HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-25 - Newport Harbor Ensign• FIRST SECI1QN Harboa' 1114 cmd 1115 CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. jor Ousted; iller CDM Woman Killed As Autos The Log b, HOI> Racing MG'a lAst night broughtl death to a 32-year-old Corona del Mar woman u one or the cars turned over on Bayside Dr. near the Balboa Yacht Club. Mary Genevieve MacAlvey of 438 Fern- leaf Ave. was killed, and her hus- band. Stuart Blaine MacAlvey. was injured. The other car did not stop, and local pollee are Sf'('k · ing to dete rmine tht> ldc>ntity of tht> occupants. P ollee patrol ofCiCE'1'11 John Bloom and Harold Kennecty were just entering Balboa Island about 8 :50 last night to investigate a re· port of two MG's racing on the is- land when two cars passed them , turned right onto Bayside Dr. and sped toward Corona dE>I Mar. The police car turned at Balboa Ave. and Marine on the Island to ~<lve chase.> and arrivc-d a t thr scenr of 1 the acddf'nt just a fpw . et'ond.J aft<'r It had occurred. I The two bodies were lying on Bayside Dr. Thf' woman was dead on arrival of t~ pollee, and h<>r body was tak<'n to Baltz Mortuary. ThE' man. suffrring hruist>s and cuts. was takPn to Hoa~ Hospital. wht'rl' policE' wert' to qurstion him this morning, but hospital atten- dants said he wa s stiU under seda- tivfc'S. Mrs. MacA1v<'y's survwors. tn addition to her husband. includt> 1 two daughters. K ris nnd Cari; hE'r 1 mother, Mrs. Ida Boyd of Santa I Ana. and a brother. ROAA Boyd of Portt'rvillf'. Monday evening wu not a bright spot in Newport Beach history. Just about everyone on Oty Coun- ciy can share In the discredit -• • excep1 for the brand new Council- man. that is ... Ex-Mayor Andy Smith can claim his portion of blame, for politics is after aJI the busineu of getting along with peo- ple. in addition to honesty and in- tegrity, and It must be said that while he's long on the latter two virtues. he's no charm school graduate .... Let me add, how- ever. that I can overlook that failing. because the other qualities arc the important ones .... For a momt>nt Andy Smith had a glor- ious victory In his lap, still mayor after the first vote t o declare the office vacant. but he could not rt"- sist a dig (and perhaps an accur- ate onel that th~>re'd be a new m ustering or forces to kick him out ... and that ga,·e thE' cue to Norman Miller to do a switcht>roo and vote for ouster. . . . Which brings the qu..tlon. why the fir11t Miller vote in favor of Mayor S mith-and the mMt likely an- swer. that a favorable votr was the best political expedient (to keep in good with Andy', backers. of which there are scverall and Lobst BaJc lf't the onUll of df'moting the er e mayor falJ on Braden Finch and 1 Les Isbell. who can takE' it , with Pr Listed the help of the brand n ew rt>Crult. ogram Gerald Bennett. Howevt>r, Mr.1 Benne tt took the wist> step of Highlights of the> Corona df'l side-stepping the hot potato a nd 1 Mar 'Jirt'asure Days and Lobstt'r the firs t vote was deadlocked and Bake program were a nnounced the motion lhUll defeated .... The 1 this w<-ek by CUff Uonbargt'r. cue for the Miller switcheroo looks 1 genE-ral chairman of th<' evt>nt. flimsy at bes t. grabbing at a which is sponsored by the Corona straw pE'rchance as best lAid dE>I Mar Busln('SS Assn. Race .....~ A• 1~•.1• N .. .,_,_ co.aiac 1M eadn dey ol Newpcwc Bacb.. VoL 5-No. 7 amed G.tBenneH Appointed Andy Smith camt> throu~h wtt h a brief first round victory in Mon· day evening's mant>U\'t'ring for thP mayor's chair. but a momPnt larPr a revt>rse by Councilman "i'orm'lll Mlllt>r pulled the chair from un· der Andy, and Norm himself i' our new mayor. There's alSo a nt'" councilman. although this important fa<'l wa.s somewhat O\'t>rshadowed b~ tht> I fig ht over the mayoralty Thf' surprise choice is Gerald C Ben· nett of Ct'ntra l :-<ewport. who t>X· plained latt>r that ht> had no mk- ling of what was coming until 1 Councilman Isbt>U had called him that noon to ask him if hP would acet>pt a ppomtment Thf' drama bl'1;3n \\ith th<' mo- tion by Councilman LA>s Isbell tn chan&t' thf' rr~ular ordt•r of bwn- ness for tht' purpt'ISt· ot ltP~Int­ in~ a nt'" councilman The mn- t ion was appro' e-d O\ t•r t hP lonP objectton by ~1a\Or Smith, whn asserted that tht• rt>Spons1b11itv should rest wtth tht> pec~plc.> n<'' thl' Council. becaus.-the nP\' roun- cilman would ha,,· rhrl'1 11nd 11 half yl'ars to serve. Councalman Mlll<'r qu1ckl~ rt>- vealed the thinkjnc of tht• m'tjor- ifY by btog~.nnin~ a nommatm~ pet'ch. e:xplaimng first that ''we f~J W(' t'an't do a ~ood job unleSS """ havt> a full rounc-il... BC'for•• he could namf' tht> majonty'o; choice. F.d Heah or Ct>ntrnl :"lev.·- port intt·rruptt>d t(l 11sk 11 c-om- munications relatin~ to n nt>w rouncilman rould tx> r<'ad lirst ~1ayor Smith backl'd him up and I saJd he bcli€'vt>d :\lr Miller wa" 1 out of ordt'r m makan,.-: a nomina t- in~: speech. Councilman Finch asked Cll' Attorney Harr~ Blod~ctt'c; opin- ion. and the c1ty attorney ;;atti I !Clmtlnut>d on Pas:t• fi t schemfc'S gang aft a-g ley .... I find Kkk-off wtll bt> t he Arbor DRy THIS IS TilE IS<TBATOR that thf' Ea_.,jp llacubator I"ODd l.. bu~·­ it m06l amazing and. let Ull say, parade, whi<'h will bt> led by tht> I~ for thP llo.c-~f'morial H08JHtal. Thf' lncubltt.or 1 .. a.lrf't«<y th.-n unsportsmanlike. that such an im-1 El Toro Marine Band along Coast -alrP~d\ h(•lvlnJ: to !Ill\ f' thP II\ ('8 of bnbh·~nd thf' dol~lh from A • u d r· mcnsely importa nt ma tter as Hlghway at 11 a.m. Saturday. 0<-t. nf'W EnlllJ:D '"-l.b!orriJ>llou \\1 11 ~~· thf' bill ror thl .. nr~~t'r M NL. gam n er ue choke or a n<'w councilman should 11. to tht' Scout Jambort>e Build-lhry c;ray. R.S ., ~u()f'r~IJWr or tht> ~Atl'rnlty Ward .t tJHo hospi- bl' don£' \\ithout evt>n a word of inJ;:. Aft<'r planting is donf' at thAt tal, Attf'n<l"' ll nPw-born b8b~·-yf'~ thf'rf' I~> n tJny lwlby In thl' in-J Tht> urdmanC'\' transferrin~ tHX consultation with th<' mayor of site t .,._ Marine Band will l~'ad the <'Ubator. 1 phr "' t-~· n ·<'knt"r 1 asst>ssinJ: and roiiN'tJon t n t r. " th<' town! ... But ev~>n more un-crowd to th<' Lobstt'r Bake a t ----t'•>unt\ ~ •• s IO'I•I(JU(.'('d at :\fonday sporting was the utter disrel{ard MA r~llt>ritf' ,\vi' And Cnast B lvd. I nym· g Saucers I New Co~tnct'lman 1'\I'OIIi~·s COUOl'll mt>t'ttnl! an;:uE'd by the Big Threoe of City Council Fr€'Sh lobster dinners wfll be " at length by Realty Board mrm· of the very important desire of a serv<'d both Saturday and ~unday, I bc-rs. thf'n passt'd to st'('('lnd rf'ad- Jarge segment of th<'ir ~nstitu-Oct 11 and 12. beftinning a t noon. R port d Here I Crl";atd c 84.'nn••tt .. lht· "urprts•·' In~. which may tak<' plaN> "''"t ents: the request for consideration TherP will be-ridfc'S and ~amr<:, e e appotnf(•f' '" thr :"t·~ port lit~ I :'\lunda~ ('V,t'nins: of a West Newport representative. me rchandisl' honth!l. anti pril<'S C'olln<'ll. 1s il l:l-~ror rt'!'itdf'nt of !'tanlt'' Had!u ld C'halrmlln ,1f to say nothing of the advisability throughout th<' two days. includ-"Flyin~ saucl'r" rormallons O\er thP HRrho~ Ar<·~· no" makt>s ht" tho RRahv &lard'~ fact findmc or Jetting the voters choose the 1ng the grand prizes or a sewin,:: the Harbor Area, app('8rtng twict> homr al l.)(ll \\ Balboa. Rh·d m rommlttl't'~ slud rounh land as- new councllrrian, rather than let machinl' and a gas rani!<' in th<' t>arly morning hours of C'f'n lral NPwport. and SinN' 1940 : ,essment h€'rr is $241 ~420 hil::hPr it be a political dedsion .... So Saturdav t'VPnts will inC'Iud<' Tuesday, wr re reported by two has 1>\--~n ~ partnf r ~lh Charlt":,. than tht• nt\ s rostin~ w $10.000 much for our political sermon for also the Jamboret> QU<'<'n selt>Ction Corona dt>l Mar women who wert' F:· :\1d 't'll m m•·nrr.;htp and opera-a vear Ht; !laid the rounty dis- today: all good luck to our ambi-and entertainment by membt>T'll standing .... atch 1\t th<' a1rcraft ob-I uon or thr Balboa l'ransft>r C'o ntirunatl'. b\ a se.~m~:: land 10 thl' tious boy mayor. and to the new of the Horace Ht-idt troupe Early St>rvor post in thl' Lido I sir Com-With hC'adquRrt• N m C(\';tt\ MPAA Cit) at 25 2;, of sale prie<'. and councilman .... we'll we watching S unday morning then• will again munlty Ccntt'r tower. Mr·. Rt>nnt't i:;; an Ok lahoman C1uts1de {I( thP city 23.i ro:.. of salt' and reporting. be the treasur<' hunt t he search Mrs. Karl S. ~'Ctatt>r and Mrs. by birth and c-ar ly ('ducallon camt' pn~ Hf" chargt>d thar it ~ould The Council allgnmt>nt is ct>r-for tht> burled tn>asure ch~t. Jamt>c; Whyte <;aid they saw the out this way in 1937 and ~ot to thl-not be nght to tum owr &SS<'SSim: talnly a far cry from tht> new look There will also be a pet show. fi rst t:roup At 2:35 a.m Tuesday, Harbor Art>a by way or a job to the rount~. "wh1ch is so demon- produced by thP ''people's man-fashion preview, local talent rn-tra\ f'lhn~ at tl'rriflc s peed from throu~h an Pmploymt>nt. agf'ncy strably unfair." date" elt>Ctlon of last April, not six tertalnment and a garden show. wf'st to t>ast in perft>Ct V forma-When hE' and Mr McNetl got to-Carl Thomas Rf"alt~ B oard months ago .... I still find the tion. They estimated 15 to 20 gethcr a s partners, thetr transft'r pt't"Sident, said tw rPit that we grt Coundl's "approval after the deed" City Treasurer AsJc:s , separate objects. t>ach with a sort headquartt>rs was first tn thE' Bay tx>ttE>r ge veming by l!owming our- method of spending the dty's F an Du . f H J b golden or orangt' glow, not round Island ~aragt>, which they oper-selvfc'S rath<'r than turn O\ l'r fun<'- moooy distasteful: the O.K. for or nu ties 0 er 0 l or flat but rather oval ln shape. ated for Bay Island, for a while tions to the rount) $324.80 for dty advertisin.: in Mrs. Florenet> Cooling. city treas-'The objf'cts disappE'ared as mys-also owned and operated the> OrciE' [)t>fpndln~ tht> taxin~ transfl'r three newspapers. ads that weN' un>r without pay, who gets her l tPrioush· and suddenly as they had Taxi but sold it just after ttw \\'8r. wa .. c; \V G Perro" ,,r Curuna del published before any action b) ~')() a mooth as ~puty tax collt>C- 1 rome into view. j Ln 1944 their <'XPBndinst transfc-r Mar. who cltl'd fi l!\lrt>S 111 ,upport Council; credit to Andy Sm ith for tor, asked City Council Mon~~ At t·o7 a m tr'ley spottf'd the bu.~m<'S!-was moved to the build-of his chars::e that clty aS!It"~in~ bringing It out in the open. and evening that all duties of c•ty et' nd ·ro~ti~n which appeared 1 1n~ at 15th nnd Balboa Blvd .. and has hN'n Ia." nnd preferential, fa- for voting "no". • • • There ~a~.~rer s hould tx-turned over. to ~~0 tx, much fast~r than the first. !)O\'... thry arP at 192!'; Harbor Bhd "onn~ C'\'rtain. areas of th<' C'ity was 8 reaction or dismay a mon$: her snd t~t run compemanon lt>ss dis tinct. tra\'C•IIin~ in th~ m < CKtA ~1· sa ov r otht'rs \\1th Corona &-1 . ~1ar E ist>nhow<'r support('rs when th<' for th<'SC duties be.> made from the sam<' dir~ction In both cases the Th<' 43·~ ('a r-old roundlman '" one of thf' areas A!tSessro ht~ht>r Dick Nixon contributJon story day of eJection." She sta t~ that ~b"<'rV<'rs car~it>d out tht'ir rou-m<'mbrr of the C<'ntral N.-wport I by tht' city than by the rounty. broke. but thert' is a far different after the ~Jection she was dirt>Cted ti,;c Instructions. rt>portlng lm-Community As..~tatio., "'a.s a C'-1 • ((!('ling after seeing and hearing by the oty manager to perform mf'dlatt>ly to th<' F ilter Cent<'r in ti\'t' in its or~nJza•wn thrf'<' years Bl ff M ~ S the youthful Californian defend only part Of the duties of tftu• Santa Ana . a~o. St'f'\ed t hf'n OlS ItS \1C<'-pN"S~· U ee ... ng un. his Integrity in a dramatic. heart-urer. wt.He other tnasurer duties A flying saucer formation was ck>nt and ~at<'r as dirt>Ctor. Hill A mHtlac W1U bfo IM>Id "' ~ p. warming speech Tuesday nt.ght were aalgned to the finance ottl-ted b . Dr and Mr~ Fronk 1 \\'lft' Jpnn ts • till S(>CJ'Cta~ of th<' m. SUIWiay at UIC'< Hmt> nt <.,ol . . . . and it was really Nixon who cer. ~~~An i'nd l\fr and :\Irs Don as"OCI8tion ---and has Just jolnt'd A "' SMith M6 was the hJghlight of that fabulous ~ Wh t t>'ghbo ~ho ~('!'(' ~land-lhf' Ot'" Sandy Stt'lner real Mt&tt' :!.. -:-...... ~ c~ ~ ... -~r. to $50-a-plate Republican dinnel" that WHO AM J? I in ) 0~·~~~ n{'~ their ho~s on I off!('(' In co~ta H.~ Her (ln. ~m ...... f ~ f t.h even ing at the Bay Club. whc~ I'm jaat .W~. t.at I'd M!r •uC'rite An•. in Corona ck>l For::Jtom •• n. ~~ . n Ha.rbor H 1 ~ h ctl_., .. tJ rc:: f.;: <'., Rep. Joe Martin was t hedospeakear, IJIII:e to •-· U you WtMIId Ma/ about tn p. m . Monda)' and ~'lld~•lr l'N'd•'J\f"d h~~_.dC'gn>ei at ~~ ~ W~ .:_ s ... ~ for Nixon got 8 tremen us ov -fted • ~ for liM'~ AU th ronnatlon spt'('d O\'t'rhf'3d \.:\ r v ~ An .. n .... ..,..gong rn-f'Oitfo'lf. wtlo .... --"" &1'0 ~ tJon and an \Dl&nirnous vote of f I sar w I' th to north lind turn to-g~nl'f'l' '" Alhamhn~ ..--........ ..._ .. ta a ........ _...._ Ia __ ;1...... d heck ror $1 000 alone. but aot Clr OD«· rom sou ...... , ..__ 1 11 ... _r .. ,~ -..-"''" ~ UOI:nct'. an a c · Fam ct rtory wUJ hfJ w8rd tht' O<'t''tn Last Fridav. at .... r Hv ,,.,.n n l'O tl~ ,,.-on•. tlw> llllllllp, ~ tbat ~ tot' hil campaign .. · · Joe Marti~ f' ~ 8 ·z:? p m Oon Miller of 11;'1 Aliso )lr EWmwtt Sft) • "and this ts ,.....,.. -~ ...,._., ...,. ...... 'added the weight of hla polltJca YOW' re · A·, c.. ·N .. ~ port Ht-htht report~ pN>t t) much C\f a Ul'Jlll"l to In(' .....,.. ... ,_ 0 er ., .,. --. ltature to an~Wfl'ln.!., .. what ~I What's My v-L--?· a '.B. to poll« that he had ~n what he 1 too. ···~ rot a lot to k-ern! but tfttla ......... ., It ..... t•rmecl ... -~ta.v.AJ smear UIU. ~ lbt>llf'VM to be fl.)'tng .. UCf'l'l hMd-ru do Ill.)' bftt to de . ROM job -........ -~ and ID P.& . ._ ,_ _. ..._ lftlln a .,..t«IY dlftctloa. far thl city ... .. .... . • Pe19e 2 ~(·~ -)10~. -Tt.'ES. Ll.:"DA DARNELL "ISLAND OF DESIRE" GE:"'E EVANS ~lARY WELSH "PARK ROW" fled ads h1we 1t proven means of reaching buyen for all sorts of merchandlse-U.e them' Phone HArbofo 1114. DON'T JtJDGE BY LOOKS ALONE To judge uphohtered furniture "'•rely by loo•• alone is often • corily mistake. A piece may combine good de1i9n. simpliciry of line end • hendsome ~ver, IIUT of the iMer condruction is not •lurdy end well-built it is likely to .. 9 quidly end becolfte en un· comfort• ble eyesOf'e. We c.tlielty """-you ta c-• "' ............. Y" •" •""' ..................... ow .. ,.. t •~·-~ ........ w.·,. e-.. ............ ,.... Thursday, S.ptember 251 1152 HAll OASA OON'FEBENOE Fall Board retreat of the Unlt- ed Church Women of Southern eamornla is being held this week at Mar Casa on Balboa laland. Highlight of the retreet ls a talk by Miss Elsle Ferria, lawyer-mis- sionary, who has just returned from Africa. Among the local womt>n a ttendlng the meetings ls Mrs. P . F. Baines, president of the Newport Harbor Unlted Church women. cus~u 6me!j~~2r;P~ER l:;jw4 'I' ~ OF NEWPORT BEACH ,.,. .......... ., ... ~ ...... City ., .... ,.,. .... C.llf. ()fRee •'"' ~ ,&...t &.! tile IEMip h!Wifl9, 1164 C...t lo.!,,...4. CoNM clel Mot. TB.EPHONIS: HArMr 1(14 _. 1111 * • * The NEWPORT HAUQR ENSIGN hat been dotormin.d to bo e newt· pejSor of 9enarel circulation by Jlldtmollt ol the ~~ri« Court end by reason thereof Is \~~~~~1 to p..~bllth oil public notiCe~~ required by low. * * * btwe4 • Cia• ....... ., '" tha , ... OfRc. ot c.r... 4ef War, c.nf. ORT C'I!.,r:. / '· ( ~ '' ( .. ''· """ ~· . -. , . ' '· .. T-.e Ia 10110 at lhlt p. a. ...,,. rw taeab'e ~ • NOW SHOWING I the fabu· lous " MOJUD "magic motion" stockings THAT RITA HAYWOJlTH DA."C£- TESTED FORM MILES lN HER NEW OOLUIIBlA PICTURE, ''A~AI& IN TRISIDAD" 520 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar HATb« 2lJ2-W HAL DIKE Says: "SCHOOL AND ACCIDENTS" ~o .n yeor ot thos fme we try to re· mind yo, '"'•' ir is good busir'len to corry o r c de n I insurance on your youl'lgsters. It poys to buy off yeor. 24-hour prolocf on, but if you ca n't lford ot. JUVEN ILE SECURITY which covers ludol'l•s while ot school is o wo,derful b ... ) Yow cor t go for wr •q fo, \1.50 "pp1ic~tion~ o•e avo "b o , • ..,, f, ce The reg~ o• ,ra~wton:~ bel' but ·r Y .JJ ... en • io<e ot ·"~"' d, ·o~e JUVENILE SE CUR.ITY Hal Dike INSURANCE I IONDS H I I Newport llvcl. HATbor 402 NEWPORT lEACH IOEAS I LEARN THE INSIDE SEORY ~••• ture it has a riurdy frame ---ha,.,wood pNferebly, witt. cl041ble-doweled loltt+t end rein- fOf'Cecf cornen. Sprint wppom mecle of lnteriacecl -bbi119 wiN resist sat lontest. HaAd·ife4 sprints ere still contlclarecf tfte most satisfactory. F1fli~tt may b. -. hair. foam rvbiNr. TMM ere 'ell resillattt a nd cl11reble. AlVO l. HA»A .,.._ -' hWhllor ,E& HM'A • ...._.... Wltot CAL lOOT Acfvorthl-e • SUISCli,.IOH RATES * Oflo Yoer, In the He~ "'"--.... -·-·~·-... $2.50 One YMr, ouhid'e of the He~,.,.._. .. ........ _._ ....... 3.00 • lATa POl IIHIWALS * One YMr, In ttlo HertMw Alooe--..-·-·-··-....... _ ........... _.$2.00 ON Yoar, outaicfe of tfto Harbor lvM------··---.. ---· -··-···---2.50 Walfflt M4,..: 1104 C..lt '-'"ertf. CeoroN clel Mar, C.hfontla 50 Eabies iD for Arbor Parade I Fifty organizations have a lready signed up to participate In the Ar- bor Day Parade which will open I the Lobster Bake aJ]d Jamboree I ceremonil's on Saturday, Oct. 11, 1 by fonnlng a celebration to honor the landscaping of the Boy Scout Jamboree headquarters, on Coast I Highway just west ot MacArthur Blvd n~ar Corona del Mar. Parade usembly chalrman, Ted I Hambrook, has Issued tfle follow- ing order for the parade which will be led by the U. S. Marine Marching Band. Second In line will be the grand marshal and honored guests. Plane Spotting Meeting Monday A meettnc of &Jrc.raft observor peraonnel and tholae interested in that project has been called for 8 p.m. Monday at the Newport Elementary School, OUef Ql)Ser- vor Allan Crlsell annoWJces. (The location has been changed to the school from the City Hall.) Present to answer questions and give lnforma Uon will be Cuba Morris, county coordinator for the Ground Observor Corps, and Lt. Walt~r Landon, in charge of the rllter center In Sunta Ana. Additional personnel are needed to provide 24-hour vigilance at tbe observation post in the Udo Iale Communlty Center tower, accord- Ing to Mr. Crisell. Vohmt~rs can call the Chamber of Commeree office, Beacon _7'rf2. lt4G.4~fs Your FamtJ.y ~UI"aDt (ca...~) I•UVou& 111ft. Bartlor liNe 0... ... liar TheAr(hes -roar a.t to the Oout SIDa. 1 .... FINm FOOD8 ()0()1lTAIL8 COAST HI&HWAY AT THf AlCHES Now,.,t a..dl The floats and marchJng ele- ments or the parade will be In four sections. S<'cUon 1 will include all decorated vehicles entered by A.ssocla tions. Section 2 will in- clude Girl and Boy Scouts and School entries. Section 3 Includes all decorated cars entered by busi- neu finns. Any business house , planning to ent('r is asked to con-~ tact Mrs. Grant Howald In Corona del Mar. Section 4 Includes aU r:=========:::=-:;:.:. City of Newport Beach entries, JOHN VU.£I.I,l: ..._ IIU ----------~ I rnJ ceUanc.>ous and individual en- tri~. The parade will start at 11 a.m.j from the COM\('1' or Coast Blvd. ~t.nd Poppy Ave. in Corona del Mar I and mo.,·!! down highway 101 to the Jambor~ headquarters buUd- lng. where planting ceremonies will be ht'ld, under the SJ)Ot'WOr- shJp ot the Woman's Ch-ic Leaeue. Delano Paintings Are on Exhibit The first complete showing of John Delano's paintings are now on exhibit at Ragan's Restaurant in Corona del Mar. Delano is a I World War II Vt>tcran who was knocked out or the fight at the Italian battle of Salerno with 14 bullet holes in him. He has studit>d 1 in Los Angei('S art schools and Is ·now living In Laguna. I Norman Chamberlain, local ar- 1 tist, who chose Mr. Delano's paint- angs for the Ragan exhibition. says he has great decorative feeling and promises to be one of the great young painters out or Lo8 Angeles. DAl'OHTER, 8 1\Bl' \'l!iiT I Special visitors at tht' home of Mrs. Leo Paquet. 506 Pomsettia Ave., Corona del Mar. are her daughter. Mrs. James Wirrick and her daus:htf.'r Kart'n, who was born Aug. 23. Karen was just a mit" old when her daddy. Capl James Wlrrick, ~ot a glimp.-;e of h('r just before leaving for th~ far east. Use EnsJgn Classified ads. Bane's c Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Steaks o,_,. 5 to t :JO p. "'· -OOMCI MoiMIIap La 9U Oo.at Hwy. i)osla HE,_.,R Y'S COCKTAIL BAR on Miracle Mile. Newport 'lit FEATUBJNO * SPAIISH FIOD Happy Attitude Hour (PNetke floee at otar pjaao ..,.) S p. m. to 7 p. m. ~tary Ho,.. d'oeu\',.... Your~ llartellde,..: He1U'7 aT..; Newport .._. er..e. 1101 SPECIALIZIII II Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge SEA r:ooos SAl'S SEAFOOD AT THE SI6N OF THE SWOIOfiSH 16278 Coaat Hwy •• Swfaide Long Beach 8-2405 Cocktails French and Italian Dizmera 70S COAST IUGHWAY COBOKA DEL MAB BArbcw 1102 . Tla'lr .. q, •••• nber 11. liM Robert ...... Ncmwd To Stat• GOP Ccwnmttte. RobertS. Barnes of Bay Shores Seven new nvmbers and com-jeet. Soving with tbe ways and hu been appointed u member ol rnittee chalnnen for the y~ar W.J't' fn4!ana oommlttee aa ~d of tht the executive committee of the Introduced by the ~nt, Mn. AuxJIIary's biKge.t project of the Republican State. Committee, It is WUfr~ Berta. at the nrst fall year will be Mn. 0 . G. Suea u annoW'\oed by Chairman Lauab-meeting of the Newport Hlrbor chairman of the annual Hearts lin E. Waters In Loc Angeles . .Awdlia..Y of the ChUdren'a Home and Flowers Ball Mrs. Martin Other Orange Co\U'Ity aPPOintees Society held 1\lcsday at ~ bay-wlll destgn the decorations for the are Mnl. June Blodgct MoOre a nd fl"'nt home or Mra. E. c. Martin. party, which is set for Feb. 13. Gordon X. Richmond. Balboa Island. AulaUne M.n. Mar-Mra. Ora Chipman, aree dJrec:· tin u luncheon ha.t.ea8 were Mn. tor or the Children's Home ~ Did ~ re.ad the Want M 0. G. Suess. Mrs. Frederic Cleary ciety, spoke briefly on the work pagea today! and Mrs. Logan Hendricltlon. or the society as the opening pro. The new members. who hacf gram speaker or the year. N~ been previously fet~ by the board officers wen" also introdllced to members at a luncheon at the Bal-the group, They Include MnJ. boa Bay Club. were Mrs. Charles Suess as vice prf'sldent: Mrs. WII- Sploer, Balboa Island. Mra. Emory llam Schock. treasurer: Mrs. Moore and Mn. Davtd Ballantine Clear y, recording St>cretary: Mrs. of Balboa: Mrs. Ralph BeaU of F. E. Huber. corresponding secre- Laguna Beach; Mra. Mort Porte-tary, and Mrs. Martin as parlla- ous of Beacon Bay; Mra. B. N. De-mentarlan. scnberg of Col"'na del Mu; and :;;;;;::;;;;;;~;;:;.;;~;;;,;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;; ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ml~ Maggie Price of Balboa ..oil Island. RetrumJng active statUI! HOME LOANS At Or.,.._ County'a L..ding Hom• Lendinc: ln1titv+ion QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICl LOW EASY MONTHlY PA YM&IT'S FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE I WE IUY ~UST DEEDS I ON WILL LOCATEO HOMES '----------. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & lOAN ASSOCIATION m ()c.., AYenue PhoM: ... , '" LAGUNA BEACH with the group wUI be Mrs. A. V. Andrews of Corona ckol Mar and Mrs. Walt~r Cole of Balboa llland. Mrs. Berl$ announced the follow- ing committee chairmen for the year: Mrs. H. Payne Thayer. pro-87 ANN gram: Mrs. Joeeph RJgp, ways The latest fashion forecast sa"" and meens: Mrs. Challen Landers, _yv legislatloo: Mra. David Corson, "laugh at the weather ," for. no h ,._. 1 matter what the weather , you'll hostess; Mrs. Jo n ~tRt>r, t~ ~-... _ bl . MTLIUM r d phone: Mn . Tuller Topper. pubUc-~ comforta t> '.n a tne lty· Mrs. Hendrickson. apedal pro-coat. It _set'rns tm~i~le. but the I • current ISS\Jt' of "Life' magazine 1 rPvrall! tht' truth about this mJr-~ I acuJous fabric- -and at O'BRIEN'S you can find R.osewin coats with thi.s amazing Milium lining which says. "Be ~mart ... IG!'ORE the weathf'r! With a new Rosewin Coat. you'll tX' comfortab~ wher- Panhel Board To Plan Tea ever you go." Members of th<' board of Har- bor Panhellenic will mec.>t at 2 p. Tht> rt>AIIOD Is that MlL n '!'l m. Tuesday at the hom£' of Mrs Is a m.-tal lnsulot .. d lining ... Kenneth Cooling to c:Uscu.<~!l plans It rneau wa rmt-h wttt10ut wPI"ht for the Oct. 8 ml'mbershlp tt>a. and wtthout bulklnt>M. .I1.1At like The tea is to be hl'ld a t Mrs. ('ool-thf' ~troock wool fubrlcs IPnd tng's hom<'. 29 Srhoonrr Rd., fW\· tht"fllM'h'f'1J to a bf>autJfaJ coat con Bay. from 3 to 5 p. m. All on th.-out&df'. Xll.R'M h• memtM>rs of na t1ona I 11oron li<'<~ who Jmt what milady want. lllNdf'. livt> in the Haroor Ar!'a Arr in-lt'11 that lm portRnt nt>w lhtlnr: vitPd to attend. that dra&>H aad tailors r-ud - Host('S..'l<'S ,.,Ill hf-:\fr!' C'oolin~ fully. OU\kf'!l your coat comfort- and mC'mbers nf 1 h<' f'Xf'<'Ull\'P a bl .. whf'rf'\'f'r ~ t•u ~o. whatRu•r board. including Mrs. Mart1n Man-l hf' t.f'm (M'raturf'. gold. ~frs. RAlph Mich<'ISI'n. Mrs WhNht'r the RO:.l'WIO coal that Jack N£>wton And Mrs Jns<'ph )OU bu) at O'BRIE!''S •s wantC'd Riggs as a chill-chas<'r whilr 'ou'rP Harbor Plll'lhellcnac b<>gan its watching th£> OIJ!ht football ~am~. second yt'ar with a m(.'('ting at thf' or whNher }OU want it for your Lido l slr hom<' or MMI M. A. An-smart "in town"' "Tap. )OUr n<'" &orson. 220 Via M<'ntone. Wednes-roat IS bound to nu thE' nt>ed be· day E'Vening of las t wN'k. Host-caus<' it is a n aU s('ason coat. es.st'S were Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvry. ~hhum linin~ a cts hke insulation I Mrs.. Thomas Frost. Mrs. Burutt<'r in a w<'ll-designed boUS<'. trappm!;! Creely and Mrs. Andt"rson. the body heat inside thf' <'Oat when Mrs. Ma rtin Mangold. n P w it's enid and wardin~ nff thP I p resldE'nt. introduCf'd the oth<'r sun'!> rays In hot weathC'r nf'w officers and commIt t <' <' 'W b f' n ~· o u co m t' l D to vice-prPSident; Mrs. Jack N€'wton. O'BRIES '!oe to SH this wondf'r heads: Mrs. RAlph Mk h<'ISf'n, fAbrl<' caLINJ MIUl·M . ~·ou'll bf' recording secr~tary; Mrs. Bunstf'r 11urprttWICI. How can a mPbtl-lo-' Cr~ly, correspondln~ Sf'Crt>tary: aulau.d mat4"rial be ~ LIJ;ttt In Mrs. J os<'ph Rig~s. t reasurt>r : Mrs. wPidlt! You'JI o .. k. .u d fll)n· R. L. Callis. ways and mf'ans: Mrs. caa an all-~ liDina" bf' so Leon Willia ms. memt>t'r11hlp: Mrs. 1t0ft aad silky~ Tbt> a.liJJWf'rs Carl Venstrom. publicity, and Mrs. art"~ found whm you 11llp latn George Guthrie, tf'lephon<' Mrs. thf' ft.o8ot>"1n coat a..nd wPar It Guthri<''" rommittl'f' tncludrs ~1rs for JtiJ ,·our occ-asloDJJ. W~lter Burroughs for thP Nl'wpo~t You'll ·I0\1' thr hRhlnt'S" of th · 1 Hf'tghts arra. Mr<i. John Kt't'lt r 'down-~>nft ~troork fabric and \O 1 for C'orona dC'I Mar and ~tn,. wtll appr<'Ctate tlw c.'1mftJrt -.dii£'<1 Douglas Allan for Ralboo. b) thi• nt•W ~1ilium ltnins.: to kN r -----)OU \\arm nr CVw)J. \\ haft:'VPr thP 1 Balboa Coves Couple wrathl'r Buys Cruiser Pamela WHY PAY MORE!. DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU The World Famous 20" Table Model -MAGNA VOX TELEVISION At the Amazingly 522.995 ,,,ludi,9 Low Price of Only . . . ~ ' w.,.,.tr THE house of harmony OPEN MOND-\YS -F~IDAYS -SATU RDAYS 'tll ' p. "'· 1817 Newport Blvd. BEacon 7 4 2 9 Costa Mesa IUav~n$~ Richard's LIDO MARKET Featuring DOLE'S FINEST PINEAPPLE and FRUIT COCKTAIL COlE II • sr• UP •AD SAVE! Values lor this Thurs., Fri.. and Sal FOLGEI'SCOfiEE '" PO\~'"D C'AN WESTER, MAID MABGUINE v ,.uow. 110111H1 ca.rto. 2··· 37c !~~mE~·~ "J~TED TUNA 1 C)t WESTON$ IRISPY CRACIEIS f9t 4 pa.c'k. pound box . ... ·- SWIFT~.~~~OOIFJELD BUnER 79t Pound c-:1 r t.on . . . !~~! FOODS IAYOIIAISE J1 c BILOXI SIALL SHRIMP JJt ·' OL C'AD .. ~~~!n DOl I CAT_ FOOD Z for ZJt DOLES HAW AllAN HARVEST V ALLiES !~~D SLICED -~~~E Ztc ~0~~~ c~UCED PII_EAP. Z for Z§t ~0~~~~. ~~HUll Pl--~p~ f7t ~0~~~~ CRUSH._ PINEl~. Z for Z§t !~~~~ PINEAPPLE JUICE ZJt DOLES FRUIT COCKTAIL ztc 17 07~ ~AD Everyday Low Shelf Pnces: GUM UQUID DETERGENT 29' zze ~~~'!!~T IAPLE SYRUP Z'Jt R ox ~L."'* TREND DETERGEIT ~! !'l~~OUIT IAPIIIS 2 for 2§t ~~~!~ ... L!NCH TOIIUE 6Jt ~~~~«-STARCH · 11 c ~!~~-PEAS I CAIIOTS Z for Z9t * If' l 'Ol " WOtTJ..D 1.Dl£ A COMPt.nE LI""T • * Ot-Ot "R WEF.IU.V SPECIALS -. -W'RITt: ur • • (',\1.1. ---• l4ll \ItA LIDO NEWPORT BEACI-4 HArbor 2118 •• BALBOA ISLAND New -neat -nicely fur- nished 2-bdrm near Bay Front. $19.00C furnished , STANLEY HADFIELD Realtor HArbor l(J or HArbor 1497-J 216 Manne Balbo& Island . unUl ~'Ou luwe lhoueht the matter thn1. Property atfcet.a tnOI"e people than an,y other one oommodity and yet today It t.s beln& traded with letll tboulht than lt deterve.. There a_~ thole today who are thJ.n.klnR of seilln.g but lhould not: there are soroe who ahould teU 6ut do not realize lt. U you think you lhould sell or ~y. come In and talk It over wHJ'I ua. We have atudied the real ectate market for yean, have seen prices high a nd low, and. whlle ft la up to you, we believe we can help you reach a ater conclualon. Ours Ia a profession and we want to aS&ilt you with your property problema reprdleu of toclay'a aaJe. knowtn&' •~I.Y that as our frlenda ~r 10 la our future .... urect. We wtll advise you to your best interest. u we have al.reedy done with many. ISlAND REALTY CO. Park Ave. at Agate "Service Ia Our Dullness" Harvey D. PMse BALBOA ISLAND HArbor 377-W YOU A.R£ OORDULLY INVITED TO A'JTENO THE OPENING OF ft Our New Branch Office S~y. Sept. 27 lAcated at 173 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa (The Uttle Red Office with the blc yellow umbrella) • Mr. CHARLES I B. R,ETMIER 'Il1e Bn.nch Manacer wW be clad to mHt you and cl.iacua any real ~tate matter. with you. s. ......... a.mc. For Sale QON'T FAIL TO SEE DAVENPORT, truw Ja jOOCJ' con- dition, Meek ~. reu.; 407 IRIS •leo chrome CllMtt• •t: wooct Corona del Mar dinette tet; dol. CJ)'Stal ._: do&. cr)'lta.l lbeJ'btm, 121 36th The Little Red Barn House ii7.St~ .• ;;7N~ewport.~~-.....-------=~­RA1TAN chaln, ii) ea. Ratt..n Ready to Move Into floor lamp1 tu. Rattaa table, Open House Daily 110• Cbeny drop ..., ciDb:la tet. n~. AntiQue ~ ••• Pr. Come andRe Utia ex~llftll tKor LIBERAL TERMS mahop.Qy aide table8. .... top, $10 ea. Ruttled curta1lw.. HA 1566. 'W .Al..NUl' tWin bed set iDCL cbelt tor aa.le; alao dbl bed 8prinp. HA.rtor868-W. I I TODA Y'S SPECIAL 2-bedroom home in Corona del Mar, south ot the highway, plus double garage which is built to carry apartn)tmt over. Sub-floor-IDI alreedy laid, lovely yard and paved patio with awning over nice fireplace. Th1s Is a very attractive home. Owner wishes to eeU quiddy. Tenns can be arranged. IMMEDIATE SALE NECESSARY $1,500 down. Widow leaving for east. Must ~u. G.I. resale. 2 large bedrooms, pleasant Uving room and dlninc llre., practlcal kitchen, lots of cupboard apace, breakfast area, Pullman tiled bath. hardwood noon, fireplace beautituJ patio and barbecue' wide lot~ . Now, u a.n opftl1nc exclusive apeclal, we otter an Immaculate 2-bedroom home, less than a • ye.r old, altuated on a large, fenced lot with a croquet oourt 2 Bdnn., traditJonal, eomplete with pcatlo, rendna, ~ndleaPDI· 45' Lot South or the Hlehw&y THOR Gladl.ron for ale. Sc:arceJy wed. Halt price, 115(). Pbane SaL HArbor 2467. CROSLEY Sbelvador Nfi4i, e:c:u: tt., lood OObd., •• 221 Pearl, Balboa Ia1and. EXCLUSIVE WrtH US. FULL PRICE; $12,900 PRICE T. M cCUI STION 503 Coast Blvd.. Corona dc:-1 Mar HArbor 47 CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME l.n choice location. Living room has extra large windows. Drapes. fireplace, dining area. Nice kitchen. Tile In bath. la.rge bedrooms & closets. Room to build an apt. on rear or lot. Priced to aeU at only $11,250. Ttorms. A very com·en- lent home. NEW 3 BEDROOM. 13/4 BATH HOME Ocean s1de of highway. Hardwood floors. Forced air fur- nace. Large living room, fireplace. Dining room. Nice bed- rooms. Large closets. Tile in baths. Convenient kitchen, doubJe tlle sink, garbage disposal, exhaust fan. Stucco exter- ior and plaster interior. Cedar shlngle roof. 2-car garage and laundry. An attractivt> quality-buJit home. Price $16,300 and good terms. The VOGEL CO . 1301 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 174.1 : HArbor 1477 Eves· HArbor 393-M or HArbor 0461-W CORONA DEL MAR 1 -Bedroom Home, 5 yrs. old. R-2 Block from Business Distnct ONLY $1.500 DOWN $60.00 or More per Month FULL PRICE ONLY $7,500 X X X 3 Bedrooms and Den Home on 11/z Lots Nea r Shopping Center PRICE ONLY $1 2.500 Tcrm.c; Will Show Anytime WHIT MAN and Associates 400 Coast Blvd HArbor 1862 Corona del Mar Ews HArbor 1693-M or HArbor 10R'2-R BALBOA ISLAND Newly decorated 3 bedrooms, 2 baths home. Cho1ce location on excellent street. Close to fi ne So. Bay Beach. $6.500 will handle. X X X Cozy Island Cottage. Immaculate 2 bed- rooms; exceptionally well furnished on quiet street near So. Bay. Full price $13,750, terms W M. W. SANFORD, Realto r Auociate. NEWT H. COX, Jr.; COL. JOHN W. DANSBY Park and Marint> BALBOA ISLAND HArbor 2462 G . I. RESALE ' 2 bedroom home -forced air heat -on large corner lot -fenced yard -ideal for children. Excellent location near school Only $14 ,900 w itl;t $3,000 down ERNIE SMITH with W. E. FISHER Reeltor -~te Builder -Realtor 918 Cout BMl. Col'ooa del Mar PhoM HArbor 2443 (Eva IIArllor 03"19-R> Payments onJy $75 per mo. includ. taxes and Insurance. Full price only ........ $10,750 . PHIL SUWV AN GEO. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd., Co8ta Mesa l Across from-costa Mesa Bank> BE 7123: Eves: BE 6149--W BE 5458-J ED L SEDEUv\EIER • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • REALTOR • RENTALS HArbor 2766 in the rear. Just $995.00 Down Balance $63 mo.-Total price $7.7~ A. SANDY STEINER REALTOR CHARLES B. RETMIER, Mgr. 173 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Branch BE 6396 -Ev~: BE 6453-J-K $2,450 Down ---$80 month buys attractive 2-bd- rm home ---G .I. re- sale offered for few days only --- • HURRY! STANLEY A. Stv\ITH 1523 Coast Blvd., Corona dl'l Mar 1311 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HERE'S O NE BELOW $10,000! 3 yrs old. Fireplace. Hardwood Floors, 2 bed- rooms well located. Will carry good loan. EXCLUSIVE LOCA L AGENT JOHN .E. SA!DLEIR 607 Coast Blvd.. Corona del Mar HArbor 2422 TRADE OR SWAP Equity in Apartment Hotel -Glendalt> -for home around $20,- 000 plus small cash. or smaU income property Harbor area. Pro- perty listed t.M.~hows gross $900 month. What have you to offer BALBOA REALTY CO. Opposlt~ Balboa Bank of America ROSS GREELEY Don Hayton Josephine Webb HArbor 3277 700 & Balboa Blvd., Balboa BACK BAY AREA Lovely 3-bedroom hom hardwood floors lots of built-Ins-floor furnace-thermostatically controlled heat-doublt> garage--plus a new 2-bedroom home for income. All this on lf2 acre! Beau- tifully landscaped a nd plE'nty of room for a horse. Full pdce. $13.500 Easy terms B. A. NERESON, Realtor 1982 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone BEacon 5225 Eves: Beacon 6283-R TRADE ---SANTA AN A FOR BAY AREA Nearly new 3-bedroom 11/z-bath home C-E Kitchen Hardwood F1oors Unit Heat 2 Flreplaces Walled patio Large 2-car ~ Owner will trade equity for vaC*llt or improved property 1n Harbor &rft. GREENLEAF and Associates 3112 Newport Blvd. HArbor Z552 Newport &.dl OVER TWO MIWON DOLLARS WORTH of Property SOLD THIS YEAR THROUGH I MULTIPLE USTINGS When buying or selling. be sure to deal with a Multiple Listings Realtor . . . . ISO members' will give you the best dependable service. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors See Don H. Lebo -:.wttb- GEORGE J. DAVIES Realtor 704 Coast Blvd. Corotna• del Mar HArbor 3597 WATERFRONT PIER AND FLOAT Completel,y furnished 2-bedroom hou.. Double garage, patio. Owner wtll cooatder tnde or low down payment. -EXCLUSIVE- Bay & Beach Realry, Inc. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach HArbor 1264 DODGE -PLYMOUTH "Trade-In" Outlet EASTERN maple ayrUP, 8110 Oie mahog. antique mltrOI". HArbor 1584-M. BABY GRA.NI5 P\uo. A i*ut.>'. Spedal $495 with beDcb. Term&. Another for $53.5. You c:an own a baby cranct DamJ...Sdladdt Blg Plano Store, 100 pluoe from wbleh to chooee. 520 No. Main, cor. 6th. Santa Au. HERE are 2 lovable Si.&IDNe ldt- tena. females, aealpolnt, wa.lting tor you to call. H.A ~W. COlLECTOR'S Item: 18th ceatury French boudolr set FamU.y heir- looms from Ntw Orleua. an-ti~ cherTy, exqUiaite detail- accept fraction or appndaal Pr. cuatom-made mahoc-4-posters. $100 ea. Hepplewtdte Drexel spider-leg tablt>, Jowl~' buffet. antiqued chalra (wbJte a arold). VIctorian sora. black ~ $250. New G-E 4-bumer apt. ranae. S40 reduction. 701 Hdlo- trope, CDM:. BE M21-W. PRAcriCAU.Y f\'EW bt..s~Dette In yellow ,collapsible. Phone HA <812-MK. '41 Cad. Sed'nt. r-h, Culs) $ 495 -----------::f ~ord V-8 Awe seat Cp., r ~ Oval faced chlna {'abinet, bedroom ly. Sta. Wagon. r ... ... 285 suite bed divan -.....aa-•• _ .. '47 Frazer Sed -~ .. r"-"-795 • • ,....._, COuuaes, • F ·• "'""' ou• .. ... baby beds and cllMt. refrigt>ra-49 ord V-8 Tudor, r ....... 1,28:5 to-~~ t ,._ d '50 Ford V ., Tudo h 1 ....... '•· ~ our CQ 1-an -o r, · ... .. ,._... other -'rts and ... _ hi h '.S ~ 6 W'dar Sed h ~ 5' mtrl)' Ou.ac~ g '52 Pont. ·a Sd., full. eq. Sav~ 400 grade uaed. houseoold articles. '38 Chev ~-ton Pickup 295 SHAVER MOTORS Crist Furniture 1687 Otance Ave. eo.ta liesa Your Dodge-Plymouth Hdqtrs. ~croa from new Al,M Beta Mkt. Newport Blvd at 17th, eo.ta Mesa Phone BEaccrt 1323 GRANT'S FURNITURE & APPLIANCES OPEN AGAI.N In Our Brand Ne w Location "The Big Redwood Barn·· 1500 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA NEW AND USED FURNITURE ANTIQUES RANGES HEA TE'RS Servel Gas Refrigera1ors i Everything for the Home at Lowest Prices GRANT'S FURNITURE & APPUANCES BUY! SELL! TRADE! 1500 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. BE 6429 • ..... Far Bale Nan': :riwAaD J!liWr of aw a;c-at N~ AI EIUPIII ScJwol ~~: "''lllr *•taft~. or ooN'I'IIAm ltadl. and to .Uw ~ta. .,. and vu Jloa:waoJ: ~ Pursuant to atatu1e beftm ma-for the aid ...-11 befttG6Jn -, 88YIMLY WND ......... a." LuDd ud Stfte .._, tloned and ReloluUClll ot Awud at ~ by the laid City Coo"""' Girla runntq for GAA (Clrl8 llabler-.Jan N'-dec ud Carole Cont:J'act No. 3986 of the OtJ on ftJe In the office ot the City Alhletic Aan..) at Horace Eu1gn Blowtor: llclnt)Te -aru. Nott Council or the C1ty of Newport Oft'k of Mld City, and all of Mid Scbool ~ ~ Pat Arnot aDd aDd Laurie llmdrtdal: ........._ Beach, CaU!omla. adopted on the Plans. profiles. ctrawln11 and~ &tty Shunon ror ~t: Uft. ~Wa W1.llLa.JM aad MJdil:a7 22nd day of Septem~. 1952, dl· lk:a~ bereto1ore approved by da Mom.. c.u White, Bet1y ShaD-Roak:el recting thil nodoe: the Clty eo..md1 at IUd City are DOll and Pat Amot for vi~------- NO'I'WI: 18 --y OIVEN, ~ted bema aDd made a dent: ftarban UIJenthal, Helen Dlltp Wut Ada .._ a.uatl.. that the aald, City Counc:U In open part heft'!Of, and refermc:e-11 here-Mat~ C..U White L Me-;==========:::; setllloo on the 8th day of Septem-by made thereto for • more pa.r-Farland 'anc~ Unda ·~ tor ~r. 1952 publicly opened, exam-ticular dNcriptioo of aid work. MCI'etary-t:reuu.rer GAA repre lned and clec:lared all eealed 111'0-Se.l4 City CoundJ bu deter-MDtatlves are ~ Patu.oa: I)OA1a or bhta offered for do1nc milled and ct.clared that the eon-Helm Mathews Barbal"a unen tM followinc detcribed work, to-telnplated work and Improvement thal, Uncia Morrla DlaM Rip•): rent credited on purchue o..nz. wit: beftitofon mentiooed wu. ln the c..u White Pat Arnot Lyn MC: Sclunldt Blc Plano s~ 520 The conatruetion of vltrlfted optnklD at aid Oty eoun.ll, of Farland and Betty S~n No. Main, cor. 6th Santa Ana. clay pipe aanltary teWen. vlt.rUled more than local or ordinary pub-• • • · SAVE ~• ·-clay pipe hou8e oonnectlon wwen. lie benefit aDd the aid City Coun-S . ...a~-tv..~ •• _._ on ~ec. orpn. Ulld Uttle. welded a~l sewer pipe, vitrified cil bu made a portion of the ex-t....ut """"~ oftioen for t.hlt _,, unUIUAl ~ Terma clay pjpe lamp-bole, manhol", JeW· pe!DIM of aid work cbar&'eable year are Johnny Henrotln, lft81- :: __ ~laS~ •~-•-_. __ ._, NBla aee P\i~Qlng atatlon, welded steel \IPOft a dla1rlct. For the partlcu-dent: Eddie Pope, vl~praident : ~~~ -·"'·"-D .. ~ .-u o. sewer preuure line, concrete an-Jar delcri~tloa of the aaJd diatrict Cell Whl~. secretary-treuurer. BEAD LOOK cmd Eed of Ede~tei11b.<l $.4.SO FIIICI Y 0t1r Fort-ift Y-H..~ Hit••"•"' & llrede U CIS -.w, cor. 6th. · chor blocka, and appurtenant work reference ia hereby made to aald • • • ' WEDGEWOOD 4-bumer, table top 1n connection therewith, In cer-Rellolution of Intention No. 3966. 'Ib8e pupils are the Student H.er tl.e Treln llo• ranee. Kelvinator refrlg, Both tain euement.a of the Oty of New-Said Oty CcMmcU bu deter-Councll representative~~ ror the Beebe o•d Clegg SI1.7S lea than year old. HA 161115-R port Beach and ~.yin& generally mined and declared that .erial three grades at Horace Enalgn Atwey• tl\e t.4e4iten•- after 5 p, m. Southwetterly of Ocean Boulevard oo.dl, bearinf 1Dterett at the School: Me• Miller Sl 50 SPINET Lpoaaeaed. Pay out ii]. (Corona del Mar>. all u more par-rate of 11x per cent (6") per an-Slxtb Grade: Sweet~udy Back-lecollecfi«M~, of T""" a.o,... ance. Save $200. Knabe ma-tlcularly descrlbed In Retlolution of num and extending ovtt a period er and Dennis Post; Stillwell-Po"~"by SS-.00 hopny cue, COI"&eeUU tone: Ub Intention No. 3966, paMed and ending nine (9) l:ee.rt from the Julie Bouchier and Dennia Tuck~ Tlll, GeMe of ~ new. Dan&-Sebmidt Big Piano adopted by the City CouncU of aald aeoond day of January next auc:-er; McClintock haron Patt.don Wetd orl $4.00 Store. We ·alwaya have quality Oty on the 28th day of April, 1952, ~ the .~ October 15th and Larry Harper; Copper-Mary Th. F9L •• H-t1el-, n .oo bargalna. 100 pianos. 520 No and on tue In the office of the Oty following tberr date, will be ls-Unda Lee and nm Driskel; But-CoUief's KW-w ,u •• ,.. Sl.SO Main. Santa Ana. · Clerk of saJd Oty. sued hereunder in the manner Jer-Jack Bradbury and Carolyn • For further particulan, refer-provided by the "Improvement I Casey; Chapman -Unda Kemper K.ren-Kina •• a.aJ Eatate & BeDtaJ. ence l.s hereby made to aald Rae>-Act of 1911" being Part 5, Divis-and Ross Eckert. $2 95 ~~~----------lution of Intention No. 3966 and ion VII of the Streets and High-Seventh Grade: Pettit-Anne ~~~TcWibiiSauiiNeidt: YEARLY rental, 2-bdnn. fum. to the plana, promes and drawings ways Code of the State of Call-Carrol and Ray Godwin: Ritter-~ ~. Balboa Island, $75. HA No. 4.36, consutlng of 5 s~ts. on fornla, to represent each assess-'Mike George and Vickie Csenar· a542-W. tue In t.be office ot the Oty En-ment of Twenty-{lve Dollars 1$25.-Fi~geraJd-Margaret Bryan anci Tht BOOK SHOP faced china ('8bi.net. bedroom bed divan. studio couches, beds and chest, retrtcera- See our cut clua and gifts and lNIU' other hJgh used household articles. CriSt Furniture Oranre Ave. Coeta Mesa from new AJfba Beta Mkt. Phone BF..a ~:GJ 1323 T'S LIANCES T BLVD. ESA T'S Coeta Mesa BAY VTEW-Attrac. COM turn. W ed-R• 00) or more remaining unpaid for Frank Schultz; Gerpene-Moo~ atudJo apt. ti!c mo . .,...1y., incl. CIDt e al Eatate thirty <30t days after the date of Montgomery dd M~t Mer-w u .. _ ... _.-.._... ~· recording the warrant. ian; Johnson-David Pettit and 304'h Metine of dle lll.tuad ............ u · ~uur ~~~-w. LOOKING for bargaJn ln CDM Said Ci Co cll h... lso de- FOR RENT-Attrac. room. com-boule, preferably on ocean aide tenn1ned ~d ~fit !.Jd Re- fortably furn., priv. ent., priv. of hwy. and ocean view lf pos-solution of Intention No. 3966 that bath. 508% Marigold, CDM. HA aible. Would consld. older house the said City will fumJsh two (2) 1208-W. which needa fbdng up. ~e·re sewage pumps, together with elec· WANTED-Lady to share lovely not broken and pre_fer to deal trlc motors to be installed by the COM home with employed bus. direct with owner. Reply Ensign contractor in the pump station de· woman; or rent bdnn. & priv. Box I-2. scribed in said Resolution of In- bath until ~. 1. Has h~ tention, and will in addition there- walled patio, prage apace. Reu. Wa:Dted to contribute out of its Corona del rent assured. Call Mrs. Shelby, Mar State Park Fund the sum of HArbor 3597. CASH for 30' lot, so. side of hwy., $5,636.75 towards the costs and t FOR RENT. COM 2-bdnn., fum. CDM. by priv. party. 5246 Via expenses or said improvement. The house. R-1 zone, close to ocean. San Delarro. l... A. 22: Phone liability and obligation to pay such Oct. 1 to June 15, S65 mo. HAr-UNion 8-2776. sum, as provided In said R.esolu- bor 679-M. DOCI'OR'S WIDOW needs rea.s. tion of Intention. shaU accrue and MOVE right ta 1o yrly rental, untum. 2-bdrm .• become fixed upon the date or m. 5 Y as ng as gar., quJet locaL BE 6421-W. confirmation of the assessment you llke: 2-bdrm. bouse, newly 701 HeHotrope, Corona del Mar. for said improvement by the City fum. and homey, with sunroom , WANTED _ GOOd used niawuw. Council or said Oty. firepl., Jge. Uv. rm., gar. Between Hlgbest cash or aU~. All of the work herein ordered channel eft ocean. Conv. tranap. Trade on new ..a.~. dec. ,.....,.. .. shall be done and carried through I HArbor 3732. .,._.., -~ .~ in pursuance of an act of the legis~ 2-BDRM f $70 Y I or televia.lon. De.nz.schmldt Blg · urn. apt., mo. r Y Piano s San lature of the Statt> of California. rental, uti I. pd.· Adults, no pets. Main ~t.h. ta Ana. 520 No. designated the "Improvement Act I HArbor 1670. • cor. of 1911", being Division VTI or the ON UDO-Owner will rent year-Miac:eD Streets and Highways Code. old 2-clbnn.. 2-bath houae. de-aneoua The said City Council did by corator'a dream, tully carpeted. said Resolution of Award of Con- on year's lease for $175 as of S£LL or trade '37 Plymouth Sed. tract No. 3996 award the contract Oct. 10. Write, stating pe.rticu-Want boat. Call HA 377-W. for the doing of the said work to Iars and you wiD be contacted FURNITURE wanted and for sale. the lowest. regular. responsible on Oct. 1. ·Box 1-3, Enstcrn, bidder. to-wit: I .... Need used maple. Have soft & 1 Corona del Mar. chalr. blond chrome dinette set, To James I. Gallacher at the priet's Announcing ... Corona del f\Aar Nursery School in • ~09'•"' of Open Air Cln••• with c._pereti~• pl•y. •pec••l PfO,.C'tl Jtory hour m~nic; epprecletlotl .r.d l.•elth pr09r•- t.4ornin9 or Af+e,..oon S.~•iont ll ... , upon r.queri KATHUEN II. HEAO, owner e nd 1wp•~•­ re9i1tered n~redw•t• of Lor.dOft, &.9lellcl • Ger•ldine SchroedH , ~indergerfe11 t .. cl\er .,.d instructor 4-40 HeliolroPf' A~e. HArbor •~•·• 3·BDRM. APT.. winter rental; walnut df'eSS('r 4 Queen Anne named in said bid, on file in the I knotty pine Interior, light and chairs for sale' 604 Larkspur office of the City Clerk of said ':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ airy, furnace bea t. reasonable COM ' Oty, r 221 Pt>arl Ave Balboa T-Jand · . Dated this 22nd day ot Septem- .• u. · PRIVATE money to loan on real '~ 1952 2-BDRM. unrurn house for re nt. I estate only. No appraisal fee or r, (; K. Priest WHITMAN'S SERVICE $85 mo. Avail. Oct. 1, 704 lark-commission. E. A. Christy, 205 city aerk apur, Corona del Mar. No. Bay Front. Balboa Island. City of Newport Beaeh, sa..l ~ -~--. -24-Hr. T..Mt -..._ W.t "r AW· 2 GARAGE apts., fum. 1 bdrm. WILL PAY CASH for your used California "We s.-w-ill -., ... cy Semc." each .• very roomy. Disposal. won-furniture. Crist Furniture. BE Publish: &>pL 25. Oct. 2. 1952 lcrlO c:. .......... HArt.r 44l a Ntea: ..._ SIO..J-...-Cer-_,..., derful Vl~. Yearly rental, $75 7323. in the l'\ewport Harbor Ensifn. j:;::~~:;::"::;:::;::~;:;:;::~~:;:::;::::;:::;:::;::::~:;:::;::::~:;::;:="~ mo. incl. util 1 avail. now, other NO NEED to join a "food club" to .--iliiiiliiliiii;;i;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili&liii~--- avall. &>pt. 1. No pets. 430 Avo-buy meat at wholesale prices. f L 0 W E R S cado. COM. You can get the best ln aged FURN. API'S. tor rent. See Lou-beef, cut the way you like it at lse Apta. tlrat. Dbla & .tnc._, Harbor Frozen Food Lockers, overlooldng Bay. D Camatloa. 418 30th St .. N. B., HA 0718. Corona del Mar. STUDY MUSIC-It's fun. Piano, SCENIC fum. apts. o~g voice. Jearute Ames, your home bay & ~an. Singles & doubles. or mine. HA ~M. evenings. Avail daUy, wkly, monthly. PaU-FOR YOUR PET-U.s . Govt. ln- Mdea Hotel. 1414 Seqiew, CDM. spected horse meat, free deUv. ln .. HArbor 1456. Harbor Area. HJdy's ~t S\,lp- Loet and Found pUes & Sportlog Goods. soo Cout Blvd., CDM. HA 1293-J. ,.,. .. . . FOtrND-Siam{'St> grown cat, fe- male. 523 Tustin. :--;wpt. H~ts .. BEacon 7450-J . · Serricea Superfluous Hair Permanently rt'mo,•ed from Caet>, arms. legs. Eyebrows and hair- line shaped-No more tweezing. ELLEN l... BRYANT. R. E. Tuesday and Thursday only Udo'a Salon of Beauty HA 2576 PAINTI NG Earl ·Sheflin 273 Palmer St. -Costa Mesa BEacon 5457-M Painting -Deeoroting • Color Consultant • GEORGE BURKHARDT Llcenaed Contractor 508 3ut St., Newport Beach Phone HArbor 2418-W H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Prompt RepaJr Service Matnta.IDed PhoM HArbor 1418-W 8)1 Balboa BlVd. Newport Beech Situations WaD ted WORK wanted: carpE'nter, repair, palntlng, mJsc. By day, week. etc. HArbor 0126-J. Help Wanted MEN O R WOMEN Cal'('('r In Largest Company in Southwest ---Repr-Hent- ing Hospital, Medical and Ac- cident Protection. Qualified appointment fum- lahed. Rapid promotion. Part or full time. WiU completely train. Telephone Surveyors and Agent Openings. Call for appointment. .RESERVE UFE INSURANCE CO Laguna Beech 4-5357 and 4-t886 W ANTED-Exper. bank book'Jfr. Apply Newport Harbor Bank, eon..~ Mar. MEN w ANTED-for all a lhlfts. Reewa Rubber Co., San Cle-mente. HOtJSDilN and 1Mide malnte. -.ce mua waotl!d for clubhowe. Apply Box H-4. C/O EN1aJL by M or ri See Our Display crt the Los Angeles Coun ty Fa ir HArbor 2070 BICYCLE REPAIRING Schwinn Bicycles RAY STEDMAN· 1574 Ne wport BIYd. • OOSTA IIII:8A I!Ca «~a • • · • 51JS.J SAVE Cash & Carry rv Radio S.nice by ~acto~y.trcdDed tec:hnJdcma Auto Radio Spec:lalllda (IN • ··-ovr .. I,..., Mesa Badlo cmd Tele.wo.a •• &. ...... .,. Ollila --_,_...., .. Busy? It's Easier to BANI BY MAIL If you have your hands full and hnd 1t hard to ge t to the bank. you'll find tt converuent to Bank b y Mail It's easy to do and you can choose your own bankmg hours -. - seven d ays a week. Phone. wn e or call for special Bank By Mail envelopes ---then bank the easy way at The NeWJX>rt Harbor Bank. Try Banking By Mail soon It's safe. quick. conxenient • • • NtwPOBT RIIROB BID COlONA DIL WA1. CALrf. ......., ,..,.. 0.,.. tn-··· c.r.-..... • I I • I ._. • na .. eclay. S.pllmh-25. 1151 J_ Boating & Fishiiag Page~ The Tides at Los Angeles Harbor Scuttlebutt- .... OlD Friday, SepL 11, ..,...._ s..-, SepL 18 . . .. . . . . . 81' BlJD DI:IIENJIII:&O Come,s now a story that Blair J,phnaofl could teU Joseph Conrad. ror Newpo.rt-BaiiMaa Jl&7, Ud Jl..aa.; ,_ Geeaa, _..act 10 ..... The Urn~ Is given In Pacific Day)fght Saving Time through Sept. 27: thereafter in Pacific S tandard Tlme When Blalr '-not livtn1 w1th his ~~. ~~-~.~.~ ......... ~.~.~~. 1::~ .... ~~~ Low Tld.e w1te Penny aboard his 40-ft. ketch 9:48 p.m. 0.8 Pel&fan at the Balboa Yacht An- 11 :15 p.m. 0.4 chorage, he is ott tor Tokyo navJ- ............ gating for the F1ylng Tiger's Pil-26 .... J ............ --....... .. ......... _............. I:U p.m. 1.1 'l7 .... -7:17 a.m. s.t 10:09 a.m. 3.4 •:11 p.m. tU 28 ... 1:%1 a.m. 4.0 10:52 a.m. 2.9 f .U p..m. a..• 12:15 a.m. 0.1 cltic Air Uft. Saturday he was . ~~:~w n~.3 l :~ ...... n.s:.a 11:;:~::;:~.2 30 .. 12:39 a.m. -0.4 7:0'7 a.m. 5..0 12:44 p.m . 1.4 I:II.P 'I'We 5:.a p.a. .. , t:U p.m. U tlown home, with multiple lnjurfes to thigh and chest (but nothing broken). having lived thro\lth one of th1J Paclftc atoD's wont ty- pboons. He said. ''First time I ever navigated a quonset hut." October Low Tide 1 .. 1:16 am. -0.3 2 .. .. 1 :48 a.m. -0.1 3 ...... 2:21 a .m . 0.3 .4 .. 2:52 a .m. 0.8 BlPTtde 7:M ...... 6.1 l:tla.m. u B:Sia.a. 1.! Low Tide 1 :29 p.m. 0. 7 2:14 p.m. 0.1 2:58 p.m . -0.3 3:43 p.m. -0.5 Hlp '!We 7:10 p.a. u 8:11 p.m. 6.7 t:ot ...... 6.1 It was a perfect ntght, the 2,300-mlle bop from Ho~lulu. The weather looked warm, the see was blue, the fixes were on the nose. and Wake was just ahead. Abruptly. Blair noticed through hLs drift meter that there was 200 foot distance between the swells and the JO.knot wind was blowing t :es a.aa. "' •=• p.m. u . . IEWPORT Hl•R How's Fishin'? YACHT LAIIIII U7t Baymde Drive Newport~ BEacoa 5881 26' Aux:ilta ry Sloop, sleeps 2. Stainless steel rig, nylon sail ............ $2.900 24' Sportfisher, 104 horse- power Gray. bait tank..~,800 Feather class sloop. sUlinlt>ss s t <' (' I rig. Watts "dtls ... $1.750 Ma•y small outboard and day sailers from S300 up ISLAND UQUORS BALBO.-\ I LA!\"D 'Nines 3eers Ice C ubes u quors Hours 10 a. m. t o 11 p. m. 7 days a we-ek By OEOIWE Wti'IU:BBJ' Local fishing. with the excep-at right angles to them. This tion of marlin. has been very poor. meant just one th.ing-t;ypboon! Unsettled weather and dirty wa-He radioed the weather station ter inshore have made for very at Wake for directionS. Because limited catches. th(' wind was from the southeast There are s till aJbacore In the and off the path of storms thls outer channels, and barracuda and was the island's first inkling of white sea bass along the kelp beds. strong winds. A message was With the clearing or the water S('nt to Guam reques ting a plane these fish should start to work. for W<'ather reconnaissance. The Marlin are sUU the big news. Tigers ~ached the field at 3 in the As this is tM>ing written there al'(' afternoon with a strong crosswind. 320 fis h on the board at th<' AngJ. Early next morning sever a I inJ: ('Jub. The fish have b('('n ter· planes attempted landing, but rifi<' fnr .the past two days. , .. i th with 45 to 60 miles of cross wind H'\~r;.' Joubl£' hook ups and with 1t wa6 a perilous job. One planf' one boat trolling flying fis h from blew out four tires and others the outri~a~ets and a tea ser down had to go on to Kwajalein v.ith th(' middle having thr('(' fi h tak(' just three hours ot gas supply. At all three baits tx-forf' t he~ could i t he mess hall served scrambled get them out of the wa t('r. <>ggs but ·as the winds began to Eddie Offerl<' v.i th two fish on ris(', they made sandwiches. Latf'r TuPsd~tv n ow ha~ 14 to lrAd th<' there was water a foot deep on chart<'r boat skippers. the noor, the roof soared away. • • • thP building collapsro and 150 The Wetherby jinx is sllll hold-111nxtous people including 10 girl ing up. We sp('nt two days t rol· flight attendants from various lin~t from daylis:;ht till dArk with lines crowded into a la rge dei>p- the Sid Crosslc.>ys on thetr fi ne fr<'PZ£' plant while thousands of cruised the Sil \'er Spray. Sid says 1 dollars v.orth of st('aks spoil<'d it was their first tnp out this sPa· a rou.11d them. son without a strike. Guess we'll Blair and his crew battled their have to wait for rock cod st.'ason. way back to their quonset hut to • • • wait out the storm. The baro· KNOW 'WOO{~ CallinG CQ ... • om YOU IDIOW, 111M~ 8 tile ...... TfiU ol 1MI. tile ..--_., a.w.. v~a. wogpt late YOtJa ll&aiiOa 1•.000 .... ol ... "*'-" ...... ,G. .... Our OldMan Of the Sea--- BJ DICK HOFFMAN In keeping w1th the continuing epidemic of marlln-fevn, I'm writing this between the Newpon Harbor jettty and the East End of Catalina. Specifically. we are an hour and twenty minutes out. on a course of 210 de!P'ffl. Our flying-flU an> draga1ng over marlin. We've 1eet1 'em! We're not alone. Charter BY DIOK RO~ boat aldpper Gordon Green and his And now we lfve you our local Miboney (just Nlerred to over tbe Old Man of the ~a-the OM Em-air as Mahoney), ditto EddM Of. Ht Hemingway doHn't know. ferle on his Dolphin D . Ditto Glen Wayne Haniaon ot Santa Ana Soden on hJ.s Chinook. same toY ls still beating himlelf to a pulp Jlm Donnelly on his Tarfu. are aU trying to get h1a marlin. Sun-here, too, doing the same thing. day's radio yakklng wu full or Everyone is JP"&dually going rumors that Wayne had booked marlin-nuts. The standard cry of Florftlce Chadw1ek or a San Die-the week is: "We've seen a lot of go subrDarlne. 'l;here were a Jot marlin but we can't do a thing . of calls to the Jimlyn D. Wayne's with •em!" Et tu. Brut~! We only IU\$Wer was "It's a long tried to borrow a strait-jacket story-tell YO\# later." Now It from Gordon Green. but his wert' Is told. all in use. If we had IOMr, we'd On Friday, Sept. 19, at 9:42 probably hear this u we passed a.m., Wayne hooked up on light over a .chopl of marlin: "Hey, Joe! tackle, off Catalina. It was a Here come8 another batch of~ wife Kay and Jlmlyn's skipper old tough fiying flah with string marlin. for sure. WaYM and his attached. None of that brand for Gene Spencer saw it jump many me. I'll take nice, fresh, juicy Urnes. But it was posaessed of the anchovies any day! Tally ho!" devil hlmllelf. By sundown, the And that's the way it's been. trio had followed the marUn half-Some of the long-noses are playful way to Dana Point· and back to d gi fl 1 flah littl the middle of the San Clemente an ve your Y ng-a E' pinch now an dthen. Just enough Channel. The fight went on, into to yank. the line out of the clothes- the wee hours. Kay admlni$ter-pin. Another dirty trick they do ed ftlmulants and encouragement. is to 'tell some dumb blue shark Sixteen hours after, the hook-up, "Hey Buck-Tooth! want a niet> Wayne st>t the drag, rook t ime juicy bite! Sec that flying fish out. Said he just had to! When over thert>! Walt un h~ makes a he got back to his rod the mar· tum and you can catch it easUy!" lin was ret'dlng on skip-jack. It Gimme my mackt-rel nf't. Maw! ran through kelp. got a twenty-I'm switchin' to live bait. pound hunk afoul the line. Then • • • the hne lassoed a skip-jack, some The air is full of news thh how, and that added to t.he load. bright momin~. Cons::ntulatlorw; At 2:45 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. from aU over are coming into thf> 20: ~ventcen hours and thrff Big Boy for ano tht>r 3/6 marUn rrun'!tes after the ho:<>k-up. Wayne BiU Pigl(s famous name was on admitted d<'fea~. His .han~ wer:e 1t-his third this season. J. Dofl swullt•n to boxmg glove saze, hts Locke, old buddy, did the boat arn:s and .shoulders were out or work. Don't turn now. Willi• acuon. HJ.S back was s till oper-Co get one Don' atJv<'. The devil marlin jumped ' • · ~ again. Wayne said. ''OK. Bub~ You w in !" and broke him off. We got a break Thursday New! The Ocean Fish Protective Asso-meter dropped to '17.7. The walls ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l ciation hc.>ld their quarterly dele· of the hut began to shake. A man i gates meeting ill' Inglewood Tues-ventured out of the Aircraft Ter · day evening. Local delegates at· minal and his shoes were blown t ending were: Monte Crimes and off. In gusts of wind the of!ldal urban &>h of the Kiwanis Club. wind-me ter hit its limit of 160 Harold Woods of the Balboa Angl-knots or about 180 miles per hour. ing Club, and Lee Jonas a nd yours It was apparent that the quonset truly of the Balboa Power Squad-was not safe. But by then the ron Principal sp<>aker was John wind was too strong to go outside Rf'al of the F ishermans Co-opel'a--they thought! Without any !tO llariae Ave., Balboa blud HArbor lSM W-A-N-T -E-D Your Boat Listing! They tied up to the mooring In Avalon at 5:00 a .m. And as far as we know this is the longest any angler hos s tayed on his rod on any klnd of a fish anywhere. Not even the old('St li\'ing membeJ' of the oldest fishin~ club, the Tuna Club. whose records go back to the century before this one, can remember such a marathon. · --not about marlin. At Seaaport Landing, 5 a. m. isn't early. But It wa.s m.iddle-of-~-nJght tor elght sleepy kids who were f i s h 1 n g guests of movie-actor ' Broderick Crawford on the fast Channel Clipper. The lucky kids ~ Margaret and Joel Fruehan of 2<i< Opal, Balboa Island (their dad if> Capt. Ed Fruehan, who runa tht> See ED RICHARDSON Rldlta.raoa'a Yaeht Altc.bora«e 14U Baplcle Drh'&. BA H9 <Continued on page 7) a.. • 'I• • • :speaanmng m tive Association or San Pedro. Mr. wa rning the tin shack lifted JikP Barbecue Is Held Rea l. whose group comprae. about Dorothy's house in the Oz book. 95~ of the San Pedro purse sein-sailed over another shack . then Jba S. Whyte AITDIATIG PI.OTS CALL TERRY Harbor Marine Electric 90f Ce.rt Hoory., Newport ... dl 1&.-6060 Nights: IE WO.W I prs n eet, Intimated by his an-tumt>d end over end and crashed Barbecued Marlin supreme was swers to questions put to him by against a group of tr(.'('s com· the piece de resistance a t tbe t h(' delegates that his organization pletely demolished. ·The wind third a nnual play dar and bar be- ...,;JI be very reluctant to accept made so much noise that nobody in cue for the boat owners at Ken any consei"VBt ion measures that the hut was awa re of an)bo<\) NIIM: Villa Marina Saturday night., I would mean controlled catche& for t>lse. Sept. 13. The boat owners them· tht>m. Blair fo und himseU whipped selves lined up the program and INSURANCE Oc~ Marine cmd General Insurance ~iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii an inst the s tripped stump of a IAlrlicipatc-d in th" buffrt supper. I Scaveloa tre('. The wind c:hot nt with G<-or~e Mc('Jt-lllln as ~PnerAI him like air from " l!iRnt com-chatnnan and Bee J ay I Mr~ I I pres.<:(>d air gun. It picked up F rank I Burkl· in char~e of enter· CLARK SWEET Associate, FRED SCHENCK. Jr. e SALES e CHARTERS e INSURANCE e 100 ll .. SL, Newport HArbor SOl AT THE I.JDO PENINSULA SHIPYARD 16' Lyman inboard, radio. idt>a l "cocktail launch'' 51.650 22' Chris Sportsman, '48 Royal .. ...... ~2.500 23' Chris Craft Express, 110 h.p.; Chrysler : rad1o $4.000 18' Flattie, 8 and C Sails. trailer. cover S 500 Snipe, Watts sails, trailer. complete racing gea r S 650 Many other good buys in all tYl)('s of sail and power boats We would ep~at. lirii119J 011 all type~ of sail a11d power bo.th .. oe::~· P:;J$J . ~ WINTER TUNE-UP Phooe HArbor SOl lk lw.dy ror Warm Wlnter Cru.lAI.D« or Stormy Wf'&tbf!r * GASOLINE & DIESEL ENGINES * DECK WORK * RIGGING * REPAIR and MAINTENANCE * PAJNTWORK LET UA GIVE YOlT A FREE ESTIMATE • I coral du.o;t and sand-blasted him. tainm('nt. ' IHe couJdn't breath unless his nosf' Leo Manning donned chct's hat was pr('sscd into the tr(.>(>'s rurned for the l'veni ng to toast th(' ma rlin bark. AJm()s t unconsciously camt' stN\ks to a d£•1Jcnte don£•n<'ss - . -th~ thought that this tr<'<' was ~o I and the fish itself wns donated by thick it must be 20 v£>ars old. had AI ElJison ... who didn't miss it, weathered other hurricanes. would l'cause at was his sixth ! Gra nd probably stand through this on r. pri:u> ";nner or thl' fishing d('rby Taking off his woven hl>lt h(' tiC'd was Howa rd Evers of Long Bench. himself to the tree. Obj<>cts rock· 1 who came back in the Rev('rie 11 eted by: he protected his head not with the expected albacore, with his arms. Alter awhile t he but two mar lin! Ken Niles had to d<'bris stopped by his body piled up chan~e the trophy to fit. hi,~th enom:h to ac t like a suit of Winnl'rs in the various ('Vents annor. Blair was tied to the tr~ of the day inclu<k>d Lillian r Mrs. for four hours, but due to shock Frank I Beach. who was pro- and blacking out this seemed like claimed Miss VIlla Marina ol ni.ne-15 minutes. teen-fifty-phew in a dress-up con- Office: Cotia Met• Iaiii Bdcll"9 BE.co" 6 6 8 6 R•side11e.: 416 H•zel, Coron• del M•r YACHT SAILS • Fred Lol'llz SaH Laundry . . Mildew Proofing 2055 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA BEacon 6f1rl Tile eye of the stonn passro test. Second prize went to Georg(' within 20 miles. It m~c a semi· McClellan and third to Nadia circle around the corar atoll and (M.n;. Ken) Niles .... (Ken him-um··· UDIO this circular pathway kept huge SE'Jf just rryiss~ ou t by havi";g UIU. waves from building up and tr;ouble ~'T'1gghng Into a gal s swamping the island which at its gtrdlc. w.hach was part of the acu RADIOTELEPHONES hight>st point rises just 15 f<'et Other pnzes were won by Pat Nel-FJlniOME'I'ERS Th<' <.'hurch was s wept into the son and Allen Rypfnskl. Evening DIRECTION FINDERS sea . BuHdings wel'e 9()CJ,. de-was spent danoing to a skipper's stroyed. Many Islanders lost all orchestra and records and tastln~ U08 Oeut B1pwa7. Newport of their possessions. Only rain-the apiked bUg~ water. Bill ~ ar..eoa _. wa t e r and can ned beer was I eft piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tor drinking-but no one was killed. FRDH . I ROCK GOD 55;,. Th€' safest place in the tYl)hoon was tht-plan~. They were Lashed down by means of ringbolts In the w1ng tips. Th<.>ir crews h('rolcally weath<>rvaned them, that is, kept them pointed into the wind. Tht>Y were practically untouched. Blair's comrrwnt as he hobbled off t.M plane at Los Anceles' In- ternational A.1rport: "A Santana is • lltt calm." ------)( ou may ftftCI a prod table a · ebanle for tMt real -.&e ta tbt want ad -edGe SEAFOOD SPECIAL TID CO. 518 30th St.. Nawpwt HArbor 1507 ' ' , .... COUNT ••• fer ONLY THE FINEST, 'VllST AND FUSHBT DIU&$ THAT MONEY CAN IU Y Al E USEO IN C0t.t'OUNDIN6 YOUl 'IESCllniON AT Ctr111 ••I lar PHARMACY t2) eo... llvd • CcwOM d•l Mer HAt~ 2272 A.co.rdt-Not.-O.IN _, _, ki!WI •f clebtt-e~ Itt A.. wlc.. "No coltectlono-....._ t..." w •........... c.tL CREDIT BUREAU OF NEW,OIT lEACH, L.AeUNA lEACH AND COSTA MESA J04 liYonld• A... '· 0 • ._Itt I&COfl 61t7. N..-pert ....... Celf. MATTRESS llulenlpnac -OoUia ....... aa••· Irregular Sbua NEW-&EBUitDI:NO COSTA MESA ~niBS CO. 2150 N-port .... .._ 1061 ..... ledid" The Sip I• HArbor rl 427N.,..._,CDW MALONE H. HOLMES GENERAL INSURANCE at the V oqel Co. 5)5 Co.rl Hlghwoy, N•wporl ... ell a..JMU P'tt011o: lliaCOfl 7461 · loslclenco f'hono: HAtt.or J~W IE SA UP HOLSTE Rill UpboUteJ1ac a Drapei'J' Br.oa. aa _ • ....,. ...... c..-._ ~· Calling C.Q. (0...._. ....... ...,..) "Jig an' Reel" out ot Sapphire Str'Ht Pi6); Loel Ann and Bob I B7 DlCK HOI"FFIAN Johnson of 2161 Bayshore Drive It you were llstenJng on short-(fath~t' ArthUJ' M. Jobmon is wave radio Friday Sept . 12 you building a new and super-fut I would have been •gripped by the sport ftahlng boat): Teny Trimble drama of fighting a marlln afte r of'242 Heliotrope, Corma del Mar; dark. At 5 p. m. Mrs. M a r t 1 0 Jim Underman of 109 .Diamond. I (June) Pollard, wbo docks her Balboa hland! Jimmy McBride, Harco 40, the Cad-0-Let., at the and our own S..year-old fisherman. Balboa Bay Club, was filhinl for Dick Homnan Jr., of 218 Marl- marlin off Catalina's eut end gold, Corona del Mar. The fishing bad bee\ flat all day. Seems like Skipper Ray Ward With her wu a guest. a lady who and deckhand Archie Horvath bad had never fiabed. Skipper Chet a blg Job cut out for them. but Rowell of Newport Beach ran the they hade aome helpers; Broderick Harco at trolUng speed toward Crawford hlmlelt, Bob Gleuon of the spot where he had seen a mar-the Newport Harbor 0\ambft' of lin jump. At 5:10 p. m. June had Commerce, Mr. and Mrs. Mondon a strike, was soon hooked up on of Glendale , Mike Gross, manager light tackle. of Seuport. aod photographer It was fl!h the first few hours u Nate Cutter of Globe Photos. The her wild fish }ook off line, jumped Channel ClJpper pulled away ln a beautifully in the light of the ~t-pea-soup foe with a stron.e west- ting sun. But six hours later, the erly blowtn&. San Clemente Is· I fish was stUJ wild. stiU Jumpine land wa.s three hours fast running in the beam of the searchllaht. time away. June was getting awfully tired, A t 2 p. m . we heard the Chan nel fighting her [ish on 9-thread Une, Clipper's radio. Ray Ward said standing all the while on t~ pitch-'W e won 't be in until 5 o'clock. ing deck. The J irnJyn bad stood Better pass this word around. I by since dark to render assistance lmagine you have a lot of anxious and enacouragemen t. June wouJd mothe rs there." And at 5 o'clock not give up. Neither would the the Olannel Clipper tied up to thP marlin. dock and unloaded eight tired but Shortly after 11 p. m. when Scor-supremely happy kids. pio giPamed above the southern All had cau~ht ttsh. Joel Frue- horlzon and the milky was was han. one of the smaUer and young- clear in the nJght black s~y. t he est. had won tht> prize. a fine stag- Jimlyn's skipper, Gene S"pencer.j ha ndled knife, for his sheepshead. also a Newport ~acher. tried to a whopper. Son Rich jr .. arrived get aboard the Cad-o-Let to lend I with anchovie scales in his hair. a hand in boatin~ the fish But lt carryi n~ thrt>P fish-dinnPTS of as- was migh ty dark out there in the 1 sort<'d bass and onr b1g barracuda. night and the Sf>a was rough It The chann€'1 crossin~. thre-t• hours didn't work and J un(' and h<'r each way, was rough, he said. He skipper carried on. At 11 :20 p. m. admittf'd ao a touch of the atlment the marlin made a suddf'n lunge that turns one green. Didn't eat under the Cad-0-Let, the light Unc much. he said. "But Natl'. the pho- touched the boat and It was all to!O"apher. got sicker than I did. over. "he allowed. with a tired smile Disappointment. yes, but I'm We helped scalf' the dozt'n and a sure there was reUt>f that the rill;ht half bass. At dinner ,they tasted ' was over, with one fighting marlin wonderful. Everyone agr('('d that thf' winner. Two tirPd crPws crf'pt they wt'rC' much superior ro mar· into Avalon Harbor and t1E'd up lin S.1mo•nn•· nn<'P ea'" us a to their mooring half an hour pas t Pl•'<'t' midnight. • • • Do you wondt>r why an anglt>r is I low mail and aiJ its ramirica- proud when he catches his marlin? t10ns Clarenre At kmson. weigh· The ocean is still full or them mastf'r at the Balboa Angling Club. Why don't you give it a try? You shower me a prize letter the other may not land one • - -this is my day. It was addressed: "Boat fourth season and still no diet' • • • Trallah -Where the M a r I i n I but you'Ll never forgl't the thrill Chim<'s Ring -One Block South of having one on your llnP! B<-· of Main Street -Balboa, Cali!" 1 lieve me!! "Ar t" Hall. who just bought a I I home with dock for his "Trallah" Local Marine Reports a l 900 w. Bay AV<' .. Balboa. got his lette r. And that somp day For Duty in Korea brought a letter from HoracE' Wi- :\lar in<' Captain AlbPrt I tht>r$poon of San 8<-rnardino. who Schoner, Jr .. 32. of Corona del l tsps his "Myjo" to on<' of the Har- Mar. has arrived In KorPa at u bor's many docks Horace en- forward a irbase of thf' 1s t Marlnl' I clos<'d two wpi~ht sUps. onl' for Aircraft Wing. Ht> has tx-en a -, his first marlin on 3 6. wt. \21 signf'd ro the "Fl)ing Night· lb . anotht•r for a medium tacklP mares", night·fi'thter squadron rlsh . wt . 151 pounds. of Marine Air Group 33. Hora('f' wTOte. "I am E'S(X'daUy PrioT to going owrseas he was proud of this ml'dium taC'kle mar- stationl'd at ~1 Toro. He had t>n· Lin bf.><'ausl' my littlP 11 )'l'ar old listed in the Manne Corps m boy. who had nf.>ver operated my 1943. During World War Il ht> boat. took ov£'r in awfully bad saw 19 months of action in China. I weathf'r and did a beautiful job His Wlfe. Elaine. daughtf.>r. Unda as my skipper We boatf'd thP Lee. 2. and infant son. Albert. 1 fish as darknPss \\:as approachJn~. IJTI, lh'e at 414 Goldenrod Ave. 1 Bill slid all ovPr thf' pilot's sPat. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;I but did everything that an exper- i<'nced boatman would do WE' ran Harbor Frozen Food Locken. into kplp diffirultif.>S and at ono· timl' tht' fish was going one wa) 0\olce Grade Beef for Home Freezer or Locker Storage QUANTITY DISCOUNT ON FROZEN VEGE:I'ABLES 418 30th St. HArbor 0718 Newport Beach A· I PLUMBING SPEOIALIZE8 IN IUCPAI&S Mocforn ,_ Took few s.-I Si._. Stoppo ... Le..;. Boa BEAOON aet W M 611 Alllllo, Newport~ PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Pll.E8CBJP'l'ION8 ALWAD DOUIILJI CliiiiO&MD &•liPTON'S BAR-DII1MI8 11• Oeut aa. IUP"'OI Ill I 0.... ....... You Can Do Better at THE Daniger Furniture Co. tht• broar anothPr. \\;th a hf.>avy 1 batch of kelp in tht? C'E'ntt'r of tht> h nt•. Bill t urn<'<l the boat com- pleh'ly arow1d, ;:trai~hlrnt>d up lhP lin<' and shortlv aften\'ards we had tht~ fish aooard. I ~ot a bigger thrill Ol lt Of catChing thiS marlin with m" son. than 1 e\·er did our oC m,· i irst marlin or this 1 3 6 marlin.'" Congratulations.! Horace a nd R11l ' And an orchid 1 to cmt-mac tnr RrodPril-k Craw- ford for his b1g·hParted dt-l'd. Kids and fi shsng go togP thl'r ju"s li kf' strawb£'rri<'S and shortcake • • • Let-· face it It's ~ettin~ to wherP it may~ mon> newsworthy to notP pt>OplP who haH' not caught marhn this s.•ason. Clar· encc Atkinson has not caught one. Nor has Jf.>f" Jonas. ecretary of Ow Balboa Angling Club. They're too busy weighing fish to go Cish· tng. Old-timers Angus Potter and Roy Davidson are dying by inches tryin~ to make thP grade. Editor and publisher Arvo Haapa gets all his fishing from reading proof. My wife hasnt caught a marlin. scornfully says. ··weu. 10me body has to stay home and do 50me work around this place." At least, I got some beautiful mar· lin pl'ctures ovPr lhe v.w k-end. • • • Monday was the day. And R. V. (Bob) Staats. who liws on Harbor laland. was the man. Bob and his boat. Ute Nokawal. bt'OQght in the 3000! martin to the Balboa Ant· 1J.Qc Q ub. The chtrnN rang wt]dbt to celebrate the ewnt. From here aftl1 Clarmct Atkilwcrl dld a jig oe. "* eount ·em. Wrre aou. to .. too ..,. tr'7lnc to ~ that .... tee. Help Sat~e a Baby's Life 400 300 200 100 StOO FROM EVElY NEW SUBSCBIPTIOII TO THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIIII WILL HELP . PAY FOR AI INCUBATOR FOR HDAG IEI .. AL HOSPITAL Send in this coupon today: NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN: P lease enter my s ublcription to the Newport Harbor Ensian for one year. One dollar of the subscription price wtU go toward purch-.. of an incubator for the 1-lo.c Me- mortal Ho.pltal. NAMJC.. .... -· ·----·-· .. -· ............ ·--·-·-·-.. ··-·····-.. ·--··--·--···· .. -- MAIIJHO ADDIIDS ..... -........ _,_ .. , ______ ,_,_, __ CJIIY _____ --- Pag. I C. Highlands Motel OK' d 150 Atten8 DAR Party NIIHHI Mayor The nod of approval for .m, tlae highway frontage lot. ln Cor- OM Highlands for a motor hotel was given by the Oty Plannln& Commtasion last Thursday ~wn­ in£ The request was made by Wal- t~r B. Mellott. Inc., owner and Oil Ordinance Revision Urged A new oU drilling ordinance should be drafted by the city to protect our oil rights. J . B. Stod- dard of Corona del Mar told City Coundl ln a letter read at Mon- day evening's meeting. He pointed out that• the new county oil ordlnanCl' set.s up a proYeD oil field near West New- port and thus allows drilling there without a public hearing on a per- mlt. To counteract that, he urged, the city should adopt a new orom- ance and at the same tlme annex that pert of the proven oil field near West Newport that is eoncir- cled by the shoe-string s trip or city land. He urgl'd furthl.'r that thl' Plan- ning Commission should study pro- posals for other oU zones to al· low rl'Sidents to tap oil under their property to protect themsel- ves against dratnagP from current drilling. The matter was referred for study by the ·Council as a com- mitt~ of the whole. developer o! t.h~ Corona Highlanda subdiviaion a1nce the purcbue from the Crutcher Foundation. N. H. Cox Jr., aul.ata.nt ~tary of Mellott Inc., described to the Planning Commlaslon plans for pouible developi"Mnt ol the lots. and showed a s ketch of a proposed layout prepared by Rex Brandt. This sketch wa.s entitled "El Ran- I ch? del Mar," and showed 146 un1ts. The application stated: '''I'h.IA will be a high claa development, attractively d('Signcd and land· scaped Swimmi.ng pool and ten- nis court to be included. Build· ings wUJ be designed and arranged so u to maintain view of sur- rounding property u much as pos- sible and be an a.uet to the area." There are no lmmedlate plans for construction, but Mellott Inc. wishes to ucertaln the attitude of the Planning CunmlllioG In caae ot 8ale ot tbe Jota to a prw· pective developer. CCont.Jnued from Page 1) and Its ~uent need for a that nomlnaUon would be In or<kr Council.m&n whO un~tood these A grand prize of large eeramJc and auggested that the chair over · problems. He aid the J)ftSent blrds made and donated by Kay rule Mr. H~aly. tacttca looked Uke rallroadJng to Finch wu the piece de resiltance Mayor Smith aaJd he clld not in· him. at the benefit card party· g:l~n. by tend to have thia railroaded In answer to QU8UON about the Col. William Cabell Chapt~r through until the people had a Mr. Bennett, Cavol"'&bJe comments of DAR· last Thuraday at the ehanee to be hea.rd. Mr. Mlller were given by Councilmen Finch Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The then urged that eommunleationa and Isbell and by Dr. John Qs. prize was awarded to Mrs. Gaines be t'Md. bum tn the audienee. Hon or Laguna. Over 150 gue~ta 'lbere were five )etten. asking Mayor SmJth aaJd. "lt'a quJte' were present for the dessert that conaideratlon be given West obvioua that the other thl'ft gents bridge and canasta. Patriptic tal· Newpor t, which now was without on tM Council got topther and lles Ued Jn with the rl'C1, white and representation. Several of the dedded to ateamroUer t h 1 8 blue flowers of decoration. Tables letters presented the names of Ar-through." CoWldlman Isbell rf'· were decorated with ceramic uh thur B. Cubbage and George F . plied. '"'bat'a rtght; you've beoen trays and cigarette holders tn Sherrill. running a steamroller 10 long that various sort hues. Home made The fonnaUt.y of reading letters It's only falr to change." cakes were abo prizes of the day. over, Mr. Miller resumed hia nom· Flnally came the vote on the Mrs. Challen Landers, president lnating apeoech and moved that motion to c1oee the nominations, or the local DAR chapter, saJd -Mr. Bennett be appointed. Mr. and then the motion to name Mr pi"'Cl'eds will be used tor local and Ftnch quickly mov~ tllat nomina-Bennett. with Mayor SmJth cut- national philanthropies. Mn. Al-lions be closed. lng a "no" vote on both mottona. bert Stockton and Mrs. Bl"'&den Harold Arthur, preaidmt of tht Mr. Bennett then came up, shook Finch we~ co-chairmen of the West Newport ImproverMnt As.-banda with hla new ueoc:latea, and party and Mrs. Carl Hanna had IOdation, asked if there would be wu nom Into oMce. charg~ of ticket sales. any time for discusaion. May01 Councilman Finch opened up Smith aaJd lt began to look Uke the second phase or the coup by Ki-~-;~... Bold Coaacil to Meet ~~ ~dt.,:e s~:Uer~ remarking that It was customary ·WUAua&U Arthur clld -ak hJs nooace, cJtiroa to reorganize the Cou:ncll when a N 1 .1.-1 ---~-new member is named, and he at liu' Day Moaday Evelliag WHt Newport's special problema =~thn:>~~~o r;;or:_~ ·!~ The Newport HaJbor and Costa I Even after the mara than aix-Chest f' .s--.s:... ~~yor Smith said. "This comes Mesa Kiwanis CJu!:¥1 will partlci-, hour Council meeting Monday eve-vaiiiJIGI!IU as no surpr!Ae to me, but It you pate In the observanCl' or Nation-nln~. there was enough unfinished lie}~ AU T escJa think that this will cause me to al Kids' Day this Saturday ln co-business left over to caU for an -vii a ' r esign, you are wrong. I'll still operation with the National Kid's I adjourned meeting at 7:30" p. m. be here to look after the lnter- Fl oundation, of which Jimmie Fld· nl'xt Mo~~Y· BalLikboaely toBacomeClupb It's time for the Red Feather ests ot the taxpayers." er ls chairman. ' Kiwanlt CJubs are: revtSmg Y u again. Octotx>r marks the open-Then started the dramaUc vot- throughout t he United States and leaS(> to pave the way for agree-lng of the local Community Chest lng. Mr. Miller was first. and h~ Canada sponsor this annual event ml'nt In the city-county Litle dis· Ca 1 'd . .,., ... priginated by JimmJe Fidler. ' pute: agreements with Pacific mpa gn. '&al "'0 --against the motion to Cl T•tJ Se Thl:' U. S. Air Forces at the El Ell'ctric concerning the proposed Kick-Off Breakfast will. be held I r~r~anlze. Mr. Finch .. an~. Mr. ear I e en Toro Marine Base will hold open 31~t St. cutoff and acquisition of at Balboa Bay CJub a~ 9.30 a.m. lxtx-11 we..-e next. votln~ Yl'S , a nd how:,. from 10 a.m . to noon for a ll land for widening of Balboa Blvd.: 1'U<''Ida,y. All ~n.ons m tht' ~lty that put the OE.'W appoint~ on thf' The lon~ tilll' wranglE.> between the ktds in Orange County. Tours action on the request ror morf' who. Will ~t>lp wtth thl' cam~1gn. spot on his fi rst vote. After a city a..nd county O\'Cr ownt>rship will be conducted through tht' U-drh·Ps in tht> Balboa Coves al'('a; or "ho wtsh, to hear e~ut l'PW· moml'nt o~ s~ence. ColOlciJma~ nf part or tht> land in thl' Balboa base, the newest equipment will s~ond r<>ading and possible ap-1 ~rt Harbors Commumty Chest I Bennett satd l .P8SS my vote Ba1 Club lease is nPar settll:'ml'nt. be on cllsplay and an air show will pro,-al of tht> ordinance transfPr· ork. are urgE>d t~ attPnd.. Tom Mayor Smith, obVIously surprised. tl was N'\l'alt>d Monday evenin~ as be presented. rtrtl! tax (tmctionl' to the N>\mty ~orton, ChPst. prestdent, wtll prl'-I cal'f'fully rev1f'w<'d tht" vot1ng. Oty Attorney Harry Blodgett prl'-All da s da h SldP and will tnlrodU<'<' those who which wa.s tht>n 2 to 1 agaiMt hJm .;('ntE'd nE>w 11'8S<' proposals to the Pnti~ Ji!:~ Y <' 1 rbauc:hou} I ----will £'Xplaln lh<' wnrk of thP ChE>St Mid "I'll vote wlt.h you, Mr. MU~ Cily Council Jx·· nuls will be 0; s!fc.a Th~sP~· Kenny Honored anid th<> work of tht' romlng cam· Jer," and t~ motion wa11 tht"N>by l 'nd£'r lhl' rompromise. titl<> to ceeds ,viJl be \L~ to support ac-pa gn. de~dlock~. and defeatPd. thl' Wl''Herly 700 ft'<'l of tht• prt'S· tivities for the nation's I('S pri\'· ~JM'<'ial h~mor has hf•pn rrro•l\ t•d . Mn.. l.lnrvf')' .!'nm~r.;. past prt'S· W('l). t~ looks likt' ~m<'lhln~t t>nt Ray Club l<'aSl' area, includ· ilt>ged boys and girls h) Jlo•rh Krnn) of Balboa. p.•ua tdrnt. wtll hi' c·umpa1gn chalnn&n. mu~t M\l' happeonro. Mayor tn~ tlw ~ '" Sro•tt Ral'<' lnc::ttion. · rrr<~iri~>nt nf thr :-.<.-wport Harbor Hrr Arra Major!< will be: Mrs. Sm1th rommentl'd ''1'11 stay u will go to the county. Th<> cit)' T M F I Kt"ani!> Club. In his el('('lion 11 -. T,.fi H~mbrook. for Balboa. Lars mayor until such 11",1.<' as th<'y CAn lho•n will hav(' <'ll'ar titll' to the 0 ove ence ltt•Utt•nunt ~OVPrnor of OtVI!>i(ln 4 1.8\.Jo runo for :-:t-wport, Mrs. Har· musll.'r t~el~ forCf'S. •·em.11ndt r .\t:'rN>m<'nl firs t mus t or Kl\\·anis lnlemational ~lr oltl ,\\ers ror Marinrrs MHe. Mrs. That d1d It and Mr Millrr an· be rl'nC'h('d howpvPr. on rP\isjon After another sc ion on thP Kl'nn~ is postmaster or the Rnlbon :'>:"Ida Gibson for Ralboa Island. nounced: "ln. vi£'~' or what you "' lea~' provtSion~> tx>twP<>n the renee overlooking Uttle Corona Pn"t Office. and Wtlliam C. Pf'rrow for Corona have just satd. I II reverM> my n ty and till> Ray Club. The pro-Beach, City Council Monday eve· ckl Mar \'Ott'. No one ~et.s to~tt>t her, and posl.'d chan~cs deoscribed by City ning approved a motion presented • C'an1p&ign Hl'adquartl.'rs will tx-I resent your remarks." Attnrnl'y Blodr.ett low<>rS the min-by Councilman Braden Finch to Opens New Office 11\t 22fl Mflrinc' A\P . Balboa Island; Mayor Smith sai~ Mr. Miller's tmum Rnnual rl'nta l in proJ'l(trtlon move the fence 400 feet down thr 1l'IPphnn<' Harbor 2051: maHing switch was no surpriSe to him. and to the reduction in arE.>a under bluff. remove the barbed wire. thl' Realtor Sandy Steiner. who has uddr"'ss P. 0 . Box 352. Balboa he r e_lated how the three new lrasr. and a lso in proportion to entire project to be subject to thl.' had his main ofCice at 634 Coast Island. Mrs. Iri~t Higbie, secre· counolmen last July had agreed the loss t•f the u."c or noats. approval of the city attorney with Highway. on Mariners Mile, since tary of tht' local Chest Board, to oust the city attorney. but that This reduction in minimum will respect to right-of-way ln!ringe-1946. will open a branch office will tak<' names or workl:'rs and Mr. Milleor had chung('d his mind have no effect on the amount of m<>nts. City Manager J ohn Sail· Sunday at 173 E. 17th S t. near the reservations for th<' Kick-Off "This must be true confessi6n payments to the city by thl' Bay ors was instructed to check reports Alpha Beta Market in cOsta Mesa. breakfast. Newport Harbor was ni£:ht." Mr. Finch quipped. CJub. according to the pre$Cnt vol-~ of possible ordinance violations Manager of the offiee will be first over the top in the '>ta t(> for "I'm SUTJ)risro that you thr~ ume of business, because tbe rent· concerning fences on adjoining pri· Charll's B. Retmier, who came to the last two years. would get to~~:tttht>r," commented al payments are over the mini· vat£> property. the Ha rbor Area in September Mr. IsbeU. mum. Action on the proposed Hubbard Richtl'r. leading the 'last year from Indianapolis. where Pre~~,; ow Dec. 5 £ A motion to reconsider the volt' changl's was delayl'd, and tht' mat· fight against the fence, said the he had operated a printing plant VK. ~ wu then approv~. and the offlee 1er may come up at the adjourn-wishes of 396 persons who signed for 20 years. of mayor was declared vac.nt by ed meeting next Monday. petitions should not be Ignored. 1 The Rl't:miers have rive child· The Christmas Preview of the a 4 to 1 vote. and City Cl('rk C. Co~nting on the reports of im· ren, MJckey, a high school senior I Business and Profl'sslonal Wo-K . Priest was designated mayor D Extr U •t morality on the beach and thc and first team end on the Tar men's .CJub will this year be held pro tt>m. eny a ftl ne-ed for a fe nce to keep out the football squad: Patty S ue, sopho-on Frtday and Saturday, Dec. 5 Mr. lBbeU nominatl'd Mr Mil· blanket parties he said "lmmor· morE.>: Mary Kay, fifth gradl'r; rmd 6. at lh<' RC'ndezvous in Bal-ler for m~ayor. and Mr. Flnch see- R. C 8<-nnt>r of !"l'Wfl()rt los I alitv doesn't thrive ln light so why Jam~ Michael. 2 years old, and boa. It was a nnounced by BPW onded. Crtes of "no. no" cam!' his appt>al at Monday evening's not· c;et up Jights down ther<' in· '!cry youn~ Robert Joseph, born Prcsidf'nt Evf'lyn Varner this from the audlt'n~. and some Counetl meetln~~: and was denied 1 stead or a concentration camp just last Aug. 7. Mrs. Jenn B<'n-wPf'k. C'ommitlt <' <'hrurmen art' askl'd for Finch. Mr. Mlller nom- thr :lf{ht to build a seventh unit fence?" · net,t. ware or the m-w NPwport I Ruth \.-\'iJlmt>oo:. bnothc;; !'ally New-Ina ted Mr. Fin<'h, but Mr. Finch on his two R-3 lots at 1 244~ W • _ _ _ __ City Councilman, will bP a sales-lm. publicity &nd proP.T&m : Ruby refusl'd the nomination. Balboa Blvd. . u Dri c mnn in thP branch office. Ste¥enson. ticket sales; IJ>abelle Mr. Finch. <'XPlalning his stand He had appealed the decision of I • ve ase BowiPS, door priZf''i, Reily Jarvis, said. "I fe£'1 t hat Mayor Smith h8J! the Planntng Commlssion. which Lorenz Offers to Buy decorations and fashion show: Mil-done his bc>s1 1o put acros.<~ his had denied the request because he City Council heard argument Block C. Gl"ve to Cl'ty 1 drcd Stanley, coff('(' booth and program hut has not su<:Ce('dt"d, no~ has the maximwn number of and sworn testimony ror an hour I check room . and has not h<>ld the leadl.'rshlp uruts allowed on R-3 property. and 20 minutes Monday evening H. J . Lor<'n.z of Corona del Mar that he> had whl'n he start<'d. Mr. C'..ouncflman Braden Finch sald the on E. W. Charles· amended appli· told City Council Monday evening I Wh 'll B H id 'Miller got the blggt>.st vote and law was plain anft suggested the cation to operate four more that he was willing to buy Block 0 uy a a I deserves to be mayor. It would remedy might be to rE.>zone the U-drive boats from Steelcraft 1n C, down in Buck Gulch just back bring harmony to have Mr. MiUn preaent R-3 to R-4 ln that block. the Balboa Coves area, then de--of UtUc Corona Beach. and give I 'MJdat pJenty of l'Xcitement and 1 as mayor and to have Mr. Smith The vote for denial was unanl· layt'd action until nl'xt Monday It to the city. Acqpisition of the j lo ts of IIC\ItUebutt about the step down. This dlsharmony has moua, although Councilman Les l'Vening. block had been suggested follow-Haida being &Old to the Cuban lx'<'n deadly to city buslnl'SS and blx'U commented that it was a Attorney Robert Hurwitz a r· ing r eports that the owner might government. the beautiful Fleisch· for thl' city l'mployet>S and has _,rderline case. gued that Mr. Charles was not a seek to subdivide it and build on mann yacht sailed out or the Los wasted city money. Mr. S mlth party to the agreement reached the Jots. Ailgeles Harbor a week ago and I has attempted to cast a stigma· $3,500 Ia Appro•ed For W. Newport Park 'Ille Park Commlssion request for $3,500 to corflplete the West Newport Park at 36th St. was ap- proved by City Council Monday evening. Also approved wu the expenditure up to $200. tl ~ sary, for beautification of the S co u t Jamhoree Headquarters BuildJn&: on Arbor Day. Submlt- ted to thl.' Planning Commission for action on zoning problems was thl' Planning Commission request for ~~ .000 to establish a ball dia· mond on Newport OCl'an front at 15th Stl'eet. AUXn.IARY TO MEET The second meeting or t he Hoag Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will be held tomorrow (Friday) morn- ing to oftldalJ.y form the group and sa a TV when the Stanley tract, where Mr. turned south with an eye toward against people who havt> lived Clw'les 1a sub-lessee, wu re-zoned Daughter V"JS:its Hogana the Panama canal • · • when sud-hl're any length of Ume." C-1-H : and that the agreement A visitor at the home of her denly they Wl're ~lied back to "Let's have Isbt'll," caml' a vol~ did' not limit the number of parenu. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, port. Everybody saJd that How-from the audience. U-dri~ boats but only the water 32l Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. ard Hughes was considering the "I refuse to be third chol~." frontage under lease by Steel-has been Mrs. La~ Walthey. purchase of the magniJ1cent shJp. said Mr. IabeU. laughing. craft. Mr. Charles said it would the former Joan Hogan. Lt. and but nobody seemed to know. As.k A motloo to cble th~ nomina- be unfair to be denied the rlgbt to Mrs. Walthey drove from the east th~ .ship's captain and he gives tjona was approved. a nd then Mr. expand his business and added earlier thl~ fall and Lt. Walthey an lndeflnite. "1 haven't heard Finch moved that Mr. MJlln be that expansion was n~ry to has reported to Camp Roberts. On anyth~ng for sure;· about the elected mayor. and this wu ~t rislng costs. the way l*ck to California they Halda • future owner. passed four to ont'. Ray Copelin, secretary or the visited the Robert Sloans c the Planning CommiS!!ion. tesUfled former VIrginia Bachmann). that at public hParings beforl' the Comm ission a nd Council. It was dearly tmderstood that the num- bt'r of boat11 would be limited to s<>ven. School Board Election Will Be Held Tuesday Pol~ will open rrom 7 a. m. 1o 7 p. m. Tuesday for • apodal New- port Beach School Board Dis trict election on L11CJ'MSJng the school board of five membfors and naming t.M two add I t 1 o n a 1 m('Mbtr1!. James B. Stoddard. Corona del Mar, and Georce WaN, Udo lale, have flied for the OM-ftU ttrm. Rn Albri&ht ol CUff U.Yftl lftd &line ~ of BaJbca lalaDd t.w ftW f• tile ,...,_.. ....... PARTY FOR RU8Rl!:ES KapPA Sigma fraternity of USC made Dick Higbie's home at 328 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa Island, the headquarters for their annual beach party for ruah~ Jut Sun: . . Newport, Mesa to Join For BJoodmobUe VIsit .llotla Newpen aDd C.t. 11._ Wlll Joia Ia tile cJrtve t. Ct01k1d ... Wood ~ tM Md .. ... MAle .... , ........ ~ ...... out ... lodt, ... ere. ~ ......... WMIL ,..._ ., ... ,.. .. wm•.a•a.-.._......_..., .... _. .. ., ......... ._ ... ,~ .. ft:& .... , 011. ... QuaUty Men's WeaT SECOND SECI'ION Thunday. September 25. 1152 Harbor 111C cmd 1115 CORONA DEL MAIL CAUF. 5 C.nta VoL S-No.. 7 ...................... _ .......... lfMt __ ....., u. s. w... ...... .,....., ,.. -..,, ,.,,,._,,. 3Z Boys AHead Cab Pack Meet T hirty-two boys wer~ present at t h<' first meeting of Pack 8 In the Community ChW'Ch of Corona del Mar last Friday night. Martne Maater ~rgeant Claude St. John Vale of Coron. del Mar hal been awarded the Commen- dation Ribbon with the Combat HVH. TH.J: &NSIGS'S IIK'Ubator Fuad Ia aow •ear~Ac tbfJ POO total. Y oa eaa •WI Jola Ia this eam· palp to provld~ tbl• Jacubator for tbe aew HO&K MHDortal Ho.pltal . • . On.. dol.lar out of every aew yearly MbKrtptloa to 'l~ EJI.Alp wtU J'O. toward pay-laa-for Uae tacubat.or. . . . u~ tbe halldT Mblteriptloa ooopoll The citation reads: "Excellent service In the line of his profeulon while eervlng with a Ma.rlne Air· craft Group ln Korea f rom Aug. 30. 1951 to May 12, 1952. Mu t er Sergeant VaJe. a ~rgeant Major. dem onst rated outst&ndlng superior performance of duty In the excel· lent mana.gement of hls depart- ment . His section continually ac- compliRhed It& varied objectives In a n expeditious and thorough manner, tbereby removing a heavy bu rden from his superiors. a t th~ bot1.om of tills s-K~· "Master Se r gea nt Vale sur-, mounted the shortagf' of trained Elks to Spoasor personnel by initiating a training program under his e&pable super-CO p k N 182 vision. This training proved of ac 0 great b<>nefit to the command and • held the erficiency of the section An announcPment that the Ne\<t-at a high level. Master Sergeant Vale's a bsolute dependabiJity, pro-port Harbor Elks Lodg,. would b<> found technical skill and exPm-their sponsors WM; madP Friday plary conduct throughout werE' in nhtht 8 t t h<' fi Nit pack m{'('ting of kE'epin~ with the highest tradi-Cub Scout Pack t~ at th<' HoraC(' tions or th<' United States Naval Ensign School Cafeteria. "ldt-a Service." MPn" sel<'cted ror tht> Pack Com- mlttet> WE're 0 . W CDick I Rich-Those pr esent were: Den 1: Mast~r Se~eant Vale's wife, d B'll G h R .... _ A G · J hn Valterza John GruweU Pa ul E I ,. 6071 F 1 r ar . I .ra am. o .... ·rt . r t('!'· o • • Vt' yn. tves at ~ ern "8 s('r a nd Max Po(X' • R. Whitman, AI Robeson and Ave .. Corona . del Mar. · While the Cubs w<'r(' outsid(' S.1•s Lose• Kick, 7'-6; FKe TougiiExc:elsiorNext By .JDI Wftf:I:I.D polnt Called . Playing in what may well be Newport tht'n bfockadf'd th~ t heir toughest game of w 1952 Red Doubles until with thrt't> and season. Harbor's rejuvenated Tars onE"-half minutes lt.>Ct on the soon - 1 wUJ meet the Excelllor Pilots at bo&rd clock , Sw~twater fullback 7 :30p.m . tomorrow I F riday ). The Nauslar fUpped an aerial to end SaJJors' second game of the season Cotte for a total of 39 ) ards and will be fou~ht out at the Pilots' the tying touchdown. Aldenn&ll I homt> field. then booted the winmng point for Th<' Pi I o t men demon trated the Sweetwater Pleven thelr highly touted powf>r last Harbor players who shouJd show F riday whl'n they roi\Pd ovE'r the up well whf'n the Tars clash with Saints of Santa Ana 23..0. Many the Pilots tomorrow ar<' halfback a re saying tlw Excc>l8lor elev('n is I Glen Pickens. who gained 75 yards 1 t\\1ce as strong this ~car as lasL MJShlng agalllSt Swet-twater, and To meet th1s powerfuJ thrPat, quarterback Rollte Pulaski. who Harbor will <'all upon a much im-punted five times for an avl'ra~.- 1 proved power squad thPmselves to-:Of 44.2 yards per boot. morrow night, with lx>tter sptrit If Pulaski is ablt> tCJ keep up hi and personnel sho"',nJ.: ciC>arl) in tPrrific paoe. he "ill most assured- their play so far Jy bEocome the greatest kicker 10 The Sailors lost a h('artbn·aker Harbor's 23 year his1ory 6-7 against S\\eetwatt'r in their MeanwhJle. thto Exef'lstor con- openpr Jtt HarbOJ lat-1 F r 1 day te t shouJd give :-.:t.>wport fans a night. but !.howed uperior pia) good idea how t ht' Sailors are go- throu~hout nlO);I or th<' s truggle ing to do in the Sunset leaguf' The Tars struck paydJrt first. thi'l year. &J-t he~ at wmpt to scorf' quart1•rback Rothe Pulaslo scam-against an elevt'n whtch blanked perin~: stx yards around lt>rt f'nd San ta Ana one Wl'ek earh£·r. and on a bootleg pla,> midway in the hold scoreless at the samt' time initial J>('rlod. The try for extra the vaunted Pilot smgiP wtng. ATBLmC IIEADQUUfEBS Billy CaUls. Den 2. Randy Prior. 1 · · h N · t Celso Morrison Gary Zagt'r James P aymg ~;ames ~~t ~~~ ani I Alsip Drew johnson and Carl l M ther'S Club I CubmastPNI H. Mor~tan Noble and K.auf~an Den 3: John Smith, 0 Dr. LcostPr ViE-rling and Den Dad James ~Jligat.ti, PeteJrhMatthe~ M B J :~~n~h!:~e:~f~~e J::~~~ :.;~~ for. ... Hood Basketball & Gym Shoes, McGregor, Goldsmith Football Shoes Jones Knit Letterman Sweaters Archery -Voit Sport Goods Tad Tobatt, J tmmy 0 nson an ee4-<is on Cubmastf'r WilHam S purs:ron Ill John Ell Priest . Den 4 : .MJchael If~ • • I Witte Richard Butterworth Jim . and other pack leaders. Ka · t David Ka mpert ' Mi-The Mothers' Club of Joh's 1 A new Den, No. 7. was form<'d chamfst · iner Boward Lasley and Daughters Bethel 157 met Wednf>s-in the CIIH Ha\<'n area with Mrs Lor!n LukeM. Den 5 : Larry day, SPpt. 10, at the home of Mrs. Norman Watson as Den Mot~t>r. Schwartz Stephen Porter. Ji.nuny E. V. Ragan, 222 Aga_te Ave., Sal-A special feature .of the meetm~ Van t.an.unghun J ock Mc:Sev-boa Island Mrs. Et'tlest McC1t>l-was a knife collcchon displayt'd by GUNS & AMMUNITION ney, ~ WJ..,.;, Sparky LoB~t-1an wu co-OO.tess. Mr. Uon Cub Scouts ley and Allen RUDkle. Ref~hmenta were servt'd by the Balboa lslaad Sportiag Goods bo in • ....~ b t the hosteues. and M rs. W. B . ~ ya tercs.cu. ut no M nill prnldent. conduc ted the yet ..-gned to a den. who wer~ ~i~ nwetfng A surprise present aft: Jeff Topper, Roger stork shower was. held for Mrs . .Dere and Peter Younl. C. M. Tucker. put president of Vern Smith. chairman for the the group. pack. took charge of 1M meeting. ~ p~nt were the Mmt>S. due to the a~ of BIU Tobitt, Rex AJbrigb~ D. Wagner, W. B. cubmuter, who Ia away tempor· Merrill. Fred Woodworth, Kenneth arlly. SDdet were ~hown in color Johnson. Deen Smith. Max Owen. to illustrate the Importance of Henry Deister, W . E. Nickell. Wm. cubbtnc u a family. G~t Ho-Schmidt. c. B. Ruaa. Walter Bur ... wald, who Is dlstrlct cornnussion· roughs Harry HiUJard, C. M. er . handled the audes: an4 Sid Tucker' J ack Carter. 0 . E. Whlte. Butterworth. who Ia in stitutional John S teUOn. E . MJium. Calvin representa.tlve. read the narration. Preston Jamt"S Harril'i a nd Harold The flag salute was led by Tad To-Fink. ' bitt, and Eve Tobitt wa..s lntro-The next meeting will be at the duced as coordinator . assist~d by home of Mrs. Harry Burdick. 232 Ruth Smith. who also was mtro-Magnolia. Costa Mt'S8. at 8 p. m. duced. ., Wed.nt>sday. Oct. 1. Mrs. Sam Roycf' Prior is actin& Treasurt>r Crawford will be co-hostess for Pack 8. The Den Mo thers were intro- duced : Den 1, Amber Gruwell, asai&t.e<l by Lorraine Robe5on ; Den 2, Barbara Alslp, ass is t e d by Louise Zagar: Den 3. Ann Delli· gatti. asslsted by Sea Lon g 1 e y; Den 4, O'Della Whitman. assisted by Helen Butterworth; Den 5, Vir- ginia Landingham, assisted by Ht'len Schwa ru . Louis Valterza t ur n i s h e d the music on his accordion. The Pack meetings will be held every fourth Friday of the month at the CommunJty Church at 7:30. WITH IIEUOO~ SQDN. Serving with the Firat MarlDe Aircraft Wing ln JCoreoe Ia Marine T.Sgt. MJke CaruseUe, wboH wife Allee lives at 307 32nd St .• New- port. He is attached to the Hell- copter Squadron 161. Cerebral Palsy Films Are Shown Mrs. VI nce Wickstrum or Costa Mesa was elected treasurer of the Oran~E' County Pa.rent Group for Handicapped Children and Adults at their meeting held recf.'ntly in Santa Ana. Two films concerning cer-ebraJ palsy c h l I d r e n were shown, explaining the emotional and physical problems of the cblldren who are atmcted. 'nle pal'f!nt crouP votf'd to pur- chaM blrthday gifts each month for the Junior ludoor Sports. an orpn.latlon for recreatiOnal run for olppM! children. At the n~ meet.inJ of the parents there WJU be a "White Elephant'' auction to ralae ftmda for the work of the group. Help Save A Baby's Life NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN: Please enter my aublcription to the Newport Harbor Ensign for one )IMI'. One dollar of the aubec:ription price will go toward purchue of an incubator for the HO&G Mr-- morlal H01pital. NAME. .. -. -··· .... -.................. -.... ···--·--···--·----·-----··-·--·-·····-·-·- NIGBTTIMB IN "Caprice " Gowns Stabilized acetate and rayon, treated not to shrink, sag or stretch '2·95 • comfortable • wcuh.able • a bich-waiated C udy Stripe sowu. Aqua, piDk. blue. 34-4.2 ~iaN 44-50 ~htly hi~1t'r SEVQAl OTHEII AITRACTIVE STYLES FROM 2 9S to 4 9S Pap 10 NEWPORTEB V181T8 Oat:OOlf With aununer vacation~ fadlna into taU memories, Mrs.. G. A. Goeldner of 217 33rd St., Newport. is still remembering her month- ~o TilDe to long vaca tlon to McMJnnvtlle, Ore. Mra. Goeldner hu both a alateT and brother Uvtna 1n that area and was a fo~l' ~~on resident herself. .Anoth.r in the Mrie• of b.>lef bio,r•pi~;., preMnt.ll by Newport lelboe Feder•l S.vl119• •ftd lN11 .Auocleti011 UVING ROOM BEDROOM DINING ROOM *" u.... ell IYHAH ALLIN SIKH WN& FAHCHfl EH&LANDll SEALY .-4 ••• ...., C)tl.n ~al~oa IL SAYII&S LAMPS AND SIIADE8 WALL SHELVES IIEDDING ... OIUVIAY CliDIT raws PATtO IIUaNfTUII w.~ .-4 Alrlr Box Social Friday Night • Tbunday. s..,....._ 25, 1151 ... On the Island , --. . . ...... a,. .BUNft'l'& CREELY Wltb the p&al.ne of awnmer comes the return or the home owner who had rented hla houle to the vaca tlonera, aod quiet OOIDel .eep&ne Into the a~­ phere and we can look down the length of our atreeta at the view, unobatnacted by people and can, and see the maat-hMda gholtlng ~st the atrHt-eflda. We can park our can cloee to the doon at which we wlah to knock. With the coming of October we get our Ialand back. As charming as our aummer viJdton are, and as welcome as they are, we muat admJt, withal. that they do crowd 'the Island. Rather, better say, we have crowded our Island. A few months ago I called at a home built on the uaual Island 30-foot lot which at one time 'Wllll a two-atory dwelling, with a double garage facing the alley. The houae had been altered Into a two-dwel.U.na upper and lower flat, the pra.re had an apartment aa an upper atory, but the garage itself was converted into a very unheelthy, s$-rou, barrack-like dwel.J.lne with a stove, kitchen link. a curtained toilet and ahower, with folcli.n& daybeds and upper bunla aulflclent to sleep 10 people! Flewing a car to the family, a totally inadequate estimate, this eatabllshment places four autorno- bllea into atreet perking from the a o u r c e of one 30 • toot lot. There are too many like eatabllah- ments on every street. 1bat ls the reason why a park- ing apace Ia worth ita length 1n platlnwn during June, July, Au- gust and September. With only a few vacant Iota re- maining, It is meaningless to vow that a vigilance will be kept and that installations Uke this one de- scribed will not be ,permitted in the future; we have no ruturel We have an Island unusual ln Ita pleasantness. but apolled by the greed of the r ew and the only dls- tlnct:lon left that we can claim 1a that ourt 1a the Pfttt*t ~ ment tn the workl * • • Parldnc belnc the u n 1 o h e d problem that it la, tt .... reu- onable to me that the tour yellow atris-on the cur._ ol Balboa, Marine and Park Awn\a wldeh are retler'Wd for c:ommerdal loa~ lnl zonea mlabt be reJeued to other parking on Sundllya wheD theft Ia no Oommerda1 ~Uvery, and there Ia a ~t need for a~ ditional parking a~ce for O\W Sunday vt.attora. If there la cornmerdal clellvery, then that use of our crowded &- land ahould be firmly dllcouraa-4. If not prohibltecl. EWI')' merchant ahould be glad to arranae h1l de- Uvertes to have tbe a~te 1.50 feet ot curblnl opell to a. tomers on h1a t.e.t bullDeM day of the Winter months. * * • Horace Mazet, On Tbe 1alan4 foreign correspondent. Oolltlnen~ tal beat. hu ftled an lnte~ew from Luxemboure wtth Perl Mesta, '' -• -renl"'ina the uaual order, I asked her 1f theft wen anything that' Callfomla could do for her. She replied "Y• • • • vote for Stevenson'". 8e ...ured that Mazie did not obllpte U. readers of this column and prorDI8e to throw the whole atate Into A~ llbaJ's camp, but be did admowl· edge the fact that leYenl votea in the state would be cut that way ... th1a acknowledgment came regretfully, I am aure. * * * Uke the return of the .wallows, this is the time for the wooden· sou1t on the Island to atart thelr talk about the eucalyptua trees on Marine Avenue belne retnowd be- cause they are meta)'. Let them be warned that we aball ftaht thelr movement wttb blgb.-dplol· ive ayllables, barbed nouna, and polaoned invective. Any cement contractor can rep&lr a aldewalk, but the ability to make a tree 1a gree t1y Jim1 ted. "We Have Something to Crow About" FROM THE RANCH TO YOU THROUGH CHAR'S HENHOUSE FRESH POUL TBY SPECIALS STEWIII HEIS ................................................... 491. TUIIEYS Freela IUU~vea Hlady .............................. 55f. E-Fre.b Oracle AA-IIediam .... -.................... --57• do&. fa GRADE A-8mall . . ........................ 3 .... 110 nYERS . 83• 1" FllESH--w'laole .............. a B&&A8T8 0.. LEOS .. d TIIJ:IOH8 ........... ... .... ·········-·····-·····---··-.fLU 0.. SQUABS 1 S5 DUCKS 79• CAPPm'8 89• Poaad . .............. P--.1 ·····-·····-...... --···-···-• OPEN SUNDAYS I aa. .. 1J .._ CBD'S BENBOUSE 704 Coast Blvd. BArb« 3940 Corona del Mar ACIW88 fi'GIIl GENE'S CHRISTMAS CAIDS from .... stucliol of famcMn AIMrio• Artllh 1'bouch jingle ben. are jUit a faint. faint aound rilht now, you,. 6nd put advantace in orderina penonalir.ed antmu canll at tbil time. With hundrecla of beautiful dnp to_ldect from, you can ...U a ldlurt1y •le cdon and be ...,.d ~ liwry_bcf• ... JOU'N_(a)--jft_daeldiday ~~~ KAREN MARGRETA 1107 COAST avo.. COlONA D1L WAA Imports-Nordic GUts HAUOaiJn Tbamday; .......... 25, 1152 ..... 1 Wit.res Luncheon At El T oro Club CodltaDa at 12:~ will~ the Marine ottleera' Wlvea Lunch- eon to be held next Wedneaday at the ward room of the Old ClUb, El Toro. A Ollldren'• F uhlon lhow wm follow the luncheon and oontrtbu- donl ol conden8ed milk, baby food and wann clothing will be col- lected to be sent to the Sever- ence Cbllclren'• ffi»pltaJ tn Ko- rea. R.Hervatlona must be in by Tueeday afternoon at El Taro, KI 2-CU, Ex. fHl. DIRECTORY DflltJa&llfCII "BE suu: -INSURr wttll Maurie Stanley t.uraDoe ea.-Dar IIARBOIR lTN -llartlle ..... Balboa WIIDd IGstler & Co. Comple te lnlurance Service Auto -Fire -Burglary lhJth -Accident Ufe Insurance 2603 Nwpt. Blvd. N. B. HA ~ DANm:NO DlSTaUO'I'ION AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Open 10 to 10 For tr. daDce .....,. can HArbor 1.825 Furniture Restoration a.lr bottoms, benc:hel and atoola reatond uanc cane, ruah. l'8d. etc. HARVEY'S Fumlture Repair ~ Santa Ana Ave. O.ta Ilea. BEaCOD ~ Silver Platers ADd S.DvenmiU. Repair -Reflni&h1nl • Replete Gold • S Uver -Copper· Brua Near Community Olurc:h 1914 Harbor Blvd, Colta Mea BEacon 5113 IIU810 Margaret L Scharle Teacher of Plano OrganJ1t-Accompanln Evening C1aues for Adultl 307 GOLDENROD A VI!. Corona del liar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 17U Superior. Ave., Colta 11 .. Practice llmited to ~>~~ea.­ of Ear, NOM, ~t; A.J1eru <>moe Houri: by Appabltmlllt Bbcaa tiQt or BEeCOD .. D -Baltz Mortuary a.q,eJ ., the See HARBORG Corona del Mar, Callfonla AmpJe Off-Street Parldng f'rteDdly NeJabbor'bood Ser9let PARKES· RIDLEY GRAUEL CHAPEL 110 Broadway BEacon !561.0 Coate 11- &OOPDIO Roofing-All TvDes New Roofa and Residr 28 71'1· expel'. -Free •dmatel JOHN T. IIORRB!I ~Newport Bml. a.ta .,_ PboDeB.._,.I111 ~' I .. : IIArtMir 21611) TID8 ILANOB STYLE BUILDING, deelped by Arc:hlteet Frederick •-------------a..,._ ... IMI.It ~ tile Vopl Co., Ia llle aew bome of Graat'e Enatcn Oul1flec! "ell have beeD ILbMr.., .._..._. ... ArP"-•MIII. at 1 ... Newport Blvd., Ia eo.ta lleea. lt. a proven meaN of ~cblnl buyer~ aa p 1 Htaa. c-... .., liar wu ballt alter tate or1ctaaJ IMIII~. at 11ol5 Newport Blvd., had to tor aD 80I'tl of merchaDdl.le-Uae ct•e ... ,. to tale Freeway t.ltat will eat tlaroap C"ta Meu dowa them! Phone HArbor 1114.. to tM A.relllltN overpua. Proprietor of Oraat'a Funslture le Oraat W. Oo4111 kM& How to Deal With Juveniles TopicatPTAWorkshopMeet MAKE THIS YOURS "'be Important points to remem- ber when dealing with juvmJie1 are to have a sense of humor, to be calm a ncS not easily shocked. to control emotions and voice, and not to ridicule or use sarcasm. said Mrs. J Ofleph Hook. editor of the California Parent -Teacher Miss Kennedy To Be Married Magazine. at the Fourth District PTA Workshop in Anaheim last Thursday. She said that a good yardstick to use in determining whether discipline is necessary wou ld be the question. ··rs a moral issue Involved?" Pr~in~ the workshop. Unton Simmons. county superintendent of schools, told of the trem<'ndous ~rowth in population in th«.> county and said that 200 mor«.> school roolll.\1 are needed. without which some schools may be forCE'd to go on triple sessions." The Calllomia Congress rE'COmmE>nd.s a "y«.>s" vote Nl:'ws of thC' <'ngRJ:C'mPnt of Miss on Proposition 24 in November to Ellag«.>ne K<'nnf'dy of Balboa Is-makl:' 185 miiUons a\·a.Hable for a land and La Canada to Edward loan to n~y school districts for Gregory Hookstratten jr . or &-v-bwldJOj:t purpo l~ .. and a .. )E'S" \'OlE.' erly Hills hM romP down from on Proposition 2. the initiative town with tales of a n exciting measure which would pro\·ide for party at the home of th«.> betrothed thP OJ)('ration of schools by rais- girl's parents on Saturday, Sept. ing thE' amount or State aid from 13. $120 to $180 per avt-raJtP daily at- Mr. and Mrs. E . L. Kennedy of tendance. 120 Colllns Ave .. BaJboa lsland, Both speakers praised Orange I chose their La Canada home and County's pionl'<'ring in tht' cart' for I terrace for the cocktail party in Ex('('ptional children. their daughter's honor. Guests n>-Rf.'prt'sentin,:: NC'"''POrt Beach ceived the news via a larl?e thea-Elementary Schools PTA a 1 the ~e-Uke pocter .u~n which lht' 1 meeting were Mesdames Norman I coming attracuon was the fu· HaRen , president: HarvC'y Som ers: ture marriage of .the young couple L. J . Csenar. Joe Carver, Lloyd -• -complete Wl th pictures. Gibbs. Roger Hope. J ohn Shields, For the occasion Ellagen<' wore Orin Thorkildsen. Howard l'tman, a red lace and nylon net dress. Henry Sc.hroed«.>r. P . F . Baines. The Kennedy home and garden John Evens, M. Pope, W. H. Cole- was enhanced with red roses,cal'-man. A. O<x>sburg and Lronard nations and white ·gardenias. The Graves. corning event was also announced Represt>nting the Costa Mesa at the USC campus at the ~Ita Main School PTA wer(> Mesdames Gamma pl~e party. The bnde-1 J. R. Sutherland . president: D«.>n- to-be. who IS a senior at USC. Is nis Hogla nd, Harold Steck. How· past president of D«.>lta Gammas. ard Balmer Harrv Whitman and S he also was a mC"mber of S<'V· Ray Traut~'ein. · I eral honorary societies inclu~ng Lmdbergh Parent-TeachC'r As- Mortar Board. Amazons. Chtmcs sociation of C<l"ta M<"'a wac: re-I and Spurs .. Sh e will ~duat<'. in pr«.>sentC'd by :'\1rsdamt>s Ellward Feb~ry wi th~ educalton maJOr., Carr, presJdent : AI Hollister. Ar-j She ts known. tn the Harbor area thllr Kitts. c. () And<'rson and as a model m past Tournam<"nt C.alvm Hudson. of Lights and sailor in thr Alba-ThP Nt'wport Harbor Union I tross ClC'N lli~h School PTA had thE.' foUow- The groom-to-be is a senior tn 1 ing m<'mbers present: MesdamC'S law school. He ts a mrmbcr of Harold Boyvcy. president: Thomas Kappa Sigm.'l fratrrnity and has I B. Frost, PauJ Huffman, Roy team. The couple arC' planning a Roush. Ray Trautwein, W. H. been pitcher on the SC bas<'baU Coleman. Harold Knipp, William spring wedding. Cross. S. E. Briggs and Jack Raub. I de~~orators of fine homes· yachts · apartments H.,. et H-eM 6erdett -t..vo EVYYTHIN&. y., C.ll ..a.ct ,.. funtJtw. "-.... le,...t ..... lec+ioll of .._,.,. eM '•dfk. T ropic.el S. .W. .,.._ Wo l.ew let.-.... of eire,_-, eM .,., .... , ... lwla. ... ,.,..., flocw c-""Js eM! e,n•n• H-I &."'" -"'--hevo e repetatlott fw clolttt tile fiMtt ~~t~ll•llt .. , ellcl eire,_-, -' ..cl -f~m~ltwe eM rette• dlopa fe.W.. ........ , ... ....clo fwaltwo. Y., .... ~-e!Mf _., l.y ,.._. S.. fer eM of -clec.-ton • . • .._,. II • •Wit•*'- House ! Gorden lit COAIT •teMWA!t_!'lWHIT IIACM, CAI.tf. ........ , ......... -...... ..'" .. ,..., -- fiDI fiiiiTIIE···IIIJet ...... SWIIIIS • UMMIUAS• ~DS • llCOV(IS YACMT FUIIUTUM· IAJIEIUII f ...... at O'Brien's STROOCI . . . MIIJUM • . I ROSEWIN theae three great Dametl in fabric, CGftl.fort ud II&.Jie ctve YMI tile ~t aa4 .aoe.t. lD aa aJJ M'UOD eoat. FASHJON·WIB& lt Ma taaat C~M......_ap look. thf' IIIDa.lJ IMwl oollar. a~,..,_.... Claat. COIIFORT-WlSE you1J t.reMure •• llcll--. l• 'Wai'Witla aa4 1 .. "--at.f'd Mllhun lblm«· FABRIC-1nBI: tt '* 8 treocll'a liD_..~ erOM. dYf" ZIWJ.ae. 01111' -- • Page 12 OEil'I'D'IOA ft 01" liUUNJC88 Jl1etitao. Pbua Ma.-e Tbe.. u.-Niped do hft'ebY oer- tl!y that they are conductlng a nursery school business at 440 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, Cali!. under the flctiUous finn name of Corona del Mar Nursery School and that said finn ls com- ~ of the following perso.ns. whose names in full and places of residence arc as follows, to..wit: KATHLEEN B. HEAD 440 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar, CaUf. HORACE J . HEAD 820 E. Ramon Rd., Palm Springs, Calif. WltDe. our haad this 16th day of September, 1952 KATin.EEN B. HEAD HORACEJ.HEAD State ot Oallfonala Couaty of Oralap--411. Oil UU 16th day of· September, 1952, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, residing therein. duly commis- sioned and sworn, personally ap- peared KATHLEEN B. HEAD and HORACE J . H EAD, known to me to be the persons. whose names are subscribed to the within in- strument . and acknowledged to me that they exeocutt>d the same. WltoHe my hand and official seal. MARY A . HAAPA Notar) Public In and for said County and State. M > commission expires July 31, 1~. Publish · S<.'PI. 18. 25. Oct. 2-9 tn th~> 1'4'wport Harbor Ensign. bidder will execute the contract tt it be awa.l'ded to b1m tn confonn· It)' with the contract documenta and wiU provide the aurety bond 01' bonds u .-dfied ~ wtthlll five daya after notiticatfon of the award of the contract to the bid- der. The Owner reserves the privi- lege of rejecting any and all bids or to waive any lrregulartUM or informalities ln any bld or In the bidding. Punuant to the Labor Code of the State of CallfoJ1\la, the saJd Board of Tru.stees has ascertained the general prevaillng rate of per diem wages tor each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contrac~whlcb wU1 be award- ed the succeaful bidders: and these prevalUng rates are con- tained in said specifieatlons adopt- ed by the Board, and are as fol- lows : CLASSIFIOATION: Foremaa-AU foremen not here- in separately classtf1ed, shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate. Appratioee-May be employed in confonnlty with Section 1TI7.5 of the California Labor Code. Bate Air Tool Operator . ... .r:'2IJl:' Asbestos Workers N 2.75 Asphalt Raker & Ironer 2.14 Bric.kla) ers . 3.00 Bricktendt>r ..... ..... ........... 2.10 Carpenters. Journeymen.. 2.57 Cement Finishers . 2.57 Electrical F oreman ......... 3.00 Electricians .. .. .. ........ N 2.75 Floor Layers . ... . .... N 2.56 ~OTIC"t; IN\'ITI'NO BIDS Glaziers . ..... . . . .... ... .. 2.24~ Notice l8 herf'by J:f\'Nl that the Iron Workers, Structural.. 2.70 Board of Trustel's or the Newport Iron Workers. Beach Elemr ntary School District , Relnforcing ................. N 2.38 Newport Beach. Orange County, Laborers. Building and will rt.>c£>iVf' bids untll 8:00 UnskiJJed ... ....... . ..... ...... 1.94 o'clock P. M. at the Business Of-Lathers, Metal ... .............. 3.44 Cice or said School District in the Lathers. Nail on . ... .... 3.44 Horace E nsii;Tl School lor the pur-Unole um & Soft chase and or lease of one or more Tile Layers . ... .... ..N 2.56 complete school coaches of transit Painters, Brush ................. N 2.35 type, to be equipped with 13 rows Painters. Spray .. .............. 2.60 or forward facin~ scats capable of Painters, Sign ··· ·· ........... N 2.64 S<'a ting not lt'SS than 92 elemen-Plasterers ................ -....... N 3.125 tary school children. Such vehicle Plasterer .Tenders .... -...... N 3.1125 IS to be equipped with an under-Plumber Foreman ......... .N 3.00 floor horizontal amidship type en-Plumben ...................... -... N 2.75 gine of not less than 450 cubic inch Power Equipment displacement, 5-speoed transmission, Operators: Westmghouse air brakes or equal, Alr Compressors ............ N 2.05 and otherwiS(' meeting standards Bulldozers .................. -... .N 2.30 of the latt'st bus equipment now in Mixers, Skip ................... .N 2.18 possession of the School District., Tractors, with which can be examined and Attachments ............. .N 2.30 checked by potential bidders at the Roofer Foreman ............... .N 2.90 gara~ of saJd School District. Roofer ... _ ............................. N 2.65 Bids to be opened October 7 1952 Sheet Metal Workers ........ 2.625 Equipment offered shan' meet ~e Setters ......... -.. -........... 2.85 all requirements of the S t a t e Tile Sett':rs Helpers... ...... 1.9875 Board of Education Regulations Truck Dnven- govcrning Pupil Transports lion. 4 yds. ~ under ............. . The said Board of Trustees Truck D~vers-4 -8 yds .. . 2.02 2.04 2.09 2.17 shall ~ thf' sole judge of the mer-Truck D~vers-8 -12 yds. its and qualifications of equipment Truck Dr:tvers-12-16 yds. offered and resf'rves the right to Truck Dnvers- accept a ny or reject all bids, and 16 yds. ~ more ............. .. 2.37 to wa h:e fonnality or irregularity Truck Drivers-Transit tn any bld Mix, ;J yds. & more ........ _ 2.08 J AMES D. RAY Welders.shaU receive rate Clerk of the Nrwport Beach presc:rsbed for craft per- School District. foJ"!Tllng o~ratlon t;o Publish . Sept. 18, 25. 1952 which welding Is lnCJ· tn the l'eWJ'(>rt Harbor Ensign. W~~'!J Cleaners .. .......... 2.09 NOTICE lNVJTlNO BIDS N-Negotiatlng Notice ia hereby given that the Except as noted in the wage Board of Trustees or the Newport schedule, the rates or per diem Beach School District of Orange wages for each of the various clas- County. hereinafter referred to as siticatlons of work ahaU be the the Owner, will receive up to, but hereinbefore set forth prevailing not later than 8:00 o'clock P . M., rates of hourly wages multiplied of tbe 29th day of September, 1952, by eight (8) hours shall constitute sealed bids for the award of con-a day's work: it being understood tract for the construction of a that in the event that workmen Musk Building, Art Building, Class are employed less than eight (8) Rooms, and Shop additions, com-hours per day, the per diem wages plete, at the Horace Ensign School, Sh$lll be deemed to be that fraction 1400 CUff Drive, located in said of the per diem wages herein es- school district. Such bids sh&U be tablished that the number or hours received ln the otfk:e of the Owner of employment bears to eight (8) at 1400 CUff Drive, Ne wport hours. Beech. Orange County, California Overtime shall be paid for work and shall be opened and publicly perfonned in excess of the regular read aJoud at the above stated day's or week's work and at the time in the office of the Owner. rate Cor overtime of the craft In- Each bid must conform and be volved. responsive to thls Invitation, tbe Holidays as herein referred to plana, apedJicaUona. and aU the shall be deemed to be New Year's ot.ber documents comprising the Day, Decoration Day, lndepen- pertinent co n t ract documents. dence Day, LAboP Day, Ann.t.aUee Coplea are now on file and open to Day, Thanksgiving Day and Chrtl~ pubUc inspection ln the aald of-mas. U any of the above boUda)'a ftces of the Owner, and of Hodg-fall on Sunday, the Monday follow- cion & Ellerbroek, Architects., lo-ing shall be considered a lepl hoU- cated at 2595-2641 Coast Highway, day. Newport Beech, ln sald county and It shall be mandatory upon the state and 1na1 be obtained at the Contractol' to whom a oontnd Ia latter place by depo.ltlng $25.00 awarded. and upon allaubcoatrac-- for each ~et. This deposit wll1 be ton ~ bim, to pay DOt le. rel\.mded If the .et or eeta o1 con-than aid pneral prevail.1q rates tnct documenta delivered ant re-of per diem wape to all. workmen turned ln good condition withln employed In the execution of the tt~ days after the bld opening. contract. Each bid shall be made out on No bidder may withdraw h1a bld a fonn to be oblalned at ett.her for a pmod ot eo da,. after the ot the aal4 om-ID wblc:ll the date wt tor tbe openlbc ot blda. contract document~ ant on file. Board ot Trwteea Each bid lhall be accompanied Newport Beach School Dlatrict by a certlfted or euhl~_. cbedt 0ra.nce County, Callfomla PQable to tbe OwiMr, or aatJs.-By JAMES D. RAT, Oerk tactary bid boad Ia favor ot the PubiJab: s.pt. U, 18. 25, 1~ Owneor, eadltM.., tile b6dder .. in the Newport J1a.rtJor n.tp. prtnc:lpal aDd a adlfactory a\ftt)' ·~ u euret.J, Ia aa amoant Dllllll Chi""'M .. Mve bMa not 1.-than a.. ,... ceat ol tbe a s-v-...,.. = !!J....,. bid. ..,.. cbedr ..... baed .............. fll --·--· u. be ltftD .. a ...,..... U.t ..... , ..... IIAitllr Uk I J I + The Church Points ttie Way to a Fuller ~ Newport· Balboa CliUaCII or oua lAD~ or 11'1'. OA..,., 1.0 w. a.u.. • ..._ ,........, u •u ... .:=.:..~·=-..... s-d•y Me""t 1:00, 10:00, IIllO •·• W ... 4•y Me•: 1:00 e. -..-co.,..._: s.t-4.,. •~ "'"of, ht Fri4eys ettd Hofr 0.11,......., to 1:15 p.m. ellcl f,_ 7:00 to I: II p.m. OHRI8T CIIUJWII liY 'J'IIIl 811A Conamaalty .......... Balboa lllvd. at UUI 8&., Newpor&. BA 11&-W Putor: Rev. Tbomae ao~ ...... Sullcley Wonltip Service: I I •· m. Churdt School: 9:-45 •· m. Mid-•• Meeil119: 7:30 p.m. Weclnftdey Ptececlecl by 6:30 p. "'· Pot-lud nB8T Olll1BCII OF CBIU8T 8<li&NTUI'l' BIOS VIa Udo. Newport .Beaell PMIIe BA.rbcw Ul8 S.ncley Sdtool: 9:11 •· "'· Suncley S.mce: I I :00 •· m. WeclnMcley Evenin9 Meetlntl I p. m. RHcling It-"" I I I Pelm St,. leliNI., Opett clelly from n-to 5 p. m. eJcept s.Me11 ellcl Holldeys FDl8T BAPTIST CBURCH OF NEWPO&'l' Balboa Blvd., lttb A Coart S.._, NetrpOI't PatJtor: H. V. Nickel Sullcley Servlcea 9:-45 •· m. Suncley O.urc:h School I I :00 •· m. Wonhip S.rvlce 7:30 p.m. Sundey EveniiMJ Service Mld-wNk Service: 7:30 p.m. Wecl,..tcley-Preyer MHtint ST. lAMES EPI800PAL CBUB(JB U08 VIa Udo, Newport 8M.cla llllll.ter: Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler Pltoee HArbor 1110 Svllcley s. .... ice. 1:30 e. m. Holy CommllfHOfl 9:30 encl I I :00 •· m. Mon~ing ,,eyer 9:30 •· m. lt-tistretiOfl for Suncley School Tltundey Senices 9: 15 e. "'· Preyer Guild I 0:30 Holy CommultiOfl Newport Heighu 8EVENTB DAY ADVENTIST Oll11acB Newpel't Blvd. at.,._ SL. Newport....._ .. l'ltolle: a.c-uoe-& or Bl'acoa ,...., Putor: BoOla L Allderaoa S.twdey Montlng Servlc.t S.t.betft School: 9:30 •· m.-Sermott: I I :00 e. a. Preyer Meetfag: WeciMScley, 1:00 p.m. Fhdey Evelli1MJ Y",.": 1:00 fA.-. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTEIUAN' mrnaoB IIUJ 8t. Aadrewa &cL. Newport BeqJata ..._.tile St. trom IDp ScbooL Pia. II& 11'71 Putor: Rev. ,...,_ S. Stewut s.Mey Wonhtp Sefvie.s et 9:30 ellcl II •· "" Svncley School et 9:)0 •· m. NEWPORT IIAilBO& LUTI:IERAN' VJIU1WII 111'7 Cliff Dr .. Newport Be&cll .. Pboae: B..,_ teN-W SapplJ' Putor Ctturc:Jt Sdt.ol: 9:10 e. m. Sullcley Slltldey Sen-ice: II :00 e. m.. ' WHAT STRENGTH IS HERE! Steam and electricity, heat and pres- sures; but also men at work! Power harnessed for a nation that feels its duty to help mankind. Millions of men at the front and millions more preparing to go. Millions of other men at home being saved by the cold wet soldier on the firing line. How much they depend on good materials we can send them! We are making the sinews of war. They are the warriors. We are partners to~thu. Each serves the other and we win or Jose toAether. THE SOLDIER at the front may save our bodies from ctiauter but he cannot save our soul God must do that. We cannot be men of truth and character if we let those fellows down. They are risking their lives in our military service. Let'a gird ounelvee for the task. Let's be brothers of the spirit with our fighting men wherever they may be. OUR JOB is pleasant work competed with what our gNet armies are doing. Let's not complain. Let'• pay our taxes with • .,.ile. Let' a honor the men who~ dying lor u.t. Let'.t nerve thMa to light their belt by not failing them Oft the home front. Mq tbe ~ industrial power of the Democ:ndc nadOM of the earth tGptbK with the very beat from eft1Y c:itUiea. defMt the tyraata of peed and bate. 0 ,. .. .. .... ..... ... .. ... ... eo. This Support the Church Seri" Ia Made Po.ihle Through the cooperation of the Fof IASIN SHIPYARD-Itoy You"i011e Complete Meintettertce for All loets 701 leysicle Or., N.wport leech HM« 0222 llllHEit.4Eit AND WALKER Builder'• Herclwere encl SpecieltlH 110 C..st Hwy., Newport a.ech, IEecon 6411 DEAL'S SMOKED FISH You Cetch 'em -We Smole 'em Hwy. 101 et Merlne; encl Newport Pier, HA 20JI GENE'S RESTAU~NT encl IAKlRY s,.c~.Jmnt in Weclclint c.•" 7CII C..et •vct.. ~ou del Mer, HAIW I 102 H. T. &lAHAM IAIT AHO T ACICL! STOU leJt •'"' Fhltillt S.ppll.. fJJ7 C..et Hwy ....... ,.. a..clt ........ HIRTH HAlt lOR -ltiCH.UDSON caUtSIIS "-' Cnt'-s .... Sell ..... _ MerfM w.,. IOJ leytW• Dr., Newport a..dl H..w OfH PAUL C. JONES ett4 SON UA.L ESTATI c ... ,hle ltMI &tete all4 1...-. ... s.rAee 2101 W ...... IW., ....,..,. ..... tWW lJIJ UDO P'lHtNSULA SHIP't AAD c-pleh ... ,.. .... 900 Jlet St ..... ..,......... ......., 101 ltALIH P. MASUY a..ttor-Aw•lllw Mil Ne...-+ IW .. ,.._,.,. ..... ...,._ 401 L J. KJSTLa a OOWPANV Ce..,lel .. ,...., f-1 II ....... I ~ ........................ ~ .. STAJifORD EUCTRIC CO. hwtea.tloftt. M•tll'hfte~ ellcl Re,.lrt 110 Co.et Hwy .. Newport leedt leec011 6121 ROSAN INCORPO~TED Merlne DivltfOfl end F-ig11 Moton Ltd. 621 Co.et Hwy .. N.wporl a..ch leeCOII 741 I SEASPORT LANDIN& COFFH SHOP Ope11 24 "-'. 0... -•I ell4 1011 wll t.. t..dl 117 Co.lt Hwy., Newport a..c:h leecOfl 6116 SYMPSON •ncl HOLLAR Pel11ten ell4 o-e*-" 112 Jlth St., He.,_. INch Herl>or 2404 ED L SEDB..WEilR -ltEA1.TOI lllJ c.... ...... c.... 4el ..... Hert-27" • THE IEAUTY IAlN r.., ...._-H.tlr Styttt 2127 .... ,.,. ......... ,..INch Hart-1111 ' YBJ.OW CAl COt.fPANY Sert4.w Nllw.-t ....,. _. c..e. w.. A1 c.... Hwy. ...,_, me ....... 11M Nl'mOIT-IA110A NDIIAl SAVIN8S I LOAN A ..... 1-•lw-P. A..,.._,,,, •• , .. UJJ VI. LWe. ,...,_. ..... H.t.er ·- a..AK WITALUZINe,'INC. c.r ..... , .............. .. ............................. FIANCtS J. HOIVAYH. ...._ H.t.er ,.,_ ",, 1 ... lao W ...... ~ ..._,_. ...... HA ... I THE SHADE SHOP ~" to ON-Venetie• ......., er.,.,., Hdw. 114 29ttl St .. Newport ...... Hert-114 WALTS TRADING roST -Weltw H .... ,. Used ....,... Eiqulp-nt. Nelltlctl Dtoot.&M 422 JOth St. (H..r Ice I-4 ... J Newpott HA 2470 GENERAL SHEET METAL WOitiCS 2107 VIle W•y, N-port ... ell Herl>or 2210 ICA Y FfNCH CYAWICS Meht1 of ..... ,......, II I c...t ...... Cor-~ .,.., H.trbot Hit IALIOA eL.AS$ CO. Witt. o-c-.•··· ....... ..,..... ICIOD c..tt Hwy., ~ ..... ..._ 1121 IAYSHOII TlAILM PAM_, IOAT LANDIN& ...... w.. IM a c..tt Hwy., ._,.,...... a..-1410 IAUOA awn co. a..tton. .. o,, ............ 8fMiey, ....... JIO I. ..... ~ .... H.t.r R77 LAUON'S ~T I CMINif SHOP SerAM ..... Y1 On I C1 [ I f.W a.lt Ill c...t ~ tk JUt.... ..._......., I ' ' ...... Fuller Life - -Attend. Regularly + t:HIJRt:HES ty, heat and pres· for a nation that of men at the front and of other men at home firing line. How much them! W e are making We are partner~ together. together. bodies from cliulter but We canaot I» men fellow~ down. They are Let's gird owwlvea for with our fighting men what our grMt armiee our t.%e8 with a M1ile. Let'~ nerve tlteat to""" front. Mq tbe ar-t of the eartb toptber the tyrama of cnect BcdboG hlaftd OOMMtJlQTI' III:'DIODI8T 011DJW11 111 ...... .& ................ .......... : Dr. llan7 ,.... .. -..., s.m- t :JO ..... s-d • ., Sc.t.ool I I :00 '""· WW'IItlp a.Mc. • ~ OF ST • .JOliN VIANNE1' 11& ...... .& ................... Pit. II.& Ill& ....._a...,...., ...... .._.._ &dill_. Maecdller, .&let. Putolr s.M.y W..... 1:00, 10:00, I 1:)0 e."" c...r...ae11, Wwd•~ •ttd wee of let FrWe~ e!MI ...., o..,.. 4:00 •• l :lo P· ,.., •ltd 7:lo •• e:Jo ,. "'· Corona del Mar OO&ON.& DEL JI.&B COIOIUNITY CBOBOII C-.reptao.&l tU Heliotrope Ave.. Coroaa del liar PlloM HArbor l SS$-.1 Putor: ae •. Paul Ectwwd Babbitt Sutldey Wonllip S.I'Yicee: 9:45 e. 1ft., II :00 e. m. Sunde~ School: 9:45 e. m. Costa Mua ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH !Jad St. aad Eldea Ave., Costa Mesa noae: BEaeoa 61S9 Reveread M. C. Cl'oale, Putor Sunday School: 9:30 •· m. Worship: 10:45 e. m. end 7:30 p. m. Yo ... 9 f'eople end Children's Servi~. 6:30 p.m. S~m. Mld-ek Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. L.Mles' Mlnionery Council, Thursde)'l, 10:00 •· m. ST . .JOACHIM CHURCH lfHK Oraace A\•e, eo.t.a Mesa Pbooe: B~oo 50!8 Fatber Tbom&A J . N e\1a s-..ley Manes at 7:00, 1:30. 10:00, II :30 •· m. W..Wep : Men at 7:00 e. m.-Confusion: S.tvrd..,. from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 1:15 p.m. COIIIIUNITY METHODIST CHURCH UO W. 19tb St., Co.t.a Meea Pboae: B.Eaeoa '7S!'7 Bev. l oeepb W. MoSbaae s-dey: 9:45 e. rn., Clntr'h Sunday ScMol 10110 e. 111,. Morning Wo"hi,_-7 p.m. Col~e Ate MYF S.I'Yi-7 p.m., Hi9h School MYF S.mce 7 p. m., Suner9ous Group Service · THE CHURCH OF CHRIST 1030 Clnueb St.. Costa Meaa Plloae: BFAeoD 6686 D. G. Hunt_ M.lalater s-d•y: 9:45 •· m., Bible School-10:45 e. m. WonW, s.m-11 :45 •· m., Commomi-7:30 p. m. &-l•t S...~Wednesdey: 7:30 p. "'~ Evenint SerYlc. CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH Oraace Ave. at. U rd St., Co.ta 11e1a Pboae: B f'.aeoa 6tM .&. A. Kaden, Putor Sllftdey ScJ..ool: 9:45 e. m.-Morning Service, II e. "'· mllin9 Service, 7:30 p. 1ft. Midweel S.rvi~. Wednesde~. 7:)0 p.m. 'OE'I' AOQO.&DfTED' IRJHI& TAL& '1'0 U llaOADOAft n.e P'lnt Baptltt Cburcb of A lecture on Ouilrtian Sdftlee Newport wtU honor ita new putor f'fttitled "Ouiatian SdMee: Tbe and h.t. wife, Rev. and Mrs. Bar-P~r of the Word" by JohD J. old V. Nickel, at a "get •~ Selover of Lona Bt!ach, wfU 1» qualnted" pot luck aupper at 6 :30 t.o.dcut over Statloo ICFWB at p. m. tomorrow (Friday) at the 8 p. m. tomorrow (Friday) church. Sennon topic at the 11 • • • a.m. Sunday service wiU be "Only OUJ:8T PII&&OIII:& smm&Y Believe," and at the 7:30 p. m. Rev. Ro~rt H. Car~. newly aer vice. "God'a Exposure of Sin." appointed aseoclate put.or ot tbe Paoo.,.,. ... o•i:t ·,...:.11,.. Firat . Preabyterian C hurc h ln ...... -. A ...,...,.. VA Santa Ana, wiU be aueBt preacher ~ WMS of the Newport First Sunday at St. Andrews PrMbyt.er- Baptlst Church met on Tuesday ian Church, NE.>wport Heig.b.ta. H1a with Mrs. Eulul.a Estes at 1n114 sermon topic will be, "Wanted: W. Balboa Blvd., with Mrs. W. S. Men of Christian MatUTity." Rev. Hunsaker presiding. The Love Gilt Olrley spent thN>e years on active chairman announced that more duty as a Navy Chaplain and then than half of the Love Gift Quota for six years was ht>ad of tbe had been met. Mrs. J. W. Herrick Pl"esbyterian Student work at prese>ntl'd a program on Africa, Princeton Unh·ersit) Dupllcate stressing the need of learning urvices wiU be held at 9:30 and more about the "Special Interest" 11 a . m. and high school ft>llow· m!ssionaries and the fields in ship is at 6 p. m. Sunda) which they serve. Each woman • • • then chose one missionary a.s her ERMON ON REAUTY "Special, Special Interest." Mrs. God is ommpotent, omru~nt. Emma Jacobson reviewed "Afr1· omniscient and is the source of &11 cans on Safari." by Lt'slie C. that is rt>al and ~ood. and of noth· Sayre ing elst>, according to the Sunday • • • IPSSOn·sennon on "Reality'' in t~ RAU.V OAV ON t :S DAY Nf>wport Beach Church of Ctmst. It wiU be Rally Day for the Scientist. The text Is from I Church ScOO?I at Christ ~u.rch Chronicles (29:11), ''Th.lne. 0 Lord. by tht.· S~a th1s Sunday morrune as I i~ tht> ltf'Cattu' 11. and thl' ~er. classes m a ll dcparl!"'ents. are and thl' glory. and tht• \1Ctory, and prumotE'd. Boys and gtrls will be the majesty· for all that IS m the lntroducPd t? tht'lr new t eachers I hcavE'n and m the earth IS thine; tor tht• comtng year and promo-1 ~-nmt• is t+JIIIIoki.ngdom. 0 Lord. and tion Ct'rtiClcates will bE> ~ven. thou arc pxalted a!' hf'l1d abovt> \.radUiltPS Of primar) departm<'nt all." who have attt'nded over half or the I session durin~ thl" past year will ro•Cl'i\t.' copies or the rf.'vis('d stan-I Churchmen Pla.n dard vers1on of the New Tl"sta-1 ment ar the mornin~ worship scr-W k d Rn*-t vaCt•, and tht> Church School start ee "'en ~"' ea for thf' nl:'w yPar w1ll bE> mstalled R('\ .Jamt·s =-'kwtJrt, mrnl!!tPr at at that llmt'. Thf" Sunda} :>t>rmon uf Rt'v Thomas Roy Pendell wlll St Andr~>w ... Pr•·"b) tE:'rian Church, ~ ,.. \\ill SPf'nd the \\f'('k-t>nd m retreat ·._ounttng .th~ C~t " along "'1th !lla,rmPn o~ tlw>church ~EW CI.AI'\S 0~ t'RAl't :.R at th, Pr{·~b~ tl•rran Conft>rence Rt>\ Paul J.toor~? WheeiE'r. pas· Grounds at S ky-Fort>St ~ re- tur ur ~1 Jam<'s Episcopal Church. tn•ar ,,., part of a nauon-wlCie p~ v.'lll start a class at 8 P m. o-am :.ponsorE'd b} the Nauonal wed n E' s d a y on undE>rst nding I ~ounc1l of Prt'Sb) tPnan Men and pra}er From this stud..~ will IS .undt.>r thP du .cllon. or the com- PVOI\" a not hPr re't'Jiar prayer rruttt>e of Men s \\ orll: ol the ltt'OUP on WE'dnesday evenings, cor-Church. Ralph H DPa' f"r of R81- rt'S1J0ncling to the Thursday morn-boa hl_and. charrma.n tnJ: group. Parl"nts of childrPn P~rtlClp&tmg 10 th~ W'l"f'k~t>nd attendln~ St James Day School ?f dtscu...~wn .ft>llowsh1p and sp1r· met last night in the Educational tt ual revaJuauon will t>. K. Paul Building to organizP tht> Part'n ts 1 Johnstone, Joseph H~t. Dco-Councll aJd I. Huddlestqn Al\'rn S. Cox, · • • • Ro) 0 Ander<:('n. Dr Martin P. MEET. AT CHRIST CHURCH 1 Date~. Danrel H. Corscm Jl'., Edgar . ,.._ ~ ~ R. Htll, Web.-:te r J Jones, Robert BIShop ~raid H. K e n n e d y, E Cam bE>ll Clarencl" McCulloch n~·wly named bishop of the Los · , P · · ,...__._ F . Angel~ Area of the Methodist Le":lS G. Ktddt>r, "''~~~, _ _a Church has rcqul'sted facilitws Schmdlf>r. Jesse E Spra ~ .-.u...JV t Ch : t Ch h b , h Se f M. !\her· {;(-or~t' F. Sherrill, Bruce a rrs . urc. } t e a or J . Handy. Hugh B. S pnngt>r. Thad an all da~ m{'('ttn~ of !-ht> <:S-btn~t E . Samuels. !'l<>lson M ~t.Afford of tht• Southern Callfornra-Ar!· J. Mr O..•avlr and RR' Stt"wart. zona Conference of that denomr-r · nation. B.l. Party Fetes Dude Martin Show the cooperation of the FoDowinq Ci'ric Minded Citizena and Businessmen: Othe-r groups who arE' using the faciliti<'s or this church th.rs month mclude th£' third annual Oranste Mt:'thodist C'hurch retr<>a t. two sessions or tht> Fullerton church rt'lreat. and an aU day meeting of thl.' Vermont ::)quare }it>thodist Church of Los AngeiPs. In addl· tion it has housed tht> monthly meeting of the OrangE' County Or· l{anists' Guild and an e\'1lluation conferenC\• of a young peopl~,·s ex· perimental camp under tht> leader- shjp of Dr Stanley ).fcKE>t' of San The Balboa island ho~ of Mr. and ~1n. Ht.>nr} Ma~t>rs wa:. the scene Sur.da). Sept 14. of a first year a.nni\'t>rsary ct>l bra tion of the Dude Martin tt>le\'uioo show under tht> sporu.orsh1p of Sea..rs. Mr. Mayl'rs is prt'Sid£'nt of the :0.1a~ "'" Co. ad\l•rtr"lnJ: aJ:<'J')(')' t'tlr SC'ars. THE SHADE SHO, to Ord-Venetle.t lhch. Or.,_-, Hclw. 2ttfl St .. Newpori ...... H.,._ 1M TlAOING f'OST -WaiMr H. INn ....,.. Equl,....,., Newtfcal O...ett- St. (NNr Ice Ho..) Newpott HA 2470 Way, Newpcwt ... ell Herl»or 2210 ICA Y FtNCH CIIAWICS Nehn of fiM ,......, ........ c--. ., ... ., H.rt»or Hit IAUOA &lASS CO. o-c-,1 ............ ww- Hwy .. ....,......... ..... 1121 TIAJI.& ,All Mil IOAT LANDfN$ .......... c...t ..., .. .....,.,. ..... ...... ... 1AL10A lW.1Y CO. .. o,, ........... ._ .....,, Wp. L ............ ~1177 C..-•u'II.WIII CNft .............. H. H. HOlllOOIC-I'LUMIER New Constrvctioll, W etw H....,.._ n.,.. ... 2101 W. lelboe 11¥4 •• Newport a..ch HA 14 1 ~W HENl Y SU FElT -. loet l.ldlnt-lapeln E.ri'e l..ell«fln9, 711 CMet Hwy . Newpori leech leeeon 6797 ROIERTS J EWELEIS E.quitite Jewelry TMt Gw• L..tti•t rt- 22l'h Marine A.,e., lelbo. lalend, HAth~ U21 SEAFOOD Sf'ECfALTIES COMII'ANY Sport.m .. : We ~~~. lf'ftOle or fr-yow alb. ... 516 3M St .. Newpori a..ch Herl»or IIOf IAUOA INN 105 Main St., lelboe COLUWIIA PtiT CONTROl CO. lOt E. lell-N .. lefM.e HA 2941-HA 141 COAST NOf'BnU 00. ......... ,.... ........ JOI E. .. ,.,._ .¥Ct .. leiMe H-'* 2611 lAY a lEACH AW'IY. INC. &W .. Fey, ,.... fer, J. ............... ...... 1410 w .............. ....,.,. ... dt ~ '* aiCHAID'S UDO t.U.lUT 0.... c..ty't ..... c ........ ..... · MU VIe LW.. .._.,... ...... HAlt. Hit BAGNALL IM,ORT CO. Heltdmed• Gifk from Tiny Cherme to Fvmltw. 11 9 Coed 8J.,d .. Corona del Mer Herbot 1712 EARL W. STANLEY Auemblym•n. 74th Oit+rict 225 Marine An., Balboa ld•nd Hart:tor 1m WASHERETTE SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY O.,.in9, ~ Cleaning, Finished L...dry 404 Coett ll•d., Corona del Mer H•rl»or 2~W FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. S.let---lentels-&chenge• lll"'..itl- 11] C....t lfyd~ Coro~~o~ del Mer, HA 2112 a )120 SHE-WOMEN'S A"AREl. We H... tM ~ Ovtftt for AI Oualla• 106 £. lara-N~ lelboe HMIMw 2060 W. 0. JOHNSON JEWELIY Hltll St,te c..t-J..., 21e Merille A-.. Ialka l.a.M H.-2 .. WILSON JEWILAY Je...lry, s..fi-.. Wa.U.. _. l.,.lrfat 201 w."' St .. a.abo. H•rt-n61 ACE KEY SBVICE K..,. l..h ...,. ... 101 ...... St....... ....... tltt Gut•lots of tht :O.l ..t)t'M' Wf'rt' Mr • • • and Mn.. Rrchard A. Mool't' and Otego. TASK o.~ THE TEACHER sons :'>ta ttht>" and Rtchard (Mr. R.t•v. Paul Edward Babbitt will ! ;\loon• 1s \'iCE:'·Pr<'sid~nt ~d gen· preach on the subject. "The Task era! . manaJ:t-r of K'J'i"\. Which of the Teacher." at the 9:45 and telcv1ses the show ever) Wednes· 11 a. m. senict>s of worship Sun·j day . nu:ht l ~ D~dt· Martm ADd son day In tht> Communit)' Church of Da,·~d ~1c!;)watn. Ml and Mrs. Corona dt>l Ma1· A recognition I Leshe !'\orms 'he 1~ account ext>- and Ins tallation Service ,,;u be ~ti\'l" for KTI"V ): Mr and Mrs. held for thE' tt-achE'rs of Church \\. F . Plummer, wn Thomas and School in thl' 11 o'clock servict>. I daughter Virgima 1 Mr Plummer The Chapel Choir "ill sing "Let is. Southern ~alaf~mta advertlsmg All Mortal Flt'sh" by Holst. in the dirt>etor for ~arsl. Mr and Mrs. 9:45 sen'ice: and the Chancel Roger Patnck and Bob HOl'hn or Choir "i ll sing "Hail. Our Re-the Mayers agcnc). s~r Dic.k d~mer" b' Rhea in the 11 o'clock Stev.rart. writer Paul Conlan . sen.ice. Tht-Church School mE>Cts ~ Bishop. man.'\J:: r for DudP at 9:45. "ith ~1. A. Harwood as ~1,ar~n a nd thear W l\e:&, Frank superintend nt 0 Bnen. proouct>r of tbr ~. and Mr. and Mrs. Wa~ ~r ltshc is st'crt'tal") to Mr. Plum· Harborites Win Honors ~rL At L • Co ty F • During th(' aft('moon meom~rs n.. UD ~ of thf' party wNr U't'ated to a Honors for Har~ntn W't're trip 1.n t he bay and oct'an by B. N. awarde<l at the ExhlbJtors Fifth De.-a~rg and da'lghtm~ Wendy Annual National Arts and Cl'afts and Kftle aboard Wlr boat. U ttl• compelioion in the Gnapbk Arts DiDDf:r Exhibition at the ~ Ees ii::i::!~5!::::i::i'i===--==------County Fair at Polnona. A'>' AlST CHURCH OF 0.. Graves of 219 Pari Ave., SCtENllST Island, rt?Ceh·l'd honorable mention UOl Vie L.We ,..._,.... ....._ In weeving, and J ack Florw, 617 A bra,ch of The' Mother 0 ..0, l\e I.r1a A\~., Coroo. del ..,r. bed two Fi"t Church of Chtit+, Sc:ent.,t. 111 to. pi~ of hand-crafted jewelry on ton, MouechutettL dbplay. Phil Dike, who JUIJ\IMr'S S1111day Sc.hool H5 a M. ln thE' Harbor area. al8o ~lddbited Sunday S.,Vice ~ __ -::_:::,, •• ~"" c.~lcs and a Ut~ph entl· Wednesday Eveni11g "'"';,._ 1:00 ,.-. t~d Balboa Harbor. Readif\9 •-foc.t.cl at 111 ~ V181'1'0118 no• RCA.IP.& St~ Balboa, ;, ~n cleily from Jl MOll a..AUNCI W.CUUOCH -...._ HELIN .., lOBT LYNN -.... ..... Vlslton 1Mt ~.eftd at Uw !:t~u;\t::!!l"ndayt end M~W..,. ..... c.w..t ... "' ... ...... c.-. .., ... ,...,..... ...... fll Mn. Edith COM ol ()). Tl!e pubrte ;, COfdi•lly "" ..... to ... _, Ylle w.,, N.F"f't ...., ~--41 I c...t IW.. c.-. .., ..-. ~ 1117 roaa •a ltlar were lin. ..,... .. nc~ tf. dlunlt eeMt. .,.. .... .._ · ·r-=,..,_ ... lin. VIola-~ ~----~~----------~----~----~----------------------~----------~------~~ f~Y...-. -----·--~·-·----· ____ _..__._. .... ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ HO'I'IOZ INVITING BID8 PJumben -·-----····-J ..... .N 2.1! Or& nee No. 111 poet or ca ... to &ePOited thereon, ahaU be publli&d once In i& Notaoe b o.-,. Otv• that the Pow« Equipment AN oaDINANO& lf.uo:NO A a alp or ldpa denotJna the price Newport Harbor ~lgn, a news--Board el Supervisors of Oranp ()peraton: ODTAJN SftDI' AlfD no-to be chaf'sM for parklna, per paper of ~nenl e l r cuI at l o D, County wtu receive sealed blda for A1r Compreaort ···--N 2.~ VIDINO PO& Till: JU)01JLA. hoUr or per ct.y, u the c:::aw may printed and pubUAhed in the Ctty tbe toUowlng work which 11 locat· BulJcloaers .... _. ________ .N 2.30 TION or THE .PLOW 011' be. Said aign or algna shall be of of Newport Beach. and the same ed bayward of BaY$ide Drive lm· Mlxmt, Sldp ····-·····-··...N 2.18 TI&AWPIO T BE & Z 0 N B Y a tiu. number and type auffic:ient ahaJJ be ln lull for« and cfteet mediJitelY easterly of the Balboa Traetora, with .uo:NDINO IIDC'I'ION ntt.l to adviae the public of aid 30 da.ya aft«-r thl.t pauage. Yacht Club. Newport Harbor. Attaehmenta --··-····-·.N 2.30 TO TRil llt.INlOIPAL OODil chargH. It shall be a mllde· Tbe foregoing OrdiJIAnce wu ln. CJoMtncUoa of the Oraap o0011ty Roofer Foreman ·-·-··--···N 2.90 The Oty Coundl of the Cfty of mt'anor, punJshable under Section troduced at " reKU)ar meednc of Harbot Dlatrid Bullcllap Roofer ................... -............. N 2.65 Newpc>Tt Beach does hereby ordl(ln 1200 of thla Code. for aald owner the City CoUhell. of the Oty o1 Bidl arc wanted for the enUre Sheoet~etal Workers •. --.. 2.625 aa follows or operator to charge or attempt Newport Beach. held on the 8th project. The Board or Supervis· 'nle Setters ......... --. ___ ....... 2.815 SECTION 1 : That c e r t a l n to charge, more than said potted day of Septembfr, 1952, and wu ors reeerves the right to award a nle Setten Helpen........... 1.9875 thoroughfare running In a eenu· price." fJnally paaed and adopted on Uw aingw contract to the lowt>st re· Truck Drive,._ ally Northwesterly and Southeast-SECTION 2: 'I'hla Ordinance 22nd day of Sept~bft'. J952, by apoMible bidder for the entire 4 yds. A under .... _ ... _.. 2.02 erly di~tlon, lytng be t wee n ahaU be published once In t~ the {ollowlnJt vote, to wlt: project. 1l\e Board of Supervisors Truck DrfYft'l.--4 • 8 yda... 2.04 Ocean Bl~d. on the Southwest and Newport Harbor Ensign. a new.· A YES, COUNCILMEN: Smith. further reserves the right to re-Truck Drlve~ ·12 ydl. 2.09 Bay Avenue on the Northea.st, and paper of ceneral c l r c u la t ton, Flnc:h. Iabell. Bennett. II1Dtr ject any and/or all bids and to Truck Drfven--12-16 yda. 2.17 Heliotrope Avenue on the South. printed and published ln the C!ty • NOES, COUNCILMEN: NCJ~W waive any lrregulariUes or ln· Truck16 _prt~ 2 _ east and Goldenrod Ave., on the of Newport Beach, and the aame ABSENT OOUNCILMEN: Nao. formaltie. In any bid or In the bid· y .... • more ... -........... . .. , Northwest, 11 hereby designated lhaU be tn full force and effect 80 NORMAN MD..LER ding Truck Drlven-'Translt u "Ocean Lane". daya after tbls puaage. Mayor ' Mix, 3 )'da. A more ..... •·-· 2.08 SECTION 2 : 'lbere Ia hereby The forecolng Ordinance was in· ATTEST: All of u.id work and materlala, Wel~n abaU receive rate added to Section 3250.1 of t.M Mu-trodUCled at a regular meettq of c. K. PRIEST. Oty Clert except 1UC.b materials u ~ to be prescribed for craft per-nldpal Code of the Oty of New· the City Cound1 of the Qty of Publish: Sept 25, 19152 rurnw.d by the Orange County to~ OPftation to port Beech. un~r the See t l on Newpor t ~ach, held 'Clll the 8th in u,. Newport Harbor Enaign. Harbor Dlatrlct. •hall be fumlahed which weldlnc II l.nd· thereof denoted "Corona del Mar'', day of September. 1952, aDd wu In aceontance with plana, apedtl· dental the foUowtng: finally pused and adopted Clll the catJon. and fonn of contract to be Window Cleaners ...... -..... 2.09 "Ocean Lane, l1"om Goldcmtod 22nd day of September, 19152, by executed by the successful bidder. N-Neeotlatlnl to Heliotrope. Southeut bound the followin& vote. ~wit : all now on flle in the offi ce of the traftlc only". A YES, COUNCILMEN: Smith, County Clnk, ex-ofllclo Clerk of 0~'; J1ow1oc da recoc SECTION 3: Th1s OrdlnaDcle Flnc:h. Iabell, Bennett, Mlller :: e~ ol Supervisors of Or-n.iz.ed u 'houdaya : ~ageunctay..; ahaU be publlahecl once in the New· NOES, COUNCD.MEN: None I ty. the year, except u otheJ'Wlle pro-port Harbor Enalgn, a newq~a~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Pluw, Spedflcations and other vided herein, New Year'• Day, ne. of general circulation, printed and NORMAN VUJXR contract document forma wlll be coration Day Independence Dey publlahed in the Oty of Newport Mayor avaUa~ for e~ation without Labor Day, Armfatlce Day: Beech, and the same shall be in. ATJ'EST: charge and cop1es may be lie· 1banksglving Day · and Chrl.ttmu full force and effect 30 da,yw alter C. K. PRJ EST, Oty Clerk cured at the office of the Archi· Day. If any of ~above holidays thla puaage. Publiah: Sept ~. 1952 teet. Richard H. Pleger, 1415 Coast should fall on Sunday the Mooday The foregoing Ordinance wu In the Newport Harbor EM!p. Jnghway, Corona deJ Mar, Cali· following ahall be coNtdered a le-introduced at a regular meeting fornia. upon deposit of Twenty· gal holiday. WOTk on such day of the City Council of the Qt:y of five DoUan ($25.00) per set whJch shall be paid tor at the Sunday Newport Beaeh. held on the 25th de~ la a guarantee that the and holiday overtime rate of the day of AugUSt, 1952. and wu fi. plana and sped.tleatlo~ will be craft Involved. No work shall nally passed and adopted on the returned ln good condiuon,to the be requJred on Labor Day except 22nd day of September. 19152, by Architect's Office at time of bid in case of extreme urgency when the foUowlng vote, to-wit: opening. The plans and specilica· life and property Is in Imminent AYES, COUNCILMEN: Smith, tions art" the property of the Ar· danger Finch, hbeU, Bennett, Miller chitect and are loaned to the bid· · NOES. COUNCILMEN: None der 1mtil bids are due. The de· l 'nlform Overtime Rate. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Nont' posit ah4U not be construed to Wht>n a slngle shift 1..!1 worked. NORMAN MILLER be the purchase price of any part t:ight hours of continuous eml?loy· Mayor of t.hMe documents. Bidders are ment. except for hu~ch penods, ATTEST: requested. should t.hey decide not shall coMUtute a days work. be--C. K. PRIEST, City Clerk to JUbmJ t a bid to retum the ginning on Monday and through Publish : Sept. 25, 1952 plans and speciflcations . as soon Friday . ot each w~k. Wher e in the Newport Harbor Ensign. as poMible after such decision is work IS required m t')CCCS of _ _ __ _ made eight (8) hours on any one day or or~ No. 111 Ea~ bid i hall be made out on a c•n holidays, such work ~hall be AS ORDISANCE AODL'IIllG SEC· !onn to be obtained at th<' office paid for at one and one-half times TION 8401 TO THE MlJNJCI· . rhe basic ratE' or wages. p•L rv..o• OF ...,.~..,. C1TY OF of the Architect an~ ~hall be_ a~· 1t shall be mandatory upon the NEwPORT Br...\cu REQUT.R· comp&nled by 8 ~rtlhro cashJ(.•r s Contractor t.o whom the contract JNO TilE P 0 TIS 0 0 F check or a bidders bond In 11 ~-~I ts awarded and upon any !lubcon· PRICER ON' ArTOMOBILE not les than ten_ JX'r cent 110 ~(J) tractor under him to PI\>' not IC'!IS PARIU'SG LOT a Pit OVID· of th(' amount btd, said ch~k or than the specified rates In the exe· 1 N 0 pEN' A L T 1 E 8 F 0 R bond madt> payab~e t_o thE' Orange cution of said contract. ,.. .. •GINO IIORE T B A N County Harbor OlSmct. Bids shall . . '-'&:ll.la.ft be received and filed with the The successful b1dder Wlll be THE POSTED PIUCE County O E'rk of Orange County, required to furnls~ a faithful per· The City Council of the City of f"X-otndo Cl~rk oC this Board. on formance bond m an amount Newport ~ach does hereby ordain or before 1\JHda)' the 21st day equal to one hundred per cent u foUowa: of October'. 1952. at 3 :00 p. m. of (100%) of the contract price. and SECTION 1: 'There ls hereby said day. and wtU be opened and a labor and mate~l bond 'in an added to the Muruclpal Code of the pUblicly read on that date in the amount equal to fifty per cent City of Newport Beach, Seetlon room of the Board of Supervisors 1 50~) of the contract price, which 3403,. to read as follows: 1n the County Court House. bond shall provide that lf the per· "SecUon 3403. Parking lou: Sanaa Ana. Orange Couny. CaU-son or his subcontra~ors fall to Poeting prices; Excess charges. fomia pay for any matenals (except The owner or operator of auto- .....__· bo . _ ... ch "'k s uch materials as are furnished by mobile puking Iota In the Oty of • '"" a \'(' m!'f'Uon .. -u c... or thl' Orange County Harbor Dls· Newport ahall at all tiJnes wbile bond shall be gtven as guarantee · de --'d ld '1 t •-in tJ that tt. bldder will t>nter Into trlct>, provt.11ons. proven r or .... par n~t o .... opera on. th contract on the form now other supplies. or teams, used ln. e . upon. tor, or about the pel'fonn· adopted by this Board and now on anCE' of the work contracted to be fUe wtth the County Clerk. if done or for any work or labor awarded to him .. and will IX' de· ther~n ot any kind. or the dared forfeited 1! the successr~l itmounts due under the Uncm· bidder r<-fu.<~Cs to enter into sa1d ployment Insurance Act with re- contract wi thin a period or five ~pect to such work or labor. that I days alt<>r being n>queste~ to do tht' surety or sureties will pay for 10 by the Boara of . Supc>r·vlsors or ' sam~.>, in an amount not exceed· ~ County, California. in~ tht> l!um s(X'cl fied in the bond. I Ordbluloe No. m AN OIIDINANOZ !fAlliNG OE&TAIN 8Ta1Zft The Oty CouncJI of the City of Newport Beach does hereby orda.ln u follows: SECTION 1: '0\at certaJn thor· ought are running ln a g e n e r a I Northerly and Southerly direction between VIa Udo Nord and Vla Udo Soud. and lying betw~n VIa Genoa on the Wt'St a nd VIa Havre and Strada Havre on the East. Is hereby design&tc-d as "Vla Gra· ziana". ' SEC710N 2: That ce rtain thoroughf&r<' running in a general Northerly and Southerly direction between VIa l.ido Nord and VIa Udo Soud. and lyiQJC immedlatel)• to th<-West of Via O..noa. is hncby drslgnstt•d as "VIa Flr· l'nzC'". SECTION 3: That cer taIn t horoul(bCare running In a general Northerly and Southerly direction frum Via Udo Soud on the South and running into Via Flrenze on the North. lying Immediately Eut or Via F1ol"ftlce. is hereby d8le· nated as "Via Fenno". SEC710N 4 : That certain thor· oughfare runnjng In a general Easterly and Westerly direction between 18th and 19th Streets and lying between the alley North of Balboa Boulevard and New· poM Bay. Is hereby cJesjgnated •• "Bay Avenue". SECTION 5: This Ordinance No bid will be. accept~d from a 1 And all'O, in case s uit is brought I Contractor w~o IS not ltc<>nscd in upon thf' bond. "' reasonablE' attor· accordanc(' wsth the law undf r the 1 nC'y's fe<> to b<' fixt>d by the Court· 1 provision..~ uf Dhision rii. r hap-said bonds to be secured from ~ ter !I of th Busin('SS and Prof~· I ;uret) company satisfactory to the tdons Code of the State ot ('.AU· Board of Supen'isors of Orange I IN AN EMERGENCY telephone fo~. . County. The Contractor will also Butdu s art' hereby notifl<>d Lha t be required to furnish a ccrtifi· pursuant to provision!\ of S<>cllon catc that he carries compensation 1T10 of the Labor Code of the lnsurancc covering his Pmployces Stat. of California. the Board of upon the work to be done und~·f­ Supel'Vieors of Orange CoW\Y has the contract which may be entered ascertained and has adoptl'd thl' into bf>twcen him and the Orange prevailing rate of hourly wages County Harbor District for the and rates for legal holidays and construction of said work. overtlme, lD the locallt:y ln which The Contractor shall use onJy thU work ia to be performed, for unmanufactured materials pro • each craft. workman or mechan1c duced in the United States and Deedld to execute the contract only manufactured m a t e r l a Ia awanled to the succetSful bidder. m a n u fa c t u r e d in the United 'nle prevailing ratea so deter· State~, aubatanUally all from m&· Kl MBERLY 2-8827 lF ... in the ra.re U.uoce ,-ou are uo.abJe to rad:a your OWD putoD&l pbrsidao ... Ot, iJ you an new i.D oat COfDIDWiity ••• or, if you have not uran,ed in advance for the $tt\1Kes of your owo doctor •.. phone the oumber above and an M.D. (M~J Doctor) willgd io touch with you u cpaickly u possible. ., ......... NO'I'Ioa -'1'0 aumnou ............................ Dun 1 N..,_ t. Her_, 01.-tiO tM eredlton ot and an pe~-bPtlll cla1rm aplnat the aald dlr.loc»>llrt -aaJd 81ate to tlle tbem with tM nee' r ny vouehen In tbe omoe of t.be Clnk ot the SUperior Court ot t.be County ot <>ranp, Stat. ol California, 01' to pneent t.he IUM, wlt.Ja t.be necernry "oueberl. to the \JIMJe1"'lpe4 at hla or her piMt of ~. to-wit: c/o A. K. ~Is-, AttomeJ at Law, S07 Cout BIYd., Corona del Mar, Ca.lit. within alx months alter the tlnt publication of thla notice. Dated September 8, ~­ANN E. AlLEN Executrix of the bt.at, ot said decedent. Publish: Sept. 11. 18, 25; Oet. 2, in the Newport Harbor n-Ip U1e En11en Oagtfted adll. MOVING ••• ...... .,....._. a.ec.a IA&O& oa PIALL 10• OJVEH 8.UIE OAK& ...... ll"rr&AO. ....... "'-......... .&OJI:Nft .oa uon 1988 HarbOI' Bml. o-ea ..... ... _..,_..,.. mined are u follows: teriala produced tn the United .. ._ Statea. 1n performance of the. 001\· Cb !!&ee.U.• ~ .._ tract. '!be Board of SuperVllon IIILLIOIIS OF CALIFOIIIIAIIS Air Tool ~tor ...... -... ..N 2.~ reserves the right to reject any OT Aabestoa ark en ............. .N 2. 'ni all btda . .Mphalt Raker & Ironer.... 2.14 DatH September 16. 19152 Br1dllqen ....................... " 3.00 BY ORl>ER OF 1HE BOARD Br1cktender ...... _ ........... -2.10 OF SUPERVISORS OF 0~ Carpenten, Journeymen.. 2.57 ANGE COUNTY, CALD'OR- Cement F\nlahen .............. 2.$7 NIA · Electrical Foreman .......... 3.00 (SEAL) • ~ Electrldana ... _ ......... -.... .N 2.~ B. J . SMml f1oor Layers ........... -........ .N 2.!56 County <Jerk and ex-omdo Gla*ra .............................. -2.24 ~ · Clerk of 'the Board of . SU· Iron Workers, StructuraL 2.70 pervteon of Oraltge County, Iron Wcmcers. Oalllomla. Reinforcing ........ _ ......... N 2.38 PUbliah: Newport Harbor EMlgn Laborers, Bufldlng and ~ptember 25, A October 2. 1952. UnaklUed .......... ·-·-.. -··-1.9' Lat.hen, Me~ ........ -.. -·-3.44 MO La then, Nall on --·-····· 3.44 ME -• -Unoteum & Soft 11Je I.-yen _.,_. ______ .N 2.56 Pa1Dten. Brulh ···-·-.....N 2.3:5 Palatln. SSn1 ···---·-· 2.80 PaiMin, Sip -----~~-...N 2.M Plw ... , ... _,_. ____ ....N 1.125 ...... ,........ ·--" I..1U5 .. I J'w a JIUO •• • already enjoy a feelio& of satisfaction and safety for theit families and for tbcmsd ves because ... bef01e the emugenq arises •.. they have already seleaed their own pmooal physician. Your Couoq Medical Association stands ready to bdp JOG. Either telephooc or write and a list of docton practidng in your a.rea will be sent to you. NaNnlly ... there is no obliptioo. A PUaLIC IDVICI' OF THE Orange County Medical Association eMil .......... • Ide'•• = PaB«<; ....._, . \ ....... -* The 28th bUthday umtwnary IDe eac:b ,..,_ tt» ..... t ol of Toutmuten Intemational wtll "audleoc. r.etka" be celetJnted locslly aDd throuch-The Tout:mut.n Clab ...._ out the land ckainc the moatb of men for leaclenhlp and...__ them October. according to Elton Bar-to lncrea1e the& ~ tn nett. president of the Harbor bualneu and civie atfalrL It em-·~ Toutrnaaten Club. 1be Jo-phuizes the ricbt to free IIIPMCb. cal club. which coven both New-and tra.lDI men to aesdle tbat port aDd O.ta M ... will obeerve ri~gh..;.t_..;,.er_rec.;;.;...;;ti;..v..;;;el~y..;.. ------thla annlvenary on the flrlt meet-fAa Delrt month-'I'UMda.y evenln&. Oct. 7, at Norton's Bayshore Cafe. OOX8'1'1UJCI'ION laM,_....,_ • a _... ~ for a.... A 0...... wtdelt ... Me a fae'-7 ... Tbe flnt Toutmuter's Club waa organized in Santa Ana, ·oo Oct. 22, 1924, by Ralph C. Smed- ley. to provide training in speech and leadership for men of mature years. The work of thll first club, now known u "Smedley Number One," proved so successful and useful that other clubs were formed. ........ .tore .. lllarlller'a IDle Ia N ewport UMI reta1l .W. ....... S..ta A-. .... I.-e Beula. Tile MW facltel7 wW be loeated • a Me aad oae-haU aere lite oa ....,_ ... betweea lttll _. tetll atreeta la Ooeta lie-.. It wtU ..we a.... A Gardea to more tltaa doallle preducta• ol .... ,... rattaa aad '"'~* lroa tandtare. JAM II D. Permits for September Near $400,000 Total On Oct. 4, 1930. the various clubs formed an aasociation now known as Toutmuten Interna- tional. There are today nearly 1.200 member dW. lD tbe UDited States and other parts of the world. RAY The purpose of the organiza- tion is speech impro'<llemellt and leadership tralnlng through co- operative ef!ort rather than by paid lnlt.ructon. Thil democratic approach makes every club mem- ber take a penonal interest in Building permits for the month Lester Laycox, Los Angf.'les, S. be1plnc the other members. of September neared the $400.000 room, 2-story, 2-unlt dwelling at An outstanding part of all ------------- Baildmc Coatrador 100 c.. .. lh-4 .. c.-ct.! ... ., HArt-IIJ total u $160,000 more was re-220 35th St., $12.000. Toastmasters programs is the pro- corded during the put week. Electri~l Produc_ts ~rp . Long vision for constructive criticism • GreatHt activity wu in the New-Beach. sagn at Hlrsch s Beacon ~~d~com~m~e~nt~on~a~ll~speech~~~es~iigv~-::g~~~~~~~~~~~~ port area, with a total or $63,000, Landing, 1301 Coast Highway,! · including five new residences. $650. , a-.: 720 N.rcl-A.,.. HArtH.. I 011 -J H ere 1.1 the summary for tht> week: Udo lale c M L be c ~~~~~~~~~~~iii Newport Lt>ster Crawford. addition to osta esa UID r 0 i .To s e P bin e McCloskey, 2101. dwt>llin~t at 126 Via Orvieto. $2,000. • Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 8-room, 2~ J . Roes Castendyck. 1708 S. Bay story, 2-unlt dwelling at 1609 W. Front. Balboa Island. 8-room. 2- BaJboa Blvd .. $12,000. story, 1-unit dwelling at 200 VIa Co1erete Wert of AD Kind8 FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• JP'BJ!Z J:8'1'111ATIB • Cll11. Warr11 I S. .._ 5110-J • H~ 1012..J Ull N.-port lf¥4. c.te ..... LOllS FOR HOlES ~~" JO-n:AR LOAN Conatruction Locma scyo -20 y ea:ra 8IIZ BOB U'I"''LLr& Representtn& Pelrl• lortcac• C.. lUI C.Ut Bl•... ODII PIL. JU 1883-ID J..IUI Welcome Wagon Spon~n wiJI Jerve you well BUY at HOME WELCOMI WAGON NBWPORT BBACH ........ 7172 ~ .... -.... •••) LUMBER -BtJ1LDING MATEII1Al3 Cherles Peach. 1Z7 33rd St .. 5-Koron, $26,000. room, l.story, 1-wa.it dwelUng at George M. Holstein, enlarge liv- 3100 W. Oct>an Front, $10,000. lng room at 212 Via Udo Nord, PhJUp Terry, 1410 W. Bay, bulld $2.200. new garage. close-in old garage Coroaa del Mar to use u rumpua room. 16.000. R. P . Morrill, 304 Jasmine, laun-Mi.u A. B. Sullivan, windbreak dry $400 at lJdo Park. ~. Me~'verB~g. garage at 605 J . Walke:r, Arcadia, alterationt Po Sl 000 at 1231 Bay Ave .• $150. ppy, · · Tom Barner, 3208 Marcus. 4-Slltore OUffs room. 1-story, 2-unit dwelling a t John B. Clark, Co .. 1203 Coast 207 38th St., $8,000. Blvd., Corona del Mar, 6-room. 1- A. R. Ebright. awning at 2827 story, 1-unit dwelling at m Drift- Newport Blvd., $120. wood Rd .. $20,000. L u • B E R · Mrs. C. P. Ward~n. Pasadena, Balboa CovN Oft 8-room, 2-atory, 2-unit dwelling at Edward Kover. Encino, 4-room, 128 35th St., $14,400. l·story, 1-unH dwelling at 51 BaJ- boa Coves. S12 000 NEWPORTEB WINS AT FA.IK I . I Among those receiving awards Bay l'laad at Lol An&elea County Falr was Adora Snedeatr, Corona, cement Kay Sanson 129 39th St New-floor at 15 Bay Island, $500. ' ., Newport Hell'ht• port. Entering in the arts a~d Harry Estus. 400 E. 15th SL. ttatfs department: hf'r ceramu:: Costa Mesa. 5-room. 1-story. 1- plate was judged farst In ita class. unit dwf.'lling at 501 Fullerton, $12,000. BaJboa H. H . Benjamin, remod<'lling at 1024 E. Balboa Rlvd., $5,000. Don Gund<'rson, alterations at 1581 Miramar, $SOO. John F. Kimble, 1744 Miramar. >room. 1 %-story. 1-unJt dwelling at 1711 Miramar, $16,000. WELCH'S READY -MIX E* > COICRETE BEacon 6547 N..,..nlllft..o-taii- Onap 1 .. -1[1 ... ..,_ ... SAT. a to 5 SUM.9to I Only your electric dollar buys more! In one way, it 's almost too bad that you don't buy electric aervice the way you buy most other thinp-over the counter. It's much more convenient to flick a switch-but the other way would cive you a much clearer picture of the difterenc:e between the coet of electricity and the coat of other thinp. Lookiq at the priee t.a. you'd realise at ooce that rote ga • 1oC ...,.. ~11 for ne dollar todar eM" rot& 414 ,._,,..,. ~ 11oft t1wa twice .. mud\ -ADd we'll W 70G oua1 W 11 dll rr Jl'tllll& IIU t.lt.at ia you.r home U... cla7L SIITIEII CALiflllll EIISII CIIPAII .... 11 lJOO CUI CM btpuUd iD die ,....t.,.. T• u.e p,ud """' .... ceeual coauoluea, all -ft) n =eak-ed.,. pcooride eAdtot life pud tft"f.iu:a. )00 COOCRte '-,... .. b&ttJe. ~ aimple ckijpt. 'I'M pe.dt is opeo fro-. 10:00 A .... co 12:00- MidniJhf.lftd it deued ~ff ,lsl .•urirl' chc wmmer. New beach facilities made available through Oil Revenues ~~-0 RANGE COUNTY proudly Md rip· fully bouts about its bMNtta be.cba- Jong, wick stretches of saod-da.r, deaa wac- and c-ten a choiu of a afe, ..-tori ar che fua and excitement of surf boud ridiJia riftJied aalr br !Uwaii. lleoeatly, tbae ateiiS bne beea ...., .. CJaled aod be.dfallr imJIIO"flll J'w inlcMCP, in &DOOaDciDJ cbe optniDI ol the new Haadaatoc a-ta ._ P.m.* pratiC8IN: "Oi.lliJIJIWf, ..aU baDdaed chonletwi cloDus ol k &c. tbt H---- c:oo .8eacb qilidda, bne UUIIfoaDcd 9300 feet ol ..... bed &c. Hiwq 39 IOUtbeMt t10 cbe St.oca AM :1Mr iaeo a deli ..... ,..._ playgoaed .•. Fenced aod with fiA8U' OG duty ~ MOUDd, * pMk <>Hers parkiDg facilities fcx betcb JOerS, ire rinp, IIAiwy Nciliriea. t.il water showers and drinkiog fouocains:' As ooe ol the largest individual sources ol oil tnea-. &oaa 6dcl. io Orange County, aod • • iDKitution mac b ~ iuleieweod ia w community of which it 1s a p11t, we tlkeiiMUIII pride iA cbe dewlopment ol this gear zecratiooal area. Southwar !zploracioa il aJeo ptOUd ol ia dndopDtAr ol ways IIOd mnns of taebins aodertea oil dcposia without murill8 the beauty of Y,OU IICIIVI Oft-•ana fOO A. •••• ol 0..,. eo.ac,, ,_1ft ialldetted ia .. fcldidoMI t.aa: 1. Uodet me ol._.,.,.... br 1M_. .lA ope~~. caaapedciw....,. Souchwac paJ1 • .., biala IOJilkJ Z'tf ct.a nrioe • .,... • .. 12~" teqaJied ... ,... ..... 11M__, oiMwined.,-.... il eer-mabd for,._....., w;eifue, a-cta MDPf'O'emaiC, ,_... JeaeMiOG ..dcbepenl'-'1 2. Ia addicioG, Soachwe. il ooe ol tile Jup cu: paJ«~ iA Oruee Couory. That tewoaa bdp .s-y for 6ft aad police ptocectioo, aueca -h.iahwaJI, ~libraries, -.!aria, aed other ~ aod faciliba. 3. Out emi*J• are your ~ nei&)lbon too. They a. uibute, 11 yo. C, 110 chc ~ tocial aod businea Ule of cbe 0010• · weCIII--. ~ a. • pq taxa, tbM's ~~atutal; but we are ptoud that 10 maay ol oar • cloUan peJ foe impromnena and facilities dw we and out DeiJbban, • ol-, caa eo~. 1111'S lOW IIIIISII OIL WILLS Ill IIILLEI • e FJU!BPOIDEil: Under a beautilul bec:hiaa beach an me« than 300 wdlt pampina oiJ from fv out uoc1er me oceao. llOJ*ltia ftom chae wells heft prmided mooer ~« beach imprme- meaa, recn.tionel parpoRS, ~· welfan, and the aeoeta1 fund. Abo miUions of dollars have been pekl in county and municipel rues, plus mil· lions~ in mtoe and Pedcral taxes. U you would like a colotfuJ, illusmted lolder 'howing how rhese wells arc drill~ and operar~ wirhout martins the bHch faciJicin, we will be giad to supply you, fllEE of coune. Sou1hwest Exploration ~mpany ..