HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignAaVJ1 MD8 .................... .. bhdl ..... o-........ c..-.... to pawtdw __ .... ....._litii.4..S.L7 aD4 I Ia "''Nct 1157, ....... ,.._Ole YWa ......__ -•••• cat Ja17 o.... al9d.. 1» tw.-Kut.-i .. CIDd llcalgol4 A..-a .... to B. I. Postmaster Resigns March 1 Mrs. Hilda Watkins bu sub-1 mltted her resignation as post- master of Balboa Island, she ln- fol1lled the Ensign yesterday. In her letter to the Post OUJce De- partment In Washington. D. C.. abe requested that b~r resigna- tion be eUedlve March 1. She has been with the Balboa laland Post Office for 13 years, joining the statt as substitute clerk when the ottlce wu located around the corner on Park Ave. a nd Marine Ave. She wu named a~ ~uter AprlJ 1. 19(9, ucr rwc:etvecl be ~t .. A eomprornt.e agreement ban- ning bait barges off Big Corona Beach was reached Tuesday by the Corona del Mar Ocean VIew Protective Association and the Fishermen's Asloclatlon. Thl.l aereement llmJbl batt storing In that area to a bait tank that will be no moce than four feet above water, located near the present buoys. U neces- sary a clrculatlna pump with Local Anglers Lead Tourney llalbow ArM ....... ongflt IMdf .. u.. tote& c:.lcll ..... W••• F-.. ••• COaOJfA DEL IU& CALD'. '!'IIUUDAY, JAIIVUY 13, 1155 ote Is set ForMay20 ·PO~ CE CHECI ALL LEADS II MYSTERY S IPI G CASE The H1gh School Board ot Trustees decided Monday to calJ !or an election May 20 on a pro. gram ot financing a new bt&h school plant In Costa Mesa. 'nlis prognm 1.1 expected to be a pay-as You-co method, 'Pft~Dlt­ tlng a direct ~ l~vy for buUd- ing purposes rather than a bond l.asue. thus savtne 2!S to 33'h"· The eJection day colndd~ with the regular a:hool board el«- tlona. Newport P.O. Site Sought nw OI'J"'CEJIS of Ute w.,.....n •~ a.a.. ber of c-..c.. Uowa ClbcJft. wW be lat.. daced to U.. ----. 01 tiM groa.p tamor- IVW' (Friday) ..... ,.. at tiM aaaaal ct.llaMr ...u., .... Qcrwber of ('Me'MI'Cie .. u.. ,. valentine Ball Maurie Stanley Elected To Be Feb. I I N Ch be p id su~~e!C:U~:=~~: ew am r res ent Maurie Stanl~. Balboa Island I Kenneth E. A.lbriaht and Peter Insurance a rent. was elected Barrett. Mariner's Mile; Rola nd Monday as precident of the New., A. Wrtght. Newport Beach. and port Harbor Chamba of Corn Mr. Grimes. Balboa. Bold.-o"-er dt- merce. Be and the other new of. rectors Include Mr. Van Dyke. tlcera and diredon will be In-1ohn T. Keel«. Mr. Stanley, Har- Free Tickets For Car Show Jo"tee tlckeu for this week end's Balboa Bay Club Auto Show are now available at the Bay Club and the participating dealers The show will be held from 10 a.m . to <C p.m Saturday and Sunday. The following local dealers are particlpatinr: Miller Chevrolet. 1000 W. Coast Hwy .. N~rt: Theodore Robms Ford. 3100 W . The ordinance provides tor a special license and $10 fee for renting during the period 10 days before and 21 days atter Easter , Sunday. The living quartfta thus licensed become subject to rea. sonable inspeoct1on by fire and pollee ottlcers and state aDd county authorities.. VIolation can be punished by a $500 fiDe or slx.month sentence or both, .ads day being a separate otfenee. Excluded from the orc11nanee are multiple units with three w more living quarters, &ince tbey are a lready llc:enaed. Coast. Hwy .. Newport: Johnson & The 40th Annual AMhr•-J Son Uncoln-MeJ"('ury, 900 W. Dinner of Klwanla lntem.att.at Coast Hwy .. Newport; Jack Haus will be held Wednesda.)' ~ ken MG and English Ford. 1932 'at the NeWport Harbor YMJilt H a r b o r Blvd.. Costa Mesa; 1 • Club. Wives and ruesta of JoiC&1 O'Brien Dodge. 1680 Newport K.lwanla.ns wUl be Wf.)come b Blvd.. Costa Mesa: Lou Rec>d , 1 . the evening with apeclal ...... Associates. Chrysler -Plymouth, t&tnment indudJ:na aD~ 4323 W Coast Hwy .. Newport; 1 tum.. and Cotton Gott Vol~-agen­ Porwdle. who will be located at -.. 2116 Newport Blvd .. Newport. as of next Monday. PII.IECT troduced at the annual dinner vey Somers. Rev. PauJ Moon .... ~ .. meetlna ot the Chamba tomor-Wheeler. lb. ll.lehard. ~ row (Frid_,) wentnr ln the lJnd. Lonnht ~nt and Ted ......... .. Newport Harber Yadl1 Club. Hambrook. tH outcolna pnci. *'''''''''' ,,,;, • • • •••••• p In Hop • 8 M f I M M h i h M i M +:+ M F F F h +;+ + F F E E I I 8 M +;+ M f My friend Ed Heoly won't like this so well, but here's the breok- down between Republicons ond Democrots in the "purqed" registro- tion list for Newport S.ech os of Jon. I : ADA U.V.UCAD DEJIOCilA'n UTIO BALBOA 623 238... ....... .. 5 to 2 BAY SHORES . 205 23.. ......... 9 to I BALBOA ISLAND ... 812 ... 1-4 1. .............. 6 to I CLIFF HAVEN . 241 .......... : . 8~.............. 3 to CORO NA del MAR 1434. . ......... -48 7 .............. 3 to LIDO ISLE -442 . . .......... -4L ........... 10 to I NEWPORT HEIGHTS 539. 317 5 to 3 CENTRAL NWPT. 5 17 .. ... 363 . . . . 3 to 2 WEST NEWPORT 226 I« ... . 3 to 2 'TOTAL . 5009 A YEAR AGO 6161 1842 8 to 3 2429 ... .. ... 71f2 to 3 This just goes to show you thot the city of Newport Beach is one of the most Republicon spots in th e notion--porticulorly Lido Isle with its olmost 10 to I rotio. No precinct in the city hos o Demo- erotic mojority. closest to it ore Precinct 34 in Newport Heights, 128 to 113, ond Precinct 18 in Newport. 92 to 80. However ... whether you ore Republicon or Democrot, or de- dine to stote, or whatsoever ... don't forget thot there's on election coming olon~n importont one, in which we will be choosing o brond new slote of seven councilmen. You hove exoctly one week to register for thot election. The deodline to register is next Thursdoy. Jon. 20. e LOGGERHEADS Every now ond then folies come up with gripes-some justified, some just hoir-broined. Some hove suggested thot we provide 'em with o gripe column, or "needle corner," so they con put their com· ploints in print . Well, here you ore ... "loggerheeds,'' we can coli it . . . It's ot your wrv~ but it's not fOt gripinc) just for the w.ke of griping .•. It's for you to voice your suggestions or objections when there is sound reoson for objecting. li~e this one from S. B. Beom of Corona del Mar: 'I om one of many irote citizens of Newport Beech who demonds thot something be done immediotely to remedy the deplorable condition of Boyside Drive. This highwoy hos been o menace to oil of us for over o yeor. We therefore urgently request thot the City Council to~e immediate steps to correct thos dangerous ond inexcuseoble condition beforfl we hove o bod accident. Undoubtedly you reeders hove o lot of beefs. let s heor 'em. M"ybe something con be done "bout them. IE SA UPHOLSTERING tJpbobteriDg & Drapery Uberty 8-4781 • 2350 Newport BL Costa Mesa P~K IJRtJSB FIR.E SET A brush fire, evidently set as a prank, was extinguished at 20th St. and Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, at 12:23 a.m. New Year's Day by the Costa Mesa Volunteer Fire Department. . My wlte want. a bt,.er hOUM and the chance. are that ab~ ret It Only It tan't that almple. ===========:! Gettlnr a bluer hou.e tn~ ... about ten thousand .problema. Maybe It doesn't It you',ve aot enouah money to walk out and buy what you want where you want lt; but we haven't. Or at Glamour Glimpses leut I haven't; I'm not real 1ure ly AJOf how the baU and chain la fixed, Aren't we luclcyT We LIVE! but the way she's talktnr, abe's here! In ~1• centers all over the loaded. country and 1n the smart wom· This Ia all she wants: a lot big en'• marutnea, faahlona are enouah to land a DC 7, two bed· betnr abown to wear 1n Southern rooma, two baths, a den, a dln· ,catlfom.ta and other of the Lng room, a llvtnr room larae wanner cllmea.. These winter va- enourh ~o nood and trHU tor cation and crutae wear clothes the entlte Ice Capades Show, a are the advance sprtnr fa.ahlona, kitchen the Size of OW' present the newest, moet rJamouroua lot, and enouah closet spaee to and most thtllllna of the warm handle the combined wardrobes weather clothes to come. They of Babs Hutton and Doria Duke. are the pre-aeuon brighteners And all thls for the two of us. that cbHr-up our mid-winter t aort of hope ahe manares lt wardrobea, which seem dull thla In spite of the fact that I'll wind time of year. And we LUCKY up with a paint b.ru.ah In one CalH.lana can wear these pre- hand and the lawn mower aeuon· openers from now on handle In the other. But. like I rlrht Into mJd.aummer. said, It's not that simple. First Jut to _. Velaaa'a ..,.. we have to sell what we have. aparll:le wiMa u.. bo:lriM ol ..., What we have la a house we've clotbM ceaae to O..IUEX'S lived In for quite a while and you'd lalo'f tben waa eoaa• we've. aort ot trademarked it. tblllg apec1a1 bulde. Tbe lab- These thlnp are ours and we rtc:a are oae ol tbe 11101t lila- created them and we're used to portaat parts of theaew J'OUD9· them, but a proepectlve buyer ca.apriDg c1nues by DaYtd lan't rolna to be so tolerant 'O..,.taL L'AJ91oD. CCirl~. cm4 about them, ao they have to go. Oatg • • • to aame a few of Thing• like aome apots on the tiM auaay ..,.., weU-Itacnnl rug that appeared rather mysterl-u.a.. r.aturecs at O..llJEJf'S. ously and defy any remover. And There are fine-combed cottons the window pane that looks fine with a silken touch, cotton surah, until the sun hits It just right. Bates "disciplined" cottons and and It hits It just right at least others speclally treated to be ex- twice a day; but there Isn't any-pert at shunning wrinkles. There thing on the market that wUJ are new fabrics such u "pima. change It short of new glass. cron" (dacron and cotton), and Thlnrs like that, thlnp that wiJl boucle g 1 n g h a m : there are have to be fixed or replaced or blends of nylon and cotton with cleaned. It Isn't going to be easy, an easy-to-launder tar and a but I guess It'll have to be done. very sllken texture. There are I sure hope the people who sell crease resistant Imported linens us the blgrer house do as much. to araln rate highest among the But they won't. After all, we're spring . Into . summer fabrics. the eager ones. There are the famous Thomas Changing the subject. I want cottons, born travellers and a to thank Robert P. Dennlstoun source of Inspiration to America's for the letter he wrote me. finest designers. Mainly Robert Is upset about "Sanly AIDedOGDH ia oae c». Bayside Drive and he wants me alCJIMI'a CIIIIIUDeDb oa u.. 1155 to find out why lt'a been In dis-neon origtaala • • • becaue repair for so lont. rd do lt too, .., are ~y con.ct a.cl &obert. but -what wtlh my boua, ,_ ~ ..... pactecl • .... Jnr problem I can't take time to a DeW -.w .. ,.._ tilt windmills. Come, take a look at these new What I'd like to do, Robert, 1s dresses of ao many styles and to end this eUort with a quote colors that they defy Individual from your letter because It ex-description. Don't mlss this op. presses ao well what a writer portWllty to see these sparkllnr sometimes feels; the Idea that cottons. sllks and linens In vtvld maybe he's writing for his own fashion for gaJa moments-be It a musement. Here's the quote: "I suntlme or moonrlow-from a presume that the life blood of a collection of fuhlon'a finest at column Ia an occulonaJ trans-O'BRIEN'S. fusion from the other side to Indicate that there are some readers, and that questions that bother you are maybe Itching somebody else." NOVE TO WAL.JnJT PLACE The E. W. Rudys have moved to 479 Walnut Place, Costa Mesa, rrom Corona del Mar. - -( -. ) ....: IIAtbaw-2515 COAST .OVI.EVAJII) COaolfA DEL MAll DIRECTORY II1JSlC Final Cleara Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evening Claaea tor Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Ire-, Cull, atria, Hall, Swealen, .,_.1111 Dr- Drastic Reductions Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 419 NEWPOM' BLVD. Newport Beadl Practfce limited to Dlaeawa of Ear, Noee, Throat; Allero Office Ho. UJ"': by appointment Uberty 8·5433 or 8·2237 Friendly Nelchborhood Service ParkefrRidley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Chapel 110 Broadway U 8-3433 1r 8-MM eo.ta Keu NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES s..tnc u.. llarbcw ArM Baltz Mortuary CILU'EL BY TilE stA Hatbor G _,E. eo.. ....,.,..., Ootoaa ... ,lfar Baltz Mortuary u:a.mt 11'111,. ~. c.u ..... AIIIPI..a P~G • 10'1"8 LOCA'IIOitl ... AmDIT-aar D IID..I'I'l<*i8Dr ~Jlted by OUIIaa COAft cor • ma In cooperation with llcabol' Coa.lldl .. ..._._ Ta 1 &t:W Alii deUeU JIUf. Ifill. ~-TIM • ,. IDI ., ..._... llecdtb.• JAJf. lllt.. "'Dtactplt-.• JIUf. IIIIa.. ............. to Qtt'C ratw.atloa ~ .... -na. 4tb. "'Accndat to u .. Togctller Ia tiM J'a.Jly. Mn. IUiae 0. 0.... ~ M ... Malll ldaMl. Rnrpodal..S. Tllla t:au :OD .... irn19f,t\• Made,_ Announcement: We are now operating all our sales and service departments a1 our NEW location on "Mariners' Mile," 3100 WNt Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH You are in vi ted to our Grand Opening and Open House, Sa1urday, January 22nd., between the hours of 9:00 a .m. and 9:00 p .m. THEODORE ROBINS, "Your Ford Dealer" See The Most Beautiful Cafs in 'The World atthe3rd Annual -alboa Bay Club AUTO SUO SA~RDAY.JANUARY15 SU Y. JANUARY 16 .. . COMPARE PREVIEW: * . 111&4 ..... ..., all the new 1955 models, domestic and for- eign. They contain the grem.t changes in the history of the automotiTe incluatry! It is expected that some new models, ached- uled for reqular national showing later in the month, wili be seen for the FIRST TIME in Southern California at the BBC Auto Show! * QUICK 24 HOUR SERV1CE LOW LOW "REOUCIN&•• INTEREST RA. TiS EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE IJUY TRUn DEEDS ON Will LOCATID HOWES LAGUNA lEES IOOAIIGal-~ II. Jl[ea.. Dedy, IDCIDQ9eJ' of tbe loath. era Couatt. Caa Co. Orcmp Couaty Dl.t.aoa. wW ... the JOO.GDOtb metw baatcllled Ill hla tStftaloD today. Tbunday at the 8oaale .... lllOdel bolae lD lcmtk19o Cia. Scmtcr AAa. A poctuate o1 tile Ull!wnlty of CciWonUa at a.r~ra~ey. Mr. Ea......, .... t to W'OI1l •• the gaa Co. Ia Scm1a Moa&ar Ia 112'7. ly Aagut. 1-. be boct bMa pi'OIIDoted to •em ,... of the CCIIDpaay'a IIGU'Oricl l)la.. trict. Ppm Jaly ..... 1111tll be took Ilia .,....t PMJtioa lD IKS. be .......S as IDCIIIO!rK of U.. atWty'a VeataJa cmcl Qea.. era1 Plpellae d1ltrtct&. , FEDERAL SAVIN&S l LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oceaft Aven.,. LAGUNA BEACH rtto... HY 4-1 177 • lot'~ 't13! 6Yelt SILYII KING IATTEIY POl ANY CAl" .., ................. ..,,,.,..._ Liberty 8-6411 1871 Harbor Boule•ard COITA IIUA EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-UP J , ••• Oil · ~To Date-1 cmd 12 Volt Equip1wDt. l'aclorr trftlneCJ .... with eada ... cw. 20 J'&GI•......,. ~a -.Jcib. . ·~,. ... I.L u. ...... l Funeral -·•-1111' Mra. BlaDCbe Lou.IM ~.II, ot-~ollowfna penona uw ,.. •a.&w. cta.. tor thoee requlrlna Grand CanaJ, ..._ lalaDd. c.atJy ,1otMd the lfcwpwt Bar~ ta.truct.lon or da:lrlous of Learn-were held Jan. S bl tM a.Jtl bar Lutha'an con.,..&doa. Pu-inc more about the Lutheran Mortuary, Corona ~~ Ku, con. w ~ B. Groaluod u. t&lth, wflJ becln Jan. 24.. ducted by Rev. OonaW Sapp pu. nou"'*: Mr. and IDa. Ala MD· Tbe ac:rament o! Baptiam, ad-\or ol the BaJboa laland CclcD- Ier, ~-and Mrs. J.....,. 8ta.l\ph11. mtnt.tered at the aame lerVice at munity Kethod&.t Ou.areh. Mr. and MIS. Laws ... White. W'hldl the new rMmberw Weft Mrs. Bakker d1ed Dec. 31 1n Mr. and Mrs. Jade Jlu:tkbardt. Neelved. wu atven to the fol-Hoac ~mor1.a.l Ho.p1tal. !be Mn. KarlJYD Al1eD. MD. Gladya 1~ cbJidren: June and Jane bad lived In the harbor uea for Bowman, and Pred PU8Cb ol Allen, twtn dauchten ot Major 10 years. She Ia •urvtvecl by two ec.ta lieu; Mr. and )ln. Cad and Mrs. Victor Allen: Kenneth er&nddauehten, Mrs. Blanche C. Altho!•, Mr. and MIS. lack and John StanphH, .ana of Mr. Duarte ot Kine City, CalU. and Towle and Mill. Eva Graham o! and Mrs. James StanphU; and Mrs. Beverly C. Taylor ot Palm Newport Beach; and Mr. and David, DenJse and Michael BaJ-. Springs and five ereat.grandcbll- Mn. Harry Bergh of Corot1a del beau, children of Mrs. Beverly dren. She was born In Knox • Mar. Barbeau. County, Winola. Th~ ~ ad~tl~ bring the ~====================~====~~=-==~========~ year's total of new adult mem- bers at the Newport Helpta COD· gregatJon to a 101. The next group of new members wU1 be received Jan. 30. The next In. * ED MANN AND Gas Company Will Connect Its I OO,OOOth Meter Today ln. lillie ......., ............... Funeral services for Mrs. Mat. tie Blackerby. 76, ot 204% Apo. lena Ave., Balboa laland. were held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29 In Wlnbleler Memorial Chapel, Santa Ana, with Rev. Donald G. Sapp, pastor of the I Balboa Island Community Meth- * MORRY SMITH WEEK END SPECIAL! n~n., Fri., Sat., .Ia 13, 14, IIIII A spectacular 131 per cent ln. crease In the number of meters served In Newport Beach In the last 10 years Is the record estab. ll.shed by the Southern Counties Gas Co. The 100,000th meter served by its Orange County division will be connected today, Thursday, by the gas compa ny celebrating a milestone in the development of Orange County. The "gold" meter will be connected at the opening of the Bonnie Seem model home In Santiago Glen In Santa Ana. The home features the latest "New Freedom" gas kitchen. County civic and business dJgnl- tarles have been Invited to the open house, according to Justin M . Kennedy, manager ot the gas company'a Orange County dJvi. slon. The Oranre County Division ls the company's fastest growing, Mr. Kennedy said, with nearly 50 per cent of meters expected to be connected durln1 1955 sched- uled to be made operative tn thJs dlvlalon. "While Southern Coun- tlH Gu Co. has been an Orange LECAL KOTJCE No. A·24990 KOTJCZ TO CIIED11'0U ESTATE OF H.utRY WELCH, DECEASED. KOTICZ IS HOCBY GIVER to the cred.tton of and all perama havtnr clalma acalrult the said decedent or saJd' estate to ftle them with the necessary vouch- en In the olllce of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of CallfomJa, or to present the same, with the necessary vouchers. to the under- signed at hls or her place ot business. to-wit: c/o Harry L. Blodgett 3016~ West Newport Blvd Newport Beach. CaJlf. within six months after the first publication of this notice. Dated December 23, 1954 ULLIAN A. WELCH Executrix of the Estate of said decendent. Publish: Dec. 30, Jan. 6-13.20. In The Newport Harbor Ensign. CEa'I'IPICATE OP 8DSJRESS Fictltloua Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do b~ by certify that they are conduc. tine a Stationery business at 306 Main St.. Balboa, under the tlctltioua tlnn name of Blue Sa1b StatJonen and that said firm ll compoeed of the folowtnr per· eona whoee names In tun and place of ,_dance are u follows, to-wit: Ka.rvtn D. Pratt. 615 Hartford St.. BuntJncton leach. Calif. Lu- cille M.. Pratt. 115 Hartford St., RunUngto.n Beach, Cal11. WITNESS our handa thla 14th day of December. 1954. MARVIN D. PRATI' LUCILLE M. PRATI' STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUJ'f'TY ORANGE ON THJS 14th day of Decem- ber, 1151. before me, a Notary PubJJc ln and for I&Jd county and .tate, relldlna,t.heretn. d uly ~Md and awom. penon. ..U7 appeared Marvin D. Pratt and LadUe M. Pratt known to nae to be the pewona wbaee Da.IDIM are •becrtbecl to the WlthlA tnatnnJMont, and ac:knowl- iMtlid to me th.at tbt:Y uec:uted ........ WitNESS IQY band and offi.. c:MIIII!&.l. IU.ft A. R.AAPA ~ "-Wtc ill and tor I&Jd Qaialr 011 ..... IIJ ,........... ..... 1\llJ lta ......... : Dee. ... Ju. .. u. ID tiM N~ Ba:b« EDalp. (With Purchcue of Oil Change or 10 gaJa. Gaa) A "SUPER .. County 'resident' since February, 1911, at which tlmt> It bought the Orange County and Home gas companies and gas proper ties of the Southern Calltornla Edison Co., Ita growth has been most spe<1acular In the last 10 year," Mr. Kennedy .said. odist Church, otticlatlng. 1 Mrs. Blackerby dJed Dec.~ tn Boag Memorial Hospital after a short Illness. A native ot lowa, she had Jived In California for 12 years. She 1s survived by a son, ChaJiner T. Bull of Santa Ana, tour daughters In lndJana, Oklahoma and Missouri, tour grandchOdren and five great. grandctlfldrftl. WASH JOB c ONLY Guy W. Wadsworth Jr .. presi. dent and general managt>r of the gas company, will be present at the Bonnie Seem open house along with other oftlcals. "SUPER SHELL SERVICE" * SOW 80UI TO CJlOPTS A 800. 8 lk, 10 en., wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Don 0 . Croft of 174 Broadway, Costa Mesa, in St. Jowpb Boepital on Thursday, Dee. 2. MOVES P'llOK WEWPOIIT MANN'S SHEll SERVICE STAnON • I I I ! i ~ i I Mr. and M.ra. E. B. Fish have moved from U5 38th St.. New. port. 4.24 Cocta Me:u St., Costa Mesa. •1 ~ fil"•at c-delM• What's new with Chevrolet ... everything! ' '"' Here are just a few of the featurea that make the t 9SS (l)evrolet an utterly new lind of car. It il a low~ c:ar. wilb low~ JUOliDe ec:ooomy and maio'"''""' But m ~ e.11e It rlnlil dile a..-m 11tJtia1. lwldliDa a.. rid.i.D& comton. ~ a filii ,.. of ~ ..... _. *"-,._ Oall • ta..,..._ .._ _.. .,. •• he ...._ ,_.. .. ...._ B New 162-h.p. -r'urbo-Fi.re vr eoame bu ultnHbort stroke. I to I compreaion ratio. "Outriuer" r-ear sprinp are Jet widir apart to remt body- roll. permits lower frame. Tabeleu tire. are Jt&ndard oo all models. of- fer more pro- tcctioo .,.ma blowouu. 6 New •Blue-Flame 12l" enpoe bas m..cyl.inda ecooomy, bct1er .............. &Dd tubricataon. ~ ! -------:--------------------··-··---- G lide-Ride front suspension with spberica.l JOints civea JOftcr ftexina ova-bumps. ~.-! Anti-Dive bnkina control checks tcndtncy of front end to ooac-down dunna fast stops. keeps car •beads up.· ~-------------··· : ·····-· ~--------.................... --·····---········· ····-- I ~ ~ i • 01 .. area ia up to II per cent • p-caler 10 dl1 puaen,en act a ! broeder paooramL ··-----···---- 1 I l2vOLTS I : I 1-YOit electrical JYStem ~ i easier wi.oter IW1ina. hilbet • • : HOTCHKISS : ~ . : DRIVE : • • • HOTCHKISS DRlVE lets r-ear • i Lower center of p-anty pro-: apnnp a~rb acalerauon and ! New.,.oocb-Down"~• 1 vldes Jl"Uta" autrilny oo ~ • bn.t.a.oa lblusts and loVi'U'S lht • transmission rectuc. ~ 1 benu roed..boidina • cemcr of p-avJty. • ~Peed l2 per ClaiL • • I ·······················--------------------~ i Bodies ate wider inside. with 1n0re room foe hips. hats aod aboukkn.. both front aDd rear ·--····---·····-···-····----·-.··-··-----------·---4 ; voltaae for aU speeds. , !--·-··-· ·------··. ····-----------····: ! . i Hiab ...... •••tila-tioa hltab at b .. ot •i•d•"•" picta •1 cleaaer atr abo ... roM tu-. Oftr..U bdPt il cut u IIIDCb as 6 iDc:ba without any DCrilc:e of bcadroc.a tor paae:qera. .o Neow............_.IW .... ....wida ....... ..., ..... lUiie tt . ). ALL4 COLORS 35~- ---------- motoran1ic Chevrolet , ~ NEY COrtCEPT OF LOW·COST MOTOkiNG, • MILLER HtiVROLtiT CO. 1000 W. eo.t lllgllwuf. Newpad IMda . I . ! , .lll:lrta ~ WW lttabd LuncheOn -~------------------ =·E.E.E ~f?'o.SE AS a Youngster in Jeilns . t·lght the·lr l•lfe w•lth 'ZJ.itl..l& .. ,,.,. ~ to atted the pfta1 and U.. Jfat.lonal 8odet7 ot :J' U ~I ~~~ .,_...·auual ~ f&ahJcm Q1ppled OUlctren and A4ulta. Both the olct and MW ,.u ltNc* U be wu trt.DIIfanDid llhow to be held on Wecm.dQ, Jln. Martin Kan-'d abo plan~ w~re repreeented at a '!few Yeu'a Jato a ,...n..,... with roUect up ••• .... Y or GOD ~'tar aAftJIT ClafiiCII .hb. 2. at the .Ambuudor Hotel. .... Eve party held at the home ot ,.._ ... all the ~ In-._. ... & ..._ • ..._ 0....._ lata AM a ... • Ill r '"r Mra. WWJ&m n.,.. a mte 'ot. to drl" up with Mveral 80f0rlty Mr. and Mra. lame. G. DUn&'· duM--• -.ab ... , bottle. - _ ................ • L• lltl" I-M1 o.e. ,._ ,..--.t--..a~c~e fro th Or ..... ~ 1 -... .__ • ••u t II. C:. a..... ,_.. · .... '· & •• &e ot tM eroup Who hu re-~-and uK&a m e · worth on the Cbrs.tmu dec· lt wu na111 a double double UllldJI..JPJI ~ ...._.. t:ao LIIL W«· Sundar ~..:~L "::.._. c:ently moved to Corona del Mar, ana-County Ahtmnae aroup. orated Belvue Lane In BaJboa. eea-.Uon becau.. Mt8. stabler ...._. -... ,__ L lkaut ~p: 10~~ .::' difO~a ~:: \f'«<h~~;.:M The mythical old year came tn broupt a ...,n.e blrthdQ eu. IUJQ)AY: Monaln&' WOJ'Ihi.P, t :ao ~;i:li'"'.& IWl. Kid· p.m.. Baptilt Tra1nln&' bnJon; the peraon ol Dr. Harold Stabler 1« tb• hoet, and one ot the an4 U a.m.; Church &!hool, ..-...._.Wed~ 7:.30 7:30 p.m., ~ Sen1ce. -·· A luttrous dressed In nleht ahl.rt. cap and IUeltl. O..p NWe, both ot t :ao and U :OO; Sr. Blah Pellow. p.m. La~ ia.tot.uy COuA· Weclne8d.,: 7:.30 p.m., J'H.Y•· candle, but when the clock whom bad lanuaey 2 birthdays. atllp, 7 p.m.; Collep ap fel. itU. 1'1l~ 10:00 a.m. PraiM and Bib .. Stucty. MOD· Cbaradte and maklna HOOrdl lowehlp, 7:30 p.m. -'l'UE8. day: 7:30 p.m. Men'• Choru. were even.tna dlvenlone unUI Prayer, muty IJ'OUp, t :ao a.m. uvuaa DAY A»YDUSI ~~t~n::ao p.m. Men'• Coanes Hold mtdntaht eupper wu ~rved. ....,... ai9C. • ..... lt.. COII'IIIUMIH WI..... ·~ •• ..,_ Open House Cuesta at the party Included ao w. IIIIa 1t.. c.... ,._ Ulli9ltt' 1-1111 Mr. and M.ra. Richard Lanelere, . UIIMtl ..._. a... D. D. 11 • ..._ M.r. and 10'&. MUla, Mr. and Mrl. -... J ..... W. ........ Satu.rda.Y Mom.Jnc Senic:.: Sab· WUlJam Finch and the Stahlen, Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. OlU!dl Sun· . bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· Christmas Is the time lor all of the Harbor area, and Mr. day School; 9:30 and U:OO moo: U :OO a.m. Pray• meet· family, friends and ol>en hou.e and Mrs. Thurman Colarove of ~rn-e:!~~~ ~ lna: Wedneeday. 8:00 p.m. Frt· at the Clinton Coane home at 106 Santa Ana and Miss Eunice p.m. BJ~Scbool MYF Service; a.1 EYenlna Ve.pen: 8:00. Agate Ave., Balboa Is 1 and . Crooke of Palm Sprlnrs. 7 p.m.. "Sunerrou.a Gl'oup Serv· caoaca .. tiM •ADnn Among the special guests this lee. •• • ......._ lt.. C.... .._ year were Mrs. Coane'a aunt and ...._, a... cu... WJII'-• uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nick-Welfare Work l!!!!Qd!!...*'ft..Ol..~ I.DertF 1-7111 .,_ .. ool erson; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -~ Sunday Services: Sunday .,.;u • George Pratt; her dauahter and D. !DI8~ 1-115'!~~---9:30 a.m. Momlnl Wonblp at • R rt M d -..... " --10:30 a.m. Evanjell.ltSe Serv· son In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald e p 0 a e Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. Bible kle, 7 p.m. Sunct.Y. Prayer Stetrensen: and Rev. and Mrs. study; 11 a.m. morning wor· meettnr, 7:30 p.m. Wedn.aay. Donald Sapp. ahlp; 7 p.m. evenJne ~rvlce. The . Nlckersons are spendJng WeUare activities ol the Juplor Midweek s e.r vIce • 7 p.m . Assistance League were reported Wednesday. tht-winter at 127 Apolel)a Ave., upon at the December board Balboa Island, on vacation from meeting held at the home of Mrs. tht'lr Orleans, Mass., hotne on Robert Thomas of Corona del Cape Cod. Highlight ol the holl-Mar. days for Freeman (Buddy) Coane, was a skllng trip to Mon. mouth Lake. The Clayton Deanes Visit Redlands, Former Home It was like old home week for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton H. Deane ot 209 32nd St., Newport Beach, wh('n they s pent the holidays In Redlands where they had lived tor 27 years. While they were there the Deanes stayed with their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. B1llock. Son From Texas Visits The Cecil Martins of B.I. Mrs. Norman Gamble, pres!. dent, turned the meeting over to Mrs. Louis Libbey, welfare chair. mJln, who said that the Junior League was taking care of 17 families at Christmas time with ba!kets of food, and toys tor the cbUdren. She reported that $200 had been turned over to Hoag Hospital to take care of a chlld weUare ca~ and that additional x.ray equipment for the League financed Dr. Robert Olander Deh- tal Clinic had been purchased. A report on the pre.Chrlstmu Candy Cane Ball Indicated that many of the group's philan- thropies are being made possible by the funds raised at this an. nual benefit party. CIDUST CBVJICB BT THE SEA Commwalty MetbodJ.at Balboa 81Yd. at 14tb St.. Jfewport IIAJ'bor 5221 Pastor: ••· Boy A. CarlaoD Sunday Worshlp, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9~5 a.m. Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIDM CB171lCB 1984 Or~..._ Costa ICeaa 1·1091 'Father Tllomaa J. Jrr..tD Suaday MCIIIMII at 7, I. I. 10 aDd 11 :30 a.m.. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00 a.m. -Conlesslon: Satur- days from 4:00 to 5:1S--7:00 to 8:15p.m. PDlST aAPnST CIIU'aCB O'P KEWPOBT lkdboa alYCL lltb & Court Ita.. Jfewport IIArtlor sw Liberty 1·30'72 Paatws Berbelt C. Jobuoa PDliT caoaca or CIDJST SCIDIIST 3303 VIa .t::r -..c11 Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun-day S e r v I c e : U :00 a.m. Wednesday Eventnr MeetJnr: 8:00. Readlnr Room, 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·S p.m. week d.,., 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. UJfJVEUALIJT COIOIUJOTT nLLOWIJIIJ EbeUC1111*oue SIS W. lkdboa a1YCL Balboa MlDJater: BeY. 'P. W. JUav-Sunday School, 10:30 a .ni. Mom. lng worship, 11:00 a .m. P1llST SOtrniED BAPTIST cauaca 800 W. JlaiDUtoe St.. Coeta M..a Llbertr ... .. .__, Dr. JUdaard .. .... Sunday IChool, 9:45 a.m.; church service 10:50 a.m. Trainlnr Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventnr worsh ip 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach- ers and oftlce1'11 meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday. Prayer ~rvlce and Bible etudy 8 p.m. Wednesday. cao11t11 or on LADY or liT. CAIIIOI. .................... pwi ........ r..._ =s.!""' ...._ r..._ ._ ., ... Sund.,. ...._.: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Conteuton: Sat· urdays and eves. of bt Friday. and Holy Day~ from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and ftom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Maa 8:00 a .m. 1'tnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Tuesday. 7:45 p.m. CiiJWJT LUTDUJf CII'OJICII or COITA MUA (lllunarl:;;:-11) -'-t-lfcdL eo.ta Pastol'r ... Letlaar TOCDOW Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. S'l'. JAJOI EJIIBOOPAL J201 VIa Lido. Jfewpolrt hacla Mlalatws ............... WbMW IIAtbcw 1230 Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, 11 a.m. Monilnr Prayeri 9:30 a.m. Registration foe Sunaay School Thursday Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Com· munJon. ST. JOD VIAJIKET 315 llculDe A"'-lkdboa lalCIDCS IIAibol' OIIC ratber I~ K~. PasW Patbew ~I Cll!ltV8 Sunday Muses: 7:00 a.m. 6 9:00 a.m. Co~ton: Saturday• and eves. ol bt Frid.,s and Holy DaYJ ; 7:30 to 8 :00 p.m.; Flnrt Friday Mus 8 a.m. CZIIT1IAL auLa CIIVBCB ~A""' at lard St. c:o.t. II..., Liberty 1-s= A. A. ltedlln. ..... blend of pim• cotton •nd nylon t•stefully trimm•d with 9rosgr•ln boW1 •11<1 w•fer-li•• cover.d buttons A New Year visitor at the home ot Mr. a nd Mrs. Cecil F. Martin, 116 Apolena Ave., Balboa Island, was their son, Norman Martin of San Antpnio, Texas. Since the vl.slt to hls parents, Mr. Martin has been attending a convention at the Huntington Hotel In Pasadena. Parties Held By Harpers Sunday services: 9:45 a.m .. Sun- day School; 11:00 a.m .• Wor· ahlp S«vlce; 7:30 p.m. Sunday evenJnr ~ e r vI c e ; Mid· Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meet.ln&'. KEWIOIIT BUBOa LVTIIEL\Jf CIIU'aCB 2501 CWf Dr .. Jfewport Belglab The two.week holiday between Uberty 14a1 school classes was a chance to do a... llobelt Cnalaad some entertaining for teachers, Early servfce, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; coaoxA Dr•. "Mu COIIIIVMITY CIIVBql C•pafatl•ld 111 .. Uotro~Mt A""' ~SD7 . PaatOI's a... hal £4ward aal*tt Sunday Wonhlp Servioe.: 9:45 a.m., 11 :00 a.m. Sunday School: t :45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom- Ina Servl<:!t 11 :00; Evenlnr Servtce. 7:~. MJd-week Sefv. Ice. Wedneeday. 7:30 p.m. IU.L.oA IILAJfD COIIMVIfiT'f IIETIIODIS'T 115 = ............ laW ........ ~ .... One of e collection of lovely l'Aiqlons .from $14.95 to $22.95 CORONA D E L MAR FllST CHURCH OF CHliST SCIENTIST llOl V'.. LW., Newpert leeQ A brendl of th. ~other Cbwrch, The Ant Chwdl of Christ, Sdefttlat, ie a- tOll, Me~ S..nd•y School 9:15 e..m. Sulld•y Service ___ I I:()() e.lft. W.dn..d•y Evening ~Htinq 8:00p.m. Reeding ltoom locet.d et )) 15 Vi• lido, Newport S .. ch, is open week deys from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m., W.dnetd•ys from 10:00 •.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fridey ~ni1191 from 7:00 p.m. to UJO p.m. Closed Holideys. The public Ia cordielly invit.d to et- tenc:l the church aervicet end UM tfle Re.dinq Room. NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Corona del Mar, California Statement of Condition DECEMBER 31. 1954 JlESOVBCES Cash on Hand and In Banks ... .$ 850,319.31 U. S. Government Securities -.... 1,782,584.19 Municipal Bonds ............................ 309,995.49 Loans and Discounts .......... --···-1,437.821.52 Furniture, Fixtures .t Equipment 35,497.15• Other Amlets .................................... 3.135.73 $4.419.353.39 LLUILlTIES Capital Stock (Common ) ---· $ 105,000.00 Surplus ............ ·-·-··-· ........ -...... • 70,000.00 UndJvtded Profits ... _................... 39~.07 &e.erves ... _ .... __ .............. -......... 29.246.17 Unearned Interest .......................... 35,131.20 Deposits: Commercial ..._ .. $2,768,544.49 Savtnp ···-···--·---997,734.47 Publtc Funds ...... 305,000.00 U. S. GoV'm't --66,758.51 4,138,037.47 Other LlabUitles ·---·----... 2,675.48 NEWPORT HARBOR BANI OPENED FOB BUSINESS MARCH 1 4 , 1141 Deposits. December 31, 1!M9---·-·--------........ --t1,388,130.17 Depoclta, December 31. 1~-.. --·------··-·--·--·---2.112.814.7• Depoelta. "-ber 31. 1951 2,G3,.,..M ~.... . ··-118 -Depolltl, December 31, 1952..--.. ----·---··-·--~~-----· o.poatta, December 31. 1953. .. .. ., Depolltl, Deeember 31. 1854 ~.41 OFFICEBI AND DIRECIOD Mr. and Mrs. Hueston Harper of Chwcb School, 9:30 a.m.; wor· 4300 w. Ocean Fron• Newport. ahlp ~rvtce, U :OO a.m.; Luther " ~arue, 7;30 p.m. On the Tuesday alter Chrlmnu they had a dl-..r for twelve. ln· Tid. Dk• d a f .. mCMie f ..... cludJnr Dr. and Mrs. Paul Buss or Santa Ana. Dr. and Mrs. James WOODW0RTH PIANO SHO, Thornton of Shore CUrts. Mr. and Exclut~tve Arent foe Baldwin Pianos Mrs. George Guthrie of Balboa 2610 E. Coast Hwy. Har. 3312 Corona cW Mar Island. Mr. a nd Mrs. James REE-STIK Wiley and Dr. and Mrs. Norman Watlon of Newport Heights. No Tacks ... No Tape ... No Paste Friends who helped them wel-2229 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar come In the New Year at their NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN NEWSPAPER Newport ocean lront home were Prlntlng-Advertt.sinr-Local News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kest, Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Mr. and 2850 E. C~ Hwy. Har. 1114 Corona del Mar Mrs. James Pitton and Charles NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Lewis of the Harbor Area. The Walter Longmoors Return from Pc:rlo Alto The Walter Longmoors of 254 Drlltwood, Shore CUffs, recently r e t u r n e d from spending the Christmas hoJJdays With their daufbter and ac>n-ln-Jaw, Mr. and Mn. C. J. Tanr ot Palo Alto, 3435 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 3366 Via Udo Newport Beadt SYMPSON & NOUAR Paintlnr and Decoratln& . 512 38tft St. Harbor 2404 ' Newport Beadt We've .NOW IN OUR . NEW I LOCATION :· Sunct., ~: t:ao a. m. Cbwcb School; 9;30 and U:OO a.m.. Wonblp Setv1ce. GENERAL SHEff METAL WORKS 405 30th Str.et H.tw 2210 Newport a..dt THOMAS MOIIL SERVICE Wublnr -PolJihln&' 1500 W. Balboa .. Hw. 1615-W N.wport INdt BAlBOA BAY CLUB 1221 W. c~st Highway Newport S..dt RICHARD'S UDO MARKET Oranre County'a Moc'f Complete Market 3433 Via Udo Harbor 2121 Newport hadt EARL W. STANLEY, RMI+ot SeUlnr Newport Harbor Since 1935 Main Offece Balboa lslancl Harbor tns STAFFORD & SON E1ectrtc lnst:aUatJons. M'aintenance, Repaln 110 Riverdde Ave. U 1-1-459 Newport INch • •• Jlfew Nil ilanu at _, Boll1 In ~ on Holiday ~':· .. ~~ .... ~~!!!9.11.... llr ............ o. ~ ol · _........-~u uw -ar. 11Jt w . ......_ .,._, •..,cart. •• ................... bolJ. • ..., tD ••v" -... m.y lin. &alpla M.. Tan cJ o • ally Col..,.aw. lin. Boward mo and met tit* -. --· Oft a.n.t. optiM4 W llorM at-Vla U6» ,Mn. lrv1q Watcher • .. ~ ,.._ o-•-Ua.Jo ._..,Lido.._...,.,.....,_ tM lin. ()rwtDe ltewut, ,.-dent. ._ 18 Cillo. 'l"be ~ .....,.,, ••~~"•• cif tU •JPU. ud Mn. ~ ea., poured for .,.. ......... .,..,.. ......... Cbtl .. ol tM ....... tM. la ~ fte7 "-~&.a • monel llillpltal Awd.Uaf7. ~ JCn.. Joe E. PNtntncer and M:ra. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~:--~flll~a~M=If::IM:ew~la~Ka.nlu:::ltq hoeC 11 ... Mn. DclnaW WatdMr bad,qualWecl fot't.be Qtr. J.OO.bOUr la ..-vb cliiUnetlon, ,A cJ S • ....._ -....rt unounoe4. Gtaa..S "'" rea Wain fWl _.._..lp In the ehape. elearaaee ...... .,...., &1111 * Imported c:hiDa ctilmerware Imported pottery glfta Stemware from HoUand Stearware from Sweden Dutch ~ figuriDM Handblown crystal decanter Swe<Uah crystal decorati•e pi.ec" Italian wooden pepper mill & salt M t Dcmiah pewter Metal bread trays SerriDg trays Imported and domestic bar acceuories Not returnable e No mall or phone * I E d after havtq complete provl*la· $ ngage al lloun ... Mm• Jack II. Confdon, ladl Garnaua, Clatl• Heart~ took preeedenee ov« A. Lamb, blph M. TandowtkY, belli thla bolt~y wuon fot Mt.. Howard I Lewis, Jud.lon Suther- Andlea Swaln of Balboa Wand land an11 John w~t>~rter. Provt- and Donald H. Unele m of Ful-atonal members presented to th~ lerton, whoee encalement wu eroup I ,n c 1 u d e d Mmes. John announced bJ the parenta of the Quint. J'randa Daw110n, Nadine bride-to-be, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Copl~n •• D. Douelu Ferry, John Swaln of 422 Apolena Ave., Bal· Knapp, Madeline Rowe and John boa laland. Hla SwaJn'a flanee C. Swartz. la the 10n of Mr. and Mrs. Don-Mrs. Donald Colegrov~. ways ald H. Unele of Fullmon. form-and m~ana chairman, gave a re- «IY of Balboa laland. port on second annual seles of Both of th~ youne people at. book revlewa by Edna Stearns tended Newport Harbor High Dayton, whlch th~ chapter Ia School and both are stud~nta at sponlklrlne. The first review 1s Pomona Coll~ge. Andrea ob-scheduled for Feb. 24 in the Udo aerved the college tradition of Th~ater. Ticket aales are In the paulne chocolates to th~ efrla hands of Mra. Hal Dike. Funds and revealed plans for a F~b-raised wtll be used for th~ tumor ruary w~ding. board of Hoae hospital. Ebell Notes IECTJOR I MEETI ILLDfOII GOUTS BED For the ttnt time ln 18 years Mra. Lowell Newlon of Corona del Mar had Chrlatmu wtth her parent&. Mr. and Mra. Charles F. Wllllama of Normal, Ill. The WUJiarM' v1sl~ th~ Newlon famlly for Chrlatmu and re- mained to take In the slghU of Southern California. Ebell Book Section I meets today at the home of E~ll Presi- dent. Mn. Nlcholu BrettnH, 2461 Marino Dr .• Bay Shore. for 1 p.m. deaert. Th~ book review will be Mrs. G4mrude Carpenter and Mrs. H. L. Parkfi. CAJ'II'I"aAJfO 'nU PLARWEJ? TOIOIY VDm PAU.Jn'S Luncheon at th~ Capistrano Tommy Foster of Corona d~l Beachcombers Club has been Mar returned th~ day before New planned for the Procressors Year's from a holiday visit wtth GToup of Ebell for next Wednes-his parents. Mr. and Mrs.. S. A. day. Following the luncheon, Foster, In Seattle. Tommy made colored tums of forelen lands the trip by air. STAMM VUlT SOR 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wta gtrm "Now Mother and Father are anue ln their becta. and +talon. of bankruptcy dance throueh their heads." I quote the lut two llnes of a poem titled, .. 'Tia Ule Day after Christmas" appeatine 11Jt1. J()a&J'II mGCa (..._.), _..ly taut.1W I rldMt oj 0.. ln the current laue of Mc:CaJJ'a W--'• A..t"-y ef •t. )--E.._,rpad a.~ eccapta tiM magazin~. = .._ , ...... ; I I st. lin. Wlt.lt.ey a. Wnpt. The _.. * * * wlaic:ll will...-..._. .. 115&. lonBcdly took otfke at OM Ah January! The busted bude· w .... •• A1l:ld1Jiay ••.USW ....-day. (Euip Photo) et month . . . Th~ month Mrs. Riggs Takes Over As ~~w!::"!dn:-~:s w~~~ ~ H d f s NecessJtJes! That's ua! Food! Ya ea o t. James Auxiliary ::~aneda~~:e":r:a~o;~k~ ~ The January meetlne of the wlll remain on the board In &n You don't want nuthln but top Women's Auxiliary of St. lames adviiOry capacity, and th~ flv~ quality and you want tboee extra Episcopal Church held yestftday area Guild ch&lnn~n will also little f&ncy tJdbltl you're U8ed to (WMPesdayl at th~ Pa.rlsb Ball bt> with the board. hav1n alone with your meat'n was not only tb~ beJinnJne of ;=;;.;.;;;,;,;;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;,;,;;;,;,;;;,;,;;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;~ potatoes · · · t1.me out for a 1955 for Mrs. Joseph Rlcp of coupon · · · Balboa Island and th~ new of fleers lnstalleod with her. but uie bt>tlnnlng of a t;wo year t~ of office. Mrs. Whitney B. Wrtebt. re- tiring president. handed over the eav~l and oftlclally Install~ Mrs. Rlep ln her new otflce alone wtth th~ other new l~aders of the eroup, who are. Mrs. Harry Casey. vtce p res I d e n t ; Mrs. Thomas Frost. ~; and 1 Mn. H~nry B~drie, treasurer. Committee members named to the Awrlllary Board by th~ presl dent at yesterday's meeting, will be Mrs. Harold Beck. United Fel lowshlp Day Chairman; Mrs. Harry Felllnge, publicity; Mrs. Marshall Keeler. education and Christian relations: M4f. Danl~l Pattison. supply; Mrs.. Arther Aune. periodical; Mrs. Jack Pink RBI~ RELAX! Ask About Our 19S5 CONTFSr ..... ..,t .. -you ..a. lag u.t. I WMil4 W. to ....... ......... hatry .... ~ ( ) a-tie ... ...._ T-.. WeCL Week •d 1111:'•'• ( ) Name ......................... ---·-.. . Addre!la . ··-· . ..._ .. _ .. ___ , ··-· &Ieiiani'• Lido 11..-t Dalpt. a Rewpod a..ta. Ccd.U. ~ EAST COAST IIW'f, t:JO.$al0 COIIORA DEL 110 ()pea SUIIdaya wlll be shown by Mrs.. Dorothy McK~nna. Reservation commit- tee Includes Mrs. E. A. Rogers. Mrs. Amelia Gamble and Mrs. Herbert BUU. The Joe Stamp Srs. of Balboa Island spent Christmas In the Los Angelea area with the Joe ham. devotions; Mrs. Jerry Hall. Altar Guild; and Mrs. Beatrice Abell. wedding hostess. Past president. Mrs. Wright . YOU aa1C)ht be tiM wtaa.r of a Wetime welpt e»etl'ol PI:-- Our Pantry Newa Letter co~ out onee a month and conalsta of specla.1s on fancy, unusual foods. very rarely advertiJied ... Many are food ltf!J'D5 found here ~xclu­ slvely . . . These speclalll last for 30 days .. Gertie, who holds Clearance . . STARTS TIRSDAY, JAI. 13111 All 'T U'St Quality .. Merchandise -No Speqal Purchases! sPJ.;:o50~to 60% LiliES: Dr--. ~Dim Sundrean Req. 3.98 to 10.9S--SI99 to J499 Bobec Flannel and Seei'INcker -Req. 7.95. 8.95 -l OFF Sldrtll: 4.95 Denim. 5.95 Rayon & 10.95 Orion & Wool-199 and up ..,.... liDS & COLOD Ill ILOVSU. IOGIIT GOWRS. JAa:ETS. PAJAMAS. ...... I n--1 llalrtl .. ...u ..s ....................... ....,. Geed Mllltll .. Reg. 2.95 & 3.95--1.99 T Sblrta lf, to 1/a OFF . .. , ..• All I'-P1aiiDel SJah1a 1.98/2.39---1.39 Cottas ..... , IJliRI Reduced to ______ ..... 99c T~lleeft Reg. 3.95 __ ........ .1.99 • llrl'a • OOIIDUIIOY & QUILTED COVEIULLL naaua 5.95/6.95 -3.4913.99 DaDSEI AJO) JVIIftiiS 1/s to lf1 OFF Aa.o-aarbcda Table Poe Gld.l S,.U c:lotiMe CLOSING OUT LEATHER SHOES ........ _ .,.,. ...... WaaMDL Girlll. Boys-cmd Biv-Boy. 1/a to 'I• 0t1 ea.pweu..-. aao-ut~•••• All~....._ ... ......... . .. . ......, IMY 111J ITID II-' ' . y..._.M '~-_.• su ..... s~TA&& ,_ L1 1 1 wte-... muz , efllll Du tU ... -'PIIm IIIII Stamp Jra. ••• of soiial . note 3117 F-COCIIIt Highway CaroaadMMar ••••o• ,, •• ' . ., • Charmtnr. pleasantly comfortable, 2 bedroom A den home. Belt nelrbbochood. 1 bloek to the ocean trt. Some ot the m&ln featutn lnclude: expenllve w/w ca.rpetlnr, dl'aP" It curtains tbruout. c:lbp(ieal, D» wlrlnr and a very h omey t~Jac:e. Nearly 1300 IQ~ ft. and Pfteed at only $19,975. Be sure to stop by and aee thla home! THE VOGEL CO. &7 E. COAST BWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAB HARBOR 14'T7 We Invite You WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUC110N NINE DIVERSIJ''IED FLOOR PLANS To the hotne buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calllomla living. Offered exclu. sJve)y through Earl W. Stanley In a Smoe.Free area known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the nt-w lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. WHY IRVliE TEIRlCE? IRVINE TERRACE Is part of an 1864 addition to the Irvine Ranch which overlooks Newport Harbor. It Is on the last available tract of land that falls between the Coast Highway and N~rt Harbor. The Irvine Company has determined that this very valuable area be spared from the unplanned and characterless hous- Ing that has congested so much of the post-war South- land. It bas developed the Irvine Terrace plan to give the home owner many advantages including ... 1. Protection from gradual community deterioration or an eye.sore Innovation by an erratic neighbor. 2. Careful community planning tor maximum Indi- vidual privacy and a completely harmonious com. munlty. Irving Terrace offers each family the pleasure of "belonging" to one of the most desirable communities In the West. And ... there Is no smog. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPECTION PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FURTHER lNFORMATION OPEl HOUSE-12 ~ 5 , 280 EVEIIJII CUYOI ROAD, SHORE CUFFS TbJ.s la an outsta.ndin& bome 1D one 0( the rm.t COU!tal subdlvtslons In Southern Callfomla. Two la.r&e bedrooms, a den with ocean view and fireplace. large high beam ceiling and a huge fireplace In Jiving room. This home Is priced to sell. and must be sold OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY p. a. pall* iacor,tratH OLE HANSON CO. Sales Mgmt. 1700 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach U . 8 5573 OPEl HOUSE 202 DRinwOOD RD., SHORE CUFFS SUIDAY, JAI. 16-1 to 5 ,.m. Nelda 11~101, Realtor 306 MARINE AVE., BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 502 EVENING HARBOR 4493 J OPEl HOUSE-lEW Drive by 1988 Tuati1 Ate. 1 :30 p .m. to 4:30 p.m . or call for appointment 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. forced air heat. hardwood floors $13,800 T enns W . A . TOBIAS 393 E. SEVENTEENTH STREET Call Uberty 8-1139 lapiflceat Ylew of Ch11Mia1~ Ocu1 COSTA MESA from this CUff side home overlooking Cblna Cove. Com- pactly built. It has 3 bed'rms.. large llvina room with pegged plank noors. sunken dJn1ng rm .. corner bar, aundeck. Jt'a completely furnished and In perfect condi- tion. A beautltul home for artlatlc people. Call Herb Shaw at IIEEILEIF IIIIDIITEI HArbor~ 3112 Newport Blvd., l'fewpcct le.aeb on Balboa IalandT Minimum 7ard to keep up, double garap, beautltUJ ub panelled walb, parquet wood n oors. There b a lltUe work to be done, but you wUJ rup the profit. l'loyd Lowe ol Palo .Alto, UJe new prelldent ot the Calllomla ~al E.tattt AaiodatJon, ..W (JI. ttclally IDitaJJ Ut• 11155 ~ ot the Newport aa:rt. ..._.t:y Board at the ...,,alar IIIMkfaet meetinl of the poll~ t1a111 -.om. ling (Thunday) at tbt !Mne Coast Country Club. lotDJnt tiM local board fot the IJ)Klal mtft. Ina wUl be the Laruna an4 S.n Clemente Board.l, aecordlnr to Charles Hart, new Harbor pre.:l. c»nt. • ISUID RULn CO. Excellent Business Rental Available S...,. Corar Locatiol i• Elilp I IIWiq, Coroaa .... 11111111 ..... TIPIG 8F- ''Security, the Bacltbone ol Mental Health" wtU be tbe sub- ject ot a pa.renta meetJnf tomor- row, Friday, at 9 a.m.. In tbe Costa Mesa main achool 498 Park, Balboa lsland HA 3'T7 B1iiMr'a On H11111 +Modena. ArtUtlc Des1p J:rr the'Famoua Archl-.ct. Jolm Lloyd Wrl9bt For lD.formatloD call• write OWDer. a. Jl. D•••~l9 2231 lklyaJ~ DriYe. Corolla del lieu PbODe: Bcubor 7CM Read Enatgn Want Ad& 3 bedrms., 2 baths, den, din- Ing room on 2 lots on corner, So. of highway, Corona del Mar. Open for inspection at 415 Irls Ave. REJITALS FURNISHED APT .. pleasant sur roundlngs, aI ry conditions; adults, no pets. 610% Margue. rite. COM. COM-SOUTH of hwy., sunny 2. bedrm. gar. apt. tum. ln rock maple. T.V. antenna. good wardrobe and stOf'age space. Large patio, near schools. HA 1455-W. Check Sniping Clews CHARLES W. MASTERS Contractor HArbor 2941-J "Little lslaad" 2 Units, partly furnished: 3 bedrms., 2 baths. $28,600-T erma H~rbor 234 WALDROI REALTY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island REAL ESTATE FOB SALE ----- NEWPORT HEIGH1'S house, 2. bedrrn., 1 bath, db!. gar, small lot, fenced yard, disposal. u 8-6927. 8VSDfE.SS llEJIT AU NOW LEASING, avail. bus. or. flee space. center COM, suit· able for acct., dentist doctor, architect. lawyer. U 8-1526. 2·BEDRM. HOUSE with gar .. fur nace heat. $85 mo. yearly rental ; 500 Goldenrod, COM. u 8-4026. BACHELORAPT.. newly dec comp. furn., utll. pd. Yearly rental $45 mo.-!500% Golden rod, CDM. LJ 8-4026. CO RON A DEL MAR. 702 Begonia, deluxe 2.bedrm., unfurn. du plex; fireplace, forced air heat. h a r d w o o d floors. separate patio, no small children. Har bor 1684·R. Wlrn-nREPL.ACE modern 1 bedr .. 701 Iris, CD,!t Nicely and completely turn .• $85 mo., yrly. lease. HA 4318 or 4453. 1-BEDRM. furn. apt. for rent. utilities pd. $65 mo. yea.rly. COM HA 723. SPECIAL~ ROOMS and apart ments. $10 a week, children and pets welcome. Sandy's Motel. 2931 E. Coast Hwy., COM. HA 0591. LOUISE APTS. Carnation nr. Sea- view, COM. Modern fum. apt. Incl. utll. yrly. $50 single, $60 dbl. HA 4016. CDM·MUST SEE, Completely and beautiCully furn. corner apt. 2 Bedrm.. bath, kitchen and combination living and dlnlng room, garage, patio, disposal, fireplace. HA 2670 W. FOB SALE RATTAN LIVING room set, Kt>n· more electric range, blonde dining rm. set. braided rugs, chest of drawers. Reas., HA 3542·1\. MODERN 2.pc. living rm. setand eray w a 1 nut 8-pc. dining room set. HA :l937-W . OUR GREAT J anuary sale. $387 buys lovely Spinet. Standard m ake. Mirror type Spinet only $235. Baldwin Aerosonlc only $489. Practice pianos from $89 up. Baby Grands from $<195. Dozen of othe~. These lnstnr. ments are trade.tns and rental. returns. Many just like new. Beautiful electronic or g a n . Save $250. Dan.z..Schmldt Big Plano lz Organ Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. BUS. OFFICE, excel. 1oc. across HAMMOND OR-=G,....,A.N-=-=s,.... -A..,-1=1-m-od--:· St. from COM P. 0. Ideal for _BE_LP __ w_A.JITE. ___ D_______ els. One only aJJghtly used aJ. loan repres .. contractors, seam. most ll ... e n---....... J.~ ... ana.. SECRETARY to vice pres ident of "' ... ~. &u&S ·•:s •. r~· stress. art or jewelry bus. Utll. ..a 1. D---.,._.__.ta.o.. Ramm d Orange Coaat Junior Colleee. "'* -...~nuu' on pd.. only f'O per mo. Ben Whit. Mu.t be accurate> t)'plst, able Readquarten forOranre Coun. man HA 1882· to take fast accurate dictation. ty, ~ No. Main, Santa Ana. SJTUATIOJIS WAJITED Startlnat salary $260 per mo. BEAUTIFUL Electronic Organ REPAIR AND mal n ten an c e . painting, carpenter, etc. Just anything. Rea!$0nable Satlstac. tlon guaranteed. HA 0126-J. BABY SITI1NG, care of sick, in your home by mature COM woman. Day, night. Call before 10 a.m., alter 5 p.m. HA 3192-M. WA.JITE.D WANT DAILY ride downtown L.A. Hrs: 8 a .m. to 4 :45 p.m. Like join car pool or would organize own. Warren, HA 4016. 50 USED pianos wanted for our rental service. Trade In your old plano on new plano or t>lectronlc organ. High cash allowance. Danz-Schmidt Great January Plano Sale, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Apply lmmed. In person at blond case almost new. Must Bus. OU!ce ot College ott Fair sacrifice. One only. Big saving. vi~ Ave .. Costa Mesa. Danz Schmidt Great Sale, 520 AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN who =N::-:o,..,.=M:-::a:-:-i:-::n_. -:Sa,-,..n_ta-,-A_n,...a_._-:-:---: knows COM. to seU country's BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano, blond most popular car. Willingness just llke new save $200. Ma. to work systematically ftssen hogany Spinet slightly dam. tlal. Better than Av. compen. aged In shipment $487. Good satlon. Phone Dave VennUyea, practice pianos from $89, $94. HY 4.6547. $125, $175. See these at the REGISTERED NURSE for Dr's Great Danz.Schmldt PI a no oUice-Some typing. HA 3721. Sale. The big store, 520 No. Main, Santa Anll. 100 pianos. We have no branch stores. Gnus- WAITED We have openings at our Newport Beach office, 311 E. Balboa Blvd. tor TELEPBOJIE OPEL\TOBS . -Apply- be the topic for the Harbor VIew Elementary School PTA m@etlne on Tuesday evening with Fred Monday through Friday Huber, dean of men for Orange 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Coast College, prnentlng the 5141/1 Jl. llalD Sb'Mt. Jlm. 211 talk. Mothers and tathen are JCSCELLAJIEOVS Scmta ADa both Invited to the meeting, PACt.,..,.. rrw:>Y rpoONE which befiN at 7:30 p.m. $50 per mo rents good practJce ____ r_''--_•_ c.w.c.------------:--:-::::------- plano. All term rent allowed lt CAU FOa SALE CAaS FOa SALE you buy lat~. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano Sale, 520 No. Matn. Santa Ana. Great January Plano Sale. SEJIVJCE.S Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Ueef~Hd Contractor 511 30th St.. Newport Beadt HArbor 2418-W Liberty 8·6632 Ioiii Prljen'a POR RENT 8-MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projecton F AS1' OOLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Suppll• ... I?Zirl .. !f .. x..oe.tton 1-782 Newport Blvd .. eo.ta 11 ... ~ Ubertv 8-'7042 PAINTING Eul Sbeflln 273 Pa.lmer 8t......co.ta M ... Llbert:Y a.aa OOIIPI.ol:r'Z ·~o PAPD JLUODfG SD\'1<2 ...... .,...., EUC1:1m 0 . SAURDDS ' SOC) llil ...... x..... ....,.. .... • lllpl'l 1 l": I• ,-DIOIB~ n•••JiC!U'I .._ u ',. A Sneak· Preview If • II'IIHI .,..II UIM Car 1111111111 1118 , .. IMIF- 1-1111 ••• ..... * 6 cyl., custom. 4-dr. sedan. ........ -..... - V-8 cuatorn, 4-dr. sedan ...... --·-·-...... 5141 2-dr. Mdan, overdrive ........................ -· •t•· 6, 2-dr. sedan .. ·---···· ........................... • Country Mdan, R 6 B, Fordornatlc ~ ·- ..... 6 eyl.ltanch wacon ---...... -... 11• JNDYOR 18 CIOmMALLY DIV1'I"':D ro AJ JDb OUR OUJQ) OPI:ItU.O, JAM. 22 (Continued from Page 1) the upper right arm and upper right leg. The victim stated that the wounds were all made by one bull .. •t. When struck by the bul let. the victim was digging a post hole In the southeast cor ner of Bay Island, approximately 59 feet from the Cunningham rt>sldence. e SECOND SBOOTIJIC The officers contacted pollee headquarters and requested that a doctor be dispatched to the scene. The physician contacted asked that the victim be brought to his office nearby on the mnln lahd. While Pollee Srt. Earl Stoneback, on duty In head. quarters. was talking to the physician, the sergeant received a call that a second man was shot down. Officers In the Cunningham house said that approximately five minutes alter they arrived and while the first vlctJm was being questioned, three men in a small boat approached and fTan tlcaUy called tor help, atatlng that a second man .vas shot and an unknown person was tiring at them. • WEJIT TO AID VJC'I'JII The MCOnd vtctlm wu Phll JtUJner, 1J, Of 216 V1a ometo, Lido laltt, mflnber ot the crew ot actor Humphrey Bogart's boat, Santana. Kilmer had rushed to the aid ot the fl~t victim, along wtth Cunningham. Roy Rogers, Ray Camp ot Woodland Hills and Cui Petenon. skipper of .the San tana. After carrylns;: Cantu to the house and calling pollee. Peter son, Camp and Kilmer embarked In a small outboard motorboat In an attempt to find thf' ~rJOn re sponslble and to Inform him that his bullet had struck Cantu. They stUI believed that the shooting was accidental, the re- sult of a wild shot. When the trio was approxl. mately 150 yards !rom shore, KIJ. mer was struck by a bullet In CABS FOB SALE LOU REED ..,... ,., ..... ..s.u wen eoaat IIJ9bway lfewport 8eac:b WED Elfl) S•ECI.ALI LJrbt Blue-t door Mdan-m B.P. Powerfllte t ran a ., Radio, Beater, Sal• nnted Gla.a, W.S.W Urea ..• IIIJAIIL. tht-lower back, slightly above the left buttock. He teJJ to the bottom of the boat, and the other two men flattened out In t he boat. At no time waa the report ot a gun heard. the men said. How. ever, two more bullets were heard and seen to &trike the water ncar them after Kilmer had be hit. At this point the boat was headed for shore and safety. No assailant was seen, and only the whlnt-of the bul- lets was heard. e BOCAJIT CALLED Humphrey Bogart. who was staying at the Newport Harbor Yacnt Club at the time of the shooting, was called to the scent- after the second shooting. Both wounded men were taken by ambulance to Hoag MemorlaJ Hosplt&l. Oftllcals In the hospi- tal notified pollee at 10:55 p.m. that the bullet had t>Hn re- moved from Kilmer and would be avaJJable to the pollee In the morning. Otncers cleared people and ch lldren ott strHts In the area and set up a road block at 1:5th St. and Balboa Blvd. A hou.e to houae and boat to boat lJupec. tlon wu started In the a.rea by pollee and the barbclr depart- ment. It wu cSetermtned that thtt flrlbt came from tbe eabln cruiser, Backu& ownec:t by Wy. man Reisman of Los Angela, moored near 209 Edgewater Ave., Balboa. Ten empty .22 cartrld&M and a rttle acabbard were found on the boat. Search ing po11ce etta. covered that one of the abota went throu1h a window In the home of Hamid Bey ot 201 Edae- water. The sniper had made fOOd hla eacape. e a.tn.Z F()VJfl) 1R 8AT BetwHn 5:30 and 6 p.m. Thurs. day, Ottlcer Jerry Irwin dla- covered a .22 rltle In the trunk of a car driven by l'fell V. WIJ- llama of Balboa. William. was later cleared of any connection with the case. A .22 caitber rlfie was re- covered form the bay near the Backus by Olver Doug Hoaklns on Friday. The rifle had been stolen from the boat. At 12:10 a.m. Friday pollee had found a ..22 caliber rltle In the trunk of a car driven by Billy N. O'BrJe.n of611 Ca.rnatlon Ave., Corona del Mar. They held the run for poe- aible ballt.tlc. check. O'Brien aald he had been work:lnr In Santa Ana from 8:30 a.m. untU 5 p.m. the day before. Humphery Boaa.rt lett the Bar- bot on tbe Santana. Sunday on a cruiM. Ria wife, Lauren laealJ, had not been here durtna tbe In- cident. .. • J .. • . ,__ of c.r.mo.u.. !or tbe tw..&ly ~ ceW..U.t Nr. hinol aacl Mayw BJiL Tbe big actor. em old fneDd of tbe aton OWJMI', was ICbeduled to cut tbe rtbboa but a.bcl Mayor BUl to~ the cenaaooy. Mr. hinol Mid that mOr. \Jacm 5..000 penou atteAded tbe ope11lDg. (Eaalp Photo) HIIIJ Is C .. lr1111 of CIYII Semce CHURCHES Ed He&ly of Central Newport wu elected last week u chalr man of the Newport Beach Civil ~rvtce Comrnlplon. J{e aucceeds Harvey Pease ·of Balboa Island, who resign~ on completion of hls term. Other memben or the board are Kate McCann of Bal· boa laland and Lonnie Vincent of Balboa. 11.1. METHODIST CBUIICJI ''The Nature of the Friend. ship," the third In a series of snmons based upon Leslie D. Weatherhead's book. "The Tra ns- forming Friendship," will be given at both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. a.rvlces of worship Sun day at the Balboa ls.l&nd Community Methodist Church by Rev. Don- ald C. Sapp. MIKI MYERS Union Service Cjlu!,J~ PURNlTURE & GIFT SHOPS YEAR-END SALE! 50% OFF On Crtalal • c.,per • lrau • Fu1111tare And Many Other Items REDUCED to CLEAR! * At Both Stores * 0,.. ()pea A.M 5 OO P.M D ll 10:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Dally 10:()0 . to : · a Y Sun.-Mon. 10:00 A.M.-5:30P.M. • CBBISTUUf SCIEifCE CBU'BCB The lire giving heallngs ac compllshed by the Mast«.>r Chris tlan. Christ Jesus, highlights the Lesson ~rmon on "Lite" at the Newport Beach Christian Sch~nce church Sunday. The Golden Text from John (17:3J declares, "Thls Is lUe eternal. that they might know thee the only true God. and Jesus Christ. whom thou hast sent." DL PALKU TO SPEAK The Annual Five Dollar Ban quet of t:hrlst Church by The ~a In Newport Beach Is sched uled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. uary 26. The speaker will be Dr. Everett W. Palmer. minister of the First Methodist Church In Glendale. His church Is the larg. est In membership In Southern California Methodism. CDM COIIKUJO'JT CBVBCB Rev. Edwin Gomke's sermon topic at the two Sunday services at the Corona del Mar Commu. nlty Church Is "On Spiritual Blindness." ~ho..U.ck ~ Tr.f,. rf:.&l.e 1::*-. =iiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiil Jean Bey Wi II Wed Beek Son YearE•dSale Fwther Drastic Reductions • .., •••• .., , ....... Lilli [lresses Se9arates and Accessories '/2 allcl Less on S. I-. I Two promJnent Harbor Al'f!a famllles were link~ romantic. ally this week when Mr. and Mrs. Urban L. Beh of 2701 Circle Dr .. Bay Shores. announced the enca~ment of thelt daughter. Jean ~e.. to Joseph Allan Bftk Jr .. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allan Bee« of 528 S. Bay Front Balboa Island. MJa Reb h u been uaoclat.ci with the Newpol't Beach School ~em b more than two yean and la c:urMnUy teachlfta at tbe Corona dti Mar ElerMntary SebooL She .. a cractGate ot UCLA. - Her It~ lfAduated from the CaJUomta Maritime Made!Q and caJ 'bdl. wtllere be ~ ln ,..,._. .U.. a ..,tna -.4- di.Qa .... J'OU. t!ICMIPie w1ll ....... tMllr ...... Ia Pa•tm·, ..... ................. ~ ... ................. ., Jill Clill.l'nU The l'lewport l:f&rbor Tara. de. fendlnc dlamplon.s of the Sun. Mt LeaJUe, wiU open the 1955 le&JUe compdltlon tomorrow <Friday) nleht by hostJne a grone Runt1nJton Beach team. Came tlme la 8:15 p.m.. follow. lne the junior vuslty prelim be· Paul Neumann led the attack wlth 15 polnta, followed by Paul Lorentzen with 13 points. Bill Wetzel wu back to hla old form wtth 9 polnta, with Eddie Pope, ~nny Fitzpatrick and Frank Na-1 varro pushlnc hlm hard with 8 points each. Larry Harper had ., polnta to hie credtl and SQnny .rlnnlne at 7 p.m. The Tara endt!d the pre.leacue Coane and Ceoree Schultt had 3 ~uon with a 71 -41 victory over points each. • I much out classed California High The J unior Varalty wu de at Whittier Friday nleht. They reate<! by the Cal Bees 5144. got off to a fiylng start u they Next WE-ek the Tan will Ia took a 7.potnt lead In the first P Y quarter; It wu 36-17 at the half I FuU~rton there Tueaday attn. and 54.34 at the end of the third noon and Santa Ana here Friday quarter. evening. 2 Rival Propositions About C. of C. Funds Go on Ballot • coon lfEWS 1 I just received the first report of the season !rom Ernesto Cop pel. Capitano or the Bibl Fleet In Mazat1an. OU those reels. amlgos. looks like they're comln' In early! From Jan. 2 to Jan. 8. Ernie's flE-et put In only eight trips. But they caught 13 marlin. Looks Uke It's gotne to be a happy new year! I e AlflfU AL DIJfKEBS Christ Church Starts Drive Christ Church by th~ ~a. New. ''The purpoee of th~ Ctuude Ia port, is now engae~ ln an at to eneoura~ all church membenl tendance crusade whlcb ls a to a ttend church more l'f!CUlarly, nation-wide program or the and to find the aplrltual re- Methodlst Church trom Ja nua ry source-s available 1n thelr respec. 2 to Easter. The theme or the Uve churches," Rev. Roy Carlaon Crusade Is "God Is Our Strength. "I says. IJ Popllar 0..•11111•- our permanent wave specl&l w ill be extended Cor one more week The regular II a.50 Rea... C1ll't1a "F•f•re" ,.,.._. ·-oeJy ' $8.16 01 .. 1111 tIn order to accommodate all our customers. we wlll extend the special price to customers, who make their appointments fat fu. ture permanent waves during this week.) eau BADOa 3165 today a·U.~ SaenMI laic Sacred music has a quality which makes It an Insepa rable part or the final rites. No musl cal Instrument Is better suited to the expression of thla quality than the organ. The music or our Impressive Hammond orga n is a va ila ble to everyone we serve. as a part or our servl~. PARKES· Rl OLE • s., ...... IA liOA . ~ l$l.AND . LIDO ISLE . N!W't)IJ lEACH . COlONA DEL MAl For the stay at homes. local tlshlng clubs are all set for their I annual awards dinners and in 1 stallatlons of officers. First one scheduled is the· Newport Har bor Lady Anglers on Friday. Jan. 21 , In the Newport Harbor Yacht 1 Club. The next night. Saturday. Jan. 22. will see Pacific Ans:Jers having their big meeting of the I year at the Balboa Bay Club And on Friday. Jan. 28. the halt I a.thousand members of the grand-daddy club. the Balboa 1 Angling Club. wtll go out of town and do th~r stuff at B.AC. member Forrest Smith's Clock Country Club In South Whittier. For all ttuft of these, you should specify whetl\er you prefer lob- ster OC' roast beet. Hubert hinol Eleanor hlnol For ............ ... • .aoo.. c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-l I 14 ..... ...... fir'···· Now we have all the things you want for par. Ues. bridge Wda. prlus. IC:OI'e pads. and ~ llp&J'kera ..• from Parla SchlaparelU lrld,. cardl Score Pads and StatJon. ery ........ _ o..a.rc:.... ....,~ ... w.cc-..·- .,._..,~ • I I II I M Sir WI For your g enerous response to our m - vitahon m The "Ensign" to attend the Opening of our New and M odern Drug Store; 1t exce~d our fondest expecta- tions. W e hope w e may continue to merit your valued trust and patronage. G. H. Peinlol c.nu ..... , ...... , 1'IIS ~ • .._.III:II .. IIC'fi!C'W • . NOW!-Better able to serve you in our new location at Sll7-eoc.t IBglatNf, _. JJtllilllll• COICIGCI cW Mar ... •• ............... THE WORLD launeuu YOUR PHONE Call RA UM NO SERVICE CHARGE LIDO TBAvt:f. BUREAU Ull V1Jl LIDO lJdo Sllopplne Center ................................ STOP AT The Arches "Your Host to the Coast Since 1926" FllfE FOODS COCKTAILS COAST HI~HWAY AT THE AlCHES ,.._,_. ... dl JOHN vn n t.E 1-1531 LUIS FM IllES S,r, S TLU LOAR Conatruction Locma S,r, II).TE.AJI LOAR SEE aoa SATTLEJI Pllrter •rtcac• c.. 2515 E. Coast Jlwy .. CI)M Pb. BA Ull Ja 3-5115 (Meb'o u.t. luura:De» F\Uida) JAMES . D. RAY B1il~ill Collrlctor ~ E. COAST HWY .• COitONA DEL MAR HAtb0t 476J Residence: HArbOt 4196 LEGAL lfOTJCE lfOTJCE OF .V.UC IIEAJIIWC ~tJce ls h~by etven that the Planning Commission of the City ot Newport Beach will hold a public bearing on the applica- tion of HAL WILL SMITH for a variance to permit: the con.uuc. tlon of a stairway to extend two teet Into the required 10 foot rear setback factne a 10 foot alley. Said stair is needed to gain access to a second Door storage room over proposed rest- rooms for the "l olly Roger." On Lots 26 and 27, Block 12. Sec. 4. Tract Balboa island. and located at 203-205 Marine Ave. Notice is hereby further given that said public bearing will be held on the 20th day of January 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers of theN~ port Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all per. sons Interested may appear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission. NOTJCE OF PUBLIC KEAJUllfC Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission ot the City ot Newport Beach will hold a p~bllc hearing on the appllca. tlon of G. BEEMER. for a vart. a nee to permit: a detached ga. ~.-...•t raae to be constructed to the rear property line along a twenty (lO) foot alley If aald garage 1s placed on a one toot side set- back. Section 9105.4 (() of the City Code requires a tlve foot set. back from an alley It a one foot side setback !s used. On Lot 14, Block 15, Sec. B. Tract Newport Beach. and located at 1529 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Notice 1s hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 20th day of January, 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In rnt:'V the Council Chambers of the aypEWF-1-u:~'' Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and £NT ALS all persons interested may ap. pear a.Jl.d be heard thereon. wn TIDE · I RAY Y. COPELrN. Secretary IIDflALS OWe» Supply Newport Beach City weva Bcabor 0636 Planning Commission. 3011NewportBL..NewportBeach ELCH'S COASTAL COICRETE CO. Liberty 1-5622 1)5 Commerdal Way COSTA MESA Kimberly 3-1835 . Orcmp lla Plae»Dticr • no. eo.-tap -Drababocr:rda Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum Tile CIRLTOIS' ~C:.~ 135 E. 17tb St. C:O.ta M.- LmEIITT 1-4252 22 Years In Orange County Robert Forbes BUILDER IIArbor ••• 3101 -IUIBY IPEIUUITII Eugene Gruettner, room over garage at 212 Via Dljon, $5.000. •BALBOA Harry Mann. garage with two bedrooms and bath over lt. a lter--------------------------___,,.....,..._ atlons on exlstlne dwelling, 336 Buena VIsta. $25,000; H. Prince and C. Kramer, 5-room. 1-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 2016 E. Ocean, S12.000; Charles Martin, re-siding at 116 E. Ocean hont. $1,195; Chandler, alterations at 1!560 Ocean Blvd .• $3)0. e BAJ.aOA JSLJUn) Clyde Johnston, d em o 11 s h building at 311 N. ~Y Front and construct 8-room, 2-story, 2-untt dwelllng, $25,000; Lloyd Kay, glass in porch at 1216 Diamond, $425; M. E. Kirkwood, 6-room, 2-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 700 S. Bay Front. $24,900. e COBOifA DEL MAll Eun~ Anna Perry, addition at ~ Dahlia, $2,100; Warren Lippitt., enlarge dwelllng at 413 Heliotrope. S2.000; John Malcolm. son, swimming pool at Hazel, $2.400. 4 COM. 8.1. Boys Are Cited For Possessing Intoxicants Two Corona del Mar boys. each th~y tasted the whtakey but then lL and two Balboa laland boys. aplt It out. The boys went lnto each 12. were an-ested by New. 1 a drive-In at MacArthur Blvd. port pollee at 5:30 p.m. Sunday and Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, at Carnation Ave. and Second where a waitress caJled pollee Av~ .• Corona del Mar. on charces ~when she noticed the condition of lack of parental control and of th~ one youth. poaeulon ot an alcoholic bev- eraee. One ot the Ba.lboa taland youths threw up trom alleged Intoxication while being ques- tioned ln the pollee station. H~ was laid out on a bench In the jail drunk tank. and a physt. clan was called. Applications for petitions for appearances In ju. venUe court were fiJed on the four youths. and they were re- ~ tile ftmlft superlative food, cocktails and service amid old enetish charm. leased to their parents. EJala.l• 11 IYirfM The four said th~y went to the ...... Corona del Mar reservolr, wh~ HURlEY BEll An explosion was narrowly the on~ island youth became ln. averted In the apartment of Mrs. toxlcated, the others clalmtng Elsie C. Douglas ot 302 34th St., P~~~~~~~.-..iA Newport Beach, at 11:14 a .m. +A • • • • ¥ o s 4 e e eo Jan. 2. Newport firemen reported. Unsung While housecleaning a gas jet Commer,..:,.ls was opened behind a stove. The \..K.a- •••••••••••••••• Bill Elliott Is the new owner- manager of Elliott's Union Serv- Ice. 3001 Newport Blvd .• Newport -1 L c.c.t Jlwy. IICI!daol' 2711 CIIIOUDO.MQ ........ " 0,.. 11 A.IL ........ & ' ....... ... --==r· •• .. ..._.....,,a...ia ... .._ Van's Bowling aaqr••••• WELOIIE! FR.££ INSTitUCTION * AUTOMATIC ftlflfOI IILU * ""'niie oaJy A•...UC M_,, .. fa TIM Weer CAPE & ao.wLIIfQ...-.M BD-7-DAYI l'Oa. REIIDVA.TIO~fll * n• ao.-.011 AYIL LJaDTY I-JIII COITA ICDA * EALBOA * e Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy R~des & Games , ... the F_,ly far 1 pllot light on the stove Ignited the gas from the open jet before enough gas could build up. Someone turned oft the jet be- fore firemen arrived. It was re- ported. No damage resulted. "TRIP AROUND TilE IIY"-IlL 1· S.. Beach. He has been with the oa -..u. of ......- U~nOO~~~lnower~J!~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~ three yean &04 hu been ln the UQAL WO"''JCZ JIOTJCE OF ru.LIC IIEAJIIJIC automobile business alnce boy-I Notice 1s hereby given that th~ Planrflllg Commission of the City of N~wport Beach will hold a public .hearing on the applica. tlon of ORVAL LYON for a vari- ance to permit: the construction of a a.econd unit on an R-1 dla- trlct property where an existing bouse above three garages was placed across the rear of the pro- perty which caused said property to be joined as one building site consisting ot the northeasterly 22.5 teet ot Lot 20. all of Lot 22. and the southwesterly ~ ot Lot 24, Block 142, Resub of Corona del Mar. and located at 222 Or- chid Ave., Corona del Mar. Notice Is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 20th day of January 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ln the Council Chambers of the New. port Beach City Hall. at which time and place any and all per. sons Interested may appear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary N~port Heach City Planning CommlsaJon. hood In Indiana. Union 011 pro- ducts. Including guollne, oU, lubrication and tire service, are being provided by Mr. Elllott In bls new location. Mr. and Mra. Elliott and thelr two children re- side In Costa Mea.a. F~e~ nlef Cll~r~~ Two juvenile Newport brothers must appear In juvenile court on suspicion of burglary charges for allegedly stealing boots, a clock, scales and a shovel from the Newport Canntne Co., 28th St. and Lafayette Ave., Newport Beach. Pollee aald the juveniles went through a previously broken win- dow to gain entry. Officer Rich- ard Heniecke whlJe Investigating the report noticed two Juvenile boys walking past the cannery wearing boots meetlng the de- ecrlpUon of thoee stolen. Held for queatlonlne th~ youtha aJ. leeedly admitted the thievery. They were booked lnto Jail and released to their parent.a to ap. pear ln court when notl!led. ~ .. f) uwu; quu~e CIMSTIII'S IUT atraftMilur ' -o•TBE UT -aALaOA FOOD & caoc-onJr UAa 'IIOU.D liS mGKWATD e JI.UJK)a 171 STARnNG Thursday. Jan. 13 1&.00 A. M. * VALUES fOR WDIEI * Ski I Sallllll ......... , "WWit Stac'' Woolen Sweaters by "jAN'l"ZEW' Orton Sweaten Woolen Skirta Woolen WeM:ita Woolen Bermuda ~bona Wool Flannel P~ Pu.bena Woolen Plaid Slac:b Hawaiian P1ayc:JothM Corduroy Pedal Puabena Corduroy Bermuda Shorts Cottoa mou... F..paclriu.. Kedettes * YILBFII-.... WooleD 8blrta. Solid WooleD 8ldrta. Plaid Sponlblna r .. Sldna WIIag Hawaiicm 8lairta. PriDta HawaiiaD Truab. PriDta NyiOD Traab W_Cddag ~~aorta OPEN SUNDAYS • --------. . Mn. Betty Elliott. 60. ot ll7 24th St., Jlfewport Beach, dJed on Chrlatmu Day In Hoaa Me- -.Ia.dtkiii~-C mortal u.pttaJ after an u. ... ,.... tended lllnea. She waa a native CBEDIT BUREAU Atkansu, had Uved in CaUfomla 44 yea.ra and In Newport for five years. She was a member of the Pasadena cllapte:r of Eastern Star and the Paloma Rebecc:a Lod&e of Lol Aneeles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Survivors Include her husband, ~ l ohn Hany Elliott, and a brother, You'll lOW money In the long rvn when you let us toke over on moving doy .... ,,..,. I lllrlp ~•....-at"-.. c.taM-,._. &.-.61-. Llbelty .. ,.........., .. 1111 Jim Whyte INSURANCE Ocecm, Marine and Generallaaurcmce l.lbel'ty a.1171 Offlc•: Co.te ._. ... le'* luttcll"t letld•ftc•: 416 Hewl, CorOfte del Mer Charles Imlah of Pasadena. Serv- Ices were held Dec. 28 at Baltz Chapel ln Costa Mesa with Rev. loeepb McShane of the Coeta Mesa Metbod..lst Church oUicla. ttng. LEGAl. ROTJCE ODDfUC& WO. 731 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING TiiE PUBLIC INTEREST. CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR AND AtrrfiORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF EASEMENTS IN AND UPON CERTAIN REAL PROPER- ~ FOR PUBUC S1'R.ErT PURPOSES, ALSO AUTJlOJt. IZING THE C 0 N DE M N A- TION OF AN EASEMENT IN 1\N& UPON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR PUB- LIC ALLEY AND tmUTY PURPOSES IN COJifNECTION Wl'l1f 111E OPI:In!CG AlfD DIPROVIMC OF AN ALLI!Y FROM A POINT SIXTY (60) FEET NORTHWEST OF PRQSPECT 9TR.EET TO A PO~ NINETY (90) FEET NOR11IWEST OF PROSPECT STREET. BEING A STRIP F1FTEEN Cl5) FEET WIDE AND CON~G TilE NORTHEAST FIFTEEN (15) FEET OF LOT 3. BLOCK C. SEASHORE COLONY TRAcr, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. . C 0 U NT Y OF 0 R A N G E, A·l PLUMBING LEGAL ROTJCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach does hereby ordain u follo\n: SEC'nON 1: The City CouncU of the City of Newport Beach finds and detennlnet that the public Interest. convenience and neeesaJty requlre: The acquisition by the City of Newport Beach, of easement.a ln and upon ce:rtam real properties fo:r public alley purposes for the openJn& and Improving of an alley from a polnt alxty (60) feet northwest of Prospect Street to a point ninety (90) feet north- wat ftllt~e& Street. Mtna a ttrfp rm.a (lJ) feet wide and eout:Jtutlq tbe nortbeut 11tteen 115) feet ol Lot 3. Block C. Sea- shore Colony Tract, City of New- port Beach, County of Orange, State of CallfomJa, u cte:.:rlbed In Seetlon 2 of this Ordinance. SECTION 2: The real property In and upon . which the pubUc Interest and necessity require an easement for public alley pur- poses described In ~on 1 here- of Is sltua.ted In the City of New. port Beach. County of Orange, State ot CaHtomla, and Is more particularly described as follows. to wit: All that portion of Lot 3, Block C, Seashore Colony SPECIA' nn:s llf JIEPADIS Tract, as per map recorded Day & •Jt:M Wata Beaten In Book 7, Page 25, Miscel- laneous Map Records of Or- Modem Powr Tooh for S.ww A SW S .. p~IJ" range County, California. de- LeWI•s Ross ~--·~· scribed as follows: The ----northwest fUteen (~5) feet 1 :=~~==~~~~~~~=~~~=·~··=pol=rt::-.ac:la::~~ thereof. ----SECTION 3 : Stevens Fargo Is IAYE Willi A F.,..,. PIIICJ BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-Tl .. -r.E-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OFnCE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Liberty 8-!1013 hereby authorlzed and appointed u special attorney of the City of Newport Beach solely tor the purpose of bringing and main- taining an action or actions In the name of the City of Newport Beach In the SuperiOI' Court of the State of California In and for the County of Orange for the condemnation of the easements authorized to be condemned In this OrdJnllMe, and ls author· lzed,:>empowered and directed to bring and maintain s uch action. SEC'nON 4: The above and foreeoJna Ordinance &ball be publlabed once In the Newport Harbor Ens1gn. a newspaper of general dn:ulatJon, printed and publlahed ln the City of Newport Beach, and the Um. aban be In full f~ and effect thirty (30) days alt8' tiM ftnal paaap th.-.of. eo.ta Mesa Savfnes will again pay 3~ r:f annum on all savfnp accounts as of Dec. 31. 1954, tt is announced by Andrew Walk~r. e x e c u t I v e vice prestdeot. The Board of Dlrectors recently de· clared that semi annual Interest. payable Dec. 31, and quarterly In terest, paid on Dec. 20. are both DEEP IN MYIIFAID' COLO~ Dean Martln A Jerry Lf'wla ---''THERING CIRCUS .. ,.. fonlotna Ord.lna.nee ... hltl'oduc:ed at a repl&r meettnr ot tiM e1t1 Cou.nd1 o1 tbe at7 o1 Jf....,.t -.ell held Oil tbe 27tb cSa7 ot :beeembtr, 11M. and wu flaaD7 ,...S ud adepted oe .... tbe lOOl da7 ot luuar,, U55, b)' "ftt 1.1111 Wlr' tiMt ............. roll call WC.. to I -~wtt.b~~~~~~--wM: 1- ALL ITADAIID IliAD& CI.O'Ia. •O'YZLTID 6 ..... l)unJI1' IIADWAAK VUE'I'IA.If aJII1)I ••• -II. gJ.aJ. Sl.p BA 114 Cl2 Uad St.. Bewpod .._. ....... a.. .... ottac. Dick Macker Continues His 1st. Anniversary Sale W1TII TBlS OUTSTANDING OFFER! Heayy. Wool BROADLOOM ~ $12.41 ... -, .. NOW $9.90 per Sq. Yd. (Wall to W.U. ~ wtt1a 'i'add ... StdJ; .... IUS ... yd. additta..:S; bad...S. ....u. CIDd .. -.tab) 11ae .,_.. ~ plu maay .oa..l8dade Free lent ..... , P••t I • Diek Maeker JANUARY QEARANa • • : • • • • • • • hm~s~MMONS ~ • "Deep Rest" MaHress & Box Spring ~ • 312 Coil Mattress e 80 Coil Box Spring. Regular $99.50 Patented Simmons Autolock Unit * Utet~llitilully lal'llfeed * HURRY -r:..~ • • • ~ • I Formerly~~ Halla -· Jf.wpod ami.. ............. .# aw awott ... ..1-...._.a.m.. @ ';~7;;-;;: 0••,1•11 •• "•z• ._, I1111M TH Oran.. County Kedtcal A a a o o I a tl on DMt Wedne.day wttb the WOIIWl'a Awdllary for tbelr 67th annual aem.t.tormal dinner dance a t SACC. It wu hJgblltb ted by the installation o1. ol.ficen ol. the Orange County Mec:U~ Society. Included ln the procram wu tbe ple8elltat1on of a play tnclucUng a oca1 chorua ol doctors and their wives. Alao pnsent for specialty -numbers, were the Fullerton muslclana known as the "Wed- nesday Nfaht Jlve Group," whlcb ln<:ludes several doctors among Its players. CAa AGUCT-Aa ardalted'a abtdl of the DeW Loa a..4 aD4 the abop Gild ..me. fac:WU.. two • thJ'M ...a laW. A 501cl00 •• 01 L..a....l.--.11-'TI.. •--.a- LEGAL WOTJCE A.IMda'twl latdq.acatln tit 1_, W. Coalt Jlwy .. If::= Beach. foot UMd car MCtiOD wtU be ready OD tlae pouDCia Ia 30 ckp.-~ IW ...... .. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ~~eo::r:.:..=--=~~L:u~9tJaZ:kMal~ :t;=-=.:=-~~C:C:ac!!~beea...:-:s•..= Fl ............... n .. a .. . THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA lc-PJ.ymoatla ct.aler. Coutnactioll wW .tart .ooa at tbe MWl.. fadllU... JMCbcallcal wade of aU ldDda aD4 car ....aa1a4r aDd OPU ann DAT y A.M. '1'0 1 ..... IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ~~catioa.~~~Tb~e~lb::ow::~I'OO~m~la~KW~~ulediifioi~iUMiiilateiiilaiiiMiaaidt..iiCIIt"idiipoliii&MiiiMJiiwWii.,_iiiprioi~iktlt4iilaiitMiiiMiwiiqai..-ti:i..._iiii(i•i-i'lpiiaii tlaotoiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=iii==~=~~== ORANGE. No. A-25014 ·wh C II . NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL y 0 e g e PROPERTY AT PRJVATE SALE In the Matter of the Estate of ) p anhel Topic MARTHA E. UNSENBARD. > Deceased. ) Notice Ia hereby given that the undersigned, u Executor ol the Estate of .Martha E. Unsenbard, Deceased, will sell at private aale to ~e highest and best bid- der upo,n the terms and condi- tions hereinafter mentioned and aubject to confirmation by said Superior Court. on January 24th, 1955, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A.M., or thereafter within the time allowed by law, at the of. flee of Harwood, Heffernan & Soden, at 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. California, all right. title. Interest and estate of said Martha E. Llnsenbar d. de ~ased, at the time of her death and all right. title and Interest that said estate has acquired by operation of l:tw or otherwise. other than or in addition to that of said Martha E. Llnsenbard at the time of her death In and to the real property described as follows: All that real property situ. ated In the City of Newport Beach. County of Orange. State of Cailfomia. described as follows: Lot 13 In Block 15 of Section "B," Newport Beach. as per map thereof recorded In Book 4, page Z1 of Miscellaneous Maps, Recorda of Orange County, CalUomla. Bids or offers a re Invited for said property and must be In writing and wllJ be received at the o/flce of Ha rwood, Heffernan &: Soden, attorneys for said Exe cutor, or may be tiled with the Cl erk of said Superior Court or delivered to the said Executor personally. at any time a fter first publication of this notice and before making said sale. Said &ale will be made upon the following terms: Cash. law fut money of the United States. on confirmation of sale; 10 per- cent of amount bid to be de posited with bid. or on terms ac ceptable to the said Exe<:utor and a pproved by the said Court. Dated: January 4, 19:J3. E. V. LINSENBARD Executor o f the Last Will of Martha E. Linsenbard. d<'ceased HARWOOD. HE FFERNAN & SODEN Attorneys at Law Suite 6 Birtcher Building 2515 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CaliCornla Harbor 1535 Attorneys for Executor For leHerhead1. envelooes caD THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 ''Why Go to College" wUI be the subject of a speech by Mrs. Marie Howes, dean of women at Orange Coast College, at the Har- bor Panhellenlc coke party at 1:30 p.m. Saturday In the parlsh hall of St. James Episcopal Church. Invitations have been sent fo all g r a d u a t I n g senior co.eds trom Newport Harbor High School and sophomores !rom Or- ange Coast College. Mrs. Ken- neth Cooling. program chairman, will present Mrs. Howes and la ter will introduce panhellenlc presidents !rom UCLA and USC. Velma O'Brien ot O'Brien's Specialty Shop In Corona del Mar will present a sportswear accessories fashion show. Local students will serve as models a nd will also be junior hostesses !or the aftt>rnoon. Mrs. H. 0. Boyvey. general chairman of the event. will ex- plain the $100 P a n he I It> n I c awards. which will be presented near the end of the school year. Others who are hea ding commit- tees include Mrs. Thomas Frost a nd Mrs. Stroller White. refresh- ments; Mrs. Ralph Michelson, decorations; Mrs. Walter Hatch. hostesses: Mrs. Leon Williams. rushlng lnformat1on; Mra. l . H. IUgp, arrangements; Iiila. l . L Carver and Mrs. Lester A. Smith, Invitations, and Mrs. Robert H. Lenker, publicity. leo1J8 JthiiOI, 81' Dies i1 CDI Home George Elmer Johnson, 81. died Jan. 2 at hls home, 718 Femleat Ave., Corona del Ma r. He had Jived here since last March, com lng !rom Hollywood. where he had lived s ince retiring 11 years ago from the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. He is survived by his artist wif£'. Mrs. Stella Johnson ; two sons. Donald ot Sacramento a nd George of Albuquerque. N. M. The body was taken to Baltz Mortuary. and services were held Jan. 5 at W ee Kirk of the Heather, Forest Lawn. MOVE TO MOUNT ADfS The J. A. Guthrles have moved from their home on W. Bay Ave. In Newport to San Bernardino. MOVE TO COSTA IIDA Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Long. ridge have moved !rom 425 Fern- leaf Ave., Corona del Mar, to 717 Center St., Costa Mesa. ......... ,. utlac a Jaiiii'J Clearaace Slallllrtl .... ...... GEUEJIS-...Sti'CdDed CoGFFECGDE 93•. Baby Food lean. 25¢ iiG1iiP 59~ BEm~ .. y. CGo NAPKiNs 10¢ BOBKEL-11 OL CGo SpagheHi 2 For 25¢ KBISPT SUNSRIKE-1 n.a.. SPAM SUBFIRE-1001;~ULCGD CRACKERS 23¢ OVUEST-&J .. t-OL)ao Shortening 69¢ LOG CABni-Can&Mapi~OLCGD PICKLES 35¢ LlBBTS-PottecS-Small ~S ,__Y_RU_P ___ 5_3¢ (GffOOd 2 For 25¢ M E A T 3 For 25¢ GIAKT PACU~~ MGfiiiaiOde O.).. TIDE Shortening · G()LJ)EJI BIPE BANANAS 13~. 8BUSSEL SPROUTS 10~. JUICY DJZOifA GRAPEFRUIT s .. 1, r OCT, caJSP WlXUAP APPLES 3 .... 2~ I~ fROZE n IDOC\ ~-... • • • • • • • • • • • • • PJLU8UII1' or a.arr JUID--10 ~ ....S., -..a. ALIEII-2'{, n. ftV. Biscuits 2 Arg& 25t Pancake Flour 33¢ TAST£·~--~ u. 2For 27¢ Margarine2-35c Bl71USAWK-Wblt..-21/1 Ccm Hominy Frying Chickens Gold Coin Bacon . . Jack Cheese Ro·ond Steak 69;,. RU~IP ROAST 1100 Df BOIELESS SHOILIER LAMB PA'ITIE •