HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-19 - Newport Harbor Ensign"Ruaty'' Callow, dean ot Amer· lean rowlne coaches, brlnp hla defe nding champlona. the veat Vanity crew team of the U. S. Naval Academy, wlnnen of lut year's Watern Sprint Champion· ahlp, to Newport Harbor to com- OIL DRILLING IS STOPPED OO.C.A DD lilA& CAUl'. pete In the Fifth Annual Inter- collqlate Rowing Regatta on Saturday, May 28. For over a5 years. since he cap. talned the University of Waah- lnct.on'a Varalty eight In 1915, Ruaty has devoted his life to the sport and baa had the finest coachlnr record In history. Challenging the Midshipmen In this year's event. over the pop. ular North Lido channel course, will be seven ot the most out- Monterey 0 11 Co. workers were standing Varsity eights In t~e still try1ne Tuesday to brine In country. These are Ky Ebright s CalllomJa Golden Bears, Al Ul-tldeland well seven as an oil pro-brlck.ton's Washington Huskies, ~ucer ~ the 4rlll alte near West Frank Read's British Columbia ewpo · Thunderblrda. winners ot the 1954 WeU. eleht and nine a,e now British Empire Games champion. pumplnJ', City Manager J o h n ship; Lou LlndM>y's Stanford Jn. Sailors of Newport ~ch report-diana, Bob Hillen's Trojans, Karl ed. These wells were 4rtlled and Dtllca'a Oregon State Beave{s and placed Into operation after work Bob Schaelfer's Uclans. • 7 Trustee Posts Open Harbor Area voters will go to the polla tomorrow (Friday) to choose amone 12 candidates tor seven places on four achool boards. Voters residing In the Newport Harbor Union High School Dlatrlct will abo decide whether to approve a 55c over. tax to provide a new four year high achool for the district. William Spurgeon III ot Clttf Haven and Harvey D. Pease. In cumbent, of Balboa Island are In the race tor tht> one vacancy on the board of trustees of the New. port Beach Elementary School Olstr1ct. RO iPublic Vote Suggested . A solution for the c1ty traller park controversy was presented by the City Park. Beach and Recreation Commission after a lengthy discussion In the jam. parked Nt"W})Ort City Hall Tues. day evening. The plan is e;xpectt'd to be su~mitted to the Newport CJty Council f~ Its met'tlng ne.~t •. Monday f'Vt>nlng. Park Commissioner R o bert Campbell" outlined the propoaal, which. he said. nad been dis. cu5Sef' by the Commss.sion earlier lin the day. e PUT IJf OR 8ALLOT Tht> plan Is to put a propos! tlon on the ballot as a charter amendment to permst the city to turn over thE" trallt>r park Into the handa or 8 private conces on weU aeven waa .topped and In addition seven Junior Var- later restarted. The pumplna alty elehts and tour Fours with wells are averag:lne between 40 Couwaln crews wUl battle It out and l40 ba.rrela a day, Mr. Sailors tor a win In their divisions. Or- said. anee Cout CoUege. now In Ita The drUllng rig Ia belne dis-MCOnd year of rowing under the mantled and no further drtlllne tutelage ot Paul Baptiste. will wlll be done tor aeveral month.a, have an entry In both events. the clty oUJclaJ explained. En-and the San Diego Rowing Club J'ln~ and 1eolo11ata ot the w1U be represented In the Fours. Monteft)' 011 Co. want to alt down C. Chisholm Brown and Albert Ogden. both Incumbents. and Maryallce Wilson. housewife. are candidates tor the two posts on the CostJ~ Mesa Elementary School District board of trustees. Judre Donald J. Dodge of Costa Mesa and J. Leslie Steffensen, lumberman. of Corona del Mar. Incumbents, and Robert L. Allen ot Balboa. purchasing agent; Dr. Edward W. Milum of Bay Shores Frank Moore Is Elected COmmander of L~ion I slonalre. He explaint>d that 8 n"'gatlve I vote on the proposition would mean that the city trailer park site would be developed aa a public beach park. He said turtht>r that the char- ter amendment would be pt'r mlsalve. not mandatory. In other words. If the City Council could negotiate a aatlsfa.ctory lease wtth a concessionaire. they could turn over the tral1er park opera- tion to private banda. But If Councll could not arrive at ·an arraneement which they deemed utlstactory. the tra11.r park would ~ve WQ to a publk and analyze lnlonnatlon on the u • p• k taat tour weus before doing any n 10 n 1 C ets more drllllng. and Frank L. Woodland ot New-Frank D. Moore Jr .. parta man. ,art Heights, Investment broker, ager of the Theo Robina Ford are candidates for the two places Agency, was eJected laat week aa to be tilled on the board of t:ru,s. commander of the Newport Bar- tees of Newport Harbor Union bor American Legion Post 291.. Hleh School. Others elected to serve with Money from the city oU Ia ear-Mesa's Paper marked tor harbor development. Louts Conra~ ot Westminster Commander Moore are Ralph and Dr. Horae~e Parker ot Balboa Honda. first vlce-oommander; Ken faland. Incumbent.. and Dr. Rob-lohnson. second vice-commander, ert H. Olander ot C1Uf Haven are and Jerry aree.e, th.lrd vke-oom· It Ia now belnl' used to defray A lc:ket lin Ia beln main tbe co.t of operation of the har· P . e I · bor ctepart:ment. City buclpt few tahwd in front oJ the eo.ta Mesa the _.., 01ca1 .,.. aow .,.... GIMe lletald, wben a !Mat City To Get New Budget ....... .• .. u.~;--:.:·:~~~4=-=+ ....... i~i· iAll~i~~--i]~·~ .. ;lll't~-~ ~ ..... &? I 411 to A 7 a. -. .... ea.. 0111,.._ ... -_. .._. ...... wttll Hl&h adlool electon wlU decide another term aa ~ chaplain. Paul Nlalen, Globe Herald Jlllllft'r ,.... .. •• 1 ~ to •· h Present Commander Don Munson w ether to approve a plan to was appointed adJutant. mana1er. aald that the manage. rhe • ._ ~ ....._,, ,._ rai.M the maximum rate ot achool The otticers will be Installed at ment would not at'"' a union Ia •--...... II a.m. tax "-m 75c tor $1 00 a"•"'ssed ... --· -1' uv '-"' 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. In the contract but would continue Its OfflcS.Uy tiMy .. -•ee flo valuation to $1.30 '--m July 1 -. uv • Newport Harbor American Legion put policy of paying the union 9'Mt Mcrrw DoN BW ...S -. 1955 to 1966. A sum ot 45c of tht> Hall at a joint lnnallatlon of all scale ot wages, and observing t.ld flo IMr • ..._ .. ta..uau.a tax Increase would be used for Orange County posts and auxiJ. The tentative clty budaet tor union provlslona on hours. over-flo SaD 0...,. ~ n-to achool buildings equipment and • -I• · larleA. About 800 legionnaires 1.955.56 will be submitted to the time and vacation time. be IMl4 • May a 21 aac1 JCL other capital outlay and the re and auxiLiary members are ex N-Beach City CouncU Mon-All of the union membera of 11ae JlftttY 9irla -----malnlna 10c for o tl d ...... ...,. • ..--.-• per a ng an pected to be present for the cere day evenlne, City Manaeer John the back shop went out on strike, tM U.a an prn•IC'Uft maintenance expenses ot district mony. Sailors announced 'tuesday eve-lncludJna fo~man Ray Ludl, -· ._ t.be fet.. .,.hools • ,_ .... · Commander Moore, who lives nln1 at the Park Conunta.lon owner ol a ama1J percentage ot -------------~------------at 497 Costa Mesa St.. Costa mHt.lne. stock In the corporation. Ray Ia c Ci lk Printed copies of the budJel the aon of the late R. N. (Pop) ounty ty I T Mesa. served In the u.s. Marine will be available to the public Ludl, who had owned and oper. I I 0 a Corps from April, 1942. to June. about lune 3.. and City Councll ated the Globe Herald prior to 1946. In the Pacific Theatre. He wtll call a publlc hearln1 about the present ownership. served ln the Philippines and the middle of June, he aaJd. The dlapute came to a head Over Control of Harbor Jolo Island. between the Philip. Approval of the budJet Ia alter the Globe Herald and the pines and Borneo. He was over ~teheduled for the final meetlne Arllneton Times had combined seas l9 months. leaving the serv of thla ft.cal year, Monday eve-to from the Orange Coaat Pub-County aupervt.on have lnvlt-there has been no necesalty of Ice u a stall-sergeant. n1 1 27 llahl ed Newport Beach city council. brlnl'lng It up and Is checking He served as a ifOUnd observer "I'· une . ng Co. and moved Ttmes to 1 ch I •ftd directed dive born....__ In Th ........ .-d •-1 G men a noon un eon. yet to w th the state attorney gt>neral .... , ....,.,. e pro~ bu ret .. expect. equ pment to the lobe Herald be set. to dlscua:s means ot per. tfl I close air support from the •-nt ed to call for tax lncre&8e\ for plant. 1 ° ce on state laws nvolved. 11 1 uv the library and recreation funds. L. • E. Stephenson ot the Alling. m ttinr no temporary disruption The Harbor and NavtraUon nes n the Philippines. Harbor's Play Wins Second ton Ttmea and hla aon Robert of services when the eounty takes Code ot the state ot California He Is past commander ot t he over-operation of Newport Har-determines control of harbors In Veterans of Foreign Wars post bor. the state. Final determination as 6886. now consolidated with Cos. On April 19 the Aupervtaors to which public body wtll man-ta Mesa as Coastlln~ Post 3536 adopted a resolution orderlne the age the harbor wUl depend upon VF'W. He has served as adjutant Orange County Harbor CommJs. the state code. officials have to Orange County Inter . '"-1 slon to take over complete opera. pointed out. COifJCAJm£8 NOOU: Council, American Legion. and at present Is assistant adjutant to the 21st District American lA gton and adjutant of !'lewpor1 Harbor Pos1 291. Citr •••••...... Fer s,.cial C11111 ........ . ~~ aa.id that thJa ~ble aolutJon was arrl~ at through consideration of several factors: ( 1) the clty needa money; 12) the city needs re<:rt"· atlonal fa c I I It It> s ; (31 SomP people are disturbed by tht> fl'lc:'1 that the clty Is In busln~<~ l"that both en me too," he commen1ed 1; {41 there Is a question of legality of renewing leases for thP city owned trailer park. beeau~ the- charter says that the city cannot give up by lea~ or sale any water-front property without the vote ot the people Mrs. Louis Cst'nar. chalrml'ln of tht> Park Commission said that a SPE"Cial meeting of the Commls slon will be ht'ld aome time after the City Council has consldert'd the recommendation e i'AVOa TaAD...D PUK The audience Included a largr proportion of trailer park re-sl The City of Ne-wport St-ach Is dtont.,. and many ot them spoke looking for worke,-.; to h('lp thtt up In favor of rf'talnlng the park U.S. l>t'partment Of Commerce Thtty said that the trailer park take a spt'dal C't'nsus of thf' ar't'a. I had Introduced many visitors to Work \\111 start May 23 Appl ka tlon blanks may bP obtslnt'd at the Information dP<;k ot thP City IIIIL ....... ftL.....a-.. e.- Hall Work('T"S will rf"N'he 6<-a liM .,...... VWJ• namP I The Newport Harbor High School production of "''be Pot- boiler' won .econd place trophy In the Ora.nae County tourna. ment of one-act playa held at Or· anee Cout Collep J'riday. carne down aa part owners and a1ao to work In the back.shop. Accordlltg to the union demands the Stephenaons would have had to joln the union before Mlng allowed to work in the back.!hop. The Stephenaona aald they would not join. Water Supply Kiwanis Topic Uon of the harbor. The harbor department present 1be county resolution proposal Jy functions under joint control to operate the harbor was not of the city and county. Harbor aubmJtted to the Newport Beach Master Rus.wll craig receives or. city councU by City Clerk c. K. dera trom both groups and half Priest for action. He bas claimed ot hls salary Is paid by each. Housewife Scares Intruder From Corona del Mar Home Ht'rf' is what the Newport 84?ach city charter says In Sec I tlon 1402. which requlres a pub- lit' \'Utf' on leasing property ownf'd by the city: M o o • T'hJ.a Sectioll altcall Mt la....udate cmy lMM of ..acts pi'Operty la ..tat.ac:. at tiM U.. of the ett.c:ttft de1le ol tbe a.artw DOr the fatve JeD. 1D9 01' ,..a-~ag of ..., •& Denflla Hendenon, who played the role of M.r. Sud In ''The Pot- boiler," wu awarded the trophy for outatandlnl actcw In a le&d-'1• our water supply Insured!" lnl role. A.Lio ln the cut were wtll be the topic at the noon Don Beatty, Pete Hencter.on, Car· meet.ln1 of the Newport Harbor o1 ltlne. Shirley Hourtaan. lobn Klmanla Club today (Thursday) Ee~ert. Bob MOum and Carol at the VIlla Marina Restaurant. Doane. Robert Wentz wu 41, Speaker b Boward Crooke. aecre. rector. tary-manacer of the 0 r a n.g e Anaheim Hl&h School won flnt County Water Dlatrlct. place award. }Aauna wu third. Next Thursday, May ~. Dr. CII•Jtrown of Oranp COast Col· l-ee will ahow pictures ot Burma. .... ,.., ..... , .... , .. c .... Brine your saws. hammers. rakes, shovels. or what have you. for the work party beglnnlna at 7:30 Saturday momln1 at the Youth Center Bulldlnc near the Harbor VIew School. Grant Howald, preslde_nt ot the Youth Center. says the work party will help flnlah COMtnlC· tloo of the dreaJna iooma at the ball diamond. AJ CJeme~ wtn be In char1e ot the erew. Colfee and doughnuts will be -.rved, t.D4 to ,tve eome Idea or how mud\ brew to pnpaN, call City and county ordinances have been In ~ect jointly ao h a r b o r department employees could u~~e any Jaw applicable In the put whether In county or city parts ot the harbor. Some of the harbor department employees are hired and paid by the dty and .ome by the county. Louis C. Breer Is Dead at 53 ' Lou1a C. liNer Sr.. 53. W4tU known here as a y.cht.sman and aporttl.ahennan. died Tu~ at San Gabriel Vall~ HQ8Pltal fol· Posta surpriSt'd him. Two envel opes wert> lett laying on thf' noor by tht> strong box. but nnthsng 1 was missing. pcupetty ............ at tM ef. fectift date of thla c:::a.zat.t ... The trailer park lnM'S. Mlng In eftPct bPfore the date of the Chart('r thPn>fore do not comf' undrr th(' chsner restriction. • ,, •• d ....... -............ Qp .. ~ ..... c.hf. OM. _._ .......... ___ L~,_,,c.-4ol ..... ....... -t-. L C... ...... ._., C.... .W U.r, C.l~ TtLIPHOtUS• HArt-II 14 Mill I Ill ft l:;ar( I '4 1111WIM.,.AY, MAY I&- Be Sure to · Vote Jomorrow * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * COL ANDY SAYS Selaool Tax .. liD DA,_ A. ....... wOl .. -blo -_,.,, ... and <lllrlnl ... ntnl h so.. Mr. T.P., who ,...rHentA about S4 •n ' t stons 1n Harbor Hllh b!. the taU ,...._. ltudent. wW baw to WIWIH Of THI • Thla week I take on t e a..,.n ...._ ~ of 1957. ;It all d._ tn ftw Ptrlodl CALtfOlHIA NlWSPAnl PU&.ISHUS ASSOCtAnoN and Supt. Sidney Davlct.on tor 90~ P(l( 1.&1, he can't hardly pt. 1111" ~ Q . WRAT IS "\vaoNG wrtH wtth no ebance to 1ft broad •· Jw4 ..f.._ KAtlONAI. EDfTOIIAL ASSOCI'-TON statements made by them In the that no nK'ft. And for Mr. Davtd-1 have been aniWftlne ques-DOUBLE S£SSIOMS Df HIGH l.et:Jon oliiUbjecta. OpportunttiN M¥0 L HAAIA .._ ...t ........, EMIIn last week. 1100 to "Y that h!JI plan does not ttona about llat,bot HJ&h and the SCHOOL! · 1 to.r parUcf.pe.tion In lcllool actlvt. ::..H~'iUAH ,.._ ~ Mr. Hupda. appareh ntly I you c.'!Mt one cent Of lnteretJt Ia: fu arowth cnm wbidl only the vat-A. EeryUJI.ha! PiPit' the time tiel .,.. ~ty All. ..-r L.. JOHMSON ..,.,..,...., have not ha enouc exper ence fetched, to put it mildly. ert can answer with a Yes vote schedule; llomln1 .,..lon 1 to Q. WHAT 'lfP(.ILD.THI: ROaDE SAW WlfCHill 411¥M"HM!tt. PrWittt to make you. cynleal. You are teo Wouldn't yOu , or 1• like to bof. on May 3:1. Here 11 the lut ln· U noqn; afternoon ...son 12:40 o-r RICIJ ldlooL PUPILS DO IUI"t STIVIHSON _.lo.4l...-naive. (Mebbe you could use row $4,000,000 at 2"-"'· Jlke the •tallment. . to S:40 P. K. ~ wlU M on WHO ARE rltD TO llUlf TD • • • n. NIWP'Oaf H.UIOI ENSI$N ._ ........ .,...-... ,_ M • of that, Colonei.-Ed. note.) high ~ehool dlatrlct can on & Q. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF the road hom G:OO A.M. to 8 :40 ST8.£ETS Df• 'I1IE WOitJit"'MG _,..-ef ,-.! .,......,.,. ~ lwdt~ ef "-s.,.n.. c--t .114 '1' WUJ you pleue atve ua aome ex-bond !slue? Why ture; we would "nnE VOTERS DEFEAT THE PRO-P. M. f~ reJUl&r trt,.. Danpr AND WHAT WOULD THE W::. ~:_....-a.'*:,,::~ ..:.• ,:;_WI~=;::;.~-amomeedld ~'r!ta:r:,:.~wl~ ::; !~s~~!~ ~~'!!~t :ffo~!,a\~: POSITION ¢N MAY 20th! of accident 18 increaaed in early GROUP DO WHJQI 13 PBD TO -ROJ< 'l'IIE S'MIEETS IN '1'111: iQiCXi~~~~~~~S~U~IlSC~~l~l"~'O~N~~!~~~~g~~CiXiol"not needed." Go ahead, and I'll trip to Paris. An'ERNOOIU' ~~...;::-A,..,~= = ::::--::: match you 10 to 1 with opposite In 1953 a contract waa let tor Sid Davidson AnswerS Penn, ey A. Your auea 1a the aame u examples. a high achool building for $367,· mlne. 1 predict trouble. Teen The administrators ot our tax 981. Thfl waS from savings ac. h H money have alwaya found ways cumlllated. from paat years. These Dear Colonel Smith: SOD, to aecure more efficient dla-~~ ... ave-~~~ enerJY. When .. , op e.:ntlo-... r am -ateful for your courtesy trlbatlon of Haht and powet at a ,.., ••. :nannCMIU Into worth whUe of "needlne" It and apendlng tt. aavlnga amounted to ......,.,,oo as •· actlvtU. 1 =ac:x::ccx:x:a:x:ccc:x:ai:x.Ocx:x:a:xii:ICC:JCa:X:DC:X::CCI All legislative bodies with the ol Ju.ne 30, t9S1 Question: Ia It tn permtttlne me to correct l.n more favorable electtlcal rate. bad t 1tn&Y be dt..ud Into power to tax know that lt'a lllOft! crlcket to accumulate that your column the erroneous and ln addJtlon to the contractl Jd 0:, n th! lona nan It THE SCHOOL ELECTION dlftlcult to levy a new tax than amount ot money Instead of re. ml8leadlng Information given to there were major eoct ltemt of cou eoet uae eomnuanJty • ••. , •• ,.,lit Ia to continue one In 101ft, 10 dudng the tax rate? Thi.J: amount the prospectlv• voters by Attor. a rchitectural fees and furnla.hlna more not to provide a new htah There 's en importent election tomorrow, in case yo0',g••~•n+•l they fl a way to "need IL" plus what we had comlne from ney George Penney. and equlpptnr the buUdlnJ. On achool then to provide on•. heerd. This peqe 2 of the Ensign is crammed fairly full of • • ._....._CE the state 111&4,000), plus other (1) Mr. Penney'• tlrst point J une 30, 19M only 153.816 had Q. WHY MOT WAIT Al'fonJER R d h II d d 'd f If 8 t "~ e t te ---ooo ld h deal• with hla ob1--1on to what beoen spent on theM projedll and YEAR 1'0 VOI'E FtlNOS! about it. ee t em e lin ec• e or yourse . u ~;~e sur o vo · y r faith in the preaent k'hool lnrome (...., ) rou av~ car. ~... A. W b II 1 .. •" h 1 r th 1 h he calla a "$.10 administrative the remaining coets .had to be e cannot have any d•l&y Here's the woy I'll be merking my "' ot: and their admJnlstraton r , .... esc 00 or at year w t · tax." He haa lleaned from the borne from the 1609,788 balance and have buUdJnp ready by Hig h school t&x ........................ -.................. -................... -............... Yes stoppln& the collection ol thll out any tax. 1 h hl&h •·hoot budget that the which Mr. Penney has 80 trl-i957. Und« C'UJ'ftnt condltlona •t ' R c ~ 01 da h J eeded a He-e Is an Instance o avlng -. k r OCC Trustees ............... -....... Or. Horllce Pen:e r, Or. OUOilrt an r w en no onger n m Y amount used for "adm.lnlstra. umphantly discovered. ta es a year to complete n ......... r be II f d.. • • half way the money on hand, cricket or 1 --·-H igh School trustees ................ leslie Steffensen, Or. Edw,rd Milum e oun · u.. otherwise, and the tax rate was Uve .. costs wa.s only $25,0t6 an. Jt should here be said that our P annlnr Including IUbmtaSon h I H D p throu&h the tO-year period ot the nually and he cannot understand Board of Trustees felt quite hap. of plans to C&llfoml& DIYlalon ot Newport elementary sc oo trustee ....... .............. ervey · eese tax, the present members ma y not ~uced. Just anothf'r Jn. Sch 1 PI nn1 d • • o • why the addltlona.l tax l.S needed py that It could conHruct and oo a na an Dlvlakm of 11 be stance of "needing'' tt. .._ .. 1 a gone. to bolster this Item. equip such a fine bulldln& with-"'·""'" tectu~ for approval. It wUJ e THE CITY TRAIL.ER. PARI( Bitter ~xperlence teaches me to e SPUTI'DfG TB'E DISTB.ICT It fa dltflcult to be1leve that out requesting a t that time any take another year to erect bull(l. let'-s get the city o ut of the treiler park business · · · out of believe that the taxpayer can .be There Is ronslderable talk Mr. Penney has misread all of additional help from the tupay. lnp aft@!' plana ,are approved. competition ege.in\t the businessmen of our city. assured that 11 he votes hlmselt. about aplltttng the district. and I the Information put out by the ers. Q. What would be done wfth Th<!!t's the relll issue in this dispute. If the members of our City Into this trap he b there lor the think that with the fabulous In-Citizens Committee. Alao lf Mr. Mr. Penney ahould know also the 33 acres owned by the Hlch · h · t ·r ~ b duration llO yea.rs). • crease In b~'Jdlng In Costa Mesa. Penney Is · a registered voter tn that school districts do not re. School near the present plant It Council ere inclined not only to contonue t e coty re1 er P"' · ut I challenge your statement that whl•h will •esult In the ln-ea•• a It Is b 1 ed h ,_ • .... ..... the H&.rbor District he must have c-eive any tax funds In any fiscal new s e o ta n at Air also to spe11d" great de"l of fe•pe.yers' money to improve it, let I em you believe this over.rldlng tax of ••••••ed value, that o--a 1 1 .. ,.. --"'-........,,,. received a copy CJf the e. ect on year bt!fore the distribution or · stand up lind be counted on this question: How ce.n they justify the to be the "most econom ical means Mesa would be smart to go for lt. notice distributed by B. J. Smith, taxes In ~mber. H Is thus A. The proposal Is to trade It city competing against priv.,te enterprise? of paying tor a h igh school." Yo u UoweveT, If we tie ourselves up Clerk ot Oranre County, In eom. necessary to have rather a large back to the Irvine Company at ! can heer the e.nswer now. MO NEY! How cen the city pais up write Interestingly on this sub. in this over ride tax It would pllance with the Jaw. whlc:h dis. reserve in order to meet expenses aome future date when 11: will ject because you are not ham. """mpll•ate t.hlng•. to' •'ay the 1 ''h ,.me In •·ade a 1 h h f ' M t · · f It · th f t th 1 ...... ... UnctJy states n part e ~· a nd keep out of the red from .. aree enoug sue en ee.sy source o revenue. os surpr1\mg o " 1S e <!!C "' ...-.ed by fact or Information. lea•t. It 1 th r . f c .. h h ld ,..~. malnlng $.10 to be used for oper. July 1 to January 1 ot any tlsclll I e n e ...... rona del Mar area this argume nt come s from some o ou r own ousineumen, w o s ou Maybe you are hypnotized by M•. Davt•··n w ill not be to· IL for a •"t·• hi h h 1 It hi h • U3V • a llng and maintenance expenses year. Jn Newport Harbor Union u• ,.. g Be oo s e w c be dedicoted ebove 6'!1 to the pre~erva1ion of our W<!IY of life, which Mr. Davidson's arguments, but I rt you were bu ilding an empire, of the school of said District." No High School the Board hu been wtll bt> needed In 10 yeara. It Is is bosically thet of privt~te initietive ef'!d enterprise. You cen't compro· have a feeling that the majority would you welcome a suggestion mention 11 made of the word very proud' of the fact that It ha.s estimated th'at this wtll serve the mise fh"t principle. e.ny more then you cen cleim special exemption of the voters are not. to split your empire and have "administrative." never at any time operated In area of mcNit iapld population ln. from the Golden Rule ... iust this once , thet is. • AT'TEJI'DAXCE UP N7 ha lt of It taken away from you? Actually the tot.al bud&£1 for the red. crea.ae next to be felt. Our school attenda nce history Mr. Davidson ......-. a nd an. atlng and ma lntenan-ex · n WHY SHOULD PEO~E TAX I don't li~e the ide., of the city in the trail er pllr~ business. I eed ........-~ oper ~-= · A number of other point. of -..... b h , not bear you out on n · swers the question why the tlmt> penses for the current year Is objection to our program have T H ~ M SEt. V E S TO PROVIDE wouldn't like the city in the newspeper usineu eit er, or I lng a third high school 10 years honored. tested, cheapest and $625.779. The $.10 tax to augment beoen brouaht to me by lndlvldU· SCHOOLS WHEN TilEY HAVE e hordwere store, or e department store, or Vllriety store, or printing from now. In t.he last 10 years at. fairest method or ,f 1 nan c In g , this total operating cost Is necK-als who said that they were NO CFnLDREN' TO A'M'END business, or ree.l est<!lte office, or trllnsfe r and storoqe business, O<i t••nda nce has Increased 947, just na mely bonds. was not selected sary because of the tumendous raised by Mr. Penney. It Is qutte mEM? sovings end loen association. W ould you 1 lOO • yf'ar. for school tlnandn~. Mind It I Increase In enrollment and the lnterestlnr that each o1 theae wu A. Here It the aMWf'l" which r _ t 1.1. . t . t . L . • t 1-.. -~ Let's not Jose sight ot the fact give you my dJaenoeis on that resultant need of more teachers. aa eaally vanq"'-he4 u the two should really aMWft' all at the ~-~ · ~pe I 1on egerns prt"'4 e cusmess---a any ,.v... there are three tacton tied quertlon? It Is my .-udied opln· telrtbooka and otber fundamental whJCh went ~ed 1n tbla let. queeUona: city. county, stete or fecler~JJ-.is ,...._, fair ~titblo. TNt lied on tbJa .atutloa.: l.11nc!reaae lon aa an espert on human be. COftt o( 8C:baol operadoQ. ft .. to _.L lt .. quite •lcnlflcant that at The .Anl.c!lican toqn ot pvern.1 business is never hompered by the embt~rressing f~teh of economic In population; 2. bu:reaaed u. hav1or (psyr:hology to you) .thet be hoped tbat no friend or public: no Ume hu Mr. hnne'y NIIP'Oftd· ...t .. • _....,. ODt. ~ reality, nomely eccounting for ell the reel e•penses <!lge intit the oper· ses.sed valuation ; 3. Increase In they, the perpetraton. were a.trald education will be conf\llt'd by ed to lnvttatlon• to meet w1th Ulli:ed onb' aboMt -JwDctr.d otion end me~ing it pey its own wey. they come In that the people would not vote the thle totally mllleadlnc 1tatement ettller the writer or the Harbor and alxty efrftt ~ aao. the Now, a~ for the mllller of money: The situetion is not lis ble"~ 66 ll3c;\ majority which'-nece.-on the part of Mr. Penney. High Cltluna Committee to dl• United Stattt: of .Amerlca hu Last year we had an Increase sary to pau a bond Wue. So (2) Mr. Penney Is correct that cuss his varloul ob~lona. emerred u foremost In wor1d liS the city treiler perk chompions meke out. It need not be "' dead a~ valuatio,p ot just they came up with this tax over. at the end of the ft..ca.l year ~~ ~· bll leadership and materlal proareu. loss to the city if thet eree. would be mllde int o e public bething of 8 million dolla rs. I don't ride, which requires only a slm. 54 there waa on hand a Newport I cla.e with a plea. to pu c Ouf foundtnc fathert envlllon. beech. There's o lot of be~ch ev<!lil.,ble, end also " loi of a reo """I. thin> I em o ut of line i.n predict. pie majority. H bar Union Hleh School bat. minded citizens to consider weU ed a way Df lUe In which people f h b h h h b d f , . 'th 1. that next ye ar the Increase ar of ..:no.788. Durin& the years that the dtl~nshlp development would have *'Ual opportunltletll o I e eec w ic cen e U\e or panlnq--w1 par mg m'"""·l :::·~. e OPPOSE 'QUICKIE' PLAir ance .......,..., f th f·-ed by our ·• • be greater. and In predicting of smaller enrollments and teaser 0 our you as ._,er and the utmo.t meuure of lib· The city con !eMe the e ntire \ife to some prive te individuel or orgeni· that In 10 years this Increase will At the risk of being repetitious operaUne costs thb balance was p ublic schools Is much more tm. erty-They fo«saw that the zetiof'1, on ~ competitive bid besis, a nd receive income from a per· reach 80 rnUlion In view of Pf6 -It's o.k., I looked It up-baaed painfu.Uy accumulated and nuf-portant to our cou~'!YI ththan 1 ~-e problem of c 0 n t 1 n u 1 n I thl..s centoge of gro\s receipts. ent bu ilding program which adds on many Interviews there Is no turPd. lew pennies lnvotv~ n • ... American Way of Lite, in which up this yea.r to 30 million In cos. one, but no one, oppoeed to What Mr. Penney overlooka Is sue. U voters will do thla thlely the ldeat. unci« which the na· • • • e TENURE The c<!lse of the dismisse.l of Theodore Neff es principel of Everett Red School in Cost<!! Mese. puts the spotlight on the topic of teecher le'lure. The Co\te Mese E!ementory School trustees voted not to hire Mr. Neff fer the coming school term, beceuse the.t would h.,ve given him te nure. There we re mony sleunch supporiers of Mr. Neff, testify- ing b his ouhtending "cedemic e.bilities. lf thet is indeed the cose. it would h<"Jve been well th"t the trustees could hove releined him- end at the some time reteining the privilege of dismissing him. I cen't apprecie.te the erguments for tenure. I believe leochers should h.,ve the cbligo li c'l s end privileges of employee~ in privete business; in o ther words. their cont inued employment should depend upon doing the ir job soti~fe.ctorily. This is even more impodent in leeching than in private business, bec<!luse 1eechen ere dee.linq with our most valu· able commodity-future citizens. Ldtus ta Mesa alone. schools. But they are opposed to the fact that at the close of the will c:erta,lnly .. appear at the po s tlon wu founded, depended on • NOltE PBEDJCTJIIfG this "quickie" plan for flnanclne tlacal year contract. bad been let and vote 'Yes on May Xlth. Ita clttz.ens. I'll do a little more predicting. them. Our people have become for the construction, ot a Home Sincerely, American cltl.zena must be Based on put performance, t he quite tax conscloua only because Arts building at a cost of $341.· SIDNEY H. DAVIDSON, taueht to read and write and cal. present figure of 27.000 parcels ~!.::~ !~~t:!":re!~:: c~~!~~ 481 and for development of elec. Superintendent, Newport Rubor culate; to think out for them- will Increase to 43.500 In the n~xt trtcal facil ities, a t a cost of $26.· Union Hlah School Dlatrlct. aelves how to make importa nt 10 years, and to 60.000 parcels In back. 1 rec:kon from the fore&D-declalona In both ·private and the next 20 years. ln view of this lng you c::an guen how 1 will public: llte. Is there any sense to our paytng vote. u. however. there Is still a George Penney Writes Again The American system of public for a school, cash on the barrel question In your mind I'll tell Khools provided the a nswft. To head, for the undeveloped area.s. you I'll vote no, a nd s uggest tha t Dear Colonel Smith : pcwltlvely that the 45c tax wUJ each community was left the re. Instead of by a bond issue over you do the same, come Friday. Since W11tlng you last wHk, J prOduce In ten yean: $3,950,000. spon.Biblllly of buUdlne and p fd. 20 to 25 years In which we will e TBJS WEEK'S WOifDEB h ave had several t elephone calli Thla tlrure Ia a deflnJte under. lnf Ita own achools. all participate. t think It would ls the new Upper Ba y anneJ~:a· from the supporters oi the 55c ltatement and the proponehts of The problem of rapid JTOWth be morally wrong fM us to be tlon coming Into our city without over.rlde tax, ac::cuslng me of dfs. this plan Rate that they were haa not been coftflned to our crowded Into t his tax over.rlde a.Mumlng its share of the d ty'l tortlne fprtl. PennJt me to say required to under..ftttmate be-community. Many have been hit deal. bonded lndebted.nesa? that all of the figures which I cauae of Sectlon 6355 o( the Edu-much worse and have been Now see here. Mr .. Davidson. By ANDREW w. SMinL 1 ave you tn my commu.nlc:atlon cation Code, which hN &baolut& called upon to tax themselves In Your sta tement that the tax over-of May 9th came from the Stat!• IY nothln& to do with the amount IUch ~ u to make U)e May ride will "not cost one cent of tical Report of Oranre Co11nty. that would be r&.lled by the pro-20 progTam In Newport Harbor Interest" sounds real aood 11 such L PI 1 shall not dimity my aceus-poMd tax. teem tutant.ncanL were the case. Interest Ia Inter. eague ans era by lndulclngln peraonallttes. t believe those In hl&h placet: Moet other communities have esttnr to practlcally everyone. r teeJ that any petl6n,' whether have a moral obligation to ac. met the chaiJence to their cJtJ. celve their gliU: and member. we are a11 borrowers or, Jenden, Annual Meet he hold& public office or not, c:uratety •tate facta 1n matten or unship hancUornety-In our own ships. The sad thing Ls-thla paytng tnt~ or collecting lt. ahould be v...... cautloua an4 care--ave lm-· .. --·• .. •·-1 to county look at Fullerton, Gar1Sen Your Red Cross has a serious ·-., •· rv•._..,..., ..,_ • .._....... G Dear Editor: problem: year we did not have enough Whichever you are doing, the In-ful 1n etvtnr facta to the public. their c:oDitltuenU. I alnc:erely be-rove, 1nd Anaheim. All have house.to..houae workers. U you rate averaae Is 6% or more. The Freedom Tax:payen Ll"a. 1 was p~nt when one of the lleve that thll t. not a question taxed them.elva much peatft' The fu nd campaign has reached only 70% of Its goal. have not had the opportunity to TADATEJI'S I'UGIIT gue, lnc .• representlne the New· speaktn for tb.t. propoattlon mt. of who la rilht. but What 18 rfaht. In otdet to keep tht'lr .c::booll give, or have alrea dy &fven and A veT}' bleh percentage ot peo. port. Balboa Vlata homes In eo.ta ed publicly that the tOe WQ Jot up to ltandard. Any businessman knows one feel you can Increase your gllt. are maklnc monthly pay. Mesa. an.nounces a paid member-a4n:rln11tratlon COlla. 1 haw ln Vf't'1 al.ncer'tiy youn, Let's not taU the Amftiean cannot carry on a business with. will you please mall your &llt on homes, can or fumlah· 11hlp of over .00. This means a to. rny ~IM a drcul&r ltatlna GIX>RGE PEI(NEY, Way-Vote Yea on Mq 2). out tunds. Red Cross Is your bus-today. It may be ,..our IJte that 01 maybe all three. 1bere-tal ol aboUt ROO tup.aye-s Q aU :.::::....:.=:=:::.::::.::::.::::.::::.::::.:.=:::..:=-:_ ____________ J I ness a nd you are also the c:us-saved through one of these I«Y· Mr. Taxpayer will be paylnl membftahip. ClO'W'I' a man and f • tomers. Your donations provide Ices. Sincerely yours, on the money that he wife .. hou.ebolden.. A Letter rom MacCarter the fu nds nec:essary tor Red cross MARK SODEN. over to pay this blah ''We are IMklnc a ha.U lartf: lOG I mr 1111111 •••PIJu• we ll as others. EVELYN 600 b ld al · •··----•--wtn would be ulna that ao we can o our annu 1 certaJn.ly aptNdate-d the flne the h.tl1 treatment: ._. ... QQ' ~ be olfered to serve you and your fa mily u ~~~C~h~a~p~t~er~~:~~•:: I ~~~f~~~~ tax. becauae he enoueh to hold a minimum of Deu Col. Andy[ heart. .. ADd I have come Jn ror Your Red Crou chapter tau1ht Fund CAmpaign to reduc. his debta, on membetthtp meetlne." V. E. Mae-letter of Gtorae Penney tut WINk The proponent& ot tbla ctt.lu)' at Oran.re pout Collete far a 9,000 c:hlldren In 1!1Wim C::l&Me& he .. paylnllnter.l:. Cart•, prellchnt o1 the lope, and<tlltnlr: he Prett7 weU CIOYI'J"ed DOtb.lft.l of the new Catholk: tJ.x.'ffMk poeilod &om lun• J0 to Iut year, How many lives did Prtllloe .. Pllta Let'a follow tbta ~ Cherot-&1\J\OUMIL "'Out annual meeUna the matter, but perbap. 1 can lcbool to be b\!Ut Jona belen ·lut,' 21. Dr:. luU H • ..._ __ thl8 aave! attJ known u T.P.), 'Wb6, ,...... la to be held dUrlnJ the tint add acae C1tbft polnU be dJ4 not this 10 ynn. 1e up aac1 wb&t,... ,pnelderrt,. umou:nc-.. Your Red Crou supplied 7,511 ••••• U, .. 111.. "Y· hU Pf"(Jper\y aeurud at 13.· WMk of luae Mel!. J'ftJ' -.net tbe ......., out N : Ute '"tax cnw...ride" Uef aw. w111 aerw fM ..ap Ct •-.,. opea to all wt1o pinta ot blood to the bol:plta.la 1n 000 (tbat la unci« the aVItap). exact day, t1JM and. p1aoe ...W drtal, ect.eot • · haft rlrt•• 1a1e1t ldr.ool • Orange County lut )"e&r, at no. Part of a non..xpiOIIve m&l· U\il valuaticm b.e dNit ,_,-be aJlftOUftOid U 100ft M &r• ODe of tbe thiDp tllat .... ...... m.tjile ell ...,. ...... 11 ,_. al ... • oldlf, emt to "the patient& for the blood. netic practice miM wubed u.P on a yew oo UU. Oftf.dk ranpnMntl ~ ttJ comp~ b eJU_. .......... a "'Wa c rv-o&IJir itdel b.ft ldlnll a1 rr.. -"-all tiiiD '-Mid BOW' ftlf.nY llvN did tbJa aave? the rna.ln beach, Corona del Mal, end ct 10 ,...,. tt wUJ • meetbtC plaeit." ta tbe a.re.j ., the ..,.,... U4 ~ eo._ JIQJIIII _, 11: 11 Do ._!..-..toll-. ftaal .... Your Red CroM chapter tauaht poJke at l'fewport reported at amount to l1t& Row tbe tnterwt In an ..,.._.. UWI'tlftl of U. tcamblll. no bo&411 W ......,. ---.... ..... 111 ..... 1111 -.. ...,. ,._ ,_ II J.OOO people ln nrat aid cla.~~ea 6:55 p.m. Prlda,y. It wu •PSW· eompou.n4ed aanuaUy w1lJ total board ol A«:b:NI 11.,: • OM od8 of tbe "ptwbuCal" ·of t1a11 ..........,.., tM ....._ " ~~~ I && .. I p.a fa. IQt year. How many Uvu did ently cut loote by pur.e 1tl,..... •• ln lO ,_,. (W. wiD be ~ ~ Cl' ••• for vkloue deaL A .. ...... • M fit', t~m•w!'' .POlkesatd. a.. than If tt ... c.'!II:IIDf'OWtMd ec11oo1 boad -• Mil uw ua.. .,_..who br...a. a....,.. ~~ ~ "::' = '-& .,._. ..,. Oftly a few ot the lt wu ~~ u two 1M ta. bll .U.... deM&). ant-.W¥ _. _. lin. ..._. ....... 11111r stu& ifllllr fallt -Ull ,... .... _.,:~~~=:::::~:: -"" ··--,_"' tona. u ._ tn 4..-. 1110...,""" t110 to-1.,__l ,._e. 1110--_,_.,,. '' ~~~-to -...,..,.. ---,.,... ... a.. J&lt..,...,. Can ~MoJntH bladt and ,..uo... wttll T,.wUIIM.._. ot. 'ftul:111 Ill tM a.ta liMe Nd .. ..., ______ ~=-~ ...._ jtll:a At£ 4' L ,._ ... ._." ......... without aJ\7 of &f'IDa .ltidrtnl out ometa.lt at • .... ........ ., .. ...,. .. , ................... Cit.., ...... ,, ( p -.... n .. -·. ::.wo'rsf tbe!IMJ_..__...., e.... ...... -..... _,. W'-llr•-•lllo-.... ....,...,..,.,&Ill.... Y ... -.una. .,_.._ ... _..__ .,._---........ pta. "'ft Dlpot W"eN told to NdUrll tt. .._,_ .... tlte bel&-... II fill 'ft ••• Ill-.. apart 0... ..... led d II ... _.. Pi 'If Fr rt II 1,llijS"t; .. a•IT 71¢b .... a .. -... ,.. ............... 1NliP>o JuttducfrWJ'OQ ... tt.Mifw .......... ~ hawtllrtl, I el ,7,w•t 1.... ..... • zS' • • • • ·. Four out.ltandlq homel tn bJee In 1M Anpell. whleb 1a a Bay Shoree, Lido Ill• and Jf.w. Delta Gamma lorority pbUaA. port wtU be opi'IM(l for a COW' d\ropy. O( hoiDee to be 8pOMONd Prtday, TM wW be MrVed In the pink May 7'1, by the Oranp County Bermuda r.n.trwula baytront Chapter ot Delta Gamma S«or. borne ol Mr. and Mn. c. S. Bro- lty Alumnae. kaw, w!Mre the ba.t.eaM wtll be The pufPOM of the tea, K · Mn. B. 8. Baron. Mn. Jack HU- oordlnc to Mql. Hlll&ren, Pfeil· dnth. Mrs. Walt« L Spleer. dent, ls to rabe tuncla to beneftt Mrs. Frank ·Everett and Mrs. R. th-e DU1RJ'Y ec:hool tor blind ba-R. Davenport, all of the Harbor ;:===========;;;;. area. PretldJnc at the tea table . wlll be Mrs. H. Payne Thayer, Dr. RoDCild Wood.. D. C. Mn. Davenport and Mrs. Walter H~R HEALTH SERVICE COMPIZJ'E DIAGNOSIS 6 PHYSICAL S. Spicer from the Harbor area. At the Lido bayfront home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Kreleer. which II bullt of bouquet Canyon Stone a n d decorated In the Far Eastern motlf. toea] hostesses wl11 be Mrs. John Glass, Mrs. '1'II!:RAPY DEPT. John Carson and Mrs. Charles _. •..,.n aMI. Eaton. ,llewpoat .._. The spacious provincial home ..._ ... ot Mr. and Mrs. W11llam Bauer ':····=···ii~ of Bay Shores will ~ve Mrs. John M. Thomas. Mrs. Edward Jarvt. and Mn. Freema n Fowler u Harbor Area hostesses. while creetlna euest.s at the Chinese modern home ot Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Gundrum of Bay shores wtU be Mrs. Richard Loveland, Mrs. Arthur Aune and Mrs. H. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Payne Thayer. Tour of the homes will be conducted by the Delta Gamma hostesses between 1 :30 and 5 p.m. IE II UPIDLSTEIIII No'. A-25661 ~~!!!~!!!!~~ .OTICZ TO CBE.DITORS ESTATE OF JOHN FRED HOL- MAN. al110 known u JOHN F. HOLMAN. DECEASED. :, .. , , , , 1. YO lit .•, • : •'" I t •.• , •,. NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN to the cred.ltors of a nd a ll persons having claims against the said decedent or said Ktate to rile them with the necessary vouch era tn the otnce or the Clerk of the Su~lor Court of the State of Callfornla. in and for the County of Orange. or to p~nt the same, with the necessary vouch- ers, to the undersigned at his or her place of business. to wit: Ella M. Lewis. c/o Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. 2721 Eut Coast Hlg)l. way. Corona del Mar, Calltomla. within six months after the first publication of this notice. Da ted April 29. 1955 ELLA M. LEWIS Administratrix ot the Estate of aald decedent. Ralph M. Myers. Jr., 2721 East Coast Hiahway, Corona del Mar, Call1ornJa, Attorney for Admtru- stratrix. Pubu.h: May s. 12, 19, ~ ·~~;;;;;~;;;~;;;~~ln~tlile:: JCewport Bubo~' ........ STROOT'S . HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Applicmcea ~ Paints 1a ~ a~..s.. u a..ua eona ..... A-1 PLUMBING IPECIA''DI Df U.ADIS J)cry & Ki9M Wert....._. .,.oder11 ,_., Toeh fof s.-a SlM StopJN9•• L • R LJBEBT'l 1-1551 eWIS 055 ~-= Metro coaches travel thousands of milea every day in the year, providing tranapor- tation to 125 buay 10uthland communitiea. ¥etro, and probably lllOA of Xeb'o'a riders, tOOt judie their perlormaoce on 8 important pointa-which we· c:onaider the "indiapenaablea'' of satisfactl>ry service. ThtH ~aN: (1) 1A11YY (2) 11010 MAINTINANCl OfTIMI~ ....t (I) PASIIJt-COWOin Duri~ the put two yean 2t& new modern "air auapenaioa" buMI ba,. beea added to the Metro fteet. They have what it talc• to do the job. 1Un.,.... L V. Tefft. formerly of New-A Clanifi~ Ad in Th. iMJ~ port Beach, hu moved from btinqs immediate reJults! C4il thand]er Plaot to Bedc SL in Harbor 1114--1 11 5 end orove it I lfort.h Hollywood. Sprlnc replenahlnc of the Thrlft Shop will oceur on May 25 when Harbor a,..a ma&ons wtll be Invited to brine a bundle ol discarded clothea a nd attend the annual Aaststance Leacue Bundle party. Th I• year's tete wUl be a eoftee-bruncb to be held at the Learue'a eoclal rooms in New· port from 10 a.m. to noon. WASTE rHE You bri.Dq the laundry We do the work ••• New Low Prices UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .. 3511.:.. c..t .wy. C....MlM• WASHEREIIE Christ Church by the Sea was =i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(ac:rou~~itn.~~Jiaa~··~>iii~ the !ICt'nto of the recent weddl~ 1 aDOLV'I'IO. WO. Gl7 between the former Miu Dolores LUilan Nutter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J06eph Nutter of Costa Mesa, a nd Glenn Calvin Moore. son of Mrs. Arlta Moore ot Los Angeles. SAVEWMA Flllllr'a PtllcJ N!~h!:;';!n-:!the BRUCE MARTIN LEGAL KOTJCE Board of Trustees of the New· IUTI-nUCI-ME-UFE of 1941," and all amendments port Beach Elementary School thereto. being Sections 8300 Dl.strtct ot Oranee County, CaJJ. LOCAL AGENT A RESOLtmON OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING I1'S IN-TENTION TO ORDER THE CLOSING UP. VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF T BAT CERTAIN PUBUC HIGHWAY. BEING PORTIONS OF BROAD STREET BETWEEN SANTA ANA AVENUE AND CATA- UNA DRIVE IN THE CIT\' OF NEWPORT BEACH. COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAU· FORNIA. through 8331 of the Street. and fornia, will receive btds up to 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. COST A MESA ~fG:r~~=-Code of the State ot and tncludlne 2:00 P.M. on the OFFICE: Uberty 8-M!Sf RES. Llber1:y 8-SOS3 SECTION 3: The Street Super-27th day of May, 1955, at the of-~iiiiii:iii~iiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~ The City Council of the City of Newport Beach. f.u rsuant to the provisions of the 'Street Vacation Act of 1941," a nd all amendments thereto. being Sec t i o n s 8300 through 8331 of the Str~ts and Highways Code, does hereby or- dain. resolve and declare as fol- lows: SECTION 1: That the public Interest and convenience require the closing up and abandonment of that certain public highway, belne portions of Broad Street be· tween Santa Ana Avenue and Catalina Drive as shown upon a map of First Addition to New port Heights recorded In Miscel- laneous Maps. Book 4. Page 94. records of Orange County. Call-foll'lla, and It ls the intention of the City Council of t he City of Newport Beach to order the foJ. lowing described property In said City of Newport Beach. County of Orange. State of Calltornla. to be vacated, closed up and aban. doned. to w it : Parcel 1: lntendent of the City of Newport fiot of aaJd School Dl.strlct. at I Beaeb shall cause to be posted which time said bhu wlll be conspicuously a1one the Une of opened and read tor the rurntab· th~ certain public h lehway pro-lng of the foUowina• posed to be vacated. not more . . ... than 300 feet apa rt but not less 1. Custodial Supplies than three in all, ~otlces of thto 2. Electrical Supplles vacation Of satd fubllc blgbway. 3. Nurse's SupplJes Said notices sha l state the prep-Said lterfla to be furn ished in aratlon of thls Resolution of In-tention and the time and place accordance with spec.iUcatJoa.a of the hearing of all persons In-therefor now on file in the otflce terested In or objecting to the of saJd School Dlstrlct. located at proposed vacation of said certain 1400 Clift Drive Newport Beach public hlehway. • • SECTION 4: Notice Is hereby California. g iven that the City Council or The successful bidder must de t he City of Newport Beach does liver said items by July 10. 1955., hereby fix Monday. the 13th day Each bid must be accompanied of J une, 1955, at the hour of 7:30 by a certified check, or bond In P.M. of said day, In the Council ' j Chambers of the City of New-a sum equal to 590 of the bid; port Beach, located In the City said check to be made payable to 1 Hall of the City of Newport the Newport Beach Elementary I Beach. as the tlme and place for School District. and shall guar hearing aU persons int~ested In or objecting to the pro~d va-antee that the bidder will enter cation of said public h ighway; Into a contract should his bid and the said City Council of the be accepted. said City of Newport Beach at The Board of Trusteea reserves !!l~et~~e ~f~~r~~a~y w!~yhe;:r~~ the right to reject a ny and all Interested tn the vacation of said bids and to waive any irregular-~ public highway heretofore de-lty therein. scribed. Dated: This 9th day of May. SECTION 5: This Resolution of 1955. Intention shall be publlshed at NEWPORT BEACH ELEMEN least once In the Newport Harbor · Ensign. a newspaper or general TARY SCHOOL DISTRICT. circulation. printed. published Harvtoy D. Pease, a nd circulated In the City of Oerk of the Board of Trustees VAN'S CLEANERS * * * '}30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY WORK" e DRY CLEANING e KNIT BLOCKING e DYEING e HAND PRESSING e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTERATIONS, REPAIRING * * WE FEATURE * Carelli Hlll11iac ef Ill * DELICATE FAJiaiCS * lEADED cmd. LACE GAJlMEln'S * ....... HA 6352 Pick .. _. Delhery Senioe * OpeD 8 CUD. to 5:10 p.m.. Saturday. 1-2:30 p.m. 308 E. Cocmt • .,., ....... ~ laUr. ea.... del ... Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1. Block 12. as shown upon a ma p of Tract No. 27 recorded In Miscellaneous Maps. Book 9, Page 26. records of said Orange County; thence east- erly a distance of 14.14 feet to a ~t of tntenedion Newport Beach, and said publl-Publl&b. May 12 19 1955 · utl~~all be madeprlor~the ~~~~·~~~~·~;·~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ date set for the hearing of all persons interested tn or object- Ing to the proposed vacation. wtth a liM lYfnc northeut- erl)' ot. D&rallel to. and cJJs. tant 10 feet from the north- easterly lin~ of said Lot 1; thence southeasterly a long said parallel line to the point of Intersection with the north- easterly prolongation of the southeasterly line ot said Lot 1; thence southwesterly a long said northeasterly pro- longation to the most easter- ly comer of said Lot 1; thence northwesterly a long the northeasterly line of said Lot 1 to the point of begin- ning. · The above and foreaoln& R.es-oluUon ollJrtetloO No. a77 wu duly pueed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City CouncU ol the City of N~rt Beach. held on the 9th day of Mar. 1955. by the following roll cal vote. to wit: AYES. COUNCILMEN: Bennett. Wilder. MacKay. Stoddard, Hie ble. Rldderhot. Hill. NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None. DORA 0 . HlLL. Parcel n: Mayor. Attest: C. K. Priest. City Clerk. Publish : May 12 and 19. 1955 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 5, CEitTIFlCATE OF ltJSIKESS Block 21 . as shown upon said Flctltioaa FinD !fame map of First Addition to THE UNDERSIGNED do herE.'by Newport Heights; th ence certlfy that they are ronductlng northwesterly a lo n g t h e southwesterly line of said a pharmacy business at 3127 Block 21 to the most south-East Coast Highway, Corona del erly rorner of Lot 1 of said Mar, California. under the fictl Block; thence northerly on a tlous firm name of Corona del tangent curve, concave to the Mar Pharma.-v and that said east and having a radius of ~J 50 f~t to a point of tangency finn Is romposed of the follow In the northwesterly line of lng persons whose names In full said Lot 1; thence south-a nd place of residence are as tot- westerly along the 110uth-lows. to-wit: westerly prolongation of the sald northwesterly line a dls-G. H. Pelrsol. 600 Acacia Ave .. tance of 10 feet to the begin-Corona del Mar. Calif. nlng of • curve. concave to Eleanor C. Pelrsol. 600 Acacia the east a nd having a radius Ave .. Corona del u a r, Calif. of 50 feet; thence southerly i .. along satd curve to a point WITNESS our hands this 26th of tange ncy In a line lying day of AprU, 1955. southwesterly of. para1lel to, G. H. Pelraol and d istant 10 teet from the southwesterly line of said Eleanor C. Pelrsol Block 21; thence southeaster-STATE OF CAUFORNIA ly alone aa.ld parallel line to COUNTY OF ORANGE a polnt of Intersection w ith ss. the southwesterly prolonga -0 28th d tion of. the aoutheuterly Hne N THIS ay ol April. of at~mentloned Lot 5; 1955, before me. a NotAry Public thence northeast~ly along In and for said county and statt'. said southwesterly prolonga-residing therein. duly commls- Uon a distance of 10 feet to the point of bednnlng. stoned and sworn. personally Said pubUc hlgnway to be va -appeared cated. eloeed up and abandoned G. H. Pelnol and Eleanor C. Is mo~ clearly ahown on a cer-Pelrsol. taln map approved and adopted known to me to be the penons bl the City Council ot the City 0 Newport Beach tot ald vaca-whose names are subscribed to tlon, cloQna up and abandon-the within instrument. and ac- mept. by ret10lutlon dated May 9, lmowledied to me that they exe- 1955. and ctestenated "tteeolutton cuted the aame. No. 4328," whldl A id map Is on .,.~., ""' hand and oftl-flle In the ofttce of tbe Ctt:Y Clerk "• "'~ .. .., ot the City ot Newport Beach. ctal lftl. lief~ lJI hereby made to aaJd Mary A. Haapa map for tutthe' pUtkulan u to Notary Publk: ta and for said ~~~~~~=~ County and State.• · bllbway. UHI Mid map 1a made My eorn.nu..1on e:xplra Juq a part _of thJII 1'80!uUon to tbe 11, 1955. .arne 0tetrt and ~ u ~ Publlab: Ma.J 5, 12, 1i, » tbe aame ,.... herebl lnealpent· ed ln full. SEICftOlf 2: Tbat tJut pi'D Cll I 11\1* for the c.laUq up aDd aMa- cJonment of tiM aiGrieakt = blallw.J lllaa1J be badud anCl tbe 01:1 a..u Of tilt at.J ot R~ IMdl ...., ........ to ~ocna ullder tbe .. cwtalua ot ~· 1&14 "'!ltrMt Vecatto. Ml 3107 E. CO~ BIGIIWAY COlORA DEL MAll GUARANTEED AGAINST BREAKAGE• 8 pc. service for 2 only 5. 4 9 if perfect would be The makers of famous Boonton- ware Belle are cooperating with us to bring you this outstanding "fodory-run" value. Some of the pieces hove slight irregularities; others ore perfect; all ore fully guaranteed. You'll love the di,. tinctive modern shape, the rich weight and lustre, the S f00C:-e.1· hancing colors. Boontonwore Bell~ con be washed easily by h;,nd or in your dishwasher's hotte st water. The supply is limitet'. t'7et 2 or more sets ond mix or mattrl the colon . I p<. cervice fer 2 c011taim 2 .ad! of: 10'' eli""•' plates, 6'1" ~read ottd ~utters, C'Vl" oM ..-" ..:. ~) ,... . ~ . . ' .. . . .. ~ .. • filii*&: iiiL lJiiiUl LUi)' ._. .. ., ar..._. oo.uq, c,ut. .~.....-: ..... LoNtta ......... -..... .., of .J&aUI7. :ua .J\adp: lira. ...... .... ~ ~ -··'IOII:IOOIIFII • ..-JW ~ laaiiCr 110. 11 1.M111 ~ .,., .... _,. ~ IUtDCI' Jro. t ELICTION PUCIMCI' 110. 12 .._.. ""-r JlfOftCS IS Hft*'l GIVD 10 eMJ,l ttd1 d tM .,. em. lball lDdude aU tiM .,. em-Waltlr ~ tiM e1ect1n of a. Or....-Codt tnc.d *ltllla U.. ._,.,_ Ctt7 bncld within tM atartof bou.Dd· D. D. LawMad J1lDior eou.p Dblblct of Or .... Votllll 1'1.-et No. 2, that por. art. of OoiU x.a Ualoa. C. .._.. of ,..,..._ ol ~ OouDt7, ~ that the AD. u. o1 No. i lJtnl bl tM w-. tMDtal7 leMel W JIMcJDc.'t eo.t ,_.. Ooll ... 'DUirtal nul a.tJaa tar IMIIlMn of the mlnet-kbool W and that No. 2 (Pred.ncU U 1ft Oranee fll ....... County, CaJ..IIDniJa ..,.. of ~ of the Oranp pacUon ol tbe WIDt.nburr JIN. County Votlq Predndl. eo.ta A~ • Cout Junior CoUete W wUl dMt l1tftl 1ft tlae Weetmlnn-Meea N-. 3. 4. 5. 9, 10, U, 12. U. B. JL . ,P&'i&:ii&Oif be h.td on the thtr& P'rlda1 or School Dtmk:t.. 16. 17, 21. 22. and 31. s.rt1u7 ollakllloud of May, Viz, M~ ~ lB. n-. POLl..IHO PL4CJ: TBEJlE. 'nle POLI..ING PLACE therein Tn.- It ,.w be neeeauy to elect m aball be at tbe Barber City shall be at the Malft Scbool,1101 Publllb: Karch Jt. ~ 12. 11 two mmnben. Women'• Club, Barbet Ctty. 'Jbe Newport Blvd. The poUt wtll be hl tiM Jf~ Harbor Enetp. 'Jbe returna of the electton wm polla will be open between the open between the hours of 7:00 be canvaued at f:OO P.M. on hours of 7:00A.M. and 7:00P.M. A.M. and 7:00P.M. Laal liiOncD May.~. ·OFFICERS OJ' J:LilC'TION fot OFFICERS OJ' EL!lC'nON for Jfo. A-ZIII'T Tbe polllnc place for .. td elec. Mid Election PNctnct Mo. 6: aald Electton Precinct No. 12: ~ 10 CIIDITOD ton ot the Orance Cout Junior Jrwpedor: llrl. Jloweaa"' 0 . Jnapector: Kn. Alice Jones D'I'Aft 0' C&'I'IIJ:IIl'lU WJL. Collep D11trkt w1l1 be dealpa-• Seelll Judre: Mrs. NeWe Oaden JIDIDifiA. a AD C L I J' J' E, ai.o ted and appolnted u followa: ludp: .Mra. Jtutb M. lennec lud,e: MrL ae.le Loun. known u CA'I'1IEIUlfl: w. BA.D-a.a:no• .-caret' 110. 1 ludre: MrL Clara A. a.. berry CLII'ft!. DIX2.4SED. ELI:C"ftON PUX::INCI' RO. 1 inuaen a.ac1'1011 JllaCIIIC'I' 110. IJ NonCB IS HZ8.1Y GIVEN to aba1l lDclude all the area em-a.acno• JfO. 7 EIJIIC'nOtf ftlaNCT MO. 13 the credJtcin of and all penona bncld wtthln the Seal Beaeh EI.IlC'l'IOJf PJIIJCIKCI' NO. 7 aball tncl1141e aD tbe .,.. em. havtnr c:la.lma aratnat the Mid J:len.wntar)' School District No. 1 aball Include all the area ern. twaoed witbbl the Blillklr boUDd-4ec:edent cw Mid -.ate to tue (Predncta u In City Elec:tlon.a braced wtthtn the extericr bound-&dee of Colt& llaa UnJon me-tbem wttb tbe nee sary vouc:h- N-. 1. a, 5, and 7). aries of the Oceen V1ew EltmeD· ltle'll1ary lcbool Dllltrld. PredDet .. In the ome. of the Clerk of Tbe POLLING PLACE therein tary School Dtstrtct. No. I (Precinda u Ln Oraqe the Superior Court of the State aball be at the Seal Kotel, !501 The POI..LJNG PLACE therein County votlnr PNd:nc.U. eo.ta ol CalUornta, ln and few the Central Avenue. The polla will be lhall be at tbe Oeean V1M Ele. Mesa Noa. 8, lf; lB. ~ 23. kT· County ot Oranre, or to present open between the hours of 7:00 mentary School Bulldln•· fou.r vtew Noa. 1 and 2, and that par-the aame, with the nece~Ul')' A.M. and 7:00P.M. mlld north ot Buntlnaton Beac:h tlon ot Paulartho Noa. 1 and 2 vouchers, to the underslrned at OFFICEBS OF ELECTION FOR on Rlchway 39. 'Jbe polla wlll lytnc within tbe Costa Meea hta or ha-place of bualn..., to- Aid Election Precinct No. 1: be open between the hours of Union School m.t:rkt. wit: Laura Rackliffe Wentz. c/o QOAii CAIIDIDAft el ... ~~~--aa.-.. .... (Witf ..... rd ,..... l salety ._ tM C... .._~aCIU,._hyla ...a,. ............. ... ( ..... ) . .,.. ..... ..... ....... ,. ...... Will .. ..... la C....._ ..... _J ... .................. r.y , .... ...SL MOWWSee Film May .19 Impector: Evelyn Prentice 7:00A.M. and 7:00 P..M. 'The POLJ...Il'fG PLACE therein Ralph M. Myen, Jr., 2721 Eut Judce: Mabel Felts OFFICERS OF ELECTION for shall be at the LtndberCb School, Cout Hlchway, Corona del Mar. Speaker tonlcht tor the county Judge: Florence Newlon said ElectJon Precinct No. 7: 23td and Orance A\<enuea. 'Jbe caJltomla. within alx months Military Orda-of the World Wars u.EcrlOK nBCDfC!' XO. 2 Inspector: Mrs. Harry Let.lon Polls will be op«m betw.eecn the after the tlrat publication of thls will be Dr. Charles G. Hutter. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2 Judce: Mr. T. A. Bennett hours of 7:00A.M. and 8:00P.M. noUce. Hollywood surgeon, who wlJI shall Include all the area em· Judge: Mrs. Ray Murray OFFICERS OF ELECI'ION for Dated April 29. 1955 show movtes and talk about braced within the Seal Beach ELEcnoa JlllECDfCT 110. I said Election Preelnct No. 13: LAURA RADCLIFFE WENTZ ''The Bambdo Curtaln." The Elementary School Dlstrlct. Pr~ ELEC"nON PRECINCT NO. 8 Inspector: Mrs. Sally Hlnesly Executrix of the Estate of said meeting will be held at the Of. clnct No. 2 <Precincts as In City shall Include all the area em-Judge: Mrs. Wanna Roberts decedent. fleers Club at E1 Toro Marine Elections Nos. 2. 4, 6 and 8 and braced within the exterior bound-Judge: Mrs. Dorothea D. Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. 2721 East Baae. begJnnlnc with refreJSh. Plan Opening MuatJeal ewata ot lmportuoe nre.-'-- .,. tiM rue flo. tiM Lol An- ..... Yac:bt Club to the !fBYC OD·-·--- Uae -*.ad ., ~~~ 21, tlle ,....... club ~ at llfiiYC ...,. 22. u4 the ........... ~ aepua ldWiduled ,_ May-.· a ud 10 at tiM klboa Yaebt Club ror u.e nc opentq . Your hmll7 ._.annt (CIIIM T f If) ..... c.. ....... (} ~.., fi,M. --..n BTIIIIIT 1• 'M ,. __ .. .... . , .......... -·J(----.......... .a ..... .............. ..._ -·· . ,_ ........ ..., P"ll-111 .._ Gm Nidlt''a ..... , , ........ • • • .... ••·::::c ~· ..... ...... ·t:t.r~ .:.·• 511 aaJhea ....... ...... .., · CLOID .OIIDAYI ..,.lUI IDE those portlona ot Barber City Pr~ aries of the Fountain Valley Ele-Martin Cout Highway, Corona del Mar, ments at 7 p.m. clnct and Sunset Beach precinct mentary School District. ELEcnoa nECDfCT ao. 14 Callfornla, Attorney for Execu. Dr. Hutter apent hls early years ---!~~;~:.;;~~~~~~=~!..._-~~~~!!.!...!:!!!!!._ within the Seal Beach School 'nle POLLING PLACE thereln ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14 trlx. 1n China and the Phlllpplnes. He District). ahall be at the Fountain VaHey shall Include all the area em-Publlah May 5, 12. 1.9. 26 made several vblta to Europe 'The POLLING PLACE therein Elementary School BuUdJnc. Tal· braced withln the exterior bound-1n the Newport Harbor Ensign. and was a member of the u. s. shall be at the School Building. bert and Bushard Roads. 1be arleJS of Newport Beach Elemen-Olympic swlm.mJng team In 1936 entrance on 12th Street. 1be polls polls wtll be open between tbe tary School Dlstrlct, Precinct No. •oncz TO caJa)ITOD in B«Un. wtll be open between the hours hours of 12:00 Noon and 7:00 1 (Precincts u ln ~ty Elections ESTATE OF RALPH W. GOTH· Durtnc World War 11 he served of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00P.M. P. M. -1, 2. 3. 4, S. 8. 11. 17, 18, 19, :H. ABD, DD::EASED. In the China. Burma and lndla OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR OFFICERS OF ELECTION for 25. 26, and 28. 'Jbese predncts ln-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to theatre With a tecret detacb.J:t.ent aa.ld Election Preclnct No.2: said Election Precinct No. 8: elude West Newport. Newport. tbe CredJtora of and all penona known u 101 of the Office of Inspector: Mrs. Mary Taylor Inspector: Mrs. Haul Cour. Balboa. and Udo laJe.) havm. clalma aratn.t Uae Mid Stratertc Service-. 0 per a t 1 n 1 Judce: Mrs. Louise Collier reres The POI..LJNG PLACE therein decedent or Mid estate to tlle ruen1lla forc:a behlnd Japanese Judge: Mary Pierpoint .Judce: Mra. Dorothy Evana aball be at the Newport School. them wttb the necea..ry voueb. llnd ln the Junrla of Burma. He ELECno• n.&CDICT •o. 1 Judce: Mrs. Wllma Steppe 14th and Balboa Blvd The polw era ln the ot:nee of the Clerk ot parttctpated In the rescue ol een: ELECTION PRECJ1'fCT NO. 3 ELECTIOK ... c:mcr ao. 1 will be open between the boura the Superior Court of the State era1 lonathan Walnwrlcht from shall Include all the area em. ELECJ'ION PRECINCT NO. 9 of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. ot Calltomla. 1n and for the a pr18ona-ot war camp Ln Muk. braced within the Westmlnater shall Include all the area em-OFJ'ICERS OJ' ELEC'I10N for County of Oran,e, or to preeent den, Manchuria. Elementary School DWtrtct. Pre-braced within the exterior bound· aald ElectJon Preclnct No. H : the aame, with the neceaary cinct No. 1 (Precincts u In City art,. of Buntlnaton BNch Ele. Inspector: Mra. JulJa Mae vouchers, to the underalcned at UCAL •onc:a Elect1ou.-Westmlnster Noa. 1. 4. mentary School m.tr~ct, Pre-Eaaert hls or her .place of bualneu, to-No. A.Z!I&62 and 6). clncts u 1n City Election. . Judie: Mrs. Nina K. Holtby wft: ESTATE OF CAT BE R IN E fte JIIOI.UifG ~'~.ACE tbee.lD 'l'he POLUNG PLACE therein Judae: MrL Aurella liflemtec WWlam A. Gothard, Executor GWYNN .-, 1mown Jt.A1U shall be at the tTtb Street Sc:bool. fllaJJ 1te •t U.. ........,.... .._. ~ n&C111Cr 110. II c/o Harwood. JlatterDaD 6 ~ CWY!flll• •un u 7571 Westmlnsta-Avenue, West. Elementary School BuUdJnf, 5502 ELEC'nO!f PldX!IM.."T lro. 15 Mn. A.ttorneya at Law, ' DJXX -· mJntser. 'The polls wlll be open Palm Avenue. nte polls wtll be shall Include all the area em-2515 E. Cout W.bway, NonCE IS liliiti!BY GIVEN to between th~ hours of 7:00 A.M. open between the hours of 7:00 braced wtthln the exerlor bound-Corona del Mar, Calltomta. the c::redltors ot and all pei'M)M and 7:00 P.M. A.M. and 7:00P.M. aries of Newport Beach Elemen-within 11x montha after the tint havtnc cla.Jma aratn.t the aald OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR OFFICERS OF ELECTION for tary School Dlstrtct. Precinct. No. publleat:lon of th1a notloe. decedent or aa.ld eft.ate to Llle said Election Precinct No. 3: &aid Election Precinct No. 9: 2 <Precincts u In City Election-Dated: Aprtl 15, 1.965. them. with the neceaa.ry vouch- Inspector: Mrs. VIolet B. Ar· Inspector: Mr. Fred Locke 6, 7. 10, 12. 13, 14. 16, 21, 22, 23, WJLLI.A.M A. GOTHAilD ers ln the otflce of the Clerk ot nett Judge: Mr. Charles Funk· 29. 30. 31, 32 and 33. These pre-Executor of the btate of the Superior Court ol the State Judge: Mrs. Bertha L. Hylton • hauser clncts Include Balboa Island. Sea-aald decedent. ot CallfornJa. ln and for the Judge: Mrs. Elsa Sophia Judge: Mr. 0 . 0 . Troop con Bay, Harbor laland. and eo. Harwood, Heffernan 1c Soden County of Oranae, or to preaent Wright ELECT10K nECDfCT KO. 10 rona del Mar. Attomeya at Law the same. with the necesaary ELECT101f PJlECDfCT lfO. 4 ELEC'nON PRECINCT NO. 10 'The POLLING PLACE thereln 251S E. Cout Blfhway vouchera, to the underalcned at ELEC'nON PRECINCT NO. 4 sbaJl Include all the area em. shall be at the Corona del Mar Corona del Mar, C&llfornla hls or her place of bualnftl. to- shall Include all the area em-braced within the exterior bound. School. 610 Carnation Ave. eo. Publlah : AprU 21, • May 5, 12 wtt: Ella M. Lewis, c/o Ralph braced within the Westminster aries of Huntington Beach EJe. rona del Mar. 'The polls will be In the Newport Harbor Enalgn. M. Myers. Jr.. 2721 Eut Cout Elementary School District. Pre. mentary School District. Precincts open between the hours of 7:00 Hlfhway, Corona del Mar, Call- clnct No. 2 (Precincts as In City as ln City Election -Sunset A.M. and 7:00 P.M. ao. A zwoo fornla. wtthln aJx months after Electlons-Westmlnsters Nos. 2, Beach 1 and 2. OFFICEBS OF ELECTION for KOTJCE TO aDITOU the rtnt publication of tbla no- 3. and that portion of 7 lying ln The POLUNG PLACE therein aald Election Precinct No. 15: ESTATE ot MARY MENDOZA. tJce. the Westminster School District). shall be at the Sunset Beach Flre lnapector: Mrs. Anne Crowl aka MARIA MENDOZA, De-Dated April 29, 1956 The POLLING PLACE therein Hall, 16861 TWelfth Street. Sunset Judge: Mrs. Jane E. Morgan ceased. ELLA M. LEWIS shall be at the Sun Garden Beach. The 'polls will be open be. Judge: Mrs. Martha M. Cun. . NoUce La hereby rfven to the Administratrix of the Eatate of School Kindergarten, 13451 So. tween the hours ot 7:00 A.M. and nlngham credltora of and all penons hav. wd decedent. Newland. Garden Grove. The 7:00P.M. ELEcnoa n~:cmcr ao. 11 Inc clatm. acalntrt the aald d• Ralph M. M)'en. Jr., 2721 Eut polls will be open between the OFFICERS OF ELECTION for ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 16 cedent or .. id estate to file them Coast Rlchway, Corona ·del Mw, hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. said Election Precinct No. 10: ahall Include all the area em-wtth the necesary vouchers In Calllomla, Attorney for AdmJn. OFYICERS OF ELEC"nON FOR Inspector: :Mr. Frederick A. braced wlthln the extertor bound-the office of the Clerk of the Su. lstratrtx. said Election Precinct No. 4: Belcher aries of Newport Beach Elemen-perior Court of the State of Call· Publlab: May 5, 12, lt, a Inspectcw: Mrs. Lillian M. Judce: Mrs. Frances Earll tary School Dlst.rict, Prec1nct No. fornfa. ln and for the County ot 1n the Newport Harbor En.aJrn. Weaver Judce: Mrs. Grace A. Miller 3 (Precincts u Jn City Election-Oranae. or to preesnt the aame, Judge: Mrs. Enid Hewitt ELEcrlOJI PU:CDfCT •o. 11 9. 15, ~. 27, 3f. 35, 36. The. with the neceaary vouchers. to Judge: Mrs. Elizabeth T. ELECTION PRECINCt' NO. 11 precl ncta lnclude Newport the unde:ntrned at hla or hn-NO. A..25a5 Saunders aball Include all the ~a em. Hellhta. Clltf Haven. Bayview place ot buatne., to-wtt: Kanuel •onc::a '1'0 caDft'O• ELECT10K PUCDfCT KO. 5 braced wtthln the exterlor bound-No. 3, Bay.hore.. ucS Bayabon Beltran, Administrator, c/o Thorn-ESTATE OF A. V. AJmU:WS, ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 5 aries of eo.ta .Keu Union Ele-Camp). u E. Refteman, 2515 E. Cout DIX:EASI:n. shall Include all the area em. mentary School Dlstrtct, Precinct The POLUNG PLACE therein HJfhway, Corona del Mar, CalJ. NonCE IS HDEBY GIVEN to braced within the Weatmlntrter No. 1 (Pr«lnct. u In Oranre aha1l be at the Horace Enatrn fomla. within ax montha after the erecJUon ot and all penona Voting Precinct No. 5 and 'Mfd. County Vottna Prec::Jnct.s, eo.ta School. 1400 Clllf Drive. Newport the first pubUe.Uon ot tht. no-havlnf clatma qainlt the aald way City Voting Precinct N~ 1, Mesa Nos. 1: 2. 6, 7, 15, 19. River-Reichl& The poUa wUl be open tfce. decedent or Mid ••~ to file 2, and 3. view, and that portion of Green. between the hours ot 7:00 A.M. Dated: May t , 1955. thftl wtth Ute ~ voueh· 'The POLLING PLACE therein vUle lying within the Costa and 7:00 P.M. MANUEL BELTltAif, en 1n the ot.ftce of the Cl.-k ol • f &aUl' ITA&.IAII POOD .,..... ... ~····· .... _ ............. ..... ....._,._ ... ...._ 1 rli?&R srtz klnll w ~;:c•.=;-,,ts UI.UI -'1'0 ao-....... c::...e~·· ............. . llf.t ........ m iiiii? ...... .... NGW OPEN .-•• NANA 'S Mexican Foods OPD &t&at DAY II A.l(. "'''L 7 ..... .... , ·~ .... --· ..... shall be at the Midway City Mesa Union School Dt.trlct. OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor AdmJnlmator of the ~te of the Superior Court of the State Scout Cabin, Newland Street, The POLLING PLACE therein aald Election Prednct No. 16: aa.ld decednt. ' of Callfornla. In and few the lj~~~~~~~~iiiilii;;;r=ii=.l~!~~~ Midway City. 'The polls wlll be shall be at the E. A. ~a School, Jnapect«: Mn. Edna J. Jones Huwood, Hetternan 6 Soden, County ot Oranae, or to preNftt open between the hours of 7:00 HamJlton and Meya-Place, eo.ta Judp: Mrt. Mary Taylor Attorneys at Law, the •me. with the neee~M~J A.M. and 7:00 P ..M. Mesa. 1be polls wlll be open be-ludp: llrl. Mary L Daum ~ E. CoUt Hlf,hway, vouehen, to the undenlJMd et F u E OFFICERS OF ELECTION for tw~n the hours of 7:00A.M. •nd The foftlolnl ltelolutlon wu Corona del Mar, C&lUornJa. h1l ot her pb.ct of buatn-. aald Election Precinct No.5: 7:00 P.M. pa.-d and adopted at a reaular A~ tot Admlnlltrator. to-wit: . Inspector: Mrs. Lucille G. OFFICERS OF ELF..cTION tot meetJna of the Boe.rd of Tru.mtee PublJah: Kay 12, 19, 21. June 2 Ella Mary Anclrewa and rum. Wolfe aalcS Election Precinct No. 11: of Oraqe Cout fu.nlor Coneae In the K.wport Harbor Enstp. en a.nd Men:h.&nta lifaUon.lknk ' --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~====~==~:;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;-of·LM~ ~a:=:;:o•w.n. * IALIOA * LBI'rD, RYOIII a CO. , ODiwla cJel ...... ~ ........... -... u..ant ;'U~t-tltl*......_ .&~ ~=.._,.__. au JrAar dDiaws -fll 1M R 111111 01 ..... af .... lin' 11 ........................ .. ...,........ . =::r=: .... AIMJ .... PI 1 1 Pl?••••••,_.l ............... ,'II' WSCS Holds Installation FouttMn ..-1¥ ftec:tM ~ 8 IIOIU'C:Z DSIGif ftA ..,..&cJent, rtllnqulahed the p.-1. ol the Woman•• Sodet;r ot Cb.rtJ.. Mrs. .Joe.ph Ca.rwr ollJdo W. dent'• ~aYel to )(ra. lobet Olan. ttan 8ervke ot tiM klboa 1llaDd wu lutalled u ,...dent ot the _,Of Jlftwpart llellfh'--Other of. Community lletbod1lt c h u reb Horace EMip PTA Monday eve. flCIItl loehtde Mrt. OJander'1 twtn w-. formally l.Uta1Mcl Kay 4 by nln• at tiM Kay meet1n1. Other tlltft', Mrs. Norman Cullon. u the putcr, BeY. Donald G. Sapp. ~are: lira. Pon.r &lnclair reoc.-clln• Meretary; Mrs. Gordon The new preelcleat 1.1 Mn. Ted u flttt Vlce-~deftt; Mn. .John McMahon u flnt vtce-pre~ldent. a. Baueer. lbe wUl be Ulllbd Hau u MCOnd v&ce.preslcSertt; M.ra. Douglu Roeldns u ae<:ond by Mrs. Robert lbbobon, vto. Mrs. 0 . W. IUdlard u NCOedlq vtoe.prealdent, Mn. Lyell Butter. prfttdent; Mn. Byron L. R-.ly, Neretuy, lin-Charl@tt H&Nen 'U more u corre.pondJq Meretary. Meretary; Mra. Clinton T. CoaDe, ~~ NCretary, Uta. Joe Mra. Je.e Raine. u treuurer treuunr; Mn. GeorpBrld...,an. Nldtertz u tzeuurer and Clay and Philip Maurer, a teacher a t MC:retary ot promotion; lira. CollVf!Jl u audltqr. aetlrln& pres. Harbor VIew, u audJt.or. Ma tthew v. Waidelich, ~eCntary Jdent, Mra. Richard LJJienthal, Theme for TuesdaY'• meeting of mlulonary education and lft'V· wtll be parliamentarian. wu "Your ChJldren and Your Jce; Mra. Steve SmJtb, ~~eCNtary Dean Marie Howes of Orange CcMununJty." T. Duncan Stewart of Chrlltlan eoctal relaUo.rw and Cout College adclreued the eave a talk on the new Com. local church actMtJn. and Mrs. meeting on the eubject, "Helping munlty and Youth center Mrs Fount L Lowe, eecretary of ltPlr· the Adolacent." Candidates for Carllon, health and ea.fety ·chair: Jtual life. the Newport Beach Elementary man f.or the put year, gave a re- Other oftlcen Include Mra. Ed-School I>Wtrlct. Harvey D. Peue, port on available r«reattonal fa. ward Fruehan, .ec:retary Of ltu· Incumbent, and William Spur. cllltles for the youth In the area dent work; Mrs. Clyde Shooter, aeon m, were Introduced. this eummer. aecretary ot youth work; Mra. P. • • • F. Balnet, 8eeletary ot cbUdren'a e •••-oa YmW PI'A work; Mra. Clarence Bowman, BarborView PTA memberswtll aecretary of literature and publl· be working tomorrow (Friday) to cat:iona; Mrs. Leonard Rarp-vae, help cet out the vote for the ~~eCreta.ry of eupply work, and lcllool electlona. Mn. Harvey Mra. Wayne Hunter, aeuetary of Peue. past PTA president. waa the Committee on the &taJUI ot Installing ottlcer Tuesday when Women. the newly elected sl ate offlcl•lly Mrs. P. F. BaJnes, retlrlne pres-took office to CUide the Ha rbor ldent. was honored for her two VIew PTA for the coming year. Mra. Fred Kuster entertained Harbor VIew PTA Board mem. bers at her Corona del Mar home last week. Mrs. Clemence an. nounced that the 4th Dl.ltrlct PTA had presented the Harbor VIew PTA with a first prize for their record book and a gold trophy for Increased membership. Mrs. McMahon gave a report on the years service as president by be-Mra. Warren Clemence, retiring recent convention. Inc presented a corsage and a ,Ut certlfJcate. · Z•taCI .. ItiMI ......... ,._ C::HURC::HES .1 ' FDIARCE DIIJVE SET CBIUST CBU'BCB aY THE SEA ..... wn ,,..., GOUI.Aif Reception for Young Couple A re«>ptlon was held Sun. day In honor of newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. WUIIam Gorman, who were married Friday, April 22, by Judae Donald Dodge at the Newport Townahlp .Justice Court. The bride le the former Mia Loretta Cunningham, dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Cunning. ham of 2233 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. The aroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Gor- man of San Clemente. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Long. the uncle and aunt of the bride. gave the reception party at their home In Ontario. Mrs. Straitiff is Installed As Kappa Alumnae President M.ra. Robert StraltJft ot Newpon change student to Newport Har. Hetpte wu ln.ltalled u prat. bor Bleb School ~xt taU was dent of the KaPPa Iappa Gam· voted by the group. Mra. .J. E. tna Alumnae A.amctation ot Ule K.eim reported on the Kappa IM>Uthern part ot the county Province convention held Jut 'nlunday at the Balboa home of month in Los Angel@tt. Mra. Loulae Gallalher. Arnone othere present ttom the AulltJn• Mta. Stratttft wtU be Harbor area w~ Mrs. Elizabeth Mra. Jack Hilton of Santa Ana u Suman and Mrs. Stroller White vJce.prealdent; M.ra. Tom Collier ot Balboi! Island, and Mrs . .James ot Santa Ana, lleeretary, and B. Stoddard, Mrs. W. B. Dlekln. Mlss Ruth Maxwell of Corona del aon. Mrs. R. C. Morrill and Miss Mar, treuurer. Retlrtn& presl. Ma ttie 8. Lacy of Corona del Mar dent. Mrs. Walter Hatch of Costa · . Mesa, conducted the ceremonies. Miss Elwinger Is Engaged New commJ~ cbalnnen will be Mra. Robert Lenker, member. ahlp; Mra. Hilton and Mn. Hatch, panbellenJc; M.ra. ~~ Thomas Swanaon and Mra. P. Paul Dick· erson, maeaztnee; Mrs. Davtd Mr. and M rs. Joseph N. Hood, Burger, philanthropy; Mra. wu. of 2495 Crestview Dr., Bay Shores. Ham lnaeta. ha.pltaltty; Mra. announce the engagement ot George Barnett, .:rapbook, and thelr daughter, Penelope Elvring. Mra. Robert Blaekm.an. pubLicity. er. to Alan Quinby Hatch, 110n of A contrtbatlon to the American Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Fielding Fteld Servtee International Schol I Hatch. of Udo IJile and Los An· arshlpa to ~·.. brin celes. and the crandson of Mrs. · ~ I an ex. Lt>wls P. Huston. of Portland, Maine c .... .., 11'1'1•1 Miss Elwlnger. formerly of H I Rochester. Minn.. Is the grand-•lrllll ••••• I daughter of the late Dr. Charles H. Mayo, co founder or the Mayo M 1 s s Gertrude Mon~omery Clinic 2117 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. was 1 At the Informal announcement honored last week-end at the • gathering. the young eouple 55th annual convention of the drank from a n antique Jovlng California Dlvlston ol the United cup that has been In the Mayo Da\Jghters of the Confederac-y 1 family for gl'neratlons. 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wttb ... ,,,. May 19, 1955. Schools! Tomorrow, Friday, II the day ... Vote! U you don't have a way to get to the polll call us! We'll aee tJ\at you tel there ... Harbor 2828 Is the n um- ber . . We mean lt ... How to vote! ... When our kJds' future is at stake, should there be any doubt ln your mJnd! ... Our kJda mu.t be eduuted ... There are too many kids about to enter a hlgh llchool that does not have enough room ... To me wh~er Florence Cooli n& of 29~ Schooner Rd., Beacon Bay, wlll entertain members of Zonta Club next Thursday evening at a des. sert and business meeting. Girts. of-the month, honored from New· port Harbor High School, were eueste of the club last Thutsday a' luncheon at the VIlla Marina. Dean Fay Harbison of the high achool was al110 present at the luncheon. ·A financial campalan to under write the 1955-56 budget of the Balboa l.sland Community Mt'th odlat Church is scheduled to br gin this week. Dr. Clair B. 811r nett, chairman of the Comml'i aion on Finance, hu announced that the special appeal will be made for financial asslstance to the new budaet, which will be come effective .June 1. Aaslstlng Dr. Barnett In the drive wlll be P. F. Baines, Ted R. Hauser, Otto Hoee. Burt C. Lowen Jr.. Mrs. Francis Riley and Mrs. Clinton T. Coane. Rev. Leslie W. Slm of Fullerton will be guest speaker at both morning services a t Christ Church by the Sea In Newport Beach on Sunday. His subject Is, "Dealing With America's Sacred Cow." Mr. Slm Is Educational Director for the Association for Alcohol Edu cation. Mr. and Mrs. Long were th~ young couple's attendants at the wedding. The bride wore a pink dress with white hat and acces. sorles and her flowers were pink and white carnations. Mr. Cun nl.ngham gave his daughter In marriage. The newlyweds are living In Costa Mesa. The new Mrs. Gorman attended Newport Harbor High School; her h usband went to school In San .Juan Cap. lstrano. the present high school Is added onto. or another Is built .. how p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.ltt ls paid for or by whom It Ls paid for ... who pays th~ most or the l~ast ... are but needles Mlu Montgomery is the daugh 1 Both Miss Elwlnger and Mr. ter of the founder of Emma San Hatch are students at Orange som chapter ot Orange County , Coast College. Stand ard 8 h a de Cloths and eu.tom Specialties e Drapery H a r ~ w a r e e Venetian Bllnd& · ------CIDUSTIAR ICIDCE CBl7JlCB "Bless t he Yord, 0 my aoul. 0 Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with hon our and majesty." So sings .the Paalmlst ln the Golden Text of the Sunday Leuon-Sermon on "Soul and BodY'' at the Newport leach am..tSan ~ 0\Ufth.. CJAN:l). A new innovation ... Sterti119 11•.ri Tl.undey we will h.ve ln(or,.el modelint et O'lflen's 2 p.m. to l p.m. Nch Thundey We will b. happy to hev• ft~hions of your choic• mod•led for yO<J YOU, Mpeclelty, .,. lftm.d •• CORONA DEL MAR 1115 L eo.t Jlwy. Cl*. IIA- nuT 8APTIST. lfEWPOBT Dr. Edward Pearson. field rep. rest-ntatlve tor t he Children's Bap. tlst Home of Inglewood, wUl speak at 7:30 a .m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church ot Newport Beach, 19th and Balboa Blvd. A food shower of commercial pro- ducts will be held for the home. Rev. Herbert .Johnson's morning worship topic will be ''The Three Fold Secret of a Great LUe." Goes on Trip To Holland Frieda Bellnfante. conductor of the Orange County Philharmonic Orchestra, left Friday for a two- month trip to Europe to visit her family In Holland and to make m usical appearances In Switzer. land and France. o•rn••• 'h' ra.LOWIIIO She will return In Ume to re- Rev. l?edertek JUn,e'a sermon """-tM PtlOharmonle tor tbelr aubject at the Unlyerullst Com· next appearance to ~ held at' munlty FeUowahlp this Sunday the lrv1ne Bowl In Laruna ellher will be "Let Them Both Grow To In August or early September. gether," based upon the parable SCOOTS HELP Dll.IVE I of the wheat and the tares. The I chlldrM's sermon will be on Boy Scouts are helping to ~nd "Land Is Bound to Grow Some out ci rcular material for the Hoag 1 thing." Dr. Frank Mcintyre will Hospital upanslon drive by continue the discussion of the I stuffing envelopt>S at the hos I significance of .Moha mmedan p{tal Thursday evening. Ism. The Fellowship meets at thP CIBL FOB DE STEFAJifOS Ebell Clubhoust-, 5 15 W. Balboa I Bl d 8 lbo A daughtt'r. Janlct.'. was born v ·· a a. I to Mr. and Mr•t Jack de Stefano of 130 45th St., Newport Beach., LOCAL MEMBERS !'fAMED on WPdnl'srlay, ~1ay 4. In Hoag At the recent meeting of the Memorial Hospital. Universalist Convention of Call. I fornla In Pasadena, Mrs. Irene CAMP FlLMS SBOWX I Wilson of Corona del Mar was ~lected to the State Board, Leon Rudd ot Newport Heights was ap. pointed representative or the Association of Universalist Men for this area, and Rev. Frederick Ringe was elected chairman or the Fellowship Committee. FDIAL FAJIILT WOaDBOP ''Let's Go to Camp" was the subject of an Illustrated talk glv en last night ( Wednesda)•l at 1 Family Supper nleht by Rev.1 James Dinkel, m inister of the RJchland Avenue M et h o d Is t Church, Santa Ana. at the Balboa I s I and Community Methodlst I Church. "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport by C:C.UU. N ltcbeU Interior ~lgner At lest e designer fles come forth wifh en open f'ireplece fo be used in eny room in your house end t s somply st.J""'"g! f\ 1111riefy of instelletions ere po bl,. w th 1'-· ..... t The conocol hood prov•des me• m~..o..., t-~o · '"d o• .:~ .,.,..., tre ""e'.31 p lus the edventoge of the OPt'" Ire •• ,~::: • C~" ..,,, •• e 11elue is limitless. It could be •'1e foe~ p t ~ .,.,~ • •-• 'I chermtng li11i,g oree as olu,••e•e.::s ~cov~ o-J "' .. o ~ad .,...,.~., to ery bedroom. Th·s f;repft~Ce is tllltl.leoie " l~..o Ot. • of eu'wm'" or~wn terre colte. fleme red. burgund) t~~l'j ... ~ •e 3 s PJ:e• ""0 custom colors thet eneble yov to crt-)!e t>eo~..ot f._ 'Y cc o• co· ordineted rooms ... They ere olso ~~" ot:> e "" wheel• 'o· _,,_ •. door li11ing. just roll them where yo1.. w, o~ j rre~to. on ou+dc-N fireplace. Do come in and see •' you "'''' be ""r-1. 1.-.sc·,.:~'e::l . Ne~t weelr will tell you how to solve o d.fk .. ll w ., 1Cw proboem. J017 Wet c-t ~WGf (PoUUcal Adverttwment) The third and final Sunday evening program of the "Family Workshop Series" w as held Sun. day at Cbrlch Church by the Sea. Dr. Bernard J. Oliver led a dJ.s. cuaslon of "Personal DlfficultJes In Marrl~e and Famlly Llfe." Dr. Donald Bridgman conducted a youth dl8cusslon on "Gettln& FOR NEWPORT HARBOB UNION HIGH SCHOOL TRUSTEE Vote For Dr. Edward W. Milum • • • .[81 I BelieYe !::::===================::::::;:~=~ Along with ·aur Parents." In the Ameriun W ey of Eclucetion, with equel opporluftity for AU.. ~ of rece, .. ._ color M ctMCI. .'('i .. ~. • • • • I KDIRG Ill ALASKA Pvt. William W. Franklin, whose wtte, Lona, Uves at 2029 Pomo na, Colt& Mesa, l.s now HI'Vln& at Fort RI c hards on . Alaska. '· T· In the OfferincJ of tf..is educ:.tion in tfte best fKiitMt ob- te.,.._; by T HChers witt. hic)hest +r•inift9 end recemnv compenseiion ift eccorcf with their profession; end Admin;.. dretton on • sound Economic b.ttis by '"'* of the hfcJhest buJineta IICUfMn. I~ the Newpot+ H.bot U"ion H~ Sdlool Oistric:t with continued equ.l repNMntetion and ~ MtwMn the communm.t -Cod• ....,.. end Newpcwt IHdt.. Thet H.. T ruat.es of tM N.wpor+ H.t. U.. Hith Sd.ool o.tnct .... 1M w.. wc.n w.. and ...w. .., ..._ •·•h, ment of the~-Aao, the+ the T,..._ ....... .._ ceNfr ... to .,.,. ~ ........... to ....... .. Didrict. VOTE MAY 20 ~.Edww4W. MILUM l ll'lid18your CM ..... lin a haystack that must be packed Into a wagon that Is too small . . Think of the stragglen that will fall over the s ides a nd th~ that will drop a long the Oar Kbool ..,..,•'•batloe tlai'Oagboat t.M peat IS ,..._.. baa .... IJiftrY aqMible Mada •••• Tbe .... fl ....... cmd trut tll.y berN bWlt ap Ill t.M aa1D4a of all .,..,.. of tile Ba:r- botr ANa bel9e 9'1... tiMaa - Clbeolutle ..n. crt ..... ~ee • .. -r. ......... ..ct ••• T-..chwL ecbool t ...... u--.il a -t•a.,_.....a ........ Mft ... -.... . •••• a 1 ........ ... ........ ldds ............ ......... • • • to tb..IJik 119bt aad do rtwlat by...__. ... .adotben ••• Each baa a )ob to do • • • tbe rlg!at way • . • Oor ldda eo f• an deem ... Let'a bep tiMaa tbat way .•. Cl,... ou acboola wbat tb.., DMd to do thelr Job with • . . UDhCIIDpend , • • UD· cluttend ••• They will do rtvbt by you cm4 yours ••• TOIDW· row mcrybe you woa't he b.,. •• , but then wUl be MGU Dal to fill 'fOW' aboea. Ja..at the way you waDt thelll to be fUlecS ••• You k now you \'Oted 'em in ... you and ml' . All cJtJ. zens who ~e on Schoo) Boards and other Community Project. . . . And they ~ you fr~ gratis ... In my book this re- quires citizenship of a caliber be- yond the usual call of duty ... These people must be dedicated ... They are dedicate-d ... Tbaaka. Will• Ku., -.1 DIIPL .......... c.. .... CIDd tt. .... hUden .. produc. tM .._ .._. Ia yew..,. __ ......... ... teat ••• 'ftla .._ ....... . 4lttnlctta9 ........ .._ .. ...., w..-. ......... Dee"t ............................ *-l n It Ill p w ?lsaQir ltitlag Ia ,._ ........ 7-. ... t ...... _ .. _ .. a...w., ...... ,._. Dt..,..tD ...... ..., .... ................... ,.. .... _ ... ___ _ n .. ,. , •• ....._.,... • 1 ...... .,.. ......... ·VOGEL · VALUES ..... _ •• ,.rt ....... Very nlee 2 BJl h.me on quiet street. 15'x21' l1Vln1 rm., HW floors. furnace, 11. kltchen with We a1nk It work table, tll~ bath, n~ 6edrooma. ~'lll05' lot, 11. dbl. I&· t.1e plus workshop, walled It fenced yard. All bonds paid. Price just reduced to $13,375 for quick u le-Jood term& Ctrta Mlllr Just reduced $1,000! 3 BRs, 1" bath home on comer lot. ocean sJde ot Hwy .. room to build on front of lot. Not a p),OOO.OO place but an exceptional buy for $10.500.00 with $1,500.00 down. THE VOGEL CO. 2867 E. COMIT HWY. HARBOR 174.1 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 You Can DREAM ... For another ten years . . . or • RELAX • • • and START UVING IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECf OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES COMPLETED AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUcnON NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who Wishes to purchase In the $20.000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. The.e homes feature california Jiving. Offered excJu. a!vely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information EXCLUSIVE LISTING IIUII 111.1• Two bedroom house One bedroom a partment Two-car garage Fireplace. each unit Excellent location Step from Bay All for $23,000. WI. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates Park at Marine. Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 --------------- UNEICEu.ED VIEW BACK BAY-3 bedrs., 2 dens, 2 fireplaces. 2 baths. Forced Air HE'at, sliding plate glass doors to patio and waterfalls. Pegged rtoors throughout. Sha ke root. double garage. A truly nice home. $29,500 W. A. TOBIAS. ReaHor -yvu'll llke our friendly service 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8.1139 Ocean Blwll., Cor111 1111 lar with .. ,. •Ale ~-- TWO STORY. 2 bedrm. <have plans tor Jrd bdrm. to be added at small cost), 2~ baths. lge. ltv. rm .. separate dining room, large knotty pine den with buUt.tn bar. lounge, 2 rlreplaces, basement w1th 150.000 BTU fur. nace. Expensively ca rpeted wall to wall thro.out. Gat· bage disposal and dishwasher. House 6 yrs. old. J...arge double garage with laundry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well landscaped. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY B.EA.SONABLE OFFER Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 ··-Lu• Corona del Mar avaUable .lune 1955 Choke JocatJon, Ideal for pro- feaJonaJ ~ or!? Call Ba.rbof 1m .. , •••···· ,. .. , 311 ......... A-. aaJboa lalanct , .... ............... Deluxe llanCh Style d"pln on Jot.ancJ.halt, 80Uth tit hW7., t I n e s t cor\lt:naetJon; shake root, l-bedr. ea.. tlre- plaees. hardwood ~ .ep . patlciL U n d • r replac:etMnt coM. OWner IU leM.&. Do you have a home, •~ age, or other property whleh you no lon1er need and want to exchan1e for a more ault. able property In the Harbor Area! There are many ad. vantages to such an H · change. We have ·several to choose from. Come In and talk It over. • ISLA. RULn CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA :rn • OFFEI WAITED .. , .... Bapliere ·•••! Owner In Europe and wants IMMEDlATE sale. Thls ls a beautiful (corner> 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with extra utility bedroom~m· pletely tumlshed -wall to wall carpeting-and very llv. able. Ex pens I v e 1 y land. scaped. Has been priced at $32,500 -$27,500 might buy It~ This Is a real opportunity. SEE IT~ Harltir l•wubneal Co., ReaHon Newport Blvd. at 30th St. 1'\ewport Beach Phone Har. 1600 Costa lua Feel Lite Fallill I I e In love again'! Here Is your _chance: charming fa m 11 y hnme ot ~bedrs .• 1, baths. crisp color scheme th,Jough. out. Modern design tor mod. ern day living-with grape. &take fenced patJo, fireplace, bu.Jdtchen. Forced A1r beat.. parquet floors. garbage dls- posal. 2-car garage -un- equalled value at $11.900. Bay I Beacll Realty 1696 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8.1161 : Eves. LI S.J158 ..... ... Store a1tl Office Bltlc. AVAILABLE IULY 1st. opposite Newport City Hall ELEVATOR PARKING JANTTOR SERVICE Call MR. HERRON, leasing agent THE BEAUIOIT CO. 434 32nd St.. Npt.. HA 4299 FOR SALE: IIJ ewar, Corona del Mar, 3Wn~.2W., modem home, fum. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro. posed parochial school ... everything buiJt.tn fncludln1 dlshwuher. ~. etc. En. cloeed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. .-...... ·-· , .. U8J.'D Apt. IU lltow. Good cond., ,..... BA 17JI.J. lJMmg Commercials • COlONA. HIGHLANDS. unturn., !.be*.~. dba.rar., ocean vs.w. SA 81. S'I11DIO lPf. fiOi yr[i. • ...... ~ Lowly view of 11a~Wt. l"urn. AvaU. now. HA m or HA-.w . ow~ a ~ ~~ ~------------------­I ~!.o!'!~!f~u., roa •..JASE: 2-bedl'. ootta1e. 606 Helloaope, COM. • mo. Phone HA 0275-W Sat. bet. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. LOUI.D: A.PTS., owrloo.kln1 the bay. Kockm turnlshe-d apt&. Moderate weekly ratefl. Sum. mer reservations; Q Carna· Uon, COM, near Seaview, HA .t016. NICE 1 • BEDRM. APT S . with ocean view, newly turn. Year· ly lease, $75-$80 per month. Inquire Q Carnation, CDM, HA 4016. 2-BEDRM. HOME-hdwd. tl., F. ~ pa~ pleated flounce. t5 Slna Dr .. CDK. Call after 8 p.m. KA tm.ll. BOYS BICYCLE, dbl. bar, 24" Schwinn. maroQh and Ivory, lood cond. t25. 1 ~ yrs. old. HA 42. B. L. Baltz. PENNSYLVANIA.lawn ed1er and 30" power Pennsylvania lawn mower, 185. One yr. old in rood cond. 4Z1 Larkspur CD¥. SPINET PIANO. The mo.t beauti- ful plano ln the world. High. eat grade. All ttultwood t"llae. Just like new. A'*>lutely! This chance comes but once. Save $325. Danz.Schmldt F a m o u a Piano Store. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. GOLDEN OAK desk, 26 ln. hlgh, Thll Saturday will be ,... Oolta lleu. bowled ba men'• afn. openln1 dlY tor 11\e Yarn Sh op 11• et...se. over ~ weelr..end on la.lboa llland, which hu just in Jt.eno. 8CodltoG. lacrameftto recently been purc:hued by Mn. an4 .laktntt.l4. Jlm ValentJne Ge«1e Bmz. Pendlnr openlnr of ot eo.ta lleu. a team member. die ahop, Blanche tA>Ok a qulck placed second with 1.7 .. for eiJbt week out of town and vlllted 1am• ln the a e no alnJ,Ies "Jatlves up In the Frftno area. cla.ule. For years a Balboa resident. lndlvldual IIICOtes tor the Van'a Blanche II now UVlnl 1n New. team at the Turner 'n.le Tou.ma. port HeiJhU. Eleanore Jaroch 1s ment In Bak.,_,.eld Included Blll the foTmer owaer of the ahop. lrlotz. 1703 Superior Ave-.• eo.ta • • • M8a, 1,178; HI Gentoal, m Park A special abort movie on polio Dr .• Costa Mesa. 1,167; Lynn At. vaccine entitle-d "Taming the nm 0raJll4t, 1.097: Ed Harpold, CTippler" and featurln1 Dr. Salk Huntlneton Beach, 1,143; Jl m and the efforts to eradicate ln· Valentine. Oran1e. 1,132; BJJI fanWe paralysis Is befn1 ahown Gordon. Santa Ana, 1,074, and now and throueh next Tuesday GaU Humphrey, ~ na.tln Ave .. at the Port Thea~. Corona del Cost.a Mea., 1,111. Mar. A. heat, fenced yd.. walle-d patio. South ol hwy. COM. Priced below replacement. HA 3021 or HA J056.R after 6 p.m. 20x36 ln. top, 3 drawers. $2!S. v.-.... llrr ..... Alao, a 4-drawer Ivory flntsh OIU. FOa .osTWICXS a A • • y DAy 1 c a o o L dresser. 32 ln. hiJh. 19x38 ln. A daughter, Jeri Lyn. was born ._ Little F.ut top, $15. See at 205 N. Bay to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bostwick of MISCELJ.AJIEOUS Front. B a 1 boa llland. HA 308 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del 440 HeUotrope, Corona del Mar 0753-W Mar, tn Hoa1 Memorial Hospnal Harbor 4369 WILL TRADE home In Santa ------·-----------------on Monday, May 9. Mrs. lnn Vau1bn. director Ana for home In CDM. WUI GRAND PIANOS many llke new. ::.:_:=:::~::~::__-------~~=====:::::=:::::==~ pay $1.000 to $1.500 and equity. Stelnway. Excellent, condition. HA 1058-J. Beautiful Behr Bios. Queen FOR HIS or her graduation ... the new modern Eterna.Matlc. the finest self winding watch on ball bearings. See It at Ray Fields new location. VIsta Shopping Center, 19th and Pta. centla, Costa Mesa. $5 PER MO. rents good practice plano. Let the klddles learn. Style. Knabe Grand. OUiclal Opera plano, only $14SO. Love- ly Coops Grand. Mahogany case. tine tone a nd action, only $495. Another Grand only $435. Many other wonderful buys In Gra nds. Come! Look! Danz.. Schmidt Bla: Plano Store , Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 100 pianos. Home of the Hammond Organ. All term rent allowed if you buy later. Good practice pianos , SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful S135. SHo. $178, $195. Danz.. buys. Slightly used many rent- Schmidt Big Piano Store. 100 al returns. One In beautiful pianos. 520 No. Main. Santa Ebony. Famous name. This Ana. Term!!. make by Caruso. Only $395. SUP RENTALS: Rowboat Tental spaces. max. 8' beam, 30' length. American Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. BELPWAKTED WANTED: part time maid serv- Ice for motel. Must be willing to work Saturdays and Sun. HA 3112. Girls- Lovely Mirror 1'ype Spinet, only Sl95, a nother Maple fin- Ish $397. One more. the Aero- sonic Spinet only $465. Many other great buys. 100 pianos from which to choose. new and used. Danz Schmidt Big Plano and Organ Store. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. Home of the Hammond Or- gans. Blond Studio plano save $2165. Save Money WITH THESE Moving Day Specials fiiZ IEICUIY IIIDTOP $1411 Radio. Heatel", Mercomatk, w.a.w Tlres 1113 CIIYSI.fl $1- New Yorker 4 door. 1112 IIIII $841 Country Club, 2 Tone Brown. II&IIUDSOI- Hornet 4 door. Dark Green. 1961 IEICUIY STAnGl WIIM $1011 II& I STUIEIAIEI $781 4 door Sedan. Automatic 'nanarnlsslon. 1111 CIIIIYILD $1121 New Yorker 4 door Sedan. IlliG CIRYSI.ER WilDS. $7. 4 door, Perfect. 1148 IUISII 4 .. $381 IT'S A IIRL'S WORLD! HAMMOND ORGANS used. A rare opportunity. One famous LOIJ RE£D •II ASIImAT£1 Chord Organ, perfect condition. Chrysler.Plymouth One Hammond Spinet Organ 2 NOW IN OUR NEW BUlLOING 1200 WEST COAST IDGHWAY and you'U agree when you keyboards. Don't walt tl you NEWPORT BEACH Liberty 8-3486 hea.r ot the m.anY Job oppor. wl.sh to make a good aavln1 on F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tunJtJef eo, qualltfect )'OUD.I the wctld'a flDeat orp.na. Danz. women In our business today. Scbmldt. Home or the Ham- Openings now for: mond Organ. S20 No. Main, TELEPHONE OPERATORS .JANSEN ORGANO, the plano and -Apply-electric Organ In one lnstru- Monday through Friday ment. Sold for over $1500. Our 514 ~ No. Maln Street price $887. Terms. Alto One Rm. 211-Santa Ana beautiful Electronic Organ. 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. Like new. Blond finish. Fa. PACIFIC TELEPHONE mous make. Our price only SITUATIOKS w~ S685. Think of that! Dam; Schmidt Big Plano Co., Santa BABY SI'ITTNG, care of sick. your Ana, 520 No. Main . home, Day, niJht. mature CDM ------------------- woman. Before 10 a.m. after FOR SALE: 2·bedr. cottage. 606 Heliotrope, CDM. Phone owner. 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. HA OZ75-W, Sat. between 10 SDVICES a.m. and 4 p.m. Painting -Decorating w AJfTE1) PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Uoenaed Contractor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Liberty 8-8628 Uberty 8.6632 COMPLETE LANDSCAPDfG SEJIVICE ~ESTIMATES SltH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NUR.3ERY HA 1038 2744 E. Coast Hwy. FOR RENT 8-MM 16·MM 3S·MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FII.11 SERVICE Model Airplane SuppUea .... a ••• ,._ 50 USED PIANOS wanted for our rental dept. Highest cash aJ. Jowance In trade for organs, grand pianos. and s pinets. Danz Schmidt, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. PEJISOifAL MEN WANTED! Let Harbor Gym get you In trim. Harbor Body Building Gym. 644~ W. 17th, C.M .. I.J 8.8388. DID YOU know that Ray Fields. the Udo .Jeweler for the past 6 years, will open a new jewel. ry store on or about .June 1 with a complete llne of watches and jewelry and repal.r letVfce, at the VIsta Shoppln&' Center, 19th and Placentia, CM, next to the Carney Hardware! 1782 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu _ Pbone Uberty S. 700 ODU. PO a COLI.Dfl' . We're Jammed Full! Our Lot Ia SmaU Our Uaed Car IDYentory Big Sellet F,.. "tile llla111f ... II So•••• Calif." _. II ''rl-·11 ,r~our" '49 OLDSMOBJLE V -8 ..... -.... -............ -..... -.............. _ ... ..$ 695 RadJo, heater a nd Bydramatlc 'M OLDS 98 .. HOLIDA r· .......... --.-................ -........ .$3195 Fully equipped, 11.000 orlg. miles '53 FORD 2 DOOR CUSTOM ---·-.. --.. ···--.... 1 1295 Radio, heater and Fordomatlc '53 FORD 4 DOOR ................................................................ J 1395 New Black finish. Radio, heater and Overdrive '54 JAGUAR COUPE (Like New) ............. -....... ..$2495 'SO PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ·--.................. -............ J 695 Radio, heater and Hydramatlc . '54 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE -............ --.......... .$2495 Radio, heater. overdrive and Power brakes; One owner! '51 MERCURY 4 DOOR -· ......... _. __ .J 995 Radio, heater and overdrive. '52 STUDEBAIER V-8 HARDTOP .. _____ , .... Jl695 Special Hlfh CompTeulon heads, ,AutomatJc, radio and heater. '51 FORD 4 DOOR .. ._ . ...J 895 Radio, beater, Fordomatlc, WhJtewalll. '49 PONTIAC 2-DII. SEDANEn'E --·----' 595 Hu Radio and Heater. '49 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 195 COMPLETI: PAINTING A dau1hter, De.bra Ann, wu LOST Aim POVJfD PAPER RAlfGil'fG SERVICE born to Mr. and Mrs. Barney Col. BA 2t'7e 11n• of 8 Beacon Ba~. Newport Radto, heater, """ baked enamel ffnlah. 3 IIY .-y 11• .IUJIIEE * IT * FOUND: Girl's Jacket on CDM HA. f446 Beach, In Hoa1 Memorial Hospl. beach. Last Thursday mornJnJ. EUGENE 0 . SA.U!fDEII:S tal on Wednfjlday, May 4. __ c_l_a_lm_a_t_~ ___ La_r_u __ p_ur_._co __ M_. ___ 500 ___ 3_~ ___ ~--~-M--~~-"-_BM ___ Cb_ ;~::~::::::::::~::~ ••u• sAlt..._. DEAR PUBLIC- If you want to sell in a hurry, Without hav- ing trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor,' insisting On MULTIPLE USTING. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTC>RS AUDirf e .... ..., .A.,T DAT IC.OOL .. IJitle r.. 440 ~ Coraaa cJe1 Mar BUborAa. Mre. 1Hn Va•Pn. dlredGr JOHNSON & ·SON , IWOMDAY, MAY I& 1 .. I Photo Studio Mr. and Mrs. B. L Beaman have a lot ot we4cl1np to tbelr ~t. Not that they have been married 80 many Urnes. but rat,h. eor that they have photo8nphed a eood many wedclJnl eeremonJe. 1n their 28 yean ot worldn1 to- a~eor In pboto~aphy. For more than 25 yean they had a pleture .tud.Jo In l:allapell, Mont., juat outa.lcte of Glacier NatJonaJ Park. 'Ibis week-end they are openlnl the l:ayette Portrait studio at '2SQ E. Cout Bwy.. Corona del Mar. By way of Introduction. the Beamana are havlne an open houae and coltee hour from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Satur- day. Th~y wtll lhow procedure In OpensinCDM portrait .tud1e.1 and pl'eNftt prl&eJ~ for: a ,ueea1n1 eontelt. f • Denied DAVCIITZ.a roa IO.AJfS so• roa OOA.JD...Kn R.rl 0 Riot • A daue.ht~r. Kathy Ann. wu A .on. Terence loeepb. wu born to Mr. and Mn. Geore~ born to Mr. and Mrl. 'Ibomu The Beamana have been u.t.cl 1n Who'a Who In Amertean Por· t:ralture and have won many oon. teats for their photolfaphlc work Jncludlng fiJ'It prtu 1n MlJtne. apolla for a black and white 8tudy, another for color portrait. and honors 1n Chieaeo for: "'eel- lence 1n pbotocraphy. By Hi h r ~h I Offi • I ~:::. ~~ 7~~s;·~=~~d .. ~::: ~~;;. :::nA::; ~;:~ Ill X 00 I(IG tal on Saturday, AprU 30. H~lt.al on Monday, Nay 9. •• J••··················· .. ~~ ..... , ...... 'l'nllulp..:.tt.o at BA •• T DAY ICBOOL ... uttlehlll 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor4369 Under new management Mra. Jean Vauahn. d.lrector ,,... ... ., ••. ... , .•••.. ,, .... A v1rorous two -hour open forum meettne of the Udo Tout. masters wu held Tuesday eve- ning at the Harbor Houae on the topic, "The unlon controversy 1n th~ trucldne lndumy." Conaen. sus of the members wu that the truckers ar~ enUUed to a pay ln- creue 1n Line with other lndus- t:rtes. Pre.ldent Verne Allen pre- aided. and Ray l'Eduse wu table topics muter. DADQVAIITEM PO& TIYS, ............ '101 E.. Coast Bwy. at 1C~~~~alae: Coloaa del Ncu <Next to All American Markell ·~·5511 * A11o at SlSI E. 2Dd St.. Ia LoaCJ Ieoda * Ill JITnoriC ICIUIE aN1eft'Y &..-aDd D--. a&IIMrt. two oC tM .... .. ""'fte llacll 1'1-' 1o.• to ,_ ....-w Key rl ..ct • tit o...g. Coalt Colla,. ....Utodua. A dl&r~e by a Co8t.a Mesa mother that a riot occuned at Newpon Harbor Union H tell School Jut week, followtnr a ttaht 1n which h~r son wu In- volved. wu later dented by Jo- aeph Hamblet, hl&h school offl- dal. Mr. Hamblet ~xplalned that other boys Involved were merely attemptlna to break up the fight. Mrs. Marla Mc.MIJUan, 739 Cen- tet St., eo.ta Mesa, told N~rt pollee Jut 'I'tluraday that her .on. Joeeph, 15, wu ln a fight the day betor:~ at the high IChool and that later the fight developed Into a riot. Sh~ charged that How . ard Mitchell, 17, of 54S Irvine Ave., Newport Helgbta, hlt h~r .on. Pollee said ah~ wanted to do thla tor th~ Mitchell boy's own protection as there had been sev- eral boys a t the McMllllan home who stated that "they were going to get" Howud Mitchell. DW OP'P'JCZitl llfSTALLED Joseph McMillian told pollee S171fDAT lrf TID KE TAEDAE that while he and about 15 other New otflcers Insta lled Sunday freshmen boys were eating lunch at St. Andrewa Church by Ke at the benches on the high school Taedae were Karen Waaner, grounds, a group of 30 senior President; Darien~ Green. vice-boys began calling them names Bar tt, for no reason at all. The senior presld~nt; Brenda ne re-walked over to where Joseph and cording secretary; Joyce Albers. corresponding secretary; Phyllls the freshmen were eating. Joseph Milum, representative; N a n c y thought they' were going to sit Bryant, chaplain, and Merlin down but Instead they walkt>d behind tht>m and turned over the Couch treasurer. bench, pollee related. ----••••~•••••••••• .. •••• .. ••••~··~ One ot the group that Jost>ph ...... .,... .,... .,... ~ was with threw the Ice cream he • ~ was eating at one of the seniors. ~ a lmost causing a fight. At this . J'ln time, one of the senior boys sa1d • ~ he didn't llkt> Joseph's looks. • ~ "That's too bad,"" was Joseph's • ~ reply, pollee said. Joseph a nd the • ~ un namt>d boy started fi ghting. ~ While the pair were fighting. two • OPEN HOUSE other boys grabbed Joseph's arms • to our ~,and held them. pollee were told. • ~ At this time, because his arms • ..,.21 ~I were being held. Joseph tried to • friiiiJ Mil S.flniiJ, IIJ &U-~ kick the boy he was fighting and .._ ~ Instead kicked Howard Mitchell ~ ~ by mistake. Howard Mitchell • I P ,1,•6 P ,I, ~ then hit Jo~ph in the lett eye. • ""• Joseph told pollee that this fight • ~ was f ollowed by a tlot. • 4 Mr. Hamblet told a different • ~I version of the Incident after in-.._ DI•.IIJ If 11r Prize Willi. Pllotll IlL ...s 11n. L L. 4 tervteWina approximat~ly 20 bo~ ~ ... 11 "-. II+ 1t1 oC ...1111 who ~ either lnvolved or-wen • S •a1 -t..~--of Portrait aad Dark-• t' 11a. X ••t-. ~ wttne.es. He aald that four boyw ~ peel .UUWAUV • .._.. .._ c ..... ~ upset the bench on whlch Joseph ~ 1'0C8 peoe»ehaw • • • Coflee will be Poabatt teaa to. tU 4 McMillian and his companions • past 21 YMIL n..y ~ were sitting. This resulted In a se"ed •.. drop in and ... our new b a • • w o a m a a y ~ tight between Joseph and Bob • award&. Ia Cblcago ~I McClusky, 17, of 526 W. Wilson • studio. cmd llia...apoU.. tor ~ St., Costa Mesa. Mr. Hamblet said • botb color cm4 bladr • : FlEE 3 ... II ilL CUIED. :; ;.:•..::: ~ •a u.tecS 1a Who'• WJ:ao ~ ~ Ia AlD.-leaD Pboto-• ~ PIIITI· PII1IIITS grap by. ~r: a y. t t. ~ StucUo wW apec:la1be j ~ MAN-WOMAN-CHILD 1a Ccaaen Studlel of .,. .._ Chlldna cm4 Aclulta ~ ~ • hMcl WeddJ.Dp ~ <Contlnued from ~l' 1) • Juat enter our simple qu.-mg 9a:Jl!8 · · · "" raised to express opposition to Public Vote Suggested .._ cmd Rome .,.t:rcdtL ~ h ~ b "" sharing the beac . • nothing to uy • • • ~ Edward Healy of 113 15th St., • ~ Newport. said the area Is needed .._ ~ for a public beach because New. ~ ~~port has very little public recrea. • p e Stud• ""t tlon beach. He said the beach • KayeHe ort rail 10 ~ could be made self.sustalmng by • ~ charging for car parking. ~ ~ AI Forglt. Newport business- .._ 908 E. Coast Hi hway Corona del Mar HArbor 5135 ~ man, urged Council to keep the ~ 2 9 • • ~ trailer park and to use tht' In· ~ A.AA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ come to develop other park .._AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ---------------------·-·••••• areas. You Are Invited to our Third . Anniversary Party \ Next Thursclqy. May 26 From 12 DOOD to? ? • •-EIIUT.-T • . -• • • • • • HENRY'S • e PLAX DESCIUIED City Manager John Sailors said that th~ plan being consid- ered wu to modernize the trtlller park, doubl~ the income by rnls- ing th~ rent. use hall of that ln- creaaed lncom~ for amortizing the cost om Improvement, and thus stW hav~ a.s much net In· come a.s th~ city now receives from the tral&er residents. Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart ra1sed the questJon of legaUty ot lf'a.s- lnr water front property. Com - missioner CampbeU. who had been a member of th~ Board of Freeholders drattln& the city charter, aald the charter requires a vote on leu lnr 01' aentna water front property. but there wa.s a question whether opera tin• • a trailer park would require a vot~. Orvtlle Schlueter, Balboa busJ. neuman. recommencMd aetUing the matter by puttlnt It on th~ ballot. He also au~ VM of ..t.bat Sahara c1nert on the ocean Oont. .. Mra. C.nar COIDIIMilb"d that that area had .,.,_ IMil· doned u a trailer park lite. that no one h~ld Joeeph'a arms. • 'JiFJ .. ....,. fUll F• ,_ lllrill ,..._.._ .u othe-r a,oy. were tr)1ne to • .,.. -.p break up the fleht Joeepb tried • lion autn.ts 1a Jai9h.w co.u::.otratao. 1a .......ra ,.._ a.. ~ to kick Bob McClulky, mlutn1 ~ Ia -Y otJMw 1aaowa fOod. • him and klcldne Boward Mitchell • Teat coatalu a1.-t ao fct. ltGda • ...,_.. ...s ltll • by mlltake. Boward loa:t bts tern-• ..,_,,_,t ......_ ICit1aft.-tbe ~-Ia era ••• -,...r t.dc ~ per and blt Joeeph In the left .._ ...........,._ aad 91,... yoa U.. a.c:la ...sed P.P. ~ ~ W Mft It Ia pow.S.. a-Ir • tablet ...... 1'1ae ... JOC 4 eye, Mr. Ha mblet aald. • --8110 tabWa CODtaia tbJ'M u... a •uda aJoda. wttb ao ,. At no time wu theTe a riot, .,._ty 0... "" only aeveral bo~ rushlnr to the • 1111101 · ElL F .. I VITIIIIITIIE • ::: ~~ru:~;:~ :u: q::: : • x .• ..! ams.TI -a. CI••••..S Stdp ~ ed Mr. Hamblet u aaylng. tAAA.AAAAAA.A~~AAAAAAAAAA~ PE EY'S LAGI A BEACH STORE IUchly atyled cb..W. . . . bedsprt>ad.s w ith a Colonial hl'lrloom charm' Styled with lavish over I a y. SCillloped fringed edges. Twin. full. 7.90 An U80rtment of top quality finest Nylons-Dacrons Orlons fabrics -Prints and plain colors. just in time for Sum. mer sewlng-A savlng every one should take advantage of 66~ TD. colors that alow with a pearly Scn-.1 Imported 1/1 .. lamboo bliadal Cool a1ry tht>y cut sun glatt> gl\'t' you privac-y Blenrl with evPry dP<'tlr. can eve n ht> paintt'd 4 X 6' 1.29 MACHINE WASHABLE IICIH PILLOW 41111 Perfect for Summer. Odorless. allergy tree. PermanPntly n ut ty . T h ~ y · r e una.lfK"ted by weatheT changes or humldJty. V~ rayon rugs .,Ina you ~ brilllan~. a new duslc d~ ...- stan. Resists mattln&. dlrt.17x5r . ~ dust. Machine w a aha b 1 e . a.s· _ 7.10 White. French Blue, others! ._.. 11.75 By na,ht U.,. pampw you wtth th•lr aatJn.arnooth tu- tdre! By .s.y they ..... ,..., ftMCSI-....tr! , , ... -· ..... ,.. .... ?s dl- ... ,_ •• I .... - ~22··-··-- 211-,._ ................. ......... --..... ,... ... _ ... ,... • ...., nt,.., ••n::-ua. a.-.. •t~WQwtu.dliQr ET:AiaaM~ ... .......... .. , • nrtt ucl MCOD4 .,ade • lf.&T. aa4 21. Six Overcome Aboard Boat JMDtary ICbool ltudeota In tbe .~laM-up e.t1DJca tor dlUdren Kewpult Be a e b ~ ~ tbe llaoa wW be stven Slx penona were ov.-eome by 8c:bool Dlltrlct will pt tbeAf 8aJk hiD t a.m. UD~ DOOD the latur- A. total ol 37 ~Ina boata In actioD out of Dawy'a Locker from ftw ~ landlnp eanytq ellht pueeqen. 'J'ro. 1n Newport and Balboa will cele-phles w11l be liven for the larg· bl'ate Conservation Day on Wed. est tlah In seve-ral cateiOI'ln and Mee~a.y, May 25. donatlq all pro-club partJclpaUon. carbon monoxide fumes aboard poUo VfoCICiM abota on J'rtdq, day 1oDowtq 1n tbt CoauDunlty the boat Lo I.e Do on a trip from Mq 21. and J'rtday, l\l.oe 10. Cent. Cl-.bboulle, no. W. Eighth En.leoada to Newport Harbor na... date. have been Mt -.p In St.. Santa Ana. Sunday, May S. Newport Beach the oU-aaatn on-aga.ID pollo va.e. tire department reported. etne Pf'Oir&m to complete the 1'DTAI....,. The fire department reecue ...._ prior to ~ clOIIIn• on Or~• County Chapter of the ~quad and a physician were BY ~ ~--'~~ June 17. . Kappa Alpba Theta SoJ'Orl'y c.edl to the Ocean J'1lb Protec-Boats from Balboa PavUlon to tJve Alan. participate Include Frontier, Lan· u each boat 1oe1 out with a cer, Southern Comfort n, Skaal, capacity ll'OUP ot an&lers at the Sea Fern and Speedllner. From 18.!50 fare a penon the conserva. Davey's Locker wlll be the Sea· tlon group wtll rece&ve $5,d.!50 bllcutt. Lazy M, ~e.Nada, Le,a for the 819 analere aboard. . !I, Ca~ and Ramona Il. Norm • called to treat Mr. and Mrs. ~~ 1"\j~ eo.ta Meea elementary IIChool Alumnae met Ma.y 10th for lunch Douglas Lee In their home at 333 chllclhm are llated to tet their at the honw ot MIL WUUa VIa Lido Sou d. Lido Isle, at 9:03 ib&X:ICIQIC:ICICZ:Ia::X:ICII::x:liCXXIQ:::IIIICIC:II:IICIC:II:IICICD~~c-=d I ahota today ('Jbureday) Jnd to-'nlompeon In Emerald Bay. '111•· p.m. Others trom aboard the boat • f'DULOIOI ~y, WecSneNq, ~~q 11. The morrow (J'rlday). Tbe teeond tu from Fullerton entertained treated In the Lee residence In· Moat Norte Amerlcanos figure cat• open at t p.m. thl'oulb J'fl-ahob will eome next week on with a aklt. May 25th has been set aside aa Landlril boats to take part wlll Conservation Day by the Sport-Include the Blue Wate-r, Andele, tbblnl Servtee Aaociatlon, Inc.. H.leb 'nde, Bocket and Suzan. ot N rt-Balboa accordin& to Port Orance boata wlll Include eluded Mr. and Mrs. Warren when May arrives that the flab-day. On Saturday and luDCla.y r====================;::=====; Breamer ol 241 Morning Canyon lng down MazaU.n way Ia all you can let 1n at noon. '""* Ia Rd., Shore Cliffs. and Mr. and washed up. I do not theenk ao, Oran&e County's tint. I'll be Mrs. Andrew Seablom of Los An· In •'--Sa •-Announcing senor. Durin& the week endin& lookln1 for you uoc nta An& &eln. The victims were advlaed M•v 6, Lull Patron's Indian Fleet Bowl-and lookJnt forward to to remaln In the Lee residencce ...., Or Sh ewpo . ' the GJP9, Streamliner, Sarda Cy Tucker, president. Sarda, ~abee, Trade Wind, we ''Thls 'Conaervatlon Day' hu Seven Areta B. Mohawk and not been slated In the hopes of Vonnl~ Sea.sport boats wfll ln. conductin& a maaa slaughter on elude the Pappy, Jet I. San Juan, the specles ln the vast fishlng Pronto, Skip AJon&, Solano, Sul- erounds patrolled by the New-ta Little Jim. Sabra Lucky ran 45 trips. The catch! Just 341 maktn1 the ange County ow overni&ht. salltlsh and f.lve marlin. That's an annual event. A bll PGMY to ·-Pill .. 1M& El .... ,. ..... port-Balboa flsblnl neet." said El:ine and Vellron. ' True Elder, pnstdent of O.F .P.A.. Repre.entatlves from 8ervice "but a method to &aln terrific duM were lhvlted to a luncheon financial help tn preserving our Slpe1 T H Psi .... meeting at the VlUa Marina yes. great flahlng through legl.slatlve J..a&.H. ..... terday to discuss the possibility process which is costly. Through ...... UHI 1 • of brln&lng a tore.lill exchange the generosity of landing and Installation of officers for the student to Newport Beach High boat owners this Is being made Costa Mesa pt Chapter of Slgma School tor next year. possible and Is deservln1 of the Tau Psi, non-academJc sorority, Interested local groups OT lndl· s upport of every angler uble to was held recently at the home of vlduals will .need to furnish $650 get away on this day." Mrs. R. K. Glass, Newport. The for transportation per t.'tudent and The landings and Individuals business followed a dinner meet-this wtll <-over a $12 monthly "pin making the day possible along lng. The new president Is Mrs. money'' allowance for the youth with bait haulers Include Balboa A. L. Eichler of Costa Mesa. or young girl, who will be be- Pavilion. Art Gronsky; Davey's tween 16 to 18 years of age. A Locker, Dave Fink; Norm's Land-PO~GVE VlSITS BAKCK:OK: ·local home for the student will ing, Frank Keeler; Port Orange, Among those who visited the also be needed. Mrs. J. B. Stod- Peter Banett and Seuport Land-city ot Bangkok. Thalland, while d d one o! the group of local lng, Larry Allen. The largest boat serving aboard the radar picket m~tbers, who first conceived the taklng part will be Bud J acklin's destroyer USS Higbee w.as Don; Idea, said that there Is also con- Vellron from Seuport, able to ald H. Poague, gunner 8 mat slderatlon of a plan to send a carry 94 pasaengers. SammY third class, USN, son of Mr. and Newport student to Europe for a Roach, only licensed feminine Mrs. G. E. Poague of 2255 Fair· three month summer stu den t ;opeii&riiiaiiitoiirii, iiwii 1iii11iiihiiiiaiiviiieiiihiieriiiiiiEstiiiiiieii·iiNiiiaiiidiiiiaiiiiivliiiiewiiiiiiiiAiiviie.ii. iiiiCostaiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiesa.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiira tour. Ill£ us PROVE IT! ••• "'We lulft Uowll....., cnahaoi:IUe cldY- .,. ~~ow to _.. ....,. ua. state r- way. Jut 91ft ..-tM oppwtaalty to proft to yoa the .-y ........ ad'Nat. -vea of the ~t .....,._,. plcm ploDeend by .... ,. ... - • STATE FARI liS. CO. L. E. CAIJlKS 133 E. 17th St. Bloclaa.blgtoa. DL c.n -1'octa7 ••• Colta Kna W~ J. LAJfDII Ll a.1011 HewaniCiallflamlll lrt ........ II ICC Orange Coast College Board of Tnntees has appointed Howard D. Clapp as Instructor In art lor 1955-56 beginning Sept. 1 . Mr. Clapp has been teaching art In the Burbank High School and serving as coordinator of art ~ the secondary schools of tha t city tor the past nine years. He baa a bachelors de&ree from San· ta Barbara Collep, bu ODIDPiet- ed graduate work at UCLA and has earned the master's degree at Los Angeles State College. at in Corona del Mar This VALUE=<CREST Combination Mattress and Sox Spring Gives You A&solutely Full Value for4S8950 .......... _,..,.. .... .....-~ ef ....... ..... _, ~~ ._, ... the Colli ... a.46ot lc-.•dl-Lw...f ... A"~ to_., -_..,_ ......... it y.w .......... .I ..... ,. , ... 4 •.... "X-Itey (yt•• _.,,...., THIS LA•IL GIYIIYOU X-RAY EYES lead what's on the label of this mtom mattress maAufadured by I nco! almost el&ht flab per trip. Need the Santa Ana Llona Club for we say more! sponsort.nc th1a flnt one! e LUJfDB I'm having trouble 1ett1n1 one And from not quite so far of my gray whales ln the ahow. 80Utb,,we hear a flab tale that Is The chief 1quawk Ia from the almost aa fabuloso. H a r o 1 d MetropoUtan Water Dlatrlct. But Green's Marltn Inn Bulletin-of. I aolemnly proml.te to leave all the-week halls a new Derby King, the rattlesnakes over In Lon& one Dick Fleming, of San Diego. Beach with ''Tex" Schupbach. Dick had never caught a yellow. tall. He took a rod along that he bad made hknself. It wasn't a very heavy one, for he had built It for steelhead fishing. The rod was glass, his line was 20 pound monotllament, tipped with a number four hook. He went out on an "afternoon" boat, the Mas- cot Ill ... USC Honors Mary Barrett Mary J. Banett, 21, of 2772 Bay. shore Dr., Bay Shores. was hon· ored by the Associated Women Students of the University of Southern Caltfornla Monday at the annual recognition assembly, The Yarn Shop al/aiiGdMAft. .......Iliad ..... 11, ...... , •• , 21 .................... DJ:'!TmC IKSTIIUCTIOIIS ••• CIIAJITDIQ ••• BLOCKDfC lloan 10 cma. ••• 5:10 ...... Tou a:re la'f'HIId to ._ br aLA.IfCBE amz Yep. He did It! His monster yel- lowtail, the ftrst of his ltle. weighed 50 pounds, three ounces. Some people mllst live right, es- pecially a guy named Dick Flem. lng. Congratulations, flrst.tlmer! e LOCAL CBEEB held in Hancock Auditorium. ~=======================~ She received the Elisabeth von i- This good news comes from Davey "Llttle Blue Locker" Fink, who, we hear, Is getting so used to being on television that he has a tllcker In his voice. The good old "Spanish Mackerel" (really, mackerel jacks. for they just ain't mackerel a tall!) have aJTived again down Dona Point way. Last week, the bags were full and the anglers happy. We hope they stay a long time. And lt you don't .think they're a swell fish, try It on a ltght spinning rod. They like live bait. but one of the best days I had was In an outboard with a bucketful of KleinSmld Award, one of the three top honors of the urilver. slty, for "consistency of service and loyalty as well as personlfy. lng the character of the late wile of Chancellor von KlelnSmJd." The award was kept secret un- tJJ the assembly. Miss Barrett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Barrett and Is a member of Kappa Kap pa Sorority. She is president of the Trojan Amazons, outstand. lng women's service organJza. Uon, and Is a senior In the Col. lege of Let1ers, Arts and Sciences. Sociology Is her major. .U&hUy dead anchovies. And T W t fi•••••l• within filn&ln' da.tance of the I 1•1•1p jetty. The condition of people In In· But the most exciting news dla and the work of the mission· from Davey was that over around ary In that country was vividly Catalina, the schools of yellow-described to members of the Wo- tall were so thick you could walk men's Fellowship of St. Andrews around on their moss covered Presbyterian Church at their May backs. They weren't hungry-yet. meeting by Dr. Elizabeth Dun The waters were alive with bait. bar. who has served many years But one of these days those hun-as a medical missionary In north gry warriors wlll eat all the bait India. and then ... ! ! Well, 1 just hope The program followed lunch- J'm there when the bomb goes eon served by the executive board off! Eh. Chill? of the fellowship. Mrs. Loyd Fol- • OtJB OWX som led the devotions. Mrs. Glenn There were a lot or drums beat. Bailey took charge of the busl- en for the Los Angeles Sports-ness meeting which Included reo men's Show. now history. I didn't ports by Mrs. Donald Anderson, We Congratulate IESIIUUEIS ••• Oa Coalplet.loa of "The Home Building Industry' a Proudetlt AchieYement" TID "WHITE 1118 COITEST HOlE" •JIDDI DUAJI BOKr 17th St. at Imne in Co.ta Met~a • • • We Feel Honored . * * * ........................ , .. W..tiogbowle LmaDdromat Packard Bell TeleYiaion Harmon-Xardon High Fidelity Muaic System. • • S.. na.a Ill TIM '"Dt --.·--s..1'1Maa Ia ()pendlea cad Get • ,__ ....... at brave the s mog and the freeways secretary, and Mrs. Bertha Tillot-* Liberty t.sa7 * for It this year. But my best rea. son, treasurer. Mrs. J. Lamar OPU P'BIDAT EVES. 'TD.I. t P.X. son for being a bsent is that Or. ..J.o~h~nsto;;~n~tn~tr;od~u~ced~~th~e~s~pe;;ak;e~r~. ~;;;;~§~~~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ ange County Ia having a Sports-r man's Show, right here In our (Polltlcal ~dvmt.ement) own stampln' grounds. In fact. as you read this. It's under way! So pack up your troubles and your f~mlly and point the old jallopy for the Santa Ana Bowl at EJ&hth and Flower. Last day Ia Sunday, May 22. e CUWVES Here are a few pitches on what to expect. The flrat ones are curves. There'• a queen contelt on, and we're bettlnr on one of Orange County' a mo.t curvaceoua gals to win that trtp to Mexico City. Jo Ann Underwood, who al. ready Ia In loti of pictures, hu been leading the aweet l'U thlnp. Today, the cholee will be made. A lot of queens have won bathlnl aulta and they'll be wear. In& 'em! <Brln& your camera.) • roa ,.... 'Mle attractlona are varied. My own interest Ia ltimuJated by tbe PJ'fte~ of many outdoal' pro.. ducta manufactured right here lo our own county. Home -IJ'OW1l boat.a, t:raJlera. flab lnr rocSa. depth·cliden (you're welcome, Roy!) are Jut a few ~octal ~ ducta on mow. 'l'b-. an trained beats, tiepllant rldee, hobb~ art. cut1q poola (b7 It JOUf· wlt), wtld ............ kl4'1 dq on Sata.rM)' an4 a ..tan Ia Wbkh )IOU taM put wttbOUt ... lllf to AfrtcL 'l'bl8 ............. rM1b' • .,... lNilt. aD4 .... ...... .,~y __ .... tM traJJ.r ..... .,., tDIIaftJI. I'D Wit ... -~--... ! ..,. ....... _ .. ,.. ... If..., .. ,.. ..................... .. tbe ........... JM ...... .... ~, .............. . Vote For Board of Trustees Orang~ Coast College • • • The following residents of the Orange.Coast Jr. College Dis- trict urge and recommend that you support DR. BOIERT B. OLAMDEB ~~~;;E~~~~~:;;=~~~=~lJ ~ 0 I eMir ..... = ....,_ ..., _. .... _, ,.. h~!lll!l!!e!~!ei!!P-!!II!!I!I~!!!II!!IW!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • I. • e aADiia 1011 10VDD lea~ A.rmatro~ GAA te. we WW17 about ~-and ac. 1:1u11p played a --....n ....,, aaya that 1'uelcla.1 after prtmarr eieetio-. MOIIt ot 1M pme .,.._ w..-.-. at tc:hool the 8th ~racten atarted c&NNe ... aoc au at tb.etr ....,.. til* owa dWnolid X.y 12. ,.... Ute af~Jea badminton touma- tliNI. ID t.d _,. at tllaa aat M1t1t.aac11q ,..,_. for botb DMnL We d.Nw nwnben to tee .._.tea or lln.en more. ...._.,... ~ EWott and wt1o played flrlt: 24 ctru In the e e e ._ Catl for tbe ...._ aid lob .. v~ IJ'OUP .tayed to play. e .....-o 1D 11fD1A11a llolldM I« • ...,,..,._, 'Jbe fl. We wUI play true. tim~ after Oar ltuclent ~undl hu ,... naJ 8CCn at tbe MJJ IUM wu 1 IChooJ and durtnc lunch period. cetwd ~ from 8 en at 0 r to 1t tn tavor at w .. mt....,.. The flrlt three receive badmln- 11aomu J[ud\el and l.epr-nta-Tbe IIC!OdnJ Wftlt u lollowa tor ton emblema and the flm twelve tM Jamea Utt conoernlnc the the loealt: loa Carl aot away play In the mlxed double (boys Jfav~ and Hopi lndJan altua-wtth the ~ With 4. John Hu. and atria). The Lim three that tton lome ot ou IMmbera wtft k.el •tth 2. and 8IJl Olamplon are leadJn& a~ MarUyn Bowler 1 ~ tn .. :n, If Ulere Isn't 800r'ed L atdlard Wat.on hit a (who won lut year), Ginny Dun. ~ that could be done double, brlnalnl In two run!~, lavy and Jeanine Armstrone. about tbe lndlan'a welfare. Seft. and Grant Rarnbedr hit a double. • • • ator J[ue.hel atatecl U.at ID,&eO,. brfncinl 3 nma. 0u.r ltandlng In Pe-lul Jerlul wUl play for a 000 hu been appropriated for the Leacue Competition: 2 wins aeventh erade dance thla Friday nat year and that many new and 3 ~ In the _n_m. _____ _ proJI'&ma are now under conald· e A 10VGII ~ fli ... idiEnldii~prW;:;;urt;;:;;A;;d&.:;:;;:;;;;;;;:;:d==;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;~ eratlon. BorMe Enslp'a buebal! te&m played La Jolla lk.y 10 at their PI .. ftl S...ll eehoolln PJacenda. ErWcn'• run eame In .the ftnt lnnln« when 1.1.1 ... 1.-.11 I ionny Carl wallred and atole ~eC-Mlle Cla.rlce W..s.tdftd, Jfew-WWI ond. an"d JtidLanl Wat.on hit a pen ~~~ HJP. leboolJdo 1,~ Many eoaee hours and muaieal Mrs. BuU Petenon of. m St. The annlvera.ary of foundera double f11/er Cn~ter flelcler"a head ate. u..UICI"Iy 0 • --. puttea are belnl held 'round the Andrews Rd., Cliff Haven, held a to cltt'le blm ln. ID the 1ee10nd malttnc plana for • July wed. Harbor area with enthuatutlc eoUee at her home Hay 10 for day of the PI Beta Phi Sorwfty Ronny cot a double ttnd ln the dine. ~dln.J to a recat AD· aupporten at the Oranre County approximately twenty people, and wu celebrated wtth an 1nata.lla-t1tth wu walked and atole both nouncement made by her mother, PhUh&m\OnJc Society trytne to Mn. Gertrude McCall entertained tlon ceremony and luncheon at aecond and third, but both teams Mra. Edwald G. Wedekind Jr. of acquaint their frtenda and nelch-a almUar number In her home at the VUia Marina r~nUy. Retlr-falled to 1100re. Bob JohNon wa<J Beverly HUla and lJdo. The bora with the alma and the needs 2011 Kin&• Rd., Cllft Haven, on in& president. Mra. Georee Moore walked and cot to third twiCf', · m ..--. A ..... ...._ ..._., croom-~be Ia Alan Pattenon at the aymphony aoclety. May 9th. Oo May 2 Mrs. Georee of Bay Shores. presided over the but each tJme failed to score. ...._ 5lt:l come ln and look U'OUD4 . . . you are 8UJ"e to ftnd that unu.aual cttt you are looJdnc for . . . and we have the tlnest paper party cooda and b!ld,e aupp\Jes. ltruM of Honolulu. McLauehJin of45 Ketch Rd., Sea-meetlne. which Installed Mta. Richard Elliott cot a aln&le and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;=~:;:;;;:;:;:;;a-=iiiiijj~--;;=i eon Bay, held a coffee for flf. John Snetalneer of Laeuna u stole second but he abo failed to teen. Frieda Bellnfante, conduc-president. Mrs. Charles Cutler of score. VOTE FOR DR. ROBERT H. OLANDER ......... c. .... y .. ·v .. ..w. Get One! * lewport Harior Baak . ........... When he finis hes high school .. ........ ~ ................. this Gas water heater will still be goin g strong! Look lor Ge v.tW a..._ U'l s.l we-7" My a MW ... _.c.. ............ '-............. c:any th.ia • .......... .,....., ......................... ... of ee,. ...... ,... of-. .... ...... cw,. c. .......... ~ ...... s.,... .......... .... ,, .... ...... •• .,. ••• l llntll ........ .. tor of the Orange County Phil· Santa Ana a.s vJce.presldent, Mrs. La Jolla's runs came In the harmonic Orchestra, presented a Phlllp John of Santa Ana as re-fourth lnnln& when Cemez. Gar short talk about the alms and cordine se-cretary, Mrs. Earl Cor-cia, and Docado aU eot aJnch:-s, purposes of the society. kett of Balboa as correspondlne Gemez and Garcia were driven Mlss Bellnfante was one of the secretary and Mrs. Allen Beh-In by Martinez' double. Dorado pertormln& musicians at a muel-rendt ot Laeuna a.s treasurer. and Martinez. howf1ver, failed to cal held Tuesday. May 10 at the Mrs. Austin Sturtevant or Cos. score. The eame .was really a home of Mrs. Alyne Fields, 2541 ta Mesa will serve a.s ways and tough one. ElWJO &ot .even men Circle Dr., Bay Shores. means chairman and Mrs. Thom-on and JCOred one run. La Jolla .... .. ~ <>.....-c..t eoua,. e A prof•uion•l meo quel,fied by .ducetion end exp.r.ence. e Active in community end youth work in th• Orenc;~e Coe1t Aree. e Four colltHJ• de9ree~, includin9 e Merter't OtH}r" in the field of Ed uce! ion. Dlstrlct chairmen for the Phil-u Froct of Newport wu tn.talled eot eleht men on and .a>red two harmonic from the entire county as ht.torlan and publicity chair-run&. (Tbanka for the story Rich- met Wednesday. May 11 with man. ard ~Wabon). e l't.dc;~.d to m•intein th• hic;~lt st•ndercl of Oreft9e C:O.rt Col-le~. THIS IS AN l.,_.f'ORTANT EUCTION IE SUl.E TO VOTl .•• Way JO, lftl Karen Marereta Bruning. execu- Uve c:Urector, for a brealdut bus- In~ meeting at the Balboa Bay Club. L&QAL JfOTICI& -CU'f--u-ICATZ 01' ausun:ss FtctJtlous Firm NI.Jlle THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby cert11y that they are conduc:tihe a Land8capine bustnea at 2229 Eut Coast Hlchway, City of Newport Beach, County ot Or- ange, State of California, under the flctJtlous firm name of COAStAL LANDSCAPING a n d that aaid firm b compoeed of the foUowtne peraona, whoee names and ad~ are u follows, to-tttt: Royce W. Prl~ St. lam~ Road, Newport Helchta. Newport Beach, Calltomla. Leonard F. Jon~-618 Hello- trope Avenue. Corona del Mar, Newport Beach, CallfomJa . WITNESS out hands this 11th day of April, 1955 Royce W. Prior Leona.rd F. Jones STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. . ON THIS Eleventh day of AprU .A. D .• 1955, betore me Robert w. Fruer a Notary Public 1n and for aald County and State, resld- ln& thereln duly commissioned and aworn. personally appeared Royce W. Prior and Leonard F. Jones known to me to be the persona whose names are sub- 8Crlbed to the within In.atrument, and acknowledl'ed to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto let my hand and al- flxed .my olfJclal aea1 the day and yur ln this certl&ate first above written. NOTARY PUBUC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND STATE Robert w. f'ruer My Comm'a'on Expllel Ma..rch 5,1156. PublJah: AprU 21. ~ May 5, U In the Newpcll't Harbor Elulp. F•Y_.I r.o,lehawbMn ~ ••• end bele¥fnt that , .... NIEIIU .. On the speedway Thia year, a clean-lined convertible wearing ~hevro~et •• co~ is aetting t.be pace at t.be _world-fa.m_ous ~dumapolis 500. A breath-taking new Bel Air convertible Wtth plenty ~ what it takes to i~tily a paoe-eetting ~l~ aJq~C~Un: ~. un- cluttered sgling and a way of whisking ot! NOW W1th the anooth 5l>ht-eecond 1\.lJ'ge of a new 180-h.p. "Super Tur~ Fire VS" (an extra-cost option anyone can enjoy). Pacemaker o~ any road I On the highway Chevrolet'• linling highway performanee is bein& ~ved on stock car tl'aclc.s everywhere. In tbe recent NASCAR •tock car competition at Daytona Beach, Ch~let ~ away from tbe other low-priced cars. ln the one-mile lltn.iahtaway run. the ftrat two cars-and six of the first ~-were ~vroleta. ADd in acceleration runs from a standing start ap~nat all eomen, Chevrolet beat all other low-priced ean-and ~ ~prieed ear exoept one t Come diVe the "TUJ"'bo.Fire V8l' £BBVBOLET ·--·--·-· --... • i.a L c..t llwy. 8 COIIOJIA DEL ICAI ,._.~sen -'!!l DOrothy Gray go-together specials Two beau1y tJi& in OM paclcage at 1.00 savin8s up to 50% Dcwothy Groy Dolntl~ Ct-o.odoront t2~ o1.) plw Noee9oylok '"pbtlc contolner. loth for 1.00 ,.,.,.. • '.1 SJ Dcwothy Gray Solon Cold C,-(3 o:z.J plw O.OM!ng Gran.. lofh fot 1.00 ,.,....,.a) Dcwothy Groy Waterproof M c ~ c ro pfwfyeCr-m (11'7 OL) loth for 1.00 (""'"f.lMJ .......... ........ 0.., WIAIJ _O ... CI If ...... •-c..-.Mt-. CORONA DEL IAR PHARMACY "THE Pnacrlptjoa Pharmacy"' BA.tbcw 2272 3127 E. Coast BJghway Coroaa del Mcu Buy Now • • SoutJawortla. ooa.., •CU.. ..a•_, 1 Dontlay ..... _...s .......... tJ ........ ....,. JI...,.U. IMOI'd1D9 waetcay1 Marllyaa w...•. tint Y1Ge pnekteat. IOta Bowell. CIDd ntlrtDt p1 !+et Made aiJd. (EMI9a plaote) c,a. c•••• , .... l1f. lrlllllry Teat OFFICERS .ARE INSTALLED AT BPW CLUB BANQ\JET Cpl. Robert K. CUbbison, 20• Past President Irene Morris son o1 Mrs. Arnold C. Kohls, 486 came from Downey especially to Broadway, Costa Mesa, recentJy Install the new otfl...-ers of the participated In an efficiency test Business and Professional Worn conducted by the 1st lnfantr~ Dl-en's Club at their installation vision's 7th FieJd ArtJUery Bat· banquet Thursday evening, May tallon In Wurzburg. Germany. 5. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Cpl. Cubbison. a clerk typist In Club. the battalion's Headquarters Bat I Little gifts. beginning with a tery, has been overseas nine miniature green piggy bank for months. He Is a 1952 graduate the treasurer. were presented to of Newport Harbor High School each new officer as s he was told and was a clerk for the All of her duties by Mrs. Morris. American Market In Newport f Special aQd standing commit. Beach before entering the Army ,. tees were announced atter retfr. In Septem ber, 1953. lng president Mazie Bird official. ly turned over the gavel to the LECAL lfOTICE I new president, Jean Howell. The No. A-25660 I standing committee heads wlll JfOTICE TO CBEDITOBS be Kathryn Quinn. finance; Rose ESTATE OF HERMAN NICHO· Fenton. International relations; LAS ROESSLER. DECEASED. I Eva Van Wissm an. legislation; nounced that the $200 rllt being presented to Hoag Hospital will be u~ for a suction machine. Special mention was made of Mildred Chapman and other presidents, who arranged the In· stallatlon program, of Ada Marie Dussler for the decorations and of Lydia Southworth for the pro- grams. Gilts for the new officers In- clude-d a miniature gavel for the new president. a blank book for Vice President Ma rilyn Wheeler to fill with programs; a member ship card for Dorothy Palen. sec- ond vfce.president In charge of members; a small book for short minutes for Mary Naegell, re. cording secretary; a pen for Lydia Southworth, corresponding secre tary, and a plggle bank for Ruby Stevenson. Installed as treasurer. Members of Orange Coast Col lege presented a musical pro gram for the evening. DIRECTORY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Dorothy Palen, membership; Mar the creditors of and aJl persons iJyn Wheeler, program: Ruth having claims against the said Wright. public attairs. and June decedent or said estate to file Johru10n, aid~ to s maJl business. them with the necessary vouch· S_pecJal committee chairmen ers In the otflce of the Clerk of for the new year will be: Bosses' the Superior Court of the State night, Kathryn Quinn; conven ot Calllornia. ln and for the tlons. AlJce Bell; courtesy, Marl NlJSJC County of Orange. or to Pte.Mnt gold Schlueter; decorations. Hel Margaret L. Scharle the same, with the necessary en Cole; hlstorlan . .BernJce Weav Teacher of Plano vouchers. to the u ndersigned at er; hospitality, Mazie Bird ; March Organist . Accompanist hls or her place ot business, to-ot Dimes. Gretha Tubbs; music, Evenlnf Classes wit: Lester R. Roessler, c/o Ralpb Clara Ellen Spellman ; radio and for Adult.l M. Myers, Jr., 2721 East Cout teJevlsJon, Mary Helen Wl190n ; JIJ7 GOLDENROD AVE. Hlrhway, Corona del Mar, Ca1J.. report coordJnator, Jean Matt-Corona del Mar fornla. wJthln six months after bewa; weUare, Betty Handy; year ~:Jfii!!!!iJD~mi!•~~~oa!![=~ tbe tint pubUeeU. fll dtJI ... booll a.nc1 emblem. lala Peck. and .. uce. · youth actJvttles. MerrUee Dun-P'rtendly Ketahborbood Setvlce Dated April 29. 1955 gan. Dorothy Sutherland wlll be Parkes-Ridley Mortuary LESTER G. ROESSLER parliamentarian. Formerly Grauel Chapel Executor of the Estate of said Past President Mazie thanked decedent. 'the club tor the rift of luggage 110 Broadway Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. 2721 East that was presegted to her at the Ll 8·3433 • 8-3434 Costa Mesa Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. president's cocktail party held !===========::::; California, Attorney for Execu. recently at the Udo Is le home tor. of Agnes Blomquist. She . an Publish May 5, 12. 19, 26 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. • And Save! ne Cmnltea ••• H_. 11 Costa lesa NOW ... TW O BALTZ MOaTUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY 11iE SEA Harbor 42 * All New 1955 Patio Furniture * Costa Mesa. at 210 Broadway Ave .. Is the new home of just married Mr. a nd Mrs. Wayne M. Croswhlte. The young couple s pent their honeymoon at Grand Canyon following a double ring 3520 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Baltz M ortuary Liberty 8·2121 REDWOOD CHAISE LOUIIE. . .. $1 &.16 a-g. 124..95 (ladadM pad & cboice ot coloc') * Complete llae of quality Alumlllwa & Jledwood Patio & Gardea Pahlltwe. tJm.bnlhla. ll'Gden & Cbarcoal * Terrydoth Conn for QaiM Loaa9e&o Clab a.atn. s.t .... etc. * Plastic llaiD & Saa eo... for Patio Pu.nUt\ue of all types. * Umbnlla Jle.co9en--All Slaea * COMPLETE PAnO FURNITURE SERVICE * Uberty 8-1482 * We DeUftl' WIRTH'S BAYSIDE PAnO I URDEI SHOP (BAYSIDE PLATDfC COMPAJIT) 1914 RAiliOil IOtn.EVAJU) COSTA MESA. 17h • Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS wedding ceremony held a t the '----,R'ffllD~:--­ Costa Mesa Community Method- Ist Church. The bride 1s the tor· mer Miss Lorraine Amburgey of Costa Mesa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amburgey. The groom Is the son of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. T. Croswhlte of Costa Mesa. CreetiDg CCir'da ArU.It Sappu. 8oolr:a. StatloDery BLUE SAILS STATIOJIEIIS 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:3().6:00, Sun. Noon 'tU 6 INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor :.M74 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty 8-7315 .ACHILLES Heals H.eels PERHAPS THE YruDWPAGES CAN HELP ME SOOTHE MY PAINS FOR CHIROPOOISTS· fT ~YS TO LOOK IN THE tlASsiFIEO• PART Of YOUR TB.EPHONE BOOK TV .... IDVIIE • All ....... .U ....... tdl.-.. • .....~ edlat:Wc .... .,... CIDd ,...u . ~,.,,._.._ ............ TARTER TELEVISION IIOW TWO LqCAnolfl COBOIIA DIU.ICAI 11M&. eo.t ............... $411 .,. 4.6511 Light their life with fJith l/ A ST. AJID~ PB.ESnTEBIAif CBUBCB 15th St. • St. Andrews Rd., CICI'OU f.rola lll9b Scbool Liberty •• )7'73 Pcutorr .... J.._.. S. Stewart SUNDAY : MornJng worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Hletr Fellow- s hip, 7 p.m .; College aie fel- lowship, 7:30 p.m. -ruES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOIUJfJTr lfE'I'BODlST UO W. l tt.b St.. Cocta JleiiCI Liberty l-t.SS2 .... JMepb W. Mc:SbcaM Sunda,y: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School ; 9:30 . and 11:00 a.m. Morning WorabJp.-7 p.m. College Aae MYF Service -7 p.m. HJgh School MYl" Service; 7 p.m., Sunereoua Group Serv· fee. TilE CIIUJICB OF ClmJST 1050 Cbuda St.. c.t. ,._ LIMrty I-STU Tea ..... Jr: ...... I .. Sundy Sen1c:ea: t:ao a.m. Blble atucsy; 11 a.m. momlnr wor· &hip; 7 p.m. ~enlna lle'I'V1ee. Midweek a e r v l c e , 7 p .m. Wednesday. CBJUST caoaca n TilE SEA Coauaaalty llethodlat Balboa Jll..S. at ltth St.. 11.......-t llArbor 5221 Pastor: .... aoy IL Ccrdaoa Sunday Worship, 9:4.5 and 11 a.m . Cburcll School: 9:45 a.m. MJdweek Meetlnr: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by · 6 :30 p.m. ,POtluck. A.SIDOL T 01' COD IZDd St. & Eldeo A..._ eo.ta )leu LJbmy 14'7'11 ........" ... c:.. cr..Jc. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:45 a .m. and 7:30 p .m. Young People and Children's Service, 8:30 p.m. Sun. MJd· week Service: W ed.nesday 7:30 p.m. Ladles' MJsslonary COun- cil, Tbu~ays. 10:00 a.m. SEVE.In'B DAY ADVDTD1 Jl......-t Bl9d. att llol.aa St.. Jl.-.rport ...... b Liberty I-lia Elder D. D. S..-Jdia9 Saturday MomJna Sei'Vlcn: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a .m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Frt· day Evenine Vespera: 8:00. c::au.CB of tiM JIAZA•EWE 1115 Anabet• St.. eo.ta M.a PaaW: .... cu .. wm&ema. ut.rtr .. 7111 Sunday Servlca: Suoda)' School, 9:30a.m. M~ Won.bfp at 10:30 a.m. EvanjelUtk: Serv· Ice. 7 p.m. Sunday .. Prayw rneetinc. 7:30 p.m. Wec~nack1. I'DlST CBUACB OP CIDJST IWEJiiiDt SS0S VIa~=-' .._. Su.aday School: 9:15 a.m.. SuD· day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednaday Everunr Meettnr: 8:00. Bead.Jne Rooni. 3315 VIa IJdo. Newport Beeeb. open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m.· 7.:45 p.m. Wed.neadaya, 7-t p.m. Friday evenln~rL I'DIST U.Pr'IIT CIIUJICB laata AM Aft. _. JlagaoUa. Coda .... .... ... a.··---" Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :un. Worship Services; 6:30 p.m., Baptilt TraJnlna Union; 7:30 p.m ., Evening ~rvice. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, PraLle and Bible Study. Mon- day: 7:30 p.m. Men'• Oaorua p r a c tl c e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a Pr~er Meet:lnr. CBO&CB OP OUB LADY 01' JCT. CAIIJIEL ltcl W • ....,_ Bl..S.. Jlewport ~-~· Pat!Mr '$;$"''-r· Panw F.U.. ....... AMt. Sunday M.._: 8 :00 1llld 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Con1e.slon : Sat· urdaya and eves. of 1ft Frldaya and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p .m. Daly M._. 8:00 a .m. First Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. N o vena (Perpetual Help): Tueed.ay, 7:45p.m. CIIUY I.Ui*'*U c:aoa::a OP COft'A J1DA (lftllcwt .,..., Aao:f=-r.: ... .......... ~.~a.e,.... Sund_,. s..vtee.: Wonhlp Serv- Ice t a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.Dl. IT. JAJU:I D'IICC»AI.. -......... lfwpeJt ..... U...IDO .......... L ..... c.rat. Sunday Servtce~~: 8:30, 9:30. U a.m. MornJnc Ptayer; 9:30 a.m. Reatttration for Sunaay School UWrv&aAUST COlDIVJfJTT Thunday Servlcee: 9:15 a.m. IT. JOACBDI c::au.ca I'ELI.OWIIID Pra:rer CuUd; 10:30 Hoi)' Com· liN ~..._ Cona lieu EbeU CJ•hha.. munlon. F~ ,..._!;lr~ma 515 W. acdboa Bl..S.. a.lboo . rr. JOD VIAIIJIKT Mt.al.atel'a .... F. W. ~ ....... ~-A-_......__ •-•-.., 11Uiday .. __ at 7 ..... 10 CIDd s Sch 1. 0 30 ·---·---AAAUUQ 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mass at unday 00 1 : a.m. om. ~ OllC 7:00 a.m. -Con1eeslon: Satur· lng worship, 11:00 a.m. FCithew I~U.,. Panw day. from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to F.U.. hiDauaa 8 :15 p.m. I'DlST IOVTIIDIJI ~ AMt. CB0*21 Sunday MUM~~: 7:00 a.m. • 9:00 I'DIST BAP!'IIT c::au.CB IGO W. Baalltea lt.. c.ta ..._ a.m. Con1e.lon: Saturdays and OF JIEWJOIIT Liberty a.s411 eves. of 1ft Fridays and Holy llcdboa al..S... lltla & Coa.rt Sta.. ._._:Dr:. Bldl•« .. ._ Da)'11 ; 7:30 to 8 :00 p.m.; First -........_ .,.,..•~---a.-_,....~·-.. Friday Mua 8 a.m. ----·• ..,, .. Sunday echool, 9:45 a.m.:i ~·~ Paftwr llel'beft a. Joluuotl .ervtce 10:50 a.m. U'AIDllll ~ "iiii:i antaCB Sunday ~cee: 9:45 a.rp... Sun-Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenln& 0..... Aft._. Drd lt. day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor-won.bf:f 8 p.m. Sunday. Tuch-e... Jt-. u..ty I-5M3 ahlp Service; 7:30p.m. Sunday. ~an otrJeen meetlnr7 p.m. IL IL K8len. ...._ ~enJng C.: e r ~ Ice ; J4Jd. Week Wectneflld.ay. ~ .-rvlce and Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Kom- Servtoe: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible atudy 8 P.JD. Wed.needay. lnl Servi~ U :OO; Eventna Prayer MM'tlnr. Seivk:e. 7:;,u. Mtd·week Sen'· JIEWJOIIT IIOBOa CO_,.A Da. MD lee. W~, 7:30 p.m. COIIIIDWttt c:au ... I.U11IZUJI CBOac& BAUOA IILAJm 1501 CUJf Dr: .. lf......-t ........ CIIJII$ lll Ell COIOIOWift IGIWOD1BT Liberty._., Ill ~%0 Aft. Ill= A ......... lalaad .... J1ebeft Qnal... -JD7 II I lte9. Dmzldlapp Early 8er\'ioe, 8:30 a.m. Sunday: ._~ .... .._... a-a. ~ aes ChUJ"Cb SchooL t:30 a.m.; WOI'· Sunda)' w~ kvtceat 9:45 Sund~ Servtce~~: 9:30 a. m. ship 8el'¥tce, 11 :00 a.m.; Luther a.m., U:OO LID. SuD~ Sebool: O:lu.:rdl School; 9:30 and 11:00 Learue.-7 :30 p.m. 9:45 LID. a.m. W:onhfp Service. 1'hi8 Dinc:lory Ja made po-ible by th-c:hic..minded buma 1.a»en: WOODW<:>RTH PIANO SHOP Exclusive Apnt f« B&lctw'ln Planoe 2610 E. Coest Hwy. Har. 3312 Coron. cW M.r REE.STIK fto Taeka ... No Tape ••• fto Put. 222t E. Coest Hwy. Conn. del M• NEWPOitT HARIOR ENSleN NIWWAPB Prlntin1-Ad~ K..,. ~E. Co.t Hwy. H .... I I 14 C.... 4el W. NEWPORT HARIOIIANC )4)5 E, c...t .....,. • NIWPOitT IAI..IOA SA VINaS I LOAN ASSN. • .... ,.,. ..... f771 ..... _ .,. .. YUaLOU • Cocwbildlaa J,ocme o.lllrl ........ ....... ad ... v:w..:.:.... .. . .................... I'ICil D Ia D&LIY&IIY ELIJITT'I Another quarter-mJWon 4ollui WOI'tb ot buUdlnl .,...mtt. ...,. Earl · Wlaahlp, alteratlon.t at t.ued by the Newport lleadl 315 34tb St., 1300: C. L. Anrud, Bulld1n1 Department dw1nl the Uvtne area at 29 Channel, Udo put wHk, btlbclnl the May to-Ttaller Park, 12MG; c. A. God· tat at the mlt!dle of the month love, ra.l8e MAcht at 2938 · W. cloee to t&OO.OOO. Irvine Terrace Cout Rw,., .aGO; E. E. ...,.. accounted for 115(),000 of the put and P. C. Mannlnc. ralse hetpt week'a permlt.L at 2938 W. Cout Rwy., SSOO; hOowtn1 pennltl were Juued: Howard Hilton, 4-room. 2-ltory •lll"fDD& TZD•Cil ltore bulldln• and re.ldence at Lt. V. P. A. Jone., 7-room. 1· 425 3bt St.. $10.7SO; Bud Lan. atoty, 1-untt dwelltnc at ~ ntne, slcn at MCO% VIa Oporto, Dolphin Terrace, $17,800; Maceo 1800; Southern Callfomla Edt.on Corp., 6-room. t..ltory, 1-unlt Co., wall at 1!516 W. Balboa Blvd., cJwelllnl at 730 Santana Dr., $.\1!50. l'l0,700; S.room. 2-atory, 1-unJt eiAT IIIOIIU dtrelllnc at 130 Santana Dr., John Cubman, carace at 2595 $1.8.500; 6-room. l.atory, 1-unit ere.tvtew, $1.500. dwelllnl at 'r.M Santana Dr., e LIDO JilL& - -.aso: 6-room, 1-~. 1-unlt ll P. K~an, 6-room, 1-atory, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ dweillnl at 715 PatoUta Dr., 1-unlt ctwelllnc at 205 VIa Nice. a ~ITER t:a0,700; S.room. t.atory, t..unit $17,!500; Alyce Edler, fioor tor fu. ~1:11'•~ ctwelllnl at 707 PatoUta Dr., ture aun room and patio at 626 -------------------------~ .. , c:: $19.->: E. A-Pellqrtn, 7-room, vta Lido Nord, S700. From the POUCE BLOTTER • ,J:.n ~~ l..ftory, l·Unlt dweWni at 1419 e CL.1FP IIAVD TIDE Dolphin Terrace, s:M.OOO: H. Cole-WllUam Coodacre, addition at -------------------------::.... om. ·-man, pool at 1231 Dolphin Ter-618 KJncs Pl .• $2.500. _;;;; •--.. • race. $3,000. e T111J11:1DAT. KAT 5 e i&UdDAT. IIA1' II =~~;:;:~=;.::;-!~-~~·=•=•;• eiBOU CUPPI, A report of a "battle" In Cars driven by Bolt E. Condon Charles Muten, 5-room. 1. L&OAL •oncz Ernie's Cafe, Newport Helthts. at ol :ils Ne.rct.au. Ave .• Corona del OaDJJfMCE WO. 747 attwy, 1-unlt dwelllnf at 320 Sea-1:09 a.m. turned out to be a one-Mar. and Olive L. Sleeper o12224 z......--c.tt.a ward Rd., $17,000. AN o~:N~NCE OF 11IE COUN-punch attalr with both partlcl-Paclf1c Dr., Corona del Mar, were Pe-....._ e co.oiiA DD. MAll TY RANGE AMENDING pants leavtne the secene lmmedl-Involved in an e.ecldent at Coast '-•lar Sba~ SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE -~·_• .. ••• .. a Helen Marlnuccl, "'arage at !507 ately ... Otflcer were unable to HWY. and Jasmine Ave .• Corona ... ...., -• NO. 715 OF TiiE COUNTY OF COSTA MESA MATTlW co. Marlcold, 12.400: Dean Hall, add 0 RANGE ENTITI..ED ''AN locate a man and who ran up a del Mar, at 5:25 p.m .... Balboa 110 81¥4. a.1 second story tp earaee at 238 biJl for $13.50 In Vaux's restaur-Island boys ap-eed to pay to re· ,. ................ ~.1111111111 ... Poppy, $4,000; Mrs. Ulllan Craw. ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY ant. Balboa. and left without place a window broken In th~ ·SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home lending lnstitutioa ~ CONTINUING 1'0 PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Account. Opened On or lefor• The I Oth of the Month E.rn From the I st. ford. 4-room, 1-story, t .unlt dwell. OF 0 R A~ G E REGULATING paying . . . home of Mrs. Arthur Gilman of THE USE OF THE EA.STERL Y J ln.,. at 521 Me.rl.,.old, SS,OOO; B. Z. 1.25 Jade Ave., Balboa Is and. • • LEVEE OF THE SANTA ANA e FaiDAT. MAT I .__ -·• of b Me K I n n e y . algn for Savory bro .... n aa the •~out a a~ RIVER BETWEEN HAMILTON Elwood F. Shell of 1710 New b 11 om Bakery, 3329 E. Cout Hwy., $155. STREET a game . . . cera were un • UACOif aaT . AND WEST lTI'H port Blvd., Costa Mesa, reported able to locate boys reported ,.._rge .. cClellan, alterations STREET FOR RECREATIONAL the loss ot a 1400 diamond ring shooting birds ln the area of 501 ~ -PURPOSES." In the Elks Club parklne lot. Marl Jd A Coro d 1 M at 23 Yawl Ret, $1.000. Th Do d f S rvt f go ve.. na e e.r. • ..U..OA III.AifD e e.r o upe sors o Newport Beach. Jut Saturday • PJUD&T. II.AT 12 Walter Moore lr .. addJtlon at the County of Orange. State of night . . . Someone forged the O. 1... .Johnson Jr. of 2535 Crest Calltornla, do ordain as folJows: name of Irene Crawford of 1310 217 Onyx. $2.000; John Mitchell, SECTION l. That Section 1 of W Ba A N D-h d vlew Dr .• Bay Sb~ reported the remodelling at 314 Diamond. · Y ve., e-wport .,.,-ac · an theft of a 10 horsepower out Ordinance No. 715, entitled "An Los Angeles. to a check for $2.000; Walter Thompson, reroof Ordinance of the County o! Or $1,875.17 and cashed It In the board motor from hls garage · · · at 306 Amethyst, Sl75· ange Regulating the U~ of t~e Bank of America, Balboa branch. (Oxltinued Clll Pap l2) ......... ,~. C•-•11111 ., Jr.EWI Easterly Levee of the Santa An:l officials of the bank chareed ... River Between HamUton Street and West 17th Street for Recrea. eiATUJU)AT, MAT 7 Uonal Purposes" be amended to A $200 four by six fot trailer read as follows: with a steel tray and spigot Newport City Council received SECTION l. It shall be unlaw-valued at $20 and $5 of plumb. a letter last week sent by tul for any person to enter, walk. lng fixtures was stolen from Mrs. the Junior Ebell Club asking run or to ride any animal on nr Che.rlea Bell of 417..31st St., New- that special commendation t.e along the easterly leve·! of tht! port Beach ... A $40 no-account given to Pollee Officer Justin Santa Ana River In the County check drawn on the First West. Epatein tor hls work on the nar-Of Oran,e between BamUton em Bank, of Lone Beach was c:otlcs problem.. Stnet aD4 Welt 17th street wtth· eaahed by Cout Super ~ 'n.. elub requftted that Of. out t1nt obta1n.lnc a permit 10 to 33f7 E. Coast BWy., Corona del lket Epete!n be a.-laned u a do from the Orance County Mar · · · full-time na.rcotlca otficer to Flood Control Dl.st:rlct. said ~r-e SUJfDAT, II.AT I work In cooperation with the mJt to be signed by the Flood Richard E. Mangan. 34, of Hoi- county oftlcen. The letter was Control Engineer. except that Iywood and Russell w. Bangert. referred to Chief of Pollee .John guests, not to exceed three (3) Upson 36. of P. 0 . Box 764. BaJboa · In number. ot a bolder of a valid Island, were arrested on charges Cr ......... .. lunT .. •L••••c The Credit Women's Breakfast Club of Orange Coast held Its regular monthly breaktut meet- Inc at Jon's In Corona del Mar on May 4. Role.nd Wright. man- ager of Newport Beach branch Bank of America. spoke on "In- stallment Lending." A bam dinner for members and thetr cue.t.s e.t the home of Mrs. Melwood Berry Is· being planned for later In the month. recreatione.l permit shall be ex-of dlsturblne the peace after al- empt from thl5 provision pro-lege-dly being Involved In a light vtded that said guests e.re ac. In the 100 block, Main St.. Bal. companied by se.Jd permit holder. boa, at 2:11 a.m. . . . Officers SECTION 2. This Ordinance quare.ntlne-d the doi of Don Cor shall take eUect and be In force rleon of 20'7-43rd St.. Newport thJrty (30) days from and after Beach. after It bit Arlene Haket, Its pa.ssaee. and prior to the ex. 12. ot 126-43rd st.. Newport Beach. plratlon ot flfteen 05> days who was taken to Hoag Me-- alter the passage thereof. this moria! Hospital tor treatment ... Ordinance shall be published once In the Newport Harbor En-e NOifDAT, MAT I •• Slrell ~··­Fullm LICII - The new headquarters buUd- lng of Newport Balboa Savtnea and Loan Association In Newport Beach hu made front pace news In the Wall Street Journal, Am- ertea'a leading financial daUy. Tbe story wu the leadlnc rea. tu.e artide Ja tile...,.... ar --. deaJln,g with a trend to modem desicn for new financial lnstltu- Uon buildings throughout the country. The Newport Balboa Savings building was one o! four pictured in UJustratlog the In creasing use of glass walls and slmllar deslcn featwes. SOJf FOa ALUJGBTS A son, Stanley Michael. 7 lbs., 11 oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Albright. ot 515 Signal Rd., Cllft Haven, In St. Joseph Hospl. tal on Monday, May 9. Sta.nley joins hls sisters. Donna Scott. 12; Carol Lynn, 11; Sally Ann. 10. and Jacqullne Gay, 6 and hls brother, Rex Scott. 5, in the family. Fire Losses Total S I , 8 7 I .rtre lOMet totaled 11.871 for f'ICII1C AT av•a fAD The Senior Youth J"ellowlhlp ot the Balboa laland CoamlWUty Method.lfi Churcll wW hold a pk- n1c at Irvine Park Sunday after . noon. fbe month of Aprllln the City ol =.iiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiliiiiijiiiij ___ _ Newport Beach, Fire Chief lan A a su a a an Brt.roe bu announced. The lht ot fires Included five ctwelllnc fires, one other buUd-lnc. two trash, and two boat tires. Firemen also worked tlve resc:ues. made seven service calls. six lnvemleatlons and ran on one needless call. 4POR T · ( r t Q {iAt A ~' r , 1W A A • 1 .-.. .. • •• , .. .. ._ SPECIILI Dr. lalk ..................... The fire prevention bureau made 217 Inspections, Issued tour permits, 21 recommendations. conducted eleht fire investtea- tiorua and seven tire drUls ln achools and checked five sets ot bulldlne plans. "Tr•kc .. ._,lar" Paid firemen conducted 97% hours ot drill and pe.ld.all fire. men 59 me.n hours of drUL 'nllrty five company Inspections of business buOdlnp and tin dwelllnc buUdJnp were con. ducted. The junior fire depart. ment proeram ot instruction ln tire prevention wu completed for fifth crade students In New- port Beach 8Chools. IHE ~·sTbP ~SHOW! Dr., .... lfllrlll•• Deal., ICC T•lrrs Dr. Donald E. Pehlke hu been named by Orance Cout College trustees as thet new dean of stu- dent personnel. effective Aug. 1 . He will take over the responsl. bllltles of Dr. Norman E. Watson. who was previously appointed as assistant superintendent In <'haree ot adult and vocational education and summer session. Dr. Pel\lke Is a graduate of Oregon State College. He ~ived Ills master's deg-ree at the Unl verslty of CalltornJa at Berkeley and hls doctor of phllosophy de gr~ at the University of Utah. For the past year 1\e has been employed as clinical psycholo- gist for the Idaho State Depart ment of Health. -· m: ...... ••••• ".I ...... 1111" an lJ10' sa FtJllNITUBE INTEBIOB DECOBAnON aAL.oA ISI..Aal) 214 Martae A"-~ lSC'1 coaowA DEL MAa .. E. c.a.t lllP~ Z7'1 .OAT 81JifD PUDITVD PILI..OWS DISVLATIOif Wll SUIPLUS an LAGUNA JAMES D. sign. a newspaper printed In the Thomas C. Rafferty, 41, of 221 County of Orange. State ot Call-Pearl Ave., Balboa Island. was fomla. together with the names arrested on a drunk driving of the members of the Board of charge at Pe.rk Ave. and Agate SupervIsor a voting for and Awe .. Balboa lsJand, at 12:10 a.m. against the same. . .. A three horsepower outboard WTLLJS H. WARNER motor was stolen from Ills ga. Chairman of the Board ot Su-rage. Don Anderson of 2652 Clr- pervlsors of Orange County. cle Dr .. Bay Shores. reported ... MOTOR Caillornla Paula Phoenix. pollee depart AIIES'T! (SEAL) ment employee, reported smash. B. J. SMl'MI lng her left rtnc finger ln a tile RAY FIOERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION m Oceen A,_.. •• •·· llllriiiK County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk drawer while on duty In the po--•• ot the Board of Supervisors of Uce d~artment otflee at 12:30 Orance County. Calltornla a.m. Sunday ... Cars driven by STATE OF CAUFORNIA Burtis M. Dorrl.s. 19. of 2110 E. LA6UNA BEACH a Ocean Blvd .. Balboa. and Ellis D. ....._ HY4-Iln COUNTY OF ORANGE Clift. 24. of UOO E. Balboa Blvd .. I, B. J. SMITH. County Clerk Balboa. were Involved In an ac. no. c.,_...11 _ Dl , • 1 dl and ex-otficto Clerk ot the Board cldent in front of 1100 E. Balboa Asphalt '11le _Rubber me of Supervisors do hereby cert1tY Blvd .. at 7:35a.m .... J'Ormlea _ I.Jaoleum 'nle that at a recular meeting ot the • TVESDAT. MAT 10 01 .. 'J-I.IJIOLZVII Board ot SuperVIsors of Orange 'nle car of Arthur E. Gronsky _... . •o• County, CaUfomla. held on the of 2134 Miramar Dr .. Balboa, wu lU lt. lM lt. Celtll •-10th day or May, 1955, the to~ damaied when he did not see a ua&iill .... ""I -l.ed be .. -County JOinl Ordinance containJne two QUolOOt rope stretua ,.,.een a ••••••••••••22•Y•eaqllllil1n•Orup•~··••••·~ (2) sections was considered eec-city truck and a road acaper and Uon by aectlon. and that the ran Into It at Balboa Blvd. and (ostaMesa (o. aald Ordinance was tben passed "G" St.. Balboa. at 8~45 a.m .... and adopted as a whole by the G. H. Pelnol of the Corona del followine vote: Mar Pharmacy reporte-d cash.inc A TES: SUPERVISOllS HEINZ a $5.03 checlc slaned by Patricia kAISER. W11. H. BDSIDN. C. Fair ol mT Padtk Dr., no dty If. PEATHDL"t. RALPH J. MC lilted; bank otndals said they J-•••••••••••••••ill•lll•••••ilrAD{)I:N AND WILLIS B. WAB-we.. Ul\able to locate the ac. NEIL ' ~t ... MOD: SUPiillV1!0IS NOH'&. e WIMi-DD1111AY, MAT II A81Eln': SUP E aVIS 0 aS Can drt .... by ftlf!det kll Pool· ROlf& • ry o1 B Avocado A..._ Corona 1K WI I HISS WRDMJ", I cJel liar, and Donald a. nom~ ba.,. ..... .,..., eet m7 band and .,.,. f1l 1:1 MonJ.=• bt'U'Oiftd .-.... tW iiGidaJ -.1 of tiM Ia a JIOI*tJ d Mlllllellt at ...,. ol .... tlilice tl UM C)jM. Olut llwJ. an41 atuc .. lk Aft. "e1 ~ .... 01 Ca,._le, Rewpwt a.acb, at to-.-a.m. ••• a~~ IOtb 4Q Olllq, us. .._ r. "nMNnJ*M\ a ot 18» (IU.I,J w . ....,. .. 'Yd. !ftw~~G~t IMdL a 1 . ....,. .. ....... at t:tS p.ra. • O!Nnty Clerk uil a..aldo ..,... ol ~fte7 an.l peeplda a.tt ot ... 1IMr4l of ..... ~-~ ... .. .........., ...... .... .-~ .!::....:::. -= ... ef 0ruee OIMuer· OOtllnla aL I me f11 tiM IICIIIIi Ill .._ rare RaaJUl..._ .................. ..._...._ .., • -. awpa:ut .._.. ••• 12 POINT OVERHAUL SPECIAL! 75 REG. PRICE $122.12 • ~~-• Ill IllES AtE£ ESTIMATES FRE£ COMPUSStON CHECK I. lnst•• New RinCJI 2. Instal New Piston ,ins ).o Instal New Rod leannCJI 4. Comple .. Valve Grind 5. bp•nd P'n+ons 6. Glate lust Cyfindet" Walls 7. R~ Ream Cyf. W .. I . At9 Con...ct. Rodt 9.MiftorT~ 10. Repleca lp. , • ._ II. Replec. ~if.W &.-... 12. ..,... .. HaM flftiCI , ... "*·•· 12 MONTHS TO PAY • • the POUCE BLOTTER FLAG DRIVE Parking Meters Sugge iteCI LAUNCHED OaMa 11 .. ~ deelcl. and naonq to....,. mOr. Iota. ~bue ol thel&Dd ~for 11oft ...,._,n Oranp Aw. and & puidq lot. IMC& AU Ave. &J>III"CCIIllmately CounclliDen tab*l aetton on a aoo tilt lOUth at land 8t. Mr, • • , -..S lfGDda7 ..__ to IUit 100n A public heutq wu Mt fot JtQu• from Mu Pope~ contrac, ,_,. apHd to deed ao teet for (CoDdJlued t.rom Pap 11) Corona del Mar. without paylne . wtth tbe DowDtowft ....-ehant8 June 6 to «.''DDIct.r ~t for approval ol a tentative ltreet ~ 100 1Mt lOUth ot e IA1'VJIDAY, IIAY 1• ~etr bUl for food at 1;~ a.m. . . . Launcbinl of the local clrtve AMD. on tbe proWem ol .wtae. of ~ ~ dllldl!t ...., :rr..oce. F•IUOI' ot Onta.rto IIIII !NO two-door ledan painted for "A Flac In Every Home" 1e tnc pQ~Uncloca In whict. park. ber two betw•n HU'bGr BlVd., • ~ed that w hUe drlv1~ IIOUth a tlct\t blue wu stolen from a belnl made today (Tburaclay) by lnl c11str1ct oM. City Ma.nqer N-" A pel w 18th It ft on lfewport.Freeway 1n the area lft'Vlc:e station lot at 2300 W. the Republican Women of the Gtlol'p Coif~ wee-ted that .. ~,..,., w , · . · of Roae K .-.orlal Ba.pltal, a Cout Hwy., Daniel TUcker of 217 Harbor Area, who are meetlna at pa~-klnl ......... be Installed on wu pointed out that th• ••• ! .. d rock came ot1 the bluft and broke Irvine Ave., Newport Helehta. re-the home of Mra. Sidney Pede. downtown m.ta to provide mon. valua tion of the otl~nal cllatrlc:t tbe windshield of her car, that ported ... A 17.foot kayak val-430 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. ~ to .urtace tbe p&rldna lob wu not Jarp en~b to fln&Dce she did not tee anyone but be· ued at $85, a canoe paddle and Mrs.. Ew~ Grubb of Elalnore, lleved the roc::k was thrown . . . a cushion were stolen from the Americanism chairman of the A dog owned by Mrs. Jacquelyn front of the aaraee ot Gary Lov. Southern Divlslon of Callfomla Younr of 415 Hardlne St., Bal. ell. 1242 W. Ocean Front, New. FederaUon of Republloan WomeAo boa, was quaranUned after bJt. port Beach· ... Stanley E. Nutrl, wU) explain the movement to in& Penny Burklaclch, 6, of 204 18, of 122~ 24th St .• Newport the local group. An Informative Adams St.. Balboa ... Cash total. Beach, told pollee that he was dbcussJon on the recent school tng $186 was missln& from a forced to drive oft the road of politics ln Lone Beach will be locked drawer In a cheat of draw. throurh a redwood fence at 3012 presented by Mrs.. Lewis Gardl· era In her home, Mrs. LouJM M. W. Balboa Blvd., when another ner, Mrs. R. S. Barnes and Mrs. Jbs of 629 Poppy Ave., Corona del car almoet hit hlm head on ... Wilfred Berls. Mar, reported . . . Boys tilled her earbage CAn with ------ • SUJIDAY.ICAY 15 water and blew tt up with a fire. A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn Three male occupanta tn a crac.ker, Mrs. Rose Coffland of brinqs immediate results! C ah black car left Merle's Drive-In, 216 Ruby Ave., Balboa Island. re. Harbor I I I+ Il l S a nd prove it t ~====~========~=po~rt~ed~·=··============ Glamour Glimpses Candidly speakJng, this ls the season for cotton. Cotton Is a truly American couture Iabrie. It's woven of fine yarns. lt takes beautifully to striking colors, ex. citing prints and striped effects. Cotton dresses at O'BRIEN'S run the gamut from go!! and morn- Ing cof!ee sllp.ons, to afternoon tea party dresses ... to t he stun· ning fn.town en,aemble . . . and to afternoon tea party dresses ... to the stunning In-town en. semble ... and to the late day cocktaU and evenlng dr~. TIDE 49~ Por a Waist that C I NCHE S COIIIIIIhe INCHE S The GmiNG and KEEPING of a SLENDER, HEAlTHY BODY is more than a mere maHer of diet. You CANNOT firm sag· ging tissues and TONE lazy muscles by a reducing diet ALONE. You WlU Gn quicker, safer, and MORE LASTING resulu when you combine the actio, of the miraculous STAUFFER TABLES with a sane, moderate eating program. If )'CMI w•nt th•t 25" waistline back, call the STAUFFER SYS. TEM TODAY for a frH Dem- onstration a nd Personalhted ftttuN Analysis. iWIMSUIT BY COLE Harbor 17~ 3117 E. Coast Hwy .. near Jasmine CoroDa da1 Mar • Kimberly S-1010 921 W. 17 St.. Scmta ADa lkllcmced Ploy-Wot~IIMt few Tou Little Tota HAPPY DA Y SCBOOL 440 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, dlrectOf Coale ia CID.d .... fot eJE. caapa.. aa adorabl• fiDe. c:becbd cottOD ia .... wttll the ambrol'*Y .-artly ~ OD tJae bodice. Or fall 1D ~ wttb the ,.._ Cllllldy 8b1ped ~ tacbcl at tbe JUP,.illla wcdstll• to C)ift a eoUd _.. .u.ct aad c-.,.... wttla ... batt-able 8tnlp&. Perfect for a day In the city ~r that Eastern trip you are planning-Is a new cotton a nd silk costume tncJudinf a black sunback or cocktaU dress with • amart box jacket done 1Ja va. nJUa for sharp eontrut. rr. clever and young with big black buttons and Summer Velvet col· Jar on the jacket. CottoGa loomed l.1b aUk. 10 that they comNae the deUc:acy CIDd tbe riC lla1&la oC tbe '"'" .uk product wtth tbe atvctr qa«<JU. of 0Dttoa.. CIN foaa4 1D eCIIIle of ou bettw ~ at a-.IUEJf'S -you'll fill4 a darliD9 WIIUD-party dNu wtth a .uky ...._ cloDe ia briPt red wtua wlllte polka dotL It baa a .. ooUa. o.att.r· 1D9 ~oo~J-tono UDe. CIDd ..... ty of pedty bal:lr ... ~ ·-· tlliD9 to watcll ia tiM ...... t .t"J* 11'0111 DOW OIL And we have a new lnnova. tlon starUnc next week at O'BRIEN'S. <Check Page 5 of this luue It you want to know) So that even though you may not feel like trying clothes on. you'll enjoy coming In to look at these latest fashions. And don't forget. will you, about the wide assort· ment of styles and sizes for every f l g u r e now a v a II a b I e at O'BRIEN'S! -I ) -(_-.. -": ''I , IIAtbow ... 1515 COAST 80ULEV AD coaoKA DEL ICO We Clu1 STROOCK& CASHMERE COATS IIJ lllltll 10~ LOCAL CELERY • • • e • 9c ea. Radishes • 3 bun. for 9c SICAU. 1.0CAL Tomatoes. • 21bs. 15c LABGE Avocados • • • ~:_1 . J R D 1E f1 f 0 0 0 I) t FIUIEDOII. FISHSnCKS 8111D1rt'K -IU.a Strawberries .... ftlg. 10 OL . .... 9c ea. LEG 0' ROUND LAMB STEAK A W'Oiadertul n ..... plan tot tiM ...._am.lc b~ •.• you work fn • complete, modern plant wttb all tbe Ja t.t co~al equipment under aldl*l IUJ*'· vtaon. We have molda for over 125 Jtema from ow line that you m.,-u.. dt you may mau your own deafl'l\f •.• ' . ...,.. -do lt .......... fltll..t.u. * IIIIJEI NIIDY I ............ by u...,..... people .. u.. c:.n.. dol ICcu C:O....aalty Clauda. WILTEI U.M I -Pl.l 211L.P'q.fhll .. lila 22it 21 IL P'q. II.IM fhla 22je San Zl1 .. ftL • SWISS STEAK ROLLED ROAST PRIME RIB ROAST Shoulder Lamb Chops 49~ Lamb Shoulder 35'- Breast o' . Lamb IOl Beef ·Short · Ribs lli'- tean .Ground Beef 4 ·~. ... '1" Pork