HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-07 - Newport Harbor Ensign&Aiftll COIODII"r-J_. Kc.. Lodala. .............. JUgb ICbools '"PIMI I .-t .. ... aoaaetla1Dg lfll JIlL a4 to fM a lnlll taa. • EAIT&Jl co-a~-Pat ~ • ...._ Araldkl 1UP lcbooll -~ tlae ben at ..a.·. COaoRA DEL KAB.. CALli'. UITD C'OIOODI7 -,._. l(c:Cieaa, .._ ,... Mak IDtla ldaoo&: .,..,......,. TIIU'ItiDAT. AJ'IUL 7, 1155 EAITEa OOKi*i*Y-V.-te w-. tn. .. 8 a •Do lOP lclaool: "'Cool n I I .._ tM ~.- EASTEA COIIKE.In'-DeJ.or. t.cnren. traaa M•tebello lll9'b lcbool: •A little cooL'" EAITEJl COIOOJIT -Dla8e Bota. • .._~lOP Sc:bool: ..,.._, Jan .-.._ ... • day. I wa:at to ... ·---bappea .. Easter eek Ha • EAS'I"EB COIOI.EJfT -IUaiM CoM-. froaa El ...... .... lclloolz "''t" a tentac. • ' uiltest Ever' Half Million For Loss of Arm Is Asked Donna Mae Soren.een of La Crelcenta 1.1 JleekJng a halt mll- llon. doUars damages for the loa of her lett arm In the water akJ. lng aocldent Jut ~pt. 8 In the Upper Bay. An u n ape c Iff e d amount Is 80ught for medical 6 · penaes. The suit wu filed by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sorenaen for theJr "Quietest Easter Week I've ever seen." That sums up ttt. commenta of veteran obRn'ers of numerous turbulent Invasions of past years. Both Police Chief John Upson and Pollee Captain Harry Lace aald that It has been the most peaceful Easter Week aln~ they have been on the force. These sentiments were echoed by Of1lcel' Roy Keene, whose reg ular duty on the pollee force Is checking for zonlne violations. and now 1a helping to check rentala. ~yev-dd dauahter. Named tn e caoWD COT Df IIALP the atlt are Kn. BuJ.b Butlon They all estlmllted the Ea.ater ot ~ 111e. ..._ ot t.be .-.4 Week crow&! at about ball of ................ ,.,. ....... aHU· pu ......... aad lin. 8oblrt BW. named u ow-nera of the speed boat; Qu1nn Vauahn, oper. atar ol the Upper Bay ramp, and the l.rvlne Company, llsted u owner of the ramp. r.c. Sorenaen wu st&ndfna In ahaUow water ln the Upper Bay reacty to ao water ak:Una when she wu hlt by fCle apeed boat. whkb wu towtri"r two water aklers. Her J~ arm wu aevered at the moulder. Richfield Oil Request OK• d eo.ta Mesa Plannlne Commf.a. •lon voted approval Monday eve. nina foe RJchtleld on Corpora. tlon'• requeat ·to drW for oU on the Falrvtew State Ho.pltal alte. 1bll location. 3.300 feet west ot Harbor Blvd and 650 north of Wllllon St., ta outsld~ of Costa Mesa Ctty Umlta but within Its zone of lnfluen~. For thl• reuon the County Plannlna Com.mts. alon had uked Costa Mesa's opinion on the oll firm'a requst f~ a variance . for a "wl1dcat" wen. The Metaa recommendation wu •nt on to the County Plan- nina Commlaalon. The eo.ta Mesa planneora 9 . plalned that ~ variance pennJt will not aUow alant drWina under the dt7 ltMlt. A 13-polnt apoeement Nl\llatlnr drtlllna operatlona "'u made by eo.ta M .. and IUcbfteld otnclab. , ............ !'be eoauiiiiJdtJia ......... pearec! happy about thla aocce• tu1 outoome o1 Mayor Dora Hlll'a loftl'-planned program for mln- lmlzlng the rowdiness and bad publicity of put years. There have been aome com plaints, however -particularly from merchants in Balboa. to the effect that the mayor's program ls keeping the students away in great quantities and thereby hurting their business badly. e JlEJn'ALI CBECKED No. 1 feature of this Easter Week Is the regular checking of Easter Week rentals by p.)llce foot patrols. Bttsla for thls Is tht new renW lt~nsing ordJnance, which required E .. ter Wt!ek landlords to get a apeclal llcense at City Hall and authorized the city to ln5pect the rentals. Officer Keene said that all 11. ~n.sed rentals are beina checked several times nigtltly. Not a aJngle case of violation hu been found, he said. The patrolllne offleft'S ask for the chaperone when they make their ch('('k. They make certain that each place has a chaperone, and check the llat of students occupy. Ina the houae. e TIIOuu.E IJOTS CIIECEED Of1icer Keene said alao that the pollee are cbeckina all plues whlch particularly caused trouble Jut year. The unusual reault ot these Inspections ls that these places are Qot rented thla year, he s.ald. Pollee Set-Earl Stoneback. who Is In cbaree of the Wand patrolllna detail, a&Jd there have been very few C\)mplalnts, very little evidence ol dt1nkJna. The Euler ldda. chaperone. and Vlfllnla EMtUdlt. avwarkW ot loeaJ c1tbena are all eooperaUna District t ol Zonta lntanatlonal. be added ' wUl pay her omdal vl8lt to the • Zonta Club ot lf4IWpCII't Harbor • -cov•ua:.o• lll:l.r at tbt' luncbeon J:Mitlna nat .. Balboa Jaland block coun~e­ Thunclay April 14. at tiM VUia lola belp • .-t 4leal. • 1M uJd, Martna 'a.taurant. 1M wUl Be etltahi'$Jd a tramc C:IIRic II)Mk ot the need tar conttMtaa point ill tile tllltiUce to tiM the mAI\1 -riGel to CICIIIDIIU11lle7 1lland .. ....., IDOI'Illnl· Wb_,. ute. aa0on and tnttn:aattoaai oftlorra n:r'che4 t. ..,... ... rei a tiona. that traffic on the lsland was movine about three blocks In 15 minutes. most motorists.. just out for a ride, chose to eo elsewb~re. The regular pollee force of 34 otfice.rs and the reseve tof'ce of 32 will remain on duty, work&ng overtime with no daya off for tbe balance of the week, Chief t:pson said. e AAUS'n TOTAL 53 A total of 53 peraons, adults and juveniles. were arrested by Newport pollee on dl1ferent charges from 4 p.m. F'riday when Easter Week started. up to 4 :30 p.m . Tuesday, pollee records show. ArTest.s during the period in eluded one juvenlle and four adults for Intoxication. 10 juve nlles a nd nine minors for ABC possession, three ad u 1 t s for drunk drlvine. one Juvenile and three adults f~ dlaturbine tht peace, three juvenUes tor curfew violation, live juveniles for IJ. legal entry. three juveniles for car tampering and 11 juvenUes for lack of parental control. , Up to early Wednesday morn- Ing Newport pollee had received 22 dlaturbance calla compared with a total of 134 for Eute!' Week lut year. HELIPOT BUYS EWPORT SITE Ka.J"Qr Dora BJ1J reported tb.at Bellpot Ccrpontloo ol South ,~:~~==~wiD~~~~!!P!~!!t!a~~ii~~e!!!~~~~!!~ .... qakt c.Ddlu.a oa a. Tw _.. • • EMa. .,.~,....,, IJiland thl.a YNI compued wtth tnd wllldl the c.'a'pcaatlbn bu ,,.... Ju..t acquired adJac.nt to the uld that the firm now employs ..-~year. Toastmaster City ot Nt"Wport ~acb Corpora , 600 Pf'Ople In California. and an- tlon Yard. tlclpatt'S that tht> number wall In The plant site extends from crt>ase to mort> than 1.000 when the Newport Blvd. Freeway to tht> nt"w plant Is op«-nt"d The C I U b In Sta II S Superior Ave. It is not wit hin plant Will ronSQhdate-the admin 1 Newport city limits but is ron astratl\'t> off lc:'f"; and manufactur • w Stephen Smith of 2908 Cliff 1 Ug uous to the city boundary and lng /acllltlt><~ now scatterl'd O\'Pr I Dr. ·Newport Heights. was In-Is located wit~ in the sh~strlng 1 Pa~dena, Sou!h Pa!~adena. San stalled Tuesday as prt's ldent of annexation str1p. Gabnt'l and Alh ambra Branch the Harbor area Toastmasters 1 Tht> 15-acre site was purr ha!lf'd plantc; at Mounta1ns1dl' :.; J Club at tht> Newport Harbor from actor J ames Cagnt>y. w ho ani! Toronto Canada. '' 1ll ron Yacht CLUB. was represented by h is broth('r. tlnu~ 1n o!)('ratlon Other new officers are Horace Bill Cagney. The real estatt> e MOvt: HEllE IN 1956 Clark and Huett Pick up. vice transaction was handled by Ollv • Ground brt>aklng b I'Xp('('tt>d presldenu: Jack Lockwood. sec 1 er George of Costa M esa. I 'l()ml'tlm<' th1, fall A largt> share I EASTER CONNEJfT -Scmdy Barr. from Vcm Jlfuya Blgb Scbool: •very good: tD fact. fabulous. .. retary; Jack Mulroy, treasurer.,. 600 EN7LOTED of the mo,·t> to thr n~ l<)('ation and Basil DeUsle, sergunt at Ht'llpot Corporation. a division is upt"ctf'd to takP pldrl.' dunng arms. of Beckman Instruments. Inc. thP~umml'rof 19~ 'Trustee F·.r·.ng The local club ~lcbrated the m anufactures precisio n potentio ··w~ Sln<'t'rely twllf'\f' thts '" beginning Of Ita tourthyea r slnce ,meters and other electronic rom be ont' of th(' moc;t dMirable Deadl.lne Near It was chartered. ponents. Tht' potentiometer ls a plant sltt-s in all t•f ~uthf'rn Califor nia." Mr Dun• .tn !'aid "Factors wh1rh h ad tn bf' tak<'n Into ronsideratlon "«>rf' t ht> mm m unlty's St7t>. a~o;•billl) uttll tit"<;. hou<;tng. tran<;portatlnn and charartt>rlsti<'S Wf' fN-1 tt-1t in all of theSt>. and man) othl.'rs I our nt'w site is mort> dt'.sirahle from both thf' "''mpany !' and its t>mplov~· viewpoints than any other w~ Wt"~ a ble to locate . a..t ·••• Crew Te._la ... ICU Oranae Coast Colleee crew la pol ""' ta.oard ~Inc ua..A.'a vand t >. ovw the-Ir own •'I>U.rM Saturday afternoon e.f'l er ~ f'D· lila up tbetr aeuon record lut ty, al""'leett• duplieatlcm and IIAYina tM-aa ..... -..~ 112.· .., Mit Ill NC1 • F r"Wt to IN-aa••Qp ... wMuiGpGII tbl ...... * ellacadDDAI ftlue In fa...S. I'IIIIMr ....,., I bDaJbae, ........ wrtUaa. ..... laJl. .... ... ...,.. .... IIOOOI'Cilq to ..... II tM ftlaktJe of tMqhl tbl apllt ............. of the ODUD· • 1 ~ the .... to ,.._.. 1 t:r raa. au the wlaiiD of -111. Jaaw • ...... 8l7 IDIIIIon. Prs.t. fte _.. ~ Cna""efe ill the Durtnc tlal8 time be tldpped a ftnl eet wnt off the t.p .,.d ,_.... pa•n•aq lnt.e.t (11 ~ Into wat. tlaat wu meewbat Balboa Bay C,ul» and made three •-t1w1 t.pld. ..,..,. move explana~ all dltf .. nt. t ll ta comblnlnr the etty tnuurer tell you tbe taJDOUI alJbia later. and etty 'clerk )ot. wu 11\Y nee-e 'n&UVaQ .Dv'na . ommendatlon repeated NYeral Dutt•'of the clty treuurer, u times a1nce tt became leaal un. laid down by the charter are (a ) der our neW charter u an econo. to recei ve all monies collected by my meuure. But the thoueht the city; (b) to have custody ol ...... AUce ....,. ....... 1'5. cltltW.Oclu~ • loaa·ltme ·-·-cl ..... dW ApiG 1 at 110a1 Mrr,..,. ~ a. wu a natiw cl Y1qiDia an• Ud Uwcl beN tar • ,..,.. aM .. .arvtftd bJ two.._ At. ..., lloWt Puwell ., .. ..... ..w.-and J adE ...... ...... of Vllta; a daqht«, lin. 111m Vuatta ot Bannln~t Ulld two pandcbJidren. 8ervlcee were held Apdl 5 tn Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar. with Rev. Ray Carlton cl aut.t Church by the Sea ometatlftr. that Cbarlle Prlect would be ap. all public funds; {c) to dl.tbu.rse L&GAJ. •one& pointed never entered rny .eldom moneys on properly audited de. •onc:a or I'U'Ifuc •• .. o . . . •: ....... . brain. Wow! I predict thl.t will be mands. This .entalla aoeounttne NotJee 1a hereby Jlvea tbat the the wow of the year. for an d pa)'lne all c:lty bonda, Plannlna Commlalon of the City ' -:• ~-' ' '.e' ' '7 ' e JIOLJTICAL JIITaiCft quJte a chore In that department &AITD OOIIMiln' -c.rol of N~ Beac:b wW hold a c-, tJQ, It,-Hop For tho.e of you who came In alone-a very responaible posl· O••A•at. .._ •-•• ,. publle beartnr on the applka. It -T late, let's JO back over the last tlon requlrlnr a penonal bond 11JP lciMela -a-w. ~ tlon of Mr. and Mrs. BrJaJJt L. • • • , , _ , :•:• , , , , , , , , , , , , :• 3~ years. It's a lonr atory ln. ol $100.000. ~.......-..~-·--Marston few a variance, Ito. 219, volved In black political lntrlrue. Do you know that the CouncU w. .,_t to .. to .. blacla. • to permtt a fr6nt 7ard Mtbac:k Eoster Week has all the earmarks of being a whopping success for 1 w UI g.lve it the full treatment fixed the aalary for this potltlon ot atxty.nJne teet elaht lncbes our community. and for this Mayor Dora HiU deserves a greot deal of on the lnatallment plan. I know at $50 a month, three yean aao; IBIII•II' .. II IJII (69' 8") tow ~ ~ addition credit for her determined plonning to do away with the troubles of you can hardly walt. then erudginely raised It to $100, I .._1 .......... to an exlatlnr hou.e loeated on First let'a analyze the Jobs. (A and aealn to $150 ten months ....... nn the reai' of the lot. On Lot l'fo. 9 past yeors. hint to Jacobs Co., s urvey experts aeo! Lut week In comblnlne A n&JD~Dqe u le wJU be the a nd 15 ft. partn. Lot U. Block The kids are staying oway in substantiol quantity, b~t there is now em~loyed by the city, read the Jot. the Counc:ll added $245 undertaklna ol~ Roaa Ha.pltal 743, Tract Corona del Mar, and f h h Th wt, h behaving our' charter on the duties ol clerk to the clerk's pay. How come It empJoveee u their contribution located at '709 Poppy Ave. still a young army o t em e.re. ose o. ove come ore . . &AI1'ml COIUIDT -PCIJ'I and treasurer; then look down-suddenly became worth that to the~communlty-wlde effort to ltotlc:e ia herebJ furthao liven ent rrely like normal humon beings (which meons thot 0 few st1ll get In ·~ .._ Soatla ,__ you may be standlne on your much or bas It been worth that raise money for the new hos-that uJd publJc bea.r'lq wW be t rouble. of course). cs.. IUgla sct .. oll '"llaU of t111e own foot.) all the time! pltal wine. held on the 21st da7 of Aprll, d ......... -., a.ae dowiL • In spite of Charlie's build-up, e s-.-••• •-u~-will be h ld t 1~!l 1-..: t th• hour of 7:30 "-In 1\ number of factors ore involved in this surprisingly quiet on -.-. -the job ol c:lty clerk and clerk of w;ac~~;;: ;u:,ks;: you N:;:~~vd., Costa ~es!. ;:;; th;' C:,uncn chamben ;;-the orderly week . . . The staggered Eoster vocotions keep the loc41 kids the councll Is not complicated. won the election. Now It the to the bank. The date. are Kay Newport Beac:b Clty Ball. at ond other county students from mixing it up with the visitors. The Panhei .MeetS It requires averaee Intelligence, howllnr will just quJet down 5 and 6 . trom 9 a.m. until 5:30 wbJeb time and place An1 alld weother hos chilled the enthusiosm and energy of some. The consider-the ablllty to read the rule book and not rock the boat everytb1na p.m. all persom interested mq ap oble publicity, thot had extended for mony months bod, must hove On Aprl•l 20 and the integrity to carry them will be sweetnea and Uebt. MJ.u BettY Parrish, Mrs. Bar-pear and be beard thereon. bo N rt H bo · · · t th t 't ·s out. No experience necessary. I wonder. bara Davies and Mra. Marjorie RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary mode on impression ° ut ewpo ar r s lnSIS ence 0 1 1 The position l.t sell-perpetuating, 1 wonder what caused the may-BuJtt are In ctaaree ol plannlne Newport Beacla City Plan· growing up and is no longer a beoch resort town. Harbor PanhelJenJc will meet a.s shown by the personal hJ.s. or to reverse her field on firlnl for thl.t affair. nine Com.rru.lon. Thot new Easter rentol la w must be one of the mojor factors April 20 at the home of Mrs. Les-torles of dty cler ks ln the atate. Priest from the job of d ty clerk. Pr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ter A. Smith, 518 Santa Ana Ave .• Years of service In the Job. and I'll do 10me more wonderlnr CIIE .. T rt•-in producing a well-ordered Easter week. The importont feoture here Newport Heights. Dessert will be a political H-bomb to get rid of next week. when we go back and -• • • • ._ is not the law itself, but the manner in which it is being opplied. Our served at 7:30 p.m. by CQ..bost-one. loolt under the covers of some policemen are potrolling in poirs checking the rentols. not just once esees Mrs. William Dana, Mrs. e ESSEKTI.ALS political beds. during the week, but many times during each 24-hour period. They Cutleman Smith, Mrs. Reed Han-In order for a clerk to perpetu. ANDREW W. SMITH. aren't doing this in the manner of snooping investigators, but rather non and Mrs. Ralph Michelson. ate himself In h is job the fol. d lowing techniques are essential: COLOB P1LJ( Olf SPAJX by woy of obtaining information concerning ch.,perone an occupants LEGAL lfOTJCE Be a hale fellow, well met~r "Qu .. n ol DoiJ8•• and her Mcmy Faahiom at M~ ruuJ !})~ *TOYS* of 0 dwelling. so they'll know whom to notify and whom to look for in JfO'nCE OP PUBLIC IIEAJlllfG all wet. Spend your time build-an~1U:,:~~d ~~=~~.p~~~~h= case of ony em~rgencies. This attitude is extremely important, be· Notice Is hMeby given that the lng yourse11 up by yak-yakking rator .for the presentation of a cause that ··snooping" stigma that caused .,11 that fu ss two years ogo Planning Commission of the City In your front ottlce a nd In t he color tUm of Spain at the New-1101 E. Coat BWJ • .tJ 1MI C.... del liar hall d · ff hlle the -... -.,. (Next to All American Market) ·,s not with us this yeor. of Newport Beach will hold a 5 an co ee room, w port High School AudJtorlum tiaJ k __.ed with * A11o et 5151 &. a.. St.. Ia •---.._. * ~uhlk h~ng~~~~~ ~~~ nM~o~n~d:a~y~e:v:e~n~ln:g~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ So o good share of the credit goes to Police Chief John Upson Uon of Wayne E. Burback and the job Is being done by your r ond his stoff. (However. we con't resist repeating a story of tongue-Orvflle C. Deardorff for a varl. assJstant. Thls enables you to in-cheek comment-fi~Jmely, thot the only disturbonce thus far hos ance, No. 221. t o permit the a d-keep In touch with the political d dillon of a third story playroom wind direction. The Job dependa been the police coming oround on noisy motorcycle patrol in the ead by enclosing and covertna an on actively electJoneerlnl for the ofniqht~ , ...... -.............. -.tMUdat• wbo ~ f f lnr with Jaraaes below. A two. reward :YOU after ~ectloft:' Tear Thus far the only strenuous objection hos come rom some o ltory front elevation Is propoeed down their opl)Onents, be atlable the locol merchonts, who serve the needs of resort vacationers. They to face Poppy and the three-story to their faces, knJte them In the bonk pretty heovily on Eoster Week business, ond they S4Y they're rear elevation to face the alley, back. Rumor, which you can being hurt considerobly this ye~Jr. on Lot 7, Block 543, Tract Corona deny starting, Is the most effec:. del Mar, and located at 507 Pop.. tive weapon. Their complaints must be listened to. ond weighed against the py Ave. e 112.AIOO SAVED over-oil picture of Easter Week. It appears to me, howe ver, that this Notice Is hereby further given A study and comparison ot the setbock is outweighed by the benefit derived by the entire com· that saJd pubUc hearlne will be city and county tax rolls reveals munity from o well-ordered, well behaved crowd of Easter Week Visi-held on the 21.st day of April. that during the period that 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In CbarUe was city assessor certain tors. The losling value to both the community ond the Easter kids is the Council Chambers ol the Individuals and the areas In the importont consideration. Newport Beach City Ball. at which they owned property were Cabin Cruiser Destroyed By Fire at Mooring Here The J6.foot cabin cruiser, Mary Lee. valued at approximately $1 2.000, was declared a total loss following a fire aboard the boat at 7 p.m. last Thursday at Its mooring at 3101 W. Coast Hwy., Nt>wpotr Beach. the Newport Beach Cire department reported. The tire was blamed on care. less s moking. Someone dumped an ash tray Into a waste basket aboard the boat. firemen said. A. Fletcher Harrls of Brea, aboard the boat at the time. noticed t he tire, grabbed the waste basket and started to take It outside the cabin. He fell and knocked over a bucket of thinner. and spread the fire. Three men had been painting the boat and there was considerable amount of fumes aboard. firemen added. The owner of the boat. Phil Banks of La Habra, and Tommy Wright of El Monte, also aboard. pulled Harris out of the boat with his eyebrows singed. Fire. men, aided by the harbor depart. ment fire boat. extinguished the blaze. Two oth er boats moored next to the Mary Lee were burned. Flre damage for the two was figured a t $1.500 and $150. tr«e ..., "'"' W~i--~· '" , .. fAS'Ifl PMADE. ...,,. ...... ................ Au J k ........ na.-....,c.n.,.. which time and place any and favored whUe other areas were all persons interested may ap. dlacrlmJnat ed against. In some pear and be heard thereon. cases as much as 80% difference RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary was found. An unfeeling Council Newport Beach City Pla n. snatched thls'club away by trans- lng Commission. ferrlng these duties to t he coun. Easter .. Circus Bootery such a wide Yariety Jor your child and •••ry o~ m.iltihJe! e Gleaming Patents e Snow White Calf From Stephanie Koret's wonderf~ colection of "ready-for-fun .. ; clothes, we bring yov Clipper Poplin in the most ereiting colors yoa've ever seen. The styles ore not ovt of this worW, but of the worW, with touches from here onclther. thcrt make these COIUCIIs o nwst in wardrobe. of the young oncltM young in heart. Colors: White, Black Cherry, Violet Boat Neck Blouse . . 4.95 • Smarty Pants Pedal Pushers . . ·. 4.95 Cap . :1.95 Shorts . . 3.95 Middy Blou.ee ... 7.95 . . . . Bermuda Shorts . nared Skirt . . 5.95 Wrap Dress . . 10.95 Hqlter · r .4.50 . 2.95 .. .,......,..,_ ......... ll Senlca were beld Mar. 31 for -• Carolyn Garland Stewna of 413~ liN .. • ••• Dahlia Ave .• Corona del Mar. who •-....._ • died Mar. 22 at the ace of 70 ...... ,.. -IW Mrs. Stevena had lived In the Mrs. Tb Coi.IIM, -!dent. community foe four yean and ln omu r·- Civil Set-vice Aids ettose~ Four members of the ~ five. memoo Clvtl Sefv1ee Comrm. lion were named by •e..,.. Council Monday of 1,.-.... '111ese four w fU wbmlt daM more names. from which tbe Council wW RJeet the flttb mem- ber of the commlssfon. First the Council recelwd the nomination of Dr. A. E. Stodrton. Jack Green, Earl Hall, T. Weston Jay and John Stowers from the City Employees Assn. From thla list CouneU appointed Dr. Stock- ton a nd Mr. Jay. Then Council named Ed Healy and Lonnie Vincent from the present membership of the com- mJssJon to continue to oftlce. Kate McCann, whose term of of . tfce h as explred, terminated hft service on the commission. Calltornla 15. She wu bonl 1n from eo.ta Meu. presided over , -n. M••• the March meettnc ot the Gold The beauty and clodes of a..uw.: .._ ... _.. b ld 1• -··-• __ .__ ---'-.. __. .......-. a ....... _ bot-IIEaE AD ....... -.1 llwo ._lr ~ c:tllcaap I ~telae afW Spain will .. _ shown in -•or tum ..... _ , ____ .. v_... by'-dau--Star Wlv• Club Wuaaa was e ~·~ - -----·~ ._. _,_ _ • 1 •-•-,_ ..__..__ ~ .._ U'l:' '-VI ....,. .., .... .,, cu •~ au .. _ .._ ..... ...........__--. "'C=n'•• 111'aD4 -.r ferry boat lcnulcbed by tlae cla.-.....9 .. U. ~~~---.. tbe ----.-. t th N....-u __ .._ HJ-•-and th-.. ....... _._Wall·-recently at the Harbor •Houae. u.----._ L--Jt _ ..... _ -· .. _ oil• ••to. ..,._.._._IlL~· a e ~~..., ... a.auw-. ..,.. ....... • ....... _ ... IYU.. ..... Jo JL ~ -11...:11 cat tM aalboa lalad r..,.,_o -..... ~ -Sch 1 dft 1 t B 20 Slmpeon of Ptneh~ North Car-Mrs. JOMPh Janu.a, chaplain, .._ .....,. u... ..n.p • .... tile ~ 4lftldel TIM u wtaoy cat ._ ....._ ~ Clllftoc:. .._ 1• t. 1-. IlL ar-oo Au or um a : p.m. oJJ•· Mrs. Ralph Bli1rer m fll opened the meetln& w1th a pray. C .. 'd• ,.._a. (Wa•allan a.d Adlalral Ia feny ...SC.. la atGte d1ncW _, • .._ •ebses., (Ea.slp ..,.._, Monday, AprU 11, the foutb col- • er. Mrs. Robert Scott of Corona or film to ~ abown on the World ::: =·; J;;:m~~~-= Bllhlanck read the minutes and Theft Hear·tng -=a...-n ~ " Classified 1\d In The Ension Travelorue Series. Clltford Jtam. York. and 'wtm. Stwena of San plans for a May dance were dis-~· ...-.oles brinqs immediate results! C&U en. photocrapber. will appear bl Aneoolo. cuued. Informal report wu allo I c t• d Harbor 1114-1115 and prcwe ;t! penon u narrator, under the ae.. EdwtJl Gomke of the ~ made on the ,roup's fashion s 0 n I n u e Chrlstmu wtth the Indiana NeW members welcomed into auaplces Of EJ.mer WU.On. na del Mar Community ctnareb abow which wu held March 18 wUl ~the theme of the monthly IEbell last month are Mesdames t,.,..,..,..,..,..,..~••~••~•••••• CIODCiactA!!d the MrVic:a at Baltz at the American LeJion Hall, Prellm.lnary heartnc on charces Ebell Club meetlnc to be held L. w. Bl'lep. Joe H. Wllke. Henry Y ._. ......._. W ff.-.al~ "'IIII llclduary ln Conma del Mar. Newport. of crand theft and foqery wu today (Thunday) at Newport B. Llndcren. Gertrude Cox. R.N. M _,. 11-•• ~ )ln. Tom DeVInney of Bay continued Mar. 25 In Newport Beach American l4lo:t Hall BayUes. Carl Gbe, Paul Custer. • 8borel wu commenta. tor on the Beach Ju.tlce Court untU 10 a.m. __ · wUl J J Un-.. and .Mlss Lll .. Aloe,.. tiRd. -""""• Wwssa • dl ••. o o 1rt ,..,......,. • 9 Dr. CUnton .c.uuuenon &melt • •-' · ,. ...ta ...._ ...... a-t awtldth•'ll W'rt ,-----. ••• I Euler Paracle ot ruhlorw at the April 12 aplnst Geor&e H. Lane show colaftd alldes taken when Jlan P. Sc:hroedel'. • '-1 -.a -= w..., • ..U • pa a .... AGDIC.. -.1 ~ ..... a..-fl party and an unexpected vlaltor 1r. ot 351 Catalina Dr., Newport he delivered &lfta from the local "' ....._ ..... wu l6s. Dooald DGm of Santa Relrhta. Lane P«*ed S5.000 baD. E'bell club to lfavajoe Indiana 110ft TO CO.OWA 1110'11 ums • We are llapp to ua1st you and your family n.e Women'•CommJU.. of th• Ana, wbo camt In the culM ot J. Robert Maddox Of Loll An· and he will talk on the volun. Tbe Charlee ~ are .et.. • In bulldlnc h~ the natural pleuant...,. way. • Bewpwt Harbor Chamber ot aa auter Ra~e. Modell were eel• flled a Cf&Dd_..~~-ch~ tftF wod( belnc acp>mp~ t1J.nc Into their.., hoae at 2S4 • YIIITOa WD.COIIE • Oomlnelce wUJ bold a luncheon I'WtiD ~'Award~. Pat Brown, Wan-qalnllt Mr. ~. o;nouau•C a.t ~ thea American natfves. z.entn1 CanJon Rd. Corona • ~ meettn& •t noon Friday, Aprtl 4a Sdlwaneb. Oa1)e Barnett. ot $3'.640 penonat property. A Mrs. Arthur Neeb, eo.u Mesa. HllhJandL 'nlef mGftd clurtna • ••--... TI I·-.... 15. In Kewport Harbor Y~t mot. Jenldna and MadellDe Los. ..:ond complaint dlaJ'Ift that a member ot Junior DelL will tfae put couple of .-u b'OID ~ OM, Mrs. Dunean Stewart, leban. a.DdNa wbo modeled Mr. Lane altt!reel. forpd and complete U\e proeram with 423 Carnation Aw .. Celona del • • Bo •upwt ..._ U..... •-0 1 lllllli dMinDaD. announces, Wer-e Diane, SallY and Darryl eounterfdect a uJa contract for Indian tonp. Mar. la,..AAAAAAA • ... ..._...._...._ ...... ..._...._..._ 8pNbn wt1l t. Mn. t..land lllchul DeVbme,J and lUque. approxtma~T ~000 wtth lntet Aa.rton Jrlab. preatdent of the line IJttle. to defraud C. ao.-t ~ Womea'a Dh1Uon of the BolJ.y. and H. L. Hetrick ol the Kewport wc.cJ ~ ud II'-Gra..e B&iG&ii.,., DUITI Harbor Bank, CGrofta del Mar. S.O.w. ~ ft»,....adnt Wavy Chief B. I. Jtaelder ot ' o1 ae Bank ot ~ oct the ft'avy lleerulttrlc s.mce l1i lVI ·1..a .._..li Iiiii t~ aad put J4MIIInt ot Saitta ADa an.nouDCM the enlist. •• • - t.be ......... Dt'f ...... ol tM mit ot Otto BoMrt 1'amcJwslr.e. ·--....... .., I. A. Qwllbet. 80ft ot ..,_ and Mira. o. Jt. Tar-.... nowslte of 531 na.ttn Ave .. New. Tbe lfewport Barlor Optl.mlat n•mpw _..,a.. port Hel&bta. Otto la now at tM Cllllb euter eft but for tiM ~ A daqbtlr, ._,_ • ._ Doro-Kaval Tralnlnc Center In Salt ciJea wt11 De held t.lll8 Saturday. ~. wu born te llr. ae4 lin. Dtep for a D.Jae.week ftc:rult J'lnt the Jloun.-. wUl 110 to .._ 1'JaMr fll lM5 wan.c. tnbaJac JII'OPUD. .a a ...._ at ~ 1'IMatN. a. Ollila,.__ Ia .... --.. .._. ,nc. ef ,, , don wOl t. ... a at I-pz f....... _.... WK&HWQ two liard ...... ..... II. R. .. Betrtdl a.Dd WIWam Sa. Doan wtll .... at .. ..., ..... ton ot the Jlewport Harbor BaM and att.-tM ......_ at about attenclilfd the ~ 46mer 11:30 a.m.. tile ea1 bant wm t.e meeUq at tile lndepeJident held neer the Rart)or VIew School ~ ~atJon of Southern poun&L Chlldren will M taken California held tn Loll Anceles. by police e.:ort and OpttrnWt 'nlerne ot the meetin& was members from the m<Me to the "Bank lnveetment Portfolio.." .cene ot the ,:uter en hunt. Pie . .ehool and Elementary ~"·jiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiij DOG aL&IID roa rum School c:hUdren from the entire A doc on a lone leash tipped Harbor area are lnvtted to at. over a charcoal broiler into ator. tend. aceorcJin& to Rlchard HtJ. ace under houM atepe In the Uard. Opttmist committee mem. .............. Q:Oe .. CUllom lpeelaltla e Drapery Hardware e Veaeti&D JIUftd8. hOibe of Lt. A. Jt. AJldenoa, 100 be'. • Betonla Aw., Corona delMar, at . ------ 3:01 p .. m. Mardi J6 to .art.• Itt. ~ m TOKTO wblcb cauaed $25 cfama,.e, the Cpl. Robert G. Dinger. 20, son NewpOrt Beach !lre department of M.n. Ethel Dinger of 320 E. reported. 18th St., Costa Mesa, recently ,_ __ fljlfiiiHN spent a week's leave In Tokyo * ...... a.. * c.u nESIVJIE coona naE from hls unJt in Korea. Be is a ._.D-. U • A preuure cooker was blamed member of Co. B. 70th Ordnance • ~ L ... ....,. .... toe a ftre In the home of John J . Battalion. Seventh rnrantry Dl· Meyen of UO harl Ave .. Balboa vt.slon. He enteMCI the Army In Island, at 11:21 a.m. Mar. 28. the October, 1953. and Is a graduate Ro __ , ... Wood. D C Newport Beach flre departmeftt of Newport Harbor Rlgh School. Dr. DU.AJ • • reported.. Dama,e was llmlted to HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLEJ'E DIAGNOSIS 6 PHYSICAL Tlll!ltAPY DBPI'. ...... pw1 ... .......... ....... the pressure cooker a nd food it contained. DAOGJIT&a IIOD TO WOODS A daua:hter. Debra ltay, was born to Mr. and Mra. Larry Wood of 147~ w. wu.on St.. eo.ta lieN. In Boac Memorial Hos- pital on Tuesday, March 22. 1011 toa a.um1a110111 ELECTaJC IIOTOB FDlE Burning wires of an electric motor . filled the Mermaid Malt Shop, 116-22nd St.. Newport Beach, w1th amo.ke at 1 :38 a.m. March 30 and broucht Newport firemen to the .cene. Ftiemen pulled the pluc to the motor and the amoldnc ended. Dama,e was limited to the motor . A 80n, 71ba., 13~ oz., was born SOif .OU TO SCIIWDELS :r••--•11 to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sandenon A 801l. Mitch Howard. was born o( 330 Ocle St.. eo.ta Mesa, in to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scbwe~l Santa Ana Community Hospital of 1415 W. Bay Ave., Newport on Tuesday, March 15. Beech. In Boa& Memorial Hos- pital on Monday, March 21. i • c Driving a new Chevrolet cq,n help you win one! Enter Chevrolet's Big Miracle Mile Contest You can win a new Chevrolet plus a 11,000 Uo So Savings Bond What you learn on a demonstration drive can help you win Heft's the happie.t invitation a motorist ever received. For not only are you beiq invited to drive the smoothest. liveliest, loveliest ear in the low-price field o o • but you are &lao aretti~ a dlaDce to win a brand-new Chevrolet, plua a • 1,000 U.S. SaviAp BoDd I ftat'a the ato1'7 Wlhiad oar Miracle Ilia. C.e.t. It ~vee you a chaDce to aee for J'OQI"- ..W tbe woodert'Ul advan~ built into the Ko-• tonmic models. And while you are testinc, you'll be picking up a whole headful of in1or-' mation that can help you be a winner. ' There's 80 much to appraise it would ftD pages just to oullme all the improvements and advances. So why don't you aample these pJeu- urea yourself at the "·heel of a 1955 Chevrolet. Enter our Big Miracle Mile Contest ••• without cost or obligation . . . and you may win a 1955 Chevrolet of your own. with a $1 .000 bond .....,=-iiiii! to aweeten the pot! l111nl • I 11t' I ~-~ f . _ ...... .. A IDDoL .... WMbclne. ......... lin. ~ ~ ., IGI~ Jlf~ llvd.!. Colla 1llela. ... ... ....... lal ... pltaJ OD W..S.•daJ, Mudl 11. GI'Mtia9 canta • Altbt ....... ~·-~ aooa. ltat'a•~ G..A .. aLUE SAILS ATIOIIEJIS 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 6'78 9:30-6:00. Sun. Noon 'tU 6 DlftD .._ ••• ar Dr. and KilL o. c . .._. 1-Putr Aft.. Balboa ll1aDd. bM jult ~ AlpU ,.... ....... -011 11M UDlv&llll;t el a.dlucl8 eampua. Donn. who wu GAlt. preq at Harbor Bllb, J8 a .,pbo. mcwe at Jl.edlanda and a phys. t4.~. ••• P'ormer Corona del Mar teacber, .u. BeUy ao... wW be eomtna bacll to the . Barb« area tbll summer to eet manled. Her en. eaeement to Phlllp BrooU Mc- Cormick. .on of M.r. and Mn. Ctiarlea Ellaworth McConnldt ot Dearborn, Mlchlean. has been announced by her parent., Mt. and Mra. Cene Wll!IOn Rou ot lJdo. The bride-elect attended Milia Colleae and the Unlverstt;y of Colorado, where abe wu a mem. ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma .,. rortty. She hu been teachfnl at '1'BZ 'TICIEZT OOMMII I&& .. &. M ..a AI ...,.. oC ' 1 M ........... __, Mn. New Lon&>n, Conn., IInce leav- .... B1 IS 1... • Mt llcdl te be lllleld at tile a Dl' ......... ...._ w..dl Mn. llarfty tne Corona del Mar School. Her lllilbecl -.y Cblb -AIIIU 15 _.. et ..C .. ._.. oC ......, * ' at Mn. ...._.. M• husband-to-be II a University at "'---............. ..,. -....... , K8nll -.. ·-~ ....., ........ alclilanl -_2-~!!•~·~·~·~·~· ... ~-~ .... ~ C....~~~-~.cW~M~-~-~12Mn.~:.__21A~ ... ~~~~aw~"~oC~J.Wo~~ z.r·~h~(~·~·rr~-~~,.~-~)~--MJchlean araduate and .erved u a lt J·l In the Navy Re8erve. TOOK PAm' IJf EVACUATIOJf troJ Squadron 3, wu Navy Cdr. Amone those wbo part:ldpated Walter G. Barnes lr., .,n ot Mr. In the ~cuatlon ot the Tacben and Mrs. Walter G. Barnes ot Con. 205 33rd St., Newport Beach. Principia Club Is Organized • • • N~lyweds Mr. and Mrs. Mel. yvn Douelu ~ent are llvtna In Balboa at 325 Montero Ave. after honeymoontna In tbe mountatna near Idyllwild. The couple were Light their life with fJithl/6 Prlnctpla Mothers Club fo.r the marrl~ at Chrlat Church by the Harbor Area. Santa Ana and La. Sea. euna held Ita first meeting Frf. A wedding reception was glv- day Mar. 25 at the home ot Mrs. en by the brlde'a parents. Mr. VIola Frl~man, 3317 Ocean and Mrs. Llncoln Clark, at the IT. AJmDWS nESU'TEtiAJf c:JrnCB 15th St. lr St. Andrews Rd.. .... tr.a ..... Sdaool LJbeny 1-l'm PcMon a... 1--L 1-..aft SUNDAY: Kornln1 wonblp, 9 :30 and 11 a . .m.; Church Scbool, 9:30 and 11:00; St. BJeh Fellow· 8hlp, 7 p.m.; Colleee age feJ. lowablp, 7:30 p.m. -TUES. Prayer, study eroup, 9:30 a.m. COIDIUJIITI' KETIIODIIT -w. 1M lt.. c.ea ..... Llbel'ty 1-GU a... 1 ..... W. Mella•• Suuday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:80 and 11:00 a.m. Momtne Wormlp-7 p.m. Collere Aae llfYF SftVtce - 7 p.m. Blab School MYF Service; 1 p.m.. suneraoua Group Serv· tee. CBmST c:JinCB aT TilE SEA C...aalty lletbodl8t Jacdboa al~ at lfila St.. Jfewpol't ~5221 .... : .... aoy A.~ Sunday Worahlp, 9:4.5 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:4.5 a.m. Midwe-ek Me-eting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preced~ by 6:30 p.m . potluck. ST. JOACBIK CBOac& 1 .. OraDgll Aft.. Coeta Me~e~ I.Jhelty 1-1.1 Fatba' ~CD J ...... laaaday Ma.ee at 7, I. I. 10 CID4 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: MUI at 7:00a.m.-Con1esslon: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to S:15 p.m. I'IJLST BArnsT c:JinCB OF lfEWI'OIIT lla1hoa ~~~ lith & Court St:L. Jf.-port JIArbcw 3553 Liberty J.JG'I'I Paato•: Herbert C. 1ob.DMD Sunday services: 9:45 a.m., Sun· day School ; 11:00 a.m., Wor· ahlp Service; 7:30p.m. Sunday ~cmlng C: e r vI ce : MJd· Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetlng. AISDDLT OF COD Dla&tSt. & Eldec1 Aft.. Coni..._ Liberti 14711 ...... II. c:. Croalc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a .m. Wor· 8hlp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn~ People and CbJldren'a Servl. ce, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Servtce: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlatonary Coun· ell, Tbursda~ 10:00 a.m. IEYENIB DAY ADYDIISI Jfewpol't ~ at hllla lt. Jfewpol't JWPta Llbelty J.1SU Elder D. D. lpcnald1ag Saturday MomlDI Servtcea: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m.-Ser· mon: U :OO a.m. ·Pn,yer meet· Ina: Wednesday, S:OO p.m. Frt· day Ewntne Vespera: s:oo. taOIICII .. tM JfAZ.AaDE 1-A rt 'n lt.. c-111 .._ ......... cu..wm·-· LD t1 J.nll • I -~·R:.Q ~ ........ 10:30 ...... ~--...;: Ice. 1 p.m. SuDd.U. ....,.. meettnc. 7:30p.m. l\'ec!MMay. I'DIT CBO ... OF CiUiiiT ICIUIDI ,. VIa~=-' .,... Sunday Scbool: 9:1.5 Lm., Sun· day S e r v I e e : 11:00 a.m. Wecme.du Eventq Meettne: 8:00. Readtne Jl.oom, 3315 VIa Lido. Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week da)'l. 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wednelda~ 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. OWIYIDAIJIT COIOiOattt FZLLOWIBIP Ebe11 Cl•:b•,..... 515 w ....... ·~~ lkd:boa MID1dllr: a... F. W • ....._ Sunday Sc.bool, 10:30 ~ J.lom. Ina worship, U :OO a.m. FDIST ~ CII'UCB Blvd., Corona del Mar. Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The Iaiita AaoC.:."" .. C:..M....._Ia Mrs. Ruth Barcume wa.s elected bride la the former Mlu Carrolle a... P. a. •--first chairman of the organtza.l Christian Clark, a graduate of Sunday Servtoes: tlon of members Jnterested ln Harbor Hleh and later an art 9:-'5 Lm. Sunday School; ll Prtnctpla. t: b r Is t 1 an Sclence major tt Scripps College and 3.m. WorahJp Service.· 6:30 Lo Be ch Stat CoU H p.m., Baptist Tralninl UnJon: school. Mrs. John Upton wu ne a e e,e. er 7 :30 p.m.. Ev~l Service. named secretary; Mrs. Don Ful-new husband's parents are Mrs. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, brleht. treasurer; Mrs. Mary l oseph Bisceglia of Oakland and Pralee and BJble Study. Mon· KJmball wtll be In charge of pro. Melvyn R. Kent of Indio. The day: 7:30 p.m. Men'1 Chorus erams; Mrs. R. M. MeunJer, re-groom attended San Jose State J..'a~:r,t::,~::30 p.m. K en'• freshments; Mrs. Frl~man, ar-and served with the U. S. Air rangements; and Mrs. Georee Force. Cll1mCB OF on LADY • • • OF lilT. QBMU. Ward, membership. Mrs. Ward 1 .. 1 w • ...._ .. ...._ Jfewpod wu unable to be present be-Mr. and Mra. Kenneth CooUne IIAIIIeK a1t cau.e she la now vJsltln~ her became grandparents a 1 a 1 n F.U.. ~ ~· ...._ · ebJJd.ren at Principia School tn TbUJ1N!ay, Mar. 24, when a nine-F...._~ 21 St. Louta. pound baby boy wu born to Sunday Maae.: 8:00 and 10:00 -----------their aon and dauahter-ln-law In and 11:30 a.m. Confeafon: Sat· RUT CHUICH OF CHIJST Loe An,.lea, Mr. and Mrs. Rlch- urdaya and eva. of t.t Fridays SCIENTIST ard Coolln&'. The new baby'a lfa. and Hol7 Days b:om f:OO tr UOJ VIe LWe. .._..,. ..... ter, Mamette. aae 2, bu been a 5:30 ~~and t.rcm 7:30 to 8~ A '-"dt of tt.. Mott-Olurc:h, n.. frequent vWtcr at the Jteonnetb ~ DallY ..... 1:00 ...... nr.t Firwt Chwdl of a.n.t. sa..tist le ._ J"'14aY'! 1:30 a.m. and ·w ,_ "4•••dl•ttt.. . Qoollnl'• halne ... lleecoD Jla7. t=.;~Jr;tt•' : t:=t=: .T~::: ta _..;· 0:. ;_........., cawr u a •• ••• cao&CII w.~......., r-..., Meet~'"' 1:00 '"""' ranet. tum to tbouaba of .,.._ a...119 .__ locaW et Uti VIe ~ COft'A IIDA Udo. New,_t a..dl, It opM --' ty tblnp to wear, _, lt'l no won. {lllllllnld.,..., deye ,,_ 10:00 •-"'· to 5:00 '·"'w dft tbat lt)1e lbowa are one ot ••lit-:-= llllill. W.dnetdeys fi'Of'll •o:OO e.m. to 7~5 tbe chief c:llveniona ot. the aea. • C.... p.m. Fridey -i"9' fl'9fll 7:00 p.m. to aon. Lut Thursday nlabt at ...._., .... z..a.r ~ 9:00 p.m. CIOMd Holideys. Sunday Servteea: Wonbl~· n.. public ia coniielly invited to ••· q,sta Meaa Friday Afternoon lee 9 a.m. Sunday at t~ tt.. dlurch Mrvices end uM th. Clubhouae a lprine tasbJon. des. 10:1.5 a.m. RMdi11q ·-· CConUnued aq J1a111 I) .._p. JAMD UIICC:WAL iAUII .,.~~ .... Jlw.llalpb ....... ~ Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, U a.m. Mominl Prayer• 9:30a.m. Rqtltratlon few Sunday School. TbUnday Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10;30 Holy Com· munJon. IT.JO-~ 114 MadDe Aft.. ...._. J6md ~-·· FcdMw ._ 21 Jg Fcrt~Mw s~wQey, ... I'DlST SOU'TIIED BArnsT A.-t. CBVaCB Sunday Muees: 7:00a.m. lr 9:00 CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA (Methodiat) 100 W. BcaaUtoa lt.. eo.ta'M..a a.m. Con1esa1on: Saturdays and Llbelty a.s413 ~es. ol 1ft FrldOcr and Holy PalM: Dr. aJdMad B.._ Da~da; 7:30 tosS: p.m .; Firat Sunday school, 9:45a.m.; church Fr1 Y Maa ~ service 10:!50 a.m. Tralnlne CEJn'1lAL aiJILE c:JrnCB Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlne ara..e Aft. .t 23rd lt. worship S p.m. Sunday. Teach· eo.ta ...._ Llbel'ty I·UDa ers and otllcera meetJne 7 p.m. A. A. ltoMn. ._.. Wedne!'lday. Prayer service and Sunday Schoot: 9:45 a.m. Morn· Bible atudy S p.m. Wednesday. ln.,. Service 11·00· Evenin"' ~ce. 7:ii. Mld·,;,eek &!rv._ COBOJfA DEL 110 Ice, Wedne!day, 7:30 p.m. Balboa Blvd. at 14th Street, Newport Beach The Rev. Roy A. Carlaon, Minister HOLY muRSDAY: 7:30 p.m.-Communion Tenebrae Service. EASTER SUNDAY: 9:30 and 11 :00-Dupllcate WorshJp "Eternal Life ot Ch.JUt'' Children and Adult Choir alnglne. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 22nd and Elden Ave., eo.ta Meaa The Rev. M. C. CronJc, Mlnilter JfEWPOIIT JIU.Oa LUTBEIIAJI CB1711CII COMIIUJOTT CBVaCB a~A IILAJrD 2501 CWf Dr .. Jfewpcwt Betpu ~tlooal COIOI1J'IRTT IO'I'IIODIST EASTER SUNDAY: 5:30 a.m.-sunri.le Service, meuap and candlell2htlng tervtce; aln&in'l by the Church Chofr. Llbelty I·M31 Ill!!~ A 'ft. 115 A .... A..._ ....._ lala8d a... lloberl G!Oillalld ~ 5217 Jllalder: a... Dauld lapp Early service, 8:30a.m. Sunday; .__: .... Echrlla CoaaM ._..GIS Church School. 9:30 a.m.; wor· Sunday Wonhlp Servfcea: 9:45 Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. 1hlp aervlce. 11:00 a.m.; Luther a.m., 11:00 a.m. SuRdaySchool: Church Schooli 9:~ and 11:00 League, 7:30p.m. 9:45 a.m. a.m. Worship :servtce. Tbia Directory is made ~ble by th-ci'ric-mindec:l busine..man: WOODW0RTH PfANO SHOft bcluatve Alent for Baldwin Planoe &e.ERAL SHEET METAL WOW 2610 E. Coat Hwy. H•. 3312 Corona del M• 4015 lOth Strwf H.W 2210 Newpori leach REE.SnK THOMAS MOIIL SElVJCE Jfo Taeb ... Jfo Tape ... Jfo Pute Wub.lnl -Pollllllq 2229 E. Coast Hwy. Ccwona del M• 1500 W. a..o. a Her. JMI.W Newpert .._. • NEWPORT HARIOit ENSIGN NEWSPAftEtt PrtnUq-.ActftrtW~Local Men 2110 E. C...t Hwy. H•. 1114 CoraM del t.e. NIWPOAT HAUOit lANK JGI E. c..t Hwy. Coren. del M• JeW01T MLIOA SAVIN$$ A LOAN AssN. 1166 VIe~ IALIOA lAY CLUI 1221 w. c..t ........ ., .. ...,.,. .... ltiCHAaD'S UDO MAUlT Orup ~· ... 0..1'1111 lbltlilt un va. LWo H.w 2a1 .....,_....,. MIL W. STANLIY, .... IIIWIIr JkwJWt ..._ ._ U. w.o-.. ................ ,,. Services a£ 9:30 a .m.; 10:«10 a.m.. llndna by cbolr; 6:30p.m., youth servtce; 7:30 p.m., EvanaeJistfc aervlce. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWPORT Balboa Blvd., 19th a nd Court Stl., Newport The Rev. Herbert G. lohn1100 Mlnllter EASTER SUNDAY: 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. "'nte Deeper MMnlnl of 1b~ Resunectlon." 7:30p.m. VMP«J; Easter Bapt:Wn foJ.low1na. • ....... _._ ,.ot . A daulht.r, 1iWoC1 Lpn. wu ~ ... In BOla II rtal -. born to Mr. -d lin. IUMa MW· pltal Oil J"rtdoq. Maida 11. ' llaaueU SioV£1L C~NDlES ... the,....., ....... '" 011 buy-eowholeeo .. aad •ert delldolll. . • tempti ... .,......, of ~~-creMII, ehewy and c:rilp ........ ~ ...... final clark and milt ~ lib. box -I} S5 21b. l.x-126t Eater Buket turprite b.ket fiDed with chocolate ega. with a •uNity of centen -all wrapped ia bript foil. nated in ....... Each basket 1100 Cady i4P lOc ud lSc ManhmaUow EKP.-• delidoat dOIIeft, dipped ia .~ chocolate. Wrapped m bript foil. packed m • real eu earton. 75e • EXCLU81VE AT .COIOII DEL Ul PIIIIICY ............... fte .... 11171L eo-t llwy .. --J ... c... ...... k COMMUNITY CHURCIL CONGREGATIONAL 6U HeUotrope Ave., Corona del Mar The Rev. Edwin Gomke, Mlnllter ' MAUNDY niURSDAY: Holy Communion 7:30. p.m. GOOD FRIDAY: Good Frtday Worsh.lp Servfce, 7:30p.m. EASTEll SUNDAY: Holy CommunJon, Sacrament o1 Baptbm In the Church 8:30 Lm. Church School9:45 a.m. Easter Service In the Port 1b~ater, 11 a.m ., combined chotn. MJu Helen Spann, .,lolat. (NUl'llel'y Attendant at the Church durtna 11:00 LJD Servtce> ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 23532 St Andrews Road, Newport Reilbta The Rev. ltmea S. Stewart, Mln.lllt.!r MAUNDY TIIUBSDAY: 8:30 p.m.-Holy CommUD.Ion. GOOD PJUDAY: 8:00 p.m..-:-DuiJota' 8aen4 Cantata, "'The Seven Laat Wordl.''~the Sanctu~~ Cbotr. EASTER SUlmAY: W S..tc. 8:10. t:ao Uc1 11:00 a.m. 3:00p.m. Celeb.ratton of e 8acrameat ar Jatut Baptllm. l aoJIEJI'I' UJIOIIJI.ua:D ... • £HIJR.£HE~ ~ Uft'IIT, W&WIOft IT. lAlla UIICO'AL lilY. s.tMrt JobMOD w11J Holy CoaunUnJon NJ'viOH will preaea on urhe Deeper )feaDlnl be held at 7 a.m.. 10:30 a.m. a11d ol the a.un.c:tlon" at the SuJ\. 1~ p.m. today, Maundy 'J'hun. day ~ at the Flnt ~ clay, at 9t. lamM ~I Qurdl ol Jf...-port. 11lere wlll be O.iireb. Newport. '"TTMt Seven two IDOI'11Iq eervlcea. at 8:45 aDd Lut Wardtl' wtll be praented Jn U. Veep. lllr'Vice will be at 7 :30 tiM three-hour 8ftY'tee &om noon p.m., followed by the East• bap. to 3 p.m. on Good Friday. Bap. t.llmal MI'Vke. • ttsm Mrvlce wtll be at 3 p.m. ....08LUIW*'U Saturday. Easter Sunday tervlcet Include Communion at 6:30, 7:30 . 9:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.. wffh an 11 a .m. featlval morning pr~yer. The Eutet eutom of an out. door nnrlle ~ on Ute Mew- port Harbor Lutheran Cburcll property OWFlooklnl Newport 'IEIOI Dr TIIZ U~ aOOM' Harbor ls belnl revived thla year. In commemoration of the Last The .ervtce ls set for 6:30 a.m. Supper, parlshlooen of the Bal. TWo other Easter terVtces wUl be boa Island Community Methodist held Jn the chutcll at 8:30 and Church will observe the Sacra. U a.m. Pastor RDbert R. Cron. m ent of Holy Communion at 7:30 lund wUl preach at all three p.m. thiJ Maundy Thursday. Rev. Mf'Vk:a on the theme ''My Re· Donald C. Sapp will apeak on deemer Lives." "lesus in the Upper Room." Serv OWifiMAIJIT PEU..OWI~ tng aa communion stewards will be Mrs. Leonars' Hargrave and Mn. Martha AlJen. An Easter eel bunt for the klddles wW be beld at 10:30 a.m. Sunday u part of the Easter pro-I.L KETIIODIIT Cll17aCB lf&m of the UnJvenallst Com. A sennon on Immortality, mUillty Fellowship at the Ebell "Power for an Endless Ufe," will Clubboue. 515 w. Balboa Blvd., be preached by Rev. Donald C. Bat~ aev. Fftderldt Jlln,e'a Sapp at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Eutf!J' 8ft1D01l topk: wUl be ''Oar Euter aervlca Sunday at the Immortal Ho~" and wiU eon. Balboa Ia.Jand CommunJty Meth. cen the Universalist's attJtude odl8t Church. MarveUee Moody toward Jmmortallty. Muek: wUI will elng "Alleluia, Death So be rendered by Lewis MUler, eel-Conqu~" (Tompklna> at both List. aecompanled by hla mother, aervtces. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Ruth c. Miller, at tbe plano. Guenther will join the church at the 11 a.m . service. ... ••• of HOME SOCIETY TO HOLD SILVER TEA ON APRIL 26 Mn. Howard Lawaoo'a home Uona chairman. Other chalnnftl and la.rden wtU be Ule 8etttn1 are Mrs. lohn ~Y. Mn. Tod for the lavltadonal anauaJ Silver Oviatt and Mra. Robert McFar. Tea 11wo by tbe Newport Rat· ren. decoraUon.; Mrs. Wlllred bor Avxtllary ot CblldND's Rome Bed.1, Mrs. Robert s . Barnes and Society on Tu8Ciay, AprU l&. ltfn. WUilam Curlett, press; Mrs. from 2 to 5 p.m. Thls atralr wtll 0 . C. SuHS, fashion show; Mrs. take "A Note ot Jl'uhlon" accord· M. S. Bernard. ticket&. and Mta. inl to Mrs. Kenneth Starele,Jen. lack RU~y. <»chalnn&n tor the eral chairman. event. Two apecial ~ wtll be awarded-a portra.ft ln pastels by Wlnnltred MartJn, former pratdent ot the poop. and an "all-expenses-paid'' -~~nd for two at the Ojal Valley Inn. Mrs. H. Payne Thay~. Auxll lary president. Mrs. Harold Ca.ld wen· and Mrs. Roland Vall~ly wtll head the reeeJvtng line. whlle Mrs. W. D. Shock. parlla mentarlan. will be there to wel. comt> the honored guetilf who wtll pour. Mrs. Howard MerrUl is tn charge or th~ guest book. Mrs. Howard La-rson ls lnvita. 5«Kial note Glamour Glimpses ., AJfJf Ht>y East~r Bunny! Got a min· ute! Bet wt> can save you loa of time and make you the most loved and J>('tted Easter Bunny ln the whole wide world, it you'll just stop by and see us at O'BRIEN'S. How come? Because we have the prettiest thlnp tor Easter gifts that your loved ones can ever Imagine. Wby. your ears wUl wiggle with pride when you -------------------------see how delighted she'll be when she finds that package from <Contlnuect from Page 4) moved into thelt branc! newly sert and card party wu held buUt home at 1913 Baya:lde Dr.- by Harbor Star with a ca.Jaxy of ju.t tn time for ~. The member.models. Kay Kincaid ot Ca.mpbeU'a borne Ia the first or a Udo at the organ. and Henry Uttle colony !)elnc buUt on the Delster. Jerry Johnson. Eddie lower road nestled next to the Moore and MeJ Berry as male new Coast Guard and Harbor escorts tor the models. Master's Ot1lce, Ju.t beyond ear. Irvine Coast Country Club had nation Cove-and rtcht on the O'BRIEN'S In her Ea.ter basket. Yoa claa't beU... ttl W.U. bop -...... ....,. ,_ ..... ,... ... ----•ow __ , ._. •• :d:la C01011J111011 UIIVJCE a "do" March 30th and an after. bay. The Unlvera.Jlst Community c.D.JL COIOIU1f1TT CBUacB noon of fashions for the ladles • • • bnAega '-.:...t (I'Jaetl. Cld.toolaM...........ay .... oee •t•at.) ... tltJ.a DA&. LDfG beaded dUab bag. wttll tbe ct.9w ..... ...-lr .. tllalag Fellowship wUJ bold an Upper Aga.fn this year Euler worship featuring several Corona del Mar OOOHH-LA LA! It'll be an tbe priab ,....'U -... lt'• -- pon.d. AM look 41t tt.ia Cldoc- abM )ewoelad ... ~ clatcb ba9 witla paarla CIDd lrldaeceat dutwa. 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wftll J,&IIJK AprU 7, 19:55 What's to do about them! ... the army of bard.bolled eres that must Invade your thr~ squares via aa.lads. aandwlches and CaSSt"roles ... You may a la goldenrod them. devil them . . . serve them with lresh creamed asparagus on toast ... bummm. that I must have real soon ... mash them with chill sauce and sweet pickles for 1000 l.sland dreulnr . . . add tht"m whole with a touch ot curry to your favorite rice ring . . . they also cream good with drled beef, mushrooms and peu.. Now the way to be assured of ha.rd-botled ecrs that will stay fresh tor the longest length of t.lme 1s to atart with the freshest eggs available to begtn with . . . All tocetber now! RJc.bard'a Own Green ear. ton eegs .. . . Momln1 Fresh! Personally selected from one ranch. art" the next best thJnc to havfng chickens in your own bttk yard . . . Look tor the AA on the carton ... Your assurance that the egp therein art" only l4 hours old at the date they were gTaded . . . The date Is stamped right on the carton ... Grade A eggs are all over 24 hours old ... Room communton aervtce at 8 llei'Vlee will be conducted by the shops. In tact Bragg's. one of the Easter Wt!t'k weU worth remem-1 p.m. today (Thursday) at the Corona del Mar Community participating shops, went all bering Cor Harbor HJgh student bome of the mlnl.ster, llev. Fred. Church In the Port Theatre at 11 the way up to Sunset Beach with Nancy Campbell. who Is accomp- ertck JUnce. 234 Hazel Dr eo. a..m. Easter Sunday. Rev. Edwin another repertoire of models and anying her mother to Paris for I rona del Mar. .. Comke will preach on ""I'he Re-5J)rlng fashJons last week. the spring vacation. Have fun. -------------------------alty of lesus." The church choirs The monthly VIlla Marina gfrls: the Champs Ely~ should Line the Eastern~ with Jew· -will present Easter music. with Cashion fete will be held this be lovely right now. not to men elry it you want to surely please Newport po~ patrolman Rob- ert Upeon, son of Newport PoUoe Chief John Upson, has been named as Investigator tor the Orange County district attorney's oftloe. Be wUJ take over hls new duUee alter Easter w~k. £91 Wowt119 ••• I lalgbly ...... -.d a.U....wtaowtall to .u....... tM p.d..Eanew ~eftdillt ...... tboee wt.o 90 to ,.at IID9tU to cSecorute u..u ..,. ... wtabtoan.~ ......... • • • Aa eft OIID be bJMra tluwy . • . Wltlt .. a pick pea. a ...U lllolie la tbe ...S of eada ., ..... tiM 8ft ... le • lw..a.c.:rt ..... You are invited to the- EIITEI Community Church, Corona del Mar Edwin C. Gomke, Interim Pastor a:• A.M. wo..ap m THE CBUJICR. ~ ComlaaDioll SaCftiDIIIt Oil 8apti!IID 9:45A.M. CRV.al 8CIIOOL. 11:00 A.ll. WGI'IIIhl, at POIIT THEA TilE. (~'nleet.~t) Jlfun~rJ .Att.eNiant at tbe Qwdl cturtnc s.vica both Wonblp Helen Spann as sololat. Holy Thursday during the luncheon tlon the Carden of the Tullerles I the ladles this ye-ar. Choose gold Communion and baptismal serv. h6ur with Verna MUler com. wlt.b the punch and judy shows. 1 bangle bracelets for the young Ice will be held In the church at mentatlng and Easter Cashlons Mrs. Harry Campbell said they set (they look twice their prl<'i!') 8:30 a.m. At 9:45 a.m. services galore. presented by Brat Shop, might go on to Rome, depending and pastel jewelry originals by for Juniors will be held In the Bragg's. Lome. Fun Fashions. La on the transportation available. Claire MC'Cardell to delight aJI Sanctuary with a sermon by Fred Relne, Petite Ville. and Rule's.. • • • smart women. I.n't that a beau Shannon, 'assisted by the Junior • • • They ~ liable to meet the titul topaz and yellow rope neck choirs and members or the DeForest Stolls of Shore Clltfs.llace! The latest ls a j""elled • ---· piece ,.,..., u,. ... -bole ... blow • • • Of c.ana ~ ....... church acbool cla.ues. The VJcJl TradttlonaJly, Easter actJvities who have taken a yea r oft from collar to wear wfth hn new of Maundy Thursday wiU be ob-tor the chUdren are beln~ held everything and are •ust now in Easter Dalton cashmere sweater. $erVed 1n the Church Sanctuary thl& week.end, starting of! with J thls ninl Good Frld aervt a bl~ Easter ecg hunt at the Har. Paris. They report a rough sea wUl :ebeld 'lD the ~ : bor VIew School aHa foUowtnc a voyage, but everyone J J v e d T:.IO p.m. 'l1le •IDOD topic wUJ ~ mcme tor ldda on Sat. through It <golly, 1 aJmolt got I be "Beaeetll the ero.r ~. an 8H.Ikk 1n the movie "Caine )lu. for the ~~ fr)' _,orwored bJ ttme they dleembarked at Le CIIIIIITIAir ICIDIC:S taUM:Ii the Newport Harbor Opt:lmlsta. Havre. Bolt Ca.me down wtth the ''Aft Sln. Dbeue, and Death measles! Both 110n.1, Sterling and Real!" Thls thoucht aroualnl Crown Prince Cooloo from Holt, hope to do some Mshlng on question Is the subject ot the Moulln Rouge. L. A. nltery, is ap. th tl t d . pearlng Easter at the Caplstrano e con nen an everyone s Leseon-Sennon ln the Newport planning on enjoying a family Beach Chrlatian Science church Beachcombers Club with a spe. trl I Sunday The Golden Text from clal magic show and Easter egg P ~ ~ big station wagon Psalms. (1117:20,21) reads. "He hunt for the chlldrefl followed by type 0 · agen. Mnt bls word. and healed them. a party on the beach and Harbor and dellvered them from thelr area adult mem~ and guests destruction& Oh that men would will be Included In the gum list pra.iae the Lord tor bJ.s goodness. for the Easter brunch on Sunday and for hl.s wonderful works to beginning at 11 a.m. at the club. the chUdren of men!" Another club date for Easter I 0 Youth Join Island Church . . . a 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Easter party for the chiJdren wtll be featured Sunday at the Balboa Bay Club. Joanne· and ~plto will bring a group ot their students for a s()«iaJ Easter revue and the Easter Bunny Is said to have. vats of brightly colored dyes ready for eggs he'll hide Eastn a.m. A special brunch has been planned for adults, too. • • • ........ , ......... ..... PNtty petUcoata. boiiU..t- JcnoWaly -tnldlaed ... ay. -tdvk. wW ....... a.tN JINtttl .. ... ..... 7\t ...,.~~a ••••••• JoiJoer • • • -Clll __... -• ... ._ cab ..• ht Wow.., ....... J pndkt wW ~ aiWy tldd • 9CIY ...... _, ...._ £91 v ' ... --"' • .. ,_-'II--. wily.._.,.... Hm.m! Euta'• tradJtlonaJ fa. Kic:bnJdr'a ... '"baby ..._.. vortte! Oh t h o s e Manhattan aJ9fa~ ..,. oe dUpkry et hams ... with tbt" old-tashloned o-.aJEJrS.. BMlly pcrt-.....s down on.the farm !Javor ... with a:flw a baby ~ lt lla tM the 24 houn extra smoke . . . awMtwt ~ ayloa I Eastern grown pork. sbJpped out OI'CJ'Gildy rufO• cmd daby aprfA. I to Long Beach and smoked es.. lded Job ... a shortie. It ba peociaJly for our Mt>at Depart. matdlia9 bloamen. 1 ment ... Ott.le and Harriet have- 1 taken to our Manhattan Hams Past<"l and wbltf" gloves are ... Bought one for the first time I probably the most u~tul and during our birthday ~lebration thE'reforp a surt> to bt> welcome-d via a friend who toted It back up Eastt>r gtft C'hool'(' C'rescendOt>'s there to them . . . Two weeks "hortle-<; for rwrff'<'t fashion-4lr later they sent back for two the n£>w strc>t<'hablf' knits. IC more ... Y.'hen you watch their >'ou'rt> doubtrul a bout the-slze. television show Friday nltes at 8. Incidentally. t h e stretchable I S(>e It you can't spot that ''W~ Larkwood nylon hose Ls always l like-.Manhattan Ham.look" In appreciate-d too ~. Easter Bun. tht>lr E'yes ... ny. hE're are oddles and oodle-s I of otht>r gilts--<'Omt' In and just . Cmtned hamal w.-.. .,.. take your chol('(' tbo.e tao . . • Oa.r Joe ....._ I ) -(-.... ..: . tldaa ta bil deUe:at 11 n• tiM IAirv-t YGriety ta Orcal9e c..a. ty ••• C.U.t ·-....... ,.. IJOIIl DMmark com• ftnt be-twa• J tot It llbatpt ,_ Jee it Is the ......... Md ... cr9ailebl• ••• com. ta ...... &ball rro. 11/R-lO.U.. • • • h . ...... flwa c ..... v.. .... Jlollcaad. 0.. 1f1r!w P' ta Qadcdly, lkltll. WU... -•L Araoa ...... '" ~-.. .,.., ........... _, .... GilttfJ'INwWt ••• Give a look at the white ele- phant s.le In our Parklnl Lot this Saturday. Anythln1 yov bQy will ro towards tbe procw .. nt 0( tents and earnpln1 equ...-n.t for Scout Troop 182 ... 'ntla pu. tfrular troop ts only a ,_, old and thetr drive and eMfD' ln aollect!n• these ltt'm.S tor tba. White Elephant aale abwld M eneoura~M ... You can 410 It ... buy .-.nethlnc trom ~eaa .•• IIIIi ' .A r l Wawllo; ••• e. ---.. • 11-laUt ,71-ellllto.t kl· •• .... ......... , .. ,. ... . .. ... .. .., ,..,..,. ..... -··· * ...... 1 I 4 -lB. Ill VOGEL VALUes WIY PAY IDT! Comfortable ~bedrm. home. ocean llde bwy. 13:x22 ut. lng rm., W·W cpt., fu.rnlabed A reduced $1.000. fot quick ~. Only $9,900. Bwty! IU81ESS PIIPEITr on Coast Rwy .. choice location In CDM. 40' frontage. 127' deep with lg. 1 bedrm. home A otflce on rear of lot. Ideal for studio or for professional man. Plenty ot rm. to build on front of lot. Owner says sell-see us! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14T1 HARBOR 1741 ANNOUNCING NEW FURNISHED IODB. HOlES Built by ··-c.,. Furnished by MARTIN ~ von HEMERT Tomorrow 's Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND lJNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend the lrvlne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California llvlng. Otfered exclu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley 1n a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace--<>n Coast Highway opposite the new lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate In lrvlne Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE .AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information THE DESERT IS !100 •• ! <>wnetoa wW ..U on terms~ 1. 10 acres facing on Highway 66 2. Covered with treft! 3.. Water within 4 feet of surface. 4. Improved and long established In the foUowtng thriving businesses; a. 9 Cabins b. 1 2 bedrm. house c. 1 Apt. d. Service Station (Mobilga.s) e. Grocery store f. Beer Ba r g .. Cafe h Swimming pool I. Trailer parking j . Post Otllce (To qualified applicant> (Not for sale--but on premises for years and will re-main there If the Government ch()()!SeS) Over 2400 net-net that Is--per month and up, accord. lng to the records, has rewarded the present owners for the last three years. They are tired and will share this opportunity with others for $75,000.00 THIS IS NOT A MULTIPLE USTrNG LEE CASEY OmCE Z721 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, Calif. Harbor 0846 • DUPLEX! Best Costa Mesa Location 431-33 E. 19th Street $1&,&00 $5.500 Down Monthly payments only $75.00. One side fumlshed and rented for $85.00. Live rent tree. Property com,.etey fenced. W. A. TOBIAS, Rulltr -yvu'U like our friendly .ervlce 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty S-1139 I 00°/o INCREASE IN SALES! K ore tha n a Million Dollars In Multiple Llstfng Sales during the Month of March: $1,147,011.00 OOMPARED TO $578.305.00 FOR MARCH OF LAST YE.AB. In Buying or Selling See Your ... TIUum•••• NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REAL TORS .... iC&I iWu. DTAft & UIITALI Immaculate :Z·bed.r. Balboa Island home, cloae to Bay Front. Price Includes: bedl. dressers. drapes. rugs. stove, dlvan&-ready to go! There ls also a furnished apt. Wjth dependable rental Income. THIS WEEI-$18,000 on budget terms • ISLAID REALTY CO. iliiiiili ~ wm. Nil at your Carrillo Says ~te~ ~ ~ • ~ Jnl'l'. RGTS. u~um.. prae.: 2 ottlce desk8. buftet. He·' II f·lght to ~d ~ea•t.!'.!~ ~ aciUJtl ...,.. Call ar write ...,. 6.tt. dlnlnr table, 2 tttel -.aa .. M .., .... uwr _......_ ~aw. •naottc T.1ZD. • ao. ehatn. telephone ttanct. ·an. Save Be•ches ~-ofof-~:.....~d-~ ~ SaD GdlrW Bl•d.. SaD Gabriel tlque bench, electric , heater, u --· unTYw ~--· COM 2.ilba: bOU•. untUrn.. iUl coffee table. gu .team heater, Actor Leo carrtJlo, member or ll..., who wu b«n lllaldl 30 el..n. b&fttWd. tloon. Urepl.. • throw ·rup. p..-ure c:ooker. the State Parka CornmJ.Jon. told W'hlle W mother wu W... few le .. with optJon to buy. All late pleetis, moat .n to the • Santa Ana MOON P,... ru.hd to El Toto R~ ~ F. C. A.nctn.n, Cout Blrhway make room. "7 Morning Can. btMJdaat meet.Jnr Sundar that died a.lmoet ~t.l7 two at lla.rtaold, COM. yon Road CO'M. HA 48M-W. he wanted our beaebee aate from car. SUrvtvon 1nc ude &.lao ~BI!Diil hOue. fiiiii:. ar un. STElNWAY GRAND. In wonder. contamtnatJ~n from tldelanda oU ~cri!.,!:n:!';!. ~ tum.. newi.J declorated. Chll-tul condition. See and ·hear drUllnr. ch • nta. eben welcome, .,_7 Heliotrope, this immortal Instrument. All The noted actor, Who Is called arge o. anangeme CDM before 10, after 5. original condition and ma. "Mr. California," said: "I don't .A'li'iA<friVI!; 2--BEDRM., unturn. terlal. This IJJ no rebuilt plano. care how much oli there Ia; I! It apt. with canre. convlenl-Also Knabe, Mason A Hamlin, endal1gers these beaches. I don't e~tly located; ~ Marlcold, Lester and many others at want lt. We dQil't want the COM. HA IZ'J.W. great sa v t n g s . Really! 100 beaches contaminated or their SUNNY 2.bedr., Gont duplex. pianos from which to choose. aesthetic vtewa destroyed." COM. Frpl.. gar., chUd weJ. Danz.Schmldt, 520 No. Main. He sa'ld that as member of the come; $75 un!um., yrly. H.A Santa Ana. · Park Commission he waa vigUant 4610. NICE LOTS---::E=-.-s'1-;-de-o-:f-Cos=:7t-=-a In h t. efforts to preserve "alor- ATTRAC'nVE 2-Bedr. apt. near Mesa; close In, good soli, lous Newport, the glorious bay 01111.111• .... Funeral aervt~ were conduct. ed April 2 at Patkee.RidX., Chap. el In eo.ta Meta tcw MnL Cleo Loul..e Camp, 65. who dJed Ma.n:Jt 30 at net home, 103 VIa Aotlbee. Udo Isle. Rev. Roy Carbon of Christ Church by the Sea oHJclat- ed. 498 Park, Balboa lsland HA 3T1 Cbtna Cove, furn.. garage, water, sewer. $2.190 ca.sl}. Chad and the Corona del Mar beach." yearly. HA 3T1 or RA 3698-W. Twichell. H.A 3975, eves. HA "We want these beaches for Mrs. Camp was a natl•e of lowa and came to CallfomJa 35 years ago, and to the Harbor Area 8 yean ago. She IB 8\d'Vtved by her husband, Ralph P. Camp; a aon, Ralph M. Camp of ao.ta Mesa, and a daughter . ..,._ Wtl- llam Bing of Santa .AnL c ....... ancl take a look at this clean little 2 bedr. cottage. Even has a view !rom the front . . . tlreplace. , . . dbl. gar. O.IJ $3,600 lion OPEl HOUSE Open House 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. 437 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar W. E. Raher I Aaec. Harbor 2443 3034 E. Coast Hwy., COM YOUR OWl PATHWAY II Utile Clrtla Hlllslde view sJte, 2 lg. bedrms., tremendous view, lvg. rm., 1" baths.. Asking price $25.500. Call Harbor 1775, eves. HA 5359. Earl W. SIMieJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 :Z.bedr. home. 80. ot hiwy, on Marigold Ave., choice toea. tlon, price P8.500, unfum. $11,710, fin. Terms JOHI E. SAII.EIR · REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Cout HJehway Harbor 2422 CORONA DEL M.AR BELP W Aln'ED SERVICE STA~N attendant. Experienced. Contact Mr. EI. Jlott 3001 Newport Blvd., N.B., HA 3823. . DENTAL ASSISTANT. will train 1t necessary, H.A 3749. WANTED: A ITRACTIVE, experi- enced saleswom:~.n with o·"'·n transportation to sell the na. tlonally famou<J Stauffer Home Plan and "Office Gym," all or part time. E:xcelJent commts. slons. Phone HA 1742 for ap- pointment. Girls-- .lUST A ..., More than that-.Ah oppor. tunlt:y to work l:n an fnter- esttne Industry which 1a ex- pandlnr and otfen advance- ment opportunity to qualt. fled young women. Openlnp now a.s: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -.Apply- 514 ~ N. Main St. Rm. 211-Santa Ana Mon. throuch Fri. 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. • P.ACinC TELEPHONE All your printinq needs wiU be handled ~onv.nientfv and court- .ously in tM complet.fy~p­ ped Job Printinq O.pari"*lf of your Herbor Aree Newspel)«, The Ensiqn, II 04 Coesf lit. COM. ATTRACTIVE FURN. modern 1317-J. you,'' he said. "Nothing In the studio apts., uUl. pd. $70 mo. world can top these wonders that CONNSONATA Electric Organ, God h t U th tid 3424 E. Coast Hwy., COM. ~IV\ hi as e ven ua. ae e e- H.A ~R. slightly used. Save ~on t s Janda funda for the people of UNFURN. 2-BEDRM. house, 1 beautiful organ. Danz-Schmldt, California. I'm tor the people. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open block south of Hwy., near The ereatest commodity ln the stpres, COM. U S-4026. ATTRACTIVE MAPLE dbL bdrm. world Is manufacturing happl- 1 h set, davenport. refrla., chairs, n-· tor th• people '' .,_•••s ·---on NICE 1 BEDRM. a pt. w t ocean • ,......, · .. · Y•••_.. ---•• f 1 I '>IW> etc. for sale, low-priced. H.A Mr Carrillo who bas been a L. w. Shotwell 0• th• County view, newly urn. nqu re .:>UO • • " .. Carnation, COM, HA 4016. 1093.R after 4:30 p.m. member of the commission tor Asaeuor's office will be at the h STlJDIO PIANO. A hard to get nine years, was the speaker at Newport Harbor Chamber of BUSDIESS OPPOIITUJfiTJES plano. Perfect condition $395 the second annual press break. Commerce office from 9 to 12 SERVICE STATION. 6 pumps on erms. Danz.Schmldt Big Ptano fast or the sans-a .Ana Moose noon the next four Saturdays to Coast Hlway In COM. About and Organ Store, 520 No. Main, Lodge. He said he too has a assist ln veterans' exemptJona $1800. Get In on summer bust. Santa Ana. newspaper background, having p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ness now. 3700 E. Coast Hlway, HAND-DECORATED baby crib, worked for newspapers In San COM, or see Home 011 Co. Ana. excellent cond., with mattress; Francisco before beginning hls helm. KE 5.2126. used playground swing and long career as an actor. BEAUTY SHOP for sale In Ha rbor trapeze equipment. HA 3174. .Area. New modern equipment. HAMMOND ORGANS. Complete Ulness forces owner to sell. line easy terms. Your old plano Call for Info. HA 3665 J. taken In exchange. Try before you buy. Free rooms here for SJTUATIOifS WA.Jt'TEJ) practice. Danz . Schmidt Big ~YR. OLD Peruvian youth Organ a: Plano Store, 520 ..No. wants job house-cleaning, car Main, Santa Ana. washIng, IronIng. baby slttl ng, "'H""AMM-==-=o""N-:-::D:::-::CH==o~RD==-"o:;;R:;:G;-:AN:-;-;-~d-=-em::::-. etc. Call neigh bor, HA 4326-W onstrator, with new guarantee. GARDENER-Clean up, etc. Call Big saving. Danz-Schmldt Pl. U 8-1648. It no answer call.U ano Co., 520 No. Main, Santa 8-47~. .Ana. BABY SrrTING, care of sick, your home, Day, night. mature COM woman. Before 10 a.m. after 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. every Friday night. MUCELLA.IfEOUS $5.00 PER MO. RENTS good prac. tlce p lano. Term rent a pplies 1t you buy. Danz . Schmldt Piano Store, ~ No. Natn. ...... ~practice plana. •· lUO, Sl,IJ5. SLIP RENT~: Rowboat rentil spaces, max. 8' bum. 30' length . .American Leeion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. H.A 452. 50 USED PIANOS wanted badly for our rental dept. Highest cash aUewance In trade on new plano or organ. Danz. SchmJdt, ~ No. Main, Santa Ana. SUVJCES FOR BENT 8-MM 16·MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM. SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies .. ,.c...,. a., 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 8· 7042 -COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4+46 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. Newport Beach REPAIR AND mal nten ance, paJntlng. carpenter, etc. 1u.at anything. Reuonable Sattarac. tlon ruaranteed. H.A ous.J. CAD roa IALE 1952 HUDSON HORNET sedan, Hydrama tlc, radio and heater, tinted glass, etc. Superb con- dition. $950. Terms. Private owner. H.A 2933. IIYI'S •WE. Dl•• ... ....... Fllllni 50% A more OFF Complete Rock lncludtnc 80Ud br .. out:aJde n.xtu.r. PICTURE F R A ME S, standard sizes, some burnished gold and panelled. Also, $500 gold drapes, will sell for $50. HA 4784-M. BALDWIN Acrosonlc Spinet Pl- ano. Just like new. You can save on this. Beautiful .Art Model Spinet only $385. .An- other Spinet Ma.h. cue. Lovely toae oel7 ...,. ~ ..... of wonderful ~a.tnr at Da.nz. Schmidt Big Piano and Organ Co., m No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 Pianos to choose from. Easy terms. Open every Friday eve. 1 BUNGALOW TYPE UP. RIGHT. 1 STYLE B. STEINW .AY GRAND. 3 FINE NAME USED SPJN. ETS. BARIAIIS! FulJ.sl.ze Rollaway Beds, coli sprlnes. Innerspring mattress -3 of these, each complete $24.50. 7.ft.long Counter Showcase. plate glass to~nly $16.75. Hardwood Crib, large size, drop side, natural finish -only $9.95. 34-ln. by S.tt. Walnut Olrec:. tora' Desk~nly $29.50. S.pc. walnut ftnlab Dinette Set-only P6.50. Bunk Beds, complete with springs, mattreues, ladder, guard raU-only $39.50. Rattan Bar, a dandy-only $24.50. Sheraton Love Seat, IOOd trame.l needs new cover -only •19.50. Ph\100 12 cu. tt. Chest P'reez. er, lUte new, cuuanteed-- only $147..50. SmaU.aize Nor&e ltetrllf!h-to~nly t57 .so. GE Electric: Dlshwuber, eom. P!~. guaranteed -on 11 .. .95 .• w~ dlrome top a Gu llanp; lrlddle, Ute, =".Jo. tu111 autona.atk>-oni.J lra.nd new lx.12 U.DOieum ...... eboeoe of 2) ,... Mdl. onlJ I5J5. ...,...,.. 8lr9eJ au ..,. •. eniGr, W. MW; haaJ,_,. ~ warrant7 -only C.UEL P'DfCB Olf LEAVE Easter will be homecoming time for Cabel Finch, who wW return to the 'Harbor area on leave from tchool In Texu. Cabel entered achool rtgbt after ht. return trom Germany, where he wu stationed with the U. S. military forces In the port of Bremerhaven. This will be ht. first holiday home tor a bout two years. BLOODMOaiLE COMDIG Next vlalt ol the Bloodmobile wUJ be on Friday, May 6, when It will be at the American Le. glon Hall In Costa Mesa from 3 to 7 p.m . CAD roa SALE ~·-YOUR POJID DEAI.Q SINCE 1921 1·1 u• Cars 1164 ........ Plcua .... Mdaa. lfeeda peat Gild --ou.. .a-wotk. -1113 Flnl v..a c...--ftlted to a d1lb ............ , .. ......... • •• IMI Flnl I cyL ..-. MCiaa. Good an.. --fbuab. $441 . 1147 Fenl v..a t .sr. MCiaa. CoocS tzau. port ........... -··1-. n..w.. Dla.. .... wttlll ~..UO&~. •• .• ,. I~ J.dr • ....._Geed tina. · ........ .• , ... ... ., .. ":il=: ..... .ad ...... - .. Be "KING" THIS Spring * '25• Down IUYI YOU TID "55 IOacuJIT CLU. CODE Radio, heater, NEW baked finish; motor ln excellent con. ditlon. ONLY ,.,. BE JDRQ 'nilS lnllfQ WITB 'I'IDS 'SI CADILLAC PJ.E•&•rw-OO"'D Ra4Jo. b e a t er • hrcSramatJc. power brakes; Real y nJce - low mileage, W. S. ttre., elect. windows and aeat.a. -............... 'SO LllfCOUI ._ DOOa IDA.If Radio, heater, ''HydraJMtlc." white wall tJift, plutlc aeat covers. "A Dream to Drive''- & REAL buy at S711 as Dowa a.y. Toa ftia '53 MEJlCOIIAnc IIDICUII'I' Has "Mercomatlc." heater and 1a exceptionally clean! Our SPRING PRJCE·to you reduced" to ONLY ··-aE IDJIG TIUI InDIO W11111'BD "' LDic::o&.a CAnJ covn J'ull.7 powered ~nd ~ equJpped 'With ALL the EXTRAS ·tllat ma1te modem drlvlna a GEN. UINE PLEASURE. ~ bu ONLY 13.000 ORIGINAL mlles -and our reduced price 1a ONLY ... a& JUJIQ T1D1 IPaDIG WIT1I TBJI '54 KDcun ¥OWTDn .Hard top coupe, n:ercom.atlc. BadJo, b~ater, W. S. ntn; drlnn only 13,000 miles. 12515 JIO MOifft DOWJI P0a TIDI • .., Cll:fti1.D waaoeoa 5-pa.sa. coupe--real abarp, full equipment, onty -xo 11011n DOWif roa T.m • .., fOIIYIAC a:D. coon Vf!f'Y nice. radio. heater, rood rtnlah, only . -JIO MOlin DO .. roa 1'1111 'U POD CVIIW CLft en. Radio • heatet.z....... w. s. u,., driven onl7 ll,uuu m.Ua Ex-tra c1MD and 01117 sw. 1r0 IIOII&t DOWII roa Tllll 'U roo. c::wrow • DOOa !leda.l\ ..:.~ D., radJo, ........ W. S. un. and only a. • I I • IWMDAY. AfiiiL 7, 1- lln'AII'r nAIIK CIIDI DID Jlrivate Jl'aw.ldr ~ were held )Wtl!rd.ay at Harbor JleM ~ tow lntant Frau Crlm. 800 of Mt. and lira. Ivan Crlm of 8 aaleam fSaee. eo.ta M-. wbo died 12 boun after blrtb 8uDdaJ In Boq lbpltal. ~ Jtlclle7 Mclrt1aaty wu In daarp of .,......_..g. ... 'I'IDU nro nav.a WKJQII ftZ lAID PrA DIITALLATIOII ... eftlwaa W .. --.._ Coaall .. PrA'a ... .a.cw ad ......u.d ..... "' .. •....-t ........ .._ ......... diUid ............ --tlae ... Pllll"-t. ..... I Tryouts Next Week Try .outs wUl be held next .,ell tow boys wbo will be tak.lnc part In an expanded .,mmer bue. ball JII'OI{UD ~ by the Harbor Boys' Club and the Hlch School dlltr1ct. A. B and c Kldcet Leacue teams will be owcantzed on the bula of the try.ouQ. U there ls adequate response from Corona del Mar and Balboa laland baM· ball hopefuls. both claa B and elau C teallUI wlll be orcantz.ed to play on the new Youth Ct-n ter baseball flel~ on the Harbor VIew tehool grounds. No class A teams wJU play at the Youth Center thla summer b e c a u s e there wlll· be no Ughts for ntcht playing: Tty.outa &If! acheduJed accord- Inc to' age groups. Boy. born In 1941 or 1942 will try out 9:30 a.rn. to 1 p.m. Thuraday, AprU 14. Boy. born In 1943 and 1944 will try out 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1\les- day, AprU 12. Boys born In 1945. l!H6 and before June 15, 1947. wfll try out from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, .AprU 13. Present plans call for eight class C teams ol boys In Corona del Mar, Balboa Island and ad- jacent area&, to play at the Youth Center diamond. A second class C league will be at the high school for boys Hvlng In Newport, Newport Heights and Costa Mesa's w~1 side. A third class C loop wlU be at Costa Mesa park for the rest ot the Costa Mesa boys. Ten class B league teams are , ...... RENT I TUX I'« eM BOAG MEJIOIUAL aALL Maior's TUX SHOP lOll/a E. fila lt. Sallta Aaa KI 1-5714 ()pea Eft&. by .. 't Wlaldl WoUd TOV ......... , C. 1L ..,, -. ot 2511 V..._ Dr ... ..., ....._ 1IIIGble ................ -..,.,., ......... .. -.... t. ftct1lnd ................ left to riPt. ....... c. Orby ~-.. eo.te The series of tests slated for next week are In the nature of evaluation methods which are used to assign the boys to the proper league In accordance with age and sJdll. planned for Costa Mesa Park for ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 p m. gam(>!! • • • • No Dia'obinq No Steqming NoDru~ NoMa.age K~B17U 1117 L c:o.t Kwy. .... ·-C......cllll ... , _ .. ., ..... Ill ... l'la lt. ....... 1a1ateriaD1 Mn. Kcdaola .... of eo.te ....... ...._, .... wuu.. O'arMa .. eo.te ......, tint .-. ....... b 11.n. -....n wau-. ,...W..t .. tlae •..,on .... ··--t.T Military Services Are Held For Dr. A. V. Andrews of COM F .. , Clleck Cllarce A Corona del Mar waltr~ss was arrested by Santa Ana pollee Fri. day on a felony check charge with the aid ot Newport pollee. "Time and a half' for overseas serves from college, was ln the The woman was taken to Santa was an undematement In mill-first group or tt\e 40th Division · Ana tary sian" lor family doctor Dr. to luve from California In the · • The list of names used by the A. v. Andrews. who died Jut sprlnc of 1941 few the South Pa. woman induded Mrs. Thomas Thursday whJle atten(Unc a con· clflc. He was a medical officer Schaubert or Muon, Alta Lavera venUon of general practice phy. and served u chief ol surgical Schaubert, Athey Mason. Mrs. sJclans In La. Angeles. aerv1ce of field hospitals ln the Thomas Armitage or Alta Lavera Hla 37 months of service In the bloody battles of the Makin ls-Fults. Pollee said she was 31 and fl ld hospitals treattn.,. casual lan ... -" -yte and Okinawa: For e • · .._ ......: Jived at 513% Begonia Ave .. Co. ties of some of the fiercest tight-three days of the Invasion of rona del Mar. Pollee cl\arged that lng ln the South Paclflc during Okinawa, Dr. Andrews had the she l.ssued non-sutflclclent fund World war n took more than only Ueld hospital on the island. check.a In Santa Ana. Whittier, three years. even much more He held the rank of lieutenant San Diego and Orange county than "tlme and a halt," from his colonel ln the U.S. Army Reserve. but denied cashing any In New- Flowers • • • the Thoughtfui .Gift at Easter "'-ol 21M. ,.._ la ••• lllt.matfwcl P1owec Show .... 5 prbe wtaa1ag aliGI I by Ba:rtleill J'1owwa Eulerlrrlll••••ll l'aacy Plaab la ·~ Eastew' Coi'ICigU SAT 1'f WITII lUe. Private m Uitary services were port Beach. • The seemingly placid family held Monday at Fairhaven Mau-=======~;;~~~~~~:;;::::::::::::::~==========================~ physician -always wiUing to 80ieum chapel, with Rev. Joseph rouse at any hour for his pa. McShane conducting. as.siated by tlents' Ub-lost the battle lor the military chaplain . .A vlslta. his own llfe when he tried In tlon wu held for friends on Sun- vain to put on his oxygen mask day afternoon at Bala Mortuary. after he-became m at the dOC· Corona del Mar. He Is survived tors' convention. The mask was by his y.1fe, Ella (''Mac") An· beside him when his body was drews, of the home address, and found. He was only 50 when he two dauchters. Meg, 14. and died. Becky, 1. He la aleo survived by Dr. Andrews. whose oUlce was a sister, Mrs. Marian Conrad of In Corona del Mar. llved at 621 Davia, and a brother, Lewis An· Cllft Dr .• Newport Hetahta.. He drewa of La. An&eleL had U\"ed ln the a..... .,... fow 13 ,_,. ana for .o yun In eau. 1•11 IIJ U111 Wll fornJa. coming here u a chlld S h .. "?v ..... BIDWELL'S BIRTHDAY SALE (0. IIIJ 'IIIe tf ... Yur) ENDS THIS SATURDAY SALE AT OUR LIDO from hla native OhJo. -MWtw -W-. 1- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dr=.=An==drews,== In the The Balboa Bay Uons Club = won the Sftvice Club Leacue Make ·y0111 Own Giflw•e •• in 0111 Ceramic Stuclo A wonderful new plan f« the ceramic hobblst . . . you work In a complete, modem plant with all the latest commerclal equipment under skilled auper- vlalon. We have molds few over 1.25 Jterns from our llne that you may use or you may make your own deslgna ... Aatoee .. c1o It ••• r~aoee ,_ hall detalll * IICIID PIIIUY a•ns A Packaged Dlnn« Date. You can take llftta-friend to a gourtnet's dinner In Italy 'Without leavlnc home. Give her a a meal ticket to anY of 23 top Italian restaurants. A 1'23 Dlnlnc Plan" Ucket ts available at CDM travel aervlce for less than $4 ancS entitles the bearer J.o as much eiDMb_. and .... ._., u she can consume In the cafe' of her choice. .ITIIVELIERICE wlnter competition championship at Van's Bowling Alleys. Costa Mesa. Members of the winnJnc club Included John Sympeon, Howard Balmer. Charles Jami- son. Norm Dunton and Ben Whtt. man. The Elks Club team placed second. ,A white elephant and rum- mage sale wlll be hfld this Sat. urday on the lot at Richard's Udo Market by Boy Scout Troop 182 of Cll.U Haven. On the general committee In charge ol the proJect are scouts Whitney Baines. chairman; Daryl Batley and John Owen. with dads as adult advlsohl.. Bernard Palm 1s handling general ar- rancements, and sales area ar- rangements are In the care of Kenneth Dutro. Hugh Godwin and John Banks. cashiers and money arrangements wUl be by Boy Scouts undera the direction of Henry Vaughn. Richard Slmp- 80n Is handline siena and adver- tlaJnc. and Porter Sinclair ls in charge of the Dads' Committee ol uaJstant collectors and sal-. men. Troop 182. spon80red by the Elka Lod,e. ls less than a year old. and thla aale ls a project to m ake the troop self supportinl. L'fJIJf ~ IS WAKED OIJIU ITAft DD.&GATE ~n PMR, Harbor Hich Sebool .wdeftt. bu been named u a.,.-eeentattve to thla sum. IDft"a Gltla State in Sacramento by the AIDir'kan Lqion Awdl· 1&17 tJDit JtL ~n Ia tbe claqabtar ol. lib'. and lin. BAI'W!J' D. ..... ol. .. Colllna Mft., Jlal. boa laland.. FRIDAY .... PRICE!· SATURDAY 0 HEMAl I G SALE ITEMS SUITS Sport Coats SLACKS S60 to SilO Now .'30 1'0 ·ss $37.50 to SSS.OO $16.95 to' $45 Now •1115 1'0 '2T Now T 1'0 '2r also JACKEtS, ROBES, ·SHIRTS. nES AD Sale. rmal-No Behmdll 01' Excbcmgea Altaalio~~a Mot IDcluded oa Scde Itema. ' The yeer'a t~l few bulldlne dweJlln& at 808 Ramona Dr., pennlta In the CJty of Newport ~ Beach hu already peiNd the e LIDO Ill:& three-mllllon-doUer m a r k , ae C. L. Smith, 7-room. 1-atory, 1- $400,000 1n pennlta were iMued unit dwelllne at a35 Piazza IJ4c>. durtne the flrat week of Aprll. $20,000; R. F. Moean and J. B. Followlne permits were Issued: MacDonald, 7-room. 1-story, 1- mvm•T&aUc:& unit dwelllne at 204 VIe Eboll. • Maceo Corp., 5-room, 1-story, 1-$22,000; Ingram and Colllna, 5- unlt dwelllnr at 709 Santana Dr., room, 1-story, 1 unit dwelling at $21 ooo· 6-room. 1-story, 1-unlt 221 Poppy, $22,000. ' ' e COBOWA DEL )(AJI Orval Lyon, 1-atory, 1-unlt dwelllnr at 222 OrchJd, $24.,000; Clarence Beesemyer, 8-room, 1- story, 1-unlt dwelllnr a t 1933 Bayside Dr .• $38.600; Worthlnrton tee, 8-room, 1-story, 1-unlt dwell· lng at 1939 Bayside Dr., $35.800. e COBOWA BIGIILJUimS W. E. Fisher, 1-story, 1-unJt dwellJnr at 432 Cabrlllo, $18,000; H. Jordan, 6-room. 1-story, 1-anlt dwelling at 441 C&brlllo, $22,500. e UIOD CUPPS Harry FuJWuer, add playroom at Driftwood, tf,OOO. ea&wJOn Samuel 8oberts. 9-room, 2- story, 2-unlt dwelllnr at 6307 Seashore Dr., $1.7,500; C. W. Wal- drip, &lterattona at 1915 Court. t&OO; WUUam Taylor, repaJrs, alterations at 3304 Marcus. $1,000; Harvey Pease, sign at 410 32nd St., $35; R. S. Dorrt., overhead crane at 506 31st. $750; Wllllam Taylor, 3-room, 2-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 1320 W. Balboa Blvd., SS.OOO; Henry Chapman, 6-room, 2-story, 1-unlt dwelling added at 121 40th St.. $7,500; Robert Becker, 4-room. 2-Rory, 1-unlt dweUlng at 205 40th, SlS.OOO; Oscar Fredrickson, addition at 12Q 39th, $1.000; 0. Gschwind, cabana at LJdo .Trailer Park, $2.100; G. Foljambre, 8-room, 2- Eun. COJOlEifT -lloDal ....... .._ El ---IU9b Scbool: ""Lob ot....... faA. .. story. 2-unit dwelling at 130 43rd, LEGAL lfOTJCE $14.850; R. M. Cook, re-roof at EASTEB COIOOJIT -Walda hrtaida. f r 0 1D Padflc: Bigb ScbooL SaD hnlardblo: ••Jt•• a baU aDd a balL .. 50 No. A-25540 1720 W. Ocean Ft., Sl · •onCE TO CBEDITOBS Raymond ColJins. alterations ESTATE OF EDMUND BEN- at 1614 W. Ocean Ft .. $250; Del JAldiN H1LLMAN aka EDMUND Cosby, cabana at LJdo Trailer B. RILLMAN, D~ED Park, $2.000. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t o • •EWJIOIIT IIEICIITS the creditors ot and all penons ~ ............. ... Mudl II .a Iaiii ,.., .... .., 111)1 s._.._. .......... .. .,.. • ...._. .... ,.. . .._IF eNOd.._. wttla 1hlba 00. ...... utlft .. lNMeMo ha4l ltNI Ill eamanta a eo yean. aD4 In tbe Harbor aree tor 23,...... 8urvtwn IDc:lude · hJa wUe Ruth; two 10na, Robert Para of La Canada and .Jerome Parltl 9f South PuacJena: a brother in Midway Cit)< and a ebter In San- ta cruz. Senicel were held Aprll 2 at Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar, with llev. Ralph Peue ot St. James Eplacopal Church of. flclatlne. JIOOU PISII FliT IO'JfDAY '1be Newpon Beach MOCMe Lodp w11l hold a tim try at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Palm Cafe, 11(175 Bolaa Ave., Santa Ana. 1bere wtll be dandnr. enter. t&Jnment and door prizes. accord- lnr to Verne Hardin, publJdty chalrmall. .. &ASTEB COJIJIDT -lAwrie ...._, .... v. ~ IIJtll Sc:Mol: ... .... Wre ...... CIIII.W clelblqtaeat ,_ Jut .. ......... e A 1Dovt1t. '"fte 0rant-OOUt eau ... -,.," wta ..,..... tJy .....,_Prlce,wtiiM.,._on JII'OINID ol tiM AJdl JMet . lq ol tM CIIUida Moo& OUUd ol tM c-del Mar Comlaun- lt;J Qurcb a1 ?:JO p.m. llanday Ia tiM ..clal ball o1 the ~urch. MN. 11arveJ Peue, In cbaree of the propun. announe.d that othen In the communtey lnter- e.ted In the film are Invited to attend. B~ for the refresh· menta wUl be Mn. James Van Dyke, M.ra. Harlan Hoyt and Mrs. Emmy Lou kerr. A lecture. demonltretlori pro. er~pn, ''The Heartbeat of a Na. Uon," wm be Pl'fteDt.ed by Ken- neth and Corene Boettcher at the Aprll 14 meettnr of the Santa Ana Branch ot the Amerlean J.s. aoelatton of Unlveralty Women at 8 p.m. In the Santa Ana Ebell Clubhouse. A potluck aupper will pn!Cede the procram. • EASTD COIOdiff -K • Y a.rel•d. ._ v-•• ,. JUP lcllool: "'Very ...., ...... be ....... tn BUT IMPORTANT ONES, WE BELIE\'E! JAMES D. G. A. GUlls. garare at 511 Ful-hevlJV clelma arelrult the said lerton, $1.,250; M. A. Sloan, 5-decedent or aid ..tate to tue room. l<Story, 1-unlt d'welllne at ..._ _.... &M ... ~IIGl..'W'illllltl~ ~""'""''-· ~ltlll-alii DL. .U. en In the ofJJee RAY IIIWI11 CMiriChr 1446 E. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEL ~AR HAtbof 4763 Residence: HArbor 4196 LOAIS FOR IllES 5% 20-TEAJI LOAX Construction J.oana S" 20-TEAB LOAX SEE ao• SATTLEB Ptlrier lltrtpce C.~ 2515 E. Coaat Bwy .. CDK ft. IIA 3111 JD 3-5115 . (Metro Life luaraDce FQDda) , • ~A IILJUID tiM Superlew Court or the State Mrs. Klcre. reopa1rs, elteraUona ol. CallfomJa. ln and few the at 327 Onyx, $3,000; Annie Has. County of Orange, or to present ter, move summer bouse to new the same with the necessary location °0 lot. 1205 N. Bay Ft., vouchers. 'to the un<lersigned at $20; build wall to divide room. ht. or her place of business, $100; M. B. Scully, addition at to-wit: 222 Onyx, $1,600. Ralph L. Hillman, Executor, Balboa Island Met h o d I s t c/o Harwood, Beffentan It Soden Church. fence at 115 Agate Ave., 2515 E. Cout BJehway, Corona $175; Lee's Pharmacy, s igns at del Mar. CalUomJa 302 Marine. $630. within slx months alter the first EAST&Il COIOOJIT -.._, A.-Bur. fna W .......... JaJIIor Jll9la lcMDII •Jt•• peM to..,..Sa.t.WMil-...• publication ol. th1a notice. Dated: April 1. 1~. RALPH L. HILLMAN Executor of the Estate of said decedent. Harwood, Heffernan It Soden Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, California Publish: April 7-14-21·28 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. ·Robert FOrbes BUILDER BArbor ••• JIOI ~ yow fri..Mh ira our l,oW,y whett you',. coming downtown. Write .. nof'e whle you',. waJting. We supply the note paper and pay the postage for you. 6led to clo it -;u.t pert of our welcome to our friends and customers, and the many visitors who come to 1M our builcMng from ·-·and nMr. DIVIDENDS 4 TlMES YEARLY on ALr ACCOUNTS ~ EXTRA MrVice wWclt meaM higher earnings for your Savings. Our 37th consecutive dmcJend was paid Marcia list to more than 5,500 savings inv..ton.. ~Met ecWecl to your accouRt, those dividends stari earning immediately-and you1 be surpritecf how they help · your savings grow, especialy at our high curNftt , ... of lY2~• per. year. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Just a little fWtMJ, ~ -putflncJ those ~ tant pepen in a safe, secure place. W a 116 lou if fire -..w destroy them in your home. Private coupon booths aftd cenference room are ,_..of our Safe 0. posit Service. Vault safekeeping for yow v .... w.. ooctt' • lttle • $4 per.,..,. Savings deposited by the I Oth of any month earn from the I st • I ,..,.. ........... ......... b ........ , ... ••••• • A1PE1R1'ft'l\ ~~ENT~ ....... .,........, IMa ..... - Alums Elect New Officers Mn. Geoqe Moore ot. .. ,. acn. rellDqulabed w p~ u ,....Sc1eat of the Iouth C9ut Alum.oae Club ot. .pf ~ -..at 8orofit)' at tile Marcil ...... Clfl' the poup at tbe bomlt ot. Mn. Samuel Weaver In Santa .Ana. Mn. John BneUincer ot La. l\lfta 8e&dl wu named new s--ldellt of t:be poup: Santa A.nan8. MrL auu• Cutler and lin. PbUip John, were elected u Yice.preddent and reeorc!Jnc eec- retary, fe~P8d1vely: Mn. 1: a r 1 Corkett ot. Balboa wu elected re- cordlnl aec:retary and Mra. Allen Behrendt of La1Una waa named treuurer. Important corqmJtteea wUl be headed by MrL Moore, Mrs. Austin Sturtevant of Balboa, M.ra. Thomas Frost of Newport and M.ra. Iva Welab, a Colden Arraw .member from Laguna. Southern Calllornla PI Phls wtU hold a Founders Day lunch- eon at the Miramar Hotel ln Santa Monica on April 18. Local obeervance ot. Founder's Day wtll be Ill luncheon meettnr at the vma Marina on April 77. Council Denies Metz Varia nee Rewpart City Council 'fotA!d 5-1 Monday of 1ut week tt upbold the Pl.annln& Coltknlalon 4en1aJ ot a variance for Donald Met& at 421 M St., Balboa. Coun. dlman Lee Wilder cut the dls- .entlnc vote. Mr. Metz ha d uk.ed for a vari- ance to ~It a caraste wall to remain only one loot from the property llne. That one.foot set. back waa okay u long u the garage was not attached to the house, but subsequent corutruc- tlon attachlnc the aarare to the dwelllnst made a four-toot set- back necessary. In another controversial vari- ance case, City Council continued Cor two weeks the protest ol James Van Every over the Plan- nine Commission denial of re. subdJvldlnr property at Seaview and Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Mar, Into two bulldJnr aJtes. ,._ P4• II EMir V t I C II d. •••• 1111 • w., lUI .,.apwt L ............. DAVCWIU roa QOLDI Here's a Job for Swimmers o. e s a e 11 1 1 WI=' II •• , LEGAL JIOTICK Ill ...... pn ... ll Slxteen plano pupUs who an •O'TIC2 OF ICS)()L a.&C'1'1011 Funeral services for H a r r y Leach. 64, of 318 Petty Way, ~ ta Mesa, were held at 2 :30 p.m. lut Thursday at Parkes-RJd- ley Mortuary, eo.ta Meaa Chap. el, with Rev. Thomu J. Nevin otftctaUnr. HOME LOANS QUICI J4 HOUR sava LOW FBIEIDLY ' WI IUY ftUIT - OM W&L LOCA,.. ..,._ LAGUNA FIDEAAL SAVINa$ a LOAN ASSOCIATION m OcM• Av .... LA&UNA BEACH ,..._ HY 4-1117 A dautllter. CatAleen Loren. wu born to 'Mr. and Mrs. PhJlllp Gold of 223 Vla J:bolJ, Lido lale, 1n Hoa1 Memorlal Ha.pltal on Tuesday, Much 22. Aay .., II • ......,. ..., plannlnr to enter Ute National N011CE IS HEilEBY GIVEN to ~ Ill ftll K. Icy A..., .._ Guild ot Plano Teachm Annual the qualllled eleeton of Newport ...., ......,. x.y 1 ...S lie •at AudJt1ons ln May met for an au. Harbor Union Hlch School Dls- .. 11.....,. x.y 11 t. 11 •a• dltlon rehearsal at the home of trlct of Orance County, Calltor- IA -rl 1 Mt • W. g....s their teaeher. Kathleen Coleman. n1a, that ln aooordance with law, UGAL •ai'ICK ,_ tiM City of •..,..t -.... Preparlrfg a repertoire of plec:H an election will be held on the THE STATE 01' CALIJOBNIA Ut. c:..t-J~ J--.._ -.. for the local contest will be 20th day of May, 1955, In aa•d IN THE SUPERIOR OOURT 01' Kathleen Hobel and Sydney District. between the hours of IN AND POR THE OOUNTY OJ' Afpll:m•b aut be piayaical-Hart. District honon will be 7:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'clock ORANGE. ly fit. •aat pau a pia.,.ac.J •· sought by candace Brown, Diane P.M., at which election there will Dept. 2. No. 64.114 _......., ...._ Cit a..t a a. Ch apman, Dennis Brooks, Caro-be submitted the question c.f Summona 10 ...._. A I'CUW'W'IID..naa ~ line Cbunr. Joyce Kelm. Shirley shall the maximum rate of tax ACE ,ALBEBT WILLIAMS. Plain. ., ,_.. Gild a baU-.0. nrlaa McCulltlon, Andrews Seal, Jona. for said Dl.st:rtct be lncreaaed tUf, va. MARIANA R. WlL an ......... to pau a pedoaa-than Seal. Nadine Whitman and from $. 75 per each $100.00 a.s- UAMS. Defendant. ...,. ~ TM ..-1-Patsy w alls. sessed valuation to $1.30 per Action broulbt ln the Superior aatt•• .,. ..u..Jy cwpetl-State entrants will be Maxine each $100.00 a.sseued valuation Court of the County of Oranre. tift. Chung and Kay Logsdon. eyn. for the 8Chool year eommenclng and Complaint Wed 1n the Ofllce thia Peterson and Nancy Walls July 1, 1955. aald lDcreued tax oUbe Clerk of the Superior Court LEGAL •oncz:s wUJ be entrants In the NaUonal rate to remain In dfect for the of aald County. CERnnCATE OF aUIDII:SS "aluatlon.s.. years 1955-56 to 196&.66, lnclu- Tbe people of the State of nctitlou Plna ._. live. to provide money for tht= Callfomla emd rreetlnP to The undenJcned do hereby IIUA KD TU.Z PAJIT t ollowtnr purposes: $.45 of such MAJUANA R. WI.U.IAMS. De-certify that they are eonducting Ill On.ATIO• IVJII"'IA.m lnCJ't'a.wd tax rate to be used for fend&nt. a 'land.lcaplnc and nunery bust-'I'wo Costa Mesa navy men are 8Chool bulldlnp, equipment and You are d1recte4 to appear In ness at ~ Newport Boul"ard, taklnf part In the joint ArmY· other capital outh~y. th~ ~aln· an action broul(ht agaln.lt you Colrta !,fesa, Callfomla. under Navy "Operation Swtboard" lnr $.10 to be used for operating by the aboft named plalntltt In the flctJt1ou. tlml name of Har-along the West Coast this week. and maintenance f!Xpenses of the the SUperb Court of the State bor Lancbcap1q and "lbat aaid They Include Roland E. Brlgq. 8Choob of aald District. of ~omla. In and for the firm Ia eompolled of the follow-quartermuter waman, aboard For the purpose of holding aald Couny of Oranp, and to an.wer lnl penons, wboee namec ln tuU the USS Mount Olympua, .on of election. thtl election aball be the eomplalnt tllenln wtthln ten and placet of residence are u Mr. and MJ;s, Robert J. Brlep ot and It La hereby ordered conaoll- da)'8 after the .ervice OD you ot. follows, to-wtt· 1962 Fullerton Ave. and Gene v . dated with the School Trustees th1a •am"''Ne It erfed within Wllllam B. rer 308 HeJt. Bomar, ..man, of UN5 Tldt1n Election called by thll Board for tiM CoulltJ' ol Ore.ftp. • wttlaln otrope. C.C.Ona ~ Ca11t Ave.. aboard tbe attadl tra~ the Newport Harbor UnJon Rich ~ ..,. M _.... * &...._.. a..rs. R W_.;ud.. 230 port USS BQtJelcl. The traln!na Scbool Dlatrict. whJch election u4 JO'I .,. ........, 1llat -'-fWut. klhoa. WaD4 caJ.Ifom1a. ....a. hu man than 50 u.s. sball be beJel oa t.be ame date J'OG .0 appeu u4 ._. u Wtme. their ha.n4ll tll.la 22M ,_.. n.t tlllllll ... -. II)Cil : .... NQcdNd. a.. plalatm will day ot. Karch lB. ... ~ c.mbat .... tUt notlce ct. aJd 'l"ru..lee. J:lee. take ,.....,.,_,. b any IDOM1 or WIU.IAJi B. JI'EBGUSON from the Second lnf&ntr7 Dtv1- damaa-dema.nde4 In the Com-CHARLES N. WOODWAlln. alan tnvolwd.. tlon wU1 be pubu.bed ln THE plalnt. u art.llna upon contraet. ENSIGN at least o~ a week • will apply to tbe Court tor an)' State of Callfomla. County ol L&GAL •ona for t.h.ree eon.secutlve weeka prior other relief demanded In the Oranp, a No. A ~ 436 to aald election. which Notice Is complaint. On this 22nd day ol March. lfOTJCE TO caEDITOD h~by referred to for the destr Given under m.)' band and •al A.D. 1955. before me, Tbomu E. ESTATE OF Helen Crow Hall. nation of election precincts and ot the Superior Court ot the Heffernan, a Notary PublJc ln abo known as Helen C. Hall D& the names of election ?Ulcers to Cowlt:1 Of Ora.np. SC,te. ct. Call· and for the aald County and CEASED. conduct this election. tomta. thla 30th daJ ct. Novem-State. re~ldlnc therein, duly com-N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to The returns of satd election ber 1954. mJ..toned and .worn, pereonally the creditors of and all penons wUl be ~vassed by the Go,·ern • B J SKITB appeared William B. Ferguaon having claims aralnst the said tng Board on the :Uth day of County Clerk and Oerk of• the and Charles N. Woodward known decedent or aatd estate to rue May. 1955. at the hour of 1 ::>0 Supert« Court of the State of to me to be the penons whose them with the necet.Sal)' vouch· o'clock P.M. Calltomla. In and tor the Coun'Y ~ are aubscrtbed to the ers In the office of the Clerk of m WITNESS WHEREOF, we ot. Orange wlthln ln.ltrur'oent, 11nd aclmowl· the Superior Court of the County have hereunto set our hands this By Lellle ·J. McCartney, Deputy. edged to me that they executed o.f Oranre. State of C&lllornta, or 28th day of February. 1955. (Seal Superior Court the aame. In wltneu whereol, I to preaent the same, with the R. R. Ring Oran County) have hereunto .et my hand and necessary voucher&. to the under. Zoe Rae Barlow ~ BeUeman 6 Soden, atflxed my oftlctal seal the day aJgned at his or her place of Donald 1. Dodre Attorney for Plaint:ltf. and year In tb1a Cattflcate first business. to-wit: 1. L. Steffensen Mr. Leach, a retired engineer. died March 28 en route to Hoac Memorial Hospital atter a abort Ulneu. He wu a native of Lon. don, Enrland, and came to Costa Mesa eight years aro. Surv1von; are h is wlfe. M.ra. SJmonne A. Leach. and a nlne-y~ar-old son, Michael. GIFI'S OF GOOD TASTE D ... f!M'd -.1 ...._ at Y22.r accounc earns INTEJlEST at chr currmc rae~ of }\1% a yat. ~ savtnp an saf~ 1 Each acrounc is tnswtd ro $10.000 by an Agency of rM l'mtt'd Sum Go~mmmt SAV.OS ACCOUNl:. O'INID aT YHl 1 cmt Of lMI MONTH LUH f1IOM 1'MI 1ST. ...,.,,. «r~~n••' Ad~: 251!5 E. Cout mchway, above written. 3429 E. Coast Highway, Corona M~mbers of the Governing C.C.Ona del Mar, CallfomlL THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN. d~l Mar, Callf. Board of NEWPORT HARBOR Tel h • H bor 1!535. My eommlsalon expires June 24, within slx montl:u after the first UNION mc;H SCHOOL DISTRICT ep one. ar 1955. publication of thls notice. Publlsh Much .,.. 3 prU Publl.ab: Mar. 3-Aprll 21lncl. Publish: March 31, April 7, 14. 21 Dated March 14. 1955. In the ~ewpott H:bor ~gn. 7 ~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiii ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. DAVID D. HALL Adminlst:rator of the Estate LEGAL WOTlCES LEOAL lfOTJCE of saJd d~ent. lfOTJCE OF mD C&IITD'ICAft OF ausDfESS A. K. Phelps Notice Is hereby given that the ncuu..a Plna ·--attorney at law Boar~ of Trustees of the Orange THE UNDERSIGNED does here-3429 E. Coast Rt1hway Coast Jr. College Distrlct of Or by cert1ty that he Ls conductJnr Corona del Mar, C&llf. ange County, Callfomla. will N!· a BuUdinl Supply business at Publish: March 17.24. 31. April 7 cetre bids up to 2:00 P.M~ April 280 s. Cypress, Oranre. Callfor. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. 22. 1955 at the office of said nJa. under the ftctitJous firm LEGAL lfOTJCE school district. located at 19951 1171 .... .,..,. .... c... ...... c. ,. I I)' 14efl ....... ,... ·-.,..-,.. ..... c--... ........ .,.__ ~ v 1 B lldln Pro-So. Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. name 0~ 0 ume u 1 •o. A.J5.54I Callf.. at which time aald bids j~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.i , LOCAL AGJ:ln' ducts and that aald 'tlrm Is com. lfotkle o1 ....._ of htlttaa fw wliJ be opened for one only BR.UCE· MARTIN am-u.-•-UFE t'm NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA~ pollfed of the follOWinl penOn ........ of WW -.1 ._ Bridgeport '!\arret Mllllnr Ma-~;O;r;"ie&ii: ;;;a.~~~~~~"iiiiii.iiiiiiii•i•iiiUbertYi;ii~8i·508:iii3; whoee name ln tull and place ol ~..etten 'IW' ••twr· chlne. with Modell (1 H.PJ at· residence are as follows, to-wit: In the Superior Court of the tachment with ftftlcal power ~bert Alfred DJer. 5C» Pom.ettla. State ot Calltornla ln and tc. the feed to qutu plus asaorted at. COrona del M~. CallfomJa. County of Oraqe. taC!hmenta. Sped.tlcatlons may WJm.a my hand th1111th day In the matt« ot the estate ot be MCUJ'ed 1n the omce of th.e ot. March. 1~ RALPH W. CO'niA.RD. cteeeued. Alit. Su.pt. ln Olarp o1 Busi- ROBEitT A. DIER. Rotke • hereby rtYf'n that the .,_, Tbe OwDer fliHftl the State ol Callfwn1a. County of petition ot W1LLlAM A. COT-prtvUqe o1 ~ any and all ()ra.qe, a BABD tot the probate ol the WW bleb or to walw any lrftlularl· On thla tab day ot llaJds.. ot. the aboft na.med deeedent tJee or tnfonDalldee 1n any blcl ~Won me, a Rotary Public and tor the 1.-aance ol Lettaw or tn the WM'QC. Ia aact fof Mid countY and ltate, 'l"e.tamentary eo tbe petltioMr Adv. Marcb 11 ud April 7. 11155 rilllftnl tMn1n. c1ul,y c:ommJ.I. wUI be heai'CI al 10 o'dodt A.M. Opeft: Apft1 22. 2:00 P.K. .... ud ...a. penonaJ.ly a»-oa April a I-. at the eourt Slped: ,..... ~ A. DMr. lmown to roocn ol ~t t ot. the a. H. fi!JJ::d()J( .. to .......... .._ ...... IQefttl?' Oourt ot the State ot • Sec:ntar7 II R'-rlbed to tiM wilMa a.. C .. ahtamJa Ia ud b the Count)' Boerc1 oa '~ A·l PLUMBING USC~.'''"' ... .. ~Mt£1111M ........ . ........ ant. aM .......... [ .... to of ()ran ... .. ~t 1M _N._. tM IUIIII. Date Marcil D. US. .......... Wut A& Wits• • ....... .,..., .. '-All'l1l. iwiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..a. IIAft A. IIAAPA. 0Du1rt7 Cle7 . ...., ,..... Ia _.. b _.. Bua oil. ......,. .. • 8odet\. CWill» tilld .... ..._,. llr Nttllaw• • ., c 3 $ ....... hl1 .... OMit ..... .,. .. ... 0.... ....... caulilnla. Pd"?z--...a&A~t~~T,M. N' .. :.,.... M.IL AlfG t l---~=~~=~=~!!~!~=~=~-...... Jia. t1111 ••s • ......_ad~'} ra a. •=-...._ n ,.. • I Aa~~t .• .,.~ ....... ..._ ...... ftlt cc ............. ,_ ..._ .. .,_ mo.-a-. t a .._. .,....__ Merdwlnts' PIITEITifE 1111111 JIAUBALLS GET GIBL A daughter, Brenda Kay, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall of 212~ Opal Ave., Bal. boa bland, on Monday, M a«:h 21, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. PAJJITDfCS OW DISn.AT Paintings and drawings by Joan Irving Brandt, Corona del Mar artist, are now on exhibit at tbe Orange Coast College Art Center Gallery. Frlendl7 Retrbborbood Service Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Former11 Grauel Chapel 110 Broodway u I-3G3 • 8-3&11 Collta ..... NOW ... TWO BAL'n MORTUARIES ~ tbe Harbor Area, Boltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE st\ -... 352> E. Cout HJahway eon... del ,., Boltz Mortuary Uberty 8·2121 1'7b 1: SUperior, ec.ta Meu. AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCA110NS INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrrn STANLEY INSURANCE AGEN<!"f Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Hla:hway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty S. 7315 Elsie NarHI'oup's YARN SHO THE HORACE • • • HILL TOP MARKET The Biggest Little Store in Newport Now Under New Management Ella Sherili-New Owner The Same Friendly Service OPEJf 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. 486 If. lfewport aJYd. Liberty B-IJD2 On the CROSSROADS STRIP IN CVHn'AHT US1 rt Sll'llllfl~. WllrNI, CUM Oll'fCIAU A.-rAifl ·--~ ... --.,._ .. ..._ \ TH1 INSIIN. -1114 ... ......... -we._. ..... ....,._, s"le ..... . .. ........... ~ ......... ... .-y. J..e wn. t. .. 111 ie tur • _ .. _~_,...,.. .... . ..... ~~ ....... . ... ........ ., ..... ,. .... - • I ITI'!,F~' !" M. TitS NEXT TiME ~OtJ RID£ ME -<ol~ .•• CHICK fOI YOIISilf. You'll. 11ree lhlitlht driver is friendly, the serviee is efficient tnd titfte. savinr. and the roomy Metro coach offers •n opportunity to relax. Passenger comfort is an all-important part of Metro's service. A tot.l of 265 new, smart buses will have been added to the Metro fleet by sumt11tf ... and there are more to come. A real treat is in store for anyone who his not yet ridden in one of these new Metio'~. with its air-suspension smoothness, and its host of new idl!as in seating, lilfhling, interior fittings and ventilation. METROPOLI'l!AN COA'CH LIMES SerlinC m: coaW-.iu. fa 1M ~ Onnoo.-...a .... ~..........: ''" M•IJ'O ,...., ;.,.,...,;.,, IIIII HArbor 4 • ~~~~~~ BY~~ e TD GOLDa LAJm Apple Valley lJul wu the acl- Br·t·l'-r! That ley cate that dreM. We found thn both, 10 blew over the Southla.nd last anxioua to make us eomfortable week-end wu no acclc1ent. You'd that we fofJOl. the ooid wtnd.t ot neova ,ueu the real eau.e of it. Saturday. TbeAr ha.pltallty all Give up? Well. you eee, Mamma but neutralised Mamma'• de.ert C. Q. and I made our recular hex_· On Sunday, the wind died spnnc ..rart to the deeert. .to a centle wb.lsper, the aky wu It happens e"Yf!!IY time. It rained blue, the aun wu kind to m,y on our l1rat two vlalta to Palm arthritis. and lack Watson pro- Springs. 'nle thlrd tri,p produced ceeded to abow ua the eolden a •nd 11tonn that beat an)'thlnc land. We were properly amazed. I e'Yft weatha'ed In Ubya. ·Th& e An'LU '100 flnt t1me we llhowed up at '!'Wen· Untll now, I had never been ty-nine Palma, it anowed. On Sat-a~ to picture apple tree. 1n a urday, II amID a produce4 a de!M!I't. tllcured the apple as a ~wtuumny. It wu our lint ~altOI"a col.ten ~cc that had appearance In the aol6en land of been laid tn aome t..o. Angeles Apple Valky. • o8lce. lade proved to us that It'a a tlbaroe to penallze such Apple Valley had apples, or ap- pleuant. ho.plt•ble foUta. but pte trees. at leut. Down alone Mamma Jut doea thlnp llke t.h1a the tJata that border the upside to deeer1 weather. She can't help down Mojave River, clear, cool ll Some j:lay, perhapa. the epm. watet' from artesian wella made blned Chambers of Commeoree ot many a geyser. The fields were all the deaert apu may find lt ereen and the apple trees were helpful to put • 111'1all awn in In bud. It wu a st.rlklng con. escrow annually and pay Mamma trut to the Joshua tr~ on the to CO to Hawaii, Mexico or Cata. htllaldes, ready to bum Into llna in the sprtq. whJte bloom. e ASK roa JACK But the most Interesting thlnC Aa the C.Q. ranch wacon ar-we aaw wu the ranch of a man rived among the joshua trees. we named Stoddard Jess. We didn't remarked that we dictn't know a meet him. but we wlsh we had. single 80ul In all of Apple Val-He seemed to hlve rome about ley. But. thanlu to a trtend, we as cloee to perpetual motion on ha~ a name, and an address. the never endlnc drcle aa any. Jack W•ooo wu the name. The thing we bad witnessed. Stoddard Jess bas developed A n:a a a a a a a a a tilfJlJJill1TJ tllll1f.l7.0Cu1 crop rotation Into a masterpiece .APORT ,?%.,/. CORONII .JF£ MAN·n.U :: ~I HI !1 of ranchJng. Take it from this bug-eyed reporter, it's the llrat tlme I had ever heard of rotatJnc crops of turkeys, alfalfa, cattle, corn, and-of all thlng~trout! IIW SIIWJII CBetcha' ya thought we weren't golng to flnd any fish In Apple 'l1le loftU..t of -aida Valley.) -PI~ e W1IEEL OF FOIIT17IfE Maybe Stoddard Jess coined the name, "the Golden Land.,. for Apple Valley. After you've aen b1t aet.up, yoy'll know that there'• plnt7 of aold tn tl\6 wa,. ten ot tbe MoJue River, bom of the rneltlnc IDOW'I ol Arrflw. bead and Big Bear. The endless circle begins wtth this water ... Some years ago, Jess cave twenty acres to the State of Call. fornla for a trout h atchery. All he asked In return wu the water that ran away from the hatch. ery. To him, It wasn't juat water. It was liquid fertilizer. It made tu. altalta and corn crow faster and J.:lcher. His beef cattle grew heavy on the high nitrogen con- tent alfalfa. His turkeys ate the 00111 and thrived. And alter a tlme, he moved the turkey pens. and an~ther crop ot alfalfa spranc from the heavily fertll. lzed soil. e DDEJIT B.ADf.OWS "Tiflll'l •••• .,...,., Then Stoddard Jess construct. ed trout lakes-a whole chain of them. He stocked them with rainbows. When the turkeys- (Contlnued on Page 12> A T IN BOX IS ALL RIGHT IN .ITS PLACE ~~ownu. a tiD box in our Safe Depoeit Vault 1a cWrcreot. It rata leCW'e in ita steel compa.rbbent ~~-double loeb. Nobo4F CD -It It but ,.. ~ dlle reat111 ata..,es ~ a few cadi a week. Your b:J to a boa Ia our ..at II Wllitlac f« JO'I. Come laiOGIL * . Dies Aboard Disabled Boat Ruvey Roeerr. about 67, of Norwalk, suffered a fatal heart attack aboard the boat Tubby Saturday afternoon while the dls. abled boat was betnc towed lnto Newport Harbor by the boat Lady Lynn, operat~ by Allen Albee of Norwalk. The Tubby left Newport Har. bor about 6:30 a .m. Satu.rday to flsh In the area ot the Capts. trano Pier. Due to rough sea and no flah thoee aboard decided to come in about 10 a .m.. Others aboard Included Donald J. Fisch- er and C. W. Hart Jr .. of Norwalk. and Donald H. Smith Jr. of Ar· tesla.. . At 10:30 a.m. the Tubby was hit by a big wave whJcb knocked the front windshield out. letting the water continually splash lnto the boat. This calded the tc.rtlfton system to get wet. The motor quit running about 11 a.m. The Lady Lynn took the Tubby In tow. The tow line broke abol.ft 10 minutes later and Mr. Rogers suf. fered the nrst attack about that time. His companJons admtnla. tered his nitro glycerine tablets and his conditwn improved unW be wu affllcted wlth another at- tadl which caused hla death. Newport pollee reported. The body was removed to Baltz Mor· tuary, Corona del Mar. n.owa noa&AII .A procram on flower arranp STOP AT ...a w1..l1 be ..-ented toniJbt The Arches ____ ...... .....,.....,. ____________ .......,_...__... (1'1aurecs.yl at the Buatne. and (Cciath •II 6.-Pace 10) e UTVD&Y. A.a. I Protealo1141 Women'a Club din· e JIOIIDAY, ••.-• WW ltroQa of 211 ad 8t.. ner meetlnc to be held at the "Your Ro.t to tiM POUCE ILOIIB B1D 11e0a. f. of 8 Emerald Jll..,_. ~ rtpCII'Wd t.Mtbeft Jllewpol't Harbor Yacht Club. Cout Slnee 1J1:1r Ave... Balboa.......,.., .. bit by a o1 a box o1 ~ aooa. ft.l. FIJ~E •ooea .,, .,_,.by w Cart~ o( 1Md at suo. froaia ._..... m .A ·G .A ~'C" COCKTAJLI 211 Apte Aw., a.Jboa Island; Ave.., aaJbcNI ••• OllloiN db-~ ~1"'11111111 ~ COAST tMHWAY AT the dol wu quarantined . . . pene4 a poup ol -.,.......,._a Your Pamny a.taurant ~~ .. ............. t. down th (a-d 'htld~) ·---· -~ ---wa e dlllturbaace by p}Qtq ball ln ISU • ,._ ..--. liQJIN VD.PII F ..U lllot at tbe •trance ol tbe t.be an., tn the ....., of 1752 --mpowut '' -... -,-- Jfewpcwt IMela Uk&.f7, Balboa. l'!ua del Jllcrte. Balboe ... ..._ ~_.,!;-~!!I•;!!Cw;;•~clti;~M;•~~!!!~~!;;~;-~~!!!!!~ ~ • n\IIBber ol boola aeU Botterworth ol •• Cblna r and Ooodlnc tbe floor • . . Cove. .reported a .aeec. dT&ln~v. ' • 'I'VDDAY, ..,__.. .. • ott. cau.a!J\c a M!rloua hazard Tllculll YOU neoar h1t home . . . C. 8. Kemper Otftcen broke up a JI'OUP of ol U8 47th St., Newport Buch. from 2!5 to 30 Jtlvenlde boys reported the lo.8 Of a coekateel cau.atn• a d.l8turbance in the area . . . Mrs. w. E. loll.uon of 304 of lJl11 E4,ewatet Ave., Balboa Amethyst Ave., Balboa Island. . . . Six Juvenlle boys, dJtchlnc reported the loss of a wallet con achool from Pacl.Oc Hlch School, talntnc more than $50 In cash San Bernardino, were released to aom ewhere In the area of Corona return to school alter reparted del Mar and Balboa Island . . . drlvlne reckJee.Jy at 1>" St. and A Pasadena youth reported see. Balboa Blvd., Balboa · · · Victor inc a heavy buUt man throw a G. Inelott, 39, of 116 Vla Ithaca, brief case and another object lJdo Isle, w.., arrested on a wrapped In paper of1 the Udo drunk drlvlnc chup at Newport ble bridge . . . ottlcers were Blvd. and Coast Hwy., Newport asked to watch for an old man Beach . · . re,ortect sJ~plng in a bedroll e WEDXUDAT, IIA.al 10 Thomas Woodward. business manager for Newport Beach ele· mentary achoola, reports the theft of a $135 power edge from the bed of a truck parked outside the rear of the school bus ga. rage at Horace Etdlgn School ... under kayaks at 19th St. and Bay Front. Newport Beach ... Otflcera were asked to eheck on a group of kids reportedly drink- inc beer in the yard-at 201 June tbyst Ave~ Balboa ltJand ... A 50-foot section of plutic gar den hose was atolen from his yard, R. D. McGrqor of 219 VI• e TBlJD DAT. IIIUlCB 31 Ravenna. Lido lale, reported ... For the Flowers, the Greetings and the wonderful reception given us during our Grand Openln •. -Mra. Lucla Noeen7.0 u camu UQUDII SHe East Coat Bwy. at IICII'9'Derlt. C.... ~ .._ e DeU-..y Serriee. BA DIU NOW OPEN ••• NANA'S Mexican Foods OPEJr EVEft DAT 11 A.M. "TTL 7 P.M. s.r.taw • .,......_ Kleetloa Of M..sa.. IMd W ..._a-t • ._ hotrttre. T..-s-T41q111.___T......_ ·-·"" ..... ...sF ...... a-ric&. Hal Wilson of Hollywood re-Three men engaged In a fight at ported kJds driving a bopped up Ernie's Cafe. 435 N. Newport ' ' B I• car on th& sidewalk on the Ocean Blvd., Newport Beach, broke a an s ow llg Front at B St., Balboa. and near-front window but were cone ly ran over h im; pollee cb.arced when otflcers arrived · · · Cars the driver for tour In the front driven by Jessie H. Stewart of •• •0 seat . . . Robert 1... Humphreys Orange and George W. Davts of IIWIJII of 3111 Edgewater Ave .. Balboa. San Diego were involved In an reported boya sleeping under accident at Coast Hwy. and Mar IICIIaldap 1 P.ll. to ClciUIMJ . boats on the lett side of the pier CUerite Ave~ Corona del Mar. at W..U .. &ky 1~10 P.M. to ao-ta9 at the foot of Fernando St .. Bal 2 p.m. · · · Officers were asked Scrt. & a-. ALL DAT & WlCBT boa, makJng quite a bit of noise to check a house at 217 Arne * AVTOXATIC PllfSPO'iiLIIS * and breaJdna bottles In the vi thyst Ave .. Balboa Island, which •oa ···~no-ClfE ... ,. __ ... ld h ~ ...... . n~ 7'01 SUPUJOa AYL dnlty; the boys were never owner Herbert ~ sa e rent u.Di I COSTA IIUA around during the day ... A ed to some girls and arne down !j~~~~~~~~iiiii~~~iiiii~~iii:~iiiiii:~~ prowler reported at the home of today and found about 20 or 30 I -·-- Mza. Roger Hope ol 211 Dahlia boys in with the girls afld was Ave.. Corona del Mar. w .. s bt: told by neighbors that they were lleved to be a cat in the weed<~ having wUd parties ... A car ... Officers were alerted by Dar driven by William R. Lakin of win Tate of Corona del Mar to San Diego ran Into the rear of watch tor a possible gang fight a car driven by Leigh A. Wiener on Balboa Is land between River. of Los Angeles stopped at a stop side and Newport hli:h school sign at G St. and Balboa Blvd .. students ... Sharon Jack!(-•n. 2. Balboa. at 2:20 p. m .... Wesley of 107 24th St., Newport Beach. Brackney of Santa Ana com found at 22nd St. and Ocean plalned that he was the victim Front. Newport Beach. w a • ol a hJt and run accident at ftos. broucht to the .tation, where her sl's Cafe. Coro~ del Mar. by a FU zo * BALBOA * • lather. WaJt.t71adtaon. pl&eG e.r ~·• .1 r .._ bet' up ... om.cers found two ••• Five juvenlles causinK a dt.s- botUes smashed In the street turbanoe at 303 Cypre. Ave .. Bal· after Mrs. Gayle Foster of 414 boa, at 5:15 p.m. were gone on lfOTICE OF 1'1nLIC BEA.aDIC: 38th St.. Newport Reach. heard arrival of officers · · · J. ~-Hines the sound of breaking glass of 1344 W. Bay Ave . Ne-wport. I SaLIS.. reported the theft of a $400 cam e FJlJDAT. A.PaD. 1 era from his car. possibly in Co Officers warned the owne!' of rona del Mar . . Sam Miller of OD .... lle of aaJhoa"' OJfLT Notl~ Is hereby e1ven that the Plannlne Commls.slon of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearlnc on the appJica. tlon of Constance Burnham for a variance, No. 222. to permit a comer parcel with a forty foot frontace on Balboa Blvd. and 41 · 000 square feet in area. subdlvld· ed by metes and bounds In the year 1946 by a previous owner, to be recognized as a legal build- Ing site. The City Code requires a width ot 50 feet and a n area of 5,000 square feet fur a ll corner lots subdivided after August 2. 1943 In the Balboa Peninsula two collie dop reported barking 114 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. re ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ continually near 2110 E. Ocean. ported two boys ittempted to r Balboa ... OWcen picked up a steel some clothes ott his clothes bicycle abandoned at 204 S. Bay line and left headed toward Nev.• area. The parcel ls located on the southwe-t corner of Balboa Blvd. and "F" Street. at 1327 East Balboa Blvd. Notice Is hneby further given that said public hearlng will be held on the 21st day ol April. 1955, at the hour ot 7:30 p.m. In the Councll Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at whlcb time and place any and all persom Interested may ap- pear and be heud thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Plannlne Commiulon Front, Balboa Island . . Cars port In a black con~rtlble .. driven by Charles W. O'Carr'lll. A hit and run car damagPd thl" 57, of Monterey Park and GrorgP bumper of his car. Frank Mara I R. Hei{ler, 32, of 278 VIrginia Pl.. bella Jr. ol Corona reported . .' . Costa Mesa. were Involved In an Th<' at'rlal was brokt'n off h.-r accident at thE.' 19th St. parking car by someone. Mrs. R. 1... Bean lot. Newport Bt>ach . . Two of 201 Jade Ave .. Balboa Island. juvenllt' boys trom Norwalk and reported ... Officers ronfl scated one from WhlttiPr were removed a quantit)'o( beer from a car oc trom the 40 foot nilboat. IX>s cupied by a group of minors from tiny. moored oft Coronado St.. San Bernardino who denied own Balboa. where they wt>re allegrd ership .. A group of boys w~r ly tearing a canvas Two hub reported causing a disturbanC't' caps were stolen from his car. at 8:18p.m. by beatlne on a wall P. W. Caharters of VIlla Marina next to 356 E. Alvarado St . Bal reported ... Firewood valued at boa ... A group of boys brokP S7 was stolen from hl'r wood I a pot on her property. Mrs. H~len locker In small amounts over the Park of 123 Diamond Avt> B.al past few weeks. Mrs. Vera Mun hoa Island. reported ... Cather son of 654 Via Udo Nord. Lido l ine Wellman ol Balboa Island lsle. reported ... Adeline Recesso I \'isillng at 217 Diamond Ave .. ot 212 Cypress Ave .. Balboa. re. Balboa Island. reported at 9:10 ported the theft of a S35 flre ex p.m. boYs stormed Into the house tJnguisher trom outside the and when they left her $40 port building at that address . . . able radio was missing . . A Humane Otncer Georee Myers telephone recelvt!r was found by lfOTICE OF PvaLIC u •ama advised not disturbing a bull officers on patrol at Bayside Dr snake found In the yard of Mrs. and Marine Ave .. at 9:30 p.m .... Notice ls hereby cJven that the W. P. Armat.ronC of 287 Evening A Glendale juvenile boy, 16, RAy Plannlne Commlulon ot the Ct~ 1 f N rt Be h will h ld a Canyon Rd .• Shore Cliffs. as the mond W. Reld Jr., 18 and Conn e 0 ewpo ac 0 snake was harmless and would Mac:Canon. 18. both of La Cres ploublk:r ~art lnLg odn thfe appllarlca-'klll cophers and other poisonous centa. and Donald B. Click. 18. of t n ° .,... c un een or a v · snakes . . . Edwln H. Ketchum Glendora were arrested on ance .. No. D). to permJt a three of 340f w. <>ce.n Front, Newport charces of tlghtlnc a t Washing (3l foot front setback for a cor-Beach, reported the theft ot a too St. and Bay Ave .. Balboa, at net addition to an existing dWell· bicycle from the sidewalk in t :!58 p.m. ..• 8oya ~ causing lnr havinc • aetbaek. of three front of his home . . . OUicoen • dlsturb•nce talk!~ to glru at f..t on Onyx Ave. A front yard were unable to locate four boys 914 E. Ocean Front. Balboa, at .tbKJc of leftft C7 > feet ta re-reported thtowl"-bottle. trom a 11 ~ p.m. but were cone wben qulrtcl by Dtlltrtct Map No. 14 bluff onto tM hlJhway at 3939 oftlcers arrtwd ... Donald 1.ar and Stctloa 11CII3.25 (a) of tbe w. Coast JIW7 .. ftf'WpOf't ~ch 80n ot South Gate. Cary 8ew18k CJty Code. on Lot 28. Bloclc 20. ..• 1\IVo Juven.Ue boys. from hJ of La(una Bnd\ and Donald A. 1'rll« 8alboa r.la.nd Section 3. tenon and La Habra. W'ft'f! Rockllffe of Ga.nlell ~ _... an4 Joe» ... at 101 On7x Ave. ch.,.ed wtt1a petty theft at 10:28 Involved in a minor pr~ lfotkle II ........, fwtb• lh'a p.m. tor al~ ta.kinl a row cSa.lua'e acdclftt l.a float ol tM t MJd pubUc IMeJ1fta will. be boat w1tllout tiM owner' a per. CctoDa del Ma.r All A.awtcan t..ld on tbe 21ll dq of ~ mi8Jon ••• Two JOUJ\1 ~ too Marttet at u:.as p. m. ... ~ ~ at tM ..,_ "''t-..30 p.IIL JD bdDaieat.ed • book. went lodiM •t 11& ancl U&" GuDet Aft .. a.e OoUndl a..-. of tiM Into JaU at U :to p.a •.. t.. & ......_ 1llaM. ... .tlrlted b)' ... pwt .._. at,)' R&D. at llulitl'. 11. aDd I . a. Mll.l«. U. t.-omc.. at ll:SS P.. a. ..._ wlallll time aDd plaoe ~ ud ef 1M Anp1ea an4 1. W. O.am. eoftftlla.te4 aM Ute ..._ and au ,. ._ ..... ..,. • ...., 11. of lloee.-allo .,.. ..,... • 11 01 .-. .....,.. ant Ju· .... llli4l ... -.....t ......... U.Y Y. OOii'IUK. ~ ....._. at U:S ...._ Oft ciW'Jea wnlle boJ!I ~MD ~ .._. Rwwp:cwt ..... c:::.r et ..._ Ja 'I I I SS• tl alro-..,.. a.nd Ctrfqk ... e-. ... ........ 0 ><• ceoou a ..... 12~ , '"SPA.Df• A ODloi'-FlbD -rnr..loCJu .. MCIIICSay 1:.10. AnD. 11 CLD'POit.D lLUJIEif. Narrator 'the spectacular Pyrenees and MedlterranPan roast-Madrid. the Alhambra. luxurious re sorts. Anl1alu"1a and Castile. Thf' people-. rount;ry!llde and ln. dustrir.; NEWPORT HIGH SCBOOI,-Pric» S.&0. .to. 1.25. 1.50 f kkets .\t COM Tra\'t'l BurPau. 3542'' E. Coast Highway, eorona cit' I MM. tht> BcxJkcase. 3416 V1a Lido. Ne-wport Beac:-h; Box Ofh<'<'. night or film .• FiDe food ••• coclda:U ba:r ••• OoM ahcnn atptly ... ..a.o daDc:i.D9 to the muaic of t.be ~ o.ca. NCOr'd.lD9 artillta. £art to get to tzom lf~CII'bcx ~ •P llebor 8mi.. tuna npt OIDto · 101. tiMe tu. rt91at-,_top aood a qtooCUta ol a ladMr-.. 10171 U. S. .-wT. 101 --AWAREDI UiitOifE S.... (0ontlnue4 ttom t•a,.ll) 9t. ud Balboa Blvd., Newport e IVJIDAY, AJIIIIL I 8Mda. RartJnc a t1re: ._. ot 1'hl'ee mtnol' and Juvenll• boJa the 1ftUn bunwd • . . 'Jbree or char,ed with ~·lon of alco-four bo,a alept In a laundry hoi were turned over to alcohol room o n the tint fioor Of 1301 E. con trol ottlcen of the ltate at 1 Balboa Blvd.. Balboa, and diet a .m . • . . 1'blee Lone Beach Ju -not hav. ~n to lta,y than venUe boys wen held for curf.w • . • 1. C. JCltk of lOCM Oak St., vlolatlon ... Spencer Murphy of eo.ta Meaa, ~ that hJ.t P uactena reported the theft of a c:oncealon on the end ot the Bal. $400 camera from hla boat boa Phr wu entered by a bur&· moored at Balboa Marina . . . Jar who took 15 ln chanre and Robert s. Sessa. 19, of Burbank candy and cJearet.a valued at was arrested In front of 3244 E. U5.06 . . . Theodore Robtn. l r. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, at of 3100 W. Cout Hwy., Newport 12:20 a.m. charged with posses-Beach, reported a car ha d been slon of two slx-packl of beer . . . st olen; lt wu found lat~r by of. Sleepers ln an auto parked be· tlcen tn the rear of 118 Marine tween Larkspur Ave. and Mar-Ave., Balboa Ialand ... Mrs. l . D. guerlte Ave .• ori Ocean Blvd., eo. McKalaon ot 925 E. Ocean Front. rona del Mar, were aw ak ened Balboa, found two llfe preserver and sent on their way at 7:06 cushlona and a curved metal rod a.m .... s~ l ohn Bloom report· from the smashed section of a ed lnjurln& hls knee on an open amall boat. believed to be the steel file drawer ln pollee head· sn ipe from which three· men quarters at 8 a.m .... Howard were rescued Sunday after Jt Fisher, 2603 Newport Blvd., New-sank . . . Three boys and two port Beach, asked officers to &lrls, all juvenUes, were chareed watch for klds foollnl with a wtth tllegal entry after belne sign In front of his place ot bust. found In a house a t 302 Cor-al n ess ... A window was broke n Ave., Balboa Island ... TWo La tn the Newport Beach Grammar Crescenta boys, each 17, Wfte School, believed to be the result charged wlth possession of an of a malicious act . . . Officers alcoholic bev~rag~ when arrest. were asked to watch tor a Man. ed in the 100 block of Colllna h attan juvenile boy runa way be· Ave .• Balboa I.sland, at 1:35 a.m. lleved in thls a rea ... The aew· ... A power lawn edg~r reported er departm ent was notlfled of a stolen from Hor ace Enslen School sewer overflowing In th~ rear of was found covered with cut erua 324 Marine Ave.. Balboa Island and tumbleweed on the sJde of . . . OUicers quieted a family ar-the cllft area of Newport Harbor gument ln the 200 block Abalone Lutheran Church by Richard Ave., Balboa Island ... Adam Hall, 11, of 510 Tustin Ave., New- Koser, 62, of Los Angeles suf. port Heights ... tered a mild heart attack near o:e 8 M E H i M M I M +;+ M M M 8 i 8 the Newport Pier fishing dories but did not w ish a doctor . . . Douglas Melton Bowler. 15, of 1307 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island, w as taken to H o a g Memorial Hospital after he appare ntly stepped on a stingray ln China Cove at 1 :35 p.m .... A car drlv en by Joh n P. Ch est er of 1614 E. • ' ' ' ' ' •:•:•:• ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Balboa Blvd., Ba lboa, hit a ped. (Continued from Page 11) estrlan s lgq at Sixth St. and Bal and the beef-are dressed for ma rket, the waste ls ground and pressed Into drted peUets of trout food. The trout get thelr vitamins from the tons ot fish ing worms that Jess raises. You guessed It! He ral~ them In boa Blvd., Balboa ... A Santa Rosa girl, 14, was placed In pro. t ectlve custody ln Orange County Juvenile Home as a possible de llnquent after allegedly being found Intox icated a t 2 a.m .... Terry Pa rker, 11. of 319 Flower St., Costa Mesa, was tak en to a doctor by his mother after suffer. tng a ba dly cut foot near 15th St. a nd Balboa Blvd, a t 2 :40p.m. ...... ,.'111 .... of ... ..-lcle st<-er manure. Every once 1n a while, whe n th e bottom of one ot hls lakes Ja heavy wtth tro ut wute, he runa the water into another lake, tbe baDt~Mlen co tn an4 pallb countles.a tona of well-teoltil soU for more corn. more alfalfa. more beef, more turkeys, more worms a nd-more trout. No won. d<'r they call It the golde n land. Fresh rainbow trout bring a buck a pound. reported the theft of hla aut omo- bUe from 24th St. and Ocean Front. Newport Beach, keys ha v lng been lett In the vehicle ... A s mall row boat, the Candy Kid, owned by Mrc;. Constance Apllne or llollywood. was stolen from a mooring a t 305~ Grand Canal. Ba lboa Is land, som e tlmt' • IM-AXD OUT In the last two days ... A minor Jack Watson drove us back to property dam age accident oc the Apple Valley Inn. There. ln curred between ca rs drlvPn by the grt'at dining room thP n igh t Ha rry Trebley or 444 Ca br illo Ter bt'fore. we ha d eate n tht' best race. Corona High lands, and John turkpy dinner ever. The turkey J. Ramsey of Santa Ana ... A was fresh from t he ,.;nc•hos of pair of fenders valut'd at S25 Stoddard Jess. W e're going back were stole n from hjs rar during latN for the trout. By then, will t he night, I. o. G<>rry ot 31 1 Cor havt! a la ke wh ere you can catch onado St .. Balboa. rt>ported J u vt'nlle boys reportt'd dr inking on the beach In front ot 4507 Sea s hort' Dr., Nl"WJ)Ort Beach. wert' gone when otrlcers arrived ... Cars driven by J udy M. Creme! of Colton, OIM' 0 . Doan. 215 Ma rlne Ave.. Ba lboa Is lanrl and Ja mPs H. Massey ot San Diego were Involved In a three car ac cldent at MacArthur Bl vrl. anrl Gold t'nrod Avt', Corona dc>l Ma r. at 6:30p.m ... Mrs. R. C. Duncan ot 506 Park Ave . Balboa Is land. reported that her house h ad been entered and ransacked but nothing tak- en while she was out . . . A s mall rowboat owned by EstelJe Wals h of 305 ~ Grand Canal, Bal. boa Isla nd. was reported stolen a nd later recovered by ottlcers in front of a garage at 106 Grand Cannl, where It had been lett by three boys frightened away by the Isla nd foot patrol at 11 :30 p.m . • . . Cars driven by l a mes A. Stanley of 444 Cabrlllo Tr .• Corona Hlehlands, a nd John L. Ramsey of Santa Ana were Jn. volved Jn an accident at Copst Hwy. and MacArthur Blvd., eo. rona del Mar, at 4:48 p.m .... e MOJfDAT, APBU. 4 Someone dropped a match ln the man c:ollect.Jon box at 28th your own. I ( your tra il ever lt'ads to Ap pie Valley, yo u'll h ave no trouble locating Jack. He's t he m usic In the Inn's Western bar. He sh ines b.-st with his banjo. But he's no slouch at the plano. In the desert evening, h is songs echo through the halls of the-Inn. He knows every tune you know, and some you've never heard of. J a<'k, after four years of lt. Is a part ot Applf' Va lley. It's his hobby. And just to prove h is love for those tar n ung acres of sand and l oshua trees, he does a little real estate work on the side. It he likes you, he may let you own an acre of the golden land. We're not k idding you. We're grateful to l ack for showing us around. And believe m e, lf lt hadn't been for that little old down pay. me nt. w e'd h ave a hunk of that bright desert with our name on It, right now. We took a picture of .the apot we liked best. but no t ha lf the loahua trees wtll ahow. But It should show the snow- ca pped mountains In the dl._ tance where the sun set& We'U be aeelng you agaJn, l ack, and thank.&, pahdnah. ft.ead Ermp Want Ad& T•• IAVIIY IIIEIY * -sA9081 4 D*1 MftU eoo-. ._. •~ ..,........,. .. o.o.....,. WeAalellllfte.-as vepa....-... Jlllll,..ll. sa •• lui -&~lllty .. Ose ....... --CDM'I' 111na MAMBT , EGGS ~.z. 39~ V JUf CAJI,._.e. I C'aa Pork & Beans 17( .This Beautiful ... ., ·Spedally Priced at $095 *CROWN* HARDWARE D.AF'f-11 OL Jar ~~se Whiz 45( COffEE 77• . uick 35~ Miracle Whip 45( n........a•J•· IIJLLSDALE Pineapple =~RY .... ········· ··. 53( Baby Food 3'-2,. ia:. ... ·· · 25~ ZEE-WbJ ....... ct. ft9. DUWCJUf IIDIES • Paper Napkins 1(1( Cake Mixes ·;.: 2s-Tom aloes ~ ............ 27 ~ GOLDER ITATE-Pr.Diua , .. CIII.AJfD-CaM .... ... SP'BAJICO AIIEhllJCJUIHl~· .. ,.2 for 25• Ice Cream ~ . . 79f. SYRUP :.: .... 27~ pag e 1 ,. GLOJUETr:-Wiaole heW -----. .,.-~r1cots :. ___ _ ____ stc_ arm :. ·············· ...... 15( iiUmiiiUm Foil25' 8E'!T1' ~ OL Pkg. ,__Pie~. C_ru_s_t M_i_x _1_5( SWHi"'Pickles 29f. HOifi HaN ....... IlL• DIUJIT IIA.JD-rtnt Qaallty Butter ·59L ErraA F AXCY LAIICE Asparagus 19" KEW CBOP. SWEET. TEJfDEB PEAS ..................... . BED LETTUCE ........................ 2 * ~ QOLI)U BDE BANANAS ........... 12" SWISS STEAK aoiRLUI BOLLED BEEF ROAST GROUND ROUND .OJRL£11 STEWING BEEF Center .Round Steak 85L. ~LEG '0 LAMB 39L WJIOU oa aU'IT 55L 431.