon. ctuurmar. tr<>ti; ed ~~ n~ ror mort> m r- rhnndN• and o;u~r<;tf"d that ~ ., [ i•tJI p tnl!>f \ or flr\f· of hf'r C'<lm· matt,... tn<'ludrn..: ~,,.., PauJ Ro. s:'~" ~1N Al<'>.andt.-r Harruh on or \lr<= Phillip Bassett could bt-ront~ctr~ for dcmati9ns Th• 1A Z\J •u.;o f' xpl"f • .. f'1 t~Jetr bf>!,• v. ... n. t~t ''n J::. c:. Tv.~eMJI, "h<• v..'\U k-av ne t month to Jota her h ushand CommandPr -r.,. c 11 v.·h(l u. -.taUctOed 1.0 Adak Luocht>oo host 54 v. "' Mn . H oward Peteson, Mr~ :\llchaud, ~1,.. Les1tr Lo\'1•£· and irs Ray- J'n( nd K4"rH Ha r.' \• Nursery School Staf.-Uoeri$E'd &ttd Apprc~t'd ..._ t ..... _,.. ~....-"-' c-.. a8(l 4 .... trwth-. PbJ lllt&80N ABL& .kA TI!.S <>pen 5 Cia)'S per ~k-8 to 5 T ra.nspon.atloc Fumls~ \90 E. ISda St. OOST.A IID.A ~...,__, THJS IS PAINT UP & CLEAN UP wEEi * * * -. . ' \ • • t " m .... rtn.: ll• lrl Tl~t'"d •) 1 Come in to :\l ' "· lhl' Tt!h null \hlpO Ill """ m•'l1bf-n, to; 'I•· .. ar< t:•-~1 dOd JC!l2 The\' arc {IIanA Jamt" Charlene Chatnberl&m. L i I d r a Qu<'cn. B •' t h 1 n ~ t 't ~: .. liah"m' Pln Ill' n.•aJ d<;J\ p "I\ I 1\\"\ rr .1 r. tn 'ur~ot n Ha.rba I'>~ Tt U" \) ·~111d \1,11'th n P1•11 r-on. ='"'' 1 ftcP~ "' n · n-·all1·d T\11 srln ~1 0\ L l 'ttfl\1 ( .0 .:\1. H U \ft_ It 11. kn l1 '' .., ~d da •~hv! II• It n h ,,,. nll•,•'d rsum •h• ,. Co- <•11 • 11··1 'fltr hCim, at --.(,., !~ "t'rla .\\ ,, to ~nta Ana. See Us for Your Paint & Supplies * a nd Help Beautify O ur City * Balboa Hanlware, Inc. 711 East Balboa Blvd. Balboci. California Phone HArbor 216 Mr. and Mrs. G.· H. Peirsol Announce The Purchase of And invite the patronage of old and new customers -·- Serving the Harbor Area taro\ to aa,·e ~~~ ~maUcally ..., at. ~TORT BALBOA FI:DERAL tu1cl make Oft y..,..tt lacomP your SavlJlp ,_., Ttl4"1l you'll Inlow that M!Mlrl".f'll youn~ .... aad you'll ~ aat your m01t~Y ls aafe, teo, for a.IJ ~\1Dp ar~ ta!MIJ"t'd ...... 0.000! lt "as a "full-house" on Mowr ' Dav Cor Mrs. Gerllc House. 1606 PnclCic Dr., Corona deJ Mar. Laden I with evel)'thin~ for dinner came Mr and !\ln. WolfE'r A. &hultt> and ~oraiPen and Chari('!J from Santa Ana; Mr. and Mr . Wl\)'Jl<' D. Bettis and children. Jim. Wayne jr .. Joan and Johnni from San PE'dro, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sea- mon. Mr. and Mr... Pt'te Hender- son from San Bernardino, and Mrs Ms bt>JIE' Logan from Colton TOO.ETBIES Coty Do rothy Grm Old Sp1ce Richarci Hudnu7 DuBarry Complete Prescriptioa Service Ccmplete lme of VITAMINS Current Hiqh Dividends are at 3~0 OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30th! 8BilLLY A YEAR OLD Uttle Miss .Shelley K uste r, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Fr<'d W. Kuster jr .. 604 Marigold Ave .• Corona del Mar. wa.o; om.' ycnr old last Friday. To ht>lp her ('C)C- brate. neighborhood chlldr4m and their mothers drop~ in during the afternoon for birthday cake and i~-cTeam s r\'ed by h r mo-- ther. LlDO WOMEN TO MEET C. M. Barnard. Superintendent of OrangP County's juvenile hall. will be speaker at tlw nt>X1 Tnfft· ing of Udo Islt> Women's Club at 12:30 p. m .. Friday, May 25, at thc CommunitY Clubho~. It will bE> a 12:30 p. m. lunchcon m('('ting with card" and social hour follow- ing the program. Mrs. Chorle.- Lamb is in chaJ1te of the cnrd session. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RATTAN • REDWOOD • ALUMINUM • WROUGHT IRON SWINGS • UMBRELLAS • • R.E-COVERS • BARBECUES ~t Prleee • l"rM lhlh'ery Ciro PHARMACEUTICALS FIRST AJ C AND HOSPITAL S\JPPL!ES GREETING CARD~ * G:: CAN'l:Y FREE Deli er , Now Visit Corona del Mar's Newest and the South Coast's Finest Cave's Del Mar Ph .,_, 6 H. 'HRSOL o-.., 823 Coast Bml. Corona del Mar HArbor 2272 \ . ' woocletrut ... of Back Bay. R.amblin& redwood ranch houle, teva-r.te 5;UHt cottag~. earetak- S"a horne, garag~. service b u II d i o g s, ~tc. Beautiful lti'OUfiCk This will appeal to krimlnatnig people, w b o wish a peaceful country~. Only short clistan~ rrom the harbor AD OUTSTANDING VALUE Four-bedroom home with 1% .. ths. fullY furnished, 2 blka. tD ocean. Ideal for penna- Mill or swnmer living, at- tractive garden. Fine neigh- borhood. Full price only - - - $12.500 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor AI VeM& mv.. C.O.._ .......... ,. Nice 2~bed.room home on well kept comer lot. Near shopping center. Has hardwood noors. breakfast nook, very oonvenit>nt kitch. with many built-ins, la undry room. garage &: etc. Full Price . $10,500 Only $3.000 down, bal- ance tfke rent at 4%. leD J. WllitmaD ~ ...... o-t .... ODII BA 11116111! tuFF llftll !:om:,";;~-~-.. -· $13,500 Here is the one you have been wait.ing to bu.y. A lar~e home with all the features. fire-- place. hardwood Ooors (car- peted). separate dining room, lar,::e ltitchen, pullman bath with lots or tile, large bed- rooms with plenty of closet aopace, step-down den Cwon- derful for television ) and best ot all a $9.500 FHA loan. ShoW~~ t.y Appolatmeat Phil Sulli'van C. Galen Denieon G. T. EYenon 4t0 Newport lt.d. Coria t.4eH~ "'-t• l&co11 6691 HAfbor 1117-W or Hac-545f..J IU Channing 3-bed.room home, who6e beauty l~ clever sjm- pUcity. WaU-to-wall carpet- ing adds to pride of owner- lhJp. LarRe patio, surround- ed by tropical plants with complete barbecue unit en- closed by masonry walls. On two la~e lots - - -makes this an outstanding ~~ -value at .... ~ $7,000 cash gives possession. .......... c.. -~1-laupiiiM w~ Ulllaa •cAdoo '7tO F... ...... llh>4. Balboa ~liS LIDO ISLE Three-bdrm .• 1%-bath home, a few step!! rrom best beach. Comer s tre<>t to treet loca- tion. Deluxe construction and f~atures throughout. -- lttt ....,_. -.... HArtlerJRZ ....,.,. ...... Jacome property ••• 2 uDit ••• em comer lot ••• at JX••Dt h• FOR RENT -Fum. rt plate, bath, 540 IDOII Corona del Alar. HA FOR SA.L.E-By OWD( MAN CONVERm discount; 5 moe. ~ e\'ery res~ Real ing: ooaner's need~ t ceui t.a ting lars:e cal iDcGme of 1150 pel' JDODtb ;;.; ~ ~ ~t~~--~-~ .. ~.:~~-~~---••N-•u 0 •-·-••••••---••n -$13 .. Qne.,Beclroom ~. 2 years old. large Uvi.ng room. w~n locatt'd. THIS WILL NOT LAST. See toda.y. ta.M wtll h Me, hhMe at SU per __.. at ·~ latlerMt co 011 DEL TIEl EAJU. (JIIA .... I..U,'f -c-.&-- a...rtB.~ ... BellaLr.,..lleah w REGISTERED NURS ai lion part or full M~te. COroDa FORS~ shortwa"~ nuBo. te lirUerite. COM. H.a.r\ FOR RENT -2-bedrot 411 COCIIIt loulnard CORONA DEL MAll . Fcmnli~•• llalel yearly lease st.arti 1 % bllcs. to 'matn t ,, I :- CORONA DEL MAR -- --Home & Income Just completed two-bedroom view home with col'Mr pic- ture windows, colored tile, garbage di.spoeal, gla.ssed-in barbecue room and many built-ina, pi• 2-bedroom gar-a ge apartment with ocean view. Hardwood floors, br'Mk- rut nook. dining ll.l"e& with comer picture~~ ~~:r~~e~r ~.C: .. ~.~~~~--~-~---··· .... -.......... ~- HArbor 1741 or HArbor 14T7 E\lt'l\lngs: HArbor 393-M BALBOA A lovely new home on the Penlnlula with extra large living room. separate dining area, raised hearth fi.repla~ with gas lighter and wood box; garage, master bedmoom 15x14. walled ~tio. Choose your own. colors $16.500 and tile for thts if you hurry. Full pnce ...... . HArbor 145 LIDO ISLE Where a littll' buys a ~:rreat deal. Let u.~ show you a brand nt>w home, 2-bedroom, $17,. 1~ baths, for only .... Beach club. private beach and dock privileges and what a grand place for chHdren! HArbor 2476 BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front Bargain. Knotty pine interior, natural ftre.. ~~~~:r!.dia=~---t~-~----.... ---·---Furnished ---and there's Jots of room to bufld a gar- age apartment for income! $5.000 handle~~. HArbor 444 OUR LISTINGS ARE O OIIPLETE e FOUR OFf·ICES TO SBtW YOU. CORONA DEL MAlt 1101 Co.st llvd.-Com•r Fen~l••f HA..t>or 1741 or HArbor J4n IALIOA ISLAND 201 Mel'111e A.,.. HArt-444 WE liVE -- NEWfiORT lEACH 414 32114 St. HArbor 2476 IALIOA 100 Wei" St-At tt.. Oce.t~ P1et HM-141 Five nicely situatro acres ln Vista irrigation district, mostly in matu~ avocados, some young trees coming m Ideal for reUred couple who want income 500 supplement. 2-bedroom modE-rn homt' .... 1 WE WilT --- Comfortable beach home to about one-half of above value. 0.11 ... 11111111• tt8£.Balllo&Bh ... ..,..._ ll&rtlor nu AVAILABLE.---AN ATI'RAcriVE STYLED HOME WITH A PLAN THAT REALLY APPEALS. A MOD- ERN KITCHEN WITH DISHWASHER, LOADS OF CABINETS AND TILE. THERE ARE THREE BED· ROOMS AND A DEN WlTH 2 BATIIS. FIREPLACE . . . GOOD HEAT AND OAK FLOORS. THERE IS A LOVELY ALPINE STYLED LlVING ROOM WITH OPEN BEAM CEILING AND UNP.AINTED MAHOG- ANY PANEL WAINSCOTING AND DINING ALCOVE. HERE IS ~OOM F OR EVE~YBODY $1t.SOO and at a pr1ce that means busaness .......... .. A FINE BALBOA I SLAND LOCATION Call for Appointment. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 157C Newport lhd., C.. M1•11. ..._ Sl-., that man pa••••• is a.-............ ... paper IM'- c.rtUH, llkf' ,........, ,.... ... ,.0 --- THE LAND REMAINS ---BUY IT 81Z TIIE8E ELilCTED VALUES 42-foot Bay Front tot (C:W- =~t.. El--Ba~ .. $16MO Udo Isle Ba.y Front. 3% bed- rooms, tile be tbs, unit beet. best construct. Acroaa from Balboa Bay ~-Club. furn. ..-_ m .. u.u~ N .... l't .... alllalM. NEWrOaT , IIA 1-, _... I'JqUI'l'Y, Los Feliz Blvd., L.A. .. ...-... ..._, large Jot. Wut ,,...,.,..._ or submit. • • • Contractors Attention 7 Bandtac Lots. plus new !- 84-4r00111 HonMe. Pomona .... Want HOIIW' 011 hlaad or Co- roaa *I liar. ~ •••••••••• , ..... Of 1au ()east 111"-. co• IIArtlor ,,.. roll ULIC ., ... 1-IIDMlOOII ROllE nJe in ldtcben It beth, hdwd. fJoora, landscaped, redwood fencing, dbl. gara~. 70'xl20' lot. nu st.~--._. CIUIBa..,. $13.750 8IMwa., Ap ........ t o.tJ rm.o.. .... . Cw.buction Locma 5-Slfa"o (IC yn.) ltll c..& -..... CD11 ..._ BA t.m-.I--IEI ....._. Thls Balboa Isla.nd beach $1l0 per month. H FOR SALE-Deooratl ti ve. smokey piDe htJ 60" wide. 14. shelves & 2 drawers below· Provincial HoU~ board COnti \'elvet HArbor 44 home has large living room, bedroom. bath and convenient kitchen upstalra-and 2 bed- rooms with bath downstairs; ~ara~e. Full size lot, with nlw patio. T op location. im- med!att> possess. $16.- Asklng .... I FOR S~AL£-;-;:;:---:,N.,..' ('W---:;Rl:-;, I softeners. 60. grain ' years warranty. H) ''OPPOitT\'SU'V for a Btrr' FOR SALE-Davenpor dilioo. $25. 604 s. * Balboa Island. PATIO SJ:.'T for Ale "" with gr"('en cushiOos $75. O'stufred divan It ottoman, $25. All il 1306 Cov St., China t HA 3147-R eves. and ~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: WESTINGHOUSE ~lee I sale with deep well cc control oven. Good t BEacon 6305: eves: B Summel' Rental: Three 1-bdnn. apts .. Y.i.U sleep 4. Very comenient to beach. FOI' Sale: LOT No. 29 for aale, COM. 40'xl66'. Oc:: $2,150. $500 dn., $2C clud<'S interest. Sign Thl' adjoinmg R-2 lots on a t J A Carroll comer. Ri~ht for building. per Y · · • 5I FOI' Rent =· AvP . Holl,Y'.\--oc 2 Bdrm. unfum apt. Beau-FOR RE::\1 Fum. rrn .• tlful view. Rent on yrly. basis. & cnt. WundPr!ul vie\\ FIL nl I a ft.. 1 zcl Drive. Corona del lUI 111 -IMj .,._. FOR RENT -1-bdnn. • ae.Jt.rw a114 B ........ Broken )rly rental, S65 a mo. Ill Coe.t N . HMor 2151 Ave., Balboa Island. · ec.-. 4.1 w..r FOR RENT -~ewly de- SNAPDRAGONS Sic doL Iowen by Morri IOtE. ................ HAit.er .,. LOUIS F. GATES Gort ~ ...... -Q~ I.- Home LoaN to buy. buDd. ~ance or tor alterationa GENERAL INSUllA.NCIC IIArhr lNI Itt O..•t IIIML, eo.... *I liar REAL DTATE LOANS HOIID -AP A.a'I'IIEN'I'II OOIDD'a<liAL Btm.DI'N08 LOW INTEREST RATES Ieman Mortgage ..._-., ~., .. ,. 111N ..... wa,,IIMtaAM e NEW LOCA110N e Newport Plumbiaq s..ppay * * * ~0 •hte8tlec* OUT IIA'I'£-()ASB a OAII&Y • • • 117 22Dd St. NI:WPOin' BEACH • bdnn house. fum. Yt mer ren tal 0\ildren HArbor ~M. WAJI.."TTED 1-bdml. pa. apt. or house, not ove by employed micld..leql Harbor a~a pref. Bl PR.IV A 1'E PARTY arudc. level lot or small bou ably priced !rom OM bor 2193-J. FOR RENT-Fum. rm., plate, bath. lnducl. PI 71.3 Iris. CD.M. BA 21 T ALENTS are wanted & concert. Is your futll music. singing. duets! you do! A tenor expel opera a lso nE'f'lled. HA DESIRABLE SllMldER bdnn. ho~ on Ocel COM. $2,000 Cor summ HArbor 1037. FOR SALE -Lat~ n ran~. 4-burners, grlll rate ovens, excel. cond chrome dim•tte chain coven, likt> new, 18 HArbor 2825-M. FOR SALE-'47 Ford De R&H. o•drive, nylon aet excel cond. R.eas. HA PERMANENT employee Island, wants laland house or apt . ~-early, , bor 2321; H Arbor 11.20 6:30 p.m. BOOKS WANT I will call and buy ... Your entirt' Jibrar BUNSTER CREEl Phone Har bor 3215- EYERYTIIIM<l FOR YOUR 1'IU w. fill .... ". •1141 ,.,.. Orcmge Coast 1'l SUPPLY lttO HARIOl lt.VI c..t. Mete Phow ._, Value Plua! NEW STtJDEaAI Delivery Now Can allo ..... ,... up .. If you take del1vey at ,. Are you looking for .a GOOD 3-bed!'oorn. 1%-bat.h home ln cbotce location . Perfect condition - --tastefully decorated -- -nicely furnished --• ~n lancbcapect - - -Dl!lignt"d f o r grac::low Uvtn,, :::.= -~·­..... , .... IIIIer PAD AV& at IIAIIDfa MIMO& ISL&JfD .............. R ,,._._....._ - NEW LOCAtiON! Wll'l Tral 1PIIt OSED MAlliN£ GEAR MEIIOIUAL St:ll\'1 E A ~morlal Servioe for thost- who have died while members of the church \\Ill be a featur(' of th 11 a. m Sunday worship S<'rv- ice at the Corona del Mar Com- munity Church Organ music, played by Mlss Mar~ret Scharle . will include · Praeludium and FU(.ra," .. Andant(' Tranquillo," "Fi- nal.-!rom Sonata V1" and "Vi- \ a <X>" all by Mendelssohn. "A Trinity of Patriotic Graces," will be the subject of the Memor- iA l Day sennon to be preached at both services b) RP,· Paul Edward Babbitt. Th Chapel Choir will ing "A Song In Praise of the Lord" by Nagler Dickinson at the 9 ·45 a . m. nie\', and t he Chan- Ct'l Cho1r will sing "Souls of tht> Rlghteow " by T Prtiu.' ~obt>l At 11 • • • MORT LS ~\SO IM.MORTAL'4 Thr dJstinction betweE"n mortals und •mmortals and t he r('J!en<'ra- '"" pffe<!l of thr p1ntualuauon of t hnur.tht will be· dlscussro In thfo Sunda~ Bible Le ~n at t he Chri - tian Sci£>n~ Church of ~f•wport a t the entrance to Lido l'\lt> • • • PROGRAM AT C'ffi'RC'H Newport Harbor Pos"291 of tbe ThP T'r"ble·AuPs from San Ber - Amerlcotn Legion will conduct the nardino. "'i th their program o f Memortal Day senices at the Bal--;ong. color pictul"f's and instru- boa Pler at 11 a . m. Wednesday. mental m usic ..... 111 'isH thE> Se,._ ~tay 30, Commander Barney Bell enth Day Adw•ntlst ChUJ'('h or 1umounees. Newport Height at 7 :45pm. to- A parade .... ;ll form at the Fun morro'" • Frida~ • Zone at 10:30 a. m. and march to • • • the pier with military guard. Me-l.IFE IS ORIE.XT morlal .senrkc will be conducted I Mrs. Horace E Dewey. just re- and a firing squad will fire a sa-tumt>d to Amr rica la t wt!'('k after lute in memory of the departed 30 years as a ml ionary in the \'eterans. Oric.'nt. will peak Sunday momin~.t nr Chri t Church by the Sea R('v llnd Mr'\. J){>wf'~ first went to Chma 10 1921 as mt,sionariPS un- dcor tht' Mt>thodlo;t Board of For- t>t~ Mi ~uon . Thf'ar ~ears then• Third pia('(' rating was again havr .~n th~> da} ol JM'8Cf' the captured by :-lew-port' sh1p =--:aaad tldf'~ of war. thf.' lldf' of rommun· at the Southt>m Callfom ui :\tar· ism . and (lthl'r IJ:N'at hi,tnrirnl de- !050 8aata Aa& Ave., Co.ta Mea& in r Scouts ''GAM" ht>ld last , t>lopm ents BI"Acoe 1111_, week-f'nd at Santa Momca1 P\t'Tl • • • thou~h competition incrl·a~Ni b~ SEW ME."'BE.Il~ 1'() .J()I~ FOR. SALE-Obi. bed innersprings n£>arly ont>·thJrd. "1\ bl .. 11 ... ~ thf' and mattress. Just like new! Thl year 45 shipS <'nt<'r('d the "0 para ~'!> W'l ""' • HArbor 2640. com.pt>titaon in na utical skilb as lhPme nf . Pastor H<'rbf'rt Roth s rom pared to only 33 tiTOUps last 1 ermon 1 has S':ffidaY at tht> 11 a . m. FOR SALE -Recond. Bendix auto. yt-ar and more than 500 hi~~:h worstup sen1et-Tht' tt'~ ls washers. 90-day guarant ee. $85 cChool glrls rompt>ted where ap-takf'n from l~l' \..ospt>l or St Ma - _B_Ea;;;;.;;..· co.;;._n~S:=5m~·---=-----proximately -100 were reported in I th.ew .13. 31-35. The> ~unlor Cholr WE have a few the trials in l 950. "'::U 5Ln~ t~e.~them. 0 Come Let USED REFRIGERATORS Seventeen or the 20 girls, who Us Wor;>hip.. New mMnbers .... ;u Wonc:Rrful oood., guaranteect G-E belon& to the local Mariner troop, bt> rreeave_d m to ehurch mf'mber- &t Wes~. BEacon ~. were p~nt to bring the near-hip at ttu senaC'f' SUiiMER RENrALS -Uclo Iale top honors to Newport. F irst • • • Bay Front units. 1-& 2-bdrm., pia~ w~.>nt to Ship Hornet of ' MEMOKI."I. 1'ER\.ICE prlv. beach, $70 up. HA 2552. Santa ~tonica, and Ship Kona or As a ~lt>monal Da> • rmon at Eves : HA 2914-M. Santa Ana placed serond. 1 th<' ~lboa J land Commumry ~!e- THE NEEDLEPOINTER Ya r n Mrs Ted Ha mbrook. who rs thodt~t Church. Rt>' Hsrry WhitE' Shop has a wide rangt· of colors president of the Manner Leadl:'rs I wtll qut>s tinn "~hall We AJ~·ay and yarns for dresses and sweat-Asl>Oetation a~ wt>ll as skap(X'r of f)o•mand th,. :'UP~.mE' Samhet" c>rs. Instructions frl'C. 1201-C tht.' local htp accompanaed tht• llnm Our Patrtn~ As part of u.•nor experienced in Coa t Blvd... C'o.rona dt'l Ma r. Harbor s;:-irl<: ~s did :.\"Irs 0 C thP "'n iet>, th .. Elk; l...nd2e \\ill net-~. HA 2892-R. I V.'1U~ TRADE 8-ft. car-top skiff, ~ue s a nd )trs. KrnnNh Star<•J.it'. pn·~ nt t h<' chur<'h \\lt.h an Amt'rl· new•· ust"d. for girl's bike. Must hf'r co-lPad N . l'Rn Flue (;r'\Cf' Pmraf'r "111 stnl:! on Ocean Bl\'d., be in good cond. IIA 3222.J ~<'thow n's "Th" Ht•aH'"" arc for summer ~ason. after 6 p.m. FOR S ALE 21:: hp Evinrude out· Tt•lhnc .. =ro::-:-:R~Sc=, Al'7""'i-."=E=----=Ta:-:-b:-l('-mod--:-,el:--R:-::cC;;"7A ~ ~. '&\~·/ ~ .,~<;,dr:s dUt) · 219 • • • Victor 10'' television & antenna. St'MMER REr--"TAL--3-bdrm.. de-- HArbor 3121-M. luxe home overlook. main beach , . FOR S ALE-K I/'l'l·ty pe Snowbird. 1 ,..Dl\1 u A-bo 16nc:R plastic Roomy, safe for child. HA 3265. -'--'-· __ J""UU ___ r __ ~_.r _. ___ _ ~~~~:-:---::ea::-ch-. 1 FOR SALE -New ship-to-shore ra-P A I N T I N G 1:-dio, Radia phont>, model No. 25, Earl Sb ft!-6-watt with aE.>rial, S1.20. Call ewu RA 1145 HA 2219-M bt>fore 6 p.m . eves. !'7S Palmer St. -~ .... ~~mtii~;:-.. 'B~~·ib08_1 F~ ~~~~coM : June 1s to 1 1 a ~Ho~aOOK ts -UUlua.l July 31. Deluxe 3-bdnn .• 2~bath . yearly, reas. Har-rum. \'if>w home. fh block from I Dependable Plumbinq H Arbor 11.20-W after Bay. HArbor 3038-J. A Prompt Reopa.tr Servtoe HOUSE FOR RENT ummer. 2 PIIHiee Ma.inta.ined tli-W bdrms .• 2 baths. 420 Avocado •. _______ ~ I ._ ..... COM. HArbor 1549-W. -1 -,...._ N!'fPO!" .._,.. FOR RENT WANT YOUR DJRT'f WORK BUNGALOW APARTMENTS DONE! Beautifully turn .. large Uv. room GO TO HAL ·.· with fireplace, bdnn .. kitc:Mn· Comple~ ~ eervtce.j <'tte. Low summ<'r rate by day, Winclov.oa, floor waxSnc and ~ w~k or month.. lshlng, wall wuhl.rw. I FARM HOUSE MOTEL C.ll. Harbot' 1158-W 1 ·04 Cout Blvd .. CDM HA 1063 • • • • • • • • • • • For the FOURTH time in • le• than 4 years! • State r .. Mllaal, Olen • • New, drastic ~ cuts • • a.n • auto • costs • tnsurance to • • • It wiD pay you to in...tigate! J • I!Z ME TODAY: W.LU.S • lt1 IDMt Bar Aft. ~-·--....... o.llf. OI~C't "~ Oot'RLF. !'EK\'ICE A mP<>tinl.! of the coni.!Tl'~ation of ~~ Andn ,•rr5 Prf'sbytrrlan Church \\ill bt> held at 10·30 a m. Sunda'. !xotwt'<'n the 9 :30 and 11 a m . • s('n'IC'es to discu...s th<' ad- ,;~abiht'' of continuing two Sun· day mom mc '11:'1'\i t"'('S durin~ the summf'r Tht' 't'rmon for both ('r\'ICt'S at t ht' :"o:rwpor t Hf'i~hts Church '' 111 bC' • I n'l'pa.rable Cou-plt's." Phalippian 2·21 i~> t he text: "F or me to li\t' is Chrast. and to die is 1:aan ·· Sunday's a nthem .... ;u tw "Thank!-lW to God'' by Dickln.~on. SE~~~~~-1 isficd at th<' annual hi~h school spring concert tomnrrow 1 Fradayl 01~ht. be<!ause this year the set- tin$: for tht" mu leal ev<'n t will be an old-fashioned s•ngan' ~therin' . SclPCtion~ \\i ll r~ng-e rrom the Negro piritua ls l'U<'h as "Somt'- time. 1 FC{'l L1kl' a Motherless Child ." with th<' t'horu chOir and Donna Nelson as 'oloi~t . to the mixed doubt(' quartf'lt<> rt'nderin~ ,;Old MacDonald Hnd a Fann." l..c:w<' songs "'ill be included in the re!)('rtoire of thl" Larkettcs. advanced t:i rl · giN' club. Laurie C'ri ell and Bob Burdick will pan· tomime difficultie in "Th<' Old Woman and tht' Pcdhu" --- (with Bob doublin~ in the barking canine rolf'\. FlltST CHURCH OF CHitiSi I SCIENTIST 3303 Vie Udo, N•wporl a..ch 1\ branch of The Motl>e• Church, Th• F;"t C'-urch of Christ, x·.,..;,,, in ao, . ton. M useehusoHs . Sunday School 9 15 e m. Sund11v Serv•ce _ I I :00 e.m. Wedno<dny M"ing l"'eetino 8<00 p.m • Ue!•U• ...,_t fw • RNd•t~q Room locoted ot I I I Pain St .. 8e·boo. is ope~> daily fro"' 12 noo11 to S P·"'· e•c•pt Sut~d•ys •nd hol:deys netiOIIetlv ob1•rv.d Th p.,bt:e ;, eo di•llv imlit.d to et• t•nd th• ch\lreh ·ervk es elld 111e the .,..te ........... Aw1 11 ....... ......, ()c .. ., • • • • • • • • Reedi"q ltoo"" ..... Columbia O narcb or the Air,.... ~ CII1TIICII 0~ Ala J:TUn at 7:30a.m. ~·• K.I\"X wtll be a auuuan ' program entl tJed '"'''M IDe1lt V&c Or)'." Bradford 8row'De will Kenn) Ba.kf'r wW .. JEW£LRY w. cL ,.. .... ....... !11 .......... BALBOA IIII..AlfD. QAUW, au...- Sales DIRECT FROM FACTORY -TO -YoU Hundreds of Unad-ntrtised Special. WE! Men's Fine SLICD Choose yours from over l 000 pr m Direct from Factory to You Prices ... na4" 1 00 ... au •vol ~ .. p- Mrct1nM. a ll "oul ""*-t'k:llldiK, a ll •·ool ttJut•e._., all w-ool t.il.l ~t.rd.LIW'S. rayoe -d •ool p - bardlnf>41. rayoe a.e4 wool l'll&rk- altlas. •H ra7oa 1\a.rbktM.. ... aa4 all ra~ oa shf't"'l ra._rdl8f'tl. All P()IOn.. , 1.,._ ~ to 50 ~ ·u~tor....t3 Factory-to. You 595 to f495 aa•s aao ••r• <\T TY.RRI"FIC' "A\'ISG lU5 to to 00 . . . CORDUROY JACtttS f"utl y Llltf'd R~. J$." SPORT SHIRTS ~· '!.t 5 ~ lU~ 1" to 4.s crs LEISURE COATS Re~. 10'5 u.ts 100.,., Wool SPORT COATS 1~ ~· t..ts ...... Factory to You c.n.. DIRNDL s•m-TS- l'lf'C· l.tS , .. CREPE SUPS ~· ,,. !..tll - FULL CIRCLE r' LINEN DOSffliS 'F COTTON DRESSES arc. &.1$ ud lo.N 485 to 'J35 Gabardine TOPPDIS ~ IOOi'o Wool TOPPf21S Rf'c. JO.t.\ to !!JS CO'M'O" or <'1lEPZ BLOUSES ~ •• t~W to 1..111 I'' to Z" lOOi'o Nylon PANTIES R~. t.OO 151 First Quality NYLON HOSE 60 (.illfll!f' • 13 DfotlJN' Bu' of ~15 3 l':l-tr ~ II Wedding GOwns Displayed -~,.. Approxtmatrly 200 member~ and Robert Glau,~Mmtd in 19t8, and ... 111 xuesu ot the comblnN ~ ot Mrs. Becke', manied la1t Febn.l-~~==~=~~~~~~ WSCS. Ouiat Cburcb by the Sea. ary, moclded tMlr own gown&. .=ii ~ Newport Women ot the Newport Beac:h, a t te nde d the Mrs. Becldome modeled t.he COW" M~. Chapter 1158, will .bold a llot.Mn-O.udlten ban~~uet TQes. of hft' granddaughter, Mn. modHu- short buAness m<'(>tine tonlght clay evening lut week in GooclelJ vlg; Mra. An«old'a cown was - IThur'ldlly), atarting at 8 o'dock. BaD. eled by Eva F'arnn-"'rth :.:~;;=i.l=====• followed -ritual practioe In t.be The ~t. Mia Qara Kohl-AI a climax_ convctian BW Mc-M OOlle Rome a t 2300 0c:.'8n F'ront, atedt introclueed 11ra. 1bomu Roy DonaJd mode~ a brideamald Newport. Ritual Chalnnan Aida Peftck.n mistre. ot oaaaOI(IIIiel dreea found ln the ~t of Mn. Gorton reqUHU that all memben Tbe ..iute at mother's to claQ&b-PencleU'a mother. Of COUI"Se this , .. o.a. ID Your CcmtaiDer HOWAR D GARL AND M.C . "Latties' Day IN Stadio A" G et Up a Party and Join tfte Fun 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Wednesday Thu rsday • IVOE • 503 N. Main St. Santa Ana •aL 1480 / of the Ritual Team be present. ters was made by Mn. llorDD brotebt clown the houw. Inltlatlon and guHt officers' ~. JO. Mary Allee Babl' 111"1 111amu Roy PencleU mod- night will be Mid at 8 p. m. nest responded on behalf ot the claUih-eJecl the clreM lbe wore when lhe Thunday, May 31. Candida~ will ters. The olcleat mother preeeut wu married to ReY. Toni Pet*ll be Marpret 'Ibompson ol O»ta was 91-year-old Mrs. ~ She wu met at the altar by her ~~ and guest orncers wlU be DeMundrum of Balboa I a I a n d. tnat.nd. from Garden Gro\-e, Santa Ana, Newt>St mother was Mnl. Robert H<Mitessel wt>re Carolyn and Eve- and Fullerton. FoUowing lnltia-Thomp10n, mother ol a baby 18 lyn Woodworth Sharon Sherrill, tion, refr8hmt>nts wiU be ~~erved days old. Mrs. Morgan Lowery Carol flnk T•ja Tohill and S hlr- by Recorder Viola Comecl and Ar-inll'Oduced her mother, her daugh-ley Tyler in putel formau. Mrs. gus Wilma Corbin. ~r and four grandchUdren, repre-Homer Gould was planilt. The Women of the ¥~ ~lped senting four generations present. Durin tM ban uet the men o f sen.e the Hsb fry ga\en by the Mrs. A. J . Rutter was in marge the ch~ watt.J on table Newpor t Moose Lodge 1457 on or the pro~rram. Wedding gowns . Sunday, May 13, attended by 268 or put and present were dis· members from 16 Southern CaH-played. Th~ first gown to be dls-Mrs. Horn Wlll8 Awards forma MO()sc lodg s. . . played was that of Mrs. Ion{' -·-('empl~~ ...... ,_ e IRJT(JIIIIOY PAI!ftl!l e PI'M'l'IBVIUlB P&llft"ll • l.IH Oolertller' Oeleft nNE WALLPAP.all!l .. Fit AaJ ......... Hnspital Guild Chairman. Ob\·e s pras:uf' of Balboa Island. who was Four awards were brought home Milll·r. d<'liV<'~ a box or gJfls to ;Mmed in 1873. Mrs. Bob Wilson from the Oeatlve Day CompcU-tit C..tt •¥4. HMot ~ I the ch1 ldren an the O~ns:<' <?>~ty ..,..a!'l th<' model. Mrs. Delavan Fre.i-tion of University WofO{'n, Santa CORONA liAR 111111 •••• , I WIDIIPEIII. Hospital. r('C('~tly. Gwd<' W!mfl'('d tag 8an~ "0 PromJse Me", whlch Ana, by Mrs. Robe-rt Hom, 1408 ~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~ Randd lS fixm~ up a ~1St> for was the song Mrs. Sprague's Seaview Ave.. Corona del Mar. ~ a n('(-(!y family m Costa Mt"S&. nan('(' whistl<>d to her while court-She was cited for her entries in 1A lpha Plans Phi--esta Discu ssed I Ml'f\ Frank M. Little, 119 Crys- tal A\1' .. Ralboa T<:land, is hostes I wdav as \\ell a n•tirin~· c hairman of ui<' Southe-rn California Council ol Alpha Ph1 national roll<'ge so-nmt) at a qu ncrl~ m<'f'lin~; b<:lm• held at h<'r home. I Mr., l\lacDonalrl Srott of Los An~~'l<'s ill lx'1m: tnstalkd a new I r·m11rman nf th•· Count II ru prt>- c; ntatl\t·" of mtu• m•ml>f'r rhap· trr ... and rlu~ \\Ill ht-11r '' nt I An importttnt )o:trt nf ttw bu~l­ n•'"" fJrn~rlltn "til IM· thf' dis<'W•- lng. ()ow<'r arntnJ;em('nlB. cakes and The gown of M rs. A. P. E:npenza, two in the clothln s: diw;ion. Sh<' WE'd in 1902, was modct<>d by her also modell<>d for thf' t~t ylo show niect', Mrs Bill McDonald. The and d!l"t'C:ted as well u I.()Ok th{' ~own of Mrs. A. S. Rcdlem , mar-part of Madame Modjt>flka In a ri('() in 1907, was modeiC'd by Mrs. play or thl• history of Orangt> &tt~ Ha ~t('n. Ml5s Carol Fink County. Mr Hom took the part modl'h'<i thl' ~0\\ ns worn by the of Attomt'y ClydE' Bishop in tht' em u f: h t ~ rs or Mr. 0 0 d M rs. W at ter ~p~la~y~. iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Rlh f'n or Corona dPJ Mar, Mrs. I You Can Do Better at THE Faniture Co. OOMPLETE HOM'E FURNUIRINOS BEacon 5656 1812 Newport BlYcL Barbara Hughes. VOSTA IIB8.\ m nt idf'a rur th<' nr" Alphtt Pht·•..,ta. annual -.oront~ lx'n••fit affnil In t tw ,,. • ._, t h<> bit P\ f'n t ha-. tukf n th(' form or l'ttl·nl\:ll" heart lunchi'On and fa~hion -.ho .... witlt pl'ot'f•l-do.; coin~ prindpall~ for cardiac aid. the orl;a,mUition'R na· '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l.ional philanthropy. C hi I d r t' n' s 11ii Ho p1tal Los Ang{'lf'l'. has re- Ruc;cu>ll R~tu-e and Mrtt. James ~immc•n". :\1rs. Pat Glass Fisher modt-IC'd h<'r own gown: the gown or Mr ". Walla~ Bailt'y was mod- <'kd bv Mrs. Willis Fi<'lds: Mrs. Rol)(>rt' Thompson modelro her own j,!own. Mrs. Robt'rt Tn.lsty's co\\.-n was modelt'd by hf'r nic.'Cf'. l~rbata Tru.~tY: Mrs Jiprbcrt McDonald's ~o\\ n wa-. mod It'd h\ hl't daul.,"htcr :":ann :'\trs. J'"'r<'d \\'oonwor h', ~nwn \\·a~ modt'lf'd b~ chu.!htr 1 C'·H·ol) n and a brii'\PS- maid gown was modl'IC'd b) Miss I Mrs. Arf'y, marrit'd in 1902: Mrs. See FIRST HOME LOANS ·~·· .... relit Rat. Low Monthly PaymeDta * We offe r you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County YCHI'II ,.. -c«cflel ~ '" .. m.., yow ...... ~~h cd a (l('rman nt r ndowment or tt bt'd Bnd funds for blue ~by surgery as the result of past A1pha Phl-estas. Individual<~ ~ sin gle chapters ha,·e !urt h<>r donated l'er\iC<'. party (a\'ors and treat.<~ for the little paUE"nts . . --- Mrs. Birch Will See Son. Daughte r Graduate Mrs. FlorenOt' Birch. 600 Be-10111& Ave., Corona del Mar, left Sunday for Phoenix, Ariz.., where she will . tay with her son, Tom, and daughter , Pai~e Hall, until their graduation from American I nstitutE' of ForeJgn Trnde in June. After hls graduation, Tom will go to Alr:roll. Oblo, where be will ac- cept a position with Goodyear Rublx'r Company. After three months he will go to Luxembourg. wherf' he will bt' located Indefi- n itely. Paig<' Is considering an offt-r Crom Trans~an Alrli.M'S. OCC Cops Healy Race The Orange Coast College sail- Ing team won the third annual Mar k Healy jr. Mf>morial Regatta a Wl'<'k ago Saturday at Newport Harbor by defeating Fullerton, Pam~d na City Collecc. John Muir and Long Beach Junior CoUege. Skippers were Roger Welsh, Fred Kingsley and Harlan Hoyt. Crew members wrre Frank Spielberger, John Adams and Howard Martin. -OALL ON M.aeOILLIVJlA Y8 Dr. and Mrs. J. E. von Posch and Mrs. Jack Crowe11 of Los An- geles were Saturday night gUeSts at llr. aDd Mn. Alex MacGUlJvray and family, 544 Seaward Road, Co- rona Highlands. MOTHER'!'! D A V TREATS M rs. Harry J as(>('r and her dau!thter Grace 4.29 Marigold AH•., Cornna df'l Mar, and Mn. William Humphri<'s a nd he r daug. ter Joyce, 307 Edgewater. Balboa, a tt~>nded the Ice--capadcs in Holly- wood last Thur day. 'Dinner en rout(' and the evE'ning were plan- n(>(t by th<' two daughters as Moth- 1 er's Day treats. 'FIR. T CHILD FOR \\'l'ITS I Mr . and Mrs. Robert F . W itt. 2904 ()c('an Front, Newport, wet-~ rom<'d tht'lr fir~~t chJid, J<'ff:rey r-aul, Wednesday, May 9, in Santa Ana Community Hospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds 1% ounc:es at birth. I~ Announcement The Newport Harbor Ensign was determined to be a newspaper of general circulation b y judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Orange, on May 10, 1951, and by reason thereof is qualified to publish all p ublic notices required by law. City of Newport Beach ..Ne wport Township County of O range 8pedaUt.hac Ill ...,..... a Pukanl HUE YV 1011 Newport llvd. HAr~Hw 201 Newport leech Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII We will insure your valuables for THREE ypan a t a cost of only 4% ot valut'. PoUcy good anywhcrP in the world. Inquiries arf' sollt'1ted from reputable Harbor Area resi· dents. w. Shllrt Filii Get~er•l lnsllf•ttce 2117 W. Balbo• IIYCt. Newport leech ,._. HArt-24 Loag Diatcmce Local IAJtOB OR 811ALL 101 .. L GIVEN SAllE OAD "W., Mov" \\1U• thf' Wortr' AGENTS I''OR LYON8 1966 Harbor BIYCL OC*ta Me.a ~ 1111 .. 11'11-11 The Welcome \\ agon Hostess Will Knock on Your Door with Gifn & Greetin'a &om Friendly Businen Neighbors and Your Civic and Social Welfa(e Leaden 0. II. wc.,lo• •l1 fte Blrda of • a., llt••u• Bfr1Ware •• ••IIMIItAnnoau•••• Oaaile of ....... ~..a. of Newooawn .. NEWPORT BEACH Ph<me: Harbcw ?58 • ,.,. ........ 5 J 1 1-..ntnf' are belnc received for tht-l\l,.roonal Day ln\itaUon&l He-. •atla of the.-Balboa Yacht Club, heduJ d for • a tu:rday and Sun· day, Jun 2 and 3. Thi.-. rt•gatta ls for all oo~gn tla~ "ith thn.>e or mor~ entrlf'l LarJ:e boats will race ouw~ or the Harbor, and th smaUn boats I will racP inside. Tht' Balboa Yacht Club's annual )1nn~ fonnal will be h~Jd SatUT· day, June 2. Dinner will bP servr-d at 7 ·30 p.m. -------. Mutz to Set Up Ot't'J( IA1~ fil't.;S ISO 4tf thf' S4th .,•a•ma nf Uw "'""J .. lrt llllrhor \'aeht C"luh \uuk lilaC •• Sunduy "llh th.-'radiiiOft:IJ n:aa: ,.., .. lna: •nd hllrwhwtlnn "' 1111' 1 ~51 o!ii<'• r'l. "'''""n hf>r ... ·lf>ft tu rJf:'bt. a rt• c uuu.mtlnrc· U. \\'. ( \\'ult) t·.llhttl, \ lc-o·-('urumodort> Ttuuna .. Kuth•r ,J nd f:c•.tr < nmtnudurl' \\ an .. r F r•m L -(ph~tu bf Rfocokntor ) 'JI4. ill C.ly Paul Mantz of Balboa island is 1 r'lnsf,.rrinst hJs fl1gh headquar· r,.rs from Burbank to tnt-Orange 1 County Alrport, wbert> be '4"111 abo 4"St.ablish an a('ronautical museum.. The famow Pf'("d and atunt fher ha.~ ignt>d a lO.year JeaM', ef·l f~>cthe May 1~. He will construct 1 By SL"E 111'7{"11~.\..,. ' d••ll\Prtn:: n••w .. hltmwnl'-1'hl01 lin otfiCP. hanear and muwum. The Annuul InSJ ' 1un vi Yartw, u m.-M ~··•r lhf'~ m .. , .... fNoal "''h rt> tw-"ill display \Vorld War held S unday a. p. rt uf th<' i"<>w-11 d 11). I and II aircraft. h.is own J)l'ed port Harbor Yac~r Club's ror·mal .S uo•t.' dt•r><'ndl. on •h·· turdJ-planes 'ind memt>ntos of 8\'iallon opening· once al{'r'ln round Stall 11 '" u t •tw c1·adlt•, )lr &>nn tt hl>,tory Commodore WIU1 m Warming-'a)' :->1n<"' thP '"~.tal dParance The new location will serve as ton's crui t-r Blllewck IV, lhP best •II uH'I-pal>S(><I is only 131, feet, hPadquarters for his cha r ter k ept yacht In the Club neet For f•nu.tl,, art> bu1l1 lo" 1o the niJ!hts, s~ flights and movie the fourth cons~ uthe year, th«> l!ro>und Tht> bPam rath<•r than work. mo t of which has been car- . flawless BIJied.lck won f~rst plaet> lht> h·n~th d('termines "hr>lhc>r or rie-d on to date at Lockhee-d Air as the best owne k(>J)t yacht 40 not boat ran be hauhod on the Tf>rminal in Burbank. f~t or O\'er in ll .. eruisPr di\,S-hu~h" ay a runt>·fool bf>am bl>lll£: ion a od then mo\ •d UIJ to ""Pt>P· th,, lmllt. Mci"iPI and Bt>nnl'tt; stakes winner wh mut much con-t•a o mo,-._. any boat up to 50 fe-et troversy. m ltm.-:th, but the> transportation No last m1nu1 t'tturts could 1 nf till' bit;~£'r boats is hmllPd to render a boat so u l .. ,·ly h1~hape n 71(1 m1lf' radJuo; on ~>tnt•• hn.rh- Such errorts, hk ttw all nucht "a}~ cramming of a 1 ··:!IN·tf.'d wurst• WorkiDI(' with !ikldJJ. r otlrn befor<' a fmal ('Xa n. -.hnw sur,.•rfi-3ftd "1nd•. It takl"ll jwat U mlft- cial n suits. ut-to wtload a Chrl' Craft COM'Lm SEUCTION ft.DSIIEil * YARNS * ln,tr .. ctio"~""'hinq. Hrs. 10 ~ 5 Biz-Mart Knit Shoppe Ill E.. lell»oe ·¥tl~ a.tlMN, HA 077 Lee Shipley Ask('() wh<>n lw worke-d on h1~ I from a nat car onto th~r ~k. boat, Mr. Warnun ~ton said, ·An}· That '!l n~~y. 'lbf' r~nt job of time. I'm alway<. at It and ne\('r trU('Idq Lyaa lohft8(ltl'll 40.foot through." W hHirr to tbt> , alton ~ &ad OUODr&LA ·-hJ .. h ·-h 0 11tom and Rea4y Kacle I Thl!l yf'ar's illooJWCtlo. conunlt-... ~ D.C" nf'r w f'rf' a n .. tlllc.' -t~ wu lw..,_. by \~ ('om-lac facllltl~ rY'I!It. wu m orf' Infan::a~~t~:.::=-Batb modorr Thomas Ralt.f'r, ... lll-difrk'ult. n• OeM& ....... ~ :!:~~!:':u "~":'o: I Fat ht>r KU;y ~f • Our Lady orlpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ablr I(Toap toft IUIHsfy wttn •·nuld :\1ount Carmt'l Church in Balboa aot. permit a !dray drop of oil 1 ha.; mam,rura t('() a 4:30 a . m mass or a etoutly !Mlrf~ t .. r<t~Capr lor tht> bt•n£'fit or fishf'rm(ln. • • • .... nu~. .htd~t lJo a.~ c )<'1>1n tempera turf' I" now 61 de-- oa I hi" t rim of lbf' boat. c:-on.41· ~~ i'<"!, which 111 comparatively Uoa of ICTOUftd taclcl ... brll:'ht \\arm • • • Tht> -.acht'\men who •ork ... ,1catiOtuaJ lnootl"umf"Dl!l., ~a'" Pohc:t> Judi.'<>. Frank Linnell I ~ feetur"" lllld thf' l 'h<' t•ap With thP bt~ bf'ak had a ~the Mtce bfoln,r; \·ery tm-ftnt> t-)"<> for off~ts I pcwtldt. .. It .. mo-t ..... , ... I -- dte'1lth·e of th .-are a boa-t. ~ ""M PiJ I .a:~ .. ceh•es. Tile yvht m•t. alto be I.,., 0 DIU I'Ndy to C'O to '"'f'll, ftlt>lf'd. pr~ \ lodoat'd with IN>ho,; or rrrrtc-t'r· In Blast' at Reels a tur fuU aad fut~rtionln•. Thf' Billl'dick L" moor•'<~ m front of thl' Wurmm~lons' -.um-\ Coroni\ d4") \l..r Marine pilot lnl'l hume (In tht-w,.,, lkt} F ront t••rtmt'(l wath anoth•'r Mn rinl' fliPr nf th1• El B.tyo 1 te' \lr \\"·,nn-'"pull 1n old \\'• .. t,.rn Induut 1r1C'k I tn~On ha<; lw<'11 \til' lliOnJI\g ln t •; 1'' :tn o•<;llm-1 tf'd J'l0 f'npmy Balboa s1nc, 191ti aud '':1~ c·.,m-11•~•1'' h1ddr'n 1n a lar~t' biUidlng 1 modHrP or thP \:('"l"'lrl IL.tlbm l.l'ltt "'0\JI In tho• t'UITI•nt KorPa Yacht Club in 19.!1 ThP Btlll'dlck l1~h11m: is nnm('d for t ht• tht'~'l' \.Varmm~-Cnpl Ph111ip Q<-Lon~. "hose Co- ton sons. R11J, Ed and l>ack nona df."l Mar homt> 1s st 5IJ7 Or- • • • t'hrd Av~> .. straft>d the building to Chris Crafts arriving by traJD rorN' lh<' en<'my to scatter out or from Ahtonac. \11chi.:an. < lweruJ th~> front door. Lt Harold Dnl~h cruJs4"rs sh1ppt'(i throu~h the Pa· of Parsmounl, Csllf. droppeod na- namu ('~nsl and unload('() at Wil-palm bombs to force th<' Rt'<is 1 mmg ton. llunt •rs 1 ransportl.'d oock in ide The spreading J('llit'd from Suisun. Ca11fornut ---ho" ~asollne st>t thP hou..~ afire. and do they reach ll o•ir linal df.'stina-when the Commumsts tried a Sf'· tion, the local t •alero;;" For thP I rond f'SCape from th<' windo" . pao;t Pight years •wo m('n. McNit>l \apt OeLOn~ dO\'(' ~t houst' top and Bennett of I hi' Balboa Trans-1(."\"el "11h hi!. C'oNlalr fi~htl'r to fer Com pany, ho• t• lx't'n providin~ straft' th<' t'nemy al{ain an ingenious an .... wPr to tmo prob-"Wow, )OU J:Ot the whole lem with their truckmJ.: s«:'rviet>l bunch '" a ground controller ra- for boats. They !-pcciaUZ<' an hand-di<X'd. ling the most 8\' kward or objects Thf." fliers arp basf.'d on the rur- ---a boat out of watt.'r craft carrier. U~S Ratun. Balboa T.....,.ff"r hu pr~\1df'd 1 · - Mft-tru..,ort.ataoa for more MOnNG 1'0 WE !'ITWOOD FISE FUIINiftTU IIA.DID ~ oca owx aaon fU_t.ITUa£ l£ANISHB) R Ol'st: a OAIIDEllf 61 I Co.Jt Hwy. ......... lt.COfl sm .. -. .• Natura.l fi.nWl 1n 9 foot--... SUghtly hJ~her to room .a.. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING LAGUNA AWNING & MAPLE SHOP thaa 4,000 boa'-., baallal" tbfom Mr and Mrs. K<'nnPth Hellyer to Lo8 Anpletl wb.-rf' UHllr OWII· a nd family, who ha\f' lw<'n Uvln~ en expect to work oa tltem dar· a l th 1r summer rf'.;ld<'nce at 1711 ... wtet.f'r months a.nd ~k E. &y, Balboa. rlan to mO\{' to apln 1ft tbf' "')riDK. baulln« Westwood soon as tht'y have "We 8pfdallse ta Dnet•MC7 ~,.,.,N" .. thf'm tQ l.aa.d lakes ata Wf'll .. hou't'hl a home th<'r~' 10!0 Ooaet Blvd. BA t-&1·&-Niw U 1116-M~ 6el - 516 * Can NOW -BEacon 5505 and Gift * Visit our fine South Cocut RESTAURANTS nNE IT&LIAN DINNERS Allo teaks -Prime Rlbe Cocktails l6U Oout Bhrd. Jl.&rl)or1180 c-o-....... · C. cktml Lounge 'W aikiki Hop' A "Walkiwi Hop" ba bt>cn planned for tomorrow (Frida.) 1 night by the Surfsiders Club. Thc 1 danrl.' wiU be held at th~ Casta- " 8) 11 Club 0\'<'rlookin~: Newport I I larho1 and th<> mw.tc or Bob I Ft'()('. chll' and his orchl'strn will t>t-rca t urr-d. 84 fon> dancin~ 1><'!,-ins a ro<'k- t~tl pat·f\ for club m• m lx>n. and ~<'~'" w'•ll l)(> hn<;tf'd b~ Mr and 1 .M ro;; W tlliam FishPr. Mr. and :'11 n; \'an Ha~f'~ ~1r. and Mrs .• Dt·an nr·adford. Mr anf! ~t rs. Don- ald llanHlod. Mr And Mrs Ronald \'RIIf'l~ and ;\l r and Mr<: Jtolx>rt Gut dn<'r Gene's Place Order your J•lZZA here COOR. BEEJt-DRAFT BE£8 'ftiJ Cout Bouleva.rd eoroaa del 111a.r BA n• SAl 'S SEAFOOD AT THE SIGN OF TH E SWORDFISH 16278 Coast Hwy., Surfside 30S M IHt INt: BAL BOA I SLAND. CA LIFOJlNtll Breakfast Sen·ed A ll Day • Early Fl~tlERMA~ BREAKt'A~T t . & Visit the Beautiful COLONIAL OJ)f'n frnm t J a. m. Dal ~, t'nt':\'TR\' 1-RJJ-:O C'I IIC"Kf.l'\ "LA I-'( I( IP :o-:ELEC 'TI< \;<\ ~1an) fllhl"r I:;ntrf·<·s -PI•>nt,\ II( Parkln~:- • •o14 CO ~T IUG IIWA1' Thf' l'lJddlt> ctf PhunP 5206 'I ~"EWPORT BEACH Mar'lnt>r'" Mil.-BEacon * * * 1-'JRo.;•r EXTIC \ "T" fnr t hc> bf>aul) ('Onh•"'t nl t111 Fi'h .. r,\' 11n d ( ur- nl\~tl "l"lll"Hro·tJ b,\ llw c "'tn ~,, • .,,.'\,.,,Jit~tl fl.trl~o•r Li on, l ;,.t. :u•• ,\nondlt· 'til• I lo•ft) ur :-ot·:tl nt• lt'h un,! f I• rr~·tit-" ~n • ~•I hf llunt- tn::t c~n no•:~H'b. "l'hl'flulo•l.l Ill ~•trtw•.t r .t t lho I hit I ,.,. lu .. hdtl a t ('.,·,Ia )I ..... , .f un•• '!unci ll. an• 'l \ •l tr J.oo. tf tr'o• ~, 1 ' .nd•·r-.ou li nd Colon~ J ,ll l "'" ,,.., (•rttntl ~lar ... •aall u ri '\t •r 11 1 lt•l t< C'arulhu ('ullo'l, Ill!' \II· \Jn t•,.k.tn ~l rl; l:t•nH I J•r\\11, un' \\c "'" 1 . •tr•• ... teo h:t\1' :rpJtf'.rrt•d ut Bttl"klnl;'h .arn l'ul1t>••. lrun t ,\o .. < uch. l ndia.n IIC'Inr u od •·~·hnic'.tl u th t..,,.,. fur nul\lo .. ; \1 .fc·nninr.; .. ur tikhhrllll'o, unh .. unhln:.: banl. a nti tntlo rn h twr u l the ultl \\1'.,1: :tncl C.trl ...,\\!Ul~­ trum, T\' co"boy llDd Jlroduc.•C'r. The Cafe Reporter A program or melody has been ~>elected for thl' !mal coocer t of the ~car or the Orana:t> CoWlty Symphony Orchest ru to bP pre- ('nled at 8:15 p. m TuN>day at 1 h<' N('wport Harbor High School. < 'Jmton Sawin "iJI direct. First and I><'<'Ond mo,t!m<'n ol ~·· ho\t'll'S Fil I h s~ mphony Wlll •1111.'n 1 he prot:• am, followC'd by \'Jt·on Coptolancf'o; Q uir·l O ty, Bi- •• ,.,., I.'Al'lt>'lu·nn<> Suf1<'. TschaJ- It• o\\ k)' 1 talian \apr k-e. 1 In rburg & Arl• n'o; 0"''' Ow Rainbow, and U\nHlk'~ 1\\'0 Sla,omc DanN•s. llnrl>tll an·a m<'mllf'rs of 1 hf' or- C'I '''tra arv Tom IJt>nderson and J-:usta<.'t' Rojas from Ni'wport: Ku 1 hryn Gri. "old, Dorothy fo~rU<'· l1.1n. Tom J loll7 Donna Zutx>, .:\1Rt ~cry Lamb fl'Om Balboa ls- I .nd. Wtlliam Tobitt. Ruth Sad- 1 or, :\1nt·gaN•t Dif."hl, G4'orJ!l' G1 bbs, Runnld Wurstf'r snd John HHch- mrtn ol Cot ona de• I Mar. a nd Mrs. l)l•ftn Schi{'~PI Ad Un«" Jackson, Phn.•lll· Balch C"W''lt'l("; Beecht>r, Thobunt Thomp-.,n. Shirley Frank- lui \'11 ~mia :-:c· .. cl. Robert Wit- '• rm'l, HUS'-t'll Hl'ic •,. Doris Os:le. Ruth \.rtmm and Bill llnll of c,,,f!l !\h•!.a. Th<' "rdl"'' •·• '" p ·o, ;1, ·d Wlt h UIH1-. ltt•IJl \nl':nt:ll\ Nontribll- lllln' 1'hc•to · •~ no· udmts._cdon ,.har·'l.' nt tht• t'Otl<'o •J 1C: Ry A .N O'BRIEN'S has It! That ma,0- ''111, drl"c:s~ St. Louis cotton f'dl- tor"ially fcaturt>d ln MademolseUe I magazin n one of the ou~ in .. dr<>~;ses or the se.liiOf\. It'• aui41-4..W ~-I'MJ Jrofd that l'IJttera ~lt .... a nd n.IJCbt a ad t>\'t"B a.lter waa· lnf;l'. Thf" n nrtng .ac:trt. Ute t'BJH'd fitolt> a rf' m a t4"hlnr rlda t:nld tra<'f'ry. the ropo-h~ ltl&l· " t4•r top hi !!oOifd belief", lt'l ... nf ft f'OlJI't'tlun or dr~ tl\af t·:•n nmkl' ~·our Mt>mori.al Day lmllllu~· <'•llllJ!If'IA> . • . and It'll I h,\ C n rl~·,., A<:k IO SN' lhf" llf'\\ "flaJt and •u•·t~·trk••t" Ollt.:tn11 11's a~ pa- lf uo11r '" r<-d '' htt•• nnd biU<"' And tnr tho~•· or )OU who are <'XtrPmcly '') lt·-eon<;<-tou . kf'l'p nn <'Y~' on the nf."w color coli I'd "<•ho rcoal." It's ..... .., -.. -.. --:w,. ., 'Y Jl~· < AI'P\' C("JM.St: :-tn off-shade-ol hlack thai will in- HI&:" thin..,,... arf' hal'lll"nlnl{ al ttw 811lhna Inn ('aft·. l•~•rd h~ ttw 1'4'1\ I lrii.'Ut' ~ou. and,,,. pr<>dicl it Is on ~ a nd lht· m~•ln "t••m of uur uld ... t .• mpln~ c r•••md ... DJtok und K.att> 01"nf ''" \\.t) up tn a thtt'{'·)•'nr cyril' ~------' • llrt' :t<'~t•ntuutln~t FOOD. In C'IJtlt!il l.tlor"· !lOti \\o• mo tl n lilt) u.ro• ro.t·' , • lnu tho• t•mJtha "l" on C'holt't> tf':. ·-I t n nn I tnkf' n brM" bllnd t,o -• Me<>t You at "Tl·U: INN" -. -~ ;;. -. ;;. .. ! FA.Sfa. 8rlnJt8 -E\\ ORI~EA.~R • • to BALUOA Shrimp Gumbo Clam Chowd('r St>a Rass PaptliOtf' Shrimp and Lobsfl'r Loult:' Lo hstt:'r Thl'rmidorl" Olarcoal Broiled Caponetlf' ~wordfish ~lf'akb a nd Llw b<>s 1 DmnPr ~teak-. on t hr C'oa~ 1 BALBOA Ill CAFE and Cocktail Lounge ~ ftl(ld and 'llf':tkl\ at 3 tlmf' \\'ho•n '"'• • flll•~ ,! J,lo• ·"·' ""''". Ct ... 'n lntrod uc..-.'OUr .. ummf'r ""'-'d· • l'f'l1t)lt• Arf' !ii('BDnlnl{ •h•· !oohorf"IIJtt> '"' ·,1 prPparr•d 1'1 La J>m,r • • . If rulx• if )OU "trlkt• a m lodlom. : for dlnlnl{-o ut v ht<'('"' whPrt• tho'' )1111 \\ant tn <.t I' an imm:H'UiatP not.-\\1th your tlC'<'f"HHOrlt-' from C1Ul "'"tl"t)' lht• C'rll\ lnl( f •lr de•li-klll·h··n l!!l b;H k!-lnl'l ·" J.a Po!. tO O'BRU~!\ '8. Strllw bttg~~~, ror • clou 01 , lt.tl;.... • .,~ • nn1r u• lh!-. \\C'( J.. 11-••ni) nno•, In hlrd ~tnd now~r oo1o"' "! Ch('( .lone:-of ;-.; •. " Ot!Pans rs the '"'..:mninl." Follow It<· IIJ our will lt'l\'f' u. piquant toUC'h • -• • holdtn~ ~:oway in llw Haii!Oft lnll \\OOd• 'ful "''"'h <'Oil'l "I a:-s:at h-and ''~r~· lnC'XJ)C'DJih't'ly. • k llll ' pi,H'•'l> Ill l o<lll \ 1\<.&llt' '''II . • ilrlwn. v.hkh mt•;ms that jl('Oplr met" and JU't phlln hun~1 ," hu-ThuS<' adorable gold m e tal • a r•• 1 a \InC 0\1 1 jutr~ <"ha f"I''Oul 111 111., · • 1-'rl"nch lc•tt U{'(' bask<'ts" whlch • brr11h•d ltll•t rnh::nun.-. lob_,,,, t.'Tilh 1<4''" AmPricains ha\'(' converted nnd ot l • r· '\If'\\ O rlo ·an ... 1-'t •·nch llu-mln t ht• nrw('st of handba...., wtll • ,on 1'1 ,.11i..,tnl" . B.\~:Ht\1:\ C 0,\~T C ARNI\ AI. d ... ~ Dlnnvr ~o·n Nl Yntlt Ho:o.l<, 'II •·r • \' I" fl l•ll " (':\C'IIt:'ll\1'111 c"'Or lnlltl.' with an) outfit bccau.c:p UrLib<la Inn .\rrlldf•-Oc'.f>:ln Front at th~ Pif·r 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. UICK and KATI-~ Of~'\IT C·lJI I lu "'' 1111 m ha-. <.olc'l ht~ m-I 1st wr·• 1..-l'nd at s .• nl<a BH hal .1 nf tlwir chon~t>ablt> :;carr linin~. 7111MNV\oMN ..... MN ..... MN ..... MNV\oMN .... MNV\o'Y\N ..... MoN....,.,I'\A• t••r••"t 11 llw ('a,t·tw• ~~ 1" tw: (''' );• i lll\t't•t ,\ nl Caltlllllli:t t\t'd !'.('lll'fl-lhc'm<;f'l\'ro. will givl" Jlitllnc I, ,Jr,JI~ ('ofllll II !111 '111'1 '\1 \\ \\ Ill•, J',,J \\1 I,J. ci'Jil''hlt•r n1 !\JJ • \ 0 olll n)ti ()I'('S<; fl Ill'\\ Jift t'w>- YIItk hrnd I ••<'•1 • \'•"'" \\'htt• , .,. '!" 1 11 , \\.· ,., ,1! , .,, .. ,, ""'''" f•n·nr .. hin~ ,.,,iffun r·nH·rmg ROSSMORE DINING R 0 0 M S Crf':lkr.,,t nm\ !lf'r \c•d I :~. m. tu !l p. m. nl u \r.no.\ r rr .ro" SPORTSMAN'S WHARF "f'\\ port 8 Ntrh . , . 2800 \\'. "\ ~"" 110r-l Hh tl. 1'\ut.a .\na ..• ·' 10 X . !oly('arnllrt' l"trr.>t MFALS • b ST FOOD Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tarnoles e Chih Rellenos. etc. e StPaks Open 5 to 9:30 p. "'· -Closed Mondays La l>osta 21 .. Newport Blvd., Coste Mew • Jvri Sovth of Sent• An• Cottt~tfy Cltlb nf ll.t \\ IHit' l'·11·k ,\\• lith "II tlt'l ,'.hll' ho'l lll"f' 1IH "'IHlo 11,, ' t'llll\•'l llhlc•' 'Then. • I rour;t 1hf' Jsl .• nd .. ~)l> h• ', !-t•lliu · o•1r In "~"''' ht llmt• th•·•t l!•'ll !-;1u11 •1 '11•• Ill'\\ ~ooummr ,. flll\\'1'1'" fldornhll" Pmk) Sr·ntt .... 1hr•rr ... a I'll-''·"'"II, <'•'\.! I ,·,.,,,,d nwal-Ill'\\ j(\\l'lf),l'tl "<' )'llllll mt>n-d chan~•· at th«-l tCIII llr•u-;• 11 ,u tum, in<'ludt•cl ,.111.nh'al mu,1r ju .. t h'l\1' lo '''11M'''~" lhr·~ .. Cltd and Ho-.1 !lute hllh ut tho '"'h ,,<J,..·shO\\~o .tnc'l lraiNnil\' Ro,smtrrc• m Bu li.1Pa P•l\ !linn tl' plr•tl •o• uunkinL· hot II t. . · "' 1 .in hrf'akfa,l fm ft:.hPt'mc·n It om 4 a . rn. 011 tUlltl <'•t nuw Thl' rww Colonial nn :\1arint-J'c 1 \ftlf' has t•lt'l) 11101 nin ~ I isho•rm< n h11 'tkh -.• .. n "l'f'kC'nd.9 and Is al- ' t•ac'lv notNi lot· 1 ho.;t.• dlnn('tl>, in- cluufn~o: a Sunda~· spN.•ia tty Clf c hlckr n .... Wh('n ) ou I.:<' I up t hf' c:u~icl" The Sip Man HArbor 87 I Coao,t don't mi~" S~:~m·~ St'nfood at 141:1 OOA8T BOULEVARD . CORONA DEL MAR HArbor !888 1 Surt~;irlc. . 'nm'" is the r<'li:tblt•. c77 Nerc:il'wl. COM the !-i\~tndtn Cor -:rlJfood and cock-j~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~-~i~~i---~..-..~-~i~i~---~..-..ii-i~ii-~~~~~...,i tails o' rr a l)(•rl•.d of many ) cars. 1 Wltt"n down l\1exlro wa~ with SPECIAL --• Split Leaf PHILODENDRONS 1 your _!!lPPtitc ~P to C'osta ~ •7r; lndu4t.B~t ~ Tax LANDSCAPING f"• ' . ·~ ~ HArbor tn8 liRa Nursery Wr Gtvc S&ll Green Stamps C'oroaa del liAr • (' I ' ~ -~·· .. - -E) a Pt for the~ c j EnsJgn ClaaliJed ack have beeD a proven m ana of reaching b\O'ffS for all soru or met'duln UR them! Phone Harbor 1U4. ~ostl PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Hart & Welborn Oeeeral C..tnetor "Distinctive H ome -5" READY -MIXED CIICIETE BEacon 6547 Newport Bh·cl., Ooeta HN& Or!IUU'tll 181S -IU 1111 FrP4.' 5\\immlnt: cla~SM "ill be ronducted by the Amt>nean Red Crm from July 9 throul"h Au_llt\.ISt 23. Watf'r Safety Chairman Earl Pt>tf-'rso n annount'f'd thiS week. BUILDING ~'!J ;, Ha rt .. •r nhct ;,10 urk .. pur BF..a.wa 6.11~ Semce Stations Subdivillions 440 W. ht St. ,. In 1M Harbor A.re3 Smet 1930 :-.;'MV Construction -RemodelUnc Water Hf'at~.n. -Floor F'Umaoel lnst.a u~ • • • Fn-e Estima ta co .. r.. ~r :a ( ororu. drl »"r B.'\rbor !939-& Parking Lota Driveways IUmberly ~ HARBOR DRAFTING SERVICE Tht> locations and lim<'5 are u follows· 9 a. m to 12 noon at 10th St. and Ba) Ave. N{'Wl)Ort. for Newport and C<»ta Mesa. 9 a. m. to 12 noon at Ruby Ave. and :'l:onh Bay Front for &lboa Is-land; 12 noon to 3·30 p m. at HArbor 144'7 Chjna Cove for Corona del Mar. ,.. C'-.t lloale\'ard Ooroaa cSfJI Mar. O&llfonlla AppUcatlons may be obtained i~;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;~~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~i at the> elE'mt>ntary .;<-hools or at tht> Red CrosA Offi('(', 1JTi hland \I'. Balboa. I I PRO\, IONAI~~ Ol'TI~O I M<-mber~ of hf'r AMistan~ l..(>aJ.,"U pro\i tonal cla. ~ wrrt' I r<'Crntly t'ntt>rlaiul'd for lunchron by MMI. Lcstt>r Lo\\'t', who now Uw In Arcadia lm1hd to ln· ~~~~~ Efl<'CI the new hom:" W~'l'l' Mrs Paul Rns:ers. Mrs J :O.foort> Robin- ..on. Mn~. Dalt> Ram~l'y. Mrs I Blancht' ROJt('r , 'lrt1. IJa.> l.t~nJOten­h<'im. Mrs Howard P tcnlNl, .Mrs. Walt('r H Itchman and Mrs Ch:'\rlt•. ullh an. HANSON'S ~HADE I; LD.-oLEt·'\f I molc·um Floor... .r\sptalt Tilt' Wlndc'" ~hadr -\·<>nt>lll\"1 Bllnck F ormic-a Drambo:u ds • ince 1939 I 09 E. !!3rd. C"O&ta M ea. BE 50M-I A GRA.'"D OS ABJCI\'E8 ~~:::::::: Mrs. Grenville Lansdell Sr. 224 Iii: Hcllntrol)f' A\·~ .. Corona Ml Mar. had a 1pecial Moth<>r's Day grt>et· 1 lnit May 13 in the form of the nt"WS of the blrtt.of a anandlon. Richard Allen. the son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Allan Lantdell of San Carlos. The> Allan l.an!fdc.-lla have a small daughter Cortnnt-. \'JI'IT 1"''IE Mt'DONALD Mr. and Mrs. ~n Valdez and their th~ sons, Mikf'. Muk and Keith, of Compton. pent lut v.wk--end at the Allan MeDonalct horne, 303 Onyx Ave . Baf ~ land. Mn . McDonald tJ . Val· deraunt. ~--.;~~~~~Qiii.__.._._._ii.__. .... ~~;;~aA .. . . Doll Moore llraDd f'f'P)arly .... ~ly pl'kled w ~tart~ ~r! "' 'LZC' 10·12-24 tn assorted stripes) A .~E.\Tl"RED BAKGAIS (OJnUnaed from PQe 1) Dlrectors are Mrs. Hal ,., Sblw. Mike SoreMon, A. B. OMep, Harold. 'lbolnpeon, "'" Krtet. and Gecqe SMnilJ. The Alllodatiorl voted to haw a committee det~ I)Ublie Rn· Ument on providing additlonal'flre &.l"eU along the ocean rront; re- ~ "no parkinc" on the westerly side of 38th St. on New- port Island. not on the eutt>rlY side a.s now; opposed a em on the approach to Newport laland, but took no official stand on the prob- lem of locating the bridge at Mar- co or Jea\<ing It at 38th SL Th , Dc.-cember Junchron group wall particularly honored last j Thursday when membe-rs of the r('tlring hoard of 1ht' EbeU Club or Nt>wport nt-ac-h C'nlt'rtalned the C'nlif<' c-lub mrmtX'rship \\;lh a dt'!.'t'rt bridl!C' n 1 th<' Amf'rlcan Ll"l'IOn Hall. ln a money-raisin,:: competition -• \\ithln th<' club. th<' '"inning group • PI '• pr<'sentC'd S216.:i0 to th<' club as =. e••se AY~I·A us.:. th(• rr~ult of thrit· pt•e-club mt-eling ,_ ~""~ runrhron and thr Chnstmas fruit - lf we are closed for a few days ---Sat- urday and the first of next week . . . • cakf• sal<'. Th<' cake saiC' project -"as in pi8C'C of A nt'(.'('mb<>r brldRe I party. Chairmrn of tht> group were Mrs J. A. Gant. Mrs. W . R. ; Fowler And Mrs. Jl£>rbC'rt Baetz. I Corsages were prt>SE'Ot<'d to the 1 • "tnnlng mcmb<>rs. : Pastpl ''<'llow was th color ~We're Movinc srhrm<' roi tht> part), carried out ! in d<'S ('rt, plaCC'mt>nl and 00W('t'S • in mini at Urt' bot lie ThE' only " --- -- a few doors down to--- 617 Coast Boulevard ~-·-- • bu, iness of t h<' da v "liS the> pre- sentation of a bronzt> water pitch-I t>r a!' a gift to Mrs. C. M . IX'akins, who has tX'en re-elected president. : Brldgt> nnd canasta pri~ went to M rs. M . L . Rabbitt. Mrs. Henry • Eg~ert, 1\lrc;. W. 0. Ht>nninttS and • Mr.. Baetz. S!)«'ial c a n a s t a • priZl'S w('rt> aLc;o \\On b) :\trs. 11. F. • Iv<>s. l\lrs. Ba<'ll. Mrs. J . J . Boy- • tan and Mrs. AI Horvath. Mrs. • John Lamar. Mrs. Charles BuJJ • and Mr!l. Gant won door priz<.'s. Make Debut your in the Also Denims and Sail Cloth by ~-~&f··ic Graff, and other prominent stylists Peir-offs +1\et wt11 qo-to9eth•r ell summw ••• in peste!. end briqht color1. Denim o,.u (lefi I $10.95 Other1 fro,.... sus O.nim Smerly Penh I r qt.; $•4.95 Shorts from S2.98 Skim · Jadeh · Slecls Corseleh • Bra Tops ....... ~~. c... ..... -7-...... toll :...; ·~--,------~----~. Strile up t he be,.cf! Stert tM ~91 ..._ c-ew .-.4• of ~-..c;.k fof W•y ."'"" -· -fof ,.,fe,i picnics, clelithtf"l clin,.ers, eftcl boutttiful Nffeh. Wlletever .,_ .-m~ p(eM llf'e, y-. t1 Md ell VOW fevorile fooch here. Alief ell -pri~s ere low prius. Tlt.y fell "i9'-t i• lift• with Y91H eell fot •c-y. So me~h in todey ... fill ell yo.w food nHCis ... e..d U Ye to b.et tfle ben.dl BEST FOODS PURE- Tri PUWEicecl ~e!'12 21t Fr-~· ..-m No .• 2 -... c.. fOf'~ Featurinq MANNING'S and Goocl S..f e e A6EO NIPPY WISCONSIM-ta) KIN Qe~~· SWEETHEAlT WHOLE Of' HALF lilrr. iieB- • • • Medium Size ---rll'lll, Ripe -- -from lildio • • • • • Delic:iou. -- -LUDda lox SDe THURSD~V CHERRY PIE FfUD~V Olcl F•shi011 CINNAMON COFFEE CAKES • • • • BOYSENBERRY TARTS SATU .. DAY PECAN FUDGE LAYER CAKES lUTTER HO!t.NS .•. Almoncl Topped . each Sic . each 19c eachlOc each 88c COFFEE CAKES . • • . • • • • 3 for 2Sc 3 r.. • Meu:anine Slwppe BillETS are in~· Use them for serving food . . . flower and fruit arrangements .. planters, etc. SEE DISPlAY TABLE on the meamdne SPECIALS EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT. -M•y 24 • 21 • 26 \