HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-03 - Newport Harbor EnsignLoad ol W..t W.....,.ad ..S lladla Coudll ol Conuaa del ....... (Shoe ·~ of ...... dcld.) Other FLI wbo wlU be wodd.D9 Sclhuday will be Later Can. Saa4y Co'-cm a.tQ alack- mar. Aa.a Jert, Sue Zerbe. DarleDe Gnea. Lyaa Alleo. Mona aG:rlow, Joyce AJt-a. Playllb MUWil. Karen WQ9'DH. Kcay o.uu.y ..ct C.. l'fll CrHa.. all ol K8 Taedae. (Eulp J'Mto) PETE ELS and- Jnp.'nw!rewu I>Usl_.._ ..... Jotln Sallon had come by that momlna for adjourned ~I ol the Council. He <tame tnto lh•·C.,un-J ell Chambers ahortly after the seselon started, and Mayor Dora Hill aald that Coundl wlahed to prHent him with a certificate aood cltlunshlp. She l'ft.d the tribute: '"This is to oertlfy that A. "'M. Nelson haa rendered valuable and distinguished Mr'VIee to the City of Newport Beach u build. 1n1 Inspector tOt 25 yean and in due and proper te6)piUon this example ot dvlc pride ¥d lnt«eBt, and u a alncere .appre- ciation ol. our deep appreelatlon ot this cooperation and aid, and tn testimony thereof, we pr.- eent thl1 certificate of JOOd cltl· zenahlp for and on behaU o( lhe Cou:ndt and the citizens l ;;~;.,;.;~ ... .,. .. Pete, Who wlU be 68 yean week from Sunday, wu the,........~ .. 1a -llolui: • 80 Y· IS . Ll ' ' DH~~ 6n nunc ~ ~~Tr---------:~-----------------------------------------------------. ,..,.,.. 15 N ........ City Coundl t. noon todQ. Aa ot late I yeote~y att«noon 1S eaAdl- tued and one other be 'fii'OUld run. The 15 eandldatea officially In race proylded a conts ln of the aeven <l1st:rtcta bat one No. 3. wbeft lncwn- mayor Dora Hill la candl-~ CEJITI VOL 7-a'O. IS for re--election. Competition appeared Cft'taln there too, how- u Walter S. Grant. of 2421 Bay.t\ote Dr., Bay &bores, said he would be a candidate. He is executive ot Rheem Manufac- turln& Co .. Downey. 1. Dun.can Hardesty, 101 Via Havr~ Lido Isle_ a Newport realtor, bad ahlo Indicated hla to run In District 3, but wu discovered he wu lnell(lble becaUM he had lind hne the ~ulred There la now a second wo·m••n [ In the race u Mrs.. John (SIIrf'id) Neff of Newport Heta:hta Wed M o n d a y, oppoUn,e Incumbent Councilman Sta.n.lq Rldderbol In District 4. District No. 1 al110 got another candidate u WIUiam C. Kin,..,\ Jr. of Seashore Colony tiled. Here's the line-up. by dlstrlcta: L NEWPORT Gerald Bennett, Incumbent. L H. Bergeron, fireman (rpt_) W. C. Kinder, law student. 2. BALBOA Sandy MacKay, realtor. Jay Stottlemyre. barber. 3. U.DO ISLE. SAY SHORES Dora HUI, Incumbent. Walter S. Grant, executive. Cl.JYF HAVEN. HEIGHTS Stanley Rldderhof, incumbent. Mrs. Sltrid Neff, hOUAeWile. ~ BALBOA lSl.4ND ~-- LERS PICK HERSHO • Gene Is Bade, Awaits Bride -.............. .. ....... ....... ....,. hP a , .... R .. .. __.as F'J .. ......._., ... __ _ ___ .. _ z a·-~ ...... .. Pl ..... .....,, .. ~. a. ... City .. ~ ...... Calf. OMu ..., ,_.....,.. .. a.. tt.. --.. ......... z• L c...t .........,, e... .a ..... . ....._. ,.,..._ ,_ L c:-t ..,.._., c:.-e .. W.. Cellenle TIIM'HONP1 HAftlw llff ... lltl .... OF 'nil CALIPOlNIA MIWSPN H PUIUSHHs ASSOCIATION M4 .. tt-NAnONAl. ~ ASSOCIATON AAVO E. HM'A .. .._ ... ~, P'K HA»A._. __ ,_ .. _______ ,._ .. ____ .,.... .. ~ .. itot HU&H McMILLAN ... -... -................ -............................. -.. N.ws ......... ,._., IBT L. JOHNSON---·-·-----·---··-.......... _,.A4~·r.ctor SAM MITCHELL .. -····-·_ .. ___ .......................... _ All¥ • "'~ ltUIY STEVENSON.._ ................................. _ ............................ -.. ,., • • • Th. NEWrQRT HAitiOit ENSI&N ho• ~Met! 4ot-ltl~ to I.e o _,.,., of tonotol clrculotl011 by IYfitmettt crf .... Svporlet Cow+ ..W bz ,.._ th.roof is q .. r.r.o4 to f"lb&ieJI oH ~ 1\.tkos NetiidNcf "' low • • &twocl •• Socond Clua Mottor Ia tile Pwt OH'Ic. ot c-4hl Mot. C.hf. SUISCitlniON RATtS . ' The foe that ~led owr the pia. uvt ~lne to do w1lh area Jut week. they tell m., wu a~na the City, And I'll a real pea 10uper. But I didn't even 10 alone With the .tate. notice IL I ~ldn't know when It IIM'I'It that the Chamber would arrived and I dJ4n't notice _..., ante up tbe Ten Grand from It lifted. I've been In a ,101M-,.,..,._...., d--, a feat ~ what thicker, albelt, eeU-en,e,ft· MVW accompUih.S In the ~ dered foe, a foe eenerated b)' an4. IICCOI41ne to their late te- readtne certain document. (:Oft. port to tbe City, are 10rne f3,· cerntne the operations ol our le>-5C8 short ot accompUahlne now. cal Chamber of Cornrperce. Apparently someone eaeeed at I'd like to review !lOme of theee the budeet quoted above and the documents for you. but I don't handout crf!llll came up with a think you're gotne to be any aubftltute; the one they are now wiser for lt. About all I hope to operattne under. 'I'ht. one 1a pin Is some company; In the even more ridiculous. This one fog It gets lonely. spends •16,040 for overhead and l.oc.l wiKctipt1011 rotoa: f-yoon-U.CJO; -'fOO,._..,.),OO Ovtt+do of Hie Horl>or Aroo: T-.,..,.........7.00; -.,...........00 Let's look first at a proposed a partly 12.210 for result.. And ; budaet. This was the first one tor thls. the Clty kicks In $12,. , , •:• •:•:•, • • •:• • •:•:• • • • • • • • • • •:• •:• • • • • • • • • submitted by the Chamber for fooo. Hop H M 1 M:M M •:+ 8 I M w;1 M M I 8 I M )' t> W>=-f I M M 8 M i M M I M t By some not coherently e xplomed turn of event~ the Council majority's proposition on C hamber of Commerce funds finds it' way on the Morch I 5 bellot in No. I position. Smoll motfer perhaps ... but that does give it the psychological advantage of position oYer the two propqsitions placed on the ballot by the T axpoyers Associotion. I don't belieYe that the Council majority con present a sound morol orgument for placing their johnny·c6me -lately proposition oheod of the two other issues. which qualified first for inc.lusion on the bollot. Clever, these majorities. • • • the fiscal year of July 1, 19M, to e LESS CJIAJUTT June 30, t955. And It's a dandy. Maybe you can understand the It ls, as usual divided Into two thinking behind these two bud- sections; l. e. ADVERTISING, gets. I can't. Faced with the re- PROMOTION and PUBUC SERV-allty of less charity, the Cham. ICE EXPENSES. hereinafter re-ber pared S6.<Y70 from their over. (erred to ll5 "Resulta. .. and OP· head and $9,720 from the& •re. ERATING EXPENSES, herein-suits. And from an ante on their after referred to as "Overhead." part from membership dues of e 111.130 OJf BESULTS $10,140 they cut to $8.174. And to In this one the Chamber pro. date they've actually kfcl<ed In posed to spend on Results a neat only $6,592 ot the CUT promised 11,930 bucks, which is a nice amount. solid sum of dough; aJso lm-1 Now I ~on't want to get Into presslve. Impressive 1n spite of any swinging tights with ac. the fact that It Includes !~f~ countants or auditors, but the ... Items as Office s'uppUes ~. static Item of $250 for payroll A salute t o Pete Nelson on the occasio~ of concluding o quorter flowers $75, and the tab for the taxes In both budgets. despite century of service as building inspector for the C ity of Newport Outfit's quarterly luncheons and the reduced payroll In the sec. Beoch. Pete is one of the home spun philosophers of the old school. annual dinner, $200. In It "Siena ond, just don't seem right to me. He's also a man of prodigious memory of the lessons and principles and Cards" to ldtntlty the mem. I always had the Idea that taxes he hos leorned in his long lifa. J us t the other doy he quoted o little benl0 to~Oved h~d." h Ch be' werthe sort of blalseCorrd on the amltou1.nt n er ea t e am r of e payro . ect me m lesson that he hod heord some 50 years ago. and hos never forgatten:. p(Ppoeed to spend $22,110. wrong. As o rule oman's a fool-For something called "Capital e JfEED MOllE MEJIBEU When it's hot he wont1 it ccvl; Expense" they were shooting The Chamber can and does When it's cool he wants it hot-$1,300. point out that certain Items of Alwoys wa nting whot is not; The total proposed outlay was their overhead are irreducible Not content with whot he's got. $35,340. Of this total, the Cham-and I agree with that; at the • • • ber said they'd ante up $10.140. same time that argument does- Our representotive in Washington, James Utf, sends us o wee~ly "Washingion Report" obout doings of Cong ress. ond he often in· eludes his own observations ond philosophy. Here's o quote from a recent Utf Report thot you might well tock on the wall: "If this, or any other Congress, begins whiHiing away the rig hts, duties, principles or immunities of our Constitution to o point where it become s o hollow shell, freedom os we hove come to e njoy it in Americo will slip silently, though painfully. into the dark ages. Most of the so-called liberals odvocote measures which ultimately would \eod to anarchy or dicta torship. while mony of us ore called reaction· .. ,ary because we demand thot oil legi~otion must abide witt\in the fro~rl of our Consfttution." Keep that lost sentenc.e porticularly in mind. There's nothing <!lutomoticolly socred or noble ebout be ing o "liberol"--or being a .. Democrot," or a"Republicon" eithe r. We all must stond up a nd be counted on the morol right-ness of eoch individual thought ond action throughout oil of our lives. They asked the City to pay the n't hold water for me when I rest, $25,200. For this $25 ~tand, can't pay my bllls. The Chamber the City would eet about $12 has to face the fact that they grand worth or r~ults or slight-just can't afford to live In the Jy Jess than half value for lu manner to which they have ac. money; parden me, I mean for customed themselves.. The only YOUR money. answer Is that they Increase e 13..541 SBOBT their Income. not by means of a I'll even go along with the bigger helping of our money, but Idea that the flowers. cards. by more members paying more lunches and dinners and sup. dues. JOI I Ell"' WJDBL 011 TV Bob McFaJTen of the Potter's Wheel again Is on Panorama Pa- clltc, morning 1V program. thl.s time demonstrating enamel on copper. a t 7:45a.m . and 8:45 this morning (Thursday>. And It can be done. Und« their Charter, the City of P&ftdena budpted $15,000 tor promotion and publicity t or 1954- 55. The Chamber there got $4,· 900. The Tournament of Roses Association got $9.000 and the City got a parade and a football game that publicized them more NOTICE OF PUBUC BEAJUJfC than spending a million would. NOTICE OF PUBUC BEA.JIDIQ Not ice is hereby given that the e OTBEB UAMfLES Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission Of the City But maybe that Isn't a fair NOTICE OF PUBUC BEABIJfG PI · c 1 1 h c· of N .. w...-Beach will hold a example. Burlingame gives their a,nntng omm ss on Of I e 1ty ... vv• • Cham beT $2.400. M 8 n h at t a n of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca. Beach donates "from $l.200 to public hearing on the appllca tlon of Herbert E. RJJey for a tlon of Henry E. Brooks for a varia nce to perrnlt: an eight (8) $l,500 a year" to the C of C. Bev. variance to permit : a fifteen foot setback along Ocean View erly Hllls grants $6.500. Ontario l 151 Inch overhang of a second Ave. Instead of the twenty (20) doesn't have a Chamber and fl oor apartment over garages foot setback required by District Isn't suUerlng because of the Into the ten 1101 foot rear yard Map No. 4 and Section 9105.4 lack; the City spends about SlO,· trlct as shown on Dlstrlrt Ma p setback facing a fifteen ( 151 foot (f) wherein a lot abutting two 000 a year on publicity and ad. No. 18. On Lot 19 & NEly 15' a lley. On Lot 5, Block E. Tract streets must comply with the vertlslng, and I'll bet a plugged Lot 21. Block 1,13, Tract Re Sub Seashore Colony, and located at setbacks establlshed on either nlckle that they get more than of Corona d<'l Ma r. and located 6508. W Ocean Front. Newport street. On Lot 46. Tract No. 1133, $2.210 worth of results from it. at 227 Poppy Avenue. Variance Beach. Variance Application No. and located at 2610 Avon Street. Bakersfield gives their Chamber Appllactlon No. 199. 196. Variance Application No. 201. S5. 840 500 aCoryear. dPaJod Alto. kldcks ~ Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca. atlon of Della K. Melin tor a variance to permit: a fifteen ( 151 foot front yard setback In· stead of the req ulr<'d twenty 1201 foot M'lback In an R I dis NoUce Is hereby further given Notice Is hereby further given Motlce Is hereby further given $4. · ona 0 oesn t ona e that said public hearing will be that said public hearing will be that sa,ld public hearing will be a dime. Monterey hands out $4,· held on t he 17th day of Febru. held on the 17th day of Febru. held on the 17th day of Febru. 000 a nd that Includes 1700 for ary 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ary 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ary 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m . the Jr. C of C. Redlands glvee In the Council Chambers of the In the Council Chambers of the In the Council Chamber-s of the $1.500. Oxnard refuses support. Newport Beach City Hall, at Newport Beach City Hall, at Newport Beach City Hall, at Alhambra contributes $10,500 of which time and place any and which time and place any and which time and place any and which their Chamber apende all persons Interested may ap. all persons interested may ap. all persons Interested may ap. about ~.000 on the Ooat tor the pear and be hear(\ thereon. pear and be heard thereon. pea.r and be heard th~eon. ROM Parade. RA Y Y. COPELIN, Secretary RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary RAY Y. COPELIN. Secretary If you can figure out why the Newport Beach City Newport Beach City Newport Beach City Newport Chamber receives 10 Planning Commission Planning Commlulon Planning Com.mJulon much and accomplllhH 10 little, r=~~~~~=;~==~==~==~~~~====~==~==~~========;:~~======~ ru ~~~nckforthe~ claJ price of r,$.95., More Ialer. sua·scR -IBE To T~e Newporf Harbor Ensign The Official Newspaper of the City ol Newpwt leach ONE YEAR ------· ODb' 3.00· Oulllide of Harbor Area _____ __, . •• ..., •.,.. OIIDD _.TOea •a•ca • ~ ~Y GIRL SCOUT ,_,EWS B.rownle Troop No. 11, und~ the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Lewis, held a birthday party and lnv~tlture service recenUy at the Scout House. Those invested were Mary Jane Boyd, Paula Gardner and Sarah Krelle. Receiving their one-year pendants were Susanne Brubaker, Susan Clements. Chris. tlana Cotton, Ca role Jean Delght- man. Louise Handy, Gall Harris. Suzanne Harrla, Susan Hill, Mary Lewls, Diana Lewton, Pa trlcla Tandy and Paget Weather ly. Mrs. Lewis was , assisted by co-leader Mrs. Roberta Cotton and Troop Chairman Mrs. Jean Lindstedt. The g irls of Troop 55, second grade Brownies under the leader. ship of Mrs. Marjorie Corman, held a picnic on the beach. Their present project Is making scrap books of Christmas-cards. which they will take to Cou.n~ B-. Brownie Troop 6 1s preparing another play called "Peter Pot." It will be ready for their F•ther- Dauahter banquet In March. Mrs. Merle Verburg Ia le~er of this troop. Troop 12. led by Miss Kathy Andrews, has ado,Pted two BaJ. boa Island Troops. brlnglng their number to 18. New co-leader Ia Mrs. June Holder. ElecfroiMx 'l'bea.a..Tou Doa't KCift to &lllptyl Two Model. to Chooee From Bill Re~cher Liberty c...aas 1:111 Jfewpo~t atYCL COI'I'A IIE&A Fu.Mral ..,._ -loe a.rtr.. IT, of 2211 Hat'-• .._. eo.ta .............. , .... .. ~ .. dley ...... Oil..-L with a.v. aa.a. r ...... 11111. 1 clatlnl. Mr. Clute ciW lU. ... Ilia home aft« a.._..._... Be wa, a natlw ol Jll. If hlr-. Jfebtuka, and faiM to Oolta ... ... ln 1930. Be wu tl earpa. t« by trade an4 bad worbd Jot Donald Ra1l lot Mftral ,...,.. Survtvort .,.. Ilia wife, life. Fannie E. Clark of tbe home a d. dreas; three claupt.n. 111'1. Bar. ry B. Osborne, ot Coeta Meea; Mrs. Hal Knlihten, of CoiU Mesa; Mrs. Roberta Rlndl, of Las Veaaa. Nev.; a aliter, lin. Hnrlen Kerr. of LA Verne ud three brothers, Clyde, of Turlock: Fred, of Merced, and Frank ot Denver, Colo. and. eight grand- children. BOB WBii E BACK BOM& Bob Whyte, 80n of Mr. and Mrs. James Whyte of 416 Hazel Dr .. Corona del Mar, came baek home la.st Thursday -his ~tb birthday anniversary -after thre-e year and nine months' of service In the Air For~. He plana to enter USC to atudy arch ~lecture. Where's the Sfllart place to put your savingsP . . • . , --.. tbe Nveroldo --Letters -9 Rre in 1954; ... Club ·-~~~~ ,_ - 1 Acids to Staff 1 Da $72,781 TO WlLDI A claurhter, Jll1 Lynn, wu A .,n, Herbert lohnaon Jr .. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald wu born to Mr. and MR. Htrbere WUd ot 2U9 Monrovia St., eo.u Dunlap ot 321 Avocado St.. eo.ta ....... In Koa& M.emorlal Hew-MeA. In Hoar Memorial HCJI. on the lrowtb and c:ulttva~-.:.1 'lbla .. the J.etter .ent out by ota mage ...... lu Monday, lan. JO, """' ........ • CD ta ... •--t the Hlllh khool bou<l """""""" , . Harbor AtQ, lade .• u.o..... ~ ot • ~ commit- u.uaan. manapr oC the and IMtnber of U.e U. t.t ln pknni:DJ tcw ~ ICbool A total ot. 311 ftre eallt durtn1 1 cono,,...!d 2.JM - Qard.ma, Corona c1e1 Mat. stock -xxct\anlf, hu ln-apanakm• 1954 reiUlt.d ln & totarot f72,11i '70 Ptnnllt. '-ued liS talk lncluded dt.cu.Mion ol van. lt."local penon,nel to •lx Dear fti_;ct.: In dupa,_ from tlte. ChMt a. l . ooMuctltd 'I tire tav.O.I-1 pltal on 't\l~ay, Jan. 11. pltal on WednMday, San, 12. ... ve LIVlll w ,...,_.ntatlv~ ae tlon and t!'ll• r.ultant lnfiated Fire "-·--t h;;=:...-. . '""-" '"' oua ... hnJU -~-:::: 1::~~~ addition ot four new The ra'pld lntreue ln JMIIPUI&-~ ol the K-Beaeh ' .., .... -~ 61 11-~~ ::,~0::~" to wuuam L. O'Jteyon, .ehool enroUnMnt hu t"HIIted a • ....;;;;;;;U;"bun4U:;a;..,_. ~ ~ : llteiMlll•llnll manapr ot th! Corona problem I« \he Newport Hubot very low ex.eept tor one rtre In new. rele.-.. B R u c E M A R J I N liar om.. In the llrtcher Union Hllh khool Olltrkt. which the loa wu . at 2:515 E. Cout Somethln& will bave to be done Brbcoe aaJd. call ttnmen held 183 new or drill and ,.,d rita-am n• Fll£ LIFE concentrate to provide ad41Uona.l bouaJna fcx The ll.t: of auto tlres for the men hel~ 1,164% houra o1 drUJ.a. --- HOME LOANS the YlctnJty of thil COiittantly tncreulnr Included careless smoklna, A total ot 214 bualnea bUUdlnrs LOCAL -\GENT I IE~~=ue~ : lobn (lack) of younr people. The Boar~~·~~~~§~~ In car wlrtna, nJne; and 288 dwelllnr buUd.lnra 1193 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA M~ H•lahta·, Harold Rll•y Truateea Of Newport one; backfire. one; i l~~~~·:~~·~-anm.n==~l~om=n~-~~O~F~FI~CE~~,~~~~S~-5>54~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~·-~·~! ' Union Hlrh SdldOl feel that .....,.., JVU<I WilHam S. Hudaon, brake, one; mlaee.t. Meu., and Mn. Pearl P~l-111 a oommunJty.wlde accident, two, and Anaheim. and that all dvlc: motor, two. There Mr. ()'Bryon, who resides orranlzatlona' of the area Will 12 rubbish fires. one aparks ........ with hi• 'wife lnt ..... ted In and oonce•ned with rubbloh !Ire and live rub-high scy/e wrought iron and chrome Coffee Warmer chUdren, established the method of .olutlon. blah flrea of unknOW"n cause. II <::Orona del Mar ott lee for Mor· We are therefoce lnvltina your Electrical fires Included el&ht $25() 6 Co. In 1950. having to help Ul In lorm· from electric motors, aeven, de. regular Value 1/•in,,ao:ed In the securities In& a Cltlzena Comrnllt~ to ad. fectlve wtrlna; live defective I 6 9 In t.o. Anaeles for vise with IU b to the necessary e-lectrical equipment. two ahort 0 n y ¢ years prevlouaJy. He la to be taken. U you dealre In televtaton, five d~ectlve .ueet President of Advisers Fund. cooperate will you destrnate wlrlna; one-short In transformer, an lnternatlonaUy owned • responsible repreaenta.tlve to one electrical Iron and one over. tual Investment fund, with on thla Committee, the flrat heated appllancu. l !.•lu1<ri<OH In New York. meetlne of wblch will be In the Housekeepln& tlres lncludf!d The pre-aent Sales Ma nager, Board Room 01 the Hl1h School three from are-ue on .tove Guy C. Hewitt, Jr., whose home on February lat. l955, at 7=30 seven from ereue In oven. One la ln Corona del Mar. Is al110 p.m. • Incendiary lire was lllted. for tht VIce.Preaident of Ad vlsen Fund For your oonvenhmce there la year. QUJCI Dt.tribUtora. Inc. enclosed herewith a aelf ad-drf!SMd card to Inform us of your Fires from m1.8cellaneoua ln. desire to participate. Will you eluded 18, care-leu smoklna; please fill In the n~ary Jn. children with matchea; four. food formation and return. turned; five, street la nterns and 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW ' ~OW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRJEIDLY CIIIMILI ... I••~ 'llwlll• If Year' ; CarlN B. Lewil, mathematics Instructor and dlrector of the dl . vtalon of Natural Sciences and mathematics at Orang:l" College, has been named Ktwan. of the Year by the Costa 11 ..... :-Klwantu' Club. Lewis was honored by ! I <oer,lee club for his of youth. He Sincerely, S. H. Davidson District Superintende-nt Zoe Rae Barlow Trustee Newport Harbor High Schl. T ~JIINI CUII'IIal ot Ani.., ••• SYMPATHETIC SERVICE the club as director J. Arthur Taylor of Lido Isle. Youth Committee. president of the lilt Westl"rn was presented with an el<octo'le I Bank of Santa Ana, h as been clock to alcnallze the honor. named chairman of the Santa WE IUY faUST DElOS OH W'IU LOCATID HOWlS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION UlO....Au1 e Lt. .... • Dilly lnty l1loru First Lt. Peter Kourae, 24, of Mr. and Mn. N«man Nourw, 1.8M E. llay Front, boa, recently amved tn Iapan and la now a.u.J&ned to Head· Ana College Business AdYI!IOr)' Committee, a group of a hall hun. dred buslnes.s and profeM.Ional people who will have a key role In the second annual Bualne&!l Education Days at the college next March :!. a.nd 2. Thla event wtll leatur~ bustneu equip. ment show. style shows, career workahoJMI. and vblt. by out. -.ndlnl bualne. .tudent. from 0.0,. CGuaty "'*" -LAGUNA BEACH ll::~th:~e :y ln Mai to • '""" .,aduate o1 the unl-.. ,_ llllda·ll Vft'lltY ot Ca.Jifornla at Berkeley ... • "'-o HYof-1·171 and a member ot Delta Kappa ef Cella •••a Dies EpsUon frate-rnity. MAURIE ST~ ANNOUNCES THE MOVING OF THE OFFICES OF STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY TO Jl15 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR OPENING FEBRUARY I, I955 NEW PHONE HARBOR 2474 Charles Ernest Sine. 69. o1 112 Del Mar St., Costa Mesa, died Jan. 15 In Orange County Ho&· pttal alter a four year Illness. Mr. Sine had been a Costa Mesa resident for 33 years. He was born In ~atur, Ill. He Is survived by his wUe, 2 sons. Arnold Harold Sine or Coose Bay, Ore .. and Ernest of Cos ta Mesa, and four dauahters. Mn. Cecil Wetstra. Mrs. Eugene Fleming and Mu. Stern Eaton of Costa Mesa, and Mrs. Wayne O'Rourke of Anaheim. Funeral services were held' Jan. 18 at Parkes.RJdJey Mortuary. a. L WOMAJf Df}'UUD Mrs. Harvey Coli or 121' Marine Av('., Balboa Island, sulfere>d nu. merous r.clal bruises, scratche11 and a three to four.Jnch lac-era. tlon about an ear when .she fell l~;:;;:;:;:;;:;:;:;;:;::;::;:;:;;:;:;:;;:;:;:;;;::;:;;;:;;;:;;:;:;:;;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;t l&everal times In Balboa, pollee ~~ reported at 2:40 p.m. Jan. 15. Po. ltce round Mr. and Mrs. Coil at the ferry tanding but she de· I ellne~ medical aid while waltlng for the terry. She told pollee she first leU while alighting lrom a bus and received first aid trom the bus driver. STR HAIIDWABE HOUSEWARES * Glltwarw * A~ * Palnla •••-...._u.._.,...._ tlarea: five nammable llqulda; two, weldlne and torches; tlve, hot ashes: 7, aponta.neoua t,gnJ . tlon: one, tar pot : one, explosion ; four, unknown and seven mlscel. laneous. Heating fires for the ye-ar Jn . eluded five defective gas appll. j anc-es: four combustibles too close to heater, one heater too close to oombustlbles, three de. I fectlve IJreplacel, three defective furnaCfll and one defective \'E'nt. I Two oprators were added to the department In September. re.l llevin,g two regular firemen who were assigned to fire station fl vl" In Corona del Mar. A total ol children were given conducted touMJ through fire stations dur. lng the year. Firemen 110 letter to occupants of homes a.nd businesses In the atrlcker annexation gtvtng: them lnfonna. tton about bumtna rei'Ulattorw and how to call the fire dep.a_rt. menL DwinJ J'tre Prww!ndon Week fidme tire aalety wu str n r d and 3,000 horne tire laldy checll: sheets were sent home with I!IChool chlldrl!'n. The Fire Preventio n Bureau JfEW KEM8E8S JODr CBUaCB The followine new members !}ave ut!Ut!d with Christ Church !fy the Sea during the past month: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. StllweU and daua:hter Linda, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mahoney, Miss lf'an Whitmore, Mrs. Frances Boyd. Mrs. Margaret Gret>n, MMJ. Grace Mertens, Mr. and Mrs. John D. He-Ikes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dl"nnls. Mrs. Jame11 Mor. rison. Miss Allse John M. Harper. ao.ooo OFFEB ACCEPTED Newport City Council vo tf!d Monday, Jan. 24, to aC"Cept the state's otter of $20,000 lor the city land at the northwest corner of the .Arches lor eventual enlarae· ment of the overpa&s. The ott~ Include><~ SI for a strip ol city. own~ WAter front property the channel. TWDfS roa NEXDEZS Twin., a son, 6 lbs., 1 ~ oL, and a dau&hter. 5 lbs .. 1.2~ OL, were born to Mr. and Mrs. AJeslo Mendez o( 641 W. 18th St., Costa Me-sa, In Orange County ~neral Ha.pttal on Wednesday, Jan. U when you come in to see the exciting New ' MAYTAG GAS RANGE S The Mayt..a& Coffee Warmer is a real con venation piece in popular black, wroua:ht iron aDd chrome •.. ideal for the perlm bosteaa.. . Tbia ncW.ar P .iO value Is a.U ,._. S. •7 tit:. 'l'IUa ia our WQ o1 1banldar 70U foe' ecmJn& to M the btautiJW _, Maytqpa ~-You'll be l!"ftdww&ecl by the hl&h~st)'le beauty of both the Mayt.aa CMventional and Dutch Oven model&. You'll love the many outstandin& features ... tht-eal)'~to-clean, one-pi~ top, condiment sets. towe-l ncks, crlrper drawers., eye-level controls, autof!Jatic timers. and and dozens of othe.rs. Come in today, the supply of coffee warmers ia limited. GET FREE nCKETS FOR FREE Maytag Gas Range-Awarded By "BARGAIN BASKET" MARKETS at either one of theae "Bargain Ba:aket" Markets No. 1: 19th & Placentia No.2: 3347£. Coast ffiqhway Coeta Me... Corona del Mar PfRIW'S THE YEUOW~ES WILL HElP Nlf GET ASIIAVE -IN COOPERAnON WITH- FOR l!.f.I!.SEI< SHOPS IT I'II.YS TO LOOK IN THE 'CLASSIFIED'PAAT Of YOIIR TELEPHONE 8001<. llf(AUSE llfr 8fAitO IS HEAW 1IIE I.AOI£5 TlfiNK 11M A ICI6WE Merdaancs' PUTEITIU IUYIIE aaa.. roe oc • w ,. .. _ ..... , ....... 11om ..... ----Colt-_, __ ... _"' 0.0,. dotooo, -p I Moll ,.....,,.,lf. • I fteiRIDGI ..... ..._ha. llfDI'I ............. ... ............ _.... .. .... fill 1110 attnMI PL. ... ,.... .... ana'I'ADAT at Jtl1 ._.. ..._ ..._. A. ..,_.... Em,...... .. on ,outll u... "Pvt (Y Golcr wUI be the M~ Dr.. Bay ~ c. II ta.at ·U•-...,..w to Jtew. dQI at u. 0pt1mt11t eta\ o1 t.befM. and April 21 tbe date for ._.... wW M M.ra. w. o. Ha14J .fOI't poiiM at T:OI a.a. oa ~ lfewport Hat.._ 8pectal ~--U.. annual Dell ~ tl-. 21. ,Mr. JkJ lilt~ a aid that tM 1fto ~ tM ,...em at d.,, It wu cledcted at tbe ~ MM wu aptJUently takn dw-T\lepdi.Y• lu a c ~ • on ...-.~ val meettn1 held at tbe bomt lill the ..._t. hUee put out an .... Dub Cox t1 tiM 0ra.nce of 1lh'a. Amelia Gamble, Ccrofta a.U..potnta broedeut 1n an at. Cout niCA ud a ... fill tht del Mar. Kn. ~ ..._. bA*et lundl .ntxt Wtd~MMa7. Club, """'* 11 ap~ tbe tempt to locate tbe craft, fllul· members from bll poup._ talnecJ mem-. of Ia• eollbtt. Dorot11M Sbeely, ctty llbtarlan. looll clrt"' wW IMu a ~ 1n1 that It wu »&ded onto a At lut weell't ckiMd meetlna tee at lundleon. A JMd ,.._, ,......m the review. U...pltt tro. the Orutt eoun. tl'allft and curled away. the Opttmtsu votM t1100 to*ard eo.tume jewelry, a PI'OII'..-a fJl • • • ty Health DtpertiMnt epeu on ;=.=========:::; tbe You1h Center lb Colona del home taleont. ~al clocw prtiee Al80 mNtll\l next ThurtcSay polio. Q ub ~ beJped wtth Ill Elflllhl Dear Lady: Tb .... la DO Deed to be Embarrassed! If Tour ~in No Longer Fits! Jfow la tbe Tlme To Let The "Streamline Your Figure" To The New SPRING FASHJONS e Quickly e Easily AT LOW COST! Pboae BA 1742 FOR FB.EE EKplanatory Treatment OPEJf EVENIKGS !Mon., Wed. lr Thurs.) ENROU TODAY! OYer 3000 Treatments Given to Date We Will Award 100 Fr~ Treatments To The Lady Whose Appointment Is The 5000th Treatment! 3117 E. eoa.t Highway Corona del Mar QUICI SERVICE ROLLER SHADES Standard S h a de Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery Hardwa re e Venetian Blinds. <~'-Sluuk Sllop * Beside tbe * Call Post Office BA 884 .:J2 32nd SL. lfewport Beach Elsie Narlloroup's YARN SHOP %747 E. Coast Blgbwc:ry Conoa del Mcu B.A 0157 Knitting, Crocheting and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Speciallzed AcceSliOrles and Instructions Wlater Boun: Mon. thru Sat. 10 a .m . to 5 p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. to 5 ·ED Mann AJfl) Mar. 'nle Optl.l&a. llave a1ao and c:a:rda wU1 be !101M ol t.M wtn bt memben ol Ebell Book the Moth_.• Ma.rdl porchllabt voted $70 for thJa project. Part day's attractlona. Preeent for t.M S«t1oD IV. H-eu wW be lin. brilade on Kon~. of their pbUantmoplc money plannlnl were Preeldnt> Ml& Laura L. S.rry, 430~ Avocado wW be ralaed by the worHn at Nkholu Brettner, ~. Clat· Ave., Corona del Mar. A noon their rumma1e sale to be held ence Dodd, Allee A.myea. 111t'"'-deaert wUl be aerved. We ktlow, ancJ tba. we baw served !mow, that our prl~ are uceptionally low, and we art prepared to show any lntere.t.d at the Arcade Bullcllnl ln eo.ta J.cker, Byron WeU.. C. M. De&. • • • Men on Friday and Saturday, ,ldna, Bull Petenon. Chari• New members beln1 welcomed Feb. 11 and 12. Eaton. Thomas Smith and WU. Into Ebell Club are Eri)Bt K. HelpJn1 to 1et tbe youth een• Uam Tritt. • Bartman, Mrs. Vincent Salmacla ter usable, Optimist Bob Gill-• • • and Mrs. Ted Tapfer. ft')an and hb firm ot GUlman 6 Mft. Leon Sanborn wlll read Sons hu been lnstalllnl plumb-at the next meetlne of Ebell ,lnl In the buUdlnl on the Har. Book Section m to be held Tues. h" kOIII.s bor VIew School erounds. day at the home ot Mrs. Nlcbo. l Ensign, Mrs. George Watson Make Their Home in Honolulu ~lorera, senior .couta ot Troop 17 apoMOred · by Rotary Club, wlJl become chetl Satur. day and make chlcken.Jn.a.bu. ket lunches to ralse tunda for Newlyweds Enal~ and Mn. ~rge Watson Jr. are settled ln their apartment at m Launlu St., Honolulu, HawaU, after a Christmas honeymoon at the Moana Hotel and Waianae Beach in Hawaii. The young couple were mar. ried at Makalapa Chapel In Bt..n· C. I. ,,_, PI•• IIYII Tt Llcll U11t The 11th Coast Guard district reserve tropt.y plaque was pre sented by Capt. John Rountree, commander, to the Organized Reserve Training Unit 11-378. port security, Tuesday at the U. S. Naval Training Center. Ma. rlne Corps Air Facility, Santa Ana. The unit is commanded by Lt. Commander R. C. Sweet, who Is In the yacht brokerage and ma. rlne Insurance fi eld in the New port . Balboa area. Commander Sweet has been continuously active in Coast Guard reserve ac tivities sinee his release from active duty in 1946. During World War n he served as com manding oUicer ot such Coast Guard vessels as the Ewing, the Globe E11ht and the trt1ate AJ. buquerque. Men attached to the unit Jn. elude Richard B. Deave-r, 117 Apolena Ave.. Balboa Island: M1ke Driskel. 2Z7 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del Mar, and James H. Edwards. 129 "G" St.. Balboa. The trophy plaque Is awarded semi a n n u a I I y to the Coast Guard n.•serve training unit which has amassed the most points in district widP competl tion. ThE-se points art> earned by attt>ndance. appearanc:-e and per formance of personnt>l. training anrl administrative r<'Cords and otht>r factors obtained by unit inspect ions and review of unit rec-ords. ULLOGGS GET GIRL A daughter, Tracy lA. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kel logg of 2010 Santa Ana Ave.. Costa Mesa. on Saturday, Jan. 8. In Boag Memor ial Hospital. so• BOBJf TO tmDS A son. Laine Richard, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Jayde Muir ot 400 Kings Pl., Cuti Haven. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Sat. urday, Jan. 8. olulu on Dec. 1s. The bride is the their youth center building. former Ml&s Joann Russell, Boys. and their fathers and daulhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted mothers are planning to cook Russell of 122 Breake. rs Dr., Co-l the dinners 1\t.-the 81&rona de l rona del Mar. The eroom Is th~ Mar Community Church and de. !on of Mr. and Mrs. George Wat. liver them during the day on son of Laguna Beach. I Saturday. Explorer Scouts are selling tickets and orders will The bride was given away by I be taken by Ronald Keeler, Captain J. F. Hessen of the U. S. senior crew leader. at Harbor Navy In an alJ.mU itary wedding, 2852.J; by Lynn Barton, troop with officers dressed in white leader. Harbor 4414 M: or at the uniforms. She wore a cocktail Corona del Mar Community length gown of powedr blue em. Church, Harbor 5237. broidered satin with matchJng hat, purse and shoes. White or. ''I T ......__ ..__,, chlds with plkakl streamers for-•Ill I •• ...... med her bouquet. I I-I .1 "L- Miss Helen Davis ot Honolulu. I ..... U11Gf'l8 formerly of Corona del Mar, was the bride's only attendent. She wore a pink silk dress with a nosegay of red roses and blue forget me npts. Lt. Dick Dougan, naval officer from the USS Grainger, was best man, and other officers from the ship served as ushers. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Hessen. The newlyweds' parents were not able to be present for the marriage rites. The bride graduated from both Newport Har bor High and Oran1e Coast Colleae. Her hu.a. band paduated tram San Dle&o Sta~ CoU.,e. wher. he belonged to Sigma Alpha EpsUon fra. ternlty. Balltta .. laipM Tt Elet~~lll Alrllorle Second Lieutenant Frank M. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al exander Hamilton, 1225 E. Bal- boa Blvd , Balboa. has been as- signed to the 11th Airborne Medical Battalion of the 11th Airborne Division, Fort Camp- bell, Ky. Lieutenant Hamilton was grad. Lido lsi~ has "gone to the dogs," according to a complaint received by Newport pollee from Nelle Colegrove, secretary of the Lido Isle Community Assn. The business office. she wrote is, continually receiving com. plaints from residents of Lido Isle that unleashed dogs are run- ning all over the Island, fright· enlng c h I I d r en , digging up plants, creating nuisances, ues. passing on beaches and gen erally disturbing the peace. She requested that the city humane officer lms)ound such dogs. 1'ID ITAft.ftOin 110ft TO COilOifA mGBl MDI Major Thomas Hughes and family left last month Cor a term ot duty In the Hawllan Islands. They formerly lived at 432 Morn- Log Canyon Rd., Corona High lands. Now living In their residence are Dr. and Mrs. Howard Staple. ton and family. Dr. Stapletons. formerly ot Chicago, is now prac. tieing dentistry In Wllmlneton. He bas recently been released from active dulty In the Navy. Included In the famlly are Sherry Lynne, 3, and Howard Prentice, 19 months. uated from the Newport Harbor ------------ High School, and later attended DIRECTORY Stanford University and the Unl. MUSIC verslty of Kansas. He received both h is B.S. degree tn Archltec. Margaret L. Scharle ture and his ROTC commission Teacher ot Plano upon eraduatlon from the latter Oru nlst · Accompanist Institution In July of INt year. Evening Classes for Adults Prior to ht. asslcnment with 3m GOLDENROD AVE. the DivlaJon, the Lieutenant was Corona del Mar ltatloned at Fort s.m Houston, --=~~~~~~~~~~~ Tft~ where be attended the .- Mecllcal Field Service School. WA VT MAif OJf L&AYE Lawrence K. Gundium. M .D. 419 rt£'WPOifr BLVD. Newport Btacb Practtce limited to Dlseuea of Ear. Nose, 'lbroat: AlleriY Office Houn: . by a ppointment Uberty 8·5433 qr 8-:z237 aaa. roa n101111n1 A dauabter, Cptllla MarJe, ... born to Xt. &n4 Mra. Robert Humpb.reya ot 2::30 3&th St., New. port Beach, Ia Hoa1 Memorial Ha.pltal on Monday, Jan. 10. peraon the prleft In our -- rooms, that they, too, mat learn ' . UDO IIU that Parkea-IUdley aervfce-b • • NIWH)If ~or a.~ en".tooet c.l THE ENS16~. HA-l I 1-4 • a v a 11 a b le at unusually low prfcea. MACH • COlOMA DltMM RUT CHU.CH Of CHljp- SCIENTIST )JO] Vle 1Ue, ........,. ...... A br•rteh of the Mothtt Chwrch. The Fim O~o~tch o4 Olrirt. Scitt~tlat, '" eo.. 1011, MeJ~hutetn. PARKES·RIDL MOR.TU·~ Sur>dey Schooi -· 9:15 e.m. Sundey S.rvice ·---· .. --I I :00 '·"' Wednefdey Eve.li119 MMiing 1:00 p.m. II 0 •aO~WAT COIY" W&l" LlullTY n-.::~ ... ·3.::11 R .. d in9 •-loceted et )) 15 Vie Ltdo, Ntwpon S..ch. if o~n ... ~ daya fro"' 10~ •·"'· to 5:00 p.m. Wedn•fd•-y~ f'Om 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 P·"'· Nldey _,;"9, from 7:00 p.m. to " 00 p.m. Cloted Holid•ys. Til• public it cordiefly lnv•••d to et •end the church ••rvic•~ •nd •Jta th• "~ted•"O ltoo,.., ' .... ...... ~. ---:~~ • Light their life with P,ith l/;lt ST. A.JfDJlEWS ASSEIOLT OP COD PU:SBTTEJUAJf CBVJlCB 22ad SL & £Idea A.._ Coeta Meea 15th St. It St. Andrews Rd., LJbelty 1·3'1'11 CICIOU ...... JI1P Jdaool a.......s 1&. e_ C1oaJc. Pat. Llheltf I~ Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· Paton ..... 1--I. st.Wart 11 ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 Younw People and ChUdren's and 11 a.m.; Church School, Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· 9:30 and U:OO; Sr. Hleh FeUow-4 , week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary Coun· ship, 7 p.m.: College age tel-ell. Thursdays, 10:00 a m. lowshlp, 7:30 p.m. -TUES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. OOMM111f!TT JfETBODIST UG W. lttb St.. Costa Meea Liberty 1-4552 Be?. ]OMpb W. McShcme Sunday: 9:30 a.m .. Church Sun. day School ; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Mornine Worshlp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service· 7 p.m .. Sunergous Group Serv: Ice. TD CIIOKB OP C1iad1' lose aa.-at.. c..ea ...... u.ty a.57ll D. a. aant. JaaJ.-ter Sunday Services: 9:30 a .m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor· ship; 7 p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7 p.m. Wednesday. CIIJUST CIIV1ICB BT THE SEA Coamaaalty Metbod.lat lcl1boa BJ..S. at l4tla St.. lfewport Jii.Art)ow 5221 Patort .... .., A. Ccu1800 Sunday Worablp, 9:45 and 11 a .m. Church School : 9:45 a.m. Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOA~ CHURCH liM era...,. A.._ Costa Jfeea . Uberty 1-1011 Patlaer TbGaaa J. lferia s~ .,_... at '· L t. •• a:a4 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00a.m. -Confes.<~lon : Satu.r· days from 4:00 to 5:1~7:00 to 8:15p.m. PmST BAPTJST CII178CB OP lfEWPOaT a.Jboa alYCL lttla & Court Ita.. .ewpcll't ~ uu l.lbec'ty .. 3171 ...... --.c.J ....... Suf\day aervtces: 9:4S a.m., Sun· day School; 11:00 a .m;t WO!t- ablp Service; 7:30 p.m. :.sundaJ even Ina ~ e r v f c e : ltfld-Week Semce: 7:30 p.m. Wedneeday Prayer Meeting. SEVEJif'fR DAT ADVE.KTIST lfewpoct BI..S. at Bo1aa St.. lfewpon lltt4data Liberty t -lSU Elder D. D. lpcm.lctlaof Saturday M01'nlng ~ces: Sab· bath School : 9:31' a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m . Frl· day Evenlng Vespers: 8:00. . -- CIIUaCII of the •AZAHifE 1115 A....._ I~Cone Meea ......... cu .. wm· • .1.8 '* 1-tltl Sunday~: SundaJ School, 9:30 a.m. Momln1 Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evan1eJlstlc ~· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. P'IBST <:linCH OP CIDilST SCI£IfTIST ,_ Vla ~Uli' 8eacb Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun-day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Meeting: 8:00. Reading Room, 3315 VIa Lido, Newport ~ach, open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn . UlfiVEJlSALIST CONJfUJIJ'JT FELLOWSHIP EbeU Clubbouae 515 w. BCI1boa 81•4.. BCI1boa Mlalater: ..... P. W. J11acJe Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Morn. lng worship, 11:00 a.m. PDtST IOUT11EU IAPTIST CII178CR 100 W. BCIIDiltoa lt.. e-ta Meea LJbel'ty t.I2N ,__, ~ • ..8idacad ...... Sun~y achool. 9:45a.m..; cbu.rcb service 10:50 a..rn. Tralnlne Union 7 p.m . Sund~. Evening wonhlp 8 p.m. Sund~. Telcb· era and otflcera meettn1 7 p.m. Wednetday. Prayer eervtce aDd Bible study 8 p.m. Wednead~. naT IAPTift CllvaCB S...ta AM Aft. 41t llapoUa eo... ..... ....... a. ....... Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School ; 11 .-\.m. Worahlp Service.; 6:30 p.m., Baptist Tralnlna Union; 7:30 p.m.. Evenln1 S.rvloe. Wednesday: 7:30 p.rn .• Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorua p r a c t I c e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'• Prayer Mee.tfn1. CIIUac& OP oua LAJrl OP liT. CADIEL 1"1 W. acdbea IJYCL Jf..-port ~-~· P..U.. ·~· Pa8tor PatiMr ......... AMt. Sunday Muses: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Confesalon: Sat· urdaya a nd eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Days from 4:~ t<' 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:~ p.m. Dally Ma..-8:00 Lm. l'lnt Friday: 6;30 LDL and 6:00p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Tuesday. 7:45p.m. amJST LUTDUJf CIIOIICB OP COSTA MESA A~~ Pat.r a... Lotlae Toraow Sunday Serv1.ces: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a .m. Sunday SChool at 10:15 a.m. ' IT. JAJIU EPISCOPAL HOI VIa U.O. lfewpcwt Beadl .......... .... hal 11 .... Wheeler IIArbor 1210 Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, 11 a.m. Morning Prayer.i 9:30a.m. Registration ·ror Sunaay School. Thursday Services: 9:15 a m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. ST. JOIIJf VlAJfWET 315 llca1De A.._ Balboa lalcmd IIAibor 0214 PatMt I~Elley. Pator Patber ParDaaua AMt. tw Sunday Muse.: 7:00 a.m. It 9:00 a.m. ConleaJon: Saturdays and eves. of ~ Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; First Friday Mua 8 a.m. CD'I'UL iiii:i CII'UIICB 0....Aft.41tlhdlt. c.-...... , ..... t, 1-5303 ,.. .......... ,__ Sund., ~: 9:45 a.m. Morn- W&WIOIIT ·~· ooao•A DKL MU ~~ .. ~~ 11 :00; Eventnr LU IB*8AJI CiiU11Cii OOIOIUWIT't C&U8Cii ,._,.,KW, 7:.JO. Mld·week Serv· 1501 CWf lh .. Wewpoct Belttata C• .. •ueer .. fee. WedJMidal· 7:30 p.m Uberty a.JaJ tU .lltbUfi* Aft. IAUOA ISLAIQ) Morry Smith's Roland Btt11a. acm of )lr. and Mrs. Robert J. BrliP at U62 Ful· Jerton Ave., COtta Mea. .. on a 20-day leave from the U.S.S. Mt. Olympus, recently attached to the Seventh Fleet ln San Dle,o. The navy man la a graduate of Newport Harbor Union Bleb School. The ML Olympus left Norfolk. Va., on Jan. S. via the Panama Canal and arrived In San Dleao on Jan. 22. Hla fatb« la a retired navy man. Friendly NeiJbborhood Se.rvtce Parkes-Ridley M ortuary Formerly Grauel Chapel -.. • .._,. Onala.Dd _,.._ 1117 ~~~ llnli\:>DJST Early aervlee, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; ...., ...., ...,. a-a. 11....._ ~-. ..._ ~dad Chureh School. 9:30a.m.; WOlf• Sunday WorMip Servtcea· 9·45 Sund ~· .,_..d lapp e~f\1~ t;.: ~.m.; Luth• :;:5" ~'00 a.m. Sunday sChool: Ch~h stb~:9::i~nd" tl:OO BIG WEEK END SPECIAL! • · a.m. Worship ~Ice. Tlda Dinctory ta made ~ble by th-d"ric-minded ~ llO Broadway U 8-3433 A S.34:M Colt& Mesa WOODW0RTH ~ SHO, N 0 W . . . T W 0 2 l:xdu.J" Aaent 'for B&Jctwtn Ptanoe BALTZ MORTUARIES 610 E. eo..t Hwy. H.. na Cotou cW Mer Servtna tbe Harbor A.tea R&STJK Baltz Mortuary lifo Tacb ••• lifo Tape .•• Jfo .._... CBA.PBL BY THE SI!A 2229 E. c..t Hwy. Cor0N .W Mer aanor u ~~·t~ NEWP0n HAIIOI ENSI&N NIWSPAJIB • Bal~~ary 2110 E."c..t~._.Hr-.w-Afldl· ,.Hrtlw'-~ • .nt11-11""4.oe..Jc.!!:' .W Mer 1221 17h a au • eo.ta .._. NIWPOIT u.a.•--a.a.uw ~,~G ~~ ~...._,._,~&A LOCA'I'IIOiea,..._._,..-J ,.. I. c..t HWy. I • ••• of sodall .. te ' Saturday II the btl day W leKh M* Un.lvene Beauty AncStta llmltb anc1 Don 1Jn1a. to ......_ _, otben. In the tie U.. marital knot. A. ean41.. ...., t r a vel o 1 u e '"Calttomta" IIJht OiiEUIOft7 t. .ebeduJH for .... by ~ 0\Nt.t&D ol La· 8t. Jam. ....... Qaurdl at ,_. a.n4 to be pr .. nted at tiM 4 p.m. W1l*lN DeU Tbe&tre Saturday . . . . ~~ We mtpt MY tbat our Qlact,a • • • Brotben on 11a.11toa lllaD4 Ia And 1fho Ia the dever alrl who bol,lncl to pt tn the vital ........ ""lt'l not ..... -.ate. but tt'l tisUca department. We ree.ntly a dnelop&MOt . • • the new Beek had a tcare wbeft a Glact,a 'a' a.y," when 1he h•ard of the Brother~ of A.nahelm had re. ftl&pment of Barton Reek and porutdly paMed a'\Ya.y, but lut Jean Bey. week'• stata.tlc ta more vttal . • • Gladya hal been married to Claud F. Harmon of Santa Bar- bara. Mrl. Charles Boardman and Mrs. C. E. WIJUams of Shore Clltfl eave a tea Jan. 22 to h onor the recent brtde. Members of the NQ Chapter of PEO and friends of the honoree were JUHts. Pre- sldlne at the tea table centered by a bride's cake were Mrs. L. C. Swain. Mrs. George Davies. Miss Helen Porter and Mrs. Wll. lard Baler of Ontario. One of the bonoree's daueh· ters. M1u Barbara Brothers, wu preMnt, but the other dauehter, Mra. Roeer Baler, wu unable to attend. The new bride plana to fWiah her teachlne year and then wtll jotn her new huaband In Santa Barbara. • • • Corona del Mar'a Lobster Bake vte. for attention with the ·La· euna Fe.t!val of Arts and Long Come In and mee t the new owners. George and Anna Boaz e "-1D9 wbUe you walt .• ,..... .... (just ot1 Mlracle Mlle) Ample parking • • • aeeena visitors at the home ot Mtaa Glyde Mayn:ud, 710 Avo- cado A.ve .• Corona del Mar, were MJas Maynard's brother. Dr. David M. Maynard. and his wtfe and teen-age 110n, David. Dr. Maynard has been acting am- bassador to Paraguay and Is now on appointment by the sta te department as consul general to Klneston. Jamaica . A year ago Miss M ay n a r d vis ited her brother In Berlin on her trip abroad. • • • Anticipation Is the most ap proprtate adjective for the A. L. Zerbe houaebold at 67 Yawl Rd., Beacon Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Zerbe and the two younger children. "Bup" and Sue, are plannlne on a late summer trip to Europe. Sometlnie before that thelr older daughter ln college plans to be married. Bugs Zerbe spent a IUmmer ae~ In Europe and was 110 fuclnated with the continent he's got the whole family en. thused. ' . . Zonta To Help Finance Swedish Delegate's Trip I don't want to get into poll· tics. but It's true that the Rob. A Valentine card party on Convention to be held at Sun ert E. Lee, who works at Jack Monday, Feb. 10. is being spon -Valley, Idaho. In 1956. Raub's surveying office and had sored by Zonta Club and will be City Ubrartan Dorothea Sheel~· a birthday a week ago. Is really held at the Harbor House Rest-entertained fellow d ub members a fifth cousin of the original aurant In Costa Mesa. where des. with two book reviews at th~" Robert E. Lee. suh! sert will be served. Helen Norton 1 meeting of the Zonta Club las t • • • Is C'halrmnn of the party, whi<'h Thursda y a t the home of HnzPI Civic duties went by the board will help finance the trip of a Ray, Corona Hiehlands. She rf' last Thursday night when COM de legate from a Swedish Zonta viewed ''Wom a n from Be-rlin," ctn Club to the International 7.on:a anQnymous account of the trnls Civic Associa tion prexle Dick Hilliard failed to show up at the D and hardsh ips e ncountered whl'n meeting and Instead went to the eanna Bowen the Russia ns took over Berlin ln l hospital to welcome In a 7 lb., 12 1945. and "Far. Fa r from Home," oz.. baby boy-and potential vot Wed ·1 n Vegas the humorous exptorlences of an er. That's the second child tor American family living In Eu the Htlllards. In a mid-semesters ceremony rope. • • • In Las Vegas, Harbor High Sen-Ruth Barcume, past president Air Mall from Mexico City, our tor. Miss Deanna Bowen. daurh· of the Newport Harbor club. has "aples," 1nfonns ua that Mr. and ter of Mr. and M.rs. Dean R. been n amed public rt!latlons Mrs. C. a. Staat of fiTl 1t1np Bowen ai n1 Bqonla Ave eo. chalrman for Dl.st.rlct 9 by the Place, ClUf Haven, are down rona ctel Mar became the brwe area aowmor. It wu &rUlOU.DCed • at the meet1a1. there 110uth of the border and ot RJchard Sellers. .on of Mrs. Ass1stln Mrs Ra wtth b~ enjoyinl life at the Hotel Monte Alta E. Sellers of 291 Flower St.. d tl g · R J: J • ..-· <:asslno. C~a Mesa eu u es w~ u a,..~. re-~============~=======:...:.==:::=:=, · freshment ch airma n. Mrs. Bar. 't Mr. Bowen gave his daughter cume. Helen Robertson and Peg a way In the cerPmony conducted H • I 11.-Tlnl Tier S.UW Draa $1UO aU& "'''ctal ,..., Frill• .a•et 1uo Balt.n-Sbort.-Play Suits Wool loa Sboet1 Denim Bats •• Surf & Sand 29~ Balboa by Rev. Albert C. Melton. pastor aapa. ------or the Gretna Ch aptol In Las Vrgas. The bride wore a knit suit of t an tweed with lh blue hat a nd Italian brown shoes and bag. Roses. sweetpeas and gar. denlas fashioned her corsage. Hutsons Buy Home on Lido 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wta IAIIQt Have a eookle . . . the plea._ ant. Inexpensive, sat1sfylne way to better health, vleor and en· ergy ... Sounds like double talk ... U I were to say these oookletl were whipped up ''from the best of the land" and "from the best of the sea'' or 100•1. whole wheat flour. clean raw suear. 110ya otl. leavening and minerals from the sea ... you'd probably run rlrht over to our bakery a nd snatch up the near~ brownie to ~ttle the shuddering dow n your spine ... So I won't tell you what El Molino eookles are made of. or that they are M1nerallzed Cookie. ... But I will say, I've ~ed all four flavors ... Carob, Oatmeal. Fruit and Mola..sset ... and ttnd each one tasty and well worth a n y b o d y • a munching . . . Healthy! No they don't taste a bit healthy, but they are ... El MoJlno Mineralized cookies are nutrltlona.lly correct ... because they are made of whole e;ralns, slow ground to retain thelr na- tural values . . . because they contain no refined suear. no hydrotrenated fats, no synthetic chemicals . . . U you eat three of these cookies a day you wtU take in 17 times the minimum daily requlrement of food Iodine and 6"' of the Iron requlrement . .. plus 12 other m inera ls neces. sary to be taken Into the body da lly ... You still don't believe they taste good! Come In and try some thls week-end ... They will be demonstrated .. . Sean:tl your B.art fOI' B.art ..... cudl ... February la lleart ll.nearcb moDth • • . Dl9 deep lD your jeaD.I • • • T ou caD ,..t alODCJ without~-th\Jap ••• But the tic:br hca got to keep tldr:iag ncJ1lladT ..... MCDch la expeDSi..,. • • • ~.et•a bear your cbaa9e tlakle loud Cllld IGIIfJ w1Ma yoa ... a Utts. pa.... tic b.art ••• SE'rve with le-t> CTE'a m • --------- WASTE niE The bride's sister. Miss Linda Lee Bowen. was her maid of hon. or. She wore an orchid d ress with pink shoes a nd hat and a cor sage or matching sweetpeas. Mrs. Bowen wore a beige suit with brown accessories. The groom's mother was unable to be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hutson. owners of Chef's Inn In Corona del Mar. have purchased the R. J. Burnham home at 544 VIa Lido Nord. Lido Isle. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham and fa mily are 1 on a two-year world tour and are now In Switzerland. J H F• h I w d In another big Udo Isle pro. oyce ope ISC er s e These Flt>urE'ttE's romE' trnm the deft fingers of the Camellia ea. tering Service In East Lo~>' An. geiE's ... Proba bly by nnw you've enjoyE-d C'a mc:ollin h o 1 hors d'oeunE's . . . f"nticlng roncoc tlons of cht"('SPs. avocado or an chovy all frozen anc1 ready to serve hot for a spur or the mo- ment cock tail party ... ·DOII'T You briDg the laundry We do the work •.• New Low PrieM UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE present. The young coup~ have estab llshed residence at 6(}1 Bay St .. C<M~ta Mesa . Before comJng to the Rarbor area. the groom attended pert)' transaction. Mrs. E. J. Grant of West Los Anreles has T 0 Bible College Classmate purchased. the Harold E. Fein· schools In Merced. GIJIL .OIIR TO JOJfES A daughter. Bobble Jean: was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Jones ot 225 20th St., Newport Beach, on Sunday, Jan. 16. 1n Hoae Memorial Ho.pltal Word gets around: stein house at 6Z7 VIa Lido Soud. Mrs. Grant's four .ons and their famUles are salllng and fishing enthusJa.sts a nd are active in local boating circles. Both sales were handled by Blanche Harvey, of the rt!al estate finn of P. A. Palmer Inc. Total conside-ration wu In ex. cess of $160,000. The really-~ ......... -kit h are ,~ c ens all~! Both faculty a nd students at A Flsc-hrr. Is a proft'SS(Ir at the So the Groa.Dd B09 rat... - the Southern California Blblc:o rollere. and her mother Is dE'an ey.baow OD the Flnt of r• College. Costa Mesa. partk lpated of girls therf' Re'' FIS<"hc:or w a.c; a ruary .•• so vas..t~ae•a o.y In a January wedding of Miss doublf' participant In thl' wed spnada t boa 9 b t a Of ...,. Joyce Hope Fi.scher and G«ald ding because ht' ptorformf'd the tbroag'hoat tbe .au-._ 4lt Lee Unn, culminating a ro wedding cerem y a nd gavl' his I *-t tll.ne W'Mb pn. tit .. mance which started when both d aughter awa)' Also partlclpa 14th .•• Bearta an ..eta ha the younr people were students tlng In the service were Rev G to clllcoiu.., wttla • • • '1'-..y at the Bible CoUeee. I w Perki n~ and Rev Roy Sapp.1· aootbe the _...... .,.... Ia The bride's father. Rev. Harold pastor of the First Assem bly of aa,_ tbat be~ ... till.-.•• God Chureh In S.nta Ana . where n..y .,. so ...._, • V• BPW Honors Ex -Presidents the ceremony took pia~. ~ wLcaoow TMI a.a The groom is the 110n of Mr and Mrs. Charley Linn of Hay ward. He Is now a student at Oranp Coast Collep . and at Ttte lfewport Harbor Business tended San Jose College beforr and Prolealonal Women honored attending the Southern Callfor thelr put pl'ftidenta wtth a d in-nla Bible College. ner party on Jan. 20 at the New. Matron of honor was thl' port Rarbor Yacht Club. bride's ala~ tn.Jaw. Mra. DaniPI Carolyn Webet'. a put State J. Fischer of Garden Grove. Thr BPW prea.ldent. eave a resume brtdesmalcb were Miss Gerry of the crowth of the Newport Crumpton o.t the Bible Collere Harbol' club. which wu OJ'Ian. and Ml.a Sharon Gardner of Bal lzrd In 1932. aa she introduced boa Vlsta. the for'mft presf~nta: Marauer-Harold Fbcher Jr .• a brother tte Wa.y, Helen Isbell. Ann P'rtce. ot the brl~. was the best man. A.ene. Blomquist. MlldJEd Lock· Asslstlne wtth usherlnar were bart. II.Udnd Stanley, Gretha Georp Pew. ~bert Hall. and Tubbs. Dolotlau SbeeJ7, Gertnlde the bride's b rot be r , Daniel Collver. Dorot.by Sutberlan4. EUz-Ft.cher and PhJllp Pkolo. a. abeth Handy. Evelyn Varner and cousin-Thrft yean oldtl, B&.rMr& MUdrect CIM,pman.. Hardin ot a..o. Anreles. and Jton, PUt po nll•ts Ull)-t.htl. nle Cochran al eo.ta M-. ..-e lfell W't1lla.m8on. V•a 0\.,..an. flowf!l' &lrl and tina beel'f'r and tiEM Mona ...._. ,bmoiTta Bobble xu.-,n ot Loa Aftc'elee and bt!t W'IJ..lJ:DM .,.. aaaW. and Jw Linn of Hayward wwre ~ ~ ~ ~-~ .. .. ....... ~ v .... u.. .. . ... ...... .-u.. .... .... ............... ,....... .. . IIMII lly Y.._M • • • .... ..... ...._.. .... ...,a ..-,. ........ , ... _.... _. ............ co-.~ .. to atta4. eand1ellari\WS. 001\"t Wattt.tlll=~·~·:r :•~"=: Ea....._ 0111 ., ..........S Ttl new~ are ID&Idq to eat J'OUf ,J wttll .a. ...-Ia a.w.&sa.a anc1 their b01'M at 2lJ5 Onlla A-. ~ OM ,.. 11111111 AAIB1UIB ..... 8111 ..... WM 0.. )leaa. wta11ta ~ l'lllllt ... ~ tar -.-. ... .... • !Matih \GOlla ....... ._....... ... .... ~ .~.-.,--- • ' -THE VOGEL CO. 87 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1741 HARBOR 14'T7 Tomorrow•s Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS T~ the home buyer who wishes to purchase In dthe $20 000 to sao 000 class we sincerely recommen the' Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calllornla living. Offered exclu. slvely through Earl W. Stanley ln a Smog.~~ known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway oKarbl e the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport arbor. AIIIIICill! The New Furnished IODEL HOlES Built by lacco c.,. Furnished by MARTIN It von HEMERT * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. MAy WE HAVE TirE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPEC'I10N PHONE HARBOR 4448 FO.R FURTHER INFORMATION BILLS Bi:ST BUY- BACK BAY VIEW HOlE We wiU arr1111 •llcill- Brownell designed this shake rooted contemporary- 3-bedr. A den home ... Has radJant heat. quarry tile noors and all the latest modern teaturea. Redwood exterior. Needs land8caplnl and fend.D&. Patio de- alcned to.-pool. Famlly liel)alatlon makes tmmedlate aa.le Imperative. Priced at ~. We Wlll Arran~re Financing W. A. TOBIAS. ReiHer -yvu'll like our triMdly service 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty ~U39 EXCLUSIVE CUFF HAVEl Se-e thls beautiful home on ClW Drive 3 bedrrns., 2 baths, Tbermador kitchen, diahwuher, garbage disposal. Many other excellent features. 1 yr. old. A real value at $23,950. Call Liberty ~2664. (Eves. Liberty~ 7056> EARL W. STAILEY, Ruiter at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach • DUPLEI Best Newport rental area. Near Bay and Beach, corner location. Built to take another unit 3-car ~rarage. ~olon $21,500 full prlce ...... , ....... c.. REALTORS 308 30th St. Newport Beach HArbor 1600 Member of Multiple Listing CDI See .... 1 A CUTE HOME 707 N.ytCISSUS • • • BEST LOCATED-TWO UNITS 223-223 ~ MARGUERITE • • • PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB OCCUPAlf'I'S 8::8~~~~ ~ l'fewport Blvd. Newport Beach HarbOI' 52:18, day or nJaht. Our Goai--.. Eight-F.ive in ·ss" c---. ..... > ---- ft'*" dbl. pt. (you can ae. tually park 2 can In it.) A cbolce locatJon here on Bal. boa I.sland. • ISUII REiln ae. 498 Park. Balboa I.sland BA 3'T7 .......... FOR RENT ... 2-bedr. untum. house, 2 baths. 1 ~ blocks from Ocean on Ju. mine, $95 mo., utll. pd. FOR RENT ... t.bedf. turn .. apt., ~ blk. from ocean, $70. lncl. utll FOR SALE ... Triplex -· conat.ts ot two 2-bedr. units and one 1-bedr. unit. One blk. from ocean on Dahlia. Income $255 mo. All units rented. FOR SALE ... 2-bedr. rustle type house, stone tlrepl., brick patio, redwd. tence, dbl. gar., 1 ~ blka. from Carnation beach. Low down payment. Call capt. Pattls~>n w. E. Filller II-. 3034 E. Coast Bwy., CDM HA 2443 GARAGE FOR storage Avail. able Feb. 16. HA 292$-W. 1·BEDRM. turn. apt. tor rent, utUltles pd., CDM. BA 723. UNFURN. APT. bdr .. kitchen, llv. rm., eas stove, refrlg., second n oor, $70 month. UtU. pd. 716 Orchid, CDM. Harbor 3451.W. LOUISE APTS, Carnation ru. Sea. view, CDM. Modern fum. apt. Incl. utll. Yrly. or seasonal $50 up. HA ~16. UNFURNISHED, NEW, modi!rn deluxe 2-bedrm. duplex with garages, sun decks, laundry rooms garb dlsp. Adults. no pets. 7oo.A and 700-B Acacia, CDM. Owner, 702 Aada. upper apt. PiiiUiiil .. •CIDUitCEJ IIUBT IliAD .ao~~ roa the • ....., .......,._ C11J11Uu ln on the 18 Uaalllhi_:6 ·111ireu.rJ. 'M •••val COGR -==:~r=.~= .... ...., .......... ....._ o..,.... a. • .... ...... .._a-. JOHNSON & SON J I• wiD & IIIUCill'l DeciM -..w. c:...~t awy .. lfPt. .._. BEAtmFUL Spinet Plano.. Rent to buy. All of term rent al· lowed. Practice plano. u low u $5 per mo. Oanz.schmldt Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. FEBRUARY CLEARANCE! MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the many trade.ln.a comln1 ln on the 1955 Lincoln A Mereury. "53 11•DCUU COUPE 11115 lpon ..... ....... ---& 0. D-allllo.t MW. JlayOtJMn JOHNSON & SON LlDcDlD & Jl..-aary Dealer toO W. Coaat Bwy .. lfpt. 8eadl .FURN. 2 bedr. 1 '* bath, Uv. din. rm.. kltch., and 1ar. VIew. CDM. HA 2298-W. ---·---- FEBRUARY CLEARANCE! MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the many trade.ins coming in on the 1955 Lincoln A Mercury. '51 IIEBCUJlT SEDA.If 11015 Sport, 0. D .. Bocllo. Beat., Jl ... Pla.IU. llaay Othen JOHNSON & SON LlDoolD & llen:art DealeJ toO w. Coaat Jrwy .. lfpt. Beach STEINWAY GRAND. Llke new. Big Sav1ng. Alao Knabe, Jtim. bal. Flscher, Mason A Hamlin. Many others. Practice pianos u low as $85. Danz.Schmldt Blg Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. FEBRUARY CLEABANCE! 2-BEDRM. HOUSE with gar., fur. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the nace heat. S8S mo. yearly many trade.lns coming ln on the 1955 Lincoln A Mercury. rental: 500 Goldenrod, CDM. "53 ITUJ)DAK.EJI 11515 c..a. LI ~026. •cmcSer. v.a. ~. Jle9. 0~ SedaaJ ClbDatt.... Aatomatlc: r~ Traumluloa.. u. s. Tiles, Se-e 516 Jumine. 2-bedrm. Verr low •'Jecl9e. apt. front duplex. firepl., llaay Otben bclwdtlrs., good beat. ear. N & SON $75 mo. unf. Call Muriel JOJINSO M. Plnover. Realtor. lJDC»la & 11..-aary Dec~* 260t Newport Blvd., N. B. a w~ Coaat Bwy .. Jfpt. Beach Harbor 4610 FOR SALE or trade for aJn1le aUIDIEU UlfTAUI home or what have you. Du. Contractora and builders plex. HA 0891. l ohnaon. attention. HAMMOND er1ans. All models. Citizen Group to Study Angling Club Holds Election Need f N He Xh I CConUnued from Pa.:t-ll • Or ew I 00 Ocean Fish Protective Assn., and Mrs. Eld~r; Andy Kelly of TV's pea.r good that this aJte will be "Fishing's Fun," and Mrs. Kelly made available to the High were Introduced. More applause School, since the land is ex. when Andy Kelly wu llJ'eeted u pected to be returned to surplus 8 nPW member of the C&lllornla fConUnued trom Pace ll o! school enrollment by 1963-64 Is over 4,300. '-ntus present planning points to a need for not only a second slte but also a third site In the near future," Mr. Dav1dson sald. e AlB BASE IJTE IOUCBT No. 1 choice for a new hlgh school plant for the Costa Mesa area Is a 70-acre area on the old Santa Ana Army Air Base near Orange Cout College. Mr. Davld- .on said that the chances ap. CABS FOB SALE FEBRUARY' CLEARANCE! MUST M..(kE BOOM FOR the many trade-ina coming ln on the 1955 Lincoln A Mercury. soon by the Air Forces. Fish and Game Commission. The high school owns 33 acres • CLUB PUSmEJn'S ATTaJO) on 16th St. adjoining the present Presidents of nearly aU major plant. Mr. Dav1dSon said that southland angling clubs and the Irvtne Co., from whom this their wives (or husbands) In land was purchased, has beert eluded AI Penrose, San Diego consulted, and Is cooperative, Marlin Club; Stell Marshall. about the possibility of exchang-Newport Harbor Lady Anglen; lng these 33 acres for a nother Dr. Jack Congdon, Newport Har· s ite for a future third high bor Yacht Club, Hal Kenoyer, school plant. Pacific Anglers: Dr. Nevin 'Me· Sentiment at the meeting ap. Coy Sr .. Southern Cnlltornla Tuna peared favorable toward an ln. Club; Dr. s. R. Monaco, Sea crease In tax rate as against a Horse Spln.Flshlng Club; Jerry bond Issue tor financing high Litwak, Orange County Salt Wa. school expansion. It wu pointed ter ConRJVatlon Club. '53 POIID COUPE l17t5.. VIc- toria. U. S. n.... POI'doalatlc. &adlo, Jlecltw. Alllloet !few. a.duced to 11715. out that under the bonding A llle-alzed f!oral marlin, pre- method $1 out ot every $4 would sented by Mrs. John Hartleln of go for Interest char~es. whereas Hartleln's Flower Shop, Corona the "pay · as · you · 10" taxing del Mar, added beauty to the • method allows all the money to occasion. be used tor schQOl development. Outatandlne among the many U a levy of 50 cents per $100 trophy wlnnera wu the · club were made, the additional tax on cham'*Q. 15-yea.r-old FOI'Nd G. a $1.2.000 home CwhJeh would be SmJtb m. 800 ot the ha.t. 'lbe usessed at $3,000) would be $.15 ·beautJiul City ot Newport Bea(:h .. ..., otben JOHNSON & SON ....... & ... CCI'I ~ -w. Coat llwy ........... -STuDEBAKER CHAMPION, radJo heater, excellent tires, quick sale-$250. HA 1467.J. per year. trophy wu praented to the e COifSTJIUCTJOif PLA.IfS young winner by New p cit t Mr. Davidson sald that the Beach's maypr Dora HUJ. first step In a building program e nw CLU. UCOIID would be to complete sufficient Larry Hehr, another Junior, re- facllltles to start freshmen and celved the ClO<:k Trophy tor hla sophomores In the new school 24l.lb. marlln. Jack Ellllon, 19- plant then add more facfliUea year-old BAC member, ..tab- as more tax money comes ln to llshed a new club ~rd for mar. take care o! juniors and senior lin on medium tackle Witb hla cluses. 246-pounder. Henry Brent's 211. .. The student body wu repre. lb. marlin on ll1ht tac:kle won C•'t lfftnl A lew C• ............ 1 A·l Ullll Carl '52 FORD clb. cpe. ···-··-······· 1245 '54 FORD 4-dr., R-H, O.D, power brak~s ............ 1945 Space available In centrally. One only sll&htly used alm~ Jocated buJdlng for mater!. llke new. Thla ls a special. '53 PLYMOUTH Suburba.n, als, equipment, etc. Rent re. Danz.Schm1dt Hammond Head hy-drlve --········--·--······· '53 CHEV. Belalre 4-dr. ·····-· 1495 sented ln the evening's dlacus-fa.-him the BAC Perpetual In slon. Dick Innerst. student body this claaa, while 1. Don Locke president, and Arlene Hurt, pres!. won trophies for the tint marlin dent ot the Girb' League, both of the aeuon, and tbe lattat on told of the dlsadnntages o! 3/6 tackle. Dr. c. M. Beebe ea. overcrowding -1 ower In I of tabllahed a new dub record, the school aplrlt and .chool m orale fl.rat ol the aeuon. fa.-hl.a $9..lb. sonable. Call Harbor 3'T7. Or Co t quarters tor ange un y, '52 FORD Ra.nch Wa1on. EXCELLENT CDM comer loca. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Overdrive ........... -.......... _ .. 16CS and lessening of student partlcl· 7-oz. white _.. baa on 3-thread patlon In 11ehool activities. tackle. tlon In modern architecturally ---~f='EB=:::;R::::U=-:AR;;-;;::;y.---­beautltul building. HA 704, or write B. N. Desenbert, 2231 • CI..EARANCE! Bayside Dr.. CDM. NOW LEASING, avall. bua. of. flee apace, center CDM, autt. able fa.-acct., dentlat doctor, a.rcbJtect, lawyer. U ~~. BUS. OFFICE, e2cel. loe. ae:rou St. from CDM P. 0 . Ideal for loan repres., contractor~, ae&m· atresa. art or jewelry bua. Utll. pd., only $40 per mo. BeD WhJt. ~ HA 1862. MUST MAKE ROOM FOB the many trac:te.ln.a comJne In on the 1955 Lincoln A Mercury. '5I P011D SDA.If 11-. Cu. --...... , ........... , v. s. ,.., o..D. Tr=-··-._y clea.. a.... .... ......... ,...., OtiMn JOHNSON & SON 1495 '52 FORD Victoria .R.H, Overdrive ··········-·········-··· 1545 '49 FORD Convertible, R·H. Overdrive ·--··-·····-··· 645 '53 FORD 3-paa. Cpe. ·---· 134!5 Dance Raises Heart Funds Retirlnl P"81dent Frank ~w­ 'fV had a lone lt.t of thanks and con&ratulatJoN to the 19154 dlree. tors, olflcen and eommlttees. Theae lnc:lucled Ray Dike, chair. man of the club's mo.t ~ -, 1DI ~ ful Junior Toumament. won by The National Heart Fund will Robert aa..-. E. C. Van Dame be a few hundred dollars richer wu dtad fot t.be suce.. of the after tbe Aaoclated Bo~ Clube tint dub .........._t beld ln 01 Newport HarbOI' Union Hlab tonlp waw,· the aAC LIJht School hold tbeJr annual Heart Tadde ~ 1ft llluatJa.n, Fund Dance Saturday ntaht. Feb. llfalco, lut Deeemb8'. 12. ·at tbe Rendezvous Ballroom It 1'0VDfi • IIA&An.AJr In Balboa. A ipedal Mlute •• ec:boe4 I Dulty 1-M7l' AmonJ the dub. IPONOrlnl few W. Horace Wltbenpooa, IM'W· WAJI'ra) TO UJIT BEAUTIJ'UL Electronic er,an. .... ....___________ the event are tbe Koalu, Royall, ly-elec:ted Pftll1clent ot the Inter . WANi'fD: Your shack tn AC blon~ cue, almo.t new. Must BDYICKI Satana Anaela. KoolJea, Dra. national Lllht Tadtle A.-oc:ta. Ll•=•· & -.a.ry DM* -w. c..t llwy ............ MOST any cond. <Mu.t be aacrttJce. One only. Bll aav. lOON, SaJaou. lAprecana, and tton. Tile 11th lntematiGrlal north Of HJway, CDM) In ex. Inc. Danz.Sch.mldt Great Sale. COMPLETE PAmTING the Vlllalna. Tournament wW be ltapd In chanae tor talent. ImaJ1,natlon ~ N. Main. Santa Ana. PAPER RANGING SERVICE Accordtna to Steve Watcher, April. ~ lD llfuatlan, with and labor, plua small renL HA UnrATIOIII WAIITD -...._ ~ da&lriDaD of tbe poup, t:SdcN the Balboa Analtna Club u bo« EUGENE 0 . SAUNDEBS wW be on Mle at the door and dub. 1661. RIJCEPJIOHIST.SECU:T ARY po. N!WpO!! IIHeh a t.ou. to ...,_. Mle will be Secretary Jonu announeed that LOIT AJrD POO'Ifl) altlon wanted 1n CDM. Phone ~ w1tbJa a. ...-. the c:lub now hu sa memben, LOST 1n CDM. pre.crlptlon sun llA f'rn.w. Muatc wtJl be proovtcled '>' the wftb 425 men, 17 women and 11 lla..es. Reward. RA za or BABY SittlHG, care ol iJCkt In ab1tJun KJ.np, a 1oeaJ -.bo. juaJon. HA 2381-W. your bome by . mature CDM 'l"'ae7 wU1 pa., fiOia I:GO p.m. It wu a 'W'ODdlrtu1 p&rtJ>. AI wcau. o.y, nllht. Call beton and ..-. wm be rtwn •war ,_ ..... home, ~ riftec&*l 10 &.&. afWI p.m. &A l1aM. clurtq tbe............. that 1M1q a .._._ ot tbe laJ. WI Hiio one « two apet. ;;=:;;:t-----~---..,.....,. au• waa .. ~~~~~-- need aalamen to aell MW t1 _.... J'OQ ClOUd .. U8td can. 'l"beodon ... JIWI.; ... PCII'd Dealer, 1100 w. Cout a.y., .... , • Trial Set In DEADLINE TODAY License Case f6-d-... ~~o~a..,. 1) ~ ... ~-.... dr· Vincent, StDier A eourt trtaJ hi been eet ,_ b'f IM!Iw ttoe Lapu BNdl. eulatlld t111e ,..,... • '1'\.!eedq, hb. 15. In !fewpart DuriAa W.sd War U 1M e.noed '1 .. .-lilted ln tbe !few. Beach J\18tkoe Court tor !fonDan .._ ,...,.. 18 tM UA 1i1artDe A.1r port ...._ of .... ow &ad tn K. Kuhn, D. ot Lqwaa -..c:J1, C.,.. Be wu a ..... nt wtth eanytq -... .,..._ of tbe L«Kal Heart Fund DriVe and ltttehle H. wu.on, "-of U. nne ...,.... Dt¥1eioa on .._... Of .., ... c:~aaNr,• abe South Lquna. em ebu.-ot ta. Gua4al~ Be Ia IIW'Iied, bu Ml4 '1 ......, W ..,_ • ...,.. ~Jtalllnr 11oot COYerbla tn tiM a daurttte, riCINIIC.'e, qe 10. Ia ......,_, iti(.MI ...,.. form. City of Newpott Beach wftbout a Wbo Ia a tltth pacle .tud•llt at I wut to lie C:lr!M to U.. f"Ple bu.tt.ne.l U.... the Jlewport Sehool. ., of daM C I l ...,: tMir l.aler. Tbe local catQpaJID f« tbe Vlneeftt ot Balboa and Dr. R. &. 1.155 Heart Fund eot under way StiCkler ot Newport. Tuaclay ~nd will co n 1 I n u e Plans for the c:ampaJp were tbrouah Feb. lO under the lead. formulated at a recent dinner ..-..hlp of c:o.<balrm~ Lonnie held at the Newport Harbor Pleu of not pllty were en. Be ~u tbe 13th c:andJdate to et1ta aft ..., ..... uta. 1 believe terecl Monday tn the court by a ftle foc the eouncU race and In order alid cooperation. The lawyer for the ac:cuMCI pair. plau to make lt a lucky 13. only Jn~ I r•.-nt Ia the Harold Younr. city U~n.e eoJ. • LAw.Dc:a & aEIIGEJIOII lntere.t -« Ge people ot th.b lector, atNited tbe two men FrJ. Jt.etired Loll An el8 tlreman eornmunJt1. II tiected I ahaU «>n· day. He said that be obMrved now on the staft a~ Orange Cout .tder It IQ7 du~ to tblnk tlrst Kuhn teFinr a ~~eam and wn. College, r~dJnc o n Newport .._ of the peoplit anc1 tb'lt problema aon fl~ Carpd alone a waD J d t 401 38tb St befor. retlch.lq dedslon.t. I ahaU ol an uJ»taJra apartment at 1725 an ' a · do my PMl tD keep the unity w. Balboa 81 d N Slcntne hla nomination paper ln the cummuntty ... v ·• ewport Beach. were Arthur Cubbaee. 101eph Botb were lodged In the pollee C erl Andre J Duroch Ber Mrs. Neff Ia the wUe of Dr. atatJon jaJl by Youn1 at 12:10 n:,d "aotttncer, · 81ancbeuLyt]e: lohn N«ft, profeuor at Oranee p.m. They rained their fteedom Ceoree Howard Wrleht. Renfer Cout CoUege. They have one later on $50 ball each. Keaela and Kent Collin.. chUd. Karin Muruertte, aee 6, so• roa AlfDEUOIII A. son, 6 1~ .. 12 a&. wu born to Kr. ~nd Mrs. Milton Ander· eon o! 310 Monte Vlata SL, Costa Mesa, in Santa Ana Community Hospital on Friday, lan. 21. so• roa WILKDriOIIS A aqn, Patrick WUUam, • wu born to Mr. and Mia. Don WWdn.. aon ol 25$8 Pa.lrwa.y Dr., eo.ta Mesa. In Hoar Memorial HOII- pltal on "I:huraday, Dee. 30. Glqmour Glimpses ·~ lme . f till wbo attencb Newport· Beach -.y pr reason or ne u Sehoot a eouncU candidate is to help The Nefla came to the Harbor make Newport Beath a family Ana ln l9C9 flrat to Balboa eornmunlty," he said. then to N~ Hetchta ln 1950: Mr. Berceron. who wtll be SO Mrs. Nett Ia aetJve In PTA. Wom- yea.ra of ace Feb. 23. bad been a an's Civic Lea,.ue, Red Cross. Newport Beach vlaltor for many CommunitY Chest. Ground Ob. years and became a permanent server Corps. She Is chairman for resident ln 1950 alter hla retire. Newport Beach In the Orange ment from the Los Angeles Fire County Civic Beautltlcatlon con- Department. Thla month he corn. test. She ls International repre. pletes ~o years with the Physl-sentatlve for Nu Phi Mu, Junior cal Education Department at Or. affiliate of Beta Sig ma Phi, and ange Cout College, In cha rge of has orcanlzed chapters through. equipment. He Is a native of out the United States tor the jun. Kentucky. lor croup. He and hls wUe, Katherine, have four chUd.ren-two sons. e DO&A 0 . lOLL • • • • • • • • • e e • o • e o e ••• • ••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 0 OIL PAO AMENDED N4!wport City Council voted at an adjourned sessJon Monday momlnr to amend the Elliott oU eontract under which the Mon. terey and Humble Oll companies are slant drilling for Udeland.s oU ottshore of West Newport. E. E. Pyles, vi~ president ?l Mont~y. said that the amend- ments make the eontract more workable and allow greater pro- duction by removing some ot the red ta pe that required the city to dlrect a ll det alla ol drlllJng operations. The amendme:n.s ex. tend the duration ot the contract to 1an. 25, 1971, plus a 10-year optlon-thls extension represen. tlng the 8 years, 11 months and 22 days lost throueh fedtoral lltJ. gatlon. Leonard, skipper of the Vaca Incumbent, and mayor; resJ. A Corona del Mar br.llnch of ' fell and broke ber arm ln ~era I bonda, and Carl, freshma n at dent ot Udo Isle, at 615 VIa Udo the t..guna Beach Savory Bake pla~ but she expects to bt, out lty AXW Harbor Hig h School; and two Soud. Shop will be opened about the or the sling ln . a few w~ks. N~rt Harbor Commuhtty Valentine'• Day Is 2 uch a daughters, Mrs. lerry Tripp and Signing her nom ination paper middle ol this month by Mr. and __ Players' production of •')ty Three •My 3 Angels' Opens Tonight lovely time to live a little token Mrs. Dlc.k Opp, both Harbor High were George Ward, 1ohn Boyd. Mrs. Joseph Clover, assisted by L'lis Sanderson of LJdo Insur Angels" wiU open a two week· to someQne we love ftld Jet them grads and Harbor Area resJ. RJchud Steele, Isabell Teachout. their nephew, BUI Clover. The an::e Agency, Incorporated. at I end run tonight IThundayl at know thfre·a stUJ one ol cupid's dents. Nathalie Michaud, Helen Spies, location will be at 3329 E. C.>ast ~ewport Balboa Savings and the Orange Coast Colleee Cha. arrows t h r o u 1 h our heart. a lOIS. SICJIID s. JfEFP' Thomas Rutter and Mrs. Rosa. Highway. The Clovers, who used Loan Associa tion, has Just re. pel. O'BRIEN'S Is a lovely place to Housewife and homemaker, mond Campbell. Robert Camp. to opera te a bakery in Connecu .l ~lved her llc.enae as a life in-1 The play, a ~nt succes.s on aell!ct auch a token, becau.e a bell clrculated the paper. cutt. have been In Lagun3 for auranc.e underwriter, according Broadway. Is the story of life as lift from O'BRIEN'S Ia sure to ~=~ ~tel:~nta Ana Ave., '1 didn't feel that I had eom. the pa!:: seven years, going thl're I to Association President Paul A. it m ight have been In a Freneh deUght her. pleted a term yet." Mayor Hlll from Pasadena. I Palmer. I penal Colony ln 1910. The Angels Doa•t --. ...at abe .. _ SlgnJng her nomination paper said. '1'd like to finish what I are as lovable a trio of murder. -• -were Mrs. BasU Peterson, Mrs. 1 Mr and Mrs. Geo Boa _.,,_. .....___ _. .... _ started. I want to see the Easter A bufiet dinner party was held · rge z. new I ers as you will ever meet. Their Yacht Club foc 38 aue.ta, lnclud. ine loe E . Prelnlnau ot Udo Isle, who Is <>ranee County Heart Fund chairman. Kr. PreJntnpr reports that an army of 5.000 people In the eounty wW be working In this drtve to •upply funds for a continued attaelc on heart disease. Bualness cbaJrmen for the Heart Fund Ca.mpaten In the Harbor Area ue M.ra. Ed Allen o! BaJboa, 1an Davis ol lJdo, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Chrlaten.wn and Bugb Hutson tor Corona del Mar. Plastic Heart co-chairmen are Mrs. Vincent and Mra. Stickler. Mrs. Sidney Peck ol Corona del • Mar Is publlclty cllaJ:rman. Heart Sund~y c:ha.lrmen are Mrs. l . B. Stoddard of Corona del Mar; Mrs. Austin Sturtevant and Mrs. W. R. Severance of Balboa.; Mrs. George Lind, Bay lllland; Mrs. Prelnlnger, Udo: M.r. and Mrs. Harold Arthur, Newport; Mrs. Belen McEldowney. Mrs. Apes MartJn, M.ra. Sue Martin and Mrs. Hawthorne Barnett. Balboa Wand; Mrs. Newtoh Cox, Ne"'IVppO't Helchu; Mrs. Nicholas Brettnet, Bay Shores.. Mrs. Frank Carlton Ia eei-vtr.c u secretary tor the Heart Fund Committee and Roland Wrilbt a.s treuurer. Work.lng on apedaJ eom.m.tttees are Mrs. Robert K.ep. pen. fllm.s; Mrs. Harold Rtpa. theatre; Mrs. Ted Hambrook, dec- orations;, Harold Petenon, golt tournament; Steve Watcher and Darrell Haverfield. Teen Dance. TbJ.s dance wUI be held Feb. ~ at tlle Rendezvous Ballroom. Balboa, to raiw funds for the campaign. ··-•--•• -Robert Olander, Dr. CUes Brown, 1 1 owne-of the N...,.,...,.rt Cl nate u......,. .._,.. ••••• Week procram put through, or n Henry's C-rill, 2530 W. Coast .... -.. ,..... eaners solution of the sample tragedJes pntu. -. Ia to O'llmEirl Mrs. Donald S'mlth, Mrs. Norman at least the beginning. I'm very Hwy., Newport Belch. Tuesday and Dyers Just otl Miracle Mile, of 11te will keep you at leut •••n lt'a ..,.. .._. ._ u sn•lrtee Carbon, Dr. Norman Carlson, Interested In puka and recrea. night to welcome honfe Senor! are experienced operators of a amused. · ill tllle wiDdew to .... ap wttJa Mrs. lack Reinert and Mra. E. A. tlon and want to see it grow. 1 Luis M~no, after a month a b. cleaning est a b 1 I 5 h men t in Like all good eomedies. In the tbe ...,... btt of .._, .. _ hope to see a recreation director sen~ In Peru and Mexico. Senor I Oceanside. where tor nine years end everyone meets the fate so whlo& .,._ .a.. ....,. ~Y LECAL WOTICE · named within the next year. I Luis visited h ls parents In Peru l they bad A.rtcratt Cleaners and well deserved, In this cue metN The $lOO.OOO d a m a I e a.uJt Joaqa.ll y olio w &.Jc+emk:lr NO'MCE OF DlSSOLtmON feel ~hat It takes a number of and new to MexJeo City for a the Magic Carpet Cleaners. Mr. out by the "Angela " The Cast aga.inst the 1· A. Seek Ferry lJne Uas leo. ._ ... , ._. • OF PARTNERSBIP months to Jearn one's way stay before retumlnr to Newport :ouallsCl a cradua~ ~e•-~~-lndudi!s lim Webb, Jerey Ev&n.a, =. b!,· ~:... ~~ ..._...... .._. 111M ...-. lfotke la hereby rJven that around u a clt;y councilman. Beach.. He playa plano music on eaners an .,~~u uau· Glenn Newman. Dorvdly_,PettiJt. ~-out .._ _.,, •a _, , .. rtt tbe portJMahlp ~01'0 all&. I'm Ju.at ~&.~ *m what upon requ.t ..m ~ a -tute In W~ D. C. 1'be ,m. Pat! Tala'-Wal. Jadl w.~. of court tblla ..-.._ a wttll ..._ ... ...-td 1 1q between .D. v . JUYJS, L. M. Ita about t.o t...r IIII'VIce to tbe cept Monday In Bemy~ teatur. famlly, wb1dl I.Mdludes a RDal1 son. Jton St. aatr an4 KJchaeJ -:: tdal Ia • 1_!1• ~ ::-u = ~~~~.:.:. -:: LOUGHLIN dolne business aa Mra. HUI wu .ell!cted to Coun. ish music. Senior LuiS played In Jive at ~Clay St., Clift Haven. Fuclk. will be pl'ftented Feb. 3. = ::r !:ou.-.,. oper.._ BLAIDl!SLEY, and JOSEPH B. dty." Inc cl....Scal. IDOdern and Span. daulbtet, Mlkellee, ~ 5. now Net. The pl-.y, dJroectecf ~ am/ s.a.. ._, •'rrll ..... daiaty •itsed .., .... It the name ,and style, Newport cll ln AprU, 1954, with the blgh. Henry's for 18 months prior to 4, S. and 10. 11. 12. the terry t ~.;:en Fum.lture Company at 2620 West est vote ever cast for a Newport leaving on hU southern trip· Ballot Issue ga e on e boa ID O'aiiD'.II'I w' I a. · · Island sJde sttuck her on tbe And doe abe bave a new "-n. Coast Highway, Newport Beacb. city eounciJman, and abe was Am.·gos y·,e·,os head June ll ............ tett1" belt tn one ol tbe new CalltornJa wu dluolved etfec. nam mayor y er euow predict summer, BUT Mr. and S J•SCUSSe ..... ed b h f 11 It may take the croundhog to I D d I ~ pastel leather abade.! Belta COD· tlw <>n the first day ot l anuary, councUmen In the subsequent re-PI El • r------------.... 1-..: d tb t L. ~ 81 k~' lS oreanlzatlon meetin.,. Her ivk Mrs. Sprl.nJ opened their shop an ectlon .., .,..~_..__ tlnue hlch on our faabJon pa. '""""' an a -. a .,..ey •· c 1n the winter. then she had a A sparsely attended meetlnr rade, ., that sprlnttfme brtnp a no loneer a.aodated u a co. and eommunft7 activities in the taU-weather you Jlke It or not. I of the Corona del Mar Civic As-j' yen for pa~t or a belt in a partner, and that D. V. Hayes Hubor Area culminated last But don't walt till summer. they soclatlon was presided over by Elect•n meeting ot Amtgos new llcht abad~ to make her and Joseph B. Louehlln will eon-month In her .election u ''Worn-say, to visit them In their new Hub RJchter. vice president. In Vlejos will be held Wednesday whole wardrobe aeem 1ayu. tlnue to operate aa..ld buatness an of the Year" for 1954 ~Y the little gltt shop, The Balboan. on the absen~ of President Dick noon, Feb. 16, at Newport Harbor Pretty new J)ove. w111 matc,b undu aald name and at aaJd Newport Harbor Chamber ot the lower end ot Marine Ave., Hllllard, at the Corona del Mar Yacht Club, Trtoasurer Ray Cope. them. location. Commerce. She hu been a~ve Balboa Island. Candles. cards School last Thursday evening. line announced this week. Aad UMa taa.. .... a.. ... DATED this 12 day ot January, ln leadership of numftOUI local and Graber olives are their ape. Councllman Andy Smith opened Thr~ directors wlll be elected IPda9 IMrp. ~ way 1955. • organizations. auch u Hoae Hos-claltles at The Balboan, but altts the procram wfth an explana., from the following sla te : Dean _..... • pi tal Auxiliary, Ass I at a n c e " ti f hi b B dl d 1 h Bo d. Sid D td -·-.,..... J ' -_. ..... L. M. Blakesley Lea.,.,•e EbelJ Club and all the ot all sorts are available. The on o s reasons why e has ra or . o n y av latta of oelw 0 ,.. .... ... •-• • new m'"'rchants ...... ~-d Mr submitted for the March ballot son, Heinz Kaiser. Sam Meyer, PTA'a from Elementary throu h ~ .,..., ~n~. an s. Teet ~~~·-n wttla ~ LEGAL IIOTICE Hlrh School .... , mayor, •h ... org. Clayte Spring, formerly of San the question of limiting the aJ-1 Hambrook, Don Huddleston. ~ ..-----no. .. "' .. ~. d location of tax funds for the George Lind and Lonnie Vin~nt. -.. ·-..-IIO'I'ICB OF PVm.IC DQDIG ganlzed the citizens ....,.up that oo:<nar Jno, where Mr. Spr ing ead wldto ,..... OeNI tria-· •'-was a realtor H r th Chamber of Commerce. 1 The nominating committee Is · hu been ~~eeklne a 80lutlon to, · oweve • ey ..._. .... ._. .C 1•111D9 · h bee · rtlm lsl d Next on the program was a 1 comprlsed of Theo Robins. Lt>s .. • .... _.. .. the local Euter Week problem. ave n summe e an discussion ot how -~t llaht1ng 1 Steften~n and Heinz Kaiser. The • -.._ ...... ._ ers for many years and tlnally ...... """" .. -....U ,._t •aOn ead decided to move to the Harbor could be Installed in Corona del 1 ell!ctlon committee Includes C. ...O• tilt ...... F......... area. Just before they officially Mar. Mr. RJchter told the croup/ K. Priest. Herb Kenny. J. A. Cant ,_.... -. 41ftu_. .._ ._ opened the shop. Mrs. Spring that street lights could be erect. and Cordon Findlay Judge Rob diU t • t•u -..._ .... ed by assessment d.lstricts and ert Gardner is p~sldente ot the a.-. w..-. _, ... .._.. the cost per property owner Am.lgos. al"'d Lt>s Steffensen ls ... I ...... t 0 ,...., Rummage Sale would be similar to the cost oll vtc-e-presldente ..., wtaa ...-. ...._. _. pavlnr the alleys. ------..._....... •.• Fr·•· and Sat. .,. motion was ma~ to have a Tlllllt•llrl ••••• committee appointed by the pres. ldent to study the situation and '111111111 Llltlrw' Party Supplies Prizes Surprlzes and Trimmings .._., ea.b ... Wa C.Gea ""Tear Y-r Ow&• Pw1 1'wd Statl 1 uy TilE BALBO AN USIIarlaoA..._ ............ ctve a eompJete report at the • • next meetlnr. The Udo Toa.stmaste~ Club ~~;;~~~~~~~~~;! heud arrument:a on "Would lt I be wlw to have a natlon~l lot tery to reduce the national detl . clt!" at Its weekJ,y meetlne Tues. d~y eVt>nlng at the Ha rbor House .., I ( --~ ' ~wni.W._ ........... Edward Ceorp Walker, !M. died Saturday ln hJs home at 116 27th St~ Newport Beach. Mr. Walker was born in Nf"W York and had lived In Newport Beach for 34 yMJS. He bad been Nllred for many yean after op. eratine a restaurant lh Newport BNch. He wu a member ol Modern Woodmen ol America. In Costa Mesa. President Chuch Ary presided, and Bertrand ~k was table toplc:s master. Toastmaster for the evening was Carl Jones. Rar. man Windham won the cup for Ills talk on "Money." Other speakers were Bob MC'C'leuy. llalph Herr a nd U oyd Flemtna . YES -- Our Annual Sale continues Drastic r.duetJona China and • , An hourly dleck on Marl.ne Ave. pa.rldnc In the winter u well u the aumm• will' be re. queeted of the city pollee depart. ment by the Balboa laland Bu.a. Jneu Aaaoclatfon, It wu decided at the annual meetlne of the aroup held Thursday evening at Park Ave. Cafe. ApproxJmately 50 members at- ~nded the meet(.ne and elected as their board of directors for remain u advillor to the new the coming year the follow1ng otf~~~wkward posltton of local members: Doris Bray, Lee McCul. loch. Bud Miller. Betty Watson. realtors under the n ew Easter Dr. 0 . G. Suess. Kenny Nichols Week ordinance was discussed and Jt lta Boardman. Retiring at length. WhUe most of the bus- resident Hal Houser will also l iness people discounted the com- P munlty's Easter Week problems, the general attitude was to "go a long'' with the new plan thls I year and then see it the business people themselves could come up with constructive s uggestions for the future. A motion was made to raise the association dues from $6 to $10 a year. Special thanks were 1'9iiilllilllqil.a. i&JUift I. - iii&aur 6i •••A~m A Jli'OifUII on Rnajo lncSialW wW .......... ~., ..,... WWJ .. m.. at the rae. ult7 wt.. ....._ at Orup Gcdon blef, prtndpal of Cout OoJ.a.p. 'J"be Pf'OPUI w1U ee.ta .... Main Sebool, ..,.. laeld at T:30 p.m. at the IN- the .urprls~ ~!plent of the cflnt C.C. 8Wl41a&. lloltr r ann•al PTA bonor ••ard, tiM. w1U lie IO'a. ,.._. Pitton. K.r1. Ufe ~'~Mntbenblp butt~ at the Thomu Ollbome, lin. CGrNl1.u hunden Day meet:~na at the 'J'Mmpeoo and Mrs. WU.U.. ~ M .. PTA 1\i~. PTA AokemwL PreSident Mn. Frank Chapman J p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ presented the award to Jir, lm· ler, wbo hu MrVed Coata M ... Main School for two yean an~ previously wu principal at Westm'naM and Bakeratleld. He recelveJ hla muter deeree at usc. Past presJdenu of the MaJn School PTA were honored., at Tue-;:lay's meeting. Each past prc<:'dent received a corsage and Wl\3 Introduced. Mra. Gertrude Myers. school nurse, completed the proeram with presentation of health films. 1\vo special dates were an- nounced -The Feb. 15 school bond ' elect1on a nd the Main School PTA dinner scheduled for Feb. 19 at the Costa Mesa Amert. can Leeton Hall. WANT1D SAVE MONEY • ON AUlD INSURANCE? Read tt.. 5-poge odvertite- IMftt Oft State ,.,... ~ -faftiCM "c~ driver 1ft.. wranc:e" compcmy-lft ttte Januory 31 ... of given to Ez Skinner for help BEADY POa COifTIIUCriOII to CIDd l)ougjCU during a financlaJ crlsls, to Orrin buUc11Dg alte OD tbe Conea del Me Dear reeel.-d apprcwal for th1t. p lCIU to SAFETY SPECIAL NAtJRJE STANLEY. the re. ceDtly elected pre•ldeat of the Jlfewport Harbor Cbambor of Commerce, baa mo•ed the of. flee of hia Staaley Iasuremce AgeDcy from Balboa Islemd to CoroDa del Mar. at 3315 E. Cocut Rigbway. Tbia l.l the for. mer locatloa of the Earl Stem. ley real estate office. wblch bas beea coa10lldated with the mala office oa Balboa Ialemcl.. Mrs. Hal Boltz ls Maurie Stem. ley's aulstcmt 1D bls I.Daura1ice oHI.ce. S403 L Coast Rwy Harbor 50'71 COBOJifA DEL MARe Tbe Sbop of Per10aal Senlce ~ Pboae Harbor 5071 ~ Ia respoa.ae to popular 46- mcmd we ha.e receatly eDlarqed our facillti" to ac:commodate more chll- dreD. Tbere are a few places a.aUable. • • • Prepare your child for Jd.DdergarteD 1D Alma Olesen Green's HAPPYLAID PRE-SCHOOL HI E. Del Mar, Colrta Meaa L.u,.ny 1-2771 "a truly tine nursery school" ages 2-6 Boob. Statioaery W GI'Mtillg Carda ij 4:~ A.rt:l.lt Suppll" ~ 11Lt1E SAlLS STATIOJifEBS 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 618 9 :30-6 :00, Sun. Noon 'til 6 -------aar·.-MN· CQIIEmDIS CICIOUBb, lfot.. Clamd ef klad of debta --yw--~ '"Wo oollectiOM If iM." We adt.,... all OMtL CREDIT BUREAU ., w.-. Ow••• c:o.atr (formerly ot Newport Beach, Laguna •acll A: Costa Mesa) .... .._.._A...., PO lox* lD I rty a.YJ4J ............... Wrtoht for secretarial help. to lAaplratioD PoiDt Ia t1ae badqpoaD4. Tbe rood· c:outnact a clwellbag at the foot of l.Sarlgo1d • way ramp baa beea c:at dow1a tbe bl..U to pro-A••·• Dear tbe •tab Ia t1ae rlglat fonpowld. Helen Peterman, Marllyn Leidy Ylde aeceu to boue. t1aat wW be bullt below (Eulp ftoto) and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hie· =::::::::::=====================-lii:::i::ljU::::&:-.a::==---bie for speclaJ help on the Chrt.t. mas Fiesta. As a representative of the Qr. ange Coast Association, He-rb Kenny was present to award the third place cup to the B. I. Bust. ness Association for their Christ. mas decorations. New membera., who were greeted at the mM't- tng, Included Mr. and Mrs. Clayte Spr ing of the Balboan; Doris Bray, realtor ; Lee McCulloch. new owner of the Balboa Island Pharmacy, and Mrs. Jack Huck- CHIJ~CHES -Cld.JSTIAK SCIEJICE CIIVaCB LL IIETIIODI.ST CllnCII A new Sunday eveolng group "Spirit" titles the sermon at Members of Boy Scout Troop for Junior High Youth h as been the Sunday services of the New-81, wtU· participate In the 11 a .m . started at Christ Church by the port Beach Christian Science service of worship on Sunday at Sea. Newport. It is called the church. The Golden Text frum I. the BaJboa Island Community Junior High Youth Fellowship Corinthians (12:13l declares, "By Methodist Church In observance and meets each Sunday from 6 one Spirit are we all baptized of Boy Scout Week. Matthew V. to 7:30 p.m. Into one body. whether we be WaldeOch. scoutmaster. will dl. M rs. Roy A. Carlson is d irect. Jews or Gentiles. whether we be rect the scouts. Bill Ferry and lng the group with the help of bond or tree." George Hauser will speak. parents of members. Youth In aDd 01111111 larlcaHcn O'BRIEN IOTOfAS W. L L••• L E. Cll1111 111 E. 17Ua St. c:-tq Neea Uberty I-IOU ' abee, wife ol Jack, the barber. CBl1llCB MEMBEBSRIP STUDT Other Scouts who will partlcl grades 7 and 8 are Invited to par. Youth who desire to become pate are Henry Ferry. Bob Ander. tlclpate. DODGE-PL TIIOtJTII COSTA M£1) '\ 1810 lfewport aJyc!., u a.m:z I Vote Feb. 15 Registered voters of the Costa Mesa School District will go to the polls Tuesday, Feb. 15, to vote on $875.000 In ~nds and also on the borrowing ol $2,225, 000 from the stale to (lnance construction of schools. A two- thirds favorable vote on each 1s necftUrY fc. approval. Four new schools and add!tlons to the ex- 1stlng schools will be effected by this vote. LEGAL lfOTJCE lfO'nCE OF PtJBUC REA.JUXG Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission ot the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the applica tlon of The Irvine Collj>any for a va.r iance to permit: the con structlon ol detached garages on the front one-hall of the lot on Lots No's. 30. 39, 45. 46. 70, 72. 73, 11, 84. 83. 78, and 80 or Tract No. 1701. Section 9105.4 (!) re quires a variance. Variance Ap. plication No. 195. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 17th day ot Febru. ary 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In ttte Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persons Interested may ap pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission IIOTJCE OF PtJaLJC RE•BDIG NoUce ls hereby given that the Planning Commlulon ot the City of Newport Beach wUl hold a public hearing on the applJca. tlon of Michael J. McCaffrey for a variance to permit: a five (5) foot rearyard setback Instead of t!'le required ten (10) feet for two story addition to an .,,A,, • .,, .. 15 house. On Lots 10. 11, A: U Block L. Tract Seashore Colony, and lo· cated at 7201 Seaaore Drive. Variance ApplJcatlon No. 200. Notice Is hereby furthe-ctven that said public hearing wUI be held on the 17th day of Febru- iry 1955, at the hour of 7 :30p.m. In the Council Chambers of tiM Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persona lnte-ested rna; ap. pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEIJN, Secretary Newport Beach Ctty Planning eomnu..6oft ~m~~~the ~~~a Wand~n. Bob H~man,Q~k ~a-,~~~ii~iiii~~iiiiiiii~~~~~iiiii~~iiii~~~ Community Methodis t Church on mer, Dick Bridgman, Howard ~ Palm Sunday, April 3, will begin Gilstrap. Allen Guenther. Brooks Intensive study In church mem-Blair, MJke Davis, Stephen Ferry, bershlp at 4 p.m. tomorrow !Frl-Eddie Groenendyke, John Hoff. day). The sessions wlll be held man, Sa ndy Knapp, Robbie Win- each week at the church and terbotham. Marshall Wright, Jer. wlll be Instructed by Rev. Don-ry Tomb, Tom Chesley, Joel ald G. Sapp. Fruehan, Mears Rork and Bob lfEW?OBT BA..aB LUTBEilAif Temple. A parent-teachers nlght for all Rev. Donald G. Sapp wlll de. parents ot Sunda.y School pupils liver the sermon at both the 9:30 Ia !let tor 1 :30 p.m. Tueeday a.t and U o'clock Mrvlcea. the Newport Harbor Lutheran ST. ARDilEWI ClinCH Church, Supt. Franklyn Hruza announces. New members received Into church membership Include Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mann. Sha ron Mann Traditional rites of ordination and Installation of elders and deacons will be part or the 9 :30 a .m. and 11 a .m. services Sunday at St. A n d r e w s Presbyterian and Jerry Mann. Costa Mesa; Church. At the early service six Mr. and Mrs. VIctor Pargee, Co-new elders to be Installed are rona del Mar. and Mr. and ~-1 Bruce Hesse, R. Dudley Boyce, Roland Buseth. Garden Grove. Nelson StaUord Jr.. Kenneth Baptized was Kathryn Ann Fowler, Edgar Hill and Ja mes Hruza. Infant daughter of Mr. Cowie. Deaconesses to be In and Mrs. Franklyn Hruza. stalled at 11 a.m. are Mrs. Joseph CHRIST CRtJllCB BY THE SEA Hamblet and Mrs. Kenneth Fow Dr. Frank S. Williams. execu. ler. At ~th services Rev. James tlve secretary for missions and Stewart will preach on church extension of the Metho-formed or Transformed.'' dlst Church In Southern Cali- fornia and Arizona, will speak MISSIOif STUDT SEIUES on mission work at the 9:45 and "Adventures In .Missions" will 11 a.m. Sunday services at Christ be the theme of a series of Mls- Church by the Sea. slon Study programs at Christ Sunday evening the first of a Church by the Sea each Sunday series of Sunday programs on e\tenlng In February. The pro. "Adventures In Missions" wlll be gram will begin with a snack presented by Dr. Raymond Firth, supper at 6 p.m.. followed by pastor of a newly organized study groups and a closing church at Los AJtos, East Los sembly. Angeles. 2 LL CBl1llCB MEETIIIGS Two Important meetings for officers of the Balboa Island Community Methodist Chureh hu been called for thla evenlne (Thursday). The Commlaalon on Membership a n d Evaneellsm. headed by Mra. Fount L. Lowe, will meet at 1 o'clock. The Oftl. cial Board wlll meet at 8 o'clock. CDM OOJOI11WITT CBl1llCII "The Christ In Whom We lleve" Ia the aermon topic of Rev. Edwin Gomke for the duplicate worabJp aervlces Sunday at Com· munlty Church. Corona del Mar. The Chapel Choir Ia slnctng ''PralM Ye The Lord" by Salnt. Saena.. The Chancel Cbolr will stnc '1n the Nlcht. Chrlat Came Walklnc" by Noble Caln. NEWI EXCLUSIVE AUTOMATIC TWIN JUICE FOUNTAIN in ttie 1955 Frlst·Free• ..,..... ...... ....,..-,m_. .. QIT .... 1~ .......... , u .. No 41etlaa'hl to ao Ia ... ,...._,No ~ to clo Ia t1. Re6fea ... Mo -..y ..,_ ..... to ....V BVDI . .. ,.. tlelldous fruit Juice, . freshty ndxecl ••• ln•t8ntly ' ~ .... ~ Jub ooao.atnt. with ~coW ......... b7 ....... m.t.Dtly, .....,.ticeQ,r at U.. toac:b ol a ..... Two kDda eJ...,. oa -.p. No -.kine •ldrrlllc. ......... 1 .... ,__ .,_.n,_.1...._ Me.tK..,_,e •a.u.OV.~ e 4 [I?ICU,... • J ... ""' ..... "-'··--·---~e...-e 0.... Cl.ll&f I f .......... , 0AIDRt-106J ...... ab. • EIIY ca.--. . ' • GOOD TASTE 1111 8Cia:ll • ..a.o"~Dr aat iWO ATIRUU Jamea a. Jlorldc. Jr., •n of lira. ... ula Jtorldt 01 B Hamilton AB.Qaoo! Heck. 1t.. eo.ta Meea. a.nct hl.llband ot 1tir aMual Ufteoln r>.y eel•· ewrJbodT• JOt a cold lately. 1111 • of ~ In tad all tM ._ tM. ~ ....-et ~ tbe fonDer M.L. Glnna M. Pol- lntSaa .....-• -.y 0.. Oranp ftw teadMn plqed ~ one _,. lied tlwtr ..,. fill dW "-l'lel4. ...,..,, el llr .... ledl ot Mulberry, Kana.. baa bMJl ~ ......UO. ot llepublS-.., 1Mt -..IL II&. aacl Mn. Bay ...... 1W _.. at tae M4 ef 1ln. llale C. rW; • ~ Mwuced to ~oaaaa'a mate ,. __ __. L..:.;;...~ caa WOGMII"a Clubl wtU be held wartll ... two t11 tile ..... Mia 1M .ta:&. ,...._ ... 13 to • .,.._ A.a.. ••• Wllllile ~...., ~Dd c:1--. Ullf, ...Ue MrViq uw....-.u .._...... Tburaday noon. r-. 10. at tbe lou a-.J. U.. llrW lriD A=n ... -. ,_.._ -~-,._,, JML at tbe 0 . &. Kava! lubm.arine I..IMdy ~lift lalboa aq Club. ~. waa out lor CJM .. ,. ......_ Oarlla7, a p~ • JA ._ at harJ a-bar . ..,_. ea. OM.: c..... .._. ._. ...., 8enat« Barry ColdWater ol aad llln. Ha,wc.tb •u tMdllq '••'' 'I tlle.ln, wu adlla1Nd .._ ef,.. ...... -eoed Win• tbe !faY)' In w.wmber, a..ille•w: 416 H..~, c.-4111 W. .VIaona .W .,.ale. Tile lunch-In ber place. l tlalnk all the atria .., ..... • a IDod ~ ud d· .. ._ e1 C1ae ~~-~. but ll51, he wu pa4~ trom ========~=== eon le .f« all ..-a.. ot the -~ '*• u 1M putidpated • .-IIIII ......,._ I:Dd fill ~ ..,.... ...-.. h ,, lid IGII ... putt Harbor' Unioa lllp Oran .. County r...ratloll of a. 1n 0\U tumbUnr. But don't a.c ,....._ ... _. ... 21-10. o.r ..._ a.a. ....,.. .... ._,.. kbool. "~~ITER pub ll can Women and their the WfOnl Idea. KMI leccw4. we ...,_ .,.. ..,.. tel4 to ....U It •...-. = FP'IS' ac:..o&, ------~ r !:~"•' trledl. Mn. aow 8. Bam• ol are all ···~ to baw you baek. ............. but .. 1M --and .... ..._,. ... pend. JIIDGI.aft an am&. ~ t c::. Bay ShOI'ft 1a propam malt-W1lDe the Mn. ... wortE.Iq ..... a.tt. ~·· fa.... --~ .... ,........ Clr*ay cl ~ man. 'l'ldcm may be obtained up an a~, Mr"t HQWorth 'I'M a ra .... ..,·t quite u rua-.. ..,. -.. 0. c. ~ cl A daufbter, Kary Sue, wu TR locally from Mn. hrnel or Mn. wu buat)'J te•ehlnc IIOclal .t.ud-bed; lc*l\ llaa!Ull atartect OUI' ..._ v--.. Aile ,.._at wen born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore IAwil T. Garclhwr. ol Bay Shor... lei to the 'Tth A 8th craden, ln ..,., .," JeiM and ROll Carl ....._ WJWa.m 0. Pa.yne and thr-. ~ley ot 1.975 Pomorta St., .-.a C:::. W' t:reuura o1 u. .. Oranr~ County place of JU.. Dulin. and I would bot!\ made pointe and the ... ,...,-old •ua~aa., ·'"""· and OMta Meu, 1ft H~• Memorial •n ·~ aa., .. .,._. .._.. Kepublleap Women'• Club. Uke to add ben that he II a very at tile flnt quarter 8-6. ou.r favot. Olrlatbw'a .._. Laurel, 6. and Ba.pJt .... al=~on~Th~uncl~~·~Y:.:· :;Jan~.~l:3:.... ~:::;;:::::::;:::::::;:::::::;:::;:::::::;:::::::;::::::::;:::::;:;;;; lood teamer too. Jt wu a dltf.-eat atory at haU Unda, 5.. Her brother Robin, 7, .:::: • • • with Anaheim ahead 16-13. In ran the movie projector whJeh In the Mardl of Dimes from the third quarter Ron Carl made ahowed eom1e movies to the 'nuee Loe An•elel men were ou.r 8Chool, ~.37 wu turned 1n a beautltul clean buket. but the cuesta. tined t50 each on ear tamperln• born the 6, 7 and 8th pede •am• finally ended wlth Ana. Among the dumnates present eharc-ln Newport Beach Ju.stlee homeroom&. I. think that'• pretty helm B'a wlnnlnc 21-18. It's a were Susan Payne. Diane Her. Court Jan. 10. ~ by New-~ eood thlnc lt wu only a practice ring, Gayle Edler, Sherry Ander I port polk:e lit Newport BlYd. and • • • came. aon, TonJ Bell, Claire and Mau. McFadden Pl., Newport Beach, Wednesday, Jan. 26, Hr. Ber-• • • ~n wnua,., Saucy Rlcb~d- llalpb W. Guerra, Joeeph neker and Mr. Colburn, basket. In G.A.A. thla weelf all grades aon, Mary Hutc:hlrwon. VIcki Ann Lyle Hammond and William B. ball coaches from Freemont Jun. are stUJ playlnc bukdbaJI, voJ. Eldewaln, Ltslle Barnes, Den~ Culrlor. The trio wu charged lor Hlch rn Anahelm, brought leybalJ. and tumbling. The 8th Giles, Arlene Langwth. Jan wtth stealing two hub caps from their teams down ftere for a grade girls gym classes plckM Moore and Catherine and Maim the car of Sam Hlll. 1316 W . Bay practice game wtth our team. new presidents. For third period Kirkpatrick. 1 Ave., Newport Beactt. They also broucht down quite a it was Sally White and for sev. GAI ITA'nO. a OUED Burgl&J'I took $24 ln cash from a service station at 500 W. BaJ. boa Blvd.. Balboa. by removing lot o1 rooters. The classes were enth It was Pat Kennedy. not allowed out to see thla game' • • • •• the Anaheim team would get We had a for real game with here too late. But about 30 girls Huntlnrton also. It made up and ·-F1rl lllllrl ...... u. .. stayed after to watch. passed the one with Anaheim. "I am calllng ftom Ba lboa, ;;;::::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;i;l;~~:iilt:;;;;. a lock from a front door, New- port pollee reported Jan. 16. George L. Perlin of 321 Anade St., Balboa, station operator, re- ported the loss. A acrew•drlver was used to pry open a cash box to reach the money, poll~ added. Boy! II that Anaheim team A's won 44 28. B's won 31-13. Bob your house is on f~." sa1d a Isn't a ta.t one! Our boys just Beetchum was the all around man's voice when Horace wu. couldn't keep up with them. aon, owner of a house at 1118 E. Randy Hill made the first basket best player for our team. See you Ocean Front, Balboa, now Jiving for the A's. During the first quar. all Friday nlte, February 4. at Jin Los Angeles. answt>red the EJ.LJOTn UIIIOif IDYICE Formerly Jeny Halla 3001 R ...... 819CI. ............ JlartM. 3123 Complete '"KIII'VR M AX• Serftee Caa OU-L~ Firestone Batteries Tlres A Recap• PICK~ & DELIVEIIT ' )pen Every Day 7 a.m . to 8 p.m For letterheads. enYelooet c:.ll THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 so• .OU TO ROELl A son, 7 lbs... 13 en., wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Noel ot 1991 Newport Ave., Costa Meu, In St. Joseph HospiW on Tu8- day, Jan. 4. LAST . 10 DAYS FOR FREE Glm Y .............. _ _, Yev will b. .... "-'"' ••-of o ,.,.,. ........ SeuloM llectrk .,....,. Clocll who• you •P•" tour .... _.of SI.OOO., -• lt't ,._. .. ,... ............ , .... , ... 1'0"' .... ........ OUMftl •' ~ .. -·· (Aooi:.-. Ito ~ lo4Y• ., _., ttylee). GET YOUR Gin NOW! ANNOUNCING ....,. .., ,.. ..., ... • C.... .... S.wl •· 1. Yew ....... ._.. _..1 S"~ ,....,.... o y.- llthecvff'fftt,.... , 2. Yew......_._...,., loch ~• It..__ to t t O,OOO by ttt. Fedefel SoW9 ond """...,,..ld (Oipofotloft . 3.Yew......_. ............. . .,.., '"Y ..,. by ...... ftO ....... .... ~""-...... -,.,,..... .... woyt. 4.Y .......... ~.., ... ..................... ................ , ... ter Dick Tarnowske made a the 7 & 8 grade "Sock Hop." I phone. "What dJd you say!'' Mr Wil PIPE LINE BIDS CALLED :~te~ep:~e: :.'::m~;. ~;\;i~ LEGAL ROTICE LEGAL ROTICE .on was too shocked to ask for CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I a name but telephoned h is STATE OF CALIFORNIA neighbor Robert Stabier of 1722 SEALED PRO~~~;R> ~=~t~he office of the City E. Ocean Front, Balboa. to ask I Hall, City of Newport Beach, California, until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on If It was true and found out that the 28th day of February, 1955 at wbJeh time they will be publlcly It was not. Newport pollee re opened and read, for performing work as follows: lated. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. Mr. St abler notified Nt>wport For the Installation of a 11 f th 1 ld Water Pipe Line along RJver po ce o e nc ent last week Channel from Balboa Blvd. to Phone officials saJd no long dls State Highway. tance call had been placed to No bid will be received unless It Is made on a proposal form Mr. Wilson's Los Angeles homt> ~~~~~~rt~h~h-:, C~h~'!n~~~·~~ ~~d~~stbo~d)~!'J~a;!~~:.~ from Balboa. It was beUt>ved the To The Boy Scouts en tllelr 4 5th Annlv.,.sw r Fe ... •·l 3 t ll Stnce 1910 over 21 .000,000 youngrlef1 h.ve been ''"mben w~ some 3,400,000 boys end leeden I\OW eetive ift 19,000 Unib. "This ipl.ncf.d orgeni:retion deSif'Vea ow 111pporl for th ... contribution tow11d • better Ameriea. Let's gi•e it. lewport Har~or Bank c........ . to the City of Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at least ten call orlglnatM In Los Angeles. per~~ (WI % o1 the amount hl4 ~ch guau~y ~ ~ furlehed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ should the bidder to whom the contract Is awarded fall to enter r Into the contract. In accordance wlth the provision of Sections l'T70 to 1781 of the Labor Code the Citr Council of the City of Newport Beach has ucertalned the cenera prevailing rate of wages appllcable to the work to be done u follows: Hourly Per Diem ea:nCAno~ __ ...:_ ______ ~~~Scale waGale Cement Flnlaher .................................................... 2. 70 21.60 Relnforclng Iron Worker ··-·· ......................... 2.80 22.40 Relnforclnc Iron Worker-Foreman (17J,ic per hr. more than Journeyman> Laborers. General or ConstroctJon .. . . 2 .. 075 Operators ar Tenders or Pneumatic & Electric Tools, vibrating Machines. & slmllar mechanical tools not separately classltled herein . ..................................... ... .... .. . .. 2.285 Cement Dumper (on 1 yd. or larger mixers and handling bulk cement) .. . . .. . 2.285 Cribbers or Shorers ......... .... .. ... . . . . .. 2.435 Asphalt Raker and Ironer .......... .... . .. . .. 2.285 Concrete Curer-Impervious Membrane . 2.265 Fine Grader (Hfway lr Street Paving Onlyl .. 2.175 Flagman .... ............... .................... ......... .. .... . .. 2.075 Sewer Pipe Layer (Excluding Caulker> . . 2.385 Sewer Pipe Caulker (Using Caulklnt tools> .. 2.265 Mortarrnan . ............ .. . . ......................... ... .. . 2.125 Apprentice Engineer, Including Fireman, Oller, Greaser . ... .. .......... .... ....... .. .. . ..... 2.25 Air Compressor Operator .. .. .. . ... .... . . 2.37 Concret e or Asphalt Spreading Mechanical Tamping or Finishing Mach ine operator 2 68 Concrete Mixer Operator-paving type and moblle mixer .................................. .. . ..... . 2 .82 Concrete Mixer Operator-Skip Type . 2.82 Material Loader or Conveyor Operator 2.37 Pavement Breaker Operator . . 2.60 Pump Operator .. .. ................ .............. .. 2.52 Roller Operator . ... . ... .......... ....... .. ... • 2.60 Skip Loader Operator-Wheel Type 2.52 Tractor HI-Lift Shovel Operator . ... 2.91 Tractor Operator-Bulldozer. Tamper, Scraper or Drag Type Shovel or Boom Attachments .................. .. ... ..... . 2.68 ~nchJng Machine ~ator .... .. . . 2.76 Universal Equipment rator (Shovel. Drag llne, Derrick. Denlc -Barg~. Clamshell or Cranel ................................... . .... .. .... .. 2.91 Drlv::t~ ?;..-r:r.~~-~.~!-~.~·~·~· ~. ycts 2.18 Driven of Dump Trucks--4 yds. but less than 8 yds. water level ··~---......... ... . 2.21 Drivers of Dum~ Trucka--8 yds.. but less than 12 yds. water level .................. . . . 2.26 Driven of Dump TrucJor-12 yds. but less than 1& yds. water level ............. ....... . . 2.34 Orlvera of Dump Truc.k.9-16 yds. or more water level ..................................... . 256 16.60 18.28 18.28 19.48 18.28 18.12 17.40 16.60 19.08 18.12 17.00 18.00 18.96 21 4-1 22:l6 2256 1896 2080 20.16 2080 2U 16 2328 21 11 2208 2328 17 44 1768 1808 18 72 .20 48 Drlvera or Trucks-Legal Payload Capacity 1-than 6 tons ......................... ... .. .. 2.18 17.44 Drlv=~~~U:ktnd~Nafo~!~~~~~-~~~c_'tY . 2.21 17.68 Drlv=:~~~~~S.:o~!~~~-~-~~~-~:l~y . 2.26 18.~ Drlv=~~t:;cre~S.:o~Y-~~d·-~~~-~.~~ 2.34 ~~ Blackstn.lth ---···-··-· ··----·--·--···· . 2.54 20 00 Blacksmiths Helper -·-·---····----·-········ .. ····-2 50 :::1~:'3:,0n'=~nFoieiii&'.fTi7~c 3 . 115 25 . 40 ~-:' tb~ JoutneymAn_l ______ .. 2.25 18 00 EJec:trtelan --·--·---~---·· ......... !.10 l4.80 Anyda...,.,..tfon omJtted herein, not less than --~-·--·· .......... _ 2 U75 16.60 All ttkii are to .,e compared on the bull o( the City Enc1nft'r'a ..._. .. al'GW qu~ ot work to be done. Jfo ~d wW be a~ tJom a ODntractw who has not bem ~~ tn ~ wtttl the pnmslonl cl Otaptft 9, Dlvtaklll m o1 ....,_ aac1 Prot..aona Cock. filaM .., be --. and fom\S of ~ bondl. contnd., and ~y be obtal.ned at the ~ ol tM Ot;y ~. CltJ aau. a..da. Qallfomla. ftle ... ;:• ....... c1 ......-cttw Weidel a Ia eaJled to the ..... •=··· .. ~-· ..... ~ .. ·-·diDtMbluklclrm ".~liP • I fd A'iClttGM .. to blddlft& .. 1'-c:., fll .... ,.,. IMda 1 ••"' tali ltltd to Nject &1\J' or all....._ an Of' "iiWiOIT ..:B C.&.PWWI . '*'ad Dllldla.a; ... U. ' FEB • 14th is Valentine's Day! Go "Straight to Her Heart · ANGEUQUE "1nD SAnt;· RIJSSFII STGIEI CII.ES $1.35 lb. Colognes $1 75 to $5 00 ~~ Perfumes $2.50 to $1 0 00 -.......-~ ,..._OIIL...Ilo.~-.: o·o RSA Y NEW "F ANTASnQUE~· Eau De Toilette $3 00 and $5 00 french Parfum, $3 00, $5.50 and $10 00 * We Are~ Dealer FOI' I M.A TTRESSES Ia.DenlldD9 -Cottoe rO'am aubbu ln'egula.r Shapes JIIEW-UBUILDIJIIG COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2110 ~ewpott ltvd. u 1-1101 5" 20-ftAJl LOU Construction Loans 5" 20-TEAll LOAJII SEJ: BOB SA T1'L.Ea hlrier lortcac• Co. 2515 E. Coallt Bwy .. CDN Ph. BA 3118-K.I 3--5185 (Metro Ule lD.surcmce Fuads) JAMES D. RAY l llillliiC Coltractor ~6 E. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEl MAR HArbM 4711) ltesiden~: HAtbM .. 196 u:soLvto: ....... IIOIIG8 J..-, Ma LueWe 8aa.Wa. Tha~ tlba1l be OlD at ........... IIC»., a.n.· ...... c.tiMriM M. eo.. ..... a.a ol .... ...,, • UIOUI'I'IOif -or '1'111: an . ert. a.nd be apt opMl CIOftftmloUIIy ~Or 11m ern OJ' aR. M.n. La v .. M. tv. unW ...wn o'clock t»JD. thiNOf. II'IIWJIOel' IUCII AIIOIWI'· COJGOUDATI:D PIUCCINCI' y • 1rlllen tiM DOUa lla&ll M clOMd. X 0 Olfk!W (ICate abd County Predneb 11 R IT Jthtl'IID U8C)LVJ:D: mro ~ aad 35): Polllnf Place, o.ltrldl That tbe vot1nl pndncu ..... TD G ._.denot, S1 35th Street. tabii.Med t:J)' the 1loatd of Super. lfUJQCIPAL aux:.-ftOJif U Newport -..ch. v&lon ol ftie County ot Ora..., IIELd Df TD CJI'Y or JUW. Eleot~oa <>trJeen u coMOlidNtcl fobq,.. lball aon- 108'1' BEACH OM 'IUDDAY, li\.IDed~ lin. LueWe Deitrich. .Utute tbe votlna DNclnete for Till: 1ml DAY OF KAIICH. ludp, aua. Mamie Ravtce. the General Munlcfpal Electton 18!15. AlfD PJ11()VU)JNQ POR Clerk, MIL Ctara & Keeler. to be held 1n the Ctt:Y of N.-port TBE OPENDfG AM> CL08ING Clerk. 11111-. EJ.te NewJan4. S.ach on 1'\.INC!ay, the 15th day OP Till! POlLS AJQ) 'niE CONSOLIDATED PBJX:INCf "N" of March. lB. aald votl.na pre. COMPDSAnON OJ' EJ..EC. estate and County Preclncta 19 clncta 1o ,be desl~atec;t rn aU 'nON OI'J'ICERS. and 28>: Pollina Place, Schwan sroceedfnjl h~ln., u 'P>~_,u. unrii'Dr&a It •-~"' \lD· Patio 2017 MJrimar Drlw BaJ. ated Preclnct A to 'Q' ln· .... ~ .. ··~, boa. ' ' elusive. d.er the l•w for the C!ty Councll Election Oftlcer• 11le above and foregolna Ret~«>. of Ul{ Cfty of Newpert Beach to Inspector, Harold c. Ahrendt Iutlon No. 4297 w .. duly pa.aed :J'pge:fgnS::~eof ~~onpl~ Judae~,.~. Elizabeth s. Waltze .. and adopted by the City Council f th · po t Clerk. M.n. G~ndoJyn Schwan of the City of Newport Beach at or e General M'unlclpa EJec. Clerk Mn. lhn McDonald . a retular meetlna thereof held tlon to be held tn the City of CONSOLIDATED Pux:mcr :'0'' on tl)e 24th day of January, ~ UPADI .. tECIAU81'--wwt. .._of 405 Bolm· bla tnack. la tbe qaa•ator of A-1 Plum!J1ag. ~5~~ ~·~ 0~ '7~ay,dth~ (State and County 1\'eclhcts 22 by the following roll call vote, wood Dr.. ... ,.... -. .a.ow. abo'N with (ED.Iit'D n.oto) fix the ~~pena~Uon to t!n &Jd and 30): Pollina Place, Doane to wit: . -------...,.;;.......,---~---------------to election offlcera; and P Residence, 416 Poppy Avenue, 1 A~1thCO~~·Be ~ . Ross Offers WHEREAS, It Is alao nece~ Coron~l~l~:'C:>mcers .r&I. m • er 0' nne Perm.lfS For January fo.r the City CouncU of the City lns ....... or Mrs. Marth M Cu . NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. of Newport Beach to fix the h~urs -~ .. ' a · n ABSENT COUNCILMEN· None A PI b tor the opening and closing flf · nl.naham. DORA o miL. · -I u m •• n 9 the polls tor the General Munl-Judge, Mrs. Vera H. Doane. . Ma or clpal £1ectlo.n to be hel1 on the Clet"K, Mrs. Frances G. llaJnH. Y · T I N I Melle 15th day of March 1955· Clerk, Mrs. Barbara C. Carpen. A'I'TEST: C. K. Priest. Ota ear Y a I lon Lewla ~of 405 Holmwood scit~ w~ro~~ITUN~ CONSOLIDATEDt'Piu:crNcr "P" __ E __ C_It:y.;.__C_J_er_k_. Dr., Newport Helght.a, la the oper. OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT (State and County Precincts 23 Read nstrn Want Ada. ator of A-1 Plumbtna, speclallz. BEACH. that the polll.na places and 31): PolJlng Place, Bates Januaray bulldlna missed the mUllon.dollar ma.rk, but the total was an Impressive $929,985, ac. cording to the month-end report by the Newport Beach Building Department. 11lls compares with $783,439 for January of 1954. The permits Included 42 single family dwelllngs. $690,.200; three 2-unlt dwellings. $65,500; 32 re. pairs of dwelllngs. $82,985; one swimming pool, $2.400; three commercial buildings. $48.200; Cive repairs to commercial buUd- ings. $35.000: three signs. $2,700. Whitman's Service; and remodel· ling of the building at 2712 W. Coast Hwy., Newport u head. quarters for the new Mariners Bank. Following permits w~e Is. sued: e COaOJfA DEL IIAJl lng In plumblna repairs. and the .rectlon ortlcera to act Residence, 324 Orchid Avenue. Mr. Ross ls licensed as a con. at each polltng pface &hall be as Corona del Mar. tractor and muter plum~r but follows, to wit: rrus~~~ 3!:~~~e Bates. prefers to do repair plumblrtg CONSOUDATED PRECJNcr "A" l udge, M•. Elizabeth Sanden. work. <State and County Precincts 1 Clerk, Mra. Louise B. Thomas. "J've made a Jot of friends be· and 2t): PoD Ina ~)lace, Lytle Clerk, Mrs. Madge S. Brown. caUse-I'm available when need-=::d::~~ 40th Street. New. C~~~teu~~~n~~~·~: ed," Mr. Ross says. A.l Plumbing Election Oftlcera 35 and 36>: Polling Place, Hor- covers the harbor area, doing re. Inspector, Mrs. Blanche L. ace Eruslgn School, Irvine Ave- h Lytle. nue and Clift Drive, Newport pair work. for the pa.st elg t Judge, Mrs. Florence M. Glf. Beach. years. Mr. Ross was born In Post Falls, Idaho. He worked as a plumber In Seattle. Wash., before ford. Election Otf1cen Clerk, Mrs. Phyllis L. Engelke. Inspector, Mrs. Mary Cleary. Clerk. Mrs. Cornelia M. Kessels. Judge, Mrs. Betty Sharpe. CONSOUDA TED PRECINCf "B" CJ~k, Mrs. Evelyn Gardiner. Weaver Smith, convert one- family dwelling to two.famlly dwelling. 1700 Waterfront. $800; Bob Flanegln. addition at 424 Orchid, $1.500; Clayton Flem mlng. 3-room, J.story, J.unlt commercial building at 2904-08-12 East Co st H Sl4 200. R going to sea as a marine engl. a wy., ' • ay neer. He obtained his m arine (State and County Precincts 2 Clerk, Mrs. Maxine Bradford. and 3l: Polllng Place: City BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: HaJJ. 3300 w. Newport Blvd., That each of said election offl. Sanders , storage room at 2737 E. 1 • 11 1 l930 H C 000 I eng neer s cense n . e oast Hwy., $2. ; Cha mers. f th ld hll saw most o e wor w e Newport Beach. cers above designated be paid Election Officers the sum of $10.00. and each In- REITAT¥ D•'• TV llnlce Permits issuea during the last week of January totalled more than $1 60.000. These Included two commercial buildings: A J.. unit store building at Heliotrope Ave. and Coast Highway In Co rona del Mar, former location of piers under porch at 2607 Way I bo d h ' D 1 w ld w La 00 a ar s 1ps. ur ng or ar • ~~..::.Oirr • ri he worked In the marine engl. Inspector, Mrs. Julia Mae Eg. spector the additional sum of gert. $2.00. as full com~nsation tor 1..2121 Judge, John F. Baker. t:h:e:ir=s=e~rv~i~ce=s~ln~co~n~d~u:c~t:ln:g~:sa~l=d~~===Uhe==rty=~~=~~~ Hart .. •~ Sll 9 m 1 ne-ers department of the Todd m .. n ac ver. roo . . . Clerk. Mrs. Aurelia Niemi(.'(". General Municipal Election to be story, 1 unit bank building at I Shipyard 10 Taroma. Wash. 2712 w. Coast Hwy .. $29,500; R. He came to the harbor area 1n LEGAL KOTICE M. Bailey. cabana at Lido Trailer 1946. first Jiving In Corona del Notice Is hereby given that the Park. S2.000: Robert Schwamb,l Mar. He worked for the Earl City Council of the City of New 4 room. 1 story. }.unit dwe11lng Stanley real estate agency. He port Beach will hold a public at 213 3Sth. S9.000. later did repair work for another hearing .on the application of • CLIFF BAVEK plumbing firm before starting The Irvine Company to rezone Norman Wilson. 7 room. his own business on March 16. the following described property story, 1 unit dwelllng at 1400 1949. His wife, Charlene, was trom a "U" District to an "R-1" born In Seattle, Wash. They have Kings Rd .. $20.000. District: • IBVllfE TEJSBACE two daughters. Nancy, 14, a Lots 1 to 5, Inclusive. in Tract Maceo Corp., addition at 1524 freshman In Newport Harbor 2172. Serenade Terrace, S2.800; 6.room. Union High Sch.ool. and Betsy. 8. Notice Is hereby further given 1 story. 1 unit dwelling at 1501 who attends second grade In the that said hearing will be held .In Serenade Terrace. $17.000 ; Mary Newport School. the, Council Chamber of the City K . Browne. 5-room, 1 story. 1. ------ Hall at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Feb-unit dwelling at 1424 Dolphin LEQAL WO'I'JC& Clerk. Mrs. Evelyn Ann Eller- man CONSOUDATED PRECINCf "C" !State a nd County Precincts 4 and 5): Polling Place. Balboa Fire Hall. 703 East Bay Ave. nue, Balboa. Election Officers Inspector. J. M. M. Leonard. Judge, Mrs. Margaret 0 . WIJ. son. Clerk, Mrs. Barbara J. Lilly. Clerk. Mrs. Elsie Eggett. CONSOUDATED PRECINCf "D" eState and County Precincts 6 a nd 16 ): Polling Place, Balboa Island Fire Hall, 323 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island. ruary 14th, U55, at whJch tlme Terraee, $22,000. and place any and all peraon.s e aEWfOft IIEIGBTS Election Officers Iruspector. Mra. Leonora E. Zube Judge. Mrs. Inna R. Rutter. Clerit, Mrs. France. c. Pululd. IN THE SUPEitlOR COURT OF Clerk. Mr•. Lottie Donker. THE STATE OF CAUFORNlA CONSOUDATED PRECINcr "E" IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF (State and County Precincts 7 ORANGENO A252S3 and 32): Polling Place, Corona NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI-del Mar Flre Hall, 410 Mart. TION FOR PROBATE OF WTLL gold Avenue, Corona del Mar. Election Officers AND FOR LE'IlERS TESTA-Inspector, Mrs. Grace A. Mus-MENTARY. tard In the Matter of the Estate of Judge, Mrs. Eva Dutter. f.nterested may appear and be Lionel Daly, wall a t 258 Cata. heard thereon. Una, $200; M. J. Bengochea and C. K. PRI.F~T Vlona Burdick. 7.room, 2-story, City Clerk 1-unit dwelling at 201 Santa Ana PObllsh: Jan. Z7. Feb. 3. 1955 Ave .. $15.000. In The Newport Harbor Ensign. e BALBOA "Metro service Is very rellallle" A-1 PLUMBING Charlotte Wa lker, 6-room. 2· story. 1 unit dwt'lllng at 1129 E. Balboa Blvd .. $12.500; McMillian Estate, replace wood floor with concrete. 619 E. Bay Ave .. $300; W. D. Gibson. nPw garage with bedroom over. 19<Y7 E. Bay Ave .. $7.600. ~!ed EV ALYN DAVIES, Clerk, Mrs. Madge Rickman. Notice is .hereby given that th Clerk, Mrs. Marlon L. King. petition of Helen Evelyn Davie: CONSOUDATED PRECINCJ' "F" for the probate of the WIU of the (State and County Preclncts 8 SPECIALI%ES Il'f REPAIRS {>cry & Jflgbt Water Beaten Modetn ,o .. r Tools fM Sewer & Sink Stoppege1 L • R LIBEIITI' 8-lSSl eWI5 055 ~= e BALBOA ISLAJIID Roy Maypole, addition at 200 Crystal. $1 .800; Charles Hansen, alterations at 608 S. Bay Front. above named decedent and for and 17): PoiUng Place, New. the Issuance of Letters Testa. port Beach Gra mmar School, mentary to the petitioner will be 14th and Balboa Boulevard, heard at 10 o'clock a.m. on Jl'eb-Newport Beach. ruary 18, 1955, at the court room Electlo!l Officers of Department 4 of the Superior Inspector, William V. Jones. Court of the State of California Judge, Mrs. Georgette M. Gor· In and tor the County of Orange. don. Date January 21 1955 Clerk. Mrs. Hazel M. Jones. B.' J. SMITH. Clerk. Mrs. Rhoda F. Veach. $2.500. .ODERII DRAPERY SP£NAI ...,..! County Clerk. CONSOUDATED PRECINcr "G" n · U~ I .-J A. K. Phelps, 3429 E. Coast High. (State and County Precincts 9 So aaya Jaoet Briar of llivenide, radio atation 'liaflic Maoap. "What most people want in public ~· tion is con~ aod comfon-and M.tro oeruialy makes sood iD boch waya. Becaue 1 ue cbe bas a1mott every day. I am iD a aood pc*tioa 10 j.qe cbe -..datd of .enice. Aad I'll s"e Mecro a top f'Ad.aa. Yoa.c buies get me t~~h.,.• 1 wane to ao. viHft 1 wuat to pc c:beft:' way, Corona del Mar, Calit. and 34): Polling Place, Jones ALL THE NEWEST "SUlfFAST"' FABRICS AllXOLDS GET SOK Attorney for Petitioner. Residence, 443 Santa Ana Ave. C\&Stoal COLOilED oa JIIATUJlJU. A son. Jack Duane Jr .. was Publl_sh : Feb. 3. 10, 17. 1955. nue, Newport Beach. B• ... BOO VEKETIAK born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Election OOicers .u. of 384 LaPerle Lane. Costa Mesa. Inspector, Mrs. Edna J. Jones. DII.APEJUES BUKDS LEGAL JIIOTJCE Judge, Mra. Dorl.l Ferguson. WlDdow Sbaci.. _ 'l'nrftne In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Clerk, Mrs. Dorothy L GUJesple. Tracb. aylock ScrMa.s Wednesday, Jan. 19. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Clerk, Mrs. Iona E. Trusty. THE STATE OF CA LIFORNIA CONSOUDATED PRECTNCJ' "H" SOUTH COAST LEGAL JIIOTJCE WrJ~lOR THE COUNTY OF (State and County Precincts 10, YEJimlll .UIID Co KOTJCE OF PUBLIC BEA.UJIIG ~ No. A24943 12 and 29): PoUing Place, Frel• 1 Notice Is hereby given that the Citation. tag Residence, 223 Diamond 1DI WALK.Ea. Prop. In the matter of the Adoption of Avenue, Balboa Island. S420 Via Udo BA U2l Lido Sboppla9 Ceatc Planning Commission of the City JAMES EDW ABO GOOLSBY, EJection Officers ~:;:::::;:;::;::;::;:;;;;:;::;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;::;::;:::;:;;;;::;:;;;::;;;::;:;::;:::;~of Newport Beach w111 hold a 1R. a d RJ,.... .. ft ....... ~.R Inspector, Mrs. Betty A. Fink. Floor CoftriDp -Dra1Dboarda Asphalt TUe -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum Tile CARL lOIS' ~<i~1111 135 E. 17th St. Conall.a LJBEIITI' 1-4252 22 Years in Orange County · n '-n.IUUI ~•nu ludge., II Mrs. Ethel J( Frelta•. public hearing on the appllca. GOOLSBY. Minors. ~k • tlon of W. R. Hervey, lr. for a THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF g~~k: ~ ~~~:lsic~.J~~y. variance to Resubdlvlde a parcel CALIFORNIA: CONSOLIDATED PRECINcr '1'' of vound coruslstlng of Lots 8. To; James Edward Goolsby: (State and County Precincts 11 You are hereby cited and re-and 26): Polllna Place, Hit-a.. 9, 10, and 11. Block 26, Eastside quired to be and appear In De-...,, Addition to Balboa Tract, Into partment 1 ot the above entitled cock ResJdenceBe 619 VIa LJdo two building sites as follows: Court. at the Court House In San. Soud, ~~ orft~. Building Site No. 1-conslstlng ta Ana, Orange County, Calllor-Inspector, Mra. Maraaret B. nia. on the 28th day of April of the westerly 45 feet of said 1955, at 9:30 o'clock a .m. of said Hitchcock .. Lots 8. 9. 10, and 11. with a day, th1fen and there to show fl:!fi: :::: ::.t8.e J~~~· Costa Mesa Lumber . Co. frontage on Balboa Blvd. of 45 cause, any you h aw, why the Clerk. Mra. Helen Spies. feet by 120 feet deep along "1'' Petition of Edgar William Hen. CONSOLIDATED P.RECJNcr "I" Street with an area of 5400 nlnger for the adoption of James (State and County Precinct. 13 · EdWard Goolsby, Jr., and Richard and 33): PoUJn~· Place. Banett ER UILDING .. • 'PE."DW • • a square feet and a front yard set. Arthur Goolsby, your minor 10ns, G Col LUMB - B ~.•·u~ back ot 5 t-t should not be granted, aceordlna araae, 225 ~nrod Avenue, lf...,...t aJ"f'&.. Cona 11.. Llbelty 1-1•1 """' to the Petition on tile to which Corona del Mar. ~;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J Bulldlna Site No. 2-<ons.lsting reference 11 hereby made for Elect1on ottlcen of the e a • t e r I y 55 feet further pattJculan.. ~· Mrs. LouS. Barrett. of said Lots 8, 9. 10, and 11. wtth Given under rny hand and seal H;,t:' :l: lJitr'; 'tfcre!ne. a frontage of 55 feet on Balboa of the Superior Court of the State CJ~Mn Velma 8 • .,._,_ • of Calllomla, In and for the CO · • .,._...,., " Blvd. by 1.20 feet deep alone the County of Ora~n.te. thll 3rd tt.y ATED PltllCil'fCJ' "K alley and w1th an area of 8800 of lanuary lll55. (State and County ~nets 14 ~quare feet, and a flont yard .eet. ' ·B. J. SMITJt anct 21 >: PoJUna l'lace, Corona f Seal) CounCY~ C!l'k. del Mar Granunar Bdlool, flO back of 5 feet. By Lettie L. Mecartney .,ty. Carnation Avenue, CGiona deJ Notice 11 hereby furt:ber atwn A. lt. Phclpe, M2l z. eoUt ap. Mar. that aald pubJic heartna will be way, Cerone dft Mer, Ce.llt. • ~ed~ = &: Ran held on the 17th day of Pebna· 4~ lor PetWoner. • del · ary 1J55, at the hour 01 7:30 p.m. Publllb: lu. 27-Ma.rch 17, lDCL ~dp. J. J . .._ail tn the Coundl Chambers ot the ~the JfMport a.tW J>wep. a.tr., lin.~ &. ~ Newport leach City Hall, at a=.:::.~.; wtaJdl time and place a.ny and ( .... aM~~ 15 all pereon.a lntere.ted IDQ ap. and JD): Nl""' = ..... pear and be heard thenoe. ~ Alt.i wnae, lfew. lt.lY'.T. COPELllf, s.cntat; Jllll __ ,.nan-- ·-leedl CJ..., -100 -.Mal ~ y '"•·*'· .... J:-D. ....... "I'll reco111n~encl Metao any "••• 11a .. J II illcoa..fro.a ....... NcK.,wt.ofnq.odj riclee ... a-&oet hia ..,_ Ja Ah=bn 10 PNedeAa aod .tuwwwa toe AoaeJa Mr. McK.-, a ,.,.te.u• nthuai· -. ..,. "'My 6uaiJy .. aU to. ~ ........ the bu-. ...,.._...,,..,..,.aedcc lot..W.ftdiaa~ri-. ~ -· ... cwlt ... •liCit--... tb&te ....,. o.sWrflll&ieh .. ._....,.. ........... ...... -.... ~~~=-~ ....... I ''WtMal• • • • ~i#~Wj q,.J. a.TII IUS CAFE ,.. ....... •*• u-.. .......... .._~ ...... ~ to tM •uak .t tM Cnueadoe, ~ an ... ..tUtL Ec.y .... ,._ •....-n ....... A..-... .. .. aat.. ll...S.. .... dllat .... --~ 111 .... .... rtt~rt • r ... ...--... o qac~~JW .c • au. ........_ ... Jllfl 0 . L IIWT. 101--AJII'DIM Erf'STOR s-aM IIU 1111111 recmm.av 0... MCdood. at.oJa. pdme rlbL dllicb& dudl. tM VW. Mcatao u -ef Or-.. Ceaaty'a f:tMet ...-. • .-ta. a-qa.t ........... liP to 410. 1.oaltod ot tbe ~ to hlboG la1aad. Ollda .... .,.........lp a tbe c:&rqu. lD l'la.l.leltoo. sv·~~~ , •:•, u ,, ccc::=-c::x::x:; c• s:•,,,,,, •:•:•,,,,,, c e TBU IIIE aLOWI-AGADU e W'BAT A IIIAKEI This Is another one for Daniel Callahan and his red shirt. In cue you missed the original ref. erence to Callahan, an old co. wanlor of the famous 79th Fight· er C roup, It might be well to warn you that Daniel and I are whale watchers. And, u he would certainly remind me, gray whale watchers. The whole bus.lness started with two red shlrU, a re- union, a trip to Capistrano, and the sighting of our first two gray wha les, ju!:.1 oft the bowlin g ,reen In Laguna. Due. probably, to the festive spirit In which we discovered ourselves there was founded. then and Immediately, the 19th Gray Whale-Watchlng Croup. So Car, we have only two (charter) members. But we have had ... er ... several appllca- tJons. ............... THE WORLD Ia u near u YOUR PHONE CaUHA1246 NO SERVICE CHARGE LIDO TRAVEL BUREAU S&ll VIA LIDO Lido Shopping Center ......................... A.A STOP AT Jhe Arches -yogr IIOIIl to tiM Cout Stnee 1D'! ' • ra•• rooDI COCKTAILS COAST Hl(iHWAY AT THE ARCHES .... ,.... ... c .. JOHN VU.EJJ E L.J.I_,['II' 1-1531 ~4G4,..'S · Your FamUy Restaurant (Cloeecl ,... llcy) 2515 E. Coat~ BCII'bM 1.. c.-. del M• APORT /1,.,/. CORONA DEl NAIJ lvAA/lt'll/819 xowaowmc ~~~tRY BR£AntL£SI MOMENT CW 1riV~~t~ d.COIT KST.slUU -... Nlll ............ .,.,~-~~ wrnr~ _...kos. ~ .... GeM Kelly In • •.. ., It's just real sad that Daniel had to take his red shirt and go back to Chicago. With the lnltJal Impetus of those tim two plus a tlne factual article (The Re- turn ot the Gray Whale) In the January Sclentlflc A me r I c a n magazine, I have been detinltely whaJe.consclous ever sin<'e. I recommend It to aJJ as a delight- ful and satisfying winter sport. In a way, It replaces my marlin· hunting. Happily. might I add, the whales. will be gone long be tore the marlin come back from the sunny south. e WBEllE TO W ATCB PACIFIC AJf~ on tbe pat .w'ul. delata cmd tbe aew pnxy of tbe PodJJc: A1i9i.n. ptctund ot tbel.r cmaaol meetlDg. Left to rtgbt they cue Bol ~~. tbe 1155 presidellt: Kcu- ry J1o9en. wbo jut coadacled b.ll tenD of of. flee: J. WCIJDI BarriaoL Dr. B. K. (Co.lllll9 C. Q.) Boffmcm cmd Dr. S. B. Moaac::o. Tbe •a- ecmt cl.c !r u for Fnm.k Jlnft411L (DoD Busb Photo) IT'S MURDER ••• Wh-tbe •.-pod ~ CoauDaalty Playen pNMilt tbe a.w Jlllal1ou Comedy Kit "MY 3 ANGELS" This ~lumn and yc editor have had numerous queries re Specia! Awards Presented ATCIIAJ'ELTD:I'Tn.OIIAJICECOAITCOLLECE gardlng the haunts of these 50 TH~ I'OLIO: THUISDAY • ~~~ • SITUDIJ foot long voyageurs. My whale At p •f• A ~ o· ... watching. although Industrious 13LO I IE~ acl IC ng.ers anner F , 3 4 I ... feltrgy 10..11·12 ly Indulged ln. has resulted In II\. CUJITI'Df 1:30 p.a. a complete blank In the waters Frank Usedom. trophy chair weighed 199 lbs .. Betty's 198 lbs.. MAU TOU11 aE.SEJIVATJO•s EAJILT around our jetty. However, the • 'WEDMESDAT. JAJf. 216 man tor Padflc Anglers. pre 8 02. Betty was also awarded a 8T CAI.LIKG TOIOIT 1"'STE.a SEirVICE.. ....oa C7'l5 telescopes of the numerous cliff Be S R" k sented tht> ronowlng special new pair of socks. bav1ng caught ~~~;;:=:;:::=;~~~~~~===~~==~;;;;~;;;;~~=~~ dwellers who Jive In Corona del Mr. and Mrs. nton . 10 er., awards at the fifth blrth13y and her marlin while wearing on. ly r Mar's Ocean Boulevard should no permanent address. w~re awards dlnnt>r ot the club: ont>. produce results, If they keep a brought to the pollee station or Bill Fred Plgg Jr .• a trophy for I E. D. fEd> Delaney wu award I sharp eye seaward. lnvestigatJo~ an: wert> r_ele~sed the only junior member to catch ed the Nltram Drallop Trophy Cor 1 suspect that the whales fig. after being oun sltt ng In ow. a marlin In 1954. being the unlucklest angler of ure the tra.rtlc around the jetty ers behind bushes at 715 Ocean the season. This trophy. display. too much like a salt-water free. Blvd .. Corona del Mar ... John • co•souno• PaJZE lng a black cat. a pair of dice way. After all. 1 have spotted Knapp of J06 Abalone Ave .. Bal-Betty <Mrs. Harold) Kenoyer. a with "snake eyes" showing, and boa Island reported that two mounted S.ounce sinker trophy some ovel' a Q.tJle away, with · . topped by a man throwing a boys about 17 were ~n steal-as a consolation prize for having 1 t nothing more powerful than my · ' bull. was won by De aney or 0 ,. 10 b'focals. Any cliff-dweller lng fire wood from hls yard; the lost the trophy tor the largMt catching the first marlin of the car used was traced fo a San marlln of the stason by just 8 season ln spite of m)'Tlad ditfi. who spots one oU our Immediate Marino youth. whose grand-ounces. Al Ellison's mar ll n shores :lnd reports same will be father agreed to make restltu-cultJes. lndudlng running out or bonored b1 bavtnc hla or her tJon ... Humane OUieer Geotge , gas and anlvinl at 11 p.m. In name report.e4 ln thla column, Myers reported that approxl· 1111 • ......... , tow of the Coast Cua.rd, only to Calllnl C.Q .. to all C.D.M. whale. mately 20 ..,...,,ms were In the T I rf friUJ have his flsh dl'Quallned for tch ..--1 -1 • competition by all local clubl be-wa ers. ceiling of the home of Mrs. · •r cause he unknowingly h a d Thelma Rope. 400 Dahlia Ave., The Red Cross Bloodmobile caught It on synt,hetlc decron, Corona del Mar . . . Mrs. Wll-IJ u llam E. Bates of 2936 CliU Dr .. Unit will be at the American Le-not nen. ne. Newport Heights. reported fi nd-glon Hall. 15th 6 Bay Streets. • Jti'T CETS TBOPBT In~ a dgar box full of opened I Newport Bench, from 3 to 7 p.m. Other special awards w e re letters. some addrt>ssed to the tomorrow I Friday I. miniature trophieS to all mPm Red Snapper Cale, In the Marl-Many patients have received bers who competed ror Pa('"triC 's Mile and others to Ted I transfusions due to severe Ill-Anglers ln the Interclub Albacore ner · ness. surgery or highway acd-and International Light Ta<'kle Brown. owner . . . d I ddl I bl d ents. n a t on to t s. ur SaJltlsh Tournament. Kay I Mrs 1 e TBU11SDAT. JAJf.'J:I lng the past year. 22 people In J. Wayne) Harrison of Santa Ana e LACUJIA IS TilE fLACE Doris Talbott's Mwic· 9Jo,x * aECOBDS-al--. llllytba.L Cb.J.14ND•L Pope & o-c.. C-Ia * MUSICAL SUPP' !E' Stnap. ,...._ = ••e. ••cadi £ 0.. _ ... IIECOIID t'I.An:.l-TAft ..:coD ... .._ & o.w-.... a -rt wW be •Y pll we to IIDOJie yoa bclppy'" -DOlUS T .u..oTT Jl.Arbor .S 1 S <>p.a 10 A.M. to fi P.M. & 7 to 9:00 P. II. S52! E. Coat BJgbwoy. •at to A.rtbu Mumry. CorOlla del M• It Irks me m ore than slightly watching out my own oceanward window has drawn a toose-egg. Such Is not the case down In our nelghborlnt village-La 1 una Bejlch. There must be something about this environment that ls attractive to gray whales. My score, to date. on a total of four trips down that-a -way, Is about twenty. Last Sunday a week ago. I saw no less than s lx. only a few hundred yards oft short>. In the vtclnJty of Three Arch Bay . They were within easy camera range. so you may look for photographic proof In the ncar future. Cash totaling $34.10 and a the Newport Harbor and Costa was awarded an extra special $3.14 coin box were stolen In the Mesa a~eas ~ave been give~ trophy Cor having tied for first ~~::::========:=====::::::::::::=::;:=====! burglary of a pay telephone at 1,034 cc s of gamma globulin place on Ladies' Day in the tn ; ---- 6208 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach serum to prevent or modify a ternational. held recently at thP WORLD TllAVELOCUE SEJUES PRESEHTS Below Dana Point. they were farther out to sea, usually a mJle. I kept seeing their while spouts the whole way to Ocean side. e aAJA CALD'OIIXll' Last Saturday the whole fam- Ily made a pllvlmage to En- senada, B.C. We whale-watched all along the Coast Highway to San Diego. but nary a blow did we see. Just below Boaarlto Beach, where Radio Station XERB .ella the world lb quack c~ and hJU..bllly muale. we saw them! Cloee In to the mac· nUic:ent rolla of beach and (Continuecl Oft Pap 12) llr ... ftraiU superlative food, cocktails lnd $~Met " ... .. 4ld ... chlnn. HI IllY . . . Dorothy Fischer. 37. of 125 possible <'3Se of polio. It required , Palm Beaches. Fla. "POR.TUJT Of PARIS" Agate Ave .. Balboa Island. was 147 pints or whole blood to make Ruth and Bill DeLamar. who arrested on charges of drunk this a mount of serum. fish on their Lady Lamar. h it the 1 driving and hit and run at 7:15 trophy jackpot. and took home p.m ... •. Someone threw a bal-LECAL lfOTJCE trophies for first albacore or the loon full of water through the Not ke Is hereby given that ~ason. both men's and women's; I bathroom window In the home copies of the propo ed amend. I first marlin of the season. wom of J. B. Douglas of 4703 Seashore ments to the City Charter or the en's: largest 3lhread albarore. Dr .• West Newport . . . City of Newport Beach. as pro mt'n's: first marlin of season posed In Resolutions 4295 and c!Wght by a mem~r who had e ramAT, JI'Jf. 2l 4296 f C Co It f h A prowler removed about o the lty un<' o t e previously caught one llhls was seven Inches of molding from a City of Nt>wport Beach. and Cited Ruth's): certificates for fl vt' mar screen door In fttemptlng to In the ottlce of the CJty Clerk on lin. and the special trophy ror enter h« home the evening be-January 17th, 1955. may be had members of the albacore team I f Mrs. J R. Packard of 4028 upon application therefor at the Bill mtssea the men's first mar ;.:~nel Pl.: Newport Island, re. ottlce of the City Clerk of said lin of ~e season trophy by 10 ported . . . Teny E. Reed«, 12. City. minutes. of 116 46th St.. Newport Beach. SaJd amendments u prepared ------ A COLOR-FILM OF A CLAMOROUS. aEAUTIFtJL ClTT Curt.l..l MapL M an«tor Thl' SE>ine. its bridges and barges--PlaN> de Ia C'onc-orde-- Ar('" dt.> Trwmphe--EtUel TowM"-BastiiiP Dny-Notrf' Dame-- bt'autUul ('"h3tt'.1US -Tutlleries Gardf'n~Louvrt"--Chnmps Ely<;('('~>.C'it ing Parts night lifP: Moulin Rougl'. Folies Berg<'rt•s Curtis Nagel. Narrator ncbb at Lido Tta.el Bureau. Lido SbopplD. 9 Ceam. CIDd at aox Office lligbt of film.. L&O • .JO. 1.25. 1.SO. Mewport Blg-b Scbool Au~OL 8:»---l'eb. J4 Van's Bowling u••t-&llr ••I ~W~1o.c-e auftered cuta and brut.. In an by said City Council lhall be SlfOW '?AU..r OR 1SLI'JfD acclderlt when be rocle his bl· aubmltted to the electors of the A group of boys at Park Ave I February lltb-11:00 A.M. cyele out Into tbe path of a ~ar City of Newport Beach at the and Marine Ave. Balboa Isla nd. U.J...S to II PlaTen IIWUIIUI•TI• driven by R. A. Anderso\1. 36, of general election to be held under were snowballlnl ~h ing In MAin' PaJZaS AWA.aD£DI 2901 Newport Blvd., 1fewport the provisions of said Charter on site. Newport pollee wt"re noll * A1J'TOKAftC PllfSIOTTEJIS • Beach, near 36th St. and Balboa the 15th Oay of March. 1955. fled at 1 p.m. Saturday by a <'all FOR :=v:"s CAFE 703 SOYEJUOR A'YE. Blvd., at 4 :29 p.m .... A small This notice shal be published pl,aced from the Island Phar ~==::;::i:::~ii~~i:~~=COST;i~AiiNiUiiA~~iiiji two-wheel bicycle and a chUd's once each week until the day macy. The affair had broken tractor Wft'e 'stolen from her f~ed for the said election In up when the pollee> arrived The yard Mra. Santa Janus of 517 compliance with the require-snow wu reported to have oo.en Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. re-ments ot Article Xl. Section 8. of dumped at the ~ne by an un ported ... Fred D. Kiddie. 41, of tht; State Constitution. I known person In a car. San Dleco. wu taken to Hoa1 .y ORDER OF THE CITY Memorial H~ltal (~ treatment COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ol cuts about the hNd after a NEWPORT BEACH. U. S. NaVJ car he wu drtvlna C. It. PRIEST • ran tnto th• rear o1 a C&J' ~topped City Clerk ol tlie CitY ror a atpal at Poppy Ave. and ol Newport IlNdt liD tatS CET CDIL A d.a~bter. Karla Ann. was born to Mz. and Mrs. BUly Mll- l~r of 147-A E. 21st SL. Costa Mesa. Oft Sund.,-, Jan. 16. In Boac ~~~ BOIPital. . Cout Hwy., ec.ona c1e1 Mar. Dated: January 17th. 1955 driven by Stephan P. Movalr.. 51. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiliiiiiiiiM--M 0( San DMp. at 4:3'7 .P.ftL ••• SU• II I &11 IJ'ed .. ..U ... ev. la.tftl tile W't .._, ant ............. ..., 8aek il ...._ 8lltdL ~ at Cltrtl- tt.'a ... ~ •• ...-. ... c 1 ...... 11) * BALBOA * • ·~--11) "---_ ....... u:=l e..-w..JA&• put& -••s••• ae • d ·0111was o Mr tad wtne fl'oCD ....,_ ...,... at 0.: ed~J ---juwNJ. .............. ll>d.. llal-.. at Coulllw7-ud ........ CaB-aa. ... Art car.._ wu JOA ~ 0cwona del atar, ~ lMr ear, MI.-*-0. ro11 and .. tbtwl ...... wttb Jlt Diamond ..... Balboa la- ,uiNIDIIlt tbat th.y aatlly Lud. Nportecl . • .• 0 t tIe e r puenta ol tllf lbc:lclent • • • • ..., ~lOUD( .t.oo(. driven by llobat D. at llllrdl wttb e D avn at • o1 5t4 AJUIO Ave., Aw. bitwwn 8th and lth Helahta. and 1beodcft W. KacJ. •.. .._.Early Jr .. of 218 E. ouroua. ts. of Lona Beach, St., eo.ta v-. reported involved In an accident tn an toUr clamp..on.iype wire aUey ot1 Newport Byvd., betw.n valued at ftC) were stolen 29th and 30th SU. at 4::50 p.m. hill ear parked near the , .. A 22-foot car cover valued at hl&h .chool • . . Four willdowa $25 waa stolen from her car.. Mrs. In her home were broken BB David Geary ot 120 Coral Ave., shots.' Mrs. Bobnt Blyth of Balbo4 Island, reported ... Mary E. OCean Front, Balboa. reported. Vanderpool, t.a. of Compton, auf-• SUWDAT,JIUf. • fered minor injuries when a car Officers quieted a jam seaton In whlch ahe was rldlne, drlyen on In the rt!ar of 313 Grand by Ronald K. Williamson, 19, Balboa Island , .. Mra. M. Terminal Island, failed to nego. Riggs of Lacuna Be-ach eom- Uate a curve on Ocean Blvd .. at back and neek pains Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar, alter her ear wa.s Involved 1n and struck the curbing on the accident with a ear driven right side of the street, breaking James C. lbbouon of 112 the right front wheel on the ear Ave., Balboa Island. on Cout ... Evelyn M. Miller, 29. of Hwy. near the Newport Harbor ,"!~~:x:~~~~:Ca5"'<ic I :::·~~;,;•t 8:45 p.m. ... Nolan w. 42. of Loa Aneeles, wU ft.&ILJNGQQ · I ...,--arreated on eharlft ot drunk ~ driving and for having no , ' tor's license In h.ls possession, at • Balboa Ave. and Marine Ave., • Balboa Island, at 11:58 p.m. ..• -BY~~ Davidson. 5, reported mls4- -.::ICIOXX:OIXX><XXDOXX:OO::a li<;:.,;;;,-;.;-3609 W. Balboa Blvd., -Beach, at 5:35 p.m. wu (Continued from Page 11) breakers, our old friends ,spouting away. a s they worked the waters for food for their long trip to the gull. We saw a t least a dozen. And on the way horne, Sunday, we spotted several more. The kids saw their first whales, other than thE' ones In the ney com ics. e CALLAHAlf AGAIN I'll send a clipp ing of th is Da niel Calla ha n. lit> should by Mrs. R. H. Holllnp. worth of 7300 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, and was "''"'""' home , . When John L. ot Los Angeles stopped for a making a turn at Avaeado Ave. and Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, st 2:45. p.m. he was hit In rear bf' a ear driven by Judith A. Makruer of Long Beach , who hlt In the rear by a car drivcm by Norman W. Amdlng of Westminster, who was hit in the here, red shirt a nd a ll. But, rear by a ear driven by Harold he is fighting the blizzards th-tt J. Swan.'IOn of 606 Begon ia blow through the halls of Chi-Corona del Mar James caco, I wa nt h im to know that Wasleieh of 254 1 Vista Dr., the 79th Gray Whale Watch !r.g Shores. reported the thert of a Group Is functioning to peifl'C· sm all $15 cement mixing tray tJon. One attractive reaJer from his property ... donated a ha nd-decora ted rolrr~,l • MOifDAY. JAX. Jl cup to the cauAe! I tried to -Mrs. H. Murphy of 222 Margue- a notch In the handle fqr rite Ave., Coron a del Ma r, re- whale I've s potted but no ported the theft of a ski This local pottery is like the top of hew-ear .. But I do believe that, along Headllrhts valued· at $44 were my red shlrt. a gold-handled stolen from his ear parked near fee ¢Up Is a fine addition to Newport Blvd. and Via Udo, armamentarium of the 79th G"ov 11M. Hutchinson of the Lido VII - Whale Watching Group. What !age Trailer Park, say, Daniel? Beach, reported e TUESDAY, FEB. 1 Pollee contacted the parents of RENT four Balboa juvenile boys a nd girls to make arrangements repairs to a bed ol plants dam. by the four on the property Mrs. W. M. Davenport at Pia u del Norte, Balboa .. An A TUX acrident occurred on Coast Hwy. 520 feet south of the Arches tween cars drive n by Betty A. Llndeke 0{ 21 5 Via Genoa. Lido For the Vale.atiae Maior's TUX SHOP 1011/1 £. Cth St. Scmta Alia CI a..s'7SC Isle, and Charles G. Cranham, of Long Beach , a t 11 :20 a .m .... Roger W. Hardacre of 311 Poin- settia Ave, Corona del Mar, re. ported the theft of a jar con- taining S6 In d imes and a n enve. lope with $20 from a bedroom In his home; the thieve~~ passed up a $2.000 bra~let. e WEDifESDAT. PE._ 2 Arthur C. Wood, 27, of Long Beach, was arrested on a drunk ()pea EftL by app't charge on Coast Hwy. near Santa Ana River at 2 :20 a .m. arter pollee charged that he was drlvlng 80 miiH an hour In a 35-mlle wne ... SILECTOIU ~...­~~·.,~ -Colon pluo Old Oolooop ......... I>Oity_...,.....,. _ _,. .... ,_-.A.t ,..,..,... •• tOicolla .. ....---.-. .... eo~ar ....... ...... 1\lo-.---.~- ,.. .... -.... Old 0!1-1,...... c.a ......... y. W•11bepd.,Wp,.. ~""'!!! A. UZ STUCK Graduate Paint Expert -oMC, ,.,_...._. AT YOIM IEIVJCEI ' IIi . .. TO OE AWAaDED ur MAIICII CET FlEE nCIETS AJfT DAY EVEJIT DAY {See Jt OD Dlaplcry)-at 8oth BARGAIN BASIET IARIETS (Mo. 2: Coast Super Market. 3347 E. Coast B""'T .. CoroDa del Mar) (No.1: 19th & Pla~Dtia. C:O.ta MHCI) DAvis BROWN wc'Oi;lfty JAcK Dr TilE .EAR ITA'" -Celli Young berries ~:• !RL ITS!. IICfl\Bll> CELLO PKQ.-14. OZ. TOMATOES ... 15¢ ' LAJICI PJD< LEnUCE 2 ,. 15¢ I U. IIEIB lAG .a•UOJIA GRAPEFRUIT .. 37¢ ca.LO PKG. I CARROTS 2Ns. 19¢ CD.L0 PCG. SPINACH ... 1~ -... IIJIT-1 a.. .... c .. Beef Stew co •••••• '19c ••••••• 29c •••• lOc , • SUIU"'If.E-100,; Pure--3 lb. Ccm Pork • ' ... 1111 -... "' ... hoJI .... loeollo ... u ... 'fte • Jlewport ' Rubor Satlon ahead •z. and at the ad ot U""''9UMd ~ place tiM thtrd quarter~ they IM .... Suneet Lea.-ue after th•lr BW Webti aeonci" 13 polnta. ewer the AnaMtm toUowed by Deula rttzpatilek Jut Friday aiPt. ,.... 'llrtth U. hank lfavuro droPPed Lea~ title mtabt ..U three ..,.._. and two foul ahot.- cleetded tom<wrow eventnr u rot . I polnt&. Paul Loren ben 1 :>tlonTars play the 1-.,u.e-l•dln.& hoopM two lonr lhotl ror f, and 1• at HuntJnrtOn ae.m. Georae-Schultt made a· points. •. Mtke Beaeh, Anaheim's 8-foot Tbe Junior VaraltywudownH fOJWUd, wu hllh point 61-45 in· the preliminary aame. wl,th 21 points. Paul Jifeu. Bob VIUaerana wU ·high ~point 1 ~~~7:. }(arbor's 6-foot forward, man !Of' the Ta.r-babn with 13 18 polnta, which brouaht talUes. averaee for leaaue play to -----,-~- 16.6 points per·aame. • The Colonl..sts took a one.polnt lead by the end ol. the tint qua.r- 73~ QOU)D' ITAft • ' Half fr Half Cit. 35c -· 19c 41¢ 8c STEAK •