HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-21 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. * * * * * • ·C.O Hearing Today In Lido ·1s1~ Shooting WilHam F. Allred. 30, UDem· ployed loner of La ere.centa, face~ cbaqe. of ld_?naptne. arroed robb«)', t1rst deiJ"H bure· lary and usault wtth a deadly weapon follow1ne hu surrender to Newport pollee Monday morn- Ing CD IJdo Peninsula. He 1.1 IC.beduled to appear ln Newport JU.Itlce Court thla morn- Ing CTbunctay). Allred'• arrest ended a search by approxlmately 100 pollee of. flcen tneludlne Newport regu. lara and rewrvea. otfJcen from Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Hunting· ton ~ach, Fullerton, Anaheim, callfomla Wehway Patrol and Oranee County aherttf. e WIADOW •JUZD ORB Al.lftd entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex ORr of 525 VIa Lido Soud, Lido lale, by pry. lne open a kitchen window. Re met Mr. Oser In the front room of the bouse. "drew down on hlm" wJth a 22 caliber revolver and Ol'deted him Into bb wlle's bedroom, police charged. and or· dered him to eel Into hls wife's bed. Allied demanded the palr's money and jewels and took a dlamond rtne and a dla.mond stuclded wrbt watch from the penon ot M.nL o-r, It was cbarsed Be alto took about $1.12 In cu.rrcmcy from her purse and from Mt. OMr'a poeket, pollee charaecl Case Dropped By Van Everys Newport Council voted Mon- day eventne to deny a re-hearing for Mr. and Mrs. James Van Every, who Jut week were denied a vartance for resubdlvl- aJon ot property at Seaview Ave. and Larkapur Ave., Corona del Mar. ~ Van Everya had built two hou-. on thetr property, then sold the rear portion of the pro- perty to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewka Council had denied the va.riaJtee beeau.ae the ortetnal properey wu not large enoueh to be divided into two leeat buUdJne attes. Effect of the Councll denial wu to require the Van Everys to cancel the property tranaac. tton. refund money to the Jewkes and raton the property to the ort&:tna1 status under one owner· ship. At Monday evftlln(a Council meeUn.. Cit¥ Cl•k c. K. Priest read• a letter from Auemblyman Earl W. Stanley, whoM real estate otftce bad handled the tran.MctJon. M.r. Stanley Aid that the Counclltnan had dented the variance beeautJe they be- Carter went to the front door and flndlne It locked. knocked. 'nle au.spect at eun point In· aide ordered Mr. Oser to a nswer the door and tell whomever It was that everything was o kay and to go away. Whereupon Mr. Oser went to the door but In fonned the officers that the sus. pect was hiding In the hallway. Oftleer Talbott proceeded to the hallway and was fired upon by the suspect. Officer Talbott re- turned the fire. The auapect re- trealfd to a rear aide room and eonttnued firing as Officer Ta t. bott fired from the hall. Ottlcer T a 1 b o t t suffered a wound to hls right hand In the gunfire. The suspect then broke throueh a door into a back bed room where Mrs. Oser had h id. 'nle s uspect grabbed Mrs. Oser and forced her to proceed In front In front of him down the hallway. Re threate ned to kill her and demanded that the of. fleers expose thenuelves. e CUBS CUJf AJlM 'nle officers retreated outside. The suspect went out by the k itchen doot on the other side of the house still holding Mrs. Oser at gun point and forelng Mr. Oser to accompany him. Mrs. Oser stumbled outstde the door. grabbed the suspect's gun arm and both went down. Mr. Oser jumped onto the v1ct1m and the auapect bit him on the arm. The .uapect dropped h1l eup and !led to tM wa~ fearful Oil the .......... * • * * * * * jf * * * * * * * Costa Mesa AlsO Takes Adion to Annex Bay The County of Orange wtll serve notice on the City of Newport Beach that the county Is taking over the government and operation 1..---'-'--------------------------------~ •of Newport Harbor. COJtOJfA DEL KAJL CALIF. TBUIISDAT. APm. l l. 1955 ~ The Boa rd ot Supervisors a uthorized County Cou nsel Joel Ogle at the Tuesday meeting to prepare the notlce. "We'll govern the harbor, in accordance with the Orange Coun ty Ha rbor District ordinance that has been In effect for many years." Mr Ogle told the Ensign yesterday. ''W e will have full charge ot lcontrolline the Harbor. subject only to the pollee powers of the City of Newport Beach." These police powers would of courw per mit the city to take action In the event of som e public safety emer I gency, s uch as a shooting, he sa.td. I In another Important act.lon conN>rning-Newport Harbor, the Supervisors also dlr«ted Mr. Ogle to tile the necessary proaeedlnp to contest the Newport Beach annexation ot some 2,100 •~ In the Upper Newport Bay. e WaiT OP JIAJIJ)A TE PLAifliED Mr. Ogle said he was preparing a writ of mandate, which would bring t he eontroversy to Superior Court t o test the valua. I tlon placed by the City of Newport Beach on county property In the annexation a rea. Monday evening the ~ewport City Council had found that the I county protest against the annexation was lnsuttlclent-.ln other words. that the county land within the annexation did not equal I ha lf tht' valut' of the entire annexation. County had baaed tta pro- 1 est on the fact that Its property was more than half the value. Upon ovt-r ru ling the County protest, the Newport City Council lntroduN'd the ordinance of annexation of Upper Bay and ~ it to ~nd reading. FlnaJ action Ls scheduled tor next Monday l'\'t'nlng. a nd the ordinance would become ettectlve In 30 days. Newport officials said yesterday that they will go ahead with tht> annexation procedure according to schedule lf no further actJon '" takf"n by the County before Monda y evening Mr. Oele to ld the Ensign yesterday that he would not ha ve time to take any a ctJon before Monday evening e MESA SEED AJIJfEXAT10Jf Thet"e was still another surprise elt-ment In the Upper Bay an nexaUon disputt-. The Costa Mesa City Council approved a rHOIU· tion of Intention to annex a portion ot the Upper Bay lyine within Mesa Reiects City Hall Pfan MESA BANK To MERGE the Newport annexation area. City Engineer Don Southworth and City Attorney Donald Dungan were Instructed to preyent the pro- posed boundaries to the County Boundary Commission. The area sou.ght for annexation to Costa Mesa Ilea between WITH SAN DIEGO BAN.K the extenatons of 17th St. and 19th St.. cuttlne across the Upper Bay near Coney Is land, and extending to Pa llsadea Roed on the eo.ta Mesa dty Council turned euterly aide of the bay. clown a Monday eventne Jl ·.a.& __ ..__ ,...v f« N. II. _..__ _deet ot the This action by ea.ta Mesa City Council waa apparently taker\ J, ~an Oo. to 4%~ aN ~ " --... -as a stand-by Jllle&Mift ln cue t.be COUD~ protat woe out at lliiD· ....... I I ---~--8aDil S..... ................ t Ole -co I,.... •a pat 0 zri " a -ta-...-,efiiflllliiii ,_ d.-_. • aa aanual wttb tM Un._.. sa.tee Batloaal IDftl'4!!f wm w CIIIIWPlec.d In owrtb.row ot Newport aftJM"Ution procedure. Newport Bach ltaa .._ ot t:n.OOO. Bank of San Dteeo. tt flu all· about 90 days. and then U.. local e.tablltlhed priority in anlM'ltation of Uppe-r Bay· therefore the 1be proposal was "out of Une" nounced thb week by C. W. Te. tnstltution w1U be known u the Costa Mesa action would be lneffective If theN~ annexation Councilmen Charles TeWlnkle Winkle. chairman of the .board Costa Mesa office of the U. S. roet'eds as lanned. (Continued on Pa e 5) and Best Smith commented. of the local baAk. National Bank ot San Diego. P P I Councilman TeWinkle comment. He said also that negotiations F• I A t• I D M d ed that the city could not pay PI 1-c .. I for a new bank building at thP In a c I 0 n s u e 0 n a y tha t In five years a nd that the M.&II• II II triangle at Harbor and Newport city should lower Its sights. He ····=-= .. ··~--..~ Blvd. wHI continue. and the nf'W On Changing Council Meet also questioned the clty paying ----M-I ..-.. headquarters sh ould be ready for the Insurance on the buUdlng as occupancy during the latter part An ordlna nN' to change Coun I q ue-stion whethl'r th('S(t mt'E't tng!-. proposed In the deal. It called Frank Baxter of San Bernar of the year. ell mN>tl ng tlmt> from tht> second 1 art-Opt"n to the public-Council for the firm to erect th e city hall dino was appointed by Newport All present otfiN'rS and staff and fourth Monday t>venlngs to man GE-ra ld Benn t>tt satd. "Tht'y d I b k lth 20 ""' of the bank will be retained second and fourth Tue~ay morn arl' not O"""n. No decisions are an rent t ac w a or ~ ctty Council aa admln~trative ~'"'" year lease. Pa ul Creighton. president of the inp at 10 a.m. was introduced made at tht-se meetings." usistant to the Planntne Corn· Costa Mesa Bank,· Dennis Hoa a t last Monda~··s Nf'Wport City Harold Glass of 110 lOth St.. City Manager George Coffey ... " said the proposal was not be-mission at a salary of 1410 a land. vice-president. and Board Olunc ll mN>t lng. Nt>wport. expressE'd his oppo.c;l yond the means of the city. He month. Chairman TeWinkle wtfl become> The:' ordlnanN' was passed to 1 tlon to the cha nge of meeting made a plea for enlarged quar-City Mana ger John Sallors ex. members of the advlsory com second relldlng, and It Is sched time. ters for city business, claim ing plalned that Plannlne Commls. mlttee. Mr. Creighton will be ult-d to come up for final a<'tlon ' "I fet>l this mnttf'r should bf' that poor public and employee slon duties are so heavy now vice-president a nd manager. next Monday f"Venlng. gJvt-n mort' consideration," he relations were belni created In that additional assistance ls re. The Costa Mesa Bank. organ From the audlenN' came a said. 'The civic group" havp not the present crowded quarters. qulred. He said that Mr. Baxter lzed Dec. 8. 1947. now h as re qut'Stlon about tht> <>t urly session had timP to study It It lor; a n In The pollee department must be has h ad coU~e engineering sources totalling almost $8.000., that precf'des each council me<>t JustiN' to mt-et at a time-that moved out ot the city hall '-Y training a nd considera ble buUd 000. When merger Is afft'Cted. lng Mayor Dora Hill said it makt>S It hard for the public' to July, Mr. Coffey said. lng lru~~lon expedence In San combined resources wtu exc.-eed I would prohahly tw he-ld on Mon gt't heft'. l'\'e talked to no one- Mayor Nelaon said that the Bernardino County. Mr. Baxter $50.000.000. day aftPr noons. In rt"Sponst> to a who llkM thP pro post"d cha ngf'" site for a city haJJ sbouJd be s;e.. was runner.up to Raymond Glenn --- lected a nd a study started of In the examination for selection mearu~ of eettlng lt. ot bu ilding Inspector last fall. Building R~trictions To Be Eased by Oty Balboa and Newport business the re.trictJve building provisions da.trtcts were assured Monday of the No. 1 fire. zone regula. evenlne of obtaining relief from tJon& Newport Ctty Counctl Instruct. ed City Attorney Karl Davis to pre~ an amendment to the present city ordtnanc::e to ellm lnate the No. 1 ftre .mne for bust The Gold Coast Shrtne wtU hold ness areas. 1b1s amendment a butfet dJl'\ner and dance at would chanee the' IM<~Rnt Zone 1 the ~nde:rYou.s Ballroom l1l BaJ. areaa to No. a, and the Zone 2 boa 'J'uaday eventn1 beginntne tl.rMa to Zone C. Zone 1 would be at 1:30. All proceeds Will ro to completely ellmlnattcS except on the Shrine QJppJed Qilldl"en'a ocean floont beacbee, wbldl will Rolpltal tn Los ~ All be maintained lor public bNch Shrlnen and Muona and thdt puiJ)OeN. rrom thf' audMftce. Maurie publldty Stanl~. pretd41emt ., U.. New. port Harbor ct.amMr Oil Oom ~ aald. '"We'r. ,.rectly In acean1 w1th tbla :lt.uee. .. .. , All your printing ""ds will b, handled convenientfy end court eouslv in the completely-equip. ped J ob Printinq Deportment of ~our Herbor Area Newspaper. The Ensiqn, I I 0-4 Coest 81 .. COM I liE us PIIVE '"We bCift abowD aaay Cl'llta•oa..le drt9e .... ..., to 80ft ...., ......... F- way. Jut gift .. tile ~ to ...,...,_ .... ...., ........... ... ......... ~ ........ . FELLOWSHIP DAY MAY 6 Hoa.g Auxiliary Will Hold· Benefit in Emerald Bay Ill I I I plaD ploD 11nd by l tale F--. • • STATE Fill IllS. 00. 8y ELSIE IIEWLAKD The second "great day" ob- served by United Ch urch Women ':r,'::: !e~:7~:~~Y· the rtrst Spring Flower Arra·ngements Thl.a year It falls on May 6, A s h B PW M t• and the service will be held at re own at ee •ng Christ Church by the Sea at 1 :30 I l p.m. O.n this day church women Spring nower arrangements as April 7 at the Newport Harbor unite in promoting fellowship interpreted by norist Morrl Molho Yacht Club. and friendship and the work In of Balboa provided the program Jean Powell, who presided over the local community. for tbe Newport Harbor Business the meetlnr In the absence of The theme -this year Is "The 1 and ProfessJonal Women at their President Mazie Bird. received ResponsJble Christian FamJiy." • pre-Eeaster dinner meeting on the Easter arrangement of white Mrs. Everett Rea of Costa Mesa I lilacs with complementary spring Is chairman of the day. Detailed I No. A-25540 nowers In a white wicker basket program plans were made at a IIOTICE TO CJlEDITOU prepl\red during the demon.stra meeting held In the women's ESTATE OF EDMUND BEN· tlon. lounge of Costa Mesa Community JAMIN BTLLMAN. aka EDMUND Mr. Molho of "Flowers by Mar- Methodist Church last Friday B. HILLMAN. DECEASED rl," was Introduced by Jean Matt. morning. NCYI'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to hews who. 1n tum, was present. Preceding this ~tlng. Mrs. the creditors of and all peTSOns ed with a carnation corsage con. Chester Fisher presided at a having claims against the said structed by Morrl with the assW- meetlhg of the execut1ve board decedent or said estate to file. ance of hl.a Balboa shop manag. of the councll. Plans for the com. them with the necessary vouch· er. Mrs. Valeria Shields. lng months were made and fl. ers Ln the office of the Clerk of J. A. Hamblet. vice-principal of nanclal obligations were cleared. the Superior Court of the State Newport Harbor Union High Mrs. Robelt Keppen, represent&· of California, In and for the School. described the crowded tlve of Civil Defense and Red E:ounty of _Orange, or to present conditions of the schools and Cross program In the area. de-the same, with the necessary made a plea for support In the scribed plans for the community vouchers, to the undersl~ed at coming school tax vote. and made a strong appeal for co-his or her place of business. Mazle Btrd. Lydia Southworth, operation on the part of all to-wit: Dorothy Palen and Helen Wollard church women. Ralph L. Hillman. Executor, were chosen aa del~ate~~ to the The Auxiliary of Hoag Memor. tal Hospital wUl hold Ita annual benefit garden party and fashion show Thursday, May 12, at Smithcllfie, the Lon V. Smith home in Emerald Bay. Mrs. Frank Linnell of Santa Ana l.a general chairman for the event Mrs. Ray Dike of Newport l.a general ticket chalmlan; Mrs. Charles Lamb of Newport. in charge of refreshment table 'dec- orations. and Mrs. Donald Cole- grove or Newport. supervision of the food. Mrs. Irving Watcher of Newport, Mrs. Herbert SheHlln of Lagune, Mrs. Ellen McLellan of Lagune and Mrs. Harold Bender of Huntington Beach wUl uaist. Hostesses will be Mrs. D. M. Hummel of Three Arch Bay, pres- Ident of the Auxiliary, and mem- bers of the Laguna Chapter. Mrs. Howard Lewl.a of New- port. chairman of volunteers. re. ports that 240 women working on 16 in.servlce committees at the LECAL JIOTICE THE STATE OF CA.UFORNIA IN THE .SUPERIOR COURT OF IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Dept. 2. No. IU14 Sw •*lnl hospital have given a total ot s,. 800 hours this year, working dally from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. ln addltlon, four other committees function out.atde the hospital gtv. lng hundreda of "unseen" houra. Membership Ia now around 4!50. L. &. CADKI Cedi u Today ••• Light their life with /Oith l/6 IT. AIIDDWI nanTKmAII CIIVICII 15th SL II St. Andrewa Rd., --=, ~ lclaool ...._I ~. 1--L IIMfm't SUNDAY: Momlng wonhlp, 9 :30 and 11 a .m.; Chu~h School. 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Rllh Fellow· lhtp, 7 p.m.; Colleee age tel. lowahlp, 7:30 p.m. -roES. Prayer, atudy group, 9:30 a .m. COJOIUJQTY IIETBODIST -w. lltlt lt.. eo.ta ...... l.u..tt' 1-4551 .... J-.pla w. JlciJuale Sunday: 9:30 a.m., <llun:b Sun· day School: 9:30 and U :OO a .m. Mornln& \V()rsh.lp-7 p.m. College Age JIYF Servlee -7 p.m. BJ~ &cbool MYP Semce; 7 p.m., SuJMriOU8 Group SerY· lee. A.SIEJOLY Of' COD I2Dd lt. & &ldla A.._ e-ta U... Llbedy 14711 •.......s ... c:. CNaJc. .... Sund~ School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahJp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn~r People and Chlldten'a Service. 6:~ p.m. Sun. Mid· week ServJce: Wednesc1ay, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' MlaJonal')' Coun· cU, Thursday.. 10:00 a.m. I'DIT aAPI'Ift' cauaca lcmtlll AM An. et KopoU. eo.ta .... ~ .•. a. ....... Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :\.m. WonhJp Services· 6:30 p.m., Baptiat TraJnin1 UnJon: 7:30 p.m., Evel\lng Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m .. Pra.yer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorus l ftUIW DAY ADY&JIITJS1 practice; 8~30 p.m. Men'a 11...-pol't ..... et ..._1t.. Prayer Meeting. llewport ...... Cll1mCB OF Oft LADY Llbefty 1-ISU OF liT. CA ... a. E1dew D. D. I~ 1441 W • ..U.. at9d.. llewpolt Saturday Momtn1 Servt<a' Sab· r--F~· -bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mo~: U:OO &.m. -:rayer meet· Fatber a.t. ._ u ~ ~t'~:Pa~Frl-sunday M.-: 8:00 anc1 10:oo -and 11:30 a.a Oxd tce: lt.t· cauwa .e ..... ,.._ 'UI'CIQa • .... ., • Jrldan Oftlcers of the council and key .1:/o Harwood. Heffernan II Soden annual San Orco IDiMt1na held women from seven local cbun:hes 2515 E. Coast HtJhway, Corona at the Lafayette Hotel. Lona attended. They were Mmes. Ches. del Mar, Caillomla Beach lut week~nd. ter Fls her, W. A. McBride, May within sl.x monttt. after the first Questa prewnt.ed to the club ACE ALBERT WJIJJAMS, Platn-1 wr: va. MA.JUANA a. wn.. nm caua:a OF CWIIIIJ ·-can.n:. lt.. c... .... .... tz·a.a.... .... ~~~ ~-••.• ............. lkit 5~~ ..... ··= J.a I t1 .. ftll -p.m. ~... • LIIL Sunday s.mo.· ~School. -y'rtda7: 8:10a.m. aadi:OO p..m. 9:30 a.m. Kam.tn. WOnhlp at N ov e na • (Perpetual Help): EJ!more. Loyd Folsom. Everett publication of thla notice. by sponsor memben were Prls- R.ea. p F. Baines. Theo Hauser, Dated: AprU 1, 1955. cilia Matthews, Gloria Chapman. LIAM.S, Defendant. J.u..tr e.-5711 ActJon broulht in the Superior T-8a1l.w Jr .. IUal.ter Court of the County of Orange, Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. Bible 10:30 a.m. Evanjellatlc Serv· -ru.4ay. 7 .4.5 p.m. Ice. 7 p.m. S\IDday. Prayer Cli&IIY LUI*' lAir CWO ... George Burkhardt, Ruth Allen, RALPH L. mLt..MAN Phyllis Church and Dorothy John· Hugh Baird, John Sadlelr and Executor of the Estate of said son. and Complaint Wed In the Ot:fic:e study; 11 a.m. morning wor· of the Clerk of the Superior Court ahlp; 7 p.m. evmtn1 lefvlc:e. aJeetJne. 7:30 p.m. Wednellday. Of' con'A MUA (JOiacwt IJIMCI) ElsJe Newland. decedent. Harwood, Heffernan II Soden A Clossified Ad 1n The Ensiqn b rinqs immediate results! Cell Horbor I I 14 I I IS end orove it! Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Coast Htrhway Corona del Mar. Ca11lornla Publls.h: AprU 7-14-21-28 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. LAIBOURIIE TUYn SERVICE AIRUIIES • RAILROADS SeniA9 The eoc.ta1 Ana F• Jleady 10 y...,. 213 Ocecaa An. IAplla.... ll,.tt ..... -----~----~= ----- - A·l PLUMM G anCJA' nrn 111 ._.ADII Dcy&JiifMW ......... Modent ,_. Toeh few s-., & Sl.ll St.,.,.. Lewis Ross ~!:::.• ...... U:CAL llarJCU CEIITIFJCATE OF 8UIDfESS Fk:Utiou FinD !lame f -·'d Co ty Midweek se r vice. 7 p.m. o ... un . Wec1nesc1ay. I'1UT caua::a OF CIIJIIIT ICl&iiTISI ~Ide::-= llall. The undersigned do hereby The people of the 'State of CalitomJa aend areettnp to MARIANA R. Wll.UAMS, De· fendant. certify that they are conducting You are directed to appear in a landscaping .and nUJ'!Iery busJ. an action brourbt aeatnst you ness at 2040 Newport Boulevard, by the above named plaJntltf ln Costa Mesa. CaHtornla, under the Superior Court of the State the fictitious finn name of Bar-of California. in and for the bor Landscaping and that said Couny of Orange, and to uwwer firm Is composed of the follow-the complaint thereln wtthln ten lng persons, whose names In full days after the service on you of and places of residence are aa thls summons, it served wtthln follows, to-wit: the County of Oranre. or within William B. Ferguson, 309 Hell. thirty daya it served elsewhere otrope, Corona del Mar, Calll. and you are notUJed that unJ~ Charles N. Woodward. 230 you 80 appear and &n.SlVer u Pearl, Balboa Island. CalifornJa. above required, the plalntlft wl1J Witness thelr hands thl.a 22nd take judgment !or any money or day of March. 1955. damares demanded In the Com- WILUAM B. FERGUSON, plaint, u arlalng upon contract., CHARLES N. WOODWARD. or will apply to the Court for any State of California, County of other relief demanded tn the Orange, as. compl&lnt. On thla 22nd day of March, Given under my hand and aeal A.D. 1955, before me, Thomu E. of the SuperiOI' Court ot the Hefteman. a Notary Public In County oi Oranp, State of Call- and for the aa.ld County and fornJa, thla 30th day of Novem. State, resldinr therein. duly com-ber, 1954. mluloned and IWOm, penonally B. 1. SlOTH, appeared WUllam B. Fergu!IOn County Clerk and Clerk o1. the and Chari• N. WoodWard known Superior Court of the State of to me to be the per110na whose California, In and for the County name~~ ate subtlcrlbed to the of Oran,e. 1 within lnmument. and acknowl. By LeslJe 1. McCartney, Deputy. t¥1ged to me that they executed (Seal Supera Court the aame. In wttne. whereof. I Orange eowrt;y) have hereunto Mt IQY, hand and Harwood., H.r:t.Dan It &o&m. atflxed my omclal leal the day Attome:7 tor PlaiDUft and 1UI' In tb1l Certtfkate tint Ad~: 2515 JC. OoMt Blpway. above written. Corona ... liar, Callfomla. Tll()MAS E. J¢J'#EkHAN, T~: 11a1tM1w 1DL MT ,..l.m l•1on aplre. June~ Publllb: liar. a.APrU 211DcL · 1J55. . Publlab: Mardi Jl. AprU 7, 14. 21 1ft the Newport a.... EMIIJl. a eo. CldJiT Cll11aCII IT TID SEA ~Ketbod!at llcdbotl ...... Cit ••• lt.. llewport ~Sill .... 1 .... ~A. CcuiMa Sunday Wonblp, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Cbun:h School: 9:45 a.m. Midweek Meet1n1: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6 :30 p.m. potluck. aav·~r .... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun· day S • r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wedneeda7. Ewntna Meettn•: 8:00. ReadlJla Boom. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beadl, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week day.. 10 a.m.· 1:4.5 p.m. Wedne.day.. 7·9 p.m. Friday eveninp. U1flVEUALIIT COIOIUWITT ~. ~,. anraca PELLOWIJIJ7 ... A..., c:o.ta ..._ m.u a•u-- F__. ~lr.'\...sa SIS W. IIGibN ...... a.11MM1 •--A-.. ..... 7 L I. 10 _.... Jl......_: .... P. W. liD4IIt . -,--.. --.. , • • -Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. J.tom. U.30 a.m. Weekdays. Maa at I ncr worship u ·oo a.m. 7:00a.m.-Con!eulon: Satur· • ' • days from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to . -- 8:15p.m. I'1UT IOUiaJLD UPTIIT cau ... PDIIT UftiiT c:au... • w ._ • ...._ Of' aaWJOIT • --lt.. c:o.ta ..._ ..._....._Ita & c-rt I ta.. ~ I-MII ....... .....I.DLIIerd&._ 11A1bow JSU Liberty a...71 Sunday 8Chool, 9:45 LID.J c!'urc.b ._._1 lled»ed a. Jell•u• eervlee 10:50 a.m. TI'&lniq Sunc~Q eerv1cea: 9:45a.m.. 8u.n· Um.n 7 p.m. 8wutay. Ewninl day Scbool; 11:00 ~«-wonb.lp 8 p.m. &mday. Teach· '8hfp Savlce; '7:30p.m. en and ol.ftoen IDMtlnr 7 p.m. Mhl.nr ~ e r v I e e ; llld· W WedJMllldq . Prayer eervtoe and Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednf!llday l lble .tu4y 8 p.m. Wedneeday. Prayer Meettnc. .................. ,. IW SWlday lervlc.: Worship Serv-ice 9 ua. Sunday Scllool at 10:15 a.m. IT. JAIID &I'IICO•AL ..... =:r .... ... ...... L ...... Cuclto SUI\Qy Services: 8:30. 9:30, u a.m. Mon tlna Prayer· 9:30 a.m. lte,.atlon fOI' Sunday School. ThUrsday Sen'lcee: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Com· munJon. ST. JOD YIAifJin S14 JlaltM A.._ l4llboa blaDd ......... F.a.. ·~ ~· ..... p--~·IFU Sunday Mauee: 7:00 a.m. II 9:00 a.m. Conte.lon: Saturdar and evea. of 1ft Friday. an Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; P1nt Frida)' x... 8 a.m. -c:alftAL aaa.& CIIVIICII O....Aft.atllldlt. c:.e.--.1.111 ........ A.A.K•••• ...._ Sund&J ~: t :tl a ~ .... ... ~ U :OO; Semee. 7:JO. MJd·wwtk Sin'· M&W~ IIADOa CIOiaiA Da. MU Ice. WecJ..-d~?:IO D.JD. LUI*'IU CIIOa:a COIDIUWiil caG** ULlOA &AIID aoa CUll Dw.. • iWjiC!It ........ C••11•1 " ,., cotanrllft"f iiWfiiiPIPi.,....,M. .... ~ ID .,.-..._. lllli:.:iinA..,. 111 .............. ~ ...... .... -.....t a..hald --• .........._ ...__....... .. ..... .!.!!!:.. • .. • .... .... Early aeryioe, 8:30 a.m. SUnday: .__. _..,., ----Cburdl Sehooill 9:30 a.m.j wor· SundaJ Wanbtp ~: 1:45 lundq e.vtc.: 1:10 a. m. ah.lp ~ :oo a.m.; IAith• a.m.. 11:00 a..m.lluaday Sc:bool: Churcb Sdlooi..L ·~ a.nd u ·oo Leacue. 7:. p.m. t :• a.m. , a.m. Wonblp Mn'K.'e. • 1'lu. Directal f Ill macle pcw'h1e by tJa.. c:hie-mlladeclbe•h I 1MQI WOODWQllH PIANO SHOP l!xalMift Apnt ,.. Balchrlll Pla.noe 2610 E. c..t Hwy. Her. JJ12 c.... cW .... • UI.S1'1K Jfo 1'ldll •.• Wo Tape ••. Jfo ...-. 1129 E. c..t .....,. c.r..ie .. ._.., • • . ··-------• •••••• ,. ...... u. ·- I structors .. Nightingales THE HORACE * * * ToleaveOS ~~~·-~~~ ~~~~~EiedinMay ~D~··~~~-~:~--~·~"~·~·a~·-~-·~&~uc========J~~~~~oo~~~L~~~~~~~ t. .,._ ......... tile ~ OOU., PI-Dt.d tbe lJM-5$ Election ol omcen WW be the ~ lteaDitb D. JcMttdwr, c:baJr. eaa ClriNka. 1M dulce ..,.cl-budpt far aPIJI'O'V&). SWDIDer ore~« of bwd.,_ I« the May e ft.AT DAY fia.~D ma fll tM dt.Woa Of ftM ud an, far Girl lc:outl b1 AI'Uaur O.t ·l:amP. the a......,.bWty ot meet1n1 o1 t.MM .. bdnlaleCha~ Our annual ,srta .... Y da.y hu IPPIMcl uta at aran,. Cout CJol.. Murn.y. MN. SJdlley .. .,.,_, wu a.n. t.er ol the Baq ..... al 801-been ~ned unW May 5tA .._.. Me ~ tM poll~ a( Tb1l .. a aadoftal projed. aad noaDCied far IUM JO. 'I'IMme tbJ.a pttal AuxWary. oa aecou.nt o1 the ~ vaea- a I 111 t a ft t au~t 1ft Arthur Murra,J Duee atadlae all 1-.r wtll~ be "'WUcl •• Cow-ne dlapter m« .\prtl 5 In the tJoo DOt aabllnl tbe Captalft to ebrp ol 1nltnaeUoe at ......._.. (MW the Unhld ... .,. ,Svtq boJa." 1"be Itt. will be oe lr¥tne new home ot Mn. lade Con1don, try out tnd pracdce wftb their e&D llwr l unlor eon.,.. thla t.Mtruc.'tiOD tree. IM»>*tt 1ft Jfewport BetpU. 218 Vla ~ Uclo lale. A.ullt-tearu. A11o tolnl to the ame coUqe 'nle local dul S. belftl held Mn. 1tobp1 L Trembley hu tn1 the h.olteu were Mrs. James · w1ll be Dorla Raef, Pl)'cboloiY at the .ArUaur Murray ltudlo ln been appoblt.d u daaJrman of Elm, Mrs. Charles Lamb and Mrs. • G1'll OPPICZD C:::.O.D and buatneu education &Mtrue. Corona del Ma.r, a.rranpd by the lfomluttna eommtttee. Pro. John Webtter. New IYln ott1c:en have been tor at OOC. who hu been ap. Ma.nacer Chet Fa.rra.r. IMtrudOn ll'&m ehatrm.ad, Mn. Ralph wn. A work aealolf preceded the choeen for th~ MYtnth and pointed dean of women and the a.re Ma.ry lane Dauphine and BUI cox delerlbec1 Eutet favon made buslnna rneetln1. Thla time was el1hth eraders. In the .ev~nth new ooU.,e. MS.. Raef ta a 11'&4-J"uclk. by troop memben for Hoae Bos-taken up with aulatlnt Mrs. Joe 17ade tor flrat period. president uate ot UCLA. lei'Ved u a com-The Amerlean Gill Polka wm pltal. Prelnln1er, chairman of the holt. ll Pam 'Elsener and secretary Is munleatJona ottloera In WuhJn1-be PreMntecl at the National Gill The q u a r t e r 1 y A.uoclat1on day committee, make Easter tray Jena.lyn Black. Fifth period pres ton. D. C .. before comln& to OCC Scout meet1n1 ln 1958. It S. a meet1n1 wUl take place AprU 26. favors for the hospital. !dent Is Norma Atk.lN and aecre ln l!M9. dance 11\llt.able for a famlly Praent wer~ Mmn. John At the business meeting Mrs. tary Is Jeralyn Godfrey. For M.r. Boettcher hu been on the IJ'OUp. A.lter the leaden teaeh O'ertly, Everftt Nunan. Ted Ram-Hal Dike rep6rtt>d on the money elrhth &rade, thlrd period pres! ltatf of Oran1e Cout Collqe the da.nce to the ef.rla In thel.r brook. Jade QuJRnberry, .-rank belnr raised at the eroup·s Edna dent Is Kathy O'Rlley and the atnce Ita beelnnln1. Be and hU troope, It ta hoped that counctll MeCormJek, WIUiam Humuon. Stearns Dayton series which goes secretary ls Bonnie McKay The wUe, Corene, a.re known thJoUih· mi.Y apotlJJhl father.daulbter E. G. Doane, Wayne Crowl, Dan to support tht-work ()( tht> Tumor ne-w ~entb period president Ia out thS. cornmunJty for thelt comblnatlpns to promote tea.m CummJnp. Ralph Wilcox. Sidney Board at the hospital Jeanine A.rm.strong (who alao Is partJclpaUon ln mu.Jca.l perform-competition. Sanden. Neva Thomas. H. E. At tht-conclusion of tht-bust-report~ for GAA II 8th rrade anceL • • • Nack, Burke Thomas. A. 0 . ness meetlnr. Mrs. Orval Stewart, IYTD news) and eec:reta.ry ls Aa aulstant auperlntendent 1n The Newport Ha.rbor Girl Scout Oberl, SmJth Newberry and W. president. presided at the tea Merllyn Bowler. cha.rle of lnatructlon. Mr. Jloett. boa.rd held ita monthly meet.lng B. Tritt. table. We are now playing t10ftball eher w:IU be dla.r•ed wtth the re-Aprtl 5 at the Little House. Mnl. and badminton a.nd a.re aaytng aponalbWty ol Mttlnl up the Ted Bam brook. ~dent. pre-l S h 1 I S h fOod by to tumbllnl. In 80ft ball Procram In the ne-w.1UnJor col . .tded. ynn ta er 5 weet eart the seventh graders played the lep cH.Itrlct. to be headed by Dr. Cal 1 Lui .. J-LI etrhth rraders with et1hth win Bill l . Priest, who a.a.o will be ... ... -Of c t DeMol Ch t nJne 28-2. leavlnl Ora.nle Cout Collee e to Pill .. ·--,... oas ay ap er e SPEI.LIMG 8EE take the PQI!tJon at the new JU•J Mlsa Lynn Stabler. 399 Seville, from 9 p.m . to mldnl&ht In the Bill Muzzy wu the happy win colle,e. Army Cpl. ao,er S. Und, 10n f th of Mr. and Mrs. George Lind, 2 Balboa. has ~n elected as the Orange County Farm Bureau ner o e annual apellJnl bet" !Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiii Bay Island. ta among 216,000 IOl· chapter "Sweetheart" of Orange Hall. 1916 W. Chapman Rd.. In for our school. The ~lllnl bee, dters alated to participate In Ex-Coast Chapter, Order of DeMolay, Orange. Admission Ia Sl.!'iO per which Ia national, 1a spon.ored erct.e Apple Jack durlnl May at and wUl represent the local couple and Is not limited to De-by the lnde~ndent and Press the Yak.lma Firlnl Center near chapter In tht Orange County Molay.#Dreas will be sport-ties Telegram u a public aervtce fea Fort Lewta. Wash. DeMolay "Sweethearts Ball" Sat· for the men. cocktail dresses for 1 ""re ln co-operation with the 8t.aDcla.r4 8 h a d e Cloth.a a nd Custom Specta.ltJes e Drapery H a rdware e Venetian Bl.lnda. urday night In Orange. the women. school systems ln the Lona Apple Jack will teat the effl. Beach area. Tht-area match was ct ........ Y of lnf~try and -·pport Miss Stahler. 17-year-old senior 0 the r county "Sweethearts" "''"" ..... held last Saturday April 16. In units in moun tnoua and desert at Newport Harbor High. will are Carole l..anen. Garden Grove; tftH.Jn. The a.lmulated use of reign over the county wtde dance Linda Hall. Orange; Susan Stan-the Woodrow WU.On HJ&h Audl ,,_-~I_ -~ -~ 1 H tl ... n-h ,... __ 1 torlum "In Lona Beach. ,,. C)~ C>l atomlc weapon. wUl be one of along with five other chapter ey, un n.~on u.:ac ; """o BUl represen~ed our school and the c:ondltloru of the exercl.w. "Sweethearts" from Fullerton, Basler. Santa Ana and Llnda * ...._ U.. * C.U r ........... al u d 1 d Huntlnmnn Beach. Garden Grove, Coleman, Fullerton. Pat Bush went along u runner ,_. Qta. a&.. __....,.... n • a penonne a · •-up. TheTe were 46 schools r~re Gl lllld at.. 8eapwt leecll rnin1atratlve specialist with Head Orange and Santa AnS a. th .. ~~lr ••• aented and I mJght aay therf' ~~~~~~~~~~~!! quarters Battery or the 2nd In-The alx county " wee eart.s ~ -lr were more girls than boys. Bill fa.ntry Division's 37th Field Artil-will be presented and crowned was number 15 and hls first lery BattaUon. entered the Army by the respectjve mastrr coun-.., f'8lLL UlOOD word wu "cabinet." They began To VDIGIL ....s •oua promptly at 2:00 and the ~ ln October 1953 and completed cUora about 11 p.m. Saturday. butc tralnJng at Camp Chaffee. Muter counsllor Bill Rlnl will Ark. He l.s. a 1953 eraduate of the do the honora fo.r the Coast chap. UnJveraJfy of California at Berke-ter. I have riches beyond compare; lasted untJJ 3:15. Although w~ ot Wilshire School ln Fullerton. I won'la beglnnJng They can lift me above despair; didn't wln. BUJ ·stayed up till For second pla~ from Stanford PHYCO etc. with PHYS or Complete BODM Fu.mJahtnp LJbefty a.M5C lat .ewpcll't Aft. COSTA MESA CREDIT BUREAU ot w..-. 01 r Coaaty Uormerlt oi Newport Beach, Lal\llla lJeach II eo.ta 1( .. ) ............... 10 .... LDiartt ~'llfl •=rwt .._. ......... _... ........................... _..._.. .. ley and member o1 the Slpna Oran1e Cout College's RJtb Chl fraternity. will provide the musical fare laak ...... REPORT OF CONDmON of L~cE..~eW! • ., .. .._.,, a __ ... _.,....._,. ..... .. ____ ...._.., .. 1 , .. a ,.,._.. AW II 5 C 'd ••kill C>-'tnrll L CUb. balance~ wtth other banD. lnclucliftl tEWJ¥6 bala.nce, a.nd cub Item. ln procea ol collection. ... $ 789,561.67 $1L'U01.08 $ 902.462.75 2. U. S. Government obliga-tions, dJr«t and tully 3. ea-:e~=tY;·-mu-;;·icts)ai 1.681,TT7.65 503,879.75 2.185.657.40 and .:hool dlatrlct obll- 61 f!~~ruar\Ci .. Ciik-Oll~·t& .. , ,,;·: 300'864.47 eludes S347.70 overdralta) 821.394.87 540.890.85 8b. Furniture, fixtures and equipment ----·----38,001.14 U . Other assets -······· ···-·-· 3..490.03 .(). .(). ·---- 300.864.47 1.362.195.72 38.001.14 3.,490.03 TOTAL ASSETS ................ 3,&44,(J:l9.83 1,157,581.68 4.801.671.51 UAalUTIES 12a. Commercial dT.:tu -demand (In lvlduals, partnerships, corpa.) ....... 12b. Other demand =lu (certifJed and ~~· checlu. etc.} ···-················· 14. Savings deposita ............ 16. U. S. Government and = aavtnp deposita .. 17. county and mu- nlclpal d~lts ···········-··· 20. &e.ervn r taxes. Inter-ests. etc.. accrued but un. 21. ~~ ··u&t;uit"ia--:::=::::. ·: ... : TOTAL UABIUTIES ..... CAI'ITAL -ACC:OU.I S 22. Capital paJd In: b. Common stock 2100 aares. Pa.r $50.00 .. :: ~~cled·-protit;.::ii"et .. ·:: ~. ltelerver -·····-.................. . TOTAL CAPIT A.L AOOOUNTS 27. Total lJablUtles a n d Capital Accounbl ............. . ..... OUIIDAa 1. PledP'd .-ta (and se-curities loaned) (book value>: , __ , ___ ,, ___ .......... . a. U. S. Government ob· llptlons pled... to •· cure depoelta a.n d other UablUt:Me ·----·-- b. 00. ~ed,.cl to I?C\lre ts and other liabilities ( lnducl· ....... ucl bUls ndJp. CDUDtH aa4 eecurltlel 80id .net. repu.rebue .......... ) ·--··- 3,090,463.90 56.991.38 77,795.48 177,500.00 45.255.45 2,792..84 3,4!50,799.05 75,000.00 70.000.00 39.511.5Q 8.779.28 193,290.78 3,644,0BIUI3 28'7,6.25.98 0 3,090.463.90 -0. 56.991.38 985.081.68 985.081.68 77.795.48 1Z7.500.00 305.000.00 -0. 45,255.45 .(). 2,792.84 1.112.581.68 4.563.380. 73 30.000.00 105,000.00 15.000.00 85.00>.00 .(). 39,511.!50 .(). 8.799.28 45,000.00 238,290.78 1,157.581.68 4,801.671.51 420.125.98 For I live In the 1olden a ea. about the mJddle. Twenty min-Jr. High In Downey. Barry Plott. , -::=::::========~ And my friends are poeta a nd utes to three was the fatal mo ,. sages ment for Enalp as Blll went For third pla~. Valentina Pe-C...fbl9 c:.6l W troff. from Lake Center School In Al'tMt lappl._ 11 .t Who live on thtOUih the ages, down. Santa Ft-Springs. The winner --~ Engraved on immortal pages. The Spellln1 Muter was Dr. from last yea.r and this year's ---. IW'wsry G.--4 .. Ah, what haa Ute lot to otter W. Davtd Sievers. who 1a the dl wtnnn are from the aame school, 81.0 &aiLI ITA~ Compared with a lift Uke that! rector Of dramatics at Long 308 11a.1n BALBOA Harbor 678 Beach State CoUe,e. The ih.ree Wllahl.re. 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'till UD'D TDO 18 DDI&ft judea were Dr. l . Wesley Brat-Carol CroMwhlte u Lon1 Beach ~~~~~~~~~iij~ji Mr. &M )(n.. LM Bunee, 311 ton. Dean at LoQI INda Col-area champion receives a.n a4l.ex-~ lfa.rt,old Ave .. Corona del Ma.r, lep; t.be Bonora.ble l'ftcl IOile, pen.ae paJd trip to WuhlnJton, recmtly returned from a ten day Juc:lle ot the County SuPftior D. C.. and a lovtn1 cup. ISO Bond trip to Pa.lm Sprinp and lm-Court. and the Honorable Frank second p~. 125 Bo~d third perial Valley. Mr. Bundle Is a C. Charvat. Jud,e of the Munlcl prtu and a champion • certifj. former cattle man a.nd famUJar pal Court. And the winners were. cate for eadl of the contestants. with the WNt. for first place Carol Crosswhite A hint for study for next year- -N5W· CHEVROL5T 'lbsll·FoJce TRUCKS Wort S!yllllt• new ·~ pro.ch to truck daip 1Wo distioc:tmly di8cr- cot teylinl u•tmewb-ooe iD Uabt· aad medium- duty models. uot.ber iD beayY-dutyl AD ..... ....a.w. witt. aew Poww S!!riyr New OM••• Power Stelrial Clllt ..... .,_ fort ., to 10 ,. cent ••. cwh'oN rOiid ~ Opticwelat-..o.a. The lut word in cab comfort and l&ictxt New Sweep.Siabt wiad- abidd for Coaaad visi- bility. A new coacealed Safety Step tbat stays cleat ot SDOW or mud. Newcp:~VJvto 1a,ooo Jb..r. Offend iD 2 -toll mockla! Thia means you caD do a lot more work o • heavy ..... jolle rib r.l•WQp. New more durable, rtaDdard·widtfl &aaw.r New,... ... ol34- indl width to ~ ..... rpeclal body .... ....,.,.,., Aad • .._._ _.. rilidr _, ... • • .......... Vogel Value can~ and work shop c1owmta1n. Excellem oondltlon. Bu patlo and room ln bont I« another unit. 'l"b..a Ia a • re&l buy at the new low price of AND ONLY $2.000 DOW!' THE VOGEL CO. 87 E. COAS'f HWY. HARBOR 174.1 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14'n You Can DREAM . • • For another ~n yean ... or RELAX • • • and START LIVING IMMEDIATELY, m • IRVINE TERRACE Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFlED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to pureha.se ln the $20,000 to $30,000 c.Jass we sincerely recommend tbe Irvine Estate. overlooklnr Newport Harbor. These homes feature Callfontla llvlnf. Otfered exclu- 8ively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smor-Free area known as lrvlne Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine COast COuntry Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSlVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 ror Further lnlonnat1oo CORONA DEL MAR lapifice•l tiew of ellra101 cll•••l I •lire ltaJ •ea. IODERI 3 INinn., 2! Ita ... Hnle. larap. E1cloaetl ,alio. • U1fi1ishe4 slutlio 18123 willl YJeW, BetiiiCH to $47,000 for 1111ict sale o... at Ullerly 8 4182 COurtesy to Brokers lew 4-Betlr. 2-11• ~••• Sfe these before you buy. Garage-rock roofs-paved and curbed street Sewers In and paid • ,. left If 20 Q,l&o -Den 18 1111'-. W. L T..U, lulllr -yuu'U like our friendly ~ 393 E. 17tb St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 1 00°/o INCREASE IN SALES! More tban a MUlton Dollars ln MultJple Uat.lnc Salea durlnl the Month of March: ,., •• 1 ..... OOIIP.u:ED TO $578,305.00 JO.a MARCH OF LAST YEAJL In ~or SelllDI Set Your -TIUIJII.a- ....,..of NEW~RT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS . lantJI.PI•• ...... I •• .. , ..... You'll love the retulnc boura In thLI dellfbttul 2-bed.r. modern bo~ on Bal. boa Island. Neat\y new, It Ia attractively Curnlahed and It Is only Better see us today. $18,1&0 • ISLAND REALTY CO. 498 Park, Balboa laland HA :rn Treme••• VIew From the llvlng room of thla hillside home near lJttle CO.. rona beach, 2 large bedra .. 1% baths plus outside show . er. Dble gar., buUt on shady street ror Indoor-outdoor prJ. vacy. Asking price, $2&,600 Earl W. SlalleJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Wan• Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 Ba ... IIIIH Attractive 2-bedr. bouse with a pt.. LOW DOWN, !lrepl .• patio, good location: 216 Cor. al Ave. GROSSED $3.100 In 1954. See us quick! Harbor 234 WILDROI REILn 308 Mailne Ave., Balboa Island 2 BEDR. UNFURN. hdw. floors, tile, furnace heat, 2 ~ car ga. ra ge. COM. $85 mo. HA 1862. ATrRACTi'Vt FURN. modern atudlo apts., utiJ. pd.. $70 mo. 3424 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. HA 0853-R. 2-BEDRM. hOU8e, tum.. or un. fum.. newly decorated. Chi). dren welcome, 417 Bellotrope. COM betore 10, alter 5. A'ITRACTIVE, 2-BEDRM., unfurn. apt. with garage, convlenl- ently located; 508 Marigold, COM. HA 1.2()3.W. ' NICE 1 . BEDRM. APT S. with ocean view, newly t urn. Year. ly lease, $75-$80 per month. Inquire 308 Carnation, COM, HA 4016. KISCELLAJifE017S PICK UP your Anson Stop the Music blanks at Ray Fields, Lido Watch Repair, VIncent's Lido Drugs. Newport. HA 3003. $5.00 PER MO. RENTS good prac. \Ice plano. Term rent applies It you buy. Danz . SchmJdt Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Good practice pianos $89, $110, $195. SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental spaces, max. 8' beam. 30' length. American Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport, HA 452. ildJST SELL! A •hole bou.te hall ot tumJtwe. .....,nable. See owner at 417 Heliotrope, CDM or call HA 8193-M. fOa ili011lER'S DAY or Father'• ~: lu.t arrived-new Etft, na.Matk! watch line, the ttnHt automatlca. Ray Ftelda, Lido Wateh ltepair, Vlneent'a Udo Drup. Newport. BA ~ BY OWNER, ~. small eottaee turnilhed, 708 tria, COM. Phone RA 1069 . BEA1JTI.Ft}L .WHITE peke pup. AKC rejiJtered SSQ. KI 2-9519. STEINWAY GRAND. In wonder· ful eonllltlon. See and hear thl.s Immortal Instrument. All orletnal condition and ma- terial. This Ia no rebuUt plano. A.lao Knabe, Mason It Hamlin, LHter and many others at fteat a a v I n 1•. Really! 100 pianos from which to choose. Danz..Schmldt. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. OONNSQNATA Electric Orran, sllehtly used. Save $400 on thJs beautltul organ. Danz..Schmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open STUDIO PiANO. A bard to ret plano. Perfect condition $395 erms. Danz..Schmldt Ble Plano and Dfl&n Store, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. HAMMOND ORGANS. COmplete line ea.ay terms. Your old plano taken In exchanfe. Try before you buy. Free rooms here for practice. Danz . Schmidt Big Organ & Plano Store'-520 No. Main, Santa Ana. HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN dem- onstrator, with new guarantee. Big saving. Danz ScbmJdt PJ. ano CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. BALDWIN Acrosonlc Spinet PJ. ano. Just Jlke new. You can save on this. ~autltul Art Model Spinet only $385. An· other Spinet Mah. case. Lovely tone only ~-Always lots of wonderful bargains at Danz. Schmidt Big Plano and Organ CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 Planoa to ch<'>o..w from. Easy terms. Open every Friday eve. HELP W AJfTED Girls- .lUST I . ., More than that-An oppor. tunlty to work In an Inter. estlng Industry which Is ex. pandlng and offers advance- m~t opportunity to quali- fied young women. Openings now as: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514~ N. Main St. Rm. 211-Santa Ana 'Mon. through Fri. 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE WANTED: Auto salesman to ~JI new Fords and used cars. Ex- perienced man prer. Theodore Robins, Ford dealer .. 3100 W. COast Hlwy., NB, Ll 8.3471. SOIOIDWOU FOB TEACBEJIS _.,. Coaaty eoa.ct1 of tM Me~ety1 M& 0. Gcyle s ..... wlllo wW dlnct U.. ......_ ,.. r'Cide at tM IMI llln. K....ua ............ ... ctaalniGa. ..ct ..... WWred ............ . --. of -D'-•d A..._ a.Jboa ~ ,....,. t1aey an pktancl. (.....,_ ftoto) Mesa Council Takes Action On 865-Acre Annexation did not Jive within the annexa- sow roa FLAJRGDfl A son, Scott Casey, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanqln of 424 Orch~d Ave., COrona del M!U', on Tuesday, AprU 12, ln Hoar Memorial H~pltal. Annexation of the Hale aubdl- vlalon, Southern Calltornla Bible COllege and Santa Ana Alr Baae property Into tt\e Clty of Costa Mesa waa started at the C:O.ta Mesa City COuncU meeting Mon. day night. The annexation ordi- nance was paued on second reading. It would add 865 acres to the city. tion and her protest could not be p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;; accepted. e CIIAACES IIADE Mrs. Allen charged that the Hale aubdlvlslon was an "laland" being annexed t9 the City of Cos- ta Mesa by the width of the road at Baker St. and Fairview Rd. The subdJvlslon Is located east- erly of Harbor Blvd., south of Gl.aler Rd .. north of Baker St. and west of Fairview Rd. It joins the balance or the annexation at Fairview Rd. and Baker St. run. nlng east ot Falrvlew Rd. and south of Baker St. One written protest wa.s re. celved from Herbert Barker. own er of two lots at the southeast corner of Fairview Rd. and Baker St: Mrs. Myrtle M. Allen of 13893 E. Baker St.. submitted the Bark- er protest. City Attorney Donald Dungan ruled that Mrs. Allen Mrs. Allen charged that "mon. ey was fOlng lntq someone'a CAJlS FOB SALE pocket" and that onlf 300 acree 1941 BUICK. good condition, ot the land wu taxable, the re- plpes. $100. HA 1.288-W after malnder belnf tax tree property. 5 p.m. Mayor Claire Nelson objected 1952 HUDSON Hornet sedan. to Mrl. Allen's remuks. Beautltul 2-tone finish. Hydra Dale Holllneaworth of 1412 E. matlc, radio, heater, Unted Maple St. claimed that the "&hoe glass, etc. Superb condition. 8trlnc" annexation would cut ott 1985. Term.t. with no down wate llnee to, the •u.nouncU..aa pymt. to r...,..Sb&e penon. .,... In wMdl be Uved and Pvt. owner, HA 211a. elalmed that his 32 lob would .. not be able to continue eettlne SITU ATJOJIIS WAJITED Santa Ana maiL ~YR. OLD Peruvian youth e OlfLT 1 ~ ..aTE.ST wants job house-cleaning, car CouncUmen figured there was washing, lronlng, baby sitting. only a one per cent protest to etc. Call neighbor, HA 4326-W the annexation ot uninhabited BABY SITTING, care of sick. yr.ur tf'rrltory and pa~ first reading home, Da y, night. mature COM on the ordinance. City Engineer woman. Before 10 a.m after Don Southworth was lnstr~cted 5 p.m .• HA 3132-M. to prepare plans Cor a water line SEBVJCES . Painting Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT lJcmaed Coatractor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Liberty 8-8628 Liberty 8-6632 COICPLETE LAJmSCAnMC SEBVJCE FREE ESTIMATES S&H Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 Z744 E. COast Hwy. ... , ..... ,. •• Prl)lcl•• FOR RENT to serve the area to be submJtted to the state for approval. A public hearlne was contln . ued on the creation of vehicle parking district number two ln the block between Harbor Blvd., 19th St. and Newport Ave. The city planning commission was advised to study puking needs ln the b)ock. Thlrty.ftve per cent of the usessect value of land planned Cor the parking district. the state Jaw llmJt. would not provide enoueh money to pur. chase part of a piece of land In the block owned by Dr. W. J. Cowan of Newport Beach planned Cor a public parklne Jot. $25.00 •a JOJIITJ.AC IE.DAJJKn'E Radio; heater and a eoocS. solld-runnln1 car. 1511 '53 FOJID 4.DOOB Radio. beater, Oveordrlfto low mileage. Reduced $200 for sale 11115 WEEK! 11211 DOWN 'SO LDfCOLif 4.DOOa R ad 1 o, heater, Bydramatle, near-new Ures. R!Jna food! .,. '54 KUCUft KOJIIT&aD Con v e r tlble. RadJo, heater, O'drln, Power Brakes. ONE owner and neat·MW! -BUYS A '55 IIEIIC'01IT KOMIW1 COupe. Fully EQuipped. near. new-SAVE OvD 16()0. '47 JOJIITIAC SEDAJJE'ITE Radlo, heater, clean u a hound'a tooth! ... GOOD 'SO .ACKAJID 4.D008 New flnl.ah. 1ood enelne. Plat. tic eovera It runa Uke 10,000 doJiara. YOU~ only '52 P'OaD aAJfCB WAGOJI Heater, O'd.rlve, light blue flnJah. A perfect "aU purpose" car . ··-"Safe Buy" '5I KDCUft' S.DOOa Radio, heater A Mercomatlc, Orlelnal and clean. 50 USED PIANOS wanted badly for o ur rental dept. Highest cash allowance In trade on new plano or organ. Dan.z. Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Capitalize on your teaching ex. perlence and educational back. ground by Introducing our beauUluJiy Illustrated new II brary tor cblldren 1 12. Re- ceived enthu.iutJcally by par. ents a nd achoola. NOT AN EN· CYCLOPEDIA. •only $39-.50 at terms as low aa $3 down and $3 a mo nth. Only one day's tralntne neceuary. All sales mat~rlal and earrylne cue furnished without Investment. High earnlnp. exclusive terri- tory, part or full time .• Write H. J. Reardon, 308 W. Wuhlnl· ton, Chicago 6, llllnola. 8-MM 16·M'M 35-MM ··-'10 rom I-DOOa ausmESS o•JOIITU'JfiTIEI BEAUfi SHOP lor aale ln Harbor Area. New modern equipment. lllnesa forcN owner to aell. Call for Info. HA 3665 . EXPERIENCED BANK NCR Book· keeper -permanent flve-da.y week-Newport Harbor Bank. Don't Just drive by number 3317 Ocean Blvd., COrona del Mar. Call ua and let ua show you thlt atwdlly eon. structed home wtth the most excltlnf 3 atory Ooor plan. It Is definitely a must ace! Aak for Dan Jaeobeen or Bill ~. OlZ RADOlf 00. S.a.llplt. 1'1'00 •• Cout Jlw7 ... •-..n..... u. .... and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE • Model Alrpl&ne Supplies ... a •• ,.._., 1'78:1 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa Phone Uberty 8· 7042 GraClex Clro ISmrn W/case & 1 ClaM\ ....•.. .re,. 69.!50, now $45.00 Ditto 35 mm rapid .equenoe f2.IJ lena W/cue It fiuh reg. 12).00, now ·······-·-··----·---tl5·00 ~!"~~-~~-~:...~~:.~~ Kodak duanex Ouh outtlt rq. 21.9S. Special l!S.95 whllf they lut. * USED SPECIAL8 * ArfUJ C3 W/eue It Oub_...$f.2.!50 Kodu 35 w ;eue .. ______ .as.oo IkoOu &5 Te.ar W /eue.-. .50.00 ANeo Jtefla AutornatJc W/e._ ---85.00 Tl..l-1 •• ... a...... K~ llmm A-12 W/2 •-II I -•• lena on tumtt....._ _______ 95,00 Iodak ma~Smm f 1.9lena65.00 WIIJ&a• filii .. ~. ~ --m twrett-.. --'O.OO .... ...... 1 MmOALOW JUCBT. 1 snu: .. ou.wo. TrPI: UP. ll&IHWAY Radio A hea~. New .. t eown. Good rubbe\'1 tuna and looks good Reducea to .. ·USED CAR 'SO nvDnanw CIIAIOI01f 4-door. !tear-new moe.. A "steal" at. .. * laeiiUIC'IINCIAL * • ., JOftiAC ....... . lteal elon. .... ..... roe. chanJeal work. A "'teal bar~ cain" at. n• • ' •••••AAY. Atllll.ll. 1- CHAMBER LAUNCHES DRI\Ir 1oMpb Guerin. Rewport at. ;y E tonwy, •u .,.,... .., Clt;J TM K~ Jl.al'-Chamber ,_,17 JlatJt on tax tUB~~ that Coundl w-cla7 ....W.. u tiM tuth .,...... ol. the Jfftrpcft ot Comi!Mftle laune:Md tt. ~ can be allocabtd to tbe Cbamber, CJvU a..tce Cesmt"'oa. ,.. beftbJp drive wtt.b a lddt4! Mr. LaWibe Aid that a Chamber ~ made froiD luncheon 1'\ae.day noon at tbe Ia betta otJ not to rely on tu a . tJu. '!:-IAlbmltted Newport Harbor Yacltt Club. tunda. He •ld t.bat the Chamber ~.:: avt1 ltnkle commteeton Pratdent Maurie Stanley a&Jd 11 the ~ wa~tJon )'et de-_.., Ouerta. ~~ T Van the aoaJ ol the drive, whJc:h wm vUed to enhance tracle. com-· • eontJnue to April 29, Ia a total rnwce and lndutr)' and to de-Dyke of Corona BJptantt. aDd a. Income ol 115.000 from duee. wlop the community. B. rebren of Balboa. Mr. Stanley announced that the C'bamber wt1l not uk tor any funda ttom the dty but wt11 otter Ita llerltcM tNe to the dty u an advertJatnc aeenc:y. ''It la our prtv1Jele and duty to help," be County Will Take Over Control of Harbor Here •id. th The membership drive 1s being (ContlDued fro~ Pace 1> of the county property In e conducted by 28 teama o1 tour Fw the put yeara the clty hu annex at $2.225,000. rnemben each. The wtnnm. taken the major raponalbUity of Questioned by Ctty Attorney team will receive u their prize regulatJng and admJnilterlng Karl Davta. Mr. Wallace said be ------------• UY. EDWDI coxa Ia pktu.red aboYe wltb h1a wife IIDd - ebok» o1 a fJee cUnner and ahow. the Harbor, under the clty code had not made any appralsal ot TWO IIOD IATVUATS POa ~ ,... •lei h Ia .....-tag tbe ccapta:i.a'a UAUOOD o1 Army 11M Qaamber voted to reduce etltabUablng harbor regulations. the un fw a number of yean, ~ 011 TAZ EDIOTJOW c+wp'ata the locltvldual memberablp dues Under thla code, the clty pollee. nor dJd he lmow that the munty trom ~ to ~0 a year. Mr. stan. the harbor, .eta the rules fDr wu unabJe to •11 Ita property. L W. Shotwell from the county ley an"'UDeed that t.be Chamber ~tine and navtgatton. and col-• OC:U WAIDIS CITI" u.e•mra omce will be at the REV. GOMKE IS NAMED AS COM CHURCH PASTOR ls bu~etJng 14.400 for the Mer-lecta revenue from permlta for Mr. Oele pointed out that tax-Newpol't Harbor Chamber of chanta Division to conduct at plen and Ooata. Accordlnr to payera of the entire county have Com.mer"Ce olftc:e only two more leut two mercbandlaJna promo-Mr. Oele, theee functions will be helped pay for the development Saturdays, April 23 and 30, from tlo0o1 du:rtng the next fl8cal year. taken over by the county. of the harbor. He aaJd be wu 9 to 12 noon to belp veterans rue The congrecation of the Co From Bt-resford he was recalled Spnlrft' wu Ben Lawabe of It ia the contention ot Newl)Ort going on rec:otd u warntng the their tax exemption.. rona del Mar Community Cbwch to active duty, serving 1n Korea Garclm Grove, who retired Jut clty otfJctala that the Harbor la city from taldng any ac:tJoa to voted at a special meeting Sun. with the Flrst cavalry Division; year att. ~ yean wttb the u. an lntqral part of the ctly, and abandon the road that runs • day mom1ng to name Rev. Ed. In Fort Benning, Ga~ the lntan. s. Chamber of Commerce. Com-ls part of the dally ~ and ac-along the Upper Bay and th.ia FDIAL ftfOU 11 SAT'OeAT win C. Gomke u thelr perman try School; and at Asmara, Erl- mentlng on the recent election In tJvtty of the city, and therefore makes the area lnacc::eaJble. Tb.ia SatW'day wUl be the final I ent minister. BeY. Gomloe has trea In East A!rlca. which tbe voters llet a $2,401) tta control and admlnl.stratlon Newport CoundJ then ruled day for tryouts at the Boys Club been Interim pastor be.re Iince Rev. Gomke is attending UnJ. ------------property rest prlmarUy with the that the value of the county pr~ In eo.ta Mesa for the summft' Rev. Paul E. Babbitt took over verslty ot Southt-m Calltornia Dm U~ODY Ctty of Newport Beach. perty wu less than ball of the midget league baseball teams. the pastorate of the Congrera· this spring. He and his wife Fern i.ft.£AJ a ft. There ia a llkellhood of a court total value. Tbe annexation ordJ. The tryouts wiU be held from 9 Uonal Church 1n Shatter. • and their son Doug are now Uv. test of the county'a actlon to de-nance wu l n trod u c e d and a.m. to 1 p.m. for all boys from 1 Rev. Gomke, who ls 36 years lng at 675 Oak St. ln Lacuna. Margaret L Scharle Teacher ol Plano Orpm.t . Aeeoalpanlat EvenJnfCl...- ~ where the prlmary duty pa.ued to aecond reading. 9 to 14 years of ace-I old, ls a native of North Dakota. Rt-v. Comke will ta~ over his ol harbor control rests. He graduated from Yankton Col duties as pt>rmanent pastor here The matter ol annexation wtll Q H N t w d d lege In South Dakota In 1941 on Junt> 1, after flnJ.s.hlng the go before Superior Court. where pen 0 use eX e n e s a y with a Bachelor of Arts degree spring term at the usc School of both the county and city will and from the School of Theology Religion. The Gomke famUy have the opportunJty ol present. Public schools week will be and a film sponsored by the Pr~ In 194.2 with a Bachelor of Tbeol plans to move down here In June 1~ duJta 3IJ7 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar PV'DaAI. DIDCTOD Friendly Nelabborbood Senrlce Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Pormerly Grauel Chapel lng expert testimony on ap ob.erved at Oranee Coast Col-feaJonal Go 1 fer · s Association ogy degree. He wu ordained as to ()("('upy the parsonage provtd. praJsal of county property as lege with an open house Wed-wtll be abown ln the auditorium a mJntater ln 19C2. ed by the church on Orchid Ave. against the total value of the nesday evening, AprU Z7, start-from 7 to 8:15 p.m, George Lake, I He was manled to the caurh· ;============; annex paroel. lng at 7 p.m. public relations representative ter of a Methodist minister In 11 0 Broadway • GOODE TUTIFJU I All clusrooms will be opened, tor the P.G.A., will conduct the 1943, Juat before eolng to the LJ 8·34!3 " 8-3434 Coata Mesa Mond~ e~nlng the city pre. faculty members will be present. dftllonatratlon. Local golf pros Chicago Theological Seminary. sented StanJey E. Goode Jr., of and apecial exhibits and dep1on-who wtll aulst are 8111 Parker, He was coi'D.J1liuioned as Chap the Santa Ana firm of apprals-stratlons have been planned ln El Toro; Kurt Apt"l. baguna lain In the Army Jn 1944, grad en, Goode It Goode. He stated Beach; Jay Nunnally, Santa uated from basic training at Har !:::==========~ that the 620 acres claimed to be many department&. Ana; Bill Mut. San Clemente, vard University ln August of N 0 W . . . T W 0 owned by the county wu "very A demo.nstrat:Joo on eoltlng and Art Roux, Irvine Coast. that year, and celebrated Chrlst- BALTZ MORTUARIES substantially leu .. than half the mu at the Port of Embarkatlog Servtna the Harbor Area v-::e,:;::.u~ ~~:~ Vaccine Shot .Dates Changed w~a~:'.t:'::~U:~":v~v':!~~ Baltz Mortuary tton by Mr. OIJe, be aatd that that Division ln the Po Valley Dr. Ronald Wood. D. C • HARBOR HEALTH SERVlCE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS lr PHYSICAL • THERAPY DEPT. 2IOt ............ BJ-.d. CHAPEL BY 'f'!!E SEA hls ..tlmate of the total value First and aecond ...... de .m. Beach e lementary schools. There Campaign In Italy. Then he ~ . Harbor----c:-~~w.bway of the annex was ln excesa of dents 1n Newport Beach elemen-were 496 parental consent • turned to Chica&o. and three '============ l Jlar $2,000.000. · ta17 doola wm pt t.be1r flrlt turned 1n priOI' to the announce. ¥_J'e'~.,..~~la~t.er~to~~Ber~est~ord.,~=~S..~D~. =====::=======~ Jfewport .... ~..,. Balla ~ "''l )OU adude the counQ"a s.Jk polio ~a.cdae on l"rrda7, ment of the au_.. cl the Salk -; U'*'J ~IIJl ao acree, that 18 tbe value ot AprU 29 and tbelr ~nd shot vacclne. Other parenta are now rna It S\aper1or, Collta 11.. the remainder? .. Mt. Ogle asked. on Friday, M#Y 27th. TbiJ cbange calllna ln anx:loua to obtain the AMPLE PARKlNG Mr. Goode gave the Identical In dates wu announced last vacdne for their tlrst and aecond BOTH LOCAnONS answer. in excess of $2.000,000. week by school oftlc:lals.. grade C'hlldren. INSURANCE "Be Sure--Insure" wrm STANLEY rNSURANCE AGENCY • VALUE 11 z:z.o F1m and second grade stu-Newport Beach school chUdren "Then the value of the county dents 1n Costa Mesa elementary will r.celve their shots at the property 1s nU ?" Mr. O~tle com schools and SL Joachim School Harbor VIew School between 9 mented. will get their t:1.nt shot on Thurs. a .m. and noon. Children from the 'The vaJue Is nominal." Mr. day and Friday, AprU 28 and 29. Newport Beach and Corona del Goode answered. "The property The second shot will be given Mar schools will be transported Is not· marketable." May 26 and Z7. to and from Harbor VI~ School Mr Goode said the value was second grade students are elJgi. ------ Questioned again by M ... Ogle, Approxlmately syo first and I by bus. .. ~... ble for the vaccine Jn Newport Read Enatcn Want Ads. • Sari & Sand FliOUS IIIE IITIIII SliTS WIICIIIII$4.95 'Nlu. to 111.15 Balboa Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast HJgbway Mr. Ogle presented Jack WaJ lace u hla expert witness on ap. pralaaJ. Mr. Wallace said his background as appraiser goes back to 1919. He set the value FOR GALS WHO P U TTE R . PAINT. PLANT OR PUT-TO GET HER Corona del Mar Rea. Phone. Uberty 8-731.5 HILL TOP MARKET The Biggest Little Store in Newport Now Under New Management Ella Sheriff-New Owner The Same Friendly Service OPEII I A.11. to I P..JI. -•• lf...,..rt 1o1M. Liberty .... On · the CBOSSBOADS STBJP A. won~l new plan for tbt c:eramlc hobbiJt . . • you work tn a comp. lete. modem plant with all the J.at.elt c.'OIDJMI'Cial tqUipment UDWt akWed aupel', vlalon. We have molds tor owr 125 ltema from our line that you may UN OC' you may make J'OW' own Mtpa ... Ae.,...-............... tall ........ * Koret!.ga.:~ l.S ~ aY K O RET o pr C A L I P'O RNIA I -...... ..: ... HM fun Md loot smart in Korltipns ... the wort~ ~es with 1 fatlion face. These ~rablt dtftims n ill indltlblllt. piped in r1d ... or the new blue and wMt u.;..r sfr1les, They're Sanforlztd to kttp tMir IMpt ... and .. parlfttM that the Mimi_, pun out. u. tllstic ••tt.• w~• ..., fm and ••· for wort-dey dotMI with a plq4ly lir ... blly Kmtlr•! Rca.._ .... _ .. •u .... ....... ........ ..... -- ....... m o • • • • ltlllllr ._I OURS ~NE IN SANTA ANA! IICIIII 'I Llll IIIIET wttbiiU.LIK AprU 21, 1955 First! What a magical word! Flrst ln Calltornla . . . Wow! Right In our milk retrleerator cases! Plastic coa~ milk car tons filled with Todd's milk ... These plastic milk cartons are a milestone in milk dl~trlbutlon to the home . . A far, far cry from the time the h ousewife brought out a wash bowl and the kindly milkman poured her quota !rom his large can * * * Wbat d.-. a ploaatlc aocdld autoo mecm to yoa? Jfo lecdr.. ate! I ._, a 150-,...ad _... ataad oe tour of u.-. . . - bncda • • • If• .... Ill yoar aWr . • • Wltll the old tu- .... CDCit.d .............. UttJe la:aock aa U.. outside bad a way of eta._,... oft wax aa the iaaJde . . • Tla.. plaatic coatecl cartoea c:aa be pat riPt Ia yow ...... GDd yoa c:aa ..... a wt.ole qaart ot etae=18te aWr u yoa w1ala ••• Ccnatioal UAMGl U.. op-'"9 tint . * * * Now to rna~ tbelr milk avail able to the consumer In a plutlc coated carton. It ian~ tor a milk compaby to purchue a Sealklng m.acblne . . . Todd's dairy just purebued OM lut week ... They are the tl.rst milk company In Calltornia to have one of th~ machines and thus ly pt>rmlt you. through our .toN" or any of the other twenty mar kets In Orange County that makP up the Todd'a Marketing Co .• to have your milk In these aleam. lng, sanitary. brand n<-w. wax tree. plastic coated cartons * * * n.. ftnt ._,.,."9 mCida&M ...... ilutcdJed Ia •• --bl' Dally Ia 0.1 I 8ft .,_. ..... ,,...,.as I ($' lk' Dot .. .,..... ....., like ........... .....,..... .. tbe Ualted I..._ ......... ,_ tile .. t ... alddle -.t bern -)oored aJlk Ill th- platlc coatecl car1lou. u they bcqlpta.d to blly IDUII: tro. oae of UM II ctatrt. tbat bad the JealklNJ maclll.De ••• 1 mJght add • . . Tb• SealkiD9 mac:bJ.Ae aterlll.-tbe auto1u at 700 depeM at t.ta. time It 1a fWed with mUll ..• See t1a1a .... aatoe . . . ...,.aaJ.ly lumcty 1a the .,... twi.a padr ball 9QUOD • • • So po\U'Cible wltbout splUa or mu.u ... U.. Dew spout ... * * * Thtn~c; to !'let thl ' Wf'f'k Ta kE' th<' tlml' lu Vl<ilt }"Ur puh lw !'<'h,.ol 7ht' 1<. Publk Sehoul \\ r-.·k thr<•ll!!h .. ut lhf' na t ion \'1"11 ~''Ill ' h tit! ' !'las" roo m ~1"1' 1 hf' df'mnrratlr I method U"f'd to prr'-4'nt thf' rur rkulum Tht' I onl n•llrrl thtnk ing In a frf't• "a) \'••ur C'h tld spt>nd~ around '-IX hc•ur<. a day at school unl'lf'l ..,,mf'C•nf' el~., c;upt•rvlston Thr o;;c-hn11b want you to know "h.11 thr} dn a net how tht>y do It * * * Orange County Phllharmonll: SociPty·~ Six C'on~rt undrr th«" direction of FriP<ia Bt>llnfante . at Oran~rt-Cout Coll<-g«> audl torlum at S 1.; p m Real c.-lose this tlmP nght nt home ~n·t ro'<t ~t rt>nt Ju!"t go. ""· llsH•n 11nd M-t>nthrallPd * * * See N.-y 'ftOC"D.b.rVIa .... wltll tile c:My • .......... .. ... beat ...., ... WMil....S ••• T-...... adialnld lf..,.-a • tea cr.r~ -.., M••• 1 a ..._,.._ ..... ,...... ..... dUianat ..... ., ... b. .............. ,_ ...... .. -............ lit 'Walt ... ..., ...... [ ...... .... ..... ..., ... a-u•-.• ... .............. , ....... _,.,a A?bl ...... * * • ..... Ebell Choral S'o~iety Sings . By Request at Mission Inn Thls newly formed group of seventeen, a section of Ebell Club, has aa Its chairman Mrs. The Newport Beach Ebelt Chor- a l Society made an appearance "by request" April 14 at MJssJon Inn, Riverside. John Unson and ls directed by Mrs. Lester VterlJng. Mrs. W. B. Trttt is accompanist. Heard recently while a guest at Newport Beach, Mrs. Asger Ravn. presidt>nt of Southern Dis- trict Federat~ Womens Clubs, asked the SOciety to perform as a part of the program which closes her year In offiee. South ern District Is eomposed of Or ange, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Imperial Counties. Members of the local singing JJ. ....... ...... group are Mmes. John Unson, Jack Curnow, Lee Barnes. E. T. Lila fll'llllte ,. Munsey, Ruth Vedder. James S. Balboa Wand Brownies turned Beattie, Clarence Dodd, John La- their East~ thoughts towards mar. Hot Condon. E. C. Cunning- child 1 f th th ham, Thomas Letto. S. E. Locke, ren ess ortunate an ey. Irving w tch A E N b J Thlrd erade girls of Troop 32 and Basil aPet:::.On.· · ee r., made, decorated and tilled East-........ 111 be h d in b .. Th •-1 • ue eroup w ear aga er a.s .... ets. e.. eader, Mrs. Da-tod y (Th d ) t th Ebell vid Martin, saw to it that these a , urs ay a e reached the children at Hoag Clubs Spring Festival at Amerl- Hospital. can Legion Hall. Proceeds of the Second grade Brownies of Troop affair will again be used for 62 joined their leader, Mrs. Thom-scholarships. a.s Rafferty, ln a tour of the hos.. __ LE_Q_AL __ If_OTI_CB __ pltal. At this time they present-KOTICE TO CJlEDITOJIS ed the children with the eolorful ESTATE OF RALPH w. GOTH- tray cloths they had made. ARD. DECEASED. RENT ll TV Dan · s l ~ Service STOP AT The Arches "Your Ra.t to the eoa.t Since ~" PI.E FOODS COCKTAILS COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES N-.-t ... d. JOHN VD.£1.1 E NO'I1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Creditors of and all persons having claims agaJnst the said decedent or said estate to tile them with then~ vouch- ' ers In the otfJce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of CalltornJa, In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same, with the neoessary vouchers. to the undersigned at his or her place of business. to- wit: William A. Gothard, Executor c/o Harwood, Helfernan It So- den, Attorneys at Law, 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, California. within six months aft« the f.lrst publication of tb1s notice. --. -................... -. . . ,_ . , ........ . --. .. -' ... .. .. Paris Photos Mrs. George Stewart of Udo Isle presented musical ~electlona for an adult clau party o/. a group of French Jtudent.a who were enterta1ned on April 7th at a buffet supper at the Orange ranch of their teacher, Mme. Marvin Everett. Pictures of Parla w~ abown by George WUliams of Hunting- ton Beach, another student. The entire group of 25 sane French songs and played native French games ... and these are the very best kind. 3-D Pictures To Be Shown FU * B4LIOA * • O~a EY~ Scit. & ~ Enioy Rides & Games , ..... ,..., .. I TIE Ill" -lat. I Ia OIILY A W'08LD TII.A'f'I:I.OG1m c:m.oa.PILII "1 ..... " IIO ... IfDAY IIY 2 A lecture aeries featuring ..,...., three-dimensional eolor photo-VlaJt the d tfee ot Belem. Fortaleza, Macclo, BabJa. fabulod h -.tn art t Or Rio de Janelto, the l.bdustr1&1 clty of Sao Paulo aDd tbe aoftee grap 5 ... at a ange city of Santo&. 1be mJ1hty Amazon and rtv. city ol Man80L •Mr. Angel• to Be Presented Friday. Saturday by Players Coast College on May 10, It Is KARL ROBINSON Narrator. announced by Dr. Thomas A. W&WfOIIT IIIQIIICIIQC)L AVDI'I'OIII'GII Blakely, dean of adult education. l'lc.keta at Corona del Mar Ttavel Servtc., Bookeue, Udo Sbop- Tbe lecture series 1s entitled 1p·l·n--l i Cebij,iteriili, ·Box-·()ffke.---·ni~~&-b~~t~~of-ft •• lm.-$.~80-, ~.10,-~l~~.Z.~UO-~. iiii~ "Europe In 3-D." VIvidly eolored 1 The curtain goes up at 8:15 tO-as Charles; Nancl Maxwell aa three-dJm4!11Bional pictures will morTow (Friday) night at Or-"Item," the subject of his mt.. be projected of the Shakespeare ange Coast College Chapel Tb~ slon; Marjorie Barnett of New-country, Scotland, the mountains atre for the Newport Harbor Com-port Heights as Daphne Peters; and fjords of. Norway, the Ger- muntty Players production of Bill Fuclk of Balboa lsland and man Rhineland. SwttuTland and "Mr. Angel." The play wUl be Jackie Tackaben'y or Corona del the French Riviera. presented both Friday and Sat-Mar aa a famous theatrical Stoneall O'Brien, artist, pho- urday evening. eouple In whose New York apart-tographer, travel« and lecturer, This comedy-fantasy ls the ment the action takes place; Joe Will be the speak« for the 8erlea. NOW OPEN ••• NANA'S Mexican Foods OPD EYDY DAY 11 A.J1. 'TIL 7 P.ll. s.m.g a ,.... ..a.ctloe ot ....._ .... IMI~ ...._ a..t • .._ a.a1to11. T_..-"''aqtd..._'IW1 din --.,.....sroaa .... a.ns.. Players' third produ'ctlon of the Umon of Corona del Mar aa the 111# lecturee wlll ltart at 7:30 season. It deals with the compU-tough guy; Joe Hart 1 e y of p.m. ln the Art Center Gallery on cations that arise when Charles. Corona del Mar, Wanda Wessel Tuesday, May 10. The lectures a not too bright angel. Is sent of Huntington Beach, Pat Smith will conUnue on May 17, 24 and !~~=~=~~;==!~=!===~!~=~=~ to earth on a speclal mtaJon, of eo.ta Meu and Unda Deering 31. 1boee haV'lne polaroid glaues ta.kes on a human body and lm-of eo.ta Mesa as angelic assist-are uked to bring them. Thoee mediately becomes subject to alJ ants to Charles; Marlon Maxwell not havfn1 polaroid 11aaes may the trials and temptations of of Costa Mesa u the house. purcbue them at the lecture for human beings. Not the leut of keeper, a nd Virgil Smith of Costa 25 cents. these temptations b the blonde Mesa and Burt Jtyldale of Balboa ------ .................. 1-1511 Dated: Aprtl 15, 1955 • wn.L1A.M A. GOTHARD Ex~t.or of the £Rate aald decedent. bomb-.hell. Daphne Peters. Before a.a the two det«tiva. BW Fudk of the ft.nal eurtaln be Ja.u beooaM Ia dJrec:t1Dc tbe produc:tlciiL For lettrall... ..,. ... In .. lrNolved ln a abandoned baby THi &..-H. HAo-111• lt4GA~'S Your Famtly Rest& urant (CIOMd,......,) 2515 E.. eo-t lllglaway llarbaw 1141 CoroDa del liar Harwood. Heffernan lr Soden Attorneys at Law 2515 E: Coast Highway Corona del Ma.r, Calltomla Publish: Aprtl 21. 28. May 5. 12 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. m.y-.t.ery, bas a tana)e with a Hollywood touch guy and Is dis- covered a.s a fraud and Is ar- rested by two detectives. The cast includee Ed Wright ANT ·ED at once DI.ISIIOIILES CHEVIOLETS Pl.YIIU11S BONUS ALLOWANCE UP TO -DYEI IIIIILLGWUCE A GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF ••• ssoooo ON ANY USED CAR. DRIVE IT IN. OR TOW IT IN BUT TRADE IT IN ON A NEW 1155 PONTIAC V-8 '* AV'I'OIIATIC #liiBJOi i&U * roa a&SDVATIOIII •arr 701 IOI&DM A"f&. Pick Nominating Commiffee For Lido Isle Woman's Club UUJnT Ula ...... COITA IIDA Elected to the committee at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; the April meeting, held at the fl A nominating committee wtll present a alate of officers at the May meeting of the UCio Isle Woman's Club. Harbor House. were Mrs. Phillip Stambaugh, Mrs. R. T. Dinwiddie and Mrs. J. R. Davies, Jr. LEGAL KOTICE At a previous board meeting CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Mrs. Charles A. Lamb was ap. STATE OF CALIFORNIA pointed chairman of this group KOTICE TO COJIITBAC'I'OBS by the president. Mrs. Ralph Tan- SEALED PROPOSALS will be dowsky, a nd the executive board received at the office of the City appointed Mrs. Robert Keppen to Clerk. City Hall, City of Newport serve also. Beach, California, until 7:30 P.M. The Planting Fund benefit o'clock on the 9th day of May, card party of the Garden Section 1955. at which time they will be was held Tuesday at the home publicly opened and read, for ot the chairman. Mrs. Irvine performlne work as follows: 223 VIa Mentone, Lido Isle. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. r. w...s A~M~t•••t la u.. City olll...,.t ....... No bid wlll be received unless It Is made on a proposal form furnished by the Street Superin- tendent. Each bid mu.t be ac- companied by (cash, certUied or euhler'a check. or bidder's bond) made payable to the City of New- port S..cb, for an amount equal GOUt ar Ullc:a.a IAII PreemaD (Buddy) Coane of • . Two IIW1miDJq da a a for ac1wa wm a. Clff-.d .. a part ot the Oranp Cout eou.&e adult ectucatloll propam dwtlla the Sprtn1 term, acoordlnl to Dr. 'lbomu A. Blakely, c1eaft til adult education. A cl.. wtl1 1IIMt C11D the ()r. anee Cout campu. uUlldnl tile · new swlnunlnl pooll. on TU-. da.y evenln1• from 7 to 9. 'I'b¥ clap wlll .tart May 3 and will be taulbt by Beverly Campbell and Joe Kroll. Another clau wUl meet at the Newport Harbor BJeh School pooJ on Thursday evenlnp from 7 to 9 begtnnJng May 5. Al trwln and Zatha Tallman will be Instruc- tors. Both classes wtll be for begtn. ners. ln.structlon wllJ be provid- ed to the American crawl, back- stroke and breast stroke. HOME LOANS At Orant• eo...ty•a leading HOMe Lendiat lnatitvtton QUic.K 24 HOUR SERVICE • LOW LOW "REDUCING'' INTEREST ItA TES EASY WONTHLY PA NEHTS FBIEIDLY ' SYWATHmC SUVICI WI IUY ftUST DIIDS OM W&L LOCATID HOWlS LAGUNA F£DERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHft Aven .. LA6UNA BEACH Pt.oM HY 4-lln LEGAL WOTICZ CDTU',......._.."I'CATE OF 11JSIJfUI Fictitious Flrm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certlty that they are conducting a Landscaping business at 2229 East Coast Highway, City of Newport Beach, County of Qr. ange, State of California. under the fictitious firm name of COASTAL LANDSCAPING a n d that said tlrm La composed of the foUowtni persons, whose names and addresses are llS follows. to-wit: Royce W. Prlor-Ql St. James Road. New})Ort Heiehta. Newport Beach, California. • Leonard F. Jones-618 Hello- trope Avenue, Corona del Newport Beach, Calllomla. WITNESS our ltands thl.a 11th day of AprU, 1955 Royce W. Prior Leonard F. Jones STATE OF CAUFOR.NIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss.· ARTERMIWON PERMITS ARE ISSUED A quarter-mUUon dollan worth oo Rd., lJdo Tra118 Pulr., Q,OOO; ~ buUdlnl penn1ts ~ laued Boa Crampton, tl.olall won at durtnl the put week by the 2812 W. Oeean n.. $1.800: ,.,._ Rewport Beach BuildJn& Depart. cott Earle, cabana at 21 f're. ment. 1bt. brines the total for mont. lJdo TraJJer Park, t2,000; AprU to $750.000. Major penn.lts Otarles Stead, .add to cabana. 19 Included at $23.375 apartment at Nomad, Lido Traller Park, tzi(); DlO Haven Place, N e w port R. R. Tboroman, cabana at 32 Heleht.a; a $28,350 apartment at Cab rill o, Lido Traller Park. 308 Mareuerlte Ave., Corona del $2,000; s, Pettit. alter cabana, 6 Mar; a $21,000 dwe111ng at 1721 Anza, Lido TraUer Park, ts:§O; Kinds Rd., Clift Haven, and a M. McGaUery, 4 room. 2-!ltory, 1- $20,000 dwelling at 411 38th St.. unit dwelling at 109 Nordlna, Newport. $8.650. Followlne permits were Issued: e B~A • COJIOifA DEL MAll Gordon Crary, alterations at R. W. Roper. 12 room, 2-story, 1515 E. Bay Ft., $300; LoulMo Gal 3-unlt apartm ent at 308 Margu-lagher, t'hnnge entrance at 1813 erlte, $28,350; Clyde Maynard. E. Balboa Blvd.. $600; Herbert remodelling at 609 Larkspur, Dewes. repairs at 805 w. Bay. $700; Glen Soden, garage at 607 $450. F~rnleat. $1,500; Willia m Kin • BALBOA lSLAlfD d~ll. alterations at 2721 W Coast Hwy $254 · Felix Bangs. alterations at 900 · · IS. Bay Ft .. $1.800. e COBOifA BlGIILAJifDS e JfEWPORT BEJGBTS J. 1... Wade. 7 room. 1-story, 1-George Fan, 1 story. 3-unlt unit dwelling at 528 Seaward, I apartment at 200 Haven PI $17.979. S23 .,..,5, Bl Be 1 .• e SBOB.E "'' · oss a , rumpua room a.JF1"S at 520 Santa Ana Ave $( 000· E11zabeth Hayden, sidewalk at Dr. Norman Carlaon. 2 ;'com' ad' 222 Morning Canyon, ~5. dlt1on at 2908 Clltt Dr., $5.350 e lfEWPOIIT e C1li"P BAVER . Robert Redington. alterations G. Haz.elzet, 7-room, 2 story, 1 at 1324 W. Bay, $2.500; Wllllam unit dwelling at 1721 Kings Rd Stem . caba na at 1414 Oneonto, $21.000. ·• Lido Trailer Park, $500; Gennen. e LIDO ISLE 3 room. 2-story. 1-unlt addition at Burton Romberger, addition 3910 Chann~l. $6,500; Roy Beattie, over garage at 223 VIa Ithat'a, 1-story. l unit dweULDg at 213 $5.100; Dr. H. M. Hough, add 29th St.. $9.225; Robert Cornet. room a t 601 VIa Lido Nord, 18()(). 6 room. 2 story. 1 unit dw~Ulng at ~1 Seashore Dr .. $14,850; J. A. Guthrie. remodelling at 1116 w. LIIIS f Bay, $750; G. R. Wln.kl~pleck. cabana at Bay ShoT@ Trailer 1 Park. $1,000; A. Raymond Brown. 2 story, 2 unit dwelling at 416 38th St .. $1.2.500; J . N. Williams. I add to cabana at Lido TraUer Park. $750; Robert Smith, 6-room. 1 story, 1 unit dweUine at 4801 Seashore Dr .. $19.000; Lee 1bomp- aon. change roof at Lido Traller Park, $50(Y. E. S. Weber, 4-room.. 1-story, 1 unit dw~JIIng at 814 W. Bay Ave.. $14.000; G. K. IllES S" a TED LOU Coustniction Loan• s" a TED LOU SEE 808 IATn.D Plirilr leltpp C.. 2515 E. c..t lhry. CDII ft. u 1211 m J..51a (lletntLUez... ........ , JAMES D. ON THIS Eleventh day of Aprll A. D., 1955. before me Robert W. Fraser a Notary Public In and tor said County and State, resld· lne therein duly comml.asloned and sworn. pe.nonaJiy appeared = :c,:orto an! ~n:d.!:. R c Smedley1 laVIME TDUCE BOllE ..... r bwdlla. ,... ......... ...... • • ._ .... ,..__..__ .. .._._, svn ..._ • .,.... .. PC ............. .,. Ab-6 T .... c... ............................. ...... embed to tJM wltbJ.n ~t. oes on our ( ............ ) and ae.k:nowledged to me that • they executed the same. ILalph C. Smedley, of Corona I • T D I , IN WITJfi=SS WHEREOF, I have del Mar, founder and educational rv1ne errace eve opment Erwin, 3 room. }.story, 1-unit dwelling at $6,000; Harold Beh.rs. 10-room, 2 story. 1-unlt dwelling at 411 38th St., $20.000; R. H.. Bradley Jr., cabana at 34 Pre- mont. lJdo Traller Park. $1.500; Henry Barcus, cabana at 31 chan- AI your printinq needs wiU be hancn.d convenientfv end c:ourt- .ously in the completely-equi~ pad Job Printinq De~rtmenf o~ y__oor Horbor Areo New5~per The Ensiqn, I I 04 Coost 81_ CD .. i RAY •• , I l1 lt1l1r )446 £. COAST KWY., COlONA DB. MAR H...,.._ 4763 hel'@unto set roy hand •nd af. dlnctor of Toastmasters Interna. fixed my otttclal seal the day tlonaJ, Is spending a week In the N H b A L d k and year In thl.a certUicate first northern states, vlsiUne and ew ar or rea an mar above written. helping In several dl.atrlct con-NO'I'ARY PUBUC IN AND FOR ferences of Toa.stmasters Clubs. A rapidly rising landmark of and alone the ravine that t'Uts SAID COUNTY AND STATE Hl.a schedule Includes Spokane Newport Harbor developm~nt La across the Terrace. Robert W. Fraser a nd Rkhland, Washington; TWin lrvtne Terrace, the new subdlv1-With the exception ot a limited My Commission Expires Ma.r<:h Falls. Idaho; and Billings and aton along Coast Highway near number of sites dlnctly on the 5, 1956. Miles· City, Montana. In connec-Corona del Mar and overlooking blutr. which have all ~n allo Publish: AprU 21. 28. May 5, 12 tlon with these conferences, he the bay from the bluffs over cated by the lrvlne Co .. the Ir In the Newport Harbor Ensign. will present t'harters to five Bayside Drive. vine Terrace development Is newly organized clubs. The 54 at're home site Is stead-under the direction of Mat'ro At present, there are 1850 Uy filling with Individually Corp., world-wide ronstructlon 1 ~ Toastmasters Clubs. located In styled houses on liberal sized finn. John McLeod, president of I every state of the Union, and In lots.. At the present time. homes Maceo. Is a local resident. living 16 nations or geographical dlvl-occupied and sold, or under con. on Harbor Island. His projet't s lons outside continental U.S.A. structlon, or scht>duled for lm manager on the job ls John The Pacific Northwest holds its mediate ronstructlon a<'COunt for Brownlie. ..-.-: HAriMw41t6 Robert Forbes BUILDER BArbor ••• 3101 P1ooc Co9wllap -Drcdaboard.l Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum Tile CARLTOIS' ~~~.u. ~-~r'j~ ~ 135 E. 17th St. Coeta M..a LIBEBTT 8-4152 22 Years fn Orange County proportion ot the total number 1100 lots of tht' total of JiO lots Sales are haruUed exduslvt'ly of clubs. In Irvine Terrace. by the Earl W. Stanl~y realty ! Thls Is an Irvine Co develop I ottice. with William Schust~r as c ta M L be ( CE.IITII'ICATE OF BUSJKESS I ment on lea~hold with the pro. ~les manager. Nell Harris and OS esa um r 0 Fictitious Firm Name tet'tl~e features sl~llar to those' Mary Dickson are on his salt'S • THE UNDE.RSIGNED do here-11n Bay Shores and Cliff Haven. fon:oe. LUMBER-BUltDING MATERIALS by certify that they are ..rnduc-the other Irvine subdivisions In lf...-port IU9'CL. e-ta 11... I.Dierty ~1•1 tlng a genera) contracting busl-the City of N~ Beat'h AJl.aiVES A.BOIUID IOWA ~:;i::;i~~;;l~~~~;ijiijiijii\ii;ii;ii;;iiiiji;j;i;;;;;;;;;~ ness at 2035 Miramar, Balboa. Diversity La achieved by vary-Arriving at Norfolk. Va.. thls 1 Callfomia, under the fictitious lng setbacks. varying at'hltec· month aboard the Battleship firm na.me of John P. Dunlavy tural plans, and by the street USS Iowa attft' a three-tponth 6 Co. and that aald finn Is com-layout, wh.lch 1.1 10 planned as crulse In the Kedlterra.Dean ..,.. posed of the following persons, to dlscourage speeding traffic. John S. Greenleaf. cunner's matt> whose names In full ud places Main e'Dtrance Ia ott Coast HJgh. third cl.aaa. aon of Mrs. G. A. of residence are a.s follows. to-way directl _...1t th Greenleaf ot 218 Collins Ave wlt: • Y op_. e e en-Balboa Island. . John p Dunl 2035 Mlr trance to the I r v I n e Coast m Balbo Cal'u.,vy, a-Country Club. 1bere Is also a For lethliteedl. •• rlra 81 c.tl All Mecro buses serving Southern California's 4 busi- :· L. Da~ GO Bernard, Costa lower entranc:e. ott Bayside Drive THE ENSIGN. HA-t 114 Mesa, Calif. W1'1'NESS ou.r hands this 4th day of A.prll, 1955. . est counties operate with three m:ain objectives. These are to get you to your destination safely. speedily ... and comfortably. Merro makes t:Very dfon to usurt its patrons a smooth. relaxing ride, and friendly, courteous JerVice. To date Mnro has put into o~ration 26' new, mockro buses cqoipt)('d with spe- cial ~suchas"au~"ridina, fonn-6aiA& ~na, me 1a1est in lishrin& and Y"tntilacion. John P. DunlavY B. L. Davia STATE OF CALIFORNIA OOUNTY OF ORAl'GE ss. Olf THIS 4th day of April, A. D. ~ before me. A. X. Pllel.pe. a Kotar7 htalic lD a.n4 for tbe aald Coant7 a.n4 State, naldlng there- .... dla\7 c:ommluloned and .-..no~..,...... wan •• Duala¥7 aDd B. L.. Davia liaMiwn to .. to be tbe .,.. ..... ................ ~.., ................ t-fiCo ................ ,tM:J .. ._. tiM ..... Ill Wti'MIIA •... ., .. , .......... .. .,._._.a ... ...... ................... Oillta-. &.at....,.. ••- A.&......,. c.llillllt •r.-•• z a ... JWae PERHAPS THE YELLOW PAGES CAN HELP ME LEARN THE STEP FOR DANCtNG ACADEM!ES IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE 'b.As51AEO" PART Of lOUR TREPHONE BOOK • • • • • ofMKial note En route to the ''Toy Falr" in New York, Purv Pullen. local lm- pressarlo and popular "Horatio Q. Birdbath," was the life of the party just recently on the "Wel- come Traveler" television show. It's a delayed show. so even Purv got to see himself when It was shown. A visitor at the Pullen household, 416 Marguerite Ave.. • Corona del Mar, these days 1s :MLss Esther Corbin. Los Angeles "refugee," who plans to settle in Newport Harbor permanently. • • • Consld~lng that the date of the Hoag Hospital Ball this year fell on income tax day, Itself, we thought the dance was ne&r- Jy mobbed--and everyone seemed to be having a glorious time dandne, m&mbo notwithstand- Ing. A mlraculous part of the Ball Is that part of It was organ- Ized with Chairman Max Sturges nat on his back In Hoag Hos. pltal following an appendec- tomy. Unsung Commercials Crown Hardware, Corona del Mar. is one of 23.000 Individual hardware stores all over the country that Is participating In a nation wlde bragaln festival In honor of nation! hardware week lasting through Saturday. ClltJ Llonbarger, owner of the local store. has served for sev- eral years as direclor of Pacific H a r d wa r e Association, partic- ipants in the national celebra- tion. Next week on Saturday. April 30, an expert on barbecue equip ment will give a demonstration of "Big Boy" barbecues at the store and a big new "rllp grill" portable barbecue will be given away free. MOVE TO DESERT The Mike Estoks have mo\·ed from 616 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar, to Twenty-nine Palms. C., leta •ll•c•lliac Senice ntall.alncapiq 2229 E. Coast Jllgbway Coa-oDa del Mar 8oyCI8 Prior LJ ~702'7 JAG J BA 1225-J NBS. .ALl.AJf BEEL the fonDa Jetm .. b. (Geae llou Pboto) JEAN BEH OF BAY SHORES MARRIED TO ALLAN BEEK Jean Beh and Allan Seek were married at a quiet morning wed- ding at St. J&mes Episcopal Church, Newport, on Saturday GIJIL FOB CAJifT8.ELLS A daughter. Mikel Ann, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cantrell of 725 W. Wilson St .. Costa Mesa. on Sunday. April 10. In Hoag Memorla1 HospitaL SOif BOD TO WESTS A son, Russell Allen. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene West of 252 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa, in Hoag Memorial Hospital on Mon. day, April 11. SOif BOD TO IIA.BGBOVES A son, Kelvin lames, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hargrove of 2076 Thurin St., Costa Mesa, on Tuesday. April 12. In . Hoae Memorial Hospital. ~:sun. iA Y NURSERY::.::. JUST ARBIVED -LILACS, IDBISCUS alrdla of Par"CidlM. lleglDa & Glcmt -----------... .' .......... 11.20 to 17.80 ,..._ ~ ----· __ _.,..._ Slwra alae. -----------11.50 11JbUcas. ~ Del ap. E•ww,... EliDa to ----·-------. --..... --· 115.00 * LAWW 100U LODED nEE TO CUSTONEBS * Schools Plan Open House Newport Be a c b Elementary Schools will observe Public Schools w~ Aprfl 25 through April 29, with open bou-. at each school for parents and friends. What's the best place to save for Cowboys, Indians ·and Space Cadets!P • · or.u tho..._. r .. _...,.....,_aac~ ~ s..mp aac1 ~ ~DsuraDco C<xponlicm-• an: hundreda-certaiDJy aone il bigger or mo~ agency of the U. S. Oow:mmeat. important than bwlding up a nest-<gg to take care of your children's future. 1HREE-These Astoc::iations are loc:al o,.. izations. Tb,ey offer frlmdly, ltelpfoliiNI a. And wbere's the best place to build up your oest<gg? Right now, 14 million Americans think the best place is an insured Savings and Loan Association! Here's why! ONE-You get rxMleN ntunu. That's be> cause insured SaviDp aod Loan Associations invcst most ot their fundi in souod, steady- paying home mortpp. And here's &notber point: Wbco you're thinllf. ing of buying a home, remember that insured Savings and Loan Associations make libcnl loans. They see to it that you get the moDCf quickly-and &t moderate rates. Te&chera will be in their class. rooms &nd spec:imena ot. wack done in the VllrloUI gr&des w1ll be exhibited. Open h ouses will TWO-Your .. vinp arc .Ja/tt-protectod by good mana.....,t aod substantial raerws.. They~ insured up to SJO,CXX> by the FoderaJ toci:ly. And if you need a bomc · • Why not oome io and open savings accounts roc yourself and for your cb.iJdr'd • mortgage loan, let's talk about -.u. · that, too! ~~!~:..:i:.~~~ IEWPOIT IlL BOA SA VIliS trom 7 p.m. to s p.m. Tbunclay a n d L 0 A If A S S 0 C I A T I 0 N~iiii.._, at the Newport Elementary p A. Palmer, President -......... --L-.U..LUI..U..u.J.u.J.IL--.._ School, and from 7 to 9 p.m. Frf. 3 3 6 6 V I . L f cl o H • r b o r 4 2 0 0 day at both the Corona del :Mu • Elementary School and Rubor NEW P 0 R T 'EACH CAL IF 0 R N I A 117-- Vlew Scbool. UDOUnCed SQer· u ..... eftl.e~ end Lo. Fo....,...,_, t.c..~~ of tWa • ......._. .. L1F1. SATUADAY tntendent Boy • ......._ lVENIN& POST _, T1N1. proudly presents the newest collection of cos- tumes ond accessories from the fabutoUs TERRI LEE DOLL HOUSE of CAL I FORN lA! . Designed with imoginotion .-•. created from the magic of young ideas ~made with the -... utmost core from the very finest moteriols ... TERRI LEE spores no effort to insure the hoppiness of little hearts! From designer's brush to hond finishing, eoch little outfit is perfection come true. • --- •• • • • • • • • • .. , Hop i E M I M 8 M M +:+:1:+ M EM 8 EM M M I M M M M • • 8 '> ••. e REAPING THE WHIRL WIND Where do we go from here? Both Newport Beoch ond Costo Meso ore onnexing the same portions of Upper Newport 8oy. Some· thing just has to give. Costa Meso has good moral grounds for its decision. The Mes& City Council can't be blomed for getting into the act and see~ing to onnex & port of the voluoble llpper Boy. Costa Meso was deolt on ugly low blow by the Newport City Council ond the few other fav- ored characters who were in on the secret deal thot led to the on· nexotion procedure. Don't forget thot Cost& Meso was not given even the common courtesy of being notified in odvonce about this important develop· ment. For this some reason, the County con't be blomed either for protesting, since the County too was ignored completely in the top secret m&neuverings--olthough the C ounty as a whole contributed so heavily to the development of Newport Horb~ and therefore hos a big stoke in future horbor development here. Newport's City Council is suffe ring the well deserved conse· quenc.es of selfish. ill-advised, un-neighborly behovior. (Note: All of the present Council ore not ot fault by any means. This "we-know-whot' s-best'' oct ion of the Council was done before ~e election of the four newcomers-Councilmen Clarence Higbie, Sondy MacKay. Joy Stoddord and Lee W ilder. Those who did partici· pote were the stolwort incumbents, Mayor Dora Hill, and Councilmen Gerald Bennett and Stanley Ridderhof. ond the erstwhile incumbents Hans Broering ond Andrew W . Smith.) You may get the general ideo that I don't li~e secret dealings. You're getting exoctly the right ideo. There's nothing quite so irksome, to pill it mildly. as the sonctimonious nonsense of these who profess to ~now "what's best for the people ." That's always the excuse for star chomber sessions. ond the wedge that opens the way to undem()s erotic, outocrotic government. Just c011sider how this Upper Boy Annex might have been pro- perly hondled by open ond obove board discussion over o conferenc.e table among the parties involved-the city of Cost& Meso. the City of Newport Beach. the Irvine Co, and the County of Oronge. with newspoper representatives present. Good faith thus shown by Newport Beach would most certainly have resulted in a fair and friendly solution. A mighty good gues.s would be that solution would hove been exactly the same os is now being bitterly pushed 'through by Newport Beach at the cost of volu· able good will and moral standing. Even now the odds ore oil in favor of victory for snooty Newport. but how much better to hove done it fa irly, openly and honestly-without the ill will ond bitterness and re- criminat ions now arising. Newport's City Council might well listen more devoutly and at· tentively to the word~ of prayer that now open every Council meet· ing. • • • e LEGAL TUSSLE Those ere my sentiments-but even so. Monday evening's an· nexotion hearing ot the Newport City Council meetin g was a pleasure to attend. It was en engrossing legal tussle, with two top notchers in action· County Counsel Joel Ogle for the County. end City Attorney Karl Davis for the City of Newport Beach. Thot round wo~ ce rtainly a victory for Karl Davis • • • e LOGGERHEADS From o selfish point of view, for myself thot is. the Newport Coun· cil proposol to meet on T uesdoy mornings instead of Mondoy eve- nings is just fine. A couple less night reporting sessions eoch month. But personol convenience slotould not be the deciding fod~--not f~ myself. and certoinly not for the Councilmen. It is unfoir to our cititens and to•poyers to schedule the meeting of the local governing body ot on hour that is so inconvenient for the public. This is o motter for the publi~ to get riled obout-if it cores. If there's no protest, then the public obviously does not care, ond the chonge should go through. If there is substontial protest, Council is ob· ligoted to listen ond very likely will keep the Monday evening meeting time. Next Mondoy evening is the time to tell 'em. Thot's when finol oction is scheduled to b. token. lt'sJ'p to you, deor JX~blic. IRUCE MARTIN .. 1111-~.---IR , ... Toastmaster . Club lnstails What I am _,..., In U... t1M7 paJ tile dty larp ...., tar w~klY Mtmou Ia Ju1t wt.at a natal ot that ~PftV· Don't you r .... aUadoa d.baMr wu beN lot of men haw ....ad to ..:t u.&a.ll t1aat Ia awuabr' Tbl8 It ~ lt7 tiM Lido lllle 'hut. ... ,.... Ill.._ .. _. a. for a lone tlJDe Mt lulft b I at-u -*nowledpMDt t b at be mue.. at tbe Newport llartlor -. OrclaJI' Ia abe..-af ,. Ccwwdtulluil PI t' AI 0 am ~ for o.oe reuon U4 aJIGeMr, kMw tbat It wu not jut an Ya.cbt Qub. u.toa. ._ .-mpa, oumot lUIIe ,._ ...... Ulf' a.w ~ lt'a easy to &lYe up Ia 41IIUt Oftrlllbt. lee A.Ubl "C" below. Da,.. Bolm.an wu wtaalq -0( ll.-.. w:aaae.. Nn· 1D1 tiM llltiiW"'I st fil .....,_ and aa.y, "'Wbat'a tbe aee!«" It'• AUm T -'ftme ma.rdl• on: apeak« lut we11k wt1ea the Udo ..., CUDOt be .._...., aar eu ar ..... ...,... at fNe -*elet water O'ftl' the dam. It won't a Jill)" 1952. Scene: Oouncll tale Toaetmaltenlllott for c11nJMr tiMn be vtoladoaoiUQ'c.ftlllaal ~·All..._ C-'1 Tt!M\t ccme back. But are we .ure we duunben. Que.Uon by a coWldJ. at tbe Harbor Roue. B .. wlMlnl lltatvt. In tiM ......e ot ,...,._. IUIDt Cbe--....,.... .-ran. won't aplli more over tbe tamT man: HMr. Prl-. 1 alncerely hope speech wu entitled ~ N ..._ ~ JD t1a1a .., • ._._ What should I do, w~ have I am wron1 Ill mi tmpqalon, Bob Pwr1h pre.lded u Tout. 8 I b s ...U.SOU lnecloaa ....... • the been theN.and know the true but your boob eeem to MOW a muter and Harmon -Windham a oan ays State aacl hderal Jeftl of I'OV· situation, havinl teem. heard and faUure to collect c:eUJ.n tax•. wu In char1e ot table topb. _ • emmtnt. atudi~! Duck my clvlc duty to apecUically from the JJa.y Club." Main subject wu "What Do Dog F. red at TIM ••ctue ,.,._.. .... of expose to theo lleht ot publlc There follow~ an eX})Janation You Think of the Bualneee Out-the Fourteenth .......... • tt of print the poUtlcal dlrt! and lepl opinion for the law look!" Speakers were Dlclc Opp, A man t1nd a shot from a the Con.ttitutlon II allo applle. AD 11JK TO CODE booka of Calllornla. lt'a too Jona Otto Goethe! and Joe Martln. small cun at hla Jor. Bill wu. able to rellPD and h1QIGIII a • :[ d M d 11 to print here. I auceest you eo General evaluator wu Jltn Pen-llama of 121 Edpwater Ave., Bal. twtber Nltrlctlon up o a tbe a 1~ f ayor an 1 co~c .~ to the "mora-ue" of our local ney. Others were Ray L'~lu.ae. boa. notified Newport pollee at .tate& U Jt wen DGt tar tbe m:n· :: {0U::sves. n newapapen ot Nov. 13, 1952, or Sandy Steiner, Hueh Mynatl and 4:50 p.m. Sunday. Fourteenth AmellciiMDt"l •due ta e my wo odr ~!~ ... as come and aee my own complete Ed Soule. Mr. WUII&m.l told pollee he ~· clauae; Stat. aoul4 co.n-a start you rea our LGA ... vue. ttl Brl-" 1 Re d full Sectl ~ and e. c:uy t wu that he had The new otf:lcera Installed wu flahlne just a trw yards eelvebJy have e 1 tab lh Ia e d a care Y on ' not con.s!der~ It w1ae to jump Tueaday evenln1 are Verne AJ. from hla home when be bevd cb~ ~ des~all1by sub-partmarraprth th~ Bay Club. on thJa tax to~ fear Jen, president; Rav L 'Eclua, ftnt hJs doe bark. He 'looked and aaw Complete beeclom. ~ • c an ~. ey are po . th ld J , 1 11 ht 1 h t 1 am in& e county wou be ab e In tum vice-president; Bob Perrin. aec. th~ man lean over the fence and and eeparatlon of du.-and ant n 1 I 0 w a 10 to tax the clty on the land which ond vice-president; NeU Loesa.ff, uw amoke f.rom the barrel of the atate didn't come wttll tM tint to~~ ·~~·the affidavit u1red wu city own~ within clty Jim-secretary; AI CU.Ollto, treuurer; a-un. After the auapect tired tbe Amendment. tot ....-aJ ttl tbe d .,_...., ...,_ Tb ~ .. , Its and Je~ to the Bay Club. Ed Soule, ser-ant.at -arms.. ahot he put the IUD lftto hit left New Eneland -..tea ltd -.te un er ~uon ~ en ..au ""or Tb Co u .~ the unsecured rolla and Just fol. ~ l unc ate It up. Any old rear pocket. The do& wu run· establlabed and maintained )OW' that one Item. posaeuory In· po n a storm for Charll~. Can't lf'l-•l•l fl ..___ nine loose lnalde the fenced yard cburcha u late at 181&--tww- pot heck l clty have an upstart quest.lontne hls IUW----...., of Wllllama• home. ty.nJne years after the adoption ~~~~e~. It ~abt ;.Y ott operation. Of ...... The auapect atated be bad been of the Constitution. The a..oJu. to hire an upert to aee If the e LOST IIOTIOJI bitten once and wu afraid of tfonary War not onlJ tr...s a ~ city ha.s been cUpped and how In the meantime at the 29 Santa Ana XJwantana will join dop when Mr. Wllllama asked pte from forelcn domlnadon. but much over a period of years, and Sept.i' 1952 Council m~ttne I the Newport Harbor XJwanls him why he fired the shot, po. Jt btou«ht IJ'ftt aoclal c:ban,_ 1t we have been. It's collectible made a motion "to call on Mr. Club for the luncheon meettn1 lice said. Tb~ suapect lett head· a.s well, and the Idea ol. u eltab- maybe. Priest's surety bondlne company being held at the VUla Marina lnf In the dJrectlon of the 11aJ. llabed churcll wu dMit a cJtatb. What I am bearing down 1s to make eood the Joss to the city Restaurant at noon today ('J'hw. boa fun zon~ but eould not be blow. UntU the JlevoluUobar)" don't let City Clerk Charlie Priest of an amounts )oat by bla refus-day). Dlrectot of tbe eulded rot. located. A check wu made but War, one could ch~ the, and Clty Manarer John Sailors al, neglect and failure to ca.ny aile development at the North no projectile could be found. colonies u mon lntos.ant ,.. put that rlne In your nose and out his duties u aueaor." The American Aviation Plant wW be Jj£1oua1J.' than tolerant. lead you around bJlnd. motion wu lost for lack of a the apn.ker. After luncheon a All the eolonJ-, wttb the a. I'll have a lot more to say on second. One councUman ex. eoH tournament between the cept:lon ot Rhode laland. ,... In· this subject ot how the machine pressed the majority's stand: Newport and Santa Ana Clut. tolerant Ill relJiloua mau.,.. but work.s.. "Srntth had not present~ evl-wW be held at the Santa Ana In varytq dqJfts. Some colon. dence that the clerk ba.s been Country Club. The May 3 ap~arance of the Ia had lltrlc:t lawa NI'U'dlnc • 3 LITT'LE AL.IaiS at fauJL" What do they want-Roy Andftaen. Superintendent Madrteal SJna-u. ot th~ Brteham churcll atten~ whlle others This week I etve you the story an ell In their beer! Of Newport Elementary Schools. Younr UnJvenlty of Provo. Utah. would only admit beUrNn of I prom~. entitled "1be Three Did any one of the four make wW present the prorram n~xt will be the flnlt time thla croup th~lr elltabllahed chu.rdl. Even Little Allbls." Popular dettn1t1on any effort to find out the truth. Thursday, which wtll be p\Obllc hu p~nted a concert In South· the HUberal" COioJ1.1 ol. !Wauyl. of the word: "!l'he plea of havinc Hell no. They s~nt thelt efforts 8Choola week.. Annual •:atherlnl em California. vanla restridAld part:JclpaUOil In been elsewhere when the alleged throwtne road blocks at me. of the aervlce clubs of the Harbor The concert, acll~uled for 8:15 their covernm~nt to ChrUtlana. act wu commUted; any excuse, There must have been some tall Area at the Newport Harbor p.m. at .the new auditorium of altl\oufh anyone who bellend ln es~lally a poor and fl1msy sweatlne leadlne up to thla allbl. HJfb School will be held Tues. Oranae Coast Colleae. b beln& God could have ,.ldence In that one. "B" just would not hold water so day at the echool. sponsored by the Costa Mesa colony. Here are some of the world's what shall we do. Everyone knew New members recently received Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Tod~. Amerlcans m&)' wonb!p more famous allbis: 1. I didn't that It wu a phony u a nine-In the Neowport Harbor Kiwanis Day Salnta a nd other Mormon u they pleue u lone u tbe think It was Important. 2· I was dollar bill, even though couched Club Include Carl Thomas.. Verne Churches In th~ county. rlahta of otben are not violated. too drunk to know what I was In leeal phrueology. Tempua Snodcrass. F. Kenneth Bone and Madrlaal aonp from the four. Th~ abundance and m~ doing. 3. I foreot. 4. I have been fuglts aome more, so they come Maurice Stanley. teenth and alxteenth century as of America may be aiUIUD&l'bed sick a lot lately. <Used by skJn. with well as more contemporary folk In the ancient Chlneee PI'OW'tb. ny monkey caurht by a tiger up ALIBI · .:C'-Th.ls one was In· A Classified Ad in The Ensign musk wtll be Included In the "A.lmJcbty H~a~n Ia not tndJl. that upbraid~ hlm before eat. tended to end all aUbta. Scene: brinqs immediote results! Coli procram. No admlalon will be ferent to tbOM whOM heuta ..,. ina him tor belnl such a sorry Co ell eJ)'thl aame Horbor 1114-1115 ond nrove itl charr~. e&rDe.t." spec:.lmen ot hit race.) 5.1 haven't =~ thU: ~: wbkbn~u 10 -------------------------------------- ~ ~~~(~:ue ::· ~OM~::!!~:S:!t~i~ HEARiNG SET ON VACATING HIGHWAY .ervlcemen recardJea of Ume ln wu, tt wu a natural mJsta.ke be- H'I'V1ce.> 6· 1 am come through caua th~ co\lnty had told blm LEGAL aOTICE UOAL aOTtCE UGAL lrOftC& my chanre of life. (Last resort that the poaeuory Interest was JlE.SOLUTIOa 110. tm northwesterly line havtne a SECnON 3. The Street SUper. of elderly males.) mlx~ up or tnclud~ ln some A RESOLU110N OF INTENTION l~eth of 157.44 f~ and a lntendent Of the City ot l'fettport • IIEJlE TIIET AJlE other Item. and the en-or was not OF mE CITY COUNCIL OF beartnc of South 34• 59' 35" Beach aball cauae to be poRed Now here's the case of the discovered until the tax roll was THE CITY OF NEYIPORT West; thence f.rom aald point conapJcuoualy alone tbe l1De of thr~ little alibis In the pos.ses. made up." I'll tell you when he BEACH DECLARING rrs (N. of beelnntna South 34• 59' 35" that certatn publle hlp..,. pro. sory lnter~st case. dlacovered the error. It wu when TEN'110N TO ORDER nu: West alone the southwesterly poeed to be vacated, not more AUBI "A"-Scene In the may. we put hJm through the wrlnler CLOSING UP, VACATION AND proloneation ot saJd tanaent than 300 feet apart, but not 1eM or's office. Present: the then In my otfl~ about the 15th of ABANDONMENT OF THAT course a d1atance of 297.75 ~~ than three In all, notJc:ee ot th~ mayor (me, that Is), City Clerk July, 1952. CERTAIN PUBUC HIGHWAY to a point ln the center line ot va.cation of aaJd public bJ.ebW'&.)'. Priest and an interested thlrd I'll teJI you bow the county tax OVER LOT 24, BLOCK 9, that certaJ.n 40 foot street ad-Sald ~shall .tate the prep. party. Question: "Mr. Priest. our a.saesaor'a roll reads. "Balboa TRACT NO. Z7 IN THE CITY jolnJne aaJd Lot 24 on the west araUon of thl8 Baolutlon of Jn. unsecured tax rolls show that Bay Club, under Item H <all by OF NEWPORT BEACH. COUN· u vacated by the Board of su. tentlon and the ttme and place certain possessory Interest taxes Ita lonesome): Pouesaory Inter. TY OF ORANGE, STATE OF pervtaora of aald 0 ran 1 e of the bearlne of all penoJW In· have not been collected. I refer est. leaae--$15,000." 'Jbla Ia the CAUFORNIA. County, a certltted copy of terested in ot objectlne to the speeltlcaJly to the Balboa Bay little Item that waa conspicuous The City Councll of the City which order II reocorded tn propoeed vacation of aald certain Club. AA city 8Jisessor and tax by Its absence on the clty tax of Newport Beach, pursuant to Book 286, paae 273 of OUiclal public hl1hway. collector, what have you to say roll. the provisions of the "Str~ va. .Records, reoorda of aald Or-SECTION 4. Notice b hereby to that?" Mr. Priest: "You know Do you suppose that the other cation Act of 1941... and aU anee County; thence South 8>• lfven that the Ctty CouoeU of Letten- Ensign Publlsh.lne Co .. Corona del Mar. Gentlemen: Now that Col. Smith ts one of your rea-uJar contributors. I should llke to aubecribe f~ the Enslen. Youra very truly, JOHN lriAllTELL. 518 Marcuertte Ave .. Corona del Mar. • • • ... members of the Council rushed amendments thereto, being Sec-40' 10'' Eut a cll.tAnce Of 32 the City ot Newport Beads cSoea up to ver1 ... the "error" excuse! teet; thence North 24• 55' 51" herebv t1x Mondav, ..... ..,.._ ... dav "1 tJon 8300 through 8331 of the ' -u,,. .xu , No, they were too busy protect. Streets and HJghways Code, doea Eut to a point of lntenect:Jon Of May, 1955, at the hour ot 7 :30 lng Priest from me to be inter. her~by ordain, resolve and de. with the said northwesterly P.M. of aald day, In the CouncU ested in the true facts. dare as folJows: line of th~ afore-m~ntlon~ 8> Chambers of the City ot !'few. e JUST TID FACTS foot strip of land, aald point port BNch. loeated ln the City rv~"Civen the tact& You dual-SECTION L That the pubUc of tnteraectlon belne in a Ball of th~ Ctty of l'fewport fy •em. Interest IUid convenience require cunce concave to the Southeut Beach, u tbe time and place f« So you say lt'a water over the the closing up and abandonment and havine a radJua of 10.0 beariD• all penona lnt.ere.tecS In dam. What about future water In of that certa1n public hJehway feet; then ce Northeasterly or obJedfne to the proP<*d va . the pond? I invite your attention over Lot 24• Block 9• Tract No. 71• alone said cqrve and aald cation ot aald publk hJ-"way; to the fact that the principal ac-and vacat~ stnet adjoln1ne on Northwesterly llne to the point and the aald City Cound1 ot the the West, In the City of Newport w v tor of theae three ac:t.a hu ju.t Beach, and It b the lnt.enUon of of be&lnnlne. d Qt)" ol "'ewport ae.cb at ~n put in c.harre of our money. the City Coundl of the Clty ot Said publJc bJ.ebway to be va. aaJ4 tlme and piece wtU bear a mer~ $1.500.000 annual lncom~. Newport Beads to order the foJ. cated, clOMd up and abanclonec! the 4'VIdence ol.fered b)" any per. and to cap It ott, the borld was lowtne deacrlbed property In aald Ia more dearlJ uown on a eer. 110ft tn~ In the vaeatlon of reduced from $100,000, that wu City of Newport Beach Cou ty taln mep approv~ and adopt~ aald pubUc bJ.chway hentofOC"e requlred for Kn. J'lorenoe Cool-. ' n bJ the City Coundl o1 the CJty df*:rtbed. onr to szs,ooo for "Good OJ' of Oranae, State of C&lHornla, to r N-Beach ' --•d DC"'10l'f 5. Thla a.oJutlon of ' .. be vacated, doted up and a ban· 0 ...... ..-.. or ... vac&· Charlle. doned, to wit: tion~ cloetn1 up and abandon-Iatentlon ahall be publlabed at A tria 1 'aha..-.... _, t ment, by reeolutson dated AprU leut onoe ln the Newport Barbcw na-u ar _.. _. ...... o 18th, liM. and cte.l.pated .. .._ Enslen. a !MW8paper o1 pnera~ land belne a portion of that olutlon Ko. Gil ... which aald ctrculatSon. printed, publJIIhed portion of Lot 2ft Block 9• and map Ia on me tn tbe oMce o1 tbe and dmllated J.n the· Ctt)" ot vacated stNet &djolniDe on the Cit)" Clerk ol tbe Cit)' ot MIW· l'fewport IIMdl., &Dd Mid publl· West • lbown upon a map of port 8Mdl. ..,_6 .... 11 btreb)' catiolliiWl be made prtor to tbe Tract l'fo. 27 recorded In Mt. na.a4e to Mid map tar turtiMr •• _. tw u.. ....,.... o1 au cellaoeowa Kape Book 9, pap pudeWan u to tbe propoeed ,..... IDtel...-t Ia • obJed· 31, Jteconll of. Onn,. County, neattoo. doiii.DI ap aDd _..... bw to tbil Jl.-cl ncwtkle. State ot C&.lHomla. that W&l ......... ot aid pa..UC htcb Tbe ...... and ......... ~ JH.Dted to tbe ltite of call· aDd _... .... 1i .... a ..... :-:; ollltiall of IMIDUoe Jfo. 030 wu fomJ.a fer a pablle blabwQ _.. ...._ ___,_ &ad ~ Ill deed ~ ddl .... .._ tiD tM MIDI a-__, -aad a611t4a4 at a ... In ... ... .. (X. .................. If tile.... .. .. ........ of tM at)' DCII1 a.a 1-. ..:::, ., Or· ... ....._ bloaipw.W lla fd. CMiejeQ t1 a. OC;)' of Rcwpcwt ...., C&1MDrala. and ...,... I. ftat tile .... Cllll ....._. MY -tile J111a -ol = _:__ ~ ........... II a ,., ~ .............. u..-............. roll ~-., _,..,_.. ill...... t't ................. : ........ .. iMIIMa...IM...._ A'-ccn-I•MD: a aatt. ... ,, ,. at a ,..eat Ia tbe lillll • Qar CIDttl e1 ..._ f;:llr WDiir. Mz a.. a a Itt~& IDa· _ ....... ., .... ttl a. • ., = ..... --... -... w. ... ~~if~! ~· Ia • ..._ • pes'' ._, CXJUM:aMW:-. - --, .. ·-._til .. 1i1W ......_ ... ._ Aat 4 I Ill COUM•MW: ....._ 11.at1 .. C •lffQ: lib., JM,•-. aa JG~Ao......_ ,.,~.. ........... ..... ... --ifCI ..... I , -..•• ~C.It...... . .... Cg ..... 1p • ... af ....... _. a.,a.; -IIIMI 071111 ..... F'MtzAjillaM!I• .... ..... .. ............ .... • • I 1"1i&&s•a.aY. ana. u. 1• Mr.s. ·Straitiff·ls Elected By Kappa Alumnae Assn. u. ......... 11111111 l11l I 'Jbe fourth qu&JUrly confer. BPW Resolution Urges All To Observe Schools Week enee, annual buatnow meettna The dtkena ot thl8 community bulne. ot the State pvem- Mra. Jtobert StraltlU ot 308 PI-... from tu.a.ala to wecScUnp to ot the Ballto& lalaDcl Commw:atty are urpd to part:lelpate ln the JDimt. and rate 84., Qltf Raven. wu eJ.ect.d ca~ Methoctl8t Chwdl. hu been oMel'Yance ol PubUc Scbooa. '"Wbereu, powt.b due to J'8COI'd ~dent ol the Kqpa Kappa '1Wo eampenh.lpe wW be liven eebecluled few Prtda.y evenlnl, Week. Aprtl z.ao. 1.n a r.oJu. ltJch btrth rate. an ln-mlpatlon Gamma .Alumaae .u..octation ot to the Oranp County Qtpplecl April •· Uon adopted by the l'ewport Hu. to Ca11fom1a bu made the need SoutiMm Oranp Count7 at the Qllldren'a llocJ«Y born PI• OMda 'I'M meettnr wm bet1D wtth bcw Bwltna. and Proteaatonal tor more cl.-ooru u4 tbe Aprt115lucheon mNttnr. ot tbe Kappa IWDIDAP ale. All a ebwdl aupper at 1:30 p.m. Dl.n-Women'• Club. Hen a. the text acarctty ol trained teacba'a .n, ...,_ 1tua1 B. Muwell ol Colo-memben were urred to ,..tater ner ura.nrementa are betnc ot the re.olutlon: oua problema ln our atate. and na del liar wu eleeted treuu.r· fM dvtl derenae. DW1e ">' the Women'• SocletT ol "Whereu. tree public educa. UW'hereu, the people ol call. er. lira. Jack Bllton ol Banta 'nl~ pl'fte'llt Included lllme.. Chrtldan Service •nder the dl· tlon aa a vital part of the Am· fornla h ave been attenU•e aJ. Ana. 'riee.preadent. 'and Kta. Dlekenon, Stralillf, PhWJp Ben· rectlon ol Mrs. Ted R. Rauser. mean way of llfe hu become wa)'lt to the needs ol tbeU acbooa. Tom Oolller, Santa Ana. eecre-lek. J. E. Kelm and Howard Conduct1n1 the buslne. .,.. a~pted by our people as eawn. whenever th~ needs have bem tary. Bryan of Newport Beach; Mmes. aion wtll be Rev. Dr. Maurice G. tlal to the pre~rvaUon ef our made known, and 1be JIIOII'&m wu ~ted by Walter G. Bateb, Jllch&rcl Stew· IJallenrer. auperlntendent of Me-form of.~QYernment, and "'Whereas. annualJJ th~ take Mn. P. Paul Dlekenoft ol ftew. art aDd Donald Caine ol ec.ta tboclbt churches ln the San Dfe. "Wbereu, California tradition-acfvantap ol a ~e weelll ln port Beach, wbo apoke on her Mesa; ~ Robert Blackmar CO dt.trict. Reporta wUI be rriade ally baa been attentive to the the year to vlalt tbel.r schools experiences in Libya. where her and Ellzabeth Buman of Balboa by prealdenta and chal.rmen of needs of Ita great ~ehool system and foeua attention upon the husband, Col. Dlckenon. wu Aa· Island; Ml.a Mattie B. Lacy, Mlaa all church organlzatlons. The even to the point of writing Into functioning of th~ state's public tloned at Wheelus Air Force Sue Ruth R. Maxwell, Mrs. Dlck nominating committee, under the State Constitution the prln educational "system. and in Tripoli. Her talk coverec1 many Drake, lames B. Stoddud, Rob-the chalrmanahlp of Mrs. Clinton clple that schools are the flrst ''Whereas, the week ot April fuclnatinl native euatoms. rang. ert H. Lenker and W. B. DickJn. T. Coane, wlU report. Dr. CJa(r B. 25-30 hu been designated for the r============. son of Corona del Mu. Barnett, chaJnnan of the com. f'-.l --...I I ftll-thlrty-stxth observan~ of Public Mrs. Blaclanar wu luncheon mlaaion on finance, wlll submit UWL -1'1. g IBIM Schools Week throulhout CaJI. Pcmli• by et cnaJEH'S .a.w,. ,.. ...... I..Mty .•• ....... .,._ .............. ..,... Vel .......... • -a-w.-4 ...... Tr'-'1 Nyloa tr... ___ $1.91 llocteas. The next meet1n1 wtU the 1955-56 budget. Are ..... , ,. Olil fomla. be on May 12th at the 1\ome of • "Now therefore be tt reaolved, Mrs. LouiM Gallagher. Philharmonic Enjoying balmy spring days In that we rea.fttrm our faith 1n the Corona del Mar are Colonel and lnstltutlon of unfvenally trH ~-HUll) ·m-=c-Pol·.cy Is Told Mrs. Mark H. GUman, who a.re public education u a comer ..... 11\.: ~ vlaJtin1 Mrs. GUman's mother, stone 1n the structure of our Mrs. M. L. Quules, at 408 Avo-.A.merlcan soclety, and we urge cado Avenue. all the people in our community L L IOTIIODIIT CIIDCII "'I1le Man Who Said No" will be Rev. Donald G. Sapp'a sermon topic for the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday aervices at the Balboa Is. land Community M e tho d i s t Church. The aennon la the sec. ond in a aeries of four biograph- Ical talks on ''Great Men of Old." The Intermediate Met h o d ia t Youth FellowShip wUI meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. ClmJSTlAK SCIEWCE CI(UBCB ''Why a. It that you don't chu&e any admission whatso- ever to the Oran1e County Pbll- harmonlc Concert.aT Surely even a little aomfthlnl would be bet· ter than nothing at all!" These ue the question and comment most frequently heard by eommlttee members of the Society. Frieda BeUnfante, per. manent conductor of the Orche- stra, presents this explantlon: "Our orchestra alma to serve the public as a community enter- prise, and because It does this by glvtn1 ~concert&. we have the great advantage that on this bula the MuaJcians' Union al- l(lllllq the professional musicans to donate all their rehearsal time to ua without charge. and this In The couple ue enroute to Wrlght.Pattenon Alr Force Base In Ohlo, where Colonel Gilman will be lu.pector general of the 3500th USAF Recruiting Wing. Colonel Gilman, who was re- cently promoted to the rank of full colonel, la a member of Uncle Sam's Air Force. He was assigned at Puka Air Foree Base near San Franct.co and was exe cutlve ortJcer of the 3506th re cruit1nl croup there. Prlor to that 1\e had .erved in Germany. Jesus' resurrection pierces the a1&<>ld doubt of life alter death and records a progressive expert. ence declates the Lesson-Sermon on "Probation after Death" at the Newport Beach ChrlstJan Science church Sunday. The Golden from Hebrews (12:14) reads, "Follow peace with all men, and hoUneu. without w.hlch no man ahall see the Lord." tum ~ucea our actual opera. Preparltlona for the famous tln1 costa for each concert to one OtM!rammercau Pasaton Play In fourth of what they would other-Bavaria wtll be described in an wi~ be. llluatrated talk by Reserl W. "No orchestra anywhere can Keen. former soloist wtth the support itself by ticket sales to play, at the April meeting of the CIIIUST CllnCB IT TilE lEA concerts. Thll la generally rec-Women's Fellowship ol the Co- Rev. Roy Carlson, putor of ognlzed. Our arrangement means rona del Mar Community Church Chrlat Church by the Sea, New-that good music on a Uve basta next Wednesday afternoon. port, wtll preach tha. Sunday on Ia available to people In Orange The talk w1ll t>e given 1n na. "Hopes Restored," continuing hla County who ml1ht not otherwise Uve folk costume and musical poct.Euter RnDOns on the re· be able to afford it; and on the selections wUJ abo be presented newtnr tnnuence ti the Euter other ha.nd. ~ who belleve ln in ac:companlrnent. ....m. n.e &.llJIUal ...ua& and and wut to eupport a local PhU-A 12:30 lUDeMan aaved b7 the .....-tF eo • fer • n c • ol tile 1aanDa1L1c Oftlleltra ~Y do ., Clnll'dl SdlooJ Cutlet wUJ pr& chureb wUI be held Weclneeday bJ b«omfniiiPQD80l'8 Ot patrons cede the prolf&JD. ~nfnr. April 71, ~lfnnlng of the Society." with a famlly dJnner at 6:1.5 p.m. EKJ)reatng henelf at being Dr. Maurice Ballenger, dtstrlct deeply cratlfl~ by the response .uperlntendent. wm preside for of the publlc l.n the tint year of the buatness meettnc. the Sod~a existence. M1aa Bel- infante looks forward to the year to etve time and . attention to thel.r publle aehoola durlnl the week, to vlaJt them. and to take an active part ln the observance, so that understandin1 of the schools wU1 be improved and the hJgh stanclards of education which have become 10 much of a tradition in caltfomla be main- tained; and we further resolve that copies of tb1a re110lutlon be etven to the press." ; • en .. II 1111 Fw Pill•• 1111••r 11\e "39-ft's." a new Corona del Mar Communfty Church group open to anyone bftween 30 and SO, wtll meet tha. eventn1 (Thursday) f(X a 7 p.m. pot luck aupper. Prorrama have included a aquare dancin1leuon and brtdce and other games. Mrs. W. R. Up. pitt. MH.. Kay Phelps and Mrs. 0 . G. Bowell wlll bave charp of supper and reservation&. Kr. and Mrs. Sid Buttft'W'Ortb are ln dluge ot entert.ainment. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hamel are the cbalr· men. A Classified Ad in The &.siqn brinqs immediate .-ulhl c.• Harbor I I 14-1 I 15 end orow ;tl LEADING EXPERTS WILL DISCUSS YOUR INVESTMENT PROBLEMS April 2Sth-.. SUCCESSFUL INVESTING." Kr. Wm. L. O'Bryon, Economist for Morgan Co. May 2nd-''LEGAL ASPECTS OF FINANCIAL PLANNJNG.H Mr. Gordon X. Richmond, Attorney: Sen!(X Partner of Richmond, Bradley and Barnes May 9th-"SECURITY ANAL YSJS." Mr. lohn L. Kerr, President Kerr It Company May 16th-"MANAGING YOUR INVESTMENTS." Dr. l ohn C. Clendenin. •Professor Finance, U.C.L.A. May 23rd-'TIN.ANCIAL INFOBMAnON-AND HOW TO USE IT." Mr. Robert L. Sandiler, Assistant Financial Editor ol the Los Angeles Tim~ ALL KEETDrGI 7:10 P.JL to t :• P.JL COMMUNITY CONGBEGAnONAL CHURCH Ill IIELIOT1IOPE ooaowA DEL KA.a FREE KO ADIOUIOK CIIAJIGE To be awarded FREE Shar• of a leadinq Mutual Fund Valued iD ex.ce. of SlOO.OO IPOIISOIIED ft MoRGAN Co. IIEIIIEII OP TD 101 UGELES S'I'OC& DCIIAIIGE Tkia ...... --1:11 • f l ..... by 10. WX. L O'DTOif ................ ,.. .... e.. .... _ .. .......... .., .. _ JOJK CIUUIT cauaca Young people who recently be- came members of Chrtst Churcll by the Sea, Newport Beach, are lohnnle Field, Chulotte Marx. Sharon Singer, Pamela GU-, Pa- mela Tohill, Susan Haas, Unda Kiddie, l ean Ward. Gary Gllea. Dorothy Woodworth, Charle•e ahead. ~ a begtnntng abe felt that a mJn1mum of 6 to 8 con- certs a •ason wu necesaary to maintain the orchestra as a eon- tlnuoualy functJonlng eroup. Ulti- mately, abe hopes that mualcal interest in the County will war. rant eon~ne a ntonth-ln both northern and s o u t h e r n F'me Pottery Gifts of Good Tate ......... t..W ..,_.: abowta9 ... 8teck q.otatioll board: Jadt TrCiftft aDd ~ ~ ---·--.;: a.tty JCICIObL win aperat-.: Estba lpaDcJ. ..cnta:ry a:Dd Deem Ccaapbell -.:r. ............ ~ ................. ............... ............ ~­.................. ............. ~Of .. n-Il-* .. )'Oit' llody leu- he I to 10 llodMie Ill ...... M...-.... .,.,.,.., ......... toM lot .. .,.. .... ..._..._,.,..,.ttecf It wllllcMit 11o1A Dul...,-t ... IMIIIe.t V: C, • 'rn •lll'' 't\' \: l 1\ ,, ~' t ~ w ' I ) LESTER, RYONS a CO. Investment Securities MEMIElS NEW YOU STOCK EXCHANGE LOS ANGELES STOCl EXCHANGE AME"RICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (ASSOC-I SUS EAST COAST BJGJIWAT.IIA.aM)a -~ OOaoKA DEL KU canon. Jack An~ ~&m a~~&&~~~~~~~~~~~~========~~~~~~~~======~====================~~======~====~~==~======~========~~ Doesburg, Nell Pureell. lack ~ ~~·~~·~";,\:-"=.·,-· "Highway Completion Celebration ~ MEKBEBS llf SEriJCE A new group to-give special at. OPEN DOUSE tention to St. Andrews Church members In the service waa or- ganized Monday momin1 at the home of Mrs. Robert Beauchamp. no S. Bay Front, Balboa Island . Mothers and wlves of .service I men were especially invited to serve on the committee, accord· lng to Pastor lames Stewart. IIVIOIAGE SALE Mrs. Arthur Schenkel of Bal· boa lsland wUl have char1e of the rurnmaee aale being held this week-end, Friday and Satur- day from 9:30 a.m . to 5 p.m. at the yellow house next to the Costa Mesa Bank. Funds from the sale will be used for the philanthropies of the WSCS of the Balboa Island Community Methocllst Church. Anyone with contributions for the aale 11 ukecl to call Mrs. Schenkel at Rubor aD.W. n.-.,, Frllllr 1 s.tn.r, a,ra 21, 22 _. 2W. BRECK IEAUTIFUL HAIR ··= .... '~US __.,..-,_ I..IS RArbol-3001 3G2 COCIII JliPway. CG!oaa del Mar • 5 J i I J J ( E. ClAST •naY ~ -I li li I I I I I • iJ -=! • ~ ~ • ;s .ab c • h • -II '11 I I ~ c c New Beta Sigma Phi Chapter To Get Charter Wednesday A Founders Day celebration will be coupled with a charter presentation Wednesday, when two local chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, non-academic sorority. meet for dlnnef at Kennedy's, Costa Mesa. On the 24th anniversary of the iounding, members of Mu Epst. ton Chapter will present the charter and the ritual or the jew- mentated by Betty Chapin of the sorority. Door prizes were won by Mrs. W. B. Gustin of Newport Heights, Mrs. Samuel •Barnes of Bay Shores, Mrs. Ray Dike of Lido, Mrs. D. R. Colegrove of Udo, Mrs. Clarence Higbie of Balboa Island and Jlttle Miss Mary Lewis of Newport. els to members ot the newly fbell ~OI~• formed Omicron Rho Chapter. ..... ..,.. Participating In the ritual will ------------be Mmes. Robert Henderson, John Scott, Vivian Bodman, Douglas Hosk.lns, Frank Moore, Ira Smith, B. I. McQueeney. Allee Smouse and Miss Jnn Vatamaniuck. Mrs. James Taylor, president of Mu EpsUon Chapter, wUl present the ritual. Colorful be-sparkled paper par. uola served as tallies tor the "AprJl Showers" party given by the Mu Epsilon Chapter of the sorority last Thursday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. A fashion show presented by Gay Togs of Balboa Island wu com. e AXEaJCARlDI AWA.IID The number of hours volun. teered by Ebell Club members for civil defense won the New. port Club the American ls m award at the dlstrlct convention held In Riverside last week-end. Another li.nrt award waa eiven to Mrs. C. M. Deakins on a land. scape palntlng and a third place award was given this put prea.l-d~nt on her painting, Petunia. Fot lettem..ck. envelooes c..a THE ENSIGN. HA-l I 14 u.ert n • ., •• Dies D•llc Plllelfl Ylsft Albert Sidney Thompson, 78, of 220 30th St., Newport, died AprU 16 In Phoenix. Ariz., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Don W. Harris. Mr. Thompson and his wlte had been visiting there for the past tour months. He had been In Ul health for some time, but death came unexpectedly. He was a native of La Plata, Mo., and came to Newport Beach In 1938. He wu a retired real es- tate broker. Survivors Include hls wlte and son, Harold. at the ttome address; two brother-a, Rev. Ray Thompson of Texas and J. M. Thompson of Ml.aourl; a sis- ter, Mrs. Ruby Gardgrove of Mis- souri; four grandchlldren and tlve a:reat.grandchll!ken. Services were held yesterday afternoon at Parkes-Rldley Mor. tuary Chapel, Costa Mesa. Rev. Roy CarLion of Christ Church by the Sea, Newport. officiated. JIAIIOLD CASSEl MOVE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cass of 904 Ocean Blvd.. Corona del Mar, have moved to 600 Avocado Ave. Get Acquainted With .... the Oldest Mortgage Loan Office in Newport Beach. Poirier Mortgage Co. Bob Satt1.r Mgr. Newport Beach office "25 Years Real Estate Loan Experience" Loans For Homes Si'o-20 Year l.ocms on existing homes and new construction. • ~ VJVlAJr NAZWELL DEIIIIDI'OVR. (Watt. GedulrcSt PbotD) Vivian Dennistoun Betrothed To Charles William Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peel Den· the late Judge and Mrs. Robert nlatoun of m Narcluus Ave., Maxwell Dennlstoun of Winnl. Corona del Mar, announce the peg, Canada. and is a second engagement ot tt.elr daughter, generation CallfornJan. She at. VJv1an, to Charles Wm. Knapp, tended Bishop School, La JoUa, now stationed at Fort Ord. and is a il'aduate of Occidental VIvian is the il'anddaughter of College, where she was aftUlated the late Mr. and Mrs. Evan Percl. with the Zeta Tau Zeta sorority. val Morphy of BeverlY Hills and She Is now teaching school at Camel. Mr. Knapp is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Charles Knapp ot Honolulu and the erandson of Mr. and Mrs. WJlllam M. Wad. doupa of Salt Lake City. He at- tended the UnJverslty of Hawaii, UnJvenlty ot Utah and U.C.L.A. A July wedding Is planned. " ............ ... .. c ......... . Three etria and nvo boya from J 11 n _,.. II -• -1! - • • • I -' -! - IUMDAY,.._.a.a• • • • • • • • ! J I I I CDM Business Directory Save this Hwy. Map and Directory for Reference ADVEBTJSDIG AGUCT Lee WUder, 3637 E. Coast Hwy. AJn'JQ~OBI Lamp Ught Shop, 244.3 E. Coast Hwy. 3329 E. Coast aua: Newport Harbor Bank, M35 E. Cout Hwy. aEAVTYSBOPS Looking Glaaa. 338 Poinsettia Tommy Wilson, 2515 E. Coast Hwy. aVJLDu Jim Ray Construction, 3446 E. Coast Hwy. CEJIAMICS Kay Finch Ceramics, 3901 E. Cout Hwy. CIIA ... ICBOOL Marjorie Bale, 81.2 E. Oout Jhry. coJISD'trcnow LOARS Newport Balboa Savings. 2407 E. Coast Hwy. Poirier Mortgage Co., 2515 E. Coast Hwy. DAJrCDIC SCIIOOL Dorothy Jo Studio, 2515 E. Coast Hwy. MOTELS Del Mar Motel, 2333 E. Cout Hwy. Crown of the Sea Motel, 2600 E. Coast Hwy. IUUETS Cannon's Food Center, 2867 E. Coast Hwy. ~ Coast Super Market. 3347 E. Coast Hwy. Greater All American Market, 3049 E. Coast Hwy. IIUSJc-UC:OaDS Music Box. 3529 E. Coast Hwy. JrEWSPAna-P1BI.!1lJIER Newport Harbor Enslrn, 2850 E. Coast Hwy. JrtJltSEBJES Norman's Nursery, 21625 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Nunery, 2744 E. Cout Hwy. OftiCIAJf E. R 'l'hleJe, 2515 1!. Oout Hwy. PBOTOCIUlftT~MK•q Harbor Photo Lab, 3121 E. Cout Hwy. PIIYSJCI.AJf Aim 11JJIQ&OR U oyd 0 . Ocheltree, D.O .. 2515 E. Coast Hwy. norttll Ensign Publishing Co., 2850 E. DESICJr, ADVEIITISJJrC AJIT Coast Hwy. David Doane, 3637 E. Cout Hwy. IlEAL ESTATE DEPAaTWIJf"t STOU: 0 . R. Lathrop, 3635 E. Coast Hwy. Brandt's, 3321 E. Coast Hwy. John E. Sadlelr, 3333 E. Cout Hwy. DBVQ STOaE The Vogel Co., 2667 E. Coast H . Corona del Mar Pharmacy, 3127 wy E. Coast Hwy. IIEDVCDIG METJIOD ucaow coM•AJn Bay Escrow Co., 2515 E. Coast Hwy. DH CLEAJrDIC Van's Cleaners.3426 E. Cout Hwy. n.oamT Hartleln Flowers, 3403 E. Coast Hwy. Ft7UJTVU The lalanders, 2846 E. Cout Hwy. Mary's House ot Maple, 3422 E. Cout Hwy. OU'1'S Karen Maril'eta Imports, ~ E. co .. t Hwy . Pottft''a Wheel, 2837 E. Cout Hwy. Stauffer System, 3117 E. Coast Hwy. IIESTAVL\JITB Chef's Inn. m1 E. Coast Hwy. Dennie's Cale, 2849 E. Cout Hwy. Doug's Doe House, 351.2 E. Coast Hwy. Mary lr Blll's De U.cate, 34.36 E. Coa.st Hwy. Newt's Drltt Room. 3344 E. Cout Bwy. Ragan's Restaurant, 2515 E. Cout Hwy. I&JIYJCK ITA110RI Bob's llobU SftvSce, 3100 E. Coa.st IJwy. Morry'a Sbell Service, 3600 E. Cout Bwy. Financed by Metroplitan Life Insurance Co., the largest financial institution in the world. We also handle Building and Loan Funds. ~·• t.Jf1 Whittier, all juvftlilea, were BADWA.aa Myen Union Service, ~1 E. .... D:ir:D 1'1 ..... -..... - • For Information stop into our office or call Harbor 3888 and talk to Bob Sattler, our Newport Harbor Representative for the past six years. • • Crown Hardware, Hwy. 3107 E. Coast 3333 E. Cout Coast Hwy. TELEPBo•a AlfiWaaDIQ Tol'llmy Fa.ter Service, 2918 E. CoutHwy. 'I'ID.A'IU Port 1beatft, 29a5 E. Cout Hwy. TOn ftidiDAT. An& 11. 1-•aaE fiWiia&a • • • • • • • • :SAVE THIS HANDY GUIDE TO CORONA DEL MAR SHOPS J Jl · • I I J I I ! I I I ! i 1• i .. .:: a -= • : ! I -.. I I I J ! ur I t ; · I ·I - -::3! B ! ~ ~ ljl j I i li Unsung Commercials Flowers by Morrl wfll be repre. Mnted In the annual spectacle of the Lu FJorlJrtu Junior Flower Gulld Headc1resa Ball ln La. An· celes thla month. The ahop baa been aaked to enter the eenter- plece c:ompetlt:lon on the clreua theme aeoordlna to Morrt (hlm- wlf) Molho. * * * Biz Hartleln, Corona del Mar nort.at. Ia another member of the Oranee County Floral Associa- tion who received a peuonal In- vitation to enter the table deco- ration eomposltlon. Pa.rts or the fabulous Ooral spectacle wtll be seen on televlalon at 10 p.m. to. morrow. Pat T oepher and Bob Taylor. Harbor Hi Grads. Are Wed At a family wedding aervtce at the F1rst Baptl.at Church, Costa Me&{l, Rev. P. G. N'umann unit- ed 1n marriage Robert W. Taylor and Patrlda M. Toepher on Sun- day, AprU 10. The bride Is the dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawley of 403 Flower St., Costa Mesa. The· eroom'a parents are Clean-up Wk. Is Proclaimed Next week has been proclal.m- ed Sprtne Clean-up Week by Mayor Don Bill of Newport Beach. She urged all organl.za. tiona and citizens to take an ac tlve part 1n the clean-up drive In order to m a I n t a I n Newport Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor of 151 Monte VlJrta, Costa Mesa. Mlas Toepher wore a white bal- lerina length gown with a three-tier~ nylon net sktrt and fitted bodice of chantllly lace. She car. rled a bouquet of earden1as and lilies ot the valley. Her father escorted her to the altar. Mrs. Nina Toepher, 1674 West- minster Ave .• Costa Mesa, sister- In-law of the bride, wa.s matron ol honor. Sbe wore an aqua net ballerina gown with a white car. nation eorsage. T t1 e eroom's brother, Charles Taylor, waa best man. Special music waa pre.ent. ed by Joann Neumann, aeoompa- nled by Unda Wickey at the organ. Tulips, eladloll and lllie. decorated the church. Beach'• reputation a.s a beaut11ul A reception In the church ao. city. ctal hall followed the ceremony. Here 1s the text of tHe procJa. Mrs. Venita Hleeins of Costa mation: Mesa and Mrs. Emenon Went- I I -i .. • I ~ .. a .. I • -na uws. • • e PTA OOMYDnOif Pre.Jdenta of ten PTA units in tbe Newport Beach and Costa Mesa areaa are planning to at. tend the !56th Annual Convention of the Caltforn1a Congress of Par- ents and Te&chers at the Statler Ho~l in r...o. Aneeles beginning May 3. Mrs.. Dennis Hogland of Costa Mesa Lt eonventlon hostess for the Harbor area. which wlll also send other delegates. Workshops and eonlerenees wUI be held wtth the general theme ol '1'eamwork Doea It," accord.Jne to Mrs.. C. A. Hoffman. newly elected president of the Harbor Fr A CounctL UCK FaOII ROIITBWEST MJsa Irene Bosomworth, 714 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar. haa just returned from a lenethy trip to the northwest, travelllng to a wedding ln Seattle and later vtaitlng her mother's cousin, Mrs. L. E. Hanllon, ln British Colum- bia. A son, Jonathan Charles, wa.s born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles WaJJace of 2000 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa, ln Hoae Memorial HQ8Pital on Wednesday, AprU 13. "Whereas. the Board of Supe.r. ull of Newport aaalsted at the vtaors ot Orange County have reception. Mrs.. Hawley received designated the week of AprU 25 euesta 1n a mocha knlt .ult wtth ~iiiiiiiiMiMiMiiiiiiiiii­to 30 for County Clean. Up a.nd brown acceaorle. and a yellow R a 55 55 a 5 a 7J ~ BeautUication aDd have uqed eatnatbl eona,e. The ~m·a .,a ~ tn tbe Cou.nty JDOtbw .... • ,.,._. blue suJt. to ..,a.rtfdpate ln thla County. wblte &CICIIIorf• and a fa.rdenl_a Glamour Glimpses wide campalan. and ~e. 'Whereas, ·the CUJT'ent loa of After a motor trip throUJhOUt lite and property by needless the southwest. the youna eouple fires exCHds all such losses In wlll live at WlchJta Fa.lls. Texas. our nation's history. and near the Sheppard Field A1r Golne places! Of course, you "Whereas. a major percentaee Bue. Both ot the newlyweds are are! You'll be eotne all the of all fires can be prevented by Newport Harbor BJeh School RIGHT places and wearlne just cleantne up our rubbish and un-eraduates. the right thlne~at Is we hope necessary combustible materials --MMMMMMiiiiMiMiMi'i you'll be wearlne just the right and by eorrectlne other obvious thlnp f~om O'BRIEN'S ... you're flre huarda; sure to find oodles and oodles '1, Dora Hlll, Mayor of the of darllne clothes, perfect for City of Newport Beach, do here- you, at our ltof'tl. by designate the week or April W ..... beea particaiGlJ at- tr.tild to .... bra.d ..... ....-ad ww=• ......,.at.. aat .................... A c:w••'"9 _. tiMit, Jut •· rtftd Ia ... of dlmlautlft powctw bl• ad wlalte c:IMcb ..... ....,..s wttla rt.bboa ...... '=la._ed lato a _ _. tacbd ...... ad Cl .adrl full witb .......... piNta. U you're a eolfer or a trim tailored type you'll adore the s1nooth flttlna Sloat .eparates In windowpane check, c:rlap white wtth black or olive ereen-and 24 to 30 Inclusive as Spring Clean-Up Week and most re- spectfully call upon aU muntclp . al departments, manufacturing and retail Interests. civic clubs, women's associations. schools. churches, veterans' groups. youth oreanlzatlon.s and our people In ~neral to take a full and active part 1n thls campaign to clean up the home, store and factory of all rubblah and unnecessary eombtatlble accumulations. thus contributing to the maintenance of Newport Beach's reputation as a beautiful city." you may have the Bermuda 101r .OD TO McKEES MORRY'S SHELL SERVICE Invites you to COME IN AND GET AQUAINTED * * WE GIVE * Sll liED STIIPS _._eo-t.,.wat Next to~~ coao•A DEL IIU 4PORT . · r,1A:'.''t1 •"l. \44•• ...... ·,· ~JH/'1 ......... ... ,w. ... ·----- shorts to match. Sloat also A aon, Jeffery David, was bom make. beaut11ul aoUC! color Moy. to Mr. and Mrs. l ames McKH of auhel linen .epartcs.' Tailored 53llrvtne Ave., Newport Helehta. lOut all of Sloat's better ak:lrts In Boac Memorial Hospital on and~~ya~a~velnaru~¥W~~::~:ay~,~A:p:ill~l:a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~;~~~~~~~~~~ like color called captclne, a cool r :f.F!t~:.~~:th:.:::: Come in and Get Acquclintecl Qecll ................ -~ ... ..-.......... _ .. ................. ., .... ••• ta tM Mldll .. Jldat WN'f llldlt wtaa wide j I to _. _....__. ...... T ...... .... ~ But let'a NOT waate tiJM! Hur. ry on owr to ._ theM lovely fulllona. Ye.. we. too. are bold- tnt open hou.e biN at O'BaiEN'S tOIDOft'UW and Sa._.., (and aa mlDn7 mtnn:r ............. ,... aut come.) Tou'U like our new wide hltbwaJ (plent7 ol pUk. tq fr'Oftt an4 l)adl) &Del .. lOW to haw you ... the new ..,...,.. ,.. ..... O'UID'& ... .. -~u • I ] JS-c fJ~ 1t ·i· d l .. -1 - • J ~ • t .. ·~ ... -.. ·~ ... ... .. • .. • 'larft .. 'a "1.__.. ,.._ EIIIII"-E ... SaL a,r. D "VDY SPEIIIL" IPECIIL! PJa.lic Garden &. 7/16" ln.side diameter, FULL 1' GVAUJITEE.Dl ~ '1. ::. '311 16 .. Lawn Mower 5-Blade Rftl. 10'' Rubber Tires. Ball bearing whee I s , self Sharpening, special. $18 •• Clamp. to your Fallcft perm. anently. Hose always rea.dy to Ust>. $6.95 Tank Sprayer 1 ~ Gal. Easy to Fill, t>asy to use. $6.95 MiltSpmyS~ Ideal For nower Beds and Seedlings. Special at. 49c Garden Bake Steel Bow. 14-Teeth. Forg«>d Steel Head. spectal. $2.19 14 Cell. Cap. SPECIAL! At a Very Speda1 hb ~tter than you'll find an~· where at anywht>l't' n('ar this pn ce $9.95 GIVEN AWAY -FREE SPECIAL! .... .....,Oaft.la warn 1'0II.ET auT with Chrome. BI.nce at thJs low price! $4.69 SlllrUr .,. .... "'IIIIY" "RRP (1) Tole Gi..n Away DuriD9 Our BIG BARBECUE DEMONSTRATION I••• II II •••I Ill Y• FREE nCKEIS! * * * WE GIVE CBOWN STAIIPS· * * * .. CROWN HARDWARE .. na Film on Brazil . To Be Shown Karl loblMon. who recently 1'1\e ftlm abowa the headwaten FOR MESA'S RSH FRY ntumed from a trfp tbroutla ol. the mllhty Amuon and the • ••880a 'fDW PI'A Brazll, wW uow a eompreben-riftr' clty o1. Men•• carw4 from alve color-fUm at the Jfewport the lunlle 1,000 mJi .. up.tream Tbe ,..War Rubor VIew nA Bllh Scbool Au4Jtorhma on Mon-from the Adalltlc· the jun1Ie boar4 meetlnl wu held A&wD • day evenJn1, Kay 2. whtn wcetatt-.;.d &D1ma11U~ at the bolpe o1. Mra. Jlobld OlaD-Ocamlttee ch&Jmaaa of • wm be tn ~ fll u.. parade p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ carry on a ~ .trugle for d« In tfewport Belpta. ,..._ ~ and -~ and lud SUtber ..... Art Ma.en- a ahare ol Nil. air and 8p&ce; dent Mra. Warren Clemence..,.. tar~ lotll annual Colt& KeN a. and BW lllcl.a.toa ~ ch&rp 1/2 price I ....._.,~ ... , a-u ....... . s.~ .......... --. ........... , 1/2 price a ale TU .. Y anoK D• a OIU..w' • ..._..u.-.. BOt .-..,,. ......... PUIIICY IIA 1212 the Important city o1. Belem at aided at the meetlJl&'. IJone Club J"'ah Fry ID. CamJ. ol. P\ll'dl&alnc. J.-. lAke wUJ the mouth ot the Amason ud It wu announced that ... val • lwae ' an• 5 In eo.ta be In clluae of parade IDfl'chlnl the rivet laland of M.arajo larcer Gordon McMahon, .-.~ ad )(.. haft been annouaced 'by and banda. than Swlqerland. ' mean~ chairman, wtll attend tile Walt )(111•. prealdent of the Tbe queen conte.t wm be dJ- BrazU has a populatJon of 150 56th atate convenUon of the Call-lJona Club and ~eral commit. rected by RAly Bartzler, Leo Lee, millJon wtth an area lareer than fomla Congress of Parent. and tee cbalnnan. ArlJe Swartz, Al Bollt.ter and the United state. and 11 a 8tOfe. Teachers. Inc.. at the Sbrlne Plana tor a crowd expected to BtJl McManus; Ia Mtller and boule of tabulou non an4 Au4Jtodum In t.o. AD,elea on readl 65,000 durlnl the ~-end lob Gronlund, apeclal events· fauna and ot unmeuured min-May 4, 5 and ~· 1beme tor the are belne made tor the two-day Btll Brown. pet parade; k~ eral we;.lth. All of the modern ,convention Ia -reamworlt Does event In eo.ta Mesa Park. Use of Rima, beauty contest; Bud Meara. bustling cttJes. the small towns It." The Fourth Dtatrfct meeting the park .tll allow people to fol-baby contest; Les Miller, maater and vUiages, the ereat Industries wtll be held AprU 21 at Fullerton low the stage events without the of ceremonies; Jerry Lovejoy, and the Intensely lnterestJne Union Hnlgh School dlscomfort of standlne on 18th electrical, and Bob Shorey, sound people wUl be seen by the '!arm-Mrs. Milo G. Lacy,. home read. St.. the custom during previous equipment. chalr" traveler In this very beau. toe and library services chair-years. • Heinz Kaiser wlll bead cook- tltul tilm. man, reported that a set of 15 A total of $8.000 was dl.strlb-tne and dlnlne arrangements. A Chmifiecf Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediote results! Con Harbor I I 14-11 IS and orove itl EWellllt•..P'• YARN SHOP "Better Uvtne Booklets" Ia avaU-uted to various youth movements New eatln& plana In the park able at the ~~ehool and wUl be In the area 1n the nine months will make it poulble for c:llnen on dJaplay at the next PTA meet-following the lut carnival, Mr. to follow all events trom the ta. tne. · Miller pointed out Proceeds from bJea. It w1ll a1ao allow chUdren A check In the amount ot ts the annual tlah fries are used to to play ln the park ln an' area for a subecrlptlon to a national support youth activities In the whJcb will be roped ott for them . maeaztne was donated to Hoae harbor &reL Ho.pltal Maeazlne Fund. The Servfne with Mr. Mlller In Zo nt t H I d money made trom the recent PTA plannlnl the carnival and din-a 0 0 ~~a. c.-IDifttw•r Benefl,t Show w1ll be uaed to buy ner Include Forrest Foaer, ad-c.-... liar IIA _, reference booka f« the lcllool mlntmatlon; Frank Hruza, con-Install t• KnJttln~ Crochetin! and . chUdnn and teachers and to structlon and new equipment; a I 0 n NeedKn~':; ~~~lea meet the PTA budeet. Frank Bluell, Don Butts and Open bou.ae at Harbor View Rick Thun.atrum. set up and IMtaJlatJon dinner party for Spec~~~~=-School wUl be held from 7 to 9 clean up; Art McXenzle, aecur-Zonta Club will be held next BOUIII p.m. Friday, April 29, In observ. tty; AJ Oeden and Bert SmJth, Thursday evenlne at 6:30p.m. at . c.n.a dill liar Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ance of School Week. cunival with sub-committees, the VHla Marina aquarium 'room. ~~;;:;~~~~;;;;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Parkes. banner aales; ".Arlie Tonight the local Zontlana wlll 3127 .. Coast • .,.,. WearJMml• rr IIUDSOWS TO aE ao•om Swartz and Bert Smith. booth take the "galloplne eavel" to A dinner 1s l)lanned tor Mon. sales; Art Meyers, location of Long Beach, whee a proeram gifts from Karen ~greta lmpons 21653 E. Cout Hwy. Corona ckl Mar wtll be presented by the Harbor. day, May 9, at St. Andrews Pres-stancb and booths; Aubrey Olle-ltes under the dtrectJon of Dr. byterlan Church to welcome the er and Jack Hirtle, .tand per. Helen Roberbon. new assistant pastor and his sonnet, and Arlie Swartz. store-In the absence of the district wile, Dr. and Mrs.. Ewing Hud-keeper. son. Into the congregation. Bruce Martin and Bob Stevens eovemor, Vlrginfa Eastllck. the -------------------....!...' ----program for last Tbunday's Dog License, Dates Changed luncheon meetJne was presented by Mare&ret Relnert's couatn. M1as Dorothy Findon, who ar. rJved last week from England. LEGAL JIO'f1CES LEGAL •ona: Miss Findon of Kiddennlnster, OaDIRAJICZ •o. 746 Collector at hJa office In the City Worcesterab~ County, Eneland, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Hall, an annual llcen.e tax of entertained the gruop with a OP NEWPORT BEACH AMEND-Two Dollars, and every person resume of her voyaee aboard the lNG SECMON 4110 OF THE MU-who harbors an unapayed female Dongedyke, Holland . American NICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF dog over the age of three months Une, leavtne England March 19 NEWPORT BEACH. CHANGING wJthln the City, shall pay to aaJd and arriving In America April 12 THE PERIOD POR UCENSING Coll.ector an annual Ucen.e tax vta the Panama Canal. She wUJ DOGS FROM A FISCAL YEAR of 'lbree Dolla.ra. The Collector return to Eheland by plane the TO A CALENDAR YEAB. shall dellvt;r to the person mak-last of July. The people of the ctty of New-lng such payment a 11 c en a e Betty Paee ot The Brat Shop, port Beach do ordaln u tollowa: whJch aball deecrtbe the 4oa, ~ Costa Mesa. under the cl...Wea- SirnON 1: Section 41.10 o1. the P*h• wttla a ..al or JMtalUe tlon ot Merchandllltll. Infanta Munlclpal Code ta hereby amend-plate havlnr thereon the number and Odldren'a Clothln-. wu ln- ed to read as follows: ot such Ucen.ee and tteurea tndJ. ltJated u a new member. -s.cu-411L Dop. U cvnrl... eating the year for which the Other euests Included Dr. Hel. NUWDAY. AN&~ 1 .. lcwe that ALEX COLEMAN look So wear everywhere wonderful ... this skirt and blouse ensemble in coolie hat cotton prinl The blouse, about $7; the skirt, about $10. WeW.. ... a... . ...... Every person who harbors a male license baa been paJd, and shall en Trotte, Mrs. William D. John. a121 E. c-t ..... ..,, c-cllll _.._ a OTAL OOPEJOIAC Elf CBDIA. SWEDISJI CIITBTAL DAJIJSII dog or spayed female dog over enter-Into a book. to be kept In son and Mlsa Jane Ostrande, a ~~~=~==~~~=~:=:===:=:=======~:l SD.VEIL FDflnSB DDQfEBWAJIE. OII:BJSTXAS CIUIDS the age of three months within hls office for that purpose, the "Zonta Glrl ot the Month" frorrl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~th~e~C~~~Y~·~ah~al~l~~~Y~~~th~e~U~~~;·~n~~the~er~ad~~N~~borH~~~. r-tlon of the dog registered under "Petite Ville" Gra1tllll IIIIa of s-r ... Whethe r by land or by sea-you will be fashion-wise, i n American golfer's Sailing Blues (A) CLASSIC front buttoning classic, trimmed \Vfth braid and eagle emblem- available this summer. In any one of Salllng Blues' bri111ant colora. Sizes 10 to 20, 12% tb 20% -49.95. (B) Sleveless Coat Dress with a touch of braid, and an embroidered star pocket emblem. So rteht. too, In al~ and prtce- 10 to ~ and 12~ to 20~ at 110.t5. -..::LD'U'fELY AT 'I IJI,lfJ,. $'-f- •••~ LADIES' APPAREL the provlalona of this Code. Dup. Local Pup·· Is Ueates shall be taaued for lost tap tor ruty cents upon the fU. tng of proot ot S\lcb lou. s uch To Compete metaJJlc taes ahall be attached to a collar or harness and such collar or harness with the at. Four Newport Harbor High tached tae shall be kept on auch School students, who are cup doe at all times, excepttne as ln winners tn the Bank of America thla Code otherwise provided. Achievement Awarcb, will com. Don't let the nmne fool you • • • We cany ............... ...,.. and apeaklne of halt .alza, we proudly announce that ::e. ean DOW otter you the "'E4Jth Martin" line of half ...... ~U...-.ybelltl •· L • • • Toa caa c:taar,. lt at • • . The llcen.e fee herein men-pete today (Thunday) ae alnat tioned &hall be due and payable cup wlnnen trom other hleh on the flrat day of January of IIChoola of this zone before a each year, and shall expire on judgln& panel of civic leaders. the thlrty-flnt day of December These four are Donald Beatty, next ensuing. Where a doe Ia ac-whose general field of study ta quired after the first day of De-science and mathematJca; Judy S4GI L c..i JUtll'INJ cember, the Ucerue tee thereon Stewart Jn tine arts; Charles eon.a dill liar shall be due on the date of a.c-Rice, in liberal art.1, and Sue -..ttW qulsltlon of such doe tor the en-Kelm ln vocational arts. They ••• suing calendar year and there-have already been selected by ,.. Y~'Y'Y'Y~'¥'¥'¥'Y'YY.........,'Y'Y'Y..,Y'Y~ after on the flrat day of January a committee ot faculty members ~ y• ALL COME BYI .,. of each succeedine year. In their own IIChool. ~ In the event that any person Certltlcate wtnnen from Har-e • shall tan, neelect or retuae to bor Hlp tndude lane o.trander ior macb or d inne-~ pay the required llcerue tax be-In the tfeld ot laboratory science; ~ --•• • tore the flrat day of April ot each ~.!'~ Sh.:wEn U:,_mh ualc; RJchard ~ • day or Di9hl • • • • calendar yeu, a penalty wJll be • • eua ; Jerald HJll. ,.. • aaease4 throu&t\ the Increase of bert, ln foreten lan(Uaeea; Suml ~ Wne .,_ e'fiii'Jclay. M boan ... the Ucerue tax u followa: For Shteald, In home t!c.'Onomtca ; and ~ every male or qa~ temale Gene WqiOMf, ln arrJculture. ~ doe. Two Dollars and Fifty Zone wlnnen will receive cub IPEM PLATE LU.I 'Jie ~ Cent.; and tor every unspaye4 awards raneiJll trom '100 to t • female doe, l'cMir Dollars." NXJO. Pinal judefnr tor top JLDn OF .UDIICI roa ova •• .,... WOWI ~ All llcenaa heretofore taaued Mnior atuck!nta trom hlp Jehooll .,. for the tltcal year 1954-19:2S shall ot the .authland and further DENNIE'S CAFE . ~ December :u, 1955. ~! at the Statler Hotel. In remain In force and ettect unUl cub prize awards will be made l:::: J SECTION 2: The ,bove and pia " .... c..t mtt war C... cW .._, fcre~tne ordinance shall be • publlahed once In the Newport Fw .......... •••hf 11 .. ••••••• • • A A+. ..................... Harbor Enaten. a n.....,.per of 1H1 INSieN. HA. 114 · f eneral ctrculatlon, printed aod publWaed and elleuJated In t111e Clty ol Newport Beadl, and tile same ahall be 1ft tuU force and I!Ueet 30 daya .,. thJa pulal'e. The fcnrolnl ordin&JX.'e wu lntroctueed at • ~ IIMitlnl of tbe City Coulldl ot tbe City o( Jlfewport ~ .... • tiM Utbdqot~ ..... .. nnan, p&~~~M u. a r 111:1 • tbit 1ldt dar, ol ~ u-. ~ .... ~. ~ :~~--~ ............ I I .... -~ .. g.... . ..... : ...... AI "'· oa:-~-. 0.~ ..... .g 111 .............. ~-----~~--....,....._..__._ __ .....,_.....,.--._......,...._...:.,.~~C. L ....... Clip Gilt&. • • I N1', ....U. U. ... ..-.um ........ .., ,. .. .:.I ~ ~!l , ~~ • the POUCE aona neeu For New tr~gh ·School Plant aDd one 14. ...,. anwted by e WDIIDDA1', AJIIIL U ol Yorba Linda ancl Donald T., ~ ld By Su SDVD AT a&eaulf 8UOI Stationed with tiM maln1eAUce MC'tlon at the Marine C«pe Jte. cruJt Depot ln San Dleco II ftc. John W. Adltftl, .on of lf.r. and M.ra. lacob ~ of ml7 au. bor Blvd., eo.ta Meea.-._He en. tered the ler"V'lce In lanua.ry, liM. Newport po11oe at U :.S p.m. Sat. Oillclra wen blamed tGt mall llJcllard, )1, ot TwtJn wwe ID· s o PI UldQ' at layalde Dr. ancl Matln. taken from a boat at-~ AIDe-volftd ill a propetJ 4amap ae. e Ave. on eb.arpll ot pa u Ilion ot thYit Ave.. Balboa Jala.Dd, whlcb dc1at et 1111t a tD4 S.tbore an alcobolJc beverap aucl cur-wu eeatt.encl ill tbe Mtcbbcw· Dr .. 1n1t ... port •• , ., iiiDW&i a. DAYIDIC:* 2lleMol Dliltrlet ..... ,_...., 06• aad uve ct.t.tlncul.abecl few .solation. hoocl 1 •• A bit &Del nm car e IA~1' • ..a. 11 Supeint.dmt, Newport Bubcw ...,.,._. Ia 11-. a.Dcl a ....,.. o1 aeJw. in them. Tlae boy, 14, waa allo duarpd IIWerve4 &Del htt bla car at Jtth Someone cut bla plaatlc Ptden Unloa Bleb Sc:tiool m.trtct. ~ ....._ ,.,._ •• ,.., dM!tt d=~alb olllfe and with e&n'7bll a deaclly weapon St. and Balboa m.d.. Newpon hoee In thrM plac.e du.rlnl tbe Tbroup the cou.rte.y ot the n..o ......_ 1Moy ~ aad abow the avera:e ranka ftla_h alter a ltraJJ)lt-ed~ ra.zor wu BMdl. L1'e V. ltawa.rt ol 5101 nJIJit, Georp Pr&Ddaot 3/J'IIiiGD-X .-..pelt ,Harbor Enalp ancl the luq. Dae•ld 1 . .,... fill tM '=======· ==========~=~~::; found in bla W alone wtth Seaabcn Dr., Jfewpwt Beaeb. teto St., Balboa, .reported • • . Harbor BJih CltbeM ~. ortPaal ao.r4. ..m ....we ta the II a third-tun bottle ot Wht.key tn complalfted • • • A I10JI5 ..nm A Q) portable electrlc drW ill a I am IJven the as>portunlty of Newport J1art.c. ANa. the wat..tbancl ot bla pantJL All .Wt wu .mien from bet ~ctre., box wtth a 1ft ot drtlla were 11to1. ta.1ldq cllrectly with the trienda luqe 0oc1p 1au ~ ac:bnltted to dr1nldn1. poUee aalcl. lin. C. B. ao.e of 112 VIa Koroa. en from hla unloc:kecl 1u.,e, of publlc echleation.. bla valuable w view far tbe en. They were taken to juvenUe lJdo Iale, ~ ••• Stuart Robert Gurley of~ E. Balboa By lhil tlme a majority of'our tiN 25 ~ uc1 bat ...... to home ln Santa Ana with applf. Waldrip ot Whttt1• reported the Blvd., Balboa, repol'ted .•. lames cltizena mu.tt know that an elec. be a eaadiAiate for r..elecdon In catlona for petltlona tuecl r tow Ia. ol. hta 8Wlm fin.t at the Co-C. Mobre, 39, ol Lynwood wu tlon .Ia beiq held on May Db Ma.y. KaDy otba> ~t dti- thelr appearance tn juvenlle rona del Mu main beach • • . booked on a vatrancy charge, to cSeterm.lne whether or not. we 7A!II8 have pven nlu•ble .en1ce court. Furntture wu thrown from hla and Robert F. Mabry, 40, of west. ahall bulld ~new four-year blgh on the Board ·ol ~ lndud. r-----------... dock .Into the bay Sunday night. mlMtmo on a charge of belnl fn. 8Chool to relieve the crowded alt. 1.nc the late Dr. P. c. Perry, Mra. and wbe.n Jt wu recovuecl there toxtcated In an automobile at uatJon ea\llecl by the unprece. Frances Neaon, A. B. Fttzpatrtc.k wu an extra dlaJ.r, Dr. W. C. Me-Balboa Blvd. and 16th St., New. dented erowth of our populatJon. ancl S. A. Stowell. the record ol Ca.rthy of 130 S. Bay Front. Bal-port Beach, at 2:50 p.m. ... Rol-So many new residents have .mo. aehteYement 1 u r v 1 v e a boa laland, reported . . . Some. land C. Morton, 33, of 515 las.. moved Into the Newport Harbor them on earth. one drove by and threw a cream mine Ave., Corona del Mar, was Union High School District that e .oe II&D YO!'D pi~ with great force through arrested on a drunk driving It eeema lmporta.nt to tell aome. **lbclww of the Fountain Grill, charge at .17th St. and Coast thinl about the HJgh School and 1 was eelected In December E. Coast lfwy., Corona del Hwy., Newport Beach, at 4:20 Ita problems. In 1929 th18 district 1929 u Superintendent of the ln- 6:43 a.m. . • . p.m. . . . wu Included In the Santa Ana !ant project. A twmty.tJve year e •NtlftA"(. ...U. l C e IO'JrDAT • ...a. 17 City School District. which was bond lasue of $410,000 wu voted Warren Detrick of 703 Narcls. Two boles were punched into collecting all the high .school by an overwhelming majority. IU.a Ave., Cclrona del Mar, report-the bottom of hla 10.foot aklft, taxes In t.bl1 area. High school Marab, Sm1th and Powell Weft eel the theft of a wheelbarrow the deck w,. tom ott and the pupils attended two junior hJeh selected u 8Chool ardlltect.a. A ... Paul Moore ol396 E. 21at St.. craft untied by aomeone, lack schoola In Santa .Ana; the Santa lite of twenty.flve acres wu pur. Coda Mesa, reported the theft Chapple ot 219 Vla Quito, Udo Ana Senior High School, and chued from the Irvfne Company from the tun zone beach, BaJ. Isle, reported . . . Huntington Beach High School. and the tuk ol bullcltnl a new boa, Of hta lev1a. a towel, a pair (Coatlmaed CD Pap 16) • ftUAlfCT WAS COIOIOif Institution where none had been ol $40 tla.ues and his wallet con-Parents bad little or no con-before wu begun. H b tact 1 h th CoMtructton of the MW cool talnln• ldentWc.atlon and about ar or Dept. w t e schools; tran.spor. $5 • • • A car driven by Gary tatJon arrangements were very wu beeun In June U30 ancl Its Plueencla of Santa Ana backed H d looee; tr-uancy was a common doors were opened ill September Into a dty Ugbt pole on the a 198 Calls situation and although adequate of the aame year with cona:truc Ocean Front between 20th St. taxes were being paid. parents Uon nearly complete on three and 2Lit St. and knocked 1t over. The harbor department handled wue not aatlstled with the edu-bulldtnea -the present Mal n e PmDA1'. AI'IIIL 15 198 calla during March, Harbor catlonal aceommodatlon thelr Building, the 8oyJ( GymnuJwn Carol Kanold of 301 36th St., Muter Ruasell Craig hu notJ.flecl children were securing on the and a part of the praent Shops. Newport Bucb, reported the the Newport Beach clty council high school level. About l60 students In the 9th. theft from the tun zone beach of and Oran1e County harbor com. In addition to the educational lOth and llth trades arww~ a pair of peddle pu.abera, awtm misaton. dl.aadvanta1es the Newport Har-the first call of eleven faculty THE ISLANDERS, at 2846 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. A Dec- orator Sample Room combining wallpaper, fa.brtcs and carpet. lnr aamples in thJa beautiful, spacious building. The Wand- ers now have two stores. the new one. pictured above, and the long~bllahed Furniture and Gift Shop at 214 Marine Avenue. Balboa lal.and. serving the Harbor Area and Southern Orange County. * Corona del Mar -Bcrlboa Wand fi.Da. basket and bath towel . . . The department lssued 15 speed bor ecc>!Jomk situation was bad. members and tbe f1nt school TWo bicycles valued at $SO apiece citations, made 11 other arrests, At the close of the summer sea. year of Harbor Bllh wu under were atolen from the drlveway of found and destroyed 11 deftllcta, aon the area was practically de. way. The seniors continued dur hta home, lohn B. Ktngley or 319 held two row boats for ldentW-aerted by the summer residents. lng l930-3l at Santa Ana Blgh ~================:::::::l:.--=:s:::iiiii::C:::Z~ VIa Udo Soud, Udo We, com. cation and return and listed The N~rt Harbor Chamber of School by contractual arrange. r platned ... ottlcers were unable eight row boats lost and not re-Commerce felt that a high school ment betweftl the dl.strkt& to locate three boys reported covered. Twelve row boats were In thla aru wu essential In or-• laD urJIOI IIQJIT I shooting rifles at a bottle in the found and returned durlne the der to attract year around resi-It 18 a fu.cry from th~ fragile North Bay channel, Balboa Ia.. month, alx speed complaints and dents. beginnings to the institution of land, between the bridge and 18 other complaints received, • DISTBJcr OBCAJJIZED Newport Harb<n HJgb School as ft:..a.a......&..-.19 I... ..La Grand canal . . .ll B. L&gerlof three gum vessels accomtnodai-For the reuons above enum-It 18 today. Ita staff now con-I .,__I .. .., of 315 Jtings Pl., Clltf Haven, re· ed, two shore moorings and one erated It ls easy to understand slsts of 67 well quallt1ed faculty ••• ported hla 110n's bicycle stolen offshore mooring •ue' installed why Costa Mesa and Newport members. The student body from in front of 443 Irvine Ave .. and 92 mlacellaneoua calla an. Harbor cltJz.en.s got togethu to reached a peak enrollment 19M- Newport Heights ... "Can drlven awered. work for the establishment of a 55 of 1,620. The school has al by wwtam l . Ketterlngham. 21, The department also handled new high achool even though a ways been fortunate In having ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~ one ftre call, three rescue caJU. majority of the tax money came the direction of a competent you briDg 1M laundry w. clothe work ••• New Low Pnc:. WillE- gave usJatance to 8e'Veft luge from th~ Newport Beach area Board of Trustees who have giv. boata ancl five tmall boats dur-and most of the children came en encouragement to the aelec 1 lnl the month and lnveaipted from the eo.ta Mea area. (That tlon or most competent teacb«s. one boat bl'oDn Into at a moof· th1a altuatlon t. rapidly chant· ~ constnactlve but ~tlve in1. inl we shall ahow In a latu tn. edacaUonal poUcy baaed upon stallment.) scholastic achievement and a Alter a lot of hard work and thrifty management of public surmountln1 of many diWcul-funds to secure the utmo.t 1n re- tles, including the enactment of aulta at minimum cost. Spedcrlhring in Cclrcla • EDVCA'nOIIAL TOTS PLAJR MODELS AJfD ACCESSOmES LEJfDDfC LmUJIT •• Cr•••• 1111 c.; ..,, lp l .... , ... UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT • laydee Tunowakl, 7, of 538 --c: c::-'..::"• Tustin Ave .• Newport Heights, new legislation In Sacramento, During the past twenty-five the Neyport Harbor Unlon High years this school has risen In atandJng to a ~ltion where It Is BROOKINGS WASHEREIIE (...-.._ J•'•) suffered. minor injuries when be 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii crashed hla bicycle Into the front 1 right fender ot a car driven by lack Marsden, 47, of 2553 Santa Announcement ••• VAN'S CLEANERS Now Under .. IIUIIEIEIT * 0 . F. (Polly) WARREN Fonner Owner "live Wn" a..n.n LAGUNA BEACH, For 14 yeen * 30 YE.ABS' EXPEBJENCE in "QUAJJ1T' e DIY CLEANING e DYEING e HAND PltESSIN6 • KNIT kOCKIN6 e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTERATIONS, REPAIRING * * * 0,.. I ..._ .. St. p.a.. -......y. U "' ..-. a. a. c..e-.y .............. o.n.. ...... Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, on New- port Heights, at 2:50 p.m. Sun- day, Newport pollee reported. The boy was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for treatment. The accident occurred on River- aide Ave., 100 feet west or Clift Dr. at the entrance to an alley. The boy drove out of the alley and t\lt the fender Of the pass- Ing car, pollee explained. 2· Ytar-GN Drllka •.•. ,., ••. Robert Michael Foglesong. 2. of Los Angeles. drank an un- known quantity or turpentine at 703~ Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar, at 4:25 p.m. Sunday, New- port pollee report. 'nle boy wu with hJs parents, Mr. and Mra. Robert Fogleson1 Sr., who were lookln1 for an apartment for rent at that address. The victim wu taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital by pollee for treatment. The turpentine. coJ. ored white from paint. wu be- lnl u.ed by 10me boys palntJng at 703~ Heliotrope Ave.. pollee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~d~=== L. I • , •' Wlllltr .. llitlbl ......... ,,. Gerald L. Rose. 41, of 6710 S. Broadway, Wblttler. suffered a fatal heart attack while In an outboard mot or boat In the har- bor entrance at 2:46 p.m. Sun- day. Newport pollee report. The victim was accompanied by his son. Richard Rose. snd a neph ew, Alton B. Todd of Whittier . The victim was taken to the har bor department dock. where first aid artificial respiration was given by Howard Delng hausen of the harbor depart ment, Flre Capt. Ed Zube and Life Guard Lt Bob Moore. A phy slclan pronounced the victim dead and the body was removed to Baltz Mortuary. The funeral wlll be held In Whittier. lra111lll1 S. wiota ,_ ....... ..., •.••. , Graveside ~ were held Tuesday at Melrose Abbey Ceme tery for Randy Galloway. 6-day. old 101\ of Mr. and Mrs. David 1. Galloway of 1691 Walnut Place, Colta Mesa. Rev. Charles Hand otfJdated. Parkes.Ridley Mortu. ary was in charge. The baby wu born Friday. Apttl 8. at Boag Memorial Hoa. pltal. Newport. and died Thurs- day, April 14. In Children's Boa. pltal. Los Ante* Other ~. on are th~ maternal JH.ftdpar· enta, Mr. and Mn. Doyle Gnvlna Of Santa Ana llellhts and t.be J)lt.temal pandiiiiOUMr, Mrs. Mary A.lllbaup of o.ta M.._ among the best In the nation. Its aps-oximately 3.000 graduates are dUpersed all over the world VARIETY STORE 3301 E. Coast Bwy. COROllA DEL MAll A BANI THAT IS WORTHY OF YOUR CONFIDENCE W e are proud of our Statements of Concht1on April II, 1955 Cash -902,462.75 U. S. Government Securiues -· 2,185,657.40 Loans ----·-···---·· 1,362,195.72 De...-ita .---------~.4.504.000.19 U you have not already done ao come in cmd qet acquainted. April 15, "54 563,934 .45 1,637,638.39 1.496,844.39 3,755,234 .04 We cxm offer you friendly and efficient •rvioe. f ' CALLING QQ. 1 suppose that all columnists ter of tact. t.he last Ume I saw a suffer. at various tlmes. from an gray whale was In Tunisia when occupational ailment for which we buUt a stUl to make alcohol there Is a medically descriptive out of the Tunisian wine. You, term. This Indisposition Is "Avft. along with many others. may amlnosis I 0 -A." An avltamlnos. not recall this Incident but if you you know, Is what results from have kept any charts of hospital a lack of some essential vitamin attendance just look for the high. or vitamins. The vitamins which est rate and that wlll be the ap. are presently missing In the life proximate date of the appearance of this paper-mater are "1-D·A." of the gray whale In the Tunts.. This Is not pronounced "Ida." ian desert. after the fashion of hurricane. Any decent soclety, whether namers. Each letter Is uttered In-they are watching for gray dlvidually like reciting the A-~ whales or for a Husband's Tern, es. There Is, I'll admit. a soft should have ottlcers. I suggest treatment of the "A" in this case. that, being closest to the scene It abould be pronounced more of possible observation, you con- like the "uh" in "ugh." Do you stltute yourself the Great Gray get the Idea? That's exactly Whale. Calla han and I could what 1 found myself without serve as Whale Watchers-In-Chief about the tlme this week's dead-or the Midwest and the East ~­ line began to bulge from my sub-spectlvely. conscious. I have been on the wagon for e DIIT WEE&: Lent and consequently have neg. It had been a dry week. In-lected everything for work, but stead of flsh.lng, whale watching, I hasten to auu.re you that wtt1l or p~parJng for May Day snake the end of the great drought ln safari, I had held my nose to the sight I am preparing with un· grindstone and about Thursday paralleled fervor for a return to had run out of water. The only my whale watching actlv1Ues. bright spot of the week was the Believe me I am prepared to go conclave of the members of the to almoet any lengths to sight Horseless Carriage Club, up at one. Gene Clark's Buffalo Ranch, last My very best personal regards. Sunday. But. try as I could. it I am, cordially yours. John G. was Impossible to find a ny con-Hoagland." nectlon between a Locomobile. e ACCEPTAJICE: Reo, circa 1908. Judge Raymond Thank 'you, John. Your letter Thompson. a Stanley Steamer-supplied me with the yltamlns and fishing. Here was Tuesday I so sorely needed. It did for me and still no vitamins! what my Nutrlllte couldn't do. e SAVEDI And I deeply appreciate your It's quite remarkable how suggestion that I constitute my. quickly one can recover from the self the Great Gray Whale of the symptoms of Avitaminosis ID-A. 79th G.W.W.G. Your very aug. once the necessary essential nu. gestlon of It is Instantly inter. trlants are suppTled. My cure and preted as an affirmative vote. this week's column-came by With my own "yes" vote, that mall. Being unable to Improve does It! We won't even have to on anything emanating from the consult Daniel Callahan. who is agile brain of John G. Hoagland, too busy to write letters, let alone his most recent communication vote. By a two-thirds majority. I is reproduced herewith in toto. reckon 1 am henceforth the Great By way of introduction. John Gray Whale. Now, by the author- G. Hoagland ls former lleuten tty Invested In m y title and of. ant. and fighter-pilot Jack Hoag flee, I hereby appoint you AlJ. land of the famous 79th Fighter Seeing Eastern Eye. In the same Group, U.S.A.A.F.. from which breath, I designate Callahan aa th at unique organization. the All-Seeing Mid-Western Eye (ln. 79th Gray Whale Watc hIn g eluding the Great Lakes Region). Group. derived Its traditions and And tt Callahan doesn't quit his Its ancestry. Jack Is now In perennial contracting and come charge of advertising for Camp. up with some comment approprt. bell Soups. Ready, Callahan? ate to the Inland activities of the Batten. Barton. Durstlne & Osborn. Inc. 383 Madison Avl>., N. Y. 17. N. 'i_· Dear Doc: I have received the two col- umns rE'gard1ng the 79th Gray Whale Watch ing Group. I am de- lighted to know that there are others who are as Interested in watching gray whales as I. In, aamuch as they are relatively scarce alone the Connecticut shoreLine, I have had to sublim- ate my gray whale Interest in favor' of the Connecticut Chowder and Marchlnc Society. M a mat· 79th G r a y Whale Watching Group, the Great Gray Whale is going to reduce hls rank to Less. er Pectora l Fluke. You've been warned. Daniel! By the way, John, do they wear red fiannel ahlrta up ln Connecticut! Callahan wtll sec. ond my suggestion that a red shirt is the one necesaary piece of uniform needed It you intend to do any ~ally serious whale- watchlnf. Callahan wore b1a the whole way back to Chlcaro. He aatd It matched the color of hll .. , ... ,.. AJIIIL u. ·-_ ... , ... ......,..., PalDttDP ..,. .......... eoro. na .a Mar art11t. wW be edaJb- 111'. Otq =n, a ..._ ...,._ IWd b tM ~net. ol A.pril at Nil~ .. put Jll'lllleat ol dM tbe Collactor'a lt.D. ad lload- Jf..-port Oceu la1llq AeiOda· ..,. Ave., ~ ADoUae' llboW Uon. touiMIIn ud ......,. o1 t .. turtna Jaao pabatlap wuf be Ute anaual w:n-nada race. hel4 nat IDOIIda Ia lloUJwood. Dor othy Jo Dance Studio rine2 =-25c LIUTI'--»/a ca. Fruit Coc:ktail 33( Call for a complimentary Make up of our Mary Hulep Cosmetics 2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Harbor 3-499 Director: Dorothy Jo Swanson ln.ltructor for NATIONAL ACADEMY of DANCE and AFFilJA TED A.R11STS • Call Blrllor 1114 lor Jolt . Prilllillg ijipleJCider ~ 33( £GIS "" d: 47 ~ SOAP Clallt 55~ EL .AIEO 111 1ah lty~ lalod IItie fttted .A.LI.KTI" IUliiWEET -········ · ······ · OLIVES !!.. 35( Beef Stew ::. .... 53( Prune Juice 29( LDnlUY ..-....... _ AIIDDIOil·--.... _......:,___~_ OLIVES ~---.. 25( Split Pea Soup 17~ OBEEJI CLUIT :... . . .. 19( TiSSUE :..~ .... 19( r.;Hi;a.hs aJT OF BOJ(ET-cr. Style ~ lv.DJOa ftat C.... =v:-:M~CA=LJIPI=:---:-1--.--. .. ;; ... ':":::----------- CORN :..... . 1(1( Conage Cheese19' Tenderoni .1o-2'1 ....... OP '** •• 0 ' . IICIID .. -,.. • ~---······ J TUNA ~: .............. XI' MI .. AmpiRer 551 IIEIRZ CATSUP ~-......... 15¢ WiYi~ .... 21( AjAx IIEMET Spinach 2'"'33f • II; ~HITS 6 n ee HE![~ ) COLOSSAL AVOCADOS 2 f« 19( LAilCE SIZE CUCUMBERS 2 fM 19( KEW SWEET PEAS 3' .. 29( nwcao• NEW POTATOES 6 1~29( ~; ~ H D If 'I f CD 0 c, ROUND STEAK SWISS STEAK ROLLED ROAST GROUND ROUND 1~. Chuck Roast 39L- Lean Ground Beef 4L.!'l00 ' I ' Long Horn Cheese BACON: ..