HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign'lbe Newport Beach Elemen- tary School trustees voted Tues. day ~nlng to adopt a new eradlnr rystem tor tM MVenth and ~&hth erades and to put the A·B-C report card in effect next September. ., MesaY.rh Hit by Car A 20 year.old eo.ta MeN youth. d.rtvtne a bonowed motorcyc:le, was killed Tuesday evenlnc when he was struck by • car on Bayside Dr. near Corona del Mar. I The victim was Gary Bentley COJIOJfA DEL llAL CALIF. TBUMDAT. MAT 5, 1155 Bradford of 131 ~ AJbert SL He 4 Teachers Get Teiiuri The trWitees adopted the rec. ommendattona of the •pedal cttl. zena grade study committee, with one reservation. ThJa wu with respect to eradJn& of citi- zenship. The motion of Trustee Harvey Peue approving the new eradJn& system dltected the Hor- a~ Enslen School professional ataf1 "to estabUah for cltlzen.ahlp a specific standard of padlne. to be shown In detall on the card ao u to provide a buia for lndl· vidual eradln& and evaluation of studmts." Wildmest .-j had just driven put the BaJboa t, .,, II ~o-::td;:u~.a~e~~:! ~:w:.c! <;:~ rl er head on by a car driven by 17 year-old John Stower Mullins ol 113 Grand Canal, BaJboa Island. John Mulllns. drlvine toward Tnchen were r~mployed tor the 1~56 achool year. four were eranted t~ure and H new teach. era were hired at the Newport Beach Elementary School trustee ~ng Tuesday evenlnr. R«eiving tenure were Betty Cooper and Beth Terp4ma of Hor- ace Enslen School. Dolores Rftee of Corona del Mar School, and Virflnla Booth of Harbor VIew School. New ~achers employed in- clude Mrs. ~aldine Barker. Dorothy Carl, Mrs. John Case, Nancy Jane Ganlaon, Norma Goodwin, John Granath, Mrs. Phyllla Grimmett, Mrs. Nina Hix- on, Mra. Lovell Lehman, Shirley McKelvy, .Mn. Louise Michael, Nancy Sheets. Lob Smith and Alke Wlnn. Six addJtlonal can- dJdat.es were of1ered employ. ment. leavtne seven more vacan- cies to be tilled. Teachers not retumlna next year are Martha Crooks. James Fitzgerald, Pete Meyers and Lots Swttt of Hora~ Enslen School: Jean Beh ~k. Mary Ellen Brownell, Adele Comstock. Char· lotte Meyer-. Nancy Penny and Mildred Wade of Corona del Mar School; Carmen Perez Amaral, JudJth Penny, Dorothy Strong, Claudl"e Sykes and Lorllee Zlnk of Harbor VIew School; lsabelle Bowla, Patrtcla McNab, Velda MltdteU. Ann Von and Marilyn For the academic subje<:U the report cards will be marked A tor superior, B tor above averaee. C for average, D for barely pas- atne. F for falllne. Inc. for lncom. plete. faUina lt work Is not made up. 171 YACHTS SAIL FOR ENSENADA The ereatest spectacle in the history of ocean saUlnr will be on view at noon today (Thurs- day> of1 the Harbor entrance as an all-time record total of 171 yachts start on the ra~ to En sen ada. Crowds again will gather on the bluffs In Corona del Mar and on both ~ttles to witness the start of the ra~. Mayor David Ojeda of Ensen. ada and Mra. Ojeda were New port vtalton yesterday, but could not stay to see the yachta. sail away because they bad to be In E.nanada for Cinco de Mayo Hatx:b Bobhwon of N e w P ort (Fifth of May) ~lebrattona ScbooL A 1p«:ial lett• of eolll· tod~ =•••*'n• wu eent tof IIIII 11.;_ Don _. wiU ,...llmt .. !Mil~ bft ~ • ,_... U.. CIQ'1111 Nc: 1 wt ..._...at · trophy ~tatlon ln BnMnadi A salary l~ of about •"· Saturday ~. totalllne 15,000 tor the oomtne IC:bool year, wu erant.ed to non- certWcated employees. Average filii WJR II Sllln ralte b $12 a month. Supt. Roy The Harbor High Citizens Com Andenen pld that these em-The Senior High Wet~tmlnster mlttee hu scheduJed two publk ployeea received no raise last Fellowship will present the meetings for discussion on the year, and that the amount of movie, "Sickle or the Cross" at proposed tax Increase for the raise 18 leu than the amount St Andrews Presbyterian Church hlah school. At 7 :30 p.m. Mon saved by reduclnr the staff. at 7:45 p.m. Sunday, May 15. day. May 16. a meeting wi!l be __ __::.._ __ .....:.. _____ ...:.._ ____________ held for N~rt taxpayers to Mesa Council Takes Action To Prevent Newport Move and acija~nt land lnto the City of Cocta Mesa. pused second readlnJ and wu adopted. Coun- dlmen took no action on annex atlon moves planned northeaster ly of the city. Bafl Diamond 1 ~.~~:<. ~.e?.!! Center, near Harbor VIew School, Is expected to be rMdy for play on Sunday, May 15, It was an nounced thl.l week by Grant Howald, president of the New port Harbor Community Youth Center. The backstop Is ached uled to be up by then. the bases In place and the field aU set for play. dlacuss the comtne el~on at the Newport "Beach City HaJJ. and at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. May 17, a meeting wUl be held at the Everett Rea School In Costa Mesa. IAIIa.mO ADtvEI Uttle Francls Boero arrived at Hoae Hospital at 5 a.m. Thurs day, April 28, weighing In at 6 pounds and 11 ounces. He Is the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene 8oero of 325 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Gene owned Gene's Restauraot. Corona del Mar, before hl' retired and went abroad to his native Italy. where he met the new Mrs.. Boero. They ~ntly returned from Italy. EASTER YACATIO~ lET The Newport E I e m e n t a r y School c a I • n t1 a r for 1955-56. adopted by the trustees Tuesday evening. aeaJn .eta next year'& Easter Vftcatlop.'for the week fol- lowlne Easter Sunday. April 1. Council Urged to Acquire Rocky Point and Block C A report of prorresa of acqul- altlon of ~ Polltt on the Co- .wt-..1• rona c:lel Mar blutf and Bloc:k C back or Little Corona beach was Corona area. 'Ibe association voted to recommend that It be located near the pumptne sta- tion put W&) up the bluft. Both councilmen reported that Col. R G. Blake. a rootln', tootln' ~run slinging hombre In h 1s wild wf'St days. met up with ~me nE'W fancied trouble Sun. day night that he couldn't quite rope wtth In his preferred two- eun style. This hassle was with one of thOilt' modern motor cars that sort ot got out of hand and ram- med smack dab Into Col. Blake's Lone Star Exhibit !lulldina. And a lady driver. at that. All this took plac:-e about 11:35 Sunday night. while the colonel was slumbt'rlng In hls mansion just around the corner. at 617 Heliotrope Ave. In Corona del Mar. Mildred E. Swltt, from up there on the Mesa. at 1019 Gr<We St.. was coming up Coast Highway, headln' towards Newport. An. other car. eolng the other way, cut right In front of her. making a mlrhty ungentlemanly lett turn onto Heliotrope. Mrs. Swltt slapped on the brakes. and that rocking and bucking car of hers tcre«hed out of control In front of the Ensign Building. took a tum to the lett. and headed right lnto the Lone Star Exhibit. Mrs. Wrleht dJdn't get a 8CI'atch: her car was banged up tome. But lnalde the bulldlnc there were 110me sll&ht casual- ties. The blow almost knocked th• stutfln1s out of Oklahoma ltate, an outlaw eal back ln the lncllan Territory day., and Sal Skinner, who wu strune up tor ~ ............... 12) Newport, was attemptJng to pass a car driven by Mrs. Jane JoyE' I of 311 Dahlia Ave . Corona dE'I I Mar. and was In the IE'ft lanE' when the accident ottuned Newport poiiN< said. The body of the vktlm was hurled 78 t~t from the point of Impact and the motorcycle was found a hundred feet away Gary Bradford was pronounced dead on arrival at Hoag Hospl tal. The b9<fy wu taken to Baltz Mortuary In Corona del Mar. and was to bE-removed to Smiths' Mortuary In Huntington Beach. John Mullins was treated at Hoag Hospital tor minor Injuries. then went to the pollee station ttl fill In the details of the accident report The County Coroner's otrkt' said y~rday that no inqut>St will be held. Mrs Joye who along with hf'r daughter. Diane saw the acd dent. said that the lights on thP motorcyclE' were dim. The motorcyclE' was registered to Gustave-Paull of 82i W 15th St.. Costa Mesa Polio Vaccine Dates are Set Tentative dates of Friday. May 13. and Friday. May 77. have been set for first and eecond grad~ students In Newport Beach elementary schools to eet their Salk polio vaclne shot&. SU~rln tendent Roy Andenen reported Oft T1tunday and Mf,Y t2 and 13. and Thursday and Friday, May 216 I and Zi. SC'hool officials havP an nounced New paN"nt ron'Of'nt 1 rorrns we-re sent homt-wtth Co'rtll I Mt>Sa st udents Tuf'Siia~ :"ewport Btaach ~Ud('nt ' wl'rf' 1 dur to bring home nrv. p.e~rf'nt ronsent slips toda~ Th u r,dA~ Mr Ander.;t'n polntP<I out that nu ~hot -; will be gi\'E'n stulif'nh I without the new parPntal l'nn .sent s.lips tk-ing signed. I ''Wl' WUl not vaccinate anyonf' on tl'le basis of thE' old var<'lnll tion sUps." Mr. And«SSn said "lt will g1ve n~ C'hlldren moved Into the ~a a t'ha~ tn sign up .. 1 1 Helipot Plans Flag Raising Fla ~ rat.una l'er'emonl.. w111 ' be h~ld at S:l5 p.m. Sunday. Ma) 15. at the 15-ac::N stte above t.M Arches .,·here tbe HeUpot Corpor IAAde tbe "-... ~t atlon wUI construct Ita $2.000.000 ~) main plant. Louis Venator Dies in L.A. ThJ.s wUI be toUO'Iftd by a i!Jnner-dan<'e at the Balboa Ba,y ·~t·D.alton Restaurant :~ ;.~.:=; C~tnin9to Lido Center ~q:E.::::::; Louis C. Venator. 54, of Beacon Bay, who was plannlne to sail todaJ ln the En~enacta Ra(.'('. died Tuesday of a heart attack In his apartment In Los Angeles. HP was the executlvt' secretary and rn"'r \I manager of the stat~ Museum Of Scie~ and Industry at Expo&tt!on Park and Mtore th~ war had bE'fon a com mL'l"C1al attache for the U S. State ~partm~nt and the ~ partment ol Comm~ ln China. Be had al:a> been a f~lgn cor respondent for the !II~· York 11tne~ In atlna Be* o..Jton, owner of Bob DAI ton'a ~eak ~ouae on La Clene ra's famous ~aurant Row" In Beverly HIU... )'aterday an nounced plans for a quarter..mU. llon...toiJar Jlob Dalton a-tau- rant en the bay frut ln the Udo S.hopp&ne Center. lt wtll be on the -.tJon ol th~ fonn.er Lido a.taurut , and bak.,., a ·• II 1 ,.,.._. front sl>np :'1 t~trN't l~\ el. TheN' will tbe M~tna' and art'hJt~u­ be pu: kin~ tor 100 rars. 1&1 fllm of hrelra 6 Luckman lCe-nnE'th Cawthra. formt>rly of bas Lbeen eommllalone4 to df!o. tlu• Balboa Ba)' Cluh. will man 1 s ign the ... Jlant. Grownd &I<' the nf'"' enterprlw A.sslsUnlf bref}do' Je wert .. tbJa tall. hlm will bt" Ro) Benson. rorm~,an~ t.,_ ~ Ia IDanaeer of the La Jollan Hott>l be com ....,. In La Jolla. etnPloY a UJ00~ .. -1; Final Asignments dance! I shall refer your questions to Sidney Davidson, superintendent ol the High School. on the one side, and G4!orge Penney, loc.l attorney, who thinks the money ahouJd be raised by bond f•ue. I augeest to the vuloua c:Jvtc associations that a joint m eet.Jng be held at the City Hall. wtJere t.he.e two authorities ma1 en. lighten us en thla very vital aub- ject. By ANDREW W. SlOTH. so• .OD TO COC MINIS A son, Randall Ray, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochran of 191 Rochester St., Costa Mesa. on Wedn~ay. Apr1l 20, ta Hoaa Memol'ial Ba.pJtal. .CHECK TillS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: BUSINESS CARDS . LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES STATEMENTS ORDER BLANKS CIRCULARS POSTERS EJ 0 EJ G 0 E1 G WEDDING INVITATIONS RECEPTION CARDs ANNOUNCEMENTS MENUS PAMPHLETS BOOKLETS MAGAZINES .. PBORE U8 At: BADOa 1114 ~ 0.. Bepr•••aklllw WID le OW ro Call Oa :Yoa I , SUPT. DAVIDSON TELLS ._ altllll.,.,. ot Jf•tJon. OF SCH90L RECORDS al CltJ IIUftend m.1Dar lnjur... ., ... &t DAYIDIO• trldty, ra4Jo and dtaftlnc), drtV· ana -4aupter, ~ pw l£4 2 2 a air ............. er tratnlq. voc:atJonal a.,taaJ. momta. old. f'CidftCJ unlmowD .,.... .._....a tW"e and pbyldca1 edueatJon. In lnj~ ba u automohtle aed. Jn Jfewport Harbor Unlon Hilh fact an7 .Wdent ea:nclldate for dent OD ODut Jlw7. a Quarter· Scboo1. boU4 members, teaeben, Yt'l coo.tructtft walk In ute can m.Ue 8DUt.tl ol. Oranae St., Weill c:u.ltod.lan8, bua driven. teCte· Ond an amptlonal croundwcdt Newport. at 8:~ a.m. AprD 25. tatJee aDd ltUdentl have lhateel for a ueful future at Harbor M.rw. JoDM told K.wport pollee the experience of labortnc to. BJ&h. that abe bad bHn clrlvtnc all ,ether un-Jftlhly tn behalf of Cltbenahjp preparatory to adult night and appatel't.ty. fell uleep. a common lOA! -.trtvinJ to partJctpatlon hu lone been a Her cu l.tt tba hJaJnny, bJt a achieve edueaUon tor elttzenahip part of the ldlool propam. Stu· parked car and came to rat tn the Harbor DQtrlct. Twenty. dent eovemment has been eo agaiNit a concrete barrter In ttve yean ot effort have resulted .ucceaful that many lldloon front el blpb'a Batt Store, 5801 tn a better than average story of bave ~ent delegations to vtalt W. Coast Bwy. Both ~e taken progress and achievement. auc:h oreantzatlona u the Board to Hoar Memorial Boapltal. Academic recopldort hu lon1 of Control, Student Council and r====================::::::; been granted by leadlnJ untver. the Student Court in action. Har· Dr. Ronald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE DIAGNOSIS. 6 PHYSlCAL TJIIERAPY DEPI'. slUes and oolleeea. Hatbor grad· bor student. have lone been uates In pJOpOrt.lonate num~ prolid of tbelr ablllty to eovern In ""4'8SS of averaee h ave attend. themselves with a minimum of ed wltb dl.stlnct1on the Unlver. faculty Involved cllaclpllne. A alty of Cautomla at Berkeley, mlnlmum of dellnquency bas t.o. Angeles and santa Barbara; been recorded from Harbor pupUs Stanford Unlverslty, University and vaduates have made an of Southe!tft California. Pomona, outstandlnc record of wccesstul Occldental, WblttJer and others and responsible community par. Including many of the famous Uetpatlon. eastern colleges. Durlne the late war hundreds Outstanding physicians. den! of Harbor graduates served In ttsU. lawyers, enctneers. re. every branch of the armed forces llea!cll sclenu..ts, teachen, pro-and the record of their patriot. iiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~~~ f~ and other profeuionals I Ism Including many awards for I E II have 11ven pralae to Hatbor Hteb heroism has brought much pride for theJr bulc academic prepata· to their former teachers. U • I I LIrE Ill. tion and JUldance ctven them by Yes, the story of Harbor High well qpalltled and devoted teach. t. a proud one but only a small era. Many Important acholarshlps part Of It bas yet been written. bave been ,-ranted and one Responalbllity for Ita successful ~iiiiiiii::i;iif Rbodes Scholat now at OXford continuation rests with every received his blgb school educa. voter In the Harbor Dlstr!ct. May tlon at Harbor Hlgb. 20th, 1955. one of the most lm· Althoueh Harbor High has al portant chapters in the h istory ways strongly emphasized achol· of thl.s fine school and o! the astlc aeblevermmt. other ele. community Itself wtu be written. menta •f a modern secondary ldlool program b a v e b e e n stressed also. These Include out· standing teachers and courses In Ollatlag CGI'CIII W Instrumental a.nd vocal music. A.l'tbt lapp~* ij &x--l, flne art and commercial art. Daniel R. Davey, whose regu. ....._ 1~ G..A.. crafts, business subjects. dra. lar job Is dellvering. Is planning IILVE &lULl I'I'ATIOJma rnatl~ journalism. homemak· to take oft aoon on a super-spe. 306 Main BALBOA Ratbor 6'78 log. "B?dustrlal arts (woodwork. claJ deUvery mission-to to take ~~ .. ~J0.6~~:00.~~Sun.~~K~oon~~"tn~6~~hm~eta;;l;;w;or~k;, ~m~a~ch.l~~ne;;;sh;;;;op~,;;e;;l;;ec;;· food and clothing for Indians. r Dan's askJng for donations of clean garments, warm coats, a.......t.d Dndt -·· ~ at .. eo.. .tnactiOa a.ttcldJaa C:.tw at ~ ··-..w ... ~ K. &11Mb ( Clboft), dl'cdtaDclll ... --., VSR, Mil of lira. lJJJaD a. ~ of 104 Via Jlcl'ne, Lido bJe. ..... •Wita9 .. RGYY Ia J .... 1154. be waa gi'Cid1latled a.-Rewport lla:r· bow Vaiaa lll9b ldaooL DuiDcJ the twel ..... k COUM be waa taagbt bow to IDGb map. aDd diMIIta from I'CNg.b -cs.t..u.cs ~~ to •ab bi1MPflau; operate priatlag •="'DM a.Md Ia ~ of drawlDcp; do lettedD9. .atdalll9 cmd caaapatatSoAa NqUind of a clrcdbiDCIIL u ....... lttlleYi~ Ia Tarcetlf B-ctar His boat. the Red Devil. was burglarized, Clarence White of 634 VIa Udo Nord. LJdo IJ5le, nC). tlfled Newport pollee at 2:50 p.m . on April 21m. The burglar pried wood molding ott a screen In a door window to gain ~ntry. A rubber air mattress. $50 lt>athE'r jacket. about $25 worth o f c•nned food. three teaspoons. a table knlfe and a butcheT knlft> were stolen. The burglar lt>ft a small cardboard box and a clgaret butt. pollee said. Our Barbershop Quartet batl dooe by the seventh vaders. ball team cot unde WQ' to but been atn&tne qui~ f. lot ttWI and Jum~s. &k1rta and blouaes Oranee five to three al lhe Or yeat, the latest belna tor the done by elghlb ,-raden. There anee diamond. The eame was Newport Hatbor KJwanla Club wu ~ beauU1ul work done. sparked by the wperit pltchJnl meet.tn• at tbe VUla Katlna lUt Kathy bub bad M!'Wn an out of eighth lf&Mr Pete Stoddard. week. '!bey aanc uneu OJd G~l." stancllngly ftne suit. Pete pitched ~ of the elpt .. Ccmey laland Baby," and the • • • Innings and out of the twenty populat tune. "11\e Ballad ol. e PIC'I"U.u DISPLAYED one out£ made, sixteen wer,. Da"'Y Crockett. • They ~ ac. Last Friday the Junior ~ strlkouts by Pete. Nice pitchlne. compenled and tUrec:ted by Crou had a display ot pictures boy lames Fl~ald, 111u* teacher. done by children our age from In the first Inning Jerry Lowe. • • • all over the United States and 1 Orange ftrst baseman, let fly a e ElG1I'I1I ~-DAifCE Germany. They were pictures • beautiful home run OVE'r our cen There will be anodler eiehth drawn for an International con. Iter fielder's head O ur first run vade dance tomorrow night. test. They were all excellent camt> In tht> se-cond inning wh~n spon.aoN!d by the PTA and inltl and we enjoyed tht>m very much Dean Peast> got walkt>d to first. atlng their new dance c:halrm.an. Tht>y wt>re st't up in the art I and as hf' stolt> S('('ond. the-ball Mrs. Mel Berry. Thla will be our room. Our S(·hool plans to takE' I went wild Dean flt>w low aU the last dance before the graduation part m•xt year way homE' In the third lnntne. dance at the end of lhe year. The • • • Jerry Lowe hit a triple for Or seventh grade dance bu beeo e PlCJfiC ange HE' "as drlvt'n in by t;spl postponed from May 13 to May This year tht' student round! no.ta. their third boa s e 11'1 an · s 20. on account of 80me of the tried S<Jmethme nt>W. The} art' double Orang<> scoring was fi n girls going on a ~al over going on a p1cnic at the end of isht>d in the seventh Inning night trip. the ytoar But tht're's a catch You whPn Burnettt". Orange's pitcher, • • • have to be t>llglble. They are came in on an £'rror. e OPEJI BOUSE going on a point systPm and you At the £'nd or the st>venth In Our annual open houae last have to bavt' 6 or 8 points, de. nlng the score was tied so tht> week was wondedu.l. Quite a pend1ng on what grade you are game wf'nt mto the t>lghth In number of pare:nta attended. In, ga1ned by being on rornmit ning. In th1s Inning 8111 Wlntor Each room bad ouUtanding dis-t..ees. or outstanding reports to and Pete Stoddard ~e walked. plays of what wu done by the your home room. They were driven in by con~l!ll children throuehout the' year. • • • tiv<> htts by Grant Hornbeak and The art room. u usual, was • BALL TEAK WIMS Rkhard Watson. CRichard ai'!IO ls about the most popular room Last Thunday was another I the one who ~athered thl.!i Of'\VS Some students bad done beautJ. victory fM Ensign as our base-l for us-Thanks, Richard.) ful wood carving. They carved such. thJngs as hone beads. horse bodies, fish, and one even carved and painted a cute mer. maid. One of the most beautlful was a finely carved and painted swordfish. A painting on a mlrT'Or was beauti1ully done by eighth grade I student Diane · BlounL Diane Is very talented in art. abo has a beautlfuJ voice. and plans to take art In high school next year . Tilden Farris. .c-ienee teacher. had an interesting ten minute science pkture to show the par ents. It wu made by some of tht" students. Announcement .•. VAN'S CLEANERS Now Under lEW IIUIIEIEIT * 0. F. (Polly) WARREN Former Own« "U.. Wrre" O..n.n LAGUNA BEACH, For 14 yean blankets, and other items you CA'! BITS BOT OJf BJJ[£. Miss Jean Orr. aewtng teacher. bad a beautiful cllspJay of skirts * 30 YEABS' EXPERIENCE in ··QuAI.ITr The gift s·be'd mi88 the most! CANDIES 010011 .. PAVOIJTI from ttl. finett. ............ yw C:Oft buyt ASSOimD QtOCOI.ATIS ~ CIIAMS (oil soft centers) ·~cowered. MI. NUT, calSP AND CHEWY ~ dluat•~· ..,. PAIMIONID ••voams-cWect- .... peCIIft rolls, fudges. butlw boN. ~ 1 .. ..._ t}.SS 2 •· .._ 1260 SOLD IXCLUS1YILY AT lB. 1111 PIIIIIICI might come across durin~ your CDM DB.JVE.Il llEPOIITS sprlnf cleaning. Canned foods J _ _. WI--....... are also welcome gUts. according A blke. ridden by a boy about .... II_....S e DRY CLEANING e KNIT BLOCKING e DYEING e HAND PR.ESSING to Dan. 7, glanced ott the front bumper Purchase award winners ln the Donations can be taken to of her car after he rode out of Newport Harbor Art Exhibit at Gene Clark's Buffalo Ranch on the alley on Marigold Ave .. eo. the Bleb School are R.oeer Kuntz. MacArthur Blvd. above Corona rona del Mar, next to the ttre Claremont College Instructor, for del Mar. They can be left at the station. Mrs. Margaret Pew of his oU. Piazza San Marco. and yellow van at the entrance to the 4.28 Narclssus Ave .. Corona del Paul G. Rivas, UCLA student. for ranch. Or you can send a post. Mar, notlfled Newport pollee at b.ls watercolor, Landscape. Bon· card to Danlel Davey, 1514 W. 3 p.m. April 24. Mrs. Pew said the orable mentions went to John P. e LAUNDRY SQVICE e ALTERATIONS. REPAIRING * * tth St.. Suit& ADa. a.Dd he'll plclt boy wu unhurt thoueh quite up. Leeper-for oU, and ro up the Items. llll!t aft41 :4••• '-_........ .a or address. The boy climbed 011 f« waten:olors. '11\e •_. rca... I bls blke and left. cloeed last Sunday . .... u. II -1•1w . c •• ...,, ....... A burelar wbo broke into the bome of EtbeUyn Arena at 662 VIa Lido Nord. IJdo Isle. suf. fend a cut band 01 arm. ~ nothing from the home but drank from a bottle of liquor, Newport pollee reported April 23. The burglar broke a window ln the garage. suffering the cut, and then found a garage side door open, which be used. Blood was found Crom the side or the ga. rage. through the kitchen. parlor and into a bedroom. pollee said. SAILOa JS PROMOTED Ronald S. Johnson, firema n. USN. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Paul JohMOn of 400~ Clubhouse Ave .. Newport Beach. was advanced to the p~nte rate whlle se:rv. lng aboard the attack aJrcnLtt canter USS Ortskany In the Far East. The Orlskany. attached to the 7th Fleet. Is scheduled to vis- It ~eral ports In the Orient. CIIOSS CITT .OVJmA.aJES The Roy IDJ'I'ftUncbons h a v e moved from :HaS Orange Ave., eo.ta Mea. to 515 Tustin Ave .• Newport Beach. Ftr Y ... ! ,..,._ have been Mying ••• encf balievlncJ tftat • • DIFFERENCE We honestly believe that there has never been such a difference betwren low-priced cars as there is today. Drh;ng them will quickly show you that it isn't even (air to compare other low-priced cars with the Motoramic Chevrolet. Driving will show you that Chevrolet is actually stealing the thunder (rom the high-priced cars. So won't you come in and try out a new CbevroletT We11 rest on what the car itself can tell you. MILI .. Eil _I Ct-4&-VROLET I liiiiii o. • ' * • Maitin • • cl von Helbert CIIITZ SlOP INTERIORS SALE OF REMNANTS • • • IIIPEIY I UPI1ILSTEIY FIIIICS 50% Discount Many pieces suitable for chairs-love seats, etc. or draperies requiring small yarda~ . . ALSO CABPET REMNANTS 3CS ft. Coallmt., HT 1-1196 L;_.._. A WELCOME TO OUR CUSTOMERS We know that the banking far most of the families around here is done by women. We think the job is in good hands. And this is no mere hearsay opinion .•. A large proportion of our customers are women ~nd we have learned-.to haye a very amcere respect for their bu.sineas ability, thrift, and commonsense •.. If you do the banking for YOUR family, do it here. We will show you especial courtesy nnd attention. * lewport Harbor Bank IAIE •• ... ITI ••• ......... -we a.... ....,. ~ cnat-#Je dlrWo ....., ....... ....., ......... r_ wtl7• JMI .... U tile .,, I Jtwattr .. ..... .. ,..a......, ............ .... .. .... _.,. ·~ lao& • .._ r uecllrr ..... r--.• • ITITEF•a•1 • hftiWL ID. Clll• ,...., ••• ~.~ .... u.en Book SectJou m w111 m~t Tuesday at th~ Ebell Club for 12:30 p.m. uck lunch. according to Miss LIJlan Daniell. chairman. • • • COI'Qe 1D and loot uound . • • you are aura to fiDel that UDUoiUal 11ft you .,. loolllna r• ... and '" baw tbe ~ pa_per puty JOOdl and brlqe aappUes. Light their life witll ft'.uwwa .....,.......'* ,._u,.aa-uaalta~-•ad.. ~=--...... ~.J-.a.• .. =•t SURDAY: IIGnllftr wonblp, 1:30 ana u LJIL; aua'C!6 lc:bool. .... Ul4 U:OO; Sr.IQp r.n... lbJp. ' p.m.; ODIIep ... .... lowlb.lp. T:Jb 6.a. -TOIB. PrQw, ~ poup, 1:10 a.m. CIIIUST caow:a n ,.. au c-...ny Jlla..dist l.eo. ami. at lM lt.. •....-t JIA.dl. Sill ~ IM. ..., A. c-t.. Sunda.)' WoabJp, t :e and u a.m. anm:h !dlool: 9:45 a.m. MJ41Net llfeet1q: ?:JO p.m. Wed.nada.y pNCeded by I :30 p.m. potluek. • Ebell HoiCJs I nstalla+ion ....... elate ol omc.. wW be ,..iNtaiMd tor a..,... t .. by the a.u Clutt t.GM1 (Tiaurs- day) a~ tho Amerlean ~Ac~on Han m Newport. Tho onl)t -. eeptJ4bl Will be XIS. ,~ BueU. wbo wtll replace Kn. Nel8ola llolalwooct u aucllt«, and Mn. lack -lan. wbo wtl1 replace 1llrl. Clarence Dod4 u director. Mrs. HlchoJu Btettn• 01 Bay Shore. wllJ receive the pvel as to ~ prealdent for a MeOnd term and tbe other contlnutn& otflcen Include Mn.. BaaU Peter- liOn, lllra. John Lamar, M.ra. Henry Delater, Mra. E. C. 1\vl. chell. Mn. Ruth Vedder. Mrs. S. E . Locke and Mrs. Amelia Gamble. Ora.ltKe Cout Colle&e music and elrama ~ wll1 pr• .ent tbe afternoon entertainment at toda)"a meetin& followlft& a luncbeon 8l!rWd by members ol the club. 1be luncheon t. held at 12:38 p.m. and tbe procram and Installation meet.ln& beclna at 1:45. BPW Installs New Officers A lmllleal pi'OCJ'&m ,Presented by Oran&e Coast Collece wU1 be the eatertalnmont following dJn. ner at tbe Newport Harbor Yacht Club ton.l&ht (Thunday) at the BuslrM"W and P r o f e sa I o n a 1 Women's Club meeting. The new slate ol officers, beaded by Jean • Howell of Corona del Mar, will be lnstal.led. • • of 5«Kial note DD.L UCT'IOK TO MEET (ConUnued trom Page 4) Lyle Flnltoy (her motheT is the Jlfewlon of Corona del Mar. was former Ruth Aershey 1 of 206 allowed to alng a little song. Onyx Ave .. Balboa Island. The • • • service was conducted by Rev. Nearly 800 youngsters from Donald Sapp at the Balboa Is Arizona. Nevada. Utah. Calltor land Community Method I s t nla and the Territory ot Hawaii Church. Cod-pa rents were Don convened during spring vacation Ohmes and Mrs. Leslie Crawford. at Berke ley for a musical expert Incidentally, little brother Tony , ILOODMOIULE COIIDfC The Red Cross bloodmobile unit w111 be at the American Le- gion hall, ~ W. 18th SL, Costa Mesa, from 3 to 7 p.m. tomorrow I Friday). CDU. roa TBOII.AI' A daughter. Janet Lt-e. was born to Mr. and Mra. Joseph Thomas of 2121 Seville Ave., BaJ. boa. In Hoa& Memorial on Wed- neaday, AprU 20. • Dr. Robertson Appoints Zonta Committee Heads Dr. B•lftl Jtoberta:m annocmced heJ' appointment ol eommfttee chairmen foU~ t.. IJulltal1a. tlon u pn.!dnt of tiM N..-port Harbor Zonta Club at tho VIDa Marina, B a 1 boa lalan4. last 'nlunday evenlnc. Dr. Ellubetll naa.. pMt pre. PT4 1M1rt of Zonta International and a penonal friend ot Dr. Robert- IOn, ln.ltalled the new prnldent neath a bower or n owen bdoft Zontla.na trom the Newport Club and from San Fernando Valley, Lacuna ~ach, Gard~ Clove, Los An&elet and Puadena and their guelbl. Other officers ot the club were Installed by put presidents ot -------------the local chapter: Ruth Barcume, ecoaowADD.IlU Offlcen for the Corona del Mar School PTA were tnatalled by Mrs. Jud Sutherland. president of Newport Union Hlth School PTA at the April 25 meetln&. They are Mn. Susan Martin, pres!. dent; MrS. KJtty Burton, first vice-president; MrL loell Beall, second vlce.presldent; Mrs. Roy Hallbere. secretary; MrL Robert Otto, ~uu.rer; lllrL htherlne Vaughn, aud1toc; MrL Carl Ven- strom. historian; llln. Elbert SmJth, parllamentarlan. Speakers were the two eandl· dates for the Elementary School Board, Harvey Pease and Wllllam Spureeon. Mrs. Peue reponed that two record players have been pur. chased with the funds raised from the recent ways and means project ""Mle Bedrqeled Draeon." Den pack 17 led the fia& salute and Mra. Al Cleme~ cave the lnsplraUona.l. Fltth ' grade room mothers. Mmes. Robert Beauchamp, lnnt> Wilson, C. T. Macltfuters. A. F Armstrong, David Harshbarger a nd AI Clemence were hosteSses and Mrs. Harvey Pea.e and Mrs. Susan Martin auJ.sted at the tea table. CiaL FOa GO i a:a:t£1 A daughter wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Guthrle of 1549 Tuatln Ave .• eo.ta Meaa In St. Joseph Hospital on Tuesday. April 3). Helen Norton, Helen Stockton. Mildred Stanley and Ruth Hum. mel. The setting of a nower gar den and flower fables describing the duties or each oftlrer were arranged by l't"tlrJng president Eva Allpln. The new committee chairmen Include: Blanche Benz. chairman of attPndance and Intercity meet lnv : Dare-en Upson. civil de- fense: Myrtle Brookings. fellow ship; Florence Coollne . finance . budget a n d parliamentarian: Karen Margreta Bruning. Inter national relations: Eva Aspln. memtx>rshlp; Peg Haapa, oUiclal hostess: Marie Howes. pre s s book: Fran<'M Mears. publllcty; Kathlf'("n Coleman, public al fairs; Ruth Barcumto. public rtola- tlons: Dorothea Sheely, program; Helton Stockton, service; Wlnltred Ba rbre. status of women ; Mar· gareot Relntort. ways and means; Latha Dro ltot. year book: Htolen Norton. carnival ball; Mildred Stanlf')'. fall conference COIL BOD TO a .,TD A daughter. Gayle Patricia. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rath of 2129 Continental St ., Costa Mesa. on Sunday, April 24. in Hoag Memorial Hospital. 1 SOJf 800 TO SIIAWS A son. Harold Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw of 483 Laurel Pl.. Costa Mesa. tn Hoae Memorial Hos pltal on Monday. Aprtl 25. Mr& Robert BlaJr of 215 Pearl Ave., Balboa Island, wllJ enter taln 8ooJt Section IV at her home next Thursday, according to the section chairman, Mra. J. S. Lind- erman, w ho Ia Mrs. Blair's st.ter. Their mother, Mrs. Luke BroolaJ, will a.1st with hostess duties for the dessert to be served at 12:30. Ro books wtll be reviewed. unlesa It's "AccordJn& to Boyle," becau..e the afternoon wW be spent in cards and a aodal meet- Ing. ence they won't soon forget. Finley was &ood as &old all ,=======================================; GlafJIOia Glimpses ., All1f These high tchool students, through the church service. among tht>m Mona Rae Barlow • • • and Skip Freely of Newport Har. Sable. are In fuhlon thJs bor Hl&b School, were selected •prln&, according to Ronnie and as the musical best from the ir l oanne Blrtcher, who p.,esented arus and were eathered to-their "Fashion Preview for Spring &ether to form one creat high '55" according to the announce- 8Chool band. one peat OI'Chest:ra ment ot their new daqbter SheJ. and a cbona8 ol • YOieeL Jy ~ .ancher. "-.aow. After tb.Ne cia,. of eDMeft· In&, aceorclln. to the • 1 .,.. trated prac:tfce. en ma-.e ana In ment. wu 11:52 p.m., Aprll 16, amall Instrument sections. the and the model's measurements 800 studenta presented an even were: height 19 Inches. weight In& conc:et with all three mull· six pounds, 14 ounces; bust-12"; cal croups at the Berkeley Com walst-13''; hl~l2''. u the new munJty Theatre. Skip elected to baby gtrl crows up like her mom play baa trombone with the or those proportions will reverse chnt:ra and Mona Ra• was given ... and then some! tJIIrd chaJr ln the first French horn section. lntermln& to me was the fact the band wu directed by Illinois University Bandma.ster. Mark • • • Gotn& 10meplaee! Goln& ANY- PLACE! Wherever )"'u"re cotn& there b a new Wm.J"Der baa at O'BRIEN'S most appropriate foe you. Not only appropriate, but so cute you'Jl just love •em .•. and In all 110rt.s of alzles and shapes. There Is the h1n&ed bag-wt\lt.e with tutta of navy or n§d, foe ~xa.mpJe, and the mc:wt adorable Hinesley, who wu In ch~ or fabric print called '-rroplcana" Instrumental mustc In Helgbts whJcb features lWidous trults In HJ&b 8Chool In Cleveland, OhJo, color-®ne In an intere.t~na whUe I wu In 8ChooL Be was a ··glued fabric, U&ht in wel&ht crack dl.8c:lpllnartan and mua1. There were thoee who said they liJced the "Fire Hoee" best or the pictures In the Newport Harbor High School Art Exhibit Jut week-until they found out It wu part of the permanent aalety equipment and not a pic. ture. It's lnteresttne to see these annual dlsplays of the work or many of the 10utbwest's out standln& ~ and It ls a dJs. tinct cultural advartta&e to tht> hleh school yolll'll people as well as the community u a whole to .ee what the artists are doing. The exhibit of pictures as a whole MrVett to remind me or the great spread of Interest In art circles and also of the sharp cleavage ~tween artists and the ordinary publlc. Plctorialtsts were In luck this year. foe the beautiful win- nln& oil by Roger Kuntz was rec. and 8011 reslltaaL clan. but a very kind man and our bl&h 8Chool marching band wu the pride of Metropolitan Cleveland. Later he went to the UnJveralty of Dllnols. where he a.triped wttla a-. .. ... ..... Ccleatt& La... ... , ~-··..-t---.. ..... ..,... .......... ,... .. wttla ........S tM W'Odd clocb ...... ........... ••Mltlw. If '" %JIId... .. .. .....a C1D4 cs..... .......... yoa1l loft -....... ,.tat .... .... TM pdllt AM'PI .. a r ... . ............................. ... Qt..,n.t. .......... a.at ftredatr.w.A..-t...._. ........................ ........ ..._ ... ..., ...... Wt ........ . t. conaldered tops In the country . Mrs. Barlow a c c o m p a n I e d Mona Rae to the San Francisco area and later they were joined by Mr. Barlow. WbUe up north they visited the Bod Banows In Crass Valley, formerly of the Harbor Area . • • • We know why ministers are trained to have hearty voices. Th.at'a 10 tb~ can be heard above • ( CclllUnued on Pap 7) obJectmc Infanta In the baptla-v.... ... M• •-•t mal eeremony. Wee Sue Finley • A p p y DAy 1 c • o o 1. O'BJUEN'S .ummer ba& eeUee-objected atreauoualy to being Uon IDcludea a bo.t of abapee kept from h• momln& nap on ._ uttle r.ur from tote bap to clutch tJpe. a Sunday, April :Mth, to be prop. 440 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar fll&ht pu~ and a box abape. erly chrlltened Suaan. She Is the Harbor .:J69 You'D aliO find a dr8ay wbJte Infant daql'ater ot Mt. and Mrs. Mrs. l ean Va upn. dlr«tor ahantuna wlth Jeweled dup, a ~~~~~~_::.=~:_:_::::_~~=:::::::~==::::~==~ putel aUk with bead embfold· f!r/, a clear plutk owrpown coin purMt wtth cold cbatn bandl«l or ltudded with pearls. You know MOTBEit wouJd _,. ever-eo-pleued wltb one ot th..a new • u m m er bap fro dl O'BJUD'S nat 8uuc1&1 u Ju.at a little toaD ol JOUr ~ ...... -.r ... a...&y ..................... wo"'l ................ tift ( ........ .._..,.. ..... . .......... , .......... , ........................ ........... .. o·••••• ... ,._ .-. ._. ,.._._oms. Sally Slmljftr Sllys ~a,.. ......... u.~ ........ .,. ...... . .............. ? • for Mother May 8th. • \ ~\ \~ \. '\ t ' \ ~-\ ·p--\ • • • Munsingwear Nylon Tricot Go wn Slrimmnirrg tulips of JtJhn jDr Mother A Munsingwr-ar J r-wC"l in ~vlon gown for the jrwd of vour hC"art- Mother! "NOSt'gav," a styk for her. a design as ltl"aceful as th<- blooming tulips from which at takes its cue. Creatt'd to fit her figure with hand-tailom:i perfection. Tulips and ribbon stemS of softly gleaming nylon satin. In blue sapphire, pink opal, yellow topaz and whi~ diamond ; ; . lingn-U you'll trtasvrt .... * ........ ca.-a r * .. " A~ * ....... ., • 1111111'1 Llll ·IIIIET wttla u u n llay 6, 1955 Mother's Day story of the dec ade ... Read this. Mom .. ' you'll f.eoel like Cinderella and start believing In Santa Claua all over again ... Sallie Kennedy. the winner or our Grand Prize Birthday SOO mile airplane trip, wUl fly with her Mother to Las Vegas this week-end for Mother's Day . . Sallie particularly re quested the Las Vegas trip ~­ cause she had heard so much about It and because she h.ld nevE'r set'n thE' desert . . . She also specified that she would like to stay at the Thunderbird because she had heard so many glowing reports about vacation Ing a Ia Thandt>rblrd ... and It she wantN.f a truly fabulous week tond. the Thunderbird was the best place to be fabulous In ... When the' Thund(>Tblrd found out what the reservations wPre !or . . a daughtt"T" and !lt'r moth t'r on a Mothtor's Day w~k end trip. and that the trip was a prize from you know which mar k t't for a birthday ~lebrat lon . . . tht>y simply Uf>ped and do nated a whole suite of rooms. compl~e with meals. ~wlmmlng pool, fabulo us dewrt living a.nd the rest of the things that go with Las Vegu to the cauS(' * * * ScWe Jt....ty wotla ba UM of&. ol tbe Coc'OIIG del Nar SdloeL ............. MCNtary to lln. ....... tbe priadpaL ... .... ..,.._ of ....,.tb1a9 ... aw ••vtr ... Slle proa.lMd .. tata.f1aUy abo woal4 eat a daJdllla .._ cmd a llpCI:N rib 1<-r ..... bat tabaloualy at tb• Thlllldel'bbd'• Oaaclr Wovoe Satarclay cdtw alda.l9bt • . . _. ......... tW ,._.st -play _. .... ...._ Ot l "••• Mother's Day ... this Sun<tay is onto ot the most prominent "Eating out" days or the year A nPw N"Staurant and l'otft>e shop which will plea~ Mom nn ('nd Is Howarrf s . just pn'lt The Archec; on thP way tt1 Hunt ington &-ach Paul Cook. t h<' man a~er. has df'flnltE' ldPM .. bnut peoopl~> and thE'Ir t'at I n il h 1IWs .. "SomE' llkt' to e<tt in '\ flao;h o;cJmt' Jikf' to d inE' In rt>po~ · Quick lunches and dmner can bf' had In thf' glpam1ng rof fe-e shop at thE' long countt'r "ith Its romfortable stools . . Ta lka tlve lunch<'s and dlnnrr' v.lt h a I meaning takf' pia('(> In til<' beau ttrul adjoining dlnin ~ ruom to soft lights. carpets a net frf""h ground roffN' ThP food io; thc- s.ame high quality elthN In the dining room or roffPf' shop Party gOt'rs. flshtormf'n and trav eleN: . . . Ht-n>'s a place tha t 's opt>n 24 hours a day. ~vtoa days a week * * * S...U to tbe 1111PMt I Mc- O..doa'a .....,._-... ......._ aUtlle....t ..... la tM lla:rbor Ana by ........ ._. a.. "Ct I •'• dua~ln. ,......,. boeaaccas' allt.tr.., eliD9 to ..... ~ .... ta .............. . ........... --~~-tM .--.. ... ,..... Ilea .... . Iliad .......... latr ..... ... Ja.t a:.w ..... -.-y ..... .... ..,....... wttll .... eiO.. 0.... .... ........ - ................ T iah .,.. .......... tiW ...... wta a._ ........... o.y, ., .... ttfally 91ft ..,.... .... ..u IICir•e•a•a a.. ............ hdrlal'•lleda· .no.ya.d ....... ...... tift --... 'h ........ .... llidl ... '-7 ... J-.t .... .. _.._apt't wttl..ta.. " ••• Jla ................ , ._ ............... .. ...... .............. . -~ .......... ..-wen ... -••• * * • ---_ .... Vogel Value I••• I II•••• AND GARAGES ON CHOICE CORNER LOT. On~ home 1a leued at ~-00 per month, unturnlahed. One home (avallable to buyer) has w.w cpts .• FA heat. full bath. fireplace. nice bedrooms. bandy kJtcben with stove A: built In breakfast nook. Property Is extra clean and priced AT ONLY $21,500.00 GOOD TERMS THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 You Can DREAM ... For another ten years ... or RELAX • • • and START L.MNG IMMEDIATELY. IN IRVINE TERRACE Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DLSTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTIIERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20.000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooldne Newport Harbor. These homes feature California Jiving. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terra~n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For FurtheT Information BIU'S BEST BUY iMD-BYE • • Jill 4 left and the')'11 be completed SOON. 4 Brms., 2 Baths. Large Wardrobes and Closets, Sewer. Disposal, Kltdten Fan, 60x135 lot near Elementary and Junior High Schools. Full Prkf' $9750 with $&50 Dow• 1111 $89.&0 II. including Taxes and Insurance. Show US a better buy and we 'll buy it. W. A. TOBIAS, Realltr -yvu'll like our friendly service 393 E. 17th Sl. Costa Mesa Liberty 8.1139 Best 2 if1its i1 C•o•a llel lar 223 Marc•rite Awe. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ANDRESEN CO. 3348 E C:oast Highway, at Marigold, Corona dt>l Mar HARBOR 1540 FOR SALE: .. , OWIIF, Corona del Mar. 3 Wrm. 2 ~ • ., modern hom~. !urn. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro-posed parochial school ... everything built-In Including dishwasher, disposal. etc. En-closed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . call Ha . .2506 M. l1come $220 Per •· Four 1-bedr. turn. apts.; 2 garages; 2 bll<s. from New port pier Best rental loca tlon. $19,000 Ttnu HOMER E. SHAFER 106 Mcfadden Pl. Newport I at the Pier I Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137 M DEAR PUBLIC- lJ you w ant to sell in a hurry, W ithout hav- ing trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor,' insiating On MULTIPLE USTING. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD GF REAL tORS He-re 1a a UD&ll farm ln the city with peecb. n.-, •prleot. rr~lt, peu and Ol'anp trees on a nne comer lot. R·4 zonlna. 2 bedn.. and den home with ~al fuepl. plus a small apt. rented for $00 mo. Only an etn~reency could Induce a n owner to sell this property for only $12,110 lAss than SS.OOO down payment. • ISUND REALn CO. 498 Park, Balboa bland HA m OPPORTUIITIES $75.000 11 Acres of desert oasis fa . clng on Highway 66 -16 miles East of Barstow~v. er~ with the moneymaking. est bunch of businesses you could Imagine--can be ftC· qulred under the best of terms. Make yourself finan clally Independent In two years. Get the facts on tht" at our office. $4500 Local rlf'an cafe In a nicer distr ict Not seasonal. $1.200 Cleaning Agency. Low over head. Right for the house. 't'lfe not satisfied with the 1 weekly allowance. $7500 Wf:'ll ~tabllshed paint store. Books are In our office which show profits the last four years. Owner will make con cessions to right party. WE HAVE OTIIERS LEE CASEY OmCE 2721 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar-Harbor 0846 Coro11 HI lar 2 ltellliful wiew homea on Hazel Dr. . . . View of c-anyon. hi lls. ocean and shoreline. .... ilir~ Tak~ your choice! Earl w. SIMieJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775. eves. Harbor 5359 SLEEPER! 0• Ballloa lslaltl 2 units: 2 bedrs. and bache- lor apt. Nicely turn., flrepl., patio. rtc. $19.000. • Harbor 234 WALDRON REALn ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Island f• Sale CDI-H ... lltiiiCOIM Deluxe Ranch Style duplex on lot and half. south of hwy.. f 1 n e s t construction ; shake roof. 2 bedr. ea .. tire. places. hardwood floors. sep. patios. U n d e r replacement cost. Ownel' HA 1684-R. SEJIVJCES Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT· I -ia&a ; 8AI. DI'Aft & DIITALI «:a.,_ IAL& roa ULa 1'01 tud: l&Mi. coUqt. ICII ft:l 1 . IIDtillffl. Wlill iiA fW'Nooo Ca dillac. it oWMd WilLI ...U Oll&li ~ CDM. • mo. OCMD ytew, new~ tum. Year· blaek. ~ aJc:e. Jaw m11eqe. tuml.tiibed. a~r~~; CDII. ..._. "*-JU ~w lat. '*-10 1Y --. fl5..IIO '* JDODtb. WlU tab a traa, .uoo. u s. HA 1•. ..... ..cs t ...... J.nq\lJn .. Camatton. 0>111. ... CDM"S OUiiilHbiRO J:bedi. HA Gt. ---~---------ro.a SALE: 2-beclr. eouqe. 108 apt. 0c.u ........... -... _ '51 JOIID COUtry lq...,. .. Uon Heliotrope, CD.II. PbOM owner, -••-,• ·-· ""C"! UI)OV'I ··--,..__ -, t-U .t. ,.,.....w •-t. ........... 0 Lovely carpettna. UYI.q rm. ---~ --· -OA ,..,or-, o. WWWl I! w/ comer .. -1., --.. , __ ,, .,._.. IIA -. a.m. and 4 p.m. auv •--u~ WART~ BP Out~~. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~=========================; patJo and JV&,.. $110 mo. WUl n de 10 b.p. JobMon with JrlY.. uhtUm. HA 4110. t.w bouta plu. cub. BA m 01' CDM. Dillid 2-bed111i0f WdUfil., HA38118-W. ; dQPia.. So. ot bwy., flrepl., PICK UP your AMon Stop the forced.alr heat, h a r d woo d Mualc blanks at Bay Fields, noon, • epa rat e patio, HA Lido Watch Repair. VIncent' a lGM-R. Lido Drup, Newport. RA 3003. . S5 PER MO. rents rood practice SUP RENTALS: Rowboat reuW plano. Let the klddJea learn. tpa ces, max. 8' beam. 30' AJI term r~nt allowed If you 1 _.. ... 1 • _ , Hall b 1 Good en...... nmer can ucg~on ' '4Y ater. practice pianos l:Sth d B N ,.. HA A"" $135. $146, $178, $195. Danz. an ay, ewpo.... ..ow • Schmidt Bli Plano Store. 100 SITUATJOJII WAXTZD planoa. 520 No. Main. Santa .FURNJTOBE INTERIOR DECORA'nON aAUOA JILAIQ) 2141Cari.De AftwllcatMw 15C7 .Ana. T~rms. 19-YR.-OLD Peruvian youth wants OO.OifA DIU. ICU job house cleaning, car wasb-LOUISE APTS.. overlooking the bay. Modern furnish~ a pta. l.Joderate we8Jy rates. Swm- mer reservaUons; 308 Carna- Uon, COM, near Seavt~. HA 4016. lne. lronJne. baby sitting. etc. A:::========--==E.=C=ecm=t:::BJ:::::::9b::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::==.,==:=; lnqulrles at HA 2225-M. r LARGE, FURN. apt., CDM, w ill BABY SITI'I.NG, care ot atck, your home, Day, nteht. mature COM woman. &;tore 10 a.m. after 5 p.m.. HA '3ln.M. sleep 4. ChUdre n OK. Call -----------owner, L.I 8.1521. LOST AJm POUJfD ATJ'RACTIVE, 2-BEDRM., untum . apt. with earage, eonvJ~ni­ ently located; 508 Marigold, CDM. RA 12Q.l.W. YEARLY-2-bedrm. home, CDM. FOUND--Grass clippers on the 28th a t 5th and Orchid, CDM. Owner describe and pay for ad. Call HA 2863-M. Lovely vtew o.t harbor. Furn. A Clossified 1'\d in ine Ensia n Available now. HA 377 or HA brinqs immediote results! Coli 3698-W. Horbor 1114-1 115 ond orove itl SEE THESE np. TOP COS BEFORE YOU BUY AIYTIIII! 11&3 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL $1115 4 door sedan, 2 tone green with all the extras. An ex ceptional buy- 1953 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL $1815 Black 4 door sedan with all the extras. In tip top shape- 1961 CHRYSLER New ,.,.,, $124& Light green, 4-door Sedan. Radio, Heater, Automatic trans. A one owner car- 1149 HUDSOI 4-hor Sell• $42& Radio and heater, 2-tone. Exceptional transportation tor years. 1114 CHRYSLER lew Y Ilk• $2111 De Luxe Club Coupe. 2-tone IJ'ay. Radio. u.t., Power ....-.. Jf4IW W.S.W. ttr., an ~ buy . See our many low priced cars available at the best of t~rrN -$25 down and low bank terms on the balnace, It credit approved. LOU REED •d ASSOCIATES USED CAR DEPARTMENT Now Located at Our New Building 1.200 WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Ll berty 8-3486 WAIT!! LOOK· THESE OVER! lefore Tou Buy-We leery Ba.e n.. Very C. 1'ou Ba.e .... BaatiD9 P«-A.Dd r « LESS MONEY!! '53 FORD TUDOJ ..................................... __________ ___$1299 :ihe Is clean. hu radio, heater, Fordomatlc, new lite Blue Clnlah and Brand New aet of Seat Covers-motor's eood- 'SO LINCOLN 4 DOOR ............... -..... --.. =·-··---····-·· .. J 698 A lot of car for the money radio. hydramatlc-carrles our "3. Day Money.Back Gua rantee!" '54 MERC. CONV. ... ......... . .... _ ............ -........ --.......... .....$2699 Tht. has a ll acceaorlea. Mere. made In '54-Power Galore. One owner, 10.000 orl1lnaJ miles. THIS Ia one for YOU! '50 PONTIAC CL COUPE ........................................... _ .. .$ 699 l'hls car ahould aell for MQRE-It'a tha t nlce; but It's OUR SPECIAl-tor TinS WEEK! ·s2 . CADII.LAC FLEETWOOD ___ ........ -....... ____ ..$2899 This car looka llk~ new-runt like new. 'Ibe only dlfferen~. It sella tor 13.000 lea than New.WOW-Look what you SA\'1:! '49 PONTIAC SEDANETI'E ............. ___________ J 518 Another SPmAL tor THIS WEEX, radio, heater a i ood runner. '49 OLDS 4 DOOR ..... -.... ·------.. -__J M Rocket 8 En1lne-radlo, h~ater ; metallic (:nen Onilh. '54 JAG. NEAR-NEW ·--·-· 12511 'U PLY. 4 DOOR. CLEAN ______ J - .New flnlab and ftew t.1r-. '41 IIUDE CONY. ___ -x .. ......_.,..,. '"real rooct r• Trulll .. rltiMIIIIIIIII Villa Marina or Cirque Special Mother's Day MeiMI a.EU OOifiOJOIB caEAII or CBICKD IOV'f BEAJITI or U'ITUQ ·TOSSED QaDJI SALAD aaoAD D&AaftD TOM TU'aKET. Apple lhTTr'D9, Ql.blet Cka'rf, CI'CIIt.beny Sauce ............ 1.50 lUlU) IUOAJI.COHD IIAIC. matt Sauce, CaDdied 1'CIID.a 1.50 IIIOD.ED CEJn'EJl CUT I WOIIDPISB ................................. L7S BOAST LEO OP LAJO. lllat Jelly. DnulDg. cru aatu.ral ~en~c:e .......... ......... ....... ...... ... ... . . .. .. ... . . .... 1.10 I IIOILED lfEW 1'0U STEAK. aont.1cdM Sauce . .. UO SDOWfiallie Whipped Potatoes Pnela Cordell,._ au QratiD Potatoes Bot llolla CIDd luttw C:OU... Tea. ICJ1k Sb.,bet Ice cr.aa Oaocolate Strawbeny S~ Bom•aacnt. Apple ~ * CHILDIEI'S IEIU IBOILED QIIOUWD IIOUJfD STEAL ICuluoom lcnace 1.50 IIIOAD I U A.STE.D TOll TUHET ..... ... . . . ... .1.50 IIIOILED SWOaDPJSB ... -.......... ...... ... ... . ... . . . ....... 1.50 , Whipped fotatoM. has. 8oUa. l uttw, Milk. SMd*, Ice CNC11D r « BM1n'atloaa VILLA 111111 On the Bay Front lkdboa laJ.a4. Cc:d.tL ........ • • • CIRQUE 1211 a. r uu..toa lid. at Imperial Blvd. La Batma. CoW. LA•bect $.5511 SHOW YOUR MOTHER YOU LOVE HER - • .• ·AND AlWAYS I Take her out to Dinner. II Howard's ........... ,....., • • • COAST .HWAY Jut pat ... ArdMe toward Baa~ a-da D.&AD' AaT SEBVE.D AJnTDO: Day -lfiPt-()peD 14 !loan "'try...,-- .. It •lid• .Swota tr.1a ,.. ............. Flowers For ·Mother Rftnember your motbu-on her day with the liVing, penonal gift of 00Wfta. A lle••lat ,._.,to brt1hten her hOme. to brtnl bade happy memorle. of )'Our youth. A ,.. e1 ,.. a. • ...,. for het,to tenderly anaqe and to cherilll. A a...ty -•1• abe cu proucUy wear to cbu.rch. "'-,_, n<rr Ia • ..... ..., ....... ..... , ....• ..., ....... ...... ., ..... ....... at home or 10a IAL& Lon ita Vincent Is Married .,Get 1n 1'be swim .. witll ••• IPiHtt Mllo. 'l'be mo.t beauu. on the Green tul plaao ID t.be world. Blah· Tclneftta ot raln lll'htened to a b.,e In a putel plnk laoe meath IEIOI I IWII ... II • • • • • lf&Cie, All frultwoo4 eue. •pttnJde u Rev. Jam. Stewart drHI over Imported aUk &ban- One of our specialties we especially e n j o y . High style golf dress by Jut Jib new. Ahm!utely! Thl8 read the ceremony whleh united tunc. The weddlna d.ate wu the ~_.4.~ ___ ~ C1 'UY !: eh&DCII eom. but once. Save La J'D.&G1ap the bmft Mia .Unr annJversary ot Mr. and HI Ci1fa, ..IJ~ ... De.nz 5ehml4t r a ID o u • Lon Ita ~ Vlocent and RJch. Mra. Vincent. AJ,., ln the reeetv. Plano .... laDta Ana. D) ard IAWt8 YOIIlt a lt. Andrew~ lnr Une wu the croom'• mother, * T 0 y s * !fo. Maha. Presbyterian Quuda 1ut Satu.r-wbo wore an aqua lace Jacket Pat Premo ·-·-· smart enough to be seen any- where, yet tailored to play a good game of golf. GRAJm PIAJ'08 many like new. day nenJna. dfta over tadeta... Tenta and 1101 &. c.c.t llwy. 'cat J_lae, C..O del .._ Stelnway. ExeeDent condition. 1'he bride, 4aup._ of Mr. ancl runners protected ruest.a from (N91 to All American !Urket) Beautltul lehr aro.. QuHn lin. Lonnie ltobert Vlneent of the unaaaonal shower~ ln the ua.oa 5511 ~~~~~mLLW~~~,o.ut•~--~-a•l•an•d-p·~-----~~~=~~·~A~~~-~cat~~~~&.~~~~~~~~~~~~~m••­ Cady ltdpe CIIIIDklc .. plait. yellow. tDI'qtloUe. pcry. ..... 10 to 11 ••• 114.15 w.tplap-·· ........ ...... dlaatwue. ..,. wlllte. 1.._ liW II .•. 112.15 Fashion Apparel (on way to Santa Ana Country Club> 2341 lf.-port BlYd.. C:0.1a Mesa Call HArbor 1114 lor Job Prilllillg S. S. "IIZITUI" ...uJav .•. laD Die9o to ~~~ aD4 Acapulco ..,.., otJaec latuday lfO l&nJCit CIIAJIGE fow a111 n"C1Uo11 t'boee J1catN. I lei oP«a plano, only l1450. Love-to the altu by h« father. She ly Coopa Crand. Mahogany wu resplendent ln a pure eJlk cue, One tone and action, only taffeta gown of Ivory white which $495. Another Crand only $435. wu elepntly appllqued with Many other wonderful buys ln euJpure French lace a nd eprln Grandi. Come! Look! Danz. kled with rhlneetonee. The fitted Schmidt Blc Plano Store, Santa bodice molded to a dropped V Ana, 520 No. Main. 100 pianos. waistline and Oared to a full Home of the Hammond Organ. aktrt and eweeplng cha~l train. She wore a close fitting lace pla . SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful teau which caurht her long allk bu)&S. SllrhUy used many rent-Illusion veil. Orcbldland llllt>a of al returns. One In beautiful the-valley comprised her bou Ebony. Famous name. Tbls quet. make by Caruso. Only $395. The attendant. were Mrs. Paul Lovely Mlrror Type Spinet. Croxton Delzell, a ~~eboolmate of only $195, another Maple fin-the bride's from Eugene. Ore., as Ish S397. One more, the Aero matron ot honor; Mlsa Patricia sonic Spinet only $465. Many Cox of Pasadena, Miss Adele other great buya. 100 pianos Comstock of Lacuna and Miss from whJch to choose. new and Jean Bums of Eugene, as brides used. Danz Schmidt Big Plano maids. Miss Janet Payne, a cous and Organ Store. 520 No. Main, In of the bride from South Pasa Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. d«.-na. was junior bridesmaid. Home of the Hammond Or. Best man was David Yost, the gans. Blond Studio plano save groom's brother, and another $265. brother, Douglas, was an usher, F01t MOTHER'S DAY or Father's aa were Ben Llllegraven of New Day: Just arrived-new Eter-port and Warren Sturtevant of na-Matlc watch line, the flnm Costa Mesa. Pale pink antherlum automatics. Ray Field&, Lido and «Selphlnlum decorated the Watch Repair, VIncent's Lido altar and the apse of the <'hurC'h, D N rt HA 3003 whlcb was lit with a pink tone. rugs. ewpo . . HAMMOND ORGANS used. A Pale pink ribbons and candles served as pew markers. rare opportunity. One famous Chord Organ, ~rfect condition. One Hammond Spinet Organ 2 Mrs. Vincent received guests at a reception at the Vincent keyboards. Don •t waIt if you ::I:MCX* :I*:::J:•cx• :I*::::I*C*ICI:*::::I*CI*ICI:* :a•o: •ex• :a•o•cr:• wlsh to makt' a good saving on Of= 50C:J4I. NOH •.. the world's tlnest oreans_. Danz+ :I*CI*IC:x•:a•o•cx• :I*O*CX* ::ICI*Ci*IC:x•o•c•cx•:a•c:x:• Schmidt. Home of the Ham mond Organ. 520 No. Main. tContlnued from Page 5) ognlzable as tht' Piazza San Mar co. even wltbout the tltlt' show In g. • • • The Dick Rkhards are plannln1 on breaking ground soon on their lrvlne Terrace bluff home ... the Lefty Murdocks already have theirs under construction. (Lefty wlll be able to walk to work ... across the hljthway to tht' Irvine Coast Country Club.) FOa SALE JANSEN o~o. the pia.oo ...a ~======================~~~=~========'! electric Organ In one lnstru • SHE will find anything HER heart desires on our complete menu ... a thick juicy STEAK cut from Prize Winning Beef ... pump CAPONETIE pan fried in pure golden butler ... double french LAMB CHOPS ... savory boneless SQUAB stuffed with wild rice ... or, perhaps SHE'LL choose one of our other delicious entrees for HER dinner. Whatever SHE chooses, you may be certain that it will be so tastefully prepared and served so nicely that dinner will be the hi&hli&ht of MOTHER'S DAY for HER. VI~TOR HUGO 730 EAST BROADWAY • , ••• i-t471 Dl111r nne~ fr• II• to II, .•. J J...l F r ) ~ j { '.' ' • ' • a • • • ' • \ • • ·' ...... T '-, ,~ H UrleflleJI . • _. L IUIT -AY . • ment. Sold for ovt'r $1500 Our price $887. Terms. Also One bf>autitul Electronic Organ. Like new. Blond finish Fa mous make. Our price only $685. Think o( that' Danz Schmidt Big Plano Co. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main WAIITED YOUNG EXECUTlVE with good references desires 1 or 2 be-drm. home or apt. on ~arly lease near ~ach. lla 5-466 I'XC't'pt noon til 4 :00 YOUNG COUPL~E=-d~ .. -s~lr_e_2~~-d~r turn. rental. Rf'as . prlct> Y<'ar·s lease. Harbor Area. IIA 82 J. 109 Park. B. I. 50 USED PrANOS;:,--w-a-nt-t'd rnr--our I rental dept. Highest C'ash nl lowanre In tradt' for organ<~. grand pianos. and <~pmets Danz Schmidt. 520 No Mam Santa Ana. WANTED-26" girl's blr)C'If' Not too expensive HA 1992 W IIEL.P w AJfTEI) Girls-rrsa •IL'S w•LD! and you'll agree when you hear of the many 1ob oppor- tunities for quallffed young women ln our business today. Openl.np now for : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- Monday through Friday 514"' No. Main Strftt Rm. 211-5anta Ana 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. PACIFlC TELEPHONE YOUNG MEN and women: Do not apply unles.s C 11 you're ~II lf1'00I'\e'd and well mannered, (2) you enjoy h~lplnr ~pi• to lMm; (3) you bav~ ambl tson to Pf'OITaS rapidly; (4) you al.a have the ~a.mest ct. alre to underlo a well rounded PIOif&m of ..at deove.loprue~ n.-are Ow -.t.&aJ quallfl. • catlona few rMBt.._...p on the ~ .wr., Ule Artbu.r KUIYQ Stv4tol. We ltv. JOU u.. 1M( lilt")' ..... efte&Uoft. A~P~bnts.W-. ..... 9'M•ed ..... 10 to 12 aooe. AfPl7 lD ....,_ at 813 K: Olut llw7~ CDII. IIRJI iSi66L itrl' .. .,. Wldl a,.,_, oW • a-a to s• Callii.A~ .. ·- See OUR CATALOGUE FOR MANY ITEMS NOT USTED * AU Cataloque Prices In Effect Through May * SPECIAL!! auss SHEAR SPECIAL! .. DRillER SPECIAL! WIDEI CIIT PAINT ROUER AND TRAY · 7-lada roller bas repla~l• DyDel all-pa..rpoee ~r. St•l pcm la tun S-1Dcb SU... A real .alae a1 OD.Iy. set $1.19 24 Gal Utility GARBAGE CAN SPECIAL! CHAMOIS A Yfl"("spedal price OG tbia bi9b quality 14x18-1Dcb cbamoi.L OU tnat.d to t. .oft aDd abeorbeat. Buy aenral a1 oDJy. each. $1.39 SPECIAL! GARIEJI HOE BJ9 12 . ouac. abe. Sure deatb f« moth&. fleas. gaata. mosquitos cmd most. lD.MCt peata. C.t ... well a1 this low price. 79c Recmly gal...U.CS formill9 • Cll1l ..... 119b1 cmd wW atay ....,. _....,. tlaa1 call DOW aDd ....._ a .... ·• your cbGDt» to N ~ 89 place tba1 WorD OUt ODe. Tou9b stMl blade wUI 4 ru99ed diamoDd bcrclr tines pearucne b a r d • • t earlh with ease. Made by ftnt llDe mGDulacturw. A CJOOd buy a1 oaly $4.88 tab lou of bard u ... llardwood bcmdle. * * * WE GIVE CROWN STAMPS CROWN HARDWARE HArbor 232 3107 E. Coast Hwy •• Corona del Mar Introducing Mr ., Paul at $2.69 * * * --· ----- I Complete List of Yachts Entered in Ensenada Race This ls the complete llst of the 1TI yachts entered In the New port Harbor to Ensena da Inter- national Yacht Race. which be- gins today (Thursday) noon oU the Harbor entrance. The list In- cludes name of boat. owner. sail number and yacht club. Here's the k.ey to abbreviations of the yacht clubs: ~Aiami· tos Bay; BW-Blue Water; BYC- Balboa Yacht Club; CG-Cabrlllo Beach; Cor -Coronado Yacht Club; eve-catalina Yacht Club; Del Rey-Del Ray Yacht Club; LA-Los Angeles Yacht Club; U -Lldo Isle Yacht Club; ~ Lona Beach Yacht Club ; MYC- Mallbu Yacht Club; NH-New port Harbor YC; PB-LA-Portu guese Bend Yacht Ch1b and Los Angeles Yacht Club; SB-Santa Barbara Yacht 'Club; SCCYC - Southern C a J if o r n I a Cruising Yacht Club; SI)-San Diego Yacht Club; Seattle -Seattle Yacht Club; Bl--8anta Monk:& Yadlt Club; Torrli-TorrU Yacht Club, Okinawa; Voy-Voyagers Yacht Club; WC-West Coast Yacht Club; Win -Winward Yacht Club; RN-Royal Norwegian; SW -South West Yacht Club ; Cors- Corsalr Yacht Club. ADITilABT CLASS Jlnker, West & Sweet. 243 ... _NH Robena, R. M. Lem6. 233 .. WIN Tranqullla. R. Garrison, 224 VOY Oacar Tybrlng, G. R. WaJl, 7 COR Encore, Wm. Hoving, 217 ....... BW Stardust. Don DaGradl. 21 .... BW Syrn1oni, A. C. Martin. <J8.SS MYC Gypsy Clipper. V. T . Kelley, 7 CB Nelly Sly, David Young, 227 BYC Slbonney. Fred Logan. ll ........ NR Black Prince. Bjorn Faber. N5 RN Windfall. R. N. Williams. 28 BY~ Samarang. P. C. Smith, G3 . ..N Gullmar. J. G. Johanson. P10 SD Marie Cellne. W. S. Clark. 6 SB SeTenade. J. M. Carlson. 212229 ~ Natoma. John W. Dee. Maramel, Howard HartrY. 493P~ Know How. P. K. Lyons. Ball Hal. E . T. Maloney, SS ... .SW Francesca, Lewis-CoX, Q10 ...... WC Makoa Don E. Gillum. 240 .. SB Bonnie' Doone, 1. La by, 251 DELR- Mundeamo. R. J. Bogardus. 7 COR Gaiety. E. s. Wrtaht. Q12. .s.LAw A A Putzker 244 .... .. . LaLagat 'u ·wm B P~lmer. 49 .... LA n r • · M. I 252 BW Calypso. Jack orr son. F2 CYC Mistress. Dlx K. Brow. .. C Sea W lnd. J. 0 . Moxness. 256 W R EstaSY Gene Boln, 1.. ... 127'~ Fa~~ w. ~c;; ___ voY Ja ~T. D ~-lA Bos'n. B . Jaudf"in8cb6. H36 .... CB PatJenee. · · 1 BW Clbola. Eric Erlck8on, ....... Marin, D. W. BlackmOTi!, Q8 LA S .o--er £. E. Wall. 257 ... .LA un....,....... • Cb n 71 we Minerva. C. R. ~rna ' 8 WC Vagabond, M. D. elso2. .. CB Drtma n, R. E. Hiss. .NH Seminole. A. WestPi~rm~kiJ9WTN Manuwal, T . J. gr • VOY 1-D. L R. CLASS Hunakal. Gerald Moore ...... ··wm o~at Owner No. Club Gale. G. A. Ford. O ....... 000 WIN "" Seven Seas. H. L. Curt s. W1N Odyssey. Richard Steele, N6 ... NH Gypsy, G. W. Pearson. A~ MYC Quest, H. F. Murphy, 64. ..... _ .. NH Tokerau. W. L. Seam an, LA Typee. Wilson E. Haas. 121..._.LA Bluewater 11. J. Esnard, ~S29 Sea Queen. Fred F. Harrls. 85 LA Arcturus. Wm. C. Gegan. ·254 '!WC Carousel. Ashley G. Sown. 32 .... SO Sea Caper. C. Kohanour. iCB Morning Star. R. S. Rheem. 84. LA Kelem. Natalie Commons. 11 W Vaeringer 11, L. R. Gray, 71L .. BW Nita. A. DS. JD. RBaool~~n. O~iS .. OY Nalu. Peter Grant. 6 ........ Nli Kukrl 0 . . · • • BYC Johanna, Wm. Lyons, HS ...... VOY Cygnet. Nelson Pringle, 221 258 Varya, Geo. C. Jessop. 14 ........ SO Maradon. R. Middleton...... · · Mickey. E. G. O'Bryan. 4 ...... SO Chantey, R. H.Mathews lr .. §8: Ball. Jack G. Helm. H50 ...... VOY Tara. W . F. Priest. 4...... · ·· COR Medley. Dean Han el. 38 ......... LA Carioca. E. G. Turner. 10 ... WIN Santana. H. Bogart, N~ .......... LA Home'd Bound. Krumme. 40 Rampant. G. M. Dougherty, 39 A8 Island Btrd, W. W. Po.ter, 10 8W Galatea. R. M . Stockton, N15 .... LA Zavorah, Dr. K. L. Dieterle, 11 LA Delphine. J. Paschan Jr .. 92 .... BYC Little Dippel', Desenberg, 11 BYC Cotton Blossom. Halton. Ql8 .... LA Bojac, B. 1'. Osterholt. 255T3SC~~ Nymph, Bruce Smith. KJS.35 .... SD TroPic Star, Carl Gro~. Cynjo. Gordon A. Alles. 76 ...... NH Jubllo. J. T. Dlclaon. Yl ..... LA San ta Lucia Ill. G. L. Eddy, 13 SM Bobby Boy. M. Johnson. 55 WIN Synove 0 , Alfred E. Rogel's, 31 NH Jajobo Geo. E. Silver ............... .LI Ma rianne. Don. Chilcott, 130 we Play Gal. J. F. Ntckerson .... COR Evening Star. W. Trepte, 60 SD Llafall. Ernest L. Saad .. - ...... BW Bonnie Doone, E. Wells. 232 BW White Wings. Kalayjian. 260 BW Sweep, Jos. E. Grant. K38-12. NH Sher'n Badger, S. Badger. 242 VOY. Sorceress. J. F. Jopling, K38-l SD Spectre, Ted Spector, 2.. ........... CB Mrs. Melwood Berry Named Mrs. Melwood Berry of 501 Clltf Dr., Cliff Haven. h as been named Costa Mesa district ch airman for the 0range County Philharmonic S()clety, according to an an noun~ent by Mrs. Karen Mar- greta Bruning, executive direct.or of the aoclety. Mrs. Berry held a coffee hour In her borne last week on Wed- nesday to Introduce more people to the alms of the Phllharmonlc and to entertain M1&s Frieda Bel- Infante. conductor of the Phllha r monic Symphony. Miss Bellnfante explained that the Philharmonic Sodety Work shop was becoming well estab- lished and the next sfep in the 8JOWtb of the Sodety wUl be the e.tabllsbment of concerts for chDdrftL Praeut •t Gae coffee hour were M l ~ ....... Jobll Beck. A. \Y John !ff!tf., Nel· aon Jones. Basll Pet,enlon. 1. R. Maddox, F. E. Web~ Jr.. G. F. Petera. Barbara llacNeUJedge and Gertrude McCall. $4,000 Sloop Runs on Rocks The 28-foot auxJllary sloop. Blue Sea. valued a t approxi- mately $4,000, ran on the rocks of the west jetty and broke up a t 10:51 a.m. Saturday, but no one aboard was hurt, the harbor department reported. Aboard w~re M. W. Gregory or Los Angeles, owner, a nd slx pas- sengers. enroute to San Pedro. One man jumped overboard but the others climbed off on the rocks. A toutbeut wind of 30 mlle. an hour, with eusta reaching to 40 and 42 mJle. an hour, and the surge of the sea we-re blamed for the boating accident. Capri. S. W. Shepard. KJS.-24 SD Sans Soucl. J. P. Jones. 17 ...... CB Evlta, Larry Courter, SS ....... .BYC Trident G. A. Robinson. 99, COR Ballerina. E. G. Gould. PCC12 SD Sea Gypsy. R. Ltngenbel'g. 41 BW Marleamelle, G. Glann1nJ A6, NH Tantalus, Irv Lauman, Ql4 DelR. ...... Ma ra, H. C .• B. Huber, lS ........ BYC Seafarer X. F. Stevens Jr .. 10 CB Serena, J. B. Kilroy. 1C-13 .... BYC Commensense ITI. Brush, CS3 CB Lark. Carl T. Long. 16 ............ LA Truant. Wa lter S. Clark_:. X2 ... ..SD William K. Parrt.:b. 29, of Lo1 Ferns Delight, 0 . D. Wade, 74 VOY Gayle, Ruth Pawson. Ivl COBS Angeles, will face a prellminary Antigua, H. C. Ramser'. 5 ........ LA td.rts, H. C. Schofield, 90 ...... WIN bearing o n a bur•l•---.. • ..,.e at ShenanJgan, Sh inn, K38-28 BYC Susurro, D. Humphries. CC36 WC • -~ .,..._• Coquille, A. D. Callahan, 10.1 NH Fleetwood. R. Lamb, S32-7 .. _BYC 3 p.m. tomof'T'O'IIIr (l'rldq) In Rocking Chair TI, W. Boyd. 96 BW Beachcomber, C. Mannine.-.. CB J'fewport Beach JU8tlce Court. USS Saluda, U.S. Navy Lab., 101 Indifferent. Fred Hunle. 111 BYC He Is charged with .teallng Seadrlft, L. H. Fac;well, 1J3._.NH Marilyn. H. V. Richey, 42. ...... .LA seven sweaters from Sbadclock'a Nordlys, W. S. Johnson. 142, COR Mon Reve, W. H . Tracy. 112 .... BW Legend. Chas. Ullman, 72 ....... .LA Skoya, SamueiJ. Harry ............ CB Inc.. 3412 Via Lido, Newport Eventide. S. M. Newmark, 197 WC Southern Croa. G. Sanford ...... WC Beach, Jut Tbunday aft6 a Bayadel'e, J. H. Nicholson, 'T1 LA Silhouette II, S. Murfey Jr. 94 LA clerk discovered three or four Jada, Geo. R. Sturgla, 132 .. -.. .LA ., _ _.n,. Ramon J Sprltzler CB , __ ,_ t Astrea, Joe Flick, 122 ................ wc i:boiOndrtna, P.' H. Rowe--VOY cashmere sweaters m_.,g a Kitten, F. W. Lyon, PCC6_ .... .NH Suskind. H. L. Blodgett, 90 BYC 3:15 p.m . Pollee ltarted to eearch Volunteer, l. S. !Sroome. 43 ....... .88 for three men auspects at that Primo Donna, D. Metz. K38-26 CB • 1 Trinket. Cliff Tucker, 25(L.WlN UJnVEJlSA.LIST FEU.OWIIDP time. At 3:~ p.m. they were 0- Westward, R. S. MilleT. 23 ........ NH cated In Bidwell'• Sbop for Men, Renee ade, Hale Field, 239 ....... .LA ''The Abiding Values In the 3429 Vla Lido. Tehanl, Cbas. L. SwJnden, Q9, NH Ever-Changing Home" W'IU be The three men were taken to Da.sher, J. W. Twitty, 107 .... ToTil the sermon topic of Rev. Fred-Akahl •en F Croan 20. CB pollee depattm· ent headqaarterL • .... · · • --· erick Ringe at the 11 a.m. aervf-Plyfne Cloud, E. Corkett, Ql !Of ..... omcer. took a .t of car lt.,a Soltl()Q'U', W. D. Smtth 1UO LB Sunday of the Universalist Com-&om pUfllb and located bla car Wh1rJW1ftd. S. X. BabCOCk lZT SM munity FellowaJrlp ln the New-parkecl at 34M VIa Udo. In t.M ~trl~: 1: ~= ~ Rn port Beach Ebt'll Clubhouse, 515 trunk ot the ear ofJbn fou.t Valentfn~ Ml8l SJater, 22..-CB W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Jllotb. tiM .wn . MWeaten wUil tM Skylark, Dean Brown. 21---.sa er'a Day wUJ be celebrat.d, and SbMcloell l&IMI. 11le ,....._ IJttle WJna. J. BafUie. 8..3t....LA •pedal muale utcl a ~~eta .. onette ., .. .._t.Uied by • deft. MN. Sea Waif, llanball S.W'Yft'!lJlm 1M cbUdren wtU be ott.-ect. John &. ODie 1r lJoe alcl. Sea .U., & I. Doi!HtnY. 8.1--LA ~ ,0 Dallt•, ~ ,......,, tSI...Jnl IWIWI'Itwo~,... 8DIIN, I . B. ConMIJy, lO._ .. ".NH .......... Uct M wu arra.le-d = 0. L Ma'1o1:: An your printinq needs Wl1 ~ Monda,. lie .,.. tahn to Or· ~& -~ ::;c'rn~J!-= an~tcou_DCJJaDla~ot_., =. .... .r ...... «Lj·.,,.., Job Priftffnq .,... ...... .,bid. 'J!IW HatbOr ArM New1~, -n.e ...,., • eCK co.it • .. cciM. A ca ....... N '" n. ..,_ e r1.n • "" £ 'ff!Ur ~step/ • ••. .-c1 IW ciHp p••c• dl_. •a••r .,... __........, .... ,.. ,_., Is ... .....,._. ,_ ••• ,_.. lto1M Is ftll•ce4 • • •••• IMilll • • • a.cl J0111N ....... • ln .... AcCOII I for ... fwlwe At 1eut a tenth of whet you Nm should be yows to leep -so saW OM of tM Wile Men of old. tt's st11 a good n.&. today -..pedaly if yovr S.W. .,. ... g a hlth return with us. Our curNnt dif'idencl , ... is ll/2 -r. rMf annum, ,.W 4 tiiMI yeerfy 011 ALL accountL We help families buy their homes -thet's our prindpal way of .......... iftt ft.o. S.Vi,. wlWc:h you entrust to us. Durin9 19 yeen of serving OrM9e eo-ty, we .._. helped bring home ownership to tftouseftds of famJies. IScrow S..W:., ,...,....,. A.-cy, loaM to buy, '*lid, NmOCiel -al part of the ....._.. • •IM w.l&g for JOII ..... J IAYI IY MAIL-c.l• ...... -_. • ••• .. COft ..... 1 ... lrfl••• ..... Llflllll .... ..::===========· .,.,. , .......... ,..,..-··~ ... ,. u ....., ' ......... -...,. .. ~~.i-... -~~.;.-. ..... lllillii ... ~ ....... -... llllillllllli~--.... ~-lllliliilliilliilllllillliiiiil ... ~----... -· ... Legion to Moi CJ Caucus Here ,.. u.a. llaval ~-, ..... nveen 11 LID. aDd 2 :30 p.m., ln- ... )'ftl'• wtn.nen. will M on ducttq v.,.,.~ ju,ftiorn~. hand llq tl 1o defacl Itt title e1t7 ......._ fOun wtth coawatn Rewport Rubor Amedcan ~te- tn tbe W.-.ro lpl4nt Qwnploa. and lin~ doe "-t 291 wUJ r.o.t the 2t.t ••• .._ 110 tie beld lft 11CII'th m.trlct Pr6-Conventlon Caucua Udo ~MI. . DD or .,_.. a LOeT Satu:tday and Sunday, Max-14 ._, ~ wm IMt of. Re:uy Jfleclr1cb, • fll 115 E. and 15. 'Jbere wW be a danee on teNd .,. ~ +anlh7 e:re.n o1 211t at .. o.ta ......... taJDen the 14th and the m~lna wUI be C.Ufornfi. .,.... ColulllfU. ~ to Boa• Kt'mCirial Bolrpltal by on Ute 15th. 10ft ~ ....,_., USC. ua:.A Jfewport J01Sc* fOf' trutment of The AuxJJJ.uy wJJJ wrn lunch and W~ 1"he l at t • r a tinter lnjvy at 1:10 p.m. AprtJ eon Sunday noon. ,.,_.,.. tiii the ftnt tlme Jn thJa 27. Mr. Nledrl~h aat the ad ot 'Jbe 8f'COnd annual m~m~r­ lowtnl ._atta. ~ lrttt.h Co-a ttncer on an eledrk planer on ebop Jamboree ot the. 4th. 5th )wnbta oaJW~Mn won the ebaJn. a job at trvtne T.-r~. Be wu and 6th Areas wtll be h~ld Satur plonllhtp of the Brtn.h Empire I on ht.. way for medk:al aid when day and Sunday, May 21 and 22 lut year at Vancouver. Ja"-car ran out ot IU lD fJont of at the Newport Legion HaJJ. 'lbere wUJ be nJ~ raCH be-1700 W. Gout Hwy .. police aaJd. Whit Helms of Post 291 ls chair BIDS CALLED ON BONDS man ot the general anange. m~n~oo~ttee. ,. .. -.~.--. ........ ~ LaGAL wona LEGAL wonca o--r 11aa ... ..:.;. NOTICE l'ifVtmiG BIDS FOR $..'550.000.00 BOMbS ,_ ' OF NEWPORT BEACU SCBOQL DI.STBJCT OF OIUlfCE _. .U VII10ir Jll'l .. dll • • • COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Th~ CltJ,ot Newport Beach bu ...,.._ ...... ...._ NOTICE IS HE1lEBY GIVEN that aealed propou.la t.c. the pur-bet-n apportioned $80.SOO as Its J'ICK D ~ DKLIYDY chue of 1550,000.00 prtndpal amount of bonda of !fewpart leach &hare Of the motor ~hJcle 11-~ UJnOir School Dlstrlet of Oran.p Cowaty, • CalltomJa, wUJ be recetftd by ce~ t~ tor 1955 56, baaed on SE.IIY1C2 the Board of Supenbon at the omce ot the Clerk o1. ..Sci Board the current otfldal population of @ •1 11.....-t Sift. In the Court Boue In Santa Ana. Calltom.ta. up to the bauJ o1 U :OO 17.m . ll..,....t .._. o'clock A. II.. CalUomfa Daylfpt Savtnc 'Mme. on Jla117, 1.1e5. The ctty of Costa~~~~ wtll re-..._- Nichols Rare Coin eisplay Continues 'Til Tuesday -----------Said bonda wm be dated June 1. 195S, an4 wm ...., Jaterelt ceive $73.)00, baaed on • popula-~ &~ Der ctuctlon and drculatlon, wbJch at a rate not to exceed 51r per annum to be detenD.lMcl U.POD the do __ n ___ ol~16~,1:..:85..:.._ ______ ~====&&==·==..-.===~ mate. the pattern plecee all the aale of aald bondL Said lnterelt ahall be payable an.rnaaDy I« tbe men rar• and valuable. tint 1Nr atter the date ol aaJd bonds and .emiannually tbeNII'tel'. For example, the Nichola col-Sald bonda and the tntae.t thereon are payable 1n lawfuliDIJCII7 o1 lection Jndudes two of the fa. the United States of America at the ot.Oce ot Jbe,.,...,..,. ol eald 'ftM ftlcMJa com clllpJay wW coin lltnlck aa an apet"imenL It mous $4 1old Sellu. Th~e were County. Said banda wUl be deUpatecS "Eleetioll 1t15C. 8lll!r* a. .. continue at the Nft'JOI't Balboa " the tamou. "JUne Dollar," two of thla desi&n-In the nm Sald banda wf1l be S ID number. ot the denc!m4naU. of SaYIJWI and LoaD .u.odat1on with a bole In the center. Only one, struck In 1897, MJN UbertY• 11000.00 each, and will be numbered and payable aa foUOIWII: h~ In Udo Center ellht ot ULe8e wen eve-r struck, treaes are done up In lone ootls BOND 8()Jq) thloulb ~ ~y. ~-and Kenny'• 1.a fJom the eollec-wound around he-r head. In the NUK8ERS DATE OF NtJVWBS DATI! OF atlon rre.ldent P. A. Palmer an. don ol the late WlUiam H. aecond, made In 18. tbe .hu INCLUSIVE KATUitllT Dfa..vsrvE IU'IUIIITY nounces. Wooctln, ex~ of the U.S. lone. flowtn1 hair. Thft'e -~ 10 1 to~ June 1, l.95i 251 to 275 luae 1. UQ 11M clllpJay or rare colna wu 'l"re&IUI)'. whoee ptlvate eoln ool-eolfed hair eotn.t. and 15 with 21 to 40 June 1. 19:58 276 to 380 .hme 1. 1970 ........, IMt week lft eonjundJoD l«tJon wu valved at 12 million fiowinc hair. Nicholl hu one of C1 to 60 June 1. l9S9 301 to 115 loDe 1. 1.971 With National Coin Week. 11\e dollan. The lllnc Dollar "-now I each. A New 'York collector hu 61 to 80 June 1. 1960 &36 to 150 June 1. 1J72 ('Olna are from the oollectlon ot wortll ... oltere<S him as.ooo forth~ Both 81 to 100 1une 1, 1961 351 to 375 June 1. 1971 Kenny Nicholl ol. Balboa Ialand e 1., I'IIOOF COlli ! are abo from th~ Woodin collec-101 to UO June 1. 1962 376 to fOO June 1. m.a and bll .an Gene. tlon. 121 to lfO J~ l. 1.963 .at 1o iZ5 June 1. 1V75 lndudecl In the coJledlon 11 a AnoftU!r ...,.. and 1nteresdnl e ODIH I OPU ~ 141 to 180 Jun~ 1. 19154 G6 to 450 June 1. 1976 t)'pe 8et of all U. S. told eo!DAI, ,old ooln in the NJdlols oollec-Anothe-r rare experimftltal coJn 161 to 111> June 1, 19S5 451 to 475 l une 1. 1m aomplete wtth the exception of ~ ~~U:: 1~~~ b h1a copper pattern of a $10 181 to 200 June 1. 1.966 41'6 to 500 J"ne 1. tm ••••• p .,.,.. GLUE.O LAM l NAT~D Hf.M&!R S. GIY! Cl£AA ~. AFFORDIN G GA!AT STQENGTH AT LOWEQ ~..U~-:=~--COST. COMPLI.Tl &UtLOING &.lTV OU.IV!.RED TO JOO SITf FROM ta4!a Pal.SQ.Ft. OR COMP LLTtLY l Af.CTf.O, IHCWOtNG aLA~ FQOM l l • PEA. $Q. FT. fOil eOM ... ~\.~ f..-M.ca • ...,..,..., ---· Mt'!C 3 II ••• Clll.w. the two wrr rare !50-doJ.Jar aold eold piece destrned for tnterna. 201 to 225 June 1. 1961 501 lo 525 Ju.nt' 1, lJ79 pieces. Kenny hu one of the newr pl&ced ln ~latJon. Tht.. tlonal c:t.rculaUon. On it. bade. Jt 226 to 2:50 June 1, 1.968 S. to 5eO lu.nt' 1, U80 ----------------------- 1_.852 ,Wd fl plec:es, a "pattern" :.': 11, ~~:~on of ex-show• tu value In the colna~ of Said banda wU1 be .old for euh Oftl7 &Dd kw not._. t.baA par I aro ~ r -oth~ countries: 37 Daru.h ~ anc! ac:cruect lnterM to the date ot dtilwr)'. Eaeb bid JDUIIt atate . 'J'be experimental or "pattern'' nen. 20 Dutch Gulden. 51 French that bidder often par and acenaecl lnterelt to~ elate fll clellwry, pl.ecft are amoq Kenny'a betlu-Francs, 42 German Ma.rb. and 2 and .tate 8eP&fatel7 the premlam, 11 _,., otfel'ed fOI' 11&14 boacla. tltul and lntere~ttnc ooJna. Only En1Uab PoWlds. 1 .ttllllnr. 6 and the tate of Interest. not ueeectJnc 5,. I* &DilWD. aJ4 boodll a Jew of each one of theM oolna pence. Concrea did not approve diaD bear, Which rate shall be a muldple fll one-qaart.er ol one were strudr. and aerved aa trial It for clrcuJat!on. per cenL Blda will be compared on the ba-s. ot net l.nterelt ~ cotnl. 01' '"patteru." lfa.ny Rcll He al.80 hu the expertm~ntal wbJch aball be detemllned by computtnc the tota1 amount of ln- ~~~~~~~~~~~~coi;""~~.,.~~DOt~~ap~pr~O'I~ed~~-~~~ eopper Qulntuple Stdla, a Pat-t«eSt whkb th~ ctl.atJ1ct would be required to sa-Y f:tom tbe date 1 tern for a $20 rotd pJeee, struck of the bonds to the ~ft maturlty dates tbereo( at tile rate In 1879. On lt8 revene stde, It spedtled ln the bid and b7 4educt1A&' t.beref:rom any premium bid. ahowa the wetrht In crams Or l!acb btd &ball be tor the mtlre amount of aaJd bond& Not to each metal ln the alloy used-exc:ftd two rates of interest m,.y be bid. but no lincle bond ahall cold. allveor and copper. OnJy four bear more than oM rate ot interest. COATS ., ... , Y..r CIMt wiD ._.3. -......... , .. ..... .,.. .. .... ......_ce •pl ... ................ -~ \ . UptOwn Oeaners ' 1-waT aAJ.M)A IL~ KACII a« ttt... copper pa.u.m pl«* At any t1Jne before the bcmcSa are tenclen!cl kw dellvery, the suc- ~ lltnldl. anc~ on17 two 1a Clllllful ....., ~ r • n • ... _.,, •-.. • · -. cold. The Kldloa coln Is valued terellt ~lftd hr prtvat~ holden from bcmclll ol the aame type a.nd at S3SO today. character lhall be declared to 6e taxable income under praent Klchola' oo11ectlon ·Includes all Federal lnoome tax Jaws, either by a rulln1 ot th~ BurHu of tn. ol the oommfthoratJve U.S. half tunal ~nue or by a dedston of any Federal oourt, or shall be dollars. These 48 coins ~ oon-declared taxable by th~ terms of any Federal lnoome tax law en- sJdeftd amonc the most beau-acted subaequent to the date of this notice. Uful In the world because of The oplnfon ot O'Melveny lr Myers. Los Angeles, Calltc.nla. their rare quallty of derlen and approvlftl th~ validity of aald bonds. will be furnished the success. detail. The flnt was the 1892 ful bidder wJthout cost to the bidder. At the time of payment fc. World's Columbian Exposition and delivery of said bonds., the successful bldd~ wUJ be furnished coin, and the Jut are the 1951-54 with a certUlcate that the-re ls no litigation pending att«ttnr th~ George Wuht.cton Ca.rver and valJdJty of the bond& Booker T. Wublnaton halt dol-A certUled or cashier's check for a sum not less than thJ'ee per Jars. Nichols also has a oomplete ~t (3~) of the par value of aaJd bonds, payable to the ord~ ol type aet of u.s. mtnor oolns, to-the ~uurer of Oranre County, must aceompany each bld u a cludlnl 2-cent pl~ the aUveor cuaranty that the bidder, 1l succeatul, <Will accept and pay for sa.ld :kents and the famous lndlan bonds In acccrdan(:e with the terms of hLs bfd. 'Ibe proceed~ of th~ Read p,ennles. check a«ompanytnc the accepted bid ahall be applied on the pur- • COOrs ma Dr VALR chue price, c., 1l such bid ls accepted but not performed, aha.ll be Hu Nichola made montt, on lletalned by the County ~ for the benetlt at th~ cllstrlct. h.la ootn lnVNtmenta! By way or unleu sud1 failure ot performance 15 caused by any act or omta. answer, KennY plcka up a mount ston ol ~ld oounty, aaJd dlstrlct, or an otflc:er of either of then. of clear plastic· which pennlts Chedta accompanytnc unaca!pted bids wW be returned promptly. you to aee both front and revene Said bondl will be dellvered at the office of the County Tru. aide of each coin. "Here'a the su.rer olaald County. 1936 mint proof set of all oolnac~ The Board Of Supervbors reserves the rfgbt to reject any and for that year." There are th~ all bldl or to waive any lrregularlty of lnfomallty In any bid. half dollar, quarter. dime. nkkel The aaeued value of the taxable property wtthln aald dlm'lct and penny of that year. brtcht u lhown on the equalbled assessment roll for 1954-195!5 Is $51. 722,. and llhlnJng, 1n perfect oondJUon. 510.00, and the total amount of bona of aald dlat:rict previously ta. • .,. face value of the.e coins sued and now oatsta.ndtnc l.a $1.0&,000.00. Is 91 cents,'' Kenny saya. ''t"ou By ordft' of the Board ol Supervi8ors of Oranee County, CaJJ. ~an buy th1.s proof wt from the fornJa. adopted April 19, 1m. mtnt toT the current year at <SEAL> $:UO. This 1936 let ls worth tl'75 B. J. SMn'B today. The 1950 set .sells for fl5, County Clen o1 Oranee County, and tbe ttsl eet tcw $15. Pretty Calttomla and d~ Clerk ol tbe rood value for your Investment!" Board of Superviaon thereof. The Ntchols collection l.s con. PubUib Newport BarbOI' ~ .. * • * • COME TO TilE * * • PARTY • ~ ... $21.00 ,.,.,... $aviftp Aceount ~ There1l be free refreshments: coffee. ... ... coke, cookies and punch • ... Gift borloons fo~ the ,.. kids. ~ ·Goo-Goa the caown• will be there, too. *..,,.... ........... ................ ....... ,., .... ,~ 1171 WM llf a a • c.IA EA. CAlif. aa ,,...,. .Jiii..illil•llill•il]ll!ii!~----~~~-------~~~~~~ ~«Vatlvely valued at $10,000. April 28 and Kay 5, 1JeS • amcz "fttiO& OLD conn -~~~~=--~-~iliiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•:;========::::::;;r::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::====::;;:::~-u you're wondeorlnc about that ran old coin that Aunt Bertha tan you on your fourth birth· day, baal It out and br~ It down to Jtenny Nichola. He'Jl be clad to ret out one ~ hLs many volumes and look up Its history fOf' you. Who ~you mltht mab one ot tboee dl.acowriet that .. -c..a ...,. make bea~ tn the ooln coJ. a.-... ._ lec:tor'• world. an4JOU may lW'n iii~~~"'~'-~=-·~=~,_=·:·)~-" out to ))e worth • lot IDOft .-n-.,y than ,ou tboqht you were. 'lbat'a Wbat makw coin t'OI· lfttiftc Cu. _,. Kany Jtk:bola. PEatAPS llfE YEUDW PAGES CANHfU'ME ~YEMY MCE fOR ~ AAOGLASS IT M)'S 10 LOOK IH llE 'aAS51AEO" PMT Of WXIR TElEPMONE lOOK ' No, ........... . No ,.,_. ... ,.,, .... ,,...... u!.~ eo.ta ..... PboDe c.... & .... LJbel'ty .. .,. Liberty a.1511 .• ,, ................ u .. ... ~ '-) ~ l {) .. · ~ I [ t • "' ' ) .. ; ""' I, • HOME LOANS At Orange County's leading Home Lending lnstitvtion QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" rNTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIEifDLY SY~PATHETIC SERVICE WE IUY TIUST DUDS OH Wf:U. LOCATID HOWlS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOCI A TtON LAGUNA BEACH Phone HY 4.1 I 77 Total I$ Of liJ.Time R•ord Year Attet two .ucceaJve million· dollar month-. the Newport Beach bulldtne pemlt total tor Ule first four months of 1955 Is $3,876,1sal. accordlna to Building Inspector Raymond Glenn's April 00 report. Th1s Is more than $650.000 ahead dl last year. when the AprU 30 total was $3.209.246, and a halt-million dollars ah~ad of the all-Ume record year of 1951. when the April 30 tota l was $3.383.885. The AprU total was $1.040.583. This included 39 s ingle tamtly dwelllngs, $732,449; six 2-famlly dwellings. $92,205: two 3-tamlly dwellings. $51.725; 57 repairs to dweJJings. $106.285: 23 cabanas. S32.600i four twtmmlnc pooM, $5.950; one ~ bu11dtn8. S7 ,D>; alx repaln to eommerdal buUdJnp, $9,401; ..ven alaN. $2,765. Permits issued 'durtnr the final week of AprU included: e COBOKA 111G.IILAJfDS Frank Muaselman. 9>-room. 1- story. 1 unit dwelllng at 469 De Sola Terrace, $23,000. e IRVINE TE.IlACE Macco Corp., 6-roorn. 1 story, 1- unit dwelling at 1547 Dolphin Terrace, $22,000. e NEWPORT Dr E. D. Peele. fenoe at 26 An- nex. Lido Trailer Park. $175; V. L. Lees. 10 room, 2-story. 2.unJt rlwelllng at 6210 W. Ocean Ft.. $21,750. LECAL KOTICE ,. HAilBOB ISLAJm KOTICE TO CJlEDITOilS Robert Ingold, addition at 14 ESTATE OF RALPH W. GOTII-llarbor Island, $600. ARD. DECEASED. e JEACOK JAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to A. S. Cline. addition at 35 the Creditors of and all persons Shelter Cove, $1.500. having clail'Tl.l against the said • BALBOA ISLJUQ) d~edent or said estate to file W. C. Calhoun. carJ)ort at 1516 them with the necessary vouch-Balboa Ave., $200: Georce Lake, ers In the office of the Clerk of and <:abana at 120 Garnet. $600. the Superior Court of the State • NEWPORT BEJCJITS of Calltomia, in and for the John McGann. 6-roorn. 1-story, County of Orange, or to present 1 unit dwelling at 2313 Clift Dr .. the same. with the necessary SlROOO vouchers. to the undersigned a t _LE_G_AL--If-OTJ--CES-- hlll or her place of business, to-No. A-25662 wit: ESTATE O P C ATHERI NE WilHam A. Gothard. Executor GWYNN. also known as KATIE c/o Harwood. Heffernan & So-GWYNN. DECEASED. den, Attorneys at Law, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN to 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, callfornia. within slx months after the first publication of thls n otice. Dated: AprU 15, 1955. WlL.LlAM A. GOTHARD Ex~utor of the Estate of said decedent. Harwood. Heffernan 6: Soden Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Coast Hlghway Corona del Mar, California Pu bllsh: April 21, 28. May 5. 12 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. LOllS FOR HOlES s,. 20-TEAll LOU Construction Loans s,. 20-TEIUI LOU SEE aoa SATn.Ea ............ 2515 E. c-t • .., .. CJ))( Pb. BA ,_ Ia 1-5115 (Metro Lit. luarallce hDda) JAMES D~ RAY Bill-ClllrHIIr 3446 E. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEL ~AR HAIW 4763 •••"'•"u: HAtbor 4196 the crt'ditors of and all persons h'vlng daams against the said dC'«'<<C'nt or said estate to tile them with the nt>«>SSary vouch PTS In the otflee of the Clerk of the Supt>rlor Court of the State of California. In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same. with the necessary vouchers. to the undersigned at hls or hf'r plare or business, to- wit: Ella M. Lewis. c/o Ralph M. Myers. Jr.. Z721 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Cali- fornia. with in 11lx months after the first publication of this no· tic c. I Dated April 29. 1955 ELLA M. LEWIS Admlnlstratrlx of the Estate ot said decedent. Ralph M. Myers, Jr .. Z721 East Coast High way, Corona del Mar, Callfornla, Attorney for Admin- Wt..,bi:. Publ ish : May 5, 12. 19. 26 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Robert Forbes BUILDER &Arbor ••• 1101 l'locw CoftrtDcJ• -l>raLDboar4a Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum nle CARLTOIS' ~Y.'o\VII C:O.ta ..... Costa Mesa Lu~nber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS .............. c... .... Lalit! .... 1 Jleldiautl. IDdwb t cmcl.-..ideadal areca LOW MONTHLY RATES Boot patrol available for waterfront estates, boat owners cmd industrial waterfront facilities. ............. a ....... .. 1'Wo .......... ~ Ia • eu~Y....... ~eoddlrl.aaCDUtlhrJ'. Amanda Lloyd. 8aDta ADa.,.. aft4 .._.. 114o Qlrcaa del ported that a bJt ad nan car Mar, at ,.,:2) a.m. Aliftl· 22,.· ftew- damapd 11er car pulled oo Bell-part pollee repc11te4 ....,..,_. _.. tJbpe A"-o Canna cJel Mar, 88 Ju.UaD a. lleDnett o1 laD D1e1Jo feet 80Uth ol COUt Jlw7 •••. Of. ud Gorc1on E. 8cR • o1 Cluala fScen oonltleaNd a BB IUD from Vlata. clrtwn of two o1 t)Je can • t.o. A.n,._ bo7, 1~ aad later Involved. Both were taken to releued It to hJa father after the Hoar Memorial B~ltal. boy allepdly had been fJrlnr Pollee aaJd all thNe ot the the run at blrda around chUdten ean tnYOlved were tplnc eut on on the beach at 2W E. Ocean Cout Bwy. when 'nlomu J. Front. Balboa • , • Mrl. Ruth Cullhman of 417 Serra Dr., Coro- Dreular of 1009~ N. Bay Front . na BJehlandJ, driver of one of Balboa Island, reported that for the cars, sto1>1)ed to make a left the aecond time 1n a week ahe turn. Mr. Bennett stopped h .. car found white paint splattered on behind the Cushman vehlc1e, her car parked at Apolena Ave. was h it 1n the rear by the Somers a.nd N. Bay Front . • . Robert vehicle and was knocked Into Tauby.-23. of 1941 FulJerton Ave., the•rear of the Cushman car, po. Costa Mesa, autfcred a severe cut Jlce aald. to h1a lett hand on a faucet in a cafe at 6600 W. Coast Hwy., Newport .•• e SUXDAY. AnD. 14 Jerry SchiJdmeyH, 108 Opal Ave., Balboa Island, complained that two boya damaced h.ls row boat ... James M. Evans of TI4 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. reported that a burctar entered hJa home but apparently was scared oft without taklne any. thing when Mr. Evans returned home at 1 a.m .... A hit and run car caused $35 damage to hl.s car parked Jn front of his hom e, Gor- don Burch of 125 29th St., New- port Beach, reported ... A ship to shore radio w as stolen from the 28-foot cabin cruiser White Cap moored at Z735 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, owned by Theodore W. Gray of Pasadena . . . A burglar stole four cases of beer valued at $18 fro m a cafe at 2614 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. owned by Margaret Miller of 1699 Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa. e WEDKESI>AT. AP1l1L 27 caoaca ICBOOL GVJLI) WJU. a.zcr orncaa Election of oftken will be beld Monday, May 9, at the flnal reg. ular meeting ol the Church School GuUd of the Corona del Mar Community Church. Mrs. John T. Keeler will entertain the eroup at ber home at 234 Jas- mine Ave., Corona del Mar. As- alstlng beT Jn hostess dutles will be President Mrs. M. J. Shannon. Mrs. WUUam Humason and Mrs. Wa llace Calderbead. CEJITIJ'ICA TE OF aVJDfESS Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certify that they are conductlag a Landscaplng busine-ss at '2229 East Coast Higtaway, City of Newport Beach, County of Or- ange. State of Callfornia, under the flctitlous firm name of COASTAL LANDSCAPING and that said t1rm is composed of the following persons, whose names and addresses are as follows, to-wit: Roy~ W. Prlor-633 St. James Road. Newport Heights. Newport Beach. calltomla. reatcu1at a. ......... ....._ ....-. rlbe. aklz• .. ...._ tbe vw. ........... of ac-.. Couaty'• ,..... ...... naata. anq...e ,... _.,.. • -. L••.-. .t tllellddlll .. ....... w..d. v.--. ............ a..-.. ............. NOW OPEN ••• . . NANA'S Mexican Foods OPD nZ11T DAY 11 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. Disturbances reported In the 200 block Diamond Ave. at 2:36 a.m. and 100 block Abalone Ave .. at 3:16 a.m. on Balboa lsland were quiet when ottlrers a rrived ... A car reported blocking the 300 block alley of Grand Canal. Balboa Island. was moving .vhcn officers arrived at 5:34 a.m .... Jan Vandenburg of 2647 A E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Met, re- ported damage to bls car win- dows, door Jocks and ante nna while the vehicle was ,parked In the All American Market park- Ing lot . . . OfflceTS quieted .a wUd party at 21.3~ Grand Canal, blboa Uland, at 11:15 p.m. ... Officers were unable to locate a group drinklnc. c1imbine trees and causing a aeneral dlstrub- Leonard F. Jones -618 Hello- trope Avenue. Corona del Mar, ~====================~=== N~ Beach, California. j; an~ In the area of 1..Z7 E. Bay Front. Balboa Island, at 11 :20 p.m. ... A buretar took $3 from (ConUnue<l on Paee 11) FU WITNESS -our hands thla 11th day of AprU, 1955 Royce W. Prior Leonard F. Jones STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. . ON THIS Eleventh day of AprU A. D .• 1955, before me Robert W • a Jlfot&r7 Publ~ In aJ\CI for aald County and State, resJd- inC · therein duly commlaloned and sworn. personally appeared yce W. Prior and Leonard F. Jones known to m~ to be the persons whoee names are sub- scribed to th~ within Instrument, and acknowledeed to me that they executed the same. IN ~ WHEREOF, I have hereunto ~ my band and af- fixed my offJcJal eeal the day and year in th1a cerWicate tint above written. NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE Robert W. Frater My Commission Expires March 5, 1956. . Publl&h: AprU 21. 28. May 5, 12 In the Newport Harbor EnaJgn. MG.4,..,'S Your Famlly Restaura nt (ao.cl~) 1515 E. eo.t Jllgla1Nf ....... 1 .. C....'-1 ..... Van's Bowling iiiiiEiiiiiii ... Fll •• tro-d Few--. 1'lnln. laG P.ll. a.-..., ..... ...., ...... ~., ()pea AD .... t FriMy -.1 ........_, I * AV'IOIUftC f'llllfOIIEU * roa IIDDYATIC)Ig CAFE 'Ill su:nmoa AYK. LDDTT ~ COI'I'A IIDA liiLIIEI • 111.11111 I ....... 1'11e Ca.tal ANa P• •ecatJ 10 y._. Ill OoNn A... ....... .._. 11,.et 4-1.1 OPENS FIIDAY IIAY 13 IUCUIIIY thrilling thoroughbred -RIICIIfG .U.ftllll , .. ~·----· aia....ctl Maao. ol c.lto b .... nd., ., «k ._._.. 'TI'Idt olcht _. flowotft'" , ........ oo4. ,,...., ... II,.._ : fA!PY,Mwl ....... ... --:---Ifill .... '? , .. : ......... ,., ................. ,. ........... ,..ntt-.., .. · v .. _,,..._,......_ • ....._., .,., .... fl ....... • I Engines Fail. Boat~ Beacl1ed (Continued from Pace 10) lnjurecl chick fou.ncl at 33 Harbor Aa 18-loot outtaoerd motor boelt the cub ,..s.ter at the bualne. taland at 12:15 p.m. • • • OCflcen eQ).IIJilplf4 wtt11 two 11 bll-ccwa ~ lob -.wblan at X16 Newport ~ lt ....,...art CUll f1l ou-.... .... CUM ..,.... ..,._, ••rut . . . bMr ud two open eau ol beer 1n tM 8DCI) bioS ... K.....,n e NWWN'f. U111L a from a tat It J05 Apolena Ave., at 8:05p.m. AfriJ :H. One 0« the omeen wamect tpemben of a Balboa IIIUMJ. at 9:40p.m. alter boat occup&Dtt. ll&rold IAtail. pe.tty at 118 Graad C&uJ, BaJ.. a ear occupellt, Alan W. ~e. .,., o1 ~~.SaNdE boe Man4 at t:t* a.m. and ant 19. ot Altadlma, denied owner. t:n.Jur)' WCIIIdDc wttll the Ma aDd the boy -.emben 111ame • • • A ahlp of the be« . . . Cars with wu taken to B~ Memortal party at Uf C«al Ave., BalbOa loud plpee were reported raelq BospJtal, Newport poUee report. Jaland, wu quieted at 2 a.m. up and ,down tbe aile, at the ed. and the boys Mnt on their way Nar o1 112 Grand Cartel, Balboa Earl A. Leta, 45, ot Para. borne •.. Penons playlnc a loud Island. at 7:40 p.m .... Rlcbard mount, boat owner, told pollee radio In a car at lO'J Colllna Ave .• Hamel, 7, ot ns J-..ntne Aw .• that they left Catalina llland at Balboa Island, at 2:21 a .m. were Corona del Mar, autrerecl minor 3:30 p.m. April ~ 1« Pterpolnt uked to pla,y It toftly ... The abraalona wben be drove hla Landlnc. Lone Beach. At 3:30 hu~ne ottlcer dlspoeed of an blke out of an alley and eotltded p.m one of the enstnea tatled. With a car driven by Mrs. Hurt At 4:30 p.m. the other motor 'llll f• I ~ ... ' Procter of 402 Goldenrod Ave .. at.a.rCed m.t.tn1. Due to the cut· ------, Corona del Mar, In the 200 block ~nt and wtnd. he cha.naecJ ooune Mil • .....__ II-of Mareuerlte Ave., Corona del trorn north to eouth. The boat .._ ... Mar. at 4:25 p.m .... d.rttted 1n too clOM to land after -a-._ • ......_ be INidr e nJDAT • ...U. 21 LLOYD WOOD OF CDM FAas ARMED BURGLAR Uoyd G. Wood, contractor, ol 212t Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. t.aced the eun of a burclar wbeo be returned to his home about 9:15 p.m. Friday . Kr. and Mn. Wood were re· turning home from an overol&ht trip. Mr. Wood enteed through a rear door· and turned on a liJht. He beard a noise In a bed· ..... ...._.._ Dnr Tu StaH room and looked lll to ... tbe bur1lar boldJq a IUD polnwel at htm, pollee •ld. M'r. Wood ran out the rear door, bavtna lett It open tor hi• wtte. Be p bbed bit wife and they ran In a aouth~l'l)' direction on Gol~nrod Ave. to Its lnler'lectlon with Ocean 8Jvd. and stopped at the residence of Mrs. C. H. Lane, 2800 Ocean Blvd., to telephone pollee. Pollee said the suspect ran out of the front door ot the Wood residence and ran In a so~th~ly direction parallel but ahead ot the victim. The suspect was last seen cutting acro a yard where ~an Blvd turns 20 dear'ftS and goes east. pollee reported. he ~ Uabta at West Kew· .._..., IIAIIat. P'• -~ Her wallet with $2 cub and port aDd tbe boat wu beached. 1*111111,• ,... tiM .... 11n. ldentUicaUon wu stolen from Another puRDift was Allord acatMao bttJe of u.. '1\aatla her purse durlnc a party at 324 Brown.ln&, 68, Of Paramount. a .... aewport Jle6tlata. tOGad Marine Ave., Balboa Island.,~-----------------------­ V. E. MacCarter. president of the Frt>f."dom Taxpayers League. Inc.. Issue-d a statf."mt>nl last week denying that there Is dis 8t'nslon within the league be cause of the Board of Directors' opposition to the tu over ride method ot Clnanclna; blgh school expansion Pollee c&lled to the ae<'ne, found pry mark.<~ on a door jam and breaks In the back edte of the door. Tht' pins had been par tlally rt'mov~ {rom the hlnaes. but this t>ntry attempt laUed. Nothing was stole-n from the house. WOIIAII HilT Ill W.ZC& oa OOAIT lfWT .. CDK lb& Katbertne L Towne, 62. ot Pa.M4eala 8Uif~ minor ln· Ju.rtea ln a tw~ accident at Helltrope Ave. and Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar, at 3:~ p .m . Sat- urday. Sbe was a paaeencer ln a ear dr1•n by Leonard W. Town. er of Pasadena wbJch made a sudden stop for a pedestrian and wu bJt In the rear by a car drlwa by Lou1se M. Blah of 505 Nardn!Na Av.., Corona del Mar. M oed tlq-W~ ... y._ Utile 'hell II APPT DAT I CIIOOL +40 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 11ft. Jean Vauchn. director A77877777BR 77 .PORT 7.1 . ll llOIVII {1.' l M41l IIA •'• , .• '1/ y ., ..... •• ·-"' Llfl" With Richard Conte ComJne "'ent•" .._ .._-., 11., wiMe ... ,.. Jeann~ Nlclcsell of Berkeley re-c•:•, , , , , , • , , , e , , , , • , , • • • •:• , • • • • • • • • • • He polntt'd out that on March 18 a resolution opposing the ov~r r ide and favoring a bond Issue was pa.ss.ed unanimously by the board. wltb only one member absent. He dented that any boerd member resignations were caused by the tax over ride ...._. ._. et 1 p.a. rrtMy. ported ... Crace Mae Blasfn. Dk:lde tDoll Ida w. Nft ...s detennJned l njurlea when her .., ............ ,.u. cat t:JI,..... game of Lone Beach suffered un-Th~ Loa 1a1a c1D9 wtaa 1a1a. bat tMit .. car wu Involved ln a bead-on lood .ad ._. 80 ....,.. 11n. accident with another car driven CC:X*::I*CX*~*CI*ICII*::I*CX*::IC'I!ICII::X:IC*~*CI*ICII=-:ICI•CI*I:II:X:ICI*CI::ICIZIIZ:D:X::EICXZ:: 'httle e.14 po1.1c-. .. waa .,. by Al ex Oser of 525 VIa Udo (Continued hom Pace 2) Cyril R. Cosey of Pasadena and Linda Rae Zan der of 500 Poln settia Ave .. Corona del Mar. sit tlng In a c&r parked near 280t Oc-ean Blvd .• told pol lee they saw a man run past them. The man went to a car where a paaenrer got out of the car and they went over the bluff, pollee aa.ld. u.r.t CP?7DJ' f • tiM beclda Soud, Lido Isle, at 6 :45 p.m . at had dlsappeaffii ... Coincident. bat otttc.n ••end au of the Bayside Dr. and Coast Hwy .... ally. the BBC announced that In a :tv Ja u.. d tJ• but couJcS Ottlcers warned four young men Third Army troops today entered aot ~ 1aJm. A .,_...a) and sent them on their way Braunau on the lnn north of a.1ad 1a1t ,... pat out .a t:.S after they climbed over a fence Salzburg. Braunau ls the blrth· a.a.lcdudaf. At 2:10p.m. Sat. Into the Balboa Bay Cll¥> from place of Hitler. ....s.r lin. Tattle CCilW fOU• Bay Shores at 11 :1B p.m. . 2 MAT 4$-At 1840 16:40 p.m. I ad 8cd4 ... Jut P'c:bd up e IATtJJlDAT. APall. 30 a BBC news flash said that all ~ -.ad bad t-. bt.. Officers warned boys to stop enemy forces In north~rn Ita ly bome. playing ball In the street In the h ad surrendered unconditionally. A bundle of unendorsed checks pe.yable to the Lacuna Beach Post were found Apr. 22 In a pa. per bac stuffed ln the corn~r of a public telephone booth at Mar. guerite Ave. and Coast Hwy .• Co- rona del Mar. by Mrs. Lucia Nos. enz.o of 3244 E. Coast Hwy .• eo. rona del Mar. She turned the checks over to Newport pollee, who gave them to Lacuna po- llee. The checka bad been stolen the night before from the La- gun.a newspaper offfce. For the 8eCODd tlme In two months the Western Union Tele- eraph oftlc:e at 2303 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beach. bas been entered by the same means by a burglar. Newport poUce were no- ut1ed at 7 :48a.m. Saturday. This Ume all of the tlnn'a mon~y w:1s In the sate and nothlna In the oUlce was disturbed. A rel'.r win. dow was brolu~n to gain entry. The bu.rclar lett through the back door. area ol 507 Rlv~nlde Ave .• New-Involving almost a million men . port Heights. at 9:10 a .m. . . . A comm~nt madt' by an observ~r Ramona Rult' of 3410 VIa Lido, was "This puts us practically In Newport Beach. reported the Betchtescadt'n." ... At 2212 came the ft of a S40 Imported pouch· another fla.,h : the Russlsns havP type bac made of grey cut steel tak~n Berlin after on~ week of beads mlssed from a shelf at sieg~. The collap~ of the-Reich that-address on April 26 ... A capital camt' In mid aftt>rnoon. dtunk gone ~rk and break-No word about Hltlt>r Capt. lng g lasses In the area of Park DuChe-ne. French Uaison ortlcer Ave. a nd Marine Ave .• Balboa Is-with XIX Corps. told me of h ls land, at 7 p.m. was taken away vl.slt to the Russian line-s The from the area by friends before main Impression he received was pollee arrived ... otficen put a one of grnt power and excellent s.eaJ back Into the bay after C. S. discipline. Germans w~re afraid Mead of 1513 E. Bay Front. Bal· of them. gave w ithout question, boa. reported the seal was on even wtthout being ord~red. The the porch next door •.. Harold captain aald that German girls Smith of 513 Carnatio n Ave., eo. gave themselves fTeE"Iy, th inking rona del Mar. reported at 10:35 that they would otherwise be p.m. that a landallde at El Morro forced to do so. He said he's clad Ba.y ptnned c1cr8m eeveral can: he's .not a llalaon o~ with the Newport pollee atoocS by wtille wu.taM. ~u• he tb-. ~ equipment was used to clear hall have to drink too much. the highway ... Someone broke s MAT ~A German radio Into her car In the Balboa park-commentator captured In Berlin Inc lot and stole a $15 cameu. aays both Hitler and ~bbels Rosalie Schachner of 352 E. 19th committed suicide BBC an St.. Costa Mesa. reported · · · noun~ that Third Army troops e SUWDAT. MAT 1 an~ takJng over tt>rrltnry 10 miles A burglar was apparently from B~rchtesgadeon frightened away alter setting off 4 MAT U-Thls morning the an alarm by pushlnc In a screen XIX Corps war room maps show In the Casa Pura Cleaners. 1100 a long thin ~vt'nth Army finger W. Coast Hwy.. Newport Beach In Bavaria stretching eastward ... Hls red and white bicycle almost to Salzburg. This alter- valued at $50 Wt_S stolen ~m noon the fall Of Sal7burg and the pier at the foOt o1 VIa Onie-lnn.sbruck w~re announ~. and to. Lido Isle, Kenneth Beattie of the war room map showed Bad 203 VIa Mentone. Lido Isle. re-Relchenhnll taken-that's just a Douclas Hardacre. 8. of 311 ported ... Cars driven by Mor. few miles from Berchtesgadt>n Potnsettla Ave .. Corona del Mat, can Blakesley ol HoiJywood 'lnd ... At 2030 the BBC announced autffted a skinned left leg when Arthur S. paris of 105 Main St .. that all northwest Germany and hit by a car driven by Melvin E. Balboa. were Involved In a prop. Denmark and Holland have sur Royal of San Diego In a cross-erty damage accident In front ..>f rendered unconditionally t'ffec wa lk at Jasmine Ave. and Co:u.t 201 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. at tive 0800 tomorrow . Tht' mid Hwy., Corona del Ma r. at 1 p~. 6:33 p.m .... A st~ seal on the night BBC nt>Ws gave> u<~ the> final Saturday. The boy was being ac. dock of Charles E . Wagner .of blow-Berchtf'Sgadt'n ha" bt:'Pn companied by hls mother. Mrs. 1813 E. Bay Front. Balboa. .or tak~n by ~vt>nth Army I IUT G -At 0745 '" lett Wanzleben, picked up the rat of our Detachment at Oachenleben ... and thua at last Jre were on our way to our •-tpment ln Berchtescaden .•• Summary of CouncHAction Here ls a summary of action taken by the Newport Beach city ma ner. Thf're have t>t>ton four resigna- tions from the board recently Mr. MacCarter saJd that three vacan. cl~ h ave been filled. J. Rees ls the nt'W vice presldt'nt llnd treasurer: Or. Ludwig Drauss and Mrs. S D. Hubbell. new dl~ rE'Ctors. The ~ague represents property owners in the Newport- Balboa VlsU subdivision In Costa M~ Officers staked out on the car and a Los Angeles youna man and woman. both 19. were ques tioned when tht'y cam(' tn the v~hlcJe Mr. Wood was unable to positivelY ldentl.ly the young man as tht> burglar seen In h la home and both w~ relea~ councll at last week's meeting: IEJOfETT'S GET GDIL e Approved the appointment A daughte-r. NafK'Y Lee. w:u of Mrs. H. C. Bany of Shore Cliffs born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ben. to the library board to replace nett of 2024 Meyer PL. Costa Mrs. Stedman Boar of BalboL Mt>~. on Saturday, ApriJ 23. in • D-rt·'"' to Harold Arthur of · The ~nal papers of a West "''"'...., .,... Hoag ~1t>morlal Hospital c v1n '"•1 14 ...o 1 1 West Newport that field partiee 0 a &" • • report.,... m ss nc are at work dally t.aklng eleva April 22. were found the next dlly tlons for West Newport street KRS. JARED o• na by Newport pollee In a home at M~ Constan~ Jayred of 111 2406 W "-an Front N-"nnrt and alley lmprovement. · '-A.~ • ..,~,.... £ Ocean Front: Balboa. Is off ... ch ... b Ro ....... -w G e Approved plans and specW-.,.,.a • own""' Y ua • unn on a trip vlslUna relatives in or Los Ana""l-catJona for Cliff Haven sewe.rs • •" """' the San Francisco area and then Two women's _..,,,.._ a bath and passed a reaolut1on a.s"t-... -......, · the Coun-Board of Su""'"""::;:: to Clnclnattl to embark on a robe. numerous pictures of high permlsalo~ to make ~.;~n-lt>lsurely rivt>r boat trip down the school students and paper clip nectlon In county territory. Ohio and Mlsslsslppl Rfvers. pings from a macazlne were alJio e Awarded the contract to Les found In the hou~~e. A neighbor Nott Electric for supplylnc the TWIX SOKS FOB COUPLE notified Mr. Gunn that someone c:lQ wiU.ll&ht bulM an. ...-~ Twl~ sons. 5 lbs.. and 6 oct. and wu t.z: ht. beach bouse. A brok. In& tdentkal 'btds from loeal • .._ ... 'I-. ._. .. -. • •~ 1 11111111 -.. _. .._ dealers.. and Mrs. ~ Wa.lla~ of 769 J'&ln entry. Tbe bouw bad been w 20th St.. Costa Mesa. In St. Wled to sleep In and for chane Joseph Hospital on Sunday. April Lne clothes. 2~ ~==============~ a. ........ ! YARN SHOP Sp«lallzed Accessories and Instructions 11017U Rodger H. Ha rdacre. at lhf' tim~ thr~ days wu gone whl'n the • i~~~~~!~~~~~~~o~f~th~e~a~cc~l~d~e~nt~.~po~l~lce~s~ru~d~. iiiiiii harbor department arrived to In· S MAT U-XCX Corps Is mov. vestlgate ... Robert R. Jackson lng out of Wan7leben. but our of l089 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Detachment Is staying behind. reported the los.s o1 his billfold waltlnc for orders to go to Berch THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . '13 OFF! (wn11 ftll AD) Tajt Clieiirs lepllr SUI '4• IPE- a s •• a.11e L 1 ID( .... ht. ...... el ..... ) c a sa ~---...., ................ tUr I J I .... ______ ___.~ ...... ~ .... ~----·----A .. ~J_•JI• * * • contalntnc $:50 cub and ltentlfl. t~gaden . . Hitler's chalet there cation somewhere on Newport was In names when our li'OOpa Blvd. . . . entered the town. (Continued on Pap 12) I IIAT U-Hq Co .. 119th Regt.. la t&ktng over Wanzleben. ~tnd we ~ relieved as of today 7 IIAT U-TilE WAR IS OVER IN EUROPE. The radio com"tnen tators say It lastt'd for 5 ye&n. 8 montha and 6 days-2<Yi6 days. For me It laste-d th~ yt'ars to the day. It was on 7 May 42 that John Lawler and I went to the draft board In G~nwlch Vtllage In New York a nd became 101 dlers In the Army ot tile Unlt.t lfD I KU R&WtOft IIEJGIITI. CELEaaATE Old AJnfiVEDArf 11te Arthur MJIIen of 3211 Broad St.. Newport Hel.ehts. cele- brated thelr forty.thtrd w~dina anniversary on AprU 22 wlth a dlnnf'r party liven by friends In Lone a-da. Rtcha.rd McOinnls 22, of Al- hambra and Dale R. Hall. :K. ol Berkeley. were treated In Hoar Memoria l Hospital at 1 :35 a.m. Saturday for minor euts, contu. Ilona and abru.lon.s after they had been attacked at the eo. rona del Mar beach. States. Today has bMn a loveu' IIO'D .... COSTA 11DA The men told pollee they no-sunny day. all the colorful beau. The Dk:k Tonft.Wlel b.aw mowcS tked a croup Of eleht boys mo-ty of eprtna addlnc to the ereat bolD • E. 1M -eo.ta ....._ lestina a nmalJ poup of )'OUJIII'!r Th -IMip. WbeD ~ tried to later· joy of the dt.Y · • e agree to 151J ~ Tenac:e In ltv* wne IIJ behalf ot the JOUneet ment to ~ ~lltl• was 'h:uWA Mr. TWt«DW ..... Rut boJa tllle7 1n turn,... attacked aJ.ped at 0241 todq at ee,. E1s-pa«mawtw at Newport 8Nda. Make your Own Giflw•e ••• in our Ceramic Stuclo A wonderful nE'w plan for the CHamlc hobb!Bt ... you work In a romplct~. modem plant with all the latest commercial E'Qulpment under sklllf'd super vl1!1o n. W e have mold~ for ovt>r L25 Items from ovr line that you rrlay use or you may m ake your own dt'SignS .. .. .,.. ~ -It .......... hall dlllllllla * IIGIID PIIIBY I .-n ._tiM -a-t--J~ ot the ~· Hq. "' J.efnw • · · 111 ._. .,..., W¥J-la.lt mbGoD tor DX 0orP1 wu •Cbt ..,_ wu ......._ pollee to llftGIBanll ud ~ Kar· P'VU.DI a.'r ~ ~~~~=~;=;;;;~:;~~~;,;::;;;;~~,~ wtnllt7 ot ..... to JIIM•Mdll· 4 .................. lO GL. ... ..11111 ...._ wben & Wl • .._ wltb bom to Mr. aacl Mra. lart7 ,..._ I W'I-.:S I X tU ~ lrttJah llllltai'J Ocrr«rnnMnt. 1'be ler eiD cu..tto. A-.. Callailla WIWuia Q. lkoU. a ot Saata ...._ la the ,__ ~0' of dti liar. Ill a. ~ B ...... ~ ... Ulillte4 • u ~ 11ate •nder ~ and ae-00 ~. Aid& a .._ ct..,.. _,. lfN:pat pellee Ill c~~a~a. He llad .._. ~ 11:1t &.IlL .... ,., ... a ... .._ oflk'ie an4 ~ b7 .. -10 w• a M 31Mt at ........ Jhi6. ... 11111er ln lJII ... W1aAe In 4 -. Jella Cllr\ WM ....... fta a.-.. a pwt -.:b. ana:wcb'"" I _. .. W.... Mr .... lilt& ar.llli:u4 a Ma ill ...... ... ........ bit • .,_ G.5 ....... -out .. 215 .... llte11111b ....... --....................... e.«Q ...... ..... W.lal ..................................... lllilldlll .. IIIPlal. ... . Cllla ...... III 'I Ill• ....... llit In V .. t IJir...... -tfM·dall .... Oif.. ... • • I' ... . ..... ·-c-.. Q& IIi ..... Ollllt.. I • I POUCE ILOI I& •cmca~a,.::c:. • ._ Car Run s into Blake Ex -!fotlee ........ tbt.. • (OIId'-.d ,.._ .... U) bleyde wu I'ODt ••• TWo bub PI 1 Qwn!nlrl of tiM_ (0 •• a 1 ,_ ._.u · attJreJ e IIGmNl'I'1 1UT 1 ea,. Yal ... at tu .,... _.. ann •1 011 __..,. a.o. at n., 1D Q ""-......., lal Sld.rmer and Otdaboma Put D. llldlahoa o1 •ts hal ldl eai parad at tbe .we ol ~~-"'!:-* ;: :;:: .... • ..... 1M rrlaJMJ lalllllf wu Kate .,. MW' 17tn1 beck U.. lif.IIJoNI A-.. Jf...,art a.dlo ,. ol the aD a.&b. Jllewport Beacb. pu ,_..,.. .. • IMml .... 1111111114 Wca a tab ol cor.-.. W ..,.,. ported tbaf bJa eon left b1a p) Dave B. Spa. ol 100 Vla Quito. tloft cl 'l1le ~ Co. Ud ~ ,._ twe ..... .,. tM pride a pajr ol toqla onee. ..,. the net and wblte bleycle at Balboa UcJo lUt. NPOI't*l ... A poMible Corpcnticaa b • vartuee, Jfo. ot De 1.-.., ....... a.1on1 ColOnel. and tbe7'U M u aoocl eowa an4 wben he returned the boat wrec::k wfltlalllbt Oublnl ~ ':, ~..: ::'i!::!. ~ .wtta. Yalloa Kate 'ud Diamond AI new wtt.b a-bAt ol ,....,... up. ott the wM Jttt)t, ~ by I") for a dlltaehed ,.,... haY-bodl old ateDda of the The buUdln1 ta.lt wu dam- W. P. Tbomu o1 2112 Mlramar lnl Ita entr&JK'Ie on Dolphin ,.__ ColoneL (Kat tJae .-1 utlde, apd e on at 41 e r a b 1 e, but the Dr., Balboa. at 7:S7 p.m., turned race. On Lot 11. Tract No. neo. podBao, IMat ..._ty aablraJJook. Colonel expedS It'll be f1ad up out to be an andlored buoy wtth d 1 • .-.. t 101 P tollta Drt Ina tu.l\111 apr. an WIN W..t oQ)' too pntty 800ft. a IIcht on It . . an ocao.cu a a "' 3.00 • 4.00 • 5.00 ·anc~ up Mother Deserves The Best SAT rr WITB 3403 E. Coast Bwy. 8 COBOMA DEL MAll PhoDe Ba:rboc 5071 ~~ • 'I'VKSDAY, KAT 1 Irvtne Tenace. omeera put out a len«al NotJce Ia hereby fur,ther etven broadcast In an attempt to locate that aald public hearine wiD be a blue 1838 four-door ledan re-held on the 19th day of MaY., ported atolen In front of 435 N. 1955, a tthe hour of 7:30 p.m. In Newport Blvd., Newport Hellht.s, the CouncU Chambers of the from w. D. Haucht of 3008 w. Newport Beach City Hall, at Balboa lbvd. N rt Beach ... which time and place any and ' ewpo all persons Interested may ap. LEGAL KOTJCE pear and be heard thereon. KOTICE 01' PUaLIC IIEAIUJfG RAY Y. COPELIN. Notice Is hereby given that the Newport Bea~ary. Planning Commission ot the City Plannln CommJaaJ ol Newport Beach wUl hold a I on. public bearing on the applJca. tlon of Terry C. Bennett for a variance. No. 227, to permit a parcel 30 teet by 60 feet with 30 toot frontage on Bay Ave. and 60 feet deep along the alley. resub- divlded in 1947. to be recocnlzed and used as a legal buUdlng site. On W'ly 30 tt. of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Tract East Newport, and located at 705 We6t Bay Ave. Notice Is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 19th day of May, 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place a ny and all pt>rsons interE'Sted may ap. pear and be ht>ard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN. Secretary. Newport.Beach City Planning Commission. VOTE FOR OR. ROBERT H. OLANDER Or. Robert Ol•ld•r Board of 1'r1Lit.. OraDge Coast eou.ve e A oroten •one• men ouehlied bv 11du<otion end e•oer•ence. e Acl•v• n commun•tv e nd voufh .. ork •n the Orenqe Coeat .-.,.. •. e Fov• colleqe deq• .. .., indudinq • Malter 1 Oeqrea '" the fj•ld of fd.,cat•on. e Ptedoe4 to ma•nlaill th• hiqh lfor>dord of Ore~ Coeat Col· te qe. fHIS IS AN IM~R~ANl ELECTION IE SURE fO VOTE ... Mn 20. 1951 To lllller witll Llwe! • at O'BRIEI'S HI-FI IJ .. t.Je~~e gloves that V toke you everywhere .•• A wriltbone shortie dtumotiud by contrasting pastel f'k,.roc. Hond tewn ond ~~-·~ In beautiful Wonclw-fabric ttlcrt WCIIhes wond.NIIv. ,..., shrinb. ss..se .-••• oUMa ,._ aa ~ . nn.:tTs & ncnAstrs ) .. LA&GE WBJTE CAUUFLOWER 9¢•· LAJIGE CELERY 9¢ ... EZTBA FAKCT CUCUMEBRS ~ ... BROCCOU ~ .. BANANAS 12~ .. &e~h F;ie; 2 ... ~ IW&IIIC:*I'-0' 2 Tadlet •2 4~· Beef Pies... .. _ ,., ;p. * Baby.... • Aaaleaa * H~ *'8Joomi"9 Spirea TUBEROUS BEGONIA SEEDLINGS ... ......... • ... ctM Celon CARDOZA GARDENS Ml &. COAST III.YD. COiaOifA DEL IIU IIADOil a. SWISS STEAK . GROUND ROUND STEWING BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST ROLL BEEF ROAST Chuck Roast· 31~ 7-BONE ROAST , 0-BONE ROAST BACON 43L. 4SL