HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-03 - Newport Harbor Ensignlniundion Is Sought I lui TBODDAT, IIAacB I , 1155 An Injunction .wt wu fll~ In Superior Court yeste:111ay acalnst the City of Newport Beach to T restrain the dty t:rocn mtorctnc l·ng ax 'c:u~u:~:n::.:l,~c~::c rec:t.d by l(artWJG. ddl wW ... ,.. ... at the llaJbol> View Scbool 4lt 7:10 ...-. F1:IMy cmd 2:10 p.a. Satalday. (Poa-..... ). On BallOt ay re:ela~ctlon, which will test the con.stltutlonaWy ot the ordl. nanoe, wu fllecl by Santa Ana 20th ~~~~~~ Island. N am~ in the action were the city, the mayor ud councllmen. inder ithdraws From Council Race A 55-cent max:J.mum tax over· meetinc Monday afternoon •a•ve•~ the ta.x would become eftec. chief of pollee John Upeon ud rtde fa. 10 yean tor tlnandn& otftdal approval to the tax over. tlve next July 1. Judce Donald License Colleetor Harold Younc. a hlch ecbool apa.naJon ~ ride method o1. tlnanclnc and ln· Dodce, board chatnnu, aa.ld Papen were to· be aerv~ today cram wW be on the ballot for atruded Supt. Sidney Davldllon that the procram calls for con. on these clty oft'ld.al&. the May 30 election of 8CbooJ. to proceed lmmeclJately with structlon to belin on the Santa Attorney Corfman tDid the En- board members. .w,s to place the matter on the Ana Army AJr Base site, or an. atcn yesterday that be wu uk- Bob Boyd Dies at 56 1'1\e R.wport Harbor Ullioft ballot. . other alte 1f th1a Ia not made inc tor a temporary injunction HI School tru.stees ln act.Joumt" If, approved by the voters May avaUable, before the end of 1956. ud wlll try to ret a ratraln.lq Work Begins on Dwelling On Corona d I Mar Bluff Baby Is Saved From the Bay Danny Seals, 20 months old. wu rescu~ (rom the bay at 1405 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island. by three Newport Beach .treet de- partment employees at 9:19 a .m. Monday after they noticed him tloetinc face down ln the water. A fire d e p a r t m e n t rescue *IUad headed by Capt. Ed Zube used an Inhalator for 10 min· utes. A physician wu called and releued the boy to his mother, Mra. James Seals of 320 Onyx Ave., Balboa Islud. City emploJfttl Charles Glass. 191!19 Harbor Blvd.. eo.ta Mesa. and Gus Ritter, m39th St .• New- port Beach. went Into the ahal· low water to ~ the boy. The third employee. Cbarl• Shorb of 3M Hamllton St.. eo.t.a Mesa. rushed to the Balboa laland tire state for ald. Mr. Glaa pve the boy a.rtlfldal respiration. Rowing Races Here May 28 OcHn •vel. 1eYtl. llr. 'IIIII._. 8aid. and ~ to the boue will be from ~aken dt1ve at the foot Of the bluU. Stepa will be buUt up to the houae. and later a cable-car method o1 ac. cess l.a planned, he aald. Newport City CouncU approv~ the ~ quest for the bulldlnc permit Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson came to Corona del Mar from Wyo. mlnc. Tht'!)' are now In Peru, where Mr. Atld.n80n's company holds the rlchta for tJdelandll oil drUllnc. ClUID'OOIIW would be ready at Older at a heartnc ln Supe'lor the start of tbe 1967 fall term. Court at 1:45 p.m. Prtclay, Much hunclred .tudenta would co 11. Yachtsman Ro~ L. Boyd of to cl._... In the new buUdincs Tile action claJml that the 520 Jasmine Ave., Corona del that year. The new construction Euter Week or4.1~ Ia lOld Mar. died Sunday evening of a propa.m would .00 call for ex. and Invalid, un4uq opprealve heart attack ln Oxnard, where panalon of the existlnc hlcb arbitrary, cllilcrtlalaatory a n d be wu vtsttJnc to attend a w~. ~ plant. • wttbout reuondle ........ n.e 4.lnc anniversary of trlends. He Wldl lD ceala ol. tbe 55-eeont adioD wu !56 yean old. l!llni!liii~~==tm=-~====3!~: ~~~==~=a:e~~~~~w~=·=h~De~p:l;~:;~ .. ri's.. Heart Drive Report Made The Harbor Area stands S«· ond In Orange County .In the amount ol mont'!)' collect~ In th~ door.to-door "Heart Sunday" solicitation wtth a total of $3.879.99 and mall~ contr1bu. tiona lltUI being received. accord- Ing to· Lonnie VIncent and Dr. Hany Stickler, local chairman of the Heart Sunday collections. Plutlc heart banks we-e being coUected this week with the contents still unknown. The younc people's dance at the ~ndezvous mid-February yielded a profit of aproxlmately $1,000, accordinc to a report from the combtned boys clubs Of Newport Harbor High School that sponsored 'the event. Signal Sought At Narcissus Four petitlona requestlnc atop slanaJa at Cout Hwy. and Nar- cluua Ave .• Corona del Mar. are now In circulation in the area of the intera«tlon. The pet:ltJon.s, addressed to the Newport Beach City Coundl. reque.t that group to uk the State RJchway Depart. ment for the alpals. The petitions are located at Antbony'a ~ Service, Yerln~· ton's Var., lCewport Harbor Bank and Ray Ralt;y. Wblilll ptuttda UDNUOna* --.rdlanciRtzu:re: the Fttth Amendment. the due process provlalan; th• Four· ~nth Amendment. which holds states to the due procea and equal protection provisions: a,nd also Arttcl~ I. Sections 1. 19 and 21, of the California Const:ltutlon. Mr. ~er. th~ complaint ant. Ia a ~tired captain ot the Los Angeles County Sherttra of. flee a nd also hu been wtth the Los Angeles District Attorney's office. He told the Enslen that be has owned his Balboa lsland residence since 1928. He charg~ that the Easter We-ek ordinance was an Invasion of his property rights. 2TarsNamed on All-Sunset The Newport Harbor Hleh Bas- ketball five was beaten for the ~d time by the Anaheim Col- onlsta In the the Sunset Leacue play-offs 68 to 58 In the Garden Grewe IY'" on Feb. 23. The game was the play.oU for .econd place ln the Lea.cue. and the victory sent Anaheim Into the Southem ClF baaketbaiJ tournament as No. 2 Sunset team. Paul Neuma nn. who hu been named to the flrat..t:rlnc AJJ. SuMet League basketball team. was hlaf\ point mu for the lo- c;als wtth 23 point&. He abot 13 times from the floor and meah~ nine basket. to co wttb ftw ~ throws tor the 23 total. O.nnis Fttzpatrlck. who wu named on the -.cond team ol. the All-Sun- set Leagu~. tallied 22 points. The Newport Harbor Lodce ortlclated at service-s h<'ld at 3 p.m. yesterday fWPd:~esdayl I at Baltz Mortuary In Corona d<-1 Mar. Mr. Boyd had been associated with yach ting and boating hPrt' 1 slnc.-e coming to the Harbor Area De ay Action In 1932. He was one of the found ers of the Balboa Power Squad Q u B ron. a past commander a nd h::\c1 n pper ay seTVed as o!ticer or ansTrucaor every year since the local Squad ' ~f'wport City Councal action ron was founded In 1910. Th1s on Funeral llll!!l'\"k:oe for Dr. Pierre A. Chamberlin. 61. of 230 Broad way, Oosta Mesa. were held Tueeday ln the SmJth and ~t hJll Mortuary in Santa Ana with leY. Charles Hand olfldatlna. Anaheim won tJw paae from the ra. throw IbM. tall1tJla 3t ot a attempeed. wtllle llal'bor btt on.l)' 10 out of U. Dr. Qambe-Un died SundQ In St. Jo.pb Ba.p1tat Oran.,e.. ..tt. being there appi'OXlmattly ...,...... llliiill4 JlilftJlel, .. ol. lf&UII&Di • ...,._ u dQa. u. wu bom tft .... -..,.._ Dr&. eo.ta 11-. Ia~ SQlHiq Jlllllonlq at tnttun. D.C.. a~ had lhl'ed In Be ... 1 • .., ID lolttua-n.. tbe ~ _. Mar 0 DII"J 'aal-. ~ o.ta llleta tor tiM lut 15,..,.. Backs Bergeron William C. Kinder Jr. ol. Sea.. •hore Colony annouJlCf!CJ 'h-. day that h~ was wtthdra'""-u candldat~ for the Mareh 15 council elect:lon and Mid he would support the candldae7 of Lawrence Bergeron. This makes It a two-man r1lle!8 ln Dilltrtct No. ~ ... -----··~1·-· Drive Begun 'Switzerland' in Color Film / • . ...... ?*/;; .B~· ·:.: .. .; .... . ,.q •.• ,. ••••••• , •• ,,.t ............. , e EASTER WEEtC . . . . • That Easter Week rental license and tnspection ordmance •s com · p for a court test of constitutionality. There has been some not· lng ul d b" d"'"""<--nArhaps with the ideo that it isn't exactly the too-ou o 1e '""# r-bl lar thing to oppose this effort to solve Easter Wee~ pro ems. popu · f th L 1\ ty sheriffs office--Harry But now comes a veteran o e · · coun . C. Brewster, of t~ . .) rugged individuolist type, dete.rmtned to protect his constitutionol rights. It is well to get thet test nght now ... • • • e COUNCil RACE . William Kinder's withdrawal from the City Council ra~e t1ghtens h · o· t · t No I A third entry was likely to spltt the Ben-up t e race 1n IS rtc · · . . nett opposition vote. Larry Bergeron is most certemly lt.kely t~ bene· fit from the withdrawal ... Mr. Bergeron, by the way, tS ~~tttng the backing of the Harbor Citizens Leegue, the group. of c1ttzens th~t sparked the drive that put over th~ city ch&rter an~ 1s generally de~•­ cated to tha task of "cleaning out the old guord, the last of ."~h1ch is said to be Gerry Bennett. Also endorsed by the Harbor C1t1z~ns l gue &re Incumbents 1\. W. Smith in District b ond Hans Broenng ine~istrict 5; William G . Perrow in District 7 ond Mrs. Sigrid Neff in District No. ~-• • • e HEART-BREAKER .. life is a little bleaker and a little less worth J.vmg after l&st Mon- day night-when Minnesot& lost to Iowa in the Big 10 title game. 72-70. I'm getting the needle from a couple of corn-fed. transplanted lowans-f'ight here in the En sign badshop. from Foreman Paul Lun~. and from ex-mayor Dick Drake in Coron& Highl&nds. We heard 1t, somewhat faintly. by way of Des Moines radio station WHO. A he&rt- bre&ker to lose--but a gceat game, perhaps the best ever plsyed any· where, &nytime, and before the greatest crowd ever to watch a bas- ketball g&me in a college arena. • • • e TRADE MARK 'nteferiinc) ~ ~m h Coca ~e Compeny from ~er S. Bayol. press counsel. An Ensi gn story of Jon. 13 referred to a .~oke party--spelled with a smell "c." "Str&nge . as i~ may ~ppear, . Mr. Bayol wrote, "this seemingly trivial point m1ght 1eopard1ze the nghts we hold in Colee as a registered trade-mark of The Coca·Colo Com- pany. Why this is so is a long. rather drab le?&l story. &nd because I am a former long-time member of the wor~mg press. I &m pretty sure you &re too busy to want the horrowing details. But the nut of it is that the Lanhem T rede-Mork Act in effect requires us (ond &ny other trade-marie owner) to call such typographical usage to the at- tention of editors in every instance thet comes to our notice." Other editors, please copy. • • • e ENCORE ENCORE! Too bod it wes such bod weather Sunday, for it cut down Herbor Are& &ttendance at the e~cellent Orenge County Philharmonic con· cert in Fullerton. The program included one of my special fovorites- the gay Italian symphony of Mendelssohn. Also th&t good old Wl)r- horse, Tschoilcowsky's noisy Fourth Symphony. and Beethoven's Cori· olanus overture. A sure fire progrm. Couldn't help counting noses in the petron list of the printed program: Total was 456. of which the Harbor /\reo contributed exactly one-third, 152! No other area comes even close . This speeh well. for the love of good music ond support given to a good cause by Harborites. Here's the Harbor Area bre&~­ down: Lido Isle 46, Corono del Mar 38, Newport 38, Balboa 14, Bal- boa Island 13 , Costa Mes& 3. Here's an orgonization we can be proud of--not o group merely of excellent am&teurs, but of top notch pro- fession&! musicians, led by the leading woman conductor of the world. energetic Frieda Belinfante. PATTI' CIDIPCL ....... Of .... .ad ...... A.lfta 0..- eace. Gl Dallllll a.... Clnlla &11 Mar. was tM ._. QJd of the lfoatb fw JIll .Y• r.tty 1s DOW a ..._ at •...-rt Barbor B19b SciMiol aad was ctaoseo bea:rute o~ t.. oat- ataDdlD9 leadenllip. s-noa- allty. lr.I.Dd.Deu cmcl frleDcW.. D•a. Her adiYIU.. IDclude cheer 1~ aDd dJ..reetoz of the Court of Good. Dnu. l•ti•ll c •••••• , To Be 1111111 •re Newport Harbor Legion AuxiJ. tary Unit 291 will senie a steak dinner at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Legion Ha ll on the occasion of a meeting of the Orange County Volture 527 of the 40 et 8. whlcb Is hosting Chef de Chemin de Fer J. Earl Simpson (national commander of 40 et 81 . A dance will follow the dinner. HORSE SBOW .PL.AmAT A hOTse show and playday will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday by the Costa Mesa Boots and Saddles Club at the New· port Harbor Buffalo Ranch, Charles Lusk, In charge of club entertainment, has anounced. f'\aDii'al MrYieee .., Mn. J:tta lira. eon•• died J•b. • VIola eaav-, 10. • 3000 Jftw-Oranp ODWitJ Oener port lhd.. eo.ta ,...., ... alter a ,..n 1Uncl3. She WM held Saturday In the ,.,._ a native of Odbr~. Mau., 8IICS Jlldley llortuUJ chapel wfttl ~to eo.n ..... In l MI. 1h ~~w. Jtobett a. ONnlund of tile body waa flown to Muuelfta· Newport Harbor Ldtl*an Church ottldattnr. ..us for Interment_. ____ _ Political Aclver'tt.ement • • 1M's Ll~ at the Meed .. THE BOBACE • * * ENSIGN * * * SCHOOL REWI fORA NAME ED :~,a~&D~wr~·~·~.,~·~·~·~·E·~·!·~aJL~·~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::J.o~~~A~CI~~~~~~~~a.~~aEGL~ Clltt ~........ ....al cb&lr. : man tar the J:naena4a Jtaee. and lut up from tM AlciMI to-.,._. ue ...., JunedoM be. eatecl on the cWf lD 'Mewpart Dr. S. .. Monaco. ..-Jdent ot ward Colt& .._.. ll a IIOII'Iftl e-tile ~ and 111.1a at.. Betpta. the Jllewport Oeeu la.U1q Aan., ~.,.. that•• 1oo1tJ:nt for., eataiA1J tt II tile Cranroedl." ''B~. concllUoM dla_npd ~ to San Dteco lut a name. ' aid Jolul Voce&. ,.... ad de. an4 tbM .,.. hu beclcliDI man week to confer wltb 11111 BoiMon. Tbll Ia the ana alont Korth v.Joplr, wbo wlda .. r. J1uM lau elOMly lden~ with Newport c.hatrman ot the Zlwenada com. ftewport Blvd., b e t we e n the ,._ tabn o.t a IG,OOO bUIWIDI Helahta. partJcularly atnce t.M mltUe. Newport t~ EnMnada .Arc:bH and 15th St.. wlltch eame permit to coutnaot a ...,awdal a~tJon Into Jlfewport at7 tnt«aatlonal Yacht aaee. Into the City ot Jlfewport leach buUcllnt at aaa R. Jf...,.t Bl'Yd. ,Llmlta. &«etly MYeral local The trio worked out detalla ot under the 80-Called Stricker Aft. "87 &ft1' at"-name It .. IW1 people have IUI.-ted th\t thla plaM f~ the bll yacht race nexatlon. It Ia called varlowlly a IJ'OUP ot Cr_.oada,'' he aatcl. bualn.a cHatdct alon1 North .cheduled f~ MayS. whteh will "Beacon HJll," ~ Shop-''Thla Ia the by-~ area, but Nft'pOI't Blvd. be called 'Newport start oft Newport Harbor on the tne Center," "Newport u.tc~~ta It a. eomlq Into ttl own. We be-Hellhta Sbopplnl Center' or run to EnMnada. shop p 1 n 1 Center," "'Kewport UeYe In It and a,.. butldlne ~ 'Newport Helehta Bualneu Cen. Entry blana tor the racer• are Helebta Bualnea Dlatrlct." "J'ree. storee for a medium price lhop. t.er.' The term seema to me to be In the coune of preparation. way Strip," • • lf e w port M.. pine area eatertne to the work· quite dHCJ'Iptlve of the location." Bobert L. Boyd, race committee StrJp." Ina man. Too much attention bu Dr. Georee Stricker, who own• c.halrman, hu reported. When He-e are 110me cornmenb from been paJd to the mllllon dollar the Stricker Health Ottlce at 485 printed they will be made avail. buslneasmen ln the area: lhopplnl dlatttct." Newport Blvd., said: '1 believe able to yachtlmen. Each year Elton Barnett. realtor with of. the 'Strip' mleht be a eood name more V'an 100 yachts are en IJIAFEBS Oft DAVGIITD nee at 466 N. Newport Blvd for North Newport Blvd. There Is tered ln this aalllnl race. A daughter, Barbara LouiM, (which he u.led to call Beacon a Sun.aet Strip, for example. This wu born to Mr. and Mn. Jalul HU1 RHlty), made this obMfva. mleht be .called the Freeway Shaf~ of 2190 StaUt St.. eo.ta don: Strip, Newport Strip, Harbor Mesa, In Hoa1 Memorial Boa. "Soon after World War D this Strip. or'Newport Mesa Strip. pttal on Sunday, Feb. • area alone Newport Blvd, be-"People have been able to tween 15th St. and Cout Web· Identity an aru by auch a name, 10• roa CALDwa.LI way, came to be referred to u and tt really Is a atrtp along the A 7 1 .. _ 1 .._ 'Beacon HUt' due mainly to the aide of the Freeway. This strip aon, ..... oz., wu """'" to Mr. and Mra. Wllllam v. CaJd. Aircraft Warnlnl Beacon then lo. runs from the Archea to 17th St. well of 23M) None way, eo.ta · and couJd be associated in some Meta, In Santa Ana Community •a...a... 1r Llll II way with the Arcbea and 17th Hospital on Monday, Feb. 21. ---·-· for location purpoees. 11....1.1 a •• "Loe Aneeles baa the Sunset 1011 aoa 'TO KOOKDI .....11111 Strip and the Miracle MUe. New. A aon, ·s lba., 5 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mn. WUllam Kooken oi 681 W. VIctoria St. Costa Mesa; In Santa Ana Community Be»pltal on Tue:.day, Feb. 22. Fer t ... l People h.-... b.en ~ying ••• eftd beli•mt ..... YIU CWI II lEI lEI New officers of the CaUtornla CouncU of . ArdlltecU were lr)· stalled last Thursday In the Bal. boa Bay Club as Architect Georee Lind, ot Newport Beach. retired u secretary of the group. Delegates at the three-day con· clave Included A.rcbJtect PhlJmer Ellerbroek of Newport Beach and Gates W. Burrows of Sa.nta Ana. Local arcbitect.a attending a ba.nquet of architects Friday eve- ning In the club Included Mr. Lind, Mr. Ellerbroek, RJchard Pl~er. Paul Davis and Roumont Hou.-an. New officers of the Cautornla Council of Architects include Henry L. Wright, Los Angeles, state president; .John L. Reid, San Francisco. vice president; _,_ ..,,__ C. M. Oe~y. Los Angeles, secre- ED Mann AJID tary; John W. Bomberger. Mo. desto. treasurer and Walter Stromquist. Palo Alto, member· at.large. T11V100a G&T NVGIIfta A dau...-. CJDWa h.fe, ... bam to M.r. and Mrs. x ..... ton Tnim.bo ot fZ1 W. 10th St.. Colla MeA. 1n Boq Memodal &.pltal on Saturday, Feb. U . Marry Sttlill•'s BIG WEEK END SPECIAL! * nDKRT TIDI AD roa A ., ."SUPER SHELL SERVICE'' * , ......... 1 .. ~.~~..... * MAKN1I IIIELL MOIIIlTS SHELL SERVICE STATION SERVICE STATION -~~:-•··· a... ..... -.. ~-··· ...... c.-. ...... port has the Miracle or Mariners Mile and could also have a 'Strip.' When people ask where you are located you could say out on the Strip above the Arches aloneslde of the Free. way." Max Pope, builder, of 407 Bolsa Ave.. Jlkes the name "Beacon HIU." He said: ''Alter 15 yean I am loathe to reJin. qulsh the name of Beacon Hill." ScL IMI llollels VIsits, ..... Master Sergeant and Mrs. Leon L. Nichols and children Christopher, 5, and Cynthla. 6 months. visited Sgt. Nichols' par. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nlch· ols of 305 Marine Ave.. Balboa Island, this week. Sgt. Nichols has been ualgned to duty at Mather Field, Sacramento. He hu been on duty In South Caro- Una In charee of maintenance fOC' a Globemuter troop carrier 811Uidron. Sit-Klcbola ll a 12-Jftf vet- eran of the U.S. Air Corps. He hu llft'Ved In Korea. Japan and Guam. II•••• F-rll Fer El-1•1•111 FuneraJ services tor Mrs. Mary A. Morris. T't. or San Gabriel. were held at 11 a.m. Monday In the Church of the Recessional Forest Lawn Cemetery. Glen. dale. Mrs. Morris was a resident of Newport Beach for many years before ahe moved to San Gabriel three years ago. She Is survived by a d aughter, Mrs. Dorothy M. Byerly of San Gabriel, and four aist~rs and a brother residing In Kansas. OOTIIAaD8 QET aDL A dauabter, 8 lbs., 7 en.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Gothard of 215 Drlttwood Rd. Shore Cllf1a, ln St. Joseph Hos. pltal on Tuesday, Feb. 15. GUlL ro• CIIATTOIII A daufh_t«, Tereaa Lynne. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crayton of 1936 Pomona Ave., eo.ta Mesa, In Boa• Memorial Ba.pltal on Tue.cla.y, Feb. 15. Read l!:n.l!cn Want Ada. Business Assn. Holds Election The Corona del Mar Business Auoclation is ballottlng thla week for seven directors to serve this year. Postcard ballots are to be returned to Secretary E. R. Murphy by this Saturday. The seven new directors will be chosen from among the fol lowing nominees: Or. John AI· barlan, K. R.. Brandt, W. C. Buchterklrchen, Bryant Christen sen, Bob Gillman. Biz Ha rtleln, Bob Moore. Larry f Anthony 1 Modica. Mrs. Robert Moody. Vt"l ma O'Brien. A. K. Phf'lps. G. H P t" I r so I . Ted Russell. Gordon Walker. Harry Yerington and John Oxford. Buzz Bragg. who has St>rved as president for the past year, auto matically remains on the Board as hold ove-director. Llcll I• T .... Pllt ..• , ....... , ... Pvt. Adelbert J. Gridley. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Chester 0 . Grid ley. 929 Congress St .. Costa Mesa, Is one or nearly 5.000 soldiers specially selected to participate ln Exercise Desert Rock VI. which ls belnc held at the Atomic Enef'C)' Commlulon'a Ne- vada Test SJte durtne the cur- rent atomic te.t .erles. • • ••• ~ ... YI-'a of a eontlnutne lndoctrlnatlon progra.m. developed In the Inter· est of national defense. to famll. iarize mllltary personnel with the effects or atomic weapons. The exercise also affords an op.. portunlty to test organiz.atlons. procedures and tactics under reaJlsUc condltlona. Private Gridley ls regularly statJoned at Fort Ord. Callt.. as a plumber In Company B of the 95th Engineer Combat Battalion. He attended Orange Coast Col· lege before entering the Army In October, 1953. He received baslc tralnlng at Fort Ord. C&llt., and Fort Leonard Wood. Mo. SOli BOM TO UJ.SEBS A son. Geald Lee. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kalter of 1540 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hoc. pital on Monday. Feb. 14. IIODGES OET DAUGIITEJl A daughter. Karen Ann, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard ijodge of 419 Marigold Ave., eo. rona del Mar, on Monday, Feb. 14. In Hoag Memorial Hospital. SOli .OU TO aJIOWifl A aon. J ames Henry, was born to Mr. and Mrs. ~Is Brown of 235 E. 22nd St., Costa Mesa. on Saturday, Feb. 12. In Hoac Me- morial HospltaJ. PERHAPS THE YEU.OWMG£5 WIU. HELP M£ FEED MY BROOD FOR PET SUPPLIES IT PAYS TO LOOK , IN THE "CLASSIAEO" PART Of YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK e aAIID PUilfAL De JWIII ...... _, ~ .......... u.. .... z.. .... ldMol...,.. c.laaaf u .. ..... ..... .,...., ..... to • 1111 •• l.tJ.tjlatlual. to tbe b-.............. by •lectlne boya who lhow the most ability In the phyalc:al edu- cation el.-es. All the boya were timed In the 50 and 7!5 yud dashes during the lut week . Our IChool orche.~tra and bead ue eett1n1 reacb' flor the cau . fornla band and orcbeltra t.d· val ln Karch. Bandit and~ tru from all OWl' C&lUon11a ~Deft and play tor Judees aealnlt Mt atandarda. 1'1ley have a prelJml. nary meetlnL and If you receive ------------ a aupertor or 1, which a. th~ The tumbling team Is practlctnr hllhest, you co on to the ttnala. In preparation for the show to . For four years ltrallbt we be presented for the PTA meet. liave eotten auperlor at the lng In March. The team wlll prac. Uce after achool every Wednes. tlnala. whJch Ia very 1ooc1. Mt. d ay until the program Is given. Norma Perldna, lnatrumentallst Norman StlllweU called for the first baseball practlce on Wedne.. day and over one hundred aev~ enth and eighth rrade boya showed up for the workout. Mr. Stlllwell says that we should have a fine team this year It be can find some pltcheT'$ amon1 the prospects. The first baseball game will be playt-d today (March 3>. teacher at EMien, clalma that 11 Winning teams In volleyball for we don't come out with a Su-the week have been Pat Frueh. perlor this year. lhe'll rellrft. 1 lines' In eighth grade. Tina Brun. hope ahe won't e o to that extent; lnr'• in ~venth grade, and VIr. we all love her 10 much. ,tna Bandel's sixth grade team. • • • The band wm play John PhiUp Sousa's "Stars and Strlpa Forever," Pavane. Pleasant Val- ley. Our orchestra wtll play car. men, Gypsy Overture, Francaiae Mllltalre. • • • e c..A.A. AcnvmES J anlne Armstrong, G..A.A. re- porter, says that the main actJvt. Ues ol the week have been tumb- ling. basketball and volleyball. Bankers Talk of Advertising Cashier H. L. Hetrick and as. slstant cashier Wllllam Sexton represented the Newport Harbor Bank of Corona del Mar at the February dinner meeting of the Independent Bankers A.uodatlon of Southern Call1ornla at the Biltmore Hotel. Los Angeles. The meeting featured a panel dlscusslon of practical methods or advertising and public rela tlons. Elwood .J. Robinson. Los Angeles aclvertislnc aaency ex- ecuUve. who acted as moderator. said: '"The Important factor In any successful advert Ism~ pnr · l'f&m Is to tell your message reg ularly, consistently and fre quently. A recent survey of the expendltures of banks of all sizes throughout America showed that advertising npenditures for bantu wftb deposita under 25 miLlion dollars have doubled between 19M and 1954. In every ,... ,.~ ... started. nl"Wspaper advertising has ranked tint among thf' media use-d, followed by direct I mall. window and lobby displays and radio in that order." • • • e AT'BLETIC EVEJfTS We have to thank boys· P. E. teacbt-r Arthur Christensen lor lathering for US the boys' nt!WS. Now that basketball season ha.s ended. the boys' athletic actlvt. ties have turn~ to track and baseball. Four teams are being oranlzed for track meets with other elf'. mentary s.:hools In 0 r a n g e County. The teams will be chosen e UTIIT Df11RED Kathy Hunsaker. the girl with the voice. has betan laid out with a fractured jaw from a golf club. It happened early Wednesday nJg"ht of last week, and on Frt. day at 8:15 In the morning sb.e went In surgl"f)' with Or K. C. Chung of Costa Mesa behind the ether. It was a 2 hour long oper- ation, and Kathy Is all right. Her mouth Is wired shut and sue hu to drink just liquids. hut Kathy says she doesn't mind. 11eelng u she gets 6 meals a day. Get well soon Kathy. we want you back. DON'T You bring the laundry We do the work .•. New Low Prices UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE 3536 East Coat llwy. eoro.. del .. ., (cnftU baa J-'•) LAST 10 DAYS FOR FREE GIRS y .. wMI ..... ,...,.. -.. POSTEilS GET SOli I A aon. John Fielding, wa.s born to Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of 2053 Federal Ave .. Costa Mesa. ln Hoag Memorial Hospital on Sunday. Feb. 13. SOli aou TO TEMPLES A aon, Keith Alexander. was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Temple of 820 Governor St., Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Wednesda.y, Feb. 16. DIRECTORY JIVSJC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher ot Plano Organist · Accompanist Evenlne Claaes tOC' Adulu Jl17 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Friendly Nelebborboo4 Service Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Chapel 11 0 Broadway Ll 8-3433 6: 8-Mlf Costa Mesa NOW ... TW O BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlne the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor (2 35:1> E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Uberty 8-2121 l'Th 6: Super1ol', Costa Mesa AKPLE PA.R.KlNG BOTH LOCA'nONS INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrrB STANLEY naua.uecll AWl ........ liM Sill .. a-t ....._, o.r-... ... ....... LR: ... .. ,_ ... 1M .... ~ ...... -., • ·----s--Pectolc ..... Clecl< •"•" r•• ~" , • .,, -· _...., 11..000 .......... , ... ...... .................. ..,.._. .. ,...,. .......... , ......... ., ....... .. .....,..._ .............. . lA~ hi .,..._......,.,.,_ ... , ...,.,. GET YOUR GIFT NOW! \ ANNOUNCING lntefoelt paid~ Oft Fvll ,old CMtfica .. ~ ~ccovfttt March 31 , Jvfte 30, S.pt•"'b.' 30 e.wl Dec~ 20 (l" time fof ChnmtM~a). ..,..., ..., ,.. ......, '"' .. c-t. -Serf 11 1. y .. , ............... -· 3\;, .......... 0 ,.. lot ,.,. cwr,.nt ,... 2. v .. , .,..._. .,. .... , Eo<h occovnt ia I...,NCI to $10,000 by t+>e Federol Sovings Of'd loo" ln..,ro..u Coroorotlon 3, Y-r ..... ~ ........ C.ftYMI'-"tl Yov lftO., to,. by -il no -- ......,.. JCI'I 11,. or wort~ we 00., .,. .... bot+. WOYJ 4. y_, ~' ~-l.y tM 1 Ott. of the MOI'rh, eof'ftl '"_. ·-.._. ,,, OfiiN YOUil ACCOUNY NOWI t Salftt Patndl W'ID be tetMI at made Ia ....-a1 daalnD&n in Jbe annaal Bpriftg futdon mo. e~aar,. ol the party, Mta. Artlsur and haneheon 8Cbeduled tor ... ume wW eerve u t'O-Chal.r· Tluanday, Ma.reh 17, at the ~· maD and other commltteet~ ln· boa Bay Club by the Ca~ollc elude: M.n. Frank Jloc'co, deeora· Women'• CouncU ot Newport tJons, uatated br Kill 9H Harbor. l'lcker and Mrs. John Hartleln; The monthly board meetlnc ot Mra. J ohn Gouvtan, tickets; Mrs. the oouncU oompoeed ol women Elmer Poirier. door prtze.; Mra. from Our Lady of Mt. Cannel Robert Trem bly, commentator; Chwch and St. John Vlanney Mrs. Joeepb Arnold, Mn. Richard ChapeJ announced arrangement. Macker, aaaJsted by Mn. Jld. tor the party a t their board ward Kusby, will be In charee meeting hel\1 yesterday at the of publicity. rectory of ~. Carmel Chwch. Mrs. J~n Lowe, the former President Mn. John Glass &n· Ruby Keeler, who danced herself nounced that Mra. J. W. Cam. to fame ln the moviea, wtll head ......:==--===.:.:....::=~.:.:..::......:_,:;,:;.;.:_ ___ .;._ ________ -:-___________ _ the list of models for the fashion show that wt11 featwe Udo Fashions and the Brat Shop. Mrs. Lowe's 6-year-old d a u 1 h t e r, . New Cha.pter Meets on Lido DICK RICHARD HONORED Kathy, wUl a.1ao modeJ. Other-a modellftl include Mra. BY HORACE ENSIGN PTA The ne.lr orp.n1zed Eta Eta ·Walter MeDott. Mra. Robert 1411· Horace Enalgn Parent Teacher l(laapterof Epeilon Sigma Alpha ler, Mrs. Elmer Poirier, Mrs. Association presented 0 . W. .-orlty met Thursday evenJng, George Grt.UJth, M1la Sue Ficker (Dick ) Richard with an Honor- Web. 17, at the home of Mrs. and Nan Broughton. ChUdren to ary LJfe MemberShip on their 4lma PhJJbrtdl, Udo ..._, llftSl-model will lndude Maney Glus, second anniversary of Founders dent of the ~ II&"-CIM't, . Mary Susan Arnold, Judy Kusby, Day on Feb. 23. Mrs. Porter Sin- Ocen for the next year: PfeaJ. dent, Mn. locreph Carver; tint vtce president, Mra. Porter Sin- clair; tecond vice president, Mn. John Hau; secretary, )Jta. 0 . W. R I c h a r d ; corresponding secre- tary, Mra. Charles Hanaen; trea. Jim Whyte INSURANCE C>c:ecuL Narilae aDd GeDeralburcmc:e 1 .. at 1-Uft Office: c..t ....... leM .......... a..w-: 416 H..l, c.r... 4el .._ * * * Their tint projeet .,.. ... ..a. lane Mack«, Deeclee O'Bryon. clair, who made the pre~~enta­ ol tlcketa for a lltOleo Ji II I •• Billy and Jerry Fl.n.IW, Jobn and tJon. said Mr. Richard was bon. by a member, Mrs. Lee Stroup. Thomas Gallant. Eddy X:uaby ored because hla good works ex-suer, Mra. Joaeph Nlckertz; hla. -============ ~a~~.A.~u~~~~~ -~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~e~;~;;i~i~~i~=~~ co•a IEL 1111 PIIIIICY Proceeds from the project real. and Timothy Kelter. empllty 10 m~ch the spirit of Szed $44 and were ea:rmarked for BrotherhOod and P.T.A. pollclea. the sorority's phUantb.roplc pro. Young Couple Mrs. Norman Watson, Found· ,ram for the Barbot Area Girls' ers Day Chairman, presented Club. tltr'ff foreign students In panel A aoclal evening of bridge and Are Honored discussion of educational sys. canasta was enjoyed by mem. terns and living habits In their ben Mmes. Connie Brace, Mll· respective countries: A yo de 11 l1e Barr, Klrklou Jcx-dan, Lee A barbecue ~ven Jut week Tantmowo. pre-medic student at Stroup, Ardythe Bezbesian, Hel-by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hovil, 709 Chapman Colege, Orange, from tion wtll be at the March meet. In g. Boy Scouts from Troop 81, George Hauser, Bob Anderson, Bill Ferry, and John Hoffman, under the leadership ol Scout. master Matthew Waidelich, pre- sented the Call to Colora with the American Creed and Thought for Brotherhood. ene . Slm ...... n, Alma Philbrick, lrls Ave., Corona del Mar, cele. Brl..ttta ..--b ed th t 1 of Nigeria, A f r I c a • and a• The Invocation wu by Reader co-boatesa Ruth McCartin and rat e recen marr age th ir Richard to ... ,_ Janet Leetmaa and Inge Grundman at Geor"'e Ward from the Christian ..,,eat Beverly Johnson. who ls a e son -.m..-, fro ,._ • •-....... r Be 1 HU'-........ Orange Coast Couege m UCI· Science Church of Newport charter member oft an Alaskan £ uompson o ver Y a.a. £ ""' c:llapter. young couple were untted ln a many. f th PTA ted Beach. _.__ .,_, day The m~berl 0 e vo Mrs. Harv•y Som-th• only The sorority will meet today surpu-'>C ceremony on ._".r • ld Gl be ( "' -·-. "' ' F b 1.2, t Re N• ada to purchaae a Wor 0 or ,. • .,.. p~-ld•nt, ~-· p---... nted ('nlwMay) at the Harboc House e · a no, .. v · 1 lib _.... ·~ "' --... .... Restaurant with Mrs. Helene Guests at the barbecue In· the new schoo rary now with a P.T.A. Key Cbain and under oonatructlort. William RJt. Embl•m Corsa"''"' for her work In stmpeon and Mrs. Connie Brace eluded the groom's brother, Don cl al. wtll mak tb "' •"' u co-h08te.ea. Hovis. and his fiance .MI.as Mtml l*, prln P e e • establ!ahlng the Horace Ensign Moorhead of Laguna. Mr. and lee:.::· Dan Hunsaker, Clvtllan P.T.A. Mrs. James Henne.ey or San Defenae Chairman. announ~ Hostesses for the evening from Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ~ formation of a new Red Crosa Mrs. Chapman's 7th Grade room Allan of Hollywood and Mrs. First Aid Coune with Atomic mothen were the Mrs. Karen Marie Johns of Laguna. Bomb supplement. which started Margreta Bruning, Mrs. M. A. OF GOOD TUTE Another party held recently Tuesday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Berry and Mrs. Fred Woodworth. rex-the newlyweds was a cock-Tar Pit. Trophy for the most parents tall party given by the brtd~'s The nominating committe pre-present went to Mr. Dean's sl.xth MOther, Mls. Ellwood Henry, at aented the following slate of of. grade room. ta.e Henry's rpadou.a Beverly ___________ ..;._ _________ _ !t~::.t.~~m:_: MB:V~ R\:JE'S PAiNTING dsco. where he hu hla own S.lalti•..P'• YARN SHOP riD E. Coast lllghway C... del Mar· BA 0157 KnJttJng, Crocheting a nd Needl~lnt Supplies Knfttlng Bags Specialized Accessories and Instructions WIDw R oan: Kon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to~ p.m. Thuradq 1 p.m. to 5 agency. IOK IIOJIJif TO WBJtNEil A son, l ay Scott, wu born to Mr. and ~. Arnold Whitney or 3022 Meadow Lane, Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Saturday, Feb. 12. CJlADDOCD CET SOX A son, Dale Forbes, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Crad- dock of 226 Heliotrope Ave., Co- rona del Mar, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Monday, Feb. 21. SOK BOJIJif TO STEAJIJifS A son, Michael Blake, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stearns of 2592 Westminster Ave., Costa Mesa, on Monday. Feb. 21, In Hoag Memorial Hos- pital. SOK IIOU TO EKSICifl A son, Frederic Louis, wa.s born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald En- sign or 372 Magnolia St., Costa Mesa, In Memortal Hospital on George Wa.shlnaton's birthday, Tuesday, Feb. 22. ...... 11 ... ,. • -..,"'-. .. ~ ~en calllng at thla mortuary, one need not worry about find· Inc a parking plaee, and one need not worry about feeding a parkina meter. We have a large private parking area which Ia completely adequate tor alL. Jlfeltbeor parkJ.nc nor parldfta .-...~a eaue f« concern at tbe ~a.td)ey Kcltlaary. O.M ~ ... • s.,. .... , I AliOA • ~tMNe • UOO IIU • ~ MACH • COlONA Dll MAl EXHIBITED AT RAGAN'S ' Melva Rue. Corona del Mar artist. wtll exhibit a group or her oil paintings trom March 10 to April 10 at Ragan's Restaurant, 2515 E. Coast Highway ln Corona del Mar. These palntlnp, "back.roun. tries" and "marina," represent a dream which began slx years ago In the State ot Washington. After atudytna at the Unlvenlty of Washington and a private Hoag Group Plans Benefit Surf view gardens at the home ot "Smlthcllfte," the Emerald Bay eatate of Mr. and Mrs. Lon V. Smith, wUJ be the location ot the 1955 annual benefit party ot the Auxiliary of Boac Hospital. The garden fete and fashion show wtll be held agaln on May 1.2, which Is the birthday annJ. veraary of n orence Nightingale, according to Mrs. Harry Cuey, publicity chairman for the Aux. Ulary. IWIIIE••••I• .... Tel•• ... UUW Mra. Jane Hood, ualatant to the atate superintendent of edu. academy, Mlu Rue packed her paints and palette and atarted south In ~earch of the sun. A chance visit led her to Co- rona del Mar, where she hu re· malned ever since. She finds the warmth and charm of thla at- tractive area lncreulnely Inspir- ational. Days spent sketching In the California back-eountry and In the sheltered coves of her own area furnish rich material for Miss Rue's canvasses. Three succeasful seasons at the Festival of Arta h\ Laguna Beach, and a number of one-man shows, have created an lncreu.. lng demand tor tht.. artbt's work. Melva Rue feels that her dream or beoomlnc a recognized Southland a.rts.t Is gradualJy u. aumln• reality. Ill-LAWS YJill' Mr. and Mra. Donald Cole of St. Helena 'a'hd Mr. and Mrs. James Washburn of Los Anreles were week-end rue~~ta of Mr. and Mn. A. L. lohMOn at Newport Beach. Mn. Cole and Mr. Wult. burn are ll8ter and brotber-tn • lawa of Mra. JohMOn. Light their life with foithl/lt IT. AlfDUWI ~ wa"""IIIIU .. aca~ 15th St. 6 St. Andrew• Bd., --~~ ..... ...._,-...J-LI..._. SUNDAY: Mornilw wonhJp, 9:30 and 11 a . .m.; Church Scbool, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. H1gh J'ellow- shJp, 7 p.m.: Colleae age fel· lowmtp, 7:30 p.m. -roES. Prayer, atudy poup, 9:30 a.m. AUDDLY OF GOD naT 8AJ'I'Ift taUKII liMit. & adlaA .... ~--._. ._ A"'-.,_et Ml .. tl'e La.ty ..,., a.... .......... c:. a.ac. ..... . ... .•. Q. ··- Sunday School: 1:30 a.m. Wor· Sundar Servl~: lhtp: 10:~ &.JIL an.d 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. !Iunday lc::bool; U Youna People ud ailldren'a :un. Wonblp s.m~;. 1:30 9ervSce. 1:30 p.m. SUn. 104· p.m., Baptlat Tralnlnc unton: w.k SerYk:e: Wedne.da7, 7:30 7:30 p.m.. E¥ealq ~ p.m. Ladt_. .....SOnary Coo-Wectneeday: 7:30 p.m.. Pra.,.r, cll, 'nlundaya, 10:00 a.m. Pra ... and as* lrudp. Mon- dq : T:a. ~ "*''• Qorua p r a c t 1 ~-~:30 p.m. Men'• Prar-M---. • l&tiJIIA DAY AD¥DIWI ................... t.. COIOIUMH'f 101110DIIT •oarwt 8Mida -W. IIIIa l t.. c.e. .._ Lllliillty ... .. cauaca or OV1I LADT or liT. CAaR ..................... lll'ldll .. 4 z.a.tr ..... KJ6IIr D. D. ., .. ...... .... , ..... w ...... s SaturdaY llomfn~ SerYfc.w: Sab· Sund~: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· NUl Sdtool: t :JO a.m. -Set· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 mon: 11:00 a.m. Pruer meet· ....H .... a.m. Momtn& W~lP":-7 p.m. lq: Wectn.d&Y, 8:0CJ p.m. f'rl. College ~ KYF ~ -7 4a7 henlq v..,_.: 1:00. p.m. me -kbool MYF s.mce; .,..._ I I ~ Mn 11: • u4 10:GD an4 11=-t .... ~ T p.m.. 'Sunet&QU8 Group S.V· a. CldiiT cau ... n TD au c-....ny ...... Mtt ..uao. aa'f'd. etle st.. • ....,.. ....... ...... , a-. .., .. ~ SUftd. ar WonbJp, t:G and 11 a.m. Churdl School: 9:45 a.m. Midweek Kfttlnc: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday pnc:eaed by 1:30 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIIII taUICII , .. 0....,. Aw.. Cllllill -- z.a..tr •·••• ,. .... ,......, ....... lallllq M t II et 7. I. t.JO ...S 11:30 a.m. Weell:days: "M.. a t 7:00 a.m. -Oonfe.lon: Satur-da,. from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 tJ> 8:1!5 p.m. . I'DIIT aAPI'IIT taUKII c. •xwJCMJ ..... --. •• &c:e.t ..... .... .. ••pwtl.lbelty e.a7l ...._, lledlwt a. J .. m_ Sundar wok&: 1:45 a.m.. SuD· day Sellool; 11:00 v.=W06· 8hlp Servtce; 7., p.a. ~ C:er•lee; Mld·W ~ 7:JO P.m, We4Miday ,.,. lleldltJ· --·7S ................. Early ~ 8:30 a.m . Sundar: anmb Sdt~l1 t:ao a.m.: war-mtp .rvtce..t...u:OO a.m.: Luth• Leape. 7:~ p.m. E'"..;"&~=-~'-·-.... il= Jfovea a ( ............. Jlelp): ~.7:ep..a. ~-IIPI WI -&&I• -~· ..... (TR ... ....., •a d_..._..._ a. ... '*'.......... Owle .... ....... ...... .......... ,...... sunday ldlool: I :U a.a, Sun· Sundj Sa wtcel: Wonblp Serv· day 1 •, y 1 e • : u :00 a.m. ~ a.m. Sunday Sdtool at ~ ac =t"vf~ 10. a.m. -- Ll--~ .... 01*' 10 IT. JAXD amcotAL a.m.-1 ~ '"* da,a. 10 &.JIL· -on.~..,~ leeefa 7·· , .... -~ 7-t p.m. llbiiMr , .. rrl4a, ...alan. Sunday Servic:a: 1:30, 1:30, U I'DIIT IOUT'BaD LU"'DT canc:a -··· ..... t..c.-.... .......... ...... Dor. ... rl ..... Sunday ecbool. t:• a.m.; dtureb 8e'I'Yice 10:50 a.m. 1\>alnhlc Union 7 p.m. Sunctq. Ewntnc wonb!f 8 p.m. Sunday. Teac:b· en an omcen ••nina 7 p.m. Wednetlda,y. rra,. .moe and Bible actr 8 ..-. Wedneeday. OO..ADa.IIU fXIIIWWan caww c •11•: a c tl18 . ·*~"" . ... .. ..... .......... a he 8\mc!Q -~ .... : .. a.m., U :OO a.aa.luDda)" Mool: ....... a.m. llornlnl. PraJ!tj_~IO a.m. ....... tlon lot ·~ lcbool. Tbund.u Serriole: 1!15 a.lll. ~,_ OuUcf; 10:10 Roly Com· munion. 1'hla Dinctoly • made WOOOWQitTH PIANO SHOP 888AL .., ... WOIQ l!xelu.l .. Apnt .. laldwtft ....... 26,0 L eo..t Hwy. H.. JJG C... 4el M. ........ ltii.STit f 8 8 8 • • •:• •:• • • • • • CUp&cl t.nt.na,..S tbe ~ the ,_.It wu a weddlnc on ,ra4Uatle Dool'nc ol MiM Joan ....._,., ,...., Jl, at the Corona Wa...,..d ot CoroAa del )(ar del Mar Ooaa.aldty Chureh. aad took a~ ..sn. at Bar· -.v. J:dwiD Gomlut read the '* ..._liolt. alcbard GoU. and MI'Yke dlat united tbe couple In Art Exhibit Jury Named Dabell Hatfield, cUrector of the Hatfield Gallerl• at the Ambaa· udor Hotel In Loll Anceles. bu accepted the chalrmanahJp of the jury for the lOth annu&J Newport Harbor Art Exhibit to be held Apr. 27 throucb May 1 at the Htcb School, lt la announced by Mrs. Nonnan Fleming, chair· man of the nhlblt. Also on the jury are loan lrvtng Brandt of Corona del Mar and Douglas Me. Clellan. Two pureh_.. awards will be made. one for water color and one for oU. PaJntlngs must be submJtted for the exhibit by April 20. Long Distance Vote Request L•.-t dMtaat fttla9 1K .. 11.-dli 15 lf.....-1 Qty CoaacU electloa ~y wW be .._ ..... t. Let•-. ......... ._ to aty a.tr c. K. PriMt. .. bas 11 aJ'Hid • .. ..... ._ ................ ....... c.a.y ., 415 lftads- ... A...._ eon.. del.._~.._ .............. bcdlota to be ...U.CS to leJnat Ia _.. of A. J. c:cn.l. ... ch hd. Ftnt to ....... tbe coaacU es.ct:laa waa QarS. h.:la of 3110 w. ~ P'raltt. lf.....,t ......... c.t ILia bciUot ),at Tbanday. manta... ,..llrtde Ia tM dauch· W ol llfN. l1aDehe Wakefield ot _, Poppy Ave., Corona del Mat. Both the parent. of the croom al'e dud. He wu orirt· n&Jly trom Muachu .. tta. Tbe bride wore an oU.whlte cotton frock made In a slm·l~ll· ored .tyle for the .. rvlce. Her ss.ter. Mra. Donal" -,;:tdtor. '"" formft' Diane Walu!fteld. wu IMr only attendant In a roliebuu print drea. Donald Eld~ .. rvec:t u best man at the ceremony wltneued only by the lmraedlate family. Followlnc a brief honeymoon trip to Idlewild the newlyweds have returned to 1987 Maple Ave., Costa Mesa. where they wUJ make their home. The couple are planntnc an mended camptnc trip lat~ thla year. • • • of sot:ial note Florence Cooling Is so auto- matic at her job1 of City Treas.. ur~ that she ga ve a bank as a present for a baby.to-be at a baby abow~ last week-without even re&Jlzlne the budget bal. anclng connotation . . .. And speaking of city oUlclals. Grace (Jasper) Ledford Ia taking leave u as.st.tant to City Clerk Charlie Priest for the unofficial reason of meetlnc the stork one of these days ... and May (Mra. Doug. lu> Holt wUl be the gal answer. lng questions and getting the gutf from the public In the city clerk's otflce. • • • 1111111'1 Llll IIIIE·T wttla 1.41 J" "B" Day Ia Sunday. March 13 ... The begtnnJng of RJchard't 7- day 7th Birthday ~lebratlon ... Circle Sunday, March 13. on your calendar . . . Bring the kids and let them rJde to their hearts con- tent In Tlnkertown . . . The rest of the week will bring forth Sherlft l ohn ... Two Blll Welch Home Shopper Television Shows . .. A day of orchids tor tht' la- dles ... A chance to win a 50().. mile plane trip any place you choose ... Games 1\nd prizes ev. ery hour and at the end of every day ... * * * Colec:ldeet wttll .. Na alltladay Ia Lido ~s ... wuu-. ttGt:t••.. alltladay • • • Jadr a6dwel.l's autWay CIC'toldly ID"t ..ttl ~ ~ be .-~..s ILia or'd ..... .. so be CIIMald _......._ .... ... Dldl .. ~ ...... CI1Nady ..... lair bbtltlday ............. ..... .... jutto9ft•• .... ... ••• ba tcld aU .. Lido ........ ......... Dnp.. Lido IDedltc. plu • _.. .. ltltpl .. - .tbe autbdlrr ·-··. ••• • 111189 yoa • ..._...._.., atrtll • day~ CISd ,_ ••• WCitclal * * * Mrs. Jack Hess of 512 Orchid Ave .• Corona del Mar. waa award· ed a llfe membership at the Har- bor VIew PTA meetlne Feb. 23 . Mrs. lames Ray. Foutfdera Day Aa... ... ballota IDUt be Ill by 5 ~ ,.. ·tq . ....-cr. a. tbe clrf ... -· ..... of bed. ..... DIVIIfE COAST COOW IAI CLO .,.. 11M ...... t. a 1i.8cllr• After this rigid enfor<:t!ment of fa-..,•oo show ~t ~ Ill l'ebiiiCD'f by t111e a._,. c..aty Euter week 1955 maybe we can .,_ • ._ of e-we ft1 lleta Sondty .-4 ...._. TaaTa a..n ol make t~C>me long ranee plans a.u.. .... .,.....ay ...cleW • 90lf .._.fl..-O'lltea'slpd'ty about trying to make It a won. !bop. CoftiiMI 4el Men. OUMr losllloaa,fl..-._._A-.~ cmd eo.ta ...... aton. ...,.. Uowll Cllld ~ by Ketone Dental Health Week In Orange County begins next Monday. March 7th ... Why a dent&J health week! What Is It for! What does tt mean? Do you know that the estimated rate ot decay In children's teeth Is three times u CJ'C!at as what could be restored if all the dentists In the United States worked a full 8 hours a day fJlllnc teeth . . . There Is no cownunent erant ln Research Dentistry and the out. pu• of dentists can't be lncrea..d enough to eet all thew decays under control at once. so the dentists themselves have dedd· ed the best way to Opt tooth decay ls to educa~ the parenta , on proper nutrltlon to stop tootb ::~~ X::t ~he;n::~~P w~a~~mr:: ........ ..1111 derfuUy eood Ume next year by .... l'abioa 1Codel.la9 Studio. cl1rectoc. (Terry aorta Pboto) worklrft out tun projects for .::===========~...:....:..:..:.:.:....:.::...:.:.:.:...==....:.=:.=~-­ oenltJon of "the unheralded and 'I .._.. .. ft.. II aMUnC just platn mother who 1 1 •-..,._ not only tabs care of tbe weU Ten JOUth of the Balboa Isl d ·~~;;;--;;iiiii~ .. -;;;iiil betaa ol ber r..D;J tNt Ia a wut. eo.. an • .... ... CI)M[( •*• worUr ln alb' ~-ChwdJ outskle adt.ttla • will ftll 0. 1.-Q of 1ft. ear. those younc people who llke whole.ome coo<~ Umea . . . in·· stead o! apendlnl all our ener. ctea trytnc to keep the bad ones <a....._.._.,_n • LD-- Standard S h a d e Cloths and custom Specialties e Drapery Hardware e VenetJan Blinds. * ..... tbe * Cedi het Office BA 114 .... Oa-*. 11trwpwt. Clll btday Specl&J awarcla ot bon« were a.ttaaooa to lMm more about ctven to M.n. BIWe IW\aZl, Mrs. the belltla and wonhlp ot their Kay Barnes and M.n.lean Taylor Roman Catholk nellftbora. 'Mle of tbe cafeteria ata!t; Bl11 Lace. croup wU1 M welcomed at 4 :15 head bu. driver. and hia crew. p.m. by Rev. ~en ~Uey. pas. and to Bob StfWatt. eustodlan. tor, and lev. Georce Pam...us. Flac ulute waa led by Cub ••lltant putor. Library Week Is March 6-12 Pack 182. Den I. lncludJnc G&Jen The youth are members or a 11le Newport ~ch Public u . Moore. lobn McCallum, Steven church membenhlp class that bl"ary. tocether with other librar Carbon, Don Oakhus and Robbie meets e&ch Friday afternoon at lea throuchout tbe state, wtll Oland~. the Ialand Olurch. Claaa mem. observe California Ubrary Week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ben Include Brooke Blair, Bill Mareh6-12. Special actlvltlesand f F«ry, Stephen Ferry. Sandra exhibits planned for the week ln- FlMT. Lance Greenleaf, Allen elude a new wata> color-exhibit Guenther. VaUerle Lowen, Susan and a special story hour for-chii- Nearly, Marilyn Shooter and dren 3:30 p.m. Sunday, aocordJng Nancy Shoot•. Teaching the to Librarian Dorothea Sheely. et .. Ia tbel.r putor, Rev. Donald Services provided by the library -UDd lt.. lfewpor1 8eadl Political Advertlsement To Voters of Newport Beach G. Sapp. will be shown to the public. it ou Yote cmd iofluence in the comiD' eJection IOir M)D ~ WICIIOLS will be dMply appreciated. Respectfully Yours Sigrid S. Neff A eon. Dllllel Alan. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nichols of 116-36th St., Newport Beach. on Saturday, Feb. 19, In Hoag Memotlal Hocpltal ~c.-• Artt.t I QS 1._ W. •-l, ....... ~ e..c. -.n anua&a 308 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-8:00, SWl. Noon 'til 6 •Ortly ... electric "'"~~' tOOIIs witJt act~~rtlt. •• mlt'Wl Mat tlttzt 41SSIINS /Jitfed ratllts ...,,., SOK IS .Calf TO •o1'TI A son. Judson Loughton. was born to Mr. and M.n. lobn Hoyt of 402 Costa Mesa St.. Costa Mesa, on Saturday, Feb. 11. 1n Boae Memorial H~ltal. DAVCBTD .CAlf TO IIE.IIfl A daughter. Germaine. waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beln of 531 Alba Ave .. Newport BeJchta. ln Hoag Memorial Ha.- pltal on Saturday, Feb. 19. Beaatify 70Gr property wttJa a 8owwm. tree- .,. •• , A 'r••• Week Karch 1-T ...... , ...... .. • really fltOdmt iildtMJ .,. an IIM:Irict aaaYouaouua • 4eCQ .•• Glamour Rev. White's _ Glimpses Wi~ow Dies F\ln"Tal seorvlces for l!lrs. tda 1, ;,nlfred White. 78. widow of the * * Kimberly knits. fresh a a late ~. Harry White. flrst pas-s....-f sprln~ brcc:~. are h e r e at t'lr :md found~ of the Balboa Is-..._ cdl O'BRIEN'S. Have you had the land Community M et h o d I a t t1a1a c.aatry pleas ure of try:n~ on c:le of these \tn::ch , •. l!re held at 2 p.m. Tues-.-. tM lovely new knits! Many of thr:n c1~:, In the Baltz Mortuary Chap tbat ou.r cJreat did are dC'ne with the new long torso el. Corona dt'l Mar Dr. Boyce Van 101 ,.an CIIJO. We .... Clboat J line and the colors are slrnply Osdf'l of San Bernardino otficat. tt... a macla • ,.. Deed Jar out of this -...orld' Gr~n gold Is ed. -.gy ~ta •.• 1At one of the nf>W subtlP colors. An Mrs. White. a resident at 820 ·-bCift tiMU C!GIIdy. JC-. • gel blue. pink mist and of et)urse E Cedar Ave . BurbAnk. died Frl S1111day • • .Gild mcab ~ white and many others are here. day In the Dreier Sanitarium In bna.alt tJMir t.et1a ...... _. New evanceline type rollar~ em Glt'ndalt'. She had Jived on Bal. . .• Toa'U liDd yoar "-tift'• some. and short~ sl~vtMl on boa Island. but for the last few billa cat by 2/31d8 If yoa de *>me-which Incidentally are months !lhf' had tx-cn In Bur cmd yoaJ" ldc!a will b ... ~ wonderful for spring. With thest> bank with a son, Warren Whit£> teetb ••• lighter knits the~ ts very llttl .. i She was born on the Isle of * * * time when we can't wear and Guernsey. enjoy thew knits here In South I She Is survived by two other ~n Callfornla. 1 sons. Hora<."e WhJte of Honolulu AID009 title --popular and Reginald White of Carmlch lllaa ,.. ... a.bowt89 this t ul, Callf.; one sister. Mrs. Elsie ...,._. _.. tM _. .ails. Trueblood of Brentwood: three ~ ....,. • w 11 r'\erful brothers, ~ Smith of Sunland. ..u.ct1aa ol Rltll • .. y price Will Smith of Hollywood and • .._ .._... cdl tiM "W"CCy t!'CIID Cecil SmJth of Spokane. , .......... abe t tluengb 20 .. ..._ GDcl ... C11Stoa:l ..__ ,...... .... u.o. ..., upt ... krftly hnllt&. .. t.icla Dtl'lldl: a Ia f-na lw. allo ._...,.... tweedy U.. Cllld ···-· diJtal .._ ala .... .......... "'-Datd Crystal nHII _.. ....._ tM ..-te~t _. ..... yew ...,. ner ...a. ...... -.-y .... badget. .. tat ... "t ~taft ..... to tell yw -...~ cdl tlte otben. -· .......... GDcl .. cmd .,_ wW bel pltatd. We have oome of those luscious colon In new spring coats. and tb1a Is the sea.on when color 1s eo Important to our wardrobeS. Note abo the lmportan<."e of color ln the sprlnc jewelry and many of the jewelry colors match or blend perfeetly wtth the n~ coat colon. c.-.--... , ... "t _ .. .._, ... ,. IG!y .. ••Dts 1 -.~ ..... wt' sa. __ ._., .... ol JllllliY I Dr ••ta ..._. .............. 8 •• ... "t ............ ._.. .. ........ -.~ ........... ] ....... ...... Let Us Teach You lD Tov Ow1l Home or Office Bow to Ba.e a BEAU11fOL f1GURE! ! Restor~ beauty by eliminating extra P'"Mlnds. ..... bill .. _.s ...... wttla ... ., ..... "''TAVI'P'D OI"P''C& Gnr' OwPw ••• ......... ., ::?.::::: ....... ,. tQDATI SE-e that they eet their m1l1t too ... at least thr~ gla~~:WS a day ... It ls definitely needed In the formative periods from birth to the t~ns ... After teena milk also plays an Important part In maintaining the bony structures of the t~ . . . You adults' Half of your tee-th e-x- tractions are raust"d by dise&MII of the bony st:ructur~ . Row about this dental lingo! rvt' got a frl~nd who's a den tim 1 * * * At1 I "ed tM tint ....U.. ol the Todd"s IC_..... c..-• .... wlllcll Dlld ..... - t w • • t y • .... .... a 5 J'OUIW tnly .... JISt ,....... Ilia ..... D*y a..-ant .. tM ,.... ••• ,.. .... ol .-ell • I llet .... W I'IQifd • Jaow .._., C'U51Jilfn .._ ......._ .. ,...,.. ..wr ... I ................... _ .. •·1 "'= ..-... ... a • • • ....... ..-ry_ .... .., __ ......_ ___ _ .., ......... _ ....... --~ ............ ... "-Y .. trll-.ut ... ...... ....... -.... ... ........ .., ....... -• nn,., .. .-.. . * * • Try Todcra C'OCtqe ~ ••• At tiM beltnnine f1l Leftt .... came out wttll KMtllr ~ ••• .. .. th.....__ .... d\KU With no ad .. ., ' • • ~ ... ,...,. ....... . ..... ............ .... ................... ................. -~ .. -...... ....... * * ... -... 'ftlill-'- --------------4 VOGEL VALUES 1-Ve;.y neat, 2 BR home lncl. ItO~ II reblg, 6 auto wUher, only S8,900. ~ BR home, ocean aide of bwy. at.~. $1.!500 down. S-4T bualnHS lot with neat home on rear. Must be eold . .uk ua. • 4--2000 sq. n. VIew home on 40' lot. 'Many extru. 3 BRS, 14 batha. $32.500. S-Cood 2 BR home on le, lot. Cal.Vet ~Je. MQ.OO per mo. at 3%. Price, $8,950. • THE VOGEL CO .. 266'1 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 ANNOUNCING NEW FURNISHED IIOIB. ••Es Built by ··-c.,. Furnished by MARTIN It von HEMERT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOl\tES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wLshes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlookJng Newport Harbor. These homes feature California living. Offered excJu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine TerTace--<)n Coast Hlghway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bolda a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W . Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Har bor 4448 For Further Information Here 11111 Tlllre JHire and llere IT IS A very lovely 3 bedr. It den home In Newport Helghts- 1% bat hs, dble. gar .. hardwood Ooqrs. fireplace, barbe cue, dishwasher, disposal-wired for gas or elec. range. A few steps to a gorgeous vit.>w of bay and ocean. St.>e this ont' at 330 Santa Ana Ave. Open houSt.> Pnce only $18,500. Terms. . . . ALSO-In West Newport Beach !acing park, 3-bedr. near bay and ocean swimming. $9.500. Terms. • • • ALSO-West Newport, 2 bedr. home and adjacent lot. $10,500. Terms. • • • ALS0-$5()() down 2 bedr. home on west side of C06ta Mesa. Total price $7350. Fra1cia J. Ho"11h, reaU. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport-2216 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Harbor 1428 Ljberty 8.5101 Carrie Fishback Liberty 8.3989 Leah Adair Williams Harbor 14SS.R • * BILL'S BEST BUYS * READY SOGI i1 le.,.rt HIIPfs on Palmer between Santa Ana lr Orange Streets l•• 4 llellr., 2 ~·• Ill•• ...... $II ,480 fill 11rlce Balance like rent Check these quality features: y Sewen In It paid ,t Enclo.ed,arages Colored rock roofs ,t Garbage disposals ,t JCJtchen fans Street w1ll be cur~ and paved -•. I. , ........ , -Yw'll like our frienclly ..me. -1!. 17th St.. Coeta Meea lJ)»ert7S.llJI .. .., a. • ,. ...... Tllll • lllril Vlauallze, If you *Ill, thla ouutandlne )lome with: e Spacious carpettM! Uvtng room 1 e Separate dining room e Den e Closed lanai with built-In barbecue e 3 fireplaces e 3 ~rootn5 e 24 baths e Double garage e Completely fum. apt. e On BALBOA ISLAND I I I aD t. $31,GIIOI • ISUID REiL TY CO. 498 Park, Balboa Island HA ·m COROU DB. IIR DRAMATIC VIEW -Ocean, Beach. CllUs. 2 large bdrms., 1 ~ bths. Spacious, friendly Jvg. room . hillside patio. Best scenic site In Corona del Mar. Sacriflce-$25,500. Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 E1rl W. Sillier REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa l.sland NEWPORT HElGHTS 3-bedr. home, 1~ baths, nr. school~ hardwd. fioors and many nice features. Immed. possession, $15,500. Very re sonable down payment. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2-bedr. lr den home, exclt. Joe.. near high school, has 2 baths, flrepl., select oak floors, Arcadia sliding glass doors. lg. sunshiny kitchen, lg. closets, 100 yds. waiJ.to- waiJ carpetlni. $19,500, can be FHA financed. Elton Barnett. realtor Liberty ~2772. or eves. U S. 7156 BIIIHr'a Chn Hoa. 3-bedrms., 2 baths. den, din- Ing room on 2 lots on comer, So. of highway, Cocona del Mar. Open for inspection at 415 Iris Ave. CHARLES W. MASTERS Contractor HArbor 3286 Attladlw ,.,.._ • INOOo .... DID b eale. Ocean .acJe hwy .. PIDelt eonatr. on 1\6 Iota. 2 bedn. n .. frDJa., bwd. Ooora. Poreect atr h .. t, paU., 1-apt. 1eued. Priced \l~l.~ RAJtBO&l88f.R 0 SAT. II SUN. '702 BECONJ.A. CDM I 'IEIL IUY Corona del Mar-VIew Du- plex-2 bdrm. each unit. One fumlahfM!. Sound condition. Dr .. ttcally reduced to $14,· 5oo. Submit down. Call Har- bor 177!5. Eves. Harbor 5359 wt w. St•llr REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand II' Ml PEIIISUU 2181 .,.. .... Exceptionally well built 2- bdrm. home, only !5 mo. old. Jumbo shake roof-cor. lot-$2.000 worth of carpetl and drapes. Living room haa ash panel . . . a dream kitchen with ash panel cupboards, built In dishwasher ,extra large 2-car garage ... fine neighborhood, plenty of parking uea. Thla property Is a steal. $21 ,600 Pllll a.IIIYM. ... ,. EYirlll Liberty S-6761 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, I ... III fir Ilia? Beautifully designed 4 bedr. and paneled den with 60-ft. of water frontage. Private pier and 1tJoat. Term.s. Harbor 234 WALDROI RULn 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island . WilTED: REITIU We have a atanc:Una list of exceptional tenants. Call• us and an agent wlll.come to your house. Harbor 2443 W.E.FI ... riAIIIC. 3034 E. Coast Hwy., CDM W AlfTED TO llEJfT wANTED TO RENT by former teacher, small unt. up to $40 or furnished up to $50. Prefer CDM, HA 4500..1. C01111llel l•r~•l• .. r 223t,; Marguerite Ave. 2.unlt property, best location $27.000 • 223--Cleased) 2·bedr. home. e 223~-(rear ) open Cor Inspection. 2 bedrs. with guest room and bath, 2 garages. F. C. AIHriMI, Re~lltrs Exclusive Agent 3348 E. Coast Hwy. at Marigold, Corona del Mar Harbor 1540 COR .. DB.IU , ........... Widow will sell this nice 2-bedr. home, 1 ~ blka. from shopping center. Has lots of tile, beam ceilings, tum. ace heat. beautltuJ flagstone flrepl.. It gar. Is stressed for apt. above. It has !5% Insurance co. loan with faymenta only ~.39 per month. Will sell furnlahed I desired . O.lj '12,100. -Exclusive aeenu lEI .J. WIITIII I U.. ''BWdn~ 1tJ Good" 3M2!!. Cout Bwy .. Corona del Mar BA 1862, J!veL BA 1481 FOR QUICK RESU LTS! 'u.t your Property for aale wi~ a Multiple l.J.et1ng Broker. 1*1,.... lmGw alii , ...... ,... -........ W'Oitl -,.,. ..... tr, ~ JOa !OVa IIOJK'ft()le, AI.WA11.uT '1'1110 A -a&IJIO&• NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REA L TORS I ) ,... ..... ~ _ _.. •. ,........., &AftRIIUW ....... d&J~tlO 1-BitDilM. FURN. apt, new 1 '-lo.oiUUI'I••· .---wuc-. dec.: no peta. Ytly tJ15 mo. exc.Uent condtUoft, 111. Al8o .....:.to.:__•..:p:...m._St_ea_dJ.;._ • .,...u _s.. __ _ 801·11 Poppy, CDM. HA 8415..1. boY'a b~ )t'', Ill. BA P'UiN. JlOOJ.f, pvt. 'bath and en. 1085..1. trance-with ot without ear. SJN~:-:G:-:D-:-~SEW~~lft~o=--m"""aeb--::--:-lne.-, -.,.=-=-. So. of Hlway, CDJI. BA 4703-W. feet order. llouebold furniture FURNISHED APT., pteaaant aut· cheap, G5 Carnation, CDM. roundlnp, airy eo n d l t lona. SERVEL JtD"JUG: 12 ·cu. ft., J75. adults, no pets. 610" Mareue. AliO rrtatdaire elee. ranp, rite, CDM. $75. HA 18. S111DIO APT., $4!5 mo. 'tl~ June, ......:.----------:-- utU. pd; block and a half from OLD FRIGIDAIRE rettleerator, beach. 240 Hellotrope, CDM. runnlna condltJon t25. See Ha 3640-R or 2359. Wallace Calderbead., 31.28 E. CLERICAL WORKERS WITH TYPING A.8llJTY UNFURN. 2-BEDRM. houJe, 1 Coast Hwy., CDM. -AppJy-block south of Hwy., near LEITZ BINOCUl.A.Rs-10x!i0, like 514 ~ N. Main Street, Rm. nt Santa Ana stores, CDM. Ll 8-40:16. new, retail co.t $250, will MD FURN. BACHELOR apt., newly for $1!50. HA 1634. Monday throudl Friday 9:00A.M. to (:00 P.M. dec., utll. pd. Yearly rental $45 mo., 1 block aoutb of Hwy., CDM. Ll 8.4026. NICELY FURNISHED room, pvt. entrance and pvt. bath, near postoftlce, ba nk, bus and stores, very desirable, 419 Poln· settla, CDM. HA 3692-W. 2-BEDRM. house, furn., or un. Curn., newly decorated. Chll· dren welcome, 417 Hellotrope. CDM before 10, alter 5. 3.BEDR.M. HOUSE, CDM. stove and refl'lg. furn., $90 mo. Phone Ll S.~. ATTRACTIVE, 2·BEDRM., unfurn. apt. with iarage, convien l. ently located; 508 Marigold, CDM. HA 1203-W. lflSCEJ,.I.A.KEOUS SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rental spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' length. American Legion Hall. 15th and Bay, Newport, HA 452. 8t7SIKESI IIDTALS STORAGE-Newport clvlc center area, for boats. building ma terlals or service repair busl ness. Owner, HA m or HA 369SW. NOW LEASING, avail. bus. of. flee space, center <!nM, suit able for acct., denUst doctor, architect, lawyer. Ll S.1526. HAMMOND chord orpn, Jlke new, big aavlna. Danz.SChmJdt Plano Co .• 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. PACIFIC TELEPHONE ______ ....,.__ -- IITVATIOIII WAJiftl) GRANDMO'niER wanu baby att. SPINET PIANO-lovely tone and ttne. AvaUable weekenda. alao cue only $387. Terms. Other evenlnp. ,U 8.3872 . wonderful barga Ina In rental =B""'AB~Y::-::S-=::ITI'I=""'N~G::-,-c-are--ot-:--:1t~ck.:--T'""Ili returns. trade In on Organs your home by mature CDM etc. Several merely allghtly woman. Day, nleht. CalJ before scratched In ahlpment. Danz.. 10 a.m .. after 5 p.m. HA 3192·M. Schmidt. !520 No. Main, Santa ------------Ana. BEAtmFUL Spinet Pianos. Rent to buy. All pf term rent al. lowed. Practice pianos aa low as $5 fM"f mo.· Danz.Schmldt Big Plano !:!tore, !520 No. MaJn, Santa Ana. FOR RENT S·MM 16·MM 35·MM and 16MM Sound Pro jecton STEINW_A_Y -G~D. Like new. FAST COLOR ni..M SERVICE Big Saving. Abo Knabe, KJm. Model Airplane Supplies bal. Fischer, Mason II Hamlln. ..,. 01Mifl ._... Ma ny others. Practice pianos 1782 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meu as low aa $85. Dan:z.Schmldt __ P;...;.h;...;.one Uberty 8· 7042 ~~~t=l~a~tore. 520 No. Main, p A I N T I N G HAMMOND Organa. All models. Earl Shefiln One only slightly used a.Irno.t 273 Palmer St.-eo.ta Mesa like new. This Ia a special. Liberty 8.2928 Danz.SchmJdt Hammond Head. ------------ quarters for Oranee County, COMPLETE PAINTING 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. PAPER HANGING SERVICE BEAUTIFUL Electronic Orpn. Harbor 2976-J blonde case, almost new. Must EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS sacrifice. One only. Big qy. !500 31st Street, N!Wport Beach lng. Danz.Schmldt Great Sale, OOii~~Q 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. LAWNS. SHRUBS AND 1'REES Till'S I FliT General Clean-up ,.,... eltlmatee =--• DarJUa naarr BA la 2'7 .. E. Coat IIWJ. JaqtAm AlfD a ala tea an ee, . ... ., ................. ,_ UIJtft ... anuaable S.tllfae. tJon puutaed. RA OUI.J. Painting-Deooratmg PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT l.ac...d Oootnctot 511 10th St.. N"'liOrt 8HI"h .HArbor ~18-W Uberty 8·6632 THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 Few letterhe.._ envelooes e.tl THEU.I for best r..Wta . (AIIr ...... ou ipeda1 s.• ... .u-l'fte) Phone HARBOR 1114 Today! ·SUBSC ·RIBE To The Newport Harbor Ensign The otldallfewapcapw .of the Citr of Newpwt hacla • t .. ., ••• of sodal an•a Clvle l.Aai'M put on a few yeua back. . • • • 1& COLLEG&S TO IICILit DAJfCE AT aDD&Z9001 , I:DCr7 blankl tor the Annual Junlor coli~ of tbe Euttm fCoDtbnaed tram Pa.-5) flam ptlllna cSmna ow neck&. Each 8lrYice elub COULD ~pan­ .. a t.D·tilne ac:ttvtty Uiat tht' ftlee kSde (and ~ of them are) t'IOUld enjoy-maybe on tbe order ol that arand dance tbe Wom- o.......-County Civic Beauttnca Conference will staee the" U.. Contelt mu.t be filed before fourth a n n u a I all conference Ilardi 1~. It 1B announ~ by danc-e at the Rendezvou. Ball- Mrs. Jtobf!rt Marshall ot Newport I room In Balboa th is r"rlday eve. Some U:u lt bot 1ome llke It Appareatly theN Ia ~ AHdl, chairman ot the contest nlng. Hosts wUI be Fullerton. Qr • cold, but t'ftr70Ae MeiU to llke u to who'll vote'-w~ ta tiM 1 ange Cout. and Santa Ana Col- a little YaeatJon. IIUCb u the OM March ~ Newport Beadl City Mead EnaJcn Want Ads. leges. taken lut W.k by the Don Har-Coundl eleetlon. Vote For RAYIDI ''I••••••" ....... WALKER FOB COUNCILMAN •lriiUD •••,lila CoU BADOa .s today A ll your printinq needs will be hondled conveniently end court- e ously in the completely-•quip-' ped Job PrintinQ Oepertmen1 of your H.,rbor Are" Newspoper. The Ensiqn, 11(}4 C oast 81.. COM ---!..::================= Uallll' 'nle new Vo1el ~al Eatate of. nee In Lido Center Ia ataffed by several Vo1el "veterans" In the real e.tate bualnea. At any rate each of the membera of the new ottlce are known trom other of. tlces. They are Myrtle Davy, Bruce Weed and Gene Norvell The nf!W location will deal pri- marily with Lido propet'tles and alto Balboa Peninsula lt.t:lnes. It make. a total of alx ottlcea serving the Harbor Area and La- guna with Voeel Values. • • • wooda. They apent a ff!W daya at CandJdatenepreent MYen dJt. Thunderbird and came back ferent d1ltJ1cta w1tb1n the dty. with beautttul tans. but evuy voter who co-to tbe • • • poU. on Muc:b ~ will vote for Mrs. H. E. (famJJlarly known ht. choice ln each of the MVen aa "Ma") RuJilel 4Jdn't fare 10 dt.trlct.s. well on her trip to the deeert. She With the withdrawal of W. C. was on a ahort pleuure trip with XJnder In Dlltrlc:t 1. the alate a nel1hborlne Goldenrod Ave. t. u follows : famlly, the Burt Procters. who have a p)aoe ln the deMrt wh~ L NEWPORT they hied frequently wl)lle Burt Gerald Bennett. l.acumbent. sketches bt. famoua desert L B. Be!'eeron. fireman (ret.) scenes. A little over a week aeo 2. BALBOA Mn.. RueeJes wu with them and Sandy MacKay, realtor. she and Mra. Procter were eros. Jay Stottlemyre, barber. sJng a street wht'n "Ma" wu hit by a char&lnl motorl.st. Result 3. LIDO l.SLE, BAY SHORES t. that Ma spent aeveral days In Dora Hill. lncumbent. the Palm Sprlnea Hospital and was moved last week to Com We understand the Louis Breer munJty Hospital tn . Santa Ana, Balboa Island Bay Front home where aht' t. resttn1 fairly com- 4. CLIFF RAVEN, HEIGHTS Stanley RJdderllot. incumbent. Mrs. SJgrld Nett. bouaewtte. hu been 10ld for a round figure fortably, I'm told with a broken 5. BALBOA ISLAND just under $65,000 to Mrs. shoulder and 110me severe facial Hana Broerlne, incumbent. Thomas Hast-:r Sr. of Anaheim. cuts. Clarence Higbie, attorney. The property was sold by the 1. B. Prendergast office and was • -----------6. CORONA DEL MAR listed by Edith Maroon of the EI:Jell ,..,0le5 A. W. Smith, Incumbent. Earl W. Stanley oftlce. L. Gordon Walker, real estate. • • • A new real estate office at 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport, has just been opened by Howard Ftaher and hls son. WUllam C. Fisher. Howard Flsher was for- merly usocJated with the late C. C. Barnhouse realty office. Be- fore that for many years he hu been buying and selling real estate In the Los Angeles area. • • • Curt Dosh 1B newly associated with John B. Prendergast . Balboa Island realtor. Chairman Ql Ebell Book Sec- tion m, Mlu LUJan Daniell. will entertain members of the group at her home at 241 EorenJng Canyon Rd.. Shore CJIIfa. on Tuesday. Co hostes.ws will be Mrs. J. H. Wilkie and Mrs. Mel- vin Beckt'r. Mrs. Marguerite Murphy will revt~. • • • Dean Marie HowH of Orangt' Coast College will review a book for Book Sectton n. which will hold a baakt't lunch nu't Wed- nesday at the Ebell Clubhouse. EVERYONE READS AND USES Lee Wilder, publtc relations. 7. CORONA DEL MAR l . B. Stoddard, chem. en&Lneer. W. G. Perrow, retired. 'IM If Y .. ' F,_ .... ¥11111 ... A mayor. and "man of the yur'' from Humbolt. Iowa, ha.s been a Harbor area visitor for the put two weeks. Mayor L.. D. Sny 1 der and Mrs. Snyder have been staylne with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooktnes of Corona del Mar while on leave from snowy Iowa. Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Brooklnes art' sisters. Shortly before he leh Mr. Snyder was named "Man of the Year" by the Humbolt Cham ber of Commerce. BODCSOifS MOVE TJIIS WEEK The Lew Rodgsons of 508 Jas m ine Ave .• Corona del Mar. have moved to .a9~ Goldenrod. Ave. lal•• Lllc lnilc ...... x CIMIII No h ome ls com plete without these famous ca:ldles. Honeycomb construct !on prevents dr lppmg and bendlne. 20 gorgf'Ous colors to ch uose fr Jm ill 6" 10" 15" lcmgths also nvad::~hle In g1ft packa:;E's Ideal tcw t.boee wbo appntdate t.be Best T1IE BALBO AN 325 NarlDe An. Balboa lslaDd Barbor 5193 For Councilmcm-Distrid 1 (West Newport) I. N u D l c l pal aperieaoa (22 ,.an wlt.b City ot L.. A. Pin ~ Now OD Mni~ peuloD.) 2. If ot • pne.aun cpoup amclldate. :S. OppoMd to oU eDI'OCICb- meDt. '-ObU9at.d ODly to •1'9e alltCI:X'p(l'pn. • Be Sure To Vote • Election Day March 15 Llwrt~ce H. (Lirry) S.cei'OI ~ (7 COUDdJ.mGD to be elected; YOte fOJ' ODe iJl eacb cS.iatrict.) ------~ VOTE FOR HIGBIE FOR COUNCILMAN WANT ADS • • • • • • • • • • VOTE FOR A BUSINESS MAN TO REPRESENT YOUR INtERESTS! ~···········································~···~· . .. . ~ . . ~· . ~. ~ Yes~ We Do · H . ~. . ~. . ~. ~ PIll N T ·l N 6 H . . ~. . ~. : CHECK TIDS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: ~ t ~ ~ ~ • 0 BUSINESS CARDS 0 WEDDING INV1T A TIONS ~ • : 0 LE'ITERHEADS 0 RECEPTION CARDS ~ ~ • 0 ENVELOPES 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ • · • 0 STATEMENTS 0 MENUS ~. • 0 ORDER BLANKS 0 PAMPHLETS ~. : ~ ~ • 0 CIRCULARS 0 BOOKLETS ~ • • 0 POSTERS 0 MAGAZINES ~. . ~: • PHONE U8 AT HABIOB 1114 ~ • ~ Aalil o.ir ..... u&llatlw Wll• Glad To Call 0.. Y., ~ • • 4 : 4 : . Easlp ~ ELEC7 Resident Since 1920 * A Colege Man CITY Tax Payer Properly Owne; COUNCI ·LMAN DWaic:t No. l-15th ~net to Channel Road. Jalboa ,. ...... * * * o.-•a •a DTI • ....-uaTu.caoa:a · A IAntan ..aa. OD '"lplrtt. aal t.u. for MMboc1lllt CIIIV- Uanl'" wUl ..._.,. at '7:30 p.m. '1'\Meday at the Balboa lalud Community )(ethodlllt Churcta. lhatnletl~ the clua will be Rev. Donald G. Sapp. T'be leetuf'e.dJa. cu181on method wtll be u.d. Toplc:a for dt.cu.lon are: March 8, "'lbe Method.t.t Faith"; March , 1~ '"nle Method.lat Herltqe"; March 22, '"'be Met.bodiat Church at Work"; and March 29, "The DutJea ot a Metbodt.t ChrlatJan." ClmiST CIIU.al ft TilE SEA Rev. Roy Carlaon will preach on "Love the Lord Your God" at the 9:30 and 11 o'clock servlce11 Sunday at Christ Church By the Sea. He I& presenting a series of Lenten messages on the theme ot ''Worda of Jesus." IJJOVE.SAUIT P'ELLOWSJID Rev. Frederick Ringe wlll be. e1n a series of sermons this Sun. day explaining the Universalist point of view on matters of doc. trine and practice. The first ser. m on, to be given at the Unlver. Allst Community Fellowship at the Ebell Clubhouse. 515 W. Bal. boa Blvd.. Balboa. will be "We a vow our faith In God. u eternal and all.conquerlna love." The aerlet wlll be contJnued on the five .succeulve Sundays. Da. Kc:KES TO IPEAK Dr. Stanley S. McKee will be &Uest speaker tor the first of a aeries of four Wednesday night Lenten serVIces beeinnlng March 9 at Christ Church By the Sea. Newport. Dr. McKee, whose topic w1ll be "'Ibe relleious awaken. tng we need," t. the minister of the Ftm Met.bod.t.t Church In San Diego. Each program will belfn with a famUy dinner in Goodell Hall at 6 :15. MBS. JOD LOWL tbe f-aaby ~ ot morie tame, CIDd bu 6-year-old daug!atw K.crtby. wW model for tiM faalaloD alaow to be ....-t.ct Karda 17 at U.. h1boa lay Chab by U.. CatboUe WoaaeD'a Cou.Ddl of Jfewport llclrbcw. TM ....... edNa Cllld Ja. dau9ht.r are pletund ben lA float of tbetr ...W blaDd boaae at 205 E. lay Froat. See story OD pc19e four. (DOD Bub Pboto) LEGAL JfOTICE LEGAL •OTICE CIIJIII'I'IAif ICUIICK c:au.CII "Lo, tb1l only have I found. that God hath made man up. rfaht. .. Tbt. declaration of man's righteousness and true heritage 1.t the Golden Text from Ecc:lesl. utes (7:29) In the Sunday Les· 80n...9ermon on "Man" a t the Newport Beach Chrlst1an Science Church. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNI.t\ IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Case No. A24943 Citation. In the matter of the Adoption of JAMES EDWARD GOOLSBY. JR., and RICHARD ARTHUR GOOLSBY, Minors. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA: To; James Edward Goolsby: You are hereby cited and re- quired to be and appear In De-partment 1 of the above! entitled Court, at the Court House In San- ta Ana, Oranae . County, Callfor. nla, on the 28th day of .N>rll, aM, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of aaJd day, the.n and there to show cau.e. It~ you have, wb)'.!!aa Petition ot Edgar WIUlam Hen- ninger for the adoption of James Edward Goolsby, lr., and Richard Arthur Goolsby, your minor sons. • Y ou a r e invited t o ' The .. Bon"D:I.e Bee:a:n." · f ... a dietinguiehe d model home in the provincial r a nch style . should not be granted, according to the Petition on tue to whJch reference Is hereby made for further particulars. Given under my hand and seal ol the Superior Court of the State of California, 1n and for the County of Orange, this 3.rd day of January, 1~ B. J. SMITH, CSeal) County Clerk. By Lealie L. McCartney, Deputy. A. K. Phelps. 3429 E. Coast High. way, Corona del Mer, Calif. Attorney for Pf!tttloner. Publt.h: Jan. 2'7·Mardl 17, Incl. IE II PIIJ.IT.EJJI V,.o ........ &DaCIIOWY Llbelty 1-4711 D50 If WDOit •a.. e-ta .... This distinctive model home ia quietly 1et in teduded IUrroundinp. You'U want to -this delightfully furnished home-it'a truly channifti. The Interesting architectural arrangement and 10und construc- tion will impresa you. And hang on to your heart when you walk throuth ita New Freedom Gu Kit.c'hen, tbe aparlc.linJ center ol bouwhold activities. The showing of the It ia a hOUJetrife'a dream come true. Plan now to brinr JC101 family aad frimds to viait t.he Bonnie Beem. It will be well worth your while. ··ao~:l..• BeeD&." also marlu the installation of the 100.000-t;h 1JtU meter in the Orange Col'ntv IAuisian of the Stn4tMm CountU. GuCompanv • tnH -~ .. ROM I • • LONDON •• PARI I She'll clecWe a.tw • • • eiMI how a wondetfvl. corefr" tTl' w ith coeh to ..,. • • • llaeawe lhe't SAVING HOW. Her occovnt It eornlng liberal ..... teo. Ow curNftt ,... It 3"" per y.o~, pold .. ,._ ,..,t,. DREAMS DO COMI TIUI • • • when ~ 10ve to make them o NOilty. WMthw It'• • ,_ .... , yw.,......, • new Mt of lvt~eoge, o cor. o home • • • N • ..,.., ... We. If 1M ... yovr -'vhta Oft It and etort MVIftt new. O'EN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY • • • Oftd remember, oil aovlngs lnv•ted by tM 10th of ony MOnth earn from tM ltt. OlvkMnda pold Mor. lht. June. Mth, Sept. lOth, arMI O.C. 20th, • A&l oecovnta. COMMUNITY IMMDtNG • • • We ...,. .... ., ..... ef. 1eca1 .._ .. ._ -. ..-...., ............ ....,. ...................... ........ •• .. ,. ... ., .................... ..,. ....., ...... ., .... ;a .. ..... ...... ....... .. .. .... .... .......... lliMI .. ..,.... --...... ,.__ by tbe eo.ta Meu Chamber ot The February total ot buJlcUJaa SUOO: loW' eonaJMrCal buJld.. ColnlMrce DOt to 1.... 8daoo1 pemdta t.u.d tn tbe Qty of tnp. f71.87'1: a1x npaJn to c.'OID· proptrty tOf oil 4rllUq ~ Newport 8Mcll wu t!l87.565. medal buUdlnp. P'.->: three to the JUchtteld 011 Co. Bulldtnr Inspector a ay m o n d atans. SJ.,388. The maa bootrter .,oup ell-Glenn reportecl th1a week. .Amonr the permit. t.uect dUJ'· recton at a meettna lut 1burs-'Jbla brlnp the total tc. the Inc the put week were a a:t4.e day noon In ICennecty'a Cafe year to $1,4t7,550, oompued to commerc:lal buUdtng at 1.D) W. adopted a reaolutJon aea1J1ft oil the end.ol-Februray total ol Cout Hlghwa.y, acrou the hJgb- enaoachment. T h e reaolutlon ,1,715,088 lut year. way from the Balboa Bay Club alao ask.a the C~a Mesa City February permltl Included 20 entrance, and a 1'2,000 commer. Council and eo.ta Mesa city stnele farnDy dwellln.-, $.147,82S;' clal building at 333 N. Newport plannlnr commlulon to "reaf. five 2-fa.mUy dwelltn.-, Sf(),800; Blvd., up from the Arclles. firm their stand aeatnst the en-53 repalra to ctNeUJnp, t88,415; FoJiowlng permits were luued croacbment of oil." five cabanu, $1,400; one swiJn. during the last week of Febru- Prealdent Don Huddleston was mine pool, t2.!500; one earaee. ary: Instructed to appoint a committee • DIVIKE TEIUIACE to vtgoroualy oppoee the tenclne Cl&dl£111 ,.... Maceo Corp .. 7-room. 1-story, l - ot Newport Freeway between If T ._ I unit dwelling at 1541 Dolphin 19th St. and Mesa Dr., proposed IM'WM Ill Terrace, $20,600; 1-atory, 1-unJt by the atate highway commfs. The Lfdo Toutmuten met at dwelling at 1529 Dolphin Ter. aton. It wu charged that the the Harbor Houae ln eo.ta Mesa race, $21,000; add bedroom at fencing would divide the town, Wednesday night of Jut week 1331, 1407, 1501, 1519 and 1531 hurt property values and Inter-with Chuck Ary, president. pre-Santanella, $1,800 each. fere w ith pollee and fire equip. sldlnc. • COBOKA DEL IIU ment maldng runs. The reason tor the "Const:Jtu-E. B. Ellker, wall and fence ' o~o• The annual meeting of the I tlonal amendments being ere. at 209 Marguerite, $400; George Chamber of Commerce wa.s set ated and their meaning today" Bosley, garage at 322 Larkspur, for Wednesday evenlng, March was discussed as the table topic $1,100; Douglas Holt. &.room, 2- 30, In the Costa Mesa Friday under the direction of Tom story, 1-unlt dwelling on the Afternoon Clubhouse. Local or-Soule, table topics master. Toast. bluff at S09 Ocean Blvd., $23,000; -aanlzatlons will be Invited master Charlie Herron conducted John Recesso. 4-room. 1-story, 1· again this year to attend the an-the meeting and Jt was aug. unit dwelling at 411 Marigold, nual meeting. gested that the members bring $9.225; Esther Parant, remodel- ,.,AMI) -TN( O..CfiOOf DIST5ifiCTING MAP .. NEWPORT BEACH -CALIFORNIA 1'\.41001 ... _ ~u~•-- HOME LOANS At Orent• County's L .. d in9 Home lendin9 Institution QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES ·EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE IVY TltUST OEEOS ON WilL LOCAno HO .... ES LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHn Avenue LAGUNA BEACH ~ne HY 4-1177 4 •• ,... ""'._. M-.ry &DOMTT __.. ....... ~ a IIIIICC -...,....,.. more guests each time. Member lng at 208 Goldenrod, $500. ship chairman Is Mr. Verne AJ. e COBONA BlCIILAJIIDS len. Ha 3945-W. Elton Denner, 7-room, 1~--"' -•m -T Competltlon was close among story, 1-unlt dwelling at 561 Sea. three speakers, Carl Jones. Hugh ward. $18.000. Mynatt and Burton Beck. who e REWPORT HEIGHTS LECAL ROTICE Southwesterly, having a rad. OaDIKAKCE RO. 7U Ius of 29.00'; thence South. AN ORDINANCE AMEND· easterly along said curve won with his subject, "What ls E. V. Ortberg, retaining wall Credit'!" Evaluators were Verne at 210 La Jolla Dr., $200; Marie Allen. Ray L'Eduse and <.huck Pulte, remodelling at 305 La Ary. Jolla Dr., $400: John Vogel and S. F. Rudd, &.room, 1 ~-story, 8- unlt store building at 333 N. Newport Blvd .. $42.000. lNG SECTION 9102.2 OF through an angle of 45• 21' THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF 21", a distance of 22.98' to an THE CITY OF NEWPORT Intersection with the South- BE A C H CHANCING THE westel'ly line oi Bayside ZONING OF CERTAIN PRO-Drive, saId Southwesterly CEIITIFICATE OF MEJUT A certificate of Merit has been presented to Pete Nelson, who retired as of Feb. 1 as building inspector of t':e City of Newport Beach. The certificate. given by the Orange County BuUdJng M- sociatlon, states: ''In recognition ot outstanding servl<-e to the building Industry or •Orange County, this award ls made to A. M. (Pete) Nelson. .. LOllS FOR IllES S" 20-TEAJI LOU Construction l.cvma 5,r, 20-TEAll LOU SU _,. IATTLEB Poirier ltrtcace c.. '2515 E. Coast • .., .. Cl))l Fb. BA ,_ JD 3-5115 (Metro Life 1aluraDcle FUDda) JAMES D. RAY 1111111. C.lracllr l.,.. E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR HArbor 476) R .. ldence: HA.rbcw 4196 e 8ALBOA ISLAJm George Bailey, remodeUlng at 606~ S. Bay Ft .. $2,500; Arthur Baum. remodelling at 331 Crys- tal, $2,500; John Scudder, add storage room at 145 N. Bay Ft., $1.000. eaALaOA Allen Kunnel, 5-room. 1-story, 1 unit dwelling at 409 Seville, $15,300. eLIDO ISLE Ronald Roesch, &.room. 2-story, 1 unit dwelling at 200 Via Cor. dova, $20,000. e REWJIOBT Douelas HoskJn, Lyle Hoskin l•ft41 1nt emtth, 2.-room, 1-story commercial building at 1220 W. I Coast Hwy.. $14,655; Golden State Sportflshlng Co .. ticket of. flee at 3129 W. Coast Hwy., $800. Lou Reed It Associates, sign at 1200 W. Coast Hwy., $798; Floyd Hahn, 2 room . 2-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 6502 W. Ocean Ft.. $5.400. PERTY KNOWN AS THE line of Bayside Drive being "COOPER ANNEX." on a curve concave North. The City Council of the City easterly and having a radius of Newport Beach, does hereby of 31l>.OO'. The radial line of ordain as follows : saJd 31l>.00' radius curve SECTION 1: S«tlon 9102.2 of being the same as the radJal the Municipal Code of the City line of the hereinbefore of Newport Beach Is hereby men t Ion e d 29.00' radius amended by adding the follow. curve; thence Southeasterly lng: along the last mentioned "That the following described curve through an angle of property lying In the City of 45• 21' 21", a distance of Newport Beach, County of Or-300.81' to the end of said ange. State of California, partie-curve, said end of curve ularly described as follows:-being In the city boundary Beginning at the lntersec. of the City of Newport tJon of the City of Newport Beach; thence North n • 54' Beach boundary with the 00" West alone the City of Northwesterly 11pe of Harbor Newport Bead! boundary to leland ao.4. u deeded to the Nortbweaterly eoi"Det ot the County Of Orange, June Beacon Bay u ahOWD on a 11, 1936, and recorded In Record of Survey u fUed In Book 830, Page 21_7_ '' OUt-Book 9, Page 43 of Records clal Records of aa~Orange of Survey of said Orange County, CallfornJa; then<-e County; then~ South 23• 57' Northeasterly along the aald 30'' West along the tlcy ot Northwesterly line of Harbor Newport Beach boundary Island Road to a polnt 121.6' and along the Northwest. Northeasterly of ordinary ly Hne of Beacon Bay 317.57' high tide Jlne of the Pacific more or less to the West- LEGAL NOTICE Ocean in Newport Bay, as erly comer of Lot 62 of said IN TilE SUPERIOR COURT OF estabJlahed by Decree In Beacon Bay; thence North TilE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Court Caae No. 20436 of the 39• 48' 00" West along the IN AND FOR TilE COUN'I"l OF Superior Court In and for said City o.f Newport Beach ORANGE. Orange County, Calltornla; boundary to the point of be· Dept. No. 5 thence Southeuterly along ginning. NO. 64570 a line measured at right u lhown on Sheet No. 14 of the SUMMONS angles to the aald North-District Map attached to Ordi- Actlon brought In the Superior westerly line of Harbor nance No. 635 and referred to Court of the County of Orange, Island Road 89.00' to the be-In Secxtlon 9102.2 of the Munlcl- and Complaint tlled In the Of. ginning of a curve concave pal Code, and made a part there. flee of the Clerk of the Su. of, be, and It ls hereby, rezoned perlor Court of sald County. LECAL ROTJCE from a "U" Dl.strlct to an "R-1" PONClANO P. YARRA. Plalntitf ROTJCE TO Cll&DITOU District. vs. NO. A-~ SECTION 2: 1bat the City En- SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant ESTATE OF ARTHUR FRED-glneer of the City ot Newport TilE PEOPLE OF THE STATE ERICK TORRANCE, aka AR-Beach Ia hereby Instructed and OF C A L I F 0 R N I A SEND 'MIUR FREDERIC TORRANCE, directed to chanee and add to GREETINGS TO: DECEASED. the above Dlat:rict Map ao u to SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to abow the zonlne ot aald property You are directed to appear In the creditors of and an pertOnS u above estabUabed, and. u an actJon broueht against you havtne clalma agalnat the aald aild Dt..trtct Map bu been 10 by the above named plalntitf. 1n decedent or said estate to fUe amended, the aa.me ahall be and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the Superior Court of the State of them with the neceaaary vouch-remain In full force and effect r CalltornJa, In and tor the County en ln the oUice of the Clerk of u a part of Ordinance No. 635 no. c:o.wtap -DndDbocDda Asphalt TOe -Rubber TUe Formica -Linoleum Tile ot Orange, and to aMWer the the Superior Court of the State of of the City of Newport Beach and complaint therein within ten CalJtornla, In and f«. the County Section 9lo:t2 of the Munlctpal daya after the service on you of of Orange, or to preeent the Code of the City of Newport thla summons, lt served wtthJn same, with the neceaury vouch-Beach. CIIL lOIS' Lm:.~UII 135 E. 17th St. eo.ta ..... LDEIIT'I' 1-4252 22 Yeara In Orange County COSta Mesa lu11ber Co. IUILDING JIATIIIIAI.S ... the County of Orange, or within era. to the undenlgned at hla SECTION 3: Th1s ordlunce thirty days lt aerved elaewhere, or her pla~ of buslnea, to.wlt: ahall be publlahed once In the and you are notltled that unleaa VJctor l . Torrance, c/o Harwood, Newport Harbor Enalgn, a newa. you 10 appear and anawer u Heffernan • Soden, Attorneya at paper of general circulation, above required, the plalnttU will Law, 1415 Cout Blebway, Co-prlntecl and publlahed In the take judgment for any money rona del Mar, CalUornla. City of l!fewport Beach, and the or damagH demanded tn the within six montld after the tint aame lbatJ be tn full force and Complaint. u arJaJng upon con. publication of thll noti~. d:fect thlrtJ (30) daya after the tract, or wUI apply to the Cowt Dated: February 17, 195!5. final adoptJon thenol. lor any other relief demanded an VICI'Oit l . TOIUlANCI: Tbe above a.nd forqotnr Ordl. the complaint. Admlnlatratc. ot the l:atate nanc. wu llltroc1UOid at a rer- Given under my band and eeaJ of aaJd decedent. ular nMetinl of the City Cou.ncU of the Superior Court I'll the A~ fer AdmJ.nJMntc.: ot tM City ot K.-pon Beadl. County Of Oranp, State ot Call. Harwood. Betfema.n It Soden beld on the 14 day ot re~~nau7, fomJa, thla 3rd day ot l"etlrvUJ, A~ at Law 1B5. a.Dd,.,.. fl:na.UY ,...S an4 19M. lf15 Cout RIJbw_, .. adopCad • tile ... .., of hb- CUAL) Corona del Ku, C&Uianda fU&I7, ~ by tM ....,..... I. J. IMITII Harbor 15!5 roll oall we.. to wtt: County Clelr ud Cledl of tile ~: 1& ~Mardi a. 10. 17 A~ OOUifaLIIIJI:If • .._. Superior Court of tiM ltate of In tiM Jfewpon .....,_ Dlllla. Ina. llaltll. ~ I .... C.._.., Ia UMI for tiM 11111 Coant7 o1 Onnea. AI Y041f printw.q ,_.. wll be --., OOUJQ!.IQ!R: ._, i~~~~~~5i~;;i~~~~ llr L. 8. W.U.. Dlpu~. heftcled eonven~ Md cowf. '" WI COOJta!.MW: ~ IIA8Y L. ~I I ~ 0. J11LL ................ ..,. ...... "· ...... ..... * Job Printiftq 0..• ..... cf Milt: """""" ...., eaa ; c. a. ,.., ...,.. rt11 your Hert.or !We Ml••••· -a.ll l~=:==t;;·~==~ .... ~~==~J ~: M. .. .,... II. u. n.. .._ It~ c..t L CIIM P )E.r ... I. .. .. ... ··-.... --.............. -- ti\Ailiii'\A. ...... , ...... ,....,,~ ""'."''~ .... VMefuewt "._... .. AfCO .....c.ofi'U.ffl .......... c..., ... ~ ...... A·l PLUMBING SPECIAII'J'ES lK U.Aml Day & Jflg'bt ..... ....,. ..,.ocfen~ ,_Tools few s.-a Sl._. s •• ,,.," Lewis Ross ~::-~s:.· K.....-ta..da "llest Shopper• contest• nil rlcle IIIIRO -••II len Ill Mrs. Wayne Talley, MCODd-prize winDer, aaid, ,.I liw in E1 Moote, and I always take Metro to the 1to1w in Alhambra, Puadena or Lo. Ancel-. T:ravellne by bua Ia eomfortable and relaxing; when I reach home I'm not too tJ.red to ret dbmer. Metro makes wonderful time over the freeways. and, of coune, it'a alwaya the ma.t economical way to ret around!' .. _,,,. ,.... .,. •••lirf•llr c••~••'••• ,,, .,.,,., ., ~,.,,,.,. "Couud ...... ~ •tWiecl p Ill II -:' ...... lln.A.B. ........ Souda Pan::Ww -. ... "' ftlurell9 tn&w by ... ................ Jt.noe to,... ...... - • ooQple af •• , -B'•. plnn~~L~~etobela.._M aJe. _. ••elart rlls •JIMioo' .. AM r.. ......... 'ihl ... ......... .. ...... st-...... ...... l*ll're" • . . f I t•GAL IJO'I'ICD UGAL •onc:a • eufetY bond or boncll u ~ tiMNln wMiala 1m) cia,. after AD'fUIM.WIQI'I rca 11De natlflcatloa ot tbe awucl ol the contract to tbe ~. Kotice ta ~ -"-eu• tbe Jloe.rd ot ,..._.... ot u.. Or...,. 'I'M Owner 1 • ,.._tbe priYUea ot ,.~ any and all bt<la --------..--- Cout IUJ\Jor ~ 'Dt*tct ol Oranp eouaty, beNID&fter ...,id 91' to waive aQJ trreculariU. or 1a1clnDalttSea 1ft U1 b14 or ln the to u tbe ·~. wW ...ew up to. bUt~ laqr tlwl2:00 P.M.. bJ&tlq. )(arch all. ._ ...W blcll tor the awucl of coaaact for a ttO Puiwant to the lAbor Code ol the ltate ol Cal1fom1a._the said e Wa 1a 1111'1'• r•. A c:ar driven by ·Ma.raaret Jo- ban .Hirth. 17, of a Ba.yslde Dr .. .. t capacity track ble8dMn addition to the ltadtwD of conerete ~ ol ~ bu ...-ta1Ded tile .-...1 pNY.u.lDa rate of per on compeet.H ftU wtt1a wood ... 18 and ._1 DtDe ralltqa. a-.eh blcla dlelll ....-'-.-cb.craft or t:Jpe cCwcwkmetl Medec1 to execute lhall be neelved tn tbe amce o( the Otf'lw: r. tbe Ad'iDlnllltraUon the coattecta wtaJcb will be awarded t1ae .aac usNl blcl&tn; and Newport Beach. NVe~MCI Into the IWldlu. Oraftl, Cout Collep, ~ South Harbor Boulevard. near th-~ ,.._ are contataed ill aaJd ll*ll.lcatio08 adopted front o1 pollee car 215 d.rtv.n by Colta 1Ieu, Oi'anp County, CalUomla. aDd abaU be OIM'Qed and bJ the Board, and are u followa: OUieer Keni'W!'th E. 'nlomi*)n publicly rMd aloUcl at the a bow Ita ted Ume In the BOard Jtoom Cl n 1 ,, ..,.. • ' ol the Admlntatratlon Bulldlf\1. ...rutt•n Kay be employed tn eonformJty wtth Sectlon 1TT7.5 .topped ln the Medea Drlve.ln Each bid mWit conform and be ~" to thl8 lnvttatJon. of the C&Ufornta l.abor Code. parkJnc Jot. cauetnc a clent In tbe &lana, apedllcaUona. and all other Cloeumenta eomDrlalftl the 0aq ..... the front bumper of the poUce pet nent eo~'fad reume~ ~~-~: ~~ct bocument. ~nter ···········-·-·············-····-·-··--·-·-·········-······-·····-···-· S2.'T75 car ... A lO.callon aarbace ean !rU:WO:~er. :n~n of1:hwdpl~ Jlfeubo":~d~ ~.~~ Floor~er .................... --···--···-··-······ ........................................... 2.g'75 and a SO.foot aectlon ot new plas- A.rcllltecta. locatea at 2119 Glendale Boulevard ln the Ci of t.M Mlll ·&ht ···-·····-··........................................................................ 2·g-r5 tJc earden hoee witb a ncnz.le A.npl i aaJd Co 1nty d St t d be b lned ty 1 Saw J'ller ............................... -........................................................ 2·8:56 plaCe :y dn -tUn ~.OO~ .:.:: .::, ~ ~ta.W a~th: Table Power Saw Operator ...... -.............................................. 2.855 waa stolen from her residence. ect If the :.r; :rf. of. Con':act Document. deltvered are beJetu..ri'ed c-eet F1et'b"MI Mra. T. H. Webb of ZrT Even inc tn ~ :ondltion wttkln nve days after the blcl openlna ... ...._ Cement Flnt.her .................. -............... -........... : ............... ¥..... 2.70 Canyon Rd., Shore CllU.. ~port- -lNIW ..w ._ • tiM Jelt ..._ .._ _, nal •L Cement l'lnlaher <Composition or K~cL..... ................ .. 2.82 ed .. . Unit prices requsted for excavation, concrete, ateel, ete. Com. Cement Floor Fl.nablne Machine Operator...................... . 2.82 • nnanday. Feb. M ~ tlJne requeSted to be aet by bidden. A atatenent of financlal Ina W....._.a Lo 1 SchJi h t condition and depoalt of 10~ of the total bid by eertUJed check or Relnfordnc lron Worker ................................................... _._ 2.85 rra ne c enmayer 0 blcl. bond Ia required with each bid; labor and matertala bond and Metal Pan Setter. ..................... ................ ................................ . 2.38 2100 Monrovia St.. eo.ta Mesa. performance bond required of contractor eelec:ted. Metal Pan Setter Worklne Foreman..... ................ ...... . 2.55 reported het" blue bicycle wu Each bid ahalJ be made out on a form to be obtained at either Metal Pan Setter Helper ........................................................... ··· 2.17 stolen from the side entrance to of the said omeea In which the Contract Documenta are on file. Structural Iron Worker ... _ ................. -.................................... ... 2.85 the Lido Theatre Newport Beach Each bid ahalJ be accompanied by a eertifled or cuhlft'a check Puce Erector ................... -................................. -..................... ··· 2.85 · ~able to the Owne', or satlafac:tory Bid Bond ln favor of the IAbolera: ... Arthur Lee Burees ol222 Col· o.m., executed by the bidder u princlpal and a saUafactory Labor'era. General or Construction. .... _ ................ -................. 2.075 llns Ave .. Balboa laland, Jlsted aamy company u aurety, in an amount not Jesa than ten percent Operators and Tenders of Pn~matlc and Electrlc Tools. the theft of a S450 fibre clua of the bJd. The check or bid bond ahalJ be Ktven u a auarantee VlbraUne Mac.blnes. and slrnJlar mechanical tools boat battJeshlp gn.y Inside and that the bidder w1U exeaate the Contract tt It be awarded to hlm not separately cla.ssltled hereln .... ---·-····-·-.. ···-· ..... 2.285 · in conformity wlth the Contract Documen& &Ad .UJ provide the Miner (Rand or Machine) .............. ~--··-··-.. ----·--····· . 2.445 out. 12\.s feet long, born a moor. Motorman .................. ---·-· .. ·······-·-·-··--··--·-·---·-......... 2.435 lng at CoUtns Ave. and N. Bay Cement Dumper (On 1 yd. or Jar~er mJxera and handling 1 J'ront. Balboa Island ... bulk cement) ...................................................................... .. .. 2.285 • Friday Feb. 25 ~halt Raker and Ironer .. _ ........................ -............................... 2.285 • Buaumoblle Man .......... ------··-·····-·--···· ......... ........ 2.285 Five panes of glass valued at Concrete Cu1'6-lmpervtous Membnne. ...... -........................ 2.265 $40 were stolen from mf!tAJ DrlJJers (Core, Diamond, or Wagon) ............................... · .. · 2.525 frames In h is yard Gordon SJpJe DriJJert (All others) ...................................................................... 2·365 f 540 N N , Bl d N Gu and 011 Pipeline Laborer .............................. -................... 2.075 o · ewport v ·• f!W Flarman ................................................. ~ ....................................... 2.075 port Beach. reported ... A prowl Guard and/or Watchman ........... ..: .. -................................. . .. l.g'T er left a sport coat In a yard nt Gas a nd OU Plpellne Wrapper-Pot Tender and Form 187 ShorecJttf Dr.. Shore CUffs Gu ':~~ oifPipeiLn-~·wra .... per~iii'ch plpe.and .. oveT:.:·:·:.:: ~.m · · · Omcers took part ol a bottle Sewer Pipe Layer (exclu~lnc Caulker)_ ....... -..................... 2.385 of vodka from a Balboa boy, 15. ftllttSS p· R s an sun .PORT ::'.) (0/1 0 /IIA O[l !WAN HA~,IJi'II/H/"1 Fll YIUI Hi-fi ... . . r-toed ••• cocldciU .,. ••• a.. .... •'utltt ....... ~RI9 ~ .. tb~ -_.we;_ o!_~ Cnr 'n .,._ ere •• ~ -...... -...._ ·~-.. ·-··-.. __, tara npt _.. IlL -._. ,_t • Pn.tawe ao.s a,:r:uta of a ....._ .., 111ft U. I. IIWY. 101 Mal AIIXOI &&iiiOIR 1-11M Sewer Pipe Caulker <ustnc Caulldna toola>. ....... _ ...... -....... 2.265 In the alley at 715 E. Balboa Blvd ~ ...,_ Sewer Pipe Caullcer (cement jolntsL ... --....................... ·· 2.125 Balboa, at 9:44 p.m. who waa ai' 511 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tarman and Mortannan ............................. -....................... ·· 2·125 1 edl 1 J ted book Window Cleaner .................. -........ -........... -.. --·-............ 2.225 eg y too ntox ea to ... _,_._ ....... _ O,.C:wtllii4 ~un: and released him to bls mother A Frame-Boom Truck .. _............................................. . . 2.68 at 10:46 p.m . to appn.r ln juv• All' Compressor Operator .................................................. 237 nile eourt when notUled A Boxman or Mlxer Box Operator (concrete or uphalt p1ant I 2.52 · · · Concrete or Aaphalt Spreacllnc. Mechan.tcal Tamping or piggy bank contalntna betw~n ..... IHOCIUNQIDT·"' I,. se:oP AT ~1.11 .. IIIII •111 ONTHIIC"'"I ............... .nl!'_liil l''lUfltl _SWI& ........ The Arches ''Y-our H~ to the Coast Since 1926" FIJIE FOODS Ptniab Machine Operator --·-··--·-···-·-.. -.... -... .. 2.68 $250 and $300 In euh was sto1 llAJmOa .,. Concrete Mixer Operator--pavt~ ~····--·-·--... . . .. 2.91 en from a wardrobe ~Joeet al ~I ~~~~~~·~;iii·~~·~·~D~I~'~I ~I ~·;IS~ll;.;~;;;;.-~ Concrete Mlxet Operator-moblfe mixer......................... 2.82 VIa Koron, Udo lsJe, the money 1r Concrete Mixer Operator-Sk:lp type .............. -...... -... . . .. 2.52 v ' B 1. Concrete Pump or Pumpcrete Gun Operator..................... . 2.52 belonging to a nurse. Mrs. Ann a I s ow Ill ... ___ _ ......... .......... ---······ w1th Broderick Crawford S._.WD ... Mar.t "WIIIIIFuiMra" Clnern .. eope with Robert Wacner • John Lund ---"FFre ._ llrlu" with MaurHD O'Hara and ~aJ:= COCitTAILI COAST HI&HWAY AT THE AlCHES Newpett....,. JOHN VUDJE LU!_.. ..... ,. ., •we .. •••• .u...._ -TIIIItaik& If -111VD. SEIVIOE To by ftaca on Earth ••• We'll ~ camplete trip ..• make aU rfter'YatioM. IU&pat Dr plan ltJnerary or aide trips. Pacltaae tours or your own private vacation. aMII{s .. c...a ..,, ....__ l- COIIOIIA DA ... (eppuna .. htl GaiGe) \Vhl'-''s -a. COAI'I' JIWY.-t.wku • c.-...... 01111. OOMI'Uft AG'iWOiii& aliDml'l9lf'lrJCii~ ---------- BISeballls Herel · • • Heavy DutJ Repairman ·---··--··-·-... ' .......... _ ................. 2.76 Pobleskl. working at that address 1 Heavy Dut)' Bepatrman-~elper...................................... ·· · 2.25 . . . Ottlcera were unable to 10: Elevator HoWl Operator -.. ···-··--··-----· .. -·-···........ .. .. 2.60 cate boys reported lbooUne fue NOW FORMING HlghJine Cableway Operator .. ----................. -·-··· .... 2.82 Material Loader or Conveyor Operator ....... -............. . . 2.37 crackers near 519 Slenal Rd.. ~ Motor Patrol Operator, lncludln& any type of power blade 2.82 CJLtf Ha~n . . . KJrk McCarte'J'. ~ Oshkosh or Tourne~uU Operator or DWlO ..... _ .................. 2.82 3s,i, of 322 Onyx Ave .. BaJboa Is-1 ra- Pavement Breaker Operator .................................................... · 2.60 land. wa.a bitten on the Up and • ~ES Ross Carrier Driver ......... -......................................................... 2.52 Roller Operator ................ -............... _... ......... ........................ . 2.60 chin by a dog and was treat&<! Skip Loader Operator-wheel type .......................................... 2.52 by a physJdan wtth the dog AU BOWLERS INVITED! Screed Operator ........................................................ --··· ......... 2.37 placed under quarantln~ * Atn'O•Anc ftJBPOftED * Stationary Pipe Wrapping and Cleaning Machine Operator 2.68 Francisco Benanua of 703~ · .. £.;I FOB aESEriAno•s I' ArE ,., sv.....,. AYL Surface Heater and Planer Operator............................. .. .... 2.76 LmERr'l 1-3212 Ulll'"l; c:x.TA -. Tow Blade or Grader Operator_ ..... _............................. . ..... 2.52 St., Balboa. confined In th• Long 1 ~~=~~=~~~~=~;:;;;~~~~~!!!-~!!!!~!·!! Tractor HI·Llft Shovel Operator..................................... .. .. 2.91 Beach Veterans Hospital. r~rt· r Tr~t:;;:~:.;:,m~~-·~~~~~-~~.~.-~ 2_68 ed1 ~~ .. theft( ofthts1 pa.aportd,otb$210 ~ ~ c..m-.-ey ....,.,_ ,. ..... Trador Scraper or Dra& Type ~a•• m 3.09 n ...,._,,a oun an pen an er '"1 ... EitlaD MAIIA- Trenc:blnl Machine Operator '··--·------·-.. ·---·-·" 2.76 papers ~ hb home ~ne he ........ I 1 a .. • a ....... 0 a - TrtlciiDI'tftnt wu ln the boapltal . . . JI.UCII Drivers of Dump Trucks-Jess than 4 yds. water leveL 2.18 e lcrtwrday Peb. • 'Tidlleb ' tiLnl llA.aCB 1.2 Drivers of Dump Trucks-4 yds. but Jess than 8 yds. water Loyd Lee •Vaughn of Santa Ana ~ ~.~11.50 OCitt '-Gil Dr1v~e~f ·o\iin'i)"Ti\.i~ "Y'd& ... b'ut ... ie5S"ih&.;-12 ·yds. 221 told pollee that he knocked down 'iww~~~P~·~iiR~~~~;;~;;;';::1;;1:;::0::;::'~·==A;; .... ;=;;:L:;.,;;' -;:,;~ t 1 J 2..26 (Qmttnued p 12 ,. • •• • • .............. . 0r1v:'~ e:f ~mt>. Tnieb=u ... ;;~·-t;ii"t .. iHi"tlia-D 1-6 ·,Cis. 011 ate • > '• "SWII ZE .... " NO.~AT 111111 14 Drlv:'r!t~ ~~p. n -\ic.c;::is'ycil.-or.more .water TM'i' ~~::: ~~ JIOTICE OF PnLIC IILUDIC • A COLOS.I'D.II TUVELOCUE-aoaUT nJ.US. Jf.mnc. ~ Drivers of Trucks. lecal pa.yload capacity leu than 6 tons 2.18 Notice l.s hereby given that the • The World's favorite tourist attraction. See "picture postcard" .o11111 Driven of Trucks. Jeeal payload eapaclty betWeen 6 and Planning Commission of the City Alpme vtllagf!!l. the ··swiss Riviera." winter sports at St. ~ 10 tons -·----··-.................... ---...................... .............. . 2.21 of Newport Beach will hold a • Moritz. the Matterhorn. Jungfrau and Mont Blanc. Visit Bern .• Drivers of Trucks. legal payload capacity betw~n 10 &nd bll h artn tb 11 • Geneva, Basfol, and Zurich. V1ew the scenic grandeur or Lake .o11111 Drlv~ t~r~ck& .. iegafj;ayioad .. capacity .. between"iS .. and 2.26 ft~n ~f ~-B. gSc:~y f:r a~pv:~-• f.~~c~.~-nd Lake Geneva and old castles. Prices: $.60 .. 90. ~ Drtv:. t:~11Tnick'S:'"ielaf'i)a'yioad"capac'iti'oi'"20"tons 'o'r 2 .34 ~ :;.,: 0~ ,;,.~~:) ;ee~:: • ..,.rt 111&11 s ••• ll lllllrl ~ more ................................... -....................................................... 2.!!16 ddltto to exla I d I •••••••• AAA.AAAA.AAA.A.AA.A.AA ~ Drivers of Euclid type Spreader Trucks .................................... 2.~ an a n an t ng we · Drtvera of Dumpster Trucks ..................................................... 2.56 ling having an existing front· Driven of Trana1l .Mix Trucks under 3 yds .......................... 2.42 yard setback of stxty.flve {651 Drivers of Tran.alt-Mix Trucks 3 yda. or more ........... _._ ....... 2.56 feet on lot 12 block 12 tract Gu and 0 11 PipeJlne Worklnc Truck Driver, Including Balbo 1 1 d Sectt 4 ' d 1 Winch Truck and aU slus of Trucks ............................ 2.36 a. san . on . an o. Bootmen ....... -·-·---·---·-.................................................. _ ......... 2.36 cated at 222 Onyx Ave .. Balboa Dumperete Truck. Jess than 6% yds. water level... ............. 2.4.2 Island. Dumpcrete Truck. 6% yds.. water level and over ............... 2·56 Notice ls hereby further given Roaa Carrier Drtver-Righway .. --·-·· ................ · ............. · 2.56 th ld bli arln Water Truck Drlvet"-Under 2500 cal .................................... 2..24 at sa pu c he g w iU be Industrial Lift-Truck Driver ...................................................... 2.18 beld on the 17th day ot March Water Truck Drtver--2500 gal. or more..... ......................... 2.36 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In Truck Grea.er and Tlreman ....... -............................... ·-·-·· .. 2.29 the Council Chambers of the I Truck Repairman ____ ................ -............................................... 2.74 N Be h Truck Repairman Helper ........................................................ 2.29 ewport ac City Hall, at Wa.rehou.neman-Clerk ......................... -.................................... 2..24 wbJch time and place any and Aabe:ltoa Worker ___ ............. -...... -....................................... 3.15 all persons lnterested may ap Brtdtla.Jf!!' and Stonemuon ...... -................................ ---····· · 3·40 SJMr and be heard thereon. Brick Tender --·---............. -.......... -.................... -....... 2.40 lt.AY y co 'nle 1..-yer or Setter ---·-·-·-··-............... ---····-··-........... 3.05 . PEUN. Secretary m.ctrtet-1 Newport Beach City I Elec:trlclan-General Foreman -·--····-··-· .. · • ............ --.... 3.92 Plann.lnc Commission Electrical Foreman --·----···---····· .............. !.... ... ............. 3.56 Elec:trlcal Sub-Foreman --·---..!.-·-·-·-· .. ···-···· ................... 3.38 Elec:trteian ·-· ·-·-··--··-.. ·-·-··· .. 3.lO •ona or PVnJC n• .. c Cable 8pllc:er ...... --·-----··---··---··-··-· .. ··-··-· ......... 3.S) Kotk.e Is btftby ctven that the ~ther ··-·-···---:···-·-·-·-------.. -·-··-······-····"-... 3.415 Plannlnc Comm'-lon of the City Foreman Lather ·-·-----····--·-·-···· ................................ 3.1'75 of Newport Beach wUJ hold a ........ publlc bearlna on the appllca ..,War Bruab Painter ··-·--··--······--··· ................................ 2. 70 tlon of C. L. Cooper for a va.rt. lrulh Swl.n1 Stap ____ __.... .................................... _. 2.95 ..._. Jlfo. JOT to permit: a ten Iron, Steel and Brldp ···---·-··-·-··-·-.. -··············--·---· il .. ~ ......__. Iron. Steel and Brldp Swln& Stap ___ ............. ·····--·-·-~ ~~W~R yud wtback alona th<' Spray Gun or Sand Blaster---·-··-.. ····-··-.......... -·----Ulterly lkta of Harbor bland Spray Gun or Sand Blaster Swtnl Sta,e .. -... -................. -3.lO Road between Bayside Drive and Paint BurnerS -·-···----------·-·-··-···--·-·-···-··-··· 3. 70 Rudder Road: On lots 1 to 5 In Paper Ba~ ~-··--·· ---·--·--· .... ·---·-2.825 Carpet, IJMieum . ··---•-···--·--3.01 clustw. tract. Jlfo. 2172. 1"heee Gluier and CU~ .. .. --·---2.!18 Iota W't'ft ,...tdecl ln deptb due Pluteren ···-r ·-·---· -· J:G to tiM w1deftlnc ot Harbor Island .=~~above Cf&it:S.N aab;ed to frl.np befteftta. bad wbktl --a JO foot .trip OeMC ..... ._ ... .-c ,...._, ott dJe front ol the p10pat). OYa U 1 nball be paid for WOI'k Dertormed In .,__ of the Jlfotic:e 18 ......., tu:rtber atfth replar _,-8 « WMI(a work and at the rate for owrt1me of the tllat aid pu.bllc bearlna wm be c:rift~-~l\ raflaaed to abaD. w ........ to be Jlf4w,Yeu'a ~ • tM ... 1~ -CJ1 lllift'h ~. o.c-att. o.y, Iaiii ••••FM o.t. ~.a.a-Day, ~ ~ .._ at the -o1 7:310 p.m. In ftl~ Du a.s ~ u_av of*~........, u.. 0ouc:11 a. •• ..,. o1 the oa lucla,y,-tae lloDde7 laUGeftfta IIWI 111t aR .....,. ·a 'Jilt)· · Jlcwpcwt -..cia 0t7 BaD. at .._itaaD.. tM~to~e••• --. U...-" pl.-any and L~:Jfii..._"-!! u.-.._. _.... ... ... llilw 111 .,.., ap. . _ .=-' ae. ,. cUem ....-an-.~~. ,.. Ulil-. ..,.. aeeon. -... -~~~~~-~~;;~ cl't:.C.:~~ _,. _,. ..._ M t 'f. CDIUII • ..._, .. _.., .. .,,. ............. ..... ...... CM:t IMit ~ OoMt Jaalar OlD .. Ck•ld. 2 2 n Olulll ~. Oall .... lla. -~-..-.. FU z *BALBOA* • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games T•• .. F..., fir a "TIIP liM. THE lAY"-SaL IS.. OII'LT Doria Talbott's .Mu4ic 9J64 Fish Fry Set For Ju e 4-5 The Cost a Mesa Lions Club has announced that their Tenth Annual Fish Fry will be held Saturday and Sunday. June 4 and 5. Committee chairmen In- clude Don Dunga n, publicity; 1ud Sutherland, purchasing; Art McKenzJe. a«urlty; Bruce Mar- tin, parade; Heinz Kaiser. flsh frY. The grand prize this year wiJJ be an aJI.expense tour tor two people to either Hn•ail or Mexi· co City. Plans are being made to area. OMYWULA~ VAMAONM lfAN.IIS SYa with the amazing AoAioe¢ lfMC e.t& PUNT.WARE wudtn 1111 othn cooltw•6 old fiUmOJUtl Start you r f"lint-W.,.. Mt with this wonderful 1 ~ Qt. Covered Saucepan ... it will be the most- uted pan in your kitchen n lnt- Ware hu the R.dJant Heat Con . . . the magic core aand- wlehed between two layen1 of Vanadium St..inlesa Stetl that c:onducta heat. not just ac:roa the bottom of the pan, but all the way up the aidet. too! Flint-Ware Ia a dream to clean -It wuhn clean euy as diaha. And, Flint-Ware has .. u-~ .. lf-storinl Uds; own 'proof lr:nobe Uld handles. S.. Ekco'• Flint--Ware TODAY AND LOOK AT THISI OTHI. WONDUPUL PUNT-WAll UTINSILS ..... ._ ....... ,s..e *CROWN HARDWARE* IWUW1'.1U .. I.- IL=-= 0~ 11a Mrs. Stockton Is Appointed 1-=-~ ltleftol / lnatruetor at Santa Ana Col ..... ________________ ........ _...____ Helen 8eoddDn. ,_ id 1Utnt benedt card putt• to,.._ more will talk OD ''Development ol the <ConUnued from Pare 11) IDa tut talk took. • from Betty ol the !f..,.n H.._ lonta .....,. I« the tONlp deMaat. CoMtltutioft and ronnatlon of a street llltat at Via ()porto ancl El1Jott at 3d) VIa Lido Jfewport Club, wu fwMcl a IMIIlW ot to Zonta International COftYe-o.mocratie Party Pbllc.apbJ" at C.ntral Ave., !fewport Beach, ol· JIMeb -••• A car ctrtwn by the ZOnta c11Mrkt commJttee on don next ye&r. A epeetal baby the eo.ta ,._DemoCratic Club fleers notltytna the city el«trlcal Geotae c. Glbbe ot 700 Poii\Mt. International relatlonl, It wu abower wu held f« Mn. A8pln, meettnc at 8 p.m. today (Tbw-. department to cue t« the clam· t1a Ave., Corona ~ Mar. ran announc.4 1'1aunda7 ewnlnc at wbo Ia a ~-to-be. clay> at the Main Sc:hcd. a~ . · .. Edward W. P'Oitcl' h ., Into a ban'lcade around a tratftc: • dinner IIMIIt.l.na ot the local SO, of Loa An,eles. wu arrftted alanal In the center of Cout club held at Mn.. Stoclcton'a A Classified /\d en The Enaion on an Intoxication charee at 9:50 Hwy. at MacArthur Blvd., Corona Shore Clllta re.ldenc:.. She 11 the For lett.t.u• .,vel•••• ... brinqa immediate reaultal c.l p.m. att., he wu reported crawl-del Mar, at 9:55 p.m., damaJ(nJ thlrd.member ot the JocaJ croup THE EHSt6N. HA-1114 Herbor 1114-1115 end Dt'CMt itt lng alone Bayside Dr. near M<1-the barricade beyond repair . . . to be named to district poRI. ;::=:=======::::============::::; rln' Ave.... Otftcers allowed Everett Silver DurlnJ the 'bualneu meetln& e JCOifi)AT. PEL IS of 434 Beeonla Ave., Corona del Dareen Upaon, Marearet Relnm ......... Howard J. Hilton ot 1603 E. Mar, to keep what appeared to and Dr. Helen Roberbon Wft'e Balboa Blvd., Balboa, reported be a mechanism for a .SO cal. a ir named Zonta repreeentatlvea to the theft of a tool kit and a TV cooled machine eun .tripped of clvtllan detenae. Helen Norton tube kJt from hls ca.r . . . A parts with a make.ahlft barrel headed the dinner committee. woman's jacket, hosiery and' a which his son found In back ol Plans were made for the an. pair of shoes were stolen by th e Corona del Mar Stables . . . nual HomecominJ Luncheon for 11• .IIIII• lalkl 1111 ..... : .............. -UG 1 ............. _ ..................................... 7 .. lUI .... TV 1111•·•• ........................ &a 2.11 a .............. rt ................ • shoplifters at Reinert's Dept. all former members of the New- Store, 22nd St. a nd Ocean Front, port Harbor Zonta Club at the Newport Beach. A Clossified Ad in The tnaiqn VIJJa Marina March 10. Pre.ldent • TOESDAT. ICUCB 1 brinqs immediote results! Coli Eva Aspln and Mrs. Stockton an. Horbor I I 1<4-1 l iS ond orove it! A male sbort.chan,e art1at ua-would bold ' 5..-f & Sand • TlaeM Prtcle CQIPIT at Coat a..,_ Maillet ..._. ._.... ... I c-cW Jll• Oaly VUlL1tJ.1TiU A ~AA ~a,s.u:n:ou a tJillCtl1lT.L.'.X A a Ol1tll1IJ1'J1ll s:u aJilTlllTJ1tJJLtftfZ A a:afJ:rr.umsi01.TJ.lJ.l:1lt r:u~ rs a !l11J:Jtt:l'l TIDE 59 f.' Noodles 25~· B~KED BEANS 27C Orange Juice -----------------------------------.ETEB .AJf SALMON 1 lb. Ccaa WALDa KUDALL •.ua ..... . IIIGWTIB IL .... 49( li.ll. 21 IL .... 45~ &;i;JFDOCI 2 .. ~ IU'IIIWDT~ RICE 43~ ~~!5 ~ 53~ a;;;.;l; Mix -----Clam Chowder 25C -· - Biscuit Mix ~--~ u:....IID v~ Wax Pa.-r':afL 21C -----Sauerkraut t:. 10¢ ,.,......__ .. _ ........ · _PEA_cH_Es_~_2_3~ APRiCOTS ~ 35~ CHEESE 67f-' CABBAGE 3~ .. BOT BOO"SE RHUBARB 19( ... APPLES 5¢ .. MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES 5¢ .. ~= • . fRoZEn f 0 0 0 s -FI.I.ETS PEIII FllE11 ... • .... ROUND STEAK SWISS STEAK LEAJf STEWING BEEF GROUND ROUND .alfa.DI IIOLLm SHOULDER ROAST Lean Ground Beef T -Bone ·steaks Rib Steaks BACON cnun