HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-18 - Newport Harbor Ensign\ • • -. -• • 7 •• 1. 11 1a 18 14 1. 1. 17 11 ••• .1 ......... 7 ...... . A crash on Coast Highway Tucs- da\ aftt>moon <>nt a car sma hing inio K nnev's ~1obil Station at th<' Oalboa Rl\·d. junction. knocking down thrN' Jtas pumps and stal1· int.t a fir lhRt caus('(l ronsideorablt- darna~C' to th station and to the car and two oth<'r \'t>hiciC'S parl<l'd at t h<' ~t \ion. Poli<'<' OffiC't'r. Thm Burdsall a M WaJ'nn Cas I. "'h(l i"' c;;tiRatc-d IIW nccidt.>nt, l'epott<.'d that 8 cati .... rurn1a Flr-h and Gam<' car, drhen b\ Frl'd L. Vl'nhom of South Gate, nnd h!•adinl: towurd Huntanl!tOtl Hl'al'h \'IO~st>tl the doubl<' line to I R\'Oid hillmg anoth<'r car, strut·k ·an <'fl'-l·bound Lincoln .C'dan. dri\Pn b.r I>r. Karl FrNierick Ross 1 of Lac:umt, knocking it out of ron- trol and Into th<' alation. I \'()\ .SG MIKE Bt'RK.E "Oil" I{OO(t <liha,.,. of thf' lrC'I>hi,.... :.:iwn ttut ut ~l<~t ~turd." •" trnvfly ltlnllt'r of thl' Bwtwy; \.If ... I luh. "'''~" hf> ,., rl"<'l"h IDl IW\1" r!ll fruU1 H.u•,• ummlttf't· C"halrm:tn P~>tf' Ftckf'r (ll"ftl untl \irf'-(orrunndorl' C'on\·~r...-\\'ur(h-mAJU'I '·:..,1.11. -<t•huto h\ ~kDt>r) , Set. .............. , U. I. POBrAOZ Pill c.... ... ~~ar.o.ar. A ciuz.en · cornrrut tt"f I t n1 •ht launched a dn' ~.> tor c.'Onstructton of a nt"A • !r•JT.Pntar~ school for th ci1'.. v.Jtt· a tar,l;l, d.l'• ()' S~'pt('m­ ber 1953. for opcn1n): ,., d'.oo~ to local pup1l Th~ campaum I!'Ot off •) "" •m· presst\., <.tart at tht> m~"'llnc. called by thf' Woman' Ct\ tc lA>a~t' tn COCiper&ttOII With I he Elementar:, Schools PTA and h<'ld at tht> En-.irn School Tht r , JXr-ons prest•n• rcpr£> cntPd mnq of the ci\ic ( n ict llnd ir t£>r l cJuru> of th<" aN.'a .M.-.. Ed ''or- ~C'nro h ot thl" \\'(lmlln' CI\JC l.A>a!O!'Jl" p1 e ided The thret> gas pumps were de- stroyed. and the fire damaged the Lincoln, also a rood truck parked Ul the station. owned by w .. B . I The Cl.t"''S Hostess Gardn r of Hollywood and driven J by E. E. Eu~ of Be11llower, Tbr Ra rbnr .1\rM'' nt>v. w .-1- .B¥C· H.ws Aft.,.r listl'mn't to f•s;utr ,.ht)v. · ing the cntical and urmf'diatl" nN"d for more school fa("'hUes. the ci tizens · ln"'U p voted to d.l r.:-ct a fact fmdin~ commHt~ to ~n on the nt'i!ds and funds reqwred. :'\amt"d to thi! rom.rrutt~ -A"en! the fin• arcllltects p&"C!Wnt. Pt\il· m£>r Ellerbroek or Karbor Island and a car wa1tlng to be fueled. c-om.. War;oe hO'Il.-M 1'1 )(,-.. ~ J Y DoOniD. inj~e:.!s 0! Betty .JarYl!' of tU ,.," On lf"to. sligb~ no ~ia~raiion ruffered by Udo ll>lf'. Sht' hu .Jtt"t ,.,.tumt'd Or Ross from J...oo1 AB.Kt>l8. "hf'rt' llbr Winnl'rs of th., ('(netrd Sports· :'\ E Wroolie. Bart Ht.>nderson. Gro~e Lind of Ba\.• Island.. Dick m.mship Trqrh~ of •hf' BalhM r ~ b Chr i,.,• n'"n .,.. 1 0a' f Co Y~rht "lllb ur(' ~"'h\X'k and .JaniP -· Pleger and Pau \"lS 0 rona , • .. '-• lunfor Sforif"!!!--..Jusr d~l )lar and f'l'edtorick Hodtl:don .l.•mi'-«.n of Holl\woorl. II v.a ... an· '-nowblrd.,: Tom Fro t Bruce of Balboa Wand.. 'J'bt!) art' to aub-nuunet.od b' Race Commi• lN.' ChRir-1\\iChPII, Ton~ Torranet> Ban.o. man P('t('r. Fa'ckPr 31 Saturda.' t'\£'· mh their report at the next gen--Oln&rhlM>: P.~t>r Post. eraJ meetinct. called for 7 .30 p m. nln~·" trophy ('lrf'~ntafion d•flrl'r .Junior ~rtf"'-.,U«""!tt ].ion~·. OcL 29, again at tM EG· The fi~ wa. t'Xtinguished by the <'«nplf't~ traln.la~ &JI • ell)' h~ N nu.rnnrt fil"t' truck. t~ to ,.,.prH('IIt I<M:'a l m f'rC'haDt" " .. ,..... · t.a wei~ ~t'l"8. JT'fft-al I he yacht club. "non hlrds: John R<'nse:,, Bruce sign School. Ghlllllili To Fl'ida.y of nf'lCt week is sche- duled t6 be moving day for the Chamber or Commel"('e, from the pre £>nt office in Balboa to the new huHc1ing almost completed by A. L. Gatt~?rdam on Coast Highway, near thl' <.'ast end or the Miracle Mile. EX<'<:Ull\'t' Secretary Hay Lan· ~l'nheinl hru lllU)ounced plans for an orricial flag raising and dedic-a- tion to be held Wednesday, N o,·. 14.. Tt>e flait v.ill be raised at 11 a. m. ond open tlouS<' will be h<'ld durin..; 1 he aft t> moon. This co't"- mon) ,\\II tnke t h<' pia~ of the :-.:o,·ember quartt>rl~ membe~hip lun('hPOn. peakcr for the 1951 Five Dollar banqlH't to be held tn Goodell Hall of Chrlat Church by the Sea ih N4"NJ))rt Nov. 7 will be Erne~~t R. 'J'rattner. nationally lmawll sl)('ak~r and author. rabbi of t.be W<'Stwood T~mple in U. ~- Proct'eds of the tTaclltional F1~ Dollar Banquet. whJch will be aerved by the local WSCS of 01rtst Church. wtU llO to ....-r_~ borrowed for tbe ..-at ~ .. ~~e~~meot for pavtnc the .., 1Jie.. htncl the chUT'Ch bulldlftla. tng 1n0tlwn \\1tb n <>W babtf'S. bo~-. ud Jtrh on ttlf'tr sllc t~th htrU...~-. 81'\\·ly ...-«M Jtrl ancl r~ lftft'1•1f hlto n..w bomM-Jt.r&. .lam• can M ... ~lltt4 at BArbo!' J7!W. Th!c; 'l\\"trd L<. -:lw~~ !' kPpt .,,.._ ' 1 1\,ichr 11, Ton) Torrancf.'. Balboa Location of th<> new ~I si~ cr<>l up to pr('S('ntallon 11mf' 5('1 Oi~hh"": )Iick~'r rnith. Roger u tht' 17-acre plot purdv.sed from hat not e''<'n tht' \\inn rs are no- 1 P t . :'\o 147. the lTv ine eo. an the hilhi6P abo~ titled in advanet': ond as it turn<'d utallna aa4 Rt-tunt Corona del Mar bet~ thfo ex- out, t~ ~amisons WE'l'f' not !'".,...""'I Rhocf...,: G<>orge Mon. Co~ temons of Carnation and Ja~ to r('()('t\<' the:-ttonor. . 1 \\' u r d t' mann. Bob c:nri tenten. a,·enUf'S. The tl"ansaction is now ln aonou~mz the :\\\&M )Jr. 1:' •• : Fr('d Small"!, l\Jtkl? Burke, in escrow. Fi<'k<'r prais<>d rh• J~: ofl:, rnt ( ~mun Bo"Jus. I School Supt. Horace Enslgn ex- th!'lr splcndad. cnopetat1on ."~th 1 ~IJiry H.-a l)' r1e. lplained that initiallY it •ould ~ th~. race commJtt~ and for !P''Ut~ IA"tunaa: Chick Ro~. Bart for the first five grades, and eatJ- B blaJ !helr tim~ and their boat In help-I Henderson, William Undblom. mated that lbe a.t for ~:PUPil For~ 116pl tJUt out w11h rhe races. P~tuaJ T~ capacity would be aro\md 1300.000. ...., Commodore Harry Blodsrett prt>-L.andsa~. ro hl'!h point boat in for which a bond Issue would ha~ The campaign to raise $250,000 sidt'd at tttl' ..troph) dinner. v.ith I ~ni~ Cia . rft('('S at BYC· Dick to be \'Oted Cor fumic:hin and cquippinst Hoag I the help of \ sre-CoJTUll<)dore .con-Dea' <'r . Mr. "Ellerbroek. as member of l ri 1 Hg . 1 . • 11 under \'ers(' WUrdemann and"l>ete Fsck('r H£>al~ to ht,::h point BYC boat the Cil\ Planninst Commisston. re-- r-::1o ~ ~"-'f'l a 18 1''('h lrman h<' presPntro the foUo,,in~ awards m RhNh Cla ., raC't's at BYC : ported that the elemt>ntary IChoolll "h~~ unf ~.1:1 t' g}nt-~m~,a or Or: Wbl~r Sf>riN Con\'e~e Wurd mann . are alreac1y O\'er-capa.city, WJth a 5 l[l 0 I am Richard Fenton to hJgh point ·~d r 1863 _.. . r ange Coast Collt'~l·. one of tht' di-Rhodf'S: Tom S~ppard. Tommy boat in Int 14 Class in Easter, lUG' o , a.uu . a caJl!IOty o r<'Ctors of thP ho pita.! Thomas Bob Omstensen. P .C.: ,1 1 D d Labo Da ,._ 1.650 A con&ervaUH• esumate of J ...,._l.t ba h :\l'k B k Dr · emorsa ay an r Y ......,.. the number of pupils in 1960 b The quarter milUon d o II a r ot' n~.~ f'n <' • • 1 t' ~r <'. . l!atta.s at BYC :Nan~ :.:lcholson. -· · based bud~t't has l>N>n nllocat('(l o'er tht' 0 G. Suess. P -14: Ro"rn \Vt>IS· F oundl"l"S. ro hi~h point boat in ~.800. be saul This as . :f county, ~~ the word from ~~ Si~~: Frf'd Sc}l(>nck 1 P-14 C1a" raCE'S at BYC: Lee' :C::~ 2o.=~-expe-ct San Fran("'~CO lS that 0 ra n ge S: ps · Ham brook. He also ,.e Information on IT- County must go it alone. Th<' State !ilprln~r N>riM~ &rst' ~iller. to high point boat ,ine plans f:r de~Jo ents which ~rd decided 1\t its ~nt meet-Rhodt'"l: Tom Sheppa~d. J Pit.'r-1 in \.ikins: Class ra<'t'S at BYC: I could add about 1.sl:J' hom'es and m):! to mak,.. no aJlocatrons for hos-<'f.'Y, Tom Myl?rs. P.C'.: Mike Burke. Anc:l.v Gram. 5 600 people to our city in th<t pita I aid in Southern California Joe Kalt£>nbach. Elinor SchmJdt ~tark Healt') Plaque. to ";nnt.'r I ~t four or fi\'e years. Thest> ck>- ouUdl" Los AngC>Ies County. !iltar : Dkl< Hahn. Sal_nt Ci('{'ro. !Continued on Page lll velopments will rome on the hill· Locally tht.' dri\'e is und••r the l;IRhtn~na : ~-C. ~arbtS<In, John side near the new school, on Linda direction of Dr. G. Norman P<'ase Karlotss, Erac, WPtsberg. P .l .C'.: • A Gives 'l isle and Bays(de dri\'e a.rea, and of Corona de-l Mar. He has se· Don Johnson.\ lkln~: Jamel' Ram· 1.... on Inin<' Terraet' westerly of ~ lectro Jpaderl' for the five major S(>y. Int. .14 : C. W. Lcwsadder. ......._ I rona del Mar and across the high- districts of th<' city: \\'('<;)(') .0· Paul F<'rn<'r. Carol .Ton('S Mt>r-PLt d sa way '";th residences surroundin~ ~mith for Ralboa and lhl' r ... nsn-('UTV: Cht't W'he-el<'r:. Bart Hunt ......... the proposed goll C'OUT" westerlv !.Uia : H11dd Rin~ for Lido Jsl<' and 1~-14 : 1'\tl'k Stf'('lt'-. Row<'n Wei~-~ -:~J••-of MacArthur 81\'11 • Harhor I<.land, nu·~ Rschard for b<'r~ !ilnowbfrd: Mi ller LMman: Jn a joint m('('tin~ v.1th the Mr Ell,.rbroek ga\•P tht' follow- :'\e\\ por·1: Rob C1lll.; for Coronr~ Corona dl?l ~far Ci\·ic A..<.SOCtatton ing figur s on th<' thr..'t.' l"IPmf'n- rlt>l :\1ar: ~1aunr SlaniC'y for Ral-Bales c.·ven for and lht' \\'oman·~ Chic L£-aeue tary school Hora~ En.c;a ' 521 noa I lAnd. 1n th<' Eosi~ Building Monday ' pupilc:. l ()(l pt>r t't"nt of capaoty t H mnc. t~e Corona dt>l Mar Busa-~ but n10m to bwld 13 mort! class-• •·.:.L-D n ts n~ .. Ao;-.l'l('tallon anoolln<"t'd that room$ ~C'Wpol"l 71~ pupil 0\'t'r Haida Owner Dies I ftiUUI ay oa S:!~l of the-r roct'f'd .. •c. of !he third ('ap:Jc.-~ C:l'mf" rioublf' "' ton. .... no 1 annua l Trt><l UTI' na,' 11nd Lo~trr room to r'tpand. ('..r••f'\a <k>l Mar .The ha.ndsomC' bluC' ~acht at th(' Announcin,:: that thP C'harnb<'r B-tkl' ("('lt'brarion \\ould ~o tntCl a 600 pup1 ~. o\Pr c-~~~~l'it~ ~mt' l..uto PPntnsula Anchorage. the 168-1 of Comm<>rce and many sen;('(' or· fun~ fl'r a ~al playjn"ound. doub "~"ll'n" n<' rot"Om to 1 'I:· foot Haida. has lost ~er owner, _as ~anizations art' plannin~ 0 enter :'\t>t proftt from th~ two-dll~ pand 74-year-old Max FlelSchmann. Ln-the Arbor Dar car. fl<l3t parack>., e\'ent was around . tnrompletl? ~tr Ensu.:n SBJd th~ t arb t po8· curably ill. committed suicide by Prt> ident Lonntl' Vincent of th.-fi~ures indicatE'. with incom to-sibl d::~t<' for c:~ttm.-: a n<'W school shooting himself at his ranch home Balboa trnprovelm>nt Association tallinct about $2.200 and t'xpen es I read~ would bf. ~ptember, 1953 near Carpinteria Tuesday. reminded Harbor Area merchants about $1,700 an~ tn t~e rn<'ant ~ th on)y so- The Ha lda. worth some two mil· that they, too. may enter ~~ pa-l ll;llion wtll be to doubk' up tn t~ lion dollan;, has been berthed hert' rade and that all floats must ron-first thrt'C' gra~ to acrornmoctate ~t of the time since she came to form to the following rules: all of th<' upper ~des. Prind· the west coast from Maine, where Pas~ger cars. no trucks: ca.rs pals Berruet-V~taJ of N"'lJOrt she was built Jt-t after t~ war. may be deconted ~th banners. and Grayet' Sevaer ol Co.rona *I r.t trip wu made this summer to nowers. ~pe paper, etc.: letters ~ar reported ~ tM double 118- .<nchorage, Alaska, but wu cut on~ signs limited to six inches Slons ~d h&ll·ti~ ~rten short by Mr. P1eachma.nn's Illness. in height: ad\lntiling slogaN not It will be pot-ludt time apln at tbetr 8Cboota. Sldpper ls Capt. o. N. Welch of permitted. next nnanday, whet~ the Corooa latipi------ Udo Iale. The caravan wiD convene at tM del Mar Ovk: Auodetion ~ta at Harhcw Girl Scout A.D. .... Next Tueaday LorraJne Ames, necuttve direc· tor of lbe Santa Ana Girl Scout CouncU, wiD tpMk at the flnt taU meetlllc ot the Newport Harbor Olrl 8eDut Aaodatloll at 10 a . m. ~ at ~ Girl Scout Route. Lundwon wlU to~ t~ meedn . Cty Hall and the 'Mat1M S.ncl 6:30 p. m. at the Gramma.r School will start ort the actMtlea on No\'. 'Th.e MW P""fdeftt. C. Lel'ter 3, marking the planting or tbe Jones, will be P"'Sidlng for the Hal R..aJNer'a A.nd«\a f11 t.Jie bells on newly tm.proved Balboa fJt'lt tlrM In the folto.ring bus.!~ Newpol1 Harbor Ylld'tt,Oub - Boult-vard. ~-the winnt-r on correc1led ttnw In LI.'T'8 00 TO OPEN lf0t1 E ! ~· .. ,...,..... .... ~ ..-.~,. ! .. ..... ~ ..... -...It~ .. . ~ArM. l'w...U.ftf .. tMr. M'tll ,...e 1. Mrs. Flol"t'n~ Cooling will spE>ak tht> :HYC t"aOt a round Clta.llN on ''Why hn-e an .-oaation." and Island. wtudt ft,..trl'd SUnday .. Harry Welch will t•ll of the Hoa.c 1 tigUa wa. a3o flnt w fbllll\ 0. Memorial plan. ~ wUl aho ~mile raee • .,......_ WIW U. be a cl8cwalon of problems "'"I Anti~ were .Ian ~ At-fectlng the f\Jturt> of Corona ~~ torante Dr. Don Hall' uomi and Mar Bob AU n~ Baptt-0.. • "' -•OLLr •OilG .. ~•01'B ~ .... Xr. FN~gn'a fint uppt"l' The In.'IM Co. comt"S in for a "he~ the proximity to a holpltal l'ar a ecboolma.n to ba\"e ~ division JIChc»t H~ earned his W&}' le\ft'e luhlng ln a new. release can mean the d.lrferen~ betWMD llleWSt .c:hoot tn his community by tMchin& ~rain the naaJ from a ~tator named Nor-lift-and death . ..-ed for-him durintr his tft'm of scboola of Louisiana. lin that ata~ man H. Parka. •ito ls deacribed as * * • oftlae Ia a .ornewhat unique honor. the crops "come in" in late spring a ~tired Cali!omia publisher. There's a breath of polltks lD It ladicates. the ~t and coo4 and ear-l~ fall and ln those days Thla tirade is headed "Curse of the aJr acain. and it looka to be wOl that the community in ge_oenl the children went to school when Baronlc Land Holdlnp n9t aU time to begin thinking of t.he com- holds for HOI"'aCe Ensign. our d is-the)' weren't needed for har\"est-overseu" and charges the [rvines ing tangle in April. triet .upertntendent of elementary ing. 1 with holding back development '11trtoJe ~ • ~ Olty o-- lldlooll. LateP came training in Berea along the coast area ---·•Corona dl w111 t.e eJqlb1ilc ----0. il a K.anaas naU\e but the Coli~ ln Kentucky, 1111duation del Mar especially uffertng from ef .._. G'""" _. D. IL .._ familY mo\""ed to Lowsi.ana \\"'hile from Tulane Unh~mty &nd gradu-its stirfllng effects on Ita city ......... tee Dale •· ~· .Me M was still a baby. There he ~· ate 't\'OI'k at Columbia and the Uni-Umit.s." Mr. Park's argument. ~ ..... t. ~ Ill-up and wmt through the public \'t"rsity of South6n Callfomla. based on the theme or land hunger, teaa..a. ...... w. ._" _. .c:hoola, graduatlnt; from bi.gh ''Uke most of us who come to gets rougher as he goes along, and ,..,.., IMtt Ia allf c-aw..._.. wta .JChool at the age or 16. Hf' loved CaliJomia. J came on fa.ith," Mr. he ends with the atat~ment, "U 1M! a •-.Iller ., aeplraat. f• the 1ea and dedded to sh.ip out Eruugn says. "A few folu I knew unwiJJing to sub-divide, they tltoee ~~ Jek. and .e the world He \iiiled Ra-~ and \\'t'~ enthuslutJc about should be taxed out of exiateoce." No on~ has toned ln a bat yet, wall. the Pbllfpp.n<'l and some of it. and I decided that T wanted to It Ia tn1e U..t aa e~aorw~Ma but a lot of names han• bei>n mt'll- Japan. eamtnc hl.a way as he .,-ent.l g-o to a good plaCl' to lh-e and stay talld IHrl*ac a. ~ out of tioned as good prospects . . . such Alter this g1imp5e of the \\icier the~." ~ 18 tw. en ef ...-u.... a some of last year's candidates. world, be ~turned to U)ui.siana, Before oomlng to Newport Har-.... *'"el ••r•t. aad .. t:IIDfl Tom Norton, Norm Miller and bavf¥ deci*d that he wanted bor Mr. Ensign tau~tht a year at tJNo, l""t ln._ .-..cit wtll !(h"e flilncis Hon·at h ... except that ~·education. 1 O<:ean View and then became su-watT to _...,Woe , IM!hoolw. ~tr. Miller ll going to I><' after the Mr. Ensign's oldest sister was a perlntendent thet•e. He came to spiritually. Our children need to parks. playlfl'•u• As ('mbly eat instead .... Here strong influe.nce ln rus me. She ~ewport as a teaching principal. ha\'t" many experiences to teach But Mr. Parla la entirely in er-are others often mentioned: Carl 't\'U a Smith-Hugb8 teacher who There was one el mentary school them to Uve with others of thf'lr ror ln writing about the "baronlc 'IIanna. C. Lestt>r Jont'S. Harvey supervised the education of rural m th~ town for 100 children at O'lr\1l age. We art' attempting to cur e." Rather is It PXCI.'edingly Som<'l"'. \Vp Jay, John Boyd. people in three Lou1 aana parishes that ttme. When the chool grew hi?lp them. taking Ch ir age and fortunate for th.is coastal rom-Mont(' Gnml~s. a nd from the fcountJ~. to usJ. HoraC(l kn(>v.• a to 300 he was appointro dlsnict maturit~· into consideration -co munlty to be surrounded b.) a femininl' ronuns.;-ent 1 ~1 1'8. Flor- good deal about ht>r work as he upt>rantendent. !There arc now bt'comt> useful and responsible ingle pro~rty owner and one who <'Ol'\' Coolln"t and Mr:.. Ma) Dans grew up and he admired the able 1 tO in our thr('(' elt>mentary members or the wider rommunily." ha become a civic-minded n igh-and 1\trs. Hal Shaw .... It'll be a way Ln which c;ht> usi te-d county ~chool .1 Kt>eping close to the parents has bor of the community, J)Ct' o good r (.'(', and thl'rt•'ll be an i& people to work tORt>l h<'r to soh·e For many years tud<'nts from also been a part of Mr. Ensi~'s conet>r.ned with thl' wise den•lo crea lng amnunt nf public interest their own probiE'ms. our to\\n wt>nt to Santa Ana to· philosophy. He says, "Our school ment of this area. and parUclpation. t hAnks <:onstder- "Tt>aching came naturally," says hif!'h c hool. Wtwn \,rorgl' Wil~ sy tf'm i committt'd to the prin-lk>llt proof thalt tht> ln'ln,. Co. abl) to tht• at'lt\\• Woman's Ch;c Mr. Ensign. "My i ter encour-son tx-came ma}or he appointed ctplt.• that the best interests of the I •ot. holdl•~ INick de\·~lopmMtt Lea~ue. ged me, and once I be~itan my :\1r. EnsiJ..rn to s tud.)• our n('('ds for pupil aN' ened when teachers 18 pro\'1~ Ia the .. tallt'41 ud ;====-=:.:::...:....:=..:===~=::::; training I kne\\. that I was' In the a hiJ.rh school of our 0\\-1l Mr. En-und paren,ts ,,·ork clos ly together ~xt88J\·fl plaaa ue t.b" dr11 right field of work for me." si._, thought the tim<' had comP to creatt' fot' an the childrPn the ~ J~t"tua« forth tllf' bnt. 'nuieiana State Teechers Col-for us to form a t:eparate high best po ible klnd of school n-po.lble ruAV to futuft ~ero"'t" SE~ECTONE STl:PS TO Kf)n~e Deco rating Ct lor Stl~ct ~wr pre , •.' .:z .. r., ::1 color / sc!scme Ccl~r~ •i•~J Jle,·.,. ,.., .,., school district and had the city at-vt ronment." Ia thfl ~t l•f4>rt'tlts of tbf' t'•Ur" tomey draw up a petition to the Mr. Ensil:Tl has piloted us oo."taJ ClOmtnualty, 110t mt•l'f'Jy Sb.nta Ana School Boaro to 'l'elea e thro~h the YC18l'8 without any lll lb.-lDtt>t..shl or tilt> lnta.-Oo. u to do o. Under Mr. Ensign's sign of factionalism arlsin~ In our Tile._. ... llS do pro\l~ ror powers of persvaslon. e noug h el<'m('ntary !'cllools!'. Evt"ry ~ection ~ .at.... park &lid play- Santa Ana ~I Board members has tx-c.>n treated &llk<'; nt'eds ha\'C JTI'tuad arf'al u.•cl tboi'CMICflr~ c;i~tnt'd it to mak€' our his.:b chool bt'\>n tudied and tht> program and for proJwr now of traltlc, 110 tha t d i t r 1 c t possiblr. Furthennore. b u i 1 d i n s: s plannro aC'COroingh·. th.-mJttblkt'tl of t~ pa!lt (sael1 :\1r. En IJ.rn int<'n 11'\\t'd idney Buildinm-. he thinks. should bt' ., Ba lbna l&tand'8 lat'k of park!!) I Da\ id~rm for thP job of hi~h tx-autiful as well a., US<'ful. "Ill not bP r.._.IM'utt>d. chool principal •a job which Mr., Af. fat· as tht> tt'aChE'r' ar•e con-ThN'<' il> yet no "land hungpr" I.>a\id ... on has fillf'd ft•om the be-1 crrnPd , h£' says, "Wf> ha\'f' aimed h<'re; Mw has only to driH' around ~.;innin~:: to lhE' prE'.,I'n t mome-nt. to altr·uct charming a. w<>ll as and S<'l' the numet'Ous ,·ucant lots. I 20 )!'ars later l. able JX'Ople to t<'ach our children. And th<>re are subdi"i lon:t all set Di cus ing his philosophy of Out· starr is madr up of m('n and to bl' OJ.W'nt'd for dc-\'t'lopm 'Ill by I s<'hool._, Mr. En i£fl ~~ . "&hools womrn o! unusual abilit) We've I tht' Ir\·in<' Co. as tht' m'('d at isPs. should I!TOW )lp \\ith the com-hurt ph•nt ~ to choos<' from. e\'en II rs a ,af<' prl'dtciJon thut in rhe muntt) I f•·h 1 hut rf 1 rould lh E' m 1 ht• faN' or a gen«'ral shortage I n<'xt I ivt' ) ears. if a mnjor cat a s- in thi communal~ and kflO\\ its ut t•lementan teacht>t .. A hun· trOJ)ht• do<-'! not stop us. thi"' ar<.>a probl m 0\1'1 a Jon~ ~riod I drt•d and fifty mort' ll'achei'S ap· ,,·ill .l'C' thf' mos1 l'h<•nonwnal \H1Uid b<' in a posrtJOn to soln• pll<'d h<>rr thrtn "'<'''" nN>ded las t f'I'Owth in its his tor·., whatnf'r ,problt'ms :11'0 ''· In our YC'lH. \Vl• pa~ good \\'liJ!<'S and lry • • • .,<'hoot-; WI> ah~'8)'S ha\(' rn mind ''' kt'<'P JX'\IPh' with liS O\'f'r a per-I Tht> ('ommunJh ('hf'8t drht• lhf' hmdam<'ntal . that is. th(' iod or )<'AI'' Out' cit) Is known \\l•nl 0\'f'r thf' top'IIO ~\\'lf'tl~ lhnt 1 hrl'(' R ' but t'duca lion rt>al t'du-a' a t'Uud plaet• in "hich tn li\'f'. mO'Il follul around hl'l't' Ita\ p.o't calion. emphasiz£'!; much mort> \\'p hrn" t!'achn"> "ho af<' able quilt> bad tlml' lo upa•rM'la tf' than .,ubjE'ct mallt•r \\'p arl' at-tn C'lwll• n~e ow· childN'n " What 11 t:N'at triumph ha'l t_.n I( mptine tn f'duca It' tht.> "hoi<' T(l our su~g!'.,tion I hat "now n<'hlf>\t>d. \\bill" otht>r C'Om - l l'hild physically, mentally and IN'-. cc•t back tn ~ou," ht> rt>pli('d: munltlt·'l n rr 8UU working hard C'LEAS dothf's, frcshb· pres. ed. not on I> giv(' you that ""'" -prt'1JM'cl f~u...----they 1ut much IOilgf'r. C Fr~ pickup and Deli \'er)' . . . · V.'••'H• :1 "''1\\'S runctlonc>d on th<' to rNH'h t ht<l r qoota'l, Xf•\\ port pt'l'ml•,.. tJ1:~1' It is 1 hr school and 8 NI<'h for t hfl s..-<'on d ''t>:t r t:w- not th<' .,chool .uJX'rlnl f'n d<'nt that I c·nm~> thP nr .. t In th•' 'lt.:it .. to aro -.htJUid h&\1' lh<' potli~ht That u\'Pr lht> top ---and In tltt' tllU'-1 hll\'(' been rh:h:. bt'caUSC. mJrnC'ulo'"l!' Mlort tlnll' Of t•\'t'D ~~~u wt•. wt• ha\<' be t•n around hf'rP worki.JIK d»~ll. 1'111'1 I" n t rlhut.- a 1om:. lon~ timt>!" to tbf' lt>aad..r'S a.nd \Oiunh>f'r Food Sale Set ThC" Church School Guild of the Ccwona del Mar Co mmuni t y Church "ill hold a food sale Fri- day. Oct. 26, at Tommy's Shop. 609 Coast Blvd. Mrs. Kenneth Hunt is chairman or th(' food sale, which wiD fl'alUN' pic . cakes, cas- serole dishes. jams a nd home made candlrs. Proceed wi ll go to the building fund of the church. \\ t~rkt>r!il Who t'OndtH'tf'd tbt• drh ~. :tnd. D'l C'ampulp .Man- u.r.-r Frank Unnc>ll ...-markt-d tat t ht> 'lct.c:~ry Lone h.-on 'l'ut'Sday, ra trlhult• to our town f'or wholt'- hf'art.-dl~· "upportlnlf " worthy caQ!of'. • • • lei!ure hour Spores hire I Arrow 'Gabanaro" • K'itlt remnrknble ARAFOI.D rolw • your U*S oolw sir:e your correct thJe.tte L.onf'la Yow pus..., colon recerft4 Q Expert alt('ration Ser,·ict> .... 504 Coast BlYd. ~1 I s COROSA DEL MAll CallHA3176 ~ C ~-~-':.,.~o!~ S IIA\T. Y0t1-ALL IIEARD~ The nev baby at 6 l 6 1 :r Begonia An~ .• Corona del Mar, Is Janice Lt't> Tl'ddt>r. W E'(' dau~hl('r of Lt. and 1\11 .. J. L. Tedder jr. The baby I was txwn -at St. Joseph Hospital on Friday. Sept. 28. Both of the part>nts are from the deep south Now romes another cause de- servin't our attention and support: lhe drive for funds to furnish and equip the Hoa~ M<'morial Ho pital. Campai~ workers art> a iN'ady on th<' job, under the ~<'nPt·al l'haiJ'- manship of Orange Coast's Wil- liam F . Kiml's: a total or $2:,0.000 is nl'<'decl. . The support should IX' willingh ~wen a th«" !!'f'eat \'alue or the ho pital I rflaliz<'d. On thl' on£> hand. there wi II be t hr cons ider- a ble payroll ot the hospital starr; and much more important -. -the Sll\ing of a liff>, in emerg('ncies W ~u c..,__.•, Anfolcl ~u­ C'Ioeed witil • tie-yow ne•er look'H um.-L 1VIdp ol tiM tie, wabatt011 the colla pffJtO t -yow'" 'ot the ...._ ~"­eoU.r yoa·•e eftf' W01'8. 1V1 .. able rayoll 1m•rd1Be 18 a wi .. rna~ of Fell eelore. A•k for Affow "Cm•oaro .. tod.yt 5 '"'""' ..,. ... s,., ,.feet in GE'of'gia. • - 3-YEAR CIICII POLICY ENTIRE FAMILY ONLY SZI 80BE D ULE 1. HOSPITAL CARE 2. MEDICAL CARE 3. NURSING CARE 4. SUkGICAL CARE PAYS iWIM: EX- PENSES VI' '1'0. OF BENEFITS: 5. DRUGS and MEDICINES 6. AMBULANCE SERVICE , 7. BLOOD TL\NSnJSlONS 8. XooflAY. RADIUM POa UCII--OF YOVIl FAIIILY ILL WI'IW CANCI!:a * 'TOR PEACE OF MIND" * II ECRETARY TO PRE~IDENT A new member of the Orange Coa t College staff is Mrs. Mere- dith Harwood or Corona del Mar who has ' assumro the po it ion as secretary to Dr. Bas il P ett?rson. Mr-s. Harwood was former st?cre- tary to the American Red Cross. Souther·n Orange Co\Jilty Chapter in Santa Ana. Dr. Lloyd A. 218 MARINE A\rtSUE II.Art.oJ-Mit BALBOA ISLAND FOf' ARROW St>orts hires Ocheltree. Physician, Sur<Jeon end Osteopath· announces the opening of his office for general practice and obstetrics 1505 Coast Blvd.; Corona del Mar, Calif. (Cornor of Carnation 1\ve. end Coast llvd.) , Offioo hours: 9 e. m. to 5 p. m. Office Phono: Hl\rbor 2136 • &chango: I Eecon 5661 .. • DIRECTORY .....,.... INSURANCE For~ Need ISLAND REALTY CO. llarw7 D.~ IIAitBOil m -w PattiE at Apte, Balboa W.. ··.JE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley lnauranoe eoun-Uor RAJtBOR lTN 225 llutDe Ave., Balboa w.d W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 w. BaJboe BlY4. Newport S.ch, Calif. Phone: HArbor ~ <"'· R. ... , a Wl'ttM rr... ~ .. •rutt. l&eldM.) You ha"~ to k~ )"01.11' t'Yt" open and mind alert to diseo"w the t~"eUUres of Kwco. and be for- (''\"f'r gmtly asking q uestions. So it was we met a man of aome 80 yean o f as:~ "'ho was born here BJJd who~W father and wandlather •·ere bom hE-re. W~ foW\d out about the little-known Church or Mi sion of La Cruz and Fat ht-r Junlpero ~rra'& ~innin~t -t he Patron Saint of CaliJomJa W e stared through an iron &rill into a small walled oo\D'tyard. At the far end •-ere t.nscri~ the rrgures, plainly J~blt>. "1510", the date of construction and buUt nearly 500 years a ~o; lonst 'before thE-Pilgrim Fathers !Andt'd on Ply- mouth Rock; long before there was a ,.,~hite ma n in the most po"'"f'rful country i1f tht> "'Wld today. the t:n.ited Sta tes o f America! Indians a c t u a I I y built thl' ChUJ'C'h or fission. "'hich has Its Cle~ man and Is a ,::oin~ con~m. even today Tht' "En~r in char$!e" was F ather Junlpero Serra. California's S.ant and F a- th~r It was the first church to be built by him. and throws a nt>W ligh t uwn our l{r~t and famous Padre. He was burning to build churches and missions to brmg thl' Indian, hi.s own kind and fu· ture ~erations neart'r to God. The ChUrt'h of La Cruz, now al- most 500 year old. Is taU and nar- Dr J H McCl '-row The exterior and roof show · · · · os ... ey some disrepair and i.s genl'raUy CHJROPRACIOR OO\ered \\;th bri,::hl ~n mos .. Office Houn: 10 to 5 I It ts mostly built of rock, but what Wednesday and Sunday Serra usro for cement and an 703% E. Balboe Blvd. outPr CO\t>rinr: l'ould not bt> di.s- Cdownlltalrs) ('(1\Pf'E'd Tlw "f11' nf lhl' lmck Balboa HArbor 30(1()..1 11'> l)('rf r·..-• Oppo&ite Miniature GoU OourR :"t'arl~ 'ifto )f'ar-. :teo thf'lt• " nr• Cf'mf'nt a~ \\ e-icno\\ 11 today: 8IL\<-.:a ft.A 0 n" c;t!'f'l "l" bPamo: 1 .. r tr• mrndou Sil-er P~aters span..-:. but F'ath r ~ n a knt"~ , · 1 " ha 1 he was dom~. II P '' orkf'd And Slh."enlldtha hard and deh<>d d<'t'pl) 1nto ~rinl -IW~ s.lrt>sscs and ~tra1n . Wl'h~ht'l, ma- Re-plating trrta~ and matht>matic--Thl' Gold -SU'-er -Coppel' -Brua I Jon!;. hi{!h N'Of is u bla< k hair. Near Comml.llllty Oull'dl Jound on thP outsid(', on the m~ldP 1914 Harbor Blvd .• Costa liMa It i a prrfecl AI'Ch, paantc>d Ct'ru· Beaeoo 511.1 l<>an blu<' \\hkh "' no\\ fadlnc. 1 Thl"t't" arf> no ~upport tnl! c.•nlumn L-----~.=v=s=l::-:c=-----....: m 1 he Church &nd 1 hl· C<'l hn~: ts Marg~tL. Scharle TeedM"r of Plano Orga.niat -Aooocnpanlst Evening aa.e. for Actulta !111 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar . VOICE Ve ra Williams Member ot M. T. A. Teacher or PIANO and VOICB Special Trajnlng for children. 313% Marine Ave. Balboa Island ' PIIY81CIAN8--8UitQij()Ntl Lawrence K. Gundrum. M.D. 1741 Su~rtor Av~~ Cccta Me. Practloe Umlted to Diseases of the Ear, Na.e and Throat and AlleJ'I)' Office Hours: by AIJI)Ointmeot BEacon ~ or HArbor 1016 Day or Night PhoM HArbor 1138 Baltz M ortuary (lw,pel bJ tt. .. HARBOR a Corolla *I Mar. c.Jlfcnla Ample orr-street ......._ I I I I I 'C'r) hi~h ... maybr t hrP<' stnri<- Th..-altar and Catholic ornanwnt" .8N' perft"Ct and thP WOit(lH) blnches down th€' n:u ro\1. naH• are> old amt worn. but st11l !ltaunch and I stron~. Thf' l'Xt('rior of thP Church of La C'ru7 n~lly n~ a httle ~oan,~t O\t'r af t•r man:. centurle' but I is sttll wa l€'rproof. o:tron~. un- shaken and unbrokPn Half way down thf' Church IS thC' famous court}etrd wilh the ancient date cu1 an tht> inssde of the outer ,.,.·alL Ou ··••ch side art' di Cllrdt'd. wt>ath· e r tx-a t E>n. .un u.st>d cnll chi."-and ms1de tht' open (:Till are INters. pamungs. car& Sind noll<'t'" tt • tif~ing to C'Urt'l<. madt• 1 hPrf' b:. prople who. bt-cau.<:£> of thPtr F:ttth. \\ t'rt> curf'd of di"f'3M' "ha tt rn'<l bon£'~ and mind" WP had no "guld<' · no Padrf'. nobodv ... Wl' \\€'ri' nlonl' &ltl'r thf.' kN>I)('r of tht.' chureh had op- c>nt.'d it "ith a ~~~entac ~ram"h 1 kE'\ and what "e witnl' !.l'd \\as I pur<>. unb<>sm irchl'd C'hrast i~tntt) that would makf' pagan Stalin sit up and tak<' noti('(' nid Fath<>r Sf>rra. nf"arly ~)()(I ~·ears a)lo. know what th<' world would pa s t hrou~h today with tht> barbarow fh nitic d ad-set a~in t Christlam t~" H IS· tory J'ePt'ats its<'lf and aftl'r 1,000 years or so the shades of Gt>n~hl. Kafln mo\·es again, but this time- with the false ideolo~ of Marx and Lenin. Father Junipero Serra fi m hl?d his first church or mi sion and star1t'd from here on his last and final journey to Califom ut. bwld- in~ more e Uici<>nt missions as he we nt northward. In thf.' mature years of his life he spaced his missions, s tarting at San Dlt>~o. one day's walk apart. H <.' top~ near San Francisco. rest<>d and died. He built some 21 missions in Caliromia and Arizona. lea\.1ng an immense trail behind him. Ne,·er did the world need Christlanlty as COantinued on ~ 4) FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES ..... D.--•tro • IPA&UAJIE.''TAa1' CLA I Mar Community a.unta by .. J:XUUti atimt A cla ... m ''Parhamentary Pr-o-adult dhi.Qon of ()ranee Oout Q11,. cedurl • Lo m~ in.statutf'd Mon~ ~ Florenct> Coobn1 ol ae.a. Is Urged Here da) morntng •t ·~ Corona dtl Bay as t.be UlStruc1or. A large attendance. includmc all 1M lnm\ben of the prden wct.Jon. tu.med out to hear 0\arl~ Gibbs Adams. noted hortJcuJtur- lst from Pasadena. adcJrea the re- gular monthly meeting of the Udo Isle Womt'n's Club last w~k.. Mr. Adams, whose subject wu. .. I! ~'Ou and I were to make a garden to Uve in," showed colored lid of \"Uious gardens with par. ticular empha is on color in gar- d ns. He pointed out thel'l" is no color di harmony in nature's "iJd llfe. He suuested, in prfya~ oon- ,·ersatlon, that Udo Isle oould be madt> an exquisite tlowerla.nd and that the whole Harbor area migh be beautifaed to \1e \\i th Hawali Of PERSONAL INTEREST u a &em or the coast. 1 . F.xvrt' (Jn tatu;tJ~ tt'll us that was first Patnm of hi.s )oca) chap. Lunch~n \\'as St'r\'ed befo~ th durtn;.; thf' paa; ten ) a~. three· I ttr or Eastern Star. 1S a thirty.-.. ~y ~ting by a cotnmlttE't' lour h!< of the fa.miht ~ m thu cond degree Muon, and a member dJ~tf'd by ~trs qutr~es Lamb Ct ••mtr·~ h.1 .1 me~>•~ ~and chant>'-'<l l of AJ Bekal Sh.riM, artlw m ctltUrman of ~111\lt ty .. ·tn: rl<'f UJ"''''"" fit lt•a:o.t onC't· ::-am Elks and Kiwanis Sam is a past Blanche Rotrers. '\1ce . pres:sdent Km ... falho r 0\11) not bf•" .. talJ'-lJOll Pn>sJdent of the Orange County conductPd tht' IT!N'tln~ tn th;e ab-t 'P rl hut he ha. mcm 1han one BuUders Exchan e and a former ~.ncf' or thf> president, Mrs ="e}son n·a'"" I•· t~t• JliHUd of l:i ,.,"~ '"ldJ N'Ctor of our own Chamber ol :"J('('t' Lan. U\1ltmJno ot :'I:P\1.-th• ,am•· N•mmunit;. '" ~"•"' hu .. l· CornmeTce \\'lth all tlua. he sliD port S!A\" a tftlk on thP rommun· ,..,.,, f"nnrt c 101! plumbm~ and wt>t an ()('('aS'ionaJ lltw for alba- lty <"he,.t. hr·altn;.< <"f•l"(' and marlin. About the ti.J!w -----Frrtm hJ, f1r't 'ht)p 1n BaJbC'"J.d. ) ou read ~. he·u be lq> in Colo-B " R • "-•m ... bu•u r·io" hal> t:rn"n •o 10· n~do trying to beat Mn. K. 10 bac-00 et!letV at cltJd•• I IWt'fjJ d !»hOp tl If!,) aOth gint; he family' first t'lk of the C ·aa M ,, rr "' 10 :-.. '\\ fXII I rw .. <"h. whrch \'e&r ap1 eeting ha .. I~ o•n hf'adquartt·r ... '-tn<'t' Ja.nu-• \V at :"t"''POrt &lboe Fedtoral <H ~ 19'11 pl11 a \\Bfl'hOU'-\· •n Sa'in~ and Loan ~ proud to C'aplllo Cirl'IP of thc-Corona d I ( n!<.ta ~1••'-ll-' Th1, quahfl\"-:;nm ha'e handled the financing for l\tar Community C'hurr h \\ill hold a<. , tHI\<'lllnl' man \\llh thiN' man) a house in which Kinsfat.ber II month!~ meeting at 2 p m shop snd f'JCht truc-k nu\\ < jff'r· ha.s in!"talled tht-plumbing a.ocl WC'dne day at Pil~m Hall of thr ating beoatme We're also ~~~ful for church . Km,.fatht r Plurnbuu;; s bosuw..s thJ .. <>tattmlent from Sam: .. Yoar ~frs Carl \\'QldE'Ck \\ill prf''Wnl t"I.O\\'Ih 'Pf'8k .. lnr 1 qUalJI~ or CO()peration and attention tO cJp.. a N'\I<.'W of Truman Oou~la< book. ht \\nrk 'lf'ld rl,1c;; 1, du.-to the uul O\er at ="e'WpOrt Balboa ~ ·~It ion to Amersca .. 1\t~ John n ... n ,, ho dr, th€' wo1 k Ht!' <.;( r.tor era I helps a lot m eotT~Pleung a L1ns(ln of Udo l !ll£' \~111 t .. • cuP 1 < mrl":O~"~ ha .. .,.., n \'lth htm r.f • .)Ob on schedule Our bustne. -.oint I ~otlon.o: will bP PI'~'-IN•n \P,u, •hr.·• nrh r' hA\1 It \\1\h ~oo has alv.-a~ been llbl.Y ~"nted by Miss ~tan:an·r Gtb nn t\\t•h•··Har r•·c•utr! \'lth th• firm, rlftndled SO'me'tlun~~t we apprt'(jate :'\lf'mtxrs of Group -l o: thP cud" and thf' t8 ,, rro~~n t.u.·d v..ll "OC'" anri alwa~. ~ber \\Ill bl' ho tesse : Mrs John La· rumph.'te ht~ (11th '' 'lr Th.-y tiki" mar of Balboa a.nd :'\lt s B· mi('(' •n" ~rk IM :-. m Love. J ohn Hart and :'\1r.. 0 . ~I \\'1, n 1" bll ... tn• , .. rut\ as dnn" Campbell of Newport HPtl;'h !!-. 'Jn ,, , •md_;, •lm· •n t~• ,. d••r :\Irs. \V ndeU H oy1 pr• •tdent ••f rn ,., l'' ••(•thst lt C'om• f>t •m· C'a.pilla has annuuncf'd that 11 d( ... bo s lr 'll tq1 rn ... Wnr-hlplul <.f'rl brids:te par Y a" a C'Jrcle lorn<>· \h•to-~ uf tht' H u her, ~· 1 ri.m: fat part:. for church \\Ork v.1ll h< Lod1.'1 .. n•• of thr I t'-l•'~ t:rl•"iOJ! ho•ld on Thun.da) ="o' 1:1. ~f.t,••ntc lod••• .. 1n Cn.ltfc•ml, H Newport Harbor Bank WILL BE OPEN ON FRIDAYS :rorr. 1 C A M ·c 6 P M Wi ll NOT Be Open on Saturdays DURING TH E WINTER MONTHS CON\/v\ENCINC CX:::TOBER 20TH We ar~ proud to be ~nown as "The Ban~ of Personal Service." We ha"'~ earne~ that d istinction by giving priority to the interests of our customers--and to the bankin g needs of the community. In tum, it has been the loyalty and support of our customers and employees that has built our ban~ to ii1 present stature. • ;11 Starting October 20 we will ta~e another forward step: Our directors have voted to close tfte ban~ on Saturdays during tfte winter montfts. A partial survey of our customers reveals generous and hearty support of #lis enlightened policy. We feel Htat you, too, will agree tftat this is a good plan. The new ldledule will give custom~rs more banking hours. As you mow, a large segment of business and industry has had the ttvMay won week on a year-round basis for several years. At ~nt, b.nb in New Y~. Chie.9o, Detroit , St. louis, San FTancisco, l~ Angele~ and 17 of+.er major eit~ ec:t'05s the nation also operate on f+lis b.sis. • In making tftis announcement. we feel ii is an opporlvne time to ~CMNftend your "'-of ou~ Santt-by-Ma~ .ervice. Hundreds of our customen use this c.onwnient MtYice regut.rfy. Our nite d~itory service is also evaa.ble to our bu.iness eudomerl wfto wish to deposit neeu east~. As in f+le ~st. we sh .. continue to 9iw priority to out customers' ;,....,eli\ end to the b.n.ing needs of the community. W e shefl eho continue to consfder h weffere end heppiness of the employees who serve you. We -. conftct.n+ yo. d tmcf Newport Harbor bank, as always, .. The B.nk of Penonal Servtce." ...__.ttr ,... --~17 417 .... •'•• CDW nN1: ft'AIAAN DIMMEIIS Allo Steaks -Prtme - Cocktails Gifta&~ lor You-thio. lfiBLQOMB WA~ 0. ''• occosiott o/1 The Birth of • B.b, Bisteenth Birthcla,. EncacementA.nnounoemeatll O:aange of residence Arrivals of Newcomers tiD NEWPORT BEACH Pho~ Harbor 7 58 -, RUTI-fS 8eafy Shbp ........ 0.... HMMw 2907 .. ~'~•• .... AIM.. c.-. ..... Included among Art Critlc Ar- A luncheon booorinl all W01'Rn Decision to hold a sprinc mother thUJ) MJller'• Jist of ou~tandlnl In the campatp, who will eell and daughter tea [or high school oils at the Loe Angeles all-dty Community Ooneert Series mem-sen'9rs Who are planninc to at-art exhibition aponiOftd by the bershlps, Is schectuled for the Bal-tend panheUenlc colleges wu made Department of Municipal art at boa Bay Club, noon Monday, the at the short bUsiness meeting of Greek Theater in Griffith Park is opening day of the drive. Each the 'Harbor PanheUenJc last week Rex Brand's blue "First Surge of worker will bring a -.:olunt~r. In-on Wednesday at the Corona del the Sea." This painting won sc- structions and materials for t~ Mar church. cond award for olls for the Corona membership drive will be issued. Mrs. Ray mond Kent Harvey, del Mar artlsL and ofrict>rs for next year will be president. introduced her newly The show is on r~ ,1ew from 2 elN:ted. Re ·en·atlons may be appolntt'd chairmen and named to 8:45 p. m. daUy aod Sundays. made by calling Mrs. J . Leslie Mrs. George Moore to repretK'Jlt This exhibit includes 171 selections Steffensen. HArbor 2084-R. the group at the meeting on from the 2.000 oils, W3tercolors Offict>rs and chairmen for this chools held this week. Mr,s. John and sculpt~ submitted for show- vcar's campaign a•·e Mrs. Ster-Keeler introduced Wlnlfred Bacon. ing. A painting by Joan Ini ng f'ensen, p rt' ident; Mrs. Blanche who talked about the equl~t Brandt, wife of ltex Brandl. was Rogers. vice-president; Mrs. ~;-. C. and p,lans for ~e H~g Memortal also exhibited ln the show. Sawin, se<'rl'tan ; Roland Wnght. Hosp1taJ now bemg butlt overlook-1"111---• •• •---· tn-a.'\ut-er: Mrs. J . A. Seek. ap-ing Newport Harbor. Mrs. Bacon n ~I polntm nt chairman; Mrs. Walter also affiliated \\;th Pllnhellenic at SJ)ict'r, transportation chairman. t<he meeting. Mls Virginia George represents :Majority or the m~Ung v.'U lhl.' Hunting1on Beach area and gi\-en O\T'r to bridge and canasta. Mrs. William Berg\•elt. Sunset Tables W<'re decorall>d with faiJ Beach. Headquarters for the Jo-motif and des..,ert was sen·cd early cal Community Concerts remAin in fhe e\'enlng. Mrs. Frank Uttle. at the J . A. Seek office near the Mt'S. J . H. Riggs, Mrs. Kenneth I Balboa Island f£>rry. Starege a nd Mrs. M. A. Anderson Seri('s tickets are $6 Including wt>re ho tt>Sses for thl' e,·ening. Aec-ts-N.._-Clel"" of •IIY .,_, of tlelm-.~ l11 A,._ "Ice. "No colt.ctioft-.No ho." w • .41••-•• com. CREDIT IUflEAU Of N~RT lEACH, LAGUNA lEACH AND COST A MESA wraps up the da(s news in one small package of concise, intetestlng reporting. Convenient time, too, ot this bedtime hour KVOE lUI ON YOt1a oUL tax. PE"ciBI student price is S2.50 per series. Student workers. as well a. adults, selling JO m~mber­ ships will rt>Ceive one free mem- bcrshif). Tht-re i. nu additional cost to members or tht> Newport serie wi hin~ f(\ &tt<'nd Commuml) O>n- <'t'lls in nearby towns. including Rooing Emmes :!.~ ~~--~ Visits Harbor ~~~~~~==~~~ ~· L8guna and Santa Ana. Come..as-you~re Session Is Held Sam Emmes. st>ll. 1'0\'lng yachts- man. owner of the schooner Rcm- dez,·ous and locaJ resident. actual- 1) put foot to shore last week to \isil Ne\\'port Harbor brlc>fly be- fm·e shoving off again for Hono- lulu. HC' recently o.rri,·ro in San Fran- ci co from Honolulu aboard Mrs. Fir. t of tht> "come-as-you-are" L..alx-11 lkl)ea's Honolulu racer, st>ssions for womPn·s Chic League tht> 47-foot s<·hoon r. Jiida. taking wa ht•ld last Prieta,· at the home 23 da~s Ill an unw uaUy calm cro - of Mr ... J . R. Bt>ll. Goldenrod Aw .. smg. and th<'n l>O\\'ered up the in Cm-ona del ~tar. sacramcmt o nH'r to Stockton. a Co-ho te'>S was Mt-s. s am Kauff-river crulst' hP l'llthusiasHcaUy and Chinese Dibnera {!!] ~~~~=~!~~!] rC'COmm<'nds. and where he saw man. 1\lrs. E C.,Mor~:t>nroth ex· r~ B k jo 1 ·m11 Plain<'d thC' purposl'S of thl" Lea~ue &J<C!In an s en Y nt: a Sl ar Steaks • Chops • Short Orders 1 rip in his La <'rt'n&. 63! Coast. ma;b"'ltJ' -Newport ''M.arlner'l Mile" Red Snapper Cafe to tho~>c 8ttt>n~int: .. "ho mcluded In rompany with thP Clyan Mt·s. RobC'rt Krudw•~. Mr •. Don Hall . tht> Emmes sailed the R<-n- Dunning •. Mt;~. Etna Kun~man., dez,ous in tht> Ensenada rare of ~rs. Frar1 Snydl:'r .. Mrs. Vmcent 1919. continut'd d0\\1l thl:' coas t Lmdlx·~. Mrs Pep•to Pt>l't'z and to Acapulco and them across to llotrs. D. R. Rooke. Hawaii, fr·om where the • chooner I has been radiating on Pacific ex-!~==~~~====~~~~~~!~~ii~-i~~~~ Phone Wlli 2076 (Toll Free) cur ions N't>r since. The last ~n(' I to Tahiti lasted SIX months and Emmes returned to Honolulu just in time to board the Jada for I home. At the Balboa Yacht Club Sun-Visit Our Cocktail Lounge SAl'S SEiflll AT THE SIGN OF THE SWOIDASH SEJ\ rooos 1 day night last week. Sam Emmes gave an impromptu pre,iew of <'OlOJ'('d movies he took during his Tahitian '·oyage. Particularly fas- cina ling W('rt' piCtUreS Of the Bas- tille Days as C<'lebratcd by the South St'a Jslandt>rs with ranoe and small sailboat races and na- tive dances and festivities. Ne>..'t year he hopes to show his films on 16218 Coast Hwy .• Surt.ide i.on9 Beach 8-2405 a lt'CtllN' tour. Mr. Emmes <'XJX>Cis to rejoin his ~o~rif<'. AJiet>, and the Rend zvous in Honolulu for the wintC'r and to re- turn to Newport In the spring. per- haps to t it> up at the Villa Marina again, where tht> schooner stayed for sen•ral y('ars. 4:oewwaiidll .,,.. Hitch fContinued from Page 31 it n<'eds it today. He hould be 1 san<'t ified. H the rumor we heard is correct and Cardinal Spellman of New Y'Ork will be the next Pope in the Vatie&n, we hope he attends to Father Junipero Serra. Father Serra Is dust and ashes now. but th(' immense and fright- ful work he started here In Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico, is not finished, Christianity must s urvive or dle with these Asiatics at our throat. Christianity wiiJ not die and as long as we stay Christians we will win. Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Ta cos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, e tc. e Steaks Open 5 to 9:)0 p. "'· -CIOMtl Wo!ldoys La JA9una Beaeh ------------.. Ph. c-6 2 9 7 * Delicious Family Style Chinese Dinners * 1110 lOUTH avo. As. we said, we were alone in J••••••••••••••••• .. ••.,..~ the fLrst Oturch that Father Juni-, ~ pero Serra started. We were pre-t For ~ pared to leave, and irnpresaed by _.,..;? the augUst sil~ of the dimly Ut y F l a e lnteri?r, .we took the Uberty of • , , c..~ COCKTAILS ,. kneehng 10 one of the old benches ... ' ~ ~ aftd (ln)'ing. We left quietly and ,.. ~ "'Il the! ~ unshed his immenae • 4 key and cleled the door. Ouuicte • (11J~ ·· French and Italian Dinners ~ we stood apart as a crippled young W 1 ed Bee w· woman, crawling forward on the • mport rs & mes ha.rd pavement on her knees to-• ~ ward the courtyard inched by. We ... G N E, said nothing to the waiting taxi· ,.. driver who drove us beck to our • · ;J hotel because there was a great sJ • ., M .. 711 COAft -.va. ,a.olf,.ftV& ..._ IU&• lence upon us. ~•AAAAA&&.&.••a.a.•A..AA.,.&&&: .. \ • ' / l:O~E! WITH COOPERAnON OF RICHARD'S MARKET Invites Yoa to the BIG ... EXCITING . • • -AT- LIDO TREATER 10 A. M. to 12 Noon MISS CLESTA MEYER Wes:1nghct.se Home Economis· will show yc'J some of the m !racles o! modern ~ook~ng mtracles you'll :md hard •o believe untll you see•them ·.v1th your own eyes She wlll gtve you valuable short c ,ns and success secrets in usmg both a Range and a Refngera tor. She 11 gtve you tips on home laundenng that w1 1l make Monday the bnghtest day o! your week. FREE DOOR PRIZES GD1'S e FREE • • • MEET RUTH STOlE Decorator and Color Consultant -and- DAVID DOllE Furniture Designer for House & Garden ENTERTAINMENT You'll have a ~hance to bid on the Westinqhouse Appliances used in the demonstration ... and each appliance wiD qo to the hiqhest bidder. There11 be a drawinq for do« prizes. too! Come join in the fun .•. next Tb\U'IIday mominq .... AFTER THE SHOW VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW STORE AND WORKSHOPS ·H u GA 611 COAST IUGHWAY BEacon 7 0 0 1 , NEWPORT lEACH .. • ) I \ ~ .2..-tb home with lovriy extra l&rce )'ani. Ni~ly furnlahrcl. qui~t loca- tion on Uttl~ IalaJlcl. PriM to .sell. Reasonable terms. VOGEL · M.UE ..... .,. .. Charmin g 1-tx-droom cottage. oce-an ide or highway on tree line-d &treE'!: Room to add C'X· tra bE'c:lroom. 81 i~k Cu eplace a.t one end of 14'.~~·. beamed ceiltm;. lJ\ ing room" ith large COI"J'l(>r wind0\\1>, 24' porch aet'OSio lrcmt of homt>. I>inimt ar(>a . Bn.-akfaM room Large kitcht>n. Hall clos~l Hard- wood floo~. ~e" Payne thermo fuma<V' Nc.>" Crane fixtures ~e\' roof. NN •l)· pa.inted & puper<'d through - out. 20'x24' g11rac<> ";th ~road cement apron Rt>ar }-ard with tropical plAnts and 3 bearln~, \\ hhe g myrna ng ~ . Cen'lt"nt \\alks. One sidt> rc.>net>d. EX(.'(>ptionally good n('lghbors. All tht $9150 "'o for onJy _ 1 Bonds Paym£'n s of only $50 per mo. \\'h,• ••• y R4-• t ! ne.._vep~c.. ... Cout llvcl., Coro11• cl•l Mar HA 1741 or HA 1477 Ens.: HA l9l·M Will ""TillE For Ranch 1.HJ4" almost new - overlookinst upper bay -3 bedroomo, 2 ba I hs din- in~ 1oom lawldry and ser- vice room 2-car ~age. WiH trarll l'QUJiy for Corona del \1ar rl'o;id(·n~ or income. R<thn<" Eas} Tl'rm & Lo\\ Jntl"rcst Ratf' • • • ll:n t> Jl8 rty \\'ho ~'1!111..,. w loan up to flS,OOO on ht Trust ~d. ............ Real FAtate aad ......-..ce 1!19 Coast Bh·d., C.D.M. ~- DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $600 or $700 A MOSTB BY WOilKIN'O S DAY8 A l\-'EEK! DO YOU HAVE 114.000 · or a S-BEDROOM HOt.i E TO TRADE~ . Here tS a BONAFIDE Busi- ness oppor tW\Hy stabllshro 15 years-right here in Or- ange CoW\ty. ee 'a IUght Away! Hal'bol- ln~esltllent c:o~ REU.n.s Newpo.-t ...... ,-.a NEWroa-: HA 1- G l Re-sale: very lov~ly 3- bedroom home onJy 2 months old. Large llv:i ng room with beaullful fl replaoe, d I n I n g area, cheerful kitchen, color- ful bat hroom with tile 6' over tub. Large covere-d pa tlo wi th opening for haJJ and rear bed- room. 80' wide lot. Full P rtce HOW I N TNE WORLD OAJil VOt" ftEA T TillS! PIDL SULIJV AN GEO. EVERSON IIU N•wport lh•d., COfte w ... (Aerotl froM Cotta M... .. ... , IE 7121 5<458-J-Ev•s HA l l 57.w ....,. . ......... Each u. ba"inc 2 bMrooml ai.d lath upna~r&. ~t' n,ine roorp, raJ n~. llll'wP ldt.et~rn and dinett~. gia.ut"d rear porches. All property completely r~ ead1 cko incl\i ctua.U) ~ bloek from tbe ()(.ft.lt, Both units 1N.Ied. Only 2 .)"t'&&'S old.. Could not ..-ibJy bP ~oed at this. price. • • • • • 01\."E or Corona del Mar's FINEST HOMES for sale. Exclush "t'l)•. WU1 bP lbcnll"D b)• appt. only CONTACT US FOB GOOD IJ1JYB IN REAL ESTATE ••• RENTALS ll4illiri B. Lr-... Bt'JM L a.,... ._.._. 411 co-t ~ COBON-' DEL MAli F""""'ot.• Motel ....... 111'1 a.- Ray Stednlan 1574 Newport BlYd., Co.ta Me.cL BEacon 5121-J BIGGEST BUY IN SHORE CLIFFS Lot 11 5. 105-ft. frontage on ocean side of Shorechff Road $8750 Call HArbor 1109 or see your b rokec to . N· thi~ mo .. t atlracti\(' 2·bedJ'OOI1l hom I'. nn I) 4 ) ro rs old and in ct!bice to-. cation. Separatf' ~uest room and bath adjo ning gara~:e E:ICcel- lent income record Now rE'nted at ~115 00 $11 -per month It will sell qui<"kl~ a1 I term W. W. Sanford, Realtor Ellclut~h ,. Aa:f'nt Park An~ .. n l Marint-IIArbor !46! 8 .<\LBO.-\ I LA.."D BRAN D new 2·bclrm. home ; l•r9• liv. rm., clin. •re foru d •ir furn., nice bath •ncl on corn•r lot too. --- 1M8 MEKCrRY CL B C'Ol 'PE, spark ling blue ori~nal fin- ish, perfl'Ct mechanic-al condition Radio. heatt>r. spotlite. SEE THIS BEFORE YO BUY! IMI CHE\"ROLET STATI OX \\'AOOS -a (X'rfect family , car. Completely overha uled, nt>w mf'talli<' paint. Priced to ..u. 1M3 CHEVROLET ~-DOOR I'EDAS. Original onc-own<'r car. Radio & seat CO\'cr& CULIEBTSON MmR $1,095 co. AuUtorized Ohe\'l"'Oet aJid Old...._,... 8aJH ... fkonice 2481 Coast Highway Newport Beach BEAoola 144! OPEN EVENrnNGS & SUNDAYS At1raC1ht> IX'W 2--bdnn. home on ruJ;h ground wtth ghmpse c» ocean and ~d \'It'" of hills. Larye lJ\'ing room ", th fit'f!'Plat't", beamed reilln~t and ptct~ window. Brea kfa.st nook. Pan I Ray hnt. Handy kllc.hfm \\1th tilt>; lou of cupbuardo;; and cl o.. Ttle m bath. C.an easll) add a Jrd bt'droom or den. S tU<X.'O extt>rior-pJ.a.ner lnt~r. Ce- dar shlnltle roor. Cement walls Pan})• ~ R-2 ~~(Y $1~-~ ~.500 \\i ll ha.odlt! l >M of thP outo;tanding 3-bed- room. 1 :o -bath homH on Bal- boa P<'nlnsula F I a g ~ t n n P front. ptl\ pa••n. lar~t> Wl- dP<"k. un11 hl'at. l•arbae,. da.s- po..:tl (lt>7•·n..-. ot oth r fea- tUrt><l makl·' rlu,. ont• of th out tandinc bu)'5 of toda}. l'rl,. tt $211- C'•m,td• I smaU lo<'al 11 'ldP 81Efii.EIF ar-11 laociates ) II:' Newp,Drt Blvd. HArbor 2H2 Newport a .. ~h MODElS AtOM 1121.50 TO $331 .50 •. lEAlTOI . • IUStNESS OftPOitTUNITtES • RENTALS BArtlor ~ llZJ c...t ....... c-tiel W.t ~~ to St J es{'ph a nd Community ,., H tats flowers by Marri 509 E. .. ,~ ........... HA~t.er JOJO • • • \Vt> M\'P the kf'y you can ~<'t a noM"~ a.. ) ou please. • • • !-IWrm. BALBO-' I ~'"D HOME. 1~rt;~ li\ m~ 100m lx>amed C<'iling: , patio, fi~ plaqt-, gar~clgt..'. $1~ AAA Furn t1JII pr-Wt> ~~ 7VU ·····..., .. ltealton-Muliipl• UJtin91 l11surors, l .nin•n lrol•n ,.,. •+ A9•t•, lalboa hlancl HArbor 377-W YOUR NEW HARBOR AREA DEALER OEUYEitEO HERE . . ort AutoS 1~ W . Nwpi. 81.-cl. HArbor 1407 NEWPORT BEACH lMY ttJIJKIIMI EM1 tiE~III/11 I PLEASANT corntortable furn. .nn. Priv. ent. priv. bath. 501~ Mari- coJd. CDM. HA 285S--R.. ._ GARAGE Cor rent . CDltf. HArbor 1347-W •. '';fWO-BEDROOM apt., partly f~rn. 165 • mo. lear 'rOund. Utili. Pd. lll'ltUelitto, COM. HA 1670. ROO on PelllbJula, priv. bath, pri . f'Jlt.. undeek facing ocean. $10 week )l'&rl)'. HA 2669-R aftt>r 5 p. m. or week-ends. N 'HED 3-room apartment. l: 'ties paJd. 600 Acacia, COM. 1-BDRbt. rurn. apt. 165 mo .• yrly j rmt.al. 2191~ Pearl Ave., B.I. BY OWNER-3-bedroom, 2 bath, large Jot. Rf"as. prjet". Excel. t<'rms. BE 5733-W. 2465 Marino, Bay Shore<;. F URN. API'S. $45 mo. It up: also I nns. ldul harbor It ocean \'iew • 1 cJ~ to beaches. SUIJllller It win- ter rentak. 1414 Seaview, COM. 1 HArbor 1456 LEA E BY 0\VNDI.-Large bldg . on 1'\t>wport Blvd., near City Hall. 5l·ft. frontage, 2 tore rooms Ample sq.foot- a~e ln rear. uitable for mfg. or other purpo~ee. Electri· caUy equipped with adequate H.P. Cement floor . allt>y on ide, loading zone in back. Vacant lot adjoinJng Cor park- mg or oth<'r uses If desired. Would cono;tdlor ..ale entire pi~. A\lllbtblt> Jan 1. 1952. Rt>nt wholf' or part. .<\ddr...,A Bo-,: 0 thl~ papt'r. BEAV.'TIFULLY Curn. 3-bdnn. lg@. li\'. rm.. gl~ ed-ln porch over- looking ba}. S95 per mo. 109 Park A\'e . Balboa l.sland. or Ph. CHurchiU 9·8H19. BE 6166-:'>t. 1 ~MALL STO~ with 4 nn. apt . Harbor Bl~. e-ta Mesa. HA 2082-J. "· GRA.'IT'S Furniture ! AppUanc-e 1615 Newpt>rt Rlvd . Costa !\1esa 1 Whitt> Rotnr) dt•lP hrad sew- inq maehlnt-perrect.. . . 29.50 ;; ("Ubic rt. Frit~ida.i r<'. clean as ne": guarantrf'd .... ... .~ :i9.50 Aunk lx>d. comp wi th springs and m attrt'SSt'' . ..... . . . .24.50 4-pit'Ce decoratPd bedroom set. full size be-d. \'anity and ., bench. 7-drawcr chest .. . 3i.50 R-pil'Ce modt>rn walnut dining M>t : ext tabl" buffet and 6 chairs .. . .. . 59.50 S·C'Ubic-Ct. Srn t gas ref rig-I I (>rator: guaranteed ......... 149.50 Thblt' top J!a~ range, oven control . . .. 3i .50 Maytag wastwr baiJoon rol-I lers . . ..... 29.50 t 'prlght plano. mahost. case ... 49.50 I Glass front walnut china cabi- net, llke ne'' ............... 39.50 1 FURNITURE AND A"L.IANCES 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa lteplaae )'OUr WMfltered ut.elUm WIU. a • SALES • * SERVICE • PARTS LEA E Bl" OWNI&-Large bldg. on ~~>wport Bh-d.. near City Hall. 51-ft. frontage, 2 toN' rooms Ample aq.foot· a~ tn ~r. l.ltable for mfg. or other purpo~e&. Elec.tri- caUy cqulppc:'d with adequate H .P. Cem(>ot floor. alle)' on ide. loadi.m,• zone in back. Vacant lot adjoining for park- ing or other US('S lC desired. Would con~1~r sa.lc vntin.> pi('('t'. A\ailnbll' Jan 1. 1952 Rent wholt:> or part. Addrt''"' fto'\: 0 thi!l pfl~r. .... rw.. bay fraat •. fttVjlaM. ·~ 1 ..... ~ ...., IIDOCI beat. 11.25 mD. uatU .,._ othfts DI!W _. ..._ &teiaw'ay. h Al80 'lae. 1-~ Unit, m . Cttic:arine. Warlie..r, A. B HArbor 25152. Ewa: HA 2114-X. Chaw. Knabe, RaWorth, u.J- FOR LEAS Modern offlee .ulte. atrum Fram 1585. DAA"Z- 3 rm.. fum.; suitable for .._... SCJDID>T. 520 So IbiD, ow. 1 ance, accounUn,, a~. 6th, Santa Ana. 100 pianos aJ... etc. Contact F. E. Birt.ctwr, =""".:.;,.~Y&.::.:.,..,._.;,...-___ ..,.._~--- HArbor 1964. GAFFERS It SATM.ER •tWICe cu r'OR RENT FUlUJ. bdnn.. J-ee. ranu. c.ed only 2 •~b. SW> fenced play yard, T v. auto. · fuU price. Nothing down. Terms. wuher. deep fl'e4!%e. Children, BEacon 854l..J. pets OK, nr. schools. 23581 Pi· BALD~:;:::::::;:iWIN::::;:._:::;l:..:::CROSO:;..,;.:.....,.....,...IN...,Wll.,..C~S.,..Pl:=~~-er=."!l rate Rd.. Newport Hetl}lu, BE Uted. Sa'-e S200. terms. Sub)ec1 6861-J-K. to prior aJe. DA.,-z.SCHXIDT l"'ok RtNT-2-bdmi. Uiifum. new Bi~: P'&&DO Store. 520 No. ~ duplex. 2265 Clay, CUff Ra\·en. cor. 6th, Santa Ana. FOR RENT BUCKSKIN llldt..E, 6 }T'I. olcl, ex-- BUNGALOW APARTMENTS J eept .. •·ell traine'd Abo saddle Beautifully flml., 1arp Uv. room lr bridle. Call )lr. Jay, HArbor with ~oe. bdrm . ldtc:ben· 828-W or HA 33. ette. Rate by day, week or FREEZI:.R-Too arnall; 1.5-cu. ft. month. upright. 2-door. used onJ} 2 •ks. FARM HOUSE MOTEL 1 paid $585. WiU id1 for 1304 Cout Blvd., COM liA 1083 ! full price. Nothing down. 'Fem:ll> FURN. APTS. ror rent. See Lou-__:B::.:Ea.==:con=.:.:._:6541::::..::..·..:.J _____ _ ise Apt&: fim. Dbll A: atn&Jea. BEAL'TlFUL Electric Orpn. ~ overlooking Bay. 3at Carnation, posse sed ~ow only 17&5 Bnt. Corona del Mar. ruU round tone. Euy \enn.s KFURN . house, largt> Uv. rm., dln. DA.'"Z • SCHMIDT PI AN 0 rm .. r BR. bath, kitchen, ~tte. & ORGA."l CO. Santa Ana 520 Beauuful t:arden. Nr. beAich. $75 :-..o. Main ror 6th yr. lease. Xo pets. HA l~W. ------------- For Sale Wcmted ~ BABY SITri.NG-Reliable HA EXCLISH Wf'dgwood bone> china. 2925-.J. Cathily pattt-rn. place St>tlin~ for ==~;::....:;,:;.,--:::~,.--==----1!?. \\ ilh a('('('s. oru•. totalling 93 WILL 00 ODD J OBS, ca~ter Pl~'<'l's. B€>St offl'r O\ t>r S400. P h repairs, paint etc .. by hour. day HArhor 0631-W or "reek. HArbor 0126-J. , , • . I \\'A. vrED X e" bu\' in "\ f'\\ por ' • FOt R-nt P.!'I'FJl gas IO\'t>. nearl~ Balboa ea to £its,<'< HA 111; n,,,. 81~. Good for apartmt'nt.l d.J r __ ._ .. n. boat or trailer. ltrs. Goeldnt.>r,l WOl'l.D LIKE work tn Jl!art~ d·•p 2li 33rd Sl ~ewport HA 2092-R ga.s ~ta110n attendant or \\rut' -, --. haH~ 'ou'! 131 Coa.il Bhd l'SEO CAR Modt>l A pickup. Ex· :tl'\l . CaU fur Richan b c•r. c • C'1"l mf)lor new pa1nt ... awl bt-d. H~bor l!i93. L:uod rubbt>r. HA 1668-J . .;;,;.;__-:--,----- FOR :o;ALE 2 \iollru. 1 . mall ne .. ~~ 1 reg. sz~>. ~ Both copy Stradimnus. &>4? Bill O'Harra, l>t>nniv'<> Cafe. Corona dt>l Mar. -~l.PRlGJIT rJi,no rea~ Rab~ ha"· GRASTS '\sn,·t. 429 llrlio1t"OPf' < .. l)~t 5='\LJI-.R'S RE...""'T l-10lii:.. \""•·an Furnitut·~ • AppUam'e aftC'r 6 p m . Cor 1 c ta )tc :.a Bl:.. 67\U·J . . :'\t'\\'J)Ort Rh·d. Costa \ft.>sa 12 COIL !'PRI:'\C:S fnr 1\\ Ill bo>d Ill' Rota~ drllp hf'ad sew-:!l9 Pt>arl AH• .• B I HA 3Ri-R 'Jl':::O:T .\ DOG Ll.:ht bm'' n ft• mg mach tnt' ~r(ect . . 29 50 I ;;;n ,..,1 '"""t()t'Tlt 1 mall' pupp~ . .! m•mth f'ld "anu-cubic ft . Frh'idl\Jr(', cl('an as ·•:• ,. ·'1' • exce ·. l'On O\ t>l • ~;uod homt' H.A $1.-J-~1 61 11 new: 1.'\l&rantt.,.d . • ;;q 50 hllult•d fll(•tur . ~ood ~~~··" uphol-Larlupur. Corona del )lar bed comp with 11prin~s hl<'r~. nl'\\ patnt. radio. hl'att>r. E~t PLOYEO COL'"PLE dl•,u • --r-;, and mattresst"· ....... 24.50 I 3l6 El Modena, ='wpt.. Helghu . 2 bdrm. unfurn. hou " m CDll ••• ncJ 'i,TQRAGE · \\ .. "'""\\lett dlle Worl4" T1lRt r. 'f:W ~·WilER!' M u, .. lbrbor '-uuUar~ of th•• hllclh"D'.. ..\(r£~T"-FOil LVOS Jt.-mt ""-'"'> ar .. pl1"1.ur>"d h<~"4' "Hb ctw t•l'llt. aiutln•· .. prt' .. Jd-t. 1966 Harbor BlYd. M,..._ t-<. . rUa cof !bilk•• l.-.l.1fti!. P i('turo-<1 ll"rt h • ril!llt rr )1,.... C'Oil1.a MN& J>J~uJ \lftl)rf' \\ll,...l--r. "" E. f-'. lllr1.b. ,.,... -·"·'" torot h 1"1 and Bl:atoDa ~ W l!'n-M M,...~ "•~a fi()IJ5~K r-------=~~~~-~V~u=JI~p~ho:':•·:~:M~p=h~,~~~~====~~====~~==~~~ Dependable Plumbing A Prompt R.epair Sn\ioe lfainwned ...._....,..... ltii-W -~ ........ \'" .. ~"'l*'t ken PAINTING EadSheOin nl ......,. 8t. -e-ta ·~ sr..c-....,_. WA.'I YOl'R DIRTY \\'ORK DO~'£~ GO TO HAl. Comp•-"'~ houllectNJ\Jng -rv~~ Windn .., floM· v. a.JCtntr ._,.4 pol- . hln11. ""aJI ~ClShU12 l aU Harbor 1756-W COllPLETE HOUSJ:X1.EASL'\G F1.1miture A: Rug shampooing, etc Work guaranteed. &aeon 6111 ,\J's Holli«.' and \\'indo~ Oe<an ing Sen"lce. "ITS u.-. J. Optometnst 33 Ye ars in Downtown . Los Angeles Now Located in the NEW IICIIE SliPS ': '\.o 111 "" \R' '-''iT\ .-\~A .----MODERN EYE EXAMINAnONSi--..... SAME FAMOUS LOW PRICES Hours 10:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Phone Xlmberly 3-0322 again this week-end in the Harbor Area! e e e Let's take the Tour!" pil'CC decorah>d bedroom st't. RED IRISH SE:iTER pups. AKC I Y~all) ll-a~e H.A ~18-J 01 HA full size bed vanity and N Rt>R. ~2f) up. BE 5388-R-K 26i6 057R-W-K. · tx-nch. 7-draw~r chest ... 37.50 OrangP, Co ta Me5a 1 RE UABLE m ·~ sll cart> for • s~ • ., ycjjr. t9U' ~ \n~if, Ce·o~. H·q'-.~dl o.·.,. o .. t C~<l 8 wd +rcfuqlt Co•=·• df' "-'~•• a~d • .,.,., al-l •o S•·•• O·:w• GOS Iris. Corona del Mar modem "a1nut dining 19:)11 CH E\'ROLET 4-dr. dbc. Sed. I lawns or do ~our \ard work et; ext . tabll" bulret and Li.ke new. lots of t>xu·as. Will HA 2\Ji·J·K. · · 6 c hairs . . 59 50 tmde for IC\ el lot In Corona dt>l , . t. Sl'r\l' l{a11 n.>frig-I ~'lar. HArbor 228ft ask for Mr. I REi\& A !_>1~""10. Lrt the Kiddi<'' tor; guarantN'd ......... 149.50 Chambe-rlain alll!'am -~ per mo F~U ter:n rt.>nl t !\ ran-own O\\ ~-u on any p.J.B.no m our op ~-.,... PARIS SELMER a~to saxophont•;' stock DAXZ.SCH~UDT Btg PI· trot 37.50 <'X<'t>llcnt cond wtth comb. cas<' s --.n .... 'I · waslwr balloon rol· ,... 11 . HA. bo 29G5·R·K ano -ton•. ::>.;v .-.o. ·' tun. anta \.3 <.>\es. r r . Ana. . 29.50 BEAUTI FUL Spinet piano. Repos· ~.:;.:.::.:___.,..,... __ ,....,.,... ___ _,... pr1ght plano. m ho~. case 49.50 sessed. Pay out balance S3871ike KJ:.'Y~ -Maoe "hUe you walt lass fJ'?nt walnut chma cabl-t't'nt. U ke new ! Another blond Tommy'1 Shop, P ost OfOce Blk net. hke Ot>\\ 39.50 mahogany casc. gorgeous tone. Corona del Mar. $49:1. F4Jl'IOUS make! Also many TELE\'ISIOX~ Trade ~our old PI· rrntal r'etums. Save from n 20 ano on tx-autiful tt.>len ion. Bi,~: to S300. All In perfe<:t rendition. allO\\ net• Famous makf'~ in l>ANZ . 'CH.MIDT PI A =" 0 I tt.>le\ision .. DA."\"Z • -~nOT. FURNITURE AND A"LIANCES STORE. !120 l"o. Main, cor. 6th !i20 ='o. ~lain. cor. 6th St .. Santa Newport Blvd. Costa Meta St . Santa Ana Subj(>rt to prior Ana . BEl fEB sale. _ .............................................. ..-............... ...,... ....... --.. ..... 9' REFRIG. d('luxr. l"st'd onl) 2 Lotlt and Found \H't'ks. C(lSt $310. will st•ll for ~23\l full pri<.'t' Xothinl: do•, LOST La11t "('('k. Black male cat TPrm:~. BEacon G:;41 -J. I \\ith !'!mall white pot un tumm~ MARTI~ "40" outboard motOr: . .HArbor ~0-~t. · S75. S ma ll outboard 11kimmer. LOST Cat. st1·!~d •all colon-• On Serra Drive. Corona Highlands OC'l:.o\" \ lt:W HOM£5. Xt·\\. 3-broroom harJ\\tiOd floo~. fllt'Pl.i~. all !ale t lt'a tun .. &•·I t lo' ~t bu~ 1n the> enure area a• $1],750 tn $14.250 TOM P~\YNE or C. A. CARPENTER • Re~um to CoM+ 8 •d. lu.., r:qh• 'o the thord C""'er • ql.t aqa ,,. l o- 5t7 Poinsettia . Corona del Mar l\ dwu•• !.nil' -tl i 1 ,., n;, _ t .. ·d! on.-. t dt•n, 111'1:1 In '0.. I I)( m (tn•p) tl'o' rns&l)('{'ttl htrd''••ld ll<ll'r-. d '' 1 hntsl PI I'' _.o, !• • ·•rnr'm• 111 t\\ ··t _' \~• t t: , r I "..;I'F\. 7 f , u ~ummPT f' •n , and "' mrPr rental - \ 'ton.;.•l•·trh fum t"h..d rncludm~ lf'll'\i ion. I ., L:l ):\in~ rC'Om bt>di'Or~m • '·dr JOlt room. ::.· b·~-nkfa,· b<l sa.~ 111r. "· • h• n ..,~ • lp. n ~und.t~ l : In :i !OHN E. SADUJR~ Realtor ftfl~ ( ..... , Bh d .. Corona d PI 'l.ar . HArbor !(.!~ • Cc~· I'Uf' •L••o lo Coli\' B vd. T ur~ l.f+ l b o,.h to M•·g11e• te •~d •u'" right tc Ocu~ B vd • ... ,. • gh• 1 boocl, ·~ Ja,,.. "• lur., nght •g• ~ •o- 212 Jasmine, Corona del Mar <·• \1: f'I\'FR 1't• \1'. !1t11 'F ~aturda,·SUJl· ~·"' l •n; T~· ,, tt' • ,Upt•rb \i~\1. th1~ :. lhlllll ~·oml!lltl (j, ':. tPJ'It'~l to you \\ll\1 ~ ~ f• !tl o1, ho ••, 4t~2.000 I ,• ' r 111<' PI ~'(' ~ ED. L. SEDELNnJER.Rea~or Replace your wea~recl aatHllll' wttal & SJO. Call HA 2669-R after 5 or tra> t>d Sunday nrl{hl from th<' wl:'ek·('nds. · ' 500 block. w. Balboa Bl\'d X~·. KING .POWER •hdin~t arbortabi(' port Beach. HA 23!.3 I c 'I"'" F• . -~at ·SUn I .,, ; n t Rh d . ( urun,. drl 'f. ~. R\ !':66 aw a nd !!land with 1\: hp. motor. ... • -• • Uke new has only had 3 boards Semcetl and 1 finger run thru. W UI sell ... .,. • • u • • for $80 complete. HArbor 1115. • • H AMMOND ORGANS! The great 1 Paintinq-Pc:rperhanCJlllq Hammond Chord Organ. U you I GEORGE enD.V a DnT don't knU\\ a note. you can play , uu~ this! The Hammond Spinet Or-3e8 Slit t .• x~"'JM)rt ~h gan. World's most beautiful tones. Easy terms. 0 A N Z • UArt.or 1418-W SCHMIDT Piano and Or~an Co. Oall a.ftAor ':Oe p.m.· Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. cor. 6th St. nJBNin.TU BD'I'OitA n ON APT. SlZE C-E Comb. stove & re-Chair bottoma. bel'lches a.nd 1toolJ frig., double bed box sprlnp and restored Ulloa eane, rush, reed, ma.ttrea~e~. 1tudio couc h. chest etc. FREE ESTIMATE. drawers. rocking chalr. gas JU.JtVI!Ia~·- heaters. oddl and en&: tables. I"UaHI'l'Cit& ---~ tcatter ruRS etc. After 10 a. m . Mit ...._ ..,_ A.-e.. o.ta •- BEacon 7335-W. • £ ttft..l BULBS. narcissus l e each. Pink BUG & UPHOLSTERY lily, Ea.tter IIJy, etc. 315 Nardi· ,... ., a~ lUI Ave .• Corona ~l Mar, '-'~~ ABC Automatic washer, uaed Of\ly 2 ~ka. Cost new 1320. W11J ~u for ~ lnstalled. Term~. BEacon 654l..J. CROSLEY st;Ctvaclor refnc, A81- onabte. HArbor ~9-W. • Oil ....... ...... ~ •oooY 011 AICMUt 0111 IIArt.r _. ........... '" c...t ~-o.re-~ liar ANDRESEN COMPANY. Realtor~ 80! Coa.t~t Bh ·d .. c orou df'l :\t:tr JL.\rbo)r l .)tn • Drive ..orth two bloc~s further •o- 712 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar A homl' with a 'it'\\ of hiU and OC('an r•'ad~ for \OU to m{l\t' 1n' B<>au tful red\Hl()d p:\11· elin~. fir€'placl' lots of ptaw da~" and cahi- nt>ts Barlx-cut•. encloM'd p;111o & fine land· .scaJun~: \\ 1th rompl('tE' sprmkl•'l' s~ ~lt.'m 1ln 4!'1· ft. lot CarJl('tt>d and romplt tc.'l$' rurm"h\'<1 Q\\,cr transft.>t·rt"d 17 000 :\ta k<' off t-r I Open SaturdAy-Sunday EARL CHAMBERLAJN Mt ('_. Bh·.a. H \rbor U AA Opposite the Bank in Cor<lna dl'l ~lnr • M•~• • U +11m end return 1 1 bloc~ lo 41h ..,., • .T 11~11 ri9ht 1 t,loch to lri\ and turn l•h to- --• ~ • ad 1 b oc.l +c. s .... ; ...... nd '"'" lef' 1 z:, oc.~ tr> l•11 'u•~ "9"' ·~ 307 Iris. Corona del Mar ~ twdt oom <:rnan and modern. wall-to-wall , -p.tm\: dt:"!J'E'' do4hle fumact'. A·l ron· "llm·t hkt ll•'" l.'lm,.• $19 000 •r1 llo ~tch 1 •p.r 1~-:l ~un 1 trms. EARL W . STANLEY. Realtor 61.\ Coa.<~t Bhd., Corona d«"l Mat. RA !-4~4 ----------------• Retum to Seev:.,. end 'u"' He o~~. Turn leff to- 211 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar A 2·bl'droom . with hardwood Ooora, fi~i~ f'8lsn Entt>r how to fmm doublt-$19 .. a-a.:~· \'t n nE'ar thE' bNlch pel'l ftt-r 12 Sunday FITZMORRIS REALTY CO . Your Harbor real estate dealers hope you e njoy your Open Ho.e Tour! Has Part in Play A young netlllll!!omer to local pro- dUctions, Miss Rae Van Ettisch of Corona del Mar, will play the role of Ginny, daughter 'Of the college president, in ''Goodbye My Fancy,'' the Newport Harbor Community Players' nrst of tht> season. The three-act comf'dy draJ.na will tK' prt>Sente<l on tht> stage at Orange Coast Collt-gt> Chapel Wedne day, Thun;day and Friday, No,·. 7, 8 and 9. Mrs. Marjorie W illiamson of the Laguna Beach Pla)'<'I"S i.s directing. :a•os oN camzs Sennon for S unday at the Co· rona del Mar Community Church "'ill ~ ''How Do You Meet Crises!" dell\'eN'd by· Re\0. Paul E . Babbitt at both the 9:45 and 11 a. m. wonhlp st>r\"ices. Music will lncludt-t he anthem "Lovely Ap- pear" by Gounod, sung by the Cha- pel, Choir at the early scrvi<X' and I Rht>a's "Han, Our Redeemer" sung by the Chancel choir at Jl. A share-the-dish supper for newlyweds v.ilJ be held at t~ miJl- 1 ter's homt>, 618 Orchid Ave., 'Co- rona del Mar, as a n organlzaUonal rnet'ting for young married cou- ples. A .ound motion picture made In Hollywood by the Protestant Film Commlaion. ~ntltled "A Wonder- ful Ufe," will be shown at Pilgrim Hall next Thurwday night. It will tK' a family n ight occ:uion follow- Ing a 6:30 "share-the-dish" dinner. * * * 'A IOYOU8 FAITH' SWJ1day's ~nnon at the Balboa Island Co m m u n i t y Methodist Church on Agate Ave. will be "A Joyous Faith,'' ~livered by Rev. Harry White. Solo muslc,will be presented b>' Vera Williams. Acoustic plaster for soundproof- ing the rooms beyond the sanc- tuary or tht> church has bet'n or- dered and the work "'ill start next week, according to Dr. Whit<'. • • • GUE T PASTOR RETllR NR Guest minister. Dr. Ivan Ellis of Lon~ &tlch, \\1111 a~aln prt'ach at two scnice of the First Baptist Church on Nl'wport B<>ach on Sun- day. Hi ermon at the 11 a. m. ervice "•ll be ""On Fire for God" and his evening topic. tot· the 7 o'clock st>nice. will tK' "'Grace." • • • '\\'"RES HE RT'R OS FJRE• 1\lis' Van Ettisch is an Oran~e Coast Collegt> student this )'M.r and II ts IUJ'Iong her P~'<'''ious dra- matic training tv.•o years at UCLA as a tht>atre art major and six months or coachin$: at 20th Cen- t ury Fox Studios. She has sung 80prano roles in several produc- tions in the Los Angeles area and will probably have anothl'r imi- lar role here when the local Play- ers produce a musical com<'dy later in the eason. R<''"· Tom P endrll's ermon topic Sunda~ mornin~ at Chri t Church FlltST CHURCH OF CHRIST I b~· the Sea will be "'Wht>n Our SCIENTIST Ht.'art 's on FirP." Th<' Sanctuary 3l0l Vie lido, Newpori ... ~h j Choir will sing ··o Lord ~lost A brench of The Mo•l-e• Church. The llol~"' b) Franck First Ch~rch of CJ,ris+. Scie,.tist. in llo•· Att('ndanCP rt>COrds durin~ thi-. +on, Menachu~tts. Church Loyalty Month sho\\ a con- Sundey SU.ool ~·IS e.m. sid('rabl<' incr('a <' 0\'l'r last year. Su,.dev Serv•ce II ·00 e "" • • • Wednesday Evening meetino 8:00 p.m. ERMOS OS ASITV Reeding Room loce!ed a• Ill Pelm l'sin.g Luk(' 15 :17 as his text St .. Belboa. is ope" deily from 12 noon Pastor Hollis L. And<'rson of the to S p .m. eacept Su,deys and holideys Newport H<'i~ht!l St-\"Pnth-Oay ne!ionelly observed. Ad\·entist Church will speek on TI-e public is cordie1ly invi+ed to o+· "'Moral lnsanit)" Sat urda~· at th€.' +end the church servicH end use the 11 a. m . S€.'nice. Subject for Reeding Room Wedncsda~ e'\"ening's prayE'r rn<'et- in~ \\ill 1><-··Last Day E\"E'nts."' Biz-Mart Knit Sboppe 111 E. a.n.o. ....,.., lelt>ot~, HA on• SALE SUMMER l'ftX8 ---AND YARN'S Yern1 -lrmruc+iOfll -Fini1hlllf H-. 10 to I u~·~ BFAooa Ull -••.-.rt ....... c.. ... Rcmcho M..a Ntasery School State Ucensed and Approved From 2 to 6 Years Supervised Care and Conat:ructtve Play REASONABLE a.t.~ Open 5 days per week~ to 5 Transport& tion "Furnished 190 E. lSIIa St. OOM'A IIICIU. .._. _..., A new Pa thftnder Club is be- ing organiz<'d for bo~ s and girl who enjoy hikes and hobbies un~ der supen·ised ll'adershlp. Further information ma~· 1M> obtainMI by calling BEacon 7062-J. . . . Cm'RCH t.OYA LTV MO~Til "The Til'S That Biod" will tK' the sermon them!:' a1 th€.' 11 o'clock worship serYi('(> Sunda~ at the Newport Harbor L.utheran Church. Pastor Herb<'rt C. Roth "ill use as the text for his S('rmon. Phillip- ians 1:3-11 . October has tK'cn de~ signa te-d as Chul'ch L o y a I t y Month; all art> encourag<'d to at- tend church. F ollowin,:: lc: the w('('kly sche- dule of church acthities: Monday, 7 :30 p. m.: Sunday School Teach- <'rs InstltUt(' at St. Peter's Lu- tht>ran Church. Santa Ana. Mon- day. 7 :30 p. m.: Senior Choir re- hear al. Wrdnesday. 7 :30 p. m.: Bibl€.' Study J lour Discu..••sion or "The l.Rttt>r to th<' Romans,'' Chapters 8 and 9. Wednesday, 8 :30 p. m.: Lecture: 'Wha t Lu- theran Relil'v~About tht> Sa- vior." Saturday. 10 :00 a. Catechism Class for 7th and grade pupils. • • • nNAL SUPPLY DliiON Final sermon for the supply pas- tor, Dr. Wi11i&m S. Mlddl~. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Heights wUl be glve1 at the 10 a. m . service this Sun- ct.y, b1s topic: being ''In Toueh With the Infinite." The following Sunday Rev. James Seth Stewart will occupy the pulpit and preedl his first .-ermon as the new min- ister of St. Anttrewa. * We specialize in plE!asing you. * Experienced women operators in immaculate surroundings. HArbor ' 2 9 0 7 RUTH'S Beauty Shop ~!:.ot~:, In putting out an appeal for 50 workt>rs this Sarurday to help ''raise the roof" on the new addi- tion to the Corona del Mar Com- munity Church. Re\. Paul E . Bab- bitt announced that t h<' following nl{'n worked Ia t Saturday: Leon- ard Jun('s, John Gruw<'U, Fred Shannon. ~fonta Perry. S am Mryt.'r, 0 . M. Campbell. R. T . Mor- rill, .Mt•rlin V<'rburg, Ronnie and Low<' II N<''' Jon, Emil &>chtel, Wil- liam Lundin. Ralph Selldrk. Nor- man Frahm, Bobbie and S tuart Diehl. A noon dinner was served to th<' workers by Group 3 of ea. pilla Circle with Mrs. John Sadlelr. Mr. W. L. Bakkela and Mrs. Grace Sailors sening. Scotts Guests at Mooie Premier Major and Mrs. Jack C. Scott of Polr\Mttia Ave., Corona del Mar, were guests at the premiere of the motion picture "The F1ying Leath- ernecks" at the Pantages Theatl"f' in Hollywood last week on Wednes- day. China Silver Distinctive Cards They went to the prt>miere with other orrt<X'rs from El Toro Marine Base, including Col. Peter Lambert or Santa Ana. Before the picture General Wallace . or the Marlne Corps pres4'nte<l combat mroals to We G"f' Wrep e,.d S&,ip HArbof lln six Marines. The Scotts, who recently re- turned from « year's duty in Eng-•!11"'--..-111111111---land n<'ar Norfolk, have purchased a home a nd plan to make t he Har-1.••::.~ bor area their permanent homt>. Houn: 9:)0 -5:)0 ODDS ENDS AND SAVE Tci AND MORE •.• -.• JSO PRISTEI> TERR\ CLOTH BEAC'II TO."L.S Rf't:. 4.M U Al.E ONLY ME.~'S -llt-1{. 5:15 PAJAMAS NOW ONLY LADIES' -RAYOSS & OOT'I'ONS -Vala e11 to 4.95 GOWNS & ID JACKETS O NLY IS• ................... _ ................. :·····. lADIES' -RAYOS -~-%6-eo SUIH NOW ONLY ........................................ . 35.00 SUITS Chopped down to ................... ~ ............. _ .. . ......................... 'I"RtlW8DA Y -FRmAY -SArURDAY * SHOP & SAVE TODAY ! 1t • ' ,.,-r ' Diplomat Visits Sister in CDM , . Arrhing this w~k from Wa.sh-ln lts ~lh yNr of exlBtence, our population growth. our total nwn-Pric l had thls to say: 'M a oty. lngton . o c . is o.. Da'id M, Ma.)•- city of N wport ~ach iA now a ~ or dwelling units went up only we attract the CTt"IUt~ or tht-crop. nard, who ~ \1slting hi sister. 100-million-dollar con cern.. Thls 61.2 per cent, while Anaheim. It. ccxt mone~ to h\'e h~re, ad-l\h Gl,>de ~~~-nard. 314 Sea''l~ opllml tic report was given by Huntington Beach, ~rton and mtttc>dly, and' 1t cost stiJJ morel Aw~ .. corona df'l Mar. . dty Clerk Charlie Priest at last Laguna increased their dwelling money to keep a boa\' in our har-'"• we<>k's meeting of the Newport units by about 70 per cent. Reason bor. 'aut by the same token. our )Jr. ~f&ynard Is a career dlplo- Harbor Optimist Club. ls that our eXistinc houses. for-people are drawn from the up-mat wtth the State ~partn1ent. Mr . Priest sald that the grand merty used for aummer rt>Sidcnce per le\'els of their home communi-, HP N."«'ntl~. rE.>t umed from G~. total a.ssessed valuaUon of real only. were being COJ\\"Crted to ti . By and large. our people "'here h~ "8 l> consul at the t:. S . estate and buildings, merehandlsc year-'round oceu,pancy. stand head and shoulder abo\<e the Em~ ) . In ~thens. Dr. ~1ay­ a.nd boats tn the city totals $39.-However. In the .,.,_uer o'r pro-avera~e • • -and "t''\·e got to ke<"p na~" Wife died last montb !'" 000,000, and since the average as-perty ownership, there is still an it that way." !he•r return r~m Gl'CeC('. Wlnle sessed valuation i about 39 per enormous percentage of out-of-Lookin~ toward future growth 10• Southf'm CaUfol'l'lllt he wlll ~It cent of the fair value of the pro-towners. Mr. Priest reported that of Newport &ach, as tht> city "1 th another stster In the famtl.Y perty, the city is worth $100.000.-tht' week before he had mailed nears its saturation point \\ithin home at Clarl"mont. . 000. 7.248 copies of hJs "This Is Your the present city limits. Mr. Priest M~~:J~.a~~ Jm,~ ~~:Q And the city Is only just begin-City'' Informational bulletin, and mentioned the possibiUty of an-• · · 3.432 Or th"'m u·ent •o ...... _,......., nexation or Costa Mesa to the all t~e way from Ha rwkh. Cape nlng to roll. because we have " ~ " UUJ~....... Cod ln the l"ast gained 175.3 per cent 1n popula-outside of tht> city-about 47 per city, and the plans for the develop-• · A big "hard times" dance will celebral.e p~Hallowe'en a t the American Legion BaU on Friday, Oct. 26. ~ dance 11 open to J..e.. glon membcn and their gue.sta. urtht'r details of the pe.rty will be announced n xt v.-eek. aooord-in r to Lerlon Commander Ed Mur- rison. MAKE !'\"£\\• ACQUAINTANCE tion In the last 10 years. while cent. or almo t half. Tht'Se 47 pt>r ment of the Uppt'r Bay. and fflture ..... · 1 h · ed 1 ('('nt are residents or some 137 de\'elopment along both sides of ne&•vY Ctt es ave ,am on Y as .'1acArthur BI, . .J. and do .... ·n th" r 11 Sa •· An 42 6 ..... ""' t California cities and 19 dlffert'nt ·• a ~ o ow : nUll a. · r-r ...... n ; coast toward Cn. !Ual eo,· .... First peek at t.heir 4-year~ld grandson was taken this fall l»y Mr. and }ln. Charles Schoftatall of 423 'Marguerite Ave •• Corona del Mar. 'The SchoUatalls ba"-e jus t returned from vial t1ftc their daull(hter and son-in-law, Kr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr of Murny, Iow·a. Teachb41' T a· · and there became acquainted with ~• T l!Ung I th~ir little grandson. Craie. HUlltin'tton Beach. 40.7 ; Laguna. states. .-38.7 : Fullerton, 33.5;· Anaheim Locally the bulletins were Mr. Priest ooncluded ·his reJ)Ort Institute Held 1 30 1 ·1~.a f 11 N l6i2 on our ci ty \nih an appeoal for m-31'6 ; a nd Los Ange es · · mal <n~ 88 0 ows: ewport · · ; creased lnterP. t in the ~ffairs of A Cburcll School Teacher's Another point of slg11ificance, Corona del Mar. 1•128; Balboa local go' ernmt-nt on the part of Trai.rifng Institute is being h£>ld on according to Mr. Priest's feport. js Island, S43: Balboa. 472· Lo5 An· the local cit iZ('n . becau e "our MoncmY e\'efling at 7 :~ until Oct. that we'n! changing from a sum-geles got 900 of them, almost a s citi('s, our towns and our \'iUao<' 2'.2 ar 'St Peter's Luthel'lih Church t I t • d m many u Balboa and Balboa Island " .. m er own n o a year-roun co • hold the last hope ftlr the ~r-m Santa An~ .. The putpe)S(' of munity, a s shown by the fact t hat comblnt'd. . -,·ation of our Amerkan wav • pf the Institutl ·\\'311. br to rro,ide In that decade of 175.3 per cent As for the local population, Mr. life.. · t1'11ininJ: and 10 n.t<'t1on for sun- . day School tt'achers. It will be 1735 Fire Fighter PTA Plc;tnning Get--togethers 1 E~:~~A~~"a~~£h~~~ff~ Sha m• Displ•·y At Gr s h l Cla for uch a .teachi.ng cerllficatl'. WD 8 ammar C 00 sses Tl"aChers from the local ch~ch t "ho 1u l" att<>ndm~ the Institute F irE' fighting cquipmE'nt or 1735 \'inta~E' "'as displayE.'d at the Co· rona d«.-l Mar Trt>asure Days cele- bration by the Newport Beach F ire Dcpartmf'nt by ,\.ay of cal~ng attention to F u'<' Pre,·t>ntlon Week 'The pie<:c of equipment ts a wooden hand pumper. hand drawn and hand opt>rat('(), ,,;th a bis: tub to hold water. J'<'plenlshl'<l by ll'ath<'r bucke\ . Chi('{ Frank Crocker and Perc Pellett took turns taking car<' of tht> F ire IX>· partm£>nt booth to answer que.· tions Rnd hand out fire prevt>ntion li tE'ra 1 ur<'. Auxiliary Takes In New Members T l'acher-parent g<'l·tog•'thers for I <"'lanmct' ~lcCuiiO<'h. ~tr·~ H ugh arE>· :'>fr~ E W :"c-hultx '1'"" K each indi\·idual room arP tx-ing Bolton. )Irs w. R Rtttf'r. ~lrs DuNro. :.tr R 'lcCardlt>. l\11 s . ponsorM this earl~ fall by the Robert )funro. :-.t~. w. 11. Chari-, ~far~ Jf'an K~11E'l. Miss &tty Nt>wport &>ach Elem('ntary School ton, Mrs C. ~. w a·rn<'r Hiatt. ~1r D Tra k. ~h \Joey PTA. The :-.;ewport school m41'l't· St'COnd Grad ~1rs R J. \.\'at-Launt>. ~t;s C Trust~·. Mr. H . ings are h<>ld aftf'r .chool. Ar-lace, Mn;. H D Brt>\l•l' ~tr., :'\1 E ~arbe-r. K. L Quarry and E ran~t>ment are mad<' t hrous:h )Irs. :'\E' .... land, )Irs. J ·)I Robinson. :-chullo~: Pastor Ht>rbert ~lh \\111 Kennl'th Farnsworth. ~ e w port ~trs. H. \\'. t'tman )trl' Orin t~ach a. courS('. at the Institute en- School room motht>r chaim1an. and ThorkJlct-.<'n. :'\lr., :-..; v ArchP\' tilled. TE>a<'~llll.t rhe H1~h School ~Irs. John 5'chlf'lds. coordinator. ~~r~. Ed R1chard.;on. ::\1rs. J $. Ag" :::.tudf'nt At l'ach ml'<'tin~ the tl'BC'hE'r Beal!le. ~Irs L C' :-.ott. - tl"lls. or th<' class chedulP a~d Th~rd Gradt• • :'>t~s. Jc•M>phine 1 Y~ung Democrats Club 1'0utmc and the shcool nurse, :.11ss Oqui~<'t. Mrs. G C :Stt>'• n )1rs. Wlll Meet Saturday Emma M att ill. and Sp<'('Ch ron-:\t f\. R<'rr~ · :'\l r'> R JJ G:uhman.l The' Oran 'l" Coun ~ Y ou n ~ suJrant. Miss 1:'\adine HPrmnn1-1on. :\tr~ Hh 1.:-.P<'rryG "1" C. R ~us-P••mocrar .. Club \\111 hold i~ frr"l g;,·<' a ~ummar~ or th<'tr \\ork Rt·· ~rn r · ·Jr.-: ~ Frul•hhllJ:;.I f11ll m('('ttnc 11 6 30 p m . atur· frl'shmen ts ar(> . l'r\ ro b~ room 1· ""F R hA.GGirt>-. < 1 · daY at thf' h<\ml' of .Juli'\ and .Ken motht>rs c•urt •l 'trlt' :\tr ... R F: G::rnn 1 • 1.,, ~ . . " . ::\tr~ :'\at &-at. :'\t rs. II H Tl·a<"·: ,:1n..-:. "" l . o\,th l'lt"\)(Jar :::r. Fourth ~ad~ me<'~m~: "'II tx> 1 .\Its .Jan" Yn.1.kum :\fr, \\'ilhnm . anta Ana. , ht'ld dunn~ thu: commg Wt>Pk on l..oll ... ~n \lr ,... L' ...: ) dl ,1 Tlu• proL'l"tm '' 1.\ ron~o.1,1 of '1 d 2·"n H I f '" • ' \. r · I' 11 " •'r rs. ... · 11 · I I' h h ·' on ~~ a 1 .:x.> p. m o P~<' or C'lrt rrn\'P Rupp uancmg. \ o • ~ M . . ~n.t ... ~. th<' d!Ht•rt•tlt room." al'<' a'> fol-' •. pm~ JlllllC and .!I•>'Jfl .. n .,n.: Food kl\\o;: f li t~ \orad:• \In· .\ 1. Pu~h. for a \\lt.'nH roa .... t ''ill tx> fur- Kindt'rcartPn :'\11·s.:o-:or·m ;ln \lt-... E . .J.I 1tr,r,on )II, I.E nishrdb\ tht't'ommlllt't' R~> .. •r· TIME'S ~,\ a ~~1\ ,'-J ~ ONLY 9 WEEKS 1'0 ... CIIISTIIS Argy1es Sit; Sox Sweaters Neckt1es S::;\'es -Scar!s '"liJM•' Mrs Paul ~toon• Wheclt'r of Bav Short.'' :\If!' E. F. Hirth of Ra\-sidc Dr . ;\11"". ~<'lwyn Graham of · Balboa l~o.ll\nd and ~lrs. H. Pa\'Tlt' Tha~t'r of Balboa ar<' newly aCC('ptt'd mf'mix'rs of -th£' Harbor Auxilil\l y of th<' Children's I lome :"Clei<'l) Qff\C('rs and d1· ~·ector)> Cctro th<' """ members at u lunchE>on Oct. 5 at the Balboa Bay C1ub H h. 't \\' 'I C 1 C"n<'k . .\It" •1 R \\'1ld•~r :\11' Rud\ 'a 10n" rna' h.• madt "1tl' Lr ... · •'r utc m~. ,, rl' r . o l"man. \'\' •1 d \t R L' z 1 ,1 ., · M~. G. E. John~n. ~" p H ~~~~3~n:·:-:1~"~·=~r::·:Jr~.:P~r:·~~:~:·~V~a~n~T~a~r~r!n:~:~~·.·:3:ct:~~F~r -.:l~'~~~~·~·~n~tiJ~~~~~E~~~~~~~ \\' A C'<lt b1n and :\tr .. A E . Ry-Bank R•uldm_ · lt*l \\' F · •a rh '' Rtl!i<SP\t. lellt ~i\01'1 ,\na --- Fin•t Grad<' :\frl> E B. ~elt. :\1r-.. D \\' Camrbt•ll. :'\lr·~ A .1 If yo11 ere interested in H•· weiien or Spanish dencin9. C.st•· neh or Heweiien 9011nh ••• Call TRIANCIA HA 2825·W HA 0768.J HULA- for f11n, health end c.orrec· ti"'e exerci~e. SPANISH- for rhrltm, coordination end poise. Cleue\ and pri,ete lenoM, from ,;, to \irly. Clan •or\, $1.25 p,;,ete lessol'. $1.50 )tadi'<on. :\I rs R. A Oliphant. \lr-. Cl:pl SilaonsJadc Fro• Korea War I Th\' cont rnst tx>tw('('n the blood~ I battlefit>ld of the ra~in~ war in I Kol'l'a and the fN'Iin~ at homl" that t ht-fi~othtin't l<> O\'t-r. was a I s hock to Capt. Robe-rt C. ~imons of 1710 P:trk A,·e .. Balboa Uand. who has just rcturnt'd from a 10-month tour of duly as a :\1arint> fi~hter pilot \\"\th the Rattlesnake 01\iS- 1 ion. I Capt. Simons. son of nr. C. G. I Simons of ~orth Hollywood. wa~ hturo on a nav~ carrit>r off tht' Korean roast. Ht> says it's won- dC'rful to bt' ablt' to rt'turn to bt'au- tlful Balboa Island and will Sf>E'nd his rest lE"a'c ht>re. World Traveler to Talk, Show Pictures at Church Paul \V. Tra\is. world travt>ll'r ~~~~~~~~~~;.i~~~~ and photowaph<'r just rt'turnl'd from thE' near East. \\Ill tx> Pit Christ Church b\' th<' Sl'a in :'\cw- port Sunda~· and )l(lnda~ l'\ <'mngs FOOIBI~L OS KVOE ••• SANTA ANA JC UCLA OREGON 1:41 p...,. for a two·<''·enins-: "orld outlook con f et•cn('('. As an auth01· hC' has contributt>d to "l'' t?ral mas:azin<'" and as pho- towat>h<'l' has takt'n prt't ure in col<'r and h<' will make hi report by scTN'niTtg his picture , plu comnwntary. He has lravt>lled O\'er tht' world in the past thr('(' years a s rovin~ editor for Chri~· til\n ma~a7ines. CO\'<'rin~ 200.000 milE'S. I Dick Drcmt. in Navy, Phon• Here from East Recent telepho\e calls from her son, Dick, In Massachusetts pro'<' to Mrs. D. Orant that the younJt man gets around. lM.-ca~. since he has been in the navy. h<' has al- ready tTavelled many m.1les by sea --• all the way to Kof'(>a and back .. --'and now many o,·er land to th<' eastern seaboard. A Timely Tip from NEWPORT 'BEVERAGE CO. ~ 2112 Ocean Front Newport Beach B .. y :-c.., ..... be:ore :-.e·.,-Exc.s~ .::x IS Lev1ed ' • • • ............. . . ... .... IOMA Sweet wme Sl• NEW PRICE 5:h ' SANTA FE Swee: v~·me NEW PRICE S:h 6Jt EABLY'TIMEs Straight Bourbon 5th 5439 Four years old -86 Pr00~ e Buy by :-ase an :l save 1 Oj'0 BALLANTINE'S Sco:ch v:::.skey . . . 5th GIIIBEY'S GIN 90 Proo! 5th $§71 R;\ tht• r.h . 10,.., Ol T A smooth. strmght Kentucky .KENTUCKY DED Sth 5JM Four years ol -86 Proof • Buy by :~e :-ase cr.d save 10j'0 We Always Carry SUNNYBBOOI A Full Line of UQUORS, BEER ~tnlcht 5439 and Wme Kentucky Bour. 10-f, OFF by Utf' C'a.,.. Fnnr ~ .. -.,.... otd .SUI NEWPORT 100" OFF tt~ ~ ~ Cook's Early IEVEIICE Corlly'sWWslley Wme COMPIIY A smoot~ 5th $JSS Full 5f29 2112 Ocean Front blend Quart Newport Beach tTuly clt-llr loo" «'in.-~\f' 10~. by tllo(>, ~- 11x> Oi'ants are newcomers to tht &.t'('a and li\·e at 49 Balboa COv~. 'TIK.-y are originally from I San Pedro. They ha\'e a daugh- tt-r Dian<', too, who is enrollro in ~~ .................... HA~r b~~l ............................. ._.__.._._.__. ................ ~ ,. Oll .tM dial - , ('- ' Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII of AD Iinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAU..S --·--• FR.EE ESTDIA TES.. • .............. IEecot~ 5 110-J • HA.rt,or t012..J 2211 Newport N . c..t. .._ See FIRST HOME LOANS Low ·11EDuCJNG,. ...... Bate. Low Moathly PatiDMda * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County v ...... -~..,......, "'~'"' ....... ..... FEIEIIL san• .......... ~~ .... LA$UNA IIACH ,.._ 4-1177 -m o-~we. ~~-~-~~ . I t ~~~ • I ' . FUIHITUU PAMS e LAWPS COYSttN&S. IIOI1IIE a ... c...t ..., ......... pt. s•1o -20-YEAR LOM Calawn....._. ·-·~" (It ,..., Co. • Let • ....._.,... Ia ,._ ...... We will ~ ..,..., 1e.,.... ., -181&1A. rec l!llt a ~ er Wp Y" eWala a .... fer aew aeat~tnldiell er re d "•· Floor Coverlllp -.........,... Asphalt rue -Rubber nw Fomdta UnoJeum 'rue .1 .. , Lllf~ :":c'' cht>dult>d "''nl Into efff.'Ct .tat _. this \\C{'k for motor coach service W It-na M. v.ta liMa on thf' Los Angeles -Newport III:AOOllf att-W Beach-Balboa Pacific Electric lin(' 22 Yeas Ill Oraap CouDtJ Dally except Saturda~· and Sun-lliill•••••iill•lliilil•••••••lil•a•=ll:51~ day. the exprt'SS trip leaYes at 6:49 a. m. instead of 7:20 a. m. a.s a limited and operates via Bclmont Shore> imtead of Pacific Coast I llghwa~. The former 4:43 p. m . cx:pf'<'S!! trip to Balboa now Jeav('S Los Ang<'l('8 at 4 :48 p. m. and op- C'rat<"8 a a limitro via Pacific Coa t Hir;hway. u:c~<L Noncr No. A !ft5t'7 .SOTICE TO CREIUTOR ESTATE OF SUSAN C. HUFFMAN, Deceased Notl~ Is H t'rf'by Gh ·N to the crf'dltors of and aU persons having claims a~ain11t thE' said dece&>nt or sa.ld cstat(' to file thcm with the necessary 'ouchers in thc office or the Clcrk of t hi" Su~r!or Cour t of the County of OrangE', State of California, or to present the same, with the necessary vouchers, to thE' undersigned at his or her place or business, to-wit: c/o Hurwitz and tlurwitz 2611 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach, California, within six months after the first pubUcation of this notice. Dated October 10, 1951 DOROTHY HUFFMAN BREWER Administratrix of the Estate of Mid deoeck>nt. PubUsh : Oct. 18. 25; Nov. '1, 8, 1951, In the Newport Harbor En- slgn. NOTICE TO IUDDDlS The Board of 'Ihaltees or the Newport Harbor Union H 11 h School requeAta bids on 2 No. 922 Logan Lath8, comp~te with the following equi~t: ' 2-No. 4.10 5 3-jaw H . D. Un.l- versal Chucks fitted 1-No. \40 6'" 4-jaw Indepen- dent Chuck fitted 1-AC-290 Steady Rest 1-AC196 Fol.low Rest Complete speclflcatlons on the above may be obtained In the of- flee of the hiah echool. Blda llhouN Include date of ~very . Blda will be ~Jved up to 12 noon, November 191 in the office of the high school and wtll be opened at 1:00 P. M. on that da~ In the board room of the high echool. 'The board reserves ~ right to reject any and all bids. LILUAN B~ER Clt'rk Publish: Oct. 18 and 25, 1951 in the Newport Harbor Erwlp. READY -MIXED GIIGIETE BEacon 1547 You Can Do Better at TilE ~ IIOID rvaJIII8BDfQ8 IIEacOD 5151 1111 Rewpcwt IIYd. LO<JAL ... l!fAftONWIDit ......... l!f ........... &r. ... _ CARPETING s.. .. '-"te ................. peMi,. "'9' •rut ~r,.tlllt & ,_ I he,. sqw•res few -....._ ......... ~,t IE 1277 N•wport ... ch H-,. Nl hh • • Svn. I 0 •·"" • 4 ,.,.. MATTRE llulerlpftaf -Oott.a F-.. • .._.. t~ar Shas- . NEW -REBt111.DQr0 COSTA MBA MATftiSS CO. 2110 Ne.,._t II~ • .__ -· Mimeographing Addressing Folding Mailing • • Wo1 ....,. ,.. ,..,_. ,.., ,.,..., ... , • L Motorboat 0' 10 26' must ca•·r) one bn,::ht ~'hilt' Slt'rn lu:ht t.how•nt.: all around thE' hor11on ,·istbll' at l<'ast 2 mil<'<;. The>~ mt~~>.t also carry one rombmation grt.'t'n and n •d light in for~ part of boot Sho\\ mg ·•·cd 1 right 1 to port and gr~n I left 1 to s t!lrboartl from I righl ahead to 2 pomls a baft the> beam 2. totorboats 26' to (i.j' must carry one grt't'n starboard ·Ha:hl on I the starboard ick> and one red port light on tht> port Sld<'. onE' I bnght white light on stem hO\\ • 1ng aU around the horizon. one bright white lt~ht on fort' part ho\\tnj! from ru:ht a ht?ad to two points abaft the tx>am. to ftly I F b·st lc.-ague football game of the season lor the "B" team will be played tomorrow tFriday) af- • tt-moon at 3 p. tn. at the home field at Harbor High. with Orange • as the opponent. "B" team gam • are usuaUy .eheduled for Thurs- day af ternoon. Lut week th t~am played Lynwood on Thursday at the Lynwood fieM and was badly beaten by a 32 to 0 ac.:ore . •·y r,ur HMJ o thP r. r '•f't't' 192f.i r r ~t. •·oo o ... COC K T A I L>£ COAST ~ GHWAY AT T~£ AltCHES aif ... a truly heart-warming gift T111 .. i t h~ f!ift for that ,-~ry special someone on your Chri~tma gift li!t ... the gift that says "Merry Christmas" ... in a very r>ersonaJ way. All through the year • .. thc*j.Jest gift of all. \. Call for Appointment ~OU' · harbor photo lab • plio"• "•'"'' '"'·• I I 7 I!J c o o • t " o 11 I o ¥ • r 4 , c o r o 1'1 o cl o I 191 o r • c 1 I I f o t 11 I o • Jrd Cartoonist Comes to B.l. 'ntere's a gro"in" ''Cartoonist Colony" on BaJboa laJand, "~ith " new addition rcportl'd this w('('k. From the stat<' of Washin~on have come Frank O'Neal and fa.m - Hy, who have established residence at 116 Jade A\'f'. Cartoonist O'N~l joins two oth· ers, who ha\'c purchased homes on the:> Island: Vir1..11 Partch and Dick Shaw !who's handy with the lyJ)('- w riter ns ~"ell as with thf> pen. I Ne wport Man Suc:cumbs While Attendinq Serrices Fred Wertz. 205 3 th ~t.. ~('\\· port, dled Sunday whilf' afl~>ndin<; sen~ of Out Lad;\ of ;\ft. C".ar- m I Church In NC'wport. Rosary wu recited Tue da~ in Grauel ChapC'I, Costa Mesa. and mas was celebratl'd yest<'rdaY 10 Our Lad;\ of Mt. Carmt>l Church. l ntC'rmf'nt wu in Holy Sepulcht'r Cem.-tN') ~ A.ra ,......,. ...... to Glrndale IMt ,_...., .. IU ~ k" a WI of ear... diet ftnaJ tribute at ~ tlr ~ _. __ ...__ =-....... ....____ drJ F . Woldenberc at the W•IDitl o ---... ~'-DC~ tM Hath«. Mr .... lin. ---liar.,.. ·~e" •= Oct. 11. Mar-c~en~wrc and dauahter Carol w JDrte Jlanwott • ldllderprteD.. Fint Uwd at 1300 Vf. Baaoa 111¥4.. ..,...: Oct. 30 far Laura au-. Newport but rt"OeDt.ly ... ......-&!cane~~ cracle: Oet. 21 tor &.tU' to Loa in~. Mr. Wrll """'' ~. New. 1 for lt&lth IUdlwiDe had beel aaodak'd with ltoy .,.. New. 8 fpr Eunkle Pet8W.. ~f sr in t.M C!Dbtractlnc Tfalnl era* ldatehea w111 meet oe · Oet. 19 for Marjorie Judge, Oct. ~. 23 for Veronica SchleciPr and Oct. J8 for ~ Lan~t. Fourth grade ectwdullt II lbrjori~ CUtler, Oct. 24: Mat..~~ ~Ida. Nov. 2; Marguerite Austin, Nov. 5. Velma I Wltt'a ntth grade will meet Oc· tober 31. • • • Further Koffec Klatch meetin~s bet" ec.>n ~ts and ~ room teach<>rs of tht> Horace EnsiQn School at~ announct'd by Mrt~. f'n>d HHrrl n at~~ follows, Oct. 23. Gt't" Dulin' room. :\trs. F . E. nlrt<·ht>r. Mra. Rupert Hem· I dlif'ks; Ocl. 24, Ri hard S\H>t>l' 1 I'I)Om. Mrs R T. Mangan and Mrs. Tom &um ; Oct. 25. Theodore I Johnson's room. Mrs. B. H. Reed and Mrs. Arth ur Kramer; Oct. 26. LeE-cicCUn tock's· room. Mrs. T. J J. :\t(lrrl . Mrs. Norwood Grisham; Ot:t. 30, Mary Mo telJ r's room. ~i rs. Grorge Guthrlt>, M rs. Jo,. E. K('lter; Nov. 1. Harry Mcintyre's room. Mrs. A . J . Gruwe ll and Mrs. ' M . J . Shannon; ~O\'. 2. Ma.ry I B<'t't·v's room. Mrs. C. D. Kt>ith and Mrs.· Fred Donnt>r; No\'. 6 A r- thur C'hnslt>nscn· room. Mrs. V. H. Watson and l\tr . W. W. Nol· 11ar: :-.:o,·. i . Mar1)la Crook' room, 1 I :'>l1·s F . L . Woodlrmd and M rs. Gro•·~e McFarland; NO\', 13, Wil- liam Rittl'r's room, Mrs. Robert C''lllls and M.rs. E. H. Von Ehren· IA!ft~ GREGORY Po:::K SUSA.."l HAYWARD ----..w..t 1'edlldeolor ... ~~ Adult. St ... piUit taL Total I I.M ~todMit" '5-k piOA tax. To\al 7k ('hlldrfll 4!c ptu .. tax. Tnta l Me ~pc'C.•ial Kid how, Saturday 1:15 p.l a. "\'t•Unl' DanJt>l ~" pt tt'l S llill'riall!l --• .-arlelOib ~t ·x .. MOX .. Tt: ~ENYEN E U~PE:\'DI';O I !wrf;:h; Nov. 14, Jane P<'ttit's room. Mrs. E. M. Stoneback and Mrs. D. T•IE FORM ER (ot>nLidlftf' Cffloc'b a.nd huA.nd Robfort rumlf'y, ro1-K. West. ltmlna; thf'ir \\Nidlna: "-nlurday •t St • .lamH. -(photo h~ r ol"lnm l I -------A I()..day suspended jail tenn was thfo 'entence gi\·en Mrs. A. L. F eldmeier or Corona clel Mar ln city court thJs week when shr changro a ·•not guilty" piC'a to "guilty.. on a char!!e of r('C](Je s driviDc. h C l W dd • s We havf' vne or the mos t up-to-Gooc "' rum el\1 e Jng at.~ late and effideot job printinr I J pl;tnls In Ule Harbor A~a. Try us I • QIG•o.• q~,p ••• Re\. Giltx>•·t P PrinC'I' of St \\'Il l a m Pr..sc;sa... of 1.4>... An "lt'!- Mark', 1-.ptsC'opal Churf'h in \'an If' I I hr f'l'Omn' undt• ,~,.,.,, n ~ll\:-. an unclt• or lh<' j(t'(l()m, Pl'lll(''\' uf G.!t·ndalP. . • um'••·tl Rubert Prlhl'<' Crumll') and A N'N'pt1nn \\8" hC'Id m st. ;\1 i'' Gt'1,tld.1w A Gooch 111 mnr· .lam• c; Pa111:h housl' Ac;!'l!oolln: rtt~J::<' in St. Jam<'S Episcopal with 1':tP r(>('1'p ti.nn ,. ,.,.,.Mrs P C Chun·h 111 ~r"pmt inte> Saturday McAI)ltne of J.1do hit•. t'OU:.u1 of aft('J noon. · th<' brid : Mrs. Shint'~ J lo .. ~ktn'-uf Th.-\\'t•ddin~: umtrd t\\O old Sou-~h rra R!ld ~I.J-l-4•.-na Ku'<'h ttf thPI'Il Cnlilorma fam11ic•s because San Marmo. tht• bt ldt•, daus:hlf•r or :\l r. and Th<> brid 's mothc• \\Orl' a sh('('r By &NN :\lr!> \\'ilhu d T GcXK'h <If L1do)slc. t'I<'Jlfl drt>ss with ma tchlnr hat and lf you've all been mi in~ that is th(' ~randdaught t'r ot th<' .law ~lm<'-. in asht>s of t'OSM shadt> Mrs. maln.stay ovt>r 'here at O'BRIEN'S, T homas L. G•JOCh. an t>arl~ <'ltrus C'ruml<>y wore chariN'U. e <'r<'pt> you11 br glad to ht"ar that Velma ):1'0\\f'r ol \\'hi lli~>r Rnlwr t C'rum-"ith black R('('\'<;SOrii'S and rt>d hu gon and had h£>rst>lf a vaca-)('\ 's mati'ITI:II ~r·andfatht>r, lht> I'O'll'buds. tlon. Won't say we didn't m is.c; l R.II' l loract' J Prin('('. moved ~0 The young couplt> are motorinr. her, but will say \\ith Gretcht>n Los An~ci(•S in 1R94. The ~room IS to Carme l. San Francisco and flying rrom one thing to another th£> son of Mrs. E. Worden Crum· Po rtland and will mak<' thf'ir home (and bllrely touching the ground It>~· of Balboa Jo;land. artd the late a t ~eatt le. Wash.. w:hl'r"f' the tn be..,een) and my sislt>r window Mr. Cruml.-;\·. s.-• d Jn"Od'm is affiliatMJ with Wt''ltl'rn manikin Colecn and myself being A d ress of dlantill~ la(.-e an Air Lines Inc. our usual beautiful serene selve candlt>llght satin ma de . wHh a The new Mrs. Crumlf'y was lcan't help it. W<' wt>re made that train was worn by the bnde. who ted from Whittit•r Hjgh way), we did mana~e to get along was £>scortcd down tht> al le b~· and attended ll~ C and even with the boss gone. · ht'r ra tht>r H••r short Illusion ':'eLl Barbara. She ha, bN>n em- Of coaJ"8f! part of the time was ht•ld by a rononC't of chantlll at the City Hall, whC're ht>r So"' 811wwt14 -..,.. Bat. "THE sTRIP"·· MICJ<:tt ROONEY SALLY FORREST _... __ '1BE LA \V &ad tiM! lADY" Vella& waa ap lll th~ eUy dotq lae<> trimmt>d with. ecd pearls . ~t>r mother-In-law is usis tant to the tiM) 1ut of hf'r Obrtswu bu~·-bouqu<'t wa. whttt' watt'r liht'S city clerk. Tile groom ~raduatt>d THE PIUU PAJU: nL.J11 "MANON .. \\ fLLIE Fll'l!t 1'11m . c Uft!WDAY lASt:' DAY BETIY GRABLE in ''MD:T ME AFrER THE SHOW· !" N.. liON .. 'I'UI:A. CARY GRANT JEANNE CR.AJN "People Wdl Talk'" Ill&' of beaoUfuJ bauble. for a and larkspur. from Los Angeles High and at· OF YUa ~~s~~~ ~~~~i~M~~~~~3 ~c~n~d~~~~L~.~A~.~a~·~~~c~~~~~~~e~.~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=; Y'O'I ..a.oaN ~tee her eyee shlDe Mesa . Miss Barbara Hoo\'er of. San W.. .a.e ~ bac* f1'om pr,.. Francisco and Mrs. Ray WiU•a.ms ~all thetw prettaeel I can or Whitlier-twere her attendants. tell It'• KOlar; to-...~ a merry KC'nnC'th W . Crumley of Balboa_ <JIYie' ....., U,;hers we're' E dward J . Boden and While I was mentioning the cop.. per jewelry last wE"ek , I should have told you partlcula.rly about the stunning copper belts. And let me tell you O'BRIEN'S has a var1et:y in these waist grapplers t hat are all the season's fashion. )(eo may &J"4) want oee,.of Ute lo"eiY haadmade alcJeron~t In 11tard} leathe r with ~~~nart mt-t&.l trim -• • Wf' hl\.\'f' thMn ~ln lD l!lm&ll IIW8. too. Or perhaps you • Ill bf' • ttra<'ted to lbt' 110rt. aupple &uodes. Made for tbt- ~ effect aad bt Ia.._... high ........_ U you want to pall that worldatc-ctrl~., roauae, 0'8~8 1ta11 tMMne clarllD&' .,. wlnrt belt. aprtlllded Wldl .. _. to wra a very caaaal .,_ ......... tldac apedal .••• trr• ......... ftl~- ecl pm. •• t.e ever .., pleaeecl! F'r'om the parade of nations at tbe Santa Ana YW to the Foreign Fair In a Lol Ance~es atore, peo- ple ~ talking about foreign made thliqa. And 1n thla connection, you1l want to tee O'BRIEN'S iJ:Q· pal'tel lace atoles, d8lgnect wi&t tbe .,..oe and IPiendor we ac1mlre Ill old I:Wope. . . . Other new .,.. rou"D cberiah. ln ... tela and ~ -.... are hand loomed f111111r ..,..._ for each occuJon. Came in and eelect ~. Uns.., COIIUIIercials OPEN 110 ~E will be held Sun- day afternoon at the Vera Wll· Jiam!' Art Gallery and Girt Shop, 313 '~ Marine A,·<' .. Balboa Island. lor· notC'd art1st Burt Procter of Corona dPI Mar. who will open h1s f'xhiblt in th«> liHlt> ~allery * • • AS OFFICE has bee-n O('l('nPd 8l 2R33-3.''i N<'wport Bl\'d., Nt'wport, b\ Galvin R. K('('nf'. attornf'~ al law. Mr. Kf'Pne was txwn. in Wis- con. in 34 years ago. J.':T<'W .up In Michhtan . received his AB dCJ.':TCC from the University or Michi~an In 1940 and his L.L.B. there In 1945. He practiC('(l law In Sagi· n nw. Mich .• for three )Cars a nd then was as~i.st l resident attor- ney for Colum ia Broadcasting System in ood for a year and a ha Jr. e and Mrs. Keene th·e at the Newport address. • • • I . HERBIBT B&OWN J:L L, Newport Harbor architect, re- t umed Oct. 9 with Mrs. Brow· nell from Coronado. where he at- tended the convention ot ttae CaJl- fornia CouncU of Archltecta. held Oct. u . Some 800 caJifomla U'• chJtecta attende«. 1be oonventJoll featured acldre•ea b)' ~ prominent ai'C.'tdtecta ot llntcD. Mr. BrowneD la preatclent ot the Orange County Arddtecta. ' R6r's VIED Cll' CEITE • • 1nmtes you to see oUT outstanding .... ·' • NOW OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS F 0 R Y 0 U R C 0 NV EN I .. E If C E We have found that niany of our used car buyers .like to shop after dinner ---'therefore we are now open ev~nings. .. Foreman Poult.r)o Ba.ncb II loc&ted a.t LU51 BIIDUDcf.GD linch Blvd. In Huntqtoo Jleac:b. T'beir ~ t.be ra1a1ni ot poul- try. ia one t.bat aida the 1n~reat of dJveralOed f&rm.lal b)' ma.tntaln-tna a modem poultrJ farm wbe~ thousands of cbk:ken& are J"'WWed ~b year-tNIJ a mo&t vallled ln- 'UtuUcm. lbe1r cbickena ~ known over thia aecUOD. ~ are people ot wtck upmence and are conaldenld aut.horitJa upon all matt.era ~ t.o all ldn& of poultry. 'lbel.r chk:kens are atul- dJ and full of pep and t.holle wbo have pu.rcbuecl t.bem have tnvarta.blY re-or<kred !rmn thia ftrm when theJ The NEWPORT HMUIOR EN .SIGN·· ( OROSA DEL MAL &UFOR.~IA . POULm¥ DNCH ~ tn the marke~ a.p.tn. nus ,.h~·:; what kind of poultr) tht:) sell and It 1s not .st rance that their bu.stnhs ba.s 11'0"'fl to JUc.h la.J1;e proportion,, and ts atUI lncreutna They are always wtlllna to ll\f" any l.nformn- tion destrt'd &nd 11ve prompt st- tenUon to lette~ J)('rsontJ cans ( r ~lephont' mqu1ne& and orders. Tfus well knoYm firm lS consid- ered an authorlt) upon these m:.t- ters. They operate the1r own mcu- batora and l'1ltSe P"Ultry by the thousands Pl\ch year. People who are lnterr-.ted m poul- try ratslng should vlwt th.ts firm tf they have not already done so Th~~· mak.t a specJ:Uty of tht'M> bird.~ and r:on "ctu •ll> .w\e )OU .money 11 an In th mo.~rkrt for them 'J11e pubh<. L' alweys welcomt! \1) nslt thlh r.111ch. l'h.t'lr aim ia lo Located We1tminater A•e. at Locu1t Street, We1tminater, ~fomia · lt'fl\'t' I'U. tt.mt'ro~o \atlsCied. Personal Tht!re .. tlCI n 1ddle mo.n to PlY cem • .)or thelr 'f.'ide t').pt rH nt•• ear- lltt<.'ntlon 1\ j!l\'t'll tu every C'\lStomcr •·hen }"UU UU)' dlrfctty !rom Lht' fac-ly t&l.llhl Lhem Ulat by mwna a re 'IH"d~' ~ <•I 'h' 'I mount of ttu> pur-, t.ory. quality product tht'Y " uld p:t>~ d1R.I', ' Opton •etkd.t~· 9 30-~ 30, Sunday all. Then l.bey de\tlopt'd a .. ,. '.f'nl ln tl.ls re','ll'A v. ~~o·\bh lO urae 10 4 30, Monday rught til a·30 p m or productm lhat enabltd U1~>m ~ • otll Jl'.•ll• ra that Lhey will find tt The we~tmuu. t:r Manu!acturtna mamtalo the ~best quahtl <tl -Aorth "hlle w consult w1th th .$1 Co ,.,.,es bu)·er~ up to ~0'} on mt'D'' productJon COlt •·hJrh y,-ould Pt.rm;• e:.tabh hmPnt 011 nil mR ·u•rl'> P' r-1 and ..-omtn clo hm& Within the them lO sen·e tht>tr pac.ron:. • mrJd· t.m.n~ to .,outtry Wt' Wl h to tom-1.\.'t month. tht fi rm hal dded a I ern St>rviC'e at very rta60nabl prlc~ pJmu:>r.t th rompt.tt-nt m anag mrm Dl''A mrn c su1t depertment Thru tht' )'e&r.t. tht:y ha\e &OlHd upon •Jw v.t'll mrrHed 'lurrc-.s and I Tt!Pre art' {e~~o· peop!P 1n th~ .l"C-tht' probh m of O\'t'rhPad diMrttJU· l<'lldln.; po~111nn t}us firm l.o· .n-tton 11.ho ~re not fannllar wltb thls uon. purc-ha.se or ra~~o· mauorl.IIIS, ,,, ::1J11r·u 298 \\tU-Imo,.n firm n'!t one of the com-so satbfact.orilJ l.hu ll)t:> h!\\1 munlty's lndu.st.nal oraantzaUons &rown to large proport1<1ns INOREE~S RESTIURINT "·h06t' managemtnt ha' ~n at all Then. too. u bt'hoo\eJ u~ t(J tN' umeE IICth·e 1n pmmoUJ'll the dt-and boost ro: homt J)l'odUC't..• .r.d \~lopment of tht' C'Om.munll)'. th.l~ u another rf"u.on r(•r the PQPU· Tht polJC') <£t•Q producuon of larJty of thtse produ<"t~ •hru-out tJi., ~ prodU<:I of the ha,htM Q\lallty have vicmlty. Anctree's Restaurant 11 )Ocat.ed at,rnade to rNI tluu }OUr trlid~ ., ~troup ?.ilo ct. 1r(• to haw a ren merH<d tht'm liH ll'~·ltlOn tht')' ha\'e We dHm 11 mn t 1.tt1 .. c.o 144K Oo&st Blvd. South lD t..cuna dtslred and apprt·cl.lll'd b) th•· man-dt'/\'OU fnr .c1.tl and bu~tne'~ per-1 a~uum·c:l HoV.'t'\• r. many ctUzetl!l proper that v.e maltt .JY-C'lal mt'T•· Beattt. Th11 quaint. ~ac.aurant l.s arement. tH' :-ot •• n) lll'Y. tdNs m 1ocnl clrcle3 get tntl? the hab.t of talun& the uon of th~ C'O~m We 'A·~m o located in t.be heart or the At\ The~ 1.s n o mol'(' otrraclm.ly l•fl\1 r r-t btl'n brought t.o. U&h\. &ervtet' M •• uch tmpnn.a.nt tndustrtes llld you m aj)preci!Hllll ~Ahat rm tm· Oenter. furnished pll\l'l' m lhl.'> parl o! tht: 11\'1 1 tl\< learu!} In this popular rather :~..s a matte>: vf oourtoe and porUI.nt part It play• II" th!" Jnuu~tl1.1l At this ~litaurant one come' in state Uu.n thl~ ClOt' .m<1 there ts phatt' in ttu. edtuon "~ r• ftr thla concern lltt ot tht commun1l\ n1r Cl\ ~~ conc.ct wiLh rMJ bome cooltlnC. none that h&$ &llincd a great..r Tne .ti\ltt .tt thl.> rt't.aurant 1'1 to you a~ a ntal tartor to our an-prtdt' m the home communll~ •.}l(>~.~.c &be k1nd that II ~ by the measure 01 poputanty 'J11ere L ,,.ry p!ell."aul and ot!crs all tht' d~'trlal prog-re s. urae you ahn .ys to u..<.t tnt'.;to homt' best ooot.s in &be oou.nt.ry Uld ooe I' non e tn •·htch u~ oour'-t'' :.rr !!lore .TIIll' .. od hr:,pltaUty or the hOme Q aa.l.lty proc:luctt-haH• alwaya ~ product.< and c.o upporl Wld boo 1 nussioo tJu.s place ls ~Clnltinl 11 plea$1lnt II.Dd sau<-r11ctory Alter-In m.tlullg thl~ rent"'•' v.-e are the fundamf"ntal b~sl.' of th1 con·l ror th1.6 1mpon.ant t'n l mr1 " 31 PJ"Hervin&· o1 Lh1a art tn t.he pubUc t noon and e\'l'nll•& nuto j).!rUe:. t~r ylud to comphmt•nt Lhe m&J\Aie- We ot t.be period. [people from thl, se<'tton. 1.n tov.n 1nt 111 upon the po~ttlon 11 occu1es tn Here JW wm flnd well cooked on bu.stne "'111 !Uld thll> :. pl .. al>-tl· ~ 1:> l'lnN.s and social Ufe o! the rOOd, Wbole.ome and de. Uciously ap-Ins; place w t·vmp\el" ll\t dt<Y " Pt"rtod 1md to caU the attentiOn ot I ~-'l1le eervlce 11 equal)J pleasures. tht• l)(•oplr tha~ It !s one plll<'(' "''here sati.lfactory, wht'tbn' your order be The)' o:re preaN"d tO take can· of thr dP~trf> for real rood r :111 be BOY'S HARDIIRE & PAINT qe or smaJJ. and you wiU be I prlvate dmncl1i und tea~o for ..,J)('Cial thoruu~:hl~ .-atbf1ed 203 1 Boy's Hardv.-art k Pamt 61.0ft" 11 located a~ Forrest a.nd Beach ~\& are tn char&e an:> t'Ourt('(,•J! and accommocta.hnr and "''ho ••tll bt pleased to demon.,tn.l(' •o an.,voo1 who deUrn to drop lnto ~ms favor- Ite trad.lne pla~ and m p up an lbe h.lebes: i:r'&M or hard"''IU't ..nd rup· plies. Auto ·Supply ail furniture Store m t...aruna Beach. Th~ r>t.ore carries a com.pkte lme o! SILer a palm and \"&ltlJ&h. Thts stor~ add!' murh to the ef- flclenty of the commun1t.r u a trade center and is hea.dquar~ra for NaiLs, ~..--s bolt..s. loc~• knst-- 1 a largf" number of people from the tools, cu~rr. roonns. !o.helt lurd- <ourroundtng country w'ben Utey ware, but wh:n is Lh~ u•e uf ~rym • to Ust thetr stock? 111~ llo a stort o• the fJ.nt cla...u and catTlE'S If U out would expett of such a stoTe 119-121 Main, Huntington Beach 1l'ome m to"tra.de. I The gOOds carried ha,·t been found 1 tv alv•ays be of tM "t':rl' best qual- It}' consistent ••Ith the price at Lew A. Kinney Phone 6-3801 In ma.kini thi.<i rt\"1~.,.. o1 t h• N ward pf'Oit'ess of th.ls t.on o: ~h cou.nu-y we nm to compllmt>m m ftrm and manqement upon :ht> ~d mirable mAnner In 11'h1ch tb bu.u· Lt>w lt.lnney has ~n 1n tbe f\.tn\1- tur~ b\alineM for 1 yeara afld in that • Ume. be has 'la1ned a reput..a.Uon !Of' quaUty, val\le, and lft'Vice. Tbe ent.Jn at~ wlU be c)Oied rrom Sept. 17 t.o Oct. l , a.fter which time you '11'111 enjoy dolnl your Chrt.at.m.a shopplnc. Lew hu a new,.pl~, com- pie~ Une of t.oys. You can take advant.ace of the conwntfnt lay- away plan. In add1Uan JOU wUl want lO see \.be fine line OIC Hadden RtJ1 -complete rum.ilb.lnp tor the home -plus ra4los. appllanoea, and aulO supplJes. ~ t.o UmJted apace, It 11 lmpoa.lble to place all 1\u'nJture ltema on the floor-boftver any quaUty l~m un be procured ln a few cta.ys. Tb1l store meri\a tbe ~uon t.hey have attai.J»d u ooe of Lhe Core- mo.t home ouUltttnc rtnns of th.ls ae<:tJon and becaUR or Ita un- equalled quaUty and metropolitan !in'Vioe durm the um 1t ~ ::.erve-d "h ·th• r il t;· s. roum )'QU dt>.'ire to Y.lllch each article IS •old and hue the publK: 1.n th1,. commun1t.~ It rutnt:>h (Jr JU...t .l p.\.~ or l'AO that )uu •·1.11 rmd standard mates of t.be ma)' weU be nt<1 that no busmt ' H•u \\ :mt 'ou can sec:-ure It ttere '" world • be~t ma.nufa<>toJTers In this secuou hao mnlnllunt'd i ttl(· mO>t !a,·orablt> term:-that the The~ an prep•red for proper better reputation &.b a ll'adulo~ homl' m:lrkt't a!!ord~ h.andJJI'IC of the goods :md the dls· f I bl, l t h t I . play of the .stock to Lhe advantaee out 1tt ng e.'otll ... 1mt>n t an t 11.' rhc,· a1" art I' tiC and tht color-11 kno r ' of l~lr p:nrons. All their ha.rd..-are we wn 1rm. lOll' and PH£'cts charm and ck>l!ght 'I'hls populnr rst.abltshment ts a 1 Tt ~ h t and suppues a re o!. the latest pat.· nes~ of this valued ln..<ututlon 1$ opera ted • upon thf' progre-.sl\ e ancJ publlc 5J)lr1ted policies. We ..Sl'l tel rtfer th15 hiO'dware w all our reed-1 If' t Y<' tc ~vy•~ In c nrgt> 0 1 1tcrns a.nd mclude the mo.u r~nt store ·of the peoplE> and for th< llm depnrtm~>nt are fam1Jiar 9.1'h 1 ........, en as one o! the distln<:U\'e features people~-a st.ore bu1lt on the phm •1 , b·1 lilt>.,~ and can tell you t'xact-nvenuons aod lmpro,emtnts . .oue of the commerc&a\ efrtclenc)· of thl.' that atms to ll\'t' mutual pl""~urc I ~lock ts com~ed o! hard'A'&re sup-L __ or .... ,.,.., .. and ·-h"'~dnua.r -~ Whdt ~ou ne'e(! to match up wnh ~ .....-.:: ,.__ -"n .. satisfacuon and bt'ne!lt. for It 1s phes know throughout the world ters for many people ~ ~(lur .'Urroundlngs and ..-hen ~our as the bt'H on the market Mtn 'll'ho the a1m of tht' proprietor to make hllmt' L' !Jttt'd out. e\'t'r)'thmg w111 the u.re or t ht> people worth wh1le by mmr m Pl'tll'e and harmon)• supplylng st rel.'>onabl" pnce~ thf' Thn Me thoroughly com·E>r~t v.1th lhP b\L,1ness and haw• al..-ay:. been bo<.l'-tt>n for au thmgs th:lt prum1 P publa lmprO\'t'menl HARRY'S IN IIGUNA BEACH nece&Sit.lrs. comforts ~nd con' em- ences and the luxuries Thr :.toclts have been Sf"lCciRd by the manage- ment with a v\ew to Pt>r!cctlon 1.0 three thing-.. comfort. beauty and nu, !.tolt' lli Cine of thr \ ;llurd Harry.~ re!'taurant IS located at 1u. production. durability, and Pmbra<:e-'> as a whole rommer<"IRI i\.••el• 1:1 thl.'-•t'Ct•on-231 Forrest A\t' .. m l...<4:\lnn &ach. They 54'11 (lnJ, quality IN' cr .. n the most beautiful 1111d durabk-pro· pw .. re~ 1' ~" completo .md up-c.o-Tht'~ fPature sandwtchP' as 9.'t'll A.!-and df"hcaclf'5 • hac·h Art' knoQ-n r •: ducllon.s or the Am<·rlcan fumJtuna dati' .. ~'"'II tht• pub.tc In ll \"f"l")' soda fountam senlct. tbfir IUJ)UJor flaHn nw man:H'f'· maker's art It mllkt's no d1fferenct 1 • •• u :u lt'r~ manm·r · M~t mt at. this shop 15 a corn-ment. hu t'XC<'llen\ t<ll"te and Lhl't: mon txpre.;.s.~on. .-hlch of coune ice crea.ms a.rt> knO"m tor tht.r t'<.· mearu that a t.s 11 popula.r tsc.abllsh-t.ra-ordlnar)' flavors Rotl1 llnaiian Charcoal Broiler 1 ~nt Thl5 ·1s an mdlcauon of the ThlS shop •S ont ol lht "". '· greet populamy of thJs pla<'t' Since centers of tha ll(!(:tlon It 1s .ot-bl'lng establt~hed 1t hM ~ra.lned 10 , • popular'lty until today It occupies tracuvely fum~hed and a plAt~ .e>r The Royal HawaJtan Charcoal wbere the demand IS morr than 1 mon .uld at thls place tht> food ~., the position of bf"tng ont> of thP lead-peoplt to meet their friend!. wlw:. Brol.ler ls located at 131 Cot.lt Blvd. satisfied In obtaanlng food Cour-prrpnr~'d In ~uch a mannrr that thr mg ~U\l cenlt'r~ m tht' cit\ ln to~~o'tl We, dei'!Jrt w compll:nt'rl North 1n I.Aruna Beach. Th11 res-tesy is anothe-r out&I.Mdlng feature tbou•ht. at <'nee comh. "thl~ t.'l • ThE' manatt'mtnt has ~p~mt~ I the ma.n&a'emtnt upon the-I)OQtlcm taurant baa recently opened tbe ot tbls cafe. for It ~~ a plr:tbUre f~r li:ood plart><~ at which to eat.'' th<' place v.itb all tht> late...q fut-they occupy m ttw> "(X"Ial •'Orld 01 Charco&l Bar and y apeelatblDc ln them to st-r\'e the public. Tht managt'meot ha.-. had ~ars turts w make n auracuve to the the communuy. Trop&eal Ra-wallan drtnb. The ca!t' bu.~ine,, ts a buslne ..... ~ of t xperlence m the cafe bu tnt' ~ pubUr ~~o hl~ lhe latof"st t'QUipment The ma.oAif"nM"nt IJ am.m thr -n.w ts a •ei'J popular reetauran~ wtlthln Itself. ond dO(' not end v. a h ~trt\'lntt to ket>J) th .. St"~ oour-has bf"t'n provided at the countu llve-'fiire bumnt fli'OPk llDd th• of thla eectJGD and \he ner-crow-the suvloe o! !OOd on thr t.ab!e:>. teou~ ~tnd promp~ at all umes The tor the eA"J)('dJUOus handlinl of the I place trUly it\'~ lhf' ttJ~ n a mel.l'< • 1n1 and larte pa~ tt reee.tve. but ext.en cts to tht> r lt.1nllnE>ss or lllter•or 1.' allraCll\'elr decoratf"d. lradf" and the com-eruence ol the politan a tr. Ia dllt to c.be fact U.t It Ia clean the k.Jtchen and otht>r placl'~ that !}h':l:•lll(l to the ere and arrant,~d un 1~. Here am1d comrorta.ble &ur-We are a lacS m ~ l'diUor. \o and -.n!t.ary t.hroQrhout; aerws at are only frequtnted by the manager for 1 hL gtneral comfort of thetr roundtna's you a.rt il'l"\'ed W\th tht' complune.nt l.he ma.nt.temt nl \lPI n all t.lmea tbe '**' palatable foocb and &Mi5to.ntl!, ~·her(' all Silverware patron!' \'ery cholce~t of dalnt1e,, the hl&h st.andtna of the plM't· tn and ~lftl 1\a pelroa~~te from the. iS poU.~hed and dlf l'K's 'tf"rltir.ed. I Wt v. bh to com phmenl t.lwm on Their tee cream Is more and more I the buslnt' and sociAl WfU'ld ot thb dty aDO ~ t.enit.orJ. u It. Ls a pleasure to ha\e such :~ tlw ~Yndnr-d of Clll'1r care. and do In dtmand in th.ls locaUty becau.te or ~tion ot the ltatf" and uld a"'lt weU u ~ tbe traftltac publk. clean and modl'm cart> a, thh to not hr~nac.e to rtf<'r H to our re.sd-the dtfferen' and who~ flavor. e-veryonf" to "wt this mode rn ;>laC\. The kJca.t and tnftUIII pubUc ~re.r the stranatr a nd local pco·l rr a, a ltood place at v.hJch to the nos\llt ot ustnr 01'117 the best ' not t>«au..~ Lhey are ~~ but baw leamed Wt th1&. w a place pte t.o as &ood cares &1'\' not rom· Pat. 7 a.nd most ..-hole mt ~ent.s ln beeaust LMl' lou• t.ompan' S • • I Cllftoll•, 8t.ore II loca&ed at ltb ftl. Jaldlty suJta. the late.&. offer-t.bQ fllllJ \&Dek......_ t.be peat. dll- &lld MaiD 8treeU In I!I&Dta ADa. lop ol tbe ~· ar1., Wblcb feftDce Ill IDeftl1 -.a...uec~ doUl- Pbr a.QJ'ODe to ....... tbe fubioll ~ ~ ftrJ ... word Ill ebie-1DI aDd that ......, .... ftkb Ia ·- I"MppO\\I)Wty o1 c.be .... ·•w a. -uct ~ at. lll'k* t.h&t pedal~, "-'~ned to m ,_ ., ,..t.b« a aa,.. aDdterialdal ; bat are rflhL •aD .mt, al8o tbe larp aDd tall UU. popWar lildiel' abop tbroUIIl lY A Uoe of the dalnty &ilkeo Wop women. 1bt IDUlJ ..,.-u.necs CUI· deldre to praa& ODlJ the ftDelt aa4 fn all c.be 10f" and 11owmt ~ aaen in tNa .,.........tr Wbo are best bu 111-.Dbled a eelec:Uon of can be found here. Wile Ill the I8Cl"eta ol weutQ1 .-tcal"'beb~ wb.lcb are fa.lbialt'a lnd-Notb!Dc that 110Ja4J can ue to pare1 thlDk of t.bett ..... and tbll en and bu completely covered the ..som btr pe1"8011 11 1actmt In tb.la popular shop at. &be -..ae UIDe. fubJon field. &bop wheN all the altiU Of America We wiab t.o compllnwnt thia .._,., At t.h.l.l popular tame&' &bOp are II pt.bered f.oCitber for the comfort 1D Uda edlUOil upoa 1Y well kDcnm coati in all the beftlt modes ol and ~bt of lt.s many .-uanecs poUeJ of IJl&.lnWntnc IDYIOiate ID!I'- fublon, wh.k:b bave ncb popular patrooa. cbaodble. qualltJ aDd a•d,.,t.ldtJ demand in the .Ule oeotes of tbe A apedal feature ol tbe aenlce o1 atyle fn laclAM' IU"'DDttl'-u a par- country ~. Offered In aD tbe tbat we partlc:ularty c:aU to J"'Ul' at-UDO!I&Dt. and pei"'DADD!nt d..lat.tDc:UoD varied llnee and tona wbk:b pleue t.entioo is Lbe oomplde tiDe ol ot t.be eat.ablilbment.. 11 t.he eye of cl'wmlnii.Y ador'ned worn"!' ~ for tbe small ~n. u EXm.JIOR . r . Oranp Couldy'a Olclelt Home-OwlleCI and {)pet atecl Dairy Locatecl In Santa. Ana Everyth1nc lD dairy P"'duc:t. II Uon are cooc:emed, one m.ltbt t.h1Dk ~. E:xc:elslor's field to the entlre 01'-be wu ln the tltebe.n of a ~tal Moc.ber need not feu to ctve t.h1l ange CoWlt.y dilt.rlct. nua d&lr7 r~ whrn vislttnc the plant of t.bia welt m1lk to the ~dren. Ill many bomea Lures the only ~pl~lY l&boratorJ known ccmcem. 'lbe prodUQP a.re lt. 11 DO lonpz) a mere luxury-st. is controUed products In <>ranee eoun .. noWd for superior qualltJ. a neoelllt.f. / ty loca~ at HI E. Pint. Street, fn Aheolute care and c:leanline&& are ~~ td betnc amoac the Santa Ana. 1bta creamery a11o tea-demanded of all emJ)Io,eea. . JDC»t.~ blaatn 7o/!ftl o1 t.h1l turu troaen lood.s and Ace c:ream. n 11 a · k::Down fact that ehUd.rell corn.mUDJty, the ~~~~UU~P~D~Dt of t.hla Absolute sanJtatJon and portly who drtDk mUk adVance 1n ICboOl plant 11 DOted for ltl fiDe com- • Patnda'a 1a locat.ed at 3l2 N. that can be obtained here at. prtcel ~ a . in Banta Ana. lower than thoR prevaillnl on tbe IDdiYktuallcy and clJ.atlncUv~u usual run or merchandlM ot lbe ot ~ are notec1 ln apedaltJe& d&)'. and rroeu··fn. t.hil &hop aDd t.b1l They exercise wondertlll t.Aate II in a larie decret responUbJe for which is responsible 1n a larp de- c.belr exwnstve t.,..de, tree for the exetUeDt P&trcln8lle o1 All looda for the &hop oome from t.he shop. '11le prlDcJple upon which tbe market. of the very lat.elt. fuh-thia &hop Is operated. 11 t.ba~ of lona alad are ol rare beauty. Spedal-furni.shlnl lndivtdual and dlatmc:Uve t.1e1 aDd prment.a of t.bl.s &bop are apecialUes and trarm~ts mo.t. rea- not Juat ~. but bave a atyle IIOll&ble and meeunc any and all tbelr own. A larte Une of the sea-competition as t.o atyle and price. tiOil'l atoc1t Ia now on hand for t.he This accounts for t.he fac:t t.bat the aocommod&Uon of the pubUc and establlshm~t u t.he mec:ca for t.be DO matter wbet.her 11. 1a street., sport. wen dr~d ladles of t.he commun- or clreu or rarment ot any des1ln lty. .. JOU lftQ de&Jre, you can cet. lt here While you always have at JOUr and It wW be becoalint and 1n ex-command here t.he newest Cft&UOnl cellent. ~. and the hlabest qualJty , yet t.be Ill t.bla -.e of blab prices t.b1s prices are mosc. moderate. ~ 11 ~ u the one place 11. is a· pleasure for us t.o cUrec:t where tie" women of t.be oount.r7 ~ attention t.o \J!is shop u one ean be fitted out lD the IIUOil'l of the the Important. featura wear at. a moderate fii'Uft. People of thts community's commerdal ef- marvel at. tbe e.xceDent. mereba.ndiae !lcienc:)'. n ·Earl Frazer Music Studio Profeaaional lnatruction In Voice and Piano ... Available In Santa Ana are t.he basis for their bJch reputa-qukter than tbe non-clrinken o1 aunttJ ap&ril In booltJnc eftJ'7 pro-Tile Earl Jl'ru.er Music Studio, lo~ a&ist lhe students. Uon oJ producln& mUk oJ the hlcb-milk. Be:aue m1llt maJtea for P"QQ· J«:t. for lobe fOOd of the people. Tbey eated at tOl 8. S)eamore Sc... in The ptt.rent.s, es~lally, OUCbt to est quality. 'Ibe people ol tJda com-res, Jet JOU1' .., and JOUr daucht.er are not COittent t.o .ene tbe people Santa Ana, apec:ialllrs In volce and appreciate t.hls hilh quaUty muueal munH,y have Come t.o ~ 0t1 this drink tredy ot nature'• drink. '!be ooJy 1n INoUDeu, but beUeft n ... che piano lnlt.nac:Uon of t.he hilhen tralnlng enabll.n& thelr chlld.ren, Plant for their various daJry pro-~tally 11us of m11k makel a atroac duty of e'f'fll'1 man to OCJDtrtbute type. Mr. ·Pruer who ltudJed Ln rt&ht here at home to reeelve ln· ducts, knowt.oa that they wtU be and 8Cttft m1n4. ., nee ry wben eametJliDC to Ute wlfare of t.be Part. and Bordeaux. Prance, baa structlon in musk. It sped.~ weU the beat quallty. · atuct1mc. ~ and health 10 communJt.:r out.Gde of buameu Ute. beelyrofeu.lona!ly located in santa for the people to have in our mJdat A& lu as c:lea.nllneaa and aan.lta-baDcl in band. Get. an extra boWef 211 Ana aince ltll. such a htg'b gnde ICbool of muk. ""tr MUiic 11 ooe or the hi&best t.alenta Our community Ute appredatM ---------------------------------------thal one c:an have, and 71t how the fact l.bac. we can replJ on t.b1l few are li•tnc t.hll t.Alent. t.be proper music: school and should have t.be BUI~IR OF . PIPE OBNS Freel Mauer ConDot Retire After Lob1r Lifetir.ne Aa Unique Manufacturer attenUon &Od conalderatlon. Those Uberal support of t.he enUre people. who haw this lift. ahould visit. thl.s &tudio ror lnformaUoo an4 ln.at.ruc-They oontnbu~ freely t.o pubLic Uon. Thll popular met.ropolftan recitals and are or vital lm\)Ortance school of mu.dc 1s t.be ~host. modem to this sectlon or the state. a.bd up-to-date t.o be found 1n U\u nus music sehool bullets our home aec:Uon. The lnnructor bere ls ctv-community and form of type of com- InC JOU the best. of tnstruc:Uon munlty buUders •bo m&U better wblcb one would e.xpect t.o flnd ln cltUA!ns and Americana. t.be la.rter schools ln the 1&1'1'11' And we are &lad 1.0 COII\I)UIDent Pred Mauer, bUUder of uniqUe muste and p~s the ~an. .., ftll electric wlrillc. Ci!Jea, and the fees are muc:b lower. It and refer th1a oul.it.ancUnc lcliOOl publk and home pipe OI'PJll. Uvinc as bullcllnl them. ~OI'Iaft maker Ll oonstanUy ex-Tbe Instructor at. t.hls school or of music to All our people u one at JOtO W. 8th .street, 8aota Ana. He c:ame t.o Santa Ana first ln •• ~ t.o tlDd mellower and mUSk has his heart ln hta work fuUY worUly or thetr oon.sideratJoo is badt onoe acatn t.o h1l ~rl.rst but. moved back t.o Butfa.lo, N. Y.. dearer toDel tor bil apriOal erea-and ls doll\l everythinc pogtble to and confidence. fib tove··~utaculrl.ne bis diiUDc-for most of b1l Ufe work. Be retret1 Uooa. Be aJ80 dots J'ae&Z'Ch work to Uve Exoel music: int.nameut.s-&f-h&vlnr left this area. Be ret\lmec1 ....u Jt IDCft practJea1 to place ptpe ter trriOJ ln va.1n to retire. t.o Santa Ana a ,ears aco to re-orpna an tbl ••ence ~tome". Latest UutallatJon.a or h1l ptpe tire, but oouJcl not.. 'lbe Ul'l'e t.o do Mr. Kauer aa.o repain orpna lD oraans have lncll.lded t.bolte at. tbe more ln the field of b1l ute's wort m&ft1 dUel of t..b1a area. Santa Ana Nuareoe ebureh on 15th was too trreat. "No Jndeecl", ..,.. Ptpe 0rp.n st:reet; the Flnt Bapt111. c:hu.rehea at. Mr. Ma.ue:r came to the United Maker Mauer wltb an apleu twin- Torrance and Gardena, Callfomla., State lrom Gumany tn 1•. t1e ln b1l t:1ndl7 e:res. "there cer- the MacMillen Funeral Home at It takes Mr. Mauer and his tiOft, talnly Ia DO Lime or opportunity for Gardena; and the Thompson home Gordon. about 2 mont.ha to lUte me to mire". at Yorba Unda. an orpn. Ex:pen.Uve wood 11 uect. It 11 very evident to bla Jnter- Mr. Mauu never had a m\Wc lea-tbe t1nd t.hat br1nca out. tbe belt viewer that. the pipe orpn u hll son 1n h ls llfe. However, be ree.da tone. The 11M does the fntrtcat.e very Ufel SWINSON'S OBEY til DIDRI~H MlnAESS 00. See Dietrich For Reatful Sleep " The Dlet.rlch Mattress Oo., located are the very best. quaUty, and are at. 14112 s. Ratbor Blvd., Santa N!COgDilled by people ln all thil An, manufacture t.helr own mat.-community. They have at.t.al~Mcl t.reuea, repair, renovate and cust.ocn fame 1n proc:luctnc comfort tb&L baa bulM any type of mattresa. apread for many mUes around. With the crowt.h of wealt.h and T'be plant ls a IDOClem tnaUw- hunu')' 1n tbe eount.rJ. there is no Uon ln this line., betnc one of t.bt one 1lDe of buatnela that II tainlnc most modern and tU>-t.o-d&~ t.n &.b1l preal\Jce wltb r:reater rapldJty t.h&D part of t.be country. 'T'be Jale.t lDl- the manut~i~Ct.l.u'er of mattraaes. proved machinery 1a lloled Ill all tt. Our forelatbera slept ln the IJ'M\ wo~ and the place ls a model es- Swanson's Monterey Cafe II cSDJy beCauae t.heJ are relined of ant nature. a 'flait to ~ cafe will out.cSoon. t.bm on the llab, and on tabllabment and products are the ed ac. 1807 N. lolaln 8t., ln I!Ulta t.be care In .entDt the JDeal. but ~ an elaborate tare of deUcloua t.hrouth tbe ftrioul pbua best. that money c:an bu7. AnL &180 becau.e ~ food 11 prepand ~ wtU .a-t tbe ~!Pedal of bedclinc problema. Today the Their mattresaes are known OYer The manacement baa made ~,., in a manner Wbleb II eaet.1J m-OCI"Nb\ wtt.b l'l'aUficatJon anc1 de-of all ataUOill of l1fe demand U\11 put or the country u tbe ftl7 arrancement for t.he pvblk: at. laqe. unc to t.betr own bome. Ucbt. \fer)' belt of beds and beddlnl. beat. tbat c:an be lec:Ul'4!d and ba•e 'Ibe Interior of the _.......,meat 'T'be treat popular1ty or t.b1l cafe 1be faet. that both the local and thil d&y or hUJT)' and ruah. It always pn the favorite wltb UM Is attrac:U~ly decol-atect and maR baa been la.rpl)' due to the un-t.raftlinl publk can obtaJh a 411• t.o have comfort& ln loc:al pu' They are IMde of t.be pleufnt t.o t.be e,e. usual abWt.y of the ~t.. tinct .uttadJOft an food mates &.b1l aUU the UJ"ed nenes and very be8l matertall and COilltnlded 'Ibe ceoeral aurrouncllnp preeeut Wboee wtc1e experieaoe and bro.d pa.ee a mo.t baPGI't&Qt. f•ture ol prduc:e deep t.bat. rerreabel. a1ontr Lbe linea l.bat. ..ate u.. DOt an Ideal home-Uke atmo.pMre lmowJedte hue ftl1 PI'O'Idecl f« tbe oaetmaaua "P""~ or t.be 1'be day ot \he at.raw UC:k and oo17 very comfortable, but one. that. wblcb hu received OOIIIIDeDdatloD .-,1 demands of a molt CU1c:r11DJD. CCIIIUDaDltJ. fM&.her bed ll over and e~ooe wtn atanct the wear. or many people from &.b1l 'ftdDJt.J. atiilr trade. W. talle tJda opportunlt.J In tb1l ahoukl look over t.Mtr bouaebold The m&napment baa alwan had Wblle t.be wort lt.eeU II done bJ Not.blnr h. u ~ left undone t.o edJUon to DeU &be ~t end equip It wtth most modem ~Mt· at heart the beat. 1ntiere1ta ot tbe reUable empJO)'el whole lll)ecl&l comJ*teiJ •Uat1 the maR futadl-tiM)' ~ an GP-to-cl&ee _ ~ aa not only Ia tt tbe moet communtt and bu done ·--. t~ provides lor the lDdJYkhlal *""tal7 beddfnl but maJtet one en-1 ... .., -t Deed.~. desll"ee and dem&Dda ol t.he ~ tastes or anJ eacUac ....-. t Wldcb 1a ur--; aae d In UlJ JoJ au the tee the f _ at all Umes t.q..aene Che people to pa&ronl In an eattnc ~ ol th1l Por any IOda1 or .,...._ IDCJift· dtJ uacl aiiO pobat out tbe 8d-11 ln e bette =~ ..!: het an: the beat IMiftlltaet. UDder tbe&.r nacure. llan;J ladMI expnaa de-_ment. .......Unc an -~ .... _.. ot ..W.tntar tbll .enlce J r pe n ~ 41reeUoa tbe ......,._ bu Maolot. t.n ..ec ... _ I. ... ,_ -• _. meal or reput of a r1Ch and llbuftd-wMDiftl U., are In town. u IDan1 ft1S. prospered anc1 exp&bdecl l'rl -·· ---. a ....,.. .... e ...,.. Tbe matUWiel made b)' thiJ tl.rm · , - .. 'S LAMP SHADES Sulta Ana Firm Manufacture~ Custom Made Lamp Shadea NEW ~HINA ·c1FE Featunn the tlnL'it in ~ 1 'Ibe food ts prepared m 11Jt>h a food UlCiuctmr chop 6\.le)', the New -.ay that c.o Lbe \.UWUUA~ the Teacht.nc Lbe art or cunom made lncrea.w in t.he numbt-r or 1u p.tt• It} out-til the ~table estahlllh· Chlna ca:t 1s Jocat.t-d at 103 N tbouc.bt at once OOI:Ild that. tberr laiDp ab&da u W'dl u t'OIIUber'd&1 rons. rnu u., wbJch hu auded lO the de-MaUl St., 1n Santa Ana. De'\'e:r ,..., such a lood place to ett. I ID&Ilufaetul'e ol iDdlriduau.tk: lamp ~Y deaJ on 11 Larae ~>eale and vtolopment and pro&ress of this part 1b1s popular place bu pmecl a Poor ·cafe~ are not the exoepuon. &b.Ada. Jord&.D'a at. -& a,ca.l tbe1r a.ctlv1tY lb conducive w the of the state name t bat ha.s spread far and wide and ha\'e such a modern and up- more in 8&Dta Ana feat.ure ODe of procreu and ex~on of t.lte com· In maltlnt this rev1e11· or the on-a.s a place 11>b~ 1~1 and cruel-to-date pJ.aA)e t.o refer \.0 traveunc the aou~·a unJque ..... ,,......: munity ln no smaU deer~. "'. rd procr~ ~ o1 Lh1s part of the tna people can more than sad.sfy pau'Oil.l.. a.s 11'el.l as local peopl4t 1b1s CCIDCeJ'D oeeda DO lnt.roducUon There a.re no more publ.c SPJrlt· •t:ttc· v.e are alad 1.0 compliment Wlr demanca lO the manner o! ()b. ~ proprietor b.U made a ~~- to our l*lllle baYinl bad wkk ex-ecs ciURns ln lhe oommurut)' tha.n :ha• c r,r.rem on Its I)Olitkli;J oc· talnina dnnk.s. Their produm con· cial 5tudy of ~ ~t.ai!J"&Dt. bus!· perieDce Ill eft:I'J featun ol t.b1a : the ma.nq~ent of t.hls "'eU kno11·n cupt.-d m the llfe of tbe ~rtod ai!t of not • the p~ necesatuea nea.s. and con.equentl} ts &t.nvina bUilnela aDd becau. of their cam-coocern and 11.e wilih \.0 complunent and call me excellent and 5at1s· of hfr, but e d n n.ks ~ offered w llft the people aomethl.nc JUst prebeaalw kDowleclle of eftl7l them ~d <lJ.rect attention to this ractory r<ervace \.0 the atlentton of r the most fastidious.. a llttle better all tht ume They branCh or t.be trade. t.bll eat.abU&b· bu51nes.s tnsmutwn of the commun·jthe pubhc 7P' one of the outBtand·' have arnnce<S tbelr p~ so that men.t baa conUnued to wttneta an . Inc future.s of tlus modern ca.te It 1.5 \~ry attrac:U\'t and lllS1St that and Ls not con.fuled to the table$ the ~moe bt' t ep1 prunpt and and SJ.h-e~ that l.s brouaht. to CO\lJ"t.eoUS. fJOtjiB WEST NURSERIES Santa Ana Firm Specializea In Lancbcape Service To Entire Orange County 1be Golden West NUI'Iel1eJI a.re t.eries 'and the result of th pro· I arclutects m the country whose located at tal W•t. Pin\ 8t.., in rrams C&JTted out upon t.he:.e and ~Prvtce lS as cood as lhe a.verace. Santa Ana, and feature llmdlc:ape 5maller homes stand Wday as ev1-Thev ha,·e provided modern eqUip- •rvkle to tbe enUre <>ranee Oou.nt.J, dH)(le of their a biht J a-. modem m£-nt and an experienced force to unclrr tbe pencmal supe"'-lon or landscape IU't'tutt"Ct.s . ·They have 11raw you a service that Ls une,..ualled Mr. l'lck J . Phaneda. the owaer. proved t.hat at small ~t you can lllnr'l\·herl' and tht>y spedaliu 1D u - Ookten West features dt.ru.i and not only beautify your gr<lunds and tendmg to lheir Pfltrons a service a\'OCIIdo IJ'OW .entce u ftl1 u & improve theu· appearnoce. but nt h.tt dou not just meet your de· fUll ltDt Of i~ llll'den JUP· t.he same ume ca.n ~~atl)· mcreru.e mands but a.ntlctpate them. pUes and abnlt.. · TbeJ a18o have the value or your property by em· Ther pldnt &11 IUncU of sbrUbbery complete yud clnn-up •rvk:e. 1 plo)'lng the nJ)l'n ~rvtt'el> of a pro-r.od allied nursery proc:tuct.s and are 'lb1s finD II oae or the fore-feaalonal landscape h rm They ue prt>pared to 11\'t )OU ad111ce as \.0 most oC ~pen Ill t.b1s put of In a posiuon LO ~ecure supenor stock I what 15 best. \.0 plant an a particular the eount.r7 and enjo,. a lalwe dkn-for their plantings and this to-p!ace and :dea.s aLso tl\.at. will en• t.ele in t.bJa important ~ 'lb!J ~tber With tht'lr wtde experience hance the beauty of your la•-n or and the IDI!I1 UDder tbelr Cltrection and ~U-tralned professional serv· garden. b&.-e bad ebarfe ot le.ndM:IIpe work leu bas "''on them a posmon " one We :lrt' piKSed LO oom pllment. Ob ID&D7 l.atte est.at.et u ftll u up. of the forembSt. land."Cape h rtn.> ln Us <>m . .nd refer t.hetr expert land· on the around~ of larp inaUtut.loba. ~ part or the country. •cape o;e:;·lce to all of our r~dera. sub-diYialoll waft. s-Ib aDd ceme-There are lNin}' (lood landbcape 1 PDIKJK SPORfSWEAR The Plckwlclt Sport.swur Sbop 1a k>c&t.ed at 112 w. 4th St~ in Santa Ana. Cbool1.ol of lad.iel' reacb'-to·wear hU m..ch t.o do wltb bet penon&l appearance. When a led7 enten a plaee wheft t.he people ln. charp unckratancl what IIWlDer ol ctreu wm m her own atJie Uld ~uty abe II IUft to 10 out ftl1 ~. 'lb1s a. one reeture ol tb1a •tab- u.bment Wl\leh hu woo for lt. the reputaUon of betnc a atoft whicb oomprebeftcla Lbe penonal note in lhe telec:tlOD of dftaes. ~ orter t.he latest styles of the current .sea· .J de~crlptlon or their modern and son and en joy a patronage v. hlch :.uper1or stock. but. let It suffice t.o Includes the be l dressed people or BY that )OU wnt flnd here just thJ8 communJt)'. Because they ?uy whst )~ou would expect t.o locaLe fJ"'l'n the most exclus1ve and have tn the headquarters or sucl1 an es- weapeople of abllity, t.lte custom tablt-.hment as th is one lncruses wiUl ench ~>eason. We are pleased ln this edlUon t.o In ladies· ready·to--.·ear rou have gne fa\·orable mention t.o this smart at your service those many llt.tle ,..omen 's store and to say that thOR accessories of dre$.'> "'·hJch charact-who are partl<'Ular a.s to their per-· ertze the a ture of the progl't'~Sl\'e w nal appearance can n ot do better woman of today. and one must look th an to consult this popular store. far and wtde c.o fi nd B stock more v.'hJch is galnlna ln custom v.1th complete and at.trnctive. tach season. 86 One ml&h t dt>vote much !>J'),\~ to ~REIH¥E OEUMICS EIPANDS Mn. Ruth Luhmann'• New Store Opena Soon; Robbyiata Weleorae ~ ~ hw Cl'e&Uft OeruDica tMtaneea. ratw~a~ areenware. Mn. Rutb , ............... at.aft Will open ..-1D llaDta AJa at lOCM W. 4th fJtreet. She w~ ~ of Bobby· la1a at Lbe new &hop and wlU tell an.tdel Oil 00"'41MW"t. A ~ poUirJ wortter fOI' I Jan Ill llulta A.M. 111n. INMW'n I .... taiiPt .... ol ~ OcMm• &J people tM art of c......_ . .._ a &'roup of Samoan ~pie lta,·e been porcelaln lace work. mrolled ln h er clas.o.e and went 1 A rme h ne or ceram 1c supphes. and home with proflc~ncy Ill tkt> v.ork finished products. ln rluding Hobby and tOC* aJolli a ••~lth or SU,pplle Items. •·1U bt' ava1lable at the new with them. store as the busy holiday seuon CUstom madt> ceramlc'l a"" a lso approaches. contracted ror by h er such. O! Empha.sts "'111 be placed on ,reen. apeclal ub trays made for l.he Elks Y>&t e and the hobb) trade. ·says \o ta.1te to a ~nt comentJon. Mrs. Luhmann. 8nertJ Ne-.rport Harbor people A bn tht fu ture Ll. lndeed Ul .store t.\lle been enrolled tn Mrs. Luh-lor Mrs. Luhmann and her C~au,·e mann.. cluaes which a.lso tneludM Ceramles shop. the altenuon o! ever}'ooe, but ex-We take ll"Ot pleuurr in com· t.md.s c.o the kitchen where the phmentmc thl.s place \lP01l the order dishes a.r? all ster111zed and those of the establishment and refer 1l pia~ oaly frequented by the man-to our readen; "''itbout hl'!'ltatiOn &.lmltnt t.nd &SSS.st.a ots. ------------------------- LA GRICE Ready to Wear ~ u 01"3ce Ready \.0 Wear Shop r Ill mooch th• > h.n t Jio•t thl' ~ locat.t'd a t 413 N S)·eamore St thlng you ha\e Df'«'n look.m !or tn Santa Ana In thu ace of ha h pr~ tb1 At Lhls !adles ,:ore you can be sLOrr 1.s ~u.t'd u thto on plaC"f' $Ure !hat only the beat &T&de of •~re 9.-omen a.nd .unaor nu.sses c•n clothing will be offered Whether be fattf'd out. ID •mart clothes at the dress LS an expen.otl\·e one or of a reasonable !lCUrt' Clas.'<lc model<. moderate pnce. you can be $UTe gay, and br~ht. w l Pl*'BM ~·err· that the qucltty is there. one trom t.he collt{t ~ ... 1 ·o the ctuc The cUscrurunattna 11-omen or th15 older .-oman. ~Uon can find eucUy what they The good ~te and f'xpertenC't'd want 1D ~e large selection t.b1s sbop ju.dcment of matu~ buyet'5 LS rt'· bas on hand. The latnt shades a.s spon&lble ln a la ree dt'llft for t.ht "ell a.s lhe latest st}'les are to be excdlent cli.entelle the ~ort' com- found bert' a t all times As a matw manc1s. The prtnctple upon ,..h1ch or fact. many well dressed ladies this stort' 1s operated 1a that or furo- ha\e found·tbat wy n~ no Joncer ls.hina lndn'ld~ and cWunctrre ap · co to a lazyer \.OTo'D t.o rtnd 1rh&t pare1 wluch can meet an\' and aJ, they To'allt . compeuuon a..s to stYle and pnce They have druse c.o meet every In LhlS re\•aew 11·e are mor. than budget. fa.shlons t hat. look and feel pleased to compUmen• th1s store on expensh·e and a.re priced at an ex-the type or clothlna t h<'J h.a\'f' cho.: • trt'melr low figure en to otrer the lcd.Je ot t tu~ com• For the most fe tl\~ occasaons, mun!ty .such ~ the coata al hour or more ·EL DON RESflURINT The El Don Restaurant is locateod acemt nt -and a.sslst.anU at 810 W. l 'ith 8t. In Santa Ana The !ood Is prepared in ~kh s and ls un<ier the ne•' m.anacement 1uy that 1.0 the un.irutaalt'<! thr of Wilma and Irvin Dawson n 1e thought at once rom~ that r.t>n•r El Don has ret'ently been red~r· "''a.~ the~ such a good placr dl att'd. the spectaltr here is short "'·hic.h to eat. Poor eattn& pia('('~ 11n orckrs and sandwiches not t.he f'XCCPliOtl by any ~asu This up to date place has gained It is a ple&.sW'f' t.o ha\'t' .5uch a mod- a name that ha.s p rt'&d far and ern and up to da te p iA('(' \.0 ~fer wlde a.s a plact> Wbeff the local the tra~elina patron: ~ v. ell as local and travdin& people can more tha.n peop~. utts!y their demands an the matter The m.anacement made a special or obtauung food. TheLT products study of t.he 'bu.slne!\:1 and cot'\Se- consiSt of not only tht pn~' neces· qu«"ntlr t.s strtvtna to "t the peo- 61Ues of llft. but many delle&<'le pie somethin& JU5t a Utt!P better err offerrd to th~ t:t.s te or the m')St a!J the Ume. They ba\t arranetd ra..sucbous. tht>lr pl~ so that u. ts v~ry at- Cleanllne.'\S ts one of t.be most outst.aJ1dlnt features of thiS modem pla.ce. and 1s not t'Onflned to t.he counters '''hlch are bi"'\lJht. t.o the at~ntlon ot e'~n·ooe. bu' ~s throuahout the e tabU&hment. a.od those places frequented b) the man- ~ tr'lt'Uve •nd tnslsta that th~ M"r ... t<'t' ~ kept prompt and ooutUOW; we take ereat. ple&&ure ln "om- p)lmenUnQ th.l5 caJe on tbl' orckr of the t t.abUshment and refer lhem to our readtrs .. '1\.hout betm au n , • ~b t ·All Surface Marbra Featured At Oranp Polkert'a are locat.ed at Jlt oe.a Blvd~ ln HunUDtton ae.eb. 'Ibq fatwe danetnc evet7 &aturda.J nJch,, MIWII&I~ WfWW Fl-aturlna m its oeme~l")' section hu ~n extremeJv kind tn her lav· ~.......... lols and .,_...,,.._ __ .,._....... This popular place bu l&ined a OJ ~.......... • ... ~ ......... _ name that baa q»read rar and w1de t.a snpued 1n IUCb a ~ that to the unlnit.I&Wid the thoucbt at em~ comes that t.beft ~r •·u ud\ o tood place to at. Poor calea •~ not tbe ~. and It ls n1cr to bave such a modem and up-to-daU place to rder to t.raveuna patrons. as ~ u )Oca1 pea ... alJ liurfa~ markers, and no un· ish dlstribuUon of natural beauty. memoriAl$ u well u provldinc tar u a place where Jocal and travel· &icbtlY headstones, Melroae Abbey Aalde from th1s tbe ~nt hu perpetual eare 10 th.a, their. deeda lnl people ean more t.ba.n aa.LW'J kemortal Park &.s &ocated at ll'lll the crouncls pertectq l&Ddaeaped ww be mMmbered t.hrouCb the their demands ln the manner of ob- &gh1l-ay 101. oranre. A t.200.000 and every, accommodaUon for per-oomina yeara. tain.lna drlbb. 'Ibdr prOduct.s COO· addJUon to :Netro&e's llaueoleum 1a """tuaJ care ls of!ered to the ......... t.... I t '· lne"-.._t. on -... '--n-.... -.. ~ -·-, A--., a.tat of 001: ceJy Lbe prime nece.ui· ~ proprietor has made a ll)edal stUdy of tJxa restaurant bwitbeM. and coru;equenu, ls stnVlDI to If~ tbe people ~ jus\ • little bet- Let aJl the tiJM. ~1 baft ar· ran,ed tMlr plaet" so that lt la fttY attractive and IJWst that the eerTice be kept prompt and COU1'1eOU&. nt"arlnc oompletaon. accord1nl to In tbiB coemetery wU1 be found to secure a SUitable lot. 'Jbla oe«ne· Mr. hnton Dean. secretary·man· the burial place ot many or the Ury ••lth Ita many ~xcellent lbemOr· Uea or /lfe, but Ule drtnb are of· fered to the tute ol the most aaer. leadm& famll1es or tb1a 6eCt.lon of lals. th&t stand like the Rock of fu tJdloua. Dur.I.DI the past decade the p:tl· the .st.ate. A stroll throuab U11a Aps, ls typical of preaent day Cleanlineaa 1s one of the out.\t.a.nd· vate burying g:round and mWJ un-earthly p&radise will remind you eJvilli.aUon. ina features of thla mocknl eate kept cemeury bave fallen into of the ct.eecls of the stunty ancestors The manacemeot wW 'be pleued and 1.a not eontlned to the tables and c:l~ruet.ude and is &radually pusfnl who founded our community. Tb1s to furnish everyone wttb a tot t.bat. lllvenvare tbat 11 bfOUiht to the at· a way. section or this tenilory can always la suitable V~d these are oaered a' t.enllon or ev~ but extend.s t.o This ceme~ry ls of aood propor· be proud ot the fact that. due at· prices that a..re very reaaonable. the kltchen where lbe cll&he. ~ .11ll Uon nnd lu founders have p rovided t.enllon hu been &tven to the mem· In lhls rel•iew ~ are ala4 to ltettllted and t.hcl&e places only fn· We take a~t plea.sW1! In oom· pllmenUna this pl~ upon tbe order or the estabiWtment and mer tt to our rt'aders Without hestl&Uoo. 1'1 for lhe oomtnr renerauon.s so t.bat orles or the pa&Sq years. call the at~ntton ot t.M peoplelquented by the manaaement and tamWes could secure ample aooom· Tbe present. r eneraUon ls oqt. to to this memorial Jll&rk and eom· n1odall~ tor many yean to come. be surpassed by the mrn or yestet: p~ent. lbe man&cm\etlt on lt.s ez-. ---------------------:--,..------ It 1 locat.E'd 1n a bet.utl~l spot.l4&y and •-e. provide dlore a.od . ceUent. appearance at aU Urnes of t or pl<'tu~sque country whe~ nature more for the futur~~ ~Uea &te the year . f ~·.;.~ ·. ~ BOOOIE IOO(JIE MALl Slf()l) SINTA INA HOBBY SHOP Everything For The Model Maker Featured By Santa Ana Eatabliahment Undn the management of Mr. somethln& wortl'l whiltt. And that· 1s of tb~ reasons why the elq)erieneed and Mrs. B . C. Oonklln, tbe Santa Just naclly ~ cue with thl!l well mana&ement finds that bu&lnesa in· Ana Hobby Shop, located at Ill· known coneem. creasea w1th each ~-1beee are South MAin St .. In that. clty, is a First, they insist that Lheir serv· bUl a few of Lhe rtasbna why we rt':tl U\-e •·tre concern distrlbutJng jJoe Is dept'ndable. You kno-.· that •'ish 1n th1s review to direct the guaranteed handicraft suppUes to you are going to get valuf' receivt"d at.tenUon of our reader• to the eitab- hobby en UniSiast.s. and courteous treatment v.hen )ou h..hment. u one of lbe es&entlal tae· Doctors are repea.tlng that a hobby, eaJJ them, because put Pxptrlence tors 1n the ille of the community. matdnc sornethlnc wllh the bands 1a has taught you that they are J)t'r-'Ib1a eatabllshment. baa won the ot miWte ,.,.lue to nervous people sonnlly 1ntereste<1 tn you and your enviable reputation u a pl&tle Where and lhJs firm ha.s rt'sponded wtUl trade. the people of the countey secure classes 1n leather craft under pro· Next. they leave At!)~ undone the beJit of the day at the ID06t fe-sslonal &u))t'rvislon on Monday In thPlr effort ~ provide ror you rensonable prices. and Tuesdav nlaht.s. and Dresden the very be t service that can be Tbe manaeement 1s in the hands cralt on Thursday nicht.s. had tor the mon~y. of a competent. ind publJe aplrltecS To be merely rendering an aver-Thus you are afforded a depend· man famJllar with every det.ail of age service Is aU well and 100(1, ability of tndina wllh people whom the business. and it. 1s quite proper but to be able t.o give a &ervioe that you kno-.• who know you. that we recommend t.hls tlrm on 1S' JUSt a Uttle 1n advance or others These are some of the secrt>ts or the prominent pos!Uon it. baa at· baa tx-come a f~ature 1n th~ Ute success of this well lmo,.n and ever talned u one or the most valued ot o! the commuruty thnt is Indeed popular company. These are some the commercJaJ assets. 0 IJ HA~IENDA ClFE The LA Hac1enda Cafe ts loeate<1 1 ment as this. man~ment. at 1130 So Mam St. in Banta Ana. It. 15 unsurpassed by any eating There 1s no better equipped place Thr La Hac1enda makes a ~;peclalt.y place tn surroundings or aoeommo· In this &ectlon of the stAte t.han. an fine Meltlcan dishes. dation or service. When the pro-this one. and th~ l.s none that. The> menu rorulsts not only of pnetor went Into the business It was has attained a greater me&.6ure of U1e prlnte necessities or 11fe. but v.•tth t.he Idea that a modem cafe popularity. There 1s none in whk:b many lnv1tmg and tempting dellc.a· would be appreciated by the local the aervlce and oouriel are 1D0fC! CJCS. l.4nche~ or dinners are good, and t raveling pubUc. pleasantly Sl\Usfactory. Ranchers wholesome and deliciously appetiz· That lhJs principle was well ac-and aU o~r parties will find th1a mg. The service Is equally offered oepted 1s proven by the success they a pleasing pl~ce to visit while ln to satisfy the tastes of the most have attamed. town &hopping tor the day. fastidious. Here you w111 flnd well cooked, We are pleased ln this review to In travt llng over the country you satisfactory meals. whether your 1 compliment the propz-let.or on the Will !md nothing 1n greater pro-order be larae or small and >'OU .hlih character or th1s cafe, which fu.s&on than poor eat!~ boules. Tb1s will be made t.o reel that your trnde ls rendering a much needed service L" "h:y It Is lnc:k>ed refreshing t.o ~~ desired and apprecltlted by the to the community. 8 !and .~ut'h an up·f.O.date est&bllsb· FRI~ES NORTON SHOP Tbe Frances No rton Shop carries so many or l.bem and all so lntriau· field or soclet.y, bullneaa or the a complete line of suits, coat.a, lng that onP can scaret>ly begin to home. dr~e.s and lingerie in recuiar and enumerate. In the Ungerle department wW be halt sizes. 1bis shop Is located at 8oft draped fabrics, variety of round aU the latest. and exclusive 213 N. Broadway St .. In Santa Ana. necklines, the new pattema or models and dJstlnctlve styJn. Fashion 's ultimate not.e tin4s aleeves and many other toUches of No matter wheth~ you make a mastA'rly expression In beautJiul style aen1w cJve the garments as aeleeUon from their ult.n. tuhJOD- dre ses no.,, displayed ln thia atore weU u tM wearer that appearance able or eonarvatne at.ock. JOU wW which has secured lt.s pt.oe 1n the of youtb which 1s the aim of all find t.ha~ they will be able to fit Don Maples Chick Wilton The Boolie WOOCle MaJl Shop 1s 1 toe cream 15 t.o be bad. Their eocla located at 501 ~ Avenue ln 'fountain ~rvice Is not aurpuaed !funttnrtoo Beacb. P.bone: Ltltlngt.on ln the most metropo.Utan ceot.Ha 6-4324. Don and Chick speclaliR tn -.·hlle many pall'Ofla alJo buy ~am malta and maela that. appe&l t.o botb for aemnc ln t.he home. ~1 ear· youth and adult.s. ry a most rompl~~ lln~. The exoelle.nt and courteous Th~lr r.oda g:rill is one of the treatment. tbelr effa~nt clerk are be1it m the oountry. &Mnc t.o the people la wlnnin& for AU ol lhe la~lt $Oda touot&in them a llJ"'~ patronap ol wWeh damtJes make tbear Clnl appe&raDCe they maJ well be proud. The place here and It ts no exla6&.Uoa to ls eqWJ)ped with the latest. and best say that 4Ju popuJ&r ~t filctura and perfectly appointed. If surpa&Se4 many ln t.be mucb l&rler the weather 1A c:old and uncom!ort· clUes both ln service and popular· able or hot and sultry, &tep In .and 1ty. aet somethlnc to put. you rtcht 1l1t.h When the people wbo handle lm· tbe world, for this up-to~daU place port.ant llf\lclea of tood &bd the hu refreshments suitable for all place in wh1eb they are baMAed a.. kinds or weatMr. deacrlbed u above, It Ia ate to 1niP1' The coocem la under very ef· that wbat. 1.bey have to oUer \heir llclent manaat"ment and l.a very customers 1s the best tba.t .J.beir oouneoua and friendly. money ean buy. They an amona the U~~wlre busi· Bavln• aamed a reP\lt&.Uoo toe b.l neas people and tbe place truly ah·e.& iood busine£1 melhoda. aaUatactory the town a metropolitan air. semce and the best. of wboaelome Twelve months out or the year products. the proprietors find alJ tb1s -~1 known estabUshment. 1.1 goods 1n areal demand, and .. a one o! the popular wclal cenura consequence the business 1s arowlnl or the community where the best I rapidly. 1• The Ha•'thorne Beauty Salon is located at 325 N. Broadwty, Santa Ana. ThJ.a beauty mop la a member of the Registered Oosmetolocists. Tbe profession of the permanent wave m ould be one of the utmo.n Importance and •'t ca.n not ran tn lhla comprehensive review to de- vou some apace t.o a weU merited tribute to the excellent. wor1c per· formed by lha popular beauty shop. 'Ibey have made a study or the permanent. wave from a &dentlflc st.andpolnL and have suppJemenUd this w1tb much actual •-orlt. which ls invited. There 1s no dAnaer of too UCht a curl or frizz when you cet a per· manent wave at tllls beauty l&loG. They s trive to att.atn a complete natural efftcl" waffi a aent.Je ftft sulted to your Individual balrUne. Here Ucensed operators wW put a wave ln for you 1n the shOrtest 1)06Slble tlme conslat.ent. with hllb quaUty of t.he work which tbeJ wUl do. All you have to o o ls t.o pboDe for an appointment.. and 10 tbert at. the appointed tlme and *" the rest to tbem. In a sbon. tlJDe t.beJ wUl make you look «nd feel dlf· reTent, and when you return home aU rour frtends wiU comment upon the becomlngne& ot your wave. We are glad to compliment. tbil on.. ahop la equipped and ap· shop upon tbe rreat suooeu they pointed With most acJenUflc equip· are makinC 1n lheir ehoeen pro- makes this service both tried and mOdem . Permanent wavtna has ad· v&need rapidly 1n the last. few yeara and they have kept. rtaht. abreast or tbe Urnes. ment.. reasioo and to rerer t.his n.luable The permanent w .. e aya~m they service to the people ot tbls .ectJon praetloe ll•ea a natural 11fe and of the state. t lustre to )'OW' halr. Your lnlpeetlon, DOROTHY HIUL'S SIORE r~hlonable and conservative circlet women. the ranneut 10 that. lt Will bane Dorothy Rall'a etore 1s located o.t rer ladies· wear or me aune fabric, of lhls part or the state by reuon tn tact 1f you wear prment.s from wtLh ea~e yet fit perffdly. nt Cout BlYd. ,8outh ln t.aruna style and des•n aa the tuwer of their romprehen.s.lve stock and thiS store you wiU have that appear· We are more than pleued to BeiJd\. 1b1l shop 11 a bee hlft or store In other clUes. servtoe. ance or yout.hful Une that. la not. eompllment. tb1.' &hop upoa. the ,..a~ aetl9tty for women who ~~ about. In ttm edition ft an p1eaM to The Par1r. Inspiration With the only becominl but. 'Wlll fumlsh you Uon occupied b1 thla ·~ ln t.bJa their appearanee. '11\ey know t.bat compliment them on tM ....... t London ldra or taUortna. but. wb1eh an ln.llplraUon for aehlnanent and part ot the cou.nt.ry, to mer the here lhey ca.n lind styles t.bat. are posJUon UWJ hold 1ft the t '- are a product. or our own wooderf\d \be meana for the thoul1'1ts of public to the extraordlnarJ .n1ae cU.Itlnc!Uft and .anart but reuonnle world of t.hLs aeetlott, We wtlb to New York. 1s the tory of the~ youthful daya which ln tum WW the)' are renc1ertnc and to OOIIIpll· In prtee. tell our readers Ulat. r. at-• .... • aea100. WM n It comea to de\a1la aDd brtnJ JOU ambtUon and Ulat un· tnebt them upon t.helr eDenllft 'Jbla abop Ia renctertnc a I'Hl tlf!r'f-and perfect ttt.-th!a 1a the p11ce variety of the ga"!lent.s; tbere are conquerable IIJ(r1t whether in t-he .stock and the deservlnl ~-lee to thJ.I ~ton. becau.ae tbeJ of· to 10· ... -. ,.