HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign. OfffcW H••t•,_ -I ... 0., el H.,,_. a..cl cCiiOiii .... MD. EI-C.D.M. lmRDENT"S POEMS TO BE PIIINIW A note from Elizabeth Bartlett. former Corona del Mar ~dent. rtM!ela that a book or her poetry. ·'Poenili ol Y~ and No." will be ~ Dec. 1 in M~xlco O ty. She and he-r h1.11band Paul and their 6-year-old eon Stevie have beet\ vtslting In Mexico •lnce June. lllr. Bartlett i• carrying on a re- ....ch pro~t on the haciendas. backed by the Pan American In-stitute and-UNESCO, and is do- ing con&ick>rable writing. Stevie is attending a bi-lingual school in Mexico City. CHAMIER TO ELECT Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent Tom Norton has namt>d the folloWing nominating commatee to preJJil1'e a slate of candidates rex 1952 Chamber officers: H. L. Hetrick for Corona del Mar, T . Weston Jay for Newport, Bob ~ for Balboa. Bert Clancy for the Udo Shops. Don Ca~ron for Balboa Island. .. ADD SPARKLE . TO HER TREE 8 (and to her eyes) with Christmas lingerie from F· O'Brien's . . .. . .... . . : ... ., .. . : . #.·•· . ~· I ;. LEFT ••• ABOVE ••• Site's drened for dr .. mil'lt il'l e ster . ttu4ded nylon neglitee end town . . . rhinestones, tel'llly pieced on il.l'ld·smode4 d"p yole en4 c-.d shoulder • . . push-up slen" • . . luaurious folds $39.95. Metdlint town, $22.91. In Ice WM. ' RIGHT •• - Whis,.ring eyelet em!M-oidere4 nylon ;,.. ever-so· full douhle flounc" 9ives .,_ Hie ultimete in feminine fe ... ion in ftlis ,.tticoet ,.., . . . tiny .. n,.. hows .•4d ftlet edore .. le •-h. fletticoet, $16.95 • • • mey 1M metched ifl fOW'III end slips. l~ividue!ly y-n • • • ~ip witt. emltfoHfwed ep- pfeque tr~m on nylon tftcot witt\ • tit~y .. chet pocht to cerry yowr fevorih fretfenc:e .-,._, you t.o. s-~-white, tdet 12-40, M.ft. Metchntt fOwn, $14.95. ' . I /. INSURANCE .. ..., ..... IC!'I a .rF'\ nr at ...v CO IOIIN r . •oa~ and aons la;)LJ'U11V 1"\LftL I I Q)a.-]8 and Don ol Lido kle aff ...,.., D.,._ the MW cw."'Wft and operators of a•aana m -w t.~w tOf"mt"t' Shaw M.arilw 'UpboJ.. ,_. at a.ee . ..._ ~ Toda_v, in t.he United Stalft and .tft')' shop at 901 Cou1 llictr-"aY '"::::::::::::::::::::=======::~1 ~Y throuchout tJxo l"f'St of • ;.the . .,ariner'a llUe, Uftcler' the r the v.'Orld. IOCietY llftM'l'lll the firm nanwo, ")(orris and SOn&." .,. IIUitE -INBUitl:'" wttll Maurie Stanley ~o-Jigr BARJW)It tTM •r,...--....._ ..... fouodationa for the neurotic P""-Boet upholstery, eushlons, CO'\.~ .....Uty. ~le ~ nt"UU"'UC and ~raJ marine canva!l work •'hftl t.My aJ"f' caucbt tx-t~ wUJ contlnu.> as the major l'tock \-.Jue &}"&terns. sUbjected to IIOdal in tradf>. The store spa~ at and tf'dmical ~. and unable front of the 1hop bas bPen re- to ronow tN> traditional lifetim(o model~ into a hobby ~hop. ~v.·ath patterns Of thMr ancestor.. a widf> UIOr~t of model build· ·"::::=============C One Important index or this dis-irui kits and materials for plan~>, ·r I organization ia in the high divorce car and other modela. W. Stuart Foote INSUBANCI! 211TW ...... Ih4. Newpat-....~ "/.._:a......ll 'Tor Saf.ty'a Sake" See ROBERT L BOYD Genera.~ ~ Broker JiArl)or 2242 1213 a..t Blvd., CDK • -• .,L_ J ~. f AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 CX>ASr BLVD. aac-del liar OpeD 10 to 10 For free daDCe ana1.)'1118 eau...-.tm Fitzmorris Realty Co. Real E5~.te A Buainea Broken NOTARY PUBUC We malntaln list or qualiOed buyera. Add your name and wanta. tn confick>nct", or oourae 813 Coast Bh"Cl. Corona del Mar HArbor 21.52 For Hjgh Quality Homes R entals • Income Property ~ ROBERT L. BOYD Modem RHJty Auodate 1213 Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 2242 Vera Williams Member at K . T. A. 'l'eadaft' at. PIANO and VOICE Spedal Tralnlnc for dllldren. au~ KartDe Aw. 8dtoa laiDd Lawrence IC. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Supel1or Ave., Colta )(- Practice Umitecl to Oil UIS of Ear, Noee, 'lbroat; Allelv omce Houri: by AppolntmeDt BEacon~ or H.AitMw 1018 Day or Night ...... HArlMir .,. _..A. • J, I~ I • 1_. .... ~ Baltz Mortuary Clla1lll ., ...... rat~. Beh••~ 1870 (when tht> • • • fi.-.t dh'Of'C:'IP atatlsUcs v.'t"~ ~th· A SEW CAll AGEXCV "tlh eftdl and 1950 the dh'O'IU rate \n county. \\'ld~ dist ributo~hip of the •. S. has i~ by about paart and a utomotnle.., for th' 10 ~. British M G Morris Mmor and Even more SlJtDificant of J)E'r· Oxford. and Riley is located at sonaJ confusion is the-lack of sta· 1209 Coa t Hlgh"·ay. on the Mar· bility ol go\'emment.s and IOdal in('r'a Mile TtMo firm j Bnfi h life in almo&t ~'f'I"Y ~t country Motors. In<:., arid Frank Wishon in ~ •'«lcl. Within Dw Jut 35 of Balboa Illa.nd Is pn!Siclmt. )-een ~ ~-e ~ violent l"t'· John Callan of Lquna, former "'RES A~Yfili.NG GOOD .. ta.. ~~ Cltrktma.ll r.-tMv \'Oiutions or rapidl)' accrlented bead ot Schuyler Moton the.re, u ~ ·~· f"HyttMy ..-. IL 11 ; ,18 ~rb ~rum a11 "'"' to-a'll. ~'Olutions in Japan. Ouna. lndia. In charge or the sales depart.rnent •~ •unwroe. to.,.._.., '"'"'·an cs. tlilri.r .tlarfo. 'J'ItloMo _...IM!r• of South Africa, Spain, G~. Italy. for the n~w firm. o.r .. uff ~ ako M'tl,,. lltf'M~ or t~ ~ aad rr4..-...1 ·Eng)and. Fl"'lnCe, Italy, Ruai~. • • • \\'omf'D'tt OW. ~~. k'fl .._.. ri«ht. ~ f1of'f'aae-F.&rl &ad F~ Yugosla,·ia. Mexico. t~ Unltt'd IN lAGt.'XA BUOII the Musac lhm<l~: "tall4flnl. A~ Bk!e114tUI•t. L~ Ia Ba~ and < llJ'OI f',..._h. States. the <lOWltries of Cl'ntral Ho~ at 1233 N Cout Bl"d. ha and South A.lnHic::a. ~ned under the · mana~emant It J:l\1 ~ a thrtll of pnd tn St'e Tht> sam~> tkl<ct ~ou Fnda~ 1be c:oofusions and frustrations or Frf'd Martin and PalE' YoW)J!:. nm(.'On4:' an our o"n home town nb:ht "-aU admH ~ou to th• Sat- of modern ~ricans stt>m from tM nt-w owners. n-r~ are \~ter· tak.-an 'tdNl', hapt> It and buiJd it urda> ru2bt proiU&Jll, wbach bl-- 5e\ raJ SOUJ"CH: the t~odous ans of World War 11 and were tntCI Jn annual t>\C'nt and make it g~ns "ith a Pt'CiaJ y bo" at 8. inef'elao in madline production. prominent 1n proleaslonal music uch a su('C that P\er)One "UP· featuring Desa Amaz and tu ft1· the ~ion Of population ldoU· circl<'S in lndianapoJis, Ind. Mr. I poru lt. rnous l..atln Amt-rican OIC'~tra. bled an the · S . \n 50 )~arsl . the Martin rt>eel\"ed hia bachelor of ' That'!, "hat" ha\(' an the An· This part of lht' sho" \\ttl be mo\'~ta of people from farms I music de~ from DePauw Uni· nual :'\t>\\port Harbor ChTi tmas trlC'tly for lookln$t. and wt-an- to the Clties, ~"'Oneel working and ver51t~. In re-cent years he was Pre\'ie\\. roman~ up thas wet>k·t:nd. told tht>y do a f!T'&nd how. A!,<'r· no longer ctyamed to t.he hearth, cbolr dirPCtor or Woodruff Place Friday and Saturda) t>\·enings, in wards. thPSo? torrid LatLru. v..all the v..-eaken~g o~ _orthodo.x and Baptist Church and the pa~.t fi\"e I our famous Rt-ndeZ\O~ Ballroom ttl€' do\\'Tl' to SOmf' \\et> ro-fundamentaltst rclig~ous lx-U~s by ~rs was associated in the re-in Balboa. Tht~ 11, th Pre\'iew' mantac music de acnt'd for dan("- the flow of ideas from • many cord business in Indianapolis. Mr. filth )car. and our :'\ewport Ha,. ani!. This 1 th ftn.t dance pro-groups rubbing shoulders m ~ur Younst is organist of the Commun· bor Busuw and Prof onal \\'o. ~am of any Pre\it"" and H "1JI melting pot.: and in ot~ countnes ity Presbytt>rian Church in La· nl('n' Club. "hOSe members ori· rontlnw ~til midn.i~hl. "'llh llmt' the beginning oC native ~ula·l ~· He sen·ed for 13 yean; as ginat('d and <k>'eloJ)('d II ~nto a out fur pn7e drawmgs alon~ about tion, _to yearn for the benefata. of ht>ad of the or~ota.n department at big. ~~. colorful sho". art' pi n· t('n Thr..-e bi~ ~chandi f' or· nwdi~. education and rnachint> Butler ·ni\·ersit~ anct Orgal"'.iat-oint: tilt> bhtg t entertaanMen • d, -.. otalbn~ S225 an val~; a.no production. choirma ter or Z1on E v·angelical bargain or th(' ) ear th mam PML"-and then-.I tx- W e are cau~bt m this "~Iter or I Church He is ub--dean of the I "Ali~ m a Won<k>rland of Fa h· man} smaller on~>s gJ'I.'t'Jl &W3) \-alue ~-stems. Because of this. Indiana Chapter of the American .. ll th F . boUt Fnda~ and . 'urda~ t"\ chil~ an .. d pe.renu ha.\-e more 1 Guild of Ors:anist . studi4!'d at an-~:~ t>,~-:un;':'t" . "it~~~} •11~e n " " All thi.' '~~' ~ 1 2' (X'r tJckN. ttiffacul >' an ~rstandinl ~ch clnnaU Consen3tory and London beau aful mod I another local p~~ lr-nm 1hl 'l'l<'" v to tbf> other. IChook have expanded to University. and has gi\'t>n recitals producl for \\ tuch Wt>'re ramo -Club!> bt nerat r.md "tuc:h pa} try to explain the greater com· throuRhoUt t ·. S . and in Euro(X'. paradm ' onstare in mart ~>pnng ror "Ch'"'' l>l'hula~hlps, tud n t plexitles. older ~pl~ a'! no the Bntish Isle . Mexico and CUba St\l s a~d' "ort "ear forth<' nt'w loan fund!,_ and ht>lp on uch won-longer cared Cor bv the1r children • • • · ck•rful proJeCt II..!' Ht.a~ M monal bot b go\·e~n·t pension plan • •• . . sea 0 H pat I'll to "ha<"h lh Club hM and lire insuran<.'t' it l mort' dif· 0 lUllE~ • peoaJty Shop tn t Of cou )Ou'll want to come plt'd~t('d ~ ficult to selt>ct an" ()C("Upation and C"uronA d 1 ~fsr I ~~only Ora.nJ:f' f'arly E>noudl to stroll among t:M \\'ill ="ewpor t Balboa FedeJ'a.l to know that an <jocuJ')3tiCin \\111 bC' Count,\ 'hop !•stC'd an the eurrrnt I fort)-h' booths fiUed "'lth beau· ha\e 8 booth? \\'1.' "ouldn't ml ~!Pt' mam '!/ears 10 comf' at V~u )tag&%J!It' a th~ stor(> cat. ti!ul dabplays of home furm hings. it! We see aU of our old fri n& be<Yiih bard(.r . to 5t t ahf'ad in r~tni: tht> Chrastmas gtfOJ sel('('1('(i boattnC' and fishing equipment. and make & lot of nf'\\ 'on . W 'Ji ~r:;t;U or as a workman. wars lor thl~ ~4:'ar by \'o~;UI' fa~hiM l"dt· mE<n's .. women' and children's look fon\ard to eoeang ~ou at tlw t~d to be global. ~ions and tou. t , sport and pl~y clothE' , a.~d some Chri una. Prt'\iew• inflations occur. taxes increalt', • • • • 1 of !h world s mo t beautiluJ cer· {amiUes mo\'e frqm place to place. A.PPKO\'.-\L was given Thurs~J amJcs, produced rlf,!ht herl' .at I children have fev.-er life long I day, Nov. 15. b~ the City Planmng home. If you want to buy a gtft friends a.nd other tift the cost of CommJ ion to the applicaiton for that iB typJcaJ of our Harbor way raising each child m~tlplies. the tM.ine license for th<' Ha}ck>n' or life. the Prc>\a~\\ is the plttce to natiOMI \'alUH center a.round ha\'· Ka\·t>n for Lattle Folk, a nursery ~o. bt>cause tt wall ha't-th m all ing and displaying new shiny 1 chool at 440 Ht-liotropot-A\·l' .. Co-concentli(lteod ncht an ont> pot I p~ets as evidence of socoess. rona del Ma.r Th~ nur ~ Is for \'ou'll dt' much of ~our Chrt tmas and the number of conJu.sed a.nd p~school tots . 2 1.:! through 5 ~hoppml!. r"--trated people grows. years or ac:l' and ~ dirt'C ed by ;~~~~~~~=;:;;;=;;;~;;;;~;;:;;;~~;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;i Thus the life that •·e see abt'ad Mrs Joan M. Haytk-n. fonnt-rly or becomes lea cleopendablt>. The 1 Cincinnati. Ohio. "ht>re she had known future is srnaller. We want O(X'ratl'd a nur&ery school for 10 t~ old fa.mUiar way'S but find in· )'ears. ~he has four ch1ldnm or stead new approaches that dis· her own. rnn~an~ in a~e fmm 212 tress us. Being in 8 state or tran-to 20. Sht> 1s plannin.s:t an OJX'n sition to.,. ... rds something that hoUSt> at H!l~den Ha,t>n to 1x> hl"ld none of us can yet forest'e we are E-arl) tn [)(-('('mlx'r faced •ith new problems. lack of • • • security, frustraUons, unhappiness. GARDE:-.= C'F.;'I;TER. a st-ne- ineffidencv. This condition •ill you~l"lf nu~~>r~. "all !)(> open<>d hy increase tX-cau..l;(> t.he solutions at-e Mr. and ;\1f<' ,Jf'K' Ellis Saturd:n . not yet at hand. The effect on the ~. . nl"xt door to thf' All Am· 1nctividual is to raise hls le\'el of l"rlcan ~hrkt't in Comna dl"l Mat ph}sical. emotional and intelJt-c-A redwood And ~las!' l!l'l'~>nhou e tual ten ion. Indi,·iduaJs and so· ha been built at that 'itt' b\ Con-I cieties lx>comf' more dHficul1 to tractor J im Ra~ ThP Pntire ~>ttl' g<>t alon~ with. 1 l"ndrcl d "ith a a·t>dwood fNlCt' and there is a Ia t hhou e adjoinln~ the ~r<'f"nhCIUS<'. Mr. anri ~1t·s. t Ellis. who ar<' C'twuna dt._l ~1ar rc-id<>nt . "rP ntl\\ putttm: nn thl' flnishJn't touchc-s to the G:~rd"n Center r "'ltl l'n occa ional a.l'tst from 10-YP«I·old daughter ~1l"· phanJe and 4-~ear-olri o:on Pat 1 and are t:etting plan r<'ad~ ror thf' Dec. 8 open ho\JS\'. SMn 'roducta -••fHiiriftt -24-Hr. T-"'9 -N'tte Welfl ~ J4.W. "We s,.delbe i11 &n.f9eeCY Servia" 1020 Coen lfv4. HArt-441 -1-Nit.t: u.-II~ M1...., G. C. Bennett Quart ... only l,'l Gallon only ·. Pel" eet VIew, exquisitely decorated 2-bedtoom and den home. FuUy carpeted, en- closed bar Onclud sink A re- frig. \ Beautiful ecludt>d pa- tio. ::!e $37,500 T~nm 100' FRONTAGE x 168' depth with bu81neu buildings. Very cJoee ln. clown town. Lft.le in- come SUS5 per ..,UI ·alone ia worth uking price of $1 ~TO& it you don't go for thia you don't want to make money. PHIL SUUJVAN GEO. EYmSON 1 .. NewpM ....... c..t. W.. (~ "-Costa MeN .... , 8E 7123, 5458-J -Eves. HA 1157-W COrona del Mar 4 UNITS Jl'aniJJihM =-.: $19· .... ,., .._DOWN llltrMtal ~ Wf!ft ll~ ~~V~ry at~ac. n~ 1-bnn .. cottage, unfum., near Country Club. 165 mo. or yr'a. 1eue J80 mo. Couple only. ChrMdD._ Card VIew J • • • from the livlnc room of tiM new 2-taedroom bome. On a quiet liNd-end s11"ft"t ~ no can tmb by to interfere with your t~Ulon reception. 1..arge livin& room wttb beam ceillnc. brick ~ce. dutch door. SUnny bnaldMt and kitchen. Lots of tlle In kitchen and bath. O...t Ge.race. 21'x:21', built to take ap,. above. R1 You 'wiU Jo\-e this horM. Price .... ~. -~--··-···-······ • I I Low down payment. Own« will ctl7Y own paper at 5% 1 See this attractive property today. • • • • 3-leclroom Home ••• Uving 1"''()f1\ 15'xl8' with O~lace, hardwood Ooon. V@ey clean inside and out. Large kitchen and breakfast DOOk. ..-Lots of tile in kitchen and bath. Plaster lntaior ... atungle roof. An eastern type home in Sunny 11 California on a good 11treet. Price reduced to ...... ' The tenns are goocl. Call us today. • • • 2-leclroom WeD Fumillhed Rome • • • • for only $9,500. Owner moving, 10 hu priced pro-perty' to sell. U\ing room 12'xl7' with sunny exposure. maple fumiture. Gaffel'l and Sattler stove, 9' Philoo refri~tor. 30'x8' brick patio, brick walk. Expensively walJed and fenced yard Double cedar shingle siding and roof. Separate room in garage, 600 sq. feet on roor of garage which meets rt>qulrement for apartment. Ornamental fence •in front. See this com- fortable home today. It's good "-.lue. Good terms. 1101 c...t IW., c.-..... HMor 1741 ..-HArM 1477 t.•lllfl: HArW HI-M I ll llNOX 8ftllET -oon'A 111:11& -~r:oo• ftAIIJl. Home or lnveatment. Ten· tR&. ' ant w,illing to stay. (Broken lnvttlld) ... Tenns E·IILIIIIE ftiiNI( of It! -~on:£=-~~.~~~~. ,,1 One unit alone brtnp 10% a Y"J' for your lnYeltment. LIVE FWD ln the other unit OC' rent and you wOl Mve ~ than 209(, mum on your money. eaa arranae tor a $5.500 first. Balance ln cub and owner wllllng to take a seooad * U you knew what I know of th.ls property, you would say, "This is the best buy ln town." DESK SPACE FOil lt.Eft IN BALBOA OPftOI: I. &_E L'I'OR autw ...... -... __ , ................. --~ NICE Corona del Mar 2-bclnn. ~. double gara~. On one of CDM's best streets. ~, .. Only • down. Balance like rent CORNER DUPLEX-C.D.M. Near stores a.nd markets. Income . ~ ~~th~~~.~ ... ~ .. ~.~:··················-··· " VERY DESIRABLE 3-bedroom home on good street. Owner ~~en'~ l~~~.~~.~ .• ~:-~~~: ..... Only -... .... OWNER'S .BUSINESS takea him ellewbere.. ~ bedroom home South of tbe bittlwaY. .,.. ~ del M« ....... -····················--····----· Pr1ee ....... v.... .... ~ ..... IIAitllir .. . ~,_A Da. IU& a.t _,ME. .,. ,.. wut .... ,._ ....... ..,., ..................... . Rustic beach home ... with IWNplnc view ~ .... Ulll ocaiL ... Overlooldng Shore alffa. Two ~ ~ ........ Woo.t noon, ~. LoYeb ~. fruit tNel. ~ and pine~. Hip te~ lot. finN. HlaTy on CMI!! Exdualve with u.. Attractive new 2-bHroam l'lollle. Patio, comer fireplace, open beamed eftJlnc. glua eeclaeed tub. lots of tile fea lUred thrcMIIt*U. ''111e BEST BUY in the area." 111.110Rt>asona_. down payment .. , -...d--You'U be •IIcht.~! wtth thla channing Balboa Mancl2~ home. BMJnl!d ce.llnat. ~ fireplace and convenient ldtebeft. ~ ruest room. The roomy up~Wrs apt. wW~~ ;:tt ~'!:fct:~~--~~P~.e~~~~···· -·· -·~-~~ • • • We ..._.t: that t.hla 2 .. tory. 3-bdnn. home on Balboa Pftlln- lula Ia one of the finelt year 'roW'ld horne values avallable--stone ~ce. forced air unit heat, H4 baths. cloled-la and numerous other fe.tUftS. ~as a basis $21 for comparieon With other prope~.lf ...• _ ... ~·· .. • • • We have a selection of yearly and winter rentals on Balboa Island at reasonable rates. ......... • ..._ ... .,.. • IIIMhf"l. Pe~ at A9et. AY"a. .. ... lll.ftCI HMer J77-W -· ---------- NOW LEASING Space for medical offices in the Ensign Building, conven- Iently located on Coast Boule- vard in Corona del Mar. Will remodel to suit your needs. HArbor 704 or HArbor 1114 * EVERY OlE A IAilGAIN It Will Pa~ Y• te AM tiMlee ~ V_,. 0.. '50 STUDE. COMDR. 5 pus. Cpe., tulip cream, nylon \lpb)lstertng, auto. trans., R A etc. 8A VE ova '50 STUDE. 4-dr. Sedan. Overdrl\•e, etc. '49 ~Jt ~. "R;pJ D~:····~ w -Riii······· foe lites. etc. Orlc. fin. can't tell from new. Only '48 STUDE. CHAMP. Convert. A beautiful car. Every possible extra. ···········-· .............. .8PfXJIAL lee * Ow C.lli~~t W lnt Prie.e '"ce 1939 PONTIAC 6 2-door ····································--·· $ 400 S 29!5 1936 FORD Sedan ··········-·················· ·············-····· 3SO 95 1940 PACKARD Opera Seat Coupe ............ ~.L.... 3SO 145 19U OLDS 8 H)'dramatlc Sedan .···-····················· 560 445 l.9t& CIIEVROLET 2-door ·········-········-···-··-·· .. ·· 940 M5 19e0 MERCURY Sedan, Radio, Heater. O'drive 2140 1895 Many other late modeb. Molt have radia. and heaters. All have been thoroughly reconditioned and are cuaranteed. Open ewftJ.np • SundQ'a for ~ lhoppnc convenience. ... • IJI' YOU have -rehed aDd faDed to find your DREAM HOllE of perfect dMip and spactous room~ with finest appoll)t. on broad II'OQDCII. fOC' C!OinPle te privacy and out- door Uvtng -• • .e • and cheek this property. ~ Uvtna room with ~. beauUtul floors, 3 bedroama. 2 Wttw. den wtth tlreplace, full dining rm .• ldtehell wtth break!ast area-pha cuest boule with kitchen and .. th. lanai, barbecue and prden on 87~" tt'ontace-~ block to ocean. View. For llrice and terms cau HArbor 2474. Earl W . STANLEY Reakor 1 11 c.ut ·~ oo• IIArtJer ... HflGH!S B.rancl new rt"dwood and ~ ... ~ shake roof hoUM With 2 · bclhns. and large den, 1% baths. LaNte U\ing nn. with brick fireplace, cltninc room and nice handy ldtchen. . . . HardY.'OOd floors, dual rum .. prime Joca lion, nm 6010( VOGEL OOIIPANYo 434 32nd St., next to Newport Polt Office. HArbor 38. vtndal dbl .• Uli IIOI'ne ~ Sacrlfio FOR SAL 1669-W. 8' COLDl unit, S1 ckets. 1 $15ead SCHWINl run size Stanley A\--e., B. BOAT F( boat ·~ towing Harbor THOR At ehlne.l 1 year. THREE 1 en, 2 .Good 10 HArbor '51 PLN roa J&UE M~an. 1 S... locat. suitable for barbe' :M9l. Oo shop. AlJo local. for drug at. 8515~ Otf. space avail. Reuonable. 50 PL:a:a1 PAUL C. JONES ._., A9eMY clean. 10 tJ07 w. lalboe iW. HMer nn Hwy .. j IIIII~~~-~~~ ... ~~~~~~~ GOOD ~ $75,~ BEA ~~ CHRISTMAS SCENES :xJ $1.95 up Iowen by Nord ~= ., t. ...._ ..._ • ..._ GRAND HArt. Granda FOR REin' Several l -. 2-& 3-bedroom houaes and apts. 142.50 4: up. You pay no commiuJon. ,AUL C. JONES aental Atet!CJ 2307 W. lelbo• Bf.,d. HMor 2313 Newport ... ch Sohmer Others • Utzer, Starr et Plano St Main,cc for Ch.ri wou it? Ht home • •• Cl hwy. wl ooeen v Fitmlt Ill Coel Au '''' "-4 .f l .nee. ., w. d Of NlWI ~ ....., Earl w. STANLEY ' Reakor ....... o.a.-.... llUG ~lllf*•' CAU. W. P. SUIGURY FOil PAIMIIHG .. t I...ELA CAiliWLL • .-at Man-da ae..n. UT 221D1 St., New- port Beadl, .... altftatiorw. aewtnc. Ph. ~ ltM-W. HAVE OPENING for 3 mor. ae> cordlon or &Uno stucllnta. Priv. m.truc. IT mo. Acca~ dian rum r~. Doria HtU Studio. 464 Santa Ana Aw ., Newport Hgts. BEacon 5101-W. G.E. tnallltor-top ,..._ .... hieft'ator ·---·----.00 1 G-E ---tGp at6ts I F6• ::·.::~~--~~~ We have a larae .~ ol tiDe rebuilt and ~ Refric'· erators displa)'t"CI for pour ap. pro val ANNOUNCING 1lJE OPENING OF OFFICES -BY - F. R. HERMAN, M.D. GENERAL PRACTICE 900 \V. BALBOA BL\'D .. :-."E'VPORT BEACH PHO~'E HARBOR 2804 • •. * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County MARSAC . Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals IIA llll .. CHRISTMAS CHECIS are on their way to ID8IIIben DOW. D you were DOt a membel' tid. year Join oar a.111tmcaa au DOW formiDv. cmc1 ,• MCM"'e than 180.000 In bullclnc 7-room. l•toey. 2-unlt ~lUng at ~rmll.a ... t<e issued durtDa the n9 Orddcl, 112.000. Owner build- put week by the Oty Bulhba er. . Department. bringing tM crana E. llon11 Smith. fence at 417 total few tlw )"Mr to 18,180,000, Jumhw. 13()0. alreatty $120,000 over the ~vtous Mn. Sara DMn, porch at 1610 aU-time I"K''rd. Pacific Or., 1750. FoUowing permit.a were issued Newpert lleiPta dqrtng the put ~k; Fonwt s. ~. Uclo ~. NMI'pM"t • 5-roorn. 1-atory, t-unlt ~lUna at Ralph Wat.aon, 3:50C W. Ocean 721 Oay, f)2,040. <>wMr builder. Front. ~room. 1-story, 1 -unit ..,. ......... dwelllnl at DIM addrea.., $5,SOO. R. P. Hughel. 2581 Clrcle Dr .. Owner builder. .. rumpus room o~r existing slab. H. A. Coagrov~. Burbulk. ..-$700. room. 1-st.Qey, 1-unlt clwelllftc at ....._ 6404 W. ~an Front, t&.OOO. Deen J. G. Rone, Puadena, convert Kephart, =·w.., storeroom into apartment, 417 E. F . C. Hubbard. 410 OrdUcl, 6-Balboa Blvd., 1750. room. 1-story, 2-unlt dwelling at LNe hi& 415 <>rdUd. 110.000. Robert F. D. R. Colepow, Bay Shorea, 5- A.llen, builder room. 1•!_ory1 1-unlt clwelllnc at D. w. ~. 803 Larapur, 200 VIa UM"CCIVa, $14,000. Dike prap attached to present pr-A: Colgrove, builder. a~-~~. 916 Coast Blvd., ~'1'8 W&hila& !11aKEY Mary Price of !501 E. Balboa ~A ";;f. Blvd., Balboa, lllrftl the Thanks· NOftCI: ~ -aii:Dft'OaS giving hoUclay in Whittier with the ESTATE OF ROSE MOLLICA Vietor Parka familY, who were Deeea..S f~ly of the Harbor a.re.. By N.._ Ia ... .., oh. to the wa.y of entt-~t. Mlu Price creditors ot and aU ~r1101• havlna took her Wire I"K''rder and re- clalnw against the aatd ~t =gs~ ~~=-r~~~ 01' aaid eatate to file ~._~til the Mr later .-.Ja•"-1 them necessary vouc:t..n 1n tne oftiC!e • • ~.. ¥ "' • ot the Clerk of the Superior Court Calk •••• 1.-1·1~,. (1, ,..., We ..., _. .a n.t Deldl. _ ......... of the County ot Oranp, State ol. OBOJ.OO!~T !111.\_ft~ Cautonua. or to JlftR'll the aame, Roneymooninc on Balboa Ia----~--------with the ~ voucben. to lal~u are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fc- lhe underltgned at his place of deor, who Wf'rt' married Ju t month. a..tneu, to-wit: c/o Hurwit2 and 1be bridt-is the former Francrs ON Hurwitz.. AtlOI"M)"' at Law, 2611 Rednd of Ely, Nevada. Mr. F*r .._ _ _.. ......... ....~ Roon Newport Boulevard. Newport ts a ~loglst with J.he Union 011 ~ - Beech. California, w I thin s l x ComPIU'\Y and formerly lived in HMtiftt . Sash months aft~ the finlt publication O wona del Mar. 'Ille.young couple ..,..__ R--'=-- of thil notice. are living at 215 ApoWn& Aw ., "'---·-, uv'""l Dated Nowmber 2, 1951 Balboa laland, until Mr. FeciPr rt'-P.wint MICHAEL SANTA CRUZ I ~~~~~-v~esa~n~ou~t~-o~f-~town~~a.U~«~•m~~~nt~-~==========~ ~tor of the Eatat~ 11- of aaJd ~t. Publish: Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1951, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. Boys' ~ 1s huntinc for idNJ for.J'l'Creatlon at noon. Any· ant' who ha a brainstorm should I'd a hokL.oC Coach AJ Irwin or any 8o)-s' LHKUe aeopeHl'fttatJve. • • • Oothin& Is beiq uked for by the Girls' Leecue to be Rnt o"er to Korea. Boxes are .et in all clul I'OOIT\i and donations are gratefully a ccepted. • • • December Is jult a1'0W'MI the COI'Del' and still no ~'Ord or Sadie Hawkl.ns hal been mentioned by the Girls' League. Lut )"Mr this dana! was hfold in Decembt"r, but It l.l still questionable when it will be this year. • • • , The first ex~ assembly of the year was held lut Wednes- day, in the Harbor auditorium. Huntington Beach entertained the student bod)• \\ith tbeir choral group. • • • Holidays were fairly quiet u far u holidays go. Two 1 41id hear of were held by Anc:ly Swain and Joan !\la rlnuccl. Anc:ty's was Wednesday nlght. Seen there were Jay C...rUsle and • • • Ann Mort'is, Ted MCMasters and Once again the high school pool Marilyn Merrill, lrmin Stawicki •u the scene for the annual aqua-and Ruby Neuman, Jack Woodhull cade feeturln& original student and Sandi Thaden , Jack Ntordrum swimming and dance routines. Tbis and Lyn Smith, Rolly Pulaski, )"e&r the girls presented "A Na· 1..atTy J'ohn.lton, Dennie Mason, \'&l Cruise." The first number. 1 Donna Zubfo. Pam Hoxie, Johnny "Harbor Ughts," featured the fol· Swaln. Don Pettit and Lou Ann lowing freshman GAA girls: Unda WiJiiamson. and Don Lingle and Adair. Ann Allen, Mary Ann· 1 Ancly. sti"'ftg, M>Tn& Bouche)•. Fay~ Co-l Joan Marinucci held ht>r party zad, Jean Briggs. Tonye Chnsten· in honor of the Gargoyles. Seen Rn, Diane Crandall. Cerini Cree-there were Jack Nerdrum and Jy, Carol Doane. Ruth Dudley, Andy Swain. Jack Woodhull and J...S..V F.utman, Judy Frame. Pat Sandi Thaden. Don Pettit a nd Lou Gibbons, Ann Gibson, Diane. Gll· Ann Williamson. Roxi Aarvold and 101'\, Pat Grant, Shirlee Hourtgan. Carol Tettlaff. Jay Carlisle and Arlent-Huff, Polly Jarvis, ~tty Ann Morris. Irmin tawicki and LaBelle,· Sharon Lynch .. Melinda Ruby ~euman, Bill Hopkins. and ~ithold, Marlaine MomU. Mar· Char Six. Lee> Jayred and Marilyn da Moorehead, Sharon Neighber· Mtorrill, Ted Mc...\iasters and Joan ger. Airen O'Keefe. Sally Pfister. Marinucci. Don Preston and Joan Lynn Richardson. Dot Robertson. Nunan. Rolly Pulaski and J etta Judy Rogers. Lynn ~ckner. Gannon. and Ray ~tiddaugh and Sandy Sdunldt. Mary Smclal~. SaUy ~e) man. Judy Soule, Judy Stewart, Gail • • • Watkins and Luetta Williams. No,·embt>r 17 Lura-Ki held its Dona Nelaon sang a solo, accom· annual slumber party for the new panied by Sandy Denllnger. initiates. Seen getting a whole THERE IS STILL TIME to qet the Yery best Cluiatmaa Cards with your name imprinted •a•emr&a~.& ..,. ()pea 5 clays ...... __. to 5 Trullportat:kiD ... ......,.. * 110 E. 15da St. COIJ'I'.A liD& .... .. _ .. * * Th~ American Artists Group Desiqnen cmd mustraton ' - EY'IINO £AaLE ---TAMMIS Kftf£-• -GEOlGE SHB..L- HOUSE - --LUDWIG IEME:LMANS -- -Al.AJALOV •. • ADOLF OEHN .•• GLADYS toCKMOlU DAVIS · -- ltOCKWRL KENT --- • • • •~ e flon of ottl.ra. • "~ 0 ' J(y Heart" was the next hour's sl~ w ffe Carol Tetzlaff, swtmming act, done by Diane Charlfne Chamberlain, Barbara Bartlett. Marian Diemer. Damon Brothers, Juc:ty Tucker. Damon ~n and Doran Suess. Next K~ppen. Chri.sli Wilmanns. Jean was a number by the junior GAA Taktra. Marilyn Peterson. Laurito gb1s entitled "Ancbors AY.'eigb." Crbell, Dona St!dinger. Ellie Ra-tt.e tdrls ~re Pat Brin~y. Joan pn, Janee HurM. U\iy Wilde, .. (lie~=~~~~~~~ Kimes. Nancy Deaver. Mad&e Ful-Lou Ann Wi1Jiam80n. Barbara \ llrilht. ll6Me Harrla, ~t Sta~. Shirley R.... Evle Uv-• We c:cm giYe oae-waik deU..ry. I NEWPORT BEACH PhoM: H.._ 7$8 ·-· Manhall. Bll"*'-Llllcle. Betty inpton, ~ Kimes. and Bar-Norton, Joan Nunan, Ellen Owftl, bera Lingle, at whose ho~ the Marll¥a Petenoa, Shirley Scott. .-tty wu Ji\'ftl. The next mom-lfartJJn 8cblldlamayt'f', SbaJ'Oft in& the initiates had to wash cars a.JTIU. Sblrley Sinclair, Bart.ra down at Ken Niles. ~. Doran SUHI, Jeannie ••• Toulou8e, Barbera Trusty and ~veral bo)'S were seen stag at Joan West . the Long Beach Ice Skating Rink We aJ.o haft •lectecl carcla ~ ft... 1iDe wlilts in 1-cmd 12-eard packavta 214 MAliNE AVE. HArbor 1547 "Red Salls ln the Swwet'' was on November 17 getting prepared presented by Unda Adair, Mary for Big Bear. These were Rolly F~rty, Pat Grant. Jewel MLnor. Puluki, Jay Carlisle. Ted McMu· Sharon Netghbarger. Judy Rogft"'. ters, Jack Woodhull. Roxy Aar· AlreD O'Keefe. Lorraine Schlick· vold, Jack Nerdrum, lnrun S ta· enmayer, Georgia Shipman, Gall wi~c~ki~· ~a~nd~B~ruce~~Ba~ird~. ===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~~~ Watkins and Luetta Wllliama. ; Mari'be Ufe on '"lbr Sleepy La· goon" was portra)'ed by Barbara Bandy, Diane Bartlett. Anrwtte Whitlock, u porpoise: Helen Arm- stronc. Gaytha Bouchey, Cynthia Martin, Leah Clark. Kay Priclham. Carolyn Woodworth u ftying ftsh: Mary Mobley, Marlene Ranldn a.s pellcana. and Marian Diemer, Les· lie Koivtato u mermakk. · The sophomore and freshman GAA girls comblned and did the "Syncopated Clock." Tbe sopho- mon> girls were Helt'n Armstrong. Gaytha Bouchey. J ean Gib.blngs. Ruth Huffman. Barbara Hughes. Cynthia Martin. Marlene Meyer, Jane Nunan, Becky Smith, Sally Stewart. Carolyn Woodwor th and Lea Clark. The freshmen were Jucty Eastman, Judy Frame. Shir· lee Hourigan and PollY Jarvis. ~nior girls in "Far Away Places" w~re Pat Bergeron, Pat Dwyt-r, Sanely Denlinger, Shirley Gnnt, Frances Kimes. Nadine Mathewtl, Donna Price. Kay Prid· ham and Shirley Russ. The pro-anm wu concluded by the SOI'\lt "All Ashore" presented by the juniors. Narrator for the e\'ening wu Elanor Ragan. FOR DISTINCTIVE CHRISTMAS PACKAGES w. , .... ~\.(. ~ (.,. ')"l ,.... o.:~pe• nbo<'~' ,. s :•o eft ' r ~he · cc c-r !> .,,.. • o·d • CHRISTMAS CANDLECLOW Hand-d1pped . hand-decorated candles of pure beeswax tmported from Germany. 't"' t~~t bft o• , ... ,.a ..., ... ,.~ b• , ~ tor• c.1 ~.,. ~~~~dl~s. erd '"!t : .•• ~ dl'~ll •o de..:~ o· c~• to typ•cel of de •cete wor~ b v G .. • .... o• •a" .... e~ s~opj'l ... d , zes Y&ry from , ~.,der •a~ ., ,..o , ~• IS r, • 10r-'~rp'ece candles. Ve-y '"'Ode" \ p• .. d e• ISc (.,, o I'll r d I ._;.,,~, decorated ·~t'~· THE Islanders ' 114 MAIINf AVE. - .. * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Fede rol Savings Association in Orange Co~ty y .... _ ..... ~ .. _...... ,_ ..... Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals IIA Ull ,.. o.r.._ o... ....... liD..&~ ."Oil. II -)'"r -.W ....._,... tr'tr wu tk ....,...lathNaa, .......... o...._ta~ of tiM-GeNM "'-' ....... a.-..f7 Matftt _.. 8at-- ... , ~·..-.. at tile ah·~ ... for tiM' ~u.. of ~. K'h'enlde, 8aa ~ ........,.... ... 8aa ..,_ ..... o. llhe Weir .. a ~ at 8aata Aaa ,_.... (Jellep .............. Orup "-.ty ...... (111M-.. lie - ell ft\'f' Celli .............. ... wtUI"Ne•tkNaa~-... ~t.n n.t 1a ,_ .... ! 'l'aem ·Nat flf a.... 0.. flf ~ lh• wt11 1W ....._.. •• •-u.e, prl el tile GoWN We.t lllf." TILUi1UlGI\'ISG L~ BAlJIM)A SPending 'nlanksgivinc in Bal- boa were the Robert ~ family, who ~· li\'e ln Whittier. 'lbey visited at the home or llr. and Mn. Harold Bird, 1700 lllra- _. Dr. lin. lloardman ls Mn . Bird's daughter. CIIIBIMAS CIIECIS are 011 their way to IDiillberil DOW. B you ..... Dot a III8Dibet-dUa year tom our Clwlltmaa Chab DC* lonniDg, CIDCI ....,. ,.,....... of a NGit happy Cllltatuaa. next JHr More than 180.000 in bull._ T-I'OGI!l. t ... tory. ~t ._,.lllnc at pt>nnlta •-ere iuued durlDa tbe nt ()roehi4, su.ooo. ~'Mr build- put week by the Oty Bulllln& er. n..partJnent,. brlnginc tM pend E. 1lonia Smith. fence a t 417 total for the )'ear to ..,,180,000, J....UW, 1100. alrMdy S120,000 ove-the prevlOUI Mrs. Sara lan. porch at 1610 aU-time recorcl Pactnc Dr., 1750. FoUowtng permit.a were ia'lt'd x_,..n • e...., d~ the put week: FOITftt s. Fullmer. UdD Isle, N~ 5-room. 1..._,, l...at ~ at Ralpb Wat.eon, 350C W. 0cMn 721 Clay, tl2,0t0. 0.-Mr bulkier. Fnlllt, 5-room, 1~ory. 1 -unit 8Q ....._ ~llln& at same addrea_, 15.500. R. P. H---. 2S8l 0n:1e Dr., Owner buildrr. .--...._._ 4-rwnpus room 0\"er existing alab, H . A. Qwg:rove, Bun.na, f700. room. 1-st.ory, 1-unJt dweJJ.lac at ..... ~Ke-~· Oceanbui..._!'ront, 16.000. Dean J. G. Rolw, Pua-.... CCJDvert .,. _. t, IUII:I • atoreroom into.;&o.rtment, 417 E. "--.. ...,. F . C. Hubbard, 410 Orchl4, 6-Balboa Blvd.. . room, 1 ... tory, 2-unit cJwe.1JinC at U.. W. .. ~,. "'--'-Lol ... ,0 000 Robert F D. R. ~.Bay Shores, 5- •4.o> 'VI"'-...., • • . 1 t 1-·-•t --·--t Allen, builder' room. .. 01')', ..... ..~ a D. W. ~ 803 Larbpur, 200 Via Cordova, S14,0M. Dike carace attached to ~nt pr-A: Colgrove. buildrr. ase. ssoo. W. E. Flsh6, 916 Coast Blvd., &Aft WM I I'll& nra&sY llary ~ ol 501 E . Baa.o. \HAL MCmell. BIYCI., Balboa, -.nt the n.nlca-!fe. .&---dvlng holiday in Wh.ltt.Jft with the NOTICE ro ~ Victor Parka r.nt~Y, who Wft'e ESTATE OF ROSE MO ~ fo.rmeorly of the HarbOr a.ree. By N. .. ... .., on-to the way of entertainment, Mlu Price creditors of and all pet80M bavlnc took ht-r wire 1'4!'C01"der and roe: claima apinst the aid ~t corded the \~ otMr guesta or aid e~~tate to rue them with the ~tlngs aa they ani\-ed for dln- necetlal'Y vouchers in _the otnee ner, later ~)ling thftn. of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of Califonua, or to present the same. with tbe neeeaary voucbera, to the undersigned at tu. place or buli.Mu, to-wit: C/O Hurwitz and Hurwitz. Atto~ya at Law. 2611 Newport Boulevard, N e w p o r t Beach, California. w i t b l n a i x mootha after the first publication of thia notice. Dated November 2, 1951 MICHAEL SANTA CRUZ Executor of tbe Estate of aid decedent. Publiah: Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1951, In the Newport Harbor Ensign . NOft«S INVITING IIID8 Notice is hereby given tbat the Board of Tnatees of the Newport Beach Elementary School tll.- trlct, Newport Beach. OraNe County, w1ll receive bicla \D'ltll 8:00 o'clock p. m. •t the Bu.inaa Of- flee of aid School Dlat.rict iD the Horace EnaiiD School for the pur- ehate and tor leue of one or more complete IICbool eoaches of Tranllt ~. to t.e .....,... with 11 rows ~ few •L"d f8daC -ta capeble of --DOt ... IMn 92 elemen-tal7 8C:IIool ' cilia-en. Sudl w- Ilkie .. to be ~ with Ul n a bid Ia) aJ~ : £·trca!:t.~. ~ "eltlngboule aIr ....-. • ~and o~•wt.e meetlnl ~ of the lateR N 04 ' !ht DOW in PMK .. 111ll,. ••••••• of tla litloal Dlstrtct. wbieb Clift •• be e•• • rd and ebecked b)' ~ tsu.l IIIMe 1 at the prqe Gl laid School District. Bids to be opened December 4, 1951. Equipment offered shall meet all requirements of the Sta~ Board of Educa tlon Regula tJont gov~ming Pupil Transportation. The said Board of Trustee~ ahall be the tole judge of the merlt.a and quaUflea tJons or equipment offered and reserves the rtgbt to ttccept any or reject all blda, and to waive formality or Irregularity in any bid. GalDON B. nNDLAY Clerk of the Newport Beacb School District. Ne.A-N'""Oft•IQ!l~~"• ro c:IIDI ............ , __ ~-•·•• ESTATE OF STANLEY LYONS Deceued llf.ae& ..... .., 01.-to tla creditors of and all pet-.. v- iDa clalma aaatrwt the IMd te-oeCtent or eal4 etlt.a te to me theiD with the ~ YOUehll'l 1D the oftloe o( the Clerk of the .... pertor Court of ~ County of ()r. ance. State of C811fonda, or • ...-nt the 181M, with the .... tar)' vouehen, to the UIHierllgned at hla place of ......_, t~wlt: C/O Donald D. Harwoocl .1415 Oout Hl&bway Corona ct.! liar. California wltldn .ax maatta after the· ftl'lt ~lion ~ ... notice. Dated Noow .... 21, tel \,,.o1U1,A L LTONS ~ ...... Tla...tut• ! :30 -2:00 p. m. clial eoy.• taaue 1s hunting for if~Ht fOt' rt>Crea Hon at noon. An)'· Oft(> who ha 8 bralnatorm &houJcS ~t a hold of Coech A.l lrwm or any Boys' League ~tatlvt!. • • • Clothing I• beinc uked for b>' the Girls' Leaaue to be tent ov~r to Korea. Boxes are lt't Ill all clua rooms llnd donations &rt> gratefu11)• a ccepted. • • • l:)ecember ... just around the comer and still no word or Sadl Hawkina has been mentioned by the Cirla' Leaaue. Lut yl'ar lhls dance wu held in De<lembl'r, bu1 tt ta still questionable wMn it will be this year. • • • .. . . . Holidays were fairly quiet as far as holidays go. Two I d.id hear of were held by Andy Swain and JO&n M arlnucc.l. Andy's wlls Wednesday nl&hl. Se<-n there were Jay Carlisle and • • • Ann Morris. Ted Mc.Ma ters and Once again the hhth 6Chool pool Me.rilyn M mU, lrmin Stawic~ \\-as tht! ~ for the annual aqua-and Ruby Newnan, Jack Woodhull' cade featuring original student and Sandi Thaden, Jack Nerdrum twinuning and da~ routlnes. This and Lyn Smith. Rolly Pulaski. yM.r the girls presented "A Na-LaiTY Johnston, DennJe M~. val Cruise." The first number, Donna Zubl'. Pam Hoxie. Johri y "H ... Ughts," reatui"E'd the fol-Swain. Don Pettit and Lou rl , lowing freshman CAA girls : Linda William&On, and Don Un~te an \ Aclalr. Ann Allen. Mary Arm-Andy. ... strong. Myrna Bouchey, Fay~ Co-Joan Marinucci held her party zad. Jean Briggs. Tonye Chrtstc.>n-ILn honor o( the Gargoyles. Seen IM.'n, Diane Crandall. C~rini Cree-~re were Jack Nerdrum and ly, Carol Doane. Ruth Dudley, I Andy Swain, Jack Woodhull and Judy Eastman, Judy Frame, Pat 1 Sandi Thaden Don Pettit and Lou Gibbons. Ann Gibson, Dlane Gil-Ann WLUi~n. Roxi Aarvbld and eon. Pat Gran . Shirlee Hourilt&ft,l Carol Tetztarr. Jay Cal'lisle and Arletw HuH, Polly Jarvis, Bt-tty Ann Morris, Irmin tawlcki and LaBclle. Sharon Lynch, Melinda Ruby Neuman. Bill Hopkins and uitholcl. Marlaine Mor1'1ll: Mar-I Char ix, l.A't' Jayred and Marib·'ll cia Moorebl'ad, Sharon Netghbar-Merrill, Ted McMa.ste rs and Joan ger. Alren O'Keefe. Sally Pflt~ter. Marinucc.l, Don Preston and Joan Lynn Richardson. Dot Robertson. Nunan. Roily Pulaski and Je\ta Ju<l)• Rogers. Lynn Schack~r. Cannon. and Ray !\fiddaugh and Sandy Schmidt, Mary SinclaJ~. SaUy ~t-yman. Judy Soule. Judy tewart, Qui • • • Watkins and L\,let~ Williams. No" mbl'1· 17 Lura-K1 held its Dona Nelaon • sa.nJt a solo, accom-annual slumber party ror the new panied by Sandy Denllnger. initiates. ·Seen getting a whole THERE IS \ STILL ~I ME to qet the •ery best Christmas Carda with your name imprinted * * * The American Artists Gt-oup --- DesiC)Den and Dlustraton -- - EYVIND EARLE • .• TAMMIS KlEF£ -• • G£01t6£ SHB..L. HOUSE. - --LUDWIG IE.MElMANS • -• ALAJAlOV • -• ADOLF DE.HN -• -GLADYS ltOCKMORE DA¥1S • - - ROCKWEll K£NT -• - ''hg 0' lly Heart" ~-as tbe next hour's sleep were Carol Tetz.laff, awtmming act, doae by Diane Cha.rlene Chamberlain, Ba.~ra Bartlett. Marian Diemer, Da.mol'l Brothers, Judy Tucker, O..mon ~ and Doran Sueu. Next Keppen. Chruti Wilmanns, Je&n wu a number by the junior CA.A Talstra, Marilyn Peterson. Laurie girls entitled "Anchors Aw~igh." Crist'll. Dona Sedinger. Ellie Ra-------.;...;.....~-._;;,_ __ The lf..._:,Pere Pat Brinkley. Joe.n pn, Janee ~. U\1)' Wilde, Kblle.s. Ntihcy l>eaVff, Madle Ful-Lou Ann WLUiarneon. Bllrbara lilrtcht. Diane Hurta. .......... t S~. Shir~y R.-. E\ie Uv- Manball. 8artJan Uncle. ~ inptOII, Fr&nc@S KinM!s. and Bar· Norton. Joan Nunan, EJlen Owen. bara Ungl~. at whose home t)le llarlb'1l ~ter808, Shirley Seott. perty was aJ\"et''. The next mom-Marttrn 8chliclaoftmayer, Stwi"'O'' lng the initiates had to wash cars •rrW. ~Y Sinclajr, Barbara down at Ken Niles. • • • w. caD gn. ........ cle'"-ry. We a._ haYe •IKtecl ecuclt ~ ._ IDe miMta in 1-and 12-card ~-- ~. Doran Sueu, Jeannie • • • ~. Barbara Trusty and Several boys wen-IM.'en stag at Joan West. the Long ~ach Ice Skating Rink 214 MAliNE AVE.. HA.bM 1547 "Red Salls In the Sunaet" wu on November 17 getting preJ)Ilred pr8efttecl by Unda Adair. Mary for Big ~ar. These were RoUy Fogerty, Pat Grant, Jewel Minor, Pulukl. J ay CarUsle, Ted McMas- Sharon Nelghbarger, Judy Rogeos, t~rs. Jack Woodhull. Roxy Aar- Alren o·K~re. LotTaine Schlick-vold, Jack Nerdrum. lrmin Sta-~yer, Georgia Shlpman. Gail wt~'ckl~.~a~n~d~B~ru~ce~Ba~i~r~d.====~~;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;::;~~~~~; Watkins and Luett.a Wllliaml. : Marine life on ''Ttw Sleepy La- goon" was portra~-ed by Barbara Bandy, Diane Bartlett, Annette Whitlock. u porpoise: Helen Arm- stronc. Gaytha Bouchey, Cynthia Martin. Leah Clark. Kay Pridham. Carolyn Woodworth u thing fish: M.ary Mobley, Marlene Rankin as pelicans. and Marian ~t-mer, Les- lie Koivisto as mermaid&. The ll()phomore and freshman CAA girls eomblned and did the "Syncopetl'd Clock." The sopho- mort> girbl wt"re Hehm A.rmstrong, Caytha Bouchey, Jean Gibbtngs. Ruth Huffman. Barbara Hughes. Cynthia Martin, Marlene Meyer, Jane Nunan, Becky Smith. Sally Stewart. Carolyn Woodworth and Lea Clark. The freshmen were Judy Eastman. Judy Frame. Shir- lee HoUJ'i.pJr and Polly Jarvis . ..561ior girls ln "Far Away Places" w ere Pttt B<.'rgeron. Pat Dwyer. Sandy Denlinger. Shlr.ley Grant. Frances KimH. Nadine Mathews. Donna Price. Kay Prid- ham &nd Shlrley Russ. The pro- cram wu concluded by the .ang "All Asho're'' presented by the juntora. Narrator for the evening wu Elftnor Ragan. FOR DISTINCTIVE CHRISTMAS PACKAGES W e I 0 • ,1. • "t o oeOf'" "'·bo .,_..., "~~ • .. l ... 'or tl'e r cc o• h ' ,.., CHRISTMAS CANDLECLOW Hand-d1pped hand-decorated candles of pu re beeswax 1mported from Germany . ' 'rt'.,. "' be Cl" O~'f'CI w f~ .~., o· fl"' C: "' l,l ~ece cord' ' o·d ·~-. f ·•, ae•• 'ed ~ .. c-·3• •• ~co lyo eel of d@ ,. ••• •o•\ 1:~ G .. --" cro" .... @. s~.~,.. e<'d 'Z!U very f•com ~ .~der •opeq; • ..-o,< "e 5 ,.,~ '""l@rp••'• cendl.s v • ..,. -<'d••' ~ r-·· ,.d • ISc t..,, o co • <'f 14 -'-d ecoret.d ··~· THE .. lsl4raders / ... / , "ii=:.~=:·=:ii=' ~ (0. ...... ,... .... 1) D I S'c fNa ... ~ ._. 0t111rtca. "p I I ._. X l· -~· _ .......... ~-~-... ... a.ga Wla .... at ... CBII" ... llr.llcAJ II .. .......... c.oill.. ..... .......... tMt ............ ..... --~at a .. a !!'S.!••w ..a.~a-:=t.ea...._ ·,..'tf-..CU.: ~.:: • .:_-= *- ..,......... A ...... •• , .. Will ;:r..r lit.G.. ~ ..... tile ......--at .._ llllilllle It la h.rt.. ..... 18 .._ .,.._ :._ 11n. auu P~eta-.. aur Ill· plalat tt.t .._ o.ArttM _. _. Dell .... ... aft ..... 7D a note ... 11.000 fNa Ill' .... purcbue ~ fnllt .... Qllee ..... of .., .. -v.t· -~ haw .. .... .... ...... ... thRr _. .... c ..... ~ ... ,.... IMiar ... Iller c:wwUttw. ..-: ~ a80L aote for ....__ 11. a. a.rold. s. A. oart. rr ,500, part of wNdi ....... to Nldlolu 8rettDft' ~ Walt« 11m-pay oil the 13.000 ~; and Ia ... ~~~np, wm take Grclen.. «*aaned still anothft' note for • • • a.ooo. LESTER .A BECKER, D.D.S. Announces '1111: IUI:IIOV AL 01' HIS ...-rAL OITICE AT -I:AST MY~ BAUW>A AND OOfaiOI~ BOTH <»iKA IN MEDICAL BUILDING 111B N&Wi'Oit1' AVENUE COSTA t.m;A PHONE BEAOON 1752 ........ • ~.ee WDder, Shaft 01111 1'111-ne .....,..tnt c:t.rps tt.t t11e • -o1 oar .... , *nt uc1 ~ o1 ttw Dillin LQZtuatauan. made -. u. Oell- .. -• stan. wW ...... ( .. aolar film. net. 1ftft w.e aDd .true ... ....... , ., '~ ''South Alnerica ~ ..... to tM M!ft made for tM ...,... of ... ----------•• O..U Tra"-.1 Sectia and tWr dudnc llr. Mc:Cbee to mtw lato ~W&tl next~. ~ at the qreement and convey Wa _... 7:30p.m., at the~ ChlililliM.. pmy to the ()eiJrichl, aDd n.tllier A ncJII'Ual fee wm w cbarpd that the Oellrlc::M own DO JW~ for the lhowtnc. which la open to at all 1ft lllehlpn. · the pubUe. llr. )ld)hee charaee Ill .. a.- • • • plaint that the Oellrk:M ....... h ... ad ol -!'JII1 n.ell Junlon are meeU.. thil aed an affeetlonate ftpl'd aDd noon at Newport llal1IOr Yadlt conoe-n for and toward Dlalattft Cub wtth a Hoq llf!IDDI"tal ~ .. a part ol a plan or 8Cf.me to praentatiw as ipMker. Kra. Burr cheat plaintiff out ol hie JICipei'tJ '::=~~~~ White la pretddeat. • . . that the d!feDdulta haw 1· D'llduallY 4lea 1 ... their cmatrt-butiona far the plalnutf'a _. .. ._._, Everyone hu aome middle dlaance aelnc to do, aucll u Ca.rpenten, Kechanlca, Booldreepera; H~vea. in feet almoat everyone, ..-hlch cannot be aorrected with Blfoeall, but can be aatkfactorlly CIOI'I'eded by wee.rtnc tllree way lenles. •.&IIGK oa ...... ,.,_ GIVEN s.unt OAD ...... ~ .................. AIBtft'll ... U'01al ·-..... 'lhd. ~-... ~lllllllla .., ......... ..-y laDday- anee ud ......,n to notlmw in the last four weeD •.. Beea.-ol a cmaftict ol •• 1liome time the aa1d clefaadutta the C«oDa *I Mar Ovle A.oda· contributed toward plaJntltf'a -. lion will meet at 7:30p.m. 'l1nln-port and malntii!Nlnet ~ the day, Dec. I, inst. of tofticht at 11\a'n of 11 per week, wtddl UDOUDt the Grammar School Superior wu wholly inadeQuate to maln-J~ Robert GardMr of Corona tain plalntiff, and that whee ....... clel Mar ~ill apak on ju\-enile tlff oomplaJaed to the deff!DIIIat problems. YO\m& people will Leora OeUrich about their fallwe lt"r\"e ~freshments. to li\-e up to t.be tenna ol their ~t. w tut plaintiff In the I' --auP ShnM ~s race and mouth and told him to .I..AXI&--I"'"~" get out and fU'n Ida own uvm. 'The Aailtance 1 --... of New-... that the ~~t U!ora OeiJ. ~--rich ls a woman wellhfng in ex· port Harbor voted at the Nowm-cess of 200 powtc~a and Ia of violet'lt ~ meettng to spoe*W a Smior t~r and hu on n\lr'Del"'W oc- Glrl Scout Sevlee Troop which caaions without ca\R or Pf'O""Oca· will stress service in the commtl!'-uon vidoualy atnack plalnU!f Ill lty. the face and mouth and has on ARCHi £CIS N·•a.!lft occu~ons vtolentJy thrown him to I ftPKooU the ground . . . that she, the said .NEW ARCADE IIIOPI Next to .... ..... ADa ....... A. ......... ..._ Newport Elementary S c b oo 1 .,endant "Leora Oeollridl. baa Trustees ha\.-e named the follow· threatened to have plaintiff com-ina architects to preopare planl for mitted to an insane asylum, and new .cbool oonatruction: ~-that plaintiff 1a in mortal rear o1 k:k Hodldon and PhiJmer Eller· hil Ute and Ia afraJd to 10 out ol broek for additions at Horace En· the howe or to leaw his ba---t sip School; IUcbard ~ and apartment ~ the defaMiult ~ Unci, wtUt aaociates J. Leora ()@l1rlch Ia GD the 111= Hft'bftt BaowueU, William Blu· for fear the wW eornrnlt PIIONI: 10 l-tJII 1'0& II:VDDfG AI"''_ODI..,.'I'IIZM,....,_rft• --~ ........ _ reek .... Paul o. nav111, for u.e ifi!eeilil!"iacz:.i.5:1! ..., adlooJ near Corona del Mar. n..y will ~ plana If the ~.000 IIChool bond issue Ia voted January 18. IAIY -;IS.--.SNO;;:;;;;;II;;M;;L&FJ._,.._, Sewn-month-1)1d Janet Mute, .. QIIrter ol Mr. and lin. Jamea ..... ol Corona del liar, -IIDOtlleftd to death Ill their eu Jut week _,. Snow Valley Ia tile San 8emanllno mountains wt.m their 2-,..r~ 80ft ~ rolled Oft her Ill .. deep. Diet Caatrol ,...,. An experimet'lt In diet control of rata in a fifth era• o1 Newport School ... ~ lut week when Mra. Marjorie Romerlii ... GD tbe Elementary PTA panel JII'GP'Uft. "Haltb tn Our Schook," at the Corona del Mar School Orowtb rate aad bone structure el th("'rats are affected by the typea ol food, aceordlng to dlet.l 1ft-118M b)t Kra. ltomersi, N u r a e a.-llatm aDd Teac:Mr Tba1la Lai'WOII. What could be more acceptable and appreciated than California's finest fruits for the Holiday Secmon? Ia-(I) FA.Ifm • AVOOADC)8 ••..•....• _ ....... , PAXCY AVOOAI)()8 ........... . • Jl'hiie u .. A ..... .... CJLI\'D ........... ~······ Oneil. Sploecl, Hot Spiced. Garlic, Stuff~ and Ripe • t:Wehe HL A W '4" .-vD .. IIAaii.AIA.DD ....... . t:Wehe ..... 1'11111 ..... A W '5" PltEIIAIItVD .. IIAIIIIAIADII:8 ....... . ..... _, .... ... -s· l'llt:BiaVD .. IIAitiiALADII:I ...... .. ..... FAXCY PtiD8D) notL ... • ··-~ 11111110 ~·--··········-· . .... .,. OIIOI(S PlltJlfEI!I .................. . • ....................... -·~····-·······-·· .. ···-··········· ... ···--········-Lll -···-··-... J SECOND SECTION Offlci.al N~ e# 1M C~ty e# Na.J~Mt __. Daandcly. No•emw B. 1151 ... COllOM DEL IIAIL CJWF. Vol. C No. 11 To order your Personalized Greeting Cards Shop early 'or Cllr ~~~~H. We gift w•ep end ro1oil. DilEN MABGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts 1307 Coert Blvd. Corone del ~., Herbor 1373 Ho." 9:30 to 5:)(). Qpe!l ~ Let us keep your clothes WEii-PRESSED! ' c FttEf PfCKUft I DEliVERY Q ~ -altenaticlft Serviee. . . . • SCM Coat lhd. S COIIOkA Da. IIAa CaDRA3171 ILEIIEII a N. IIANCHa111 Two Are Honored 'lnstaUation Service Sun. Hono~ a.s the outl'tandi.ng Mr. Ncl>onald .has abo been a ~EIUlOS OS CHALLE..'iGE church man and church \\"'Jlt&ll Harbor ArPa res:Jck>nt for 15 )'eU'S, Holy communJon "ilJ he Cf'lt--of th yev at a unton 1bank!Jtiv-and member of Ouis1 O.un:b n.e new putor of SL Andrews brated this Sunday at the Neowpon inst n1ce last w~k"" ft W ilham ·n,... 1Cl.J4 HP 1 now ll\v 1,.~ Presbyterian O.urcb, ~". James Harbor Luthean Olurch, ~ewpon McDonald of 1536 OoPan Blvd., o! tu,.; c!-.u~h. or,f nf tJM. ...uor S. S~ wiU ~ installt'd in a Heights. and '"The ~ of a Balboa. and Miss Elsie ~~·land 1ahers, loUp•rintMdc'nt of the aervice to ~ Mld at 4 p. m. Sun-New Day" \\ill be the t.henw of or 21i 33rd St., ~e--pon Both adult dh-won, \('Aeht>r of the ..Wt day at Newport Harbor Unioo tM sermon by Pastor Herbert C an mem~rs or O!.nst Church b} c1aSJ membt>r of th-> official board Hip School, with his (ather and Roth The nnon "ill bt> based t.M St., Ne--port. ad of t.M board of C'hristJuJ ~ brot.brr a.aistlDg in th~ Rt"Vice. on the Epistlt> Us5on foT thfo First The announcement ..-..s made by ca 1o H'" bas £'T\"f'd • pnsl- 'Ibe putor's brotht>r, ~-John Sunday tn Advent. Romans 13., Paul Delp. local YMCA director, at I d<rnt of th,. Board or 'J'rusteea R. Stewart of the hadow Bills 11-14. lM union Rl'\ice, heJd at Olri.st MIP!rin~t of Ox On.rcb Presbyterian Olurch In Sunland. Acti\·Wes at the church this "'·et-k Church by the Sea. ~ awa.rds School chairman of ~ board of will deliver the sennon, entitled include Sunday School cluses 9::30 ",u ~ an annual presentatJon of ushers. tt>acMI-or an mte-meclla~ "An lnvtncible Church." And ~ a . m . S unday; ""-orshlp se""ice 11 the ~t>·w·por~ Harbor Councl.l of bo)"'l' clasa, uslstant cubrnuteT of (ather, Rev. Jamt>S K. Stewart of a. m. Sunday; Sf'nior choir rehear-Churchf's ~o~tions ana made one of the loc::al pacb, a_nd mem- lhe Be\·erly Vista Co m m unity sal, 7.30 p m. Monday: Bible by each or the etgbt members.h.l_p bt>r of lhf> bulletin~ committ~ of Church ln Bev~rly Hills, wiU give !Study hour, 7 :30p.m. Wed.nefoday; ebUJ'Ch<os, and final st>lection as ~ oew s:a.JlC'M.ry. He ~ mem- tbe char~ to th<' ~gation. church council m~ting, 8 p. m. dt-tenni:ned b_) a oounty commlt-btor of the Yolunt~r fi~ dpput- Rev. 0 . Scott McFarland of the Thunday: c.atedlism clus and t~ i"f"pr'eSftlting Ouistian ll'adius men and ~tary of the lift- First Presbytt-rian ChurcbJn San-dwrub choir remoarsal. 9:30 a m and the Orange CoWlty Council of men'5 club. ta Ana }rill prt?Side. ~-William I Saturday, and junior c:boir r'E'h<'ar-C"h~. SPf'8k~ for the uruon ~ S. Stoddard or An~les Mesa Pres-sal at 10 30 a m Saturda~. )II ~t!"'land has ~ a ~f'W-was Re\ JOSt'ph McShan(' or the byterian Church in Los Angeles • • • I port regdAnt a.nd member of Costa Mesa Com:murut) {l)UJ"dd will gj\'e the charge to the pa tor. DE<". TRE..VES AT OICBCH C'hn 1 • Church for 1_5 years She Thf' proJmtm ""'U a r r aD 1 e a Immediately foUO\\ing tht> ser-~tonthl) communion senice at 101• pre adent ,of the Ne~-port ~ach ~T'OUch RP\·. H.-rbl'T-t Roth o1 the vice of installation a rt'CE'J)tion the F irst Baptist Church of New-Ctrc! of WSCS and a just ~-:'\e\\-pon Harbor Lu~ran Olurch. honoring R('\ and 'lr"'\ James port &•ach wlll be hf'ld Sunday eluding her second yev as prl'Sl-Mrs.. Leslie Stt>fft"n.St>n of Corona Stewart wiU be held m the Joun~e and Dr. han FJiic; \\ill !:pt>ak on df'nt of th Ne""-port Harbor Coun-ck>l Mar led thP robf>d choU. Rev. of St. Andrt-w-s, just across the "1..('1 l's Draw :-.:ear to God" 1 01 or f'hurch WomE'n whtch ~he Tom Pendell ""'U the hoc\ putor. str~t from the hi~h o:chool Youth F('Jlow hip wtll mt"('t at 6 30 roundt>d Sht-has ~ i upenn-Other pastors pertiC"Jpatitllt weore p. m At 1 :30 Dr Elh \\iU prPaCh I tenck>nt or the_ church school R• \ Paul Babbtn. CoTOna 41!1 th~> fit~t of d C.l'rJ ..... of Sl'rmnn<: on PrMid~nt or ~ Church by the Mar Community; R e-v James th!' C'hriqma.., t hPme Other • ·a \\om n s SociPty. lay delf·c-a tto ~tf'wan S ~ Presbyter-CDM Talent for Show At Laguna Elks Hall Sh(<t•p I Ha\P Prll\Pr mN'ttn'lS rm fvur )f'ars to the Southern ian· Re"·. Paul Moore Wl~le- nf'xt m•mth \'111 bf> takPn from the I Calilornia-~ Conlt>n-nce ( r J~ EJ)!scopal. Dr Harry wiu~ Dancer Trianna - --Frances \\'Orld "td(' Btb)(' r<>ad.tng thf'me. th et.hodist Church Balboa Island M~thodist . Vandf'rcook or ("orona df'l Mar ---'Th<' Wa,· Out or thl' Dark will present a p rogram at 'Elks Wf'dnP...d8~ at i l 'l p m. Hall in La.gun& at 8:30 p. m. Fri-• • • day, No\. 30. sponsorl'd by the 'A ~AS OF CIJAR-\C'TER' Elks Lodge for lht> lx>nefit or the ~unday's s rmon at th<' Balboa Elks Crippled Children's Fund. L land Commurut) ~f e tho d 1 11 t She "'iU oo ass111ted by two of her Church ,,;11 lx> ",.\ ~l£10 nf Charac- protegt-s, Mary Catherine Andre'\\~ ter &for~> a Court of flouhtrul and Dee Dee CUnninJ":ham of Co-Honor." accordins: to RJ>,· Harn rona del Mar. j WhJtP. pastor · Sonny Budd of La~a will be La t S unday ~tr. and ~rs. R.tch- vocal soloist. and Peter Welgan of ard Whitt> or 125 Agate A\·e., RaJ- Newport will present accordion boa . I..slan<l wt>re rf'CE'h·ed mto numbers. Dennie Andi'E'Y-1!, ratht>r c hu rch membership. Approxi- of Mary Catherinto, will be the mately ~ ~ "·as collected last sa- narrator. turda.Y by thf' Bicombo Boys Club at the church through donatJons at their exhJbit of electric tralns. 1 which the boys organiU"d from 1 FfRST CHUICH Of CHIIST SCI£HT1ST not "'-lMa, ........ ..... A. br•I'Ch of The ~~ Churcfl, The Firrl Church of Chrid, Sco•ntirt, in lot- ton, ~euechUHHL Sundey School _ ·-•:15 -. Su01dev Service • _II :00 e .. m Wednesdey Eve:"ling "'-iinq_ 1:00 f.'" R .. dinq Room loceted et Ill el"' St .. Balboe, ia open deily from 12 noot1 to 5 p.m. ercept Sund•Y' end hot dav> netionelly ob .. rved. The public is cordielly i"vi•ed •o e• lend the church services e-.d ule tl,e Reeding Room. ::,:: .. :;;:,;~ I The theme of the Sunda ,. Les- son-St'rmon in the First ChUrch or Christ, Scienti t. at the entrance to LJdo l.slt> in ~<'"'POrt is ex- pressed thus in the text from Pro-I verbs 114:221 . "Do the\ not e-rr that de,ise l'\il? but mercy and truth c;haU lx> to them that de'ist' 'tood " Tht> subjt'Ct "';11 bt' "An· dent and Mockm ;>.;ecromanC), alias MesmPrism and Hypnotism. j Dt>nounced." • • • TARTS All\"E..'~T ~ERMOS!i' 414 Oea.t Bo.levant Ooroaa df'l Mar Re\·. Paul F.dward Babbit t "-ill preach tht> first or an Ad\'Pnt St'r· it'S of !W'nnons at both th(l 9 ·45 and the 11 a. m services Sundav His subje('t \\ill be "God Caw -1'1 Prom.Lo;e ·• The ("haPf'J Choir "ill I sin~ "l...<'t Our Gladness Know No End." a Boh€'mtan atr. at 9:45, and f1 tht> Chan<-t'l f'hotr \\iiJ sjn~ "Carol or thr Ru. "inn Childr.'n." arranct'd I by Gaul. at 11 n. m The High !'\chool youth wlll '-f'rW' dou~hnuts nnd rorf~>,. oftl'r hoth the sen·i('(": to ht>lp ~PI<' ~tPt acquaintf.'d. . . . -Home-m•de pies and c•kes- Havin9 a Party? PHONE HARIOR 1380 for A TASTY SNACK TO TAKE OUT. at (o. Gl'E."'T t• ~TOR ~ATt'RD.\\" Eldc.'r Jam«''! Jt''IJX'T"'\On. pastor or the St>'·f'nth-Da} Ad ,. en tis t Church or Ontano. \\ill be ~est speaker at 11 a. m. Saturda) at tht> Nt'\\-port Hehthts ~'-enth-Day Advt-ntist Church. The Sabbath School which m~ts e\•ery Sat. at 9:30 under the leadership of Dr. C. L. SmJth is studying "The Crea- tion of God" and the subjects for tht> nPX1 two w~ks will be ''God SJ)('aks Throu'fh Nature'' and "Trut-Scit-ncl.' ''<'T'SU'I Present-Day Theorit-c:" • • • BEY. PENDF.U. RETt'RSS Re\·. ThoiTUis Ro~· Pendell rt'- turns to his pulpit at Christ Church b.r the St'a Sunday morn- inst. foliO\\ ina a six-day P.r.eachinc Mi ion nnd 1'\ ant:t•IL tic Pffort \\htC'h hi' hno; ~·n t>cmductin~: nt th<' Communlt\ f'hurr!• ,-Chand· IPt'. Ari.11mA. Mr. Pc-nd.~ll 1~ nl'll a ~trum~ 1 to tlw :--t»h \•t.zC\nn. havin~ srt'\ t•d ns pastc'll' in Ho'· brook for thrl'l' ~··nr<: Hi" !ol'rmon top1c Sunda~ morn- In!! -.•U l>f' '7hp Wa~ Ou1 of th•• Dark " Mrs. Ph) l1i Ftt-lds \\ill .. Eve.. • tuprem•ly be•fltiful gown eom~t.ty end •~•riestingly pie••~ of R09e" c--. fin• "r•oft tricot Artfvfly clrep.-1 bodice wr~eth.cl in ernbro•de•ed l•ur•l leeve. of S.•hecf in 11ylon uti" rtt-ben. 11 to l &. ~i1'.t lied. 22.9 5 12CS C "'0~: .... ~.:rona BlvJ HA 1308 el Mar m~ an A,ppetlachjan Carol. '1 WOI:I&or AI. I Wander." and the Sanct\jary ~r wiU ~t tM ·~ear'Ol of the R\8aian <llild'rftl" 1 byGa~. ~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ --- • --i .. ~uf 0 5 0 • 'Ai C) g !i!~ ·-2 It) =j! -~ ts -:5 ..... • z ! ~ 0 c. I J ~ 0 D Ill E. leiiMN lko4 .. leiiMN, HA 0176 w. ...... ,.., lo-r pric:•1l FlEISHE« el'fl IEEHIVE Yern1 4lc en ounce & up Y •f'M • ltwh iiCUoM • AftWIMt .......... , e ONJ: DAY M&VICE e TIRES -SEAT COVERS TUBES -LIGHI'S HANDLE GRIPS BASKETS .., ...... ,, •.. a f!IPOit'nNG GOODS -0-.t J!llft. RA UIS-1 v.-... Mar Ebslp Claained ads have been a proven rneena of N!aching bQyen for all eort.a of ~Uw them! Phone Harbor lllt. ~-waban ~ot.•vM, ~to oar,......._ It II...., .. Oil the part of the Direetaft to MN-Dt the 30th coneecutive c:titlcJeDd It tlae rde ol. a" per umum for the ............ ,.tod _...., December Slat, 1951. Tbll ctivideDd wll 1le pa.id December 31st, 1951. DIRI'JCJI'Oa8: I . A. ............... ...,. .. --. & A. --••• A. • • w.;;; 8. ........ --:'0: w ...... 73 * ..... ~•ltnlll"'-"irl,_}w ....... - 'ntla A.oclatlon with IWMIIOW Ill •ce. .. ... GOO,OOO pnmdea afety tor ,.._ ,_.., y.., aceount up to •10,000 18 IMured illy • ....,.._ .... talM.y ot tM u. 8 . ~ * * * NOW OPEN - Whatever the kiddies want from Santa. you'll lind it sure m the btg Toyland at B 1 .. 111 East Balboa Bwd. Balboa. Califomia Pbcme HArbor ·216 OIVE 8 . a B. O&I!ZN STAMPS MEMO TO MERCHANTS: More People Will AT FOR CHRISTMAS IF YOU WILL KEEP TELLING THEM ABOUT THE QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND BARGAINS THAT YOU HAVE IN THE LOCAL STORES. Let the Ensign Carry Your Message Distributed Every w.-. --Re.d.ing more H...bor Are• homes th•n •ny other "•WifMPe". HArlMM-1114 H~r 1114 HArlMM-1114 • . ·. • • • Use Our Ch.riatmas LAYAWAY PLAN Nationally Advertised Ammbee dolls with washable hair. Doll buggies 5.95 & 9.95 BB guns e Fully equ1pped play garage 4.95 e Christmas tree lights 98c and up MAIN ST. - -next door to Balboa Post Office OlllEN .EVENINGS BLUE SAILS at Lllboa Ala• lila£}' * ELIZABETH ARDEN * DOROTHY GRAY * FABERGE * REVLON AND MANY OTHERS ! ________________________________ _ ----~ ----------- PAVILION Gift Shop . OFFERS a complete selection of Christmas gifts and stocking filling surprises -including: Kindell's "Ooh-la -la " mugs. Lamps ... China decorative p ieces. Stocking gimmicks. 205 Main. Balboa We have a large collection of the beautiful HAMIL TON ladies' dia- mond watches. . . Other fine watches by Elgin and Longmes- Wittnauer. * * * For a striking, useful gift in leather --- PRINCE and PRINCESS GARDNER BiJHolds. • * * * * * * A large selection of rings, neck- laces, brooches and other cos- tume jewelry. ..... _ ... Y01TLL BE SURE OF A GIFT TO PLEASE at WILSOtn! I KF.s-sn .Es Yule Preview In Balboa I \111 tmw•d ln•m Pai;t' I • lft•t "'"'l'r. ~It' lion Gund•·r .. ••n t' al!.<l it Halhoa n''tdt•nt. I Pnor pr11• .... tndurtm~: nwn·han- dt!o<t' uward-. or ~ 11111 ~511 and <0;2.> \\Ill bt.t a\\atdt'd :-;aturd.i~ mt:ht and '' tnnt•t )\ nl'~·d not bt' JII'(':'C'nt Tickt'll-lot 1 hi' Pro•\ le\\ m.l\ tx• obtatn .. d lttlln an\ m. mhu ot BPW. . Chnstmas Prt-' I'''' rommtll('<' ar<' a-. folllm.., Root hs lie len ~Olton and E\c>l~n \'arnt'r ro- chatrmen. ;\i1ldrt"d \hapman. Ro· bc>rta Shell. Pu bhcll v J u n t' Quarles. chairman. 'unn} East- man. KalhiN'n Colt-man: T!ckt>t S81<'s Carolyn W<'b<'r. chairman; Mar.:ueritc Way, Ruth Gt>rris h.l Peg Ege, Hilda Bnsooe. ~t>\a Oak- ck>n. Hell<'n \.\'otrord and Gretha Tubbs; Door PTtze-s I a be 1 If' Bowles. chairman; AliC'C' -lC'mons, 1 Mabel Fllzmorris. Lynn Carlos. Bt'>lty W atson: Fashion how ;\fa7il' Bird. chatrman: Emma Jlolt. Jud} Woodward. Lillian Dodd. Margo Keyes. Clt>.sa Wil-~ hamson. Mary Warrt.>n: Prw.• Booth -Helen Rinder- kn<'chl , chairman: BorJ;:hild Steph- ens, Dart'('n Upson. Loretta Glass. Ka t hlet>n Coleman. Helen :"'orton. En·l~ n Varner, Roberta Shell: Radio and Television -Fredah Batt>s. chairman : Ticket Booths -AJda Gorton. chairman: Ruby Stev<'nson, Sally Newlin. Marilyn 1 Wh(:'eler. Ruby M1szko. Rose Fen- ton. Elaint> Walkl'r, Mildred Cui· len. Janet F ranci . Myrtll' Span~­ ler. ChC'Ck Stand Helen Spi<'S. I cha1rman: norothy Hall. Elizabeth Hess. ~C'IIC' Shoot; Pettit. \"era F rankl', ;\fina Hl.'r<:he). Bethl'l Man~. 8<-a :\iedt>s F:\-al~ n Rtder., Sunny F.astman. Flor<'nC"l' Earl, Carol Fr••n<'h. Mnrion Pottt'r, WmlfrPd Barbre> \harlnttt' Hol- linsh~.>ad. ;\1am:old S<'hlut>tl'r. D('('ora 1 1ons J l'l-SIC' Ht II Chan·- man: E1ht'l ShiriC'~ ~tatx-1 \\'right I A"na ;\lae \\'i lise>\ Cia r:t Ellen .Spelman. \'tr~inill · F.<:cobar ;\lt,la 8.'\chmann. Ka) \'au"!hn. B l" t 1 y 1 rand}. Pm:.:ram-. PPt: F.ti!t'. cha1rman Ruth \\'11Im~ EH•b n VarnC'r. ~taizie Btrd. }1 1 I d r C' d 1 Chapman. JCt>siC' Hill. llelcn ~or­ ton. Dor.•th) Sut hc>rland. ~hldr«.>d .Stanlt?y. Betty Jan is. Iren<' ~tor­ ris, Agnes Blomquist. Sue Hor- vath, Eth('l Shirley. Ruth Gf>rrtsh. Matie Rollin~. \"elma O'Brien, Lil- l tian Wh1te. Pt>g Haapa. Elaine Webb, June Farrar John,on. Mary Price. S igrid Kin~or. Cuol Brow- nell Mt'Maio. Helen C'hi\'t'rs, Jt'an White Carli~le. Coffee Booths Dorothy Red· dick and Helen Wolford. co- chalnnen; Lynn Carlos.,Charlotte Hollinshead. J('an How('JI, unny Eastman, Johanna Sailors. Mar- garet Grider, Wilma W a I t e r. Margo Keyes, Hazel De<:ker. Joy Pool't'. Phyllis Williamson. Ja,~dy Woodward, Pearl LeFeVT'(', Mabel Wrl8bt. Roberta Morgan. Ethel Shirley, Phyllis Gaston. Kathryn Hulbush, Florence Earl. Carol French. Frances Bundy. Clessa Williamson, Isabelle lilner. Lois Sanderson. Nelda Gibson. MaidA Shank. Marigold Schlueter. Mary War'l"etl, Martha &-ott. Gilberta Guerin. LUa Baueb, Sally Peyton. Dr Helen Robertton. Wilma MltC'hell. Gt-ne Matthews. I FOR CHRISTMAS Yr * SYLVIA'S GIFT SHOP i CHIISiMIS I CJF~! ,!,~,! 0!!!,!!01£ I USEFUL HOLIDAy G IFTS. AT LESS THAN I CITY PRICE~ All ·s;.::~ Wiftd ... ·~ y ... ,~.. I .::_~MAIN ST. IALIOA I I -I DOROTHY'S for CHRISTMAS GIFiS! DRESSES-s~zes 9-20 SlZeS 141/z-241 , BLQ USES-s.zes 32-44 SLIPS-s1zes 32-46 * NEW SPRING PRINT DRESSES * TURTLE-NECK SWEATERS * * T~teBay DEPARTMENT STORE (formerly F1 ·zpctr.::k s) "'riag as ~~~-gift_·_ list ~ Christmas" ,~ ~ ~_A· ~ * Thomas ana Sp~re ~~ rz.., (,!, sport sh1rts * Arrow dress sh:r~s 112,~-' /1 ~ White S!ag spor~ rlo:hes ..., .. L1 ngene by Carer Luxite Van Raal:e * Berksh1re and Holeproof 303 MAIN ST. nylon hos1ery * Carter's children's wear * Margaret O 'Brien and Cmderella girls' dresses * Kurtzman slackS Gills for heryoae * ()pM f'\'ftll.,. MC'II Wfttcf'tHI and rrom ON-. tt •w Otmtmu I U~~e this m ap cu a reference to the compact laland buaineaa diatrict. KEElER'S UN ON SERVICE HArbof-I )91 • PARK AVE. HERSHEY'S MAitKET S;>QT HA•bo< 1000 200 • IIA,4,RKET SPOT 1.IQU')PS HArb~ • I :r.: 202 • Al GIBSON INS. t-o~ <"~S') All Ltno~-A Y • :J 208 • ISLAND HAkDNAFI.,.- ROD ~ prcL ~;.. 2~ J 210 • tQ :::> z ~ THE s_.or :•,• 1-i.A 547 y.r,lf-' 11 " _ r _ •. r p y r. CLEANEI!S ~-'Arc; • I W 0 JOt-oNSON JEWELEP 1-11' rb~r 2~0 SIDWELL S SHOP FOR MEN HArbor 2000 8 I. SPOFn iG G':)ODS ~ .. 218 • 2 e • Hhb • z·~ 222 • > < • PARK AVE CAFE end Cockteils HArbor 4b3 To B.l.F~ .... • WM. W SANFO RD Re, lor HArbor 2462 • 201 SKII.t~>R S PHAPMACY HArbor 0111 • JOLLY P')GP • 2 3 MLliO• SL•t:O VARIETY STOP£ ~A·bg· 2111 w • 2 S I r,·J~l P ')-OGSV.PHY "'Arbor 2•10 • 21f> 8 C_.,V~I!A SHOP ... .._·bor 2563-W • 22 1 V. F ES-,. • 22 1f2 SHIPMI' n:s Bo>' "";; G •' w,.,. HA 2219-M • 2211'; Pt')!I~RTS JEWELERS. HArbor 2321 • 22S £~?L 'A . s·n~LEY Fee • • '"',4,rbor 7 '5 22:; G.o'' -OGs • ,,.•be• tb) -W BALBOA AVE. ----------------~~~ • 3:11 8':).-PC'-'~''• S MARKET f-l A•bor 317 HII~Kl Y'S PI-'AP '.I'-t:r HA•k-) 68 3:12 • ESTELU ~ BEl JTY S~OP HArb .. • 1827 3~ • • • • .J C K Bm\\ ELL. Balboe (a.. ltutd m .. rduat., I• lat.rod-'-1' f.a .... loru. for m-at • t)'lt' avw luac•bN.Hl a t thf' Bat~ a.,· Clab ... ~, w~y. \\ltlw IJW'tt AN' ill' I tNt tt• a t h ·•d t hf> &Jtuwlnr or wlntr r and holldtty ~>t~-1~. Mr. Bldw••ll suld tht-modl'l!l \\iU at- t .. mpt t., l"f' .. t'nt ldt>tu in mf'ftt!l· Wl"llr fur ('hr'l'ilrru.l" "'hOIIIJ)f'r-. lAa FJ .... ta. hland 'hoJt or lm· portt'd fl'mlnl n.-appart>l, \\'ill al- Ii() pa.rUdpat.-l.a tht-bow \\1th IWUth-uf·fhf'-bordf'r ldf'~-for bollda;\' w.-.rln.:. Jh-naUou ma~ b4• nudf' at l"ithf'r .. ,.,,.... •H DITII (H.\ 't; .\T OBEICU~ ),to;s Jud.tth Crant> has rt'Ct'ntl~ lwi>n PI tf.'d tv lh,• donnitor) eouncil from h<.>r dornutory a1 Olx'r1in C()IIPCP In Ohio. Miss Cranr•. a fr N·hman in 1 he Conser- vatory of Mu~ic. ts the dau~ht er of Mr. and Mrs Thf'Odote J . Cranr of Rt-acon Bay. I 'I'Oilll ~'I' !:liB ft7allEY 1121a Marine A~ •• Balboa .lalud. A baby daughter Is the MW ad-n:te Dttle drl wu bon at St. dJtion to tht> family at the tlOmt' J~ HocpltaJ Monday, Nov. U , of tr. and Mrs. WlJJlam Carnett. •~thine 6 poundl and 15 ..,.._ For Beauty Auu aDd ~·---COSMETICS smfrn:n D PiluDCY BALBOA .I. ~ISLAND MARl~~£ A \"E. ~ Sendiag a Ciltlway! WE MAIL GIFt' CANDY TO . ANY ADDRESS . . . Careh.ti pack'=Igmg msures that your gtft w tll J arnve m per;ect condthon, ~or a serviceman • overseas or a relattve m some distant ctty 310 Marine Balboa lakmd BUNSTEP. CREELY H.Arbo• 321 5-W 3~ • • 305 co--I'IG~ W.AFFLE SHOP 1-'Arbor 2o72 • K" I-lOS -c_ss H :>uSE UGt.L NOTIC' 1----.;.._-----------~--------- NELDA GIBSOt~ Po~ ·or HArbor 0502 MAGGIES HArbor 1241 ·J DOT &-BOB HArb .... , 2093 PEGGY SMAL Fod1oon Spor<~.,.l!ll' JACKS BARBER SH0P 306 • 3081t. • 3 10 • ) 18 • HArbo· 1306 320 • SNIP 'N s~ TCH Hl\!hor 3028 W 320 • SOS R.A DIO & ELECTRIC I ~Arbor 0780 322 • Pe 'f' ~·· t",.rbor 2365 ~ • 313 2 \I"P" !.ILLIAMS HArbor 2647-J ~ • 315 M.o'R ''' F LEIDY, Realtor < HArbor 1958 ~ • 3 S·12 TOY S'-'"'1-' • 327 MI\RitJE BEAUTY SALON HArbor 151 To du! Bridge and Bayside Drl"e 305 MARIN€ BALBOA ISlAND AVCHUC CA lff:OilNI. ~0TICE ·~·vtTtxo BIDli' 1 So~ lfl Ht-l'f'by Gin• that sea.IE'd bids ,.,.;11 be receivE'<! at thP offiet' of the City Clerk, Oty Hall. City of Nt>wport Beach, until 7:30 o'clock P. M .. on the lOth day of Deceml><'r. 1951 , ror furnishing the following: :400 lineal fE"et-8 inch Corru~ated .Metal Pipe 2000 lineal fE"et-12 inch CorrugatE'<! Metal Pipe 100 llnt'8l fe<>t 18 inch Cot-rugatro Metal Pipe l"o bid "ill be recehed unless 11 is made on a proposal form fur· nishro by the City Engmecr. Special attenUon of prospectiv<' bidders is called to "Conditions" annexed to the blank fonn of pJ-o- posaJ for full dir~tlons as to bid- ding. . Tht> Cit) of .:-. rwport Beach r<'- sen {'8 the riRht to reject any or· aU bids, 1\) waive any informality in bids ur to accept any item in the b1d. C. K. PRIEST City Clerk Datro 11 71. 1951 Publish: ::'\o\ 29. D<'c. 6. 1951 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. NOTICE OF IIEARI~~O Notice Is h<'reby given that the City CQUDcil of the Cl1y of New-FOR A DELICIOUS MEAL I port J:Wach, In arrordanCP with SN•tion 9106.5-1 lal of the Municl-~~~~~~~~O~p~•~n~l~t~o~I~~C~Io~se~d~T~u·~~d~e~y~,~~~~~~~= pal Codl• of thf' City of Newport 11\•aci), \\ill hold a hear in~ on the foliO\\ In~ proposPd arn<'ndm!'nt to I I I I I I I· .I I I The perfect gift --- A Sweater! lmportA>d ea'hm~l'f'lll. \\OOI zepbyr~~, botlciN. b:,nd I~ .,,. ... t~ -l(torlmu a rray ftf rotors IJI aU •tyl.._ and slus. Priced from $5.95 Peggy SmaU FASHION SPORTSWEAR SJ8 MARIN£ RA ISM ............. the ZOnin'( Law or 1 hl' City of :"('wport Bearh · the application of et-rtl'lin pro- PI'•·t~ OWO(>f.._ to rP70I)(' th<> followin~ descrlbl>d tn•oper1y from R-1 to R-2: NEly 10' of J..ol 13, and Lot 15, Block 138. Corona del Mar NEly 10' or Lot 25, and Lot 27. lllock 138, Corona del Mar Lots 12. 20. 22 and 24. Block 139, Corona del Mar. l"oticP is h<'n>by further given that aid hearing will be held on the lOth day of [)(>c(>mb<'r, 1951, at the hour or 7:30 P . M. in the council c-hambers or the City Hall. Newport Beach, Calif., at which time and plal'e any and all persons intt>n>stC'd ther<'in may a ppear and b<' heard therron. C. K. PRIEST Oly Clerk Pubfish: NO\'. 29, Dec. 1951 in the N Harbor aacl .,.ol. tllat Ohrt•tma• M.aekoat! * TREE LIGHTS and E>.'TRA BULBS . * ORNAMENTS ... * TINSEL·. * S::"~;OW ... ThPy'r<' rit;ht up front and <'a5Y 1o find at --- ~Balboa Island Variety Store 21l Mtrine Ave. IALIOA ISLAND ~ 2111-W Marine and Balboa Avenu e . . on the laland :\'0\\ OP'f:X ALl. \ t;Ait • • • aacl4>r mana~t~l of 84>c:ky 11.oc1 v• I• t'niJl~lm • • • For ~r, try our t4.'ndt·r frlf•d ~hlf'krn "IU itot bfleUitA and boaey. Hour<~. i .311 n m ~ 1J m. • --CIO!led Mondays Featuring delicious ~CE OWEN pies & cakes. Order one for a very special home deseert ~~~~c;.~;:a~;::::.--:1 • A 81la-1'1ex liMa rod I -prkoN frOID ~~ 2 A ._. or OfJMa Olt7" ,..._,, • • • We have a tuJI aelecUon with prices: trom $4. - (. , , ' I ~y pickup and deUvery throuchout the Harbor Aree n•11a11ae ....._..._. Ptlte.e: HArbor 10 Follow the CLOWN 1' uur ehllcl \\iU ll'f'taJiOQA' a mu~caJ doll or to,''· Wlad our melodJoos clowa· bit rf'd nO§e aad bf'ar hlm pi•~·· H OLLY\\"(HUJ 10i1'0R1'BOOK DOl.l." .,.,- 31 51/t Marine AYe. ~ 18laad REX BRANDT SHOW Twettty p.""ltirg' by th., f •• motn 1~1 erti,t now on ••· hi bit . • • • o,.n Evenings till '· MR. llANDT will b. pres- ent et Otlf Ope11 HouH Svn- dey ........ _ eftw l o'clod VERA S. WILLIAMS GIFT SHOf' -All GAllElY )1)1/J Werine -left-. ltlefl4 TIME'S ~,\ ~ p..s<t\ ONLY -, WEEKS TO ••• IHIISTIIS • • • There Is Still iu:ne U You Hurry Hand-woven Stoles Christmas Stockings Sox , Evem.,g Blouses Eve1mg Bags ard Gloves THE F.:"STG~ Job Printing Facill It'll Hftrbor 1114 --·-Iilii Mrs. P. Davis Renominated ~""'· Paul 0 . Da\'is was renomi-, ma) caiJ for uch an f"!E>Ction and natl'd as PJ"('Sident of tht' Wo-a , " chartPr '4ould ha\" to boo mao's Chic LeagHI!' at their m(>('t~ dra" n UJI and ubrruttf'd to popu- I"R TuPsday mon1lm; IRst WN>k at Jar 'c•tt ttM> Balboa Yacht Club. Mr K f'nn th Coolins:-and ltrs. Other omcers pr('S(>nted by the B !': l>hPntx>r, talked in pport nominating commHl~ are Mrs. 1 uf tt~< :.rhOI')I bond uP. .M&rJOri,. Carl Waldl"C.k , ru"St vice-president; Crumlc y from tht-Cit~ Hall ""'"' Mrs Claren Ct' Hhtbie, second VJce-Pt•· ~'lit ,,, r,..cut••r nPW \o .. ,... pre.i~nt: Mrs. Fo~t Allind<>r. ri'COrdan~ S<'<.'Tt'tary; Mr. K~>nnPth Cooling, corrE>spondln SP<:'r~>tary. ~lr Arthur Gat('<;, trf'ac;unr. and \lr' ; c-() .!=\chorf tall auditor Fl•"·llon "iU be held at tt'• fJe- c·prr lx>r mt><>tin~ and nnmtnntinns may bP madP from the noor :'\f rs. G J. Andn·\\~ ~r><1k•• nn d 1 \ chart us '-'liP rll rd 'h,.. ati-\A~Iagp., of tht' ch"'t ,,.,. form of co' ··rnmPnt O\ ·• •• "' ~1xt h rh"5 f II} !'t\\~ <.f't UjJ l1\ l!u• • .-lat,. ll'lr d"r "hjch thf• or,, .. .,, •'a nm•·n• ll> now conducted ;\I~. Andn>\\ "us ,. Pml:K>r ot tht> Board or Frt'(·lmldt•r o: wtuch d r<'w up the cit) C'hatl••r '" £>:.<>ntf>d to the people thl'('t \I•J r., ai!O Mam · or the fpat~ SUj: •ested 10 that chart<>r h8\(> •tn('l wn adopted by the N£'\q ·Jrf City Council. but in a ixth cJa s city uch ordinance" ma) bP appro''"d o r a bandoned a t any tame. whHe undor a chnrl~r major chani!""S are .,ubmitted tc• thf" \\Ill of the people Alpha Called Phi-esta Success Dan ce~ Election For Bib 'n' Tucker Tu ha\·p a chtirtPI thf' Sdm•' prn- ce<Jure which f'ndl'd in d~>ft';!l 1 hr, t J,. .. mb-r ,, 1la hi• ,tartPd rr ~ .. ar;; al{o \\OUld hnn• to be rP-hn!Jda\ m(Awf lor m~'mbf>r, < l 'h• ~·a trd Tht> \lly Council ma' t-all Bth ·,· · T!l"l<l·r d tn• P rhrh '' nr; rnr an Pl• ''"' •' I•• lnrJ,r. ur \\II held ''"'If uulual C"'hn-•ma~ ·a pdr110n ••I 1-" • "'~'~"" du •u 1 •bnr. ~ t•'lrd't\ r.t ·h• &' ·----------th• l' ,, .. u r,.lj•' C'hiu ill L11n • L'C:.oiiL NO'TtC' XOTJ< 1: or H !-.\'.1''" Ik tdl lluH.••r 1, ~' il p m ''''t :'\otJCe IS ht'l t'U) 1!1\t•fl lmtl thP a ~~~"'I htJ"tnl '' mr 1tn' :,,, th• (',· C"nuncil nr thP City nf ""(>\\'-tlt>rlton 111 "'''' ••f pr tl RPA1 'h 111 u•N•rdanl"t w1lh :\tr· Run tid P tllll\\ ·md ~~ St-et ion 9106-M I a I or th<> )tunici-Jack H• ltl• ·r llf Ba lll'lo'l l'llllld anti pal Code or thp C'ity or ;\;~!wporl L\·nnP lfu·hf""t or f'OI 'f1na dPI ~, .... 8t>ach, WiiJ hold 8 hearinJ( On the are in f'hnr.:P Of fhP d'JON> .\"• foUowing propo t'd a m l.'ndment to ram: m .. nt ·· Board mPmbt>r ,. 111 the Zoning Law ot t ht' Cat) of oH1Ct8 IP ao; ho ts and hmt• ' ~l.'wport Beach. I Th ) an• ~~ n> ~1ogens AbE' I .. :\fro; Rt>SOlutlon of Intention No. )far...hall ("lark and Don John_,on 487 of the Plannln(t Commis-or l..a2'Una GI'()N!'t' \\'intE'r and s1on of the City of Newport Rhode-FiniP} uf Santa Ana and Beach. being a resolution re-.. tuart Da•hl of Corona del Mar. rommending 1 hi.' re-zoning of the toUowlng dE>Scrlped pro- perty from R-1 to R-2: Lots 9. 11. all except the NEh 10' or 13. 17. 19. 21. 23, aU ex- cept the !':Ely 10' or 25. Block 138, Corona d I Mar Lots 10. 14. 16 and 18. Block 139, Co- rona del Mar. I ~otice is hereby further &tWD 1 that said hearin~ will be held on the lOth da\• or l><'t'f'mb<>r. 1~ I. I at the hour· of I 3(1 P M an the council chambers ot the C1 ty Hall, Newport Rl'ach. C"nhr . n t which tim<'-and plncr> any and all persons intPrested 1 h<>n in mo~ appt'ar and be hPard 1 herron . (" K PRIEST City Clerk Publish. :-.;.... 2!1. Jwc· fl. l9:l1 m 1 hP :'\ "'\1" tf'l J h rh(•r 1-.n"u:.'ll -" :\'OTJc•t: Of. II F. .\RIXG "'otiCt' is hPrt ~~~ '1\•·n that lh,.. I C'ity Counc-il of th• Cit~ uf :'\pw- port Bl>ach. r n ·11 c-ordan<.'t> "it h SN'tlfln 9106 54 'a I nr 1 hi' ;\.funtl'l- pa I ('odf' nf I hr C"i I·' of :'\ "" pt1rl 1&-ac-h. will hold !I h~"aring nn lh~ 1 follm\ifl~ propo<:r·d amr'nrtnH'nt to tht' Zonm'•· l .n\1 ol lttP City of Newport Beach: t hr n pplirnlmn ,r ,.,., t ,, n rrn- Pf'rl) O\\nf'r .... tn '"'''11'' Lot .. 11 tJlrfltWh 1 Q Tr-tr l ~11 from R-2 to R-3 XnllN· H hr11h\ furthl'l ni\pn that !:aid hf'anng ·,,ill bP hl'ld on thf' l f •h rt~~ o• f'rN'mhf-1· Hl'll at thP hour of 7 :\fl P. M in th<' counciJ chamlx•Nl of the City Hall. Newport &>ach. Calif .. a t whlC'h I time and place any and all person~ in IPI't'~l<'d t h,.r,..m mu~ aprl<'ar and bP !ward lhPrMn. I (' K 'PRIF.~T C'1ty C"lt-rk I Publish: N O\' 29, Df>c 6. 1951 in th<' Newport J I arbor En 15m Gorgeous Dolls for that special young lady THE TOY BOX 2111/, Merine BALBOA ISLAND RARE BOOD !:d9~1d CHen9• Cou"ty's Only R•r• loo• Outer IUNSTEit CREELY .•. lool.nll•• )04 M••in-'elboe lll•f!Cf HArt-l215-W TO WISE SHOPPI G ;' ~ Island• ""-A.;*9" •t •swl ,., I .:I~ ' r.: / ,.J $71 ~~ ru '-d 141\ 1 ; -''"' $tOO. '! :,.. • .. :" ,.J.!,ord~· ·,i:.~o· SilO.. , • : ... ~d ... , oa:Mc ••• t7 ...... c;...., .u ........ dilley ill dw .., MO..do Tnapomatic · 211.· T'be propulria. un.t. auadt-ol a11ra·a'l~,.-uf• ast..•.,. u l"r&!l., m, r <c.u am • K· tioo. W'lch ~ po.n • wiJ1dJ (\D rht tl l~l"tSt ampulx. e y.r e also have Hamilton. Elgin. Gruen and Lonqines -Wittnauer Ene watches. w. d. johnMMJ JIWELE SCIENCE WORKS NEW WONDERS WITP. 20111 CEtmiRY JACIET W••· .... ·-··-c l!'::tr:'' ... •t~• .•••. •o·d ~_,., ., ~"• Q• J•,., C<' •i• nq hu b ...... \C. .... t:,~ • d•t ..... d I c\ ·~ ...... ·~~·-• ., J" • ou• •·~ cole !lo• ''"-clr .,. ' ,. .... , .~f'" sc ...... _,, ~• • NAVY GRANITE GltEY P OWN FINEIT SELECTIONS . Reg. 12.50 Reg. 10 95 Reg 7 95 Reg 4 98 THE HARBOR AREA We Invite Your Charge Account ·M~ • 1109 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Parents of freshman students had thE' opportunity to become ac- quainted with their chl1dren's teachers at a panel discussion of freshmen problems. which was held in the recreation room of the high school on Tuesday of last W('('k . ~trs. Raymond K.. Harvey, chair- man of room representatives for the high school PTA, explained the purpoSt> ot the meeting and intro- du<.'e'd the high school executives as well as Rev. Paul Edward Bab- batt. minister or the Corona del Mar Community Church, who S('rved, as moderator for the round table discussion. Speakl'rs were teacheu; Goss Crable, Mrs. Roscine FePiey, Jules Gage and school nurse. Miss Mar- garet Fr'Ceman. Approximately 150 par·ents and teachers were present. J -------NEWPORT ·a·a· LOSE TO HUNTINGTON BEACH Huntin~ton Beach gridders won the Class B championship by de- fPatiog the Newport Harbor B's i\:ovember 15. 21-0 to (.'Onclude the season undefeated. In Class C competition Newport Harbor lost to Huntington Beach 12-0 Thursday. The Tar C's endPd in a last tie with sleep in the \Varm radiance of ••• Mun ingwear'a ~wn CfJitnn-and-rayoo knh fabric. Soft, shimmerint; Caodl.w r ol'tur1· the flattery of candl. liulrt fur you. Lon« elee._ Jurt: ; our \\'ris ts. The gown v .c.h .,hirrrd yoke and .... ,. 111 rilsl~<>ll IJn\11', The bigh- t.u II•IIINI p:ijlllllllS collared "'11 h !>lllin. So pretty. sn warm, 10 modestly priced. Pafama 5 95 "Jieart.11uob" Gown ..• Aq. Mitt, Camellia Red. Slay Piak. 14-20. lilt NE'WPOM' 111.\'D., B "Sp.rkle" Pajama• ... Aqua Milt, Bl•stful Yellow, Camellia Re4_ Shy Pialt. 14-20. The Newport Harbor basketball quad. co-.champions or the Sunset League, will ~et its second test of the season tomorrow (Friday) af- ternoon with Long Beach Wilson as the opposition on the homt> court. The \'arslty game will l>f> 'pre- cedt'd by the B game preliminary. The C and D teams meanwhile will be gl'tting thek first test in games at Laguna Beach. Both the A and B teams openl'd their PI'('· league com pet i t i o n Wednesday afternoon last w<.'t'k ut Excelsior. The varsity won 43 to 38. but the B team \\'1\S t'd~:"ed out by a point. 47-46. Coa<•h Jim Miller has a strong \'arsi ty squad to defend the hon· ors won last season. F irst· tt>am forward Armand Nt'ttles is hark, and so ar<' \'arsity letter winners guards Jack West 2. Greg Wrtght 4 and Bill Kelter 1. Also on the B team are forwards Terry Gloege, Leo Curtis and Bob Gal- livan, center Joel Leona rd and Guards Walt Blt>hm. Pete Morris and Tom Perkins. · Next week thf' A and B teams will play Downey here Tuesday afternoon and Carden Grove here Friday artemoon. Dec. 7. The C and D teams will be at Downey ·ruesday and at Garden Grove Fri- day. Beginning Tuesday, Dec. 11, the vaa·slty will enter th(' 19th an- nual Huntington Beach touma· mcnt/ Sunset League competition will begin Tuesday, Jan. 8, with the A and B squads at Orange, and the C and D teams playtn~ Oran~e here. Jim Mendon. Lee Jayred and .Jim Trade at home and help put Roberts. and B team leller m en ~--'-·'· .. -,_ .... Dick Lusk and Don Jackson. Tht'se jmiiaoiiniiaeiivlliwili..uili"ii_ii.._.iiii__...,iiiil··· six accountt'd for all tht> scoring gainst Excelsior. Nettles !(ettiog 13 points, Mendon 11 , Jayred 4, Roberts 7. Lusk 5 and Jackson 3. Also on the varsity squad are forwards Bob West. Char·les Reich and Gordon Sutterfield, centers Pt'te Hood and Tom Henderson. J,ruards Cary Rogf'rs. F . Nesbitt, Ray Middaugh. Dkk Ridf'r and Rolly Pulaski. In thf' B c:amf' against Exr('lsior tht' srudng wa11 don by forwar·ds Bob Wctz"l 16. Ron Tharp 4, J£'ny F lannagan 1. ~··•ntPr-. Rick Othmer 11 and Jop L!':.lf'r 5; for tltr rtwing kind . ~~ ~ sport shin ~tber you're loarmg or rovmg around the c-amp-site you'll take to the ROVER! Buck Skein Joe craftsmea know th(•ir way around cor'• duroy-you can t ell by tbe careful se~·iog ••• the smart ' tailoring ••• handsome patch pockets. Wear the taila in or out-s mart e ither way. G lowing Autumn sbadea, mall, Mtdium, M edium· Large and Large. nw:W~~ 1831 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa BFAeoft 51!1-1 Polly Apparel Women's Weer-Children's Shop 1833 NEWPORT BOULEVARD BE. con 53 5 3 COSTA MESA THERE'S ECONOMY in QUAliTY • ... A La Carte Hours: 5 p .m . to 9 p .m . weekdays. 2:30 to 8:30 Sundays; Closed Wednesdays W e spedaliu-in catering for parties, club affair14, weddings, receptic;ms, etc. We Suggest that HArbor 2365 and Requirementa. You may also mak(' N'- e rvation5 for lunchron .. card parties, or other .-o- t'ial funt'tion . You Telephone us at ccmsult us as to your Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge SEIFIII AT THE KN OF THE SWOIDASH 11278 Coast H~ •• Surtdcle F i D. •• AAUW (JToups Hold Meetings I Mrs. Robert Hom of Corona del Ft>ath rs, pipe cl aners and cu· Mar revlewt'd "The Fabulous In-caJyptus balls wer tht> tngredient valid" on November 15 when the USI"d for malung turkeys by the Drama S«tion or ~ American fourth grade Brov.'llles or n-oc>p Association of University Women 28. led·~· Mrs. W. D. Huma.son met at the home of Miss Betty and Mrs. T. F. Keily. The turkeys Miller. \440 W. Third St., Santa were used as favof'i on the chll-Ana. drt-n's trays at tM Orange County Abo Qn November 15 the Book I Ho pita!. The troop also coiJect- Sectlon met wit.h Miss Ethel ed COmiC~ books for the hospttalized Walker. 2)0 W. Twentieth St • children • • • ' Santa Ana. to hear Dorothy Nyas on "Peace Can Be Won" by Paul 1 An a . •slant leader IS needed Hoffman. Tht-meetings are open f?r Gtrl ~ut Troop No 21, a to m<>mbers and prospective mem-SlXth ~rade. group ted by Mrs. bers or Orange County AAUW Charles OavtS. There are tv.'O pa-. trois. one under Susan Davis. the Monday, Noy. 19, Mrs. Peter other led by Margaret Swain. Asprey ent<'rtamed for t he Home Thf' rroop is planning a pro- lnteresll Sf'Ctlon at 2434 NoTth gram leadjn~t toward the cooking Park 8 1\'d. in Santa Ana, an..t a"ard and based on the hi t OT) a review or "His Eye on the Sper-and use of ht'rb. row" by Etht'l Waters was given. Recent coiJege graduate met on :\t rs Da\'is t>nl<>rtamed tht-troop Tuesday evening at the homl' of at her home on BaJboa Island \Ao.tlh Mrs. Druce• Matthrws. 938 w a buffe l>Uppc>r party for thetr Richland, Santa Ana. \\i th Miss first me<>um: The girls P!anned Elizabeth Clemens presenting her 1 thetr Pr_<>~:Tam and made thetr ov:n pictures of the Europe. co~ttons at a . undae bar i~zr.~~:r~;;ii~iiii~;iii Those> attending wt-re Vtcki I Csenar. Pt>g~t,\' Hadfield. Linda Prt'sron. ~farcia S tewart, Terry t CooJ)('r Diane Rtlf'y. Gall Hutton. P atty Pa rker. Tarlei Beall. Su- I san Oa\IS, Linda Morns. Gall White. Betsy CoJe. ~arcella Kt>I- "Your Host to tbe t('r. Margaret SV.ain, :-;ancy Crt- Coast Since 1926" !'hom and Sharon WaidE>tich . . . FINE FOODS I Troop ="o 6 member ... P'CJ)eri- C 0 C K T A I L S 1 f'nCf'd th tr first cook-out on th<' .,. COAST HIGHWAY AT bc!ach at the Pf'ninsuJa r('(.'('nth ..,. THi ARC HES I Mrs. Rotx>r t Mangan, thf•tr leadP-r, .... , 4 Newport h•ch was ass1stl'd by Mrs. Frt'd Wood-COCKTAILS ~~ JOHN VD.f3IE worth, netl.!hborhood chatrman. By ----maltin~ tht>tr own salad at home 116l 1and cookmg the balanc" of the ~ iii~iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ml'al on th<' beach. tiM' girls Also WAY"..;E :\10RRIS '" I"Xet1Jng acllon at ,fa "YELLQW FIN" French and Italian Dinners Imported Beers & Wines IAc)una leach ________ ............. _____ Ph. c-6 2 9 7 * Delicious Family Style Chinese Dinners * 1 8 2 0 SOUTH COAST BLVD. .,. • I achwvt'd thPir cook in J;! award and ..,. an:' no\\ ..-.orkins: on bad~~ related 4 to tht> hom'' and ourdoor.., The .,. 1 gtrlc: rndf' rn thf' Arbor Day pa- .,. rarlP tn ~1 r<. Ern<'St SafiiJ;!' car ~ nNE D'ALIAN for \\htch tlw) madP the decora- :11111 DINNERS lions. ~11"'. H ~ Schr<X'der a nd ..,. 1\lr-. l..N' E \Rn!-art' R istant Alllo Steab-~ Rll• ,.# Cocktails 161.1 ()out Blvd. ...,... 1181 lead<>r, With :\1 r .. Rob<-rt !'mtth as as- Sistant ll'adl'r. thl' t'if::ht Bro..-.'lllt' In Troop :-.:o. 34 a re making a communtt) not<'book. N'COrding thPir Jmprt><:stons by \Ao.'Ord and pic•: ture or uch plae<>s as th<' C i t > Hall, Poli('(' Department, a nd F ire Department. whjch they ha\'e N'- cently \iSlted. They plan next to work on a projt.>ct for th(' Hoag M('monal Hospital . . . IUDDrE M..~T. ~ SATt.RDA\', 1:45 ~ ~r1alll . t•:s.-thrn -~. FIRST RUN! CLAUDETTE COLBERT MacDonald Carey m '1.et's Make It llegal" Plus S'l"'ERLLNG H A YDE.N VJVECA LINDFORS In 'loumey Into Light" For YNn II IWY Holidays ,_ ..... .- 10000 IN TlAOE g('('t}nd ~rrade Browm('S of l'roop 43 are gettin~ rt-ad" for the In- \'t>St i 1Urr C'C'rt'mon~; b) lt'arnmg th<' Browru(' promise. salute and handshakP Th<" officen~ ('l<'Cted b) this ._,.roup for tht> next six WC'Pks ar~> Ka rt'n Kt'nm. chair- man . :\farcia Rtrhtt'r. s<-c-rt'tan . -NO NOISE . -NO WEAl Cbooee Servel, this Christmas. The wodd'• 6neet refrigerator, it runs with- out motor or machinery. It stays per- manently silent, lasts years longer, aavee dollan in repain. Servel has the only f'reezi.nc l)"'t.e.m with a full ~n year warranty. And tbousa.nda of Servels have been in .a twenty years and more. Tbe famoua Gas Refrlceratcw il now tn a. in more than three million boa.. It ... a tiny pa ftame to repblce aD IDOVinl wearm, putt in ite treeziDc .,._... '11aat'1 why it sta)'llilent, 11111ta ., ..... See Servel today. ·o11 your old SERVEL GAS RE· FRIGERA TOR on • a,.,d New IIR II II Model. ~ia~ar<'t Ingram. treasurer. · Tht' cirls rl'c('nth· a ttended mo'- i('S At th<' Gtrl ScOut Hou.'lt'. :-;ew- port · Care of Pets.'' "Ufe of an Ant" and ''Fing<'r Painting." MM4 R. A. Edwards is leader of th<' group and Is a~isted by M~ John Walp Week-l>av Cluillti~ Education Leader Here Or Erwin L. Sh8\'{'r, I.'X('("UlJ\f' director of Week-Day Christian Education for tho National Coun- cil or the> Church~ in th{' tT. s .. mf't with local leaders and inter- A.l!lo C L A t' D E T T E C 0 I. 8 E R T A N:-: BLYTii .. Thunder on the Hill" Sll\'DA \' -Tr~DAV 'TRANCJS GOES TO THE RACES" (' ted parents and cilt7!'n. from _ ___;___;~========:::;;; 9 to 10 a m on NO\. 21 at Chrisr Church by the St>a. 14th St Md Balboa Blvd., N rt. You may ftnd a profttable ex- change for that ruJ estate iD t.be want ad sectJon . r. Toadt • • willa A Penoaal J J J. J *MAKE YOUR OWN GIFTS Wf' carry aJJ lf'ladlt~« bran&. of ~1U'ft ........... ...,.: Colw"'bia lee hi" kmat Sot.,., Reilt.r Spit~11eri11 The Knitting Bag ...... ' \ ,. I ' Pate 11 CORONA DEL MAR OFFERS • • • • Christmas Decorations mede to order •• you li .. ttl•-me.. your oWfl. We heve ell .the unutuel meteriela to .rot\ with. CANDLES OF All KINDS ~ le,.ett wiN '-" 400 ~ GET IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS! Complete .A.ortment of ClllmUS DECOIITIOIS! Educational Games and Books . Card Toys and Gift Wraps II, O.Ut Bini. TO Gn'l:: TO WEAR: "weaters In soft "l.aa&.nwn-", hlp style DHkl1nNI and ,.,..., ~ . . • lat'y ami~ . . . ~~JCA.rft~ • • • ~lt. jc>wr lry-pl'kM ftoiD tL Y.ntnnf'lns; holldA) ~ jP"-..1 IIIJ)larkJMl. ~ \\ itC"hiBK ••• Pf'k"4"d to ftt e\'etl holiday badpta. ·~~~:~· Fun Fashions HA 2122 • MODERN DIOOORATOR COLOR! •STYLED IS TilE WESTERN MANNER from t.bf' ovea • ~ ~ taWe -to Ute rt'f rt p ra tor from 85e .,.-r lfld to 7.1M) 1505 COAST BLVD. at Oarnattoa RArbor 1!01.-.1 ORONA DEL MAR Christmas Ladies . . . . D'ORSAY COTY CIRO Suggestions OLD SPICE COLONIAL DAMES DOROTHY GRAY YARDLEY Gentlemen ..•. COURTLEY KING'S MEN OLD SPICE SPORTSMAN b 'ORSAY YARDLEY "T h e Pres c r i pti o n Pharmacy '' • Newport Harbor'• Community Players have choeen Robert Sber· wood's tllrec-act comedy, "ldot'a Delight.'' fo-r their next major production in early January, with Players Pref>ldent Marthella Ran- dall "of Corona Ml Mar directing. Members of the play cornmlttee who made the selection are Syd- ney Morris, Rosclne Ftaeley, Mary Price, Les Crawford and Mike Sor- enson. The play was one of the great- est hJt.s of all time on the-New York stage, starring the famous Lunt-Fontanne team. Players will gather Friday eve- ning, Dev. 7, at the Balboa Yacht Club to di.cuu plans and· cutiog, and will reeelve scripta for tryouts scheduled for Dt>c. 11 and 12. The Newport Beach branch Ji. brary at Corona del Mar has just had its fourth birthday anniver-sary. . Books now go almost to the ceil- ing, and the book shel\'es bulge on all sidt>s. The original permanent collection totaled 500 books. At prt'S('nt 2,102 ,·olumes are owned by tht' branch. To supplement the I co II<' c l i o n, Mrs. Ellen Fraser, branch librarian. takes requesU for temporary Joan. on ~tny book that the main library has. · At th<' present time thf'rt> are &32 borrowers who lin' in Corona del Mar. Until more funds are 8\'&ilabl£'. only gift rnagazln<'S are available to th<'S<' borrow<'rs. More magazines a re n('(ldf'd for the Branch library. Ql.~oiR Ql...p~- BJ ANN Dttys ARE getting chiiJy, and we're glad \\e bave a few of the beautiful Stroock coats made by Rosewln here at 0 ' B R I E N ' S. These coats are llghl as soapsuds and yet ever t10 warm and comfy and ---becu1:8e It's St roock's pom porn shag fabric --• you )mow it will ¢ve you the long and luxurious wear you'll need in a coat. \\'Ilea YOD (!CJinle In for • look at • ~~ 1wtac aJGac your Clltrl.tmM list. ·~ ltere'a • store u..t spee~aau. Ill nm-. C lu h t m a • II • t a. Truly O'BRIEN'S h IOIMIH wttt. jatlt Ute !lOri nf lo""~ tlult make Ute ~18 aed 1adl8 ~~qut-AI wtth clf'IJpt on C'hrl8tm1111 mnr~tlB~:". Some or th<'m 8N' lh<' tx-autiful no..aize-nt'<'dl'd pr<'scn 1' ~"h~tl'd b~ Vogue m~tJ:87inl' as Santn's most Jlk,.,Jy to succeed. You'll love the "frozen fire" of the shimmering rhinestone necklaces, braet>lets, earrings and clips. E\·en as an extra gift. clip some brilliant ear- rins:s on the -ribbons of your gift package and see ho'w she raves! Daaaty Pf!U'I ......... ww Jewel- ry I• abo a.eblc' ....Uy .... playM. .................... IIOIU ---a.tclatiMtalud....e wtth eelortWI ..... ... ... emltlar.ciiiM ...-tii4'JIII ---ue waJtaac for ,.....___. tMI .,._ ..._ OOPPDl .... for ....- from ~ ~ wtto "._.... IIWM"" en aHI ea...a elediM • . . tt.e OMI 1l1lo Hket~ ~ ud ~ ooi4M"L And don't forget O'BRIEN'S will also have some darllng sur- prue gifts ln ~lry as wen as other novelties. You must .ee the tiny fire--extlngutahers, the lt'W· lng-kit In a nutsheU, the authentic; poker chips from Monte Carfo gambling cuino. If you're stuck for an idea on what to give whom for Christmas ---don't despair • • • see us at O'BR1EN'S. -~ . ' {-.~ ~ , Juat 21 Nan Shoppiav Days ·w~! , Lucky there are so rr.a:1y wonderful g1tts at IdeaS tar Cli!Utmas! From TOTS to TEENS SWEATERS * ROBES * JACKETS UNDlES * SUPS * BABY BI..A.NKETS and li&&ny More I~ • ""'*•'• .., lhd. COroaa cW llalr WHOLE COilNFED POll LOIN Butler Bros. MEATS COAST SUPER MKT. MAYFIELD11 MJ:T. 601 COAST llVO. c.-.. ..., All Colors 1St Yd. 11¥-. Beautiful Prints 79t v .. 51 Gauge -1 5 Denier Sheer f1attery lrJ- BOSE .. •Pair ... a tu c..&-.... eor.....a~~ar Make HAMPTO~ Y '"'ur Gift -for -Christmas H~"'arlq uariC"r~ Be Sure to Enter the Boys' and Girls' Contest N w 1 Columbia Bicycle Grand Prize Christmas SfJecUdl IO.N'8 A.Lt,WOOL IDI8EY r ••an .. 16 • 8 PI!)()I.U.