HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignDoaald K.tz' Prtala DOilDa. caTC; I'CC •6. 12. E. C. Coa.ld"a 8cd- lerilla. SDTC. Tbe blcmd Cl!ppez at tbe feu ri9bt may be Jalali ~llroy'• s.n.a. aTe. cw autb Pcnnoa'a Cayle. Concdr TC. (Piwto by C.bcudt trom tbe BUaria) to ....... n. plctan lbelf --..... --Ciboanl tbe ll11aria. Wt.b boat to fialaiL. a.. -~ Vlaoe -s-ly La bold~Dw tbe CI1UlWaly aa:U of 0... llytlolan•a cutt.. (~to by .cnw Dl-nber Wally C.bardt) Youth ho Drove . I Death Car Is Held Hearing Set For Today John S. Mullins. 17, of Grand Canal. BalbQa Island. faces a juvenile pre detent I on hearing today (Thur!ldayl before VoL 7. Ko. ._.,.,. C..b TBVBSDAT. IIAT 12. 1155 Jud~e Kenneth Morrison on a --~~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------charge of ma nslaughtH. COBOKA DEL MAll. CALIP. Sirius Wins II gain Howard Ahman.on's sloop Slrlua ol. the Newport The youth was drlv1ng a car ( whJch crashed Into a motorcycle and kllled the driver, Cary B. Bradford, 21. or 131 ~ Al~rt Pl.. Coata M esa, on Bayside Or. nur the harbor master dock, on May 3. The Mullins youth wu ar. bot ~adlt wu ftnt to c::rc.a fbollllll ta.e In tbe Ehlelladaltace for the aecond year ln a row, ar- riving a t 1 :~:32 p.m. Friday In the elapsed time of 25 h Jurs. 8 minutes, 32 seronds. rated,at hb home Monday nteht ~o.ac.c~!c~·~·~..,.~~~!~~:!~§f,~~;~5~~! UWl.t·• 1o Qn .. C ?1J Ia" Otfloe Department re-On ~ ot Juctp Morrt.on -~·• *"-Mddle tne :.. • dlld. :~~~ ..... •. wu tak~n later to )uvenUe hall .,..... Carl V-..tn.. ...s 11n. Wills-~ sal la,aa'« Aft. for detention purposes. · ..;__ ______ _ cisco announces the renewal of Newport pollee allegf'd that a lease for the present Balboa Mullins drove his car over the M p I ts A Mad Park ' glonal headquarters In San Fran. Coming up Tuesday Night Over-a ll winner on corrected time. however, was Ashley Bown's sloop Carousel of the San Diego Yacht Club In 22 hours. 28 minut~s. 32 seconds. First In the Arbitrary handicap clau was Jr. v1ng Lauman's sloop Tantalus of the Del Rey Yacht Club. Tbe oontroverslal City Trailer Park q uestion will rome up at the meet.tne of the Newport Beach Park. Beach and RecTea. tton CommJJislon at 8 p.m. Tues. day ln Clty HaJI. accommodations and Income. Island Post Office for a }().year I double white lint' to pass an. ore ro es re e tPrm. 1 othPr car driven by Mrs Jane · • Opponents or this proposal are asking the city to live up to the commitment or the previous councU to diK'OnUnue the trailer park as of next Sept. 30 and con vert the area Into a public park. They contend that authorlzJng extensive improvements would perpetuat~ the City Trailer Park. 1Joye or 311 Dahlia A\e Corona A e 1 p ke L 1 PI Rocky Point ~~~to~~~~e~~ecr:~edof'~~~ :~e gainS ar 1ng 0 an I tim was hurled 78 feet from the I The commluton will be discus- sing Its 195&56 budeet, and the future status of the trailer park will be a factor In park budget tln~. A t • I D point of Impact and the motor-More prutPsts wt're rt'<'<'ivt'd by c I 0 n s u e cycle W&!'l found a hundred feet !'iewport City Counrll Monday noon with mE'rch a nf" a net prop E'rty own ere; In that ;up a a n<l "rt> grettt'd tr1 rf'port "" pro~<:rro;,o;" He said that Mldillon.tl parking i'i nN'df'd but that the l't'Sidf'nts would nnt go alon~ b<><'au~ th('y ft>an•d that this would be JUSt the bt>gmnlng of furtht>r t'Xtt>n sion of tht> parkina area. Of the 170 starters. 139 rom pleted the race before deadline. and later seven more cam e Into Todos Santa. Bay. The first 15 to tlnl!h, all of the Ocean Racing Class. were: 1 Sirius, H. Ahmanaon, NHYC. 2 Marie Amelle, Giannini, NHYC 3 Skylark. D. Brown. SBYC. 4 Westward, R. MJUer, NHYC. 5 Hilaria, 0. Ryburn, Cor. 6 Mal Tal, l . Griffith. NHYC. 7 Morning Star, Rheem, LAYC. 8 Legend, C. Ullman, LA YC. 9 Odyssey. R. Steele, NHYC. 10 Cotton Blosaom. Halton. LA YC 11 Santana. H. Boeart. LA YC. U lade, C . R. Stur~ LA YC. 13 Evening Star. Trepte, SDYC. U A.ltahl. Ken Croan, CBYC. 15 Dlune, Howard Lawson, NHYC Here are the winners: on cor. rected t:lrne, llltlna tlnt, second (Continued on J1qe 7 ) Flower Bed Called Hazard Under cons ideration now by the city ls a plan to Install sew. era for the Trailer Park to meet state requlrements and thus pave the way for blgeer trailer City Council received a letter Monday evening from the ~a ~e ot Civic Associations urging Council to develop the area as a park. The l etter was flied for future consideration. Charge of Parole Violation Dropped; COM Man Is Held A charge of violation of proba sh ow violation of the tt't'ms of tlon a~nst Mrs. J anadeane Kaye her three year probation. that s he Horvath, 19, of 532 Center St., works. and does not use dope. Costa Mesa, haa been dropped. An -dded term was provided and her companion, Edward that st)e does not associate with Bruce Robinson. 24, of 521 ~ dope addicts. Marlcdld Ave., Corona del Mar, Mrs. Horvath and Robinson faces a prellmlnary hearing at were previously arrested and 1:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) to convicted on na.roottcs charges a charge of felony narcotics pas. by Newport pollee on Dec. 6, aeaJon. 1954, along w1th her husband, The pair were arrested at 532 Arcble A. Horvath, 20, now serv. Center St.. Jut Friday night. Po-Inc time ln Chino Prison. Nt>Wpart City Council went on ~rd Monday evening that It Is the Intent of the Council to ac quire Rocky Point on the Corona del Ma r bluff and Block C back of Little Corona Beach. A motion to this et1ect was passed following recf'lpt of a Jet ter from the Corona dt>l Mar Civic Association requesting Council to take action. City Manager John Sailors said that the city Is awaltlne final approval by the State concerning acquisition of both parcels. When the state approves these areas as park sites. the city will have to put up half the value so that the State can p~ with the acquisition. Optimists Go To Convention Uoe Chlef Arthur McKenzie of A eeneral eJCodus of Opt1mlats eo.ta Mea charged that Robln· Mrs w atso and thelr w1ves ls occurrtneMon- Mra. t.th• Donia ol 2110 aon poaeued a hypo kit. • n day, Tuesday and Wednesday <>ce.n Blvd., Balboa. complalMd M.ra. Horvath was releued Is Elected when at leut nJne local mem. t o Ctty Coundl Moncky ewntne after a probation hearin g Mon. bfta and their wives wtll leaw ap!Nt what ahe termed a traf. day ln lud,e Row"d Cameron's M.ra. Norman Watson of New. Newport Harbor to attend the tic hazard and death trap ere-court. The Judce ruled that ther~ port Helehts was named the new OptlrnJst Convention In Las ated by the Pen!rwula Point wu not wmctent evidence to Southern Dlmk:t president tor Veeu. Alan. proJect for a Oower bed at the Federation of Woman's Clubs. Thoae who are planning to at. G St. and Balboa Blvd. B-mboo Room lunlor Membership, at a recent t~d Include President and Mn. ''Let them tend to Oowen lb u conference ol the SGuthem Dta-Verne Wat..on, M.r. and Mrs. Rar. thelr own pr4ena and let'a leaw c • D trld held at the Huntinaton-old Hetrick. M.r. and Mrs. ~ay the streeta alone." abe WI'Ot._ 0m1n9 OWn Sheridan hotelln Puaciena. Mn. PhelP' Yr. and Mrs. Ttd au.tll. Count1 fUect the letter &n. Wateon bu n.amed lira. ForreR Dr. and M.rs. 0 . G. Su-. Mr. and Coundlman &anq KaeC.al be. A. 85-ear puldna lot f« p.trona .wtnder ot klboa lund u rww Mrs. l&mft b7. Mr. a nd Mrs. Balboa and Oty 81\a'lMW -..t ol Ku'Ul'e a.tauraDt at Ut con•pondlnf llaWt.al')' J'ranlt Hubbard, Webb l&ld that the Oower Md Main at.. klboe. Wul be rftttf · J'tance~~ CUlman and Mr. and Ia no hazald, ,....uraht ~ ltm Jtatam _..um..-. ,.. .......... aoamon .. away P\'enlng a~amc;t thP prop()sal to J PSS !'vtaret. probation officer. install a parklnJt l•'t alonf.! t h" said that Judge Morrison wUl N""'·pnrt ON'an front ra-.tf'rl) of set a regular hearlnc on th~ Nf"wport Pl<"r f~lony manslaughter case for Cit) ;\l.,na~t>r Juhn S.lllnr-; <~aid either May 20 or 27. that ht> had mrt Frtd:l;. aftf'r d• d d 1 On a motion hy C'Clunrllmnn Two Or anances lntro uce O.ralcl BrnnNt tht> Counril \'Ot ed to huld up thE' m<~ttrr for F . Ch • c·ty F. z 1tu.rt ht'r study with a \If>\\' to or ang•ng I Ire ones ward ~lN"ting anothN f'ntran<'<' than 20th St DAR Names Mrs. Tritt Mrs.. Wllllam Tritt wUJ be ln. stalled thla mon~ new recent of the Col. WlllJa.lriCabeU Ol•p. ter ot th• Daqbt.a ot the American lteYolutlon. Other oi.Dcen wUl be Kra. Anne Harbaof\ u vice ,...,t and 111ra. eeaq. ~veto&& u eee. Nt.ary. ...... Alblrt Stoc:ttton .. ~1 r« florot h:. Mr Ken nn spokP from tht' audlt>nN>. saying "W f' don't want any of our bfoarh tak .-n away there's S<l little good sand lf'ft" Shf' said that tht> New. pon ON.'an front buslnf>Sc; dlstrlr1 a lrt>ady had more ~»ork lnR than e Rt'<'t'ivf'd a commendation , a ny othf'r area from tht' Lt>agut> o{ Clv1c Associ Edwin Hoyt said It would be atlons for retalnlng t>vening hazardous to Increase RW1mmlng In that area ~au.w of the dan. i't'rous ~urrent He suggested that addJUonal parklne space be add· ed on the other side of the pier adjacent to the business area . A Dim View ~~ ~~~~.~c;! c- na del Mar take a pretty dlm v1ew of the propon.l to set up Uehttne on their street. They tent a petltlon. with 65 ~aturet~o to City Council Mon. clay eventne atat.IJ\1 that the • I I I ••• 1k. P;j .. ~,. ·u.;p I ••• I &(+ M *Z* +:;:+:+ M 8 M M I E M & M E E + E E M I E E M E E *!* M +:•:• I will vote "yes" on the high school ta.11 proposition in ned week's election because I believe it i' the most economical means of p&ying for a new high schooL Opponents of the tox method con show that o bond issue will cost less per yeor . . , BUT. thot bond issue would continue for ot least 20 years, and the tax for on ly I 0 year1, to pay for this new school. 1\t the end of that 10 years it is most likely that a third high school will be needed. Another bond issue would mean that you'll be doubling up on bond payments. Our school trustees and administrators state that the full to11 wlll not be levied unless needed. so you won't necessarily be paying the full 55 cents. It is up to us, the paying public, to see that that will indeed be the case. 1\nd that brings up another point. I believe that the paying public nos been too disinterested in the m11tter of school spending, which. after ell. is determined by the demands and expectations of the public. I believe there is room to cut down that spending. but it will be done only if the public insists upon the saving. One li~ely starting point is that tremendous transportation cost. To some this suggestion moy sound preposterous, because we ore be· coming condition ed to the "gimme" philosophy of the welfare stGt&- but that transportation e~pense should be eliminated COMPLETELY! I don't believe the obligation of public education includes the duty to corry the kids to school for free. le11ve that responsibility to the parents. 1\n obvious answer is to coiled fares from oil pupils who use the bus to get to school. Bet there would be o lot more wa lking to schooHnd that would do no harm ot ell. Sa~~at BAPPT DAY ICBOOL fcwUttMPoUr ICEJUUT'I'S GET SOJf A son. 7 lbs., 12 oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Merritt of 2CYl9 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. In Santa Ana Com munity Hospital on Thursday, AprU 28. 440 ReUotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Under new mana~~t Mn. lean Vaullm, dtreet« Bead Elulp Want AC!a. We Cllll STROOCK& CASHMERE COATS ~, haM! Tour coat wW be$310 aa beautiful aa ..-. after our ~ c:lcalUta e o m p 1 ete tbe1r bCJ.Dd..wodrl We Ptclnap cmd DeUnr Bht.3121 Uptown Cleaners 1928 WEST BALBOA BL VD-JIJEWPOIIT IEACB We •pedallM lD ClecmiDcJ CIDd Bcmd Pn1.JD9 of Lad..lell CIDd C..ou.meu• tiDe 1NCII'iD9 appanl We Congratulate IESA IUILDEIS • • • OD Coaapa.tloo of "The Home Building Industry' a Proudest Achievement" TilE "WHITE IIIII COITEST HOlE" "IUIEEK DllEA.K BOllE., 17th St. at Irvine in Costa Mesa • • • We Feel Honored . • • to baft bMa •a.ct.cl to fa.naWa tile * WHtiDqboue Laundromat * * ..... ,....,. ... ...., ..... "'''LL ..... YSAYS Tha. ..-top bWinl .,.. to ~ ..,. ld\oolltate that tor one the tax propoaltlon ln tile com-)'eat an ot the ftnt.year studenta tna eled.lon of the Jfewport Hat-to tile Cotta Meu-N.-port Beach bOI' Hlp lchool DWr1ct. T'hla area wUI attend .moot ln the election 11 an lmpol'tant one for new lnatJtutlon. Their jud&ment you. •-~· Don't aleep ln th11 respect la aa lnconalstent throuch It and wake up next u their rea10nln~ In other mat. yea.r when your tax blll hlta y.u ten. Can 'you concede that tt with a 55-cent jolt per hundred would be practical for the fJnt. dollan .. e~ valuation. And Y~at ft\ldenta In Corona del Mar remember al10 that It will hit to travel 7~ mlle. to .:hool, you each year tor 10 years. No when ln 10 doln1. at the halt· use aakJna how come then. The way point they would have to time to find out bow com~ ls pass th~ present ht1h ~~ehool T now. · 'l'here would be many student.a WUI this addJUonal tax load wtthln walking dl.r.&nce of the over the next 10 yea.ra embarrus present high ~~ehool who would theo l'f&de achool proeram tor be forced, lnconvenJent though It Newport and especially Costa might be, to be transported to Mesa, which la pre.entJy so over-the new school for a period of crowded that they are on h•lf· one year. ., liD DAftDIOir be made to Met a lalr proportloft nJue ol laJI llfOI*t)'. 11lu. a ... 1ta' filL •••I'd ..__ ot th4t buUdtat 001118. With bondl taapQw Ill Jfewport aM a tu. .._ lcMel thll would be virtually Ina,_ ,.,._ In eo.ta ..._ wttb .cau&J. alble. (4) lecau. major pqt ad-lJ val\Md PI'Ot*V wW ~ex­ Alter 25 ~an of Pf'Oil'el8 and dlt.lont to the Ol'ta1aal bllb .cbool adiJ the .. ..,. amou.at ol tuet adltev~ment Newport H arb 0 r plant wen IHltlt by the tu ..._. for blp ecbool ~ 111nce Union Ht1b School face. a cr11LI pay u you 10 IMtbod •ttb .,._t the rate to both 11 exactly tho wblcb can only be relieved by economy and excellent reiiUJta. aame. A larp part of U.. tax favorable action of the voten on (!I) llecaUM with the preeent rate money tn the Jf4tWp011 lnd\ May 20. Here are aNWen to of powth, a thlrd hlp lldlool area cto. come from uJUieC'Ured 10m~ ~ the quHtiona about the wtll be needed In 10 yean and property .uch u boata In the Issue. under the bondlnl plan at leut harbor. 'ftle U. S. Government Q. How wu the proposition to halt of the community Indebted-spent mJlllona to Improve the relieve the crowded altuatlon at nea would atlll be owln& at that harbor 10 the yacllta could find Harbor High determined! Ume whereu under the propoeed anchora1e there. Tue. from tbla A. By the communJty Itself. plan the community will be debt uNeCUted property thu. ben~flt ApproxJmately 80 organb:attona tree for hl1h achool pu.rpocea and the ehU4ren ln both · communl- ll.ted by the Chambers ot Com. ent1rely tree to decide on th~ tl~ merce in Newport Beach and eo.. method of finance when a new Q. How wUl Newport Beach t a Mesa were Invited to send achool Ia n•ded. children benetlt from a new hllh representatives to a Cltlzena Q. What ta the PnMnt u...ect achool buUt ln eo.ta M .. T day aeulons In SOmt lf&des! What wiU be the reaction ot the tupayera when they are asked to vote a tax or bond laue for more 'grade schools! After all, l.tn't It more Important to get them through grade school, ~­ cause without that there 1a no Committee and interested lndt-valuation of the Newport Harbor · A. In exactly the .arne manner IV vlduah Weft &110 Invited throulh Union Hl&h School Dlatrict! In Which the eo.ta MIM chJJ. ThJ.a tu wUl prove to be a local newapapen. After much A. f71.880.800 of which $51.722.· dren will ~netll Let'a look at It need for high ~ebool. Now let'• don't start throwing rocks at m~ before I can make this statement: J am for public education. and I think the schools are here to stay. The questions I ralse are these: the location of the proposed school and the manner of financing. serious handicap for the develop. conalderaUon of th~ problem the 510 11 In the Newport Beach th11 way. U a family lneludlnl ment of needed elem~tary cla.u CIU.z.ens CornmJttee recomm~d-School Dl.atrlct and S19.98&210 11 ,ranctma, ,ranctpa. mother and rooma. There are many areu, ed to th~ Board of Truaees the tn the eo.ta Mesa School Dis-father, alx dilldren and •veral particularly in Costa Me,. where proeram now belnl .ubmJtted to trtc:t. aunts and und• all Uve ln a the over-crowded condltlona of the voters on May 20. The Board Q. DoH thla mean that .more hou• of Umttecl atze. It certaJnly the lntennedlat~ erades requlre of Trustees adopted \}le propoel. tax money for hllh ~~ehool pur-Ia an adva.ntap to all when t he erection of class room factJI. tlon without change. This ta to poeea come. from Newport Beach uncle and auntJe deride to buUd ties. There 1a a limit th~ aver-ra~ the le1al tax limit trom than from Coeta Me.a! a new bou.ee and divide up the a1e home owner can be taxed. 75c per $100 assessed valuation A. Yea, but wh~n the di.trtct. crowd. The point 11 that a new The proposal for the new hleh to $1.30 tor a period of 10 .)'ears: united for hllh ~~ehool p~ hl~b tchool II needed to reJJev~ school wlll raise the eeneral 45c of thla permitted raise to be In 1930 the ratio of v&luatlona o\"e'J'CC''Wded condJtlona. To buUd taxes on property approximately earmarked for capital outlays between the two dlstrlcta were It In the area of Jl'eateat preeent 10% and wlll make It extremely' and tOe to be avallabl~ fo,· In-practically th~ same u they llfe growth aeema loatcal and most difficult to ra~ addltlonal taxes, creased operational c-osts. now and with the ra pid devehp. efficient for all. Following letter is from Attor- ney George Penney, who appears to have made a considerable study of the whole high school situation : not for gymnasiums, awlmmlng Q. Did the Citizens Committee ment of unoccupied land In Co$-Q. Why not buUd the new pools, administration buildings, conshler a bond Issue Instead of ta Mesa. eventual equality of as-school on the 33 acres purdtued etc., but for class rooms for a tax Increase authorization! sessed valuation ls definitely In-In 1951. near th~ present Hleh grade .chool student.a. A. They dlacussed this aJterna-dkated. School! Yours very sincerely. tlve very thoroughly. Q. How Is the attendance at A. That wu the orleiJlaJ lnten. GEORGE PENNEY. Q. Why did the Cltlzens Com Newport Harbor Union High tlon of th~ Board ot Trustee• Dear Col. Smith: e PIJfaALLS AGADf mlttee decide on the tax rise School distributed between the when th~ land was acquired. Th~ In response to youi communi- cation of May 7th. I shall list a number of reasons why I believe the proposal to Increase the tax rate for a new high school by 55c Is unfair and Impractical. Let's hop over to the Innocent method! ~lementary dlltJ'lcta,! sudden lfOwth of the eo.ta Mesa looking machine called the pin-A. OJ Because a bond Issue for A. The attendance from Costa area hu changed the population J ball. How many of you read the an equivalent principal sum Me.a Is slightly ereater than that situation. Obvtoualy, to build the comic strip. "Judge Parker"! U necessary to build a new high fro m the Newport Beach Elemen-additional accommodations need- you haven't 1ollowed It, I strong. school would cost the community tary Dl•trlct The present eighth ed wlll cost approximately the ly recommend that you do. It more than a million dollars for erades from both elementary dl.s-same on any site and It will uve carries a true and very lmpres. Interest whereas the method pro-trlcts have practically Identical trans portation to build In the sive lesson. You'll find It In a posed does not cost one cent of enrollm~nt.a; 282 In Costa Mesa area adjacent to the rapid achool The proponents of this scheme rival paper, the L. A. Times. Interest. (2) Because the high and zn in Newport Beach. population development now tak. propose the erection or a school Here are some of th~ questions school has Its enUre present plant Q. Does not Newport Beach lng place In the eo.ta Mesa area. duplicating the present Union that 1 have been ask~: paid for and It can be kept debt constantly pay more money for By ataggerlng school schedules High School which wlU Include Where are the 57 machines to. free, with the credit of the com. the support of the high school It Is thought that the same neet among other things, two com. cat.ed that are licensed by the munJty unencumbered for hleh than doe. Costa Mesa? of buases with ve-ry llttle addl- plete gymnaslum8, an admlnis-city and by the federal eov~rn-school purposes; thus luvlng the A. lf you look at It In terms of tJon can be made to aupply the tratlon building, a dP.luxe swim. ment! Locations: Bars, cates, bonding m ethod of community city boundaries, yes. By tbe same transportation for the two ming pool, tennis courts, an aud-drug stores. malt shops, tackle Improvement available for othPr token Lido Isle a nd Corona del IIChools. ltorlum and an athletic field. stores. clubs. bus depot and at a purposes such as elementary Mar pay more money than West ============= n fisherman's landing. schools and civic enterprises. (3) Newport a nd poaalbly Newport A Classified Ad in The t:nsiqn Cost : Those who propose this An minora allowed to play! Because additional areas broueht Hel&ht.a. However, each taxpayer brinqs immediate results! C&JI lnaeue of tax hav. spttt up the Ye., deftJdtely. Are the machines Into the High School Dlatrlct ln pa,._ u an lndtvldual and exUt-Herbot 1114-1115 and Dt"O¥e ftl cost of this high ~ehool Into two all owned by on~ company! Yes. en.u~n& years can within a year ly In proportion to the &aseS8ed categories: 45c for construction I• •ttls a monoply! Yes. It works costs and tOe for administration out that way. due to the way the costs. They estimate that the 45c license fee ordinance Is written. tax will rabe $3,950,000 over a LJcense for the flrst machine Is period of 10 years. I am some. $300. se-cond $250. third $200. what at a loss to understand this fourth $100. fifth $50, slxth a nd estimate. I have exam ined the all others thereafter S20 each. official tax rolls of the County of The Council that passed that one Orange, and based on the aver. must have had an eye for perpet. age Increase In valuations since uatlng one outfit In business. be· the 1951-52 assessment, the 45c cause It gives a tremendous fa. will actually produce $4.695,000. vor tor a volume of machlnes-- pr $745,000 more than Is needed bringing the per machine fee for the duplication of a school way down to $34.04 each. which the proponents of this Do you want to muscle In on Idea admit Is not a necessity a business that Is as well pro- now. and will not be needed for tected by law as this one! Along at least two years. But, that Is this line It may surprise you to not the only part of this scheme know that the federal govern- for raising money which is ob-ment licenses bookmakers to jectionable. The lOc admlnistra break our local laws. but uk the tlon tax over the period of 10 feds where to lay that $2.00 hor8e years will raise $1.043.000 or a bet In Newport Beach-the an- yearly average over the 10 year swer Is that they are not a llowed period of $104.300. to tell you. How much d id the The last official figures taken city receive this year In the way lrom the Statistical Report of Qr. of licenses for pinball machJnes! ange County for the year 1953-54 Anawer : 11.940. Question: Is that llst.s the administration costa of good clean money! Answer Ia no. the present ·high school aa $25 •. Do we need It! No. That kind of 046.86. Bearing In mind that the money reminds me of the story new school wlll not be ready for of the thief who caught hla part- partJal occupancy tor at least ner holding out S2 on him and two years. why the extravaeant said. "Money you eet that way a.sses.sment for this admlnlltl'a · ain't never eolne to do you no tlon cost! IQod." Speakers favoring this tax state Question : Is the city In part. that there Is an urgent need for nersblp In the pinball business! the Increase for adminl8tratlon Answer ll yes. We ret a 5% rake- costs at U1e present moment. U oft from the eroas recelpt.a of the such Is the case. why on lune ao. Balboa Bay Club. The Bay Club 1954 a t the end of th~ fiscal year hu pinball machines. eet.a a per- there was on hand S6()9,7tlt23 centa&• of the tak e of the rna. <Orange Coun ty Official ftec. chines, and we 1et 5~ of that ords) T It hardly seems conalat-Adds up, doe.n't ltf ent with the atatt'ment by thoee If the Counctl want.a to verify who urge th11 lncreued tax that any of the ltatementa m ade any there Is a ny need for additional time In thla column and really taxes tot admJnlatratlon CMta. want.a to flnd out the truth, let Wlll thJ.a IIChool be uaed by the me remlnd them that th~ are ereat ruajortty of the ~t tu. atven the power ln the new char· payen of Costa MIM and lfew-t. to .ubpena and qumion un. port Beach, who bav. alnadJ cSer oath anyone, lncludln& my. pate! an Ml fOI' one cocnpl.w •lf. wbo ca.n ~ lllht on thll bJ&h aool? n.o. who a~te •bJec:t. Kolt ol ua have • ~ rtiP«l tor ou.r I*2W7 w... e 1JOII'DD.WtiC* DDt'. Dr. lloDcdd Wood, D. C. I ~ wHIJ tiM JOb and .... IUfW1 ., ,..,.... • eo .. hiNd ., t.be dt7. Will .... ..n. able ,_ .John au.iiL I pNclld that It wUl .w.lt .. tiM tJaH HARBOR HE.\LTH SERVICE ta.M .. three ,..,. ... ,... lor eilrtaJft ......,... ., ... df7, IIIGIIdj --.... .,., little .... tiMa~....,.,...tMt IML It wOJ aclcl .P to ..... ua llililifWtbl~l ..... .. ......_ ..... ~,., . ., A.1ftGW w. aanL CROWN HARDWARE 3107 E. COAST BJGBWAT COROKA DEL MAR • GUARANTEED AGAINST 8 pc. servke for 2 only if peffed would be The malcera of famous loontor.- ware Wle.,. coopetGIIftl with us te ltrlft8 yov thla outstancUn1 "fad•~n" vwlue. Some of the ,... hew slltht .,.,..., .. ,ities; othera are perfect; all are fully guaranteed. y wll lave the ... tinctlve modem ahape, the rich weltht and lustre, the 5 food.en- hancing colora. loontonware hlle con be washecl ecnfly by hancl or in your cUahwasher'a hottest woter. The supply I. limited. Get 2 or more Mfl and mix or matdt the colors. • '"" ..,.... fer 2 ...... 2 ...... ,..,....,,..._,,w~..-........_ ... ........... Celllli I If -a.., a...--. aattn ,. ...... • Telephone Co. Honors Frahm A 1urprt.e tea hooorln1 Nor. man Frahm of m Ftftllea.f Ave.. Corona del Mar, on. b.t. 35th a"- nlvenary with the Paclttc Tel• phone and Telecraph Company waa attended by 1~ gu..U In the company lounge at 122 E. GRADING STANDARDS LISTED BY SCHOOL Seventh St. In t.o. Angeles. The new repor1 card that will A 80lld gold wrlat watch, a ~ be In etfect tor .eventh and year pin and a leatl\er-bound elchth cradea In the Horace En- guest book were pre~nted to Mr. aiJn School next fall will evalu- Frahm. Mrs. Frahm joined her 1 ate the puplla' work as A. B. C. husband In creettna gueat.a and D or F according to a series of was presented with a white standards prepared by the pro. orchid corsage. fesalonal staU of the school. Mr. Frahm la a staff aupervbor The new card La · ready except connected with the directory de-for one point, the gradlne of partment of the main oUice In citizenship by some other meth Los Angeles. od. which la now being workt>d PASSES AtNOa COOltiE Pvt. Jimmie W. Scruggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scruggs, 225 20th St., Costa Mesa. recently was graduated from the Army's Armored School at Fort Knox. Ky. FEATUIIIII out by the school staff. Here Is the complett> 5t't of standards for academic grading: e A PUPIL: 1. Works consistently and shows an tntelllgtont comprehen slon of the subject mat1er through hl.s ability to retain facts and principles learned. 2. Is able to apply subject matter learned to new problems. 3. Organizes his Qwdrer ltat.-ValYOllae work weU. 4. Enters Into class hluuloU dlscuMions and adds to their CIDd aU VJnOif pnduds • • • value and Interest. 5, Presents '"Klautellaa•~enice PICK UP 6 I)EUVEJIT neat. well . arranged. accurate. complete work on time. 6. Per- ri IIOJ J'S I~CEif· 1;,1,&.1 ..,..... forms required techniques with a 1001 •...-t ams. high degree of skill. 7. Completes lf._..t .._. both the basic and the enriched a.s.slcnment. 8. Has good study Barbel' liD and work habltA. 9. Shows mark-'1:.!. E::'l p":.' ~ lnltlatlv~. Industry and atten. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tlo n. .. • • PU?IL: 1, Showa aood comprebenaton of the au.bJect matter t.brou.&h h1l ablllty to retain facta md prin- ciples learned. 2, Ia able to ap. ply subject matter learned to new problems. 3, Organizes his work well. 4, Enters Into class discus. slons. expresses thoughts lntelll gently and generally adds value and Interest to the discussion. 5, ~nt.s neat. well-arrangt>d. accurate, complete work on time. 6, Performs required techniques with a re&SDnable degree of skill. 7. Completes basic assignment and may complete enriched as- signment. 8. Has gOQd study and wOrk habits. 9. Shows Initiative, Industry and attentJon. e C PtJPJL: 1, Has average comprehension of the subject matter u shown through hls abUlty to retain facts and principles learned. 2. Has 110me ability to apply subject matter learned to new problems. 3, Shows a falr decree of work ENGTH of home A strong communny sp•rtr ts nece110ry to increase local wealth and prosperity. Our own merchonb need our patronage .. And they con usually serve us bett.r thon strongers con. Let' a oil unite j OYr efforts to bvild up the financial strength ol our home community. * lew,.d larhr B11l .......... organJzatlon. 4. Takes little ln. terest ln addlnc thlnp ot value and Interest to class discussion. 5, Presents acceptable written work on time. 6. Performs re. quired techniques with average skill. 7, Completes bulc assiKn· ment. 8, Has fair study and work habits. 9, Shows Industry and attention. e D PUPIL: 1. Shows little comprehension of the subject matter. 2. Retains little of whllt he learns. 3. Or ganl7-es work poorly. 4. Ra rely takes Interest In c lass discussions and seldom, If ever: adds any thing of value and Interest: tre quently faJis In recitations. 5. Pre St>nts poorly done and lnaccuratt> work. 6, Has low degree of skill In te<-hnlques required. 7, Does not always romplete basic as. slgnment. 8. Has poor study and work habits. 9. Shows little In dustty or attention. e F PUPIL: 1. Is not Interested and makes little effort. 2, Detracts rather than adds to the value and Inter est of class dlscu..Sions. 3, Pre- sents careless. untidy, Inaccurate or Incomplete work. 4, Has shor1 span of attention. 5. May have many 'unnecessary absences. 6, Has poor study habits. Miss Moores Will Be Wed Plans are being made tor a wedding ceremony at Capllla de San Antonio In A,nahelm on Sat. urday, May 14. to unite Miss Sharon Lee Moores and Walter William MacKenzie Jr. M Iss Moores Ls the daughter of Mrs. Robert Forsberg of 628 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa, and VIrgil Moores of Morro Bay. Her fiance ls the son of the Walter MacKenzJes of San Diego. Mothers Club Meets in Hts. DeMolay Mothen Club met April 27 at the home of Mrs.. Ed Sedelmeler at 441 El Modena Ave., Newpor1 Heights. Mrs. Jamee MacCandUsh wu co-host ess. Mrs. Carl Thomas presld~ In the absence of Mrs. Hadd Ring, president, who wa.s vacationing In the East. Plans were made to keep a publicity book for the club. start. Inc with the March Installation of officers of the Orange Cout Chapter. Mrs.. C. V. Turner of. fert>d to donate the acrap book to be used. The next meetlne wtll be a din. ner meeting Wednesday, May 25. at 6 :30p.m . · The elahth anniversary of the Surfaiden Dance Club waa cele- brate-d with a party at the BaJ. boa Bay Club on May 7th. New memben and J'le'W otfl~ were espec:taUy honored. Bob Boyd of Newport Hellhts, one ol the club's chatter mam- ben. Ia tbe MWly tiectad prftl. dent. OtMr omc:.s.,.. 81U lef. tlllett. vke-pn.tcltnt; Mn. Don ...,.__,~.and wm Er- wood. tree.Rftr. a.t!MJ ~· clint .. ,.. ftnllllr. - TilE HORACE * * * BNSIGN * * * SCHOOL NEWS BOilACE DSIGIIICIIOOL • ..,. ... QVED p-aden, have their campalcn manaJ.,-. on the run t:ryJne to fill their petitions wlth 80 siena· tu,._ All thoee candidates that pt 80 aiJnaturea are eJlglble for the primary election. On Wedneto day, May 25th, c a m p a I 1 n ~ea are given by the mana ~· May l&th Is the primary •nd Friday May 27th Is the final eJection. I bfot all tht> campalen managers &re busy. vell were co-eapt.alna; both of them are from the B&Jboa potnt. They stllrted out tied for last place tor about a quar1er of the time. Then, suddenly, they were Ued for aecond place and It stayed there tor a while until about the end when they alowly Inched ahead. AJW'r winning the relay they were ahead for .sure. They finally won with 90 points. the closest onto having 82 polnts. Ruling on Tax Is Due Soon The Youth Center board ls awaiting word on Its appllca. tlon to the federal eovernment for tax exemption status, so that donors wtll be able to deduct their gtlt.a for Income tax pur. poses. The fltlnr coat.tafla Wed~ day att~noon Jut week be lonted to Clay Sumrell. matb teaeb~. aa 1\e Oew low aU the way home to take ht. wile to the h~ltal. And at about 12:05 Thursday momlnt. the S lb., 6 oz., blond, tm &o.e Queen was brou&ht Into the world. Brad Allan Sumrell now hu a little sister, Marla Jo. And I just bet she'a the prettiest baby In the hospital. Brad will be two the sixteenth of tht. month. Concrat. ulatlona Mr. Sumrell. • • • e STVDE.WT EUC'I'IO• Well, everybody bu been slcn lng petttJona tht. ...at for elec- tlona or student bocb' office-rs for next year. Thla t. the week the kids who wtah to run. 6th A: 7th INP'eraiiiiiTu Te llllr·lrL ..,_ A tea for a new neighbor, Mrs. . . . e PLAT DAT Play day last Thursday waa a fine success. Everybody had tun. The general commJttee of about 6 girls wu out of school all day doing work before the other ilJ'Is got out at 11:15. The Tigers team finally came out on top, alter hours of running. jumping and throwing. Ginny Dunlavy and Judy Lo- Fete Held at McCall Home Lions were second. Bobcats were third with 82 points, Bears and Leopards were tied for fourth both having 74 points. Panthers wet-e slJrth with 73 points. Cubs had le'Vehth place with 64 points and Wildcats were eighth with 63 points. WUdcats last year scalped every. body by taking first and ~nd place In ev"Ytblng. It waa a dlf. ferent story thla ye&r. Sharon Holly, MerTidy Roesch. Sue Pureell, Holly Incram were some of the &lrls wbo won two or more ribbons on the Tigers team. • • • A work party ls ~eheduled for Saturday, May 21, to erect walls for storage facilities and rest· rooms. The Woman's CIvIc League will serve coffee and sandwiches to the work party. Blair Keyes, wu cJven recently An "at home" party wu held eiTII CllADE DAJfCE by Mrs. PhlJ French of 211 Lark· May 1st at the new home of Mrs. The eighth grde dance last spur Ave .. Corona del Mar. About Gertrude McCall, 2011 Klnp Rd .. Friday was our last one before 30 nelchbora and frlenda ol Mrs Cliff Haven. Smorgubord was our graduation dance on June 16. French were Invited to meet Mrs. serve-d to the many guests, who Miss Norma Perkins "Perks Keyes. who La now living at 312 came from Long Beach and San· Jerks" play~. Bob Hoffman and Larkspur Ave. • Ita Ana as well as the Harbor Barbara MerTill won the prtze Officials of the Community Youth Club met Monday, May 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AI Spencer of Corona del Mar. The board voted to Invite all service clubs and other organizatio ns In the Harbor Area to appoint rl.'p resentatlves to the board of the Youth Center and join in the project. Mrs. Keyes Is orl(lnally !rom Area and Laguna. tor the tall boy and short girl. Chlcaeo. but moved to the Har Pr('S('nt with their mother were Jack Bradbury and Terry Ross bot after a short stay at Carls Sheila and Grant McCall. Grant. won the spot dance with Miss bad. Presiding at the tea tilble age 11. Is just rN"'verlng !rom Perkins u tht> spot. An exciting were Mrs. Frank Brackett of Cos an t>mt>rgency appt>ndectomy The statue dance was won by Mary ta Mesa. a long-time frltond of OPf'n house was plannf'd for 4 Jo Sheely and l;pm Corqut>t. In the honoree, and Mrs. Walter 1 p.m to 7 p.m. Spt"Cial guests In the dance evf'ry time th~ music Buchterklrchen .of Shore Cll!ts, I cludt>d former <'O workers trom stopped the girl had to slt on the who has been a family friend ot 1 thP Long Beach and Santa Ana boy's knt>e and hari"'ly even CinemaGrOU the Frenchs for many years. I :~~~~~: :t ~~~~~;r!!!~7:1a ~ ~~;t~!~ any movt>ment elimlna M t M 14P Ht~~'• ... , a-.i ;:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====:::::::::::::::::::; ".:~.,.~ ... cu:'! ..... Tt HIYt Lan Party s 11 L E , tiring president. will preside over Mrs. D. H. Crum, chairman of • the Installation ceremonies of tht> Baby Day, announces that lnvl Orange County Cinema Club at t aUons have ~n ~nt to all their annual banquet and con baby alumni of Hoog Memorial 1 test to be held Saturday, May 14. Hospital to a lawn party Sunday. at the Friday Afternoon Club, May 15. from 2 to 4 p.m., to bfo Costa Mesa. held on the grass area directly New officers of the amateur west of the hospital. I 8mm and 16mm movie makers The area wlll be [ringed with group are: Gale Hartman of Ana pots of Oowerlng marguerites. I htolm. president; Lyle Morse of specially grown for the t'vent by Garden Grove, first vice p~l-James Conde, hospitAl gardener. dent; Bill Pierce of Ana helm. aecond vice-pre:aident; Leonard Lopdon, eo.ta Mesa. thW v~ president; Mrs. Pierce, ucretary. treasurer, and Joe Ortiz of Santa Ana. sergeant at arms. Cilic leadficltl• Projects II II Pictetl ... lrzzalrmlh• To lll111rM q••• Donna Hamilton will be In stalled May 28 a.s Honort'<f Queen I of Job's Daughters. Costa Mf.'sa Bethel. to replace Janke White. j present hiRh officer Both gtrls 1 attend Newport Harbor High DISCGmiUED DYE LITS DF YUIS * SPIIIE.II * IYI SCOTCH * ..... , ... Soti , ..... s ••••• , ..... Grace Glick Yarns CUSTOM RAJmDlTS e DIDIVlDUAL DfSTllUCTJOif 778 W. lith Str..t. eo.ta Mesa at Ploc:.otia A,., & lith Street Suggestions and pictures of I School. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~;i~~;;~~~5 outstandlne projects of civic pFiiiNiiii;jp~~~~~~~~ --- beautification In Newport Beach should be submitted by the mid. die of May to the Chambfor of Commerce. according to Mrs. John Nelf, area chairman of the civic beautification committee tor the Orange County aUlllated chambers. AU..AIIEAICA.If BOifOIIS Carl Ventrom of Corona del Mar. who Is head of journalism at Santa Ana Junior College, has recelvt>d word that the SAC col- lege paper has rt"celved "all Am- erican," the highest honor for school newspapers offered by the University of Minnesota's judg lng depar1ment. ReacJ !lnatcn Want Ada. • Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties • Drapery H a r d w are e VeneUan Blinds. ~'-SluJ. Bl.op * ..... tbe * Ccall hft Office BA 1M as 12M st.. •ewport -..:~~ IESI . UPIILSTEIIII Vplloll._... & Dl 1ry a..a..ty ...,. ......... aso ,..... ~ c.te •- Your whole list of "likes": * Harller 2212 * OUR SPEC/A Lr>' . ---- * HaiMr 2272 * COIOIA DEL MAR PHARMACY u•.o• 2272 '"TilE l'reiocalptNG Pbaraacy"' , "e1!27 E. c..;!'e;·,:l:rwuri S;:;r.tt!';'f,, 1 • A ..coae~ ~ wm' be eanqe o1 W'lltt. carnaUoM. 'I'M .,._ Ia o.rmany b7 tbe MW poom'a modMr wor. a navy blue air. a:ac1 ....._ loMit Frank lbantuna IUJt aDd a atml.lar em. IWIIIA, who w.-. married tn aap. AJII'Il by aw. llo)' Carleon ol Alter a honeymoon ln the Chttlt Cburch by tbe 8ft. llonteNf and Carmel area. the TIM eandlelllht eenmony took poom Ia betfta eent to the Land- ptac:. at the home ol the brtde'a ltuh.l Air l'ofte Jla.-near Frank. parenta. Ill'. and Mn. Preder1dl twt. Germany. n.e bride wUl Herbert Paulaen at 258 Santa leave In .June to )oln him. She Ia laabel Ave.. eo.ta Mesa. The a eraduate of Newport Harbor bride Is the former Mlu Dorothy Blah School, Oranae Cout Col· Paulaen. Her husband,' lat Lt. Jqe and Lone Beach State Col- Svesk,a, Ia the 10n of Mr. and le,e, and hu been teachlna ln MrL 1'. A . .Jaoobeen, Om aha, Ne-Runtlnaton Beach Elementary braska. The Jacobsen• flew to Schools. Callhlmla for the weddlna. Lt. Sveska attended HUdera For the double rlna ceremony Prep School In Wuh lncton, D. C., the bride wore an Ice blue lace and the University of Omaha, dresa with white accessories and where he wu a member of PI a corsa1e o( white orchids. Mrs. Kappa Alpha fraternity. He Ia an Donald J. Jacobi of Costa Mesa, air force pilot with four yean ln was h6 sister's matron ol honor. the service. She wore a blue afternoon dress. __ FI_IlST __ C_H_U_I _CH_Ofi __ CH_I_IST-- 'Ibe ifOOm's uncle, Charles Sch· SCIINTIST waaer ol Sh6man Oaka. served n aJ VIe LWe, ~ ..... u hla best man. A brendl of til. Moth., Church. The Members ol the families who First O.ur~h of Oriat, Scie~~tiat, 11, a-ton, Me ... dtiiMtti. attended the wedding stayed for Suncley School 9:15 •""- a reception. Mrs. Pauleen wore a Sundey Service 11 :00 •""- llaht blue afternoon dress and a ' Wecfnetdey Ewning M .. ti"9 1:00 P·"'· lteecfi n9 Room loc:atecf et l3 IS Via Lido, Newport Beech, it ~n -k C h h G deys from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 P-"'-. urc roup W.dnesdeyt ftOm 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 P·"'· Fridey -nlngt from 7:00 p.m. to H ld El t• 9:00 p.m. Closed Holldeyt. 0 s e c I 0 A T... P'!blic ic cotdi!lly invited to ••• lend the dl~o~rdl .. I'Vltet end u.. th• "Get Ill The~, with. ·• • IEACI I IWII lUI II . . . . MG1Uf ruJ !J)tUUth * TOYS *: JlOl E. eo.t Bwy. et ,_._,C..... cW M• <Next to All Amulcan Market) BAJmOa 5511 OpposJtlon to communism or any form of dlstatorshlp which would take from the Arnerh:an people the rights. privileges and responsibilities which are theirs under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was expressed by members of the Universalist Community Fellowship at their annual m~ting May lst In the Newport Beach Ebell Clubhouse. Reedina Room. llfWWW" ~~~~W E.a.d lt..la The group went on record op posing rommunlsm In a special Light their life with fJith l/6 ST. AJmUWS PR.ES8YTEalAJf CRU1lCJl 15th St. It St. Andrews Rd .. ac:roa from Blgla School Uberty a..sm Pastor: .... 1~ S. Stewart ASSEM8L T OP GOD 22Dd l t. & Elde:1 Aft.. C:O.ta l.tac Llbmy •• ,.,.. ~ M. C:. CroD1c:. Pa:ltor PDtST 11APTJST Cllt1JICB Scmta ADa AYe. at MCIIJDOlla Coda Mac ~leY. r. a. lfeumCIIUI Sunday Services: WEDDING VOWS at St. ADdJewa Presbyterian Cburdl w:Uted L W. Cbureb of Gnat Falla. ICOD· taoa. aod DeUght Jaax of CorOlla del Mar. Tbe bride wore a almple gown of ebampcrgne colored Cbantwy lace and a headpMc:e of lllaa c:oYerlog her cblgDOJL She was atteacS.d by her daughter. Mrs. Joho Stallman of Corona HlghiCQJ~· and Nn. Ceol'9e Ra.bcm of Balboa. Capt. Stallaaaa aad lb. BabaD.. botb Mpb..,. of lb. Cburdl. ~ as 9f'OOIDGDeD. A ~ tioa a1 tbe lniDe Cocut Couatry <;lub followed tbe cenmoay. Tbe groom. a promi.DeDt Noa- tcma crttonaey, will take hb bride home for MYera.l months. bat they later plaa to make tbelr home la tbe Harbor ana. (Photo by Terry Borla) resolution. , Leon Rudd of Newport Heights was selected as moderator and Mrs. M. H. Thompson of Corona del Mar as member of the board. replacing Dr. Frank Mci ntyre of Costa Mesa and Henry Hofmann Jr. of Newport Ht.'lghts. The new treasurer Is Theodore Harrington of Corona del Mar. the secretary Is Mrs. Berniece Chase of Costa Mesa and the other member of the board Is Mrs. Frank Morris ot Santa Ana. SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and U a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and ll :00; Sr. High Fellow- ship, 7 p.m.; Colleg~ are fel. lowship, 7:30 p.m. -TUES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Young P~ple and ChUdren'a Service. 6.30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mi.sslonary Coun- cU, Thur~aya. 10:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :\.m. Worship Services; 6:30 p.m., Baptlst TralnJng UnJon ; 7:30 p.m., Evening Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m .• Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon- day; 7 :30 p.m. Men'a Chorus SEVEJnll DAT ADVDT1S1 P r a c t Ice ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a lf...-porl amt. et aoa.a St.. Prayer Meeting. For Years! People have been Dr. Ballenger Praises Work Of 8.1. Churc~ Members COIINUJQTT KETIIODIST ao w. lttb st.. eo.ta Mac Llbel'tyl-4552 .... Joeepb W. McSbaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worsblp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m., Sunergous Group Serv· tee. Jfewpon Betpta CBOac& OP Oft LADY u:t..rty 1·1532 OP MT. CAJDO.L Elder D. D. lpauldl.ag lt41 W. 8au.oa •1..s.. .-port Saturday MomJnc Services: Sab· r-~ ~~ ~ bath School: 9:30a.m.-Ser· .. _ • ..__ mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet-Patbet' Pw ••u lng: Wednesday. 8:00 p.m. Frh ~ saying •.• and believing that Elsie NarWoqh'! YARN SHOP 2747 E. Coast High way Corona del Mar BA 0157 Knllting. Crocheting &nd .:\'C'edlepoant Supplies· Knitting Bags Sped a II zed Acc-essoTie. and Instructions HOUB.S Mon lhru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MATTRESSES ~-c.ttoa POaa...._ Irneular Sha~ JfEW -uavJI..DDIC COSTA ~ESA ~ATTUS$ CO. 2110 Ne.,_t N . ll J.IJOJ Members of the Balboa Island ~ Comm unity MNhodlst Church ..,. were praised for their many ac ~ complishments during the past ~ year by Dr. MaW"lce G. Balleneer, ~ San Diego district superintendent • of the Methodist chureh. who ad ~ dressed the membership at the ..,. Fourth Quarterly Conference .,. An election of church ofticlals was held. Those elected Include: Board of trustees. Richard Park, Robert Guenther and Mrs: Wayne Hunter; board of stewards. C. Douglass Ferry. Mrs. Harold Fink. Mrs. C. T. Coane. Mrs. Clarence Bowman. Dr. and Mrs. Claire B. Barnett. Mrs. Leonard Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoeg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ibbotson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hauser. George Jones. Mr. a nd Mrs. Fount L. Lowe. Burt C. Lowen, Mr. and Mrs. Byron ( I Nealy. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Price. S Mrs. Donald G. Sapp. Mrs. Lor etta Schenkel, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shooter. Mrs. Steve Smith. John Stoner. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Waidelich. Mrs. Michael Carl. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Baines. Mrs. William Bowles and Mrs. Francis Riley. Re.elected as Jay leader was P. F. Baines. Mrs. Fount L. Lowe was named as the delegate to Annual Conference; Mrs. William Bowles. reserve delegate; Mi.ss Gene Dulln. recording secretary; Otto Hoer. financial secretary; Ted Hauser. treasurer; Mrs. Fran. ces RJley, world service secre. tary; Mrs. P. F. Baines, church school superintendent, and Mrs. Clarence Bowman, hlstorlan. Named to the Commission on Membership a n d Evangelism were MrL Fount L. Lowe, Miss Garol Fink. Mrs. Ted Ha user. Ar thur Price and Mrs. Donald C. Sapp; the Commlulon on Edu cation. Mr. and Mia. Matt~ew V. WaJdellcb.. MrL P. F. Baines. Mrs. Robert IbboUoa. Mn.. .fohn Loy, Mn Dorudd G. Sapp and Clyde Shooter; the Cotr\IT\1Mtoo on Mf.s.. alons. Mrs. Leonard Hargrave, Mrs. C1a.rftlce Bowman. M.ra. KI- ebel Ca.tl. Clyde Sbooter and BRUCE MARTIN 1111-T-.---IR LOCAL AQDT y• •w~a•wn.I'Qt-""T Aft.. COSTA 11DA C»~ IAiit7 ~... ... IAIItr .. _ Burt C. Lowen; the Commission on Finance. P. F. Baines. Mrs. C. T. Coane. Dr. Cla ire B. Barnett . Burt C. Lowen. Ted Hauser. Otto Boer and Mrs. Franci.s Riley. The Pastoral Relatlbna Com- mittee Includes Mrs. Ted Hauser. Mrs. Claire B. Barnett, Mrs. Steve Smith. Matthew V. Waidelich and Fount L. Lowe. Music Committee members are Mrs. Robert lbbot. son. Mrs. Clyde Shooter. Mrs. Matthew V. Waidelich. Mrs. Rob- ert Moody and John Stoner. New Communion stewards are Mrs. Loretta Schenkel. M r s . Georg Jones and Mrs. Harold Fink. Auditors a re Miss Isabelle Bowles a nd Mrs. Harold Fink. Ushers for the first service are C. T. Coane. C. Douglass Ferry, Wayne Hunter and W a 11 ace Fleer: second service. Robert lb. botson. P. F. Baines, Clyde Shoot- er a nd Arthur Price. The new Nominations Commlt- t~ Includes Rev. Donald G. Sapp. Mrs. Francis Riley, Clem Christie, Mrs. C. T. Coane and Mrs. Steve Smith. Garden Party Has Problem 'since ''Smlthcllffe." the s ite of the May 12 Fashion Fete and Garden Party of the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Is on Hwy. 101 Hirst gate east ol the Emera ld Bay entrance), traffic control presents a problem. Mrs. Stephanie Taylor of Costa Mesa gave the report for the A.U.W. as new presJdent and Mrs. Rertna Brtaham ol Costa Mesa r ave a r~port on the actJvt. Ues of the Sunday school. Mrs. Frederick RJnge waa given a special vote of thanks for her services as pianist. The minister of t he Fellowship Ls Rev. Freder- Ick Ringe. The meeting followed a fellow- ship dinner at which Mrs. Walter Schllllng and Mrs. A. D. Smith of Balboa Island and Mrs. E. F. Chrlstensen of Balboa were host. esses. SOif FOB LOPEZ' A son. 5 lbs .. 14 ~ oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lopez of 105 "A" St .. Balboa, In Santa Ana Community Hospital on Sunday, May 1. DIRECTORY KVSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teach6 of Plano Oraanlst • Accompanlat Evenlnf ClUiel for dults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Friendly !felJhborbood Service ParkeS..Rid.ley Mortuary Form6ly Grauel Chapel 110 Broadway Ll 8-3433 It 8-M34 eo.ta Mesa Mrs. Frank Linnell. general chairman of the event, has ar-N 0 W · • · T·W 0 ra nged wtth the highway patrol BALTZ. MORTUARIES for traffic ottlcers to direct the Se.rvtna the Harbor Area Inflow of cars both from the east Baltz Mortuary TID CIIOac& OP c:::Kaln a•a....lt..C...K-Libedy .. , •• Tom .._ Jr., lllaJstew Sunday Serv1ce~: 9:30 a.m. Bible study; 11 Lm. morning wor-ship; 7 p.m. evenlna aervice . MJdweek aer vlce , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CBIUST CBOIICB ft TBE SEA C:O..aalty JletJaodlat 8cllboa .. ..s. et l•a.st.. Kewport ~sat ,__: lleY. !loy A. Cclrboa Sunday WoisbJJ), 9:45 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a .m. MJdweek Keettna : 7:30 p.m. Wedne.day preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ~ IT. JOACIIDI CIIOCB liM Oraltgle A..._ eo.ta. Ke~a . Llbelty ••••• raa.. ,..._ J. lfma la.May ..... et 7. I. I. ID aad 11:30 a.m. Weekda.ya: IIUI a t 7 :00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· da)'l from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15p.m. day Evenlna Vespera: 8:00. . Sunday Musea: 8:00 and 10:00 --· and 11:30 Lm . Confession: Sat- CIIt1JICB of the lfAUUWE urdays and eves. of lat Prlda)'l 1115 ~ St.. Coeta Keea and Holy Da)'l from 4:00 to ,__1 ..... ~ WIU'-· 5:30 p.m. and &om 7:30 to 8:30 a..a-ty 1-7111 . p.m. Dally X.. 8:00 a.m. J'tnt Sunday Services: Sunday School. Prtday: tr:30 a.m. and 8:00 P..lft; 9:30 a.m. Mofnlna Worship at M 0 v en a . (~al ReJ•>. 10:30 a.m. Evangelistic Serv· Tuesday, 7 .f5 p.m. Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayes· . CIUdiT LU'TIIEUJf CBUaca me.etlnc, 7:30p.m. Wednesday. OP COSTA IIDA P1llST CBOac& Or CIUlST SCIEJf'J'JST S30S VIa ~r 8eodl Sunday School: 9:15 Lm., Sun-day S e r v I c e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlna Meettna: 8:00. Readlnc Roolll. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·!S p.m. week da)'l, 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m . Wednesdaya, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlna • UWIVEDALJIT COIDIV1nT'I r&LLOWSIDP E!aeU Cl~ . .q 51$ w. 8cllboa 81'fd.. ~ lllaiaten a... r. w. a1ave Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Morn. lnr wonhlp, 11:00 a.m. PDIT IOV'niED 8APTIIT ClluaCB - w. --.u .. lt.. c-t. ..... (Kt.nut ..,...) AlDene::..~ IIAilL .__ ..... z..t.bGI' T....., Sunday ServJeea: Worship Serv· Ice 9 Lm.. Sunday School at 10:15 a .m. ·-IT. JAJdl UIICOPAL Ia ... u... .. wpwt .... JIAd»ew IDO .......... L ...... Cvate Sunday Service.: 8:30, 9:30, 11 a .m. MornJnr Prayer· 9:30 Lm. Reaf,ltratJon for Sunday School. 'Ibundv Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer CuUcf; 10:30 Holy Oom· munSon. FD11T 8A.PI'IIT CII'Va._ or a&WIOIIT llcdboa al'fd.. lttla 4 Coart Ita.. Llbedy 1-.a.a a...,.n ,_...I DL~B.,_. ~ USJ LDerty a..aoft Sunday achooJ, 9:45 a.m.; church ...._.. a.t.rt a.,.._ lerVtce 10:50 Lm. Tralnln& Sunday eervtce~: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlna day School; 11:00 a.m... Woe· wonb~ 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach-ahJp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday er. an offtcen meettna 7 p.m. eftnln1 ~ e r •I c e : Mld· Week Wednef'day. Prayer aervtoe and Senic:.: 7:30 p.m. Wettne.day Bible atudy 8 p.m. Wednesday. Prayer Meetma. _ CO**ADa.JIU' CDftAI. iiii:i CIIU'aCII O.....A-.•a..at. C... ..... I D f1f .... A.A.X.ar • ...._ S unday Sdaool: t :C5 a.m. Mont· ~ Semet: 11:00; Ewntna Servkoe. 7 :il Mid-week Sen· Ice. fRedMIIJQ, 7:30 D.m. a&WIOIIT IIADIOa co .. uaHt cauaca LO I a ceq CMU8Cii U.UOA 111.A11D 1501 ewt Dr.~·..._.. Cr•~t•snll•.t co .. uaan ...,..,.,liT ID lt.._l lli .......... Aft. IIS=Aft.. ..... ...._. ... . ....._.. an..... · i1A1111ar 1117 K t a... Dr nN lapp Early eervtce. 8:30 a .m. Sunday;. .....,, .... &4hrla a-D ...... ._ Church Schapl, 9:30 a .m.; wor· Sunday WonhJp Servtc:.: 9:45 Sunday Servleee: 9:30 a. m.. 1hlp Mf'Yfce,"l1:00 a.m.: Luther a.m., U:OO a.m.SundayScbool: Church Schoel· 8:30 and 11:00 Leape. 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. -.m. Wonhlp Se;;ice. Thia DiNCtory Ia IDCid. pc-ible by th .. dw-miDded bnelae . and west. There wUl be room for CR.APa. J1Y 11I.E SEA approximately 80 cars to park Harbor 42 WOODWalTH "ANO SHO' lnslde the grounds. 3110 E. Oout W.bway Jlxclatv. a-for Baldwin Planoe &ENBAL SHHT METAL WORKS Corona del liar _ _. .. Tickets are being handled by D-'-Mortuary 2610 E. Co..t Hwy. H •• nn c.on. ....... Mrs. Ray Dike, Mrs. Orval Stew. U-e.212l art. Mrs. .fohn Webster, Mrs. Ar· l7h A Superior, eo.t.a )(eea l&.STIK thur Gruwell. Mrs. Edwin Mun. AMPLa PABJNG Mo Tac:b ... Mo Tape ••• Mo Pute eey, Mra. A. A. Horvath and Mrs. 80TH LOCA'nONS 2229 E. c..t Hwy. C... cW M• B. G. Foraey. ':==::!!!!!!!~::=::::::: Mrs. Charles Lamb. cbatnnan r .. ~ HAUOI ENSiaN NEWSPAPII of decoratlona, a&.YI tha.t anther- tum Ia bein1 flown ln from Jla. wall fw table dec.uatlon8, aJoq wtth qmbldum from the MdiO- lon ,..,.._ INSURANCE "Be Sure---Insure" wrnr STANLEY IJalt1L\RCZ ~CY 401 10th Street Harbor 2210 Ne_,..,. a..dt THOMAS MOIIL SBVICI . Watilllq -JIIDI ....... 1100 W ....... H.. MII-W Newport 1Nc6 IAUOA MY ..Q.UI 1771 taO~\'. II&\' lL ·-. IVORY WlfiTF: ,, the budal gown of Mrs. Richard Lew.s Yo'lt wa.1 compltm ented by J btmmer UCJ pastel p•ak gown~ woro by ber atteodcmb aDd pale p•nk floral decoraltoa.s of St Andrews PrPa byterlcm Church seen'! of th• formal weoit1•nq Tb• brtd" I.S thl) former N iu Lonttca V ncent. dauqbter of Mr and Mr'l. Lonn•o R VlD~nt of Balboa. cmd a graduatf' o f Newoort Harbor ri19b and U.. UDinnJty of Oregon. wb~>re sh.e met the groom. SALE -sAMPLE DRESSES MARILYN'S FASHION APPAREL 2348 Newport' Blvd. Costa Mesa Sally Stauffer Says Is JHr hasllalll tile liH willis alnp Pill•• a dilt ... lilt lftlf ~-1 Huabudl are DOCorious for their 1act of will power to CODlrOl c.beir appetita. Hae is a way youn call .-rid of that "bay wiDclow" wttbout IQii.DI"'D a strenuous diet. Call today aod we'll acod JOG a StauJfct ()6:e Gym to try ••• toa1P1 . . . attu clinoc1 .•. iD your OWD bome. No obUptioa. of coune. You'D both have fun. It wiU be ao informadvo and cajoyablc 30 mbwta. You c:&D' buy it ... until you try lt ... but yoa call llE.NT IT FOil A MONTH. ., ......... Call IIA l7G 01' KJ 1-7010 .. w. 17 lt.. ..... A-. VAN'S CLEANERS * * * "30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY W.ORK" • DlY CLEANJN& eOYEIN& e HAND PUSSIN6 • AlTEitATIONS, lEPAIRIN& * * • • • • ofsodal note Lydia (Mn. Don) Southworth t. on a trip t o T6u to visit lrt~p eon a net lnctdentally ~ hl4 tlancee, Mlas Ruby Newman. down to see him for a abort leave. • .. . . Mea. Davy Crockett on the Dls- neyland TV aeries Is really Hel eno Stanley. a former dancing p upil ot Dorothy Jo Swanson. Helent>, who was recently coupled with Marlo Lanza In a Las Vegas show. Is ln the picture and doing choreography for the Walt Dis ney production. "Sleeping Beau.· ty." Both Helene and Dorothy Jo came from South Bend, lnd • • • Handl('ap or nl), 8 year old Bar bara Jean Mosteller. who lives with 'her gra ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Engelke of 6811 Sea s hore Dr., Newport, is learning to play the organ. Barbara was bom with a crippled right hand. but It learning to play one of the Hammond "chord" organs at t>ant. Schmidt Piano Co. in Santa AT TBE CATE of Dr. CIDd Kn. LawTeac:. Gall.-s...ity Alaa~~C~e tour of Ba:r~ Ana~ to dnuD's CbUMM Koct.na boaae ill ~ Sbons. be beld Kay '1:1. Pu.rpoee of t.be tou ta to raiae liD. ~ lin. B. PclryDe Tbayer cmd lCD. 80DeY lor tbe bllDd babies BUIMrY acbooL A1 Tdtaay d.ulcu.u plcma fortM Delta Qamwo letldlaq pbilaDthropy of tbe ecwority aln•!IM Rain Hinders Garde.n Tour TBE IIAaaT WOODS aE.ACB I llOKE OJf EtJIIOPE ftiP t sAT IT WITB Althougn only 3 weeks gont', I ~ the Ha rry Woods ot 2{fT Iris Ave., ~ Corona del Mar, are already in I Ana. • • • Constant rain on April 30 kept Rome. They left Newport Harbor th d 20 on AprU 20, entrained to New Mllrlr"d Stanley has recovered e crow to but more than " York and took a boat to Cher rrom her Illness and is now drlv-100 blossomed out the next day I f I bourg, France. From there they •rH! a bPautiful new pink and to v ew some o the se ect Har-, went to Paris, took a train to Whitt'. vf'ry fPmlnlne. ('ar-a gilt bor area gardens opened for In· Nice and. after a short stay on .. c -'"-'~t'mhlyman Earl. spectlon by the Chamber of Com. the Riviera. traveled to Rome. I • • . merce garden tour. I The Woods ue travelling with Thfl"f" who saw ''This Is Your The carefully planned two day another couple and expect to lx> Ltfl ... nn TV last wPek may have open house of choice patios and gone 3 months. Mrs. Wood's 'rt•r 11''1 '"" th<' brother of local yards was nearly ruined by the mother. Mrs. Mabel McClaran. is "''·"' 'lt FlurPn<'<' Anderson Ma('. weather. so that none of the 35 residing in their Corona del Mar 3403 E. CoCIIIt • ....,. 8 COllOM A DEL KAII Pbooe Harbor 50''71 ~~ A C lcn sified 1\d •n The Ensiqn brinQs Immediate results! Call Harbor I I 14·1115 and Drove it! •laann • IICIIII'I Llll IIIIET wfth Uti m May 1.2, 1955 ''Attention Lido Isle. Doe Own- ers: Are you too busy to elve your dog the exercise he needs! Let me. Karen ~tz. w\)k your dog for only 25!' an hour. Call me I at Harbor 0386 P S . I am 12 years old and loves dogs!" J quo~ from our Lido R ll ites Bulletin Board outside our Bakery Entrance ... Hasn't somebody got a dog ahe can walk! Such enthusiasm sbouJd be egged on ... Besides your dog wUI lo~e It .. * * * TheD tMn ,... a.. pooda wbtaea ,..... blt tbe .-tr - oar fnat cSo.. .at tb4lt upta the way to our .U..t cloOI' • ea.bl9 baU. •.• Jf..rly ....... IWD to pa.c.a ..... .,.._..wed. I raD CII'OUD4 ill ~~ u..a got a bol4 of blaueU ••• fouad tbe '"lpCD'r' agal.a • • • cmd lay cktwD wfth ,..... 011 tbe aurt. thua bo1d.iJa9 the cloOI' OpeD CIDd had IWDMlf a goocl look 1u1de at .... fJOi.D9a 011 * * * Misery loves company! Don't ;111 11 "· Ill' is the lawyer who available gardens re«-ived the home.l. · •,.., •I.! (u~ the citizenship of the expected scrutiny. Nevertheless piiiii.•••••M-iiiiiiiiiiliiiiii;;;jiiijiiijiiiijiijiiiijiiijiiji;w '~~rm•·r rm "'nf"r of Devils Island. ferry service was provided by the forsake us. please. wblle our froz t'n food cases are undergoing their face lifting ... Ret'rlgera tlon Is intricate and cannot be 1 • • • women's rommlttee of the Cham I ~l'l•l\' P""PIP nf the Harbor ber, which planned the tour. and \r ... t •I •I .,,,, k 'lr•w of thE' April tea was serve-d both a fternoon" 'li tl t '' of I.IHtiSP \\'l''w r rfaugh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ll'r ,,, \tr-. Jnhn ~m I h Wht'l rnr George Silver. 539 VIa Lido Sou d. n~t•rl\ ll\•r•d .11 2'-'9 Orl'hid Ave .. Lido Isle. ('nrun.l or•l ~1 01r. Lottt"l' was the I Presiding at the tea table were '"'"''~ Wtlm 1n who rnntnrtPd Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart. chair thl' ~· r ou" hulhu p· 1111 a bout man of the woman's division. o.,c '('O ~ ••.~r.; "~'"· '' h wh IPft her I and Mrs. Hay LangenhE'im. wife pl'rm 'rH'"' Jy in a \\ hN•I cha ir of the exe<'utlve se<'retary ot the nnt! v•mr•t •m<·.; bc•drttl•ien. Chamber. Mrs. Silver Introduced RC'·;itlr•" hl'r m••l hPr t her father the guests as they arrlv<.'d and riiNI last yC'nr 1 she leaves her showed them her garrtens. hu..,hand, Drmnld. a nd two chil (lrC'n, P.t m('la and Walter. Both tht' Webers and the Smiths have been living in Fullerton. Accord- In~ to friends, Donald We~r was lng the war and was Involved in In military comm unkatiQns dur- aendlng the tint mesaace of the surrender of l !J>an from Tokyo. Louise rontracted polio shortly I after his return home from the service. Buy Now ••• And Save! * All New 1955 Patio Furniture * c..,.ip Cllairs at $5.95 * ~ 11M of quality Alamillum & Redwood Patio & FunaJtunt. U&Dhnll.as. anm.n & Cba:raMIJ * TOI'I'fdoth eo.-. for CbaiM Lowagea, Club Cbcrln. Seteea. etc. * Plastic Bcda & Swa eo... for PatJo Funlitun of all types. * Umhnlla Jla..coftrr.-AU SlzH * COMPLETE PAnO FURNITURE SERVICE * Liberty S.1412 * •• ~ WIRTH'S IIY .. PI111 I UIIEIIa• (BAYSIDE PLATIKC COIDMT) 1114 IIAIIaOB .OULEVAB COSTA KESA Glamour Glimpses By AJfJf 1955 Is truly the year of eu..r Jiving! Permanent pleats . . . washable rotton and dacron fab. rlcs ... controJJed shrinkage ... crush resistant . . . water repel- lent . . . permanent finish . . . fashions that are right! Right where? Oh right h er e at O'BRIEN'S, of course. '8U'd 1/Udl dilialed!f~l The INCO Divan-0 -Bed Seats 3 .. Sleeps 2 O'BIIJEK'S leada the way to tiM .....t RIDIBOI' faahtona Toa CCIII Nly 011 It ........... we haft dwbd the aacabt fram coat to eoa.t. A caM 111 poiDt .. the .... ~ ctr.a cot. toea that haft Jut appeGHd 111 tile cllana.IDIJ wUlow·waist· .ci look.,..._ drMies wfth the al•gat.d tonoe cmc! buoya:at aJdltll bCift all the alegmac:e of .... CIDd aUk. The Mft fuU. ... of the ald.rta .. acceDtu- at.d wftb -pnuad pleats. Tile oool... ta puActuat.c! wtt1a ......-nec1r11.,.. cmc! cap ......._ tM pertiNu wfth wblt. ............ bows -...... ..... ribbou aDdlDCJ up ta ..... ...s atna.an. O'aJUEJI'S ._ •.--Y .-qulslt. cottou ... ,.. to cbooae fram. 10 -. ........ We'll honestly tell you If the dresa ._ becoming. We'll sln- ct!l'ely try to flnd at our shop, or from ouT numerous fine de- llpen. the types of dresses. lin· l81e and en.tembles that you are loold~ for. We'll pleue you by bavf~ just yow aize-whether tt'1 petit., taD ,Ull. custom b aJl. abN, Jun.lon or tbe .maller tie- are. EYeD U JOU tblnk )'OU're too tldn. IDo tat • t10o U\Jthln• to look alee In JNtt7 dotbe~, we'll MlP JW look l).amcii'Ou& And If JOU ...... , been Ill to O'UJD"S lat.IJ, JOU1l ... ~ Mll'· ..,.._ at tM ~ ot beMUf\&1 l.ullJoat. a.._, HERE'S something new on the homem.,kers horizor'l . . . a -oordinated group of well styled converlible' furniture. Sofa, dub chair . bed chair, ottoman, swivel chair and match. ing tables. Handsome and pr.,ctical for living room or den . . . Presto you h.,ve a guest room . It's perfe~t furniture for homes with children. W ide selection of fabrics and colors. C...la,.., . OIV AN.O~ED. ONLY $96.50 MATCHING CLUB CHAIR I $36.50 Me+dling End Teble $1 1.95 Coffaa T eble S 17.95 ., ___ ., ........ ........ _..,... ., ....... a.4LC....tl .. uf changed over at the ntp of a sv.r1tch ... You've been waiting to see us in a mess . . no'4"s your chan('e ... We dosed last Tuesday through the worst of lt. but we're still ph.>nty dlscumbo bulated . . . Believe me kids. though our "wt' specialize In serv ice" may have shaking under pinnings for a fE'W days ... you'll be shopping In a dream "hPn tt 's all over ... * * * Pr.ai'IUILII Enrybody Ions to 9l't ....... blag f« DOtllillg. ...u~-aothl ..... E1111:kDy a ......... s-d c..IL " .... y t ... 1'ttllld Pladc a..a.t. .... ~ c-,p Stool • a Ceatou CIIMd.r • • • Starta tlaaDonvw (Til.,. day) cmcS CODUilu• watU tbe middle of Jwae ..• Scm yow caah raqtater reotlpta until you b«Ya 10 much ... Tbea you get the aboft for 10 much •.• Come ill cmd Me tbe pramlUIDI • • . They are all OD diaplay la our froat lobby ••• Our WCI'! of kidd.Dg oU Sum..IDft ••• for you .•. but lDexpea.alnly ... wlth baJvaiu for all ... * * * "Jam good eat In'" to quote our Bu <-k Bean trom a sign hf' whipped up for a past jam dis play ... Don't know whether Welch's brand new Fruit of th~ , Vine should be put In a jam class or not ... So thkk. so dl vine with the large whole ron rord gTapes oozing through It ... HPrP's the perfect swt"et bite to top a biscuit with ... Practically devastating as an Ice ('f('tlm top ping ... New exciting naVOf' to use In all recipes that caJJ for jam .. In rookies. tarts, swirl- ing around In lclnp. puddings and cream pies ... Put up In an unusual little jar. pretty enoueh to go right on the table and nJ~ f'nough to save ... The label Is on the lid. so when It 11 removM the label ls gon~ too ... Keep it handy though. b«auae people will ask a bout It . . . * * * Fndt ~· ... ..._ c.'IDiaCIOC:tle ., .. ~ ... , ............... ..... .................... ........ &...,.. ...... ..... l'ndta ...... Jl=p'·eQ .. ... • a•-Y .....,.... .. , •• ., .._ ............ b 'iiM ...... ... ,.. ....... ..... wta ....... dlltt ... .. .. dlltt .............. .. ................... --.. ....... ..... ~---., ........ ..., ...... ... Yw_.._ ... a ....... Or••• .... .............. . Or ..... llllllltir ....... . .. ., • • Olllfl. .... a'l .-._....., ............. ,....., a-.----... .................... ..... ,.... a • sa u --litllllll· .... -.. ·---Vogel Value u. .... In one •Ide. rent the other balt CJI tMtautlt\.ll, ra.nch.style duplex. New, 2 bedrooms e.eh, land8e•ped. ocean view, total $36.~.00 Small down. ~ modern duplex near mkt., 2 bedrooms each, 1 unit fuml.lhed, both wtth blt.ln range a oven, retrleetator pJua auto. waaher a dryer In laundry room, only 1 yur old. Total price $24,950.00. See them both! • THE VOGEL CO .. 2887 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14'T7 HARBOR 1741 • You Can DREAM • • • For another ten years . . . or RELAX • • • and START LIVING IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPEcr OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUcriON NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the m .ooo to $30.000 class we s.incerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Callfomla living. Offered exclu. aively· through Eatl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new lrvtne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone ~o holds a Leasehold Estate Ln Irvine Ter-race. l Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Inlormatlon U~excelled V"11w IACIIAY-3 ... L, 2 llela 2 llreplacea, 2 baths, Forced Air Heat. aUdJn,g plate glass doors to patio and waterfall&. Peeged noon throughout. Shake roof. dble. garage. Truly a nice home. $32,000 Flexiltle T ,,.._ W. A. TOBIAS. Realttr -yvu'll like OUl friendly service 393 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa Ll berty S-1139 UDO BAY FRONT Pier 1111 Float U•ll• $60,000 Cash will talk~ No tel<'phonp Information will be g1ven. Bay I Beach Real~ J JSO W. Ba lboa Bl vd., Balboa Harbor 1264 FOR SALE: lay ow1er, Corona del Mar. 3 lt~nn. 2 ltath, modern home, turn. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro. posed parochial school ... everything bullt.Jn including dishwasher, disposal, etc. En. closed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. F• Sale CDII-IIIIIt •IIIICIIIII Deluxe Ranch Style duplex on lot-and-half. south of hwy., fInest construction; shake roof, 2 bedr. ea .. fire places, hardwood fl oors. sep. patios. U n d e r replact>ment cost. Owner HA 1684 R. Nearly flew ••• 4-ltellr. flw1iahell beach home on 2 lots. 2 baths. 3 car gar. Built to ha ndle apts. a bove with plumbing ln. 12 BLOCK FROM BEACH $19,500-lenlent terms HOMER E. SHAFER 106 McFadden Pl. Newport (at the Pier) Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137-M B:i £,:·~~-~·-<:;;, ~~~ 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226. day or night DEAR PUBLIC- If you want to sell in a hurry, Without hav- ing trouble or worry, Call your 'R~tor,' insisting On MULTIPLE USTING. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD . OF REALTORS f10.IIIm ft',. NEWPORT BEACH Here la a uriall farm ln the cl~ with peacb, fit. apricot. erapetrult. pear and oranp tree. on a fine comer Jot. RA zonlne. 2 bedrs. and den home with real flrepl. plua a amall apt. rented fot $50 mo. Only an emergency could Induce an owner to sell thla property for onty $12,1&0 Lesa than $5,000 down payment. • I ISI.UI lEAL TY CO. 498 Park., Balboa Island HA 3'T7 NICELY FURN. room. private en. trance and prtv. bath. Near roa SALE Post Otflce., bank and stor@8. -S-P-IN-ET=-p=r..,..AN~O,__.-=Th=-e-m=oa~t-::be-a-u'77ti- Very desirable. 419 Poinsettia, ful plano In the world. High • • • of~ial note CDM, Ra 3692-W. est Jrade. All frultwood case. FOR LEASE: 2-bedr. cottage, 606 J ust like new. Absolutely! This Heliotrope, CDM, $85 mo. chance comes but once. Save Phone HA OZ75.W Sat. bet. 10 $325. Danz.Schmldt Famous If It'd been Sunday I might have guessed that when a neigh- bor told me to call Mrs. Luke BaJley tor a story -she really meant another disciple-It was Mrs. MARK Bailey. a.m. and 4 p.m. Plano Store. Santa Ana, 520 LOUISE APTS., overlooking the No. Main. bay. Modem furnished apts. GOLDEN OAK desk. 26 ln. high. Moderate weekly rates. Sum-20x36 ln. top, 3 drawers. $25. mer reservations; ~ Caroa. Also, a 4 drawer Ivory finish tlon. CDM, nee.r Seaview, dresser, 32 ln. high. 19x38 ln. • • • . HA 4016. top, $15. See at 205 N. Bay ATTRACTIVE, 2-BEDRM .. unfUln. Front. B a 1 boa Is land. HA Helen Wollard, who with her husband owns the Shade Shop In Newport. took a very nasty fall In the rain and landed herself In the hospital with a broken hlp In time for May Day. Since Helen was In Long Beach at the time she is confined in a Long Beach hospital. After a tedious opera tlon In which they pinned her back together. she Is now free to move her leg but won't be able to come home for several days yet, and the doctors say It will be several months before she's playlng hopSCotch. or even walk lng well. apt. with garage, convtenl-Oi53-W. ently located; 508 Marigold, GRAND PIANOS many like new. CDM. HA 12()3.W. Steinway. Excellent condition. IlEAL ESTATE & BEKTALS Beautlful Bchr Bros. Queen Style. Knabe Grand. Official NICE 1 . BEDRM. APT S . with Opera piano. only $1450. Love ocean view, newly turn. Year-ly Coops Grand. Mahogany ly lease, $75-$80 per month. case. tine tone and action. only Inquire 308 Carnation. CDM, $495. Another Grand only $435. HA 4016. Many other wonderful buys In Grands. Come! Look! Danz- MISCiiiJiEOUS Schmidt Big Plano Store, Santa FOR FATHERS DAY : Just ar. rived-new Eterna Matte watch line, the finest automatics. Ray Fields, Lido Watch repair. Vincent's Lido Drugs, Newport. HA 3003. $5 PER MO. rents good practice plano. Let the kiddles learn. All term rent allowed lf you buy later. Good prac:tlce pi&noa $135, $146, $178. $1.9!5. Danz. Schmidt Big P1ano Store. 100 pianos. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Terms. SUP RENTALS: Rowboat renW spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' length. American Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. liEU WMTEJ) Girls-rrsa GIRL'S WORLD! and you'll agree when you hear of the many job oppor- tunities for quallffed young women In our business today. Openings now for: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- Monday through Friday 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE SITUATIOXS WA.WTED BABY SITI'INC, care of sick, yCiur home. Day, night. mature CDM woman. Before 10 a.m. after 5 p.m.. HA 3132-M. SDVJCES Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Uef'DMd Contractor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Llbe~ Llber!Y 8-6632 CO IE l.AJfDIC.VJXC IUVJCE FREE ESTIMATES SltH Green Stamps Free deiJvery CORONA DEL MAR NUB.SERY HA 1038 2744 E. Cout Hwy. .... l••llrl , ••• PriJ•••• Ana. 520 No. Main. 100 pianos. Home of the Hammond Organ. SEE TRESE BARGAINS at 'i12 Heliotrope, CDM: 2 gas hf'at ers, $2 ea.. EIC('trlc fan. $3: Carpet sweeper, $1 ; Chest brawers, $4; Cabinet, $1.50; Book Shelves. $2; Hand Vacu um, $3.50; Hoover Vacuum, $2.50; 4 PlutJc Panela. 2'Z'x8' long. $30: Carden Tools, Sl ea.; Law11 Mower. $4; Bed Divan and Chair, $35; Fireplace Set. $10. SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful buys. Slightly used many rent- al returns. One In beautiful Ebony. Famous name. This make by Caruso. Only $395. Lovely Mirror Type Spinet, only $195. another Maple fin- Ish $397. One more. the' Aero. sonic Spinet only $465. Many other great buys. 100 pianos from which to choose. new and used. Danz Schmidt Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. Hom e of the llnmmond Or- gans. Blond Studio plano save $265. FOR MOTHER'S DAY or Father's Day: Just arrived--new Eter- na Matlc watch line, the finest automatics. Ray Fields, Lido Watch Repair, Vincent's Lido Drugs. Newport. HA 3003. HAMMOND ORGANS used. A rare opportunity. One famous Chord Organ, perfect condition. On4! Hammond Spinet Organ 2 keyboards. Don't walt if you wish to make a good sav1ng on the world's finest organs. Danz. Schmidt. Home of the Ham. mond Orean. 520 No. Main. 2--YEAR-OLD. reetstered Black male miniature French poodle. Has had achoollne and all ahota. U 8-6662. JANSEN OJlCANO, the plano and electric Organ In one Instru- ment. Sold for over 11500. Our price $887. Terma. Alao One beautlful Electronic Orean. LUce new. Blond finish. Fa. moua tqak.e. Our price only t885. 'lbJnk CJI that! Dam. SclunJdt Btc Plano Co., Santa Unsung Commercials Chuck Elllott. owner of Coast Super Market. atcys they're more •uper than ever these days with the brand new frozen food cases just Installed In the Corona del Mar store. CHRIST CHUJlCB BT THE SEA "A Life In Trust" will be Rev Roy Carlson's sermon subject at Christ Church by the Sea on Sun day, which will be observed as "Loyalty Sunday." A campaign to reach all members of the church wtll get started under the general chairmanship of Harold Arthur. VIsitation teams will be gin visiting church families. ONIVERSAUST FELLOWSHIP "Is It Well With Thee?" wlll be the sermon topic at the Uni- versalist Commun ity Ft>llowshlp on Sunday. There is also always a children's sermonett<? near the opening of the service, aftN which the children are dismissed to enjoy supervised recreation. FELLOWSRJP DIJUfE8 A fellowship dlnner will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 19, at the Patlsh House of St. James Episcopal Church. New- port. The St. Elizabeth Guild l.s in charee of arrangements. Nor· man Wakeman, professor at John Muir college and St. James Patt.hloner, wUI show bls travel and nature fllma. MOVU FaON IIEWPOJIT.VJITA Marga ret Macoouaan baa moved ftom 1934 Continental Ave., Costa Mesa, to Redwood Falla. Minn. -----NAallfUNOft The Sam Roaches have moved trom 445 Morntng Canyon Rd., Shore CUrta, to Cherry Point. North Ca.rollna. P&IIIOWAL . . Ana, 5lO No. Main. MEN WANTED! Let Harbor Gym POR SALf: £bedr. cottaee. 606 ret you In trim. Harbor Bo4)' HelJotrope, CDM. Phone OWJ\6, BuUdlnc Gym. &H~ W. 17th. HA 0275-W, Sat. betwftn 10 c.M., U a.8388. a.m. and 4 p.m. DID YOU know that a.y fielda. WAII"''D the Udo lew.aer for tbe put e yean, wtJJ open a new jlwel. 50 USED PIANOS wanted for oUt r'f atoft on • about June 1 w1th rental dept. mch..t c:ub al. a compJa Une ot watch• and lowanee In tnlde tor orean~, jtwelry and NpaJr ~ at IJ'and ,~ Md IPIMW. tM Vlata Sbopptnc C....tw, Danz.Sdunldt. 130 Jfo. Kaln, Jtth and Placeatla. Cllf. nat a--•-..___ • -IV-to the carne, llarftrueT PilftJCID. diiiNi i Of 2 yr. ;:;::::;;:;::;;;;~;;:::::;;;:;;;;;;::;;;:; ...... ~ imf. -.., ... Watch for The ANNOUNCEMENT . OF OUR Grand Opening ~ayeHe Porta ait Studio ..IL c..t .... wat Save Money wrm mESE Moving Day Specials 1114 CHRYSLER 12141 New Yorker Clube Cpe. 1113 CHRYSLER $1- New Yorker 4 door. 18&3 CHRYSLER $1810 Imperial 4 door Sedan 19&2 NASH $14& CountrY Club, 2 Tone Brown. 1861 .HUDSII - Hornet 4 door, Datk Green. 1161 MERCURY STAnGl WAIOII $1016 1961 STUDOAIER $781 4 door Sedan, Automatic Traruunlaslon. Ill I CHRYSLER $1121 New Y:orker 4 door Sedan. 18&0 CHRYSI.D WIIDSOI 571& 4 door, Pmect. 1110 F .. STITIII WI-1441 (Aa .la) 1141 HUDSOI 4 .. - LOU REED 1111 ISI8mlTES Chrysler-Plymouth NOW IN OUR NEW BUILDING 1200 WEST COAST HlCUW A Y .. NEWPORT BEACH Liberty 8-3486 AJfD SO AU JOHNSON & SON'S Clea1 'SAFE BUY" Ullll Can U1-U • n.,. .,.. "'eertra &em .. (we wboleecd.t u.. otbwa) * Tb.,. on Ddced .._..der tb.e laCII'IIM"" (ou OU I.OCATIOR CIDd LOW'OVEDEAD IIICdllle tltJa pa rOle) * TbeT on 80ld oo YOO'JI CUA.aAJITE.E OF IATDFACT10Jfl (I DAY NOIIET-UCZ CVAUJn'aa) '54 OLDS 91 HOLIDAY -----·------...13199 11.000 mile~, one owner, full power-a real "May flower!'' '54 JAGUAR COUPE LOCAIJ.Y OWNED 12499 Sbowa "excellent care!" '54 MERC. MONT. CONVERTIBLE .... ·-····--····..SU99 Radio, heater, power brake-. overdltve. 14,000 mlle.-QNE owner. Bittersweet color, Black top, White walla too! '53 FORD 2 DOOR FOIDOMATIC ---.. -.Jl299 Radio, beatw. New lJ•ht Blue tlna.b. plutJc covers. 'SO PONTIAC CLUB COUPE _ _ ___ J 699 Ra~lo1 heater a RydramaUc. Drive thla car-you'll be aur· f?'lRO ... and "what value•• you wtU ret for the price! It'a Immaculate" too! '51 CHEVBOLEr STATION WAGON 119 All-metal body. A ,...,. uWlty car, 11\ow. lood ca.re tool ·a OLDS BOCU!T I FOtJB..DOOB _ 511 Hu radio. H)'dramaUe, 11M& cowr., Gr-. llMta.Uic finial\. SAVE on thJa one! '(I PONTIAC 2 DIL RADIO, lllll!lll _ _. . lEE \ ... ··-Baker's FurnitUre Store Carol Arthur r .................................................... _.~ Opens in Corona del Mar 1 ~.-~~'!:~D.·An .... t TV Ja~ TV FURNITURE INTEIUOR DECORAnON BaJcera ec.ona del Mar J'\amJ. ture hu been opened ln the J:n. alp Bulldlna, at Cout H\PW•Y and Heliotrope Ave., by Jl'rank Baker, owner ot BakM'a Laauna IAIJIOA IIUUID Jl'urnJtute. lltllcatae A"-_.._ lM'f Fred Stoddud of ICM Beaonla COaoXA DD.II.Aa Ave., Corona del Mar, ls the manaaer of the local atore, which ~~~~~~~~~~--~~L~c:o-t~~~III9Jl~~·~·~t~B~ca"-~~~m~~~~ handles MWI'al lines of furnl, r ture, upbolatery JOOd.a, lampe. floor eoverlnp and General Dec· tric appllances. "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport b'f c:-le IOtcMU Interior Designer Do you heve 5ome problem of decoreting in your home? Perhaps windows that seem to defy treatment, en odd sheped room you cen't do a thing with ... or a hundred and one other things thet need solving to create a charming interior. If you do, watch thls column every week from now on and we'll give you decorating idees. that might solve your particular problem ... Also we'll keep you posted on all the newest, smert pieces that come in.· If xou wish, visit House and Garden &nd consult one of our staff of Interior designers without obligetion ... You 'II find it rather fun to browse through our four sections of Tropical contemporary a nd garden furnishings . . . our Drapery ond :arpet sample room is elso convenient to see co-ordination of colors and textures ... and don't miss the many fascinat ing ac· c;:essories imported from the far East end South Seas. Next week. we II tell you how it's now possible to have a fire- place anywhere in your home or outdoors at a fra ction of the cost of ordinary construction. • House ... Gar~en 3017 Wed C~ Highway Newport Beach, Calif. Uberty 8.5511 The owner, M.r. Baker, ta a na. Uve of CallfornJa, operated a furniture ltore lD Loa Catoe for 20 years before coming to La· auna Beach to take over the 'La. JUna Furniture on Nov. 1. 1953. Mr. and Mn. Baker llve In South LagunL They have a 13-yeAr.old daughter and a 6-year.oltt son. Th• Bal<en are new owners of 3 34-foot cruiser, which they keep ln Newport Harbor. Mr. Baker took time out frl)m the furniture business to serve with the Fourth Division ln the fighting In Europe during World War II. He wu In a reconnals- aance unit. which wu In oom~at for seven month-. from October. 1944, to May 6. 1945. just two days before the end of the war. Hla outfit was In the heart of the Battle of the Bulge and took part In the liberation of Bastl)gnc. Fred Stoddard Is a Nebraska native. came to California In 1923. Hls father wa.s a music teacher, and Fred was perform. lng at the age of five. His favo- rite Instruments were the sax and clarinet. He played with the band~ of Earl Burtnett and Jim my Gr~r and was music ar- ranger In Hollywood tor the Fib ber McGee and Molly show. Joe Penner and Olsen and Johru!On. He also did some composing <his la.st royalty was a two cent stamp for the sale of a hlly billy song he wrote). Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard former ly owned and operated Stod dard's PaUo Shop In Corona del Mar. Fred was ·as.soclated with the Orson Hunter Furniture In Santa Ana before taking over the manag~blp of Baker's Fur ;=;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;~I nlture here. VOTE FOk Dk. ROIEAT H. OLANDEA ....... ,..,...... Onal9e c:o-t Coli ... e A profeuionel mu quelofied by educ.tion end eaperience. ------.._H. Price Of Catallaa Dies e Active in community end youlh William H. Price. father of Mrs. work in the Orange Coast Aree. Ruthe Lytle of 318 Poppy Ave., e Four college degrHs, including e Corona del Mar, died Sunday, Me&tttr"s Degree in the field of Educetion. May 8. after a brief Illness. Mr. e Pledged to maintain the high Price Ia also survived by h is stenderd of Orange Co.st Col-wife, Grace, of Avalon. Catalina lege. Island. where the couple had THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ElECTION lived for 50 years. Services were ~;;;~~Dr:;.~R:;oa-t~~ot.~IMI;;er~~;;;;;;I;;E;;S;;U;;R;;E;;T;;O;;V~O;;T;:E;:.;:';:. ;;M;:ey~20;;,~1;;9S~S~'t held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at ~·••• •••••••••••••••~ Melrose abbey with the San ,. , Pedro Elks In charge. Baltz Mor-• WE HAVE ITI ~ tua.ry, Corona del Mar. was In • ' • ~ charge of the arrangements. ~ iel-royale ~ ~ The-Queen s..·a ~ • "Fountain of youth" ~ ~ THF-Iml•liT•E ~ • -If. Xewport IJ9cL OD tbe CrDiaocld Strip • ~ •••••••••• ~~ •••••••••• j S. S. "IAZITUI" 8CII11.D9 ••• SaD Dte9o to ....u..' ad Acapuleo ..wy.U.s.tudq xo s&n~a C'II.AilOE .. ••••I"Ntiaa ...... ~ 1:141 •• TUIEL IEIVIGE J5aVJ L c..t Jlltlaway. C.... del K. (Opposite tbe PMt office) Introducing Mr ., Paul ........... , at For lett.rhe•cfs. envelopes eel THE ENSIGN. HA-l I 14 llecaoDable acrtea All Day e Half Day BAPPT DAT SCHOOL for LlttM Folk 440 Rellotro~. Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mn. Jean Vaughn. director of 224 .ath St.. N.wport Bnch, ~ 1 C 1 VICTOI DEIL£I announce the mantaee ol their • dauabter, Carol, to IUc:hard W. • • All aaaliiiN. all pcata. all t1lbea ~ Parrott ot San Francisco. • The youne eouplf wer. mar-• • Baa.t.IICMDWic -.~,...ad ,...U rled Sunday, Aprll 17, In the • • .._pt ..-ria. • Firat Methodtat Church of Reno. • • IIMinab&e pdcea ~ Nev. They wlU be home after • 4 May 1 at 815 Corbett Ave .• San . TARTER TELEVISION ~ Francllco. The new Mr. and Mrs. 111. 4 Panott are manaeers ·of an Ar-,. LACDA •uca coaoJfA DEL 110 ~ tbur Murray Dance Studio In • R1'Aft 5511 • 211M E. Coat Btway. JlalbDlt sal 4 that city. ~ ~ nED STODDAJlD NCIDCI9ft ot kbr"1 Store SIRIUS WINS (Continued from Page 1) and third places In each class:· OCEAJf aACIRC Class A-<11 Skylark, ~an Brown, SBYC, Governor of CaU. fornla Trophy; (2) MarJe Amelle, Gabriel Giannini. NHYC; (31 Cot- ton Blossom. E. H. Halton. LAYC. 1 Class ~~ 11 Aka hi. Ken Croan.l CBYC. Mayor of Ensenada Tro. phy, 121 Olune. Howard1Lawson. NHYC: (31 Bagatelle. Wilford Zfnsmeyer. LA YC. 1 Class C-t 11 Carousel. Ashley G. Bow n. SDYC. President of Mexico Trophy ; !21 Prima Donna. Donald Metz. CBYC; (31 Nymph. Bruce Smith. SDYC. Class D-Ol Ma ra. H. C. and Barney Huber. BYC: 12) Synove 11, Alfred Rogers. NHYC: 131 Medley, Dean Harrel. LA YC. AJUtiTilAitT Class A-Ill Tantalus. Irving F. Lauman. Del Rey. PrPsldent of U. S Trophy; 121 Truant. Wal ter S. Clark. SDYC : !31 Windfall. Robert Williams. BYC. Clas.t~ ~~ 1 I Common !;en'!(' Ill. Arthur Brush. CBYC. Gover nor of Baja California Trophy: 121 Fleetwood. Russell W. Lamb BYC; 131 Indltferent. F'r~ Hunte. BYC. Class C-Little Dipper. Bud Desenberg. BYC. Mayor of New port Beach Trophy: <21 M11koa. Donald Gillum. SBYC; (31 CAiyp so. Jack Morrison. BWYC. Clau D-I ll Encore. \Villlnm Hoving. BWYC; 121 Clbola. Eric Erickson. BWYC; (31 Chantey. Cmdr. R. H. Mathews Jr., Cor. YC. 1 Mo. A-15410 MOTICE TO caE.DITOIIS ESTATE of MARY MENDOZA. aka MARIA MENDOZA. De I ceased. Notice Is h~by given to th(> creditors of and all persons hav lng cla.lms against the said de- cedent or aald estate to file them with the necessary vouche,. In the office of the Clerk ot tbco Su ~rlor Court of the State of Call fornla. In and tor the County of OranJe. or to preant the same. wtth the neca.sary vouchers. to tbe u nderstg-ned at his or her place of buaJness, to-wtt: Manuel Beltran, Admln.ICratol'. c/o Thom· u E. Heffernan. 2515 E. 0>ut HJfhway. Corona dti Mar. Call- fomJa. wtt.bin Ida months after tbe flnt publication of thJa no. lke. Deted: May I. 11115. KANUJ:L at. 'I"'..AJJf. AdmJnlJtratof ol tM ..._. ol aaJ4 ~nt. HaiWoocl. Hea.nw. 6 8oMn. Anor..,.. at Law, IS1J E. Cout BJP1Q7, c.... del ...... caiiiDmla. .... ...,. ,_ Mllidallb'dor, • •••••••••••••••••••••••• PE EY'S LAGU A BEACH STORE PASTB. IIYOI PIIB.S • • • Till! Hill WASHABLE! Sheer magic for your decor. a 98 boon for your budget~ Pen- ney's !Inc-. marqulst>tte panel ~each curtains are tailored to hang evenly. Hemmed, headed tops. 41 inch" wide Yellow. rose, green. blue. Ivory. II inch" lon9 SPECIAL! C•-terry ltwels LD Clllftfree colon 22 X«., Bath size . 15 x 2.5 .. Face towel. Wash clotba 63c 42c 17c hdspnada of ftlnty cbealla. in vibrant colors for every decor ' Vert Ic a 1 wavy Line ground. 4" Javlsh f r I n 1 e . rounded oornera. Flu.U dry, ~»- 4.44 Remnants Y2 Price Mallaess Pads ·1 .. d i a m o n d stitched quilting bleached cot- ton filling. edges bound to stand hard wear and many washinqs. Twi• size 1.98 Full size 2.98 .., ..•• .,.. Solid color "SANTEE" 6.90 42 ..... Fa\e colnrs to <~PIN't from rPa dy to hang. SHOWER CURTAINS 6x6' 1.98 Sash curtain. .. to match 1.79 ....... : 1IQ' ll ... ""-J ·L;~~.-.-.--..---------------------------~.---------------------------~ ~ ._ Jba~ ~ I> _. 1.~~::~~:::::..:~~~~~~~~~~~.!~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~ e IIES'-AGADf your 'rattler In the process of bagging him, you would be sum. marUy dlsqualltled .(rom the prize competition. A loose noose ~ to be the answer. e lOOTS Am) SJfUE.STICIS The more I read, the more in- triguing tbe,whole thine became. I developed a stronc yen to Me SJIAKD ALJVEI Alld $at'=ut wMt tMt ..._ what kJnd of people lllte to catch At tbe Wt ..,._.. ... ptllldwt of tiM z.tsl4e a.pw. a.b ol ............ la1a , 'nae E. c. lhlttne have Neeftt· ly moved from 100 I. Bay Front. lalboa blUd. to 12 Harbor .. Two new mwlle lniUuc:ton for ~lu~d.!!!!!!!!!!!li!!!~!!!l\!~!!!!~!!!!;1 Oranre Cout Co~lece were em. ployed by the board of truatees at tbelr AprU 2Stb meettnc. 01'. Bastl H. Peteraon aatd today. Howard A. Kay hu been u- algned to Instrumental music. He Ia a craduate of Glendale Col. lege, received a BA from UCLA and wa-eranted an MA from San Diego ~tat•. James S. Flt.Y.gerald Jr., Instruc- tor In music tor th.e put five years at norace Ensign Junior Hteh School In N~rt Beach. was t}le other appointee. He ha& bachelor of music and master of music decrees from the Unlver- alty of Southern Calltornta a nd did craduate ltudy ~t Long Beach State Collep. u you read Calllnc C.Q. with any recularity at all, you know about the Hoffman Hex. It's aomethlnc I broucht with me from PennJYlvanla, the home of people who paint designs on their red barns to keep bad luck away. For me. tt represents the fairly perennial bad luck that loetl with my fishing. But last Sunday, I found that my hex also follows me when I co hunting. I st&rted out to have a balfull of tun. I came back holding the rattlers alive. Tbe die wu east J*at tiMit .._ ...._. .-'t bit. Jf .,.. u. when I invested In a pair ~ ~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~------------.----------------------­high-topped boots and the night "IP • .............. ..-y -· .. Ar ..... ............ _, ...... r.aa bag-empty. e UJfiQVE PAS'TDIE before May Day, believe It or not. I made rny.elt a snake atlck. I •bad been compelled to call the • headquarters of the Eastside Rep. tile Club. to find out just wh at League Plans Harbor T ou·r ls a snake stick. The Instructions T u e s d a y • s Woman's CJvic COIJIQ TO COJIVEIII no• Merle Attlerba uc b ol Mer)e•a Drive-In Restaurant. Corona del Mar, a member ot the National Restaurant Aaociatlon, ls jour-A dinner party with all the neytnc to CbJcaco for the 36th trimmings, Including a maypole annual convention of the Associ· cen terpiece wu given May 2 by -.... trl I I I ....,. J..t wlft • tM IJI Ia-.. ..... .. ,.. .. _,~ .... .. ................ , ......... . .... ,. ...... 4.., ..... r...• • Over In Lone Beach there's a group of unusual people who be- lone to a unique organization called the Eastside Reptile Club. Their president, Dr. Albert <Tex) Schuepbach, believes In letting the public ln on the doings of the club. For over a month. through the local press', the mem. bers extended cordial invitations to all to joir\ the m In their sec- ond annual May Day public s nake hunt. Engraved trophies were offered for the hunters who bagged the best rattlesnakes. To boot, they offered refreshments, snake-stlck5 and free first !lid to all participants. were perfect. Leacue meeting wlll be the an- • OPEJOJIC. DAT nual tour of the Harbor on the I was almost as excited that Belle of Balboa boat leaving at May Day morning as when ,I 10 a.m. from the VIlla Marina. A used to get up before dawn to Rhort business meeting will be celebrate the opening day of held and the school boa.rd candi- trout seasonn back East. The dates wlll be Interviewed. Elec- weather. too. reminded me ot tlon of officers will also be held. those earlier opening days. It had Luncheon will be served follow- rained all night, and as dawn lng the meeting at 12:15 p.m. broke. I could see a big. fat show The Community Affairs com er roasting shore-ward from over mltee of the League will hold a around Catalina. When I arrived picnic on Tuesday. May 24, at In Tustin. at the alore stated Lido Park. Members and friends rendwous. Saddleback moun. attending will meet at the hom.e tain and adjoining foothills were of Mrs. AJ Spencer. 613 Begonia · IJITE Fill a • Dr .. and Mrs. Henry A. Riedel of atlon on May 9 to 13. Corona del Mar In honor of the ATTEJfD BAJriOJfQ KEETJXQ blrthday of their daughter, Janet Harold L. Hetrick, WUilam Marte Riedel, just turned nine. Sexton and D. E. Coyle of the The dinner was held at Chers Newport Harbor Bank attended Inn, after which the young guests the April dinner meeting of the adjourned to the RJedel home tor Independent Bankers Association L E. CADII'fS ~DL CGU u Today ••• W. j. A..AMUd Ll 1-1011 party games. Among the guests of Southern Calltornla held In 133 E. l1th SL C¥ta Jl..a were Kimberley Ku~~ hn~ ~~=~~=g:~=~~~~~~~~~~~===~=~:~~~Z~~=~~=~=E=~==~ Green, Sonee Stallman, Susan p For All Yo1r As an added after the hunt fea. ture, the president a nd his secre. tary promised to put on a demon- stration In Tustin. They would show all Interested snake hunt- ers how to ''milk" Jive rattle- snakes. The emphasis was on "Jive" all the way through. It you happened to clumsily choke VerBurg. Julie Steiner, Pamela Scott. Christine Elleboudt, Kath· leen Goodman. Susan Tutton, Julie HannaMrd and the hon oree's brother, James. swathed In thick black d ouds. Ave., Corona del Mar. at 10:30 A Clossifiea ,....,d '" ine Ension which wetly wrung themselves a.m. or at the park with picnic brii\QS immediote results! Coli out every few minutes. And sev lunch. Horbor 1114-1115 ond crave it! Hardware and House· Ware Needs eral times. when there were ---------------------:-:-:=-==---- breaks in the curtain. I saw that LECAL XOTJCE LEGAL JfOTlCE the snow line was down to the BESOLOTIOX XO. 4327 thence northeasterly along 3000 foot level. As the folks with A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION said southwesterly prohmga OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF tlon a dlstancc of 10 fN•t II') their sticks and bags assembled, THE CITY OF lU:'WP()RT the point of bt>gln n1n~ 1 thought. "This Is real opening BEACH DECLARING ITS IN-Said publl<' hlghw,,y t() b<' va ll.T..Jlti:.T~PP'ttO'tiW'PP¥ man thinks I'm going fishing!" CLOSING UP. VACATION AND Is more clearly ~hown on a c·f"r day weather! t bet the weather TENTION TO ORDER THE cated, closed up and ahuntlonf'd 1 ABANDONMENT OF THAT taln map approvf"d and ;ulop1Nl 4PORJZ.{/. CORONA lJEl MAil·HANPNIIBlfJ IIW SIIWIII e TALLY HO CERTAlN PUBLIC HIGHWAY, br the City Cnun ... l of the• l'.ty We had the Jaw on our side. BEING PORTIONS OF BROAD o Newport &>ar h f11r -.nltl v ue·:• STREET BE'IWEEN SANTA tlon. closing up and abandon As our caravan of some twenty ANA AVENUE AND CATA. ment. by resolution rlnh•d M ay !l, cars headed Sllverado.ward, we UNA DRIVE IN THE CIT.Y OF 1955. and designated "R~Iullon were paced by a sherltf and a NEWPORT BEACH. COUNTY No. 4326," which said map Is on poJice ear. H. C. Kirkhart. the OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALI-file In t.he-.tflce of the City Clerk h FOR.NIA. of the City of Newport Beach. head ranger for the Irvine Ranc The City Coundl of the City of Reference Is hereby made to said and state fire warden, met us at Newport Beach. pursuant to tbe map for further partk ulnrs as to the hunting grounds. He told us provisions of the "Street Vacation the proposed vacation. closing up the boundaries a nd that "No Act of 1941," and all amendments and abandonment of said puhllc Smoking .. would be the rule. Fire thereto, being SectIons 8300 highway. and said map Is mad<' ,._. throuch 8331 of the Streets and a part of thls rt>S(Jiutwn to the IIIIIJIIIII' is always a threat up there. But Highways Code, does hereby or-same extent anrJ purpow as If lil.DJ»a )(JCHAD. MANG\NO · RENNJE VJTTORJO QIELlEt' GABSMAN ·WOOERS with~~ A roNTI·DE .IAURENTIIS ,._ A,._,._.~., ., • ..,. w:Jallll·arr-......,....., _,._, .. ,...,.-·~--- -Plue- as we listened. the drizzle picked daln, resolve and declare as fol-the samf' were herein lncorporat up a bit. 1 finally wondered why lows: ed In full. SOmeone hadn't brought an out-SECTION 1: That the public SECTION 2: That thP procPecl d Interest and convenience require lngs for the closing up Am1 uhnn I board a long, just In case-an the closing up and abandonment donment of the afnrP-.aHI public maybe snow shoes. of that certain public highway, highway ihall be had and taken. "Tex," the president. took over. being portions of Broad Street be and the City Counc-Il of lh(' City tween Santa Ana Avenue and r N rt B "h hnrn .... y ntt~ts With the help of a large but o ewpo ea.. ' , . ., • ... h Catalina Drive as shown upon a to proceed under the provisions fri endly gopher snake, broug t map of First Addition to New. of the said "Street Va cation Act along from the snake pit of the port Heights recorded In Mlscel-of 1941," and all amendments club. he showed the neophytes laneous Maps. Book 4, Page 94. thereto, being Sections 8300 how to use their snake sticks and records ol Orange County, Call-through 8331 of the Streets a nd fornlal and It Is the Intention of Highways Code of the State ot n ow to get the q uarry In the bac. the C ty Coundl of the City of California. The snake sticks looked like hoe Newport Beach to order the fol-SECTION 3: The Street Super- handles with the hoe blade miss. lowing described property In said lntendent of the City of Newport l·ng, plus a rope with a noose at City of Newport Beach. County Beach shall cause to be posted of Orange. State or California. to J 1 th line t the business end. be vacated, closed up and aban-conspicuous Y a one e ne 0 that certain public highway pro-1 particularly admired my own. doned, to wit: posed to be vacated. not more which was at least twice as long Pan:el I: than 300 feet a~art, but not less b Beginning at the most 1 1 tl f th as any of the old timers', ut u northerly corner of Lot 1, than three n a , no cea o e 1 watched Tex. I quleUy edged Block 12. as shown upon a vacation Of said fubllc hlchway. over to the old ranch wagon and map of Tract No. :n recorded Said notices ahal state the prep. Th In Miscellaneous Maps, Book aratlon ot tht. Reaolutlon of In· hid my bag under the seat. e 9, Page 2!6, records of aald tentlon and the time and place decision had suddenly come to Orance County; thence east-of the hearlnc of all penon.a ln. me that any snakes I caucht erly a dlata.nce of 14.14 feet tereated In or objectJnc to the would be donated to the bag of to a point of Intersection proposed vacation of aald certain Th with a Une IJ:Ing northeut-publlc hlchway. ~e more ardent hunter. e d d'-s~oN .. ·. Nott-Ia h•reby erly of, paral el to, a n .... ~ • • ... ..... .. bag-holding phase of the opera-tant 10 feet from the north-given that the City CounclJ of (Continued on Pace 11) easterly line of said Lot 1; the City of Newport Beach does t hence southeasterly alone hereby flx Monday, the 13th day aald parallel Une to the polnt of l une, 19M, at the hour of 7:30 A-1 PLUMBING of Intersection with the north-P.M. ot aald day, ln the Coundl euterly prolongation of the Chambera of the City Of New- aoutheast.erly line of aatd port Beac~J located In the CJty SPECI.A' !QI Df DPAIIII Day & Jllllat Water._.... lo4~en~ P.-Toeh w S..... l SW St.,,., .. • R LDDII 1-1111 LeWis oss .::.=:-= ~BAY NURSERY:: LOO~ FOB ''J:8.2JJ.C£ J«VIA_.,_ ~-.. ~~'= ........ ..e~c. ... l ··~--~-·--· 11.8 I .... * u .. TOOU LOUD nato cwaa•• * A C Jl ....... ef II II rum & G I ,_.. Lot 1; thence 110utbweaterly Hall of tne City of Newport alone said northeasterly pro-Beach, u the ttme and place for longatlon to the most easter-hearlnr all peraona lnterated ln ly comer of said Lot 1; or ob~ to the prollOMd va- tl\ence northwesterlY alone calion of aald pubilc: lildlway; the northeasterly JIM of u ta a nd the saleS City Counclf of the Lot 1 to the point of be&1n· aald City ~ Newport Ileac:b at nine . aatcS tlnw and place wUJ bear the ,__. Dz evidence oft.-.d by any penon Bqtnnlnc at the I"DC)Q Interested 1n the V'acalfon Of aaJd aoutherly corner of Lot 5, public hlpway b..-etolore de- Bloek 21, u lhown upon aald ac:r1bed. map ~ Ftnt Addition to SJ:ICTIOM 5: '11lla .._,lutJoJt ot Newport Relpta; t b e n c e IntentJon aball be pubU81Md at nanliwelltftly a 10 n a t h e Jeut once In the Jfewpon Rubor IOUthw.terlY lJDe ol. aald ... Erudp, a J'MWII.PAper Of ppeaJ JJoek 21 to the mo.t eouth· ctrculatlon, prtnted, publl8hed eorty comer Ot. Lot 1 ol. aald and etteulat.d In tiM ~ ol. Jlodl; thence nartberly on a Jfewport IIHcb, eel tal4 f:WI. t.an.-nt eurw OODCaft to the eatJon IIWJ be macle prior tiM eu£ an~lla a ndla of date Mt for the beaitq ol. all :50 fa.t t. a fill~ ,_... ~ In t1t Gt»jeet.. 1ft u. Y 11M 01 tna to~., ~~~i~~ .... aa1c1 Lot 1• ......,. lOUth· 11M ..._It& 11M eouth-wi 11 t;~ ol tiM _..m---cltneacn.. :;::i5i,~ *--· ....-... .: ~= .... !:Ji·r-·1 ot ~ 111 • JIM ..a. a 1•••r~ ot. eo. ucl ....... JO ... ,._ .... ...... ~ .... ., .... fa'-~ =·IiJW. YlsH l1r Ellarpl H•ll••re Sltre PEGCT FOICIT DISI'LA TDfQ All ELECTBJC lBO !LEa Open Sundays For Your Convenience EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BARBE9UE BRAZIERS e CUI liNG BOARDS BARBECUE FORDe CHARCOAL etc. Sc:or. oi U .. ful Acce.oriea to Completely Out&t Your Barbecue VJBIT OUR House-Ww es Dept. ELECTRIC MUta e PERCOLATORS CUTLERY e DIBHE8 e ~WARE 1'be Malt Ca•J'IIteltock ID 1'be Harh. Area * We have the Harbor Area' a moet complete se- lection of galvanized pipe and fittings. -It Com p 1 e t e threading and pipe cutting facllitiea. W • cut and thread pipe whUe ~ou wait. DNG SIZE ITII j ' 'I ) I Y-.-. .. n ·em by the lox or Crate lllllfG IN YOUR lUNDAY PUJMIING AlQ) PAINT PBONzPMS * * • We'D -.pply aD your pdeellllg Meda Ccve ......... ... ........ .. Mesa City Council Reiects Plan t.o Hire Street Planner eo.ta Maa City Counetl voted ture Wemntnster Ave. betWHn Jut .teek to re.)ed the reque.t 17th St. and 18th St.. and a fu. from th• city plannlnr cornm1s. ture ttteet 300 teet 80uth ot E. aton for 11.000 to b.lre a ltNet 22nd St. planntn1 consultant lot eo days Counc::Umen approved ~~endlnr to lay out a elty atreet muter the .tate a reque.t tor 184.000 ot plan. They delayed action on a state chapter 20 moaey for half requNt from veJde parldnr d1a-the co.rt ot a water main alona trtct one lot a 115.000 loan to pave Ba.ker St. and Falrvtew Rcl to cn.trlet parldnr lob to be repaid .ave newly-annexed land to the later by a puklnr diatrkt tax. C!lty. Ctty Mana1er Georae Cottey Ctty 'Enrtneer Don Southworth reported that other chapter 20 estimated ~.000 would pay for money planned to be •pent ln· the pavlnr without ruard ran. eluded .$10.3:50 to Improve Super. or strfplnr. lor Ave., $295 for BamUton St. A meet openlnr and acqut.l. and S:SOO for 18th St. at Newport tlon ordinance paaed aecond Ave. readlnr and wu adopted. It fn. If the m te lerUJatllre does not elude. Vfralnla Pl., CecU Pl. and pant an extenaton of tfrne for Albert Pl., between Oranae Ave. cltte. to UN chapter 20 money, and sAnta Ana Ave. councilmen a rreed to earmark • .REW ID&&"''' the balance of $77,800 due the Clty Attorney 'Donald Dun1an city to ao to the Oranre county was hutruc:ted to prepare two nood control dlstrlct before the amendment& ea.Wng for buUctfnr dead.Une Ia reached ahortly. .et-bacb on property I« a fu. • wam UATEKUT STOP AT The Arches "'Your Ba.t to the Cout Slnc:e ta•• rl•& FOODI COCilTAlLI COAST HICiHWAY AT THI Alt:HES Ne...,_t ... cit JOHN VDEU.£ .L..IJ:--.rw lolSII Your Family .Restaurant cao..cs,...._.,) 2515 E. eoa.t 1119Jtwcry Harbor 1.. Col-. del liar A public hearlnr was set Cor lune 6 for a proposal to abate weeda on 1,043 pucels of land In the· clty. If property ownera do not remove the weeds, the clty wtll do 10 and add the amount to tax bll t.. «ouncUmen agreed to peJ'J)"'It the city planning commission to taJce final action on a request from the Runny Investment Co. of Temple City Cor 16 side yard varian~• ranging from 15 feet to 21 teet Instead of the required 25 feet. The firm Is erecting 95 h<Jmes In a subdivision betwl"en WU.on St. and VIctoria St. east Of Pomona Ave. an ortloial or the Clrm pointed out that work on the $1.500.000 projec:-t would have to be ha lted it the var iances were not £T&nted. Van's Bowling Suiiit iiiiui Ill .. F...._ n.n. 1:41 •••• ()pea=...,._, .... ....., ()pea AU If t 'J'dday ad latudcry * .AUTO nc ftlfl~ * roa auaavATJowa ft&r£ 703 ao•RaJO• AVE. uaaJITI' ~ UAr~ COSTA MESA OPEII K\'D't DAY ll A.Jt. -nL 7 ..... s.ntat a ~ MJKtloD Of 11..s.caa food ladll4 -..., -.... hn1 .... ,..,...,_,.aqaJ..._To.todoll. .........._. ac1 r ... ta~a aemc.. * * • * COlE TO THE* * * * PARTY Frtay, Mar 13,1155 4:00PM 117:00 PM * * * * * Unsung Commercials A nd r e w Walker. exec:-utlve vlce.presldent at Costa Mesa Sav \ngs and Loan Association. an nounces that tht> association'!! first anniversary wlll be ohservt>d Friday. May 13. from 4 to 8 p.m. "There will be rt.>freshments for all In attPndant'P," he said. Goo Goo t he Clown will ~ on hand to entt>rtaln the children and. as Account will be given as a noor a special favor. a $25 Savings prize." • • • A new danc-e predicted to sweep the country and brush out the MambO Is now being taught at the Arthur Murray Corona del Mar St udio. The dance. the Mer engue. was learned by local studlo manag~ Chet FirTar re cently In San Francisco at an Arthur Murray convention. It comes from the Dominican R.e public and was done at the con venUon by the Consul General ot the little country. Observers aa.y It Ia like doing the rumba on one toot and the foxtrot on the other. 189 -tM ..,. ... --_...... ..... ..at.cl. Wt to n,lat. JC.n. J-Y• Dylla. JCra. Karl ~ ...... 1--..,.. .......... CID4 JCn. llel a.ny., ftaDd.ID4J ... lin. ~ ~)aorta Cllld Nn. J, a.~· (Pbotto bf llowald rot- MID) Annuai .Cub Scout Carnival At COM School on May 14 BOYS ARE ASSIGNED TO CLASS CEE TEAMS lleJUtration tor late eomen few the three Clus c Learue. t.s atlll under way at the Newport Harbor Boya Club In Costa Me.a. The late comera will be u~ to till any vacancels that may OC· cur durlna the season, accordin g to Rod MaeMIIllan. athletic di- rector a t the Boys Club. e CDJC CLASS CEE TEAKS Steven CUI8on. RonnJe Rol.la.rd. Chuck Hofmann. Davtd L. Ken. dall, David Larerlof, Dale New, Bruce Olander, Robert Olander, Rand)J K. Prior. Scott Smith, Jfm. mle Sullivan, Pat Sullivan, St~h· en Thatcher, Ke vin Wat.IOn. John WIUiams. WJIITZ SOZ-C 1st practlce Frt. day, June 24. 11 a.m.)-Jlm Bar- The following boys were as-bee, Larry ColUn•. Duatln Elford, al~ned to Class Cee t~am.s which Stev~ Frorley, Donald Goddard, will play at Corona d~l Mar Robert Mackey, Geortrey Moore, Youth Center: Phllllp ·oertly. David Ollman, aAAVES-lst practice Monday. Timmy Reaga n, Steve Scherer, J une 20. 9:30 a.m.-<:hrls Ander Carl Stromberg. Haok Thayer, I son. Larry Broenng. David Con-Bobby Thompson. Terry ThomP- n~ll. Charles Guenther, Jackie son, Michael. Trapp. BIIJ White. Kimble. Tony Koppe, Carlton TAJfiEES _ Clst practice Frf- Lowen, Chris McLachlln. Robert day. June 24. 9 :30 a.m.)-RJchard B. Nealy, Kent Wethery. CAaDIJfALS -tlst practice Andff!IOn, James H. Brownell, Monday, June 20. 11 a .m. )-Gary Brian Campbell, Jimmy Carroll, JeUtey Clark. Ja mie Crowner, Ackerman. Bobby Blackmar. Jan Chris Elms. Tom Gamble. Vln-Crawford. Richard Bradford. Rod-ney Candelort, John Lowe. Joh n cent Healy. RJchard JohMOn, ny O'Brien. Kim Ovtatt, Tony John Macy. RonnJe Noble, Calvin Poole. Bruce Pre.ton. Joh n Rich. Preston. Randy Rigas. RJc.ky Ry. lett. Michael Shuchter. wine. Alexa nder Taublhger. CUQ -Clst practice Tuesday. aJlAVES -nst practice Mon. June 21 9:30 a.m.I-Blll Barnes. day. June 20. 9:30 a .m.I-Merle Freddy Bandel. Jody Bell, Martin Babl, BliJ)C Caldwell. RJchey Dun. Douglas, Todd Guardln. Jimmy can. Allen Gray. Dona ld Grupe. Grubbs. Martin Johnson. Richard J~ff Heln. James Kampert, Lacy Magner. Francis Romt>ro. John Phillips. Paul ~akes. Je~ Wt-bster. Lowe. Michael Pe lla. Christopher DODCEU--•lst practice Tut>s Pickup. Mark RJttt>r. Steven day. June 21. 11 a.m.-Dale Cok I Sh~dd. Randy Spagnolet tl, But All the hoopla of a d rcus. com I Ticke ts are being sold by cub er. Wayne R. Gault. Roger John Wcal•k!~!"'lght Tipping. plete with r I n g m aste r and S<'Outs of Pack 17. Admission Ls son. Brut'f> KiiJian KPnnt>th Korn n.A.VmALS -I 1 s t p rat'tlce clowns. will be the feature of 25 cents. Tlckeu will be ex welbel. Mack '!or~an. Mi chael Monday June 20. 10:30 a m.l- the Annual Cub Scout Carnival changed at the gate for admls O'Brien. ~orgP L Parnnt. Tim John &,yPr. Donald Bunnt>ll. John to be held at the Corona del Mar sion to any tlve booths. rucha rds. Jan Thn·lkeld B~rnham. J o hn Cunningham. school 2 to 6 pm. Saturday. I FrederlckHunt a nd Jack Black GUUfTS _ t bt prdC'tke W£Od Btlly 0o)lt' Chut'k Gardner. Da. The public Is lnvitt>d to try hetter will be clowns a nd Charles nt>sdny. June 22. ~:30 a m 1 _ 'td llc•ndrlckson. Harold Ma rks. their s kill at sharpsho()ting. nail I Peyton will act as rin gmaster. Mart' Blackwell. Cary Broerlng. Shf'p Mc('ook Rober1 PrP"Iopsky. and hammer game. basketball Committee members Include ! RogPr Grable. MaJ..p If a 1m·~ Lf>·~> Jtmmy Reynolds. T im Rysdale. throw. and otht>r KamPs of skill. Mrs. David Connell and Mrs Marston. Cra1J: :'\t•al p.1t ft'Tnol John Sturr Randy Warren. John Other booth will featun• a white 1 Jeanne Kleppinger. In charge of Charles PE'('k Fl .. ..,h Ruth\\ ell Webf>r Davad Willis elephant sale. ne<:ktle tref'. make priU"S; ~irs. Patricia Broer ing. Andy Smtth. CUJS-• 1st practl<'<' Tue-sday. up, hot dogs. cortee and popcorn. banners and posters ; Mrs. James Dfl)lAJfS--•lst pr;tctiC'e WPr1 June 21 9:30 a m .t-Don Bendls. Spec:-lal feature of the carnival zelger. ticket distribut ion; Wil nesday, June 22. II am •-Mikf' RonnPy Blatt. Billy Flt>tcher. Jack Is t he Cake Walk, with cakt>s to llam O'Brien. handbills: Carl Flanegln. Ronni" Fulw!'&IPr Todd I FIPic-hPr. Steven Flet<'her, Tom be donated by t he mothers or the Vt'nstrom , press publicity; Stacy Hess. Michael Crl'f>nr•. Barry D my Ha1Jrtt. Georgt> Jt>nklns. Jim- cubs. Morgan and Mr. Peyt on. food; HO!!klns. Greg ~ad~11lwray Eu my K('('lt.>r, Frank Moore, Tom Heading the carnival rommlt Mr. Bailey and Mr. Clemence. I gene Schlllea. Jamf'' Ray JtJhn I ~uJroy. Eugene Oplttek. Morton tee are Ma rk Bailey, Al Clemence booth ronstructlon: Robert Broc Shedaker. Lo"' r} Thump.!>On Opitt<'k Nicky Robert'>. Neil Sav and Cha rles Peyton. The rom kle. public address syst~m: Joh n e CEE TEAKS AT RAllBOJI if'ra. R()bt>r1 St'h«'P<' Gary Sm ith, mlttee Is assisted by Cubmaster Poole. movies; D V f'ranklin. 1 Thf" followi n)! bo}:,. wE'rt> a~ Kenny s~anson. Phallp Timber J ames zelger a nd Assistant Cu b electric r un. slgnf'd to ('lass (' tt>ams at Har lakP master Howard Richards. Den mothers In c-harge of lndl bor HIRh School: I DOOOEilS-tlst practice Tues. vidual booths arE' ~rs. Roy An IJ(DIMS--t lst practlct' Wed day, June 21. 11 a.m. 1-Eu~tene dersen. Mrs. G . E. Van Ha ll. Mrs nesdar. June 22. 11 am. I-BIII Ainsworth. Steven Andrews. MJ. Norman Meadows. Mrs. Freder Brockman. Robert Delahunt. Tom chael Bressert. J~ph Caruaelle. lck Hunt. Mrs. Jennie Smith. Mrs. my ~lahunt. Rkhard Gannon. Larry Dart. Edward Gallant. l o. David Connell. Mrs. Jt-anne Klep. John Goyer, Charle. Besley-, wph Gallant. DanJel Goodman, plnger. Mrs. Patricia Broerlnr . RJcha rd LW<. Thadeus HUier, Bill IUchard Han.scbel Ray Kan-.::hel, Kiwanis Aids Harbor FFA The Newport Harbor Kiwa nis Mrs. Howard Rkhards and Mrs. Moor~. Drew Neeb. Joh n Neeb. Harold Hotrman. Steve Hurwitz. Club has dona ted three register. Willia m O'Brien Randy Nlewlarowskl. Lynn Reis David Kastorff, Terry Lomax, No. A ___,_.,.., ed yearling Suffolk ewes to the lngPr. Kt>nnelh Schwarz. Bill Ronald Pereira. Dona ld Scelsa. ~ A prlzP will I'>P given to tht" ESTATE OF CATHER 1 N E Newport Harbor Fu ture Farmers cub scout "'ho sells the most Scudder. Bob ScuddN Randall B. John Scelsa. Steven Slaug hter, GWYNN. also known as KATIE to help esta blish a registered tlck~ts. Pack 17 Is sponsored by Wilson. Raymond Wirta. Bruce Tlm WIUiams. herd of sheep and to aid In the Woods GI.AJfn--1 1st practl~ Wednes.. GWYNN DECEASED tht' Rotary C'Juh NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to education of t he boys who have ------a£1) SOX-t lst practi<'e Thurs day. June 22. 9:30 am '-Dan chosen a farming career. day. J une 23. 9:30 a m •-Arnold Aackhus. Frt'd Boyd. Tim Brown, the creditors of and all persons NO A 25625 · Broyles. Stephen Bro~ lelo. Robert Douglas Gardiner, Hugh McCuJ. having claims against the said LEGAL KOTICE K011CE TO CJlEDITOU D. Chacon. Barton C'hristler. Bill Iough. Johnny Kirkpatrick. John decedent or aald estate to file No. A 25667 ' ESTATE OF A V ANDREWS · · · Donohoe. S;tnd~ Enstman. Bi11 1 Mc{"allum. Kenny Nt>wland. RJch . th~m with the necessary vouch WOTICE TO CJlEDITOBS DECEASED I Elmq ull>t. Larry Gabson Bob ard Oliphant. Larry Rupp. Roger ers In the office of the Cl~rk of ESTATE OF CATHERINE WIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV"""' •~ c..-"'' Horn. Richard Horn. R1chard F'umpton. Bob Skln~r. Ra lph the Superior Court of th~ State HEMINIA RA DCL IFF E. also the creditors of and all persons Jackson Mike Man~an Rtck) Skinnt"r John Vlellng. Dennis of California, In and tor the .. nown a• CATHERINE W. RAD having claims aoaln-the said "-"'"" .. ""' Marst'llus. Bob Ml"('lairt> Buu Walkt>r. Roger WaJ kt'r County of Oranae. or to present CLIFFE. DECEASED. dt'ce'dent or said esta te to m e Person. Rachard Vandt>nort Bil l the same. with the necessary NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to them with the necessary vouch Wnrmlngton Ed Warmans.;ton MOVE WJTIIIJf ISL.AJfl) vouchers. to the undersigned at l the creditors of and a ll persons t'rs In the orrtce of the Clerk oC n GEilS _ 1 lst pr:•clll'f' Thur"-Th<' Donald LPwl family h as hls or her place of business, to. h aving claims against the said t he Superior Court of the Statt> day. June 23. 1l am 1 _ Tt'ddy movf'ci from 1o; Vaa Eboll to 21o wltl Ella M. ~Awls. c/o Ra lph dec:-edent or said esta te to tile or California. In and for thP Barker. Dennls Bt>nda. Ball Burt. Via Graziano on Lido Isle. M. Myers. Jr., 2721 East Coast them w ltfl the nect>ssary vouch C'ounty of Orang~. or to pT'f'S('nf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Highway, Corona del Mar . Call e rs In the office or the Clerk of the same. with th e necessary ~ rornla. within six months after the Superior Court or the State vout'he rs. to the undersigned at the tfrst publication of this no ot Cali1ornla, In and for the his or h er pia~ of business. tlce. County of Orange. or to pre ent to wit: Dated AprU 29, 1955 t he same, with the necessary Ella Mary Andrt'W!'I a nd Farm ELLA M. LEWIS vouchers. to the undersigned at ers and M~rchants National Bank Administratrix of th~ Estat• of h ls or her place or business. to or Los Angeles said decedent. wit: Laura Radcliffe Wentz. c/o c1o Harwood. H~eman 6 Soden. Ralph M. Myers. Jr .• 2721 East Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. 2771 East 2515 E. Coast Highway. Cout Hlghway, Corona del Mar. Coast Alghway. Corona del Mar. Corona del Mar. California California, Attorney tor Admin· California. within slx months w ith in six months alter the first ~ .. ~ UIUif' =..;;' quu~. SOUTH SEAS CAFE ~Win a ~5.00 lnsuNd Savings AccoUnt • lstratrlx. after the Clrst publication of this publication of thls notice. I ~ There11 be free refreshments: coH .. , • coke, cookies ond punch. • llllllo. Gift balloons fw the ,. kids. • • Publlah: May S. 12. 19. 26 notice. Dated: May 6. 1955. In the N~rt Harbor Enslen. Dated April 29. 1955 ELLA MARY ANDREWS lfOTICK '1'0 aEDJT08S ESTATE OF RALPH W. GOTH· ARD. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Creditors ot and all penons havtnr clalma against the aald decedent or aald estate to me them with the necessary vouch· ers In the ottke or the Clerk ot the Superior Court ot the State ol California, ln and for the County ot OranF. or to prftent the aame. wlth the nec:euary voucher-. to the underaJgned at h1.s or her place of buslnea, to- wit: William A. Cothud. Executor t/o Harwood. Heffernan a. So- den. Attomen at t.&w. 2515 E. Cout 81pway. Corona del ...... Callfomla. wtthfn lilt monthe att.. tbe tlnlt publlcauon ol dll8 notJce. Dated: Aprt115. 1.8. wtW.AIII A. OO'I"'lAm Cucvtor ot tiM ...... ot ...... MciiiMt. a..rw..l. ........ .,.. ......,.at Law J51S &. o.ut........, LAURA RADCLIFFE WENTZ . one of the Ex~utors of the Exe<:utrlx of the Esta te of said Esta te of said decedent. d~ent. Harwood. Heffernan • Sodt>n Ralph M. Myers. Jr.. 2771 East Attorneys at Law Coast Highway. Corona del Mar.l 2515 E. Coast Hlghwa)' California. Attorney tor E)re<:u Corona del Mar, CalltomJa trlx. I Attorneys for Ex~utors Publlsh May 5. 12. 19, 26 Publish: May 12. 19, 216, June 2 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. In the Newport Rubor Ensign. * BALBO'A * • OPf!'l Every Sat. & ~ Enjoy Rides & , .......... . DE Ill" -IlL I IlL r...w ........... tiL .................... a ..... ... 'ftlle ,. ..... -., c cs c •• ~ .... ........ --.a ...,._. ............. -.LI ...... ...... ........ ....._ v...-... n•• .. a...-• Oarona ..... Calllallda. ........ ~ .,0 a. • _, .. u Ia tM ~ •• jiOit ............. .. ______________ 01&_~_ .............. ' • LOCAL CHURCHES ·ASSIST CIVIL DEFENSE PROJECT . Katten ol ~ to the .a.v. I&IMI Stewart ur,.c:t all communtt7 ~t .._.. puton to preeent the expantlon ctt.cu.ed at tht April meet.Lna of plana fM B~l Ha.pJtal and uk tiM Hatbor CoundJ ot Ch\lldlet tOt a1J'ts ln their c:burche&. He held at t.J\e Corona del Mar Com. aald that Fl~ Nlghtlncale'a munlty Churdl. blrtb~y anniversary, May 15, Rev. M. C. Cronle, president. bu been desJgnated u Rotpltal Jntroduced Harvey Peue, chief Sunday and tbat paators will be ol welfare for the Newport Har· supplied with literature and bor ClvUJan Detenae program, pledge cards In support ot the who asked cooperation In promo. enlargement program. tJng the program. Rev. Roy Cul-The council lssued a vote o! aon waa named Ualaon otficer to tha nks to Mayor Dora Hill of represent the church councll tn Newport Beach for her effort to organizing clvlllan defense work bring order during .the s prlnc In the churchH. vacation. A letter trom the Rev. JORph McShane empha-American Legion asked the aJzed the Importance of the com. church council to cooperate In a lng .chool elections, the selection Memorial day service at Harbor of a new hJgh school alte and Rest Cemetery. ft.nancing the program. Tbe pro. ln spiritual guidance. Rev. grea of an ot1 campus religious Stewart led a meditation on center tor atudenta at Orange "The Abtdlng Presence of God" Coast College wu reported by Rev. Robert Gronlund and Rev. and Rev. Edwin Gornke told of Jla.Jph Pease on the commission the work of the Congregational of education. Church. OCC ·TRUSTEES ISSUE NOTICE OF EL6CTION LJIQAL IIO!'ICE UQAL .O'I'ICZ U:QAL IIO!'ICE uaa xoncz .OTICE Or D.ECTIOII ELECTIOII PUCDfCT 110. 3 braced within the exterior bound-County Vot1n1 Preclncta. Costa roa JCEJOEas or TilE ELECnON PRECINCT NO. 3 aries of the FountaJn Valley Ele-Mesa Nos. 8, 14, 18, 20, 23, Bay. QOftlllfDIQ .OAaD or TilE shall Include all the area em. mentary School District. view Nos. 1 and 2, and that por. OllAIIa& COAST JUIIJOB braced within the Westminster The AOL.UNG PLACE therein tlon ot Paularlno Nos. 1 and 2 COLLEGE DISTBJCT Elementary School District. Pre· ahaJl be at the Fountain Valley lying within the Costa Mesa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO clnct No. 1 {Precincts as In CJty Elementary School BuUdJng, Tal. UnJon School District. the electors o! the Orange Coast Elections-Westminster Nos. 1. 4, bert and Bushard Roads. The The POLLING• PLACE therein Junior College District ot Orange and 6). polls will be open between the shan be at the Lindbergh School, County, Calltornla, that the An-The POLLING PLACE therein hours of 12:00 Noon and 7:00 23rd and Orange Avenues. The nual Election (or members of the sh all be at the 17th Street School. P. M. Polls will be open between the Board of Trustees of the Orange 75TI WestminsteT Avenue, West OFFICERS OF EL.ECTION for hours of 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Coast Junior College District will mlntser. The polls will be open said Election Preeinct No. 8: OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor be held on the third Friday o! between the hours of 7:00 A.M. Inspector: Mrs. Hazel Cour. said Election Precinct No. 13: May, viz. May 20. 1955. and 7:00 P.M. reges Inspector: Mrs. Sally Hlnesly It wiiJ be necessary to elect OFFlCERS OF ELECTION FOR Judge: Mrs. Dorothy Evans Judge: Mrs. Wanna Roberts two members. said Election Precinct No. 3: Judge: Mrs. Wilma Steppe Judge: Mrs. Dorothea D. The returns o! the election will Inspector: Mrs. VIolet B. Ar ELECTlOM PRECIKCf MO. 9 Martin be canvassed at 4:00 P.M. on nett ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 9 ELECTlOM PJlECIJfCf MO. 14 May 24, 1955. Judge: Mrs. Bertha L. Hylton shall Include all the area em. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14 The polling place for said e1ec Judge: Mrs. Elsa Sophia braced within the exterior bound-sha11 Include all the a rt-a em. tors of the Orange Coast Junior Wright aries of Huntington Beach Ele. braced within the exterior bound. Collegt> District will be deslgna ELECTlOif PBECIKCT ItO. 4 mentary School District, Pre. aries of Newport Beach Elemt-n. ted and appointed as follows: ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 4 clncts as In City Election. tary School District. Precinct No. ELECTlOJif PBECIJfcr MO. I shall Include a ll the area em-The POLUNG PLACE therein 1 !Precincts as In City Elections ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 1 braced within the Westminster shall be at the Huntington Beach -1, 2. 3. 4, 5, 8. 11, 17, 18. 19. 24, shall Include all the area em. Elementary School District, Pre-Elementary School BuUdlng, 5502 25. 216, and 28. These precincts In- braced within the Seal Beach clnct No. 2 (Precincts as In City Palm Avenue. The polls will be elude West Newport, Newport, AnoaMr mJlllon ·dollar· month Terrace, t3«.000: Eo,~e._, add appeen to be tn ICON tor the periO)a at 1!543 SantaneUa, ..00. Pftwport Beach Bullett~ Depart. • aAUOA 1U.A1fD JMnt u the bulldJq Plnldt PhD Holle, clOM ln poreh at total r-eached a third ot th• way 23S llpte, IU!OO. to that mark durt.n1 tbe tint e UDO J1U week. lade Hu11\ey, addJUon to 116 Pollowtng permtta were lauecl: VIa Lido Nord, $3,000; Mo1an e UOQ cum A MacDonald, pool at 2J11 Via William· Holateln, alteratJona Eboll, $2.200; W. H. Brown, alter. at lf9 Sbor~Ut Rd., t:5()(). atlona at 441 VIa Lido Soud, •mvnn: ftJUIACE tl!O; Ted Elman, enclose patio W. H. Colem~n. 6-room. 1.atory, at 116 Orvleto, 1850; Stobert Stew. 1-unlt dwelling at 1131 Dolphin art, 6-room. 1-atory, 1-unlt dwell. lng at 110 VIa Ithaca, ~.000; L&QAL IIOTICE Ingram 6 Collrn., 8-room. 1-atory, No. A-25661 1-unlt dwelling at 401 Vla Lido IIOTICE 1'0 c:amrroas Soud, t22.~; Ralph Dimmitt. ESTATE OF JOHN FRED ROL-6-room. 1-atory,. 1-unlt dwelling MAN, alao known ... JOHN F. at 149 Vta Wuien, $16,300. HOLMAN, DECEASED. e 8.U..OA NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN to 1obn Bofueoranc, S.room. t. the credJtors ot and all penona atory, l ·unlt dwelllnl at 15T7 having clalma acalnat the NJd Ocean Blvd., $U,OOO; I . M. Me. decedent or saJd estate to ftle Kenzte, 8-room, 2-mry, 1-unlt them wtth the necessary vouch-dwelling at 2109 Sev1Ue, $19,6:10; en In the ottlce ot the Clerk of Friedenberg, wall at 2101 Gran. the Superior Court of the Sta• of ada, $100; C. W. Moor-e, 6-room. CalltomJa. in and for the County 1-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 1S69 ot Orange, or to present the Ocean Blvd., 110,825; Nra. Luck- same, wtth the necessary vouch-er, atorage platform ln garage, era. to the undersJgned at his or $400; Charln Wilkinson, fence, her place of business, to-wit: windbreak at 1603 E. Balboa Ella M. Lewis. c/o Ralph M. Blv!f., ~; Bill Dillman, Jlrn Myers. Jr .. 2721 East Coast Hlcb· Karam, demolish buUding 108- way, Corona del Mar, Calltornla. 110 Main St., $1,000. within six months after the first • DWPOBT publication of this notice. Bert Lloyd, partition a t 2110 Dated April 29, · 1955 W. Ocean Ft., $250; Jack Fair- ELLA M . LEWIS field, 5 · room. 1 . story, 1 . unit Administratrix of the Estate of dwelling at 310 Rialto, $10.250; said decedent. T. T. Dotts, apartment over ga. Ralph M. Myers, Jr .. 2721 East rage, 203"' 42nd St., $8.100; Wai- Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. ter Parkelli. fence at Lido Trailer Cali!ornJa, Attorney tor Admlnl Park. 1100; Beardsley, cabana at stratrlx. 47 Drake, $3.000; E. C. McLaugh. Publish: May 5, 12, 19. 26 lin. cabana at 43 Drake, $2.000; In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Alva Johnson. garage at 134 47th St.. $1,500; H. Larison. 2. story. 2 unit dwelling at 309 36th CERTIFICATE 01' 8t7SilfESS St $18.000 1 8-" .. ; a 10 room, vstory. Fictitious Firm Name 2.unlt dwelling at 311 36th St., THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby $18.000; L. M. Langlle, altera. certify that they are conducting ttons at 35 Drake, $500; Wade -·----·- SAVE • SAFELY At Or•nte County· 1 L••dln9 Home lendln9 lnatttution CONUNUING . TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Account. Opened On or lefor• The I Oth of the Month E.rn From the l at. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oc.... Av•nM LAGUNA BEACH Elementary School Dlstrlct No. 1 Electlons-Westmlnsters Nos. 2. open between the hours of 7:00 Balboa, a.nd Lido Isle.) CPreclncts as In City Elections 3, and that portion of 7 ly1ng In A.M. and 7:00 P.M. The POLUNG PLACE therein Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 7). the Westminster School District). OFFICERS OF ELECTION for shall be at the Newport School. a Landscaping business at 2229 Zlnt. cabana at rr Fremont, East Coast Highway, City o! $2,000; ~11 Lloyd, alteTatlons at Newport Beach, County ot Or· 2110 Ocean Ft., $250; Joe Vander. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ange, State of Calltornla, under Molen. a lter cabana at 14 Boll· fr the tlctiUous finn . name of var, $650; WUUam Johnson, en. COASTAL LANDSCAPING and close porch at 1017 W. Balboa that said flrm ls composed of the Blvd., $400; Walter Asmus, 4- followtng persons, whose names room.l -story, 1-unlt dwelling at and addresses are as follows, 218 36th St., 19,000; Griffith Co., to.wlt : . addJtlons at RJchard's Market. The POLUNG PLACE therein The POLLING PLACE therein said Election Precinct No. 9: 14th and Balboa Blvd. The polls sh all be at the Seal Motel. 501 sha11 be at the Sun Garden Inspector: Mr. Fred Locke wlll be open between the hours Centra l Avenue. The polls will be School Kindergarten, 13451 So. Judge: Mr. Charles Funk-of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. open between the hours ot 7:00 Newland, Garden Grove. The hauser OFFICERS OF ELECTION for A.M. and 7:00P.M. polls will be open between tht> Judge: Mr. 0 . 0. Troop said Election Precinct No. 14: OFFICER,S OF ELECTION FOR hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. ELECTIOJif Pa.ECDfCT JlfO. JO In.spector: Mrs. Julia Mae aaJd Election Precinct No. 1 · OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 10 Eggert Inspector: Evelyn Prentice said Election Precinct No. 4: shall Include all the area em-Judge: M.ra. Nina tt. Holtby Judge: Mabel Felts Inspector: Mrs. LJillan M. braced w1thin the exterior bound-Judge: Mrs. Aurelia Niemiec Judge: Florence Newlon Weaver a ries of Huntington Beach Ele-ELECTIOII PJl.ECIIICT JlfO. IS EL.ECTIOJif PJlECJIICT MO. 2 Judge: Mrs. Enid Hewitt mentary School District, Precincts ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 15 ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 Judge: Mrs. Elizabeth T. as In City Election ·-Sunset shall Include all the area em- shall Include all the area em I Saundt>rs Beach 1 and 2. braced within the exeTtor bound- braced within the Seal Beach ELECTION Pll.ECJIICT ItO. 5 The POL.UNG PLACE therein a ries of Newport Beach Elemen. Royce W. Prior~ St. James $4.500; C. W. Nelaon, cabana at Road, Newport Be!ghta, Newport 88 Fremont. $2.000; H. s. Rentr., Beach, Call!ornfa. cabana at 17 Anz.a, $2,300; A.Jn Leonard F. lones-618 Hello-RoblnJIOn, cabana at 45 ~ach trope Avenue. Corona del Mar, 'Dr .. $2.000. Newport ~ach, California. eBUaOa JSLAIII) WITNESS our hands this 11th day of April, 1955 Royce W. Prior Elementary School District. Pre 1 ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 5 shall be at the Sun~ Beach Fire tary School District, Precinct, No. Clarence Cooper Corp., 7-room. 1-story, 1-unlt dweLling at 116 Harbor laland Rd., $27,000. e CLIF1' IIAVEJif cinct No. 2 !Precincts as In City shall Include all the area em Hall. 16861 Twellth Street, Sunset 2 !Precincts as In City Election-ST~ab~ ~:;;.;;RNIA Elections Nos. 2. 4, 6 and 8 and braced within the Westminster Beach. The polls will be open be-6. 7, 10. 12, 13, 14. 16, 21. 22, 23, COUNTY OF ORANGE Donald Noel. add room at 420 those portions of Barber City Pre-I Voting Precinct No. 5 and Mid tween the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 29. 30. 31. 32 and 33. These pre. SS Kings Rd., $3.000; P. A. Palmer, clnct and Sunset Beach precinct way City Voting Precinct No'i. 1. 7:00 P.M. cincts Include Balboa Island, Sea. · pool at 420 Kings Rd .. $2,300; within the Seal Beach School 2, and 3. OFFICERS OF ELECTION for con Bay, Harbor lsland, and Co-ON TinS Eleventh day of April Charles Hansen, 6-room. 1-story, District l. j The POLLING PLACE therf'!n said Election Precinct No. 10: rona del Mar. A. D .. 1955· before me Robert W. l·Unlt dwelling at 1911 Kings The POLLING PLACE therein shall be at the Midway City Inspector: Mr. Frederick A. The POLUNG PLACE therein Fraser a Notary Public tn and Rd., $17.000. shall be at the School Building., Scout Cabin, Newland Street, Belcher shall be at the Corona del Mar for said County and State, resJd-e COBOJifA DEL M.AB entranC'e on 12th Street. The polls Midway City. The polls will be Judge: Mrs. Frances Earll School, 610 Carnation Ave. Co. lng therein duly commissioned Rex Brandt, wa ll and deck at will be open between the hours open between the hours ol 7:00 Judge: Mrs. Grace A. Miller rona del Mar. The polls will be and sworn, personally appeared 405 Goldenrod, $400; Charles of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. A.M. and 7:00 P.M. ELECTIO!f PJlECDfcr MO. 11 open between the hours of 7:00 Royce W. Prior and Leonard F. Hoff, 7-room. 2-story, 2-unlt dwell- OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR OFFICERS OF ELECTION for ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 11 A.M. and 7:00P.M. Jones known to me to be the lng a t 322 Jumlne, $16,550; said Election Precinct No. 2: said Election Precinct No. 5: shall Include all the area em-OFFICERS OF ELECTION for pel:.'()ns whose names are sub-Howard Roberds. 5-room, 1-story, Inspector : Mrs. Mary Taylor Inspector: Mrs. Lucille G. braced within the exterior bound-said Election Precinct fio. 15: acrlbed to the within IratTument, 1-unlt dwelling at 617 Acacia, J udge: Mrs. Louise Collier Wolle aries of Costa Mesa Ur.ion Ele-Inspector : Mrs. Anne Crowl and acknowledged to me that $13;000; Lee Bunce. alteratlona at J udge: Mary Pierpoint Judge: Mrs. Helen H. McGrew mentary School District, Precinct Judge: Mrs. J ane E. Morga n they executed the same. 311 Marigold, $400; Tommy Wll- LOllS FOI HOlES I" .. T&U LOAJI Coutruc:tion Lomw 5" .. T&U LOU aa 10a uTn.D ,..,.. ........ c.. IIU &. c..tllwy .. CDJI ft. IIA 1111 1D S.SIIS (~~.trouter...r.. ...... , JAMES D. RAY BIIIWitc Oe•lrHtor l.w. L COAST HWY .. • COlONA DEL MA. HAttHw 4761 lt..we~~er. HAt'-41U C.ERTIFJCATE OF ISOSIMESS Judge: Mrs. Doris Lee WIJ. No. 1 (Precincts as In Orange Judge: Mrs. Martha M. Cun-IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have son, remove partition at 2515 E. Flctlttou.s FinD Kame llams County Voting Precincts, Costa nlngham hereunto set my hand and a.f. Cout Rwy., $200; Austin Sturte-ACIIDiuta. ...... a.... of THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby ELECTlOJf PllElfCIKCf JlfO. 6 Mesa Nos. 1, 2. 6. 7, 15, 19, RJver. ELECTIOJif PBECIIICf JlfO. 18 fixed my ottlclal seal the day vant Co.. pool at 1933. Bayafde =::.. ~ ~.Ia certify that they are conducting ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 6 view, and that portion of Green-ELECI'ION PRECINCT NO 16 and year In th.b certiflcate finrt Dr., $2.000; Deardorff . Burback. ..... We .t•.•• en ..ta. · above written. 1 ......, a pharmacy business at 3127 shall Include all the area em-ville lying within the Costa shall Include all the area em-ftOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR P ayroom at OIUf Poppy, $2,500; CREDIT IUREAU East Coast Highway, Corona del braced within the Barber City Mesa Union School District. braced within the exterlot bound-SAID COUNTY AND STATE Bryant Marston. addJtJon at 709 .. W Mar. California, under the fictl-Voting Precinct No. 2. that porJ The POLLING PLACE therein aries ot Newport Beach Elemen-Robert W Fr Poppy, $2.000; Robert Belyea, 4-...._ 01•11 C...ty tlous firm name of Corona del tlon of No. 1 lying ln the West. shall be at the E. A. ~ea School, tary School District. Prectnct No. My Co~~ Expires Mareb room, 2-.torY. 1-unit addition at =~If:'&::. t!::; Mar Pharmacy and that said minster School District, and that HamJlton and Meyer Place, eo.ta 3 (.Preclnct.t u in City Election-5, 1956 425 Dahlia. •• 450; N~rt Har. -. .. w"la A.._ fO ._ firm Is composed of the follow portion of the Wlntersburg Pre-Mesa. The polls wiJI be open be-9. 15, :20, 27, 34, 35, 36. 'Ibe.e Publlah: April 2l, 28, May 5, 12 bor Butlalo Ranch. alcn at Mac. ..., .. .., a.fl6l • lng persons whose names In full clnct lying ln the Westm1nster tween the hours ot 7:00A.M. snd pre c 1 n c t a Include Newport In the Newport Harbor EM! '-;~~an~d~C~;oa~st~H~wy~·~· ~~190~~-;;;;;~~~~~~~~-~·~,.~rt~~ ..... ~~~ and place of residence a re as fol. School District. 7:00 P.M. Helghta, CIJtf Haven, Bayview I"· r lows. to.wlt: The POLLING PLACE THERE-OFFICERS OF ELECTION for No. 3, Bayaborea, and Bayahore f1Mr QuaiL II-Dl , t••ttt G. H. Pelrsol, 600 Acacia Ave., fN shall be at the Barber City aald Election Precinct No. 11: Camp). No. A-Z680 A.phalt m. _Rubber 111e Corona del Mar. Calif. Women's Club, Barber City. The In.tpector: M.ra.. LUllan BaUey The POLLING PLACE therein JIO'I!CE 1'0 CBDJTOD J'ormlc:a -UnoJeum n-. Eleanor c. Pelrsol. 600 Acacia polls will be open between the Judge: Mrs. Lor~ Pangle ahall be at the Horace EnaJp ESTATE OF ~AN NICHO. GlaTIIr LIIIOI.&VJI Ave .. Corona del Mar. Calif. hours of 7:00A.M. and 7 :00P.M. Judge: Mrs. Rose Rider School, 1400 Clt.tf Drive, Newport LA.S ROESSLD, DECEASED. 1110• WITNESS our hands this 26th OFFICERS OF ELECTION for ELECTJOJI nECDfCT 110. 12 Helehta. Tbe polla wtJl be open NOTICE IS llEJlEBY GIVEN 1o Ill a. IM II.LIIIDII ..... C....._ day of April. 1955. said Election Precinct No. 6 : ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 12 between the houra of 7:00 A.M. the creditors Of and aU penona 22 Yean In Oranp 0ouat:1 G. H. Petrsol IMpector: Mrs. Rowena 0 . ahall include aU the. area em. and 7:00P.M. having clalJn.a agaJILit the aald ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eleanor C. Pelrsol Seelig braced wtthln the exterior bound-OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor decedent or aald mate to flle t STATE OF CAUFORNIA Judge: Mra. Ruth M. Sennec aries of Costa Mesa UnJon Ele-said Election Prednct No. 18: them wtth the neceaary voueh-8 U J L D I·· Q COUNTY OF ORANGE .Judge: Mrs. Clara A. Ras. m~ntary School Dlatrtct. Prednct IMpect«: Mn.. .Edna 1. Tonee ... ln the otfkt ot the Clerk PUM ss. muuen No. 2 (Predncta u ln Ora.n,e ludle: Mn.. Mary Taylcw the Superior Court ot the State I • ON TillS 28th day of AprU, D.ECTIOW WO. 7 County Votln1 Predneta, eo.ta 1udp: Mn.. Mary L Dawn ot Calltornta, 1n and tor the ' • 1956, before nae, a Notary Public ELECnON PRECINCT NO. 7 Meaa N~ 3. 4. 5. 9, 10. 11.12. 13. Tbe fOI'IIOi~ ltelolutioa wu County of Orange. or to P"Mnt In and for aald county and state, ahall include all the aru em-16. 17, 21, 22, and~ pUMd a.nd adopt.ed at a ,.,War the aame, wtth the n ._.-•• & ..... ·~··~·~········· .. •• ..... ··~~~~ restdlng therein. duly comml.l-braced wtthin the exterior bound-Tbe POWlfO PLACR therelft meet1ft1 of the Jaoud ot 1'rult..e YOUdl-, to tile undent~ r aloned and .wom, penonally aries of the Ocean VIew Elftnen. lhall be at the llaln Scboo1. U01 of Or&.ftle Cout lun.lor CoD.,. tu. « her place o1. ~ to- appeared tary School Dfstrlct. Newport Blvd. Tbe polla wU..l be Dtlt:rict ot Onnp Count7. CaUL, wtt: IMter a. ao-ter, e/o ltaJpb G. B . Peltaol and Eleanor C. 'nle POLLING PLACE therein open between the houft ot 7:00 on tM ,.U. day ot .January, 111!11. 11 . ..,_...Jr., 2721 J:ut Cout Pelreol. ahall be at the Ocean VIew EJe. A..ll. and 7:00 P.)(. Bury IA-.rd HJibw_,, c.ona del Mar, CaJI. known to me to be the penona mentary School BuUCUf\6, four omCEaS OJ' ELIX:'nOlf tor LoW..t Conracl:Y tomta. Wft.btn 8lx monU.. att. \llbOR names are auMcrtbed to miles north of Runttn~ton Beech lafd Election PNctnct lfo. 12: Horace l'ult• t.be ftnt pu'WJe&Uon ot tl\J. no. the wtthln lnstrum~nt. and ac. on Highway 39. The poUa wtll l.Mpectof: Mta. AUct ~ WaJ'-~ Uce. kMWledpd to me that they exe-be open between the hourw ot ludp: Mr.. lf.W. Oldie D. D. ~ De.S AprtJ 21. lD cuted the aa.me. 7:00A.M. and 7:00P.M. • lucSp: Mn.. ..... X.OW.. ~ of ~ ot ~ J.IS'TZa o. 110._..n WITNESS my hand and offt. OmCEJtS OJ' J:LJX:'nON tor ben7 Coat IU.alar CoO ... .,..,... ~-o1 tJte kate 01 .atd dal Mal. aald Elec:tJon rr.e:tnd lfo. 7: a.aenolf ~ 110. aa fiJI ~ ~. CltllbnJa ~ Mary A. Hupa lntpeetor: Mn. Hany ~n EL&C'I10ff l'dl:iK-T JlfO. 1J A'ITDI'! Jta.1pll II. ac,... k,. 2721 aut lfot.arJ Public In and tor Nld Judae: Mt. T. A. ler\nett llbaU tndudt all ~ .,.. .a. a H. PEIW>lf Cout J11tbw~. oaroea dill liar, County and Stat.. Juqe: Mil. by Murray braold W'lthlft tbe _.... ......_ s.er.tuy ttl kld .,.,. fiJI CaJJtomla. ~ tar -. l(y Ccmmt.Jon up.,.. JulY a.ac::nc. •• c•cr •o. 1 u1e1 fiJI ec.ta ,._ UIIMn a. ,.,.._ tor. 11. use. I!LKICTIOll PUCI!fcr MO. I 11M11tU7 ldloOI D111r1et. Preclnd Nbllllt: ll8ict\ k 1fa1 12. • PubiJM May t. 12. 11, • Pa~: May 5. ~ lt. JS lllall lnducle aU tbe .,. em. Jfo. 3 (PNclncD • Ia Oraftae In elM lf_,art RarW RMlp. tn th Jf.-,art IWtMi ........ . .. I • • (Continued frun Pa.-8) tlon, I decld~. wu not tor pap. py! I wasn't eoln& to be holcllng one of those ba&a! Everythln& wu all set. The tlrat aid t~am had pasaed qulet.l7 among us, dlspensln& anake.blte kits much u the man sella pea. nuts at rhe ball earne. Tex fin. lab~ his demonstration with a leuon on how to apply the tour· niquet, and m•ke the Incisions. ld we fanned out over the fiats, Tex threw us one last t.lt of &d· vtce. He yelled "Don't run! There's no huny! And keep your eyes on the ground!" e ElfD OP TBE nAIL All hunters had been told to report back to headquarters by 2 p.m . Most ot them gave up the chase much .oon~. They all al· lowed that the weathet wu too cold, too wet for any .elf.respect. lng rattl~ to pok~ his head out ot hll nice, warm den. The onl7 snakes 1 saw were two little pet gophers that Secretary Bob Mac. Pher~n had brought alone ln hl.s collecting box. One wu 110 cold that Bob had to transf~r blm to his shirt pocket to keep him lively! The flnel blow came at 2 p.m. Tex announced that there bad been no contest. Nary a soul had· bagged a rattler. One junior VJVIAJf ALLER of c:or-del .._ Ia • ..,.. ••U.. tbe ...,._ CID4 member, lJ.vear-old Fred Trem. laddie Clab .. the cr--...... , at tile C:O.ta ll..a Flab Pry ~ Juae 4 aa4 s. (Pboto by F.._) • bly, came back with a small anet1a9 carc1a w eopher.snnke, just under the C0T1'LE PAJIJLT liED wire. But Tex said, "No contest. Dr. and Mrs. Allen 0 . Cottle These trophies wtll be awarded and two children have just only for rattlesnakes." Aa11at lappu. tja~ hoka. StatJoaerr ~·• aLUE SAILS S'tATIOIIED moved In 615 Orchid Ave., Co-e BUHUNQ nz rona del Mar. The house was I had taken two cameras and formerly owned and occupted by enough film to take pictures of the Wllllam W. Andrews. halt the snakes In the Santa Ana 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'tJI 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-; mountaln.s. A5 I drove back to SPECIAL PURCHASE! THROW PILLOWS A "'Spedal ParcbCIM• mO. It poulble Pw a.a to oU. ua... becnatital New Pillows at tnmeadoaa ~ low a:a Corduroy, Boucles. Antique Satin Some Kapok tilled othera with orion * IIAHT SIZES CID4 COLOU to CBOOSE l'aOM * * * * Diek Maeker '* Carpeta * Drapery * Upholatery Ia The lfew Udo SMpplaf c.ae.r ~ .. sao v1a Udo -----. ------ DOII'T Tustin, I kept thlnking about the Hoffman Hex. Maybe I should have gone flshlng! Perhaps. then, the hunt would have rattled to a more worthy conclusion. Then, too, my snake stick prob- ably hadn't helped any, either. The handle was artistically fa.sh. toned from the thick end of a broken Sllanex rod, and my noose was a length of heavy.duty nylon fishing line, 1.2().pound test. I"m sorry I hadn't asked .June Pollard to return my hex. nag. It would have looked most appropriate fluttering from the looee noose of m7 snake atlck u I booted up to Tex and· the com- mittee with an esnpty ba&! And I never did get up enough nerve to tell them that my bag was under the seat In the ranch wa. gon. all the time. Some things are just better lett unsaid. e FOB TBJ: PVaLIC The only snake picture I In the box was one of Bob Mac. Pherson's little gophers. That is, before we met again In Tustin. When 1 arrived, the club mem- bers were lolJing around In the grass. relaxing with an assort. ment of non.polsonous snakes and lizards. It wasn't time for the public demonstration. So Tex and his secretary.assatant. Lucille Bruns, a motherly.type lady who has the onJy back yard zoo In Long Beach, offered the shutter.bugs a special matinee behind t he school building, where there wu about 1000 foot candles of light. Tex and Lucille got things ready. I couldn't help but notice that they loaded a hypodermic syrlnp. "What's that for!" I queried. "Rattlesnake anti · se- rum." chirped Tex. "I've been bit· ten eighteen times already and I'm .ort of wn.sltlve to the stuff." He abo got several tourniquets and acalpels ready. • '0"'" I I A1fD CJID I S Tex and LucUle were not peo. pie to be caught abort. They had brought a box full of young, healthy rattlers with them. Whenever 4t wu moved, It emit- eel a chorua ol eJectrlfYing buzza Next thln1 I knew, there were rattlers crawling aU over the place. Tboee boots of mine shore feJt comfortable. Clyde Beatty and hJa Uons have nothing on Tex Schuepbach! Heaald ,"You're aJJ rl&bt U you don't move quick. I'll ahow you what I mean." With that he took ott his bat &ad jacket, 1~ down on the coo. crete and relaxed while Lucille 81D00t.hl7 ~ three bUD- Ina rattlera to the tos-lde Of bla cowbo7 ab1rt. ~ be Ue there, be ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii-~i;iii;l"...,.._ ..,.. 01\11 tiUnl he li ................. llwbat...,.. .. • .. ,_ tf I Ud to_! .. ,... ......... Be walked .. to c:oOfd rattlers unW hla boot ....... ladlll. ·~· Be pldilllll ._uplt7tMitdUI ~ .... ,... ..... ~ ..... to;!*~ II ...... ... ...... m ..a-. aat·-. When ....... bli""' ........ ...... tlon. ... ~wt ...... ..., wttb a --.lptl. eo ttYit ....... ~ cwW eetuaUJ -...r • bOIIl watdllq whale& And Ute t1nt tbtna rm aot... to do Oil Moftclay momJftC Ia tiO eaU tbe eJeettldan.. I've Melded to haft IWn l-.u ehlmel f« a Everythjna wu Olt untU a door bell 1 ju.t ean't ltand u.. lad7 meabd up behJnd me wtth 80UDd of that b4.u:z8' .tnce Sun· a ·movie camera wtlldl ahe beld daTI! on a leftJ Jut behlnd rn7 ea.r. -------- When lhe prnncl the button and AT ICIIOOI. m uaAI het camera whirred, I jumped Kut:ne M/Sct. 8 o • a r cl L three feet ltrallbt up. Wben I Younc. huaba.nd Of tbe former • hit the eround aaaln, I wu In ..._ 8ett7 M. 8eoUen ot eo.ta the ranch wa,on, headed for MeA. Ia att~ the Ground home. When 1 rot then, 1 ftart~ Controlled ApJnacb School at come in and look around • . . you are ~JUre to fln4.. that unusual lift you are lookips for . . • and we have the finest pa~r party ~~ and brtdge auppllea. to ovetbaul aU m7 flshlna tackle. OlatA.e, ltan. T'be coune provldee For bobbte., I'll atW at1ck to flab. laboratcwy and &lei tralnlnl tot u. Ina and to the peace that cornea QUicen &ad ..u..d peniOIUIIeL y 20th For ·High Schoo~ Expansion -Yes l!l Newport Harbor Is Growing Our High · Xhool Will Soon Be Too Small In order to aYoid double M•moaa we muat plan now to build in 1956 for 600 new .tudenta in 1957. Vote y .. for the High School tax aa the moat economical mean.. of JXO~ding for thia neceMCD y expansion. * * * Harbor High Citizens Committee Mrs. Kenneth Cooling Mrs. Judd Sutherland Co-chairmen Melwood Berry Lee Wilder Dr. E. W. Milum Mrs. Donald Dungan Rev. Joseph McShane Mrs. Richard Lihenthal Edward Healy Mrs. Donald Smith Arthur Peterson Mrs. Oliver G Howell Bruce Martin Mr5. Joh4t Feeley Grant Howald Mrs. John Neff Mrs. P. F. Baines The following residents of the Newport Harbor Union High School District recommend your YH Yote. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Findlay Mr. and Mrs.. .lames T. Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mellor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hambrook Mr. and Mrs. Bert Webb Mr. a nd Mrs. Eve~tt Rea Mr and Mrs. Edgar Hill Mr and Mrs. PauJ 0 . Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ro~ Andersen Mr and Mrs. RoM>rt W. Lampert Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Braddy Mr. and Mrs. Leland D. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Verne Watson Mr. and Mrs. Lyle R. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Harley H. Burn('tt Mr. and Mrs. Wendell V. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Jene D. Loke Mr. and Mrs. R. C. St('vens Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. C. Chl$holm Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walter MIJ!er Mr. and Mrs Nate Ref'<! Mr. and Mrs. AI Hadl('y Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown Mr. and Mrs Kenn W. Rima Mr. and Mrs. Paul C .Iones Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Leland Finley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Case A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. l. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Dales Mr. and Mrs. E. H. von Ehrenber& Mr. and Mn. J. Malcom Reid Mr. and Mrs . .lames Illingworth Mr. and Mrs. Harold .1. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Robt. A. Griesser Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Quisenberry Mr. and Mrs. J ack Bradbury Mr. and Mrs. Boudreau Simmons Mr. and M'*· Paul E. Weber Mr. and Mrs.. Robert J. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. .John J. Nuzum Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crawford Kt. and Mrs. Joseph E. Nldtftt% Mr. and Mrs. Don Huddl~on Mr. and Mrs. GE'Orge Ward :P.1r. a nd Mrs. Dick Whitson Mr. and Mrs B N ~nt>E'rg Dr. ~nd Mrs. 0 G Suess Rev. and Mrs. James S St~·an Or. and M~ Orma () Crank R('v. and Mrs Robert 8 Gronlund Dr. and Mrs. r r('d R. Sampson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Olander Col. and Mrs. Ht>nry C. Oa\'is Or. George E. Ma<'Ginitle Dr. Ruby S. lmoto Mrs. Louts .1. Csenar Mrs. Arthur McKenzie Mrs. Maydelle Morrison Mrs. Norman H. Carlson Mrs. K. A. McDivitt Mrs. C. Arthur RemlE'y Mrs. Gerald F. Btame Mrs. Arthur A. Llndckc Mrs. MeJvln 0 . Watson Mrs. .John Hess Mrs. Joe Cassata Mrs. &-t1y Reynoldc; Mrs. Vernon EdlN Jr Mrs. W. P. Meric'k('l Mrs.. UUian Butler Mrs. Albert Sparkf'S Mrs. ~nllrd Grav~ Mrs.. Maxine L. Bowt>n Mrs. Gra~ A. Poirier Mrs. Karen Ma rgT('ta Bruning Mrs. Freda M WE'll.!> Mrs. Joseph H. Raggs l4ra. J. W. Cammack Mrs. GwE'nda E Watson Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G PrPston Mr. and Mrs. Donald D Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul A Macy Mr. and Mrs. John .1. Sailors Mr. and 1\lrs. Throdort' Robins Mr. and Mrs. John BakN Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Fitzwater Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Ritter Mr. and MA RoM>rt Zl.-gler Mt. and Mrs. Paul Creighton Mr. and Mn. Earl StaniPy Mr. and Mrs. .lames RAy Mr. and N.n. C«U Powell M'r. and Mra. Harvey Somers * * * ,_ •••• p Mr. and Mrs. .losepb Carver Mr and Mrs . 0 W. Richard Mr and Mrs . .John F Klmble Mr and ~trs r G Swain Mr and Mrs. (' H. Eckert Mr and Mrs A. E Armstrong Mr and Mrs. Virgil F. Partch Mr and Mrs Howard Gerrlsh ~1r and Mrs. C'larenct> Hagbae Mr and Mrs Forrest Alllnd('r Mr and Mrs William O'Brien Mr and ~irs. Harvt>y D. P<'ase Mr and Mrs :'ofac R. Renfro Mr and Mrs T. Weston .lay Mr and Mrs. A. L. Best ~lr and Mrs Dennas Hogland ~lr and Mrs. Roland A. Wright Mr and Mrs . U>roy Anderson ~fr and Mrs. Arthur P<'t('rson Arvo E Haapa Harold H. Glas.c; C";iJtwrt E. Brown l' J Allan Galht-rt SE-al N H C'astelan (' E DeBeer C H K h~·('r Carl('ton M Mf'ars JoSE'ph L. Can t>r Lola F AndNson ruC'hard c ('ringle J W. Buell Roy C Crank GeoorRe R Bott('rf .lack (' Fl('tc-h('r Harry H. Frederick William S. )..('f('ver C' W. Rit-~ William E. Lord F.d .Iones C'larf>nC'(' E. Ross R. G Mickey Fran('('S E. Martlndalt> Ev('re" Nunan K('nneth H St('wart R W Bartine Elgin L Hall G N W('lls Braden Flfl('h Willard Mellott Lucy T. Thronson ••• •s:•ll ••••• •••• laaU,,.., 11, J•" ~ ... .., Iii. ..... -...... ,., • .., IIJ ,. '· a • * .. • ........... lllslllctlfl3 Funeral aerv1ces for WlJllam W. Guthrie. 73, of 990 W. 17th St., Costa Mesa. were held Satur. day ln the Parkes.Ridley Mortu. ary Chapel In Coeta Mesa with Rev. Charles F. Ha nd officiating. Mr. Gut hrie died May 5 In a Norwalk hospital. He was a na- tJve of Rich Hill. Missouri, and came to California In 1921 and h ad Jived In Costa Mesa for the past eight years. Survivors Include three sons. W illiam W. Guthrie Jr .• of Costa Mesa; L. B. Guthrie of Los An- geles and M. E. Guthrie of Bak· ersfleld. and a daughter. Mrs. Dick Vogel of Los Ange les; a slster. Mrs. Tidwell of Bakers field and four grandchildren. ..,.. 1111111' Mr. and Mrs. Lou Reed, not only are building themselves a new house for their Plymouths a nd Chryslen on Coa st Highway, Newport. but they have bought themselves a new house on Lido. The hom e at 125 VIa Zurich Is the former res£dence of the Jos- eph Klncalds. Also on Lido, three lots around Zurich Circle have been sold to Mrs. Franklin wu. cox of t he Keellne Wilcox Nur- ser ies. Both transactions were handled by Sandy MacKay, councilman a nd realtor. • • • Realtor turned . public servant Hadd Ring arrived home last wet>k via a new car from a trip to the east coast ta king In the lfOTJCE IKVJTDfC. Bms big cities of New York and Notice Is heret>y given that the Wash ington. At the capital city Board of Trust ees or the New-he conferred with Roger Lewis. port Beach Elementary School assistant secret ary of the Air District ot Orange County. Call Corps, In an t>ffort to exped ite fornla. will receive bids up to the military relt>ase of the prop. and Including 2:00 P.M. on the I erty on the former Santa Ana Z7th day of May, 1955, at the of. Air Base, which Is now desired flee of said School District. at for a high school site. which time said bids will be I opened an d read for the furnish-1-L-L D--L Jl lng of the following: -uaalr, 1. Custodial Supplies Of "--' 1 Dl--2. Electrica l Supplies UAJI ~111 ... 3. Nurse's Supplies Said Items to be furnished In a ccorda nce with specifications therefor now on me In the office of said School District. located at 1400 Clift Drive, Newport Beach. California. The succes.c;ful bidder m ust de liver said Items by J uly 10. 1955. Each bid must be a ccompanied by a certified check. or bond, In a sum t>qual to 5r~ or the bid ; said check to be made payable to the Newport Beach Elementa ry School District. and sha ll g uar antee that the bidder will enter Into a contract s hould h is bid be a<'<'Cpted. • Th<> Board of Trustees reserves the r ight to reject any and all bids and to waive any Irregula r lty thPrein. · Datf'd: This 9th day of May, 1955. NEWPORT BEACH ELEMEN TARY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Harvey D. Pease. Clerk of the Board of Trustees Public;h : May 13-20, 1955. Funeral services for John Becker. 71 . of 2323 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa. were held Sunday In Parkes-Rldley Mortuary Chapel In Costa Mesa with Rev. Robert V. Gronlund of the Newport Har- bor Lutheran Church outclatlng. Mr. Becker died May 4 In his home He was a native of Sibley, Ill.. and ca me to Costa Mesa six yt>ars ago. He was a retired farm. er. He Is survived by his wile, Elese. A.LL£NS LEA V£ ISLAI'D The Robert Allt>ns have moved from 313 Amethyst Ave .. Ba lboa Island. to their newly built home In the back bay area of Costa Mesa. Balcmced PJ.qy-Work-llest for Tour Uttle Tob BAPPT DAT S CHOOL 440 Heliotrope. Corona del ~ Har bor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, director Moth er of the Bride ... larilp's ,,....ts Elclllhe SIJiu of We have just returned from a preview show· lng of Peggy Hunts beautiful collection for this .cason ... we are planni ng a amaU In- formal showing In our shop, please drop In 10 that we may do our buying with you In rnlnd. Mother of the bride or groom we have you In m.Jnd for a lovely gown of Lace-Peau de Sole or Crepe. (Gil wq to Santa Azl• Country Club) ... ........ 0.... .... leg Is Broken In Cliff Fall 'nl4 IAWI8 Ka&n8 b•~ movec~ ,..... D. Durham, tt. JCl eurt and wu two.thlrdl up when bolD tU ~umlne Aw.. 0o1oDa marilw, IIUffered a left lea frac. he .. lat. hand hold. He fell, del Mar, to ... Catalla.a Dl'., a• tuN wiMn he fell from rodu ltrUdlll once on tbe rock w_. Plfl ~ta. OGto t.be .an., tJI. bath houae alld !aDded on the beedl. PoiJce =====~==~==~=~ ~. Ccrooa del Mar, at 5:11 and llte pardl u.eed a meteber p.m. Sunc!Q, N~port poltce re-to mow the nuu1ne eouth on the ported. Be altlo auttered abra. beach. thtoulh the aurf and over aJona about hla lett foot. thlah Rocky Point to an ambulance. a nd back ot hand.a. He waa tak~ to Marine Corpe The marine told pollee that be A1r Statloll cllspen.aur In El ltarted acallnl a 40-foot rocky Taro. A ~ new plan tot the otramJc hobbllt ... liDU watk 1ft a~ modlm plant with all the la'-t COIIUIMidU tJQulpment under ak:IUed auper-v18lon. We haft molds for over 1.2:5 ltema b'om our lJne that you ~ use ot you may make your own d.S.-rw •.• Aay.ee-.. It .......... Nl1 cllltalla 1:, JRDlfn 10001 ._. We~ .......... ,._ .... IIIII I•• tM .-t -...IE .................. at... .. -.... ....... c-• a ...a ..... 1'"1' •••~ .._ u.. ....t I W'Ma .... tJed aectt.a Ja tewa, , a.uTE-DS IWAIIIOn TUllEY, •110, 1EEF nADDJI ................... , ............ 73~ ~ -------~-i :~-C:-OL-~-:-:-~-Bel_•_•_l_f_or _$_1 y;;;J;e~ 6 ~ '1 00 CAICPaELLS ""'faw"' RODR IOUPIIO lfa o&. Caa O,sterStew••n., 31o ,........ lh Apricots :._ .... 5 ··· ~00 G;ld;;(o'ri 7 ... '1 00 ~. I Fl'!Ts & ~ rcr T.'\B ll c. IUIOID ...S ITAUAJI Pi-;;;ppleJuice5 .~ PEAs·~ 5 ... '1 oo SQUASH 2· ... 1~ 4 ~'1 00 PEACHEs-:.._6 ~'1 00 ASPA~!~S 15f. u.an·-~--:zz oa. Ja:r Dill Pickles NAPKINS 80c:t. Pkg._, ,s MILK ~ ... _ ........................ 1~ Margarine 2 "· 25~ COFFEE ~ ................... 7~ EGGS doL 47~ a.oaoz BLEACH lfa a& 28~ , ............. -...... -- ...,.~ Mayonnaise r. __ 4~ ~·ItA rll . Baby Food 6-49C 6 fw '1oo MUSHRQ9MS ~ CELLO SAUD Ill COLE SUW Cooked HAMS 5~ .... WBOLE 08 IIIAJUt JlALF Ham Center Slices 98L Sirloin Steaks GD'- • Lean Ground Beef 4L...'I 00 Canned Hams ~= · '8!5 BAC8N ==. 43~ . . ·Long · Horn Ch~e aun 43L £hoek . •