HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-04-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignCbarlty Ball for Hoag Ho.pital on April II - The surprise or the elt'Ction and the naming oC a new mayor is now over. and a new City Council is embarked on the big job of run- njng our multi-million-dollar cor- poration, the City or Newport Beach. The 1 hr<'e n<'W Councilmen are in for a bit of a rough time. get- ting adjusted to their new duties and r~ponsibilitlcs, and they need thc cooperation and support and ad' icc of the two incumbent Coun- cilmen and of all the residents of our community. I tiki' the way that Mayor AndY Smith and Councilmen Francis Horvath and Nonn MJilt-r have started on t heir job ---seriously and s tudiously undertaking a !-tudy t o ramlliaru:e themselvt>S with c1 ty affairs and problems. meetin~ with city off1C1als. with community Jead<'Ml. asking for sus;~PStions from them all. l'll be gJad to g1ve them any hf'lp and information that 1 can land they all know that I'll be ready to call them on a.ny- thjng that I beUE'\'C to be against public lntert."st I. Tht-rc was one dis turbing note I d urmg Tuesday night's meeting . . . the "now-that-you-three- have -won -see -what -you -, can-do" atlitudc or the two hold- ov£>r members of the Council. I trust that no petty dmerenC('s will prevent five councilmen f r o m working together Cor the purpose for which they were all elected: to conduct the buslnt-s.s of running our d ty to the best in te rE.>sts or us aU. 1\nother dour note: I am ashamed for my community for the dlstresslngly small vote in the Council cl£'Ctlon : a total of only 3,026 (with the 47 absentee bal- lots Included) out of a registration of 7,140 -or 42.3 J)E'r C('nt. You are losin~ thE' greatest prhilege of our way of life when you thjnk it not worth whil<' to go to thE.' polls. Gillespie Named Eu~E'ne W . Gillt-spie. 525 Cata- lina. Nt-wport Heights. this week was appointed as acting postmaster of th£" Newport Post Office. suc-~ding the late William H. Ad- ams. who died shortly after till; car had smas hed into a tree near Costa Mesa on March 24. Mr. Gillespie.'. a career man with the Post Office department. has been a postal employee for 36 years, six years at the Newport Post Office. Twicc he has served as Post- master. the fir5t time in Wyoming undC'r President Woodrow Wilson and later under President Calvin Coolidge. Mr. Gillespie recalls now that when he started in the dt>partment postal employees r e- reived 35 ('Cnts an hour. Hc st>rvcd for three years in the Na vy as Navy mail coordinator, a pesition corresponding to postmas- ter in dviUan Ufe. He was chosen ovc-r fi vl' applicants for the New- rort postmaater5hip. Appointments Made Dick Richard. Newport Heights, was appointed Monday ewntng by Oty Coundl to repla~ Bunater Creely as member or the Newport Public Ubrary Board. Mra. Sted- man Hoar of Balboa was re-appoin- tf'd for a nother tenn. GOING ON TRIP EAST Mrs. L. E. Dames of Udo lale wU1 leave Monday for a car trip wtth her aiatet', Mrs. Albert Hetael of San Mar1no-ftnt to Detroit. Mlch.. wheft Kn. H.tlll wOllidl • a car, then toW ....... h . to vtslt ftlatiWI. ~ wlU return ln thn!e WOMb. "'·•a I~ See.--.......... V. 8. POIIrMB Pill c-.. ... liar, a.t. Harbor 1114 cmd IllS CORONA DEL MAL CALIF. SCents VoL 4--Mo. 36 Mrs. Cooling Is Treasurer The surpnsing City Coundl (')PCIJOn of last W('('k N'8Ched its ciJmax 1\Jt-sday e' emnJ: M Col. Andr<'w W 1 Andy 1 Smith was t-lected ma) or Thi:. dl.'\'elopment camP drama-ticall~ after an hour and 10-min- ut£> canvas><in~ ttf \Utl'S and OPE'fl- ing of absr•ntet> ballots, wh1ch con- cluded with a doption of a rt'solu- tlOn dPd&rim: th£> rNlUII:l of tho' eh·cuon and thf>n lht• l'\o.t•arm.: m ot the n{'w officials Fozt~ ·l't\E'n absrnto e b a II o t f' "~'I P Op{'nl?d and ca.t. 3nd th('y lollCJ" t d htsl \\"("('k'l' Plt•c·ll<m rt'- tut n~ •Jlmm.t 1d••ntiralh F.nal ta- b lllitu•n "a' as folio"·· Co~,did••• Abten•~e To+•l :--:unnar. '-11d ... r 31 1~9 Cui .\ndy :-.nuth :..>n 1110 Fra ncts H{lna11 :..•2 1m r lm :-.=or:on 15 ~ [•an' R.·un_v •:. 1~ R'i'S Grorc• Ptcke111 .: 1:.! -o-; Rv~ Kt-t·nt> I tl-t1 [)(>an Ward 2 1R3 Cit~ ClE>rk C K Pr1('"' Jut'ktod up -t:.> addJllnnal 'ult>l' hrtn("' r ~· h1' total 10 1~4 Tht>n· "' ,., thf\·f' wnte-m \Ot~ for Mr<: Kt nnl'th Cooling for <'It~ tn'n''"' r ~~,·~~ hcr a total of 216 and a w1d<-mar- ~tn 0\t•r thE' ~nd tu~h\"'1 wntc- TtDS PICT1JRE at Esstf"r ~unri!W' •how" a (tUrUon t•f th~ crowd ~ath4'rf'<t ntoar Rock y l'olnt at tbt> main ('orona drl :\lnr bf>ut'h for thf' Etu!ih•r ~unrl ... t• St-r\'lc.-b)' tht' Sf•a. Kf'\. T nm l'vnd~>ll of Chri-.t Church by tb.-Sf'a Ill delh•.-rtn.: hi<~ IW'mlon ... And on th•• Third Day ... " '""" partlclpaUnt \n thv IW'rvit'e WPrf' Rf'\', Paul Rabbitt of thP Coronn d~>l ll:tr Community f'hnrf'h. nv,. Jam•·• Stf'wart uf St. 1\ndrr ws Pl"Hbytertaa Chur<'h IUld R c>\', .Jot~t>ph M t'Sbant> of thf" C08ta MMt ('ommunlt~ Church. Thf' M".n 1ct> wu plaD.D~ jolntJy by thf' :S.-wport Harbor Council of Churt'h~ a.nd thP Corofll\ df'l Mar 8wd- DN8 A!IIIOdatloa. -(pliloto by FoL'W)fn) • m candidate. FinanC'f> Of!1N • K<'n- n<>th Hannahs. who rf>('f'I\H! 174 1 Continued on pagt> i ) Oil Issue Delays Stt..ool Site laaex Elks Bold Bites For Bob Murphy SerYices for Robert A. ~1urphy, aff£'CtionatE.>Jy called ")tr Balboa" by his host of friends. wf're con- ducted TuPSdar afternoon at Mel- rosP Abbey by the :--:<'wport Har- bor Elks. of which h<' WitS a char- t£>r membf>r Balboa busJO<'SSmc.>n clost-d their storl's that aftl'moon as they paid last n--spt'CIS to the man who had done so much for their community. Bob Murphy had ~>ouccumbt'rl F ri- day in Santa Ana C'ommunil) Ho - pital follo"ing an 111tack the dAy before at rus ranch n<'ar W£'. tmin- s1er. He had be<'n ncti"<' to the last. and many remt-mbered sec· \ng him as his usual jov\al sel( on el£'Ction night, when h<' came to City Hall to see th<' returns come in. He was 67 years old. HP was born in Battle Creek, Mich .. on Aus.:. 29. 1885, came to CaUfomia in 1916 and to Balboe in 1937. Ht> first purchased But's Coffee Shop. built the Bamboo Room and in 1940 took over the operation of the Rendezvous. which he? dona ted frequently Cor civic events. He sold the Ren<k>zvous two years ago. Tht' first "Man of the Yt'ar" award or the Chamber of Com- merce-for 1949 -went to Bob Murphy. Survivors include his widow Jessee. and her sister. Emma Mc- Connell. at the family home , 2290 Olannel Rd., BalbQa. B.LAaociatiOa 1rd1Meetlpril24 JAore Candidates Enter Race for School Board Irvine Co.'s TCS(>rvat\on of t~ right to slant drill for oil tllldf>r tht> new Corona c:k-1 Mar School s1tt> prompted th<' Cit~ Counol -"1onda.r night to rt"QUest C'lt~ At- tornPy Harr} Blod.gl'tt to ~tudy the poss1ble efft'<'t of thj~ ~t·rvallon Two new candidates entered thP yE.>ar t£'rm.~ on th£> H1gh ~chool on thP city's otl dnllins: ordJnat\C(' rae<' this week for the single va-bnnrd Tht' matt<>r came up wtth 1M cane~ rorrung up 10 the :-.=t-wport T wo mcum~nt<. and ont nt'" pelltJon of thP Board of Trust~ twach Eleml'ntan· School Board ('.tnchdnh• ,,,11 ,.,c for th• t~o of the ;"I;E"wport &ach Elemt>ntary and th<' filing dt>adline passt"d ";th 3-yc-a r tl'rms on tht' Oran~<' Cnal>t 'choolo; askin~ for ann<'xauon of fl\'<' rontt-stants ror thr officl' Colles::l' board Lcmi.c; Conrad~ of the 1';'.18-a('T'(' !<chool SliP tCI the Rr x s. Albright. 23511 S1gnal \\'pstmmsiPr and JloraN> Parkt'r cttv Th<' Tr\Jstees" IPttPr t"'E'''<'al- Rd .. Cliff Jla,en, filed Monday and nf RlilbcM Island w11l ~N'k rt'-<'ll'C· ed-that thE' Irvine Co rt'S('rved El\a E. I Mrs. Frank l Woodland of t•on. and Henr) F Cram• or C't~ta muwral rights and th<' n rht to 539 Tustin A'c . l':Pwport Hril!hts, ~lt·sn IS also a candidate slant drill wh<'n it sold tht• land announet'd her candidacy short!~ Thn••• canchdatt•, (ur tht• \J-to thP School Distnct before closing time yesterda} af-<'<i nl) nn the .i':t•" pc•rt Ht'ilt h f:Jp. Clt~ At torncy Blodgt'lt WmtnPn- temoon. Other candidates ar£' Ro-m .. ntrl.r~ ~chool Board. who ap-ted that annt-xin.g thE' su with ger W. HardacrP. Harvpy D. Pt ,, ro•d Tuesday morntnJ! txoforr such a ~eservation . nught ~feet Pease and J am<'s B. S toddard. all tht> Womt-n's C'ivic U>aj::Ut>. a~'TC'('d the ordir;um('(', which . prohibit!! or Corona d£'1 Mar. OnP of th(' l ht>\ W('r(' in favor of t>nlargln~ th(' slant drilling under the City f'861t>r- fi vc wiU txo elected in thP May 16 school board to five mt•mtx•n; to I I~ nf 53rd St · in Newpor1 election for a three year term. allo" greater diversiflca hon of in-Mayor ~..es Is !x-U also brouJ:ht up JudgE.' Donald J . DodgE.> of Costa tPrPsl on the board. Mr. Hard-thE.> ques uon or scwel'a,g~ faoUUes Mesa and J . Leslie SteffenSt'n of • acre'. :\1 r. Peasc and Mr . Stoddard. for t1w nl.'~· school. pomting out Corona del Mar are unopposed all appt>a red befort' th<' group and that the Joult Outfall ~ will tor rN'Iection May 16 for threE'-gave a brief hlstor)· of tht-tr back-not take on any additional b~ ground and qua..l.Jricat1ons 1Jnt1l the nt>W outfall is ronHnx-1-w • Is Jssaecl l The three candidatl'S for thE' E'd ammg occ board also gave short talks • I Mr. ConradY was appomted to th£' CJty Gas Tax Share Mayor Andrew S mHh issued a on~al board. of thE.> coll~c and For '52-'53 Ia S36t360 wamins.: today to dog ownl.'rs to I Dr. Parker v.a.s . ~de .a board 'I1'K-cit "'s share of lh<-f' l&X comply with the l«:'&sh law because mf'mbcr In the hn-t tl"'UStl't' eft'('-ti l t f th r ~ of the possibility of spread of a I hon Mr C'ran(' IS a !'ludent at =r ·~uly or will ·~ ~ rabit's outbreak from Los Angeles lh<' collcg(' S36 ~n\uect $3 a pi County into OrangP County. ln reply to thP IE.'W•r \\Tltten by I C'ibt ~Jrineer .;:;.t we:' ~r1~ . Ht> issued W s statement follow-11M .c-x~tlve board <'~ tlw Wo-to Ot:y Council Monday evm!ng. Jnlf l'l'Celpt of a statemen_t from mans Chic lA'aJ.!Uf' to th<' ~e--Ht' said that project statE'Tllenr.- Dr. Edward Lee ~usseU. oty and mentarl c~J Board suggE.'Sting improvt'm«'nt or Balboa Blvd. and county health officer, on tht> ra-the broaderung of thE' EleJ'll('ntary ~trt't>~ in Corona del Mar-for liN' biPS outbreak. "Rabies is a dis-Board to include fh..-membrrs. H ~f t.betle funds had a]r('aey bet-n case 100~ fatal for man and ani-0 . Ensign. district ~uJ,"I('rintf'n<k>nt. submit"teod to tht" st&tt' mal and is spread to man and wrote as foUows: healthy animals by the saliva of a "As to the mattl'r of in\'rt'asint Stop SiCJD Ja Sou-io.t rabid animal," Dr. Russell's state-the board of school trust(.'(> to fiv(' vu mcnt Mid mt-m~rs. the Board should likf to At Balboa lntel"'leCticm Keenes Going Abroad Mr. and Mn. Roy Keent-of Bal- boa left Sunday for New York. where they will aet sail next wedt for a European vacation. 'I"hey wiD go first to Paris. thHl to ~it­ wrland. Italy, BeJcium, Holland and Denmark. They expect to ~ back ~ about July 1. suggest further study of the mat-.A petition carrylng 36 ai!QlatWH ter by the parent.<~ of th«" school was ~ted to Oty Qouodl district. since tht-~tin~ of f'le<'-Monda)t ~ uk1n« for a bllnlr- \ion notices 60 days prior to thE> t>r stop sign at Matn St. AD(\ Bal- .chool trustee ei<'Ctlon Is reqUired boa Blvd tn Balboa to ~mt by law. thus makin~ ttlis pro-arodcnt&. Oty Manager Jolilt posaJ lfnpc:aible for t~ May 16 Sailors laid U.t blwaUptlor\ ._ election. OM yMr's stuey of w shown ~ Df<M r.r .ueb a .... propo8&1 ahouJd ~ timt' wt-lJ 5Jif"Ol sign and U.t (lOita UIP t11J1W ...... on the buJa of ~ntauon on ~ Adlla wu ....,.. the ICMol board." unW \bP nn1 <.Wl lN(ttac. .. , SHRWOOO 19 jewels. Natural cold-filled case. Wallace Calder head Jeweler 11 7 Coatt llvd.. Corone del t.Aer ------ COlltELA TED 1.....-tiTEIIpaaiRS .... ODElN etMI TIO"CAL FURNITURE e Dl»ES e WAU,.. 'AnftS e LA .... n e FlO<>a COVERINGS. BOUSE a OA.&DEN 61 I Co.rt Hwy_ Newpori, IE 12n Op... Nl9hts --S.. 10 e.m.-4 '·"'· MOVIMG ••• Loac DletaDcle Loaal LABOlt Oil 811ALL 10118 GIVEN SAllE OAI&& ... aad 8TO&AOJ: "We llove Wltlt tiMI W_.,. AGENTS P'OB LYONS 1966 Harbor Blvd. Coe.ta .... B~ 1111 or D'JS-11 leay Fad Drive to Star.t y I TIM CampaJgn to ~ funda tor the Mrs. Dauphine heeda the cam--""!£If/}.~~ Sister EUzabeth Kenny poUo oo.... pal&Jl ln Corona del Mar, Balboa ~ pital ln El Monte will aet under and Newport for the eeconcl year. way May 1, with a goal of $365,000 Her ln~rest atema from 80ft Mardi, Mrs. George Dauphine of Shore 3 )'Mrs old, who wu hard hlt by h-A....vJA,.;t4.~ CUtfa, area ()().Chalnnan, announ-lnfantlle para)'ysla and now, as a AINO ~ ,a· · ced thl1 week. S he will have as reeult.of the Kenny ti'Mtment, 11 MAAI'A M._fll4 co-aide Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart, well on the way to recovery. Per· also of Shore Cllffa. aons Interested Ln volunteering for .YvertWet • • • • • • c.& a..t campaign .ervice may call Mra. e • • n.. Ne.,.,t H.tthr W.. Scout Council Adds Official • • Mrs. M. A. Anderson of Udo lsle was introduced as the new member of the Newport Harbor Girl Scout Q)uncll in charge of Troop orpnizadon at the April meetine of tiMf Board. Mrs. Ander- son sala a May 2 meeting has been planned to interest first -grade school mothers in Brownie Jeader- ahJp. Manzanita, Singing Pines, Oak Glen, San Antonio and Azalea Trails will be the established sum- mer camps this year. Mrs. Sidney Sanders, Day Camp chalrman, re- ported on details of this year's program which will be held June 16-25 at O'Neill Park In Trabuco Canyon. Dauphine at HArbor 0494 or Mrs. Ilea ~ 4...,._.M4 t. 1M • ...,... Stewart at HArbor 2843. paper ef fMI'II druletlell ~ .,._ _. ..... ..,.,.. c-t ., .... l>s,mo~oa, ForE~ Day Living B-, B. N. DJ:IIIENJDaO, ft.D. St ..... ~. H4 ..... c...ty .. Or-... H4 ~,..... ...,.... It ...... .. .. pt~WII ,...._ ,..w.4 ~ w. * * * ~oallATa One Year ----1.11 OUt ol Barbal' Area-_ • ........ ODe Tear •• "B.ADIOAL Y011TR" 011t ot 11aJ1Mw AiM a• Parents and other adult.a in our ..,~ ~ IOdety are aaent.a helpina to ere-~~~a....~~! ... ~!-~·!!.,...!!!~~!1!! ate radical and llberal youth. It = ls characteriatic that adults who are reaponsible for helping to teach young people talk ln the language of hlah rellatoua, political and ao- cial ideals even though the adults' behavior at many times counter- acta such spoken aentiment.l. It is a hmnan habit to reach out for noble and Inspiring goa.la despite the fact that socJety is not organ- ized to permit their full expression. Learn to Swim Program Will Start Saturday A learn to swim program will s tart Saturday at the H.leh School pool &nd will continue for alx Sat· urdays, between 9 a. m. and noon, according to a reminder from Earl Petenon, Red Crou water safety director. The program is tor fourth through sixth graders of Newpor t Beach and Cotta Mesa Elementary schools. Thundery, Apdll7, IISI Hair drab? Mousy? Don't let it be! we have the secret , of brightening y 9 u r hair with npt a trace of that "dyed" look. c.lot tr.etMetlt ......... helrd,... .. ---·----IM .... AICE YOUI APPOINTt.AENT NOW HArbor 2187 o,_ ..._.." ttw..,. ~" 1411 COAST IOULlVAIO COlONA DEL WAR ill .... llttcMr .... The proposed budget for 1952-53 was presented by the fln&nce chairman, Mrs. E. G. Doane. She annoWleed a 25 per cent lncreue in girl membership this year. Mrs. William Tritt. public relationa chairman, emphasized the need of the Girl Soouts to present displays so the comm~mity will know of their progress. Re ports were alao presented by Mrs. Ted Hambrook, Mrs. Robert Allen and Mrs. Ed· ward Brooks. Mrs. Frank Black , training chaii'Jl)an. showro a film on administra tion. Mrs. Everett Nunan, pres ident. conducted the mt-eting. The spoken ideals which we say we live by are such things as, "honesty Is the best PQlicy," ''the good are rewarded,'' "crlme does not pay," "turn t he o!Mr cheek ." "the brotherhood of man," "all men are created equaJ," "the golden rule," and so forth. April Showers of May Day Brunch For Lion Tamers The Lion Tamers Club of New- port Harbor will present its an- nual May Day brunch at 11 :30 a. m. Thursday. May 1. at the Balboa Bay Club as a benefit for the Hoag Memorial Hospital. The brunch will be followro by an aquacade to be presented by the Newport Herbor High S c h o o l. Bridge and canasta will be played. The event is open to the public. and reservations can be made at the Bay Club. Mrs. L. V. West is president of the Uon Tamers. Mrs. C. W. Jayred and Mrs. Grorge Pick<'ring 1\re in char~c of floral d<'COra t1ons. ( IOEAS I . At the same time adults try to cover up that crime and corrup- tion can be profitable. business is sometimes a matter of dog eat dog, honesty need not a lways pay, especially a t Income tax time. sometimes the bad are rewarded, not all men act like brothers. men are not creatro with equal opportunity and capacity, If you tum the other cheek it may get slapped, and so forth. Many bright young people have been taught fine religious,. social and political values. Adolescents have just as good reasonJ ng abil- ity u their elders. They are con- vinced that they know the truth. However their experience in the big world has not been wide. School ure is too often divorced from reality, theory suffers from lack of practice, youth is a long time removed from adulthood. Youth in its enthusiasm may be convinced that a utopian society would be one built upon religious and social principles. Adults are apt to be more cons('rvatively realistic. They have tested high ideals and they know when to put tht'm aside. After a time they are not bothered by the inconsis- tenci<'S in their moral value sys- tem. They coml' to belit've that what "everybody" does must be workable and all right. Youth may not have learned that ideals can be useful. although they are not carried out consistently. ' A SPRING SALE at O'BRIEN'S You Can .. t AUord to Miu! DRESSES REGULAR SALE 10.95 to 14.95 .................................. __ SOOand 12.95 to 17.95 to 19.95 to 16.95 .................................... 888 and 25.00 .............. -.................. -1()00 39.95 ............................ -.. 1288 to 39.95 to 45.00 BLOUSES 5.95 to 9.75 9.95 to 12.95 SWEATERS 5.95 to 7.95 ............................ nee to J88 sea .................. J88 \0 to 1f88 2500 lh RAY DANIG"A Adults should make up their minds whether or not they want young people who Ji\·e by t he prin· ciples of the great religions or the world. If they do. then they must shape a society which follows the virtues pf brotherly Jove, honesty and the golden rule. 1C adults de- cide that such a society is a utop- ian dream then they should teach their offspring the facts or )jfe, that the opposites of truth, honor, and love are somNimes rewarded SKIRTS DON'T BLOCK PASSAGE WAYS If your home hu no hallway end family ·and quuh enter directly into the li~ing room, then furni· ture thould be erranged so u NOT to blocl pau age ways from the door to other aren of the house. Avoid ~electing pieces thet ere bul•y end apt to bulge ou r into traffic (anes. We'll be mMi heppy to euitt you In eny way we "" with your furnlthing etMI decOf'eting problemJ, tO pleeM f-1 fr" to come in a..d consult with us ebout them ••. any time. ALLOW FOR FREE MOVEMENT . . . . by planning tlte P"M9e way• end errenging furniture in grouP' that leeve emple room for movln9 in end ebovt .. lily. One very 1imple wey to eccompfith ttli• it to clrew im.9inery pesaate wey lin" Oft the fl-. ttlen belenu fur11iture in group• lor piece•} on either side of the lin••· Back from Texas Trip Tt•xas was the destination of the early spring vacation or Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Wilhelmy of Corona del Mar. In fact they have just returned from nea rly two weeks of visiting friends in Big Spring. En route they stopped oft at Tucson. El Paso. Santa Fe and Albuquerque. The Wllhelmys, who are the owners of Dee'a Beauty Salon and Harold's Bar- ber Shop, reported that business looked good all over the South- west. BABY GIRL BOBN A baby girl weighing 7 pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Newlon, 514 Acacia Ave., Corona del Mar, Monday nJght, April 14, at Community Hospital. The Newlona have a son, Ronnie. NAJDlD TO OrPIOI: Miss Mary Spann. 1.201 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar, ls one of the newly elected officers ·Of the Orange County Young Democrat&. She wu named to the office or recordin& aec::retary. tor peta Training -Boarding Grooming 9.95 to 12.95 .................................. 388 to JACKETS 29.95 to 35.00 ............................. 1788 and 1988 SUPS 2.95 ................................ -...................... 188 6.95 & 8.95....................................... J88 and IOWIS I PAJAMAS 14.95 -Nylon ..... _ ................ -.......... SB8 10.95 & 12.95 -Nylon ............... §88 4.95 & 5.95..... ................................. 288 NYLON HOSE Broken Sizes PURSES 1.50 -1.95 -100 sea Assorted group including Straw -Calf - Faille ---halt price MISCEIJ.ANEOUS BARGAINS Gloves -Scarfs -Jewelry & Miscellaneous · items-Reduced to Clear! 1411 c..t ..... • BPW Elects Officers Tonight; Evelyn f arneT Is Nominated Election of officers wt11 be held tonlaht f Tburtday) at the cloeed meetiog of the Bua1Deu and Prof- eulonal Women's Club at the Chart room of the Newport Har- bor Yldlt Club. Evelyn Varner of Newport Helghbl heedl the alate of the aom~Datinc cornm1ttee u auaest-ed 1952-63 president; lll1ldred Chapman of Corona del liar baa Tea Is Git~en At New Home The new home of Mr. and Mn. John Tubbl, 314 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar, wu the aettlng of a recent tea, given by Mrs. Tubba, which tncluded a tour of the howle and gardena. Mn. Peg- gy Patton presided over the tea table decorated with spirea. Guests Included Mn. Emily Richardson, Kra. Orval ~on. Mrs. Mark Bai- ley, Mrs. Harry Bergh, Mrs. George De Roulhac, Mra. H. Verne Snodg:raa, Mrs. John Vogel, Miss Glyde Maynard and Mrs. S. H. Frank.Un. Letlen- EDITOR OF THE ENSI GN: been nominated for fiJ'tt vice- president; Mazie Bird u tee:Ond vlce-preeldent; Jeaale Hut u re-cording tecHtary; Jeen HoweU u corret~poncliq leCI"etary; and Hel- en Norton u treasurer. The alate wu introduced by Irene . Morrla u chalrman of the nominating c:onunlttee at the BPW "bouea nJght" on April3. Special awards given at the party were "Boa of the Yeer'' title to Con· tractor Roy GreenlMf Jr. for hil help on the annual Chrlltmu Pre- view. Club member Lena May Woolsey ~ived a special award in appreciation of her work for the club, particularly ln the art field. Ruby MJazko wrote and directed the entertainment aklt "Ute In Them 'Thar Hilla" enacted by a cast including Phyllla Williamson, Ruth Gerriah, Neva Oakden, Ed- ythe Barnes, Elaine Walker, Vera Franke. Sunny Eastman, J ean Howell, Betty Jarvia, Marigold Schlueter, Marian Potter and Fre- dah Bates and a chorus of Mildred Chapman, Jean Matthews, Marie Lanning, Lydia Sherman, PhyUJs Gaston, Lynn Carlos and Roberta Never in 20 years or more have our beaches been littered up as at 1 presenL How 'bout promoting a clean-up campaign? Ask the city fathers to clear away the rubbish and the drifting sands along Sea- shore Drive. TakP a ride along this thoroughfare and convince youraell ot the traffic hazards. City could tM> negligen t in evt-nt of an accident ??? 7 C. FR. DEAR HOP: We enJOyed living in your town and since have subscribed to your Enaign so that we could watch iL'> progress. We are pleased with your prediction in regard to Gen-~ral Eiaenhower, and are proud of the progress the Woman's Civic League 1s making and has made m the past year ... W e would like to sublcribe to your paper for another year. Mn;. WM. B. BRIZZELL Long. Beach. Woody Harwood Named Player Group Director Playwrights workshop has nam- ed Meredith (Woody) Harwood. 309 Goldenrod Ave., Corona dt-1 Mar. to the board of directors of the little thc-atre group. Mr. Har· wood will succeed Mr. Gerhardt. who resigned for business reasons. The group is currently rehearsin~t "The Terrible Meek" for presenta- tion at the Corona del Ma r Com- "'un.ity Church for the coming two Sunday evenings. The play will be tor the berwfit of the Church. I AskChlrCusiOnlen About REAL Serwlce April 7, 1952 DEAR SIRS: I AM TRULY GRATEfUl FOR THE FINE SERVICE , AND PERSONAL A nENTION I HAVE AlWAYS ENJOYED IN DOING BUSINESS WITH THE HOUSE OF HARMONY. SINCERELY YOURS, MRS. JOHN W. MEADOR 413 GOLDENROD AVE. CORONA DEL MAR ' TV & APitLJANCE Sr..RVIOE 'TIL t P . M. Frigidaire Norge Bendix Magic Chef 1817 Newport Blvd. BEacon 5737 RCA Victor Hoffman Zenith Packard Bell lit-itoAST 63~ fiOBT ms43~ EITHER E."D u cut POUBOAST ~AS~l.SO'~ f'boi<'f' m STEAK C'E."TER (TT I.A'aa 45~ MEMO--- breakfast -of -champions WELCOME BACK BASEBAll! POU CHOPS 85~ 83~ 41~ Tbe Newport Har bor !:luil&1l a... beeD adJadced b7 (Mperlor eo.t to be a aewspaper of pD· en) CllrealaUoD aDd q•Wied to pabUalt aD public aotaoe. re- .-,-by law. DEPARTMENT STORE lil t NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. BI'Acoa 5035 -... - 'SPORTSWEAR DIY ... SlOES Fcx Men. Women. Children • Qaallt)' llerc!laaaciiM • hpalar Prioee e NaUo.al ......_ • Frteta417 8entee .......ct- You Save With UB GREEN STAMPS OrtoiP SLICED BACON Farm-Freth Produce Luer'a Quality 53~ t'a.ncy. ~NIIum. z lb> 29' SKJNIXS ALlA .. R&ES FBANKFUBTI!IS ASPARAGUS Luer'a ~wH>t. .lwcy. ('OACHELLA siiLL BOLOGNA 49~ GRAPEFRUIT 6 fM29' a-ble Bee PINK SALMON Goldea State OA.NNED lp. liD.& ........ caa -·--!!:toe 65t. TENDERLEAF TEA BAG 17• 18--Carton ., TEA BAGS 47• 43-Cartoa . ., BLACK TEA 27• ·~-·~~ .. Fanc-y BLEAC HED BOMAINE • • • Nch wtth lc caa S ood~ attachf'd • • • CIDCKES ~t"B Ot'M Ml'S KROOM C HOW XF.I~. CHOP Sl 'EV OR CHOW MDN !&-COt~N. Ia Mdl WITU MEAT. e.a llaltwell tS9 BEEF C'HOP St 'EV a~ 2 Your dt~ 57 COFFI'.E lba. lk"L t'aAS C O"A liTY .W I Sf PATRON I Z E { z '··15' ~tokf\Q ... C'J~~ol P IS'EAPPLE o..l lloat.e TOMATO .JnCE Happy v• Ct'T O&IZ.'V BEANS I....._ Onai"C.'Jia'a GRAPr. ll"IC'r. s~toe s!a: 2§t ~toe 2,0,2'7' ~ JJt Al~-~rood ,.. ~attfor: 26:. M AJlOA&JN"E Life Member Honor Given A life membership in the Wom· en'1 Society of Christian Service wu awarded to Mrs. Harry White, WU. ot the pastor of the Bal~ Ia1aDd Community _Methodist Cht.U'Cb, at the April meeting of t.M Society. Plans were made at ~ ~tlng to hold a cake sale lut Thursday at Boardman's Mar- ket on Balboa Island with Mrs. Stepben Smlth and Mrs. Neal Don- Iter tD charge. Nn. Fount Lowe, representative to the United Church Women. an· nouneed that the Balboa Island Churcb will be hostesses to the May Fellowship Meeting on May 2. Mn. P . F . Baines presented the a fternoon program "Brotherhood 1n the World of Work" with the help of Mrs. Ted Hauser, Mrs. Ar· thur Schenkel and Mrs. Harold Fink. Mrs. Althea Shiffler pres· entecl the devotionals. Luncheon preceding the meeting was served by Circle Two. IA8'1' TIMES SATURDAY FREDRIC MARCH .. DEATH OF A SALESMAN" KielB' Mat. Sat ... 1 .. Man from Planet X" SlTN .. MON., TUES. J AM ES MASON 'TIVE FINGERS'' BILL WILLIAMS "The Pace That LAST TIMES SATURDAY JANE RUSSELL VICTOR MATURE "THE LAS VEGAS STORY" .. ~ .. IM(..,_ •IIIIIUI(Nt STARTS SUNDAY ~ART GRANGER WENDELL COREY "THE WILD NORTH" ln Color -eiAo- "Clouded Yellow" B11lbo11 THE4TRE ... f,...,. .. ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LA8T TIME SATl'RDAY JAMES STEWART "ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE'' CARY GGRANT "E•ery Girl· Should Be Married" MAUKDN O'HARA atan lD "Flame of Arab)'," allowhl« ., U.e 11eea Theatft Friday aad 8atardaJ. ()a tale tuDe pro- .,... la "TTile Lu Vepa Story," with ~aae R-.eO. • Per11lt lssuill -Apartment A $30,000 permJt was Issued dur- ing the past week to C. H . Ozanlon of Belltlower for an 18-room, J...unit apartment building at 123 Edgewater In Balboa, leading aU other permJts In value. Total value or permits wu almott $200,000, bringing the amount for the entire city at the middle of the month to $400.000. Following permlts were issued during the put week : · Coroaa del Mar Lois Vogel, 535 Coast Highway, Newport, 5-room. 1-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 416 Acacia, $9,000; S.. room. 1-story, .1-unit dwelling at 414 Acacia. $8,000. Mutual Build· lng Co., builders. s. G. Anstey, 219 Poppy, 5-room. 1-story, 1-unit dwelling at 221 Poppy, $11,000. James D. Ray, builder. Ooroaa ..... ...._ John Kclntosh, 6-room. 1 %· atory, 1-unit dwelling at 400 De Sola Terrace, $21,000. Francis Glockner. builder. Leo Koch, 608 Seaward Rd., s- room, 1-atory, 1-\D\lt dwelling at 531 Seaward Rd., $9,000. Owner builder. Udo hie S . E. Bri,gp, 329 Anade, Balboa, S..room. 1-atory, 1-unlt dweWnc at 131 Via Mentone, $11,000. Owner builder. R. J. Colllna, Shore Clilfa, 5- room. 1-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 213 Via Ithaca, $11,400. Owner builder. Balboa blaad L. Crandall, addition to dwelUng at 107 Apolena, $4,500. ....... William S hields, 3-room, 1-fam· iJy unlt attached to present dwell· Enai&D Claullled adl have been ing at 701 Jasmine, $3,000. Owner a proven means of reachinc buYert b~:· Badger, 429 Narcissus, 4· for all sorta of merchandile-UM room, 1-story, 1-unit dwelling at them! Phone HArbor Ulf. E H . B. Wyette, Balboa Island. garage at 1414 E . Balboa Blvd .. $1.000. Louis ea... alaN-in porch. 2018 E . .Bay Ave., t1.:i00. ============== 714 Marguerite, $9,000. W. . Fisher, builder. Lyman Farwell, add · roo~ at 1124 E. Balboa Blvd., $500. Emma Holt, new plate glass windows at 2172 Ocean, $200. ENDS SATURDAW ''BELLE OF NEW YORK" Starring FRED AST AJRE VERA ELLEN -also- ••FLAMJNG FEATHER'' E. B. West, 2209 Channel Rd., --------------5-room. 1 %-story, 1-unit dwelling Garden Topics By .JOE D. ELU~ at 2141 E. Balboa Blvd., $16,000. Earl Israelson, builder. John Kimble, 1744 Miramar. 6- room. 2-story, 1-unit dwelling at 1573 Ocean Blvd., $15,000. Gerald Brame, b\lilder . C. H . .Ozanion. Bellflower, 15· Thf' Bristly Rotlf' Slu~ room, 2-story, 2-unit apartment Tht' bristly rose slug is a small building at 123 E. Edgewllter, $30.-~re<>nish caterplllar-Uke worm that 000. Dean K<'phart, builder. i" found on the unde rside of the S~wport J<.•ave~. Th<'Y <'at out the centers Capitol Co., sign for new Bank of tht' lt'aves. just leaving the rib!', of America Building. 2443 Via and will dt'fnliatr if not controll!'d. Lido. $2,000. Tlwrr at'l:' two gl:'nera lions 11 Bay Short"8 year and thr adults first apJ)('ar 1 Frank J~mes. 2841 .Bays,ho~e Dr .. in April and May. Tht> adult is a 16-room, _l·s tory. 1-urut d\l.t'lhng a~ small black saw·fl~· about 1• -inch ~16 Vtsla pr.. $10.000. James lon~. Sine<' roseS on tht' coast Rtdt'nour. bUIIdt'r. I . • Thunday, Aprill7, 1152 'Ji" .J'U& LOAN Coaatnaction LOC!!M 5% --20 Yeara 8a BOB IA'I"I'LD -· Repr..atiQI PelrllriiiiPPDe. l.U Oeu& ...._ CDII .._ RA un...a...-u ...- c ••• , ••••• ,. oiADKinde FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS ~·--• ~ lr8TIIIIA~ • IIIIa. WIITIII-.. ""-1110-J • HAitMw ...... 2211 ,._,.,. ..... c-t. .... DDT ~ .... -... COI•EmiiS -.......... _....__a.... .. .., ..... 411 .......... ~ .. ,._. en... "H. cain•• He t...• w .......... ...... CREDIT BU.EAU OF NlWPORT lEACH, ~NA MACH AND COSTA WIIA 204 liwnWe Ave. P. 0 .... JM ·-llt1 ..... ,.,. .... Celf. ...._...,. T1w Sip I• HArb«, •z,...,.._,cow should be sprayed every week or W. T. Bauer, J:lawthor~e, 5- ten days to control mildew, tht> room. ~-story. 1-umt dwt'lltng at bes t control is to mix a stomach 2562 Ctrcle Dr., $10,000. Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~ poison with a fungicide a nd use Ingram, builder. ~ at the same lime. ------ Sod webworms or lawnmoths Oratory Contest Held will be causing damage to lawns as At Mar Casa on B. L MALONE H. HOLMES 6ENflAL INSUlANCl at the Vogel Co. Laguna Beach PLAYHOUSE preeeat.A "COlE BACI, LITTLE S"EBA" APRIL 1~11-1! aad 11·18-lt Cartala l:st. A......aoa tl.IO (tax lad.) Pboae ~H for KeeervaUou. lit Oeeaa Ave., J..acuaa Bea.eb. P AT The Arches "Your Hott to tbe Cout Since 1928" FINE FOOD8 OOCKTAIL8 COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES Newport ... d. JOHN VU.EJJ.E I&COft 1163 lt4G4~'S Your Family RartauraDt (0.... ~J) soon as the weather turns a Uttle wartn('r. The adults are small and can be seen latt' in the afternoons as they fly low over tht' lawns lay- ing eggs that hatch out into cater- pillar worms that are about 2/3 of an inch long wh<'n full grown. The caterpillars eat the crowns and the new buds causing irregular brown spots. The most serious damage is to bent and bluegnss lawns although the sod webworm attacks other grasses as well. The most satis- factory treatment, and one that prevents relnfestatlon. is to tl'('at with standard lead arsenate at the rate of 5 tbs. per 1000 sq. CL of lawn. Chlorodane dust and pyre· thrum are also used effectively. Al)otht'r treatment is to use dich- loroethyl ether applied as a s pray. J>t.-e wri~ ln care of thiA column or to .104'1 D. Ellis. 916 eo-at Bh·d .• Corona d~l Ma.r, U you ha\·e quf'll!tlona on lo!lf'Ct <'On· trol or ~df'o probi~Dll!. Youth Club To Be Formed The inspiration for a new youth group under the auspices of the Ca tho lie women of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish was given ala recent luncheon meeting for ap- proximately 100 held at the Balboa Yacht Club. The new club will be called ChJ-Rho. Greek letter initi- als of Catholic Youth. Climaxing a three-day Institute held at Mar Casa. Balboa Island, tht' final dinner and oratorical con- test for th<' Southern Calitom ia Youth Tempc:'rance Council waa held Tuesday night of last week at Christ Church by the Sea. Joy Dawn Hunt of Uplands College was winner. She defeated Jamefl Christlianson of Torrance, David Phillips or Loe Angel~ and Sandra Sue Hollers and Rowena Roberts, both of Alhambra. Ill eo. .. Hth••Y· Newpcwt ..... ....... ,._.: _, .... a.llde~tCI "'-z ~ 2444-W MATTR ... 1 ...... -Oelala .......... Jrrecu)aJ' Sbal* JfEW-IUI:IItJD.DDIO COSTA WHA WAniiSS CO. 21 .... ...,.,. .......... -· You Can Do Better at THE Daniger Furniture Co. ..... ~ COMPLETE HOME FURN181UNG8 BEacon 5656 1812 Newport Blvd. OOSTA J0:8A Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS FOR FINE '<' COCKTAILS ~ French and Italian Dinners. Mother~ of teen age youth of the Harbor area were largely in at- tendance at the meeting, which was opened by a welcome from Mrs. P . F. Feman, president of the Pariah Council. Dorothy Jo Swanson, Corona del Mar dancing teacher. otrered her services to the new movement. Talks were given by Father John P . Langville, head of the Catholic Youth Organ- ization heedQuar~ in Lc» An· geles; Mn. Joeeph Schlarb, presJ- dent or the Arcbctiocesan Council. and Mrs. W~r Scbmall. ~ aDil c:hulch ...... ~ aC the Qoapcjl. Fatller' ~ .!!..~ LUMBER at • • . AJIC L1711111:& SAT.8to5 8UK.9to I uc"' Imported Beers and Wines GE~E'S SPECIALIZIII II Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge Ill'S SEI\ J:OODS ~t-~~~ =..r • tUil clnetor of tbe aew pvup. which will lnduck ~tb -....... tbroulb hllh i1r-.D~! lant. Mn. 8taDJeJ Smith ........ _& ....... WILCH'I OIIDIEIE .,a.., • ..,... .... o.ea._ oe. ...... _ ..... Loag le11ciii-IG F. II. LaB•. lin. .1...-E. s... ._ ________________ .._ _______ _. ~ II ._ ... pulllidt1. I I Tlnaday, Apill7, 1152 DIRECTORY "BI!: SURE -INSURJ:" wltl'l Maurie Stanley Dr. Hofflan Is Elected :EE ~~· ~ Pacifi, AnglerS President ~?.~~§~ ~ eoua.Dor Dr. Rlehards Hoffman of Corona unveiling ot a stuffed marlin dis· =" "Luke, the Beloved Phym- played on the waU-the first mar-~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~ii~iiiiiiiiii IIARBOJ\ l'TN del Mar was elected president of 2Z IIIJ'tM Aft., Be.D~c. lllliD4 the Pacifie Anglers at the annual "============:meeting and trophy dJnner held ,. lut Friday at the Balboa Bay Club. Dr. Hoffman. who served u aecretary~during the put year, succeeds Frank Unnell of Bay Shores. W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE MARCO ANICH, A.Nociate Phone: HArbor 24-P.O. Box 1 2117 W. Balboa BI'!CI- Newport Beach, Calli. Jln of the 1951 year. a 143-pounder i caught by Mr. UnneU July 30. , DWA R E Kenneth Cawthra of the Balboa Bay Club made the presentation ln AUTHUR MURRAY'S G1 COAST BLVD. Conma del liar Ope 10 to 10 For tree dance ua1ysla can HArbor tD TRIANCIA Frances Vandercook Spanlah, Hawallan and HIDdu dan dill cutuet and aourd work em Carnation Ave. HAr-.85-w. Corona del Mar Jlf1JUJCaY 8CBOOL8 HAYDEN HAVEN ro:r the Pre-Sehool Tot MD Heliotrope Ave., <DM JlaJf· ud AU-Day S udcr? s,. Hour,l)ay, Week or Month HArbor 1091-R ULV.. PLA'I'DfO Silver Platers And SU versml thll Repair -Refinlahln& -Replate Gold -SUver -Copper • Draa Neu CommW\Ity Olureh 1914 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta M .. BEacon 51U IIUlUO Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., Coeta M .. Praetiee Umlted to Oi..- ol Ear. Note, Throat; A11a'U ()f!lft Jloura: by AppolnbiMnt BEacoa ~ cw HArbor 1011 Bruce F. Sims, D. 0 . Phyalcian & Surgeon Practice Confined to Care of the Feet 1196 Coast Blvd. South l..aguN Beach. Phone 4-6611 Day or N ight Phone HArbor 1138 Baltz M ortuary Chapel by the Sea HARBOR U Cclrona del Mar. Calltomla Ample Off-street PartdDI P'rteiMIIy Neighborhood Se-rvt~ PARKES · JUDLEY GRAUEL CHAPEL II 0 Broadway BF.aeon ~10 Coat.a Meea thE-absence of Manager K. T . Ken· WEE I ---_-daU, who had arranged for mount· lng the flsh. , Other new officers a re J. Wayne Harrison, vice-president, and Bill P lgg. secretary-treasurer. On the board of dirt>etors are the new of-ficers, out-going president Unncll as hold-over me mber, and John Cagle, Merle Afflerbaugh, Dr. Sal- vatore Monaoo and Roland DeLa- mar. Louis C. Breer is ehaplain. Mr. UnneU was the top winner as trophy presentations were madt>. As. a special honor , there was the Tea, ·p ash ion Show May 14 A F ellowship Tea and Fashion Show on May 14 at the Church lounge was announced by the Wo- men's l"eUowship of S t. Andrews Presbyte rian Church at their April meeting. The tea will be open to friends of the church as well as members and will be for the bene- fit ot the Fellowship project, Palmer Hospital, Palmer. Alaska. Mrs. Thad Samuels. president. announced that Mrs. Karl Axtater will be in charge of arrangements. Plans were also discussed for the annual summer fair of the church in August. The women sewt'd for a missionary project in Africa. Mrs. R. G. Andrews presented solos. accompanied by Mrs. Don Huddleston. Thl' final Pe-rent-Teachers Asso- ciation mee ting for the Newport Harbor High School will be held at 7 :30 p. m. Tuesday at the High School rt>ereation room. Students Donna Price. Joan Kimf.'S, Roxy Aarvold and J erry Rogers will participate in a panel on "What MalCes a School Com· munitv Good?" will be th<' pro- gram ·with social science teacher Robert Magnusson as moderator. J. Leslie Steffensen will s peak on "Fathers Are Paren ts" and Mrs. Roush, president. will cond uct the business meeting, which will in- clude installation of officers newly elt>eted for the 1952-53 year. Freshman mothers will be host· esses. At the High School PTA board meeting held earlier this month, the plans for the April 25, Girls Athletic Association banquet for the High School were discussed. Mrs. A. A. Horvath and Mrs. J. H. Sands a re the co-cllairmen fOT the annual PTA-sponsored dinner. • • • Attf"nds PTA COG«Tf>M Mrs. Harold Boyvey. Newport. the l'ewport Harbor Hi$:h School PTA prf.'Sidt>nt~I<'Ct. is Spt'nding several days this We<'k in San Francisco attending thc Califomaa Congre-ss of Parents a nd Tea<'h<'rs. Zonta to Install Mr. Unnell received the Dr. S. R. Monaco Perpetual and also the Balboa Bay Oub Award for the first marlin of the season : the Bill Pigg Perpetual for the first albacore (18 pounds, 14 ounces. June 16); the AJ Payne Perpetual for the largest albacore on 3!6 tackle ( 30 pounds, Oct. 13). Other perpetual trophy winners were : J . Donald Locke. the Bal- boa Bay Club Trophy for largest ma rlin on 3/6 tackle <139'h pounds'; Thomas Beyrle. the Bob CoUiard Trophy for largest marlin on light tackle C1841h pounds): Mrs. Paul Rogers, the John and Dorothy Cagle trophy for the first Pacific AJlgler catching her lint marlin during the season; Henry Alkt'r Jr., the R. H. Roemer troph )' for largest marlin on medium tac- kle <202% pounds); Dr. C. C. Henrie, the Gilbert Bar beris tro- phy for largest marlin on heavy tackle t200% pounds ): Dr. Rich- ards Hoffman. tht> W. P. Balders- ton trophy for largest albacorE' on 3-thread 08 pounds. 11 ounces): J . Wayne Harrison. the Frank Lin- nell trophy for largest tuna 117 pound<;, 8~ ounces l: Susan Hoi· stein. the Schoolboy trophy (given by Merle Afflerbaugh 1 for the first marlin of the season for wom- en I Aug. 31 l ; Anna Louise Hen- ric. th(' Jim Harrison trophy for the largest marlin for women (151 pounds 1; Dorothy t:sedom. tht> Cad-o-let trophy I given by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pollard 1 for the larg- cst marlin on light tackle for wom- en t 140&~ pounds l; Margo Hirsh. the Boatswain's Locker trophy for !arRest albacore on 3-thread for womf.'n, t6 pounds. 14 ounet>S 1 8<-tt ~ Kenoyer. t ht' Janf.' Groenen- dyke trophy .for la~f.'st albacore 'I on 3 6 tackle for women C26 pounds, 8 ounet-s I. I There was a Spt"cial Pacific An~~t­ lcrs award Cor "Operation Au .... k- land." givt.>n to Jay and Jf.'an l'ar· lislf.' and Waltt.>r Baldt.>rston. "'ho tra\elled farther INt>w Zt>aland t to litO fishing than an) Similar group had ever g-one. , New trophJf's announet>d for 1952 compl'tition are the Victor McLaglen Fishing Oscar to each 1 Pacific Anglcr who establishes a world record for any salt water game fish. the C. W. Welch trophy to the Pacific Angler who catches the largest broadbill swordfish. the Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Hoffman tro- phy for the first albacore caught by a woman member of Pacific Angler. the Nitrarn Drallop trophy for the unluckiest angler of the season-presented by a Pacific 1 Angler who wishf.'S to remain in-cogn.ito. I A yearly selling event that brings you ~ial values on NATIONALLY KNOWN quality hardware. Nine bargain days ... shop and save now on all kinds of hardware, housewares. Elec. HAIR CLIPPERS Sa'·~ t.llfl eo.t ol dlf!W pro- fHIIIotlal lbMn la a 8N f~w moata.s! PECIAL 7 TAPE RULE Itt .ELECTRIC 245 Solderinq hon 1~Watt. Ellcep. valiM' Copper Upp...t eecl .• Screw Driver Set Special! 6-pe. Blade. loek lDt.o 99C plutt(' ha.ndlf'. Both PbllUp& alld rt'«U)ar! WHIRLISG f39 SPRINKLER . BraM Arms A 81-artn,; C'o,·.-rs up t.o ~ft. drclf' CURT AlN STRETCHER ~Jux~ 5d n. tliu. SP E<'IAL ~t? AccuraU>Jy marked: at OaJy ~ GREE." nllliiB 8• Garden Gloves ., .... Son <'bamolfo..llk~ ._.. ri('. W atn n.l8taat Farmer Crosby Coffee Tap ~o morf' unwlnd.lAc-nwtal 99C blind'4: 0SM"Dil C&D lD a jiffy. Ml'a.ur.-. I{Uarda fla\•or ! 26-GaJ. H~a,1Jy Gah •a.a. §25 TRASH CAN La.r~t~ drop baAciiN ma.k~ e&rr-)111« ..--y. 121 COAST l l \10. e WE G I\'E J . C. liONlAl6El Hardware And Applianca HAIW 2)2 C R O WS COl ONA DEi MAl ll TAMP8 e Formal installation for newly elt>eted Zonta o CCicers will be he ld next Thursday evening at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Presi- dents of other women's business and executive service clubs havC? been invited. At their regular lunchron meet- ing the Zonta Club celebrated its fourth birthday. Inclement weath- eT prevented the group from visit- ing the site of thE-Moag Memorial Hospital. one of Its main service projects. Pr-esident Helen Stock- ton presided over the 1Mainess ses- sion and hecrd final plaDa from Mildred S tanley on the Euter party for a ward ol little bo)'ll at the County Ha.pltal Friday-Saturday -Monday -Tuesday -Aprill8 • 19 · 21 ~ 22 DRESSES-req. and half sizes BLOUSES SKIRTS BELTS-SCARVES DIT IIESSES 4 only :~; ~~ . . . . 2'795 Qliu.l Celt• ••••• 6 only Were 10.95 NOW .. ~ .. A Group ot -DENIMS - PEDAL PUSHERS -HALTERS GREAnY REDUCED if you •"• yourMU IOE D. 1CLLI8 -0... We Gtve C R 0 W N S TAM PS U~E~ C:ENTER Nursery .......... IILYD. BA.Jit.r -......... -. IIAII wa GIYII c.OWII 8'U8e 521 Coaat Bml. CoroDa del Mar \ Thursday, April17. 1152 111101 ISI.AID EXCEPTIONILL Y FINE VALUE For Sale • ~F;:or::::;;;Sale;::;::::::=::====i Small. well located beoach collage in good condluon. Large yard. flm> useable db~. gar. Full $12 500 Im<:e only 1 Stanley Hadfield Realtor Ill 11aria6 Balboa IAI.a.llcl HArbor !0 or llArbor 149'7.., CUFF HAVEl Three Bedroom Home Adjacent 10 Cliff Drivt'. 1 year old. Hurdwood firs. Lots of clos{'tS and linen space .... Most pr11 ct ical kitchen. . . Two-car df'- tached gant~l' .... Yard fenC1'd. • • • Will take good t:ar or gOO<!" lot in tradt'. ~~ $131000 T t-rma PlDL SUUJVAN GEO. EVERSON IH6 N .. •port llvd., Coste M ... (Ac:rou from Coste Mew .... , I E 7123. Eves: HA 3157-W, BE 5451-J Corona del Mar \'-0-G-E-L V-A-L-li-E GARAGE APARTMENT On rear of desirable. high, cor- ner lot. Large steel sash win- dows. Good vi£'w. 2-ca r garage plus storage and laundry. N~wly painted inside and out. Room to bwld a ho.me m $10 250 front. Pnce 1 2-Bedroom Home on 45-ft. Comer Lot in C. D. M. Large living room. fireplace, thermo controlled fol'ced air heat. G-E Dl.ahmaster, d.l5posal gu range, ~~~'ro~~ri!'!t b~Jt-~ features .. all .~~-~~~-.~~.~ .. ~.~~~ .. ~~~~: .. ~~-~~ .. ~-~~~:... $14,850 Owner wiU consider moderate low down payment on E-Z terms. \VE tlA VE an Eastern client NAger to buy a large ocean view lot ln C. D. M. needed in addition to those on hand. New llstlnp are WE NEED LISTINGS OF HOMES & RENTALS ., DEL MAR PROPERTIES Hober t B. LYDD &8cl Deleo L. LYllD. B e&Jto,.. 411 Coast Boulevard CORONA DEL MAR TODAY'S SPECIAL , Large 2-bedroom home in Corona del Mar. Only 1 block to ocean. Has hardwood floors, floor fur- nace, nice fireplace, paved enclosed patio, nice yard, double garage. FHA loan. Payments $65 mo. wluch includes taxes and msur. Priced $16 500 Excl'"h·~ \\1tb U!6. SEE T HI TODAY I PRICE T. McCUISTION 50S Cout BIYd .. HArbor,, EICEu.EIT VIEW HOlES We Have a 3-Bedroom Home. with 11/2 Baths It is modem. It is new. Has double garagc. You can sit on the large sundeck and watch the boats $24 500 enter the Harbor. Only .. 1 IT IS TRULY A BARGAIS also 3-Bedroom Home. 1112 Baths with hill and ocean view ---new -• -mod-$22 000 cm conveni<'ncl's. fireplace, L'nclosed yard . . 1 Terms HArbor 1037 For Sale PRACTICALLY NEW Thor Auto- magic wash. mach. $135: also Kenmore auto. gas range, $135. HArbor 1001-W. USED NORGE refrlg., good cond. $35. BE 7101-J. 321 Fullerton Ave., Newport Heights. HEDGESHEARS elec. hedge trim- mer. Cuts on both edges. Used about 50 hours. Excr-llent cond- Cost $40. Price $20. HA 539. PAIR of parakeets In good health. Reas. Phone HA 3029-J. G-E GARBAGE DJSP. and Trade Wind fan cooler. never un- packed, 20% off. Zenith radio- phono. comb., tone control, wa l· nut, excel. cond. Emerson port- -able. car, R&H, cheap. HA 212. USED REFR1G., good runninc cond., new paint, $45. 515 San Bernardino, Newport Heights. Ell L SHel111ler • . REALTOR • IUSI"'USS O,,ORTUNITIES • RENTALS P-14 GOOD Condition, with sa!la SMALL Cro.1~y ~trig., good nm-and' traller. Very reuonable. ·nlng order, $35. 109 Broadway, Call a.m. Sat. or Sun. HA 7~R. Costa Mesa, or call BE 7066 or FOR SALE OR TRAD£-2 view =;jBi:E:=ii'i5808-~~J¥.=:====:=::=;:=.=;;a;:::::=:=:::::::::r::::=:= lots 63"x50' frontage overlookl.ng $3~ BUYS beautiful Spinet piano. Hollywood Freeway, 5 mln. from Used. Excel cond. tuy terms. Vine & Hollywood Blvd, Owner, F ull keys. DANZ. SCHMIDT 501 Orchid. COM. HA 2869-W. BJ G PIANO STORE. 520 No. WESTINGH OUSE washer, 4 yrs. Main. Corner 6th. Santa Ana. old, $60. Also have several New Knabe Pianos. Wes ling house refrigerators and =F::O:::R:-::B:':E:-A;;-CH:::;~co~tt-a-ge_o_~_pe_ti_o_e_n_\ Magic Chef stoves at substan-tertalnlng: Aircraft galley army tial dJscounts. House & Garden, transport stove re-wired tor 115 Gll Coast Blvd., Newport Beach. volts AC. Broiler, 2 food wann- NEW STUDEBAKEflS--Now La ers, beverage heater, $20: After the time to take advantage of 6 p.m. and SWlday. HA .2454-J . our factory delivery and save up $476 BUYS magnlticent MAPLE to $260. J oe Nickertz, 3415 New-Spinet. Like new. A rare bar- port Blvd .. N.B. gain. Terms. Bench included. '50 CADILLAC Convertible by pri-DANZ.SCHMIDT BIG PIANO vate party. Good condition, STORE, 620 No. Main. Santa $3600. or make offer. HArbor Ana. Knabe Pianos. 2387 • W · ;;P.-.A-:-;C:;;KAR,....-;. ;:;-;:;:D-=;B:;..;E;:-;LL:..;=:..:::.::ra.:...,di:::-o-,-p-=h-o-n-o. BEDROOM SET waln ut finish, combanaUon With recording. Per- with bed. math'ess, springs, van-feet cond S50. HA 543. ity and chest. 521 RJverslde Ave., 9x15 BLUE PEBBLE weave rug & N . B. -BE 6726-W. pad, 6~ Kre<>o Broadloom, din. NEW TABLE model radios $20.95 set with 8 chain, buffet, serv. with 90-day guarantee at Kirk-table. Ml.sc. ornaments. 67 Sal- patrick's T-V Ser\iet.>, 1204 Cst. boa Coves. K B. HA 3173-W. Blvd., C D M. HArbor 3083. $5 RENTS a good practice piano. COLDSPOT refrig. like new. 5' All tenn rent allowed on any cab. -7:3' storage space. Bar-plano. Let the klddies Jearn. gain. 3403~ Finley, N.B. DANZ.SCH.M:II)T BIG PIANO STEWART-WARNER refrig., 8 STORE. 520 No. Main. Cor. 6th, cu. ft.. excel. cond Looks Uke Santa Ana. Knabe Pianos. new. Priced to sell, $55. TArbor NICE compact home in CDM. 2-285~. bdnn & bath plus studio & bath ALL ELECTRIC organ. Gorgeous wilh priv. ent. Lee. single gar. tone. Uke new. Big i8Vlnp. & storage. Nl'!lt yard High up Easy tenns. Beautiful mahog-on Poppy, 613. any case. For church or home. ;:E;;-V;;E;-;N;-;-R~U;;:D::-;E~' ~l~.I~G,....HT=-~4-=--""'lO~h-.-p. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO used approx. 4 mo. as awdllary and Organ Co .. 520 No. Main. for sail boat Coat approx, $365, Cor. 6th. Santa Ana. Knabe PI-will sell for $165. HA 2128-M. a nos. FIREPI...ACE WOOD-Reuonably WEISS plnklng shears, almoat priced. 2213 Newport Blvd., new, for half price. $4. BE 6622. Costa Mesa. BE 518()..J. Free MOD. A Ford Cpe., running good, deUvery. $75. HA 1491-R after 5 p.m. $387 BUYS Grand Piano. This is CHILD'S Colson tricycle & stroll-a wonderful chance for teacher · er, reasonable. HA 2825-J . of stuck>n t. Good cond Terms. Good Terms-(Thll!l Is 11bo a HEAL buy) Opelle Realty Co. HArbor 2'786 1521 Coett Blvd., Corona del Mer The Vogel Co. 1)01 Coed Bouleve rd, Corona d.l Mer HArbor 1741 HArbor 1477 Eves: HA 391-M or HA 0461-W NEWPORT HEIGHTS $91350 519 E1 Modena C'utt' rt•d\\uod, 2-bdrm .. hdwd. floot , attractive stret>t , near schools G.I. loan $5.700. pay- able $41 mo., 4 % interest. See tt and ~uhml! down payment. Owne r -BE 7278-W REAL VALUE! ,Jt;ST 900 DOWS BEING COMPLETED NOW ... New 2-B.R. Frame Home dbl. lot. 50x127. $5 500 1 FULL PRICP. 0!\lLY I B. A. Nereson 198'! S enrporl Blvd. B E&eoo 5225 Co.ta Meu -C o r o n a d e I M a r \'-0-G-&-L \'·A-I.,..(T-E NEWI.Y PAI NTED 406 Coaat HJ .... "'Y· Corona del Mar HArbor 36'71 OPEN ROUSE Sunday, April 17th 331 Driftwood e e e SHORE CLIFFS 2 bedroom and den home, exceptionally large living room and bedrooms Beautiful den, 2 baths, on 65-loot corner with ocean view. Se- cluded patio. See this property Sunday or call Mr. Schuster for appointment to see during week. EARL W. STAN LEY, Realtor 615 Cos~t B~evard Corona del MJlr * HArbor 2474 * BAUOA ISLAID INCOME Attractt,·e "ell located and nicc.>ly turnlshed 3-bedroom homt' PL S modNn :?-bedroom apartment PLUS cxtra guest room and bath adjointn~ L:a rar;:c. Excellt'llt incomc.> record. Prit'f'd $291500 T\'rm& Wm. W. Sa1fo~ RaUer ~-BE.OUOOM IIOME Pttrk Avenue &to Ma.riDe Balboa la1AAd ''Bob Rope Slept Here" Summer Rental: Bay front, Udo Isle. 5 bedrooms complt>tely furnished · --pier and slip. A\ at !able May 1s t to Oct. 1st. SPECIAL Here llt a vcr) nict• livable 1-~m home ... Well locatcd on Wilson Ave. in Costa Mesa on a lot with 80' of frontage and which $4 950 is 300' feet deep. Full price ·-.. 1 Real Value ... Balboa Peninsula ... $18,500 Five bedrooms 52' lot -large brick patio -2250 square feet. NEW LOW PRICE 3 BEDIU>OM Calif. modem home-new -the vcr·y latt>~H in design and color G·E disPOsal --· Dishmaster -• · 42" lot . 0J>('n for inspection ut 440 St•ville, Balboa Penins ula. Ha .. bo.. ln~esl01ent Co. IRE ALTOIRS (Since 1945' Newport BIYd. a& ... 8&. BA liOt NEWPORT BEACH Ocean Front 5-Beclroom Home &liMit& PeDJnstllil, 6 beclroorna. nreplac~. alee 1-bclrm. apar~n\ o\·er t-c:ar gara(e, shower and dreutnr roocna, patio. $16 000 AJI fornJ8liNS. ThJ1 Is prteNI to ~ll .... . . I BAUOA REALTY CO. Opposite Balboa Bank of America Ullian McAdoo HA 32T1 Ross Greeley Josephine Webb 700 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Livi n~ 1oom l lx2l Flagstone HArbor Uft firepla<'f' Fuma<.'(•, Dining room. ------------------------· * Buainesa Opportunities Wanted * Tile in kitchen and both. Ample • C 0 R 0 N A DE L M A R -----------------------closets 2-car t:;ara);l'. Laundry. ~~~~~ r~~,;tor•·s $111500 S9.B SPECIAL S9.B The Vogel Co. 1101 Coed Bouleverd, Corone del Mer HArbor 1741 HArbor 14n Eves: HA 193-M or HA 0%1-W D' you are thinking of renting your property da.rill« IUIIlmer, telephone Wl. Ed L. Sedelmeier 16!3 <Jou& Bl•d. Ooroaa del liar HArbor 1'711 PcrintiDg-Pap8rbaDging GEOBGE BURDIARDT aol lbt 8&... N ....... ._.. IIAit»or ..... . Call after 1 p. 111. H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Prompt Repair Sem.ce MaJntaJ.Ded Pltoae Harbor IUS-W 1181 llalboa BIY'd. Newp!!! .._. PAINTING Earl suflin 1'7'1 ....... 8 ... -o.~a-.. ··-...,_. Perfect 2-Bedroom Home SOUTH of Highway near shops and ocean. R·l wne. Fireplace, hardwood noors. nice fenced yard. garage. 11\:o telephone calls on this. we have the key) TOI PAYIE, ReaD• 310 Coast Boulevard Corona del Mar Baylroat Rome Wlt.h private pier & n oat. 5 bedroom .. runlisbed aad tlOIDpletely redecorated. Oft beltt of North Bay loeattoes. P~ like uwa are IICU'OI!. Better like this aril ~~earee Better take a look! ... ,. LIST YOUB BUSINESS . with Lloyd C. Boward~u,r".u •ok., Blrtcher Bl~ .• 1415 Coast Blvd, Corona del Mar HArbor 3512 e Your business can be told qwckly through a confidential U.Unc at t.hf5 Ume. e AUTOMOBILES e ~!,r::.dan . . . . . Sf59§DO ~0:~ Sedan. . . . . . Sf M§OO RENAULT • • • • . • Sf2Z1 DO DeliYered here plua tax and Hc:eDM HARBOR MOTORS LTD. A17'1'HOUDD U 1W AND 8DVIC. Harbor BIYCL at W'U.oD ec.ta Meea IEacaa 1780-W DANZ.SCH.\ITDT BJG PIANO STORE . Home of fine pianos, Knabe, Lcstl·r. Chickering, Wur- lltzer, Steim\u} and many oth- ers. 520 No ~{aln, Santa Ana. FOJt SALE Old FublonNI . --Reftaiahed Roll Top Desk ·t..r wtde a real antique Will a~·pt 1)(>..1 offer. HA 1037 N•"' KITCUES!'\: BATHROOMS! Complew luta.UaUoa AU ln Ont> OperaUoa . Plumbing. Car~Wntry, n.llng, etc. 1 tvl/ DOWN • • • • U70 s n :.uts to PAY GARBACt:; DISPOSALS Garba«-e Dl-.poeals lutalled with &m•' tluy Tei1'DS 1 MARSAC l'l.tJKBING 00. 700 C.rnatlot~, COM HMor ll II FREE DEIJVERY -to-- St. Joseph end C munity HOipitels $2.50 •lid up Dowers by M.orri GOt E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa HArbor 1010 1949 PACURD 8-CYLINDER. SUPER DE- LUXE CUSTU\1 BUILT, 4-dr SEDAN , R & H with white waU tires. On.: Packard ma· roon color l::xeel condition. Original cost · :\4,800 ---will accept reasonable offer. Low down paym~·nt balance on terms. Call owner, HA 1037. USED CAR BARGAIIS '50 Nash Statesnllln, 2 Dr. OD I TILis looks like a new one) .............. $1645 '42 DeSoto Sed R & H & Fluld Onl} . ... ........ 495 '48 Stude. Dlxc. :.' Dr., R & H & OD l You must see this one. Only ..... -....... 995 '47 Chev. Sed. RltH, im- maculate ............. . 945 (You'll hkt' this one!) '47 Ford Sedan. tt .......... 875 '40 Chev. Cpe., Rcllf .... ..... 375 '49 Ford CUstom 8 Sedan. R.ltH cl: 00: cleanest '4.9 Ford In O...a.ge Co. 1395 •so Ford 8 custom Tudor, MH, extra nloe ....... -... 1585 '41 Cadillac Sedan, R &: Hydr.; clean aJ a Pin.... 735 ALSO-MAGIC CHEf' ~ gas range; xtra nice, only ... _........ ·-....... $49.50 Many more to c:hooee from- Let us prove t.ha l we can meet or beat any deal [n Onnge Co. Our lot Ia at 534 Coast Hwy. "ON MARINER'S MILE,. "ON MARINER'S MILE" •• ,. ...... Your P'ORD o.Jer BEecoa eeot N4•1*'t ae.ct. Moun: we.~r .,. a ·w e:.ao ~ A Hol.ldQI 10 'tn 4 ; ' !hunclay, April 17, 1152 . For Sale For SaJ. S MALL Crosley ~frig., eood "'run-;.;.ODERN BED DlV AN and chair, .nlng order, $35. 109 Broadway, $35. din. table with 6 chalra $20., Costa Mesa, or call BE 7066 or modern dbl. bed with box aprli\g, BE 5808-J. mattress $20. HA 0837-J, after $395 BUYS beautiful Spinet plano. ;:-;:;;3~P::;· ;m;;:..·-=-:-7:~-;::;-----.-:­Used. Excel conc1 Eaay terms. S PINET PIANO. Famous make, Full keys. DANZ-SCHMIDT slightly damaged ln shlprMnt. Bl G PIANO STORE. 520 No. Save $200. Tenn.s. Maple case. Main. Corner 6tb. Santa Ana. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. Knabe Pianos. 520 No. Main. Cor. 6th, Santa F OR BEACH t1 Ana. 100 pianos always. Knabe .... Petition Hita TI'Cimfer Of Liquor Lic:enae A petition opposing 0 . W . Hln~­ gardner'a request to transfer a Uquor license to the Coroha del Mar Cafe at 405 Coast Blvd., was referred by City Council Monday evening for investiga tion by the PoUce Department. The petition, with 60 slgnatures,,stated that the t.ra.nsfer would add to parking a.nd poUoe probl~n\S In the area. cottage or pa o en'\ Pianos. t ertalnlng: Aircraft p~y army ~;..:;;,~;;;.;::----:;-~~..,... --:-:-""':":'"' W transport stove re-wired for 115 $69 BUY_S a good practlc:e plano. Help anted volts AC. Broiler, 2 food warm-Trade Ln later at Cull pr1ce. Oth· _,.,.._.........,_.....,......,... _____ _ e6rs. bever~dge heater,HA~~f!:.Jer ep?ayina !ltcotlend..~~z. AlSCil ~ NIGHT CLERK and PBX opcra-P m an S unday ~ " tor, male, middle a ged. 12 mld-. . · . BIG P IANO STORE. 100 pianos. night to 8 a. m. Private Club, $47.6. BUYS. magnificent MAPLE Cor. 6th. 520 No. Main, Santa phone BE 6528 for a.pplication. Spmet. Uke ntw. A rare bar-Ana _ - gain. Terms. Bench Included. •47 STuDEBAKER Ch i SALESMAN or saleswoman decor-DANZ-SClnUDT BIG P IANO . . amp on -a tor to call on new home own- STORE, 620 No. Main. Santa Good condttlon. Reasonable. HA ers. House & Garden, 611 Coast Ana. Knabe Pianos. 2959·R. Highway, Newport Beach. PACKARD BELL radio, phono. USED BED and mattress, $25. 314 LADY WITH car to take over es- comblnation with recording. Per-Jasmine, Corona del Mar. tabUshed AVON business in Har· rect cond. $50. HA 543. TRADE your old piano on telc vis-bor area. Call BEacon 5624-R. 9x15 BLUE PEBBLE weave rug & ion. Hight>st allowance. DANZ. EXPElUENCED SALESWOMAN pad, 6x9 green Broadloom , din. Sq!MIDT PlAl"lO 00·· 520 No. wanted for women's wear: 6-day set with 8 chalrt, bullet. scrv. Main. Cor. 6th, Santa Ana. week, Incl. Sun. La Fiesta. ta ble. Misc. omamenta. 67 Bal-SIMMONS METAL beds, complete Balboa Island, HA 1952-W. boa Coves, t\. B. HA 3173-W. with Simmons coil springs an~ BOB Ml TRPII\', "\tr. &Jhnla," w ho '" mournrcJ hy thl" f'OUrt' l brbor Art-tt, I.!J piC!turt'd hf'rf' u ~ of Uw hiK""h apot. of hltol t'\t'Dtful lift· --• ~In" am·~o tt'd llO hon.,rar) tiff' ml'mtwrahlp ID 0\('1 BaJboe lm- pro\f'm t-nL AM()('latlon for h.la lortrc ) ears of out.t.&ond In,;: st>n lr.fl f •K Balbo&. Thl" "rNWnt..UoD took place ttt. thf' ~uUflcatlon fund nal11ln~t mt>t-Un~t h t·ld hack In .l unt'. Mukln iC thf• uw~~crd I• BlA PI'Mdea& l.onnlt• \'lm•t•nt, ttlld ttl ... o In tht-"lctur ... un• !\tr•. ~~ urvh,v IUld MontE> <:rtm-. (Stor y of tJ\f' .ervt~ f()r Kub ~luq1hy on PuiCt' 1.) -84-ekaer p61oto ------------ $5 RENTS a good practice piano. mattress pads. $25 Cor set. HA Loet and Found All term rent allowed on any 1734-J. ~~ • ~ piano. Let the kiddles learn. Real ";:._.ate & Ren•-•-LOST In CDM. lady's Elgin watch DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIANO ~' u;ua with initial on back, I. E. C. Re-•lonttrlUl'd rrum Pagt' 11 1nnd now rPSM'all •d that hts rt>&t ~ult Colonel Andy Smith Elected Mayor SeHiement Made STORE. 520 No. Main. Cor. 6th, ward. Phone HArbor 1203-W, \oH•s ac1·nrdJnK to a revt~Pd L'C>Unl tlon stands because he thought th•· Santa Ana . Knabe Planos. o'i.=-~~~~~~~~~u;~n~~ 508~ Marigold. c D M. Onl> :-.urprt:-.4• In ltw ab)t(•llkl' I•• \\ ('OilllC'Ilmf t'll '\khuuld ha\'€' tllf' NICE compact home in COM. 2· Peninsula Cor swnmer season to LOST--BOY Scout watc h, Ocean vot1n;,: was lht• fact that thP p1 t1-o ''" llo·m·,. '' \\Ill tn" Cln r·ummtt· bd:nn & bath Plus Studio & bath mil 2024 Oce front and Island St., Balboa. 101 pos111011 to uboh.;h tht> treal>urer's t(l('S. It \\8S potntcd out that thl! responsible fa y. an d t t . 11 with prlv. ent. Lee. single gar. 2 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. HArbor job us an f'ICCIIVI · olfict• car ril' 111'\o\ rlltl}or \.\HS au orna tea Y & storage. N~.>at yard. High up Blvd .. HA 126-W. 0752. 123 1u 20 Th£> final totals on th1s mcmb<>r of the :>anttatton commtl· on Poppy. 613. SHARE OFFICE with inaurance pr·oposit10n \H'r"' 2.(148 to r<•jt'ct 11-.• and am rurtlrt>r ac·11on v.a:. broker on Mariner's Mlle. BEa· • thf' p1opoMllon and 633 fa\onn,:: 11 pol>tponf'd ·ThP rw w ma>·or tho·n EVENRUDE UGIIT 4-10 h. p. con 7444. Miacellaneoua I Thr busin<>ss of <'ama~l.ng tht' named Councilmen ~ltUt>r 11nd used approx. 4 mo. as awdllary 2-BDRM. unfurn. home, east side \'Ott' b<>ing O\Pr. rl'ttrm~ Council· Horvath to thf' fmancl' cummittl'f' for sail boat. Cost approx, $365, or Costa Mesa, near High School. :A'ITRACI'IVE WOMAN wanted to ml'n Dale R.anue~. D K. Blu<' and "I don't feel we should constder wiU St>U for $165. HA 2128-M. Ft'nced yard, Bendix washer. organize Local chapter of Eps1· Ros:. Cr<'t'lc·> st,.pp<>d down, and other bU.'ilnt'S:-.. bt•l'UU!W' we should FIREPLACE WOOD-R.e,aonably Yearly lease, $65 mo. BEacon Jon Sigma Alpha Intemational.l th<' nf'w rouncilmt'n W('nt up to h&\1' tmw to look mto the prob- priced. 2213 Newport Blvd., 7066-J or BEacon 5808-J. Can be done In spare time. A tuk£' thetr ::.Ntt,;. Ctty C'l€'1'k P ri.:-st !ems,' ~layur :-;mt th ... a1d "\\'1• Costa Mesa. BE 5180-J. Free UOO ISLE-JBay Front. 1-bdrm. worthwhile opportunity at good swon• in lhl' trio and also '\lrs \\Ill do our bt'~t tu c·onduc1 an delivery. Curn. a pt. reas. rate. Also new pay. Complete working matcri-I Coolin~ as tht· nt'" ta ·a:.urPr, and hon~t. t'fftctent. l't'Unomtcal ~O\· $387 BUYS Grand Piano. This is 1-bdrm. ocean front unfurn apt. als furnished; also help from I admmister<>d thl.· I u > a It y oath enunent without sacl'lfictng an} ot a wonderful chance for teacher · $90 by yr. CaU HArbor 2552 members in nearby towns. Write Then Mr. Prl<'st ~aw to r•ach on!' tht• <·~s,•ntial tunct11)11:. w,, 11rf' of student. Good cond.. Terms. or Eves. HArbor 2914-M. Roy W. Hahn, Box 359, Lo\'C· a c·opy or thr> m~nutf'!' or tlw prP· "~'unum: uur oftu•o• humbl> Wl\h DANz.SCH!\IfDT BIG P~O 2.BEDROOM & gar. unfurn. has land, Colorado. \ IOUS e\1 mm:·, c·uullt'll ml'<'tJOg oJ r1o•Pp ... €'nS•· ut ublu.:atton to th!' STORE. Home of fin~ p1anos, hardwood floors. fireplace, tlle; NO NEED to join a "Food Club" \\ hich had llMtktl qUJk a lnt or public. We intend to carr~ out Knabe, Lc~tN, Chlckenng, Wur-year's l«.>ase, $85 per rna. HA to buy meat at wholesalt' pnc£>s work for n•·" mt•t •tJO~ Apnl ~ th" mandntt· (II thf' •·l··cttcm Wl t h- litur, SteNtn\o\uy ~d many OUl· 1862 .• Eves. HA 2915-J-K. F h best . d lx> 1 c 1 ~lu\or l o'" Is lx·lt tho·n an-out ft•ar or fil\f>l. 11nd l!'t th•· ers 520 0 :\t&lJl Santa Ana or t C .10 ~ge e ' U nounc~ 11 \\•1" llmf• fur l'll·l'llnn <'htflS rail \\hNt' rh,·~ nul\ · · · • · 1-BEDROOM STUDIO apartment. the way you like 1t, always call r , . c· i Cl •rk Pno·:-.t took FOK :iALE S mall but charming. New maple HArlx>r 0718 Harbo•· F roz<.'n 1° a ma)OI · 1 } 1 • l'uunt:llman llon"lth .;u~.;;.:o·.;:tl'd Old F &AhlonNJ ·--ReftJalabed cumiture. !\62.50 Incl. util. 608 Food Lock£>rs · 418 30th St ~£'W· O\l'r as dtall'lnan pru t .. m and that tho• (\lum·tl .,f'ncl an .-xpn·~· Be h · callt'd fur num1nattuns ,100 u! ,~ mp .. tth~ tn :\11 ~ Rc•ho·rt Roll Top Desk Marigold, C 0 M. HArbor 1975· port ac · lmml'<ltawb :'\mm ~ltllo•r '~ltd. \lurph~ on th•· ,~,~ ....... w.: of h(•r hu..,. 4.r wide 1-BEDROOM Apartment. partly RENT A WASHER or refrlg. Lov. • "I nommatf' Col Smtth fut ma-hand. and 1 hi., ntut11111 w;1s ~~~~ Cumished, $65 mo. yeJl.TIY lt'ase. e-st rates f~r beaut. clean, brand yor." .and thts was sPCond··d . b~ ~r()\'t:'d a real antique 603% Marigold. COM. 'HA 770-R. name appliances from $4 p<>r mo. FranCIS Horvath. !\'lr. Pm·<,\ :'lla\ur .:'mllh lht•n .nnllunN d W ill acet•pt h\•,t offer. HA 1037 FOR RENT-Nice 2-room fum. up. Udo Electric Co. 516 Coast a!.kl:'d 1f tht•ro· \\t'n.• an} morr that ih" l..c·,11:uo• ut Cl\ll A-...!oOCitl· cottages, very quiet. New rangl'S, Hwy., N.B. BEacon 5505. nonunattom., and a r wr a :rhort , twns \\ 1" ,l'1 \ 111~.; I'Orft·r 11 n d NPW KITCH£.~~: BATBBOOMS ! aU utilities fum., bus service. FI XIT MAN-All electrical appli· P<JU.sl' 1\fr llonath rno\l.d thEtt dou~hnut:r 111 tht lnhh} 11nd th•• Complet..-.......uauoa $8.50 & $10.50 a week or month-ances. radios. TV, e\'erythln~ r nom~natton~ clo:rt'. Th•~ mtoliun rnecttn~ was ad)uurn•-d AJJ ln °0 " Operataoa ly rate. College Court, 350 A\'o-reasonable. HA 3012. \\US apptO\I:'d, anct ~tr Ptw:.t Plwnbing, Cai'J}l'ntry, nllng, etc. cado, Costa Mesa. ROTO-TILLING and weed cutting 1 call('d f<?r a roll call \'u.tl' 1 00/o ~~~~s· ~PAY 2-BEDROOM Unfum. house, fi re-machines. 2213 Newpprt Blvd4 Counctlman Braden Ftnch .. " hfl'-<' CARBAco:· "ISPOSALS pia"". double gar~ge, ft>nced Costa Mesa BE 5180-J nanw was ftrst called. satd. I h•l l New Appeal for Fireworks Funds "' u "" · · that t ht• nt'\' <'ounctl rnen ha \ t' t h•• Garbac'e Dl"~ '-ta1.lecl yard. year lease. 714 Femleaf, FOR YOUR PET-U. S. Go~. in· I n1(ht to cl('t't thl· man thl.·~ "bl~. w1t.b Sam•• taay Terms C D M. HA 1001-W. spected horse meat. frt>e deliv. in and t do not '' tsh to vott' .. :"\nr· MARSAC I'UJMBINO co. $100 MONTH until June 1st. Love-Harbor Area. Hkty's Pet Sup-I man ~lillt·r \ ol1'd "ye:." \l.t}ur Th" Chambf r of C 11 m m t> r <' £' 700 C.rtw~tion, CDt.f HArbor 1111 ly furnished duplex. Heated. plies & Sporti.Dg Goods. 605 Lt'' J..bell. Ill''' l'ttll<'d on .... ud h·· 1 •am lht!> W<.'t'k apll\'alt'd ror pub- Sleeps 5 persons. 2 blocks to Coast Blvd .. COM. HA 1293-J. \\uuld IJ<\.;.., Ill' "'It> We>. ~11 lltll· II~ suppu.lt of tho• drt \1' 10 r,u"' FREE DEIJVERY -to- St. Jo••ph .,cl COII'Imunity Hcnpitels n .so ·'"' up Dowers by Morri 609 E. Balbo11 Blvd. -Balboa HArbor 2010 1949 PACURD Sa> & Beach. ~ 0535-~. BABY SITTING in your home or '_J th ,·oto•d ~l~ .. und Cot.. ~mtth ,!1.000 fill' :.. Harbor An•a llrt'· GARAGF. APT. wtth sleeptng ~m. mine, day or night. HA 1670.1 fmjshcd up th•• \Olin~ "1th h1s \l·orks dtl>pla\ un tilt' Fow th vi full bath, Uv. rm. No cooking ~ n• · ~, . ..," Ill• thl'll t'han~··d vlaco•s JJJh ('nntr1i11111110, <'1\ll b. mallo•d facilities. Availabl(' now. 333 Services \\ tth ~lr. bbt•ll .tnd to<lk mo•r a ... dll.,·'l'lh ,01 tho <'h:tml~t ootf11·o· Poppy. COM. I . tho· IWW mll>ul La-.1· \"lit' tlu•rt · \\.i' 11,. cJ1,111,1 ~ WANTED-Ocean rront improved WE ~ERVICE all makc•s of radw.., Ftrst rn.tt!t r to t•umc up wa ... :tp '"" ''""' lh•· Hnlbtl:t nwn·han t... prop. S4.000 to $10,000 or vacant & T-V. Work .guarant.e~ Call pomtml:'nt ut ltlt•mlx•r!> f~tr ~:tnil •· \•ho lllplo \lolt ... ~t•ur' h trl fln.anr • r1 lot ocean front. Give complete IIA1bor 3083, Klrkpatnck s T-V tiun UistJ'Il'l .:'\u .i Hradt'n 1-'HHh it all b) tht'rruit In''· u.;o·cl lho•tr dt>tails in letter. Add. R. S. No. ::;('n ICt>, 1204 Coast Blvd .. COM. hud _r<>si~llt'd all lm. t·ummt llo:o' po-funds Instead for ho•autJt ll"t' um ot 985 No. Los Robles, Pasadena 6.1 WOl'l.J) YOl' want an <.'xpcril•nc-sit1ons the 111l!ht lwfnr,. tnclurti!ll! Balboa Bhd Tho•ro• "'''.a tluc>d nl Calit. ed ~l.t::.St'USl' to rumt• to )Our j tht' "anitatton lx>ard chau man-,.htp. ,,mtt•sh !rom dt .... ti•J•olnt• t1 ro·,•· CAR. APT. with 2 bdrms. lor sale hom.·:' Corona dl'l :"vt~r. clif'nH•II' 1 Es ch•nb. and as ,, n•,ult t ht• t 'hnmlt•·r by ownt'r. 511 Ma rigold. COM. only Call IIAr~r l1(J86-!\I 7 & Narrow cape directors later \0\l'd to pnlmutt 3 BEDROOM. 1~ baths, 2 car gar· 8 u Ill.. or 6 & • ~ m t he e\<.'nt Th•' t'ham!M'r' Cl•lr·- agr. Nicely located on Ocean ~a\')' Lt Btll W<'bSter I" at thr brations romnutto't' ho·adl'd h~ By Griffith, City St•l 1 lo m(•nt of tht! contn)\'t'I'SY w1th tho· Bank of Amenca and t he Griffith Co. U\t'r thl' purchas<· of the fonm·r city watt>r dt>partment '''~' &t ~lh !'t in ~eowporl l in-1.-ndl•rl to bt• lhP nev. Bank Of Am· o•111 1 l(ll'<~llon l walt announ~ )1ond.a y ''\Pntn~ b~ Itt)' Attorney Hart~ Blodgt't t The $.1:! UOO transaction bt•tween th•• r tt\ and &nk of AmE.'n ca had ::un" til (•-.rrow tn JuJy, 1950. but \\..1' d1>la\'e-d b\ tttlP st>arch Dur- In>! that dt'la~ ·th£' Grtffith C.to had t>xchang,•d property 1n LlC:In Ct"n- tt·r. \\ h••rr tht> nt>v. Bank of Am-r·rtca bwldln~ now IS tx>ing com- pll'trd for tht' Clty property Last ()(:tober GnHtth Co told th<' ctty that tht> transaction was orr be-- cau-..· uf tht> dl:'la~. and Counol in. !>lru<'tf'd thP Cit) atturnt'Y tC\ take nt-et·--. ... ar' II'J.:SI tu·hon to <'nforce 1 ht• C'Qn 1 i· H r uf sa It• 1 1 O•·l '110• ter1n" uf tho• '<J>ttle-- 01• n 1. 1 he Cit) rt>tatn!> t h(' 111'\ll)('rty ancl I!> r••tmltUn<-d b\ thf' Gnf!tth C'n 1"1 1 II' 11 t !I· t'M:; o" • lf'~a I and lt'OJ) o•,l,lll' I'UI1ll11 .... !-tllln t'XPf'nse5. totalling $1.885: and the amount to\\l'fi II\ Grtffllh t'o tn tht• CITY • ~I 4.j 1 I on lrast' fJf prop<>rt) m l.tdo C'•·nh•l 1'> clf•ar•'4i 11p •That l..itto·r 1•11" 1~ for tho lot tiO v.•h1ch the Elks wtU build their new lodge hall: the h.ra~>e wtth Gnffith Co. h.l:r t .. ~ II I oilll'('ll('d rll'ld th~· Cit~ lS prt•par<.'d tn I'JCN'ul• a lt>ru;f' ",'h tho· f.lks lor the property.) t '••11111'11 11 l'l'ru\ t•tl 1 h·· !lPt tll"mt•nt 1 I • o 1111 1 I .11111 ro 'l'Jndf'd IIIII' mo- lt~>n .,,km._ th• l'll~ attorn•·~ to hnll · (,., ;d ct\111111 Mrs. M . Verburg Gets Nomination \tr ... \t, 1 h \'o•rhur.-v.a.;, nomtn· ,o I· ·d .. 1 lh11111llt n 1ot Grou~o !l uf t t. <'I Utt h !"t'ho<>l <;wid ut th~ Currona del Mdr C'ommunHy lhur<'h 'I t l:i"t MondaJo s m~ un.: ,11 tilt llnllh' ut ~rs Juck lluhbard. .!1'~ l.sl k~pur AH• ~1 n; W ll llurll..,o•t 'l' nonuna11'<1 tt<. ~N'­ r.tr~ \Jr ... Jttmt>5 McXo·t' a.-. lrPa • Ul"er. 8-CYLINDER SUP ER DE- LUXE CUSTU:'It BUILT, 4-dr. S EDAN. R & H with white wall tires. Ont: Packard rna· roon color. Excel condition. Original cost. ~.800 • --will accept reasonable offer. Low down payml•nt balance on tenns. Call (1\\oe_r, HA 1037. Blvd. Beautiful view. Yearly home of h1s motht'r. !\tn. Ru~=-Lonme \'tnc£>nt t:-111 choJrgt• )('aSP. HA 2989-J. BICYCLE noore.r. 3.12 E\·ening Can~·on Rd ;=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;.;;::;;:;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;::;;:;;;;;;;; FOR SALE-2-bd.nn. home. newly Shore CliCfs. fullov.1nf.!' h1 m11·acu- USED CAR Ill GAllS '50 Nash Statesman, 2 Dr. OD ( Tb1s luoks Uke a new one J ............ $1645 '42 DeSoto sro R &: H & Fluid. Onl) ............ .... 495 '48 Stude. Dlx<.'. ~ Dt'., R & H & OD 1 \'olu must see ck-corated Inside and out. Stucco, Rl NG lous ~scapt• Ill th<.' Ar1zunn moun- s hingle roof, dbl. gar .. chain link REPAI tams Tu<.'day when ht' mad~ a fence, lot 60'x120'. HJgh & dry. for<'et.l landlng \\ith his gas-leaking No flood waters ever. Price "Bearcat" Na'y plane. $8.950. 118 Santa Isabel, Costa Lt. Webst('r was fl~ m~ eros' ,.._ ln D' k' Mkt 2398 Schwinn Bir-vcles ('ounlry from th<.' Olatha ~a\·aJ ~'"'sa. q. IC s ., -1 I T Newport Blvd. BEacoo 5662. Air Sta tion tn Ka~as to E oro YEARLY RENTAL-Just complet-RAY STEDMAN when he was forced to land on a ed.. aurae.. aU utils. paid. Laun-m('sa on a 4.900-foot mountatn. at _,.,.50 t h<.' Nlge of a dN'p can) on. His dry facll. Unfum.1·bdrm . ..,, • 1574 N Bl ...1 \\lllg man rt>portt'd the inc1dent to 2 bdrms. $82.50. 2152 Newport ewport Vg. th(' U tchfteld Air Station tn Arl· =J~ta Mesa. Call HArbor ('0 TA MESA zona. The plan(' was qwckly spot· B Eacon •••• 51!8-.1 t('d and Lt. Webster was st•('n wav- 1 995 2-BDRM. home, newly dec.. feuced ing to indicate that he had t•scaped yd. dbl. gar . High &: dry, $80 mo. unhurt. It took 24 hours to re~- t hls one. Only ............. . '47 Chev. Sed. Rlr.H, im· maculate ·-..... ..... 94.5 (You'll likt' this one!) '47 Ford Sedan It ...... ..... 875 '40 Chev. CJx'., R.lH-..... _... 375 '49 Ford CUstom 8 Sedan, R&H & 00: cleanest '49 Ford In Orange Co. 1395 '50 Ford 8 custom Tudor . RA.H, extra nice ....... -... 1585 '4.1 Cadillac ~. R &: Hydr.; clean as a pm... 735 ALSO-MAGIC C'HEI' gu ran~; xtra nice. only ... _. . ·-....... $49.50 Many more to choo.e from- Let us prove th!1t we can meet or bea t any deal in <nange Co. Our lot l.a at 534 Coast. Hwy. "ON MARINER'S MILE" "ON MARINER'S MILE'' .... ,. ...... lcase. 1st & last mo. req. Mlllt BOOKKEEPrNG, systems, finan-cue him. I have references. 118 Sallta I.sa-cial statements. auditing etc. by The Navy offiC<'r is a \ rtcran bel, Co6ta Mesa. Inq. Dick's Mar-a retired controller of an L.A. of World War u . was injurrd whil(' ket. 2398 Nwpt. Blvd., BE 5652. Nationally known store. Have a on air patrol durtng the bAttle for I FURN . .API'S. tor ret. SM LoQ. Calir. P .A. certificate. Reason· Attu in the AJeutians. also t>rved l.ae .Apta. nnt. Dbla • = atile. HArbor 281-W. in th<.' Mediter ranean area. He Is I overlooking 8&7. D Ca.ma SuperRuous Hair married and has two children. Corona del Ka.r. __ _ Perma.aently remowd from face. Wanted a.rrc., ~ep. ~brows and hair- line shaped-No more tweezing . Council Delays Action On Lease With Elks WANTED: YEARLY lease--3 or 4 bedroom house Cor family with 4 children. PreCer Balboa Is- land or C D M. References. HArbor 1449-M. WANTED-12-ft. fibrcglus boat, used. good cond. must bet reas- onably priced. BE 5417. WILL DO cooking for banqueu or wUI sew by the day or hour. Good t't'ferences. BEacon 5274-R. ELLEN L. BR YANT, R E. 1\lnda.y and Thursday only Udo0s Salon of Beauty HA 2576 4 ¥. 4 Situationa Wanted A re\iscd lease was sent back to the Elks Lodge by City Counc.tl Monday evening. calling for a $50- a-month, 25-year rental a greemen t on the lot In Udo Ct'nter w~re the new Elks lodge is to bet built. Past Exalted Ruler Norton su,g. w ANTED-Baby Slttlng or wiU gested thftt aty Council should ap- stay with employed motht>r's prove the lease. aubjt>ct to approv. child by the week. Experienced. al by the Elks l..Od.g\'. MI\)'Or Les HArbor 2555-R-K Isbt>U replied that 1\ would be bet· . "where ve r you go there's radio" 'J:". !he h1g~v• ..:1y on ihe hta :1 sc :Js on he mountam pe ks o n the sandy b eache.-; m the kttcher. !:1 the bedroon: tn the }Xlho m the playroom m the laundry-room m the beauty parlor HI the barber · shop m the meanume m between hme · dia11480 for free-n-easy listenin' KVOE MUSIC NIWS DBIIII IV--1-oo all Orange eowdy raclioa Your F'ORD Dealer BEicoa eliOt Newport .ae.ctJ Houn: Week da1l I "til 1:10 s....,. • HolldQI 10 'tll 4 WANTED -Bachelor apt.. year 'round to $50 per mo. Write Box D-3 C/O Enslgrr, 11()4 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. WD...L DO baby sittin~ ot' house-tcr to dc:lay action until tht' nt-w wot'k by the hr. Call HA 2915-J-K CouneU could CONider lt, so ~ WANTED-BABY SlTI'ING. Re-"-ouJ<l be no charge ot "Mlllroa.d· Uable. HA.rbor 2SIIZ-J. lnr" It \hrouah. .._ ____________________ _. I Page 8 Tbunclay. Aprill7, 1152 Benefit Planned Arrugements for a bene f i t J)IU1.7 to be held Tuesday, May 27, a t tile Balboa Bay Club were made at a NCeDt met>ting of the Orange Oouoty Dental Auxiliary held at the borne of Mrs. Howard Bon~ braka, Santa Ana. Mrs. John 'lborDqwt of Orange reported thaa tbe H011pitallty room at the Bilt:rnol'e Hotel during the Sou- then California S tate Dt'ntal As-~tion Convention on May 5-7. will be sponsored by the local A\.Ddkry. Roger W. Hardacre Harry F. Bums TAX AUDIT BUREAU BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS Specializing in flat-fee bookkeeping services for business with monthly gross of $1 ,000 to $10,000 7ll So. Nel11 St. SANTA ANA. CALIF. Kimberly 2-4607 HAtbof . 175f..l I ~ officers elected included Mrs. Clinton C. Emmerson of eo.ta Mesa as corresponding se- Cl"etu7 aDd Mrs. C. 0 . Gruber of eo.ta Meta as president. Mrs. Howard D. Baker of Balboa Island wu Dame<~ as par liamentarian. , A· I PLUMBING 8PZOIA.LIZI:8 IN &EPADA Da7 A NIP& Waler .._._. ATOJIIJ.:IID'T I S St TBJI'..C'Ft Noden ,_ Took for s.-& SMl St.,,,,_ ~ Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "Doetrine of Atonement" In the Newport Harbor Christian Science churdl points out that regenera- tion and redemption are gained by foDowlng the Christ in dally Ufc. JesUI!I' words from Mark (10:451 will be the Golden Text: "The Son ot man came not to tie ministered unto. but to minister. and to give his Hte a ransom for many." Rt'S. HAMPTON, t:h~ K~Dtlmuut wltll tiH! t"'OIf~recblte llat, soh, 18 hltndln.: ''onw "<'onfedera tf' money" (wb.lch coladdf'ntally ~M-ars a J-.l<'tore> of dru~storP man Ruu) t o a C:U8tonwr, Ivan .Ja.c:o~Mw-n. Con- ff'd.-raU. 8ptf'8 r~port that It has to do "1tlt ~ on&--ef'nt -•e do- ln~:"S ut ltu8ll's dru~r stor~ In Corou df'l Mar and al80 a t thf' othC>r Hu r bor nrra Rf'nll l!llort-8. -(photo by Fol80m ) Le .. • Boa BllAOON 1111 6UAIIM.N...-t ..... . MOVING and STORAGE We have one Of the mo.t ~to­date ud effldent job printing p-..la the Harbor Area. Try Ul. CHIJRCHES LDCAL Ill llnOIWIDE FtiST CHURCH Of CHRIST SCIENTIST ))Ol Vie LWo, Newport ... dl 1\ brench of The Mother Church, Th• Fi,..t Church of Christ. Sci•ntist. in Bos· ton, ~euachusetts. Sundey School ····-····-·--9:15 e.m. Suntley S.Nice .. . .... I I :00 a.m. GOD CALLED M OSES It is good to li\"e in obE'dience to God is the premise of Hollis L. AndC'rson of the Seventh-Day Ad- ventist Church. Newport H('ights. who will preach on "Set'ing and Ser\'ing" at this Saturday's ser- \'ice. The subject will be taken from Exodus 3:4. where Moses saw a burning bush. which was not con- sumed. and heard a voice call to Balboa T r•sfer Co. G. C. BeMett a•occ- Wednesday Ev•~ing me•tinq .. 8:00 p.m. Reeding Room located at Ill Palm St., Belboe, is open daily from 12 noon to 5 P·"'· ••capt SundaY' end holidays netionally oblerved. him from it. Tonight !Thursday) Call BAriJo IIJt 1 J b Prill • Elder B. J ensen. pastor and lee-r or 0 • ..... turer at the Riverside Seventh-------...., Tht public is cordially invited to el· tend th• church services end use the lteedinq Aoom. DQAd~ntist Chureh,willdittuss i~~~~lgn~~W~an~t~A~~~b~~~g~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~ "The RE'sponslbllity of Parents to Youth". According to Mr. Jensen. WAu.PAPER AD New 1952 Patterns Co~sy to Pelnten & Decore+ort Mouse & G•de• "I Coeft Highw•y Newpori leedl 0p4fl tolth+t - -Sun. 10 e.lfto -4'"""' The Shop for Men WHERE WOMEN UKE TO SHOP 1205 Coast Blvd. parents themselves must fi rst walk in the law of the Lord. if they ex- pect the child ren to obey His ,-oice. • • • SERMON BY PASTOR ROTH "That Ye Might BeliE'VE'" will be the theme of thE' sE'rmon this Sunday b.r Pastor HC'rbert C. Ro th at th(' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The sermon text is John 20:29-31. Sunday School met'tS at 9:30 a. m . with classes for all ages. Adult Bible Study Class. taught by the pastor also meets at this hour. • • • 'MADE HER ICK' "The Preacher Made Her Sick" will be the sermon theme Sunday morning at Christ Church by the Sea. The pastor, Thomas Roy Pendell. will occupy the pulpit. The baptism of infants will be in- cluded in the service. • • • SERMON FOLLOWS EASTER As an appropriate epilogue to Easter Sunday, Rev. Paul E. Bab- bitt of the Corona del Mar Com- 1 munH y Church will preach on "'-----~-~---~ "What Is lmmor1ality?" a t both Allen's UPHOLSTERIII Studio 1202 Co•s+ Blvd.-Corone del Mer I the 9:45 and 11 a. m . services. An- them..-; will be "Praise th<' Nam(' of th(' Lord" by I vanoff at the early services and "0 Mom of I Beauty" by S ibellus at 11. "H ow t he Worm Became Beautiful" is HArbor 1474-M 1 1he 11tle of the chHdren's sermon at 9:45 a . m. Duan(' Robert ..,..~.....,~-... ..... .,.-.,.~.,.,......,~• Schulz, Bruce E dwin Anderson. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Pamela BurkE' Wagner. Susan Irene Wheeler. J o Ann Llnkey and 1\trs. Dorothy Phillips Linkry were bapt isE'd on F.aster. u.s. AI 'et Foocls • . • GemM • • • ~9 6oe4s •.. TropiMI Fldt . . . 'e"ots . . . ,.,...... . . . c-ries ... S.lt u d FT.sh W•- tw T..lfe ... llcycl.s RepelrM. r.,.. IIWJ'sPetSwllls AND S~~TIN& 60005 tal Coert IIYd. HA tm.J Cot-oM deiN•r BUGS~G ..... ..,.. ....... of--....... ,. -_,...,, '"'-..... .._. .............. ........ ~ •an ....._. .... ....,_ 0,. .......... S..IO ....... ,... • • • WHAT DO l'OU SEE'! Rev. James Stewart'!' sermon topic will be "What Do You See" at both the 9 :30 and 11 a. m. Sun- day services at St. Andrews Pres- byterian Church in Newport Heights. Yomacs, young married couples' group, will hold a pot-luck meeting at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday in the churcll lounge. Judge Ro- bert Gardner will spt>ak. • • • TWO GOSPEL MESSA GES Pastor Ivan Ellis will bling two Gospel mesaages this Sunday at the First Baptist Church or New- port-at 11 a . m . on "The Man Who Expected to Be Ignored." and at 7:30 p. m. on ''The Best Fishin~... Young Adults will meet tomorrow (Friday) at the home of AI and Betty P('reira, 364 La Perle. Costa Mesa. Their study wt11 be "The ResponaibiUty Com - mitted to Me.", ------Ensign Clasaified ada haYe beG a prowon means of readal.nc bu)fen for all 8011a of ~U. them I Phone HArbor 1114. FOOD FREEZER ..... NA-11 As •m. as $556 PER WEEI ...... ,JJii5 e Bay Food Wholesale through the LIDO CUSTOM FOOD PLAN ---and serve the finest meats, fruits and vege- tables every day at great sav- ings! e NO DOWN PAYMENT on your food purchase. Fi- nance it along with your freezer. oaa "IIIMBUBGEB BUDGET' with the LIDO OUSTII FOOD PLII and the T RY TWS MAK\'EL OU WAl' TO MAIU'.: EVERY DAY'S HEAL TASTE LIKE A SUNDAY FEAST-AND STILL SA VE M O!I.'"EY ON vot R •~ooo BILL ! One of Our Satisfied Food Plaa Customers Ia Clyde Meredith 312 36th Street Newport Beach SEE THE G-E HOME FREEtER ON DISPLAY IN OUB SHOP -or our representative will be glad to c:all on you to explain our LIDO CUSTOM FOOD PIAN LIDO ELECTRIC CO. IIIIIAL ELECTIIC BEacon 5505 fOOD 'IIIZial ,. llcmclao M..a K pp Al II&LI' J011U)Y ().uiPAIGlll Hal'borHiJih a a ums M~~~s:-.~~ N ••T•D'tl'y School · H ld El • are Dean Bradford for Newport "' ~~ B~ PAll BOlO& 0 ectJOn Beach and R. D. F1aherty for State Ueenaed and Approved Costa Mesa. County headquarter. From 2 to 8 y Easter Week t. over and all stu-have been opened at 204 W. Fifth euw dent.a have returned to a slower Mrs. Dick Drake of Corona St. Santa Ana S~ Care and Ufe of school and homework. Only Highlands was elected president ' ---· _..-......._ tructive Pla1 one quarter more of school, and or the Kappa Kappa Gamma Al-i~Enli~~ID~W~an~t~A~dl~-~-~-'*'~~w~ta.~~~~~~~~~~~~ UMIONA.BU U'la summer vacatiOI'l will bedn. umnae Aasodatlon of Southern ... .._. Open 5 daya per week_. to 5 • • • Orange County at the meeting 'l'raMportatlon Fumllbed On the agenda for the lut quar-held la.lt Thursday at the Shore 190 E. l E..a.L. SL ter we find the annuaJ G.A.A. bAn-Cliffs home of M~. w. B. Dickln-onu quet, S tudent Body elections, the son. Mrs. WIUlam Bailey of La- 008TA ...aA Junior-Sen!<*' Prom, Song and guna Beach wu named vlce-pre-si-!~iiii~.,.~-~~~u~·~-~~..,~~iiii~ Cheer leader tryouts, the Service dent; M~. Sutherland Hutton of Banquet. Galleon diltributton and Balboa Island, secretary; and M rs. TUVEL THE LIDO WAY Aufhortud Representative All Scheduled Alrllnee. Shl(le • • • Tralnl • -• Toun ..... '!'SAVEL Bl71111&17 • c • LYe .,.,. ~liM graduation exerct.es for aU seniors Dickinson u treasurer. whp get through this last quarter. With the proceeds from their Besides thHe acUvlllea It will be recent benefit tea, the Kappas wUI time for term papers and year ex-give three wheel chairs to Hoar; arnlnations. Quite a program for Memorial Hoepital. Time has a.t.o struggling young students. beftl ~t by the memben at • • • their regular meeti.op working on A shower was held Saturday, articles for the Crippled Children's March 28, for newly married Phyl-Society of <>ranee Coooty. lis' Poleman. Seen ooh1ne and ah-Luncheon preceding the meeting inc over the many presents were was served by Mrs. Dickinson. as-Judy Gannon, Jett.a Gannon, Kar-slated by Mrs. Stroller WhJte and en Nelson. Uldra Queen, Dixie Mrs. Kitty Burton. --rn.tead of Bifocala~o--- --Form.,ly Always the Same LOW PRICES DR. JUUAI J. ISIICS OPTOIIET&JST Mockrn Eyr Examinations lElA UPHILSTERIII ' Hall. Lynn Smith, Charlene Cham- berlain, Lorraine Call, Kin Dale- hart, Shirley Opp, VIvian LusJ.t, Audrey Berg, and Betheny Chris- tenson. • • • Rlt8IDENT8 TOUR lSLANDfl Honolulu bound are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Simpson, 703 Be- gonia A ve .. Corona del Mar. NEW ARCADE SHOPS -Neat to &.n -Saata Aaa Houn: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. D&lly ladudlAc Saturday PHOSE Kimberly S.OSU FOR EVENING APPOINTIIENTS u .................... ..,. -.. ~·L ... N~~~~~Th~~to ~~~~~~~a~t~~~m~e~M~d~~~~~=t~~~~~~·~~~~~~-~~~~~~M~P~u~~~-~~~~~·~~~~= tandergo their initiation In the mid-money 1n dJ"culatlon loc:ally. ~ of •Easter W~k down on Bal- boa lsJand Dressed as little ba- bies and collecting autog-raphs for money contributed were Sandy Denlinger, Jody Johnson, Joan Marinucci, Jerry Jesko and Char- lene Six. Everyone seemE'd to en- joy it but the police who felt that the girls were tying up traHic. •••m nNE P'UBNI'I'UaZ IIADE IN OUJ' OWN 880ft 'fUitNrTURE REFINISHED ROUSE a OA&DJ:!f 6 1) C:O.tt Hwy. Ncw,.t •-an o.-~hts--s.". eo • .--4 ~ --=----~----:--- FREE PICKUP AND DEUVERY c Expert ...... -Q:~Bl•d-S OORONA DEL IIIlA& Call HA 3176 CLEANERS M . N. MANOBUlll Mother's Club Will Elect Mrs. J . Harris, 68 Ralboa Cove . entertainE'd th<' MothPr"!: Club or Job's DaughtcMl. Fkth<'l 157. at her homE' f'arl) m April Mrs. Har- ry .Hilliard was co-hostPS!:. Mrs. Louis Crandall, Mrs. Ellis Shaw and Mrs. FrPd Woodworth were nam<'d 10 th<' nominating committee. Instalfa1ion luncheon wiU be held at t hE' Balboa Yacht Club on May 7. Mrs. carl Thomas and Mrs. Dean Smith are in charge. Mother's Club president. Mrs. C. M. Tucker, appointt'd Mrs. Dor- ris Ragan and Mrs. P. V. PE'terson to audit the books. Drama Director Is Guest Dr. David Sievers, director of drama depar1ment or Long Beach Fox is studying under Or. Sievers, were entertained recently at a cocktail party at the home of Mrs. Lillian Fox, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Fox is studying under Or. S ievers. who formerly taught drama at S tanford and UCLA. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Randall and Robert Wentz of the Harbor area, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wimamson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Well.'!, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tur- ney and Howard (Hap) Graham of Laguna and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs or Long Beach State College. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTM ENT NO SAFER PLACE FOR PRJZED POSSESSIONS than our Safe Depollit Boxes. You1l be surprised at aU the things you can get in a box .-deeds. securities, jewelry, heir- looms. acmnga honda. Are you potect- ing such hard-t()sreplace .yaJuabln? SAFE DEPOSIT IOXES. IN A VRim OJ SID$, ARE AVAILABLE NOW AT THE NEWPORT HAitiOR lANK FOR A FEW CENTS A DAY. e WHY NOT ltESEitVE ONE e IEWioBT BJBBOB lUI COlONA 0& WAI. CALif • ......_,_ ~ o.,-. ........ C.pet ...... ' "TWICE AS MU:H !?! A _!ENNY MO!~­ Get Your CONFEDERATE . MONEY NOW. At Any of Our GOOD FOR 1 CENT DURIIG THE 1 ·CENT REIALL SALE SATIO!'ULLV AD\'"ERTI~EO 1.n LIFE. LOOK. COLLIER'S. and . AT. EVE. PO~T See Your Stores REXALL -CENT $ALE CIRCULAR · For Bargains During the 4 DAY 1-CENT SALE WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., APRIL 16, 17, 18 & 19 SOT!:: TilE C'OS"FEDER <\TE ~OX E \" I'-\"OlD AJI"''':R APRIL t•. 1M! - • Pap 10 U GAL NOTICl No. A !1110 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF DONALD L. BEAUBIEN -Deceased LIGAL NOT1Cll sworn. penonally ap~ared DON- ALD H. CHARLE known to me to be the ~1'80Jl whose name 1B sub-scribed to the within instrument, and acknowledgM to me that. he executed the same. Wl.._ my hand and official ~eaJ. DONALD D.•HARWOOD Notary Public ln and for said County and Stttl~· My Commil- slon expires 8/28/54. Publlah: April 10, 17, 24; May 1 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. UGAL ~ UGA&. NOTH:.I OIIDJNANOI!l Ne. Ill No. SUil AN QRDIN&NOE ADDD'O liDO-N'OTIOE Of' 8ALII or aaAL TION at'r~A TO no; IIVNI-PBOPI:BTY AT Pal VAT E OIPAL OODE 0,. TID: ()J'I'Y las.u.& .. .__ eo.t of ... s•te OF NEWPO&T BllACB JI!X-......,.-~ DIPTINO TBZ BLIND PaOli of (lal(fonla Ia &ad lw tM THE PROVT810N8 OP 8EO-In "="'='tt~ the Estate or Tbunday, Apd117, 1152 money of the United StaUIL Dated: March 28. 1952. W1LFRED J. FOSBURY Adm.l.niatra tor of the Dta te ot Clara Lee CartOn, de- oeued. Publish: Aprll 3. 10, 17, 1911 In the Newport Harbor EMA~n· ThTI~'bt~y Co1 uncU of the City or CLARA LEE CARSON, De· oeued CJ'..BTIFICATE OJ' BU811f188 ~!,~rt Beach doet ordain u fol· Nodee. Ia 8~ Glvea that the 11oUU.. .,_ N ... SECTION 1: Then 1a hereby undentaned. u A.c1mln1Jtrator of Tille V.........,. ~ added to the Mun1clP*l Cocle of the the Estate of Clara Lee Canon. tlfy that they are 01• City ot Newport Beach Section ~ wUl eeU at private sale retail automobile buamt. at NoUce .. &reby Oh·Ha to the credJton of and all persona havt.ng claims against the aatd decedent or saJd estate to flJe them with the necessary vouchers In the ofnoe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State ot Callfomla, or to present the same. with the necessary vouch•ra,. to th~ unders\gned at his or her place or business, to-wit : 6247-a, to read as rollowa: to the hJehelt ~and belt bidder South Main Street, Santa ADa, NOTIOE or INTENDED SALJ: "Section 6247-a. Any ~non who upon the tenns and coodltlona Calltomia, under the t:lctltloua ftnn Notice Ia ~ OW.: That ls bUnd to the extent which would hereinafter mentioned &D4 sub-name of JORDAN MOTORS aDd Walter M. Bliven and Maurine enable him to qualify ror the Cali-ject to contl.rmatJonr1! aald Su-tha. t aald tlnn Ia compoMd..:!. tM BUven, Vendors. whose addreu il fornia State RehabLUtation Ser-~rlor Court, on A 21, 1!152, followf.nc penon~, whoM In 1114 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, vice shall be exempt from the pro-at the hour of 1 :00 a. m., or full and placet of residence are u in the City of Newport Beach. visfona of Section 6247 of the thereafter wtthln the time allowed follows, to-wlt: c/o Donald D. Harwood 1415 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, California wilhln six months after the flrst pubUcation of this notice. Dated April 4, 1952 County of Orange. State of CaU-Code." by law, ~t the office of ponald D. Huby Jordan, 325 Polrwettia fomJa, intelda to sell to Winslow SECTION 2: 'I'hJ.a ordinance Harwood. 1415 Coast Ripway1 Corona del Mar, CaUf. MARY BEAUBIEN Executrix of the Estate or said decedent. P. Sunbury and Mildred R. Sun-shaH be publlahed at least once in Corona del Mar, Callfomla. all Kyrk Lu J ordan 325 PolMe~ bury, Vendees, whose address 1a the Newport Harbor EnaJgn, a right, Utle, interest and estate o( Ua, Corona del Mar, Callt. DONALD D. HARWOOD 241 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, newspaper of general dreulaUon, aaid Clara Lee Canon, deceued, ,._, ft..J~ in the City of Newport Beach, printed and pubJiahed 1n the City at the time of her death and all Ross A. Jordade1n.~~ ~t· 1415 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CaliJornia Attorney for Executrix County or Orange, State of Cali-of Newport Beach and shall take right, UUe and Lnurest that aatd Ua. Corona "-" • '-&IU.. fomla, the following described etrect 30 da,ys after ita final pas-estate has acquired, by o~ration Wltaeee our hands thla 6U\ day Publish: AprillO, 17, 24; May 1 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. personal property, to-wit: sage of law or othuwtse, other than or of March, 1952 All stock In trade, fixtures The foregoing Ordinance was in-in addition to that or said Clara H UQY JORDAN and equJpment or a certain troduced at a regular meeting or Lee Carson at the time of her KYRK LU JORDAN washerette business known as the City Council of the City or death in and to the real property ROSS A. JORDAN C£RTIFICATE OF BUSINESS the WASHERETTE, and lo-Newport Beach h£>1d on the 24 day described as follows; State of CaJJfora.la F1<'UUoU8 Flrm Name cated a t 404 Coast Highwa)'. or March, 1952. and was finally All that reaJ property In the Oouaty of Oruec---. The Oodl'rsl(M41 does hereby Corona del Mar, in the City of passed and adopted on the 14 day County o! Orange, State of CaU-~ Tblfl 6th day pf March, A.D. certify that he is conducting a Newport Beach, County of Or-of ApriJ. 1952. by the following fornia, described a~>: 1952, before me, Susan P. Foley, a boat repair and c-onstruction busi-ange, vott>, to-wit· Lot 23 In Block 308 of Notary Public in and tor &aid nes.-1 at 121 5 Coas t Hi~:hway, New-and that 8 sale, transfer and a.<~-AYES. COUNCILMEN · Finch. Huntington Beach, as per map County and S tate. residing there- port Beach. ' ·.ft,rnln under ~he signrflent or the same will lw Ramsey, Grc-e ley, BluE'. Isbell thereof recorded in Book 3 at in, duly commissioned and sworn, fictitious llt'ut nam~ of Manne made. and the considE'ration there· I :"~fOES. COUNCILMEN: None page 36 or MisceUaneous Maps. personally ap(X'ared Huby Jordan, ~te«.>l Fabrication and that said for wiU be paid at 10 o'clock, A. I ABSENT COUNC1LI\1EN: None re<'Ords or Orange County. Kyrk Lu Jordan. and R08II A. Jor- r1Tm 1s composed or t~E' following M ., on tht> 28th day or April, 1952. ATTEST : Bids or ofCers are imited for said dan known to me to be the persons person. wh~se name '" fuJI and I at the escrow department of the C. K : PRIEST property and must be m writing whose names arc subscribed to the pia('(' of husltlP<;s ts as follows, to-Newport Harbor Bank. at Corona . City Clerk and Will be received at the orrice within instrumt'nt. and acknowl- wtt · del Mar, in the City of Newport P\tbhsh: April 17, 1952 of Donald D. Harwood. attorney ede-d to me that they executed ~he DO!" ALO It. OIARI~E j Beach, County of Orange, Sta te of In the Newport Harbor Ensign. for said Administrator, or may be same. In \\'ltDes. Wb.-reol, I have 1215 Coast Hu~hway. C'~llfomia. filed with the Clerk of said Super-hereunto set my hand and afftxed ;'\OI'v. port Beach, Cahf. Dated: April 8. 1952 CERTIFICATE OF BU IN'ESS ior Court or delivered to the said I my official seal the day and year ";ltnf'88. my hand this 1st day of I WALTER M. BLIVE..~. Flctitlou.s Flnn Name Administrator personally, at any in this Certin.cate first above writ-April. 1952 Vendor Tile Unduslped do hereby certi-time after first pubUcation of this ten. [ >NALD H . CHARI£ ~AURINE BLIVE.'l fy that they are conducting a busi-notice and before maJdnJ: s.eid sale. SUSAN P. FOLEY Stat.t' of California Vendor ness at 1415 Coast Hlghway, Co-Said sale will be made upon the Publish: Mar. 27; April 3, 10, 17 oo;;:\~ ~~:~April. 1952. WINSLOW P. SU:-.TB~~~e ~rc'!~ti~~ ~~~~~':/a~;{{':= following terms: Cash. lawful ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. before m•'· a Notary Public in and MILDRED R. SUNBURY search Associates and that said L'GAl Norte' U GAL NOne' for said county and statP, resid-Vende.~ lirm i.s composed of the following NOTICE IN\'lTL"G BIDS FOR $6%~000.00 BONDS OF NEWPO&T ing ther(>JO. duly commissioned and Publish: Aprtl 17, 1952 persons. whose names ln fuJI and BEACtl SCHOOL DISTRJcr OF ORANGE COVNTY, CALIFO&NIA places of business arP as follows, Notice b Henby Given that scaled proposals for the purchase of LECAl NOTIC' UGAL NOTIC' to-wit ; .,.,25 ()()() ()() • City of Newport. Bea.c:b. S tate of CaUfomJa U o"d G. Wood. 1415 Coast ""' • . prmclpal amount of bonds or Newport Beach School Dil· OLtOTJc• TO ON ., trict of Orange County, Califorsia, WiJl be received by the Board or -" .,. c TRAcroas Highway, Corona del Mar, s SEALF.D PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City CalJ.f. upervlsors at the office or the lerk ot said Board in his office in the Cl k Ci H 11 c· N Court Howw in Santa Ana, Callfornja, up to the hour of 11·00 o'clock, e1• • ty a , 1ty of ewport Beach, California, until 7:30 Richard .,F. Taylor, 1415 A. M . CaUlornla Daylight Saving nme, on May 6, 1952. o'clock P M .. on the 28th day of April, 1952. at whlch time they will Coast Hlghway, Corona del be publicly OJ)('ned and rl'ad, for performing work as follows: Mar. CaHf. Said bonds will be dated April 15, 1952, and Will bear lnt~rest at a CITY OF NEWPORT BEAOB, OALIFORNIA J . F. T. Berliner. 1415 Coast rate not to exceed 5% per annum to be dett>rmincd upon the sale ot For Fornlsbi.n.: ttod wtalliDK 1 2~ Diameter Sewt>r PIIM' Highway, Corona del Mar, said bonds. Said Interest shall be payable annually for the first. year LlnP 0\tor tht> Upp.-r Bay of .s .. wport Bay Calif. aflt>r the date of said bonds and S('miannually thereafter. Sald bonds No bid will be rt'ceived unless it is made on a proposal form fur· WltDt>• our haDda thJs 18th day and the interest thereon are payable ln lawful money of the United nished by Lhe City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied b}· of February, 1952 S tates or America at the office of the Ttessurer of sald C.ounty. :::ash. certified or cashier's check. or bidder's bond made payable to LLOYD G. WOOD Said bonds will be 625 in number, of the denomination of $1,000.00 the City of Newport Beach, for an amount equal to a t least ten per-RICHARD F . TAYLOR each. and will be numbered and payable as rollows: cent I J0t>1r I of the amount bid. such guaranty to be forfeit(>d should J. F. T. BERLINER Bond Numb•" D•te of lond Number• Dele of t~ bidder to "'hom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the State of OaUiom.la.. lnc:lulive M•tutily Inclusiv-e +.A•Iuriiy contract. Couaty of Oru~ 1 to 25 April 15, 1953 326 to 350 April 15, 1966 In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1781 of the On Thb 18 day of February. 26 to so... . April 15, 1954 351 to 375 April 15, 1961 Labor Code, the City Council or the City of Newport Beach has as-1952. before me. a Notary Public 51 to 75 .... April 16, 1955 376 to 400 April 15, 1968 certained the general prevailing ratt> of wages applicable to the work in and for said; county and sta!e, 76 to 100. ApriJ 15, 1956 401 to 425 April 15. 1969 to be de1ne as follows : restdjng therem, duly conurus-101 to 125. April 15, 1957 426 to 450 April 15. 1!110 ClaMtlk.a lion Hourly Per Diem lsionedd anLOd ysw0ornG, wpeoorsonDal~ ap-126 to 150 .... April 15, 1958 451 to 47~ Aprfll5, 1!111 Wace Scale \V&g'e pean> L · own 151 to 175 April 15, 1959 476 tu 500 April 15, 1!172 ·175 1·• 00 to me to be the person whose 176 t 200 A ·1 15 1960 501 to 525 April 15, 1nn3 · .. naml' Is subscribed to the within 201 too 225 ... pn · • ::r• Laborers. General or Construction .... Opera tors & Tt.>nders of Pneuma tic & Elect rica! Tools. Vibrating Machines, & similar mechani- cal tools not separately classified herein .. ·-· .. . Cutting Torch Operator I Demolition) ................ . Guard and, or Watc;hman ... . .... ·-· ...... , .......... . Sandblaster ~ nozzl<'man 1 Sandhlac;t l'r • pot lt>nd~>r t ~calt•r . ScalE'r t uc;mg Bos·n·s Cha1r or safets lK'lt or powf'r toolsl Ccm,.nt Ftnisher ....... ... . ............ . ......... -·········. Reinforcin~ lt'On Worker . . . .. . .. . A-rram(' -Boom Truck .................... . 1.95 1.80 1.67 2.18 1.93 l.R() 2.00 2.38 2.38 2.30 15.60 14.40 13.36 17.44 15.44 14.40 16.00 19.04 19.04 18.40 l d kn 1 d d that ... April 15, 1961 526 to 550 . April 15, 1!174 nstrwnent. an ac owe ge 226 to 250. Ap:ril. 15, 1962 551 to 575 .. Apri.l 15, 1975 he executed the same. 251 ~5 A 1 15 1963 576 600 " J 15 1nn6 1 Wltnt>M my hand and officia l st>al. to "'' · · pn · :> to · · ..... ..10opn · ::r• TIJOMAS E . HEFFERNAN 276 to 300 . ... April 15, 1964 601 to 625 .... ..April 15, 19'n Notary Public in and for sald 30l to 325 .. ··· · ApriJ 15, 1965 County and State. lScal) Said bonds wiU be sold for cash only and for not less than par and My Commission expires 6-24-55. accrued interest to the date of delivery. Each bid must state that the S tate ol C&llforul.a, bidder ofters par and accrued interest to the date of delivery, and Co011ty of Or&D.K~ state separatt>ly the prt>mlum. if any, otrered for said bonds, and the ApprenliCl' En~neer. Including f)rernan, Oiler. Grees£'r . . .... ·. . . .... -..... • Air Comprt>ssor Operator .. .. . -····-· . . . ........ . ConcrE'Il' MiXl'r 0!X'rator-Paving Type & Mo- 1.93 2.05 On this 3rd day of March. 1952, rate of interest, not exc('(!ding 5% per annum, said bonds shaU beer. before me. the undersigned. a No-which rate shall be a multiple of one-quarter of one percent. Bids will tary Public In and for sajd County be compared on the basis of net interest cost. which shall be det{!r- and State, personally appeared RI-mined by computing the total amount of Interest which the district CHARD F . TAYLOR known to me would be required to pay from the date of the bonds to the respective 15.44 to be the person whose name ls maturity dates therrof at thE' rates spec.ifiC'd in the bid and by deduct- 16.40 subscribed to the fort-golng instru-tng literefrom any premium bld. ment and acknowledged to me that Each bid shaU be for the enUre amount or said bonds. Not to l'X· he executed the same. ceed two rates of interest may be bid, but no single bond shall bear Wlt:nf'M my hand and official seal. more than one rate or interest. (Sea() DONALD D. HARWOOD At any tJme before the bonds arc tendered for delivE'ry, the sue- Notary Public Ln and for the sajd cessful bidder may disaffirm and withdraw the proposal If the Interest County and State. received by private holders from bonds of the same type and character State of DllnolA, s hall be declared to be taxable income under prl'sent federal income btle MixN' . ........ .. . ... . Enginet•r G••nt•rattnt: planT • Heavy Duty Repairman ...... ··-.................... _ ......... . Heavy Dut) Repairman -Helper ............... -···· Elevator Hoist Operator _ Pavement Breaker Operator .................................. . Pile Driv<'r Opt•r;~tor . Pump Opera tor ............. ···-· . . ............ ---·········· ........ . Tractor Operator -Bulldozer, Tamper, Scrapt.-T or Drag-Type Shovel or Boom Attachments .... Trenching Machine Operator ···-···· ......... ···--····· . 2.40 2.13 2.30 1.93 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.05 2.30 2.38 County of Cook.-. tax Jaws, either by a ruling of the Bureau of Internal Revenue or by On this 21 day of February, 19G2, a decision of any federal court. or shall be declared taxable by the before me. the undersigned. a No-tt>rms or any federal Income tax Law enacted subsequent to the date 18.40 tary Public in and for sald County of thiB notice. 19.04 and State, personally appeared J . The opinJon or O'Melveny & Myers, Los Angeles, California, ap- 19.20 1i.04 18.40 15.44 18.00 18.00 20.00 16.40 UnJvl'rsal Equipment Operator !Shovel, Dragllne. Oernck. [){'rrick-Barge, Clamshell or Crane) .... Carpent<'r .. .. ·-··-· .. ... . .. ·-. ... .. Table Power . ·aw Operator . .... . . Gas and Oil Pipclinp Dorking Tl'uck Drivers. Including Winch Truck and all sizes of trucks Industrial Lift-Truck Driver Truck Greaser and Tireman Truck R~pairman . . Truck Repalnnan-Ht'lper ......... .. ... . TeaJnSter .. .. . ............ . Winch Truck Orivers-12 1~c per hOur addltlonal when operating POW('r V.'lnC'h. A-frames, or simi- lar attachments. 2.50 2.35 2.43 2.00 1.83 1.93 2.30 1.93 1.75 20.00 18.80 19.44 16.00 14.64 15.44 18.40 15.44 14.00 Any ClualficaUon omJtted herein. not lea than .. _ 1.67 13.36 All bids are to be compared on the buLl of the Oty Engineer's estimate of the quantities or work to be done. No bid wiU be accepted from a Contractor who hal not been ll· cerwe<~ 111 accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Dlvlaton m or Buainess and Professions Code. Plans may be seen, and forms or propoeaJa, bonds, contract. and speclftcatlons may be obtained at the office of the City Engin~r. Oty Hall. City of Newport Beach, CaUfomla. The special attention of proepecUve bidden ls caUed to the "Pro- pos&l Requirem ents and Conditions" annexed to th.e blank form of proposal toc fUJI directions as to bidding, etc. ~City of Newport Beach reAerves the right to rc~t any or all btda. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA C. K. Priest, City Clerk Dated: ApTII 15, 1952 Publish: April 17, 24. 1952 in thr Newport Htrbor Enalgn. F. T. BERLINER, known to me to proving the validity of said bonds. will bt• furolshed tht> successful be the penon whole name Is sub-bidder without cost to the bidder. At the tim(> o( pa)'lru'nt for and de- scribed to the foregolng inltru-Uvery of sa.ld bonds, the successful bidder will be furnished with a eel'· ment and acknowledged to me that tltlcate that there Is no litigation pending affecting the validity of the he executed the same. bonds. WltaMe my hand and official aeal. A certified or cashier's check for a awn not less than three per- (Seal) WALTER H. HEBNER cent (3%) of the par value of aaJd bonds, payable to the order of the Notary Public In and for the said Treasurer of Orange County, must acrompany each bid u a guaranty Count,y and State. that the bidder, If succeu:ful, will accept and pay for said bondtJ 1n Publish: Mar. 27; April 3, 10, 17 accordance wtth the tenna ot his bid. The proceeds of the c.hedt ac- companying the accepted bid shall be applied on the purc.hue price, UG/.1. N01'1CS Notice b Hereby Olvea that the City Council o! the City of New· port Beach will hold a pobllc hear~ ing on the matter or pier and float installations rot: the channel Iota ln BaJboa Coves. Notice is hereby further .Oven that said public hearing will be held on the 28th day of A~. 1952 at the hour of 7 :30 P. M. ln the Council Chamben of the Newport Beach City Hall at which time and place Rny a.nd all persons lnter, ested may appear and be heard thereon. C. K. PRIEST Clt,y ClerJ( of the · Clt,y ot Newport Bnch PubU.h: Aprtl 17 and 2-4, 1~2 Ln the Newport J larbor Enalp. or, if auch bid b accepted but not perfonned, shall be retained by the County Treuurer for the benefit of the dJstrlct, unlea such raUure ot performance Ia caused by any act or om.iulon of saJd county, said db~ lrict or an officer of either ot them. Checks accompanytng unac- cepted btda wtU be returrted promptly. Sald bonds wtll be delivered at the office ot the Count)' 1\'euure.r of aald county. The Board of Supervt.aors reserves the right to reject any and all bldll or to wa.ive any in-elularlt,y or lnformality In any bid. The aueued value of the tu.able pro~rty withi.o said dlatrict as shown on the equalized uaeummt roll for 1951-1952 ls $40.863,1~.00, and the total amount or bonds of aa.ld district previously lasued and now outatanc:ting Ia $662,000.00. . By ordeT of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, Callfornla, adopted April 8. 1952. (SEAL) B. J . SMITH County Clerk o! Orange O>unt,y, Oall!omla and Ex-OfOdo Cl~Tk ol the Board of Supervbora tht-rcof. Publish: Aprll 17 and 24. 19C52 ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. , . na~. Apti17. 1152 Editon Von't Just Fade .4wa}' A.totkr in the """ .f '""-f ltiopephln .--•.4 1tr Newport .. lboe F.cl.,el S.vlatt eftd L.oea Aatocletloft HoraUo Ataer could hardly otfn a more Interesting auo. cea atory than the Ufe of one of Orange County's belt- known dtiJJeu, Sam M.efer. At u.e moment, Sam -.ya he'a ta.Jdnc Ute euy, but a talk Wltb h1m at h1a Udo llle home wUl give clues to a life. time of color , lntereat and e~rt~. It Is ~use of theM attributes that many trienda eeek him out for co~J oo Important laaua.' MeYft' was born in Bur-llnetoo, Iowa. in a fam.Uy where the aroma of print-era ink wu vivid Hl.l ca- reer hu followed the lure of the preaa for a halt centuf)'. ''An a p p re n t1 c e really learned the hard way. in tm.e days," Sam recaUa. ''I leamed printing and typesetting while eamlng a aalary of $3.00 a week . . . and It was a 60-hour week!'' From the Inception. Sam's ca- reer wu a series of ·•ups and downs... While telegraph e<Utor on the Burlington Hawkeye, he and a pu1:ner took over a news- paper for themselves. 11l&t ven- ture ended up broke and Sam was out of a job. He then worked his way up on a Denver ~spaper, and convinced the charming Vera J ohnson that his prosperity war- ranted their marriage. Next came an offer to be mana~lng editor of a paper In Cheyenne, Wyoming, which was launched for political campaign purposes. Wht>n the campaign folded so did the paper. YOGIC llaa Ooe~~ We.t It was then that tht> Meyers de- Cided to come to the West Coast. Sam took a job on the Los An- geles Express. ··tt paid just a little better than nothing,"' Sam re· memben, ''and when I hurd of a job in Arizona, offering $75.00 a month, living quarters, and a per- centage of the subscription and a dvertising revenue, it sounded like a vein of gold."' Sam found that evt>n In Arizona. not all that glitters is gold. The paper WIL!II a "givt>-away". There was no advt'rtislng. Mr. and Mrs. Mt>yer found themselvt>s living in a 10x12 tenUIOUSt>! In 1922 Sam madf.' tht> move which brought him to Newport Beach. and he bought the News. "At that time." says Sam, "there were about 900 peoplt in Newport Beach, Balboa was a summer re- treat. two or three stores were in Costa Mesa. Balboa was just being developed, and t here:• was no Co- rona del Mar. Lido lsi<' was a ha- vt>n for duck huntt'rs visible as a tule bed at low tid<'." In recalling htS Clrst year in the Harbor art>a, Sam says things wt'nt fine until Labor Day. when Ule s ummer population madt> its mass exodus. Sam stood lookmg at the empty s trt>ets wonderinl'! how to pay for new press equipment. H<' becamt> his own "l€'gman". H€' scoured the county and the Long Beach area for printing jobs. In a few years. he had a thriving ycar-'round busin ess. The rt>sults or hls efforts produced all forms of printed advertising. tide books.j the Balboa Times. and the Costa Mesa Herald. 1 Sam remembers when Newport 1 extended only as far east as tht' 1 old City Hall. At that timt>. com· munity mindt>d citlu-ns were 1 8AII IIEYEJl I studying the problem of dredging the upper bay. "Santa Ana wu offered the job," Sam recalls, "But declined. If they had done the job then, Santa Ana 'f'Ould have a population today of 100,000." Six yeara ago Sam sold his pa- per, now the Nl'WS-Times, and l'S· tabtished hls present schedule of ''taking it easy". His definition of "taking it easy" has covered serv- Ing as dl'acon of the Corona del Mar Community Church, helping to organize the Exchange Club. serving a tenn as president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce. and a year just finished as foreman of tht> Orange County Grand Jury. Always an active supporter of New·port Balboa Fed- eral Savings and Loan. he has been a director since organization. Among the fastest growing areas in the statt>, Newport Har- bor has increased 300 percent in population in the past 10 yt>ars. "Everyone knows thl' tremen· dous amount of e(fort rt>qwrt>d by community minded citizens and organizations to accomplish such phenoln('nal development," says Meyer. "and I am proud to be a di- rector o[ our Savings and Loan Association. which deserves a sub- stantial share or crl'dit for the growth or tht-Harbor area." We at Newport Balboa Federal Savings and Loan apprt>ciate the fint> compliment paid us by Sum Meyer. Howt>ver Wl' rt>aliZt> such a compliment invokes rt•sponsi- bility, too. Wt> havp put y(•ars of time and effort into a thorough stuey or tht> Harbor art-a. and the nt>eds or our citizens planning a fu- ture her('. Savings in vest<'d with us ha\'e !'amed 3"t per annum !'ince th£' start of thf' Association. Coupled ''ith thi" hll!ht>r l'arning your sa,·in~s up to ~10.000 are ~afelv insur!'d Our Loan plans an." · advanta~rous. too. as t>vi- dt.'nCt>d by th<' hundrl'd.-. or hom<' financed by us Tak€' advanta):<• of our complt'tl' fac1 h lit'$ A fri<'ndly ''€'1c..'Onlt' a\,nlt~ ~ou bal~oa ERAL SAYII&S Wlliii.M·Ttlt ..... I.W1. IEIPIIT IUCI, ClllftiiiA I Btl'EVE: If we must nave Government regulation of Bu~ · 'l'"~s. it s:,o:;~d be to Preserve Free Competition, ne t {o put G ove;n.-dant in Business. REP. CANDIDATE for FRANK M. LINNELL CONGRESS-28th Oist. IJdq. !916 Nf'wport Blvd. Bar. S4M N~wport &ach pol. ach·. WHITMAN'S SERVICE w ·Q .m-c,.t:e;-m:tr. t..;.,-:-w..·w..t .., ~. "We Spedehle Ia ~cy Sen-ice" 1020 eo.n lt¥4. HArbor 441 a ••••• .._ 1106-J-....-c.-del ..., 11t1 a.AAem otsPLAY 011 '1111 PAC..C COAST • .....,.._.w,.~ .... ,.. ........ o ...... .......... .,_..,.. ........... s.-- FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES HOUSE ' GARDEN ... c-. .............. o,.. -..., ... 10 .. " .. 4 ,. " On the Island Two or IT\)' eood trienda M Ve put their abilities to the benefit of their communities. CUff Chapman has been elected president of the Boerd of Directors of the Udo Isle Community Auociation, and Nor- man Miller has been elected to our city's CoundJ. The people of Udo will be ~et­ tlng a skilled ~rliamentarian who has learned the art of conducting Crultful meetings while flying the Commodore's flag for Udo hie Yacht Club and wieldlng an au- thoritative gavel as Commodore of the Southern California Yachting Aa.aociatlon. Along with this ~~ technical skill. they will have the benefit of a man at their he lm who puts his last ounce of strength into any job that he tackles. Norman Miller rodt> a bicyclt> to Santa Ana every day for four years to attl'nd high school. during which he held a part-time job, too. Mlde from this strenuously ac- quired education, Nonnan has con- tinued to study to fit him for do- lng a skillful job as a legislator and he was studying up to the day he was t>lected. The books that he rnds are practical sociologies and practical politics. The tt>xts on politics wPre not of the best way to kiss the constituent's baby va- rit>ty, but wf're of tht> How Can I S<>rvf' My Pf'Ople Better category. He was a constant CUJ;tomer of my bookshop, and ct>rtainly his books wert> of a ronstructi\'e nature. This lt>ads mt> into a littlt> con- ceit or mine. I bPiie,·t>. aftPr twenty-odd years of buying family libraries. that I can rt>ad C'haractt>r fairly accurately from tht> books on a person's shelves. and comt> up with a mot·e accurate f>St imatt' than any palmis t. astrolo~ist. nu- nu. week-end t Aprtl 18, 19 and 20) will be the first annU&I lnvl- tationaJ Veterans' Tennll Tourna- ment at the Balboa Bay Club. Five or the first 10 ranking vet- eran's players ln the United States will enter the singles and doublet matches for men over 45. Some of the outstanding playera in the competition will be Lewis Bond. California State veteran's sinltlea champion: Sldnt>y Adelstein, co- holder of the national doubles champlonahlp: A. L. !Vanl Zerbe, co-holder of the California State doubJec champlonarup ; John Sia· aon, nanner-up or the national sin· gles championship. and other out- s tanding players like John E . Woodall. recent winner of the Santa Monica veteran's champion- ship: Mel Gallagher. BUl Maxwell. Carl Busch. Martin Cornie&. a nd Les Wanee. Women of Moose Git~e Wheelchair A wheelchair was prest>ntl'd to Mrs. Nina Boardman of Corona del I Mar at the mt>etm~ of tht> Women of tht> Moose last Thursday at :\loo!'t> Hall Mrs. Boardman thank<'d m mPm· ur1am. Bu·dJe OstrandPr. who had origmally plannt>d tht> chair for 1 Mrs. Boardman. but dit-d last :-;o~ I v~.>mtX'r befor<> h<'r dream could be fulfilled. In the absence of Hosp1tal Chairman S hirley M1Uer. 1 her mothl'r, Myrtle· HumphrP) ., made th~ preltt>ntation. J()(> Ho- mann. mt>mber of thl:' NPwport !\1oo:.t> Lod~t>. who i\ctually pur-l chosl'd thf' <'hair, was also intro~ 1 dUC'f'd HOME LOANS· At .Or-.. Count(a l.eeding Home L.ndinc; IMti+vtion QUICK 2<t HOUR SERVICE LOW EASY MONTHLY PAYMfHTS mProlosnst or phrf'nologist. , 1 am willin~ to experimt>n l. ,c A~ DIRECTOR ~AMED FRIENDLY mf'anwhile runnin~:: thP risk of an~ Rt' Thoma H Pendt>ll, o( 1 citr ordinance again:;t sooth~y<'rs. Chr1st lhurch by tht.• S«.'a. :-.:('w- to rl'Ceive through the mall a Jist {JOrt. hall bfo('n nam<'d dJrl'ctor for SYMPATHETIC SERVICl or your books. . on{' hundred I ('amp CNiar Glt•n. om• or thl' !\IP-I titlt>s, at least. with no na m<' at· thod1 t Jun1or HJ~h l> u m m <' r tach<'d to tht• list a nd I "ill essa~ camps. Oat~ are Jul} 12-19. I WE IVY TRUSl DEEDS OH WEU lOCATEO HOMES a cha rae t Pr analysis which wi II a P-I ;;:::;:;:;:::;;::;::;::;::;:;:;:::;;::;:;::;::; pear in this column. If the sub- ject, a fter readin~ my characl<'ri· 1 BALBOA IS LASD zation. wishes to deny my accur-SPORTING acy, and si'Ols his name. Wt> will I LAGUNA publi!>h that. M1ght be fun. • • • Marion Harvey or the Book Shop of the Island has t>mployed Jant-t IMrs. Chari<'S I Davis to hf.'lp ht>r I Evt>n a small bookshop . . . and C<'rtainly th<'rl' art> few smallt>r in ' th<' world than Marion's ... evl:'n a small bookshop contains tht> wPalth to makl:' Fort Knox look lik<' an Arkansas county poor farm Initiation Rites At Star Meeting Iru t111 tion r1tes for ~anC'y Ruth Hill. Ruth \\'mirn"d Hill and Em- Pr!oon \\' Ifill of :'\(•\\-port neach W<'rt' Cl\ t'n lao:t "('t'k on Tul-sday niJ:ht a t th,. Harbor !'tar C"haptt>r O.F: !'. 568. at thP Odd FPIIows Hall tn Costa :'\I<'S8. Worthy :'\Ia Iron Rt>~na Cottlf.' and Worthy Patron j1arold r ink I prt>sid('(! a nd ga'·<' honors to Past (;rand :'\latron Maudf.' Bi~rlow Sib. )1"_\, Worthy Patron Jamt'S rlt>ck of Santa Ana and ot h<'r past ma· Irons and patrons R<'frt>shmcnts with an F:al'tt>r motif wt'rf' S<'rved by Estht•r John· son. lrcnt> Wilson. Dorris R.a~an and Bettyr Fink. Birthday mt'm- bt'rs W<'r<' honort>d with a C'ake madf.' by th<' Worthy Matron. Thl'y wer<' Harris Colt){'. Milton StPIIar. Earlynn Albright. ::'\t>ll Colby. {..(-da Haun. F.:va MooN'. Lela Mc- !\tillan. Polly Owen and Gwen Sut- ton. Not attt>ndin~t wert> honort'<'S Sam Crawford. Nina McKt>ehan. Doris Powers. Barbara S!o'dman and Ellen L. Ta tt> Th<' t>V<'nin~;t hostessP!' wc>rt' Edith VoorhN"S, Leda Haun. Dor- othy Burdick and Martha Hostt>t- ler. Mrs. Cecil Powell Named by Circle Mrs. Cecil Powell of 2129 E. Bal- boa Blvd .. was elected president of Las Amigas Circle of Christ Church by the Sea. wh<'n the group met T\Jesday t>venin~ at the home of Mrs. Earl Stoneback, 2110 &>v- llll'. Balboa. Mrs. VirJrinia Pt>t t>rs was namt'd vic<'-PM.'Sid«>nt. Mrs. Warrt-n Kt.'l- logg. sN::rt>tary. Mrs. Hnt'Oid Glass. tr~surer. Mrs. Stoneback. way~ and means chairman. Mrs. Art Remley. devotional chairman. Mrs . Ross 0w<'n. mJ~or;ionary chairman. Mn. KenJteth Farnsworth M S<'c· retary and publicity chairman. Nl'xt m('(>lin~ will be at tht> home of Mrs. John Shields. out~ lng prHident or tht> Cirdt> fN&turlDr EQl'lPME..'iT -n lre'iG -S\\'IM:)f'ISO -Ill."~&· I:SG -BEACtl -CA S - \'AS SHOE , .k. BALBOA lSLA1''D SPORTING GOODS HArbor 264 t FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATIOt. m Oc.en Av.nue Phone : 4-lln LAGUNA BEAC ~ LAWN MOWERS • Recon~iti011etl • Sh•~t~~H • a•jusletl AND FOR ONE WEEK ONLY FREE PICK-UP & DEUVERY ~~:~·~ .... 250 :\n~ f'h\.t'c-in tht' Harbor .\1"1"'.1 HIDY'S PET SUPPLIES and Sport i nq to& COAST BLVD. OORON.-' DEL MAR PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PRESCJUPTIOS. ALWAYS DOCBL E OIISOil'ZD ILUIPTOirS IL\RBOR DRUGS Ill Coe1t Blvd. UVING ROOM BEDROOM DINING ROOM ETHAN ALLEN SIKES KLING FANCHER ENGLANDER S~LY eftd • • • M•ny O~ll•n • no S. COAST ll VO. HARBOR !&15 o.r-a ... ..,. LAMPS AND SHADES WALL SHEL~ BEDDING ... OELJVIaY CREOfT TElMS ,AT10 AJRNITUl ! l e4wo.4 e.d AI-~a- bety ~Oft, ~;"' ... ' ,.,. 41129, LA&UNA lEACH ' ---------- Page 12 Die INSIGN Tbunday, Apdll7, 1152 Ebell Club Spring Festival At Legion Hall Next Thurs. Fut becoming a spring tradition in Newport Bc.-ach, the Ebell Club Sprln&' Festival will again be staged next Thursday at the Am- erican Legion HaU, 15th St. and Bay Front. It will be an a ll-day affair with luncheon ser\ed, card playing ip rhe afternoon. an art exhibit, f>ooths to repre ent aU club sections. and, this yea r. a for - tWle teller as an added attraction. Lu~chron will be served betwel"n 12 and 1:30 p. m. by a eommit tee headed by Mrs. E. A. Roj:ters. Re- servaUons should be made with Mrs. Nicholas Brettm>r, BEacon 6987-W, and Mrs. R aymond He,.., HArbor 1921-M. Door priaes, according to Mrs. Amelia Gamble. chairman, will go to luncheon and bridge ticket hold- ers. S~ial prizes will be an elec- tric: cotfet> maker and a combina- tion Sllndwich grill and warne iron. By ASS These ticketa a re being distributed by Mrs. Francis Horvath and her committee. Dt>coratecl booths will display costume jewelry, "white e I e - phants," an apron a nd book stall. home cooked foods, a cand.y booth. cut flowers and planters. fort'iltll canned goods a nd a for tune tcll('r. In this role Christine Frederick or Laguna will wear an hl'irloom gypsy Eu roP<'an costume a nd will ··run the cards" and rcad horo- SCOP<'S. B_d dge and canasta pla) in~ will beglrl a t 2 p. m., and there will be table priZ(•s, says Mrs. Ray Nell- st>n. Rese17vations for rnrds may be made with Mrs. J . S. U nd('r- man, HArbor 2087-J. a nd r.trs. Fred Putzier, HArbor 798-R. Gl>neral chairman IS Mrs. W. B. Tritt a nd co-chairm en a!'E' Mrs. L. G. Allbough and Mrs. Floyd Buell. Orht•r mt>mbers. who a re commit- tee heads, a re Mrs. Sidney Cort, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. J . W. Cam- nltlck, Mrs. John Lamar, Mrs. Clarence Dodd. Mrs. R. L. Trem- ble). Mrs. R. K. Har\'ey, MTS. Hor- ace Parker. Mrs. E. G. Doane, Mrs. Constance Jayred. Mrs. M . M. Murphy and Mrs. Murray Rabbitt. Lido Restricts Roofs to Tile F".astE>r ·s romP and gone but sprbl_g parties arc JUSt beginning. Are you going to the Hoag Charity RaU tomorrow night'! From t he sound of thjngs EVERYONE'S got it on rhrir date cal£'ndar and it pr{l rrusrs to bl' a ~::ala £'\'l'nt. F'or lhi.; nnd many comtn!.! social The Lido Communit y Associa- "do's", conw in nnd ser· O'Brlc>n's tion f'lectt>d a new boa rd or direc· dressy cottons . These arc the days tors Saturday at lhl.' an nual meet- we a.re skirting the clock in co t-ing ---but thc big commotion ton.c; and "hf'n th£' hands rE'ach was the heated dtscussion O\'l'r til£' mtd.ni~ht . ~ou Olll) bf' wearim: a rc>ofs \!'.wood shake roofs fur Lido Jlght-as-..t -brf't"Ze s h('('r imported hou;les. • • • of S«Kial note Big names will be one of the spe- cial drawing cards for the Charity Ball. Walter O'Keefe has consent- ed to be Master or Ceremonies a nd celebrities Ann Miller, Ginny Simms and Liberace wiU be on the p rogram. • * * Back t>ast yo u can te U It's sl}rin.g by tht> first crocus, an early robin, tha t wonderful s pring fe<-llng that mak!'S you want to dro p every- thing and just dream, but here you know It 's spring by the Increased interE'St in fishing, the renewed work and conversation on boats. Bigges t fish I ever saw was pres- ented to Judge Frank Linnell in a s tuffed form on a plaque <not a pia tter this time >, as a winning trophy at the Pacific Anglers din- ner last Friday night at the Bay Club. T he LinneUs will probably have to build a new house to go 'round it. I understand Pepito Perez i responsible for the tidy mounting. Hundreds of anglers were pr('sent to receive trophies a nd swap fish stories at the an- nual dinner meeting. Fisherman Dr. Richa rds Hoffman was named new presidt>nt. Speedboat enthusiasts Mary and Bob Hawley of Corona del Mar, were chinning a bout boats with the I Mauriet> Parkers of Laguna, whose l'On, Biff, is a 12-trophy \\;nnt>r. Bob Hawley a lso has many, many trophies to his crl'dit and is the son of John S. Hawley, who hE'ld thP Lipton Cup in 1911·13 and 19. an unbcutcn rl'cord. The boat was the Gn•tchcn ft·om the San Dil'go Yacht Club. dotted swi!-S. a <ohct>r shadowv tis-ThE' issue had am.en a fter thr SU(• chambra). n Jinrn t•ncr.usiE'd assoriation's architC'Ct" commltiC'f' :'\o" \\(' SE'E' wh\ Blanche Wnkl'· With ~":?ld cmbroid<'n. and j~''.'-els or and thr old boal'd of dtr<'ctors had 1 faeld'» dau~hl rr;, J oannc and a magtcal cotton ma t('ltoM•<' tn rtch appnno•d a shak.;-roof !or th<' H Doanr, arc· up in !'an FranC'iS<'O br<K'ack' t ~ JX• tl'xtur,., I.T _l ·•!nn··~ hous<'. b<>ms: built a t husd) \\Orkm~ nnd sa\ in~ thcir Dr.._"" n1th soclul JL .. piraUons 235 \ 1a l thaca by Contractor AI· mont') for <• return trip to Europr. al"ff thr brand ot>w llt'lt'n or Ca ll-'an Clemcncc ThC' p rop('rty own-\\'r htnr' ju"t had n l'<"<'k into thC' fnraJ" O~iJ,oinul"·.. c•xrlu_ooh Ply !'fS ~·otC'd ~a I urda} tor<' tn<·t 1 OO!!-o • dtnt) 1 ho 1 th<' ~irb ko•pt on a focmd in 0 BRIF.' :01 nf'W Azure to tile. 1-,urvpt•un sojourn thl.'y had la"l room. It'<~ hnrd to f'xplain their ThE' new board tnciUdl'S Chff ( )('t(lbf•r :-.:o,·t>mb4>r :tnd L)(-cemlx·r rxqolsl. t.-dl'tall. thP rlf'h slmpll-I Chapman as _Prl'sidc_nt. P. A. Pa lm-l-'r om t ht•tr dC'!->CllptH•n. ~'SCI) coun- clt y of Un,. lUid thl' sorprl!Jin~: !'r. F:d Colhns. Wilham Mtrams, try Sl'l'mNI morf' \\ onderful than C'lear t-uty of tht> f«'mlnlne fab-Charles RO<'Sl'. Morn-; Sopp and 1 hc las! and th<'y , isitt>d six ... rie& ~ht>rbf't pUAtPl!O -skirts Thor:nas Arden. C. B. Rudd wu En~-;land. Holland. Germa ny, Swit-u.a biUow, nrr rt'(>d ~im or nrt> prcstdent of the ouq~OIO$! boa rd .-!'rland, Italy and F rance Their ..oft.ly plt>at~-.:own.'l that arr Jllif' dc VIP E'\ en ~nscend£'d the c-risp aad cool "" thf' ttnklf' of R t• PJ rain. which patte red and pour!'d ... ue lm&l't for parUefl DOW ecrea lOft an a lmost constantly. T heir ambition -d good wardrobe ID\'etJtmf'Dt8 now is to take some bicycle tours for tile entl.re wmmt-r. A town meettng discussion or a O\'f'r there and we understand tha t . Sf'lect your· a cccssorit>s also a t proposed $11.250 Harbor-wid£' sum-th('y a rt> a lready practicing on O'BRIEN'S. Perhaps you have mer recreation program wUI be their bikes. been lookin$i for the 16-button held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday at gloves, important for formal occas-the meeting of the Park. Beach ions and particuJarly attractive and Recreation Commission in Ci ty with briefly slecvl.'d dresses. Our Hall. beautiful enamel and pearl jewelry The program has been worked seta off a scoop neckline, summer out by the joint Newport-Costa whi~ neckla<.'es ar-e in and this Mesa committee and was pr-esent- seaeon boasts the most beautiful ed at las t week's Park Commission and \Dluaual belts. meeting by Earl Peterson, Reel ae..rmber that O'BRIEN'S Cross water safety chillrman. ..., aarrlte Madcap halAI. peUte Propoeed community center rec- alld ftower-lllJed ~lamourturs. reation areas are the wading pool fhW'flr'S aad \'eU.........ud a wide u-park in West Nt>w port. :-.lewport IIOrt.mfou t or h&lldba.gs for t>\'1"1')' School, Corona del Mar School. llfll'1aK aad IRIIllmer oet'38on. High School. Costa Mesa Lindberg Stop Ia too, for your new Udl~r School, Costa Mesa Harper School ...UfJ h~'BRIEl\"'S Is full and Costa Mesa Park, and a lso of pn~tty tbtap to wear. aquatic et>nters at 9th and 10th on P. S. Don't MISS our sale. Se<' the bay in :'\ewport, Ruby and the bargaii)S on page t wo. !'orth Bay on the Island, Bay Shores, China Cove and 1 he high -I · ··'411 .... _ ....... ~ )- _:_(__.;.-. /~-~--. -~ .,,,,,,,~. lUI OOAST BOULEV AJlD OORONA DilL HAll IIA.rbor IH8 school pool. Ruby Etta Gores l Dies at Age of 51 Funeral services were held Thursday for Ruby Et Ul Gores, 51, ot 106 30th St ., Newport, who died las t week at St. Joseph Hospital. Mrs. Gores is survived by her hus· band. Walton Gores, Newport, and two sisters and two brothers. She had lived in Newport for 12 years and was a native of Lyons, Kansas. Need Volaleen Final plans are being made for the three~day Spring Fair and F.Uval to be held at the Corona del Mar Community Church May 1~2--3 to raise funds to complete the church addition. There will be a hobby display, white elephant sale. food sale , auo- tions. bridge and canasta party, games, refreshments, art d.laplay -end a supervised nursery to solve the baby sitting problem. • • Nothing but good comments ha\'(' come from the Easter Week danet> scheduled for the young folks at the Corona del Mar Beach last mid-week. The heavens coop- erated with a nice moonlight night, the young people turned out tn droves fthey say 2,500) and the en- tire atmosphere was great. The concessionnaires of the m a i n beach helped read.y the parking lot for dancing and fix the lights, fire department and city street de- partments helped ";th loud speak- ers and trucks and so forth. Ser- vice clubs all over the area. who contributed funds to the band. etc., would have been proud to see t heir money so well spent. Members of the Woman's Civic League, who originated the plan. acted as chap.. erones and furnished marshmal- lows for the fire rings. Rose Queen Nancy Tho m e helped to dis tribute the many prizes offered by merehants in the area. She i.s the niecr of Mrs. Lest<>r Jones, who helped the dance committee. Everyone was happy about the danoe ---the adults. the yoWlg people, who even went out of their way to say "thank you"' to the older people present, and the policemen whore- ported not so much as a bent fen- der with aU the cars . • • • Talk about aituations: Zonta Club planned to meet at the Hoag Me- morial H08pital Wtder construction last Thursday for luncheon served by RJchard's Market. It rained. Pr~sjdeot-(>lect Helen Norton had no plaoe to take us, but her own restaurant, S.yahores Cafe. So there we sat eating Richard's cooked food at Norton's resta~ ant. Dick Richard evened thJngs up, however, by buYing h.iB lunch at NortoD's later that day. Both Jennie Rlchard and Helen Norton belong to Zonta. so there'& no hard f~llngs! Too Tongue-Tied To Sa y Those Three Uttle Words? GeDenl OWrma.n Ruaaell Hamp.. ton announces that the following an needed: volunteen to take eharxe of ~me booths, hobb1 room and children's exhibit and tic.kct sales: more hobbles for dJa-• • • play, white elephants for the auc;-A thrilllng presentation ot tlon. "World Without End" wu given Bib ·n• Tucker Dance by the young people ot Redlandl •-La· H-Lra H • h-Coll~J acxordlng to people who au u.u eag .. aaw me drama, pre-EastA!:r at Bib 'n' T'Ueker wtll be dandnl Ouiat Church rithe Sea. New-tomorrow (Friday) ~tnlna from port. Another with reU.SOUS 9 to 1 at the Hadenda OountrJ meantnr wUl be YeB dllrtnJ the Oub tn La Habra Hetahta.. Co-nat two SUDda.Y ....mp at tbt hoewaea wW be Kr. and 111'1. Corona del liar Connunlt7' ClutE S.claDaft aDI1 llr. aDI1 111'1. C.urcJl.. entttlec1. ·-n. Ten1liM Georp Wlnteor, Suta Ane. llak." 'Light Up the Sky' Cradle Tea Is Slated lor May On April 29 The 1~ season of the Newport Harbor Community Players will be cllmaxed wtth the farce about the theatre, "Ught Up the Sky", to be presented at Orange Cout Col- lege Chapel, M&y 71 28 and 29. Proceeds will eo to the Sister Ken- ny Foundation and the Hoag Mem- orial Hospital. Pati Witte will direct. and inclu- ded In the cast will be Marthella Randall, Bob Gleason, Mel Berry, Lil Fish, Bonnie Berry, Bill Shaw, Norm Webber and Neva Oakden. Wedding Plans Hinge on Navy The whims of the U. S. Navy will dedde some of the wedding plans of Miss La Vonne Marie Hilrt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Hart Jr., of 620 Clilf Dr., Newport ~eights, and Gerald J. Judge, who is In the Navy station- eel aboard the USS Valley Forge. The young couple are hoping for a September weddJng. The groom 'elect is the son of Dr. J . B. Judge of Albia. IoVI'a, and the la te Mrs. Judge. Miss Hart, who is now working at E1 Cajon. is a gradua te of Anaheim Hig h School and attendt>d Santa Ana Colle~e. Coolings Honor Son's Fiancee Mr. and ~t rs. Kenneth Coolin~ or Beacon Bay a rc honoring thC'ir son's fiance<'. Miss Marjorie Jean Holmqut t of Long &>ach. a t an open house from 2:30 to 5 ·30 p. m Sunday, in WPStwood, a t thP homl' of Mr. a nd Mrs. E. L. Kicr :Mtss RN ty Smtih of Balboa Is- land a nd ~tr!l. Elmt>r l ..a Lanne of Corona del Mar, wtll assist lhf' hostt>ss. Mr. La Lannr and Mr a nd 1\lts. Joscph Rig~ of Balboa I. Janel w til also bC' amon(! the 150 expeetcd gut>s ts. Thc youns: couple are plannm~ .J June 18 \\Niding. Party on Tuesday For Jolly Juniors SP<'('ial guests at the J olly Juni- ors party Tuesday evenlng wer-e Nancy Bryant, Don Swanson, Charles Keith and Jim Pringle. Favors or fis h and ships were awarded to lucky dance winner , Mrs. Fayette Birtch er, Mrs. W. W. Barnett, Mrs. John Ragan and Mrs. Rupert Hendricks were on the committee of mothers. Final meeting will be May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Van Hayes will judge the dance contest. A "Cradle Tea" is the me ot the! annual silver tea of the Newport Harbor Branch of the Chlldren'a Horne Society, to be held Tuesday, April 29, at the new home of Mra. R. E. Campbell In Bay Shores. Mrs. Roland Vallely Is tea chaJr- man, Mrs. H . J . CaldweJJ has charge of invitations, Mrs. E . C. Martin and Mrs. Nan Brouehton have charge or decorationa, and Mrs. J oseph Riggs is in charge of the special project. Spanish Conversation DIRF.ol' MIJI'HOD Experienced and accredited teacher. Small class for be-ginners now forming. Phone HArbor 1912. STRAW BASKET BAGS "'Sf'"' ltAJIAD lmporw $2.95 .. _ Bernat Yams in LU8C'IOIH N~w Colnn! -·-The NEEDLEPOINTER 1201 Co.",t Blvd., Corona del Mar Hourt 10:30 to 5 p. m. Ill Lucky in Love? LUCKY ·•r~l·d~•c oa .,. r ..... (tt• ,,. ; ster .,,., c-• • s 1,_. s~d 1 lo ""a'• r;, •• ,.. ... •I ,.""'!: ... ~·_, t~' LUCKY • 111'8 .. ..,, 1, e11da "''o ,.,lily ch <'lUl •l>e go(lt KAREN ' MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts I 307 Coeat Blvd. Corona del Mer Harbor 1373 Hoors 9:)0 +o 5:)0. C>p.ft s-.4• Spring Blanket Special Blankets - - -Dry Cleaned . . •"Y 1iae , , • eny ~ind ( .. cept electric) 99c each II'ICICED Ull' AND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR -Re gular Price $1.25 to $1 .50 * Qualit~ Men's Wear • • Wa •re •llo lpecialiJh i11: • D~AII'E~IES • SLIII' COVERS e lUGS • CURTAINS e COMFORTERS \