HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign... . .. ,. .. .. --' . a a 4 • • 7 • • 10 11 12 ,. 14 ,. 1. 17 ,. ,. 10 ., .. "'-" .. .., .. ~eo~( Public Li brBfl,...._--------. -~lboe., ea1 ~· ,._.._1 4::,~. ,. ... P.L aad lt. U. S. POSTAGE PAll eon.. .a ...... o.au. Official Nnusf)d~ of du~ City of Nnuport &dch Thunday, September 27, 1951 Harbor 1114 and 1115 R( ' Canon W . Clinton Billin~ of the Los An~:l'll'. Episcopal Dio- <X':.C. who lS in chlla·~e of mission buildinlot snd location. b, l'Xpe<:ted h£'~ this w~k-·c.>nd to look over sitt'S for ll pa-opos<'d new EplSCO· pal parish 1\311 In Corona del Mar. The n('w hllll, which will ~et un- d<>r way as soon a possiblt-. is plannl'd for Sundlly school and re- creational purpose and will be a. part of the pre~~ent E plscopal church. St. James. Jocatt-d in 1 Nf'wport at the entrance to Lido lsll'. Ftc>\'. Paul MooN' Wh('f>lt'r of Bay Short's is rl'Ctor of thl' church snd has inslicatcd the plannin~ for the new site. I Thl' proposed building is a part of the $500.000 building and land purchase plan of tht.> Los Angelc di()C('Sl'. The Corona del Mu ex- pamion is one or 23 new projl'cts e~tl'd to be s tarted within 30 da:,s throughout the Southland. ~fost of these pro~t.s ·will cos from $15,000 10 m .ooo. but Los An~t."S a uthorities doubtPd If the local building program would he th3t large. ------:-- Private funeral ~ees wtn bt' held rcr Fred w. Briggs or 620 ClubhoUM Avf'!.. N('WJ)Ort . who died yeste-rday \Wednc day) in Los Angeles. Mr. BriStgS was born in WLlson, Kansa~. He e&me to eaqrornia in 1906. owned property for 30 years in Newport. had livcd here for 20 vears a nd had bN-n for many yl'ars in the real e tate and insuTanef' business. lie was acth·e in community proj(>cts, prominent in tht.> New- port Harbor Christian Science Church a nd was a "-orkinj;t parti- cipant in the Newport Harhor Community Players productions. Ht' i:o • un h ('d by his \\i dow. l'ressa: thre<' sons. Richard and Jeronw in New York. Frederick in La Jolla and a grandson. Robin in La Jolla. Mr. and Mra. Briggs had just returned this month from a sum- mer Uip to the eas1. where tht'Y visited their children. Services were held in Pasack>na Saturday for Paul F . Schwenz- feier of 701 Acacia Ave., Corona del Mar. who died Sept. 19 after an Illness or several weeks. H e had come to Corona ck>l Mar three yeers aeo from Pasa- dena. Bom tn Lelpdg, ~ny. he had Uved tn Southern Califor- nia foe 50 YMJ"S. Mr. Sdtwenzfeier 18 survived by hb wtdow. Barbara; • daught6, Mrs. Miktreod Bee.m; a *"'· Paul jr., three grandchU~n and a great-ttranddaughtu. Officers of San PuquaJ Lodge No. 452 FA: AM conducted the funera I 8Crvices. IIIII. Oneiii PlayllarMr,Dies Frank RafuJ, 47, owner of Play Harbor for kld~s on Coast High- way at Bayside Dr .• died Sept. 11 in Akron, Ohio, It was learned this week. Mr. Raful rt'turncd this summer to Summit Beach Amusement PArk. whlch he had m~tnaged for mllny years previously. H e suf- fered compticatiof.ts from an attack of Yin. J>MtmOnia and died of a heart 11ttack. I H~ Is SUJ"\\ived by h1s ~idow, Marian of Laguna Beach, four 1lrotMn and two lllten. , ·Committee Is E*led lo Wtd OM SOlation ~tonda~ ,.,,.nimr torrid bwt t&a,ing subsided ror t h tim be-mg. an <'nlsrl'M (ummatt• < for the City Councal i contmuml' co \\Ork ouc plan$ looktr., ''"'l'lrd lht. t."\'t>ntual rcmo\'al of PE lataon and trackc; I rom lhf' h•trt "' ="• wport end \\lc:k>nin~ :'l:£>wpon and &lnna t.oulf- \ II tt". Tht• add;cional mf'mbt'rs or chP 'JX'<'I:tl t'Pmmallt f' .tn• Tom Hrn- d•t-no, R I Patt..,•r,on and Jun 'til!f•t E~ ll'"'"'l.: ha~ tnl<>ntlon to 'h'P oft 1 h comm11 11 was Pub- ' rn'r Rtn R•·ddaC'k. altt'r hc.> had k1 loow a "l'OIThant: ii ttuck and hutll'd a chanzt• ol har .... at thf' CounC'tlmt n lor n<•t takan~ wxor-"\\'bum C.bt> GOO. \\ouJd df>- thh• actH•n :\tnnda:. ntl!ht on thE' •troy ttl.-y first ntakf' mad." THF:R,.:'LL B•: n •·•l C'll"h In thf' Tr~>u .. nr•• Cht>"l fnr t ht> hi~: u •atur•• ur tht> tl'i r d .tnnuu l Tro•a. .. url!' Day" and t.otl'IIA'r 1\tlkt• In ( nrt~a't ft, 1 ~hr "'''' ""''k. H••rf' th~> rh~>•t '" M lna: fillt d h~ Runk••r .Jim l .m rh'kf'. \\hO , .. In ('h:tr~f' or ('00('~tlnl:' th.-f'lf'\\ .. ttnd hldint.t' llu· u ....... Urt', nnd )tr ... (uri llts tf'l\i~n. \\'\If' tof till' C'halrnlAD llf thr rfHltl ('Onl· milt•.... Tht• Trt•:I'•Urr lhant will ht• In thP t•lul~ hour" uf Sa turcb~·. ON. I . -Cpho to b~ Fu!--oml TV Star at ~obster Bake ~tomMI Whalt>n, T\' ('(')t"brity, • .tun.• \\til app.>:lr Saturdtl~ (\'t'Otn\.!. Oct. Local shops and ('()mmnni•~ ,,,_ 6 .. tt tlw ('nrona d('l :'\taa Tl•f'nSul'<' t.:anizations will ha\<' booth:-111 '''<' n·n -. ann L..1.>h"'''' RJk<'. th1·ou$th midwav sPCtion alon.:" wnh .:am<'S arr'angem<'nts mad<' h~ Oli\<'r t'nlt•rllimml'nt Rnd ~('1("•·•~·1 atll"l\'· BroomhNui IO<'iil,\dlt•r st•win~ mA-1 1it~n' fnr th,• klddit•.... A <;JXC'ial chin<' dl'ill('l' :ut PXhibat ol paintin•~s and ''"''· t'l1-ofr au:.rl pltn H• t>ro,1dC' a r,)3d\\a) a· 31 .. 1 ..,, bt•lwl't'n tht> twt) boul• · trcl Tha!> plan had been fl('~'tliHHtd b\ 1IW ('(\0\r"U\It'f> mPm- l~o•r· Cit\ tncanh•r lwrt \V~bb C.t~ :'\Inti 1 ~• • Juhn :-ailors. Cit) \t'nrnf'~ Jla r) H!()tjc('llllnd P\Jb- •h• H• dd <'k Tnf' •'" ntnc ''nr•E'd QUJf'l l~ t 01111\.!h F:-. r'1 lht Ch:lmbPr nr ''tlmm(•r • dill'<:"", ,am .. a I• tllr ,.,lmmf'ndtn£ 1 hf CounC'al and ('()m- mirtt for ' u~:n • ltf' Pl-. rirhl ••l \'"" fr<"t• 1o •l•t cut-tlff rnad ' •Continued on PaJ;:l' 12 1 1 lick-Off Monday For Fand Drive Klckol r for th~> C" om m u n a t ~· <:1",..,' ~t.·r:l'! rtri ,. ,. i'! nor.t"U'" '!on- da~ at th Balboa Bay Club a.s olflc.'t!'~. dlr~ton;. captalm ~tnd \olunt€'f·rs mf't t at noon luncheon wr tnfot mat ion and tn<;t ructions. :\11"5 Clart'nC"I" Hr .:biP. s\"Cr<'tary tn C..tmpl'lhm Chaarman Fl'ank l.ln- nP.I r(>(Ju, .. t~ thac \l'IIUD!('<'r ''nrk- 1 ''" mn k1 rl'..,t't\ <IIIOOJ> \\ ith I h<'ir <"ar taans a:-l'arl) u:-. po ~•b!t> for tht dollar hmC'h('()n I :'\lr<: Har' l'' ...::nmo·l . Cornm•m- ,,~ C'h•''-' pn ... ,d, nt h.,, tppotnlf'd l thf' folic \\lll~ 10 tak«> t'h<tn:• n thf' IRl'OU' ,,,,,,, 'fr, Tt.d Ham- 1 bnlOk Ralboi• La a' l...'l\ atmann ::"P\\ port :\1~t 1 n H lr<:<"h '!nrtn· • r·, ~ftlt>. :\tr ... -.:rtd'l G1b<;on Bal- Nia h l8nd c l (> 11'1 .Jon. . c~ 'fll .1 dd :'\l.u -:-,..,. :'\fwporr Harb<lr Commun- I'\ Cht>~ot ', hannt•r ,., oo\\ Jlyanc: tt\l " 11 hf'adquartt•t"l at Htnklt>) ~ Dru~; store. Balboa L land. To Levy Tax on Outside Baying Miss Whahm. fa m••d (ell' her amw ... hl•in~.: o;how11 b) IOC'i1 1 arti,;•o; IntrodUC't'd "" an l'm<'rg('n<.'y or- sin~ing comnwrdal~. ap(l("at, on I '' i!l surpasl-an) formo•r di:opla~ .• "' fllnant't> and pa~'<'d to t'COnd r<'ad- Harry Babbitt's ltollywood Oppor-artistiC' IAIC'nts. olljJ Mondn~ nicht at thl' Cit~ tunitv ~ho"· l!'A Ra' ~iutt nn'<; All Pea-sons wisham: tn hE>Ip \\ith Council mE'\'1tn~ ""'an ordinanCf' Girl .Sho\\ and At.t Linkll.'ttl'r·s Ta·('asur<' Da) drta ils and Lohstt:'r l<'\~in~ a one (l("r c;•nt tax on real HotiSl' Part\ ~hem and also has Rak(' st>n·im: Ar<' ~tskro to l!t't in Pl'~onal prof'('rt~ purchasE'<! out· her o,,, raC:ho pmgrnrn. "Monica tou<'h "hh Chfl LionbaniN. pr,""St-!>idt> of ~(' cit) for use heN' It 1 Whalf'n ?r('~t'nts ·· dC'n t nf th<' c;ponsorin~ Corona dt'l dtl<' for final pa Mt:f' at the nt>xt Both Sl.25 and :>0-<'t'n t tit'kf'IJC Mar Rusane · Association. or '"'h Council m('f>ting. Oct. 8, and would are now availabl(' for 1'rl'asurl' t hr F:nsiv,n ortiC't' I 'tO mto effN:t imm<'dlateh . Days at local bu$in~>SSPS and also · Thl ordlnanc would makE' f.'f- at the Chambl'r of Commeree. The f:OITORlAL WlUTER TO T:\LK ft"C'ti\'E' thE' "u.e" portion of thP $1.25 ticke-t ill fur a frt'sh lobster Robert E. G. HarrtS, <'dituraal P~<'nt C'tty "sale~ and ~ tax." meal. to be sen·ed both Friday and v. rlter for thf.' Los An~eles Dail) B~ wtt~ or t-xample the 18'' v.ould Saturday. Oct. 5 and 6. and also I "'.:c'-"'1'. will speak a t p. m. :-t>quirt.> a ~l'wpon residt>nt 10 Pft) gi\'CS the purcha t'r an opportun-\\'Ninl'sd8y In lht> first of four 'l n additional (Into J)('r et-nt on top ity to win a free cash prize. The Wednl'Sday evening forum talks of the 3 per cent state sales tax 5()-()ent ticket is for the prize at the OCC auditorium. for items purchued in Costa Mesa. Tt.a t could 'PT} \H ll b(t a one- ImP f'dllorial on ~1onda) P\ emng's Cit) C'oundl met>tm~. '-:o problt>m tS ):OinJ: to br -..olved b~ am {'('tlve and insult and it has b. • n ·ruthlulh sa1d •h t1 haM ""rrl" ha\(• t ftPn «topp•'d an ar~u­ m nt bu n \t>r "f'lllf>d nn" It ,... C'll'ar thll lh•• \'TCBII' 1 'tn"t:h· pa ubi• m lartns: -.:.·wpon lo; rE>mo,al of thE> PE hut 1t~· cannot be ac-<" ,mplishro b~ (IU~burs . at t>ilht>r •hE> PE or th C'J•' C mc-il ln ·J-1" arcuml'l" c • i ·t• PE and th• t~Har prob',.m •ht> fa<"1" app; ar an bP rl•~t 1 E\ I" I') o~ r a CTf>f"d on of\f" ul una ,. ob~llH' • • mm al of PE from 't't> hf'an o! :""""-port Otht>twi.se t h ~ 1.!' no ho of re-- MO\ rn~ the-bh!-!h1 ha ' untm .. th<' aowth in tht portion of our inmmparnb Cit} · 2 Both Balboa Bh d. end :-\ew- port Bh·d. must. be imprn'ed to tak care of the ;~In~ ttaffte load and to matc-h that (!)'('at lm· pl'{,vPmt'nt that hac: atrf'Bdy bet>n fanlShed into Balboa 3 A CU1·0f! 1"'1'\ad IS onl\' 8 manor . <'l..'lllm t or h u h a mat,.· ob- J('Cth't>. and 31st • r CUI-()(( alnn<' would l<'a' e tlw ba>! probl('m of trarnc bottlen• k \ r·tu 11) un- touchro. 1 Ia i~ th~> C.•r .... td• rPd oprmon of planrunc t'XJ)t'r'" ·~a• \\f!' hllve mor. ·han Pnouch hu-.anpc; 1onana alr<'ad~ and th(' PF. rondit nn for atw C'Ut-()ff "oulri .,_.,., , ant mort• C'-1 Fa.-..• conc:adrratlon mu!' .tlv.a~l> be aoward hPlp:n~ t'X- io:ttnc bu.o:ines._o;e ... ThP lone--ranee ~lu•ion hn-. to bt-N'ad on 1 ht> h.' 1 of f he a ho' t' ·. £>d fa<.'ts • • • Harry E!:tus, 'who hb bl'rn here about as lnn~t as a m e>r P - - -hUSl-nf'So;man I.RI!ionn.11r" ,. -com- mandt-r 1. C'I\1C' l£"ad .. r --. hal! a fe-w words to 'Ia\ abollt \tordav's CounctJ mN>Iln(! · • To th<' Citlzt>ns of ::"Jt>wport Beach. As a <'ltize-n and propt>rt~ owner and busaness man ln :'l:rv.-port Har- bor for 30 years and beanr at t~ Counol m{'('iing Monda) nlqht, I ({'('I some answer should bt> made to thE> ~tatemt'nt mad b~ ~ Ben Rtaddick. Wht>n Mr Rrodick starts to ac- C'USt' th CouncillTli.'n of being Uan llnd ,·acilllltinst hypocriiPS juat be- ("8lJSt' the) would no' follow '* dictauon . then th truth sbould eotnt> out. U Ben Reddick. who had beft\ ne~otiating v.;tb the PE u a re- I Continued on Pa~~:e 2 1 111:££ I. A 8KETCII of U•~ ,.._.. ..,_, ltoftwo of Uwo SM\'J'Of1 ......... et tiN-ftaak fJf A~ few ~"*" t[N_, lilA• aln-ad.y ~ ......... •' vta LWo ... N....,-t ~ ~ ~ ,.,.... \'"'lecMt"s tbrM' timt the' 8410C"t' of '"~" pl'~_,.wt ......,.._ ... .nn abo .,.....,._ r<>M~ for futllrf' .. ,..,_n oo. Th.-baiNIIIc wUI M.-e • '"' of "'-"" ·~ 4Ml na ~Ado. ~1\la a drp tll nf 11• """"' A& • ,_r will lie a U1e Bnp. •mp-...... Wf4Pt _,.-l 1•1 Wtll ... ,tie partdac ..,..._ wtu. llif"f'C"t • to t1w ..._... ....,._ A.Jnor\1: tbt-folka aeliH' in the fkold of f~.nt> arts ~ho an mak.iftc tbejr homt' in Corona del Mar an Luigi and A.rlin.a \f.aiaru, ~M han• HtabllAht>d the Del Canto Studlo for \'Oi~ and paano a t 319 Sea\~' A \f', Mrs. Vaiani u the pi.aoo artist. and LuiRl pecialla-s m c:lu5Ps m 8.1' t ralnmg and si~ht WlJrul~ to pret»..,... pupils for conct>l t. opPra and orate1t1o ~ork. 1 t •u an allmc-n t ca\.I:M"d by ~ hot Nf"'' J4 oo wn that made Lwgi deo<'ldt> to oo.rne to the Ha.r- bor ar.-a. The-y came r1nt on the> UW.t~ of a fnmd or Lwei'• In his Ka.ru u Cit)' d.a~ll. Chark-11 W Larabee, who had rorn to Balboa Island to makf hi hom• Th .. \'al- an! spent a month as Mr. Lara- 's J.!UI' ts, came baC'k ,., f rJl· lowint; ) a.r, and afteJ Hl anotbt>r visit dt•d doo to .st.a) MH' for ~ood Th .• ... t~ed fur a \\hit• " th lh l.arabr"l"'l on t t:f' Lo:t"nd tht>n IDO\ed to Ccnona del liar to OJ)t'D their aludlo. ColnridPntall~. l~ulJ."i round thai he had known thl' ptt'1>t'nt Mrs. Lara~ as a paam t in K.ansu Cit' Anotht>r couwadPnct> "'as re- \eited b> a ne"s sl or~ 10 the--En· sign, announcin~ a cili£en protest rlle'(>tlnJ: on oil a1 the • ho,..,. Cllff5 home or l\1r and ~11"'. T. [)uncan ~l('" l't l...UJ~j \'\OOdPtt-d tf that rouJd bt.• tt),. .Ste\\arl h,. hlld known In K:m";t Ctt >. w hP rolkd up. l'l nd tndN•d II \\3'- Tht·' had mrt m Kan«aJi Cit~. "hen i>11 nran !o\tM\ art "a~ "' 'iolin -.tudent. Luttn remMTttX'l· him a a lln<• 'lohm-.t. '-fJ out tandtnc that ht• "on a Jwlhard ~holar hJJI to rontanw• tu<~ litUdJP.. and •ra mnl! - 1)(1 'ou knm' :' Thai ;'"lfl'~ nf the> J)(>OJJI(• o round • ~kJd ret\\·· Mnla( ted b' tht ""al- 'ation AJm) an ''ur<tn" of ~1111 111 tnc.,·-"' ... ' Lo .on~.;•d ttJ Wmld War JI? lllat thf' _!;;;ah·a-th• •tnJ!tnJ.! !!roup Ia 1 )••JI \\r rr u.on Aml) j!l\ '"' t'mplc·~ m t nt IC• '"' alt·d lor t'ul h••• and coif•., cakt• fl\811) handlcarflNi mf'll and man) llt"t \H'f 1<, \\'1-dn• da,_, at th•· ht~mr m~>n 1~roltod from out en .. tttutJon " ul Mr-. Rma.'l ld P,.zsrlo\'\, B:tltJt\3 ls- DU<• to th,. Jlr(".{'nt 1 mt"rf•·nr~ lnrd Tl11 l.'lUUJl dJ.;ru.<. d o!llf• tlv• Sahatt11n Arm~ 1s t"Qfl.)'tn~ an 11f tlw plan'-fCJr thf> rocntn!' lPar. • xtra hPn\~ load \\'ill ~ou send , mrlulitm• Jn\llaHunal datfi , tu' sm~ ~our ron111bu11on to Rolund \\htch lh4'>\ ha\••ultr•ath ltflt\Pd \\'rtcht Rank f•l Amf'n CCJ :"'e\\ · 1 taW ,,· mt•ntin • \\a~ d • 1 U:,.. d Jl!''lrt" And God bl(' 1> ~ou for und it "t' dtc,dt-.J '" t·n;w, tht· ,.our h••lp d •. 4\ fwm W• cblf'&;da\' murntr\1:" '" John r .... sa~l<'tr. ('hairm.tJl. New-T UI' dll) murmnr:ll I i hf' fh· I T\Jf'(,. JIOrl 9<--.J.ch Dt I IJ<"I St.on...oJ·me. da \ mnrmnc mt l't in~o: ()('('Urlf'(i this ComnuttrP '";...k ' an m dCT" ''' aci"'mmodalf' tht•rr flJ3nJ t 1\J r Rolph IX'a\Pr. VIRGII II.A READ Sf'll Y HIOY Th"} also dl"<'u ~E'd the plan' for Be Sh 11wiJIIOI' tlw PTA put una brnrfit auty 0p -.ho" ell> thf'~ dJd Ia I )t'ar. :-<•" m• m~·1 • •Ill Ill\ tit J In RUTH 'S ]]I Rvth Grn, Owner N mw and "'' n · '' 1 I h t hf' .1 rtuJI :1 I HArbor ~907 l"t Andrt'\\'" J>t t 't b~lr•uan ('hUJch Mimeographing Addressing Fold1ng Mailing • 'l'••·· .. l.t) mwwnt.:.s-. aet·ordJn~ to ~tr flarlo\\. "hn 1 PTA t'f1!1rdt- ;\LLIXO THE CENSU~ T ;K Dl The Wllltum F P 1111 fa 11 'ly have not nnb 1\\ Pile-d the> flOp'..lla- 1 Jon or the area by being new r ~i­ d nu at 2252 Kiog• Rd, Cliff Ha- \'t'n, but they have increa8ed the population l!lnCX> 1hPir arrival by having a nin pound. six ount:e baby girl, SW'.annt> Pt!lls. The baby's rsther, mother, and fllx· ycar-<>ld brother came from Tuc- A<>n to N""'port Harbor. Mr. Pella Is 811 ae-ncultural en.&Jneer. IJACk lN BAUIOA HOlD: "Glad to put awa)' our IUltCUH and set tied down for the wink"!'," • saJd AMt> lt.yman for ~ • and Betalt' McBride, who havt' re- • tum~ to MI'J. McBride's home a t • 2040 0«-an 81\'d,, Balboa. Mrs. Hf'yman vl led In San Frand.co • and Mu. McBride 111 Monterey. A f'e\;e" of Lro Tol.Atoy'• "War and Peac:e" "'II bl' ~:hen by Bun- ater CrecJ). Ba.Jboe uland book hop ~ner, \\hPn tM Ebell Club ThU"d Book aection meets October 11 TillW and place wiU be an- nounCX"d b) Mrs. M . ).larmall tur- rhy. I &or .. AT OUR NEW 1842 Newport Bl•d. LOCAnON Costa Mesa SATURDAY. SEPT. 29th S P.M. IIC PIIZEI • ~CH A~ fOG LIGHTS SEAT COVERS BACK UP LIGHTS -TAIL PIPE EXTENSION r•1 K t 'P \'ot'R f 'REE T I CKET ' at \\''EST ,.\( T().- l'nu ~~-.'CI Not .8+-Pr~nl to "'In ..• WDT AUTO IOPPI.Y "K ~TOCK I OS ALE .. An Unusual Sale! .. .. •• are elliiiiDati.ag au illinabia from our 1a19t IIIOCk OppOrtuaMy to vet ..... your garden at rewrukable Limited quantities in some varieues £xc;;•aple: 15 They will go fast Example: Tllf',..l; ll08D -.c. 1.11 .. 1 Now & , .. 1be chapel or \M first Concre-j Our departur"e fi'OID Newport ga tionaJ at Oakland .wu tN IIC'me B c> a c h for fon!lp parts wu oC t~ weddi.ftJt of Fay B~ marked for advmtl..U'e from thP and Patricia WJttman of BaJboa time "e boarded a Gf'E'}bound bla 00 1\18da)', Se-pt. 11. I pl1) W POOr drl\"t!TS) the S~ 1be bride -.'Ore a pink knitted pre ce ding Labor O.r GolD« awt "ith black \."ehet acceuones throu~th La~ at a mail's and had an OI"Chld OOI"Kge. Pre.ent Pll~. traffic bein~t beJd up by Ugbt at the Ct"remony "~re Mr. and AJgnal~ The California Ril!'ln~'8Y Mrs. E. Wiebalk of Alameda. •tu;'t Comm1 lun mi~t>t pend a f and uncle of Peter and Da,,d d 0 11 a r s of j \"Ut fund and H~cke of Balboa. cham•t-a11 i~ls oo i@C'Oildary Aftc>r the wedding, the couplt> I roads on IJC'h hohda)s as Labor staped at the St. Francis Hotel Da>• and !lhe thP hu~re on<'Omtng and retumt>d to BaJboa b) train traffic 8 f~ mCJr • S('C()nds on each on S unda). Sept. 16. signal. At the airport to see the couple Tht> next dPlay ..-as bemg stop- off on their tri» north for the l)f'd a mile.> from the Mexican bot-- weddin£t were Patrlda's parents. der b> tht' same traffic on both M r. and Mrs. E. D . C.rg;ilJ and her roads to tht" 1;11te Thf' tax drl\' r sl tcr. !\Irs. John Erickson of Los \\as 8 man of spJrit and pur))()Rl) Angelt'S: Mr. and M l"i. Don Brock drove to tht> left owr the double of South Gate and Mrs. Nonnan lint> and cauuousl> \\t'Ot forward Miller of Glendale. liO as to be able to makE' a · tum Patricia's on. tephen. ~~talnt'd to ~o back. He carried m) 100 two sist rs through lhe marria~e pounds or baJ!s:a~e to lhfo ~t£' and Brenda and Carol Ann. dau~h-a man was easlly obmined to c.an-y ters or .Mr . BI0\\("1 it to • MPX!can ta.x:t Mr. Blower i the owner or Wp dro\t> to tht> atrport uhic.h Blower' \~illage :;\farkN m Balboa tram~el) Pn ou_s:h 1 mil from and part ownE'r of tht' Your )far· TiJuana and on a flat htlltop and kE't tn R1vera. H~> ,, tht' son or round APro\iu Rl:'!ormas dosed· ~Irs. Poll) BJowt'r or Santa Ana. so back do\\n town u,th It £n>al trnrfic to tht>1r offiCt', u ht>re l round to m) amazement m) rt'- • lEE OUR SPEaAL SAlE TAIII.E ---Values to 5.15 -·-c· •o n-cr !""~· •::-..... :>oiNT SH.,;TS ... t:. r 1 ..... ~L . -U .. • .. SEEP.SlJCI<ER ?AJAMAS TER.0 Y CL07J-: SH~TS F a.ns .C. ?nnts ruuon 10 tht>lr Lo An~!~ ~f· 611 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 2«1 Oet> had no t bf:>en rect>I\Pd and I thf'l \\. rt> full up that m~:ht ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phone of AU Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• FREE ESTIMATM • I ph•aded ";th tht> )oun~ man t.n ;. ch rstf' S1atl'd m) casE' and al50 th rt> was no plaet> t o let.>p Ht> -·· 2076 lwa pattc>nt. ktnd and CQUr1rou.s ll<' a kf>d me to come back at 8 p. m J d1d so and hE.> rt>l':T('thdly told m•• hr \\8.., lull as far .. ~ paui tickl'tt. \\1'1<' conN>rned but 1f I ... W•r• I • ......_ cart'd tn bf> at thP atrpon at 1 3fl -• -am hr \\OUld <~ I cnt am '"..1' (Toll Free) IEAK0t1 5110-J • HArtHw lc.l.J J21) ,...__. ..... c.. ..... You Can Do Better at THE 1812 Newport BlYcL ()OftA III:8A I ,O C'.\1. nnd SATIOS\\'lDE ~t'r\ I n it' tht> St-wport Harbor .\rt'l\ fer ~o. • C. E. McNiel G. C. Bennett a~ au EACH YEAR SINCE ITS INCEPTION TREASURE DAYS HAS GROWN IN ITS SCOPE AND IN ITS ADVERTISING VALUE TO CORONA DEL MAR AND THE SURROUNDING AREA e e e LET'S ALL GET BEHIND THIS COMMUNITY UNDERTAKING AND MAKE THIS YEAR'S CELEBRATION AN OUT- STANDING. SUCCESS that thr pr'-"S<'nt ownPr did not claim Th hours dra~~E'd b) :lnd at 1 :Vt I wa nt the.> au·port Th£' JX'Oplt' "crP corrune in • nMlrl) 60 of thf'm for 2 plant-~ • whPr: JU"t befc•r t" 2 3(1 1 d partur•• ttm•·• th' caJiot n" nam and 1 co t m' tickPt Tht>re \\84\ a m1"1 forrmm:: I out. tc:k> and r.rr .. oono>r \\ ~ 1 thmu~h custom . ht>alth and 1'1\JTU· ,f.!111tion than tht>) ant n•mr d '''' r t h(> loud • peakPr tlu>r• "' nuld bP. an hour • deJa~ on BCCf•tmt ot 'h \\Patht"r. m nth• r \\ords tht ~~ turmod tn tn~ and \\f' .. ta)l·d thN"P aH m~ht until 11 Vi It" I n~"' mnrntn£Y liPan h!Ut tllank• • • "PrP handl'd out and h ladt· Cltt·nnpprd dunn~ th•• m cht I dtd l."f't nn hour· .... 1. • p •n ,, trnhtht r hair t )th(>ru;._,, "'' \\o•rt mn,lh A\\ ,k. 'Dlrr•' had bo •·n a \\l'ddim: m TiJUI'tnil th:Jt aftrrnor•n ---a 'oun • \f .. ~Jcan Go\ ~>rnmrn• 1 officint" anrt ' b<-auttful :\IPxiC'an ~lrl . tht>) ,,, , hound tor )[exit" C11~ and"' r• \\Jth u_ .. Xot pam· fuU'y st1 Th•) lllld no p1i' ac-~ nn th fin.t nt •ht •ll thP1r hont>~moon E' Pr}on• kn• " ut 11 bul \ t>ryonf jw I potd "" '"''' IH'f' 10 i• Tlwro "('t nu '' 1 .. , .,., <"k' Th• ~ ounc ('OUplt' JIIO,I IIMtk I 1:1 th('ll mac:. terful 111df' Th€' )l 11 1 • 1 Cll 1 ;,,. nl! It:•' \\ ho had ix'£·n • t'nn_ldt'latf' \\tth mt and "hn <;JM 1 k f~nclt h OP\ r ••:: hi' !lO<'k l!. ·'·~··d all mch \\ 11 h U<: ma k m.: u.. ro(n! or · ,, hlr Aero\ ta R t•!ot·ma." c It> b< (."{ n· J:ralulntt•d h ll' t ht !>lflt ~ 1!'1 1 ftni h('d ~PI \\'(' lt>!t At 10 1:; 111 !ht> mornmc. • and hll tht• clomtb at om• }.tMifo (('('I \\'(' lnc•k u n•" rout,. mak- rns.: u .In" :md l!ll:dn't<" turn to th• south. pa in$! o' Pr En,<'nada and clJmbmg <>ttll W<' J>aw thP gulf just north nf 5ant1 P.osaba and crossrd thf' wa t Pr JU<ol nnrt h of t hf' Islands "hlch break the GuJf of Califorma up 111 tht" point. AI I ho uch l\ •' W<'rP high up 1 could SN' t hi' 1 t'('ml'nd(•US bolrt' nf wot<'r pnunnl." out of the Colorado at this pomt lx>cause the wav..-s Wt'rl' strum~ out t'ast and WE'St and not from th<> st'a to the shot•e I t all look d lazy and still. warm and cloudlc . 1 felt fine but am I not supposro to 0). I "a." b~ath­ lnl'f ea ih but onct> m 8 wh1le would hth and ff'lt terribly slettp) I rt"Siated tht> wish to slettp a!' 11 mJ~otht be a fatal sleep. The stewardess came by and I askl'd her to asct?rtaln our alti· tude. he said "10,000 fet.>t .". I told her my story. After a while 1 the Captain· came out and spoke !Contmued on Page 4 t lla.8eiiO .. Nursery Scltool StAtt' U~ and Appiof'eCI ........ , tot1'~ ,....,.........,. ()are ... 0-11 actl"'e ... , aU.IIONABLE U'I'D Open 5 days per wet-k to 5 Tranlporta Uon Furnlahed 110 E. 15da lt. 008TA .aA ...... u • .., DONALD J GARICH 0 D E ,. ttt ··-··· ~-:ad of tne c la n sco~ch g r c 1ns I I -rc-ugh, rugs;ed ;..or-d- !>CI"'e-... th 1usl 0 IOI.IC,., cl cer~cny •~ot l eeps 0 ,..0 , • g"' C'" " s ""'eule They re fro~r. o brow COI.I "'";-C"O -oylor ,..o .. F-·"~"" "'''\.. e t tho's .,o·•ny t • t~e leothf'r -... :• -• :. ~ -• : c , Mayor Lei t.bell laaued • pro- clamation th1a week desJgnatlnc the WH'k bfogmnlng OcL 7 u "Flre DIRECTORY Dfllt1a&lf(8 INSURANCE For Evt'ry Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. PMM HARBOR m-w Park at Agate, Balboa Ialand "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Insurance Counsellor HARBOR 1776 225 Mariner-Ave., Balboa l&land W. Stuart Foote D;SURA.~CE 2117 W. Balboa Blvd !':ewport Beach, Calif. Phone: HArbor 24 I I I Pre\'entlon W~k .. and callinl on all cit izens to do thelr ~t to ebminatt> fire hu.ards. H ere is 1 he tc~-t of the pro-- clamation· WHEREAS. fires clainl lhes of our citi7 ns NlCh year: and WHEREAS. many dNth.s from fire-s are thost> or children a nd thl.' fires causing the e deaths could be preH•ntl:'d by t-limmatin~.t fire hazards: and W HEREAS, destruction of ei- ther industry. bu int> or hom('l is a \ital I to our city; and \VHEflEAS. most of 1 he sta tt> and many of the munlcipalltles of the nation have, durin g the past few years, organized and estab- lish('(} facilities for more efft'Ctive fire protection and fire pre\'C•ntlon: NOW. THEREFORE. l, L. L. Isbell. Mayor of the City of New- port Beach, do hereby desi~ate the w<'t'k bt>ginnin~t Octobt>r it h . 1951. as "Fi~ Pren•ntion W<'t'k" I direct all the municipal a~en- cies of the city go,·ernment, and particularly the fire department and schools. to assist in arousin~.t I ht> public tO the eriousne S Of the fire problem. I earnestly t•e- QUt>St e\'el)· citizen to do his or I her part in t-liminating all pos- ibh.• cause of fire in home or busi- ness. I Ufl!e that the school chH- drE'n of thi community bt> l!in'n appt-opriate in. tt-uctions to t'nable · !!IlL\ t:K PlAn.NO 1hem to properly inspect thetr own I'P. idt."nce. and that tht> f1rc d('part-Silver Platers mt·nt assi t th\•m in thi effort. And Silversmiths IX \\'ITI\t:SS WHEREOF. 1 Rt>patrinst -Reflrush.ln& 11 l11an~ het't'unto sl't my hand and Replatlng 1 1 tU~t>d th(' <'al of ="l'wport Bl'ach Gold ~ih <'I' • Copper • Brut ht IW' « ffixN:l. 1 Near ~ommunlty Church D0="F. in th(' Cit~ of 1'\('\n><JI'l 1914 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mea& 1 ~hJ'S FoUl tl't'nth day of SPpteomlx'r I Beacon 5113 Ill tht~ Yt•ar ot m1r !..A.Wd 1\'in('t('C'Il L-----~==-=------1 1 Hundt'Pd and Fsi1~·0n('. ...-----..:.MUS.:.=.::..:..;I O=-------, I L . L . lSDF.LI., ~tayor Cit~· ol ="Pwport Bt'~ch Margaret L. Scharle Attt"-1 c K PRIEST. C'lt•rk Teac~r of Piano Organist -A('('Ompanlat I• Evening Classes • Contmu<'d from Pa~:e 3• ror Adults to thP st<'\\-ardess \\;thin a f('\\ 307 GOL.DENROD AVE. l~>t.'l ot me. I stid 10 hs m, "Tht' C' d~ M doctors aren'• alwa)s }X'rft"Ctl~ orona ar ,·richt," and to the lot('warde-;s, "tPll ·------=,~.O~J~c==E=-----~ him thP ston." -hl' did and tht' C'aptalll ... ~id. to mf' in Sp'lnt'lh. "How do ~ou f\"t'l"" "Fme," I sa1d and that pnd<'d th,, rom<'r.atson Verc Vlilliams ~ll.'mbt>r of l\t. T. A T<"ach,.r of PIA="O and \'OJCF. Spr·ci1l Trainin~t for children. 3131• Marine A\·e. Balboa Island PHYSICIA!'\~!"l'KOEON" Lawre:v:e K Gundrum. M.D. 1741 Superior Ave .. Costa Mesa Pracrice Limited to OtSeases of the Ear, N~ and Throat and AUergy Oftlce Hours: by Appointment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 . !'\OTA ftl' PUBUO I I I I I I Ju:.t north of Guaymas I spottt>d a harbor \\ith islands in it just hke Captain Joe !Wek found ="t?wJXWt ''hen he first came t h('rc. onh thb one hati a natural brt>ak\\atri·. mut·h wider than oun; in ="('\\port. \\'h.ll a paradise it s(>{'mf'd. \\'e wert.' too h igh to a «'rtain \\'tlh any dPgr(>{' of cl'rtninty Its J...t.'n('rul dl'pth. Do\\-n. down, NU':- crackin~ to \.ua~ rna.,, "hl"r<' :'O man~ fi'Om ~C'\\ pot·t ~:o' to fish Ill C'ahfomia'lo "int<'r l'p a~ain for hour. tn C'ultacan. llt.'rt.' a man boar ded thl' plane and ord rro " l\lt'S. Laura Blanro and m<' off. saying t hi.' pbn<' t>E'<'a usl' it ll'ft o latl.'. \\Ottld not stop at T<"pic. but go ~traic-ht to Guadalajara and ~lE'xico. t pr<.>•endt'd 10 bP mad. but l'f'\'f'rt ht.'!C"'S !.!Ill off \\ hrn t ht> 5('· C'ond plant.' camP in In short A('l'O· 'ia" Reformas p:tid thl" dinnE'r b1tl and hotel billc; for 21 passen~crs. It was unlx'arabl) hot. but I J!Ol a \\ ondE'rful dinnl"t' a sho"' Pr and a good mcht's ~lt'('P and saw C'ulia· can. the Capital of the State of :-.:a,ant. 1 in the \Ct) early a.m. t"\'enon(' Notary Public had lx'<'n calt('d and \\l"rt' tak<·n 111 1 hmousml.' to th<' airport b) R('· at the rnr·ma . who still show('d courl~"s~ J and considl.'ration. W<' ate and :-.lewpor t Harbor Ensign two hours afterwards I was talk- HArbor 1114 in!.!' to mr frl<'ncl Eduardo in Tc.'ptc 1104 Coast Boulevard and WC'nt to my hot«-1. Corona del Mar As we said "Good-bye" to our· F UNERAL DI RJIXlTOik ing wa-; "think of that kind ymtm~ I t('llow passC'ngers the gPn('ral ft'<'l· r--~.:...;_=;;;;.;::....::;.;..;.=:;.;:.;.:.~:.._......, Mana~er m Tijuana without slt'<'p Baltz Mortuary Chapel by the Sea HARBOR 42 rorona d I Mar, California Ample Off-Str"eet ParldDc and tonitrht he's ~ot to do it a!,!am.. -W. H. HTTCHMA~ \',-\U'ABLE PI~ 1"'0 T L. C. Phipps, 2661 Wa\·erl~. Ra) ~horE'~. reportPd to police thll t hi" wife had lost a $600 to S700 .~mid pin in the allev lx>hind th<'ir home or a 1 the Bat boa Bay Club. BAL-ISLE N URSERY SCH OOL Serving Greater Newport Harbor LIMITED E~"ROLLMEST FOR FALL SOW BEI~G AOCEPTED • FI:A TURING I.i\'STRUcriOr\ --- Songs, Rhyth!l). Simple Hand Work and Group Play for the Pre-School Tot. Ages 21/z through 5 years. Roan: 8:M -ll:SO A. ll. 317 Marine A ... , Balboa lalcmd, KA 2143-J Uaftr New 8¥S lf'lll• ef lOAN II. BA YDEN, Dtrt~et.n. Auxiliary to Hold Food Sale Oct. 6 A cooked food sale for a wt!'t'k from $31urd,'\\ has been planned b~ mE-m~t'S of the 'ewpol't Har- bor· Au.XJhur~ or th<" American Le- ~ion Po!-t 291 Til<' ale will bt> condu<"tt'd at Riehat•d's Lido Mar- kt•t. 8('('()rdmJ: to pl ns announced b) ){r.. 1-~,.,.d .Joynt>r, chatrman. ~h<" w11l l)l• a .. -.lqt>d bv Mn-\'tona But·du:•k · Bang ... up Dance )l ixin•: J)'ll'tlll'rs fo1• tht> n<"WI} 1111 nwd Jull~ .lun1u1 danct• club went O\l'l' \\'lth a ban£t Tuesday E'\'enlnA of last wet>k at the first ~athering of tht' ltf'OUP at ~J;an's in Corona del ~lar. bt>cause girls' "iiiiii=lfil 111tme \\'l're plael'd in balloons and I tht' bo~s hnd to pop th,•m to get t h<'lr ~:irt. A fall motif \\3:-carriNf out with JX'nnants fw· t."ad1 of thl" junior h1~th-t>t's \\lth thl'ir nam~ and football:. "''ll' lLS<'d for an <'X· l'han~:t' danN'. Thtrt) ·two bo~ and ~~r~ parlicipatf.'d 111 thC' af- f·ur \\htC'h tnclud<'d dan~ instruc· ti .. m as '"'" a., ~:anw, and a fmal barbc-cut' suplJ('r ft•1· th<' ~ountt f .. ,tki:. SPEOIALIZES IN BEPAIIUI Day & !\'l~ht Wa ter Heaten Modem P'owef Tool• for s.-r I Sin• Stoppe ... • •. h.otthy, honcbome, pwe In ~Mort, kind, court.ovs (lOme unmarried) a~ Ylsiffnt ••• nW/ ••• eagerly, anxiously, PACTOIY I HOWIOOMI 512 N. MAIN ST. 219 E. 4TH ST., LONG lEACH SANTA ANA-Kimberly 3-8315 OPEN "Tn. 10 LONGOl~~n221 SJ99S plus Excise puts a 20" Muntz TV in Your Home . Thunday. ~ 27. 1151 'Di'e ~· IIAU5GR ~ ...... 5 Ask Clothing For Koreans An &IJJ.Il·<tl fm· clcan. tnslbl and "an <'I" hin • fur nl>ed~ Kore ru. ol .111 ....... "n' I~Sl>UI.'d 'thl5 " ek b) \h... l-.d~1u llill. pl<t'!lld<'l\\ of th<' '' onwn' F,•llows hlp of ~I. Andr•'''.., Pt t 'b~ wt·ian C h u r c h. Thl' lit 1 rnf'••t lnJ;: nt tlw ft•llo'' hlp j:ti'O\Ip \\til bl• ht>ld at 1 15 p . m . W edn••,dtt) at thl' lounge of tht- chttrf'h m Xl'WJ.IOl'l Height .. Mr' 11111 ask!> that the \\Orn<'n bnn~ t)t .. ,•nd cup:,. S\H•at .. •rs. blan- k<'ts and shOt'S In ({ood condition to t h'' C'hurch so t ha 1 1 he Wo- mcn's l-~1 llow. hlp m ay start St'nrt- in~ OOX<'i' to lht' KOI't>lill (X'Oplt:'. A dt•'>~t't t will opcn thc mt'etinst Wt'dnN;da) .tnd thE' s(X"akt'r will talk on ml'>. ionar) SN'\'ice. Mrs. Chn<.t ian :O.t huuil~>r "iII !cad thc dl'\lllllln~ Hu'h'i-Sf·~ \\Ill IX' ~1rs.1 Clun·m·• \k\ulloch o l ~ewporl l h•t .. ht.. \hs Thad ~amut>ls of Cn..,l,t \h'·• tnd ~~~·,. Glt'n Whit- lco<•k u• '• '' 1 <f>rt Works Way Back From Vacation Aboard Pioneer LA>arnin~ tht• Polync aan wa) of dl\ in~. "Pf'ill .and tll'l fishine;, <'OOk-1 inlo! ll~h an I:I'N•n tea lcnH'S and watrhlll)! n.ill\t'J> cat It\'(' l1!>h, h,•ad and tll! \\al' part of thc Ha- ''""an \ ·•cation of Dick Harrison. ··t~ll F\i.J. t '\SIIf(l'' "' ro• V'''"''rtdt '""' '"'''" ttt th,. Dt•lt,t ••.tllllWt \lumn·tt• Rrnnt'h ~·n••llt I' ''-' •tl l ht lhll•u.t lb' C lth h• ~~~ .. ~bnl) uf H lhn 1. t>lr lur•'ll " th'hln~: tlw m~>d••l, :tro•, lt•f: l •t ri_ht :ll·trlt• n trtl. "'"l!•r • f , .. ,. '"''JI: \1 r.... II. l'.t' n•• Th." t•r. R:t 11-..n . t•rc•.,hlt-nt uf tlw l)•·ll.t \•:tmm a \1 tmn •••: 11 ttl )1:-.... l.tl \\111• '"" nf Hulhoa. on 1111' 1), lht (oil nm11 l't•mfllltl"t' \fnl1rt .. t•'rttJN'd :tro• Uur- uth' \onthrlt• uf l ull••rlun .1n1l '''" Hru t.:htnn •·~ t 1•11 II """· \ •• t 'hn.\\n :•rt• mnd••l" \ t'rna \llll••r nf Rulhna, t 'ln \\ hlto• nf P.!lh<u 1-.luntl. 'larlhn l'rPHirkk "' R:tllt11.1 ('"'''" nn•l ''''" '''"lin. R:tlh" •· · pholtl b~ 1-"ul,lllll ' jBib 'n' Tucker Yile Prewlew Set Holds Formal For Nov. 31, Dec. I I Auttunn n nt11 " u.,NJ ar th•' , 'ttnta na C"u11ntQ Club w h••n thP I 1h n' Tt..< "''I' [•ar ~ Cluh t ... t.J ''" 111 '' f•11 m·tl uf ht• 'Nh•nl uot ~pt 1:1 F l\ ,. 01h of Rh) thn. f•trnt!'lu·d th~· mu ... tc lor th<' <'' o'· I ntm;. \\hkh bt•l!an thl' fourth ·'''"r lot• I h; I uU(l \h. and 'lh Alit n Coloniu' nf l .tutt~ \na "•·•~' rha1mwn tnt •h" dancr Th•• c·mnm1ttt• m t·lutl••ll ~r m d \11, F J 1 CIOC'kn• ' • •' Ra\ Shm·, . .., \tr and Mr" \\' • 1 111\rrtson and \lr· •tnd ~,,., :--ru.tt · I Dil.'hl of Cm't'l " dt>l )tar •• d \l r nd ~t1.; Jultn I 11 Ckt"r. ~11 ~tal )lr' John fir''' t•r \lt and \II' "'rot Cro\\ I• \ \l1 ltlld \1 ., JHt k I l lt'ld \!1 'anti \lr' lrn•d Jla,· • r 1tll •• l .. tl'UJia l~•·tt'h ,,nd \II and~~~ .. IPt•nurd Gra,,., ol P "' I '·IIIIi llo·l~ uri ho•l '"''' \\tl• •I• '''' '•n .\11 , •h• \h ·I 1ll r'ltrk ... ·t ,. 1 '<•n lohn,on' tllfl tlw f rn• n• r.. ol I ,, .... ,,j J~ wt- \ I'IT C '' \01 ''tot 'Tft\ A 1\\ \\ t o•l\ m II\ I I I I I> ti j fl·lt•u.h Hn t ,-.h l"~tlumhl t '' .. l~nhd:n tare• fur .\tr tnd \!J, \\ !I \In'' man 7 .!1 l'upfl\ \' •ln'l d• \!at Th•• \1"'' lllltll' 1,- ltiiiWd tillS month TttP nd\l Ol"\ !Joa1 d of th•• Busl-:~< • •rt~> PI ot~· u•n."l \\'onu n's 1 '·""'''' , P t•'\i• ,, .. ""' \l>lth ap. J•l•) JOI31t I) • l rnt.'ll'hotnb l'r·1d ) lt•t l•uwl •'llll at '\:u tuu·.. S..~ flu .J> C I• Ill tOilOtJIIlt tilt' '1\.,'Tl• 1111.' \1 , ••• , ...... ,. r .... tr. .. R··ndt "OWl f\dl!t .. u • ='f'' Ji• u•..t l><~ \. flld Itt '''l P tlll..'l.' td('it~ )f) \\ 01) 10 lnll"' '' • 1 h• Pn•\ t<". Ar ...... wctm:: to th,. dt'-<'U'-"IOil. hu,tnf'l>'-lllt'n :,.f.'<'nwd to hHlr ob- ' 1 111 •· l"arn(' t'l'Pnl k{"{'pJn~ tht"' IH"i<o•l (ii'IC't' Ill .. 1 . hll\1111.! t ,.t~Je­ ''"'" and kr~plnt: tht· l'O~t of thP lx•otl' thl' ,..amf' The Hay Langenheims On Two Week Vacation !-"·n 1 hou~:r. ht kl't P"' • clliQI: • k' t h" • ltu' , .. lilt• ' ll'8l10n pot r•r th" ''•··ld t'hamU.r nt c.,m- ..... ·, Uln H ' l~'ln ·• nt •'lm •r \at-hu~·n · :utt1 ~·bl"' to Ht> er- a- • , n •· • •11 ntl)re- • • '' '' :.. 1 • Ito bur is 1:>. ol 61:? I >n•h1d A \I'. Corona d t>l :\10 \T\'(.i I X R.\l.t\0 \ l\tar. :\l r a nd :\1 ·o; I'"' PIHlhl•' .tnd nH'k lit'" to t ht• tiO\\ C't I sle.' 11 . :.?-\·pa 1'-nhl "•11 Pnhh\ wt II :tl>tlll' .. mnn I h n ).:0 \\it h monl.') fn()\ ,~ :\I oml.t) I II r;·-... I h't il ". ph d Colla ...;: Pl I 110 \llJl :\lt •• :TI't• \ t; ~. .. ,· h ' . I I. ~ di .. \\I I ht• I'• Ill It I• ,,h \ lllt>l I Ill fr,. 'l I" ~11• t;•~' ='<''''* Jr«lu ... trt 1 h.tt ht• a•ttrnt•c1 I hts c umnwr work-!\a !~n 1tJ 1.' ,, t '''" Jltlll tnl' at H.t mpton'l> Dru~-: ~IOfi' n •. \l~llt"d \\llh hi!-aunt. :.\trs. ,I K I Kuk•·a };, r;;tt-.1' tilt' aarplrttw un "lw h ho arl ht' t "'kl·l '' ... , I<• kPn 1 u\ t'l h\ I ht ,II nll'd '1'1'\ it't'' nkk .. , ... ,1 •\••1 'I' "'I' h\ '-1'\t'l'tl fla,, I Itt I) •' 1'111 lllll.' 111 fll' f h~ht h.H'k '' c ',tlllnrnlt tho' sa1hnt.. )itdH p • r • t I 1'111 IIllO llonoi'IIU !tolm "' ''" ntllll trip to ~outh :..c;, ".ll••r'. [JtC'k wa' Ollt>rl'd J\3":1!.!• hum•• il ht wo uld k1ppt>r tht pot' and JXI n"-1n the gallr) I He Bl'C'I'Pitod and thl' rc>tum \O)- Bl:t' 0\1'1 mtrror C'alm \\ntt•r...; ''a' mad<' 1n 13 da)s Dtck s:t'' hc t'l not 'l'l t•,~ad' to l'a t a 11\,. albarorc hc>ad And a 1i \\'h,•n I umo•l Hampton bro~lll Ju, hand h"t•• lot' l'lppcnmnc<' at 'ht' R.•nrl• ·" •>II~ Ballr(lOrn in Sa 1-txm . ht• 1 ,. tlh''h'fl :t'>l>IStllnc-,• from t ht• Chnmtl(•r nf Comml'n'<' Ill find- 1111.! nrcomm.ldnllon~. stntmt: that hll> l't'('JU~'''" h.1d 111t't "tth rC'fusal .tmon1. th• In<' II apat tnwnt own- ::0.NTC't1 t' !Ia\ Lt\nt.:l.'nho•im I'<'· pot ttod a· ·,,,, \,C'd;, mcc>ttnc ot I h<' Board Ul P1 r('C'Hll'" I ha I h1• hnd tnt •I '" o~nd aC't'llmmodAttc)n,.. fnr thP H ·a"lll:(\n bam! hut tht:' tn- clt' 1d 111 1 p• •lJX 1 t' '"' nt'l' had oi\.!UIIl tolll"'~i !It' hold \\rtliPn I .lutwl HRmp••ul that tht' Chamlx'r nl Cnr.mt 1 o h '' nn t'lllllPt'lhn!! Jl!.'"' 1 • ' ,, .tn tn:-.tant~• Stockton Heads Veterinary Assn. :\""I.\ •·l••ctNl Jlt'l.'~ici4'nt of th<' I Oranc•• < ·,,ll'1'' \'<'1rrinat') !\l<'di- cnl ''"lr'tnlltlll I" Dr Alfl(>rt E. ~t.wklnn. • "'lclt•nt ot ~hort' Cliff~ and o"n•·•· ''' thf' no~ nnd Cat Jloo;(litnl "' Coronn dl'l M RI' Other 11<'" ,,,., ... , ,., nt ,, Pt ~~·11 llalpm. ~ant a .\n.t \ l<'•'·[ll'f'"ldt•nt. and nr. Donald F J.md. $11n1a A :1n. S<'- C't't•t ,u·~ -tt 1'1-.ltrt'l' Changes Route, Saves a Life FatP dlrt:'rh'<i Woody Ston<'r' drl\ m..: ~aturd,\) mornin~. For ht' dN'td{'(! tnr thc first timc to t.:O 1llll Ol hi'> Wfl~, on his \\'A)' tO \\ot·k. and tn tnkP the:' fcrr~ And tht.,.,. at about :30 in thl' mornin• nn thf' Balboa sid<'. hc ht'3 rd n \\ tmum scr<'Amint:t t hat hcr "On " '' m tlw "at l'l'. t ha 1 sh<' ~·ouldn't '" m. nm· rould h<'r littlt:' 2-ll•nr·cl 1d ...:n :\Jr. S toner dO\ P in' thc \\lil•'t .1nd SB\'cd the:' little boy II<' th<'n t"<'turnN1 homl' to chnn~::t.' h1" C'lnt hf's lx>forP goin 't on to Cort"nn. \\ h<'rt' he oJ)<'nl'd his Buick A~t n<'~ $t.'pt. 1. Mr Stont:'r 1110\t'd la"t month to 173:) 0c<'an Blvd . Balboa. \\i th his wifc and their tht'N' chtldt n. Donna. 15: Ju~. 11. and Wendy. 13 months. The tonE>rs cam<' here from Cul- 'er Ctt) O'Brien's Ce~~ter the I root \' di· ncdy above th~ knl"e r or ata )'-4t.ra.i &}It k. uu. .-..• ,,._.,.-... ,... r • .... .:S.:---.::-. ,.. .. -· ./ One of thfo ' •ry finelt honH we ha,·c-e\'t:>r offered ror .. 1e. Rambling redwood ranch hou:.~.· '' 11 h t>H•ry possible con- ' cnit>n~ ••• $37,500 Sho\\n b~ 111pp0l ntmC'nt only. Stanley Hadfield RM.ltGr Ill Marlae Balboa bla.ad IIArhr M VOGEL v ALUF.S G. L Resale ( ~ n "ide of highway in C • ~ • • • IO\PI)' 2-bedroom hom &nd garag(' I;U('SI room. whu•h L'ttn bt· made into ren · tal A I room.-. large, cpa· a·a ll' d1111n~ I'OOill. Livang aoom t~•,'xl~' ,:'. F lagstone l lreplat·l Co\f·rt•d p.'l 110. Ex- u ·u lal .. l' b;.alh \dlh tub and ~t\'palall' g la, ... ed .,ho''''r. Lots uf butll·.n (•·•11 Url.. bras plant('r box• ~. draJ)('s. 'ene- tlan bhiHl" :; 1 bal!t' dl'l>O • ttl, '' 111·d tu• • 1 •ell I<' ~ tu\'e, l:tnd">ClttJtd 1 Uil ll'l't'!>, J:l't't'n· hOII'•f Th n ·• ) P.!t old . PI H'1 $15 000 I dU•.,·d tP I ( " 1 'l I! : l' k s a I r . "71 (WI I• r mo., inC'I ld\' a1.J in .. ur:tllC't" 8111..1 oil'! II,, 1•. loan The John Vogel Co. 1101 Cou• 8 .. d .• Corona del Mar Phone' HArbo• IH I • HA 1477 Even'r>g': HArbor 3~3-M OP EN HOUSE :-: t ' o \\ ... f r(\0\ J '! X uon M O D E L HOME J-'l'H Yl~llt.:D _.!K 1'-t:n J.t.E ,\\'E . K.tl{,.t.l l 'r nm"!ula ('allfurnln nu~t!t•rn --. a n_•hi- IN."t tr,. and f'Oinr b\ nuht!Jrtd - lrtJ: "ut horltl~>"· · • ="t wport F •trnilllre Co. FUt'ni ... hin~ . • Ed\\ urd II. Fkk~>ll . A n.·ht t ('('t • \\'alh 1m ;\1~;nk£>r·, Color" If ) ou a rr• .nteN o;t{'d in see- ing h" I.ATEST in de ign & color . "'" thao; 10u1 Balboa Bl\'d t. • t Pf·mnsula -• - WHidt l<1l $19 850 th••u!l t\\ I l'nlutnllilu'<l Hal'bol- ln.,t;~IDit;nl CO., f> Al TORS !l'f'wpo-t Bh·d. at l()tJa St. NEW l O R ':' H 1100 Open House Sur.day ;c,:,:-. ·; 5 P M y,, 11 Ill• per hlt. Clf this t.'X- ' ••pttnn:1l \HIUf' l~>o invitE'<!. ~--~~ JR:s CDM 3 1J1•f1tlll•lr."' "mU1'1 11 nd mod- <'rn. w1111-O·\\ a II C'a r()('lln~t. dra{>('s douhl<' furnact•s. A-1 ('(111'>1 rue lion tikf' n<'w. C'IO.!>f' to $19 000 O.•a<'lt I Tc•1111't Earl W . STANLEY Realtor 61 5 f 'o:a11t Bh·d., CDM HArbor !414 OPEN lOUSE 1 to 4 p. m. Rr-ad~ '"• nww e in. 3-bdnn. h1.rdw'"'d floors. beautiful pa- Ho & barlx'cu<'. near schools tJ nd ~horn->. • S.liOO dowa. E Z FHA lt"rm . 488 Abbey Way C.10 MTA ME."'A. off J 1'\ine Blvd .• betwt't'n 17th & 18th Streets. 0.-wr HAnor ,,.._. 1 F''IBRE JU.:C J.2'd5'; abo 5-pt·. evty c.JU. din. nn. et't. t22 F.:l K~. M "'11Irt u. C'OMPLETE FUR.NISHINGS f01 w~~ 5--nn. bunl'alow. PieceS not .;old l>nm parately. H.A 1431-M-K. 111 n, BABY'~ \\ AJU)ROBE, crib :\u\ 1 t~ at, S\\ tn~t. 2 gat~ • bottlt• 111 •hi warmer. lnf~t's ~ lz•• ~ in \\Om once. :ood cond. Rea"-tln· ••ho a ablf' HArbnr 0781-R. Tlu FRE~CH STYLE l'llf'\'('() back :;-tor:. sofa and dm1r St>& green b r •><"<t· ltl' di u•l CO\ t>r. pt:-rfect cond. l..art:'(' dam~ Wooh,ineo ..-1.-. l>tove. hb :! ~tu I Real f'.Btate & Renta.. 0'·ens. cl• ,. blower . Eves. llA ;;,., "" ---------------1 2010-R. hu,lnl GOLDEN OAK Lester upright pi-h,IJ'(lt LOVJ::LY 3-bdrm. unfum . home, ano. Good eund. $195. 713 Broad '- dOSt' an on Bdw)'. Costa lt.>Sa. St.. 1'\ewport Ht'l!thts. 1 W -~ IIJO mo~th~Eacon 7123. _ T AN K TYPE \'acuum cleaner n d ~ FOR LEASE X 2-BR. Wlfurn. small upho 1f'J'\' vacuum. Bot h Panoramic View of the Ocean * * * Shown By Appointment Only CORONA DEL MAR P R 0 P E R r ·1 E S duplf''-. GOI Poinw ttia, CO~i.l in 1-:ood wotklnj concl BE 5261 . REU Ph Ownt:•t . HA 1195-M-K, 705 ,6-FT. GE:-rrRAL ELEC. refrl~-\\Or Larkc;J>W' t"rator ............... S39.~l ' 117 Hulwrt U. 1.> no Mbd II··IPn l .. L>·nn. Jt.-~tltors 411 Coast Boule vard CO !tON\ DEL MA.f. Farmhouse Motel YEARLY RE:'ITAL Fum. 1-BR GRA..'-1" Fl'R..'\TI"URE REFl. d uple> . , 7"\ mo. Incl. uti I. 501 16 L) Newport Bh'd. Costa Mesa l nun IIJ\ICBOit HI:S7 IL\tUUUC 1013 _!.at kc.pur Corona del M&r. GRA.~n PlA.'\;OS 25 rna,kes. v ~ tn h F\ ·Rx (;ARAC.r. Apt fur rent. from $495. T~nns. Steinwny.l-horr Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Blvd.~ Costa Mesa BEacon 5128-J CLIFF HAVEN SPECIAL We are prov:1 t: 1.. Her ·: .. s ,_ • s ~:1 L:1g l(lfge roomy TWO s:ory heme-.' • • : t11e H .::1rbcr Area s CHOICEST lv v .Jn . TH F.EE .:Irg<=' bedronr;l.· T\\.0 ba•h.: r v br:L sp.:::.ous chse s, O AK ;Jr ors ·:. ~ :-1 v srn,·11, 1•rPl-!ace ·v:c :ur: ·:c-"> . r>rvt .e-1 r ·t ~; .• .-...r.. pl·_.s "' ·n·• t:"\.TP • C' 'J • ..... ,. "' ) ... r.:> .... s,...h,...,l.....1 JV~""""*'I ....._., .. ",.: .. .-:; ,. _.,-_., 1'\'-• • • ........ ~,. "-1 T: .:-ec yr• .:rs :-. l ~C'...~f>S ..... ·ht . ~· 'T ....... n " :-- b e unpr ::-r b .e 10 b :d,.i yet tn :l · r. -~ lS ONLY $16,750 W. Stuart oote ~II ~ \\. Jt.llh<t 1 Hh t. Phunt•: II \rh••r !l --(tr- '' \\ p• rt 1~·.11 II HI -11 "" ;-"'IIG·d OWNER SAYS, "Cut p rice and sell." A REAL h\:lr.,"' :J"! V '.J n.e · =-o: ·:. v: lot VI/ nil bu:\1 1 b Cclf ,..•O :TlS ':' r-:1 fi; !1 l~ ''-"V 1 o~.X:.;"S hrepla-p lo:s o! · .lP d e . blc-gcrc:ge * * * Hold- Ing opPn hous0 Sunday $191500 good terms JOHN E. SADLEIR. Realtor THIEF WANTED! Doclor. lnw~N·. mt.'rchanl. th1rt •.. \\ho'_,. the thi!!r? '!-Rdrm. lwnw nn -.mall \\1'11-locat••d lot . I ur111"h"d cloubiP gar.1 ~t'. · J>ncrct only $10,750 ........ .., c.. Reallora-Miiltiple lii•ings lnsliron. e,.,;,.u 8ro~"t1 Per~ et Agete, B•lboe hlend HArbor 377-W ' IF ' • • you art' lookin~ for a brand nrw modern 3-bedroom, 2- bath hom,• wilh lat~e patio for outdoor li' ing, toea ted in Bay Shore . call us for an appointment. Priced $25.-T erms ••••. ...,c.. '710 E. BaJboa Bh·d. HA S!'7'7 Balboa For Sale Malt and Sandwich Shop Fully equipped, including F rosty Machinery' Well Loeat.M 1872 Newport BmL ()we.-- II \roor ~HZ'! $7 t250 Fill Price Rt•:1<'h hon)f' near OCf'an & b.t~ :.' bo•dnlOm~. gond hE>at- mg. a:"phalt tile noors. stall sl O\\ 1'J ,md ciP\ er indoor plantt•t $4,000 down '3250 moath "BF.ST Rt'"\' IX "t:WPORT REAC'H" GREEHl~l\F and Associntes )Jf 2 ~wport Blvd. HArbor 25S2 Newport S.u h OPEN HOUSE l.t'1n Bay fr ont Sund•y. 12 to S p. m. S G7 L 1d o Soud I ' ' • j , • ,,. f ... ~ b"d o·~e pa' .a ~dv b ... , ~ ~ .. , \ ~· p. MUST ec ':.C>LD TO SffilE ESTATE. Bayllulllleally I 450 Belbo• B!vli. Your STUDEIIIEI -Dealer • S"' ES • SERVICE • PARTS JoeNickertz 1411 ......,_. ..... ...., .... ,..,.. -L.W. "'""-,...... .. Art. ••• HIIPI• Very Reasonable Buy I )OI~ :! h.uck-. rrum Hig h ~Cii!l<ll Ch·a11 and attrac· "' .!. I.Jtod1m. honw onl~ 3'• ~ • .11 ' o~h1. Jl,.tJ d'' o<Kl lloors. •!• •Uh!t• • ''" r,a ··) $8,500 Beacon Hill Really 166 "P\' J>f•r f\h d., ('o!lla ~~~~ !!': I ~7JlJ.-R The Heme Sfretcll· • To h.,lp you• choo\'nq ••• lhtou• r s1lnq' on B.lbo• hi~ d • • • I , ... t~ h "•••n •1 • tur· nt .... l •·tl, \\1111 :· r• • · :,:;u·- ' I I'Jolst $11 250 l•\lll\111111 • \ "' ,, 'I" t tl " Ill· 4 •n • • • • 'I ,, t J,. ·d. I "'''II hul tlt' \\ •' It -.q .·• t ··~ •••• 11\t,J ! , •• ;.: ..... •I .. I I • ! Ill 1111 Ill • • ,, "111 111 :-.1-,,111, • • • Til•• 'oo1;tl $16 750 1•1 1('1 • '"""tiqe•~ b•1ore thc>\1' •r• 9on• 1. !. Beek Office 1-hdnn '"'h ~:ar. Adults onh Mason Hamlin. F isc h er, BABY .Jr~ Popp) AH'. Corona ~1'1 ~!_!lr Knabe Chirkl'nng a nd many I _ 292:: ':'ll AI.I Fl.R!\' op1 !<UilablE' lor 1 rlr.ln~ Otht>n. DANZ..SCHMlDT. WilL tw>rscm. Rf'al' h~ 1 he ~ l'ar. HA 520 Xn ~lam San ta Ana. R~-repa llli"t-.!\1 nwmbet L"'rn•r 6th. nr " F< IR U · .. A..'E ;\1od€'rn office uitt>. TABLfo .. ·TOha" range; ov('n ~-ut~ ELDE 3 rm.'< fum · l>Uita b)f' for insur-1101, all·porr 1lWl en&rne) $37 )(I '1 bd RtlC't', ·u'<'Ountm" ad\N·t t~inR. GRA..'\T'S F'URNlT LTR E CDl\ •·H· Cnntat•l 1-~ E Birtc'ht•r 11)..1:> Xe\\ port llh'd Costa Ml'~ nPnt II \rl)fll 1'~1 n AVENPORT bed. clean, cheap. -1-~ :'\tAlL ~TtlRJ: ''i th 4 nn apt 700 Gold••n:<>d. COM. HArbor POSrT Harhlw Bhd Co~la Mt-sa. HA :?S!l2-:'ll. f'f'ptl :.• 2-.1 (;(>On upral!l.l p1ano . _ s-t!l ;o JK'ru \ If' I J.Y F t R:\ 1m on NarC'I sus. CRA~I ..; J.'L.'R.."\JTUR 1:. PRER~ ('J)~J St'Jh1t·al,• t'lll HA 00:;~\\'. )l;..l"l =-"P\\pnrt lll\d Co ta ;\k:.t ladlt" 1 ... \HGI-' S1 t 'PII I liJH . Jl3 1'tl~ furn. !"JM~HIX:' RI-'.\\JYRF.ST moi= sus. I Pll\,llt• •·nll<llll'P 11.\rbor 61~J tr(' ' LJkt' Ol'\\ • . .. ~~J9 )I) RELlA 1-l'R'\ 'tudm apt . krtCh4?nNW GRA;'I;T . ..; F'CRNl TURl-. «'Ill wtth Fn ·tdairP. lnth, c;unporch lli ]) ~l"\\)k'11 1l .4 Costa :>It""d ('·•II ::1 cl 11nm f:x('('pt. pl('a,ant. S-15 !\1AG'\IFICL:'\I Elretric Or.:an '\l.f 1111 " 1 I 1 1.\rhur G<H -\\' llt"f"'"'""''"' t1 B•l: sann~ A :-:f'h\\ f'l·lti-'Ft I leu t ' ttlll ,;r!if.flch C'lll bars;ain u! ~ lJ[etim~. Tt•t·ms. l'll•ll 1 1 .,. 1-1• 11 11,,r f<l't. ,1/, l " DAN7,SC1 I:'IIIDT P I A=" 1 1 & 1 ••I t.tlf •••• p·.•u , .. nnol hkl"l tahlt• 'lRI~A=" ''«' ·,_I ="o :'\Jam l'Or 11 ,\1 I ,\ I d 1.111 '· I ''' 11 lw•<i 'lnd l"h.H I . 1\t h !'i11l1 1 ;\II \\ \ '\ 1 11 '' ""' 1 IC.7-\I Pn.\('Tln . r t •n 59 Ln P'1'f'l· 1'1' '' : 1 :r: 111 l\l 1 ,. '"'1'1,.1,,1\ ,\: 1 11• ,, I• 111 "'" 111 • , ··dtl 'on , lXI prr ll \1:'\ II Ji l l I I ( '\li \It·• I .lit 1 )1111 \\f~·k 1t•l 'I,.; \ t .!r'> (')ot'h'tll''t fiJI I ' 111,, Ja ... 1•11n 7\:!:l ''' lull p ud • pr i<.'f• )),\ '"-· ,, :o-..1 '11\111 ··r • • "\o ~1am ~ •• nt 1 I :\' !-'HI 1'\ T !urn. 3-hdrm h "ll'<t', ,\n.\ to.;).!.• ,\l ... n :.'-ltdrm (ur n. tlJII. { 'l r I f J lr;tii,\I R~P· ll••t'l Help 'I"\ t't1l" pd RFII('(•n i"\!-\1 T l'cHiliii Wil tnnont('('d •. -,., ·,(1 1-TW.: 1 ;t't ...;T 111 lt:~F sUttabl<' c .R..\ '\T :---I ·n:o-:rTL~JH. •1 h 11 h•IU">>'I<l';"fttm::. ~'Adults ]1;r, ~t'\\ Jltll'l I". J Co w ;\!1•,·1 ,,,\1 I =' o~nl.' ·121 IIPJintropt•, t'D:'\1 , Itt-. \T FR!:o \\ 1 -;;,.;, ~kclrit• 1111111 ) I IIArhtll 113~4-:'11. ,.._ It 1'•''-1 --~"··I I sl'l.:ocl u low as 2.9!1 ,,,, 1 Jri\RMI!'\G 2-story rurn hom<' ln <;RA:\1·:--Fl'RXlTlfRl:: 111 m• n 1 . 1 lai'IO:t' bdrnu. 11 ~ baths, JM:l ;\,•\\lJOrt Hh d Costa :'11t'"" \\'o! h f m ·pl ~110 mo. on vrh lf':tse. .'-'TA'flt >'.·. \\'A,...,I 1'.'. -Ford \at"". '6 and " I t'·tll II Arbor 1397-JK.' .~ ·' '• ·' ~ .. 11(> C. 8 :tU.o., blunc1 1".-r ry Exct•l. cond rr•lt'C't carf'ful ram-BT''\<"o llurh11r 6!i Balboa h land IJl 'PL EX 2 bdrms., unrurnished lly u~. «'XII' I' Prh·. party. ~2 '--------------' 11)31 ~ ~C'al'ia _f'T>!\t _ ___ Fullrr"on .\\ • :"\('\',..,.rt Hc ts. '\ ~ ~ 1 1 ·""' 1"" l' , ........... _. ........ ,..,.._.~------.... PLEAS :'\T rm . romror t..abl." fur-t-1\'E u~~Jh•· · ~odf>l ~1'\t-l -;:: 11 ]"\· E .. L ._ .. elmete· r lll"'h·~. Prl\ (lOt . prl\. bath n•fn).!, ,., ... , -;-.<, C'U. ft. R' )Q\\ 133 It a \MMI ~onwnu•n 1 I Milt Rrf t•r. r xch I al> ~ :ltl 1 • Rr •LTOit ~ 1 ~ \1ariculd CD:'\t. HArbor ! ""RA:'\T' •~'t R''lTL.-nL· I ATTR..\ "" ,~-3-H \o • ' J: .~ nr~ ('t•plU\ • BUSI NES) OPPORTUNITIES ---' , . . Ht1;') ~t'WJ>O~~ B1 I Coc;ta ':'11P<:a Dtt•' • RENTALS :l-~OO~f furn apt. l lll . pard. I J.IG TR.\OE·l:\ •n )OUr old SIO\'e 211--'i HArbor !'fll~ ~~AC'acla. Cnrona dl'l Mar. on a Ill\\ GJfor•, & ~ttll•r a u· ll':\Jn H IS2) eo.,. Blvd~ Corone del Mer APART~1 El'\T~ & houses for win-IOmaiiC ~;'1 ... I II .;t•. ,. (:.nil•"' LOtnS F. GATES C ->YI Apprii ... T 011 G.L a-M 11om.. l.t.>atU to b\Jy, bu.Ud. •• flll.ot.<.'t' ,.,r for elteraUollll C ENt:RAL l NSURANCE IIArbor 18ft <100 <'oa•t BlvcL, Ooroaa del liar PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Real Estate Only E. A. CHRISTY ,,.,. 1\r ~Tly lt>ase. Ed 1. Se<l<'l· C'RA "\T"' 1-1 RXTn.;RE nt •t t- tnt•it•r 1 ';~~ Coast Bh·d .. CDM. ~fl . .[) ~''"port nh i Costa ~~~·~n nf II\ II ~~~.!:..2'66 ~Ill SlfOTGL'"\ '~' HA 188i-\V. Hu-.ut• \\'A="TF.D A good tenant for at-t '~ED 9o DAY."' Chines<' mo<h•m ~ on ~ I I'D C. l'padous ~-rm. furn. wa ter-J-p<' S('C'titllllll REacon :1~61. ;,; ~ 1'.t front apt .. ~ mo H 'rolmd 1 l FOnT t.'A"' ,, .. 1 1 I"E~ -l'til. prt 213 Grand (·nnal Bal: ': n ' " nr sa e ., aC'On ............. .,....__.. boa I IP. HArbOr i 61 -R after 5. .l:?Sl. Servic Fl'R:'Ii . ROOM wi th-~ep f'nl and ~!\1A_l.l~·wh•··· lll~~~e ll'atlrr prh· bath. Yrlv rC'nta] K . t _ for sal, _!!I-u n .l26l _ _ -tl:i~o~ <'I till.' CDM. t".) 8 I :?-Bl':'\K ~PRl'\1., & mattr!:'"'''" I IIARR()l B \ Y FRO~'T APT 1 I bdrm m l'nOO rontl ·• ,.,p. HA J ,:lG.J C:0~1 PLJ unit, priv. \){'ach, ~e.\\.1nter' ,lfll'l' 6 Jl m --)o ~r~IIUI' '<h('htly higher by yr. Also 2~ ~ Vt::\E.IlA:\ Ill "\US. ~ood ron-\~Irk bt'lrms .. 2 .baths, fin•pl. S1 2:J win-dit19n .. ·lih: I It •ns. Ews. H A ~~"~ :~ t('r. Avarl. by yr. HArbor ~5., 1:l, ,.\\ ~ • E\e!~' HArbor 2914-M. -· BRfTI.Sll Al . ._Tl:\ '41 \\ith '-16 (1F r i1XI FOR R.,...,.,... motur. ="•''' tllll' ~ood tart's qnd 13 r ho ~... 1 __ .. 1 .,-3 rPt~torf1 :;::::~;:::::::;;~:::::;;~;;~ 1 Bl'NGAJ ow APARTMENTS n 'l'r~ ~o•>\• l'•l!\1 -.>· 0 milt's t•tc F , t . f II f La )}1'1 ~:nil on nr. H'On 6963-w nuu 1 u y urn.. rge 11\. room 205 No. S.y Front, S.lboe lslend rr !050 SaD BILLMAN e MINX- YO UR NEW HAitiOit AREA DEALER DELIVERED HERE • •• DILn lUW ......... -1174~ • *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE • \\'lth fir~place. bdnn . kitchen-Miscellaneous r tte R.ntf' by day, W('('k or month. FARM HOUS E MOTEL 13114 Coast Blvd.. CDM HA 1063 I F URN. APTS &: rooms. ldeal har- bor a nd ocean vJew. Close to b4?ach<'s. Summer It winter rent- a~'· 1414 St.'avi('w, CDM. HA 1456. F URN. APTS. for rent. See Lou- ise Aptl. tlrsL Dbla A lingles. o~rlook:lng Bay. 3<8 Carnation, Corona del Mar. ' Dr . J. H. M cCloskey CHrRO PRAC'TOR O ffice Hours: 10 to 5 Wf'dnt-sday and Saturday i 031:: E. Balboa Bh·d. I downstairs) Balboa HArbor 3000·J O ppo itr Minlaturr Golf Cours<' CHRYSANTHEMUMS 49c Bunch Bowen by Mani lOt L ...._ ......... HArt..,. I I ARBOR TR.\X, FER-BE 6927 1 S~ A MONTll t'l'l11" a good piano. All rent allv\wrl ''hen you buy. DANZ-SCHMinT P IANO CO .. 520 ~o Mam. Ct n'nt>r 6th. Santa Ana. TRADE ~·our old plano on Electric Orga n, Piano or Tt-levtslon. Blg- ~est cash allowallCX'. OANZ· SCHMIDT P IANO CO., 520 N . Main. San ta Ana KEYS -Ma<le wh.Ue you walt. T ommy's Shop, Poat Office Blk., Corona del Mar. LEAVfl'\G S A1TRDAY Oct. 6 for O,aha. Neb. Take 1 or 2. ~h!H't. .. t>XJ)t'nse. C'1ll BEacon 5711-R after 5:30 p. m . NEW LOCAnoN! ...... ,, ...... USED MARINE GEAR Net~tlcel De~refloM -u-.4 N.t • WI IUY SQRAP MITALS • Near Ice aou--30th "-e HM. ""-....... ..... • ()fiN ...... ",. HARiiOi tllNii a • 1927 WANT C'om pl(' Windo~ ishlng, c. H.' De per A Pr p A ~7S l'oln I RUG U. ~T II.Ul~ Dlt!SIOI DAR Changes II.&.., ~---BnUAL FOil BUU' .1~ .11111 F 1r.1 ral ~rva wert" held IMt ... .i....JI f \\I • oJO Mtlllda) for lh udant - 1 ~~·~·;~~~i ...uy Sit~ or Part~ For Troy Prodor : ~~ ;:3n~f~m~:~~· ~"'= Modena, M~ ta. Th{' n{'wly reon:amzed Play-PlaOt'lor ~~fDAR ~t wer~~~P~~~~ I .\ ,,,.,,._,,idf pnht"' l.n""d•·•'' ~~it.J~~.~~J)>Ildlut~r·~,'tabltrth sept 15 at COMPLE.TE FU1iNISHJNGS rot \\' ~~ .11 . . h ·""'--llllrt} p ann ...... 01 nex \.'Uitt>,....), • • '" -bun \cJ ur "lOP .. WI open Wit '""' 1 Oct 3. hu be<'n chon •I'd from the I""" JJIIt utJI If&~ for 1 ro>· R ~~~~:=~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a-nn. ~:&low. PieC.'eS not .,o lh UJlku.rd, ut t~e Barnboo Room home oC Mrs. (;arl J Ianna m .Shore P~•~ '"' o! ;-.:,.,q.ort "ho I&Jt• '" •111 <wperately. Ji.A 1431-M-K. Ill r.atboo lht' first \\{'ek-('nd In C' h llalbo& Ba ' Cl b be-l DABY' \\ AROR.OBE. crib p:ut.... .:'\u\ Pmtwr Tomor1"0W t Fridny 1 hit~> 10 t e > u "11"'11 11: •trw• lu· \\ ~" t r> .. I • 1 .t <'Br seat, 5\\ln:!", 2 ..-tes, bottlt hi hi 1tt 7 30 &UdJtionUl~ wlU 1>\.'-C"l~ uf thf.> Cl,"r~t· uurnbt-dl bol dre-11r•ll~d'.' 11l rl 11:•'' that ho• n r-~ •-3 . -.en at runs ana;o.ta 110 ,, ~I' I · . _ \\IU"mer, lnhnt's shoeS slz(• .... Ill a t th(' BamlxiO noom for the \\Ill bt> p 1!1)1-d lulht\\111. ,, I 1 rll , ... t I ., m•·n-l t\\ \' .\ •• Vo om once. J:ood cond. Rea-.on-,;IJO IU I () l'ltl(.'k dt•),o,t,>rl. -. ' ... ,! -uhl '1 r I"" ... h\ 1-'rlun~t· I able HAtbar (7781-R. Thf' h'mporary boald nf dirt'<'-I ~ .. ,.,,,.,., l'ulwo•. c John { p •m FRENCH ~'TYLE Clll.J"Ve(t back 5 tur" mdudo t.rllian Fux drnm-f u -.t n.:ul•l nttt•lln.: ul,}hl' lo---~•d 1ollo\ tl\.tl ''"'" P tl'('t Ot 1~ I !'Of a and c.hdtr, a green b h l!'<l· lit• dir•'("lor; Oor·uth\ Jo Swaa~o-.(\f\, t•;tl C'hi:IJ.IIt>r \\ ~~~ lwld ol -}I m "' '1•-d 'tl II' I o"(t I . I' ~~~~ tl'l CO\'l',JIIPrft>Ct cond. Lart:\' dam-.•d!r·~·ltlr."tantun Fo>.,h't"h-)o,..ltda~ l \\l•dJ_'• dt) i:il ,.,.. Wlflll fti'o· I l"•hllolllll\ lt•'l'ln1.; Woolwint> o•h-r stove, ba~ 21 wnl dU'I_'<'t(lr L) l"ll But IPnnun•, 11!'1111! ul Mr~. \\ tu ·d Pot'h.'l', 20~ ·r • z•t.on<l•u •ltr ., d1ttr • '' hh I O\' ns, t>lt'\' blower. Eves. HA 'l" ntC' dan·<.'fos. Frank shank,., l arnouu~ A\ ·• Corona dt•l ~tar. lilt ,oj, h " IJo •'II 11 • •1 I ~10-R. bu,.uw '!> nmnu.:<>r \Vally G.'t'-~Iss ~\ tlham .T Marx und )Irs • ..:,,p.· I Ill (. ourt .I Uti ,. "I nul I h ,..____ t.OLDEN o .. v 1 -ter .~.-~'"'hi pl-har-dt , publrc r• lallun-. J t>''' ~\ olfe 3 ' ,ua~ .u ho It-a: es 'I"' 1 '"'''" 1·1 ... ' ·n.w ,t],,~ •tt•h .. lcJ 1 .... """"~ "'.,,06 .Mrl>. c H. ~tcKtllr(J,.;, ~>tate h1stor-~1 p11 , \l'11111.,,~ Hut .. ,• ttl 11· ,, home, I ano. Good cund. $195.713 Broad r.an tor AJL'~~· H'portt."d on the J·u"'•l , ,.,111, 1111011 "'" 11 ,.1,. ,, 1., Ml'S&. S .. ~c\\--pon H~l~hls. Wante d Contuwntal COngre:ss at Washinc-uwu111 ~t1•1,, , \HI,·r <'• tl 1• "' _ 1 TANK TYPE \acuum cleaner and ton and tht adoption ol b) -law:.. Sdun•tl•·t hwl d~o·c1 ~,, "" , 11,.,. unlum. 1 small uphol tery \'&CUUJn. Both j .JtJtl , ;\)utr''''"''lloel q 11•., c1 CDM. In good workinl cond. BE 5261. R J-;I.lABU': LADY wants house wh•t Elepha t '"''''''~~'·'''' ",. ""' 11tr111,. .. 1,t, . 705 16-FT. GE..~ERAL ELEC. refrig-\\O_r~ b) ~he ~ur. ~r &•rg, ' e n s '\ , ... 1\t'• I '"'"'t , .... '" e•-a tor _ -·-·-.. $39.50 _lit :?8th Sl ~t•wport :_ D 1---=-== GRA.'\-"T~ Fl<R..~E REFINED LADY wishes Jlractlcal l A t Trea sure a''S 501 1164.5 Newport Bh·d Costa l\11?53 1 nursing. malE' or female pa111:>nt • ("£trnt'll '(t l 1\.' t'.g.h t "--NEW PROaSS • NOT A WAX GR "'D PI • --"' t J ed an home, or work jn motherlt'SS . . '-J.. '-• -I Ah A.."':OS, 25 u ...... es. 5 hom(>. BE 6917-W. BE 6128-R \\'ha lt~ t•lt>phltnt'-RIO' .. tarltm. t•• * Gives a bette r lustre * lom longer t't.'lll, 1 from $495. Terms. Stelnway. • f"lJIN·I Ill thP F'n ~~ Rutldtnc: at 1 11• onl) Mawo & Ha.mlin. Fisch t" r, B~B~ SJTTI~Rellable. HA 1 HH C'oa.-.1 Dh d C'nron'"l dPI '1Ar Mar Knalx> Clul kt'nng and many ->92;>-J, ~-_ _ fnr 1 ht> Woman· C'i\ ic L••a~.:ue· tor 1 ! tnan} otht>rS DANZ.SCJIMIO'f, \\'11 L DO 0 J)D JOBS, carpt'nter "whit,. f'l<'phl\nl tnd fi,h pond HA :)20 :\o :\!am santa Ana. Rt'-l l·pair.. paint t>IC. by hour, da} booth" to be> ht>ld ctl Tt•·~i,UN' member t'Um .. r 6th. or \\'(•f'k HArbor 0126-J J)a\ c:: in C'nrona dPl Mar n,.,, w•-ek * Gives more protecti Gn * Co sts leu uitt' TARLE-TO P t.:"tt" ran( : o\·eo ~~1-El..DERL\'s tnf:!le lad) wants lor on Frid,~ '"lnd ~atu:d,•~ \lrs. in ur-11'01. oiH>On bun enamel " t .,';!.l '1 bc.h'm. housf.', So. side of Hwy., Harry C'ampbt II •"' t'harrm.to n• thr 1 ti,;in~ GRA.."\T'S Ft'M~TCRE (."0~1. Furn. or unfum. Penna-rwoje<·t 1 ,. '' 11 111 on '"' 1 h· ol: 11 1 ~t1,,r .. ' Hl-1:i ;'\;e\\poll Cl\'d. Co ta Ml•:.a I nl'nt. IIArbor 2793-J or Laguna ,\nuttu r "' Pht11ips Molle Ser¥ke ~ Z.•n' , < 'luh f'AVENPORT bf>d clean, ch<>ap . _ ·1-2659 , Plr I Ta-l-..... 1 • • 700 Golden:.><! COM. HArbor POSlTin'l; w:antl"d as medical re-a es ...: 011 ~~~~ t]:t\ .,, I :. !'2-)t t'{'pttcuusl, full or part time. Ex-s 1 11,1 r.< )())) upn c:ht ptano . Mil 50 J>c'rtt•nced. l..aguna 4-4251. Or--on T-~ Sat GRA.:\Ts 1-I'R~ITt.RE f)RE....;s~t~G & altt'ratlons for ~ ~0 • . lti-15 :'\.-wpnrt Rl\d Cosla ~h· ... 3 ladies & l'hildrt'n 410 1~ Narcis- lurn 1 ~IMMO:\!" HF.AI'TYREST mul-<,us. Corona d I Mar. Ornn~<' \O<•"' ('oil•• ., P trllfC'!\ ,9 50 RJ-J.IABJ.F: \\'OMAN .. -'II takE' "ill filN' .1 JWt\\t •rht~lJ'" ()• 1qor &188-J tn'"" Llkf' 11{'\\ • ':.. · --• ~·• T<·ch ~a1111 drJ\ nu:ht 111 llunlm•·· 1 I GR A T. .... F'l'R):l'M.JlU~ 1 trt• of child tn my own homP wn Bl"nt•h 1 ,·,.1d 111 wr 1 h•'" im· <' ltd:l ="~"''~''' Bl\d Cos1a ~te ·1 <'Jil IJI·acon fi407-W onnnn·n P~"~'""'"' wm Ill'' rt'ltb~ ntdtl n\ ,., . $45 5tAG"\IF1Cl ::\T F.IPCiric Or~n '\l-.1-.n m~ black •••d whih' ~ant;} Rn-;·1·,. dl'fPudm · '\ • '''"II t ........ table• l'lnir "•"l'f' ilJ>I .I He(l•h'' .,,,of! nu:: sa \In~ A --=rtm ann brn rl~> '" d••JI\ f'r 'our C''l ht 111 nra cl :'1 "'"' ba.r;;aut u! ' llfPtime. T~<llll". l 'n~oll'll. ~1) ·h1k•• "·'" t~IITC~\\t'd Th" Prn l··' C'lllW !rom lwltin<1 OANZ-.::iC'H:\U ilT pI A~ t I & '''"I 1'1 I fhl II :o'o•pl n . Ill \\Till~-· .l{lt'l' ''llllfl Rol ... j hnct <>Rt.A'\ t'11 ·,_, :\o :\luin cor 11' , .. ,. 11,..1 -H. I romo•r·t·'<l a rxtni'o ll~· hlrn"kl'd pun• tll h :-..till i ,\r, _ _ \\ \ '\ I I I • 1" Rl "\ 1 (, 11 a t,:t• l\11 10111 'I ltlltC'hdn\\ 11 Till' I'll a'" I'H.\CTlt 'I, 1'1 1 • 19 1n (''t•t>l-Ill\ II•" • 11 in< ·1 1\1 IIA 1-1~1-n. rlrn\1• Iolii· tim• • trl\\ttrcl '"' ••n- 1· ·u 1 pin 111 • • dll 11n , 1 2:l pc:or r: \ t:\' "I J"J'l ...,c; h 1, h thlt• m•d-• n ·' (I'll F un Ill• ... "I "PI I • hc•m \\ t'l'k . 1 t'l !I • \1"81'" t•,dl81l''t' ttl•• t••c•d I ill\ ( 'JI\1 f1't\ \\ , .. k nr 1\\ it'f hut IJot\\ 1J(J \tj)). I \\ n: ,,1 luI p '' I 'ttl!('(' 0.\ '\Z-,, , " ,., 01" ht 1 L\ 1 h " • r nn a qlltt l l'rlt;wk '"' 1k ft•t S< 11\111•'1 ·! \'o Main ::.anl.l tlw tu'' '''"11' ·,ntl ""'' ,,.,, \\ \n 'OIIt I 1'1111 h 1 \I ll'•·! ' PI" 111 .~ lT -F I Fll•.latAIRE. Po•ri•'Cl Help Wanted :n-~ '" lolld•l11\\ll '" o•ludt 'ht cceniauon "' ~ll<·•d •. -,.,->4, tm•· cat.\ '\:T'' ll'rt~ITI.JRI-: I . ~-"\ J (' 1 '.1 '.\! 1 \11-S \\'e haH' n n oppor- 1,...' '" 11011 h os a · , .... ' t urur , r .. r snlc!lmt'n who art• in- l ri-.\TI:.R:-> \\ t gas, t'll'<'tri1• "'"lt:'d in WORKl:'\G and also ~''··II 1'1('1. I ts low as 2.9:• ea tn makrn' OVER S.100 per mo Be-elects Healy C:FtA.~T:OO: r"1'R."\'1TVR B \\',~ hll\1' opc:onin~ for both mE>n F:dwaF(f T ll•· 1~ or 11~ 1;,, baths.,Jt;.t'l ="~'" pt.•rl llh d Cost& :\It' I ;r nd wlllnen Lido Electric Co , S't . .:\'l'wport \\ "" r•'·•·lr<'l1'11 p:·• • lf':tse. ~TA'fi():\ WAC:• I'\ Fordlat<''46 .. ,16 (''"'"t Hwy., :'\eo.\port BE'ach d•·nt (II thl' Co•n tr'tl :'\t'wporl _ J-.:.,<"t•l c<>nd rt>•!,o('t careful fam-Bl ·w.-•n ~50:l 1 C'nmmunt!~· ""'(l(''a''"n 11 11 '"'' '!hed ily U t'; f.'Xtra• Pri\'. party 542 '\I-I r • -.nmo •·I'<' 10 lM.' \\ith m\ ntt:tl mt't'lln:,: ~~~~ \\l''l.'k •n •hr L(•- r Ull{'rton \\• :'\eo.vport Jl ru. 1\\tl d1ilrln•n ~~~···s :l & 7 ft'Om l!HU1 IIIII. \'tN'·PI'l'l>ido•n• .. Fton.' 1-1\'E u.,,,(CI.•'•' 1od<'l s.>nE>I ;:;: II t"lln 'l :ltlt'aC'h ;\ton. thru Fn T ;\lat·lin and '-I'CrPtal\ '" a ... •l:•' I('IJ'II!l'> 1-;-t •. -., ('ll. ft. a ... low 1:\:l l ti'-rotona dd :\far is Jf'nn Bt•nn••ll. ns "llY.~l i\TTR.\t 'TI\'f. \nun.: drl for re-Tlw a,.,sod~tlinn \OI• d ro rndnn• 1 GRA:\T'~ 1 ·RNITUR E <'• 11111,111,1. , .. liin~ & otlwr duties the !':t•wport-Balhna 0<'1'1\11 1ronr lli t:l :\t>\\ poa t R ,) C~la ;\11'"8 l ~ ...... g, .. 1111, ~a Inn. ('J):\1, IIA lac:oon pmj('('t nfh'r hl'aran.:: talk' pard. I J:iGTR.\DE:l:\ ,.11 )OUr old sto\'1' :.!11'7 · hy Gror!!•' C'armll. pr(' idt•nt nf tl • & I 1 lr<>an Fmnl And Tk'arh Pro' f'<'l 1\ 1' on a m·\\ G 1' • ' $a tt t'l tll· .ll '\11 •R l u ... •.tdi,~n 'lram:l' C'oac::t ~--, , tl . d A R \V pa"t .. tomauc ~11-1 H ~<'. 1 c .. u •..• ,. 11o1u ,.. 3 311 p rn to mid-• s~"' 1 (lllr '10 · E'st. C'RA:\T'' J-1 R:\ITt'RE ntl.!hl~ n~111, ·~Hio plu.'\ S2:'i rost pro'"'' • n n thai ~SStll'tllllltll 16..&5 :"t'W[~rt Bl\ d. Costa 1\lt>sa uf II\ in!.! oonu-. Apply in pt>rson I C A · l M · T ld 41<1 S JfOTGl':'\ -..~) HA 1881-\\'. nu,n , . ..,, tllltt'o' tw twN'n hour 0-XlO OqlC 0 t'SF.J) 90 -D.\ Y:.:; fhlnese modrm ~-on a 111 .. :; W p m Pt>rson Tho. m~ >!It' 111 tht• &-It Tt'!~'· 3-()(' ,.l'('uonal RF..ocon :1::'61. ,n ~~·<tr ... or m(ln' nt•t-d no1 appl~. J•ht>rw' "'"'. nf'I\\Ork ~r. ~-llll.'lnl .. • , I\' and rndt<l rt'h) fnCJbtt~ was 111:F0(1T K \ .\h or sal<' BEacon ,.,pJam<'d at 'lnnctn~ '!I mt-<'lllll! or 5 ,,2fll_._ __ Se rvices 'hC' ( lpl 1mi<>t \hth n 1 "\onnn·, . :-.~1A l.I. 2-who• Ju~~Ol(e tr.ul('l" n:lySil\11'\' \till' TNI H :tmhronk. and I fllr ~alt• Hl:tt ''" :1261. local Par1ltc T•~lt•phon,~ marl'I:N a t :.!-Bt':'\K :::;pRJ ~~ .. -;~ mattrC'«.:;:: IIARnOR TRA:\~F'FR-BE 69Zi inlrodUI't•d th. pr .. a am I rn l'OOci eMil ''""'IJ' HA li:ln-J COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING ---- al '"' 6 p m F ttrniiUt't' &. Rug shampooing, t>l<' t'2r_.l ~ VJ-:l"ETIA:'\ HI l 'DS, J:OOd t'on-Work ~:uarantt>E'd ~"\(>aeon fi111 1\l'~ Hous<' ftnd \Vrndow Clean· ditrnn, to, t>e 1t 'il'i. E\ {'S. HA In~ ~rn·lr>c l~ :l-W . t 'l ID.-lT\'HE ttE~TOflATfON ., HRITl~HAt'~Tl:\ '41 \\ith '46 rhalr bottom~. benrhes and stools moltlr. :'\t>\\ t•im• l!ood tire'S and rt>"lor<'d wan~ canE', rush. reed, in \t'r) J:ond """d 25-30 milt':> t•tc FREE ESTIMATE. JX'I .::a!lon Ilf ~<'On 6963-W H.,R\'EV'~ Lee Shiple,, ORIOI 'VAL~ C'ustom and Rt>~u\y Made Plastic Acce<!o orlew !nfant. ClosE'l, Kitchen, B&th 1101 C"o1u1t Blvd., ODV -Miscellaneous Ft'RNJTCRE REPAIR ••• I tt •• -.-;,-;-;-,-;-;-, •••••••• !050 ~antn An:l \'f'., C'Mta Mf"'U\ - __ ..;;;;.BEAc~ on 613S-.J -·--·ncano• I I ARBOR TRA "\. FF.R-BE 6927 WA;\'1 YOt R OTRTY WORK '"'r1110 n S."l A MOI\'TJI rt•nts a good pllmo I DONE" • •• All r{'nt aiiO\Wrl "hen you buy. GO Tn R.AL DANZ-SC'HM1n1' PIANO CO., C'omplt>te hoW't'C!f'MlnK M"rv1ce : HOSIERY! 520 No Main. Cclmt>r 6th. Santa Wmdows, Ooor waxing and pol- Ann. ishlng. wall WJt!lhing. TRADE your old piano on Electric C'All Hllrhclr 17!f6-W H. H. HOLBROOK: Organ, P iano or T<'levislon. Bi~· gt>St cash a Uowanoe. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIA:'\0 CO., 520 N. Main, Santa AnA. KEYS -Maae wblle you walt. Dependable Plumbing A Prompt Repair Servi~ MatntAlned Pttont-ttarbor IU8-W . I: Cannons, new nylons • 15 denier 51 guoge • 1ft' .... ,_• Tommy's Shop. Polt Ofnce Blk., Corona del Msr. !801 lblbrut Rhd. S f'wpor1 Beaet. • :I LEA VII'G SATtTRDA Y Oct. 6 for maha. Nt'b T akl! 1 or 2 .. hal'(' rxpc.•n <'. ('~ 11 flEa con !l711-R aftl'r 5 :30 p. m . NEW LOC~ N! Wll'aTr._PIIt USED MARINE GEAR Nevtiul DeccutloM -U... Net • Wf I UY scaA' METALS • p A INTING Earl SheDin !7S Palmer !'t. -Coeta 1111~ REaroe M 5'7-ll RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • 0. IOt'atiOil • Work Oearaat.H MOODY INTERIOR~ .,_. RArhr UM fer l!llaiMM til C'ea!Jt IJt\--.1. ('....-... ...,. HARBOR TRANSFER-BE lll'l7 • Service Weight . • nylons ' 30 demer 45 auoge - . . • IIArMr -• i 617 c.... ....,~ c.-. .... ...._ ; I .............. _ ............. . ·• • • u• ... 1 t.nt l t.\ \t:U II \ri•Ht .!i !9 \\t>,.. ~h\ll.~ FHOST-1-HEt· 1.~ the IJ:lh ,..,_ fn_:, r .. tor that COl:N~' 1 r \."'tmt.~ dour opening,; •.• becau...;e door operungs let in warm air which causes frost to fonn. At every 60th door operu:1g, u hu:h is just u hen rle1rostmg u n<'f!dorl, fROST-FREE automatJcally dt>~ itself ... aut~mauc. U) disposes of lbe frot;t water~ Come in ... the 3 FROST-FREE .1nd other Wesrin~hou...;e Refngeraturs toda'' 11Hzi11 New UEED-EUCTIIC Ia• . Jllml----· UMn' THAT Om liD NOr IN ~0 JICONDSf U..'a the ~ beet:iq unit on the market today. 'n. SUP&R SPEED OOROX Unit gE>ts bot richt away ••• RED HOT in 30 second ! Now you can prepare bacon and <'~ur:-in 3 minutes •.. pipjq hot eoup whilt> vou·~ ~-tting the table ... lreab or fror.en vegE>tnblf>:l fr1~m a oold start to ltea.tning in 3 minu~. That's not all. You get a giant Mrro~c/,· "'-·a/,'Cf Oven, TIL'O-Leuel Pwd Coo~r. ( r '•' (, II'IC•' Controls and 800I'eS of other ft'aturt'l' u1 tlli" Westinghou.·~· Rang{' .,-•• , " ·a ·~~ t \l"'-'';1,;~·. '·•''.: ,_ ~r .. M ""'\ .•. et .o. ••, II • ehcft•cl Li l.·r. l Tradc .. in Allcun .. ' BEa con 6121 lh·l"••'<i 8 hrrllk rnr ,.~ .. r nlilh· t IIIV'II, 8 1 ll"ll!OI : J\o& Of la"t .... ,tutd.n~ Hwy don't DN<d • ""'· lo llf't'fl'-f'. tH't'nrdln~~t to ll nt'W 1••&:1 If' th ,. ac-t Pll"""d In th .. l llllt .. ,.,. .. lun. Ll~ftf04' ttrf' 01tlll " .. quln•tl for l"o._.. n,.hJn~r In th.- .. u r l 111111 from bont . :ecc • • • •:+ • • 1 • •:c' >::+:a: ~ons fr0111 "•• QUA f :t 8 :1 Q I I M b I ij i ti I M I M C 1:n.F.~ 01' T ilE R0.\0 1 T\\(1 n1u1n1 lx•ttt" nw t.'ting lwn 1 on <.hould I•D"" JIIH I to IX>rt. Pott '" lht.• lt'fl 'idt• ot tlw boat \ It n 1.1('1111..' ror\\OI'd _ ,..;.tll htHI.., h:t\1' tl' 111~h1 of "a: ,,, 1,1 I'"", 1· ho~tl ... , '\('f"~l \\ ht·ll 1 c.,, 1' tit nc 0111'. \ 'llllot•.tl rlu<.t haulnl on lf('t' an> bowling league stand· ins;· at \'an' . lncludint: last wt'f'k's J:am("<;. Tl t:~U.\\' 1 •. \0IE ' IL\XDIC' \P \\' L :"\\1>1 f flu l..;ld.\ AnJ!I<'I' 10 2 ~,,·pt P tPt F'ishin~ F l£'\•t 9 :\ P.~t·hard.., 'la rkl•l 9 :l \\'onwn of Mno!'t' !'\o 2 • "l ~u. Co7t "' C''lll"ll'll<'finn ~ 7 C'redit Jiurt•au :l i Tht' En"it:n 4 ~ \\'um<'n nl :\1oo I' No 1 8 C'harht··, '\1•a F'ood 4 Bt·andt ~ 3 9 High .,, ••ra ,,. D. C"unnm~-:hnm. Brandt's, I i\ti. ~IOX"O.\'\ )tt;"i·~ C"OJ\UI ER<'I \1, \ .....-W< •• Tousle~ Lin(lll'um-~ , .\. ..U..-<.2 ~t'rE'Son Rt>a l Estate' ~~ ~»2 Hidy's Pet SuppliN~ 6 2 Wa~::on WIK't'l 5 :l Bay Shott• Rnnt Rl'ntal 1 1 Crank Bt'O' t1 1 ~wan.;cm Println~ 4 1 Twid!tt t<; 1 I Th ~M\port tfftrbor T.Jt . \\h<• "(lll 111 m 1 <'' <>T') dt>1J3rlt)l('nt but 11w t mal M'Or lotS I Frida~. \\IJJ rllt\ thl'ir ftr.;t hom(' l.,"affit' ol the 1 q·) 1 t'"llllfl'Hl'll 1 omoriCI\\ t Ftida~ ) ,., o•ntn\.' "llh ExC't'lsior a.s their trw G-..nw lln ~ \\ill lX' i :30 p.m ~tru:.ttn" 1trlt up tnmurrO\\ Will IX'· ••mb. I >tlll P f'tl t1 and TN) ~k\ht'>l<'r~: Hlt"kl<'.;. I.lnlt'l Bajrd unc1 CIP<J\•'"' lA\\•'· l!ll'trd.s. lA'(' I lambrook and Rurt Jfrll,,r : c.r·ntl't', He~b E.:~ert. halfbacks. R<>x Bt"ll and C lt•nn Pi<'kt•th: fullbat'k. Oon ,\u n Cllcf rtua rtt>l'bn<'k. Rolli<> P u· la~ki 1-.'\c,•I!-IIW. \\ ho dt>fc'at<'d the Tars 'i-0 last ~Par, "on o\l'r Santa Ana t;.n la$t 'Friday. At R l\ t'l': id P Fnday niJ{hl. t hf' Ta1.., hod a bit: t>d1!1' in first do\\1lS. I~ tu 6. and in ~atds ~aint'd, U2 lu ~7 hut thl' !'1"01'(' \\lL~ )J tO ftfCII HI\ I I tlil' F!lml.ll•-prn~• rl ro.·tl~ to C'tl<Jc•h Cot tat.!f" \\·artt.-!'http 3 ' t 1 .... tt!J<)lll I ! tCk h: ... I ht rtl!ht I J lul..,h in & :'on-. 3 :i ., \' , "" • ·• '•lllhct'tl dll•t' hault•d R Pf•d' !'f"l'\ I<'P '2 f' "" 1 hf' po11 1 11 1.. S11u board ll~<'k C'olhno; P lunlhlnl' 1 i • \1 11"\,ill't-tt>am. Tht> Tar-; drmP '" 11w Rl\<'l"lrl•· tfl in th(' '-<'rond qtt•ttl••t. but lrhl th•' ball on a I umhlc• Tlwn JUo,{ 3fl <>Prond! fX'· fort• tltt• f nd nf tht> half thf' Tar.; fumhll'<'l "" 1 ht>ir 1 . Hh 1 1d" I',.,, .. •h,\1 th• ... 11h-·u·t.' OH'r th<' Hich ll'~"ra.:t> r. Fnrf' 1 Rf'f'rl .... I •I' 01 pel I I -.11h• n[ hi' boa I \\1 t h 1 j' .). II•' \\tnd t·omu ,.,,., tht' nt:ht 01 -.t u h t d "1d•· < lc....r• haul<'d m• 111 1hat rh•• hnal "' ...atltn~ ,.,., 11 l.l dt.•J!II'• .... ot ll" clol>P as tt I t'Url 1ntu tht• \dnd (,l 'E"T:o' OF 't:\\' ltESIOt;ST~ Allhntu.:h thP~ an• not J)E'dectly """ 1t d 1n tlwu rlf'\\ humE'. Dr. • Ht•ri ~~ ..... S I. l>c•\\P~ aiJ»ady r<>· P<•' 1 a ~·IH'"' lmm Gh•ndal<'. C'lara l.oUJ:.t.• Hro\\ n. \\ ho ts dsltlng for ;t wf"Pk ThP Of'\\,., s ar<> forml'r n "tdf"nt" ol Ldmt.'rt Par·k a nd of l.u .. An~f'll'". Thf'lr 111'\\ rt'. idrnt'<' ~f.:R\'IC'E C"IXll flPOE Splkf", BPOE Antlt>t"' Ralboa Lions F.x('hange C'lub Costa 1\1('!-a Linn" RPOE Horn Costa ~E'Sa Fit <>m<'n O ptimi!'tS \lub RPOE Ruclu: ~t. Joachim Hil!h 3\I'I'DJ:W ' 5\ptkf'R, 179 .1 •.un tt'\'\1\t rl'd And the ball wa LEAOt 'F. t·tkc'tl 0\l't for the "C'f•1<'. b\ P1rk \\' 1 (·ox · 6 2 Jn thf' 1h1rd quartPr tht> T ar r<'· ] ~ ~~·~ (•:;j.~~t:~~~ 0~ h~·~~; .... ~~ ~;~:~ 4 1 Itt off 111 mui;ur anct srot·NI al!ain 4 t1 Pia) tn~ an outstandim: ~amc• 1 _1 \\ ''l'f' C'c•ntPr E(tt:Prt. Guard Gt>nl' 1 4 l kK-10 and Racks P ula!>ki, Pick- 1 4 f'll'-anrl B<'ll. 3 !1 '•1.: Spo ~ 1 lf'~li:('. ..ions nsorillg 1 ... 111 2311 :\tormnc \anyon Dr . in !'hn11• curr-. \\l.n "it: ... o\\ ~ux. t•m·n~oME 1 0CC-Tech Game w .. '!nd -Pht8- :\1AJOR FF..\Tl'RE ••• COMI.Sfi : "REllA \'F. \'Ol'R~ELF" I'W~.-Tht> Fllt~T Rl":''! WI LLIAM HO LDEN :>.:A;'I;C\' OLSON ''Force of Inns" -Plu§-- "3 STEPS NORTH" ~()\\' ~110\\'I :SO GREGORY VIRGINIA PECK MAYO "Capt Horatio Ro inblo '"Jer" T···un :>.:~o 3 lluutt•l .. ...,,,11 ~· n 11'1' ,., ·:un :'\ n Y Tt tm :'\n 6 TP~m :>.:o :> Tow.lf'\ Lmnlt•um TPam ·~o. i C'nrnt>lius C.ont rat'tOI ~unny Do :>.:ut Shop Hh:h a' e1 a~e W Fields. I t1 I II :\ 1 :! 2 2 2 1 3 (I 4 0 4 () 4 f t>am 19. 1 . Mt;"i'"' ('O'IXERC'J AI. I.E .t~E w I . I I Mandt>x C'leanefl' }f) 2 t-a Food Varieties HI 2 Ben W hitman. R<'altor 9 3 AJI Am rican Mark('t R 1 ShephE-rd Tractor 7 :> Nt>wport Tack lt> 6 6 Sila Fl<>x 5 i Gt·aham Bail Fi:. 1'ackl<' ·1 ~ Rit.'hard's J\farkf't 4 ~ ~chnPidf'r's l'ral.'tOr 3 ~ Orang<' C'n. C"<>ramir 'T'il<' 3 9 Gl'mPral ShPI'I :\11:'tal 3 ~ His:;h a,·eragp R Pnlnwr. t'ila FIPX, 1'7'2 "2:\ S('R.\ 1'('11 LEAGt'F. \\'.tJo..h Hard" R rr• Cn-.la ~1{•!'a Rank Ro~ ·, Rarhf"1 ~hop Bob's !'pot tlnl! Goods Jlt'lm's Rakl'ry :'~:'<'" fl0t'1 Ra11 & Tar kh· Ptnk'!-TlnJt!-. ~) m r1'-ul\ A: ~ullal C'1·awfu rd Prut.:' :>.::trmcu Hu::h 11\f'riiJ!t> B Klot,. ;\1P~a BAnk lRI \\' L R 1 6 :l fl 3 J 1 1 !l 1 :l 1 ;, 4 ;, 3 fi 1 ~ Cu"<ta T.\Kt:~ ~l't:X'I..\1. TRAI~I~(; , <.'nllino; \hn~;tu• .. on or M1 anll 1\tr-s. Clt>m Chrlo;tu• of Nrwport HPi1!tlts. 1~ s tud)ins: in lh(' army 1raininc pro~ram at Rada1· I'Chool 8 t El Paso, Tl:'xas. C'ollins wa!l ont> nl R handful of men out of 220 indu<'1<'t.'S chos<>n for th<> s(X'Cial 1 raming. I ------------SON n ITS HERE Rob<>rt P R<>a. son of M r. a nd M r!'. RoiX't t Rt>a of 24 Poppy A\'<'. C'orona d<>l :\f1u·, \'t'li1NI his parf"nt, a w('('k a~to on his w l'l.y to a n"'' station a t Tacoma Arm\ Ho pital m Taroma. Wash JJis wif<' accompanied him hcl'(' Ro· lx>rt has been station{'() in Panama for thr(>(' years. ------------~·:w RABV IS HOME T u•kt•l can hi• put chas"'<l from I .1on' rtuh m('mhl.•t·s. as \\ t:'ll a.., at thf" <.tadium at ~:am<> ltl'll(', forth" tlrunl!(> C'Nt<.l \oiiP~e game \\ith I h~on TN:h f'arurday na2ht a1 thf' Huntm~otton IWach fi4>1d. Kwk- orr will IX' at p m . f ~pon~rin~ the> l!am.e a 1 f' I hP &I boa Ra~. CostB :\tesa. ~aJ 84>ach and the Huntm~on B<>ach Lions Clubs, with Dr. Edward :\1tl- um of 831bna Bay Lrons as .l:<>neral cha1f'm8n F rt>d Huber rt>prt'~><'nts OCC: llnl ClAM of Balboa Ra' i<> in chant~e of prE'-~:tmE' ('nt<'rtain· mt'n t ; Jud ~ Uthf'rland Of Ctl"18 :\1f'S8 j, tn rhan:(' of po. 1-!.::tmt• <>ntrrtammcmt. I I'A"'T OFFICER JU:aE Past Offiet'rs of the F rid ti \ Mornin~ Club of Los Ang<>ll's wrr~· l'ntertatnPd on Wt>dnesda' of last \\etok b) Mrs. Macy Jon<'s. 16112 S llay AH!. Ralboa Jsland This I~> an annual f£'tP at :\1r!'. Jon""· home. • ....... Assistance League to Adopt ·N eedy Child in Foreign Land A mt><'ttn~e \\lth m:In.) hi~hli••hts In~ Thrift ~hop. Also any or••nC'd t} 4' tall .. •>n for tlw As· otht.>r usablt> hous hold c>quipment L.-.Utn<"' l..t•aJ:U•• nt :'~:('\\port 1 f:tt·· 01 fumitW'(', includtn~ children's hc•r Jlto,l \\ t•k t~l\ Ttt• ' t thE' fumJiute h'Om I:K>d In hllt h, \\Ill I ~IIJI d\ JLII flil' (IJ ~t Jtllllt... b4,• apprE'C.Jaf~. "llt•• l,."l'tiUII \tltt•tl IO :ldoJl\ U ltf'n\S Wtll be pickt-d liP UJ)On l"'E'- dltltl m ""'' ol ''•• l•ncb b<-1.Jt"gP<i ('('ipt of a call at HArbor 1457-W . I•\ hun ,., illll1 f•~l• ·nw ft tf'r TheN' i always a n d for In· t·iutd \\Uuld h•• 1 '" n thl' <'art• '' rant~· and Childl'f'n's cloth ing to ,., •·!'!" th1uuL'11 t lw Ad\1!'(\t'\ \om-lwlp tJ'(>tt"h famll~ budg<'t-.: and I~"'"'''''" \'ulunt.ll \ F'ort>f1:n Aid manv a pair of shot~' from the nr lhf' l li•r.l3rtmt nt ;It • tat•• shop. ha!-I>N-n I'('SOIPd a nd hined '1n. l\1arln\\t t lthntt>l . this I and 2\JIIt' to "<'hool on an f'3J(t>r )o·ar· ... rha.rman. :ll\llOUtlC'l'<i that 1 ~otm~tf't'. ;>.;p•,Prnllt r 19 .,.. 11,. date fo•· l h<' I IRat;Ut> \'OiuntN'rq 81'<' ttlrt>ady annual \\till ,. fJIOJI'\'1, \\hl<'h \\ill I pt·••parinJ! for• th<> a nnual hrist· a~:ain t)(' a ooza:tt· ~1\<'n at tlw mas "alt'. AI thl t mw uf yf'ar out- B.'llbOil R.'l) C'lub. Th<> p·art~ \\ill ~"1'0\\n and ball<>rt>d t o~ ar€.' lx>inJ: bt:t:tn nt J1 a m and nlllttnUf' ro1Jt><'1t'd and l'('furbi1-h<'ll to be throu~h tlw ('t)('ktail ho111 M·ld at low pri~ at tlw Sp4'Cial :\1n. Roland Jlod~km~-t•n of t hP Chn1-t mal> sal<' ju-.t O.·fort> the T'k nlal C'omml111'1' r<>pnr1•-d that hotida\ th1• F1·ank R \\'ilktn'-fln l't>ntal · C'hnw "' dt·\llnpm~ t·aptdl\ \\llh t'OR'fE R RE~IDE''TS RF.Tl'RX th• lw•p ut nth• r cfl'ntt't' tn tht• ~~~ ond :\Irs Ro C'unmnttham . a r• 1 a net 1 h•• nrun '' < 'nunt' I ~·n-fm m"1 Jl:u bor rf>l>id<'n1.. r t>port tal =-""'"''~· T\\lnt~-'"',· homt" '"·'' tlw~ are t-eturntng hi IIH• at ,,_.u, "• w m:td·· b' tlw \\ l'll:tn• ;\u7 \.oldf'm'Od AH•. Corona ~I <'••mmilt• •• dut mt: thr "umm• 1. ar· \Ia•·. Tht>~ ~u·t> mm 111 • from Jn- cmdinc ''' ""'· n. W. Richard dtanapolis. < )f'P t•f tht• hi~hlu:ht · of thE' --------------- mt'f'1in~ ' 1 a lt'tt<·r from G<'nt" Crain \\lltl ''on th£> A istan<'('l 1-"'ll'-'U chola .·hip last sp1·in~ and I ;.,. , nrollc'd a 1 Pomona C'oll<'l!t' '11-. fA1~.;11r Jfill Jll'f'"id<"d uwr •h•· m••••tin~o: .-\ ~'('('nt rPmindl'r "1\S J:iven h' I nwmlx>rs of thf' INtl:'UP tha t t hE't'(. .... <~ IW<'d for pot and l~•n~t in the- Harbor 292· W \~·e used to bf' where we am t no more '•' C' vc movf'd w here we never • /OS b""fCrC' Y C''J kr ::>w where we w-:::s b:J1 :10• ·:;l"c :-'"' wets So :1er-?:::; .~e address w here we no·.-: do b1z. THE 1831 NEWPORT BOULEVARD COSTA MESA s•:a<'on 5St I..J (fttmwr IH)o,torn"., loc&tinn ) ~NATIONALLY KNOWN IMPORTED IIIllS ALL SH APES! ALL SIZES ! •••• • • WITH EACH PIPE YOU GET A PACKAGE OF MIXTtJ'RE No. 79 PIPE TOBACCO Two da~s artt'r Dadd Edward was born to Mr. and MT'll. Robert 1)(-Gta!:-SP, 30:> 3-Jih St., N£'\\ port. the mo'hC>r nnd bab\ wl'rf' "<'I· com(•d home by th<> ritmil} and nil thf' fril'nd" in t hr n<>igh borhood. Bab) David weigh('() six pounds. 12 ounces at birth <'arb ThuNda~. Sept. 20. at t h<> Sanl:.t A na C'om· munity Hospital. He has a brothrt·. 2-yl'a r-old Bobbi<>. Ill Termi•ll • • SUPER • • • • SANTA FE SANTA ANA ------RAJf! RAH ! BOYS All set for hi last y{'ar at USC is Harold S<-hi('rholt. son oC Mr . am! Mrs. Frank Schierholl. for· mer Corona del Mar r('sldent.A who now u,·e at 1950 Tustin Av~ .• Costa Mesa. Attending Jtehool at the University of California. Ber- keley. is Dick Pcter110n, son or Dr. and Mrs. Basil Peter80n of Clift Haven. MHtwr -IEYS Filii MADE WHILE UWAIT S.ntoe llllt.r n• IOf COAST ILVD. c ............. U GAi. NoTICl No. A Hill NOTICE TO CRitDITOB ESTATE OF AMALIE OESER Deceased NOTICE I S HEREBY GNEN to the creditors or and aU persons Carnival Night Dinner Dance ToBeHeldNov.16ByZonta I having claims against th~ said de-Hel~n Ro~rtson of 333 E . Bay· Thur day noon September 13 Dr ....... ANNOUNCING THE OPENING Of BEL CANTO STUDIO VOICE and PIANO Cl.,ne1 '" Ea,. Tr•ininq and Siqht Sinqinq LUIGI and ARLINA V AIANI 319 Seaview Ave .. Col'one del Mar. HArbor 0 170-M cedent or said e tate to fit~ them Front. Balboa Island, and Joanne 1 RobPrtson is a phys1c1an <;J)<'cial.Jz., with the oeeessary \Ouchcrs ln the Perez. 722 Goldcnt•od A\'e .. Corona inJ: in J:r)nt-colo::;)' and :\1rs P <'rez office or the Clt'rk of the Superior d~·l Mar. ''eN' inat1a tt>d anto Zonta 1 is a dancim: sn~true1o1 and tnt•·r· Court or the County of Orange, \lub a t tht> las t re-gular meeting 1 tamer. ~~~ii~iii~~~~ij~~ijijiiiii~ii~~iiii~ii~iijiiii~~ State of CaUromla. or to present 1 h f'ld a t Norton's Bay hort> C'af,. P n,..idt nt Ht•l .. n :-;I(K:ktun pr('· t the same ,,; t h t ht> n e cess a r y <~id1•d o\ t'l 1 h.-bu,mt...,,... '' :.mn of 1 vouchers, to th(> und"l'o;ign~ at hJs 1 L~GAL NOTte' lht• m••(•lmk' nnd n•lJ(HtPd nn hi~h· pla.ce or bustn(' . IO·Wit. XOTICE"o.roA-~~~ITOR~ • h,L'ht<, nl tt. J nto•rnallnn.ll Zonta c o THOMAS E. H.EFFER:-lA.'l F:STATF ()F ~fA.'C R H \.~!': ( llll\<'nttol1 \\Itc-h ...,~P. attrmdl'd 1415 Coast Jls~hway ·· · · · :.._~-· ~..o the-. Jl:t-.t ... umm1•1 tn ( hscas.:•' Corona dt'l M ar, C'altfornia . _...,,,..,_,pa """ within ~ix monlh!o afkr the fitsl "?11<'~' 1~ hl'r('h~· 1:1''"" t o thP ' u co•L NoncE pu blication ol thi-. notice. t'lt•dJios." nf an,d a ll fl(>r~ns ha\· 'OTICt: ot· 1"\'Tf:~TIOX Dated St•phmb.~e· 7. 19:'11. tnl..' clasrru; a~aln<:l thl' ~·d d PCf'· TO "t~U. ROSE::'-tARif. \RIBBE:-.: do•nl or 1ud f'State to fll<•. tht-m A dminl 1 • 1 · •'th t h ·11 \\tth thP m'<'' -.;sary vouchers an tlu~ 'utlr,. t... tlt>rl'b) •·"• n pur-u- d.., 1 1 raX·\~ 1 • e-wl • orr ic•• ol tJw \h•rk of 1 hP su~rior ·u1• 111 I h·· 1• """lfl<l!'. of S{'('llon ad~..?~~"' ot lhl' J·statco ot said •'uul t of tht• Count\ uf 'oran g<• .111 1 "' '"'' <. 1\rl c·,d• of tht s•att-""''''''n1 ' · · · TTf sr vr TH0\1A" F IIFFFFR:-.:A:-.: ~Ia If' of CAlifornia us 111 Pll''-l?nt l nf l thl111 Ill<~;._ that < 1 1 I J l •t• r •JJ t' . . tht' '-IHlW with th<' no•t P<sar\ \t•ndut' 11l l•o3 Unt~ll!• i\\ti1UI' ~ ;:) -.().j!ot 1""''"'' • .. • <.' 1 c· \1 · <' u ' r Co d 1 :\l (' j ( \foU<'hr•t '· 1 n t h<' unrtPI'toWnro n t hh !I\ " • '"I 1 ' .... , '' 1 ~ ' A ro~l?-l'r ·,. :u\.dm'' 1. · . o• Ill·• plaf'(' of bu..-.in"' . to-wit. 'lr.tn •· :o;a•tl• .. r c .• rtorntt m-ttOI n<'~ J. enastra tnx . c "-ld I> 11 . .... , ·nd-. 11. ,, 11 t , 1 II'\' J "' ... TIJ( t\1-p ubl. <~h · "''PI J 3 ·m 27 · U"t • 1 ' • "'"" · a"' O<ou • • 1 • -• '· ' ~ 111:; C'oa'-t lli •h,,a, .\ .... \ t·nd". ••' 'it••• \\" '' Haltxn Ensign C:la~_,lfled ads have been , . c .. rona d(•l ~tar r··lliforn in ' l~h d c '11\ '.'' • "' '~ 1~ • ,' B· ado. a proven means or rea hing buyers wtll m <.IX rt.nnlh; aft".r thf' ftr,t C nunt~ of <Jr.JnL<' :--t lit of Call· for au 6Qrts or merchandise USt' p11hht·f11Jilll nl 1111 ... l11oltf'l' loll '· I I ll.itl l'l I' lin JJt•r ... onal them! Phone Harbor lllt. P ·1t•>d ::>c•pt.•ml)(•l II 1911 J)l't~p1 1 '·' '""" "'" ~ • 1 • • •II;• (of :o;JIJRI.EY JL\:'1.)1. KER:-.: .• .t -.tox·k Ill II ltl··· I ''lilt !--l•ltlllJI-1 f''{N'IIIIT\ nl tht· Eo;t~•~· 111•'"' an•l tn • nll•l' ••I th.ll t·..-r· I ul ,·tid .do•f'Pd••lll 1«11 '('I \ I• • -1~111111 k1.11\\0 ,.., I lc•P tid 1, fla"""'d r;ct\"II'S "l·.R\'ICJ 'T \ T 1' J ~ • 111-, ("I)," I J lt~h\\ '\~ I j I \\I ,, B.tiiJIJ<t J,J\ d f'tl) I f I C'o1 nna do I \111', ('·t111 '\o ''I""· Hr•::\rh. c ·,.utol,\ ol lit •n~··· .-\!lot II•',\ ICII f:\('('ltlrJ\ -.• 1lt• II' ( •tlt!Ht Jli I ;o nd hit\ •b• Jlllll'h•" Jlllll'l htl t•otl \\till><· pdri ~<l •• \-'!063L 'OTICt-: TO ('Rf:DITOR~ £~T\n: 1 ,., •• FRF-;Itl-.R WK 1 \ '-OE:"BECK Dr•C•"l'oPd 11 1!1 f o(• ,·, lf'K '< 1 m nn f)I' bl'lon• 'ho• 11 •I ttl I lo•lo ho 1 •·1 J ' till' rn.tlll oo'l •n 111 B.\Y E:'CRIJ\\' Co. ):-.;l· ,,1 lll">t'n,t .. t ll t.:lmu~.<·o· till :I d· I \I I • ( ... ,\ " :'\I \\ 1)1 •I I Ho .wh. 1 lllllll,\ nl II '' ..:• ...,, ''" 11! I tl1!11t tll>t. ROSSMORE DINING ROOMS 8rea1da§t DOW .en -tel 4 a. m. tot p. m. at BALBOA PA\-.:LIOS SPORTSMAN'S WHARF Onrloold8« BfoaaUfaJ N""PPrt Harbor LIDO VILLAGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 • EAST L"'DlA SHRI:\lP Ct.'RRY \11.1th CHt:T.\"EY • SPECIALIUII ., ., 0. , ... Sl.. -~ SAM 'S SEAFOOD AT THE SIG N OF THE SWOlDf iSH 16278 Coast Hwy., Surfside "\'ntiC't' J, twrt>b'' 1."~' I'D to lhl' cro·dttm .. ol and all pc t!--nn ... hC\\'in~ rla11w; a cO Ill'> I • hf' '-'\id (if'~'\ dent 01 .,·lid l -<lat•· tn tilt• thl•rn \\ 1th thf' no•t't ":Jn. \·n•wht·r-. an tht' vffiC'~ 111 I h•• I 'I PI k "' t I' :'Uflt rinr ("nqrt "' tht• l't>ttnt\ nt <>ram~··· :-;t '"' of \ali'r•mta n1 w PI"~' nt th•• ... anw. \\llh ttw nf'<'t'""•n WIU<.'hf'r.., tu th(' untif'l ''~I'd 1 t hi!-01 hi' I' pi~C'l' of hu,ln·"'• to-\\tt ,,,.,.,, :-or• 1·, 1:•>1 t•rft I 1,1 lYI I \'••udnr , ~ ~ For • / Fine ~ .tnd r I IR\"1:-; .._ Tlfl 1~1.\:-- \'rnd•" I IH\ I:' ;.; Tllll\tA" . , . ~ t ~~'(\ ~ COCKTAILS~ ,. n Thoma;. E-. llf'Ht•t 11.111 111 i C'XI ... t lll~hwa~ "'t 1• • ,. '1dt ur n'•' \\' Balh•"~ Bhd I I 11 loor •IS'l ~0 • ..\-'!0040 ,,OT IC E TO Ht:DITOR~ ?' :-e::c'> cmci l'ahan Dmr.ers irnpor'eo Bee:-s S. V/1::es I· •rona dt•l ~tar ('·~Jilurm • \\II h 1\ 'l.\ 11111nt h!l tl ll'l I ht• I Jlo;l puhltf'11eon 111 thi' nnttC'•' Ptll'd ~••ptf'mbo r 17. 1911 H< H.A:>\P R I .. \:--.:GF::>\nTTK 1-.~T,\TL I lF ~1 .\RGt'f:R.ITE H. \' 1-.ITII 0\"('f'as<'d '\1 ITIC'l 1..: I!ERnn· G I\'E-:-.: t GE~E'~ ~ ;oa tn 'Ill C'OA T 6L\ 0 . ( ur.u" \ Dt:L XAlt FINE IT ALlAN DINNERS Abo 'teak! -Primf' Rlb8 Cocktails 1611 Cout 81\·d. Harbor 1180 Corona del Mar I \tr•utnr ul tht' F't I'• •>I <:uid d• c·c•cl,•nt. Thoma ... f. IIE'Ifl'rnan 1 IIi l't)~~~ II il!ll\\ a' Corona drl \lat·. f'lthl A ~~·~ for Ell.t>euto~ T-V SETS~ TIUE ~ llvcl. H~ 201 ... dt Real Mexican • e E::-h:ladas e Tacos T a:~ ales e Chdt Reller.os e Steaks etc. Open S to 9.30 p. m. -Clo&ed Mo,.da'f' La -·----~--~ U-DIIYE CRUISER~ low .OATS • IJ !;·,• • lot'T I{ t \ ,, P • T .\ . , • "'Ill\ I It I n 'In· •• ELL IS P ~ ... • RfN TAl S !eM Coast Rlway Newport Beach Photte HArbor tSL5 AT Ot"TII END OF BA \" RORE BRIDGE '----=---~----~-~-~--~------ ''MIKE DAY CILI.ING'' Saturday MUS IC e ever y 11:00 A.M.-12 N AVJARDS ••• • PRIZES '" tho• t'rt dthol .. ••! iUld 111 !)<'r ons h.n in~ clatm ... a · un .. l 1 ht• !-aid de- ' 1 d1 1 t m· "'atd 1 '' ''" tu hlo> them \\lth thl' 111 C'l ..:vu·~ \nUdlt-r ... in th~ 111 •~·· of thf' Clt-rk of 1 ht• :-;uJ)('nor Court ot th•• <.'ntmt~ nf ()ran~~ . .'t.tlt• nf Calii•H nat ••r It> pro f nt tlw .. 1m<'. ""h tht• nf't'f'""ary \liiJt'h<'l'l. to th tlll<i••t:-t mrd at hts 1 plol('l' Ol hll!--11 '"' I 11·\\1 1 (' ,, })(1:-o;AI.I • }I JI.\R\\'I)fiJ) 11 n ' o;t ... l llr ·h" •.' l'•>J nna do I :\t.H . C•tl t~>nlt:t \\l'hlll '" n nnrh ... oft• 1 tho• ltr~l puhhntllolll 111 1111 .. ""'it-1• J);a h'd ~<'pit mh1 r -1 ~n I RO:o-;E\1.\r.I F < RIHHF"' ,\dmllli~ftaln\ 111 'I t• I <;HII.' nl stud d• 1 pfi, nt !til'\ .\1 ll [I I 1.\R \\I lilT) 1 Jl'l <:na-.1 I h "'' 1~ Conma rt• I \I tr l' tJ,,unu• .\t 1111 Ill'~ lor \limtn!-.1 r 11 r x PuhJi,h :o;rpt \~. ~~~. ~7 I l(.'r -t Ill till' :-,;,.,qwoJI 1111 hot' 1· fli;IL:J' "OTIC L Fr··dl'nt·k n .... ,1P 1 _ ... d• .. · • \'· b\ t't'rlll\ that lh II I I I l 'oH\ )l.1I'I· n~ 1 htp c;lln"'l" I m ••I F t o•do rwk B ~tilltm:.., anrt R t1h< 1 t \\' ~hill hPt • • tnfon' l't1!1dUC'tllll.! til o•lt-ctrn pl:\t· inc bu'l"'''~ undo t tllf' fum 1 am~ anq "''I·· of H111'w • P' ttm:: <'r~m· J¥tll\. an t hi' Cll ~ "' "'1\\ll(lrt Rt•at'h. Ctlifnnlia '' '' ''" Jnh \:l. I <.l>1 dio;-.nh I'd Tha' } • t ""'' and a-: "'"' prnpr·u 1,, .... • •>ll'l'l'·· 1111:: lht• 'aid ,•lf'l'lrn pl.iiii1C b•P·I· IH'S' undt•r the "lm•' f1rm namt• ;~nd ... ,,,,.. '" "" JI;Hho•• P 1'll n Cnmp<tn~ en t ht· Cet ~ ,,f :-.;.,,\ p•>rl I TII'f\Ch, lll\1111\ fll ( h-.tllJ.."C-!'1,11t• ttl CniHnr·nto~ unrl that h " n ,.,. • Ill full ami pht·• t>l t •''''"'Ill •' I' ·•" fclllt>\\' ~ FRt:ni.RlCK n ~TILl .J',(;.., ~~h n thli:J. \,-,.~~~" \t)l'~)ll(l d('\ !\1,11' ('•thllll Ill I FRF:PERIC'K n !"Tll I 1:'\t ; .... 11 li'talt> or Caltrornl:l I ('nnnf) .. r Orana:"-""' ( ln ~~~pll"mbi•r :?:? 1 q;1 twtnt't' 011' a 'l.;pt 1r,\ Puhh<' I" , ... on.1lh appt•arl'd Ft~•d••ttt•k R ~lilh1'~' kn'"' n tn m•' II> bt• t ht• l"'t•nn "host' namt' '" uh"<'l t b<'d 1 o 11w w ithan ln'~ll"tlmt•nt nnrl a<.'kncml- 1-d~f'd lhl\( hi' (',1'('\l 1'(j th(' ... 1011 l~t.>all TOM W. H E:--;nERSO)I. :>\otan Puhhc tn a nd ((lr said Count) and Sta " , 1 P uhli!ooh ~llt Z7 1951 l.tiiiiiiiiillllillllliiililllllllll•lllliiiiiiliii•lllllliiliiiiiiiiiii•illl•••••••••liii• tn tlw ;o.;t'<J.J)()rt II rbor En~·~ IVOE-1• on all Or<1119e County Radio. ~· ...•....... . F ea~unng the GUADALAJARA BO YS COCKTAD.S -DINNER F•om 10 a. m. F-rom 4 p. m. In BALBOA 41 S E. Balboa 8ouleverd For Re&ervatio"' call HArb« 2792 DELICIOUS SEAFOOD and Chin es e Dinn ers ~}~~ ~ f!!!~~~=~~:! t • 63'! C u;t•l llh:hwa~· -:'\t-\\llOrt "':\lllrlner's M ile'' Red Snapper Cafe H~u1n a fare ,,.,, restaur11t • • • • 4 4 011 fl. «e•6io• •It ,.._ Bird. of • !W.F •it u•da BiJ1hdr,. ····'IIDetltA··---, .. O....,.ofneideaoe Arrivals of Newoomen .. NEWPORT BEACH PhOftf!: Harbor 758 \ 5i'o -20-YEAR J.OAN OuwtlueM•...._ G·I Y,"' (If Jn.) We buy and .en -rrur Deeds. 8EE BOB SAYTLI:Il Repre.en t:ing lUI Vout llh«.. co• ft. BA 1011-1--ID UW ------- See Low "REDUCING .. Jnter.t llatea Low Moathly Patawntll Yt We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Dilcuaion of off -base noa"8 Uon for military pencii\MJ will be held Another big •'M'k ill building ac-1 81\"d .• 16. room. 2 -lrtory, 3-unlt at tbP Oct. 10 ~t.lnc ot the New- thih ' added 10me 1300.000 to the apertnM>nt at 101-101•~-103 Via port Bead~ Parks and R«reation dty's otal. whlch now has pa.aed 1 Antibe&, 125.000. ~'Del' builder. Commission Jl!t 7:30 p. m. the se,·en and a quarter million John McLoughlin, 2617 NeYt'PQ1'1 E1 Toro riDe Hue ~­ dollar mark for the lear. That is Bh'd., 4-room. l 1 tory, 1 · unit tath·.-s are ex~ed to be pl"eSmt Yo ell O\'eJ" t..ht> entire 1950 total of dYt-elllng at 218 Via PaJenno, $10.-to diSCUM the need. and an lm·estl- $6.402.376 and is nearing the re-I 000. Robert Ingram. builder. eating commJttee will be ap- cord total of $8,041.508 set in ......_ • .._. pointed. 1be IJC*ibllity of 1M l!NS. I Bill Bic~y. remodelling at 119 Newport Harbor Co mmunit Y The ,.:eek's permit acti\ity was Gamt't, 11,500. Plal-ers P.l't'tlet'lting a special per- highlighted by i.uuance of a $90,-Roy Harper. add to garage, formance for mlUtary personnel 000 permit for the rlt"w Bank of add bath at 550 S. Bay Front, 1 being di5cuued. o a nu-as ,- America Building in Udo Cent_er I $3,000. Enslen Oeeett~foe ac11 have been and a 160.000 permit for 25 umts BaJM& 81 the ~.lboa Bay Club. Mrs. A. C. Macl,..eish, a dd 5E'OOI'ld r~ .;:-: ::-..::!:f.ebu)7.! THE ENSIGN Followmg permits were i.ssued noor O\er J:&r-aJ:e at 627 W. Bay rtwom • ~ H~ 1114 Job Print1Qc Fadlltlel durtn~ the~t w~e~: Ave .. $-S,OOO. T . Jiord f;('('\t>y, ,-------------~-------..;.;.---.. A. R. Anderyon~dd ki_tchen and b~,~·e Tha,·pr, add room <Wt>r bath for additl~ unrt at 117 gara.gt>. 1706 f.tiramar. 11.000. 1 31E..s1:~· :i·~ibrook. rt>mod lling A. K. Lindsay, a dd . ccond noor. t 509 36th St 1400 1~ Ocean. $4.400. J. E. McKee. a _ .. · -. bwld r ~e<wport Ba) Co .• ,25 uruu. ~ A. L: Benguiat, 4-room. l-s1ory, story. at Balboa Ba). Club. $60.-1-unit d":ellin~: at 414 Seville. ~idGt>orge r.t. Hol.sl<'m a nd Sons. s-7.000. Dean Ke-phart. builder. ~rsR.ecidick 3 _room &eCOnd F . D. Blower. rt>modt>llln~ at r) d · llin ' t 120 23rd St 1585 ean. $700. s?o0o "e g a ·· Yates Ows.ley. t'Xtend gar6g«.> at \vuiiam Ca.ssery. Pasa&.>na. 4-2254 Channel Rd .• SSOO. room. 1-story, 1-unH dwelllng at 3701 Seashort''Dr .. $6.500. Chari ~r. garage at 615 Coast H.rghwa~·. $500. Capitol Co .• Los Amzele~. Bank of Ameraca Building al 3444 V1a Lido. one -story an~ meuanine. 90.000. Allison-Honc>r. bulld{'rs. Coro.a ch-I Mar Herbert Y«.>ttE'r. 1:ara~:e at i03 Jasmin<'. $800. H. S. Ostra.n~.:l'r, 236 E' l'ninJ: Canyon Rd .. 4-room, 1-tor). 1-unit dwelling at 606 Dahlia. SIO.:l(IO. WilUam Bongard, garage ot 503 Marguerite, Sl.OOO. SltON" CUff• Ja) Homlx>ak, 212 Femleaf. 6-room. 1-tory. 1-unlt dwc.>lling at 230 Driftwood. 523.000. I N'~r1 Help~ Don South\\·ortl:a. ft"aTage and shop at 52i Redlands. 1,500 J . 0 . Walker, 5-room. 1-story. 1- unit d" eJJin~ at 411 I n ·ine. Sll,- 000. Dean Kephart. builder. J. L. Overby. Latnma. 5-room. 1· torv. 1-unit d\\ellinl: at 423 Ful- lerton: .800. E. \'. 0Yerby builder. Lido h.lt- Gien Stater. 130 \'ia Jucar, 8- room. 1-.Lory. 1-unit dwelling at 926 Via Lido ~ord. 830.000. Mu- ttml Building Co., builders. Ralph Camp. 1128 W. Balboa A really I Second annt\C'rsary or the :'\ew- porl !\1nost' Lode«.> \\as celebratt'd Tuesda' "''"nan~t at tht" !\fnost> Jlomt> on th<' ON'an Front tn ~e\\·1 pot" I Thc.>rl' \\8" a m'1"" tnatlat iun of candtdttt(' . \\ tth thP Santa Ana Moost~ Lcld~e Ritual Team ron- ductanc the C<'rC'mont.: An an- OIH'rMr~ cal-t> "t n <'d with roff{'{' and .!-and\\i <'h(•s rolt('J\\ cd tht· int- I ia I ton \\ omt•n t\( 1 hE' !\1oose F:l tl' Ktnc and Durot h~ C:a rt rt as- "1 tC'd \\tth tht• rc.>fre<~hmcntt,. 'World Affairs' At Pro America to cOOk ••• of course- it's electric! READY • MIXED CIIIIETE BEacon 6547 W.,t S.y-hre lhou1d he a MW .._. .... Met ..... the ,... ... ol_ ..... wtomatk an4 aheolutely depen6aW.. 1D«t.rJeal eont.rola are eceurate-10 JOU Just pNpare the foock, tum 'em over to the ranee and 10Oft about your other lldlvltlll. When yw're I'Mdy to lti'Ye the foo4 .. eoobd, and eoobd Jilht. Yea, eaq doft It and dbealt n,tlt, wtth a '· modem .Wectrlc nnp. It's the cooldnc method you'w been wantlnc-.o 1M your electricaJ appliance tte.Jer now. IOUIHI.JN CALIFORNia IDIIO~ COM.ANY , .. - -- . ..or ...... I Hypnotist Talks At BPW Meeting Coroaa df-1 Mar Communi t )'I ONrdl v.u tM aetHn1 for the ·~ of Mill Pb)'lhs VaU~jo and James n tolaroff at p. m. Saturday. "'1..~ M'IIDK'l...E 8TAil'nl Winter cheduJe of ~r-.ices is s tarttng th week at t. JlliT\eS EplscopaJ Church in Newport. Th I w('('kb scht>duleo wiU be u folio"" R·30 a. m., Hoi) Commuruoo; 9·30 a m.. Family worship In t.he I church and the part h hou.st'. 11 a m .• mominR pra~er. Tht' sacra- An O\erflow croY.d of Busn and -Prof~ional Woml'n fllled \Vhite's Park "'~ Cafe dtnlng room last Thursda)" to bear Ar- thur Knight of FuiiPrto.n giv a talk on lh "P ersonaltt) of the Palm," alter a 7 p m dinn •r. Mr KnJght also dt ~ .. ('d the 1 e c h n i q u to or relaxation and ho\\t>d th bWiln v.vmt-n hov.. thP~ could put lh ffi.Sl>hPS to sl~. H t> told how h1 \\Ode on hypno- thentp~ u USNi on Pl'bun rs and l or mtelli t'nct \\Ork d u r 1 n g World War ll Mabel F'Jt.zmorra rE'{JOrtl'd on a rJ('Cla) BPW m tmv at Lagw1a at v.hu·h th dJ \blo.n of tht> pres- 4.'nt South m Cahforrua cbstrlCI or d ub. v. • dj .. cuued. ~ bridf> · t.tw dau ter of M.r. and Mrs. Pbilllp Chart P~lps ol ~Hills R.a.odl at Yoncalla. Ore. Mr •. tola.rorr Is t.M son of Mr. and Mrs Fabian Stola.roff or 1 ~ Pa.cifi Dr . Corona del Mar Jlt-\. Paul Edward Babbitt officiat- f'd at tht> cbublf.' rinl! N•remon~ m tht> cand.JeUJ:htl"d t-hureh. Wlut glad.tola n.nd taJJ an<k>labra <k'· rora t rd {'\ f.'J"~ PE'" mt'.ot of hoi) communion is ob--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili. n I'd the> first Sunday or t'ach For ht-"r wt>ddin~t day. Ph~ lbs ~ a n.> lon tuU(> ~o\1. n O\ e-r un v.ith lace in~t>t at tht> ~oke and v..-al.St 5\M wore a lat'f> cH•"n em.brout~N'd \\Jth damt' ~ J)Pl'III" and C"iltrll"d a bouqu t of "hjt orchtds and hl~-of-tht>-'-'· 1 y. ThrN> bl'idesma.ich. ~~~ nl"t't Bunkf' of rant't', M Jean / Ann Young of GlendaJe and ~11 hera Kraus~> Bunke of Port- 1 r d. On> . Wt>f' dt ~ alike In Ba.llertna l~>nglh sll\ E'r tx>n~allne d.resses and the) carrit'd bo\.lquets of p1nk rofi('S "ith m tching lt"IIT· la:nds tn lhf'tr hair. M ar) Lou [)a. n . COUI>in or tht> bnde, \\ct.<; flO\\ t'r Jrirl and \\Ore a long pink ben~.hnt> and nylon tulle~ <k-- s;nt'd to match thf' brick>'~· Hc>r bouqUt>t and hair nrla.nd "<'~"~> prnk ~ a mmtature or th<> bn<k-ma1 d . 11wo bnck>' crandfathf'r. P hillip \'allejo of 5\an F ranc1. ro. pre- 'Wn t('d h<'r at t ht' altar Warn:-n Btbo Stola.rorr. ttw> 1!"1'00m 'o; brot hN from Pa ack-na. Wit\ bP 1 man at 1 ht> C'('r('mony l' he~ "t'rt' 0<-orc.- Ta.l<'OOt Root of Cor\'alli . Ort> .. and Wtlham Carl \'olkt>l and R1- month At i p m Chu1 chml'n' Lc81tU<' m('Cts fot' hhth chooJ a ~tl' ~out h. P•·•~ er ond ~tu~ PI""\ IC'(' "111 ~ ht•ld Thur • da) morninl( l.w~i11run~ '"'h a momimc pr~t~ <'I' ~troup a1 9 1:> IIOI) \ommumon t.s obst'r\'<'d a 1 10.30 p m. and a Biblt> t:tudy and dtscwsion ~troup lS conducted b) Pastor Paul Moon? Wheler follo"- in!! thr <>n tet> • l:lth SABBATII Ot~FERISG Sat urd8) · wrmon at 1 ht> r' • , nth-Da) Ad,entJ t Church m ~.-"port Hel(itht.s wiU b4! 'Red m- tru: lh Timt>," 10 tx> prPach<'d b\ lloU1 L. AndPr on at 11 a . m. A pedal thirteenth Sabbath oU<>r-ing "1ll ~ taken to further th medl- cal and educational work in Korea. Mn . Hulda Crook .• Wtfe or lht' latt' Dr. Samu<'l Crooks of Loma Lmda, "i ll tx> g\Jl''>t JX'8kt>t at the :'\1ts Jonaf') Volunteer m~.'tln~ at 8 p. m. tomol'l'ow 1 F'rlday • Her topic ",II 1x> "F uturt'" ""'· J .\ \IF." u . "TOJ •. .\ROI"F An apJX>al nn b<>hall nt th1 11'-t nckt'n pt>Ople tn th<' Kan!Mts rlood t·hard .lam• ... "-h• h'~ "1 I ..A>~ .\n-area. who n~d c;heE't . blankt'ts, '('1''' to\\f.'l~ and clothmg for both <'hild-Th•• hrtd~'" mul hPr "n~r 1 an rE'n and adults. \\BS 1 su<'d b~ ~r ~ •nkl•• 1~'"• •h l•lllk lo~N> " PI l:rt'~ l.R J..ator~> \'aught -"l'n1or l)or- tull• .tnd ~•h'-~t .. lurnlf worr a <'BS ll'ad,..r An\onf''whu t·an "IU\1'(' b:...•~uld~ C'I~'P'' d.:m .• ~l co~'". ••·tm-the nN"'dt>d ttPm-." ..... k,d to call m(•d '"'h 11 h ut!lf"' llf'3d "P'a~ a t HEa<'nn 611~·J t ht• ,,. '( -k Af1t ~! .,~ .• J•' • u "'irh Ull-~f'..Jl'\10' (,~..,_. t:XJ>t.RILS'Ct:~ mt·ol:tl•l 1"11••\\"d tho• C'•·n nt(IO~ R•\ Paul B.tbhp•·, "•rmun a• !lw '" m•• ntuplt• t~·ll 101 a hot"~· the duphratP t'l H'f'" at th• C"o- 'TVW">;, • '' ''' ,·,rm"l Th•' "•11 h< 1 una tit• I ~1at Cnmmumt ~ Chu1 rh hutnr-• ••·~ .. 1,. I •11 71 11 A• ·•~n 10 -.:und~' "'II t'll' 1 ... Ynur Hdtt:· 11• '••II h I' , ... ,d. ,. ' ICl\1... E '\J'W'n Ptlf •' R••a I~ < r.apt I IEIT CUECtiOIIS It • Bn•h .\1111111.; J_"ot <lJito <~ll•:n~(·d lht 'C'hllll \\Ill ''"1.: lltC'klll"tll', 'A I Ill\• ''" "' '-!111ft.•• I: ( 'lhlm 018 o..:01w 111 Pl'31'' n! lhr l.t•:d 'll "h• r•· th• h••d• "..,, a m• mb•l nf t1 n ., m and thp Cham 1 Ch" r Account~-Notes-Cl•ims of •"'Y z, '.•• T<tu A_l ph·t 11nti .lim twl<~llt:t'd ~, .. 111 ~en" \\'til J ·tn••.. ,\It 1 '·' .il'ld of debk-l'lywhere il'l Am· n '\ ~ rriu . No coll..:tioi'IS·-NO fee .. In ,, 111 I r.oc~ "' (lUI' F ;)lht r.. 'II I 1 il m ·C' We .d .. ence ell cosh. \ 1 t:'lt 1' ) P"' \ K I • • (,, t:'-T PHE. ( r ~-c ' ... "'I'EC 1.\l. (;( E'T "I'I"'Tf".Jl CREDIT BUREA U A .IIP'I '-JJ•·rtkf'l n 1ll_ cwc' thf"' .\ ~I~<'<'Ml cu1 ... t ha'-h<·••n 111\IINi OF NEW'OttT BEACH. LAGUNA V'l'lllnn ~un<11l' al th<• f IISI Hap· '" Jll'f'ach ut :-;1 A nd n '" p,,.._h~- tiEACH AND COSTA MESA 11-:t Chur<•h ttl "\1\\(lfllt Bt"-ach at '•'IHin ChUil'h Ill ''"fl"ll Htt 1ht" 204 ltivenide Ave. P. 0 . tloa 19• ll 11 a rn ftnd 7 1ll Jl m Tht• pulptl thi-. !->und:n . II" ll> tht' R•·' JumP'- IUcGAii97.NeWJ10rt a.ech,C.Iif. nf till-. t'hm·ch I04'·att>d 111 ~tn•· ":o-tt\\ \II lrnm lh• C.\ol"l' \t!>1il '~=~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: tn ·nt I and Co\JJ I ...;t;.. Ill :'\t•\\ pnr l C"llUn h I'·"', 1 h IIIII" Ht' ·uh-' ha., hl•t•n \at·at~'d h~ Pa ... rm ~n J <'' "'II hP ·Anrhnto, ot lhP ...;m, " l..ambf>r"on "hu "~' rN't ll~·d Jnlo \\·,,r ... hlp '''I, 11·• and 't.md ~~ " 1..,.>1 1\c'll\ t' PI \ICt' Thr \\'omC'n " \1 ,.... , lit!» .. , .... t a 1 t 'II II • '' m ''See '" ac•. •••!" ~., .. :1 lllllt' or \uUr IDN tfllt' for 1t I rl11 ht M'4' tht' fum II~. ~wrt t hl• AJW'cl:tl fund ht•r.-ow tbut nur hJth dhld .. nd., .. . curr.-ntl~· ll"l. &Wr ~tn.nnm .. . Will 1(1\1' ~(lUr ~\lDit"' UD C''-· tra b()o .. t. \'oor fund" "Ill tN' II\ all able' a• IO(WID a" ~ ou'r•• rf'udy tfl m n kf' th.-trip. ~fftrt toda~ \\i th 5 or mort'! SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $10.000 "wna i~ m('('tint; \\Ill bt• h~"'ld at • I~~· p m TIIP .. d~' ll.\1.1.\' 0..\\ o ' ""'' ~0\\ \\'·~ k-tll\ •• h,.1nu... •·ducaHm• d ,, .. ,.. \\ 1i1 '-lltrt \\'r-dn•·-.d•l) In '' .,_,,' p..,.,('!· :~no ('n,,a ~lt· ·1 ••lrm•ntfiT\ ... rhonl-.. uur R1blr n '"''' t 101· 1 "~'" "111 ,,. thE' Prot£'~­ t w1 them•·· <1nd th.: Cathohc tOpiC " i 11 lw "Church O.l<'tt uw ·· flt•\ p till \lo(lf{' \\'ht•l'lt•r or "'' .l tm• " Fru-.enp.11 C"hurch "Ill srwnd tW"\1 "''' k 1n "an F ranct:-C'n at· to·nd1r·:: 11. 'ch."IOI Prf'pht't.., an 1 ll\ 11" twna I 1-• ud~ ~rnup pr<''~'" t Pd h\ tho• l>lctC't''-' nf C'llifmma ()nl~ a· I t•\\ !to•n thl' dl,lriC'I art' Ill· \Ill d Church :O:!'h,.nl Jllll •I" \\ 1 I I~ lll'flnlc>t.-d ''' • I 1" Ill'\\ ~ ........ , nn ;o;unda~ '<Ill.' cl.•} a nrl JJI't>mrollon .--unda\ HI Chrt'-' Cl•urch b~ tht:' :--f'~~ m "\, "fllll'l ftt ' Tnm P·•n· dPII w1ll tn-.Hdl lhl' ll''' Church O..:c-huol ''"'' H lh• m••trim ... ,.,. 't<'*' Ht~ Rn II' Da' "' ·rm"n 1 ht•ml' '"11 h·· • If :-:ul'h ·AI<' thr KtnC· dom . Th• rh••nlb chou will •111\! ... , tlw rn "' llllll' thl ... I I I • • ·~.PUUTt .\L RE.\I.ITl" How l>Jlll 11ual rPaht) wht n UJI· df't. tood 1mpr0\~ human all tr .. tndtw a!' tn B1hk 11m1's "ill h~> dt"· t'U"..,N! in th•• ;o;und!l\ Lt• ...... •,n·~•­ monon Rf.'ahl\"' 10 the :\t>\\port l!aroor < 'hiii'C'h. t"\l \hn•>~ ~ru~n­ tist I FAl'fiL\' ~I<~IIT I'ROORAM . 1'ht-. ,,.,...,p 11nm .lt'l"f'ffiltth :11 10 ,, 1 h•' '''"' Tht I .nrd I i' h Th<' r1r!>l .Hmlh nu:ht runner hmucht lf'wth .. ur ru:htmu'"' ... and pro~ram or 'h~> fall s<'ason I <Yimt•, anc1 I•'' "" dr>c la n · '" Zaon \\ ll'-h<'ld h~t "f'••k b~ mPmlx-1"' 1 h<' "ork ot 1 h, I .(lrd nu1 <-;od and rnPnd" nt Chn-.t Church b) • • • th<' ~<'a . Elsil' Farn:o:, R m_ember ·~EW " \\ OF UF"t.' of th<' n1tmnnl board of miSStons "A :"t·\\ \\ 1 , .,1 Lllc '"II tw of the Com;rN:nuon:~l \hurrh. pn:--1 Rt:>v Hrrlx'rt Rot! .. -.Nmnn tlwnw o,('ntc>d an ill!J"trall'd l•'rttlrt' or ht'r at ,·hP I 1 a . m ... ',,. '-'undn' a t I rffrnt tnp arC\IInd lht> \\OIId thf' '=P\\ port llarh0r LuthI' Ian , T ~ .. ._. Church in ~""port HPisthls Tt'>.l EPI~C'OP I. (,t I LO" 0 ~r • .-4 1 n ill bt:' thE' IN 1Pr tn lh<' F'phl",t81l' T\ql or lhr \\oml'n· ... ,_~•lids of 4·22·2 Rail\ Da' wtll h<' N"l<'· -"t. Ja.mt•' Ep1 ... ropal Church "ill ~tt>d · al Sunda\ · St'hool. which m('('t next w('('k. St ~lar~ar<'t's m('('ts at 9.30 a .' m The Adult Guild will mN't 'at th<' homt' of Bibl<' class "ill mN't at thl' "3m(' lht'ir chairman. Mrs E. Floyd Hub-hour to stud.' th<' 27th chaptc-r nf bit rd. 437 Short St . Costa ~~<'-8. at thf.' Gosfl('l of 51 . i\la t 1 ht'\\. Bibl<' 2 p. m . Tuesday. On Fnda) St. stud" hour is at 7 30 p m t'RC'h Elizatx>th's Guild will m('('\ for a \\'('d.nesday. 12 o'clock sack lunch at tht> home of Mrs. James Gh't'n . 413 Ja • mine A\·e .. Corona dt'l Mar. The ho t<'' will furnish coffl~e and the aftprnoon Y.i11 tx> spent makinJt party decoration and fa\'ors, the pro~t of the group. • • • R.E\'. WRITE TO PREACH RC'\'. HarT) White is back 1n the pulpit at tht> Balboa lsland Com- Sunday with a sermon on "The C hurch from the Outsldt'." D ur-in~ his two-wt>ek ,·acatlon. \ill\itins:t mim t<'rs had conduct<'d tb(' ser- \it>e!t. FUtSl CHUlCH· OF CH1UST SCtENTIST ))0] Vie lido, Newytort ... ell A brol'lch of The Mo•her C hurch, Tlo,to F'"' Church of Chr:st, Sci•ntist, •n 8os ton, Mouechuseth. Sul'ldoy School 9 .IS e . .,., Surodov S•"' ce I I 00 e.rn Wednesdoy Ev<~~<~ing meetino.· 8 00 P·"' Rudi"O Roo.., locet.d et Ill Pe ,.. St 8olboo. ;, ope" doily from 12 noo<~ •o S p.m ucept Sundoy• or~d ho''devs ne'•o~ally observ.d. Op.ft SvMey from 10 e. m. to 4 p. m. The public is cordielly il'lvi'ed to et. 'end the church t.,..,oce' end uM I e Reeding koom. ~Uoeal \aJIM',. f'\f'r) clay ~~·-to-.)ou. B f'rt' ~oo .-~· ao ftlictcllffft&D'II pront. )00 ~~ for DO filiK'.) n\tUrf'1io-V.t" ()fWI'a~ •1th tM ''"''Kt poso.Jhlt-0\f'rht-acJ_,..d "'f' pa all U\Mf' tt-r- rtfk' N \ lJtc1l oa to ~no. "ihop --• C'Omptan> and .) ou too v.iU ftad our •-·. lov. prl<'t>., unbPata.biP: at Terrific Savinqs F_.., .... , .. Ladies' FALL COATS Joor. Wool lreHcllth Cella ~G 95 -1895 Sheen lllaanl• Coats Reg :2 5~ -1435 :le Wool s Coats ?t"'' ~ ... 95 -2235 100'/o Wool Fleece Coats ~eo 26 35 100°10 Wool Toppers R• _ 1• •} II) ~ ~n 695 to 1895 S heen Gabardine TOPPERS R t' 11 ~'i I 0 1 '\ 9~ 765 to 1095 100% NYLON SLIPS Reg 5 -285 NEW F AU BLOUSES Rf"'r;t. '!,:.ft t•• .-•. 9:> 169 to ]85 100% WOOL SKIRTS R('a::. R.9:. tn 1o.qs ]95 to 695 rU"St Quality IRON ROSE 51 Gauge -l 5 De mer ~pair 250 6C Gauge -15 Der.!er 5~5· Weslliinster FaCttry·t.Ytu l't•rfi'C"t Otltnl .. uit .. \\ ltb n.n- ~t t.:.tllnrln~ u.nd c•u.,tom d t'- tu.llln~:. ln nn" a II "ool iru· "a rdln ..... o,l\a ri..-.S..m ... rtaa.n• l' t\\ t'f'ih , "t•r•t•-d .. tu•ttbt>rd <'he't k... Jlu:..c· ... •ll'('tj(ltl of v:1 11.-rn .. and c•olclr... '-l7t<" S6 hi ;,o In r••~; ul!LNo, · 'hurt ... IIIDI:""· ponrtb "· R l.k 4'!.;'Jtl to i .'iJi(l Z950 TO~szoo DELUXE I.U.S Rea 1110 0~ -7400 Reg ll5 ~ -1400 CUSTOI IIIE to Your Measure SOh$ Reg 95 )C -6950 Reg 135 0 -MSO MEN"S FINE SLACKS Kf't[. 8 .. \0 to t.;.M §95 to 1665 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS R~c-. 4.83 to 7.8:'1 295 to 495 MEN'S SPORT COATS •~,.. stt.M t(l ~.oo 1995 to ]495 \\T~TMJ!\~TER \ .. d LO<'t\: T !lT. WESTMINSTER. CALIF. BETWt:t ." ".\'T\ "'"·' ~'1) • L ft 'C:R Hou"': :Sn ~ .\:80 • • • . ada ~: 10 ~ •:10 \\'F.D' "0 U ' :SIGHTS TILL 8:11 (Ooatlnufd from Pa~ 1) 'I'M West N~ Improvement Alan. retOiutJon, adopted last. Fri· day, .,.. rNd, also approvin g the cut-oft road. Both organlza li0b5 urpd wklftUng Newport and Bal- boa bouleYa.rda. From eome 250 property owners and merchanU came a pt'tition dnfted a t a s.,.cial tneoetinl lut week at Tom Henderson's offi~. attended by ~everal businesSmen and c:oundJmen. This petitJoft urged action to scqul~ the neces· sary property for widening the two boule,-ards and s tated ~t "It i e51K'ntlal for the lm.pro"~nt of the general appearance of the approacbes to the entire Newport- Balboa area that the unsl~ht.ly PE railw1ly {rei~t station and tracks in the centr9,1 busines.'i dis- trict be eliminated and that ~d Arbor Dey for this year will be freight station lX' l'('locatl'd at .a Saturday, Nov. 3. which "ill be more suitable location In .the.~··­ observed by communHy partlcipa-dnit~· of the Sant~ Ana rl\cr. tion in the first pla:Oting of the im-Concerning th<' PE mmpromi e proved portion of Balboa Blvd. offer of the right of way, the pe- Oty Council Monday evening of-ttl ion said: "We bell~,·e the crea- flcia1 ly designated Arbor Day. tion of additional C-1 zoning in which was originated b~ the Bal-th<' Nt'Wport Area. ai recently re- boa Improvement Association and quested by the PF;, would l?<' ,·ery thl' Kiwani Club to r'Ouse intt>rest d(.'trimt'ntal to our comrnumty, be- in the beautification of the Har-muse It would OJX'n up for .rutu:c bor Area. requests for bu.sines zomng In 0\airman for the Arbor Da' I this and adjac<'nt areas alon~; ~~­ program will he Ted Hambrook. boa Bl\·d. I t is a well known ract w.ho has ~Hed a ~en ral meeting I that there I~ already mo~~ than of aU business, c1vic and social ad('Quate busmess pro~~l) m t~s organizations for Wednesday eve-area and to cre.ate ~ddtt1onal. b~t­ ning at City Hall. nt'l'S z~nlng W1tl disrupt eXJsttng Ill Finnish Faience lmport•d dinnerwer• in eHr•ctive p•H•rns for •very horn•. A d • ~ p~·•,.•·s ·c .d ·q qru'l oar &•d ,.., .. " O&"d 0 11ne ( h.orq w"' 10 o•d che,.••u,e} ll·e bbc!' po"e·~ erd s:: '"'I; r wer econom1c \•alues and ad,·ersely ar- feoct long establl hed locations in Newport and Balboa." The pc?titioners further staled that they were \\illin't to work and cooperate with the City Coun- cil in every way possible "in this improvement for the betterment oC our community." I Then the m<'mbers of the Coun- cil had their say. l\11\yor Les Is· bell and Councilm£'n Braden Finch. I Dale Ramsey, Ross GN'f>ley and D. K. Blue all agreed that thl' No. 1 problem \\'8S removal of the PE track. and stA tion. but that morf' study or the £'ntire proj<-ct I needed. Then came the storm. Publisher Reddick stepp('d for- ward, remarking that h<' hoJX'(i h<' could hold his tempc?r. Sin~llng out Op•n Stocl 425 the ri\·e rouncilmen. he a<'CU cd P'l•c• "ttlngs frorn th m of being .. , a cilia I int:: hypo- cntes a nd liars." He said that he would carry In his paJX'r Thursd3y an apolO$;Y to PE because "thl' KAREN· MARGRETA Imports -Nordi= G~fts 1307 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mer Harbor 1)73 Hours 9:30 to 5:30. Open Sund•Y' City Council does not k no\\ what it wants or which wa) it IS goin~." He pointed out that tht> Council had authorized pending Sl2.500 I I for the right of way. which had. in tead, bet'n acqu1N'd fre<' of I chargt' for I he propo ed 31st St. cut-off. I "This cut-off was ~our l'equest, not PE's," he said. "I'm ashamed ~~~~ of you. I have ncwr sC<'n such I nl-\'8cillation and equh·ocalion. Your I v-.WS.. minds werC' made up before you ~ot here ---counolmt>n without qJ.,Ne4 ~~~~e to carry out your own I. He read a letter to Oscar Smith, PE prt-sid nt. dated Jan. , 1951. prepared by the special commHt<'e We've been having a BIG argu-and authoriz.ed b) the Council, ac-1 ment, Colleen and I. (Colleen is comp.-:unin~ a map of the proposed my sister manikin --• that red-cut-oU and outlining the detail. I head s i t t i n g over there in of cut-ofl roadway. The project O'BRIEN'S other window.) It's .. ,3 described In the Jetter as part about what I hould tc.>ll you about of the "plan of acquisition of all in the column this week. ~our right or y.ay easterly or 58th I I want4'd to ~u you aU aboat ~t ." (the po siblc site or a re- tbat acw GeiAtex SWM.ter that located PE stat ion and yards). jolot CAJIW' la, ,.·blcll I lmow you Tht>l"l' \\as applaus<' among thl' wW J-t lo\•e beeatH~e It 1• MICb audience when he fimshed speak-hiP tJtyte. It's wide rib (Ia . I ) cl .___ mg. I"" wool, o oourwe u --Mayor Isbell remarked, "I think ta.e adorable turtle eeck U\at you're \\Tons:. 13(-n. I don't say Is 80 MW. eome. Ia C"Y ..._.. we're giving up 31st St. It's kind ._Coli~.~~ ·1-~~~~U you of hard. unless you're a lawyer or ~~· u UUA.l> newspapennan with an abundance about the brand new Carlye of words, to combat such a speech dresses that have scarcely been with words." unpa~ed. True to Carlye atyl-Councilman Finch added his few ing, they are breath-takingly in-words: "NeitheT names nor thJ'¥ll dividual and I know you'll just will make me change my mind. love them I But they are aD 10 Perhaps somethinJ bi,gger and bet- cute and each one so different ter is coming along, and that t hat it would take me columns doesn't mean giving up 31st SL" and eoh.anns to t ell you about Harry Estua, an opponent of the them. You'll have to oome see. cut-off plan, sa.ld. "I see no reuol'l PertrPI' I ..._.. • e • U •• why that plan ahould be ntlroaded ..... .._ hi:awal .. eeata by through tonight. I don't think !!*__.. ._ "-~ -many here like a speech like w118e a.e Ia .-• _.ec"-Ben's." This remark brought ap- Ia ..... _. ..... llt!l'e .. • plauae from t he audience. ....., -* ,..... ...._ • wear. '"nne first thing is to get PE 01' ..,e.er .._... In ..., ~ out," Mayor IabeU said. '"'be city ... :r:: ,_. Ia --:!,;;.!;t engine« has said the cut-off wouJd -.e -.. lu ..,. a& .. __ _., ... _ ·-'f' I aJ lh ~ .... ~ IMt ~ not nanuJC u"' U<U lC. ways ,._,._,.It leolm _ _... tile have thought that it would not, --r-.....,,. .but it might be an openina ~· llll&fll-....,_! This doesn't mean that 31st SL Velma wanta me to tip you off will be junked. though tt ma.y be to watch thl.a colwnn for a good r be de 1 'th PE " surpri.se "''hich we'll tell you a bout i we get a t ter a Wl • next week. But knowing how hard Reel estate man John Vogel aald It 1a f« Velma to keep a secret, that the busineM-llke way t o do we're not sure it'll be a surprise is to get a price on the PE right by th<'n Anyway you'd better of way and .-Y It, as the cit y did ch k · h t k t be on the stretch between McFadden ~ us ex . wee o sure Pl. and Main St. your.; not ~mg a~ything .. ~d Referring to the cut-off plan, he stop m at 0 BRtEN S or you rl" said t h:lt cuttjng through a street bound ~.be mbs_lng 10me pretties at right angles is not t he waY. in remmme fash1ons. I trnffic flows. Improving the prea- • ' .At . ' ;. ~-) '-~ ' ~ IPnt str<'Ct (Newport Blvd.) with f bu.sinesa on both aldea Ia the tiline tn consider, he added. fllENTY Of NOUliSHIN& FOODS SHll &000 HEALTH ••• ....., mldCI•• • • , IMicJM echolett. Aa4 '-e et ltlch•"''• LWo Marht ,... find b•tl-rlfttint velu.s in el ... fnorite foods for •,..ttY pacle4 lundtet . . , for •ppatmnt ..... school snecie • • . for i.ethr .,.._._ f••t end d•licious dlnn•tS. • • • • • • • • • , Nuc~ YELLOW tWA lb. 29C Si~• V2 2St '•rlon e•n · :<:., 1 s , 1 • \ , .. . r -~ · · · ,. .. -~ or Rofi.G zsc tin 2 for Uno•-lrnporl.G Cooled llon•l•u Bollad laws 2 lb. 249 o••l Featuring Manning's U.l. Oov-t. Graded C"-toe -.ef . Flneet ... , Olttal..-.. COOKING SCHOOL SPECIAL BRIDGFORD•s SWEETHEART H • • • • lit. BLADE I • ••• lit. • • • • •• THUftaDAY CIIERRY PIE ..................................... : .... . CAI:E DONU1'S ..................................... -..... . each 56c .6 b Me f'ftiDAY . CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ... ..... ......... . 2 lor 25c Ora'"l• CK~nut LAYER CAKES ........................... .. .. .......... each 16<= lA TUft DAY Chocole+e P•~n I.OAF CAKE ........................................................... each. ~"'cAJ:E ...................................... _ ....... 3 tor 26c Meaanine Shoppe ComiDg Gaa. lOOih .AnniftnCIIy ..,. .. lpelill 11.39 Value for .. 1-quert e-red ~--,... 19c fot ............. _ .... .. s;. s-u c.t•"' cu,. ret. 60c for