HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-21 - Newport Harbor Ensign\ I· • ··f!,l!filitf~ I ii~ilitil~:i~1 ,,, !~;U!iiif~il r:l .l dl!i~t~:i~[:t;nn~~~~~;; -·~ U;Dr :lli!Uir·;r ~ 1 ~~~ ~·JII'Ifa!~ :r-r· i!~~;~IU!i!:~ 1:<:1 i':'l:ir1'!ilfJ ~ilt~ll'f ., ! •• J!iiUU!:t l·t it~ lhi!4JU;! ~ •iruin~-;I~ • ·· ~:;P.miU;h· ~~hihli !: Dllttll!'i'Ji!l!ll;~ ~1 ~ !~i'l r:iii!1Uiif!J~iJf 1 1jfl~lltnr.tt~K~ij!I~IUJi!!#li!i!i:*hn • _ ! . rl . ii ~~ flr;!i~;~ !;I~~ li I·~ ~~ Jr!t1•Ji! i a r~8~ 5'i :! J;~~~ 1 ~t~l. ·~i~i~i~ iii . ~ii!& · fl'~~~~i!~iU !~ 1rJ :~~~ ~~~ lr {jru;~d~r;f~~!~i ··: ~~~·i!u~~r, _ ,nf ~~lillftE llsrl ~ ~la iiUridl ,ir~sr ldlsu1 ,~JiJn~l J l1bulull!i!t:1iif r .dr!~rr,!! l1 . 'l!ll!l~!ii~tU!Ii1~1-;ll!i ~-~Hili!~! ~.: .J!HII~~ i !11~ !ii l~ &s· ~ ~i!~,~ -~! • Cl fi=.t*l ~~ si~ ~ ~~i ~! ~~ ~ -~ il~2 =t1a ~~~li ~· ;~ ~-! -~~~ ~~:1 -; ·- IR .. ·-(IItr"l~ fiJI?;lflii ~~ t ii!~~~s! " !1. i!Ui1J-l • ,.1 c ~~~if j ~ s' ~ il sr~tli .f r r,.Ji •.3( lt,ln ~hi i bnf~f ii ~.f,J;;~ -;udrr~ ,.1.1~ g Iii lEI~~!~ (l !li!fi~!~!iii~i~·:i!l'l. ~un ~~~linii-~~----~~~,~,-!~il-ll!. · -111!1~4 ~;~~u;Jl~h~1t1rtt .. l~~~~·1rill( >!~!E~ lpra.iJ.q~tr . ·i ,. sla;.sf1 ~ ~~~i~~o !l~i ;ta -. ;ft~z l&,;p ~ If.. I •II &g"" ta& Jl.~~l= I -• ~ {' ~~11 "i' ii ~I 'lil~ii~IJ I ~il!w!ir:a.ilt~~ .. ii ~.1efii t ~.alifi;:f'i. fl•f!l~fi,:.·lllDJi.j~;>oiS:vru: "i,. ·is~i; !H jf8 lft9f • . . . ~·, _ . _ . 11 eal(:ht~fl1 U l'~riJa ql~ frl )1 .. 'I liflr~~;~~[ -If ~p·a.:tif~WJI:M~ii~l=~!g~a~"'tif }it r:!f,. -:r;g::J~I,·Ih:'rhit! 5l·r· dla~· uJ II II .. 1 { ~~~~ ._ a i ,Jf~ ~~,; ~~ !.i~l;f I ffJ~ i.t~ I . ~ .. _, . _If. ,,~ I It -~~ ,, ,,,,,1 . 's I , .. ~~ ft 1 !lfliJ ~ I{! ! 1f! · .. • . f:~f~r~lr J11 ft . "'-., ... , .•... 'srJ1 rt~~~ · ~~t~r~isr r······ .Jii I ~d11n~~ [j~!f!~i! ..... ·. ;~~a !'!~ -! ~~~ri!ia ii~~~li! .. · ···~ . , · !!~!1!.,1; int~i ~JJ 1 ttf - .. f ll'liJ ~~l!•·s:ill r r I :rill .. }alii· I !~~~ iflr ~~ri ... ·•J•·a;' ··-~-o--. -.I J!. ~ .. ,,1;11~1 f JJ•~ l ·:" ~ I 'i . i.i I I j , fir tJ I ·-. -I fj I f4' II ' a.. t ~ ~ ~ S) a: I ··I· ' : .• i ~ii ... i r a..t§ ~ t ·J .. I i I 31 •ndi b~U . ~r~ .JI rJU snf rd~ rfn nJ ta I. I .· · !!:lhhhl=l !ll~h · . ·· ·· la .. i~ ' ' , I .. I t l , Day~ Night · F. R. WklaN50N. D. D. S. .e.. opanlftt ofW......, ...._ "' ............ ... 1415 c...t ..... c. .... .., ,._: HAI6iir 11-.J SAVIIIGI WILL tEAD 1'IIE WAY IJ)s' tic l!la.tllp .,.. tab ,.. .. ..a Wl&l • •. M ......... ,. • ....-t .. -" ...-e ... ! At N&WPOa'l' 8 4_l.. 0 A •= n ............ .._ ........ .._ ..... _ _. ........ ,. .... . 0... .. ._. DIIM'ta .. .._. ..... -.... ,. ...... ..... . ,_....._,... .. .... .... ()pea hal 10 to 12=10 Oil 8cdunlaya! , OIIOVP MAJID~ Geaae o.thrte. Bdloa blander ... Ofulae o..t ~ instt'ue-tor, bu been named 1951.-52 chair- ,... of the ()lraaae Oowtt;y Frsb- I"Daft ~ Committee of the Uniwnity of Califomia Alumni A..odatloa. va.n iAI!IIiil! zi•i.-.ii:.YJ~ANiiiliN Aaemblyman Earl S t a n 1 e y, Beecon Bay, is having moral sup- port to hlA legislative program theee days because wife Mildred has journeyed north to be with him for a few ~ks. ~ IIOim riliLN MW 1111 ..... lhd. , ---·-IFfiiiilill I .. U. If lllct. q..llty, .......... Drapery Fabrics OF .. ~ ·-(jN'JIELJE\"AaLY ... .. of '2" ... 'JD ,._ OOIIE IN AND 81Z 'I'IIDE BEI"'OlE YOO PAY WORE EI.8EWBI&E ..... ··e todl PIA.8TIC DllAPEI!!I Ia a ~ of lldcMY ilt)'IM DrailuY ........ ... Lelli1la 'r--~-. .......... ,.ar 11111 WEEK'S SPEaAL ~· .. ,.,.. PL&ID DDI1II8 . Mow 7tc yd. ~ .. ttema It styles ftEJ W1EI& ONLY · NOTHING TO BUY! ASK FOR YOUR FREE lEY at All American Market -Cannon's Market -Coast Super Market -Newport Harbor Bank -Newport Harbor F.nai911- BRING YOUR FREE KEY TO J. C. LIONIAR6Ea 1 bedroona wtttt am . . . • waterfrcet ... ~ .. d&ll\idlltely faa ltililllli:d . • • tiDest view ••. pier .... float. 'l"hha Is prime PIGI!ft b' frcllll aD ucla If )'OU wat tbe ~ this propei1;y wiD biter-.,... IOU'I1I OF THE BOULEVAJiD 1 Yz BLOCKS TO OCEAN A splendid value in a two- bedroom home on an excep- tionAlly large lot. Fireplace. H.anhrood floors. Good beat. Unusual flagstone dining rm. wit.b planters. Patio in gar- elm. 2-<:ar garage. For at- tractive price and terms. ~ E.arf W. STANLEY Realtor 111 o..t-.... o.o.a II.&Jitler M 7t LL .., " . .. - II-I'OOr OCUJr w.-LOW' .. c--... ...,, ..._ .• ....._ fNIII ._. ...._. <-..... 'r -................... MM .... •rOQ'h ................ p 11 .... ) • ..._ ... _ ..................... -.............. . Ill. .:WPOM .. _...,. •-rx ... and 135 a month buys oceua mmt ...... BEACH COTI'AGE. Knotty ~sa~· Good .wlmminc beech. N1 price , ................... ____ ,.................. . ............. . HArbor 2478 CORONA DEL MAB . ~ 2-bdnn. ~. oceua akle ot highway. Wood noon. d\al fUma~. llltersting view ot S.y S6de Drive Ca.n)uL ~ta $53.00 mo. .. ... :Full price --····-···-·-~-·--·-··-···-··-··-·-~ HArbor 1741. Eve1: HArbor 391S-M * * * COlOMA DB. MAl IJOI c...t N.-c.-Fen.le.f HArt-1741 or HA.t-14n IAUOA ISLAND 2GI WeriM A ... HA.t-.... NlWPOIT lEACH 4M l2MI St. HA.t-2416 IALIOA 100 ..... St........At .... 0... ,.. HA.t-•• lids Week's S,edtl We · LIS'I'ING IB No.. 1781 A II'** fiL a ._..._ at t1te cer.er fiL A.__. ... ta. ani. ...... .tew t. --. ............ " .. ()eM& ..... ;q. Weelfw~ .... IM••e !left il a moclerD deldcn home, aDCl apartment, where n'ft'Y room II an "outmde roam". 'lbe Uvtng room, laDai, beclroolna, aDCl beth aU can be entered from the apadoul paved patio. 1bere are two balrw In tbe ..,._, and an extra bedroom OD tbe II'OUDd f.loor wbleb can be u.!d wltll the ttou.e, or to IUP- plement the one-bedroom apartmeat tllat II OWl' tbe ~- ~~~~-$17-~:..*a~ f\U'Illlbed bull. flnlle.IDil ot ..,... Jul)r 1 . • c.w ................ t • I. For tbe above and other income propen~es can -·IIIIS-111 UP I .... .......... .................... ......... ., Acreage ~ ACRE E.uTsiDE o.ta ...._ Near hip ldlool. 11.4150. Sabo mit ter!M. OVERLOOKING BACK BAY It MTS. 4~ Aati:S. ,._ ,_.-enate or IUbdlvlde. ,. -... parcel at tbe low price at 112.- SOO. Submit your ~ble tenna. BARGAIN ONE ACRE -125' fl'Oatap X 'J{fr deep It ZONED FOR BUSINESS. 12750. Cub. Look thll over QUICIC! INDUSTIUAL -5 Aali:S. Lewl 1ftll located Ill c.ta .._ .• eYer-IJowta& lidt .... -=tlaiL Prlee 110.000. We c:u aJ.oloeate analler pal"Cek. Come ID aDd Ita te )'OUr needs. Costa Mesa Realty Bamey ~ a-ler w. c. Gabllud 400 E. 17tll Str.t e-ta 11aa 'PIICiern 1111 roa~ ., ... I-IIICDIU)(). 110- nle tn kitchen A beth. hdwd. floors, landscaped, redwood fencing, dbl. ga.rqe, 7()')(UO' Jot. IIUI!It..l._._. ()lift·~ $13.750 .... .., Afi»*b rt o.tr ----· Doe' tadl to -tlllla IAIIGAIN D" rou are Jookhac for a GCX>D 3-bedroaJa, 11J6..._th ROME. a.olce loeatloll ---perfect condltiOD----~decanted ---alcely fumllbecl ---2 patloa ---~---ewa)tilbll for enjo)oable )leal' "nMmd llvln&- Pricecl ... Qilkk .... $17, ···~---- flaepl• .. ON USED APPLW 1 .,., -c.oau. ~-:a.:•: 1120.00 l~g.c ..... .,... w.....-: maw·~~~ price a._: 1139.95 I VACUUII a.uai ~ e=..~ ,.;;.: 129.95 . 1 NOROE Befri,_.tae ... tie~: ... 8~ eullle r.et; ONL~ $179.95 1 ABCOIIATIC Wuht lel"\"'c:able- $69.95 2 BENDIX Automatic: era; rebuUl ud ..,_. $85.00 1 WESTINGHOUSE ItA a tor- $125.00 1 GI:NI:ItAL ELI.rl'IIJ toa.tlc ....... : ,...., IUU'Ul~~~ .QU.()() 1 SERVEL IWrtpn cuble feet; • lteal- $80.00 1 EASY Waaher; ... m&llYbaPPL......,. '"l4.95 Lido Blectric • INVESTIGATI • PREVENT~ . . - Wt.y .... ttl. rill of 4a~Mf ... of iMome on vaiMW. pefty7 Yov ca11 or4er • II RENfA&,TINANT ClEDfT U t. ...,_iM tt.. protpa:tlw ..,.., reconl for .,.)'l!'..,., al ,...._ty •'"' -"'9 haW... 204 lh•.W• A'"~ .....,_. I lfACON 5197 A...._.. Are Your II ON ~ F:!::~~ $125.00 8 for Co. ria of 4e~~~ep. Of\ ...... ,... Wft or4er • ...... C~EDIT IIIOIT Unsuftg Commercicds f'Oil RENT -CGmlortallly ,..._ n:a IIEN'I'--Oarul. ......._ ... FOR RENT ta Mesa Nearly DICK aJCBAaD or RlchaM'a· Young people eomiDc r ro• room. prtv. ent., prtv. baU.. •" ....... -*· 110 Hlllotrope. new, lo~ly 2-bdnn. lr den. ~m-Udo Market hu been named a di-schools and coDeces in '~ l!lartpld. CDII. ...,._. "''lL ea.-Dllllar. tum.. 1.200-ll. home on 18th SL rector or Certlfled GI"'C!ers. par ta o1 tbe oountJ')•.,. ret~ CHILD cAkE aYaiWlle ~,._ I'Q& SALE-..._. cr.tt.Dan near Ha~ School. Avail. JulY • • • tot~ H.arbor Are-a. Some ol tlllli aponlllble,....... WGIDieiL or ... -wta a. ... eatra 1· Elec. diahwuher, di...,..l, MALONE a BOLIIICI of Co-for \-.cation only; odlen. ... ews .• eJIIICiept • 1 '••. at " ......_ U.. ..... -U2 Q-ys-BMctix and unit hHt., fi replace rona del Mar hu joined the local bave tun tlnlshed Wftl'iiiC the ~ UJrt., Corona •• Mar. t!l, a. L RA Ia and fenced yard. 2-car garaee. Jobn Votel olfJce at 1301 Coast and cown. wiU look aJ'OUild • ~ W . IN&t \ aaAND NEW lldJI......_ .,.... fre:'.rY· J . A. Bftk OOice, Blthevcl.Haruboln.luraneer •~. aeent. serving peA":.!''t~t:::t.u. who .. -t~ .... = ftDe Cll8l .__-.a:~·-.A~ • IU~ u--1&\. ~ w.-U. retnc.. ____ , ~-----WANTED-Woman to cle.n and • • • roeceh-e their ~ rr.n 1111111a -IIArtllw lilt. Fwtlltw• A ..,.,..._. Map prepare ctinner, 1\les. and BOUSE a OA&DEN on the Barbara on Sat\II"CCI)' are ~ FOR s••• a.b)f Crit) and -t-llt5~16~81vd. a.ta .._ Fri. aftftonoons, $1 hour and.,_.. Miracle KOe aDDOUrlCH ita ~ l-lahM. uao Park: RoMrt ~ --_... a .,...,0 ._...._ ·-_ fare. 2022 Miramar, Balboa Pen-poi,nt.JMnt u .._.ft" in the Har11or 537. Rtodla.nck, :-;ewport lit~ tre..--.. ..~ ---. WiN MilD or Jeep. insula. HA 1803-W. Ar8 for WestlnghouR home ap-Norma Jeu ~ 111 ~ Oaraa ... liar. aa -at for 6-)'eU'-Oid to WANTED-to l'ft'lt a p.rage in pllances. A ~t addition to the ciuua A \-e., Conlaa delMar:~ YEAlLY tkASE Beaut.~ dllia. IIA.rt.or 106. Corona ~I Mar. W. C. Slater, atart of Hou.e A: Gardlen b 111"1. Jean ~'&f'dl. 255 Ewnlll8 ,._. bQule. a e~rd. " -FdA lti!N'f_qujjWijfOP or ,_.... !501% Nardaau., Corona del !hr. Ruth Stone of l..aew"& u home de-)10ft Rd., Shaft Cltffa; Gealllla from ocean. · Plcture4 Ill leMe 1-Bdrm.. ...._ Glllllllllet.el WANTED-Two bo)'l over 18 for ~tor. She attended Oloubl· ~tine ~~ Ole...,.. L.A. ,__ f125 ..., .. .,...; r ... .' owft"".o*'nl beadL 5U s181• a.m. work durinc 5ummer. arch and Hollywood Art Center A\e .. Nila ADD ---· D a..1 ~twa. Box J-3. .. ~ ac.aa &YcJ.. CDII. HA 1417...J. t.o. Angelft nmes, 400 Coast and hu hacl yean of experience Ave., and Marjo~ Rutll Price, Dl ~ dilL ...... JlGIL: BIG 'I'RADE-JN for-Olii -· BJvcl., Corona del Mar. u dec:orator. E~d A~ .• BaJboa ......... w-. Fri. J1Art1or ~ ~--• • • Carl otx>rto of eorc.. del llu -----~iiiiiillllliiiiiiiliia' -I'UI.P on a DeW Gatfen &: Sat-HELP wANTED-High achool boy oaWYN P . VEACH, who oper-has just ~1\·ed a ~ ot • tlet IU ......-. for aurnmer for dishwuhlng. Ap-ates the Ace Key Ser\'ice in Bal-chelor of aru with a major Ia IIEI.P WAh lUI ~ ply Snack Shop, 1619 Coast boa. has been appointed as a Mas-criminology at F'n-sno S tate eo&. 0ra.nce Coast Collece Fumltwe A AppllaDces Blvcl.,.COrona del Mar. ter in the Jteci.,ltered Locksmiths' lep. l&e N~BML e-ta Mea FOR SALE-Dbl Dexter wuhing Guild of America. The Guild is Thll is also &raduatioo timer. Apply in penon to ftl1 out appll-FUiN. GUEST SUu£ lCi rent; mach., perfeet cond.. Deep Freeze t~ Amt!rican counterpart or the I Howard B. Lewia Jr., ot 3:23 VIa catloo a t AdminiatratJoo bul.Jd-Uvtac room. bedroam. •u.. II*· -an oldie but works fi.M. What centuries old guild system which Udo, Newport, who majored Ia ing doal A camfol'table. aleepa .!• am l offered! Ken Niles, liAr-est&blished the methoda and pro-~leetrical en~ at CaJ 'hcta. · aU utlla., pr. 333 Poppy. CD-. bor 1968. cedures of the craft. "nlere •~ 1 He wu a mem~r of the ~ ~ aeea ._,-.Inc Bar-IIArtMar ~W. FOR SALE-Taps-n stove Cros-less than a thousand fully qualified men's d ub. fOUiba .-tine ~ IDa~· Start W~~-taced l&leSI&ctY ley Sbelvadore Bendix dinette Masters in the country. I AlthoQch only • tre.bman, n. July 1. 1951. $285.00 per month. far IDfaDta' Nl time, per-set. and Uv. m{ and bchm. rum. • • • Hitchman waa one of 17 l1ladea1a 12 moaU.. muent. HA in cooc1 concl. 711 Marguerite EVEN YOtTYG$-DiaS from ot aD duaea to ~ve aa award ._. .._. •e · ...._.tart Au-ftEU1BLt d>ii LADY Will babY Clol"'O& ~1 Mar. ' the Harbor aree and Santa Ana I ~ tndl.. Jim attends ~ ~ 15, t95L ~~ month. lit lllr ...... or day. Referencea. FOR SALE-Allnolt new girl's bi-we~ presented in a dandnc pi"'* ~ni~ty ·~ ~ .. ~ U:: 10% ttw ~ 18-W. cycle Also cherry center drop gram by the Dorolt\)' Jo Dance to ... ~ ... · mon · FOR SiLi _ Jcn-OUtbOU'd ftC ·din. table. 7~ FemJeaf, Studio Sunday, June 3. They were work this S\.Ul'UDe'r. u._ •a· •tart July 1, 1951. at IDOtllll'. 10 u. pod ocm4. 185. Corona deJ Mar. HArbor 1436W. inVited to entertain the LoDa Home rrom ~ ancl tile $225.00. 12 months. UT" btl. Cf)ll, T to 8 p. m.. or WOMAN w ANTED to do ho~.~~e-1 ~~~ololp~ I: the ..:a=t:d Unlv~ty of Califonda lut WJMIE 1 ...._ ..... ......., 10 and 11 IIAitllor -..w. work in COM. one afternoon Art; ChUclren who partld pated in ~ ~l ~ s: ~ moaU.. Start Aug. 1 and Sept. GIEAT PIANO SALE! fhil year. ~kly. HA 2919..J-K. the·· proeram included Patricia ''Ttad(' RAbbitt. Sta.J.y bi04M 1, ~1. $225 per month. lt.-d u-prieS. NeYer before BEEN HUNTING for a mahogany Ragan, Wanda and Ma.rcie Traut-home his brothE-r Doo, wbo liM •w we ba4 sudl barplaa.;a roll top desk! Well, Jack Sad-wein, Ronda Pirtle. Gloria ere-. bet>n in school at Turaock. .-r AU aaJ.aries lnclude $25.00 ~ eta. -new, IOIDe ~ letr Ia tellin& his. Call HA 2422. Jaruce Mansoun and Sandra Swan-Modesto month "cmt ot Uvinc'' baaul. from = 1335. 1381 -...,.__. --v-atioll to 1::~: -• Almolt 11t:e· LADY WANTS ride to or near In-1011. • • • lt' u. .. ............,.. _ ~ ' dianapoU. Ind. Alto S75 alr con-Ho~ from t ht-\.'ru"~\7 fJII under 55 )'ftJ"S ot ~ from wtdch to d.-diti r· 1 _.._ ~· u . lt•'l ~~ ~-~~ Nevada at Reno 1 ~ •·-~ "'--. older than 13 should DOt apply. euy tBma. DANZ-. ~-'-N.:U.,0eo~ dela~a:,v--:r .., ·-11K111ia ldau~hter ~f ~I rs ea;l"~--81& PleDo Store, 520 No ......... SUMMER RENTAL-UdO ISle bay Goldenrod A\·e . C~rona del Mar. • 1 11 (j)~ ~£;~ Wonderful front units. Priv. beach. 1 and 2 ~~r:s ~:r~~ Ws u;=. at P~•.......,.. ICIIOOL New lfaiDmond a.ord OrpD. bclrms. B~k or mont~~": l • • nan &anv £Will if you don't know a DOte of 170· HA ; e\'et: HA 1 -· That wasn't General Douglas ,...,_ S"-.~ ·-•-.... • ,.._...._.. -_ _._ .-. can ..a ... beauW\11 FOR SAL.E-5x7 Solar enlarger u -c.Artb a 1 k 1 n g -....... IDUK".r ...... ..._ _,, = .!'7-mlnu~. D"...., with F4.5 Wollenaack enlarging ~~ ur you aaw ~... 1 I Miramar. Balboa. started W'CIItt at • Pbll Dike • Rex Bnndt • Nonnan Chamberlain Beginners and Actvaneed Student& ,._ ... ana&..-&• OIIJLIJaD"8 .oaNIHO PADI'r 8.121810NS Aaes 12-1&. Jou fntnc, ""edneedays. 10 to 12 noon. beelMIDI June 27. Apa 6-12, Betty Dike, ·Fridays, 10 to 12 noon. 1JeClnnlng J.me 29. TC!Ik•• •• e IIA.rller 11.11-W ... OOI..DENI&OD ~ ....... a Llat~lllll• • IEAl.TOI • IUSINESS OfltiOINNfTlES • SUWMB RENTALS IIArtler .,.. IIZl Coest ~ .. c-del Mer e NEW LOCATION e Newport PlumbiD9 Supply * * * 0arr71ar o u'ete 81Mk otJT llATE-()ASB a O.&aar • • • • 117 I2Dd St. COI'I'A *WE BUY FOB CASH GOOD USED FUIIMITUBE • ..._ au --.. _.. A6"~ around town here tb1s -~ • . . t lh Newport Harbor U bra.ty lllaD- SCIDIIDT Bl.g P\aDo and Orp.n 1~. $35. HA 23'78-J . was Air Corps COL ~~ S. Axta· day. Misa Crandall the cia .. Co., 520 N . M.a.tn. Santa Ana. FOR SALE-Wro~t iron d&ning ter, who be&rl a atriking resemb-of Mr. and Mrs H H. Cue fJII room aet, 4 chain, rust proof, ~ce to the general, though con-~ Balboa, is hon:w on ,,cation freD 4-BURNER apL alae A. B. 1&1 165. 235 Iris, COM. HA 1887~J. 51derably )'01.11\Cftl'. San Jose -tate CoUece. .._.. ~: cl~tle ·-.39.50 FOR SALE-Red 9x12 twist rug, Col. Axtater arrh-ed In Corona she Is a ~nior majoring In ~ F\Jm1 A: A 11 $35. HA 3009-W. del Mar Sundll)' w1lh Mrs. Axta· ne l tore PP &ne8l FOR REI'I'T-2-bdnn. apt. com-ter and son Karl. and left )-'eSter-· • • • 1645 Newport Blvcl. _C.O.ta Mesa pletely . rum. wall-to-wall rup, day ro!' Ft. Bragg. N.C., >A'here be Fh·e ~oun coU e cfrll fJa:D 16-FOOT BOAT, could be Ulelfar newly deoor. 1 day a >A-eek maid will be chief air umpire ror the Chino and Wblttier bave Ins W ~-.__,,_ -• cx.d. ....... h exercbe Southern Plne. Later he _... ---.. ~~; ~; -~ service; utils. pd. ~ a mont W .. , __ ~ f re-Ne..-port Harbor and wou --traDer auto brake, a ll metal, for season. 520 Iris. Corona wi~ retum to a.s.,..."on or ht'rt> durin~ the rurt'1me'r vacatlaa braDd new tlrel. $215 for both. del Mar. HA 3009-W. USJgn.mt>nt. d Ka 1 h d months The)' are Ma.rtJ\e 0.. ()rocftuod tteOC. FURN BACHELOR APT. -Priv. Mn. Ax~t~r an r a Vinn\· ~nd Arlent" BoyN ~- UTE trom CD~ ba • 1 Joined t ~ eolonel during their \'&· ina to be teachers, n-.... ~·-Mkk-WANTTOOOIDI -lh. Prir.ent.)Tyorsununer. cation tnp which took the-m to l .,. ..,..""'6 to Long Bac:b A: return daily. Inquire 415 Poinsettia. ' las Carlsbad Cov-ens. wbo wliJ be a n\.U'W; Dolma HArbor 3031-W. FOR SALE-Deluxe O'Keefe & Ft. Worth. Dala , W bin n Miller, stud)ing clinical s-JCbol-ems, Kansas ty, as gto ·1 og): and Anne X('wman. at.u4ylne LAWN MAINTENANCE Merritt gas range. control clock, Arllngton and Alexandria. polltics. All the &irla are attend- MOWING -WATERING 1 .)T. old. $200. BE 6182. 2641 lng ~tt. San Antonio Oo~ T'be7 B. J. PAISLEY Circle Dr .• Bay Shores. Teacher at School are '-""'rking at Ken Niles VIDa Phone BEacon 8(115.-M WANTED -Experienced m e t a 1 ~farina .. the Bay Club and Jlerle'a man And an experienced painter Harbor Hi~h teacher H. 1...)'1\De Dri\ c-ln and U\ing in Corona del BOOKS WANTED l wW call and buy ... Your entire llbrary BUNSTER CREELY Phone liArbol' 321S-W WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK DONE! GO TO HAL ... Complete bouaedeanln& ~ Wln~••-s. !!ocr \'\'axi..,. :uu! pol-lshln&. wall 'A"Uldae. CaD H111t'bor 1~W PAINTING Earl ShefliD !11 Paa.er M. -o.a ... ..._ . ..., .. RUG & UPHOLSTERY a.EAIGNG • oa ....... ..... o.w.-. ... •OODY INIWIOIIS c.a IIAitler ... twan .. ... Ill Ola.t .,.._ o.n.a ........ ror our body and pelnt shop. Hughes of 428 Carnation Ave., Co-Mar Best of wor king conditions and 1 rona del Mar, will attend Clare- good pe.y. Th~~ Robins. mont College this summer ror a l Ford dealer, 534 Coast Highway, special course on economics apon-d:IH S -Newport. BA 360 or BE 6604. sored by Occidental and Claremont FOR RENT--Partly turn. house, Coil~. The course begins Mon-1 1 bdrm .. yr's leaSt'. 213 Femleaf, day. Mr. Hughes was facuJty re-Dt>ar f'ri('nd of CoronA del liar, I Corona det~tar. presentath·e at regional confer-On Jun~ 1 I addressed a letter FOR SALE -P rofessjonal hair ences of UNEScp held at Pepper· to the editor or our otbet' local dryer. perf. cond. Portable elee dine College dunn5t May. 1 new·spaJ)(>r. asking "'What ba(ll)e.DS phonograph. Very reas. BE 5115 If or when the press slants the .F.nsfgn Cl.. dled ads have beet news 7"' To date no answt'r. NEW LOCATION 1 proven n &1\S or ~( 'UlU! buyen wm )Ou allow me the space to • tor all sons of merch,mdtse-USf' ~ve what St'ems t o be the obvious W-.ll'l ~,ca .. -........ rhem! Phone Harbor U14. an "'-er· o; ·unity amon g the read- Nelltlwl Deeoretioflt -UM4 Net • WI IUY seRA, METALS • •• '1 1 ... .._ rwM I ers ldh1de and conquer ); confu.s~ USED ... Dftft' ,..twae BABY SITTER-Reliable. HArbor ion in the mlnds of readers Cdls-~"L ULAn 2925...J. ton '\.nd contuse 1: resent:mftlt at SUMMER RENTALS -Udo Isle insul!ing the intclli~eooe of the Bay Front unl•<~ 1-& 2-bdMTI .. n':tJers: loss of confidence: lola of priv. beach. $70 up. HA 2552. prestige in t he comnnmlty; lnteg- Eves: HA 2914-M. rit)' q~tioned : shortage ol sub-Near Ice Houle on 30th ..._. HAtW 2410. Newport IMcll • O"'H SUNDAY'S • FURSJTnlE R TOILATION scribers . Chair bottoms, benches and stools restored uslng cane. rush. reed .• etc. FREE ESTIMA n:. JU.aVEY"'!! FUaNI"ftJaE a.EP.&D neo s..ta Aaa Aft.. eo.ta •- lllllleea~ SANDERS POLISHERS SKILSAWS DR IUS FLOOR EDGER Ill Coett Hi9hwey MAY C. DA VTS. China Ccwe. NAVEL Y8 IX C.D.JII.. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin SDawly, formerly of Ba.Jboa, have IDOftd to the Farm Hou.e Mot~1 in Oorone del Mar for se\'eral ~ - WHEB.IAitltOWS POST HOLE Dt668S ,AINT S..UY EXTlNStON LADOBtS DISC SANDBtS ~&con 6025 \ .. r:l·rJ·I·JI ~ _ a;~f:~il'lifiiiJIIU• llfll'.j!IJJI .. J,·P.UJi 1i•'!lr!ui :, r· !iilrijtlt:~i:~~~~~~!. ;fitiiiJ!flJI' !lflJ!i• ~:!;ifi; ~:~,SP i!l(lisU i dr1,i~tr r~iH!l(•frt ih flifflli~~;cf o·r3 arJtll!i~iiit~if"'~ !b~,.~.~lr: ::ri! ~: •u;-r. _ _ _ _______ :!·I e1lll J~~"P.Idis :~!hi ttnnn ... ,,. ·~~ii!lif ~U!.i ... I ~ I .. ,. ' • . . • . •I .• I ifi.tH i . -a f I ''II rJ . • ~ . ·.. . !l' .( J I I 5 5 ~--k .• ~ ti afP.~fH ~ uuJ.UI Ull. ,, gh f ,,. rl nl rl t!f;r:=l =p=fi;...__;J-:if_l_ltl__,_ .. ,. ~J5 i ~ l!i~g~ ":' lfffl(!diJiJU h~~~~ ~af:!~h!~i,!i ~~~ ii.;:ll ;IIflltii!J!id!& rrgl~.f ~I :1 ~ ~" .. ·II R .. !B-ho _'r!i:. ... . . 8 h. Iii&·· 31~1 hJ!. ~U1 r~;;~~ !i l~ii•" rc: l fu;. '<,a '1:1 'It ; !I ;t- .... · ,.NI ... _~a ~·~·~~i'~~j!Eiti:-~~cr-cr.f · =•-~ ;~i~ l :f! tli if ill'. l ~ii HU !!~;~;:n!i!:~rU~!~ ;a it!i~;~ ~'lii!~:~~H~~~~~~~!il~!~~l~~!::~~~~)l ~~~~ ~Hi!a!! ~i ~ I ,.-~, ~ ·;, J!j _ 1;rrnnt11in n;BJ • e F"~~: ~;~tH!i nrn~IUiJ;Uiid l!ldl!i:i :~~ n~iliJil t; ~ ,_ ~~,~ J ·~t'i!l ~·, --~ f ~. _--IR:;1 !'f!:ff'J~~~ " ] ~ --~ ' . .&J' a I'' I• . r i!r!IJ I! ~ . I · · -:-. .. rjlt 1 ilir .. af" a•. I ~ I . _·· ~ -• . -o._, ~l:J!! tlirlla:. ~:1:1 · f,111 i 811 ~-1 ·11 .-,· iii .. 1~;1 · .. ,. rtl~~~ i~,..~~l 111,1-1-.~''~:1~-~ J ~ ~~--; , ~!!!!l!!f~!Jh -a .. r -• ~ ........ -. .. -,•J irff!il . n:;~a e '~ II .. ~··· -._. dod~ -----~~-------~~-..:"-='c~-~~~""--------~~--~~-~~~~~~ ~-=~o"c~-.~-~~~~~~-C_c_ ----=~-c~ ~~ -~~-~~=----=-=---~~~~~~~~"----------~-rl •I lrlf~J • ..... a::FF CHANDI..ER EVELYN KEID 8Ullf.-ft11& v.t. ..... t:ll KIRK DOUGLAS V1ROINIA MAYO •ALONG TilE QBEAT~· Phil: DAN DAILEY SUSAN HAYWARD ., CAlC GET IT FOI YOU WIIOI.DAir ~~UN...aoN. v.t. !It& t:JI MARJORIE MAIN PERCY KILBRIDE ~ & PA IEIILE BACK Olf TilE F~ --............. _..,._ . ..,.,..t: Fa. a.llai&'' _ .... ~ ...... attlle ...... ,. ~1(-., ... c.r..a ..,. liar ade -'-ta .... te -lw:W IM'llt ~)' r\"ftlllnc, ~.-eta. ..... ......._.,~ c..r-... .... ..... ftle \"'l8n'Oil8 FaOII '!'BE Clft nartf"'l •.. .._.. at I P. ._ I Friday luncheoll cueata of Mba PYa 'I at \·~ "....... aa- Vacation's Just Right For Beginning! Tom Patterson is one of the young pianists who will spend extra -""!- leisure hours learning new piano skills dur- ing the summer ses- sion at the Corona del Mar piano studio of- • RUth .Barcume, B. A. 1191/z u...,_ A•e. HATb« 1 ... 1 .. SET IN SOME OF OUR WAYS WE WANT THIS TO BE KNOWN AS A FRIENDLY. COURTEOUS BANK -- - - AND ALSO ONE THAT GIVES PROMPT. EFFICIENT SERVICE COMPLETE BANKING FACIUTIES ARE HERE FOR YOU. * - Se>rvi~ were held Monday at Baltz Mortuary for John Henry ~berger. 309 Palm St •• Balboa, A Y>'ftk from TuHGay will be the who died at his home last 1bun-~xt scheduled meeting of the Ca-.t.y at the age · or 61 . lntHment thoUc Women of St. John Vlan-wu In Westminster Memorial ney. The location wlU be the Bay Park. • Shores home of Mrs. Mary Top. He had been an employee of the per. Lut week the newly formed City S~t Department up to the group had tbelr first party-a aal- day or his death. Survivors in-ad hmcheon and prden party at elude his wtdow. Nana BeU ao.en-the home or Mrs. Harry Welah, Co- bel'ger, tona Roy and Calvin Mar-rona del Mar. More than 40 ~re tin and daughten Mrs. Velda Tln-present for lunch and a sodal af- ney. Mn. Hola Grahs and Mrs. E. temoon Including card&. On the Fitzhuee. party committee ~re Mrs. James IN APPRECIATION for the many \\-'Ords of kind- nete and deeds of frriendshlp e~ to me and my late huaband. J ohn. during his ill- ness, I want to 'thank you. LOIS MEADOR Corona de1 Mar June, 1951. Mulroy, Mrs. Thomas Runkle and Mn. George Donahue. Prizes ~re won b~· Mra. Mary Topper, Mrs. N. C. Brett.ner. Mrs . J . W. Cammack and Ml J011n Hennessy. . \'181TING UP NOaftl Mrs. John Keeler and daughter and two 1101'\1 a.._ on a two-~k to Northern California to visit Mr. Keeler's mother. Mrs. M. L. Keeler at Kenwood. St'rvioes ~re held Monday at Melro.e Abbey OlapeJ for Xn. Su- san Huffman, 512 Larbpur A\.oe., Corona del Mar. who died Frklay at St. J~ Hc.pitaJ at tbe ace or 73. Baltz Mortuary cllrec:tGn ~re in charge or the 8el'VIeea. and Dr. J . R. Pattenon of Puaclena offkiated. Survivors include her htllbancl. Fred Huffman; aons De.nlel. Paul. Harold and Rlcbard; daupten Mrs. Ruth UUy, Mrs. Lola Dennis, Mrs. Dorothy Brewer and Mn. Helen Deaga, and 21 grandchll- drfon. Catholic Ceremony Sat. Arehbl~hop Frances Mcintyre will come to Newport on Sunday. July 8 to participate in the offi- cial blessing and dedication cere- monies of the new chUJ"Ch bui ldi.ng erected by Our Lady of Mt. Car- mel Onll'cb. Fonnal dedication will be celebrated on that date. FaD Weddiag PLanned Here A~~la~ Hart.or arM Ia ~aetna ........., by J ..... Owftt Stolarolf aDd .. ID- tmded bride, PIQ'IIIa v aile J 0. .. _ .. the ... of llr ..... -· ......... Stolarotf of ID ~ Dr .. Oarana del ...... aDd .... ft. ancee'• parents .,.. Jlr. aDd 1lrL P. C. Phe ... of Yon can.. Oft. Mia Val~jo Ia a sixth generation Califonlian. Both )'OUftl peopje are cractuates or University or Sou~ Cautor- nla. '!be groarn-to-be beloDpcl to 1bet.a Xi sodal frateml~ and lie\'· eral honorarles, lfteludlna Alpha Kappa Pld, Delta '!beta Ep80on and Beta o.mma Sicma. He wu vice IJI"'eeident ot the Scbool of Comrnet-c.e. His betbrothed be- ~ to Zeta Tau ~IOdal aorority, and aunma au and Spurs honclra.rta. ... been In tbe fuhioll field dnee bH co~ craduation 1ut yar, in- clucllftc wortc wtth a.rm map- zine. S.*-AritiWcl Foa-Doro&cr ,_..._ MEMO--- Buy your tidcets from daese Legjoftftdire ~nessmen far the Third Arlnwd Legion Breakfasf ----, .. ...,.. ftAIII'I..KY • .,.._ Aw .. ...._ l8lltDd JIAitMir 1175 • ..... 111&8. aOBEnT D. lft.OAN .... f..-...er '~ ~~ -· _.. WOP ._rr~e~ 8at11nta• at St. 6-.a ~,.a pill ~. <Story on Page .) Preceding the Saturday ~ of Miss Virginia Bachmann aDil Robert Sloan, more than 20 mem- bers or the wecldlnc party and relatives ~re entertained at the Balboa Bay Club for a reheual dinner party on Friday. ~t were the lntendeda end their mothers, and Mr. and Xna. Fred Walter, c uncle or the bride who pve her a,..y). Mr. and Kn. Lawrence L. Walthey of Corona del Mar; Mr. and Mrs. John ODie- man or Ojai. Mi8a Alvah Ann De- ton. Corona *I Mar; Jama sa.D. Redlandl; Mr. and Kn. ~ Bameeon and llr. and Kn. Gor*lft Donald of L08 ~ .J ..... HW. Suta ADa; Jt.aito M-aDel Balboa, Mia Clara ~ ud lin. H-H .......... aDd 80D. Huett. a1f of BewrlY IIIDa. il .. ~ :!'!l'i---·· ~,:.!····-..... -=:&~ .. ~ ., ...... ,. ....... --. .r:. .. .. .... ..,., ... · .,... t ......, .. . ......,. ., ... · y ................. . tilr • ha. w111t a 'Jl ..... ........ _~ .., • ,.. -'I'OWII ..... . .... ~ t:tz~~ea-.rn..-• -----~ ~-=-~-r..... ...... -"-: c ·tLS..! &:::•-•• ' ·----·~ ~ ..... - , - SECOND SECTION • -· The Dl~ An lnckpnukn& New,paper coverina the entire city of Newport Beac". CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. s Centa VoL ~No. 45 ICDMChurchtoHolcl ·2nd Building Dinner I Th cou1 bulldmJZ f•Jnd pro- l!r dinnt'r of ttl(> Corona del ~iar Commufllt~ \hurch "til tx-held at 6.30 p m T\J<'!'day m thc-Corona <k>l .M ar C'hool auditorium Mt'al and <'Offl.! will tx-fur- "' hed for thE> dJilnPr and those> auen<Ung ate to brin~ot ~lad. \ege- tabl and dr .fft and t'I"VlN' Tht>rt> wtll b<> entl'rtainm<>nt and report on th..-buJidJn~; proqTam. The ground-br<'alcin~o: cE>remonv for thl ndditton to the church wa·s h<'ld bft\\Cf"n tht' mornin~ sen·i<X>S 11 week oro !':'unday. "ith Rev. Paul Babbtll conducting th sel"\'- tct' of breakinJt ~round. and Build- tog Chatrman n Z Robertson turnlnt! 0\('r th( fm-c ~hO\elful or !'arth Then m turn to w•eld th<' sho\'t'l Ha l"\ r ~ Church ~Lhool ~UJll•nn­ l~'ndenl, l.Ps Stt>Ht'nsen, olunt(?'("r labor cha..irman, Pon Stf'frt-a~n. ~ ruor Hi~h PtJmm Fellowship prestdent· Gail Frahm. Ju.ruor Hi~th Pii~Zrim Fellow hip prCSJdrnt, M A. Harnood. M<>n's Club pres•- d nt. Rt" Gl<'nn A r:r•wles. ~ C1alc.> UJ)(•nntt·nd• t c.. the Con- ,c:reg&tJona l Cunft" lit''• Ro~rt Wood o f Gambit• A <JOCU'lt('S who "'ill UJ)l'f\'1''' th• •f'lf-h ip butldin~ procram AJIONO th.-h~N'd ~ttiHb of tW Udo 1• Yacht C'lnh at th(l' ~llAOB 6~nln~t dJnner lil:uttrc:b~ t>H"· -'•« •-ere ""'"Y ,, ...... It ~rf' or llfhf'r f'IUba. Mo--. ~rl', from trn : Mn. Clltf Ch.3Jtm:ID nod c..,._..,._,. (b •(oman of tJMo Soatlwra C'allfon~la \'a('lltlar: A"~tloe: llr Ita~· L:lnc-('nht-lm ••d c ..... ~ Lae~tf'nhf'im or LIYC; Ml s lll'tlry C.unpbl'll and hf'r fatb~r. Cnmm ooorp CL1~· C'ttmpbt-11 llf th<' \'o)'*)(f'M Vtlt'hl Club: and Mrs. Orta TttnrtdJtt.,rn •. nd r: : r C'hm modort-ThorkiJd"f'ft or Ln'L -(photo b~ ~f'r) 'came ~1rs G<'Orgt' l...ewlS, one.> of the1' foundf'r of thr t'hurch: Mrs W<>ndell flo~ t Capllla Circle presi- <k>nt : M~ R Stuart Diehl Olurch &hooi GUild prt"-tdent; 1\ln<. R K. Pat rrn; "'N'f' n ad b~ ~air A !\ley r. Buard of J.X>noons r hrur- man. and M~ L. A :-.:o1man Board of f't"aron • "Pll chatrman M1 Fran('("; Co,.., al<;o a l<'8d{'r 10 ~he church !oundm~. ga\'1. a lus- toncal accoUJlt of th< lx'glnmnr of the church RU5£( 11 J Iampton Board of Trustet'S chairman, an· noun('('(! that moH than .ooo had bef>n collected o th~t th hn.t phase or th.c.> ~-a.s-)ou-build pro- ject can now 1et undt>r "'~ CHIJRCHE~ REPOI~T 0" CO~FERE..'~CE Rt:Y. 0\'\<'l~G"' TO PRE.\CII A H'JYlrl frum th<' ;\lt"thodt.st It '"ill be a Ba~tt 1 OCCUp),ns. a Church rf'J,tional conferrne< bem~ !'t1etflodt!;:t pulpit unda~ at ChrJ"l ht>ld at Rl?d.Jand.! t'ni\'ersJt~ this Church b~ the S<'8 "h n R , I wE'<'k wil' bP m11d b) R~,-. Harl"\' t HarT) Q\\;nn ronnt'r pasto .. of \\"h1tr at rh B&lboo. l~l11nd Coni-the First Bapt1 1 Churcfl of N.nta 'n.e Udo Isle ·ocht C'!ub In,;ta-P -U : l..ec Hambrook. l..('('w&~. mun1t) !\1< thodist C'hurcn on Sun-Ana. J!l'('S thf.' mornjm: rmon 11ona1. marking th~ opening of the Dennie Mason, S<-a Sltmc.>. Ro" en Harbor C'haptf.'r 568. Or<k>r of Ida). SpN"tal mustc "111 be pre· "Tht Powf't to &'<.' it Thrn!..lrh' lido Yacht Glu hlvita.al Draws Total of 1a Dillies Star The Honors Deisters club. drew 102 entries in 13 classes Weisberl(. Park Chop the Eastern Star. honoted the 1-(>nt('d b> Ilau>l Mann and Sheri-\\111 be his J'm(ln sUbK'\"t m two days 9f racin.; during the tar: Richard G. Hahn, R~e; birthdays of tts Worth~ Patmn dan Han·c~ 11in¢nli; tn du t. Gou· -Thi will be Mr Owml(s scoond \\l"ee.k~. Trophies were ~ted Herbert s. Wiw.•· w. p Bol&nd and Wor·th>• Matron. Hen!") and nod's "Fore\C~r Wtth th Lord." \'iSJt to th local church hav~ Sunday evening at the conclusion jr .. Guiding Star . ' Ruth Deister. on Tue-sda~ e\t"ntn~. ~id " Rt>\', Wlute. Mr . and spoken at1 a ~~~J occa5ion two or the ~gatta. , Ll~tal.D~: E . L. And e r 50 n. Jun 12. M.rs. TNt Haus r arc official dele-years ago. ~· Tom Pt-nck-U aod Here •~ the wtnnE'rs: I Blac'k Magic: J. w. Pott. r t"tch·lt: \ Regina Collie, AI-SOClate Ma t ron. gates to tht' conrc-renN' and anum-the lay delegate Wlll rt>tum Sun- ....... : Converse Wurdemann. Ray s . Chenhall, Zoom. and Harolri Fink. Associate Pa-ber of w?men .will ~~ for a day of day e''enlng from the_ annual con- Mktlhlp; Tom Myers, Ruth; Dr. E., IA-IIm ... FrPd Scht-nck VIcious· 1 tron. \H'f'l(> chairmen. After open-WSC dt ·cus tons. Ptctur(.'S of the If l"('nce of t~ M thodJ t Chu.reh ln 1... ChrlAtmson. Hi Jinx. Wa ren Blinn Finn FiddJc· NO<'i ' lnf( or Chapter. Past Wot<thy r<>mod led bulldJnJZ now being So_uthcrn California and ArizoNI PC: J oe Ka.ltenb8ch. HUS$Y : w r 1. U w' roo!·... • · Grand MaH:on Mlfoo ~iblev, 1)(-. used as the church ";11 be shown bemg held this W('('k at anot.ht>r 0 -G roo 1e n-k · Redl ds -t-B:rnmt-i · u .. _ t Mike Burke. Paloma: Dr . . Fa~· Gayle P~t Ghost j put.} p-and-matrons Muriel J ohn-a t an . -~ 1 =-~-'i: nsutu on ''"' niHrsil~ Suea. GeyUn. . I f1t:t"ft~,; Bruce F . ·Brown. jr.. son and Grace Scott were.> PSCOrt-• • : ~ -or Redlands AAa...._: Harold Whippier, W('('z·e B IJ· J erry Austin Phyllis. I Pd to the East. Worthy Matron C'UERRIE! OS WED~E DAV • _• • • Nocturne; Or. A. Laubersheimer. .;_,bl.nt:' John Ken~y. Gray Myra Bent of Laguna Beach. Membe~ of the Women's Civic S~-~ON 0~ B?St:A . . Kelee; Jim Hixon. I Dawn ser..-ed as hostt>SS. Lea~ue \\,II ~::o ch<'rn picking in nc• · Paul Edviard Babbttt wt.ll I.AIIIen: KeltJ:t Herbert. ~~e 8111 . : John Marsh. RebE-l: Paul The Ch.apter room was decorated ~aumont Vall ) on· Wedn~Y I preach at 9·45 and.ll a m unday Lulu: Strat Enn~ht. Witch . Jtm Hamlf7on jr., Thoth: Nickte Stt"f'l, "ith large bouquets o~ spring flow-tnstead of Monda) M pre\;1ously an the ~~t) Church or ~ ~. Es Vek>ro. Green Shimnlie. t'rs, und('r lht> wrect1on or Sister announced Th<' n xt ~tmg of ~ Wh tij ~. ubJeCt let. 14· John Ferrier Extemu-Irene Wilson. chairman On the ttl(> l...l-a~ "111 b<' held Monday Godosea. 0 ~\ered • 11lat nator: \VIJUam G DoUJr.las. Foxy-refreshment tables. were bouquets Jul) 9 at Whit£'' Ralboa Island fiMit ::; Ll.kt"l 1ba/ Thi 11 Olhfo too of white marguentes and white Cafl" a Sf'r es o nnons on ld · gladioU, surroundin~ larl'tt" gr('('n • • • Testament Charactt'ni, ck>sJcnt'd to Buffet Dinner &.!-rved fan.~. tht" 19?ll motif. 'f'ORGETFl'I.~"'E-"'S' acqua.mt the a\'e~e J)('rson on ~ the Characters of th<> Btble B th R be OL.: :'>1on~'tary ¢fts from the orncers The Fn'!'t Bap!tst Ch~ch of The Sunda.,. school m('(' d 1 y e 0 rt .,_.nnen of Harbor Star Chapter wc.>re prE"-Nt"wport Beach wtJI hold tts Sun· the cumm('r· The kin<k' ur n~ :\fr. a nd MMI Robert Skinner. ~<'nted to the Worthy Ma t_ron and da~ momin10: won:hip at 1!. "'ith chil~n are 'tau~ht by M::O~~~~ 501 Carnl'ltion A\'!'. Corona del Worthy Patron. by Reg.na and ~actot Lamtwr on preoa.~h'"~-on ham A McBride and M rs ~orman !\tar. scrvt'd a buffc.-t dinner on After th<> clost of Chapter. Bar· P·. m. th. e subject or tht' .~t>nnon '"""rtment mt'ets in Pil;:...;m Hall to Harold 1 C'l 1m mal Forgt't fuln~>~ at • .30 Frahm Th pnmar' ·Juruor df>. Saturday night to a group of ,qJI lx' Htll!~ nf thr lArd Sun ,... ... friends from nt'ar and far. Pres-dh.'lrn Eardl r r('<:f'n f?d padrto...,imc da\ . chool I' at 9· n II m Mid: leam('ohf th<'h <;t~rlinf or the .Chrn-nnt W" .... Mr "nd ,._ W 'tlson anC'<'S an ::-nne:-to r{'C()r tnlr!'. · k .· 1 ld _ "(I IHHl urc ",th mClhOn plCiun>!l " ~·· . n ,.,,.,, \\•'t' St'f"\1<'1' 1" lt It' • ,, pm h t ·f S Silsby and Mr. Dou~las WriJ;(I\1 B{'Stdt's tht .\!'tcociatE' Matron. \\'cdn<'~d:l\ · t•n I e ·' e of ,t Paul The Adul~ from Long Beach: Mr. and M~. thl' dinin~ room rommittf'<' influd-' · • • • nl<'£'1 JO th< Blake Howoe All Adrian Schwilk from Cliff Haven : I i.'<i nai.ey Pooi<'Y. Esther IX'\10(', BAPTISED AXD RF.C'EJYED CII\SS<'S start '!t 9~45.a m 1\trs. Marftaret Wall&ce from Los lr<'n<' Wtl.son and Wttlter Pt'Ck Baptl t'd at g, Andrew" Prt>Sb~. Angeles: Miss H. R. Kempleton. t ;-.;ext Tu~sda.r will be Brothers' tcrian Church at R<'''· Thomas Glb- Pasadena: Dr. A. V. Andt'<'"'S and ni~ht at Harbor Star. As fa r as son's final st'n'ice WC1'rt> Barbara Mr. and MMI. F. J . Cleary of Co-possible. stations "i ll be fillt'd by Ungle. Mar~ P&ttt'rson McC\11- rona del Mar. 1 the broth<>rs. and special enter· loch. Joy Neal McDhitt, Charles tainment and refreshments will be William Christlt"r, Barton Ross pro\i dro b~ them Chrlst.k-r. Rober1 S«>tl Ba.Uy. John Want acll make ever)'day u~ euler. Many • want Is flDe4 throuCh .-e ot a UDe ar twO. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED THE DEALER IN THE HARBOR AREA FOR --- Westinghouse' HOME APPLIANCES lttelu4iftt • 1Rt6BlATottS • HOME AtHZ~S • LAUMOIY fQlllfiMENT • DtSHWASHEIS • WATll HEATllS • WASTf -AWAY$ Perry Langenheim. Kathlt'en Fos- ter, Timothy Jones a.nd David Ki"'" lwho also joined the Group 2 of the CapUla Circle of ch~~ who affiliated -.lith the the Corona del Mar Community Church ~t June 12 at the homt" church that day were Mr. and f M J a...0 Sadlet·r --'th M-Mrs. Carl Hanna. Mr. and ~trs. o rs. On • ""' '-H.ay Langenhelm and son John. Gra~ Sailors and Mrs. Mada.Uen Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whitlock and Brown as co-hostf'I:WI. lfrs. Em-ery Sa~nt talked about ~ trip fa mily, Mr. and MMI H. E. Chmt· to Juneau. Alaska. ler. Mr. and Mrs R S. F e. . Mr . and Mrs. Blake Blak<'Y &nd Bar- Group 3 met on June 13 at the bltra Ungle. home of Mrs. Frances Cox. M rt. • • • A. A. Kemper had charge of the CAMP D&TES Gn 'EX 1tudy l('SS()n. Group 4 met June The «btt"S of the summ('r camp 13 at the home of Mrs. G. T. Ash· for youn!;t propl<' are announced by t"nden, 2017 E. Oceen BJ\·d.. Bal· Or. C. L. Smith. Chureh School boa. s upt>rintendt"nt of the ,·enth- Group 1 held a special lunchf."'T\ Day Ad\'entist Church of :-:<'wport rn('('tin~ yesterday at th(' home.> of Hel~hfs. Camp for junior girls. Mrs. M<'da ~elson, 707 Iris A\'e., age 9 10 11. "Ill bt> fr;om July 1 C'orona del Mar. to 10 : junior boy_, Au(t. !l-14: f'ArlytN'n ¢rls. ag<"< 12 to 16. Jul~ BI8TRDAY OBSEBVJ:l' 15-24. and earh tN'n bo~s. Allit Mrs. Lee Sebra of 607 Potnsettia 1 19-28. · Ave .. Corona del Mar , ent<'rtained Th{' camp is locatro in the San l'f'Cently with an ott~door partr Jacinto mountams. just out of the honoring th(-fourth h~rthclay a_nnl· town or td. ... ll" ild a.nd It is open ~ry of ~r .:on K(\.in. ~t to any boy or frlrl In thew a~ wt-re KeVin s gra.ndmotht"r. Mr5. groups and or any rnce or creed. H. W. Mek(>('l. a.lso ~aney Sebra, More dE't&ils can be obtained from Sandra C.maua. llrs. D. Whytt", Dr. Sinith, BEacon ~. or write Joe and Jim ~. Mrs. D. H. Charles D Martin. camp dir«tor. M.eket"t 0e.tDe M~l. )In;, H. Box 584. ArlJngton, Ca.lif Howard. Denflle Howard. Mn. N«man Grorud and ,_. and Robb\ Grorud. • BIBLE R<'IIOOL. t •ROED ''Onl~ b~ tud,}1ng the Bib! personally and intt>nsh-ely can Christians obtain tht" spiritual JlO""'t'r that is the rt>a I hope or our •-orld in these crltlca.l times" dt"- cla.red Hollis Andet"SSn, putor of tbe Newport Hel~ht.• Scvt>nth-De'y Adventist Oturch Speaking on ttl(> importanet' of the Sabbe th School in the rt"- ligious tra.ming of both adulb and chlldrc.>n. t~ pastor ~ mem- Ol(>rs to sta.rt community Blbko schools as a ~ns of incrt'uinll ScriptW"l' study amonj.! non~~h mt-mben; • • • GOD I S XIGH I IE& ~ fact that God I nughti r than &IJ material rofft'S lJ Empha- llizled in tht' Sunclay-Lt>sson Ser- mon at the N('WJ)Ort Harbor Ou1s- tian Churdl ni.'ar Udo Isle. ~ subj(>ct will bt> "1 th t:nlvt"rw Including Man. E\oh·f'd bv Atom: 1c Forre?" ~ FlltST CHURCH OF CHitiST SCIENTIST llOl Vie LUo, N...,.,. .. ech A bronch of The ~oih .. Chw~h The Fi!'l• Ch11rch of Chri&t, Sci•ntlrl, 111 Boo- ton, Mos .. d nuetts.. Sultdey School ---9:15 •. ,., Sul\(jev S.rv:c• __ II ;00 •·"'· Wed.,esdey M l'i"9 "'"till~ t -oo P."" Reedtnq ltoom louted ei 1 1 1 ,.,,; St., Belboa. Ia open deity from 12 ,_., k S P·""· ~t s-ct.-p afld holt4ayt ,...tiof,.lly 0"11~ The public it c_..lty i~ 1e ~ ~ .... doiH'C.h ~ Ml ..,.. t~. ........ "-· , ....... ............ . . ........ 0,.. u ..... .. t:.Je .. .. C A TERING S ERVICE TO PRIVATE PARTIES HAmor 2 3 I 5 Cllarcoal Broiler Seafood -Steaks -Chops, etc. Restaurant Open Daily 10 a m. tD 10 p.m.-Saturdays UlJ midnlpt Cocktml Bar Open Till 2 I Home of Rotary) --~~--' -......... ,, ~~ -:tJ.I ._·-,: ·J-.~ ·:1, ~"'l?j Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Steaks (),_. s •• t :JO ,. "'· -a...4 .... ~ WheretO The Cafe ~eporter- 'Oscar' Is Won By Jim Crain * !Play, Art Show f On Laguna Bill Gene's Place ~,... ......... ~....-.-•n-­tllo..&8 ., .. v.r-..a._ IIA u• n1QC ITAIAAN DUm£& .u.. Stab-Pitilie - Codctails • • Approxirnatf'ly 150 (' u b s or Paclui 105 and 181 of S.lboa and N~wrt v.t>re pr nt at thto en- mal picnic at ln"tM Parle J~ 9 under the care or thc.>ir Cub· mastt'M', Art JktmJt>} and H\.lllh af"f' Bolton. un~r .... ). aC«~nhn~ to u r. John Pack 105 won tbfo first annual 1 ( burn. fD"'dlcaJ dil'ft"tor fur c~h U ba&eball gamt> agalnst Pack 181 &-r heN>. and wiU bt> prest>nted wlth a 15-~ ~I i to ha'~ ~ Pntlr inch cup with their name f'ngnved population of Oranr,.. Count im-nn it. mw'IJzed agaimt unaiJr~QX 'e1an • . Sack races and jumping raet>S djJ>I!thena typhoid antS_ •hoop 11 I with airplane model'! ~tnd to) tanka rou h lx-tv. ('f"J) J u.nP. J.a ard SE-pt. our ~t a~te covemment as prizes v.er alc;o on ttw> pro-15 Coo.Jnty medk:aJ ·and O!:tf~ operallD& u effloentJy and eco-1 gram as was tht" oot luck lunch P8tht<' doctor.. ha\(' a !lft'd o ll""._ nomlcaUy u It ahou.ld! For the and thE-pack-furniShed pop and \ uk thor IW\i~ at a minim an.s..-er to thla question 01W need ice cream r("(' "hlch "ill IJll'l 'tv 1m-only rt"ad the Aaaembly Interim · _ munu:ahon 1<--PM' dPd a <~· CGnvnittee ~rt on go\e:rnnaental l ,.~ .. ~~n: b~ mem~ o! ti-t" Coum~ Phnr- reorp.nlaUon. To say thia 8ten· "**ecJ9 ~way ma<"t·utirol A~tKJD eive INI'Yt'Y by thla commJttee: b Celebratft Birthday enligbtenin1 Is putting it mllcl)y.l Young Gnon 5011 of Mr and YJ ~UISG AS"D ASA.SrA Beau• this c:locu.ment ls really M AJ M cG'JU , 541 Sea :\f£'fodrmw HalT) Ja_~.,-. 4.29 imtbeportant to all of the ~Je in wa~ Rd~ Co~ }~':~~nds. ct>IC:. )tariJ:old AH• W a.Jtt>r Wood m state, and because it wlll prob-brated his ~•xth blrthda' annJ\M"· r.am.atjon A\r .• and f1orP1K'P An- ably be the yardsUck or future sary Tut-5day Jun<> 5 Gue;t.s <kl"$0tl ~ ~lar:J:U('n'"' A\. r..o- 11ate ~lion pl&nl, pre-played muslcaJ chairs and pinnl'd rona <WI ~lar. v.rr f' ~~ on aented here •~ a few or the h1gh-the tail on 11 donkC'' ttw>n hati " Jun 7 of ~lr William Hum- lights on one subject. bartx>cued dtnn(r · ph rc-)' llfi E~--,,. • &lbl: 11le aclmlnl.tration or the ren·-SJ)('CiaJ indi\•idua l hnorl! W(•r From j Ull'll 12 llw-~ fLc.hf"(l ~ n\H' laws should be brought to-prepared in llttCYS rm thf-chtldrcn JOl<'kJ.O' ro?'amir~. four ft h [,'l nr getrn>r unde_r ont" h ad. That is,lht" and werf' hld<k·n. E.8<'h <'htld had 10 Mr-. \\oud f oll<.l\\ n;g lunr...h- sectlon or d1 vision which Is r('!lpon· 10 find hlB or ht>r 0\\n aa<k GlK"'t<~' ron th< aftf'moon "1-Sl n· ;o· albJe for tht'.a&se mt'nt or one tax were Carol JX>nn<>r. Claudut and the <"''JUl ta tabl•· ' 11h !\" .r .... llhould be concerned with all the Marchi& Irwin. Montr N ichol . PI!'-JX'T C"<tptul n~ thr f iTIL' 1• r h11 taxl'l. To d monstrate how tbe ter Tieman, Ka,. Al\\nur • w;an srou Pf'('scnt tax et-up could afft"Ct a Halt>y, Bill ih 1a. nand) Rf'd(j1rk. perso!l today (and confuse) here the.> host and his St~>IN . Ca) nn ar<> lirtcd some examples of pur present tax jumble · Your sales tax ls adrrunistered by the Board or Equallzatlon. Motor vehlcJt" taxes and fees arc coUectf'd by the Department of Motor Vehici<'S. Howe\·er, motor fuel la.XC'II are usesscd by the Board or Equallz.a tion a nd col- lected by the Controller. Bank and corporation franchlae ~ and th rx-rsonal lncomt> tax an' adminil;tert>d bv the FranChise Tax Board Tht' tax roll for th~> tnsurance pN>rruun\S tax is pr pared by the I n s u r a n c <' rommlssioneT and turnf'd over to the Board or Equal- ization for as es m<'nl. ThPn. tht> Board or Equlllit.ation ron\ards the tax roll to be <Ont r·oller for b11Ung and coll~tion. Jnhcntanc<' and ~otift taxc. at'(' admi'1ist<>r('d by th<' oontroller but collected for th<' state h) th(> coun- ti~. The alcoholic bt>' ~?mgc tax and liquor Ucen (> re(' at'e COIJ('Cled by the board or equallza1ion . .Present law ma kes the Board of Equalization the appellate court for sales tax, franchise tax, and tax a~SCUments but, the same board of cquaJizatlon administers the ' sales tax, and it ls obviou it is not ln a posltlon to give an <'ntirely in- derx-ndent decision In the case ol this tax. A I'(' you sufficiently con- fused? Here i lh<' answer to the perplc.>xlne problem . 1. Aboll.sh the Board of Equa Uza Uon. 2. AboUsh the Franchise Tax Board. 3. 1'raJ1s-. fer the tax admlntstrntion runc· tions of the [)(>pt. of Motor Ve- hicles, the controller. and the in- surance commis.<doner to the ~ pertment or Re\ ('DUe. p.--., .. ...,...,r.. .... ·'' t.;t or re- IHCOOIO Goolu eg:~IW '--*-7 ,..., e:ucd)' .. yoa .... uw--an ... o dC'aiJy. v~ MJofa, medi.-. lllllrd ..,_.:..--• or-aol d~ us betweca. 6 cu capa<ay. Balboa ... ... _ .... (Jiiljja 3 WAFfU lllfll .............. cioet-. ~­aiucl waffles at oae cime aiJIIDmatic:aUy. ~o coot .... .iua. waihn~ or dco:a y ~ ... '<~"" "iaJ! •-~ 4 people wnb one bakir.~r. I 71 I East Balboa Bml Jalboa. Ccdilomia Phoae IIArboa-211 01 ~autai t'ton "~"u ld mf'<'l ~out ap- proval, may we suggest you send to Sacram('nto ror your copy of thu worthwhile report on govern- 'nlental reorganization. Congratu- lations to .A5s('mblyman SUUman a nd his commltt<'<' ror prt>paring the first bluE-print 'or merill tor the admlni~o;tt·at ion of the largt'St corporation in Califot'Tlja -the State Go,·ernmcnt. AT ne Welcome Wagon Hostes Will boek on. Your Door wi6 Giftl & GreetinC• frGIID Friendly 8ueiee11 Nei,...,_. and Your Civie ucl Social Welfare Le.cten NEWPORT BEACH PllOM: Helt'bor 758 , ------- IIC ~DDITION TO OUR DIN N E R I. I M P 0 R T E D & LICENSED WE ARE FAMOUS FINE ITALIAN DOMESTIC TO OFFER LIGHT YOU- WINES FRENCH & BEERS CoCktails and MiXed Drinks at Popular Prices , 70S to 721 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar / ; ,. l>ilcuMiOn of nn1 eNJ~GD'I ae-La Nott, Doftald Fulbrtcbt. Jame~ Uvilies wu predonunant at the OUphant and F . V. Petenon. final ~tlnl of thf' Gi.rl Scout • • • Leede Club held last weK at ~ Scout HOUR. M.nl. C. Wa)'fte Crowl. pretf.ident. conducted the meet~.n«. which included plaN for campinc, field tri... mo\118 and local troop met"linp for next )'81' pt nted by Mrs. Sutherland Hut- too. Mi'L Ted Hambrook ~ Oft the nec.waity of prepannc the ~r girls for leftior ICOUtinc and the importance of leadership. Orpnlza\lon chairman 111'1. F. V. Pet~ explalned the ~lp avail- able through the MiChbothood chairmen. A tathe--de.ugbt~ ~t fin· isbed off the )'ar for lht> llrownics or Troop 8 at tbe Girl Scout H~ l.ut ~k on Monday. Girla made Individual plaOI.' mats for the tables With scatter print clecoration.l. Soop and June& rounded out the everitM. Adult leaden be\ping ~ lilrs. G. C. Smith. Mn. L.A. Nelaon a.~ Mrs. G. C. Watts. A $25 gift from the PTA for cblld c:are durinc-their rneetinp was voted as a contribution to the Carleton Meus of Balboa wu Girl Scout building fund. Brownie ofndaUy denoted "Pirate Athlete Troop ~ also donatl!d $2 t~rd of the Year'' at Orange Cout Col- this fund. Troop 6 ga\·e $10 for ){>ge for the 1950-51 school yt>ar by the equipm(.>fl1 fund. outgoing Lc.-tterman's Club Presi- Neighborhood c h a i r m e n who d(.>flt Norm Ridgeway of Wesl-~rved lunehron following the min t('l' at the SprinJ Sports Ban- meeting Included ~adam Frank qu t at the cbool e~~ofeteria. Black, Pred Woodworth. Ed Hirth, Mears obtained 13 letters in ath· ------------letics at Newport Harbot• High School, three in football. four in buketbe.ll, four in track and two in bast>ball. He aJso won tM "Har- bor Athlete of the Year" trophy. j At Harbor he wu a member of two champlonah.lp teams, the base- bell team Which •'Oft the Sunset A spedal meeting wu called lut League and advancecl to the C.LF.I RACING 08TiliCIIE8 wtU-a. feat.n-of~ LNI Gra-ce C...ty 'lbUl'llday fot"" the Newport Harbor playoffs, and the 1949 track team. F&lr, to ..,. ht-hl AIIC. l~lt at. Ute falrJ(rotmd• Ilk-oe Ute forw~H H.Jgh School PTA board o protest Meers hu aequired five letters Saa&a l\aa Army Air •~· Hf'~ Rf'l4otl \\'rir aad ftylll• A.,......tlty the pl"'J))St"d hichwa~ on 'f~ ·= .. at OOC, one 1n football, two in I an sllown "1tta oat of the CMttrfdtH. "'llo •• buMi y f{Uipl•c dowt~ •• or on any street adjacent (o the ..ba.sketbe.ll, and two in track. oraap ...-...... -hi~ school. ___ . __ .-__________________ _ n.e board I Uggested that tbe fKJIIOOL GUILD IIEE'I.'ING I lboa . u portion or 16th between IrviM and The last Church School Guild Ba .D --y L·~ ~ lnsta 17th Street be cloeed because tbe meeting until raJ I was held Monday 'J:XI, "-' f ~ high school hu recently acquired of last week at the home of Mrs. ' The 0rance Coat lllillra1 aacl Lapidary Society wiD bold Ita aa. nua.l picnic and also a rock twap at the Orange Cit>• Park llondlu' cveruna. The society wtU rW'ftiah the coffee and Ice Cl"MJ'ft. aDd t.be mt>mbcrs are to bring b a 1 k e t lunches. Plana wUJ be diKuaed for the forthcoming show to be held ln co nj u n ctio n with the~ County Fair. Music wiU be tur- nt.hed by Bradley Huctws at the picnic. HOME no• HOSPn'.U. Mra. Arthur Glbbl. 219~ Ma- rine Ave., Balboa Island. Is ftCIOY- erlng from a painful noee opHa· lion. Lee Shipley Olllotlf ALA CHatom and RN~ llade PltlliltlO~ Infant. CI<>Rt, Kitct:M!'D, Bath t ... <'•-..... 0011 COMPlm sa ON FLEISIIElt * YARNS * lrutructiont-MnilhlltCJ. Hra. tO to 5 lla-Mart Kalt Sboppe IIJ E. ..... N ........ HAP" app~mately 35 aC~U on the James Van Dyke Corona High-The new ornct>rs or the Balboa del Mar, third \'ice-president; north side or t.h1s street to expand lands. Co-hostesses wel't' Mn. Al Bay Uons wert> installed by LesUe Clarence H~bie of Balboa Island. :=;:;:;!:::;~ the school facilities. Pleger and Mrs. WUUam Kloeck·i Miller of Costa Mesa, district gov-1 si."Cretary; Er·nest Soderberg ot Mrs. Roy Roush appointed the ner. Mrs. R. K. Harvey gave devo-ernor of District 4-E. at a dinner Newport Heights, treasurer; Gard-followin~ committee to take the tions and Mrs. Alexander Renner meeting la t night at the BAlboa ner King or Corona del Mar, tail- problem up with the county super-played the plano. n,e speaker Bay Club. 1 twi ter; Kenneth Dcll or Balboa visors. Mmes. Harold Boyvey, came from Alcoholics Anonymous J . Barry LoUJ:hJln of Corona del Island, liontamer. Directors are A.J Horvath, F . W. Tunnell, H. P . to explain his organization . Mar was instaUcd as president; ~· Walker a nd Al Pleger o( Yamt>ll, A. L. Hayward. Raymond Duncan McAlpine of Lido, first Co na del Mar and Harold Glass K. Har\t')'. Henry Eggert. Tilomas Realton of the Harbor sect1aa ,·ice-president; Howard Balmer of d Bob Jayred of BaJboa Frost. J . H . Sands and Mr. and get results through Ule of the ED-Newport Heights. second vice- Mrs. Byron Finley. sip real estate section. president; Al Clemence of Corona Announcement • The Newpon Harbor Ensign was determined to be a newspaper of general drrulation by judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Orange, on May 10, 1951 , and by reason thereof is qualified to publish all public notices required by law. City of Newport Beach Newport Township County of Orange , OCC llzMab Eled _. •• Twenty-five boys or the Harbor area are getting racty to leave 'l"ueeday ror Junior Hi YMCA Ounp. Last year 17 boya went from this area, according to Paul Delp. YMCA executive. Among the staff of 00\DWelon 8Cheduled for this camp eeulon are Raymond A. Barry, NRbY star from Trinity College, I>Ublfn. Ire- land, and Tom Buck. cxx; cractu- ate. Mike Drlakel, Jere Slra~ and Walt Johnson, veteran ~ campers and .. ~ ... of the ''Ra£" hi.lhest camp honor, will .... t the ....... Boy camper~ include: Oaude SWYeai, Grec Adurw, Jf!f'f'Y PWt, Arthur Birteher, Jim Zlet.ldlw. Don Meredith, Mike Drtlke~ =McSIU, -:_~na-=~~~-II ,._-~ Bruee Blewatl!i', "-"' BUl v.. Patten, Qlftca ~ Walw Pleket1nc. Walter .W...a. JoiiD ltanne7. "nw&so Paa't~Dw. Hert»eft PetTy, Hal Me*, Budltr llorpn and Qenoy A.Dire-.... Recllt:ratJon IIIQ be IMde at Oruce Oout CoiJep ... uotller J..._. HI Camp to be held U. lilt wt!ek In Aupat. •roa;;;-;w;;;;:;;;;:rs;- u.. lllllillla .... Ml a.wmt ""Wellftoe11PM!a.W..IF AODITB II'Oa LYOiftl 1116 Haabcw lhd. REAL VALUES • / ()pt>ning or the yachting ICUOfl with the formal ''opening" parties of tM various clu .. begins the nt'W !K'&SOn in the harbor j\qt u su~ly u the first robln or the flnt JnOWfla.ke ln other parts or the country. It's the. time when boat lovers ~ concentrating their rree t.ime on the watrr and when .ummer ft!Sidents immediately be- gin to think In terms of their wann. wather act.JvitJE'S. 'The opening party at. the Bal- boe Yacht Club early this month began with a cocktail party In the patio and aboundfod in ladies wear- ing either long or low c1res1es with the flrst s ununer alr. 1lle dinlng room was enhA~ with tropical underwat~r marine lif<', including the huJI of a SWlk<'n ship and a shapely mermaid. The party was nearly marred by an auto accident for the Commodore Harry Blochrett JUSt lx>fortt It started. Fortunately. only the auto was me ed up 110d the evening p~ed gaily for m mlK-t1; and cu~ ts of the club . • • Lilting W<'rtt the t ra1ns of the music and ll~ht-hearted were the people who cerebra ted 1 he opening of th yachting season at the Udo lsle Yacht Club perty on Saturday nlght at the Udo Club house. The new lanai gnclously lends Itself to such a part,y, ooing decorated with ftah-nets and Iridescent mctatic see-ure.. Dining was in the main room with blossoms matching the hot pink s-per tablecloths and an ovenlu lf'aho~ watching over all who partook of the buffet. Presentations were simple, with Commodore Hay Langenheim hon· orine commodore from other Yacht clu.. 110d Mrs. Dean Coll· ver taking a bow as head of the committees working on the dance, but modestly passing her pral.se on to tht' otmor committee mem- bers • • • Wallpaper In tone with carpet- ing, pict urt'S complimenting furni- ture e\•erythlng was complete at the new house of John and Mary Mottram. 101 VIa Waziers, Udo Isle, even to the plants well-start- ed ln the pa t!o and the new per- I!Oftalized mailbox outside the door. And Mary and John showed their new ho~ orr well with a cocktail party and buffet a Sunday ago. Among the many who enjoyed refreshment and well -seasoned snack~ were Mr. ~d Mrs. P. A. Palmf!l', Mr. and M rs. Harold M.i tchell. Miss Agnes Blomquist, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Wll.Uam Sauncters. Mr. and Mrs. ~U Knox, Mr. a nd Mrs. Vl.nceftt Healy, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 . Buck, llr. and Mrs. But Kemp-ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Groh· man, Mr. and Mrs. George Plenon. Leland Val~mtine, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. ?,ltaick, Mr. a nd Mrs. Les Power, M e. and Mrs. Pat Murphy, Mrs. Allen Hudson. Mn. Mary Mc.A.naw and her 80ft Lt. Roy McAnaw • --and at that I have r:niAsed a rew! I know there was talk ot a number o! folks com.tng down rrom San Francisco and Sa- cramento to help with the houle- woanning. We lhlnk they would have a hard time improving upon the gift brought by Mn . Mitchell -it went under the bed. • • • ~~~!J:=:.,=;wl.. ~... .. • .,..., ..,_!!~~~~=· ======7::=:--~:--~::-:--==:.:.....:..: ~ ..... .,..~ Z. Jones Dies at 75; j Lettn~ -Stricken at Laguna Meeting 1"hc Sip I• HArbor 87 PR ICES THE 51\ME AS O UR 51\NTA ANi\ STORE FTee Deli .. ery -:--T- c.. ......... ........ y •• .... --·-tJftft'..l•".z .. !WI I ... • • I • I ' ) ' . ' . ' . .., ........... toller ~ .,.. .... ..., t' No obfecdo-W.o6w ~ Noo-porcM~t -rai• din ~ Yulan duo w itl. ... , ....... * " Now -... fLAT .... ,_ ..... AND .......... '~--~ trOiacu -TWO LOCATION8-- 911 C'OMt Hwy., •NEWPORT BEacoa 6001 701 8'\~ ldf' D r., IL\rbor !l OS Five ~ta. for new dwelllnp during the put week ha\'e put())- rona Highlands at the top in building ac:Uvlty thus far in J une, with a total of more than $70,000. Four of the permits were for $ll,· 600 homes to ~ built by Walter Cole of Santa Ana. ~ following pt'rmits were is- rued during the past week: 0..... ... Jlar B. Z. McKinney. remodelUng of Coast Super Market, 611 Cout Blvd., $500. Uoyd Wood bui~r. Harcy Wood. Los Angeles,• S. room. 1--story, 1-unlt dw~lliftg at 207 I ris, $13.000. 0.'1"1er builder. John Burnham and Ralph Baker Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII O.lfttt .... -• J a - • ,Co. Floor Coverillp -DraiJtl»ouo6J Mphalt Tile -Rubber 1lle F onnlca -Unoleum TI~ OI .. TIIS' UN:~UII 138 E. ., .. M. o.ea ... ' II&&OON .... _. 22 YfaJ'! in ()nap Oouat7 ~- Jr.. nunery at TI6 Cout Blvt .• $2,000. Owner&, builders. Fart'l Walker, gara,ge at 22,. Poimet tia. $1.000. Dora Kennetty, ~Jling at 210 Heliotrope, $1.500. Ray Geib. ,.13 Dahlia, 5-room, 1•story, l~unit dv.~lling at 1413 First Ave., $12,500. Owner builder . L H. Nonnan. renee at Nor- man's Nursery, $300. t!IIMwe ClliJs W. E. Fisher, 6-room. 1-story, l · unit dv.~lllng at 310 Drift~"'Od. $12.700. Owner builder. c--........... Rod Gould. Lak~'Ood Village. 6- room. 1-story, 1-unit dv.~llinc at 556 ~ward, $14,980. J . 0 . Mar- kel. buil~r. Walter Cole, Santa Ana, 6-room. 1-story, 1-unit dwelllngs at 41.2, 416, 420 and 424 De Sola Terrace, each $11.600. Owner builder. Newport ·Udo Trailer Park. Lido Pt>nin· sui&, windbreak, $500. l'laal a~l Ia ~ at Monday ewablr'• Oty OouDdt IDeetlac for an emer f!:Y ordl· nanoe lntroclucecl at t ~k'a --'on to ~~ Uve bait re- ceh'ft'l and haDdiJna the aa1e ot. livto baJ t In the blly. The ordinance pnMdes that all bait ~"""' ahouJd haYe • Kft!C!Il tny at the bottom to retain all dead bait; liCI"ee'l or aoUd Hcl on top, except In cues where the re- ceiver l.s completely c:m."ee'ed by a roof; permit (rom Plarmlng Com-1 miaion. appnwed by Counc:JJ., to inataJI and opt>rate a I"K'ei~. ac- oornpanied by &PPf'O\'al of dty en- gineer as to design; aU ownt"f'l aDd ~tors or existing receiven to apply for ~\'al within 30 clays of pusa.ge of the ordinance. Non- conforming ~ivers may be re- fnO\,'ed by the Harbor Departrrw.>n t after 30 ~. Lh'E' bait boats are required to keep a recepta<* for dead bait; the bajt tank are to ~ covered; no ck>ad baH is to be disposed or in the waters of the bay ; np salt> or transfer of li\'e bait from one ves- sel to anotht>r is al~ H. B. Adair, 23 Beach Dr:, Trailer Park, windb~ak. $500. AJ..'WS Bucher, 141 Drakf', Water Week CaUed Trailer Park. windb~ak. $400. A. R. Yorston, remodelling aL Ma}or ~.A'S ls~ll has proclaimed 402 38th St., 1.850. • thi W('(>k as ''Colorado River Wa- RobC'rt Frick . addition at 3905 ter W(>(>k" in obst>t-vanet> or the Ma1'Cus. $300. lOth anniversary of Metropolitan 1 Ne•-port Hdctats 1 Water District operations. He \','. Donald Smith, addition at urged upport of chic programs 1 605 Broad. 400. to pmtE'<'t ''thls great and PS~n-1 Gu Claw.son, rem~llin~ at 427 tial watPr • uppl~ " ~n B' rnardino. MOO. BaJboa E. W alt7 l"('modeUinc at 1530 E ON.·an Bhd ~ 000. l\1 ro.. F A \' <~Un~. add lluWPr , t lfilR E l.alho:t Bl\'d .. 53(10. Lid(! lslf' Hut.:h Calm" 132 \"ia \\'a ZJn ... fi-room . l-·•m~ 1-unit ch\1lhne a1 210 \"io Lcm:a. . H .Ofl(• A n Y< art{an bUJidt>r Mutual Buildin~ Cn .. 131•1 Coast Bh d , C 0.~1.. 1·:-tor~. 1-unit d\\<.'l ung at 110-112 Via Onit>to, $2,CJOO. 0\\TI•~r builder. Three City Employees On 2-Week Active Duty t)OI c..tt Hwp. c.-... ..._, 6 9f£1Al OONTIACTOitS ~·-, CIIIIETE BEacoa 1547 Y.....-t ..... o.la.._ ... _ ..... ,. . -- I n..ar.y. ,_ 11 •••• 400c...tlallla••4 COlONA DIL ~ IDoJ ....... Nursery School State u~ aoc1 App:vwd ..._ .... y ..... I J :::::..'!" ... ~ a&.UO.N &IJU: &A'I'IB Open 5 daya per week~ to 5 Tranlparta tlon FurnW.ed 110 E. 15th St. OOM'A IIDA ..... _.., ol An Kmda FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS -·--• n.IZ DIIDIA'I'IB • FIRST HOME LOANS ,Moathly Putmetdl fr We oHer you fhe facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County ~ FDOILUW. Pav-15 Folk Dance Fete 1 vr &S uca nto• ftiP Mr and Mrs. Linwood Vlck. 54 C'"u u~r Rd.. Beacon Bay and Mr. VJck's mother, M rs ~eiUe Vlck, By SU IE PLI'XlDl G t B p l I have just retuml'd rom a wt'('k'a •ven y up: ~~~.with fr1end.· a1 El Paso, Whoopie! ... School. Li out ., If S for another summer vacation. Bul l this time a lot or students wiiJ not • be going back next year to dear Dan~ &nd songs which &re Frl"d Lang, M1 s Dorothy McCoy 1 'ole Harbor High. t , for on~. now learned through everyday school! and Miss Vt>ronlca Schleder: Mex·j look back on all the good times 1 1 sessions take on a speclaJ air when Jean huffle Dance, fourth gn.dt's have encountered At school and they become part of the annual f'lf Mrs. John Austin and Mrs. K~>n­ feel a bit of remorse to think I'U . frlng folk dance festival at the neth C'utler. John Brown. firth 1 nE>ver be going back again. I 'm Ne....-port and Corona del Mar r:r~ade of M1 'S Velma Win, Mrs. sure I'm not the only one who feels Grammar Schools. Rtchard McKJbben. thls ~. ~v ral hundred parents and. the At NeVo'PC)rt School the kinder-~ For lnstance, at graduation ex-costume effects of hats, ~owers gartens of Miss IsabeUe Bowles ercises he-Jd Jut week on the foot-&nd cn-pe paper sashes hetghten and Miss GJpnJce Belnap d.Jd Cre-- baU field.. many gradu.allng seniors 1 U~ festivity of the affair. lltive RhYthm; first grades of Mrs. had tears ln their e)'es. Of CQW"Se Mw Clara Ellen Spelman is the \'mpnla Escobar and Miu Leno the boys laughed but deep ln their 1 music s~r who pkns the May Willsey danct'<l the Farmer hearts 1 know ~Y hated to leave. music lnstructiOft. This year's pro-in the DPll : nrst grades of Mrs. Next year ma.ny of thele gradu-vams were hMded by Miss Mu-1 Jack B1llin~t~~. M l s s Jaque).lne ates wiU be fo r away from home cella R.ob!MOn at Nt-wport and Black and :\flss ~anC) Lewis pre-- tr)ing out thelr new wings. Bill Mi Lucille Babcock at Corona Pntc.>d I n and Out the Window; Whitman and Bill Schmidt will be 1 del Mar " ('Ond IO'Ild of Me; Marct'lla at Pomona. Suzie Royce will be In Corona del Mar the program Robinson and \fr ;\lanha An- clt'a r back east at Middlebury Col-''as ta rted ~i th a kJndergareten dN'ws t!B' e SkJp to My Lou; c.>c- lt-ge. Stan A~r will be at Clare-s::rand march lt>ad by four princes nnd wad ol ~h. Shirley ~en­ mont Mt>n's College. Mike Burns and four princesses. The danC('S bach and M1s Dorothy Rogeni wUJ probably be married to Donald \\l'r(' as follows. .:a\(' Looly Loo: tJurd grade or Dickie; m fact there are a num-Maypolt> d 8 n c e kinderg&rten Mrs Bruce Handy lll'ld Mi Freda ber of gir~ who will undoubtedly classe of Mrs. Gordon Wevill and Ka htlbky did ~ixle Polka; fourth take the final ste Mary Melsin-Mrs. Elton Barnett· Clap and Sing grades of Mr' Edward Dudley, ger and Brian Miracle, Jane Nor· kindergart<-n's of · Mrs Henn: Mrs. Mabel Stanley. Miss Mary ton and Ivan Haffor~. Peg Diehl vaughn and Mrs. Lee Wilder: ~I Gra er and Mrs. Marg&r<'t Lyall all and Gene Lay I the f1rst two are see You. nrst grades of Mrs. Meta marchPd w1th flags and played • not for surt>. as I don't want to 83chmann and Miss Selinabel l thelr song flutes; fifth ~rade of incriminatr myst'lfl. . mith; Skip to My Lou, first Dean Bellumonl did John Brown· Sally Henderson wtll proba bly grade of Mrs. William Harvey and Jifth t:rade of Mr . Carl Lanon dld journey to New York to be wilh Mrs William Kimes· Chimes of Shoot the Buffalo &nd fifth grade I her dad. Shirley Merrill is going DunJurk second grades of Miss of A~es CratJ: f\ni hro with Zar- to Hawaii the end of this month Betty Trine Miss Babcock and 1 ~ouzienna. to live with her parents. John Ml Lauri~ Barnum· Stay l:p School chJidren themseivp· an- Langt'nheim ~ going to Ruthlord and Dance. third grades of Mrs. nounced th proiT'fUllS. Prep School m Long Beach. Ann Adults a lStina with the party Gristy is golng t o Oranae Cout, which is a P'f A sponsored affair' a_long with Lois Straling, Bob Ald-Panhel Sets were Mrs. w M. Fi~ds. Mr . and radge, Carol Anderaon &nd Paul Mrs. W. 0 . S utherland, Mr. and Lee. Gwynne Gloege and George Mrs. Joseph Hamblet, ~fr and Mrs. Chambers are going to Stanford. July 11 Meet H. L. Dorkln. Mr. &nd :\lrs. D R. Marlene Anderson. Mona Me-BoY.ren and Mrs. Kenneth S tarege. T&ggart and Gene Crain are gol.ng home and C&milv chairman Also I WillS PIIZES • 11:00 A.M. ' lYlE 1~ on .your dial * "R• 111 c••" to UCLA. Don Ungle is ~ go-1 Thirty-one ooU~e alumnae no-helping wert" facUlty m mbers Mrs. ing t~ Pomona. Gary Smith will pr~senting 14 national sororities )lacy Mossteller Mrs. )largan!t be ~tb Stan Agar at Claremont aliPnded the lhlro organlza-tlonai Lev.is, Art Chratensen, Clifford 1 Men s College. Bill BuckMr is meeting or the Harbor Panbellenic Mahler and Principal Roy Ander-~~e~~ t~~~~~· ~~o~::. held . a.~Chthe Corona del Mar Com· ~sen.~=======~==~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Castle is golng to Stevens. Iris murutJ ur~ recently. f Higbie ta going to USC. Tonl Gret-Mrs. Raymond Kent Harvey and tenberg is going to Caltecb and Mrs. H~eston Harper w~ asked Lynn Hoxie ts com& to Berkeley. to remam as tempor~ Chairman 1 am going to San Diego State. and secretary respectively un!il With all these students going to fall. when permanent officers wtll such wonderful schools next fall to be elected. I reopen their textbooks for another The next meeting was set for 10 seuc>n, there ought to be a lot of a. m. Wednes.,, July 11. very educated persons returning to Harbor Higti senlor S h I r 1 e y 1 Newport Beach ln the future Franklin, daughter of Mr. and years. rm sure you will be proud Mrs. ~lim Franklin of Costa Mesa of them! tand formerly of Balboa laland), • • • was one of the three Southern Or- Another engagement has hit the ange County girls to be presented list of "intendeds" a t Harbor Hlgh. Panhellm.ic awards at the annual Beverly Brogdon (Harbor junlor l graduation tea held recently. has asked me to relate to you he-r I engagement to Don Maddox ot Mothen· Club Meets Santa Ana. Congratulations are A •-•L.--•-'-d H in order, and I \\ish both or you t DUIUUQ IIIKUJ OIDe I the best or luck! Tile Mothers' Club of Job's L. E. Cock Git~en Going Away Gift An initialed bnefdl~re was pre- sented by his neighbors to L. E. Cock, 1.24 27th St., Newport at a going away surprise party Satur· clay night. June 9. Co-holteues wel'e Mrs. s~ Smith and Mrs. Nell Baker of Newport. A.l8o prettent were tbe Smiths' tona, Bob and Jack: Mr. and M.n. Hagh Bolton. M.r. a.nd M.n. Bob Jessee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sch~. Mr. and M.n. Conrad Scbroff, a.nd M.r. and Mn. C. Cox of Newport. and Mn. M.arpret Morris and Mn. Alma Almaley of Costa Mesa. Mr. Cock plans to leave 80011 on a business trip to Costa R.k:a. Velma ea. to a.c.ift Decpee at Occidelltal Daughters. Bethel l 57, Costa Mesa. met Wednesday evening. June 6, at the home of the president. Mn. Charles Taylor. 2Z7 Ruby Ave., Balboa Island. Mrs. A. w. Gunn was co-hostess. Plans were discussed for the tn- staJiation of Job's Daughters to be held Saturday at 8 p. m. in the Friday Afternoon Clubhouse, eo.ta Me.. The next meeting of the Mothers' Club will be heJd on July 11 at the home of Mrs. Jack Chris- tensen. 200 Magnolia St .. Costa Mesa. , Eyes Examined lor F.ee the sun w~ a pair of precilion- 9round A.tterin9 sun CJiasSfl. In styles to suit your taste artcl1>enonality. wiitt itte best of lenML • No appointment n.-ded Dr. Gor-don OPTOME TRIST 315 N. MAIN at FOURTH SANTA ANA "-one: Klrnberty l -71)3 Velma Getea Caa of Corona del Mar received the degree ot bacb- f!lor of art.a during 69th ~ ment exercl.les at Ocddental Col- lege at 7 p. m . Monday. Gov. Earl Warren was the apeaker. S.nd in This Coupon and Join the LiM of t.iqu !leaden Miss Cull. cllluchter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. ca.. of 904 0cea Ave.. Corona clel Mar, majored In ~. She was vtc:;rcskl8'tt of the aemor cla•. serv on Ben- gal Board and was Pan-Hellenic president. She Ia a membf!r ot Delta <>mJeron Tau eorority. 1104 Cont ..... , ........... : CorOM 4.t .,..,, C.lif. HAri»or 1114 Please count me in as one of your subscribers. I am enclosing: [ ) $2.50 for one-year subscription. ( 1 $1.00 for four-month subscription. NAME (please print)_ .. ··-·-· .. -----------· ADDRESS----·---·-·---- f ' • ...... (/1.••• Bib 'n' Tudcer: Ql.•p• .. Dance Held a, A..lVll ~parties •'t'ft featured JW~ come l.tN' ~ vtsitGn! for ooc:ktalll ~ thP Blb 'It It -Uke old home week ben Tuckt'l" aumme-fannal held eaJiier at O'BRIEN'S when ene after an-this mooth. At the Balboa Island otJwr popa tnto tht> shop and AYS hm'ne of Mr. and lin. Jack Bru- "bello." First they stop and look ~r. the foiJooNln& cuesta pt.hen!d In the wlndoww and "ob" and ''ah'' ~ore the dance: Dr. and lll.na. Ed and say Coleen and I look pnottier Milum. Mr. and M.rs. Cal....,._ than ever in our new summer cas-and Mr. and Mrs.-Ronald Bartow. \all. M r. and lfrl. Robert Ca.IBs, Co- ...._ ~ walk 1a tate ....-e rooa.. dPJ Mar, mtertalnecl Jle.n. ... •I'• ..... \'eflllaa! lw --artd Mmes. Ed }{jrth, Jack Hub-......_ a...tn.rr..., ,_,._ IMt bard. John K('("lfor, Dick P~. AJ _ ... I"F~" (\'elillla tt.ta. It's Ple-ger, J.Aoster JeliMJl. Jlm Ray, H. • ..._., .. -('("t f/11 ttw. ._ ..... LynM H~hes. ROOE>rt Peanon and ~~er tllftr ....... rtpt .rr. ...,. Ham Sm.itJ\ . ..... •.....-..-ra.e. _... ~b The fonnaJ v.u held a t the Nt.1'·- 1Mr ...._ twhtH ... tlae ....-port Harbor Yacht Club, v.itb the .,_... •t ...-..c. aM ~ of "Fi\~ Bill of Rh>thm" ft.IJ"nillbinc tile .... ...,..,. .......... the music. Kr. and Mf'L Fn!d Hu-IWr...,. w pttfta I"NN tWa w bfor and Mr. and M Stuart n •• ~ .... ~. .... ~-.. C'all .....,., Diehl had ~ret" of the aJ'TaDC't"-~ ......._!) J1l('J)t.8. II06ll and host ·~ Anyway, he~ they an> all ea gt>r Mr. Md Mrs. Olh·n Hov."t'U, Mr. t o ~ the pretty nt'W things at and Mrs. Fred Harri!;oo, Mr and O'BRIEN'S, and. g('(", is it fun to Mrl>. Da'id Hill, Mr and Mrs. ~!('(" the ·•summc.-T't'rs:· Any of you Harold Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. new peopJe. just down for the first LoweU Newlon. Mr. and Mri. L. S. year, M ure and drop into Ho.tettler and Mr and Mrs Ito-O'BRIEN'~ e rl~ and get ac-tx-rt Calli . quamtcd. We'd like to meet you. -- - - We eaa be of 8U\iff. too. for Perdita Horn A warded O'BRIEN'S ttrriH top braMtt 1a ~Mw, Barorlc>, ~ w~ PomODa Speech Prize :'.;:;.• :~~«' "::!!: I Mtss Perdita Hom . daughter of 1Udl4'111k'k. IUiyttun ... eoao.y Mr. and Mn . Jtobert G. Hom of Clalt .u,., pa~H. !llPtKO"''ItS. 1908 Seaview Ave., Corona del l «'foe Ia aa anu....Uv v.IM Mar. has lloeen ~l\\arded the Kln- r&ae1'1 of sl~ • . n ~ ~lion prize at ~ Larkv.ood hose with the pat-CoUege. at i announCl'd bY, Prcsi- ented "V" top romes ln your me ~l E. Walson Lyon. Perdita bas and pmportion. Remey girdles. JUSt Hnl~ ~freshman :rear at I Lucllt' of HoUywood bru. Sloat. Pomona. rnajormg m J1l'('Ch a.nd skirts, Adelaar bloU!IeS, Symphony drama. .carfs to na~ a few weiJ u I top desjgners' models in dresses VISitinq McDonalda lncluding Carlye, L'Ai~n. Jean DureU. e tc . etc. YO 'LL just Donna and Gordon • ·ichol and ha\'f' to t.'Ome m and get acquaint -Da'ad Whiun~ of San Mateo ha\'C' ed. You'll ~ glad you came to ~n 5J)C'ndinsr tv.o "~k.B with the Newport Harbor. for here you can C. Allan McDorvJ&. 393 Onyx ~>hop in lelsure a nd comfort with A\e., Balboa llland. Donna and no perlunst problem (plenty of Gordon are tv.-ins, and Aff the .-rldni ln the patiol and find the niece and ne~· of Mrs. McDon- nJoeAt thlnttS' • ald. Da\i d is Donna's fiance. EXCELLEIICE iD UPBOLITEBY KIIIM0.8 c...-,_. .... .,.,_... . CArtltleM -i.IMSt.C..W.... Don't spend the Summer with the same old broken down dishesl ~eE thE new ~~&d~ £elllil.,'' Inexpensive dir:nerware that will brighten y our dining in provincial or contemporary homes . . Stcatw Set sp (2t ,. .. , Now •• C.ft ...... ,.., • c ........ 1M. "' ..... ,.__ eble, ettfaciM ,.ttery . ...W. "-4iMI9v ....... ...... fnNt 4ilhft, c..,. ._. ....,. ......... 4iYi4M ch.,t ,e.te, _,,, .......... ,.....,., .... •'"' ,.,....... etc. " • • • / . Gaaruteed Fresh EGG Wender Feod Fluffy Yet lew Wmallows 12-0Z. aAG tc ---~.:...·,;_~v . ....... ~ ................. .! ,.. lie IIU.Y Ill"., DONUIB ............ t for ae FIIIM'Y A&JUitl& CVP CAIEIB .............. I rer lie CCOOOIAft <IIBAII1118 .......... fJMia lie 8ATVIIOA'Y PBCAN \J .._ ....................... ;~ fer lie atJIIA MfftA ..XO CAD ...... -.. lie • • ALL MEEH A GeM Del F ... .,.. ..... NO.' CAN J .. Dc •.• ,.,h .... WA~·AD