HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign' 1. tn the boerd room at Newport Harbor High. SO'I..I.ETDr C..ec11--A. w ....... _. pa111 t ttw ~ 1.-Wll- &ir .aJid ,.. ... ~ .......... rW9, tllgetlwc tMt • ~ .. beADt otmdtt...S ._ DYtllct I la Conaa del ..... de:' ... tiM dietdct"a cbo&c» oC ...U. data. • * • Formation ot a Cttlzen.t Com- mittee to uat.t In plana for hllf\ IIChool exp..Won •• under way, and the n.-meetlfta bu been called for 7:30p.m. 'l'lesday. J'eb. The High .School admlnlatra. C0110•A DEL MA& CAUF. M of late yesterc&ay afternoon. e.Icht candidates were detlnltely In Ot~ race for Newport Beach City Council Four had tued thdr nomll\ation papers. and four tton sent out letters this week -----------·--------------------------~·----·--------- OK EISler Wl.Control 1fte Euter Weelt nntalllcerwe 01'dtnance wu liven final ap.. proval by ".-port Beadl Ot)\mcll at an· a4joarnecl meettna Mon. day JDGmiftl Ill City Hall The ardJn.ance requlra a $10 llcen.M fM ~ wbo rent for 15 days or ~ during the period beeln· ntnc 10 days before Easter Sun· day and endlna 21 days after Euter Sunday. CText of the Ofdl. nance ia on page 10.) to ciVIc and aervlce organlza. tlona. asking them to appoint a representative to serve on thla Citlun Committee. The first meeting Is expected to result In the organ.lzatJon of the commit· tee, with chairmen In each of the elementary dlatrlcts. The CltJzena Committee will be lnvtted to consult with the Hl•h School Board and to co. o~ate ln promotJng the election ..t for May 20 for provtdJnc funds to build a second hlch eebool ln the Harbor District. 8.1. Burglary Hearing Fri. Objection to the ordinance waa Four county men face a railed by Harvey D. Peue, ~· llmlnary hearing at. 2 p.m. to- boa lsland realtor, who aald; It morrow <Friday) In Newport imposed undue ratrlctiona on' Beach l u.rtlce Court on charges the uee ot prtvale property. ~ .,.,..nng out of the burglary Qt aald he favored eome action to the Paul Mantz residence on Bal· correct tbe Euter Week prob-boa Ialand In May, 1952. lem, but suggested that the 1ft. l'adna huralary eharga are apection provisions of the oteU-Chtr._ F. Printz, 23, of Brea and nance be made ~onary. 1'bcMIIIu L. Hansen and Jerry Mrs. Kenneth Cooling com-HUMD, twift-brothen, 23, of Pla: mented that .. drude altuaticpl CIIIUL a..ar,e. of receiving stol. need draatle meuurea." CounclJ. en po4l were fUed against Rid.l· man Stanley atdct.rbol aut~ ud A. i>uran. 19, of P'ullertaa that ......... , .. tbe ... ~ ... PIUllls-. 33. of 8NL ... ~ *'lll It .. 1.-t ftlued _. Sl5.000 w u ... triaL 1M a ' In ., .._ .._ ............ ,.... Lonpaoor, .. <:Qpella, LcMala lirliP. Qeofp Ued. o ....... c. a. Jtucld a.ed w.aq Sml1la. '11M other two. Don lla,._. and Ce.lvta lteene. wen deRpated llry Councll u omdal OODIU.l· ·tanta. DAR Honors Auxiliary Unit 2 to I for ABC Grading; New Card to Be Drafted FLIER DIES I 0 R S H others announced they would run. Deadline for filing will be noon Thursday. Feb. 3, for the March lS election. First to file was Clarence Hil- l ble of Balboa Wand. followed Polio Hikers Are· Due Here The larce crowd at the annual Chamber ol Commerce meeting Friday gave a .Undlng ovation to Mayor Dora Hill as she waa Uoyd Kleeman of Glendale wlthh\ minutes by 1. Jl. Stoddard was killed Instantly Monday of Corona del .Mar .&nd lncum. morning when his aJrplane bent CouncUman Gerald Bennett c:ruhed Into a small flshln lake of Nt!'W'pOrt. That was early Mon. 1 py IDOllllng. The next day :: Santa Ll&bel St.. Costa Sandy MacKay ol Balboa aleo Mrs. Peter Dalebout ol 342 San- ta Ll&bel St., said, "1 heard them aome over but I hurd no falter lng. I didn't come out. The plane wun't very hlch. then aU at once J beard a . bang.'' Deputy Coroner Rocer Burnham and John Martin. captain of the Orange County Aero Squadron, removed the , body from the cruahed airplane. filed for the Council race. Mayor Don HilJ ot Udo Isle and Councilmen ·A. W. Sm1th el Col:ona del Mar and St~ley Rid. derhof of Newport Heiehts aald they would run. Incumbent Cowl· ~ Hans Broertng of Balt.o. Wand told the Ensign he wo\lld not be a candidate foe re..el~· tlon. W. G. Perrow of Corona del Mar. wbo wu an un.aucceutul candidate ln the December t.pe- cl&l eledion. anno\I.DOed tb.at be wW me. Lee WUda of Shore Cl.l!b. lo- • ud ln a perfect elide, he re-c:a.l ad~ and pubUc Kla. parW. Be -.ld he aaw the flub tSou ~t. .vu rnentJuMd ol the explo*an wh1dl followed u a ~ cand.ldate ln Cowa.- undft water In the lake. It pr-. d1.man Smltb'a 4lstrlct. ,..._. a ftre. Mr. Bart be.llewd n.tt·~ .. Un.g tb.at they Uaat tM pUot had dUilc.uJty wtt.b wouW _. nm ,.... .... Gene Hart ol ~ Santa Ana Ave., eo.ta Mesa, a pUot. wit neaed the crash. The plane wu up about-350 feet under full pow. .. -and D.-cl ~ tlaiWWd .. .,..... liD ........ Pllldl .. Oalwla dill )(.u, --... ?....... -....1;;;=: .... A atorm wttla .U. wllldl hJt a puk ol 5C m.fJel an bour at 11 a.m. 'J'ueeclai....,. .,.... tlw harbor a.ru.. k n o c k f n e llown ,wires and buff«lna Ito&" moored ., ............... bllliatllaa ...... lt.tecl .. their ....,.Uw c:ouDdJ • manic e111trtcta: L JlfEWPOilT Gen.lcl 8eruwtt. incumbent. 2. 8.A1.80A SaDd7 ~. I"N.ltcw. 3. LIDO ISLE. BAY SHOlES ln the harbor. Dora Hill. ll"'<eUmbent. lb.e harbor deopartmtr.t rew.,c.. CLlFP' RAVEN. HEIGHTS cured wveral boats In the harbor Stanley RJdderhot. incumbent. when th~ir mooring lines failed. 5. BALBOA I.SL.A.ND The boat Lon~ S~ wu removed I Clarence Higbie, attorney. from Its allp of1 Bay Shor8. 6. CORONA DEL MAR Y.ar" for 195C. wh~n t!he slip dl.sintq:rated, the I A. W. Smith. lneumbent. In presenting the award. re-harbor departQ'I~t ~ported. 7 CORONA DEL MAR tlrlng president T. M. Hambrook Rain for the storm was .77 , J. B. Stoddard. chern. engineer cited Mayor Hill's "ntenslve ac. Inches. W. G. PERROW. retired. tlvltles ill connection with the Wood and plutk toys dropped The following haw tiled: PTA. the Alslstance League, the into a fioor furnace by chlldr~n ,. CLA•EMCE 1L IDCIUE Hoag Hospital Auxlllary and tartN a fire In the home of Mrs. Balboa Island attorney with of many other communlly organ.i.za. H. E. Stapl~n ol 432 Momine flee at 229 Marlnt' Ave and llv tlons over the past ~ar." Mrs.. Ca.nyon Rd .. Corona Hlghlamis at 11ng at 328 Amethyst Av€> Hill ls the first woman to hold 12:30 p.m. Tuesday There wu Signmg hi~ nomination paper oftlce u Newport ~c:h Mayor, no damage. wt're Aaron L. Pow~rs. Harold L. a position to whlcll she• was A d e f e c t I v e noor furnace Hau~. Kenneth L. Nichols. John named following her record land. broupt tlrernen racing to Tht' B ~dereast. Hal Will Smith, allde election to Coundl Hurley Bell, 3801 E. Coast H'4'Y . Anton Hei'S('y, Ht-len C. Durkee, AprU. Corona del Mar, at 7:20 p.m w E. Davis. ~rg~ McNamara Capt. McCa.rvtlle, 3:3. was killed Maurie Stanley, Balboa Island 1 Tuesday. but no damage was and Robert s. Cook Kate McCann instantly on Dec 1 when hls Insurance a~nt. was ,installed cawted. Utility repair crews we~ ctrculated the nomination pa,per. Fl-2 ''Fury" J~ ~bter.lnten:ep. as the new presld~nt of the New. I called to 3207 Broad St .. Newport Mr Htgblt' said he hu no po. tor fla---" t J dt t port Harbor Olamber of Com.1 Heicbta. at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday lltlcal axes to erlnd but that be ~ ou on a an ng a . wb · tempt at the Naval Air Station. merce at the c11nner meetJq. en a tree fell across wires. feels a Cl\ic duty towards New. Ab~. Japan. Hta wtfe and thetr •Continued on .._.. I• Newpo.rt pollee reported. •Conttnueo on Pa~ 7l two *>OS. Edmond and Brien. lift at 1509 Riviera Dr., Santa Ana. They formedy Uwd at 611 Larks- pur Ave.. Corona del Mar. March of (f)imes Campaign Against Polio Under Way Marigold Schlueter, Eva Van . Wissman. Mary l ane ~ Mary Nu~ll. Dorotb,y SuU,er. labd. Na.rUee Dungan. 81llie AJ. len and bla Peek. ,., •• ......,, -~ .... Qty ............... e.lf. 0~ .... ~ ,. ................... 2110 .. c....""""'· c-..-....... W.lllftt ~~ HIO I. c.e.t ~.C...._. .. w.,, ~ Ta.EPHONISdt~ II 14 ..... IllS W ..... OFTHl . CAUifORNIA NEWSPAPU PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION ~ .t ... NAT10HAL EOITOitAL ASSOCfATON AI.VO E. HMPA . ..l-'ltot eecl Publhllet PI$ HMPA ·---·--·----.A.odeto f-'ltw HU~H McMIU.AN . --········ ···-·······--·-· ······-··· . -··· ,....,. flttototrephw ldT L JOHNSON..-------·-·-·--··-··· -•..Ad¥etikl"t Director SAM MITCHEll ··---·-··-··-... ---!·-·· -·-··-······-····· .. Aclv.tkl"t• Pri"tl"t IUIY STEVENSON.-·----·---..,..--·--··--··-··-·· ····-··--·looUoo,-r • • • The NEWPORT HAitiOit £NSI&N h•• ~ dot.mtr-d .. 1M • .....,.,., ef •-•• cltclll.tiott by lucftmettt of the Superior Cowt •114 by ,.._ ttw.of it qiMnfJ.d to ,.ttlkh eH public IIOticot reqWM by l•w • • • bteN4 u s.c-4 0.11 Metter I• rite Poet Offlce •• C«Ofte dol M•f· C•lif. SUISClJrTION RATES Loc.l tubsctlptt-r•toa: Two yoe,.......SS.OO: 0110 yeer-4].00 Ovt.Wo •! the H•rbot AIM: r-~,.......S7.00; -,..,..._....,00 i!* M 8 eM ME E E & e & +)M +:18M M ME p EM E M M *3* I M 8 I M I I <JJ.. ./!Of b~ Hop ..........•.•.•..••.........• , ...... . ' T odoy (Thursdoy. thot is) is the lost dey to register in order to vote in the Morch IS Council election ... And that's. a mighty im- portant election . . . The Newport Council Compaig~ is off to o good start; topnotch candidates already in the roce. and still two more weeks for filing . . . Moy Davis of Chino Cove, bod to her civic and politico! octivities after o long vocation trip, believes it would be o good ideo to hove o womon ca ndidate in each of the seven councilmanic districts ... There'll be one for sure. Mayor Doro Hill in District 3 ... Other feminine telent has been suggested: Mrs. Mortin Forrest in Bolboe, Mrs. John Neff in the Heights, Mrs. Dun- con Stewert in ~orono del Mar, Mrs. Kenneth Cooling in Beocon Boy ... Looks like e women's yeor just post; no "Men of the Yeer" for 195~. 'cause Dora Hill showed up ell the men folks by welking off with the Chomber of Commerce oword es "Womon of the Yeer," end n~ contest either-who among the '~)~ere moles can match her ec· complishments of the pest yeor? ... The elmost scoop" of tne cell· tury: C onnie Mitchell, wife of Ensign steffer Sem Mitchell, procticolly hod the mystery Bey lslond sniper on convos, beceuse . she was peinting o Bey Island sce ne from their Edgeweter Ave. eportme nt precisely ot the moment of the shooting--but heerd nothing . . . Best theory •about thot sniping. by the woy, is thot it wes o young pronhter with plenty of BB gun troining but unewere of the consequences of rifle shooting, toking pot shots with o gun he found, geHing scored when he sow the commotion he reised . . . I prize most highly this sotiricol slogon for the dunderheed: ·My mind is mede up; don't try to con- fuse me with facts" ... a nd this one, for desks like mine; "I mey look busy. but I em just confused." Chest Calls Fin Car ~ Annu.l Meet Ia CIIJ 11 1 ~ •' 7 Annual• liMiting at the kew. port HarbQI! . CommunJty Chest will ~ held .at 8:45 a.m. Thurs. day, Jan. ZT. at Irv1ne Coast Country Club, Secretary C. A. Higbie announces. All organlza. tlons In the Newport Harbor .Area are requested to send a rep. resenta tlve. Several vacancies on the Board ot Directors will be voted on at this meeting. Reservations for the breakfast can be made at the Chest oUice, Harbor 2051. CIBL JSOIUf TO DEAJlS A daughter. 7 lbs., 4 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs Paul Dear ot 350 Avocado St.. Costa Mesa. In St. Joseph Hospital on Mon. day, Dec. ZT. Five trattlc deaths occ:uned the City at Newport Beach ln 1954 compared with one In 1953, the Newport Beach pollee depart. ment actJvlty report for the year s hows. People suffered Injuries In 95 automobile ac c Id en ts during 1954, there were 140 property damau accidents and 15 acci- dents occ;urred Involving pedes- trians, bicycles or hit and run cases, Pollee Capt. Harry La~ re- ported. A total ot 13,143 calls were handled by the pollee during 1954, an Increase of 1.583 calls over 1953. They resulted In 894 a rrests, Including 122 felony ar. rests. Report felony Incidents to taled 280 tor 1954, an Increase of 119 over 1953. TOES COMBAT TllAIJfiKC Electrolux 1be CleaDer You Doa't R~e.to Empty! Two Models to Choose From I Marine Pvt. .Alfred L. Slanez of 2613 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa, Is flnishlng four, weeks of lndl Bill Retcher Liberty 8-4229 vidual combat training this month at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Pe ndleton. The training Is given to Marines scheduled tor duty overseas. and to all graduates of recruit trainlng be· Core they are assigned to new I duty stations. MMDI. 1/tl.-- Come the let. ol. .....,.. an4 lao~~ ancl that li the cltlun.a o1. Mewport wUJ uve a .,....,.., ~~ open~ their ttnt dulnce to ciiNd.17 eepeetallr wbta Je'l're footJaa volee U.etr oplnJon ol. bow mad\ one-halt tlai bUJ. Ud l'O'l are. of their moJMY tMy want to do-So ,... tft're NaO for tbe nate to one ol. our 10011 ebartU.. meat ol. tM •att.; Wbat'you pt Le .• the Chamber ot Colnme't:e. tor JOUr MOIIEY. One tb1nJ JOU TbeoretlcaUy,·ot c:oune. theYve 1ft la a b1ll few ollie. supplJes tor always bad a voice; the douch S300. Then you cet a bW for aup. hu been ladled out at "the d.la. plyln& the COamber • m,emberl cretfon of the City CouncU" and with algna and carda that ahow • the Council Is suppo.ed to repre-they're members; but forget lt. sent you, me and us; but, like It's only f1tty buck.a. I mgft theories, this one hu a bu1. You abo eet Newspaper and ,_ bug being that the CouncU Magazine ads. You get twenty hu always seemed to be over-dolJan worth ol these. I don't come with a mass aUllctton of rlabtly know what kind of ads generoaity where the Chamber t. you get for this sum because I've concerned. Suddenly, when the never seen them. I thlnk maybe Chamber sa~ ''Glmme," the you can get a column lnch ln Council makes llke a drunken the Post tor forty dollars. It co<rts Santa Claus. Tbey don't aeem to a bit more than twenty bucks a realize that what they're giVing yea.r to buy the Times daily and away with such abandon 1a Sunday, so I don't think your ad MONEY. Yow-MONEY. would be very lmpt'esslve at the e YOU GOT TO PAT ~u want your aJdewalk fixed, you want your alley paved. you want use of the sewer system- you got to pay. You want 80me- thlng called Sewerage, which I don't know what It Ls. but It costs one buck on every water blU and t'm not sure I'm reali)C getting lt. becatne what I flush lnto the sewer ls pretty much mine ln. eluding the water that accompa. nles It, me having paid tor aald water. But anyway, you want this Sewerage, you pay tor lt. But when the Chamber wants any. thing, they hold out a hat full of unpaid btlls to the Co~ncll and thla body takes three.fltths of these bllls and pays them; with MONEY. Your MONEY. And three-fifths, frlends, Is somewhat more than one-hall. price of a double sawbclck. But you get twenty bucks worth of Newapaper and Magazine ads. For forty bucks of your MONEY you get something called Rnck Service. but don't ask me what that Is. U you've got a rack thl\t needs service you might caJI the Chamber and find out what hap. pens. 4t WBAT YOU CET Well, that wlll give yo u sort of an Idea of what you get for your MONEY. Thls year the handout was twelve grand and. for that MONEY you got $2.210 worth of ADVERTISlNG, PROMOTION and PUBUC EXPENSES. You did, that is, II '}ou want to count the $300 for office supplies which the Chamber Included In that tigu!"e. Church Group Luncheon Set A special birthday luncheon will be held bdore the meeting ol the Women's Fellowship of the Corona del Ma.r Community Church on Wednesday, Jan. 26. In the aodal hall of the church. Anangements for the luncheon a.re being made by the Church School Gulld Group under the leaden;hlp of Mrs. M. J. Shannon. Members and guests or the fel- lowship are asked to bring a penny for each year as a birth. Telephone HY 4-7585 John Wm. inowiH · is pleased to announ~ the formation of a partnership with Barton B. S..k For the General Pra~ce of Law Under the Firm Name of BEEX & KNOWLES 422 Cout Blvd., So. Laguna Beach e BOLES IK IDS BEAD What kind of hQles in his head would you fJgure a guy had who made $8.000 a year, lived in a house that east bJm $1,950 per annum In payment&,' not Includ- ing utllltles or telephone, and then hired a troupe of people whose aala.rtea totaled $10,815 In future columns we'll look Into some of the other 3Spects of this dole, things like the choices you'll have to vote on; the some what unusual Rldderhot amend- ment; a few solutions to the prot>. lema. All sorts of exciting stuff like that will be torthcomlnac in this column which ought to make the Ensign aell like hotcackes. day offering and birthday decor. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;=:=;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ atlons wtll carry out the party r Crazy, huh? every twelve months! And this CDU. aoo TO £VMS theme. A book review by Mrs. Donald Vowles wW be the main program foUowlng the luncheon. WASTE niE You bring the laundry We do the work ••• New Low Prices UNDER N£',-/ MANAGEMENT better than ten grand didn't even A daughter, Kelty Ann, was include the gardener, the audf. born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank tor,· the janitor or the man who Evans of &28 DeAnza Dr., Corona WASHERmE 1531 Kaat c::e.t JhrT. came around and .,-ved the Hllhlan~ in 8oaa Memorial C.... del 11• .,.~,._ ~ Oo!u a.t;a=·~··~·:r~·:.~=~~~=Ul~&.~=~~~~~~~~;~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~aa;-fna. J•••> Jerk 150 MIBe. ;;;;; • whldl e butler t an a~dl- tlonal 1600 ot WMbtngton'a pic- tures for hls expense account. Any merchant or bank that would extend credit to a char- acter of this type had better lay In a supply of red Ink. And yet this Is the way the Chamber op. erates. And th~ only way they get by Is because of the big an. nual handout from the CitY Council. And this handout Ia composed of MONEY. Your .MON. EY. Well. let bygones be bygones. They've been getting the hand. out. Let's take a look at what they're supposed to do for th• MONEY. Your MONEY. Let's take some Items from the Chamber'a proposed Budget tor 1954-55. .And let me tell you In advance that this Budget doesn't make any more sense than a monkey eat- Ing round steak. The MONEY, your MONEY, Ia supposed to be for "ADVERTJS. lNG: PROMOTION AND PUBUC SERVICE EXPENSES." So let'a look, huh? But keep this fact ln mind: In order to Incur this Ad· vertlslng, etc. expenses, the Chamber has to spend $16,040 of which sum they can't ante up more than one-half. This, friends. THEODORE BINS Cordially invite.s you . .. • • TO THE Grand Opening and Open House of Tile •• I Theodore Robins Bldg. SUBSCR .IBE To The Newport Harbor Ensign The Of&cial Ne~ of the pt; ollfewport leach ,. • ••/ I' ................. uyMt ••• _,. ~. ....... .... .......... ci ....... Dr .. .. Colla .,_, -Ill ...... ..... ........ cl.&.~ ..... . ... .,.. ............... ~a aa.,. ~ te Loe .u. pl4ie at tbe .. 1e lu,.._. Court &1\d ....... annou.nc.d tbe fot. madorl of a ~ wttb • 1obn bOwS. ln Lapaa leach. •• ~ ._. tile CalJtcnla ..., ••wDIDadoe .e:uwtan,, ~ tlloqlt --wW -.. ~ ... .... tram Loyol& Ulll.....,. --t eebool u.ntO June. t1poD be-........ ..,. be wW be ... wdalled wtt. 1o1m bow._, ~ pna Beeda laWJW ud ,_... llai'W area ...tdent Be wtU ~ attended Dllbt e).,.. 1ft ~a Untftnlt)' lor tour ,_,. upon compledon ot bJI tutrue. tSon. ,Be Ia a IJ'ac!\late ot CalltomJa 1-.atute ot 1'eeb.Dolou ln Pua. ~~:=a~~.:; Roy McCardle Is Chairman f), the PbWp~ and later .u.c .......... ::'.;;~th~.,:: Of Lutheran Church Council _..._~ 1tarttna to study law. --"' don't know' anycme et. wbo Boy McCa.n11~. 1997 Fullerton coundJ m ~ m b e r s . These In * bu ever done It." bU D\Otbe Ave., Costa )feu, wu ~lected eluded: Donald Wed~klng, vice- commented thla week on bJ8 chairman of Newport Harbor preald~nt; Georg~ Helmer, se<:re· ac.•lco,,• paa1ne the bar examination Lutheran Church at the annual ta.ty; William Cam~tt. financial prior to eraduattna. meet1n1 of th~ coneregatlon and secretary; Franklyn Hruza, Sun- w•ll head the new church coun. day Schoo 1 su~rlntendent; ForTHie++E•EN,.,_S•fd.G.Nenv~ c.ll ell also ~lected at th~ meeting. George Burkhardt, Melvin Erlck--=.~~~~~~·~H~A"-Iji;liil4iiiiiFil Mr. McCardle, who also serves son. Clyde Hartwlgsen. Wilton rr as church treuurer. wu selected Lewton, deacons; and Dr. James MATTRESSES chairman from the list of eleven McCauley and George Kledalsch, ~~ trustees. IrreeuJar Shapes y I p • Committee formed at the first KEW-aEJ11JLI)DfG U e reVIeW meeting of the new council are: COSTA MESA MAn•w co. Stewardship and Finance, Roy 2IIO Newpott .... u 1-1]01 Sets Record McCardle, chairman. William C&rnett, Clyde Hartwlgsen ltwo *ED MANN Communitg Progress is important to this bank lnc:ft.-d J)'ocperity in thiaarea brinp more opportunitia for .uviee, and 'more twMitww A standlne ovation for Mary to be appointed 1; Evangellsm Naegeli. chairman of the Christ-and Spiritual CAowth, George mu Preview, wu given by mem-ltledabch, chalrman. Dr. Me. ben of the Bualriess and Profes. Cauley, Ruth Hardy, Gladys aonal Women's Club when It was Bowman (one to be appointed 1; revealed that Mn. Naegeli and Pariah Ed u cat 1 on , Franklyn her corps of well oreanlzed oom. Hruz.a, chairman, Theodore HJn. mitt~ made by far the .,eatest deraker, Lew Hodgson. Pat Cos- financial au~ of the Preview tello and Mae Boblnaon; Fellow. In Ita hatory. Report of the Pre-lh.lp, Wilton Lewton, chairman, view wu rJven at the buatness Georp Reimer (three to be ap. meetlne of BPW followtnr dinner pointed); S~lal Services and held Jan. 6 at the Newport Bar. Decorations. Donald Wedeklnl. bar Yacht Club. chalnnan. Fern Miller, Clyde The evenlnl'a proaram was a Loudul (two to be appointed) ; talk on Indian customs and folk. B u II d I n 1 and Improvements. loce 1lven by Pulhmataha. Cher· G eo r 1 e Burkhardt, chairman, okee Indian ttom the Newport Gene Pilkinton, MeJvln Erickson Harbor Buttalo Ranch. A birth· (two to be appointed). day gift for President Mazie Bird, plua a cake with Uabted candles. ......___ B.-lila wu another ~-of the eve-I ... r .. --nln&-._.. Blo•qaht •• 1.._ _._ 1 _ awu,.. _,..._ prbe. -~ ._ 'l'1le II'OUP ..-! daftatta... ,_ the Or.,ae County Tubettul~ls A paltable ,.. lleat« nat to and Health ~atJon and the drasa-wu b~ for a $2..000 Oranre County Pbllhumorilc So. ftft Dee. 27 ln the ltGme o1 John clety. Gretha Tub.,_ announced T. McGrath at 81• W. Ocun plana for the March o1 Dimes Front. Newport Beach. The build· campalen. which Ia conducted lne received $1.500 damage and by BPW, and Sally Newlin asked oontentl $500, fftmen aaid. the c)ub to help plan public ac. An electrte dlshwuher motor tlv1tles for Easter week. Betty JI'OUDded In the home of Ed Handy reported on Christmas Groenend,yke at 2 Harbor Island. 1ifta e~ven-to a needy famlly. J"trement eame to the scene at Guesta of the evenln1 were 10:54 a.m. Dec. 27. No damage Jean Ra~un, Cella Thayer, Elea. resu.lted. nore Ll.sk, Theta Lo1an. Barbara J. K. Scudder of 145 N. Bay Beck and Ellaaa Olson. Front. Balboa Island, started , .............. ......... ,.. .. Lester John Clarke, 74, of 310% Lark.lpur Ave .. Corona del Mar, burnlne bla Christmas tree In hia fireplace at 10:48 a.m. Dec. 27. A nelehbor saw th~ smoke and turned In an alarm. firemen said. It wu llsted as a needless call. executive mana1er of Hearst KAMES llf WliOKG PLACE PubllcatJona from 1919 to 1930. Newport. pollee warned th~ died In Hoq Memorial Hospital parents ot. two Corona del Mar on Dec. 30. boys, 9 and 10, for wrltJnc their Mr. Clarke was born In Wis. names In fresh cement of a cona1n and had lived In Corona bouse under const:nactlon at 231 del Mar for ~ yean. He Ia lrls Ave~ Corona del Mar. E. v. sutvtved by hla wife, M.ra. Ruth Overby of 2032 Palmer St.. Colta I. Clarke of the home addrela; Mesa. notified pollee of the mall- a aWer, Mrs. Nola Clarke Tunks, clous mbchJet eoine on at tb~ of North HollJWood. and a alte. brother, Gewee E. Clarke, of North Hollywood. Private t.a.m1ly Read Enslen Want Ada. A eemJ-annu&.l dM4et:ul fill bank are Mr. Van Dyke, pres!. ••• SUO per mlre wu declared at _,.t: B. L. Hetrlc:k. cuh!er; wu . the aanu~ meet1n1 ot ~ld· llam laton. ualatant euhie· Moreland I.AttMl4. 1D lrlllllt en and ~ ot tJM Jfewport DeruUt Caale. ..l.st.ant cuhler: Bay Front. Balboa, bu Ma • ~ l&nk lD Coroaa del Mar. 8. Z. KcJtJnney and Bra~ pointed resident mana.-Of tt. 1 ...... D ... , fill CGronA BJall. f\nch. vice presJdents; WaJter Newport Beach otflce ol ...... landl ... DUDIId u a new cliNe> Mel.lot. Cecr1e Davies, James .on, HammUI • eo .. mem._. of t«, ~ AHnw lrown. Bamrtt, Stanley Jlidderbof and the New Yark and Loe ~ Wbo ~ -.-ot movtna Mr. a.,y, dlrectora. Stock Exehanaes and other lea4. away fronutbe .,.._ Mr. by l8 m. aeeurlty and COIIUDOCIItJ •· a ~~ buJJdJtsC ecmtnetor Jl& rl f I • I chances. The omce l8 at DS1 VIa and pr..tc~qt ot the Kewport d&£~ .1 IF, J, IJdo In tb~ IJdo Sbopplna C.. deacb Elementaty Scbool ..ro •• II I 81__ ter . ol Trutteea.. 141 -111, .... Mr. Lelthold hu been ~ President lamee T. Van Dyke Albert Frederick Bader 67 of dated with Shearson, HaiiUD.W reported a MW peak In ~t. 327 Wlllon Ave ,.._._ ,.· • or Its predecessor tlnna In Soudl. -141.38.037 an Jne:reue of ·• .......,... esa. a c lU 1 t 28 • ~oOo , retired bank executive died Frl ern a orn a or yean. ,ar over a year aao. CUb day. Jan. 7, In Oran~e Coun . the past 20 years he hu been a ~!!i :z.~ent leC'Urltlee H~pltal. Services were held Jar: resident ot Balboa, where be hu __, be aatd. Earn. 10 at Baltz Cha~l Corona d l lopg been actlv~ In clvtc afta.tra. lnp were at the raCe ot $17.38 Mar with Mn. Ada T-1 ole Until quite recently he bu spent per abare u com ..... -.~ wtth ' """P e all f his U th • --An tl2.32 la.t ear -~ the Four Square Gospel Church. o me at e .....,. . • ~ · In Lol Ancelea oftlclatlnc celes ottice of Shearaon, Ham. ~ profit lharlnc retil'ement · m111, and he plans in the tutwe plan from bank employees wu Mr. Bader wu a native o.t to be there two days a w.k. I.Mtalled. Newport Harbor Bank Evansville. Ind , and had Uved wu one of the 1S banks orlgl-here three years. H~ Ls survhced I ~ted with Mr. Lelthold naJly adopt.Jng the plan de-by two daughters, Mrs. Marcue n e ewport Beach aftiee wUI veloped by the CalifomJa Bank rtte Huehes of Balboa Island and be Ftancla l . MJtcheU, Don W. era AaoctaUon. . Mrs. Arnold Wessman of Ham. Cole, Wtlllam R. Blekey, William 001 d _..__._ R. Peeler and Mra. Lee Mac-cera an uu'""'-u.a of the mond. Ind. Greger. 1'09 nJDIJI. T DfDEJIU'DDT lfEIGIDODOOD DUG STOU BOla OWJIED ............. COSTA IIDA Dr 'mE aEW Yista ......... c ... PrK. u.ctt.. I& il-21-22 lt.,..... EPSIII SALTS 4 IL 4t c::~ .,, ...... 13c Pke. of 100, Reg. 19c BOUJIS I TO ~DAD. 1' Y'1'11U. .~ COYU.EJ)......n T. Y. LIIIHI WilE 3C Rea. 7c Foot ISc 1.£AK PJIOOF EtiiiMJ lllllrilllc 29c CIIJLDaEJI'I CO'n'OJf 5 hU Tr1lll11 ,.._ llc St.. 1-12 1.11 LUSTaO WA.AE DUll Til y 1.39 c-.. ._ Wt fta:stic J .......... ......... Reg. 1.49. Full 54 ln. lone n ""aCT Tadl:llla ....Tewelallc Ass't. Colors, Reg. 98c "'SeefwaJ• EIYD.WES Me Box of 40, Rec. 39c IOc C...., , ..••. ,.. WTa;wla 5Si R~f. 39c n.tk ... .. c ••••• Gt• .,.,...._. ,. '" ... funeru~wubtid~n --rf=~====~=:=:=:=::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the BaltJ Mortuary, Ccl'ona ere Yitany intaatecllft nay~ *P fornrcl f« tbil COIDJilUDit:y. del Mat, wtth Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler otfldaUn1. 1LD PDIOT AIIDm LBI'rBR, RYONS a Co. Investment Securities MIJIIUtrS NfW TOft SlOOt DICMANGI lOS AMOIUS POOl DICMAHQ AMUICAN ll()CJ( UCMANGI IAI10C.I H64 E.. COAST HWY. •.o. lOX till, C~ DR. MAl. ~­ MAftOI 1121 Q 'N 0MY Cl(M)All NOll \'WOOD lONO au.ot ••· ,_.. ..._ •a ..,._ .._ 11-4 m .., .. .._.,.,...... 11-4 ,,., .ot ...._.,--. 121 ...... IWlANO& I IVfiSIOf IANTA AHA IMitA ~ .,..,....._ .... ._. .. ..., ...... ._ ,.,.o.-11. ,............. -~a...--.ue Application hu beeTl made by Croft 6 Nevtlle.. Inc.. G6 31st Street, Newport leach, for a per. mit to install mooriq allpe In Welt Udo channel. an arm of llewport ..,, ln froftt of Lots .. T. & t and 10. 'l"'''ld No. 815. DraW'tq abow1DI loc&tloll and plu of the propoeed wed b on m. at the ~ Eqlnter'a ot. ~ • ~ .. :·:~~~------1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;~~ • A ..,._ CMitlon .-.ow pre. tabla A la.rae pair ol .ct..are ....._. bJ Udo w. ~ &bc:l prlanc$1 of Ivy completed ~ O'llen to w Mld hill'\&· the cJecantlolll. ~ 8 at the lr¥tne Oout ec;w,try Included Ill the bualnea meet. Qab wu announced at the Ja.nu.. Ina ,..... a tum. ftltlUed ''Care ol ~ meet!na ol tiM lJcSo llle the Baut." rwne.cs by Mf88 Woman'• Club held last week on Nadine Sym.me.. executive .sec. TuMday at the Newport Harbor retary ot the Onnte County Yacht Club. Heart Aaoelatlon. Mra. Ralph A theme ol "Paper Doll.a'' was Tandowsky, prealdent. called for Uld by Mrs. Gene Ross, eha lr-a report on the John Morley tee- man, Mra. Ward Lee, co-chair-ture to be aponsored by the Lido f'A•• and M.ra. C. L. Smith, dec· Isle Woman's Club to n I g h t orations eommlttee, so danclng (Thursday) at Newport Harbor paper tleures representing ~ Hlgb School. Following the bus t. land, Spain, Holland and France ness meetinc and lunch. the were set upon the luncheon women stayed for bridge and • c a n a s t a . Arrangements were made by Mrs. Robert Templeton. The LIWC Garden Section will meet next Tuesday at the home of 'Mrs. I.rv1ng Watcher, 223 Vla. MentoDe, IJdo. Faculty Wives Hear of Korea Capt. WUllam Adams ol the U.S. Army reserve showed colored pictures. and told ol hls experiences whlle ~ u liai- son otflcer of the Turldsh contin· eent Of the United Nations Army Jn Korea at the January meeting uv. EDWDf QOMD of La-of the Orange Coast College Fac. ,._ Ia aapplyi.D9 tbe pulpit ulty Wives Club meeting held e1 e.. Corolla del ll• c-. last week on Wednesday. The ....tty Cbarda aa IDt.bD meeting was held at the home of M.ra. Kenneth Boettcher, Costa wlateter, hCCI'!IIIIID9 Jle9. hal L ~tt. .... Goaab 8elftd Mesa. wttla the lOth lloaatala DIY~-Mrs. Donald Bridcman, presl- alaa ID lto'ly duri.Dg Wol'ld W• dent. conducted the business of the Faculty Wives Club. Mrs. D. CIDCl wttb tbe Flnt Ccrnllly Wendell Pickens, Mrs. Robert •DMsloll··~-~-..;;;ID~J[ona;;~~ID~l·IS~l~.~~ Osborne and Mrs. John NeU as. W•la'OGID For QUIDI SEIVICE Cat•• S,.clalties ALL ST AJfDABD SJIAI)E CLOTHS. JfOVELTIES & PJUJn"S DaAnln' JIAili)'W AJlE VEifftlAJI a.oms ••• • ~~-gJ,J. g~.op IIA .. C2 I2Dd St.. Jfewport Beclcb * a.tde Uae ~omc. -H~(l.~~ -an automatic Gu water heater and an automatic Gas clor.hes dryer. Put mem ~-aJoos with your automatic wuhu- and you'Ye p a New Flftdcm G. 1.auDdty-coe that will make ~ Wllbday a cudiee day-in . ...,. Aa _._ric Gu ,.a heater ....... bor wuu 3 times &stu. h ....... die Cur Jet:#fU'1 ft«: oeedel tO._.. "P willa 'fOW auro- matic Wulhft.l.ft ,.,_ cte.let help sJsted the bosteas. Those present also Included Mmes. J ames W. Thornton, James E. McCauley, R. Dudley Boyce, Thom as A. Blakely, Char· les Ha ley, William 0 . Payne, Osca r G. Taylor, John S. Owens, Basil H. Peterson, Ray Rosso. wu. llam A. Haarstad, Hueston Har. per, James Wylie. Frederick R. Huber, WlJllam T. Ackerman, Giles T. Brown, Gerald E. Ellls, William F. Kimes. Jam es H. Love, Sam T. McNeal, Richard R. Ba rrett. and Joseph R. Kroll. you select the risht size water heater foe your &mily's MeCk WbeD it comes to dotbes dry- ing. nodlio& equals Gu. lr chia dotbes &.r than any ocher auto- matic-Nd. ADd all yoot lauod.ry is dta. 8ulfier, S'ft'm.f-srncllinl than net bebe. So..-,_.. a Ne-w Pte l=m Gu ta.dty. See the oew mto- ~Mbc <M doc'bcs dtyen and autO- marie GaWIUier beaten at deakt1' or ,wr Gts Comptay o8ice now. 1'bq COlt -• cpera DGAGDIIDrT of ._ ~ ll. t--to Bea-ry Ala:D hriDM .,.. =z •Mild ....uy t., tM •t oted f'lrl'a ="IlL CIIICl 11n. c. Leilt. , __ ., eon.. del .._ CIIICl c~ •~au ,_ a •••• ...-lit ... w.n N'f'eCIIecl by the J'0'1A9 coople at a fa. ally pawty Ia Pw.t•• Tlae giOOID-to..be Ia tbe MD of lln. Joeepla }CITMe Patbw o1 Easaw City. ltCIDIICI:I. aDd tbe late Mr. Parae. -······ 'ftlere are many reuona wby we are called · In tlme ol need. We believe that one ol the molt Important of theM reuona and one whldl causes much favor- able eomment. b the cenulne de- aiM, on our part. to be of "per. 111mal terVlce" to those we serve. PARKES·RIDL MOR.TUAilY ItO ellOADWAV C OIY-. .... u eurt a-'.3'0111~ • .. , .. "'' tAUOA • • ~ IS&Aie . LIOO lilt • NIWf'OIT MACH . COlONA Oil MAl ~~;-~;;cERS INSTALLED Light their life with /Oithlilt BY CHURCH WOMEN NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlnl the Bubar Area Baltz Mortuary CIIA.PEL BY 'I'D dA BartMJr 42 15:10 E. Cout, lllawq Corona cle1 Jlar Baltz Mortuary u:;:z, .. ll21 11'11l6 ·~Ollila .... AIIPI.aP.....O JKmJ l.OCA'nOitl IT. AlmaEWS nEinTEJIIAJICB ,.wno,..BCB- 15th St. A St. Andrews Rd., OCIOU f:roaa ... Scbool Uberty 14'1n hstw: .... }CIIDee S. Stewart SUNDAY~ Momtng worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. High Fellow- ship. 7 -p.m.; College age feJ. lowahJp, 7:30 p.m. -ruES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m.. AUDOLT OP QOD 12114 lt. & &lcllo ..... c.t. .... LlbedY f.ml ••w I d ll. C:, er.lc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ab lp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. YounJr Peopl e and ChJldren'a Service. 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Serytce· Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Ml.ss1onary Coun· cll, Thursdays, 10:00 a.m AEVDTB DAT ADVEiillSt C"w.wpon aa9'CI. at Bol8a st.. w.wpon IW9Jau ut.ty 1-lSU Eldea' D. D. SpauldlDg Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9::30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet-inc: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Frl· day Evening Vespera: 8:00. ,..,. UftiiT cauac:a ..................... , .. c.. ..... JM ••• a. ........ ... SUnday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunclay School; 11 :un. WonhJp Service.• 1 :30 p.m., Baptllt Tratntnc Union ; 7:30 p.m., Evenln& Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Praise a.nd Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus practice: 8:30 p.m. Men'• Prayer Meettnc. CIIOCB 01' OVII LADT OF liT. CA...,. 1611 w ............... •.wpon ~-1· ., ..... ~ . .., ...... Fatber ,_wwaa ,.... Sunday Mauea: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Con.feulon: Sat· W'daya and e'Ves. ot 1.t P'rldaya and Holy D~ from 4:00 w 5:30p.m . and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. DaUy Mall 8!00 a.m. First Friday: 1:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Neve na (~al Help ): -na.dq, 7:t5 p.IL WOOOW0RTH PIANO SHOP J:xcluatve Apnt for Baldwin Planoe GENERAL SHEET METAL WORKS 2610 E. eo.t Hwy. H•. 3112 Corona del ._.., RI£STIK No Taeb ••• Ko ,..,. ••• No .... mt E. eo.t Hwy. CoroM cw .... 405 lOth SfrMt Harbor 2210 Newport INch 1"HHMAS MOIIL SBVICE. ......... -Poallhlli. ISQPW ....... H•.JMI.W N .......... IAUOA lAY Q.UI 'I I ..... , ..• .,. u lllrl WI liNT .AU. MAKES . IEIT I TY ••'•" a.wlcl .......,._ ball: Thelma Paddodr llopt. .bt c:tt.clr'p of decorGtlou. a:Dd lin. Doaald Ba:rwoocl cmd Mn. Paul llogiKs La cba:rge of ticbU cm4 .-.-. Pntine to Aid ..... ..., ow. ...... ty Philharmonic • The Balboe Bay Club will t.. be ~d in Fullerton in February. '"'""'"'"""' Into a cta.nt Val,en-Is the tltth concert made with p.J.a ~1\& pink poe.slble the group, which was : ~~::.ld udl strellDleb tor the J ?'aanb<d May. The Society dinner dance to be held made poaalble thili series of P'eb. 1L "'GIW: Your concert.s ctven by a profes. to the PhiJ.harmli.uc"' 1a the Southland · group of mu- ' -'•••••• for the ball. to be under the baton of their by th~ Orance County conductor, Frieda Bel- monic Society to ralle money tor of Crystal Cove. Over 400 !utuo-. free concerts of the new~ and sponsors have made ly oraanlzed mu.ical poup. possible the conceru, which are County chairmen few the ball held In various partt; of Orange are Mn. Karen Marcerta Bruntnc County. of Corona del \{ar and Mrs. Ed------- ward Mittelman of Fullerton. Mrs. Paul Rogers of Udo Is i.n &arce of rmervatlons, Thelma Paddock Hope. Corona del Mar artist. Is In charae of decorations. Also on the oommlnee from the harbor area are Ruth Paddock Gibbs of Balboa Ialand and Or. and Mrs. Robert Crawford of Cos- ta Mesa. .atioa&. (Doa Bub Pboto) The next symphony concert to 'illllilj::=:=======================::.. 11 be presrnted by the Oranee I County Philharmonic Society will REMEMBER! WE ABE HAVING A STORE WIDE CLEARANCE SALE! SALE! SALE! DRESSES -SLACIS-BLOUSES ........... . LINEN SUITS-SW.. 7-20 .......... :.~ .......... .$10.00 ( .... !125.00) DRESSES-SW.. 14-44 .................. . ( .......... ) ORLON CARDIGANS. Sizes 34-40 ................ .$6.95 (Good Colon) ORLON PUJJ.OVERS. Sizes 34-40 ................... $5.95 100"/. Wool Cardigans. Size 34-40 -········ . .$4.50 100"/. Wool PuDo'Oen . Size 34-40 ............... _ ... .$3.50 COMPLETE DRESS STOCI DIIASTICJW. Y REDUCED Beach and BOulevard • • of SCKial noiE Alter a nice lone rest a.nd fun, oner. Eleanor Booker was Balboa Island Postmistress Hilda first Treasure Days queen at sons Spend Year Abroad WaUttns admits she probablY. Corona del Mar lobster b.J.ke. Mr. and Mrs. Murton H. w''"'": won't stay a loafer but plans to baby's grandparents. General an•• 1••.,• recently moved to 1222 be Riling real estat~ and insur-Mrs. Young, are In the east. Boulevard in Balboa. ance on the Island with Nelda • • • s~t the Jut year In Glbsqn ... New C. of C. Prexle The lint social appearance En&land. where Mr. Wll- Maurie Stanley is removing him. Miss Susan Jane Cooling of West. son studied at the Ard\ltectural aelt from the Island to take over wood was made last Saturday A.uoctatlon of London on a Full- what has been the Stanley Real when she accompanied her par-bright Scbolorshlp. Mr. Wilson Is Estate office In Corona del Mar. enta to the home of her grand-now wtth the Ell~rbroek archi- • • • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tectural firm. A baby boy is the new addition Cooling of Jkoaron Bay. Susan Mrs. Wilson, the former Mar· of the family of Major and Mrs. was two m onths old on Thurs. garet Thayes-. is from San Ma- Jesse V. Booker of Santa Ana, day. rlno. She is a craduate of the formerly of Corona del Mar. Llttl~ • • • University of Colorado. where John David was born Friday, Jan. Opening the new Palm was af11llated with CCh~~~, ,~;~:•:, I 7. at St. Joseph's Rospltal and "cool" hit spot, 'The Mr. Wilson, a lso a g weighed In at seven pounds. Ma. morrow night will be the duo the University of Colorado. jor Booker was reported missing bands, Red Nichols and our his post graduate w ork at In the Korean war and spent sev. South Coast's Hal White. Hal vard University. Mn• .. 'nl~~~~;: I era! years as a communist prls-his wife will be leaving taught at Boston U ------------1 del Mar for now, taking up whUe her husba.nd attended Har dence In Palm Springs for VaJ'd. -~-_, season. The new "Ranch" Mrs. Wilson's ";''~::~::~~;I being opened by N(MOJ Clark, pro-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest moter ot the Capistrano Jkoach-Thayer. have been summer romben club. dents of Balboa lor the put • • • HERE AND mERE -Mostly there. Dana and Ginger Lamb, Corona del Mar'a famous adve:n- yean. The W ILsons have a one-year- old son, Geoffrey. '-autbon, ..,. 11-:i:::!\I>T ,4 ~--fr'GIIl & ltetuN tout ~ ........... the eut and prewnted a to th~ Sanu Ana £bell Club lut th~ Harbor VIew P.T.A. wu week on their ertorta to ·~~"•I recently at the home or Mrs. =='=============='"""==tln=ued==""=,....=':0.7=)== Young, Corona Highlands .. and Introduced Mrs. ZOXTA CW of '11M lloatll tor "~ -.cmcy CcaDp- bell. dlzvPt. of Mr. cmd Mn. Berny CcaDpbell of 22t Ordltd A.._ ConDa dal lla. !lcmcy has bMD MCNtary of tbe freU. alall. eoptwm.. -d JankK claue&. StM l& a ...., · ........ a .aembu of tiM pep CXIIID.IIlit. tee. U.. Ckla Athletic Cub Clllld tbe Trl Slwma club. Sbe -- c:hOMD by a CXIIID.IIlit'-of faculty cmd Zoata __ ......_ - tba; beaU of ~ to tbe Kiaool ODd co.auaalty. penoe. al powtll. cllcDacWs' aDd CIIDbi· - tfrandt·s, Pre-lnvento~y ~==~: Mrs. Warren Clem~nce. McMahon, the new ways Means chairman. Results of the recent Safe D"v-'I> tnr Day w~ discussed and Mrs. Norman Carlson, health and safety chairman, reported that Superintendent Roy 0 . Andersen • AT OUR CORONA del MAR STORE ONLY DON'T MISS THIS ANNUAL EVENT! contacted the PoliCE" Depart- In ~gards to placing SP\" safety signs along the .!K'hool route where Mothers said they were needed. Dental Health Day is on f eb ruary S. and on tha t rue."llay morning at 8;30 Milton Taddock wiU entertal.n th~ s tudf'nts with a puppet show en tltll'd "'Lillie hfle and the Uttle 'A1ute a...&•IS IIOVE TO SAJn'A AJifA 'Ibe F. N. Cluks have mo\'f'd 232 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar, to. Tropic Lane In Santa Ana. AJILE"E BUJIT, •lectled CD Zoata Clrl of tbe Jloa.tb tor Decambef, WCD awarded her pill by E'ft Aaphl. ~deat of Zoata. a:Dd WiDlfnd ..,__ bead of U.. COGUDI"-. AI'._ is tbe dcruCJhtw of lb. a:Dd NI'L Bo.well BuU of Gl lrftDe ~9L N..-port BeiCJbtL A. a ...UOr at "ewpon acabor Bl9h 5c:bool her acth1U.. illc:hade Cil'b L.eavoe Pnsideat. N a t lo D a I RODOlf Sodety, a .a~ of Tri SiCJIDCI laoocwwy aDd of tbe Cil'la' Athletic Auodatloll. IICUII'I 1111 IIIIET wtt:IIIALLIE "Thanks. all you lovely anony. nious people, for your phone calla" ... Thursday of last week som e 400 dignitaries and offf. of Orange County attended an open house to celebrate the Installing of the lOO,OOOth Gu Meter In Orange County ... No\11' the Installing of the lOO,OOOth meter, especially when It wu made of gold, is In Itself an ex- eltlng occasion ... But when the Cas Company's figures a trw years back predicted that they would probably by about 1960 be lmtalllne the 60,1XX>t.h meter and here five yean: ahead of time they've reached the 100.000 mark! Whew! Bl'eath-taklng, ian't tt! County's jp'OWth ... 1'tMI Beem HoUH, buUt by DoD. furnished by Chand- l«s In Santa Ana and natur&lly featurln1 the v.ry lAtest in Free- dom Gu ltltchen.. is located at ~eU Lane, just west ol Flower Street oft Memory Lane ln the S&ntlago aecUon ... It Is na'N open to the publk. una rold meter . . . Everybody II Invited to have a * * * To 911 boclr: to tM ~-_.,.._.u. ... ~ 11Do0n1.ia9 we .... II d i ll wttb pMDe Glllb by ,..... .... UDg u ._., a.cll _, ... / )crpd. tlae ~ .... .. a. ...... Pady ywlcc&q-••• a -Dloely u.. party ...t .at . .. s-1111perecable tM .... 1119 wa.l Row-.. ._, Ilia-. dip!t.mte. aad """'*''• ...... ..._u.g to gift tMk -. bot...-re•;;dtt .. ., tbe tat tiMd tiMor took .. u.. .. call ••• * * * Want to know what wu served! Cold sliced turk~. rout bed and baked ham ... Clam dip and •~ado dip ... a...ie'a famous Swedish meat balls lb b&r-b-'1 aa.uce a.nd piatt.ers of ~dy made up bon d'oeq~ . •• But au tbe 1004 •• ~ ....... tbe ......... ,. ............. .. __ .... _ .bt& tU ea. CcmaaanT• mode) ol ... meter ... JProm Caterina to a hall prtae counter up fourteen easy .tes- . OUr Mezzanine Shop up. stairs hu a half price counter Exciting, Once-a-Year Values IN ALL STORE DEPARTMENTS a. .......... YARN SHOP 17C7 E. Coat JIIIJbWGT C..... lt.l Ma IIA 0157 Knitting, Crocheting and Needfepoint Supplies Knitting Baas Spedallu!d Acceuories and lnsttuctlons wt.t. Jlooun: WOTM Hold Dinner D·ance 'nle Nl'WpOM. Womf'n of the I ~=~• Moose will ~~erve a c hill lx>an ): dinner from 7 to 9 p.m . Saturday fit All New, First Quality Stock Wide Selection of Styles, Colors, Sizes • WOMEN'S DEPJ. • MEN'S • CHILDREN'S DB'T. • IOYS" DEPT. FIIIL..:II u....l •--• * ' * -rand ..... ' •s ... ...... .,__ -.. a.-P a _,_ ... & WFIICMAI. .......... ' ' at the MCIOW Homeo. 23(X) W. Orean Front, Newport. for mem ~Nl and their guf'Sts. The Mel- Mon. t.hru SaL 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thunday 1 p.m . to 5 1 o:ty Mountaineers ~o~.·IJI play for d:mclng after the d innPr. Mrs. Leonard Leach Is In c.harge. NIR SPECIALTY ---- * IEl Ul Pll ... l R &I .. - 1 - J Vogel DIITI ¥alue IE SA •••• 11t1 HaH·all't Y.,-... CIITII '1 ••..,.1111 • 2 bdrm.. t\ den near Country Club. Flagstone fireplace, PA heau.n., w /w carpeting, etdlwood paneling, planter, lovely den, modem kJtchen, blt-in breakfast nook, en- clOMd patio. Separate dog kenael, ltable 6 corral. Ev- erything-Just everything for real familY living. Total ,rtce •IJ $18,960 You must SEE this home! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR , HARBOR 14TT We' Invite You WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purct)ase In the $20,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California living. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley in a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. WHY IRVINE TERRACE? IRVINE TERRACE ls part of an 1864 addition to the Irvine Ranch which overlooks Newport Harbor. It l.s on the last available tract of land that falls between the Coast Highway and Newport Harbor. The Irvine Company has dt'termlned that this very valuable area be s pared from the unplanned and characterless hous- Ing Vtat has congested so much of the post-war South-land It has developed the Irvine Terrace plan to give the home owner many advantages Including ... 1. Protection !rom gradual community deterioration or an eye-sore Innovation by an erratic neighbor. 2. Careful community planning for maximum Indi- vidual privacy and a completely harmonious com- munity. Irving Terrace oUers each family the pleasure of "belonging" to one ol the most desirable communities In the West. And ... there iB no smog. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace. T" MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPEt"nON PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OPEN HOUSE-12 le 5 • EVUIII CAIYOII ROAD, SH.E CUFFS Th1l ls an ouutaDdlnC bonw tn one ot the finest coastal subdlvlalons in Southern CalltomJa. Two larre bedrooms, a den with ocean vlew and fireplace, large hJgb beam ceiling and a hure fireplace In Uvfnr room. This home Is priced to sell, and must be sold OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY * * * -BAYSHORES- 4 bedr .. 2 bath ; guest room and bath; V~ large rooms. beautiful panelllng. Exceptional closet space. $42.500 II· a. palm. l1corporallll OLE HANSON CO. Sales Mgmt. 1700 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach LI. 8-5573 FHA tenm For Information aee ua now. W.A.T..U,Iulllr -you'll like our friendly service 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 , . IIMJ I.,_ a..t.:. OPPORTUIITY TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME ON BALBOA. lSLAND Here's your chance to use your trust dee<ls oc-other Pf'O-perty to buy an attractive, completely furnllhed home on Uttle Balboa bland. It ls. Ideally located, has a real fireplace, Jarre rooms, and extra baths. Since the owner no longer has need for the home he will make someone an exceptional deal. We have the key and details at our ottlce. Don't Delay-See Us Today • ISUID REALTY CO. 498 Park, Balboa Island HA 3TT .lUST USTED! Charming 1 bedr. home In at- tractive location. Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar. Has garage. hardwood noors and all the extras for comfortable living. FULL PRICE $11.900 Inspect this home. Call leralll W. Ritchie aarTALI LOUlSf AFi'i CarnatiOn nr. lea. vlaw, CDIIt Modern tum. apL Ind. utU. tdy. or eeuonal t50 u~ BA .all. POR lEASE REFEUNCES RBQUlRED • AvaUable Jan. ~. 1-bedr. eol· tare, lee. cabana, wen turn., ebarmtn. g a r den , corl\er, couple only, no pet& Attrac-tlv~ ~nt tor lonr leatte by paying lilt t\ la~ 6 mo. In advance. 500 OrChid, CDM. FURNISHED APT., pleuant aur- roundJnp, aIry conditions; adults. no pets. 610" Marrue- rlte, CDM. 2-BEDRM. ROUSE with gar., fur- nace heat, $85 mo. yearly rental; 500 Goldenrod. CDM. LI 8-4026. CORONA DEL MAR. 702 Begonia, deluxe 2-bedrm.. unfurn. du- plex; fireplace. forced air heat. hardwood floors.. separate patio. no small children. Har- bor 1684·R. WITH FIREPLACE modem 1- bedr., 701 Iris. CDM. Nicely and completely turn .. $85 mo.', yrly. lease. HA 4318 or 4453. 1 BEDRM. !urn. apt. tor rent, utilities pd. $65 mo. yearly. COM HA 723. SPECIAL! ROOMS and apart- ments, $10 a week. children and pets welcome. Sandy's Motel, 2931 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. HA 0591. 2715 Coast Blvd .. Corona del Mar MlSCELLAifEOUS Harbor 83 3-bedrms., 2 baths. den. din- Inc room on 2 lots on corner, So. of highway. Corona del Mar. Open for Inspection at 415 lrls Ave. CHARLES W. MASTERS Contractor HArbor 2941 J $50 per mo rents good practice plano. All term rent allowed If you buy later. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano Sale, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Great January Plano Sale. OPEl See 516 Jasmine. 2 bedrm. apt. front duplex, flrepl., hdwdllrs., good heat, gar. $75 mo. unf. Call Muriel M. Plnover, Realtor. 2604 Newport Blvd., N. B. Harbor 4610 lapifi..t v-... of CU.•I 1111 Ocea1 from this Clitl side home overlooking China Cove. Com- pactly built. It has 3 bedrms., large living room wtth pegged plank floors. sunken dining rm., corner bar, sundeck. It's completely furnished and In perfect condi- tion. A beautiful home tor artlstlc people. Call Herb Shaw at IIEEIILEAF ASSOCIATES C..allll lar Nice 2-bedr. home, south ol highway. dbl. gar., partial view, hardwd. floors, fireplace. $13,fi00 TEllS • • • 2-bedr. borne. dbl. Jar .. fum., lge. clo&eU. corner lot, convenient to centt shopplnc area. $9,816 TEllS Call Mr. Erhardt JOHN E · SADLEIR REALTOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Coast Highway Harbor 2422 CORONA DEL MAR • OPEl HOUSE---UDO ISLE!! 128 VIA MENTONE .,.. Sat. ••• s.., 2 • & , .... ~ptlonal 2-bedr. and bunk home-2 baths---excellent Jocatlon adjoining central strata. For preview ~howlng, call George Moore-Harbor 1600. (eves. Liberty 8-1266). HlRIOI IIYESTIENT 00. REALTORS in '55 .. 308 30th st .• Goal--'' Eight-Five {$8,500.000;1-hat is) HArbor 1600 Member ol Multiple Listing Newport Beach REMEMBER THIS: When selllng property, the selling commlssftm charge l.s small compared to the advantare of bavlng the sale ln the hands of experts. CONSULT YOUR MULTIPLE LISTING BROKER NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REAL TORS . NEWPORT BEACH f'OiH. 2 bedr. 1 ~ bath, lh'. dJn. rm., Jdtda., altd p.r. vw. COM. HA 2281-W. Cbi( '702 Be,on___,l,....a."""<t"="'-.p---=-le.x.__.,8o.,..--ol. bwy., yr. old. Plnetlt material., all modern feature~, one apt. avail. Owner HA 111M-B. OUR GREAT January i&le. pri buya lovelY Splnet. Standard make. Mirror type Spinet only $235. Baldwin Acra.onle only $489. PractJce plall(MI from • up. Baby Granda from $485. Dozen ot others. These lnaUU· menta are trade.w and rental. returns. Many just like new. Beautiful electronJc o r e a n . Save $250. Da.m.&hmldt Bla Plano 6: Orran Store. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. =--=-__,..----,,---UPRIGHT USED Lauter pJano, good condition, recently tuned, HA 2662-R or come to 712 Pop. PY Ave .. CDM. HAMMOND ORGANS. All mod- els. One only slightly used al- most like new. This ls a spe- cial. Danz-Schmldt Hammond Headquarters for Orange Coun- ty. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. FOR SALE or trade for single home or what have you. Du plex. HA 0891 . Johnson. BEAUTIFUL Electronic Organ blond case a lmost new. Must sacrifice. One only. Big saving. Danz.Schmldt Great Sale, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano, blond just like new save $200. Ma hogany Spinet slightly dam aged In sh ipment $487. Good practice pianos from $891 $94. $125. $175. See these at the Great Danz Schmidt P l a n o Sale. The big store. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos. We have no branch stores. ... ol • BUSIKESS B..EXTALS NOW LEASING, avail. bus. of- flee space, center CDM. suit- able for acct., dentist doctor, architect, lawyer. LI 8-1526. BUS. OFFICE, excel. loc. across St. from CDM P. 0. Ideal for loan repres., contractors. seam- stress. art or jewelry bua. UtU. pd., only .$40 per mo. Ben Whit- man HA 1862. Srrt1ATJOKS WAJfTE.D REPAIR AND maIntenance. painting, carpenter,. etc. Just anything. Reasonable Satisfac- tion guaran~. HA 01.26-J. BABY SITI1.NG, care ol sick. tn your horne by ma_tu.re CDM woman . .D~. ntrht. Call beloN 10 a.m .. after 5 p.m. HA 3192.M. I 50 USED pianos wanted for our rental service. Trade In your old plano on new plano or electronic organ. Rtrh cub allowance. Danz-Schmldt Great January Plano Sale, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. BELP W AKTED DOCTOR'S RECEP'I10NlST, Age 2().40. Call HA 4022 or apply at office, 900 W. Balboa Blvd., N. B .. 9:~5:30, Mon. thru Fri. or tall HA 619-W alter 6:30 P.M. for appt. GIRLS- We have opentnp at our Newport Beadl ottJce. au E. Balboa Blvd. tor TELD'IIOD OnaATOU -Apply- Monday t.brourh Ftld~ 9:00 A.M.. to 4:00 p.M. 5141/a If. llcda I~ lila. 211 ..... ~ PACIFIC TELEPHONE aE.Jn'A.LI ... CDM-MUST SEE. Completely .and beautltully fum. corner apt. 2 Bedrm., bath. kitchen and combination llvfnr an4 dJninC room, garare, patio. d1aposal. fJreplace. HA 26'70-V/. Dora Hill is 'Wome!n of Year' <Continued from Page 1> held at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Also Installed were James T. Van Dyke as first vice-president; Monte R. Grimes as second vice- president; William O'Bryon, C. A. Higbie, Peter Barrett. Kenneth Albright and Roland Wright as directors. an¢ Hay Langenhelm u perennial executive secretary. Installed In absentia as treasurer was 0 . W. IDickl Richard, who sent a telegnm ol greeting from Florida. Certificates of merit were Is- sued to: Peter D. Gales, winner of the Helms Junior Yachting Perpetual Trophy for service to junior yachting during 1954. Hay Langenhelm, winner ol Jhe Helms Senior Yach:lng Per- petual Trophy for serv;ce In all phases of yachting for 1954. Newport Harbo.r Veterans Or- ganization tor sponsorship of the Veterans Day Parade Nov. 11. Southwestern Rowtnr Associa- tes, for sponsorship of the Fourth Annual Newport Harbor Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta May 29. J. B. McNally, for hi.l untiring e.tforla In the promotion and de- velopment ol •porttJahfna and the prellf!I"Vatlon of our ocean flab. Newport Beach City Employees Association, for sponsoring the Floating Chrlatma.s tree. Sea Explorers, Orange Empire Council, for serving u boat and providing the site for the 1954 Rowlnr Reratta. Newport Harbor Elks Lodge, for aponaorlng and conductinr the Chrtatmu Welfare program. 'Women's Committee, Newport Harbor Chamber ol Commerce, tor their outRandlnr RrVIee to the Ch•mber and the community as a whole durinr 1954. 0 . W. Richard, for serving u chairman of S.D <Sale Driving) Day Dec. 15. Earl Peterson, for ~~ u chairman ol the local Red Croa braneb. Lara LavagnJno, for serving u president ol the Newport Harbor Community Chest. Grant Howald, for bla untiring CAa POl SALE ettorts In the promotion and de. velopment ol tbe Community Youth Center ot Newport Harbor. Newport Harbor Youth Sym. phony Aasoclatlon, for their con- tribution to our cultural devel- opment In the CTeatlon and ad- ministration ol the Youth Sym. phony Orchestra (a portion of wh1ch presented a halt hour con- cert durtnr the Chamt.er meet- Ing). T. M. Hambrook, for serving u Chambet" president In 1954. Dr. A. E. Stockton, director 1952-54; Stanley Rldderbof, 1953- 1951; Roland Wrlcht. 1949-54; John T. Boyd lr., 1949-54; Dr. o. G. Suess, 1.951-54. CHURCHES l7JfJVaiiAUIT RU.OWIIID Two plano aelectlona wtll be a special feature ot Sunday's serv- Ice at the UnJveraalt.t Commu- nity Fellowship at 515 w. BaJ. boa BJvd .. Ba.lboa. Mrs. Besale Ringe, plant..t for the Fellow- ship, and .Mrs. ·Katherine Orr of Coct.a Me.sa w1ll play Le Soil' by Cbaminade and Prelude 1n c sharp llttn« by ltach.m*-Dinoft. Jtev. Frededtlc Rlnae Will 8peak on "'Ibe Valu• and UmJtaUona ol the Golde'Jl Rule." CBIIJIT CIIU'Ial 8\' 'I'JD SEA "God Makes a Dltterence!" La the subject for the Mrrnon by Rev. Roy A. Catt.on at Cbrbt Church By the S.a on Sunday. The S.nctuary Choir wUJ slnr the anthem, "Hark. Hark My Soul" by Shelley tor the 11 o'clock aervtce. The Youth Choir alnp at the early lervfce. . LL COIDIVImT CIIUICII The Ml'Vfce of Rol1 Communion wlll be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday at the Balboa Island Cornmun,Jty Method.lft Church. Rev. Donald G. Sapp wUJ rtve bla concludtnr Nnnon on a le'rle. e n t I t I e d '"Jbe TrauformJn Friendship." Sunday'a topic wtl~ be 'The Power of th• Frien4. ship." lolnlna the church Jut Sund-r ~ Mr. and M.ra. Burt C. Lowen h . and Mr. and M.ra. Loran Heath. • CIDIInAII ICIDc:a c:aww i "God abaU 8elld forth b.la 1954 DODGE Royal red ram V-8. rnerey and hla .. club coupe, fully auto. drive, Tbla Scripture aa"::! ac!:n ~ p'Vt. party, S2175. Call Ll 8-2384 of the , uua.a.r..on "'Truth" ~ or Sun. at the Jfewpart •ada Ch.rtslda.n aanc:a Sc:JeM. dlurdl SunftT, '!be ... Pai mon wtJl .a-the value, ,.._ nting -Decorating and avaUabtnf1i Ood't h••u .. -PAPI:R HANGJNG truth. --. GEORGE BURKHARDT IJcwwed o...tndor CDif COMIIVMift c:aow 511 aotb st.. Newport a..ct~ Jtev. u.in avutlan ~ HArbor ~a. w UbeiV 8--e632 mlnlater 0(, the Com m u n l t 1 Churdl of Corona 4ti Mar, 1a •• Pl&jll .. l utinl th• topic, •'Lett• to the Wed(\" for the duplleat. ~ S·MM 'Yl..J:"' 315-101 ~ MornlftC. '!be Youth and 16MM Sound Projeeton Cbotr will &Ina. ... Sona In PraJee FAST OOLOB rn.al Sl!ltY'tCZ of theiMd" by Dldtin8on at t :.S Model Airplane luppn. a.nd the Aclult a.o&r lt• 81natn&. ... Ol.lrl ......_ "We Tbanlt Tb"-IMd" b7 Bart. !few LoeatiCIIn..... DI•"*T a_t U. 1782 ffewport BlYd .. eo.ta ...... _ ...,.._..:...l'h~~n.-Ub!rty 8·1012 PAINTING a&riiiMOID 2'73 h1DMi' It-e-ta Milia UIMift:J .... • , I~ ...., otftclen Clodn Pcy. aeaetary. tnaurw. cmd Char._ E. Bart. ~t. (L M\111 Plloto) MESA COUNCIL CALLS HEARING ON -R£iONING A public Ma.rlnl on a ~tltlon will pay the balan~ 'nle bid request to rezone & 18th St .. Cos-wlll call for a one-ton panel truek ta Mesa, from Newport Byvd. to wJth dual r~r wheels. A county Orance Ave., from R-4 reslden two way radio. red light and tJal to Cl conunerdal was set ~n will M loa.n~ for rescue tor r eb. 7 at the Colta Mesa City truck use. I Council meeting Monday nl&ht.l ,t.lty Engineer R. L. Pattenon PAGE IEVD INSTALL NEW OFFICERS U.S. Actltl 1&11111 RM Cliu Ia ,.,.. Tht> eo.ta Mesa city plannlne was authorized to proceed with com.mlsalon recommended tha t engineer's estimates on the 1m the petltlon M denJ~. In a letter provement of the Intersections of the cornm.lsslon claimed that lots 18th St. and Tustin Ave. and VIc on the north slde of the strt'et torla St. a nd PomQfla Ave .. with Wel'e of ln.sufflclent depth for a an estimated $6.700 cost for the modern buaJness district, that first projt'ct to rome from county rear access to lots on the south gas tax money and $4,700 for the side )Va.s not plausible without second project to rome trom state heavy condemnation and that gas tax money. Both lntl'rsec the abutment to the residential Uons must be lowered to provide district can only lead to depre nl'C"E'ssary drainage in thf' areas. elation ln the district. Coundlmen ordt>rt>d a limit of • AT REALTY BREAKFAST Robert Perrin won the cup for e SBU aESCUE T1lVCK $5.000 paid to Mr Patterson and Counc.llmen ordered the adver Jack Raub for the cost of a sur Uslnc of bids for 41. rescut> truck vt>y to establish drainage grades for the Costa Mesa Volunteer F'tre In thl' dty A warrant to pay Department to cost approxJmate them an additional $74 99 1n ly $2.300. Volunteer firemen will rosll\ was wllhdrawn and a new contribute $600. the Costa M<'Sa warrant prt>pared for S2.695.01 Lions Clu~ $1.000 and the <'tty balanC'e due them OPEJI BOUSE will be held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.a. SClta.rdoy crt the ...., headquarten of Theodore Bobilu, Barbcw Ana Pord dealer. at 31., W. Coast B19hway, oo MariDen XU.. TMN'll be JOU- ......t.rs a:ad retreahmeata tor the YWton. IGTI ns.o. wlllo ·~ bMil tiM FOld dealer ben alace 1123. Be ia at tiM rigbt 1D the abon ~Members of tbe ataff an ~cta.nd: Theo'a 80A. Bob A record attendance of 150 realtors and guests turned out for the Installation brealdast of the combined Newport Harbor, Laguna Beach and San Clemente Realty boards and to welcome Floyd Lowe, recently \nstalled president of the Calltornla Real Estate Assoclation. The breakfast was held last Thursday at the Irvine Coast Country Club. In maklne his address on .PAs a Man Thlnketh," President Lowe stated that two-thirds of the world's wealth lJI In real estate. He predicted a bigger year In real estate sales In CaltfornJa Jn 1955. ba.slng his eft.lmates on the last three months activity of 1954. Harry Crow, vi~ preaJdent of CREA from the 23rd district, In· stalled the 1955 ott:lcers for the three South Coast realty boards. Serving the local realtors tor the current year wUJ be Charles Hart, Newport, as president, A. J. VIc.- Glamour Glimpses ByAIOf Going to the deaert? Alter this week's weather that's a dellcht- ful thoueht. And Ju..t to be ~ pared. wby don't 1Q1U atop by at <YBRJEif'S and dMtk up on the proper wardrobe tm Palm Sprlnp. Yucca Valley or where are you? To put you In the mood Velma hu done a Mautltul window on a desert scene and I can almost feel the warm sunshine. At least my sister Coleen feels eood all over posing ln that beautiful David Crystal dress, even If she Is just a window manUdn. You'll look 1.l.lle a ,..t'dn laOCW .,.......u .. the .... Demel CryetaJ· ...on..lato.nm· -,_....,. u ,._.... 90ba9 to .... ........ Acalpalco. llawaU -Jut dllrt1DocJ ,_.. ---~ .,..'11 dote -the W I D ~I rtuJIT W i1!ildtcilb .. Laaponecs Teota1 liDalu ..... cr.-e .._...., ... calmly atyW t. __. a.... ia faslt'on Clad Ia deUdou ...... Any minute now you•u want to step forward In a erlsp aprlnc suit of the neatMt o1 pin checks. lt'a sharply tailored of the pack. able, wearable dacron and rayon. You'll note the slightly longer line of the jac.k.t tn the light. weteht suit-dress of a woven ta.yon fabric textured Ute an Italian aUk. It hu a lk1tt de- alrned to mlnlmlze the hlpe and a toudl of W'htte at the flattering neddJne and br&98let alft'W!IL A pure sJlk polJca.dot abantunc -a prl.nc.ea style eoat drell ot dac:ron and tQOn -a band loomed wool weater duet wJth Koeamba spun r.,o~n ex- cluatve pure aWe print-an ltal- tan Inspired textured cotton- and. the prize ol them all. a bandaome hlp nnngt.nr abJtt neelt dreu of the famous "Cruaa. llne"-all .-pell macic momenta tn .omeone'a ltfe. Make yours more exc.ltJng wtth these beauu. t\11 fuhJona avalJable rtght now In rnlaN and custom aW!s at 0'8111EN'S. the best speech of the evening at ~lllo of Corona del Mar as first Tuesday's meeting ·of the Udo vice president, A. Hubbard Pow Toastmaster's Club at Seasport ers of Balboa Island as second Cafe. DeWitt Worcester wu toast. vice~tdent. and Gloden Fay master for the evening. of Balboa as secretary.treasurer. Table topic master Otto Gaeth La tbe forecpouDdJ Barry F dr.. Cocta X-. .U.. Retiring presJdent. W. A. Tob el po~ the questions: "Should las. gave the welromlng speech I U. S. take firmer action to re and Introduced s~lal guests. ln. lease our fliers from Rt>d China!" eluding Carl Mock, a director of Speakers were Ed Soule, Vaughn National Association ol Real Es-Taylor and Mr. Perrin. Evalua. tate Boards, Mayor Dora HUJ of tors were Dave Holman, Neal Newport, Mayor Claire Nelson of Loeser and Dwight Weaver, with Costa Mesa, Mayor J. Frank Tom Soule as general evaluator. Wharton of Laguna Beach and Next Tuesday the club will George CoUey, city manager of visit the Newport Harbor Toast· Costa Mesa. and past realty masters at Newport Harbor Yacht Missionaries Talk Sunday e rtB.EWOUS BAM DROPPED DICIIIGI}el': Fred Doaer. lfewport. .erYlce atCIDCII)er: Prcm..k Moon Jr. Co1ta MHO. parta mcmager. aDd Mrs. EYal'fll E...tt. If .-port. 1 (Doe Busb Pboto) City Attornt>y Donald Dungan ---- was Instructed to rt>move a ~ro OffiCII'S llsiiiJM po~ ban on the salt' or fii"E' I UIDUICIIII worb In the ~ity from a flrt> I IJ Tri-Hi-Y CI .. S saft>ty rode h t> ts prt>paring I Two educational mlsslona~it>s I A variance was granted to tht> I Tht> induC'ttrJn of mt>mtwn. and .......... CleMirl who spent over 38 years working Newport Beach Elt>mentary installation nf offt~rs of the Tri --...1 ........ ln India and Burma will give an I School Dis trict for a school hou~ Hi y Club~ Put>lae and Chi Et,a -•r-• board officers.· Club. Council Race Under Way Illustrated talk Sunday evening jon a sltt> at the northeast rorner I Kappa "'E'rl' c-onducted Sunday at at the Balboa lslanll Ofmmunity of 15th St. and Santa Ana Ave . St James Ept!>ropal Ch u rch In Methodist Church. The;; are the in the City of Costa Mes4. pro 1 !"ewport Rev. and Mrs. E. L. King of Alta vidlng that the district Install This induC'tton was rondul"ted dena. Thelr program, schedult>d c-urbs and eutter . P J EJ1er by the ofh~r-. of Chi Rho Chi. to begin at 6:35 p.m., Is the third broek. speaking for the district I President Pat Tuttle. Shirley of the Sunday evening Indian oftld als. said this was agreeable , Stafford. !'\an Reynolds Jody IContlnued trom Pa~e 1l • SA.IfDT MacltAT mlsslon semlnus to be held at Robert L Mennes of 2025 Har Lleb. Ta<'roa Hayes and thf'ir ad port Beach and Balboa Island to Balboa realtor who lives at the Balboa Island church JOr Blv~. Costa Mesa. ~as grant I VISOr Joan Ktmes Installing of • Come In and mee-t tht> new owners.. George and Anna Boaz make It a better place In which 2000 Miramar Dr. ed a variance for a stgn on his ficerf of the two new Tri Hi y to llve and raise children. Signing hls nomination paper ••• lae s.therl11. property of approxJmately 25 Clubs were President Sf!v Lund e Pt 'WJ WILUe ,.. walt Be hu served as director of were Austin Sturtevant, Coy 3 square teet with a 10-foot ground Vice PresJdent Phyllis Milum. the Balboa Island Improvement Watts. Robert Stabler, Mrs. Stet. Dies 11 All If 1 clearance. Henry Vaughn of 2029 Secretary Darlene Green. Chap e ODe day ......SC. -recra-t Association and Busin~ Associ· Ia Ross, Andrew (Sandy) Hamil Harbor Blvd . protested granting lain Mary Dudley. repreRnta at1on. He la first vice president ton, Don G u n de r s 0 n , James Mrs. Ada Mae Sutherland, 73. ol the variance which originally tlves Karen Wagner and Sandy ot the Balboa Bay Lions Club Webster, Mrs. Helen Grace, Mrs. of 159 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa, called for a sign of 32 square Coleman. all of Ke Taedae lie and ls ae!'V1ng tor the thlrd year Helen RJnderkn«ht and Mrs. the mother and mother-In law of feet. Mr. Vaughn proposed the freshment.s followed the lnsta.lla a.s .e<:retary of the Newport Har-VIrginia Castle. Monte Grimes Judson a.nd Dorothy Sutherland, preparation of a sign ordinance tion. bor Community Chest. He ls a dl· circulated the nomlnatJon paper. died Jan. 11 at Hoag Memorial to reeulate thelr use. rector of the Newport Harbor Mr. MacKay aald, "l am vitally Hospital. Services were held Jan. The Patch Club was granted a ST. ELJZAaETII"S GlJ1U) Chamber of Commerce and chair-Interested In the expansion and 15 In Parkes Ridley Chapel, with permit to hold a rummage sale TO BOLD CAJU) PARrY man of the membership com. growth of Newport Harbor and the Eastern Star chapter ott:lcl· at 1865 Newport Blvd.., on Prtday St. Ell:zabeth'a GuUd of the St. m ittee the munJclpal problema thereby atlnc. a.nd Saturday with the permit tee lames Epbcopal Ch\IJ"Ctl baa at 'M:te Htcbles have two ehUdren. l"t!!IUlUnc-1 wU1 devote clactly all She wu a native or Sc:.b71•. walwd. Cqu.ndi:JDen baJJr.e,4 at 'lb\lnd.a,y, rn.11, u u.. .taw r. Richarli and lria Ann, both atu-the tt.me MCe88af1..1p adequately Ne!W., had Uftd In C&ltfcm.Ja ata.ndlnc the atrMt lmpro~t a eud party. fubJon abow and cie'bbl :1t USC. frb Alln ln her ~nt my clty and cUstrlct to aln~ 1m and In Costa Mesa ln.spectlon fee costs for a new dessert to be held at the Parish aeniclr year and RJebard In b1s the best of my abllJty." sin~ 1927. She wa.s an active school for the <;prta Mesa Union hou~. Funds from tht' party wtll 1 second ynr of law school. The 37 year-old Tea.ltor associ member of the Hermosa Chapter School District J\ the southwest be used to benefit the Seaman's e J. L STODDAG ated with the Louis Briggs oft!~. of Eastern Star In Santa Ana, romer of Wilson St. and Pla~n Institute tn San Pedro Braggs Chemical enclneeT, llvine at hu been a resident of Balboa charter member and past high tia Av~. Mayor Claire Nelson Unique Shop and Miss Muffett 2928 Ocean Blvd., Corona del sln~ 1920. He was a 1940 grad priestess of White Shrine of East said he rould see no rt'&JIOn for Shoppe of Corona d~l Mar will Mar. uate of the University of Call em Star. and member of the the dty paying the rost of max prt'Sf!nt wom~n·s and chtldren's Signing h is nomination paper fomla at Berkeley, where he waa Sycamore Rebecca Lodge 140 of lng the Inspections. fashions bftfore the card party were Rex Brandt, Richard H. a member of Zeta Psi trat~rnlty. Santa Ana. Pleger. Alvan C. Clemen~. Roy He ls a Navy veteran, having Sh e Is survived also by three 0. Andersen, John 'f.. Keeler, served two years as mldshlpman. daughters, Mrs. Clltford Evans of Verne H. Watson and May C. He has been member ot the Ro-Montebello. Mrs. Russell Shaler Davis. tary and Uons Clubs. member of of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Paul "I feel atrongly about main-the Board of Directors of the Walls of Biloxi, Miss.; two sls Vista Meeting Friday Night To Check Sudden Tax Hike talnlng cordial relatJons on the Chamber of Commerce, and port ters, In BeJinower and Maricopa; . Council to solve problems taJrly a brothel In San Diego, six A mass meetmg for taxpayers 1 Plumb. ~veri~ Hills branch captain and fleet captaln of the -andchlldr~ and thr-fTr"at of the Newport Vlsta Tract has Bank of America representative. 1 for the COOd of the entire city," Newport Harbor Yacht Club. •· ""' "'" •·" bee lied f Frld I h he said. "I am vitally Interested grandchildren. n ca or ay n g t by M. C Norman: Costa Mesa In the future development of th~ Mr. MacKay ls maZTied and I the Fact Find Ing Committee., Mayor Claln Nelson: FHA reprt' I has two chUdren, Robb. •ee 8. fi "AI ..... named to Investigate th~ Janu sent41.tlve. H v Davidson : Bob city's m«hanlcal fac!Utlft. such and Lorna. 3. lfl .,.. 1r ary flrst Increase In taxes and Hoorn from Globft Escrow rom as sewage disposal. A definite • 1• Tuatba A.._ c Just oU Miracle MUe) Ample parldng VALENTINE'S DAY Ia Ju.t around tht> corn~ and we are ready. wllh cards Gifts and party sup plies U you havt>n't yet sf't'n our Bridge sets by Scb lapareJII do they are lovely cmd o1 COUJ"M Gt"CCbw ou ... Hooey Comb ... Wax Ccmdl• '"You.r Very o....• ~ltatl-•ry BALBO AN and c.hallenelng problem exists M ~ f!IIIOH • • • The Annual Five-Dollar Ban I ~:.~~r~= tl~:~~~ l~ntht~~a~ ~·~·~ s ~~ ~~ilc~onlsCoof a Rdf'pHublli<' ln thla area. 1 am very Interested quet will be held Wednesday .... ' · n e n7 325 MarlDe A.-... ~ lala. In the proper evaluation, from evenlne. Jan. 26. at Christ Church sesslng and financing of the K::a::i:se:r~·-=C~o::u~n:.:_t::_Y_:S:.:u~pe:.:_r.:_\·:iso::._r ___ _:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ the standpoint of-Newport Sf!ach, IContint»d Crom Pap 5) by the Sea, Newport, with Dr. tract houM>S have been Invited ot the problema Involved ln the the lost ml.Mion of Santa Ysabel Everett Palmer. minister Of Glen to attend the meeting at 7:30 proposal' to consolidate with ln Baja California · · · Santa dale First Methodist Church. as p.m. at the Everett Rea School. Costa Mesa. I have no pre-con-Ana PEO chapters are playing speaker. Pr~ will be used 601 Hamilton St .. Costa Mesa hostHS to the entire county to-Th Itt f N rt velved notions on consolidation." for the Youth Butldlhe. Robert e comm ee o e'WJ>O morrow (Friday) at a r«lproclty Vlst ld ts k-.. t 1 -1 R. hu been a m•mber of the . Wentz of the High School faculty a res en as "'"" o nvr.n "' luncheon to whleh Harbor mem. N----.. Bf!ach E 1 e m en tar y wiU be mastel' of ~monies. ..~...-· ben have been Invited. eate the sudden ta.x raise fTom 25c to as much as $17 Pft month are V. E. McCArter. temporary chalnnan; R. S. Sargent. tempor ary S«retary; N S. Mclntoah. R. W. Emt>rson. F W Marian. Freda Wells. N Mard~slc:-h, F School Board ain~ 1952. • • • There will be musc.lal selections Mr. Stoddard has lived In Co-by harpist Joan lhlpn and the rona del Mar slnce 1946. He is B1ble CoUeee "Muskal Aires" married and hu a 80n, Peter, quartet. who attends Hora~ ErisJgn ------- SchOQL ," e GaaALD C. UIIM&i I Incumbent councllman. who Uves at 1501 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Sl1nJng hls nomJnatJon paPft ; was COLP'IIfQ IIOifOD Asalstant City Encineer Clyde Beebe. wbo ltw. at S:. AliJIO Ave.. Newport Hetahts. came wtthtn a ctlwt 'of wlnnlnl the , top ~ ol the Orange ())Ut Golf A.-od.atloo for most tm. proW!d p._-,. b 19M. He wu awardlld a eQp for a a.2 net ~ LAST DATTO UGISTD Laat.mJnute voter re-glstratJon c. Owen and Rev c. c Thur I can be a~mpllshed today-the mond. 1ut day to re-gister ln ordft to vote March 1:>--.t a booth at the Dignitaries Invited to •"end All .American Market in <:Orona tomorrow night's meeting In del Mar trom 2 to 6 p.m . elude County A.sseslor Hugh IMPORTANT 'nle Importance ol. keeping your shoes In the best of shoe repalr cannot be exaggerated. Upon It depe.nds not only the health of the lndJvidual, but hls ~neral well bt"lng and the quality of hla disposition. abUf\y to work.. and abllJty to play ~thout getting too tired. M.any a doctor baa made the statement tbat badb' wom owr IIM!ela are liM real eau!lt ot 'badl;acba ~ ach hea~ an4 10 f«tb. Wben the I~ ol lhoe ~· pa.lrlli II understood ly. the. sta~J'beft.ts will llftm to be \lnd«-statements. lCeeoplnf u-. heels on ,.., lboa flxed from babybood to all .,_ is the bqtaftl.ftl of load hulth and h.ap-pln.~. ~ the heela run oo -.coo bad will lead to a .n. d ~ and IMfttaJ W, that wUl &fleet tM ...,.... en tiN • An.thony' s Shoe Service ....,._ COTTON GOFF announces UC.VSIVE DEAl EJISIID FOa T11E WOIILD PAMOU'I , ....... •• ., # e &s-7a .,.. c:al711JMO II'CED eab.a ocmex e AD c:omm e W0111.D PUIOOI onvu awcaaa:a:aaaa AJID~ el BOOT an1.D Lut we.k, the Palm Beach~\> potnta. Harry Bogen of Lido J1le Florida. put on the Tenth Inter-racked •P 60 polnta for Balboa national Ltght Tackle SaWl1h Bay Club's Pac1tlc Anglers. It was Tournament. A croup of local en-still anybody'& conteat, with our thu.iuta were on hand to try to boys doing aU right. beard the Uon In hJ.t den. They e SECOJfJ) DAT didn't quite do It, but the East Things pleked up somewhat on Cout Llon knows that someone Wednesday. the second d ay of wu hacking at ht. whlakers. In competition. F1tteen aalls wert~ race track parlance, our Calif or-caught c and released 1 but th<' nla anglers didn't win or place, Palm skJppers called the fishing but they certainly ftlowed. "spotty." With only one more day e J'DIIT DAT to go, there were headlines Monday, January 10. saw 91 Thursday morn1ng In the Florida ft.hermen and 30 tlshlng clubs newspapers, "PacWc An gl e r s out on the Gulf Stream, doing Lead tn Tournament." their beft for old Wlnsaukee, Ha-There was a nice big 3-column vana, Honolulu and sundry other cut of George Gr1tflth CLldo Isle). far-flung 1pots. The sailfish were Team Captain Wayne Harrison ecarce. By evening, only five had and Harry Rogers. Seems like been caught. Of these. Karl Mll-Uncle Harry and hls baU.bearln& Jer, Newport auto dealer. fishing CSampo) Swivel had done It for UJ, Balboa Anglin& Club. a&aln and had tallied another claimed one on 3j6 tackle for 70 60 pointer for P.A., while Dark Horse Georre Gr1tflth, fishing 3j6, had come up w1th 70 polnta more, for a grand total of 190. ThrH Eut Coast clubs were tied NlP....O -. nc -CllOII • 1..... --............... ,, ...,_. -.~-u •-.- (# -"'"' - • DI ST RICTING MAP ~..-....... --·-·-evP\.1. _,.., _..__. __ ---- CALI FORNIA _... ... _...._ u.ff ......... ... --~ .._ .. = 11\MMt ... _ --fU ...... -...... -. ., ~ ......... ~ IE SA UPIILSTERIII for serond with 140 points apiece. OaDDfAJifCE XO. 735 of Tract No. 682 u ahown remain In full force and effect NOES, Councilmen: None. Abaent CouncUmen: None. Team C~ptaln "Pappy" Harrison AN ORDTNANCE AMEND-upon a map recorded In Mia.-u a part of Ordinance No. 635 hadn't .scored but was still In lNG SECTION 9102.2 OF THE cellaneou1 Maps, Book 20. of the City of Newport Beach &nd DORA 0. HILL there pitching. Things N 0 W MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE Page 19. Recorda of Orange Section 9102.2 of the Mu\lfclpal SAVE MONEY ON looked promising! CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. County, C&llfomla. Code of the City of Newport CHANGING THE WNING u shown on ShHt No 17 of the Beach. Mayor ATTEST: MOVING & STORAGE • ~=~!:Ladles' Day. we OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. District Map attached to Orcll-SECTION 3: This Ordinance remember well. a few years.ago, The City Council of the City of nance No. 635 and refeJTed to In shall be published once In the when the late Julia CMra. Frankl Newport Beach does hereby or-Section 9102.2 of the Municipal Newport Harbor Ensign, a news- C K. PRIEST City Clerk For leH..-fteads, .,,-.,.. c:.al THE <ENSIGN. HA-l I 14 eo,..~.,. .,..,... ,...,._ e 'ACICINO e CIAnNO e ""'0VINO e STOIAGI ...... WO&L a LUTIO}If. WIDt IIOVDfO Of IANITIT.Eo Y Allrl JIU .1·1ttl -'So. MaiD at X ewport II Yd. RELAX REUI RELAX! A.KD lose thoM poUDda cmd lodan. too . . . Tou caD do it with the Stauffer ly1tem. Oaly 2.00 a treat- meat wbn bougbt 1D a Mries. For 1DformatloD call J[J 3-1010 or Harbor 1742. ATTEIITIOII! e ROtJSEWIVES e JtJSDfESS WOMEJf e CAJU:Eil WOMElf We Are Xow holdDg EVEifllfG Appobltmellta Aak About Our 1955 CONTEST TOtJ mJqbt be the ..UU... of a Ufettme welgbt coatrol plcm. 3117 E. Coast Highway Corona del Me RAIIOB 1742 Ask Aboat Our 8010 n.AJf Publlah: Jan. 20. 1955 In The Newport Harbor Ensign. Sawyer showed the other gal!l daln as follows: Code. and made a part thereof, paper of general circulation, ~·••':Y•••••••••••Y"'P'..,.....,..,..,...,, how It walt done. for California. SEC110N 1: Section 910'2.2 of be, and It Is hereby rezoned from printed and published In the City ,. History almost did a double take. the Municipal Code of the City an R-1 District to an R 2 District." of Newport Beach, and the same ~ If SPECIAL .IAIUARY PriMI • I of Newport Beach Is hereby SECnON 2: That the City shall be In full force and etf«t 111o. • .... Tiny Kay Harrison. a Paclf c ,. c dl 'IIIII Angler and Capt. "Pappy's" frau, amended by adding the follow-Engineer of the City of Newport 30 days after the passage thereof. ~ an e s j finished, not only In the money, lng: Beac.h Ia hereby Instructed and The foregoing Orcllnance was lllo. 'IIIII but tied for first place with 70 ''That the followlnr described directed to change and add to Introduced at a regular meeting ,. Wrought I ron ~ points for a relea~d sailfish on property lying In the City of the above District Map ao as to ot the City Council of the City of ~ sporting 316 tackle. Newport Beach. County of Or. ahow the zonlne of said property Newport Beach. held on the 27th ~ • We haven't been able to find ange, State of California, partlcu-u above eatabllahed, and, as day of December, 1954, and was ~ out the name of the other lady tn larly deacrlbed as follows: said District Map hu been 10 finally pu.ed and adopted on ~ the Candelabra ~ the tie, but the competition, on Lata 39, 40, 41, 46, 47 and 48 amended, the same ahall be and the lOth day of January, 1955, t 2 Ladles' Day, Includes many of-------------------------by the followlna vote, to wlt: O.O..LIJ ..... ~••• the world's .mo-t skilled lady bill-Pl l nn·•ng Commission Vote AUS. CouDCilmen: Jlroert~ ~ 10018 oaur .. YD. LAGft& RACII 111' ...,. fish anglera. Kay had limped out Cl 8rnllb. Ben.bett, IUddertlol, Hfti ~••••a~&.A'6•~.&AA6•••••••.A.:6. of Orange County on a cane. the altermath of an auto crack up. but her Irish blood got to bolllng under the Influences of Florida sunshine and orange juice, looks like. And for the second time. the Ladles Championship trophy Cor half of lt. at least), wm be winging westward before you read this. Nice going, Kay Har- rison! e LAST QU Aln'Eil Out here In Southern Callfor nla. late last Friday, there was considerable restles.snrs.s In Ct'r- taln quarters. The Tournament- eers had kt'pt the l<x·Rl gallrry well Informed by wlrP, air mall and telephonr at thP end of earh fishing day. ThM"e WE're qultf' a U:SOLU'nOX XO. Gil A RF.SOLtmON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PRO- POSING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 706 OF THE CITY CHARTER PROVIDING FOR A PLANNING COMMIS- SION CONSISTING OF NINE MEMBERS AND FOR TilE SUBMlSSION OF THE PRO- POSED AMENDMENT TO TilE VOTERS OF SAID CITY. WHF.REAS, the City of Newport Bt-ac-h Is organized and exlstfng unclf'r a Charter adopted under lht-provisions of Section Eight of Arllrlts Eleven of the Consti- tution of the State of California, which r harter was duly ratltled fpw well wlllht>rs sitting hard by by a majority of the electors of thPir phones Friday f.'V~nlng !laid City at a special municipal Wht>n I blf'w In about 7 0 rlork I PIN'tlon coMOIIdated with the <11- Mamma was watching a fight rf'<'t primary election held there on TV. .,.. 1 1 d In on the 8th day of June. 1954, "How come. ~tal · quc-r ,. ·1 and approved by the Legialature kno~1ng that fights art> not ex of the State of Callfornla CChap- actly her strong suit. ''This 1" tcr 1 of Resolutions 1955 Session from Miami." chirped the red of the California ' Le~tt.lature) head. "I thought we might set> and by resolution of u ld Lect• Harry tRogenu . You know how lature tiled with the Secretary he enjoys fights." of State of the State of Cal1tomla Just then Hal Kenoyer. ~~clflr on the 7th day of January, 1955; Anglers' secretary. called. Hf.'ar and any news ?" he asked. WHEREAS pursuant to the "Not yet." I answered. "Mebbe provisions of Section Eight of they're celebrating." Article Eleven of the Constltu- "Thls walt doesn't feel good to lion of the State of Cllllomla ml'." said Hal. "I just talked to the Legislative Body of the Cl~ Lee Jonu. B.A.C. S«!y. He wanta of Newport Beach, namely, the to know In cue you hear any. City Council of said City doet on thing." Ita own motion and pursu&nt to "WI~ do.H I aald. "And M sure the provlslona of Section Elcht of and let me know If you get any dope." e FDIAL ICOU Over on Lldo late, fverltt Had- ley was aqulrmJng too. Everitt's CContinued on Pill• 11) .... ., .. r • ...... ,. (UP to lt ,..,._-, ......... Willi .........., .... . • J HB.D DYER Ill ACGOUIT IF IIIII See The Most Beautiful Cars in The World at tbe 3rd Ann~al Balboa Bay Club AUTO SHOW SATURDAY. JANUARY 22 SUNDAY. JANUARY 23 'IEWI•a lla.&4,_..W, COMPARE ; : PRmEW: - 1rs FREE! * • all the new 1955 models, domestic arid for- eign. They contain the greatest changes in the history ~f the automotive industry! It is expected that 99ma new D1odela, ached- wed for regular national showing later ih the month, will he seen for the FIRST TIME in Southttm California ot the BBC Auto Show! No achn'P.on charv• 'mply ~--.p your t1cbt1 from cmy pcutldpatlag ciM._JIIeeci.Miawc 114 .... JIO'Jal co. JACIIIIAIN*•• ~ CMII'-M, , ..... 2)1 If. Ma.ln Santa AM MEr.. lMI ~d . ~ HOME LOANS QUICI 24 HOUl HlVICI LOW LOW "liDUCI~" INTWST lATES EASY MONTHlY PAYt.fEHTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SElVIC£ WI IUY TRUST DUOS OM WIU LOCATIO HOWlS aon Dva 111 CoVJIT Two Balboa boya, 9 and 1.2, ad. mJtted bruldnc Into the pnm.. laM at 31'7 E. Bay Ave., Balboa, and have bHn petitioned to ap. pear In juvenUe court, Newport pollee report The two were re- leued to their parent. followtnr a.n tnvatJratJon lan. 8th. The boya allqeclly removed a door trom tu htnr-. removed a Win- dow acreeo and pried at a bandle on a un.aJJ t r a 11 e r , pollee QUARTER MilliON The buUdtnr Pft1J\Jt total tor ,. aataaa ftii'IACa la.nuary neared the quarter.mn. Maceo Corp .. t.room. 1.-tory, 1. JJon.dolJar total In Newport untt ctweUtnr at l50T s.r.aacs. leach u al~ 175.000 more In Ten-ace, 115..000. penujtl Weft luued dw1na the • a.u..oA • ' eeeond week ol the month. Harry Hultman, alteraUOn. at Followtna pennltl were tasued: 820 W. Bay Ave .• ~; lack • c:o.o•A DEL KU Booth, alteration• at 129 Edp. C . B. and B. C. Hooton, alter. water, 1785; W. E. Smith and C. at1on.1 a~ 209 Ma.rlcold, s.'500; l oe H. Lee, 10-room, · 2 story, 2-unlt Roul. addition at Roul'a Cafe, dwelllnc at 212 E. Balboa Blvd., 2325 E . Cout Hwy., 12.000, re. $1 5,000. place alen damaced by storm, -;::=================.. 1700; Ellz.abeth Butterfield. re. aldlna at 433 Dahlia, 1850; Vlr- clnla Lowe. convert caraee to rueat room and build raraee. 700 Marlcold, $1 .900 ••zwroaT Sidney Marquis, join two build lnp. 426 31st St., 1700; S. A. Hill, U. Ia •....-t .._. rnr•tly ._... tM _..,.. us a.. ...s 1.-Lr .... oaewwtsu& ..., • LIDO ISLE ......... ,,. serwice ec••••lc•l .... ..., ......... . .._. a. • • ...._. le-ta 01 _. z...a ... u~ ~,._ell pet~ of._ Valt.d 1.._ chance partition~ to enJarre din- ...... 1M ..,.. ...., INittwet •• ,,....._ of u.. •::_s: la:l.bN s..a.p ad ..._ •nrdll. tnc room. 1316 w. Bay, Sl.OOO. a. a.. !-:r.= A ,.... of tfM YMiton Ia abowa eo.. r.-'deat hal A. ~at u.. ...._ lohn M. Vlucher, 7 room, 2-~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~·;·~~~~=~':w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~= ~.lunltdw~ll~~lOO~a A,DI FilE LOll ~~~"A~!~T Lilli "' .... Taking Over Gil'l SaNds Martin Burke, addition at 57 charred. '" •nu LOAII .... 1£0£..0 F II Off Beacon Bay. s:s.ooo; H. B. Ba.rrtnc-Ccm.tnac:tiozl Lwrrut awe I ice Plan~ tor the lan. 25 A........ ton, alleratlof\1 at 28 Beacon Bay, '" •nu LOAII Fire loaH totaled $2.235 ln the tlon meetlnc Kh~uled at the Sl.285. City of Newport Beach ln Decem. Dr Ro ... -C w Girl Scout Hou.e In N-- 1•• ..._ F'-Ch f · U'C'rt . oodrutt, who ... -..-· -~• IATn.D U'C'~, ""' le Jan Brlacoe hu hu come here from Hollywood, were tornudated at the recent llADr aLAJIED roa FDIZ PtlrW ......_..,.., ft-• r~. and took over lll• office of Dr. Newport Harbor Girl Scout board A short In an electrical aim _.. ..... U. The list ot fires tor the month WIUiam Fa well at 3028 E. Cout meettnr. Mn. Ted Hambrook. cau.ect a $10 tlre ln Merle' a Drive ISIS &. c..t llwy .. CDII Included nine In dweUinc•. three Hlchway, Corona del Mar, u of Pl'ftldent announced that Mrs. ln. 2344 E. Cout Hwy., Corona ft. IIA 1111 Ia J.ll• In other bulldlnca. one truh., one lut Saturday. Sidney Sanden would be chair-del Mar, at 4:59a.m. lan. 10, the (lletN U.S. ....._ r....) auto, one boat and two outalde Dr. Woodruff is a native of man In charre or the event. In-Newport Beach Fire Department of bulldlnca. Firemen ran on tlve Mlchlcan and rraduated from .tallatlon ot otflcera for 1955 reported. R.aln leaked throuch JAMES D. RAY ................ 1446 E. COAST HWY ~ COlONA DEL MAl HArt-476l rescue call-. a1x service calls, the University ot Mlchlcan Medl and a colored film .. Colden Ear the root cauaJnr the short. flre ,made one lnvNtJcatlon and ran cal School In 19C8. He lntft"ned let" wUI be abown aa part of the 1'1;\en aaJd. on one needless call durlnc the at the Unlvenlty Hospital, had procram, which wlll be followed -===============- month. one year of auUtance residence by a pot luck luncheon. The fire prevention bureau at that b~ltal, then wu resl. Mrs. Oren D. Wade, lnterna conducted 205 ln~pectlona, luued dent and clinical ln.atructor at Uon Relations Cha.lrman. an tlve permits, flled one leeal no. Wayne University Medical Col nounced that the lulJette Low tJce, conducted tlve fire lnvestJ. Ieee In ~lt. From there he procram for this year will be a catlona. held aeven tire drtlh In went to Hollywood, where be Scouts Own, to be held from 3 Khoola and checked four buJld· wu u.sodated with the Branch to 4 p.m. Sunday, Marcb 13. at Inc plana. , Clinic. the Harbor Hleh football field. He and his wife and children Advanced Brownie and Inter Jim Whyte INSURANCE Ocean. MariDe and Generallnsurcmc:e a..w.-= HAtlw .... llcCMIIII •111c are llvlne at 417 eo.ta Mesa St., media~ leadenhlp courses are Costa Mesa. The family Includes to be given at the Scout House Llbeny 1-1171 •11 libn.du MU')' U.U. .. Mriii.-•Ara ............ uddae-~1 ... , co .-c tO .., olfJoa .. '-Aa.,elea • .,.llecro a-. U J bt4 tO driw •r ow. ex cowoorkk.,.... .. lll._ ., ... ,., ....... ., ---O..W.oiiiiJ.- boon, 1 •nadr piaDO, &Ad compa.-ud J boqbc me oew cape recorder I a. ia compoaiAJwida wbac J raw by takfu1 the bus:' lAGUNA Barbara, age 5"'; twins William Jan. 20 and 27. The annual Office: eo... M ... .._. I..IW!ftt cookie sale will ... art F•b. 11. l..W..-c•: 4" Ha.l. c..-. 4kl M•• and Janet, 2 1~. and Tommy, 7 •• "' months. ~~~~~-T~·~dH .. •••• tl;•,...l•s fer ., ..... , ..... ,, .•...•........ FEDERAL SAVINGS' I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oc .. ,. Av"" LAGUNA BEACH _& ...... ....., .. Costa Mesa Lunaber Co. :-.::,~~~ LOMIER -JUILDING MATEBIAJ.S Faulty brakes were blamed tor lfwpM ....._ c.... .._ LDI tr a.a•a caualnr the car ot Mn. WarHn "::::;::::;::::;:::;:::;::::;::;=::::;:::;~;=::::;:;:;:===;;:::;::::;:=:~ Hayward to roll over the RawaU r at LJdo Peninsula and dlve Into CWitM COI.OIII:D 08 WA'I'UaAL IAIDOO YD&TIAII ............. ...---····· ........... ---............ -. - Newport Bay about 5:30 p.m. Frl· d.,-, Dee 311t, Lou a..cs. ot Lou Reed and ~ate., Mewport leach. reported. TIM cu .tuck In th• mud at low dele a.nd Mra. HQWanl wu able to 1ft out Without blJw7, be aclded. Be laJd tbat Mr. and Mrs. R.,ward llw on their Tahitian luttcb IDOGMd off tiM penlJwulL A-1 PLUMBING BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-IIIK!.fiiE-LH LOCAL -AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OFFICE: Uberty 8-!2554 U:S. Uber1y 8-5083 Whitman• 's G caage Jill &. c::oAft' IIWY. ·-'«1 0 w c...cw .... c.w. ~\\·~·.f .. I ;..1~ Word gets around: The really modern kitchens are all electric! See your dealer f/ •••r•••• cau•••••a •••••• So npon .. ~ •• IJ • ]GJa lloeea.bet'JU, wM uawll replarlr lroa bet' job ia Lot Aag~Ja ro FaJJ~rroa . .. Ac.cordias ro my 6pra. 1 aft about 12 daily by ridiag Metro bwa. and ~Jimlnac­ iag dri•in1 eota and park· ing fees. Ia a few moacha ch.U amouac will equal the ptict of new drapes, "Nbich I think o( u a Merro aviop booU.:' fw M1t~D fr6"l .. ,~;!•· uU HArbor. MII.OPOLIIA. COACH Ll.ll lon ... lU I oltlio ..... '-t ........... o-.,..~_. ....... , ............... ' ... 70 ... A-., lt11t= ............ ., ... _ ... ... -.~ .. -.-.11. II'CIQII .... nm. -... ............. , ........... ••tt•••• AatJ•IiiiCie a.a.. .,........_...,. rtn+., stet ....... ''" ...... ,.. ___ ..... .... of -....... - -«•= :::.; '','::ciii.!: ·,u;;,;;;;.;;-;;, -ort.... Edv.catlee &ad hbUc ;c)l IAdety"" ..... u.. .... 1111 • ., th 0,..,. c:o-ty ..... d .. oi.~A ... cs.a..u.. a&aMd moo .,.. ., occ::t. dllab lD"'.tat" tr •• ugu-. teld ot W'WJS to ~t tiMM acO deata. ...s tbowed • ...... pollltiag "l u.. ca:rd1aal a1u oJ motorb:lg. ~-~=~~: !:!~' ' ·~=~:II . ..:orted Mra. &:lJza. • li2'T w. Bq Aw., toberbamo- •hUe drtvlnt' and front ol .or Newport L A k Beach ••• aollle eague s s M_,:U~~M~ R D l'recto~r ttrtvtnr charae on sup«Sot ec ~ near Plaeentla Ava. , . · Tbe htrlnr 01 ·,_ qualllt.ct pro. Kenneth V. CollfM 61 H recreation dlrectot and 1 :~~:: Coves reported her car pun::hue of slx Iota offered 1: and later 1n tlJe clay ebll· aa.Je by the Southern Cou.ntJ• recovered It at the other ~~~;:~~~~:::;~j G~u~Co~ .. are ~ue.ted In two let. end of Balboa Cov• ... Ectwud the Newport Beach Oty Glodalr.er ot 2227 Cliff Dr., N.w. from tlle Learue of Civic port Helchts. reported that a'hJt Asaoc:latlons. and run car left a white trader The recreation director. u on hLI ear , .. In the city charter, e IA'rvaDA1'. JAR. I be hind to plan &nd co. Dr. Jtobert C. Fr&lft ot 2286 clty-ewned recreational Rd., Balboa, reported and to plan that he doell not stay In tile tbo.e which are to be hou.e all ot the UrrM but he felt one )Mter urerd. someone wu entertnr the the six loU. forml!l'ly house trom time to time and by the gu storaee tank stealing .ditferent articles on Balboa Blvd. at 18th SL, hu from the kitchen ... Dayton T. lone been advocated by the Leland, 65, ot 429 Carnation Ave., learue tor parks, parkin& and del Mar, suffered a recreational u~. bumped head when he suUered Some member Ofi&nlutlons a db:zy ~11 and fell. urred that a definite Hate be set e KOJifDAT. JAJif'. 10 tor the abandonment ol tbe mu. The upstalrs of hl.s home wu nlclpal traller park nearby but ranaacked. bllnds tom from the approved use of municipal trailer W1ndows and eveythlnJ torn to park funds for the lots purchue. plecea, :r. o. Rowe ot 5108 Sea. The Leaeue aao sent a letter to Dr., Newport Beach, com- Auemblym.an Earl Stanley reo. pJalned ... 1ohn La Plene of questlnr chanrlnl the state Jaw Edcewater Ave., Balboa, re- to pumlt a city ordinance per-ported a blue and white bicycle mtttl')J slower speed limits In Rolen from tbat addreu ... &lleys and atreetl In the con-tun rolla and tour part rolla psted ptU'tl of the stucco nettJnc, valued at S42. The Learue met re-cently In Ha.-stolen trom a carace ot a pltaUty Hocue, Balboa. new bulld.Jnr under construction ,.. .. Seek .. .... ,... •• 81rt at UK Grant Ave.. Newport Rkbard P'rlck of 125% Newport Beach. re- JU.ll A man threw a rlrl lnto a Young, 23. o1. 142 near the Corona del Mar eo.ta Mesa. wu ar. acy, 1ln anonymold udted wom. on a drunk drlvtne charre &II tele-phoned Newport po~llce~~·=': 1 :~~ hb car aJJeredly .lr.raocked 11:25 p.ro. on Dec:. 29. a section of fenee border- woman. Who dettnltel7 Ina PIOPtft)' at 33:2 Poln8ettla to .. ve her name, told pollee Ave .. Corona del Mar ... The the man droYe h1l cu down wae . blamed tQr eett.1n1 blocU eut al ~ • bur&lu a1anD at the Tur. rlatrt. went dowa OM Dnac Store, Cout Bwy. and blotk end parked JUit put the Ave.. Marlner:'• awe, at .top •1~. The man Aw her car llcht end •hen he aaw her, he jumped from hls car and ran attOU tf\e ,., __ street. the anonymold woman added. She eave no dncrlpdon 1111111 ot the car but that It bad 'an out 11 of Rate Ucenae. Offtcen checked the area but were unable to b eate the ear. Sa~~t TIJ 1-, IIIII , •. ..,.., ..... An J.8.1ncb palm sap. a three- quarter Inch pipe with a w~ handle, a replica toy platol and ~ alx-lnch blade Jiuntlnl knife were taken from nve juvenile boys t:rom Santa Ana Helahts and Costa Mesa by Newport po. lice at 11:45 p.m. 1an. 8th at McFadden Pl. and BalbcM. B.lvd .. J'fewport Beach. Varlold Jenrths of rubber hoee and a tlve raJion can were aim Zamudio H. Raml.ra of Santa ANI and a c:ompanlon ln hU car, lack McElloy ot Lacuna Beach, wen UTHted on lnt.oslca tlon ch&J'j'n by Newport pollee N~ Year's afternoon at Coast Hwy. and I!la Ave .. Corona del Mar. Pollee charred that the two men were atandlnc beside \he Rami. rn. car, wbtch eatllef coJllded a car driven by Alate B. Llndae')' Jr .. o1 t.o. Anceles. at the latenec:tton. Both men were , ..... In clty J•ll· found In tbe car Occupied by the 'ftlne Rub« area Army men. )'OUttu, alonr wtth a tube. wMcb I :~::~:.;'";":..IEGno.: r e c e n tJ 1 ell a ru odor, po1Joe l1 f\arlou&U In I ~,.,.,... Tbelr cu wu lnd~ hf. Sid oatcer. Mw the IOCl o1. Mr. an« x.... throw a pop bottle ttom the car o1. &111 z. which Mattered on the u ... ; s,t. Bft1: ment. Tbey were nl...ed 1011 of lack c. tadler ol one at ~:10 e.nl. flraq, M , Cliff to appear 1D juventle court Pvt. aonatd w. Rcrwe, noWJed. ol Mn. Leona' ll. Ieuhnert, ,., -St., Coot& -Dt.vt4antt Ia ... lnatructoo ~-..., llllll· ..... Ilia l&tllerla- of JfW'port Rat· -lldtool. Be Ia • padqa. of .. ,_ .... ¥ laaltll "' -· .... • ... ro.e::u:; • -0...-._..._ .. o•••• . .-...,.,......,,. rrlut......._ 117· -!IG···-~~~~iii.I-.A--._to __ .. llt&ll ....... ._ ..... .... ---.. '• II&. a... ot n:a - • .............. ,. ... c..... ......... ....,. ...... ftct .... .... left .. dtlat ... a. .Mllt Jlctlala. lAo Latlda. a-- ...,., r Al1 Boo1 nJe.. E.....t J.._ Cllld JIGwanS a. z -... (IJ.a ...... , l'laoto) Cast of Play Ulla HWI Jlm Webb, production man.arer ... -------!I!Y.,!I~A~D~A~l&l~A~' ~"~'~E!'!N~t!S..~U.~:_------as well as actor, heach the east "' for the . Newport Ha.rbor Com-Three cheers for the baakf!tball playlnc a ftne came. Bon Ca.rl munlty Playm Jlroductlon of team! We won both A and B played an ex c e p t l on a 11 fine "My Three Ancels," which wfll games from Westmlnlster. "B's" game. They won 21 to 12. Our be presented Feb. a, 4, 5 and 10, played first. It was a tight game "A" came was just as fine as our 11, 12 at the Orange Coast CoJ. all the way with all the boya "8." The boys played a wonder- lege Chapel. :J•cx•:::I•01CI:1:::1'CX1::.•:=:•c:::x•::::I1C:IC•::.1:=:•a•:::~1cx1 XI ful game. It was a cl0111e game Mr. Webb, who played the role most ot the way with Dick Tarn- of Uncle Louie In "The Happy owske making the first basket Time." will play the part of the for our team. We won 31 to 20. convict. Jo!W!ph. Others tn the The whole game lasted about cast aie Jerry Evans as the con-two hours. Westmlnlster played viet, Alfred; Glenn Newman as 1oo~~~~~ a good game, but we were a lit. ......... , .. Alma 0 . G:reen, parent educa- Uon Instructor at Oranee Coast College, preMnted the tlrst of a tour-meettnc series on parent- chlld relatlooshlpa Friday at Costa Mesa Main School. Other meetfngs, to be held on subsequent F r l d a y momlnas. wlll Include "Discipline" Jan. 21; "Bow and When to Give lnfor. matlon Concerning Sex" on lan. 28 and "Learning to Live To. gether In the Family" on Feb. 4. Meetings will be held !rom 9 to 11 a .m. Fullert., on Friday ., 1111 Clll.aftAI' and Butch Coopman from the ,. !fewpon llatbor !allon ~ Otlera. tle4 for 8eOOind place after de-The Junior Vanity lost 41-3"i, t~ the hller1oo lnd.J.aJ\8 80 B'a 50-37, C's 35 31. to 38 Tueaday afternoon at PuJ. Tomorrow evenlne the Sailors STOP AT lerton. w111 host the Santa Ana team, "Your He« to the 'lbe Sallon llsowed t10me of and at 3 p m. Tuesday they will Coast SJnee ].g" TheArdtes their pre.~a..,_ 8p&rk u they play at Orange. P 1 • & r 0 0 D 1 completely ovtplated the In-------C 0 C &. T A I I. I dlana, keeplnJ control ot the CDIL FOR BEALETS COAST HIGHWAY AT ball 5 THE ARCHES about 7 per cent ot the ·A daughter, Linda Call, was tlme. Denn.la FitzpatrJclrt wu born to Mr and Mrs. Raymond Newpott ... dl blab polnt man with ~ point.; Healey or 231 24th Pl., Costa JOHN VUD J£ Pau.J Neumann 8CCII'ed 10 .. ~M~es.a~~on~~~~MG~cn~d~a~y~,J~a~n~. ~3~.in~~~~~~~~~!~~ ... 1~5S~l~~~~ Paul Lorentzen 9, EddJe Pope 8. Hoa& Memorial Hospital. Frank Navarro 6, BUJ Wetzel 4 and Larry Harper 3. The Junior Varalty lost. Z7 to 25, but the B's won 39 to 37 and the C'a 35 to 26. The Sailors lost thelr lea~ue opener 65 to 45 to Ruotln,-ton Beach Friday on the hom.e court. Neumann was hi&h point man L6 that game, with 21 polnta. Fltz. patrick bad 10 polnt.a, Pope 8. Wetzel 6. ln the game Wft'e three poaibJe All-CIF player-s, Neu- mann of the SaJJors, ledczy Youna MAR ASU CDII. TO lliDE A stranevnan. about 37, wea.r-. lng elass.es. approached her daughter, 5, and promised ber a cat, kittens and candy It she would take· a ride with him. a Corona del Ma.r mother notified 1 Newport pollee Ja.n. '7. I u.,..... 5..U11 -oJr 1'1IE lAY -IAa..o& Felix Ducotel, Dorothy Pettine-BY~~ tie bt>tter. Ul as Marie Louise Ducote!, Patl • ' • V t C •ty C • • Tambelllnl as Mme. Parole, Jack :1 ·=· I;M;M;I I I I I I I I I . I I In G.A.A. this week. new cap-• 0 e on I ommiSSIOns Nelson as Henri TrGChard. Ron <Continued rrom Page 8) tMns for the eighth (JI'ade volley. FOOD & CIIOC -OPD YEAa "JJI'OWD US EDCEWATD e JIAal08171 SOU1I SEAS CAFE a nelahbor and fishing pal of ball teams were cb ....... n. They are B.ESOLUT101f JlfO. U95 St. Clalr u Paul and Michael H o,_ By 9 h ld """""' any • ..,.us. p.m. e cou Pat Fruehllng (who Is by the A RESOLUTION OF THE Nell u the lieutenant. Blll Fuclk • d 1 1 H .APOR T /1, .. /. CORONA .''II. IWAR .,411/1, 'IUIJ/9 n t stan t any onger. e way. our Student Counsel secre-CITl COUNCIL OF THE CITY phoned the CoUanades Hotel In tary), Terry ~ Sandy Fleer OF NEWPORT BEACH PRO- Palm Ueach. Kenoyer relayed the and Pat Wilcox. For the seventh POSING AN AME!'IDMENT dope to me. It went this-a way: grade, Katie Bonnell, Unda Bru-TO SEC110N 7CJ2 OF TH£ "After two slow days, the sail nlng, Dorothy Woodworth and CITY CHA!ITER PROVIDI:iG fish went completely crazy on Nancy Gardner. Pat Walker and FOR THE APPOINTMf:NT OF Friday. Dunno how many were Pat Fruehllng are helping Mlss THE MEMBERS Or BOARDS caught, but everybody produced. Record and Miss Smith teach OR COMMISSIONS OF' TilE Uncle Ha.rry.got three~ore for a tumbling to the slxth graders. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH total of 300 points, and seventh They are learning to tumble AND FOR THE SUBMISSION place In the 91 Individual scores. safely by following the rules. OF THE PROPOSED AMEND- Pappi Hanlson rang up 100 • • • MENT TO THE VOTERS OF points for another two on llaht Miss lo Ann Record, our girls' SAID CITY. tackle, and George Grtltlth pro. gym teacher, had an accident WHEREAS. the City of Newport duced two more on 2j6 for his last Friday. During thlrd period Beach ls organlz.ed and existing total of 210 points. Pacific An-gym. Miss Record was out with under a Chartn adopted under glers had 630 points! It should the girls and had a ball thrown the provisions of Section Eight of have won, easily, but · · · llsten to her. M she went to catch It Article Eleven of the Constttu to this: 630 points was only lood 80methlng happened and the tJon of' the State of California. enouJh for f1tt.b place!" ball bit b6' aia.sses and broke wbJcb Charter was duly ratified · Hal *Pl*l foe bruth. them. Bvt don't worry, abe wun't. by a majority of the electors of I eould feel mYM1f alow" hurt. lf:wu a cbod thl:q dle bad aid City at a 8pe!Qa1 munlclpal shriveling ... Go on, Hal.'' I ~ anOther pair! eAicdon comolJdated with the cD. pered. "I can take lL" · · • • • rect prtma.ry electJon held there. "Well. belleve.lt or not, one of ln Student Councll this we$ in on the 8th day ot June. 1954, tbe Ocean CJt;y (Maryland) clube. Iota ot things happened Our .tu-and approved by the Legislature whose members aet tbeb practice dent councll pins came. We man-of the State of california <Chap- on white marlin every summer, aged to buy both new basketball ter 1 of Reeolutions. 1955 SessJon came from away down the scor. uniforms and pins for t¥ mem. of the Calltomla Legislature) ing Une an~ won, with a hard-to. bt>rs of th~ council. They a.re and by resolution o' said Legls- bt!Ueve 910 polnt.a, most of them gold and black heart shaped lature filed with the Secretary of earned that Jut day. The Walker with HES on th~m. The treasury State of the State Of California C.y Club <Bahamaal, taJIIed TTO pays half the price and the mem-on the 7th day ot January, 19S5; points for second; the hOO.S, the bt>ra the other half. This way we and --~~~ I West Palm Beach Fishing Club, aet to keep them. Costa Mesa WHEREAS, pursuant to the t AND, WHEREAS, this amend I mcnt shaH be submitted to the electors of the City of Newport Beach at a general municipal ~lectlon to be beld in the City or Newport Beach on the 15th day of March, 1955. and at said gen- eral muntc:t'pal election there shall be and Is hereby submitted to the electors of the City of New port Beach. this amendment and the electors of the City of New port Beach shall bt>, and they are hereby, Invited to vote for or 114Jalnst this amendment and the adoption thereof; and the form In whlch thls said amt-ndment shaU be s\'lbmltted to said elec- tors as hereinbefore provided tor, shall be aa follows: "PROPOSED Clf.ARTER AMEND. MENT NO.1 , Shall Section 702 of the Char ter be amended to read u fol ~; took thlrd with 700. Another Flor-Everett A. Rea school Is sendlna provisions of Section Eight of Ida group. the Sailfish Conserva. over representatives to our school Article Elt-ven of the Constitution tlon Club. scored 650 points for to eat lunch and sit In on one of th~ State of California, the fourth, and our gang. Pacific An 1 of our student councU meetings. Legislative Body of the City of glers, came In fifth with 630." Hosts and Hostesses were picked Newport Beach, namely. the City I ''Wow!" I managed. "But at I from the student council. foUr Council of said Clly does on Its least, Pacltlc Anglers can claim from each grade. They ar~: tor own motion and pursua nt to the the West Coast Champlonsh lp." the sixth, Bill TWist Blll Frueh-provisions of Section Eight of I SedJon "102. ~~ rlata .., T--. 'lbe member-a of each of such boards or commts. slons shall be appointed by the City CouncU from the qua.U.fted electors of the City, none of whom shaU hold any paid office or employment In the City government. They shall be subject to removal by motion of the City Coun- cil adopted by at least four affirmative votes. The mem- bers thereof shall serve for a term of tour years and until their respective su<'CeSSOrs are appointed and qualitle-d. "'nte members first a p pointed to such boards and commissions shall so c-lass1fy tbemselve. by loS that the term ot one of each of their "That'a right.'' allowed Hal. ling. Susan Porter' and Pam Article Eleven of the Constitution "'lbe Balboa Angling Club scored Thompson. For seventh. Davis of the State of California. pro 310 points. countina Karl Hiller's Pope, Rachel Stewart. Steve Lag-poses to the electors of the City 190 and Ray CaB's and Horace erlo(f and Chip Porter. For of Newport Beach a ~rtai n Witherspoon's 60 each. Southern eighth, John Haskell. Jeff Smith, amendment to the Charter of the Calif. Tuna Club, from Long Helen Mathews and Barbara LHI-City of l'Jewport Beach. which JJ!.'Ill U 0 atrn a 7 a ¥lO' 'JJtl.lJJJ'jUJj n-ach co ted 120 tor Harold d I I d d fl ..,... • un enthal. Then In a couple of amen ment s n wor s an g Plae food ••• ••••"'ll bar ••• Oooc .-... aipUy ... cl8o dcmdD9 to tbe •liSle of tbe C..-c doa Deem ~ a:rtlatL r.a.y .. tel .. &c. -~.... ..... drt?e up BCIIbor Ind.. tana rt~Jlt o.to IDL U.. tua l19bt oa mat...,. lload a quarter ot a ......._ -. 10171 U. S. IIWT. 101 .._ AJfAJIEDI &Et iJOJfE s.DM VIlA ... .. F41C1ttuta9 fiDe MGfood. at.orb. ...... rill&. cJakt " dadr. tbe VWa ltarbla Ia oee of Onaage Coaaty'a aa.t ...-.. nmta. .....,~ ..,._ Mab 'IP to 40D. Locat.d at tt.e ....,_ .. lalboa lalaD4. l7Dder ...... OW'1Mdlatp -... arq. .. Fullerto&. LA CUll A IE.ACB c:::oJ()(1JWITT P1.A TIIOUU "UNCLE MABRY .. A drama of poUte violence JANUARY 21 through 29 Ticbta OD.lJ ll.SO 211 0... A.., Cwta:ba 1:40 IIYatt t-aSa1 -. Doria Talbott's ~[iJoa; * ncoms a1 .... IUlytJuaJa. aatldna ... Pope & Delaca. CJceciCII * N17SJCAL S1JPIII..IES-4trtap. Pboeo- frapl& •..u.. a.oo.. & 00.. suppn. U:COJID PLAY'EJIS -TAPE U:COaDEJtS Picmo & 0J9cm I:Datnactloa HArbor .SlS OpeD 10 A.11. to I P.X. & 7 ..... P • ._ SSll E. c..t Jll9hway. Be.t tD Artlla.r 11111J'W'f. c.-411i1 ._ bJ tile fireside Parks' two light tackle tl.sh. week& we «o over there. Guess ures as follows. to wit: George Dudley, a P.A. alternate, that-. about all. Bye. "Section 702. AppolDtm•ta. also scored 120." T..-..... The membt>rs of each Twfl.ell Clllflllls ......... " of such boards or commls. slons shall be appointed by the CitY Council from the qualified electors of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid ottl~ or employment In the City government. They shall be ~ub}ect to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by at least four af. flrmatlve votes. The mem- bers thereof shaJJ !W!rve for a term of four y•ars and Ul\tU thelr 1'8pectlw auccewora a.re appointed and qualified number shall ~x-pire eac-h succeeding July first. \Vhpr~ the total number of the mem bers ot a bpard 'or rommts s lon to be appolntt"d exCH<ls four. the classitlcatlon by lot s hall provide for the p.alrlng of tenns.to such an ext~nt as Is necessary in order that the terms of at least one a nd not more than three shall expire In each su~ng yenr Thereafter. any appointment to fill an unexpired term shall be for such unexpire-d l Van 's Bowline I "--c = ~Ko. lYn IOWLIII SWfEPEI superlative food, cocktails and service amid old enatish charm. HURlEY BELl -· & c..e llwy. ..... .,.. ClllllAB- Ch~d Twichell of Balboa is a civilian -aaln as of the begin. nlng of the New Year atteT· al- most four yeare ot reserve duty with the Navy. He was called back to duty In the spring of 1951, aerwt1 at Adak In the Aleu- tla..ns, then In Trinidad and most recenUy ln San D~ Then he wu o.n the staff of the comman dant of the 11th Na'Val Dtstrlct u retl!I'Ye pubUc relations of. '1be member-a first ap. pointed to M.IC:h .. bouds and commtwJons llball 80 cla.ss1t)' them.lvea by lot · that the tenn o1 one ot eaeb al tbetr number ...._., expl.re eacb ~ July t1n1t. WlMre the tatal•Wilher al the ~ ben of a board or cw-•• 11oft tiD ...,tnted GCNCII rou. tiM ~UoD _, aot lba1l DI'Owtdt tor the .-"-1 oC ... to IUd\ an a-. • Ia M' J I I I r'1 tft Cll'der that tM --.a of at litut one and DDt ....... -...an~ ~ ~ ~~M~tnf'• • ,._, . ,... ..... &IQ' ~ ... -............. ................... ...... ' I period.'' YES-------------- NO -------------- NOW. ni.EREFORE. BE fT RE SOLVED, If at said eJection thf' majcrtty ol. voters vote In favor of this amendment. and It upon canvasslna the votes so cast thereat, a majority of tMm are found to be In favor of thls &J'Deftdment, It shall bK'Om~ et fedive upon rat:ttkat:loo and ap. prcwal by the LqtaJatlm! of th~ State Gl CalltomtL Tbe a-w aD4 forelolna ae.,. Jutiae Mo. 4215 was paa.ec1 at a rep1u IDI'e't1JW of the atJ Cowl· ell oltlw 0'7 of"~~ IMld • the l'nll d.Q ol lunaaot ta'rU..~NReaD ....... : Ana.~: Jltoertit& ~ ... flu~ ltiiUitett. ROL WOD. 90IJI'Cil.MI:It: 1IoM. AN Qi OOUJIII)IMQ: ..... DOaA 0. IIIU.. ...,.. . P'EL $. L EJfTUES CLOSE FEL lat. FBEE D~. Dan ALI. IOWLEaS Elb Lodp, oa tiM lcry. Feb. 5th had~: IW ~ C\bcdna- Mse Via ()powto. lfewpon a.ada * AVTOJUTIC ftlfSIO'n'EM * roa aaavAnows CAFE MIVI'DlllOa UIEJlTT l-Ull * ' ! 1 ~ frenl~ Pt. .. 10) Balboa e 'llltniDAY. J.UI.ll drtven'ot t'aJ'S lnYOlved In an ~ .uaJ'It two outboard ddet at Balbo& Blvd. _a_nd .lW> motors Of 31l ud lC 'hooepvwer St., at 3::50 p.m. . · · NPCJrted Rolen ftom the cabana bata Winslow off ~u:s::J~~:~;' of Don R. Lanc-on In the munJcl-Balboa lala.nd, ~ , 80mfOM pal tr.U. parte: , , . lf\ebo)U alphoned abolft three &&11oM ol. ·Jir'ettMr ot Nl Marino Dr .. Bay au from her ear and awarently Sbors. r~ed a box aellvered cut himself ln the act u blood with hil m&1l wttb Jta eontentl wu found on the pound at the 11'11taln& wtth the p a e k a 1r e acene ... Officers were unable Mamped "'receeved with t-ontentl to locate juvenUes reported roM"" by tbe post ottlce depart. shooting tirecraeken In the area ment ... cars driven by Louella of the Udo lale tennla courts . , . Martin of Costa )!feu and Jitdore An1u.s a Dwyer, 31, ol. 2022 Hat- Muza of t.o. An,&elft were tn-bar Blvd., C:O.ta Mesa, was ar- volved In an acdMnt at Balboa rested on a chara:e of drunk 1n Blvd. and Coast HWy., Newport auto at 4105 Seashore Dr., New- Beach, at 4:30 p.m. .•. Ethel port Beach. at 11:38 p. m .... Holmber& of 2072 PlacenUa Ave., Costa Mesa, and Wtlllam R. Cap-e SATtT&DAT. JAX. 15 per of Canlp Pendleton were the drivers ot cars tnvolved In a property damage accident at Coast Hwy. and Avacado St .. eo. rona del Mar. at 5 p.m .. ~ Smith .101 Garden Grove re{!Ofted his boat moored In the bay otf 15th St. was In &'anger from a 4S.foot boat which bad broken looee and was moved by the harbor department to another mooring ... e raiDAT. JAJI', 14 Mrs. Nellie M. Gray of 161 5 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. re. ported frightening off a bey, a bout 19, she caught In the act ol taking women's underclothing oft a clothes Une ... Zollle G. Griffith, 44, of Santa Ana, was arrested on a drunk driving charge on Coast Hwy., one m11e west of Corona del Mar at 1:30 a.m .... Cheri castendyck ot 618 Via Lido Notd, Udo ls.le, report- ed the theft of her bicycle .. Frank E. Nellon of Lone Beach e StrlfDAT, JU . 16 and Ray J. Becwar ot 1633 E. Mn. Betty Greening ot 214 Ira. .IIIII .J. V-*t• If Certu 1111 lar Ills Mrs. ~ J. Venatrom, mother ol Car I E. Venstrom, journalism Instructor at Santa Ana IuniOf' Colleee. died Ian. 12 at her home 431 carnation Ave., Corona del Mar. She wu 76 years old. She was the widow of the late Carl I . Venstrom. She wu a n a- tive of Sweden and had lived In Corona del Mar for six years. Survivors Include also a sister, Mrs. Minnie Carbon of Minne- apolis. Sftvices were held Ian. 14 at &own ColoniaJ Chapel in Santa Ana. Survivors Include h~ .on Carl, ol Corona del Mar, and a slster, Kn. Minnie Ca.rlson ol Mlnne- apoli.L S.•keto wer. held Ian. 14 In ~-Colonial Chapel. Santa .... Pearl Ave., BaJboa Wand, report.. ed: a prowler around her home at 4 :30 a.m .... Dr. R. E. Chltten- don, 6 Harbor Island, reported his doctor bag was removed trom his car, ransacked and left alone- side his car with nothing taken, adding that it did not contaJn any drugs ... A candle was bu rned tor light In the residence ot Fred Waring of Los Angeles at 118 Topaz Ave .. Balboa Island, and an Intruder wore a p.alr o1 his pants ... Mrs. Harold Kelley ot 471 N. Newport Byvd .. New. port Beach, wu taken to Hoai Memorial Hospital by officers when suddenly and without ap... parent cause she went bHnd .. A doc" owned by Burton B. of 1545 Miramar Dr.. Balbo•• , showed evidence of dytn,r stryehnlne polson, Dr. Parker ot 1.25 Mesa Dr .• Mesa, reponed but Mrs. saJd she did put some snail pol . .an out In her yard ... .. lilts ...... Cladia Melvin Bone, 59, o1 e TDESDAT. JAW. l l 116t,i 22nd St., Newport Beach, died Monday, Ian. 12. at his work nation Ave., C.O.Ona del Mar, re- at 137 Industrial Wa9. eo.ta. ported a boy'• bla~ and Mesa. Mr. Bone wu born In K\&-blcycle mt..l.nc from the Corona nleta. C&UL, &Ad had liwd In del lla.r Scboal ... A war .ur· Jfewport Beach f« the put m ~J.us puadlute car cover wu yean. Rolen from ba-car, Mrs. Fteld- He k sUJ"VIved by two nieces, Inc Thayer of 322 Island Ave., Kra. w. H. Wilson ot Costa Mesa Balboa, reported . . . A car a.ad Mrs. A. B. Boenx:h of San driven by I . E. Dan of Santa B«nardlno. He was a member ot Ana. hit ..the parked car of Mrs. the Methodist Church. Emory S. Moore parked ill front Funeral services tor Mr. Bone of her home at 2(X)5 E. Ocean were held Friday In the Simona Blvd., Balboa ... OCflcen were Mortuary In Rlvenlde under the unable to locate bo)'11 reported direction of Pa.rkes-Rldley Mortu-throwing cherry bomb flre c:rack- ary ot Costa Mea. tors on Udo Isle ... DICK sap: Let le Help y •• Cillo• Ole tf 0• SAFE BUY USED CAIS •• 3-DAY Money Back Guarantee! '53 STUDEBAKER V-8 $1399 Has Automa tic Transmission, Heater, Whlte""Nalls; Nylon In- terior-ONE OWNER and •hows "Excellent Care"-5AVE $100. $999 '51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Radio, Heater, Overdrive, "Original" Green finish and runs aood-Locally owned car. SAVE $lOll '49FORDSTATIONWAGON S699 NEW ttnlah-both _ ~lnt and varnish. Whltewall ttres-cood Utllity car. SAVE $100. '49 FORD 2 DOOR S699 Radio, Heater, economical Overdrive-NEW baked ena~el Hnlsh-tlrH excellent.. Motor like new. An unusually clean 49 Fottl. SEE It to APPRECIATE it! '49 LINCOLN 4 DOOR SAVE NOW! S599 · Radle. Heater, Overdrive-a LOT of car tor the money! Look:l -'lft4 """' REAL -! •• IIIF.IICURY CLUB COUPE oaly,J459 ~ter. nw ~ Looka and tu• gooc1 See tJilii..:"-4nd J"'*"Ji.hl' Itt Good tr~ fDr onl)' t4S9. --IIIIPS..,.,. TO~ noc,..r JOHNSON & SON 12 Z All ·-....... c..t. ,... .. ..... ..... -o,.. .... -rua ... u ... ..,.,_ ........ ya. COFFEE 79~. . . . SUGAR • cr. n:a.. EENEX OIL \:.lRliTl •lfGfTAB L[S IS-OZ: CELLO Tomatoes ... 15¢ ~~. IRDHn fO ODS SWARIOIMI T.V. TUllEY .. CIICIEI DIIIEIS ,.~.~~ , ... .... _______________ 7 .. ' 11r C1r;tl'll __________ 1.11 ........ ::::•;::!llo:·:: .. :::": ... ~· .... Woe& .... D.a•• ')ritm llcrtD • Surf & Sand Balboa .. ·-- -&. o.l ..... e.e. ·-.._,., .. .., "a truly tine nUner,r school"' age&~ AJO'alciR a£A1JTT-11 OL ftlr, 18tJ 7Y. lb. caa C ~~~~~-.25¢ C,OFFEE 95l Corn Muffin Mix UIR!'_._, ... DOG FOOD Long Horn Cheese Gold Coin Bacon OBoneBeef Center Sliced 59~ 89L Club Steak 79~ Chuck Roill 39~ --~------~----------- Rib Steak 65~ 7 Bone R4NISI 43~ Prime Rib Roast ' .65'-, ,_. Pork sa · SJ SUPER . ' • • I