HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignWI .. ---.. . .. I I a 4 • e 7 8 e 10 II 11 18 14 1• 1• 17 18 1e. II .. ~HtM••n•• Pa.bU o Li brar7 !el.bOa. Cal ............. a. V. 8. POSTAGE Pill c--.. liar, o.ar. 'l1nlmclcly. ~ .. 1.1 CORONA DEL MAll CALIF. 5 Cents Once a,;aln the Board of Tr~­ tN'S of the New·port Harbor Union High School delayed action on the proposal to annex tht> tuch school site to the city of Newport Beach. followin&: another 1eng1hy public hearing Monday afternoon. T1'K' rna t t cr will be taken up again at th next regular meeting or the Board. on Monday. Oct. 8. A crowd of about 45 was present to ht>ar the discussion, most of It fa,"'rablt> to annexation. 1'\\"0 pe- titions, one ooarin~:t 33 ignatures. tht> oth<'r about 500, both fa,·oring annexation. W<'rc read. A letter from the Costa Mesa Citizl.'ns' Council reported its ~ ('(>nt action requestln~ dt'lay in the decision. And a para te lettt>r rrom J . Stuart lnnt'rst, head or the councll, also requested post- poncmt>nt to preserve community good wi)J an<t reconvnen<k>d ap- pointment of a 'three-member com- mittC'C to stud.y the matter. Hay Lang<'nhl:'lm . ~cretary of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. r t> p or t e d that the Chamber dire<:tors that noon had indorsed annexation. Speaking l.n favol' of annexing ·wet'e Mrs. R. J . Briscoe of Costa Mesa, Mn . Ronald Barlow of Bal- boa Island and her son Noel. Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvey of Newport, Heinz KaiM'r of Ca.ta Mesa. Mrs. F. W. Tunnell of Costa M~. Sam KiM- father of Costa Mt"S&, Braden F1nch of Corona del Mu C eoun- dlman and former IIChool board rMJnber), Maurie Stanley of Cliff Haven, Ed Reely of Newport and Tom Hendenon of Udo Iale. I...e- 1'0)' Andenon. f't'Presentiog the Costa MH& 0\amber of Com- merce, repeated hls Ul<'rtion that there is no j u s t i f I c a tt o n for change. Selim Franklin, pl'Hident of the Costa Mesa ~. said that ac- tion should be delayed for the sake of hannony and to keep the high ~hoot out of politics. TheN! would be keen disappointmen "1)1~· ing hMTU" n Costa Mesa if an- nexa Uon Is approved. he pleaded. But ht' l~t the door ajar with hls rem&rk that BOrne time in the fu- t.lln! the JMtter may b<' ~ttled without hann to anyone or to tht> school. C. M. Kirnlnons of Costa Mesa ur~ poctponemeot of action for m monthl or a year. F..ro Opp of O.ta Ilea ..-ted dJ"CUUatinl two petitioM. one for and ee a ..... t ~ UIMU~, and ~t that dedee the tllw Gives Kids' Day to Be -Observed Here Calling upon all m<'mbcrs of the dation Inc . and th<' 3.300 club!! of rommunlty to support "NationAl C". ~·. ~·taM ... hJ~J wiff' Klws.nao;; Intt>mntumnl. In this M ltip)e y !-.:-M Kid!'' Day'' tx>o\USC of its pro~:Tam or ~ .. ta Ana. nta«kbL' .... , .. ,. t'it.y a ~l)('c'ial pm~:Tam hL~ been I u .....unCJ oves to help underprivileged )OUth. Y~h .. tN'f't'd tn prMIHit. ·-~ :tl"r8n~. t~ ot.cn'(' tht> day. ~~-Th<' Multiplt> Listin£ n hi Inn nf Mayor L. L. Istx>ll ts.c:uM o spe· _,..ow • AhtNiay an.nH)Oft at taonsl KHis f'Ay ptn.<~, whach Mil th•' ~«:'wfiOrt Harbor Ro.<tl'd of ciaJ proclamation thill w<'f•k In hoth thC' UM ADd Pftrt ~ Pntttk youn~o.""t«'f"l to ftdmi~ion at I RtHitors. eons.islink: of 135 m m- obst>rvance of the ('vent. which tN'4 fM NA-ti()MI Kid's Da:\'· th<' PMt ond Lido thl'atlX'S ~ tur· bl'M. is now l~att"d at th«-!)('rml'l· will take place Saturday . • • day :.ftPrno.m rna)' bt-obtained at n<-nt offlet-. 412 32nd 5t N wpnrt, T'h<> Mayor said that "th<' pur· an mort' fortunat<' ci.rcumstanN" .'' local "'o ·, r.r fmm m<'mb<'n of nMlr the City Hall. 'fhtt MulliPl<' pose of the da)• is to provld<'. He" u~ coopt>ratlon v.ith H\E' lo-the :"C'\\flClrl ttarbnr Kl\Hina<~ (1ub 1.1 t I n $l_ is a coopt'T8tiv~ plan wht"revcr poatble MSistan('(' 1n ('a} <"'rnmitt~. which is hca<kd by F'un& d<'mf'd fmm th\• dl. tnbu·l wht'reb~ I'll membe-N havt' a ropy helplna; uncJe-r-prhile~ed chlld'l"f'n Ha rvey Pt>a!t". j tton of thr~ pins \\111 b.-11.~ for or t?aCh It tlng and h., Pf"MM<'n M to f'Qjo)' .orne ot the beMfits no,... National Kids' Day is S'p()IW)M th(-un~r-pmil~ kids of ·~I J)Opu}&r that it rfq\11~ • run maJty 11«1 a1n1 to boys ancl cirll by the NatlonAJ JOdi' Dt)! Foan-<'Ommunit tim ~1a17 to ban• U•tm ... SupenUor-Hftnz Kaisn" brokt the rules b} J;t'tting R"1"''IUU at thP Anugos Vae)OS ~ung at the N~~rt Harbor Yacht club )~ terda,)•. But It "'-as on a ..-ubjt.>ct ck>ar to his heart~ I or he was peaking u an lmmittrant (some yl"ars rmlO'ed. 'tu. tnw• and be more lhan most can apprt'dat the ~ood fortune of us loUts hel'f' in the C. S. Heinz. as al1uy made a ~ impl' ion, both an the serious \ein, talkrng about tu5 adopted land. and ln jt'st, ribbing hiB felio\\ supt>n'U>ot· . "'ho "ere the gueJ~ts of honor, and also praising them ror doin.: a J!ood job Aha among the highlights oC the gatherin~ wu thfo pn>5(!1lta- tion of a fe\\ "muchachos" and their inductJon uuo lhts most un- u.suaJ of aJI cJu Amon~ them v.·ere Councilman DaJ ~·. OCC Prex) Basil P t noon and Park Conun.issione'r larion Dodd. 5oda Jerk Eddu.• :\Joore stood up for them and • n: ant~at-Anns Hdd Rin~r aC'('('ptcd tht-m rnto tht> fold as Re' Paul ~~oo~ Wbeek'r led Uw H·t'\l~ wnh appropti at<' J"E'm3rk'-a nd tn'-Wt"'. and Anu::o M> ford In tnt• prO\ tdt'<i mu.sical acoompanurwn t . Som<'Onc> "a !war-d '•l ~<•mark dU'"IDI: tho• r.w~·1101; t h It ~I '"'a" a remarkable l."a Jx>rUl\! or all the ~~ and if a bomb "·e-~ to fall t~ and "iPf' them out. Nev.-port Harbor Cf"rtainb would CIOln(> to a standstill ---for at Jeast 10 nunutes. Sounds quite in5u1Un~­ ... I wou.ld sa~· at Jea t a hall hour. • • • Bleedin~ hearts and bloo<l." noses ... tJ\at's what thfo Costa Mesa pleading against anneldn: thfo HiJ:h School site has rmall) conw to. BlE-eding hearts. because that's what the Mesans' anguish ";11 ceUSt> if Newpol'l annt>xe the SJU>; and bloody noses, becaUI(' that's ''hat may 't'eSult from the conseqwnt hard fl"elin~ amonn thc-pupils. The bJood.v oose idea bad ~n df'\·el~ at the pre\ious hearin~:. The mol"'f' poetic bleed.in.: heart toucb was brought forth in tilt> I "<'11 presented pleading of Selim Franklin. president of the Co ta M e-q Chamber or Comme~. at l:o"t '!onda~ · hearml!. ....,. lim'!' ca was tht> b(> ... t ' v .. --tntNI b~ tht> )i<>sano:. ~chin ~ to th-> ,,..,) heart or the matter ,,.,. i1 \\'(l.,g a mattc.>r or Costa M • j pruw not to ha\e> th<' !'C"rnc•l ...,~(' ann('x:ro. \ommmdabl(' t h o u 1:: h t, but '-<at~"l'l) or moment enough to be pta <'<'<I ah('ad of tht"-"('!far(' ol t h<' kids tht>msehc-.... TilE' rightful acllon to ~ takt>n !'tilJ 1'-to "0 ·~7£/)/J.lj~rtiJ~ ~~~~~ ~l~~o·~~r~~~·~e~~~:o~E~ A !!(lOd thou~t w~s su~~ ted II\ \h-, F . \\'. Tunnt•ll of ('<);.t \in-'J rh:ll tlw \\a~ 10 "<'Otch th I k b~.J~ ,.4.._ dan.!'ruu.., _Proposa l to make 16th I ';ff" 4 ~., -:-;t " mam •horom:hfar<' 11hu:-. A:r:.:J . .,PK. ,w • .._,.._ 1 c-uttml! t r:..ht throu~h thl' hmh sd ool campw.• would ht· to an- Advenwn• • • • • COaWIN ltOO'I' nt"\. th€> hrzh dlt'IOI 'It<' to thf' • • • Tlle Newport He~ En~9" rih of ="t>wpon ~a<'h. and then "-' been deten"l'ined to be a ne.... ="n'J}(I!'I \\OUid h:n t• lht• ptl\\~·t to paper of general ckc"'afi011 by iuclt-dow 1 ~£ '"1 rw 1. • • ment o4 the. S.perior Court of t4.e • • State of C.lifornl. io end fM tM "fh<'re·~ a '"lor rent'" "it:n tt i fl2 Co~mty of Orange, a .. d by tNlOft E . Balboa Gh d .. Balbort. which i tl.ereof ;, tiu•1iliecf to puW~h all tht> pr('<;E'nt hoiTK' of t h(> ="<""port eublic l\otiU1 r~uired by law. • • • Jlar hor Chamber o f Comm('rce. S0""8SCRIPT10W aATU R NtHlO i that I~ chambet I!> l!t't· ~ ~"Jaroor A~a __:.: t tns: 1 <>ad~ to moH to the> nt'\\ lo-a-waa. cation on Coast Htghway. near the One Yt>ar -nd or he )tirade Mile. l'hf' OUt of Ral'bot A~• r ll.50 Chambet hopt>S to mou• tn Oct. 26. EDn•oauu. ornca AJII) PVauaDIG ~ ... c.-.. c.-... -.~ Tet~~e swttc• lie .. . ~ .. ,... ....... ..... _.... ... ,..., _..... '"'"" ... U.L eppro...4. ... Screws l11 ...... ,.., ...W ••. i•ory ••• _.. .... twill ow+let •114 ,.. ...... ... J.,,., "Icy-Hot"' VACUUM IOr.'t E J. S1~' lleclr heeter pl.. e...! up •.. hee"Y "-ft. c~ . . . u .. d-itw's Lekr- et.fift eppro"'4. 11aunday. September 20. 1151 nn; PA~OilAIIIC \'lEW or SM\-port. Bay fro~~~ tltf> flrntl{ MHnCM'tal H~tal "lt.-'" rt>\ t>alt>ll In tht• ;:rn.l.ld-brf"tlkln~e pl<-hrrt> ut t he' top, a" .John A. Murd~· Jr., prt'tol&-at of fM board, add~ t hf' h.trs:•· 1 r~o\\ J at In 'II Thu:-'idu~ ·~ <'t'N'fl"wnl~. In tht> 'lo\\ t•r pktnrt', hand' on tht' ~old pla tf'd !iihon-·1, a :-o· (from lt>fl ), ('ouncllman Oul ht'l Blut>. who sold tht• fC"OIJJtc'l ~or 1111' !oilf' tu th(' h~ptt:~l board: o .. or~rt• (tr.lnl Uo:t~ jr.: hi .. muthf'r, Mr!ll.. (:l'or ltt' G. IIMI.!': Gf'OrJtt> C:rnnt Jlo~llt Ill n.nd. ht>hlnd hlm , Warr~ \\ ••lch. -(l'hoto!'l b~· l<'ob10m and B t><'knf'r .) )tOTHER~' MO~TII~ I p OHi ' D IJ I B ft.-a 5 l\tother·s h8\(' bc.>c.-n popular \i i-eace cen .~,~ e U1;&a I tors at tht> h<•mE" of_ ;\lr. and )irs. I Thc.-26th l'lnnual Ot'angl' C'1htnl.\ Los Ant.:<'lt>s. will play. P rocN'd" Don R.and<'l. 2060 :-iC\\'J)OI't Blvd .. PeaCE' Offi<X'r. · Ball \\til 1,., ht'lol ol If•,. dun('(' aJ'<' for· th<' insut'llnC~' Costa MeSI'I. Mr. Randel's motht-r. Frida) t'\l.'ninJ!, Oct. :l. at tlw R<'t · fund of tht' a. ociatton and oth<'r Mrs. At> si<' R.an&:-1. arrh<'d from l dCZ\"~US Ball Room in Baloo1, ac-)t 1rl~ obli~ations for whtch fund~ rordmg to an ann •• unC\'m<'nt ma~ • arC' ''(•Cdf'd. SeaHie. Wa.sh.. last \\N>k. and by Thomas y To\\ ns. C'ht<-f of f'h· !'lll'rtff Jim Musick IJaS i><'en Mrs: Rand<'l ~ mother. Mrs. May I lice in Or an~,, and Pr('sJdC'nl tll a ppoltltcd to ro-chauman 1 he Dan . has just r('turn<'d ft'Om a the assf'''iation Rail Tick<'t!' at'<' S1.2."; ('8Ch and \ isit of S<'\ t>ral weeks in t h<' area F • -onkil' Carl<' and hi~ or·chPl>tra ma\ bt• . <'Cut·ro from aO\ PoUC<' to her home:-tn :\1t. V<'rnon. Wash . cun·t·th•: a t the CO<.'Onul Gro\1'. Offir·t ' in th<' rount~. · Final Clearance FU END OF SEASON CLEARANCE --AU. OUTDOOR FURNITURE ........... 1-Ft. TILT 'I"YPE c.nlea UtlllleO. Alw•--pete, ''at d)'ed, He&\'Y t'JO\-enl kRCts --~-M.EJI:.Pt' IIOLLOW 'I"YPE '1,.,. Jie« ........................... NOW .• .__ Foklln~t Wood Olllcei's Clleh .R·V.ts AND CIIA.IIl 'JM ~.M.81.Now .... MANY OtHER ITEMS at ao.e-o.t PH~ ... sow •Jtll ~--~~ .......................................... _'29 I · ..._ ..... .... ~~:ar sau•~ .. .. . -·· ....................... va "·.:ru:-~~ ~~Zone 1 DAR '' 1 ·lz Mexican food stand. Mr. and Mrs. ' VV 1( Bill Whlte. 2155 Miramar Dr., S~or Benefit on Oct. 3rd Balboa. took orr for a ~·a va- ca tlon in Las Vegas. When they n>tum. the Whites \\ill then co to Catalina ro a seoond week. DJ~~~QRY A part) to plan a party was held 1 tional BuH.dmg Fund of DAR "'• on Thu d8y at the home of Mrs. Priz for thE.> card games wtll INSURANCE Carl Hanna, 318 Morning Canyon be don~t too by Kay Fmch. and Rd .. Shore Cliffs. DAR committee uro" anst tal>lo" of Mft and roc- For EVft')' Need m£>mb4-rs met to plan a gala bene-tumt' J('\\t'lr~ \\Ill also bP on saiP fat brid.;t' and canasta party to Mrs. Hanna at HArbor 0091-J w1ll ISLAND REALTY CO. tx> held at the Hanna .-home on I •cc:t'Pt rt> ('rHtlion., rnr .t h flll-':t~ ~ 0 Peue Wt>dnt>sday, Oct. 3. Proceeds of which I to lM-opE.>n to tht" pubhc. Y • t he affalr. wluch wiiJ start wilh Gu t at the planmng luncheon 1M IAA..U •llftAr ... ~COAST • ~'T:.:=-·~ ......... ~ ... --~ ..... '-- • HOUSt 'GAID£N ... c...~ ..... -.......... ~ Nithtt • • • s-4Q, 10 •""-to 4 P""· --------------------.-------------- H ARBOR m -w I d<"ssert. \\ill be sent to Ute Na-\\'('J't' M rs. Charle Roardman. ~'(>- Park at Agate, Balboe 1alaDd ~:ent of t ht' Col. William Cabt>ll L::===========~ I Chap ('r or .!\'PW'port Harbor [J.-\R. lr--~~;;r;;i;;;;r.ii~itiY.;---,1 r I Bll · Mrs. C F. Landt'rs \iCl' n>l!en t. 6._ _. p ' ''BE SURE -INSURE" Mrs. Jame<~ W~bsH•r. tn•a!'.urf'r. ' U.. am" wltb , ~~ • • Mrs. A. E tockton. COrrt'.,IAJOding ee • J 5t"a't'tar~. :'-Irs J L &>ac-h. !\t r<. THURSDAY 10:00 12 N Maurie Stanley 1 B!'3dt-n Ftnch and ~lr" \\' f.. , • -oon Insurance CotmaeUor P rotestant teachers for the Fish ,. at week-day Christian e d u c a t 1 on . . • IJII TIIEIJIE HARBOR 17'76 claSS<' in :-o;ewport Beach and 1 MO~trER!i<I W,Eft~ MEETI~c. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Co ta Mesa for the coming year First m('(>tmt. nl thP Hat hor "·ere announ<X'd this week by Re\·. Area :'-lothf'I'!I\.:PN .. pon nrf'd II\ DR.IZ-t.C:._ * Au.'ARDS * ENTERTAINMENT Thoma Roy PPndeiJ. chairman of the PTA thruuet th•· fa<-thttP-. ol J v the reU~IOUS education commission the adult (>(']uC'"dllon prol!r-am. wrll K v 0 E W . Stuart Foote INSURANCE 1 of the l'\eowport Harbor Co unci I be held at 9 a m Tu.-d;t~ 11 • ' of Churches ~ndre" P r ··..,h~ t t•nan \ h u 1 , t> Mrs. Chester F isht'r. a 23-year ~ewport I f• u:h.t<: :'-tar~ Battl'n . ,. tdt'nt of Costa )1e<;a. has been !'tPf((m eu '' dirN'IN nnd Blllw BROADCAST {1480) at 1:30 P. M. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd Newport Beach, Call!. ~~tedas~a~R~dw~n~r ~~a~,~~~r~J~a~c-~~m~~~~u!s'~·---.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _hE' has workoo and n ·L'd in · tht" WSC , PTA, Red Cro and Com- 1 munity Che t. Qnp daU'thter is Phone: HArbor 24 '---~81::':":L:-:VIIl:-=::-:PIA~-1"1:"!0::----' now a 1\enc:bnsc Oranl.!e Coast Col-l<'~e and anothE-r 1 attendin~ Silver Platers And SUvermdttw ~pe lrlnc -R.dlniahlnl Replating Gold -SU\·er-Copper-.aru. Near Community Olurcb 1914 Harbor Blvd., Collta Mae Beacon 5113 IIU810 Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of ~ Or,:anist. Accompanlat Evening aa.e. for Adults 3(17 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar \'OIC'E Vera Williams Member of M . T. A . Teacher or PIAXO nnd \.OICE S!X'cial Training for childrt'n. 3131: :\tarim.> A\(•. Balboa Island PHY~ICIA.' !'-S t . KOtJO.~t!! Lawre!'}C'? K Gundrum. M.D. \741 Sup{'rlor A\'e., Costa Meu Pn~crice Umited to Oisea. es <if the Ear, Nose an~ Throat and Allero o m ce Hours: by AXpointment REaC(m 6508 or H rbor 1038 ' Day or Night P hone HArbor 1138 . ~OTAKI' PUBLIC Nota ry Public at lhe N~wport Harbor Ensign HArbor 1114 1104 Coast Boulevard Corona del Mar nJNEKAL DI.ECTOB Baltz Mortuary . ChaPt'l by the Sea HARBOR 42 Corona de l Mar, Calltomla Ample Off-Street Parld.nc I WhittiPr She taught public chool 11 year m !'t'bra ka and Colorado tx-rore corrung Wt?'SI. a nd sen-ed fi n• years as libt·arian and tudy hall upE.>nisor in thP T u ~ t in school • ' t('m She:-i'\ a membt>r of th ·Co ta :'-Je .. a Community Chw <·h. :'-trs Grant Fuller. another teat'h· <'r on 1 hP ta rr. rt'Ct•h oo h r Mlu-~ cation at anta Ana Junior Col- lt>~e and Xonht'rn tate Tt>acht'rs :'\ormal School. Alx-1-dt>en. S D he too has had public school ' teachinlt expc.•rit>nC'l' as wPII 8'- chw-ch chnt-' \' ork H· ·~ chut C'l• membt>rship ,.., ~b~ tPrrar. Tl F ullt'rs ha\ •' t hi'('(' chtldll n. \\\ •• of whom at• att£"nding tlw Cost..t ;\1(>S8 chools She has bNon at· 11\e in Rt'<i \tu"s. WSCS. PTA and PEO r.roupt;. The third tPaChf'r for thl' rom- ins: ~t-ar is :\Ir·. Amador Ramo<> Shl" 1 • a cractuat~ of the San Fran- ci<oro z-.;ationul Traimm: School :t \[pthodl·t m<..llt ution -hP r('('('fltl) mo' (>('] to tht 81E'a rrom FuliE'l· ton. \\ hPrE' ~ht' was pr<'<:idPnt (I( tht:> PTA. aCII\'e in Rf>d \ro ... Communi!\ \hMt and t,.h(' \oun· c-11 or \hurch \\"om~'n. On" hn) &llt:>nd.. t ht' Ltndb· ·r'C'h .,,•hool 1., \nst a IPsa James Van Oyk~ Attends Bankers As -n. r. ·eetinq .laml'" T. \"ar P~ kt:>. pr~>'-ldll•' of t hi" :'1; nwp1.w1 l·hu·b< •r Bank. Co· rona d<'l :\1·, alr.~ndPri rh(' SPp· H•mtx>r d11 1 M•'tllnc ol rhe ln· d t'J>('ndt•nr ·t,nk•''" \ .. ~MHIIIOn nf Southl'tn 'tlll•.,·nr.• hl'ld in Los Angi'1P-. ~ " , k• ",.. Hu~:h J &>ntard . , pr···-.rd• n• o! rl•<-SP· rond :'I: a .tl Hank ,,, I !•lU:.ton. TPxa<:. ar. n ' ·ui• nt • t h•· Fman- cial Pubht· R••h '''"" ,\<:!'0• 11tion a nat1tmal ., •·tnr.l'tllllll of hank pu blk ... ~Ia 1 •• • " "'''1'1111\t'" Jennie Beckwith Dies on B.l. a t Age of 84 FunPral .. , ..,,;<'<'.. \\ere ht>ld T ue,d:l) at Rall7 \lortua~ 1m !\1rs. Jt'nnl(• BE'Ck\dlh. al!'ed 1 \\ ho di<'<l ~und'l\ al thl' home or ht'r dau~hl c>t :\trs Frank :\ll'y~r. 210 Garn~t .\H' .. nnlboa Island :\It Beck\\ 1th ''a-. born in El- cin. Ill.. and had h\!'d in Chicaco and Pasadt'nll bt'fort' l'Oilllnl: 10 the Island 1:-• years a~o llt'-;ldt•s her dauchtt'r. <:he , ..... un "Ni h~ two ~andchlldt Pn. :\Ian 111 F r "'' M<'\t'r of F.sc-ondido and Lun-. Jea'n S tatz of !'\orth Hollyw<W'd Intrrmt'nt wao; pri\'al<'. FOR~tt;R 8 :\I.RO.\ ll"LA~-OER"' 1 Tht' For t<' t Xt al .. h:t\<' a nt'" homt> tn S hor<' Cliffs. As of last 1 Wl'E'k they mon•d down from ~nt a Ana. Mrs. Neal ls thE' for- mer !\tarjorle Couch. Tlme was "h<'n they livt'd on Balboa lsland BAL-ISLE NURSERY SCHOOL Semnq Gnater Newport Harbor LIMlTED ENROLUI'EST F(')R FALl~ !liOW BEI~G ACCEM'ED • FEATt:Ril'\G JNSTRCCTIO::\ • • • Songs Rhythm. Stmple Hand Work and Group Play for the Pre-School Tot. Ages 2112 through 5 years. Rou.n: 8:1t • II :SO A. M. 31.7 Marine A.e •• Jalhoa WcmcL HA 2143-J U~r New ~~ ef lOAN •. IIAYDEN, Dlftlt!tftee .•. heolftly, hondSOCM, pure in heo rt, kind, courteous (some unmarried) are t~a.lfraw •.• nW ••. eogerly, on~e..iously, set16f*PMM& the hour, ........... .,, wherever you moy be. (never o busy signol) -·-"' of golden voiced, raAINt.,fi beoutifvl operoton (tOM -rried) He re in Orange County FACTORY CALL Kimberly 3-8315 --COLL£CT ns'Mftift no chorge, no fH , I I tt's happily, cheerfvtly, 512 N. MAIN ST. 119 E. <4TH Sl •. LONG lEACH OI'ES 'Tll~ 10 Olt CAll SANTA ANA -Dmberly 3-831 S tONG lEACH n221 S2f95 pa. Exci8e puts a 20" Muntz TV in Your Home • nNB ft'ALIAN DINNERS AIM t8ks -Prime lUbe Cocktails • IVOE EPT. !!- USC vs WASH. STATE IEPT. :!9-- STAN FORO V$ SAN JOSE OM".$- WASH. YS usc ' OCT. 13- STAN FORO vs UCLA (K"T. to- UCLA Vl OREGON OCT. !7- USC VI TCU S O\'. 3- STANFORO VS WASH. ST. ~OY. 10- UCLA vs OREGON ST. SO\'. 1'7- UCLA VS wASH. XO\'. 24- USC vs UCLA ,.; ' ... I! . ....-··"i" o6'i:4LD~ HOLF t.AKE , PtJCIAJ.! BOl'~ 1: OlHLS! Kiwanis Club ~poDM)I'~ National Kid's Day Matinee Sat., 1:45 Cortoon8 • Conwd~ • F r:tturt> All Pro<'<'l'd" ~o to ~"'. Kid's Day Foundation An'RDAl' LAMT DAY H ~iPH REY BOGART :\lART A TORE=' <!nd "Yank ! ... Korea" S l XDA\' • 'tTEl'iDJ\\' DOR' n AY "On Moo::i ght Bay" Techn'rulor WAY;"Ij£ MIJRRl Gusher" • ANNOUNCING THE OPENING t>F BEL CANTO STUDIO VOICE and PIANO Classes in Ear Training and Sight Singin g Yv'ce Puods Prepc!lred for C oncert, Ope·o O"d Or~to•io LUIGI and ARLINA V AIANI 319 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar. HArbor 0 170-M RituAl t<'am practiC\' will be ht-ld at tonJc;ht's nr~itng. 1 At th<> clo e of the met-ling last 1 1 Thur-sdar. Publicity C h a l r m a n Aida Gorton intJ-oduced tht> game I of ''Ftft~" and prizt-s "<>rt> won l llA PXEI"MOXL4 Paul F 5<.-hwPnrleit>r. 7 0 1 Acaeta An •. Corona del Mar. I. in FD'E JI"VB~TJ'C't£ IIADE IN Oti& O"'S ROP8 FURNITURE REFINISHED 801!8£ & GARDEN '" Co..t Hwy. N_.,.,. ae.~ nn .. -.10 ...... I by ~t'nlint•l Elsie Km~ and ht>r sislf 1 An.,"U." Myrtle llumphre~.l Rt•lu• hntt'nts \\t?rt' St>r\t>d by 1\frs. ~~~!!~!!!!r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!;;~~!!~ Gorton ~ S e.-port ~cAl ••• !NO \\'. Newport BlnL s..ta Aaa ••• no N. SJ"C&&DDO'e street Moos£' memb<'r from all lod~C's art> invilt.'d to attend the monthJy Fi h Fr) on Sunday. l'Jll. 30, at the hom.:-of Moo e Lodg1• 145i at 2300 Ocean Front, Nl'WJX•rt. AdvertisC'ment for tht> Moose fish and chips was ga i:·C'd at the Orange County F air ,. hPre local chapter had a bouth. New- port Women or the Moose will have a bazaar on S unday along I Y.ith 1 he fish fry. Handwork of tht> women will be on display. 1 Housewarming ,For the Hamlins A surprise housewarming was giv<>n Sa turda~ by the James HamUns of Downey and the Jack HardcasUes of Long Beach for their parents. Mr. &nd Mrs. WU- Uam H&mlln, of 2282 Kings Rd., CUff Ha v('n. The parents are formt-rly of Huntington Park and ha,·e h<'<-n Harbor residents for a couplf' of months. A pari h supper was served to the honored couplt> and ~IK'Sts, who included 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brook~ or Los AnJ:telc • Mr. and Ml"'ll. Clayton Faust of Anaheim, Mr. and Mrs. Hemry Grant of Nor- walk, Mr. and M rs. Ray Hard· cast!<' of Long Bt:>ach, Mr. a nd Mrs. Hollis Riley of Huntington Par'k, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and Mrl. Wadf:''s mother. Mrs. Mary Grt>na- waldt of Los An~eles and Mr. and Mrs . Allan Monosmlth of Long Tkach. Enalgn ClD• .!fled ada have ~ • prown meant or reechln~t buyen for all tort.a of mead.,4• e Uw than! Phone aut. lUI. 0\'HII I... ......,... Newport llartlor LIDO VILL.AGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 • EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY v.itb ~'"EY • GE~E'~ COAT BLVD. I )I ' t • and Chinese Dinners f!:~ :!EJ!!:~J !£EJ Steaks • Chopa • Short ~ at Oout JDpway-Newport ''Marlne.r'a Mlle" ~ed Snapper Cafe IOE ,..,.. Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Relle~os, etc. e Steaks 0,... I t. t tiO p. "'--a..M w-4..,. La l>osla • I.JVE IS.UT e () .TBOAHD8 .I 1'.\C!<'.E • • .. mnll Rm1t t~'\u"'~'hlnt: 11UawdaY. lept1mher 10. 1151 Outlmin pllana for tM H~l-52 club :rear. Mrs. C M. Deakins pr t<IN Thursday afternoon at a lunchron me.!tlnl ror her E'bell club officers and commltt~ ~m­ ber at Capt trano's EJ Adobe t>af M~ungs wtll a~aln be h ld on th f1rst Thursday mOJl t hly. Tt>ntatin• plans we~ made for the c:ont inua,tion or the third Thursday pa1·tlt'S. Board members also went on record a fa\or ing a SE>cond annual flowc>r show and spnng fpstlval. Mrs. WiJUam B. Tritt disclosed that the club's cook book wiU be publiciU'd over television thls ran. ·he said that he and ·e,·pral other members w1ll appt>ar on a Lo An- ~ele. T\' vro,~ram. expect(>() to be \iewl'd on•r the KNX channel. M1·s R L . Allen. program cttalr- man and f1r<>t ,.iCE>-prt> ldent. an- nouhced a "husband's night" meet- mg. ''h1ch ''Ill tx> an inn0\·at1on Planrv·d for :\tarch. a dinner "ill prec{'(! a pro~ra m &ITa m:t>d .-... JX'· Clall\ for th<' m<>n CapiUa's First Fall Meeting WiU Be Held on Wednesday Group One or CapiU& irdc-or llall m&\ lx> ma~ With Mrs. Med& the Corona del ~tar CommunJI} ="ei"'n, ·H rbor 2071-W. chairman Church \\111 c>n·e lunChf''On at th or Ct'OUP ( >n H.rst fall ~ting of the entll"(' Mi Paultne Babbitt "ill speak t·1rcle nt>xt Wednesday. on ''The 'tud nt Summer Ser\ice The m(>('ting wUI .star t "·ith cJe.. Cara\'an," ponsored by the Cali- ,·otionals in thf' sanctuary. led by lotma ConJrrt>ttationaJ Conferenet>. Mr . Grorge Le\\ill. Reser..-aUoru and a repr ('ntat heo from P ilgrim for lunchron to be ht'ld m Pilstrim I C hUJ'<'h m Pomona will explain ttw "ork ca1 r1t>d on by the young peo- plt> at the In titute ol Colon at Guadalaja.a. ~fe!Cico. another of thf' J>roJt·cts contributed to by domt>n'll 1::1fl 1n the Conference. W otn('n' C1ft Cha1rman. Mn. Mrs Robert AJien i:' t hr> nt>w 1) :\J Campbell. h!U( requ('<>tNI the li'Ntfi\ur<'r· for thf' ~e"port Har·bor C&J~II<~ m. mtM>n: to bnng rhe1r C 1rl St'Out ~ounciJ. and Mr-11. M.A., m1w 1\«lV'' R pqu4.>st ha\'P hem ~.1an~ld w1ll handle starr and ol-mad~> h~ t"n"ndl) !Wt\1!'(• ,,, qath.-r f1c:P romrnitl(.>(> busl1les . ~tr .. Ar-dothiiH.' fur ~oulh KorPan 11 u- lher Cruell has ~:>!>en nam<'d Juh-.:•·•·~ v ... ,.J pa•·t·pl, ··h· on·., t11• 1hur Gruell ha ~n nam<'d Juh-• ,1•11 t ('tie Low C'hairman I Outdoor acti\itie ... \\Ill bt> Pm-v 1 ! • d "'~8'-L.l(>d. It ~,as dE'C1dt'd thll> \\Ci'k e erans nVJte 111 a C1rl ~rout board m•·•·ttn).! £:u.:hth ~radt> and "t·ntor troop \ dint I I rnr lUlL; lu ltliJt)ljo,,•, \\Ill be gi\·en adf'QU81<' tnuntnJ: tu II;Hhol ,\•o•t \1 IPI 811" tu lh•• Ill'\' Conclud mr.: tht> mf'<'llnr.: :\11 ht•lp them ~)me l>killt•d .-•nou~o.h <;;7o ooo l o .:tun 11.11' '"II 1¥ l dd Dt-akms. \\ho t!. !Wr\'tm: hC'r second tu participatt-in r<•~:o111al nnd in-n." \\'..rtn• ... da~ t•\•llln.: '' 1 <tn· con ('CUII\t> )l'ar a pn•.,tdt nt. in-lpl·national camp!' lrnunr .. d t ) F-:d \loJtl•""r !'ttl'. t rodu(.'('(l hu t'O·\\OI'I<l'J., :\1n: Plan. haH~ bN•n madt> for a ~t·· rnJ.tnd••r c•l =""''"J.NIIt Hut~<•1 L•·.:t"n R L ,\IJl•n. :\Jr •. B~ron E \\'ell . cvnd ~farmer St•nior :::O.li\IC1' troop Po'' -~1 ~(>('On~ \IC£'-piPSidPnt, :\Jr ., J . ~· to ~· l~r·mt'd this fa ll with local Thl' dlr rwr nt ~~ a platP, mil nann. II I'E'COI d in!: CCr<'tal ) • Mrs. 'iE'I \ICe llS nlclltl nh,){'t'll \.. \It... IJ< ... t•n Pd j I 7 (I nl 'j I tl.t• L..>.:ion Harry H \aS<>~. rort:('<;pondmg St'-1 Robc.>r·t Kl'ppen has offt>rl'd to 1:1\ (' If till. ntt. fllld Ba~ A \ I . 't'\\ !)(I! I . <'TE'tar~. .~r~>. ~asll Peten:on. a rour·..,<' 1n F u<>r A 1d lo. th1-. 11('\\ and 1.., .,1,. n 11, 11 11 ,,..,.1an" and t~t>II,UJ ('I , · l h . I auJ Roger:.. ~u-~:r·oup. rlwu '" , ,., R··"••narions an· It'· 1 d11or · l.\1ns H 0 BoyvPy, parha-..,.-rJIIIIPd ·1 • , ., b• n HI•· In • <lhn~: rnentanan. ~l r C'ol!n Bro\\n and Luncheon Shower Br.anm >ill·'·' · :\1rs C C' Dodd, d trC'Cton.. Mrs H V ~nOdli(ras .... C'ourwsy; l\11'<:, Trttt, m t>mlwr hip: Mrs. Jamc.>s W. Thor'nlon. rurator ol sc.>ction:.: ~1r... Art hut Whitt> jr. Juniors : :\lis :' 1:. Ongs::11 and Mn •. Ray- mund H••• "'"· hoU'!t' and rt>n tal .... :\IN Charlt>'-·~. Eaton. publktt~ :o;rand in.; romm1tlt't' ht>ads and "''t'loon It ·ld 1'. arc.> M r . John La- rnal ''<I' .. and mC'an~: Mrs R. L. Ja) red n ct•pllon. Mr.., Ami' lin Gamhlt>. bud~<>t and linanN'; l\ln.. l>odd ''<'lf.ut•, :\1rs. 0 \\' R ICh- ant. t't'. n1111on" ~t1 s L1han K Dan it> II, Rt>d Cro~. ;\1r-s Ra~ mond K Hanf'\ \1r •. :\1 L R"lbb1tt and ,1..;;Tt:R 1" D f PRO\ IXt• :\Ir-s :'\t :\ ;\1urph). book "<'CIIOn..,, :\lrl'-llm.w• Parkrr nrt. :\tr ... E ('; I Hll\rlt J,:Didf'n a nd :\h'' (' \\" .la)rl'd rra\(•! B en e fit H eld For the Blind \!r ... H··rbt>t·t E Ru~:ch'' o11 \o1 t.old••nr-od A' r . Coron.t dl'l \11 t "a ... 111 Lo" Ancele ... mn<:l nl 11 ... 1 \\f'f'k lnokm!! art.•r h• I "l~lf'l \tr ... I .lnm•• ... E . < ':t\\\ood '' hn hrh I>~ o·n '-••nntt ly ill \~II h looo~u J)nt•Umo,ntn !"h•• ~<·purt ..;: ~~ ht 1 "i"lt'l , ... hnr1w ln•r l!'l(' ho!"pl1fll ·md ,.., tmp 1•\· IOL Ft:Tt: {'.!".('. Xt:W('O)fER~ INTRO D UC IN G BRAND NAMES 0!=" DI STfi\JCTION -··-Lynn Gter. E(;"hc l_ .I t t -.. 1v •• J.e:-: s .ee::c J .. ::: . ~ A •. -:e c: c~ .. · Mv:-.e·:e Se;gee -5 :· ~ :. -··-~ '""'P.-........ e'-oll-• R-~·,...­-J-. :.:::-::e . .; • e:-s-e;.·s -.':: ::s Polly Apparel :":t•al'l) 111(1 \\ tii1WI1 \\'t•ro• prC'!;c•nt .tl till' Ralooa l~a' Club Tu"sda~ t11r 1 hP a nnua I Dt;lta Gamma ~o­ r<'ri t~ Alumna•• part~ lor tht' b<'nt•- l 1 t nl a l..o:-A n~:C?It's nurs<'rY school 101 hhud ,•hildrl.'n. Informal rno- d<'llln~ h' t hl' !"h(' ~hop tn Balboa "<'n·t'<f a ... Hl1 ('ntt:>rtarnmf'nt durin~ A Ka ppa Si~ma r·u h party from ~ ~nuthE>rn Calir01·n1a t'nl\l'r·sit~· wn" hf•ld last \\f'<'k-l:'nd ul ~lw RalllClil Island hom£' nf ~1 r. a nd 1\l r-.. Clol- ••n<'t' ..\. llichi!'. ~2 Amt•th'"' A \t' Tlwir snn na k •·!"'t•~rHlirwd If> l'tL"h<'<' and 8pJ•I'OXIn131('1~ :?0 ac--1 ti\<' Ka ppa :-;it: mr>mht-1"' Yes. after four years in We're •--=--to larqer quarters in the the same location ..., • ..., OLD POSTOmCE BLDG. th<' bruncht'On. brrdt:e •nd canasta LHoAL Norrcli \\t'l't' 111 ordo r fm th<' aft<'rnoon. ·o .. \-'!06~1 T lw Utbulou ... priZt' of a wt>t>k -1 XOTI(' . TO CRt;DJTOR "t t·nd llll 1\\0 at Cor-onado .. ,as ESTATE r F 11\\:ll'dl'd 10 \lr<>. F'ranC'f's Lamb of FRF:OER:,·!o\ L \:\\.F:"HFC'K Lido 1 .. 1,. Cllhl'r pnz€' winner" Of'n''l<:l'd tncludl·d \Jr... \1tna Clum ol La ~otlct• i' ltt•r•·h~ :.rf\t•n ro thf' Habra . \tJ .... Jack Bhu<>dE'II of <'r<'dilof' • t1 tl ,tl(fl4" ... on ... ha\IO't ~a nta Ana \Irs Frank \\.ilkinson. <'latm~ a ·r ... , ·tw "'~ld dt't't'df'nt ;\1 rc; r. A B1rd. :\1r \\"arr€'n or ltaid 1'~1 . • '" tilf' lht•m \\lth th(' BnlC'rin.:. :\l r~o J o!lt>ph Fantlc.>y. nl'<'\·~~• ~ 'oou!'IH•r s tn the offiCP of \trc; Ro~'rta flornb<'ck . :\lr" Ro) th<' Cl<'rk of •h•• ~llpt'rlor Court or ~troll. !\Jr.; L. H . Aron!l, Mrs. C. tht> Count~ ••I Oran~.:t-. Stat<> of F. l.and•'r". :\lrl'> Hal E'ans. ~tiss C'alifornta. • '" t•rl ~.'nt tht• .. am<' . • h•:tnrw Rrot hf"T'-. \tn; Ralph Kin-wi1h the nf't"""'"'~'~ '"uch.-rs. to thl" nf'\. \lr ... A \\' r:tm.,r. !\tr·~ L<~llli~ undo'r'il!no'd '' hi~ nr h•'t pla<'t' of Fti.,chf"n, \lr''-Arnold BodP. :\I rs busin<'~S. tn·\\ 11 • w. :"\. Othm a nd Mrs. 1.~ It> F inl<'y c o T~nma~ 1-. ll<'fft>rnan 14 l.l C"nast l ll ~hwa) Corona dt>l :\lar. C'ahfomia V• R<':.l"' .. H~ C' SA .. L Y HIOY "rth111 !'h: n•on1hs aftC'r 1h<' first RUTH 'S Beawy Shop ltutk Grau, Owner H Arbor 2907 publication nf thi .. nntict• T1'l It'd • t•pwm b<'r 17 Hl:ll T~OLAX~ R I.AXGE:"BFCK EXI"('Uior of tho• F.,,,,,, nf <>aid d t•ct•dPnt 331 Poin1etti• Ave,, Coron• del M•r 1 Thomas E. lll'ffl'tna" 1 117'1 Coast II h:h'' a' -~ ...... FIII~IIIIIIIii19~o0ri!PIIIIiJIIIIIii ... I CornM dl.'l ~1st. Cn li f ... t o o 0 4 4 t i 4 4 0 0 0 0 At 101'11•'~ for Ex('rutor Bi%-Mart Knit Shoppe I I) E. 8elbo• llvd~ k lbo., HA 077. LHoAL Noncr S A L £ X o •. -\-~0639 '\'OTIC F: T O ('R E OITOR"l ~f.MMER ITE.~S F.~TATE OF :\lAX R HA"\=" .\XD V.<\R~ Ot"t't'<t...rd Y 1rn1 · ln1tructlon1 • FinilhiniJ X ntll'l' j,. h~>r~>h~· .rh ~>n t n thr !~~ij~ijijH~ou~rs~liO~to~5~~~~i crl'dltorc ol nnd nil llf't·..;:nn<. hrn- IE SA UP HOLST~RING t ·phnll!lt>rlng 8l UraPf'rY 8 tJu('OD 6338 tUO Newport ~l•c!.. Coeta Me" RUGS CARPETING I in~ <'lmm!' ..: '"' ·•~ d <'•'-dl•nt or t;ah ... oah I• lu. th\m \\ ith l h(' nt'N'S!-o<\1'\ \tlllrll<'l S in th(' ntftc'l' of ! h·' Ch't k nl tl>t• ~UJ'If'l'lllr Cnut'l u( rho' C'nunl\ of c lr .tncl?. ~ta to' "' Cl\hfnrnirt ~~~ l l' p .,,..,,,n· tlw ""' '"· ••irb ""' •1• rl'-.~'''' '•'U« ' •, · ~'1dt r '" n•'d .l t I ,, ott 1\o I• 'tt'f pf hll,ll\1""' Ill·\\ jr c· • llonalrl J) t 'll'\\o• I 111"\ Ctl:\!'11 I ·I \ .,, ('{Will' 'I flpl :\far, (' tltl0111 II \\ith1n l'ix nH•nlh~ altr·1· lht Jl'.lhlit'ai(C'I1 C'( lhi"' 11o>tH'o• J"'al !'d ~"P" mh<'r 17 1 'l\ I ~lliRLl"Y H , :"\' Kl R' F:\<'<'lllli.X of th•' F-,.Iilio• n( ~1.i ~ cl do•nt Donald D. Harwo<'d 1415 Coa I Hi~hway Corona df>l )far. Calir. Attorney for E xecutrix 605 * C 0 AST BLVD • • • • • ON OC T OBER * NOW SI¥E Q¥E ON PET SUPPLIES & SPORTING GOODS EXAMPLES OF SALES ITEMS: DEER HUNTERS! U.S. HO WLAND 1 s t • AMMUNITION SWIM CAPS ISok OIT All Leather -Sheep Line d Ht>&rUbr I'! .I'.\. On,, \II 17t' T l't'll . _I"-{ ult•ro•tl f 80 SWEAT HIRT~ "n" From 40C HEY KIDS ! SWIM FINS lfJ OFF 95 "" 'I' .1.11' \our ( hulrt PAI AK!:ETS Hilly's Pel Suppl•e & SPOR 11NG GOODS t t l ': ('O.\~T BL\'D . BEST LOO.\TI()N Close to North Bay. 4-bed- room, 2-bath colonial home. Large living roofu with fire- place, S(>para te dlnlng room, for<'e'd air h~t. aecludoo patio $23,950 Auractl\·e terms Stanley Hadfield Realtor ••• lllart.e Balboa ...... IIArtlor .. Sunday Noon to 5 P. M. Your insJ>('Ction of the e ex- ~ptional \'&lues is im;ted. 307 IRIS CDM 3 bedroom:. .Smart and mod- em, waU-to-wall carpeting, drapes, doutJI" fur naet> . A-1 construction. l1ke n ew. Clo e to $19 AAA bE-ach ,UUV AttrH•the Tt>rm<~ • • • 239 HELIOTROPE CDM 2 bedroom.,, 2 lull baths, 1 ~ yeaN old One block to ocean. Hardwood floors. fireplace, disposal, P' 11 a large double ga1 as.re & t.>nC'Io cd yard. $14,750 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor 116 Coa t 81\'d., COM IIArbor U U OPEN HOUSE ATl..'ROAl' k NDAY -from 1'! Xooa MODEL HOME FUR:\'1 liED 4!8 SEVILLE A\"& Balboa PellJ.uola Oallforala modena ---ardlll- tecture ~tnd color by outatand- lalt' authorit1e.. ~> ~ev.lJ()rt Furniture Co., Furnishings. • Edward 11. Fickt>tt, ArchitC'Ct • William \lankPr. Colors If you arP intert>sted in see- ing the LATEST in design &: color, set> this f Out Balboa lllvd. to thr Peninsula --- watch for $19 Hft thl.' arro\\. 1 .VfiiV Hadtor Newpo;-t Blvd. at IOtll St. NEWI'ORT BA IPEIIII SPECIAL SEW 3-BEDROOM-FII.\ $2.650 Down Lnw !\fonthJ~· Pnymf"n~ L<lll..• hr•m" ,. th m:'ln\' Nctra featur~>-. B• .J lltful 1'1' in g room \\11 h ftrPplac(', dinin~ ar.-a, hardwood floors, lots of till'. coverNi patio, double ga- rag<' "X 1 ra wid~ Jot.. Full p1 icr· $11 ~ftft only ,..,., A \·nilatJl" ,,, GI "ith $900 d0\.\71, plu.<. Impounds PHIL SULUVAN GEO. EVERSON 1156 Newport 81¥d., Cotte ~ew (Acron from Costa ~ • ._ leM) IE 7123, Eva~: liE S451-J, HA 3157-W ..... ,.,.., 87 feet on Harbor Bh:d , zonPd for liflht manufactur- ing. 2 mE'tal hu1ldings lea~ for 961) )'f•ar. Owner 1<'8\'· in~r area and will sacrifice this prc>Jl('rt} Soo $1. A ct qulck.Jy on thi •.•.. ...., .. ,..£. ................. a&,.. nn I· AttracU,·e 2~bcJrm.. borne Oil B.-2 Jot. t>r1cl.O&ed patio, bar- beque. Spaoe in front to buJld additional dw~Uing. $9,710 T~rmt BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT - - - Malt and Sandwich Shop Fully ('(lu.ipped, Including Frosty Machinery \\'dl r....oe. ted 1872 Newpolt BlYd. Cotta-- R~dent A&ent tor • At-C.. Life r-uce Oo. , (J 1• m v. n c FU- r·• d ~ DU 71 PO Q,·erlooking Ha1bor C'ntranf.'(' \\ith panoramic \'i(>W or tht.> ocean. OH•r 100 f4"t't of colored plate ~;lass. Propert) compta. c>s a pprox. 3.000 square-fe-et , has 2 ~tories, 3 bNlroom. ... 2~. baths. sunken Ji\·ing room and mast\'r 's den. Fully fu rhbhl'd tht•ou~hout. hardwood floors, carpeted upstairs. GE automatic wa lwt·. Four bdnn. North Bayfront 2•story ranch &tyle home, plus compl(>tt' l~bdrm. apt. all fur- nl bed O\'t>r doubl ~..-~......, •. -... F i1-eplace in both units. $1t.MO dowa pa,_.t \\1.11 makt> a Ra.l ltere- Arranst"e for appointment • Aetll& eu..lt7 a Sarety Co. • .~at.aoblle ~ Oo. n c 54 2t E"tericu dPck . ca~t and w••:.t. looking toward !'an Pr<fro and La!!una. Pt~!K'nt O\\ ner will decorate to suit bU)t'r. llt>nting b~ Pu~nl'. All t'Onditlon<'d ronltols up tail · and downstairs. 2-car gat·a,gt> and a flli''C'd cur rxwt • • • BA YFRONT-almost nus }tO USE IS A V AU..ABLE FOR SALE. Shown by Appointment Only T'wo-bdt m. hotm'. furni&hPd. Good hrat, 2·<'1lr gar. Ad- joins ba.r front & beach. NeNls touch-up and i~ priced CORONA DEL MAB PROPERTIES to S('ll $11.250 Ro~rt B. Lyaa aetl B f'ln L L)'1lll. Rnltors at.- J. A. leek Olllc:e 411 Coast Jtoulevard CORONA DEL MAR Farmhouse Motel HARBOR 108'7 IIAR.BOR lOIS ASSETS 1. On Balboa Island \Vater Ft'Ont. 2. 4 t fou1· 1 tx>d roomc;. 3. 2 "'.! baths. 4. Superior crm.-'' uct ion 5. Beautiful '1<'\\' UABWTIES 1. ::"'o bi~ yard to look aftPr. 2. ::"'o "fp.:im~ up" to do. 3. 30 days lx'Corr you can mo'l' in. NET WORTH Extra di,;dchd<; and wondt.>r- ful li\·in£t and addt>d yPars to ~our lift> ~~.~~~~ .. $27,500 co. 201 AGATE A\"E. BALBOA 1.8LA~"D HArb.lr 37'7-\\' SPDWLINC SUIUDIN ROME Approximately 2,500 Square feet Ra.Dch type hom~ leM than S yt>:u old, c-oll8l!ltiD.« of 3 bfodrooms. ! beth.s, lar~f" U\~ room, ftr't'pla~. f"Dtn ace ball, !iepal'&t e dhtlnr room, largf" aUillly tilt' klt<'hf'n with bre.aldatt a od lunc-ht'Oft an>a. roomy !M'n 'lf'f' porch t. laundry. There are lou of t'lO!M'fll and \\'1lrdro~. hard- "'ood noo~. shakt' roor. opee -bf'am ~Ulngs, furnace anti I.'IN 'trlc he11ttng. It hu low attachf'd co,·pr f'd patio porch, abo two-ca.r k1l rare. • Situated in the fast developing Back Bay region near Santa Ana Country Club. on a comer lot facing the Bay, 116'x234'. Room for a stable and S\\imming pool. • Offer<'d a t today's price, NOT TOMORROW'S. Terms. •Will consider 3-bedroom Corona del Mar home as part pa~ment. Costa Mesa Realty - BEacon 6818 SHOBE CtD'FS' BEST LOT lUI Lot X o. 15: frontaJ::C 8:5 feet , $6.750 ocean and jet t~ \iew .... priced at . Lot .No. 129 : frontage 81 ft.-Outstanding \'iew of ocean and ~~~~s.: prlc~e~~oo~.~~. L~·'·~·l·~-.. ~oron~ ...... $10.500 These are the choice lots 8\'&ila ble in SHORE CLIFFS. Owner anxious to sell .... Tc:>mlS can be arranged See PRICE T. Mc:COISHON ~ takes him elsewhere. ••t &M-rtf'lae nice duplex, near shopping center. $13 500 Thls week ....... .............. 1 or best offer takes It Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Bl.cl.. ec.ea M.a. IEaeoD 5121-J Sa'<' tho~ ~urpri I"S, buy or 1v nt )OUr pt-opt'r1 ~ from Fitz- morris Rt'ally C'u. HT~SitULTY co. REALTORS -B "SlNESS RROKERS 13 COAST BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 2152 Balboa ltluld Ferr7 JJuMrts ........... B('ach hom<> ncar ocean &: bay. 2 broi'OOrru . ~ood heat- Ing. asphalt tile floors, stall hower and c:IC'H'r indoor planter. $4,000 down '3250 moalb "BEST Bl'Y L~ SEWPORT BEA('R" aEEIWF ••• llllcllles 3112 Newport IIIYd. HArbor 2552 Newport l .. ch I STEIL $10,500 .\ TTRACTJVE :'\-fODERN C'orona del ;\Jar. 2-bed- room homt> ---2 years old. Furnlshro. Bendix. lELIA-- soe MAR.L'IE Balboa lsla.ad HArbOr 501 OWNER MUST MOVE Home Priced for Quick Sale $12.950 We "ill hold OP<'n house Sunday in this attractive 2-bedroom home' Less than 1 yt>ar old; hardwood floors: flagstone fire- plaet>; forced-air heat; dining ar<'a : 2-car garage built for second floor; \'it>w of harbor. Owator will carry a ll ovt>r ~.000 dowa. Joha E. Sadleir, Realtor 60'7 Coast Bh·d. CorOilll del Ma.r HArbor un Corona del Mar Nearly New. Well-Desiqned and· Constructed This s pacious 2-bedroom home plu!'i separat{' guest room and bath affords cvt-ry conveni<'nce for yrat" 'round enjoyable living ... Well located on '>'ide lot south of the highway .... Nlet>ly land- scaJ)('d YO'ith excellent -patio and many unusual Ceaturrs. It will appeal to the discriminating buyer as 1·C'pre (>nting real valuC' Prt~ $15,000 Tf'rm" W. W. Sa•loti. Realtor at the .. -. •• -·-SIIawer ••tors I. L I••• AsSOCiated with Gerald Ritchie 1219 C~d lllv4., Cot-oft• del ~ar HMor l l R .. : HArt--1202 REFL~ED L\DY wi hes practical nursing, m<~le or fema..le patient in home, or work in motherlC' s home. BE 6917-W, BE 6128-R. BABY Sl'J"TTNG-Reliable. HA 29?_.5.-.J. 5! 3-Rt 6( APj te m Jl ~ Pt 31 FOi l.'r (')I t>l de dt ro H WILL DO OliO JOBS, carpenter r<'palrs, pamt etc., by hour, day or '·eek. HArbor 01.26-J . W A. I ELDERLY smgle lady wants l or lr 2 bdrm. house, So. side of Hwy., r1., CDM. Furn. or unfurn. Perma-Ut nent. HArbor Z793-J or Laguna bo 4-2659. I =ro=s;-;In=o-::::N=-:-,-v-an_t_ed..,...-a_s_m_edi":':,-ca-:1,..--re--~~~ I ceptionist, full or part time. Ex-60 pt>rienced. Laguna 4-4257. 03 DRESSMAKL"\G & alterations Cor • - I ladies & children. 410 1! !':arcis-WI~ sus, Coro011 del Mar. ap m• RELIABLE WOMAN will take CNF care of chlld in my own home. ,:-.;1 CaU Beacon 6407-W. A\ E. L s ........ , F~~~ • R.EALTOR j~ • IUSINESS O,PORTUNITIES FOR • RENTALS BA.rtor net li\1 1121 Co.et Blv._ Cot-otla 4.1 ~., He ~~~~~~~~~· Ft'R fill pr LOUIS F. GATES OoYL Appnt.w • 0~ ~ Rome Loam 10 buy, bl.llld. refinance or lor alteraUol\8 GENXRAL INSUllA.NCE HArbor 18ft 4tO o..t Bl~d.., 001'011& del lll.a.r PRIVATE MONEY to Locm on Real Eatate Only E. A. CHRISTY 205 No. B.y Front, lalboa ldand ------ RENTALS 1-2~ Broroom homes & Apts. Yearly or '>'inter No commi ion charge. Paul C. Jones. Realtor !S0'7 W. BaJboa llh·d., N . B. H.Arhor !SIS 41 un sli bd 1 ('I E\ t;;o..;F 1- 0c OFF 70C Btl Beau wit f'lt mo 1 1304 FUR bot tx-a als 14~ '19 ). II :")41 "' 01 ·;r, 1·' Ill I ·~9 f~ '4 }o"' • *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED • hi m '47 PI P< 'l2 0 FURNITURE Ul74 ll.ar1tor Blv .. , o..ta Meea u:.ooa .,-6 Your ITIIEIIIEI * SALES DcaJer • SE RVICE * PARTS .. Joe Nickem It 1 '41 M ne '11 F1 0\ '38 PI '39 Ft NO R 1 y ~ 88001 Hours s~ ted wtth Ritchie ~ .. ec-.-.. 4.1 Mtr Rea: HArMr 1202 I FURN. API'S. tor f'fttt. See Lou-I lie Apt&. ftnt. Dbla A aiDilea. overloo~f SQ. 3aJ Carnation, OA V FRONT fum. 3-bdrm. houat>, Corona de Mar. 125. Also 2-bdnn. tum. apt., Unsung Commercials 75. Utils. pd. BEacon 5594-J . For Sale FTR~. GUEST HOUSE suJtable ------------It 5t'<!'m like sprf.nr the way for Ught houst>keeping. Adults TA~K TYPE, cuwn clt'llrtor nd ~~e ~r~~~ ~~in'.·~~~ onb•. 421_ Jlt>llotropc.>, CDM., 1 ~U upholster} vacuu~. Both llU)Ckf" t.as sold his Balboa tore HArbor 0359-:\t. in good working oond. RE 526\. • !ortn('rly FUrpatrick'al to Rorer ('HAR~IING .2~lory furll; home in 6-FT. GE.'I;'ERAL ELEC. rdri"-Uaima/(m1 I formt'l'l)' or Brandt''i B.I. 3 large bdrms, 1 z baths, at 'it3fl50 li nd ~f'WJ)Ort Harbor na'nkl and ftr<'pl . $110 mo. on rrly lease. u G~~T'S 1:-T RX ITL'RE · · Uon Heston .... :-.:l'\\• O\\ners of ~ ~l'lll J~Arbor 1397-JK.. 16.t5 .1'\e\\pot·l lll\d. Co ra :\fe-.a JohiU'I~ ,\lien·~ Phannacy on Bal- F URNLSIU:,D 2-~J·m. apt., Y.rly GRAND PIANOS, 25 makf" . U ed bn-l hl~_nd ar(' E. H and Ht>l<'n r~ntal, S7~ mo. CIC?. e to shoppmg from $i9S. Te rm'l. Steln"ray. l-our P :O:.kiM<'r _of 1~ 0n}"'C A,..,, di t. 604 Ma1 guerlt£', Corona del I Mason & Hamlin, F ir; c her, ... H1dy s Pet s_upplie~ and Sport- Mar. HArbor 1649-W. Knabe Chickennrt and many 'rn~ Goods Shop ~~ ~<'tlmq ready to DUPLEX-2 bdrms., unfurnished. man)' others DANZ·SCIDUDT mo\l' to th<' old Post Office stte ln 705 ~i Acacia, CU:\1. 520 No Main ant a~ Ana R~ I C'ororUJ. <k>l_ :\tar, and 111 dC'Pf'OdJnl' Pl~~ASANT r':"·· comfo~bly fur-memb<>~: com~r 6th. ~rmn ~~s,.:1~1!Je ~('~~~~;J:u~' ht>:~ mshec1. Prh. ent .. pnv. bath. TABLE-TOP gas ranlle. O\' n con-truck down the stTY> t Com;enJent. locat. Refer. exch. trol. all-porcelain <'namel S37.50 e · 5081ri ~!ar1gold, COM, HArbor GRA.."'lTS FURNITURE TRADE your old piano on Elf'('lric 2853-R. 1645 Newport Bl...-d. Co ta Mesa O~an. Piano or Tt.>le\'i~ion Bi$."- !\EWLY 1-"URNISH ED apart:ment. DA VEXPORT tx>d. clean cheap. ~f>~t cash aUowant'('. DA..'I;'Z- 514 .M.argu<'rite, Corona del Mar. 709 Gold nrod, CDM. 'HArbor ~CH;\f!DT Pl.A.'I;'Q CO. 520 ~ 3-ROOl\1 rurn. apt. Utils. pa.id. 2892-M:. Main. Santa Ana 600 Acacla, Corona del Mar, GOOD uprlstht piano -19 :lO KEYS -Made "'hile you "alt. APARTMEXTS & houses for win-GRA.'."TS Ft.'R.~lTl'RE.. Tommy's Sbop, Post Office Blk., tt'r or ~ f'l)' l<'a.se. Ed L. Sedel-1645 Xewport 81\ d. C~ta .Mesa C.orona del Mar. m<>ier. 1-23 Coast Bl\'d., COM. t:SED CAS fCreglSter. Balhoa Is-NEW LOCA'nON! HA1 bor 27f.6. land Variety Store. 213 Marine ._.., 1i ...._ La& :"EW 2-bdrm. unfurn. duplex. 601 Ave. 13alboa Island. .... r-... r-... Pom.f'ltia. CD!\1. Phon<' owner SL\1MO~S BEAL"TYREST ~ LADY wishes practical ' at HArbor 119:>-W -K . tre . Lrk~ n "' 19.:")(1 USED MARINE GEAR male or female patient FOR LEASf: Fum.. ultra-mod-GRA..-..:T • Ft'Ri'ITL'Rl-. Ntllti'-1 O.co,-etlOftt -UMIII Net or 11.-ork in motherll'"' (.'rn, :l-bdrm. how P, dbl. gar .. Wl-1643 ~l"\\"J)Ort Bh d Cll ... l3 ~tPsa • wt I UY SCitAP METALS • 6917-W BE 6L28-R. <'XC't>llt.:d \lC\\. sw:'dl'Ck, firepl., ~1AGX1FJCEXT Elf"Ctl'ic Organ ' ...... r .... ..-Oft O.J. '-- to buy, buUd. lor alteration. INStTRANCE HArbor lin Blt'd., Core.& cle1 Mar ADIOL I 98c Doz. by Morri 1111111. -.. ,'"'- ElliE I DfPler t>I<'C. dr.shwasher, ~sP? al. range.j Repos .. e <;('d. Bh: a' in~. A Near Ice .House on 30th d~p Crreze. ~ndlX. rronf>r. No I bargain of a lifNirn<' T!.>nns. ,.,o,.• HA!W 1470, Newport ... c., drtnktni! part res. Child OK. Ideal DA.NZ-SCHMIOT pI A~ 0 & • OPEN SUNDAYS • fnr t('achers. 130 Poppy, CD~i. ORGAN CO. :;20 ~o ~lain. cor. HARBOR ~ANSFER-BE 6927 HArbol' 1275-R. 6th. Santa Ana. ~ .. WA~TED A good tenant Cot· at-t-P IECE d<'roratl'd bdrm. ~ct. Bed. Lost and Found t rae. !>paclous 3-rm. furn. water-vanity. t'h('M & twnch ~7.:>Q fl·ont apt .. ~ mo. yr. 'round. GRA.,"T!-> Fl.'R~ITL'RE E\'ER SI:"CE SCHOOL ..;rartf'd "\1ickll'.'' our 7-mo -old bl.tc k l<i~tf'n has been lo r 'hi:' ha a IOn1! !<ttl. Ph.'ast> rPlurn ht'r '" Jud~. ~U'lan & C'athy, fL\ 2040~1 L't ll. pd. 213 Grand Canal. Bal-164Il :"P\\·port Bh d. \o<;ta ~It> a boa lsi<'. HArbor 761-R after 5. PRACTICE prano ~ 1n-e"<cei= FOR RENT-Large 2-bdrm. apt. lent playrns; rondJtion 1.2:; per Nrcely furn. Encl. patio, gar. \\Ct>k . Tt'rms 2 ~,.8~ l'Xthan~e 604 1-i !'\arcissus, COM. HArbor or full putchru.e priCP l>A:'\"Z· LOST-C.•nt leman's BuJova wrt t \\1l ch in CD)t. Tu~ SPpt 4 RC\\ard 1(t0fl C'oa t Rhd C'D ". HAt bot 24.52. 0364-J. SCH:\UDT. 520 :"o \hrn ~anta \.VT:"'w'TER RENTAL--3--B.R. furn. An:t. apt.. pl<'asant, comfortable. $45 6-Cl' -FT. FRlG1DAlRI:. P('rft-c• mo. 2'21 Pearl. Balboo Island. rond.rt ion, guarantef'd .. 'l9'ltl l"NFUR.'I;". 2-bdrm., home. COM. GRA:\"T~ Ft'R~JTl'R£~ Services :-:ear school. Yr's lease. $85 mo. 1645 ~l\\port Bhd ("o-;ta \It·~ ......................................................... ....,._.......,._,.......,........,....._ _A,·arl. Sept. 15. HA 379-.M:. FOR ::;A LEPrn~ pon~ tablr, 3-HARBOR TRAS.SFER-BE sm Fi.'R.'\1. STUDJO cottage for rent:, pJ). ~ood con IIA l'i3."l·R-K K EY~ :0.1ALJE GN ,hro~t ... .-xrn firepl., ~ blk. f~m ocean; S65 HEATFR~ \\'uod . ,!a~. t>kcillr kt ~<; m<td" now. 35<: ea nr ~ !nr yr:.. roWld. All uttls. pd. HArbor ~w('}l ~>Jt <"I a.., 10\\ a, 2 ~"l t·a \tl Ra~'i•w Build<.'rs. 1 C'oact 17;,9-:\1. G R,\::\TS 1-\.'R~JTl'RL Ht::hway, ::'\e"por Bea<'h F<1R RE:"I.'T-1-bdnn. apt .. large 1fl4:i "l'\\ port Bh d \c, .. t.ll ~Jc. .. :t COMPLETE HOGSECLEAXL'IG li\'. _rm & J:ar. Yrly rental. 104~ ~TATin:" WACO:" l--ord late '46. Furniture & Ru~ shampooing, etc. llf'botr-ope, COM. Excl•l. cond. reflect!' C.JY" !ul ram-Work guaranteed. Beacon 6Ul. Fl'R"\. ROOM with .sep. ent. and ih USP, (·xtra·. Ptw. party. 542 AJ's House and Window Oean- priv. hath. Yrly rental. Key at F·ull,.rton A\1'. ::'l:t•\\pc>ll H~ts. In~ S<'rvi~. n;; P oin!;<'ttia , COM. FI\'E~I'd law mode•! ~t·rH•I ~~a.: fTR~ITt'RE RESTOKATIOS 'BAY FRO='IT APT.-1 lrte. bdrm. r«>fri~:.. 4-:i-6-7-~ c·u. ft a'l low Chair bottoms, benches and stools unit. priv. beach. $75 winter. a" .. S~l ";() restort'd uslog cane, rush. reed. .ll~htb· higher by yr. Also 2-GR,\:"T'S Fl'R::'\ITl R F. <>tc. FREE EST01ATE. bdrrns .. 2 bath • firepl. $12.5 \Vin-16-l:l ~1'\\port Bhd. C"nc;ra :'ol<'~n HAR\-'EV' lt'l'. AvalJ. by yr. HArbor 2552. GE:". ELEC'. rf'fn..:. sr:.. If rbor FURNITtillE REPADl E\'£' : HArbor 2914-M. 23H•·J. !050 aata Alia A\"e., Coeta Mea , llNFURN. CDM. reas. rents; new BIG TRA="-:-:-u""E=-·-:-l~X:-o-n-,-,.,-u-r-o-:-ld-:--s-:-to:-,-.<' B~ llss-1 1· & 2-bdrm. apts., ultra modern. 011 3 n1 \\ Gaff<'t '& &illlf't' au-WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK ()c('an view. HA 1671. tomat1c $tas ranJ:,c.>. DONE! OFFlCE or STORE space for rent. GRA.'I;'T'~ fT RXlTl.'R I-: GO TO HAL ... iOO Carnation, Corona del Mar. 164.5 :"f'\\"J)OI't Bh d. Co-.ta :\fe'<l 1 Complete ho\Dee!leenlng ltei'Vtce. FOR RENT UO ~IIOT G ·~ HAJ-b<ll' 1887-W Windows, floor waxing and pol· BUNGALOW APARTMENTS ~PAIR o:-.;LY-T\\in b<'d srze:-is~~~W 13ca utifully fum., large llv. room b<'aut~·rpst mattrf's c. ~lf'ri---;H.~~fL;;;-:..;;.;.H:;:O~LB;-;:;R:=:OOa:-::o~.=--wilh fi~place, bdrm.. kitchen-lin-d.· cl<'an SJOJlO A Pi ll' Ratf:' b~ day, \\'N>k or GRA:'\TS fTR:"lTI*RE Dependable Plumbing mont h. 161l :\"""'' JlCII't 8 1\ d C'ost,t :0.1c a A Prompt RePfir en.ice FARM HOUSE MOTEL l'SFP ~1 DAY~ C'hrnt-'<' modt'rn Ma.intafned 1304 Coast Blvd., COM HA 1063 3-pr. s{'('tJonal AF...acon ;)261. Pboee Harbor lUS.W n .rRN. APTS & rooms. Ideal har-6-FT PL.\TE GLASS !-hO\\C8$t• !801 Balboa Bh·cL Ne.-,ort Bee.c* bor and ocean view. Close to Onh Sl~ ;o tx-:.cht's. Summer & wln~r rent-GR.\..'I;'T'~ fT R:"ITl'RE P A I N T I N G ats. 1414 Seaview, CDM. HA 1645 -'rwpnrt Bh d • C'oo:t:. ~lt-<:3 Earl Sheflin 1456. 10~~ >T KAYAK rorii"ah' REa("(m n 3 P•lmt>r t. _ C0t1ta Meea A·l Usetl Cars 1·1 '19 LI~COL::'\ Sport S<'dan, R,\-11. ·wd O'D; P<'l'f~ct 111 !\II:> \\3~ ....... ~l:583 ·,-,_, F1 IH!l IJI'hlll.t' H & OD. IIIII~ . Sl:J13 ""') FORP \' -1-l tl<'hLW 'edan. onl~ H25 'IH F• IRfl !->••dan. R. . . .... 128.'1 'I~ FORD Sup. ['11~. St'dan. brand tW\\ paint job. tm- rnacula tc. onh '47 PO:'IITYAC ~dan. R&li. prrfPCt in t'\'l'ry ,\\1l)' . 't2 OLD~ 6 club s e d an. 101.3 975 R&II. Hydramatic ... . I ·~1 MERCl.'RY Sedan. R&H. """ n<'w p:unt, only .. ..... o.>o.~ • 11 FORD Coupe. m o t o r O\'t'rhaull'd, only . 395 '3S PONTIAC 2-door. R. 215 '39 FORD Tudor 190 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Tcnn!l is DesirE.'d 1l d0\\70, 18 months to pay NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY CAR ON.OURLOT neoiln ••• YOUR FORD DEALER 534 Coast Highway Beecon 8604 Newport Beach Hours: W('('k Days 8 'til 6:30 p.m. Sundays a Holldlya, 10 'tU 4 S:\tALI. :J-\\ hr•••l lut:~l'll!t' tr:lll<'r fm· ~Hit' HEncnn 526 1 2-l~t -~K ~PRJ ~f.~ & m:~-,-,1-.f'-,-.,r-._ Ill !!OOd l'lln!l. t'ht 'I (I H" 17 ~1)-J ·rttl't 6 p m ,) V E:'-\ETJ.\"' Tll.t,P:' . .!•lOrl I'On- diti011 IHxiR f~,,.,, 1·\t> ... II.\ 13."t'1-W f:Cst·~K 131-P!" ''''h "pnm:-..-: p.'\cb, $\';, t:un'kr\ \ Clt'UIIIl1 l'l<'nll· cr. s,; Studw ~1uC'h ; -113 J h•hotroJ)C'. C'omnn d<'l ~tnr BRITI='H AU;;TI:--; '11 \\lth \i6 motnr Xl.'w rinc . t:(lod rrr.•c; :md rn \f n t.!ood cond 2:-i-30 miles p('r tillon B~lcon 6003-\\' '3~ PL \')tOt 'TH. s:ood ttrrs me- chamcall) £ood HA 2903-R O~LY 2-YRS. OLD 9 <'Ubic foot C'oldspot l'<'fri~.t. O'KN'fl' & l\h•r- rlt t t:t iddll'-top & db I O\'l'n lime clock stO\<' 5-pc l'af'ly Calif. dinlnt.: room 't't. 4l2 E l ~lod<'na. I ~{'wport !'f<'i~ht8. Miscellaneous B~ 545'7-M RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • On location. • Work Gu.anut~ MOOOl' INTERIORS C'sU HArbor %04M f o'r EiJUmat~ !U Cout BlVd. ('oron.a dt-1 Mar HARBOR TRA...'iSFER--BE 6927 Help Wanted LADY \\'A:"TED fnr part-timE' ht>IJl at th<> Stork Shop. 1211 ('oaq Rh d .. CD:\1 E~r1t>nce not n<'Cl' :..ary. YOl ~G WOMAX. 20-30, wa ntt'd tor· CuJ I lime \\ ork at Joll~ Ro- J:l'r. Balboa Island & l...ai!Ulla Beach. :\llD.-AGED hsekpr. • rompanion. Slt'Cp in. Ref. req. W rite Box S-1 c o The Ensign, 1104 Coast Bl. Corona del Mar. HARBOR -TRA..'lSFER~BE 6927 WANTED--Man for general nw·- S5 A MONTH r<'nl!l 8 good piano. S<>ry work. Norman'!~ Nurser). All r<>nl allow<'d \\'hen you buy. 1313 Coast Bh'd .• C'DM. DANZ-CHMIDT PlANO CO., COt"PLE, as part fimt." traiJt>r perk 520 No. Mnln. Corn<'r 6th. Santa <"nr'<'takers. Apprux. a~c 50-60, Ana. I white:-. Must ha,·<' O\\ n tr&J I<'r. DRESSl\IAKJNG & lndlt'S' a1tcra-Phone Anaheim 61 1. ttons. by apt. only . 407 39th St., SALES.l\ffi'll-We have an oppor- Nwpt. Island. NB .. HA 1137-R. tunity for salesmen who are in- RELIABL'E mid-3ied lady, COM. te~ted In WORKING and also will do baby $ittlng. clay. wk .. or in making 0~ $400 pc.>r mo.J stay ovemJ~.tht HArbor J.l3. We have operungs for both rnm · . and women. lJdo Electric Co., AVAILABLE fot' baby SJtting. Re-1 516 Co3st H""'Y·· Newport Bfoach. liable. HArbor 1347-W. BEacon 5505. Th~> Waltr,n Hubbard ltf>rncJrial ·rruphy wau Wt>n fur th(" Nl'\1. poT-t J !arbor Yac•. Cl~ ub las w•-k-end 111. Ft Pd ;-.dl,.nck and h.b ~" Jane P.uh..J IJc-d •h(' L,. h m a n dutth) \ rdr.•t ~o wrn tht! 1951 d'IAmr••.,mhll' LADIES• 8:'-S P. & fL\''01 AP ... W L "'' 11 Jf La~ Anglen 6 J r c:ha "<l ~t•rkt't --.. 6 J "'· "V•rt Ft• nO! F1f't"t _ 5 I ( HliiTA XL•U \\ 0~"'8 r. \ , ... ,c 1 \Gr.E nr.. "ht•JI ;) 1 B b',., :'oJKil tm C.i<l9d~ 4 2 Bl• bo:•et \t •rkP• .. 4 2 Thrr "-.'rt> 12 · n tn,... for th" fl\ -1 't<"' t'n"~ 'C"hf"nc:k. \\1lh a thud rtd 11 rx•h em • aturda\', \\00 by 3 P•Jnt Wlth. fourth a nd t"o (rJ"~t· !'•md.1y ~J)Pdal award .... ",."' al"•• :.:1\·•·n to Schenck. Bart H+-ndP"On o! DY<. 3nd rtuck Rol- lrn' nt ~DY\ fr,r corin~ a daily fir r. MU,O\Y \1£..'>'!'1 COM:MIBCI.&L U:.\(.t B A X•n~n .:-:" ancon Pnntln • 1\\'id .,.tl> 3 -. 3 3 "'ES' THt W t\1' 1 1 1 Lady Lions Meet WI\ of &IIYA &> Lions met CtJr lun('hc~~" lac '' N·k on \\'f.'dnec- da) ar th•· h··~ (>I ~1~ Ed ~mum 1n Ba> 'ht.m·, and df'<.'idPd to mN>' 1 '""~ uurt h \\\'CinP<da} for a 12 J(J lunrh•'<>tl •t rht.· BaJtJoa &n C1ub · c HXXf'..fl( IA.L L&-\GCE ...,. • Fvod Varit'lif'S . 7 1 "''" Jlfll"1 TacJd,. _ 6 2 'h••ph,-d Tractor _ 6 2 ,ll!j "C'K.\TCB LEA.GtTE W al h Har-dware 5 1 \u-.ra \[• ~ Bank . 4 2 &1b ... ~portrr.g Goodlo . 4 2 E ft\ I IT CLl "'S LEA G t:E RPOF:: HMn" .... . 4 0 ro'tl ~~ sa Uons . 3 1 Co ta )1f>Sa FuY: m('n -· 3 1 \'fr, GtJrdon Walkrr "-'aS named <'h-'lrrman of th•' Lad, Ltons" and \fr, ClarPn<"' H ts:btt> 00-ch:tirma.n 1 J'hor, PH''' nt a la.st week'" Ill'"' unc ~A (1%'' ~ImP... Al Pl~t>r. 1 "'ph &l'k Ra,mnnd Herm.••. Kr·nn,•th Dt•ll F:rr:Nt ~rbf'r~ li'U'Oid Gta~--s E Jlr:~cs. DWl<""-n • :~~~!~~~ \tc.\lptnr. A I \\'rl t~m."-On and Ja<'k )'-'!, Ht•nsf'n. :"<•\\ m<'mlx-rs \\('N" • \fh n J Gar,('ll 'lnd \f~ l..an" • 1-'ru"" · · Late Vacations Tai<Jm: a quick 1ac;t nunutE> va-• <'·tlllm ll\ lflrf' thf' <'l•J b .rear .-:tans : ,.., :.IN C :\t I k.!kJOs, pr.-sit1ent • M thP Ebt•ll Club 'ih€''" off to • 'o thrrn ('alifomu 101 a nsJt • =:e juS: one cf \\11h hf'r son and fam:ly, hP Dr : ~ :.~ ~-=·.-:. r • .., help~ I tuant> flPakin" ::J \r.oth<'r F.:b-•11 O((IC'Pr, ~frs a~--• O· :-.-';:':"<:' :xe n \\',,IJ~ lf'ft ~ •• urday tr, ~o te> : .... ,, ... •n·tll•' .,, (.lrC'k 'Ill h~"r ..on and • .kP hun ~'n up t<l ·.n ... ·alh<= Ore ' •:-<'nlli>C•• 'h• II bf' ~On£' 1 \\'O \\i"t"k ... Back Cut-off Plan ; -. ~ .. :. 'SE~ .... ! ~.L-.. , t:., : • S -• ~>tS .... Tht• \hamoor o~ C'orrur."r(."(' d;-• ro-. rnr.. \v'•'li ::t• thos:-:.Ionday : notlO mf'('ttn • to mdor-c;" •h.-rut-• n(( road plan a •• • for•h on he • n • ~ • m:rn ,... m1l p. proJX"'ins:-a : nr\\ ~trN't 1 lo,.~: · ... Pac-itll f:!ec-• tnr ric:hr-of-""1~ a 3Ic;r :::• be-• fiAr ~~~-d~ XP\\T.IOr Bh i and BaJlni : 617 Cout 81-.d~Co~ 41.1 M.r .... ~ c ..................... r.e •••• For ..... ... ·- .... - ,-..,..-. ~ "-"''-•··P·e.t.. • COR-DEL Beaut)' alon HArbc: 3 53 5.·;:j Knees1 Guaranteed for Lile of Garment ! ZlpfW"r PI~ ...lim -a .. cul:tr -Ill' u u .. k~ • ..... * ••••• The Harbor Area·s Most Complete S•o:~ :or Men and Boys ~· ..... 'ftAnl ALL AI'IOJI • HolJ.iJ L. A..ullet'eon •-ill prNch ., n •. m. Saturday at tM ~­ t"flth-Day Actventi&t Ouii'Ch in !'l:e• pon Heicf\ta on "New Testa- UX'Ot E\ ao~Usm." ~ of the iel motl " ill .,. bHed 00 Chrial"t Ia t "'oa'da to H aa discip~: ··t.o. I am "'1tb you al~-ay. e\·en tmto the <'0<1 of ttx-"'-orld. Go )'t' therefore, and teach all nations." Dr. C. Yln&linK \\-lll show his pktures of N~· Guint-a at 7 ~30 p.m. lOOlOITOW (Friday) at f:M church. The meeting will be open to tht> public. • • • Qt"E n ON ON llELIGION J:>oes Rt>ligion ha\'e the answer! To What i.s reU~on SUJJP06ed to ha\e an ILf\5\\'Cr! Will any variety of religion do! What kind or an an- w.er is wanted! These and jml- lar related questions will be the pa'Oblem to be confronted at mom- an~ nice~ 'Uus coming Sunday at Chn t Church by the Sea as the I I pa tor. Thomas Roy PendeU.~ lrl=iiiiii~~~iiiiiiii:==~~iiiii;iiiiiii~~~=~: drt> tumseir to the question, · ~ R<>Umon Have the Answer·?" • • • I I Lt..l"~S OS ·MATTER' Mat nalit~ ~·elds to piritual- 1\~ us a correct understanding of God and man is gained. according I to t ht> ~unda~ Bible Le-sson on !~!~~~~~~=!~!!~~~~~=~~!~~~ 1";\I,H k r'' in tht> 1'\ewport Harbor Fh. t Chua'Ch of Christ. Scientis t. lcxat.'d 8 1 the entranc£> 10 Lido I l'llt> • • • I 19U . . •t'EST I~REA<'IIER OS 8 . L I ~ul> tituting as prt>acher in the I a bst'llet' of Rt~v. Barr\ Whlte at I tlw Balboa Island ·Community ~~ thodist Church this Sunda~· will I tw R<'\ L. C. H) llx>J'I of Upland. n formf'r B:tptlst M1ssionary in Shamrhai. Ft~ST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST HOl Vle l ido. Newport k eeh A b•o~~h ol TI-e Mo+lter Chuf'Ch, The f •<l' Cl,u ch of Chr•s•, Sc artist, '" 8o> · " M al\och se•ts Sunday School _. .•. ___ .,. -· 9:15 e.m. Transfer ~o. :. .. .,do s. .... ce I I :00 o r- \V~d,..r d ey ~,ri'lq l"'eetino 8:00 p.m l!rad •o Roo"' •ocet.d a• I I I Pelrn c;. S. boa is oper dotly from 12 noon ·o S P-"" e•ceo' Sundays end holidays ll&ticrelly obse.....d. \. E. Mc.~lcl G. C. Bennett an.... lUI I The publ·c is cordially invited to ot- te"d th .. chuf'Ch se,..,ices and use the Reed ino Room . Nowhere els• will you firwl,..... fXa.VSIVI FIAIVItiS W.srf t .. nse LAUNDROMAT W.rd fua CtOTHIS DRYER •c..umr•r .. ,....., ,..__....,.,.. • ..,....., WI.IGHS Youa CLOTMIS on the nd• • fll dltliS ..... Ah'e Weigh-to..S.ve Door. You always wub t.he rl1Jhl amount. o( clotbell in the rll!ht lliDOWIIt or water wit.h t.he r ig/U amount of 808p. SAVU SOAP A .. H0T'WATa. Set the Laundromat'• Water Saver Dial to cor- nJepood to the weidrt ol the loed -Sirwll4 Medium, R~1Jul4r. You • ..,. ~ o1 ~ water and fiOap, too. • WAIMII CLcm.l 10 a MM. Pateataed WASHa-y, RINI!Ber-tt.!::; ot t111a La~t.-d.Y IIIMI ...._ each piece llli*-t ,._,.~ ~ ...... ADd when dothee are .....t.ecl cleaft, tM:f lfoy dMII becaa1e dirty "tr8llb and rinee waten are drained CUIIa)' from tJt,e cJ,otlta -aewr throuch them! IXG.USIVI e.Y -DIAL. Set it for D amp' or Dry. Clot.hea come from the Dryer on 1be l)turlp ~tettiac just npt for ironing. On t.be Dry aett.iuc, bOne-dry-fluffy, 1110ft, ready to fold aDd put away. MANDY I Haf • DOOa. Only on tbe ~ Dry« will you find thiA con-...._ Jo.di.QI aDd UDloading 11helf-door. No .too~ or beadinl to load o.r unload t.hiA Dryer. Tbe openiog il at jut 1M ri1Jhl heifJht ,_. 1M /f«>r. WIITINOMOUSI AtaPLOW SYSTIM. DeiJigned to blow ........ deaD air diret:liy iNto tlte dryi~ oi«Jw.. on. cloths quickly aDd t.boroUCtlly. Eoooomic:al, too. Tlaunclay, .r*D' ....... Don't put up wfth tired, old window shadea .... wMnutel Come ... our new collection of ~ ..w Cotumbia fW!nta. postek. mipesl We'" roora darttening - " shade~ in light colon. We'" shades that ore tight Oft one . side, darlt Oft the otherllring your window MeGiUW ••ants• wtlh you. Wa'l IIMIIca th.... to your order. Or phoM OftCI w.11 ~and ......-aforyoul * * * HANSON 'S Sha de & Linoleum Shop F OR;\l fC A DR .-\1:'\BOARD~ 1.1:'\0L Et'\1 nnd A~PIJAI.T Tl LF FLOORS 109 23rd St. Costa Mesa BEacon 5004-J i ORBETINGS & GIFTS .... brouaht to you from Prieodlr N~ A Civio A Social Welfare Leaden tbroqb 1'/BLC()MB WAGON On the occasio" o/: Chante o f residence Arrivals of Newcomer• to C ity NEWPORT BEACH Phon/.!: H arbor ;~s t No eut or oblitotln } Page I UGM. pta U GAL. NoTte' U:<;41. NOTICT NOftCit 01" AWUD OP No. A IIIII S o. A·!MM OON"J'aAC'I' SO'I1CE TO ('JtEOITOJt '\'OTJ( E TU CBWJTO Pursuant to statute ht'reln men-illl.:!: ESTATE OF AMAI IE OESER 1 E IT ATE C1F )tARGl.ERITE H. UonE'd and Resolution of Award of I 'V OeccaSPd \'FJTJI ~~ Contract No. 3917 of the Oty • NOTICE IS HF.REBY GIVE.'< '\"IJTJCE IS HLREBY GJV&"'l Coundl of the O ty or Nev.-port PI n for the Christmas P re-to th crt"dJtor or and oil pen;ons I'" tht> l'reditm-. of and all per$0D Beech. Callfornla, adopted on the 'arw "1U be dJscussed tomorrow ha,1n2 clalnui again .. , the s&ld d~ ha,\10" t:latrru. a~atnl>t th~ .aid dfo. 11th da.y of SE-ptember, 19151, dl-I •Fnd8yl wh<>n mesc~ants ~d ll'~rnt or ~~&id f''-tatf· to Cil<> th m C'tod(nt or Mud t> tatt> 1o ftiP th<'m reeling this notice: ne\\ PBJ?<'r N"prt',entattvt's w 11.1 v.1th thl n('C<' '<it) ''' chC'rs sn thP I \\llh th«· nt'('{""'<lr) \OU<·her<> 10 ttu.> NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN, m('('t wnh membe~-s of th, Bus!· offrrP of tht> \IP.r'k o1 lht• Sur~t>nor u!lt<'f' t.f thP Cl,•:k t~f th£ SuPf'riOr that the said City Counolln open In and Prof~sstonal \\omen s Court of thE' Count\ of Oran~e c (IUs c1r h,. Count!> 11r Ut~on (', IK'Uion on the 11th day or Sep-Club a t Norton Bayshore Cafe Stall' of Cn~lfnmw lll to flrl' .(•nt ~IIi II ul Caltlortl a Ul Ill PH <o~nt tember. 1951 pubUcly opened, ex· Frida~ noon the' samP \\Jth thP nel'P~"Bt) ,ttu ,lnat•, with tht-neces ary amined and declared all sealPd ThC' nn nul\l f<'sthal for p.r('· \nU('hfr tn th" •mdtr,a·n•rf "''hr-. "..Jdu• .... to tt, und•' it·md at ht5 proposals or bids off('l~ for do· Cltri tmll'll ru-.pla~ nf local m.er· plac•· llf bu;;tn• ,, tu-\\ Jl ,,;,,,' •J' I.IU'-'ilo• " •v-'It ing t ht> followins: descri~d work. chandl.,t• ~~a mt'ans of St>curtnL: co TJIO\tA!' I. H r·FFI--R''\\"\ ".,JifJXAU1 !J 11-\R\\''I<'IJ to-\\;t: funds. lor lh<' RP\\' :'chollm<hlp 1113 r ....... t 111 t\\lh 11151 '1.!1'' Jl 11y.111 I Thl' construclion and lns talln· und StudPnt Loan lllndo; Rl•ciplem Coi'Onst dl'l \lilt l'<dltorm.. ,·,.1'(,1 :.. d• :-.1 11 alllt•tma lion of a st r('et lighting sy tem, ''' thts ~Par'11 st·holar,..hap award \\ithan ~o1' month~ '"'''' llu :11 • \\ltllln .,, 111.,rattl Ill I• 1 "" tlr"' con !sting of cemPnt conctet<' nf $100 ''ll" Cnll('Pn \frD<-rmont pubht·.ttiun ul tht" n"''' ,. 1 t.t•h•u!!un 01 u1.., ,11l , posts or standards (Marbellte De· of ~1'\\JIOrt llnrbtw lla~h. who is DatNI ~'fl't·mb<r i ]Cf;] l•:t trcl ~,.1,,,.mt.o 1 1 1'1\l ign 1\'o. 43-D4), each equipped t'Ontinuln~ hPr ~tudie: at Orangt> RO!'F:\IARIE rP.mBJ' Rl•"r.:\L\RJJ:: crtiHhl .. :' \\ilh one 1uminaire including 2500 Co.•;t ,'oiiN:r• T.h<'. tudcnt Loan Admtnt tntrax·\\ltho~h• ·\\til· Atlm•'1l;o' atn~, • t 1 I ,18u lum<'n incandes<'('nt lamps, usln~: fund " ul'o mnantRint>d for tht> annPX('d 01 th•· I •• ,,, •·I ._..:11 of ,J J dc<·•>d<·ut 5000 volt Thermopla.ltic Cable in· IX'ndtt or llad>rlr flll!h <:tudr·nls . dPCc:<lrnt • J • I",, \Lll {J liAR\\ ( H lJ s talloo in gah·aniwd iron pipe con-1 H~l'fA:-> F. JIF f Ff!.:'\.\. 111·. 1 ·r.a •• H1' I'\\ a\ duit.andappurtenant\\Ork incon-PTA s k l ~h CO.'I'-1 Hkh\\"l~ <'n uti• d·l :\1 . (::W!to•nt nection therewith, il) that CE'r,ain to ee Cutona dr. !\tat ( tltl ,,,. ·rn· :!> :m \rl lUll ~llo'li' public<>a.sement ownt'dby the Clty Atturm·~ los .\rlrnana~t r,,lll:\ l'hl '"h "'If• 13 _"iJ ~i (I(• of ~<'\\'])Ort Beach O\t>r, alontt and N b J>ubll n &>pt 13 ~··· !'i, 1 '<'1 n ·tv ~~ 'J•rrt Harbor I:n~t·fl aero_ Lots A, B and c of Tract ew Mem ers =--o. 101 1. as per map N"CCrd<'d in !\1 L CE'llaneous Map Book 36. Pagt>S I . 37 to 40 inclusi\t>, Rt>cot•ds of Or· Phm, for a nll'mi"H'r<>lup drh • anne Count~, California. all ns tht• ru .. t w• ('k in I •ctolwt nnd mor(' particularly descrih<>d in RP· d. t 1·~ hlt t hP mt'f'lllh! ''' ruum .olution or IntentiOn Xo .J()O{). muth('t• chRatmt·n \\t II ... ,., ll'l-' passe-d and ~dopted by the City 1\t·l"k at lhf' ~'\lboa I-.tand hon t.• Council or said City on th~ 9th dav .. r ~1t T.oua ( '-Clt.lt Ill ~.dt>rtl ( .. j of Juh 1951 and on filE' In th<' of· thP :'lot•\\ port R<-ach Flt•mPnta• ~ fi<'P of ·the City Clerk of said City 1 !"chooJ., r Ft'r furth<'r particulars. r<'f<'t· Pn• .. •·nt nt tht' "~'"' nn \HI'' <'net' is hl'reb~ mad~ to sa1d Rt'SO· P TA ('onrdmatm·-. ~lr,.. Rob<>tt hataon ol I ntention ~o. 4f)(l0 and Cro'""'' r·Ppll''-f'n'inc Corona d(') \ to thC' plans and d.rawin~ No. 43:) !\lat: Mr-. \\'ill111m ~lcC.".aath:-. l't'· on file in the office of th<' C'H~ En· pres<•ntint.: Jlw·ac.• En~a:.:n 'lnd ¢nN'r of sajd City or Nl-wport :\fro.. J ohn ~haPid . l't>PI'('Sf'ntim:: tht.> Bc>ach. and to th<' sp<>cHications Nrw1l01 t gt•utth J: I, m, a: 1 a a .• I for the-said work ht'rl'tofore Sch11ol Room nwtlll'l' d 11um1Pn adopttc-d by the f;aid City Council in all••ndanrt• \\1'1'1' !\lr!' K a:- and on fill' in the officP of th<' Clt~· Fam .. \\ot·th. '\;r>\\Pfltl . !\Irs F I'd I Clrrk of said Cit) and all or I lnan-.nn lloraet• Fn,;a~:n. und ~tn .. I <\Bid plan" drawinJ: nnd spedfica-Ar·t !"alishur~ nl thP Corona dPl tions ht>~t•tofot·e applO\('d b:-thP !\tar Flt·mPnta• ~ ~chw•l. !\1 t Cat:-Cnunctl ot <..atd Ctt:> arP incor· \\'alltam Cult'miln nt lfnracl' En- Meet the " LLt~ONOMY EXPt~'~' '\\ hat1 Yolln,ttJtrro "rrnnnmv txrwom ' l ' I 'Tb • ,... y 1 ' U\JC' , H<t bo) I ond 8trb hrlp you , ;,) , f'<onomtn on rhr d uJdrrn't aboft yov Y ~,. ~uu thft ,,,.,m PoU·Pt.noc ~hon l h~ ,.rar thtm for weflts of h•tl) pta, to m•kr 'urt mattnab will lut, ·~ bav .. room to grow, ard!• l rt ri«hr Only 1flc r that ri~d pr-.-ten· '"Jl •rr Poll· Puroh 'i'i'rt" td Tbat't •by ) ou cwn br "'"' >c•u IC"' rl'aJ f'<ooomy .... "••1 1 •/,, "'h. n 'ou bu1 PoU. PliTOO • !=======~~~~~~!. poratf'd hc•r<'in aud mndc• a Jtl\1 t "'1.!11 ~t·hool. !\II s C. E !\kXl il ot ;. I h('rror and r<'f<'ll'llCP ts ht>r<'b~· :'\t'\\posr and :\I a:-. Carl \\.nln , • madt• thurto fo a mon• p:~rtiC'll· thl' CntiiWI dtl !\laa .:'ch{>~•l \\o·n• See FIRST HOME LOANS Low ''REDUCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Yov'll l~o ovr ccwdiol m~ In eorvlnt J'OW " ..... lar dt>scriptton ot said "ork 1111 ml,.·a·;ohtp C'l:tlllllPn llr<''• nt Said Cit~ Counctl ha!. dt ll't· :\ft>f>trn::s fnr room mn1la·r rhatr· min d and d<'Cl:ir~d that the con· m1 n '"II tl(' lll> tollf•''' n1 ,. tt>mplnttd work and tmpro\I'ITINll \lond:l\ .H 9 30 1 m for tht• :'\• "· hC?:etofort' me~ttion.ed \\liS, '':' thP l~<ll't ~~h•lf'll '' ,, Tt1p.;da~ 9 t- optnaon of S&Jd C'ity Counctl. ol r~ m . l•lt tht Corcm.l dd !\1 u mor('. than local or ordt!1ar~ pub he ~dmol Tur"da~. t')ct 2 a q 3 bf'nPflt and the satd Cit~ Courtt;tl 01 m Hnrac• r:n .. 1~:n ..;;, h•~·l has mad<> the expen " of snad work chargeable upon dtstrict Mrs. Gardner Kinq•s For the particular d<>'ICript ion of ttw said district. rPf<'rPn<.'<' is her<'-Father Dies in Chicago b' made to said H.l'.-olutaon <•f 111-:'\1 N G•u-dn<'r Kint: of 611 In" t(.ntion No. 4000 ,,, •. Ctrrnnn dt'l :\tar. lf'ft Sund:n ~Aid City Council hns dC'ter-foa· ChH·a~:o aft<'r r•'C( a vim.: ,,·ord mint>d and d..-clared that S<'ri&l uf lht df'alh uf h<'r talh'''. John bonds. ~aring intt'r<>st at the rat(' flat th. rhr l'\'Pnm~ b<'fou :-:;<'r· of six per cent !6r; l p<>r annum \'i!'''" \\t't <· hrld ~""tl'rda~ rn Chi· a nd t>Xt('ndint: O\'t>r a JX'I·iod end· <'R~-to in£: nine r9l years from th<' Sl'· :'\lr Rat·th. who was a natn'(' or cond day of January ne t '>UCC<'<>d· Polnnrl. ''n. 71 ~·ear~ nld Ht' had ing thP nt>!\1 Octob<'r 15th follow· l)('('n o pharmacist in PAc;ad<'na in~ their date. ,.,;11 ~ i u~ h<'rC· .md Chica~o b\•fort> his rt•ltrt>mt'nt undPr in tht> manner pro\ided by .. ,.,·<'ral '''llr:-acn 1 the "lmpro\'ement Act of 1911", In addittou w )t~ Km~. sur· bC'm~ Part 5. Dhisipn vn of the \1\0r ... lll<'IUd• tht \\1df'W and 11\tt !::'tl'('('ts and HiJ::h" ays Code or th<' 1-a,h•r-s. StatC' ot California. to r<'pi'C' t'nt 1 tal'h asS<>SSmC'nt of Twt>nt~·fhe <".\CR£ \•ot R oorGH Dollars 1 ~.001 or mor<' N'mnm-Wtth httle C'Nt•mom. thE' Com· an~ unpaid for thirty t301 da). munuy F und i~:n \\Ill bt> hOt"tf'd aftl'r thC' dat<' uf r('("()rdin'! th<' abo\l' thl• Fund c;cmpait.:n heart· "arrant quarters. 302' z :\Tarine ..\H'. B1l· All 01 th<' wo,·k hf'rC'in ordC'r~ boa l~land · • • abmt> Hankie\ .. shall be dont• and carril.'d throus:h Dru~ Stort'. at 10 a. m. tCimOl · m pursuance of an net of th<' legis-r,,,, I lature of th<' State of California. d€'SJ~lll<'l1 thE' "lmprovt'mf'nt Act Ensign Classified ads ha\c bt:-tr• of 1911". bt>1n~ Dhiston \·n of the 1 a proven m('ans of reaching buyers Str('('ts and Highways Code. for all sorts or merchandise-l 1SE' Th<> said Ci ty Council did by said them! Phone Harbor UU. I I Resolution of Award of Contract !'o. 3917 award the contract for th<' doing of thP safd work to the lowest. N'gular. rt>srxmsiblc bidder, 10·\\it: To Harry F . Brrw<'t' at the prices named in his bid. on file in th(' of· fil'e of the City Cl('rk of said City. 1 Dated this 12th day of Septem- l bt>r.1951. C. K. PRIEST C'it) Clerk of th<' C'il~ of I . Newport Beach. q&lifornia Pubhsh : ~pt. 13. 20, 19..'l1 in the ~('wport Harbor En istn. ~Qr ARt:: DANCING WEEKLY lnt('rmediate and high level square dancers of Orang(' County ar(' im;too to become charter membE-rs of a nt'w open square dance club. the J im Dandy. The club is holdinJt dane<' ('\'('ry Wednt>Sday night from R to 11 at the Huntin~on Beach Pavalon, Main and Ocean. with J im WIJ- II········liamson cal.lin,g the dances. -~-------- You · Can Do Better at THE e e e TO ENJOY THE FACILITIES OF AMERICAN LEGION POST 2q 1. STREET IN NEWPORT. OF THE NEW $70,000 CLUBHOUSE • • • ON TH E BAY AT 1 St*~ Clo. OOJIIPI...I:TE HOKE PUilNI8111.NG ALL VETERANS AND THEIR WIVES ARE INVITED TO THE DINNER AT THE LEGION HALL NEXT WEDNfSDAY-7·00 P. M.-ONLY SI.OO PER PLATE-RESERVATIONS REQUIRED-CALL SE ~con Siii-M. BEacon 5656 1112 Newport Bt.d. AMERICAN LEGIO H LL -I Sth ,St. and 8ay Ave., Newport ..... 0 UGAL NOTICS L.IGal. MoTta 'O'l'ICE rtn'ITDO SU.LI'.D PIIOI'08:~A::L8-:=----- Pur&uant to atatut~ and RftloJution l'l'o. 3918, aclolrted on ~ 11th day of ~tf'm~l'. 1951 by tM Ot)• Council of 1M Clti of N~]X)11 Beach. Oaltfomia and on me in the office of Uw City Clerk of said Oty, or<k-rt.nc the work described in Aid resolution, to--•it: The uadln~. pavinst v.i th plant mix rrutt~al. construction or ~ JeY.•er and water conn~tlona, reJnroroNt eot\CI"t't~ pi~ nann drains, catch buln.s, outlets and appurtmant work ln connection t.lw~ith in oert.a1n alkya and MM"menll l.)ing :-Jorth~sterl)' or Coast Boul~-ard. betv.-eeo Dahlla Av~ and Popp) An~nue (Corona dt-1 Marl, all u more particularly ~be-d in R P!Olution of Intenuoo ~o. 3911, pusE'Cf and adopted by the City Council or said Ci~ on the 13th day of Au-gust. 1951 and on file in the office of the City Ob-k of said City. For Curther particulars. refeNmce Is hereby made to aald Re.olution of IntentJon No. 3911 and to the .plans. prortles and drawings No. 434. oon&iallnc of 11 sheets, on m In the om~ of the City Engineer of aid Lan;t'St permit ln the hlsloJ')' of F. B. ~. 223 ~thyst, Cty of Newport Beach. and the pc.>cificat:iona for the Aid work the dt) \\t>nt on w books in t.Jw partitions in pra~ at 114 Emer- heretofore adopted by the said Ot) Council or u.Jd Cty a.re incorpor· Buildim: ~t last w~k ald for bedroom and \Oilet. f700. ated herein and made a parl bt>reof. and referm~ ls hereb) rna~ a the 1.096.<123 pe'mit \\CU is-C. F. Mutin, add bedroom and thereto for a more particular description of said work sued to Uw Hoeg M'"-rnorial Hc»pi-1 exterior st airway at 116 Apolena, Said City Council hu detennl~ and declared that tb~ oont£m-tal. F (.'(> to' the oity totalled $885. S3,030. plated work and improvement heretolono mentionPd was, In the opin-Thj a pparently auures an aJI -aa..a ion of said Ot:y CoWlcl.l. of mort! than lbcal or ordinary public beMflt unw ""-oord in permH.s for th Gt>orge Mills, fen~ at Bel Vue and the said City Council has ma.dt-the expenses of said "ork cha~t'-)ear. for t.Jw total is alreecl)• put Lane. M . able upoo a district. For the J)llrtlcular description of the u.ad dls-the H'fl million dollar mark. liO Arthur Kn.lell. partition orr part I trlct, refert-n~ ls hereb) made to sald Resolution of Intention No. 3911. I tht'l't> lS le than a million to go <1f garage for toilet and shower, Said Council bas determined and declared that aeriaJ bands, bcar-j to ('X('('('od the record $8.041.508 of li39 Miramar, $500. lng interest at the rate of six per cent 16%1 per annum and extc:>ndinf: 1948. 1 a. ~ I over a period Pnding nine c9) years from the second day of Januar~· Santa Ana Contraetoz::s Means nm Ray ~ Narcluus COM ne.xt·su~g the next October 15th following thrir date. "i U be i.-~ L1rich ha\e already started oon-1add ~at 2525 Vista' 1800 ' sued hC"reunder in the man.oer pro,1ded by the "lmpf'O\'(>m nt Act of stt ucllon at the site near the ' · 1911", being Part 5, Dhuion \-'11 of the Streets and Hlghwa~s Code or Art'h . Thf' pennit ca.lls for a to-- the State or CalifomJa, to represent each assessment or ~-eoty-fiH• tal 01 6().j rooms. \\ith 45.000 B ~ M Dollars 1$25.001 or more remaining unpaid for thirty (3(}) days after squarE.> fl't't of floor spaet>. ncn.s" arsac the date of recording the warrant. Follo\\inJ! permit Wt.'rt> issued All of the work herem ordeted lihalJ be done and t'3rried throu~:h durint: tht> past w('(.'k: p L 1111•1 in pursuancc-or an act of the l~laturt" of the State of California. ~-• I signaled thf' "ImprovenK'nt Act of 1911", being Dhision \'fl nt the u ..... M ~~)~ 'tal ot e-o...... ... ..., Streets and HJghways COde. ''""':"~ • Pmona 05PI • ' Saad Oty Council. pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of'Cali-ston hospital 2 UOJl • total of~ W H forrua, has asct>rtaint'd and de tennined th.3t the ~eneral pre\·ailin~ rate n iOnu · . 1.096.023 M~>ans & ll-ater t'etflra oC per diPm \\agt.'S In the locality ln whlch the said \\'Ork herein d<'-nch. ~UJid~rs. . scribc•d i!l to lw performed. for each craft or type or \\Orkman or m<'-Caltfor!1111 So~th m Oal . Co .. chanlc ne<d!'d til execute the contract an<l.Jl)so thf:> ~:~>nl.'r.ll prt>\-alUn~:j commPT't'tlil_b.u!ldin~~: for furniture.' rate for ll'J;tal holida)s and O\'ert.iJnto worlt for each cnlft or t~lX' ol manufarturtm; a.t 409 29th St., workman m mPC'ha ntc. to be as follo\\ ~1~ B. IGJ"('hner. Xorth Holl.' -I HMrly Pf'r Dlf'M llalttor lSl8 Cl&Mifkatlot~ Asphalt or C'ru hing Plant Engineer Asphalt Plant F"U'eiTlan wa~ Wacf' ''ood. 5-room, 1-ston . f.-uni t S2.20 snsu ~'~n~ct 5408 w. ~n.1 'Ont.,iE.-~~~ .. ·~~III!IIil•~ 2.05 16.40 t , . . I. Kirchn~'r. UJ der. 1.8:> u ~~ ~Ot"m ~g Co .. nf.'On tubin.tt on Asphalt Rakt.'r and lron~r . Concrete or AsphaJl Spt't'adin~t. !'tl('('hant<.''31 Tampjn~ or Finishing ~1achinr> Operator Carpente-r Cement Fmi~her Flagman . .. Guard and or Watchman HPavy Duty Repatrrnan .. I.abort'J :., Gf-ne-ra I or Construction App1 ~>ntir( l-~n~ineer. includin~ fireman. oi!Pr and grt>a. <'r . . .. Operator Aar CompN>S.wr Operator Concrete Mixt>r skip ty)X' Ope1·ator Motor Pat1'0I. includm,:: any type ot ~~r ~*··. . t 'nivpr-.a I Equapmt>nt 0 ()f'ra tor 1 shon•l. draglin(' dPr- r kk dr k-bal"I.!C, cll\m he-11 or crant:> 1 Ope1-ator p Operator Rollt'r - Operator Tractor-Bulldozer. Tamper. Srra(l("r or Ora~ Tyl){' Shovel or Boom Attnch.Q'lents 01J('rator. 1'r<>nchin~~; Machlne . . -:-. Truck Dr 1\ rrs ul dump trucks of l than 4 yd<~ 220 2.20 2.28 1.65 1.57 2.20 1 65 11 .64' 17 641 1 !?1 13 . .:2'0 12.56 116(\ 13.211 1.83 1461 1.95 15,60 2J 16 64 2.33 18 61 2 40 19.20 195 1560 2 15 17.:_llr 2.20 li ~(I 2.-1 :! I wate-r lrw·l . ···-··-· . . . 1.73 13. 4 Any da'-!ilfJcation omitted hPrein, not J s than 1.51 12.56 Fort>mPn, unl otht>n\ isc eparatt'Jy cia sificd, for ca•·pentt>rs. rement fini&hPIS, eqwpmt-nt opc>rators and O(l<'ratin~ enWf'<'"'· IRbort'rs and truck drh t'rll, sha'l 1x> paid not less tl\811 Sl.40 ()('I il1y m<111 and aJJ otht>r torE'me>n not <'para tely clal'Sified shaJJ b• p.1ld 1101 less than 1.00 per da) more-than the joumt>yman ratt> for tht> craft in'oh<'d led6t> of buildm!!. 901 Coast Hi~h· way. Sl25. Balboa Ba) Club. 1601 C08Sl ffiJth\\a)'. 42 gang and fen<X'. SJ ?;.OOO John Bb~tonl'. buildPr. A . A. \'oortK>es. add room at 51!'1 3.~th St , S2.000. Coroea dt"l Mia r C F.. Kirkwoud. ~ra~e at 515 .f:t<;nlinl'. "1.200 J . \\'. Came1-on. t~dd to apart- rtlf'nt at 1201 Coao!it nh·d.. 1,000. Frnnk Rou~h. t't·cen in rNu· JIOI'Ch at Til Goldenrod. SIOO. '>t>wpnrt ll~lcht§ Rufu, l>\ t'rby. 51i Orch1d. CD::\t, 1 ~-roum 1-... tor~.! 1 -uni~ d~\·eiJin~: at I •:\ 1 Tu,un. ~ .. ;on. F. \ . On ?rby,l lntlld••1· \\' R. f'ol,·man. car port and I \\Oolll·n u\\ntnt.: at 4J.I T ustrn, q uo ('ormu lfiathbnd~ FntL Knr.:e. rt?taJmn,:: wall at 11!? :\1.•ndum T rract>. ~1 .000. GraN> \'('(!d('r Hull. J't-modellint: I..Jdo hlt> I 111 1 Hi \ aa l 'ndinP, S100. Ba.lbna J§bad <:. i'J. Enfield. L"tPt P art. con- r'l'\'lt' f),)()r. 4.'C4 st uddim:s at 12R }\galt>, " I. c-..tnaeu• LoaM 6-5~-,. (U yn..) We buy and seU Trust Deeda. SEE BOB 8A TI"LL!::l Representing lUI Oeut IIIW.., CDII ft. BA 14n'J-I-ID J..alll -. --~- "'Il Yc.~, ••••!" a H ' A lit f 1.-Of ,..... lJIClGID4' for a trip to kt' tb<' tamOy. tart thl8 IM'('taJ fuad b~rt' .o that our hllt'h cth1dt-ad ••• t•urn-atlr s-. tlf'r .... um .•• u111 tci't" your 8a\1aC aa u- tra boc ... t. \'our r uad11 will tW' a\...Ualtl~ at 11008 •• ~·uu'rto ~ady to ID&kt" tb.-trlt•· ~turt today u1tb $3 or mort•! SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10.000 Co. Th aboH• li ted rat s are bised upon a workin~t da) of ei,;:ht 1 1 hours. bein'{ proportionately appJicabh.• to <'it:tht 1 l hours or less or employment in any one calendar day other than Saturdays. Sundays '-nd tht> tollnwing sevt>n legal holidays. to--wit: New Year's Day, Me- mona) Day. Fourth of July. Labor Day, Armistice Day, Thanks~iving anJ Chrbtmru. \\be1tc> an)· woJk as l"t'Quhed in call(' or extraordinan· l'mer~:<'nl") t'3US<'d by fire, flood or dang r to lirP and propeny. For any workang time or more than eaght 1 1 hours in any one calendar --------------. ------- day a nd for time workt>d on Saturday •. Sunda)s and any of the aJore· I mPn!Jonr•d holidays. not less than ont' and one-half 11121 times the SJl4'cificd rates s~~ll be paid: providcd. howe\·er, that notwithstandln~ A rc;.'QUI'<>I for a ~mall boat t~e ~f.'nl'ral pro\'1 10ns herelnabovf.' l'<'l forth. the stral~ht rates as ~-launchinw: . ite in \\'<' 1 ~ewport rac-d ror f!agmen. guards or ''-atcbmen shall be appUcablc to. a maxa-was PI Sf>ntPd to City CounciJ I mum of eight t8J bo.ua of employment ~ calendar da . ancludlng Ja..;t WN'k in a IPttl'r from Thomas Saturda) "· ~unday and holiday , fr' a to tal of no t O\'l'r f~rty .' 401 F. Roch<>. 3709 Lakt.> Aw . 1 hours J)<'r ~c>ek, but that not l~ss t~an one and one-half n :I Um<'s Ht> "rotP that "on<' of thf' bad sut'h sl>f'('~far·d rates sh~ll be paad sa1d fla1t111en, guard and watchmc-n fMtur•''-of !him; h•·re il' lht> lack for a n) hm" work Pd an Pxcess or eiJ::ht 181 how P<'l' day or forty of lt>i!ul plncrs 10 launc h aiJ < 40 1 hours per week. · 1 '--~ .. , ' · m Ir shall bf· mandatory upon thl' contractor to whom thP contract UVdl~ .md &u~u:PstP'd that. one ?f I a,,•ardN1 nnd upon an~ ~ub-<-Ontr actor under him. to ray not less !~<' ci t) (1\\ nt'd ~~& on Raver ;:>t. than thl' !''lid <;pM:Hil'd ratP!< to all laborers, workmt>n and m~hanlcs Jth <'hann~l •.:ontaJ::<' bt> SPt asuJe employed by them in the execution of the contract • for ~ ha 1 pur P<>'~t'. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, inviting sealed propo als or bid'l for . C't~y Man:u~e~ John Sa•lors was doinr all the work ht>rcinbcfore describf.'d and ordf.'red in said Resolu-110'1'urtf'CI . to mform \tr. Jtoc:hf' tlon Ordt'r ins:r Work, to be presented to the City Cle>rk at hi..s oWce In that th•• "11<' t'Ould 001. bt> const~­ the Cit~· Hall of said City up to thP hour .t •ven-thirty 17:30) o'clock, t'rt'<i, 1,..'<'au,.;p 01 tlw \\ate>r trafrlc P . M. or ~tonday, the 8th day of October. 1951. ron~""'11on ThP proposals or bldJ offered shall be accom panied by a check T ~ --.- madf.' pa) able to the order or said City, certified by a responsible bank eachens Institute or a bond. as req~d b) law. for an amount not lesa than ten per cent I Held on Balboa Island 1 10',; 1 or the a~grega te of the pi'Oposals. Each bid shaU be made out on a form to bl• obtained at the office of the City Engineer of sald City. I F ift, tt>aC'hf:>rs and uper\'isors The t'ontractor to whom an award may be made will be requ.i.red to or w~k-day Christian roucation furnish "it h thP contract '" o surPt) bonds. one faithful performance 1 cia <'S tht-ou~hout Southern Call- bond m an amount equal to not Jess than twenty-fh·e per ct'nt l25%) fomia wt>rt' In attl?nda~ at their of thP amount of the aggrpgate o~ the bid, and one material a nd labor I annual tt>achf'rs' institute> this las t bond .in an amount not lrss than fa rty per cent (50(( I of the aggregate 1 \\'(.'(>k at &lboa I land's Mar Casa. or saHI hlrl. , The cla!l. f'S are ht'ld one hour a Th<• City C<?uncil or. b&id Cit¥ r~ erves the right to re~t any or a ll wt>ck ln ~an) Southl'J"n California bids t.r•d to wal\'e any mformahty tn 11 bid not affected b) Jaw. communitil'S whel'<' the pupils are 1 Dn•l'd this 12th day or Sf>ptemb<>r. 1951. '~''"8Sf'<l b) the public ~tchools for C .. K. PRIEST . <~ wt'\.•kl) period of religious in· CHr Cl4'rk of the Cll) of Newport Beach, California s truction In the faith of their own C6ucrete Work of All Kinds fLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS ·--• I 1:1':,.; t;.o;TJMATES • Chas. W1n11 I lill ~ Raaeho II~ Nursery .School 'tul f' La C('nsf'd and APIN o•ed f"rum ! to I l'ean "'o'"""'11W'd ea ...... f'n~t~~tr.,.th-. Plaf KI':A80SA.BLE llA'ID ''"'" ~ d&)'l PI"" week-8 to 5 Transportation F"umWwd • 190 E. 15th 1L IE4c;o" 5tt ().J • HAr~ ICIIJ..J U I ) Newporl .-.4 Cettt ...... f ............... ,,w-____________ . choict> by teachers supported by \lll'i r· own church. Larger com- ' munitie usually provide a choict' or Protf.''lant. Catholic, Mormon, Chrtstlan Scient'(' a.nd J e" i • h da .- . LQMBER -BUILDING MA1UIIALS N~ ..... Cwta lleea ~~~ 1111 .. .. II I .-~ , ' ~ Home Newport Heigltts pullc or,amt) and tA.ff eta gowM, v.·e~ Mrs Er'ne-51 Tel"rbonrK> of Fullerton and l!rs Be'rgl'n Davu of Anah•tm. 1Canti1lued from Pa&e 1) 'in~ our t'dUOttional ~ f'111 of U Mr. Dodd. 'n'ansportauon. •1ncb full bu<lglat Ht> ~cod a ~'> Is a btC f' ~ at m m t~ pro-roordlnato1 to work out a('1J\Hlf' ~ amountanr to around 1-. ~tnd make lhMn a\ailabl lu all th15 ) f1lr CO\ t'd 2,026 mil b) H thMl v. nt on to ' the bus. cammg 2.914 ctuldrfon m all. n;; -d foj moP" bualdm~~> Ht' l'X- ll\e a\f'l f:t" dail) attendanCP an plamed that :o-;l"''JX>r1 and Corona the pla)r round and t~ m\btc pro-dt 1 )tar :.ehool ,, ... an• turatt'<l J:T&m v.u 31JII, wh1ch v.a 50 more v.Jt.h buildlf\&.1\ and that ahhourh than Jut '••ar. Th laPt· t at-tht.>t•• 1-; room a t tht• :o-;ewporl tt>ndan<'t'. ~lo to 500. \\8 mort> lll"tl:ht" l'Jif' for t.>'l.~ru.ion. th th.Ln .!5' • ol th<' tutal ""! <._•1 rn-. I' l·wn• l JJidln~:, •tr• llt ll\.,: full~ rollm~>nt ol 1 t«lli a-•·d Tlw 1 •'" "l'hool 1H back of ~t r. F.n'l •n • -xpla;n,-o that th•• C••Ntnd dt I :\Ia• in In inC' tt•rrttnr) school had tt• urwmal 1d a that u-Hl;.(• a' 11\ahh.• 111r mw•• butldm '· J'('(.'l'<·atiou ror c·hlldi"C'n wa'l nN'<f('d Jfo\\•''~''· rurth"•J buUc:ltn~ ''ill for 1 h" urnm.•r ~·atht' Upl"l"\ t~ hd\ ,. to l..~t• pnn tdC'd b) bond ~uP lou , .. rw<'df'd l'\l'n in a-n aN>a Jn tl'~o 1'4"'' IX ) drs, 'l;twwJlOI t "htrh naturf' hll), bO n<'hl) en· 84:at•h ~l:h(.ol h~tH' mcrea <'<~ U5 do\\l'd Ht> .. aid that 11 '" ~ n-p..•t """."' m cl~room populatton Hall~ a Cll) functtOn to be USE'd :::.tudlt· l'""" that ''hen da"'-<' '1.\ith th•· twlp of "<'hool !a<'ilitaes \x-('vnl(> too ldrct>, th£ t:wm·f•t u! HO\\( '' r. !)(' MCplarn('d fund uSMt th<> tt•achin:! dmunt h<•:-. and ta'l.- for . umnwr ri'Cl~<' I tOn 1 <Wprh-pa~ t a..., a rt• not t:t'tl m:: as much r or 1 h{'ll mont' Some of the •••••••••••• lo\\rr ~>lemt.'l'ltar~ ~:rack>. haH• a l· r• ·ad~ r.•ach<d tho 1 pc11n1 New IW«lll•·w r •itb ~0 c:alorits-r,,r n•duriu~t aod di llt'liC d tt'U. Su"' , •.. , l in t•aol.iott, ba\ioJ, -inlt l·.;,q"""ioll) ll'•oJ in I~H·r--.ree bccal1.5e •l hft liL"'iH·Iil..,. "•1·t.- ne. 'lritb un ol\n-tll.<te Tl') "'' • \Ill t. 15odiuro, io lfthll't liT lillllid ro•rlll ,. liMits Sit 1• Tl .. ltS St!} Stlttltt, 4·11. l!t CAVE'S del MAR PHARMACY 'Tiooe P<1t1crip+io., Ph.tm•cy t 2l eo.• Blvd.-HArt-2272 Corcm• del Mer ............. Cil.l(>d chon Is a r tr de 1 ~.:ood peo- plt• to ttw runllTluntt} )lr Ensu:n r"•tnt• d out, and thf'rr>f~>l • a com- mtuHr' c-dnnnt all 111 d not 1 o pro- \td•• ~ood lactbti•., \\', an for- •tumt•· 11• lhP in an na Cll htgh .... , ··•'<! \&luall"l . ho s..ttd, II I t•~"'thl.• Wld••r ·U•'•' l.t\\ tor tht' •"t'\ It• \lt'• 1 I" Pd I"'''' ll[J IO ~l.J 1\l II(;{ c., !rwalr·• ut Ram-·. 1 pla•n• d '!II Ol:t• " lh• 111.,1 p111Uit ms uf II • th \\1.' I" u•t d I' a · \lld P.; • I'! I I II,. \ 'u"lr.ll'"lllll \\ I ' I() ... {'1 ..... dt .... l .. )UI Ill th•· •\JIIIIIh'l , ... 1'1 I' 1111111 pr r\,f loll 1\ 1111'11 r·t>. f _. •tlUI'd S'oJ :-.(11.1 1 •trll'h• lit., .. '"' •dl•' \\l'h I 101..1 !1 l" 'I•, .... , tJ. fo ~ 11 II ' h< II llh \ Ill') I 8 • lilt ,..,, \\111 h,t\• ........ , I.!.UIII Ill 'lo('rld !11 lt'(UJIIIII\! lhi' (•hina l\)1< 11)1, \\'1-,,lht l lh• 101111\.') "1 II b•J.' 1 n p1111 11. 1 • ~ \\111 dq~t•nd em \ hf' ~Y'u!l ot 1 t.•• l'l.•~d,.mn 1 ion Jllo<'<'t'dtm.--. nO\\ l)o.•lfl II "ltiUil'IJ a ..:amst tilt' F'ur 'f' n nd Hl'l.\)'1. pro- Jlt'l til',. Ht> Pl • d1ctcd tht !and '' ould ~ al"qwn·d )tr Ra.m.st;o, arct thl' ~ommi!'"ton '"'pt'<''" to eoml ltllth \\lth an I 0\ ~rdH plan about the ltr"' 01 the 1 ~ !'ar He said hf' hope>~ a HI cent J.l<lt'k tax \\111 bf' 1ntroduN'd on the nr•x1 ballot to St""'<.'Ur<' and maantaln par k . And e\t.>n thl'n, hr indicat- Nt>" 1\:v. Mr. and M rs. Pemf'l llam1ti ha\~ rt'tumed from the1r hoM~muun tnp and ha\e t up lio c p1•pan~ m t h 11 fW'\\ hom • 1 31 FuUt•J tun A 'I.e~ ~ "" p o 1 1 I I u:h The ) oun • couplt> "t·rt> marrat"d 'atunla~ ~pt . K <JI :-.1 . Bomfa~ Cat •1nhc: C'hur t'h an .Ancdwun Tht> Lr·1d j.., th lonnt>r )111~ Ann Jn· '-l"pturw Jt•nll.'t' . dauk'hH·r ot )tr .... Harr~ ,lonlf;:t· ol fjardr•n f;tm•' attd 'h• J,. 11· )lr J r.tg., T ht I<IIOm I'-Po rlll' ~"lt.:t• BaJ nt•l t t1' ="-••\\ J>C'Irt Bo ad "t.H ul )fp., Jam• ' F ,\ ~JJm of ~<''' pcJrl lif'h,hl... nd 1''1 nd Ba 1 " , I U.•una Par k Tht> hrid ,, ..... d•·hl'lltf'h .. m, 111 r1 tn IDlf)OJitd C'hanttJI,\ J<t~ ... , h\'U\) "hll '-ttttn "tth a full o.~llt•ttn!l 11·01 .. '1 h "k" 1 An an..~ 1 \ okt u! .. ht>t>t· marqw~,...,lr> d~>latltod.thf' ldt•• M.'a IIOJJ~'<i nC"Ck lm~> A c1 o\\ n ut '''&X btu som. .. wnt b' rt>lata\t" i11 Lu,..t>mbour~ a dom4id nt·r '-<ttJn JUliN t cap and held h 1 'etl and she had 1 ~ tal ro:.at) from h r mater naJ ~randmothrr in Lu~{'m· bouT£ Sh also CIUTJeQ l\\U \\hll LADIES' CLOTHES Factory -to -You at Terrific Saving s! IIEW FAll SUITS Rc . \7 G·, to ~"\ t!r 116.'1 lo 156:. Ladies' lOOi'o WOOL COATS Ladies' Sheen ........ Colts Rt>«. 14M !!~'\0 Ladies' Checked ('(j that thert> "ould not bt> l:'nough funds to maintain 1 hf' lar~:t> park I dt-\t>lopment "hich '" nN'd<'d and hf' hopt"S ('I\ 1<' C'l'OUp<; \\ill hfolp \.\lth plantim:. bt>autahca1ion and Sport Toppers F ull} -atm Lined Rf'lt'. §93 Pbooe ZEMIII 2076 (Toll Free) -ma~eclkl" nc Sip I• HArbor 11 427N•~~-.~ upc>l"\i!'>in~ bt>a<'hc> In <U1S\\ t>r to a quc-'-1 ron I rom t ht> noor. )tr. RarllSE'\ !;f81t"d that Parks and RecrPa uon m{'(>llnl! an• h<-ld a t the Ci t~ Jlall r.n tht> 1 ,{'C(lnd Wednrsda\ ot thl• month A 1 i :30 p. m and 'ttw>.' a r ,. opt•n to thl:' public BalliN Girl 9Tms T hirteen ·yE-ar -old l\tlllie \'an Pelt of 90i E . Ba) Front. Balboa. won the Junior Championshtp in the 1951 Junior Tournam<-nt _pon- sort'd b\ 1 he Balboa Anghn~ Club a nrl r<-c-~" Nl ht~r troph~ a 1 t hi:' an- nual part~ held Sat urda~ for the kid an£;1<'rs a t tht' Amt>l'lcan Le- gaon Hall. She won hl'l' award for cat c hint: 11 'ariE'I il'S of fish dur- inJ: th(' St'aSOII. Mor(' than 300 younJ:sters par· tJctpated an thP tournamt'nt, and more than a hundred of them wen.> prE'sent Saturda~ to rC"Ct>h'l' thl' awards and prizE's and partdkt' of rt>freshments. Follo\\iog w on trophi<'s . Bass: Don Dol bee. Bay hore Park. ag<' 12: :-.:an<'~ Kamp. Long 1'1 ~potfin croakt'r· Charle Scur-, jiiiiiiiiiii~~~~!iiiiiiiiiij I Beach. 11. lock. Pasadena. 15: Marit' Van Pelt. Balboa. 13. Barracuda: Dennis Han<b·. New- port. 7; Geoffrey Dike. J)ayshor~ Park. 8; Kenny LH Walker. Los Angt'les. 8. Yellowfin croaker Greg Ad8rm. Balboa. 12; Pete-r Huyckt'. Balboa. 8.15 100% Nylon Jersey SUPS Rrjt. 4'!S 6.93 Reg. 10.95 to 29.95 6'5 to 1rs 51 Gauge -15 Denier J Palrzso 12. I Halibut: Betty Lou F ranklin. Corona. 12 I 21 pounds, 4 ounce I : C.r)' Schaumburg. 'Burbank , 13. WhJ te sea baas: Denni Handy. Nt>WPOrt. 7 < 11 pounds) ; Pat ~'"• Loc ~1ft. 13: Michael Lakowwki. Lol Altp~. 9. ~~ man v.a Elton Barnett, bt'Olh~r ol t.he bnlk>~room Duane ,.\fnbtron~ of FuJI .. rton "' lLn Woi EXTENSION LADDERS -BELT SANDERS LINOLEUM ROLLER-WHEELBARROWS OLD ENGUSH POUSHER Bayview hilders Sapply Hardware & Paints 818 Coast Highway Newport Beach IEacoa- *Our Factlry THAIK YO U! THANK THE G R.AND OPENI"'G ol o .. • , ... "'•"' '"''~ depe, ..... ,.. ·•' • ~< .. g~ ~~''•" Hw.,d•eds c•""• •"d bo..og"'• •l>e f.ne>• 1oc• • • •oo '"' ~ ., •• , t c. w• ~c;\, Cc co-• .. shop co,_,.,., ..... a v~u 1::.e •• De CO" .inced ,.,., o~<• p•.~:es •r• ~~. o••·· 'n C.l'fon~ie MEN'S 1 °/o WOOL SUm I n t"-t tailorin c:. C'll"ll•m dt>Ullli.lltt. pt"r-Factory-to-you l•'<'l Ottin'=• In h n•• o~ll \\IH•I <ibl't'n ~:U· hardin!"'>, tw\11 ~b· rdln "• .. tt3rkUda'!>. rtannf't ... l\\ .-..d ...... tw,>llt'rd <'bf'('k'-H UI!t' ~~IM:"tion 111 Jilt 1\ol'm .. ami c·nlor" 1.n ,.~z, . ., ~6 1o :.41 In n•..:ular<~. !'hort ... lunjr ... portl~ t.. 42.50 Suits J2950 47.00 Suits . )450 55.00 Suits ]975 60.00 Suits . 4400 65.00 Suits 4600 75.00 Suits . 5200 100.{)0 Suits . 7400 115.00 Sllits . 1400 SUPER SPECIAL ! Men's 100/'0 Wool SPORT COAts Riiii~ Men's Hil0/0 Wool GABARDINE Men's IUE SLACKS Sport Coats RP£. 35 Oli to 50 00 • Albacore: C.ry f'lnk, Puadena.l 11 (25 pounds. 4~ ounces1: Pete Meston. Balboa bland. 13. Art Johrulon was ct\airmlln of I ttw commltteto in chargt> of the toumanxont. Helping g;ve out the awards Saturday were Jan " G~ ke, A. C. pencer and · BAC S«retary LH Jonas. Mem· bHI of tht-Ne-wport Harbor Lady ~ helped out throughout t.M aanmer and durln~t Saturday'a perty. WESTMINSTER ~VE. AND LOCUST STREET WESTIINS1D, Cl~. Jetween Scmta Ana & Seal Beach & Buena Park & Huntinqton BeaCh Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Daily SUNDAYS: 10:00 to (:30 . Open WedDeedays itll 8:30 p. m. ( Stainless Steel from Sweden D.REN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts I )07 C.O.st lltvd. Corone del Mer Herbor 1373 Hou" ':lO to S:lO. ()peft Su~ NemM" of Americen Guild of Veriety Ste" flltODUCING FOit TELEVISION Offe r Instruction in Dancing * Musical Comedy * Acrobatic * Ballet * Tap Children and Teenagers ~ulonel Treinittt encl Specie! ltouiinet for TElEVISION AND STAGE 7 It 6olcl•nrocl Ave. COitONA DEL MAlt -nct- 107 W. S.vetttll SANTA ANA t'IIE IIADD UNOS &&'I"CBN Mr. and Mra. Hadel RinK of Udo Iale have ~t retumed from a vtslt to Mr. Ring's mother's home ln Oekland. This is an annual trek for tbe Rings. u they hold a family reunion there eech year. Ql.•t~•• Qt.-~~ .. While you were c h e c k I n g through the fall fashion Vogue Magazine (lis ting O'Brien's, of course), did you notice that Adelaar J)ltge with darling coordi- nated jeney separates? WeD a.o.e adorable tldrtAa aJHl hloataM are fCHad rl_...t llere at O'BRIEN'& Ye~~, evea Uwl ..e "1U\ u.e lldl aovered batt.s wltldl co dMr to ~ top of tM collar ...... ~t pndoa. "talt" .... ber wtda tbe UJt,y pnrl ltuttGa. Another Adelaar blouse, not shown in the picture, which you will love, is made with a diagonal pocket detail mounted with a bril- liant crest ---especially smart in navy. Some of the new blouse colors are violet, new purple hues, moss green ... 'Mlat easy-to-wear Adelaar jersey skirt with front pleats is basic in grey or natural heather, and in navy blue. 'nlese ·•spiffy" separates are priced at only $8.95 for the blouse and $9.95 for the skirt. Stole eea110n Is arrytq rlpt oe lato wt.ter aad tbe stole la a ,·e.ry pradkal aooet1e0ry .. well u beiDa' ke)'IIOhl to ...art styl-illl'· K~ yoa warm whllt' watdllnr TV or plaJtar cau•ta; It 18 just tlte rtpt wrap f or step-- plaK from IIMUo4 ear to restau- nat; ... adds that df'ft tooda of fem18111Jty. O'BRIEN'S newest s toles arc in a variety of colors and fabrics. There are cunning jerseys with pockets gathered by self string. Tht>re are reversible velveteen and jersey stoles with a band of \·el- veteen as unusual trim and there are casual corduroys lined in taf- feta -- -and don't forget the while brushed mohair. Come in and steal a look at th<'Se stoles! Lark\\-•ood hosiery, (you'll see ad\·ertised in Life magazine} is now available In the new fall shades ... in propoTtioned lengths, of course. --,· I /_. ~ lEW II IE IWIEIS! Before you bey furniture anywhere visit House It: Garden. In this unusual store, you will find the largest display in the area of fine, modern rattan furniture. Included in our selection are tm.ports and pieces custom made In our own shop which you will not find elsewhere. You will also find such na- tionally known lines of modem furniture as Brown Sal~. Cal·Mode, Hennan Miller and many exclusive lines of ruga, lam~ and a~ries, including Westinghouse Electric and Malic Clef gu appUanoes. Then you wlll enjoy teeing the most complete bome !umlahlng workshops oubide of Los Angeles where more than fifteen top flight c:raft.srnen are b\aY making the finest f\lmlture, eomlce boxes, drapes, bedlprftda. cushions and slip coven it is posmble to procluce. Both our de- corator and our fumiture designer are at your service without charge. If all this sounds expensive you are in for a delightful surprise, for fine things cost less at ' . Ho~.JGanlm 611 Coast Hiqhway ~lEACH BEaeoD 5277 YOUR CHOICE -t -WHILE 11fEY LAST RICHARD"! Own resh Philco wiU be tea~ \V('('k at the Richard's Lido Market and Davis-Brown spon- ~red Cooking School. &ov«'rly Keidel. Philco's own home.-economist will be on hand to show the lat~t cook- ing tricks and some or her !a- \'Ol'itc rt'Ci)X>S • • . "' If you missed the Free Cooking School this week plan to attend next W<'E'k and thereafter. Greea Cartoa doz. ••• •• .... z't2 WI C.mpbell'a Hunt's Yellow Cling M C P AU Flcnon Veqetable Soup SUCED GRAPEFRUIT Bean & Bacon PEACH a JUICE Soup C•n 11t No. 21/J 2Jt C.n :!ltC 2 ,.,~. 1St "'' ~ ' ~ . '• ~ .-" . . r , .J , . , ' ;· Cheddar Cheese ihi);. Fra•lm lb. ,.;591 &i~ iaw Salad lb. 21• Our Service to tile IOC4il people is tile e"~ of ell c1tere" • • -Any reasoneble request for .-.rvice Is gretefully received end dispetcll•d -• • No perty too smell or too lerge. Pork COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL • • • • THURSDAY POTATO DINNER ROLLS •• . I for lk . . J for 2ft LEMON T .ARTS • • • • • FRIDAY BOSTON CREAM PIE • • • . . ~.1. . , .... POTATO GLAZED DONUTS • · 3 • 17e •• each SIC • • • • • II. • • •• Mettanine Shoppe THE SPOT LIGHT IS ON TEX-KNIT lroniD9 Board Pads &Co... • Specie! --. nM.tos '"-.-of --... ._.. ........... .a.mc .. ..... fits .... _..,.. boer4s ••• ----------S-P-&c-1-A-L DISH CI.01HS •