HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignAAita Lewta, LaCJUDO hacb: JaU. ZaiMr, Tas- ttn; YYoDDe Shubert, Sa:Dta ADa: cmd LeeU. Cbapmcm. Orcmge. Other cuplraDta are Velta Autrey. 8na; Pat BUylr.. BuatlDgtoa hach; Marjorie Boyd. A.Dabelm; Dot Mcl[lazta, CcudeD CroYe; Ccuolyn Joaea, Placeatia. cmd Jcmice Bolm. Ful.lertoa. Park Board Is p ·nted Newport City CouncU appoint-fonner Commission membership ed a new seven member Park. were reappointed -Alexander Beach and Recreation Com.rnt.. ~ton an<t C. E. Vanderwrt. alon at the ~WMCS mNUoa .. OM.....,._..,..., .,.a named llbnd&Y ~nlnc. OnTt 'two Ol'lfli each eouncllmanlc dt.trlct, · and the appolntm~nt wu made ' on the bu .. of ~mmendatlon T r a i I e r park ~!r~~.~~~Uman ln the partJcu- M t • s t Hf!re'a the new Commlalon, ee •ng e which auoceeda the nine-member commlulon declared "llleeaJJy For Ton.lght constituted'' and aummartly dla- mlssed at Jut w~k'a Council meeting: A meettnr hu ~n called for thJ.a evenln1 (Thursday) by cltl zena Interested In turnlnr the city trailer park on the Newport bayfront Into a public beach. The meetlnr wUl be h~ld at 8 p.m . In PU&rlm Hall of the Co rona del Mar Community Church, 611 Heliotrope Ave. BepreaentaUves from all areas of the clty are acbeduled to a t. tend In order to draft plana for a petition calllnr for a publlc vote on a Charter amendment. This a mendment would require all ex tensions or renewals of leues of city-owned waterfront property to be submitted to the vote of the people. Dlatrlct 1 (Newport I -George Sherrill of 405 39th St., Newport laland. DIAtrlct 2 I Balboa )-Alexander !Sandy) HamJiton of 1225 E. Bal boa Blvd. Dlstrlct 3 I Lido lalel-C. E. Vandervort of 110 VIa Genoa. Dlatr1ct 4 I Newport Heights. Cliff Haven)-Tom Norto n of 1815 Cllff Drive. Dlstrlct 5 !Balboa Island)- Stanley Hadrleld. Dlstrlct 6 (southeasterly Corona del Mar)-Mrs. Frank Kargl of 511 Orchid Ave. District 7 (northwesterly Coro na del Ma r)-Rex Brandt of 405 Goldenrod Av~. Slash in City Budget Likely; Tax Savings Are Requested The proposed Newport Beach city bud&et for liiM-!56 ~t a thorou1h rotq owr Monday eve- nlq at the informal hearln& be- fore a aparee ~d ln city HaU. That &oinl over wu cSooe by 1 Councilmen Sanely M~ and l . •B. Stodda.rcl, with an Ullst here.-nd there from former Coun- cUman Andrew W. Sm.Jth. 1be public ltaelt dllplayed an enor- mou. cter:ree of cllalnterat, lea than 10 belnl pNMDt.-llot ooun- t!n&' eouncllmen, d • p a r t m e n t heads and MW8poaper ~ acQIW! Caught ~~~~~~~~~~~t~A~~ Gets No.1 111VUDAT, JVRE 23, 1155 Calling C.Q. By DICK BOFI'N.AJf h City Orders State Beach Income Audit Newport Bu.c:b ~ Council YOte4 ~ *'' •·• • .nw Q aadft f/1 tM tJOab , ,....., Tate. Who holds Ow leaR lar the 1 Corona clel Mar state park. This action was taken follow - llna a quHtlon from th~ audlen~ whether the city had any <'heck on tht> num~ of Carll that use thf' paid parking lot at th~ Mach and in 19-tl r~ivPd h1s Ba<·ht'lor of Sclt>nc-P d«>grt'f' as sanlt at 1on f'nginf't'r at the L'nivt>r'!IIY of Florida From Florida ht> wt>nt tn Las Vt>gas. whPre ht-firc:t did prh·atf" rontral'ting. latt'r 5('f'V~ a as c:1stant c1ty t'ngln<-er From there hf' ramf' to Callrnrnia. In 1950. maktn,:t h1s homf' In Tujunga ""orking ac; builder and Nmtrac tor In l...'l Canada. Ht> '" miPrf''!l~ ln boating a.~ a hobb:'>' u~l to 0 " n a motor ..allor h<'rf' at Sev.•port Harbor ~m(' f.,ur ypan; a~O and hOPf'S to h<' to.~kmJ! up hoatlng again hen• liP l1Vt>S at iOI Poppy A\-f' Ctorun.l 11t>l Mar Unde-r the lease. the clty now g~ts 40' of the gross parklnc lot 1ncomt' E"timatt'd parking tn- c-omt-for 195.') 56 Is about $8 100. City Managrr John Sailors said no autllt had bei>n takPn tn datf'. Ht> saic1 that a nPW parkJng tkkPt plan wac: bf'lnJt consldt>rt'd, whert'b)' thf' c-Ity would prm:ide numbN Pd tiC'kt>ts to thf' parking lot Cnunnl \'ntPd tn mRkP an audit nf thf' past ypar s arrounh and to makt> yt>arly audits 1n t he ru turr Councilman J B 5t•1drlarrt asked 1f Mr Tatt-i'! pronl'h ng thf' 75 to 100 frPC parking -.paC'f's ac- mrdmg to tht' leaSf' City 'fan agt>r Sailors 'aid ht> must rio llfl unlt-~s thl' Jpa<;(' Is am('ndE'd "I Wllnt In c:t~ WI' gf't II ' -;aid Mr gt<>ddard : :• 8 - Hop •:• e +:+ +:M M E I i M M 8 E + *3C:*:M I E E M ••• 8 ' , •ze e WHO SAID "FUNZONE" TYPE?? When I sow the big heodlines obout "Funzone T yp. Operation" plonned for tho City T roilor Por~. I thought I must be a pretty 'Stupid reporter to miss such a big story. (Now toke it oosy, folks; don't agree so quick. Give me a chon.ee to check up on this.) Finally got oil the wheels going, even the wheels within wheels .. ond heres how it cemo out: Only woy to check up on a story is to go to the original source. cc!llled up oil seven members of tho do-commissioned Per* C om- mission (the seven activo, though illoqol. members, thot is). I osked them all the sc!lme question: "Hod the Pork Commission at ony time d1scussed o pion to set up on operetion like tho Belb04 Fun Zone et the site of tho City Trailer Per«?" We ell were in agreement on tho meoning of tho term. "Fun Zone typo '-it meens merry·go-round, ferns wheel, penny arcade. pinbells, wheels. gemes. These were the answers: Mrs. louis Cs.ner, Belboo lslend resident, school board member, essocioted with Roy Reelty-"No. We did discuss income producing octivities like cor perking, boot leunching, food end soft drink afld 'ocker room concessions.' A. B. Cubbage of Newport Island. formerly heed of the Herber Ctizens Leegue. retired finence compony investigator: "Never.'' Mrs. Norman Aeming, Cerone del Mer resident, N'ewport Her· bor High School librerion: 'Thet s the lost thing on eorlh we would ht~ve suggested." Robert Campbell of Boy Shores. owner of o construction firm: "No, of course not." Merion Dodd of Cerone Highlands, essocieted with 0. Z. Robert· son Construction Co.-"We discussed revenue producing enterpris.s. but not the F;,n Zone type." C. E. Vandervort, Lido Isle resident. associated with Barr Lumber Co.-' No. Alexander Hamilton, Bolboo resident, member of Newport Bel· boe News Press edvertisin g stoff-"W o discussed concessions li~e the boot ramp por~ong end soft drinh , but not the gemes or merry: go round or .,rct~de 6f the Fun Zone." ... So theeore you ore. Approximetely 100 per cent unenimous. Well. not quite. I did miss one source. Thot wes the mysterious, un· ~now.,, un,dentified. un-everything·else individual who wos able to bare tr.. i'lformlllion so exclusively end with .such big headlines. If ""l"':"e knows of his whoreobouts, please let us know. I a I •e '" quote him too. • • • e COINCIDENCE Wno1'3 on this subjed: ... You will note from o poge one story th.,t c1.1r C.ty Council hes oppoin ted e new (end we hope quite legel) Pe·~ Cc,...,m•ss,on. By the merest cha nce, not o single one of the four· membe• m..,jority of the old Commission modo th e teem. By thaJ m~·ordy I mean the four members who stuck by their guns, end op· posed !he odament wishes of the City Council, end recommended thot tl,e ,..,ty get out of the troller perk business. These four were Mrs. C e.,.,. Mrs Fle ming. Mr. C ubbege end Mr. Cempbetl. ('1eN e by the sheerest coinc idence, two of the members who d d egree woth the Council got bod on the teem. These two ore Mr. Hom,lton end Mr. Vondervort. I say coincidence. Some soy thet thet word hes something to do with coinciding.'· or to put it otherwise, to coincide with the wishes of h,gher euthority. • • • 0 4 tdJtor c« the ....... Allow me to coqratllla• and Tnaa can watt; -ru..,. men ..,cllnr tu* to.t.eda ow au. ~~~~~~~ BY:/),'el(~ thank 7'iMI for }'OUI ..._.., con Important. '"'en 1a jult too much dreD to ,...et iUwl N\We thta c:em1n1 our C~ineJJ aad Weplly that ...u t•llln& belen our dO W'ODCIIrfu1 ~ Gl oan: It )IOU run Tr.U. Par~ Whldl our Counc:U IOdcl us wtth a Uocnt wW put Martaold .Aw. and blp.handM &4mlniltntlon In· to rlae to balance the buclf't. Octan BmL 1D Corona 411 Mat ellta on numtnr unlawtull)<. lu.t adcJ that to tbe G5 centa • tbe 4th. 70\1 wm ... an l eannot overlook tiM hypo. that 10\1 were tmacked with on Ameriean llar dtlplayed, ud a ~tty ot tae pre.nt CouDdl. hav. the ecbool owr.rlde tu by a vot. tonuticnl ol kldl_,.o wtll lUnd tnr a elwayman at the meet.tnr ot the I*>Ple mta.lecJ by eo.,_. proucDy at ealute and red~ the to ott• an Invocation. appeallnr ter proparanda that "our little pled&e to the Oar. to the AUml&hty to aJd them to darUnp wtll be roaming the Incidentally, the 11aa Ia a render right Ntd jult dedllOM. JtrMta.~uM we won't haw no rouUne rltl by the A.lr Porot to (Qont1nuec1 trom Pap U here, but the way thoee albacore move, It lhouJ4n•t be too long until you ll~ thoM yells o! de. Ueht that mean "Happy tlays are hete apt:n." Gosh, I hope they bit the 14-mlle bank tJtls year. Thoae were the days! • T&A.Ji CA.fTADf Everyone wbo knows Uncle Ra.rry Borers wUl be u tldlled Un$Ung Commercials What a alntuJ, tronlcal joke that edloolhou.te to teach •em ln." Wfdowa and parent..-4.hat Oar u I am that the No. 1 honor I.a. Walt tlll that tu bill hJtl you that 1a removed from tbe CQUJn landed In hla lap, Harry wu Jail The wUtuJ rententlon ot the come Nov. 1. o1 their loved one. Who had died )"ear'e pt81dent o1 PacJflc An· bayfront beach deepJte the There l.a a llmJt to the tax tn ttl def.n.. I will wnture the alera, and a mo.t popular leader. wtahee o! the majorlty l1l local load you can put on the people, esttmate that eud\ a ceremony More appcoprtately, he's the cap. realdenta l.a decldely a communl.a. and lf and when you exceed It will lnltlll In tbOM kldl more taln of the 19M Pactttc Anglera tJc act. and If 1t l.a allowed to all hell'• rolng to break Jooee. reel patrtotLim than all th. e fire. Team In the lnter'Club Albacore create a precedent. there wlll e COOXDIO V.IOJi&IBIWG worka upended in our htatory. Tournament. CongratulaUona and ultimately be no freeds>m in thae ,I predicted that the CouncU e IID&"I 80W thank.a trwn all of ua tor taktnr United Statee. It must be atopped would cook up 10methtn1 to get 1 pl'OmJMd to anawer your ott that bt•h preuu.re that bullde at all coct and the preeent Coun. uound the ve!ly dec:Jatve vote on question of how we can have a ~ u~W old No. 1 long.fln takes cJJ vote<l out. We have made a the ChAmber o! Commerce llmlt. chance to vote on the Tfaller t.be jlf. ml.atake ln placing them where and aure enou&h the buclget llata Park queetJon Jut rot a Uttle more dope. they are and now they have de· on page 35. for the advmlatna Thefe .,.. two way.. Sectton W.le r. (Beanyl Atflerbaugh veloped a auperlorlty complex. fund: unapplied appzoprlaUona, 1719 of the Electlone Code per. wu alonr. Beany left hls .. School· F. THORNTON MARTIN $7.250; &olden JubJJee, $8,D. mlta the City Council to .ubmJt boy'' In the dock. , 1704 W. Oceu Front .And thf'!l'e wu that lnnocent the question to the vote ot the ..t1ao on board were Skipper Newport Beach eoundlnf lnvltauon to the Otym. people by plactq It on the ballot ------------· Doug Priest, Engtn~ Wally Dor-• • • pic rowtne trials to . come her.. at a ~lal election or the next Glenn Haworth, formerly of the ton, and Chuck SmJth, who lJJ ltft'P. )"'ur eye on that one nat ·reawar election. ludrtnr from resort town of ScxltQdal~. A.rtml\&. Harry" a llldpper on hll Adequat~. Editor of the Enalgn, year. the unanlrnout YOte for tetatntne hu opened the Balboa laland The party stayed overnight at Dear people, If the Coundl that beach u a tratler court. Massage Parlor at 132~ Aaat• Pyramid Cove, started trolling at I •~ly approve the aentJ-can't take a hint you may have th.,. 11 Uttle b~ that tht7 wUl Ave., at the oomer ot Agate and 5:30 Tueeday morning. The alba· menta expreued by Hop in the to put an advertlllng limit on wtllln&lJ live u. people a Park. The Massage Parlor oft era cqre wu boated at 8:ff a.m ., and ~~~610:~ee tt!~ !:~r~!f;~ the ballot. Thla clty nHdl ad-dlAnce to vote on t&e qu..Uon. st~am baths ln ~~elentWcally con. It weighed 11 pounds, one ounce. vertlslng Ilk~ a anake needs aua. There l.a aao reMrVed to th~ trolled Hqward cabtneu, and also It wu caueht on a green and :~~~e ~ co:~d.i:tu~toreo:~Ye penden. A on~t tax rate wUl peqple the rtrbt ot tntttaUv.. ~ corrective ma.aaare. y~Uow ,JII with a plastic head. ra1.te 15,202. Wont that get their AttJcle IV, 9edJon l ·b, pa-17. • • • • AJf-•a _,_.. financial revenue. Ia It more lctu 1 th I.a. •-v•-........... protltable for the gov~mment to P '" n e papers every CoMtttutton ot Callfornla. Thla 1a Arthur H. Stepann has com. Everett Hadley also got a take care o! c::rtminala, or uae op-sueT , the rtght of the people to place pJeted the remodeling of the strlk~. had It for a mlnut~. but The Council got a b ar by th~ on th• ball_. by -•uon, 1n aptt• I dl I m -• h'-Colonial portunlty to prevent delinquents! "' "" ~ "' ma n n ng roo \U .. lost tt. taU when they fired the Park of an unwillln& City Council, an Restaurant. at 2332 W. Coast Everitt had accepted a bet, by 1 aay prev~nt! Commlaslon for stlcklng by their ordinance or amendment to the Hwy .. on Mariners MUe. He &a· the way, on the long end of 50 to Thanking you again, recommendation to turn the Charter nounces that the Colonial 1.s now 1 odds, just before starting on M. W. IOHNSTON Trailer Park Into a public beach. • TilE ··BOC2D1JU open from 4 p.m. dally, speclaltz. this lucky fishing trip, that hls 1610 W. Ocean Front Also voted $1,000 of tax money The procedure Is as folJowa. u lng In seafood and at~ak dinners boat would not get the No. 1 al-Newport Beach for flreworlu, and voted to keep laid down by S«tlon 1700, Chap. "Dine under sott llghU and sweet bacore. That REALLY paid o.tf! • • • the trailer park Instead o! elvtng ter 3, ArtJcJe 1: music" lJJ the by-word. Condolences from this corner It back to the people. Add these l . A notJce 01 Intention by the • • • to all the others who have been EdJtor of the Enslen, up, chums. and you tore your do 1__. The brand new motor cruiser, bunting. Forrest G. Smith Jr. on Thanks for a .,.ood job, report. panta with a lot of Cltlz.ena. I proponent.e to 10 ' acoompan .,.. Show Boat. wUJ . befln Its sum hls Tolu"D skipper-.. by Chuck • predict you will hear from them by a ~~.!nt not exceedlnl 500 b ._ "" tne and editorial. Well done! A words .cmnl fOrth the reuons mer IIChedule 6t ocean and ay Franc!• has ... _n combing th'"' f 1 d and eoon. . dl ... U'IC"'C" "' ew more meet nas an a -ow. for the ,_, __ ...,tltlon CtJJises thls Saturday, acoor ng likely areas sin..... last' Friday. • •· e ~Df r•"'_.. r-· ... '""' ln.,. op..,..ltlon, and vou ahouJd 2 NotJ"• to ...._ pubJ'-'-ed at to owner Dal Gren.enberg, pro. "C.Q." was Invited to ao alona. • ..-" Does an" one but me remem · '""" """' ..... Zo Boa Co • • have a bigger newapaper . . . ., Jeut once. prletor of the Fun ne t Thanks. Forrest, and 1 hope you and you wUl 11 11\Y llmlted ln!Ju. ber how the stlver toneued ora 3. Within 10 days of the date The 40-foot boat. built by the laaue rain check.a. ence 1.s worth anything. Keep It tor (hla opinion) painted a hor of publication, proponenta ahall Mitchell Boat Co. of Costa Mesa, Cy Welch and hls skipper, up. Thanka. rlble picture of trailers on our U ol 1 wUl be ma.kJnr dally crulaes to Ralph Creesy, on the CyveJla, GEORGE and EDNA PARDEY beaches 11 we turned over beach t e a copy not ce and atate. Laruna and back. starting at have been on the t:raU, as well u 1700 w. Ocean Front area to the state u matching mp::.~.!,~~ ~~~;s~:k.the 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m . There'll be BUl DeLamar on the Lady La· Newport Beach land. Wun't that very aame tel· 4. '1\ftnty.one da~ alta the uound the laland rides durtnr mar. But-the blf purple orchid, Jer oratln' on the vtrtues of keep. publishing date, petltloru may the altemoom. this time, to Amlgo Uncle Harry &...... 8 .___ lng the traUf'!l' park on one of be clrculated. The Show Boat made Its lnltlal Rogers. Thls. nlnoa, wu his day. ..,,.. lnM ••• our bat atrtps ot quiet water 5. Minimum ...,ulrement l.a run down to Lapna Jail week bathing. l5% o! th a.t~ 0t~n~tner.dvtteday, mW~@mn~·_fretth;. ............ , 111... AI 111 .... llulfM I really got a reverse thrill e reg voten. "' .....,. • "' .,.,.... \U "' --... -•• -•• -·-• a chlll-when the general In 6· nme llmJt tor collectJng the Balboa Improvement A.aoc.latlon ~"'* d Irvin• ,~• .. -t t th ·-otJonal ·-· gav• forth that necessary number of valid algna. to be bll pelta f« the trip. .... ••••• 111•1 1rv1-.:;~ and ""tJ:7.::. ~: tt:; boom! ';,;;;! and the spark t~ ~~m~th~&n. mu.t ' • • • Foundation. received an honorary Jers ot Fourth o! JulY firework.a make aflldavlt that thv clJcu. Elsle Narboroueh ot the Yam Ralph C. Smedley of Corona del d.,.,_ ot Doctor of Lawa lune 17 would teach patrlotJarn to our lated that partJcuJar petition and Shop In Cozona del Mar spent Mar has been spending the week at araduatJon .Xeretae. of the youth. If that were true we wiQiessed the al.,.,atures. a week ln Los Angelet~ attend ln San Franclsco, attendlne th' College of Osteopathic Phyaldana should rescind our law on fl.re •·· lne a special advanced 11Chool on tenth anniversary observance o1 and Su_ ......... In Loe Aneelee. Mr. work.a ln the hands ot children. 8· City clerk examines and tJ N d ··~·-certifies to the Coundl whether knJttlng and crocbe ng. ew e the United Nations. He went a.a ~rvtrte, a Stanford rraduate, 1.s a Gen. Rtdderhof, I thought that or not the petition 1a sl•ned by alms In knlt.e were al10 ahown the accredJted ~raentatlve o! trutee ot the Laguna Beach Hoa-after a lona career of ahootJng the _,ulred number ( i595> > of In fuhJon modellnl sponsored Toastmasters International and pltal Foundation. whlc his work. them real guru we aave you Ma reliai~ votera. which meana, by one of the yam companies. of the Toa.stmaster maeazlne. lng toward the goal of construct-rlnea, you'd be cured. Your out rt h bo 500 Only one penon from each lng a medical center In Laguna. burst of ml.aeuided patriotic 1 t now, a ut 1• namee. to knitting department or atore wu IIUAJf DfiTAI.I.ED emotion caused the clty a allow tor mlatakes, omlalons, Invited to reg:lster for the course Laurence Peterman of Costa llEALTOB COJfVAI.ESCDfQ thousand dollars. Now I'll wave et~. If and when the clerk certJ. which Included fi ve days ot ex Mesa wu recently Installed as I.aabel (Mrs. Paull Herron, lo. the flag a little blt, without cost flea, the Councll must either (a) tent!lve training and cla.aaes an oUicer ol the Orange Belt cal realtor, Is at home In Bay to the city. pa.aa the ordinance without alter. Three separate week.a of cluses Chapter of the MUitary Order of Shorft, convalesclne alowly-not I agree with Madam Mayor tl are being held with the special the Purple Heart. quite feeling up and about yet. that there are better ways o! !..!!~orel(:!u!mmn. ~!,teh!! ... caltiml ! training Jllrnted to from 15 to ao -----------~==~------::::---::::::---::=--:-:==-::=------------•a""'-• l\OD "' professionals. THE HORACE E~Sl6~ * * * the ordinance without alteration • • • ahall be aubmltted to the vote of Wednesdays are now special * * * SCHOOL NEWS· the voten of the city. A majorly tor the klda at the Balboa Fun ~ la needed to make It law. Zone, acoordlna to Al Anderson ED-.. o••--·""-ICIIOOI. e In aE&Jf·DOh • .. ..... aT auaAB.A LILIEJITIIAI. • ----Thla ·-not Ju-th-..rv. -·-owner . From noon to 6 p.m. all .. ·~ ""'~" &n .. concessslons will be nickel to the • IIJOB SCKOOL •arr Thanks to all the P.T .A. Pat lr Jetl'a team won ten to baa been done rltht here 1n New. kids and free baUoon.s wUl be an Well, lt'a all over now. Schools mothers who decorated the dance three. Seventh period captaJru port Beach. On the last March U added attraction. out Summer 1a here. Now we hall. were Pat Walker, Pat Kennedy eJection, we put on the ballot look forward to high achooJ. But • • • and Craig C&dwalder with Craie by thla method-and aratnat the • • • SHUFFLTN' OFF to Buffalo last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. ClW Llonbarger of Costa Mesa and their son Lyle. The Llonbargera are taking a month-long trlp which will include a vJatt to the National Independent Hardware Mercharh.s convention In Buffalo They also expect to aee New York and the New England atatee While they are gone, ClW'a eon ln.law, Lee Stuck, wUl be 1n charee of Ltonbarrf'!l"a Crown Hardware 1n Corona del Mar. I bet that everyone waa aorry to ei"'RAI. ASS&IOI.T wlnnlne 17 to 11. lean Guley wlabea of an unwllllnr CouncU see graduaUon go by 10 fast. It Wednesday of lall week we wu acorekeeper and David El -the propoaltlon to Jlmlt the was a beautlful ceremony and had our lall assembly. The band ford wu umpire. amount of money that the city everythlnJ ran oH fine. It t. and Harrnoneen put on the pro-Durlne the seventh period could Jive to the Chamber of quite impressive to aee 269 g:rad-gram that wu rtven for gradu. game on Wednesday Marilyn Commerce to $2,400. The propoet. uates walk I n 1 In beautUuJ atJon for the student body. Then Bowl« wu badly hurt. J.. abe Uon canted ovewhelmln&l)'. dreuea and new auJta to "Pomp came the main thJne. tbe award. wu running to flnJt bue ahe I have bee.n aocuaed ot being and C!rc:wnsta.nce." lng of the American Leeton tripped on the base and akldded the ramrod 1n puttlng tbat luue After the 1 r ad u a t e s had Award to the best boy and &irl on het' face In the hard dlrt, cut on the :· GuUty. marched ln. "America" wu sung. In el&'hth arade. Don Mun10n Une her face quJte bad. She came • C11AJ1 n&DKD 1'hen Rev. James S. Stewart from wu the Leeton repreeentatlve to graduation wtth hf'!l' face WhJJe we're on thla aubject. Saint Andrewe Church gave the who made the praentat1on, and ban4aeed-But abe carne. Good there are two cbangee needed tn Invocation. A proaram wu next It \W'Dt to George McFarland and aport, Marilyn. our charter. put on by the two mualc IJ'OUpe Pat FruehlJng. Pat wu laurbln& • • • L That no leue now exa.ttnr mUtJed •4()w A.rnenca. Land o1 and c:rytne at the II&ID8 Ume u e GAA CAIOI on waterf)ont property OWMd by Opportunity." It c:onal.lted or the went up to recelv. her The earnee that were played tbe dty may be extended or ~ .,.., IUJ\1 by tbe Harmoneen award. for It 1.1 quite an honor. throuahout the year 1n G.A.A. be'4fed wlthGUt a vote ot the u4 plee. by the band about Kow .. bqin to wonder who ... buketball, volleyball. tum. people. Tbta ll not deu tn the lamoue people. wUI -tbe award that coea to biJne, apeed-o.way, IOC..'Cer, bad· praent cha.rttr. JIOy 0. Anderlen. aupertntend, tbe ~. &.luDeft. But tll.at'a ttm mlnton, and IOftball. The oltlcen 2. That our eleetlon tlw be ant. lntroductd Jam• D. Ray, a Sona W&J' ott. Conrratulatloru for the year were Preeldent Mart. dlanpd to prov'lde for both .,....adent at the boar4 ol trustee&. tD _. an. kJCIL tyn Bowler; Unda Lee, Vlce.pra-nomlnaUoQ AJm ELile'nON by lllr.: aq .._,ted tbe diploma• • I'VII DAY ldent. and Jeanine Atmatronr. dlltrlc:t, thereby eU.m1nattn• the To The Newport Harbor Ensign • Wuu.Jn aau., our prtndNJ, Th\&IIQ)', the alxth paden aecretby treuunr. 11M ~ aJtuatlon •benb1 thn!e out of IM4 oa Ute --.. Jam. fits. a.hr.,a Je.R have a eort or tun taUw. ... ladde Walker, Patty eewn ol the cU8t:rtc:t. are now pral4 tMil led Use deal u u., 4ay. ,.,. ill paa.y bueball. eat lonee, MerrlcJj' ~ Jewel repreeented by coundlmen not of -:ac ~ To Jkapwt." our ac. C!N&ID and do dlfl..nt thtnp Leavey, IUJ 8tau.lf• and Abby their ~ c:ftolce.. ,_. are ICboOl .... -the-tame. tiMtr ~ lri M.n. ~'ranee~~ Oqulat.. DIMrtdll (Jfewport), 5 (lalt.o. -... . ....,_ .... ~~~e -....uo. .. aw • ..,.. ua.,. bad a tpell • • • lalanct) aac~ s <nort~a.._J¥ eo. tJail ... a ._ all .... fte ...... boa I~ and a 10ft. • 'I'IUIID 1'0 ALL rona Gil liar). . UMit Mn.loededl•'• IOOID I w.l4t 1Jb to dl&nk the boJ1 It II a 'fktoul .,.._ tbat 1.1 illjJiiq ....., ta and pia wbo 1M1J*1 me w1tb wide .,_ u a Melt jedl b a ud th .. uddll an,_,, llll.nJne a: Naiu.ot...._. ........ _.P Iiiii Ali~ 24 ilcl & ...aa~ Jii1t • .,.._. ~.::•••• 1M& tW l !rll!llt ptiMIII)iC .... • ..... ..... ...... .. ... ........... ad G. A.A. .................. , ........ Gl .._, .. a tM ,_. --. "d¥11 trtit. I ...... ..._ == ....... .,... .., ... ··c~·Q§' --..... -........ . .... ~~=~ .. .:. ..... ..... The otticial New.....-of 1M City o!Newport I• ncla ONE TED ------ ' Sees Blast, Fire .Dastroys Boat in Bay Exc8elve ·1u fwnee lD the 'l"be aplollon and tlre were enetne compartment were blamed t!P'lme.ed by a lar1• number of for an explo.ton ud tiN wtaJdl Oft·~ many of them on a burned out the •toot boet. Mt. t.-ry that wu near the eeene o1 Bee Haven, In the bay ott 401 a. tbe blut. Hu,. crowda Jatheed Bay Front. Balboa laland, at 8:0& to watdl tlretnen put out the p.m. Sunday. Oemea. HaJr wu .corched off the anna 'nle boat wu pulled by the of Lee L Jordan of Huntlneton feny Into the bay from near a Beach aboard the craft owned by dock at 406 S. Bay Front. where Dan G. u.ton of Downey. Other the craft had ~teen refueled a occupants were John H. Leh· abort Ume earlier: 'nle ft.re boat mann, 13 and lamee H. u.ton, battled the flamee and pulled 13, both of Downey. No one wu the ltrlcken craft uhore at the hurt. toot ol Gamet Ave. Here ft.re:men IKIIYIC& ~Qeueut••d TIITErl TY . Am.~ froln the Port Theatre c:-del II__.A Mil ext:ln,w.hed the flre. Sparka from a 110lenold .tarter were blamed fOr touchlnl off the fumee cauafn• the exploalon which blew out floor boarda and atarted tbe flre. ao• roa rrnaKaALD A 110n, lon Todd, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. lames FJtz.efrald of .ot PullertDn Ave., Newport Helehta, fn Boae Memorial Hos- pital on Sunday, May 22. For ........... -~ c.l THE ENS16N. HA .. I I 14 'Staff of decorators invites you to come in our furniture lines- KENT PINE SHOPS SALEM HOUSE LANDE'S COLONIAL Smart Lamps and Accessories to enhance your decor TWO LOCATJOifS 214 Marine Ave. Balboa Island HA 1547 JINI E. Coast Hlpwq Corona del Mar HA O'lTT Make yow-Own Giflwc.-e ••• in ow-Ceramic Studio A wonderful new plan for the ceramic hobblft . . . you work 1n a complete, modem plant wtth all the lateR commercial equipment under ak:Uled auper. vt.lon. We have molds for over 1.25 Item. from our line tbat you may use or you may make your own deslJN ... AaJW~e aaa do lt ••• Pboae for f1IU detaUa * IIIIIIES Pill ElY I •ns Mrs. Watson Is Re-elected Mrs. Kellar WatJIOn, who has been re~Jected president of the Oranee County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Clab, presided oves-the recent meetlne held at the home of Mn. Ruth Vedder, 1309 Cove, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Rusaell Ctalg assisted with host. ess duties. Officers who wtll serve with Mrs. Wateon are Mrs. John P. Wtlder, vice-president; Mrs. N. L. Elzea, ~eeretray: Mrs. Wtlfts Thompson, treasurer. The pres!. dent has appointed Mrs. F. E. Booth chairman of rus hlne and Mrs. Robert Wilcox chairman of ways and means. Mn. Wilder a.ervecl aa chair- man for the decorations for the grand banquet of the Kappa A!Jiha Theta district convention. June 20, given at the Wilton Hotel kt Lone Beach. The Orange County Club joined the Los An eeles Chapter and Whittier Club In hostess duties for this event. .11 ..... •$3101111 After Cltlz .. Arrest Orvin V. Castle. 60, of Long Beach, was released on 350 ball from Newport city jail last Thurs. day. He was arrested on charges of lntoxJcatlon drunk dr1vlng and hit and run at 9:25 the night previous at 15th St. and Aliso Ave., Newport Heights, on a citi- zen's arrest complAint slened by Arthur R. Delgado. 18. of 311 Ogle St.. Costa Mesa. The Long Beach motorist was char&ed with hitting a parked car at the Intersection registered to the mesa youth and driving west on 15th St. The mesa youth ran the subject down at 15th St. and Newport Blvd. and drove hls car beck to the scene of the ac- cident. Newport pollee alleged that Mr. Castle "'as drlvtng with ~=·;:;··:;~ Will Electrella U1ll Ernest W. Canoll. avtatlon boatswain's mate third clus, USN. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Georee M. Carroll of 1213 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ia eervtng with Fleet Airborne Electronics Traln- lne Unit, Padtlc., at the North · • IaJ•nd If a val Alr Station 1n San Dle,o. Canoll. who reported for duty May 23 from the attack aircraft ca.rrter USS Hancock. hu been aat,ned to the Survival Train· lne DlvlJdon tor duty as an Jn. ttructor. Before entertna the eerY· Ice ln November, 1952. be was paduated from lfewport HJ1h School Dr. lloDald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE OOliPJ.,&'l'J: DIAGJifOSIS 6 PII1'SICAL "'''IDAPr DDT . ........ -.& ......... ...... • roa ii.ACU A dau1ht«, Shauna Lynn, wu born to M.r. and Mra. Frederk:k Mack of 15:1'6 Ocean Blvd., BaJ. boa. Jn Hoa1 Kemonal Ho.pltal on Saturday, May 21. •AG& I "' •• •111•, .. .. ••••T DAY ac.OOL .. UIIIe ..... 440 Bel.Jotrope. CoroAa del Ku ~-..-Under new mana,.ment Mrs. Jean Vauahn. cllrectot OtiR SPECIALr;- * llrlllr 2272 * * COIOIA DEL 1111 PIAIIIACY nADQV~rca a.ES' TIYI, ...... s ..... SIOI E. eoa.t • .,.,. at 1 ,_1 C.... del liar (Next to All American Market) ~·5511 * AIM at 5251 E. 1114 IL Ja &..., a.eclt * .... Lido ~~ ...s at rttlat ·= • "'t ..... w-. a. Trttt of Lido ~ • ...s. at' •t•.W. a.. 111.. ~ dwl....._ KrL C. D. Cw·N--.. C. ,.... del Mar. (Terry hda Pboto) I_. 1_. I• .. 11-Elllltat .. Mrs. F. P. Dickerson of 1101 W. memben of the Oranee County Bay Ave.. Newport. entertained Kappa Gamma Alumnae A.uo- clation for the final aprlni meet. In& at a luncheon at her home J une 9. TWO IIU1l'l' Dr w..ECK OK COAST BJQIIWAT Co-hostesses for ·the patio fete were Mrs. Walter Hatch of CostA Mesa. Mrs. J. E. Kelm of New. port and Mrs.. A. S. Handy Jr. of Oranee. Other Harborttes attend- Ing the meeting were Mrs. Mary Lou T onnesen of Newport acony. II Charles U. Burgh of Hawthorne and a passenger In his car. Lem mle S. Nickerson of Linden, Tenn.. were Injured In a three- car acddent at Coast Hwy. and Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, at 12:07 a.m. June 11th. The acci- dent occurred when Merrill C. GtddJnga of Santa Ana stopped for a red light and Charles F. Taylor of Camp Pendleton stop. ped behind htm. The Burgh ve- hicle hit the rear of the Taylor vehicle and knocked It Into the Giddings vehicle, pollee said. Relehts. Mrs. Barton Seek of Santa Ana Helehts. Mrs. Robert Blac~mar fJf Balboa Island and Mmes. James Stoddard, R. C. Mor. rill, Dick Drake, and MISSt>S Ruth Maxwell and Mattit> Lacy or eo.' rona del Mar. Beach & Boulevard SPOilT'S UD CAIVAL WED 320 S. eoa.t al..S. IAplla a-da IIT.tt '-'- .. N0.1 IN SIZE N0.1 IN STYLE + N0.1 IN THRI YOUR N0.1 BUY Add up the leatura, compare the prices l A abort Yiajt to our ellowroom plus 10me aimpte ari~ will pro.-e that Plymouth is your be.t buy of the low-price 31 Drop by today for • demonatratioa driYe iD ODe of ow his. be.vt.iful Plymou!hs l Here are eome of the wonderful tbinp in tton for yoa: ..... _. el .. .........-3! Plymoutll ie 1 7' Mel ---by far the larpt c:a.r ill ita ield. ~ ......... ---That -yoaeajor .. ~ -.dy ride oely a tn)y hie car, lib f't)MJ ... e. p yoa; • ..U .. IDOre ...._. liON ..tort, iMide. M..a beaatiful ear of tJ,e low-prke 3! Pntetically enryone rates Plrmouth 6nt for be.uty. C"-nn. a l~ding fa~hion mquine, .elected Plymouth "~auty buy of the year." Thousand. picked Plymouth ~t.loolcing of .. all3" low-price cara in a oation-wide aun·ey. lloet ~ ar of the low-pl'ke at Whee it~ to powerplanta. there's really DO match for either of Plymouth 'a 2 IJ"C!&l ~ Try the 6-cyl.iader Po11fWFlow 117, the all..time champ .for Kon0111J, reliability -pe.rfOI'IDaDOO. 0.. try the hich..fiJins a,.r-.,. V-8-with tho biP-t IIUdanl ... .,. .... of the low-.,nc. S. WHY PAY IP TO s• MORE FOI A CAl SMAUu- nwe Pl YiiOiTH r Ooft't II. fooiM tty ltte clolmt of medl"""111fi • can ~ lt!ey eotl ptaetkotty the -01 Plyl!'ovt+l. ~ you CIMpON price tqs, you1l ft..d ......... fof MOde!, "wn•ueh ..ek fof 111\Kti ..... .,.._ ,_ 1110re cot fof your money I . ,..._........., ........... ....... c..-....... p of b nat ..,., * ...., ............. .. ,..,.. .......... ........... bel ....... , .... H IEIIEl ,..... ..... ...,_ lllendlr -· Dr . .IMII ,...._ •= J1au1 ,...... .....,.... on tile wbe II • .......,... 11 .. 11111--flll~ ..., ......,., _9......, -How TV wWa ZzrZiN 4 Dalo. 'l'llil ~ ....... ...... w.. fw thet ............ ,..... a..Mdl n..-. e1r1a1 pbotopaphy in lllontllili bt Ide ...U ~ ~ Air Command." ( .... ben. lhlr.., It tbe ..... wUe IODaJJ7 I cU8apeecl wUb llmtlq ot Bob IQ~rUD. local CIOillnletior. St.wut .•• tiM phCJtotraph.y ud Mr. and ll.ra. Waiter ~ oC ~ .._ut.ll\al a~ •• Santa Ana were au.nctanta at o&lbbone the ~tory.) When Paul the ceremony. Me$ Ia not cbu1Ja1 a-47'• Into • • • the wtld blue yonder wtth a Loolat like bll thlnp ue com. camera. lle and the lire. ue tng to Bob Boublan. who rune aboard ~Espada IV, llviq Seafood vaneu. when he'a not It up b\ H~bor. Ob Yes. peiuuna 'bit tuna. Bob's reeord- l \\ftdentaft b~ also wu re-lng of hla own "Popeotn Sona" 11 cently In Europe fUminc shots said to be hlttinl bla time on for. anothft Cinerama. CapiW Records with IUYI and • • • · gals In the eastern cltJ .. havlna Heard tell aro1,1nd the neigh-"Popcorn Glrl" contesta and borhood that M.ra. Joyce Wool-everythlnc. Did you catch Lany daughter from Inglewood, Finley's 10 p.m. 'IV show called Jersey, baa been vie!Unc her "Strictly Informal" last week? at 21.9 Iria Ave., Corona del Mar. You cues sed, Bob Roublan • • • rueated It! Shirley Ingram wu a June COlatbnaed Gil Pap 1) bdda, accord1q to our conapon. dellt from Garden Grove. She married a younc man from that .,... ......... YAN!S eLEANas * DG.ICAft PAulcl * KADD _.LACS Q.UipJn'l * "31 , ... , Et,aiiiM ..... 1111 ....... ................. 111," e DRY CLEAt..tN6 e KNIT ll.OCKIN6 ·•DYEtN6 e HAND PRESSIN& e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTBA TIONS, lliPAJRIN6 * * * Miss Ruby Jean .Neuman Wed· ln. II•• II litH To .Lt. Donovan Southworth 11111111111 Plltlr Rev. Georce BeeVH Jr. will Donovan Southworth of 527 Red-serve as aaaJatant pa.stor for the la nds Ave .. Newport Belpt.s. summer at Chriat Church'By the BA •• Y DAY ICBOOL ._Little Pelk f40 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs . .lean Vaughn. director O,..la.a.toS&JOp.a..letudlll,.._. ..... s. E. c..t ..., ...... .._ .... Cllilliil ... Less than two weeks after his Qacmw I......_ValwollDe graduation from USAF Aircraft ,.__11 Observer Training Wing at Bar- aDd ap UWIOif pnduc:b • • • llngen Air Force Base In Texas, '"M1Dut. Ma• ~ Donovan Allen Southworth took PICE UP & DELIVEBT· Miss Ruby Jean Neuman as his EWI 'S UJQOK bride at a candlelight ceremony II SEaVJCE held June 4 at the Newport Har @ 3001 lfewport al•d. bor Lutheran Church. Rev. Robert Newport Beach Gronlund read the servtce. The bride Is the daughter of Harbor S823 Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Neuman OpeD E""f Day of 1560 Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa. ~~~~7l;a.m.i;!==to~l=p.m.J:~P~i The bridegroom Is the son of CCIIECniiS lleasoDable llcl* All Iiay e BalJ Day BAPPT DAY SC HOOL for lJttle Folk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, director Cancer Drive Aid Is Asked The need for additional contrl but.lons to the American Cancer Society's annual Cancer Crusade was emphasized today by Sam Barnes ol Bay Shores. temporary campaign chairman of the Or ange County Branch of the America n Cancer Society. Commenting on the a nnounce- ment in San Francisco that an additional $128,913.44 has been appropriated by the American Cancer Society for research pro- jects at the University of Call· fornla. Stanford University. the CaJ1fomla Institute of Tecbnol. oty, the University of Southern California a nd other California Institutions. Mr. Barnes said: "These grants raise to m ore than $3.000.000 the am ount approprl ated by the American Cancer So- ciety for cancer research during the past ten years In this Sta te a lone. Across the nation. the So- ciety has supported research pro- jects to t a II n g approx lmately $35.000.000 during the same period of time. "Yet. in spite of the tremt>n· dous investment already made. much basic research remains to be done. Funds collected by the Orange County Branch of the American Cancer Society a re needed to carry on this work. Our current drive. which now stands at 94 <;;. of goal. m ust go over the top or the research pro gram will lag. Thirty Clve cents or every dollar collected here last year were chllnneled Into re. search projects such as those an nounced today. The balance has been used for programs of edu- cation and eervk:e aimed at sav- ing lives by brlnJlng earlier cases of cancer to 1lght." Mr. N e u m a n escorted his Sea ln Newport Beacb. Tha will daughter to the altar. She wore be hla second summer In thl.s a white nylon lace waltz Ieneth capacity whlle on summer vaca- e,own with a short. cascading tlon from .chool. He received ve il. and carried an orchid cor-ordination u a mlnlater of the sage on white Bible. A short bo· Christia n Church last Sunday lero jacket covered the fitted bo-evening a t the Little White dice of the dress, which fell to a Chapel In Burbank. He Is the skirt of full tires of lace. A lace son of Dr. and Mrs. George coronet held her veil. Reeves of Orange. and a grtdu- Attendlng the bride were M arl. ate of Newport Harbor High lyn Men lll of Costa ~esa as School. OJ". Reeves 1s p resident of Ma id of Honor and Lorraine and the Chapman College In Orange. Marilyn Schlichenmeyer, nieces of the bride from Costa Mesa. as bridesmaids. Miss Merrill wore a blue tulle gown and carried a nosegay of white carnations. The bridesmaids w ore pink tulle a nd carried pink carnations framed against turquoise net hearts. Harry Neuman was best man. Serving as ushet"S were Edward Grochow Jr., and Craig Phoenix of Costa Mesa. Stan Agar of eo. rooa del Mar and Norma n Comeau of Newport Heights. R I c h a r d Schllchenmeyer was ca ndJellghter. Wilton Lewton of Balboa was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Gronlund at the organ. At the reception held at the Neuman's home, ~ Ed Lutz. the bride's sister. assisted, along with Mrs. Art Kennedy and MJia. Richard Newman of Costa Mesa. Mrs. Neuman received guests In a light blue linen dress wtth white accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Southworth. the groom's stepmother. wore a black and white t.alfeta dress with white accessories and a white orchid. The young couple are a lready enroute to Bedford. Mass .. where the groom wll report for duty as a lieutenant In the USAF. The new Mrs. Southworth Is a gradu- Ills lllriiJI llill111r Te W.-I ·PIM IIEWII - A September wedding l.s being planned by Miss Marilyn Mel. singer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Meisinger of 415 Walnut Pl., Costa Mesa, and Pete Me. Ewen, son of Mrs. Ruby Welch of Longview, Wu h. fiRST cfultCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ])0) VIa LU., N.wPOtt leech A brench of the Mother Church, Th• First Church of Chri1t, Scientist, in 8os· ton, Meuechu1eH1. !u,. • ., School ':15 e.m. Sundey S.rvlce _ II :00 e.m. Wedne.dey Evening M..tin9 1:00 p.m. R .. d i119 ROOfl'l loceted et 3315 Vie Lido. N...,port ... ch, II open -• de 'I' frotn I 0:00 e.m. to 5:00 P·'"~ Wednesdeys from 10:00 •·'"· to 7:-45 p.m. Fridey wening• frotn 7:00 p.m. to 9;()() p.m. Sundoy ofternoon' 2 lo 5 p.m. Clo,ed Holideyt. The public i1 CO<dielly invited to et- .. nd the church Mrvic•• end uM the Reeding Roc-. a. lllti•..P'! YARN ·SHOP ate of Newport Harbor High 2747 E. Coast Blghway School and attended Orange COiroaa d.t Mar BA 0157 Coast College. The groom grad. uated from both schools. lla lary Lo• Wrtpt ''Will ............. Knitting, Crocheting and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Specialized Accessories and Inatructlons BOOBS Mon. thJ"u Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ·oiREcrORY Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wright of 4014 Channel Pl., Newport, h ave announced the engagement and future August wedding plans of their daughter. Miss Mary Louise _____ M'O'S....,. ...... Ic...._ ___ ---. Wrlcht, and Robert J. GIUesple Margaret L Scharle m. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gillespie of Milvtlle, N. J. The Teacher of Plano brideJr'OOm elect la studying to Organl.st • Accompanist be a Presbyterian mlnlster. Evening Cluaes few Adult. 307 G0UJDB00 AVE. Corpoa del Mar ft. UDDWS nunTaa~A~r c:aoaca 15th SLit SL Andrews Rd., acrou tloa lOP Scbool Uberty 1-l'm Paator: .... J.._ S. Stewart SUNDAY: Morning woJ"Sb.lp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High, Sr. Hlgh and college a ge Fellow. shJps, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group. 9:30 a.m. COIOI1JJIRTT METIIODJST GO W. lltla lt. eo.ta Meea Ll:bMtf 1-4552 .... J-s* w. llc:SbaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Cburc.b Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mornln& WorsbJp--7 p.m. College Age MYF ~ce - 7 p.m . High School MYF Service; 8 p.m.. young adults group service. TilE CIIUJlCB OP CIDlST 1050 Cbul'da St.. eo.ta M- Ubelty I.JOC7 D. G. Bunt. M1Diater Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor- ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m . Wedneeday. THE CIIUJICB OF CBBJST Od4 P.U... Lodp. 1Nt Jfnrpol't A..._ - C:O.ta M.a., Lu..rty 1-5711 Taaa lakier. ]r .. MialaWr Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CIDZST CIIUBCii aT TilE SEA ce.maattr~ Balboa al..t. crt lCtb lt. Knrpol't BAmor 5221 .__, .... Boy A. Cclrlaoa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School : 9:30 a.m. Mid· week Meeting: 7:00p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIIJC CIIVaCII 1114 OlaD9e ..... e-ta M..a Ln.t7 1-1011 . P~ nao.. J, Knta luaday ·--Cit '· .... 10 cmd 11:30 a . ..m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:1.5-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PDIST AIIEIDLT bP CoD 22Ddlt. & Bldao Aw... e-ta N&M Uberty 1-3781 .... i.4 ... c:. CNalc:. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-ship : 10:55 a .m . and evangelist service, 7:30p.m. Young People and Childre n's Service, 6 :30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' MJssJonary CouncU, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. for all ~ay. sEVtlrnr DAY AOftJIU&i KewJ*t m..s. c1t w.. st.. Kewpa.t8~ Llbalty ... E1c* D. a. 8pnlclbtg Saturday MornJna Services: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser- mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet- Ing: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ·~--~e .. a... .... .... •· a. ••-rrn Sunday Sentc.: 9:45 a.m. SUDd~ School; 11 3..111. Wcnlalp ser'Soes.i. f :30 p.ftl., Ba~ Tra.blJ.q ulllon; 7:30 p.m., ~-Service. Wednelday: 7:30 p.m., PrQe.r, Pra.lse and Bible Study. Mon-da,y: 7:30 p.m. )(en•a Cboru.s practice; 8:30 p.m. lieD'• Prayer Meetina. CIIUJICII OP Oft LAD't OP NT. CAIDRL 14CIW.a.JbM...._ ... ,_t ~~~~· P.O..~~ K£!'f• ,_._ Patber~ ••u Sunday Ma.-: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. ConteuJon : Sat- urdays and eva ol lit Fr~ CIIVaCB ol tJae •mWUE a.nd Holy Days lrom C:OO to 1• ._...._ lt.. eo.ta ..._ 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 1 :30 ,__, .... Clift WUIIam• p.m. Dally Maa 8:00 a.m. F1nt Llbalty 1·7111 Friday: 6:30 a.m. a.nd 6:00p.m. Sunday Servtcett: Suoday School, N ° v en • (Perpetua l Help): 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at ·Tuesday, 7=45 p.m. Flahermen's 10:30 a.m. Evanrellltlc Serv· Maaa. July and August, Sunday Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.. 4 a.m. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting, 7:30p.m. Wednesday. PIUT CBUiiCII or CIIJUit ICI&HIJIT 3a Via Lido. R....-t a.ada a...ldl . Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun-day Servlee: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday ~me Meettnc: 8:00. Readlnr Room. 3315 VIa Lido, !fewport Beach. open 10 a.m.-5 p.m . week days, 10 a.m.- 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7 -9 p.m. Frld&y evenlnp. CIIJIIST LOTMEUJI CBUJICII OP COSTA MESA (IU8acurt Spod) ....._ LMI.a llaU. eo.te ~~­......... LoaarTOdOW Sunday Services: Worsblp Serv- Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:1!5 a .m. aALBOA DLAIQ) COJOmJnTT IDTIIODDT IISAwcMA..._..._..._. IOaltWt ...,, Daa~d lapp ..... C515 Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. CbUI"dl School~ a.nd 11:00 a.m. Worablp ee. UKJV&UAUIT COIOI1JWft'Y Pa.LOWIIIIJ Dell C'cab' .... lliW ...... ~ ...... ............. P.W ...... Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Morn-Ing Wonb.lp. 11:00 a.m. IT. JAIDI ut~eo•a .. ftl=.,,t ..... .... Job& ........ Sunday aervtces: 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Sunday .cbool; 9:30 a.m. mornIng prayer and termon, 11 a.m. worship service. Thursday Serv. Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion . ST. J0D YJAJrWn 11• Ma:ri:M A.._ lcdlloa Ialaad ~-· Paua. SS!Ir'lef• ._._ Patlae( ............ ..... Sunday Maaes: 7:00a.m. a: 9 :00 a .m. ConfeaaJon: Saturdays and eve&. of lat Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 1 :30 p.m.; Ftnt Friday Mus 8 a.m. Summer Mass, July and August Sunday, 11 a.m. naT aAPnST CIIUBCII ooaowA DEL MD C&JnUI. iiii:i :'t:* a.... a .... . c.n. 11-. .... • ... .. or Ji&WJOIIT COJOIVIOTT aruaca 8a1bM al..S..IM & Cout Ita.. CIPIUUitiDJd A. A.!['" .. ..... ~ Ill "rM ta40 A.._ ......_ ISU Llbady 140ft ~ _, Those w ho h ave not yet sent in their c:Ontributions to th!• year's cancer Crusade are urgid to fbrward them •to the Orange County Branch of the American Cancer Society at 415 W. 17th Rlllllllillil Street. Santa Ana. The Branch la entirely dependent for Its .upport upon cancer crusade donations, bequesb and memorl&l ctftl. '":::!!!iii!i:Ji!!E~!::::J ~ a...t a. Joau..o. ....., ~ •..... a-lia r-Sunday llel'V1cel: 9:45 a.m.. Sun-Sunda7 Wonb.tp Sa ftcw: 9:45 SQndaJ Sebool: 9:45 LJIL Mom-~ s.mc.. 11:00; ~ .. ,\ri 7:30. MJd-week SlrVi tee. e d n e. d a y • 7:30 p.m. Youna people meet 6:15 p.m. Prlenc!JJ !felabbor"bood Service Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Fonoetly Gnuel Ctapet c1Q Scbool; 11:00 a.m., Wor-a.m.. 11:00 a.m.SuncS..,kbool· sbfp ~oe: 7:30p.m. Sunday 9:45a.m. , • ~ .ervlce; )(Jd.Week - 8arvtce: 7 :30 9.m. Wecln8day ~ AD"N81.T OP GOD Prayer Meettnc. 0 filL lu• -Qdlf. Sunctay. -~~ Pl&n.l are betnc made foe an Alpha XI Delta IIOI'Ority ptcnlc for Sunday, July 24., at the Orange Clty Park. Plans for the activity are being prepared by Barbara Ha*klns at Kellogg 8-3074 and 110 Broadway U 8-3433 a: 8-3434 Costa Mesa ..... CJIIIJU .•.. , ..... ..... ...... , ....... ..... C. a. fttwe rt aa=rc dooL t :M a.m.; church Gloria . Hunt at Lehigh 9-5946, :===========~ who ask that reservations be Sunday school 9 :30 a.m., lnOI'Il1na 08 ll:OO a.m. Trainlnl m ade with them by July 1. ......... ..., BALTZ MORTUARIES Early aervtce, 8:30a.m. sunday: terVtce 6:30 p.m., eventna .. uc~ meettnaT~-NOW ... TWO wonhlplla.m.Y....,._e =~~ a_ .. _ bo Chwdl Scbool 9:30 a.tn.; WCII'·, evangellst eervlee 7:10 p.m. W~ er l8"i1ee and --.. •mC the Har r Area ahlp ..-vtoe. U:OO a.m.; Luther Mld.week -.rvlce 7:30 · p.m. Bible *'17. 1· p m. Wednea-Baltz M ortuary Lea.rue. 7:00 p.m. Wedn.eday. 1 • daJ. • • v1a~e:!n~G~~~!t"!: ~~W stA nu. Diredolr • made JX"'''ble by .._.c:iwle""nWIM ... , ••a: tbe remodelled clubbowle ot the 35:10 &. 0out BJPway WOODYIDRTH PIANO SHOP Lido Woman'• club June lOth to Corona del liar 88BAL SH8T a.fAL WOlkS . M E:rd.tw .&a-t fc!r ~ ~ ~~lr ..!:!:~In~.: ~t-v o~ary 1610 1. c..t Hwy. Her. ua Coh.M ., ..., a * StrMt flatw 1110 INSURANCE PDQ. lin. Jtelth Corarey, at tbe 111a a ..,..._, o.ta x.. lt&-lniC fJnal boud ~ ol. the redt-AICI'Y~~<; lnl pr81dent. lin. Belpb Tan-10'1"8 L !fo Tac:b · · • Jlfo Tape .•• !fo ,.,.. Clowaky, at he lkCJIM JaR ~ IJit I. c..t Hwy. C... .W W. Mn. Joe Prebatllll!f,.. tbe .,... :==J!!!!!!!!!:==n: 1 dal pn., a *-donawct b1 c1e-r NIWJOlT ~..1101 ..... NEWSPNB llper Dalvtb7 O'BaiL , ''Be Sme--lnswe'' Wl'nl STANLEY Clidapnail;,.,..._ • fab.lo.. fiXI) s. ••• .,. •.• clra•ricaJtJ ... fabric ca....J. ia ~ color ttl... GooN "-ban- loot or cloeed ltJt. that o*u ..........., cao ... ud -'-t.S..._...,. CIRCUS BOOTERY. • Daughters of Confederacy Will Meet Today in Balboa The annual paUo plcnJc lunch. eon of the' Emma San.aom Chap. ter ot the UnJted Daughters of the Confederacy Ia being held to. day (Thursday) at the home of the Mtues Gertrude and Loutae Mo ntgomery, :Zll7 · E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. The scene wUl also be the 51st Installation of oUt. cera of the Orange County Ch ap. ter, whlcb Ia the fourth oldest In the state of Calllornla. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. G. C. Bennett of Balboa, Mra. Charles F. Dennbon of Balboa, Mrs. R. B. Grta of Anaheim. Mrs. AJtred Park of San Pedro, Miss Rose- mary Park of Balboa a nd Mrs. Ralph Seward of Anaheim. More than sixty reservations have been made. Youne of Santa Ana will be ln. stalled as president. Special guests of the day will be Mrs. Marguerite Black Jones of Glendale, CallfornJa dlvlalon president; Miss Edna Fowler of Los Anreles, past h istorian gen. eral, who baa been nomJnated for president of the national UnJted Dauehtera of the Confederacy. Another special guest wUl be Mrs. J. E. McMichael of Sao Diego, and Mr. McMichael. Mrs. McMichael Ia the e:reat ,rand. daughter of Emma Sauom. con. federate heroine for whom the Ora nee County Chapter Is named. Ill 1M l?tla lt. Oftlcers to be Installed Include -..aA C:&ih&a"" .Mrs. Dennison a.s nnt vlce-presl. Fashion Show Plans Made C....lleecl ()pea PrL "111 1 •.x. dent and Miss Gertrude Mont. ~~~~~~=~~~~~~gomery as registrar. Mrs. John Plan are being made by the "Friends of the Philharmonic" for the "Nearly New" fashion ahow benefit to be held Sept. 29. • District chairmen and their workers met recenUy at the Bal. boa Bay Club to discuss this pro. ject and other plans to raise the nec.-essary funds to conUnue the Orange C o u n t y Philharmonic concerts. Newcomers to the area are In· vlted to contact their local chair. men or Karen Margreta BrunJng, the executive director, Ln Corona del Mar for further Information about the Philharmonic Society. Among those present were: Mmes Karen M. Bruning and Thelma Paddock Hope o( Corona del Mar; Mmes. Melwood Berry and Gertrude McCall or Cliff Haven; Mmes. Jack Corn and A. I>ewey C a 11 aha n . of Balboa Island; Mrs. H. H. Henshaw of Udo Isle; Mrs. Wm. T. Bauer. Bay Shores; Mrs. Leon Yale, Bea . con Bay; Mmes. Jefferson Sro. ville and Barbara Miller ot Cost& Mesa; Mmes. Edward Mittelman, Louis J. Jacobean. and James H. Walraven of Fullerton; Mmes. 0 . F. Schultz. Kate E. McCullah, and R. G. RJngwald of Anaheim; Mmes. Mildred Alley, Able M. Ida, and Holmes Wehrly of Santa Ana;-Mmes. Gordon X. Rich. mond, lames E. Donecan ot Qr. ange. ·R·30tt ......,. ........ ..-. a.u.tr .. ~ COITA IIDA lr/o-OFF ON Al1. DOLLS £HIJR£HH GmLS QVAIIT'Irr TO SIRG The Sunbonnet Girls Quartet of Henderson Settlement, Tennes- ~. will sing folk songs and re- ligious hymns of the southern mountains at Christ Church by the Sea. Newport, Wednesday evening. June 29. They will be accompanied by their pastor, Rev. Tex Evans, who will speak on the work of the Henderson Settlement for needy children and youth. VJUVEBSALIST FELLOWSBJP Rev. FrecSerldt JUne• will re. view Robert Jung's '-J'omorrow 1s Already Here" at t he Universalist CommunJty Fellowship service this Sunday at the Ebell Club· house, Balboa. June Is a German Jew who was exiled by Hitler. He dtscusses America as he sees It In his book. CBIUST CJIVBCB rl T1IE SEA "Ufe Touching Ufe" w ill be the sermon title Sunday as Rev. Roy CarlltOn returns to the Christ Church by the Sea pulpit after a week at the Methodist Conter. ence In Redlands.. Following the 11 a .m. service a reception will be held honoring Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bodman. They have been members of Christ Church for many years but will soon be leaving to live near Sacramento. Awards for Hats Ate Made At Lido Women•s Meeting Flonl.....,IM!I were made by dodle ol. lmAll flowers In lovel)' Mn. WU1Ja.Da lfw+•rie Brown, putel ahadft. lira. 8oblrt 1'eenopMlon and M.a. ae.ldea the hat parade, a pa. Htll'bert Albndlt at the amaual rade ol. tuhJons wu shown by Hatl In Bloom party ctwn ~ l.rma Marples and her Vaeabond day ol. Jut week ~ tbe lJdo lale Roue. The procram abo lnclud. Woman's Club and held at the ed an lntormal induction of otfl. Community clubbouae. een. Jtet1rlng pJft.ldent, Mrs. Mrs. Brown ~ved the award Ralph Tandowaky, presented the for the twmle8t hat. • cbaupeau newly elected prHldent. Mrs. complete with ltve baby eb.ldm. 'ntomaa L. Letto, and eave her a Mra. Tem.pleton won the DMMit corsaee. AJao pr~nted were the unique hat prize wltb _. 0ac mo-other new officers, Including Mrs. tJ1 particularly appropriate to the Donald Colevove, first vice. pres. date, Flag Da,y. Award *-the ldeot; Mrs. Joe Ptelnlnger, sec. prettle.t hat went to Mn. AJ. ond vlce-presJdent; Mrs. NeU brecht. who fuhloned a amall Cameron, oorrespondlne secre. Couple Plans Harbor Visit A July visit to the Harbor area Ia being anticlpated by newly· weds M.r. and llrL Bruc::e R. Bar· ke of Detroit Mich. Tbe bride 11 the former lila Luda Jean Ed- wards. daughter of Mr. and M.ra. Everett C. Edwa.rd.a of 255 Eft- nine Canyon Rd.. Shore Cluta. and the eranddaulbt.er of the Ia~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Evft. est of 501 S. Cout Blvd., Lai\Ul&, pioneers of that area. The couple were married by Rev. Donald Sapp at the Ftnt Methodllt Church ot Angola. Incl., on May 31. 'Jbe groom Ia the aon of Lee C. Barker of San Francla- oo and Mrs. Bess M . Barker of Los Aneeles and Santa Bou.. He attended Pomona Collece and durtnr World War n aerved in th~ U. S. Navy In the South Pa. clllc campaJen. the Normandy lnvasJon and later 1n Korea.. He tary; Mrs. Paul Boeera. reoordlne secretary, and Mrs. Gene Ross, t:reuurer. Hat& and nowera was the theme canied out In the decoration of the luncheon tables done by Mn. Gene Boss and her commJttee. Each table had a muatcal na.me and the decoraUona carried out the theme. The laree garden room table had the theme of deep pur. ple with a large straw hat with varteeated colored nowers from lavender to purple and a~nted with purple and gold candles. On the decoratlne committee were Mmea. Jowph Fergu.aon, Leon Wa re, Hobert Templeton, Arnold Broyles. VIncent Salma. cia, John Davies Jr., E. J. Earl, R. L. Frailey. D. P. Bart. R. H. Kirby. C. M. Hom. John Broueh· ton. Burton Bom~eeor~ Eueene Vreeland and Herbert Rlley. Special judges for the hat pa. rade were Mrs. John Hartletn, Corona clel Mar fiorlst; Thelma Paddock Hope, Harbor a.rn artl.st. and Mrs. Edgar HW. former club president and Mayor of Newport Beach. Ia now ~ated with ~ ;=====================; Motors. 'lbe new .Mrs. Barker rradoat. ed ln music from Santa Barbara Collqe where she wu a member of PI Beta PbJ Sorority. Sbe was later muslc Ubra.rian tor KRON, 1V and FM stations In San Fran. cisco, and baa written JII'Oeram dissertations for the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra. Joining St. Andrews Presby. terian Church June 12 were: Mr. and Mrs. Elton Barnett. Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert Ernst. Mrs.. Effie Ernst. Mrs. Mildred GUbert a nd 80n Dean. Mn. EwSpa Budllon. Mr. and Mrs. Un Sheely, Mr. and Mrs. Michael vtdal and Mr. and Mrs. Kingery Whlteneck. all of Newport Heights; Mr. and Mrs. BUl O'Brien and Miss Madeline 1 Peterson of Corona del Mar; Miss Barbara Brickey and Mrs. Harry Schubert of U do Isle; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Childs of Balboa Is. land ; MJss Sandi SchmJdt of Bay 1 Shores; Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Voor hees and Mr. and Mrs. Robert WaJJace of Newport; Mr. and I Mrs. B. J. Badha m. Mr. and Mrs., W-.rren Calms. Dr. and 1\frs. Clar ence LaBier, Mrs. July Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. WUJJe Merritt of Costa Mesa. CIVIL DEFDSE II.EETDrG More ,.._ ... Reducing n. SECIET ... It'a not merely a matter of weleht reduction. It Ia, rather. a well.proportioned fJaure- stralght, eracetul. ~land ... with weight evenly distrib- uted The STAUFFER SYSTEM Is deslened to aid you In achieving correct body allgn. ment. ra ther than mere w~leht reductJon. JOIN the many women ..,ho have found The STAUFFER SYSTEM the ONLY answer to their reducing problem. PBOJfE TODAY for J'O'U fne trial cmd uvun aDG.J.,..u. IIA.ImOB 17U ~~ 3117 E. Coast Hwy., n('ar Jasmine A meeting of all civilian de. tense personnel will be held at I 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, J une 29, at UGBT OF FAJTB PBOGilAJI the City Hall to discuss the re George Ward of the Newport suits of the alert last week. CorODG del Mcu Beach Christian Science Church ~:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;::;=:;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;~ wUl be moderator for the "Light of Faith" television program on KNXT. Channel 2, to be given by the Christian Science Church at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. "Joy" ls the subject of thls proeram .• ..... J.IIIsln•ell . , .......... Dorothy Jo Swan10n, owne of the Dorothy Jo Dance Studio In Corona del Mar, hu been chosen by the NaUonal A.uocJatlon of Dance and A.flUJated Artlats to teach In the &ullllll« c:on.erva. tolres. Daurhter Sandra and Wan. da Trautwein. dauehter of the Ray Trautwelns of Costa Mesa, will accompany Mrs, Swan.on on the tour acroa the country and us1st In the demonltraUons. Hubby Harold and 10n Don wUl fiy to meet them In Detrott, plek up their new car, and the lf'OUP wUl conUnue the tOW' by car. Bot flreplace ube. tn a <.'ard· boa.td box left tn a prap were blamed for a S2,(Q) ftN ID tiM p.rqe ol M. A. Andet806 ef 111 VIa lJclo Soud. Lido Ide. at 1~ p.m. rrt4a7. ne IMide ce u.. ...., ...... charTed. PalDt. toola and otber artk* "'" ...... !bob clama&'lld • ......,. .... bl the hcNa "Hints" from House and Garden. at Newport by CclluUe MltcbeU Interior Designer ·~- Summer is here, and it's "trailer time. · so here are a few new ideas for your trailer and cabana--Imagine having your troiler and cabano completely carpeted with a luxurious carpet that needs no sewing or seaming. Just simply cut it to ony size o r ~ape-end if an accident should happen: such os o cigorette burn, oil one has to do is cut around the ruined port and insert e new bit of carpet cut in the ~me shape.No one could aver teU whe~ the piece was inser-ted. It's fashioned of new nylor. and wool wif+l • built-in sponge MJbber cushion, can be wtihed end cleaned wi~ ~moving from the f1oor. Wonderful for boats too, in the lighter weighi. Speaking of boet and trailer~, just fini~ deeoteti~ a nowl trei'-r wit+. ~onvnoc:J.tlonJ for a 16' boot inside tf,e ,..., pert of tM trailer. 1\e interior of h living.,.. w.s done in tones of turquoise and muted cor•~lly stunnin9 and Gv ble, ~ derful for tfae who wish to go •~ ~ .,11 and .+.1t he~ • boet for flshtn<J, etc. Newt WMk we'll taft 80out diffw.nt ~ of IO'Mna and he. t+tey cen be u~ effectiwly. · 4 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET .... .... ,,,. That's the fun of It! Chain eating! Should your cake pan be empty, your cooky jar null and void . . . reach for a can of Crosse and BJackwell's nut roll. sp~ad It with Philadelphia cream cheese for the tastiest snack that ever said "hi" to a cup of coffee • . . I'm sure the CrOSSe and Blackwell forebears . . . some 100 years aeo when they concocted these .. puddtnp" would have nipped their apron mings In horror to see them ac- oompanled by wbJpped cream. marshmallow sauce. hot fudee. lee cream, sour cream or butte!' . . . Three dellclous variations to add to your emereency shelf for quJck snacks and deaaerta . . . Date-nut roll. trutt.nut roll ... not quite as sweet with the ~l and gh'ced fruit added . . . Choc. olate.nut roll ... AU 25c a can ... all vacuum packed ... Old gall~y sta.nd.bya for those who east oU for blue waters and dis. tant tsles . . . Last week..end I hostesaed these canned nut rolla and spread 'em with cream cheese ... l was amazed at the endless oomblnaUona already put to use ... A slice of pineapple topped with a alk:e of chocolate nut roll topped with whJpped cream ... Sandlches! With tee cream In the mJddle and date- nut roll above and below ... And did the small fry mal<e way ... * * * Nab a Sldab KAibDb ._ -• 10 ••• a.t .... -· A9da tM..., ..... .... ...., --........ . .. ... 'llliilt-· ••• ,.. ...... - ll_ .......... 'fte--'7 --sds.a., .... ._. _. A*~cta..a ...... ... .., •• Jt:... -aUdr::a ... eaobd u.-G'9W tbe .... flcaae ••• * * * But don't think vou havE' to use sirloin steaks~ You can skewer any th ing you wish' 1 Pieces of hot dogs cu bt>s or Prem 1 or Sparn. cocktail sausages . Hert>'s where you <.'an put uny I canned whol(' potatOC's to uSt' .. . alternat~ 'em with any mE'at .. . 1 Mushrooms. onions. gret>n pt>p 1 per. <.'ubes or Zuccini. or summer squash string a long . . . Mtght be fun some time to have bowls of assorted vegetabJeg ... E'ven oysters that have been slightly puUe-d up in boiling water ... stut'fe-d green olives . . . <.'u bes of cheese, pineapple . . Lt-t your gue5t$ strlne their own . . What a bar b.q to rem em bfor ~ And should the night turn dark. windy and cold ... Your broiler wm do the work equally as well ... * * * Agaill~ ......... tMtr plaQa • • • s.... .... .....a~ wttla lldelplt'a aaOAtrYond ......U. ... (AU 0.. bow· ••• --.. balf • ' ................... ) ... ht ........ Qlt ..... cUee ..... ..., .... , ........ ... ...... ._ ........... . '!be final touch . . . to make the tips of your ltaboba come to th@ table fiam.IJ'\&, dip 'e,m In Oolnt.rea u • • . * * * Vogel Value -IELUI • Jtanch-ltYle with ahake roof on 7(1 wtck lot ln Beautlful Corona llJehlands. Complete every detaU. Separate laun- dry room, lota of concrete work, cJbl. 1ara1e. La· bed. rooms. Formica cJralns, eating apace In kitchen. One aide vacant for new owner. Be sure to aee thla BUY at at $26.950.00. Low down and excellent terms can be ar. ranged. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14T7 HAI\BOR 1741 "START ~G" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAU11FUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Callfornla's Most Beautiful Subdlvl.slon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE ruRNISHED MODEL HOMES AND CYrHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wlshes to purchase in the $20,000 to $3(),000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature cautomla living. Offered exclu- alvely through Earl W. Stanley in a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terra~n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we reler you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information Forced air heat-Hardwood floors. Fully financed on a good lot. 19 years on Savings & Loan • IARSHAU HOlES 20 Years Building In Orange County Models Open: Newport and Mitchell, Tustin Kimberly 7.3293 Klmberly 2-3569 Eves. Uberty 8-4073 OPEII HOUSE DAILY AT 300 Po1111J Awe., Cor•a HI lar Not only ls this a house with a wide ocean view but It Is architecturally designed for the most ronvenJent In- door outdoor living. Artistically landscaped with an eye for easy maintenance. 2 bedrs. plus den, 2 batlls. wood panelling. lovely fireplace, etc. Liberty 8 5231 Harbor 1329 W BIOI BAY RUCHO You have'often admired thla modem ranch house with the big red bam on Mesa Drive. NOW you can buy this outstanding property for much less than you have ever dreamed! 31ic .... HIIIPLUSallll PLUS a huge rumpus room-lovely hardwood tloors and extra top quality throughout. Over 2200 sq. ft. on an extremely valuable site o! nearly ~ acre. You have room to roam both Indoors and out, so why be fenced In? $21- w. STUART FOOTE 2177 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 24 Eves. Uberty S-5490 YOU liVE I PIIT IN THE Ill. TIPLE LJmll "SUGGEII n•Y" Five MlWon Dollar Sales to date ln lJ55 compared to Two and a Half Million Dollar Sales to date ln 1954. BUYEBS and SEU.EitS ot Real !!Rate are offend fm. ~nt hel~aat.tance. See your REALTOR I« tree llJ\IIItratecJ et on "BOW' the lfultlple u.t.1.n1 s.n-. JceWarb." CCooDetatlve ~ort ol 2SO fUll-time orof...Sonal wotk· ert) l.Jndlntand the advam.te~ of th,. modern way to mercb.andllle more .,..,..U.. thnl mon people witb no lnc:rM8e ID IDIL Avanoa. at lkmben ot the . . . ronal.attna ot modem de- stgn, tour laree bed:roms, two baths, forced au beat. attrac. tive patio -a home Ideally planned tot year around Jlv. lng and summer relaxation. Furnl.ablnp optional. Your hupectjon Invited. ISUIIIEILn 1:0. t98 Park. Balboa Island HA 377 CGIDIA an 111 ............... trom the living room ol thl.s 2-bedr. home at 222 Hazel Dr., AND a private pathway to the beach. 1" baths plus outside s hower, prime loca. tlon, $25,500. EICELLEIT IIICOIE 4 furn. units; 1 bedr. each. No vacancies In over a year. Rent ls $65 each. Gross yearly $3920. All In first class. $6,000 takes. Full price $22.500. I Earl W. Stilley REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 ''CI .. to Lillll C.I'Ha" ... can you afford this! ... Three bedrooms. 1 and % baths. ltvtne room with open beam ceUlng, patio, porch, and two car prage ... on TWO forty toot lots . . . R-1 zone .... Land value alone justUles Inspection. PRICED ruRNISHED AT $27,960 u•ESEJI co. 3348 E. Coast Bwy .. Corona del Mar, Harbor 1540 FOR Sll.E: ~J ener, Corona del Mu, 3 Wrm. 2 W., modem home. tum. renW apt. attached ... close to Harbor VIew School and pro- posed parochial school . . . everything buUt-in including dlshwuhu, dlsi>OSAl. etc. En-closed patio and 2-car garaee with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. FliER-UPPER e 2-bedr. home, beautiful close In haU.acre . . . lots of out buildings. $6850 full price, payments like rent and only $1,200 DOWII P~l SllliYM I leofll EYirlll 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa (across from Costa Mesa Bank) Liberty ~61 Eves. HA 4366 or Ll 3-2103 HOOd tOIIIMT -J'Uiiilabed IDOdlrA .bome to Oct. 15, three bedrooln8. 2 bath.l. ret~ ~loG). Andresen Co., 3.'M8 E. Oout HW}' .. COM. Rarb« lMO. StJiiiiEi RENTAL: Corona del Mar, nice 2 BR. fum. house, cl~ to beach and abope. Avail month Auruat or lon1er. Twin beda each BR. tUe bath, patlo, 1ar., fenced. HARBoR 168f-R. SUMMER RENTAL: Bachelors suite, 3 rooms, turn., pvt. enl 1: ahowq, no cookfn1. 227 Larkspur, COM. HOUSE FOR RENT: 22f Lido Nord, Lido IaJe, $1500. per mo. Call Webster f-0920 or Brighton ~7FoR RENT, tot workJnz TID; JIEWEIT au..Qan'U t. .......... -.. • ...... (1.. to&) Jlt. -c 101. on.l L,_ woman, HA 2925-W. ~ ale* U ft. • ..._ cndllla -tM M .. C.... cW II• (lae a. ~ a.-1 •--c.t.lalee ....... lalad. ~--~.. a.... ........ ) . .,..., hny WlaJ .. (liln • FURN. APT.. Kood 1 o catIon, ~ .. lwdur .-d clt.riniiM4 ........ • ..U. ... ). ad J~ ... J-c.ru.a., tM ..,.._ ll'OUnd noor. Summe-or yearly ::::••=·~·=-~-~ .. ~··~·~-~~ .. ;~--~t._~·~·~·~,.!..:-~·~~--~~.,~--~~M;IW~CNft.~~!!<h~=lal~-~~~~la~•~>----leue. No clilldren, no pets. 610 llarKUertte. CDM. roa SAL& Mesa Acts on New Ordinance COM 3-bedr. 1: d~n. unt. home, earaee. Lovely vtew, yrly. leue. Inquire Loulae Apta., Carnation at Seeview, CDM. LOUISE API'S., over1ooidii'1 the bay. Modem tumlahed apta. Moderate weekly rates. Sum- mer reservations; 308 Carna. tlon, COM, near Seaview, HA 4016. W AJfTEI) TO llE.JfT E M P L 0 Y ED WOMAN alone wants to rent small house in CDM. year 'round, reuonable. Ll 8-4678. PEaSOlfAL TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to atve or get a HarnUton. Wallace Calderhead, 3123 E. Cout Hwy., COM. ocu11 notn 1V FOR SALE: Packard Bell, 21", blonde table model, $1.50 cuh Incl. ae-1&1. HA 1398. 513~ OrcbJd, COM. ELECTRONIC ORGAN-two man. uaJ, almost like new. Save $80. Danz.Schmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 7·CUBIC FT. Frigidaire, good con4.; also Thayer high chair. HA 0872-RK. GRAND PIANOS. Many to choose from. Knabe, Mason 6 Hamlin, Stuyvesant, Cable. Extra spe claJ. Story & Clark grand. In good condition $395. Another special. Beautlful Stuyvesant. tine shape $585. Also gorgeous Kna be $975. Save on many others. Danz.Schmldt Big Plano Store. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. Always 100 pianos. Pa.aa1e to ~~eeond readlnl ot char~ed "the prtce we pay tor the rive-annexation ordinance ta.xea Ia outraeeous." Be aald he by the eo.ta Mea city councJJ wu paying a tax rate of $!ft.70 Monday night bloclta any City per at,OOO with chances ot It ot Newport Beach move to annex KOlng to t&O per $1.000. "Such a territory wtwterly of Coeta Mesa. tax becomes confiscatory and The 200-toot atrtp jolna Coeta threatens us with loss of pro. Mesa to Huntington Beach and perty," be charged. runs along the Newport Beach city limit boundary along the west side of the Newport Beach KELP w~ dump and then along the New. :::W~ANTED::-===-: ~Ex,...pe_rt..,......,.typ__,'1t_,...,...._--=ru:--r.h port Beach shoe-string strip westerly across the Santa Ana time. Call Mr. Holdu, 3930. river to the Huntington Beach Girls-city limit on the river west side. Councilmen will conduct a public hearing on the 19M-56 ctty budget at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Ed. win ~Is of 2364 Elden Ave. In I •11.'1 WIILDI HAM M 0 N D ORGAN, Spinet SITUATIOifS WAJnE.D and you11 .&If" when you hear of the many job oppor. tunlties for qualltCed young women in our bulnea today. Openings now for: model. Slightly used. Good Sav. EXPERIENCED Woman wlll care lng on thl.s. Also Hammond Cor chnd In my home. COM. Chord Organ. Easy to play. HA 2925-W. Danz-SchrnJdt, 520 No. Main, :-:y;;:o~u:-;:N~G____,MAN.-:-::-::-;--d-:-es-:-lr-es_p_art__,..-u=-m-e One of the very few houses ~San=:--t-;;:a~An7:-:a:--.=;;-;-~--=-~---=-work evenings and .week-ends. available and by far the best! BABY PLAY PEN: lge., hardwd. Has pick-up truck. 50 alto will TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- ¥onday throuJh Frtday 514% No. Main Street Rm.. 211-s&nta Ana Thl.s lovely 2-bedr. and den frame; w/anlmal figured plas-do delivery, help you move, or! home wtll appeal to you tor 1 d 1 1 d R your family. Lots of yard and t c pa · n exce · con · emov. Phone Harbor 1623-J after 4:15 a lovely view-and Just able rollers, wtll h.old 6 tit in p.m. back seat of car. Less thane :;:;:;o;H;.;:ILD=-=--c~A-;;:RE.:;:;--d•a-y-a-. -::2:---y-e_ar_a_..,..to 9:00 to 5:00P.M. $21,800 Pa1l C. J... Realty 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Harbor 2313 C ... DB.UR Attractive Ranch Style' du- plex for sale. Ocean side hwy., Finest constr. on 1% Iota. 2 bedrs. ea.. frplcs .. hwd. floors. Forced air heat, patios. 1-apt. leased. Priced under repl. rost. OWNER. HARBOR 1684-R OPEN SAT. 1: SUN. 702 BEGONIA. CDM lltw SileO Senloe Stall• F• Lease JUST IN TIME FOR THE SUMMER BONUS BUSINESS ~1 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar A wonderful chance to be- rome a successtul Independ- ent business man. For lnfor. matlop caU: H. B. Grabau Lehigh 9-5830. after 6 p.m. weekdays. all day Sat. 6 Sun. hal! orlg. rost. 108 30th St., NO. pre-acbool. 713~ Irla, COM. Mar- SPINET PIANOS. Rental returna bor 79>-W. ...--,.,....---------- PACIFIC TELEPHONE llke new etc. You will always -•JIVIIC IJIITIIVCTIOW• BABY SITI'ING, care of alck, your find wonderful savings In thl.s PRISCILLA MATnfEWS dept. Many makes and models. home, Day, night. mature CDM teacher of plano Mirror Type Spinet Mahogany woman. Detore 10 a.m~ after classlcal 1: popular thru tlnl.sh $287. Another in Maple 5 p.m., HA 31in-M. harmony Unl.ah $395. Danz..Schmidt, 520 ""se2--00-...... --........... .,..-.... V-CTI--O-If---211 Tustin Ave .. Newport Het1hta No. Maln. Santa Ana. Liberty 8-3855 120 BASS aooordlan, like new. 9th Season of The Brandt-Dike CtClii"'IM!r1y ot t.o. Anpl.-t Sacrifice. U 8-2237. SUMMER SCHOOL of PAINTING CAJ1S POa SALE PENNSYLVANIA Power lawn Beginning Monday, June 27th fo-r 1947 PACICARD=-::-=~Cl:::rlp-... -r.-n-ea-t~l: ood d I slx weeks. ..-mower, g con . 1-yr. o d. mechan. perfect. White side S55 A..., Lar"~ CDM Dally sketch trips In the South 11 · ~· ........ ur, . wa ttre., ra4lo 1: heat6, Coast aru for beginners and ood MISCELI.AJIEOVS FOR HIS or her graduation . . . the new modern Etema.MatJc, the finest self winding watch on ball bea.rlngs. See It at Ray Fields new location. Vista Shopping Center, 19th and Pla. centla. Costa Mesa. U 8-8488. WANTED: Riders tor ride to Long Beach State College. Leave 8 a.m .. HA 1874-W. FREE to &ood homes, beautiful kittens. HA 0565-W, 34aJ Ocean Bl.. COM. $5 PER MONTii rents good prac. tlce plano. AlJ term rent al lowed It you buy. Good used practice pianos $89, $125, St37, $150 and up. Easy terms. Danz. Schmidt BIK palno store. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. advanced In oil and watercolor. K second car for family, Study with National AcadernJ. $1!50 cub. HA 2894-R. 613 Pop- clans Phil Dike and Rex py, CDM . Brandt. Guest Inatructor George '53 ENGLISH FORD Zephyr-6. Post. Techniques and Bastes Clean, low miluee. mu.t ~~ell with Joan Irving .end Betty quick. Only 1675. L1 8-4073. Winckler. Write or telephone FORD '54 CRES'M.JNE ' -'-dr. tor tree folder. sedan, &ood cond .. radio, heater, SPECIAL CHILDREN'S CLASS FordomatJc, etc. An exception. Wednesday. 9:30-11:30 for the ally lood buy at $1!195. Pvt. young painter, ages 6 to 16 party, ~ E. Cout Bwy., with preference tor ages S.1.2. COM. HA m . Telephone Harbor 1188-W 1947 CHEVROLET, wftb Rex Brandt-Phil Dike heater, new paint job, 407 Goldenrod cond., 12$9. 713% lrla, Corona del Mar Harbor -,_W, radio, ~1. COM. HAIIIR HIIHWIDS WANTED 50 used pianos tor our blK rental dept. Hlgbest cash allowance In trade tor Organ, Spinet plano, or Grand plano. Danz.Schmldt., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. SUP RENTALS: Bmllbo&t rental spaces. max. 8' beam. 30' lenlth. Amulcan LeeJon Ball, 1!kh ed Bay, Newport. BA ~- 3-bedrs., Forced Air Heat. Hardwood Floors. Nicely land- scaped, detached Dole garage, patlo ... Tills will 1111 ....-.,. Call for appointment to see. Owne-leaving tor Denver July 1st. W.I.T.U,..._ -yuu'llllke our frlencJly MJ:VIce 393 E. 17th St., Collla Mea Uberty 8-1139 Charming well-decorated boUM, hu 3 be4n. _l)hua matds room. on eecluded landscaped comer wftb Efta· ll.ah 1arden. Only 1-block from ocean, Colona del Mar. House ,J.Ituated on 3% ,lota. Owner wtU ..U bou.ee ancJ c.'ompJete come-for $G.SOO or houte lncludlq 85 tt. tronta~e for Wond«ful feature. for coeton&ble Uvtnalndude eJec. tric controlled P1'818 c1ooa. etc. ....w.-,••••r SDYJCU Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT used car LOoK AT THE$! VACATION VALUISI 'M .... 'IJ Pit•• I 88-4 dr. Mel.. bit., Btr., Hydr. -'11Ftnl eu.t. • cit. q . peen fin l.ah. Mil. Fordo. , .• 'II wtncllor 4 iiil equipped. Savoy. Sbup . ...,. of t;maa. , .•. ,.. ..... Monterey. hardtOp. BAH. Merco., WSW. • --.... dfJat) fW Ia tM--. l'r'IDII .. tn. tbe .... pelt ....._ c-..aty ...,_. prodactloll. "'aaactr ,_ ...... MHed -ad ISJO of tM · tut --!.-0.. IAagae'a Playpoaad aad SecncrUoa Faad. (n.oto by F.._.) Richfield tailed to strike oU in Its Costa Mesa Well No. 1. just oulllde of the northern Mesa boundary, and Jut Friday aban. doned drilling operations. The RJchtield public relations chief said the com p a n y probably would not renew Its Mesa leases. which cover about 1,500 acres. Mrs. Allinder Is Installed As Civic League President Installation ceremonies con. dueled by Mayor Dora Hill ofll· dally named Mrs. Forrest AJ. Under of Balboa Island u presi- dent of the Woman's Civic League at the final summer meeting held Tuesday at the VIlla Marina. For your Luau needs ... and Hawaiian apparel. Visit ~So.. eoa.t Bl•cL l.aguAa Beach Phone Hyatt 4-7312 • • In The Crosiroach Vilage NOW! a new service at-- IIA .. IULTII F .. I VITI.I st•E in The Cro.aroada Village We caaa e.w ......,. ,_ wttll tn.b ..-,...table aDd fnaJt juJcM. . • • • n.&AIK CALL IJI 1'01Ja OaDEJIS. Mrs. Allinder accepted the gavel from Mrs. T. Duncan Stew. art or Shore Clltfs. Her staff or officers Installed Include Mrs. Wilfred Berls, t int vice presJ. dent; Mrs. James Van Dyke, sec. ond vice president; Mrs. George Hooper. .secretary; Mrs. 0 . G. Howell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Frank Karel. treasurer; Mrs. A. S. Brown, hl.storlan, and Mrs. William Kilpatrick, auditor. Mrs. ThorkUd Knudson. weJJ. known rfor her city beautllication work In the ~...«» Angeles area, and a part time Lido I.sle resJ. dent. was guest speaker at the morning meeting. Retlrlng presJ. dent. Mrs. Stewart, wa.s presented with a memory book of publicity clippings by publldty chairman. Mrs. Kargl, and a gitt from the club. Ready to Act On Upper Bay (QIIiU... ,.._ ..... 1) e Ko m•-..tewB ..,.... Umit tor boats unct. 11 t.t lD leqth; S.mJJe ...-ct 1b:Dlt b an larger boats. e Counter c::loc:lltwt8e t r a t t I e pattern, with coane boundarlft poacL e Motor boat to be manned by at least two penona when tow. 1nJ'. • Rllht.of.way to~ motor boat. e No m«e than two penona to be towed at one Ume. e 75-toot maximum length of towUne. A motor boat would be allowed to turn around to pick up a t au. en water aklJeor It such action would not create a hazard. The provision for lS.foot boat length wu criticized ~Y aome In the audience. and a suggestion was made that the mulmum length mltbt be ra!sed to 19 teet. Mr. Guy told ot the tremendous popularity ol the Upper Bay tor water lk.Ung and speed boating. He said that 38.000 boats had passed over the two ramps dur- Ing the put rear, and there had been only one accldent-the one In which a girl's arm h ad been severed. He pointed out that It the county regulations had been In effect then, that accident would not have happened. Worthington Lee of Balboa Is. land suggested that the big boats, whJch create a wake, should be kept away from the small boats of the hydroplane type. Councilman ~raid Bennett commented that It would be llleg. al to dON the Upper Bay to any naviratlon since It Is classed as navigable water'S. Bill Harvey, manager of Bay shore Park. gave figures lndlcat. lng the Importance of the Uppe1 Bay to local businessmen. He said that 90% ot the Balboa Ma. rlne Hardware business Is out. board business. He urged speed in re-opening t.be Upper Bay to water lkJinr and speed boating. but urged that the ordinance be kept slmple, without' too many restrictions. ln thla same vein. Blll Maxwell ot Santa Ana userted that the danger wu moce apparent than real and aaJd that the good judg. ment ot boat operators wlll take care of much of the problem. e r ALLEII SIDEll IS BAZAJID There was general agreement that one ot the major hazards wu created by fallen skJen. also that the best solution was for the towinr boat to tum about It the eout was dear-end pick up the person In the water. Dave Spies. local boat broker, suggested some method of licens- Ing boat operators In the Upper Bay. Others surrested a require ment for liability insurance ln conjunction with Ucenalng. Councilmen pointed out that the main reuon tor the city's concern In the matter was the factor of salety-U .ertous acct. dents occur. the city would face damage suits. which could great. ly Increase liabiLity Insurance costs. Mayor Dora Hlll presided at the meeting. Present were members ot the special committee she had appointed last week. Councilmen Sandy MacKay, J. B. Stoddard, ~rald Bennett and Clarence Hlg. ble. IIDaEIIAYJJf" .OAT-If~ flnmeD are . Ba..-.a.. aecu 0.. aaJ.boa Ia1aad t.rry J--ell .. ......,. ..... -= tiMU tc.k of puttiDg out Saaday. (Euip photo) 0.. fin tbat cfM.--ecl 0.. boat. M las ... CBA.IlUE FlP_PS __ Df_B_OI_PIT_AL ___ ISLU ___ D_EB __ M_O_VES __ TO __ L_IL __ Ostrander H·.t Charles c. Fipps of 3719 Ocean RJchard Jones of 224, Onyx Blvd .. Corona del Mar. is in Hoag Ave .. Balboa Islend, has moved Henry L. Ostrander, 82. of 606 rM_e_m_o_r_la_I_H_o_s_pl.-taiiiliiifiiioiiiriiiaiiiciiihiiie<:iiikiii·Uiiiipiio.iiiiiiitoiiiiiiLosiiiiiiiiiAiiiniiiig;;i,elii;es,io.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilli Dahlia Ave .. Corona del Mar, aut. tered Injury to his left arm and head when hlt by a car In a ped estrlan crosswalk at Coast Hwy and Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar, at 9:20 a .m. Tuesday. New. port pollee said Mr. 6strander was hit by a car driven by Wll llam E. Pohl, 56. ot Los Angeles. Police said the Pohl vehicle skidded 74 feet to the crosswalk and 20 teet . past the ,aosawalk. Mr. Ostrander refused medical aid at the scene. officers said. stating that he would see his I own physldan later in the day He ls the father of Mrs. A. E Stockton of Shore Clills and of Jane Ostrander. the 1955 High School Galleon editor. ot= socu.a. ~n ... (Continued trom Page 4 ) Before we get "too pooped to pop," as Bob Gouvlan's song roes. must tell you about the [1rst annual invitational golf banquet. lightly highlJghted by "Jedge'' Bob Gardner and his trophy presentations last Friday night. Exchange Club Member Bob Gouvlan. new Capital record rave tor his "Popcorn Song:· gave us his own rendition of the hll arlous hit just like he does It on the record. Song-hitter Bob a lso Introduced the "heavenly" music of ctty h all receptionist Leslie Freitag. There was nothing fishy about the fact that the sponsoring Ex change Club won all the trophies (couldn't be FISHY. It was a golf 1 game). but they suffered plenty at the tongue o! the judge. Out side of the Exchange Club cups. the only prize awarded was a lemon to Mark Soden on behalf ot the lowest scoring Rotarians. But after all. the Exchange club bets deserve the honors. they worked the hardest to put over this first annual invitational golf tournament for service clubs of the area ... looks like It'll be an even blgrer an better activity ln the succeedJng years, with the proceeds Rroceedlng to the worth while cause of sending crippled kids to c.amp . ~LAGUt4A BEACH SUMMER SAVINGS Ow1 1 dl .. a.,t ••••• ,. •• lOft.....,... •OC""'•• of sup.. ple glove leather with cushion crepe soles. They are hand I laced, have perky tassel trim. come in go wit h everythlag colors Stzes 3 '-1 to 9B areatwoodll Emplle . wa:l.lt.d -----------eottoa in Sanforlzedt gingham plnche<:ks -siH>veless and WOIEI'S IYLOIS cool. with a gently flared skirt. self faggottmg at the IIEE Ill~~ nE'Ckline. pt>arllzed buttons., ..... Black. navy, brow n or rNI for slzt>s 12 to 20; 16', to 24',. IF u I I Fashiont>d 60 gauge 15 den j ler hose Plain 2.79 t Maximum s hrinkage 1 ',. I Seam Summc>r Shade sizes S ,, 1 to 11 . pr. • Slash in City Budget Likely: niEL Y SUP SPECIAL- SHIDOWPIIGF Pl.ISSE! Tax Savings Are Requested THE NEW &Jlonial AND CIIITII.._... Is Now Open From 4:00P.M •• Serving Delicious • SfA .FOOD a STEAK DINNFR.S • The shps you love for summer- cool. need no ironinq. -prever • see-through · under sheers! Well- fn:mg 4-qore styles wtth front shad- ow p a n e I s . embr01dery tnms Whtte. pmk 32-44 OPPORTI":\ITY BlT JU.OI BOYS BOlER SI.TS so· Denims and deep tone fabrics built for wear sizes 2 to 8 yr. PEllEY'S PEIICI SlEEtS WOIEIS HALF SUPS 'Look at the high thread count I that me&n~ extra wear long Lovt>ly Ra,·on Hrtl f economy. Com pan-first qua I Slips tor · Summc>r ltY-Pf>nco leads the field a nd Wear in w h 1 t I!' saves you money Only Fitted or f1at Sheets Same Price Small-Medium-Large lla •• r · COn'ON ... HALF SLIPS r nttadr..u...--.. • 1" ........... ...... ,. ..•.. You wUl want .v 1" eraJ ol tbe.w for g . Nted,....~ tra we• All white _46. and .... SmaJj • Me4hUD·l.e.rJe • . -·· . ~'. , ..... .. c:JrMuadon ......... bald HOW'S ~ 11 at St. JUDM PuWa DQ ____ _.. __ .....,;...;..... ____________ _ Scbool. 9tu4ft\ta Mft paduatM fr01ft the a1xth and a • v eft t b Anal .. that "aren't llvtna'' UD· July U and ended on Auc. 30. aradee aa well aa fl'om eiptb til the albaoore allow up ean con. The ebortelt eeuon In recent aractt. ~..._ the NYenth Ul4 al&lr tb-· ftaw-from Morm'a yean wu 1153 when u.. nan etabth pacles wm be· dt.c:ontJ.n. La.DcUna on tbe ftnt and 1ut atarted on ~~ 4 and nded on uecl nm ac:hool year. albacore for the ..._.. Nonn'a July a . Lut ,.ar the nan atarted '!be paduatea were: ·S 1 x t h boata mlcbt not baw eaupt the on July e and luted until ifade, Charlea Bell, Charlea Gore, tint or lut albacore of the liN-Auc.l& Martin Lockney, Jobn-Mackey, 110n but at ~eaat within a few Too man,y a.nclen are spotled Jin Martin, Mark Scudder, Larry days. by albatore. Th_,..re Jd eontent Somera, Torn ThorlrUdaen: aev. In '1947 the run ~arted on Aua. to t1lb barneuda WIUeh are enth arade, P&mela Lerner, Dick 7 and ended on Nov. 6. 1n l!MS belna cattabt now on the local Sta.hlt'l', JCnlght Beck. Gary Bob· the run started on July 8 and UVe bait boat&. Barracuda make man; elcttth ~ade, Gall Salfa. ended on Aug. 25. In 19a the mfabt)' n1ce catcbina and are bury and Bill Wakeman. run started on July 2 and l~ed IOOd eatln&. A total ol SJO baJTa, ;; . SAT JT WITB until Aug. 30. In 1950 the run CYda were caupt oft the Sport started on June 24 and continued x.an. from Monli'a Land.l~ 1n until Dec. 24. This was the year t.bfte ~ lut week. The Sport l"fLVIA WEJIE the boys went out on New Year's Kina leaves at 6 a.m. ------------ Day to catch the flnt albacore eM UUACVDA of the aeason for the next year. Analen on the Jet I from Seu. Thls was the year also that ecet port Landini one day Jut week wt'l'e found ln tfie fish cauabt cauabt 64 barracuda. al~ with late In the year which was of some halibut and Iota of baM. considerable Interest. The Jet I leavea at 4 a.m. and the MD E. Coat • ..,.. 8 e LAST TI!IUI JULY I .Jet U at 3 a.m. da1ly from Seas. port Landing now flahlna local COBOWA DEL J11U1 In 1951 the first flah that came The big Vellron from Seuport 1s Into Norm's Landing was on July open tor charter every day but ..._. Barbo~' 5071 15 and the last on Sept. 12. In Wednesday and Thunday when ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~952~th~e~a~l~b~a~co~te~ru~n~st~art;;;ed;;~on~ It makes a two-day run to San p; Clemente Island. Log barracuda averaging nine pounds are being caught on Port Orange boat& The water Is cleu. lng and warming and there Ia plenty of bait In the water which makes people at Port Oran1e optomistlc for continued good flatung. The Port Orange live bait boat scheduled Includes Gypsy, 5 a .m.; Mlasawlt, 6 a.m. Fascinate · Your ~~riellds and May B, 7 a.m. Mesa C of C Installs T ~day Gilbert Seal will be lNta.lJed today u pres.ldent of the Coata Mesa Chambt'l' of Commen:e by installlnc omcer SeUm Franklin . other officfta are i:d Stroot St., first vice-president; il. H. Burnett, second viee-prealdent; A n d r e w Walker, treasurer, and Pete Ged· des, secretary. Mr. Seal, owner of Seal Ambu· lance Co .. will receive the cave! from retlrlnl president Donald Huddleston. D. W. Campbell, gen. eral managt'l' of the Lone Beach Chamber of Commerce. w Ill speak. II a-, Te Elllrtlll Fer Tile 4th of July & Summer IUY IIWI .. SAVEl Will THESE eTWO.IqUJm AVEUGE Girl C' ------Sea trout, halibut and yellow· ~~ e STACK CIIAIIII L99 e tJMBRELLA RECOVERS. 11.95 and up e TERBY CLOTH COVERS. All Colon 3.69 up fln cro&ker are belng caught on Uve bait oft the dock at ElJla Boat RentAls on the south-east aide ol the Upper Bay bridge. Sea trout, averaglna two pound each, are being caught from row boats otl the Ellis landing. Those ven- turing Into the ocean In Ellls row boats have been catching mack· ~rel otf the jetty. Graham's Bait and Tackle re. porta that the rainy weather of last week didn't help the surf fbhlng but that the better weather at the end of the week saw conditions Improve. The apotfln croAker caught weighed Bl'ownle Troops 46 and 48 held their joint FJy.Up Ceremony on June 6 at the Glrl Scout House, a.aalsted by their Big Slater Troop, 'ZT. under the leadership of Kay Spurgeon. Passing thrOugh the fiower- trlmmed arch into Girl Scouting, and receiving their Brownie Wings. W9rld Friendship and Girl Scout pins were the follow- Ing: Glamour Glimpses Been missing our Miss O'Brien! Well we have, too, here a t O'BRIEN'S. but we know It's all for the best, because ahe'a In New York buy1nc lota of pretties and looking at all the latest. aqd I mean the VERY latest In fash. Ions. so tbat we.all may look the most glamouroua. Did J'OU ..... atop to ___. wiry It La tiMit O..IIIEJf'l ..,. tiM ----dotiMe wltla tiM fl...t .tJU89? Well part of lt 1a .._... v--. ...U. ......... Oil tlae ............ tllnoltlae~odiaga WU. trtp to If.., Todt • CMiple ol U... a ...--Jaat to .- tbe ..., ........ .-ill .. tlae .... u... .-ill .... tew ....... ........ ap Ia the faalaloa wor1d. Open bouse wUJ be held this Saturday for the bealnnlng ot the ninth annual sea110n of the Brandt-Dike Summer School of PaJntJng, 405 Goldenrod Ave., Coron.a del Mar. Guest exhibitor will be Geor1e James, young Newport Beach art- lat. Also exhJbltfna wUJ be facuJ. ty members PhJl Dike, Rex Brandt. Joan Irving Brandt, Betty Winckler and G eo r g e Post. Classes wW begin Monday. aOLLT BIUIC'OlO: GaADVATD noll TID .aDfCiftA SCIIOOL ..... T-=s .... COL.Oflt -·--Roland Barcume, son of Mrs. Ruth C. Barcume, 7(17 Heliotrope plu Avenue, Corona del Mar was "0111...,. ~.1111" araduated from The Principia ---· .,. Upper School, St. Louis, Missouri. wtth Oennla O'Jteefe, In exercises held there lune 10. -----A-bbe __ Lan_e ___ _ Roland Jll&yed football and IOC· l t.1a Wed.. 1-• eer and was a counselor tor the "llll..e... •• younger boys tTl hla dormitory 1 ~ •11 during b1a senior year. He also ftAIIIIA-fl belonged to the Lodge Club and ........_ e CHAJSELOUNGES with Pad 19.95 up e CLUB CHAIRS with Pad IUS 2~ to 3 pounds. The dredger working In the upper bay recreation area Is pro- viding a lot ot good food for spot. fin crOAker and Incidentally maJUng good cro&kt'l' fishing Troop 46--Roberta Heck, Pe1gy Huddleston. Lynn Noble, Carol Palm. Krlstlne Stawicki, Ann Pet. erson. Anne Stelle, Martha Stew. art. :w~as~o~n~th~e~p~b~ot~ocr~a~p~h~y~at~alt~. ~e~n~a:...~n~a:...~n~a~n~s~~·~·~~a~q_~y_~y_~y_~~t...=, Bless her! She didn't forget us r e CONTOUR CHAIRS 16.95 e FOLDING CHAIRS (YACHT) 5.95 e UMBBEI.LA.& PLASnC & DUCK 33.95 up e BASKET CHAIRS 6.95 e REDWOOD OUTDOOR FURNITUBE tl DOYEN CHAIRS 12.95 e PADS. AU KINDS, PLASnC AND DUCK. AU COLORS . e HI-LITE GARDEN KEROSENE LAMPS. Very Nice for Garden Parties 3.49 e AU TYPES RECOVERS FOR OUTDOOR FURNITUBE e BABBECUE EQUIPMENT & CHARCOAL e CEMENT UMBRELLA BASES 9.95 * COMPLETE PAnO FURNITUBE SERVICE * Liberty l-l.a2 * We DeU.w WIRTH 'S BIYSIDEPAno I .IUDEI SHOP around tha~ area. e GaUJnOif DUE :Betweftl 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. t.o- O'IOJTOW CFrlday) the grunion will be running and again be· tween 1:15 a.m. and 2:15 a.m. Saturday. Okey, you grunion hunters. let's see you out am&rt those little fish. If you want to catch a iood bunch. don't pick up the scouts. let them alone untll a school comes up on the beach. Newport Pier anglers have been catching halibut, herring and some greenback mackerel. the latter running In the ._tter- noon. The Seablscuit from Davey's Locker has been tangling Into the log barracuda down Dana Point way. More than 100 barra- cuda were caught on the Seabls- cult one day last week and more than 200 on another day. Bull Troop 48--Chrlstlne Cordlner, Nellie TUmh&Jll, Mary Lou Gries- ser, KaWeen Robel, Bonnie Cot. tie, VIcki Spagnolettl. Sandra Williams. Susan Payne. Kathy Kell. Sandr& McLain, Darlene Clark. and Sally AlbrlchL Leader and co.leader of Troop 46 are Mra. P. E . Peterson and Mrs. Donald Huddlenon, and of Troop 48. Mrs. W. C. Payne and Mrs. Fred Kelt. Big Sister Girl Scouts wt'l'e: Carolyn Casey, Donna Condry, Stephanie Heck, Barbara Nott, Carole Hyden. Sandra Spurgeon, Lu Ellyn Davis, Kathleen Raub, Cornelia Smith. Johannah Oqulst. and Robin Rylett. After the ceremony the girls served cake and punch to the parents and other guests.. Thrift Shop Well Stocked bass and cablzone are also belng A well-stocked Thrift Shop as caught. the result ot the May Bundle Tea e PBOSPECTS BJUCIITEB was reported by Mrs. Willard Two barn door halibut, one Kllllon. chairman for the A.sslat- welghlng more than 40 pounds, ance League party, at the flnaJ were caught one day recently on meeting until fall held at the the Westerner which leaves at League's social 'rooms Tuesday. here at home, but sent us a tew "Notes From New York." ''Beine very much In the fash- Ion business," she writes, "l have made notes of the att:J.re of the women I've been In contact wtth . . . Leavlna by plane from tntt'l'· national Airport note the ladles are wearing very lJght weight wool aulta, some tweed not un. like our Davldowa at O'BRIEN'S, some In light grey nannel - many many dark cottons ot the Thomas type, some In one-piece, otht'I'S 2-pleee or aulta. "'Upoll ariftlla If.., York. J foalld It fti'J .ad. • U.. ,..._ laD at.y .. Iaiit ..... u,lat ....el ..... aUk. ..._ .... ...................... ta. ... driJIJJ tliiX..aJ ..... by ..... ,... 11.-y-al fu ....... lllfl:;'dty ... ...... ... by .. ..,.. ... ..... ........... ., .. ...... • ..-...... ...w.-..y Ia......, .._ Dowwed ••• ....... d.-tlt.-.....s-. red ......... u.. ., ----............ ..... _all .......... ...... aw,ca.-.~t ._ tNftL (BAYSIDE PIJ'TDfG COICPAKT) 1914 HAABOB BOO'LEVAU COSTA IIESA 6 a.m. dally from the Newport With the replenishment ot Ita Pier. The Westerntr has been stocks, the League will continue "Dining at one of the many ln- terest:lng New York restaurants, I aaw abantunra. dark voilea and acattt'l' fiowet prlnL There w~ al8o-.llght colored dreues, mostly cottonr. with bouffant petticoats. Here there were many vella In place of hats (have you seen the a d o r a b 1 e . flower vella at O'BRIEN'S!) and aealn the small fur wrap or llaht coat are In evf. denee. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ bringing In log barracuda trom to operate' the Thrift Shop Tues. down below wltl1 prospects even day through Friday during the See Wllite liac c.tut •••• Furnished By Us NOW ON Harbor 3009 3422 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar brighter w1th the weather clear. summer. lng. Mra. Edward Millett. president, No. that Isn't the Cheryl Ann called for final reports from aU anchored ott the Newport Pier committee chairmen. Of partlcu. with Preston Foster aboard, even Jar lnteteSt was the .cholarahlp th h i 1 .__ It' th fiab eommlttee report given by Mra. oug t oo.... so. 1 e · J.-nh Seek In which the traeed lng barge, Georgia and oertalnly ~r was formerly a tuc. llke the the further act:lvitles of the younc "''M o1 .. ...wt ..,..... Cheryl Ann. The Georgia remalna people who had ~teen aranted --r.. -.,. .... a., • at anchor thet~e daya. A tbOft A..J.stance Learue 8Cholarablps. ,..a&.JI8Mra trzt._ • · .. 1 boat makes hourly trips to the 1\aeeday'a luncheon bo.t••• ••••...., ._ ........ Georgia from the Newport Pit'!'. were Mmes.. Arthur Beat, George 1'laia J.ly • .., •c t 1 hi _. Anclera aboard are catehlnc balJ. Ha&J, George Moore. N e lao n 1a a.. .... t.tt.. ._. ._ but, flounder, aalmon grouper Neice, 0 . G. Suea and Lonnte -..y...,...., ...._., lllllle4 and aable flah. Vlncent. ...._ 'i • .._ ._..-.- The live bait boat FrontJer, J 1111-•Mil dtr 'W tlllll whJch runs hm the Balboa Pa-···~llllrJ .......... • ...u,r M Ia • IMdr ..._ vlllon at 6 a.m. dafly, hu beeJJ p I Ia Ill .. -...... • • • til ••altw • • • wttla repowered and Ia back Into the -I•IJ .._. ._. •• ¢"" .._.. barracuda ft.blng. Balboa Pa-M;l1tll ,... • .._. .... vlllon dock ancien are c:atchfnl Trutteea of Oranp Cout eoJ. • 0 I • 0. .._ 1Mt .._ .,_ sea trout and halibut with the Ieee have approwd a policy ,.. did... ....._ IIIII ,.... i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;~l same flab &lao belna caupt from quJrlnJ all emplo,_ to retire at 1 2& •• wta.,.... _,,, t • row boata fl'om tbe Balboa Pa· the end of the ecbool ,_, In vlllon. Private boatmen can pick wblcb they reaela the.,. a( a VIIIM wtU be borne 110011. up tb.u Uve batlt supply at the 1n order not to create a bard. ::::-=:;... ~ ~~:h;: Pav:U.Ioft. llbJp on MYWal DOll. c.dllJII 11M .,_,t a lonl w*'-4. WMD Tll-thrH paint pott'*' cwe )'OWl free of extra GMt with I* diaN of ... • I gollon Old Coletty YILYILI1'1 flat W~ Point • 1 quart Old Colony IIL.LI1'1 S..a .... r-.1 fnough point to do wall oncl woodwor\ of ~ ,.... ··~ YILYIIIII fLAT WAU. PAINT =~=ble '541 • A,.yd .,._ GAL • 5., ,n--_,_,_ ·JOEMY... YOCI tan roller point wolls of CJYerage lize 100m in 2 hoe~rs •Oil•• IILKLIII IIMI-OLOII INAMIL '1":. lt&ff memben wllo .,. MW ow. 11M ..,.,_ ID Oaroaa dll Mar I •• all ••••••• 10yeuaof .... pr09111on ........ kMW~lt.e*UieidtD ..... l ~=ilii -.-; 1 lor Ute retentloll 01 th-. _. 1M llliliililtltld MW ..._ tMt ,.~ .... .,. ...... =-=-~to =-= =.= .. ~:rue::...: STEIM BATHS Mewpon ....,_ ...... anc1 NDCIInd.. .._,. 1111 0.. GilL ._,_ Loan AIIOdatlaa u. JIIIf's;:c ,...,,,.. P'M.at' ··-.._ ...... ._,. .. ..... tbe IOI'IdMIC eanll' il Wtd&J ww ... c:.wiiU •• I a.. .. ... Dr. and eo...._ ........ t..pu..,.. ._ .. AIIM.. Wllllaa P. ••••· ~ W a. ,._. ~a hrro fllaetdl!taft tlllr4 ..,._ .-. - f rr •••• rhl A. ,.._ u. 111. uc1 Mr& •• alit P • ..._ 8aelllltfdl.... , Ill ... '* ..... ..... ,.. .....o;.. ....... .... ................. . ,._ O,{at lh.'_, .... ;.. ..... ... . ............. ........: ==~~~~ .. ~==~~;~.:~==~==~==:1~ ........ ~----~--~--------~----------·· ~ ~~~ ''You HOlt to tiM CoUt 8IDce 1W' I'J.& 'POODI COCil'I'AILI COAST Ht&HWAY AT fHI AACHU New,.tiiMelt JOHN Lionel A. SUves, 18, of Santa Ana. tufterecl the 10111 of two upPer tMth when ... uJted by a png on a beach eouth of eo. rona del Mar at 11:16 p.m. Satur. day, June lL omeen contacted the youth at Dahlia Ave. and Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar. AI. the lneldeot occQrred In county tm1tory, the cue wu tr&Mfened to the aher· llt'a oUice. K e w p o r t pollee checked the Corona del Mat area for ~u.tpecta. . * I .ALBOA * • Kicldies Day . Wf!!!n,~ay Fr11 •••••• u .. ······~···························· • • • • • • • • • • • • • DOING • • • • • • • • T. M. Hlmbrook. your Ttltphont Mtnaaer in Newport Beach • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "T ... chest • wMels"- part of Jood telellbo•e • sen tee You've probably eeen eooatnactlcftl trucu like tb'- around town from time to t.i.rDe. But cbaDc:a are you've never realized bow many dUrerent thiDp are packed brto them. A1J you can Me, we've Included every item that ~d ~bly help our COMtnacUoo cnwa work more rapidly, .afely, &ad eftlclenUy. And, ol couree, theM men have bad the very ~ t.ralntng poe- alble. Providing good toola for people who lr::D9" tbel.r joba ia part of the A-to-Z planning behind your telepboae and all ot.berw here In -tOWD •.. In order to keep your eemce fut and depend- able. Pacific Telephone worb to make your telephone a bigger value every day. • • • • • It's •••J to extet141 tele,IIMI CHfttllence to IRJ p1rt of yeur ..... Ju tAau ~ Jwady " W01Ud k lo Jwaue a lelqlwu '" eocA rooM JO" t&H a lol. I" lluJ li11oo i"g rOOM, TritcMII, ad c:a W- roo•, few '"'lo.ce. 'Wit" a• tap-to-d4Ce orro"g"'e"t lf~e tAla, '"ere'• at10caya ca tele· ~ Melrby 1DMA yoaa WGftt it. No MOre "'""i"g lo aiU'IDer or Malee 0 con. Oo:Jt , Leu tU.. a "&ckel ca doy for eoc" caddUtOMl telqllou. Ad if J0t1 Uke, OM or tMre of yoaar u· tettriou co" be"' color. ftlwlr tOGy, U lalc&t Ottly ca coaapJe of mhnda to ~. J....C c:all oear ~ o~. • • • aa4 u...t ,._, ........... ,... Jlllllr wW be pa •••ted )11M 14 ad 2.5 Cllld Jaly I _. I at tM CMpe1 .......... Or-.. CocMt eel .... (Pboto by A. L .._.) GIRL SCOIJT · 'Kind Lady' Is Last Play Four ouutandlna Girl Scouts have been chosen by the Girl Scout Councll of Newpo~ Harbor to attend summer camp, It was announced recently at the board meeting conducted by Mrs. Ted Hambrook. president. Peggy Bush and Sue Brown will attend Realonal Camp near a •• , ...... "' ••• lc•ll•l m.'s Clfl Big Bear wad Ann Gibson and Diana Sanden wtll attend Coun. Laugh& and chUla are prom- selor In Tralnlog Camp Ln Los lsed by Newport Harbor Com- Angeles. rnunJty Players when they pre- Plans for the "CAmp Pan-sent their final production of the handle" the Girl Scout Day year, "Kind Lady," on June 24. camp that opened Monc14Y were 25 and July 1 and 2 at the Or- revealed at the meeting. The ange Cout College Chapel. wild west theme Ia being devel. The famous shudder-drama oped for camp activities so that I wiU be produced with central each troop will chooae a name staging. SuapeJUe begins when and brand auch u "HJgh Pock· Mary Herrlea. the kind lady ets," "Dude," "Pinto Bill," or played by Gertrude Hom of Co- "Leatber Britches." 'f1te menus rona del Mar. befriends a way. wUl Include the weMern navor of' faring stranger. played by Ed· "Buckaroo potatoes." "Cow poke ward Wright of Santa Ana. He pudding." ''Prairie dumplings" takes advantage ol he' gener- and "Sombrero salad." Camp fire oslty and invades her home with songs will• be westem. too, and a group of sinister characters. leather craft and other recrea Among the Invaders are the tlonal activities will bear the Edwards. a cocJmey fa m 11 y wild west brand. played by Newport Harbor High * ·--- • • • DINING ••• ~ DANCING •••• COCKTAILS. • • • New Menu Includ• Italian Delicadee _ llcry We Sa~ F..-a Our If.., Feature~~ VEAL SCAU.OPDrl e LASAGifA e PIZZA * 2260 HarLor Boulevard • CO.u Men, c.liEomia EVERY NIGHT ampt laaday DANCING IIIlEY UITZ 11111••11 I tD I :30 CLIIL. O,.fDapAWeek COCKTAD. IIOVJI....-3:00 to 1:00 P.X. DAILY POPULD KIZED Da.DID • AC'CO"'Y'd.._a cmdlable for PARTIES. BANQUETS. or CLUB DINNERS ,.._Teu~lfflllll Harbor Bl•d. at W118on Llbeny a..5M3 C om p 1 a I n t a agaJn.st ErnJe's Cale at 469 N. Newport Blvd., Ne'lllt'oprt Heights. were presente<l (o Newport City Council Mond~ June 13. A petition claimed that the cale was a "aerlous public nulsance," becauae of excesaive and obnoxious noise and profane language. CouncU was asked to abate the nuisance. IMFIIIIICIII .. , ......... , .. ,, 3 School drama teacher Bob Wentz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ Sue Martin of Balboa Island. and r: 13-year.old Sandra Godwin of Newport Helaht.s. Mrs. Martin. appearing with the Player, for the first tlme. Is the recently elected president of the Corona ~ Mar PTA. She majored in drama at Northwestern Univer- sity_ STEnAJOE IIECE IIOS'ft ITII GaADE GaAD. PAm"~' An eighth grade craduatlon party was held June 11th by Stephanie Heck at the Bay Shores home of her mother, Mrs. Rose- mary Heck. 2671 CrHtvtew Dr . Guests for the beach and patio party were Robin Rylett. Barbara Nott. MarllY'n Tyrrell, LuEltyn Davis, Bob HoUman. Doug Red- dick. Bob Johnson, Steve Hu1hes and Dean Peue . RAGA~'S Your Famlly Re8taurant (a-.4 -r..llq) 1515 &. Coaat ... ..,. .... 1 .. C....cW ... Severe faclal cuts were sui. fered by Rtchard Crouch. 3. and minor facial cuts by his brother, Frederick. 3, of Caplstrano ~ach In a two-car accident at Coast Hwy. and Seaward Rd.. Corona del Mar, at 4:20 p.m. June 13. Botll boys were riding tn their father's car, which ran Into the rear of a car driven by Richard W. Budd of 458 Flower St .. Costa Mesa, stopped to make a lelt turn oU Coast Hwy_ A physlctan was called to the scene to pro.. vide first aid and he called a surgeon to mHt the boys at Hoae Memorial Hoapltal. . • ... I.TIIII. •••••11a• Others In the cut, many new to local stages but with consid- erable experience elsewhere. are BUl Wlneska of Costa Mesa, Midge Wilson of Balboa Island. Mary Davidaon of Corona del Mar. Paul Caldwell of Costa Mesa. Corona del Mar teacher Wanda Wessel. Patricia Ogle of Balboa Island and Robert Hom of Corona del Mar. Gene Benedict of Corona del Mar is a.aaistlng dJ. rector Bill Fuclk u well as play. lng an Important part. Tommy Focter at Harbor 4795 Is again bandllng reRTVatlons to the tour nlght.s. Two mall boxes. allegedly I ------ thrown by Pat Lanning of 673 IIU.I•• lelr ...... VIctoria St., Costa Mesa. broke •••-. two four by six-foot windows In F ... Clllll If lilt the front of EmJe's Cale. New. sl 1 th rt Heights Newport pollee re. While he was a ~p n · e ~rted at 1:26 a.m. June 6. cabin of the boat. Sliver Spray. Officers dispatched to the tied at the foot of 20th St.. New scene In response to a call about port ~ach. between 2 and 7 a.m. a fight ln progress'reported find-June 11th. 10meone entered the ing glass lying all over. Lanning unlocked cabin and took an could not be found. Proprietor a luminum diver's mask. Roland Frances Hall charged that Lan-Thompson of 30S33rd St./ New- nlng used a cafe mall box and port Beach, reported-The hose one from across the street at 466 between the mask and the rest N. N~rt Blvd. of the gear was cut to make the "She really didn't know" why theft. Mr. Thompson aliO v r~ the boxes were thrown. the pro ported that on June 10 a dl er s prletor told pollee. She charged belt with lead weights was taken that' Mr. Lanning had been In from the same boat. The total the cafe earlier and that when value of lost gear was $115 .• he came back he broke the win dOWll. She said she would sign a complaint against h im. Officers checklng with the Newport ~ach post oUice were told that unless mall was In the boxes no federal offense could be lodged. leaving lt. up to the property owners to tue com· plaints for malicious tn.lschlef lf they desired. ------ISI.AJIDED K aYE Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Griggs of 747 Balboa Ave .. Balboa Island. are moving to Lynwood for the aurDJ'nft' atter wblch they will ~ turn to Corona del Mar. Marine Maj. Raymond E. Knapp, Jr ~ son of Mrs. a.ymond E. Knapp. of 423 Broadway. Costa Mesa. and the late Bria. Gen. Knapp. has been a.sslcned duty at Quantico. Va.. after at'&dua- tlng (rom the Junior Amphibious Warfare School June 3. The "Junior" school offers pro- fessional education to officers ln the ranks of CaptaJn and Major. aiding them In performing com· mand and start duties In th~ pr~nt and next higher gr~des. ~111fti.BVICE Autl: laal a.-t 1 PwAU • T-.s ••• SUS CAFE Ptae toed ••• wddld1 .,_ ••• 0.. -... aAptly ••• cd8e drr ..... tiD 1M ma.sic of tbe C.IICI•doe l)elcQI ~ catlnL Easy tD I'M to fNaa If~ llclrbw Ano-clrtft ap ll.t.r 11..._ tan rigbt oeto J091lway 101, tiMa tw'll rt91at oa Fnatoge lload a qaarter of a lll1Je t~ oa. 10111 U.S. JIWY. 101 .._ AJ(AIIEJII U:YSIOifE S..a.t CIU•a. CAFE -b•••• 11aJa tabaJoa .ta. 1..-,..t aad oldetrt Ott an rMtoa.raDt Ia 0...,.. eo..ty, .....,.. 15. lacl .......... elM&. WoD• derla1 c:tata.. toed atbwta ~ ~ ~9boat tbe Sou~ W• 11N1D • t1tp to A..._.. Qkbe Ia lbe babt ...S ......_ abo cue t.atun1. Yet lJa Ia yo.u bo.t. a.··= ... --r-llat door. S27 E. AllUM Featarila9 111111 aeafood. 8tecb. prtaae ribL dalc:bla. duc:lt. u.. vwa 11--. ia ... of 01'a1D9J Coaaty"a aa..t ..-tcna· raata. aaDqaet I'INIIIl MCita ap to 400. Loc:ate1 at tbe ~ to lla1boa l.a-4. VII"-.... ........aa.tp • tbe Clique Ia ~ Use Ensiyn Waat Ads lor Besalb COOL AID EIJOYIBLE ~andatand Shows l'lwke Oally • 6-Ac:r. festival of flowera • "''oncing Waten .. • lntwnotionol Photo Solon • KJOS-Su,.r.Cirwa Deily ·SAVE SAFELY ~ At Oraftt• County's Le~it.t Home Lendint Institution CONnNUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Eam From the I at. LAGUNA FIDUAl. SAVIN&S I LOAH ASSOOAT10N mOe ... A¥ ... LAGUNA BEACH ,._. HY 4-1177. LOok What I Caught ON THE NEWPORT FISHING BARGE Launch Leaves End of Newport Pier * HOURLY SERVICE * First leal 8:00 1.1. ADULTS $3.25 (ChJ..ldreD UDder 12 yn. 1/1 Fare) * * *' DEEP SEA FISHING DAY BOAT "WESTERIER" Leates E1~ of lew,.rt Pier 6:00 A. M. DAD.Y IAIE us PROVE IT! I I I -we ...... abowa ..ay ... sH .. drlY.. .... bow to ... ....., u.. stat. r .. way. Jut gift ... a.. epportaJty .. pi'Oft to ,.. tiM ...a..y ...... ~ ..,.. of tiM~ laiADce pJ.aa ploa• 1nd 1rr ,_.. l'ana. • • STATE Fill liS. CG. L. E. CADilfS 1., .. l7'11a lt. 8Jooaa1D9toa. DL cau u Today ••• DOII•T U .. IIU Two Cars Collide Head-on; Four Persons Seriously Hurt Four persons were Injured seri- ously when two cars collided head.on at 7:28 a.m. Monday on Coast Hwy. betwe-en Marine Ave. and Bayside Dr. Injured were the two drivers, llerschel D. Alton, 21, ot 345 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa. and Don H. Vllander, 48. of Long Beach ; his wife. Josephine Vllander. 48, and daughter, Dinah Vllander, 13, both ot Long Beach. Mrs. Vllander suffered a large gash on her forehead, two broken arms and possible Internal ln. Juries, lnvesUgatlng officers said. Her daughter suffered a severe ~~-....... ·-.. You Uttle Tot. BAPPY DAY SCHOOL 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs.. Jean Vaughn, director \ E·S Orco Block Co. BUJLDJNG BLOCIS-ALL SJZFS-.AU. TYPES 1' ..... ,... ...,.'"'ty 2.07'SC IMt K-WJ& • ._._ DID L Jlala. Scada AM Wllere ever you want to live ... IHI RIALLY ·•••••• HOMII ,How I wi&h everyone could have been at the mualc festJva1 at the Blah School. The chJJdren from all of th~ Elementary Schooll 1n the Newport Beach area rave a splendid perform- ance under the dlrectlon of Nor- man Perldna. the Instrumental teacher, a nd Jim Fttqerald.. the weal teach«. Wualc Ia an lndU-· pensabJe way tor a dill4 to ex- pre. hl.maelf. an4 I am proud that my clltld hu · aucll an acJ. vantqe. EDITH C.uvEil • • • • l .HAYI ALL·ILICIRIC KITCHI.I I LSGAI. lfO'I'IC:K • !.&GAL WO'I'ICK LKGII WOftCK ADWDIY'DI•ft I'Ga IDDt Jl.oafft --···-··---·--J..l5 6~ Yda. ,.,.m left~ -·-·-2~ Notice Ia hereby ctwa that the Pfted E.nameler Foreman ..3~ Dumpcret.e Trudt""""~ Yda. Board of 'l"hdtMe of the Kewport Pfted Enameler ···-····-·-··.2.915 water level and fNflr -·-2.6«5 Beach School Dtatrlet. of the City Damp Waterproof and • 110M cUrter Drvt.re-• of Newport Beach, hereinafter re-Bltumtnou. Enameler .... 2.85 Rlebwa1 ··----··---2.M5 ferred to u the .. Owner'' wUl re-III&&T METAl. Water Trudt DrlWI'- cdve up to but not later than Health II WeUare 8~c vacaUON under Z500 Gal. ---2.325 8:00 P.M. on the 19th ol .July. Sheet Metal Worker ···-··-·· 3.00 Water 1'nlck Drlver- 1955, eealed bl41 lot the award of Besldentlal Z500 c•1 or more ·-··--· 2.445 contract for the eoi\RI'Uctton ot Heatlne In.ataller ············-3.00 Induatrlal I.J.ft."'"n'dc Driver 2~ Newport Beach E I em en tar 'I 1'll.a Truclc Greuer and T1reman 2.375 Sc*l No. 5 located tn aald cl1.a. 'nle Setter ---·-······-··· .. ······ 3.12 Truclc Bepalrman ···---·--2.825 trlct. Such b141 wtll ~ ~lved nle, Terrazzo or Truck Bepa.t.rman (Job Site) 2.835 In the GUice or the Owner, 1400 Marble Helpen ····-···········.2.2875 Truck Repairman Helper ... .2.375 Cliff Drive: City of Newport Ttle Setters Helper ···-······.2.28'75 Truck Repalrman Helper Beach. Orange County, CallfornJa Health II Welfare 2~% Job SJte) ----·---···-· 2.375 and will be opened and publicly ~ Helpen. WareboUJielllen read aloud at the above mt~ Health II WeUare 10e II Teamatera -·····-·"··········· 2.375 time In the office or the Owner In Carpenter ·-·······-·-······--······· 2.86 Warehou.emen and said buUdtng. ShJneler ·······················-······-· 2.99 Te&m.~Jten ·······-··-······-······· 2.185 .. --• .,.,..... ft -- Recetvtnc ct.ar-of BadleJ« of Alta June 11 at Sant• 8atlla.ra eoueee .. of t.M untventtJ of eau. fomla wen LoiTalne StUll!'\111 of 216 Dahlia Ave. and ludlth AJU\ Couch. 23C1T Bay.tde Dr., Corona del Mar, and Geor,. Tapper, t13 Cedar PL, and Merry to. Bunt. 178 Wetla PL, eo.ta MMa. Each bid must conform and be Floor Layer ·-····· .. ·········--····· 3.06 Warehousemen-Clerk ·--····· 2.325 responalve to thla Invitation. the Millwrleht -···········-····-······· 3.06 Tbe rates ot per dlem waees plans, apedtlcatlona. and all the Saw J'Uer ··---···-·-··············· 2.94 for each of the varloua clUI1fica. other document. eomprtatna the Table Power Saw Op ........ _. 2.94 tlona of work lhall be the h~ n-AT •ALLI 'l"be Little IAcl!r'M bwtball ._ WI .,. .....,... Ia •w w:m...,._ 714 ~ pertinent .contract documents. Pneumatic Nailer ................ 3.11 lnbefore aet forth prevaJIIne opeDed 11-.day lD the JIGtMir ANo-cd tiM a .... c.on.a del Mar. ll.aP'D9 a.. ._. with Coplea ot the Contract Oocument.l All foremen are to receive 25c rates of hourly waees multiplied ..,_, aab ta eo.t. ..._. at the lli9ll ac:t.ool -body £891Lib la Jllb a.m... (~) are now on rue and open to pu~ per hour over hJebat cl .. lflca. by elcht .<8>. Eteht (8) hours _. .t a. llllad .... a.u At.T=•d tit tM c... su • .., ttt1a A.._ eoroaa ctel Mar~ wlllo'• pa.y. tiiGIID ... •••n slUES Uc ln.lpect:1on In tbe aald offJc:ft tlon oWl' which he hu supervt. aball constitute a day's work; It •..aty Y..tla c:.taw • .._ tM a.m. V..., ... wl6 tbe Glaata. Clad at u.. npt M a.na of the Owner and of Hodedon Ja aton. excludlne the Pneumatic belne understood that In the ..._. Ia Oanea del Jl.ar. a.. an t1t.ne ot the lfd_.,u ... 210 A9de A"-....._ JalaDd. Ellerbroek, Archltecta. located at NaUer. event that workmen are em. ,.._. •••t:llll .-., ptc:tw.cl 41arlD9 byouta ~~~H~~~~~~n ~~~~~<8>~::at==~~:T:•~•=c=~=·=~=='=~=:~:~=~==~~===~===·=~=:~~~~~~~~i(ih~·~~~~~-~_w_~> __ port. and may be obtained at the Health II Welt.a.re lOe per clay, the per 4Jem wages · QVEEJf IS XAIO.D latter place by de~Jtlnel25.00 Cement Muon ··-··-···· ........ .2.785 shall be deemed to be that fta.e Fr,n &L POUCE BLOTTER Ma.rie Ellla Sanchez of Coat& Standard S b a d e Clotb8 and eu.tom SpedaiU. e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian BUnda. fc. ea.ch eet. Tbta depMJt wtll be Cement Muon (composiUon Uon of the per diem waps here. .... Mesa was named Queen of the refunded If the eet or eet.l of Con. or muttc) ·······-··········-······.2.905 ln establtahtd that the nuraber d;; · Black and White Ball In Santa tract Documentl delJvered are re. Cement floor tlntahlnt of hours of employment bears to ~ .., • Ana Saturday evening and was * a-w. .. * Cell tum~ In JOOd condltlon wlthln raachlne operator ........ _ ... .2.955 eight (8) hours. eaT, JUliE 15 cows on the Irvine Ranch at the p.re:~ented at the ball by Mayor ,_ om. llA .. five days after the bid openlne. U.ODU ' Where a slnele ahltt l.s worked, Two "bkttnne suJts valued at north end of Narcl.ssua Ave., eo .. Dora Hill of Newport and Mayc. Gl ~ lt.. ••=rwt .._. Each bid aha.ll be made out on Health II Welfare, 7~c eight (8 ) consecutive hours be· $25 were stolen from a laundry rona del Ma.r, but claimed he Co~u~rtn~ey~Ch~a~n~d~l~er~of~Sa~n~ta~An~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a form to be obtained at either Labore, General or tween 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. shall room. Mrs. Robert Ma.rshall of did not hit any ... Crate CurtU. - of the aald otflcn In which the Construcrt.Jon ........................ 2.16 connltute a day's work at 367 Vla Lido Soud. Lido Isle. re-8. of 2601 Crestview Or., Bay Contract Document.l are on tne. Laborer PacldnJ Rod Steel straltht time. ported ... Lester A. Avela. 21, of ShorH, and David Springer, 14, Each bid ahaU be accompanied and Pans ···-··-··-··-···-·-··· 2.85 All work performed In excess 3:50 Avocado St., Costa Mesa. waa of 700 Cllft Or., Newport Relrhts. by a certlfled or cuhler's check Operators and Tenders of of eleht hours per day for forty arrested on a drunk driving w~e Injured when they apWed payable to the owner, or aatitdac. Pneumatic and Electrlc (40) hours per week or on Holl. charge at Catalina Or. a nd New-off thelr bikes at 17th St. after tory bld bond In favor ~ the Tools, Vlbratlne Machines, days and Sundays. shall be paid port Blvd., at 11 p.m. . . . coming down Cliff Or .... Owner, executed by the bid-.. as and slmllar Mechanical for at the rate of overtime of the e TBVUDAY. JVWE 11 e SUlfDAT. JUWE 11 PtJnclpal and aatlafactor')' surety Tools not separately clas.sl. craft Involved. Her ~ contalnlne $20. k~ys, Someone threw a dead je lly company as surety, In an amount fled herein ....................... 2.37 Holidays as herein referred to amall chanee. opeutor's license fish Into her yard. Mrs. M ary not lea than flve per cent of the Asphalt Raker, Ironer, shall be deemed to be New Year's and other articles was stolen Tomb of 300 Sapphlre Ave., BaJ. bld. The check or bld bond lhaU Spreader ................................ 2.37 Day, De<:oraUon Day, Independ· from fhe stock room of Shad-boa Wand, reported . . . People be given u a euarantee that the Cement Dumper <on 1 yd. or ence Day, Labor Day, Arrnl.-tlce dock's. 3412 VIa Lido. Newport. fiylng model plan~ on the bldd~ wJ)l execute the contract la.reer mlx~ and handling Da y, ThanJuglvlne Day, and Mra. Ed Jacques of 213 Crystal rround.s of Harbor Vlrw School If It be awarded to him tn eon. bulk cement) ······-···--····· 2.37 Christmas. U any of the above Ave .• Balboa Island, reported . . . were reported to be cau.tne a dts. form,ty wtth the Contra.ct Oocu· Concrete Curer-Impervious holidays tall on Sunday, the A car driven by Kllda F. Dinkins turbance; officers advt.ed them menta and wUJ provide, the Membrane ···-··········--······· 2.35 Monday followlne aha.U be con. of 12~S'~-34th St.. Newport. faUed to leave and not return ... surety bond or bond.lu specified Cribber or Shorer ................. 2.52 sldered a legal holiday. to nerotlate a turn at 26th St. Someone broke the windshield therein wlthln five clay after no. Cuttlne Torch Operator It shall be mandatory upon the and Newport Blvd., Newport. and on his ca.r causlnr 1100 da.maee. tfflcatlon of the award ot the con· (0e11lolltlon) ... . ........... 2.21 Contractor to whom a contract Is jumped a curb knocked down a Carl Peotenon of 221 Pearl Ave .. tract to the bidder. Driller CAll Others) ............ 2.45 awarded, and upon all subcon-parklne meter and damared an Balboa Wand. ~ed •.. Mike The Owner reserves the prtvl-Chucktender (except tractors under him to pay not office bulldlnr at 2620 Newport GauJhan of 700 Avocado Ave .. lege of rejecttne any and all bld.l Tunnels) .............................. 2.31 less than aald general prevaUing Blvd .... Romlly Harry of 300 Corona del Mar. reported bls bik~ or to waive any lrreeularltlea or Fine Grader (Hiehway and rates of per diem wages to all Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar. was stolen from the clltf above the lntormallties In any bid or In the Street Paving only> ···-··· 2.26 workmen employed In the execu-treated by a doctor after being Balboa Yacht Club ... Ofllcers blddlnJ. Fla,man ·······--· ................... 2.16 tlon of the contract. bitten by a dog, which was quar-put out a fire smouldertnr In the Pursuant to the Labor Code of Gaa and 011 Pipeline No bidder may withdraw hl.s anUned . . . seat of a car parked ln the Me. the State of California, the aald Laborer ·····-················-······· 2.16 bld for a period ot JO days atter e raiDAT, JVWE 17 Fadden Pl. parking lot. Newport wag .. for each craft or type of Gu and 011 Pipeline the date set for the openlne of Two taJI lights were stolen Beach. owned by Albert w. Jenks workman needed to execute the Wrapper-Pot Tender and blds. from hJs car parked In front of of 358~ Bay St.. Costa Mesa ... ·contracts which will be award~ Form Man ·--·--··-···-······· 2.37 Board of Trustees hl.s home, Russ BaJgert of 1522 A burela.r took a camera, ll(ht the succastul bldd~; and these Gu and Oll Pipeline Newport Beach School District ~Lramar Dr~ Balboa, complained meter and a $2 n ash lltht from prevalllne rates are eonWned In Wrapper--6-lnc:b Plpe and Newport Beach. Oranee County. . .. Cars driven by Ollie J. Clark Roeer's Pit Bar·B-Q. ~6 w. Coast aaJd IDedtlcaUons adopted by over -·-··-·-··--·-······· 2.50 Callfomla C1 k of 0Jlnu4 ~Doria E. AncMnoll Rwy .. durlne the nteht. OWJil"r the bo&rcl. and are u foil<*'~. Guinea Cbuer ..... :·-·-·--2.24 By: HARVEY D. PEASE. er of 914 Arbor St., Costa Mesa. were Rocer Early reported. CI..AISIPICATIOJf Sandblaster (Nozzleman) '· 2.61 Involved ln an accld~nt on Coast FOREMAN: All foremen not h~ Sandblaster (Pot Tender) .. 2..35 8 d N d Hwy. 450 feet east of Riverside • IIOGAT. JUliE • In Ml*fately duslf1ed aba.ll be Scaler ··-·-·······-······················· 2.21 ran t a me Ave., Newport Beach ... OUicers -r::.;.:;tro~~h~ng In; caf: paid not less than tbe prevalllne Scaler (uatne Bos'n's Cbalr arrested David R. Hoyum. 18, of a t ..,. · wy.. oron rate, or Safety Belt or Power B A d 2Q5.39tb St., Newport Beach. and del Mar departed at 2:05 a.m. A P PRENTICE S : May be em. Tools> ···-······················-··-··· 2.42 y C a e my Richard D. Sleeper, 19. of 2674 ~er le~lnr that pollee bad ployed In conformity with Sec-L.aylne of all Non.Metalllc Elden Ave.. Costa Mesa at ~n ca · · · Uon 1Tn.5 of the California Labor Pipe, lncludlnc Sewer Pipe, Rex Brandt of Corona del Mar Merle's Drive-In parking lot a.s (Continued on Pace l2) Code. Drain Pfpe, and Under. has just received confirmation of mlnon ln possession of an alco- a-wc:.tioD Bate Pw Bou eround 'nle ·······---··-······· 2.47 hl.s electJon as usoclate of the hollc beveraee . . . AAUW WATlOifAL IIEETDfQ AlaUTOII Maklne and Caulking of all National Academy of Deslen. He eJATVU)AT, JVJrE 11 TO OPElf JfEZT JIOifDAY Health II Welfare 7~c Non.Metalllc Plpe Joints 2.35 Is the eighth living Californian Two boys about 10. stole his Asbestos Workers ···-·····-···· 3.15 Tarman and Mortarman ... 2.21 to receive thta honor and the pair of cowboy pants and were aoa.&aKA••n Steel Headerboard Man _ ... .2.585 youneest American painter to aeen to run up an alley. Fran. & aLACKUG'I'IIS , Watchman .............................. 2.00 have ~n elected In ftve years. ctsco Benanua ot703~ E. Balboa Health II Welfare 7~c Window Cleaner ................... 2.31 Membership ln the Academy Is Blvd .• Balboa, reported ... Offi. BoUennaker Foreman ··--··.3.475 FOREMEN: llmJt~ to approxlmately 400, 4J. cers quaranUned a dog which bit Boilermaker Su~ Foreman 3.325 EffectJve J une 15, 1955, all fore-vlded amone architects, painters. Cheryl Thomas. 10, ot 705 Narcf.s. Bollermaker II Bladcsmlth 3.125 men lhall be paid not leu than sculptors and rraphlc a.rtUts. The sus Ave .. Corona del Mar ... Of. Bollermak~ II Blackmnlth 20c: per hour more than the hour. Academy waa founded tn 1825. fleers confl.scated a sling shot Helpera ---······-··············.2.825 l'/ rate of the hlehest cl .. Wca-the American counterpart of the trom a Corona del Mar boy. 12. •IUaa.AftD tlon over which they bave auper. Royal Academy of England. Ftrst after he admitted shooting at Health II Weltare 7~c vialon. president wu Samuel F. B. Morse, Bricklay~ a Stone Mason 3.60 mox WOUEJIS famed as a portrait painter as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hom and c1auehter. Miss Perdita Horn, Mrs. Harold E. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. L.. Kelly, all of Corona del Mar, wlll attend the openlnr session of the bi-ennial NaUonal Convention of the America n As- sodatlon ot University Women. to beld Monday ln the Hollywood Bowl. Enioy The Sun • •• Brlcktender ··-························ 2.50 Relntordng Iron Worker .... 2.80 well as for the Invention of the ELECTIUCIMS Rate effective on old teleeraph. Electrician ·······--··············· 3.35 work until 10 1.54: ........... 2.74 Cable Splicer ····-·-···-··-·-3.65 Rate effective on all , ......... .... AI U ......... ,. DlOif work 2..15-55 .. ···············-··· 2.85 Pan Setter ---··-··-···-·········· 2.43 Po.reman .............................. 3.10 Pan Setter WkJ. Foreman .. 2.60 ftAJISTEBS Pan Setter Helper _:··-·---· 2.18 Health 6 Welfare 7~c Ornamental Iron Worker .... 3.10 eUectlve 9-1·54 Mn. J. LesJJe Steffensen of eo. Structural Iron Worker ........ 3.10 Drivers of Dump Trucks of rona del Mar reports that the clJ. LATIDJIS leu than 4 Yds. Water max of her trip to San Francl.co Lather Foreman .................. .3.775 Level ..... :: ............................. 2.265 Jut week-end to attend tbe State Lather ·······-· .. ····················-···.3.465 Drivers of Dump Trucks-Choral Conductors' Guild annual PADITEIIS 4 Yd& but less than 8 Yds. convention wu the participation Bru.sb --··--······-··············· 2.50 wat~ level -·-···----·-·· 2.295 of the JTOUP In the "Festival of Brush. SWine Staee ·········-··· 3.05 Drtvera of Dump Trucka-Falth" service which opened the Stp II Pldorla.l-8 Yds. but Jess tha n 12 t~th anniversary celebration of Journeyman ···-···-·-···-·-··· 2.93 yd& water level ................. .2.345 the United Nations. Slen II Pictorial-Helper .... 2.34 Driven of Dump Truck&-Tbe Guild members jolned Health • Welfare. 8c, 7·bour O.y 12 Yd.s. but lea than alncen of the Bay area In a 1.!500 UIIOUVJI LAftal 16 yards water level ....... 2.425 voice chorus under the dlrectlon Unoleum a Soft Drivers of Dump Trucks ot Robert Shaw, nationally fa. nle Layers B. a W. 9~c 3.01 16 Yda. or more water mous California choral conductor Glazier (plu. 1 wk. pd. vac.) level --·-··-···········--········ .. 2.64.5 a nd alumnus or Pomona College. Health II Welfare ............ 2.585 Drtwn ot Tructc.-Legal Speaker tor the aervtce wu the I'LAS'taKa PQload Capacity lea Honorable l ohn J'a.ter Dulles, Plasterer than S tons ··-···-······-········· 2.265 aec:reta.ry of state. H II W promotional 12~c 8.4375 Drtwn of Trucb-Lelal The Fastest Growing ... Pluterer Payload Capacity between II ...&. II a • rcnman B II w 12~c: -3.88'75 6 and 10 toru1 ....... -.. -......... 2.296 1.1¥ ? (I Plaster Tender s•w?~c3.tm um.no~~gal a ........ 1 ... ~ 6 lliiW ~d C.paclty betWMD .. ...._.. __ • Plumbel J'oreman ··----·-8.S) 10 and 15 toDI ···-·-·-·-··· 2.345 Phamb!r--Ou or lAwn Dtl._. of ~Lelal Charlee Qlbbtn ol w.-t.o. An· ~ J'ltt« ----· &.25 Payload Capacity between eel• wu taken to Hoaa lllemor· Plum~d • CeMD.t II and._-. ___ 2.05 lal B~ ....._. bla .toiMCh ca.._ -us Dlt•••., Ti•t ,,.... -.. ~ alhr .. "*" .. m Pl.~ l'tJ*Ine -U5 ..,.... Capedtr 2) tOM JIOm all 00.... al~ aMid IUnMir uo er .... _ . 2M5 pW.. Jlf...-port pollee ~ at SWPtllttw ,.._...-Ia &lite=., -.w'l)pe ss p.a. .......,.. ......... ... ...... 1'l'udla .2.IG Mr. <abiD tllllk ...... Oil tM ......... Ptl IF 'D ~ alias .. 8 9 $ d Lt 'hueb Ufl5 .., to cataJia& 1illalld. ... » ,.......,_,_,......__ CUMW ..... heM .... .. I th?,.tfll .. ._ -2.505 ....a ill ... -~--lj-· ,..__ ~ ......... ... JsiM? W -2M1 _... M. ai1it ._< ..... u = ...... ,. ....... ............. , . .,... ...... ..,:: .... =:a;:.,:+ . .,::. ... ~. .. ::. ..t•• , • ., • .., •• • .... \~~_.~~~s.. .... for Mt. A~ Citi.zeo. a fut. moftD: ian Meuo bus •Yea ,-.. aem.., aDd from plata where aaf6c &Dd perkiDr loa suy c:ooae-ed dW'iq buaine-bows. For Mn. A,.. oa..o. Meuo ..... .....,. a. bows it it.., fw, .............. . W'IJ co ao aboppiaa. •isitiD& or to tlM ~ Aad * li.kes co be free ol "dri•-ina oet"f'a •• aDd ~kiD& ~ ... ny Maro. ~. tmd iea.rD bow much time tmd ...,.., 1011 cu •.e. IIIVIMO 1U COM.MUNITIU IN lOI AMOIUS. OUMOI, lfY8A)I AND SAM I!II.NAIOI....O COUPfflfS Sand • • • • and Surf and Safest Beach in Calif • THE EXCHAKCE CLlJB put on the paatJ aDd woo all the pr~ Tbcrt's the way It waa at last Prlclcry"a flnt cm.Dual lD•ltatiooaJ Colf Touroa- meat. wbtdl rc:daed fuocla for the cd~ cblL ' dreD of 0Mo9e Cou.oty. Ben's the wi.a.DlJa9 Ex. cbCID93 Club 90lf team. left to ri9bt: Bob Bu. ..U. DoD M"l (who a1lo won the low bcmdicap Kcw pwt llarbor hu Jolt out on Newport'• bJd when tht. .ttua. jiiiiiiiijiii!iijiiiiiiiiiijiiijiiiiiiiiiiliiiJiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii M8 .W to a-t the Obtpplc ertw t1on wu ~ out. 11M bMt ....._ &114 the honor bu IQfte to pc.ible CftWW can now be ... 17ncll' lf. Y. leeted to repreeent the U. S. at 1'lda repan wu made Tueed.:y the Olympia~, he added. by Hq I.Aqenhelm. aucuuve He aa!d there wu a r$Qrt that eecnt.ar'J of the Newport Harbor SyraCUM bad decUned the otter CtlamMr ol OJmmeroce., wbo u to be host ffW the~ but he IIMIIft'* o1 the Olympic Rowlna expreaect belief tht. could be Committee attthded the commJt. ironed out. tee meetiq in Syracuae Sunda y. 1be trla1a w1ll be held late In VJI QIE II DAD'S DAT CIJ'T lune of 1956 or in the flnt week ro• LEDFOm •ousnoLD of luly. 1be Olympic Games will be held tn November and Decem- ber In Melbourne, Australia. Little Valerie Grace was the Father's Day etft for Hal Led- ford of 2431 S. W. Azure, Santa Ana. Valerie was born Sunday, June 19. at Hoag Memorial Hos- pital. Her mother Is the former Grace Jasper of Corona del Mar, who used to be d~uty city clerk of Newport Beach. ''IELLE If u••M"-UY --* .. Bay Qu .. n .. -Ocean Cruiae * "lEW SHIWIGIT" Cl'llll II l.apla Starts Sat. Juna 25-11 A.M. & 7 P.M. Daily -n on IIAIIIIOa 1- FUI ZGIE 1101 IILIII Mr. Lan~nbelm aald that In- vita tions were extended by 12 clUes. 'lbe major factor in select. tng Syracute, he said, was the fact that the top crews of the nation are ln the eut. and bold· lnr the trials on the west coast would have added ereatly to the expeue. Be aald he withdrew ~~================~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STARRING * * * * * S,.cials for Tlln., Fri., SaL, J-23-24-2& DUUEES'--colored CIA.In' na. Margarine 19•· DREFT65~ M~lr. acJarle Wh.lp 4~•8 _is_qu_ic_k -~-· ~---_ .......... _.37_~ THE CBAMP JIDISELJ'. Robert Forbes of Udo Iale, ia aboWD here ~ with Nn. Fozbes after wl.lm.iD9 the low cpou trophy lD laat Frt... day's lD'iltatlooal Coli Touroameat beld at the lrri.De Coast I1'S-Sllwd DtnlKEES'-F....-Jar-zc OL Couo:J, Club. Mra. Fcwbea ia boldi.D9 the team member trophy. LIB M e 45 -=--=___:.··~-b-: -:-:-:-by-that-,:-· ;c-g ;-~-::-~-.;-~·_ ..... _oa I ~~~le ~ ......... 2~ ·=-~!~~~~ISe ~ COffEE ~Lo 1 1 ER ~~~~~;;.:.L%·~·:~ Pork & Beans * 19~ Pancake Flour * 39c 79~ .......,._........., ........ ,.,.,._,.,...._.._.....,... ................. _ 0 C .. Orange Coast College letter-~~~:~:~:::~:::::::~: i~Upa-AU;Ggus :.. .. :15¢ LmCBTSh·l·-zcl.l oa.&Ca:aBeans * 3511 Ripe Olives :..· .. -25~ !Continued from Page 11) e MONDAY. JtmE 20 Jack Johnson of 506-35th St., Newport Beach, reported the theft of an eight foot punt from the Gillis and Derby dock ... No one was Injured when a bicycle ridden by Mike Lennie of 41 1 Hellotrop<' Ave , Corona del Mar. rollided with a c-ar dn .. en by Eusebla Frutos of Oxnard at Poppy Ave. and Coast Hv.-y . Co rona del Mar .. Coast Guards men asked police to help find their lost dog mascot.. a mixed cocker and blue terrier ... lead the Ski Club. Renee Elliott ,. of Newport was named acting SIIOKET JOE-Ba:rbecued UOCI'OB & QAJ(u.E 31b. Ca:a ~~~f~J:t~i~~:~i:~!J~ BEANS * :. ....... 15~ aPLOe."aiicA-fhFre.-ts· .... ;_" __ 5_u···wd···-35~ FluHo Shrtng. 6~ the Student Christian Assocla--tlon. ~ Styt.--aS oa. Jar e TOESDAT. JO'XE Zl Obscene phone calls came from booths at 30th St. and Balboa Blvd. and later at ~1 W. Coast Hwy.. ~ewport Beach. the tete phone rompany notified police ... Ernest W. Thayer. 83. of 119 Via Yella. Lido Isle. suffere-d a bad bump and bruise on the back of his head whPn he fainted In a bath tub In his h ome and was taken by ambulanc<' to Hoag Memorial Hospital for examina tion ... lesa Boots I Satlllle To Hoi~ Ope1 Play Day Heading the calendar of actlvi ties for horseback riders. the Mesa Boots and Saddle Club open play day will be held Sun- day at the Newport Harbor Buf. falo Ranch. All clubs. r iders and their friends are Invited to parti- cipate. The events are tree to spect ators . . . Carefree Riders will have a Boy Scout horse show next Sunday on the Club grounds In Hawaiian Gardens ... El Rodeo In Brea are plan- ning an annual 3 day ride this week-end ... Tri.clty Wranglers ot Westminster will . hold their monthly board meeting next Mo nday. RAUOB VIEW n'A 'Miss AJleen Martin. principal of Ha rbor VIew School. was pre- sentPd with a PTA key chain in recognition of her help at the first meeting of the nf'w PTA board of Harbor View June 14 at St. Andrews Church. Mrs. Robert Olander, president, led a discussion on school problems and ways of crt>ating interest for pa rents. e CORONA DEL MAll n'A The Corona del Mar School PTA. had Its last board meeting for the school year on June 14 at the home of the president. Mrs. Sue Martin. The group met to discuss ru. ture programs and hopes to stim- ulate Interest next year with pro- fessional s peakers and original entertainment. A new approacli to the first "get acquainted meeting" In Oc- tober will be a social tea featur- Ing a fashion show sponsored by local stores. TV SHOW TOO BOTI A television set smoking In the home of Mildred Bell of 432 Hello- trope Ave., Corona d el Mar, brought firemen to the home at 9:16 p.m. Tuesday. Fferme n dis- connected the set. No fire re- sulted. Watch For the OPENING of HESS HAIR FASHIONS * 3028 E. eoc.t Highway CO.oaaclelMar Dill Pickles 33 .,.,~ .-. .ty.. -IIEDU STUDIED nARC<> AIIEBICAX ~ CORN :._ ··········· ............. 14~ Baby Food 3 .. ~ SpagheHi * =: 17~ PV1Ul ALL TUJf A Cat Food ~--··· .10~ ~) ·. fRt:lTS & HCCTABltS JlJMa<) Cantaloupe 6~ lb. Cucumbers 3 for 1 Oc COLDER Sweet Corn 45c doz. 6 for 23c LUT •nca Carrots 2 bunches 9c ~:~ JROHn IO OOf:a II.C.P. Le11101iC1de ROUND STEAK .OKELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST BOJifE.LESS Shoulder Clod Roast GROUND ROUND Chuck Boast 35'· 7-BONE QOAST 39i.. CaponeHe FRJERS 55~ Lean Gfound Beef 4 u .. 'l ~ I