HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-11 - Newport Harbor Ensign. ..,.. .. ' ~C\\'J)OTt Harbor Comm\D'lity Chest Drive w.mt over tht> top Tuesda)• night. For the second con- &eeuti\ t> year thia cl ty led the state as the first area to ~ its quota in the Red Feather drive. The drive now stands 15 per cent O\cr the 116,000 goal. First area to rnch the quota ~.000 -wu Bay Shores and l\liracJ .Mile, majored by Mrs. Harold Ayres. Mrs. Harvey Sort'K'rs, president or th<> Community Chest. has an- nounct'd a Victol"} luncheon Tue5- da\ noon at the Balboa Bay Club. C.aU backs to pick up promised s:Hts must bt> made ",thin the next few days by the many \Ohm- tet-r wot kc•rs. acrording to Jud~e FranJ< Lin.nt>U rompaism m.ana~ter. Re\• Je.mrs Seth Ste-4-art has TIM" IK'COOd fatality in last F ri- beftl ~ly selected by the Ida)' nlght'a a uto acd~t ~t 29th lion u ~ new .-....... St. and Newport Bh·d.. m NtoYooport ~ pres byterIan I occutftd TUNday wtwn Air Force OJ~ m Newpot:t Hefahb. He I Pfe. Cbarl8 Cla)•toa ~~ lJ a .,.actuate of :uct.A "wltb an ex-&d Ia Mardi Air Force_. 11 and tPMtw ?.'lr iKord u ~t phat He wu ~ --r. C08UNoder in t he U. . :-Ja"'Y· 1 Mrs. Ralph E. Chapman of 2!518 Durtntc t~-o tours of duty ln Oran~ A\t'., Coata Mesa. . World War U he bt'came one of 1 . Young Chapman was the drl\'t>r the leading fighter-pilot aces with of the car that went out or con- 10 Japanese planca to his crediL trol. smashed into a corrugated ln 194.9 he graduated frOITI the iron building. hit tY.~ ~ki!'8 met- San F ranct&CO Presbyterian St>mi-PTS and ~ ''no parking It~ ~ nar a t San Anselmo ";th the co,·. brokE' a light pole. Jack W U etcd p reaching prize. Since gradua-l firley, 17. of 396 21st St.. Costar tion he has ~n asshr•tlng his fa-suffered a compound (racture o ther, Dr. James K. Stewart. at the arm and a bruised shoulder. the Bevt>rly Vista Comm u nI t y Sen let'S for Charles Cha~ Church In Beverly Hilt.. ~ill be hcld at 3 p. m. !omon'O\' Rev. Stewart is maJTied and hu t Frida) l at BroY.-n ColoruaJ ChaP_el three children. AI. new pastor he In Santa Ana. with lntern:'enl m will preach his first sermon at t. Fairha,·en C<>mett'rv. Sen a~_J~r Andrews Oct. 28. Jack Turley "ere held Satw-.-Y at Baltz Mortuary In Corona del I Mar. with Rev. Paul Babbitt of- ficiating. lntermE'nt was In Mel- rose Abbc>y Cemetery. . Trustees Approoe 1Annexing Plan Climaxing the <.'>.tt>nded di cus.- saon at a numb<'r or pubUc hear-ing~ the Board of Trustees of Ne\\.;,ort J larbor U n i o n H I g h School voted at the regular meet- ing Monda'' to go ahead ";th the propoAJ to ask the city of :-lew- port Beach to annex the high school campus. l"he•etruBtec't are asking annt-x- atlon of OM" pJ'ftf'nt school campus only, not the nev.·ly purchased area 1 on tht" other aide of 16th strt't't. City Council Monday e\erung ar:>pron'<i a 10000 program for ampro\ m<>nt of Balboa and Nt"W- port boolt>\'llrds and instrudt'd Cny Entran ff &-rt W.-bb to pr - pare Jl1a.ns and spt'Cilacations, and to ~ \\1th acqw.sltion of the rMnai.nini parct'!s of land n~t>d for the m:;bt..of-way. Ht>re a.s th< appro'ed prJ10':un: 'Th XC\\port Balboa St~t Plannin~ Committee me' ~pt. Z7 and Oct. 4 and instructed the un- d r"i~ed a SK'!"t"tary, b) unaru- mous \Ot • to requ t ~o•Jr hon- orable bnd:; 10 pt"OC'I"f'd a.c; roll• ,. .. towa.r& th<> \\i d· nm of Ball;oa Bl\'d. from 30th O:t to Coe<;t Histh- wa~ and ~ewpot1 Bl• d frcm Ftn- 1 ' An~ to 30th 1 · 1. I• i.l n-qnestf"d :hat the thr paret'l" of propert\ O'l.\'ned by Adams. \\'ard nd ~1arble OC> pur- chased or cleared. The are lht> 13<>C'kn('r l I r<'maining J"r<.'t'lJ n ry to complete th a~ui-.iuon of the "Pf"I"50L\Ut) of th.fo \\ H k " Ik-al'h. ar.d h. r moth r \\("!"(' r"r ris:ht..of-"a)·. lh· Bl'TII IfiLL "llOl ' a: hom Jn ~lbocl than at "2. If po' iblE'. at 1~ req It'd It eem5 t>Spt'CiaUy ·appropriat.c th<' hom.. th<' u.~rrub occupted on that the above ac ion~ compl ted that the first woman to be pre.t-a part ot th va t aca· l: whlch not later than March 1. 1952. ck>nt of t~ ~ev.-port Harbor Com-I now Torran~ a.nd. " 0~ a ·'3. lt is requested that tM oty munit)' Chest -Sal!> Wt""Ston So;n-land .:rant to a.."l earlier &>o \\ es-!'\~;in r be inst:ructf'd to PI""PM"e en should be a native not onl) of ton. ~ plana and spedficaUm.s for the Southt"m CaUfGJ'II:I&. but also of -11~ ·.~ t:T&nd-unc~. Br1l ~-\\ ~-widenin' anct inlp'o\1ng of MeW· the Harbor Art>a lt.IE'lf. ton, 6&l•t'd around tnt" Hnrn m port 81\-d.. ant Ba~ Bhld.. u Oaup~r 0( tlM" late &on w .... 1848. &1\'d Jihortl) aftlrv.vd5 .._ roen~ d)oW n.. plMit tOft, we~-n) chti.:DU. 5£Jh M.ll'lnl~ e>n Catattlla Maftd am ~·to be~..­lit~ Uy ~ Up OD boat• m and a:, a ~~ n<M popuJa~l~· k.Ji<m'n a r.ot lat('t than March 31. 1152. in around ~ev.:port Harbor. Il<'r fit. • n \\ e t~n Pornt. Some 4•000 ontf.r that tbe city rna_ apply to t.,h~e~r.:.. _:bo:::_m::._:a::n.:.:d:_:ra::,::i ::...l'd:_;a::.:t~R::<'do..::..:.:..."d_o:_--:~:-1 c_o_r_11_'""";'U<'_d_on-;:::pa_g_e-:=:7:-)--tht> tat~ to program the ry "(. That n<"C(' ry right..of-way -Set ns tax funds. tor tht> " deniru~ or ttw> two a bow rt'K'nUonf"d project$ is alrt"ady owne-d b) th~ cit}. ",th too ex-A financial r<>port on th<> ue-~tr Uonba~t'r announet'd ~es-Ct'ption or th~ Marble property. C('SSful third annual Corona del l<>rda' that about 1.500 lobstt'r • Accordinst to the city en~. Mar Treasur.-Da~ and Lobst<'l' m al~ \\ rt' 'J'·ed. This com-there is approximate!~· $25.000 m Bake will bt> gjn~n Mon<b) E'\.'C· par "i h a h tie o\·er 900 mnl gas tax mont'Y unpros;nunmed this ning at a m«>lUUJ to be held m t.hc rH'<i Ja ... ; ~rar &nd th year ~ ru;eal vear. and at l antioa-teod Emngn Building, eom('l' of H!"li<:>-fore the cit)· "iU r~a'e a.n allocation trope A,·e. and Coa t Blvd .. tt a. ThP • f'a~urP ch t hidden b) I or approximatl?l) $3.'>.000 for pro- annoUJl<X>d by Cliff Uonbarger. Jam Van D) kt> pro,·ed harder to J!r3mmin~ nt'xt fic;ca) year. 11M" pl"t' ad nt of the sponsonnJt Corona fmd thi ) <'ar than in the wo P~-total of wbieh rna) bt> pro!mlmmt'd d<.'l Mar Busin Assodauon. ,;ow )ean.. The earch .tartl'd on or about :March 31 1952. ~ Thf:' amount of funds which will I nbout 5 a . m Saturda) and an No projects ";n requa.re a ppl"'x:i- bt> 8\'ailable for playlm)und p~r-<''Cira due was posted at noon. mately $60.000 in ns tax rnont'y poSt>S from T\'t'asurt> Days profat.s bu1 not untal 4 p m. "as the treas-and approximatt>ly $10.000 in funds \\111 be announe«i at that time ur found by Ellis Mt>ndenhall from other so~ for (."(Jmp)etion. AU local merchants and members and Ronald Raynor, both of Co-• "JO!i:'J J. SAILORS " of the \\'oman's Civic Leag\.l(' and rona del :\tar. on the 'acant lot at The C1t y Council also. Civic Assn. ar<> im1ted to the the t'op of ~ta.rs.nJerite A\'e. The • Awardf"d the contract for m('('ting. which will also scn·e as big clue "ru "a marshmallow o~ pa\"lng Corona del ~Jar alleys a critique on the two-day e,·ent. sa I t e d clacker and brou-ned. north of the hhth~-a) to th~ ully- ----which 1s a marl!uente," llfld the ~iillt>r Contract:ing Co. in its low t rt'8 Ua C' M't'kt·t"'l "er(' ad\'k~ tO bad of .499.04. Ordinance Apprond lty ('oUJicll Moaclay ~''f't~Wtt ran1 ftAal appronl tG tltfo IH'W MJWh1111oa ordlaaJW'f'. (~at~· oe pen t ud t.-~t of ordla~ OD peeN f...l!.) ---- choo~ bt>t\\('('n goin~ north or • GaH• final appro\'81 to ordi- outh on ::O.tar~E>rite in the oth r nances establishing a ~ tax on major clut> Later tht' name ·~tar-~ purcha s outside of the city a_nd J:'~rite" S(>('llt'd backward WB.!! Chan~n(t the n&mt" Of tate High-~tf"d. w&\' to Coast Hicthway. 'Each of lht> boys rt'C'eh·ed a $2.5 1 ; Awarded the cantract for defen bond and splJl a SlO cash pro,;dinst two sE-wer pumps and TAJ(f; OPE X HOl'~E TOtrR! &\\.&rd. W mnt'"! of the 'I'relll!ure motors for the Corona del ~ Out11tandln~ r<>alt) bu} in the I Days gn~nd pnze wt>re R.. H. bluff and bt>aeh to t~ Worthine- Harbor Area are open to tht> pub-Ot-a\·er of Balboa I.sland $100 dt'-ton Pump and Maclun<>r) Co on lie thi WN"k~nd See page 4 tense bond. and IOOck Gamaus of a bJd or 1662. • • THIS OFFER ·~EXP!RflS~ SATURDAY October 20, 1951 SAVE TODAY! YES . AT LEAST SEVENTY--FIVE DOLLARS M 0 R E, D E P E N D I N G 0 N Y E A R . M 0 D E L. & T Y P E Costs NoVhing .w Investigate!! ''' Ill II I :r 'IE / ., II II c •• ,. • I I ·- , l J .. She's Of a Cl Pi, Penn~ "She's a p6p!" laid Or .. SterUnl Paria of Balboa whft\ he aw hll new Uttlr ~-ha.l~ dauchter, bom Monday, Oct. 1, at St. Jo-~ HQIIIIitaJ. So t~ named her ~ lone Parla . . . lnJ- tially ~t what daddy ald. Uttle Penny Paris we'ebed 5lx pounds, four ounces at blrth and is home at 1726 Miramar Dr .• feel- ing just Cine. Mother ll feeling better now, too. Both of them are rect>hing excellent care from the maternal grandmother of the new baby, Mrs. Hugh Butterworth of OOHWLiiiW Re-v. Paul ............ Babbitt wUl ~ ''What God Expeeta ol You .. u the title of his wnnon for both the I:~ a.m. and 11 a.m.~ • Sunday at Corona del Mar CcD- mun.ity Church. 1"he Chapel cbolr will alng "M> God and 1," a Lat- \'ian Spiritual, at the 9:45 a . m. S<'rvices, and tbe Chan<X!I Choir wiU sing ''With Vojoe of Singing" by Shaw at the later ice. • • • t;.M ON OS 'LIAR ' "Are We Uars?" will be the que tlon to be asked at Cbri t Church by the Sea when tM pu- ..... -Of . PERSONAL INTEREST =============I tor, Rt>v. Tom Pendell, delh•ers hl.s sermon unday morning. Spedal , To find a Harbor Area reside.nt 1 hea\·y traffic loads; a 1107.000 Los Angeles. lleea ... t wa.ttlq for that time to come when your child could study piano ond hevo p enty of lrme to pfactice? Yoa "10 liM divick-d session an reekin g "ith possibilities! Morning classes now &\'ail- able. Ruth Barcume COrODCI del Mar Plcmo Studio HAitMw 1411-l IWa. FflST CHUlCH Of CHliST SCIENTIST lJOJ v-.. LW-. ,...,._. ... ~~~ A brenc~ of lll• Mother Church. The Fi~t Church of Christ. Scie ntist, in los loll, MeuechuMtts. Sul'ldey School ---· _ _ 9:15 e.ft'l Sundev S.rvice . ·--_ -.. _ I I :00 e.l'll Wednefdoy Ev.nin9 "'"tina.. 1:00 p.m Reodin9 Room lou ted et Ill flelrr S• .. B41boe, is o~n deily from 12 noo" to S p.m. e•cept Sundays el'ld llolide)llo notio'lelly observed. The public ;, cordiolly invi+ed to et· rend tlre church ••rvicet 4nd use the R .. din9 •oom. nN1C ft'AI.IAN DiHhEiiS .u.. Stab-........... Codctails Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge Ill'S IEIFIID AT THE St&N Of TH£ SWOIDftSH Sll\ rooos 11271 CoCIIIt Hwy •• Surtlicle 1..oDg leach 1-2405 Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos • Tamales e Chili Rellenos, e tc. e Steaks Stab • a... • Short Orden • o-.& -..=4 -x_,..n .......-.~me"' . Red Snappet' Cd,fe .. -- • r - music by the Sanctuary Choir "ill 1 who has contrabutE'd rmr-. than his corporation ~'U'd. ~ ef11cimey l nclud<> "How Lovely Are Thy ha~ to W .ound ~" th and of he aty'5 man) senics· ...s Dwelling " b} Arthur Fag~. with ~ood .. PI.lllrung of our town look up n.-plAct>nWDt o1 rll<lft u.n' fh.e soprano obllgato sung by PhyllLs 1Ls I bf>U, CJ\JC l adlooa , ma}ar null'S or wood sta\e ma_jar water Fields. of our ot}. CJt} counolman and linn •Les is suJJ pullinc rect.'OOd • • • dealt>r an bUJ.ldmg and contnacung splint~ out or bJJ fiQc1ers from Ft'R~"I H TitAN POBTAnOX upplu · that one.l In tha )'a!'. II1CmP) Free bus sen·ice is a vailable for L(> Wlll ~n rom Jet e 30 ~ears "-..s set uide foe a Df'W WlftC Cl'l chlldl?n attt>nding Sun<Jay jchool 1~ local bust~ · 1 of tht>m as our City Llllral). And m thr at the Newport Harbor Lutheran City couno!rruln Ht> hasn't keyt line of plenninc, a DP"t~L' mutn Church m Newport Heights. By l anack of h total hours ~1\en to plan bas beoeD de\~ ~ t.tw ca.llint~ BEacon 6056-W. the chll· comnull~ ~tan~ on o ty pro-Park. Beech and R.ecrat.aon Cam- drt'n "ill be picked up ror the 9:30 1 JE!C15• but af he added them to-1 nuaion and ~ou·n 1ft resutu fram a. m. claat'S. At the 11 a. m. wor-~eth6 and apphed tbt>m to a , .. ca. Jl aJOD.. ship sen-i ce, the sermon "ill be I uon. he'd haH• about a )e&r to I \\~ ·~ 1"e'ppt't about oar "A Pro$tram or Spiritual Rearma· hunt and '! h at that t~ldom-mayor and our oty's ~ and ment," by Rev. Herbert C. Roth. \ISJted cabm of hu In L tah. promise. •-e ~ ied to uy, "'You • • • charge of the !'ewport Beach bor area!" And we take pride m Text ts Epheslam 6:10 . 17. I Comtntit here In _1922, hr took I can· afford not to lh-. m \M H.ar- 'TIED WITH A STIUNG' Lurnbt>r Co Soon h became a the statl!me:nl of )ta)'Or h~: Dr. Harry White has selected leader m fonrunlit th farst Cham-·'E"'ef'Y gr'09oinK dty oeeda a the theme "Tied With a String" ~r of Comme~. ~-u an oricinaJ good Sa\i.Dgs and Loan AIP'dtl- for his sermon Sunday at the Bal-directo r, and prK~dent In 1931. tion, and V."l" ~ proud of our Jo- boa Island Methodist Church. The The ma)or ~ 81"8~" pracu~ caDy owned. locaUy ~ and title has reference to the bird oun.d plannang for any project, ~rath-e ~'E't'"PPRT BALBOA who cou1dn't fly because it was Jltl!llc~arl) for th CJt) 1t "" FEDERAL." ti(.>d wilh a piece of string Music thuo; k.ind of approach that won at tht' sen·iet> will includ~ Brig,:rs' ham a se~t on the coun il in 1942. "Hold Thou M y Hands," sOnst b~ I and (>)ecuon as ma)or m 1950 fils Vera William . first )ear as our fin-t c at 1 zen • • • brou~t a ~raufyln~ conclUSJOn to 60I1lt' pro~ for "tuch hf" has ralled man) a nw.-t>Untit to orck>r -• -the one--and-a-thu-d nul or Balboa Bh d ",d(>Of'd for 1M DR. ELLIS TO PEAK Dr. h ·an Elli.s of Lonst Beach \1.111 a~aan officiate at the "orship n ice or the First Bap1i t Church at ~aneteenth and Court tret>ts In :'l:<'wport. ubject at the 11 a m . nice "ill be 'nans"t>red Pra}er." Dr. Ellls will preach on "Satisfaction and Joy" at 7 p. m Sunday. The Women's ~ti ion- &r) Societ) will mHt 1\lt'sda \ at 10 30 a. m. · • • • • Merger Is Discuued VOICE and PIANO Clane' in Ear Training and Sicjht Sinc)ing Vc'ce Pupils Prepared for C orcert, O pera a"d Oratorio LUIGI and ARLINA V AIANI 319 Seaview Ave., C orona del Mar. HMor 0 170-M Discus ion of the m~>rger of the !:>unday School Guild of the Corona (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ del )tar Community Church with - thE' Capilla Circlt' was held a t the bu.lnt' meetinlt or tht' group Monday t'Vt'ning at t ht> home of 1 1\frs. M. H. Verbur~ in Corona dt'l Mar. A vote on the mer~er will bt> tllken at next Month's met>tin~. Mrs. Ot'U Schweitzer, mother-in-I law or Mrs. Richard Schweitzer of I Co ta Mesa, pi"(>S('nted the pro- gram, colore<l mo\'ies or South Amt'rica. Mrs. Norman Frahm of 1 Corona d(>J Mar reviewed a chap- t<'r of ''Women of the Bible." I PLA...'Ii CONCERT DRIVE I Workers who "'ill aen member- ahipt to the Conununity Concert ' sertM begiMing a week from Monday are meeting at 4 p. m. today at the High School. Former members may mall renewal sub- IICrlptJona to Mn. L. C. Sawin. 1308 Clift Dr., N Heights. Clu •• Start ~Y,IIT.D 7 p . m to 8 p m Boys and Guls of 6th, 7th and 8th grades are invited to JOln --- . Da:nc:in9 0 •• Each Tue.tay in the Studio . ' Dorothy Jo Dance Studio ' I. ' WCIIIDCI Buy a Dog? , --It needs paint; it needs wallpaper and a little clean-inC up, but the living room is 15'x22', with fireplace: there's a .epara te dining room. two spad ous bedrooms. and large. IWU'IY kitchen. Har dwood floors, floor furnace. level lot ln an R-2 zone with a ft-n ced yard. It's on a quiet strt'Ct n e a r mar kets a nd it's CHEAP! $2,000 has been al- lowed orr the price for de- corating. You $9 7SO can buy il for . . . I ---and !,816 hudlf'll. • • • Wanna Ne w House? Here's a terrific buy under construction: Two bedrooms and rumpus room, hardwood floors: 1,100 sq ft. Lots of colorful $9 9SO tile. Only 1 Comp. • • • Need 3 Bedrooms? Try and beat this complt-tcly furnished 3-bedroom home, with haa•dwood floors, new rurn.iture. lat·.v~ electric range and refalgerator. All nev~•ly dccora ted. $12.500 Full prlet' . . ---and owner will carry back a 2nd T D. to qualified bu.yer. ftiJIIIiiVIPIC.. 1101 Coast ll¥ct~ Corone del Mer H~ 1741 or HAri»or 14n E-!it~p: HAri»or Jtl-M Lovely 3-bcdroom home on 60' com er lot. Hardwood rtrs. carpeted. Uoor furnace. G I Resa.Je ..... 65 moeth includes taxes and insurance. $14,750 THJ IS A GOOD Bt'Y * * • NE\\' ! bclrm. modern home overlookin~ 1 he C a n yo n s. Priced under SlO,OOO. Terms. Bt:'JlRY 0~ THTS ONE!! See Mr. Jlogu at f04t Cout llh ... Ooron.a aei Mar Ranch type -almost new - OW!I'Iooking upper .,_Y -3 ...,ooms -2 baths -dln-1111 room -laundry and eer- '\'k!e room -2-ear prage. Will trade :for Oorana *I ll'ar ~ or income. Balance Euy Terms a Low Interest Rate. • • e ... .., .. rt)' .... wttiiH ................ .. ,.,..~ (celebrated last Frtda)' and Saturday In Corona •• Mar) wu a great IUCIC8a, but ~ blaelt Treuure ot all aUU rematna and is avallable to the serious mlnded individUals who look for com- fort and happiness ln the future. The Treasure of Corona del Mar is the ownership of a home in thia .Ughtful oorru;nunlb'. We aN' ~ to ~erve you in finding the home you want at any price, which II within your mMN: Fw ·~: a 3 bdrm. home f\lmiah~. $12,500. AMG~er: a 3 bdrm., 2 stories, JnM- ter den. dining rm. Air oonclitioned, OCM.n front~shown by appointment only. When looldna for a home, a buikttng )ot or a rental contact u s by phone or in pe1'801'l. COIO.II DEL 1111 PIOPE Till "We're h~ng guests this wee k-end and w e plan to make a tour of these Open Houses being shown by our Real Estate dealers in the Harbor Area." • .,. --'I DIRECTIONS FOR YOUR TOUR OF· OPEN HOUSES ARE GIV£N BELOW : • To atert your tour, drive through Corone del Mer to Corone Highlencta, twn left to Serre Drive. On Serra Drive. Corona HiCJhlcmda OOEAN \"l t.'W HOMES. New, 3-bedroom. hardwood floors, nreplaccs. all latest features. 60-ft. lots. Best bu.rs in the entire area a t :- $13.750 to $14,250 Open Friday-Sa1urday-Sunday ·TOM PAYNE or C. A. CARPENTER SJO Cout Bh d., Coroaa del Mar HA !'7U * Return to center of Coron• del Mer, turn right on Merigold to: ~---------------'7l4 Marigold. Corona del Mar New, 2-bedroom ranch style, ideal for a re-- tired couple. Landscaped, with bearing fruit ta•ces, cncl()S('d patao. Extra large mastPr bed- room. hdwd. floors, forced $14 500 air heal, lots of cabinets I terms Open Saturday-Sunday EARL CHAMBERLAIN GOO Ooa•t. Bh·d. ... HArltor !!88 -Opposite the Bank in Corona dcl Mar • Retvrn to Coeat llvcl., tum left to O rchid, turn right to comer S.eview. 314 Seavie w . Comer of Orchid. Corona d el Mar A RE.AL HOME on double com er VIEW loL Well builL 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, hardwood floors. fireplace, lots or tile, double garage • • • Open Saturday-Sunday. $19 500 Good tenn.s .... Lot 1 alone ls wor th 10.000. JOHN E. SADLEIR. Realtor 801 C4'Mlst Bh·d .. , Ooroaa d~l M.ar. HArbor !4H • T ••• See view west 6 blodta, turn r;ght on Iris. 307 Iris. Corona del Mar 3 bedrooms mart and modem , wall-to-wall carpeting, drapes, double furnaces. A-1 con- struct., like new. Close to $19 500 ta beach. 0J)('n 12-5 Su.n. 1 tl'Tll8. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 115 Oout Bh ·d., Corona c1t>l Mar. IIA !4'71 • Return to S.eYiew, furn right I blodt, turn left to: 211 Heliotrope A 2-bedroom. with hardwood noon, n;m, patio, and double garage. $19 Very ci()S{' to beach I Open after 12 Sunday FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. MIS Coast Bh ·d., Ooroaa del Mar HA U5! • Retllfn to Coeat llvcl. enct ctrive to Newport a .. ~h. Follow algn• to Lido lale, ~ •• pin gto rigM on Ucto Soud to: TWO OUTSTANDING .HOMES Bayfront at 507 Lido Soud. Lido Isle An ideal fsmily home, 5 bedrooms, large pa- tio, sandy beach, pier and slip. MUST BE SOLD' TO SE'ITLE ESTATE. Open 12-5 Sunday. Your hostess here: Gloden Fay. AND • Retvrn to Newport llvcl.; tvn~ lefi, d ri¥e through .. 1~ on lelboe llvcl. to t.t. Comer M and Balboa' BlYd. NEW 3-BEDROOM. 1% baths. Parquet floors, forced air heat, fireplace. Unusual wood pan- elling ln living room. Used brick and cedar ~~~~ ~~~~Jo;·t...~D ... ~~·~·~·-$19,500 Your ho t: Dick Fay. Open S unday 12~5. Both of these tx-autiful houses shown by : HA JH4 • Drive eh .. ct on Chennel ltoed 2 bloc~•. turn right to: 428 SeYille. Balboa Pe ninsula FURNISHED MODEL HOME. CaUf. modem, of latest design and color. EDW. H. flCK- ETT. Architect ; NEWPORT FURN. CO. fUr- nishings; WM. M~NKER. $19-.-.. colors. A delightful home at.... ~ HARBOR INVESTMENT. Realtors :Swpt. Bh·d. at ~Mil Newport BeMih. RA 1 .. BBP~IIIIIIG Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman . 1574 Newport Bml.. ec.ta MeiiCI. IIEacoD 5121-J .. IIY IEIIJY -6~ lowly acra, vtew, .., dul6aft, high ••trk:Uona. VERY CHOICE. tiEW LIT in CUff Havm. nne oomer loc:aUan. s- :,: =r~r market at ... _ ......................... _ ............... SJ.JII -E. ..U.OA ... .._. .. ,_,. • 3 Bedrooms, larg~ living rm., 19'x20': fireplace, closets and storage , patio. Well land- sea ped. 4% loan. -JIAitlllfS ............ IIA"-- ' . New 2-bedrOCIIII ~. 1 block from ooeus aDd bay. Comer location. Tennl: ~ clowD, ~ Sl7 .,..-month . Fumllhed lmotty pine beach cotta~. OONn aide ot tqtt. ....v. Room for ~xpansioll. R-2 lot. EA.aL au._•A.Df _c..& .... IUP---O,p tMc ....... c.-..., Low M•tlaiJ ra,_,.ta Large home with many extra features. Beautiful ll vI n & room with fireplace, dining area . hardwood floors, lots or tiJe, co\·ered patio. double ga- rage. Extra wide lot. ::: .... ~. $1,.- PHD. SULLIV AM GEO. EVERSON 1156 Newport llvct~ Colt• Meu (AC!'Otl from Coate Meu a.fli) BE 7123. 5458·J-Eves. HA 3157-W -.u.Y- Now ls a cood time to ... y that BALBOA ISLA~"D HOME 3-bedroom. 2-Mt.h borne. Car- peted from wall to waU throughout O\'er hardwood floors. 6 mootha old. Front and reu spr:ink.ler s ystem. Lots of cloeet and storage spaoe. Oceen view. Brick ~o~ lot$11.500 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor eu o...t •••.. co• IIArtlor I U4 You might just as weU de-J[lj~~ii~~~~~iii~~~ cidt> now. ror your family. Here, bay llvin~ is defi nitely a migh1 ~ fine choice. We can he lp you. Hom<' ancl income is popular, and we have a choice of low prie<>d l\\'O·unil properties that are paying well. Oa th.-Bayfront •.. w e can show a very SP ECIAL moneymak- ea·. It's a home and separatt-apartment ... terms. 1.1. leek Ollic:e ..._ blaiHI Ferrr Harbor a Balboa ...... NEW V.CONE '9"':!. -& TeletWOD • ........ y v.ta-- NOT the "Best Buy on the lalcmd" NOT .. A Special" IUT It is a n £>xcep1ionally nice 2-bedroom home with many featur~ and fine appointments. 4 ycers o)d. Beautltul atlllrtment and maid's room. Attra ctively furnished. \VIlE.~ YOU 8EE IT YOU WILL Bl'\ IT SpeciAl ~signed for ~njoyable y~ar 'round Jiving, well loc:tted on double Wldth Jot. Richly fumished throughout. The qu1et charm and d~stinctlon of thls luxurious home wiU instantly appeal to the discriminating taste! • • • 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, maid's room and bath plus extra bunk room and batl!. Large lhing room-dlninc room-fully tiled ldtchen. Beautiful lanai opening on apaciou~ patio--.3-car garage-many extras. Shown by appointment. l'XC'Iualve agen t. W. w. SeldM, ltaltor Parlt A \'"elblle at ......_ IIGG&9T IUY IN SHORE CUFFS Lot 115. 105-ft .. frontage on ocean side of Shorecli.H Road. Call HArbor 1109 or see your b roker. ROOM on I mv·~ aftt>r 5 P·l 1-~~ 9-2072 . FOR LEAS! duplex. • Ph. Ownet Larkspur. 1-BDRM. fw l'eft tal. 21 FURN. API'\ nna. ldMl claM to~ ter ren ta.t. HArbor lf ATTRAC. F1 Yrly rental Corona dtot FURN. G~ 1-bdrm. wi 409 PoppY BEAUTIFUL Jiv. nn .. gl looking ba: Park Ave., CHurch Ill ~ BE Au'TIFUL !urn, bay t good ~at. 15. Also Is. HArbor~ AV AILABLE house rum. ;;.o; mo. ph HArbor 311 FOR LEASE- 3 rms. furn ance, acco etc. Conu HArbor l96 1-BDRM. nl~ lh·. rm. & Yrly rentat COM. HAL SltrALL sroi Harbor Bl\11 ~-J. FOR REl\'T F (('net."'<! pial washer, det pt'ts OK. nr ratt> Rd .. N 6861-J-K. 1·1 •• '50 FORD Dl '50 F ORD Vl '4.9 FORD Se '48 FORD S\1 '47 PO~"TIA< perfret .. '42 OLD 6 lt&:-H. H,y~ '41 MERCUR ·40 DESOTO '3~ FORD 1'11 ·~ PO:'>iiiAC :\tany More Your I Mt COA "On M BEacon 6604 . House: Weel SundA) & f • ltEALTOI • IUSINESS • RENTALS ll.b1 152) Coat ., • SALES • l .... a ......... & ..... ROOM on ~ priv. t.th. priv. ent., sundeck fadn& ocean. $10 •-edt )-Mrly. HA 21189-ll after 5 p. m. or ~k-ftlds. I-BEDROOM fum. apt. ~ 217~ Apo)ena, Balboa hland. ARbona 9-2072. FOR LEASE-New 2-BR. uat\lnL duplex. 801 PoiMettla, a>K. Ph. Owner, HA 1195-M-K.. 1'05 Larbpur. 1-BDRM. fum. apt. 185 mo., yrly rmta.L 219"' Pari Ave., 8.1. FURN. APTS. $45 mo. i up; a:LIO rms. ldeel harbor It OCMn view, dole to beadles. Summer .t: win· ter rentals. 1414 Seaview, CDK. HArbor 1451. A1'"l"RAC. FURN. apt~ One adult. Yrly rental. Rea&. no MArigold, Corona del Mar. HA 3025-W. FURN. GARAGE Apt. for ~t. 1-bdnn. with gar. Adults oa)y. 409 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar BEAUTIFULLY fum.. 3-bdnn. 1~. Uv. nn., glassed-in porch over- looking bey, $95 per mo. 109 Park Ave., BaJI)()a 1aland. or Ph. CHurchill 9-3>49. BE 6166-M. BEAIJ'TIFUL 2-~m. 2-bath, NICZL Y nJRN. nn. 011 Nara.u.. a>M. Sepr!te eet. HA OIM-W. FURN. .tudlo apt., ldtchenette, with ~. a.u.. IUQpOtch. 2nd floor. EJIIOI!pt.~•nt, 145 month. HArbot -W. CRARiiiNG ktGi7 tunL home iD B.L, 3 larp bdnna, 1 ~ t.t.t.. fiftpl., 1110 mo. 011 yrly Jeue. Call HArbor 1197-.JK.. APARTMENTS lc ~ for win- ter or yrty leue. Ed L. Sedel- ~Mler, 1523 Cout Blvd., CDK. HArbor 2786. POll RENT BUNGALOW APARTIIENTS Beeuutuny f\lm.. ..,... M•. roam with ftreplace, bdnn., ldtch!D- ette. Rate by day. week or month. FARM BOUSE MorEL 1304 Cout Blvd. COM HA 1063 FURN. API'S. tor rettt. See Lou- 1M A,pta. ftrst. Db1a. It alnpes, overJoold"f Be.y. • Camatlob, Corona de liar. C ty Council acreed M on d a y evening to check on the pr~ c o u n t y ordinance eatabu.bine pron~n oll fit-Jell, and directed a ty Manager John Sailors to iO\·esU- P te the ordinance and examine the ma.p showing tbe propo&ed pro\'en field near West ~ewport and Costa Mesa. ' de\'elop:neont of our pte'f''aY fram thP " t.'' A ~ ~ ot tJw blttllr Addinst to the Wormation tn the I fighting in Koree wu ch'al 1111 letter, Mrs. ~f'nneth Coolin~ stal-nhtht to Leogjon ~ 291 me-hen t!d that the oty hould act because b} Earl CoppenmJth MariJ1e 11- plans for nev.; prod!lcuon tn the fiCE"r and ronner Pos't ~ area near \\ e-t !'\ewport ha\'e er, "ho had been tn the t.ttlt be-en reportfd. front foJ almost a year. anikiClub "It i no police action, but a tough battle," he said. ''Tbe eMIIIIIF i " 11 c.>Qulpped.. n~. ~ mined: the tt>tTaln and weat.ba' T'hls move v.'U made after read-' ing of a letter from the Leu:ue of Ci\ic Ast!odations ~g ''Un- rnediate action to oppote the en - croachment of aU oil operations withln and in areas adjacent to the city. "'"'e Ovic League had \'Oted to make this request a t its meet· The Harbor Waniki Club. •i\"es are the Y.ont possible; our ~ of Newport Harbor Kiwanian , I ualtle are hltfh." held their re~r monthly ~t-He found it di$tresm\g to - Ina last w~k on Wednesda:t' at 1 tM Franehot ·Tone battle __.. the home of Mrs. Robert SJ)('th. man) mol"f' headl.in8 than 1M Costa Mesa. Mrs. M)flet Porter critical Korea fighting. ''Our .,_. of Corona del Mar was co-hostess ple dlould rt>a.liu> the cl.anlft' If at the party, which carried olUt ~ lose our t~t)old," he said. "It a Hallowe'en theme even to the the t'ne~ would unleash its aJr pumpkJn tart de~rt. powt>r it can be an ab8o1ut~ 0... ing last Thursday. "On~ proposed field lies imme- diately a djacent to the city, in an area pert of w hJch is being con- sidered for ~ventual annexation to t.he city," the Jetter tated. "We believe that it this area ts decreed a pro\''Cn oil field. and bil wells may be drilled there indtscrtm- inately it will seriously affect the welfare of this community and the Wanted Mrs. Bert Webb, New p o r t kirk ' · Heights. and Mn . Wendell Ho:,-t. Corona d I ~lar, wen-prtze "in-, m• ~ ners at bridg~ and canasta. Mrs. -J ames Van Dyke preside-d 0\.~1" the busin se lon, which include-d &lily a. ~ the decision to k p the Wa.niki ! meetinR"S on th first Wednesday ~11 or each month. $-bedroom. 2-badl borne. Car- peted from wall to wall throughout over hardwood floors. 6 montha old. Front and rear sprinkler S)'Stem. fum. bey front apt. Firepl&ce, ___ .., _____ .......,.........,......,..._ ......... ~PY.11C)rt Harbor Post 291 1ut BABY SITI'ING-IWUable. HA 1 8')T • ~ ru~nt \'otl'd to uk the ~caD Lots of cloeet and storage apace. Ocean view. Brkk good heat. $125 mo. until June For Sale 15. Also Jge. 1-bdnn. unlt. $75. ------------2925-J. ..,. ~ EWe Legion to lm dgate charges ~ and 1edwood $11.500 patio. 80-ft. Jot HArbor 2552. Eves: HA 2914-M. AVAJLABLE Nov. 1. One-bedroom house fum. Bendix. Lge. pa Uo. $55 mo. plus u til.s. Water paid. Earl W HArbor 3114-W. ' FOR LEASE-Modem ~flee suite. STANLEY 3 nns. Cum.; suitable for insur- ance, accounting, advertising. etc. Contact F . E. Blrtcher, Realtor HArbor 1964. 1-BDR.lf. ruccly fum. apt. Large tlS e-st lll•d.. ODM Jiv. rm. & gar. Ground floor. IIArtlor H1t Yrly rental Adults. 423 Orchid, l;~~~~~~~~ii~~i CDM. HArbor 2437-J-K. SAIALL STORE will~ 4 nn. apt. Harbor Blvd., o.ta Mesa. HA 2<m-J. NEW V-CONE '9"'::!. njce 2-~room home with many features 4 :,·ears old. Beaut1ful 11perune nt and ctivcly fum lshecl. YOU SEE IT YOU WILL Bt'\' IT lslaal Special y~r 'round Uvlng, well loca tro on double furnished throt.UthoUt. The quit>t chann and luxurious home will instantly appeal to t he . 2 baths. maid's room and bath plus extn Large Ji\.ing 1"001n-dinin;:: room-fully ful lanai opening on apaciou ... pati~r Showft by appointment. exduslve agent. ltJY IN SHORE CLIFFS 105-ft .. frontage on ocean Road. Call HArbor 1109 . see your broker. FOR RENT FURN.-3-bdrm.. lge. fen<X-<1 play yard, T V, a uto. washl'r, deep frt'e2<". Children, pet OK, nr. schools. 23581 Pi- rate Rd .. Newport Heights, BE 6861-J-K. 1·1 1·1 ·so FORD DLx. H&OD .... .$1510 '50 FORO V8 Dlx. Sedan.. 1410 '49 FORD Sedan, radio.·-··· 1275 '48 FORD Svp. DL~. Sedan 1<)10 '47 PO~"TIAC Sedan RltH ~rf'-'C1 ........ .. . ._...... 945 '42 OLDS 6 O ub cd&n. R&H. Hydramatic . ~·. 64.5 '41 MERCURY Sed. R.&H 620 '10 DESOTO Sedan, R.ltH 495 '39 FORD Tudor ... . . 185 ':ll PO:-..-riAc 2-door, R .. 210 Man) .More to Ch()()()Se From n ...... •••II• Your Ford DN..ler M-4 C'OA T HJWA\' "On M iracle Mile'' BEacon 6604 • -Newport Beach House: \V('(>k Days 8 'til 6:30 Sundny & Holidays 10 'til 4 E. L 1•••11111• • REALTOit • BUSINESS Of'f'OitnJNtnES • RENTALS BAitler .,. 152) Cont IW.. c.-.. ...., 49c Bunch Bowen by Morri 509 £. ........... ..... HMMw 107'0 WILL DO ODD J OBS, carpenter ~ holding rruhtar) penonMl under BEAUTIFUL Spinet piano. Repos-repairs, paint etc., by hour, day . 1 arrest in mJiitat') establWu:Dettta sessed. Pay out balance $387llke or week. HArbor 0126--J. I A panel discusHon on ·~Commun-for Jon( periods Y•tthoutb eln« ad- rent. Uke new! Another blond 1 NEED my bl&ck and white "~ C~~rataon •n th..• Ha~h School I \ised of charges, and wtthout be- mahogany case, gorgeous tone, Schwinn bicycle to deliver your I Dastnct wa the program .for th<' lng allo•ed legal counsel. in ~ $495. Famous make! Also many Ensign. My bike was boTTOWed ftrst rau m('(>tl~~ of the !Sewport lation of con.S,utlJUon&l guarantees. rental returns. Sa\~ from $120 from Port Theatre Sept. 15. Harbor High SChool PTA . m<'et· Parucular refel'enee wu made to to $300. All In perfect condition. HArbor 1481-R. 'sns: held TuP da~ ,-e~ tn thP infr~~ctJons n>ported at the Great DA."\Z • SCHMIDT P I A N 0 BABY .,.~.G b U bl 'd rE"Creatlon J"'!>m of th!! high school. Lak Na,-a.l Trlurunst Sta tioo. 6 ..:» ........ , Y re a e ma • t Pan 1 parllcapa.nts anclu~ M.t STORE. 520 No. Main, cor. th dleaged Ia~, CDM. day, We<!k or )larjonE> Adam-and Goss Grable. 0. CaluJ 1M St .. Santa Ana. Subject to prior stay O'\.'emtght. HA 143. l t<"acht-r . ~tr . Edgar H1ll and Stu-h sale. WOL'LD UKE work an parts dept .. a1 t lnnE>n. . parent_. Jeannie Tal-l '•I S~~EJ;,'!:'&.n:?:~~~~!~:::~: gas. ~tio!' attendant or what I stra and ~b E~5;ert, students Cpl Ooue!las T. A\·ery, 1011 ~ 5li Carnation, Corona del Mar. ha\e ~ou . 1318 ~t Blvd.. Pnnclpol ~ldne) Da,,dson \\85 :.tr and Mrs. T L. AVer)', 1633 E. CDM. ~ for Richardson at mod<>rntor Balboa Bh·d . Balboa. ulfered a WHITE ROTARY ctrop..head sew· HAr~r 0•93 Elt'a~_?o.. RaJ!'ln tt"Ported on knt>e inJUI") during a recent ~ ing machine. O.K. .... -·-29.50 TO BLY G I Rl.'·sale from Hteran Girl " ~tall' and Richard LUlok ~d near Stoul Koff&, wbile·on dutJ GRANTS FURN. & APPL . 111lln('d. Prh'. party. :-;0 r<>al-~ ~b El!b"rt t'PportPd on Bo:, "ith an anti-aircraft unit. \I:BI 1645 ~ewport Bh·d., Costa Mesa tors please. BEacon 6861-J-K. ::.tat<" PTA Prl!"ld nt )trs. Ro) broth~>r. pte Jun. is JUS\ 0 tea•- 6-CUBIC FT. Frigidaire. ~rfect W A."', I LOT So. side of hi~hway, Rou'" conduc."ted_ thl' m~\J.ng. at-~ ing for Camp S tOnelti&D for em- condition .. ·-·-· ·· ·· ··-59.50 CD~I. in exchan~e for '51 car t<>~d1'11 h~ 161 ' Jl.!fl 01' and teach-l.la• kataon to thP Far East ' GRANT'S FURN. & APPL. with o'dri\'e, radio & heater. HA ers. • • • ~hrapnd Y.Ounds 1n the t.dl 1645 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa liJO.\\', 132 Goldenrod, CD:\1. E1 ntar . ~ h 1 d ntal P....._ I and le~ ""'re suffered by P\-t. MARTL'i "40" outboard motor, t>mt• :-~c tkl e ,.,... Paul Adams. 22, of 543 Sa.n Be.r- $75. Small outboard skimmer, li!ram ''11!> df' nb\.d la.!>t we-ek. b) nardino Ave .• Newport Heigbta, ~ $30. Call HA 2669-R after 5 or Miscellaneous )hs • Emma ~la tull at the Kof· h~hung for 'H<'a.rtbl"Hk Ridp • W('(>k-ends. f('(> Kl!ltch m~!t-"'t o.f ~thers of In KorPa pt. 23, accordtna to HAMMOND ORGANS! The great HARBOR TRANSFER--BE 6927 ~llS :::>ch.nabel ~math s firSt gn.d-word rect'l\ ed b) tus fnends, Mr. Hammond Chord Organ. lf )'0\1 RE='IT A PlA..""O. Let the Kiddies t'rs. The moth('rs also learned and ~t.rs. C. a :-.:oms of the don't know a note, :,ou can play lt'am. $5 Jl('r mo. Full term rent =~u~:.,. 0~ t~.~~ans and pro-HcJ~hts adc:t.n?ss this! ~Hammond plnet Or-allowed on any piano in our 1\t ,., F 1 f o .1boa ~----.....,-..,..---- gan. World' most beautiful St , "--'!' "-~u.a . 1g • hnd and ;\In;. C. ·a. Barnett of or ock D ·' ,.'7 srtl"»~DT a · PI • rs. v . rt"(' ,. o ptl u.· r tile .., tones. Ea Y tenns. D A N Z • ano Stote. :>20 ="0 · l\tam, Santa Raltx.a Island "t>re in charge of SCHMIDT Piano and Organ Co. Ana. I the <;ocial hour '' luch clo ·>d the Santa Ana. 520 No. Main, cor KEYS ~ Maoe •;hile you walt. mrt>tin~ 6th St. Tommy'a Shop, Post Office BJk .. -• • • BULBS, n&rcissus l c each. Pink Corona del Mar. 1 F •ur Kufft>t-KJ tcht to be heJd hly, Ea.stt"r lily, etc. 3U Narcis-HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 m•xl wC'<'k "all !!tat t n!t the M'a- sus A\'e .• Corona dt>l )1ar. TELE.VlSIO='i ! Trade your old pi-'t•n·, informal mt't~tino.., ot ~t!~ TABLE-TOP O'Keefe & Merritt ano "ofl beautiful television. Bag 1 ('rs and ~home .r"'m t(acht>rs gas range . . .... ··-..... 39.50 allowanc.a. Famous makt"s m lloi"T-\ce Ensum ,choot. GRANT'S FURN. & APPL. television. DA.."'Z •. CJDUDT Date anno!J!let>d b) ;\lr . Fred 1645 N rt Bl d Costa "fesa • . San · Harrison. charrmari. as follows: ewpo v .• " 520 No. !\tatn, cor. 6th St., ta Oct. 16• ~orman StiJJ,,ell' room. FRENCH STYLE carved back 5' Ana. . . \\i lh par<"nt -;\frs. J . R. E\nns and I t.ofa and chair. sea greed.n bLargroca-F REE! Wtll you !!1\t.> a cute brown Mr.. l h R E'a"" 10 c-har.,"l'; Oct. tel cov_er. perfect con e "M utt" a home'! Small malt>. li. Frances Butler's room. :\t.rs. Woolwme elec. stove, has 2 1 Di temper shots. 603 Orchid. H A Schn:K'dPr and ~trs J K ovens, elec. blower. Evf'S. HA Corona del Mar HA 0174-W·K. ;\1~rr;am: Oct. 1 C a·t h ~ r ·i n e 2010-R. I I Chapman' room. ;\1rs. Stroller GRA.:\D PI.Ar\OS: Baby Grand. I Se . White and ;\trs. F . G Swain: Oct. repossessl'd. $495 Terms. Also ~ces 19. Harr~ )farlt>(S room. ~Irs otherg nl'w and used. Steinway. 0 . E . \\'hite and ~Irs. Don Charle ChickE-ring. Wurlitzer, A. B. HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 __ .......,.,_......,.,.._.. ....... _.___......,.___......,._ ..... Chase. Knabe. Raworth. l .. und· PAINTrnG & paperhangin't. Geo. -=----~ot~c strum. From $585. DA~Z-Burkhardt. 508 31s t St.. N.B. LaR:."tt• ~ ~ SCHMI DT, 520 No. Main, cor. HA 2418-W. call before 8:301_...,. __ .......,. ................................. _.__,.._.._. 6th. Santa Ana. 100 pianos at-1 a .m. or after ·4:30 p. m. Rt-!>t't'\·ation ... 01u,1 !:X' In T\Jpo;. wa:,s. COMPLETE HOUSECL.EA."il.NG 1 da~ for thC' F.h·ll \lub de sert 6 CUBIC FT. Serwl gas refrigera-Furniture & R{tg shampooing. etc. Bridlte tx-inl! held nt>''t Thursda~ tor, clean, perfect. 5-yea.rs war-Wor k guaranteed. Beecon 6111 at th<' dut-how .. ~· Rt'fn>..,hlll('nts ranty ............... _ ........... 149.50 AJ's Hou.~ and Wtndow Clean· ,,iJJ be ~rv!'d ~~ l2·:W with ca- GRANT'S F URN. & APPL. ing St>rv1ce. nasta or brids:e to follow. R4!'ceh·- l645 Newport Blvd Costa Mesn Ftill~"'TURE RESTORATION I lnlt T't'Sc:>M a lanns art.> )~'!' L G OGANY ff. d k 32.x60. Chair bottoms, benches and stools Allbou~h. HArbor ~: )Irs. MAli 0 1~ es · restored using cane, rush, reed, Harold Ahn>ndl. HArbor 457: and top, Pivel chlur to match. 2 e tc. FREE ESTIMATE. Mr<~. H E . Condon HArbor 1017-J pieces ....... -·· · ·-· · .. ·· 59.50 RAJtVEY"S 1 A Latin-,\ mt rkan n'' ue pro. GRA..VI"S F URN. & APPL. FURl\"ITUU REPAIR ,'id<'d th<' ·<'nt <'r tainm<'n for thP 1645 Newport Blvd. Co ta Mesa !OM Saata A.-A\'e.. O.O.ta lie. I first EI:X'II mt'f'tm.: of the :>Ntr la"t BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET. BBMoa llss-.1 Thursda' Th(' meio' m~ "a ron· Used.. Sa\·e$200. terms. Subject WANT YOUil DIRTY WORK I duct~ b~ ~ta--. C' M. Deoaki~!' to pnor sale. DANZ.SCHMIDT DONE • opPna nc h<'r s..'<'Ond con<:e<'U It\<' Big Piano S tore. 520 No. Main. GO TO fiAL ~t.>ar a pr<". i&nt. Mrs. Ralph ror. 6th. anta Ana . Complete ~~ ·~ l\Uckelson and )1rs. Frank LmnE'Il Sea h • Windows 0oor wu1n1 and pol of Balboa, and )1rs Meta :-.i('L"()n SIMMONS . u.yrest mattress, ~ __ .. ,_ -or Corona dE'I Mar. WC'rl' "'elromed perfect condition .. _ ....... ·-·· 29.50 lshlnl. ---· """'" memtx-rs GRANT'S FURN . .t: APPL. Call Harbor 1'751-W as .. • • · 1645 Newport Blvd. Coata Mesa H. H. HOIJIBOOK ~t·snA \"S ~ER~OS BUCKSKIN MARE 6 yrs old. ex-1'\---d-1...1-a~.-~..:-"Ukt> ~tat-s in th Dark" "111 ~t. ""ell trained. AlsO saddle --.-D uu. --·~ tx-t he St>rmon for Sunday b} Dr. .t: bridle. CaU Mr. Jay, HArbor A Prompt a.,.Jr Senk» Wilham )liddlemass at thE' 10 a .m . 828-W or HA 33. KafDtalned ser"'ice of St. A..nd:r<"Y. Prt-sb)·· ..... ...,.... IUI-W terlan Church in Newport H<'igbt.s. BEAtmFUL EJectric Or)tan. ~ -1 ...._ -.._ N.,.,_.t 11eM11 poaseued. Now onl,y $785. Big, A mt'f'UnJr 1 scbt"duled for 7 :30 p. m. ne~~ Thunda~ at Goodell H11 d ol n-l't Church b} the Sea, :'l:t~\\11011. tor foCDlatiOn of a com- mmf'f' to pi n off-base re!'Creation tor milJtar~ personnPI ,; iting the Harbor Area. Thts dt~• 1on was rna&! at last Dlf!h · meeti.nJ: of th Ctt) Park. Beach and RP<Teation Comll'UJISion. a tt ('ndt'd by represt'n tll t I\ es [rom El Tnro and chic groups fr()m both Co ta )ff'sa and :"ewport ~ach. ThE' Com'llL son '\.Oted to rt"COm· mt>nd a $1.100 program to provide 100 Jl3rk bf>nch<>s throughout the C'lt~. and a .... l<~~d the city to pay half of the .. ~1M summ"r reereatiaa pro~ 1 th<' c 1 ty has alloca tH Sl . .:?..';r!• A e lluo no; romplaint wa~ n.Jed m Ci 1) <..curt 1'ut> _ da,y charging )tr A l F~ tdmet r of 701 Jas- mint~ A\<', Corona d l Mar. with N'("kle-o;s dra\in~ She was also cit<'d b\ Police Officers John Re-~a.n and )1.-rrill Coe tor faJlure to ha\~ I" r dn\am:: IJCPnS<' About a dnzt>n Jl(>I""'n \\indinst up aC'll\ stit><> at the condu~ion or the.> Tr<-8.!>Ur4' 0a)' C'f'l brallon near mJClru~ht Saturda~, "itnessro th<' incident as Mrs. Feoldmeier dro\ (' bark 11nd forth on Jasrrunt" A\t' at C'Ntst Bhd . a mlin'! i.n the I!~ ''<'rat drit-ctaon of ~r husband. a ~farm<' Ji('Ut4>nant colone-l. re- C"(>Ilth n•turned from 'Korea. Tht> C'orona &:-1 Mar Comnnm:ity Churt'h launcht'd a drhe at a Pot- luck mN'Ung in the Gra.rnrnar School TUl'sday eownin't to raise $10,(\ll) for end ~in~ the addition now uncler oonstl"UCtion. ruu rounc1 tone. Easy tenna. P A I N T I N G DANZ • SCHMIDT PI A N 0 Earl ...._ • ORGAN 00., Santa Ana. 520 cal'lee 'No. Main, ror. 6th. tl'l ..__ M. -C..·-You Can Do Better 11IE OOJIPU:ft __. I'UL'I11 IFMW BEacon 5656 1111 llewpwt Jh.cL COft& .. . ..... . " FIRE PREVENTION WEEK II OCTOIEB 7 TO 13 can help to OFIB ··-U.liiE --- Fhe Chief Frcmk Crodrer admita theM may be banh worda. Ires simply by failing to guard agaiD8t them. - ~I II I j ;. ' I • But it II trUe tlaat we ca-. IDOIIt f1RES CAN IE PREVEN'I'ED. NNrly 100.000 fires wiD demoy lite cmd PI'OPMI iD tile Uaited ltat•• ID 1951. Almo.t half of them wiD be home &rea. You ccm do your part to PREVENT them by oh- Mning IICdety rules before lire c:cm .trike your family: 1 ll.ftlto\'fl l•flamm:lblt> rubbl1h, Inns ••cl •'"• from your • pr'OIN"rty M bunt lt. 2 ~n·e dty .....,W.Uoes tty bllnllac' _.Y t.et.·ef'tl tiN-1iH:M1n1 • of 1 ... t a. m. ""'"' flJ"t' ....,... are '"''"t. a1141 tty IIMml· lq at leut M f~t frem .. y ltlllldbl1. '0 ~ .. t.lrltee .. -.eta~ c.ta-... • oat ol ~·· f'ftM'tL • Dea't lfot \-.ea.t ~rty eear yoa ~ a fir~ llaarcl ~ • wttlt dr~· "'Heh or lrub. :.1 <Hot tM laaWt of d~~ oat "'~· a~. aed tr .. b a«u· .. • Malatloa at leaa1 ~ enr)' m•tlt. 5 t~ pet.t aa4 n,..._. .. TIGHTLY CLO ED CAS a"-.y • from heat aa4 oat of ltoafMo, ll l"*llllie· • • LH _,, ,__... ~ IMtall 'I~ • or ,......., Wlrtllc. . 6 Keep oU ...... 18 metal coetaiaH'a, Wt'll \'MUla lN. OHtroy • olly wa1tt' or rap altA-r lllllllac. 7 Doa't uw INFLAMMABLE FLUID!§ bt eleaalq dottle. or • noon. 8 .....,...P .u n~pb~ wtu. • metal ICJ'f'ftla. " One of your best scdeguarda CICJCiiDM fire ia to I UILD RIGHT. A eompeteDt arddteet wiD Pkm your bouM ., fire danger is low. A eompeteDI CODtraetor wiD build tor you with ...._... method. cmc1 materia& • WheD you plan to build, we urve you to think first of the Mniees of an arcbiteet cmd CODtraetor. JOiaaC.ilydoae .......... Volltractor Eqatpmeat R.t'lltala -AIIPhalt Pavlq a 01'ael&' 2649 W. let, Santa ADa, D 3-3118 ••. ,,., 503 W. 17th. Scmta ADa. D ~ .... Eft .......... ortal llw;illllll .., ... , ..... 1111 I. Media. Scmta ADa. D I-Ml3 0' Architects in the Harbor Area: J. Herbert hwJWD. A I A 1 ... c..t fllclnraf, N.,..,..n lleedL JJE 11'78 Pldlmer J. EllerbriMtk ~ttl ee..t ....... ,.. x_...n ...._ • am RatiDODCI K.d Haa vey. A I A 1416 o-.t ~ OeNIIa tiel liar. IIA liU FI'8Cierick HOdgdoD. A I ~ l&tl 0out llllf'waf, N.,....rt lleMia. • ... 0.0.V. UDcL ~I~ tilt N~ ...... , M....,-t ..._ IIA tnt lk:llnH.,..... t•ll OeUt ....._ CeNila tiel ..... IIA 111 1301 Coa.t Bml., Corona del Mar . HA 1156 • 31CN Newpcwt lhcL Niwpwt leach RA ftl IU o..&Jiw7. .............. ••n /. DO IIIIa. ltewpw1 I••Cia 11A .. \ J t - I I Jt 1.1 r urin o 1ft that thP to w.oork oonnantJy for the pUiatic COaDtlaued rna Pap U in ~ HolJaD.d. ~ her H•ch School Tl"us1l'8 ha\t> made 11o0c1 and IM\~ ao roam for purely ac:r. _..... m a liiDII ..... t whiclh father had mtftoed a ..rune ~Vftlt; thE-ir dt'cisioo to co ahead ~1th peJ'800al SJIIllt> that m~~y cauw un- bec:a'w bia J11'1llrt~ ... • wtlkh aad wu ftii'OW at Marlborough plans to l"t'quest the city of Ne~-dest>H~ and lutJftc ...._ ttw Torranott AirPort now etD6I. School in t.o. ~W.. port Bft.ch to ~x the ha.&h ~-------~-::-:--.:--- By the tilDe ......... 12 ,.n • IN~ )'Mrs bl!fore aM entrn!d ~_.tiilhl: L.e Wild.r •'"' w l •oot IC'.bool aite. It ts ~ e'XA.D\PI of DlR:£'(;1URY ~ ~.~ -~ = ~ont.~ ~Y Fron~t~ • • • ,._ Ns s•• .._.......,. jouod rason ~-ailing m the ,._ -... -.-sa. ..._.. --= OD ___. ._ -.. •il• · 1 I te .._ • -.. beet of argument utendin& 0\ Pr .. __ -her pareat. wae m. ~; ._. .... wheft lhe now Uves. In ..,.. ,.._ ef _.. ..,,.. ... .., We-se\·eral pubUc nxoe~. ~ Jude-n.tr"t TD a~ V.'l~ die 1Dot7ftlllle0amea 1eatt * a.Jored in~ .ad.allld-_. ef i.e .....,_ c:-t J tile ment ,...._.made in Ught of what ls u·.,;;,vrvu..vL --· ... piedfJed to Kappa s.• .A c.~~~e~• a. _. t. ._ btst for the tchoo1 and ror w ...... &trr Alpha ~~·ookandhonoex:~i·~..l" c-ty of o-.. ..... ~~~~ IChool children, b) way of the ,. -.,orts. ~ ~ rs o .. "",. ...,._. • ......, te -~att'r protec'tion that the City ery aod plf, was an es~llent ,.w-ee..._~ '9 • • • • c:an pro\ide ' nrie.mer and played a good gamto w.. ,_ IIA~ • • • of ....... 0oe y_, 7lte C..... ... Jla.r J'rM I If~ st. wu cbo1Jen one year by the Out fill ~ .,.,.. ~tlea .,.. a t.-..-. • ..._ Aq!la Jwtior Chamt..r of One y_,.__ --_..., ror ....,. wt.o ,.. o• a •ce to~ u qaeen at the Out ., ..._ ..,_ tht-lr tlise ... ~ert .... "· ._. '··~-il14th AnDuaJ Snow Sports Camlwl tlwft. _...11M! IT'f'St •tiJiuflleUee at Big Bear. It ,J\at 110 ha~ ., ,.. ••tJac a c 'I)' eA· that t.M. camh'a.l ~u shon on t .. ~ te • .~ .. c:-.ed ... anow.~ that year, which was unlor-'•'"-1 • ,_ _...,., .. ~......- lunate tor Queen Sally, wbo was 1 of ••t ~alhf' ~ort ., quite qualified to schuss the fast-many interesting stories about t.be ......__ .. ca ~h'k ~ aad est ki run. ror her sports y.·erl' growth of th Harbor. an area she I _..... p1a1a prh•t.. citbreoJ ('all not limJted to summer and water: has known so intimately. Mrs. ~ rnr thf' cood of th4" ahe wa equally at home on skis. Weston has been a f}ltrly frequent ,..._lllliJY· ··H~t~~~.., ..., ... .,. ·--· skatt>s an_d tobo~~an. visitor here SJnce sally took o~-er Pan1cutarJy stra1if~tn"' ic: lht> Hc>r· 1100al whirl began in t'al'· the big re ponsabihty of headinc fact ~hat each ~ear vre~uer num· nest following graduataon from tht> Communat~ Ch 1 SoQU?bod.} tx>r of th4' bu 111.. p('Opl and collt-'Ie he aCCt>Pted membenhlps hu to tx-amund the ho to ~Jdi•nt jom m thl5 COOJX'nlU\ an a he Asslstan~ Leag~ and the check on routmt" thin The one t>Ho1 t a th<'~ n·all7t' that a uc- Junlor Lea~ of Los Angeles. and day Mr Weston wasn't llwre the ct• ...... ful t"\trnt 1 a credit ttJ th . h did outstanding work for the milkman 1 ft 10 quarts of milk. oommunJ'~. mak-for m<•tt> nf>it;h· Childrt>n's Burnu of Los Angel · Sail~. y. ho 1ms as tirt>l I~ borhn~> !. \\ tthm our tO\\ n and ~he ()('nt a creat ma.n} hou~ at though perhaps les often than hPip<o pu• .,ur tcrwn rm the map Chaldt-en's Hospital and a l5!ed whf•n ~hf' "a' a m mber of th thmul!hnut South(•m C lif•Jrru& 1 With lht> Doll r&ar, an t>\eOt \.\ hach Balboa 1 land Yacht Club I for Cnr<>J,ji d••l ~tar I t tM-onh P<"tiOn h('T motht'r planntod and dil"('('tPd I childrC'n up to 16 ) t-ars of av,e I ot n•Jr ral\ that u; now promoti~ I for ix }C3.ri. ha tauE:ht ht"T 0\.\"n thr('e childrt>n ucl> an annual ('\Pn1; tlt~r • ------------:---Althou~h both Sally and Han·ey 10 wim. E \Pn ix-year-old Su_z) tanrl! rna •ht "'II tl'lkt' nCIH• 1 1~ SomE"rs "ert" ~raduawd from Stan-Jearnro the. ummea and can swun • • • vfEIR ford the) did not mN't unt1l both with tht" best nl thPm Sail) •" From a rt>ad r · - - J. I wt>t'f' out of school. SaU~ re i~ned I quack and spiritro on tht> t(>nna (J~'otr ~tr. HaaJ)a, A\.S rrom " pin ter " In 19.41. when on court and not o lon~ a~to \'-'On a In thP Lot! of Oct 1 )OU ull St. Valentine's Day h~ became I ~olf tournament at ttw lAS An·1 w. fhjt th1 .... 1 .. :-.;auonal ;-.:""' .. paP"' TIDE the brldl' or Harvey Somers. popu· l..'eles Countr) Club . \\'•Pk and ,\OU 1:11 on abt •Jt ho" Jar son from 8 wt>ll·kno\\n San Sh conunu ht>r mPmtK'ro;htp tlw• OP.\\ JldPf'l lith l> •h \' il~ to Oflkle ...... Francisco family. in ttl#> Jun)or LRa~tu an Lo An· frM>dom and P"'"'"""' our d~>mo-RA .. That wa 10 yea.J'8 ago, but the l{el a.nd flnds ttmf' to ant-nd cratJ<' w'8\ of hfe. -:::=;:;:;z;::::==z=~==;:;:;z~ picture hun't changt>d much. N~r phHanttu-oplt' pro,..-ra.ms tn tht' btlt 'l ,.10cf.rt•l) hopP that tnis L!' ;: has SaUy. There h&\t" been addi· cit) .. ·he assi t. an t>\en lml)(lr· ~out , (•\\fJvtnl, bu ho" can 1 be--Rancho Me.a tion , or course Sally and Hanl'~ tant func1aro11 at t Jam~ Epa co-IJf'\ 11 1 \\h~·n • w('lf>k ur o ago h l h&\'l' two son and a dau~th t>r. pal Churt'h. ol "hlch ,h,. I a "'u ht 111 "tth hamm~>t and ton NurSer'\~ Sc 00 That's a "Full Hou " two que<'ns Ol(>mbrr and "h n· she has bef>n itt 1wr .. on ,,ho had t~ courag<> J and thrct' king !'0 llarv<'~ tc-at'htnc ~unda) S<·hool. to ... ~-.k rout 1thou1 the undemu-State Ucen.sed and Approved promptly peintPd thllt. mtmt' on ha rn-1s alwa~~ on .hand HI rPt'Otd era 1c metl1o)(i' u.. .... >d b~ nur Ctt) From 2 to 6 ~ears launch. Other boats sn thl' Som-mmut at th ~t·wpon RMirh Cour.t:il I ers "rl(l(>t" art> a 5nowbtrd and Elem ntAt ~ S<"hOOI!I PTA m<'t't· "It )('('t]'UI to ml' )-'OU should hav~ Suro~~tl~rpla~•nd se\ era I din(h)S beJom;in~ to tt\(> ings and hi' l doinr 8 ftnt> JOb forgotten prof• JOn.aJ jeaiO\.b) and I respecthe quet"nS and kings. I or orJtaruzataon . presid nt of the ~ted uch h(>T'O \\fth O!)('n IU'!AMSA.BLE L\'1'1:8 nw Somera Ba) F ront hom 1951 Communi!) Chest h IS ctrms Thf'l e arr too ft'\\' ln lhu Open 5 days per wct'k-8 to 5 O\'erlook tht> maln ch.annf'l, and read) and wilhn~ to chaufft>ur tat~ "ho 8 1"'(' not fra1d ftf " JrrJ.nl! Transportation Furnished 1 tht-family IX'\'er tires or watchm~ ambc)(J\ \\hn nr('d n ndP 10 PTA. up ah ue ot our dt) fath('r . fo~ 190 £. 15th St. the harbor traffic. Wtw>n all) 's or. to church. or markt-t. and the (•,ampl~. J~t ,\t>ar l asked a ''o- 1 popUlar mother, M,MI Do~t!'ea n<'arby ftllm~ litation a11t>n~t man fn nd tu aHl'nd a J.•rv11"'i1 C08TA JIE8A I Wt'Ston of Be\·erly Halls Is , •• _uang.l sa~ that ht> l!~ b~ ha lat•on , meomt.( \\llh mt> ~h•• acro d that ~;::;:;::;;:PII:;;;:~;::;:;:~:;;;::;:;::;;:..,:;;;:;::;:;;;:::;;;::..:;h~t"~,;;can:;,;,...;t;ell;,;....;l;,;,h;,;,~....,;-....;.nittiidc.,.h•'l•d•r-e,n mort> oftt>n than the local bw th Counc I had t>rn>d '" t ,, ma · ,. YPt alonst w1th all ttu . hP i tl r to b..• dt C~Ji!>(>d, but 'ht< ~.ud there to mt"t't ·uzy' ,;chool bus. I ruuldn t po_.,ibl) bP 1'{>0 at th<' Dr. Lloyd A Ocheltree announces the opening of his office for general practice and obstetncs to ht"ar J1mmy practace on. hal! 3<'·1 meNan!.! b) a c-eruun m<'mber ut cordion. to hPJ{> Larr~ hunt for a the<._}t~ Counetl or.'' \\ould ~!'I) lost dam . and feed thl' dOlt whrn flf'Ct m~ hwband busanc~ the others forJ:t>t And she man· '"1 ~ rJtankang If \\e had had a~<te to be read). lookin« frt>Sh and uch 6 COarat"rolli pPrson her 8 chA.Mninlt when her arrablt" and 1 re" )ear a ·o. "' mJ~ht now ha\e 1 enterpritm.g husband comes home a hoe park for all the ctuld.ren of from a busy da) at Han·ty Som·l this faar cit) to enjo). im.tead or a ers Inc.. local Chn I r and PI)'· dnnkang ea lin~t and danong plaOt> mouth d aler. for an t>\'t?n1n~ at ror a Jot of out--of-tO\\ nt>rs. l tht> Balboa 8a) Club, or the New· · 1 ha\e ~rl>Onall) gt\en hun· For~ Nelli ISLAND REALTY CO. llarw7 D ..... HAJ1BC»l m-w ~.t .............. ''3E SURE -INSUD"" witb Maurie Stanley l.nsuranoe eo...e.oor W . S tuart Foote IXS\JR.ANCE 2117 w . Balboa Blvcl Xewport Beach. OaBf. Phone: HArbor J& J. H. McCloskey CHIROPRACI'OR. Ora~ Hours. 10 to 5 \\ PdnPSda..' and unctay 70311 E. Balboa Blvd 'downstairs) Balboa HArbor 3000.J' Oppos,s tt' Minia tu.re Golf Course Silver Platers An4 Sll~U. o-c""' .. '"-~ """"t-U .. ftep1atina . Gold-SU\-er ·Copper · 8rMs Near ODmmumty a.e 1914 Harbor Bl\--4., ec.ta ...... Bacoe 51U Margaret L Scharle Teacher of P1aDo OrpJU.!, • • 1-cc:nupa.,..t £'\ t'l\lnlt 0aMN fat Adult& 3t17 GOLDENJtOD A VI!. Corona del...,. \'OICE Vera Williams Member of M. T . A. Teecher of PIA..~O and VOICE Specia.l Training for children. 313 's Marine Ave . 1505 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar, Calif fCnrnM of Ce•netien 1\ve .,,d c ... e,1 8 vd , port Harbor Yacht Club l wht>re drt>ds nl hours of m~ llme to try· J-lant'~ is port captain 1 or to an~ to make tha CJt~ a bl'llt'r watch Frosty FroUcs with th I pl~re 10 Ia' •' an parucularl.' for ~:!!!!~!§[E!!::J!!i!!!!!!!!!=; ch.ildrt>n. chtldre n. btJl onwtUTI~ It seems r Sail> i~ an important personality that "t''• knockms: our heads Lawrence )(. Gundrum. in thE' Newport Harbor t'Nl. St\e Bltainst a ton~.: \\all. AJ. ~n a Balboa !&land 0r~;C8, ho .. 'l: 9 <' I" I') 5 p. m. OHoce ,hone: Hl\rb'.)r 2131> E:acl.enge: BEecon 5~ I SW PrMwm -a.,.lriflt -•J4-~. ToWfttt -Nlie Weft tty Ap,.t. "We Sp.clelin in htertency Servi~" 1020 CO..t IMI. HAthf 441-~tM: l&c011 It~• 1111~1 Mer - If you ere intarerled in He· waiian or Spenith clanclng, Carla· neh Of' Hawaiian 9ourch • . • Call TRIANCIA HA 2125-W HA OJ ... J HULA-tot fvtl, h.alttl a11cl cornc.- ti.,. .-rclte. o.-.... p!'i••te lettoM. ""' ... .. llllty. 0.. "'"'·Sill Pn.ete IMMn, SJ.IO is Jtenuin<' and ancert>, unsophistl-"·e do aecompli.'th somNhang for M D ('8 ted and rt>fn.> hlntt old (ash-our chaldrt'n, then somNhm~ else 1741 Superior A~. eo.ta )(e. ioned tt'rms that are 81\.\a~s ap-<'Omt's a lon~ to handPr carr)lD'! out Practice Umlted to• plicablt' to " 21'ntl<'"oman our plan" HAR\"E'"'. Dlaea.sH of he Ear. f"'«*' "CELESTI:"E .. and Throat and AJ.lertt>t om~ Houn: by AppotDUIIR'It- BEaoon 6508 or HArbor 1038 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 Baltz Mortuary 0\a~J by the Sea HARBOR 42 ~ Sftdey frOfl'l 10 •· "'· te 4 ,. ""' ' 'nle N~ Haa1Mw Tua. .... r.... a ltrclft& aDd b8vler Bonita brclk Into tbe eaarinc ud ..... ....,_ . ~· 1ut FridQ nilbt apiMt ~ Tan W to carw from be-Bolllta lien!, wiU battle apJD on hind to ., It, u Bonita took tile tbe llame ~tomorrow (Frtday) opening ldek-df aDd dro\-e M ~ with Ly D wood lfilb yank fOil' a toudidown aDd a 7.0 Sdaool• tilt opponents. Kick-off INcl. 1'be Tan came rigbt buk wlU be at 7 :30p.m. In the arne qtart~r. going 74 lD tbe wordl of Coach Al Irwin yard& to e\'m the count. Rex Bell "the Tars came t.h.rouCh in the 135-pound halfback, s m a a b e d clutdlea and ~~ever P'~ in" lu.t through for 10 yards .. r the t~ Friday and took a }3. 7 \ictory cto--n and then kicked the extra point. M ~· f The victory that had eluded the, ~~· I Tars in their first t\\.'0 games fl-' naUy was cinched as they took ..... M~,..d the 'secpnd-half kIckoff and • IIU'I l'll&I'Chcd 58 yards. Fullback Don Aat'\old took a 10-yard pass from Orange Oout College PiratH, Quartert.ck Rollie Pulaski for now .olidly ln talled u a con-the game-winning TD. The extra t.ende' for thfo Eastern Confel'eOCe polnt kick faDed. and It was 13-7. champiOMhip. will in\'ade Mt. San Late in the fourth quarter a Antonio Junior College Saturday Bonita runtler was in the clear eVftling for their second h~ague \\hen Rex Bell stopped him short game. • or a first down oa the Tar 3-yard- Laat Saturday night Ray Rouo's line.>. The players carric.>d Rex orr Pirates outclaued Fullerton Juo-th<> field on their shoulders at the ior College 20-7 at the JoRrs' field, end of the game. and thus stand at the top of the The Tars "'we outgained 269 league in a tie \\ith San Samar-~·ards to 2-2 and were out-downed dino. 1:> to 12. They completed 11 out Fullerton took the lead in the of 21 pa cs for 84 yards. firt!t quarter when a pu produced a touchdown and tbe extra point • wu kicked ln the second quarter Coast marched 54 yards in three plays to tie the score, with Full-01 a lc te back Hal Smith running 18 yards , 4IDg e for lbe touchdown. • At th~ start of the S(>COnd hall Vt'rnt' Watson, Corona del Mar Jess SJ11Jth capped a 74-yard march postmaster and retlrln~t pre5ident \\ ith. a 2-yard plunge ~or the score, of the Corona del Mar Ch'ic Assn .• and 1t was. · 13·7. Late m the. fourth I was ekct('(} last Thul'l-'day e,·ening quartf!r John B~ .ran over from to head the year-old League of 28. ya.rds out. ?im.axtng an 86-yard Chic A ocifttions. He succeeded d.riv . One P ll1ite touchdown was E. A\·er~ Cra.ry, member of the ~lied back on a penalty, and three 0<-c:>an Front and Beach Pl'Ot<'Cti\'C um funl~les st~d sco rIn g Associa tion. chan~-s. rile P1ratc:s rollro up Rl'·elC'\:tC'd , ice·pr(' idtmt was 455 .rards in 64 off en .,.e pia) · Edward Healy. "ho is servin~ his c.>cond )-ear as head of 1 he Cen- tral Ne\Yport Community At;.sn. Other offi<X>rs are Mrt~. C. Lester Jones or the \\>'oman' CI v I c l League ~~ SC(Tetary and Howard Wri~ht Of the West Ne,.,port lm- ..___ f pro' emen t Assn. as trt>asurer. J J1\! new board of directors o the Corona del Mar Civic As n. Tuesday evening electro C. Les- ter Jones of 734 Poppy Ave. to be president for the coming year. suc:ceeding V erne Watson. Corona del Mar ~tmuter. Elected vice·p~ident was R. L. Callis, suoceeding Allen Stelle. Other members of the board arc Mrs. C. L. Andrews, Mrs. Mar- JtUerlte Fuller. Harry Bergh. Mr. Watson and Mr. Stelle. It wu OO<:lded that the next m(>(>ting will be a pot-luck on Thursday, Oc- tober 25. Back 1n their Corona Highlands home are Formt'r Mayor and Mrs. Dick Drake. who returned here ~y from 8 six-month tour or Europe. A~panied part of the tim~ by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crutcher, a1lo of Corona Highlands. they vis~ ited France, Spain, the French and Italian Riviera, Italy, Austria, Ger- many and England, travelling In their own ca-.. The Drakes re- turned on the De de France, land- ing Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher are stiU in France. Time, l'lace Cbcmpd ' FOI' Scm Clelneme Race Starting time.Jfor the San Cle- mente bland Race, spomored by the Newport Harbor Yacht O ub, will be at 9 p. m. tomorrow (Fri- day) instead ot 6 p. m. as pre- vio.Jy announcecJ. and the start- inK place wtll be the turning buln at the eut end of Udo Isle, rather than near Balboa pier. O...Week Re.ideDt 01811 in ~ clel Mar Rc.a B. C\mnlngbam, 59, died 'l\18day afternoon of a heart at- tack at his home, 309 Goldenrod Ave.. Corona del Mar. He had come here ~t a week before after nrtlrlng as hardware and furniture dealer lD I ndiana. He is survived by Ida widow and one ton, Cedl of New York Oty, who Ia en route to make his home here. BaJtz Mortuary is In charge of services. Construction o~ a 4-room, $20,- 000 dwellin~ on the Corona del Mar bluff "'ill soon be started by Viola Friedman, according to plan pre&ented to City CounciJ Monday evening. The loca lion is Lot 3, Block 1257. about JI~idway between the ends of Marguerite and Mari- gold avenues. The house itself will be slightly below Ocean Blvd. level. but the g,.rage will be on top or the house, with acces from the boulevard on a bridged drl\ t'way. Counc::il ~ ferred the plans to City Engineer Bert W ebb and CUy Manager John Sailors to check details of plot plan, in accordance wHh the poUcy ~ quirin~ Council approval for con- struction plans on the contro- versial bluf farea. Norman Miller of Balboa IaJand has announced hi.a candidacy for the seat in the State Assembly to be vacated by Earl Stanley, who will nm tor the new congressJonal office. Mr. Miller ia member of the City Park, Beach and Recrea- tion Commission and wu a candi- date in Jut year's City Council race. Mrs. Horftth's Sister. MeiiCI R..tclent. Dies Mrs. E. E. Herbkersman, 2000 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, sister of Mrs. Francia J . Horvath of West Newport, died yesterday afternoon in St. Joseph HoepitaJ after a long IUness. She is survived by her hWiband or the COlla Mesa ad- drcu. ----------- ~....,..,a tn 'elfill flf ...,. .. ,,........_.......,. •nt~nnf...,. • ..,. t'-at fill ·.wrr ................. ..... ket. Here ,... Will fiN aft ...... RIIMan of fiM ..... _.eMred .......... ..,.... ..• tM ..,..,. ••• ._ cnaur1ea f/1 AmericL We"W piiM -.. lilllt .-4 prioM tMm low .. Milalre _. HAR- V&ITIAL&h..._...eawl .... -...t of tt.e ....... It-a ,._. ....... ...-r- tunfty ....... ~ ,..., wltlt .. t6tMt '" good .-. .. at a ,.ny tew oML • • • • 17--. 1-eL • •• ... ~-. • 'I ~ r , .. , ' " ... PHILADELPHIA Cntal11 Cheese ••-F:y ldatao O.fldow Ala.-• .... • Pint F,...,. Plc'*t Dally • • 24c e.. ... • • • LU£R'I QUALITY u.. S...lelepw. • • SSe Featurolng Mannlnt'• U.l. Qew1. ....._, C*Mae ~ F'fMet ~ Ollltaht*le COODNG SCHOOL SPECIAL I •• ~ • • • • THURIDAV CINNAIION BOU.B .................... 6 for lie PAR"D IIOtJ8E aoLLS .............. doL lie FRIDAY AIIORT£0 CUP CAJO!liJ .................................. 6 for !1c FRENCH A.PPI..E ftE ··············: .. ········ ............. ~ 58e IATUROAV APIIJ()()'[ PIE .................................. Melt 58c ~Am BOU.B ................................. • . ·- • • -u. • *-lb. pq. AUoe lft W_...._. , , • Clft· deretta •• , MtobJ ..... , . , Plratee ••. are only a few. MAIKI, WIGI, HORNI