HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-06 - Newport Harbor EnsignOllfeW N_..,.,_ e1 1M a., e1 Na,_. _. ... lilt ... 1115 OOIIK*A 11!1. IIAil CAI.W. Cuff Haven residents are on the rlf,ht tt·ark on this annexation Wrighty facta and qu e a t1 on a r bl The • ldn about anMUtion to the dty Wft'e C' em. Y re not rna: g any oonsi~ Monday .. ,~•-g at a s:1ap Jud,.."Jnent decblon for or " O<JIUI agalnst. but ~ listening to all ClUf Ra~ dtlzen.s' ~tinr: in the and St. Anctrew. Church. haJ.d';:t wt.a:x': .;;t f~ Rex Albrtlbt presided, and stat- uni --....... ,.., · ed that the residents v.-ere there oomm ty, ........ _, ... CIOI'De out to u.t facta and not to mak ... a with a IOUDd dedmon. It eer-e.-'<' tainly behoows them all to attend fiDal cledalon that evening. An· the ct••~ _ __. other n:teetlnc was Kheduled for ~ mNtlnp ._... to rMd Monday ewnlng, Jan. 1'" til!! aoc.t DeWIIP&pel" aceounts ao ... that they can ba\o"e all the facta O ty officials pr8eftt to gave to make that dedaioll. information~ Councilman Bra-• • • den flnch. Oty M~r John I bear theft la a petition aplnat Sellon, Oty Enllnef'r Be-t Webb 1 the ~ to renurnllft Cout ud Street Supt. BID Cove-t. JflcbwaY adell eM t 1 . . • bued on ~ ~ JJOme qf the iuues: the thoullrt that mc~dlanta have WATER -Arfl~ Swart%. secre- spent COlliddcrable money te11iDI tary ol N"-'POf'l Hrights lrrip- folka jult where they are, and an tJon Dlatrlct. wh.i~ senw Cliff adclr8a chuae wW ca.e ~ Hawn, sa.id the district is bonded ion .... I· believe tllat ID ,the lone for $75.000 ror the water system. nm the renWJba"tDI wtl1 Nl1uce CUff Ha""ee'l shares an eighth of confll8ion by ~UminatinK dupUca-that, would continUP paying ita $12 tiona ... but 1 don't Uke that a year to ~tire the bonds, what- "East" and "West'' designatiOn ever it does about annexation. . . . seems like "North" and CllU Haven can't get "white" wa- "South" &lon~ Coast Highway to ter unlea it bu.}'S lts share (val- molt of us. ued at $75,000) of the water sya· • • • t~rn and boob up to tJw MWD Consldforable Interest OVft" lut line. CMr. F\nctl said It didn't ~ week's Log about Gen. ~·-equitable fO!' the water UMrs to er'a willing081 to be GOP ean-pay for the lines ap1n and that dldate f« pr8icJcftt of the U. S. it might be poalble to have the . . . and OW1' the fad that such dl trict tum the lines ~"t>r to the aD a.nnouncemen1 should co rn e city.) Mr. SwarU aid th! •"t"ll frorrl a comnumity newq~epcr .... water Jewl \s dropping and the but theft tMt II the bllatorlcal cJLstrict e\'~nt\ally would have to fublon wher-eby &na roots move-~t MWD water. memts an latmebed and Jt'Mftted TAXES FAUmatt'd 't ... w lor a popular caU~e. I'd be happy coat of ~lion ror a e•Jo,ooo to bar more of )'OW' comments property (...e.ed \'&luation about about Ike. $5,000) wu $50 (on top of the Harry Blodstett of Balboa Is- land. Newport's city attorney and retirinst commodore of BaJboa Yacht Club, bas ~ C'lectE'd ~~­ dE-nt of the ~c.-wport Ocean Sail· ing Assn. ~1' ofief'rs are Cliff Chapman. ~tar)': Ceo~ Yl- chaud. Paul Kettcnbur and Paul Hlller. \i~pr idenu: dirt'Ctors, Geol1te CarTtngton. Dick Fenton. Jan Murra)'. ~Smale.. Dr. Sa1- \1ltOl"f' )1onaco and ~tirin~ prt'Sl· dt-nt Harry McKinney jr. Injunction Given In McGhee Case .. _...... .&.I'IDUid Nettles with • points aDd .lim )leaden with 23 matched tiM' oppont'nts' •cort> as the Tar baskt"tba.l~rs defeated DowneY 65-49 here TuNdaY. lA"C' layred made 6 points. Jim Roberts a, Dick Luslc 3. R.ay M.lcldaugh 2. Gordon Sutterfield 2. Tomorro" afternoon the Tars wm play Gar- den Grove here. Last Friday Har- bor High was host to Long Beach WUaon and locst 76-53. The B team prewnl $200 county tax). Savinp to offset the in~ ~~ point· ed .out: $24 garbage and tnuh col- lection fH (r-eported to be ln- creutng to 136 Jan. 1 > would be ~mlnated: fire insUJ'anCe rate AJrtn)Uiiction was grantt"d Fri· would be 1~: fire and pollee ICI"V· day by Su~or Judge Robert iet> and street maintenance would Gardner enjoining Chris and Leora be rumlshed b)' the cHy. A com-~Urich from lnterftorinlt v.-;th 74- parative atucJy of the ta picture year-old Campbell M. McGbee of ,,;II be madt>. Corona del ~ and from trans· SCHOO · Mr. Finch S&id the feniiiS: or encumbering any real charter rejected three ~ rars a•·o propert) or any furniture in w provided no area outside city hm· McGhee re id!'net> at 520 Iris A'·" its could be in thto city 5"hool d l"· Mr. McGhee had made thc., ... ~-trict. Thus, tf a chartt 1 ~"-ap-.,... proved and again carrl~ that pt o-quests through his atlomtoy. John at.o to.t to WUaon, 41-29. vision. Oiff Hao,.-m children could Martell, and also asked for can- not attend Newport &hools u cellation of the agreement volith lM'y do no'A', unless it ann(>Xf'S to the Oellrichs whereb~· thcy had NEW COLT"'-:38 SJM!C. PoHee Posl-the city. agreed to care ror him in return tlve ~wlwr. $50. HA 324. DEBT-In answer to a qu('Stion for his $20,()00 property. i Too Late to a:::;;if . 15-GAL. aquarium. like new. com-about CllU Haven assuming a The court continued to Dec. 21 , p1ete with llcht. and planted. share of the city's bonded indebt· the petition directing Mr . and Mrs. 11.2. Roy YameU. HA 14189-W. ectne. if it annex8. Mr. Finch Oellricb to show cause why they I GiJiAGE fOi' J't!'llt, 721 POPPY. and Mr. Sai1on l't'Pti£d that the &hould not be required to \"'lc&te &-nice. •'e~ held Moncta.)t at QOC'oea del Mar. debt is low, Ollly .ame $375,000 on the premiSt"S. St. James Epi1k:opaJ Oturcb. New- 'to CADll..LAC •'ti" Sed. Excel. a $35,000,000 ~ \'1lluatlon. pOrt . for Bert B. ~"e'r' ot Balboa conc1 RAH. WSW. Aa'1:L$435. AliiO ~ we~ the J*&l· at Island. _,ho dk!ld 1ut Thunday in . ~m·· Servt~. HA blllty of lDcreulng water ~ . I Phoenix. Rev. Paul M. WhHler --by hooklnc on to the MWD ~. orficiated: interment wa.s at For-Mixmast~. G-E war-and cracldnc clown on .,ed vtola-t'St Lawn with Baltz Mortuary tie iron lib new. AIIIO dbl. wal-ton by getting city poll~ protec-hanc1lmg the arrangements. nut bed. walnut din. table with tion Mr. a.re..-er. 71. is SW"\ived by 4 ehaln. HA aoc7-J. . More than a hundred pcnons his wife, Ethel Snuth Brev.er or IALBOA tsLAN'D'=ilii&ll bache-won lt2IIOVE TAJID. attended the buDden dinner 1'\aes· 90t s . Bay Front. He had been lor apt. Yrly. rate taO mo. Hal IUT WILL ... , r day e\·ening at ltapn'a Restaurant acthe m the millinery manufac· WU1 Smith. HArtJor 200-J. ..-.nUUr in Corona del )kr, Mid for the turing bultMss tn New York and NtW iOBiftli. raneh style bouse The Central Newport Commun-benefit of the Om\munlty ChUJ"Ch ~An~. and had been a build- In E. lk1c eo.ta lieu. UbfUm. ity .u.n .. rncettna last week at building fund. TiekMa are avail-er ~ rt"al estate developt>r. Ht> exoept. stove A refrig.l child o.k . the Legion Hut approved the able for the lleCOnd bullders din· reured to the Harbor Area in 19-11 VoL C lto.17 W. NEWPORT TO HEAR REPORT ON fllOIIION The West N""''JJrt Improve- !llen t Assn. will hear a report of 1ts Beach Erosion Committee at a meetin~e st't fOt' 7:30 p. m. Friday, Dec. ~4. at Oty Hall, President Francis Hon"'lth announces. Mon- ~Y Col Kelton, stJate beach eros- Jon enarnt'er. tou.red. the bead\ area \\1 h City Managtor John SaJJ. ors. )tr Horvath. and R D. ~ ~am and Clyde Rex of the Eros- IOn Commit~. No pet!. BEac:!on ~-1985,000 tchool ·bond~and ner, to be held at 6:30p.m. next Pallbearers wen-H. R. Rln~. IALiioA iSLAND=2:QMY\: tum. bMrd a f"eelbt from rd Tuesday. Paul Palmer. WilliB Bo)•Je. Tom apt. Yrb' rental~ Gamet, B.l . OU Co. that It wu not !.dng to ._.._ loarcla to a.--t H~rwn. Carl Wyman, U<>nard --------:.::.....:.....:....,: IL\rtMII' !!'Ht. :W 1:, ~b from that ._.,.. &...-Kingsbaker. J . C. Ax lson, R. R Along v.ith the Coast u.-r WAN I t.;U-U_. fundture. WID ty t t.e.uttfy the President-EJect James Udell of Hodgld..on. Murdock Mansfi£'1d. M~ket grand QPt'ninJt, & neig•h- bu)' 1 llleeP tw a c:srloa4. CaD = tt! ~-:on W: ~:: the California Real £.tate -'-n. Dale Rarneey and Paul Cote. bonng buslnes&. Hj<ty's Pet ~ BEacon TDS. OrUt Furniture, fundi to meet the ti!JCPliM of ~ and State Secretary ~ Con-pU and Sport~.ng Goods Shop t.-r Oraftle• o.ta Mesa. pering the AJibor o.y float. aer wtn be prewnt Tucaday eve--aEGAINI'NG DALnl will also held Of)ftl how from 9 IIU8T ~by ocaa vtew cor-nlng at Newport ~ Yacht Mrs. J~ McOot!key, 2101 to 9 Frrda.y and Satur<la). at lt5 ner lot tmmccl. Lot No. 171. See· Oft'Gat'\JNIII MniDAY 9!~ the joint InstallAtion or E. ~an Blvd . Balboa. has re-new location. 605 Coast Bh"d .. Co- ...... IOO, Dr:&.., ~ ~HA· Anmal ~ sundaY ULt"'-.:~11 by the Newport Harbor, tumed to work a t Roy GreE'nleaf' ro~ del Mar . . . . pecial guests •A-_....... 5en1ce wiD .. ot.cr'V'ed Sunday at ~ and San C1~te Realty &: As80dates offi<'t' after four during the t"''O-d&Y open houee -It or tarto 1-tDOt. Onilt Onlrc:tl t.y the Sea wtth a DUlin.-. Carl Thomas will be in· We<'k!: folllnt-§ at Garden Centt"T Nur5('n· rn>xt MiWdE kitten, i moe. old. run wrmon ~ll& to the Cr-eekl" ~~ as preskle:nt of th(' local to AU American Market .'" C'e>-MoaW. t.e.ut. ~IS(). HA by Rev. Tom PftldeU .,.,.,., • u c c ~ ~d l n g Barn c y CI\?JC A • TO IIJI:EI' ~ del Mar •·m be TV and ra---W. • f'nncque. The CorMa deJ Mar Cfo,.ic M8o-dio pcrformen Joe Uttl~eld ( U · u:,--:01. '::&~.~~~ •:.=.no:.., ~ ~ ...,..,u f.:.\~~ ":."'.~ s c"; :'m ':':~ ~ ~~'. ":" ~:.--~,:.:.~~ !,~--~!~~~!~IUD!~~:~ aD ol ..... ~ from Cout H ~~A~t Colleg~ choir and School. •1th Judgt> Robfort Gam-sion open boost" is bring held te>-HIItt•4 tD ""*-* Peiftt wu anN~ ~ ~ choirs .,;n ner AI J~PNkt"r. ~y. Fridla.y and Saturday by Da- a -..e el Ale '• t.t ~ at PI'""'!_~ • . .,.essiah" at 3 '"lS~Brown Co. at ~r t"nla~ tbe lint • , ... ot .. a..-p. m. ~-, In OCC auditorium. n......, I!QITAUAftO~ at~ 1"0011111 at te Harbor :Bh d a 9Tkb tw • ..... P.-._ -.....ox s.m Klnllatw wW bP pulllld)' ~ ..=· b : . .=('.met~·: -sr,.. Itt Nli!k,IIIIW&t&_ot ae Puil~~-M~olfomdnctta~cuaGa"hulft~ w r. "'· ;.;J...:-.. : ~~,r· ~ ........ , ac PW&>·at,.,~ c:-.: ... "~!arbt"' • ""'" . --n-~ t'"'·"'-1"' r{Y'·~ .,_.. .., . __ , •• ~--· •. ~-·~~• StJP~P'J" calling from ,,. •... hi" 9:30 a.. m. dia\ ' truly beutiftil TV! Early AMit.ar tyling ... ,,.I. -....... a... _ . .a..p...,_ ... ----............ ..._... ......._ __ .._ ... ,..,_ .............. ..._.._~ ............. , .. ..... -····~--... ----.-.."'CoW.oov-·-__ ,..._~_. ... -.. ...-...... ._ ..,.,...... T\oolooa ... lis4-._ ............... ,..._ ..... __ J ... ..-...... .... __ ....... . -......... -....... ---................. .....,........_,_. _..., ......... _"YW ___ ... ._._c r ,...,..,_ ....... \ I For Every Da, LWiftg -Dr. a. If. Dmrtq LESTER A. BECKER, D.D.S. Announces THE REMOVAL OF IUS DENTAL OFFJCE AT !505 EAST BAY AVE., BALBOA AND CONSOLIDATING BOTH OFnCES IN 'mE MEDICAL BUILDING 1785 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PRONE BEACON t1'52 INSURANCE . .... EWI7MM ISLAND REALTY 00. ~D ..... RAJtBOil m-w ~ at &pte. a.Jbla lillilill .'BE SUlUt -INBUar' wttb Maurie Stanley ~a--Dar IIABBQJl lTII -llaltlla.Aft..a.a-111111111 "For Salety'a Sake" See ROBERT L. BOYD Genenl Insurance Broker HArbor 2242 12U Cout Blvd., CDM ·----141& Fitzmorris Realty Co. Real Estate A: BU&iness Brokel'l NOTARY P'UBUC We maintain lilt of qualifted buyers. Ackl )-'OUr name and wants. in confidence, of coune 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 21.52 For High Quality Homes Rentals • Income Property See ROBERT L. BOYD Modem Really Associate 1213 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar ~ 2242 Silver Plater. And SUvenmitM Repair • ReflnlJhiDc • fteplate Gold • SUwr • Copper • Brul Near Community OIID"dl 1914 Harbor Blvd., Colta Mea BEacon 5113 I 'o f.\' :0 I 1'·' .·,~ Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., Costa Mea Practice Umlted to I>iMere8 ot Ear. Noee, Throat; A1Je1v ()fflce Houn: by Appointment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1018 Day or Night ...... ~lUI I . • r' . . .·, ·, Baltz Mortuary Olapll"' .... tiA.ItBt:.. eorc.. ....... Odflliillla ._.Oir...._IW?P& ...... 11'1'0&&. ................... &aaft'll roa LWOft 1-llaabor lhd. Ollila ... •.. .., ....... II 9:00 -9:30 A. M. t.\.ooking around you today at our hills and harbor. you In Its annual ~port to City the \At' J)f'rmit P~W"e solves might se-e llttl«> to remind ~dl, the CitY Planning Com-most or ~ minor prob~ "'1th-you of a ="<'v. Enl'land oom- miUJOn annou':'ced last w k that out resorung to the compllca!ed murut)' _ •. hut take he • s~t and htghway ~st~r plan p~ of variances and amending I word of Tom !':orton, one of ts bean prep6rt'd. but wt.ll ~ he ld 'ordln&nces. our s <' \',. r a 1 transplanu~d in abeyance un.UJ a solution to the FoUowing bulJd.lng pennill were New England<'rs .. -ther~> ~blem in'-'O!Vtn~ the Pacific Elec-iasued between JuJy 1, 1950. and 1s a ttreat sam•l&.rlt~ me properttes m Newport has Jw.e 30, 1951 : 517 one-famUy Tom is a \'crmont nath<> been reached. units. 87.3't of the total; 35 two-who s~nt se~eral or hi 'I"he Commission stated that the family units, 5.911 ; eight t.hree-years in So too and oo th new ~oning ordinance is operating family units, 1.4~ ; 32 commercial New England roast before &atlsfactorlly, perticiilarly because buUdinp, 5.4'1-; total permits, 592., comlnst her<> Scnnt-ten years ~ Com.rniuion said the.e CigurH ago. as J)f'rsonnel manatter UGAL. NOTta Indicate a material increase in the ln Orange and Rhersid<> ADFbtftAEIIEN'I' FOil BID8 number of single family resi-Coun tie for Consolidated Notice ls hereby gi\'en that the denoes. Aircraft. he and trs. %'or- County of Orange will receh~ 1M Comml ston also reported ton came to Balboa Island 8Nlecl bids for t.he furniliihinft and considerable pressure to ch6nge to lh·e. 'urrounded by the installation of "Eme~ency light-zoning from a single f8Jllily zone watPr. boats. and the unlque lng systfti'W for three building~ to tv.'O and t.hree family zoning, Island atmosphere. they felt and an additional oil circuit brt'ak-based on hopes that multiple zon-1 \'ery much at home. Our er for Substation No. 1, at the ing will increase property val\.18. town ~ew on them. they onn dl'-Addin't a httl more t'\("W Eng- Orange CountY G.e'.'.eral ~ospltal. Council accepted the report \\<ith cided to be-rome pt>rmanl'nt re 1-land at~nCJCphen.• U1t> :'\ortnns have Orange. California . unut 3:00 I thanks for the Commission's work dents. ano oou~ht the Ba~ !-'horP opt::nE'd h C'af)(' C'oo House on P.M. o'clock, on the 26th day or Members of the Commis ion are Cafe on Coast Hi~hw ~ from Balboa ~.!land \\h••rt> tN> speoalty December, 1951, at the office of Chairman Walter M. Longmoor. H.elnz KaiSE>r IS St-a. · food trom both coas~. the Board of Supervisors. County Seci"E'tary Ray Y. Copelin. Louis In ll short time. our O\'iC groups , n <>d up an true Capt> fashJ n and of Orange. at the Orange County w. Br1gg5, Philmer J . Ellerbroek. learnl'd that Tom's ablht} wu in t~ pica! l'>UJ roundmgs. Court House, Sa11ta Ana. Califor-Richard H. Pleger, 0. B. Reed. most \'S luable applit>d to a wort~~ Thou'th a rompa.ratJ\-e oew- nla, at which time a ll bids will be c. B. Rudd. Wesle) D. Smith and pro~t. and the~ ha\e dnrted htm rom~r to c1,,c and bwuness we opened and publicly read aloud an Char l<'s w. Wightman. fr('('l~ ever o;in('(' As pre ldent of 10 our town. Tom has rt'ndeored a the Board Room. the l"'e'Y.-port Harbor Chamber of full hare of notable S(>T'\.ice. In Each bid shall be In accordance Commerce hi year. he took spl'-doina: 1t, he ha bccom one of our \'.ith the Plans. Specifications and less than 1 yds. water I · dal prid in ~nt dedication ~clOd triend, · and we sre pleased other Contract Documents now on \'E'l · ·· 1 83 Ct>remonjes for the new Chamber to qUCite ham on :'\l•wport Balboa file at the Orange Count.x Build-Drivers of dump trucks buildJng. Location for thE' offi('('. F l-dl'ra! ·Your s.,·inga and Loan lng Department. located at 636 yds .. but I<> than R ~ds. on Coast Hlg}lv. y in the centt>r ~-.octauon ha-8 ftne l"t'CCJ'd of North Broadway. Santa Ana. Cali-water I \el · 1·85 of one of our promising new-de-commumt~ ·.Pnlt"e. and it' a fomia. CopiM or the Plans and Drh ers or Truck.<~ Legal 'clopment nreas. I one which hl' pll."<l ure tn ha' e on of the most SpeciJlcations may be obtained at Pa}load Capa<'aty ll's sou~ht from the !!>tart. because or procr lh a.ssoc'1:1lion of Its the above office upon a deposit of than 6 tons ·· 1 83 the stead~ rr~>am of through traf-kmd m our town. 1 ha\·e tA--en $10.00 per llt't Dri,·ers of Trucks Legal fie pa'l'~in~ by 1mpre s<•d \\ith th fin mana~.,._ The amount of the deposit for Pa~ load C aPa c; it Y lx'-1.85 Amon!~; other important com-ment v.h.1ch has enabled you to one et or document will be re-twN>n 6 and 10 tons munlt~ proj(>cts furthered by the ne su<'h a Iars: number in our fundt-d to each bidder or intended ~ t::B-TRADF.~:. 1 u b j" c 1 1 ° Chamber. onl' or his ra .. 'Oritt'S as communit) .. . biddt'r who returns uch set of change• thc \&rsity crew races. held here It 1 true that we r~l carerw plans and docUJ'Tlents in good con-Fort>ml'n: All forem~>n t~ fo1 1 hi' fir-.t time last ~pring an4 mana~<>ment 15 on of the first clition v.ithin FIVE DAYS after hercin separat~'ly classi i sch<'<iuled a~n for 1952 He <'Orujd rations v.ith ~rd to • the opening of bids hllll be paid not lt>Ss than joanPd with othl'rs and work<'<i 1 Bidders ar•e h€'rebv notHi<'<i that 12':~ cenL.; per hour mort' than hard to aaln lntPrest or officials sanngs a.nd oan senice. U you " jo t 1 f• · "' at'(' not '~>t onr of our ~tors, ~ursuant to . the statute'S of th(' urneymf'n ra •' or ern ' tn· directln~ th€' 1952 Olympic<~ row-cnm(' 10 anci !<' u tf>U )OU how State of CaJafomia, or local laws \Oh'ed . anc traal" 'lnd. tht>n to arrar.~e hn-wc h"'"' hf.,.n 3 blt" to pay ne\~ I thereto applicable, the County of .'-\pprt>ntleh: All apprenti('(' rna~ an<.'ll1..: to bran'i them h<>re · • -{M-. rh m 3 Jl( 1 rPnt f)('r annum on Orang(' ha~. ascertained tht' ~en-~;th<'~~-\~~~~dli+"-; 0';'~~~~;~ and T •ml .a~s thP~ arlm11 '"'' htJ\t' S'l\tn.:--mH•oc;tE'd \~ith us dunng eral pre\'aahng rate t>f per dtE>m nr•' >f 1he ~m .... tl,"'' c.•u.t-111 ,, ,-_". hi-•on 'wa~e and nttes for I<'~ I hohda~ Cornia 1 .thor C'ndt . tho .. \\nrld · and o\'ertime work in th<' localit) RIIO!''": Samt• \\1'1!!<' 'calc. a lit' 1S th•-, Y<'31 Exc.l <'<i Rulrr in which this work is to hi-J)('r-cnft io "hich r·i~::ins;: is in-111 thP :'\('\\ po11 llubm Lad~, of formed. for each crart or t>P<' or radt'ntal Elks. one or the nC\\e t Rnd mo"' "orkman or me-chanic needed to \\'«>tdt•rs: , amt' ''a'te -.rate as 8<'tl\P Ch:tpttr~ in thl' Ordl'r. Jlt> t'Xecutc the contract \\hlch will be tTaft tn which ''rldim• '' in-also finds time to "f>ne a dit~tor I awardPd to the succt>Ssful bidder. cad• ntal or Ro.\s' Arran·-. lnl'. local bo~s· WAGE R.-\TE.~: The pr('\'aiUnlt El~tllt'al Gen!'ral F ort'-WC"lfare <'lub ; or our eminent)) wastes so dPtt"rmine<l are RS fol-mRn · 3.2:l ucccssful Communaty Che t cam-lov.'S: El('('lrical ForPman 300 paigns; a nd as 8 \\Orkan~ m·m- Carpcnter' .. . 2.3.'"i Electrical Sub-Fort'man 2.875 ::bcilriliiioilflllitiihliellliiiaiiiiliiiiiailtialiiiCliluilbii. ______ ._.~~lllllll~.-~~~-........ Tablt> Pow('r Saw Opt>rat01 2.43 El(>('trician 2 75 • Millwright 2~'55 Latht>r•s t l\1('tal Furrin~r l 3.12.'5 Cement Finisher 2.38 Lalht•t-s •~ail ona 3.125 Cement Floor Finishin~:; Latho•rs For<>man 3.50 Mach. Opr. ...... 2.50 Roofrrs Damp. ,,·at<>r- Laborers, General or Con-proof or b 1 t u m i no u s truction l .i;J En11meler 2..50 Operators &. Tenders of Rooft'rs Foreman 2.75 pneumatic tools. vibrat-Paa ntrrs Bru h 2.15 ing"machines & imilar· Paint<'rs Spra) ~n or tools not scpara tely cia-.-andblaster 2,40 slfled here" . .... . 1.9.'l Plastt>n:.r hr. day 3.125 Air Compressor OJ)('rator 2.05 Plastrrt'r Tt'nd<>r ~hr. ciny 2 R75 Boring :\lachine Operntor <.IESF.RAL JSFOR)I,.\TJO~: • tcxcludins: pneumatic or ·OO A. M. :'tartmg TanH' ('QUipment or similar en-ingh.' Shafl : Eillht t'(IIN't'Utl\(' pactty ... . 2.38 hours. indu~h ,. lwu!'. ''"'hhl\ ,. of -======~~======~D~ri~'~e~rs~o~r=d~u~m~p~tru~c~ks~~~o~f ==, luoch p. nod. bt•l'' n•n ~ • • .\\I ;. and 5 ·oo P :\I !-ha II eun ... tlltll t' n da' 's wot•k ANNOUNCIN G THE OPENING OF OFFICES -BY - F. R. HERMAN, M.D. GENERAL PRACTIC E 900 W. BALBOA BLVD .. NEWPORT BEACH PHONE HARBOR 2804 nt1 LAIMsT MSPIAY ON '"' MaRC COAST * ,,.....,..__.w•~ s..A.s.. ............ o., ....... ............ Dr.,.. ................. s.-- HOUSE I GARDEN •uc........, .. ---- LOCAL ... NAftONWIDI: Set ...... tiM! N..,..t ........ Area Fort,. hour.. :\lnnda\ " t)(1 A \I throuch Fr•d¥\.' :l Oo · P :'-t c;h~ll - ronstitutP u ""'l'k's \\nrk Hohda\S and O\t'rllnw wag€' s~l€'5 as fi}('d \\ith th(' Btuldint:: and C'nnst ruc•ann Tradt'!> (\,un<'il of Orang<' Count) The Board • :::uJXnl:>lll' ••! ,.,,, Count~ or nr~P!:I' f'Xprpo:o:Jy rl"- sen·es thl' rlgh1 to rej!'Ct any or all bid.s nr "111\'o 'lny mformaht~ in a b1d. DATED: :"\twembl'r 27, 1951. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SCPER\"ISORS OF THE CO '7\~ OF 0 R A ~ G E • CALIFORNIA. 1 St>all B J. SMITH County Clt>rk and ex-of- fkio Clerk of thc :qt>ard of Supen·isors of Oran~e I County, Callfomia. Publish: t'\ewport Harbor Ensign. [)('('('mbf't• 6 & 13. 1951 . UGAL HoTIC' SOTI<'E OF HEARIXG Noti('(> Is hereby gh·en that the CiJy Council of the City or ~ew­ port Beach. In accordance with Section 9106.54 Ca l of the Munict-1 pal Code of the City of N('\\'POI't &ach. v.iU hold a hearin~ on the following propost'd om<'ndment to the Zoning Law of the City of Newport 88ch: the application or certain pro- perty own~rs to rezon<" Lots 11 through 19. Tract 444. from R~2 to R -3. I Notice is hereby further ~vt'n that said heating will be held on tht' l Oth day or December. 1951. I at the hour of '7:30 P . M . in th<' council chambers of the Oty Hall. Ne'IIVPOrt Beach. Calif . at "'hkh =an place any and all peT'IOns 1· tel'(' ed tf'lerein may appear and ilrd thereon. C. K. PRIEST City Clt>rk Publlsh : No\'. 29. Dec. 6, 1951 tn the Newport Harbor Ensign Santa Claus will rest h1s deN, Says he'll ride P. L th1s ~~~r . Fmds early shopping really CltCkS From 10 to 4 and after 6! ~ • A void the 7:30-9:30 o. m. ond ~-6 p.m. rush hours. J Be*ooma ....... ----SlO,'r.IO a .. OCAilS ... _. ·-----15,IBO 2 Bedrooma A Apt..... 11.500 a 8e*ooms a Apt ... _ 19.500 2 Bedroom~~. 2 battw_ 22,500 3 Bdnna, &.y FroaL 30,000 . • Att.radiw term. • Had~ * 1-Bedroom Home Jf 2-Bedroom Apt. ft Bachelor Apt A 1ftll built property on a de- llrable lrtreet. Cloee to shop- ping and transportation. ln petfect oondition with attrac- tive ground&. t. ••• & ... ... ....... Full pri~ only $11.- Low down payment to l't'lponsible buyer ClU ... SCHUSTER ... at Earf W . STANLEY Reakor lllo..&...... m• IIAitler .,. OPEN IAYFRONT ROME 759 Lido Soud s-ctay. Dec. ttll It a.m. to 5 p.-. 40' on \\'Iller wi lb double sea wall, pier, slip, sandy beach a.nd peUo waUed for privacy. HO\We has four bedrooms on upper floor. Uving room, din- ing room, kitchen, maid's room and bath on lower. A very livable family home. Exclusi~v-e. Redt.ICied for. ~ -·-·-------·--· Pt. llALIIOA DUPLI!:X -a few steps from the bey, 60' lot. ldeel location for children. Roomy old duplex, cement foundation. Lower ate ad y rental. Upper available for owner's use or ~11.• lncomt> rental. . • * • • Ro G~Jey Josephine Webb Ullian McAdoo HArbor 32T1 'JttE. ................... NEWPORf HEIGHTS 2 UDita-Unfumisbed Large upstairs Uving room with exceU~t bay and ()C('an view, 2 bedrooms, Jgt>. kitchen and clollets, ba t.h, et c. Small growtd floor apartment. 3 car garage • 2 large lots 1 block from school 100' FRONTAGE x 168' depth with bwl.ness buildings. Very doee In, down town. Leue In- come 1165 ~ mo. Land =gis:ofS1s.- INVIl!rrOitll lf you don't go for thla you don't want to make m<mey. PHIL SOWVA'M aBO. EYa80if lAtE llf COBOKA DEL MAll '~Ill IICifll • e V laesl ' I ~ 2 batlw, 1~ blodt to Corona .. Mar Beacb. Priced to ~u. Low down payment. nu. bedrooma, wparate ahower, !up Uving room, firepla~. Priced rtlht. Low down ~t. J One ol Corona del Mar'• finest homes. Puonmlc OC!M.II view ••• Fundshecl or \alfurnbhed. • • • rw ...... ...._, ea11 co 01 p 411 Out8kmcliag 3-heclloom .tew home ---in exclusive &.rft. 1% baths, hardwood floon, furnace heat, carpet wall-t~wall throughout. IArle living room. fire- place. Lots of tile. Brick pe Uo. Redwood fenced yard. Sprinkling system front and back yard. 2-car garage. Sweep- ing view of ocean trom ui.lOO· room. F~ homes are as nice u this $1 5% loan Priced right at balance $67.50 per month Vwy AttractiYe 3-bedroom. 1 ai4 bath hOme. . Hardwood noon.. Flrepjace. Panel ray heat. Breakfast a;: Pluter and "''OOCI interior. CediLr shingle root. Yard fenced 2-<:ar m: Cloee to stons-on good street. Bonds paid 1• III!AA. hyments $70 per mo. Will consider Price "Wt:IIVV trading for large lot in this area. G.L Reeale • -• Sale or trade Ocean sJde of hi&hway. 2 bedroom, modem home. l.Jving n;;D 1S'x20' with large firepla~e waD all glus looking out Oil enci08ed patio. Furnace heat. Carpetlna' wall-to-waU. Lar.ge bedrooms. Venetian blinds and drapes. Redwood fenced yard 2-aar iibiiPlumblng stubbed in for apt. above. $1 4%% GI loan at 163 per month, lnclud- Price ing int. & taxes. Will consider trade for 3-bedroom home in this area.. • • • INCOME PRO·-Pfll_...TY New Duplex -• -2 beclroolm each U•At No. 1-Uving room 1Zx16'. Raised brick fi.rt'plaoe. No. 1 bedroom 12'x14' opens to patio. No.2 bedroom 12'x13' has extra lar~ cloeet. Lots of tile in kitchen and bath. Garba~e disposal Double sink. Snack bar. Laundry in gar. Yard fenced. Ualt No. z....-over 2-c:ar gara~. Uvtng room 13'x26'. Sunny ex- posure with la.rce 'Windows. Large -bedrooms. TUe in ldtcben a.nd bath. Good plumbine and harclware. Ha.rdwood floors. Gar~ cllapoAl and mack bar. Each unit completely eepa.rate with $19· ... Good tenM _,.rate garage. Priced right at .-,vv availAble 1., c...t ..... c.-. ... ..., ~ 1741 w HAdler 1417 EnM:11: ~ m.M B I L B a II At:lndlve I,.,.,._~ only 4 yean old Good location on Nal'dllsua Ave. Separate guest room and beth a~ (built to take 2nd story). ExceUent lnoorne ft!COr'd but OwMr •..t l!lell. . $1 !!lee y.., ... IS't l.llillllic ......_ er •••• OPE • 3 BR frame, 218 E. Knox. ... ,.._terms • G I. Resalf>, 3 BR. ftn>place, double garage, fenced. IU, ........ tenns Newpod leach. • 3 BR, near Po.t Offl~ a.nd business dlst. 17,a.-tenns • 2 BR frame on 2 lots, beach home. can add 3 more unit ______ .... .._terms • 1 BR beach home on R-2, fumlshed . -•·• terms • Duplex, earns 20CJ' lDeome, home & rent. IU,....._tenns • Office Bldg., 2 offices, on Nwpt. Blvd. lll,..._tenns · • Also office bldg. on inven- tory basi . • Desk space for n~nt . Bal- boa office. • lncollli' Tax Service • ltEALTOl 1420 W. ..... ...... HA 1421 IIOt W. le"'-...... HA )10 FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! GENJ:&AL ELIX"'''UC ... lui a.nd .,......stft" ()wctlaatha; oo~te price $194..95•, includ- ing installation. PIUCIC! 1 yeu's supply of DUb- muter SUds if you act NOW ! • Norm•n inst•ll•tion. No-Flo interlock Lido J&m;c Co. Alft.l&llldB 516 CoCIIIt IBilrway Newport s.cb ~ !1108 1·1 1&111 1·1 '51 FORD cl1x Sed., H .... ....$11115 '!50 FORD cllx., HlrOD _______ 15e '50 FORD V -8 dlx. eeduL 1395 '4.9 FORD 6 Pick-up. low mileege . -----···v···--· .. ··-· 1125 '4.8 CAD. Sed R&H, hyd. Joaded with extras - immacUlate ·---------··----· 2295 '41 BUICK SM. RAH ........ 345 '4.1 PONTIAC Sed-Cpe. ... 375 '40 DeSOTO Sed. MIL. .. 395 '39 CHEV. Coupe ................ 170 '38 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. ........ 90 Many llore to ~ From "··-...... Your Ford o.llr 1M OeMt ...,.. '"011 lllnde JIBe" BEacon IIIOl --Newport a.d.l Hours: Week nay. 8 'til 8 :30 ~ " HolldQa 10 'Ul 4 II L lallala IlK • UALTOI • IUSINISS ~""--TUNmtS • ltENTALS FOB 8ft Several 1-, ~ It S:bedroom taou.s and apta. talJO " ap. YOUI*Yno~ PAUL C. JONES ....... ._, D07 W • ..._ .... HAitlw~Dii ............ .... .....,._"-* <>wne:r muat ~u 5 lot.. n bearing fruit trees ph• ~ch shack. CONPtEI'E EYeiiGHl' SERVICE ''For N etol of N nopon BCIT'bor'" OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT lEACH Yule Party at St. Andrews Bt" Y AT nu; CIIECK STANO of Coast 8~ abrkf't Ia Coreaa ... Ma r ILrf' thf' ..-w o",...,..· thf' C"llarlf'~ t:lllnftl!l. whn ftrf' hold- lac a ·•nt ·~-latf'd" o~M>• ltouw _, tht> mukf't ''*~. t 'rklay aacl ~turda~·· ~ 1 Folsom photo 1 ~Broom Bngade' Action f.;s Urged With a forceful speaker repre-Alene Baldwin Ehrt'Sman appolnt- sentlng the :·Broom Brigack!," the ed Mrs. Colin Brown as chairman 1 ....... 1 uru't of Pro ""--'ca ended of the nominating commlttee, to "'-GL "-'o.n;• • be a sistcd b_ Mrs. Gertrude Car· Its program for 1~1 on Friday, pentt'r, ~trs. Gror~e LE>'"is and I No\'. 23. Election of officers wiU Mrs. J . A. Taylor. be held next meeting, fourth Fri-''ln 1952 we wom<'n of Amer- day in January. The December lea are s;oing to usc the broom as rne<'tln~t wiJJ be r~ because a glamorous symbol for one or th<" of tht' holidays most thOI'OUgt\ and the most hon- The Christmas party of the> Wo- men's FeUowshlp of St . Andrews Church ";u be held Wednesday .at the church. Re\·. James S. Stew-· art. pastor, wiU install the ne-w officers of the Fellowshlp, who are Mrs. Thad Samuels, presi~nt; Mrs: Webster Jones. vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Kenneth Fowler. ~e­ tary, and Mrs. Roger McCulloch, treasurer. A short business met'linl! was <' t-to-goodness. old-fashioned go,·- held prt>ecding the speech by Mrs. I t'rnm nt house cleanings you ever Frank Cowgill Slate chairman of saw!" said Mrs. CodgiU In intro-rnt'm~rship u; Pro Amt>rlca. The dudn'? her "Broom Br!~ta~e." If questlnn of bonds for the ttlemen-\\e '>'llr'll to do an E'rfE"Cta\·e JOb. Sh<' tary 5Chools \\'aS discussed and contJnued. we will have to put ~pproved be<lause of the present our minds on the fundamentals or I over-crowdf.d facillUa Chairman good go\·e~nt houst'keeplng. Mrs. Cowgill su£g~tt'd getting P • HaU Wed rid of the ooowe!'S of fun.) thJnk-I alge ing, stop sweepmg errors under the living room rug: ~t rid of A ca.ndlewhite satin gown, made 1 rats and termites undermining the In simple lint'S, Y..'U set or.r with foundAtion of the government an heirloom French mant1Ua .as house: sweep out the bureaucrats: the veil at the w-edding of Miss clear the library of false propa-~tricla Birch (Paige Ham to ganda and foreign ideologies, toss OlarJes Drescher CropRy jr .• at out books that are poisoning the bride's Col'oaa del Mar home, chjldren's minds with destructive 600 Begonia Ave. oo Saturclay. "isms" throw out cans or red her- Nov. 17. The brkle carried a .tn&Je ring in the pantry and check to white rose and a satin oo.md see that the analysis content of prayer book from her mother's other goods shows American con~ w-edding. stitutional prindplH, honesty and Better known in the Harbor high moral standards and balanced area as Paige Hall, the bride is the budY,ets a.nd JOW"er taxes. daugllter of Mrs. F1orence Birch, The speaker suggested keeping Corona del Mar, antt_ the late the presidential brands or Eiscn- Thomas Birch, Conner minister to hower. MacArthur. Taft and fa- Portugal. Her groom is the son vorite-son pr eserves on the of Or. and Mrs. Chutes Cropsey shE'Ives in readiness for the County of Rutherford, New Jersey. The Fair openmg in Chicago n~xt July. young cou_ple met at the American She urged members to enlist e\·en· Institute for Foreign Af[airs in woman who wants to clean houst' Arizona. They wiJI live in Palo in the "Broom Brigade" and ron- Alto where the groom is doing eluded "Join us in . . . a clean spedal work at Stanford. weep In '52." Visit Us • • • e at our DeW location e We11 be open from 9 to • thia Friday cmd Saturdciy FREE SAMPI.ES cf Cat cmd Dog Food Bill'S PEr SUPPLIES ·aad Sportiag Cools "Headquarters for Sporting Goods Gifts" t03 COA T BLVD. CORONA DEL JIAII RA 1!13-.1 Welcome to our new neighbors, The CHARLES EUlOTTS. at the COAST SUPER MARKET ~ .. ~--· .. The program will include songs by the Mothersingen and a read- in~ of the Chrlstmu Story by Mrs. Edgar Hill. Plans for the Oui.st- mas Party were cliscusled at a meeting of the executh·e board last w~k at the ~ of Mrs. Paul Johnstone of Costa Mesa. Plans were also made for the family Christmas party in St. Andrews loun~e on tbe evening of Dec. 19. H·ighlight the Holidays --at 0 Bnc:n's • • Bolcl VMLiw 1Mle aacl ---tkod ~-el'"fft rib- ~ ---C'arlyt" det'b owt this la..Uy 4~ ... ~ jadlel of *'""'Y bladE tm- port~ lbtt-n. ll's f'dlt;ortally f~twrN bt facbiOII a\S~"In.laf'S. 1411 Ceett ....... •, .... * 1-Bedroom Home * 2-Bed.room Apt. * Bachelor Apt. A well built pc'OP!'rtY on a de- llrable street. Cloee to &bop- pine and transportation. In perfect condition with attrac- tive ground~. r. m! ... .-....._ Full ~ce only $11.- Low down pa)'!M'nt to respoMible buyer Clll ... SCHUSTER ... at Earl W. STANLEY Reakor t\lo-11&..... CD• ....... OPEN BA YFRONT ROME 759-l.ido Soud 8aaday, I*. Mil Lta.m.to5p.a 40' on water with double sea wall, pier, sUp. sandy beach and patio walled ror privacy. House has four bedrooms on upper floor. Uving room, din- ing room, kitchen, maid's room and bath on lower. A very U'·able family home. Exclusive. Reduced fo-~~ -· ....... -Pt 1111n IIY BALBOA DUPLEX-a few steps from the bay, 60' lot. lde&l loea tlon for children. Roomy old duplex. cement round& tion. Lower • t e a d y rental. Upper available for owner's use or •1 UOO Income rental... • • • • Ross Greeley JO!IePhine Webb Lillian McAdoo HArbor 3277 ,.. E. ....... ~ ....... NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Uaita ·Unfurnished Large upstairs living room with excellent bay and ocean view, 2 bedrooms. lge. kitchen and closets, bath, etc. Small groWld floor apartment. 3 car garage • 2 large lots 1 block from school lOO' FRONTAGE x 168' depth With bulblellll builcJlnp. Very cJo.e in, down town. L88e ln· come $165 per mo. Land :is:'orS1SMO IN'V'DIT0118 lf you don't go for this you don't want to m111ke money . .. .............. c.. .... (AIIililil .,_ c.. .... ..., • ,, .. ......, -&a "" •• .,.w .................. 2 .. u.. 1~ lllac:lt to Corona del Kar Beech. Priced llo .u. Low down paymeet. ~ .... ooms. ....,.te ~bower, larp Uvine room. ~­ Pl'tced rtpt.. Low down pQIIM!ftt. One ol Corona *I Mar's ftnest homes. Paaaruale _Jvlew--- fW Dllltled or untumllhed. • • • .._ 41 , , a _. co -Df:l. OutatcmdiDcJ 3-heclroom Yiew J.ame ---ln exclusl~ area. 1" baths, banhvood noon. fumaee heat. carpet waU,to--waU throughout. t..uee Uvtq room. fire.. place. Lots of tile. Brick patio. Redwood fenced )-a.rd. SIJriDkli.ng s)'ltem front and back )'8J'd. 2<ar ~Be· Sweep- ing view of ocean m.n ii.liim. Few homes are as nice : as this $1 51". loan Priced right a t balance $67.50 per month Very Attracti.e 3-bedroom. 11/t bath home. Hardwood noon. F1replace. Panel ray heaL Breeldut a;_ Plaster and wood Interior. Cedar &hin&le roof. Yard fenced. 2<ar m· ·ao.e to stores-on good street. Bondi paid. 1• II!AA. ~)'mftlts $70 per mo. Will c:onsiclft- Price ~;,vv trading for large lot In this area. G~ Re.ale • --Sale or trade Ocean side of highway. 2 bedroom. modem home. Living n;om 1S'x:20' with large Ureplace-one wall all glul looking out on ~ patio. Furnace heat. Carpeting wall-to--wall. La~ bedrooms. Venetian blinds and drapes. Redwood fenced yard. 2<ar iibiiPlurnbing stubbed in for apt. abow. . $1 4%'N GI loan at 163 per month, lnclud- Prloe ing tnt. & taxt>S. wm consider trade for 3-bedroom home in this area. • • • INCOME PRO·PEim.,.~Y' New Duplex ---2 bedroolm eacll Ualt No. 1-Uving room 12'x16'. Railed brick f':iffPtace. No. 1 bedroom 12'x14' opens to patio. No.2 bedroom 12'x13' has extra lartee cl01et. Lots of tile ln kitchen and bath. ~ dispoMJ. Double link. Snack bar. La\mdry in pr. Yard fenced. tJalt No. !-Over 2~r garace. Llvi.nc room 13'x26'. Sunny ex- posure with ~ .. ~... Larae beclroorm. n~ in ldtdlen and bath. Good plwnbtnl and hardware. Hardwood floors. Garbage~ and mack bar. Each unit completely .eparate with $19' • . .aA Good temw ~~eparate garage. Priced rf&ht at ..-v avallable 1-l~lh'III..C... .. ... HAitMir 1741 ., ~ 1417 E ...... : ~ ,..... '51 HILLMAN Sedan. dernomtrator. Vf!'t'Y low mllea~, at a big ~&vinp. '51 HILLMAN Sedan, R.H., white walls, bumper •1 ,..-_ guards, spotlight. low rnUeaae .. _ ......... -... • WA~ '50 FORD Custom. 44r. Sedan, R. H. OD., W.W. M~ nylon seat coven, low rnJleage. Very clean.... •18'YI' '49MG MJtl MII>GET ............. -... --.. ·-··-······ .. ·-···· .. ·-······ ...... • I '47 STUDE. Ownp. Convert. H. R., 0 .0 . New fuU ~~-~=-0=~~•-•·•oo•oooooo••"•••• """" -1-... llaak~ BILLMAN .l!fX D&AL&aa llewpwt lite Ill• _. N.,.,.rt-..., Jf..,..t ........ • 3 BR lra.rne. 211 E. Kna1t. ... ~temu • G I. R881P. 3 BR. ftftpJace. dou!)Je garap, feeced. tu• tem:w lfewpwt BMetl • 3 BR. ne.r Po.t Oft"lee and ~ dilt. .,...._tftml • 2 BR frame OD 2 lots, be&ch home. can add 3 ~ unH.a ····-· __ a• t~rms • 1 BR beach home on lt-2, furnished . --terma • Duplex. eanw ~ lnclome, home lc rent. tt~tenns • Offiet-BJdg.. 2 affla!s, on Nwpt. Bh"Cl til lenni • Also offiOL> bldg. on inYftl- tory basis . • Desk sp&Cf' for rent, Bal- boa office. • lncome Tax Service • I.EALToa M10 W ..... ·~· HA 1411 1101 W ..... 11;.4. HA JJO FOB LIMI1ED TIME ONLY! GE.'QSAL~C ... II I and .,...._.._ c u .... : 00f1'llll&ete price StM.95•, i.nclud- iDa inltalla tion. PIUCIC! 1 )'M.r's aupply of DIM- muter Sudl 11 you act NOW! • Norm•n indell•lion. No-Flo tnl•rlock l.JdO ID«tric Co. ~ 516 Coat lllglrway Newport a.dt ..._- • UALTOI • IUSINBS OflfiOITUNmi!S • RENTALS ...... IUJ c..t 1W.. C.... iW M1r FOB WMr Several 1-, 2-A I In lr:Dafta hcKmes and apta. 142.50 • up. You pay no oon•clllkln. PAUl C. JONES ....., Aee-r ~ W ...... IW. HA4w-JJii ............. J • Mr and Mrs. Charles Elliott. th M'' ~-ners of Cc»1t Super Mark~>t in Corona del Mar. an- nounct' a three-day Grand Open- In!~ ~~ration at their market. bfomJt held today, Friday and Sa- turday. Special features of the ev-ent, In adclltion to the barp.ins of· fert'd during the th~ days. are I the Rf'\/tng of free cake. coffee and Ice en-am and abo the prt"Sen- tation ol 25 big food baskets f~ in a un1ql.M! "Grocery cake • walk'' on Friday and Saturday. Mlssouri-bo.t'!\, Elliott has lived a lm011C. alJ of h1s 36 years in Or- an'te County, hu been In tht> pro- duce busin<'Ss fo r 15 years and I for 12 )e&r'S ~'N'd his own pro-War U u radar QPft'tltor .nt.b door market m Santa Ana He is u anli..atreraft UJUt. Hilt active a Na\·y \'eteran ol World War U duty •-as endl'd by a Rr'ioW acd- h.avintt sened in tht' port dl.rec-dmt juit altf'T 1M Banko of tbe · or'a offi<lf' on Guam lor a year 1 Sul~e •Mil his umt v. in Hoi- Mrs ElUott ht'ls-out at thfo l&nd H'! i no"' a Laruna r mark t. and Georgia tMrs. Frankl detlt. PbllliPI tS beck at Mt' ro~r job Kenny hu -..ork<'d in CJ"OOPries at the c::heock stand. for rune \ean including IIOmt' t.ame TIM! c::k!rk.s are Berl Lov~la.d) on BalbOa ~nd ~fore and alter and Kenny Arborn. ~oomeJ'S to thf' ""'ll'·' and comes Mt'e from the mark l but weU acqu.aln~ Santa Ana. H enli ted Ln the v.ith th Harbor Area. Bert has ~&\') 10 1940 and "t'n ·ed for llx been JO th grocery bustnea 16 )e&n~ m tb IJll'dlcal OOrJX. He waa Yt>an!. mo!lt of th llmf' with Safe-attached to a Manne pt~rachut V.'ll). he\'lnl." mana'ed numerous outht for a v.hil thMl Yoi th Ma- stort's i.n Southern· Cahfomul. He rine ralders. took part tn the is lln Army \ t ran. <'rving 19 bloody im 'ons of G\UidalcanaJ montru o\t•rs es durina Wotld and TaraY.'ll; lat r cr-.ro -.board OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of THE CITY Of NEWPORT lEACH hips. urvhPd tv.o hip mkins;s. He m;;.m eod a "iupt>ri r oH1Cff," a r\a\~ JlUI v.ho nov. a n~JJW a I C'ommunit~ H~pital m Santa Ana.· !be meat ck>partment at ~ Gupt-r M.arket. Buti<T Bros . as I ownEd by Gail ButiPr and 0 Jl. _____ .:._ _ _:_ ___________________ tBuzz• Busb) i the~ r Gail TIII_....J', ~wr I. IN l \'ot. t-So. n aho ov.n.s the Bull r Bros meat ==<iii'========================= departmt'nt a t Ma)1ie:d !arkct Yule Party at St. Andrews IR' Y AT T11.E CHECK STAND of Caa.t • apH llarkr t I• C.,....a *I Mar arf' t..., .... > 0\l,...,.., th.-rbr iH t )lloU4, ~·hn "'" hold- '-• "Pt ~ualatf'41" OPf'll hnutM-at th4" markt>t tfida~, f'rWa~· .. d a tuNia~·. 1 Foi!'Om photo 1 The Christ.ma.s party or w Wo-1 The program v.ill lndud sonJt5 men'a Fellowship of St. Andrt>ws b)' the Mo hel"Singers and a reed· Church "'ill be held Wednesday at ing of the Chri t.mu Stor) b)• Mrs. I t~ church. Rev. J ames S. Stew-Edgar Hill. Plana for the Christ· art, pastor. will instaJI t.M new ma Party were· ctiscus8ed at a -------~ offi~rs of the F ellowship, who are meeting or the n«Utive board last 'B 8 • ade' Mrs. Thad Samuels, president: week at the home of .Mrs. Paul ~oom Nf~g Mra. Webller Jones. vice-presi· Johnstone of Co&ta Mesa Plans 1 ' 'I 1r ~nt ; Mrs. Kenneth F owler. secre-were also ma~ for the family tary, and 'Mrs. Roger McCulloch, Cbri tmas part)' in St. Andrews Action (:S u ~ged ,,. .. u,.. loun•• on w "~nin• or o.e. 19 With a forc::eful tlpe&ker repre- senting the "Broom Brigatk'," the local unit of Pro America ended Its pro~m for 19151 on Friday, Nov. 23. Election of offlcers wiU be held Jl('Xt meeting, fourth Fri· day in January. ~ DK-embPr mct'tlng wiU be ~ b<'eause of the holidays. A short business met>t inlt wu held p~n~ tht' spet'ch b) Mrs. Frank Cowl'l.ll. State chairman of membership In Pro ArrK>rtca. The question of bondl for the elemen- tary 11chools wa dJIC'USI('d and appro\'~ because of the ~t ovet -ero"<k>d CadUtieos. Chairman Paige HaU Wed A candlewhlte satin go\\.n, made In simple lines. was aet orr with lln heirloom F rench mantilla as the veil at the wedding of Miss Patrida Bln:h <Palee Ham to Otarles Dreteber Cropwy jr., at thfo bride's Corooa del liar home, 600 Begonia Ave. on Saturday, Nov. 17. The bride canied a atnale white roee a.nd a satin bound prayer book from her mother's wedding. Better known in the Harbor a rea as Paige Hall. the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Florence Birch. Corona dt-1 Mar. and the late Thomas Birch, former mini ter to Portugal. Her groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cropsey of Rutherford, New Jersey. The young couple met at th~ American Institute Cor Foreign Affairs in Arizona. They will Uve in Palo Alto, where the groom is doing special work at Stanford Visit Us • AleM Baldwin Ehresman appoint· ed Mrs. Colin Brown as chairman of the nominating committ~. to be assisted by Mrs. Gertrude Car-! penter. Mrs. Georgt> Lewis and Mrs. J. A. Tay lor. "In 19."l2 we women of Amer- ica are going to ~ t ht.' broom as a ~!amorous symbol fnr nne or the most thorough and th m~t hoo- t-to-goodness. old-Ca. biont'd IO;O\ • ernmt'nt house cll'anin )OU C\er saw!" said Mrs. CoddU in t.ntro- d ucin:; her "Broom Bris;adc." H we "11nt to do an <'fff'Ctl\f.' job. h continued. we wUI ha\·e to put 1 our minds on thf' f~,~.ndaroe.ntal'l of I good govel'ftl'ttent ho\ls('keeplng. Mrs. Cowgill twllJtt'fted ~tt-t tlnsr rid ol the cobwebs of f~)' think- ing. s top ~~Wee pin~ t>rror · under the living room rug; get rid of rats and termites undermining the foundation of the government house ; sweep out th<' bureaucrats; clear the library of false propa- ganda and foreign Ideologies, tosa out books tba t are poisoning children's minds with ck-structive "isms," throw out cans of red her- ring in the pantry and ch<'Ck to see that the analysis content of other goods shows American con- stitutional principles, honesty and high moral standards and balanced budy,ets and tower taxes. The speaker suggested keeping the presidential brands of Eisen- hower, MacArthur, Taft and fa· voril~son pr eser\•es on the shelves in readiness for the County Fair opening in 0\icago next July. She urged tnembel'5 to enlist ev·ery woman who wants to clean house ln the "Broom Brigade" and con· eluded "Join us In . . . a clean sweep ln '52." • • e at our new location e We11 be open from I to I tlda Friday cmd Saturday .1 _,.,.----·--- in Costa Mesa rnanaf.'t'd b) Bro- ther ~ed. Both Gall and Bu.u ar World War n n•tel"alU> mak.lnP It 100 PE'f" cent for the en ~~ marke Gail sen·ed for 19 months In tM Padr1c. as an infantryman duri.Dc the ocmbat phase and v.i th a nu.ll· t.ary go\·~t unit in Japut during OCC'UP8tlon. Buzz WM a gunner on an Eighth Air Force bomber, wu 5hot down d\.lri.nc a raid over Nazi target& and was a prisoner-of-v.ar Cor a year Highlight the Holidays --at O'Bncn·~ t"BfZ SAMPLES of Cat cmd Dov Food Beld \'Nll"f' laee ... Mw...,. wiW!t rtlt- INMb ---arty~ dedm ................. , •r-H8 aad brif'f Jadtet of ~ MM* lllt- por1H llac>n. n'll • ......, ...... .. fat~ht•"ft matrn 7J nf'8.. "Headquarters for Sporting Goods Gifts" eN OOA8T BLVD. CORONA DI:L u.& IIA l!tl....r Welcome to our new neighbors, The CHARLES EUJ01iS, at the COAST SUPER ~ARni / .-......:~11'1 Kait Shoppe Ill L le.o. ., ..... lelboe, HA 017. W• ._.... M"• fo t ft"~CM! FUt SH£tl .~ IE£1-4 Vf Y •"" 4lc •n ,. & "P Y--'-'vet*~ -Fin-~ • .._... 10 •• ~ • c;.,.,,. To•• 1 • Ccu•••l • M.•dl Cu ~ • S.C.r•t'b I • Photo ,t.lo.,,.., • ~lo A!bu..,, • 5 'f •r Oier ~ l t.e Sails League 'Meets' Adopted Child nw A1'<>1 tnnC"t' LeaJ:Ut-I now acquaintMi \\Jih \'ay1a, the 10- ) ar-old Gl"t'(>k child v. hom the. 1 ha\'e a~ to adopt under the fo.tPr paN't'lt plan The-acql.l&lnt- ~~iiillliiliiili;i; ance " made by means of a pic-ture of t he a:J rl, and all members I of tll(> Lea.g atr~ that she and hrr family w re \\"ell worth to meet every Sewing and Budget Requ1rement KEW &< ' • .ED MAC'ID~'E8 -Kfopalr for All Make. - Treadles conYertecl to Elec:tri .... Portub~ ••• ., 1', --.... - 910-9 12 Coast BIYd. HArbor %~74~X Corona del Mar helping. The wel(are committPC reported that all agt>ncies are cooperating as last )'t-ar in the Oui.st.mas work to help needy fanulies. Anyone wishlng to donate toys that ~ l'l'pair, ao they can be put tn Christmas peckaget~, hould can Mrs. Rodt'riCk Burnham. lr'l IAIY ro GIVE Ar , IF ••• you. have sufficient funds aveilable. You will have, if you start a Christ- mas Club and make regular deposita in this bank throughout the year. There's a Chriatmal Club plu taere to fit your badaet· IOI•NOW Be IUTO tO mW ,.. d r&.e fll a ........ P.;in wat~ from -•'!1 P• -'. • • ti111e-be in 1tyle 1 hal • llpl. ........ \\Jtlt tht lttarl thal t~t~~W...... - We'D bold your C'holoe. eo come in now and ma.lte u1e of our con- #1--K' ,·enicnt Bud~t P bn. IN TOYTOWN at BALBOA HARDWARE for that y oung lady ... ... .... from • ... and ~(,!4 • -r\(~ ,-tl't t '~ l {. \~ f\ H ' (. 1\ l . ' ' I \ .... -,_ MECHANICAL TRAINS &om ....... S4SO ELECTRIC TRAINS &om • . • 11015 for a rough-and- tumble boy .. ... anda 8 ..... y ,...,. .............. ~-wttll lllltte -PIMtac hmllt are ~Jete -8tGry ...... ,..... ,.. 'pe, ...... y ..... .. dMoee ,...__ •c ~ nN" trudc wttll ele\....._. ...._. ---a hatky BMC ..,._.~--­ ~ 8ho,. Al-,h ............. ... _,. tt.ll:y _, n.a..a ..,._ , -.. ..... ... lllllltla tM ~ .. wUl w Rev. llilny White'• wrmon topic thla Sunday-811* S...clay at t h e Balboa &land Methodist ------------Church.. V«a WlUiama will sing "Jcsu Bambino" by Pietro Yon. NST CHUia4 Of 041tST ICIENnST JJOJ Yle LWe. .... ,... .... A brendl of Tlle Mott-Churdl, The fi11t Ourdl of Chrirl, Sd entitf, in lot ton, Mes .. d uneth. Suttdey Scllool --··-·--.. --t :t5 a..lft. Sulldey Service .... ··--·-·· ... 11 rOO e.m Wednesdey M'ling meeiinq .. 1:00 P·"' . lteedin9 Room loceted et I l l Pel,. • St., S.lboe, i• open d•iiY from 12 noo• to S p.m. e•c•pt Sulld•Y' •nd holidey· netionelly observed. The public is cordielly in\'ited to •• t•nd the church 1ervic•1 elld use the R••ding ltoom. T.B.BST ........ ALL ••• Call or drop in lor a n ap- poiatment this wedc ... i( yo. want to sive "the ~st 1ilt o( all" to those "'llo clc- eerve the best ... a ~ift tha t epuks for you tbrou~h all the year ... your portrait. NIIIOnR ... fOI DAD ... .. M WIIOU FAMilY OALL JfOW For Appelat:meat hatbor photo lab Ho-rd Fokotft, flhoto9feptler 117'h Coest IIYCI., c-. 41el Mer HArt-ltii-W 000 IR CllFA'I'Oa • '!'No practical slgn.iflca~ of the fll<'t that God Is the only CtlUSt' and <'reator will be coMidt'red In tht-Sunday ,)~son-sermon at the N<-v.'J)Ort Hllrbor Chul'ch of Christ , Scat'ntist, at tht> entranct-to U do lslt>. Tbt' tt'xt Is "In the bt'glnning God created the heaven and tht> <>art h" (Gene.-Is 1:1 >. • • • t 'SU'DC!i',\L RIBLt: MARBATH Unh·ersal Rible ~bhath will b(' To Hold Pa.-..'\.1 o <'rvf"d at 11 a. m. Saturday at r &. J tht> Se' Pnt h. Day f\ d·" c n t is t I Mrs. Raymond K. lla n •ey, 316 C'hurch, N('wpor-t Hctghts. ~ f~ Poppy Av~ .. Corona d 1 Mar. v.111 salt> will ~ held ~Y the.> .;;enaor enter tam mt'mbel"S of the Church Dorct1s Socat-ty bt'gmninR at 10 a. School Guild for their annual m. next Thursday on Nt-Y.port Christmas party at 7 :30 p. m nh·d .. south of Broadway, Co. ta Monday at her home . Each m t"m· Mesa. • • • tx>r is asked to bring a dollar's {'KO.DRE S BRING GIFTS For tht" nc:lft two Sundays th(' chlldl"f'n of St. Jam s Episcopal Church, N c w p ort, v.ill bring C'"hrlt~tma pre ents for the Navy Fnmilv Chapel Sunday School In Long ·Beach. Thes<' pr<'. ents will !)(' 5:in•n to th(' childnon or enlisted m<'n at thP Chapel's snnual party. • • • ~TAR OF BETJnAF.ID:M "Na\igating B> the Star or BNhiPhem" v..111 bt' the.> subject ot the S unday e\·ening pray<'r m('('l· lng at 7 :30 p. m. at thf' First Bap- tist Church of Newport. . BiblP rc.'ading m('('tings are at i :l5 p.m. Wf"dnesday. Them£> thls month is ''The Way Out of,.tht> Dark." Dr. h an c. Ellis ls minist«>r or th<> church. which me<>ts at 1 !lt h and Court. • • • {iOD' ~TEWAilD!olmP ~nd In a seri<'s of €'rmo n. on "God's SteY.ar& hip." t>ntitlPd "Ht> Ga,·e th<' Law" will bt' d<'li\ • f'J'('d Sundny by R<'v. Pout Edward Babbil1 at ttM-Corona del Mat· Commumlv hurc•h. AnthPm at th<' !):4:l ·a . m . S<'r\1<'<' '"'II h<' "While ~ht'ph<>rds W atch<'<! T h<'ir ShCf'p" by J ungst-D i c k i n son. Bach' "Break Forth. 0 &autrou'> Ht>awnly Li,::ht'' v.ill tX' "un~ at ll ll. m. Christmas Food Sale Tomorrow A Olrist.mas (ood sal<' will b<' h<'ld by C.piJla Cil'Cic.> of the Co- rona del Mar Communit) Church st 332 Mar igold Av('. tomorrow (Friday) beginning &t 11 a . m. Fruit cake, Cllndy, jams and ~l­ Ues and cookt>d f~ and hand- mad<' gifts will be 8\'BIIahlc. Mr . Pa ul Moore is chairman (lr the food sale. Sht> i aRsistf'd b~ Mrs. WE'ndc.>ll Hoyt, M l"'\. Gron:<' Davi('s and Mrs. Flo~ d Rut' II. worth or gifts to be sen t to th Navajo Indians in Arizona. M r · Richard Schweitzer a nd Mrs. Har- old Benedict are co-holtH&eS. ~at58Atuo In three EAU de COLOGNE ond ROY ALIRIAR LOTION by ....... lT , I . t-• at ~o. OOIIPLETE BOIIIZ n:JilNI8BINO BEacon 5656 C hc o se These Lmgene Lo velles for the U l t 1m ate n Femmme Appeal! .. Sty l ed There s such a charming J,rirt-", <' air. about our lo,·t>l~ J::owns .. with tact- touch('.... misty c o 1 o r s. and .. ,ond rfully flattering st~lE' ! from 495 to lfi.QI SLIPS lr Ball Sli,s With or W"dhout Lace Trim JfStofP Nyloa Paaties Complete Size & Color llcmqe Fln.t. Q..atty ~ ATKINSON$ IYLOI BOSE lzes-from 3"to 1r I f , .. Two tangy, refreshin« English Colognes. of- fE-ring men or taste th<' ultimate In satls(&ction. Ideal for use after bath or a fter shaving. 51 GAl'GE -15 DE.'"IER AU Shades and Size-s Boxof J lor J95 A LOVELY CHRISTMAS I OlE TO COMPI.EI'E HER CHRISTMAS ~ Sekdha el fH7I8 u4 Colors Priced from II'S .. .? lrg. pkg. TH&"E !i\MILL'IO MEMBERS of tiH-Cout !\uiM'r Market staff ,_"'JI l lt'ft an tJwo ...,_, .,...,....., llr .... Mrs. C1t111'1N Jl.2 ,_ ... konw u. .. pablle to tW -.~y G,.... OpeiWic ~Uoa at wiU. thMn hf'rt' a,.-tlwlr ...a.ta•ts, K t>IUI \' ~ tiM n.rket ---..._,., Friday ... ~tarday. Tlae eoaplt' at t he a ad (e>'lln'm 4" rl~ht) lk-r1 ~-.-lady. .., t>kg. doz. pkg. pkg. 1000 CALLO J No. 2 cans LUER'S Quality LUER'S EASTERN CORNFED PORK OIOPS •IOASIS LUER"S MERIT CEIIJ) JIKG. ~ ~SkVa- • ARDEN ~·--- Grade AA FARM FRESH· Fruits & Vegetables l.f:EK, OYSTER · PLANT. CELERY ROOT. WA1ERCRESS cmd aU IYJW GIEEN VEG£TAIID e e e .......... lloun: lloa.-8at.lto7:-.lto8 MR. AND MRS. CHARLES EIJJOn', the new owners, invite the ENTIRE COMMUNITY to this GRAND OPENING CELEBRAnON at ClOISI * Z5 BIG FOOD BASIETS FlEE Friday and Saturday * IWEE CIIE SERVED ! ! DURKfEE'S Fine Foods DURKEE'S Grade AA •• ZJL DURKEE Fresh Egg 601 Coast BlYd. Corona dt>l liar * FREE COFTEE to all visitors * FREE ICE CREAM * SAMPLES of Andree Fr.DCh Dre h'9 ROMEO l JULIET FRENCH DRESSIMC ~~ 8 oz ..... ._ EACH ... I C ~PURE I'EANUT IUTTtll ---~230Z 49t POTATO CHiftS ._It Akar GUilds Hold Meeting ~ --ot the Altar DIDer Palrter ..... JlrL E4p.r =ot-o:::c::'St.a:: ~~ ----....... ------~,1 ~ 0.11@1 Oft Balboa la1and (/tt. wu beld J'Nt,ft'day at 1230 p.m. ·--·····~· at the PuWt Hall, 1441 W. Balboa IIIII ,.. aa.d.. N.wport. The mM't1nc aho ~..,.:. ~:n-u:= (/,_,p, .. I'I'.Weta WednNday mornings. 'l1le two altar cuUdl "-orkM to-pthfto to lift'\'~ a ham dinner at the ParWt Ji.all on Sunday an~­ noon. Oommlttees who \\"Ol'ked on tbe dlanrr included Mrs. IA<ln- ard Perrua.i, Balboa; Mrs. Nlcbo- Ju Bftttnl'r, Bay S~res; Mra. P . F. F~. Newport; Mrs. Fred R. Jacobe, Newport; Mrs. Andre I>urocfwr, Newport; Mrs. 'Theo RobUw, Newport Heights; Mrs. Colin Brown. Bay Shores: Mrs. Everyone agrees tba t c.uhlne1'8 make the lo\'t"Uest of ptts fOI' HER this Christmas. To Kf,·e one is a token or esteem . . . to <*n one, the rutrtllmerlt of ~\'t'r)' rem- lnlne dr:eam. Choose a ahort- sJecved cardigan at O'BRIEN'S from a wide aeJecUon ol colors - - -or course they are rna~ of the fi~t imported cu~ •ith band-fashioned details ln a range or prices! LIGAL NoTta WOftCE OF BE.UL~G Notice Is ~by gi\'l'n that the Planning Commission of the a ty ol Newport Beach "ill hold a pub- lic baring on the appUcatloa of S. F. Famy and W. J . Barry for a variance on Lot 4, Block 22L ~ "A" (207 21st St .. New- port BMch) for relief !ram the strict apptica Uon of Sect:loa 9105..5 (a) ol Ord.inan~ ~o. 635. Nodce Is hereby further given that l8id pubiJc hearing wiU be held on the 20th day of ~mber at Ute hour of 7:30 P . M. in the Coundl Chambers of the Qty Hall. Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and aU ~ intt>res~ed may appear and be heard t~n. RAY COPELIN, Secretary NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COJOIISSION u ... ,. u.e .. perffd ....... for th PJ little ..... ,. .... or broea*, \'th·et .......... t add tlllat e.stra +I e r .. h:aiPPJ' ...... , I " & U S..ta CAa MUiwJar tW It .lui maAle at O"B&IEN' (we .,_, hf' .... NI!CIIt M\'e.* ... I K" ~re 1ut ,...,.) -- -.. ,...,., IF o a. ........ I 1(, 1ft laMw ~·· laeaN tile Prill ~ for ~ .... .., party llap. or course if the old man wanu to be really practical he wUJ probably pick out one of ~ good looking calf leather hand- bags . . • the ''bucket" bag as shown in Vogue ... or one or those very exclush·e French im- ports, the ''DoC an" h a n db a g s which are even interlined with the most beautiful calfskin. Santa could also select the glov'C that /ji~~~~!i!!i!'!i!i!~!!!iJ!!iii goes \\ith the bag. MALONE H. HOLMES Toa woa•t ~ •• lll'..ed &r.-a .. • I..,SUlANCl .-nl to follow ,... .,.._. ~ "' wlllea you •'HI' ~ ef ~ .ew at the John Vogel Co. ~~ry fNal O'BIU£.~' • IMit 1101 C..tt N ., eon-d.! WM, you ..W feel ud looll like • ladJ of laxary ~aw t iM'! ....._ ......_ ,._.: HA 1741 .,. 14n lated •to.e. Ia u.e.e ww eee.- lnl.aru ...._: HAtt.er MM-W bmw ple.u8 art" ..t of tills Lee Shipley OaJOINALS Custom and Ready Made Plastic Acceuories lnlant., 001et, Kitchel. Bath lltl c.ut mri, ODM •·orld Ia t"l~. If )OU ._.t •-.at to b«" d.rtpplq Ia rWIH-- ~ a Ia ~ till§ IIMMII. yo. may ftad a ~ •we ~. pia, ~t or eer- rtlap .et ..ttlla f'ftll t'tllt4lr'H . pearh, or,..,.... faac:y -Y .....uu, 'tile batrk:at~ ........ ...... ··ertt .. ~ ....... ~ « .... pWees. Tta 8aalta tMt tllh h !'HE par -'""' JewdaJ ~­r:a-.e .. ..., ..... ,"' teo .... ,.,. • aJI'I'ftlt fe¢111L And don't f~t <YBRIEN"S Is new headquarters for thoee "tuck- In" gifts. Everything !rom 25c up! Brighten your packalft with tiny Christmas sacheta ... send a "little remembranc:e" in the form of a perfumed handlcerehlef folder filled with one of a variety of N!'W 1~-~~-iiiiiiiiii== handkerchiefs. 1 ATTN.: The De-cember handlcercblef of the mCII'Ith Js here!) C\.!Jnmerbund.s, plain and fancy scarfs. purse-size siJent but- lers are all bright new Ideal to fill your gift list. Come tee 'em all! --- I ~ Best w ish:es cmd OF TO OUR NEW NEIGHIOR THE • . I '• 1 We11 ....-the lttle Jlliece ot the fCiftiM!I' Beth ~ rt .. lwor ..... alloat ~ 7 Cl llelaft lhe ...... too .... • .... really .......... ... u.e OPiftDOIU' wbeD the OnJiee Co~ lillrariaD became tbe lnle ol SodaJ ~ Prof~ Giles T. Brown on Nov. 21 at <>ranee Cout Co~ Olaprl. MUDA -.Ale The ~ cbUd. hoaeua. i~~~~~~!~~~~~~~S~~~~~ didn't spoil the bride's ra~ 1be lee blue net~"t'r-taffeta I'OWft complimented the colortn1t of tbe titian hal'" daughte-r of Kr. and Mrs. C. B. Comer of Gudl!n Gro\-e.. 'Jbe groom's father. Dr'. A. Wat- 800 ~n. putor emeritus ol tbe First Ba.,u.t OlUrch ol National Oty, per(OI"med the double ring OPI"'ftDDOlY bdore a floral altar of whit~ iln4 ~ O")'UIItbmnam&.. Mrs. Kenneth Boe1:tcber; wife of professor of mwic at t.be ronece. san~ ~wal wlectionL 'I'be ne¥.-ly- weds are living in Colta Mesa. • * • It's Ia ter than )'OU think! Artist Burt Procter of Corona ~I .Mar wu "'-orklng"' on designs for his '52 Christmas cards ---s'po&ed to 1 ha\·~ 'em done by Dec. L By way of tJrind..,, the ~ I close to ~. the pri\-ate ~­ lous boarding school and orphan- age in A.naheim, under fire by the authorities, wu the ~piel)t of many of the refurbished Harbor area toys re-done by our philan- thropic IJdo hie matrons Jut Christmas. • • • We s~ Winni~ Martin CMrs. E. C.) ls working up a good ap- ()l'tite for <luUtmas while she is \'8CB tioning in the east -- -\\ i th all the mow and rtuff. Cmrgrattdatiom • 1 ! :-. and LOTS OF , to the G e Deral Co D t\actor ~ltt1 of the .. SELF -SERVICE NURSERY OPEN HOUSE will be held from 9 a .m. to 9 p .m. on Saturday and Sunday. You are invited to visit our beautiful modem nursery and greenhouse. • • • JOE LI1TLEFIELD •.• radio and TV commenta- tor, will be at Garden Center from 11 a .m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, sponsored by Red Star Fertilizer. MIRAMDY ••• noted radio personality, will be here from 1 to 5 S u n day, representing Bandini Fertilizer Co. IEERE&INENTI IERYm 10TH DAYS • JOE ELUS, Owner 915 DEL liAR • ... • •• OD .... Wcmd NOW OI'Eif AIL Y&&a • • • _... m me•' e1 ~ ... ....._ r n atM '• • • mw ....r. t.r 4MB' ~ bW ......... t.ot ...... t. ... ~. Hours: 7 ::to a.. m. -9 p. m. ---Closed Mondays Order our delicious ALICE OWEN pies and cakes for holiday parties President Helen Stockton lnl- tiat~ alJr new ~into the Zonta Oub at the resula.r meetinc last Thureday e''eNnl at the home of Mrs. Marie Howes, in Costa Mesa. 1lle new members are MarJorit-I Crumley, Hilda BriJcoe and LU- cille Angell of Balboa Island, Myrtle Sode}.'berc of Newport Heigh ts. Hazel Ray or Corona del Mar and Billie Thronson of Costa Mesa. Ruth Ban:ume of Corona I del Mar. n Zonta membsr of North I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HoUywood. bas t:ran ferrod her 1 membet•a.hip. Cu sts at the mC'et- lnij wcr" ~rs El ie Van Ettlc:ch and h<'l dauf"ht< r. Rae \'an Et- FINE CANDY We have just received a full line of B um's candy in Christ- mas packages. DOT & BOB 310 Marine Balboa Jakmd ~lldoas home-made caadr W e WUI mall caady to aar 11.ddffu -e\·en uvel'M'u. The Islanders gifts 214 Marine Ave. Balboa Island will be open every evening except Sunday, from Friday, • December 7th, until Christ- mas. Open Sunday1 until 5 p. m. 'WMtwood O.m;, CreM's Fine Writint Pe~. c.rt-~• ''"ports tisch of U>rona dt>l ~tar Trl'a url'r Pr ~zy RP.ulf>rt r••- portl'd that tht.' ·cumi nnmml Z1. Ilia C m 'll wac: a h\11'!4 ' !iUv ('i'' ;\1ifdt•,} ~t.ani•'Y. Btanchn llenz ;mel J I 7el Dell \\ • re • J.!l' t:n pti.fc f 1 t llin thP mo t tkkd . ~Jx>Uk• r tor th .. C'\r.ning "1 16- ) l'ar-old Chri ta Wilmllntl . a C~ r- man L~d '' hn 1 a11 ·ndin..: '\;('\\• om t lias hor Hi •h ~chool ~h ''a" flO(' of lhl" IOU \\ illhl'l'S in the · Fr••cdom" • ~·· \' r.ontr•l "Pflll· '>Ot• d b' t hl• fo'r l'dom~ Fo..mrta- 1ion or 'van,.,. l'clrl!t'. Pa. ·hC' is r~mamin .. I · 1£ a 'l .-:u• 't ol Mr. and ~lr K~'nn<' h Well" of .Ccr rona dt'l ~lrir to complct Iter cn- aor )Cal ·'' Harbor Hi~h. ~tr. \\'ell!: h pr.•-.id,nl r,f Fac•t·dom , Foundatl••~• , nd rw•t Christ in (~ •man\ \\ht•n lht• ~'l;ntt's• " " l>•ing jud~P<I l'G"L NOTIC' XOTIC'E Ot' ID;.\RI WI :\otiC(' is hE'r<·by ~1\en that the , Planning CCimmi' ion of the City of N wport &>ach ''all hold a pub- he hl"anng on thl' npplication of R. L Ward for a <>tback 'arlanCf' on the southwru.t side of Lot 2, Block 13R. Raver '4-ction r202 39th Strt'et. ="ewporl Ik'aehl 10 ac- cotdance with g('('tion 91061 of Ordtnan('(' :\ o 63-'l. ~otice is hel'('by further gh•en that said public heanng will bP held on lhe 20th day or December at the hour of 7 :30 P . M. In the Council Chambea-s of the CHy Hall. J'ewport Beach, California, at which time and plaN' any and all pPrsons interested may appear 1 and be heard thereon. RAY COPEL.L"l. Sf:-crf'tary NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COl\BUSSJON l"'C#AL NoTte' S OTICE OF HEARL'IG Notice ls hereby gi\·en that the I Plannirig Commlf;sion of the City or Newport Beach will hold a pub- lic ht>arin~t (In the application or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the City of Newport Beacb for a ,etback \anan~ on the south\\CSt I sid~ of Lot 23, Block 138. River &ction t203 38th Strt.'<"tl Xt>wport I Beach. in aC<'oru.ance \\ilh S~tion 9106.1 of Ordinance No. 635. - ro AIDIND • JJI01Q Dr. Helen ...... ol o.ta Meta and Balboa Island Is attad- inc cliDical INSionl ot the Amfr1- can Mf!dical Assn. In Los ADgeJes ttu. ~- 1 .1 w . ft. Moster and Bod and Reel Shop !10 M_\.RJ~~ BALBOA l8LASD ............. ...... W.\TCRES Hs•thc-• •o'• -'" "'0~,.. •. 00 .. , ..... brctc •• , .. ,, .• ,,.,.,c!re~" Col4 I I ell 17 Jo• ro S Y fTI Ov spec•o'ize:f wa•ch set· vice is a do:~b:e auv once o' cor.-pl~•e sctidoction. O lher longines-Witfnouet watches os low a s $37 .SO. w.d.jotm.on J-* 211 MAliN£ AVE. IAL.IOA ISLAND, CALIF. H~ 1640 A UT H 0 ~I I ED AGENCY FOR LON61NE.S -WITTNA.UEa WATCHB -CAMERA GIFTS lor Chriatmca! Brownie Ha wkE')--e Flash Ount>ra Dua.ne' n Camera Pory 828 Camera Pom· 135 C~UT.er& Polaroid Land Camera. lfT5 n p to prmt m 611 seconds -de\Piops 1t own pkt\lN'S. !>fan)• Gift for ttx-Camera Fan fw 11.00 , nslllatt8e a.n.o. ...... ll.&.r'-~- ... Notice is hereby further ~th:en 1 that sald public bearing will be held on the 20th day of December 1 at the hour of 7·30 P .M. in tht> ~iiiiiiitii;j .. it'iii'eiiiiiiii·----~~~~~-~~~·-Council Ch:tmbers of the City Books fm-Christmas gi"iq iT HAS BEEN WRiffiEN "A gif1 of booh. lt \e the Christmas star il'llf, rodiotes in oil directions: It shines upon the recei\'er. imp y "q the compliment thot he lilies to reed ; it shines upon the give• wermly reflecting his good judgment ond taste ''There is no such thi ng as rece1v1ng too ""'"Y booh· tho more o mo" hes, the more he we nh· end es a mon's library grows so he grows in aoodness e ~d s•oture " Among 01-r c;uffent best-sellers: "Closing the R•ng . Winston Churchill: "The Greatest Book Ever Wrllon , F-ulton Oursler's •tory of the Old Testament; Life's "Pic· ture History of Western Men"; end emot'lg t"e popular current novels, "The Coin• Mutiny", by Herman Wouk: "The End of the Aff3ir", by Grahom Greer:e· The Iron Mistress", by Peul I. Williams: end "Melville Goodwin. USA", by John P. Merquet'ld. You'll find them in our ler9• booh de· portment et the reer of the store. Hall. NE'wport 134>ach, California, at which time and place any and aU persons interested ma:, appear and be heard th reon. RAY COPELIN. PCretary ="E\VPoRT BEACH PLA..'-:NINC COMMISSION TIME~ ~·\ ~~s't\ ONLY z WEEKS ro ... GHIISTIIS . . .. There Ia Still Time U You Hurry Hand-woven Stoles Christmas Stockings Sox Evening Blouses Evening Bag_s and Gloves GiYe Him a SPO 'IIG . . Fine Glcaa rwhing Rods from Bowling Bags &om . WILSON and SPALDING Golf and TeDD.is Equipment ' Archery seta lrom • . • •• 14.:25 VOlT FootbaUa &om ••.• 11.50 BCDketbctlls from . . . . • • 14.15 H .. dquerten for Jones Knit lettermen 'S.,..eteN For Beauty Aub A Complete Line of ...uu . , . ' ' • , .. ,... .. . ------ A fOI'III« HartJor Blab craduate, liMa Shirley Darleae Merrill, .... married SUDdQr. Nov. t. at St. C'lemellta EP'8f.l011le.) Onii'Ch in Honolulu. lfawaii. She is the daughter or Mr. and llrl. Georte E. )(eniD fl. Honolulu, who left their boiDP at 614 Na.rdu• Aw .• Corona *I Mar. teYen.1 months ago to make their home in HawaU. Shirley "'' llliUTied to W . A. Corley Jr., MIIJ af Mr. and Mra. w. A. Corley of DaUu. Tsu. She for the pre-school wore a white atin ROM' of street t t length with a lace bodl~ a nd car- 0 · ri~ whl te orchids on a pra~ • t .. .,..ort.tiott. book. 440 ~ Ave. HA 1091 -l HtT only attendant, Mrs. Homer coaONA DEl MAl Humphries, wu dressed In a blue ·~==W:";:J:'=·~H=e,..O.=: .. ;:o:·recii:it«~~' organcly gown with a white orchid 'I co~ . ...S Mrs . .Merrill also had Let us keep your clothes WELL-PRESSED! whitt> ordlida to adorn her cocoa brown clrea and matching accs- sortes. Mr. Humphries stood up for the I(TOOm. Reception followed at the Me:rrill home. After a honeymoon on Cocoanut Island. off the eoast of Oahu, the young people are at home at Wai- kiki, Honolulu. While at Harbor. the new Mr&. Corley belonged to Taffy, MBA and KTN cluba. The gt'OOlll .... p-aiuated from hilh ldlool in :o.Das. and a t t ~ n d ~ d Texas Ted\. An aunt of the bride. Mrs. W . B. V errill, livea at 425 Ordlid Ave., Corona clel Mar. Lut summer Gloria Lohman o( Balboa \-isit~ the Kenills in Hawaii. GIPT8 FOil B08PITAL8 Mrs. La Tour Vaught, Senior Dorcas leader, announces that during December boola will be mack> and toys renovated for child- ren in the oo.pitala. Fourteen fa.rnilies ~-ere made happy by the 11\anlogMng baskets which w~re made up by the women or the Reception Held For New Members A reception for new members will be held Dec. 18 by Lu AmJ- ga.s Circle of the WSCS of Olrilt Church by the Sea in Newport at the home of Mrs. Tom Pendell, 1565 Ocean Blvd.. Balboa. The November meeting was at the home-of Mrs. Mary Stanle)•, 1629 W. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa. Mrs. Kenneth Farnsworth gave the de\'Otiooals. ~'0 projects for this month arc the decorations for the church during December and the collection of warm clothing for the Indiana. church. ---· SPfX:IAL! 15-lillld Ciidi!MAS !I&: SET ... An eii'Cielellt ,.._ tt..t .,.. can -ye•r 1fter .... -~'· bch lite.t bums iftdepenct ... tty so whole stmtg .1-not go out. Ul Approved. Sunhemn Sllaw81Ddiii1ter Here's the Electric rnor thet fits your fece AND yevt helld. Ler90 "-4 es-sures speedy sheves.lotery 1110t.f. Pt1stic or leether use SIIECIAL! NoD-Elecbic ~!!,M o~~~ in ~ 6 I" minute~ No ,.._.;119, no bttmit~t ....... tif11ny styles in chforne, rnMwrint arp ind..ted . ~~.,,.1195 be1ring. 12-inch frOftt wttnl, 1-· inch rubber tires. Welt constructed ... 1 cle· r.,ttt for eny child. WISS Pinking Shear, ... Th• fined n•rne in ~ 1t • ' •-prict you c•n .. ,ay .ffot-d. Ariel w• don't mean m•rbe """" -sey dte'll be erlr• ple1secl you 91ft her +'tis. SPECIAL! Water PiMl The 9"" th.t 9ives • lot of fvn. 110 shots witt! otte fiHitlt• flrecil. iott me.l•. ell perts IIOfl r..ti119. s,t.cielty P'f'CNM4, ..lh for only He. Bec)iDDen' lloDK !~tate. 2'' Mede of colcl-rohcl st.el for rlren,tfl. L..ether mep~. SPECIAL! Steak KDile Set •It Gt..miflt h~ .. •"''-st.el ~­ W.des .;ttl een-.W ....... Ow-•'* plntic .......... ....,... to fit .... hencl. Svn ..... emMbmw ki The perfect mell}'--9ift, ... vorite of housewlftt f-~"· Hes "Mi.rn..ler'' 41111, ... .....& '-'! eott+rol. j11icor enct rneny oft~« '""-'· S.. it G-E Automatic TOCMta' ... Gifts you crisp, ,.w ... ton+ j..t Aa .. - the WIY you WIM it. Set COIItNh ottce 1nd foftot it. K"f" ton+ .. rm. Owome fi"ished. --------------~ llc-lt.ll .. 1 ... .,..TO 1r ........ 1 ... I"T06• ...IUI .. IUI rro lr ..... 'l"'llleret ........ Jmpoded wooa.. Reg. 85.00 ••••• 6400 Reg . 100.00 .•••. J400 Reg. 115.00 ••••• 1f10 .. ......... rAND r ...... INIT ........ u.u 2.,. r . TO ... ...... lUI s·TO 1r PIIBJ ra.. ... r It" ··--.. ·-·-····-· ..... .C.. , ., " ..._ _ __. .. 29.!50 , ____ • 39.SO .......... 39., a95 47.!50 --··· 59.50 et Grellt'a 48.75 39.75 .9.50 24.50 23.95 24." .. &n.f'• 19.50 , .. 38..50 20.00 29..50 39.50 59.75 •• &ftllf'• 12.75 SNIPE SAILBOAT, slightly used. P:AINTING EadiMIIiD m......._.-.-o..• .. INCLUDING HOT ENTitEE, SOUP DESSERT •nd BEVERAGE • Petite Smarg -honl ... INCLUDES SOUP, DESSERT BEVERAGE. • SPECIAl 'LATE OINNYS • RESERVATIONS f~· PARTIES • CATERING • • • • o,." 4ely: I .. t ,_ ""' • s-.ley: 1:10 .. 1:)0 p. ""' • a-4 W.4......, Miller J ewelry Co. i.l offering this big money saW.. value u a s~al get-acquainted ctsl. Any recular watdl rr.t 1 ~wets up to 21 jewels. v.ill ~ tboroucttJy e1eened and oiled. for $2.50. with a full one year Vo'Titten guarantee . . TaiiDt advantatr<' or this money sa,·ing ,·aJue at once. I. IIIII & a but needs paJnt. Excel. sails. ...--~-~~s:!•~llft!!!41:!!,.'~-­$250 inc. sand dolly. HA 623-W. MERCURY '4.9 Club Cpe., all ex-Help Wcaded tru. Excel. oond. for lmmed.. -----------=""sa~le=·-=HAr'=""bo-'::::-:-r-=-0'781=-_·R_. :A~-:::.-:--. SALESMEN: We have opportun· fiOAT FOR SALE -19' Patrol ity for aa1eanen wbo are inter- boat ''Paddy", Gray 4-52 engine, estt!d in WORKING and abo i.n towing bitta. For inspection see ~ 0~-~0~;:>~ 1 ,.,, s. .... Harbor Mutf!r, Balbc:Ml. ~· and women. Udo Electrlc Co .. 516 Coast Hwy., Newport Bch. LAGUNA NICE Corona ~l Mar 2-Wnn. halne, double garace. On one of COM's best streets. ft RIM Only ••.-v down. Balance like rent CORNER DUPLEX-CD .M. Nar stores and market&. l.Dcome ~ =~~~~ .. ~ .. :~.:__ ..... -... -....... "- VERY DESIRABLE 3--bedroom home on good strc~ ~ ~~ ~~--~-~:.-~~~· .•.... Only a.• dOWil OWNJ;R'S BUSINESS takes him ellewhere. Will •crifice 2· ~~r~~ .. ~-~ .. ~· ..... $7.ZSO::! .... IIA.rtt« 18ft ~ ... c.-..... o.....ftl..,. it"a the Jim and Judy Shop known for value quality . . . selection -*-· Cbristmaa Gi.mg Made Eay .. e FOI' Girlla e b Joys • b ,_ labiea A FEW SUGGESTIONS e e e Boys' Cord or Twill Jackt'ts '4" • '5" Pants to ']18 by H I-Line, 3 to 7 ... ... .... .... Match "Betty Brooks" '1 '7t Flannel •1• Colorful Flannel Slacks ___ ............ .. .... . .... Skirts .. . BEAUti#CL S~ON OF * GaS" LINGERIE * ......._ N.-e. at~ Prtcee AMNIVEIISARY SPECIAL lafallta 0..... • ... ..... nc __...,. tie ....... -... __ ....... ..... .. ........... ...... . .......... NOW "IIU8iW -OWN" •1• • •1• ~ ..... -............................ .. ...... ...... ::~'e ........ -. '1" Sale CoDtiJnaiD9 Oil Dr•••• Sizes to 14 Jim and ·Judy Simp "' The DAVIS-BROWN Co. YOUR LOCAL PHILCO --DUMONT & WESTINGHOUSE APPLI ANCE DEALER Invite You to their OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY and FRIDAY DECEMBER 7th and 8th FREE DRAWINGS GRAND PRIZES GIVEN AWAY Table Radio -W affle Iron -Toaster -Iron -M 1xer -etc. NOTHING TO BUY1 REFRESHMENTS W 1ll Be Served W e have enlarged cur showroom ar.d serv1ce department c :ake care-o· 'he grm'.'lng needs of our Newpcr~ Harbor Commu mty COME SEE OUR COMPLETELY REMODELED STORE You Are 'Welcome . . ON Roors s.sh Sh .. t Met.l He•ting Masonry Roofing P•intint . ... .. . . . . . ..... M.ARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals BA Ul8 .,.. c.nauoa O......llellfar LMD .. - 50/0-20-YEAR LOAN eoa.traettoa Loeaa 5 -sy,~ en ,...> We buy and aeU Trust Deeds. SD BOB SATTI..Dl Repreeentin& ............... ttta o.ut ..... oo• ft. RA 1m-1-m 1o1111 FIRST ' -~~ II' ' I I l" fl' I I I ' . I LIGAL MOna NOTICE INVITING 11108 Notlee b ~ Oh-m that sealed blclt will be received at the office of the City Qerk, City Hall, City or Newport Beech. until 7:30 o'clock P. M .• on the lOth day of I>e<:ember, 1951, for furnishing the foUcw.in&,: 300 lineal feet-8 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe 2000 llne.l feet-12 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe 100 linNl fc.-et-18 inch Corrugated Metal Pipe No bid wUI be received unless It is made on a proposal fonn fur- l nished by the City Engineer. Special attention or proiJ)eCt.ive bidders is called to "Conditions" annt>xed to trn.-blank form of pro- posal for full dire<:tions as to bid· ding. The City of Ne"'-port Beech re-serves the right to ~je<:t any or all bids. to waive any informality ·in bids or to accept any item tn the bid. C. K. PRIEST City Clerk Dated: 11127. 1951 I Publish : Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 1951 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. ~ greatest ~'Mr in the city's building hlatory is now on Ita last lap, already about a quarter mll- lfon dollars over the previous re· cord ~ear and reachinc for the goal or nlhe million dollara. Some $85.000 pennlta were is· sued during the doting days or November to bring the month's to- tal to W1.161. lowest of all monthly totals during the year but t>noueh to bring the reoord up to $8.~2,702 as of the end or the month. During the first ff'W days of [)ecembcr another $35,000 \Y&S addH to the record. Following permits were issued during the last few days of No- ,·ember and the first days of this month : Newport H.tpta R. F . DeWeese, 519 36th St .. 6- room, 1-story, 1-unit dwelllng at 510 Riverside, $13.000. J . A. ~ w~. builder. N'OTIOE OF IIEA&ING Mrs. Lucy R. Felt, Casta Ml"l&, I NoUoe is hereby given tNt the 4-room . 1-story, 1-unit dwelllng at CitY Council of the City of New-418 Tustin, $9,500. Henry Hof· port Beach, In accordance with mann jr., builder. Section 9106.54 (a) of the Munlcl-Richard Matheny. Co ta Mesa. pal Code of t he City of Newport 6-room. 1-stoty, 1-unit dwelling Beach. will hold a hearing on the a t 401 Fullerton, $12.500. Owner following proposed amendment to builder. the ZonJng Law of the City of Lura Holcombe, alterations at Newport Beach: j 328 El Modena, $350. the application of ct>rtain pro-BalM~~ perty owners t o rezone the Cecil Powell. 2129 E. Balboa following described property Blvd.. 6-room. 1-story. 1-unlt from R-1 to R-2: dwt-lllng a t 406 Bel Vue Lane, $13.- NElv 10' of Lot 13. and Lot 15. 000. Max Pope, buildt>r. Block 138. Corona del Mar lJclo M f' NEiy 10' of Lot 25, and Lot C len Stater. 8-room. l·story. Z7, Block 138, Corona del Mar 1-unlt dweiUng at 926 Via Ll~ 1 Lots 12. 20. 22 and 24. Block Nord. S...'lO.OOO. Georgt> Hol~tem 139 Corona del Mar. & Son . builders. I Not lct> Is hert'by further ¢ven I Nat S«.'al, enclost' porch and I tha t said hearing will be held on patio at 224 Via Lido Nord. 82.000. the l Oth day of I:>ect>mber, 1951. Balboa 18l:tnc1 1 at the hour or 7 :30 P. M. in the G A. MacDonald, com·e•·t hobby cound l chamlx'rs of the City Hall, hop Into apartment a t 117 E. Bay Newport Beach. Cahf.. at which Front, ~1 .000. time and place a n~ and all J)('rsons \ Edw&rd Parker. Pasadena. add intt'rested therein m3y a ppear a.nd bedroom and bath at 505 ~·Hal, b<-heard thereon $5.000 . C. K. PRIEST City Clerk PubU'h : Nov. 29. Dec. 6. 1951 in t he Newport Harbor Ensign. I NOTICE OF HEAJU:SG Notice is he reby given that the I City Council of the CHy of New- port Beach. In accordance with Section 9106.54 Ca ) of the Munici- pal Code of the City of Newport Beach, \\ill hold a ht>aring on the following proposed amendment to the Zoning Law of the City of Newport St-ach · Resolution of intention No. 4.87 of tht' Plsnnin~ Commis- sion of thf' City or Newport Beach, belm~ a r esolution re- commending lhe re-zoning of the followln~ descriped pro- perty from R-1 to R-2: Lots 9, 11, &II except the NEiy 10' of 13. 17. 19. 21, 23, all ex- ct>pt the NEly 10' or 25. Block 138. Corona d<'l Mar. Lots 10. 14, 16 and l8. Block 139, Co- . rona'del Ma r. · Not ice is hereby further gfven that said hearing wUJ be held oo t he l Oth _!ay of ~mber. 1951, Coroaa Ml Mar F't'ed Kuster, playroom at 604 Marigold. $700. Jack Scott, garage at 437 Be- gonia. $750. Capt. Van Landingham. garage at 720 Poinse ttia. $2.o0o. E. H. McCalPb, add bech'oom and bath at 512 Marigold, $2,000. C. E. Kirkwood. 402 Marigold, 4-room. 2-story. 1-unlt dwe lling at I 515 Jasmine, $4.000. Owner build· ('r. William Mather. 426 M.argueor- lll', 3-room, 2-story. l -unit dwe ll- a t thE' hour of 7 :30 P . M. in the I t'ouncn -chambcn of the City Hall, Nt'wport Beach. Calif., at which Umt' and place any and all penons inteN.' te-d therein may appear and b<o heard thereon. C. K. PRIEST City Clerk Publish: Nov. 29, Dec. 6. 1951 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. 0 Lng at same address, $5,000. 0wnet" builder. Bay lllla•d E . L. ;Emett. enclose sun~ Into a beldroom, 25 Bay Islanct. $2.400. NMipOrt Da\id Howcroft. windbreak at Lido Trailer Park. 1.1()0. Udo Penhuula Yacht Anchol'-age. 12 garages, $4,800. Mrs. Ulllan C\Jbbon. Santa Ana. 4-room. 1-atory, 1-unit dwelling at 122 28th St .• $10.000. Roy Green- leaf jr .• builder. M.. T. Anderlon, remodelling at 600 Clubhouw, $400. / A•u •ts-..... -a... .. .., ....... ~ ............. ,.,. .tea ...................... . w .......... ...... CUDIT IUREAU OF NIWfOaT IMCH. lMUNA lEACH AHD COITA li8A .... , .... ..._ P.O.Isil* -· .... -----------,, •• , ••• w.,. OIADKI!W FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCJC WAllS --·-- • P'aEI: DIIIIIA'Ia • Ill OOAS'I' IIIOIIW A I' ..._ a~taeaa 11n -~ ----_ ---~------ ~ostl LUMBER IEaciOD 1547 N ............. o.la.ea On ... .__ ..... HOMELOANS I • Grand to give ... and to get ... Low .. REDUCING·· Interest Rates Low Monthly Paymenta * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings .Association in Orange County v-·u lil. ovr o.ftfo.l _..... Ill ~,___. LAeuNA IIM:M , ....... ,77-UJO....~ ~N ElEC,ItiCAL GIRl For refreshing rest, all year long: dearie bed coverings SOUTHERN CALlfiORNIA EDISON CO • , . . on Harbol' Auxiliary of Children's Home Sodety has picked Wuh· ington'a birthday u the date for the third annual Heert.a and FJ,o.•. ers Ba U and announces that the "Bal Masque" "'ill be thE' therlle for tht-mJd-v.int~ p.rt~·. Preliminary plans were outlined for th.e Auxiliary at the regular monthly meeting Tuesday of Jut I week at the Cliff Ra\'en ~ of Mrs. John Bl"'Ughton. Mrs. Mary Topper, Hearts and Flov.·en Ball chairman. explained lbat beautiful and unusual masks will be model- led for the even t and a display will be made of masks from the col- lection or a nation~lly known art OOlJ(>Ctor. • · • · Assisting Mrs. Topper with the- arrangements will be M rs. W . D. Schock. eo-dWnnan; Mrs. Lopn Hendrickson, Imitations: Mrs. Roy Andersen. ~tionl; Mrs. 0 . G. Suess. tab&e an-ancements; Mrs. Q\arles Ullman. entertainment: "Your Ha.t 1o tM Coast~ ta" P l !llE I'OO DII COC&!'A I LII COAST HISHWAY AT THt AICHH Laguna Beach -----------Ph. 4 -6 2 9 7 * Delicious Family Style Chinese Dinners * 1120 0001' BLVD. Mrs. W. A. Berls, decorations; r··YYYYYY • .-. ............ .. Mrs, ChaUen Landers, patrons: :.. Mrs. F . J . Cleary, publicity; Mrs. Fcx 4 La w r e n c e Brown, ways and F · :.. means. 1 n e ,. Mrs.J~Rlggspresidedo,·er • 'c.. COCKTAILS~ the luncheon meeting in the ab-• e ";J ... AnnitJel'sar~ t ·11r·e~ French and Italian Dinners ; J • ~ Imported Beers & Wines ,. For ·th~ Bo,ds t -~ ~E~E'~ · · · 4 A rt"Cent celebration at the home • ' .. 111111111111111 ~ ~ of Mr . a nd Mrs. Robert Boyd J r. '7e6 te ,., COAft BLVD. COilONA DEL JIAil "'Il U ~ I l'..i...L port Heights. was a party honor-~;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;:;:;;~~;;~:;;;;;;;~;:~~~~~ •se:w&'ll .. tng the eig hth wedding anniH>r-• of 515 San Bernardino An• .. New· 1 tA_. •• _..__.._.__.._._._._._._..__._._._.~ I sary of the couple. R l M · • Foods -----------·· L,. -....L. ;~ lelp Entertained for coc}<tails were ea e¥Wi"IWn .,.. J'-... Mrs. R. W. Budd. Mr . and ~tn.;. I A.K.,.4A. , .. lllillj~iil-... 1 -Jules Ga~e. Mlu Laura de los ~ A story of .the lmder water ,_. Rlos. W illiam Low and M rs. Lylas I ~P or Conrad Umbaugh. Pangborn of the-Harbor area and 27-year-()td son of Mrs. Jack 1\fr. and Mrs. .:'\'ed Wakeham of I Florer, 615 Iris Ave., Corona del Gard n Gro\'e, Dinner followed liar, is being reported 1n newspa-at the-~boa Bay Club. pers aU over the country. Young Tht> Boyds haw just returned Umbaugh i.a doin& reseerch ln I from a two-week ,·acatlon in ..... ijl~ililii-4 deep 8P& fiShing at the Sc:ri~ SeattlE'. Washinstton. and Victoria. II!!! !Institute of Oc:nnocraphy ln La B. C T hey took t he ir ~year-old e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos. etc e Steaks O~n 5 te t :lO p. m.. -0~ MONieys La I Jolla and bis ~g field trl.-1 son with them. Their 2-year-old attracted the at'tftiUOn of an AI· bab' had a Jight case of pnt>u- .aciated Preis fMlllre writft'. monta while tht'y Wt'J'e gone 1111 N.w,.,. ...... c-t. .... • hat s-tt. .f S.ftte A11e Cov11-.., 0• Woridng Oil h1l doctor's degree. ~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nR T Rt:X ~UN. -Utm -n""ES. CLAUDETTE COLBERT MacDONALD CAREY -Pita- DANE Cl~ARK "Highly Dcmqeroua' John W•yne -Robt. Ryan "FLYING LEATHEIINECD'· "f}t'la•leol o r . .... . Ruth Roman -Steve "-roMOIBOW IS ANOmER DAT• UNDAY • TU~DAY SPENCER TRACY "'PEOPLE AGAINST o'HARA·· UONEL BARRYMORE "JAIIIEIII.IME" Mr. Umbauch wanden through U c-.AL Ncma the undea water kelp beds stud)'lng SOTICE OF IS'tL,'TIOS TO how fiatl Uve in the kelp bedl and t:lliOAGE I X THE li'ALE OF the eff«tt of ec:JI'I'IInerda.l kelp bar· ALCOHOUC Bt:\"ERAGE!!i vstmc on fish Ufe. The student sonftl.,..r M . 1131 catches / specimens for Scrips-To \\'1tom It May COIM'f'n : , aquarium and bril"'p bade other Subj(>Ct to issuance of the li- flah to study what th.ey eat. "n.e cense applied for, and rommendnsz kielp juncles are a dlmlle forest u not less than ~5 days after . thf" llqb u 90 feet h'om the bott om, date posted. notace is hereby gt\'f"n be reports, and l'lran.ge ~tures that th<' undersigned proposes to lurk in the depths Of t he IN. ell alcoholic beverages at thesE' Jim Manning Nwoed CG DiYision Chief J . C. (Jim) Mannlng of Newport Beacll wu elt'Cted captain of Di- vision 4 of the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at a meetinst or aU Flo- tillit officers last W('('k at the Ba I· boa Bay Club. Division 4 embraces Los AngelE-S Flotilla 41, Balboa Flotalla 42. and San Clet'1'leftte Flotilla 43. of tM USCGA. Mr. Manning wu vi~ captain of the Division in 1!151: is a former rommandt'r or Flotilla 42· and was the USCCA ef- ft!mftAI~AN ·caw:u .. premiSE's, described a s foUows : I ~17 E. 30th St .. ~ewport &ach. Oran~f.' County Pursuant to such Intention. tht> undersignE'd is applyinl'{ to the tate Board of Equalization for I UllnCE' by t ransfer or an alro- hoJic be\'eras:e license for thesE' premises as follows . ON S ALE BEER & WINE UCE."'SE Anyont-desiring to protest the issuanCE> o( such liomse may file a I \'t>rified protest "";th the State Board of Equalization st Sacra- mento. California. stating wounds for denial as pro,·ided by la w. The pn>nuses an> now licensed for the sale or alcohollc bevera~t'S. CHARLOTTE L. HARPER Publish . ~-6. 1951 an the :--:ewport Harbor Eru iJm U GM. NOTICIO So. A !0830 NOTICE TO MUIDITORS 1 ESTATE OF STANLEY LYONS Deceased I Sott~ Is Ht'reby Givs to the creditor s of a nd all pt>rsons hav· ing claims against the said de- cedent or said t-state to fitt> tht>m with the necessary vouchers in I the office of tllle Clerk of the Su- pt>rlor Court of the County of Or-~ ange, State of California. or to present the same, "';th the neces- sary ,·ouchers. to the unde rsigned at his place of business. to-wit: C/O Donald D. Hai""'OOd 1415 Coast Highway I Corona del Mar, California within six months after the first pubUcatlon of this ootiet>. I Dated No\'ember 23, 1951 CLARA I. LYONS Executrix of the Estate I of saJd decedent. Donald D. Harwood Attorney tor Executrix 1415 Coast Hlgb-ay Corotut del Mar. California I Publish: Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13. 20 in the Harbor . ./Wakt it nurry ... ma kt it MOJUD stoc kings aHJ liHgtrit Tantalizing sheer stockings. ~lojuds are the perfect gift for lovely legs. Gorgeous go<a'ns, ~autiful slips ... Jovely lingerie by Mojud .•. e-<citing gifts for every Santa's lady. See our wooderful colleoct.ion of hosiery and lingerie by Mojud today. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to 5 N Flff PATRit! T EVYPO 'R,I DEPART MENT STORE 22lld cmd Ocean Front Newport leGch~ Calliomia \ c..a.e ........... 13.00 I PM slldiOI .... .. ~Pe.-..•.. 13.00 P.ne Perf..-, K oa.. 11.50 Jl.6s.t. ............ .. ~,...,.. ... Famous with --omp who like their perfume pn,vocativel So you're on the ~t scent, "Whether you tie the 8old holly leaf on her tree, or go t.niJb with the ma~um bath t. All are haodtomdy done up in new gold~and-indi¥o "·rappin~. Cave's del Mar Ph4nnacy ..,.... "••ipH. "--cy" mc...~un c...-...... IN THE HARIOil AREA ! ! OF MAIIX -HOLGATE -PIAY8&00L -IDEAL GONG IID..L -IIJ'I'Ilt:CTO -.u- "' WIND-UP TOYS ---AND MANY. MANY MORE WONDERFUL ITEMS TO THRILL YOUNG HEARTS Gilt WrappiDcJ - - -We Wrap to Mail '* OIIAJlGE ACCOUNTS * FAJJt PIUOE8 '* DALE YOUNO ... ...., IIAitftN .. .tte JW .. -Ia, ....,....., ........ l'llrre.., d ,..,..... .~ ... ~ _. ,..-taMe ~ tiUI -~ ~ IArp ..... ., .... ......,.__. .... .,..."r......_ AI 71 rpm recar• C1DC1 MNma OD IA1E -WI. OFF -· -----... SHORTWAVE HaD· Scott c.un· municatlons l'f!CeiVft', 10 ICey. to 24 ~·. Ex ltd. broadcut. HA 3058-W. MODEL A roackt~. $95. HArbor 3058-W. '47 STUD):. Champ Corw't. WSW tires, Rldi. OD. Cleen. maJce or- ft>r. 225 Coral. B. I. HAJOIOND ORGANS! 'Ibe peat Hammond Olor'CI Orpa.. u ,.,.. don't bow a aote. you can play t.h1a! 'Ibe Hammond SlliDet ()r. pn.. World'a moat bMVtllul toae&. Easy lema. D AN z ·I SCIDODT Plano and Orpn Oo. SaDta ADa. 520 No. llain, cor. I Stb St. '40 OLDS 2-dr. 8edan. 2491 Coast Hift:tewport. BE 1515. $10 HOLD any PIANO for a.n.tmu delivet')'. DANZ- SCRIIIDT Blc Plano Store. Santa Ana, 6th St. COI"''M""', 520 No. ll.a.in. 100 PIANOS TO CHOOSE FROM! '50 PLYMONTH Cpe. with H tr. Low mileage. 2491 Cout Hwy., Newport. BEIIccm 6515. ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a.M ...,,..w.-~. etl!trep, ••-of •""Y ~ 11--. ..... $7.10 dOL ~"-·· Oou•et.d er ,.. .. ~ _...~ "' -·· dyle&. Alow J.4eya for .,. ..... OEM IIAila.!A Imports -Nordic Gifts· 1)07 Coett llvd. Corotto ct.l Mer Herbor ll7l • • • • • • SMp it1 • le"-ly otll'lolflh•r• ..._. ....... -_It, ~ ul •• -11 •• 4ecMot;.,. Pfh ~ $1 to $100. • &1ft WTopttiftt • Moiflftt. • • IT CO ~TS LESS TO SHO P FOR YOUl MAN AT •