HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-28 - Newport Harbor Ensign• Harvey D. Peaae. Incumbent. of Balboa Island. and William H. Spurgeon m of Cliff Haven are In the race for the one vac~ncy I 'l);~;;,i~~ on the board ot UU.tees of the ~~ Newport Beach Elementary BY~~ School District. C. Ch.l.sholm c• I:*::I*C*ICX*::I*CZ'ICX*:X:ICI*C!EC:ZI:*:ic:l*ICX*?::I*C*C' Brown and Albert Ogden, both • STIIAIIa.:. TBAJI ncno• Incumbents. and Maryallce wn. eon. bouaewtte, are candidates tor the two posts on the Costa Mesa Elementary School District board of trustees. Judge Donald 1. Dodge of Cos- ta Mesa and 1. Leslie Steffensen, lumberman of Corona del Mar, Incumbents. and Robert L.. Allen The bellt tale-of-th&week l.sn't a fi.sb .tory, but I beard It from a ftsbennan. Here's one that's good enough tor Ripley. The fish. ennan. by the way, Is 1. H.(Bert) MUla ot 43 Balboa Coves. Bert Is skipper ol tlle fl.shlnc boat, the Lorna Pat n, out of the 19th St. Landlnc. He told the story at the of Balboa, purchasing agent; Dr. Balboa Ancllnc Club stae party Edward W. Milum of Bay Shores at the Irvine Coast Country Club iK'd Frank L.. Woodland of New- Jut Friday eveninc. He broucht port Hetcht.s. lnveetment broker. alone a letter to prove that are candidates for the two poal. tale wu not the reault of an tlons o~n on the board of trus- aeute attack of fishing pox. tees of N~rt Harbor Union e FOD DUD OJIES HJp School. Seems like tt must have been Louis Conrady of Westminster slow flahlnc on the Lorna Pat n and Dr. Horace Parlter of Balboa one day early 1n Aucu.t. l951 Island. Incumbents, and Dr. Rob- Bert had taken his party away ert H. Olander of Cliff Haven are ov~ to the San Clemente I.aland. candidates for the two vacancies m. customers had bad four bot. on the board of trustees of Or- tles aboard when they shoved ott ance Coast College. la to tbe pre-dawn darkness. At that time the bOttles were full. On the way Mek, about half. way bet•een San Clemente and the east end of Catallna, 801Dt'- one, eomehow, cot an Idea. The auccest:Jon was that they put a card In each of the four bottles, now u cte.d u jelterday's news- paper, and offer a reward of one Hollar for each card that wu re- turned All hands a.,.cl. and before ,ou could aay "J*)d.l bar· racuda." the bottles-and en- cla.ed carcll eo ere adrift. Bade at tbe 1lda St. Landlna. the ,uartette fc:qot all about tJw whole d&lr, IIICM'dall.Y -.rt. who told the,_ Gl tbe part,y,that no one ewr tot a IdeS • ol an ftDPtf ~ bottle. (Contiauecl on Pace 11) Garden Tour Change Made TBE f'IIOPEB. 1' attlnd c:llaaf. tear ,_. tllle C.... del IICII' llllgla-.y ....... "9 ..w.atioG Jaa P'l1day was Jl~ Jlo1aa. wood ··--u. •.....-t s.6c)btll nUdeat aact ODe ...... 019GD- ....,. of a local dlclptJTI' of tho Jl at I o • al Boltel .. Canioge C ab. ._. IlL llolmwood Ia at tbe w-...1 of laJa llcFarlaD I. Cl •• b.p. ftbJcle bWlt la ~ fOI' oct. Wcd.lac:. lloid la liD fOI' tile na of 113.500. { Eaalp plloto) • • • Businessmen Pic.k Officers New oUicers ot the Corona del Mar Business Association were announced Jut week In conjunc- tion wtth the celebration of the completion ot the Coast Highway wtdenlnc proJect. Coney Isle . Annex Due Newport City Council took tlnaJ action Monday evenlnc on the ordinance annexlnc Upper New- port Bay and at the same time ddayed action on 4 f@QUest to annex Coney Island In the lower portion of the bay. The ordinance of annexation will become effective In 30 days, unless Orange County takes le. gal action to halt the annexa- tion. I n..atyol•=~.._. .. ~ to ...tYe oftidal DO- t:t.flc:au. tlt.la ..... tbe Or- aD~ CoaDty ·~ ,... latloa ....,...., .... lateatloa to .... ... c ..... coetrol aDd •• ; •t of Jl.-porl llarbor. fte ........... ap. pi'OftCI tile ....autsoa 1at ...... eo.aaty eo.....~ Joel 091e 8akl ,...... tMt tbe cra-- t:loa of -----of Upper llay by ll__.....t a..dl thea would W I aalllaportcmt. a.c. the •.....-t aty Coaadl would bCift DO poww to iuue ~ • ,...Utll !II the BCD'· b« wttboat -t of tiM s..,....... .. lladlcatled tbCit tbeN wo.aJd tbaa be DO a.t.lt by tiM coaaty ClfGiut tbe GD.- Daatloe JII'D cr kf- COU CIL DROPS PLA S FOR MORII G MEETI G The petition fotf annexation of Coney Island wu presented by A long ha..s&le Monday evening ' day alter-noon In the Council was not a rouncll meetlnc. but seven property O"'mft'S In the 1.52-over the propoeed change In chamber , with the pubUc allowed a meettnc of the city manarer, lot subdJvla.lon. • Council meettnc time ended In to be present u •pect&t.ora. and no votes are ~n.. Councllman Sandy MacKay victoey for the evenlnc meeting e JIOT U OUGII faoTU1'I • QUOTDJC 10. a&:WMEII pointed out that u of now the contlncent. Secular Newp ort Councilman Stanley Rtdderbot Col. Smith. .t1lJ ba'ftna the Coney Island area was not con. CouncU meetinp therefore will said he was o~n minded on the noor. remarked that OoaDdlman tJcuous to any area wtthln city continue to be beld on the ~«· matter but thus far bad heard ~nnett had been quolled u aay. llmJt.s, and therefore City Coun. ond and fourth Monday eve-only three objectol"5-n0t enouch lng It was a cloeed meetlnc. dl could take no action. nJnp at 7:30. to make him vote no. Councilman Bennett aaJd be Reason Is t.b&t the Upper Bay The laue wu .econd reading '1( you want more protests. bad not saJd "closing meetings." wtU not becoiM a part ol the and tlnal paauge ot the ordJ. give us time," said Aucust Pflrr-but that the public oould attend. Clty ol. Newport lleacb untU the nance wbkh would have changed mann or Central Nt"WJ))rt. wbo without particlpatJna in the cHs- 310-daT period is OYer. At that the oouncll meetlnp from Mon-attends most ot the round! meet-cusa.lon.'' • _. tallla 4Q ftiTJUDp to t.be -=ond and lnp. Capt. John Callahan of 410 En.aicn notes of tbe Alftl 18 T'r.:"'-=--·~-a. a.n~~~s. ,. 1 s , a • .-... • on~-_.. ._ mprt•na r-..4 Jt ~ ~ ation, tiM Upper aa,. will 'M o•dodt. couldn't attend da~ meet. nett-'ftleoy are not CIIJII!Il. ,..._ within cltJ llm.Jts. aad Cont'J' ~ 1'1le debate bepn when Coun-Jncs. Harold Arthur of West New-who have bualness at ~ land will be conttguous to city cilman Ger-ald Bennett made the port said that the ~ple have meetlnp can attend." territory. The petitioners then motion to adopt the ordinance. not had time to express thelr Col. Smith wondered if tt Is a can re-aubmJt thelr petition. e PaOTESTS FBOM AUDIEKCE opinions. "deliberation" meeting. Little Island Bridge Asked From the audle~ Edward T Then the \OIN' ot \'outh was Counctlman Bennett said. '1t Healy 9f Central NE"Wpprt said heard Among thf' gr~u p of stu· ls a meeting to fa.mlllartze our- all other incorporated cities in l dents attending the CouncU selves with business to come up the county held evening council meeting and taking notE'S for In the evening meeting." meetings. He said that both school r redlt. Oa\1d KimM Judy • STD.L BAS T1IE n.ooa council and audience profited by Bangert and Dick Berryman stood "Do I still have the noor," Cot. The Balboa lsland Business As-Interchange of Ideas. up to express their prrfrrf:'nce I Smith asked! soclatlon submitted a request to Arthur Petersen of Balboa Is ! for l'V('ning meetings s.• that I Mayor Hill sa.Jd, "yes." the Newport City Council Mon-land asked the reason for the thf'y C\lu ld ront lnut' attt'ndm(: Col Smith then said In an aud. day evening tor a footbrldee proposed change. Councilman Col Andrt-w w Smith n! eo. lblte> undertone. ''Then keep that across Grand canal at Balboa Sandy MacKay said the meet rona d£'1 Mar. torml'r council --still." Ave. lngs were too long, beginning at 1 ma n said he had talked to ao "It ls not necessary to use such The Association said that this 2 p.m. with the executive ses ont' who wa.<~ for a morning meet language," Mayor Hill said. would relieve Marine Ave. park'-slon. and he expressed belief that lng He obJectt'd to dosed exl"('u "What did you say!" Counctl- lng since It would allow many the rouncll members would M'TVe tiV£' mt.'t'tings of the rounc.'il man Bennett askt>d of Col Smith. Little Island residents to go by tbe city better It tht>y would be 1 "1'hE' tt'rm dosed session ts er Tht-matter wa.s not pursued toot to t heir shopping. It would fresh for the regular meeting. roneous," Councilman LN> Wild-further. however. and Col. Smith also be an emergency measure. He suggested that the execu tive er sa1d. went Into the subject of the state the businessmen said. sin ce there session would be fteld on Mon I Mayor Dora Hill said that It law <"!>n~rni n~t secret meetings. is now only one exit from Little He rf:'ad the Jaw. sa~ ing It was lsland. The f@QUest was refetTed K d H R d the intent o{ the law that all ac- to City Engineer Bert Webb tor eene an ayton estore tlons and deliberations of public study and report on estimate of agenC'Ies be made o~nly, except cost. To City Planning Commission ~" ;g~~~~'!/~~ "No action Is taken at these meetings." Mayor Hill said. PTAs Win 9 First Awards Kenneth Brandt of Brandt's Department Store ~ the new president; Ted Ruaell of Mary's The 10 PTA unJbt ln the New- House ot Maple, vice-president; port Beach-Costa Mesa u.a re- Hubert Pelnol of Corona del Mar celwd n1De tint place awards Pharmacy, RCI't'tary-treuurer. and one second In the judctnc Mayor Dora Hill appointed GaJ-1 restoring the rommlssion to Its vfn Keene of Newport and Don full membership of nine. Hayton of Corona dd Mar Mon-Both appointees had been mem- day eventnc to tbe Newport ben ot the commission untJJ they ~ach Plannin& CommlssJon, thus were UllS('ated by drawtnc lots when the new city charter Inad- vertently reduced the commission to seven members. An amend- ment approved In tbe March election t'hanpd It back to nine. ''In my t~ years on Coon- ell." Col. Smith replied, "999{. of the business wu oompl'eted at these e:~tecutf'..e meetings. except for the actual vote. It's bard to say that no dedlions were made." On the board are three of. ot publld ty ln the Fourth Dis- fleers and w. c. Buct~klrchen ot trlct PTA, It was announced this Harbor Paint 6 Wa Upaper, At-wH by Mn. C. A. Hoftman, torney A. lt. Phelps. Harry Yer-president of the Harbor Council lngton of Yfll'lneton's Stationers of PTA. and Variety St<lft, Brya nt Chrb------- tlanMn oiVtncent's Harbor Drup ... lr lila fllrl* and R. K . (IIUD) Brace of Jlralcs UoJqae Sbop, the out-Wll Tlf Jrt,MII aolna president. Two harbor .,.. nortsts won Huge Building Proiects_ Set In order that only two terms expire durtnc any one year, Cfty CouncU extended the t~ ot Commission Secretary Ray Y. Copelin foe one year, to June, 1957. Record Total In Yacht Race Capt. Callahan commented that In all faJmess CouneU should withhold actJon on the ordinance. Councilman Bennett then W'lth- drew his original motion to ap- prove the ordinance. and moved that the m .1tter be held o~ to the next rnt'<'Unc. Gen. Rldderbof MeontMd the motion. aaytnc he b ad lntended maklna the same motJon. e IIOTJOJI DERATED The Bennett motion to <~day artlon then was put to a 90te and defeated 4 to 3--Coanclllaeft Bennett. Hflble and IUdderW ~to &et.y, ~ Wll· •· Mac:KQ, st.oc~danl ana am wdq to tkcWe tM ........... 'I'M Cruet CDal:r pba 'ftMU AluiDnM .. TulldaT twnlat at C.. ...._ of CDII woant c:aoaa Mra. au-u E. Ct&Ja, llJ Dahlia Why do 110 on Jook1na uc1er ,_ ut .. u. Ud -ac, A lecture_.... • IDw~Mt:rnMt .. A .... L...la •1M' wW be Avenue. Ca1ona cW .... the rua rw dirt that tau beeA ......_ ,._ leDori. 1 ~-PI'O....._ ..._. Mondq eftll· tbe ,.... ~ or ... -.s. ~there for ,_,., .a • be ._.,,.. u pw c. MW ...,. at tbe o.ona cW liar eoaa. wan c. a--. at ... dqpUcatl What.'• tbe value ol 11rta1tna ciiNellw. wD at leut tbe laoteJ IDU~ Clltnll anct will coa. WCIIIIalp .. wra• SUd-.J 1n tM up theee petty 1nqulartUea of bW MtaciMd. -n.s. wu tDrtbcom-tlnue lar the nat tour Mondq ..... 1 ) o1 t1ae Coroaa del Jbr the put? My reuonlq .. that lnr. It ~~bowed Hunttnrtce Hotel wenlnp. eoc-nJt)' CllurdL lt th.,. are ~bt out ln the two ntpt8 (one wu for the The lec:turee are eoorc1J.nated open they are 1-ll.ftk to recur nlaht beton the convention), b)' Wwtun O'Beyon. m&llaaer 9t CIIJIIITIAif ICDIICil cao8Cii In the fUture. Ma"7 fbuee u . 149.00; a:tra eharte for room the Corona del Mar branch Of "'eholct, bam II tile man pensive to the tupayera have service~ fT~; rarare for dty car. Morran A: Co., who preeented the whom God correc:teth: therefore been abandoned altft their ex-$5.00; ttckett to the dtnner for openlng lecture. cte.plle not thou the ch....,.._ posure by me In the lut three s1x employees of his depart:ment, Mr. O'Bryon 8p0ke on "Suc:c:eu-of the Almlahty." 1hl8 vene years. They bad been rolnl on J)t.OO. I presume they alto u.aed ful Investlnr." He pointed out ftCIIQ Job (5:17) Ia the Golden all theee years, condoned and a clty ear for the trip. Of course that because of the preuu:re of Text of the Sunda)< U.On-Ser- approved by the c:lty otfldals. ll the man bad had any thourht lnOatJon, which La old u money mon on "Everlutlne Puntab- Thls La not a pleuant duty, and ot economy be would have made Itself, people seeklnr to preaerve ment" at the !fewport leach there Is no such thlnl u a re-the trip dally In city transporta. the purcha.sinr power of their Church ot Christ, Sclentllt. ward f<¥ this publ~ ~-'nlls tlon. a total expense of $1.5.00 to money have placed It In Invest- Is "perhaps a Jood place to re-the clty. menta that will grow with the a.. L COIOIUMttY 10'1'80 DIIT Iterate that the people did me a e STAJrDAD ..oaDVU economy of our country. '-rhe •• Man Who Dreamed favor when t.beJ put me out to 'lbe explanation wu the typl-The other lectures will be: Dreams La the III'IDOD topic -. putun, and ..... t now I Uk.e lt. cal one quoted above ·-at's u .. -;. 2. "'-at • ..-.... of Plnan-lecttd by Jlev. Dona14 G. aa,p ' ' • L: • • ' • TIUP'LDIQ ~~ the way we've always ·do~~· lt." ~i:{ Pl.;;in1 ·:-"b;"Go,oon x. for tbe t :ao u4 11 a.m. •'*-A all ... RJ·"'--• . . Sunday at Uae ....... tdand ~ lrt r>o. It Men\ •• bt to you. It wa.s standard procedure. I Yuuvlld. a~orney, May 9, 'Se-Community )(etboctllt auarch. -T Mr. Tupa,yer, for tbe cl«;r to re-seemed to be the only one dis-curlty Ana.lya1s," by 1oJm L. Kerr, •:• ::X::II::.::x:ICICXJCE:ICX:x:ICCXICE:D:JCCCXICE:D:x:ICICXICE:D:x:ll move a ftpntk euealyptus tree turbed by lt. presJdent of Ken A: Co.; May 16, CWI e&OW II ftm I&A frOOl private proper1J near the But why, you ask, weren't ''Manartn& Your lnveftlnenta." SUnday morn1fta ~ at HeN's the quote of the year, and the log fearlessly takes full crecfrt, glory and censure for originating it: Advice to young couples. and o&d couples too, on how to get along . . . Ju.st remember that .. IT TAKES TWO TO TANGLE. • • • Did you know . . . that the Newport Harbor Ensign is now the biggest weekly newspaper f.n terms of paid circulation) in all of Or· ange County? 'Tis true, though we sort of b4cked into it, becl:luse the Costa Meso Globe Herold went bi-wee~ly this week. • • • There ore olready some folks who soy of J . B. Stoddord, the droll end Will Roqerish councilman from Corono del Mer, that he should be on television. • • • This item of I) second bridge for &lboo lslond, mentioned by Councilmen Stoddord Mondl:ly evening, is not o brand new subject. by the way. Several years ago the Ensign published o story of l:l pro- posed second bridge, the locotion being ot Collins Ave .. to the Sal- boo Yacht Be sin oreo. • • • The Ensign stands by its quoting ong reporting occurocy !this in reference to Councilmen Gerold Bennett's comment on his "dosed I'Tieeting'" remork). We ocknowledge the fact, however, thot o spur· of-the-moment, impromptu remer~ does not ofwl:lys get ecross the pre- cise meaning intended. But then that's the look-out of the guy who's doing the remorking. • • • "Suo mi," the nt'lme of the yocht well-known in our H4rbor, sunk lost Thursdoy with loss of five lives in o collision off Pt. Arguello. is the Finns' word for their homeland, Finlond. • • • Sigrid Neff of Newport Heights YOices o sound, privote citizen's comploint obout legel notices: Why oren t they written so thot we ordinory un-legol minded mort !:lis CM understond them? The legal jargon moy be oil right ond necessory for the legol record, but there should olso be included on understondoble stotement o f the cose 1n ploin old English. • • Amoztng slotistics of growth were presented T uesdoy even•ng ot the onnuol joint service bonquet ot the High School. Roy L. Sowyer from Poc.ific Telephone said: Every Mondoy 1.800 new dwell•ngs ore needed in Colifornio for folks who were not here the Mondoy before; there ore 2 700 more ct~rs on the highwoys every Monday· 1.900 mo re telephones needed, 2,200 more kids knocking on doors of our alreody crowded schools every Mondoy morning, 60 odditionol clossrooms needed every Mondoy, one new school needed in Colifornio every week for the ne~t si( yeors ... A nd ifs going lo get worse. Supenialon. TTCDUiportatioD at HAPPY DAY SCHOOL for Uttle FoUr 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Unde r new management Mrs. Jea n Vaughn, director MEMBER CLASS TO BEGIIf Membership Instruction f o r those desiring to join the Balboa Is Ian d Community Methodist Church will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. May 5. and will con tinue for the three following Thursday evenlnp In May. ..:Onstant watchfulness through the years has been our best protection-and yours. We are glad to be known as '"a careful bonk." Our conservative ~licy will continue to sofeguord depos;tOIS ond to moM thi.s bonk a bulwark of financial Jfrength in the community. aldewalk that wu belnc pushed thele practices correc:ted? I'll by Dr. 1obn C. Clendenln, pro-Chl1fi Churcll IIJ uae .... ft .... up b7 the tree roots! 'n.e job anawer that. Anyone comtnc Lnto teseor of finance at UCLA; May port Beach. wW .._ the tm- ,._uly didn't eo« the clty over city aowrnmeht and upeettlnr 23. 'Tlnanctal lntormatlon. and ponance o1 tamll1 ~­ SUIO.OO. Wby piddle over •uch the apple cart wu soon lonr How to tJae It." by Robert Sandi-tn the wcnh.Jt aftcl ... • trtruna ~item~? Do you think It cone. Sallon. appolnted admln-fer, Ull.ltant financial editor of ~ram of the dlurdL "Cba.n.'t loob O.K. to take off all four btrator and later city manaaer, the La. Anaelp ~ Day" wW be ~ bt tbt tare. ot a dty vehicle uadt place would have luted quldt ll he All m~np are from 7:30 to a.Oclftn'l Department~~ al .. them • tbe eu or a tlab1nl pal had dared 'be crltlcal of lone 9 p.m. Qualdl School, a.M dMJ wW ,.,. from Bishop? 'nl1s little opera-atandlnr procedure. He knew ttdpate Jn tbe e.,Jy llirvt.. J.. tlon wu done ln broad dayllrht that. He Is no dummy. He could loy Carbon'• -~ at IMIUa ln the city yard. I jumped them see what happens to people who lftV'Ieea will be .. Love Renewed." about It, and got a very lame came In and dared be critical of explanation that I won't lnfilct establlshed custol118-people like New oWcen ~ be elected UMit'M*'"T Pa.LOWI8U on you. Earl Stanley, Dlck Drake, Andy and reporta on IJI'Oil'e&a durlnl lev.. Frederldc W. 81nae wW 'lbls 110ft o1 t:ra.ln1n& at this Smith and Mra. Florence Coollnr. the Jut year wW be IGWU.CS apl.aJn why "A a.ltatou Ubedl 1 ........... ~,....-------­ level t.s what we haw been aut-e IIOAD u.oc:KI a.t tlae anmaal mMI&nt ol tbe Un-Cannot be • CoGinlallt" at tbe fertnr from at the hlaher rovern. It does not p~ to be curious lversaUit Communlt;y P~p ll a.m. MrYSce at tlae OlllvenaJ . mental levels clear up to tbe about how tax money 11 spent. th.ls s.acs.,y Jn the Newport lit Com.nuanhJ r ......... Sun- White House. It has <Tea ted an They don't want any one around Bea.dl I:Mil Clubhou., 515 W. ._,_ Dr. J'ra.Oil ....,._ ...W COD· attitude toward public money who 1a too curious or critical and Balboa BlYd. U... ...... tM ll4uJt .... IP thatu just that-public. You are baa the cuta to crttlc.tz.e thelr 'lbe meettnr will follow a f_.. ad~ ofwot'ld JleJfttomat a taxpayer. Help yourself, but methods. That's the reuon for lowahlp dln.Der which wlll take the Sunday school, whJch lrta.rt.a Greer Ganem and DaDa ADdrewa don't ret caught. At our hJgher the roadblocks attemptJnr to place after the mom Inc church :a~t ilOi:aoiiiL~m.i,i. MMMMiiiiiiiiiiiiii~r.;$~~~~~~iiiiii~ covernmental levels It rets out block Mra. Coollng acoeplnc of. service at 11 a.m. I of the penny ante class lnto mll-flee to which she was elected, lions. and why she wu let out-too ft.IUf I'ELLOWSIDP DDnfD e t7Jl TBE LADDD honetrt and' too lnt.eUJrent, and St. JamH Epbcopal Cbun:h of ALE Cymbidi.um Orchid Pla nts · m aLOOII 3.00 • 4.00 • 5.00 atild • t ,t, We must remember that the alter three years In the treasur-Ne-wport Beach wlll hold Ita Pel- boys who go up the political lad-er's oftlce she knew too much. lowahlp Dinner at 6:30 p.m. det start In the home town. and Under the handicap of belnr a 'nlu.rsday, M~ 19, ln the Parish It we graduate them from our one-man minority, 10 economic House. St. ElJzabetb's GuUd wiD political school without respect changes were brought about dur-be In charge of arrancementa. ror the sacredness of the trust lng my nearly three years of The flah fry benefit for St. James of guardianship of taxpayer's public service as councilman. My Summer camp Ia belnr served money It ls not good. It's a vt. bitterest critics have not denied from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. toda clous system where everybody that I had a Jot to do with brine-(Thursday), with Tom Norton u M l &. OOAIT aw. has-~~~~~~~~~~~be~e~l~c~h~~~a;n;d=H;~=e;y=~=:e:n=~=~=~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ CARDOZA GARDENS else that keeps them quiet. N)'inl that the. cbanres bad lnr . That's not the only reason em-been on the plannlnc board&. ployees keep quiet. They know Maybe so. some ot them for 30 that ll they sound off they will years. Naturally I made e.nernles be looking for work. You can't a.plenty. Yo)J don't upset the hog blame them for not reporting trough without offending the wrong doing. A large percentage free loaders. of them do not like It, remaln e A lfEW UCOBD? silent. I am not critical of all the Understand members or the departments. Some of them are Council are about to buy me a do ing a very efficient job and new record. I expect they would they know It and are proud of buy one that would play har. their work. The fact that these mony and be less harsh to thelr prat'tlces have been going on for sensitive souls than the one I yE'ars does not 6 cuse a council-play, known aa the facts. They man. A little effort on thelr part have not refuted or contested would have been enough to put one of the facts stated to date. them hep If they cared to "put They have not taken advantage out" that much. of my orrer to show them my e TOO lfiUVE flies. So I must believe that what Two months before our dl& gracerul pollee scandal broke I told a rellow councUman that he was too naive to see anything wrowg right under his nose. He was right hurt. thought I'd t'alled him a bad word. Said he: "U you t'an show me anything wrong I'll eat my hat." Two months later I passed him the salt and pepper. The caterln& to the ''inner guard" by councilmen dates way bacJ. to the old city hall days. The C!ty Hall \'Ote bu been somethln& tor coundlmen to fear CRO ., .. P I I S I I T S ...... ., .... ..,~ ......... wlte wll ._... .... ,_ pv the feldftotlng .t .t ~ ~-frelll ............ fire ..... .., .......... , ..... ......, ................ ct. .... . ............................ c..s .... ,.. ............ d?l_ .. ~ ..... c... ............. _.,.;......-....... ....... .... .. .., ,.. ............ .. .............. ....... u .. ... ......_...,,.,. .... .,..., ... r • ' Cpl Ja~ A. Lanldale, 21, 80n ot Mr. and Mrs. Batr1 A. ,,.,........ 1M rtoWer St., Costa ...-.. 1a unon1 -.ooo 801dJ~ alated to parttdpabt 1n J::arcMe Apple J.S durtn1 May at the Ydiala l'trlnc center, Wub. ADP).e Jaek wUI tell the llft. clency of Infantry and aupport unlta ln mountainous and d8ert terrain. The simulated uae ot atomic weapona will b4t one ot the conditions of the exerctae. Corporal Langdale, a dlnJng room orderly In the general'• mess of the 2d Infantry Dlvtllon, entered the Army In )fay 1953 and received bas ic training at Camp Roberts , Calif. He attended Orange Coatt Collete before en- tering the Army. T'UIIIFUDD TO UWAD art Gene Lay haa been trana- ferrecl to Honolulu, HawaU, from h1a praent Illation at TreUUte ------------ bland near San J'ranc:bco. Be I 111 I I Sa and hla 1t'lfe. tiM fonller Pecu iWflribll '· Diehl. wl1l vildt ... ~ Mr. nl ... Mn. 8tUrt DMbl of Corona .. II-1'1111 ••• cJel Mar. and other relat.Wee 1n the -..t before leavinl !« the An all-time record In new uv, bla.n4a. lnp Jnvetrtments was a.et by ~~~i!!!i!iii!~~~~ij Newport Balboa Savings and r, Loan during March, with a total a1 J1.305,599.40 for thtt month. President Paul A. Palmer report· ..... II ed this WHk. eome ln and look around • • • you are mre to tlnd that W lUNil ltft you .,. Joakfftl tar •.. and we u .. the tme.t paper pe.rty pods and brldee .uppUea. Baianclnc this against wlth· cirawala of 1828.546.99. the net new money gain wu $6Tf,Ofi2.41. Mr. Palmer attributed the rec- ord growth to the fut business crowth In Newj)Ort Harbor, Costa MeM. and Oranlfe county, and to the etftcleney ot the ..u.ocJa. tlon'l neow headquarter~ otflce. Announceme~t ••• VAN'S CLEANDS Mow Under 0 IAIIIEIEIT * 0 . F. (Polly) WARREN Fonner OwMr ''Li¥e Wrre" O.MMn LAGUNA BEACH, For 14 y .. n * 30 YEABS' EXPEKIElCCE 1n ··Qu.A.LI1'T' e DRY CLEANING • KNfT k OCKING eoveN6 • HAND PRESSING e LAUNO.Y SERVICE * * 0,.. I&.& .. 5:ta p.a..lcltiil'daT· Uatl p.a. ,_ &. c.-t awy .. _....._~c.-a 61lM• Local Soldiers to Take Part In Atomic Tests in Nevada Adldional Switdtlloanls . Ad d It I o nal awttehboa.rda to Jlflckerts aald the extra equlp- ..,.ct calls and to provide for ment will care tor f\atuN tel• lncreued erowth are bt'Lnc ln· pbone requlrftneaa untO the JtalJed In Paclflc Telephone's conversion Of the Barllor olf'k:le Harbor office at 311 Eut Balbc}a to c11al operation. Blvd., Balboa. I The projeet. eo.ttnc 1151.000. Manag~ Ted Ham brook aaJd adele alx posJtJona Oil local ..ntdJ. ~ Western Electric Installers board, pJua two ol lone dl~. have started the work of connec-and one of lnformatloll. M• ot Ung nine new positions of IWitcb· the work a. betnl done clurtng board In the operating center. tbe evening boun -w~Ma the The job Is schedul~ to be com -boards are Jess bu,ay-.o u not pleted by June. to inconvenience the operators Ins ta llation s u p e r v I so r Ed at work. I Ceastal L•MI.,IIC ....... •• StlrW A new bualness, Coastal Land· scaplng, bas opened lt. otflee at 2229 E. Coast Hlehway, Corona del Mar. Partn«a In the business are Royce Prior, former Corona del Mr. Nlckertz and ht. wife Marian live at 314 CoUlpa av. enue. Balboa lsland. They have been local resldenta for the put 20 years. Narcot.IC Sale Mar resident. now ll.tng at 633 St. James Rd.. Cliff Ha ven, and Len Jonea. of 618 HeUotrope Ave., r:l., E. co-t ........ c.n..del ..... u .., KntttiM, Crochetlnc and Needfepolnt SQppU. ~ttlnl...,. Charge ~jade Corona del Mar . lVI . They boeh worked prevlou.aly Vauchn Lee Brinkman of 321 at the Corona del Mar Nuraery. ~J~~~1• A.Uao Ave., Newport Hela hts. wu where Mr. Prior waa ma.naaer tor &OUM booked bv N-pollee at seven yean and Mr. Jones was ,..on. tbru .. _t. •o a.m. to 5 p.m. , .,_...,.. landscaplne ~IJJt. -.,. ..., 11:49 p.m. Apr. 17 on a eharee of Illegal sale of narcotics. Pollee charged that Brinkman made two sales or marijuana to narcotics under.eover agent a worklng in conjunction with Or. anee County aberllf's o11icers, Santa Ana pollee and Newport pollee. Narcotics oftlcen w~ in- troduced to the defendant durlne Easter Weelt in a Balboa bar and HILL TOP MARKET The Biggest Little Ston in Newport Now Under Ne w MCIDCI9ement Ella Sheriff-New Owner The Same Friendly Service arrangements were made with OW'al I A.M. to I t..IL the defendant tor the purchase • •· K..,...t amt. Uberty~~-, of marljuanL Two .eparate sales OD tbe C20SSBOADS STRJP Pfc. Jade c. Reed. son a1. Mr. force. The maneuver wm bt' the 1 W8'e ma~. on April 9 for two -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs. R. K. Reed. 2114 Se:r· first a1 lt. kJnd fbr U. S. aoldJft'S cans of mantc:ured mariJuana for rano Ave .. Balboa. and set-Rob-undercotne atomic famUfarlza. $20 and on Aprtl 5 tar a half • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • m K. Thompeon, 23. whose tlon. . can ot roueh martjua.na tor $5. ! • father. WliDam E. Thompson. Sercee.nt Thompeon. a member The first sale took place In the • W~Ur.-: lives at 238 Flower St., Costa of the 723d Tank Battalion's am of Adams St. and Balboa • , • Mesa. ~ aebeduled to take part Headquarters and Serrice Com· Blvd .. Balboa and the teeand was • • In a tactical annored task fon:e pany at Camp lrwtn. Caltf., en. made ln the defendant's ear : • maneuver durlnl the c:unent teTe<! the Army In 1948. He at. when be took the oft!een to hls • DOl NG. : 1955 atomtc te1ta in Nevada. tended Mart Keppel HJch SChool. home, wbere be bad the marl-• • They wUl bt' am0n1 800 sol· Monterey Park. CalU. His wife, juana hld in his badt yard, of. • • dlen who wtll watch an atornJc Shelby, lives at tamp Irwin. neers all~ed. omeen obtained : T. M. Hambrook, ~rTelephone -.,.r in Newport a-11 • explc.lon artd then JDO\'e toWard Pfc. Reed, who attended Qr. a warrant for Br1blanan'a &l'tftt • : Ground Zero u part of the task ange Cout Colleee and the Unl-from Newport Bl!adl J u a t t c e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • veralty of Redlands. ls reeularly Court with bail let at $10,000. Re LECAL aOTICE stationed at Camp lrwtn. with wu arrested at 1~ Newport lfo. A-ZMO the 723d Tank Battalion's Head-Blvd., Costa Mesa. &t 10:25 p.m. •O"'IC::Z TO Clla:DI"'ID qua.rten and Service Company Apr. 17. He wu taken to Orange _...... c. DIIUJI;D BElf. u a derk-tFPW. He entaed J-be county JaJL Ullllif DIMAMt aJia mMU1f1> Army ln )"~ay uel. ------ .. MJI MA•• ..s•!M) adiL .,...-'10 CAaa JlfaJ'ICE JS BdDY GIVEN to IIOGD IJOTYET arm.ATED A daughter, 5 lbe.. 8 oz., was the credJton ot and all penona Roeer Boyvey', freshman at born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. havinl cl&.lma &lalnst the said Denison University. Granville, Carr of 4.20 E. Costa Mesa St .. decedent or aald estate to file OhJ hu been lnltlated Into the Costa Mesa. In St. Joseph Ros them with the neceaarY vouch· Ohl:· Mu Chapter of Sigma pltal on Saturday, April 19. en in the omee of the Clerk of Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Be Is the Superior Court ot the State the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ot CallfomJa. In and for tbe o. Boyvey, 1139 West Balboa County of Orange, or to present Blvd., Newport. SOW FOB TBOMAS• the aame, with the necessary ------ vouchers, to the underslened at his or her place or ballness. to.wlt: A son, 7 lbs., 6'-t O'L, was born to Mr. and Mrs. William 1... Thomas of 455 ~ E. 16th St .. Costa Mesa. in Santa Ana Com munlty Hospl1a l on Monday April ll. Ralph L Hillman. ~ecutor, 'c/o Harwood. Heffernan A: Soden 2515 E. Oout HJiflway, Corona del Mar, Callfotnla wtthln abt months after the Unt publication of th111 notJ~. Dated: April 1. 1955. RALPH L. HILLMAN Executor of the Estate ol said decedent. Harwood, Heffernan A: Soden Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Coast Highwa y Corona del Me.r, Callfomla Publlsb: AprU 7-14.21-28 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. LEQAL .OTICE a..TIPICATE Of' •O'IIIfESS Flct!U~ Flrm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by ce~ that they are Cl"nduc. tlng a general oontractlrli bual· ness at 2035 Miramar, Balboa. A Cl4uified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs imrMdiote results! Cell Harbor 1114-1115 and orove it! Callfomla. under the fictitious p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~ finn name of John P. Dunlavy A: Co. and th&t said firm a. com. poeed ot the foUowing persons. whose names In full a.nd places of residence are u follows. to- wit: John P. Dunlavy, ~ Mlra- mar, Balboa. Calif. B. L. Davis. a> Bernard, Costa Mesa, Calli. WITNESS our hands this 4th day of Aprll, 19155. lohn P. Dunlavy B. L. Davts STATE OF CA.UFORMA COUNTY OF ORAMOE ss. The telephone call tllat •• Joaaie'slle.tt-. Jou m.ilbt be the efrl nm door. At 14., lhe'a cute u anyt..bina. And you ahould have seen the look on her f&ee the night Joe. one ol the fell o wa In her clua. called to invite her to the next aebool dance. Outwardly, Joan.ie aeemed calm. But when her Dad nod- ded "y~·· to her, abe wu alma.t apeecllleu. After all-a tint date happens but onoe. And when you stop to think of It, isn't it true that telephone caU. her&ld ID&1l1 a big moment in our llvea-reunlona, weddings. bi.rtlul! Yet con.alder how Jlttle your telephone actuaUy eo.t.a for aU t..be ..,. It eerve. you. ~an·t It one of today'• ~ buya! Pacifle Tettlphone works to make your telephoM a bigger value t'YW1 clay. • To The Newport Harbor Ensign ON THIS 4th day ol AprtJ, A. D. 1955. bt'fore me, A.. L Pbelpe. a Notary Public in and b the said County and State, raldlnr there- ln. duly c o m m I i • I o n e d and IWOI'1l. penonally appeued lohn P. DunlaY)' ancl B. L. Davia lmotm t. me to be the penon.~ whoee namet are IIU'*=rlbed to the wlthlD lnstr\IID8ftt. and ae. 1mow1._. to me mat t.Mir .... cuted tiM eame. IR Wil!CIIS W"HD.aP •• ~a .. a..eunto let 1'be omdaiRew~r of~ Oty of N•wport ieach .. .... ., ............... .,oiDdaJ 11111 tbe -.... ,_, tn dda t • .. •• -OI'E YEAB --.:..----ODly 3.00 OertifleaW ftnt aboft wrltteG. A. K; Pllius MY ()omm lw\oe Exp&ne Jae 1,1- Publlab: April '7-lt.Sl.a .. ,.. "~ llarbclw EDalpl. • \ '"'I GudiM l tn ewt7 .ectsan o1 ,...._ wW be available at lfewport will ¥ on dltlpla7 wben neb pla~ to be vtttted and the the WOIMrl'a committee ot the tour ma:t atart and f1n1lb wber. Clamber of Conuneree wW boJd evw tbe vlatton wlah. Tea wUl the eeoond aarden tour 011 Satur-be aer-ved at the home ot M.ra. day and Sunday, April 30 aJtd Georte Silver, ~ VIa Lido Soud. Kay 1. IJdo ble. Bouttne vialt ol the aa.rdena la not necasary, explained Mra. G. N. Pease, &arde n chairman. because PJ'OII'&ms ll.st1nl aU the Gardena picked for ahowtne wlli reprftellt aultablllty rather than elaborateness anc:t, will In· elude professiona l a nd home cared-for gardens. Some o1 the hom es to be visited wUI Include the Bay Shores home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Storu rn. 24Sl Bayshore People have been wying .•• end believing t+tet YOU CAl DO BETTER at ~ Or., a nd the gardens ot Mr. and ~ Mrs. .John Porter, 16 Harbor Is land Or., Mr. and Mrs. CurUs ~ Dosh. 217 Pearl Ave.. Balboa ~ Island; Mr. and Mrs. Howard ~ Salisbury, 7C17 Begonia Ave .. Co· ~ rona del Mar; WUlia m Berg. 1C17 ~ Shoreclitt Or., Shore Cll!ls; Coun. ~ cllman and Mrs. Sandy ~acKay, ~ 2000 Miramar Dr.. Ba lboa ; Mr. ~ and Mrs. Howard Lewis, 329 Lido ~ Soud, Lido Isle; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Blauvelt, 521 Kings Rd., ~ Clift Haven. JfEWLTWEDS llr. ad Nn. Dcmd JnriD Prteam ca. pictured here follow1.D9 tb.U weddi.D9 ill Coctcr 11.... lin. Prtdham Ia t.be former 8ollllle DiciDca Jrowell of lkl1bo& • • Tickets tor the garden tour are ~ JlVaUable at the Chamber or ~o·urrn.ihl•r• Commerce and the Harbor High Bonnie Nowels of Balboa Is Wed to David Pridham Dr. Ronald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLETE DlA~OSIS lr PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPT. 210( Jf...-port BJyd. Jf...-port Beclcb Jlarbor 4030 School art exh)blt. u well u each ot the gardens and w1Jl be US· able for both days. Money realized !rom the sale ot the nominally priced tickets wlll be used by the women's committee lor city beautlnca. lion. The public Is Invited to visit the garde ns. Vieiras Mark Anniversary The tlftlfmth wedding anni- versary ot Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vieira was celebrated Sunday at their home at 335 E. Bishop Ave .. Santa Ana. Mr. Vlt'lra has At a s ma ll home wedding held at the groom's sister and brother. In-law's home at 253 Monte Vis- ta, Costa Mesa, early this month. Miss Bonnie Diana Nowels of 104 E. Bay St., Balboa, became the bride of David Irwin Prldha.rn, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Prld· ham, 1543 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Nowels, McCoy. Colorado. Rev. Thomas Gibson performed white accessories and a slmllar corsage. The young couple wlll live In Balboa and both of them plan to llnlsh school. The new Mrs. Pridham Is a senior at the Har- bor High a nd the groom Is a t. tending Orange Coast College. He has served three yurs tn the army tollowt ne high school graduation at Newport. Dads to Serve Breakfast Sat. ~==========~ had a barbershop In Corona del ,. Mar for eight years. the double ring cereJnony before a flower trimmed arch In the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Paul Par- rish. Mrs. Parrish, the former Carolyn Pridham. served as ma. tron of honor In the ceremony. Byron Vaughan Nowels gave his Pancakes· wlU be the "piece de resistance," but other favorite breakfast Items wtll also be served at the breakfast planned tor Sat urday by the Men's Club of Christ Churt'h by the Sea. Cnet!D9 CCirda .. Jlrtlat Suppllea -ff·~ Boob. Statloury ~ 8Lt1E SAILS STATJOXEIIS 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'ttl 6 MATTRESSES 1JuaenprtD9 -Cotton FOCIIIl Bobber Irregular Shapes KEW -JlEIIUJLI)IXG COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 1110 ..._,.... ....... u ._,,en QUICI SERVICE ROUER SHADES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Cus tom Specialties e Dra pery H a r <1 w a t e e Venetia n Blinds. ~~ SkJ. Shop * llesJde the * Call Post Office HA 884 432 32nd St., Newport Beach Relatives and very close friends attended the party, which was held the day following-the an. nlversary of the original wed. ding date, May 23. 1905. Among those present were the VIeira's son and wlte, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win VIeir a of San Bernardino a nd t helr granddaughter and her husba nd, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Enles of San Bernardino, and t heir wee great granddaughter, Lee Ann Engles. 18 months old. sister away. The bride wore a ballerina length gown of nylon tulle and lace with bolero jacket and match ing long mitts. Her walst length veil was held by a pearl tiara and she t'arrled a shower bouquet of white rosebuds a nd JUy.of.the valley. Her only at. tendant wore a pink net bal· lerlna length dress wltb match- Ing stole and carried a colonial bouquet ot pink carnations. Don· aid Prtdham Jr. of ArcadJa Boad Freitag. president of the group, said the food wJll be served from 7 a.m. to ll a.m. In Goodell Hall of the Church and the proceeds will be used for a new parkJng project. served u his brother's best m an. Chef Bill Land is w ill be In charge of the kitchen brigade with Boy Seoul! of Troop No. 5 Ia charee of U., tables. The pub- Lic Is lnvJ\ed and tlckeb may be secured t:rom Hal Glass, ticket chairman, or at the door. l3o}' St:Oub A reception for the Immediate family followed the ceremony. --FI_m __ C_H_U_It_C_H_O_F_C_H_It_IST-- Mrs. Prldham wore a powder SCIEN11ST Tom Chesley, Meers Rork and I blue linen dress w ith white ac. llOl v-.. Ud-. Newpot+ leect. Joel Fruehan were Initiated as ce-ssorles and a white carnation A bra~h of the Mother Church, The Tenderfeet by Troop 81. during corsage. The groom's mother Firrl Church of Chrirt, Sciet~tist. in Bos-ton. Musachusath. its annual pot luck supper meet wore a pink linen suit with Sundey School ---.. -···--9:IS e.m. lng April 22 at the Ba lboa lsla nd Sundey Service -·-···--· __ II :00 e.m. Community Methodist Churr h. M•l SS locke Wednesdey Ev.ning Meeting 8:00 p.m. The pot.Juck supper was under Reeding Room lou ted et 3315 Vie Lido. Newport Beech, is open wMk the charge of Mrs. Ted Russell. d f 10 oo t s oo I M • d O'fl rom : e.m. o : p.m .. Mrs. Orrin Wright. Mrs. John a rrl e Wednudeya from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 Knapp and Mrs. Jim Gilstrap, S p.m. Fridey evenings from 7:00 p.m. to mothers of the troop's patrol , 9.00 p.m. Closed Holid•'fl· 1 I A quil't wedding In Santa Ba r. The public is cordiolly Inv ited to et· eadt>rs. bara on Sunday united In mar. tend the church services end use the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reeding Room. r: rlagr the former Miss Elizabeth We Clea• STROOCKl CASHMERE COATS • , MIMI! Tout coat .w .. ~310 aa beautlfalas• •••· after our ,._. dallsts complete th.U bcm4-wodrl • Locke to John Edwin Grelsch. DIRECTORY , Frank Emil Locke presented his sist<'r In marriage. and the IIUSJC I groom's mother and stppfa ther. Margaret L. Scharle Mr. and Mrs. Basil Fenn-Anstru. Teacher of Plano lher of Laguna were the couple's Organist . Accompanist attendants. Evening Classes I 'The bride wore a beige raw tor Adults s ilk suit and matching shoes 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar with a natural straw hat. A wed-:::J~!!~~~!,!~~L:::: ding reception followed the cere. .-Ft:JWEIUU. mony a t the Biltmore hotel In Friendly Nelahborhood Service Santa Barbara. Among the guests were the bride's sister and Parkes-Ridley Mortuary bTother In-law. Mr. and Mrs. Formerly Grauel Cha~ Lawrence C. White ol Laguna. ll O Broadway The gtoom l.a a resident of Corona dt>l Mar. The bride, who LI 8·3433 A 8·34.34 Costa Mesa lives tn Long Beach. Is owner of ;:::==========~ .-.,a....e-. .. '*" to 10. and lin. Oeorwll lllael· land ot ~ A.nabetiD a. ODIIta , .... .,.. M ...._ ap.ta aACt ·~ a. Juat a eat-but x-. lD 8&Jlta Ana CwtWJ•Ib' .. tau tta.a. ..... 01 -.,to• tor eiPt ,_,. be hu been a Hotpltal on 1\aMday, Aptll1 'ftwdr yoou eo aU wbo .., laav. part o1 our taJaU7. ...._._ laJal 1M ~WI ..a.ir, aoa.t and two ..,.. .... be lau Men l.u Culll.k:laael ,_.. UOO Ddpllln Tlnace To Pat ......, at tbe lulfalo ~ 'hlnlf» ' Randl, who •• 'tha ~ oa the -====~====::::':::: ........ ~~---:------~-­Corona del Mar All ~ buUetln boaiCS and pboned her b1~cl. Mra. HUl. To M.nl. HUl and bet slater, Oft Balboa Island. who rave blm a home thla put week and a haU. To unknown othen who ap. parently d r e s • e d hla many iiiiiiiiiiiiijii~!f!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ijiiijiijijiiji~ wounds. Ill To aympathetlc. new nelrhbora 'ln IJ'Vtlne Terrace, who ga ve as- surance of his eventual return. Opti-Mrs. to See Movies Mrs. Ro~ Rea of Corona del Mar, a new member of the QptJ. Mrs. Club ol Newport Harbor, wlll show films of Panl ma at today's meet ing at the Villa Ma. rlna Resta urant at 12:45 p.m. CAJIVEJIS GET GUlL A daughter, 7 lbs., 13 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Carver of 735 Center St., Costa Mesa, In Orange County General Hospital on Monday, AprU 11. * .... 2272' * * COROIA DEL Ill PIAIIICY -nm.....,.,..._,._ u,• 311:/ E. eo.t lfwy ...... J lee ColniM ...... Light their life with fJiih/16 ST. IUO)UWI PBEUTTEaiAJf anr.ca 15t.b St. A St. Andrews Rd., .... fniD ... lcboo1 LJbedy • ..., Panow: .... J--L 1-....rt SUNDAY : Momtnr worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Churcll School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Hlah FeUow- ahlp, 7 p.m.: Colleae aee fel- lowship, 7:30 p.m. -1'UES. Prayer, study rroup, 9:30 a .m. COIOIUJfnT KETIIODIST ao W. 11th St.. eo.ta lleea Liberty I-G52 .... JCMIIIPit w. llciMDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morntn.r Worsbl~7 p.m. College Ace MYF Service - 7 p .m. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m., Sunergous Group Serv- ice. THE CBOIICII OP CIDlDT 1050 ana.rcb lt.. c.ta liMo Uberty l-57ll ,... ...... Jr.. l(le' ... Su.nctu 8en1ces: 1:30 a.m. Bible stucfy; u a.m. momJne wor- abJp; 7 p.m. eventnr 8ervtce. Midweek s e r v I c e , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CIDIIST CBOBCBIIT TIU SEA Caaula1Ullty lletbodlat llaJhoca lllYd. at l4t.b St.. Jfewport IIAz:bol' 5229 Pastor: BeY." Boy A. CarlloD Sunday Worship, 9:CS a11d 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIDI CB1JBCB 1114 ~Aft.. CGeta liMa Uberty •· u•1 Patbft 'I'Jaomaa J, Knill luaday .. _ at '· .... 10 cmd 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mau at 7:00a.m. -Confession : Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:1~7 :00 to 8:15 p.m.. PDIST BAPTIST CBlJBCB OP JfEWPOirT 8a:Jhoa BI..S.. 11tb cS Coart Sta.. Jrewport BAJt»or sssa Liberty 1·10'72 l'a:lto6s B~ G. Jobuae Sunday services: 9:45 a.m.. Sun- day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor· sbJp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday evenlnr C:ervlce; Mld·Week Servtce: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetina. IU'.WPOIIT BQJM)B LOIHIIIAJr CBOilCII 1501 Cliff Dr..·= JWPta ••. /t.r::. a..J ... ASIDULT or QOD Dad St. & Eldcl Aft. Coeta ~ LJ:beny ••• m1 ... ......s II. c:. er.sc, .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ablp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Younlt' People &Jld Chlldren'a Service, 6 :30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Sevlce:. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladle.' Mlalonary Coun· ell, Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. SEVZJn1l DAT ADV&HIDt Jrewpcllt Bh'd. at ..._ lt. Jrewpolt ..... . LJbedy ... . mcs. D. D. lpft1cllag Saturday Moman. Serrvtces: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a .m. Prayer meet- Ing: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Fri- day EvenJng Vespera: 8:00. ~CB of U.. JfAVBEKE 1-ADabelDa lt.. Coetcr liMo ,_._, laeY. Clift Wlllk-a, Liberty 1-7111 Sunday Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Mdtnlna Wonlllp at 10:30 a.m. Evao,.lt.tte Berv· lee. T p.m. Su.Dclay. . ,..,... ~ 'l:JO p.m. Wecsn.tq. rDIST CIIU1ICII 01' CIDJIT IQEJiTDt 3303 VIa Lido, Jfewpcwt 8eoc:la HArbor 2dl Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun- day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenln1 Me«Jne: 8:00. Readtnr ltoolri. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a .m.-5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m.-7:45 p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnra. UJriVEUALIST COIOIVJfnT PELLOWSIDP m».U Cltlb.boue 515 w. 8albocr Bl'f'CS.. Balboa lllal.t1lets -.... P. W • .mp Sunday School, 10:30 a .m. Morn. lng worship, 11 :00 a .m. FJ1lST SOUTBEliJr BAPTIST . CBlJIICB 600 W. RCIIDUtoa lt.. Cocta lleaa Liberty I-MD. Paato.r: Dt ... ~ ...... Sunday school, 9:.S a.m.: dlurch servtce 10:50 a.m. Training Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlna worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach - ns and ofttcera meednr 7 p.m. Wedneflday. Prayer aervtce and Blble study 8 p.m. Wednesday. PDIIT UP1'IIT caow laateA-. .............. .. c:.a. ..... ... .•. a. ...... . Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday !ellool; U ;un. w onhlp Servtc:ea • e:ao p.m., Bapttat Tratntn1 bn~on: 7:30 p.m.. Even.J.na Senlce. Wednesday: 7 :30 p.m.. a-r.,.r, Pral.ee &Jld Bible Stucty. Moft. day: 7:30 p.m. M.n'a ChCitUI p ractlce: 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meet1n1. · caoaca or on LADT or KT. CAURl I.Cl W. 8ciJbM 8hod.. • ...-pod ~-1· rat~Mw I~ X~, ,_._ Patbew~u•tm Sunday Muses: 8 :00 ancl 1&:00 and 11 :30 a.m. Confession: Sat- urdays and eves. of 1st P'rldaya and Holy Days trom c :00 to 5:30 p.m. and t:rom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. DaUy Maa 8:00 a.m. J1nt Friday: 6:30a.m. and 8:00p.m. Novena (~al Help): ~.1:·~ IT. JOD V'IAJfJQY 314 llcuiae Aft.. 8a1bocr lalcac! IIAitMw 021. Fcrt!aer Ss:eey, ,_... Fat!Mc ............ Au Su nday Masses: 7:00 a.m. A 9:00 a.m. Confession: Saturdays and eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Day•: 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Pint Friday Maa 8 a .m. CEXTUL iiii:i CJI'nCB a.... ....... 23nllt. • c.t. ll-. u..ty I ·SIDS A. A. JraMn. ...... SUnday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom-IDe s.mce, u:oo: Eventna Service. 7 :30. Mld·weet &n- COIIOJrA DD.. 110 Ice, Wectne.day, 7:30 o.m. COIOIUJQTT CBVIICB aAUOA IILAJQ) C••P•D llt•d COIIMUMM IUIWODIIT Ill .. U b--z::::_ A"' Ill "-ea.._ ....,_ laloud ..... Al'7 M ...... s .... DeeaJ4 S.., Uptown Cleahers the Gourmet Kitchen In Corona del Mar: A wedding reception wlll be held at the bride's home on Neapolitan Lane In Long Early service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday: ...._, .... ..._ Goaa. ..._ 85 N 0 W ... T W 0 Church School. 9:30a.m.: wor· Sunda,y Wonblp !~nice~: t:CS Sundq s.rvtee.: 9:30 a. m. BALTZ MORTUARIES •hlp service, U:oo a.m.; Luther a.m., 11:00 a.m.Sun~Sdlool: Chureb School· 9:30 anct n :oo IIIIE us PIIVE IT! • •• I.&"IBPI ........ ""We bCift alaOWil IUCIItT cntt a• obUe .... .... ~ww to .... ~ u.. ..... r .. ..y. J... .... -... .,,. t.-lty .. ,..... .. ,_ ... _., .......... ... ......... ~ ... --... , .... anc~ a.y ..... r-:· • Cllll• ~ ••• u ~1111 .. Servinr the Harbor Area Leal'\le, 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. a.m. Wonhtp SftVlce. Baltz Mortuary · Thia Directory Ia made poMible by tb-chic-millded bn.Saa a meD: Beach on Sunday, May 8. CHAPEL BY THE SEA WOODWaRTH PIANO SHOP Rubor 42 ~ E. Coast HJahway Excluaive Aaent tor Baldwtn Plano. Corona del llar 2610 E. eo..t Hwy. H•. ]]12 Coron. cW ~- Baltz Mortuary ·-_.,, Uberty 8·2121 -I'" One ot the leadlna archers In 17h It Superior, Colt& M... '!fo Tackl. • .lfo Ta~ • · • !fo Pute the United state. Is a faculty ~~J'~ 2229 E. Co.t Hwy. C... .W M• member at Oranp eout Collece, ~==:!!!!!!!!!==~ NEWPORT HAUOil ENSleN NEWSPNB accordlnato the late.t ratlnp re. ,. MDUitW-~MirUimar-I:.OCll ,. ... =a~~ the National Archery INSURANCE 2110 E. c..t Hwy. H.. 1114 C... .W War J. Bobert ~ Jpeedl and ctrama 1a1bUc:tor at tbe c:oltqe, "Be Sure-Insure" NEWPORT HAUOIIN« 1e la.tect 28th lD tbe U. S. In MJI L c..t Hw,. C... 411 Mer leadJna York Round ......_ ~· WITH ported by the a.odation. B• ST ANI.EY holds a !55 nttna amon• tlae u.suuJa 6ICai+Cr Jeadlna .American JloUDd 8cQree for 11111« rMD. Mr. Iest Ia tpOMer ol the ool • .._.. Arcber7 autt Ud .. ..., MCI'flW7 ot .... Jfuaa.J Ardler1 AINdatlon. • GENERAL SHEET METAL WORKS a 30th StrMt HlflMw 2210 Newpo.rt INch THOMAS MOIIL SBVICE Wuhlq-~ 1100 w ...... a Her. J611-W Newpo.rt IMclt IALIOA lAY CUll 1221 w. eMit ....... , .... ,..... .... liCHAID"S UDO ~ ~ OoaaV"• ... 0 ............. JG1 VII LWe ...._ 2121 Neap ..._ IAIL W. STAN.IY, ...... ......... twpllt .......... ~ w. OM. llliN ....., Hetti. am 1& DAY.a..&ILI- Local Zonta Club to Install Dr. Robertson as President ~-~ \tl ,.., dM. ........... L' ... , ~ ....... :Jii.~ ~...... ....' ··--:.. s lor c:oebt and .,_.. -.... ... .... _OIId_l ', \ • ll«t... a... u. t.Jt rs.s. Mij..., CMn·IIOWN. wHnt. KIDDII lANDAU IIO,IIJGC, MUlnt'O&OII :-: .. -..... _ ........ _ .. _ T ::, __ ....................... ·r IQTADA I IIIIL ..... .......... .._ .... ..... Lonita Vincent Is Honored PartJe. and packlne are ac:tJvt. ter's home, at 399 ~e Ave., dea mune the final pre.nuptlal Balboa. It wu a "silver tree'' tea days for M.lM Lonita VIncent. and the featured decoration wu A younc peopl~ uhJblt ol oil daucbter of Mr. and Mrs. LonnJe a sliver tree deoorate<J with pink palntlnp wu bunr this week In Vincent of Balboa, who wW be bloaoma and gu.tenJnc with .u. the Costa Mesa Library for a ma.n1e<J Saturday evenlnr to ver dollars. Each guest alao month-lone abawtne to the pub. llkhard L Yost of Portland, Ore. brougbt a aUver dollar for the Uc. The plctura were painted by The youna couple wU1 ..U early bride-to.~ with the thou cbt that .tudenta from 10 to 18 years of ln May for a honeymoon in Eu-wh~ lhe la In Europe on her aet-, who are student. ot Thelma rope. weddlne trip that she may buy a Paddock Hope, Corona del Mar PartJea for the bride c:ontlnued special treasure to remind her of artUt.. th.rouch thla week wben her ma. her trlend.l ln lfewport Harbor. tron of honor. Mrs. Paul Croxton The honoree'scrandmother and Delzell of Eugene, Ore .. ·wu boat-her aunt from Pua~na ahared esa at a shower rtven at the pouring honon with Mrs. Austin Vincent home. Sturtevant &Dd Mrs. Edward MU. GaAJfD PIIIZK JIAWAD ftDS Two all..expenee trt.,_ to HawAii will be the c:raD4 prU.e to be awarded at the eo.ta Mea F1ah Fry, which will M held l une 4 a.n4 5. Benefit Tour Will Be Held ...... Prank Ewfttt cl Balboa lal.and ~nter\aJned members ot the OFanp Count7 AIUJ~UU~.-ot Delta Gamma Sorority Jllday ... momtnr. at whJc:h time cletalla 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET cl tbe Ratbor Area "Rome Tour" Mneflt were nplaJned. ........ ,,. lira. Ca.rl Hlllp-en. pnsldent, announced that a tour cl tour lo- cal hornet wtll ~ held on Frf. day, May 27, and that tea wUl Aprll 28. 1~ be aerved durtne th• tour. Th• Sometimes I think I'm defeat. party will be a benefit for the lng my pu~ . . . Any l'ellem· Nu~ School for Vl.sually blance between thla and a typf. Handicap~ Children in Los An· cal column for a Grocery Store geles. a Delta Gamma pbUan-Ls purely incidental ... Thla be- thropy. ing National Baby Week . . . Mrs. R. s. Barnes ol Liberty April 30 thru May 7 ... I'd llke S. 7150 will hav• charge of tlc:k· to try out my cuJinary talents ets; Mrs. Walter Spicer wlll be to aU a hou.w for $1.500. lnc:lud- food booth chairman; Mrs. John lng a double earage with an ad Canon. hosteu chairman; Mrs. ditlonal 10x20 room across the Jack Hildreth. tea chairman. and Mrs. H. Payne Tbayer, publicity chairman. BPW Elects Jean Howell Jea n Howell ot Corona del Mar wu elected president of the New. port Harbor BuaJnea and Profes. sfonal Women's Club lut Thurs. day. Other officers are Marilyn Wheeler, tim vtce . president; Dor~thy Palen, ~eeond vtce.presJ. dent; Mary Naegeli, recordlne sec:reta.ry; Lydia Southworth, cor. responding MCI"etary, and Ruby St•venson, trea.aurer. The club voted to sponsor an addJtJonal Girl Scout troop, give a $200 .:holarsblp to <XX:, PlO to Hoac Hospital. $50 to the New- port Harbor Community Youth Cente-. • back ... It la a very n.ke Uttle whJte ranchy type house with a ablneled roof and broad porch across the back and front . . . Located near the Back Bay . . . It hu to be moved to make room for a new ~ that's eoinc In ... Call me Harbor 2828 for Q')()ft information ... .ct' ad...., ......... beMJft t s..-..,.u .. _ .... ··= ......... tM..., .. .u ........ ..,an ... w_._.,,..._ .... ,,,.. ....... ._ .. ~ .. -·=-....... ,.. tM .. ......, ........... .... Over 100 tttend.l gathered lut let from tile Harbor J\rea at the Friday to fete the bride-to-be at tea tablea. a tea ilven in her honor by Mrs. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _______ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ___ __ • a IW ....._ • .., • ad .....,. ...... c-. ··=--..... RJcha.rd Snow Cutle of Balboa and her mother and al.lten. lin. Paul Haigh, Mrs. Byron O.bome and Mra. Harold E. Stahler. The party wu held at the lat. Reservations Now HArbor 3910 -m ,.,.. .. .... A.JI. Apdl ....... tM ... ... ......, aiPt ........... ..., Y ••• wm .... ......,... ••. Come to O'Brien's for villa marina * Six mont:!m supply of canned milk of the mother's choice from us ... RJehard's •.. A hJtb chair from the Brat Shop In eo.ta Mella . . . . A complete layette tram Rdnt!rt's In Costa Mesa ... The ~ amount ot dJapen from R.eint!rt's Fitzpatrick 1D Newport Be.c:h ... A baby car ~eat b:ol!l Pride'n Joy, eo.ta .._ . • . A free photop-apb IJ'OID Gerhardt StudJos ... A larJ'e box ol assorted baby eadg'eta and toys from lJdo Toyland . . . A Form a layette I bottles, nipples, brushes. etc.l plus a .terU1zer from VIncent's Drugs ... All of these items will be displayed In our front lobby ... ~ .... uaranteell! Here'a wonderfuL wonderful new. New Lcakwoocl nylon atoddnga with a 90-day guanmtH * NYLONS GUAil.ANTEED 90 DAYS! Buy 2 prs. of these beautiful new Sheer stretch stockings for $4 .95 and they are guaranteed to wear for 90 days. * NYLOMS GUAIIAlf'ft2D -.DAYS! ......... at Dllt &M1 II .... ltl:lr' II ,.."t...,w ' ....,~_.....,...._ .. ...__ ........ .,. ............. ,.. .... * MYLOitl GUA•AhtWI -.DATI! • .. * * * Thursday, May 5th. 18th in a series of monthly Faahion Shows Pnttlented through the cooperation of the YIIJa Ma:rincL Vema Miller cmd The Following~ Sho.-. * On the Fine Thumday oi Each Month * BRAGG'S UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Highway • Corona del Mar * THE BRAT SHOP 1809 NewPOrt Boulevard Costa Mesa * ELLGENE. CASUAL FASHIONS 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa * LA REINE 500 Via Malaga Udo Shopping Center * LOBNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * PEinE VILLE 3409 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar * FUN FASHIONS B1JLf3 OF CALIFORNIA 2659 E. Coast Hwy. 3210 Via Lido Corona del Mar Lido Shopping Center * VBIIICA W''R' caaw ICBOOL Qwnmentary-FOIWm Models 414 South Main. Scmta Ana * ' I Luncheon from 12:00 Noon .. • I might add that the first shop and the last thrt't' aforementioned are all from our eroup of Udo Shops wherein there Is no baby shop .. Art-n't we lucky to have $0 m&ny nice p~nts with baby shops close by: ... .u you ....-ctaat ..... .. ... .... t to bCift y.u ... ...--••t.ct up CIDd yov ..ua .......... yoatabtoU. ...... tal ••. Ps-.... -..., &oc.tioa of lJdo ..... .. .... ty. d1nctly ..... ~ ev hltir:bl9 Loet ••• MIS .... pan8oU&owd ••• Booklets ol Interest being rfv . en away durtne National Baby Week ... "You and Your Con. tented Baby" from Carnation KJlk ... "Baby's Book." "Bedpes for Toddlers." "Foods for Baby and Mealtime PsyeholOC)'," '"a«. lpes for Special DAec." from G«. ber Products Company ••• Canned Milk! Thla ml&ht be u lood a Ume u any to c:Jeu ap tfte d.lft~nce be'tween Evaporat~ t4 and Con~ ••. Eva.porat. ed hu eo per cent of the water taken out ... Condenaed has the water takt-n out and sugar add. Ho. 1-RutJc 2 IllS., turna.hed home sunoundf!d by beautltul trees. Only $11.!500. Very rooct term~­ No.. l-3 DRS .. 1" bath home on COI'ner lot. eo. of bwy. Rm. to buUd on front ot Jot. 'nlls ts well worth $11.500. Partly furnished. ~-3-BeautUul, new, modem, 4 BR., 1" bath ho&'M with Oriental uh panellnf. Copper Chambers stove It oven. Many other ouutandlnr features. Priced rtaht at $39,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3M7 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 17'11 CORONA DEL 'MAR HARBOR 14T7 You Can DREAM . • • For another ten years ... or RELAX • • • and START UVING IMMEDIATELY, I1f IRVINE TERRACE • Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home 11\lyer who wtshes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooklng Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calllornla living. Offered exclu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley in a Smog-Free area Jtnown u Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvtne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley· EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information QaiU, Lots c .... rtqe Estates 16th It Irvine C ACROSS FROM IDGH SCHOOL> 73' Frontage Restricted Area GOING FAST ... U Sold In 2 da)"!! Pllil Sullit• -Oner 1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-6761 or Uberty 8 2103 BALBOA ISUID DPEI.HOUSE I to 5 S•ti•J laJ lsL 113 Apole1a Complett'ly charming homt' and apt. near south bay Beautttully furnished-well t lnanced--$37,500 IB.DA GIBSON, RULTOR 306 Marine Ave Balboa Island Harbor 502 eves. 3779-J OPEl HOUSE SUNDAY 1 TO 5 P.M. corner of F\.lllerton Ave. and Clay 1500 SQ. PI' .. · . NEARLY NEW 501 Fullerton Ave. lllt2UIIIIi1C... ... IIr OPEN; Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 12 (noon) to 5 p.m. EXCLUSIVE AOEJds ...... *-"~ .... ... ,..-t ..... ......... , ........ You can own tbJI l&land 2-bedr. home and ~.Pt.. tum. completely. P • need yard. perfect con4Jdon a.D4 ready to mon into today. One minute's walk to a nice sandy beach. A real value at •$11,0111-te,.. • ISUID REALn 00. j498 Park, Balboa laland HA 3T7 I FOR SALE: IIJ aner, Corona del Mar, 3 W1111. 2 Wll, cs: bBlJD s: ...... liilWia: Gla.n~~Ht auplldr lo. CC ..,.,. a..,&.. :n.y~~· loftetllli Mat. laar4wood =. .. , ... , ... tto. o Glini.pses .u I ilcliVI J'tjjjf, .. 0 a. r D ., ... .tudlo ..-. wU1. p4., fJO mo. • JICudl a.i ·,_. .,.,. IMr, lt'e hard 3f.3j E. Cout 8'w7.. CDM. to nmember to tell )'Our MoU. 11A CJ853... and Show her how DIUC:h JOU ap. LOUiSI APT'S... CM!I''IOOidD~ the predate what a ~ raJ ))Qt. Modem fUr'llWle4 apb. abe a.. ud tbat'• jut tbe N&IOQ Moderate weet17 rat-. Sum. we have Mother'• DaJ oace a mer .-vat1ou; 308 Carna-year tn the tJnt ot l(af. lt'1 a Uon, CDM. near Seaview, aPectat day eet ulde jUit for BA 4018. teUI"-her we-think she'• topa. 2-BEDBM. bou.e, tum., or un, So here la a ble reminder that tum., newly cleccrated. ChlJ. Mothers Day ll a week from dlen welcome, 417 Heltotrope, Sunday . . . Not mueh tlme 11 CDM before 10, alter 5. you have •to ~end Mother't ellt out of town! LARGE, FURN. apt., CDM, will ,sleep 4. Chlldren OK. Call SAMe 1""&11 wcmt to .-d owner, Ll ~1521. tbat ..-cta1 penaa a -..clld ATI'RA~ 2-BEDRM.. unfum. vut. wlay DOt 4n?P 11ato ". & .. .... O..JUEJf"S -" ..a.ct ---apt. with earaee, convtenJ. tlaJag na.11y loftily! lfo -.tt.r ently located; ~ Marteold, wlaat y..a c:~aooee to par. ..-a CDM.. HA UXJ.W,. c:.D be aare of c tnM.. .-ttY 415 ORCHID, CDM-1-bednn., Un· • caa oJetaat vtft 4lt ~·· turn., ground floor apt. New CIIDOilV tbe carefwlly ••h dect modern home, turn. rental and modem, Garage dlap .. prl-t•htoee tw oee 80 If 1 eta• apt. attached . . . close to vate patio, car port. Walking u she's a very young mother, Harbor VIew School and ~ distance to everything. Adults. she'll love the darltne little posed parochial school ... everything built-In including $70 yearly. shortie nlghtJes. complete with dishwasher, disposal, etc. En-NICE 1 . BEDRM. A P '1' S . with their own matching bloomer closed patio and 2-car garage ocean view, newly fum. Year-panties made as a perfect repUea with work bench · · · call ly leue, $75-$80 per month. ot a baby's dress; At any ate Ha. 2506-M. d with th Inquire Q Carnation, CDM, she'll be dellghte e MISCELLAJifEOUS HA 4016. pastel halt-slips. sprlng.llke wlth · WANT 25 HP Outboard Motor. YEARLY-2-bedrm. home, COM. colored embroidery. · WllJ trade 10 h.p. Johnson with Lovely view of harbor. Furn. Sbe1l tnclnJ'O a loftlf Jew· few hours plus cash. HA 3T7 or Available now. HA 377 or HA olry •M'Dble by Moeet. to HA3698-W. 3698-W. brlgbt.a h• faftdte ClDd'uM, PlCK UP your Anson Stop the _______ .........,____ or caa aqulatte beoded elatcb Music blanks at Ray Fields, IIELI' WAifTED baV· dnuUJ dM!ped f• laiD- Lido Watch Repair. VIncent's mu parties. U ah.,• verY· lobe1l Lido Drugs. Newport. HA 3003. Girls-joyously recelYo tho be-J....a.d cmd decotatod t.mlDJDe aaD-$5.00 PER MO. RENTS good prac-IT'S 1 glaa• a friYDUty abo mltht tlce plano. Term rent applles DOt buy for hOI'MlL 11 you buy. Danz . Scbm.ldt GIRL'S WORLD! If she's pracUcaJ, she'll be Plano Store, 520 No. Main. genuinely glad to be given two Santa Ana. Good practice and you'U aeree when you pairs of the new Larkwood X 90 pianos $89. $110, $195. hear of the many job oppor-hose, the stockings with the 90 SLIP RENTA..LS: Rowboat -ntal tunltles for qualltfed young DAY GUARANTE'r. U she's teml. •"' women In our business today. ~ spaces, max. 8' beam, 3lY Opening• now for: nine. practJcal, smart or all three length. American Leg1on Hall, TELEPHONE OPERATORS she'U adore a pair of the new 15th and Bay, Newport, HA 452. Crescendoe gloves. "Overture," -Apply-"Lully," "Dafne" . . . with the 50 USED PIANOS wanted badly Monday through Friday for our rental dept. Highest weensy pearl buttons . . . the 5141.1 No. Main Street h b fd cash allowance In trade on Rm. 211-Santa Ana very beautiful and em ro ery new plano or organ. Danz,. ... or "HI-FI" with the Jaunty Scbmtdt. 520 No. Ma1n, Santa 9=00 to 5=00 P.M. mIn I at u r e. rick-rack trim In PACIFIC TELEPHONE colors. Ana. .. LOST AJfD POOJfD EXPERIENCED BANK NCR lJook- keeper -permanent five-day week-Newport Harbor Bank. ADd doll't forv-t Moth•. too • woald be thrilled with the 10ft beautiful c:aaluDen ........ that you may baft cia-. low yoanelt. E'PI:WJiy Del._ •• LOST: BJue parakeet. Reward. 507 Heliotrope, CDM. HA 0152-R. OILY I FEW LEFT lelllrllllrJI l'EW 3 a 4 BEDDl. HOIII:S, 2 BATHS, CAJl:IIOIITS OR GARAGES, CURBED AND PAVED S'I"REETS, SEWERS. GARBAGE DISPOSAL AND EXHAUST FANS IN 4-BDM. HOMES. 3 •••• $8,100 ...... 4 ... ,. $1,710 -..... $70 ... ...... Includes taxes and Insurance. w. A. r..as, Realtor -yuu'U like our friendly ~enlce 393 E. 17th St., eo.ta Mesa Uberty 8-1139 CORONA DEL MAR .__,.... ....... ..., .......... .,_, ....... wW loftawtft.••tift~ in. O'lldee'a. - ) ( .. --~ ,: ~-IllS COAST .OUL&YUD C0801fA DEL lllU PEIIIOKAL W AN'fED-..600 PEOPLE to come to breakfast Saturday, April 30th from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m .. GoodeU Hall, ClpiSt Church By the Sea, 1«20 West .Balboa Blvd. . Served by the Men's iMOWY. Aft& & &-. • IIAIOIOlfD ORQANS: C.O.PJitli roauu . 11oe ea.q tenna. rOW' ol4 pJ&Do MUST SEU! l whole hou.e full taken 1D exe.baoee. 'n7 before of fumJtun. Beuonable. Set )'OU ~Mq. J'tM l'Ooma here for own~ at 417 B•Uotrope, CDM practice. Dans . Sebmldt ~ or call HA 3192-M. Orea.n • Plano Store. 010 Jfo. fOa lltO'tld:lrs DAY or Father'• Main. Santa AnL Day: Just a.rrtve4-new Eta· OONNSOHATA Electrle Oiian, na-MaUc watch Une, the finest allfbtly ueect Save teoo OQ tbJa automatic~. aay Fleldl, Udo beautiful orpn. Danz..Sc!bmJdt, Watch .Repair, Vlncent'1 Udo ~ No. Kaln. Santa Ana. Drup, Newport. IL\ 3003. BALDWIN lcroeonJc 9PfMt Pi-BY OWNEJI, i575i); amau cottaae ano. Just like new. Yau ean fUI'Illlh~. 708 Irll. CDM. Phone .. ve on tbts. BeauUhal Art HA 1069. Model Spinet Ollly ... An· S'fEiNWAY GRAND. Jn wonder-othu Spln.t Mab. cue. Lovely tul . oondltlon. See and hear tone only f491'. Alwaya Iota of thl• Immortal INtrument. All wonderlul barealnl at Dam;. orletnaJ condttlon and ma-Scluntdt Blr Plano an4 Orlan terlaJ. Thu la no rebuilt plano. Co .• 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Alto Knabe, Ma.on It Hamlin, 100 Pianos to choo.e from. Lester and many others at Easy terms. Open every Friday ereat sa v t n '.. Really! 100 eve. pianos from which to choose. . Danz.Schmldt. !520 No. Main, CAlli roa sALE Santa Ana. 1941 BUICK. eood con4Jtion, STUDIO-PIANO. A bard to ret pJpes. SlOO. HA U88-W alter plano. Perfect condJtlon $3115 5p.m. erms. Danz.Schmtdt Die Piano ';>1 FORD Country SquJre Station and Orean St.or.., ~ No. Main, Wagon. $8:50. On• owaer, low Santa Ana. mUeaee. BA ~ "DD IT YMUR r SALE :50 OLDS 88 4-Dr .. needs paint-better ~ ... _,._~ 54 PLYMOtrnf 4-Dr., needs door eJaD--door handle ......... .-> 50 FORD Coupe, needs valve work--uphobtery .......... _ ... ___.a360 53 FORD ,4-Dr., needs some metal work ................................. .-o 47 FORD 4-Dr., needs better tires-metal work -·-------'140 48 DODGE 4-Dr., needs mutner-Ure._palntwork ..... .......,.--'140 49 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., needs paint -........ _......................... .-> 48 HUDSON 2-Dr., needs clutcb-U-jolnts ....................... _ tl20 40 DODGE 4-Dr., just neecb a buyer ................ -......... _._.---1145 47 HUDSON 4-Dr.. needs beJp! --·-·-................................ _._ .. 10 THE.DIE R .. IS TOtra POIID DEALEJI 3100 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach "On the. Marlner'a MUe" UBERTY 8-3471 SEE TIESE nP·T· CAll IEF.E YOU IUY ~~ 1161 CHIYSI.D •• , ... ,1241 Light peen, 4-door Sedan. RacUo, Beata-, Aut.om.aUc ......_ A one-owner car-· 1141 IUDSGI 41Mr W• M21 Radio and heater, 2-tone. Exceptional tr&Npottatton tot years. ........ ,, ....... , .• 2-tone brown. Ramo, heater. OW!I'drtve. tiM aoocL 1114 CHIYSLD •• ,.._ De Luxe Club Coupe. 2-tone gray. RadJo, Heater, ~ Steering. New W S. W. tires, an excelJent buy. See our many low priced cars avaUable at the best of terma ---$25 down and low bank terms on the balnace, 1t credit approved. LOU REED 1111 III ... TES USED CAll DEP A.ll1'MJ!RT Now Located at Our New BuUdJng ~ WEST OOAST RJGRW AY NEWPORT BEACH Uberty 8-3486 laplft-1 , •• of •Ira•• ..... , lllflre ••r •ea. .. CJ u b. Tickets 75c. :;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SITUATIOifS WAJn'ED I.ERI 3 Wrm., 2! ......... larace. Elclesetl ,.tit. U••••·~ ..... 18123 w1111 ••· RetiiOitllt$47-flr ....... Court">' to Brokers. L .. l ONLY 3 LEFT 3-BEDROOMS WI111 BATH AND ONE-RAL.F SEWERS, PAVED STR!M'S, IN AlfD PAID J'OR Can be seen anytime by calllq Mr. Gatee, Ll ~ 7'976 .IEI-...vE 419 E. 17th SL, Colla Mesa I 00°/o INCREASE IN SALES! More than a )(JJJion Dol1an ln Multiple l.1lt-tq SaJ• c!'uJtq .... Month ol Karc:b: 11,141,111. OOMPADD ro ~ fO&ItfAW!B or LA8'r YUa. ra...,... •lelllaa a. Yom -TIUUiml ... BABY SITI'ING, care of s ick. your . home, Day, night. mature CDM woman. Detore 10 a.m. arter 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. IEJIVICES Painting -DecoraJing PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT NOnCE!! Are You Thinking About Buying . AnOther C.-? '52 CADILLAC FJHtwood, one owner, fuUy equipped. 12899 JODIOJI & ao• '52 STUDE. V -8 Hard top, real cle.n, auto. matic a. If . ..... drive that car, e.beck tt any. way, you 1M tit, (price, con- dJtion. etc.) and 1t Jt ctoe.n't MEASURE UP to your expee. tatton.-BJUNo rr BACX. and pt all )'Our IMM)' refunded! JOIIIIIC* & .. 'SO PONTIAC 2 dr.. Hydramatlc, aadlo Heater. · Y-. I'm •ure you wouJd and • 6 10111fSON • SOft, UNOOLH • ME'RClJBY DKAI.D otffll't JODIOif & ao• '49 OLDS. 4-DR. Roeket 8, Saw on ttlll one at ... you that PIIOT&'CnOlf with their 3-DAY MOJUY BACK OUA1tAKTEE! Q.YDK SAYS: ·~w been WE SERVE 111 FIIIST FOOD -EVERY DAY ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL MAY DAYS AT THE VILA MARINA CRQUE SIERRA RESTAURANTS • :Mly DINING SPECIALS Fro• Oranie .County's · · Two Fa11011s Restaurants DEAR FRIENDS: We are proud to •nN"'I'ce tlae Cirque aDd V"alla llariaa an ~ timdnc their policy of deeipat.iq certain of their .......,. ••• .,.. at a ...-tJy reduced price dariaa' ..,.Uaed periocla u oatlinecl ...... We are proud .to anltOQDCe tile Villa Marina hu ael'ftd 8121 of theee ..,_;.1 dinn .... ,aince .tartiq. Than.lut On Thanday, May 5, the Villa willllold a Full._ SJ.ow ..odeliq the latest i:n ...nne appareL n.. Cirque will bolcl poe OD Sablrday, May 7. ec-.plete J.ncMo. ... eel for $1.SO. P-.. call for r11 •• tiaaa. MAY . 1955 • 1955 WEEKLY SPICIAU Sinlay Tuesday I waesdiy I 11usday ,. Friday I 2 3 4 5 6 For the fint two daya af the moeth, we will ..,.e our replar Prime Rih Dinner for $2.50, or yoa may order our replar Sword- fUh Dirmer for $1.50. 8 MOTHER•s DAY 15 9 10 I II 12 1·3 Throaalloat the a'llo.e caleadar wee~ esdadina Mother's Day, we will MrYe our New YOI'k (haDe in for flaYOJ") Steak for $2.50. If JOU prefer ...food, oar .......... Halihat Dinner will he $1.50 for tJUa week. Few no waiti:na, try to plan yoar dinner party few a week clay. Note : Special DMDII for ModMr'a Day at J.ottom of pap. 16 17 18 19 l·2o ~the abon calendar week. we will featwoe oar Fried Cllidreo DUaner for $1.50, or Fried Sbiimp Dinner for $1.50. ----------~----------~--·------------------------ 22 23 . 24 25 26 Darina the ahon caleadar week, we will aene our replar Top Sirloin Dinner for $2.50 or )'OU may ha•e Fried Eulel"b Scallop. for $1 .75. A real treat for Mafoocl lo.en. Sahrday 7 14 21 28 ------- 29 31 For . Your DINING PLEASURE ~heat the abo'Ye calendar week, we offer our replar Baked Ham DinDer for $1.75. or you may order replar Troat Dinner for $1.65. AT CiREATLY REDIKED PRICES SAVE THIS CALENDAR REMINDER! At the Villa, i:n the Aq..rium Room., there ia daDcint enry Saturday oitht featuriq a Baffet . Dimletr at $2.50 per per-. No conr ew mi.i w dianar. We alao Mrve a beautiful huffet lu.ndteoe daily few $1.25. M-u •nic:. al.o. Both reataaraata .,.. opee .....-y day from 11 A .M. tiU 2 A .M. D~k Dwt.n ,.n.da the Ha•"'«"H' at Cirq-aad Adriaa Mike•ll at the V"dla. 8oth houaes offw banquet fadlitiea for larte and -.all poupa. l...ookiDt farward to efttert.UU... 7'C*- SIURB.Y. F• Sale Bay F...-t He.e fa Canatiea C:0... CIRQUE lfS ...... A eome-u.)"'U...,. .....,_.. to..-tund8 to .-d ,....... ,_. ple to au.mmet ann> wUl be held by a.. PUplm "'aof .. Corea del . Or& ~tJoll&l ~ fl'om LIIL unttl u .a.Dt .. t~. l.tne 4. on the Cout Sdper Market park· tnc Jot In Corona del Mar. Pancakes,. oranp julce, aau. aace. bacon, coffee, ->"UP and butter are being donated by man- ufacturers. and UM of the parlt~ tng lot wW be donated by Cout Super Market. An entertainment proeram 1s being planned. Nor. man L. Brown. chW'Ch director ol youth activitieS and church ::UC:~~upertntendent. baa an. VDIE _ or WORSE 11\e committee of young pe; pte handllng the event Include ... Betty Shannon, president, and George Weedon, vice-president of the PUartm Fellowahtp. and TilE I'IOJC Wendy Gruwell. It's tood for the heart to weep, ElR how could the spirit sing? Life's so f:rall a thing, Like a bird with a broken wing. But a aoul ls immune to fate And soars above arlef and bate. Spring .Clearance STOCK REDUCING SALE To Make Boom Foa-Our •• .••. , ........ AT COST! BELOW ~O~TI GBOUP OF CO'nON cmd SILK COCKY AIL DRESSES ·~· ••• '14 ... '3,.. GROUP in PASTEL COLORS SHORTEE COATS Val• Tt lOW 54ftll $31.11 17 GROUP OF COii'ON & SU.X BLOUSES GROUP OF NEW SILK 2-PIECE SUITS Val-To •• ~ftl& Sau& 6~ GROUP OF 's• COTTON & SILK DRESSES ,., , .... ,. .. '1r •• ... GROUP NET & .,.,.. NYLON LONG FORMALS ,. Suitable for •• Lodge Work '24. .A one-act plaT tournament f• Oranae County blab 8Choola wW be beld 1n the new auditorium a t Oranp Oout eou._. on May 13, J. Robert ~-collep drama dl.redAw, announce.. Ent:rlel haft bet!~~ nc:elved from eteht hlp 8eboob In the count;y. Plana eaU tor four play~ to be praented J'rlday afternoon. May 13. and four to be preMnted Ftlda.J evenlne. A dinner tor par- ticipant. wUl be h~d In the Stu- dent Center between the two sec- tiona of the tournament. Awards will be presented to tbe wlnntne achools and to out- standlnt actors and actresses, Ke.t eald. Those hleh echoole which have entered playa are: Fullerton, Nt!'WJ)9rt Harbor, Gar- den Grove, Capi.trano, Laeuna Beach, Anaheim, La Habra, and HuntJneton Beach. There will be no admlalon charee. · Rocky Point To Be Topic 'nle ~tu.t of Rocky Point and other park and recreation areu on the ocean front wtll be dls- cu.ed tonight (Thursday) at the monthly meetlne of the Corona del Mar Civic A.uocfatlon at the Corona del Mar Grammar School. Corona del Mar'e two new councilmen, l. B. Stoddard and Lee Wilder, wUl be euest epeak- t>ra and contribute to the dlacue- s lon of parks. The meeUng will be held at 7:30 p.m. and will be open to all resldenta. LATEST T01'I Ia DciYid CIDd 11.-y'e Toys. at Dcrt14 llaagiCI'f'O II DO ebagew to tbo barbor 1101 E. Coat Jlwy .. CorOIMl del Mar, an deiJaao. C11NCL bCI'f'tDg led bll OWD bad. Daft Ba:f91G"N lltnrtecl by Dcrrid ........... rlglat, to JUduRcS Cllld tbe E8qa.l.ree .. tbe ........... 8a1lrooaa • .,..,._,, I. left. of a21/a AftCIIIdo An.. Coi'Oaa for t:a.t. Week Ia 1M2 CIDd 1M7 aad lD Swat- del lliu, Cllld lt..te .._,..., I. ceater, ot U8 ID.gtoD -.acb Cllld laa C"h---. Xr. llargrcrt"e A.,.....,. A,._, CoiOIIG ciU liar. Tile MW ~tore Mind lD U.. Amay ctut.g Wodd War IL com- teatuee toys fiW allt:i ~ lataab to t.... I.Dg oat a capta1a ..,_ daty Ia tiM ftlllppt.Dee, ....,._ ..s.Jt .,_-. fualt1&N CIDd ~lL Oldaawa Cllld Kona. Tbe JICIJ'9'I'G't'• bCI'f'e foar Owawa .. ~ llary IIAagJCI'f'o, wbo dl1ldna. Llada. 11 Katlay, 71 Sally, 5, aad cdllo .,.... a toy nor. Ia •~moat sa..... . GmL IOIIJf TO IIDCBS wben tbey bCI'f'e beoa lD bael .... e a1Dco ltsS. DCI'f'y, 3. A daughter, Darlene Ann, wu -.:..:..::=:_::..:....::......:::..:.......:_..:...:..:.._ ____________ .:...._ _______________ _ born to Mr. and Mrs. John Murch ol 1<11~ 30th St.. Newport Beach, In Hoae Memorial Hospital on Tueaday, April 12. Jr. Red Cross Displays Art- From the POUCE BLOmR • WEDJifE.SDAT, A..U. 20 at the rear ot that addrHS; he Otflcers quarantined a great cleaned.up the broken glass ... Our American youth tell the dane dog owned by Russell Ban. A practice mine, found noatlng etory of their community lite gert of 2116 Miramar Dr .. Balboa, ln the surf near 22nd St .. Nt>W and Interest. to the youth of atte1 It bit Danny Hunsaker of port Beach. wu guarded by po other lands through the medium 2128 Miramar Dr . . . Clayton lice and turned over to a repre ot tbelr drawings and paintings. Smith. secretary ol the Bartend-sentatlve of the Long lk'ach These many palntlnes gathered ers and Culinary Workers Union Naval Depot ... Trartlc officer from all over the United States of Lone Beach. reported that hls Georgt' Kossmann relea~;<-d tht> and Hawaii by the American union was establishing a picket left foot of Howard McMillan. 7. Junior Red Cross will be dis. line at Howard's Cafe. 3975 W. of 526 Westminster Avr., Nt"W played In the Harbor area before Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach . . . port Ht>lghts. aftN It becam<' being shipped over eeas as a H. C. James of Burbank reported jammed Into the sprO<'kN nf his method of communication be-that while making a delivery at I bicycle In his back ynrd ... tween the .cbool chJldren of the 1<11 VIa Koron, Udo Isle. the top Stephen Showier of 313 Irvine world. of his truck broke a lamp light Ave.. Newport 114!'1ghts, reported Tbe ftnt MIOWIJ\1 Is belnJ h~d the theft of a $;10 power saw tocla.,)' ('11turtelaT) 1D the Nf'W QDIL roa P&TUIS from outside tht> back door of !Jome Artl Bulldlnr ol Newport A daughter, 7 lbs .. 2~ oz.. ·was 1 hla home . . 'A. E. Kelley ol 421 Harbor Union High School. room born to Mr. and Mrs. LesLie Pet. VIa Lido Soud, Lido Isle. r~port 187. The pictures will then be ers of 121 Rochester St.. Costa ed the theft of a carbine rltle. transfered to the Horat-e Ensl(n Mesa. In Santa Ana Community 12 gauge double barrel shogun Art Room for exhibit tomorrow. Ho~pltal on Thursday. April 14. and a 410 guage shotgun ... The pictures a re selected by a (Continued on Page 11) Barber Shop Quartet Society To Organize Local Chapter A chapter of the 5oclety tor I good repute, who can sing-and the Prellei vat.lon and Encou.raee-thoee who can't. but want to ment of Barber Shop Quartet learn, or are 11at1atled just to Slnetnz In A.merlca, lncorpo. listen. Any citizen ot this area rated, Is planned tor t.b1l com. who can live up to these stern munlty In the tmmedlate future. qualifications and Is lnterestt'd Thla organization of alneers and In doing somt-thlng about lt. would-be singers operates on an f should lmmt'daately get In touch International 8Cale and now has with Dan Wedman. Harbor 4744, more than 600 chapters ecattered or Dale Whitacre, Wbery 8 5953, throueh out the United States and who have charge of the plans Cor Canada. t h t' preliminary organization Ellg.lblllty Is limited to those meetln1 on Wednesday. May 11. males, free, adult. congenial, or They can be ruched at 108 Via a fKU Tues. tllrll Fri.,l'ost time 1:30 Jl.lll. 9 rM:es ~turd1vs Post ltm.-1.00 o m P'BOM lfEW.OaT -~A: Dri't'O DOrtb OD Jl!pway 101 .. Blgbway a t11.na riwbt • ~ way H to Katella A._ae ta ltaatoa.. tlMa left tJaNe ........ tr-=k •traac.. Seven new Instructors h ave I been appointed for the 1955 56 achool year by the Board or I Trustees of Orat\ge Coa.st Col I lege. They Include Robert B. For., est from Waahington State Col lege u instructor In Enellsh: Stephen Isaac from 0 n t a r I o schools as counselor and lnstruc tor In psychology; Franc:ea M. Lawrence from San Franclsro State College to teach business education ; Ruth E. Muon from Menlo-Atherton HJgb School as lnJrtrUctor ln physical education; Irvin J . Koga.n from Stanford University u I.Ntructor In elec . tronlcs and mathematics; Lucian D. Scott from Taft Junior College as Instructor In drama and Eng llsh; and Dr. l ane R. Matson from East Contra Costa Junior College to teach psychology and serve as counselor. Those appointed are a portion ot the twelve additional lnstruc tors which the Trwlte@S have au thorlzed the Administration to seek. It Is anticipated that the enrollment at <>ranee Coast Col lege wUJ be In excess of 1.200 In regular day classes next Fall. lfOTICE TO Cll.EDJTOIIS ESTATE.OF RALPH W. G07H ARD. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Creditors ot and all penons having claims aealnst the snld decedent or said estate to file them with the neceua.ry vouch- ers ln the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ol the State or Cal ltornla. ln and for the County of Orange, or to pre5('nt the same. with the nt."<.'t'ssary vouchers. to the underslgnt'd at Florenct", Lido lale or 561 Deborah Lane. Co«ta Mesa. n.u .... Featvi.D9 fiae ...toa r.t. ltoa:b. prt.e rt11e. dtlc'ha. d.._ tM YW. Martaa 1a oae of 0rai19o Ce•tr'• a...t ...._. rata. aa.qu.t I'OCIIII 8Mb ap to -. lA cuW .t a. llddl- to ...... Jaaa.cs. lf..-............ -... a...-.. r.u.toa. 511 Balboa aiM. SOUTH SEAS CAFE FiDe food ••• ~ bar ••• f1ocw ...._. a6gtatly ••• cdllo daDd.Dg to tbe •utc ot tbe o.c..dN. Doccla ~ artiata. Eaey to 9ft to floaa lfewport llarbew AIM dat" up IIAirbcw at...... ..... r19bt oato )ltvbwey 101. ... twa rt91at • r ....... Boad a qwa.._ oJ a ...U. tara.. oa. 101'11 tJ. S. IIWT. 101 Dear AlfAJU:DI UfiiOifE 5-DM CIUIIallll CAFE -..... . n.s. ................. =aDd~ ,.,. ..... ........... lD 0.....,. eoa.ty, ss. lDdadJav .... dM&. ·-· dol1a1 da1.... food voarmeta ~ tluoaii'Mt .. Soathlall4. It'• WOI1b a trip to hwbolm. Cla.l~ Ia a. bcDbt aad ateab Cillo an leata.nd. Yet U. 1a yov a...t. CbliMM 91ft .... Delft docw. 327 E. CE.KTEJL AKABEIM u;.,.-.. S-4511 commJttee made u p of members WJLLSOJifS GET GmL of the National Art Education A daughter. 6 lbs .. 6 oz.. wu SOJf IOitlf TO GHE.LETS 1 his or her place of business. to w1t: Van's Bowling AT A.saoclatlon and J unior Red Cross born to Mr. and Mrs. Murton H. atatf. Willson Jr. of 1222 E. Balboa MAGiftJSSONS QET SOK Blvd .. Balboa. In St. Joseph Hos- pital on Sunday. April 17. LEGAL JlfOTICES A son. Mlctlul Wells. was born to Mr. and Mrs Robert 1 Grt>eley of 9<10 W. VIctoria St .. Costa Mesa. In Hoag ~t·morlal Hospital on Monday. April I 1 William A. Gothard. Exe<-utor c/o Harwood, Heffernan lr Sn 1 den. Attorneys at Law. 2515 E. Coast Highway. TheAr,hes "Your Ha.t to the Coast Since 1926" A son, Glenn Edward, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mag nusson of 345 Costa Mesa St .. Costa Mesa. In Hoag Ml'morlal Hospital on Saturday, April 9. CERTJl'ICATE OF BVSIKESS SIBILLIJfGS GET SON Fictitious Firm Namt> Corona del Mar. CaliCornla. within !iii}( months after the first puhlkation of this nota<'(' PIKE FOODS COCKTAILS COAST HIGHWAY AT THE AACHE.S Newpoft ... cit JOHN VUDJ.£ ............ 1511 BAXTEJI.S GET GlllL A daughter. Lorraine Emery. was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Baxter of 268 Walnut Pl., Costa Mesa, on Sunday, April 10, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. DOII~T WASTE niE you bring the laundry We do the work • • • New Low Prices UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE A-1 PLUMBING THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby <'<'rttry that they are rondurtlng a Landscaping buslnt>ss at 2229 East Coast Highway. City of Newport Beach. County of Or. ange, State of California. under the fictitious flrm name or COASTAL LANDSCAPING a n d that said firm Is composed of the following peniOns. whose names and addresses are as follows. towlt: Royce W. Prior~ St. James Road, Newport Heights. Newport Beach. cauromla. Ltoonard F. Jones-618 Hello- trope Avenue, Corona c;lel Mar. Newport Beach. CallfomPa. YQTNESS our hands tbls 11th day of ApriJ, 1955 Royce W. Prior Leonard F. Jones STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. ON THIS Eleventh day of April A D .• 1955. before me Ro~rt W. Fraser a Notary Public In and for said County and State. resid- Ing therein duly rommlasioned and .wwn, penonally appeared llo:tte W. Prior and Leonard 'F. loMI known to . me to be the !~~~i!~~l!~=iiiiiiiiiii~iiii~~==il~ii==~~~~PKIUDI ~ n~ ~ IU~ 8Ctlbed to the w1t.hJn ln.atn.unent. and admowleclled to me that -·~ tbeJ ~ ..... laJ1\e. Df WI tHUS WHI'*IOF, 1 have beNunto lit 1111 bud and a1- fbi'ed .._,. oalda1 .... the day Ucl ,._1ft Utll C*'Uncate ftnt a~ Wiltllin. JIIOTA.ft JIUaiC 1M AlfD I'Oit lAID OOVJft"f Aim S1' Aft ~-...... • ew··rae Ella*• ~~ADds Dated: April 15. 195.'1 A son. Mkhaol Lt'sllf'. was ' WILLIAM A. GOTHARD born to Mr and Mrs. Karl Sihll·: Executor of the Estat<' ling of 1920 Anaheim AvC'. Co<; said dec<'dt>nt. ta Mesa. In lloa~ Memorial !Ins Harwood. Heffernan lc Soden pltal on Tuesday, April 12 Attorneys at Law '2:il5 E. Coast Highway A Clossifred Ad in The E s qr, Curona del Mar. Califo rnia results! C oh I Publish: AprU 21. 28. May S. 12 end prove it! In the Newport Harbor Ensign WIITHEIS 1:.~': --===-==-:::.. --... -----· ........ I J.:: _.. II. • ..., 5. 12 ............ ~---------~~~--...................... Ia a.~·~·~ ~ 1 IOW-OPEII BOWUIG MoD~ P.M. to Cloai.Dg Wedoeaday--1:30 P.M. to Cl .. lD9 Sat. & Sua-ALL DAY & NIGHT * AtrTOMATIC PIKSPO'l'TERS * roa RESERVATIONS CAFE 703 snEmoa AVE. LBDTY 8-3292 COSTA MESA NOW OPEN ••• NANA'S Mexican Foods OPEN EVERT DAY 11 A.M. -rD.. 7 • .M. Sernag a complete •lectioa of Mnkala food I.Ddud- lag, ... , or hem 8urritos. Toeo'~Taquitoe-To.t.SO.. Bambwpn aad Fouata:l.a Serrica. A WOaLD TllA VELOCVE OOLO&.FILIC ''IIADL" M~~AT IIY 2 Vl"lt the c-Ities or Belrm. F.ortalrxa. MaC'<'IO. Bahia, fabulous Rio de Janeiro. tht' Industrial clty of Sao Paulo and the oofff'e rlty of Santos. The mighty Amazon and river city of Manaos. KARL ROBINSON. Narrator. KEWPORT RICB SCHOOL AVDI"'''aiVM flcket!l at Corona del Mar Travel Service. Lido Sbop- Ct'nter Boll Off t of film. 1.~. * BALBOA * • • .... MUJ a clq to 10 befON 't8nee, tzZ.OQt; W, &. FlaMr, the Mob ... ·d.-4 fat AprU. addition at 432 Cabrfllo Terrace, the total ~ 0( IMlUdlne per. ta.OOO: mb few thla month t. over e ~A JSLA11D 11~000.000. Newport BuJldlne In-AleJC Rober18on, addJtJon at 8J*lOr Raymond Glenn reported 1!106 s. Bay n .. tsSO: Ralph tocSQ. 'lbla br1np the 195(5 total Smith, 5-roorn. · 2 story, 1-unlt d~ to 14,000,000. about ~ dwelling at 208~ Dlamond, $16.- quarten of a million dollars 000; Walter Schmidt, add1tJon at ah.ad of last year. 205 Onyx, $800. Followlne permJU were issued: • BAaiiOB ISLAXD • LIDO ISLE A. P. Williams. alterations at Or. B. G. Foreey, 6-room, 1-8 Harbor Island, $2.000. .tory, 1-unlt dwelllne at 209 VI a • aAY SBOIIES Genoa. ~000; Ineram and Col-M. E. Tyrrell. addition at 25'71 I '•, (.. • ' ''I ' 4 llrw, 1-room, 2 • .tory. 1-unlt tlwel-er---... $1 000 Jlq at 114 VIa Mentone, $18,000. <=<v.eW, • . Clean-up Also •••• .o.,. IIEJaB'n • ·~A • Cr-sh Le--ds Robert J ~ 1 .,......, E. S. Weber, 4·room. 1 story, 1 u .& 1-unlt dwelllne at 222 La JoUa. $14,000• Lout& Allen 5-room. 1-utsl e 0 . To Scufft·.nll .. ones. room. .• .,.,...,, unit dwelling at 814 W. Bay, Q •d J b r~: Co~!~tt. 5-~ story, i.unlt dweliln~ at 117 G IILti.LI Lllfll' ... ~· V;:, $1!(!00 I d 81 t l25 St . $17,000; Alden's Gift Shop, Sprlne dean-up, wbldl Is belng a e r Kewport ~ a.~~at per. Ol:eMl v..,· $13.000: an a Palm at Bay Ft., aten. $275: .John OO.UVed thls week, lan't JUst an . . • · • , -....... lit a ...._ in the • Calvin, addltJons at 1!250 Mira-lnsfcle Jeb. Tbe oatlddle ol your . ....... DrtW Ill~ kit. eo. • ~a DD. XU mar. $3,000; Bo Chr. Boos Sr., home needs your atteatlon just • ....._ ~ty 18 barilbll the nartll to w..tt ._. ..a ad later mae cljl Mar . at t:tl pJD. Wed- Ciaarles .JobiUIOn, cover patio foundation at m Edgewater Pt.. u raudl, N....,...t P'lre CJaJef a. IIW .._ tDf a .,. •••=H her ftJere aroaDd ~ · · · .....,. ~· JD. tD the tt at ZZ1 Mareuerfte. .. ; Clay. t1..500: M«eland Lelthold, alter-1. Brt.eoe sayw. flf U MW Mn*a lb tH ~ Ira•-ftu* ,._ taa. '-" ._ Palm ~ • a.. ..... -: .. 11 t7 ton Flel'ftiDIDI, elJn few bulldlnl atton.s at 1803 E. Bay Ft., 16.000; "Clean up the IJ'OUIHia around • uee. Pat ..... _,. tile lprtftp far 6 ,.. MP • · · ~ta. TU .......: at 290' E. Coast Rwy., $50; Hazel c. M. Stromberg, addiUon at 1400 your houa," the Cbk!f ad\'Ued . ....._ -**•11' '-* tueadta • ....._a.. .... .....,.. ._J a ....._ tr.tlk J M t' when Grant King, 7-room, 2-story 1-E. Balboa Blvd., $3.000: A Crary, ,1t's a co~ tire -.ff!ty .,UI tie IJkltvtctuallt ltJled. dan ad bt 'filllt .... DGI'Ul ~ .._ ee of a.a11ea JL Dil~ al unJt dwellng at 330 Poppy, SZl,· repair at 1519 E. Bay Ft., $100. meuure Any stray epti'k ln a • • • Iter daqtaten. 01....,• • ..._ ~ .,... hJt dllt ea ei lanet 000; WUllam heler, alteraUons • WEWJOIIT nearby ·cJutta 01 dry weeds. -nu.e De* a...,.tate memllen real elllta.te ~ ....U. c. Olbeon ~ .,_.. a , ~- at 712 Poppy, ~-lohn C. Plato, cabana at 41 d@ad grua, .,..tbered an• old .._.. -.k:um~ title week lnto • • • port a.dl. palb ...._ • COIIOIIA BJGBLAJO)S JWJnont. LJdo Tr a ll er Park, wood. or otMr quick bum.lb& the KI!Wibt Rubor ltMlty loud -r.o new appllraftt8 to tbe ~ tlalpb W. lllnll.llr .. l'lnt W. E. Fisher, 7-room. 2-story, $2,000; South Coast Mortgage rubblsh and you'd be In a bad -and one active member, who Ia Newport Harbor Realty Board Marine Dlvbton. Camj) Pendle- 1-unlt dwellinc at 4.28 DeSola Co., aJgn at 1600 w. Coast Hwy., way." Ted Hauser at 2029 HarbOr Blvd., who have just been a ccepted are ton, went to the wom.an'l aJd _._... ___ ,_ .... gy_,.,.,__ $700; Rawllnp, fence at 173J He urged householders to "fix co.ta Mesa. The new aaoclates Ceorae Stewert. uaodate wtth &fld eharced be was 1meec1 by . Ocean Ft., $100; W. G. Campbell, up u ~u u clean up" for the are R. C. Benner with WUltam Balboa Bay Properties, and Al-Davtct.on ln tbe eiUIUU,. ~e. COli Em• earport at 53 Beach Dr., Udo same reuon. Keep all extertcw Houston Realty. c. c. Breucre-bert ComeUus, uaoclate wtth Davtc!aon charpd tbat be was TraDer Park, t675: Frank Katnlk, aurfaca of the h~ painted man with Gibson Realty, and El-Balboa Realty ... alao new to ltruck by 111n.te1 and atuJwed 5& _ _... storaie room at 2912 W. Cout and tn eood repatr. Replace eom-&ie Ebellne with Balboa Bay their offices are Gordon Walker, evidence a1 a 11nt1a aDd .wel- .tl.el.._ ...... C Hwy., $1,500; Harold Gray, ca-bu.Uble wood shlneJe roofs with Properties. now With W. E. Ftsher &ealty; llbf arouad bJ. hlft .,.., poUce .... _. bana at 42 CabrUlo, Udo Trailer ftre..resistpnt rooflnc. • • • Dan Jacobsen, now wtth Lido tale auesea Park. $3,500; Don Wood, cabana "'These are thlnp we look for Tickets rat the Lacuna Salel Properties.. and Charles Lee. now ------ at 43 Fremont. Udo Traller Park, ln the flome lnsp«tJon program Conference on AprU 29 wU1 be with Phll Rapp Realty. wa.~. If C. C. Wl.ll $2,000; Wiley Garner. 2-bedroom. whidl yoar fire clepartm~t t. sold by Muriel Pinover, Jenn ... •-•• .Dellu;u.,,. 1-story, 1-unlt dwellln& at 1<rr eonductlnr ln cooperation with Bennett. Nelda Glbaon. Dick •••••••• , ..... H 1 g h 1 a n d • 14,000; Charles the national drive spo~red by Hodre and Pete Geddes. IIIII! pw Sdlmtdt. cabana at 47 Channel, the International A.uociatJon of • • • Udo Trailer Park. $2,000; Gordon Fire Chlefa." he Jtated. Rl!altor Elton Barnett and his ~!!~~~!!~~!!!!!!!! Connaly, replace cabana at 22 .. ldlool mar'm ~ had a yeek-a,,~ITEJt F r • mont. Udo Trailer Park, naw So :~;-:~~ ~an~~ end trip to the de Sftt recently ~ ·c.n•' $2,000; John P. John110n. 2-story WMk. Let'a all make Newport . . . Sandy Stetner and famUy ENT ALS :d:::• ·=· saooo. ::: ~ ~· -udlul ••• :f: ,:,'7;:~ ::;.t. ••rl•a ..... .,.. TIDE A dau1hter. Shell~ Joanne, Sprlnr vacation hu been a :;: C::'lf:' waa bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald PO .... IDSAJI llOYD tlme to travel for a number of 3011 •ewport m.. ••,..t .._.. Blrtcher of 601 Poinsettia Ave., Tom Sc:badtt. former ly of real estate broken around town. ;=.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;~ Corona del Mar, In Hoae Me-Costa Maa, hu mow4 from UIUan La Perle ot Costa' llfeu Bead ZbatfD Want Acta. FEI........ modal Hospital on Saturday, Cedar Rldre to Reno. Ju.t returned from a jaunt up I.... • • Aprtl 16. 11le little girl is the o.a-.: ... ~"u.e r.a;:·~~:rotMrc;::a~ HEARING SET ON VACATING HIGHWAY aDd au 1JWlOII Jlftldacb • • • Mar . ..................... ftCZ UP & DEUVErl DJJIII'S ~=~ ® 3001 Rewpod aaw. !fewport Beocll Barbor liD OpeD EYe~Y Day 1 a.m. to I p.m. IE SA UPHOLSTERING 8ILE1"S GET DAlJGIITK8 A dauebter, Dana I.,e(>, was born to Mr. and l4rs. Jimmy Riley of 19201 N"'J)Ort Blvd .. Santa Ana. In Roar Memorial Hospital on Monday, AprU 18. VAR JIOUS GET amL A daughter, .Joyce Anne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. l ames Van Horn of 760 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, on. Monday, April 18, In Roag Memorial Hospital. Lmll MniC& iEidLfi10ii RO. ~ A RESOLtmON OF JJn'ENTION OF 'mE crrY COU14CJL OF 'mE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING ITS IN- TENTION TO ORDEJl THE CLOSING UP, VACAnOft AND ABANDONMENT OF niAT CERTAIN PUBUC HIGHWAY OVER LOT 24., BLOC'K 9. TRACT NO. 27 IN mE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUN- TY OF O~GE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. A son, Michael Allen, was born of Newport Beach. pursuant to fii5ii55555.ff SOli IOD TO ltAYI The City CounciJ of the City to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kay of the prov1slona of the "Street Va- 421 La Perle Pl .. Costa Mesa . In cation Act of 1941," and all Hoag Memorial Hospital on Mon. amendments thereto, belng Sec- day, April 18. tlon 8300 through 8331 of the SORFOB~Ga A son. Daniel Howard, was born to Mr. and MI'S. Patrick Lanning of 514 San Bernardino Ave., Newport Heights, In lfoag Memorial Hospital on Tuesday AprU 19. SOli BOD -TO WJLCOD A son. lames Robert. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilcox of 547 Deborah Lane, eo.ta Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, AprU l.i. arm. FOa f"LAJJ&.-rYY A dauahter, Kathlt!en, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. James Ftaberty of 1811 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, 1n Hoe& Me- mortal HOfPita) on leturday, April 9 . Streets and HJrhways Code, does hereby ordain, reeolve and de· clare as follows: SECTION 1. That the public Interest and convenience require the clo.inc up and abandonment of that certa.ln public highway over Lot 34, Block 9, Tract ~o. rt, and Yacate4 at:reet ad)olninc on UGAL .O'I'IC& northwesterly line havtnc a length of 157.44 feet and a bearlna of South 34 • 59' 35" West; thence from aald point of bectnnlng South 34" 59' 35" West along the eouthwesterly prolongation ot aaJd tangent course a distance of 297.75 tMt to a point In the center line of that certain 40 foot street ad- joining said Lot 24 on the west u vacated by the Board of Su- pervisors or eald 0 r a n 1 e County. a certllled copy of which order Is recorded In Book 286, pa1e tr3 of Official Records, recor~ of aald Or- ange County; thence South fll• 40' 10'' East a distance of 32 L .... _. S,. aRULOAJr Coaatruc:lloD Lo<m• 5"' •nu LOB I I&& 11()8 tJl 'l"''lZJJ .................. •ts a. c..t llwY• CDII ft.11A 1111 a a.a1a ·-- HOME LOANS QUICI 24 HOUa -YICI LOW l~- El&'f ~·A.,_fn . mo. .. A.-. LA&UNA BEACH ..... Hr4-tl77 d • IWOWY, Aft& .. 1- u....m, Commercials, • 1M QuMD. ..... "FomdCriP ol youdl" lilT .. ~ME a.m.. ..................... . S. I. "IIZITLU" a..wec.. ... .oAT ana NDrtUJIE I'II.LOWI IWSULAT10K Wll inPLUS ..W.. ... ._ ...... ~aDd Acapulco ...., ... .........., ao SUYICK CB.AIIGil I I For comfort you can depend on: ! An el«_tric water heater .. :. hot tDater always-1 • An el«tric range ... ,.,.,_ oookif&ll retrUlts cdwara- twla~l and automatically! 1 Keyword for the best in living: THE HOIIACE * * * BN§I6N DJi&D ft ••• ; •• I DJDTaAL • * 111110 Nlldf.l .n What's the best place to save for Cowboys, Indians and Space Cadets? Of aU tbe reasoos for savins money-and tJM:re are hundreds-certainly none is biger or more important than building up a nest~ to take c:an of your chiklren • s future. Al'd wbere's tho best place to build up your ncst-eg? Ript now, 14 MillkNt Americans think tbe best place is an iMaared S.viep and Loan Aslociltion 1 Here 'I "r' ONE-You !d amkw ~. T'bat•a be- 0\USC insured Sa'rinp aad Loan A~tions in\Ut m<* of their fuods in IOUDd. stC*ty- .pa)iD& bome monpps. '\ TtiO-Your sninp an Mf~-protecced by JOOd .......,.... ud ..tlmntial raerYeS. 1hly are....,.... to $11.000 bv the Fcdera.J Saviap and I...oan losuraOQC Corporation-an ~ of the u. s. Governmeftt. , nou:E-These Associations •~ local orpn- iz.ations. They offer frimllly, lwlpfiJ tlltli CCM- Pmimt sn-viCY. And here's another point: When you're think- ing of buying a home. remember that iuured Savmp and Loan AssociatioM make b'beraJ loans. They 5« to it that you pt the money qu1Ckly-and at moderate rates. Why not rome in and opca avinp IIOCOUIIb fot yourself and for your childtaJ toda). And if you need a bome mon~ loan.let"s talk about that. too' . . .Thank You for the warm reception you have given our little shop . . . We will strive to give personal service to the individual needs of our clientele . . . with emphasis on the unusual. . . Marilyn's Fashion Apparel 2348 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (on the way to the Santa Ana Country Club) __...---~ /16111 ~ CtlST B:;:;; : J_ RA.CKia BUILDIN<.S Al6l0 Fcu.Mil GLVfO LAMINATfO MEMBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPAN, -'FfOQ.OING GQEAT STQENGTH AT LOWER COST. COMPLETE aUI\.OING -VTl~aTV DE.L"'E.RE.o TO JO~ 51TE FROM t15 PER. SQ. FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTED, INCLUDING SL.A~ FQOM tl!! PER. SQ. FT. fOR COMHERC:~, f ARM .. OR INOUST~ US£. All"'"# .. Ill $0. CMJF. Do Something TODAY ••• About The Figure You Wcmt Tomorrow! Pboae B.A 1742 TODATI FOB FJIEE ROME DENOifSTJlA TIOif IEIT·TIEI IWI TIE • ...._ .. "UIUFFEI" -TAll E • • • cmd stan dai:D9 .... TODAY about the flgure you want for SUMMER! And don't walt 'till J une and bathing suit time to TRIM THOSE HIPS and FLATI'EN THAT TUMMY! ~~ Bcubcx 1742 3U7 E. Coast Hwy., near Jasmine ColoDa dellllR "Get In The Swim., with • • • BEACH I SWII lUI .. • • I • .MG!Uf~·~~ *TOYS * 3101 E. Coast Bwy. at Jcn-toe: c.-a del Mar (Next to All American Market) B.AUOB 5511 * AJ8o at 5251 E. IDdlt.... .... * We wish to thank all who have called to give us congratulations ... your sincere fri~ndship fills us with a warmth that means more than all of the awards. Biz Hartlein and Staff • 1111101 IIY llfl • • • SAT rr WITII ,. POIJCE ILOI1EI : ....., J). ........... Ja. (Ooadmled ,.._ Pap U> laQt ..._ ad ..._ ,... Hwy. aD4 ~ A' CorD-... flltMlf...,..t~ao.d u del X. at 1:21 p.m. . . . af ...._.. wu an~·· • t1aJ. · ...a..,'*' Maulw Ma aau. e &AftDAY, U'IIIL II . ca M ._. af tbe Welfa.re DIYI· Two males and one female tn .._ o1 u. Jlfewport a.dl OY11 a car attempted to ahort-ehan&e DeCeMe orpnluttoa. a waltreu In Merle's Drtve.ln. 'ftle W..,.,. D l•l• 10 n baa Corona del Mar, by awttclllq a dlarp ol Jood aud aWW ptOb. 15 bUl tor a $10 but . . . A. L lema lD eMe of emet'.-eJ'. J'1nt Lansdown ot 2624~ Newport tuk to be UDdeltaken by 11r Blvd., Newport Beach, reported Peae 11 to mak • a aurwy oi the theft of i. 14-toot row boat food d clothl.n e d owned by .Ben Reddick of 524 an I reaourcea an Seaward Rd., Corona Highlands. lbelter fadlltJea In the event of from near the old Newport can-:or ::m:. fire or eartJ_t· nery · · · Mr. Pease ls a member of the e SUJfDAT. APIUL IC Newport Beach E 1 em en tar y Officers were asked to locate School Board and Ia runnlne for Andy Ward. 16. of Los Angeles, re-election In the May 20 elec- descrlbed a.s a skln dJver carry. tJon. lng a spear and knap sack. re-Be stated that h e was aeek.Jng po.rted mlaslng by his fathti', re-election "'because of bu.lness John Ward, ot X.O. Angeles • . . and educational experiences and OASII KADOTA FIGS ~---········· .... --~ ..... 15¢ New s•s 3 .. 28~ .Cheer &QQADf uaDT·WIMie ..__,.... .. ,..... 19~ COFFEE ·59L ~, ·. H~UTS 6 ~'[GfTABltS . TURKEY HENS 4-6 LiJS. · LABQE ASPA·RAGUS 15~ aoiiADIE oa UD LETTUCE 2tor~ . c::ELI.O Ra. TOMATOES 17¢ -t . -[ • ' . B • · r r • I : • r • • • • r I .... • PRIME RIB ROAST LEG o• LAMB ' RIB STEAKS SWISS STEAKS DAMS I WUI I ftDUIDi....., a......_ IIY ... 49~ ·~anned · Picnic Ham · '2!8 Cht~ek · t .. 3DL.