HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-15 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. OPEN HOUSES in Corona del Mar This Week! ~Par~ '7 Officia l Nnuspcaper of dle Cir, o/ Newf*'C Be4cn Citv Attnmt>\ Harr} nlc>d~:en " jj,q ru<'t<'<i b~ Ctt~ Co \1 n d i Tw"'da' r•,c•ntn~ to tak,• lh n -' <'~'~<"tlr~ l(•cnl actaon to nf<H'CI.' Hw ('C)ntrac 1 '' ht>I'Cb) th Bank nf Am· e1 1c.1 had agTeed 1 o purchase the for'm<'r C'lllo Y.'atcr dcpartm nt 1-11(' mar 28th St. for $32.000. I J urln~ the d lay tom•d b:- d<'arin~ of tit! . the Crirfith Co h 1tl <'~cha.n~ed prop< rt)o in Lldo rrnlt>r', ''tw~ th Rank ol AmPr- IC'a bwldmq i no\\ und 1· c·ont.ti'UC'· unn. fnt t ht> ~2.000 proPf'l't~. ThreP \\4\t ks a •·fl th<' Grifltth Co hnd inform•-d the ot~ th~t thE' d• · I \\ lt' c tlf tx-<.·a US(' nf e<,cn \.\ dt>- lav 'nt" Cclutwrl ul-.o • A'k4·~ th•· count) and "'Hil r.r \\1lhd'"3\\ till' Cluna \oH• JYUl>IIC' bt•nch 111 nj< t't from tht• m ,..,t,·t plan 1111 ~t.tll' be-ach 1\<.'Q\11!-.ttion., :-mC'1· ""' <·it y ''us pn~t'f'<'dm•• "ith 11 <; o'' n pmj!Tam ·"' rH·quir<' J t lol The; ,, tmld hft lith• clowt from propert~ not includro 1n th•' cat~ pro~am. • Agrovd to h lp any \\3) at can in rc pon!-.t> to Ch d<' Rex 1 m ;,bet' uf the \\'€'St ·.::-\ewporl 'l'l F'OftD IR\ I~E lloi§t" 11\t-Oa~t a t d!'diC"atlno t'"rt•munlt•" \t't .. rda\ ~ach Pro~ion rontrol t..'Ommntee l nwrN• bulldU\~t. who a ke-d, "ArP you disposed to _Ccnmdi ___ Oi ____ ___...c f c Off. do an~''""~ to top tht> erosion ?" ..._a .. es . 0 • l Ce t ApproH•d ArchitE'Ct Raymond n' M Kf'nt Haney's plans for ('nlarging htve Oil neld I D d. J lht ~ewpll)t't Ubrary and call<'d I I s e teate ror bids for Dee. 10. ,. • C~Ued ror bids for No\. 26 t.o \n,-Cowu'il Tu dtl~ rvateratf'd install l.iOO feN or watt>r line to it.<: stand agaln.~t Mtabli hm nt or the Hoa~ H ospital stte. n>placln(t n prn,en oa l field n£'ar city hmits the la,t of the old wood S't&'-'e tn fh<' W<'J->1 :-.=ewport vicinity. and line . in~tru<'h~ C'ity ~hrm~t>r John Satlors 10 app..·al lx'fort' 1 hc \oun 1 ~ SuJWn;sot' "hen ) hi') takt-up thP matter. :O.Jr Satlnrs also \\A<: instrurl<'d to -:t'nd tn 1 he> <.UJJC>n l"('r-. a C'OP) nf thE' 1<-ttc•r h<' had \Hit tt~n to the> C1'unt ~ PlanninJ: \om m 1., " 1 on A rC'QUN;t by th{' West N('wport 111skin~ lhnl the art'a t'nda·dC'd b) Jmpro\('mt'nt Association t h a t r h4' t'£'<'<'nl "<.hl'll.' st ranL:" annl'XA- there hould be no commercial t1un m•ar \\'c><ot '1.;(•\\pnrt -.hould :wmn~ from 36th St. to thl' anta nnt bt• anrludPd rn a pr11\' 11 nal Ana Rl\ l'r ·was rcceh Pd by Cit) ftc>ld Council1\at'sday ni~ht and was rl'· ferred to t h.-Planninl: C'ommis- ;,ron Thl" \\\•st l'\('\\-port group had made the r('Que.t becaus" of the t'<'pol·led proposals to re-locat<' the Pad fie Elt'Ct ric ~a rd.-: and stat ion in the 'tcrnHy or 58th St. Local Sea Scoats w-m in legaHa TV Star at Dance Zonta Radio nnd tel€'\ ts1nn ''"~··r 'har- 11·\ t'l \tills w11l lw on•· 111 the> ~:t'it h'l'lnl.! -.tnf'!; fl'ftlllrPd l•>mor- rt\\\ • Fnda' • nt dll tlt 1114' '-<'l'l\Od Annual C·unhal c1m111, d·m1•• rw•'· '-t.'nlf'd ll\ tht' Znntn Club 11 thf' RHiuoa Bu~ Cluh Kl"\\J)Ort &-a E~'PIOI'Cr Ship :.?1(), ;\JI.;o; ~1111 ... star' 111 tht' r-nom-to- skip{X'rrd by Sam Kauffman. \.\1l ht• 'r<'lt.'ast'<i 1\\·C'nllt'lh c. IIIUI') C'h&mtx-1· of (\.Il"M .. r!'~ tan Ha~ Lalli! nht>am Qulr P. ~ that thC' fan<' \\ atht>r )('Wtrrda~ was b) Pf'<'t.lll court PI'~ of 1 ht> !\4'\\J)I)rl HaJt)C.)r C of C. and \Pr) pmPf'tl) . o bN-aus•' ~ <'" t rda:-"as <:WdtC'".liiOn da~ tnt tho• 'f~""lnkanl! O('\\ hand.,onw t•llw•· un ~ ,.._.,, llu:h\\ d). A "ILOOblt" ('1'0\\d 1!81ho·n·oi tho•H· r Continued on Pact' 111 Mn. Folsoa 65 Dies Sadclenly ~lt~ Ll<l' d Ft1bnm nl 31 !I \l,m· cold A \l' • · l'o~t n11 d,•l \t '' dh d ~t'~tl'l.da) \I{ d ht-:'IP a ii<H'k tl ht I hnmt• ~ht' was ... , ~ 1 ,, r:-• •I ,, "I and had ll\1·<1 In tht lltt ixw •ll•d fnr 10 \I'll'' Funt:r ~I " n ,,., .. '' 111 1,. ht ld ~i11Urda\ nw1111n~ 111 H1\o ,,,cf, and a -m,•mun<~l '' 1' I• • '' • I ),. hc•ld at:\ p m \louv14\ ol t'hn .. t \hun h b\ thP :-:, 1 '1.;, '' P'"' !->ht' as ... un ", d I•) !· hll'h u•d nnd "~" rhtldn·n, II• \\ 11·J F nl-.ol Cornna dt'l Mar; D1 II• 1 UHI l-'111 som. ="~'" !)\ll't lft'1.:ht' K cnn• th F(lbnm. P.i\ t·r•qde \!1... :O.llldro d Gtlbt>a·t. ::O.:t'" JX'lrl 114 i.:ht.s ;\tr ... ~11\1'1!, rt•t :O.h·.td. Rl\ ,., 'idl and ~1r:. Elnwr h .• ·mh \ n•l•l ~h·•a "mner in the Sf'mi-annual reJ.,"ltlta film "~1arraat:£' Rrokt.'r." nnd ~he hl.'ld Iaiit week~<-nd at thc Sea '" 111 lh•• TV mu."lral quiz show. !';cout Rast> on Coast H1ghway. "('hnp 1 l)t' Tor." :-:h(• \\as ft>A 1 ttt't'd Thev won in compt>tition a gainst an nnt• or 1 he roll'" in I hl' Bt'Oad· 13 ot ht•r ships. and f'('C('iVcd the \\ ··~ PI lxiUrllon ot ·c lkla huma .. s eli I DIG troph) from Commodore W . H The glamorou~ sanr;:<'r io; but onE' &.. 0 or Spur~w<ln In. of thl? cntrrtatnmPnl acts thai Ill Laguna Reach was second. Pia-~ \\ill dra" thf' crowd., at tht> "lmu· J hn 11 Pooll' 111 1-, Pal'lltt' ('('ntia thard an~ Santa Ana row:th. latt"d "Bt.: Top" tn Zonta·~ M'l'Oild Dr~· Corona dE'! :0.111 h~ acqum•d Others rompt>llng were Anah~tm.,IUlnUal ~rnl\al nt~ht Drt:'l'Jo> wall Holh"\\ood 'ltudtos '\IHI offi('('s for FuJierton Car_den Cro~e. Huntmg· be-anf?rmnJ. . Gay d<'<"?ratlons, has nl'w lflJI(l() \\att \;\I radio 818• to n Beach, Madway Caty, O rangt>, rh) thmH' musac f<lr dan~tnl'(, and \ 11 m KBIG st:hl•dult d 111 go on the Rl'dlands. Rlvt>rslde, Seal Beach t lmpash carnival fa\'ors \\Ill l'nllv<'n 11t,. t•arlv n~ll.l \t'ar ,,11h tran mit· and a S<'rond Nt>wport hip. thi' eHmlng. . tt'r on-Catahru1 Pro~rams wall Star Names Mrs. Cottle P~ds ,n_ll ~o _to Zontn ser· I><' macrownH'd frmll llollywood to l '.,1<'<' proJeCts, tncludmg ~n ()rung.<' t h ,, transmlttt>r, 1-upplemcntlng toast Call<'ge scholarship. Rt>sc>t-ht'IHdcasts orl"matln~ a t A'alon. ,.at Ions mny !)(> made at 1l Arbor ' 12 and tickets rna) be obtalnl'd Bello-, Royale J-=•ed from any mt>mber Of Zonl8. .....D Q.U A vott> to t>ndow a ~3,000 room ll••nry BciiO\\S and Patricia Ann Mrs. H. L. Cottle of Newport f11 'the new Hoag Memorial Hospi·l Rmnlf'. arr·e~t l'd Ia. t Januar y H eights will be the new worthy tal was passl'd at the Zontn Club abOard the yacht Glotia Dalton in matron or the Harbor Chapter of luncheon meeting Thursday at I NC'"l>Ort Harbor. \\t>rc> S(>ntt-net.'d the Eastern Star. according to Nor ton's Bay Shore Cafe The '\'<'!Hl'rdav In l.m AnJ:elt>s Superior rlt'<'tions held Tue8day night a t group asked President ll c 1 en Court to. six months an county jail the club meeting in Costa Mesa. S tockton to presen t a ch<'C'k of on ~rand t hc•ft ch:tr~<'!'i ln\'oh•inl! Other offi<X>rs mo,·e up to fill the S2.000 that h~s al.rt>ady bet'n l'aa. Nl $12 Ol,)() tahn from ,\ \H•ullh\ \\1- chairs according to ('US tom . Mrs. for. the h patal I by the. Hor~C'l' dm' Arthur F itzmorris or Corona de l ,llt>ad t program and Carni\MI din- Mar wns electro to fill tht? b<'gin· ncr dan~ las t Y<'Rrl and to piN~~" $125 000 Property Sold · h 1 f A · t CondU<'·I •hat thl' ('lub will work to ruJSe I ' nan~ c n r o SS()('Ia e 1 h<' additlonaJ thousand PI 1 hnt•r Fllt•rht'l.'ll'k, N e " p o 1 t 1 rE'ss. Other t>lc.>ctl'd offl~rs arc> · p.4 .tdl rt'hlt('('t ha. pu.rchnM>d 1 ht~ Miss Esth r Devine of Corona c:k>l ME.ETJ.lio DATE CHANGED fin•-J>tOI"t' bw;an<'J>S blllldlng at thl' Mar, secrc>t.aey; and Mrs. E. V. Corona *I Mar Clvtc Auocla· aoulh\\l'St rorner of Nt'wport Bh·d ~Pfct o~:r ~J!i::":.."i Uon wtU meet 'nlureday. Nov. 29, and Broadway in Oolta Mesa from n:.:c. worthy tron. c 0 r win r SdtoollMt•d ~ Harry J. HiU. of An c hor a1 t', Rome or eo.ta';rea Ia .-odate date, MJrt AJuka. ConlkleraUon WM report-WOI'tb7 patron. eel a t 1125.000. Are }OU l"t'P tnt'd o \O '' tv~• ThiS {;; a QU~IlOO Of ri~t tm- vortan«' tx>cnu..-.. nn Jan. 1 th \fllt'r" trf ttlli> "'Mnl n 1o.n liCtM•:>I dJ .. Ir ,., \\Ill~ cnJied u:s iu d dt' 1111 I hfiOd I 'lUI' IO flllllllt"t' ('TJ11· c-alh nwdt-d adt1Jitunal da .... ronm.o: :-;~., 2'; ... TifF l :--T IIA\' Til RJ-f;J-'TF.R Ito bl 'lll .. "thlf' !U ,,,,,. Ill I hr .. bnwl ' .• c r , .. r Thl·. dt-ad- l.r• I' ''"'-' It olt~ \\ ;. y, I r.IIL'' II t:ll-lt I IF )00 h.n 4 t'h<tll~•'fi N ... ,d, nt 1 'lllc • Ia• 1 Jt·~• .. ••nnc IF' )••u latl,.d •• '"'' 111 til• 1 • .-.r p1 tmru~ 'lnd • n- ' I 11 , lo •'1l<oll t )Q.-\1 • If-otlJ Il l\• 11'1 ~oom( Ill II:• H1d • I I' ttr I ~· 1 '' 1:1''' I• rl I • •• . ••. •, .. :, •••• I p1;4t. ( Jl\ IIIII ···~ tb· I , .. pi ::->1' urrl.-~' .. " d ...... w,da H H<t 'h•)<l F tr lf<il 1 • or d •' I 1 h. 1 1 .. ' tnri '~-~•• l1111 ,:\. It> I".: ~ 1•- ,, I' 1 dd \t • h l11 :'\n II l!t '-'1 ."'{ ..!·· At • lr p rr: \t• rt- C'ootlltnut-d on Pa~" ~· Door At Prizes Preview Hn, • d••lll pn,u• ... c •w:uhn... :!2" "'" J>, \\;ttrit-rl at''' IJIIh RO- t u tl I;,,...,,.., .... tnd Pt t.•l • .. mMI \\ ••n , t' ... l lui l t r tl't m.1 ... Pn '1 111 b. Jll• 't'lll•·tl '\m 30 and {!(>(' 1 .11 th, R••lldt/\CIW. T\allrnom JlaJbf,,l '•l•ll•<l fll'llt \\Ill 1>4• ~J ••'~ 11l c-tll u r•ltu•ut•·~ ,,hu·h m ' br> "P' nl 111 .til\ 4•1 all hu-.rn s .. 1 •·- p r·• '(c•nlt-d 111 lht> prt•\ h" ~PC'tllld prt7P '" ~'i md third -ll, Th• o~· mt rC'hant bt• th'-"'II hl' judced h•r b<>aul~ ar1d ura.,"i nal· 11:-b} A:-H mbl)nmn f..a•l '-' Jnll'), Sup..•t "'or llt"n7 Kna .-r :\4 "pnrt Ha1 bor ( hnmlx>r Prt><~ICSt nt Toom :'liot ton. ('n t.t ;\1('hll l'tHnltl< r Pre• ldt•nt 'r•hm Frnnkhn and ~Jaa·~ Wt•kh of Hoa~ lf,l,lll'•': School Bond Meetinq Chanqed to Tuesday Th 4' ln fnmlntlon mN·Unt: un 1 ht• ,fan. J X ..t'lu'()l bon II rl•-c tl•tll 1'1'1'\ lilll"h ltnnuurU't'(l for ru 'I \\Ntnf'~l\. \\Ill bt• hdtl .lt ~I'· n l Tu,.,41 ' u I ttw H u rtlt"t I J1 ~~n "'""''"''· ll 1.. nnoUJIC'4~ h\ """ 1-elUI" ~·n..u·. pr•-.ldrnt ••f Ut(' f )l'ftlt'OC.Ir\ N>htto1lllo l'T.\. A nvtnhl-r uf '"" , taU> f).•part· ._., •I F_.nt'.AUott plaUI.ac ~- , ,_ wtll ""',......t. .... A" 1-*~ New,_,._ co.niJic die adire c:iry ol Newpc:m Bach. ~t('d b)' ::.an• ta uoo IAin:rin 11 ( u canuc-•on &.dt , ,., ak1nr bu •WOII ou ap.iat 'ahead • lb ~ Bllc:tm .... pnM.deo for tJw tano.~. .. ...... pUrchase and aalr • • J • NG mort" n.>Jlllii.a•mrilt or ('10& strurtioo .n I hoot (."'O- l4'Tl t of I he anlla t.loa nu~·~n.,,.... • ntt 10 )Otnt outfall to~ hand! " h<>n t,...,. m.a ri~ "-"CtJun and the> matn tr a tmt ' plant C'UITift] tt'd "'1u.: "'UU.Id do ·~ "';th the awjor objf-<1k?n ~ ~~~ (>lo;tnc-• 11 a· 1 t a PfO\WCJft "t•IC"h l'f)U]d D1lt,JVo JC tO ta~ h;u k \""\· n:hiJ nd rauon at the COWlt)·"ldi' -Y'l ~"ttm ar 'h•· projt-.·l nno loo ,,.1,. t.ant~> r~.mpl,.~•od undo r th. _bc.ncf pJ"'f)o ;ram I • Th£ 3fiO.liv J lJ hone» to t.. to:'• r1-d t ,lllt> on!' (In ttv> of plans that ~ould. prtl\ld;· trnt! 101 rt and di·~l : • 111· adc- C!Wtlr for rh. r1n "~ nt ,.,,.:-d_. of 'I p;.r ., ra..~' r-d.i.'-trlt•l 1:1'~ t •o ht 'uad 1 • alP uf bond:s cannot ~ madt.> b~ a r1: If' to tM• pl'nti.-.d lll••·r A tun• ·'Atblt c•l ~· r'k to t.. vr,.~mnod r Hw pt~•J! r Efff'C o! ltl• romprorrui.!• ~ m• n "ould bf to ·~bl• 1'1'1~tUC'· l111n of tho i ln<'h mann•• ~("L Jan•' and ·h· tnoa mrnt plant rwar • th. ..;,~ ' Ana n'~'r mouth 'Jlt~ f t-d m th• onrl I Ba~ piAn • ('XC• pt hn t thf' 7 foot len!nh nf th•· oolt;aJI rru ~.ht ~ • hortl"flf-d • Rr.rl them pro' d.. ... for ' nurt> "' th• tnlnk lines lhmu •I ·'-'I tht c"\\UO'' ~" h4> bel· 80('(' or lhl' fund .. \\111 prnlllt. \h.ttrr 1n F tnrh td h hopPd ltl h·• , • w r-rt r !•1:"'\bt) nd the-..... tk um •·tab! l"t"J)Jrt at """ t W t•dnP:!!'d.l' ·" "'*" t1 nil' With " ( ~k bor .nnln this v. k nn th.-alit' P8' tn • nnrth or the hJ~hwa) rn C:orun del Mar • trt'M ~upcrjntPndrnt Brll Cu\••rt I.K'd tn t ru~ 11 n!' uu t h and nrba t•ullt ~·t1nn~ dunnr.: lht ptf'nod tNt 1 h• " M k La un&>r )' "An' ttnw thot th" alll") a rt'! lml~l" t.lc t" u <~f thl' J)a\tn 1 ro.Jo"<'t tb rt 1:•' nd tr h col- l•'<"t aon "111 lli mnd kln.ct thtt I! o NJo ' hi' 'Uti '1"1 N' l<k'nta -.hcouht '' I 111 thr C'<•tH Jr.l'l"a thto lll!hl t,. fc • •' roli~Ytl<•n tn be' n adf' nd nn '' t~ m from the tft'('t flrr ho·a f'mpt N.1 " G~rb3~" '" roll('l('tf'd ln thilt ar a ()n 'J"\xottd&> • ~,. ... ~ tunia)'1J 1'ruh • cot~ • '1'\aftldayl ~ S.tw'CiaYI Stan lia dfit>l d ha a \ I") pt>r·j abllit) of Pf'('("'OW blood when ht> 110nal appN'Ciotion or the \Jtally wu almost fatally strlckm fol· important rvl r ntJ·•• t"CC by I I~ in~: a 54' rio o{X'ratton ln 1937. ~ • and that u a ha n. n That mo<knt mak . tum rnlw wby ht> is lht> nt-w choit m.tn of tht> I tlx> tr m ndou. .. tmJlOrtllll<: of tht' Newport Harbor Btanch of ARC ptoriod•c Red C Bloodmobllt> Hi brothrr-in-la\\, T um Tt>n"f'll 'is at • "hich tw f• 1s hould n.>- of Redlands. ow . hi life Ill Rl'd I ('('J\ thP "N>J ht>ariNi upport or CI'O&!, becaust' tht> \ltamin an th1• the IO<'al rcsidc>n to pro' ictc.-tJw pal"Cl•ls nt b) Mr.. T'rr II lrf<'-~;~1\inl!! bJood for our \\'01.11\(k>d throu~h lntu'tlfttlorutl lt\-d n ,._ 'n Kor· ·a. and abo for oursel\ "(•te tht> onl) 11•·ms that t:at and our n re hbnrs in cru of local thr<)u.:tb to hlm and kqlt hinl ah' t.• e m Pt ~ncJ<• ... throu~h th~ yr N a pTt .. on• ·r-tan \\"!li!t'd a long ba 1 tl€' agairu t o/-war ln Japan durin~ World War tutx>rculosi". !o.tar1ing at t h<' a,gt> of Jl !Tom had Ill" 'l «tnmdl'd In 16. "h~>n h• \\IU. 8 ''nrnr 8t Pa.sa-~ MMJla tn tht>"PhtllpptOl'" whill• on dt'nn Jli~h Sc-hool. lf<> had been a mi ... aon of tl}in::-lllnn• ~ to ttw ••xtn ·m,.J~ acii'C' in ~oUm~ t hoot- Dutch nnd \\a tak(•n pt•~•rv•a ll~ j tnlt then "ith an Pil!ht handicap tht> Japan "<' 1 and practidne man~ hou r' e"·'·Q' o~ v~· • Out ot Ral'bur Area --...e.t.IIO mrrom&L cwnca Cincinnati • born. 39 ·),.a, • old I d.<l~ aftPr < rhnolt, and hi Ctmsll· ."tan huns 1l ''-'OUid not be nh\t> tut1on "ll' put to a further strain ~ u It ~~ •• "' not to dw &\"lUI· ·~u " hf' en w {mm fht> r~t. lUll) PVIU.ISIIIIIO PLAJn' .... c._ ..... ....... -.a.a. ORT r"" .. ~. '· " . . . ... . . , .. , . . NOW SHOWING nru ......,.,. ·a PLACE IN Ehzabeth Taylor Montgomery Chft _ Shelly Wmters _ "-t !II. • MO~. -T\ t;"".-WJo~O. "Croawillds" JOJH\ PAY~£-; RHO:\'£>.\ FLE~11 ;o..c; In 'T't'<'hniC'vlor plu.... .. TOMORROW IS A.NOTHER DAY" Rl 'TH RO:\t .\;>.; ~1 r:n: C'OCHRA."' MP rnclt--tt"t en-~' .su. ft'('t in cmt> vear. t>mpltry"l"d e i.Ju:cstiJ;ator for Su- nE' da) wht!t> runninc up tairt {X'rior C•lUrt in Los An~Jes ,., school he uJrt>n-d a l'f'\er<' Count'. hrlpam: tu lecl juries. hemorrii3£:E', and that was the first tan "mkl'd ,, .. a clt>rk in a bank t>\;tk>nC'l' that lw had rub<>n:ul ~is an Pa...ad ·Oil: O\\llt>d and opt-rated 11 took four ~ears or N'St and~ l'f'nat-.. tatums in Pas.ad na and C'OH'Q bt>fo1 t' 1M> rouJd J"l'tum to NN'd.lt'S. n 1"CC a. a.ssi tant to school wht>n.> hf' romplC'It'd an-ContraC'tor Rtll Lon e in installin~ nth<.'r St'mt>stt>r or work, but an· t•tunounag€' fc)r tht-Lock.heoed plant vthPr henxn-rhal!E' OCC'Urrt'd ont> I an Burbank· bi>canw purchasing da) "hen h<' was-chan~ng a ttrt> &E:"t'nl for As ·~aat(.>d Rt>fri~<>ration on hiS car. lt wa nor until tht' En~tn('('f"' \\hlch hi fa tbt-r had I !>.Uffimt>r of 1933 that ht-wa abl<' Oll:Onirnd and ht>ad d as JU't'si- to r«.'t'h·t> hJs high sch.ool d.tploma drnt; thf'n \\tnt \\llh Bill Lon~:t as His fmaJ month!> of chuuhns; \\'t'r<' 'Pnt>r'ttl mana~f't or Export Pack- at homt> m tx-d, and hi. le n;; t'N:. tht> Jar~'<'"' pa~k~r and sbi~ I wf'rt.> bt'OURht to him h) " "ChOOI· pt>r of w.-.r m att>a·tal ·in Southern malt>, who a ff'\\ wars later was C'Rlifom ia, and tntt.>r wa \'ice- l in l><"<'Omt.> :\hs. H.adflt'ld Stun J>rt> ident and gf.'nl'ral mana~t-r of took his final l'xatnS flttt on his th~> W . G. Lon~.: Co .. C'A'l><lrl and I tml'k. ;and PHS Pd wath hu:h marks. import a~.: .. nt with ornce-~ in Lo The roUa~<'d luns:: trratmc>nt An!!f'l<'" ~'dm•y, Australia: ~fa- ' had b4'f'n usl'd hut m l ~TI a fnend nila. PhtltpJIIOf'"· nnd :\lexico City. :o.Ultf:<'. t<>d that tlw n w lt't'hntqur Th•• Harlfir·ld" by th<'n werE' nl nb r<'·"('('IJOn Ill w <'tt Tht'> prt•tl~ llrf"d of l11c dt~ lirt>. and \\as a mNh•~ of <'UIItn\' 8\\o~~ t,hro~ Jn~lk••li lnr n , plaCP d1lwn the ... ,,m<' nl th,. nh' ..,., that the tn· ('f\llSt ('1lt••n• th•l ~tar i" .. 11 tht' lt.-t•t••d June rolllcJ ht• compt~''"~ ,,rthn rtw~ C"lll, ;tnd th(' rla~ and thus m~tdl' to ~.~tktf~ and nu thf'\ arri\.-tl h,~... 'in .J:uiul\n' '"""' luw·tt .. n •Tlu ... \\3 ... tlw 1'l17• ''"'' h"t!l~ht 1 Jut. nnd thl't:t' 'rw ••I OJ~<'talton \\ htC'h Kill •h•••a lir'' 1111 b111 All 1 twmt• \\8~ c; "t•t..:•• nl !::••~o;l •• ud h •' Jll"l It· lllult l\1 ;u;.. <"'i<•lth-nt t I .\\1> !'tHO o..: ntl~ 1111d• r.:.•nco tlrhotJch an th• und l:ill l•·n • flllmt.fl tht> \\' G. km ·, (; , ... ,. '"''-' •' l"•a't"n ol •·II•' Lom: ,.,,nl-t tlll ''""turn lt>t'.tll-d at hm1: "n" t't'lmpr ........ d • 1.101 Co''"' Bhd , ;utd tlwn a httlr nua tm! '"'' '''til ... nl OJW'I a l l ..... llitt'l fnundPc1 he• Halt... I'\ (;h ..... Ccl that ::-ran had to WtdPn.:••· hP ... ut· 1.n thco :\lt•~.,.J,. \Ill•• I ro'<i tn .... !'";u· fatal 11111'1rk \\hth• \\"hall• 111 111• ''""'tll!o••um b•Lotl· ~~~ \\a ... bt•tnc hr·ou.:::ha rlo'l\\ n tn un ., ....... ~t .>n h ~·I t let 11 h•:-,,~,.J , .. toll' Pit>\ ate r in hi. hospital rot lias 1 , 1111 nnrl , H't'tu ·d ht~ bruk<·r· ... h- lwart !-.l•IIIJ'll-d ht·.Jttnc fm a '~htlP ('t'OSI' In 1919 lw '"' ''' tnhl tht> and hi1-hft> was saH.•d b) 1 ht> prl'· rl'al ,.,, , ••· b•t.:it • ,, till n rlbw Is· dous bi?Cld han fu.,tnn« . land. llOd "''\t•t,.J nlOilliL., hit• in The nb re-.r'<'lt<'n o~•rnttvn ~t'fltPml>f•r. h•· IIJ'I'Ilf'li hi """ ,, of- or thoroca~laJ>t) "<'rf' ,;uC'c.';'Ssful. ficc.-n 216 :'.1orln•• A\1• \\'ith hun nnd aft('r ht n .•rovt'T"y hE' wa com· m th«' oHicv t1 , ~>all'~man nr<' hi <o.tt:lmal!d !rom Page 1) but 'nmt.k>a a bu an ·riJ) why they day t~ "i ll ~ n~n to I"-h d not dont-thl "'o )~>a,... ago. ~ister \.'Utt"rs "hen tlw Elem ntar~ r ther tlt~n " .. t.-all that P~"<'· Sc:hools PTA mN'lB ttl thf' Cor\ na <'iolb tim•• bickt'rmc amon~ tht'rn· d l .Mar School. h . To vote-ls your re~oponsibtlit) a I Tht' plan, basicall~·. is lo l::<'t go- a citln-n in a dt'moetatac nation ins.: on the unqul'Stioru hly "mu t" To ,·o tt' for additJonal chOOI room pha '" ot the t>\\er JII'Oj{>cl •out· paet> for th youn~tH . i ~our· 1 II and 11 ea tmt•nt plant I ~tnd tht>n obli~lltiun toward tlw~· lut UN' d,) a muth mot'' for tht• ne«is of ca1in-ns all tht• samtation dl tricls as the • • • r·t>tmindt•r of thl.' fund. .. "ill allow. Tht.>N' was no not'' of di rord a~ I Th, n• must IX" " Jot of riChh>ous thl' count~ aniwlion d l,.trictl' \\t-nth at the-t't)!ol\ly drlay, but m<'t last night, and tlw mt>miX'u; IN's fori.'t't that now find !;('(' that l'f.'rned to be.> in full !l •t·l m nt on j nut h1nt: happens hl ~lnll thl' pr e· a plan that was S<l rauonnl nnd s'nt JWOt'r:i· s. and ~Non with lhe &Mlllib&e that on<' could not ht>lp job. rO"i{~\) \o'< ~~c; \~ \"t~~c; c\\~\c;t{ IT t EJS nil USIIL PRICES CASHMERE Long Sleeve SWFA TERS GRENADINE Hand -Loon:~-; TIES from Italy SILK TIES from Franre WALLETc- r.,.om EnqkPt 1 I. l M I T t. Jl \ ' 1995 595 §95 00 T I T I )': * BUY NOW AND USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN . The I I arbor ri'O ~ :\Jn,t < •mpl tc Stnrt' -f~h n & Jloys )l Streetear Nl1118dDeslre has all the impact that madeitn Pulitzer Prize pJt.>tcl) rid of th<' TB anfectaon. (Continued on Page 8 > I D~n~~'alnc~ce-~~d~-i~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ comt> inl<'t't' ted in amat<'nr radio, \dmh>~lnn : t clu ll-. • ~LOU lnl'ludlnat rox c h lit I r•'" • 14<' '~ 1.\"'T 0 \\'- "J)RUMS IN THE DEEP SOUTH" "MR. IMPER(UM .. T.-c·hn.lcolor JA:\tES ~TEWART MARLE!'IoE DI ETRICH "No Hiqhway in the Sky" obtained his lic:>E>n e. and aftpr his 1'('('0\ <'ry he got a job ns radio erviCPman. Amon~ hi acrom- Jih hm••nl \\O the d ign for hort WllVt! radio nntenna. which was used b} Radio Statton KJIJ in Lo An~eiPs for r mote pick-up and r<'broadca t or SJX>Ci&l ft.>a- turPl'<. Stan was marnrd ~o,· 20, 1938. to 1\tan.:ar·c-t Thode, t hP Pasad<'na H rl!h schoolmal<.'. "ho had be<'n and eve ry Sunda y for Used C HRYSLER PLYKO U TB llii'TERN A noN AL 'l'ltUOKa htl ('Gut ........ , NI'.:WPOKT llt'A<lll Help Build '"Chis Church In order to help complete the additio'"l o the-Coror!a del Mo~ Commumty Chur n . ne> Newport Harbor Ensign w1ll q JVf' Si .00 t:.:> the buddirg fund for each yearly S11bscriphor. ciunng the rernamder ot 'he !"!10!1th Authonzed young people of the -1---,,r.... Nl , be n::g .... door- bf>l:s th1s vreek~end to ask for your r Jbsc. p' or. e e e You too. can help by sendmg 1r. the cou- pon shown below, along with your $2 00. I ----:=r.=-- - I I Officia l N.wwpeper of the City of Newport Be4tc:h. I I 04 Co~ut loulevercl Coron• del Mer, Cellf. I I om ertcloiing $2.00 for ,a subicriplioro !o •Le Newport H11rbor Emig11, I ur>dorslertd $1.00 of thi1 emourtl wil go ro t he b.,ild'ng fund of the Cc.ro~~a de' Mer Community Cr rdt I ~AMF I ,A.ODI~ESS CITY _STATE"-----~ DIRECTORY ~ INSURANCE FOI' Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Jl.ar'wy D. Peue HARBOR m-W Park at Agate, Balboa IalaDd "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Insunn<Je Col.ID8ellor HARBOR 1TI6 l>s,diOioa" A ~an, a OUb, a ~uc::c: ~ A rqX>rtf'r !:-t'tlllll! o11t to \\till n currt'nt arttdf' on !\1 ""· Louis Csenar, preslck>nt of I t hi• llC'ItVit iM or K T K••n- t h(' :>\c.>wport lk'ach Eleom n tar) dall \\"Uld rmt r moq of tht TilE .SEt•ROTIC PER OSALITY I Schools PTA, urSt~ PTA m~'mbf>r., "41,~·<.'1 by tf'llin~t th•• !'tor~ to f,tC't busy ln arousin't sympathy of t hr 1\;\lbuo~ Bay Club ••• For Every Day Living By Dr. B. S . DHM~rJr A ~ood deal is heard and pokl'n I for th<' pr:oposed $985,000 chool an trf<>n rhat blossom~'<! m to about the neurotic personallty. bond e ll'Ctron slated for Januar) rull-bln\\" .,uc·c.·" oH•ruil!ht ThE' term is much a bused and little 18 whE'n she spoke at thf' bo.olrd Nmtp·., •'IH I~ (:)('alum• Mr und rstood. The word neurosis mrPtin~ held Thursday at the llor-Kf nciall '' luundrr, pT~•srd nt comes rrom the Greek word neu-act> En hm School. a nrl rhr•-t "'' of thP dub'~ .ron. whiC'h means nt>r\l•. Neu-"E,·ery registerl'd pt>rson Is !>U· nr~ r·•ttnc mmpan-. What' ro!.t'S thus arP ml'~tnt to tx• a dis· glble to cagt a \'Ote on thl' bond mon h,· 1 hk h. to be on turbanCt' of tht.> nl'r\'t'h Actu.aJh i Ul'. \\ hich requlrt~s 8 two-third• II• Jnb dut tn~ mot of rh,. n€'uros<'s arE' a disturbancc or thP mnjority to be pas ed," she said 24 h11ur .. ro '>!'t' that 11 k~l'" I 225 Martne Ave., Balboa 1alaDd total person and could Jll o be d -The Elementary Schools PTA "f" r .. llnr: .. nv10thh·. 1 scribed &8 an upsrt rn thE' c1rcula· has bc-t'n ingtrum .. otal in cr<'atinJ! Wh"n th~> KPiHiall.. d•-;:==============:::::! tory S) tem Ncuroo:cs at'(> not in l errs t in the 0\'('r('to\\'df'd cirl• d <.umf• 11nw a~o ti'n' W . Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 W. BaJboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca.Uf. Phone: HArbor 24 "For 5\afE'ty's Sake" Sc-.• ROBERT L BOYD G<>nt'ral In uran('(' Broker HArbor 2242 1213 Coa t Blvd .. CD:\t OlllllOPBACfOa Dr. J. H. M~loskey cmROPRACTOR Office Hours: 10 to 5 Wednesday and Sunday 703 \~ E. Balboa Blvd Balboa HArbo-r 3()()()..J Opposite Miniature Golf CoUI'Ie DANCING INSTRUCTION A UTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST B LVD. Corona del Mar 0JX'n 10 to 10 . For frre dancE' analysis Call HArbor 1925 l(fo \I I.~T \T E . ~ F1tzmorris Real'y Co. R <'al Esta tl' & Hll~ottfl+'""-Blokers !'IICYJ'1\RY Pt ·nu c \\'•' nt lilt111n lt ... 1 or qunhril•d bu~t'l'l> Add >out n•Jm<' and wanto.., m ronnhrknN· ''' Nlllr~<' 813 \oa:<t Rl\d. Corona drl ~tur HArbor 2152 For Hi••h Qualir~ l fomt><o Rentals • l nctlmC' P ro}X'rt) &>e GOORCF. GRAF:F'F with Robert L Boyd MRA l\t ulttplt• 1.1'-llnC!» 11.1\rhor 2:.! 1:! 1213 Coa t Bhd., CD!\1 SlL\'ER PlATING Stiver Platers And SriH•r;,.mlth~ Repair • Ro•llni-.hint-· R4'platc Gold • ~ih ·c-r -Copf't'r -Brass N<'ar Community C'"hurch 191 1lfnrhor Rlvrt. Cn<>l ll Mf'sa BEacon :111:\ MUSIO Margaret L. Scharle Tea~her of Plano Organist -Accompaniat Evming a.-e. ror A.dulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona ~I Mar YO ICE primarily of phy iological orr~n schools in Nt>wport d.L trict. ~fr, a l"nc Adi\P c~trN•r 10 ~"" but are disorders In lh(' intrllrC'-1181"\'f'Y Some-rs, rt'COrdin~ sf'Crl • Yflfk , nt11lr d rhr·m ro plan tual and emotional realm. t:try, rP\'iE'wPd the local rvrnt" lot .. , I Ifill' lt•I,Utr t h", Thf' n<'uror ic (l('rson il> ••mot ion-lradan.: up to tht> decio;;ron to h." • tnur d '''" rharm• nr , ... ". all) and int<>llectually ill liE' rs a o:chool bond PlccJion pur• li trhM itr• ... , .. rrhk In rt •• ronfust-d, ovc>r-f'mntlnnal, <'a. il~ :\'Irs ~troiiPr \Vhitl' hroUI::ht up f '1'' •h• r rur<.• d ~~·\\ Fnl'l .nd rrustrnt('d. unhappy. oftPn lit•rd . tht• qurshon ot , fPt) drl\inc drrn· " ·, h u1 rht>tr hollt ~tnrl t \VI " pr f'JUdiCf'd and rannnr \\urk nt orhtrnllon in the> ar~>a and ~tid fn•tnf1 " ""Iron' with 1~>1-."n·• ,, . h1s high!'St €'frici<'nC'y Ht• J::<''" rhnl ('n(lpt>ralinn from pol IN', drl\ · , • • ,, "'I in 1 fru ndh 1 lub ,, Ill\ th"' way from thl• conru"i1;ns 10 anL•in ... tr•t;rtm ~andN,wport BNuh Jl"l' ,.,, mil K,.n· rh .. ·t~o:ltt \I• hi.., hf<' thr ou~h wht<'h hl' ha' "c-hool<~ PTA is a sun-1. ...t "'I hi h' • ''I' h 'l r htl l11't, nP\f'r ll'arn<'d to C'hurt htl' wa\ \\'lnn••r" of th" PTA m<"mlx r· :\r\\-r-•r• Jla hor K . T k t 'H \1.1. !•IIG• 111 h1 111 llll' ~u"''"' loo" frr1m • '''Jr lr!'-. ,1 t •nt mn<ot "Q Ill 'I fl\\1\1-il f' Hf' ... B IJ• • I II I ... I'' •• 01 ". h•· • ! "ll ' 1\ ( 1 II, \\ I I II ., '\Jt;,N•"'" t.e1f• P l,lfc" It 1 11'1 n, II mil~ tX' lh,ll the pr•·,...;UI'f''-of !.hip cirt\o' JlO'lll'r'l C'rf'ditPd with Thr r, . .,, of th(• CO.IOI\' mtl!ht It• t ht• m11ment hH\f' so•l'\f'rl tn ptil· h~>lpin~ '" .,('('urr trr 2 non mPm· tit11l1 Th• R3 hoa RA\ C'"luh 1 1 upon htm so man~· or· !!oUCh d('{'p ~r~hipo; 3tttdnc·d th1s yc-11r. "'"'" """ r F'lr" · ='ur~ r ht ,., .. tit£ pruhlt'nlS thor ll<' C!•f•l hf:'lpl<''-l> and C"a.milla F'mk('(' anti nob Grahllll' I tl<iorf I c}t v•riiX' ,, F •lrl .. '"" imtrlt'qlll\f('. II h po-.<;lhle (("lr 3 11~-in tho• Pi~hth grad!' llllli Don r llf1· " lifo' ~..,.,,,, I'_!; ''10\\ ·t- (\111' ot ll"' ro bf>v•ml mrntnll) 111 II r anrl Orr·n \\' Hlr of thr s ~111Uh •tmallnt: In nnh th•" "f"-'''' ·. dut• In tho • slr't'<. of !i\·inv,, lltld C"r'l dP nil nf :\fi" \tarit• Jlpffrrr'' ,.,"an-11 h't<. t'T• \\·n tnlo or~ , I'W o• <'<1!1• ptuhtlhl~ 111 <.on,,. timt· ot othPr art t'111<.s. 1!1• ltn• '' :tnt1 t. 1\''''' rloth~ 1 ~JC•~ "" du11no.; nur II\•'' m<"' ul u'> art" 1111 Pl!r·tftr ('nq,o \\~l ;.:-k·rl •till tt--''"" •I ''' ''' I(Jrt'-' llcllrotiC'. m: t R :nr"ln•'l"r'lntltuno' •I ""''' ;i;"''' ,,,,, .. olt!lrutno• ... 1f"'l· Pur<'nls Cr('alf' tht' lmtndation nomen 0 ear '1 '1 ' \j hor:c1Rll nl'l 1t"ll' ap r-Jtl~,.t.....U ,'l'\ ho•ll••• '"1 ' :">:•\\· • •11 • ·• 11n-.• 111 tl" ra ·I•• j.,. 1• port Bulh .... f'r·•l••ral md 1, an II~ lm nc•urutic p..·~onahtll''· This i'i 01 Ch Go ,, .... II lht'\ futl ,, build I hi' dir• c·-.... er vl ttnn , .. rf• ('I h trbo· f•n· f,,..d ro I 'llfl. I d !lo • tt .. "' ..;ound r•·alt''l' ~rntl ... 1n Gil r lf"HI m•"'"' ·•n sun .. ~ph• r· " '"' 1o It Tho• dulrt mu ... t km1\\ \\It 1 tl4' dl 11'' "•n•1• r' I 'It " \11\~tn I \L'I'" ,.f ('p \ ( 'luH·' • I \\II • o1111 """'I· \\till" nlll'' r.,,,, II m••nt" will '" !hr Cllh\• , .. 1:1• t~hiiiiOilhlo·lnt tiM! mrll\tdutl 1,1 1 o, \\'1,1 ,11•• ('111' l•t 'i' '"''Ill th• '1"'1·11 .IOtlltllttu.tl noll· lfl•·, 1 • 1,, 1. t. It! 11 q ~H., " I"'' lh•or Ito • \\tiJia\o T lll,t1t\ t' •ln ~~~lllt)"l Yu I C'hllo l'·oll'll'' IIlii\ h.J'.I' lolllo !I'" 1111•. ,,, < c; I \nti·· ,, ... I m• mlwr 'I t.:• 111 IIlii • •I< l I d• po•lld.thh• 'I •I }' o 11! 1)1 F , !flo 1' \\I r 1•! Ill ""''' l\1'· 111 1''''""" th ~ rlr•''' 1111 th•• I'll\ rl I •r, •uhrru•· 11\,o~ II• too• l'lo•;tl '""''' tho ••' I• tl lol \••'• •hro-. \• , •c•oo \ql I t hut~.., •' • n'" I' • ' F " • 'unpl• rl ,, "l"'·lk••l 111•' 1 Hl"'l t• uf'11 \\U\., '" makt and Th,. t •l"f t "' •!1• '"'' 1111 ' • l·'d ... mp;tllhll· trlt•trl' rn h1\t' "'mrni·r., ,dll '" h· trtl \lot •- "' drh~ l.-111111~ trio als, ro h:tndlo• '" ,, 111rl r.:" ,., ,., '" ,-..1 .,, hr, 1: ~' drt\o'" 111 an lt'l't'j>lnhl• ''·I' :t ... w\.: luqrh '11 d •'II' tnt c'otd~ I•• rlltKt pltn ... :til' 111 on rp·tttnn 111 •h• t••rr•"'' T ~n~:.o•' 1'l ,, tl.tt 11111• hk1' '"kiln\\ hu\\ t•l • II· "rll '" fur• •·"··d '" ,. olhn !t \ Jf•~ 'I• ll)lJ>OIIIIIItll= tnd td\o'll· llt';'t-i-1 fr•l' 1' oil 1< ),1• 11fi H'ri II\ loll • ~ "' hlo to n It!• nno·,.t~ m--,,.;.-,-~ tur t'o '"' \ rl.J \hu lloiiJ•• und lht Ultloll'"•' '" •••II· R•t•l" o·nmt • n•. '"" --4-lL l!'lhl' tocummuntl\ltto tldn••·' l'••t •l ho•h·><i l"•lr-• h;.,ur" h:t• •·I. n:to·'< prfiOllt'll\t'l~ lo• ho lfl<lt• .... II ... ,,, II "''' hop· ' t•l 1 'oi l' .. 1, ott'\ .old"" lot lh Oh n I" r-< ltl •ll'tjUAtnt nlht 1'< \\l'h :'\ol onl) hll\1' lllc part•nl.., ol lhr '11'11 itl ., 11nd flllfTlO"f'' nf '"" nl'l1rotlt po-opll• fdilcd to ht>lp thtm nrMtni71ti!"ns EntPrlftinin~ at thE' IJUtld <1 rt>oth.~>ttc nXld map o th t mMnim: cnfff'l'<. '"'rr ~fr10 \art tht•~ hil' e somP knowiPdge ol wh·tt J!Rnn·• M r... Cllrol~ n Drot·~· ""ri thf _, \\ant and \\h<'l-1' the> are 5;0-l\tr.; \\' H :\too:f'rn'ln in~:;, but thl') haq~ also fatlcd tn Xrw "l'l'mhl-r-; "" r> I I 1 n " tht' anotht•r St'lll>l'. :>\<'urotic Jl('opl£' J IPn.:u•··~ tnt1l In 1:;1) mf'm~r". rt' l,tt·k wit eonftdl'n<.'<' Tht•) I('(') \lf'o (' n Cunnipzh tm. \fr:-\\' at t ht• mrr<') tll P\•r~bo<l~ l'lsc-.1 ~. K11pllrit·k. \fr, lrrn\ F-.~ tht'\ think that all "''<'nts an' \fr.. \\',trl·t•n JIO\\ hnd. "I' (';'It. strom.:t•r than th('m'>l "'"· lht>~ rt~ll Rkhard..,on. \{1 ... n F R'lum fmd a cri~i-. m P\'t'r~· nr>w situa-, ~f~. Altc<' Gurrtm \tr<> ll ... rbf'rt tmn. \\'ilo;(ln :\lrR Donnld \\·h, It>, :\fr~ FINE FOOD IN A JIFFY AT STAN HOWARD'S MINUTE lUI SIICD ••• C'OA~t Bmllt>\"&.l'd Corona df'l Mar -Home-made pies and ca~es-- Having a Party? PHONE HARBOR I 380 for A TASTY SNACK TO TAKE OUT. ThP) can nr:th<'r t:tH' nor rt?-~ Rt'r~ I ~nnh•r •. \lr-; C. 1 S!flllh Cf'l\<' affection casil). thry don't ~rr .. lA ro~ Lrnnard . \lr..; Su1n;.o~ 1 ml't'l strangl'rs half \\3~. tht') ar<' ·and"~' \Jrs_ C'"lrnton • Trl~blt. ~~~~~=:====~=:~~~~~~;;~~=::;:=::==~~~~ oftf'n moody, irrttable and anl.!r) 1:\lr!> Ftlrrr ... r :'\r.,al. ::\f r~. lv n ~''""·l r Th•" occurs beraw.P th<> part•nt hao; :\tr" p,.rct\'al ~t. \\ llhnm..; nnci nor -rrall~ 1 rea It'd the child n I ~tf'o_ II• nr~ C:ul'rin though h<' \\el'l' 8 human being Ttcko•r~ ''"rl' :.nld 0111 h~ L<>nt.:u•• \\lth rtLhl!> and prl\ik~es a nd dJ~· m•·n ho ' .. for rhr npo'nlnl' nu::ht of ntl\ 1nsll'8d thf' t'hlld 1><-<'omt•<; "C";(I<rclh\t. \[~ F1nr~ · '"'\f"'' t un rrnratlllL: ob)(.'<'l whiC'h on<' ll 11 hoot < nmmun11~ Pla"'rs proo· I !'II'" to min1mi7P a-; much a<: pn<.· rlut'lt• n p•-,,..,, n ·•·d la ... t ""' •'k sthl•• Tht• A R Rt"'llll~''•' I '<'d nr l.1tl' Vera Williams II (If I'OUI'M ll\1n" tn lhC' ~lth C't'O· 1111 \ 1 hruo:h upon t'<H'h nf "" prob- h ms "h1C'h nn k• 1'u r II\~'" nfH n unhr'.lt nhl\ chi C11 ult. T,•n,Hm;,. Ill'· rumul01 It' · \\I 1rh \\, ~~.ut h<Hdh hand!• Bur th•' \\I'll 11\11'..,-rat o-.rl SPII-cnnfrrirnt ndult ··an m:-a.,t••r tru ... tl»trcmo.. mw h n•1·n •'l'th 111o1n J,•,. clunn..: \\'oo t,l \\ ar II "lui·· \lr nr:lumo· "~, • 1 .\tr Cm t" ma- '"~' '' tho• ''"' t \n·• A•n ' \11 P.11••• 111<1 ltk r I I' " \\o 11 th •' Member of M . T . A . T eacher of PTA:_\lO and VOICE Special Training fol' chJJdren. l'tln ttw tH'IIrOtH' 0111 . Yo 1r rommr>nl.., to lhr'-' t•ol•rmn 111 !I, lnnu nt l..rto '' Ill• 111\l'o'd •h••\ 1 • In• k I r•• 11••\\ " :111~•· 1 tdoo tho•11· 1~ rm •• • •11 I nm• •' I l3 "-' REP IR D-<ly ~ SIJtftt W at4'r HMteno lto4ocl•r" Power Tools for s ..... , & Sln• Siopp•9et 313 1~ Marlne Ave. Balboa Island PHYSIC1A.VS-SUKOEONS Panhel Group Is Entertained "''' fl-\t'll'·l•lrl Hunolol l·\l';ll·nlrl LeWIS• B RE.\CO~ 6!61 \'1 1 .1 If' 11 Tho • '·tn lh 11\t'lll<t• 'I 'h•"tn .nul ~-'•'11 -•'lrl G1\o OSS "1"' . .. •• \lf'O(\, '('\\~rt ~c.h Lawrence K Gundrum, M.D. \It l!o .I Ill"•' ;.. \\ 01 h I ht ~. 1 1 h j~ii:::iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::::;;::::iiii= <;.,, pi Ill ol! n .... I' Tnt tnrt \\Ill ht• 'It I ht :-,:, \\ (lfll I ht lltt'h \\)• '' th• • • \\ R ... '' Jllant '"' , .... tnhh ... hf'rl on 1ht' ~[11 'ldr \hlf' Jf• \\'\" a 11-17 pilot durim• \\'o•rld \\ 11 IT I •" 1) r """lf>O"-in Fl\m.: 1-nr Ill''~ • 111h t'l I lrOf•"' Jlt' ,,,, • 1 'IJI•·ct bar!-.,'' .... r,l<'t' l:l-.t '''11 17-11 ~up<>nM A \t' .. Costa ~1.-sa Pn rt i <'•' hmitt'd t 0 DhH''lSE'S of F.nr. Nn""· Throat: AJif'r'tY OfrtN' Hour: h~ Appnintml'nl B Ea ron 6.';( or HArhor 1036 Day or Night \1• mt,..,r_ of thl' t<'lrphnnc cnn'· mirtt-.• (If tht• nt'\d~ rorn.t•d 1111 hm· Pnnh<'lknic \\~r. .-nto•rllllllf'tl lo't'••n tl) by tht' t'h' 11 m:m. \I,., C"astlcman Smith. a l ""' C'"ornn:1 dP I ~1 .t r hnmc-I unrhc-nn " '" st>n •'d wi I h t ht' n~~~~tnn<'•' of h• r dau..'htrr. '\fr, .TaC'k N<'wlon, nl"'~" a panht'lleniC' mt'mbrl"' \\ ,., m K11r• 1 tilt I I IR..:t ~fa\ · I,,; 1'-110\\ Ill 1}11' ii1R('It\t' ro·•'''' "rth mnk "' llt'11'• nant rolorwl T ht• fnmll~ nltl\ I'd hC're from r I· C'iftc Paho..Rd~ Phone Harbor a rea ~U<'S\S wen"' ~tr; , Raymond K Haf'V('v Mr<: Martin RAC'K I~ HO~PITAI. HArbor 1138 I Mangold, Mrs. M. · ·A. And<'rson.1 Back a~arn In St'asidc ho!:prtal. 1 Mrs. Gcol'~t' Guthrl<> and :\1rs. wh<"l'l' h_c undt"rwc-nt su~cry last I Harry Case)•. Mrs. Glad\'S Man-Mnr~h. lS C'harl<'<> Wo~~onE'r. 61R ___ FU:..;,:.:NE.;.:.;._:::R:.:A.:.L.::....:.D:.:I:.:R:.:E<"TT~..=.,;;;.;R:.:..._ .... j son and Mrs. E ther H als<'y W('t'(> Maru~old A\(', \orona dl'l )far Baltz Mortuary I prf'Sent from La~na. Mrs 1\J!ln-son has bec>n a ppoint('(! P anht>l· C'ha~ by tbe Sea lcnk m embership <"halrman rrom L8Jn.U18. HARBOR 42 RE'gular me-eting of Harhc'rr PA n- Corona del -Mar, CaUfonda M llenJc Wll.!l held last nr~ht nt thr \orono del Mar Church hall Th!' Ample Off~treet Pa.rtdllc pres ide-nt, M rs. Raymond K. lfnr· You may nod a profttable ex-dlanre for that real eltate In tbe want acl eecUon. vey, extends a pedal in,·ilation to serVIce men's wivt>S who bt'lon~ to PanhelltonJc t10rorities a . w~ll u othen of the Harbor area BUCS~G s... -1.,. ..lectMNot .. ; ..... P•n•iv• "'9' encl u,.,.till~f• & h•mp tque,.., for Wlft"'W hoM" ........ ~~·d liE n n N•...,..-i INch Hwy. O.,en Niqhtt •• S.... 10 •·"'·-4 P."' 0 P S REGULATION Number ZS <tlnlr<~: "Tht' OXL\' RET.\JL )L\.RRET ,\Jiow<".J tH wll a mr- t'a~ <~ldC". blod quartt>rs, fOr(> qu:Utt>rs Of I>N'f fl) lbt' C'OD· "ilml'r l<~ FROZEN FOOD LOCIER PLAIT" PI'~ rt't~llru: A Fro~rn F~ l .. ockt'r or ownlntr a 11omt' FrM'7f'r ArC' '"r:"' ror ttml\tf' ln hfolnc ftblt" to bu, mM bl Ia "'bolt''lllr quan tlti~ at " jo!tP3t '!13\"fnJt. C'<>mf' In h~ll\~' """ lf't tL<~ f'~J'II!\In bow lbou~nct<~ Arf' f'Hflira,. I • I ,. lhr lr food hill I hi' Nl•~~ '-'"'~. WE ALSO SELL FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES at a SAVINGS up to 20°/o RARBOR ~g~ LOCKERS '\ 4 1 8 30th Stree t 1[~~i~~ NEWPORT -~CH ..... a•atath't!l IIOW Ia arM-- "th. Pf•fwr~ i>teMI of ~t~llllolll" * Quality ladies' cmd men'• wear IIAI'bor 2555-R ~._-Note.-a.a .... et •"' Wfl4 of 4•b+ ......... n~ I" A- •rlu . "No coll•ctlon..-No fee." Wt tch•tllc• eH cottL CREDIT BUREAU ~It Df-taact~ ....... LAaOE OR MALL .lOBS on .,;s s ME CARE ~! .... &.(Jn ,.. uuu• I" lor You-dwCM. IYJD;OOMB WAOQN Two w~ks and one nfaht from tonight the Senior Play, '•On Bor· rowed Time," will be ~ted In the high school auc1ltorium You •ill be amUSf'd with the hai)IX'n· , ings that result "'hen an old man. Gramps, runs death up a t~. 10 you better be on hand to witness the hilarious outcome . Tickets v.ill be on salt' rajtht after Tha nks- giving a 1 the school. • • • Two arl students at Harbor I have senl dt'awlngs abroad . Laut1e , Crlsell, Pnior. has had a picture sent to Japan, and John Lane, l.enior, has had his picture sent to Yugosl&\'ia. Pictures are to be exchanged all over the world to get a better understandim: or the different oountrit's. • • • Here's somt> good nt'w· for all Harbor . students. A new plan now undt>r way ls for the organi- zation of a S\\ing band . Accord~ ins: 10 Clinton Sawin, these mu- icians would be 8\1lilablt> for school and dub dan('('S and llw hke . . . I Also aftE-r 1 hl' ~amt' Don P re · ton and Joan :'\~"uman. and Dona PriC<' and John llit<'hman had a small ('art~ at Don Prt'slon's home tn Ray Shor~. . . . A small supJX>r was givrn at Lou Ann William.c:on's homl' F ri· da~ nis:ht See thC't t' WC're Don Pettit and Lou Ann Williamson and Jack ="rrdt um a nd And,· ~wem - • • • I Saturday night lhe Gars:oy)('l( held a pany at Ray Middallgh's home in Balboa. Drinkinq punch and dancin~~: to t'('C()rds wr>re Irmin Stawicki and Ruby Neuman, Bob Casey and Sandi Thad n, Jack WoodhulJ and L~-nn SmHh, Larry Johnson and Barbara Hayes, D<>n- nie Mason and Diane Drant. Rill Hopkins and Charlene Six, Jack Nerdrum and Lyn Smith. Lee Jny- r~ and Pam Hoxit>, Jay Carlisle and Ann Morris. Ted McMastt>rs and MariJy n Merrill, Johnny Yales and C'.aroi Thomas, 1..<.'0 Curtis and Carolyn Schlickenmeyer, Don Pettit and Lou Ann Wlllia The Balboa Po\\<t>r Squadron is hohhng Its annual meeting thiS ('Vt>ntn~ fThursday J Ill the Ne-Ar- port Harbor Yschl Club, and offi- t.'crs for 1~2 will be elected. SHrMnship certificates "ill be prt>Sented to the follo\\ mg. who h&VI" pas ed the prlng course: Lin- of O'BRIEN'S Nov. 21 I Ricki Othmcr and --nee~ ~..,., _ _._ SitE Req\lfar 0. ''' oceano,. o/1 The Birth of a u.bJ Smeenth Birtbd.,. BncacementAnnouncemeata O.ange of re1idenoe Arrivals of Newcomen to NEWPORT BEACH Phon£: H u.-l>or i58 fN• c•st or oblittJt(o,.J Let us kee p yot.r clothes WELL-PRESSED! C FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Q rxpl'rt alteration ~rvlct> ... 504 Coast BIYd. S C'ORONA DEl. JIIAil Call HA 3178 CLEAIIEIS M. N. cox. Roxi Aanold and Ra~ Mid· daueh. • • • Sunda~. 1-.J:'.: held a picnic fl)r all its mem~rs and lhl'ir d11tt's Sec.-n tht'rl' t'ating wiE'n('rs and sil- t in~ around tht' picntc fit"(> wer<' Carol Thomas and Bob Wood- hom;<'. C'.arol T<'l7larr and John Yatt>s. Kay Ci<'<'ro and Buzzy Knox. Donna Zutx> and [.('(' Jay- rl'd. Lynn :--mtth And .JsC'k WN•d· huJJ. Uldra Quc(·n and Jack NN'· drum. Audrry ner~ and Hem f:ngl<'. .BNiwu~ C'ht tstPnM•n and Dick SmoU.\'1', Jod\' Johnson and Johnn~ Lan~l'nhPlm. Dona SC'· dincf'r 11nd Gary ~mi th. P,\GES WJt:IA'OME 80N Thr first candh• on his birthday bottle should han• hl'f'n placed last \\ N'k for Ht'nr)' !\1. Page Jr., born on Oct. 1. at St. Jos<'ph Hosp1tai. The little boy, who e parents llw> at 123 Coral A\'e .. Balboa Island. W<'ighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces at birth and has alrC'ady gained well O\er two pounds. One or the baby's ft•("Quent \isitors is hi matemal grandmother. Mrs. A. M. Mason, who summers in th<" H&rbor area bul who e permanent residence i in Soulh Pasadt>na. ~EW FAMILY~ BALBOA New N'Sidents in Balboa are the R. C. Robertson family, formerly of Arcadia. now ~!ding at 619 W. Bay Ave. Included In the f11mlly are Brock. who is a !iCnlor st Har- bor High. his sister. Dorothy, a freshman at Harbor. and Doddy age 8 in 'irommar chool. NC'xt door is Mrs. L. C. Robertson, also formerly of Arcadia. 1'1' t ~C'RIM'10!\'411 AJ,\\ AY'8 DOtTBl.E RAMPI'OII'S BARPOR RADOII till DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES BLOUSES BLOUSES BLOUSES SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS JACKETS SLIPS SLIPS SLIPS PAJAMAS BRAS Gloves 8 95 12 95 to 14 95 17 95 to 25.00 29 95 to 45 00 3.95 to 8 95 7 95 to 10 95 17 95 10.95 7.95 10.95 to 17.95 to 19 95 to 3 50 to 5.95 to 8.95 to 4.95 to 14 95 19 95 36 50 3.95 8 95 12.95 6.95 5.00 7.88 10.88 to 14.88 17.88 to 25.00 1.00 4.88 to 3.88 to 5.88 10.00 3.88 s.oo 7.88 to 10.88 to 10.00 to 1.88 to 3.88 4.88 to 2.88 to 8.88 12.88 20.00 2.88 5.88 3.88 SOc and 1.00 e Scarfs Jewelry PANTIES • SOc and 1.00 . Miscellaneous items 1.00 Instead of - we're - -chopping gobblers chopping prices ! Don't Miss This Thcmbgi · Sal • 'ftDCJ e. .. 01)' ., 1'....,-t a-da -8tale .. Oallfenla , ....................... ~ XO'I"'CE TO OO!ft'a&cro&8 ~ SEALED PROPOSALS wiU be ~'«'rived at the office of the City • For ,. Clerk. City Hall, Oty of Newport lk'ach, Callfornia, until 7 :30 P. M., • ,. 011 the ~lh day of November, 1951, at •·hleh time they will be pub-... , ~ F i D • 4 Ucly OJ)el'led and react. for ~onninc •'Ork u fo1lo\\."': ,. 4 Cft"Y OF N£\\"PPOl1' BE&CO. CA.LIJI'OilN'IA "Your Ra.t to • n c 0 c K TAILs ~~ ~~~:= ~t~~~~P~.; Oout Since lD&"" t Cle;~'-' ;-re"".-_ .... and Ital1an D'""'ers : 4 No bid Y.ill be rt"Ct"lved unl it is made oo a proposal form fur-F 1 l!i E P' 0 0 ° 8 ,. :' • .. .. , ·-., .u .... niahed by l1'M? Cit> Engiooel. Each bid must be accompanied by cub. C 0 C a I' A 1 L 8 ... 1 ' Bee I W certified or cashl r's ch«k, or bldde1 's bond made payable to the I COAST Hls.HWAY AT ,. mpcrtea rs u ines 4 City of Newport Beach for an amount equal to at leut ten ClO ) per THE ARCHES • ~ cent of the amount bid, such guaranty to be forfelted should the bidder I ... ..,_.. .._.. .... Wi E E f S ~ to whom the contract is awarded fall to enter into the contract. JOHN VD ,. ~ In acco.rdanoe •i th the pro,isions or Sections lTiO to 1781 of tht> -E'JE \illll Labor Code, the City Coundl or tht> City or Nev.-port Beach ha.s ~r-.__ II., ~ ":05 to Ttl OAST BLVD. ~ COitON'A DEL JIAa ,. t~edt.hep~~~~~~gntt'~~~aw~~etot.he~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~·~·~·:~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·=~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~~: to be dont> as f olloWB : BCMtrl)' Pff Dlf'lll C'l.aMI.flea.tioe \\'a'" Seal" Wa«t- Caf'P(. nter . 2.35 18 Labo~rs. Gf>ot>ral or Construction l i5 14.00 ()pe~tors & Tenden of Pneumatic and Electric Tools, Vibrating 1>1acltines, and similar mechani- cal tools not separately classified herein ... 1.9:1 2.l0 .. 1.95 . l Cribbers or S horers . . .. ... .. . .. Asphalt Rake r and lront>r _ .. . Cutting Torch Operator 1 demoUtion t Drillers IIlii others• •. 03 L-Fine GradPr 1 High\\ a) & St !'{'('t Pa' 1ng onlp Ga & it Pipeline Labort>r Guard and1or Wa tchman Cement Finisher A-F rame Boom Truck . .• Aprn<>ntict-Ent:inN'r. tncluding Fireman. OilPr, Gn>a r Air Compressor Operator . . Asphalt Plant Fireman .... ·-·· .. -·... .. . . ..... Asphalt or CrU:.hing Plant Engin{'('r . Boxman or Mixer Box Operator troncreTe or a phalt planT 1 . Concrett' or Asphalt prt'adlng. Mechanical Tamp- ing or Flnlshin~ !\lachine OpE'rator _ Concn'te Mixer Operatot·-pa,ing type and mo- btle mixe r HPa,·y Duty Repairman H<'a,·y Duty Repatrman HPIJ)C'r Pa\<'mPnt Breakt>r OJX'rator Pump O)X'rator Road Otl M Lxang Mac-htn<' Operator Roll£'r Opt>rntor .. "kip Loodt•r Opera tot W~cel Typ;.> Tow Iliad<' or Grader Operator Tractot· Hi-Lift ~hOHI 0)X't'ator T'rartor 0 JX'tatot· Bulldozer. Tamper . Scraper or Dra~ 1)pe "h<Jn•l or Boom Attachments 'T'rt•nchtnl( Machtn•' 0tx rat or t"ntn•r.;al Equipment ()p<>rator I ~ho\Pl, nnu:lint• 0<-rrick . ()errick· l1:trl!r Clamshell (tr Crane • Drhrrs or Uump T rurkc: of It's!' than -l YID. \\'~t· ter 1,., l'l Drl\·cn. u! lJump Truck Ydl \\llt•·J l<'''t'l Drl\ "rs of Dump T ruck' Yds '"'ttr l<''el Yds. bur les than Ydl bllt h s' than 12 DriH•r of Dump Truck!> 12 Yds. but 1M--. than 1fl Y ds. wa l.(>r l<'Vt>l Drh·t•rc; or Dump Tl urk~ 16 Yd.s. or more "a· t cr If'"" I . . Drl\ Pr<> of Tru<'k<> I Pea\ Pa~ load C'\ (I 'lei t y It>!'" than 6 tons Dr"'''' nf Truc·k... l.t-L.al Pa~ load Car,;tclt~ lx'· '"'''" 6 and 10 '""" D1·h <'1:-uf T n1ck' 1.1 c<~l Pa~ load C.tpa<'i t~ tx•- twrf'n HI and n ton 1. 1.67 2.3R 2 Jf• 1 9.1 2.00 2.15 2 3() 2 15 230 2.40 2.30 1.93 2.2.'l 2('1.') 2..3.'l 225 2 1~ 2.1 2:'>0 230 :?38 183 1 ;:, 1 9«• 21 1 :; 1 9(1 DrhCt-1 ur T'lll<'k~ I PI!U~ Pa.'IC111d CapnCJI~ bf'· I\\ lf n Ji ancJ 21.1 lOll'-1 !I Pa.' lcllld C.ap:l<'it.' 2f• On'• ,., o t Trufk,. Lt•cal _ton' 11r "''" t.' Drl\ • 1, of Euclid ~.'I"' ~prc>adt>r Tru<'ks :! 1R :?.l R 2 ():l 2.1 Dr'!\'t ., ... nt T .. an ... ll -).hx Tr uclu. t:nd 1 3 Ym Dt l\• rs of Tt·Hn. .. if-1\tix 1 ru<'k~ 1 Ydl . or more Gas ~~ Ull T't1Jt•ltni Wurkin., 'T'ruck On\f'r ~rwlttd· l~ \'.'JJl('~ ~ uck nnd an stre or trut"k;: 2.00 \Vat• 1 1 uc k l •t "' 1 lttdPr 2:lc l0 G tl 1 13 60 16. 1560 14.40 16.2·1 14 14 10 13.36 1 9.(~ lR 111 1541 16.40 17.20 1R 40 17.20 1 -10 19.20 18 40 15.4-1 18.00 16 4(• ] I l~ ()(I li 4-l 17 41 2fUI(l 1H)4 11 1~. I 17 1-l 1164 11. 15.20 1 :> I An\ ( 11''111\,tllllll t•llll ltu hE'II'In, IIIII It-~" than J67 .All l1t•l' ..&r" to 1.>1 comparf'tl t•n tht ba'-t' of th• Cit) T"n 'lll••f'r ~ <'!;IIIII ,,. "' II•• 'IU•''"·'" of ""l'k In I)< donP. :-" "· 1 ":I' I· ,,., .. i • d It om a C••ntrn('tnr who ha!; "?' l.~<•t•n lr· <'t'n"c 11 111 at't'Citti:Jill·• "1th the• pr0\'1'111111'-of Chapt<'t' 9. Dl\1'-to n 111 of Bu ... ln<''" nnrl Profl''-Siurus Code. PI n-. m·n hfo ... rn '\nd turmo; or ptO[I<>"'Il bond ... l"f'llltra('l 1\lld spt•ctltt'1 ttnn' m&.' l:X' nbtatmd at thr nfCiC<' "' th<' C11y Encmf't•r Cit~ Hall . Ctl' 111 :"P\\'Pfll t Rf'ach. Cahlorma The• ... ·r~·<'ral a lll'nti n ot prosJ>('('lln biddf't'1-'" callNi to tht• "Pro· posal H<.'ctuir••ments d Condition.," anne X<'d to tlw blank fmm nr pro- -posal fnr full dirr(' as to biddin~. t'tc. . . . T hr Cll\ nl ="'•" 1rt B l'lll'h r<'"er n .. thP rtl'ht to ti'J<'C'I an:-''• all bid'-. CITY OF );EW P\"'RT m=:Ac~H C ALTFI IR'\1.\ C. K. PRIE~T it~ Clerk * Delicious Famlly Style Chinese Dinners 1820 SOOTH COAST BLVD. SPECIALIZING Ill Vtstt Our Beautiful Cocktail Lou:-tge SAM 'S ~EA OOD AT THE SIGN OF THE SWO.DFISH 16278 Coast nwy .. Surfside ---f\Jld-- SEWING NOTIONS c mnpl4'1.-Unl" or ~,.,., .. ol':il <.'11"'-•.m MAdt> ~It Btl<'kll'" a.Dd BuUOI\8 111 •••• IIlii I invites you to Open House Lunch and ·Draft Beer on the House! FOOD by FRENCHY, Who Says: "\'nu'll LIJ..t> uur "*'" \'nrk 'P•PD••·r "'ll':lk ___,., f'nmplf'lo> diDOPr rur * * * Ser:.:1a BqEAKr.L..~-:-- DI -EF Ill day T ilt: 01 TCII l.t·~c. It I' l"(•n JJlt-r. ·~ r. d ,.,,, 1'•·d 1n 1• n · l"'ntn~ F." .tO \ \ Ol R ELF r.\ undl.'t thf' man •l!t rnt>nt 01 .Jlm )1.11rk~it) and ( bn•nu' OT•·. <lf'R C.•.\!11£ &OOM All you do is BRING US THE BffiD W e'll COOK IT to a delic .. ous golden brown, with or without our famous imported wine Bring your own dressing. as you like it . YES . . • Let Us Take the Work Out nanksgiving Day eal FOR FINE DINNERS COCKT f\ .. ll.S • • • Coo'~ed a nd dy to e_ v :- FRENCH AND .1\.f'JD WINES FINE r'.f"03TED BEER ,.. • BHt locatlon-Uttt_. lllancl. AUnactiv~ 2-bedroorn ho~ wUh M>Ch.ldt'Cl patio. plus ehllrmin.: 1 bNroorn apt. --~ ... Stanley NICE 2-bt'droon\ home in Co- rona del Mar, onh 6 ) .-tlN old. SE>para l(' laundt ) 1 nom. gara~t". attJ1lc-tlq• and lot-. nf ~tbihti('l. $9,915 -·-• PHIL SUWVAN GEO. EVERSON IK6 Hew~ 81vcl~ Colt• Me .. (A~n frV'" CO$t• Me.. kftl) IE 7123. ~58-J-Eves. HA 3157-W E.\du~h(' Balboa Coves THI~ bt•aullluJ homl' '' t1 uly dl tlll('li\t' :'Nif'iOU" li\' I m . dill Utl. I'Ofon\\ kitC'ht•n. 2 fi rt•pl i<'l':.. '1. I ,. bdrrru. lmmc•l\!>~ up lairs dormi- 101\ .. a ... u~ C\tn\c•rtNt to '1. l'twx:l ,,, .. bdrm" Hanh\uod llt,.,r ... l);e rheqll<'. \V1II l\.1 \• II• \\ btlltl <i.ltp J-"'CN'plu•nnl s·• 000 Vltlw• . ~ I c-.ood T t r m:. Etl L SeMIIIar • lEALTOl • IUSI NESS O"'lTU NITIES • l.E:NTALS IIA.rt.' t'NI lllJ Coett 11¥4 .. c.r.M ........ , Resident Agent for • Afotaa U fe lu~ Co. • A etaa Oa....,ty a anty Co. • Atrtontoblle la.wrallee Co. le ••••• As ociated with Gerald Ritchie 1219 Co.st Blvd., Coron• 4el M•r HArttor ll Res: HArbor 1202 our ITUDE'IIIEI Dealer • S~L[S • SERVICE • PARTS JoeNickertz )411 Newport ll,.cf., Newport A"ou fr.-.m lido Tlleetre ~one HArtt« 110 Forlale w ••• .....,. -.,..,........ . ···--. ·--·-. fVRNITURE-Tapp&n r&n£t' ~ith dock control; Hotpolnt electric rang~; new rt'd chrome brkbt. &et; white db!. beod. clre$s.ing ta- ble, bench & chest; davenport; boy's bi~"CCI"; lined pea.ch satin drapes, 1 pr, dbl., 1 pr. agl., with vat&oet>s, m.atchins apreed; floor· lamp, mirrors. braided rugs, etc. SE, Clerk, P. M .t public: I Each side h&\rinat 2 be4rooiN and ._th us-tain. Large liv"ing room. I'H.1 fiftpla~. larle ldt:ehm and dinette>. gl~ rear pordM!L All pt"'O)erty completely fen~ eech aide Individually. One block from the OO('an. Both units 1~ Only 2 ~ears old. Cowd rfot pou1bly ~~laced at this prlct> 719 Ma.rgtl(>ri tE'. Open r or your inspection. •(>W 2-bdrm. shake roof, 2--ca.r gar. Extras galore. • • • • • 0:\E or Corona del tar's FINEST HOMES for sale. Excluslv~ly. WIU ~ bown by appt. only . No ni&h<.'d certifie CHy ol I 10'1 I bidd r CONTACT US FOB GOOD BUYS IN REAL ESTATE • • • RENTALS EAaL (JIU.MJIDLAJN .. ()eM& ..... Jl.l•IIQ8 ... ........ c.-.-. .. BEacon 7278-W. ,. a.llert B. L)..a ud H eld L Lpa. ae.JtWa BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale: FOR SALE-20 cu. ft. Alpine kiln & a 10 cu. ft . Alpine kiln. Holm- wood pottery, 2837 Nwpt. Blvd. Newport 8<-ach. HA 0552-W. '39 PONTIAC 6 2~dr., orig. paint, <'lC<X'l. motor, $295. 2481 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. l n r Labor certltin 10 bed 411 Cocmt loule.ant CORONA DEL MAR FanllbouM Motel BAKaoa ten IIAiliiOa lea South£>asterly 23 fl. of lot 2. block M, Tract 323. Cor'Ona d 1 Mar. Just so. or Or. Emm<'l. on. Will accept rcas. offer. Call SY- cattlore 7-7652. Well built-1-bedroom home plus bachelor apt. on a 1:; xliH' wrrwr lot an l!OOd locatl<'n Room to build on ltcll t c•! lot llomf' ha ... a 12'xli' h\1111! 100m wath large rot·- nl'l "1ndo\\" lid\\ d. floor . dimnt: room. Large tilt> sink, gar- ba~:•· rh'po~ul. di!>hma~k-4·. 5 h~tH tlle o' l'r tuh and showc.>r. l.&l\\ t •• v•-. B(llll.), J,;.ud $9 150 R• duC'\•cJ tu I for quick sa It:>. 4i"o GI Resale-2-bd.rm .. attractive home 136"xlf\' l.J\tnL: rc10m. fl&!:'tOnp nr pla<'t' Fm'('('(j nar hE'at. Corn('t· \\ mdo\\ !'\IN•I l-il h \'E'n<'tian bltnd~. dl'SJX' and car-(lt't~ • :-;o J lx'droom 9'x15' with door to J').itm. • ~o. 2 bE'd- room Hl'~ll ' ·r '" t• r lt"ara~:<> built to takt• up~• tnwnt abo\'e. P rw•• $11,950113~ rnPnt-. ~47 00 v<>t· month Ocean side of highway-2 blocks to beach. 2 tx>droom tlom<>. l...i\'10!<1 room ha. ftt""<'pla('('. l..ar~e rornea· \\indo"' "ith dimp C' of O{'('tln. llard\\ood floor~. tumac-l'. 11., I ~;A ttl' F' Ira runm 111 ~arn~P. Chol<'t• lc)('a llun Rl'll ni.,hc:-d lht"'(IU~,;huut ~1• _,.,. ". Pl"i(.'(> • ~. 7VV :;• IAI:III ¥0GEL (!0. 1301 Coett lf,cf .• c-.,e del M•r HArbor 1741 Of HArbor 14]7. Evenings: HArbot l9l·M R .. lto" l'•r\ •t Ag•t• A"'· • "'sinen ~'" S.lbo• '''•"cl • co. ln•uror1 HArbor 377-W $1,250 . • On rorn<'r quar t('l acre. Ha<~ rc:-dwood ~'"tc:-rior. forced au furnaC\', till' in kit<'hE'n. "'"' bath. Int-. uf wardt•obes & closl'ts Owrwr \\111 o;acrific-f• Ml'~T B.E SOLD 'rODA\' O~J.\' ~l .t.'lfi d11wn . balnn<'•• W J)f'r mnnth EXCLUSIVE - -- LIDO ISLE A lura.:\'. roomy, 5-bt•droom t)<.lm(• on Lido Not-d IIA \' r•'KO!\ T --• com.pll'l f'l) I ur- nL hl'd. J.l'"' 1l.lld J1p. ~ $49,500 14,000 \\UI llaadlt>. Halllor ln•~dnlult CO~ RE4L TORS N ew'l"t:-1. Bh"d. at .... l!lt. N E\VI~O R ':' IIA 1- Real Estate & Rentala UNFURN. 2~bdrm. house for t"!'nt in COM. DbL gar., encl. hack .)'d. Near be-ach. $100 mo .. )'l''S leas!'. C~t aoex>ptable. A\•ail. Dec. 1. HAr-bor 1.538-W. '50 PLYMOUTH Suburban. ex<.-ept. C'laHif1 clean. low mlleage. 2491 Coast RrlckJa Hwy., NPwpOrt Beach. BE 6515 BrlcktE Tile U DE!-;ERT RO E Franciscan ware, EI£'Ctrit 30 pi~ Sl5. HArbor 2068-W. Naii-Ot MAPLE clin<'ttt' et, secretary Paint<>t desk, Cogswt>ll chair &: ottomarf, Painter rock r. and othc:-r chairs. 213 Pl~t<'l OFFICE for rent-Newport Bh'd., FC'mlear. Corona del Mar. Pta tcr nMr nl'w hospital Has parkin& '40 PACKARD Club Coupe, 1ro. C'ttrpt'n area. Perf. for florist or o ther 2481 Coast Hwy .. Newport Bch. Ct•ml'nt small busine , $45 month. 466 NE'wport Bh·d ., Costa MP a BE REAL B SL!'I;LSS opportunity -Plumb.~ 5713-R Busy littiC" e3Ung plae<> with lh . ~oofer ~EWLY de<.'Or. furn. kHchen<>ttC quarters. RNJs. 429 So. Main St. ;~~~-~~ Orange. .....""'" apt., ~ rly rental S40 (><'r mo., An\' Cl uti!. pd. Pan I ray ht>at. 2 btk!.. s ·All from City Hall. 223 32nd St.. Furnitu~ & Appliance llmatt> , N£>wport Bt>ach. liA 29:>-J. 1645 NE'\\'})Ort Bhd. C05ta Mesa ~o :-:EW U!'IITURN. upper Oat with l'l'n'\<'d large windows overlooking bay. L'S<'d Elt>et ric Rt>frittera tors ~·· Ru.-.1 In good residential d.i L 2 t>ro-, priced as low 8" ............ Sl9.:l0 1 Phu rms .• sundeck, firepl., hdwd. flrs. :i Cubic Ft. Ele<-tt'Oiux gas 'fX'<·ific• No children or pets. Avail. Nov. .~fri~!r,ator 1 only ....... ~29.;Jll C"it) H• 1. $115 mo. 1009 W. Bay Ave.,, 0 "'F.EF 1-. & :\lERRITT la· Thf' N.B. HA 3277-Eves. HA 890-M. hl<'-top J.!lls range; on:.•n posal R FINEST A.PTS. rum. Utll pd. Best I "?"' 1'01. 'a.uto hurnc:-rs .... $39.r>O posaJ. ~ UJ\'ECY 1-hch m rurn. n11t . nrar location. 1 & 2 bdrms., $75 mo. G-F •. 6 Cub1c Ft. Elec. Rc-Tlw bus lint' and !<.ICII't'i•. Stall !~how-& up. 315-317 Marguerite CDM. frlg<'rator. Cuarant~.. S59.5l> all bid-; f'l', Sl'l'\'iC't' porc·h. ~:nr . (('n<'<•d HArbor 2397-J-K. ' :1-Pc. Extt>n~ion top dinette-I )ard. t 't ils pd Adults. flEacon PLEASANT ,.,..mfortAb'• rurn. rm.l .. ~'t'l; nat. fmio;h, complete .. $22:";0 6270-\\'. Pr' , t ~ bath~ sos'" u. M . ~rmmon ' Youth Bed com- -1\. en . prlV. • .n llTJ-plntn all h~rd\\•ood' ' na-CI"TE 3-tm knntt) p1n<' opt lor ld CDM HA 2853 R. ,~ ~· ' · Dated: rt'nt :\i('t•l~ fum Clo<.l• Hli:Wach g~ . • tural fini<.h .. . .. . . ... 524 )() Publt~h t 'til"< & l!ar .. 860 mo. IIA llO~-\\' FOJf"RENT-2-bdnn. unfurn. new Gla front 1\&lnut china L"l 'R'\ -.-bd ----. duplex. 2265 Clay, Cliff Haven. cuphoard Ilk.• ne\v """' ..,,. r .:-rm 31ll., UI>'H\II"'l, 1 . .; . . . : ;:..<;,. "' hdt·m clcmn-.tail .. ~ar F"<'t'l lo-. FOR RENT 1-num<.'r \ ... pd ·wood apt. stu> Help , .. ,,ll•tt Y··:u h rtrllal AA-, month I BU~GALOW APART?.~ r.:a. ran.-:" S49.:>n ...... ...,.._, Cl1 \1.••• •old Cl>\1 Bea~tifully fum., large liv. room -----. wlth fireplace, bdnn • ldtchen-IH·.!'\~HAnLF dUillt•'· lu111 CCI7~. ett<'. Rate by day, week or qu11•t <i ,,,,,c·. 1 111 dl'n. Adult, month. unh. "117 r,,1ld• mort Cll\1 II.\ FARl.~HOllS.E.-.XG'PEt. '\n :--; lh1h l3<M.. C~ COM HA 1063 F-UJtNITURE AND AmiANCES PAI~T 1 ·• HllR'f a.. = 1 16-tS Newport Bl\·d. Costa Mesa l't '" --unr urn_:'-"'" ,·.-f "1)1r)('.. FUR.N. APTS. tor rent. See Lou-1 tl , •. ~n. s .. ., mel h~ )<'ar. ise Apts: first. Dbls & singles, '50 CADILL.AC oomcrtible. alll'X· a.!_s.? 1-bdrm ~~~ rrnnt apt. ~'!rn overlooking Bay. 3~ Carnation, tra . rnclud.an • white sidc-wal1 ~c·un. 1:> to June l :>lh. HAt hor ... 122 Corona del Mar. 2491 c ... ., ... 1.1"~ N~vpo 1 BE .! mr Eve:-~: HArbor 2914-M. r-I 6515 vu.a ., •••• 'L' r · HCil'~l U~FPRN 3-rm. apt. h\ln~ rvom. ft~l Estate Exchange GOOD. PRACTICE PIANOS. ~9 . ~ralj bedroom. kitch n. hle bath. pan-$75 $87 elroy hc:-al .. St0\1:' & r•efri;:. fut·n MODER!'\ 2-barm. homP nNtr· La"': F 1•1 1 up .. Pay $5 per ,.month. OPPO R 317 HC'Ilotropt>. COM. Inquir<' at ~a city centt>r actual value ~ . trade-m aJlowed on new • m:1n 1 319 H<'liolropt>. HA m9-W I $13.500 cloor ro'r COI'Ona d I Wlthm two . yea~. DA..l'l.iZ-I ln'>Url Mar 1-bdJ'm .. l-story SlO,OOO or· SCHl\UDT ~~~ Pumo . Store. I li!-hl•li LARGE STt:DIU APT. with won-under. C'onlact Dr. Bt'ly~ \vr'th 1 ~anta Ana .. 1.!0 No. Mam. 6rh in :"\, .,, d('rful \1ew a nd ~ood locat. Yrlr I St corn€.' B t J'l.!ntal furn. or part!) furn. t 'til'>. I R. Conrad. Rf'altor. 238 orc:-st, . r. uy now Ul' l Rax C pd. R<'asonahl<> JU:a<'On fl i88-J .... !-:'tRUna B(\.'l<'h. 1-4034. ·-Ch.ris~ma · EXPER These Are Your IAIIAIIS FOR THIS WEEK ON USED APPLIANCES Hotpoinl ei<'Ctrk ram:<>. 1950 modf'l. hkc> nl'w $169.95 StC'wart-Wamc:-r 7 cu. ft. Re- fri{!ct·a tor S79.95 Coldspot Rt>frigC'rator, 6-mo. guarantl'C' $84..95 • • • • .lU ~HEVROLLT dL'C 2-dr. Lo~ dre. s Sentces I tn.Jieagt? and many extras. $l6~:1.1 day ,. • • • 24 1 Coast llwy., Nt>wport B<'h.l ~ALE~I • • 1 GRAND PI~ ·o SALE! Baby ~ it . fo Pamting-Paperhanging Grands from S495. lk'autirul e:ted GEOD·GE BY'IDW..aen. I Sohmer P&rlor Grand, $395. maklr n v&UUU'UU.IT Oth<.'rs at s; 5, S675 up. \\'ur-\\'c> h litu-r. Chickf'ring, Ki m b a I . and ~ 308 Sbt St., Newport S.C. IIA.Bor UIB-W Call a.lt6 1 p. m. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEAMING • 0. loeatlea • wortc o.,...-.. MOODY LvrEIUOilS (laD II.Anor t aM for Jl:.ttma~ !l5 <'o1111t 81\·ct. Oorou ~I liar Starr etc. DA '\Z-SCH.l\UDT B•~:: 51ti c Piano Store-. Santa• Ana. 520 ~o. ~ Main. cornt•r 6th t. Buy :'\0\\' Wan'- for Christma .. · '50 C'HEVROLFT suburban ('(In\· nRr.ss: all. Ov('r..izr whN>Is & tir·~s for la• Pc.'l'r<'Ct tor h• nt., fi!lhing. 24Rl c1:-""' Coast High'''' ~ewport 8C'ach. l:"\FA:\ · SMALL Dearbt• n heater. Good as vi Hl.:t nc\\. 204 S . H'\Y Front~ Balboa EXI'lFff lsl!ind. HA 1li9~J. t•nt·h • '4~ PLY !\tOt 'Til station '''8!.!lln. 2lfr.. radio. ht'a lt·t .!491 Coa~t Hw~ .. 1 if\ RY-~ ~('\\pori , RL11·on 6515 ' · 1111111'. • ..._JI .-.. .. •nd 10(1 ('un~>t ntnt. Corf'M\ll dt•l Ma r --•• •u• Auocl•tes II rbOr J 1\62 ExcC'ptionally handsome R!'- frigcrators. excell('n t condi- dltion; 6-months guarantee· Coldspot. I'CCOndition<.'d H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbinq A Prompt Repa.tr Service Maintained HAMMOND ORGANS! The great EXPER' Hammond Ch<•rd Organ. If you don't know u s1ote. you can play this! The Hammond Spinet Or- gan. World'~ most beautiful tonc.>s. Easy terms. D A N Z - SCHMID'f Piano and Organ Co. Santa Ana. 52•1 No. Main, cor. want. ('1('. F' \\'c• ha\f\ S-bdrm .. C-bat• Out<'h <'olonl"l l)n RnlhnA PPillrumlft. \\111 <'ontldf'r MnAIIr r hnm,. In tradc>. lUI% Nt•\\-pMt Bhd. '17 STL'DE. CHAMP. Con,Prt .. Healt'r.radio.n£'Wfuii ~1•:Lr \'ision top, nC"w crt"nm paint and motor ovt-rhauled • 'I~ '42 CHEVROLET, 2-door dc:-hiXI" F l('(ltllne. 1-t('ater, r-adio, n<'w paint nnd m£'chanl<'ally OK '12 DODGE. 4-door <'U!<tom ~.-dun. F1uld drlv<'. nt'\\ point and <~Nt t CO\{'rs. Motor O\<'rlu'lUil'd • Btudc TPrmt • BILLMAS M I X D E A I, E R 8 ............. Newport Aato Sales !eot N~>wJmr't Bh·cl .. - unl t . ... . . . $ 99.95 Wc.>sllnghousc .. ... 109.95 Rebuilt 12 cu . ft. Fr'('('Z<'r. <'X· C!'ll<•nt condition S169.9!l General EI<'Ctric Port 11 b 1 e Dfshwash<>r, excellent condi-' tlon . . . .......... $149.95 Another G.E. Portable Dish- washer ...... _ .. $109.95 Co. ..t.PPI..IAJrol. 516 Coat Highway Newport Beaeb BEaeon ~ Schwinn P'ttolle Harbor IU8-W UGI BaJbM Bh'd. Newport BMdl PAINTING Earl SheOin !TS Palmel-St. -C..ta Me. Btac.a 1117-· W A.NT YO UR DIRTY WORK OONET OOTORAL ... Complete ~ 8eMce Wlndowa, floor wuinc and pol~ lablng, wall wutdna. ~ Call Harbor l.,._W COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING Furniture A: Rug ·~. etc. Work guaranteed. Beacon 6111 AJ'a Hou.e and Window Clee.n-lng Service. Ray Stedman 1574 Newpor1 Bl•d., Coata Meea. BEacon 5128-J BABY 2925·J ... "" Misce: 6th St. , ... ... .... '41 OLOS "!l!-1 ,, dan. h\ dramatic' R00;\1 ' and otht'r ,., 1 "as. 24 1 Coast hch1 I H.hth"':l). :"\ ,.,, rort B<'nch · : ;·~f~~~ $10 WILL HOll• any PI.A.-.:0 lor ...---Chrt lmas ddl\·ery. o~-.;z. { Jlll.D. SCHMIDT Ru:: Piano Store nr <'ht · plavm anta Ana, Gt h St. corner, 52tl :\Cr.· A ~~·~fa_inFR/,'~! PIANOS TO Fcm' y(' '41 CH EVROLET club t'OUJX'. nt-~! 1~~~ dlo, hc:-at<'l' SPECIAL &19:1 .. ;) -. 2491 Coa 1 ll''Y· r"ewport, BE RE PO~ 6515. dunn~ S ACRlFICE 19~10 Pontiac 4~door minC'. eda rf d Own Ex(><'rl s n. pe . t•on . er. HA 1223~J, 332 E,·cnlng Canyon Rd. RENT ~ Corona del Mar. learn. '48 DE SOTO t'edan, clean. 2491 allowc Coast Hwy., l'\rwport BE>ach. BE stock. 6515. ano Sl '47 Cl n ... "V. Al'rn ~!'<'dan. Load<'d Ana. with <'XIl'DS. :-kw paint. intl'riOl' KEYS - spotle s. 119:i 2481 Coa~t Hi~h-Tomm way, Nl'wpor t Hl"ach. Coront DoN'T Ml~~ 'The DrunkEil'<l " TELEVf mclodrnm nt &rnboo R011m. 11nn (u n 1bo3. 8 1!> " m. Friday nnd nllcl\\, Sal urru '1. "'' 16, 17 . . :i 1 • l<'lc\·is hnuN M , ntt•t ,,,mmrnt for Sl Yl. !i20 ~c inclt•('hn~: rl'f•• 1"-mNlhl An •. Ot)' ., ...,..n IIMr.ll 8tate of CaJiforala NOft(.,; '1'0 CO~ftACTOit ATU'RDAY Pa tor h(Jf L And roon \\ill SEALED PROPOSALS wiU be l'C!Celved •t the offi~ or the City Clerk, City Hall. City or Newport Beach, California, until 7 .30 o'clock P .M . em th 10th~ of ~mber, 1951, at "hich Umt• th<') ''Ill be> publicly opened a nd rc-ad. Cor performing Y.Ot k a,; follow : ITY 0 .. ~ t;WP()RT BEA Jl, 6"AJ.If'ORNL\ ftt•novatlon and Addition 10 Newport Httrbor Public Ubreaoy at llG lsJand An·nue, Newport Bcach, C'allfornta ''On Makanc Every D&y Ttl.tnks~ ch· ntf' \'.ill be the sermon thf me of Rev. Torn Pendell Cor the Sun· day mot-nlng !K'rvlc£> at Chr l,t Church by the Sea. Next Wt'Clnesda)' e\'enin~ ChraM Olurch will ser\'e a h<J t w the• Ne\\l)Orl Harbor OO(Jlmunlt)' union Thnnksgl\ing sena~. rx-ak on ''Finis:htr,,:: the Work" at th 11 a m rvi~ &tturda\ at Se\enth Da) Ad' ntlst Chur~h. • t PT. TO (,f\'E • EIUf o:-.· Nf'wl} 1 h't·tr'd Con~ J!&Uut\:tl t 'ronf• 1 net· !'iuJWrlntendf'ot. R· ' J,. F . Pt-rrm, \\JJI be the ~u~ ,.;t "JX•3kPr at both th 9:45 tttd 11 a. m ..... n ~~ at th Co1 101 ~~ I M•r· Cl)mmunit} ChiJrf'h 011 Sun da) HI • rrmou Utprc wall b-· No bad wlll be roct'h d unlc It is mad on a propo al form fur- nWJ('(l by the City Engin~r. Each bid must tw :tccompaniC'd by cash. ~rtified or C'8 htt>r's <'ht><:k, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Ncwport Beach, for an amoUilt equal to at lf'a~t teon perct'nt OO'"l I of the amount bid. such guaranty to be forf£"it<'d 'ihould the biddcr to whom tht• contract i award<'d fail to enter Into tht' contract. In sccord:wce ''ith the pt'O\I'>ion.s of Sections 1770 to 1781 or the Labor Cod<', U1e City CounCil of th£' City of Nf'wport BN11'11 has a - C<>rtained tht' gt-nt'raJ prt>\ tiilin~; rat£> of wagt'S applicable tel th \\(Irk to tx-don£> 88 follows: · Hourly 1-t>r Dlf'm ClaMincauoe Wa~t' ~1.. Wa~ Brickla)t.•r and ~torw Ma!>On 2 ;:; 22 OCl 13ricktender ... 2 OU 16 00 Til<' Laye•· 1 Setter 1 2.70 2l.b0 Elf'Ctridan 2.6~ 21 00 Nail-On L8th<'r 3.12:i l5 00 Pajntt>r, Brus h .. :.U:i 1i.20 Pajnter ~pray Gun or Sand Blastt>r 2 111 19 10 Plo l<'ri.'r 3 125'-25 00 Pla!'>tcr Teondl·r ... . ... .... 2.875 2~'\00 Curp('rttt'r . 2 3:> IK ~(I Cf'nwnt Jo~inish(•r 2.3R HH~1 Plumber I.A ·ad 01 .. t.~n1E'nt Caulkrr 2 i~ 2'1.00 R.uof<'l' . 2 50 20.00 Tth• Setlt>r's Ifel(ll•r . 1 Ri:i t:l.On Labort>rs, Ci<'nt"tlll or Conc;tructaon 1 i'l l1.flll Am Cla!'Stficatipn nm1tt<.>d. hcretn. not h·~s I han 1 ti7 B 36 ·All bids ar<' lobe compared on tlw hasis rtf th•· Ctt.r F.m•tr1••o·r'" t' • timat<' or tht> quantih<'S of work to b<' dmw Costa M£>sa ~o bid will b<' RCf'f'ptt'd from a Conttartm "ho h1" nul h•t'n h· • t:t~n<:Nl in Bt'C'OI'danct> \dth the pro\l ... lnns nf <'hapt•'l 'I Ill\ 1"io>n Ill El"'·tr1C Rl'frlgerators t•! Buo:irw"s und Prnft>ssit>ns CodP. a low a... .... . .. S19 50 l Pluns m;t~ b<' s cn. and rorms of proP?sals, bonds, cont~ac~ and F t. F1e-etrolux ga "P<'<'tlkatlflrL'l ml\) bt" obtained at the off1ce of the Ctty EngiJl('\.·r, tor-1 onl.y.. S~ :i(J City Hall. C'1ty of Ne,~·port Beach, C'allfon:tl&. . , & ~1ERRITT ta-I The ,.,,)(cia I attenuon of p1'0SJX'CII\ e btdders 1s C;lllt'd to th<• Pau- . auto hurncr .. $39.50 ro al. for fuJl dJrt'ctions as to b1dd.inq, etc. . r:as rangp; oH•n 1 po~l RequiremE.>nt and CondJtior:ts" .anncxed I«J 1 hf ht •• nk fu1 m ••I JU'II- Ft. EIE.>c. Re-Th!' Cit~ Clf Nvwport Beach re-sen·e th<' n~ht to n Jt•ct .1n~ or tor. Guaranteed . S59 ')(l all btd" / _ . Extt>nsion top dinette-CITY OF NEWPORT BEACII CALirOR:"IA t : nat. flni. h, complete .S22 :')() C. K. PRIEST Youth Bed. com-City Clerk aJI h~rdwood, n8-Dat<'<l: :"O\". 13, 1951 1 fint"h .$24 ;o Publish. J\o\. l:i and 22. 1951 in I hl' ~<''\llllll llat hot En:-h.n front " lnut china UG.t.L t-~onc' ., llht· new.... $29:.o H 1 Wanted CERTft-"IC,\T£ OF Bl'~~E. ~ I' Wt'<i~''ood apt. si.t.e e p -Fictttious 5'lrm Na me ran~t ·-· · · S-19 .. ;n w • -r-Tht> und£'r!>iL'll<'<i d<WS h('rt'b~ \\·1 1\L\;\ '' ~ ~·· 1111 111'11' <'t•rtif,· th:tt hP i' condu('tin..: a rPs- -~' • k CJII't .. o ·r~ ''1 ·-~~~ taurarll bu, int "!; 1tt 300 :\tarin<.> mo. lot· l to 2 hours JX'r da~. AHnU!'. Halbo:l Island. County of :"u ::;unch~ wmk 1 ··ell IIA ltlln Orant:t'. :'tat e of California. under PAitT TJ:\IF m1r~c ~ .. ,.h,;ort;:;irh-a fictitious rirm name or desh,'lla· c•r wantNi C"ullrt:l' ur pra('t 1-t 10n which dO<'S not show the true 1"11 o''\J!o'r nt'<'<'"''H ~ :\:i ~ 1':-• ,,. name or namE'S of the persons in- \OUn:•·t ('.til Ill-. :;fl<li b< twc'<•n tert'Sted in said busine s. to wit: ~ md ~{ I' m :\tun thru Frt. "l S I..A:XD PATIO" iifilTSi::tlf lLD hC'Ip want<'d 1 hr~. n.nd that said firm 1 · compost'd of 10 a.m. once 3 \\C'f'k Call J1Ar-the following p<>rson whose name hm 1~J a nd addrc<:l' are as follov; . OPPORTC\ITY fot man or \\(l· William H . Har\'ey, 2355 Vista man fm r<'al (•-.tat!' '-lth·sman or Bayshore. ="<'"port Bcach, Cali- m<:urant-t• a~E>nt '' ith well e tab-fornia. li .. hl'd R.-.al r:~t.tll• m·~Jnii...Jtlon \VlTNE5S m~ hand this li day \v of Octobcr. 19:ll lll :"<'\\IXlt t llarbot Alt'a lllf• WIULA~t H . HARVE:Y Rox C-11 c 0 ThP En<:ll{n STATE OF CALIFOR:"IA ~XPER. ~lcswoman wantt'd for COt"NTY OF ORA:-.:GE ss: dr<>ss shop on Balboa Island, Six-On this 17 day of Oct., 19:51, day wk. incl. Sun. llA 1952-W tx-rore m£'. a i'otary Public in and SALESME:'I': We ha\'<.' opportun· for said count) and state. per- ity rnr sulcsm<'n who are inteor-onally GPP<'lJred William H. Har- C lJ~o •n IIC'.or oJ OpJJUrtuntt>. "1'h Modern Good Samarlt n" \\Ill bet Re\'. Harry White's lt tmon (OJ' Sw1day at tl'lc BaJboa island Communtt)' Methodlst Churl' h Gilbert Aiken and \'era \\'Jihanb UGA.L HOT1c;5 "'ill sing. S o. A-!0710 An )nformal r~ptton 1.\tll I>~· . "OTIC"E TO CREDITOR ht'ld from 3 to 5 p. m Sun<i•> at E. TATE OF ROSE MOl..LlCA the Newport Baptl.st Chur-ct1, 19th • Deet-a.~ed St. and Balboa Blvd . tnr tht• ne" S~tl~ l<ot IJ~r('by Gln'll to !ht> pastor and his \l.tfe, Dt and :'o1rlt. cr..Wtor .. of and all Rt"f"..ns ha\lm! I 1\ an c. E.: Ills. Dr. J::llls "111 prNIC'h I cJaun~ BJlllO!'.t the S&Jd dt;c--'<!Pnt at 11 a: m. Sunday on ··suptt.>nw or sa.Jd (' tate 10 me thC'm wHh the Cuu.s£> for Thank gl\1flJC ~tnd "' nN'£' l>fi~ \Ouch rs in thP olfl~ i 3U p m on ·God's Four-I...rul~> 1 nf th C l('rk (•f the Sup<>rtor Cour Ht~h'"~Y·"· of ~he Count~ of Onm;e, Stntf' of l"singapre-Thank. .. gt\lno;thtnw Cahrorn1a. or to Plt .. •nt the -·•mr· R<'\. J~tmes S. Sh wart nl ~' Ar· \\lth thf' m-N"o..-r> \'OUCh<'r ... dt f\\ s Pr<'Sb) tf'l 1an Chw ch ='-•·\\. t hf' undu su .. 'Tlt ti u t hi~~; r l•f'<.. r t port llcu.:hh w'lll p1·elH'h on · Lo•t bu.stn<' «~, It)-\\ II <' 0 1funqtz ant! C-. G1'' Thlt.nk.,·· at thr to, 1 m l!t.U"I.\itt Attorrw)s 11 }.b.'' ~ii'l \\vr-.hlp ... , t \ Jet• Sund ... ) :"c>wpot t • Rolli••\ Jt~l :"\ "'' 11 • ' F1Nt Church ot Chn'l ~~ h 11 tt,.t I Al>ach. < 01hlorn1 t . " t t lla n "1 '\ nt -..;1,,,1JOrt I~Ntdl w\11 huld u ,1~·-rntmth!> ltft('r th<' lit-.t put !.«311or •l•ol Thauk"~l'•ln !>f'l'\1«• tl •h• "1 lht' "''!1('(' 1 ,- l'hiJI d th u · l ulu h lo Jt 11 ,t m TIt ·~I "':o\{mbo•r. • 1 h] 1 , n• )\I 'I htn~d:l\ · tiC"HAI-.. 1 :-A "\T .\ 1R I' '\\'akr· t II ~r Blu\\ l'~" \\Ill 1 .. · r '~'or II! lht f .. l .. ft Ho \ Jlo 1 h· 1 1 Ruth'~ .. , nnnn I b m•' ••r lid rlo·c··~d·p• , , _ at t ht• 11 "tlu<'k . "undd' ~•·1 \ lt.'''l P •tbh h. '\o\ X 1 1 .!.! ~ 1 ° •1 Itt ttw ,,.,, Jll'•tl Harlllll' ·l.o1th"' en Ill th•• :"•·w1" 11 Jl<tfl•,, f.n .. IL'J ChU1'C"h ,\ 'l"·<·ial Th,Jitkl("t' 111.: "or-.hlp \\Ill l~t• tv ld ;, t !l :\to • na Thank' 'I\ 1m: D.t~ In Corona del Mar T his W eek.end. • 1 307 Iris. Corona del Mar :{ lJ< d1 ,,.lm... ..m,1 ' U1d mn- d!'rr \\all-tv·\\i.lll larr~o un~. dr·arx-... dnublt• lurn<it.'<'!>. A-1 t'om.t rucuon. llkt.> nt Y.. C"lo-.e ro lwnch. 0fJ('n 12-5 ·unru ) . $19,000 Tt>rmo01 Earl W. Stanley Rt•altor Glii ( oa"'t Rhd. IJ • .\ •:a;.a ('oronn dc·l 'far ..... Uc.u NOTICl 1 ( IT \' OF '•:W .. ORT 8£.\Cll ~T.\TF; CW C .\I.JFOR"I \ 'i':.\1 f P PR< •PO"'Al_.., "'" hi' l •l'tl\r-rl ,p tho• nfl •• n• the· C'tl\ <'lo rk C1t~ !ldl1 Ctt\ c·f "''"P'''.' I~ t<'h < • 1h 1orma. unt111 30 o'dock "'l "" tit•• ]t ~. d~t\ ftl l:>ot·ll'· I'" I 1~11, ·It·, \\hili htnf' h .. _, \\1:1 ,,.. publt••h ur>f r ··d <tnti rr-Jd !Pt J••rfo..-n til. """ 1.. ,,.. u1l•J\\' ('ITY I •1-" '\f'\\'Pf •RT RFAI 'H 1',\1 frttR 'lA "!"" 1 t P< •I 1 I ~ CJUI(oll • n• •ut Ftro• lnt•" l .. t,.• tlb'all•-<:1 un I 'I ' I lo I ( 'J t"o~\-. r11• · lll'lt·tl I\ 'I• c·,,, •' :'\o\\· 1• 1 1:. o.r h . :'>\ IIIII \\til ,,.. ... . •l Ill .... , II l' 1•111<1• on I Jllhf"'" I) I<• •1 IU•- nto..t. d t>:-II •• p II f h '1!1.: A.:• r:: F:'ll'l bul "1·4"1 h· ·•l'('C•nlV,lll•o'<i b' t·l-.h, t'c•rtl!lot1 or , .. , .. hl•·l·, ct ... k ur b1ddc 1 · .. hooul m td• 11a~ ·cll'l' 10 thf' Ctt ~ nt :'\'•·" I"' • P..-li<.!> lnr n mount ('Qual tn ~tt l<>a"t tt n Jll·r- 1 N'nt I )(I' • I nr tho dmount hid such lo."ll:lr 1nl\ tn hto fn1 !«·1'1"<1 I' hould th<' biddf'r tn \\hc'm thr contract 1s a\\ar dPrl foti tn rntrr Into t hr ron I' 'tt'' Phru rnA) 1:11 'l ' 11 tnd r11rm" uf propo~sl" bond.., f't>n11 .tt't :tnd "P' · <'lfkattllt·'~ nvn !")(' nbl.tlht>d Jill thP offiCE' o( 1t11; 'PurY'h, .. m .. .\ N•nr Ctl.\ Hrll, C"11\ "· ""''P•r' R· oil'h Th" 'Ill r•o tl ·c • tl'ntJon rof pr""Jli'C'· II\(' btdd• ro, I' t•,;JI•d 't "" p,.,_ po~l R<>qum mo n1.. ru1d C'nndl· llon,' annr~o d ll• tilt' hl.mk hlml of pr.,pto .. al IN' fu:l OH•'r'lln:1• " In huidan..: •·I, $495. J:wautifu <'!ited in WORKING and also in \'C'Y, known 'to me to bt" the per- Parlor Grand. 3!):> mnkin~ OVER $-100 J)l'r month. son who <' name I!' subscribed to at 5I ~. S675 up. WU1 · \\'<' han• opt?nins: for both men the above instruml..'nt, and ack· t7-<>r, Chick('rlng, K i m b tt I , and women. Lido Elrct ric Co.. nowl£'dged that he cx<'cutt'd the tarr etc. DA'\Z-SCHMIOT B1t: 516 Coast ll\\ v., :"cwport Bch. same. 272 Evening Canyon Rd.. Corona .del Mar Tho Crl~ uJ :"t '' 1•1r1 Rt•;lt'h h · '''n ,., thP n °1• to I• jtoct 1n~ or nil btd' Storf', ~nta•Ana, 520 l"o Witness my hand and official in, comt'r 6th St. Buy :"0\\' Wanted seal. Chris tma-. C. R. ALLEN carr~-n tu.:.;s;\1A KI:'\G and altPr:tiHmsl ~otary PubUc in and for t'Ni7t' wh<'t'l. & tu•t>!~.l for ladit's & children. 4101:: ~ar-said County and State for h1tn t., fishing. 2 1R1 o·1s!-llS < 'twonrt d£'1 Mar. M~· Commission expires 9110/55 h\\a Ne,~·portB<'ach. l:\'FA;\Tnndchlldc~n·to4)f'ar~ Pu_bhs!': Oct._25; Nov. 1-8-15, rbc•:n ht>a.ter. Good a'l <II a&.:t'. :'tate-hN'nSt'. IIA 32R3-\\' 1951. tn the i\ewport Harbor En-~-B~y Front, Balboa EXPFRlENCF.D ckanin~: '~oman sign. __ _ _ _ ~::.;.;,.;;;~""=-::A 11o9·J. 1•ach \\'t•d 9 to 3 p m So. IIA Xo. A ~~ 'Til t>tation wa.;un :ZIRI _ XOTICE OF tiEARI X(I OF PE- Iu .!4!H Coa,.t Jlw) ·I B,\BY ~l'ITI:-<'G in )OUr homt> or TITIOX t 'OH PRORATE OF Rl-...•t_'Oil 6.'11:'1. mtnr d:t) or nicht H A lf\":0 WILL AXO FOR LETTER l=::-:-::=-=-:::-o:::::-;RGANS! The great E:\'"PF:RIE:"CED lO<".tl carpenter TESTAMt:NT\R\'. rnrnnnn Chord Organ. If you \\Ant. \\ ork. Building, rf'patrin~. In Utt' ~UJH'rlor Court of tht• ~t:th• know a note, you can play etc Fr!'P <'Stimat<.>s. HA 027 t-R. of ('allfornltt In And for th.- The Hammond Spinet ~r-B \BY SITTING-Reliable. HA ('ounty of Oranst~' World'!> most beautaruJ •292~ ..J tn th.-)lattt"r or tht• t;statt> nt F.asy terms. D A N Z-Wn • :J • !i'TANI .F.Y L\'OX~-0N>t>a<14'd ICJ.fl\IIII7f PiRno and Organ Co. Mis 11 ;'\;(ltiCt· i'> ht•rPhy \!1\<'n that tht' Ann. :>241 No. Main, cor. ce aneOUB ~ (X'titinn tlf CLARA I . LYO:"\S for 1k·· nd Ill'''. :\-h.·clrnom-:tnd- ht\th ju ... t (lnl ht•tl In ~hOII' Ch {t., and f 1'1' sa It• h) O\\ nt"r \\.,lh .1n f''\l'r•llent plan. b1rrh ,. 1hrn""'· '"'' oof t1l• a flu '· "'"n \\alk tnt! fn. pial" 1-.X<'• llc'l\1 Fmunctn" Call Owner. HA 1081·1. HA 3513-J • 134 Shore Clili Rd . Corona del Mar Rtanli no~\ ·mnd• n ~ HR '' b·tth-. H;.,. "1 II cor-""'X II f. 'nt. I tth1'-•. tJM'd • -• \\11 h -.pnnklo·t~ H11th cl<><•r" .., •. ll'l'l n<t k I I•'< ., It lUll' ~ I ~h Olt'l t tin "" •'• hl'" A II U•' lu'\111 \ i t'lfllo' t l $27 500 R \ t'l ) C<'l<lil 1'1'1<'1' I CITY OF :'\E\\'Pt'lRT RtACH. I AUFClRXIA C K PRlF~T Ctt) Clu k :"o' H. 1~';1 CUSIIIIS For lo.ts, Outdoor & llldoor Funll- ture • l9e. Select. ltlartica. Febrics ~-····· t.l t Co.tt Hi9hwey, Nowporl IEu001 s2n Ope, Nights • -S""· 10 •·"'-• 4 P··'"· ..... :: •r ..... ~ .. ,,_._ ELGIN art in! ( omplrt .. ~~~llon t-1 ••" I; U Mrt.T()~ \\ \T 10.:.'- W allace Calderhead -,..r-.va·;;. -- , Coas< &. .<f CORONA DEL MAl FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3l0l Vie Lido, N-.-t t..dl I ,. b a c• c• -., Mo•te• Cl>~rc", The F • • C• .rc• o{ C•• ,. Sc o~••u o" loe- •o" '"~e,,eo:._ ~ .... , S.md~y xi-tool 9:t5 ...,., S-•de Se•. •• I 00 •·"" Nf'd•ed~v ;..-,.3 -•••,~a 8 00 P,lft. ~<·~o·o Rc>::-oc •od o• I P.otm S• "?.-c,.c.• c~•-:tt. r '"'0-•2 ~ "0 S I'-!'•Ce::• S,.,..d<\V\ .,.-cJ C.,olodeY" ~-·,.. .. e. • ·:.t•~.c ·-. ' t. ~ l ' !2 'I I c • • ...... , ,; a:i "9 ,(!()_ :. -:::n •v ·ed +1:1 ot- •d .......... ~ $ :s 0 ..c:: - ~ N J:: & 0 r;:;,:.,..::::,.:..:..,..--::-:=---,--~~--~~ ~pn~t tt•nt fr'f'f' lor man for \PI':O the-pmbatr ol lhe \\'ill of th£' · "•dan h\·dramotir 1 h. . h. h .11 not in abo\'£' nnm('(! dt.'CPdent 11nd fot the r , '\ • •·as ' 24Rl C'08SI II! f 1 "<'n .1~\ \\ ~· 1'1~(' dul If'<;-I"~U~tn<'f' of iA't tt•rs TP,tnmt>ntdfV ;'\1·\\ port B<>nch 1 1'1'1A. <'bore "1"~ .. 1" 1~ • to the f)<'lltiont'l' "111 . ~ h!'ar<VJtt ~~~~=-:·-.;__~~~~-~~. r r •ro.~. ___ ---.-l tl o'clock A. ~t. on :"tn Pmbt•r 23. ll any PIANO ~?1 I CIIILO CARE ror Pl'l'-:-l'hool <'ht1d 1~1:11. at the n'url room of Dt•part-ddt\·E.>r~. DA:'\Z-nr childrt•n. \\"ill hn\ <' 4-~ r -old 1 mt'nt 1 of tht' • up('rtt.lr Court of J\1..: Ptano Store. pla\'mllt<'. Al!>o aftt'r-.. chool ran'. I tht• Stall' of Crtltfomta in and for I Call Owner at HA 294 1-J • 182 Shore Clili Rd. t\\1 LK CL ASS 6th St. comer. 520 :\Oi. Aml•thy!'t A\'P .. Ballxm h th£' County of Oranf,!c m. lllO, PIANOS TO FOR YOL'R AVO:'\ repr<>"<'ntlltin' natt> ~ovcmbt>r 6. 1~:51. .. .,....,... ... .,.. FR!l'i. In C'OI'(\03 del !\tar call liArhor R. J S;\llTII. Cnunty n.·rk 25.;0-i\1. Publish· Xov. ~. 1~. :?2, 1931 RESPONSIBLE daytime child carr in th<' =""''port llarbur E;n~l~'ll. during the wk., at )OUr hom<' or ~::;.,=:=---:~A-::-~::-:-~-:--:--:>::::: 1 min£'. by youn~ married woman. E:xfl('rienc(>(l. HA 2847-R-K. p<>rf. ('lmd. Owner, HA Licensed Investme nt Salesma n Wanted St raktni! h1 and-n<'Y. mndc'l n \\ilh «hitkl' roor \\'ldt \\Ill· dOY.~. alum :-.ash. oilld 11111~ lu:o..unnu" trn111r<'' thn,m:h- nut PC'rfc't't ,f'ttlnl! no•11· !'nd of !"hott• Cliff Rd "11 h 'l<'w of htiJ.; t~nd !'IC<'an :t bt.•dro<ltn'< ,~ 500 2 b.1th.. ~71 \ ~. c:se : bo,·:: _; :::~her · ·n4s •• :--:-o' .s ·.·:!-.!·t'~ c1 1sS .·: .J cr1h-: H:t? , ...... e .... ~; ~ · :a:-·· ....... ~ -......... -.. ··-...... . . . 332 E' <'ning Canron Rd. 1 RENT A PIANO. Let the KJddles del Mat. team . $5 per mo. F\!11 lef'!T' rent allowed on aey p1ano m our stock. OANZ-SCHMIDT Big Pl- ano Store. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. OfKld Qnff'k 0 .-nl Hll'h Pay Call Owner HArbor 2(20. W 1 ~· :-.n,,·. y -= ~ .€'-' ' -. .... KEYS -Maae while you waiL T ommy's Shop. Post Office Blk., Corona del Mar. AUTUMN CENTER PIECES S2 75 UJl Dowers by Morri 50' E. t.lbo• llvd. • a. 'boo HArbOt" 2070 ca.ns •'1Xt~ Ff"ltJ-.,-{7JtE M .\OF. I N ()t "R 0 \\ • ~IIOMl FU RNITURE REFINISHED 110{1 E & 0 RO ·" 611 Coes~ Hwy, Newpoti BE.co11 '171 Op•n Niql.h • • Su11. 10 • "'· • 4 P,ll'\, THE Islanders Balboa Island 1!-4 .I e OSE D-tV , ER\'I CE TIRES ~F' \T ('()VEJLc;;; Tl ;nf.S l.JGHT.S HA '>;J)LE GRIP!' BASKETS EXISTING HOMES OUR S~IALTY Any Heatinq Problem Solved P~sonali~ed &n·ice l ey 11e1t11c 0.. 910 list St. NEWPORT BEACH GiYe a llllwl•• . ..,... * * * for Christmcm A 9 to 1 FCIYOI'ite of Children Ha\·e yours laid a~A--ay now while you can have your chole<>! • Di tributors for • HWlNN ~ E~GLI II IIALEJGH Parts and Accessories ~ Oran~. roa ... t C"nll••"t' p,. ra tf'~ <xm<'ludo-d a 'U<'N'"' 1 11 f:..t ..,, • t'l n \rmlt-rt.'fll'o. -.dlPdUie· J,,, "'~'­unla~ \'\t lllnl! b~ dt•lt•atm.: .· nt • A n<t last yPa r·. ('httmp ... b~ a rio'•' 21 In 15 -.rore a nd .... ,unn ..: t hf'OJ· ::-••he·'< or at )past a l iP fllr N't•ml pldt'f' in 1hl' ll'a•.,J•• I ~•'' ~··ur thf' . E.\STEit' .f(' CO~t'tJKE~< t. \\ I. 1•1 ~ O t•P • ~n f'~·rn~r·dino I o 1 1~ 13 Or .tn:P Ccn,• ·, 1 11 '1 t:t Ri\ t•I"Sid~· J 1 86 53 ~unra Ana I 3 1'-117 :\It S·tn .\nr .. n111 1 ~ 1•t cq Full~>rllm 1 1 , l 1111 Chaff,., -l :l l no F n da:,\ mcht "'anr t Ar 1 ar Chaffp~ ;';an Ht rn'lr du" ·p \1 • $::1n Antomo. F ull"""n 11 r~. r da!" S<tturda\ • lr til"•' c· .. ,,, at 8<JL"'l' Idaho. ?rr.ttp.., finish.-d '"'h \\tth t fill• "ron lnur I ·~• ""<'A lf'd r•·•·na rl Th~> Pit a rf ... "Ill pia:_\ u nc.n-l•ln- f• r nr•· .!ume at 1-ktt'-t', 1ruh" Saturd;l\ ·tnd will ftnt .... h tlw ..... ,. -.on Jilt•· ·,....,, H ·' lt .lu , .. , ',.IJ,•I • on Thtt ~ .. 1 •t • ''" A II 0 • 'II'. I .; .) • = ' . Ill • II I• d OI'f' Ill • ' ' lt.~l: lt ~lt ll' I ' •' nvras. Hn\\ ...... \ltllt•r .. I liP th(' ru-..1 c. • " ··c. n !•. •JI" 111 n'! 411; '• r· ''' r• "" nu. r 111 1•1 'urd-. r. tht Pon 1ft ": 111" I' .t .. l:tt• r P·111l C'l'nt .. t ''"''" 11 -.., n·rl huw'. clt•\\ n J!;t ·., .I • ln I hl •• l'~"~llc1 f)IH 1 '••r C;tlbt•r•t ~ s · .. ,·n tn ' • 't •• ~ .. d p '""'' ' . j. OCt' ~~ tnd r• tttrrot•d 11 ''' lilt' t1 Fnur ph)' Ia t • 1 \!til• 1 Itt ,..,,\J " .I c--.._., :'mit h \\ hn ,. 111 hi 11 nn I"" 2ft and \\t'nt Flll t ho• '' n Tilf' thud PiraiP n ,· ··anw "" tht> pia~ tt!IE't thl' lollo\\ tnl! krc k· urr. :\1t>l ~mall••:_\ tnh'ff't ph>d a Oon pa_~ and ran 3f' ) a rd. .. ror 1 ht> touchdo" n Jt•., <' ~math ktckt'd all t hf' pmnt" aft~>r touchdo\\ n. a nd th•· Sl'llrf' wa-. ~1 -0 'lt 1hr h.tlf In th<> third qu.tr IC't th•• Dono, 1rompJ.otrd a ~~-~·ud drt'•l' \ rth ;1 13-:_\ard touchdm\n p ... m3 kll1l' t h•• -;core• ~1-tl ThP Don-. m:td•• 11 .?1-~ h:,\ tarkhn~ P1rat" P.tul \h•1lt· 111 tht• t'nd 7t~n tnr 11 o,aff•t \ and addt~ annthtl' lt>UC'hdown anr1 ''Ira point l;tiP 111 thr• fnunh rlfr Wtlh a rJr d dr iq.• Shell l'roduds -Repeiring -24-Hr. Towing -Nite Wor* by Appt. "We Sp•c:ielire in Emer9enc:y Servic•" 1020 Co.at Blvd. HArbor 441-R-NitM: IE.c:oe Sl~orone del Mer NOVEMBER 22nd 23rd 24th T ll (iRID ~\'..\0, tladf'nt aw .. taat-ttad roar b.._f rotH r"H\\. •:·rt tv rla:11t : \\) u~ Kf'f'lf'r, .. tudt'nt rorr-aHN~d .. nt: .lt•rr~ (;ol- hn • l.,.h \food~·. Oa\ f' ""'-"'"~· Ton~· Prfd.bam . t.te•" .... Lcm •. Jim Pa'oMW', A N'hlf' lion aU.. J ac-k S f'rdrum. T~ M t''lut.-r Ron.lllto Joh.n .. nn, &b < .m.., (a!i.,.ist;tnt §t ud.-at nun.aa: .. r ): ... ~ond ro": &b l!urkh .. rdt. t1••~d . \\'llftt§Ob, Mit'kP~ ll••lmlf'r, M i"'' t..nr , Jt.,,,,1rd l ool'I·rt. On If' ( ~tiHruUl, Cr!"n f' .noc--ro. ltf'\ Bt·ll, Au,ttn ""mltb. OIC'k '' .. !lh .. .,... \\ 11;\ nf' C·rlrn.n. John lo.h·~·. (..,htd""' m·t n:t~f·r 1: third "'": '"""ta nt < oaC'h lo14""' •••!:"'· Bohbl .. Olt'hl, (a...U .. tant .. tuch·nt rna n - ·•r•·r I : J ,u k \\ o10dholl. T,.ct n ... ll~n. \\ u \ n .. "'r lwnl.t•l. J>•·nn~ )f.t,on, 1,,,."" \hoott. OuiJit·~-llt'llf'r, llttn Pf'tllt, llrtllif' l 'ula .. kl, RruN" 1\dll'd. I.N· P:oarf'. C'u:wh -\I Irwin: fourth rO\\; Tt•rr\ Coil)'oon 1...-.• ff~t mbruok, Kt>n S u<-k. <.lt•no Pl<'k~'n' Bill lloa•kin .. ,' (,,., R~mrn. T11m l..:tnar••. Oon .\.un uld. Roh t:~.-rl. Rill C•rrull, B t1h ( •t.ntn, f)e.n Tr111•1•· -(&lhoto "' ~~>II Rllllnt.: .. l Tars to Gose S..s011 Vs. Here FtiRy 1 h• ~t•wport Harbor T a r, w1ll 11~ t• bro>ak 1nto rt ... • u·tnt~ co. 't -'"'t:T l .f:-\f.C l.: 'T \'\'01~(,.., lll'n •nmm nn\ t f"ttd~' • , \ Pntn_ • J nt td~n F .. trt ., 1 ''1• t'XP"""' •· ll•m•1nc•un Rt>·u • rn •h !lr.u ''ln·t• of th • ~. t••tn Th• fat· t~UJJ(j 1 fit, J>U 1! d• <\\ 0 I h1 ( Jtl•'l • tnlu •' 1., ... pi ,,., •w dnd lht•\ pr~•lnlol~ \\ II t .. joiP.•·d h~ Vt an~: .,. m.-tkt• II •• ,, , ... ·\\ 1\ hold •·n thP '"'""m June .,. •hr I>Janc•·- •:HI Ill"• r Ar ·•I •·tm tflmnrrtl\\' T• • ·~nuh-tt ,.., n " \\11lnll.: 111 .... 1 '''''II" and.\-t d ... Ciltll•-d h•11 1 .. -..rn.: an •h• ttn •' ...,,,,.,. "·'' <'ot d -d n.:arn '"' :'\. "ll{'ll 1 Ha · 1"''' l:ht T hUt .... d·•~ ,.,.,un.: -tl Ana- '• am Tht-Tah le-d 111 tu-..: rlnwn-.. I' '" \, o;~nd 111 nt'l 'a.rds ·amrd :._);~ tc• 1~1 but ln·l i 1 tu li to tht' l 'olun "t" \\ hn t hu.s 1 I ncht>d 1 h<' • l tmJIOil"-hip of tho ::::11 n , (' 1 ! l'ft.t!""•'. T h•• fu:hlln;.. Tar... t;mhuntrd I·~ th•• I.H t thnt .\llldl•·.m I ad d•- ··at.od th•· !Jft\\t•rr tl F ull"r nn Ill' 13 tu 7 tht• \\t•t k !Hiott' otl'· Jtla ~t-d r..,,, \o!tllll''' thrnuchn•lt ,,,,. _ .. \n\1' ·tnd lost flll)\ llN"-iU~•' \ rH lwun C''l ~ht·d 111 ''II ·brf'a k~ t 1l 't'tll't both of 1 IS !,puchOO\\ n ... On I) 'l r .. ,, pia~;: pflt•r th• op- t ·nan k 1 ku• f RoiJ) P u, ct!'kl ... pu nt ''a., b luc k•·d on 1 hf' II 11 bor 3.1 E nd .ltm lloh ,. o• .\nah1 ·1m H'"O!.,.d up I hi' ba II on t hi' Pi and "t'n t oH•r for th.• "C'C•rt In thl' "'rond quar-wr tht• Tilt• dro\1 tn tht> Ana hE'tm 31 T hPn l.N' P 'lt:".'' Jl'l"!-wa!' tn· IPl'C't'Jllf•d b~ .\t 'lht•u•l Fullh::\1 k .John ~lt-tnhclm un •h·· ~:; ·tnd h•· nn 11 ttt th(' llarhor ~· rt • ll•''' pia~ \\ ,,.... .t tourhdn\' 11 i • t" ; " I I' a \\'••hht r \\'ttl II• '-C'nl•' 1i-1 1~11''-' the•m th. T ,. ' •! '11'1• • " .\rtr•tl drh. 111 1h.· , 11d qua I• 1 "t'm in~ Ill t-: pit;..., I >•lll ..\ IT\ nld tnd Ball Jlopktn" m ~~h. d throu.:lt Cnll "man cn.rhot tl ·• Ran.~: buoy thrown on•rboard at ll111" 3 ~I np prut" ·llnr... I all 1"'1''-•'11 1" rln r 4. furn tnlm••dtatth 111 dirTt"lll'ln I ! f)UIC'kf><;t I!Jm . :l R .. , •. r .. < <~I d h1rk 1: n•'<''''''r' 7 P no,t ltk,knut '" k· • r• man :n \ 1('\\ \\ I P t .. Opp \na~· an, -1 73 21 'an•R Attt \ 1 ':'I -,, Full .. '"II -~ 1 t_~. .,J 1 lranl'" I ~ l " . , Hun•lm:'r•r• r:,•rul I 'l -:' q "= ('\\ i 1 t II 11 h<u • ~ ~~ "" Thl ... \\ ,.,.,,_ ·., c •amp.., t'lldrt:_\ Hur 'I' 'I r~ 1.1 ),,." ~wwt ll~rl•nr .... tnt , ..\ F rlll'rtun. c tr ar . • .\r ·tl . ll' th I. 'f' '": -.·, dd) ur.• .,, ~ Rull\ Pul ,,~ 1 "• nt a rour.d It l , • r.(1 fIll tUI :•<tt"d.' for I h•• I fl ll'hdtt\\ 1 R•~x r.l II hrt lhl' llJil'tl:ht un Ill• run\ f't Jon a"' m pt nd tt t ..,,,., , wao; 1l ton h:ad th e clan scotch g r a1ns 6 Jrbt -...alboar · I I . -• • ;~" r~,. -;e. ~'o~a­ s::--"'•1, ~~ 0 IOlC" o1 C"'e ... "~ '"~' o.ee ps o -.J" : 1 ;:r 1-s ,..~"le T"-l.',re fro"' o brov. co •-y-o"d Toylo r n.J• ~· .~,~.., "'''" o sl.•ll th • s ,, ~·lhy c1 the l~.:•her. Alltlloay's 6%1 COA~T llLl 'D. ()pet~ s-4ei trM 10 •· m. t. 4 p. 1ft. LJOO HO~E t 'I"I-,Ht:O :::1111 !lttll h n.: an thE-ir nc\\h hwlt homt> an• :\tr arrl .:\ln. A. d 7..rp(l('t.,?'Jl\) 1 1:.! \'1a '\: tntht> L 1dn J"ll' Th(' Zf'p(l('c nn-. prt>\inusl:_\ lt\t'<i an the-~an F •an ct'<'O arl'a and tht"fl ~anta Ana Hnd mo\Pd to \"ta Yt•lln nn Lido \\ hrli• huild- ms:: 1 h,•ar Ill'\\ ht"ml' M .\ICI~ f . t'AM11.\' tn:RF. llnd )(ll' lll't':l llf'\H'nnwt·-. 'lrl' \l'l- rme• "I! I nnrt \!1-. I ltl\ d 11 < 'nl· 1m-. ''11 3flt h St :'\• w'pc• ·1 Tht• Cn1'111-.. !'1m • d h• r• 1 t•nm ''''. \\ o•'d T'lt ~ hrh • r,Cl rhildrt n · ytt 111 . \I.TII "''"'l<l' I ' \'T \lr .tnd Ma.. \\'rlh 111'1 1-::·•nd 1 I I :.o) \C"H'h A\ •' Cn"'" 1 dt I \1 1' hn\,. 1 t u n•·d from :\Ia' 1' \linic• 111 Rc>t'l ,,..,,,~ \linn. \\ ht'l'r :\tr K t nth II t:ndt·n , n t 1'\ "''''<''L" "h'm· .1rh ope r r ron. darly pickup and df'lht•r) throughout tht' Harbor An•a !It lhri.Dt' . ll&llllOa ....... ..,.._: ~ lt lT'S TIME to contad us for tha1 fine~ o~ alJ personal Chr1stmas gtfts---* YOOB PORTRAIT eALL NOW FOR INFOit~ATION e!Lh aJtd!- art iD photOinPhy H or nor .?91-\\.. • • firs~ lit c,~OM del Mer" Phone ZEM11 2076 , . (Toll free) '\ of AU Kinds FLAGSTONE PAnos· BLOCK WALLS --·-·- • FIUI:I'; DTDIA TES • ...... lfM ... .. cett I 110-J • H~ 1012..J IJIJ He..-+ IW. C.. ..... MARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Contracti ng Remodeling Garbaqe Disposals RA 1SJ8 '700 anatioa Corona clel Mar .. ---,.-.- 1 Legion · Solves TV Problem lA·., thttn $."'>0,000 in butlding a t Iris and O:>ast Bl\'d .. $100. per-mi t \\t.'I'E' 1 lK'd in th<> dt,y Sub-l'ropical Landscape nurset·y. dUJ mil t he ~~ \H'(>k. bringtnl: the 716 Coast 81\ d.. tora~c buildinJ:. Commundt>r Ed \1urrison of lotc1l nNi r th<' .., .100.000 for the 5100. Amt>t'IC'.m Ll'gion Pos1 291 has fi g-yl'ar onlv t wo ol th<> JlC'~ls Ros K1nJ:, addJ1ion 3 1 2.'\4 u11 d '"{.' ,, o;ulul ion fo1 the dil<'rn· \\'t'f'(' fut:r <J\\'t'llinJ,tS, tht.> r!'sl w C'I'E' Poppy, 54()0. mn tl)91 ,., apt to kN•p t£>lp\·isio n or mmur repairs and r.•model-Jl~tr!Mtr l..._d lt~n,K 11\\tt) fmm l.A'~ion aclh'lties. lin.:. John McCloud. rE'modE'IIIn~: nl T,mmrt m\ • Fnd.a:lt 1 ,,, <'nin~ th<-Fullm\ m~ pt>J'Tllats wt>rc.> a. sue-d 20 Harbor Island, $2.500. Pu"il ,., llli!IIH.: anotht•r dan<'C for dunn~t tilt' pas1 Wl't'k . , ·f'.-')MWt. l..t·gionnaarc·~ and "U<'SI<; at th«> s.._-porl Hri~ts Howaa· Ki&S<>Ic {'(>ment block wall n<'\\ J.(>;.:lon Hall. 15th St. a nd W. A R Ebrite, Costa Mesa. 5-a nd foundation to be used in ru- Bay A\'C~ .• N(>\\llOrt, and lhe com-room. 1-stor~. 1-unit dwellln~o: at 1urt> as on"" wRil or ~ara gP, 1~ mandt•r ha ... st't up n tt'lf•\'i ion t 612 C'hff Dr.. 813.000 1'1<'r 41th :->t , S60 an lh<' lounJ,:t> so thnt the p&<frons build r Bob RN'I'I "'"p;ur llnd n·model- <'<en enjoy thPir fa\orit<' T\' how BaiiMMI 181Aad lm~ 'll 29(\1 :"\t>\\'J)(Irl Bhd. Si50 ~l''-'"'11 dan('('S W T\ lPr, Los Angel !S, add bt>d-M1u i•• Jlpfff'rn. 3-room. 1-un 1 1 Thl'l'l''ll bE' dancing from 9 to 1, room and bath at 212 Grand C'a-ci\\t>lltn).! a 1 l •IO(i \V. Oc<'n n Front and li f1' c-pieet· ur<'hrs1 ra \\ill nal. .. 2.:-.on. AI\ an Clt>mf'nce. ~.ll()O Al¥n add l~<t th and k1tc-hen. Jllco\ hi•· tht· muo;k bUIIdt•r C'<Jmf'rl w.,~ra~o:t' to ltdn~ room •' I A \\ \h rt m . "'"' ''' f'r JXt Ito at ~,10w add res." 2 f,;'(). Ro\ G1, , n---:?14 Ern• nrld. Sl !t-~ M C PI'C'k. I 1 b ld . Kiwanis and W cmiki bUllrl.•a iit;ii··-·· i.;iia ii. iiiuii• iiiit·,_r.iiiiiNiiNiiiiiiiiiijji .1 \\'urn n IA"nnon. enlar~t' Ji\'-To Hold Joint Meeting 1n~ ICIOill and bromom.o;, ndd car · • pmt .wd fin'pla<.'l', :_~ttl :'\ Rn~ T hr ;"\('\\ por1 lla1 bnr ~~" .um. Front ~.oou ('Jub and lht> W ttntkl. Kiwants I Udn '"'" Auxiliar~, wrll hold 11 jmnt dinnf'r K··nm t h Ea rl. n•mnd(•lhn~t at met't in~ Monday, ~m· 19. al Ra-224 \'iu ~1Pnton<•. , 1.500. Lf'<mard gan· Rf'o;ta uranl in C'nmna del nnd l\;~rc·( lu buald•·r~ Mar. PJ •"'tdrnt llt'rb Kt·nn' an-B:altwut nounef";. T he cN-IOJ!' thf'r '"" lh' r~111nd A"!>" r•·r o;•l cat.t"t' 111 k£' t hr plaN• nr 1 h<• ri'CHh 1 31 ·,c ,1 \\' Ba.\ A"' . 81.2:->lt Thur..,da \ m('(>l int:. '' hich fa 11 ... t'~n C'urnoa d•·l ~Ia r ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~T~h;a~nk;"~~~;,~,·~in~g~D~a~)~· ~~~h~a~t ~"~'«'f';;;k~.,;:-L r: FH). C'Oll\ ,., 1 sund~c·k 1o ;. 1 rumpu... room. 'il"l ( kran Bh·d. on SAI'.Sto5 ~;2~~~~ ,,,, F u nhum 11ird parfi- Sheet Metal Heating Masonry Floors Sash Roofing SUM. 9 to 1 lion 111 t:ar:tL:t 111 I'~'~" 11'1•· ..,111dio Spat , :~11(1 :'\'IITI.,~II", l'JO(t lndusbial -Commercial & Residential Wuinq LAIIDAK-ELECTRIC E.leccrleal Conb'3ctor Corou dd Mar '\•\\f>t I n ('u '\t\\JI('lrt "'1..11 1 F \• Ill \\ llfth (',,_ \\l'lt Jill· "''"'' I '" <"11hn11•1t-r Hill l"ubll l II\ ,\, ,,. 11'1 ( 111101 I II i J Jt Sind• tl;nfl tl t111 ·" ul:tr m .. nthl~ 1111 • 1- "' nl !'uh p,,,•k lXII 11 ('oron:t d"l \1·H ""•·1""'1 nn '\.,, :! Th• \ ·"' ;\ltd , \ t:r 11 nrhl• T ul J ht..:•l<t~l T •rn ~mt•lr I • ,,, r· 1;1 ,,..., lh ltncl \I Rn· bt-'1111 Th1• foll(t\\l n" "''" ic't· _.\\ t!'dt; "''"~' ul.,o 111'~£n1• ci Slf"'-•'n Bti1- 1C'r\\Or1h, bear <;tl\t't an'O\\, lton badt:<' and s••n aN-staa·; Da\id Painting tOllS FGR HOlES 5% --20-YEAR LOAN CoftlltrUC'llon. Loa.u 5 • !P!z ~ (14 )'T'8.) \\"r btl)' and s('IJ Trust Dt-eds. ~EE BOB A'ITLE.R Re presen ting Plirier Mortgap Co. 141 6 Coa•t. Blvd.. ODM Pb. HA 1077-l-ID S-1111 see FIRST HOME LOANS Low '"REDUCING .. Interest RatH Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in O ra nge County You'll lih our cordlel m•tflocf ,,. 'ervin9 yollr needa. LIBUIIA FEbERAL SAVIIIIS and Loa• Assoclaftll lAGUNA lEACH l"ttone 4-I In -222 O cMn All'l. KamJ')('r1. tx-ar gold arrow. st'rvice star:; Make M11jor wolf badge: John Smith. wolf badJ::e; Tad To- bitt, bear badg1•; Jimmy Johnson , ooar gold arro'' and sE'n1c.¥ sta r ; Bill Cridf'r. \\Olt bad~E'; l)avid MeyE'rs, tx>ar bad~f'. l:Oid and sil- ver umw; T1m Drisk(•l, lion You Can Do Better at THE "' READY -MIXED badgC' Fif1<'en st'rviC'l' stars were C!o. also awarded. C. I C IE' E The skit, "C'ustE'r's Last :;;ta nd." OO!IIPLE'I'E HOME FUBNISBINGS won 1 ht> o;ki t fla~ honor for lX>n 4, BEacon 6547 and !)(on 2 won th~ Honor Award BEacon 5656 1812 Newport Bl'ftl. F l<tJ.'( for th<' monrh. Newport Bh'd., Ooeta • ._ I . 008TA .:J!:8A '.~~oruce~~1-=~u=·~~~=~=~~~~~·i Eighth Graders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hold Dance I A rrrord dan<'t' W'8S held F riday • Let • ..... t 70'1 la roar ....... We wtlJ lfladiT e.tbnate coeta C\ enin~. :'lio"· 2. at HoraC(' Ensi~n e1 maWtah, rec••",.... a ~tnetor nr h~lp yoa obtala • loea School for E'i~hth graders. Two for DeW eoeetr11cUoe or ~· ma.o;tE'rs or cert-momE's kept the I prowam movin~. Pl"1<'r Ln rdner a nd Pf't<'r Wclitus, arid door prize I \\3 !> \\On by Marilyn Gat~ pot .D&IR~O. dRnet' award "all ~\'en to Dennis .... -Harwood and Jackir Yam<' II Bob ~.. ~cDonald won I hi' l<'t' Cl't"ahm e~i?-e and Donna Richardson 1 t' ucan 118 OOAST MGBWAV s:tuessin,:: con tPst ...._, BEacoa 1&7'7 at The ArdM!e · · llos1s and host<'. sc· ... "'"~'~'Nancy HOMER MELLOTT, 1 Campt')('IJ. Soh MC"GiU, l .. ynn P('ase, !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tom ~IQUPlle, J1m Humsl'). Linda LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS Newport Blvd., Ooet& Meu . BEacoa 15011 F1<'nr ()ovPrinc:" Dnlftbouoclll Asvhalt Tilt> Rubber 'rue Forrntca -l .lnoleum Tile 01 .. ,.' L(llf.:=- 1&6 Eo 1M M. c.la ..... IIICA()()N a1e-W 22 Yean In Oranp County c. 1:. lkNiel ................ o.la .... ----~ --- I RN·hlold, Jt'anm• S wanson and Nt•a l M<'tcalf. Faculty mL•mbers I C'hflorrl Mnhl<'r nnd Mr.... Mary \1n' 1 ""'' as isrrd Mrs. Ec1 Milum. 11om•• :.nt'l Fam1h chauman for !':P\\ pori r lt'mrnrar) school~ PTA. lt!'l Mmmitll'<· nlso inctud('d Mr. Rnd :\1rs. 0 . W . White and Mr and Mrs TKin Charll'. EX-POI.IC'to; CAPTAI S UtES I A 11o1 r•l•·r Los An~eiPS poli<'f• • rupl<lln .. Jnm"l' Mcnowell. R.:r;, di('d Friday, Nov. 2, in his homP a 1 :t701 Lake AvE' .. Newport. Baltz Mortuar} took charge or lhe ar- ra.ngcmf'nts and the Chr istian Sci- enel> SN\ ice was h ld Monday, No,· 5, a1 Hollywood Mf•morial Park Mr. McDowell had serve-d for 52 \l'&rs with tht> Los An- gt'l<' poh<.'f' department. He was bom in lr('land and livf'd in New- por i fnr sevPn ye>ars. His wif<' and f;nn survive him. f"t~ERAL ~ICR\-'J('ES HEI.D f'U1lf'r81 S('t'\'iet'S W('rt> hPJd )a t Thun:day for Mrs. Wilma NAomi Van~. 46, of 13.'5 Topaz Avf'., Bal- boa 1 la nd. who was kiJJed in an auto crash near Carlsbad on Sun· day, No . 4. Mra. Vaftce operated a beauty ahop In Santa Ana. She la survived by her hutbend. Bart- lett Henry Vanee, who wu In; )Ired 1ft the c:ruh. On Than~ving O.y w~ arc ~p«ially mindful ()( our Am~rican heritage. Amon.g,our frttdoms is the ri.ght ro go u we eh<>OK, wher~ we r hOOit', with SC<'Uriry. Next time you r lan a Southland trip why nor try Pacific EJ«trie? You'll be thankful for Lh~ extu u fer}. comfort and economy ~~~~4~ T~tft •gr. it's s-r1,. • ' ' .... II --NotJ~ is ~~>' RiVt.>n that tht- Bo&rd of Trust~ or the Nt"WJ)Ort Beach Elementary &-hoot Dis- trict. Nt>wpoM Bf>ach, Oran~ ------------'------~----=~--=~ ......... ~==-=--:-:-:----=­Counh· will r{'('('l\"f' bid. until 8·00 o'c10<.'k p 11'1. at th Buo;in Of- fit'(' of <:aid School Dist rlct In t ht." Horal'(' Jo'n'-u:n !'t'hool for the pur- chasf" and or INt <' of onf' or more compiNP c-hool t'03ch • or 'I"r~tnsit t.YP<'. to tH> <'QUipP<'(J "1th 13 rows pf (orwa f'd f8Cin~ f'8ts C8Jl3b)C' Of SPilling not IP s than 92 P)pmf"n- tan -.r-hnol t'hfldrl'n. guc-h \'<'- hil"if' i~ to b4> f'QUipt)('d with l'l,n und!'rOoor hnri1ontal amld.!ihip tYf)f' Pn~inf' of no t lf'ss than 450 cubic inrh dic;pla e'l'mcnt. S•s!')N'd transmiso:l on, W<>c;tlnt!hnu <' a I r bra k<'s nr rqual. and ot hen'ofiSf' mPPIJn~ lllllnd •trt1S of t hf' Jntest bu!l N'!Uipml'nt nnw in poo;sf" slon or thf' !'cbo<ll flic;trlct, which can bf> PXBm!n!'d and chN'kf'd by J)O-~ntial hlrJcl1•rs at thP Jellrl'l~<' of I tContinu(.>d from Page 11 said ~<'hnftl Di.,trir-t Rids to 1'K" or>~•nf'(] l'Wr••mbPr 1 19!11. F(Juipmr nt offf'rl'd c;hnll m('('t all rPQUil'<'m!'ots of thc Statt> Board of F.dur-ation R~'uulation ,1!0\'Prnin~ Pupil Trano;portation Thl' -.air! Ro.'lrd (If Tru t{'(> hall bP thr ~nlf' jud"'f' of 1 hr m<>ritc: and qWt lifiMtinnc: of ('QUipmf'nt offf'l'<'d and """~""'' tht> right tn 8N'f'pt n n' or rf'jN-1 all bide;, and tn wai\·f' fnm1~1it~ nr irrf'~tllllrity in any b1d GOR()() •. R F'J ~T>l.A Y C"lt-rk nf t hP :--iPwpnr t Bf'ach chool Di~t rica MATTRESSES ln.nert~prlac -Oottoa , Foam Rubber lrTegu)ar Shapes NEW -IU!:BUILDINO COSTA MESA t.4ATTllSS CO. 2150 Newpoct 11114. IEecOft 1061 = Lee Shipley = ORIGINALS Ct&S'r• •• and Ready Made 1 • "'r '" Accessories 'ant. o,." • I<Jtchen, Beth t t OC c·oa .. t Uh·d~ COM MESA UPHO LSTERIII phul~tertng Drapt"l')' : BEacoe IIS8 utO ••wpon .,,._, eou. ._ • ~ ::. MG4~'~ Your F'nmlly Restaurant ({'lOM!Cf ToeMia)') FINE JTAJ .. IAN DINNERS Abo ... f•'1lli' -PrimP Rlb8 ocktails lfi1 I ('o:-~'t Bh'tl. Uarbor ll80 Corona del Mar === • FRIDAY NIGHT 8:00 o'Clock SAlTA Ill .I.C. ISLAND Construction Company 128 San Remo, Lido Isle CONGRATULA T:O:~s • -----* General contractors the new Chamber of Commerce building. .,.. . c .... ~--.... -or - to "ell en t ht> flll.~ ra i 10$! and 1 h<·n tCJ partake of th lunch pro- '1dcd b' tr,. Chambt r directors. I Aftl'r ,·h" dt>d.acatory pl"8ycr by R(•V Paul 'foort> \Vh('('lf'r of SL Jamr. EpJ .. •-opai Church, ~)'ford Jn m r• rf'cc·i\ a·d from Chamber Of- a -ctor JJan l'!> :;;omcrs the girt of u nl'w AmPri<"an flaS? and hoisll>d the• naJ.Y to rJP.at ion on the prt'adl'r of thP maJ>t, "hJch ne as the fla'WOlf.> for he Chamber office. ChamfX>r P re idt>nt Tom Norton r•·rPhf'd the kt>)· to th(' office from \1 r J n in<> a nd thllnkf'd I h Irvine C•1. for thp issi •anCP m providing ttw Of'\\ building. H P aJ<::fl thankr>d \t"' Carl Hemt7. for lht> donatJon ••I thP rorl m .... , of thE' Schooner r utJr \\.illd., anti ('Xpresse-d hope •hat '' ""'Jirt I:UldP tht> d tin)• of •II•• C"hctn,llf'r n-" h.td J.TUJdeod the :· •1r \\"m•l· un ''' m.t n) \V}Ill!t>S * ., . . , e ;; c. ·:--.e~ ::ewcomer • !rom: 822 Coast Highway • !. • · • '-~·· ·n' e H ... -.~--. -. • ~c: • (!!',.. • .. !:"'.g r:.~ .. <.J • u MARINER'S MILE. * :--~-=· ... r.ng :.ne 3iGELOV' •• .,.. 1:0. <::A ... rETING .. CF!EVROLET and OLDSMOBll..E 24~1 ( uu .. t lllt:h \\.,\ Heating and Sheet Metal for the Ne w Building by SMI1'H BROtHElS HEATING & VENTILATING CONTRACTORS 15th at Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa STAFFORD ELE TRIC COMPANY BE 6515 Elec:·n ~cJ Cc'1 'r ·-· • r ·:;c -:;--.: Ch,.,mbP:-<.• C mmc:-·-=- B .. nldmg .\I.L t·s t'OR F:l.t)( TRI( \1 P.t:1• \IH' OR X t ;\\ CO'"'Tru ( THl' BE 6 3 2 9 810~Highway S t'"''JlOI'l Rf>H('h * FOR BUfi.DER'S HARDWARE BILLHEIMER and WALKER 810 Coas t Highway '" "''' MARINER'S MILE -----. ------.-- BUILDING? e e e REP AIRING? REMODEUING? AYVIEW BUILDER'S SUPPLY 818 Coas t Highway m the Mariner's Mile -=-oo:s . The BOATSWAIN'S LOCKER For Complete Marine Services e Engine Overhaul * Pamting e Haul-Out Ways and or Crane Varnishing Fat' tory Dl~trltmtor ((lr lets C'OA T IDGRWAV Bt:.roa SS'7S IIFAC'Oft tll8 Chrysler --Plymouth JNTERNATlONAi.. TRUCKS 2491 Coast Highway Newport Beach I Virginie lteed He Niel Dcpyere RUTI-f'S Beauty Shop ..... &r ••• 0... HAriMw 2907 01:"1' ...... llETU&N POll 11 ft.Ul8 1.-18 tree ..._._ ,_ .... _.-. e. aw. -.. \. Ul Ptlr 1 Hl.e A¥e., C..... iW W. - ----------i!J..----~ Ne1111 officers of the H a r b o r Council of Church Women. who wiU take office Jan. 1, were in· stalled at the Nov. 2 oMel"\'llnCe of World Community Day in the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Rev. Paul Babbitt, president of the Harbor Council of Church8. installed the rollowlng officers: Ill ANGELABRA Gifts froJn Direct from SWEDEN Jmt a rrtvf'd ! A rcopeat . blpmt"ftt ... Thf'y spin n nd c-blm e oD ('hrl"'bluls T ablf>S! lit'~"~· bm"'- Red or "hlte candl~. 4.50 W t> Gff'T WKAP and hlp. ,. Karen Margreta lm 130 7 ('rona del M ar. HArbor 1)73 Pfeifer's Scrumptious TUIIEYS WE DRESS TO ORDER M Evlseeret•" Froaen YOUNG TOMS eveileble on short notice 381 E. 20th St. ar..coa AM-W PF£11EI'S Drip Top-..&U Basting ... Enameled St~el .. ·- l6·1b. roaSI StZ(' . . .. Wear • Ever --18-lb. Rout slu Aluminum f175 Savory--Double Wall 275 Erulmrlt'd- ~lb. roast size . Pyrex Glass Baster Invaluable household a id ... Roast Racks Adjustabl :\'lagic Master ·- itt f2S Skewers Stainless Ste-el From IS• ....•.. SET Thermometers Taylor- Roast Meat .... OVEN 'I"'IERJIOM'ETDt I" Dinner Set 6t5 32-Pi~ld band on p~in white Reg. 8.95 Only t •AE Ol'R LAW-AWAY PLAN fo"OR CHRISTMAS · •• NOW ! Mrs. Pt'r<:y Baines, president; Mrs. Ch<'St<.'r Fi her. vice ·president; Mt'S. Ma ry Jane Johnston, secre- tary; Mi ss C la ra Kohlstedt. treas- W'<.'r . Merger Is Favored Th<.' Church School Guild of the Corona d I Mar Co m m u n i t y I Church votl?d Monday night by a hustt' mnjod ty to merge with the otlwr woman· group of th<' churc·h. the Capilla Circle' . . . . of Social Note A full hou.~ ~nturday night at IP in.n\Ttl.:ht W"orkshop·s ·ounk· &.td" al tht> Ramboo Room g&\e ri<.c• to th£> rumor tha t lh<' m(.')O· dntmn ma~ I><• hC'Id on•t for an· othc•r \\('l'k-( nd alll'r lhis. \V(' luvu 1 ha 1 a rt.J lie tC'm(X'ramcnt., tlun·d nn thl' spot . Sa1urda) nt~ht b •· t" t•c• n m£>1orlrama1i!'1" ar1d pronurwnt 1 ht• ptan$ in 1 he ar('"l. R<·Mal1 \\as A tt>m~t \dlh storms nf "onl" .!>ubsidin~: before 1 he blm\., land••d. I ! 3 G irls Escape Death I \"~·lma C'ns:-of Cm't'lna del M at• n nd t\\o t·omp,"l.nton<: miraculoush PM".IJll'cl d<':t I h a;. 1 hl'il· car· plumtt'd mo·r :1 6:i-fc10t l"mbankm<'nl al Ct ' .. tal Cm •· l\londa,·. ThC' cat· roll··cl (·nd m , r • nd clown th<' sl<'t.'P ... rop• .111rf \\liS tc•IPM"Op•·cl to nl h•rll ''" ), nJ:th y , ..... \OU ean bdlt'\1' \OUt ('\('<.~ O'RR I F.=--·s I"' hstt•d in 1 h<' nC''' \"oi!\J<' ma~azinC' as onl? of lhe fl-w s lor('S O\('r 1hC' country that will carry thC' Vo~ue S<'lection of 27 ~ifts to ~h<' ---with auuraacc- that you'll be making someone 'f'ry ha PP)'. No wonder you can be sure of im(X'<.'cable last£' when you give one of the beautiful Vogue-sclected Christmas gifts··- they have been chosen by top styUsts f rom gift merchandise from all parts of the United States aR .the season's most outstanding gifts, under $25. But don't lf't me juBt te ll you about Uu~m. RIHIJ rirht O\"er aad ~ them. or. Uke •e of oar cu tomera from oat of OO.'a, •CAll &lid uk • .-at yoar fa- ' \'oritcs, UH> mlaute you ~ the ... "" v~. In the collection are distincth·e SCtlrf . handke~hiefs. new and un-j usual earrings as well as dazzling pins, clips and bracelets. a beau· 1 tiful handbag, two charmin~ com· pacts -• -a heapful of feminine happiness for sure, to give a t Christmas! Th~ kind of al~b ar t' uk- latr for nntr-klllt l"OW!l§ a.nd P....r's from O'RRIEN'S ... tltf' lo' f'ly shnnbf'r-soft b' r u 8 h t' d Bember~ fabric that IUJ"t>S sleep Ut~ whole nl~t tltrough. New df'8lps tltl!J year lnch tde thf'l trimly tailored pajamas. gra- c-Iously eut, with stanct-up col· Jar a"ftd button b ole accrat& or lmport.M SwtM yara embroldf'ry In clell~te past:.-ls. Include also a petaJ-sott amva ef enchaJIUag 81mplk'lty, trlmmt'CI wltlt • som y &hlrl'fld yoke and feml· nln4'\ nylota Val IJI()co. So pretty tttey makf' l"ood ~It lf\illg too. Yoo'll nnd thf'm ln blot", whit.- ' aad plak. Incidentally. a new Thanksgjv- lng dress from O'BRIEN"S• may make e,•en the turkey sit up and gobbl<'! And don't forget our pre- Thanksgiving sale, you'll be sorry I If you miss it. - '--~· ~ 1111 COAII'I' IIOCUW AIID OOilOifA DICL IIAa ~- * * * TIE lEW A FEW NEW * * WE HAVE 1951 DOMES .\T .\ SA VINCS OJ' SJOOOO SHAVER MOIORS ~~~~ ·t:\\ 1•nnT m.\ o. • eon 6007 --C'O~T.\ ~IE~,\ Here'• tbe Pbiloo 1882· W, houaed iD exquisite Queen Anne cabinet equip()ed with auters. U nmatcb· ed an ywhere for quality and value! ......... M.T-11 U.I.F. Aek us for details ... it's deeiped • in advance for fu. tu.re television de- velopmenta. Plue 8De.t. enjoyment of radio and recorded muaic. SWR-POWR 17.-.at~ • 3-SPHD AUTOMATIC IADIO-PHONO • ELECTIONK: ... , .... A RIAL 150fo ... 18 Months to Pay Make Your Choice of PHILCO TELEVISION for Christmas Now!