HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-14 - Newport Harbor Ensignlo 6et Sul6 Po pper lnneX Fig~t ·1s LikelY llntwy co ' r''l a.u•t ... ,.... atr eo.wa ... .... ............. , .. .... -.t llaafwy, .._ .. .._ ..... ., ... btl wW ..... ..... •••da9-.. ,... ,_. w etlota .. v,... •..,..t ...,. .., ,..._ ...... NCl ... t, ............. ..... ., ................ ...., .. ..................... -wily tM ••n1wt .a.o.J4 ...... •a-eel ... ,_ .... .nr ..... Ia ......... tile lrftM C.. OU.. ;u;aetr .... .......... tr ... U.two peats-a. &4 .. ...., ... aa.we ..... ...._ W•Jr totalled el8eat 11.000 <•t1matta9 31/~ per ca-GDCl DOt coaau.. tbe wal.k.W). La:at Friday, ad Sallday wen Ilia I*J,..t &atw days 1D hiatcwy, be 8Ciid. CIDd the crow.Sa...,. .w1 tbeble M•lhf cmd Tueeday. Be pralMd tbe East. ldda ·-tiMU ..... let bela!rrior. IICI"fiD·9 then ..... DOt 0 siDgle ca. of ~ • Amn09L (DoD Bualt Pboto) Dates Are Apr.22-29 AndMay'D First and second crade atu- 1 dents In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa elementary tchools will receive their first Salk polio vaccine ahot Friday. April 22 . This will be foiJ owed with the le'C'Ond and third shots on April 29 and May Z1 for lmmunlzatlon prior to the polio ~ason. school otflclals announced thla week. Children not In the designated crade. of school and others wish- Ing to rE"Celv.-the va«'Cin£' may obtain it through thelr physl clans. ,. ...., ...................... --------------------------------------.. .. --........ ...aty. -r.... Th£' vaccln£' will be ~riven only on wrlttf'n request of par~nts. For Newport Beach It will be Jiv~n In the Harbor VIew School. Corona del Mar, between 9 a.m . and noon. Children from the NC!WpOrt Beach and Corona del Mar ~~ehoolB wtll be transported to and from Harbor VIew school by bus. In eo.ta Mesa the loca Uon will be the Main School . VKDK WA'I'IOII ( ...... ) • .._ ......... .-.... c.-... ... ~ ocac.. ........ ~ eel putldalat .. tile ... pw1 ...._ Optia1lt CIU. OtMI' ... oCflmn ... Dr. ,. ....... CladDa of .............. Dr. &4 ..,.. .. •...,.t. ~ ~ Dr. o. G. ·-Of ..a. bee lalaD4 as aa111 at4t-ar~Da. ad a.~ dlnctons GaoJ9a 1~ of Coate ·-• z-t u..u., of ..... p.t ..S TN .....U ol eor- cW .... Weed Ridding Bids Called dey .... CeaDty .......... llftptad • ...aatlota ,. .... ..._ tile Jllfllllll -Ntlea .C Ll• ~ Ia tile v,._ ...,. Aaa dlaw to ~ c:o.-1 1MI Ogle. U.. oa.aty .... ... tbciD ... baU ol tile ..... 'ftll.atloD Ia ua. prep 111111 ... ...-tioa .......... tMt u.. ooaaty ..-d CllJ tldalaada ad -t= 1 rgacl &..-Ia tile C1NCL tota1ia9 120 ac:na. Changes Due In Fire Zones City Attorney Karl Davla wu directed by City Council Monday evt!nJnc to comult wttb Fire Chief Jan Brlacoe and p~pare a new ordinance revltJnc fire zones throucbout the cJty. A map llhow· tnc the propoeed amt!nded f1re .. at7 Coundl held a publlc fAil1nl ia on dJaplay at the Flre heulnl Monday ewnJ~ on Department headquarten, back , v COaolfA DEL llAL CALJ7. 1111J1tSDAY, ~ 1~ 1155 COURT TEST IS HI TED 0 CITY ZO I G S A volunteer physician. a pub. lie health nurse, one or two re&· lstered nurses and three to five volunteer mothers provided by Ut~ Parent Teacher Assn. wlll be the vaccination team at each clinic throughout Orang£' Coun ty There is no charee for the Sf'rvlce. Make up clinics are planned for t'hlldrt-n who are ablt"nt at the time of the regular clink. 11 a child miSS<.'s on£' Injection, par ents will be notllled by the school of the make up cllnlc. lf a child misses two cllnlcs ... he wUI not re<.'t'lve the third. weed abatemeut. then called tor ot City HalL ------------:--------------------------.. N"'PQrt City CoundJ made an "As w ith other Immunizations such as whopptne coueh or dJph theria. there may be minor com plaints such as 80re ann 01 aJIJ,ht rever." states a tact aheet t.ued to ~nta.. See your runny doc- tm about ca.re.. lt necea&ry. It add.t. Tbe v~ ta ol ao value bide to bf returned May 9 tor City Manac« John Sallors aaJd -. Ill C ... Lmportant 6 to 1 dedsion Mon. removal o( weeda on vacant loa that No. 1 and No. 2 fire zones •• IIIII r day evenJ.na to reject a request 1n lbcn Cll.th. Olrana Btab· are bena cbanled to atve relief I I , to re-.ubdlvtde JNop&lJ, and as ..._ o.-a ......... ,... to UM klboe ..-~ ••• .._. Pllllr•z I • a ,_., coatt lD tleed.QI pcaUo ~ 'Wstn alii .. .,. aDd .... ~ 0: ' 'a wll:lwcrt ~ SCitdliir An.na:adoll 1n tbe tbe cti;J"a ftte lnauraDce ratJna. A ~ meettAa o( the coa. Bet&hta. Merchant. and property own. ~atlon ot th~ Corona del Mar Clty Enetneer ~ Webb saJd era In these areu have aabd for Community Church haa been that the 008t of cleanJnc the lots fire zon~ amendments. clalmlne ailed f thla S d t 10·30 wUl be uaeaed agaJnat. the that they are belnc dbcrlmlnat. c or un ay a · property owners, who are respon. ed acalnst because of the strln. a.m. to receive and consider the albl~ abo tor cleanlnc parkwayt g~nt buUdlnJ: reculatlona, which rerommendatlon of the Pastoral ln tront or th~lr properties. Corona del Mar and Balboa Ia-Calling Committee on a selection Ed Healy of Central Newport land, for example, do not face. of a permanent mlnlater. uked It Pacltlc Electrk: could be requlred to pay for cleaning up debris on the PE rlcht.of-way. SJmllarly Harold Arthur ot West Newport uked tt the BannJne mate could be aueaed for cleanlnc up the littered Bannlne property. To both of them. Councllman O.aJd Bennett aald that the city ordinance provide. for compuJ. 80fY weed abatem~nt at proper. ty ownera' upen.ee only on crounda of fire hazard. Slnce IUCb hazard does not exiat In the cue of the PE and Bannlnc propertle., the otdlnance can't be Invoked acaJn.st them, he eaJd. Council Date Due to Shift iiiOIUWO CAna na cuea.l ai'IIOidJ\I wu blamed Tues. Luncheon to ~n Chamber' sMemberDrive Mayor Dora HJll lasued a proc lamaUon thla week de.Jcnatlnc AprU 18.23 u the oltlclal "Joln Your Chamber of Commerce Week." The proclamation u~ed "all of our citizens to join the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com - merce." The local Chamber will con duct a membership drive durtne the week. "Kick-off" for the cam- paten wlll be the ceneral mem- benhlp luncheon to be held next Tuesday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Reception wtU be at 11:30 a.m .• and luncheon will be anved at 12 noon. Maurie Stanley, pre.ldent of the Chamber, announced that the speaker w111 be D. W. CAmpbell. aecrefary.manacer of the Lone Beach Chamber ot Commerce. Mr. Campbell will discuss tbe de. tlrablllty of an active, well or- aanlzed and well supported Olamber of Commerce. ReNrvatlons are neceuary for the luncheon meeUpc. accordtne to Hay Langenhetm. ~xecuuve. aecretary of the local Chamber. Tbe r...-vatlona can be m.ade by calllnl the Olamber ottk:H, Ub. «ty S.l.U5. he aaJcS. IIUWMslon &D4 IIOillnc Ia--. a.a vacct~~e oa 1.100.000 cftll. Cound1 upheld ~ Pla.rtnlDI clren throulbout the nation wu Commission denial of Mr. and made publk: Tuesday. The r~ The long-rumored commerelal Hwy.. part I a 11 y surrounding Mrs. James Van Evt>ry's rt>quest sult.s showed the vaccine to be S> developmmt on Irvtne land back Merle's Drive In. There have long to re subdivide propt-rty at 3130 I to 90 per cent effectlv£'. of Merle's Drive-In near Corona been reports that some major Seaview Avt-. Corona del Mar. at The fact sht'E't to parl'nL., points del Mar camt-a short step closer department store from Los An the corner or Larkspur Ave-The out that sin('(' polio vacclnt-dot>S to reality this week. geles might locate a brant'h 1 Van Evt>rys sought apprtJval of not provide-immediate lmmunl The Irvine Co. has engagNl the there to serve as the nucleou~ for this rt'quest to validate a rul ty. It Is possible that thr4'e or Los Angeles architectural firm of a major new shopping C"t"ntt-r. I Mtatt> transac-tion an whar h thP) fnur first ur S('("'nd gradP chal Pereira and Luckman to make a had sold thf' rrar JX1r1lon of thl'lr dren may <.•om~> down with polio study or the feasibility of the Local liliflrJ OrMJ I ~;:~;~Y to Mr and Mrs Rnher1 "halP the-lmmuniJ.atwn .. arr an area u a shopping-center pro~"'" William Spurgeon III. com T1 Hear , .. II Jels 1• 9.000 SQ. n . JlEQtmlJ:D merclal leaae manacer for coast ThP entlrr propt-rty b(-forr thP al Irvine property. saJd that the The Orange County Chapter of salt>. Nmc;tflutNI Lut l anti halt COM to Mark Completion of firm Is making a study and I the Military Order or the World of Lot 3 in Block 2.r.. whirh was analysis of this area. Its popula Wars w11l meet today <Thurs ! 45 fN't widt> and 11~ fN't drrp tlon. growth and potential to de dayl In the Newport Harbor I or ~.310 c;quare r('('t Cit) 70nlng termlne whether the proposed I Yacht Clult. Dinner will be I ordlnanl'f' No 6.l.'l. as adoptf'd location Is a good one. served at 7:30p.m. I Dec 26. l!rJO. f('QUlrt'!> " manl w·d H ·we think lt"s the location." Guest speaker wUI be Col. Ag mum of 9.000 square fN't In I e r wy. he said. cerbeck ol the Navy AJr Station. I order to rr subdlvidP such an The proposed sJ~ Ls approx Los AlamJtos. who Wul talk on R 2 property Into two legal build I Corooa del Mar will boaor Ita brand ....., ~ Coaat tmate ly 40 acres at the Mac "Jet Aviation." <ContinUf'd on Pa~ 71 1 lfwy • .tth em opea bouse CIDd Arthur Blvd. junction with Coast - --- Liquor Case Is Postponed Lynn Landess. 33. cashier. of 443 Irvine Ave .. Newport Heights. wu booked at 10:29 p.m. Friday by Newport poll~ on a charee of selllnc Uquor to a mlnor at 903 Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar. She waa arrested by stat~ liquor otrlcen Paul De Nlo and OlJv« Elliott. She was charged with .elllna a fifth ot vodka to Harry H. Andrews m. 19. of Los Angele., who wu &lao arrested. On Mond~ Juctae Donald D. Dod,e of Newport Juatl~ Court cranted I>C*ponement to 9 a .m . Monday, Aptll 25. f« anaJp. Spurgeon to Run Against 1 Pease for Xhool Board There's colne to be a contest In Dean and Arthur. The middle at leaat one of the local school "D ·· In Harvey·s name " for trustee elections at wtlUam H. Diers. his mother·s malden name Spurceon W ot Cl1U Hawn filed and on<> of the plonHr families to run aga1nst Incumbent Har. or Santa Ana. CJet-CIICqUcdat-s ce~ M&t -11: oa Tbanday. Friday cmd Saturday. It will be tbe oLlk:la1 "'1119b- way Completioa Celebmtioa. • marJtiD9 tiM ftacd ~ oa the bJ9bway widaia1D9 project. Loc:a1 •erda-b .... lll•ltla9 tbe CIGIIIUDUDity to _,. by lw 0 gM..ocqacdat-s ftt&t. Mat ...ar's Eaalp wW la- dade a .,.c:lal .. Bjpway c-. pletioe.. MCtMa. wy D. hue ol. Balboa Island Bill Spurgeon. also tl Santa I for the oM ~tlon to be filled Ana natlv£'. ls the grandson or .... •A .. • ••• on the N t!W p o rt Elementary the founder or Santa Ana Ht' has I ... z School board. been commercial lf'a~ manager Tl flll·l· ll.ll For both of the otht"'' two for the Irvine Company·s roastal l •-•-•- school districts. only ones to rue properties for the pa t fivt> Yf':tMI ~vffal thousands of dollart In thus far are the lncumbenta and before that was supt-rlntt'nd t'ash Ia In the process of tM!Ing whose terms are ~xpltlng: J. Les-ent for Croft 6 Ne\'llle. refunded by the Globe £.8ttow lie Std!m.en and Judce Donald Rf' aald he flied for lk:hool Co. to a l&rCt! number of hom~ ~ for th~ Hllh St'hool board. baud u result of his work with owner. In the Newport.BaJboa Louts Conrady and Dr. Horace tbe Cow. ot Study Committee VIsta area. It ..., announced Parkt"'' for the Oranae Cout <'.ol and chairmanship of t' ,, Grade ~Y by v. Jl!. lfac.<:&l'tf!'r, l~e baud. Study Commltt~. It was the lat. preatdent o1. the ~om Tax. Ftllng dMdllne Ia nnt Wedn• ter ~ttee'a WOC"k that reo-,.,_. ~ l.ne. ck7. April 2l. ault.M In UM reYiiJon ol. tbc El~ Be aaJd tbt tllb refUnd Ia oc. Mr. PM.w. wbo Jlvea at 3M mentary edtool report card l)'a-~ by tbe ta1hare of tbe A..B-C aradJnc. whtc:h " ..enw ~ to ,._ t. tu• to 10 In e1ftd nut Oft u..t ...... ~ aftft • ....... ?"I:.". "l!"d:;" .. ~: .... 0 ••••• M M M f +;+ +; M 8 F M M M E +:1 '(E M M I M M M I M M E M I M M +:+ e NEWSPAPERMAN'S CREED J05eph Pulitzer, the noted publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispokh, who died just two weeks ego. wo s guided in his long cereer es news- papermen by the philosophy expressed in the retirement speech of • his even more femous fo thor. All newspapers con well hong up this creed in editoriol offices ond use it os their guide. This philosophy is inscribed in bronze in the Post-Dis~tch office : "I know that my ro· tirement will make no difference in its cardinal principles: that it w'lll olwoys fight for progress end reform, never tolerote injustice or cor· ruptio n, olwoys fight demagogues of ell parties, ne ver belong to eny porty, olwoys oppose privileged clossos ond public plun derers, never lock sym~thy with the poor. alwoys remoin devoted to the public welfore, never be sotisfied with merely printing news. olwt~ys be dros- ticolly independent, never be efroid to oHod wrong. whether by predotory plutocracy or predatory pover+y." • • • e TEST CASE IN ZONING Our new City Council WtiS foced with o tough decision in " hard- ship case Mondt~y evenin~n the appeol of Mr. end Mrs. Jomes Van Every to subdivide their 'Property in Coront~ del Mer. It wos e tough one to deny. but tho Council sh.ld by its guns. upheld their Planning Commission, end declored they could not gront on unlawful vorionce. It wos on importt~nt test case, end Council did wisely in holding strictly to the letter t~nd spirit of the low. • • • e PLEASURE TOWN Been to Tijuono lotely? We tool tho occosion to check up on thot pleosure town lost week-end. Quite o bit of chonge from two yeors ego. More energetic pitch men in front of tno night clubs try- ing to lure in the customers. More end quicker stripping by tho enter- toiners.-ond on omozing uniformity about that entertainment. as if they aR were graduo~es f the some wiggle ond strip school. ond with ~itte same ~ode. • • • e WAR MEMORY A recent book added to tho Orange C oost C ollege librory is "The Deoth of Hitler's Germany." by Georges Blond, telling of the lost dt~ys of the Third Reich. This is of ~rticulor persont~l interest to me, becouse I h.,d o fairly good ringside seot for thot event. My unit (19th Corps of Ninth Army) wos sitting on the banks of the Elbe not for from Berlin itself. My wor d iory of Moy I, 19<45, rel.,tes in detoil the theotricol monner in which the German rodio broodcost the news of the de oth of Hitler in Berlin. prefocing the finol report with mony hours of sombre t~nd heroic music, interrupted from time to time with 'Acht ung! stond by for on importont announcement." • • • e "LMO DUTY" Bill Spurgeon. who has just filed for Newport Elemen tt~ry School trustee eled1on, wos remin•scing a bit obout his wortime t~s.signments. Answering o question t~bout the rough sports he ht~d bee n in during the war, he soid, There's reolly nothing etJsy in wor except LMD duty." And whofs thtJt. wos the silly question. which brought the similar answer, "long mt~hogony desk duty.'' Smilin' Ed's Widow Loses $19,700 Jewelry to Thieves Jewe-l thieves, pleking a time when Newport pollee were busy with Bal Week activities. stole three dJamond rings valued at $19,700 and three aults from the home of Mrs. Ed McConnell, wid- ow of the late "Smllln' Ed" Me Connell, of 2561 Circle Dr., Bay Shores. Mrs. McConnell told pollee she returned home at 9:30 p.m. Fri- day and found the front door open. The rings were taken from a jewelry box located on top of a dreMer in a bedroom. The vic- tim said she always lett the ldtehen door open tor the milk man. One rtnr wa.a de.crlbed aa a platinum weddlnr ring with a). tematlne baruette diamonds and llants three points each. It was valued at $1,700. The second ring. valued at $12.000 contained eight baguettes weighing ap- proximately eight polnts each and 48 small diamonds wetgb. lng from one to four points. The center diamond weighed approxJ. mately a little less than 4" car- ats. pollee said The third diamond ring, valued at 16.000 In a platinum mount- Ing, contained two baguette dia- monds welghlng approximately 15 points each. The center dia- mond weighed abOut 2~ carats. Three fur ooata. one valued at $3,000, were not touched. Many artJeles of costume jewelry In the jewel box were not taken. and br11llant cut diamonds. Tbe 1\ Classified Ad in 1M Ensign baruettes weJrhed appraxJmate. brings irnmediet. resuhll c.tt l1 eewn polnt.J e.dl aacl tt.e brtJ,. Harbor II 14-1 II 5 end Df'Gi'M itl • COL ANDY SAYS A naT 101.0 PUGIIT M8 ................... PWd. V.I. Jftmd A..w.ry A1r ........... IUl .... n... by ..... c.det L. J. v ..... (abo..). -of Ill' • ..ct llfL L. C. Veaator Of I ...._ 8af. .. ate.decl tbe Valftnlty ef CallfonaW .. ......., ....... •tedav tbe Wpt tl'atalllg JW09rcaa tlaroup tbe 1.-Aki- .Utoe llnal AU I~ cat Loot ...... • Information was efven to the papers by the City Ball without the knowledee or conaent of Ml"'l. Coollne that •she would not ac. cept. Falllne Jn that maneuver, It was announced that there was local Boyr on no legal provision tor a salary 4:1 tor the treasurer. This In spite of s h T the fact thhat the previous elect-age en e am ed treasurer had been r~lvlng a generous salary of $448. Mrs. Cooling, I am sure, telt that the people had called for her .eervtc:es. She worked tbe tim month without pay. By going back tbrourh the mess ot ordJ. qanc&s paaaed, reeclnded and re- codified, we found one that pro. vlded a salary ot $SO-Ordinance 330, adopted In 1928. The next play wa.a the legal oplnlon that the salary ot an elected oUleel' could not be railed durlnr the term of ptfloe. About that tlme 1 happeoned to be hit with a short apell of lnaomnla wbUe s1ttlnr ln on a lecture, and heard the ch.let of the lepl department of California Cltla Rate that It Two local athletes, Seymour Beek and Bruce BaJrd, are mem. ben ot the Pomona-Claremont Sarehen awlmmJnr team this season. The Sagehen swtmmera have captured the SClAF cham. plonahlp for the past three years. Seymour, son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beek, S28 South Bay Front. Balboa Island, and Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Baird, 21f2 Miramar Drive. BalbQa, are both rraduates of Newport Harbor Hilh School. Bruce a junior at Claremont Men's Collep, lettered lut sea- son ln both water polo and swim. rnlng, and won another numeral thla year In water polo. He com- petes ln the sprint events for the Sa reb en&. In hieh ~~ehool Seymour won letters ln both 8Wimm1nr and track. wbJle wtth the Sareben.a be hu competed In the tree style sprints for three ~ns and wa.a a member of the tour-man relay team whJch set a new conference record In 1153. He l.a a aenJOI' at Pomona Collere. where he 1.a maJcwblr tn lb&tiMmatks. 1011 Po. JACKSOifl A son, 8 lba., 5 0'%., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles lackaon ot 120 l6th St., Newport Beach, on Tuesday, AprU 5, In Orange County General Hospital. sow roa "~' nu A son. 7 lba.. S oz., wu born to Mr. and Mrs.. James Walker of 429 E. Broadway, Co.ta Mesa, In e WAY WDif 11lU dat-. Aprtl 14, ttlre .se.p. lnr memorl•. Back In Pellnql. vanJa, tn tbe footh11la of the Allerbanl-. th.l8 nlrht would be the one ~ore that mo.t exdtlnr S.Prlnr event, the operalnr day of trout aeuon. It 1a nearly 15 ye&n since I endured the happy tor. turee that went with the open. tnr _,, bat r at1lJ face east and salute eedl April 15th and write Opening Day with capital letten. little 8C:I'eerb OWl that wUl ..,. the boob off JOU If J'OU IDake fOUJ' cuD too doee to ber ..... I won't be ~Gt• troutifta on AprU 15th, but U "' ad a llttle abMnt-mJnded that ~. f'OU11 know why, anyhow. e IOdiiliiiG OLD-IIWtf 'nlere'a 1otnr to be .a Ofl'l(lnr day In the C.Q. .eetJoft oa Jt., 1. thll year. That's olcL -.at Wbat the opeftinl Ia fw II lllltiCJr new. pe!r!JOnally ~ ,. 8uft- dQ mom. I apec:t to M -. ,_ tLo . at the hour of .... ru be armed, but with a braee Gf cam- eru. tn addJtlon. I'll lie w.a.rtnr A n<MitalaJc "howdy'' to old fishing pal., Charlie Meu.eh. "Splke'" Beverly, "Sberm" Lutz, "Lew" Smith. "Pop" Cotman, who w1ll still, r know, apend sleep. less nights tonight, trnon numb my .turdlelt lhln·ruardL rm banda u they will wet their waltlnr now to ftftd It bee- Hnea at tomorrow's tro.ty dawn, betrht 1a enoqh altltu4e. n.e tbrlll to the muaJc of the twn· PU't:7. believe It !W not. hu to cJo bllnr waten ot sprt.na Creek, wtth the ta.ldnr of rattJ..,•k•, J'lshlnr Creek. Bald Earle Creek alive! and pause a moment to ~reel the Penonally, I am not fond of waxy petals ot the ttnt blood· rattlen. Comlnr from c-oppa.._d root. nodding over a patch of country, I am Rrietly \Uli..War snow that Rill denies that tt Ia wtth the reptlle that wan. tint aprlnr. -or • 'tis said. li.J tam.Uiartty · , .. does not breed contempt 1n m,y An Openlnr Day 'Hi to Peter corner nor does It encourare th Dale, my ~ther Pete. to "Be-practice known u dllly-dall,.,; volvll'lg loe' Paniah, who are My partielpatJon ln tbe &DDUal ~lng other meama but who, May D&7 Public Snake Bunt Ia r m sure, hover ~ the streams mtetly In the rulae of a DeWS- of Centre County, f!VeJ'Y Aprll hawk and abutter-bur. I belleYe 15th. Cood flablnr. you IUYS. lmpllettlJ' In not ruah.lnf lDto wherf!Ver you are! And lf you thtnp. u you wwe ner a cateb- tany late by the old willows up er on a bueball team, . pJea.w In Strukle's Meadow, watch that loan me your shJn-ruarda.. "-"· Morals Case Is Reported wbUe, I'm on the lookout f« a telephoto lena. That wtll be pltm- ty clole enourb. You are lavlted., too. I bave the word of Dr. Albert Sc:huep- baelt, P"U4ellt of Lol\f -.eb'a Fred H. Miller, 41, contradol' Eut.tlde bptlle .Club. The club will fumlah tranaportatJon. NL of D)9 Court Ave., Newport treabmenta lnd--et-tirlt ald. J.. Beach, wu arrested by l'ewport 1 polte. at 5:40 p.m. Saturd&7 on think about Jt, I'm «11tf7 the charta of erlme agaln.t chU-rray whale. lett 10 lOOn! Gren and parol violaUon f« a • LAD'f LOCK atmnar oftmee. Womm are auppoeed to be Offtcen charred tbat he com. IJek.W, but '"'11 ~ our lui ..._ mJtted the aet aplnst two Ful-moleon tat tiM p1 ca1W t.dJ lerton atria. 8 and 9, In bls home. Luck takes the O.Car. T'bere'a tbe Pollee aald he eave the •wo ghla sad cue of a frequent Vlattcx to and a Fullerton boy Ice cream this column, J. Wayne Chppy) cones In a restaurant at the New. Barrbon. one-time prex;y ol Pa. port ocean pier. The chl14fen clflc AnrJer-. and owner of that went to the bead\ and he asked fine Hunter Cru.be.r, the l fm17n them If they would clean hJa (now In dry dock). hou.e, It was allered. The par. Pappy and. wUe by JWil rot enta of two were fiahlnr on the baek from WuaUu. Tb-t were Newport OcuJl Pier. then durJ"-one of the be8t They wen( wtth 0.. Mfenclant weeka thll M&IOll. One daf tbe to ~ Court Aw., waallM the Kazatl&n ~ t1elt aceDUJlted dlahea, swept the floor and vae. for over a hundred multa. But uumed the ruf. Be rave tMm a not Pappy. U you lutow bla bard rttt ot a bracelet, lalJfe, pen and 1~ hlatcry u well u I do, lOe eaeb. Pollee aaJd that he 10U 4 just 4l!lll*t him to ret tent the boy to the .tore, a d. back. period. That's wb.at be did. mltted ktaainr both rtrla but llmpM• Oft the b be Woke denied dolnr anythlnr else. wberl he all~ retttn. out ot M1ller wu paroled. from Call. • ehower. so• roa .oauao.u fomla State Prilon on Match 10 Lut week. Pappy deeJcled It A son, Jacob Anthony, was 1954, for a a1rnllar Ottenae In ~ wu hlrh Ume fGr hla flnt IPrlna born to Mr. and Mrs. l ake Bor. Anleels. eolnr to prlaQn on Feb. etU.lae. and mebbe a "bite sea unda of a Maa:nolla Sl, Costa 21. 1~. pollee said He b.'d rtl· bus or two. Aboard the l lmlyn Mesa, In Hoae Memorial Hoaplt-latered wlth Newport polJce as ll wu a 11*'1'Y ~up.-Jtul MUJer, al on Friday, Aprll 8. sex oUender on Oct. 14. ~ Col. Paul. PapPy's helper, Tony, ------------------------an out4-town ru-. and Pappy. Police Book I 18 Total During Easter Wk .• 9 Over Last Year Aa one would expeet. It wu a foro day. '!bey never did locate the bue. Not enn the btrda. tn fact. J.. they llMred what they hoped. •as the jetty, the for lJtted and tbe vWblllty we!lt up A total ot 118 peno~l Ju. 1be fact that Euler Week •u to a rood qua.rter.mUe. E\tery- venUe. and 57 adu!U -were quteter tlala Jftt th.Ul 1ut Sa one, I reckon, was rJad to get booked on various d\arres bJ shown In tile u.t of 1M eaua ,._ bedt. Newport pollee durtnr the £aster eetnd In 195t flom penona cam. Suddenly th~ wu a loud Week period rrom 4 p.m. Jl'rlday, pla.lntnr about thett .,..._ betnr eruh. It MIIDed lib u explo- Aprll 1, to 5 p.m. Sunday, April dt.tutbecl compared wtth tbe 52 aloD. The l lmlyn tbuddenct So 10, compared with 109 bookt.Qp In 1-. 11Mre ,.... 18 petty clkl all aboard. Aftd the ........ of for Easter Week. 1* Police tbeftlllated for UM. tbc bep.Jl to Met» thn)qh a C.pt. Barry Lace bu repcrted. Total poUee caDI lum4*1 boa 1ar_. Jaaed hole In tile once- lElA UPIILITEIIII ~~ auo•~C..:.. ..... HOME LOANS At Oran9• Coultty'a Leadittt Home Le.di~tt lnttltutiH QUICI 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCfN6" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHlY PAYMENTS FBIEIIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WIIUY ftUST DEEDS ON WILL LOCATED HOWES LAGUNA F1DBAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIAllON LAGUNA BEACH ,..._ HY 4-1177 With the new $250.000 exhibits building at the Orange County Falr nearing com})letlon, reserva. U.ns now are being taken for space at the 1955 talr, Aug. 9·14, according to S. W. Yost. super. vl8or of exhibits. Completion of the building Is expected by the end of April, and the facUlty will be available for community eevnts. Other projects to be undertak· en for the 1955 fair will be the (fading and Improvement of the Amphitheater, where the tradl· t1onal Pirate musical show will be seen nightly, and erection of additional barns for the Nation a l Horse Show. Local Tar 11 1111 Warfare El•cise Participating In 0 per at Ion Lantmlnex In Cape Romain, S. C .. aboard the wooden minesweeper USS Bold was Kenneth S. Sho. walter, englneman flrat class, 80n ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sbowalter ot l3:M W. }JaY Ave., Newport. LantmJnex is the abbreviation for Atlantic Fleet Mine Warfnr~ Exerclse. It was the largest post. war operation of Its kind since the end of World War II and was designed to improve the readJ. ness of the fleet. Z-Z-Z-Z-T! New super-epeed Gas broile~ make broiling even easier ... better I ............................ ,.. ... puultllp 1. ........ GAs' cooki"'. * * * SCHOOL NEWS BOUCB DSJGII SCIIOOL euT •AJUIDZ And now the wtnntft! For the most oolortul hat: Kathy Hun aala!r. F~ the largHt h11t <It was 80 luge It took Uuefo people to wear It; the Euler Bunny arrlv lng ln an MG): ludy Wlllls, Mar gene Bunnell and 'font Thomo aon. For the funniest bat: HoJJy lncnm. For the bat most ~com lnC to a penon; Merrldy Ro<>o;ch For the best Chureh hat: Dian~ RJgp. And last but by all means not least. for the hat that carries out the Easter theme best : Judy Parker. Congratula t ions. girls. brought home 1 run, Alan J:>oes. burg hit 1 run, Bob Hoffman scored 2 runs and Dean Peue hit a triple and 800red 1 run. Gary Davis bJt a home run to 1e0re Hundn_gton'a one and only run. And the score ended up 6 to 1 In favor of Newport. Lalt wee.lr'l Euter Hat .Parade wu a boomtnc auCCML We bad hats ol eorery color, alz.e and cJe. emption. Ebell Club Spring Festival Will Be Held on April 21 The lrldetiCent colors of a .spring rainbow and the lure of the tradJtlonal pot o' gold wlll be features ot the 1955 Spring Fes- tival spoMOred by the Ebell Club on Thursday, April 21, a t the American ~Jon Hall. Treasures. If not gold, will be found In the costume jewelry bazaar, In the h om e cooked food booth. among the hand . made aprons and especlaJJy among the many door prizes of the after. noon. Prime among prizes are a rotisserie and an electric: trypan. The party wtu include a noon- time luncheon, a short program and an afternoon of cards, wltb table prizes and all. A Umlt of 100 tables has been set by Mrs. Clarence Dodd and Mrs. Byron Wells, ticket and reservation chairmen. Final plans tor the party were concluded at a luncheon held at the home of Mrs. Amelia Gamble, general chairman. Club scholar ships will benefit from the funds raised at the party. Present at the Festival com rnJttee luncheon held at Mrs. Gamble's Corona del Ma.r home were Mrs. Nicholas Brettner. Ebell president; Mrs. C. M . Deak Ins. Mrs. Basil Peterson, Mrs. Melvin Becker, Mrs. Russell Craig , Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mr~. William Tritt, Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Wells. Otrlccrs were elected Mareh ~ 1 treasurer; Mrs. l onathan at a joint meeting ot the l'nro•IR I historian; Mrs. Warren del Mar and Harbor View PTA's m••nce, parliamentarian; at the Harbor VIew audltorhtlll. Maurer, auditor. The new officers are: Mrs. Harvey Pease, outaolng Corona deJ Mar PTA-Mrs. Sue prt>!lhlent of the Corona del Mar Martin, president; Mrs. KJtty 1-'T A. prHided. Klntfry W'l\.lt.. Burton, flrst vfce.presJdent; Mrs. neck, 111\rbor High teacher, spoke loel Beall, second ~ce-prestdent ; about tht• need for ~ hlch Mrs. Roy Hall, secretary; Mrs. sch•"-'1 t•xpnnslon prorram. Both Robert Otto, treasurer; Mrs. Carl PTA'~ went on rec:ord u approv. Venst:rom, blstorlan, and Mrs. lng the program. Henry Vaughn, auditor. • • • Harbor VIew PTA-Mrs. Robert e B.AJIBOa BlGB PTA Olander, president; Mrs. Gordon The Nt"WJ))rt H a r b o r Hlgb McMahon, first v ice .president; School PTA will holct an orienta. Mrs. Douglas Hoskins. second tlon meetln2 In the liOCial hall vice-president; Mrs. Norman CarJ. of tbe high schOill nt 7:30 p.m. son. recording secretary; Mrs. Tuesday, May Jl). f't\'bhmen fac. Lyell Buttermore, corresponding ulty advisors \\II I be pt't.'Sent to secretary; Mrs. Jesse Haines, provide Information an.t answer Toubnast.To,lc IsSei~ ...... Sex Education was the topic posed by AI Cusollto, table topics chairma n for the Udo Toast- master Club. at their April 5 night meeting in the Harbor Ho use. The consenstU was that Sex Education belongs In the home and ln the school workJng hand In hand. Toastmaster for the evenlng was Nell Loeser. Speakers were Jack Broerlng with his "Ice breaker" speech, Ray L'Ecluse, Hugh Mynatt. Vern Allen and Carl Iones. Chief evaluator was Ed Soule. Evaluators were l oe q~ons. The PTA board will givt> the annual banquet tor the CAA on Friday, May 6. YiUa Iarin Distllays Plillllp ., IIMir An exposition of paintings by Artist lrvlng Manolr of Corona del Mar will be on display for the rest of this month and dur- lng May at the VIlla Marina Restaurant at the entrance to Balboa Island. The exhibit will Include paintings of M e x I c o , France, the Alps, the Balearic Island of lblz.a and Taos. New Mexico. MartJn, Sandy Stelne.r, De Witt lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-:- Wor-cester, Bob McCleary, and Dick Opp . .. , W. 1,.. Dies 111-lfla.pter He nry William Grom, 87, died April 5 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward C. Mad. den of 4.29 Esther St., Costa Mesa. He was a natJw ot Germany, came to CallfornJa lD 1908 and bad ltvtd In eo.ta Mesa for a year. Servlces were beJd on Aprll 7th ln Parkes-IUdJq Mortuary with Rev. l~ Stewart ot St. An- drewa Prftb}'teriaa Cllurc:h ,u'let- atlq . Tbe band Aa.rted ot1 the abow by playing two oumben, a fine arrangement at ,.Pleasant Val· Jey" by Eric llan.lan. and '11\e Stan and Str1Pft Forever" by lohn Philip Sousa. They were led by l ames Fitzgerald, Jn the ab. a.nce ot our regular director, M1as Norma Perklna. Then Mr. Fitzgerald played "In Your Eut· er Bonnet" while the girls In thelr hats paraded around the IYm, led by Marllyn Bowler. The 6th, 7th, and Stb grade girls participated. We had a ~pe­ clal attraction this year. Bob L.leb, a n eighth grade boy, de clded this thing shouldn't be just for glrls. so he got himself a ha t and paraded at the end ot the line. He won a prize, too!! For Honorable Mention! The judges were M iss l o Ann Record, Miss Beth Terper.a. Pete Myt'rS• and Alfred O'Leary. ' Arson Fires Are Reported An arsonist set tire Saturday night to the back of the apart. ment where she is Uvlng, Mrs. Judy Hunter of 1120 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, notified pollee at 3:50 p.m. Sunday. She (Next week we'll show ynu some pictures of the hats 1 e BALL TEAM WJMS On Wedn~sday. April 6. we play~d our liecond leagu<> base ball gamt>. on our own dlumoncl Newport was led to thf.'lr first vktory of the St>O\S(Jil by the pitching of Pete Stoddard. Pt>te pitched 5 Innings and Tom PN<>r- man took over for the last in nlng The scoring went as follows: Gary Mann made 1 run. Ron Carl His flrst leave after baste tralo- lng In the navy wUl almost co- Jndde with Easter week for Don Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Got· don 'Mlomas of 220 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar. Don will be home April 15 for a two.week leave before his flrst station as.. algnment a t Norman, OkJa . Be This is our last game at home. From now on we wUJ play our next 5 games away froJl'\ home. The next game will ~ on April 21. e SP&LLIJfC CONTEST Mr. Dean's s ixth grade room pr~sentecl Miss Boyd's sixth grade room with a nne party In ce-lt> brat ion of Miss Boyd's room win nlng a sp<>lling contest on April first . They a ll had dan<'lng and ' then went to Mr.· Dean's room and enjoyed refreshments. The boys and girls In Mlss Boyd's room are having a contest with themselves, girls against boys. The one that gets the most hundreds g1ves the other a party Miss Boyd's room also went on a field trip Into the back udy 0. 2-WIIk Leawe fore leaving for the Navy mid terms. Don was a student at Or ange Coast College. While In the service b e hopes to be studying electronics. For '-tt.rheeds, ..,..,.lopes c.8 THE ENSIGN. HA-l 1 14 said the tlre burned quite a bJt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. of the wood on the buUdlng. A flre was also started In a trash can at the apartment east of hers sometime that night. Mrs. Hunter added. Neighbors al8o re- ported a flre was started on Bay Ave., she told police. Fire Mar- shal Walter Noller of the New port Beach Fire Department was notlfied by pollee to lnvestlgate. roua:Jl ISLA.JmEJIS ILL The Boyd Lewis tamlJy, recent. ly moved from 217 Sapphire Ave., Balboa Island, to Emeraid Bay, h ave all been suffering With a family-wide attack ot the nu. Mrs. Lewis teaches at Newport Harbor High School. I liE us PROVE IT! ••• -we baft abowa .....ay aataaC'bll• dd•- en bow to ... ~ tM ...... r- way. Jut 9fft U tbe IIIII tulty tD pnwe to .,.,.. .... ~ ~ ~ ..... of .... ~ ....... 01' plaa pAw II red by State r-. • • STATE Fill liS. Cl. ·~DL Call u Today ••• L E. c:JLDKS 1J3 E. 17Ua St. SEMI-ANNUAL W. L LAIIDIS Ll 1-1011 Wool Rayon and CoHon IMJ, la•r C.ltn, Sizes ••• Qualities 40% off Fer El•'le ... Req. $160.00, NOW 12x12 Heavy Viscose Rayon ••••• .'96oo Req. $69.00, NOW 12x10 Cotton Plush Pile •••••••••• '39oo Beq. $295.00, NOW 12x15 AI Wool •• • • • • • • • • • .... '177.00 * * * DICK MACKER ID New Lido SboppiDg e-m. ----------------------------~-·· • • -.m latrtdle ol ODroDa del Mar ._ been riaiDed ehalrman ol tiM ••pout a.dl and HarbOr .V. fiDr d\e CaftUJ OlceoJa Completion fUDd clrtw, whJdt wm be beld U...Oqbout the county April 21 tl0x.y11. 1be new YMCA and YWCA camp Ia plann~ to be open~ th1a year on a 13-acre wooded location at about 7,000-foot level 'nle old camp site has been con- demn~ by the U.S. Forest Se.rv. Ices because Of water condltlona and other factors. Two yeara aco funds were SO· Udt~. and with this money more than half of the camp buUdlnp and equipment bu been provided. To take care of this year's ·campers, It will be neceaary to ralae about t65,000. U. S. Senator Thomas Kuchel Ia honorary chairman for the campalcn. County headquarters are at Knott's Berry Farm. an.-.c..s. • Altflllt I 4tU. ~. ...,a_ .......tatl~ e..,.., an IAJI.I ATIOIIKIIS 306 Ma.tn BA.LIIO.A Barbcw m 9:30-6:00. Sun. Noon 't11 6 MU EPSILO~ WILL HOLD APRIL SHOWERS ·PARTY * ..... mz * An "April Showers" luncheon, card party and tuhlon ahow today (Thursday) ta on~ ol the first pubUc appearances u the new president of Mu Epsilon Chapter of Beta Slcma PhJ for Mrs. Jack Quisenberry, el~ed at the last March meftlnc of the group. Other officers of the club elect~ at the March meeUng held at the Newport Relgbu home of Mrs. Lyle Pope are Miss Louise Oliphant. first vice presl. dent; Miss Martha Oehlerklng, second vice presld~nt ; MJsa Cathy Bauer, corresponding ~«· retary; Mrs. Elsie Eggert, record. Light their life with Tea Is Planned For Art Show !a-t-,..___.., lng secretary; and Mrs. C. E. u... Ia .... I The N e w po rt Harbor Hlch Hardin. trnaurer. Mrs. John Mer. School PTA will spoMOr a tea rill and Mrs. Forrest Fulmer YARN SHOP Sunday afternoon, May 1, Gn the were CO·hostesses at the election tlnlll day of the JOth Annual meetlng. IM7 &.. eoa.t lllgllwaf Newport Harbor Art Exhibit. Elizabeth Chapin. a member of c:-._. lieu BA 015'1 K.Aittin&, Crochet!ng and Dates for the exhlblt ::ue April t~ sorority, w111 comm entate at Needlepoint Supplies 'r1 thlough May 1. Deadllne for the fashion s how to be produced JrnJttlng Bags entries at plck.up stationc; Is on by Gay Togs of Balboa Island. Specialized Accessories or before April 18. or else paint. n ckeu tor the luncheon show and Instructions lngs must b<' at the hJgh school are available from sorority mem. Wiater Boa.n: by April 20. Pur~hllJII! awards tue bers. The ~ent will be held at Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tbu.rMay 1 p.m. to 5 $300 for oUs and $1!t0 for water the N~rt Harbor Yacht Club. EJfGAGEJIEXT-Jb. ad Ills. Lewta Claadall of 475 llon!Dg ea..,._ 114. CoroDa ~ lwft Jut CIIUICMIJIWd .. ... gsg-•t of tii.U da119bt.. DlaDe (e...). to 'WlWam Goalcl. ND of IlL aad lin. llarloca FlaMr, lnJ 'hatla A..., Coda _...._ ll1u era. da11. wa.o Ia a Mill« at Jlfew. IT. UDUWI nDft'TDIAif r!.CBiniQ .. ac&t!ll 15th St. lr St. Andrews Rd., CICI'OU frOID ..... ldaool LJbel1y ·~ ,__, .... J .... LS...,_. SUNDAY: Morning worahlp,9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Bleb Fellow- ship, 7 p.m.; Collece ace feJ. low.hlp, 7:30 p.m. -1't1!:s. Prayer, study croup·, 9:30 a.m. COIOIUJn'rT IDTIIODIIT -W. IIUa lt.. c:-tll .._ ~1-4551 .... , ............ ... Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Cburch Sun-day Scllool; i :30 and U :OO a.m. MomJ• Wotsblp--7 p.m. Colleft Aee MYF Service -7 p.m. lllltl School MYF Service; '7 p.m., 'SunetcoWI Group Serv· Ice. ~~~~~~~~~~~ colora. poet Ba:rbor BIVIa SdaooL r-. TIIZ CAUac& OF CIDJST DeMolay Ball •...s ._ riD9Iallt ... kwaa.a 1050 Q~ ...... ~ .... aw waa ..._. oe -... &oe Toea..._. J&.. llialalft C.U. Ak a.. --II w4. Sunday ~: 1:30 a.m. Bible Staudu4 S h a 4 • CW1aa.. and CWitom. Spedalt1e. e Drapery B a r d w a r • e V~net!an BUnda. T 8 Ap 23 ~--a.. Goald....,. acJy: u a.m. momlng wor- untll -1~0 e r. ..w fiia "'.__ ....... tile Mlp; 7 l).m. ewnlnc liervke. BfcJJI w1ll be received -...-MJdweek a e r v 1 c e , 7 p.m. April 1S on 'a 1e00nd call to 111'0-Orance County DeMolay chap. =ad Ia ~ calle9e Wednesday. vide new quarters for the New. ters will hold their "DeMolay CBBJST Cll1aCB liT 11IE SEA ~tl _ pI. _ ~ p L~a.-port Beach postofflce, acoord.lnc Sweethearts Ball" Satu rday CoaaaaaJty lletlllodiat 1,. C>~ C>~ to Postmaster H. Payne Thayer. night. April 23. at the Oranae DIRECTORY lkdboa 81""-at l4tla .... •.....-n * Beside the * Call Requirements are 5,000 square County Farm Bureau Hall In Or IIVSIC IIA.rbM 1221 PMt OWce BA 114 feet of floor space. 650 square ange. MusJc for danclnc will be r-----.-;;.;;.;;.;:;,;.. ___ __, ,_..,, an. aoy A. CCirlMD at J2D4 St.. lfewport Jlead:a feet of lobby space, 100 square provided by the Rlf(a from Or-Margaret L. Scharle Sunday WonhtJt, i :45 and 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~fee~t ~ot~s~t~or~a~g~e ~roo~m~a~nd~a~l~Ox~4~0. ange Coast College. Teacher of Plano a.m. Church School: 9:45a.m. foot loadJng platform. Each Orange County chapter Orc~~~A~~ ~=ay~~ed7fr ~~ will elect a sweetheart. and the for dulu p.m. potluck. six elrls selected wUI reign over 3CTT GOLDENROD AVE. A-1 PLUMBING SPEClA.LJZES Dr UPADI:S Day & .lpl WCIW a.cden Moclem ,_, Toola for s.-I SiM Stop,.'" the dance. The event Is spon. ...._--::~~C«o~~na~d""'el~M"""ar~~--' aored by the Orange Coast. San. F1JJfKaAL DIIIKCTOIII ta Ana, Orange, Fullerton, Hunt. r-Frt.......;;en....;;d_l_y_K_eit=-h;;,bor=bood;.:.:..;:;Servl=.-ce--, Jngton Beach and Garden Grove chapters. Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Cbapel IT. JOACIIDI c::au.CB ~-0.,.... A-.. e-ta lieN . ~·-1·1 l'clltiMc ~ J ....... •u:TOFQOD 11114 lt. £ Aft. CllltiiiU.. ........ ~=. ...... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn.r People and CbUdren'a Service, 6:80 p.m. Sun. MJct. week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' M.lulonary Coun· CU. Tbu.nda)'8. 10:00 a.m. IPDTII DAY ADVDIISI •...,.ett .. ...,. .. 8ol.la .... • ....,.t ...... LDMny 1-1512 EJ.s.D.D.~ Saturday Momtnc Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -SeJo. mon: U:OO a.m. Prayer ~· tnc: Wectne.day, 8:00 p.m. P'rl· day Evalnl Vupers: 8:00. c::au.ca oe t11e •AU•EifK J-A z0 'a St., Ceatll llela ...._, .... cu.. wm·-· LJbel1y 1-7111 Sunday ServJces: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. MomJnc Worshlp at 10:30 a.m. Evan.,ellat.lc Serv· Ice, '7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer meet.ln£ 7:30p.m. Wecm.ctay. rDIT cauaca oF CBaDT SQDIISr sa VIa ~r a.ada . Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· day S e r v I c e : u ~oo a.m. Wednesday Ewnlne Meeting: 8:00. Readlnc Room. 331S VIa Udo, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week ctaya, 10 a.m.· 'J:45 p.m. W~nel4ayl, 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. VJriVEIISALIST COIOIVJfiTT nu.cws~ Ebell Clzu ,. 515 "· ........... lkdboa· ........... ...,.r.w.lll-.. Sunday School, 10:30 a .m. kom- lnl wcnhlp, 11:00 a.m. L • R LJa&llT'I .. ,551 eWI5 055 :.=r:= IIIMaiMArrtiiM .. Wife llulllc c .. 110 Broadway u a...usa 11 s..M34 eo.ta Mesa ·~··•n.t7.1.1.10..t U:~ a.m. We.ltday.: 11.. at 7:uu a.m. -Conftlilmon: Satur· da71fr019 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:1!5 p.m. _ ~ IO&!J;;: UPniT Pm1T &UTIIT CBUac& 110 W ---L cMtG .._ ----- Frank H. Cacle, 31, of 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, wu a.rrftt. ~ by Newport pollee at 10:40 p.m. AprU 1 on charcn ol aua- plclon of felonious wU~ beat1nc and ca.rrylnc a conceal~ weap. on. PoUce were call~ to the Cacl~ apartm~nt tn respome to a CU.. turbance call Officers chlU'pd that he sluccec:l bls wife, Geneova Cacle. 31, of 2512 West Ave., Ful. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servtna the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CH.APia. BY THE SEA llubor G ~ E. Oout Blahway Corolla cSe1 liar Baltz Mortuary Llbe.IV 8-21.21 17b A Su~. eo.ta Mesa AMPLE P .AII.JCtKG BOTH LOCA'I10!fS HILL Top M ~RKET :"·u!: ::~a~ .. c:t!~~l;:=:::!!!!!!!:!:=~ M h1l wlle and tile offtcen ~t to The Binnest Little Store in Newport h.ta car, where otflcen found a .,, .45 call~ revolver under the front ~~nt ot the car wJtb one or•·;;,.~T · ....... ~eu Cout ..... ...~.-=-..... IIAdter 1111 LD lt a..ft Sundaf IIChool, 9:G LID:.L..C!'_~ ...._, -......t Q. J tan• Jei'VIce 10:50 ua. ~~ 8uJada7 ~~: 1:45 a.m.. Sun· Union 7 p.m. SundQ'. ~ du llcbool; U:OO a.m., W«· wonhlp I p.m. Sunday.,_.. ahfp Service; '7:80 p.m. SundaY .. and otftcen meettna '7 PAIL ewntq ':ervlee; IIJd·We.k W~a.J· ,.,_ _.... ... ~ '7:30 p.m. w~ Bible A'!4IIJ 1 p.a. We!Jilw&lq. ,...,. lleltlft&. * * ' naT H.ftlft cauw ..... A-. ............. . a....-- .... '· & ··-• Sunday~: 9:45 a.m. Jwactay ldlool; u a.m. Wanhlp rervse.· 1:10 p.m., Baptl.lt Tralntq bnJoa; 7 :30 p.m.. ~ 8erYSoe. Wedne.day: '7:.30 p.m., PrQtr, Pra1M and Bible 8tucty. lion· day: '7:30 p.m.. ..... Dlor1LI p r a e tl c • ; 1:30 p.m. lbn'a Prayer MeetlnJ. cauaca or oa LADT or 11'1'. eawxa. ltciW ................. IIAmef .1. F.U.. l!tT.E'Ier• ,_._ F.U.. ,_ u ~ Sunday Mavea: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m.. ConfeuJon: Sat· urdayw and ev• of lit J'rtdaya and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from '7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Ma.aa 8:00 a .m. nnt Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. N o v e n a (Perpetual Help) : Tuaday, 7:45 p.m. CIUIIiT ~,.,...... cauaca L~·-·• .. c:::= llaU. ......... r...a.,.. ... Sunday Sent~• W~p Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sancfay SC:Ilool at 10:15 a.m. IT. JAIID UIIOOfAL UDI ... Ude. •r ..... .... ..:=,. ..... c.m. Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, U a.m. MomJne Prayerj. 9:30 a.m.. ReatmatJon few Sunaa,y School Tbilnday Services: 9:15 a.m. Pray• Gulld; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. IT. lOD nAJfJfn Jl. llcatM Aft. a.u... ~..a-ct ....... -· r.a.~l'f!r·..._ r.a.~ nr:u Sunday M-: T:OO a.m. II 1:00 a.m.~: Sat\ar'dQa and ..,_, of lit J'ridaya and Bob' o.,.; '7:30 to a:oo p.m.; Pint J'rl4aJ J(ua • a.m. Now Under New Management expeDded eartrtqe and 11w uw Ella SheriB-New Owner ~ 1n 1M cyUDder. A box of Mlllltl wu founct on tbe bM:k The Same Friendly Service bumper ,uard of the car. ~SURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" Wl'l'll STANIEf msua.AJfCE AGI:IfCY Pboae llarbca ~4 aal5&.Cout~ eara... ... liar ....... ~ .. '7315 &8-AL SH8T WBAL WOIJCS .......... H.W2210 .... ,.... ..... OPD 1 A..ll. .. t P.IJ. Mra. Cacle auttered bnallel on • •· •....,.t 81""-Uberty 1-1• her rl1bt c:beek, neck, brtdp "-.aL.-CBOSSBOADS STBIP noee, upper Up, tnne rl1ht .arm, ..3---v-u~~lll!ll~~~~-~-~1111!1 .... --~ ~bt llde, left hlp and a ~ 1HOW.M MOIIL S8VICI . ~ ..... -....... .. 1100 w ............... w ....,..... ..... IALIOA lAY Q.UI You ktDo thelcnmclry w. do .......... New Low Prtcee UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ; ~ ...... w. .. e maiiiCIIOOL'J'TA llrS. JucllaD lutllaland at ON-&cW"'Qii'> a NIIII'DM enleetorwy ta .._ ... N'fleeUid ~ • .....,. ~; ... IIlii ..,. of tbe !fewport HartMir •t~t Je••:a. wtao NM tlllt 1. oM 11flth kbool PTA at U.. 4prll5 IMet-1M U'tall 1ta*11 .,....._, Or. Snc. 1 daatra ID a ,........._ ol the 0UMr ~ are lira. Harwy lalal<oWa tdl ~. .,.... W».w-tdeat; Mrs. liar· oW W1118q, ..... W..~­ Mormons Plan Concert deDt; ..,.. .. L. .. ,.ant. record· fq -=ntar7; Mn. T. IIGrd ... ly, tWIIIIIII)DCl(... Menta17; M u . RoiMrt ZlecJ•, ~· Mn. Rarr7 Billiard. aucUtor; lin. ..,b- ert cam.. aw.tGrtan. and Mra. eo.la MeM branch of the Den.n1l Jloalan4, parltament.ar. Cb \.lf'C:h ot Jen.t Cllrt.t of Latter tan.. Day Salnta, toretber with other --rile Lite o1 a Harbor Rllh Oranp County Mormon Churches Student'' wu dllcu~ by a .tu. will praent a tree concert of d4!nt panel, conabtlnJ of Dick Jn. Maclrtcat Stnaers from Brl&ham nent, madent body preald4!nt; Youna University 1n Provo, Utah. Arlene Huft, Glrb' LeaiUe pft&I- The concert wm be held at 8:15 dent; Marcia Morehead, BW Rln& p.m. Tueeday, May 3, at OranJe and Dennla Fitzpatrick, with fac. Cout Oille,e. ulty member KJncery WbJteneck In add.ltJon to .. e old EuropHn u moderate.. rnactrlpu a n d contemporary Dick IJ)Oke on ltudent covem- worb of thla type, the MadrtJal ment. Arlene explained extra- Sinpn will &Do pteMnt a ...t .. curricular actlv1tles of the ,Ula. of folk mnp ot American and Marda delc:rtbed Trt Slcma. a European culture and favorite club for the top 30 ctru ln the eacted •lec:tJcma. ICboOL Denntl outlined the ath- Amona the outatandlnc vocal-lettc procram. plactnc the em- l.tl will be MlaiBarba.ra Ben.lon. phula on .,nar:OanahJp, rather dau&bter at. Secretary of AJ'rkul· than on wtnntnc. am talked on ture btl Taft Jlen8cm; Rldlard preparation tor oollep « career. £HIJR.£HES CIIIIII"'''AAf ICDIIe& cauw •-n.e Son of man came not to be min..latfted unto, but to mints. ter, ADd to ctve h1a life a ranJOm for many." 1b1a vene from Mark (10:(5) will be the Colden Text In the Sunday Leuon-Sermon on "Doctrine of Atonement" at the Newport Beach Chrlatlan Science churcb. ~ALIIT n:u.o~ 'nle UnJvenallat and Unitarian mJnlater. ot Southern CaUfomla will exchance pulpit. tha. Sun- day.' Rev. Jame. M. Becker, min. later or the UnJveraall.t Fellow ship or La Jolla. will spe&k In Balboa whm the Unlvenallat Community FeUowahlp meet. ln the EbeD Clubhouae, 515 W. Bal boa Blvd., at 11 Lm. Rev. Freder. lt&WiOft BAJmO• L~ ldt Rlnp, mlru.ter of the Fellow. "Doubtlnc 'lbomu" will be ahtp, will ~ at the Untver- the 8en00n aubject of Putor aallat Church In Santa Paula. Robert Gronlund tbla Sunday at Sunday school will be held at the Newport Harbor Lutheran 10:30 a.m. In the EbeU Club- Church In Newport Helcht.s. 'lbe hotUe. Dr. Fr-ank Mcintyre wiJJ Juniol' and Senior Luther Leaeue. rt!v1ew "BeJJcton In the Land ot will meet toptber Su.ncS..y for a Confucius." pot.luck supper beltnnlnc at 5 p.m. Dr.llonald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS A: PHYSICAL THERAfY DEPT. _,. .ewpon II..S. .ewpon .... ~-- LOCAL •AlTO& TO nEACB AT LUIAI•• COMYD!!Oit ANNOUNCING the opening of Marilyn's Fashion Apparel Monday, April 18 a oomplete •lection of fashion-right clothes 2348 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (Oft .. wq to the Santa .Ana Country Club) LE'AVE COSTA NUA The William CaldweUa have moved from 428 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. to AnsJlelm. &OIIUI8t...S .. Ia ..... t ... -, aida"" at. DoaWy .... ... ···-·...,-be ..... wttll • wltlae•t ww•• -a • ...--•TOn-.aa plaill. .... -........... ...... llylea __ ....... llalt &I •• Q _..... ... ........ City Officials Are Invited To Concert by. Philharmonic Mayan and counct1meD from and tlnanclal support. 16 Oran1e county cttl• have 1'h1l concert at the cloee ol the bee tnvlt.d .,. honored JUeRs Muon marka thto first annJver- to th .. concert of the Oran1e ...., of the IOdety. Penon~ In· County PhlJJlarmoD.k ~ at terested In becomlnc more cloee . 8:15 p.m. 8at\lt4aJ, April 23, ln ly uaoclat~ with the phUhar. the new Or-.np Cout Colle1e monic aoclety are lnvlt~ to mem- audltorlum. berahlp, Which beclna at atO a 1101111'1 Llll IIIIET The ottJda1s will be part ot year. wttlla uu• more than 1.200 people expected to attend the ~ pre~ent~ tor the flnt ttme Jn the new buUdtnc. 'lbe concerts are pre. •nted without charre to the public. The Oranp County Phil harmonic Orchestra Ia supported entirely by the mualc loveora of the county who clve their lime GOP School Of Politics BAlboa April 14. 1.155 Actually If you wen to pk* up a · rock and throw It In the dlree· Uon al. the F1re Station while you stood In our Eaat parkin& lot, the rock ~uld probobly land tn either of three very lntrlcutne show wlndowa ot three very out. standJnc ahopa that have enteor~ our Lido told· ... I'm uaurnlnl that your alm la aa bad u mine I and that your fock WOUld not end up ln a tlte truck. but rather lurch to the left a few feet ... If I told you the thrH ahops were on VIa Ma laga, you'd be com- pletely In the dark ... So aa you park your car tomorrow. find the flre station. look a little to the left and there you will find VIa Malaara. flank~ by La Relne. "Youn~ ~Smart Set, Faahlona" ... M&laea lmporU. Ltd. ... Harbor Travel Aeency ... Mcdoga llapoa1L Ltd.. ...-..d by Doa en&pt.a. A.LD. ~ nnw of LM AD9el• wttla ..._ A Do9 Tav Ia a ......,. of ~tificlatlea. to be bUJ19 by a cbaia aroa.Dd u.. MCk. Wl18t - ........... --..ct «*11- ....... Toa • .., pat -. - yva.r dog'a MCIE lf yoa wialll Charla and Mlll"S and their part-nts. Mr and Mrs. Charles W Wood of Santa Ana. spent Ea.ste at thf' Balboa home of the Char les 8. Woods. All'IO p~nt was the children's ereat g:rand.mother . Mrs. Mlrtam DeLano of Balboa . IUfbt --Offlc:ical a.u o. ..... ~Tape.. be puda...s .. ISc tJuonP u.. •• 'I JMMa Of ht MUll c-paay wltb U.. r....-a.u Dn•• .,_,., bct~ea. Toa'U liMp wta _.. ,._. .,_.._ ....... u,.. NOVEl noN LIDO GUbert Smith hu moved from 339 VIa Udo Soud. Udo lale, to 2044 F~eral Ave .. eo.ta Mea. Mft .... ,..._ ... .. .,.., ..... iay • .,... .. •· ....... be ......... .. IUIIt N .. wr ... ,_ .. Mit ..... ........... .. ........... ....... DAL DTAft IEL Ill Vogel Value Elll, ..... lly! Check theae features: 1-8 Blla.. 1 ~ batha. 2-DowMtn. apt. 1s separate and could be rented to VacatJonen. 3--Mstr. BR. has view of hlll.s and connectine full bath. f-Lg. handy kitchen, tile sink. !>-Fenced patio and BBQ. 6-1145 Sk. ft. of living area. 7-Room to bulld second home. 8-Some furniture lncluaed. 9--{:omer lot-()Cean stde of hwy. 1~Prlced at only $11,500. $2500 wlll handle. • THE VOGEL CO. 41667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14T7 You Can DREAM . • • For another ten years ... or RELAX ••• and START LiviNG IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE T omorrow• s Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the lrvtJle Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California UvJng. Offered excJu. lively throurb Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite tbe new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSlVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For FUrther lnlormaUon CORONA DEL MAR lapifiCIII wiew of ellraloe •••I I e1tire ~IJ ••· IODERI 3 Wrm., 2! laath lae ... larap. E1closetl 111tio. U•fi•ishetl stutl io 18123 willa • YIIW, Re4ucetl to $4l ,000 for 111ick sale Court('Sy to B.rokers. BIU.S BEST BUYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Twelve ~Bedr. homes 1 ~ bath, new curbed and paved street. Sewers in and paid tor. Only three blocks from downtown Costa Mesa. Only 4 left. (Full Price $8,000) $350 Down On sewers and bua lines. Choice ol colora thtu-out. colored tropical roofs. F.H.A. approved financing. More than halt aold out-So you better burry! (F• Prlol $1,711) W.l. ass«> Down Pl.us lmpound.l .... , -Yvu'U lUte our frfendly81!1'YJoe 393 E. 17th St.. eo.ta X.. Llbert7 ·s.u39 .... a.llyFitll Here la a 2-unlt income pro. perty worth the pr~l 2- bedts.. in upPft apt. 6 1-bedr. in lower. Both f\ll'nbhect. Summer rentals ahetl~ thla now! 511,600 • ISUID REALTY CO. 498 Park, Balboa lsland HA 3T1 BALBOA PE.ISUU 3 84n., It Balli 1111111 with nice patio walled for privacy. Excel. Value. Full Price 18,950 • • • Owner has moved Inland and Is anxious to sell nicely furnished ultra modern home on large Jot near bath beach. 3 Bdrm., 2 Baths. FuJI Price $21,500. $5,00 will handle. Bar I Beacll Reattr 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 FOR SALE: ~ owar, Corona del Mar, modern home, turn. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor View School and pro- posed parochial school ... everythlne built-in Including dlshwuher. dlsJ)osal, etc. En- closed patio and 2.ca.r garage with work bench ... call Ha.~M. aUSDfESS o•JOaTUJfiTIES WANTED : EXPERIENCED real estate salesman or broker. fa. mlllar with Harbor area; for well established business. Wrlte Box M-1 % Ensign. COM. BEAU1Y SHOP for aale 1n Harbor I ANa. New modoan equipment. Dlnea forces owner to sell. ean for info. HA 3665. CABS. roa SALE 1Y OWRD. 1S7S0. mWJ ~ ----------~ 108 lrt., CDM. PboM Carl Tllcrnu ud hla .U. ..,. W&liiUL WiliTi peke pup. oft to Palm Sprlnp fOit a fflW Ma.yor Don BJU wu J\&I'Ded bj 8q l"tont. uW Sept. JD aftew AJC NClltered f50. Kl 2-SI519. da,a ot sprlnc vacation .•• C. E. ctty OouDctl Konday ewnJna to reeetvtna a ~tlon Ia '*'-ot lll:l..:~..-l"C"""'W''::-:"1:1=-~~~~ ~~ of the BU1 Toblu calce r....-nt the Ot7 ot K.-pol't the co~ §tiijijwlY "GiAlfb. In wonct.r. went 'uranium hunttna on b18 Beech t Eumada 1« the )(av · tul condttJon. See and hear da ott thla week a ' e AdoptH a .Jolnt B.,.._ Com· tbla 1mmortal I.Ditrument. All Y • • • ·•· 7 feetlvJtJett at the conclualon ot mJttee rec:ommmdatloll that all ~eondJtlon auhd .~ Amonr the blre-t tranaac-:~':u'!,~:~t;::m~ !:~~.~ .. ~ •of t 'l11J.a ll no Nbu t PUUlUZ tl t t real Mtat ...... • naJ'~UIIUJ .-uwu ... ~ ...... . amlln ona 0 recen e uunory action waa taken ln .ly to an th Lido ~ Comm~ ~-.u.o. , be, MUOil It H • -the P. A. Palmer otflee aold a Invitation from th.. Newport e ...... J 1.-ter ,and many othen at LJdo lsle Bay Front home at ~ atlon, wblch 1n tum w-.u aM en peat •" v In I' •. Be&lly! 100 VI LJd N d Mr d Mr Ocean 'Salllnr AuoclatJon. foun. them to lndJVIduala. ...._ a o or to · ~n 8• dera and sponsors of tbe race. 1 .___ B ~ LWm wbJcb to chooee. Paul Beot:zten of Woodland HJlls • Received a etter uvau ur. Danz.sch ldt, 520 No. Main, and also this' month aold Mr. Councll alao authort.zed tbe ton Grant of fCM8 Woldnl Way. Sa t An necessaty expenaea fot the may-w -An 1 ding the n a · and Mrs. Leslie Petersen ot Bev-a.ua P es. 00ln!"en or'a trip down to Ensenada and Cou 11 t th Jn E. side of Costa Mesa; clo In, good soli, water, sewer, $2,190 cash. Cbad Twichell, H 3975, eves. HA 1317.J. erly HUls the adJolntnr lot. <Mr. eave' her routine permlasJon to new nc or e muner Petersen, an MGM executive, 1s a which Ita buaJneu wu conduct-leave the country for the event _... d Jn ..... , 1 -•-Jn the director of the new Mariners ~. an _. .... cu ar Pf1Ua I Bank.) Total conafderatJona were In this connection Councllman cooperative attitude ol Clb' En over $100,000. The sellers, Mr. and Sanely MacKay recommended gtneer Bert·Webb. Mrs. Walter Siebert ot LJdo and that a mayor pro-tem be deaJg. • ll.ecelved communlcaUons Pasadena, are planning llllOther nated to preside durlnr the ab-from Mrs. Gralneer Hyer and Dr. Lido residence-to be under con-sence of the mayor, as provided Ray Reeves commendlng tbe city CONNSONATA lect:rlc Crean, sUebUy used. Sa e $400 on this beautllul orean. anz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main, San Ana. Open sttucUon soon. by the charter. for a quJet Easter Week. Councilman Gerald Bennett e Introduced and pa.ect to nominated I. B. Stoddard, and second readlpg an ordJnance Clarence Hiebte nominated Gen. changinr doe llceMlne from the Stanley R!dderhot The general present tlacal year to a calendar ~------~------------~ STUDIO PIANO. A ard to get JI.EXTALS plano. Perfect con ltfon $395 ------------ erms. Danz--Schmldt Ble Plano 535 AUSO, NPT. HGTS, unfum., and Organ Store, 520 .flo~ Main, adults only. Call or write Bar. Santa Ana. low. Atlantic 7-7231. 284 So. HAMMOND ORGANS. OOmplete San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel. line easy terms. Your olli plano 2-BEDRM. bouse, tUm., or un· • taken in exchange. Try ~ore furn.. newly decorated. ChlJ. you buy. Free rooms hete for dren welcome, 417. Heliotrope, practice. Danz . Schmidt Big -:-;;CD=M:-;-;::be=l;-:-o=re--=10:-;.:-::a!ter==-5._-=--- 0 rgan 6 Plano Store, 520 No. ATIRACTIVE, 2-BEDRM., unlurn. Maln, Santa Ana. apt. with garage. convienl. HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN d~-ently located; ~ Marigold, on.strator, with new guarant . COM. HA f.203.W. Big saving. Danz.Schmldt ano Co .• 520 No. Main, Sant Ana. 2-bedt., lroat duplex. Frpl., gar.. child wel- $75 unlurn., yrly. HA BALDWIN Acrosonlc Spinet Pi- ano. Just Jlke new. You can h TI'RA=:-;-;:C11VE==--=2.-=Bedr:--:-.-a-p.,...,t:,-n-e-ar save on this. Beautiful Art China Cove. fum., garage, Model Spinet only $385. An-early. HA 3T1 or HA 3698-W. other Spinet Mah. case. Lovely ;-;;il-;;;;-;-;RN"'.-.2-"B""ED;;::;;:::;;RM..-.---;:b:-:ou::-:-::-ae=-,---.1 tone only $497. Always Iota of south of Hwy., near wonderful bargains at Danz-res, COM. U 8-4026. *hmldt Big Plano and Organ 1-BEDRM. apt. with ocean Co., S20 No. Main. Santa Ana. • newly fum. Inqul~ 308 100 Pianos to choose from. Uon, COM, HA 4016. Easy terma. Open every Friday ........ ~~........,......,._.,.....,.. ____ _ eve. SITUATJOKS WAIITED PRACTICAL NURSE with hos- pital experience will c.are for mother and new baby or post. surgical patient In your home. u 8-4233. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN seeking permanent position In this area as receptfon lat-asslstant to doctor or denu.t. References and experienoe. lJ 8-4233. 19 YR. OLD Peruvian youth want.a job hotae-cleaning, car washing. ironing, baby sitting, M ODS $5.00 P good p.rac- tlce pi rent applies 11 you buy. Da.nz . ScbrnJdt Piano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa a. Good practice pianos , $110, $195. SUP RENT~· Rowboat ren spaces. m 8' beam. 30' length. Am can Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA452. 50 USED PIANOS wanted badly for our rental dept. Highest cash allowance 1n trade on new plano or or&an. Danz. Schmidt, S20 No. Maln. Santa Ana. withdrew his name, however, and Councllman Stoddard wu named mayor pro-tem. "Do I get the $50 too!"•Coun- cllman Stoddard quipped. He was reterrlnf' to earlier action of council giving the mayor an ad- ditional $SO pet month for addl· tlooal expenses ot her office. City Council also~ e Approved $2,000 additional for c ity legal serv1ces. e Reduced tbe city treasurer's bond from $100,000 to $25.000 on recommendation of the city's cer- tified public accountant tlnn. e Deferred action fot one week year. e Appropriated $4..500 from the parking fund to complete the planting, sprlnkline ayatem and walks In the eutern section ot the Balboa Pier park develop· ment. e Amended lease with LJdo Isle Community A.ssoclaUon tor use of LJdo clubhouse tower for Observer Corpe to Include 3().day cancellation clause. e Retained the Sbepard Pen- dleton Co. ot Lonr Beach aa pe troleum consultant at t4TI a month to check dally oU produc. Uon. shipment and drlllJJll'. on awarding contract for Balboa ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Island sewer line. on whJcb bids ranged from $14,095.40 to $46.- 732.40; Edw1n Barkley of Costa Mesa was low bidder. e Transferred the city's sub- merged oil fund to the new Mar- Iners Bank. In Une wtth city pol- icy to do buslnesa"wlth aU local banks. e Agreed to allow John SuJH. van to continue his kayak rental concession at 19th Sl, Newport Service Tells 7 Last Words The ~n Last WordsolChrl.t were liven at the three-hour Good Frfday ~ beld at the Costa Mesa Methodist Church from noon to 3 p.m. by the New- port Harbor Council of Churches. BU,Y •a JORTIAC SEDUKTI'E Radio, heater and a aolld. good-runnine car. NO MONEY DOWN. 1511 A •n POif'nAC SEDUETrE Radio. h e a t e r-clean e.a a hound's tooth. NO MONEY DOWN. SAFE etc. Call neighbor, HA 43216-W ------------94 B C 11.ELP W AKTED 1 1 UI K, good condition, GARDENER-Clean up. etc. can ~:-;-----------Presenting the program were the rollowfng pastors: ·n CIDITILD CLO CODE Looks and runs good-eood Utes. NO MONEY DOWlf-Re-duced to only 1211 pipes. $100. HA 1.288-W after U 8-1648, If no answer oall U Girl.s-- 5 p.m. 8-4708. Rev. Roy Carlson, Christ Church by the Sea-the first word, "Fath4 er. forgive them tor they know not what they do"; Rev. Edwin Gomke. Corona del Mar Com- munity Church -second word, "Verily I aay unto thee, thls day shalt thou be with me In Para. dlse;" Rev. Herb Johnson, First BapUst Church, Newport -third word, "Women behold thy son"; Rev. M. C. Cronlc, Assembly of God, Costa Mesa-fourth word, "My God, why hast Thou forsak· en me"; Rev. Richard Sems, SeY· enth Day. Adventist Church, ~ ta Mesa-fifth word, "1 thlnrt"; Rev. Donald Sapp, Balboa Island Community Methodist Church- sixth word, "It 1a flnJshed"; and Rev. Joseph McShane, Costa Mesa Methodist Church---4eventh word, "Father, Into Thy hands, I commend my splrtl" 1952 HUDSON Hornet Sedan. Beautiful 2-tone finish. Hydra- matte, radio, heater, tinted glass, etc. Superb condition. $985. Terms, with no down BABY SJTnNG. care of alck, your home, Day, nlgbt. mature COM woman. Before 10 a.m. arter 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. pymt. to responsible person. -------------Pvt. owner, HA 2933. SEJlVICES Treme•tl•• r ... Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING From the living room ot this hillside home near Little eo. rona beach, 2 large bedts., 1 • baths plus outside shower. Obi. gar., built on shady street for Indoor outdoor pri- vacy. GEORGE BURKHARDT Ucen.aed Contractor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 Asking price, Dis I•••'• Blat BIP Wllfttt6PIMIQo. Corlla al lar $2&,600 Eart w.· SIMler REALTOR 1 BUNGALOW TYPE UP· RIGHT. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I.sland Call Harbor 1T75. 1 STYLE B. STEINW A Y GRAND. eves. Harbor 5359 l FINE NAME USED SPIN- ETS. IT ISI'T DOlE Wn1 ···- But here IS the Impossible. A 2 bdrm. home, hwd. floors, fireplace, best location. cute aa can be.: Located on a Jot 60 x 118, nicely fenced, room tor pool and lots of gardening. South of Hwy. within .plttln' dlltance pf Little Corona. No calla, pleue. just come and tab a look. ExclusJve with R.LSIINMIEI. ...... 3622 E. Cout Hwy .• Ccnna del Kat H.v 2T74 I 00°/o INCREASE IN SALES! Men tlla.n a J(OJloa Dollara 1ft MuiUple u..tln1 S...S. clurtq tbe Momla of llaJdl: . 11,14l,lll • . NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF R~LTORS I -lUST A J•t More than that-An oppo.r-tunlty to work in an lnter- estJng industry which is ex- panding and offers advance- ment opportunity to quaJ1. fled young women. Openings now u: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 514~ N. Main St. • Rm. 211-&lnta Ana Mon. through Frl 9:00 to 4 :00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE BABY SITTER wanted. Mon. thtu Ftl 10 to 4 p.m. HA 5328. WANTED: Auto salesman to eeJJ new Fords and used cars. Ex- perienced man pref. Theodore Robins, Ford dealer., 3100 w. Coast Hlwy., NB, U 8-34n. Only 62 per cent ot the $23.· 800 tot the Red Crou fund cam. palm bas been collected for the Newport..C:C.ta Mesa ana. FEMALE UBBARY clerk. Orange Cout CoUeee. Mu.t be rood typt.t. LJbrary experience de- airable but not required. Sta"' Jnc aalary $230 per montb. Ap. ply ln peraon lmmediately at Buslneu OUke ol Coll~e off Fat.rvtew Ave., eo.ta 'Mesa. · Red Crou oftfclals aald that • tbe ~ t1tat aJd and water aa.te- --:==,==-~====.-:--ty Pr-oarama may not be contJn- uect lf the quota 1a not reached. The bloo<t propam and motor MVIce have &1.10 Increased their actlvtti• to meet local neect., tbey potntect out. llual.neu and realdentJal areu that have not been vt.ltet\ by a volunteer aolldt« have been uked to call the lted ero. omc. at Harbor ~ and tbe eontrtba- Uon wW be prompt.l)' C.'Ollecc..cL B U. Y '50 •ACKAD ~DOOa New tintah, good enrtne, pluUc seat covers and runa like a mUUon. NO MONEY DOWN! You pay only ss• ·uSED '52 CADILLAC P'LEETWOOD Near-new, tully ~ulpped - and "what a buy; • Sold for $5,500-yours for only 11711 CAR 'Sa L'OD aAKCB WAOO. Heater, overdttve; laht bllie fJnlab -a perfect. alf.purpoee car. ··-AND '5I roe 6.DO()a RadJo, heater, overdrive lcnr mllea.Je. (R.duced $:iOO tot sale TB1S WEEK). NO MOI'fft DOWN ··-SAVE .. Local Delegates .. to Attend Kappa Province Convention TIM &a,. ProvtDce ~WD-.a-t llraltltr of W...-pjort and Uoft of &a.,. Kapp. Gamma ~ Mn. .,._,. ~ of Oranp. rortt;y wW be belcl tble f'ri4a7 '"'J"be AttalniMDt o1 lndlvldu. and laturclaJ at tbe Camme Xi al ud lodall:lalell~" .. t.be chapter hOU8e, 7~ BJlp.rd, Ia eoewntioa ......_ A number of WM& Ltw .....,.... Prom tbe ~ poupa perta.lnln• to Southern enq. Coun~ Alum. trat.mlt;y problema wUJ be held, nae .u.oetatlon tbe 461ettat-euc:b u pb.Uaatbropl-. commun. be Mn. J. E. K.etm udlln. Jty lMdenhtp, ~beUenle reJa. tiona and , alumnae acttvttlea. ao.tn& the -.lou, a banquet will be aiftll at the Bel A1r Ho-- tel on Saturday even1ne. Zoning Laws . Facing Test (Continued from Paee 1) Inc altes. (The ordJnance re. quire. 5.000 square feet for a comer R-2 buJldlnc atte. 4,000 square feet for an lnalde lot.) The aale by the Van Everys to the Jewkes was concluded In July, 1954. • their DUptial YOWL The bride la the f- ICLII Betty Jo Mc:Ccutby of lka1boa Ia1aa4. (Photo by OUermcm) The effect ol the Planning Commission and City CouncU ruling Is to require the Van Everys to cancel the property aale, return the money to the Jewkes, restore the property to Its orlclnal condition as one par. eel under one ownership ; al8o for the real estate agent who handled the transaction to re- fund hla commlaslon. 1be monthly luncheon ot the local Kappa alwnnae will be held Thursday, April 14, at the bome ot Mrs. Bob«t BJack:mar, 1.27 Abalone Ave., Balboa laland. Aat.t1nc hoeteaes will be Mrs. StraJtJtt, Mrs. G. Canon Raamu .. sen and Mn. Howard Blyan. Of. !Jeers will be elected for the com inc year. Proceed.a from the an. nual rummage sale held Jut month will be made available to provide campershlps for the Or ange County Crippled Children's Society. BErrY McCARTHY WED TO SGT. DONALD WELLS Savings -Loan Hq. Featured PAT WILLIAMS OF BALBOA WED TO LELAND FINLEY e COIJIIT TEST JIDITED From Jack J. Lande, Los An· &elH attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Van Every, came a hint ot legal challenge of the city Jaws, which he termed "unrea. sonable, arbitrary and dlscrtmJ. natory as to the property l.n. volved." And from AasembJyman Earl W. Stanley In Sacramento, whose Corona del Mar real estate ott.lce handled the property sale to the Jewkes. came a telegram alao ralslnc the question of constltu. tlonallty. Hand wroueht wedding rlnp of Burbank and Balboa, Mrs.. Mr. Stanl~y wrote: "Everyone wft~ 6 changed late Jut Satur. Frederick Vanderhunt (nee Mar-connected with tbl.a particular day afternoon at the Corona del tlyn Johnson) of •verly Rllls sale acted In good faJth and on Mar Community Church In a and Miss Paula Taylor of Balboa. the advice that It was permlssl. ceremony that chaneed Ml.as Pa. Mrs. Robert Hatcher, cousin of ble ... I haw enough problems trlda Jannetta Williams to Mrs. the bride. Mrs. David Stone. Mlss here at the capital trying to do Leland Edward Finley. Robin Cross. Ml.ss Ann Blower thinp for the city without hav. The wedding rites performed and Mia Unda Blower. cousins lne to bring action against the by Rev. Edwin c. Gomke united of the groom, served the five. city as to. the question as to con- the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Leland tiered wedding ca.ke which was stJtutlonallty of a portion of Ita A. P'lnley of 1108 E. Balboa Blvd., decorated with lattice bukets of ordina nce." Balboa, and the daughter ot Mr. orange blossoms. e "QUUTIOif OF 1101lALJ1"1'" and Mn. Thomas Reele Williams The bride's mother received 'At Monda,y evening's Council of 2121 E. Oeean Blvd., Balboa. cuests ln an irldacent brown meetJnc Attorne:y Lande &reued m &Wn:FJCATIOW TAQ C-D 'Tags' Available Special guests fr o m Seattle. Wash., were among those who wltneued the marriage of Miss Betty Jo McCarthy and T/Sgt. Donald E. Wells, who exchanged vows on the e-venlnt of Satur day, AprU 2. at the Coron11 de l Mar Community Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Josephine McQuthy of 1944 Continental Ave., Costa Mesa. and the groom ls Ule son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gordon Pearce of Seattle. The special gu~ ln. eluded Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Anne Newman, the groom's crand mother, and Mrs. Stdla Munz. his great.aunt. A white satin brocade dress with empire walstllne, w.hlcb wu designed by her mother. was worn by the bride. She wa.s giv- en In marrla'e by Ernest V. Sod erberg of Newport Hete"hts. a family friend. The brlde'.s finger. Up veil was held to a pearl crown. White roses and lily of the.vaJJey made up her bouquet. Miss J ane Soderberg was maJd ol honor, dressed In a gold gown with bouquet and matching cor-e 1 v II defense ldt!ntllfcatlon onet ol Wisman roses. Mrs. wu. tags are being made avaUabl& to llam Richards (the bride's sister, all adults and ebU~ In thla Leah) ot ec.ta Mesa, M1aa MlJcell con:ununJty. &dUnn ot Westmlhater and thE.' so<'aal hall ol the church., Two mure national publica Asslstlng with tht> recetpaon werE> twns featured the modern bay Mrs. Larkin Po(nsett. Mrs E. V 1 front headquarters of Newport Soderberg, both ot New po rI I Balboa Savings a nd Loan Associ. Helgjlts. and Mrs. Francis Hor. atiun this month. vath of Newport. M l~ Frances American Bu ildl'r. na tion widP Harrison ol Costa Mesa and Miss slick paper magazine, has a two LR<mit> Ker·lake of Santa Ana. 1 pagt> story with plcturt> . featur Mrs. McCarthy wore a pale 1ang the dt>Stgn featurl's of tht> pink empirt> style dress with pow buildtng facadt-. der blue aC'C't'SSOrlf's and a c'(Jr 1 The b1 monthly magazane of saee of pink c-ym bidium orchids I tht> Pittsburgh Platt> Glass Co . The groom's mot ht>r was dressed i tnC'Iudt>:. a four p age an.cle on In a p ale aqua lace sheath dress 1 the butldang. w1th f1vt> blac-k and with a jt-wel collared Jacket Shf' white pictures and two tn fu11 wore bronze cymbldaum orchids 1 color. • Atter a brief honeymoon. the 1 The buLidang has bet>n prevl youne couple will live at 504 1 ously featured In articles an thf' Jumlne Ave . Corona del Mar U S. Savings and Loan LeaiJUt' The new Mrs Wells gtad uatE'd I News. the California Savlnea and fro m Newport Harbor H 1 g h Loan J ournal a nd the Southwest School and attended Orange Engineer. and In a full page col Coast College atter serving wtth or advertisement in Fortune the U. S Navy. The gy-oom at Magazine foe the Bank Building tended schools In wa.s hJngton Corporation, builders ot the Sav before joining the Marine Corps. ings and Loan headquarters. Sari & Sand FiliUS IIIE IITIIil SliTS ............ Balboa 1'lw bdcle ._.. -.:ortec~ to the aUk oreanza over taq.ta. dreas that the cue ln~Jwd the qaes- altar by her (ather. She wore an with beige acceaorles. She wore tlon ot morality on the part of lmported white oreandy eown brown cymbldJums. Mrs. Finley the city. He clalrned that his with tracing of 1uyper lace on wore a navy crepe sheath dress clients had understood from Pete the fitted bodice and bouffant with gray and yellow accessories Nelson, •then buildJng Inspector skirt. which had a brush train. and a corsage of yellow cymbld· for the city, that It would be A crown headpleceJ f matching lums. Special wedding guests in proper to re.subdlvlde the pt?· lact> and pearls h41l an Illusion eluded the groom's two grand perty. tlnee-r Up veil. She carried a co-mothers. Mrs. t:. E. Utt and Mrs. Councilman G e r a 1 d •nnett lonlal bouquet of pink Carol Am· A. G. FlnJey. The groom Is a then announced that the record ling roses with white stepanotis. fourth generation Callfornlan. shows that Mr. Nelson dJd not In making tbla announcement. Ml.as Kathleen Hoffert of Santa ClvU Defense Director Ned HIU Ana. aJI served u bridesmaids said that ldentlllcatlon tag.s are and were Identically dressed In an Important safety meaAure be aqua gowns with bouquets and cause they provide quick ldentl matching coronets of yellow flcatlon In case of accident, sud-roses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ den illness or any emergency, ln. Pfc. William Richards. the r oiudlng air attacks. bride's brother-In law, serve-d as best man. and Sgts. Mike Rln audo. Chester Scott and AJ Green, all of the Marine Corps Alr Forc-e. were ushers. Little PrlscUla Da vls Attendants for the bride wore Alter a honeymoon In Apple tell the Van Everys that the pro. powder blue and pink crystal-Valley and Las Vegas, the young perty could be sold. Facts of the lette over taffeta eowns and car. couple will Jive In Santa Ana. case. u brought out during the rled cascade bouquets of pink The new Mrs. Finley attended discussion. were that when the and white tulips and carnations. Newport and Santa Ana High Van Everya requested a building Matd of honor wu Mlas Anne Schools and graduated from San. permit In 1952 to build a 11econd Braley of La Jolla. Miss Judy ta Ana Junior ColJege. Later she house on the property, Mr. NeJ. Spaulding of Santa Ana and Bal-attended Arizona and Long Beach son told them that they must -.oa Island and Miss Call Finley, State Colleges and craduated first remove one of the kitchens sister of the eroom. served as from Lawton Medical School. Her In the house already on the pro. bridesmaids. husband attended hJgh school In perty, so that It would remain a Attending the g r 0 0 m were Orange and the University of two-dwelling parcel. Jarne. Roehm of Tustin as best California at Davis and served e WOULD SET nECEDEJn' man and John Taylor and Rich with the U.S. Army until last Councilman Bennett a nd City ard Greenhaleh of TustJn as December. Attorney Jtarl Davis both said ushers.. Pink and white flowers that If the re.s ubdlvlslon would with Ivy leaves decorated the SPEA.ItS TO JlEALTOIIS be approved. then the council churc.-h to fullUl the putel moUl. Special guest s peaker at thls would be settlne a precedent. Mrs. Williams chose yellow morning's Realty Board Break and a fiood of other ~uests for and whJte flowers to decocate her fut held at the lrvlne Coast similar re subdividing of proper. h~. owhere the weddJne recep. Country Club Is 11m Garth, pub-ty would come ln. Uon waa held.-...utlnK the host. Hetty chairman of Calllomla Council voted 6 to 1 to deny e-. were· Ml.la Jeanette Johnson Real £Rate Aaoc:lation. the request, Councilman CJar. · ence Hleble casting the dissent. ..... ...,.,.,.,.,.,...,..,....,.,....,..,...,..,,.,. 9 ·~ lng vote. :Brewers Yeast ... for Health!~ CIIJ ... -... -.. -.,- ~ Yeut 1a tbe chNpest aource of hleh potency vltamJn and min. ~ w--a .WMrl ....... ~ erala, Jt eonta.lna the enUre B complex lncludJne B 12. all the ~ ... ....,. W U ~ -.ttal m1nera1a u well •• the "trac:e elements." !50% High ~ Jam• Edwards Jr .• president a.. Potenoy Protein. ao" Natural Carbobyd:r•tes and only 5«;4 ~ of Newport Island Inc .• submitted ~ ~at. Av&Uable Jn Powder, Flak*H or Tablet Form. ..,. a request to City Council Mon. r-~ day evenJne for action to do : .... IULQ fa. I ::: ~e ::mlve odor In ..._ --Councilman 1. & Stoddard said r' ...... ,...._._ h• had received a letter from a member ot Ule Water Pollution Board auueattnc that th!! matter be lnw.tipted by tht! Depart. ment ot Jl1ab and Game. CouncU appo..S his motloa to rder Mr. EdwarcW requ.c to Cit1 Mana. ,_Jolla Sa1kn 1tw c:ouWtatJon W1U1 f'llll and GuM oftldal.a. E a c h t a g Is permanently stamped with t he wearer's name and the name and address of the person to be notlfled In an emer. gency. The wearer's birth date and reJiglous preference also are stamped on the smooth metal tag, which Is carried on a non- tarnishable chain. of Garden Grove was ring ~arer. Yellow pew ribbons and fJow. ers adorned the church for the ca ndlelight c-eremony. A ~p Through special arrangements. E A s T E a a o If If E T Instructions for ordt-rlng official Ci vil Defense Identification tags She wore her Easter Bonnet may be obta ined at displays In Without any ribbons on It many grocery 'Stores soon. Mr. And ber coin tinkled as It hit Hill said. t he plate; I He reported that Civil Dt>fenM' With that paper money 'round It has tried to put thls project Into 1 1 hope the counters round It .. effect for three years bu t has It was all the little lady could been blocked by lack of pt>rson donate. nel and · funds. Recently. how 1 ever, FCDA secured the he lp of a Thruout all the congTegatlon large food manufa~urer In dl.s There were hats o! all crt'atlon ; 1 trlbutlng oUiclal Identificatio n There were trUls and decorated tags on a na tion wide. at cost hats calore. basis. But she aeemed so weU contented Civic League Election Tues. Election of otflcen wUJ be the prim«! order of bualness next Tuesday when the Woman's Civic League meeu at 10 a.m . at the VIlla Marina Restaurant. Speaker for the morning will be Wllllam Spureeon III of Clltf Hawn on the aub~ of the his. tory and 1J0Wtb of Newport Har bor. Reservatlorut for luncheon following the mfttlng sho uld be made before Saturday. Hostesses will be Mmes. Clyde Stmmon.s. S. A. Sandes. Mabel Fltzmonls, Mary LOmball a nd ha Murphy. ~at the meetJn.c will in- clude the announcement of the Pa.rltl and Recre&Uon Commltt~. whlcb wUJ meet at tbe borne ot With her hat un-ornamented And the long.sleeved, high-necked woolen dress she wore. On that Euter Sunday momlne There were jewels there adorn. lng- Every la<ty'a finger sparkled but her own; But h« face, WumJnated, Wlth a smJJe that radiated. Sparkled br1ehter than the most expensive stone. Yf'S. she wore her Easter Bonnet Without any ribbons on lt. And s.hf' went to eburch without an Easter aown: But I think. that Easter Sund'f. Somehow abe knew that ao~ Sbe would cha nce that Euter Bonnet for a crown! · BURT OOX. Balboa. ~~n. ~ eox. 1115 hd.tlc: P'II.I:IIC:. cooaa aa.s • -•& WtiWG c:u& Dr .. Corona del Mar. ~t t :30 Lm. A review ot c.-o•n•attonaJ ~ William Gorton, S). 'I"Qeedq, A.pttll&. n.neh .tartt ~ ~na ..._ lfwpwt poUcle omc., Mrs. JAIIMII a_,, WQ'I &DCl at Orance Cout OoDeee u a put wu fWa4 IUDt7 ~ b)' a-&. ...... dlalnDan. wW ..-at ot th•lr adult ~ 411\'Woa.. ,..._ l\ldte ~ ~ ..._ for the aJe tf tk:ba to The claw wtU be taQitlt _,. ....._ -o1 111oQ illrwU c1rf¥tna the Commu.atty ...,_. produe> Marvin ~ ol Santa Aft& qd wlltda ~t ~ to a ODMa tloD. ""fte llladl l'laiD&qo." wtU meet ~ from 'I a.m. to ~ •••"-• ...,... ........ avte I.Mpe -••• t p.m. ~ and 11l.....,.. ........ ...., ............ -. ............ .. OaltDa ,._a IIIP taw ... MVt ._ ,._., .. ol ,..._ ........ --u. ................. -..... II1IIU4 tiMt wu. ,_ ., a.. ...._ . a _., Yeu~ Ollllielr. w.c ... STROOCK& CASHMERE COATS ~J Ml4! Tour coat wW be$310 as beau ti fu l as eYer. after our ap. dallat. c o m p I ete their bcmd.worlll We Pickup cmd Dt.ll,_ BAzboc 3929 Uptown Cleaners 1121 WEST 8AL80A 8LVD..-IfEWPOBT 8E.ACB We spedaUM lD CleaabtcJ cmd Bcmd -nw'NJ of Lad.iee cmc1 c-u ..... n.. -.artDcJ apparel Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon illl'lllleiq MR. FORD lall~ Hair Slyllst ... jtiu-stall ... Beverley Dorothy Marilyn Susan .. ...pwt .......,_ 111P lcMol and da.nee numb«, wtth c.y ltU._.. wt1l piiJWtt "SS~ 1\J. ~ u 80ioltlt. llelocn.ta biM." a .._.tie mllllkal N¥Ue. 8lwoD Crowl. Jtutb J:mUy Dud- oe P'rtda1 ud Satanlay ..,.. ~. IIU7 Duclley, Jlubara Ham- nlap. _. • aacS 30. In tbe monel. a.v.~y Pflrrman. Emf Sdwaol a~UDL CUrtain tilDe ~. Helena ~. llaey SIJl. wtll lte 8 p.m. datr and Pat Greg wtJI aapply "nll8 will be a eelebratlon ot baclqround mll.lle. Harbof HJp'a 25th a.nnlveraa.ry. ''Pirate. of Pen.u.nce'' aftorda A ~ of more than 100 will pre-a roual~ ~CeDe with 'rerT)' Belch. aent a aetl• ot vtcnettes trom 'Tom Pe&l'80n, l oe IemPf!J', Iay favorite ahowa In the past quar-Laoetleld and Shelby Tunnel u ter cen\ury. culmlnatlng with a leads. Gypay mualc and a&J'lCU\•i condensation of Gilbert and Sul-in a scene from "Fortune Teller" llvan'a "B.M.S. Pinafore." will have Gynelle Dysart u solo- Taccoa Hayes and Marvin Lusk 1st. Dennis Henderaon, I..yle Lion- will alng a VIdor Herbert duet barpr and Dave lerchey have from '-rhe Red Mlll." A gay scene solo parts In a scene from "MI. from "SweetheartB" will feature k.ado" and chanters l.nclude by laundry girls l.n a Ultlng song Saunders, Marvin Lusk, I)ave Stearns, Tom Pearson, .Joe Kemp. er, Alan R.ypJ.nskl and Gawain ALL~-n. ......_ ,._ ... ._ ... Mauger. a ly liMy ..,.e dlalll4l tM ....,., of £eDt. .... Iaiit ..... ,.... ....... .,. ... • ova nw LOCATIOif. 1•e.;a......._t a • .._. .._..1M Aft CUI ID Ill alii • .. * uaaaT UI..&CI'IOII OP CAirDLD Dr TID WUT ........ .-.-..eapp....s-.- . ............ ,.. ...................... .. .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Cruise the Caribbean Mesa To Hold Progress Talk "H.M.S. Pinafore" will have wca taba fnm tile top of tile tenta wiMeL Cllld Tom Pearson, Helena Boster and --------_..:..--------------------------- ~::dH!!:::s;.:;a~a;t~~ Costa Mesa Woman lniured How Ia tbe tfJDe to plan that JOm.&.ntk. Jet.urely to~ tor tbe f.all • • · whUe IOOd accommoctaUona are avallabJe. Let ua IIOVES PIIOII SA.lM)A make your .UC:0. booldnp now. Second Annual All..Club Com- munity Progress Dinner to be given by the Costa Mesa Cham- ber of Commeree w1ll be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, AprU 20, ln the Friday Afternoon Clubhouse, Costa Mesa. Representatives of Newport Harbor Clubs have been Invited. Musical entertainment will be provided by Orange Coast Col- lege students. Short talks w111 be presented by civic otticlals of Sharon crowl, Ed Gibson and loe K~~~~~s;;tz::u~~major At 'Crash Corner' in COM dramatic presentation, are Carol KJng, .John Euert. Bob MUum. Shirly Hourigan, Carol Doane and Pete Henderson, with Dennla Henderson In the lead role of the temperamental director. Tom NI- quette 1s student director. Mary Kay Hehn, Tom Webster, Rick. Ballard and Dennis Guerin Ruth Reynolds. 47, of 31.28 Dr. near Carnation Ave., Corona Broad st.,.Costa Mesa. suffered a delllac, at 1:07 a.m. Sunday, po- posslble skull fracture and In-lice reported. Both were ta1ten to ternal injuries and both lees lfoae Memortat Boapltal by am. were brok~n when hit by a car bulanee. Set. J[J.mball drove a at 1;20 p.m. Saturday at Coast car into a wire fence, admlttlne Hwy. and MacArthur Blvd., Coro-h.e wu drtvln& faster than he na del Mar's "crash comer." slaould, pollee said. Costa Mesa Including Mayor will present a scene from "On Claire Nelson, City Manager Borrowed Time." A scene born George Cof1ey, Councilman Char. ''A Goose Hangs High" Includes Jes TeWinkJe, City Engineer Gynelle Dysart, Dave Powers. Pat D on Southworth, Councilman Kelter. Trlna Hughes, Darrell Bert Smith and Planning Com. Hartshorn and Bruce Knipp. missioner Walter Weimer. Under A scene trom the comedy-chlll- discussJon will be problems of a er "Ar8!nic and Old Lace" wtll The driver. Russell G. Robin· John S. Littell of San Dteeo soft , 16, of Artesia. told pollee the w~t to aleep whlle driving his brakes failed o~ his car ap. car in Balboa at 11:40 p.m. Sat· proachlng Coast Hwy. on Mac. urday damagin& two other Arthur Blvd., traveling from 50 parked cars, pollee aaJd. The Ut. to 60 miles an hour. tell car rammed into a parked Mrs. Reynolds started across car on E. Balboa Blvd.,.35 teet the street with the atrnal Ught east of Alvarado St., reglstered In her favor; she attempted to to Newp>rt pollee otncer Robert dodge the car but was struck. Upson of 211 E. Balboa Blvd .. The vehicle continued acrose the Balboa, The Upson vehicle was hJ&hway and came to rest pushfd Into a parked car ree· against the south curb. The drfv. lstered to Robert G. Sampl~ ol new city lncludine water, drain- age, streeta and curbs, fire pro- tectJon. planning and zoning. l•••nts WID IIIII •••• a,rtl Z3 The Orange County Democratic Central CommJttee will sponsor a County.wtde Democratic Dance at 9 p.m. Saturday, April 23, at the American Legion Hall. 313 North Birch St., Santa /'n&. Ted Tracey's orchestra will furnish the musk and card ta. bles will be avaUable for those who do not dance. Local ticket chairman 1s Dale Botte, 1944 Fed. era} St., Cbsta Mesa. LIDOITES II.ETUU .(Jm IIOVE Just back from P r I n c I pI a School near St. Louls. where they visited their children, Mr. and Mrs. George Ward have now moved from 827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, to 3408 Vfa Oporto. SAY 1T W1TB feature Marcia Allen, N a n c y Grlsty, Sue Nissen and Glen Thomas. Student director is Gloria Chapman. "Royal FamJJy" will be por. trayed by Sue Zerbe, Jim New- kirk and Tom Niquette, under student director Cora Peters. The production wtll be under the direction of drama coach Robert Wentz. wtth MJ.ss Zatha Tallinan as head ol set construe. tiona and Malcolm Buchanan u her um.taat. er was not held. Santa Ana, pollee &aid: Staff Sat-David R. Kimball. 24, Edgar & Witmer ol 2615 Cove of Ha mUton Air Force Base auf. St .. Corona del Mar, fell asleep tered fadal and arm cuta and whOe driving at 2:40 a.m. Sun. Merritt M. WlWama. 23. of Pua-day and rammed Into a parked dena. a lacerated acaJp and hJp car registered to Catherine M. Injury in an aoddent on Baymde Kane of 3022 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beech. In front of 806 UGAI. •OTICE W. Balboa Blvd.. 'Balboa. pollee •orx:a 0P ~ DAW!IIQ reported. LSGAL •onCE Notice la'heftby given that the ------ •OTICE OP PUWUC JIEAallrG Planning Commission of the City ..... left Earllls II NotJce ls hereby &iven that the of Newport Beach wlll hold a Planning Commission of the City public hearing on the appllca -Swllzerl .. Sclllll ot Newport Beach will hold a tion of Emma M. Hall for a vari- public hearing on the appllca. ance, No. 224, to permit the \:>ro-John V. NeU of 440 Santa Ana lion of .J. Howland Paddock for a posed addition of a second floor Avenue, Newport He ights. has variance, No. ZZS, to permit a recreation room with a bar type a ppUed for admission to the Pep- proposed addition to an existing kitchen and bath over an acces-perdlne College Summer School accessory building to be set back sory building on an R..l district 1n Lausanne, Switzerland. He a distance of 4 teet along the parcel containing two existing has enrolled In both sessions of side and 3 feet from a corner of dwelling units. The height limit the summer school and will take an existing dwelling. On Lots of the completed addJtlon ls to the courses oltered In French 864 and 865, Tract No. 907, and be 19 teet 6 Inches above garage wblle doing h1s graduate study. located a t 120 VIa Lido Nord. floor. On Lots 11, 13, 15 and 17, He ls now journalism Instructor Lido ule. Block 142, Tract Resub of Corona at Orange Coast CoUege. Notice la hereby further given del Mar, and located at 715-219 Pepperdine 1a still accepting that said public hearing will be Poinsettia Ave. City Code Section appllcationa for either of the two held on the 21st day of April, 9103.11 (a) requires a single fa m. summer sesalo~uly 5through 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. Jn lly dwelling on an R..l parcel and .July 25 and .July 26 throu&h AU· the Council Chambers of the Section 9103.12 requires a height gust 15· 3403 E. Coast Bwyllarbor 5071 Newport Beach City Ball, at UmJt of fifteen feet for an acees------- COIIOMA DEL KAJI. which Ume and place any and sory buUdlng. lOW .OD TO DAVD' all persons interested may ap. Notice 1a hereby further riven A son, Scott Spencer, wu born The Sbop pear and be beard thereon. that aaJd public hearing wtn be to Mr. and Mrs. lade Davia of of hnoaal Semce ~ RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary held on the 21at day of April, 1902 Clay St., lf.wport Belght.l, PhOM Bcubor 5071 &~ Newport Beach City 1955, a\ the nour of 7:30 p.m. 1.n on Monday, Aprtl f. In Hoac Me- ~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~P~l:a:nn~l~n~e~Co~DllllW~~~Io~n~--the Council Chambers of the morial Ra.pltaJ. Newport Beach City Hall. at ------ MARKED. • • • Ally bu8iaea wbich )'OU tranuet widl thia bulk il • private matter betww you aad tbe bait. We ate keeG!y awaft ol our rapanrlblHt:" to our c:u.to'merl to bald Ia conldeoee aq fact. COGCer.U. tbeir IMftdaJ de8J. iap with ua. TIUI II a iroe-d.s rule 8t thia ta.t. which tlrbe and place any and 10• roa CIIILD ... all persona tnter.tect may ap. A aon, WOllam Duane. wu pear and be heard thereon. m to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cb"u- RAY Y. COPELil'f, Sec:retary den of 133 E. 16th St., eo.ta Jfewport Beach CftJ Mesa, In Hoe-1 ¥emorlal B~plt- Plannl.nl Cormnlarlon a1 on Mondq, Aprtl f. Mlsa Maribeth Hilden bu ~ IIIII ...... ,.._ ..._ ... moved from 112) Balboa Blvd., ..----.. -.... --Balboa, to Santa Ana. MI• R11-~!!!:!!!-I- School, Santa Ana. ~de~n~la~a~t~ea~eb~~er~a:t.:loh::n~M~uk;:~~~~~~~-~~~4;~&~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~ HEll'S A t::i'/ lOX rho I "''" really la•tl McKINNEY ~Jr.. MAIL lOX t.rtislkoly deslgMd to harmonize with modem front door hardware • • • made of hivh quality NSt· ~ Iron ••• finished 5n popvlar dull blodr., hammered texture. 15 Inches long over·all, including llurdy magazine rock. . NO LINT Regular Price $8:!! HAIDWAU WEEK Special Pric• $7 A9 NO TANOUS SOLDaiNG Kif ~~~~ONLY '1'' A $1M YALU8 ................. ........ -.......... . .......... ............. .................... ......, ... , ........ . ........ ._ ........... .... _....,. .... ~ ...... .... M ... tlf'e • ......... .......... ....... .......... CAN·O·MAT• w_,, !!!!! ...,.., c-o~ ..._CMO.Uf, ......... _ ......................... -. ........... ,.. ..... .. • 1 ttl:: ......... --' :r-=: ...... ·-....... -_, .. ,.._ ... ~ ......... ., ............. ............... WI IS ~TION MRAL SNIPS • ••••••• ••4 ..... .... . ..... ..... .. .. ..... ... ...... ... W.Prtee•l.lt COIODin'-..w.. •~•• ,_.. IDP ........ -..w ·-· -riM. tMaP 111M ., w~ac~y.• EJLITD COIOOJIT-a.IM SbDoa. .... AlcDd1cl .... ldMel: -w...s.ma~ to be...., .... adtool.. aU11GLAII lOTI BOllE A burglar took liquor, food. stutt.s and a clguet lighter, all valued at $13.88, from the home of Dr. Carl G. Andree of 201 Gar- net Ave., Balboa bland, Dr. An· dree notltled Newport pollee at 5:40 p.m. AprO 1. NcKDOfETS utoaa Mr. and Mra. B. Z. McKinney of 2714 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Kar, ha\re returned from a three- week vacation trip to Death Val- ley, Phoenix and Tucson. Att7~ ,.,._ 1M A~• men were aawd ,_ poMible death tn dark; rou .. oaKn waters ott thl! Newport ~ plft on April 12 an. tbelr lf.foot aallboat aank lntheb...,.JeU. Brouaht tnto the Newport har. bor muter dock autrmn• from shock were Leonard !fev"' 34-, of 4806 Yellowstoa~; Jade Schum· way, 28, ot 5300 ~dge Rd., and David Owen, 25, of 2990 Glen Ave., aU of t.o. Angeles. High seas IWamped their boat and they were In the water for tlve hours before belng pleked up by the 40.!oot cabin cruller Altera, skippered by M . Von Car. atedt or 8276 Phlox St., Downey, at 7:45 p.m., harbor department otflclala reported. When aJehted they were clinging to t bclr sunk- en boat 400 yards at sea orr the end of the Newport ocean pier. TOP AWAaD--IAft fMI"a a.JI..._ tile ....._ -.t rtw«wt til J ••• C'elllll At Wt W Tbe trio weTe examined by a .... lciMea ,_. t til Jt.a JMt nul.,.. tile ... • -.r .. a.. Gella• .. Jllll. ........, --. doctor and provided hot showers .....S • All ~ ,...._. uk ._ 1.. te.lty ....._ ._ U.. yx:d 1 tllo _. et U.. dry cl th th b bo b.-tbe lata·A-. Collr,. J.....U.. Wed~-Jilllt wttll tu ....._.. ., ....a Ia ,_. 0.. and o es at e ar r ...... n.. GG.In• ,.. _.....,. _etf IM .-I b adas' ..... ,..... 21 , p' ...._, _. ... department quarters. a. y1 8111 11111 ef o.-.. ~ty ldllll 1clanll ...._ .. ,..., of a.. liU Gell -. ,..tllttl of 'rhe aaUboat was on a trip PtctaNd 111ere lloldJ119 tile troplay Ia lla:rtia tM aau .. wea ._.Ia tM...., of a..ar .... trom LoQg Beach to Newport -~c.~ .. ~~--~.U~-~-~Ja.~dt~M'~ef~tM~_:_l~lst= C.U....===·=--==pal=rt=-...==-=1=-tv====::::::;;:::==::::::;;:;:::::;;::::: Harbor when It wu .wamped and ltll mast broken. Jol\n Smith of 3825 EdgehUl Dr .. Loe An~les. sighted the men ln the watn from the bow ot the Alma. He 'ltaJ'ted to make hla way )M.ck to the cabin to report Ilia flndiqa and fell overboard. When he wai pulled aboard. be reported aee- tnc the othen ln the water. They then were also pulled aboard (This la a letter written to Coundlm.an Leland Wilder con. cemlng Corona del Mar street llebtlnr and sidewalks. l Dear Mr. Wllder: We have no partlculu strong feellhca on the current street lighting Issue. although with no night view to protect. our neJah· borhood would probably benefit from street llghta. There Ia. hO'N· ~er. an laue on which we bave quite atro~ feelings. and as no group or lndlviduaJ bas cham· ploned lt. we would like your opinion. ntla l.a the u.tter of cross-meet aldewa.lla aouth ot the hlgbway In Corona del Mar, which from the standpoint of both pleasure and safety would appear to be of at least equal Importance wtth street llgbtlng. To visit friends or run an er rand a few blocka away on an- Students Get Registrations More than 80 newly regbtered voters were added to the list In the campalp just completed by the student ooey of Newport Harbor HJgh School to Increase the number ot recf.ltered voters In the hJgb acbool dt.st:rtct. The project was directed by the Student Board of Control, headed by Dick Innerst. assisted by Les MUter, soclal studJes teacher. Dick Innerst commented: "We ho~ that thl.a activity will be continued from year to year as part of the clvlc enterprl.ae with which we students should all be concerned.'' • • Ill. TIPLE Dick Hodge was .. th~ most" In multiple Usting last month. and he wu awarded the man ot • • • • March plaque for maldng the A new oorpontion ln real es.. lucest atnrle multiple ll.stlnc tate l.a the juat termed Green. sale. nte total Mardl record of lNf-Sewrta Realty, IDe., located over one mllllon dollars worth of at the former Greenleaf office, property sold throueb multiple 3112 Newport Blvct.lfewport, and listing Is a lQO-/. Increase over Including Roy Greenleaf Jr. and March of 1954. This March, 39 Gordon Severt.a • • . Another properties were sold against 38 change about: Katherine Olson, sales last March. former uaoclate with Coast • • • New members just welcomed Into the Newport Harbor Realty Board are Hal Hause., a.uoctate with Mariners Isle Realty; Mar- garet Prendergast, associate with he~ husband's office, and Robert Properties In Balboa, la now with Bay and Beach in Newport. • • • Nona Byer was back on the job at the Doris Bray Realty of Lice leu than a week after they "cut her throat" wtth a toruilec tomy up at Hoag Hospital. .------------. other ltftet, It Ia necessary to walk In the street. )Vblle a few home owners have put In the sidewalks and a f~w others pro- vide a grassy strip where one may walk, for the most part the sidewalk easement areas are planted ln Ice plant. strawber rles. or other ground cover on which one ls reluctant to tres- p~. It la understandable that these holders of comer lots with long "frontages" on the slde streets would be unwilling to undertake the expense ot side walks. It does seem, however, that the benefits to all would be great enough to warrant some sort of coR dlatrlbutlon. The exUtence of sidewalks was IIDD•MWTP a.AII ._ ,..a ..._. tM ..._ s-elF ,..._ ...S K..cy Sian ... ftn=...., Wt One -·-n we ch-""~na del ..._ ...._. o-..aty .._.._.. Q...clt Afdl to Jilllt. .. anob alab ..... ._,.. Au.. • ""__. ...-vuov a .n. 111 ,...._, • • ._.. ...,. taapt bt ,. .... __ ... aw • --...__ ., Kar u a place to buy a home. tile patow. a... DoDa.l4 Sapp. s-t.c:t at tbe w•••--.. .ay. ·-~ •--tbe Unfortunately. the value of ex. tllble. left to a1pt. .. Suaa .....,. Lcmlle ~ 111ft pn11at ._ tlt.la Jlktue.,... Vcderie ~g ddewalks l.a dJmlnlsbed ::~~~~=~~~~~~:l:ll:aa:-~·~·=~~·=-~:P:•:~~·~~~~~(=h~d~p~~~~)~~~~~~~~~ by the tact that walklng Is serf. wa.s arrested at Balboa A~. and oualyllmJted In some dlrectloru: From the POUCE BLOTTER Grand Canal, Balboa Island. on namety, alone Fourth Ave.,1'1tlrd c har 1 e s of lntnxlcaUon and Ave., etc. Can somethtnr be done-------------------------being a minor Jn possaalon or about this! e WDIIESDAT. APmL I Bay Ave~ Newport Beach, report. an alcoholic bevera~e at 9::52 YCJUJ'S very trUly. Glenn Dismore ot 126 E. Ocean ed the theft of a white plastic car p.m. · · · Uoyd Batchman or 134 MRS. JAMES H. LOVE, Front. Balboa. reported his bl. cover ... Edna Dyer ol Holly. Opal Ave., Balboa Island. com 606 Aeada Ave.: Corona del Mar. cycle stolen ... A Montebello wood reported the loss of a dlo-plalned that boyr th.rew a car boy, 17, was booked on a charr-ner ring on Balboa Island d~ mirror throu,gh bla window ... ot possession of a deadly weapon scribed as white gold with three 'Ibree Hawthorne boys, each 17, at 12:~ a.m. after officers tound 1/40 carat diamonds across the weft arrested at Bal'boa Ave. and a steel bar club In his cHr . . . top and ttve chips on each side Coral Ave., Balboa Island, at A North Hollywood boy, 17, wu ... Mrs. PhUlp Hayden ot S19 (OIDtJDued CID Pap 11) Mlnt.aten and other eommunlty booked on an lntoxJcatJoo ebarge aed1an4s Ave .• Newport Heights, leaders were Invited to hear the from :no Abalone Ave., Balboa reported the theft of two dl8c program.a and a1lnt of the Camp. lsland, at 1:50 a.m. ... Chrta-ataiDJ .. lltHl caJ)II from ber ear ftre Girls and their younger Uan'l Hut. Balboa. reported the ... E. I. Moore of 500 Fullerton • unlta, the Blueblrcla, at a meet-theft of s1x coolie hats ... PNcl-Ave.. !{ewpalt Hellhts. reportf!d • lnl conducted Tueeday April 5 erick v. Stewart. 18, of EJ Toro the theft of a ereen plutJc gar .• at th.e Newpolt Rubor HlP wu booked In an lntox:leat!on <len ~ · · • omc.n warned Sdlool by JOia Eldora DeMotl, ch.,e at the Balboa Pier at 2:15 ldcla cUnnc ott the Bay lsland • ,...tonal dJ.rec:t« tor Campfire a.m. ... Robert A. F\,Jlton of Red· brid&e .•. BID Coftrt ol the clt;y • Girl&. MrL Paul 1toc1et ol -.!boa landa wu arreAecS on a drunk .t!M deputment reported ~-• wu reeently choeen co-leadlr for drlvtq ebaJ'It! . . . Bonuta J. one had been lettt~ ftrH In • tbe a.olenu unlt ol Bluebtrda. Sldbldd ol 8e1lflower repyrted trash can.a on Balboa Island • a. wW U1111t lira. Em.t Laurin the theft ol a woman'a told wr11t nortb Of Park Ave. In alleys be-.,. flf lltawpwt ....... watch from an apartment at 1305 tween Oa.Jx Aw~ Amethyst AYe . ., Park Ave.. Balboa Island • . A and Apolena Aw. . . . Parallel Gardena boy. 11.,.. a.rrettcd at bars valued at $:30 were stol•n 1 a.m. In front ot Dennfe'l Ca!e, from the "Jeaeb In front ot ~ 1. OonDa •tllu, ch~ wt1 h AI-Ocean Front. Balboa ... Robert 1~ llaYiaa a mutjuana elf· Locdan. 43, el 1.01 Aftlela Rf. a.ret 1a Ilia ~·-Jon ... J. B. ,... a mUd lleart attadt at tbe Ca.mlll t( JJr Apte Ave.. -.Iboa Balboa ftN station al'ld wu laland. ..,orte4 the tbeft ot a tUa to UOI II cr1al a.. -ao vaC.W lip ... A "Do ft• ~ ... Pa• I 1 V--Wat . ...,. ... ..... u .......... -el c.-.. 1111' NopcJrWd -u.e .., .._ ~ D dwlt .-... iljt 111 from a .... a. 11&-. ......... pall ............. In the I!JI:=. •• ~ • .JI ~ ....., ..... • a...,., •• ...., ., ............ . . . ... ,.._,._or .aaw . ..-A.~ 11. u. a. J.rw7, • ,..,.. ........... NJia9 ••• -......... AnEtmON! SUIDIY PIIITEIS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY * * * Brill& II ,_ ••. ., PI bile_. ... Pr••l••• We11 Supply AU Your Painting Needs COMPLETE LINE OF FULLER PAINT * ............ , .... , •...... ..._ 111111111 If pllszrz• 111111 _. ... Altlo complete ............ c ... , WE CIT .. TIIEU PIP£ WIU Y. WAIT! NEED FIIUP TilLS! a..dr Ou l.argle StadE ol lfatto.ally ~liraDdL * FJooa-Poliahers and Sanders b Beut. * Patching Plaster . * SADETE. Beady-Mix con- a-t. Juat add Water. * * * AnEITIII • • • • A Tool b E..-.y Garden~ Ask us for advise on your Gardening problems. We can suggest the proper plant food. fertilizer or formula for better garden results. Glad to help you! HEALS PROOF! Faw.ll Pic:bci-Fram Our Own Rcmc:ll STU . J ' :'L * * * WE GIVE S&H GBp'lf STAMPS L,F IT " HARDWARE JANE BUSSELL t.a .. UDder. water" at tbe Port Theatre 1D Col'ODG del Mar. as abe atara 1D C1> pictur. of that Dame, COD· t1DuJD9 throagb April 20. lfot qulte submerged. but wltb be.r is Richard E9QIL ----------------------------- Sa~ I Lo~ Pays Quarterly DiYIHalls Quarterly payments of savings ing to President Paul A. Palmer. dividends were made March 31 This was the Association's to ino.re than 5.500 investors In 37th consecutive divide nd, Palm moat of the 48 states and several er said, and its first under the foreign countries by Newport . Balboa Savinp and Loan Associ-four-Umes-a .year system of dlvl- atloo o1 Newport Beach, accord-I dend payments. NOW OPEN ••• NANA ·s Mexican Foods OPEJI EVEJIY DAT 11 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.X. SeiTl.Dg a c:oaaplete Mlect:Joa Of MaiCGD food l.Ddud- i.D9• ... f cw Becm Bunitota. Taco'1-Taqv.lte»-Toetadol. ll.claabul9'en a:Dd FouptcdD Serric.. s.u...nt~ ... to eat at ou.r tables cw tab out. Pa1a St.. BALBOA at tbe Feny ,,....,...9 LA .. URIE TUVEL SERVICE Aatbortacl ApDt Few All IJIUIES • WUOADS STEAIISIIIPS • TOURS Sen-i.D9 'l'be Cocatcll Ana For lfearly 10 Yean 213 OceaD Aft. l.clpDa 8eclda Hyatt 4-1061 SOUTH SEAS CAFE FiDe food •.• cocktail bar ••• floor ahowa Jll9bUy ••• abo da:Dd.Dg to tbe mualc of tbe Cruc»DcSoe Decc:a nconUA9 artists. Easy to get to from lfewport Harbor Area--drtYe up Harbor BlYd., turD rlgbt oato !ligbway 101. tbea tuna rtght oD F.roDtap Boo.d a quarter of a mile I~ OD. 10879 U. S. HWT. 101 DeCU AKABEDC UTSTOKE S-lUt CHUIIIIINI CAFE -AIMelm Tbia labuloua cafe, larpst cm4 olc!Mt ChiD... nstav..ra:at 1D Orcmge County, -:tloya 35. IDcludlDg Dille dae&. Woa-derful Ch.lDeM lood act. 90UJ11Mta from tbl'oaglaoat tbe Southla:Dd. lt'a worth a t:.rtp to A.Dahelm. ChJdl:ea Ill tbe baaJurt cmd atea.b abo an lecrtw'ed.. Tet L1D 1a your boat. CblD ... gilt ahop ..... door. S:Z7 E. CEifTEJL AKAJIEIK KEywtou S-4.511 THE PIZZA HOUSE I'DIEST JTALIAJf FOOD DIA1D9 1r:a a fCIID.lly atmCNipbe.r'e. AIDertcaa cmd ltalJa:D loocS at Ita beat. PiDcl that detiee CIIIDpa.ri-. St.ab. SalocSa. aa.toU. s~;~~ com~5 m•v.. P JIAVIO PAGIIETTI-SALADS -TO G0- 6604 w .. t eoa.t BJWay Kewport 8eada IIGrbo!r 130 1'/a MU.. from AJICB:ES tOWGI'da HaotlDgtoo Jeac:b VILU IIIIIA Featurl.Dg fiDe MCifood. .teab. pdme rtbl, dllcba. duck. tbe vwa Marbaa 1.1 ou of Orcmp Couaty'a tlDnt ~au· IO:IIIt&. Ballquet IOOID Nata up to 400. ~ at tiM ~ to 8alboo lala:Dd. UDder IICIIDe OWMnlatp a tiM Cirq1M 1r:a ruu.rtoa. IH COHSTAHT CISirt JII'OifSAHHOUHCI•J. WIJTIIU, CU/8 O"ICIAU AND '.U.S '"''• b... •• _._ ....... y ,., , .... ,_ ... ._ el .......,,, _., ,.. ........... el ,.. ,.,. --.... _ .......................... _.... ........ "" .. _.... ............. ~ ~, _._ -· .... . .._. el 1-, etc. II c-. herfiNite. ...._ .... . .................... etc. .,.... -.... ~" el .... ~ ..... ......_, t.e,rw. ... _. -....,,. .... .... el ___. ...... '-eun. . ~-------------------, 1 THI! SIOITINO NIWS, ~ .... ...,, w .. ~ I 1 1011 w-.r.....,. ,.,_, St. l-.1• J. Ml•-· I I ,._ _.. o.lcW ..,..... o..w •• -.... ,..~t~, .. I ._ ......,. ., sa.oa. o.d • ~ .......... '-!. I I n 1 I NI.Mf I I ~OC!ImiSS I I etTt zOHt nAu I L--------------.-...: ___ J Cowie Gallme ot the Bflt:laOft lil announemr tbe l!ldlJbtt, Hotel In IAMI Aopl• .,. ..-n 41exa.Dder Cowie aaJd: '1t 1.1 In• the ~nt 1)4llnttnp ..,. .aa bares to ~ •andt. Tbe rnodenlt Brandt. naUonalty famous a.rUit eall ~a eo....-vatJve; the COD· ol Corona del Mar. .... ~WI "'-to blm u a mod· Wright Takes Le.ad in 'Angel' Edward Wrt&rht wlJI play the title role ot "Mr. Angel" for the April 22 and 23 production by the Newport Harbor Community Players. The play wUI be pre- sented by central staging at Chapel Theatre on the Orange Coast Colleee campus. Mr. Wright joins the players direct from the Santa Ana pro- duction of "Trial of Mary Du- gan." He has a ppeared there ea rlier In the season In "Hasty Heart" a nd "Sight Unseen." He was last seen with the Newpol't Players In "Counselor..at.Law." Tll.AVEL TALK O!f AFBJCA An armcha ir trip with no trav. el expense Is being offered this Thursday, April 14, at the Corona del Mar Community Church when the CDM Travel Service will pre- sent colored s lides of Attica. The public is Invited to view the tree showing beginning at 8 p.m . LECAL KOTJCE TilE STATE OF CAUFORNIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Dept. 2. No. 64114 Summons ACE ALBERT WILUAMS. Plain- tift, vs. MARIAN A R. WJL. UAMS. Defendant. Action brought In the Superior Court of the County ot Orange, and Complaint filed In the Oltlce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County. em. By tile public hell ,..a.rded u a dynamJc and oclttnr paint. er. "Unantmou.s acx:eptanee by coN~erVattw, lntsmedlate and modem Jurla 1.1 rare. Brandt h.u bad tbbl unique honor. ''Known to many for hla buoy. ant watercolors and reooenlzed primarily as a master exponent of that medJum, it 18 of Interest to find that Brandt's prints, oils nd work In other media such as egg tempera have long , been winning prlzeL "Underlying all the work Is a dynamic sense of lite, a nd of movement. and this belief In llle Is perhaps the essence of the art of Rex Brandt." OCto Hold Open House Public schools week April 25 29 wUI feature an open house at Orange Coast College on We<f, nesday, April 27, It Is a nnounced by Dr. James W. Thornton, vice president. "All facUlties of the college wlll be open and In operation from 7 :30 to 9:30p.m." Dr. Thorn. ton said. Regular adult classes meeting on Wednesday evening will be In session. In addition, there will be a rehearsal in progress on the stage of the new auditorium, an exhibition of student work in the art gallery. and a demonstra. tion of retail selling and secre. tarial work In the business edu. cation building. New Instructors for 1955-56 Are N·amed by OCC T rusteE;s The Board of Trustees of Or. Coast. hu uked to be relieved a nge Coast College recently ap. of hls coachlnr responslbWUes pointed new instructors for the to devote full time to teaching 195&56 year. Appointments ln· poUUeal aclence. eluded Stuart K . Inman. instruc. For two years Bill Poore bu tor In 80Cial actence and head served as instructor In mathe- basketball coach ; Wm. M. Poore, maUcs and ust.tant coach a t instructor In technolono and Huntlneton Beach Hleh School. chemistry and assistant football He 1.1 a eraduate of Whittier Col- coach, and Kenneth E. Harris, in-Ieee and Fullert<;n Junior Col- structor in building construction. Ieee, where he waa ouutandlng Mr. Inman has been t eaching In football. M assistant to Coach In the Santa Ana school system Ray Rosso, he will replace Hues. and coachJng Santa Ana Colleee ton Harper, who will dev.te lUll basketball team the past two time to teachlne ln Ule science. years. He Is a graduate of Fresno Mr. Harris is a eraduate of State College where he starred In Long Beach State College. He has buketbalJ. Miles Eaton, who has taught carpentry at Fullerton been the basketball mentor at Junior ColJege and metal trades 'AIIiiii'IIIJ W lltz' AI c.tay Circle at Garden Grove High School. He 1a a journeyman carpenter and hu completed apprentice train- In& u a machinist. ""Your 80ft to ... CoMt l1nN ,.... Pl•a POODI COC&TAILI COAST~AYAT THI AlCHB ....,.,. ..... JOHN VUDtE ...... , RAGA,_,'S Your Family ae.taurant (a-cl........,) 1.515 E. eoa.t .... ..., lladMw .... c.... del ... 8 racn Tues. ttwu Fri., Post tiN I all ,.m. q r*!e' ~trll11~ Pnst t~ I 46 t"' 1'11011 • & W P 0. T -IAL80A1 Drift DOitb • IIIIJa'NY Ill to llllllwayatuartPt•IIIP-way • to K...u. A.._ Aa ............ ..,. ............. ........ The people of the State ot LECAL ROTJCES "Anniversary Waltz." comedy Callfornla send greetings to CEJrTJFICATE 01' BUSIIfESS hit now in Its second year on MARIANA R. WILLIAMS, De-Flcttt:lou FinD Kame Broadway, opened a four.week fendant. The undersl&ned do hereby engagement on the staee of the You are directed to appear In certify that they are conductlne Carthay Circle Theatre in Los an action brought against you a landscapin~ and nursery bus!. Aneeles Monday night. stanln& by the above na.med plafntitl In ness at 2040 Newport Boulevard, Howard DuU a nd Marsha Hunt. the Superior Court o1 the State Costa Mesa. Calllornla, under This Is t]le first of a aeries of ol Calllornla, In and tor the the fictitious flrrn name of J{ar-four Broadway hits which wiU Couny ol Orange. and to answer bor Landscaping and that aald play consecutively lor four weeks I the complaint therein wlthln ten firm is composed ot the follow. each at the Carthay Circle. Sec- days after the service on you of lng persons, whose names In full ond of the series wllJ be "Oh. thls aummona. II served within and places of residence are as Men! Oh Women!", stan1ng the Van's Bowling IIW-IPEI IOWU. ' M...say. I P.X. to Cloii1D9 Wed.....,._.:IO P.ll. to ao.tog Sat. & S-........AJ.L DAT & KIGHT * AUTOMATIC PDIIIO'i I EJIS * FOilll.UE.JtVATIOKs CAFE 7D su•zmo• A~ LJHIITT I-UD COSTA MESA. the County of Orange, or within follows. to-wit: original New York cast headed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= thJ.rty daya U served elsewhere, WUJlam B. FerguS«m, 309 Hell. by Franchot Tone, GJe Youne and r and you are oou.tled that unless otrope, Corona del Mar. CalU. BeUy Von FUnrtenbef'c. 1bl8 will you ., appev and answer u Charles N. Woodward, 230 be followed by the Pacltlc Cout above required. tbe plalntW wf1l Pearl, Balboa llland, CalllomJa. premiere of 'ante Shrike," PuJitz. take Judrment tor any money or Witness their banda thl8 22nd er prize play, and another hit damaees demanded in the Com. day of Karch, 1955· play to be announced shortly. plaint. u arlalne upon contract. WILLIAM B. FERGUSON. or wUl apply to the Court for any CHARLES N. WOODWARD. other relief demanded ln the State of Callfornla. County of complaint. Orange, ss. Given under my hand and seal On thla 22nd day of March, of the Superior Court of the A.D. 1~. before me, Thomu E. County of Orange, State of Call-Heffernan. a Notazy Public in fornla. thls 30th day of Novem. and for the aald County and her, 1954.. State, residing therein, duly com. B. J. SMITH, mlssloned and sworn, personaJly County Clerk and Clerk of the appeared WilJlam B. Ferguton Superior Court of the State o1 and Charles N. Woodward known CaJllomla, In and for the County to me to be the persona whose of Orange. names are subscribed to the By Leslie J. McCartney, Deputy. within Instrument. and acknowJ. (Seal Superior Court edged to me that they executed Orange County) the same. In witness whereof, I Harwood, HeUernan & Soden, have hereunto set my hand and Attorney for Plalntlft. alflxed my otflcial seal the day Address: 2515 E. Coast Highway, and year In this CertUicate first Corona del Mar, Calltornla. above written. Telephone: Harbor 1535. THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN, Publish : Mar. 3-AprU 21 incl. My com.ml..ssion expires June 24. LEGAL KOTJCE CEilTIJ'JCA TE OF BUS DrESS Flctttloaa l'b'ID Kame 1955. Publish: March 31. April 7, 14, 21 tn the Newport Harbor Enslen. MOVE TO BtJElfA PAU The Thomaa Derrougha have moved f:rom 531lrvlne Ave .. N~­ port. to Buena Park. 1\ Classified Ad 1n The Ensial\ brinqs immediate results! C.ll Harbor 1114.1115 and pr~ it! To make it·eosy on yourself: FU I * B'ALBOA * • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games , ...... ,..., ... ''TIIP .... THE lAY" -W I S.. I •J I " OJII.'f THE UNDERSIGNED does here. by certJly that he 1a conducting a Bulldln& Supply business at 280 S. Cypress, Oranee, Calllor. nla, under the tlctJtlous finn name of Volume Bulldlng Pro- ducu and that said firm 1s com. posed of the following person whose name ln lull and place of residence are as follows. to-wit: Get an el£ctric range ... better cooking results always-ii&M .. Get an electric water heater ... f I I KeyuJord j(Yf" the be8t in. living: Robert Alfred Dler, 509 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar, Calllornla. Witness my hand this 17th day ot March, 1.955. and a:uknn4tically! hot water always- and autmnatically I I . I I I ROBERT A. DIER. State of Calllornfa, County ol Oranee, a. On thbl 18th day of Marcb, 1956, before me. a Notary Public in and for aaJd county and Nte, f'ellidln& themn. duly cotnlll18- aioned and sworn, penonaUy ap. peared Robert A. Dter. known to me to be the penon whoee name bl IUbeeribed to tM wtth1n to . st:rumeot, and adaaowle4pcl to me that be euartecl tM 8&IM. Wlme. my hand and atndal Mal MARY A. RAAPA. Motary , Publle In an4 for uJ4 County and etat.. 1 My Commllllon G.l:la M July 31, 1Z6. Publllb: ll.udl-11. A&1dl'r, 1C. 1D tM Jtaw;wt..._ b<lfle, • IRVINE TERRACE. NEWPORT LEAD BUILDING ACTIVITY ( OoatiDUid ft'am ..,. ll home rna de wtek Ia a bCIIt6l! ~ ...._ Ternc:e ID&bita.lne4 tt. Jeed l.n bullcllq ~ throulh· 10:55 p.m. on c~ Of ~ au under a dlalr tn a hou.M un- out tbe f1rtt QuaNt ol ue5. the lllarcb 31 ~ ol tbe Newport .son ol a~k beftnae . • . . de COMtnldloCI at that adcl.- ae.da aaudtna·~~ TIN t~aNNDoat~a ta1a1 ~or ·Prallll A. tr.Mord. 21. o1 eoat. .. _a.._. ·--of ....... w lMDe 'l'trr II A dOM MCODd II R~ WStb 1122.112. • . . ~ ·-.._. ' MewDOrt ~all .,._. Mardi wWa a ... ~, total. toliOiWtd lnp. wu c:taupcS with fvnJIIh. 0cu.o Pnmt., K.wport Beeeb. ,.. bf CboDa Ml Mar_. tna a~eoMUc ...._.,. to 1'l'lblorl. ported the tNft o1 a 1'-foot dorJ a.e'• tM breakdown or the fine tbne IDGIIItU ~ 18: and ~ K. ......_,, 19, lA paloted ,.. 1ludde and wbJte out. AREA MAJfCH 'l"'PAL TO DATE Jlabra aod Jade A. Morpn. 1t-ot aide •.• BoMrt Qaonlqlaam, 12 Irvine Terrace ______ .. -.-' __, Bru. with ,e u rloft af aJebo. a.y 1l1and. Rtwpart &eaeb. wu •ewport _ • .,...__ -.. holie bewrap, on the Qlrona del reported tM vJdbn of a blt aod Corona delllu ------= M2.!la Mar main be.ela at U:40 p.m. run pi'Operty ct.amq• accident at ~ J!r.Yftl 8t800 . = ... Donald T. leU.. 18. of Van 8:08p.m. ... Jfocer Heldfonl, 2), •ewport Betnu !(J.m 142.1m !fuya and a Shennan Oaka Ju· Lae Anae.._ Prands Adami. tt. Balboa IJilaDa . -~0 ~ venlle boy, 17, were charted wtt.h Lae .(nplel ud DoucJu Disney Balboa ----· •ns_,__ uo.m ~on ot aleoholk beveraae 19, Bomn. wu... were anftted =-01Ji,tJanda ====---,=:---:: li: at U:46 p.m. at 18th St. and Bal. on charae. of poaesaton of alco- ' Balboa eove. ·-······-··-·--•·-··-··-··· 19,800 boa Blvd., Kewport Beach. hollc beveraee at 8:30 p.m. at Bay Shores -~----··-· 17.500.---18.700 e TBODDAT, An1L 7 Balboa Ave and Abalone Ave caADVATD .... .. 0.1. = /!rinct --;oo::-_:::: 16-= Patr~ E. Bonnett.19. Larry F. Balboa lal~d ... Two WUmln~: • ..,... ,....PUIM ..._. -' · Donvtto, 18. .James E. Peanon. ton bo~ both 16. and a Lona Pe•r tiL 1'1&. ........ An. $1.338.0&0 $2,835,610 19, and Don F. Ptederlck.r, 18. aU Beach boy, 16. were arrested In cdiaa c:.s.t Dra1U K. I_. TOTALS -------------------------of Los Angeles, were anHted at the 100 block Coral Ave., Balboa -(.....,..), .-.. .._ 0. 1 a.m . at Channel Pl. and Ocean laland, at 10:05 p.m. Friday on J..tna of • •.-cMiu A...._ Bal Week Party Brok.en Up; Three Vacationers Arrested ~ Blvd., Balboa, on chargH of pos.. charees ol po..eulon of alcoholfc eo.... del II•. • Ill ..,. a. .eaton ot alcbohoJlc beveraae beverage ... Officers confJacated ._.... to 0.. c.ry Pleld U.S. . . . R. Lelnau of 330 Amethyst a 6-lneb abeath knife trom a •cmd ...,,t.ry Ak ....._ Ia Ave., Balboa IIJand, reported youna man on Balboa llland at ••aucrts t. p' "T IUPt A •quiet" Bal Week .,._ party wiM. a halt-raJJon empty wine tlndlne two drums at that ad-10:54 p .. m. as a deadly weapon . b.......,. dress . . . Kirkpatrick's 'IV Re-. . . Francll Dawson of 232 VIa ------wu broken up by Newport pollee bottle and five 415 empty bottles pair 2756 E. Coast Hwy., Corona £boll, Lido late, reported that two at 7:«5 p.m. Friday in a houee at of wine. Half the back ballway del Mar,· reported the tbelt of a older boys accollted bt. son and 1(17 Edpwater Ave., Balboa, with wu stacked with empty beer car. tool box with contents valued 1\t another boy at the Udo tale CIIEIIOWEIU G&T 1011 A son was born to Mr. and Mra. LouJs ChenCMeth of 1.913 the arrest ot thr~ persona. toNI and cua. s.ds In the apart. t Donad B. Click, tct ot Olen-ment had not been made tor a $30 . . . Mrs. lr.ma Marplet o bridce . . . Of1Jcera routed ap. Continental Ave., eo.ta Mesa. on _., 701 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa, reo proximately 2)0 to aoo people Thund.ay, AprU 7, lJt Boa& M~ don. wu charted with lDtoxJca. l,ntth1 time. A beer cue had ported ehe wu the vtetlm of trying to att~d a jam eealon at morlal HQ8Pital tJon. mdstinl arrest. mallclou. been u.ed u a pWow. three bad checka totallna $74 305 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa Island ------mt.chlef and dlsturblnl the .._ clJ . . . A pair of bar"""" ppers at 10:54 p. m. . . . Gml.. ItO• TO llcGVmD peace. A Glendora boy student. L&QAL ROTICE were stol~ trom' the barber ahop A daucbtet, KathleeD Le. was 16. wu .charted wttb lntoldca. •onca OP fVUJC u ••mo of Earl Hall. 2112 w. ~an • I ATU11DAY. A.Pm. I born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mc- tlon. Bonald E. Hummel 2) of Notice Ill hereby atven that the ch A e-M\ Mra. Glen "artln of 2627 Cove · • • Front, Newport Bea . . . ..,v Guire of 1104 W. Ocean Front, Azua, wu charged with poaH-Plannlnl Commlulon of the City radio owned by Sally Goakea of St., Corona del Mar, ~ported that Newport Beach, lD Hoal Memor- aloo alter be entered tbe bou.e of Newport Beach will hold a Loe Anael• wu •tolen from two penons ln an old model dark lal Hospital 00 'nlunday AprU wttll a m -ean pack of beer ln hll pubUc bearlq on the appUca-apartment .even, 324 Marine 8edan removed from 10 to 12 7 • • pu 11 San. tlon ot. E. C. Cunninaham for a Ave .. Balboa laland ... A tratflc towela from her front porch at · InwstJcatlna otficen aaJd the variance, No. 228, to permit a Jam at Bayatcte An. and Marine 1:45 a.m. ... Offlefta repi'Lmand-STAT o• ISLAJn) entire upataln apartment wu a five (5) foot rear yard Mtback Ave .• 1Salboa Island, wu cleared ed boya aleeplna in an apart. The W. W. Bametta have shambles with .veral wlndow1t and a four (4) t.oot aldeyard Mt-by trattlc: oUl.cen at 4:10 p.m. ment at 404 E. Balboa Blvcl .• Bat. moved from 238 Sapphire Ave .. unaahed and IICJ'eeiUI cut. Click back on tbe rear twenty (20) feet . . . Rocer Weiland. 18, San boa. without PftlOl.ulon at 7:30 Balboa Island to U6 Abalone. ran out of tb~ back door u of. of the bulldlnc atte along Orchid Bernardino, two Glendale bo~ a .. m. ... Motor oUicera cleared a ___ . ---- ftcen entered. Officer ErnIe Ave. City ~ Section 1103.15 14 and a La ere.eenta boy, 17, tralfic Jam ~ at Marine LEAVE SEACO,II aAT Laurin ran to the back and found (c) requires a ten (10) foot rear were arrested on charcea of ~ Ave. and Balboa Ave. at ll:l5 The S. E. I.Jnklaten moved at bJm on the root of the next build· .etback and Sect.lon 1103.l5 ( b, .euton of an alcohollc beYer&le a.m. · · · Robert E. Hutch lion of the end of the month from 31 Ina at 100 Edaewatet Ave. CUck requires a twenty (20) foot sld~ at Park Ave. and Coral Ave,. BaJ.. 428~ Avaoodo An .. Corona del Schooner Rd., Beacon Bay, to 309 t.hreatened to "cool" arrHtlnc of. yard .etbac-on the rear 20 feet boa Ialand.·at 6:20 p.m. · . · An· Mar, reported the theft of a pair Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. ttcen and was veey bellleerent, ot .. th~ buUdlna Jot adjacent to thony Peters of 1'70 E. 0eea4 ot alactt. valued at po from ht. they charaed. Pollee said he M'Ve'l"'e trontaae lot& Setbacka Blvd .. Balboa, reported the theft car . . . 1ane Thompson ot 620 L&GAL •onc:a broke away and fied from oUicen are propoeed on Bulldlna Site No. of an outboard motor W. Oc;ean Front. Balboa, ~ CEIITIPJCATZ OP .vsun:ss In an alley and ~ a wlndow 2 u reaubdlvtded by Plannln.a Thomu R. Tullos. ~. and .John the lou of a wallet with key. Fictttioua Finn Name ol a polke car with bt. toot on Commisalon ltftubdlvtston No. 3 K . Mftaw, 18. E1 Toro Kutnea. talner, ldentlflcatlon papers and THE UNDERSIGNED do her~ BUILDING lOT Al Y HAlF 'ftle eoatlouJna buUdlna actJv. e o.DIIA Da. IIU II:Jt iD Jfewport Beach abowa no l!l1a lohMOn. ~ aDd ..a at lip ol let-up, .. auo.ooo afore '?03 Bellotlope, atOO; ..... 8ak.. Ia permits were luued durlnl er, add to wall at •~e Oeean. tile ~ week. brlnatna the April $1.25; Georae Satd•. llililaJe at total to a ball m.lWon 4ollara. 4.33 Be116trope. f,150. rollowtn.a per1llJU were iaued e 1AL80A J1U1.11D durln.a the put wes: Ann1e Ruter, feoftce at J211S M. 1' CI.I:PP Un:Jr Bay Ft.. 1100. Dr. L. G. Nelaon, 7 room, 1-e LIDO JSU ltory, 1-unJt dwelllnc at 125 .Jobn Paddock,, adcUUcm at uo Klnga Pl., $30,000. VIa Lido Nord. ft,OOO. BeaaJe Little, repairs at 1000 • •EWJOJrT IIEIGIIn Clltf Dr., $100. Donald .Jacobi 6-room, 1 .mry • •EWJOIIT 1 u;ut dwelline 'at 510 Tu.ltln: Charles Eadie. (t>~ at 1.26 w :no. 29th. ~; DT. E. W. MUum and e JU.aaO. IILAD F. R. Simpson, commercial build- Ing at 3428 VIa Lido. $7.200; Dr. G. B. Witman, cabana at Lido Trailer Park, $2.000; D. Jarvis Dean. 5-room. 2-story. 1 unit dwelling at 114 39th St .. $7.500; George Houck. J.room. 1 story, 1-unlt dweUinc at 7104 W. Ocean Ft .• S&OOO; E. B. Graham, repairs Adrian Wilson, alterations at 1 Harbor Island Drive. $600. e a~A Edward Kusby, extend build- Inc at 415 Belvue Lane. $2,500; Everett Chase. blocking and un. derpinning for yellow houses, houses, 400 E. Balboa Blvd .. S2.· at Udo Traller Park $500· S E' 500; John Bentley, real estate Brlgcs. add office ~m ~t "424 signs a~ 'Y:f1 E. Balboa Blvd .. 31st St .. $400; Walter Young aJ. $750 and $325; H. H. BenJamin, teratlons at 1032 w 0ce · Ft extend patio at 1024 E. Balboa $500; R. E. Vand~ort. aa~ter~: I Blvd .. $1.800. tfons at Lido TraUer Park. $500; Charles Cotton, caraae at 1540 Oscar Taylor. S.room, 2-atory, z. E. Ocea.n Ft.. $3.000. unit dwelllnc at 300 36th St .• 116,. 380; WUey Gamer, 2 atory, 1 unJt dwelllnc at 107 Hlchland, $10,· LOAIJS f1l .... 250; Wll*>n AtkJna. r~palr wind dam.,e at Udo TraUer Park. $75; Arthur Steeman. repairs at 2332 W. Coast Rwy., 1:5.000. SOR ro• VAll BOOTE.JQ A son, Scott, 8 lbs., 3 oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1.. Van Houten of 2511 Bayshore Dr .• Bay Shorft, on Wednesday. Aprll 6. In SL J~h Harpit.al. SOR ro• PIIOrri I I 5 A son, 7 lbs., 11 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mrs .. James H. Proffitt of 140 DeJ Mar St., Costa Mesa. In St. 10Rpb Hospital on Wed. nesday, Matth 30. 5" a nu LOU Couatruc:tioo l.ocme 5" ana LOU IU 108 IATn..Ea Plirllr llltpp C.. 1515 K. c.a.t ..,._ CIJII ft. u 11 11 m s.sae ( ...... L.tJ. ........... ~a. .. ~·· r-da) JAMES D. the way to the pol.lee station. from a portion o1 Lotr 6. 7 and 8. were charted with tntoxJcatlon $30 • · · Col. W. E. Hueltlne of by certUy that they are l!f'nduc- ln the a partment officers found at Block 142. ResubdJvlslon of Co-In public at 10:02 p.m. at 26th 223 Marguerite Ave., Corona del tine a ~1 cootractlna busJ. BJCtEYS GET GUlL 240 ml])ty beer cans, o13 empty rona del Mar Tract and located St. and Newport Blvd., Newport Mar. ~ported the theft of a $10 ness at 2035 Miramar. Balboa. A dauehter. 8 lbL, 4 oz.., wa.s beer quarts, 115 empty bottle ot on the Northeut comer of Or-Bea.ch ... Robert P. Yardley, 23, crlll from hls back yard · · · Callforn.ta. undft tbe flctJtlous born to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman vodka, two empty galJona ot chld Ave. and Ocean Blvd. of Balboa laland and Paul 1. Two Pomona boy atudents, each flrm name of 1ohn P. Dunlavy Hickey of 2068 Santa Ana Ave., RAY ••• 1 ll& .. atllr Notice t. hereby further clven Uselman. 26, of 600~ Avocado 17, were arrested on petty theft lr Co. and that u.ld flrm is com-Costa Mesa, on 'Jbursctay, Mareb J446 E. COAST HWY., COlONA O£l MAR HA1W 476.1 #HiDI S roa --that aid public beartna wUI be Ave., Corona del Mar, weTe a.r-c1bar.}~'iatg2:a50cpam. ":!orfroalmlepdt.b~ .....-ot the toll..---~ 31. In Santa Ana CommunJty held on the 21st day of Aprll, rested on charpe of drlnkinl In Y n wb~ names tn fUll and places Hospital --•--waaa• a~ ~-~ ~ v-u~ ,--~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~'iui'.i'i"'i''~-~~~i~~i·f:M~~:! Euler guest. at the home of 1955, at the bour of 7:30 p.m. lD publ'-at u ·.30 p.m. at Park Ave. c:u of Georee A. Greenwald of f ____. ... ~ f .n-•- JIIJ'. aad lin. H. r. Witt of_,. tile COUJidl daamben af tbe d i.artne A lalboa Wand. Glendale parked ln front of 3714 :nt:~ucu• .. -c are u . o~ ~ W. Ocean Blvd., N"'J)Oft. were Newport Beach City Hall: at : rmDAY ~ 1 Channel Rd .. !fewport llland .. · ~ p Dunla l035 JOra. tbelr daucht.er, Mrs. Bernard El-which time and place any and OUlcera ·quieted a croup of 20 Joeeyh Taylor ot 208 Via Dt1on. mar aatboa. Calllvy, ......... PU • Co. Ierman ot. Newport HelahU. and all penona Interested may ap younc people swimming at UlO Udo Iale. reported the theft of a a.' L Davt.s. 420 ·Bemard. Coeta their two crandsona. Chrt.. aee ~ar and be beard thereon. S Bay Frol'lt. Balboa Island at bicycle ... M.ra. L. B. Culver of Mesa Callt. 9, and Teddy, 7 RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary U:25 a.m .... Jim I>emona. m ~ Evenlna C.nyon Rd., Shore wrrr.fESS our hands thls 4th day nors n drs usvus s• Newport Beach City Plan-Pearl Ave., Balboa Island. re. Oltfa. reported tntbabt son:seo~e of April, 1955. _ ........ 4PORT ~-) C<l.QON• ,'If, '1111•' · ,,.~ RIH/V .. fte a.<NJ'ed .. aa .... adacda• .,. .. ,. J p" n1nl Commission. ported that boy& trled to break pulled a tree up er Jar e John P. Dunlavy lnto ht. houae and were throw· n1cbt before · · · Edward 5· Ver-a. L Davt.a U GAI. ROTICZ inl brlcka but Weft ,one when m1Jye, 47· ot 719 W. Balboa Blvd.,. STATE OF CAUJ'ORNIA ----------~ --- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ottlcera arrived . . . Robert R. Balboa. wu anested on an In-COUNTY OF OJlA.NGE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Rallo, 18. of Lakewood wu ar-toxieatlon c:barae on Balboa SS. lNG MATEBIALS •oncz TO COWTL\CTOU rested on a cbarCe of diaturblnl Blvd. near Washington St.. BaJ. 011 nos 4th day of Aprll. A. D. LUMBEB -BUILD Costa Mesa L-. Co. SEAI ED PROPOSALS wiU be the peace at Marine Ave. and boa, at 7 ~28 p.m. · · · CGrdon J. Ia. lidlre me. A. K. Phelps. a ~~··..,..t••• ..... •••C::....•••.._••••••••••I.III•Itlt.:l-•ll:•:l::Z: received at the office of the City North Speedw~. Balboa Wand. Bryant. 18. Monrovia mutna In-!fotary PUblk ln and tor tbe said ,. Clerk. City Hall. City of Newport at 1.2:48 a.m. after allepdly Uller. and Donald G.e ~ County and St.tte, residing there-n.. C.•edrlp-Dt 1 t 1 da Beech, California, unW 7:30 P.M. threatenlna omcers ... WUlJam 18. U.S. AlrN Foreed · N U arrest. ln. duly com m Ia alo ne d and Asphalt nte -Rubber 'nle o'clock on the 9th day of May, L.Scbmldt, 19. of Garden Grove, Foree Base. eva a. were sworn. personally appeared .Jobn FonoJca -Unoleum THe 1955. at which time they wlU be wu arrested on charges of In-ed on charees of poesessJon of an P. Dunlavy and B. L. Davt.a CIIL Till' LDr:l.'Q&,oM publJcly opened and read, for toxkatlon and possession of an alcoholic beveraee at Ruby Aw. known to me to be the persons ISS E. lftll st. c-t...._ performing work a.s follows: alcoholic ~eraee and ' Ana. and Park Ave .. Balboe bland. at whose names are subscribed to LDEJITY 1-4151 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. helm boy. 16. was charged with 10:04 p.m. · · · Ja mes K. Pecan. the wtthJn Instrument. and ac. 22 Years In Oran.,e County CAUF. possession on the Corona del 19· San Pedro template layout knowledged to me that they exe-Diiiiiilliil;iillii\;ltiiill;;iljljlijiij;iii;ii;il;il;;iijlii!ri;illlrJ P• Weed Aba1r•-t Ia the Cttr Mar main ~ach at 12:48 a.m. man, and two San Pedro t;>Y~ cuted the Mme. IN WITNESS WELCH of R..,.ort leacb. ... Gary B. Thornton. 20. ·Lone each 17· were arrested a~ arts WHEREOF, I have hereunto set No bid wlll be received unless Beach sale5man. and Lorin~ R. Ave. and Collins Ave .. Bal a ~1 my band and attixed my official co••STIL It Is made on a proposal lonn 1onri, 18. Long Beach student, land, at l0:38 p.m. for allege Y seal the da.y and. year In thls IIIIi fumlsbed by the Street Superin-Weft arrested at Newport Blvd. having cans of beer in their pos CertWcate first above written. ~ ca. tendent. Each bid must be ac. and Via Udo, Newport Beach. at RSSion · · · A. K. PHELPS l..lbeltr 1-5112 companied by (cuh, certified or 1:15 a.m. on charges of posses. e SOJmAY. APmJ. 10 )(y Comml.rsion Expires June ISS c:--dol Way casbJer'a check. or bidders bond) slon of an alcoholic beveiace . . . Mrs. Paul c. Bernhart of 218 9, 1955. COSTA 11DA made payable to the City of New-Charles Bell. 2), Cypress boat VIa Ithaca. Udo Isle. reported Publlab: A.prU 7-14-21 28 n-b-~~ o.__. liD ~Be~.ban~u~~uaJ~lld~ a~~~~~ ~~th~~amu~at~tfrom~u~Th~e~N~~~:rt~H~ar~bo=r~E:n~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to at leut ten percent (10%) of Lona Beach welder, were ar-a car parked at 1002 E. Bay r the amount bid, such auaranty 1"eeted on petty theft charres at Front. Balboa ... The harbor de- to be forfeited mould the bidder Cout Hwy. and Balboa Blvd .• partment was call~ at 7:38a.m. to whom the contract Ia awarded Newport Beach, for allegedly to belp pump out the boat. Uttle fall to enter Into the contract. ta1dnc a radio from 203 Acate David. owned by Jim McCorkel All blct. are to be compared on Ave .. Balboa laland ... Donald of 125 25th St., Newpon Beach. the bub ot the Street SupHtn-G. Carroll ol 601 Iris Ave .• Co-after It started sinking rrom Its tendent'a eetlmate of tbe quantJ. 110ft& del Mu, reported his 1950 bow beinc caught under a piling ties ot work to be done. convertible coupe stolen from his at the A.s5oclated Marine dock No bid wW be accepted trom raraee . . . P. A. Clark of 240 .. ., His white dJn&hY was taken a Contrad« who baa not bHn VIa Eboll, Udo We, reported tbe from a pier at 233 E. Bay Front. UceMed In accordance wltb the tlteft of a .12-foot dlncby •. · BoJ1I Dr. NeovaJl McCoy of Lone Beach ~lUI ot Chapter 9, Dlvl.llon W'JIJ'e reported taldna Ud.s from reported ... Someone pried open m ol lu.alne. and Prol..tou Wba,. ca.u at U6 29th St.. a window tn (be Volkswacon of. SUBSGRIBE • To The Newport Harbor Ensign -----------Code. Newport ~ at 9 a.m. · · · flee. 2116 Newport Blvd., Newport PlAN may be liND. and forma Bllda Rolland. 30'l Coral Ave .• Beach. but nothlna wu taken 1'be Olicial Newapcqw ol tlae City of Newpcxt Beacb .,. ............ of ptOpoMJ. bonda, coatrect. and Wboa lala.nd, reported her lawn ... Her purw c:ontainlt\r fl wu .,edtlcatlona mQ' be obtained IWtDI betq burnt In a ~ble stolen from Vaux•-. Balboe. lib-. at tbe oUk:e of the 8llwt Sui*· anon atteaapt •.. A colo box Robert .Jonee of 518 w. Ocean lnWodent. CitY Ral1. Rewpott eontalnlna ~~ wu taken &om ~nt, Balbo.. reported ..• Helen ._., Call.fclmSa.. a eoda pop IMdllne ln a M1rVice MattheWs. 11. ar 101 Marauerftlt ,.. 11*kJ au.:~on ol ,... ....... at 11th St. and eout <OMLu...t ca ~ m pedift bldd1rl .. call4td to .... llwy •••. JwenU. bUtn1na • ~ •• t*..,... a a 4 ca ot ..... fOlllh at the en. ~an...., tothelllaak truce to a..,.... at m hbJ lama oC JIII'OIIIII'IMI, lor tu1l cSJrec. A .... ..U.0. lalaftd. ... wuned tao. .. to WddJ.Da. etr. Ud lleDt oa a.. wa7 after n.e ~ ollllapwt leacla ,._ ** .-_.. t1111a ••• ...._ _.. .. riiM .. -teet ...,. or If. A. Oail at• --4-. 0.. ......... _ .............. ..... an ow w*"'*' aAaL , •• • • ,... • ••,. 06!-JU ............ ...... e. E. ....... at:J ~ ... """ .... ···-... .. .,....: AfrOU; lB. r . ...,.. tf .,._. a. .,. .. . .......... • a. u. ... .... ... ... • J rNI ••••••••••~!I' ...... , •. ..._. nv -att st .a. n •• • •••••••••• .. _. • I OlE YEAR ------ODly S.OO _____ CJI) lUlL • ftDI ~ _. ~ • a •ca• cua 'I'CDAT Name ----------------------------------------------- MarnngA~••-------------~--------._~------- I \ • ' Mayor Ev I ..&... ez. te to aMety ..,. ... -.'truce ..... Cllt1l ud Co-o a u •• '"' as r Plo~ans I=' by City -..., ..... ~~~c-aac1 .... -by • ....,.. , ... ~ nenJ.na u the Corooa del Mar dtbena to redUce lla7or O.a • •• a alii: for t--'d1 atlon In _.... ot U.. tt wUl take the tiM ..,... u.l{ throuP town wa . ..a.: u.at • ,...,. ,_ ,..,.. ...._ ftC&tloa. Ril;flw~ DftWol:l' to man· ftom • to 35 ml* an w . "nte JDeettna wUI be W el ,. ,..... ~ Oount7 ' ........, tr~-IUtWJ ta ,epooa del, H.lahwQ DaYWon Jftfor~Md the WednMdq, Aprt1 -. • A au bari.Q ....,. :EaiUr • d tba ...nu make thla yur'a etfortl to..,.,......._ w.e1r.. ODt wee1r 011 tM Tbla .-Imate wu made lD rei..-t)' 1 It a MW MU· Week problema. n.. IDIMinC will dob1a ol IUI'1"'U.nnlll ,.. Guild will .enee to th• lhcn CUlt• Pro-vry alter the ~ pattern on be in CouDd.l CbambiN iD .... llayw aw ... 111!11 belief perty ~-requ-for • tratne the newly wtdmed hlahwq hu port Clt1' Hall tbla .....-.r vaeatlcm plan at·=~: 011 ftortb 1 11~1&h~t~on~~C~oo;lt:;R~ .. ~h~w~a~y~I"'~;·•~-~-~~~~~~MMMM .. M~bera Ot ~yar HW'a J!ut. W"Orld.D& out welL St. 1p SaDta Ana. 'nlere wtul ~ er Week committee wl.ll be .~ an uhlblt of the GWJd'a worll: and clubs, orJ'at'l.lzatlonl and the publk:: ill tnvtted are Invited to partl-Kt. Bolll.tA Wlleon o1. lJdo the dlacuMion. help aaodated; wtth Mal .. a Jm. the Euter Week pro-in the lJdo Shopplnl' Cen- and make SUJ&Ktions for Mollt thln&a pus away, wUI be the peat ~er. coming ye~. But IOITOW ta sure to atay. will abow fabric. and wUI Mayor Hlll said she wanted to The joys ot the happy years their u.e In the home. this meetln' earty enough Are gone In a day with teara. of the Guild 1s to that she could -.ubmlt Its r«· In handweav. SAVORY BAKERY lonom•,n<latl<l '"' and rtndings to !" Cl~ssifi.a_ 1\d in Ina u•~'~"i1! ~~lcli"O.'~anee County and to j bnnqs •m"*cltete results! In educational act.lvl- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;~~ County Khool ottlelal• Harbor 1114-1115 and ~~n~u~ ~m~ag~~~~~n o~t~~~ :v~~ Tl DE 49~ Ave., Corona del Mar, fell oft her 'IWo blue glazed flower pots horse In the Shore Cllrfs area a t valued at $10 were stolf'n !rom 2:55 p.m., was knocked uncon-In lront of the Corona del sdous and was takf'n to a phY· Travel Service, 3542% E. Coast slclan for examination after re-Hwy. . .. Children playing In gaining consc.lousness ... Two the car of Phillip Terry In h.Ls Pomona boys. each 16, were-garage at 1410 W . Bay Ave .• booked on petty thett charges at Newport Beach. w ere b lamed for 4:15 p.m . tor all~edly stealing pulling the starter on the car, an $8.50 clgaret lighter from the causing it to back halfway out car of Walter E. Burke of San of the garage, hooking the ga. Pedro parked at Adams St. and rage door on top of the rear win- Bay Ave., Balboa . . dow of the car ... Jewelry val- • TUESDAT, APBIL 12 ued at $132 In a jewel box A red and blue boys' bicycle stolen from the home of Flora was found abandoned at the Bal· Mae Stamp of 227 Coral A\.-e., port Motel. 2830 W. Coast Hwy., Balboa Island, by a thief Newport Beach ... A S35 lire used a jimmy to force npe., a extinguisher was stolen from his rear Screen door and a ~la~ts boat moored at the Newpor Har-frame door into a lanai room to bot Yacht Club, A. B. White of gain entry .. A $10 wstch be- 212 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. re-longing to Suzanne Wlrta. 14. of ported ... A car driven by Ter-493 E. Broadway, Costa Mesa, E. Phillip& ot Capistrano Beach was stolen from a row boat tied hit a pile of unlighted pipe and at 15th St. and Bay Front. New- rammed Into a fence on Bayside port Beach ... Dr. near the harbor master dock e WEDKESDAT. APBIL 13 at 9:40 p.m. ... While eating a Boys from Fullerton, Brea and snow cone, WUJlam A. Nuzzo. 19, Whittier were wartled about ot Downey, took his eyes off the causing a dlstrubance at E. Bay road while driving and rammed Ave. and Montero St., Balboa, at into a parkrd car In front of 815 12:53 a.m. ·after another group W. Bay Ave., Balboa. at 11:25 of boys left the scene agitating a.m. registered to Elizabeth E. for a f.ight .. City Recreation-Director, Purchasing Agent Sought City Manager John Sailors b I by the Newport Beach. city char. seektne applicants tor two ni""W ter-recreatlon director and pur. positions that are provided for chasing agent. City Council voted Monday evening to authori7Jt him to !fO.. licit applications. The salary In each case will be dctermin~d by the personnel and salary survey now being conducted for the city by Jacobs and Co. LEGAL JfonCE MOTICE OF UfTEifDED SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVE)f: That ALAN L. BLUM and RUTII S. BLUM, Vendor. whose address Is 418 30th Street, N('Wport B{'ach. California. In the City of l\ew port Beach , County of Orange, StalE' of CaJI(ornia. Intends to st>ll to JOSEPH M. :v!USTO an;:l NAT H AN D. GORIN. Vende-e. whose address Is 4553 Jade St .. Los Angeles 32, In the City of Los Angele~. County Q! U.s An· geles. State of california. tbc Col lowing described personal pro perty. to-wit: All stock in trade. fixtures. equipment and good will. busi- ness name and expendable In- ventory of a certain food locker buslnes..'l. known as HARBOR FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS, and located at 418 30th Street In the City of Newport Beach. Cnunty of Orange. Stale of Calllornla. and that a sale, transfer and as- signment of the same will be made, '\nd the consideration therefore will be paid at 10:00 o'clock a .m., on the 25th day of April. 1955, at the escrow depart- ment of BAY ESCROW, INC. at 251!:i E. Coast Highway, In the City of Corona del Mar, Newport Beach County of Orange, State ot california. ALAN L. BLUM RUTH S. BLUM JOSEPH M. MUSTO NATHAN D. GORIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANr.E SS- On April 13, 1955, b<:fore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for aid County and State, peuonally appeared .Alan L. Blam. Rutb S. Blum, Jo. 11eph M. Musto, Nathan D. Gorin. known to me to llt> t tle pe-80nl whose namet are .ubecrlbed to the wtthfn tftltrUD'lent and ac: knowledged that they exic:uted ......... The step toward hiring a rec- reation director Is a victory In the long campaign by local civic associations. The City Park Com- mission also has gone on rl'('(lrd favoring a full-time dlrt'Ctor to supervise the city's pa rk and recreation program. In E'Xp lalning thf' need for pur- chasing agent, City Manager Sailors said that he has held thilt responsi blllty for the past 10 years, but now his timf' Is being taken up more and more with his administrative duties and the purchasing job ha.s steadily In- creased In importance. He said that a purchasing agent could save h is salary several times over by careful shopping for city supplies and calling for bids on almost all Items. Pointing up the scope ot the purchuing job, Mr. Sailors said that annual pur- ch~ are around $300,(1(X) and an Inventory of around $70,000 \s maintained by the city. WH&.I ...... IZ, Of lleqert 1111. Dill William 0 . Bullock, 82, ot 546 Wf'Stmlnster Ave.\ New Heights, died Monday in Ana Community Hospital after a two-week IUneu.. Services will be held at p.m. today (Thursday) In p,,.,,:.; Ridley Mortuary Chapel, Costa Mesa. Mr. BuUock was a retired ta.pn- rr. He wa• a naUve or Dllnotl and came to the Harbor Area from NebraskA In 1~. Survlvon Include hla wife Ruth; ron'James. brotliB, Adria n S.lul:f!maker ot Wyoming, and WI I NJ:S8 .,-hand .... oeoJ. ud oUI-dlte-rt. Mn. Grace Jtoman of (Seal I -.&aD~ Jlot117 Publk: tn and tor aaf4 ---· A.Q&el• utd )ln. l.Aeanna ol~. SILl[ Toilet Tissue 5~ OOLDDITA~ Skim YAK CAMPS---JIIo. 2 CaD Cllili ..CH Cai'H uti leHs 23c COFFEE 79•. PEARS ...... 29~ SIIUCJtEJtr-10 OL I• aoiiDO--c- LD~'B-t l~ Grapefruif Sed. Elderberry Jelly 1 9' DEKiflSOK-303 Ccm Uma Beans & Ham 27c 19¢ siiic•wH-,.·... 17~ ~~~ :~: ... H ••••• 21~ =T a;--m· a-les-""·-... --=-21-=--• ·~· .. ,; -.v .. ftv.. Baby Food . 6 -· 49¢ Tomato Juice ~~---=c=-····=········-~~ Shorten1ng ·.... s• ·AliT ECLAIRS ::.: 25~COLD -IDI-ITA_TE-C ____ .,.,._······_·--7~ Cat Food ~-3 ... 23~· ==-;-;-;;=,----.-.... -c:.uo---===--~--·······-· --1~ SYiiJ'P · ~~~-.. _ ft:9h................. lfDLE"n-Vatv;um Pack ;CJ:;.._;;-;UII&T;;;;;;-;,.;-::._::-:c;;:-::::-------__:=:..::_ 11:, ·,fRUITS& \.fG[TABl[) LAJIGE Romaine LeHuce 2heads9¢ LAJIGE Artichokes 2 For 9~ SUIDIEB & ITALIAII' Squa~h 21bs.19¢ LOCAL Strawberries Box~ I;"; IRU/1/i 1. t[l' ..._. • J I . 3347· L Juice llb.ll -. .... ·- ---~; ;; •• CORN ~--2 '"'27~ Baking Powder19' RIB STEAKS PRIME RIB ROLLED ROAST ROUND STEAK ~hoek Roast 36L 7 -Bone Roast 39;.. Lean Ground .Beef 4 u.!l00 . . m BA •