HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignN arly 75 representatkes from organizations throughout the Har- bor area gathered ror luncheon yesterday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club to hear a . report on the status or the Hoag Memorl&l HospJ tal now und r con truction overlookln~t the bay. Jud~t' Robert Gardn r '"'ll ~ master of Cf"remonll' . . . Balboa Bh-c1 hornt'S '"ill b«! decorated '",th fiags ... 34 sho\els \\i ll be loanf'd by the city ... representati\·cs of 34 organization '"i ll plant tr('('~ in the bells of Balboa B h d at tht' !;ound of the fire si~aJ .. there's going to be a bi~ parade. Those are some or the hisrhUghto; of the Arbor Da~ celebration which will bes;:in a t 11 a . m Sat- urday in N<'wporl. It may b<' the first annua l Arbor Day h rE'. At least a IU'l'at ma.ny prople from a larl!<' number of or~anit.alions \\i ll ha\e a hand in beautifying this J)aJ1 of the city as a climax to a plan concei\'t'd se~eral months a~o Fono.iq tile ArM!r Day ,. ,... ... ftalbna llh-.1. plaiiU.C. ~ S.-wport ...,._ ID...als C'1ah •111 pla.at aiHI .._ w bm I t -foot lhia« Art~ tftft to taw. dty or s~ ae.dt • t l :It p. m. tarcla f. Ia "'-t of City Ran. X•te Grilnetl. clla.lnnaJt of tlt4' ID•"&JJh &oau- tlflco:aHon ('ommlttft', I• ln ~h&r~ of arraacf'ti'W'tlts. ..e. ... L. ... a. tl ... ~- Pill c.-.. ... liar, CWII. ::.'!.t,:.;..,~= ,~~Is Ptoposed Gucsb ot h11nor art Paui Howard. T cuz ~· lXm~matt~ aid)~ land.c:capP archltf'C't '"hoJ <11'.-'" and n•Jr chot:1J ~-"'tn 00 l'1"('t': ret donatf'd ~~--plam for th,... bf:oautifi·ll.lond.a\ e,en1n-.:: .appi"'\'in~ a bo.."MM ca11on of Balboa Bh d Franklin w nt .('~) tr1 hna.nc; cc.tn· \Vilcux. 9.no pres,n tf'd •h C1t)· 'MK'tt n of 8 "'"" sc;lhorll buildi.ru: '"1th ltaJlan PUlPS for h bells. on th·· hilw de m-ar Cnrona dr 1 and Donald ~fetz of thf' Alden Mar and adcbtJCJfl.a sadl.it fnr Construc tion Co . r~ru.lblt' for Horace E.nsHm ~rh•..ol 10 :--:f""w rt lh<' plan ~ pink hJbL"CUS purplf' Ht>1gh lantana and t hf' ~ ra!llwru Other CUe b wlll lncludt" CJt) ar.d count\ . Tht> ~.f_. ••<t una' 1• d •'- by th~ Balboa lmpro,·~ment o-officJals. J. A 8<-f'k and A ><('mbl}·-~IDled 0 Pf'O\ick> the fol '-""lnc elation and the Klwarus Club beau-man Earl Stllllll') • --•.O!'fl d£>mrnun·> c:hf.oJ ti0cat100 committee. Tht> lboa Impro\('m(>nt Asso-plant r.n t tk> fl'<•·ntl) pure.tlas.<"'i! AI lt>ase i O cars are r xiX'('t £'<1 to I cJation u;. spo~orin~ thJ ... Arbor 1 JCTP ~t<· 800\'0 Coruna ck>l Mar. joi nth£' parad<>. "'hich '"i ll ron -Da) m COOJX'rahon \\l th the Ki· ~llh 1~ <'la ~· l\l't'tl ktnd<>T· Brad n Flnch, a mt'mber of the board or dlrectors and city coun- cHman, pre idt'd over th~ meetm g a n<t present<.'d W iiJJam Kimes. County Campaign Chaln:nan for the econd phase of th hospl tal dri\'e, which is to raJse an addi- Honal $230,000 n('C('Ssary to fur- nish and ~Jp th<' plant. Mr. Kfmt>") said that present (.unds are being uud for tJMo actual buildin&:. moll or which wiU be completed by AprU. and further monil'S are n~ for the fin. ishinl{. They hope to open doors b y next September. with the nt>w hospital complett-ly paid up. \f.'nf' at thr D ty HalL~ Lcadins: off '"ants Club gar te c-.Jelt>na. nect"5.1ar~ Pqus~ =====::....:-==:..-=-=-::.....;====:-:=--menr and ~niCt" buildin ... I • S.U~ Cu • tn additkln· "' HOT· c.• Erbo1er • ch•Yrl, ind udlr: "1llt Dr. G. N. PeasE'. chairman of t.M Newport Harbor campaign com- nutt~. lntrodU<X.'d his d Is., r l c t cba.lnnen: Wesl<'Y Smith of Bal- boa, Bob Callis root present) from Corona drl !.tar. Maurfe Stanley of Balboa bland &J"'d Bftcon Bay; 0 . W. Richard of New])Ot't. includ- ing S.y Shore~ &nd N~t Reiahta: Hadd Ring of Udo bit' a.nd Harbor Island. lntrodU<:ed a one or the peoplt> who has seen the dream from the fil'tlt. Harry Welch 11poke on tM joyful pros!)(.'Ct of finishing the hospil aJ. He l'm'tlnded lhost' pres- edt that Orange County as a whole i5 gMn g a great deal to the Har- bor area by financially making it possible to build the hospital here and wu hopeful that Ha rbor resi- dents wiJJ contribute what they can to see It throu~h. Mayor Let! Isbell aid that the city council and government would do what it could to further the ca US4". Mr. Richard closed the meelin~t 9.i th the hope that. ev~ry organizat ion would generously sup- port the hospital and Mld that the fulfillment or contribution and pledr,res could be made over a long period of time. A sub-committee of the Finance Committee has dlvlded the goal of S250.000 O\'er Orange County, u- signing $75.000 to the Harbor area ; $75,000 to the Santa Ana area. and 515,000 to Tustin. . The locaJ commJttee haa in turn as- signed a quota of $15,000 t o each of the fi ve district. within the Harbor Area. The $250.000 tha l is needed is in addltion to the $1,000,000 now on hand for the construction of the 75-bed hospital Look for news soon on oil, In connection v.ith the League of Chi~ As.sodation • reque t for City Council opinion on the ~ed pro\'en oil field nt-ar city limlt8. 1 und8$1and that the em is ex- pl't'SSing Hs optruon to the county against 1M encroachment of drill- ing operations, and the area the city it ~ about \1 that tract above West Newport that has been encircled by the "sh()('· ~tring annexation" -bee&~ the purpose Of that shoe tring Is fu- ture annexation of the entire en- circled tract. • • • "Bond t " i not a popular term, and .000 JS a lot of money .... This is somrthing you'll be ht>ar- ing about a lot ... in today's En· sign, in meeting of your organiza- tlom, in IChool board meetings. &nd e,·mtually you v.ill be called upon to decide it v.ith your baJJot in a school bond election. Last ·Monday night the first big (Continued on Page 2) Rt'!l('n-ations for booth spaet" for the fifth annual Christmas Pre-,;f!Yo' $Tt' rapidly b«!ing takt>n. ac- cording to Helen Norton. '"ho is co-chairman bf booths with E\·elyn Varner. The ev('nt. SPOflSOrC'd by the BPW, will be ht>ld Friday and Sat· urday, Nov. 30 an& Dec. 1. et th<' Rt>ndezvous Ballroom in Balboa. The Pre\iew will also pr<'sC'nt a name band and fashion 11how. Mazit> Bird of Sh<' Shop, Balboa, will be chaiMnan or tht> fashion show. which wiJI include womt'n's wear shops throughout the area. Virginia Ca.stle, recognlz<.'d for ht!r book re\iews and public ad- dtesses. will Hsist Mrs. Bird. Finns wishing to l"('St'l'\'(' a booth may call BEacon 5745 or 6506-J. I mor cla rooms. hop lt raT\ a udi onum to n fol' • a ronin I \1St' and fur C'ClmmunJt) •M'\ Of'· r) E'qWpmt'T1 nd •!r.1C't buildin~. I A ~o-anchne.c ommJtt rf' '"as " • • . named 10 dfno.ct ~ f'duca UonaJ Growth or ,l'\;eYolJOl'1 Beach l5 a t ' 01} JUII: toOlS of the obsole1~> dt> campaign 0: outlinl.ru: ,0 tht.· ~ a tandslJIJ becat.IS(> of he stale-I eqUJpmcnt ~lat"f'd, lf'Mo SlOO lk the W"'~ of t.,t.,. ~ for mate o"~r the rounty -\\ide :er at)' )Vd to talw ~ of all dty more classrooms. This group lJ)-~ outfall project. City Councilman f'quJpm~n: almost all ol tN old dudes )m Ed ~roth ot t.M 'Braden Finch asserted ln an ad-wood stave wat"' lJ ~coed: Woman's 0\iC ~. •'bo elms befo~ the Corona del Mar!MWD t t~ might b«! watn ra-U&a at M<iiik> s ~·me at Uw Chic: Auoc:iation last Thursda> 1Jonln~ nO\\ it ..-. bad oot Jolned lforace .EMSa;n ScboOI; 11.ra 'l..otUJ ~"Wnin& MWD. ~ ~ ldt: Stat~ Park Beach Camar. ~t ~ t Detnen-~"t'lopmt'nt of tht"' Irvine lands ol o.ooa del Mar and the cur-tary Scbciok PTA: Ed x~. thus Is block~ tor tM time beln~. rent 1'fOI)wn te aarulre a pobllc C'CII'IIIIailder et AmPrican ~ ht> sa.id. and added 'that he couldn't bPacb at Olfna Co~; ory man-Polt 291: Em."&l'd Aea.Jy. ~dent ~ how the proposro new school ager Sl tern: C(.'l)tral purc:hasmg o! the CentraJ Npwport Commun- could b«! accommodated until thf' I ~ tem: cocJifJcatlo~oty ordi~ ity Association Hay Lamrdlbtoun. sew·er pronram is completed nan08; Park Commisslon. master secr~tar:r of tbt' Chambt-r of Com- His 5peec.h was In nature of a plan; Balboa Bl\·d Improvement. merce; Mn J+. 0 Bo)'''P) and l't'port on what he termt'd the 1 Lut Thursday's mf't'tim: wa.a a Mrs. HarT)· F elling! cof PTA. and ama.Eing accompll hm~nt5 of th e pot·IU('k a ffaJr, attende-d b) mort> RaJph ~Iaskey, locaJ l'('altor past 4-5 veors m the oty : th<' n<'w than 150 persons The "*""·Jy Tbe dtuens' comnuttee actt'd on CDMBeauty UCLA Queen ChOWII u t:'CIA•• ~­ Ita&'~ liMday ('\~ ..... a fO.)·_,.-oN loml haety, E\'a- 1,....,. Jllller, ...... ~ of Mr. aJHI Mrs. ltaiiUU Jllller of l!lt Co\'f' t. Ia Clllaa ' O\'f', CorotUJ d.-1 Mar. E\'lll)'llf' 111 a jUBJor at t:'CLA. naajoriq Ia a rt. IIW'ftlher or l't Beta PltJ 80rority. IM'H,-e Ia dra· ntaU~ ~ play~ tit(> IN4 role •• th4" 8('1'1001 plAy. ''Look tJHo Otht'r "'a y,", . prt'M"ated tid• "'·H'k. he al110 had ., IN.d wt ~"t'&l' In " ._llld•t' to aar. ... . ThE' Community Concert com- mittee announces the first concert for next Thursday. Nov. 8. at 8 p m. at the Harbor ffigh School au- dJtorium. Pianist G~·orgy Sandor is th<' M'lPCtE'd a rtist. <'lected preslckrnt. C. Lester Jones. ~tions prepared b) a prf"Sidtad. and he announced tlM> a~ fact fining group t"'fnPP'iRd of pointmt>nt Of ~trc; Gt'M Lay Architects P'hi1J'nn ElJerbroek. t Pc:-~ Dsehlt as ~tan· of the RJch.ard Plegpr. Paul D a v .1 '· association and M n; Jam Wh)1e George l..t."ld and Frt'derfck Hodr4 as ~asu:rer. don Tht> provrarn mcluded ~ports )lr Ellerb!'Ot'k n·ad Ow> report by MMt. Karl AxlatPr on off base which outlined w pr<"'I\t school recrt'atlon for th<> military, b) situation a£ follow!' :" r '" p o rt Vt>me Watson on school needs. by Scbool-25 c1usroorn!.. 67S cape· Mrs. T. Duncan Stt>wart on oil, b) I ctty. 742 enrollment doublt> • HarT) Wt>lch on Hoeg H06"pttal: 11oru; in fi.m gTade. no room ror and a talk by Mrs Kenneth Cool-e~on at ~~ 1te; Corona in~~; on th<' 'alut> of orarut.ation.s. I del Mar School· •• 15 eta rooms. --.15(J capao t) 600 t>n:roUment. OCC D a--. 1'1...-..:-..........-double se .Jons sn .!-f"C.''nd gnck> U. "~ and kin<kr~tl'n. w Jtinl! list of 22 !or ktndPnntrt n no ruom !or •• T'..:LA ALa .; •• t,l ex~io,._n at pr nt it<'. HMa(l(' 'I 1 ~ ~ '~..U En.stgn School ---1.9 classrooms 525 capaclt). 521 enroUmt>nt, no Th<' Orange Coast CoUef!e Pi-doubJt> session.o., room for 13 a ddi- rates art-f"xpected to tightt>n their uonal classrooms at presl'.nt slte. hold on second place in the con-Total capacity of t>ldsting facUI-ft"r£>n~ wh<'n they m{"('t Chaffe} tie~ at the tlu'N> eletru>ntary CoUeg~> at ~ o'clock to n i s: h t schoo~ thus is 1.650. and tM ex- fThursday, at Huntington BE-ach !.sting en:ro11.rncmt is 1.863 • -• or High School stadium OCC ha..c. a ""-'t'r-capaci t~ or 213 It is esti- chance to take O\'t'r the ronferr nct> mated t.hel't" '"ill be a futUT't" nuru- lead if Santa Ana i ablE' to up!o{'t mum enrollmM'lt of 2, to 2,500 San Bt>rnardino tomorro\\ niJ!ht pupil<: in thE' t'le~ntar) 8Cboo The Pirates had a bill edge 111 before 1955 "When we stop to count the ~efit. that., wiJJ OOI'De with the opmlng or this fine ~lt.al," Mr. Kimes says, "the cost will be small indeed. A pl&n tor 'Uving Memor- ials' has been prepared and shouJcl attract everyone who is interested ln memoriallzlng eome dear rela- tive or friend. 'J"hese memoriak will benefit the living. bring re.lh!f and comfort to the 1\ltfering. and at the same time pay an everjust and llvtn& tribute due others.·· Something New in Reporting rtnrt downs, 16 to 9. and m net The rt>port e5um&t<>d a bond yards gamed. 355 to 143 but had 1 mt~t and redcmpuon raft' of to rill!ht off a RJ\'t>rsick> raJb tl" 18 <"':'nU J)l'r SlOO a~ \'alua- win last Friday's ball g&m<' 19-14 ion for tht' first yt>ar for 3 per Earl} Ill tM !tE'COnd qua rtrr <'ellt bonds on a , l!ISUe. 0\"tt Sunday night something new in Ensign reporting was developed. The occasion was a birthday party at the Shore Cliffs home of Dr. and Mrs. Al Stockton, a surprise aJf&ir honoring Mrs. Earl St&nley of Beacon Bay. Everyone was sit· A $700,000 project for widming ting around talking about places 2.3 miles of Newport Blvd. from they'd visited. people they'd seen, Finley A~. In Newport to 20th St. etc.. and 10 IOn'leOne suggeated in Co8t.a Mea iJ on the procram (oould bave been the Ens1gn) that or the California Hl8fa-..y Com· t~ all be.. report-en and write mlaton for the 12 months begin· down theM choice tid-bits for the nlng J'* 31. · local newspa~. eour,~ a-41 Oorllt h toner Har-And here~ the resu'l ts: old !$~'~...,.. -.N today that the ,. • • project mQ' bwolve 101M el\anps ANDIAL atJNW WILD . tn the runpa at tilt ~ but SUrMiay nlcht restde\ts of Shore would not aff~ the •oldth or the CUtfl W'f!l'e llartled to AM' a la~ Arches o~ ltwlf. Newport b1adt animal of the cat family on Bl\"d. will be wktfned lnto a four· th!prowllll the vldnlty ot Or. Al lane dlvkted hlcftway to carry traf· Stocltton'a MW hornt'. ComtemA· ftc from Nf'WPOI'\ through the tion ~ W'ltil ~-o bnwe d U· bulhtell Rctlort of Colta Maa. 11m1 who Jalcl clalm to pi'C'viOUI ~mlnatlng tbe pneent partdac '-'tine ~ t.ook char~ of atrtp In the Mart ot Colt& Mae. a t.atll)' ~tblecl ~ and brought tht> animal to bay. Johnny Black 51ll8Shf'd m ,., JC'rt a 20-25 year ~nod Ttus tax rat~ Upon investigation the above tackle for 14 yards for thr 111 "ould be reduced b) growth of me ntloned feline turned out to be and J esse Smith klc.k<.'d th(' J'IOUlt ed ,-aJu.ation. bonus on a.al£> or Dr. Stockton's overgrown cat. Re-to make 1t i-0. Later Guy CN ts bon~ and a l't'dU<.'t'd mtel't"St ratt' mus by name. Posse was ember-~vered for Cout on the Rl\lt'r-due to hiP ~ ,. lion ~r rUled. natur&Uy. but it's better side 31 after tackling the T'i~t<'r elemt>n~ pupsl~ f$21, rom~ to ~ safe than cheYo·ed to bits in ball carrier. Quartt-rbeck Paul pared to $12.276 ror the-ty your sleep.-F .S. Ch8fe passed to End Don Paxton and $11.~ ror tht> statt>l • • • for a one--yard touchdown 15 St>- OCIE'IT ITDI (8AV HERE) conds before the t>nd of the half Mr . and Mra. Willard Bell. Mr. Early ln the SN"'nd half 1 1 and Mrs. Cordon Walker and Mr. Smalley's punt was returnt"d 43 and Mrs. Kenneth Dell enjoyed 8 yards for o n~l" touchdo'A'll, and barbecue supper at the Stanton tht' &COrt' was 13-7: Later in tht> Uons Club Saturday nlght. The quarter Chaft> t~ for 17 yards party adjourned lat<'r to White's tn JHae Smith and 36 yar& to Gunderson'• Drup, tM Elkl Bistro on the Island.-H.O. John Black for a first cJown on l...odgt.'. Dutch Lunch, BaJboa Hard- • • • the nlft' 2. Hal Smlth ~on ware. and an the other tC1\an ot BLO\\' BIB O"TN BOa • the next pia and It •-as 19-7 A tN MacCulloc::h BuiJdl~ at tM NewoonK'n to Corona del Mar biO<'ked punt b~ht tt Tourth C'Omer or Balboa Blvd anc1 Main art> Dale and Dora Stoddard. Oal f'r tnuchdo\\'ll for Rl\'f'~i ·I St ~n Balboa. bave a nt'A 1 of is the brother of Fred Stoddard. tH point wa 'l kicked and th ~N' la.ndlords ---'"n\e Croup T<-n" ownt'r of the Patio Soop. '11\(>y Wl\, 19-H ln t bt-t'l lnt• m1nUt • • • tO bw Jnt'M ln" to fMm have boulht a new home 8 t 7(]7 RJ\'t"t'Sid, <fro," lo th<-C"n11o;t :?0 C'amptan ~ transa<"t um. v. lu<'h Goldmrol and Art> \' ry happy t but thto fi~hlm~ot Plra ~ tC'IOk 1'\t'l 1nvahe'd mo~ han $1 000 " (Conttnued on Pace 12) I an do\\"" n \'t'""hr ~Mr. h ndlt'd,..b~ tht-John \' 1 c.o. I It v.a' from that <'<ttnbat dul\' in the Pat·tltr tho1 tw .,·as l't"t urnint: when lw had 1 :m t ti.rt'am of build- in~ a chun•h fl•· had \'olunt('('rf'd for ~a\a l 11\l<ltion tramml:! altPr ~t·adP&att''" ltnm t'CL..\ in 191ft AftPr h• 'ad .. un hio; wing . in Lee Shipley OIUGINAL8 t"'ustom and Rea-MadP PlastiC' Ace~ tn''lnt. Cloeet. Kltmec. Bath ••• Oeu& -~. c.- EXISTING HOMES OUR SPECIALTY Any Heetin9 Problem Solved Personal i ~ed .., ••• I .. 910 list St. NEWPORT lEACH For FTee Est-... ~ Q, ~TEW.\JlT !\tanh. HH:!. ht marra-d Raclwl \\'1Wams uJ Pa-.:aden:~. \\hom he• had rnl'l "t l' L mad "ht• hJd taucht at Bakt>t. fh•!d fo1 a ~ ••at Til ~ lh c<l m Florida "htll" hi" -.et,·c·d as a piltH on IUtti-~>ubma­ rtne patrol on the AtlantiC' roa t for a ) i>llr and a half. HIS n~"XI as.itrnmt>nf \\"8.8 with A fiJ:ht.,r J>4UaoaC'In aboard tlw air'· craft caa rier. l' .:iS <.:alx!t 1ly111~ Gruma nn Helleats. The carr•ic-a· joined the task fo1 ('(' that took part in the inita:tl a<>rtal attacks on th<' :\1ar hall Lo::Jands a nd sup· (l<•rlf>d 1 he im·asion ol 1 ht> Ma r· t.hal<.. 1n JanuaQ. 191-l · -• Kwa- J&It•an. Rn~ and :\amur -• · m('('t • m~o; ..... mt• oppo itton fa-om Japanr.1> Z•·H~. bu1 pnmaril~ <(traflnl.! and dt\1" bnmbm.: 10 UPIXIrt thr· an· rant r~ arttotl. Tht>n . sn suet ston. came tilt> ru t t-a r·ril'a· strikE'S on 1'ruk tht> formadablf.' na\al ba.o::tion of th<' Jupanest' in the Pacilic: th{' arria.l attaclG on Hollandia on N't>w Gui· nt>a. and latrr tht> ~tal'i•mas ~ m- pailm Th aenal dol! fitrht.s jn J>Uppon nr the Landin~" on Guam. Tinian and ~tpan "rre ca llt'd th<' "!\lat·tanas Turk€'~ Shoot" and on on€' day 300 cnf'm) pia ne Wl't'\' hot d~:!l-H€' t:ot thrt't' himst'lf that da~. He flew combat mtsstons a lso in the 4irst aE'nal strik<'S on thr Philippln<>s in Septeml:x>r. 1941. and later ar;ainst lwo Jima. Be· forf.' th<' actual Invasion of 1 ho:.(' s t ron'!holds. the USS Cabot N:'· turned to th(' s tatf.'s. and In March, ftnanldcry. Roo a ,,. I. 1151 '1: ::: :~ ··:~. ~: ·~~· J I (Ocmdnued ft'OID Pap 1 ) cJi.st.ricts. And tt is apparent that step was takf'n by a croup of cili-thP wrath is ln the pt"'CHH of be- lrt>ns to uaurt> adequatt' schooJ fa· ing kindled in se' erat quarters. M .... HI4-cilities for th,oom1nc gmeratlon . among them tbt> ~~-te Co~ty . . ApprovaJ was then <'Xpnssed (OJ' publi hers. who , ... ,n attack wath Ach•rl~: Lee Wilder el'd C.l Root •ttwo $985000 school bond pro~t thl' grt'&lt-st \\eapon of all. publl· • • e TM .._,._. H..-W.. It sho~ld takt> no mort' than a cit)· hes Met~ ..... ~ .. ~ e -,;sit to the Newport or Corona de l An aroused public wiJI certainly ,.,_ ef .-.I drcllle._ ~ l-'lo-I Mar schools to help )OU mn kt> up ~et action. ·rhf.' public in general _. of tt. .~ c-t of ... your mind oh thi i ue • --or may be complacent about It now. ~ of ,c.tc!!::::. "' 11111 • fer ... !conversation \\ith the parent,: hut not fore\'Pr-·-not when the ~ ~ _-.. • -~"'~':; _Lw~ children are Jn double ses· public' elenwntary comforts and a,n. ~: ,.;,.4 '!.._ r:;:":' e • l o;ions. or on tht' waftinM Jist to ~;et facilltie ·are in ~nger. pu ~·· ,... .., ' into kindergarten Ju. t keep In mmd that growth ~ aA'Ia I · of our city 'bt>yond its present • 8':: YHr -. Jugt r('&Jize that t h IK' two bo dali~ ts absolutely stopped ut of He"-; Aw:-... ---gl'!lmmar ~hool ar·e already way un'tll the county-wide sewer pro- One YHr over capaetty. and U.e>.re •• ao room jcct I complf.'ted; and that we face Out of ....,_,Artie -to t'XpaiMI on those Silt'S ... And thr gravt' dangt>t' of quarantine of um~,' =Mi~ ~ I ttM-earliest poss!~lc; limP for op-our beaches. or an enormous px-'* t ~nlng ~P new fac1btr~s. If th{• bond (X'nse to forestall that quarantme. a.-• ISS~~ IS npproH'<i. '" ii'.-pt.-.mlwr. The clas ic remark about tht> ••.;s. I I'\\ er cri i. i : "ThPre'U ocrtalnly So this Is not a d<'Ci.-.:lon of be a bi g tink about this!" tion He was sepa.nled Prom th(> \\h tllt'r or no. but rather "hll\'' Thl're'll <'t'rtainl.' b<' action, kE"('p r.• 1'\ IC'f' in Octo be.:, 1945. \\ith th<' M ach .aa.u "·p bulkl ~" Alr•ead.' an r·~ (' out 'm no <>" 1 for com in~ mnk ol lieutt.>nant cornma ndf'r. w p ar·~ l~tt<'. and th<' lnflmc of t'\ ents .... Out inl! his ~ears of sf.'n ice hP ~c-hool population continU("• ;::::=============; had dt'Cidt>d that h" '''OU.ld enter It is )OUr dut~ to SUPJ>OI't the t h mmt,tr~ and accor'ding1~· 10 "Chool bond thP fall of 1946 he <'nten>d thf.' • • Pr<•..,h.' tet tan SPminao in San An-The school ni"" as c-ritlt'~l. but r. lmu. lit' \\BS ll\\&rdt'd ttM-cov-Lhpr·<> i n•t anuth('t' that t3k(•<; l'led Pr('achan~: Priz upon l,'l adu-priori\). iht> damnnblt' . talt-matt• a taon tn 1949. and he t>rvt'd \\ith that i d<'prl\'int: tlu.., count) or lhf.' hr fatht>r, Or. Janw K. Stewar1. ur~or<'nt l~ nf't>dt'd ~"''' ,. proj<'cr a$ a-..sbtant pa~tot· ol the St'\'erl) Thrf'f' ~ f'BI'l' a~:u t hf' , ot<•rs 8 p-da1l~ pic:kup \'isla C"ommuntt) Chul"('h in Be\. PI'O\'ed an 8-millinn-dollar oond h.-and dPih ('I'~ ,•II~ JIHio;. He comt•s from that sue for thi:. pt'OJt'<''· nnd th<.' pr·o-thtt>UI!hout thf.' church tn ~t AndrPws. ~am is not yt't undt'l' \\'8) It Tht' Stl'\\'&rt famil) establb11ed bf'gins to look as If app('al to rl'a· li«I'I.Kn Ar•·a tht'ir t't'-.ldt'nce ht>t'<' Ia t ,w•ek. son and public dut) IS not l'nom:h. makinl! thf'if' home in Ba~· Shores. and that it \\Ill uikt' publiC' wrath Tht• famsl.' ancludt> Rach<'l Mary. 1to put an ,•nd to th(' blckt-t'inr! and 216 Ma rlnt> Rltlbo• lslaad Phone: llAr-hor 16 ~: Martha Louise, 6. and J immy ld ~~~sa~gr~ee~n~1~<'~n~t ~a~m~o~n~l!=t~h~e~li~'a~n~l~ta~t~lo:n~========~~~;;;;;~ jr .. 3 1;.!. r TIW.\tlsOBeM For1'ielatillcatill Ct>nt>ral tanJcy E. Ridderhof. pn-sid nt of thl" Associated Cham- bt>rs of Comm<'rce or 0 r a n I! <' Count~. announ <"eS hat a troph~ v.11l bt' warded al!ain this ~;ear to tht• rommunit) in 0 ran~ e Count~ that makl'S tht> b<'st con· 1 rtbut ion toward "ch ic beautifica- tton.'' Tht' Ch ac Beautification Com· mttt('('. a sub-committee of tht> ~ponsorlnJr Plannin't and Oe,·elop- ment Dh lsion. will conduct the county-wide rontf.'st. F'urtht>r in- formation <.'Onccrning can be got- tt?n fr'Om th<' local Chamber of Comml'a'ce or by wr~ling to Mrs. Rotx>rt ~. Sames. 2532 Cirdf.' Dr., ~f'\\'f)Orl B<'ach, who Is chairman of t ht> Ileautification Committre. Vogue says "nylon • tn delicious lingerie'' 1945. th(' young na,al m er wa. orr p H l On another t.OUr Of duty, this time arty to e p on the USS Belleau Wood. to tAke (J3rt in the s trikes again t th<' Ja-Builtlr"ng Fund pancse home islandJ . His mis ions totalled about 85 1 and hf.' was cn?d.ited with 10 enemy The combined ('f(orts of the 1 plane shot down. Among hi d • Church School Guild and th(' Ca- corations werf.' the Navy Cross. piUa Circlf.' of tlK> Corona del Mar S th·er Star. two Di tinguisht'd Fl)· Community Church wiD be used in~ Crosses. seyf.'raJ Air Medal on Thul"''day, No,·. 15, when these I and two ~dential t:n.it clta· •groups pla~ hostess at a Building Fund card part} to be held at the Corona del Mar Grammar School. I De S(>rt andcofree wUI be ser,·ed to bridie and canasta players and tablt> priz s are being secured. Grand door prize is a compl('te S€'t or Leilani dinnerware designed b)' Don B!andin5t. Re ervations may IJc madP with Mrs. Clar·ence Dodd. HArbor 1937-J, and Mrs. Paul Moor<>. HArbor 0364-J. O'BittEN'S presenh Kiekernid's new three-quarter le,glh cuffed sl .. ve gown with • tucked bodice ot embroidered ros•buds .... The first high-style gown with the longer sleeves. ,.. I ~..... - -• • e f-etured 11umb•r of the "new li gerie deli. u eies" ill ustrated in th• editorial section of the Nov. I issue of Vogue Megezine. Shen flroductt -Repelri"' -24-Hr. Towi119 -Nite WO!l by Appt. j Takes OtJer Pulpit On Short Notice "We Specielile in ErnenJeney Service" 1020 CNst ll¥d. HArbor 441-l-Nit.s: IEec011 5106-J--.COrofte del Mer ~ -..., tr-tO e."'· te 4 ,_ "'- Rl'\'. William Bannister or N<'\\· port , r('('('ntl~ ordained as a min· ister. prPached hi first sermon a '''t't'k ago Sunday • • -tak ihg over the pulpit on only a few minutes' notice from th{' regular pastor ~tt thf.' Yucca Valley Co m m u n l t y Church. who was handicapped by 1 a cold and sort' throat. The Bannisters were spending a few days' vacation in the desert I resort and returned to their New- port home Tuesday or last week. 1 Marine, Bride . Mooing to CDM A bride and groom who are plart· nin~ on making their home iJl the hartxw 8J'<'8 at 307 Heliotrope A\'C'., Corona del Mar, at•e Mr. and MI''S. Daniel Fillmore. who wet'(' mat t'ied last Sunday. W!'ddin~ot ccrt'mony took place at St. A'tnc Church In Los Angeles. Mr'. Fillmore I a Pre ln the Ma- rines, tationed at Camp Pendleton and the nt•w Mrs. F1Umore has reo- cent)) arrivNI from Baltimore, Mel. , -_ .... s.~" H 1s $29.95 o~" ,.r & col.ecl·o" t-· de ec•abl• qowns. EXCLUSIVE-L Y AT O 'llt i EN 'S DIRECTORY INSURANCE For EwrJ Need ISLAND REALTY CO. liar'wJ D . .._ HARBOR m -w .Park at A.p te. Balboa bland "BE SURE -INSURE" wlth Maurie Stanley Insuranee CouruleUor HARBOR 17'76 225 MartDe Aw .. Balboa 1111184 W. Stuart Foote INSUJtANCE n11 w. Balboa BIYcl. NewJb't Beach, Calif. PhaM: HArbor 3t • . " r , -~. • .,, Dr. J. H. McCloskey CHIROPRACI'OR omce Hours: 10 to 5 ~Wednesday and Sunday 703~ E. Balboa Blvd. " ( downlta.lra) --y Balboa HArbor ---·-te Mlnlature GoU euur. AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Open 10 to 10 For f.ree dance analysis Call HArbor 1925 Day or Night Baltz Mortuary a.pel "' die 8a HAJtBOft a 0:1rofta cJet Jlar, CaUtonda Ample Ott-Street~ Notary Public atU. Newport Harbor Enlllft HA.rt.of lllt UOf Oout Boulevard CorGna del )far NEWLYWDMJ "1'0 IDZT Young coup)ea, who ha,·e been married Jess than five yean. ar~ invtted to meet with the young rna.n1ed people's group or the Co; rona MJ Mar Community Church. 1be group wiU meet at 6 p. m. Sunck)r at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nn.'ton, 604 Iris Ave .. Corona del Mar. 0 p s IECUJ.Inol atak's: '"Tiifl O~"L\' RETA.D. IIA&KE'I' allowed SO .U a Clar• ca-. Melfi. Iliad qa&rtffl. fore qaarten of ~ so * C!OII· MIIDfl' ... FIIZEI Pf'niOIIS rMU.tr • FrouD Food Lodler or OWIIblc a Rca. f'r~ur &rf' \f'ry forblaa~ Ia hftac able to bay ...... Ia w-bolf"&alt-qo."\fttt~ at a r'fe& •rlac· Comt" lJI tocla~ aad lt:t 118 •xplaia how tho.._.. &rf' ('Ut~ tbf'ir food blU Ut~ .-..~· .-.y. WE ALSO SEIJ. FBOZEN FBUITS AND VEGETABLES at a SA VJNGS up to 20% 1111017&,~ J.OC:IEBS 4 1 8 30th Street ~8 NEWPORT BEACH .. LIDO HOMEMAn:lrS PARTY'' Lido Theatre Radio Show Entertainment PrlZes Awards ~towr KVOE et I :30 p.m .... cr ... 140 .. Rcmdao M.a Nursery School State UcenR.d and Approved From 2 to 6 Yean S~rvbed Care and Colwtruc:tlve Play &ICASO.N OLa &ATD Open 5 daYI per week~ to 5 'l'ruwporta Uon f'umlAhed 110 E. 15th St.· OOS'I'A III!:8A .._ . ...,...., Pho~ae ZEMO 2076 {Toll Free) &daange Dance At tong Be4Ch Harold Glua o1 NK'POf't bas ~ •ill bto DP mft'tln• ol the n-. •r+ides • ~ey ,.,..... ~ named toastmaster of next Exchange Club of Ne\r.'JIO!rt Har- 091 .,. writtH by OJ, I. N. o.-. Wednesday's Flw Do1Jar ~t bor this •'et'k. PresJdmt Tom Rd- ._.,., of c-. tiel W.. He lies" at Chriat Ch\ll'd\ by the See. New-f~n announc:n. Instead of t.M A. I. ct..-"-Sta.fw4, M. A. I port. Speaker will be Ernest R. ~la.r 1bunday t'\'enlnl sess.lon "-USC. "'.D ~ OW. s..t. "-'· Tfattner. rabbi o1 w e 5 t w 0 0 d at tM Hurk-y &-11. ~btorl and ..,.,..;ty. His •...-i•u• ~ JY, Temple, Loe Aogel8. their wi\"ft wUJ tra\ I to the WU-~ of tMcllt ... ct.-1t1 f....Jiy Mr. Glaa 1a well kno.'ll in the ton Hotel ln Long &1tcb Saturday •w -,.;.,. ot OW. Stet., ._ ... 11r Harbor area. having ll\·ed in the night for a dinner clallo!. for tho AmoNc.11 l11stitvto of f••· community several years and par-~ Exchance Club of Long ..., loloti-. sonoico a. tile ,.,.._ ticipatlng actively 1n community liNch WIU be host and aU EJC-Iotl~l DMsioll of tile Air C.,. 4w· aCU\iHes Including the t.JcJn. Club change Clubs in this district art> '-t WorW W« II, --'· t.o~ ,.,_ and the Newport Harbor Players parUt'.lpaUng. c~y et ~ .... dl City Celo,.. The annual dinner. which ~ ------Ho " teed!Wtt '"tltt tcllool do ... itt bf'en a feature ror many Yt"Ara, ia psycholon •• Or...., Coett Cel.... to be served' by members of the 2nd Part" H .I ...J olltl i• collo...,etint 011 • IHNl. Women's Society or Olriatlan J ew "froublecl Mof'rle,.," with psycho-Service undt>r the lea.dershl of B J u J • anelyri Letlio eurton ...... lrolft La-Ml Clara Kohlatedt of eor:.oo.a 'Y 0 'Y UftiOf'S guna. del Mar. A speclAa1 musical pro- By B. X. DESESBERG, Ph..D. Personality is the human qual- ity of the person. It rt>pres nts hi important a t1itud and value hl knowiE'dge and understandln~ l{ram i.s being arranged by mem-Hallowe'en motif ""IU!t used for bers or the Sanctuary Choir the leCODd party of the Jolly Jun- Proceecls from the banq~t go to iors ~ club held J"{'(.'('ntly at the recent aile) pa\ing improv£>-1 Ragan •. Cafe in Corona del Mar. nK'nt. Decorations and favors, as "·eU as a spcciaJ Cindt>~lla dan~. marked the occasion. Banana ptit w re refreshm nts. lk>rneen dan 6- )ear-olds Barbara Bums and Jan Thorkild..<;t>n did a spt>CJalty num· ber. or the world In which he lives, h1 U~ Nona rt'lationships with other people. <.'ERTinCATE OF BUI!IIlfU8 When th(' homo sapiftl8 i.s born FletiU... Fl.nD .Name It is an animal infant. S(>)fish and TJ:le undersiiO"'ed does hereby dt-mandm~. It has no conct>m for certtfy that M Is conducting a res- the comfort and plea ur('S of its tau.rant business at 300 Ma.rine pa.n>nts It has no fef'lin~ of con-Aqmue, Balboa laland. County of fi d('nce or in!rriolit). ro,·e or hal(', Orange, State of California, under sadnE>ss or happin('S , s hyn('SS or a. fictitious firm name or &!signa- honesty. It i.s without knowledge Uon WhJcll doe$ not ahow the true or languag(', politics, rt>Ugion, m~· name or namt>a of the persons fn. dicin~>, science, law, art i.stlc skiU. tert>S ted In said business, to wit: It has no other than a biological "ISLAND PATIO" f~in~ about good and bad. Good and that uJd finn is composed or Is "hen stom:tch :tnd bo-.\·el 'lrt• the following person whose nam(' I atisfied. and b.ad is when the or-and add.ress are as follows ~ans n~d attention. The import· William H. Harvey. 255i Vista ~nt human quality of the persons BaY$hore. Newport Beach. Call· 1s l£>amed thro~.~tth association with fomla. prople and culture. ' WITNESS my hand this 17 day Our anct>stors walk<'d on t-arth or October. 1951. many hundl't'dJ of thousands of WlLILAM H. HARVEY y('a rs a~o. Anthropologi."'" have STATE OF CALIFOR.."'TTA discovered man booes from as Jorvc COUNTY OF ORANGE-.ss: ago as 450.000 yea,.., B. c Not On this 17 day or Oct. 1951 lcml.! after thi men began to make bt>fort> me, a Notary Public '1n and Motht>rs "llO pJannc.>d t ht> part) this month for the t<"t'n-abt't'i wert> Mrs. Ralph £rnfol'60fl, chair- ~.: Mrs. Byron Kautzman, ~Irs. \\,tUtarn .Pridha.m and ~trs. Pf'tt>r \\ el~an, a ll of N£>wport. Father, in Japan, Sends a Gift • t hinllS such a flints and crude for satd county and state per- tools One hundred thousand years sonaUy appeared William lL Har· a~o men buriE-d thetr dead "i th \'ey, known to me to be 'the per- C'ei'E'mony and ntual. usro firt>, son whOSt> name is subscribed to made tone tools. had crude at-the .abov(' Instrume nt. and ack- C'L£..\S clothes. freshly l<'mpt.s at th<' U..'l' of color m art nowJedgE'd that he executed the prt>S.SNJ, not only give hke objects. Six thou.:..a nd )ears me. Out ta ndin" birthday pr nt for · 7-}t>ar-old K.al"t'n K"'nnt>y of ~13 111 DahUa A\·('., Corona del Mar, was a charm bntceJet from hl"r daddy. Capta.in Matthf'\\• Robert Kenne\. \\ho is stationed in J apan On h~,· birthday annh-ersary la~ot ThW'l'l- day, Kal"t'n had a dinn('r pal l\ Cor a number or ht>r pla)-mat('S. · Ht>r glK' t.11 " ('n> I" ant')' &-bn1. G3' Ann l\tacGIIIivra). Susan Htu"t>h- bart:rt>r. Juti~ Hall and Gal~ l::b- bN-ts. R(')atl\(>1 rrom out or town dropped in durtns: t.ht> r tl\'ltl(>S you that Wl'U -p~ back bi>~an writing, the use of Witn !l m~ hand and official fH>llnr; • -... they aa.t mone~. th(' wheel \\as disco\·erE'd, S<'al m\K'h lon.r~r. saib wer<' put onto bo:,ts, elobor· C. R. ALLEN F CI'Ops were extensin•l) culti\'ated.. .M . Csald ~ounty and State re; pickup and lt is this invention or human Publ~ h .0 mnu0c ssion expires 9.110155 See - ' I •• "" • ·~,I ' . 4 ' HOME LOANS to* '"REDUCIRG" Jntere.t lla.tea Low Monthly PatiD6Uia * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal. Savings Associemoa in Orange County Y0t1'll ll_e -~ ... _....., '" lerYMf ,_ ..... LA6UHA IIACH ......._ ._,,n-mo.... A-. C ate archit('{'tUr£> wa de\'('loped, Xotary Public in and for D('livery · · · cultUrE' taken into the indl\ 1dual -15 • ' t . 25; Nov. 1-8-15 . Q ExJ>('rt nlt('ratlon and combinE'd with learnE'd atU-1~1· in the Newport Harbor En- Servic('. . . . tudes alx>u1 himself and how to ,s _1_gn_. ---- 1 get along with other Pt-'Ople that --- We ha\·e one or tM mo.t ~to­ date and effident job prtnUac Plants I~ the Harbor Are.. Try UL 504 Coast BIYd. constitutes the e sence of )X'rsonr S aJHy. <'ORONA DEL liAR 1 Th('re are a few basic physical CaD HA 3 I 7 6 and organic factors or personality 1 such as glandular mak<'·UP and C L E I I E • S Physical co-ordination that con tri- bute to each person's distincth ·e 11 • .N. IIA.~OBUII I style. flr.::~:;~=~iiiiii~ By and large however, parents are the ones who build into the child its unique quality of being human. It is said that there ar<e no bad chlldren, only bad parents.j t.o.c Dhtaaee LoeaJ ••• lARGE OR 8!1ALL 60118 GIVEN AME OAJU!! ..• &lid STORAGE •<w e Move \\11th Ute World" AGENTS FOB LYONS 1966 Harbor Blvd. ott& Meu B.IDacoa 111'7 or 5!'71-M THE ENSIGN Job PrintJnr Fadlftles Harbor U14 Nov. lst ..... to This is hardly a fair judgment be- cause most parents do the best job that they can with the knowledge and equipment that they htwe. In turn their outlook has been devel- oped by parents. All parents lh ·(' in a social ('n-1 vironment which may be kind or frustrating. It may provide ade· quat(' money, a sound philosophy or religion. a happy family life, or I there may be depressions, lack of opporturuty for a satisfying occu- pation, ~"ar. divorce and' so forth. In uoceeding weeks this column I will be devoted to a discu sion of some of th(' important aspec ts of psychology. Reader comment in the form of letters is invit('d. ~EE~ NEW GRANDCHILD Mrs. Lea Asher, 1331 W. Ba~ Av(' .. ~f>wport, has just returned 1 from a 10 day trip to Oxnard to KN:'el granddaughter Jeanne Lynn. born Oct. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Ro- ger G9rdon. Mrs. Gordon Is the former Kathryn Phyllis Asher. Nov. 15th The Lamp Light Shop IM7 C'OA~T BL\'0 . HAmor ·--· JIAJl the ISLANDERS now offers you a wide selection of picture frame moldings, to b e finished to your order There is no p icture frame more beau. tiful than one which ;hows the natural grain of its wood. We hove frames in pine. mahogany, maple, birch and other beautiful woods. You may order frames in na· tural, bleached, antique, or any finish to fit your decorating schem~. THE Islanders We now do the work in our own shop and will be glad to d'ls"' . . . ... uss your needs tn fromtng to fit your pictures and your interior decorating. You may see our frames on the birch panelled in teriors of the striking n ff. e~ o 1ces at P. 1\. Palmer Inc d N . ., an ewport Balboa Federal Saving.s and Loan. in Lido Center, Newport Beach. 21• Marine IALIOA ISLAND .t '-· ,. / A CO ... 'LET£ STOCK Of IEAUTY AIDS FltOM THE ._.OST FA ... OUS HOUSES IN A._.E:ItiCA • • • Lenthenc Caron Chns 1an Dior Helena Rubinstem Elizabeth Arden Harriet Hubbard Ayer Revlon Richard Hudnut Du Barry YardlE>y s Doro· h y Gr-:::y Gc:1e Sa:ec . . .. Binkley's PHARMACY 101 MARINE AVENUE IALIOA ISLAND HArbor 31" COLOR or -- - BLACI: & WHITE ONLY 7 MO RE WEEKS TIU CHRISTMAS OPDER NOW FO R EAR LY DELIVERY ! T1te Camera SM, s·r c.c""' • · 215 MMinl" Ave a.lbo. hl.,.d HArbor 256).W • Ff\'£ (.E~Y,.RATIOS~ of tW Slritoh famll) ... ,_. ~ bar'tM-rHI ~) l llflk Hucka.,..._, mnu•r or ~ack'• Bar .... r 'hO, oa lllari~ ,.,. .. a84l bforf> lc t._., nrth ~{'Dt>l"lttlon, !0-monUt-old ( ~,._......,., ••lh G,....._ lif'IUI)' s .... ollll lcWlklq Vft .... Bar .... r la<-Jc l_. to w. dwtlH. Flnt u,,.,. '"'" Da,ld .!',('boiJa (~t·cl"t'at~ctfatJM-r ., Ctarkl "'""" l'ac-Jc ••• IJt l...c;4l A•~: .. ....._ ,.,.,.. (041 lhP l tr.btadl !~fie ~At•ard "-,,_ .-hoi-. ~•m • local rl"t!!ldnt.Ah IJtlt at :no .Mari•f' A \f'. Altd th .. third ~t..-ratkNl. tiH> llPDJI~ ~l('bof• famlh of tllr ("ott&~,-. \\ arn,-. ._hnp. Thf'a ~8 Gf'-<•lito'c •orld8« at thf' \\'atn .. "lhnp t and 't:t. LNm (vniaa •1lh th(' Arm) .\lr Fo N"f'<l la lapa•l · Tb ntth c,._ratlon bt-l~ to , 1(1. Lroa. C'"ri• &ad ltl motJMor lta\f' '-tl \l...!dac ltf'r" fNitn ~ttlf' &Ad •Ill bf' 1('&\"llllt Ofoor. 1 fllr lapu~ to Join thf' ..,.,. li"'Utt. (1 • .MuJI Phol{)K"tPh.\ I Politics Topic for Pro--America A drs<·rtption ot tal~> pohll<"- 1 lc)!"1t) C'h8lf"TT!'\n . ca'" J .rf'"'d"'' of • and ho\\ 11 opt>ratM W'll 1!1 \ Pn to th" r• "''nt IP«'tUrP ·fin" ""w:·uth•m mt>mbf>ro. of Pro Amt>raca b~ ~or· Go• In ro t "'A.'" l!t\•n h~ '-1• rl• man ~Ulll·r of Balboa l!'>land at th.-Frac,,-.-. 1 1 a jornt Pro .\!!l< rlt'1t lll<'f 11nc Fru1a' m01 nrn\! an 1 hr (",.,. mt .. ltnt :a 1 R 'l?t ·lri• Iii "' F nd" \ rona dt'l ~1ar· Chu11·h hall ~I P£•1•·•'"' r11 tht> nallttfltl PH• .\'!1· \11llcr. "hu ma~ .lw n <.•·tndul.t 11 '"I • r•nr"a Bnar d dPH JnrJf ct tn a r.M • nr 8 <:tltl(' t'\1 11('o• tn 1 :i:!, • 'Jt)tUl+'d 'hr• t'f\•' 110 \\I P lJOIO'I d <oiJI h) \J:. mfhJt nu• u lnhb) :."lftUp... E hr f>"m~on a... foil"'"' Th··~ r-r.· \lr ... \I••• Hj:ri.'l" fl ••"':'llll dur'<d a pn~J"-•·al •PI••"lnc lh• 'Drunkard·,' Olio At Bamboo Room Th"' t:8 \ nJnf'l • . .., fla \ Ot uf I h• F1orador:i !'~>xh 1 It• \.\Ill mtn~h· \\ith tht-~PI<."~ C'an-C'an numh• • for ft•ll turo>d 'ik11 ... of tt., Olio bo•- r" f'4 n 1 hP >H'"' c.r Thr llnmk tli" mt lhftra"1, (tp. nin1. 1 o m or 1 11 '' t F nda' 1 nu!ht at th•• B.,mbo<• Room in B tlhc~a ~I• lndt ~ma . plu" oilf'l pJu, II'I'C'"hm• n•-. "1li all 1)0 l f'ur: 111 orw •trk•• <t' tlw ,,., ~r~~-.-., ....... "'hu·h \\Ill l~o• 1:1\•·n '\ I .!-J. !-t-Ill •tnd )h·li Jlu\\t~td fo'ol ... om. IJro t'"c•n£-. j ... d It at UJ·t>d tnl.!l". '"~' •h, r \\'till L• .... llr ~~ "lh ll"('ll and i'..t•t Bat!"'' Otlwr t ntt•r l,unt rl' H• Fr•·d C' to· IN. hullOI"' I (•• n.c•l~· I I tnd n .. J a\ .lantl'3 <I tnn· ... n)ttl"l"' :'tan· I on Ff'..:, "ith a CUi I '' ~nd ~tar· t m l.und at tht> prano Ooroth~ Jo :'\\anson "111 d.Jn·l·t ~>n•wmbl•• d nc <' numlx-1' TtC'krt-. \\Ill IX' a\mlablf' at 1h1• rloor IMEMO--- Tb~ Se.-port Harbor EIHilp hu been adJadc'e4 bt Saperlor Court to be • ae....,.~ of pa- era.l dreulaUoa aad ..-Jltlecl to pubi.IM aU public poUCft re- 41ulftd by la1\'. human rt ·ht.. 'J•!il\ md t•'k 1. PrP.Jd• nt Tr unan 111 \\l')•d r v. from rtlhf'r l!lotJJ\J r:f'c .. •l ll<.~n• 'l kf'd fr.r dra"tlc ch n:,.~ ,., t! uru\1'""'11 nultt!H\ rtamm~ t.rll nppo·•-d l!tb<or r;,l'"ll l}•ltllll and ('f•nlt:>thl'tt ''" "' 'tll'h•rn'.) Ill \\'a lunrtnn H• k•·d fru 1h••l• un,. of 1 h•' RI'C'VI • 'I''H'' '"" Fm !' rt• C'uwr :tl or New Cafe Owners on B.l. at T h• T•<i ••u•n f!·1·1•' on n·tltwloi , .. Jwd I• \1110• r rt• \\ n r.- A .. •·m•·nt nnd lnr •h· 'tr ·· '' •r \\ I' • AI 1 op• • •hrn J•h •! I' 1 II· It r m•.rrth;.;, &rk' And 1 t•\\ -. FuJitn~m ha • 1 ak~>n ,;, ••:-1 hl• C'afP. and ar~> bu~~ \nth c-han \'• In kll<."hr o t'QUiflml'nr 't nd Cl1h r f~>a tw·..... .\tt Fullimnm ha wnrkf'd in thf' c:atf'nnc and rE'oqaurant ht ld fot 16 'Pa~ and for somr ume was on thP.Te-d r~pn , taU in l...o An~~>JI', ThP lOCAl <."8 (1' \\ill b£' known a "Ted 0\\rn Balbo'l .. and m•w hnur ... al'r 'n m a m 10 9 p m. Th Fulhn.:!:un:. mak\ th<'1'" home m Ba\ Shon• 81 2 111 C'rr·"l' If'\\ l>q\1: Keeler ; Union se .... ice ..•.• 110 • 214 • s.n· •• ., Avenue • 101 s~;,..,..,, Pher,.,..•: y • Jc y ltoge• Marine and Balboa Avenue . . on the Island e NOW OPEN ALL YEAR e UNDER MANAGEMENT OF l•undrv 2 I ~. W. D. JohntOI\ Jeweler 211 • Bidwell ' 211 • I ~~ 8 • 211 v.,,.,~ Store c: • 215 I. Mu I BECKY AND LEWIS FULLINGIM llour'4: ~a. m . -9 I'· m . --• C lowfl )tontl3~" Featunng our own dehc1ous AUCE OWEN pies and cakes REGULAR 39c . SPECIAL at ..... B.lboe h. Spor1i"9 Goodt ... 212 • Ted Owe!\ S.lbo• ... 226 • Balboa ====)\ Hi,.~ley'; "'•rm•cy . 302 • iltelle'; a .. uty 'l Shop •... 104 • ~ > II( Photog ••plly • 12 1 L. Fierte Avenue • 301 Bo••d· m•n' M•rlet M•ggie't I I • lOS Cott•ge w.m. Shop ...... l011h • 1 • Dot & Q lob's ... 110 • .... ,eggy ~ Sm•ll ..• l II • Jack's S.rw Shop ...• 320 • Snip •,.· Stitch ... 320 • sos ••• uo a E.lect~ic . 122 • • )1)1/, Ver• W if • liam• • )151/, Toy Shop • 327 M•rine a .. uty S.lo., FoDow the CLOWN Till,.,- 3151/z Marine A•e. Balboa l-.la.M * 4•,·\JI \ '0 B_-\.LLOi * t \..B \SO DOLL • * 80()~' \'D TOl' FOR GJJl "' \ 'D 80\ 3121/z Marine ,. , . ONLY 'I woes ro ... CIIISTIII B.-:use5' Sto:es Sr'!l•l·s -...... S·_ .... ...::is Sk. Sex f -:. 'llflr· The Little Comer of Europe liFt SliP . IRT IILLERY Unusual Gifts •A N1 NGS f.-.~ous .. -:-;. HA 26-f?-J • C \l..BO \ I'L\'D • AHOY. MATE ! THE Jolly Roger on the Island announces another JOIJ. Y JtoG'ER opening soon in LAGUNA BEACH e e e Finest Candy from Cater ing-Ice Cream br Go d•~ S•••• DOT & 101 f or tht> 310 Marine ·Balboa Island m p n ·' 'p o rt .. -~. Cute 2.-bedr'ooft\ ~ on run .m-d lot. In excellent loca- tion. Knotty pine rnterlor ~ renct'd yard. 51~-~ Hadfield: ·-· IUIIMtM .......... ..... . We have them here on Bal- boa laland. Startin& prices, fumlabed. Sl5, 1M. S11.110, 111.----and you might juat. as well be on -TilE l LA.,..,, • • • $15,750 This two-unit pla<X> 1 hard to tk'at !m the money. • • • 1.1. leek Ollice Bai!Ma ........ J1'eny ........... Ba!Ma .... .. Corona del Mar 4 Units Furnished Soulh of $19 AAA highway . ,11VV $8,000 Down 1950 rental t•f'lums wl'r<' 15'1 EXCEl .Lt:!\"T LOT ou\h of hlghwa~ ONLY a- SSOODown ....... &foal F_...talf' and lruloraact" 1!11 Cout Bh'd., HArbor Ill Coroea del Xa.r SEE this beautiful new 3-bed- room hom~ '' hich features lar~e h' mg room. dinim:: room. tile kitchen with lots or cupboard "pa('('; tile bath. fireplacc con~red patio. 2-car garage. Built under strict FHA r<.'Qwrements. Prlct'd at $11,400 with %. 1 ~ down PHIL SULIJV AN GEO. EVERSON 1156 Newport Blvd., Cori• ... e,• (Acron from Cost. Mes• S.nk) 8E 7'2) 5-'56-J-Eves. HA 3157-W UDO ISLE NEW 2-bdrm hom<'. Bl'aml'd ceilm~. rirf>pla('('. patio. . . . glassro-in tub and loads of tiJ£>. A ttl'aC'lh'<' colors and paJX'r!-thrnu~h-$1 § 500 out 0nly I U .:JOO Down ••• )112 Newport Blvd. H.NW 2112 Newport a..ch 3-Bedroom. 2-bath home, ocean vi<'w. wall-to-wall carpeting ov<'r hardwood floors, 6 months old in perlcet condition. 60' lot. $11.500 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor eta eout -.... oo• ll.&rt.or M 14 , .; .. • I .....,. ~ s. .. --·-·-..... _ .. ___ , Ead\ alcte bavlnc 2 ~ and laath ......... l...arKe Uvinc room. reel fireplace, ...... ldtc:Mn and diMtte, ~ reer pol'Ch8. All propel't)' completelY f~ each aide lnclivtdta.lty. t)ne block from the ocean. Both unlta 1~ Only 2 years oJd.. Could not poulbly ~replaced at this price. 1 year young, 2-bdrm. home . BJock from ocea n. Hdwd On. Forced air hftt. 1 ~ batt., full Ute shower, G-E di...,..t, auto. dish "' .. aher. Paved pa· tlo comp. ft>nced. 2-car gar. tl • • • • • " ONE of Corona dt>l Mar'i FINEST HOMES for sale. Exclustvety. WlU be shown by appt. only. 411 Ray Stedman 1574 Newport llYd... Coeta M811CL IIEacon 5128-J Futnished Apt. over 2-a:tr Garaqe --· Ji \'ing room 14'xl6'. · rl'nted for -mo. 30'xll8' lot in good location; roam to build $8 ••Tt>rms: payments on front or lot. PriC(' $30.00 per mo. 3-Bedroom Home -livinCJ room 1S'xl8'--- fireplace, hdwd. floors. newly decorated, venetian blinds. Large porch across front of home. Large aunny kitchen. break- fast nook. $11 tOO • for quick sale, Price reduccd to .. . .. 1 J:;OOd tet·ms. We have 4 Outstandinq Properties • • • in Corona del Mar that will consider malll"r pro(X'rtil's In trade • 'io. 1: 8-UJLit fU1'1llsh~ apartmt-.nt, cholcc lo-$65 AAA • S37.000 cation: potential income of $950 per mo. ,VVV T.D. • S o.!: AD lmma<'alaw. !!pl(!ious homf' built hi~h above Newport Har- bor, with breath-taking view of bay and OC<'an, Li\'lng room 20'x32'-pc~ged hdwd. Ooot'S, flrepla~. 3 forc<-d air furnaces. large dining room: 2~ full tiled baths. 4 large bedrooms. A.ll cedar-lined closets -prict'd below r<'production ros\,.8. • Xo. 3: !-bedroom '1ew homf'. 16'x25' lhi ng room. fluqtone fi replace. wall-to-wall carpet, 25' 'i<'w window flagstone plantet box. Sunny, \iew kitchen with lar,ge tilt' Ink and tile •nack bar, g-arba~c disposa I and dishwasher: "~i rE'd for t'lcctric s tov<'. Ma tt'r tx-droom 15'x1H'. Colored fhctures and tiJ<' bath. Thermo forced atr furnace. Beautifully landscapt'd. 2-car ga- rage wtth long ccmen~ $2" 500 • Will trade for small apron for parkinJ!. Pric<' 'It hnrnf' or duplex . • So. -1 : 1-bf-droom homt" & h:t<'IH'Ior •$9· orl-45'xll · rot llt'l' lot. Home rented for S73 per mo. rm. to ISO • Will t t·ade for eood build on front or lot. Pr1ct> • ml'd . IZ<' httt" tt-ailer -~·· 1301 Co•st Blvd., CorONI del M•r HArbor 1741 M HArbor 14n Evenin9': HArbor 393-M lARGE lots with all utilittes No assessments. Private b each rights t'rom .. * Stop at tract office for complete information: Coast Boulevard at Seaward Road, C.D.M. or Call HArbor 0414-J. Yes folks, this little 2-bdrm. Ba1boe Island bungalow v.ith enclosed yard has a lot of eye appeal. Large OJ)('n Z:Sii PulJman kitchen, one large and one small Fall ~1 tx-droom. modestly furnished. . . ~ • Exceptiona l ,-lew lot, Corona H'lghlands, ........ . Want to borrow. $40.000. 7% interest, 5-yr. trust deed note. Payable $500 pt.>r month including principal and interest Amply secured. ••• ~tot-s • e..;~ '"""' • l~tM~Nn P'erl •t Atete A... , .. lfM.. ltle!MI HArt.or ln-W Motel ·- OF THE BEST'' LIDO ISLE Bay Front lot- situated ln very best loca tlon on Via Udo Nord -~~i~:adcd ... S3S.OOO .:tJST Ll TED-for the first time-Balboa Co,oes: a lo\·e- ly 3-bedroom. 2-bath 500 :s~e~.t ... $29, "KEPHART BliLT''-Balboa Peninsula. 3-bcdroom; l • baths, farm· $15.500 house type ..... (~"EW) Balboa Business District • OLDER Ot.:PLEX -2 bdrm. lo\\aar, 1-bdrm. upper. Great pos ibiJitiPS for business loca- tion .... $6.500 CA H-fuJI price -buy this 100 E. lblboa Bh·d. RA S!'n Balboa E. LSe .. a.ll• • REAlTOR • BUSINESS OP'PORTUNIT1ES • RENTALS RA.J1Mw ,,.. 1523 Co.st Blvd., C«ON del Mer NEW HAUO. DEALE. DELIVERED He.E p1u, fax Your STUIEIIIEI DealeT • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS JoeNickertz 115. ,., tel'-. EARL~IAIN _c..& .... IIAaBOa-o,,u,,. ........ c.-.. 11975 . New "2-bedroom home. lot 56X 192. Low down payment. Open 1 to 5 daily. 1987 Maple, Cotta M£>sa. DIKE & COLEGROVE 15th & frvine. Newport Heights BEaeoa '7!!5 Pfeifer's Scrumptious TURKEYS e XO\\ lt&\OV e WE: DRESS TO ORDE.R or Eviscer•ted Frozen YOUNG TOMS ev•iltblo on ,hort notiu HBFEI'S T I ' C K E \' RAN(' H 381 E. 2bth St. BEat'oe 3!'5-t-W CMta Meu for '' .Replace yoa:r weadlered antenna with a NEW V-CONE 1850 lacl. ..., mut T \' en-l<:e Oath Day or t..~·elllla.c IESIIIM & Television Coeta .... VIe are open every eve nino fo r your convemence . '41 l)('~oto ~uhurhan. 1 h£> (l<'r- (('1."1 tam1l~ cttr St!95 '11 Cht '1'01<' 1 Cluh C'oufll~. one of tho'<' rar1• lwautir~ :\1o· ttn• O\ N ha ulNi. -;parklin~ lit'\\' pain I jnb. rompll'1 <' nC'w lnh'IIOI'. ·:-..o Chi'\ rol<'l ~·dowll -.••l'ltm. low 1 m•l£•acl' and l>JlOlle~ 1595 '46 Chi'' rol<'l Flretlinl' A £> r o S<'dnn. radio and other ('X- trus. Priced to sell. WIJIERTSON MOTOR CO. Chf"nolf't ~ Olchmobllf' Sa.IMI ~ ~n1C't' • !481 Cout Jflghwa.y Sf"W'pOrt ~h BE M4% '50 OLDS "88" Club Coupe, low mileage. perfect condition .............. ,_ ... _. .......... .. ..~ .... .. '50 CHRYS LER Windsor Club Coupe, Hlghle.nder, fuJiy equip'ped, low mUee.ge, like new .............. .. '47 STUDEBAKER Che.mp. Convertible. New Ct'eanr $1 ~'&.2 paint, new full view top, mech. A-1, ru1l.Y equip. ,,.,.., • 48 ~~~n!~~· .. ~~.~:....... .. ........................ ,!ll!,•;•s~ • a..k ,...._ • IIILLXAN •tNX DI:ALI:&S . These Are 'J . 8 II I II FOR THIS W ON USED APPUAI Stewart-Warner 7 cu frh'terator Coldspot Refrigel"'ltor gua rant(.>(.' ............... . ExceptiOJ'lall~ handso fri~eratoM. excellent dirlon: 6-m.onths g\ll Coldspot, rl'COnditlonet unit .. _ ........ .. Westinghouote ......... . Easy Splnd rler new General Ell'ctric P o r Dlshwashrr. excellent lion . Another G F' Portabl \\'8Sher 7 a I kill ... lllllll.lll A.PPUA.NOI:S s 16 Coast Hig} Newport Bead\ SEa Fitzmorr ~ Realt) RPal J. .. t ''" and Bt Brokers NOTARY Pl'BLl \Ve mamt.un on index < fi<'d buyt'l !o. ,\rld your 01 wants in ronridenC<'. of 13 C·•a t Bl\'d Corona d 1 \I J r HAr t IE II UPIDLSTEI UpMa.terlDc a Dn BEaooa aa ... ......... atN., c.t * * * for Christ A 9 to 1 Favor of Children Have yours laid awa~ while you can ha• your choice! • Distributors for COWINN & ENGLI R RALEil Parts e.nd Aooeaor e ONE DAI 81aVI( TIRES -SEAT COY TUBES -LIGIIT HANDLE GRIPS BASKETS ., ..... • 8f'OU'In iool -o..&..... lilA··· "-'-...... ft. Re- . S79.95 e r. 1 ike ... S119.95 or table rondi· .. S149 95 Co. For Sale Help Wcmted ::c: t~':::a ~1a JOCC Will Start UNFURN. 2-bdnn. how <' for rent 'SIMMONS couch with lnnersprin~ E..'CPER. saleswoman wan t~ ,:: Major and Mrs. John McCalla 11ew •e-lae 3 In COM. Obi. gar., toncl. back yd. mat .• $12; Apt. hou.'IC r>tove. 3 dross hop on Balboa I land. Six-r:t>.,n&n:. ~~:l~~d.•t,i!O.v ;:;~~~ 'I 1 ·-VYe Near beach. $100 mo., yr's lease. bum<>r a.od ovt>n, $5. 421 Hclio. d&.y wk. incl Sun. HA 1952-W ht>rf' a wPt-k as:o from L8~a with Orange Coast Colle~~ announoee ~~~f~!tv. Avail. Dec. 1-I .Kr> troPLpeYM, C00UTHM. ·ubur .. -n. "X""'pt. U GHT HOUSEKEEPING duties tl'w'u~ thr('(' ooltdrf:'n, Patrl<-ia, S: the beginning of a limited number JV ._ .. ...... lor aomeone who wants to share Jacquelyn, 4: and John, whu ls 2 of da~·college courses on Nov. 13. cozy Cum. bachelor apt. Uvtna clean. low mJieagc. 2491 Coast my home rent Cree. Worklng Thf' ~tcCallas mov<'d here from r)rL•flllized principeUy to permit re- rm. with hlde-t.·bed fOfa. Nice Hwy .. Newport Beach. BE 6515. person preferred. HA 387-R. La~umt and before tht> major "1l" tutnin'! Rore-an V(>ierans to enter bath It kitchen. Yearly rental. 1950-6' FRIGIDAIRE; also Mix· SALESMEN: We have opportun-tatlonPd at EJ Toro. thty lived ooU ge without delay and to com- Reasonable. 710 Marigold, COM. master, reas. Call HA 1189 be-lty Cor salesmen Who are int<'r · in Phllndelphla. This wtll be thf'lr pl!'tf' C(·rtaln requirro subjects be- HArbor 3025-W. twe('n 9 a. m . & 6 P-m. ested in WORKING and also tn fir~t winter In Southern Califomla. rotf' F('b 1 the courses art> open to 0 ~Ann an) studN1t.s who wish to ~gin OFFICE for rent-Newport Blvd .. NEW MAPLE dropJcar table, maldng VER _..,.. per month their education without \vaitJ.nc near new hospital. Has parking chairs, Monterey che t, dre:.ser. We have openings for both men • ' •~AXC'ISC'O JIOl.m Y until openin"! of the second sem8- area. P('l'f. ror florist or other <k>sk. new metal' dressers and and women. Lido EIC'ctrlc Co.. Mrs. A. L Robeson. 518 Jasmine tl'r. Throu,;:h carefuJ Jcction of small business. $4!'i month. 466 misc. turn. HA 1009-R. 516 Coast Hwy., Newport Bch. A\'P Corona d<'l Mar. is on a rourse . studPnts t>nterlng Nov. 13 Newport Blvd , C~ ta Mesa. BE FOR S ALE-Gas heater , bed dl-~ • .., • .,._...,,_._.......,..__......,.,._..........,.._ ......... ........,.. we<>k's VI'ICntion with he-r part'nts. will be ablE' to graduate by June_ 5713-ft. \lr and :'ttN JamE.>S Wlwt(' or 416 · van and small desk. 610 Acacia, Semces Hazel Dr .. Corona del l\1:ar. The 1953· 4-RM . lower apt. aft.rac. tum. aDd Corona del Mar. .....,........, _ _....._.._ ........ ...,.._.........,_........,,.._.. famtly 1c; drh in~ ~trs. Robeson's :"<.·w cou~ 14i th fuJI semetter gar. Yrly buis. No pets or chil-GA SAVER-' .. 9 "dr. Ford ,,_8 h h 8 b ... F' • cr{>(\it. "'ill be ,.tarted 1n psycho&--~--"'H\"' J min COM • --rot ~'r n . up to :-an ranc•sco. d ""~"· f\M as e, · cu.'\tom, dual fuel system. burns Paintin.,..-Paperhanginn wht'N' hf' w!ll bf' stationed with ogy, Ctrst •• · American history. ~EWLY de<»r. furn. kitchenette butane or gasoline. ICC approved ~ '::1 th<> Air Force. Am e r 1 c 8 n politlcal 11\SUtutlons, apt., yrl,y N'ntal $40 per mo., tank and installation. Radio and GEORGE BURIHARDT group leadership, and tundamenta.l uti I. pd. Panel ray heat. 2 bUc.s. hcat<>r. directions signal. low mi., A ORA ''1> ~LAM mathE'matics Some of the voca- l Ci Hall 223 32nd S _.. •1 t st s-rt JIMdt tional courses rna,y be entered on rom ty . t., trOOd tirt'S, excel. cond. ()wnj>r ...... o • • ·• • ~~...-· Mrs Ro' Strot, of C'nrona del , :-.;ov. 13 for partia l credit. Pre- Newport Beach. HA 295-J. HArbor 2416-J. HArbor Ul8-W ~tar brou~ht honor to th<' Harbor r<.>i:)Stnttion is l>A?t for No'· 5-S.. SLIPS FOR R ENT-American Le-ENGUSH We<lpood bone china. CaJI a~r 1 p. m. arN\ wht>n shl' won a ftrst 1n Plco · gJon Hall, 15th It W. Bay, New-~thay,pattem, place set ting for Pait., nr Srrtion A In th£> Lo" An- port. HArbor 452. 12, with acce orles, totalling 93 f'UR!"W,TURE RESTORATIO N i.orlr•.;; Fall SN'twnRI Con t r '\ c t FOR RENT Fum. 1-bdrm. hou c. pieces. Bc1it offer over $400. Ph. Chair bottoms. benches and stools Rrtdt::" C'h.•mpionc:hl~ that w t>rf' Ensign Cla.sstned ada have beeD a proven means of reacblng buyera for aU sorts of me:rcha.n~U. them! Phone Harbor 1114. $65 mo. yrl)•. Nwpt. Hgts. Call HArbor 0634-W. restored using cane. rush, ~. pla~t-d "' £»1 :\f:lr &ach Cluh re· BE 6606-W aft<.>r 5 p. m. I WASHER~ G-E Automattc-, 2 :.rs. etc. FREE ESTIMATE. Cf'ntl~. Mrs. Strotz rrprt>sen ('d •ht-Balboa Brid'!t> Cluh BALBOA ISL.AND-2-bdrm. apt. old. $50. fU·:aC\m 3277 HARVEY'S unfum. Spacious, light It airy. 2 COIL SPRlNGS for twin beds. FURNITURE REPAIR Yearly. HArbor 18}~R. I 219 Pearl A,·e., B. I. HA 387-R. ~050 Sa.Dta Au A\·e .. eo.ta Me. Wanted ATI"RACflVE 1-bdrm. fUin. apt. SLIGHTLY t:SED FUR:"ITtiRE BEat-on ILU-1 ' .,...,.._....,_..._.__ ......... ........, ___ ..........,....., 4191,.1 Fernlc-af. COM. HA rbor I ::? lloll~wood I\\ in bf.ds br1x SPst~>.. RUG & UPHOLSTERY 2899-J-K. innerspl{. mottn•. s, ... tN•I framf'~. . 11 Complett' bdrm .... uitP dhl bPd. CLEANING UNFURl"l. 3-nn. a~t .. UV1ng room. bnx spring, innt>rspg. mat . \'&n· EXPErHE:"C'En Jural car[IC'n'~'" \\Bnt .. \\ntk Rutldtnc. rc·p.'ltrtn~. f'tr~ Fl'f·(· c·stlm;tll'<;. HA fl27 l-R F rN! Consultation flowers by Morri 509 E. •• ,Do. 11¥,1. • ..... bdnn .• kitch('n, tale, bat~~ panel-~ ity stool and chest. ray h<'at. Stove & refng. l'um. 1 1Zx18' Broacfloom ru~r 317. Heliotrope, COM. l nq. 319 1 Z7' hall runnc>r Hebotrow. COM. H.A 2989-W. 1 9'xl2' fioor ru~. :-n.w UNFURN. upper nat with 1 9'x10' BroodJC)(IO\ rut.: large windows overlooking bay. Can bf: st-cn :\m. 3 to :"o' 7 Al In good residential d.lst. 2 bed-2121 ()c(>an Bl\'d . Balboo Ph. rms .. aundcck. flrepl., hdwd. firs. HArbor 123R-W No children or pets. AvaJl Nov. RED IRISH SETTER pups. AKC 1. $115 mo. 1009 W. Bay Ave.. Reg. $20 up. BE 5388-R-K. 2676 N.B. HA 3Z77-Evcs. HA 890-M. Orange. Costa Mesa. WATERFRONT 2-bdrrn. fum. apt. SMALL l)(oarborn hPatea'. Good as $50 mo. to July 1. No pets. 3706 nt>w. 204 s. Bay Front. Balboa Channel Pla~. Newport Island. J~land. HA 1479-J. COACHELLA VALLEY Arres 1950 CHEVROLET 4-dr. dlx. Sed. r tch . oil suitablt· for •'XtM\ early Uke new. lots of extras. WUI " * On loeaUOD BABY SITITNC--Rellable. HA 2925-J. GIRL'~ BIIYC'LE wantl'd Full i'" or 26" 23.'3'! Acatt> &lbo:} • Work Ouaran~d MOODY INTERIOR 0&0 HArbor !606 tor F.Atlmate t 15 Ooast RJ~. Ooroaa del Mar 1 hl~nd. WlLL DO ODD JOBS. carpenter n palrs. paint etc., by hour, <b.y or WN!k. HArbor 0126-J. H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Prompt Repair ~moe Maintained ftot~e tla.rt.or JU8-W 1801 Balboa Blw. Ne,..,ort 8Mc* P A I ·N T I N G Earl SheDin I Miscellaneous RESPONSIBLE daytime child care du:-amz t hc.> "k . at ~our home or mint>, by young marriE:'d woman Exl)f'ril'nced HA ~7·R·K. H~ 2010 • WE ARE CLOSED FOR REMODEUING • • • WATCH FOR OUR UOPEoNING SOON TilE IUTCI L._ t:\blc-gral'('_, pr<'mjum • l)net"d trade for level lot in Corona del rrops, gra()('fruit or tan.s:tc.>nnPS. Mar. HArbor 2288, ask for Mr. t'fl Palme r S t. -Co.ta •- Partly lt-H•IIt'd Abund. cheap ca-' Chamberlain. Br...co. Mn-11 SXYDER'S REST HOMJ;. Vacan~ \ for 1 Costa ~1esa. BE 6i04-J. 111 Main St. j. :he hea::~ c ~ BALBOA nal watt>r. 2 atttac. m~. ~<'S-·.u CHEVROU.~ 2-dr SNi. 2t91 t>rt -r3ncllohom<>. \\tthwlde\le\\ Coast Hwv .. ~.B. BEacon 651:1 of 5'alton 5't•a nnd :\it.. Sun · , bdrm d<-cks. ).mall pool, <'It><: .. phonE' SACRl~ICE-U Pd maho~ ~ . ~20,1)()() down & f'asy t('rms on and d1mn~ rm. furn S<'e ::-unda~ M hmce. Wlll con~lder takln~ on!Y 1() tUn to 4 p m .. 219 Or- 111 on TRADE. mod. 2-bdrm. in ch1d. COM. Tel· Ocean..;;tde-4701 hi.,, nrl'lt Mar bt•al·h. b~' and BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano Re pos- '•' tmmm~ ~N' Phtlhps. ~O\'. 3. sesscd. Pay out balance S387 like or 4. OXLY: Lido l$1e Tratll'r N'nt. Like new: Another blond Park . OR writ<' STROt 'T REAL· mahogany cas(', gorgeous tone. TY. Ht. 1, Box 30. Indio. Cahf. $495. Famous make! Also many A'M"RACfiVE fum. apts. on the rental retu~s. Save fmm S,120 bay. U\1n~ rm., bdrm .. kitchen, to SJOO. All an ptorft>Ct cunditaon. din£'ttc. hower, gar. S50 per mo.. DA;...'Z • ~SCI-~fTDT . PI AN 0 utils. pd. ITA 1257-M. STORt. . .>:?0 :--;o ~~~m. cor. ~th FI~~T APTS. fum. Util. pd. Best ~j~ Santa Ana Sub.)<'ct to prtor location. 1 & 2 bdrms .. $75 mo. •1--& up. 315-317 Marglrerlte. COM. ~ORGf: '' cu fl r. (a 11: (. <'an. HArbor 2397 .J -K. quit• I , work' P' rf. .. :'\0 r:m bt' ~ 'IN'n Sot or !'un 2~ 11'17<'1 Dr .. PLEA::"ANT comfortable furn. ~ Coronn de-l ~hr Priv. ent. pr'iv. bath. 508t~ Man-• , . gold CDM. HA 2853-R . I KI:"G POWER stidlll't arbor table i ' sa" and stand \\'lth 1!: hp. motor. TWO-BEDR<?OM,npt., par.li;Y fum. Ukt-n<'w-has only had 3 boards S6S a mo. )C~r round. Utils. ~d. and 1 fins::er run thru. Will sell \2R MarRU<'rlte. CO:'tt. HA l 610. for rompll•tt-. IIArhor 11;) BY 0\V~ER-3-bcdr<><?m. 2 bath, CIR<T-HA \' hE>at<'r. d rop-1,•:\f ta· larl:<' lot. _R<'aS .• P~Iet".: Ex??l. hi.• Co\ \\'tnthrnp l<t'C'rl'tary. l<'rm . BE :1733-\\ · -465 Marmo. K<f, Ftnl'h ru::uro·-. and ar<'hth'C· Ray Shore!'. 1 Ut .tl tx,.,k.., HE 66i3-.1 Fl'R"l. APTS. $45 mo. & up: !'lso JIA~DlO:"l> ORGA..'<S! The ~ea t rms. Idt-al hl\rbor & ocean VleW, Hamm(lnd Chord Organ. u you close to bcach('S. SW1ll!1er & win· don't know a note. you \~an pia) t<'r r£'ntals. 1414 SeaVlew, COM. thio;, The Hammond Spm~t Or- HArbor 1456. gal). w l,rld'l> moc:t hf'nutiful BEACTIFC LL\' fum. 3·bdnn lsc. tone' r:a!-~ te-rm.-: D A:..: Z • I hv. rm , ~lass<>d-in porch on•r-SCJJ:'tfiOT Pismo and Organ Co. Jookin~ bay. SR'J J)<'r mo. 109 !'anta Ana 3~ ='o. :\tam, cor. I Park Ave .. Balboa Is1and, or Ph. _:6:;t;.;,h~~:..;,.t~.-:-=::--~;:-::--;:::---:":---.--:>:":::: CHurchill 9-8049. BE 6166-M. :--ACRlFICE 1950 Pontine 4-door SMALL STORE with 4 rm. apt. l<l'dAn. t><'rl C't'nri t '" ""''· H.\ Harbor Blvd., C.C.ta Mesa. HA 1223-J. 332 EH·ntn~ Canyon Rd 2082-J. CnronA d<'l ~la:...' ----=-- BEAUTIFUL 2-bcdroom. 2-ba.th, CROSLEY Sheh·ador N"frt~. Rcas- furn. bay front apt. Fireplace. onnbl<'. IlArbor 3.'>9·\V ~ood heat. $125 mo. until June FOR ~Al.E-'45 Cushman motor 15. Also l~e. 1-bdrm. unit, $75. ~C'OOIPt Run!> ~ood -l:! BE HArbor 2552. E\·es: HA 2914-M. 66(lt,.'t;V nftrr 5 p. rn. FOR LEASE-Modern otrice suite. GRA:"\D PIA;-.rOS : Baby Grand. 3 nns. furn.; suatable for lnsur-N'{)OSS<'ssed, S495 Tenns. Also ance, accounting, advertising, others new and used. Steinway. £'tC. Contact F. E. Birtcher, Chicke-ring, WurUtzer, A. B. HArbor 1964. ChasE:'. Knabe. Raworth. Lund- FOR RE."l'r-2-bdrm. unrurn. new strum. From $585. DA.l'lZ- duplex. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. SCHMTDT. 520 No. Main, oor. FOR RENT 6th. Santa Ana. 100 pianos al· BUNGALOW APARTMENTS __:~.:..:::!'.::;S·~,......,...-==-===:-=~~ Beautffull,y tum., large UY. room BALDwm 4\CROSO~'f'JC SPINEt. with riN!place. bdrm . kitchen· Usro. Sl!'ve $200. tenn . Subject W Al.'lf'I' YOUR DIRTY WORK DONE! GOTO HAL ... Compl~te bouseet81\lng servi~ W't.ndows, floor waxing and pol- Ishing. wall wuhlnR. CaU Harbor 1756-W COMPLETE HOUSECLEA."flNG Furnlturt' & Rug shampoolnsr. etc \Vork guaranteed. Beacon 6111 AJ's House and Window Clean- In~ Service --------Enstgn Cla.,::.tOed ads have ~t a proven means or reachlnst bu,)'t'f"J for aU sorts or merchand.ise-u~ I them! Phone Harbor 1114. RELIABLE man wiU care for lawn~ or do your yard work. HA 243i-J-K RE:-..1 A PIANO lP the Kiddies I IParn. N p(:'r mo Full term rent allowe-d on any ptano in our stock. DA.'-'"Z-SCHMID'l" Big Pi· ano Store. 520 Xo. :'thin, Santa Ann KEYS -Ma<Je whlle you "-aft. Tommy's Shop. Post Office Blk-. Corona del )tar. TF:Ll-.\'l"'l"':"' Tradt> your old pt- _.no on be.aut.!ul t 11:\ .,·on Bi£. al!l)\\ant~r Fnm0u.. m~k, m t-k\ ; ... ,on D..\ '-Z · SC'ffi11DT. ;zo Xo :\lam. ror. tith :::.• Santn ..\11.1 !~~~ -rr::i •::e!: . )·~· ~ .•. e Draft Beer and Liqbt Lunches OITIEI.a AT OUR OPENING DAY PARTY . . ::·:: ::.ors OP~EN ROUSE TOUR • Start +his we•~ s to11r i" Shor• O iffs, Coro11e 'clef M•r. Turn l Ou' fro.., Coas' 8 vd. to Even~~ C.nyon Road tur" rigM •94i11 'o 272 Evening Canyo n Rd .. Corona de l Mar Brand nt'" :l·bl'dr• >r l-.. nd·h·l• • ;11•' tn Shorf' C'hff;; Rnd l•lr . alt• h\ ''" rwa an <'Xet"llt•nt pl~tn bm•h C'ahu,; '' In·.., ,) na~ton.• \\alk ami fll't'pltl'• ExC't•llt•nt Finnnctth. 'll'"' tl \\PI l( ' tt Call Owne r at HArbor 2877-W • Re!u~n to Corona del M•r tur11 rigj,t f•o'n Co•s• 8l11d. •+ the thircl corn~ +o .•. 712 Poinsettia. Corona de l Mar • R~·ur~ t:~ C,:~,n• Blvd d• ye •o Newpo'1 Be•c'- cc~· ~ •• ~h•1)u91. Ne ... po~ •::~ S;h S• tu.., ~4 I ~ od lo 8•) Av~ Tur,. • <;"'' lo 111 3 W. Bay Ave., Newport \t'1'l• 'I'•' mt'od·tn<" tn .... !l(! piP:1~·1"' .. rolo~ I u :• \\indt,"' "•th plan•tn .. <: :<tm• y Jl.'I'IO. r•.,: • ~ 1'\'\ Prl"f! L.a~<' h' m.: room and h:\r· 1\ t)j• kPchrn h'~ C'--d Air h•• l• doubl· ~ra.·«'. <trf"-.;l'd for SE'('()nd n~)r Thrt't.' h<'drOOms 1110 '\'n !x11•·<: l"nu ..... utll~ c(l()ft hn ncmg 11po>n ::-und~~ 12 to ~ Ho<.tf'N> Glodt>n F:ty BAY & BEACH REALTY ette. Rate by day, week or to prior ale. DANZ-SS"Hl\fii?T mon th. Big Piano Store. 520 t'jo. Maan. I FARM HOUSE MOTEL cor. 6th, Santa Ana. A "-t'll furlll~ht>d mode-m homt' '"'.a lar~t' ocean nrw lot. fE:>nC(>d for prl\·a~ llH"'l~ land- scaJ)('d. Sprinklt-r o~ stem 1 hrou~hnul P .l tJo bar-b...q Tl"rmc;. and PRJC'EO RIGHT Rt' !IUrt> to S('{' 1 his lx>fort' rt is ~old • lt••ur" to S.lbo• Bh·d •ttd tu•" r:ght. Co11tm .. e •c Coste Mu•. hiNiit~g le~ •I th• tfeffic light on Harbor Blvd. for 2 blod, to 19ilo. lflt"'l left l blod to ~.pie .... ell ngltt to' ..• 1304 Coast Blvd., COM HA 1083 '47 CHRYSLER Windsor. 4-d.r. ~ ~· A.PI"S. for rent. See Lou-dan.' radio. h('St('r. U.S. Ro>·a1 tee Apta. ft'nt. Dbla A singles, tires. 2491 Coast H'·"Y .. New· overlookina Bay. • Carnation, port Beach. BEacon 6515. Corona def Mar. • .-TS Real EMate Wanted ~ ~ IIADE • .. • IN oua OWN 81101'8 LOT WANTED-Wi11 take COrona FU.NITU.l .PtNISHlO del Mar lot l'n trade as part pe.y-ROUSE a OA&DD ment on MW 2-bdrm., hdwd. Or. 61 1 c...t ....,_ .,....,_. home in COM. E ARL CHAM· I&~ nn BERLAIN. !500 Cout· Blvd., 0,.. Nit"" •. s-10 a-.-4 p.a. COM. HArbor 2288 . • 1987 Maple, Costa Mesa Opl"n Snturday-Sund~~ 1 "' ~ A brand-n<"" two-bedroom h<1mt> lot !l6 b~ 19~· Lo" down paynl<'nt 7'5 EARL CHAMBERLAIN Open 1 to 5 d.'lily HArbor !l88 DIKE & COLEGROVE -· • -Opposite the Bank in Corona d<'l :'.tar-t '>th •nd lni.e, S~ R~ta ft£ 7U5 Your Harbor real estate dealers hope you enjoy your Open Ho..e Tour! • IT'S TIME to contact us for that finest of all personal Christmas gifts --- *YOUR PORTRAIT CALL NOW FOR INFORMATION e?thMdt- ut ill p1tot01f1Phy Harbor 292·W .,... "' c.-. .. Wet" -~--- Vi'9iftia R .. d Harrel Oopyera RlffifS Beauty Shop ..... -.... o- HAIW H07 ..tu••"_,...__a.;...t.., .... of ~._.~ "' ,__ eric.e. "No collectloM---Ho fM." We .d.·-.. COlts. CREDIT BUREAU OF NEWPOit't lEACH. LA&UNA lEACH AND COST A MESA P.o. a-n. ...... c.a Building Fund Donors Listed Using the monthly theme "Strong Added to the list of thoSe who for ~rica." Den 4 of Cub Pack ha'<e contributed to the Building 180 wtll present a .skit tomorrow 1 Fund of the Corona del Mar Com· eveni"g (Friday) at the Corona munlty Church art' the following del Mar Scl_lool. according to Com-persons· Mrs. Lucille Rombeau, mlttee Chainnan C: Lester J ones. Pauline Babbitt, Mrs. w. M. Ro)IS, The mon~y ooca.s1on Is the Cub Mr. and i\trs. William Da\idson, Pack meetm_g. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Howald. Mrs. DEDICATE LAND APL~G MU TElliNG N:aMON Rev. Harry While will issue "The Call for Fighten" at S un- day's sermon at the Balboa lsland Communlty Methodist Church on Agate Ave. Guest soloist wiU be J ean Roth. whoee husband Is pas- tor of the Newport Harbor Lu- theran Omrch. As soon u the acoustlc pluter i.s fini5hed, Dearborn Hall of the church will become the HH' ... """-' place of the newly Conned Boy Scout Troop 81 . Rev. White has had Scout troops meeting In hls churcllt'S aince 1910 ---almost the beginning of ~utLng. ~..,..:·~Mit Dar JOHN DEREK OONNA REED . -.in- the subject th~y·re all talking about ..SATUBDATS HERO" DDDIE MATINEE ~ ... y. I :U P• a [)eodlcatlon of the new landscaP· ing at 0\rist Church by the Sea. Newport, wiU follow next Sun- day's 11 o'clock service as tht> con· gregatlon adjourns to the new lawn in front of the building. nte project, which ran Into the thous- ands or dollars. was recently com- pleted. Sermon topic at the morn· lng ser\·ice wiU be. "Behold. I Make All Things New." ''Praise the Lord. 0 J erusalem" wlU be .sung by the Sanctuary Choir un- d<or the direction of Mrs. A. J . R.ut- tc>r. ''Nagasaki Four Y e a r s After." a film s trip. will be shov.rn at the 7:30 hour. Ethel Und l{l'en. Dr. and Mrs. J . H . Linson. Mrs. \'\onne Hays, Mr. and MJS. Carl Barry. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Merrill. Mrs. J ohn Maitlan. Patty Oemence, Mrs. H . B. Ed- wards. Mrs. Beulah Corson, K. V. DUts, Mrs. J . W. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Shannon. Mrs. H. Cardoza Sloan. A. K. Phelps. Mr. an.d Mrs. J . L. S teffensen. R. S . Hampton. Mary Lou Therber. M. A. Harwood. Frank O,·erlee«, Adult Sunday School Class, Joyce Weatherby. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Saun- ders. Mrs. L. A. Norman. Mrs. DeUa Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frahm. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. a.tstt>r . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fenton. Mrs. George E. Lewis. Mrs. Edlstlna -McKrown. AUce Swiger, Ruth Hu- mnson. Da\id L. Frazier. Ruth Harrison. Mrs. Grace Sailors. Or. 'E\'DlLASTING PUNI SBJIENT' ' •1fuddeberry F'mn" Tho$e who turn to God and fol· low in right patha ahaU be saved ......... _.No. __ s_sma_ .... • ... •--- • e e rrom the effects of evil. according s-.-Moe.-TuH. No''· t-5-4 to the Sunday Lesson-&>rmon on ''Everlutinc Punishment" to be FRED MacMURRAY and reed at the First 0\urch of Christ ELEANOR PARKER Scientist, in Newport. located at -in-the entrance to Udo Isle. · another of the year's good comedies RlST CHUICH Of CHatST SC1ENT1ST • • • 8Dlii0N ON T. PAUL "Paul's Program ror Church Members" wiU be the theme or the ))0) Vie LWo. Newpert ... dt Olivt>r G. Howell. Mrs. Anna and sermon thJs Sunday at Newport A branch of The Moth., Church, The Monta Pt>rry. Mr. and Mrs. Wen-Harbor Lutheran Church. The Sa- First Church of Ch nst. Scie!'ltist, in lol· dell Hoyt , Mr. and Mrs. Ceo~ l.cramE"nt of Holy CommWllon will ton, Mesnchusett\. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. San· be celebrated Sun~y Sc ho o 1 Sunday School --·-·--9:15 a.m. ders. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cave, 0 . meets at 9 :30 a.. m. wtth classes for Sunday Se,...ice -· ~-· ·----_II :00 e.m. Z. Robertson Madaline Brown all ages. The Adult Bible Study, Wednesdey Eve:~i"9 mMtinq .. 1:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hagen. Mr. and t.a_ught by the pastor at t his hour, Reading Room loceted et Ill Pelm Mrs. Ed Hirth. W ill beg1n to study the Book of St .. Balboa. is open daily from 12 ftOOn ~----=---Acts. to S p.m. e~cept Sundays al'ld holideys SERMON FOR Sl NDAV . The schedule for the week : to-nationally observed. Rev. J ames S. Stewart w1ll night (Thursdayl at 8, Women's The public is cordielly invited to et·l preach about "The Greatest Story Mis ionary Society Meeting at the •end the church .. rvices arid u .. the Ever T old" a t the 10 a . m. service church; 1 p. m . Fl'lday, World Reeding Roof1\. at · St. Andrews Presb)1erian Communion Day Seo-rvice at the _ Church. Newport Heights. church, sponsored by the Council of Church Women: 10 a. m. Sat · urday, Cateehism Clas for chll· dren in grade:s 7 and 8: :; p. m. Saturda;.·. annual Fish Fr\ for the benefit of t h<> Church ·Building Fund to -be> held at the Costa Mt>sa Legion Hall: 7:30 p. m. Monday. &>naor Choir RPhc>arsal: 8 p. m Tue da~. ~unda;. ~chool Tt>ach r!l' meetinJ!. • • • TilE PRf'~'iE~T PR~Sl'RE."' The third ~rmon in a sene-s to llE'Ip peopl mt:'et the> pres, ur'e of these da)S. ~ntitlt:'d "How Do You i\ft:'et Crise<;!" ";u be d ll\ cred by Re\·. Paul E. Babbitt. minister of the> Coron del Mar Commun it \ Church. RC\. Babbil t. who wiit df'\1\'t>r the st>nnon at both th~ 9:45 I I ana 11 a . m. St'rvi<X'S Sunday. will I use Abraham. "who wl'nt out. not knowin~ where hP was ~oing," as nn example for his Jcsson. 1 The Chapel Choir will sin~. "l) ~1orn of Beauty" by Sitx•lius 111 th1• ·"MILLIONAIRE ~ATDilDAY LA81' DAY RAY lofl.LLAND in ··PHUBARB'' -also- DAVID NIVEN VERA-ELLEN In .. Happy Go Lo•ely" la Tedulklolor , IIIL-lloa.-TUH. Xo\. 4-:HI FIRST RUN! Lt;CILLE BALL and JOHN AGAR · .. MAGIC CARPET" In ]'('('hnkolor -and - ROD CAMERO;-.; -in- .. SEA HORNET" tut \\'..d. .SO\. "J FIRST RUN! J AMES CAG;>o:EY in .. COME FILL THE CUP" 19:45 a. m. sc>rv}c(' and th(' Chan-aypcot1112l·T~ eel Choir will sin~ "Built on a ~:.~~'' 1:11' Rock" by Christlanscn in the • 1 I a .m. SE'rvic• .• • • ~ENTALS ~·s· LEAN ~ ~II. STNIIG BEEF BtJ~ BRO . h n.. SikH lllldcu Cheese AD\.ESTJ T MEETINGS I aa•-TIDE An Associated Youth mt>etlm~ _., F riday I tomorrow I evening at the IIINfMS . Offtoe ~ ~~49' •Tm.u LtlU"8 MERIT-I lb. Oello ·IICOI Llil:&' QVAUTV-1 FlAilS I~ C'N~-~ ....... 59' a;~:a.. •.. 49f. &>venth Day Ad"entist Church in I SIIMCI RA Ill Newport He1ghts wi ll be hosted b\ ------------- the Mis ionar) Volunt<'<'r Socict~ of the Church. CharlPS Martin of Redlands will speak. A Fcd rated Dorcas Society I'll{'(' II ng wtu be held at the Fullerton church at 1 -ma~etMEr ,.,.. 2 ~ LUEil' FI0:8H ..... ror ~7"' Liver Sa•age ALL BABY BIZF TADJ.a YOl'NG. FaESR PORK LJVEB . 35~ POD CHOPS LOI.S ('l'TS 10:30 a. m. Tuesday. llplll • • • tiPPER PARTY HELD HArbor 87 427 Nera-. COM A buffl't supper party was held at 5 :30 p. m . Sunday at the home o~ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Corson. jf.:-::--:::=~=~iii PORK lOAm 49f. ;;;a; Chkkeas 49~ 55~ 69~ L1do Isle, ror the High School T Youth Fcllowship of St. Andrew .v SE! S ~ Presbyterian Church. ThC' new &UA-. ,- pastor. Rev. Jamcs Stcwart and Mrs. S tC'wa1·t :dl! ~ prt•scnt.' TII)E 1"'V 89ft. c;b; si;aks 2fur 63• TENDER. .n·lcV BOUND STEAK ---· MAYFIELD·s MARKET { 2 }COAST SUPER MARKET •n• EWt"())tT BLVD. toeA noNS ee1 co" T '""-".,· COSTA MESA TO ~t:RVJ: YO CORONA DEL NAB PKEACmNO MJS810N lOll Newport Blvd. H~ 101 Rev Eugrnc Wood or 1 hf' Mis-N-IMcll MOn Jtills Methodil't Church <'lf ~=~;~~=====~~ ~an 1 >it·~o has ~w<-n ~>Pcurt'd ,1c; 1 the> lradE'r of a six-night pr<'11'hinr 1 mjssion at Christ ('hur<'h by t hC' Sea the week of l'\ov. 11 -18. Thc local program will b<' Jlal't of an area-wide cvangellst ic adHtnN:• bv the Methodjst Churcn. • I THE ENSIGN Job Prtntfnr FadiJtt..., Boura 10:00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Pboae llmberly 3-0322 • __.....------~. ''Your Ha.t to the Coast Slnce 1928" FINE FOODS O O C ilTAIL8 COAST HI&HWAY AT THE ARCHES N .. pwt ... dl JOHN vn n '£ Footlidlu co on next Wf'dofos.. clay at 8:30 p. m. in ltw Chapt'l at Oran~e Cout CoUt"t!:e for "Goodb)·e My Fancy." lhrft..act ~ drama and the finn major production of t.M :-o'N'p!>r1 Harbor Community Players lor tht> l~l-52 season AJI tkkPf5 for the> fi ' Pf"T(orm· an~. next Wedn sday 6\Pniol!;. ha\«.> been taken oH:r b)' thP Wo- man's Ch.ic U>ai.>UP "it11 W v- bt(' or Balboa Island in ~t' of I<> . For t~ ThUJ'!ida) and F rtday pc>rfosmall(l(•, Pall W attr ol Corona dr·l ltar is in char~e of saJc>, and ·buoths art> open part· llmt> at thP All Aowracan Markrt in Corona del Mar and Richard' Lldo .Market an.. ="<'"J)Or1 Th d u('("toT 1· ~frs ~t •rJOI'i• William50n, who du~ct•>d • ·ai:h' Must F alr' hc>rt> lut Y<'U. 11w sta.n ing role oC A~ t ha ~ will Laguna Beach --------------Ph. 4-6 2 17 Fcx Floe * '1 4 4 COCKTAILS~ ~ pla)~ by Ma.rtbf!lla P..andaJJ of Corona ~I Mar, presiclfoflt of t.hf> Playt"~. Les ~tetr~ of Co- rona dP.J lUr a,s the oolle1;e P"ftt- dPnt ·James Kenill, "ho ~ to t€"JdndJ~ tlw ~ rorna.11« •hJch ca!BE'd ~atha' dimu I from coli e In tho rof~> r~f J\JPmll'• dauf!htPr Gmn.) 1 RaP \'an Eulsch of Co- rona dPI ).tar. • ho as appearin d· • pit~ thfo tt"(Yf't ciellth of h"f' fa· thfor . .Ro)'Tn'md \'..n J:;u.,..ri' f~. lTV"!' H Ul 1 1V'Y. • pa p-r f• A"'C'U tl \ ,. ,-..,J f.lthot-r C rnna d ... ).tu .--· dPf!t 10 t}U> C&i .,.. \'I"YYJ1 l1ll0f't> b thP hrN""Zy. •i~< k- inl!; \Vood> and Pata \\'til . who I" rPmenlbf'~ ft"'r ~r ,, mn;; f(l1t• la 1 } ear in Dr .1m G1o - l h..ht>rs m 1 h• t"8S• ar \tPJ Bo>rn and &rmi~> Brt n (If Ltd() l.slt·, Bt1h \\'f>nl2 or IM H:.rbor Ha~h '' f Mary P rao-of Balboa. J..-n }la•· 11 and &>b KE'f"Can and 1.; • Cra\o\1ord of Balboa I land, P•t• Ha~t and F ranc,.. 'Ur. Of ( • ~t.a ~leu. Pf'IC Ablpt t o ~~~. P'Jf'l aod Bob lt€'tz or ~n a An:a :'\athalj,. lfiC'haud i' pia~ prO'Jul'· twn m.1navt>r and :"N ~ r •:sY.d• • t • •ta~t> manast• r. ' 1 .. JJ~'"' ,. it. n •. ri"~ ~ ""',... un .1 fl.,h.n::; 1 rip uta I u! th•· l~.ol b •l I' \lli~tft ,, ,,. fi·h• rm " t .. 1,. I• r knu\ o ~"' '·nan!. pru1t:it'· lnr nr c.r.ot·.. t 'urnllur.. ..nl1 \1,,,,, n•. "' tw:. '''"l"'rt t :hu , '.,.,1..1 \I french and Italian Dinners ~;::=..---=====-=====. Imported Beers & Wines 4 • 'S .. Steaks • Chopl • Short Orders at C01ut lllc'waJ' -Newport "Mariner'• IO.Ie'' Red Snapper Cafe Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge . Ill'S SEIFIII AT THE SIGN OF THE 'SWOIDASH 16218 Coaat Hwy., Surtlide Real Mexican Foods 4 4 4 Sk.r· -.::e : . U G4L NOTIC' '0 1'1CE Uf" I~TE"TIO~ TO E~GA .t; I' nu: ALE Of' AL<'OIIOLI(' Bt.,'EilAC.oE (k'toWt-It, liSt T o "'ltom ft .. ,. Cotl<'f'na: ;'l;otice 1 hereby ~J\'Pn that fif· teen da)!! aftt>r thf' datt> postt'd. th~> undet i~f"d propo • to 1<'11 alcoholic bt>\'l"t"I\I!P" a 1 t hPSe prrm· ISf> • df':VI1bPd a~ (OliO\\" :JI 7 E . 80th li4tn ... r s .... 'JH)r1 Hnt'h. Orsa.:.-< vunty Pu~uant tn .. uch tntf'n'tlln tr~> undf>t 'IJ.!nt><f I a ppl) IOJt IO t hP Sta1" l~1rd of FlJil?h7.At'lon fllr 1 • suan · nn 01 nnna I applica 11nn flf an alcoholic !,..,, .• 'l ~t' ltrt'n-.., tor thl'se prem· ' fl, follow · UX ~ LE GE.~tJICAL ~EA O X I. LIC"E~iOE An) on" desarin.: to prot«.> t the 111 uanCE' of such hc~>n I' rna) fait• a '<'rlli<'d protest with the ~tate Board of Equalization at ='acra- mento. CaUfomla. tatinft ~ou.nds for df'nJa I as pro' id d b~ lan Thl' Pot .. Luck at St. Andrews The Weloome \\'agoo Hoetae WID &..-• Y oar Door ... ou.. a cNem. ._ • ......,.eu.·.,., .. r'#tanaDCIYRr a.-... Social w.u.r.Leec~en 0. ....... -'' 2 BEACH Phmv: Harbor 758 • .., .. 'fJ a J "Hall Allgel" -\\lth- 1. H~! 'IT\ Y• I • 'G 'r f I• l I r,·~ ' Fri.-Sat. Only e Enchiladas e Ta cos pr miY'il are not nov. lie<>nsed lor I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij t h€> II' Of aJrohohC lx>\ f'ragP'I U ;...---~---~~-- Cl.AR£ P BEEBE e Tamales e Chili Rellenos; etc. e Steaks Open 5 to t:JO p. "'· -eto..4 M~•rt La l>osla JT'S SHOCKING! how a dignified concyeuwomen un rod a cotlege c:emp"' in one ,hort wee~ -end! "GOODBYE, MY FANCY!" S-Ad c_..,. . .,.... W~D., THUK8., Fal., No''· '7 • 8 ·I --'I:M p.m.- ORANGE COAST COllE6E CHAPEL 'nt-k.-w: I.M plus tu, on nl<> at AU Am· erlcan Mkt .. Corona d«-1 Ma r, and Rich- ard's UdO kt .. Nt'WJ')Ort • -• or call: ~ ...... ......... ~ Nf'WI*'t. ~ C'--17 Pla)'fft Publi .. h ~0'' J. 1951. In th1• ~f'n-port Harbm Ensh;n. I U GAL NOTIC( S o. A-!08~1 SOTI £ OF Ht:.UCL~G OF P&- TITIOS FOR PROBATE Ot' I WILL ASD t"'OK Lt.TfEB, OF ADMIN18TilATIOS WITH THE \\1LL ASSEXED. f• tiM> ~or Court of thf' ~tAiw ., CaUfenl.la t. and for t!H' I Cmnlt)• of Oran.c~> In tM Matter nf th<' F.state or 'TA..'IJLEY LYO~' ~bed I Not at:'l' Is h n>by J,!iVt>n 1 hat tht> petition or C'LARA I LYO~ ~ ror 1 the probftte of the Will of the Abo\' na~ deccd<>nt and for 1M 1 uanCE' of Lelll'rs of Ad.rnanl tnt· tlon with the will annext'd to the petitioner wUI be ht"Ard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday. Novemtx>r 16~ 1951, at th<' court room or ~ palltnl<'nt 1 of the S upt-rior Court or the tate of California In and for tht> Cou nt) of ran'tf' Dated Octobt-r 30. 1951. B. J . SMITH, County Cl<'rk DO ALO D. HARWOOD AttONl<') for Pf'tJtlont•r Publish. NO\'. 1 15, In th• N"'opor Harbor 1-:n lim FRIDAY 8:00p.m. SANTA ANA J. C . ft. SAN BERDOO • SATURDAY 1:30 p.m. STANFORD ... WASH. STATE ••• KVOE -1480 t:rmcn Cb ~~~ •• .,.,... ~ " f'r•" n nw•n,. Of M-Ot1111'~ ~ rnr aJl 110rts or mf"rd\andh,('-U• ........... ~ttH. _., to contact us for that finest of all personal Christmas gifts--- *YOUB POilTBAIT CAlL NOW FOit INFORMATION e!dtMdi- 'Vtf9ie•e ltaed He r e' Dopyer• Run-t'S Beauty .Shop ........ 0... ~2907 A. .... -...... _a. ... .., ...,. of •am .,,..... • ,__ eriC41. "N. coloctMM--No fH." We..,~.._ .. .._ CREDIT IUIEAU OF~TaACH.~UNA lEACH AND COSTA MESA ICM ~AYe. P. 0 ... Jt6 lb. llo t:Qnc the ~thly thenw "Stroac Added to tilt' list of cl:iofitt who 1 MV ~0 MaJIOS for America. Den 4 of Cub Pack ha,·e contributt'd co tbt> Building Rto . Han-~ White •·•lJ 180 •till pr'8ftlt a akit tomorrow 1 Fund of tht" Corona dcl Mar Com-'"The CaU for Fightera" at Sun· t'V't>nlnc I Friday I at the Corona munity hurdl ar~ ctK> fo1Jow1ng day'a sermon at the Balboa bland ck>l Mar S<:hooJ. according to Corn-IX'J'501\S' Mrs Lucille Rombeau Community Me thocliat Oturdl on mJuee Cba.innan c. LHter Jones. PauJ.i.M Babbhl. Mrs w M Roya Agate AH!. Guest 10loisc will ~ The mon~ly occasion Is th<' OJb Mr . and Mrs. Wllllam ·.oe~1daon: 1 J mn Roth. who6t' huaband ia pas- Pack rneebng . Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ho-'llJd, Mrs. 1 tor or the Newport Harbor Lu-Et~l l.lnd2J't'fl. Dr. and Mrs. J . H . tht>ran Church. DtDJCATE LANDI'CAJ-ING Lm10n. Mn. y,0nne Hays, Mr. ~_soon u the acoU&tic plaster Dedication of the new landscap-and Mrs . Carl Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Is ftnudlt'd, Dearborn Hall of !he ing at Christ Church by the Sea. R. T . Mt>rrW. Mra. John Maitlan, church will become the meeting 1 ....... ;·t...Ml·)' JOHN DEREK DONNA R.El:D -in- tht> subject thf') ·r~ alJ Wkin« about ''SATUIIDA rs HERO·· N€'Wpot·t. wiiJ foUow next Sun-Patty Clemen~. Mrs. H. B. Ed-~ place of the newly formed Boy P..tto ~til Ud day's 11 o'clock service as the con-ward5, Mrs. &>uJah Corson, K. v . Scout Troop 81. Rev. White has I Di__.y Ca..._. grf'gation a djourns to the new Dilts, Mrs. J. w. Cameron, Mr. had Scout .'troop& meeting in his .... __ ,..._......, _____ _ lawn in front or the building. The and Mrs. Malcom Shannon, Mrs. churc~ s.nlct-1910 ---almost KIDDIE MAt1HEE pt'Oject. which ran Into the thous-H. Cardoza Sloan. A. .K. Ph€'lps.,the beginntng • of .'~uting. ~._..,., 1 :U P. a. and& of dollars, was rt>CCntly com-Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Stefft>ns€'n. R. _,_... • pie ted. &>rmoo top1c at lilt' mom-S. Hampton. Mary Lou Therber, .,.., .......__ TILVO ft NISIIIIE.''Ii'r ''1fuddebeu f riDD• ing ser\iet> wlll tw. "Behold. I 1\f. A. Harwood. Frank 0\.·erlees. 'll1o8e who tum to God and fol-,._ a ~ Make All Thlngs New." "Praise Adult unday School Class Joyce low In right pett\5 shaU be &a\'ed the Lord. 0 Jeruulem" wm be Wt>ath€'rby, Mr. and Mrs: Ernil from the effects or e,·il, according sung by tilt" Sanctuary Choir un-j Be-chtel, Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Saun-~o the unda)• Leaon-Se:rmon on ck>r the direction of Mrs. A. J . Rut-ders. Mrs. 1.... A. Norman, Mrs. Everlaatln& Puniabment" to be ter. "NagasakJ Four Y e a r s DeiJa ykes. Mr. and Mrs. Norman read at the First Onucb or Oniat, After," a film strip, wiU be shown F nthm. Mr. and Mrs. R. P . Custer, Sd~tlst, in Newport, located at at the 7 :30 hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Fenlon, Mrs. the entrance to Udo Isle. · FiRST CHUICH Of CHIIST SCtENT1ST ]JOJ v-.. LUe • .....,_.. ... ell George E. Lewis, Mrs. EdisUn.a • • • McKrown: Alict' S"iger, Ruth Hu-~-~N ON T . PACL mason, Ofnid L. Frazier. Ruth ~ul '.. Program for Church Harri n, Mrs. Gract' Sailors, Dr. I Members will be the lhemt> or the I Olin•r G. Ho•·eiJ, Mrs. Anna and sennon this Sunday at :-.;ewport A br•nch of The Moiher Olurd!. The Monta Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Wen-Harbor Lutheran Church . 'I'he Sa· Ftrst Church of Christ, Scientist. in los· dell Hoyt, Mr . and Mrs. George crame-nt of Holy Communion -.iU •on, MassechuseHs. De\it'll, Mr. a:nd Mrs. D. W . San-j be celebrated Sunday S c boo 1 Sunday Xhool -~ _ .. -·-_ t :IS e.m. ders, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cavt>. 0 . meets at 9:30a.m. with clUses for Sundev Service II :00 •. m Z. Robert on Madalint> Brown a ll ages. The Adult Bible Study, Wednesday Eve1ing m.etino~ 1:00 p.m Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hagen. Mr. a nd ta.ught b,Y the pastor at thls hour. R .. cfin9 Room louted el Il l Palm Mrs. Ed Hirth. w\11 IM>gm to study the Book of St., Betboe, is opel! cfeily from I 2 n0011 ----.----A eta. to S p.m. e•c•pt Sundays •nd holideYJ fi'EftXO FOR Sl SDA Y . The 5Chedule for the:' week : to- rtetionelly obs•rved. 1 Rev James S. Stewart will mght <Thursday! at 8. Women's The public is cordielly invited to •'· Pl'each about "Th<' Gt·eatest tory Missionary Society Met>ling at the •end the church services •nd uM the E'er· Told" at the 10 a . m. ser\11~ church; 1 p. m. F'riday, World ""ding Roo"" at St. Andr•e" s PrE>Sbyterian Communion Day St"rvice at the Church, ~€'wport HelghtJO. chur('h. sponsored by th<' Council of Church Womt>n; 10 a. m. Sat- urday, Catechism Cla !. for chil- dren In grad s 7 and 8 : 5 p. m. Saturda}. annu l Fi h Fr) for the 1 ben<'fit of the Church Buildina: Fund to 1M> ht>ld a t tht> Costa Mesa Legion H111l; 7:30 p. m Monda\· t>nior Chotr Rt>h«>a rsa I. R p. m' ~~. Sunda~ ,'chool Tt>achers' ' ml'('ttnJ:. • • • THE PR.:'Ot:~T PilE. ~t'RE.'O Th<' third sermon rn a serie to I help pooplt> meet the pre ure of these da~ • t>n titlt'd "How Do You Ml't'l C\1. ., .. \\ill be d<'U,er<'<l by R€'\'. Paul E. &bbrtt, ministt:'r or 1 the Corona d<'l Mar Communit\ hureh. R€.'' ~ iu. "ho w1j1 ck>lh t>r the st>rmon at both th«> 9:45 1 anc't 11 a. m. ervi<'C:'s Sunda\ will us Abraham. ··who \\ <'nl oul not I knowin,:: whcrc hc-"as going:" as an t"x:hnpl<' for his l<'sson. S...-MOIL-Tws. SO\', FRED Mac.\l URR.A Y and ELEA."'OR PARKER -in- another of the year's good~ '"NILLIOMAIIIE -a DAVID NIVEN VERA-ELLEN m .. Happy Go LoYttly .. Ia Tt'dulkolor . . .... JIOIL-TtH'11. ~0\. 4-.W FIRST RUN! L 'CIL..LE BALL and JOHN AGAR "MAGIC CARPET" iJl T...-lulh•olor -and ROD CAMERO:'\ m .. SEA HORNET" tart11 \\'f'd. S o\. FIRST RUN! JAMES C'AGNEY tn "COME fUL THE CUP" The Ct!aJl('l Choir will san ~t. "0 1 Morn of &auty" by !-;abf-llus in t ht• ---:---'--...:::=:::::;:::::::::::::== 9:45 a. m. N 'ViCC:' :~nd th ChAn·, <X"I C'hoar will • inJ; "Rulli on a Rock" by-Ghric;tiarn-t'n in th•• 11 a .m. "<"1\t<X". • • • • AD\'ENTI T MEETING. ~n Associated Youth m<'t'lin~: Frtday t lomorrowl e"enin~ a1 lhl' &>\ nth Day Ad\entist Church in Newport H€'ight wiJI bt> hosted b' the Mi ionar) \'oluntN?r Socu~t\ or t ht." Church. · Charlc-Martin of Rl'dlands will peak. A F€'derated Dorcas Society m("('llng will bt> held at the Fullerton church at J 10:30 a.m. Tue da}. • • • Sl-"PPER PAJCTY HELD HArbor 87 427 Nerchwl, COW A buffet supper party was held at 5 :30 p. m. ·unday at th(' homc> of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Corson Lido Isle, for the High Schooi Youth F<'JloWRhip of St. Andr<"ws Presbyterian Church. The> new pastor. R<'\', .Jam<'s S tl."wart and Mrs. ~t<'war·t will 1M' prf'~<"nl .' ~ ~ • • • -IIR.Ia: II T I PREACm NG MIS!i!IO ' I lOI 1 Newport ltw4. HM.r zae 'MOn Ilrlls M<'lhn<1bt Church or . Rev I-:ug<'n<' Wnod of th«> Mis-i==~~~=;·;·:~===~ Sun llit•J;o has b<'•'n "''<''ll t•d r<: I h_C? J.f'ad€.'r of a six-na.:ht pr.•·whuw maS8ton at Christ Church b' lh<' j Sea th<> W('('k or ~o,· 11 -t~.' Th<' 1 local program "''" 1x> t><nt of an ar<'a·wlde t>vang<'li tic ad\ HnN" b' the M<"' hoclist C'hurcn · ' • OPiFOMETRIST 33 Yean in Downtown Los ~~ .. Now Loeated in .. IE·W lilliE IIIPI NEXT TO IEAR8 IAMTA ANA ~~ ....... M0DaN EYE EXANINADONR..----.... lAME FAMOUI LOW Pmed\0-. • .. DA MAGED PAG E "Your Host to the ~t Since 1926" FI NE FOO D S COCKTA I LS COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES Newport Ieee~ JOHN VU.£IJ.E l&eo~~ 1161 Footlights go on next Wednes- day at 8 :30 p. m . in the Chapel at Orange Coast ColJege for ''Goodby~ My Fancy," three-act come-dy drama and the first major production of the Newport "Harbor Community Players for the l<el-52 eason. A ll tick~ts for the fir t perform- anCP, neX1 Wedne day e' enlng. ·ha\e been ta ken O\'er by the Wo- man· Ch'ic Leagu •, '"ith Iris Hill- ble of Balboa I land In charge of ~le For the Thursday and Friday performances Pati Wtt tr of Corona del Mar is in char~eo of ale , and booths art' open part- time at tht-All Amt>rican )1.arkE'I in Corona del Mar and Richard'- Lido !\tat ket in :'\('wport Thl' dirt>Ctor is :\!rs :\hrjortt> I Williamson , who diN'ctt'd · ~t\!h t Must Fall" ht>n.> last year Tht? s tarring role of A);atha Re<'d '"ill ----~----- Auditions fot tl'w wlu rut an be pla)'ed by MartMlla Ra.ndaJJ of tht> •hm:l annua' )1 tah produc- Corooa del Mar, pJ'ftident of the uon ol tM Harbor Ar a "'iU ~ Pla)en . Les S tdft>ll5tn or Co-bdd at 1 JfJ p m und.). ~o\. rona c:k-1 ~tar ts the collt>~t> presJ-11 in ht> r•~n. roe t Coll ,:P dent. Ja!TK' Merrill. who hope" AudJtunum. Tt:~>J'r n-outs are to rPklndle the ecret romance opo n to am q•Jahf .Pd · stnz.-r or which caused A~tha's dJ.mb .. sal (Jtllnt;~> Crrun \ from college. . Th1 ~·oar· .... HartJ<Jr Ar a )If'S tah .In thP mit> or_ )fl.'rrill • daught~>r p~r·,• 'ltauon \\Ill bl' .:t\en a 3 p Gtnm as Rae \an f.tlt"ch of CcJ--m Sund•~. [~eo<.• 9 1ll l.he Coli~ rona del Mar. "ho 1 a p~anng d P-A •.JdJ' mum tl\ I"Qmbtn--11 clturdl s pate thP rK'f'm dt>~th of hf'r fa· ch(oll• rot thi.-. at••a and the Or- lhl.'r. Rb)mond V.an Et tt<.rh. for-am:•• Cc.l3 ., Cnll· .:(' ctw : Thf't"e m r H PaJ t nc-" papPr X('CUttn• \\111 bo· 14\0 mac:"Pd r•hPa 1 ·a ~u othl'r Co~na dE'I )h_r rp;, • 2 1 m :-.uncia,., De<" 2 and (:30 dents an tht> CllSt aro• \ tn;:tma p rr \\'•·dnt'<in' fx."<" ~ ~Q)OlSl )foore a.s the brN-7), wiS('-(TBCk· !>PI•"<"''-d ~ot la~l \"fif" prrfurm- lnl! \Vood~. and Pati \\'lltP, \\ho 1" an< "'' n'•', 1 ab!· for hl· \.;o.ar r<'mt:mtxrt'd for h r tarnnl"' ro!• audJ1tnn-· Ia 1 )~ar ln "Dream Gu I" Otht>r in the cast are )lt>l Bf'rf) and Bonnit> Bf>rn of l.JdcJ l t.• Bob \\·t'ntz of th<' Harbor H t£:h taft ~tar) PrtC(' of Balboa. Joan ~tal· tic" and &b Ke~>l!an and l.R~ Cra"ford of Balboa I land Pat• Haye.; and FrancP llr 1:-.('0(> ol Co ta )lesa, Peg Abhutt of_·,\\· port and Bob Mc.-tz of !'anta Ana ~athalie :\tichaud i, pia) produc- tion manaJ!c.-r and ~,., .• Oakd1·n '" ..,ta~£> managf'r. Pot~Luck at St. A ndrews ''t.Wfti •• Nl:'IFifliRRft ............ ti!W:i;t'll~~!.a; In~: '";, Ill" '' h11t-P!l-03"" Iii .o vr"' ,. at. Jt, r·.ut_ht ·,"' \\lui A Famil" ~ich• p•t -luck up- pt·r ha bet>n schf'dul"d for 6 p. m Tuf"-da' at the !'1 ..\ndrl?\.\ • Pre-· O\l•·nan Church .lC' lrt•m t ~" ~vh .. chool A h1mih· of "'" ,.: hkt'd to brin:: 4 tf h to l!:eJ'\·e fOUl. a {anul) Of !our, a di h IO r\ l' eie'ht f'IC This \\'ill be thf' ~t pot-luck Sonct' thP 0("\o\' mm- lPr for ~t AndNw~ ha arri\(-d For Fine i ~ COCKTAILS • ~e~ French and Italian Dinners • ~ : ·~ Imported Beers & Wines t .. E~E'S D i nne r s ~ !!~!!!~~~~!~~) Steaks • Chopt • Short Orden U t Ooatlt lllcttwaJ -Newport "Mariner's Mile" Red Snapper Cafe Visit Our--Beautiful Cocktail Lounge SII'S SEAFIII AT THE SIGN OF THE SWO.DftSH Sll\ rooos 16278 Coaat Hwy., Surfaide Long Beach 8-2405 Real Mexican Foods ''" ,, n .. hi.ns: trill tllll .. : till lt.ll· ~1•1 I 1'.1\ ilrn!l fiiiT n~fl,.r-n. 0 j., "tto r knuwn u ... 4 .ran t. pr••v:-lo•· or nf (o ro~nt'., f'urnUurt' •'" I ~''"''' rH,.. at IM;• '"'\\ 1•urt .I\ II .. ( ""''·' \lo•<. I. <.;mo .... In l'h''' • • 4 -. 4- 4 4 4 ~ B£c·· s~ s .. e ·.' . U:GA.I. NOTIC' XOTI E OF JSTE~TIOS TO t:~tiAGE I~ Tlf£ .,ALE OF AL<'OHOUC BE\"ERA(i£.100 Ot-totM-r II, 1131 To \\'hom It Ma)' CoiK't'nt: ~otiC't' ts he!"'t'by ~nwn that fif- t('('n days after tht> date posted the undt?rsi~nl'<l proposes to sl.'ll alroholic lx>\'t>ra ~t?~ a 1 t he:w prtom- isPs. dPSnib<'d a~ follow<; 317 E. 34Hh . trt¥1 X .. ,,,pMt Bf>a('h. OraftKf' Count)' Pur'luant lo such tntl'ntton t hP und£'r .. 1~nt'd as Rppl~ ms:: to thl' Slat•· Ro1rd of Ertrrahl'ation fllr ;,. uan. • un otll~inal application of an alroholic 1 ... , r1:::t> li('('nsl' tor thl'"t> premise .. l\oo. follow : o~· S . .\LE GEXtJJUI. ~E.\~O~AL LIC'ES~E An) ont> dt>String to protest th<' 1 is uan('(' of such !ic;•nst> rna~ r tit? a 't'riftf>d protest "lth thl' Stat<' Board or Equalization at Sacra-~ ml.'nto. California. tating ~rround., for dt'ntal as pro\ idt'd b) Ia\\ Th(' tak«> over t bl.' pulpit 'The I Welcome \\" qon H ostess WID KDOOk oe Your Door wt• 01tt. a c~a.. ._......._..ya-irnt NeWlan ad y_. a. act Social w.u.r.Lnden 0. ........ .,, BEACH Phone: Hat'bcw 7 58 .. .., .•. "Ralf Ailgel" -\\1th- lllT~~:-rf\ Yc •t"''r, 'c PH l I I'TTI-.:-. e Enchiladas e Ta cos premise art? not now Ji('('r\St'd ror i,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiil ... the.-sail.' or akohohc bt•\('lllRf'S. ~:.~--""""!'---~~~~ • Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Steaks Open S to •:30 p. "'· -CIOI4HI ~onl'leyt La l>osla CLARE P BEEBE PublHh ~o,·. 1. 19:ll. in t hi' ~ewport Harbor F.n •""· U GAI. HOTIC[ So. A -!0831 I SOTICE OF HEARL"G OF PE- TITIOS FOR VKOB.ATE OF 1 Wll,L ASD •'OR LETTER~ OF ADMJ~"18TitATIOS WITH TltE 2111 Newport .Yd .. c..ta M~ • Jwt $ewttl of S.11t1 A~~a Co.fttry CWt \\'ILL S~""EXED. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ l ln tilt" ~or Court of lhf' tat# ~ .r C'allf•ntta m a n4 for thfo I CJeanty of Oraftl('f' I1"S SHOCKING! how a dig nified conCJrenwomen can rock a coMeeJe campus in one short week .. nd! "GOODBYE, MY FANCY!" S-AC't C ...... y -Dralfta WED., TRUll!'., FilL. No''· 1 -8 ·I ~:M p.M.- ORANGE COAST COllEGE CHAPEL Tkkt"t.: l .to plus tax , on sale at All Am- erlcan Mkt .. Corona del Mar. and Rich· ard's Udo Mkt .. Newport • • -or call: HArbor !81!-R .....,..,.,. lily Xf"'l"Wt Hartler Con~~~t.at)' Pla)·fft 11'1 the Matter of th<' EstatE' or I STANLEY LYOl'S Oe<Yasro. NotlC't' is hert>by J:inm that the pt>tttlon or CLARA 1 LYo:-.:s ror the probate of th<' W iU of the above named ck>ced nt s.nd for th~ is uance of Lellt'rs or Administra- tlon \\'ith the ~111 ann('xt'd to the petitioner \\111 be· heoard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday, ~O\'embt'r 16, 1951. at th<' court room of De- partme nt 1 of the Superior Court or the Stet~ of California in and for the County or Oran~. Da 1 e-d Octobt'r 30, 1931. 8 . J . SMrnl. Count~ Clt-rk OO~ALO 0. HARWOOD Attorne) for PelltioN'r P\lbllsh · ~O''· 1 -15 . In tht> N~-port Harb<'rr Dlf-lt!m. FRIDAY 8:00p.m. SA.NT A ANA J. C. n.. SAN BERDOO • SATURDAY 1:30 p.m. STANFORD ft. WASIL STATE ••• KVOE-1480 Dmr:n ("b"'"" ...... ......, " pro' t'n nw ns or N'Ac "'"-...,..,.. for al1 110rts of mf'1"Chhlndl U. -~ .... llaJ1Ma Uk .) .- ( ,, -·--• .....::£ Dl'mA~ • ........ "GAL NOTIC:S NOTICE 1'0 BIDDICaA The Board of Truatees of tbe N""PPO't Harbor Union H II h School requsta bick for an lnip- tion lys\ftll for approximate as acres CIOMiatlng or 1DY 5" 11te- lock aluminum pipe, 1.500' 3'" 11te- Jodt aluminum pipe, ~the' with ~ buiktlnC pennlt grand total ctwellinp valueod at $30.700; threr 52 IPI'Inklen and aU flttlnp, no&· ror the ~'t'ar thus fat' 1.5 juat under OtWtlftiiC'J'cial builcllnp val. Uf'd at del. ........... valves, . pl\11'1. etc., the eight-million-dollar mark u $13,175. -and a 15 H. P . eetl'tfUpl Jump the books •-ere cla.ed for the' Following permita Wft'e iuued and motor capable of aupplying 312 month "'lth $502.090 rt.>corded for during the lut week of October: gaJJona per minute, in accordance Oc1ober ...._ Oo\• with plana and apedficatlona. This brin~ the grand total for W. .~ Bertuleit, 144 S. Bay Bida will be received up to 12 tfle year t(V$7 981M3 The all-time Front. Balboa =· 6-room$17 ~-noon, November ·19, 1D the office record should be ~aclw.d early this story, 1-unlt ng, • · of the hich acbdol and will be month to top the 1948 mark of· Dean Kephart, builder, ~at 1:00 P. M. 011 that date • Nf'WPGI1 in the board room of the high $8.041.508. · ts included 25 Franlc Wishon, remodelling at aehool I &i~cra!rul~lling unJts \'alued 1209 Coa11t Highway tor auto aalM· The. board reserves the right to Mimeographing Addressing folding . Mailing • e w.'l w, y.. ~ yew .. ,... .... , . . . at $401 8()()· three double -unit and shop, $980. Gordon Findlay, reject any and all bidl. '!~~~~~~~~~~~~ · ' builder. ULLIAN BUTI.ER, Clerk .~ R. Forker, add Uving room, bed-PubUsh: Oct. 25, Nov. 1, 1951 Allen Stelle'a Father · ·· room. kitchen and bath t? convert ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. MARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Di-at A-of IS garage into one-family urut at 1029 ...... ~-W. Bay Ave., $2,000. Irvin George UGAL MoTta NOTICE ro BIDDI!&S Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals IIA 1111 M Oana.._ Ceroaa ...... BEacon 6547 N..,....t...._,o.la._ . o.-re ... -Ill 181 Death came Sunday of IUt week to Edward Cory S tclJe, 95-year-old Los Angeles resident. rather or Al- len Stelle or Corona del Mar and Los ~les. Services we~ conducted Wednes- day of last week 1n the W ee Kirk o' the Heather. F orest Lawn Mt>- morial Park. Mr. Stelle had been a Southern California resident since 1892, had st'n·ed for 20 years with the Tille Insurance & Trust Co. until h1l retirement in 1922. , Ill OOA8'1' RIOIIWAY ..._., De4)oe 1171 at ftle ~ HOIID LOCAL ... !fA'ftO.NWIH ....... lf....-rt ...,._. ""'- Gordon, builder. eor-a .. Jlla.r Tile Board of ~te8 of the C. Lester Jones, garage at 734 Poppy Ave., 1:500. ...... Nf!WJ)Ort Harbor u n l ·o n H 11 h ------'--------:-:-. School requests bids on one new J. H. WaydeUch. additions to dwelling at 2021 Miramar. $560. Archie Fenner. Burbank, remod- elling at 712 W. Balboa Bh•d., $700. Newport H.qtlta J. B. Webb, addition at 4.32 Holmwood. $1,800. U OAL NOTICt; SOTICE OF IIEA&ING 1951 Ford Tractor equi~ with: 8N Model with proof meter 550x16 fl. wheels & tires Rear. wheel weights 2 bottom 14" gang plows Gannon scraper 4'6" Uft disc, oil ~th bearings 8' U!t type spike tooth harrow Heavy duty Dearborn loader & bucket Manure fork for loader Hydro dozer. . *Ceramic * Formica * Painting * No1ice is hereby given that the Cit~ Councll or the City of New- port Beach, in acrordance with SccUQn 9106.54 or the Mtmidpel BJds will be received up to 12 YEAR LOAN noon, No\'<'mber 19, in the office ol So,to -20- ty t.he high school and will be opened ~t 1 :00 P. M . on that date i.n the bc?noard room or the high school. FUI The board resen·es the right to Lere~t any and all bids. Ser ULLIAN BUTLER, Clerk Tut>ublish,: Oct. 25. No\". 1, 1951 I mt'fl tht' N~wpor1 Harbor Ensign . ()QMt& ....... Leu. 1-1~" (It Jft.) Til Ensl&n Cl~ed ads hav~ ~n l provet'l means of reaching buyen 10.1 o.ut ..... CDM hetor aJJ -ort.t of merchandi Use · ft. BA lt'n-.1-10 Wta thchem! Phone Harbor llJ4. Mt R~o. of Bank 890 ~ c...-lepott 01 COIIdillua ..... NEWPORT HARBOR BANK ~t.M at C... W liar, CaJtfonla u of Ute doee of .....__ • tile lttlt clay of Od~. 11~1 AS ETS ~ Savtap {)omiii.Dfod Cash, due from o ther banks, and cub l terns in PI"'Ct'Ss of collection.. . .$ 414.415.57 $125,921.10 $ 540,336.67 U. S. Government obliga- tions, direct and fully guaranteed .. ........ ·-·-1,139,670.25 144,906.12 1.284.576 37 3. State, county, municipal and school district obU- gations . ... _ ....... -....... 6. Loans and discount.t <in- cludes $603.27 overdrafts) 8. Bank premises, furniture, 163,874.39 500,628.91 fixtures and equipment.... 24,167.28 11. Other assets .. ............ _..... 18.67 NOnCE OF HEAIUNG Notice 1.5 h('J"{'by given that the City Council of the City of New· port Beectt, in accordance with 12. Section 9106.54 (a ) of the Munici- pal Code of the City of Newport 13. Beach, will hold a hearing on the following proposed amendment to 14. the Zoning Law of the City of 16. Newport Beach: The application or Gladys Sidler 17. to rc-zonl:' Lot 1, Block 13, Balboa Tract . from R..J to a C-1 district. 20. Notice ia hereby further given that said hearing will be held on the 26th day of November, 1951. 21. at the hour of 7 :30 P . M. i.n the council chambers of the City HaUl Newport Beech, Calil., at wtUcb time and place any and all penona 22. Interested therein may appear and TOTAL ASSETS .............. $2,242, T75.CYT LU.BILITIJI'.8 Corn.rnercial deposits - demand ·-··· .. --................. $1,917,509.78 Commercial deposits -t~ ................................. .. Savings deposits ................ .. 5,000.00 40.544.65 U. S. Government and postal savings tk>poslts . S tate, county and muni- cipal deposits ....................... 135,000.00 Reserve for taxes, inter- est. etc., &CCMJed and un- paid ................ 000 ....... . Other liabiUti~ . ......... ... . 5.000.00 6,101.57 TOTAL LIABILITIES .... .$2,109,156.00 CAPR'AL AOOOUNTS Capt tal Paid In: . (b) Common stock 700 410,243.56 $681,0'70. 78 57l,CYT0.78 85.000.00 t656,CYT0.78 163,874.39 910,872.47 24,167.28 18.67 $2,923.845.85 $1 ,917,509.78 5,000.00 571,CYT0.78 40,544.65 220,000.00 5,000.00 6,101.57 $2.765,226.78 be heerd thereon. C. K. PRIEST Oty Clerk Publiab: Oct. 25, Nov. 1. 1 ~. Par $100 ............. ..$ : ~:r~ ... j;c;(i~~t::·:.:: 45,000.00 s 25,000.00 $ 70,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 38,619.CYT 38,619.07 in the Newport Harbor TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ...................... $ 133,819.o7 S 25,000.00 t 158,819.07 !f .. A 1111'1 !fORCIC 1'0 ai1Dmfll8 21. TOTAL UABILITIES A ESTATE OF CAPITAL AOOOUNTS ..IUG,775.07 t811.070.'78 t2,123M5.85 SUSAN C. HUFFMAN, Deeeued -O&ANDA: A--. Pleta .... ,__.ltal ... !f.._ .. Bw'*» · Oha to the 1. ~ assets (and ~~e-credlton of and aU ,.. ... laYinl curtUs loaDed) (book clalml apbwt the IUS cJecedeat 01' value) : l&ld state to rue them wltb tile (a ) u. s. Govermnerlt • DeC~ YCIUCb!n In the Clllke of ltgatlofta ~ to w- the Clerk of tbe Superiol" Court of cure depoRta and other the County of Oranp, State of UabWUes .......................... J 206,209.86 S 915.098.56 t ,3()1,308.42 ~=~ea.~~~ STATE OF-CALIFORNIA, €0\lnty of~. the UDCierllgned at hla or her place J . T. VAN DYKE, Preslcknt and H . L. HE11UCK, Caahlu of the of bu11neea to-wit· NEWPORT HARBOR BANK, being duly sworn, eadt for hlmlelf I&Y'I c/0 mirwttz a.ftct Runvlta he hU a penonal know)eclee of the I'IW.tten contaJned Ill the ~ 2611 Newport BouleYard, report of eonditlort and echedula Pft1aJnln2 t.Mreto uct that every al- Newport Beach Ca11fomia legation, statement, matter and thing t~ln contained II true to tbe within a1x months 'after the ftnt best of h1l knowledge anc1 belief. publication of thla notict. ; J . T . VAN DYKE, PreMcleat Datecl C>ctobfto 10, 19151 H. L. RE'I1UCK. Cuhler DORO'I1fY HUFFMAN BREWER (SEAL> Sewrally subecrtbed and IWOI'Il to before me by both ~ Aclrnlnlstratrlx of the Eatate poMn\JI thla 24th clay of October, 1951. G. C. 8eMett of saht decedent. ADOLPH J . VTCCELLIO, Notary Public In and for aJd Oo\mty of 1~=~==..:=~=~==---~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-.=~·•=•t.:z.J ~: Oct. U. 25: New. 1. &, Orup, State of CallfonUa. (My Ollllllnl-'on expires A\lplt 23. liM.) c. E. llctftll Ill tile Newpwt ~~arbor Dw4p P\lbllllt: Nov.l, 1151, 1ft tt.e Newport RartJol' Enllp. ---~ ' . . ' ·. .....II· -COSTA MESA SHOPPING P~GE Save on these ~ eek-End Special Values A touchdown b~ fullback lA>o F\11k>rton's third tring by a liCOf'e Curti and a conversion by Tom of ·28 to 6 in a -game pJay<'d at Perkins wcr(' the onlv seorin~ J lal"6or Thursday afternoon. points by th Harbor Hi5;h "B'' Thi \H"ek th Santa ¥a "B" team a Fullf"t tpn dt-feated the It am will play heN> tomo tT0\1 Tal'S' 25-7 on the tndtal)S' fiold. 1 Frida) t and t he "C's" ·are pia.\· 1be Tar "C's" W<'re downed by mg at Santa Ana toda) on your freezer ---on a new 1951 AMANA FR .. E ... E_t_E ... R -Exclusively in the Harbor Area - -- 1645 Newport Blvd. ·-Costa Mesa BEacon 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 • • • Save : ,foney -Lay it yourself 4 • It's Easy -We'll Show You How 4 ~~oasthe Floor Covering~ • R t:a('nft 6950-.J 4 litl I 1 :St>wport 4 SALE! EXAMPLE: DUNLOP 600-16 FTR~T TIRE ..... $!0.10 c;01.o C'l.'P n · m o:s SE<'O:SO TIRE . . . IO.M P f,c, fl .. .,., 4"' 0 : -:J l'iii'A'~t ;j 1 z to X '1-Ht•t.t. S9C" pair sox S \E .'l'7<' I:S:SER~PilL'IG CRIB -Saw 4.00 Ml ITIJSS \\ atNproM LIYIWIYY- ~!~~7f' Boys' WASHABLE Jackets Li ned-Water Rep. S1ze 6 -14 Boys' SWEATERS Pair "' On I~ INS Both Shpove r and Card1gan types ... 495 ]50 Men's SHORTS -SHIRTS -T-SHlRTS ~ All g uarantee d by Fruit of the Loom I~~ ' * * * rwL NOW =~·s RIPONS .-.. 2.95-WARM SOCKS .... 1.00 ENGLISH LEATHER WALLETS .•.... 5.00 RITE POI~T LJ(llfTER tn M t'tal &~ THE , ~75 Full ~ J•rtN• 1831 NEWPORT BOUU:V ARD COSTA MESA B...__ U%1..., T il f.' Fl~ll u rto !!lilt t.IUna, and ""r•· '' (, \\. (•t•dcllc-k..,;•n di.,~ r•ln~ Inc: 1\1 u bl~r n hltf" .,,.n ba"'" 1<1 jlrll\1' II. llo• C',l tl:,:ht 'o•rl 1\ h i I ' un ol n .. hin~ trip.,,, ,.: tht• 1!.11- •••• I I' 1\ II inn. O ur n .. h .. rnl.ln 1 .. IWII• r knuwn ·'' 4or,an t, l''"t•:-i•·· tnr nr c.runt',.. Fnrnltur•· .1n1t \!It'll • nc ,... n lti47\ '••\\ I'"'' j ,)l U .. ( "'1'1 \f ,., 1, \.1 lfl'k~ pholcol •,, Dress s::e Cclcrs pre:e:-red· Polly Apparel 1833 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Shp Sl?~ Hcse s::e Colors o refe:-red • • • FILL THIS OUT '-NO PLACE IT WHERE YOUR MAN SEES IT. MATTRESSES but~r.prtq -<'ottoll Foam Rabber T rregul&r Shapes NEW -REBtJILDING COSTA MlSA MATTUSS CO. 2110 Ne..,_, ..... l&cet~ -1 Hoplnt" to r.;>hound hom thf' 11-fl -.tl('!l,iCkln~ from FuriE>r ton Ja,t r.-ida~ I ht.> :'\t·\\ port II a rbor Tal,. \\ill ,.,, k IV ·IJJt•ak tnto tp "'in column 10 Sun'' t Lr-aS!'ur tand- lm!s '' ht n tht 1 mf'f 1 thE' ~:unto. 1 • 7 30 p m IOO!flrlti\\ I rrJdB~ t d I thr• Sa ntH Ana \fun•r1pal &m l Fru hlo quartu-,,.,, Ft.da~ •• Da\id"on Fit>ld thr T ar mad• a ball IP nf 11. rhalktng up M-1 Pn rtf tt r 1r nino• h1 t clo11 "" thn·atr 01111: '" "f'<ll.., 11\lt'P cnd •• , no l•t I~ pllt · '111 • tho• l nd1an' on • '11 '•·rl't'-. d•-l ... pit•• thr 1~-t• ''"(JII' 111 h~tlfllm~ 1-~ull••rt<m took th• opo n1nl! kirk- off and dno\(' ;r, \lTd ... rnr •ho• fn .. l touclodr'" n Th. n a bluck•·d pun 1 l:ll\t Fttllr·PNl •II• b;JIJ on Ill~> T"lh' 1:! IUdiii!H'J•I•~' hit" K 11•-\ rl liltS.. h f•UL:ht • hr ,. ~'<>net Tf• .\!t• 1 •h•'"' '"fl quwk -.c.,, ... 1t • Tro 1' r · rk• rl up, dn1 101:: from 1 hi' II' "" n .!'.! nnrl maktnt: trour ... 1.1-~ ''I , t • 1 r!· \\ r , \\II! I H J ' h;;o r•k T••d l:o I • t 11'1 r.: 11 • d 1\ • Fullt·• •• n ntl' •"t (1'1 d ;;, f,;j'S em ,, .. 22 to''"" lhnt lhrl"al \''" tl I '"h'tnl:•· PI I"Jf')l .. If"- t r•r 1 l'll\• 11-d 1 lumhJ, on •t•· In· II• 1 :n F l.a'IJ·trk [a, nn' !\l'l'c•n. \\ t,n .. l' h<trd d !l\lnL: pia\· rhH·r rd 'ht f11n. thrOUI!~CIIt' IMP .!iii l• 1 'ld" an 1mportar.• fa • dn\\JI ,. 111 1 q_, ard .. mo h 10 1 hr• Fullc rt(ln J(l ·The' Tar dn• ., 1twn br•lo!t:t'rl down and Full r ton took O\'Cr on lht• ;) Jn thl' M~-ond hall the hea\it>r and mot t> r•>.pu 1ent't'd Fullt>rton tea m .-:ot o1n2. co1 in$: on lonsc pa~-o ... 1 ... & ... rH•I\t'r S l.'Ot bf>hmd the Ta r dl'lt.>n~P and maktng lon2 gains around 1·nd •~ th<> Tars faalro to 1urn h runneN in At 39-yard pa..... follu" • d b~ a Ill-~ ard toss Parh •n II t th11d quart('r madl' tht 'N•If :?t~oll A I• '' pit) later F ull• Iron 1111• rcept•-d a l'.i" on lh u\\t 31 ~··a to thr Tarn un an Pnd '" f't·p 1 h('n "''nr f'O "" a t!l-~:url P.'l'' The J~'•lr' '' ,, kll'k-:-d and • '" ... .'7 -0 Fu l••r'•"l -.rar• .. d hnn ''" """ 2'.! II" th, foUJU1 IJ!ofHior OJYO"d II tf.-thoo\ ,. tlo !lot \' t\ I • m Jk• II :ll-• \1'• r• <" ., r wh1 kick-oft H j' hor ""' " 1 b.u·k tu ••~ O\\ n 1 lo) 'l rhr•J••n I" 1n t ~ and on 1 h• · I • \I f)R~ Jo J It' IN lOll rt''Jll•'fi II 1 a..... c,n 1 hr· Tnr 3f; nd ran <•\ f'r ! ~t. • fe• l "''-~:'" A lotimh"l ••I It• ' t f tn'--.tart- P<I 0111 • t:l~ th• fourth 'I'•''" 1 !.• tt. T .. nP\•r qui· fr:!IJIIIIC \:•. J 11 • nal Fu IPrton '••Ut'hdn\' 1 th»\ ..,, ... •o:>d trnm thf:'lr ~.., trtct t1••1\• •'u thr tndun 1 A h'lti riG"' lro:n ('('nl<' .. top[)f"d thcH thn•~t• a• o1 Fullt>rton •ook 0\('1 un 11 ... 31 8m1 •h<> gam• .. ndf'>d rour pia, ... la!t>J L YOUR OLD SERVEL is worth $100.00 on a BRAND NEW 1951 BR 11 18 model SERVE!. Gas Rebigerator Y c lr Ie.ghborhood Servo! Dealer IIA~T'S Fw•ihKe & Appliaaces 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa You BEacon 5707-M \1"4l .\ullabl.-at 100 ltaln ''~ Bathe " OliPLETE IIOlJE FLR~l HlSG I at Co. BEacon 5656 1812 Newport Bl•d. COST A IIESA ~ 1.541 \"s lof' -10 ln. Ril:'h - Hand Decorated POTTERY 'ulht"l" fo r \ ll"«', l <'t" T Mt -.,tc-. PITCHER ~t»>X"lo\L "\I.E 0~1.\ IRINT'S f•niture I A11111i11C11 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa BEacon 5707-M TMIS WED'S SPECIALS 1" - 1" • .... hgell . For Assistance Bazaar B8klel u n u a u a l hanclcra.lted gUts macle by the League members u.em.dves, the annual Auistance ~ bu&ar wW have an tnter- nat..kmal flavor thW year on Fri- ~. Nov. 9, at tM Bay Club. woven place mats 5('1\\ by Mrs. Chad Twichell.· MIS. o.r~es Sw- lh ·an, in cha~ or tbe plant booth, Unsung Commercials .._ AND .. s. a u••• a,. u orr of Santa Ana are the new ownHS ot Cout SUI)l"f' Market at ();)ast Blvd. and Martaokl Ave. ln News cf ~ intmded maniqe daughter ot W. A. Daltc. of of ~'0 Harbor lfllb graduat~ wu South Gate and Kra. DmtOf\o who made known lut ~~k When Kra. teaebet at the Newport ~ CaroJ Dmton ot 435 Golclenrod 1be bri~Ject attend!d the UDI- Ave., Corona del .Mu, annouDOI!CI versity ot Ne\'ack. wbere abe be-- the ~t ol her daughter, lonced to Pbl Beta Phl..,.;ty. Alvah Ann. to Stanley C. Van VeJKOtlan glau piecec are being sent by Mn. Edward Boudinot of EMex, Eftdand, who i a former ~•local reslck>nt and honor(lr)' Ufe m<'mber or the Harbor Lea,gue. Mrs. Clw:lC'S Wagner of Udo is retumlng from Europe bringing objects of art from Portugal. From Adak, Aluka, have rome hand- repol'ts a dispU.)t ol rare plants Corona del Mar taldnl ow.r open- in cocoanut aheU planters and lela lion or the ma~nt tram Mr. and o! Vanda orchids, plumarla and Mrs. Floyd CUtbirth Monday. gtn~r with an exotic orchid plant Mr. EJllott hu 15 years' experi. speoalJy flown from Hawall by ence in food and produce ma~t· Mr. S Ullivan. ln most of it In Orange Cowl~ Dyb of San Abrino. Stan. who is the son of Mrs. Pblllp B~ Hunt Jr., of S.n Marino, 1a home on IN ve rrom Robins Air FOI"CCe Bate in Georgia. He at-tended Orange Coast Col)egta be- fore his enlistment. Ah'1th Is the A buffet dinner party will rot-a~ comes here from Bradle)''~ low the day's acUvltlC's. Mrs. Muket In Santa Ana. Coast St,tper Austin Sturtt'vant and M rs. Wal-Market was rreently enlarged to ter Franz will take re ":vations take in space rormed)' occupied for the dinner and dancmg. A by Brookings Variety Store now cocktail party will bridge the time at 617 Coast Blvd. and Mr. Elliott ~ between the afternoon lunchc.'on plans major addltions in new fa- and card party and the evening ctliUes and equlpmenL A New Idea In R£porting buffet .. Husbands al'_ld other guests Georstia Phillips of Corona del MOIR r"111 arno''e roritJhl ebersvel !lll --1 ' ar-Mar has returned to the market as h <Continued( U~ pa.-1 . 1 ) atr. re " n orma . cJt>rk , and Kenny Arbom of Santa t e prospect o ·nng m our won· Q~ derful community. They too felt ~~ ••• ~ Ana ha also join<"d the staff. The the need lo Jt'&\·e the big city and • ..,... -g continue under the direction of ..... 1 • • • t ,_ ..__ ._ ANN · Fl"<'d and Gall Butler, wit.b Qn,ille V<l <' 15 8 mUSICian Pm)'S trre saxo- wxr• Be· ' KIIIL. Nllled market's mt>at de~ent will li\'t' \\'ht're Ufe i more &erent'., -~ p phont>l and just rerontly played ..-;a Bu by as manager. Butler Brotb-..__ 1 F JlJ i L. w J It~ dawned on us that today UiOI' crs also have the meat department t.re ce 0 es n A. e oome IJ the tlrst or November and that at the Mayfield Market In Costa to our Fair c;ty .• St~rds. L.S. No"ember Is the month before De-Rev. l \'an C. Ellis has answt'rcd Mesa. Whel't' they ba\•e just In-mot'GIIT o•· TilE WEEK! cember and De<x>mber means stallf'd new how cases and self-Christmas • _ . a nd . .ltf'<' whiz. the call or the rongregaHon of th service equipment. A third brotlM.'r, "Gh·e to me my daily opinion that's soon! Maybe THAT's the First Baptist Church of Newport. Ray. tormt>rly at the local market, and forgivt' mt' my opinion or yes- reuon that so man) pretty things to be tht>lr pastor. He was pastor ls now with the Air Force at terday!" K.D. h · 1 at the West Side Bapti t Church • • • 8 e em t 0 b <' r u s ~on g n 1 0 in Seatt)t' and the At water Park Tinker Field, Okla. NICE lli TTY! e;B~~~~ a~~~ ~U l~a~r h:e':. Baptist Church in L. A. and wu a • • • Ha\·e you ever thought of what things to keep up with everything 1':avy chaplain in World Wur n . CoiUIOikla~OD or the investment 1 you would like to be reincarnated -• -or maybe you'd better drop I brokerage fa~ of Lester and Co. as? Well. take my ad\ice and In trom tlme to tlme .. just to keep 1 and the Paclfac C~: has brought don't decide to be a cou~ar. I will yoUJ'8e'lf loforml'd. -=---• ~01~_. the ntow .. name of ~ter Ryon.s tell you what you oan expect. The 1 ahn t Laft::W• ......._ .,.,. and Co. to the ~dow of the folks living In Shore Cliffs oom-..! ::;,t ::,;!~~ ~ ..... :. w • Balboa Lest('r o!fa~. which has plninl'd blttC?rly about a ll the rab- --•i da taw. Dofaa labf.l. "'f' • 'sen·ed the Harbor area for several ! bit eatin~ their flowers so I mov<'d _.. I Today's Ebell Club meeting at I yea~. in to do them a good turn. Now laawe -:!.;. '"":tor ,'::.i"& thf' American L<-s:ion Hall In New-The movt> makes the new com-they are hootint: at mE' and call-::-:: .... &fol-;-u:!. wtth !:.-port will !,C'atur<> a talk on "Ko-pany one of the largest of its type 1 ihg m(' nam<'s. My playmates, the y •t rea Today by Mae Willi Bl'own, 1 on the Pacific Coast, with 14 of· skunks. po ums and bob cats, are ~n!:'~:"~ 0:.,~.11 ;:: author and l~turt>r: who ha ll~·t'd fiC\.'S in as many cities. The (inn l not faring much better, but with ..._.. relaf~t, ._1 yoo'll for. 25 years m Chma as mC'd1cal has bought " seat on. the New th skunk running interfl'ren<X' for ~mow lastaatl y Uuat t iM'y arf' rehef work<'r and wa!-lht>rl' dunn.g York Stock Exchange and Curb us \\.'t' luwe <'luded them. But we lle«er Mcs by ~ cart"fuDy dt"· the Japan('S(' 1n\a.1on. The talk 141 Exch.angc, with Bache a nd Co. haH' a lot of fun peeping in win· ...,_,. ._.., tme.t d belnq prce<>dt>d b~ a. lunchron at ~n;n~: ao; New York correspond-dow~ and carin't proplc. I just u.ear ,..ay r.::-,rBH-.;,.•~ 12:30 and board m('(>tmt: at 11 am cnt Wire serYice i maintained sit on tht' lumber pile and yawn ..,..a..porw .. 111 u e ~ ap • • • b~ lht• Balboa office to Los An· in th<'ir faCP, and Jaugh Ukc a • fl5. Of ooart!lr lhf'N' art' oth-The office of fin~tncial S('("rt tary Rf'l<"' and thcnce dire<-t to New jackal a I scsmper back down th<' ~ r.... IL has been created In the NE'\.\"J)Ort York and all leading stock and hill. 1 f.!'. Qne polnt or intere t : ReaJ a~ Il l Harbor Ebell Club to t'ase thf' bur-commodity exchan~es. • • • bags an made from the ~ft . sup-dens on tht' tl't'asuret Th<' new Dean Campbell of Balboa. for-l\'110 ... WHAT ••. ""JIEN pie leather of \'t'ry youn,; anJmals. I officer is Mrs. Nelson Holmwood merly ,;«' president or Lester and 1 WHO fo rgot to order the wed- Leather from tht> older animals. 1 of Lido Isle. She ,,;u b<' th<' Jt'· Co .. continues as manager of the ding cake until the last minute for already startl"d to cat gtasses. Is <ipient of dues. local office. and this week is super-a vt-ry populttr young couple who called ldp. Another announ('('ment of tht' vi ing som<> furniture moving and were married last Saturday! (One AIM _., at o•B&JEs• ~~ board of dil't'ctors is the date of oth<>r re-arrangements to accom-would think Papa Tom isn't ust'd blta ·--!My look llke RAl'\D-the annual EbeU Spring FC'Sti val.j modate the change. A1~ em-to ordering food for his Ba,y Shores llN1T ~ TW reuoa tlk'Y Next )'t'ar it wiJJ be April 24. ployed In the local offi~ are C. W. Cafe.) '-" tlllda a lralt..-lty-lllaH ap-Chrysanthemums or e\'l't)' size 'J'nwers, Robert H . Reed. William WHAT famous poLitician from ,.......ce Is betl&ule t.IMlee aew and color a.re n('('ded to help de-R . Hickey and Mrs. Esther Spang. our town round a ~rtain "Minnie -_. two-piece .....,.. are th b ( • • • Pearl" lounging in hls rooms on a h"d 1~ u d u.. fllllahed corate e Ebell Clu ~ar or the PIPER. JOHNSON Sportswear recent visit to San Francisco! Cia ~ ...._ AJid yoa wtiJ lo\'e tllfllr Arbor Day parade on Nov. 3· Gar-at 710 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. It true that Assemblyma.n Earl's ....,. ftl uc1 expeuh·~ look -• • den section members ~II decorate has been purchased by Stan Hen-wife and other 'Frisco vi !tors a.e ... ,. t:My wtll ro ~ the car loaned and driven by .Mrs. lint>, who also owns Henline's stuffed a negli~ with pillows and . _. ~ yOD feel wtlll ~ ~ Heffner. M~. E . G. Dt~ne Mt>n's Shop on Palm St. near the t.rled to make the assemblyman Of ...,.., u.ey &rfl l ot" \trcfa is chairman. • • • Ferry. The Pi~l'-John.son store. think he had a visitor!) ...a wttll ..Utftt detail& .. (which will be managed by Mrs. WHEN during the month of No- AM we have the new suede Mrs. Marshall Keeler of Bal~ Henline while Sta.n is at the other vember will there be a terrif ic jackets, made b)' thf' nationally ad-Island wiJI review ''The Cable Cars shop) has a complete line of party given at the &Jboa Bay vertt..ed "Suede Master ..... in o r San Francisco" at the nf'xt sportswt'8r for men and womt'n. Club, which no one In their right both fitted and beltro styles. They meeting of Book Section I, which Stan fs planning to increase th<' mind would miss! Better 'hop to will 11\.UlPlement :rour Rosewin will be a 1 p. m. dessert r.ext jn,•entorles 'and to handJe the line it and get your reservations now s-T-R-0-0-C-K fabric coat for 1 Thursdlly at the home of Mrs. or Balboa Ori~P.nals. - -• <Could be the Zonta Camival your wintn wardrobe. Cold weath-Colin Brown ln Bay Shores. Mrs. • • • melee!) er'a coming! Come see us. Raymond Kc.>nt Harvey. cba.lnnan. A NEW BUSINESS. called the WHERE in Shore Cliffs can you '-~ ... .. / I requests that members phone If B a y H e a t i n g Co . has bet-n go most any time or day or night they o.re unable to attend. launched by Perry L. Dunnavant and find laughter. fun and oh! such • • • and B. C. Ockert, "ith beadquar-good jok~? A certain Dr's. \\1re A travelog on Euro~ wilJ enter-ters at 910 31st St., next door to has IT.-P.R. tain the 1':0\'. 6 meeting of the t he Udo Peninsula Shipyard of· • • • EbeU Travel section. whlch ls fice. They specialize in servidnS{ PARTY FOR JOLDRED l&U OOA.ft IIOULKYA&D OOilONA DI:L IUa meeting at the clubho~ In the existing homes. Mr. Dunnavant, A delightful party celebrating evening, according to Mrs. c. W. who was in the heating business In her ninth I plus some?) birthday Jayred. chairman. Husbands are Pasadena for five years. is now a was given for Mildred Stanley by invited to the travel talks. Corona deJ Mar resident. The Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander's small • • • Dunnavant family (which includes daughter Helen Stockton last Sun- IIAJtler -"Squirrels .. was Bunster Crt-ely's topic at the Oct. 9 meeting of the Third Book Review section of Ebell Club, which met at the home of Mrs. John Prendergast, 217 To- paz Ave., Balboa Island. Section Leader, Mrs. M . M. Murphy, pre- sided. • • • Mrs. C. E. Baxter gave the pro- gram Oct. 10 when the EbeU Se- cond Book Review section met for a 12:30 sack lunch and meeting at the clubhouse. Mrs. M. L. Rab-bitt ls leader. JIU, 6; J effrey, 5, and Christie Lee. day evenln,g. The evening was 4) Jlvt>s at 424 Acacia Ave. Mr. s~nt in playing cames (not post- Ockert comes from Los Angeles, office). Ught refreshments were wnere he was In the sht'<'t metal served to those able to partake. business for 10 years. Those young friends gathered to • • • celebrate the happy occasion were A NtJB8ERY 8CIIOOL has been I Right Mabel, Dazel Hell, Reggy opened in Corona del Mar-.t 440 Pinehart, Minnie Pearl, Higgy HeLiotro~ Ave., near the Port I Papa, Etna Amy, Stu1eel Lo4a.rd Theatre -by Mn. John Hayden. and a bunch or little boys we She calls it Hayden Haven for couldn't catch to ask tht'm their UtUe Folk, the same name ahe I narnes.-M.S. used for her nursery she operated • • • in Cincinnati, Ohio, for 10 yean 'I'IIE FINAL BLOW Ill You're invited to see a display of Finland's FinE}St Ceramics • "Stove to table" oveawere to "'•tell, Sl!io ~4•\ !c• Ch•:,•rre\. We g f• wro p •"d ,.,. I. KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts I 301 Coeai llvd. Con,no del Mar Harbor 131] Houn 9:30 to 5:30. 0,... Su~ If ,_ are l11terMte4 S.. Ha- waiian Of' s,.r~t.h tlaiiCillf, c. .... 11et\ Of' Howoiia11 '""'' ••• Call TRIA N C I A · HA2US.W HA07~ HULA- fOf' fun, hMith aftd CorNC- tift ... f'C •• SPANISH-* ~m, c_,i...ti011 aM po; ... a.-eftd private '-oM. .,_ u. to tidy. Claa ._.,SU I Private lesJOfl, SJ.SO SHOP AT NIGHT FOR 1t Because many of our used car b uyers like to shop at night, we are now- for your CONVENIENCE • Come in and see our " I I :. ... YO • 0 MOVIE 8TAR Four-year-old Guy Haas, eon of Mrs. Isabella W. Haas of 1610 First Ave .. Corona clel Mar, Is one or the Harbor's .vounaest mov1e acton and has -"-t ~ved the Certificate or Highst Award from the Hollywood Bowl Contest. Qut has already been in tome Rolly· ...-ood movies. including a 80-ae- before coming to the west coast. And finally there was one po- Houn are 8:45 to 11:45 a . m . for tenUaJ reporter who knew the ele- half days; all day by arrangenent menta or a good news item: with pan!'llts. 1be Haven will be WHAT: Man Bites Dog! C Ba Y 8 LE a WHO JWR PLYMO Ut'B o~n Monday througt) Friday and : · · · --N -0 --.--,...... ................. .. W.,..t Ac.4-r ef ..._. CaD Harbor 1171-J , cond nm ln "Bedtime for Bonm." ••• OeMl ....... vaN! c ........ ..,. -Home-mecle pies end eetr..- Heving • P.wty7 PHONE HARIOR I 110 for A TASTY SNACK TO TAKE OUT. wUl provide Instruction ln IOI'Ig, WHERE: at footbalJ game. an~ An ... AL 'I'C\10IL8 rh)'1hma, ~ play and llmple WHEN: Nov. 11.1951 ... But Mil o...t ..... , hand work for Pft«:hool tots, 2% the story ended with: "I'm no :N&WPCMY 11&&011 through 5 yean of age. ~~g;~:~boss=~!~l'~m~f;lr:ing~rn)'W~~lf:.'~' J;:=====-==-~·===~ Birthday Feast Held Few Tom Ebberts. Age 10 A Hallowe'en hamburger feut was held In celebration of the tenth birthday anniversary of Tom ~ta Friday evmtng. After the feed the bop turned Into nag- Jred roott!l"' for Harbor at the F'ullerton-Hal"bor root._ll ga.me. Birthday ee~rants ~ Roy Yamell, Kent Harvey, Jim Winter- botharn, Chfp ~. George Me- Farland, Bruce Oouglua and ne.n Peete. Tom IJ the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ebbma. 200 Fft'lllaf Aw., Corona •• Mar. . -J.R,