HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignSIELETO All that excltt"ment on Sea vi~ Ave. In Corona del Mar last Saturday came from the cllacov- ery of a human skeleton durlnr excavation of a raraee found.&- tion. No murder mystery, however, becau.e the akeleton was severaJ thouaand years old-the skeleton of a Dlegu Indla.n, burled In typical nexed position, with kneea under him. fac-Jne to the southeut. TIM .... , ... .,. .... tbef •11 Brace, 1J, aftd daqb .. Anna. 5, tiave thu. tar unearthed a allull. jawbone, a ff!W verte. DU"I A ~ gp e1 a.. .,.,._ ~ ._ _. ... llllella brae. rtb8, arm and lee bones,.._. • u.. ._ Doaf' pea~ Ia C.... did 11-. (..._ and some sea aheU.. ,..._) Frank Dreyer of t.aruna, a ---=-------...---------------- friend ot Mr. Douel..., lcJenutJec! the akeleton u that of a Dleeer Indian. either a youne woman or a youth, burled anywhere fr-om 2,000 to 5.000 years ago. Mr. Dreyeor 11 a paleontologist, employed by Union OIJ to de- termine the age of formations 7,500 Are Registered; CDM Has Hilihest Total encountered In the drllllne tor A total of 7,500 voteors are reg. oU. PaJeontologtat. don't deal .Lstered for the March 15 councJl with modem stuff llke objecta a election In Newpo.rt Beach, the mere 5.000 years old-more like county reelstrar of voters report- 5.000,000 yeara. But Mr. Dreyer ed this week. Thla Is an Increase bas consldeable knowledge of of 439 from the total of 7,061 as Indian lite In Southern Calltor-of Jan. 1, after the annual purge nla just the same. of lnelJglble voters. He aa!d that the Dlceer ln-Here Ia the re&lftratlon break- diana were ahort and ~~quat. uv. down according to the various fng in covered over holes dug In areas of the clty, Including ule tht" around. They buried their number of RepubUcana.. Demo- dead 1n a •hallow hole, with only crats and totaa: about alx fnc:h• ol. dirt on top. Rep. Dem. Total The akeleton found by Mr. Doug. Balboa -····--···· M5 249 916 laa wu two and a half feet be. s.y Shores -··-·· 210 23 235 low the aurtaoe, and It was from Balboa Island .... D 147 m that adclltfonal secretion ot dlrt CUff Haven_ ........ 252 85 341 on top that Mr. Dreyer made his Corona del Mar _1:585 545 2247 estimate o1 ace. lJdo lale.·-··-· 468 5l sao Mr. Dou1laa. in addition to Newpo.rt Helehts 5154 321 893 h1a skeleton re.earch, Ia an en. Centrtl Newport m 382 967 etneer by .PI(lfeellon, employed Wert Newport. ... 235 146 393 Corona del Mar has by far the ereatest total or registered voters -2.247, or 30% or the enUre city. Thla Ia equal to the combined total of West Newport, Central Newport and Newport Heights. The 5,308 Republicans repre- sent n ~ of the registered vot- ers; only 26% are registered as Democrats. Mexicans Win Yacht Race A Newport Harbor Yacht Club team Captained by Fred Schenck and Including Jean Scbenclt. Saint and Lou Clcero. Clarence and Kay Staat, Carl and Mlllle Chapman, Andy Kirk and Noel Wroolle, flew to Acapulco on the Jut week~nd of lanuary to com-by the Fluc:w Corporation ol Loe AnpleL Totals ............. .5308 1950 7500 pete In an American-Mexican Yacht Team Race. Upsettfne the tradiUon of past • reeattaJI, the Mexican team ex- hibited marked ablllty and clevernees and won over the Americana by a .:ore bf 52:3~ to i57*· However ex~llent salUna by the Clceros won for them the Chamber Directors Vote To Oppose Oil Islands. The dlredon. o1 tbe !fewport of Udelands on, wiUcb ahould be Harbor Chambft ol ComrMrte done by slant drtlllng, the reso- adopted a .-olutlon at their lutlon further atates. . Expa Fund Drive For -Hoag Ho•ital Is Pl•ned A mllllon-4olhlr upan~lon of Hoae M~al H~pltal, doub. ~~n~~ot~~~:s~c;u~J~s~v=·~~~,;~~;~~-~----~oo:a;o~w~A~»:n~:M~~=~~~·~'~"~.-~.:a:u;~::A~T:.~~===~=~~~: •• ~ beln& made poalb .. through tht" g:Th~~::::~:·~,CDM LORD G. ETS CASTLE The ofte w~ made by the I Hoag Foundation to the Board ot I Corona del Mar has an honest. Director's of the H~ltal. A sub-to-goodness English Lord 1n ltl committee of the Board of Dlr«· rnJdst. He's Lord Hlck.ton Little- tors has been .. Jcnec! the e&m· dale, who reeldes at 3510 Second paJen for ralalnl the matching Ave. tund.a. WUUam P. K.lmel of Cllft Lord Llttledale does not speak Haven Ia cha.lrman of the cam. with an Engll&h accent. for be paJen com.mfttee. ' was born In Cbtcaeo. llilnola. Plan. for the campalrn are de-land has never set foot in Ene- velopine ln a favorable manner, land. He has lived ln Corona del Mr. Kimes reported this week. I Mar nearly a month. He has held h1a title tor about three months. I Besides the title, Lord Little-UPPER BAY ' dale lnhmted a SO. room castle, built ln the year 1000, and 5.500 A CTI QN 0 U E ! acres of land around Bolton Hall, I Yorkshire. He has placed the A resolution of int~tion to an. castle and land In court of chan. nex Upper Newport Bay to the eery to be reverted to the cr6wn. City ot Newport Jeach ta due to About 500 people reside on the come up MondaJ evening before land, Including some 50 caret.Qk. the Newport Cft7 Council. ers of the castle, which Is belng The reaolution wiJl set a date for a public ~-lng before the City Council to llatea to any pro- test from property ownera. U leu than one-half of the ownership protesta. the annexation wlll be completed by dty ordlnan~. Clty Clerk C. Jr. Priest bas pointed out converted Into a museum. He classtfled the people on the land as belng slmflar to share- croppers in thls country. The land will be cut up Into pa.rcela tor the people now Uvtng on It, he explained. years a nd worked In Brooklyn !or the Mereenth~ lJnotype Co. Lord LJttledale was a younce-t son. havtnr several brothers and st.ters. The lordahlp title p...ed through the older brothers be- fore coming to hlm. He claims fame to belng an m- ventor. He bu Invited a new type home which be cla.lma can be built by ~ men In 28 c1ay8 with a savtnp of ~000. He ua. no prefabrication, no hardware, Interchangeable wlncSOWII a n d panels and new systenu o1 lndJ· rect ventilation and roofin.. It provtdes moce room In the aame amount of spa~ and uses a new type of slldln& doora. Lord LJttleda.le lived few 30 years In WbJttfer, Call! .• When be remodeled homes and wu ln the real estate bullnesa. He ft· calls knowin& VI~ President ltlchard Nixon &In~ he wu 10 years old. Lord LttUedale cSoel not take hb new title aeriou.aly ln thla ace of behemoth TV .....uen with their lordship ''tltl•." Be'• more ln~ In promo~ bJa new house invention. He f'f'fua. to dfvulee his aee. U Lord LJttledale returned to Enaland be would be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords. bla W. B. HelU.. Irvine Co. mana-hereditary tltl H descrtbet GOODWILL IS ger, said thla week that h1a com-hfrnaelf ~ a e.:eml~oe ID&D. pany wm not ~ the annex-, ti hlch wW dd 2.lOO which was started by hta era:nd-~ on1 • 4w 4 ~ t a~ father, Slr Joeeph lJttledale, tM -I SAVED; ,.,. an an .. _ .,.. o UH: Lord au.f Justice of Enlland. •• TIM ....... I I Sl'-.... c:ue.-....... ~ --~ .... ..... ............... ~......... .:,:5~:1S!~t!:!~~iif~ ......,. tlw au. ol •• C1ty ot and tbere'a no beetlna ,._, tn Cectl. ~ • • lfewport Beach. The city now the cutle Lord lJttled.ale . <WedMsday) and Ia proceec~tne 1rill, ~ Cout Guard oftlee ...._ bu an area Of 2.700 acrea, In-' ex under her own power to Newport. The yacht ls due back In New- cl .... _ .....,. of t ...... pla.lns. Be prefers the cllmatt" of th ~---G .. _ u ...... , '"" acres wa er. • .. e Corona del Mar. The walls ln h.la 4." '-AHLI>' uard headquarters at port tomorrow (Ffl._y). annexation of 2.100 aCfttl would castle In some places are 10 feet Lone ~ach Informed the En-The Goodwill went aaround Increase this to 4.800 ac:res and thick. There are battlements on slrn. early Monday momlne at Ced.rOII would add another '700 acres of top of the castle but the place The Coast Guard Cutter Per. Island ott the Baja Calltornla has not gone through a hattie seou._ from San Diego. which had coast about 300 mUes south of since the War of the Roses. 1 arrived at the-scene Tuesday San Diego. The 161 foot schooner, From the age of 1 until 19 morning. re noated the luxury I winner ot the 1953 Honolulu Lord Llttledale r~ided In ean.l 1 race. had lett Its mooring at the ada, golng to college there. He CJDUST CHUBCR BT TB.E SEA County Dock near tht> ArC'hes at then moved to· N~ York City, I "Beginning Wlthin" will be 8 p.m. Friday on a fishing voy. where, he states, be made the I Rev Roy Carlson's sermon sub age down the coast to Cape San first Gillette safety razor a~d ject a t the morning service-s of Lucas. The yacht was c::;~~ O'Sullivan rubber heel. For eight Chrlst Church By the Sea on to return to Newport on March & years he worked in a model shop Sunday. The Sanctuary Choir I Aboard the yacht are th& making tools to make models or will sing "God So Loved the owne, Ralph Larrabee, who big army and navy I'UDS. He de-World'" by Stainer at the second I lives at 1306 W. Bay Ave .. New. sirned jewelry tools for five servl~. port. and passen~rs Harold Tax Method of Financing New High School Proposed The Citizens Committee atucty. fne High School expansion needs voted Monday ewnlne to recorD· mend a tax over-ride. rather than a bond Issue, for fJnanclnc a new high scbool plant for the Costa Mesa area. The committee propoen a maxJmum o1 10 ~nts of tbfs amount for operating costa. This 55-cent tax over-ride would be In addJtlon to the 7'5 cents now being levied. ln the bleb achool district for operation of the pres- ent hf&h school plant The recommendation ol the length dt>bate on tax versus bonds. Proponents of the bonding method contended that plet"e- meal building that would be n 4." c e ss a r y through tht> tax method would be moNO costly than btllldlng a major part of the high !9Chool plant at one time. They said also that saving of bond Interest could be more than offset by lnCTE"a.S('d rosts that might OC'Cur 11 the building program Is spread out over a numbt>T of years. Argumt>nts for the tax over. rid~ wert' tht> savings tn Interest costs. shorter paying tlme, broad- enloe of the base for taxation as the district grows In population and valuation. Bierley of Newport Brad Green o! Huntington Park. William Pruett o! Covtna. Ernie Launder or Montebello, Floyd Clothle of Santa Monica and Hugo Haute' of Huntington Park; and Cl"e'W members Mr. and Mrs. Robert Va.rstand. Helen Bush, Charles Smith, Robert Gill and Georp Arthur Mr. Larrabee b owner ol tbe L. It F. Machlne Co. In Hunt~.q. ton Park. C. C. Proiects Are Planned Milo Lacy, chairman of the newly oreanlzed Merebanbl Com- mittee of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, reported at the Monday noon meetlne of tht" Board of Directors that he will have a suggested proeram of promotion ready for dl.cus- slon at the Marcll 21 meettne of the dinctOI'IL Be aaJd that bJs plan ol cqan. lz:ation lncludee a dlalnun tor taUWY, ·--~II.- • ....... ., .. UlaAaa" • , ... .......... .. w .... ................ . ........ .. C71.:. 'S'~.,.. .. = ...... EI Of THE I fht fl NPI8r ...... CALtfiOitMA MfMfWft fiVIltiHIIS A.eetAltOM BY J},-,.~":t~. ., c.-. . • ,.... - Attt4 ef tile NAnONAJ.IOITOliAl. ASSOCI,4TON ~ ii<fi~J'---'11M C..•lliftiOft eapuulr ,..er, eaa . AlYO E. HMPA -·---··-·--------·.,.._ M4 ' ....... ...... Ia Altlde II, ...... Ill. ~~ ..... Pie-HMPA .... _ ........ -... ---··-·--··----·--·_.--·---~.. .... I ••• 8 A ••••• c • ~....:;; ,. ... I •>:w:• •••••••• I ... llaall '-a .... t. tt.i .... ,........ HU.H ....WILLAN -··-----··----·~-Nwt ,.,..~ e GOOD WKWI ment about llnea va. qnthetk tM eo.• .......... il 11M 'ftM ~--Videa" .. = ~.fc~=-~~.::--.. :::_-_--_-_....__·:::-..:-=:::. __ ~..-•••t_.. ~ 1 eot lt over the graJ;e.vtne, lines. Aa JOU know. nearly all ltUt of 1M UaiDia. _. ,.... M It te -..-w IUIY STtvEHSON-··-------·-·-····---·· . Mf* but too late to do anythlnc about of the anclln• elu.,. have dW. _ N'l"rLaY _. " IMir ~tlaa -.. I ''Da tl • • • • n. NEWPORT. JiAIIOR fNSISN t.. ..._ ... ..-... 1 ... 1M • lt. "Finn" (who writes P'lah·Talla qualltled any f1lh cau1ht In com-,_ _,. M be ..U ,..... ..... of •tV .. ....,.,., ef ..-•1 .........._~ , .. ,_. ef tile S.,....W C... eMf "' ln the ~ta Ana Independent) petltJon lf It wu taken on allY· ' n II r'/ ud apedll'llt ." ~ .., ' _. t::::s.·.~;~J:.., .. ..:',::OC~~~=.~If. told me. Last week. aald "F,Inn," thine ucept linen. In the pUt An Ent~l'•shm•n ,.... ;...... "'hat ~ tD ... at.., tt.e. ftllit ~ they had a 8Chool of real biC few yean. there hu been a rts. ~ u UIM" II :nc-. bUt -..._ • .._. " ... ~.~:-- SUISCRimON RATES white ~ea bus rounded up, just Inc c:hOI'UI of volcee requ,.U.Oc · tllll ......... II IIMI wttll _. ....... • 1D 1M w.iiW it ._, ...., ........... ,.+.u r-,..,_.a.oo: -,..,-41.00 about a mile ott Emerald Bay, In that .amebody do .omethlnJ o· us ... Onql-. Ia tbil Ill .. . __ _:O:...:•:.:..:...W:.:..:....•...:. .. ___ .... ...::....."---rt-__ ,.,.. __ :_T _ ___;:,..,...... ___ 7.00:_. --~,.., __ ._4 .. ___ Laeuna. Forty to alxty pounden. about lt. ISCOVers .... QW .. Ctdlft calla ................. ..... he aald. Usually they abow up e 1111"1'0111' Ilea to a!bJn aatloul aM tar- • • • 8 •• • • 8 • • • • I 8. . . -down by Oceanside, thla time of The linen line CO" back to the The fint appearanee of the ..... _. M ~ ..,..._ ..._ 1M llauMr, -tf Mr . ?t~ J~ ~ IJ H year, but here they were, prac. earlier years of Catallna'a Tuna Choral ..etlon of the Ebell Club ...-....,.. that M wuta and liN. ltlehard Ha.-iii&A-Hfl, J:,dtl. It~ op tlcally In our front yard! Club, the ftnt aaJt.water an1ltnc wUl be made at neat Ttual'ldqa adoptad. WldlJ:Da few c1q1 attar ta Aaa. reeelnd a.rtlltaD .__.. -T You've eot to eet up early to club. The old boys clld a woader· meetlnJ to be held at the Amerl· • m ..... the budpe --. u.n lundq......., Ia 1M kl· :::x::cx::ccx:x::IICIC::ICCCXJOC:x:::ICX::JO:X:DXICII:Xla~iCi:iccr::::~C get 'em. It seems. They work ful job of lett1ne up reculatlona c:an Leeton Hall. Newport. The ..,. 11 cleltftNd. 'l1lJa pi'Of*ture boa~ Oamauuan, Medao4lat +:• I •• I I I I I • I • I I I I I • I • • • • best between dayll&ht and 9 a.m. the purpose of which wu to en-procram wUl a180 Include a bu. ... .. • aau. ol c:aMoaL M anarch. An omozing example of deep dor&: secret maneuvering we, pre· You watch for those old pals, the couraee liJhter . tackle flahln& moroua talJc by John Pettley en-.._...._ maue-" ot the Unl· sented to the surprised Harbor Area public with tf,e announcement birds. Then they eet excited, you and to Insure a baals for fair titled, "An Encltlluna.n Dl8coven t.d •• tlae Pnlldeat In hie t*'ot the City of Newport Beach was proceeding with Hie onne•otion sneak over. heave In a "spoofer" competition between tha.e who America." and a tea followf.na wq.t ...... nporq on the or some other big, heavy, shJny u•"'d lt. 1bla was a '"'eat forward the procram to honor new mem. .....,U ftDancta1 pldve and on of the Upper Boy. ~ •· ben. h f h C lure. Jet It sink, then retrieve It step. Until the recent yeara, there t'le t.l.na.ndal needl al the na. No. 1 bystander in all this maneuvering was t e res man iiy In jerks. . was no available line of depend· 'lbe speaker, a native of Great tloa. of Costa Meso, once the target of piecemeal enroochment by New· To make matters worse, I saw able breaklne streneth except Britain, la on the faculty of 'n..e CllW J:xeeutlve aat..,._ port. now the victim of a sudden onne•otion that tokes away from it the Oeet (mighty puny, this ttme llhen. But the wheels of proereu Webb Sc:hool at Claremont and ht. ConltttutloDa1 obllptlon bJ any chance qf water frontage or a shore of an enormous potentiel of year) out In the very spot. one have turned and today there are wu educated at the University nportiq on "the ltat. of the h h day when Mamma and I were on many t'"""'" or' aynthetlc lines ol London. He later wu Mnt to UnJon." but what 18 the obUc•· in high assessed valuation that is so necessary to t e proper growt ~ r-... U tt-... St t b , .. _ J •-a whaJe.watchlng trip. that have everythlne that linen UJe n cu a es Y UIC • AI"· tloD ol tiM Oan...-! a.e, the of any city. . "Look." says I. "what In blazes has and some thlnes that linen thur Rank motion plcturt com· Constitution 18 aUent. Beyond a Costa Meso, tremendously interested end involved in the future do you suppose those boats are lacks. pany to study the applications rapectful hearlnc, the Con&rea of the Upper Boy, which is its southeasterly boundary. wes not givel) doing out there. all In a pile?" The first synthetic lines had ot Meteorolou to movie produc-18 free to do u It pleues. It the even the courtesy of consultation or prior information about the plans It took me a week to learn the too much stretch. A hook-up on tlon at the California Institute ~tdent and the Concreu are d answers. one was like having a rubber ot Technology, where he received of the aame party, and lf they for this extremely voluable eree of land on water. hls master's degree Durin .. • JDCB AKD DIIT band In the middle of a doe · • work well tocether, It I• poaJble • • • e REMEMBER THE SHOESTRING 1 Here wos enother of those secret arrangements. painfully remi· niscent of thot other mMeuver thet choked Costa Meso off from ex· pension oceen-word -thet one-foot-wide shoestring ' ennexotion that surrounds the Bonning property be~en the Mese and the Sento Ane River. J ' ~ These are deeds that must deal o heovy blow to the tolk of co· operotion and good will between the two cities, ond must drive oil thoughts of omolgomotion from the minds of the not-so-unsuspecting Coste Mesons. The neme of Irvine does not even oppeor in the formal request for ennexing the Upper Boy oree to the City of Newport Beach. Ap· pore ntly Myford Irvine is in the spot of not wishing to offend the City of Costa Meso by hoving to refuse o Costa Meso overture of onne•o· tion, end und01.1btedly he would heve refused hod Costa Meso mode the first move. e e I e NOT THE DEED, BUT THE MANNER And so it wes thot the officio I move to bring the 2100 ecres of the Upper Boy into the city limits of Newport Beach was mode in the names of George Hoag II ond Ed Munsey, who eoch own 11 minuscule portion of that enormous oree, of which the Irvine Co. owns I 400 acres. It is not the deed that offends-beceuse it is opporent to Hor· bor Aree citizens, and thet includes the Coste Mesons, that it's logi- cal for the Upper Bey to e nter the city of Newport Beech, which has a long experience of handling horbor ond bey problems. Not the deed, but the monner in which it was comm itted--thet's the rub. It wes not done in the open and obove boerd menner thet should be the unquestioned stenderd of procedure in dealing with such immensely important community decisions--but in deep-secrecy of the "smoke filled room" tredition. It wes o t ightly kept secret indeed. Tightly kept. for e•omple, from this newspoper, ond from the community so grievously involved in Upper Bey development, the City of Coste Mesa. The timing of the entire moneuver was cleverly contrived to fumish a deer ond whopping scoop to one newspaper. No querrel with thet contriving publisher, because scooping is the business of publishing. '8ut there is quarrel indee d with the fact thet parties to t*'is secrecy were our pub- lic officials--Mayor Dora Hill end her council and city oHiciols. • • • e 'WE KNOW WHAT'S BEST' Such secrecy does not sit well. If o deed is good. it's good olso in the full bloze of publicity. or there's something sour. Much hos been said for the necessity for secret consideration of important pub· lic offeirs. The argument is the age-old clep.trop that "we know what's best for the people." Also thet "they wouldn't understand, and might go against whet's best for them." There is no questLon that one of the most important factors in Hie development of the HarbOf' Area is the Irvine Ranch, because it practically surrounds us, and it is the oree where the deYelopment has to take ploce. 1 tried to coax "Hal" Kenoyer leash. The advent of dacron cut World War n he served as sci-that nearly aJl ot the PresJdent'a Into making a sortie. "Hal" Is aJ. down thls excessive elasticity to entitle and lntellJgence Q(flcer requests wUl be enact.ed by the ways rearln' to go a,tter anything where It waa the same as linen. with the Royal Navy. Con&Tesa. Should they be of dlf· that swims. Besides. he claims By heat-treating the product. the Choral section members. dJ. ferent parties. Concrea wtU be he has one of the sea.bassln'est stretc:h was quite controllable. rected by Mrs. Lester VlerllnK, leu apt to cooperate with the boats In Newport Harbor. Re-BreakJng.strength became a pre Include Mmea. ~ Barnes, lack Preeldent. ' member last year? "Hal" took else. mathematical matter. Size Curnow. 1bomu Lett o .. Holt '6ff'/lll President& bave been of "Doc" Beebe out for an early sea-of line and water-drag were both Condon. Baa1J Peterson. E. C. 1Ut1lclent stature to completly son trip, on h ls Ha-Bell. "Doc" reduced. Cunningham, • S I d n e Y Locke. lnfluence Coner-. Presldenta ol saw a couple ot birds. stuck on But best of all. from the stand-Ruth Vedder, John Lamar, l ames more recent tJmes have been an anchovle. and did a big trick. point of the old wallet, these Seattle, Clarence Dodd, and Wll-aided In thelr relatlona with They weighed In the white sea-synthetic lines did not rot.. as did llam Tritt, the accompanist. Concrest throu&h the u.ee of Vole For · bass that broke the Ba lboa An· llnen. from contact with salt wa radJo, televlslon, and the newa. gllng Club record by a mile! And ter. The replacement of linen SOW POB CL.&IIKS paper. These have foc:ulled the on 3thread, mind ya! lines each season, or oftener, was A son, 8 lbs.~ 6 oz.. was born to publk:'a attention on the Pre:ai- The Ha-Be n. unfortunately, a major Item In the flahlng bud Mr. and Mrs. William F. Clark dent'a mesaace. HIGBIE was gettlne her bottom re-uphol-pt. ot 600 W. HamUton St., eo.ta Sbould tbe rr.tdat DOt lltered. She wu hlp and dry. So i IIDK'S IIORIIG ..... lD Sall&a Ana Communi~ ...-ve oaop•..._ .._ C.l8la were "Hal" and your old C.Q. I've It wlll be admitted that cer-S..,ltal on W~, l"eb. 1& be can ..-a din t1J • never cau1ht a white sea bass, to taln "bup" atiU exist In the &yn· ,r•~••••••••• date. fd sure like to give Doc thetlc lines. But there are "bup" • Beebe a run for hi~ record. Fun· In linen that are more serious. • ny thing. althoueh he hasn't and always will be. It ts the aln· Ill.. aald much about It, but that rec-cere hope of a &Teat many of ua ~ ord-breaker of hls, all 39 lbs.. 7 who love the competitive fl.ahlnl • oz. of lt. wu the flnrt one HE game that thl.a meet1n1 will re-• had ever caueht! . sult In a more rullstlc aolutlon • Maybe Lady Luck ls stUJ hov. of the line problem. Without de-• erlnc around these parts. I'll tell tractlnc one Iota from the old 111.. you later. boys of the Tuna Club, we think ~ • NEETIRCS AJfD LDfEI Jt'a time to put the horae and ~ Next Monday. over at Ole Ho-bUllY ln the .table and .tep on • tel Lafayette headquarters of the starter. • Long Beach's Southern Caut. • UMDmD • Tuna Cl ub, there'a going to be And Ju.st In cue you haven't ~ an Important meetlne. Those been there, aran1e County's new- present will be the chairmen of est anJllnc c:lub, the Sea Horae the tackle committee• of all the Spln-Fiahlnc Club, meeta the tlrat leadln& aouthland angllne clubs. Thursday of every month at 7:30 ~ I can't be sure. but I suspect p.m. at Paclflc Laminates In eo. ~ that aome Important dlacusalona ta Mesa The date 1.a March 3rd. • are cooking. One, I beUeve, wlll splnnlni eame, Ia chalrman of • concern the lone-foueht arcu-the program committee. At thla Ill.. next meeting. the proeram wUl ~ be concerned wlth the variola ~ mak. es and types of aplnnlnJ • reel& Better ret aboard your Sea-• Horae! Everyone la welcome. • • N.AZATLAJf .... • The .core for Feb. 1.2-19 ln Muatlan: Blbl Fleet: 45 trlpe-73 marUn. Indian 'Fleet: 44 trlpe.---U mar- lin. (Don't be fooled. Maybe the '1ndian8'' were \dlnl ltihter tackle!)' II Frttnlt Stttlement! • • • the FACTS about selecting yoUI' CARPETING if you have planned to carpet your home and have been "shoJ> ing around" for ideas, materials, weaves, colors and prices, you are aware of the f6ct that most every manufacturer is producing "synthetic" products; namely viscose rayon and nylon. The price of "synthetics" is (between the prioe of cotton and wool carpets) which have been. manufactured for hundreds of years. Naturally ... you cannot expect to get the results from cheaper Ctilpeting, that you would from more expensive carpeting. • I e e ... Therefore, in conclusion, Wool cazpets wear aocording to ·"quality," but in "all oc:~~e~~" are more resistant to eoU and JDOre "resilient" and free from "matting." ... Cotton 10ila readily, "matts down" but cleans eaatly and quickly recovers pile with vacuuming. "Syntnetica" al8o wear, but will 10il m()fe readily than Wool-not aa easily c. QOtton; and are not aa reaillent, of course, aa Wool. • • • Pllll ~ IIIII••• where you can get expert lDteri« ~ eervioe and the plain, horieM RACTS ~ 10\U' a:upet neecla. Come in and di.lculil YOUR m1dl with ua ... DO obligation! I i ' • .. ':. ~~ -:::.:: :-:: .BUIU>JU;tS u Bun.nmG ~~~w. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~!!~~!!~~-... .. the opport\U)ttJ to ~ attbe ~~~-~ ----~.--~~--------------------------~----~--~----~~-----~~~ ::.•:~n ~ $1 ~ft ftftA 11..:--. petition," Vernon Allen on ...,,.,.,., IIIUf1J Lester, Ryons & Co. Moves To New Office in COM ........ .......... eeorre hrrot o1 suo w. OoMt Hwy., Jlfewport •-=~t. cam. pl&Jned to Jlfewport pollee at 5:0 a.m. Saturc:a.y that be could not aleep beau• of the DObe trona the oU Wfll at the Monterey 00 Co. leue on W. Cout IJW7., po. lice reported. Oftlcen cheeked the area and found that the oU company 18 now drUIInr another well at that location. There b .orne nolM but no more t:ban is usual for • "Sebool Tax." 11m Penney on "'11 sued b ildl loxtnr Bet.Uy a Sport." San471 D.~ Dept :!ner Z.:~ ::=~.,-:!! S ' DU Ill . • lory on ''Ctrcumatane. ot Habit." AboUt ~40000 more In bulJcJ. part of PGI'dl «« bedroom 119 'nut new home ol '--tet, .,_.. New York Stock Quotation Board thll type of operation, the tn. and Co., investment MCUrlU.. .. located In the rear of the ~rok-vesttratlnf otflcen aaid. now ~nat 3425 E. Cout Hwy .. erare oUice 11 equipped to Hat ,..._.. _ _.. _______ '""' and AI Cu.aollto on "Stop, Look bf, perm11a ;..ere t.ue4 cJurtnc lada, taoo. ' and u.ten." the put Wftk by the Newport .. A&Wroat Corona del Mar, nm to the New· 200 stocks. A tran.slux screen is lack Seclerlund wu chid eval. Beach 8 u 1 1 cJ 1 n 1 Department. N GambJ hall d uator, ..u.ted by Bob Pen1n, brf .. at4 ... the total few the month tltl ormant .,...,. e, an par. port Harbor Bank. located on the upper lett corner Lester, Ryona and Co. wu the of the board on which are pro. t1rlt brokerare oftlce opened In jecter Western Union New York the harbor area, belnf in bu.sJ. Stock Exchanee win quotaUona nee~ In thla area few the put of atock prices and sales. Vaurtm T~1or, Ralph Herr, 1.ene to ...... 000 °~ a .o.vuu W. Cout Hwy., Mortelette Tom Soule and Bur· 138(), • t2,000, GrUtlth Co., add room.a • Larrest pennlta for the week on ttrat and second noors of ~~ ~~~ ':: the beet wwre few a -.ooo dwfllnc ln lr· Richard's Lido Market and on _..,. reau n OM compe. vtne Terrace; a P>.OOO remodel· rear ot store p)OOO· Tom titlon, with Jtm Penney wtnnlnr llnf ot Richard'• Lldo Karket, Tru • ' 1 .. :.. ' 1 1 the ._h d the ho ot mp, ~.room. ·•.ufY, -un t ~t-l Ythan y • nor rep. and a 130.000 dwelllnc near 11th dwelltnc at 212 38th st $10 soo· nJne years. The ottJee wu form. Dean Camp~l. resident man. erly located In the Newport Har. aeer. has pointed out that eleht bor EIWen buUdlnf at Coast seconds are required to Ouh an Hwy. and Heliotrope Ave., Co. order from the Los Anreles oJ.. rona dfl Mar. flee of Lester. Ryon.s and Co. to neen n1 e u.do Toutmueen and W Ba N--.. • , ' In tbe Speak-oft. • y, ...... ...,... Golden State Sport:flah1nf, fenee JIAIIIII'& Fmft' u. •• wt Table to l-h-•---... e &afiM& T&D•C& at 3121 E. Cout Hwy., t:275; R. P. PI' , -....... ._ .. P ... c a&nuao wu _, Gunard Watloll, IJWimmlnc V. Staats, fence at 770 w. Cout lb. _. .... W. & .,....._ The office Ll open irom 7 a .m. New York tor a local stock pur. unW 4:30 p.m ., the early bour chue. A teJewrlter In the eo.. requlred u the time tbe New rona del Mar office Ia used to York Stock Exchanp open.a. The place orders and communicate Soule, whoee topic wu tor each pool at l512 Dolphin Terrace, Hwy., taOO; Max Crocker, found--., • 'fhlut. lt.. c-t- man to place hlm.lelt In the po. t2,!500; Ray Stansbury, 7·room. 1· atlon few IJdo Restaurant. 3452 =-~ ~ P'lnl ·~::~:.-: altlon of PNaldent Etaenhower ltory, t .unlt dwelllnc at 1301 VIa Oporto, ~;Lowell Wrleht. ..--. Mr..a.-.d T.-11 p.,. addree~tnr Conll'eu In the Dolpbin TerTa.ee, 138.000. S.room, l.story, t .unJt dwelllnc .t tM ..--. e.,. AU se.. with the Loa Aneeles oUlce. event that FCJrmOM bad been U. e COIIOIIA D&L MAa at 1029 W. Bay Ave., 120,000; a. .t &•-•• a.y, ~ UCAL IIOTICE tack~. -::• meetlnc waa , held L J . Meller, w&JI at 700 Acacia, Allan ~aeon. fence at 615 36th ;:_.-::-:. ~. = .._ --. NOMINEES Besldes the direct .me stock quotations from New York CJty, the Dow Jones Bu.tnea and J"i . nanci&J News Service teletype delivers flnancl&J new. to loc&J cuatomers. The information Ll posted on a bulletin board ln the at e arbor HoUN 1ft Colt& ~· Botary Club remodelllnc St ..:r.. W G McCart It •leelee Ia r•-· 1•1• Dar· POR PUBLIC OFFICE ......_ , , , ..,v, • . y, a era. -• N •-of Newport Harbor Youth Center tJoru at 3708 w. Balboa Blvd., bl9 Wedd W• D. 1M ..., -.c. ot1ee .. hereby flven that the 66···~~~----···---~ ---- 1.1111 Fll I" a.UULOU ,..... L COAST HWY .. COlONA DEL l!Ml HAitlet 4763 Bulldlnc. 12,500; Mrs. Clara $1.000. tlee lalf~ ~ lidly ...S followine penoru have been Munro, fence at !506 Jum.lne, -' 1at11-. nomJnated for the oft tees here. atSO; J. D. Nickell, addition at lnatter mentioned to be tuled at 422 Orchld, $1$); John SJmp. Hi Schools w·.ll Compete the General MunJclpal Election 80n, &room. Hi.atory, Z.unlt to be held In the CJty of Newport dweillnr at 521 Poppy, tu,OOO; In Journal·lsm Workshop Beach on the 15th day of March. Harold 8J'O'der, alteratJoru at 418 1955. Marruertte, $1,000; John QuJnby, CITY COUNCILMAN FROM D~ alteratJona at 7U OrchJd, ~-Nearly 200 newspaper and feature of Fine Arts Week on the TRier NO. 1 COne to be Elected) e ~A COY&I yearbook worker• from all Qr. Don campus. GERALD C. BENN£1 r Ralph Men:. alteratlona at 18 ance County hlfh schools wUl A group of Orange County and LAWRENCE H. (Larry) BERG. Balboa Coves, $100; WIUlam participate In 11 dlscuulon Southland press workers have ERON Stabler, alteratloru at 6 Balboa croups and compete for a haU. accepted Invitations to judee the WILLJAM CURTIS KINDER. Jr. Cove., $1,000; Taylor, encloee hundred trophies and certlllcates entries, slt on panels and help CITY COUNCILMAN FROM o~ carport at 34 Balboa Cove:a, $500 durlnc the annual Santa Ana the students with their campus TRier NO. 2 Cone to be fleeted) brokerage otrlce tor the convent. ence of Investors. Members of the otftce Include Mr. Campbell, Jack Travers and Gale Roberts, aalesmen; Betty Jacobs, wire operator, and Esther Spanr. secretary. EllllriJ u. •••• Dies II I••• ... e LIDO ISLE Colleee Journal lim Workshop on publication problems. The QrCo. SANDY F. MACKAY Hobert Templeton, addition _Thursday, March 31, a major Hl Preas Club, a hieh school JAY (The Barber) STOTI1.E-Funer&J services for M J s 1 over rarare. 217 VIa Jucar, ,roup formed as an outcrowth of MYRE Susan Blanche Belyea. 85, ot 393 ~.000. F Is ftl......l last year's SAC workahop, hu CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS. LaVerne Ave .. East L A. were e a&WIOft' JUJGIITI -c., .,... ... scheduled a major membership Tiller NO. 3 held Feb. 17 In Parkes RJdJey Pete MardesJck, alteratlons at 11 ..... lll1k1 m~nc and dinner the same DORA 0 . mu. Mortuary Chapel, Coat& Mesa, 519 Alleo, $1,000; R.oy Paee. 4-evenlnf, then wUl attend the CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS. with Rev. Joeepb w. McShane of. room. t .stoty, t.unlt dwelllnr at Fred Jt. Hlll, :16, ot Seal Beach traditional Author's Conference Tiller NO. 4 (one to be elected) flc:tatJnr. 30(8 Broad St.·~. faces a cbaree of forterr at a In the colleee llbrary at 8 p.m. STANLEY E. RIDDERHOF M1M Belyea dJed Feb. 15 alter e au..oa preliminary heartnr at 10 a.m. The Orange Blah School Jle. SIGRID S .. NEFF a abort Ulneaa In the home of Avllla R.olllna. cut door tn ga. Tu..aay, March 1. ln Newport fiector last year won the sweep. CITY COUNCILMAN FROM Dl.S-her nephew and only survivor, race at 107.107% E. Edgewater, Beach Justlce Court. stakes newapaper award. offered nuer NO. 5 <one to be elected) Robert A. Belyea. of ~ Tultln 130; Coy WatU, wall at 2144 Hill wu arrested by Newport by the Orange County unit of the LAWRENCE B. (Kana) BROEJt.. Ave., Newport Heichta. She-was Ocean Blvd., 1600; JulJet Salazar, pollee Feb. 17 on a warrant from C&lUornJa Newspaper Publbbera lNG, Jr. a natJve o1 Upper MJlla, N~ wtrtnr and plumblnl at ru E. the court for &Jieledly chanl'fne ,A.uoc:tatton. Among the several CLAllEN_CE A. mGBIE Bru.DSW'Iek. Canada. She came to U.Water, p)O; l)a1q Morcan, a cheek for tsO to $550 written new awarda th .. year wUl be a CITY CX>UNCIL.KAN f'BOK D~· CallfomJa In 1923 and had lived twpa1n at 11• 1a1an4, .UOO· by his ~Dotbft, Mrl. Wilma L trophy few the belt journa1.Wt TltlCI' MO. 8 (one to be elecud) In Loe ADpeb fl'om 1130 UDtll e 8M 80A --am of .._. ,__ A-., ...,_ flrom tbe Oraqe 0oaDtr Pt.-ARD..aw W. DIITB foar ,.,..._ ... ..._ .. c:ame w. 1. Wllllllr ........ ..,... ......., ._.... _.. die ellec* wu Club. ~ <JCIIC a~ haw L. ~ w••.xa 1D lfcwpcwt a.dl to vWt ber ... .._.., m -'fal.-., aBDO; CMIMd at the R...,art Jl&rbot Mil!ft planned aad ~ o1 ,.., 411D L. WJU)D • • .. trw, l . E. Canoll, plumbtnc at 1Z7 Bank In Corona del Mar ClfPA certJfJeates wtll be pre. CITY OOOlfCII.MAlf FROM DJ:S. ------Acate ssoo· A. B Powers. aim · •nted for outstandlnc work. TRier JlfO. 7 Cone to be elected) DAVGaiD roa SJmEJII at so3 park_ $450; Alex Robert. Mrs. Hill flled an affidavit Hleh schools will name the WILL1AM G. PERROW 80n, alteratJon.s at 1506 S. Bay that the check wu allepdly chairmen for workabopa, wtth JAMES B. STODDARD n ., $400; Frank Lloyd, cloee ln railed, leav1ne the bank out SAC student editors servtnr as MEASURES TO BE VOTED ON ------------$500. pollee sale!. BaU wu set advlsera. Newspaper forum.a wlll Notice Is hereby finn that the ...W•-a HAIW 41" IIOVI& JDDr TAIIO&T at $1,000. be conducted on editors. fea. followtnc measures are to be =~~=~~~!~=== Someone was throwtnc rocks tures, advertillng . b u 5 1 n e as , voted on at the General Munid · A dauchter, Donna Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sleders of DlO H a r b o r Blvd., eo.ta Mesa, Jn Hoag Memorial Ho.pltal on Friday, Feb. 11. and firecrackers down on thelr IN THELESUPECALRIROOTJR 00CEURT oo sports. reportlne. and photo-pal Election to be held In the home from the clltfa above, Ra· ' rraphy, with yearbook confer. Ctty of Newport Beach on the mona O'Keefe of 16 Breakers Dr.. THE STATE OF CAUJ'ORNIA ences on editors, buslnea-adver. 15th day of March, 1955: Corona del Mar, complaJned to IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF tJslnc. art-layout and sports. Ad· 1. A propoaal to confirm the Newport pollee at 9:54 p.m. Frl· ORANGE. visors also wUl meet with the power ot the Ctty Council to day. OffJcers found three juven. ~pt. No. 5 collece staff. allocate funds to the Cham- HOME LOANS QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REOUCIN&" INTY.EST RATES EASY ~y PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY sn.fPATHmC savta Wl IUT 11UST DBDS OM WILL LOCATID ~ LAGUNA JH OcNe A.-- LAGUNA BEACH ,__ HY 4-1177 • lie boys, 12 to 13, from Corona NO. 64570 ber of Commerce for promo- del Mar and Bay Shores, who SUMMONS LECAL ROTJCE tJon. publicity, advertiaJnc The addition to our Banking admJtted throwlnl the flrecrack-Action brooeht In the Superior IN TifE SUPERIOR CX>URT OF and entertainment p\Ul)C)8el era. They were taken home and Court of the County of Oran.re, THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA for the benefit of the Cl .... IN AND roR THE COUNTY OF ~, reprimanded by their parents. and Complaint fUed ln the Of. ORANGE. 2. A proposal to restrict the flee of the Clerk of the Su. CUe No. ~ power of the City CouncU to pertor Court of said County. C1tat1on. a 11 o c a t e such funds to PONCIANO P. YARRA. Pl&Jntllt In the mattt'T ol the A~on of vs. ~ndEDRI'1:a~ ~~ 3. ~~~nu~~lct the SOCORO l . YARRA. Defendant GOOLSBY Minora. power of the CJty Council a TER THE PEOPLE OF 111E STATE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF to allocate such funds to ~Etftll OF CAL IF 0 ~ N I A SEND To~~~~J!~d Goolsby: $25.000.00 annually. •, c:: GREE'MNGS TO. You are heteby dted and re-4. A proposal to amend the gNT~ TBOMAI DJLTI M~ SOCORO J . YARRA. ~fendant qulred to be and appear in De-Ctty Charter to permit the The T h om a • KeUya have You are dlrected to appear In &,artment 1 of the above entitled terms of at least one and IA&A TIDE moved from 518 Jumlne Ave., an actJon broulht ap.lnst you urt. at the Court Bou.e In San. not more than three mem . .., oea.. .._..., ta Ana, Orance County, Califor. :.C. ...._ ... -Corona del Mar, to 608 Orchid by the above named pl&Jntlft, In nla, on the 28th day of April, ben or a City Board or Com. •n 11..,..... L ••..-t .._. Ave. the Superior Court ot the State of 1955. at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of aald ml.ss.lon to expire ln any one ~~~:;;;;;;;~~.;.;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~--~~~-~---. CallfomJa, In and foe the County day, then and there to ahow year. ---a,ar" .... _ D: ; ' .... of Orance and to answer the cau.e. U any you have, why the 5. A proposal to amend the ·--._. ' Petition ol Edgar WlllJam Hen. A.lpb&lt Tlle _ aubber rue compl&Jnt therein wtthln ten nln,er for the adoDtlon at James Ctty Charter to pennJt the J'Omalea-Llaoleum TUe d~ alter the aentee on you ot Edward Goolaby, Tr .. and Richard terms of at least one and .1-llJ-t Ulf~ thls IUIDJnOila, 1f M!r'Ved within Arthur Goolaby, 10W' minor 80U. not ~ than three znem. ~ the County ol Or&nJe, or within eo:;:: ~~ncr:t~ ~~~ ben of a City Board or com. 1• &. l7'11l aua&ilil ..._. 0... ,._ thlrt,y d~ 1f .rved et..where. ...terence ll hereby made tor million to expire In any one 22 y..,. 1ft Oranp Cowlt)' and you are notUied that unless further particulars. year. ';;;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s;;:;;;;;;;;;;s;;:;;;s;;;;~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:l you 80 appear and answer u Given under my band and 8e&l 5. A proposal to amend th~ .---above nqulrecl. the plaintltl will ~ ~J,~ ~""!nC: U:!.. St~! CJty Charter to mcru-tM Cos. t1 Mes~I.Unaber Co. take Judlment tc. any money County ot Oran ... th1s 3rd day membership ot the Plannlnc or dam&.-demanded In the of January, 1955: Oornmt.lon to nine mem. Complaint, u arl8lnf upon con· CSeal) 8. ~~· erk. ben. tnet, • :wUJ a~ to the Court By LesUe L McCartney, uty. C. K. PRIES'} few any otber rellef deroanded m A. JC. Phflpa, 3a8 E. Coast trh-City Clerk . I.VNIPJI-I1JILDIItO NATEIIIAJS • ..,.... -.a;. a.. .._ ua ••tr ..... tbe compkbat. we;r, Corona cltl Mer, Calif. DATED: Febn.&U"J 3rd. 1955 L::~ti~~~~~~~5;~~~~~~~~~5;~~:1 """-.a-.. _ __.. ... 1 Attorney few Pedttoner. Pubt•-............ 17 .... 1a.oot iii ~ a.n._-...,. _._ &1tu •• Publtah: lan. 2'f.)(an:h 17, lbCJ. 1110 ... ~. ' -· ~ of the SUpertor Oowt of the In the Newport B&rbcw l:n.alp. In the Newport Barb« Enstp. R ..... F...as County of oran,e, State of CalJ. fomla. thtl ant dq ol htlruary, Serrices. of a separate Escrow Department WE DE FOaTU'WATE In having acquired the serv. Ices of Mrs. Jean Graham who has had considerable ex~rlence In the handling of eeerow and who will devote her enUre time to this department. TWT VS the next time you buy or sell real estate or a business. TOV MAT •• ASSVUD that your escrow will receive prompt, eUJc:tent and courteous .ervtce and that the transactJon will be retained by us In confidence. * lewport Harbor B11k . ....... .. IUILDBB tta (S&AI.) LBITBR, RYOIII a Co. lnn.rment Secui'ltie. ...... NrW 'fOil ltOG .ow• ,. MleiUilfiOCII DCM4H01 '7WCAN .,_.liD v• &.-oc.J ,_I. COAST NW'f. •.o. IOit 1-. COIOeM •-. u.. . ........... ann,, ... ". MOU~ ... _. .............................. ., .... ..._...... .................. .. ..... -·· ~ .... ... .................. ............ ............. ... -· , Mid Atftl ...,. beta -~ u In• tbe Allril 15 date. IM...U. the date of tbe tbJrd ahnual ~ Peue. ....... Wt:r eMir-a-. ao.pttal Bftwlftt Ball. tt JDaJl; aid t.Mt the capaclty of wu announced ·thta week by the Balboa a..y Club, •ram the Max ~ I.Jdo 1a1e. who Ia location of tbe ew~at, wt11 necee. cbalrman o1 th1l year's ebartty alt.ate llmJtJnr the tlcketa to 700. affair. 'nle publJe Ia welcome to atte~ The ball Ia apo080red by the abe added. with reeervatione ar- Centurlona group of the hoepltal, ranged on the tint ·come, fJrlt whlcb Ia 1luded by Vln Jorpn. served baala. MD of CW1 Kava In announe--------- ,.. Luncheon Held By Fellowship 'I'M ~an Lqtoft. AwdJJ. LaBia 11...,.._, -...... Oodllr, flrl Uatt a ol Jfiwport IMell llarlon Jloel. MrSa.n ~. pi•···· . tM&bUc old fula. DoU7 ~ aDd ....,. OpiiL loMd weetera ltyl• boX ...... bl tM low,..,. that tbe ..... to be h .. d Saturday, )(uda 12. au· baw .,... ,..~q .... at tM IAIIoD Ball. 1IUt a., ~ IMN. tlli8 ... tM ftnt time It W. 11a.Y A"'-Jtewpoa. Mta. BU17 hU ..,_ raiDed. ~··· •nw.. and~ IMiliiiiCii~~ J. lrll"p, oo-chalrman. are ln IOir raa 1108&«111 ebarae of the affair. A--. Joba BracUard. wu bam to J(r. a.acllln. WUllam 8w'4Jck '~'here wUl be a _...ern dance of 431 Wal ut pt eo.ta M-. tn band All proeeeda wlll 10 to th~ H 0 a 1 :?emor~:. BOIPital on Au.xllla.ry'l veterane rebabUJta. Wedneeclay F~b 9 tJon fupd, wblcb Ia \lMd for the ' ' · monthly hoepltal putlea. QDL .OD TO &t&Jat New DMmbera w~lcomed Into A dauahter, Lori V e r a , wu the Auxlltary at th~ Feb. 14 bam to M.r. and Mrl. Norman m~Ung were Noreen~ Tithe, 329 EtkJn of 738 Center St., Cotta ''ll.u.EIIZE" ... ...., Mrs. Harl~y H. Burn~tt and her Irvine Ave., N~rt Heights, M e a a, on Frtday, F~b. 11, In committee of the Deborah Circle, and Nellie Mae Y~ager, 9l6 Clay Boat" Memodal Roepltal. of which abe Is chairman, served St., Cllff Haven. M.ra. Clayton ------------ For your summer actlviUes. REDUCE! luncheon Feb. 2 to the members TbomptOn reported on American- of the Women's Fellowship of lam medals and small cub s t . An drew s Presbyterian a~ar<f4 to go to the wl!lftera of Chut"Ch. th~ best euaya by school chJJ. Mrs. G 1 e n n BaUy, president, dren. open e d the m~tlng with a Tb~ Auxlllary entertained vet- prayer. The minutes w~ then erana from the Long Beach V~-T1JXJIT TIIIGIIS read by Mrs. Don Anderson, re. erana Hoepltal at a Valentine GOOD TAS'IE cording secretary; and the flnan-IEVEJI'I'II Q&AJ)EJII 1D aa an claM at .....,. party Feb. 16 In Legion Hall. MU- clal report was given by Mrs. Enaip lcbool an plctuncl ben patua9 ..... dred Bondi wit chairman for the Bertha Tillotson, treasurer. f1Da1 toam. -J*tlen f~ U.. 1155 ~hart party and she wu ... tated by The Easy Way! ROlfE TODAY BA 17G The Ice cream Soclal that wu l'uad Caaapcd9a. lin. J~ L ltoddal'cl. lleart Julia Euert. Mable carter, Jean such a big success lut year wUl _:5:.:u=D4=III=ay:..:_.::c:ludnD===aa=-f:....:o..:..r _Coloaa:...:......:___del __ ,._a:r_. _ta_loolr __ • ______________ ...______ Markham, Glorla Johnson, Nettie OUr Tec:h•'dan• .... 'l'la1McS by be held again thls year. The For letteme•ck. env.aooes c.l Mathews, Nellie Mae YeaJ"er, Sally Stauffer the Only Authorized, National Figure Consultant For the clrcles wlll continue their sew-THE ENSIGN. H~-1114 ~dla Briggs. Nula Tamplla,. tng on tray clothes for Hoag me-of 5tM:ial note 3U7 E. Coast Bwy. (near l asmlne) COIIOifA del JI.AII ~,..... Ew... 11-.. Wed.. TJuan. Ia I liJIII ... to popala:r tt. ....cl .. ..... l'eC*Itl'f .-J ;:coc1 eu l.clltu. to ......... c:lliJ.. ..__ 'l1llele .... • ... ..... crYallable • • • HIPPYLAID PIE .SCI-. morlal Hospital. • • • Mrs. Lee Bolin fed the Devo. ------------------------- tlons and described missionary work In India. Mlss Helen Horr, director of Christian education. showed the colored movie "Vll- Don't thlnk that Kay and because they were In a foreiJ"D Braden Finch Jeft town "just be· country. (Lettuce had to be 1m- cause It said Del Mar, Instead of ported at 35c a head, for In- Corona deJ Mar, under Kay's pic-stance.> lage of the Poor," which was ture In the recent Life Magazine But chiefly they felt It was not also on India. ... even though proper ldentifl-affording the right kind of life PRO Group Names Priest cation and full credit to the Bar-for their two sons, so now the bor area has been sort of a sore children are back enroJied with point ever since the Jamboree. their former classmates In New- The real reason, of course, was port Beach Elementary Schools. to take that prize winning af. DlckJe, the younger of the two, ghan hound of theirs to the dog wfll be able to reel oU quite a C. K. Priest. city clerk of New· show at Madison Square Garden. bit ot the fbrelen Jingo to hiS port Beach. has been re-elect~ Crown Prince "Johnny'' won Crlends, but Buddy's newly ac . as a regional vice-president ot many awards, we bear, lnclud. qulred Spanish Ia limited to the the Government Public ~lations tng "best of breed" In what Ia necessary words of polite gr~t­ AssociatJon. GPRA. with bead-probably the world's most fa. Inc and public conversation . quarters in Chicago, Is an orian. m ous dog show. In fact he was a • • • izatlon of public relations otfl-runner up to the best of abow, Maybe you can't keep a good clals In local, state and federal considered aa the most coveted man down, but you also can't governmental u n I t s In this honor In world dogdom. die a good gopher up, according country, Canada and Central • • • to )he Davldsons. Scotch owners America. Even their best friends can't of Mary and BUt's Cafe In Co- Mr. Priest joined GPRA the hardly tell you no more where rona del Mar. Mary and BJJl same year it was founded-1949 the Don SteUensens llvf!t;they've thought the IOPher that had -and has served thr~ previous been moving around so.· With been rooting aro und under their • IL Del .._# c:.ta ..._ terms aa regional vice-president. their ever Increasing famlly they lawn would be banlahed by the ua..ty 1-1771 H~ baa been publk Information have moved from Laauna. to Co-mean lookl~ ateamshoYti that "a truly ftDe DIIJ'..-y 8dlool" officer tor Newport Bftch alnce rona del Kar, to Balboa Ialand, duJ" up everyone's tront yard on qes u 19f9. Be wu educated at Trfn.lty but now they are happily getting Cout Hlghway-if not actually ~~!!!!!!:!:~~~!!~~~ College and Columbia University, settled -all five of them -In done under by the molten tar = was formerly a newspaperman their own new home In Newport that made the new road. But as in Boston and continues to do Heights. Their new address is soon as the equipment moved on some freelance writing. 483 Holly Lane. Mr. Gopher appeared on the Uny • • • strlp of lawn still available at P•ople h.ve been saying ... and believing that YOII CAl DO BEnER at MOVE FROM B. L The Gordon Unks ha ve moved from 1206 Park Ave., Balboa Island, to 7100~ W. Ocean Front, Newport. B.EJIADf LIDO ISLAKDE&S Formerly of 331 VIa Lido Soud, the G. S. Fruehllngs now Jive at 130 VIa Lorca, and still on Lido. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ))0) Vio lido, Newporl leech A branch of tho Mothor Church. The Firsi Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boa· ton. Meuochusott'- Sundoy School ------·-·-9:1S o.m Sundoy Service ---·-··-··· ..... II :00 e.m. Wedne~oy Eve:1inq Mo•tinq 8 00 p.m Readinq Room locotod ot )) IS Vie l ido. Nowport liNch, is o~" ..... deY' from 10:00 o.m. to S:OO p.m. Wodnosdo'fl from 10:00 o.m. to 7:-45 p.m. Fr~doy .... "inqs from 7:00 p.m. to 9 ;00 p.m. Clos.cf Holideys. Th• public it cordiotly iiWitod to ot· tend tho church .. rvi~a or>d UM ttl. Rood;nq ROOtn. • ,..~ ,.. CMIDia Membership ln the Order of the Golden Rule can be attained only through the approval of local people. •Tbla Ia one reuon why we are proud of our mern. berahlp, for we have alw&7S tried to MI'W eadl f.aml.ly to tbe best of our abUity. O*M ~ .... • .. ,., .. , eAI.IOA • ~ tM.Ne • LIDO ISU • .... POe, IIACM • CO.c>MA Ill MAl PARKES·RI DL MORTUARY ···-~·.., .... " .... u...,-.. -·~-- There's a real French Oavor In Mary A BIJJ's. Corona Highlands t.hese days. cContinued on Pace 7l Madame Marguerite L u t I n is v1sltlng her slater, Mrs. Henry Richer of 429 Seaward Rd. Mme. Lutln's horne ls In Paris. She understands quite a bit of Eng- llsh, but Is hesitant about speak· lng lt. • • • So many people have men- tioned the marvelous time they had at the Phllharmonlc Heart Ball. Although the crowd was DIRECTORY IIVSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evening Classes for Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Co'rona deJ Mar not too large, there was a lot of ~:!1l!!lm~~3~~~!!!:::: gaiety. Peggy King Is a cutle with a voice and pleasant per. Lawrence K. Gundrum, sonaJity. and from Arthur Mur-M .D. ray Corona del Mar Studio Chet U9 NEWPOIJT BLVD. Farrar and Irene SchUler (in a Newport Beach flaming red dress) did some ter-Practice limited to Dleeaaea 1 d · d 1 of Ear. Noee. Throat; Alletp rifle 1-wfsh -1-cou d-o-lt anc ne. Office Roura: by appointment while Dick Richard did the em-Liberty 8-5433 or 8-2237 cee commentaUng. AlJ-in-all we hear that mov1e ,..._.r,_o .. •=&•a.•u.•--.0.-mE--.ct ....... ro ... a--.. _ _, star Charles Coburn was really Friendly N~lpborhood Service the life of the party with Jokes Parkes-Ridley Mortuary and witty remarks all evening. Formerly Grau~l Chapel An unverified fnc.ldent occurred when the Hollywood person-110 Broadway allty's monocle fell Into the front Ll 8-3&33 A 8-3434 eo.ta Meea of the dress of the damsel with !===========::::; whom he waa dancing. With gTeat aavolr falre Mr. Coburn reteued his eyeglass remarking, "Just loo~lng around." M an added artlatlc look. Thelma Paddock Rope, did some "flrat Jady'' portrait. In olla. One wu of Mayor Dowa IDll, flrst lady of Newport Beach, and &n· other of Jennie lllc:hard, flrlt lady ol Dlc:k Blchard, pre.ideDt of the Ph!lharmonJc 9odetr ol Oranre County. • • • NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servtnr the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY no: SEA Harbor 42 3510 E. Cout HJpway Corona del liar Baltz Mortuary lJbel17 (1,.2121 17h ... ,.... c.ta .... AIIIPLZP~O 10111 LOCA'nORB Light their life with faith# A IT. AJmaEWS PaEIIIYTEmAif ~CII tsth St. A St. Andrews Rd .• aaoa &.. IIJO. I ldMo1 Liberty 1-l773 Panol': .... 1--I. Stewart SUNDAY: Momtng worship. 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Ch~ School, 9:30 and U:OO; Sr. High F~llow· lhlp. 7 p.m.; Collea~ age fel- Jowahlp, 7:30 p.m. -TUES. Prayer, study croup. 9:30 a.m. COIOIVIIITY IDTIIODIST GD W. lltla lt.. C......_ Uberty I-UD a.f.JoeepllW.IIcSilaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Chu~h Sun- day School; 9:30 and. U :OO a.m. Morning Worahlp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m •• Sunergous Group Serv· Ice. TID cauac:a or caaaar ·-~--c.ea-­r.a t ...,.. D.G. ....... , ... Sunday Servtea: t :30 a.m. Bible study; U a.m. morning wor· ahlp; 7 p.m. evening lervtee. Midweek •~rv lce , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CIIJIJST cauaca n TKE SEA Colnaaalty lletJaod.lat llaiboa at...& at 1.ua st.. wewport ~5211 Pastocz BeY. Boy A. Carboa Sunday Worship, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a .m. Mldw~k Heetlng: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIDI ~CB 1114 0raDte Aft,. eo.ta Jl..a Llbedy lslOil r..ua. n.a... J. lfeYta luaday .._... at 7. L I. lD CIDd 11 :30 a .m. W~kdays: MaN at 7:00 a.m. -Confes.<Jion: Satur- days from 4:00 to 5:1!>--7:00 to 8:15p.m. Pm1T I.Aft117 CJIVaCII 01' Jiaw.<)JIT llaiboa aa't'd.. lltlt & eout se... ~ sw ii..,...tl.lberty a.a7J ...... -.....ta.J•••• Sunday eerv1ca: 9:45 a .m., Sun· day School; U :OO a.m .• Wor-lhlp Service; 7:30p.m. Sunday ewntnr ': er vIe e : MJd-Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednaday Praye MeetinJ". AIIEIOL Y 01' GOD l2nd lt. 4 KJdG Aft.o c-e. 11 .. Liberty a..m1 ........ d ... c:. a..k. ...... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youmr PeopJ~ and ChUdren'a Service, 6;30 p.m. Sun. Mld· w~k Service: Wednelday, 7:30 p.m. Ladies' Mlaston&r7 Coun· cU. 1bund&f' 10:00 a.m. I&'VDTII DAY ADV&Widl •....-rt 81-.d.. _. ..._ at.. . ................ ~ .. ,. ZW. D. D. IJ 1 aldl119 Saturday Momln1 Servtc:.: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Pra yer meet- Inc: WednesdaY, 8:00 p.rn. Frl· day Evening Vespera: 8:00. CJIVaCB ef U.. liUAUJIK ·-........ lt.. Clllle ... ........ --· Cllw W'U' I 1.111 •• a.ftll a.mdq ....... : ..... ~~ t:JOua.~W a& lO:IOua. ~ • lee. T p.m. ~--,._,. meetmr. 7:30 p.rn. -~· I'DIST CBUaal 01' Cllilii'f ICi&iillll a.v .. ~;:rta..ta Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun- day S e r v I c e : U :OO a.m. w~nesday. Evenlnc Meetlne: 8:00. Reading Room, 33Ci VIa Lido, Newport Beach, opel 10 a.m.-5 p.m. wftk days, 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.rn. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. niday evenlnn. UWIVEDALIIT COIOI1JJfiT'I' I'ELLOWSJID DeUCI ........ 515W ...... Jl..S..~ .. ....-..... r.w.--.. · Sunday School. 10:30 a .. m. Mom- lnJ worship, 11:00 a.m. I'IUT IOUTIIED aA.PniT e&vaCII -w. llaiDU ... lt.. eo.ta .... Llbelty ... . ,__, Dr. llldlla:rd .. ... Sunday ldlool, 9:45a.m.; church service 10:50 a.m. Training Union 7 p.m. Sund•Y· Evenlnt" wanhJp 8 p.rn. Sunday. Teach· en and oftleen meettnc 7 p.m. Wedn.c!Q". Prayer eervtce and Bible study 8 p.m. w~. I'DIT aa..1'ln' CBUKW ._..A-.A-. .. MiptiU. c-e. .... ... ••• G.··-Sun~y~: 9:45 a.m. SuDCSar School: u ;un. Wonlllp a.n-x.· 1:10 p.m.. Bapu.t 1'raJ.DJnc batoa: 7:30p.m..~ ..... Wectne.day: 7:.10 p.m.. Pra,_, Pr .... and atble StudY.. )(an. day: 7:30 ............... ·a.wa p r a e 't l e_!.L~:SO p..a Ma'a Prays)(_...-. cau.,. or 0011 LAD'f lMa wC:W.=. ecn..,.,. U11111 111• ., .... ~ .. ..,. ..... .,.... ... .. ..... Sunday Mcnee: 8:00 &1\d 10:00 • and U :30 a.m. Oont..ton: Sat· urdays and ews. of tat rrJ4q8 and Holy DQa from •:00 tiC\ 5:3q =nd-..._ 7:30 to I:JO P.~ u .._ 1:00 a.m. n.t I'I'IGQ: • ... ... ld[Q ~ Jfove•a ~ ... ,: ~., •• J.:~ ClldT LU a••••• cauaa OFcoeTAIIDA ( ....... .,..., --·de=.'= 8d. ......,,..., ...... ,...... Sunday Servicee: Wonblp Set¥· ac. I a.m. Su~ SChool at 10:15 a.m. . ft. lAIOI UIIICCWAL -.-u.. .. ....,. .... ........ su.;day Service.: 8:30, 9:30, u a.m. MornJn& Prayer· 1:30 a.m. ~atJon for Sunday School. Thitnday Service.: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd: 10:30 Holy Com-munJon. IT. 101111 YIAin(n Jll ...._ Aw.. a.dboe JalaD4 ..... ... p ........ ~..,. ...... .,..... .. .. ..... Sunday )(._: 7:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 Lm. ~on: Saturdays and eve& of lat Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Flrlt Friday Mut I un. C2IIT1IAI. --.a cauac:a O.....A-. ..... 11.. 0... ..... LD:J tt .... Ao Ao KIOI I .... SundaY ldlool: t:e ua. Mom· tnr .. ~ n:OO; a..ntnr CO_,. A Da. 11M a.i .._ T:ID. IIJd .... a.Y· W&WIOII'I' IIAimOII • GOWiiUWift taUac:& Ice, Weo.dq, 7:10p.m. LUI8 *1UI CBU8CII Clllllllt' ld 1101 CWf Dr •• ..,...... ... _.. au.aoA 8UIID u..tr ..-a Ill :::::La-. QIIGiUWII 1 DftiODIIT .... llellillt a.-1.-d Ill= Aw. ...... ..._. f'.arly eervtce, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; ,......, ..., ...... a-M .,_, .... .....,. .... Church Sehooli 9:80 a.m.; wor· Sunday Wonhlp S.VSC.: 9:45 Sundar 8ei •toa: t:aG a. rn. ahlp ll!rVIee, 1 :00 a.m.; Luther Lm., 11:00 a.m. Sunda)t lcbool: an.u'dl Sebooli!: and U!OO Leape, 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. a.m . Wonhlp c.-e. TJU. DiNctory J8 macle ~ble by tb-chtc-adDcled b-w'• I 1*111 WOODWE>lTH PIANO SHOP l!xc.lufw Apnt far 8aldwtn ...... 2610 E. c..t Hwy. H ... na eoron. cW w .. ltE£ST1K Ro Taeb ••• Jto Tape ••• Jfo I'Ut.ll 2229 E. eo.t Hwy. c.... ....... I i8U&IDAY. ~'KaVAn M. 1- Program Is Listed For Sunday Concert Give Pennies CDII COIOIVJfiTT cauaca For the first Sunday ln Lent. Rev. Edwin C. Gomke, minister of Community Church, Corona del Mar, will apeak on "Faith for Today." The theme will be car· rled throuehout the MrVtces by appropriate musical numbers. The Chapel Choir wUl sine "A Faithful Shepherd b My Lord" by Naeell at 9:45 and the Chan· eel Cbolr wtU alne "Open · Our Eyes" by Macfarlane at 11 a.m. Alh WednNday aervtce La belne held at 7:30 p.m. ln the Sanctu· ary. Mr. Gomke will be aut.ted by the Cbolrl ot the Church. &.1. COIOIVIIIT"r IDTIIODIIT The t1nt Sunday ln Lent will be obM!Ned with the• eervtce of Holy Communion thla week In the Balboa Wand Community Methodist Chu.reh. The Sacra. ment wW be aerved at both the 9:30 and ll a.m. .-rvtce. accord· tnr to Mn. Leonard Har~Javee. communion ateward. Durlnr Sun. day afternoon Rev. Donald G. Sapp will Wilt homes ot pariah. lonen to aerve Holy Communion to tha. unable to attend ehurdl. L&CIUU 011 GVATDIALA CommunltJilnlina and a pup. pet abow b1 t.be dltlchn or the Sunday Sebool depletl~ pod race relationa will preceed an Wutrated leeture on Guatemala b)' llobert ScbUllnl· prtnctp.l ol the Puente HJI'h Sebool. Sunda7 nen~nr at tiM Un.lwnalllt Com- munity hllow*Jp meettnr ln tb• Dell eauw.ou. lD kllloL 'ftle propam wW beCln at 1 p.m. lit. SdaWIDa .. tM ~ of llr. an4 MrL wuw ldiOJtnr, • Coral Aft.o Balboa Wand. DIICIPLINID cono• ....... voeu~. ......... 01,.,.. ~-­............... ..... --· • ......_ crea~~~ ... )Uit hong It up I ...... dirt. f*iiipiiGtlon, mlld.wl • Men ............. WOiihlngal • Ea1y and fait to walh. dty, Iron I • ,._needs~· • Colorfast, ... ~. • p.,mantnt a__. and lulltr-.1 • EOIIer to ,., ...... up bllterl • Advantogee permo~"'' for life of fobriel ... Wiele. oaly 11.29 yet PriD& 11..31 yd. * ....... ..... I * • It · First Mates Group Meets Thursday, Mardl3rd. 16th in a Mri• of monthty Faabioa Shows Pr1•1Dted through the cooperatioD of the V"illa Marina. Vema Miller cmd The Following DimDdiYe Shos- * OD the F"ust Thwwday of Each Month * * BRAGG-s UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * THE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * FUN FASHIONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * W. D. JOHNIOK. Jew.._ 218 Marine A'fe., Balboa lakmd * * LORME 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * P£111£ VILLE 3409 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar * II1JI.ES OF CALIFORNIA 321 0 Via Udo Udo Shopping Center * VD1NA Mil' £R CHAIIN saiOOL Commentary-Fashion Models 414 South Main, Santa Ana * ~uncheon from 12:00 Noon 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wt6 pttn Ob the noisiness and the clankine of It all! But what beautiful mualc they make ... the drllls, saws and hammers ... What we Grocery Stores must eo throueh to keep OUI· selves the nicest place to "hop ln and the most beautltul place to be ln! So after almost seven years we find our aeams bunt. * * * If .,_ ...... n.rr ... ,.,.. .... t .. ~ ... ~a l.,....S CIDftee-fall ., ............ of_,.. ... * * Dromedary ha.s hit the nall on the hea d ! Their new packafed cake mix comes with twin sacks lnsjde one package . . . In t.h.ll way you can bake one layer at a time ... or have mlxed layen for one cake ... Cake mtx.. u far M Ck as 1918 were expert· mented with, but all were cuu. altles . . . Dromedary Ia the peat rranddaddy of all cake mix~ being the ftnt aucceatul National Cake Mlx on the mar- ket . . . Their first waa Gln.-- brud mix introduced baek ln 1935. followed by their DeYtr. Food ln 18 . . . Thoee Wft'e tiM da.ya w1ten JOU burned ~. box If you clued ue a ~ can mht and eat wltb a ruUt)' eon. adoua all tbe wtille JOUr ,_... W'llft! raYlftc about JOUr baldal abllttte. • • • T I m e • IM,.. dlaqecl. It JOU Clo ....,.._ • ..,..-e a r.. ~ to ._. ecp.~8QUuct..a. .•• JOU aN....., to ........ . with • And wtaat ldiiMl of .... lab .. tllJI ..,. ...,.. 01 •• tu7'• ... .tlr_.._ __ too aftd ....... a. ... ,... ftid a MW trlle ,... ... .... fttllay--~ ......... . llourbll ...,_ IFE?d I lllilil .... ..... ..... * * a .. _ ........ _ .... I VOGEL VA LUES IELIAI For $10,750.00 you can buy thta comlort-tble, laree, 1 bedroom home with 15Jt24 llvlne rm. with 2 buUt-ln Swlne.away bedt It mattr~. Hardwood noors. tiled kltch. llin.k, brea.Jdut nook, extra lg. bed room, lou ol cloeets. Panel ra,y heat, nice bath. 2-car gar. It laundry. Lawn, flowers, aunny south exposure. Thls owner's move ts your eatn It payments are like r~nt. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 ANNOUNCING i"EW FURNISHED 1•n HOlES BuUt by Furnished by MARTIN It von HEMERT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSffiED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to 130.000 class we sln~ely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calltomla living. Offered exclu. alveJy through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terrace-<>n Coast HJghway opposite the new Irvin~ Coast Country Club, Newport lfarbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information ........... , That 'Early American leellng' Is reflected In this home just 3 blocks trom ocean . . . 18x20 tt. living room, 2 bedrs.. AND a real dining room. Lots of com. fort ls assured by centraJ forced air heat and hardwood floors thruout. Less than 5-yrs. old, with a well-fenced yard and double garage. This home at $14,500 ls available with 49'o loan It desired. For further details see Sta•leJ A. Smith, realtor 2647 E. Coast Highway e Corona del Mar e Harbor 882 CORDIA DEL IAR ~~~~· ~led:~·. ~.~~~ .. ~~.~-~~~--~~~ .. ~~~--~~-~-~-~eJ;~ 2-bedrs. 1c den, So. ot Highway, furnishd _._ ...... .$19,750 See us for Shore Cll.U and Corona Highlands properties. And check us, for aure, on ocean tlont properties. E.IW.SIMIIJ,Iellttr 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Harbor 1775 FOR QUICK RESULTS! List your Property for sale with a Multiple Listing Broker. Did you know thla l.mmedlately puta 210 aperta to wwk on your property? A.L80, FOB YOUJl PJIO'J'BC"nON, ALWAYS BUY 1'lmU A "1tt!AL TOR." can cleleribe tbe makhl .. view of Ba.y and Oeeua bom U.e vantap polnt ot this , oua.tan4ln1 Corona del Mar home. • It Ia breathtaldq • . • ud you wUl be equally thrWed wfth the hom~ ttlelf-bom the "Dream KJtcben.. to Ita patloa, 3-becb-ooms. den and apactoua Uvlnr room -you will find the ultimate tn modern living. You wlll have further tea· son to "coun( your bles. alnaa" 'when you own thJa ~orne. It may be purchaae<l, furnished, for $31,1i00 • -.-. IEILn ao. t.IIEDaK. nru. apt., new))-8DVEL UJ'JUQ. 12 ~ n... f75. dec.: no pea. Yrl)-t15 180. AJao Fr1a14alre elec.. ranee. 101·1 ~. CDM. HA ~. f75. RA 3BL FUM. liOOilfO pvt. batb and en. ___;.--. -=n==a::-:p=u=u==-=y~---.- tr&Me with, or without rar. CLEAilANCEJ lo. ol Ww~ C>Jt. BA 4703-W. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the rt1iHiiiim APT., pleuant tur-many trade.lnJ <»mini In on I'OWHllnp. aJry con d J tlons, the 1955 Lincoln •· Mertury. actulta. no pets. 610• Marrue· ::d~~.~ ~lc. 2 rite, CDM. New Tires, L!ght Blue finW\ LOOJ.Si API'S. cartiatJon nr. Sea· (Orlttnal), A Real Buy!--A view. CDM. Modern turn. a,pt. ~~~ one! February Sale thcl. uw. Yrly. or seuonal $50 · 1511 up. BA 4016. May au... SINGLE ROOM, bath, private ~n-JOHNSON & SON tr~, patio. $40. B.\ 1893-W Ll.:acola & Mercwy Dea1w before 7 p.m. 100 W. CoCIIIt Bwy .. •pt. a..cta 'HIOMIDAY. naavUY M. ... Condemnation Action OK' d For Mesa Parking District City Attorney Donald Dungan wu lnatructed by Coma Mesa Clty Counell Monday evenlnr to proceed wtth condemnation sult.a aealnat property ownen who re. futed to come to terma to tell land requtrtd for ottatr• park· Jng purpoees by parking dlatrlct number one. Comml•looer Roy McCardle reported that the dla. t.rlct had obtained all of the land possible by nerotJatlon. Christ to uae a lot to park 38 cart. Plana call tor tbt chW'Ch to be Jocatec:l at VIctoria St. and Placentia Ave. 'nle church opUon ends .oon and the commJulon meets Monday nl&ht ln t.Jme to ~at the optlon cloee, It wu exp plalned. nJRN. BACHELOR apt. $55 mo., 10 INCH TABLE Marnavox. Ex· Incl. uWJUes. HA 4703-J. cellent for "2nd" television In ------------ The city plannln• commission was given the right to make tlnaJ ruling on a variance request from ttle VIctoria St. Church of Paa.sJnr flrat readJna wu an ordlna.nce establlahlnt' two-year terms for appointive officers, In- cluding city attorney, elty clerk and membera ol the city plannlna commJsslon and vehicle -farkJnr district eornmiulona. Another first readlng was a.n amendment to the land plan OC'dlnance re. the home or for bedside use. $35. 221 ~ Pearl, BI. T B I qulrlng that variances coulct not op ow ers be transferred from one person to another upon sale of land. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA 377 WHAT DO WE MEAN ... W AlffED TO RENT by former teacher, amall unl. up to $40 or lurnl.ahed up to $l50. Prefer CDlt(, H.A ~- OLD FRJGlDAlRE refrigerator. running condJtfon $25. See WaJJace C&Jderhead, 3123 E. Coast Bwy., CDM. I n Handicap A )and plan amendment ordJ. nance passed first readJng to re- Wendell Crawford won the $30 quire a 50-foot set.back &om aJ. pr ize In the Men's 20-Game ley centerllnes for bulldJnga on Bowling Hand)cap Sunday at property ln the area between Van's Bowling Alleys, Costa Ha milton St. and W. 19th St. Po- Mesa, with h is high score o! mona Ave. to Placentia Ave. 'the 3879. ruling looks forward to convert- ...... ..,., As we are members of MULTI- PLE USTING SERVICE we get all of the multiple listings from more than 200 BJIOkers and salesmen. We then screen them and select the ones we consider outstanding buys and those that qualJ.Iy are Bn.J..'S BEST BUYS-Does this make sense? • • • THIS WEEK'S SELECTIONS: W ANT.AN -OIL-WELL-FREE? Buy this cute beach house and you can have a produc- Ing well In the back yard with the e q u I p m e n t to handle IL Has averaged $1.25 month net last 5 months. Will take about $3000 to handle. $7950 full prfce. A good deal for retired couple. WUl bear investigation. SMALL RANCH NEAR COUNTRY CLUB RANCHY 2-bed.rm. home and den on hall acre, 75x232. Large patio for real Country living. Hall ot lot is fenced, Ideal tor Horses and pets. Workshop for storare or stable. 18 bearing fruit trees. Full price $13,950 with terms. DUPLEX NEAR CENTER OF COSTA MESA SHOPPING DISTRICT 2-Bdrm. each side, wired for electric range. Onl~ ~~ne ~fear old. Full price $13,950-$3000 Down. NEAB TIIRIYI"Y AND ALPHA BETA Drive by 1727 Orange, Then caU us for Appt. to see. 3- bedrms., Dble. Garage. Nice yard. Full price, $10,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS NE.ARLY NEW 4 Bdrms. $13,850 20x20 Garare. Forced Air Heat. 2 Baths. Fireplace, Dis- ))OS&), ~ers.. Lot 66xl10. New Street. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR LIVING Beautiful 2 bdrm. home and Den with 1 ~ Baths, Picture Window, Guest House, Patio, BBQ. Work Shop, Dbl. Gar., Flood Lights, Cone. Blk. Fence and other features. $14,950 with $4000 Dn. Nice location, 4% Loan ® $69.21 Monthly Incl. Taxes and Ins. You'll like tt! . ---------------~ IITVATIOn WAJfTED BABY SJTI'ING, care of sJc.k, In your home by mature CDM woman. Day, nleht. Call before 10 a.m., after 5 p.m. HA 3192·M. BUSDfESS U JfTALS NOW LEASlNG, avail. bus. of. flee space, center CDM, suit- able for acct., dentist doctor, architect, lawyer. LI 8-1526. HELP W .IUfTED GIRLS- GOOD IEWS! Good jo bs-good salary with frequent Increases -oppor. tunlty to advance. Some openings now for young women In Newport Beach oftlce: TELEPHONE OPERATORS CLERICAL WORKERS -Apply- 514~ N. Maln Street, Rrn. 211 Santa Ana Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE CAJtS roa SALE FEBRUARY CLEARANCE! MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the many trade-Ins coming In on the 1955 Lincoln It Mere ury. -st XEaCUJrT • oooa RadJo, heater. Overdrive, New baked enamel ffnl&h-Whlte Walla. Fe.btu:.i. Sale Price. *.., otiMn JOHNSON & SON L!Dcobl & Mercury Dealet' 100 W. Cocat Bwy .. Jlfpt. -.ad~ 1954 CHEVROLET 2-door mode) 210, R It H. Price $1650. Call HA 1~ W between 6 lr 8 p.m. 7600 miles. FEBRUAJIY CLEARANCE! MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the many trade-Ina coming In on the 1955 LJncoln lr Mercury. '53 CBEV. •n AJBE 16,000 mUea, one-owner. Sun Gold flnlah. Whl~ Wall Tires, Beater. February Sale Price. l lltl Mcmy ot.laen JOHNSON & SON IJacola & MeRUT Dealet' 100 W. Coat Bwy .. •pt. hacb .. REALTOR 393 E. 17th St., Co.sta Mesa u 8-1139 LOST AJfD FOUJm FEBRUARY CLEARANCE! MUST M~E ROOM FOR the many trade-Ins coming In on the 1955 Lincoln & Mercury. '53 NEIICOBT BAllD TOP Radio. Heater , econom ical Overdrive. 17,000 miles-one owner and has real "eye ap. peal." Februa~_~ale Price. 11199,. Mcmy Ot.ben JOHNSON & SON LlDcolD & MerC11rf Dealer 100 W. Coast Bwy .. Jlfpt. Beach LEITZ BINOCULARS-l0x50, like new. retall cost 1250, will sell for $150. HA 16JII. LAYTON WATER SOFTENER. $50. HA 4703-J. 5f1T Carnation, CDM. HAMMOND chord organ, like new, big saving. Danz.Schmldt Piano Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. FEBRUARY CLEARANCE! MUST MAKE ROOM POR the many trade-ins comJ.ng In on .the 1955 Lincoln lr Mercury. '52 FOJU) VIcroJUA 20.000 miles-and looks even less. We want you to SEE this one! Radio, Heater. Fordo- matlc, TubeJess White WaJla. February Sale Prlc~. ··-... , Ot.ben Other cash prize winners were lng the alleys to streets. Lynn Arnett, $25, with 3872; Edd The Sully . Miller Contracting Harpold. $20. with 3819; Gall Co. ot Orange was awarded a Humphrey. $15, with 3796; Gene contract to Improve Rochester St. Ha nks. $20, for high scratch, between Tustin Ave. and Santa 3836; Brick Murdy, $5, for high Ana Av~. after submitting a bid scratch game. 255; Jerry Mlller, of $18.467.90. It was the only $5, for low series handicap, bid submitted. 3292, and Bryon Hayes, $5, for I An agreement was approved low game, 112. 1 with the Bureau of the Cens us to Wklnlng merchandise prizes conduct a special census In the were Ed Blum, Cy Young, Tom City oC Costa Mesa estimated to Atkinson. Gall Hutchison, George cost $2,975. Councilmen approv~ Bottorff, Chico doyer, HI ~ntosl, payment of $1.265 to get the proJ. Homer MacPherson .. Bud Evans, ect under way. Don Anton, Ken Page, Fred EJn. Both sldea ot E. 18th St. from brero. Bruce Elford, Alan Smith, the C 2 zone near Newport Blvd. Buck Murdy, Louis Sanders, Bob to Orange Ave. were rezoned C l Bottorff, Moss Bellows, Bob wJt.h the second readln• ot an Rohem, Tom lmoto and Bruce ordinance amendln& the land VInton. classltlcat1on ordinance. Talk on Poise lqlarslre S..lltl at BPW Meet F• lepr'a 11-1-Q JOHNSON & SON New Ideas on charm, poise and dress were auggeated by Miss Charlsle Evans. guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Bust. ness and Professional Women's Club meeting held last Thursday An unknown quantJty, of ell&· rets, between $1 and $1.50 In cash and part of a bottle of wine w~re stolen by bu.r1la.n from Roger's Pit Barbeque. 415 W. Coast Bwy., N~rt Beach, po. lice dlacovered at 3 Lm. Tue. 1 ••cola ct. ·~Dealer at the Newport Rubor Yacht 100 w. eoc.t Bwy .. JrpL .._. Club. Dr. R. F. Chittenden ot da.y. 'SPlJU:T PIAN()..4ovely tone and Newport aJ.eo eontrtttut.~ to the ~~~~~att:r!: ca» only $387 Term.s: Other PlOIJ'&m by ctvtna a abort Wk away by a merdlant patrol car 'wonderful bar~lns In rentaJ on. conlenltaJ heart disease on whJch .passed the place a short returns, trade In on Organs beahl ani! of the Heart Fund Cam-p g time before a pollee prowl car etc. Several merely slightly · scratched In shipment. Da.... Cuesta tor the evening were came by. Sgt. WUJiam Blue and ..... Veron P k Bet H u Officer Chester Curry found a Schmidt. 520 No. Main, Santa a ee ' ty 0 mann back rear door window broken. Ana. and Penny Dunham, and the lat. ter received the door prize. Din. Inside they found a tire Iron and BEAtmFUL Spinet Pianos. Rent ner tables were decorated by screw driver left by the burglars. to buy. All of term rent aJ. colored cardboard sa il b 0 a t a a jimmied clgaret machine from lowed. Practice pianos as low splu hlnr with sparkle waves which the clgareta and money as S5 per mo. Danz.Schmldt made by Ada MarJe Dusaler and was taken and the opened bot- Big l'iano Store, 520 No. Main, her committee. Perfume favors Ue of wine, part of the cont.-nta Santa Ana. were dimlbuted by ~ Fenton freshly apllled on the floor. FEBRUARY of Vlncenta lJdo Drup. CLE.A.R.ANCE! '+ f"ii o P o e o o e s o o ; 0 "WHITE CAr •oEnT MUST MAKE ROOM FOR the Unsung TO •E IIELD TUEIDM many trade-Ins comJng In on the 1955 Uneoln 1r Mercury. Commer:...! .-1 _ A bakery and cooked fooda '51 CBEVJlOLET 2 DOOB (;KJ.I.S booth wUJ be an added fund Locally owned and purchased • • • • • • o • • • • o • • • • raJslnr project of the Woman'• NEW here (one-owner . tooL A separate ~w department Auxiliary of the Orange County In two-tone Gteen finish, has been added to the servf---Whlt WaJls F b S 1 ....... Medical A.uoclatlon at their an. e · e ruary a e of the Newport Harbor Bank, Co. Price. nual "WhJte Cap" benefit lunch-,_ rona del Mar, It la announced M-,... .. _ thls week by President lames T. eon to be beld Tuesday at the -• "'.._.. Balboa Bay Club. Proceeds wUJ JOHNSON & SON Van Dyke. l olnlng the staff of go toward the Nunea' Scholar. LI"CCaabl & Mercuy Dealer the bank Ia Mrs. lean Graham, shJp Fund. A fublon show wUJ IICIIE PRIPEin LOST: CDM. Monday. Frightened parakeet, pale blue and whl~. Anawen to ''Pretty Boy." Tame pet of conval~nt. Reward. BA 20C8-W. 100 W. eoc.t lhry .. •pt. Jleclc:la who wUJ devote full time to the be presented. and a putel P<>t· STEINWAY GR.A.ND. Like new. e.crow departm~t. trait doni by 011~ of tbe mem. Big SaVfnr. Abo Knabe. Jtlm. IDYJCU ben wm be a speclaJ door prize. Trailer Park and Apartments, Oranre County ... 40 unJta, 8 apts., and home . . . 4.2 acres. city HWers, etc. INCOME $21,500 YR. PRICE. $90,000. $40,000 DOWN. • • • Want Exchanre u.tlnJs. lncome-.COmmerclaJ .. 'J'ru.t Deedl ..aL Fll Nice ft..3 Lot on Marauertte. South of BJpwa.y, 1:oroaa del Mar. --See IV Alf DBAJIDT wltla E.-· ll&AL10. AlfD DfiUUJfCE , aaaa a. Cout Jllfllwq RuW 312:1 COliOR.A Da. IIU bal. rt.cber, Muon le Bamlln. ------------ Many othera. Practice p tano. 1 &. 1 • Ill All your printinQ nMds will be u low u $815 Danz.Sehmidt iJPI•NI handled_ conveniently end ~rt-BJr Plano s~ !W No. Main. Il-l ... , •• eously an the completely-equip-Santa Ana. ' --•• -•II•-I ped Job Ptintinq O.pertment of your Harbor Area Newspaper, HAJOIOND orJana. lJl model&. 8-MM 'Y: :fiT 35 The Ensiqn, 1104 Coast Bt. COM . One only llll hUy ueed a1mo.t and 1001 Soucl Pro~MM • like new. 'l'llt. Ia a 8J)edal. p AtfT COLO• PIU( IDVJCE Da.nz.Sclunldt Hammond Bead-~~ Airplane •ppls. ••••••• \ 1-bed.r. tum. apt. ,wtth fire. pl, So. of hwy., f10 mo. on leue. • • • 2-bedr. tum. Chtna Cove. apt. • • • Above quartan for Oran1e County, .......... ...._ ~ No. Mall\, Santa Ana. -•-• 1• ~ BEAtmi'UL EleciJonle Oi'lan 1'782 Newpan BIYd .. CoMa M..a • Phone Uberty I · 7042 blonde~. aJ.mc.t new. Kuat .;.;..;;.....o-..;;;..;;;..;a....;;...;..;...;;;: __ aaert&e. One only. -. aav. P A I NT I N G tne. l>anz..8dmlldt OINt Sale, Earl !lbeflln D) "· Main, Santa Ana. Da. cacu. .... AD. aupetln. tendent of Oranp County Ju. ventl~ BaU. wm 1PUk Sunday evenlnl on .. l uwntle Problema ln Oran1e CoUntJ" at Chtt.t Chu.reh by the Sea. He wtU lbow by cue hbtorfes the JuvenUe Dellnquency Problema and then relate tbe wvrk of the c:bufdl to the .olutJon of th_. problema. Thll wW be the ttnaJ nJ1bt lor th~ AdventUN 1n Mlellona eerlee. aAU.n noa&ul PIIIDAY 8orll and HobJ, JOU.nl dance couple. WUl be ..-.ntecl In a propam ot ~1« htablltbt.. ~ and telftpar&rJ, Ln 1M ~unlt;y Coneerf ..-at 8:15 p.m. tomonow C~) In t.b4 ~ Rqb 8cbool audl.- tartum. .... CUo1 lm.lth. COlt· tralto, Will ...... the Manta u JII'OirUD. aaadudiq tiM ewr.t --· • • •aaauta •rhe Bedraggled Dragon• To lie Given Next Week • • • of SCKial note Mrs. E. R. Millett of Balboa · To Head Assistance League Ebell G~ c::.rd. W AnUt I.,.U.. ij... ~ "See Europe f1'om a Bicycle" 8oob. 1~ r....1. 1a the title of the IJiustrat'ed lee-.al.UE MILl 11'AT101fZU ChUdftn tn co.t"lme. flitted throuJh,the lunch bourt of both the Corolla del Mar and Harbor vs.w Schoola thla week wbipptnc up e.Jeclt~Jtt fM ''11ae Be- drac .. ed Drapn," a cbUdren'a production betna .taaed next week.end, at 7:30 p.m. Prlday, llareh 4, and at 2:30 p.m. Satur. day, March 5. In the auditorium of Huboi' View School. A PTA project of creatJna a IJ. bruy for both the Newport Beaeb Elementary Schoola located 1n ture to .__ ted b • 306 MaJn BALBOA Harbor 811 Corona del Mar 1a to beneftt from Mn. ll:ctWUc1 a. MUlett lr ol committee t th Neent meet~ ..., preaen Y .,eny (ConUnued from Paee 4) . . a e nc Evans. Oranae Coast CoOege Stu. 9:30.6:00, Sun. Noon 'til 6 the proceed~ of the play. Marth-RUMORS AJm IIOAME&S-l(r. C12 8e9llle. laJboa, will be the ol t.he Leacue li.R.ed a1eo the ~========::;~ ella Randall, Oranae Cout Col· a.nd Mn. Donald Vemo.n Steffens new pratdeftt of the Aa81atance followtna otf.leen: •Jira. Mel8on dent. at the March 1 meeting ot f:. leae lutructor, 1a dltecttna the are badt from t.betr end-o'-luu-Leacue of Newport Harbor, IUc-NeJoe. ftnt vi~~dent; M.ra. the Travel Section of the New- play and actually adapted It ary weddlnl In Lu Vqa and ceedlJ)I Mrs. ~land Wrleht of Edward Broolta, eecond vke.pres.. port Ebell Club. The evening from a well-loved chlldren'a bob.ymoon trfp to Boulder City, Newport Hetpta. ldent; Mrs. Lon.n1e Vlnc:ent. re-m~tlng will be held Tuesday story. Hoowr Dam and auc'h. The new The report ol the nominating eordm. eeeretary; Mra. Arthur : t~~ ;bell Cl ubhouse on Bal- The cbaracten Include Tamla Mra. la the fOI"'M'l' MJM Mary Best. eorre.ponclln• seeretary; a v _· _____ _ Hope, a Vf'f'Y youne author: su. Louise Hararove. dauahter ot the Sty' I S h Mra. 0 . G. Sueea. treasurer; Mrs. aan Nealy, Queen of the ear •. Q. Homer Harpovet of Costa es own. IUchard Ca.at.le, National Council. Zonta Meets van; Grant McCall, Pom-Pom ; Meaa. The 1100m 1a from Lone wJth Mrs. Eda-ar BJll u aJter Sandy Watson, Abroa; lanlce Beach. The br1de attended More than 30 tablet ot guests nate; Mra. Aust.J.n Sturtevant, Th • E • WUder, Blouom; Tommy Smith, school• tn San Bernardino and at were praent at the Parlah House junior a dv1aor; Mrs. Bola.nd I s v en I n g Tatters; Katie Hope, Urtha; Katie Oranae Coast €ollege. The new-Wrteht. parliamentarian; Mrs. • of St. lame~~ Eplaconal Church Dal D a _a_ d ~-,._ Helen Stockton will be hostess Desenberg, Tubby Queen; Lynn lywed.l are maldne their home .. e na.u._y an .u•. """"rae Thompaon, Tubb)' Prlnceu; Ken-at Belmont Shore. lut week for the d886t brld,e Hoaa n, chapter deleca.ua to the tonight lThursdayl when the ny Newland, Prime M 1 n Ia t e r • • • and fublon show planned by St. National League. Zonta Club meets for dinner a t Crackle; Mack Morgan and Roe. New members officially join· Ellzabetb'a Guild o1 the church. Mrs. Victor Grace, president of her Shore Cliffs home. Helen rlowers MDI L Coat BWT JJam. 5871 COIIOifA DEL MQ8 er Hattley, FJrecracker Paget; Ina the Newport Harbor Yacht Women'• children's and rna. the League In 1947, was honored Norton will have charge of the · Stuart Cooper, Kine John Foree Club thla month are Edmund G. ternlty style~~ were presented by by presentation ol a life mem dinner committee. I I; Carol Crum, Sparkle; Lorena Anderson Jr., Harold Beck, WU-Bragg's Unique Shop and Miss bershlp for her outstanding work Twelevt> members of tht> New Kelly, Flame; Terry Flanealn, llam Burrla. Leo Goode, Clifford I Muttet, both of Corona del Mar. for the League. Only other mem 1 port Harbor club joined some 250 Slngette; Caroline Keeler, Marl-Hakes and Charles R. Wheeler. Mrs. Elwood Murphy. deslgneT of ber so honored 1a Mrs. Edward guests at Riverside over the I belle, and Wendy Desenberg, Approved for racing skJpper was Miss MuUett fashions, commen-Boudlnot, the fl.rst TbrUt Shop wee~( end to celebrate the SUver RAYIITE ,.... .... ......... t s.nioe ~ Plaolae BCII:bN 5071 -"!! .·. I-YO~ . . . . . . . .. .. THE ENSIGN. HA -1114 For letteffteadL envelooel eel Fumbo Douglas Wood. tor junior, Mar. I tated. chairman. Anniversary of the Riverside · Zonta Club Dignita ries of the lock McSevney and BUiy Callis tin Lockney Jr., and for ladles. city and <'ounty and of the ln·l wlll comblne to make the Ora-Mrs. Grace Hoag and Mrs. Harry Forest Smith Fam.·ly Off I ternatlonal club were among gon, himself. Choruses of cbar-J, Marcll. those pr<>st>nt at the banquet acters Include Dux and DoXI • • • For Y.a. c ht·. n g Adventures . held at th£' Mission Inn on Sat. I Sandra Godwin, Bon Hall, Kim The late winter entertaJnment ~ urday night Desenberg, Leslle Oatea, Mark calendar is crowded for boating Bc.>fore the banq uet. members Van Dyke, Kathy Watson, Krlstle and tlshlna minded members ol When the yacht, Taluca, left who wllJ Oy down for a holiday of the Nt>wport Club mel In the Hemstreet, Sonn~ Stallman, El. the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Newport Harbor last week on treat and some tls hlng. Mrs. Hut .hotel suite of the president. Eva Jot Burton, Gall Olander and Last Saturday night a dlnner. Wednesday, It carried Mr. and son Is Mr. Smith's niece. Aspln. tor a surprise birthday Bruce Ol•ndet. dance celebrated the 26th annual Mrs. Forest Smith Jr. and their A few days before they left. a party for Harbor publllcty chalr- Tubbles are: HoUy Ingram, International Mid-winter Regatta tour children oft t o six months Valentine and Bon Voyage party men Kathleen Coleman. Ann Humason, Tina Bruning, held by the Southern ca.J.llomla of adventure on the waves and was given In their honor at l Local club members who at Lorrie Mossholder, Unda Purcell YachUne A.uoclatlon 'midst the the lands ot South AmeTica. Robert Hill's Cheta Inn, Corona tended the Riverside celebration and Karen Babson. Association's three-day series of The Smith family, who norm-del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. Hutson Included Mrs. Aspln and t..trs. Stars are: ianlce Beeney, Kim-races. ally divide thel.r time between are the managers of Chet"s Inn. Colt'man. Ruth Barcume. Helen berley Kuster. Sherry Martin, 01. The annual Trophy Presenta. Lid2 Isle and Arcadia. ln('ludes Included In the party were :':orton. Mildred Stanley. Dr. ane Hemlnway. Donna MartJn, tlon dlnneT of the Newport Har-Mr. and Mrs. Smith. owners of Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert HIJl <Mrs. Helf'n Rotx>rtSQn. Blan('hc Benz. Cathy Goodman, Grace Butter. bor Yacht Club Tuna Club will the Clock Restaurants . .ind For· Hill Is Forest Smith's sister ), Mr. l..t:>uiM> HambiE't, Ruth Jayrt'd. more, Nicky Lippitt, Sherry Beall, be held tomorrow (Friday) night est m, aae 15, Michael. H. a nd and Mrs. l ames Bahan. Mr. and Frant-f'S Mears. Margart>t Reinert Sherry Thomas, Susan VerBurg, at the club beginning with a Susan and Pam. ages 11 und 9 Mrs. Rod Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. and Edith Mull. who was orlgl Pam Goodman, Patty Baume and 6:30 p.m. cocktail hour and dtn. respectively. ' Arthur Kinselle. Mrs. Helen nally a mt>mbf'r of the Rtverside GODDESS WAVE Very essence of luxury and elegance ... a treat· ment-wave designed to do the most for every half cond1tion. Whether your hair IS dry or oily, dam· aged or healthy, bleached or colore d, RAYETTE GODDESS WAVE IS truly the most heavenly thing th:ll can happen to your ha1r! Special Spring Offer: the S20 Rayette "Goddess" Permanent OGly 115..00 CDIIIplete Call IIABBOB 3165 today a·t!et~ Christina Hess. ner to be held In the chart room The trip wiU be leisurely with Smith and the Hutsons and their Club Flamettes are: Patty O'Brien. at 8 p.m. plenty of flahlng In Mexican two children, Hughie and Hll -:::::=:::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::~=========:======= Terry Ann McLaugblln, Nancy Next week on Saturday nlgbt waters enroute beca use both lary. Mrs. Klnselle 1s Mr. Smith's :- Lane Jackson. lanls Brockle, Bon-the Lehman Dinghy Association Forest and his sons are ardent sisteT and Mrs. Helen Smith 1.s ny .Morgan, Kathy Hartley, Patl will hold Its dinner and, on the fishermen and angling trophy his mother. The party w as also Anna Roy and Janice Edwards. following day, the Lehmans will winnera. lJl honor ot the Rnlor Mrs. The Balboa Island Junior Vlo-race for the Phelps.Terkel Tro-Part way down the Mexican Smith's birthday. 1Jn Cholr, directed by Ruth Pad. phy and Albatross Class will vie coast they will be met by Mr. dock Gibbs. will present muaJcal for the lnslee Trophy. and Mrs. Hugh Hutson ot Lido, WILL LEAVE FOB BAWAII aelectJons for the evenlnc per-Mrs. R. 1. Gamaus plans t., I formance. Playing the VIolins H ff F •1 I A d d leave next week for Honolulu. wtll be John Beall, Robert Schu-U man ami y 5 war e where she w111 join Mr. Garnaus. mann. Imrie Beall, Jimmy Grain-The couple plan to make the ir ' ger and Pamela Stbckwell s 15,275.88 Crash Damages permanent home there. The Gar nauS' local address ls 531 Hazel $12.11 II••-Ll-cilc P•J••• i.ll $8 ......... ·-Slits .. -· 4.11 29( BALTEU. SBOIITS. PLATStnTS. WOOL SOX. FBE.JfCJI ESPADBU rES. D£KDIIIATS • Surf & Sand Balboa A~~~lnd~~n~;~-~~~:Dr:·:·~Co=~=a~~=l~M:a:~~----~===~=================~=~ aa-...,.. awuclld to Mr. and the $."50.000 deiJ1~illded. and R. l . I JIOUTICAI. I I JIOWEU I . I I lira. R. 1. Butfman a nd .o.n. Bultman got ~ and had RJckte. 6. ol 708 la.am.Jne Ave .. asked lor SS.SOO. all from the Corona del Mar, In Superior Cou Gundstroms. The city and county last Thursday in a $200.000 mul-were held not responsible tor tl-actlon auto collision suit. taiJure to maintain a stop sign The colllslon occurred on Nov. a t the Intersection. 3, 1953, at Irvine Ave. ana 17th The jury found In fJVOr of the St., Costa Mesa. when a car driv-plalntllfs. but awarded no dam. en by Lola Gundst:rom ot Garden ages, In the suit of Paul Hull- Grove collided with a car driven man and bla wife, Sorenia, by Mrs. Sorenla Hultman ot Cos-against the Gundstroms and t.be ta Mesa In which Mrs. R. J. Huff. county. They aouaht $105.000. In man and son were passengers. the no damace JUit of the Cund- All were Injured. stroms agaln.t Paul and Sorenla Mrs. R. J. Hultman was award-Huffman, t.be clty and county, ed $2,300 ol the $35.000 damages the jury found In favor of the ahe aouebt from Mr. and Mrs. defendants. Wardens <)nd Car Stickers Planned for Easter Week Block wardens to handle com-on Balboa Island. D I rec t o r s plaints during Easter Week are argued that people would keep planned on Balboa Island, Mayor feeding nickels Into the meters Dora HUI explained to directors and that merchants would be In ot the Balboa Island Bualness a worse position than they ~ Assn. at a luncheon meeting now. Monday In the Park Ave. Cafe. L.A. Modica ot J\nthony'a Shoe Sticken wUl be provided for Setvtee, 3401 E. Coast Hwy.. Co- Balboa Island residents' cars to rona del Mar, submitted a project Identity them for · fute.r move-to bold a Cinderella Shoe con- ment throuab the cbeclrlna test. Dlr«tors took the propouJ pqlnt, wbleb wUl be establlahed under consideration. at tile Marine Ave. brtdce durlnc rr.ldent Dcxla Bray presided. EutB Week. M~r HllJ qu<Qd Other dlrectora 1n attendance Jn. Cl._ ~ t-b .,_11 . eluded Dr. 0 . G. Suess, Kenndh v -anater ..u n ._ on u NJebola, Lee Mac:Colloeb, Mrs. saylnc that parkina metera could Bett;y Wabon, Mrs. Rita Board- help .olve the parklna problem man and Hal Bau.llel'. ,._ U. T.,._ ,...,, AI .. ,.,._., I • •a Alia W. IpS 10, Joa. t , BoiiJ, f.. ad O.Wd. l\i, -I* .... ...... ...,. - 2 , ... ,. ' I~ til* *-I 1..-.d ,.... lad Lou Allocialioo. Do you know what a Savings and Loan Association can do for your family? 'llli 6 I .. _.. below ..... ,. how ............. -Loa Allocledoa .. ..,.,..,..l, ...... ol,.. ... ~-- -and how.., ...... ,_ .. ,.,....,. Q. l:ltlw • ,.. ,.,. • _, A. Yoa_.-.t,.. •IIlJa• SttoSS. .mop account dollan into them than &n)"- wt.eelle! Q. ,.,..,,....~, A. ·~ ~--people of your ... 0CW'*'Mrily. Q. ..... kllttl of ..... dtq ,.., 'Tm DOt NJKII nting cmy 11J1eCia1 Inter- .-. II C1111 ~I wtD ,.pr111Dt aD ai the dtbe• of Newpwt •acb cmcl DOt fwd a lew. Intruder Kicked Out of Bed, Leaves in Pair of Shorts front room to aleep on the bed . Q. ...... _, • ..,.... ..,., A. YOGpt..: 'tut....-..n.t'lt....a. A.-w· • liMit..,. oltWt ftll* Ia ....__'JYJiiC~--··· Q. ,..,_ a • ..,.,.,,.,..,...., A. ODiy popwty a.-widl tbe ~m.pbuit oa .... ..,.. ror ~ tNyWc. bui.ldin« and till lllllild. Q. ..... ,, ................... 3, A. n., .. pueactld .,,_. 1 t ..t .. I'Mft-VW.AIIdtMJ .. ~ap toSJG.•"J .. ~ ..... ..t Lou lrt _.. Owpw el • ...-, oltbe U.&.OoNI Q. .. ,..., ............. .., u. ... '1 ._, A.,A-t$ __ ,.... ... f/1 .. A. n., .. DOW die ...... W&-l smpt .-.ol ol"-111011;. aa.a.J n.y ... ....... q"+*'Jundat .............. Q. ....,., • .,., ,..., ~, 10 ,t,.,.. J'OI'IM'III ......,.....,.u-.~7 A. ..... .,.1 Drop .. ..., ___ ..._ .... plica llirto., I , Red Cross Flail DriVe Begin Next Tlllsday 'J;)e Kewpurt • Coeta .... and Jet ltalted on tbe drive for lJrancb ot the American Bed -.eoo Crou wW bold JUI ''k.lc:k.oft'" Mark ·Soden, chairman of the brMklut for dM fund ralalnc Newport.eo.ta Meea branch, hu campatp b .1155 at tbe Balboa appohrted T. H . .Jamee, Rear Act. Bay Club at 1:30 a.m. Tueeclay, mital, Ret., as the 1955 fund )(arch 1. A hundred , and fifty chairman for the Newport area. volunteer worken anct their cap. Mr . .Jamea and his wlfe Aileen tatna wUl be present w receive and son 1\ferrlt have been rest. Instructions and worker's kits dents for one and a half years In Police ·Make Dope Arrest Bay Shores. Mr . .James Is a put commander of the NavaJ Order and currently l.a rertonal presi- dent of the Navy League. Bradley K. ·Schwartz, Cost a Mesa attorney, Is fund chairman for that area. Mr. and Mrs. Eucene E. Davis, 18, of 1537 Schwartz have been re.a.ldenta of Serenade T«race, Irvine Terrace. Costa Mesa for three and a half wu arrested by Newport pollee years. at 8:55 p.m . Friday on a charge ot violation of the health ~tnd safety code, suspicion of posses.. aton of narcotics. He wa.s taken to Orange County .JaU at 11:25 the same evening, and ball wu set at $5,000 by Judge D. J. Newport Asks Parking ·Lot Dodce. ·A 187-cat parking lot on the Pollee charged that the youth beach between 20th St. and the poaaes.sed a complete hypo. Newport Pler Is belne promoted dermic klt, an eye dropper and a by N~ area buslnea men. amaJl glass vial coptalnlng eight "Thel-e l.s enough money In the tablets. He ~rrested In front parking meter fund from last of 3705 VIa Opo,rto, Newport year to pay for the project." A1 Beach. Forglt of the Forrtt Hardware, En route to the pollee station, Newport Beach, reported. '"11te pollee said the subject "had just problem 1.s to make people con. seen the Rose Parade and the sclous that we need more park. cute chick that was the queen." lng." He kept talking about the little Members of a committee met Invisible discs that were flying last week with City Manager around and how they kept . get. John Sailors to consider the prob- ting away from him, pollee re-lem. They Included Mr. Forrtt. ported. Mac Pelletier, Guy LeValley, In the station his coat was re-George Hiner and Keith Rima. moved and two scars were vlsl-''We're going to have to eet a 6ble on the right arm at the inn« petition and do the work," Mr. elbow. These scars. or sores. were Forglt said. He explained that not acabbed over and appeared to the matter first would have to be fresh. pollee said. There wu go before the Newport Beach abo what appeared to be planning commission for action. smeared blood around the marka A bearing would be neceaary. on his arm. officers added. On his The parking ·Jot on the beach left arm was what appeared to west of the pier holds 195 cars. be a puncture mark on the Inner Traffic entering the newly.pro- elbow with a scab on lt. · posed lot could come from. 20th The subject admitted having St and next to the pier. It was been "on the junk" a couple of explained. years aeo but not lately, pollee ------ claimed. Ottlcen said he kept talltln& lncoh«ently. u••lrPI' •••" ============== ...... I]J;.ftlnlft' .. J:lii4A!••-"rf" cur Llonbarpr, owner of Crown Hardware. Corona cSeJ Gll•mpses Mar. who Ia tbe Oran,e Oounty director of tbe Paclflc Southwest .., g. Hardware A.an., served u one ot the bosta at the 33rd annual con. It's sprtne. we know . . . the ventlon and hardware expoeltion aides are blue and crisp, but I of the group held this lWeJc the air ls just a wee bit chUly Tuesday throu&b today, Thurs. at times. Nothln& la more won-day, In the Lon& Beach Munlcl- derful for this ce~ln time of pal Auditorium and the Wilton year, than matching or ooordl-Hotel In Long Beach. l)ating skirts and sweat~ and There are 25,000 independent here at O'BRIEN'S there Is such hardware dealers ln Uie auocla. a wonderful collection to choose tion, the largest trade oreanlza. from. tlon In the nation. The conven- JICift you bad OM of tboM W..ly ..... ErU l.aapewtecl ••eatws'l 'lou !mow. tiM -- &at loolr lJb a bloaM cat aad .. baad flnls!tec! tiD NCilly ftt tion and exposition Ia the largest held west ot the Mlsslaalppl. It wUI be the Ja.tgeat In the nation after the atfdltorlum in Lon& Beach l.a enlaraed. Jut lJb a bloaM. n.... an n V RiP 1J a illil1S c a a &1LT!'UII 1DGDY DeW aad Joorely .trs. tiD claooM froiD. eada llldlftlaaJly .... -tbat tMre 6n ...., ..., • If aay. ctapllcatle&. ODe of ... atuaDlD9 ..... --.. tlaat DeW .....UUID bl.. "-e wttla .APORT ~ ·· ,1.--,1 \oA .1[ . .,._,, ·4 · '!H,'~ ROW IBOWIIIG :::.::..: b'!; .co!:= "MMW·TIE PAllA" JMclr cmcS tadl.sdllcdly -·. bnlllencl dob--cmd do be ..... aad aU to .. tbe v Mdled -. tba4 would be • pelted wttb 'fOUl' .... caaacll aldrta -abodiL Don't pass by the downy soft orion sweaters In cardigans and allp-ons, hand detailed and ID lovely colors. They're a practical addition for your "from now on" wardrobe and very suda-lovtne with Jeff Chandler, Jack Parlance with Barbara Stanwyck Georee Sanders and moth loathing. And now the ------------ new Dalton caShV~etel ate ln. O'BIUEN'S IN!lectJon In the fuh.. Jonable sprin& colon wtl1 please the mo.t dtacrlm.lnatina tute. Ola. I 1..t -..t tell ,_ tiiRt-.......... .... ~ ................... ..... -....... -.y ..... .... .......... .,. .......... .. ,.. .. _. '· L We've Just received a lhJpnwnt ot Larkwood ''Stoc:Jidq X." 80 u.o. ot you wbo haft been wanttna them . • • bur1'7 ODIJL lt.rtalu..Feb.J7 nAJm Alfl) ODIA UIIAIIUUIIr ro ..u. at ._ ., .... et tlllek .-w ltldlaD ..... ....... ... t-.......... Ia lalbe& W1a1Je Gt.a.la ..... ly ....... YlsiDg la .. ldt ct-. -" f'raak attwcla to tiM .._.. De ctaU.. tiM ................ bane~ Ia ~ of -., .. IDuala \bat J...s CID JtaUaa at. .. .,...... .............. • .... .. • ..... -1 ... ................... a.i-br·IM... Ia ltely. ... ............. d.., ...... ben...S ......... .,. ..... a8d ........... ..s •....-n .._.. .. ._ .. ,natofeedl otMw to tM GlwnM' ... L ...... Cl ..... trM Jladlew--tiM Cllllapie ................. bF ...... _ .. ..... .... ··-.... u .......... .. Complaints charging trespass. entering and occupying real pro- perty without the consent Of the •wner have been obtained by Newport pollee against Richard N. Summers and James K. Fltz.. water Jr .. both of Los Angeles. Charges against the two were .tened by Jack L. Chase, of LoS Angeles, summer resident at 217 VIa Ravenna, Udo Isle. Neigh. bors noticed a light on In the kitchen of the Chase bouse Sun. day morning and more lights Sunday . evening. They tele- phoned Mr. Chase and pollee were called. Officers stood by until the home ·owner arrived. The house was found consider- ably dlsarraneed. It wu re· ported. The two Los Angeles men and two female. companions, 22 and 216, both (rom Los Angeles, were taken to police headquarters. Mr. Chase declined to al&n com. plaints againSt the women. The four were released later with a warning not to move from ·thelr present addreaa. ······~···························· • • • 's • • • • • • • • • • DOING • • • • • • • • T. M. Hlmbfook, your Telephone Manaaer in Newport a.d\ ~ • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'nle telepbone cable be- Ina' put up by thia nn. man Ia one of tbe newe11t tlliDP Lft tbe telephone bu.llln4la n looks lDte nothln&' 10 mucb u an old·fuhloned twUt of Uc:orlce. But actually It's lllx pain ot wire coated wtth a ..,.tal abrulve- realatant plaatlc. The new cable wu .-pec1ally d.Sped for. uae ln tele- phone linea In areas where hom• are widely ac:attered. n·s extnmely Uctat and ...y to WOI1t wtth. ADd Its oo.t lD UH s. '-than otJMr ~ of wtn. S&Y!Dp Wt• UU. help ua bep cood tea.pboDe ~ one ot u.e best wya m JOUI' family lladpL holflo T ... ,.. .... wortta to mau J'.W t.l1pheM a ..._..,. vaJ• ..,_.., .. ,.. . • . . . I N••• tools I• • lluny? IWe's tile .... te fttld tile• ... ,.. Ilk• 'm•et •very•ne'e a -..ft.,..._.,.. fa• tMM -~ Tltat mak .. thle tip lt•n41y t• N~MtnW: When J'W ,._.. MW ...... atllrt .... flf-,..,. teedplaoet.IMklelntMY ..... ~ flf ,..., till ..... Melc. I'Mtll,tMY .. I~~--- .._.. yeu ... fl ............. ,. ttl .... yeu w•nt. TINit"c ..... .. ~te•riJ' •v•rJ'•n• '" t•wn witt. ........................... ~ ...... , , .... , ....... . .......... f .............. ... ......,Y.U.Wh.- Professional Building Corp. Names T wicliell to Board Chad 1Wiebell ot llalboa bu the Navy, be became a.odatecl '-a .-..cl to tbe -.rei ot Dl· with Prof~ lnv.tment 6 Ndon ot PrJ' ,._.. 1a¥.t. lluUdJna CarpOntJon. the new met 6 8ulldJnc Owpcndaa, 1500.000 COIM*'ft wbJeb hat Its Don K. Butt., pr~ ot tbe main off 1 e e at 31M Kewport Corporation. aDnOUACM. Jivd., Kewport 1'b1a finn tpe- Cilacl wu a ~ .,.. Nal. etau-tn deUcnlnc. ttnanetna, tor and buUdft undJ 1151 wbea coNitnlctJna and equJpplnc mar- he wu ea.n-1 badl I.Dto the tuart• and prol..tonal buUd- M a v y. Commander 'IWiebell tnp throuahout the State of CaJ. MrWd ln the Aleutian laland8, lfornJa, t.ut Js eontlnutnc to cJe. on the laland of Trlnldad oft •ten and buUd lnexperwlve ~th Amel'lca, and recently on 8tol'ell and otrlcea u well u the ltatf ot the Commandant ot quallty custom buUt bomea and the Elwenth N«val Dlatr1ct In apartments. At the preeent time, San Dlqo, where be wu R.eeerYe the Corporation Is completJnc Public Belationa Offtcet. He re-the Parka.BJdley Mortuary In turned to clYillan atatua January eo.ta MeN anct-.Js conatructtnc a 1, 1955, and Js back with hla larp deluxe apartment bulldln& eral aervtce c 1 u b • In Orange famlly tn their bay fl'ont home ln Lapna Beach tor the C. W. County . near the Newport Harbor Yacht Huberta ot BaysbonL Other dtrecton of the rrotea. Club. Chad Ia relnatatin& bla real siGnal lnvest:ment 6 luiJdln& Be l.a a put pnUdent of the estate broker's Ucenae and 1a eet· Corporation are M. Jf • w to n Newport Harbor XJwanJa Club, tine back Into clvlltan Ute ln Bowell, 1.-ter A. llec:lllr and P. was actJve In the Balboa Power V. Parkes. Squadron and the Yacbtanen'a a burry. But be Ia atlll t&Jdn• an Luncheon Club, and Ia a charter active part 1n the Naval Reeerve A Oassified Ad in Th. Enstqn 11M.Dber of the Newport Harbor procram and b.u r e c e n t l y bti~ immediate NWI+sl Cell E1ka' Lodce-Upon releue from apoken on that subject at leY· ~ 1114-1115 end Dt'O\'e itt Tommy, ferry, Lorrie .. Betty I Ginger, Chef Burtt ~'"Newt .. Cordially invite you to the 1st • tver~acy Party and . '• . --~~- OPen House Thursday, Mar. 3rd· From I ~ :08 a.m. We are deeply grateful for your ..-alued patronage dur- ing the pl8t year. We hope that wfi aball ben-e the plecm.- ure of contiDuiDg to Mnoe you duriDg the coming month&. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ~I~ ll111r 7:0q p.m. to ? p.m. . COME ••• • • • l••·s Bowlillg ··= .............. .,., IIWLii-iii{!lPEI lAT. & lVII. n& • & lftiL FlEE- Doria talbott•• JKwic 9JtuE * DCOIIDI 11-Drtt ~·a. .... & .,..__ Cl ra . * IIVIJCJU. IVft'I.ID-.a= ...... =· ...... _••&oa.. UCOB I'LA,.._-TU& UCOIIDEJII ,._ & Or.-.......... '"lt.Wbe.ayl!!!:!!!!!:!:!- .. ~'ill'ion ' • &. .. .. I. .... 1-D:utr ..... Sial B8ach Stand tr11s Fight Vs. 0.1 lslaftds r~atlonal and res l dent l a 1 '============ Tt\e Peb. Uth. antl~ll .....tint of the Oranp Cout .a..oetatlon didn't exad.Jy turn out to be an all-out c.ampatp aaainllt erec. tlon or l.slands ott the coutllne for oil drUllng. areas ls prohibited. A.asembly-i The membenhJp did vote to aend four reprelletltatlvee to the hearJne today before the State m.an Stanley said that be has proP<*!d a bill to make every oU lease by the State Lands Com- mJuJon subject to local regula- tory ordlnanoes, glvine local peo. ple a voloe in oU development. Lands Commtwloo In ,U. An-ITAT Ill •EWJOIIT lt4G4N'S Your Family Restaurant (a-4 Tuahy) 1515 Lc-t .... wer ..... 1 .. c-...... I eeles on the Ba:nttnaton Beach From the BeiJ"hts to the ocean IE II UPIILITEIIII fleht aealnst all lUanda. These l.s the recent move of the Arthur ro.ctr are Rerb Kenny ol Balboa, Halls. formerly of 537 El Modena ........ -v.L •tlftiiAU ........... _ ....... ty. AW ~~cwts ,._ om-. 1-t. I Bill Galllenne Of the Buntlneton Ave. Their new addresa is 2112 Beach Chamber o1 Comll'et'Ce, W. Ocean !'root. Newport. Up ........ & .,. •• .,. ~...,.. DSO.,.._...._C......_ w ..... ..-..-s .... tM vaa ... -z_ et c:..wc..m. .-d ..... 11 • .., Ia Jaly, 1152. Named to Job Who Votes At Cha~man f.. Wh ? W. Worth Bernard, who'll soon or om e be a Newport Harbor resident. ts taldne a big step from being a leading man In one of the biggest public relations firms In the countrY to a position on a college staU. For the past twelve years Mr. Bernard hu been head of the Southern calltomJa and Arizona division of Braun • Company, nation-wide firm of business con. Apparently there Is confusion as to who'll vote for whom In the March 15 Newport Beach City Council election. Candidates represent seven dlf- ferent dlstrlcts within the dty, but every voter who goes to the polls on March 15 will vote for his choice in each of the seven districts. sultants specializing Ln public Here's the slate: relations. On April 1 he will as- sume hl.s new position as> Vice President and Dlrectbr of DeveJ. opment of Chapman Colleee In Orange. With Braun • Company, Mr. Bernard has bHn In charge of many leading campaJens in Southern Callfornla., D u r I n g World War ll be was the dollar- a -year man for the Treasury De- part.ment In charge of the South- em cautorlnla Retailers War Boud Committee. Thla group alone ralJied more than $100,000,- 1. NEWP01lT Gftald Benn~ Incumbent. I... B. Bergeron. fireman {ret.) W. C. ltlnder, law student. 2. BALBOA Sandy MacKay, realtor. Jay StottJemyre, barber. 3. LIDO ISLE. BAY SHORES Dora BJll, Incumbent. 4. CUFF HAVEN, HEIGH'I'S Stanley Rldderhof, incumbent. Mrs. Slerld Net!, housewife. 000 in war bond aa.lelt. 5. BALBOA ISLAND Frank Wbrtaboume ol Doheny MOVE ROM II.EIQIITI Pallsades and John R. lldt.lnney The Frank Muuelmana are of Seal Beach. now living In Corona del Mar. The membenhJp &Do real-They have moved from their for- finned support ol a reeolutlon mer home at 1000 Cliff Dr .. Cliff protestine spoliation ol beaches Haven. to 614 Orebld Ave., Co- by island drlllJ.Da and Uf'l'lne rona del Mar. the munlclpalJties a.nd counties LEAVI!--R-EWIO ___ IIT ___ _ be given the power to reculate, The P. W. Shadducks thoueh not prohibit. structures moved from 4015 Marcus such as Wands. The J"e*)lution also reeommended extension of to El Monte, CaUl. the Long Beach breakwater to have five., the southerly limits of Newport Beach to atop cout line erosion and provide small boat harbor areas. The A.ssoclation stand wu •·•·· ... EI.UO'IT'I V1I10ir ... ~JC2 Formes-ly Jeny R.U.. •1a..,.n-... •....-t .... ..... ,., c-..... "liDiVJ& liAr ....... c. OB---I.~ Firestone Batteries Tires • R«aps Plat W & DD.IVD'I' )pen Every Day 7 a.m. to 8 p.lll weakened, bm:eves-, by the stat~ i~~~~~JLI~a~LDO~~-~-~,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~ ment of Wllla.rd Hanzlik. presi- dent of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce. who was speaking for the absent John MeXfnney. "We are not tb.rea.tened with the Imminence of an laland," he said. "We HAVE an laland from which oU l.s belne drilled off- shore. There bas been no spolJa- tlon of our .beach. I f~ that It ls better to have an oil Wand ottshore than a well on shore. 1 find now that the island bothers us less than piers and buoys on shore." He said that Mr. McKinney no loneer is of th.e opinion that oU islands are undesirable. The Feb. 11 meetlng was at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. k ·• Jaba lllluni.J Jr. aDd AJj. ,;t'le Leaeue of CJvlc Associations of Newport Beach t.s apoNOI'ine a Ia ..... ,..-t ..... City ..u thl.s ... at 8 p.m. All candidate. felt the Council election of Marcll 15 have been invited to be· present and are expected to atate their ~itlon on va.r1oua clty problems. This Ia your chance to -. bear aD4 meet the candidates penonally. i 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ii;iijiiijil Be bu bad ateulve qped-BaM ...._ ........... Iii -... .,.. ..... ..-bile-..... Clarenot mpse. atklr1M7. tJona projec.U. publlcfty eam- paiens, community and stat~ 6. COKON.& DEL KA.R wade promotions and metcllan-A. W. SmJth, Incumbent. ~ Earl 9tan.Jey ... i=~~~~~~;!~~~~==l!!;;!iili~~-aJDOftC tbe ,._.. Senator llur· dy pointed out there is a law statlne that interference with *BALBOA* • Open Every Sat. & s..nday Enioy Rides & Games r•aiiiiF..U,flr 1 "TRIP 11•11 TIE IIY" -IlL IS... OWLY ¥11111- , .................................. '*'11 dMIIE. ... vw. ........ -.. o.-.. ea.r..,.. --....... .-ta.I•._..__.. .... -.LI ..,_.._.._. .. t.1bM w-£ v.--..,.,. .. • .. a...-• r.U.ta& t < I I ~ ' L. Cordon Walker, real estate. dlsJng events such as Cotton • _ WUd blJ ret ti W~k. Dairy Month, etc. ~ et', pu c a ons. 7. CORONA DEL MAR C.,. 1n1er Jrll J. B. Stoddard. chem. en.mees-. W. G. Pei'Tow, retired. Te .,l•n•III•J Newport pollee warned three •• ,.., C•••lllll harbor~rea persons at 12:15 a.m. WJII 11--..1 I DCC Sunday to "stop the ho.rseplay .... I and stop taklne up poll~ de- partment time." Ralph Johnson of 312 Onyx Ave., Balboa Island, reported that two girls In a yellow coupe threw an egg at hls ~ar parked at Marine Ave. and Park Ave .. Balboa Island. Officers stopped the yell<nf coupe occupied by Sheryl Kay Stanton of 1717 Mira- mar Dr.. Balboa and Janet C. Benjamin of 1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. they reported. Mr. Johnson refused to sign a com- plaint. and the pollee warning followed. I.EGAL WOTICE No. A 25281 ROTICE 1'0 CIIEDITOU ESTATE OF THOMAS CAVA- NAUGH JOHNSON, aka THOS. C. JOHNSON. aka T. C. JOHN· SON DECEASED . KOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to The C1tliens Advisory Commit- tee of Orange Coast College will be guests of the college trustees at'a dinner meeting at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. March 30. In the Student Cent«. Following the dinner, a report on the growth and building pro gram of the college will be pre- sented. At 8 the meeting w1ll adjourn to the new a uditorium. Official dedication ceremonies wlll be held there for the audi- torium and the adjoining music building. The musk and drama departments will present emer- talnment. .UGAL ROTICE Notice Ia hereby J"lven that copies of the proposed amend- Funeral Set'vices for c 1 a u d r Valvero Gray, 67, of 187 Magno- lia Ave., Costa Mesa. were held Feb. 14 In Park5-RldJey Mortu- ary, Costa Mesa. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Hourez ot the Foursquare !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Gospel Ch~h of Costa Mesa of- ficiated. Mr. Gray died Feb. 10 In his home of a heart attack. He was a native of Lima, Ohio, and had lived in Costa Mesa tor the past 1 34 years. He worked In the pr~ I ductlon department of the Stand- ard 0 11 Co. in Huntington Beach for 30 years. Survivors are his w ife. Carrie; two daughters. Mrs. Alfred H en r y and Mrs. Jack Hassle of Costa Mesa, and four brothers In the East. IIIE us PRDYE IT! ••• ""We h~ ahowa aaay crat.lobUe ~~ an how to _.. IDODI1' tbe Stat. r .. way. J ut gift as the opportaaJty t. proYe to you the • ...., ..taw ~ ages of the ~t lull,.._ pkla plo•••ad by St.t. F--. .. • STATE Fill liS. CO. L L CADDIS 1~ L 17a 1t. cau as Today ••• AutlloiUecl A,-.t For All w. &. &..A.RaHII U a-1111 I ..,... .... ..., ....... leenMd .................. • .., ....... tbe ,.. of - 181c;t•~ 1D 1M aty of N....,.t ~,and~ a dt:J ..uadJ ....... lD Qt7 Ball c1artq "Scout Q1;J o.y . ., '11\e Seouta .. Ullllq dutiee lil· eluded Eqle Apprentice Ed G&~ 800. mayor; Star Tlm Drlakti, Seeond 0.. Scout Ient Rarwy and Second a.. Scout Steve Butterworth, eoundlmen; Ute -pnntlc:e Doqlaa Lone. e:lty attorney; Firat a ... Scout Don· ' ald Gordon, bulldlnc Inspector, and Star Ronnie Keeler, dl.lef ot pollee; Second Clua Scout Boeer Lake, pollc:e captain; Second a.-Scout Blll Ferry. city en. ljiDeer; Second Claa Scout Jim lolmeon, fire marshal; First au. Scout Howard Gllatrap, fi. Dance ottlcer; Star Scout Georce Bau.lt'r, fire captain; Ll!e Scout Qaadt Remley, fire c:hJef; Star Scout 1ohn Cock, harbormaster, and Firat Clua Scout Garry cu'-. clty clerk. 'Jbe Scouts came from troop 5, trooP 81, troop 17, post 17 and pa.t5. --------IIAJf 11ELD AFTEa WBECZ 1obn Ullerick. 65, of 1967 FuJ. lerton Ave., eo.ta Mesa, was ar- rested on an Intoxication In ve- hicle charce at 3:22 p.m. Sunday on Newport Blvd betw~n 25th St. and 26th St., Newport Beach. Pollee charged that Ullerlck drove his car out from a parking place and hit the rear of a pas- sing car driven by Thomas P. Ferguson, 47, of Whittier. AIIOJIQ TilE MEMUM .C ...... w..d a., --.t ,.._. II Leg.• on Marks .... took part .... c:IMatll ,.....u.. '* ...... • ... --.aa~~ ..... , ................. ,. .......... .... .. rltlat. .. Allee GIll .... ant d-. --~~ ........ ~ Jim Whyte INSURANCE Ocean, Marine and General Insurance Uberty ~11" Office: Cot:te ...... leM: luildi"9 RMettce: 416 Hu.el, c-. clel Mer 31st Birthday. =;:::'.!:'"'..:.=-..=o-1i§:~a~-. ... aDd boop ...... , .... 4 flat ca.. aa4 ..-a The 31st birthday anniversary ....._,....., f.-.y, np'l.-8CIOIIt ~ol......, Ia A mu.tfled call for pollee by a of Newport Harbor American Le· tile ............. Wt to ~ ... ll...a.aJI t. 8eCIIIII4 claa1 party who then hunc up the ..._. .m. c:wadklcne -.t: aw F.-.y • ......s ct.. aad ~ b --t 1 h gton Post 291 was observed Jut (&Mip plloto) P one cau~ e ep one oper- n(&ht( Wednesday) with a smor-atora to alert Newport pollee at casbord pot-luck dinner held at 4:15 p.m. Friday. Officers ~ere the Legion Hall. I£WS notltled that the call came In The dJnner was served by the from a PtrtY line phone, either Legion Auxiliary. Cha6men w~ ------------------------at 429 Seaward Rd. or 345 Even- Mrs. Herbert Thompson. Mrs. New bulldlnp are belnc Work becan Jut week and It Inc Canyon Rd., Corona Rich- Herman Johnson and Mrs. Tony added on to our school. Amonc b bard to study when you want lands. Boetto. the 4 new classroom.&, aewlnc to watch the blc bulldour out-Invet~catinc otflcen found =========::::::::=:::::;.~==========~ room and cookJn• room. we will aJde your window. that the call came from Rqan • Dauphine, 8, of 345 EvenJnc AJrD Morry Smith's BIG WEEKEND SPECIAL! THUJIS., Fll., SIT., FEL, ......_ "'-1 TIIS II F• FREE .. REIIEI "SUPER SHELL SERVICE'' * Two Colw•iell Locdlu * MANN'S SHEIJ. SERVICE STAnON 2801~~-ay CorODcl del Mar MORRY·s SHEIJ. SERVICE STAnON 3100 E. Coast JUPway IIAmaw 2710 - Corolla del ... SAVE Willi I F•,..r'a PolicJ be bavtnc a new library. The New thine• are alao planned Canyon Rd. Hill brother, Marti, library wlU be bullt on the for the art room. In the bac:k of 6, had bumped bla head and wu I empty lot parallel to the art the room above the Iocken there crylnc, pollee aaJd. Their mother room. It will contain a special are colng to be art murals wu absent at the store. Otticen room for cluaH. Shelves alone pall"\ted on the walL Each mural Robert Brockle applied a cold the aides will contain the books, will be approximately four feet wet rae on the bump while w&Jt- with tables and c:hairs In the by four f~t They will start with ~ for the mother to antve and middle for students. the early cavemen ud JO up to taU c:barp On the other aide ol the echool. ma•lnl ciQ. ,._, .,. .-... to • ' ,...u.1 to ,..... e.JO.U. wUl be be pabltad by the lltudenta. tbe 4 new cl...-ooms and the Mrs. Beth Terpena. beloved art aewtnc and cooldnc rooma. One teacher of Enatcn. wUI aupervtae. of the classrooms wtll be a spe-They wm show something like clal science room with all fadU-cavemen drawinc pictures on M 1111•••'• YARN SHOP tJea. The sewing and cooking the walls of the caves. The mu-%14.7 a. eo..t IBglrway rooms wUl be Joined tocether. ral.s will be cave-men, Egyptalna, ConGa del J1u 11A •7 )11:-:• • • • • • • • • • •x• • • • Greeks, Romana, the Renata. KnlttJnc. Crocheting and sance, and modern day. Some uf Needlepoint Supplies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •:r • Mtu Marie Heffern, art super. vt.sor ot the Newport Elementary Schools. wtll talk on the purpose ot creative art In the school at the meeting of the Corona del M ar PTA at 2 p.m . Monday tn the school auditorium. Mtu Hef. fern will Illustrate her dlscua- .slon with an exhibit of art done by local students. Second rrade students undt'r the dlrect.lon ot MlS.s Clara Spel- man will entertain with musical select.Jons. Ira C. Fex, 11, Dill KnltUnc Baca the .students worklnc on the mu-Speclallzed Accesaorles rals will be Karen Hefner, Tony and lnstructlbna ThomP*>n. Wendy Oesenberc. waaw lloans Linda Kelso, Judy Lovell, Mary Mon. thru Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anna Petty, John Bellinger, Jack Thursday 1 p.m. fo 5 Bradbury, Roy Mathers, Ann Hu--===========~ muon. Pat Wilcox and Barbara _._,.MMIAIDJ--WIIM..._ uuenthaL • • • Cfll •m• * ..... , Standard 8 b a d e C1oth.a and Cuttom Specialties e Drapery Hardware e Venetlan Bllnda. r o k ' . , r , ·~ .. -1 • . • -- 1111 r.u;.u··~~ .ii~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~,f~~.:.~---== ,.. .......... ... .................. t ol ...... ~ oount7 Uld lltate tile Mcapwt .._ O•aoblr ot aaatn; Maurie ~.· eueu- ~ announce~ the fol· U..; Milo Laey, JMI'ehant8; 0. lowtq CIDIIDillttM c:hatrmeD tor W. ak:ba.rd. nadoul affaln: Jtu • l.BI: pllt Hendrleka. publldtJ; ll.c lloland Wrltbt. budpt; wn. a.tro, pubUc MIMJ: Uwlll Ualll 8purpOil m. etvtc a.Ualn; ll.u'Mdl, rowtnr r.catta: J. B. llc:KaJJ,y, ~llhlnr; Mra.. T. Duncan ae.wart. women'• com. m.tttee; Hobert Boyd, yachttnr. Dlrec:ton • at -larp are Law. Nnce Brown, T. M. Hambrook, '1ra a lttt.Je euly: 1 want to Tom Hendenlon, Rupert Bend- crt the 1ow down' t.rom CuM rtek.a. Wllllam Spur,eon W and Morrla," ltated J:claa.r Hlij. new-ReY. Jamea Stewart. ly-appolnted u.latant civil de-'nle chamber otflcen, ln addl· fen~ d1rector for Newport S..ch, Uon to President. Stanley, are when u.ked about h1a plana for 1amee T. Van Dyke, flnt · vlce- clvll deferwe. He wu appointed p,.Udent; Monte Grim~ second at a· clvfl defeue meetinc on vfce-prealdent; 0 . W. RJcha.rd, Feb. 18 tn Newport Beach City treasurer; Hay Lancenhelm, .ec- Hall by ctty Kanacer John SaU-Nta.rJ, on, dl.rector. The dlredora for 1955 are: for Citizens are belnc asked to flll Baloo.-Monte Grtme.. Lonnie out forma la.ttnc their •btlttle. Vlneent and Orville Schluet•; which may be UMd for clvtl de-for Balboa laland-Cla.renee Ria· terwe. Tbe IJ'OUP wtll meet a1.m ble. John IC~ler and Lyle J'ln. on lfardl 2 ln City Hall to pro. 1.,: for Corona del Ma.r-Wil- c:ea the forma. Volunteen will Uam O'Br1on. James T. Van then be uked to uaume clvtl Dyke and Maurie Stanley: for defeue duUe.. lfatlnera Mile, IJdo and Newport Relpb-Peter Barrett. Harvey Somera and Kenneth Albrtcht; for Kewport-lloland Wrtcht. 0 . Someone built a fire In the w. B.lchard and Geoqe Llnd. aun room on tbe end ol tbe New------------- port Pier Saturday n.taht. Georp Hiner, pier end conceaion oper- ator, complained to Newport po- llee at 1:20 p.m. Sunday. He uked poJ.Jee fo keep a cloeer watdl on the place. lfd.ZODI GET QIJIL A dauchter, Shannon Dorothea, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. PhllJp McLeod of 1416 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, In Hoar Memorial Hos- pital on Friday, Feb. 11. LAST 10 DAYS FOR .FlEE &IRS , .............. .. ................. ........ ,..~~. _ ...... .....,_ .... , .......... ..-4_ ... ·-I ............ Aier. c ........ ,.. ... ,.._ __,., .. ,..,-.... ,_ ..... ...................... ,.... .......... , ....... "-··· _.. __ .,..,. __ " 01$ .. ...,...,...,_, ......... GET YOUR Gin NOWI , liiiOUNCING '{ lmw.t poW Quortllrty • M Pwil4 CMiflc 111 ...,. Accou11tt March 31, June 30, hpte•IMr 30 and o.c • .-., 20 (1ft ...... for Cho ..... , • ...,, .., ,.. .......... c....-... , ... 1. ,.., .............. ,~~ ,....., • ..., .... ~ .... . 2., ................................... .. $10,000..., tt.e ,.... ..... .... ...... .._,.ICe C.(IMf ... IA 3. ,.., ......... -"· hAft ,..,~_,_..., ..... ....., ..... 111V .......... .. ~ ............ ..,.. •. ,.., ...... ~., .... , ............ ..... ....... ......... . • • t ~ * * evelopment if Hit Harbor Area I The New ·llillle Of LESTER, ·R YONS 3425 East ·coast Highway (Next to Newport Harbor Bank) f • • & CO.· I Corona del Mar * 3425 e.st Co.st HMJhwey New Hbme of Leder lyons I Co. * 3423 E. Coat Hwy. For Leese c.l owner: Uberty a.6164. Inferior view, LAster lyons: showing Mw stod: quotation board; J.d Treven end Gele Roberts, Mlesmen; Betty JKObs, wire operator; Estfter Spang, secretary end o .. n c.mpbel. mgr. General Contractor J. Ray Construction Co., Inc. 3446 E. Coast Highway, HA 4763 Corona del Mar Architect Ken Banks 3S30 E. Coast Highway, HA 2827 Corona del Mar n. fiiiWIII IIYI••II••• finis.,. ..... tf lllelr ,.t II .. ••11•11•111 .-· •••111111• If IIIII .-reject ' 1'1111 IDDI•c•••llll•••• 11111il1 II-........... cwllq 1M 11111 .. lill 'ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Dl. 2754 E. Coa.l Rlglaway. RA 1011 Ccxoaa del Mar I • • • CUSTOM GABINETS & FIXTURES • ........ ~., 1sso .....-AM.. u hat · PL.UMBING ... GLASS & STORE FRONT ..... •us co. tCJC11. COCDt Highway. u 1-2782 Newpod Beacll • • • MASONA.Y L~ 8172 l4tlu t• Dr .. IE s..7 Aacdatlat .. I ,, &.. - POUCE ILOI tEit Tars. Colonists Me.t Again ·-"·...... J>ljoe _ ., .. ._-. ..... To Decide Play-off Entry ro.J teenap ,Vla ltole a lq damap to tM rlpt front '11\e Newport Harbor Tan ..... ,. wttb 30 potnta; Paul Neumann wblte euhmen ..... t.oom tile fenw and bumJ* on the Lacy the Anaheim ())lonl8bl, tied few made 1t pobata. Btll Webel 10. lltore me WW\ac-at 211 llar'lM vehicle . . . MCOnd place In SUNet LN,ue 1Cd41e Pope I, Paul Lorentzen Aw., Balboa Ialand. Tlna Bart. e IA'IVDAY. na. at final standlnp. wer. echeduled and Lany Harper 2 each. well ol that adc!Na reported . . . Fred McNay, ?a, ot the Mft. to play ot1 the tie lut nllbt on Klke .leecb, eraek forward for '1'\aUIIIDAY. na. 17 maid Apt.. 23rd St., Newport a neutral n~t Ga.rden Grove Au.bet.m. wu beld to two polnta, . A hlt and run car eau.ed $30 Beac:b, Mdtered a heart attaek In -to. the rlcht to rep~t the lowertnc hl.a came avetace from damace to the lett door of hl.a front ot 2305 W. Balboa Blvd.. LeaJUe, alone. with Champion 31 polnta to ~ ear between 1 and 2 a .m., Lee Jfewport Beach; wu taken bome Hunttn,ton Beach, 1n the Sout~· 'lbe ,..,._ took the led ha tbe Barnes of 121 VIa Mentone, Lido by pollee and later remowd to ~ Cir playott.. · m.t quarter, 15 to 14, trailed 30 lale. reported . . . Her 19f6 con. Orance County General Ha.pltal 'nle playot:ts wlll becln next to 28 at the half and 44 to .0 wrtlble car with a whlte top, •.. Can driven by Oral C. Row· 1\tesday. Tbe winner of lut at the end of three quaren.. peen body and white atdewall ard of G~ .Larkapur Ave., Co-nl1f11ht'a1 NewpoRJ ~~~ahthelm came Tbe junior vanity won 51 to tires wu stolen from ln front of rona del Mar, and Burnette R. w Pay ve.-e, e _runner-. it'~ ... ol -'-.... up team ln the Cltru.s Belt. Hunt. -· _u,dU up to the v~lty lin& her home between 4 and 5 a.m., '11\ompeon Phoe • ...,.. ~ ....... were up for last nlght'a game were Mrs. B e tty Slately of 600% Involved 1n an accldent at Cout lncton Beach drew a bye for the first round three 1V play~Tom Huston, Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar, Hwy. and Avocado Ave., Corona . ' Bob Villapana and George Ma- complalned . . . del Mar, af' 7:44 p.m. . . . The Ta.rs dropped down to a bee e nmAT. FQ. It e SUWDAY. FE& • tie with Anaheim for second · • • apot tn the Sunset Leacue by Allan Gaco of 605 Klnga Pl, Offlcera were unable to locate loeln to the Colonlata 6a.!59 lut Cllf1 Haven, was bitten on the the person who tampered wtth Frtd g th 1 er' Up by a doc and was treated by a bedroom acreen and then tried ay on e w nn • COUI't: a physician, the dog wu placed a, rear door In the residence of Deiiiiiiniiiru.iiiiiiiiiiFtiiitxp;;;;;;;;a;;tr;;l;;ck_w_aa __ top_;;;;eco;;;;lt;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==:=====================~=~~~~;;==~=======: under quarantine . . . The moth-Mary Ann Morey of 435 Cam&· • of a CoJOna del Mar boy, 7, tlon Ave., Corona del'Mar, at 3!~ qreed to pay ~or a new rear a.m. ... Eric W. Cantrell, 38. of window ln the car of Allen Reed Cypreu was arrested on a drunk ol 410 Irl.s Ave., Corona del Mar. drlvtnc charce on Coaat Hwy. broken accldentally whUe the near Newport Blvd ...• Cara drlv. ·youth was playing by throwing en by 1ohn H. Mulligan of Pen· rocks . . . A blt and run car dleton, Ore., and Randall Frank- backed Into car driven by Mrs. lln of Glendale were Involved ln Harold L. Lacy of 219 VIa Dljon, an accident at Coast Hwy. and lJdo Isle, tumlnc a corner at Vla 17th St. Sophomore Class Sponsors Spring Dance Friday Night Spring w:lll come to Harbor The CYJn 1s belnc converted to BJgh tomorrow <friday) ntcht a aprlnc rarden, complete wtth when all Harbor afudenta are In· trees and colorful blooms, and ln vtted to the gala Spring Dance the Soc:lal Hall refreshments will sponsored by the Sophomore be served durtnc the evenlnc. class. It's a come-one, come-all Sophomore ctw otrlcers are 1n type of dance. charge or the arrangements ac. Cees Beaten 26-25 .in r;inal Tbe Cee basketball team· of Newport Harbor High School, winners In League competJtton, were edced out by Brea, 26 to 25, 1n the ftnala of the Capistrano toumametJt Jut week. 1ohn Hen. rotln of the Newport Cees, who acored 14 points In the game, wu chosen as the most out. standing player In the tourna. ment. ................ .. , •....... The ladles of the· Association of Universalist Women met Feb. 17 at the home of Mrs. Frederick Ringe, 234 Hazel Drive. Corona del Ma r. The Association voted $30 toward the purchase of hy. giene and health books for the public schools of India . Rev. Frederick Ringe, minister of the Universalist Fellowsh ip. gave an illustrated lecture on Hawaii. The next meeting w111 be held a t the home of Mrs. Nell Rey. nolds and Mrs. Madge Beach of Long Beach. FJJlECRACJtEBS TBBOWH Boys, a bout 20 and 21, just threw some firecrackers Into t he h allwa y o! the Irwin Apt., 22nd St. a nd W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, Henrietta Hillhouse of that address notified Newport police a t 12:17 a.m. Sunday. She said they drove away In a yel- low two-door club coupe and a dark-colored four-door sedan. Of. fleers searched the area but could not locate the cars. A 11. cense number provided by Mrs. HUlhouse was traced to Orange. cordlnc to Claaa President Bud Thompson. Working with him are Art Btrtcher, l ohn Benrotln, Mae&fe Crane and 1ody Lleb. Special committees are: ncketa, Betty Shannon, 1udy Sauter, Walt Howald. Dave Vauchan. 1udy Sutherland, Linda WUlsey, Allan Boris. Leroy Roeland, 1oan Bush; poaten, Dana Torrance, PhyUJs Milum. Dorta Crossley. Carol Cdeen, loyce Alders. Susan McCarthy, Claudia Gentosl, lean McQueen: decorations, Dan Ellis. Sue Brown. Mlke Woodland, Don- na Klagsbury, Wendy Gruwell, Sally Gould, CAthy Hofmann, Pat Shlelda. lJnda Cannon. Ita~ Lacefield. Lawie Bendrtdr.a. San- dye Swarwon. Joan Buah, Patricia Knapp. Mrs. Rexford Brandt Is chair. man of the special P.T.A. com- mittee appointed to assist the Sophomore committee. On her committee are Mrs. Rupert Hend- ricks, Mrs. Dana Crum and Mrs. 1ohn Kimble. Mrs. Antoinette Adams Is class adviser. High school youth of the BaJ. boa Isla nd Community Methodlst Church enjoyed an all-day snow party Saturday at Snow Valley. Those making preparations for the aUair Included S h a ron Waidelich, Marilyn Shooter, Dick Bridgman, Lance Greenleaf and Hugh O'Relly. OJf DUTT AT PT.liUGU Blll 1. McDonald, seaman, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wll· Ham McDonald of 2088 Maple Ave .. Costa Mesa, Is on duty at the U.S. Naval AJr Missile Test Center at Point Mugu, Calif. Be- tore enterlnc the Navy ln J uly, 1951, he attended Newport Hat· bor Unlon High School. .................. ··scn~t ...... .... Tilt built·ifl ... ;,.. tM .... out. You nmr t.eh liCit ....,, tift1 tuds. ·'Woflder • .......-..,..,... nst~oot. ICnlbs Ollt dirt. ............... , 6f"P)9P: -__: :UIU_.!fPP . FOBA LDmED 11M! QJ&T • .. ..... TO U: AWABED Df IIUCII GET FREE nCUTS AJrl DAY EVErt DAT (lee It • DC ;lay)-« ..ua 1111111 IIIIET IIIIETS (•a.lac-tl..-~ · 3Mf.._ c::o.t • ..., .. C...... cW II•) c•-. 11 1• £ r •• eea. ..._, II vi iiiWi Wltla R 39.~ Shortening 69~ l~r~~~CIII•••a. 1ft ..... , Cr. ... .1ftll • ... , .... I I..... .,. IDT ~ Qt. J• s~~~~ Mayor.-.aise --.......... _ ... _ 7~ J[UIDQGI' Corn Rakes ~~ ............ 1~ ITiiilfi-cball ltyle ~ TUNA ~-~ ........ ~ ................... 6.1 ~ aoliiLiia HI-HO I lb. -----·----·-lftDi•• STARCH JnrCOA--CoiDncl-1 U.. ZDnr'l AA LA.aG&-I'Neb a-da . ,_ LAU'aA ICUDDS" ·z..rwe sa. J• 4• ~!.:..anut BuHer -···-7Y-Margarine Crackers ~-_ ... 23~ 25~ EGGS doz. . 55~ :m. .................. 17( PUB% BLEACH WBJTE aoiE POTATOES SPAJQSB ONIONS · 3 ... 1~ ~~~ . f R 0 If f1 f 0 0 0 'i ................... -·-··-·--331 .-J)IJrrE-10 OL PllqJ. P E I S ............ ___ .. __ ............. : ....... 2 fw Z11 IWAJIIO.I TV--DDnfEU , ... ,, ..... .. ... ___ , .... -.......... -..... WIIOL& I VJI-4 -. C:.. ..... ..... _, ________ _ .. Leg ~o La01b · ·oaL Cured Hams=.:..49._ Cured Ham Slices · 89i.. BACON =--=-45L Chuck or7 -BOne Roist 39L 0-Bone RoGst 45'- Lean ,Ground leef 4JI 00 Horn 4