HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-30 - Newport Harbor Ensign-OFF I ·Police Told To Check Fonner CouncUman Andrew W. Smith, now the "Col Andy Say .. • . columnlat for the Newport Harbor I Ensign, called on Newport City Vol. 7 .... 46--I'We C..ta T11U11SDAT. ru-E JO. 1155 Council Monday evenJng to In-----------......:.----------------------------vestlgate the o~ratlon of pinball machines to determine whether they pay off. Col. Smith contended that there are pay-offs to pinball playena. that therefore the plnballs are eambllng devices. and Illegal. He presented his req~ to City Council at tht. time because the city Is about to l.ssue business li- censes for the 1955-~ fiscal year. Bills for plnbalf business lJ. censes have already been llf'nt out by the clty. Only Ucense hold er Is Clyde Den1lnpr of Balboa in the name of the a.ch Amuse· Lower Taxes Due as City's Budget is Cut ment Co. ___ .1__ e JlEF£8 IT TO I'OLEE On a motion by Councilman Sandy MacKay, Counell voted to refer the matter to th• Pollee De- partment for lnvesttaatlon and report. Councilman ~aid Ben net t commented that plnballs have A substantial saving Is in sight been ruled a legal device. "But for the taxpayers of Newport pay1ng oft 1s another matter," he dent of the Central Newport Beac.h as a result of Monday eve. said. "You must have evidence on Citizen Committee For Parks Formed A Citizen~ Committee for Parks and Playgrounds wu formed last Thursday evening at a meeting repreeentlng all areas of Newport Beach, held at the Corona del Mar Community Church. Named chairman of the new l'f'OUP wu Harold (Hal) Glass ot 110 lOth St., Central Newport. Mrs. PhlUp Burton of 2920 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, wu named vlc:e-dlAlnnan, and Frank Fehy of 2828 Seaview Ave., eo. rona del Mar, sec:retary.treuurer. Ed Healy, 113 15th St., pres!- Newport City Council approved the mo\lon of Councilman Gerald ,Bennett Monday evening to In- struct the city manaeer and city eneineer to prepare plans for ex- pansion and Improvement of the city traUer park on the Newport bay front. The vote was unanl. mou~. Mr. ~nnett had withdrawn an earlier motion to renew trailer park leases after Councilmen J. B. Stoddard and Sandy MacKay said they had not had time to discuss it. Explaining the reason for this motion. Mr. Bennett s.--~d the trailer park resldenu are anxious to know what's coming up. At present the previous Coun- cil's action of terminating leases as of next Sept. 30 1B stiJl In eUf!Ct. City Manaeer John Sailors said he would Uke to have some of the councilman on a committee with himself and City Engineer Bert Webb to p~ the expan- sion plans. Mr. Bennett volun- teered to .erve on the committee. Mr. Stoddard said he wanted a.t leut half of the trailer park beach to be made Into a public beach. Protest Made Against Cafe Complaints aeaJnat the opera. tlon of Ernie's Cafe at 469 N. Newport Blvd., Ju.lt above the Arches overpau, were heard again In the Newport Counen Community Association. opened 1 ning s lenethy hassle over the that score." the meeting and presided unt11 11955-56 budget. City Council a p-"lt we are Interested we should the ottlcers were elected. , proved the budget after two hours do exactly what Col. Smith's let e COIOIITTEE •AXED of dlscusalon. ter says -subpena witnesses," The first order of business after Under the close scrutiny of Councilma n J. B. Stoddard said. the election was the city trailer Councilmen J. B. Stoddard and "You must catch .10meone In park. On a motion from the floor, Sandy MacKay, about $75,000 was the act of paying ott tO prove It," the chatnnan appolhted a com slashed from the budget. In addl said Mr. Bennett. mfttee to study the trailer park tlon to thla saving. City Council "Have you referred this to the problem, also a long range pro removed the 50-cent water meter pollee?" Councilman Clarence eram of parks and recreation for charge, an annual totAl of more Higbie uked Col. Smith. Drive Is Laun~hed :~ci~a~:i;:s. To ·amend Charter Are checked • Councilman Sandy M a c K a y the entire clty. than $50.000. Thls water charge e COUJICIL llUJ'OiriDLE Tbere was discussion of a pe. was replaced by a 3-cent tax levy. "I have not." Col. Smith an. the conclusion of Monday eve- tltfon to put the trailer park Issue to raise about $15.750. Thus the swered. "I have sent the request The Harbor Citizens League of. ment. Here Is the text of the no-nlng's five . hour • lona Newport tossed In a bit of a bombabell at on the ballot. alao to call for a total savings will be about $110.-to the City Councll, \thlch Is re-flclally launched their campalan tlce ot Intention, which Includes City Council roeetlna by uklnc Ch_,. amendment to reqylre 000. sponslble. You are a&ut to re-today to amend the Newpon the League's reasons for. deslrlne for an lnvestiption of charees ot putrue vote on renewing or ex-The two pencil wielding coun-llcen.se gam b II n 1 . Those ma Beach City Charter so that elee-to amend the Charter : frreeularities ln certain city de- ~(J!~ Jeues on city owned cllmen estimated that the 1~ chines are gambllne machines. If tion of city councUmen should be LEQAL xonCE partmenta. wa rnt property. tax rate would total $1.06, com-there Is any question about this. by district instead of at laree. N011CE OF lN'TENTION TO Be uUcl (« a .pedal meettnc Mr. Glaa appointed the foOow-pared to the $1.09 for the year I have told you bow to find out." The League ls publl.sh.ln& In ClJtC'UI..ATE PE'TTI'IOK at C!t7 tou.sa In ., ~ dll ~~tht"~=~~~-~ba~~D~3 ~~~~ ~.~~~~~~~~p~~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~·;~~ri~~;i-~e;~;e~~-~ ... ......_.................. ...... ~~~~ --,, A; ,..... ot 11 Cltets, beeaue ol f& iimoval mean at JO•..,.tolDI to tftiOna 10 p[je~t~·ttie que.tioD on a ~ e. • -.. tM M29 E. Cout ll'wy., Corona del of tbe water meter charze. laue tht-II~ the ballot. sure to be placed on ~ ballot prea Mar. and Mark Eneelke, g)l Here are the comparative flg. ''1l'lere ls no evidence of gam At a spedal meeting Sunday. to amend the Charte-r of the City Councilman C«ald Be n nett Seashore Dr .• West Newport, with ures. UatJne the 1.954-55 tax rates, bllne," Mr. Bennett replied. the League approved a motion to of Newport Beach so that each said, "Get the evidence flrst.. Lot former Councilman Andrew W. IContl.nued oo Pap 1) <Continued on Page 7) sponsor the lnitlatlve amend City Councilman shall be elected of It ls unwartanted : 1 know be Smith, of 3400 Ocean Blvd .. Co by the counctlrnanlc district In cause t checked on It today " rona del Mar, as advisory mem which he rt>Sidt'S. Councilman ~ Wlldf'f' said ber. The p~nt provision for elec he could not agrt>e with Mr Mac- • ~UT 40 ATI'E.JfD tton at large was taken from the I Kay's proposal to open up thf' The organization meetlng of defeatE'd Chaner of 19-19. The m~ting to the press this new Citizens Committee was very first election under the The motiOn wao: dt>feat~ four attended by about 40 ~rsons. prest>nt Chartt"r showed a h ighly to threE--with Counc-llm€'n Wil They agreed that the Board of 01-unsatisfactory defect. bnnging der. Bennett. C'laren('(' R1gh1C' and rectors will Include two rE'presen-about an Injustic-e to thrt:"E' of the Stanley Ridderhof voting no, tatlves from each of the seven S('Ven districts-No 1. NPwport . Councilmen MarKay a net J B councUmanfeo districts of the city. No. 5, Balboa Is land. and No. 6. Stoddard and Mayor H1 ll voting They agreed abo to send a let south easterly Corona del Mar I yes_ ter to the city's new Park, Beach C'andldatf'S In these distr icts who The matt('r had c-omp up In tht> and R e c reatIon Commission, r~lv~ majoritie-s In their own Monday morning "ludy st"'.Sion. pledging support for "a positive districts were defeated by the It Is undE-rstood that Council in program for parks and play. votes In lhP other diStricts. The structed City Mnnngt'r Jnhn Sail grounds." result JS that theSe three dis ors to lnv~>stlgatt' th€' c-hlHg(':o;. Mr. Healy brought up a num-trlcts an now being represented and that hP rpportPcl h1s flndmg~ ber of problems ln various areas by roundlmPn not of their rna I to Council at a rlo<>Pd ml'<'llng nf of the city: the public restroom JOrlty rhoiCt' Council Tui'Sclay aftrrnoun Thr In Balboa, which he described as The FrPi'holders who wrotf' our following ~tat('mf'nt "as 1-.stH•cl "disgraceful;" new restroom prt"St'nt rhartf'r WPH' strongly ad by Mayor Dora H11l dft<'r th.•t needed also near the N~port vised b\' Mr W1lllnms. the c-har I met>tlng · pier; need for a. recreation area Iter eApert h1rt'd by thf'm "" legal ''The efftci<'nc-) uf thf' !'It) g0, for Balboa Island, and a lso for adviS<•r tn wrilt> in a straight ernment was PAam1ned anrt o;ug the Newport Heights Clltf Haven ward "~"'I'm 1 I' nom mate and gestlons for lmpro\'PmPnt "f'TP llECTOil AJifD f' AJOL T-8eY. cmcl MIL JobD B. tara ..... nctor of St. Jam• ~ auarcb of Jfewport 8eadt.. Ia u... ft wltb tWr family ba the St. Jam• a.ctowy, 410-IStb St.. Rev. Parke Begins Duties As St. James Rector Friday Rev. John H . Parke, new rector ot St. James Episcopal Church of Newport Beach, will assume his duties In the church tomorrow 1 Friday) and will hold his tlrst services ln the churcb th1s Sun- d-.y. Mr. Park~ comes from Grace Church, Horwood. MU&, where he wu rector f~ three )'MIS. Prior to that time he wu rector of St. Johns Chu.rch, WOIUSter. Ma.a.. for alx yeua. From 1924 to 1930 he lived In Pasadena, Calll .. where his father was vicar of the Church of the An,els. He attended the Polytech- nic elementary school In Paaa dena, went to Kent School In Connecticut and graduated from Princeton University ln 1938. where he majored In claaies.. He went to th~ ~neral Theolocical Seminary In New York Clty and wu ordalned a deaoon tn 19t2 and a prleat In 19U R• wu cu- rate of St. Jam. Oaurcb, er-n. before IOiq lnto the ~· Be IIW'I"'ed Mial Joe.D IAe Cole Hour Firenrla llllw At Balltta Pilr I•••J A oee-boa.r fb-ewwlta cJMplay, "the beet yet.-wW be flncl fraD tbe lkdbocr .._ at darlt oa tbe f'ourtla ol Jaly, Or9We Scblaetw .. tM a.u... ... PIO•--t A-.. .. .....-.s. Tbe maPIOt •t ..,... .. ect. Lll9 ,_ .... Clty .. • .. ..... 8Mdl. .,.. ................ .. tbe a. ........... , .... nr--....... cllndiea .. A.-t. QW •• •• hUett wW flatM ..... ,.. ........ wUI ...... ... ttiM .... -.,. ... ..... _,..., .. ........ ct ..... laT .... Ifni•• Several ftlllable attJd.-.,.... t"ll'<'t h\ •ll"t rle t made. Moralt' and the prl"St>r\a Tht> pr<'"~'nt Ia" makPs It pos tlon of good relations bfiv.N'n SiblE' fnr a mac-hine t-ontrolllng Coundl and t>mploy~ wt>rP "' 7.JO \'ul€''-tc1 throw them against amint'd. It wa:. agM"<'d that thf' any Cclndul.tt('-. 1'1 any nr all dis ,:;rPat~ dt"gtN' of effki€'nf'V am1 trkt-. <lOci rlf'h•at an:-c-anciidatp moralp 1:' nhtluned "h€'n C.:nuncil df!";plt€' any ma Jvrlty hP may win has rompl<•te ron!idenc·€' m Its in has O" n di-.trlct appolntPd otridalo; ThP unanl ThP ldPa behind dh1dlng the mous opinion was that the!lf: of city Into distric-ts was to havE' in fkials rontinue to havP the coun dlv1dual reprt'M'ntatlon for each ell's highest confldencc and sup S«tlon. t'!i!pt>elally sin('(' our d ty port." Is dlvldE'd Into distinct sections of Interest and activity, as well as ge-ographkally. It Is common practl('(' In the United States to nominate and elf'ct by districts HARBOR CTTIZENS LEAGUE. Mrs. Ru by Stevenson, SecrE'tary. llEW AaD rs OFFERED A $500 reward for Information leading to the arrest and t'Onvlc tlon or a harbor a~a pet poiiOnf:'r has been offe~d by thE' PE't Pro tect.ors of OrangE' County. Council Settles Argument On Cost of Joint 8.1 . ·Pier Newport City Council bad to hls float and he wanted Mr. act with the wladom ot Solomon Grant to ah~ In that movtnc at Monday evenlnf's ~ be-cost too. llr. M~yer asked for cauw two Balboa Island property half of S1.585 for t.be pier and owners could not I'd tocether on hall ot the cca of movln&. the <.'OIIt ot a Joint pier. Mr. Ghnt a1'f\Md that the or. Hon~ M~. who bad pur. t&tnaJ pleor wu not built IICC'OI'CJ. d\ued the Pf~ at 123 E. 11-.y rna to p1aM t.u..s. that U It bad rt. ln l'etlnlary .... he ... told been tNUt ~. h• aMIId ... t.baj t.b pier would M all ha., Oft his float Wft.bout ....... t.bre ancl that tta value wu $S.D. pa., .._.._. he .._,, hll 1M Burton Graftt 1MM~Pt tiM ad. aboald Pt.Y batt' ot .... ....._ Jolalnl ~ at U5 lq Ft. eo& about tbe-..:. Ume. lie wallhld ... ft h' -.u,, • ,...,...,, Ia ... Cltr Ill N ; I If ...... c.M. OfiRe. .... ,_.. ............... ....-..;",_I. C.... Hli'-r. c.... .W ... ,. W.IIAt ~~ ,_ L c:..t tlili•••• c.-.. W.r, C.ftfOf'llll TILIPHONU. HMNr 1114 HI I 1 II WIWIB OFTHI CAUFOINIA ~Nil PUIUSHaS ASSOC&AnOH ~ ef tt.. NATIONAL EOIToa&AL ASSOCIATOH AlVO £.. HAAPA Eil+er .M P•~ PlG HMPA ._ .. ..._ &.lltet HU-H McMILJ..AN ___ .. Newt ......... ,._ IElT L JOHNSON... ..... .......... OfrMtet SAM MITCHELl ~•thiA .. Pt4~ lUIY STEVEHSO ....... ,_ • • • The NEWPOll HAliOl ENSI-H a-1M-, • ..,.._ h AN • ,...,.,_,_, •' , .... ,.1 clrc~etiOfl It-t 1-dt...-t -' tile s.un-c-t ..... laor rNIOfl thereof Ia '"eliRe41 t• p~aWl.ll eN pttWlc Nt~ ~ by lew • • • Entere41 •• $ecoft4f O.u M.tt. Ita tM P.t Office et c.-4Mt Mer, C.llf. SUISCIUmON lATU L.oc.l wJMcri,_ ret.u r-r-1'«1: -.,...,__,u.ao OvttW • .f tt~e H...t-IVM: r-,_.........., .... -,.. tuO ·~ .. • •o 1'001.1110 didn't ahow untll July or Auaull. Uncle Bany aorers• finJt alba-Don't uk me lf they'll mow ln core, heralded lut week In thla cloeer. Better uk 110tneone who celumn, wu not just a stray fish. knows, lf there Ia anyone who Since then, more than a favored can flaure albacore. But I do Cew have beud, tor the first thne think that thla year wtU beat last this season. the delltlltful volley year, and could turn Into som•· or sound that comes from a reel thin& rHl wonderful. At least the when theoze'a a lon•.n.n trying to Tenth lnterclub Albacore Tour-~ oiJ far Clalna. nament, the bJeaest salt water A-1 Plumbing Owner Is Dead IWUW'f, JVIIa & a• lila.IGDk tu.Mf&l .. ~ tcr • aD1' lilT ..,. • A ._ - LewJI x....-...., e. of 405 llhbiJe dktu! Wo:nderf\al to = ,_ ....... lmow, and relate. •adeeiti''Pta:r'" v~ Jlftba doa't. Or • ~bow HolJI:Iwooed Dr .. Rcwpwt Htltbta. dea.n CJ( mtdldne CII-Cbe u.,._. tUt ,.. ..._ ...._ ~000 OWMir ol A·l PIWDblna a.ntce, ....._of ~---·-' .._. Mid lloridq tD tbe Baltz _, -..,...u. Do lQ ~ • 1II'Oitb of •• ..._ ., PlOP· IICiftuar)' eo.. ..._Chapel. co:n. ~w mef Or cU• It ..-Qr iap, ~ daat .._ DOt ,., ... f\a1l duet.~ b1 u.. leatalt.aa ~ pee f -laSt Jhow f1l tbe -..,. llllllt tlaat ,_ aM 1 .._ Par Kr . .._ 41s.1 lue 18 .,..; • m aty Ball. n•..., u.e twe lMtuce. Jut,.., tllli • ..,td bnlf Wnta He W1o1 bam 1D ao. en4 men. Jay ltodcl.,. ud SUd)' fLOt. with tiM a • ._ .. etr· ConMr, IdahO, and bad. Uwd 1ft M&c:Ka7, took eM dty ......... taiD -=tiona. 'l"bete leed I were the barbor .,... t« tbe put 10 ela~ "'i'tt a..-.rt w'u a Joy aMtad to the dt7 aad--. In ye.va. Be Ia wrvtved b1 hJe wife, to behold.. '~bey .....U, cut It up without UIWnlJtC QJ Crt the Mrt. Cbulene RoM. and two lnto Uttl• ptece.. boD4e4 cJebL T h • 1 are: Bay dauptera. Jfaney, 14, and leU)', 1'M1 puDdled men boMt ln ft ...... lltoN Cltdlt. COrona BJah- 8. ol tbe home add.rea. than a lw1al ~ ,..._,. .t&ltecl 1 ..... ...,_ ..._.,. a.M. ID08t Be worked u a plumber tn oa by outBDJq u.etr pW.r to C\lt NetlltlJ', the u~ a.y. Seattle Wub before ao1n1 to tbe total tax to St.ol .thn tM You Uk why! Well 110 cUd L sea u ~ muln'~ enrtneer. He aaw ~ .... ~.21 ~ ....... Cit7t ~a:!~ I was told that thi'J' dl4 DOt re- mollt of the world whJle aboard .,. • """"'teL & ua .., .,. "'"' quest annexation. therefore they ahlpa. Durlne World Wu D he tHt ot the Oouncll will IO,alonr. were a.empted. That eeema Uke worked ln the mart.n.e enetneera and we hope they wtll, they a pretty flimsy reuon. To nw It departm~nt of the Todd Shlp-aa1f.uw 1 ter K dam 14 aeema that when annoec~; they yard.a ln Tacoma, Waah. e • • a.yor became a part ot tbe dtJ ancJ u The .,.... f1l tJae flnt albacore Heht.tackle tlablne competition • • +; 8 8 • 8 spread.a t.uter than meuJea 1n an most anywhere. will have a lot ot ~I_ -n H E a k I m 0 kla-.a.rten. ~r fun on July 9 and 10. The San •• + e a :• * Be came to the harbor uea In uked wondertnely If there ~ Ach oertalnly beneftt tram the 1M, finrt llvlne In Corona del any quNt:Jona,. c:ornmenb from CUferent ~Jeeta that...,. buUt Mar. Be wu Ucenaed u a con. the aucUenc:e. We were entranced; by the~te bOnd-. IUcb. u a. Jetty, tractot and muter plumber but no nef'd to open our mouth. the p.iet, the water ay1tem and preten-ec1 to do repalt plumblnl Atra1d 1t we cUd even to applaud the sewer syatem. · IIIJ .l;lJD-~ ._. QwennJ• Jtocen bad called and Dleeo Marlln Club Ia the elebth --T -:r told me the rood aewa. I eot club to join up. That wUI make ':I*C:X*::::I*CC* ::I*CNC:Xi:'INCI:N :IICII:I':'I*ICK':::li'C'ICI':'I'i::x':::li8CNICINC'ii::XI:X:K8:1!8CX' :::lli'C81:'11':X:KN:::INCNI:I'C' re~ ~al1 ~ =· J-~~ :: ~!ic,~44th~~~::e~~~~ 0~~ work ln which be apedal&Zied. ~~~~to~~ be Now u to whether or not they SWJ lat« we were broupt ulced. to be annexed. leave us badt wttb a jolt when Councll-take the recent cue of the Upper man lennett, runnlnl true to Bay. r wu on the Oouncll at that form, made the fut motion on tilDe, and they may not have the adverttalne budeet to aet the been asJdnr, but It looked llke tax at 2 cents Instead ot wtplne the whole Irvine Co. was In the It out altoeether u propoeec1 by city manaeer'• offk:e when we the two end men. Two centa. plus arrived tor our afternoon meet- the present reserve, wllJ add up lng. W~ were told that tbey had to neady $18.000 tor that fund. aald that they would not resist Remember I predicted that they I annexation. What a coy way to would flnd a w~ to circumvent put It! You ca.n be darned aure the will of the people when you that they were eaeer to eet It by a 2 to 1 vote cut the Ct\amber done, before they would be put of Commerce down to size. They In the embarrassing poaltlon or do not seem to take a blnt from having to tum down Costa Mesa's that vote. They mean to show request to annex 'em. • PAY-OFF? Newport's police chief &nd two .city councilmen agree that there is a p&y-oH on pinball machines. Certainly an inquiry i1 in order, os requested by Col. Andy Smith. That investigation is the duty end re· sponsibility of our City Council ... or of the County Grand Jury. This is not penny ante stuff we're talking about. The take is Ire · mendous. But th&t is not the real issue. The question is this: Is it o s~ill game. or gambling? If it's gambling. the Council has no eltema- tive but to ca ncel the licenses. That licensing fee system, by the way. IS stupid. to put it politely. Its rigged to encourage monopofy. which 11 is. &nd to encourage adding more machine s. which it does. The l1cense fee is $300 for the first machine, $250 for the se cond, $200 for the third, $100 for the fourth. $50 for the fifth. $20 e&ch thereafter. If its fair to license th&t first moch "e fer $300, its fair to charge $bOO for two machines, and $3 000 for 10 mochines-al'ld $17,100 for 57 mochines, 1nsteod of a mere $1,940 for these 57 p1nballs. We'll be heoring more ebout p inbolls. • • e KEEP THE PENCILS SHARP Bouquets for a change . Councilmen Sa,dy MacKay end J. B. Stoddord deserve e great deal of credit for ramrodding through thot bJdget par~ng operolio11 Monday night. It does not appu r to be o popular sporl to be sev'ng money ond cutting taxes--and opposition certa,nly rises from the d ernedes• ploces. But keep the b od up. the powder dry, and the penCils shorp. Remember there's ple nty o f solid though silent support from the seemin9l~ indifferent t&xpoyers. Stay with it. • • e HERE WE GO AGAIN A slick trick failed at Monday night's Newport City Council meet- ing. CouncU..a G.I.Jd 8en,.-tt ftbtde 8 motion, OS ce.sual OS eU ~t out, to renew the leases at the City Trailer Par\: on the N~port Bey Front. Reluctance on the pert of Councilmen Stoddard &nd Mackey mode Benne tt withdr&w this moneuver. But he m&de enother motion !hot did pess· d1reding t he city engineer and city m&neger to come up with pions for e•penslon and improvement of the trailer pork. A nd so our Council continues with its am&zing stubbornness to keep the city eng aged in private b usiness in competition with its own taxpaye rs. Nuts to the considerable number of the publ•c who want the city to get out of the troiler park business and turn this magnifi- cent stretch of quie t woter beech bod to the people. Nuts too to the Council itself jAugust, 195-4, versio n) and the city manager's then sta tement of o fficial policy that it w&s unquestionobly desire ble to de- velop th1s property &s a publtc be&ch. But not so e&sily, Modom Moyor and Messrs. Councolmen. There's still & commotion aheod. Heres one commotion, right here. for sure. who won't stop fuming or fu\si.,g unless at leost o m&jority o f you c&n onswer yes honestly and with mor&l conviction ond honesty to my auestio,~: Is mone y the most imporfont •·.~ue involved here? Do you appro"e ,.,f 'JO"e'"""e"l ;., bu~inoss? Is c I 1 opere lion of o troiler pt~rk competoble with the bo .ic Amerocon her• loge of privote iniltolive &nd enterpr·e? I, tl right for the c•ty to operote tl hordwore store. o news- poper a mov•ng a.,d :>1:Yoge bus·.,e-.s ... o tr~·ler porP Prepare your onswers. For Y••! People h.ve been saying ••• and believing that YOU CAll DO BEnER at Ira. Eat• lack Will Ia Fllttl for PMale ~ Superior Court l'laa received the ~ estate of Mrs. Esther Mac.k. for merly of 214 Fernleaf Ave., Co. ~ rona del Mar, who died June 8. ~ She lett ''in excess or $10,000'' In ~ real and peTsonal property with an estimated Income of $3.500 an-~ nually. Her will hu been tiled ~ for probate. ~ Alter specillc bequests, she left ~ the bulk or her estate In trust to her two sons and dauehter. John E. Mack of Puadena, Charles E. Mack of Flintridge and Adelaide Mack Perrin ot Palo Alto. The trust will be for the benefit of her grandchUdren. T liiiMnlldll9 -Cettloa PO......_ lrrqu~·= nw-ora COSTA MESA MATnW CO. t o let them In on 'the exdtlng should be a ereat tournament F. d A t aeocret. Wft'e they swprlMdT Don't with a Jot of fish. I Ire an u 0 be naive! Eve!')' atnale one of Incidentally. don't call me that · them knew about It befcre I did!! week-end of July 9 a nd 10. I won't H .·t 8 u •• I d .• n g e • 111& UQ be hom•. A.nd you won't need Next d~. I beud that the three euesses to Jearn where I'll Flabennan D. t rom Pierpoint be and what I'll be doing. I can Landini. bad etebt aboard-lour hardly walt!! on Jlp and tour on bait. That e JlEJUJfDER A car crashed Into the apart- ment bulldlne at 114 22nd St., Newport Beach, at 12:35 a.m. Monday, damaglne the front, and a flre brought firemen to the two. story bull dine at 1:25 a .m. Sun. day to battle names In an over· stuffed chair. wu Wednesday. the day after I doubt tt younesters read Uncle Harry had put blood on "Calllne C.Q." I can't blame 'em. tb~ deck of th~ Ebb Tide. By But 1l any of you Big People bave Thursday, m~ boats were out. kids or 14 years or under, tell Bill and Ruth DeLamar, on their them that I still have some or Lady LaMar, had a double first those Cortland rloatlng fly.Jlnes last year. when they each got lett. The ones Dick Jennings ~nt Clrst ones for Pacific Anglers. that say "A short length tor a About 10 o'clock Thursday. It small angler." Tell the kids to came over the air tt\at there was write a card and say, "Send me a Oouble hook up on the Lady J..a. a line." And don't forget the Mar. A little later, Ruth had won name and address. ~tter hurry. herself a trophy or two for the Once ( start albacore fishing you first albacore of the season to can't tell about me. I'm unre Clarence W. Jackson, 21, of 2205 W. Balboa Blvd., ~ewport Beacs . told pollee that he waa traveling on Balboa Blvd. and failed to complete a turn on 22nd St., hit· tlng the building. A bike owned by Thomas Cromwell. apartment occupant, was damaged badly. Smoking was blamed for a Clre In apartment 14 at 1:25 a.m. Sat urday occ-u pied by Robert Sainz. Firemen carried the burning chair from the apartment and put out a flre burning In the linoleum Cloor. Pollee said the buUdlnr owner, Mrs. Jurre Knapp of Los Angeles. was occupylne another apartment at the Ume. tall Cor a lady. liable! You should know this guy BIU that I call the voice of the Lady LaMar. He's a true gentleman of the old school. When the double hook.up came, Ruth grabbed her rod and started to work. Nat ural. ly, you'd have expected old Bill to latch onto the other one, but he didn't. He waited until Ruth's Clsh was gaffed before he touched hia. He said he wanted Ruth to have a second chance In case she unbuttoned number one! Alter her flab was In the bag, Blll then took the other rod. found he wu .wl booked up and pro- ceeded to catch h1s ar.t 1955 al- Neore. Tea, Ill-. pntleman ol. the old eehool! e GOOD I'IIJUJIG Wblle Ruth and Bill were cruls- tne back to weleh In Ruth's Ush. Elmer Hehr on hla Dede II was busy ln-tbe same area. BetOI'e he tlnlabed the day, there were 17 tone -fins in hla bae. And by 10 o'clock the next morning. he had boated el.ht more. Sounds ter- rUic, eh! But there's a joker In every declt. The joker here Ia that It takes a heap o' rldln' to 1et to those schools of al bles. Most of the catches have been made around the JS.mUe ba nk. which Ia a heck of a lone way from Newport In cue you're Interest- ed In swimming out. Schools or fish have ~n seen and color. fully described aa ''black under the boat." They seem to be hun- gry enough, too. But you need a good big tank or petrol and a co pilot If you're Interested In mak. lng a trip to see Walt Longmoor over at Western Canners on your return. e T'f'PICAL ftiP Dorothy Usedom called yester. day to tell me aome news. Hus- band Frank went f1Ahlne Sunday with Dr. Blll Bobln.on on Bill's Crystal Ball. Horace Wltberwpoon made It a th.renome. Tbe trio left at 3 a.m. on Sunday. on a coune of 170 degrees. The sea was roueh. They ran for tour hours, then started to troll. Even- tually they were 85 miles out on 170 degrees. The actlon. whJch wu hot, all came between noon and 2 p.m. CiiJ Clerk·Tr~~~~rer Ia Sollld ., CIIJ The Ctty of Rewporl 8eada ... adnrtial.D9 tbia ... fa. ap.. pliamb few U.e CIOIIlblaed po&l. Uoa of dty clark Clll4 dty b'Mihaler. tiM po&ltloa l*d QA.. U1 ....aUy by C. L ~ Sped.fieatloea c:a11 fclc .. elCPH· l...cl Meftltazy· cw •apa~. ---. dty cMI'Il• dllpaty .tty c:lldt.- ":" 0' wtll -... , .. ... .. --.. ctty .... ... DfFA.JfT SOR DIES ~raJd Allen Stephens. Infant son or Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Steph. ens of fl)() W. Wilson St .. Costa Mesa, died In Oranee County General Hospital 36 hours after birth on June 22. Funeral services for the Infant were held at 2 p.nf. Sund.ay tn the Parate.JUdle, Mor· tuary Olapel In eo.ta Meaa. Pasadena Girl Saved After Jumping from Newport Pier Mary Anne Gobble, 19, of Pua. Newport Beach, called pollee to dena. wu aaved from drownlna report the elrl had Just lett her In the ocean by crew memben of house runnlne towud the New- the bait boat. Ercyl D .• after she port Pier. Mn. Goodell aaJd that leaped from the Newport Pier at the eJ.rl had come down to •pend 8:~ a.m. Saturday. the day with her. The elrJ'a moth- Newport pollee called to the er had aald she wu despondent scene by Witnesses aaw the elrl over poor crades at 8Chool. Mrs. In the water about 100 yuda out Goodell aa.ld the 1lrl bad sur- !roll'l the pier, awimmJne strone· prl..ed her In a telephone conver- ly. Oltlcera attempted to attract satlon wtth her mother. the attention of crew memben on "Are you calllne my tolka!" the Ercyl D. about 300 yards out. the etrl was quoted a• exclaim· by yelllng. but to no avail. Ofll. lne. When the Informant eave a cers then fired several shots Into neeatJve resporue. the v1ctJm lett the air, obtained the crew's at-the residence runnlne toward the tentlon and dlrected thelr atten. pier. tlon to the girl. NleJ Cox or Pomona came to The boat approached the etrl the station and reported that the but she continued to awlm away. ,UI came alonestde of him when Crew membera tJnally were able he was fishing on the end or the to get the etrl aboard and broueht pier. She handed hlm her watch her to the pier. She was taken to and ring, ahe took oU her coat pollee headquarters. and ahoea and mumbled 110me "God told me to. It waa God's thing about one ot the sail boata wUl,'' the rtri kept repeatlne. of-ott ahore and jumped Into the tlcen said. after questtonlne why ocean. Mr. Cox aald. she Jumped born the pier. The lfrl wu released to her At 8:13 that morntne Mra. Ent.ce parents, Mr. and Mn.. Bert Gobble Goodell of 3314 W. Ocean Front, ot Pasadena. Assault, Attempted Rob~ery In Upper Bay Is Charged All tbelr hook.up• were doubles Newport pollee booked Floyd 1'an up to the car, turned ott the and trlplea. Up to that time, the A. Coop. of 0 E. Sixth St., Santa leniUon and kept the key. The Crystal Ball, a new boat. had nev. Ana, at 3:50 a.m. Saturday on IUapect ran In a 10utherly dtrec. er been christened by albacore charees ot l\l8pklon ot attempted tlon down the back bay road blood. The fellows did a lood job armed robbery and aaaault with towud Cout Hwy. or it. Dr. Bill landed five, Frank a deadly weapon tollowtnr an Newport poUce called to the four and Horace two. Horace lost Upper Bay altereatlon. ecene found the VIctim lollna two other hook-upa (and don't ottlcen ctbareed that Coop blood and applied first ald. The say "Farmer"). pulled a knife on Walter E. vlct:Jm explained that he aaw the They 1ot back at 8:30 p.m. Sun. Kinzer, 22. of Orange. ln a fOb. auspect the day before while flah. day. happUy e'lthausted. They bery atwmpt whUe the latter wu lne on the Newport Pier a.nd didn't weJth any ln. The fJah av. flablnl ln the Upper Bay near the aealn that day In a Newport cot era1ed 1.2.15 pounct. and they aalt worb at 10:30 p.m. I'J'Iday. tee shop and told h1m « plana had heud that 10meone had al-"Oive me your money," the to fi1h fn the upper bay that eve- ready welehed In one of better atupeet Ia reported to have aa.Jd, nlnr. tbaD l9 pounds. pulllnl • knJte. 'nle vSctlnutat.d At 1:!10 a.m. Saturd~ otrlcen e n&DJCI'IOII tha& ht oolt bad • cub and the on routine ~trol MW Coop CfOI. Tbt above Ia what JOU mu.t l"eet wu tn htl eu. atnr tht upper bay btidee on e-xpect lf you're albaCore happy "Gift me wtuat you haft and foot. He wee a.t about tilt r..c. at the moment. '1'1wy'rt there, but I'U alto ,.t what .. In the car," and tllere wu blood on hie cloth, not heore. However, aiNcoN can the eu.,.et wu quoted ., 1&7· lnl anct ban• ,oUee .. td. If• move cwemJttJt. ftOID tbJa CIOif· tnr. Klftllil'a wttt wu llttlnr tn dtftW t hil .u.pd ... ult and ner, It aooa De a ..... ....., their cat ~ at tM ume. bON up. d .............. the than latt ,...,. J ~ tbat WMri tiM ...,.~ tarDed, tbe Yktlllt.. POllee qWIId wtll~ be earl)' rw. meua a ~oqw.~ ~ r:~ bll atilt lwid M4 DOt atw ,... eo...,. pola. U you rKcJ R..__.lkJIW&ri•t &ncJ ft ... i'tu te....,. Mn ... a._ c.w Mlela luid "''IOW't Jllbtqr.·IMt ... J"'ll the -· •• tM ¥tltl• ............... tAe • .,... -,... .... .. what I mean. In NOIIIt ~ a OMJIIall MIll llllt ~ ................ tile ....._ ..... 01 Mt IS ... U.. .... ...a1J7 pod.... A.ftlr ... ' I tile •111et. caat.a« ...... ....... ..._. eon,Wtlll........uled·1 1 tM..._illlliWtM._.._ ,._M::'Pelaa' iafttU ..... CIW' .............. tile .................. ftj At ......... .., .... . you who Is runnlne the show. • OfU MEZTUfQI Your next move Ia to put a llmlt Arnone other tblnp 1 have on the amount of your tax money stumbled on. I found the follow- they can spend for any advertls-lng, which wu enacted In 1953 lne. I am ready. Shall we dance! by the State of Calilornla leglaJa. e PIKBAU.S ture. rt so clearly and In a Jan. Mr. Bennett tipped his hand. euaee that I can understand but didn't quite turn It face up, states the limitations of the leg. when he came to the deferue of lslatlve bodies and tbel.r relation the plnballa. Se:t he, "They are to the people that I quote lt here: legal under the Callfomla law, as "Declaration of pubJJc policy. a game-d! skill." Doea he expect In enactlne this chapter, the Leg- us to believe that he doesn't lslature fln<Ls and declues tllat know that they P•Y ott In cash! the publJc commlutons, boar<Ls And that for that rea10n are a and councils and the other pub- temptation to the normal Instinct lie agencies In thla State alat to for eambllng! aid In the conduct of the people's Doea he think tor a minute that business. It Ia the Intent o( the a teenager would use his lunch Jaw that their actlona be taken or allowance money to play the openly a nd that their dellbera- plnballa. or to take the chance of Uons be conducted openly. being cau1bt for petty theft to 'The people ot thJs State do get the money to play them. or t 1 Jd th tr 1 th that an adult would Jose his un. no Y e e IOvere l"ty to e aeencJes which aerve them.. The employment check, it It were not people, In Mleratlng au\botlty, f« the eh.aDile ol wlnnlq. 4o not ... , .... _._ bl' Whv, I Uk ...... u. did Coundl· •·" .......... pu ~c .-vante ~ ,_ the rtpt to cleekle What a. pod man Bennett fiy to their defense! tor the people to know and what • ~GATIOW ls not good for them to know. The And why did the four.man rna. people wlat on remaln.lne ln- jorlty oppose the motion tor ln· formed so that they may retain vestleaUon, by subpena and un-control over the Instruments they der oath, of charees of lneaular-have created." ltles In aome city departments! Where there's smoke there must One of the surprises In my be fire. u there should be lneru -early meetlnp as a councUman larltJes they abould be rooted out. was the exprealon, "'We know and 11 there Ia none, the de9&rt· what's best for the people; they menta should welcome the oppck don't." How do you like that for tunlty to prove themeelves above an attitude? reproach. By ANDREW W. SMITH. July 3nl AU. IIY For 4th of July & Summer e STACK CHAIRS 8.99 e lJMBRELLA RECOVERS, 11.95 cmd up ' e TERRY CLOTH COVERS, All Colora 3.89 up e CHAISE LOUNGES with Pad 19.95 up e CLUB CHAIRS with Pad 14.95 e CONTOUR CHAIRS 18.95 e FOLDING CHAIRS (YACHT) 5.95 ~ ~· PLASTIC & DUCK 23.95 up e BAHET CHAIRS 8.95 e REDWOOD OUTDOOB FURNITURE e DOYEif CHAlliS 12.95 e PADS, AU. KimlS. PLAS1'IC AND DU<X ALL COLOM e JD.UT£ GARDEN IER08ENE J.Aros. V~ Mice Jew GaideD Paallw 3.At e ALL rnt:8 RECOVDI FOB oumooa iViiHft'DIE • 1A111ECUE EQUJIIMIIIr & CIWICOAL * tUt ID CUt,._, .. a¢ I ..... rr'f .. 'Pr ........ llall~tltlll .... ... ......... ,...,Qa ............................................ ; ..... ,. Uc1 poaiW ,.,. .... -...a. ........... ~ ., ~ ... • ........... -· IL:~~=!JII~~c:::::;:.!:==e=U • • NEWPORT IN SOUTHLAND BLDG. JAMES D. RA.Y ...... O.lractor 1446 E. COAST HWY ~ COlONA DEl MAlt HAlt-476,3 lt..W.~~a: HAt'-..... A Classified Ad in The Ensign brinqs immediate results! Colt Harbor 1114-1115 and it! BArbor ••• 1101 Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS •....-t m9d.. o.w ..... Ubenr t-1•1 ..... ~ -Dl'alabeclr6l A.lphalt TUe -Rubber Tlle Formica -Linoleum Tile DIILT-LDf~ ISS B. 1M lt. LD..-r'f 1-4151 CoetG .... 22 Yeara 1n Oranp County Summer palnUnC c1&aea will dent. The nominal tuJtion chup acaln be or:rerec1 to .Ba1'tl« Area t. \IMd to ~ t» tMtNc:ton. ch11dlen throuab a project of the ==========:::::; Zonta Club, wbkh baa already arranged three instructors and four locations for local children. ......... .-TliAipl ....... at BAPPT DAY IC.OOL fOI' Uttle Polk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del M;u Harbor 4369 Under new management Mrs. Jean Vaughn, dlrector Jay Thompson. who taught last year's summer classes for the Zonta summer lessons, will meet with the youhg children from al.x to 12 on Mondays and Wednes. days at the Youth and Com· munJty Center 1n Corona del Mar ._ •• M..n£1J·••••• and on Tuesdays and Thursdays Clll r~ at the Tar Pit ln Newport. Mrs. _._. _ -U I 1V110 Thompson hu studied at Wood· ta. ...... Clalaa of bury College and at Orange Mldlld.oac~.,~~~ cs.bta __ ,..-.. Coast College with Thelma Pad-~CIIL ""'fo ~ Pock Hope. · ..._ .. We od9claace aU coeta. Classes In Costa Mesa at the Costa Mesa Park bulldlng wUI be taught by Leo Bushman, a graduate of Chicago Art lnstl. tute. who has been painting In· structor at Orange Coast College. A class In oil painting for teen agers will be held by Thelma Paddock Hope at her home studio In Corona del Mar. Mrs. Hope, too. r('Celved art ed ucatlon at the Art Institute of Chicago and formerly taught children there at their Saturday School. She is also a teacher at Orange Coast College evening classes. CBEDIT BUREAU of w..-. Oacmge Coa:Dtr (formerly of Newport Beach. Laguna Beach 6 Costa Mesa) 2M lll..aide A .... PO IGIX - Llbelty .. 7141 lfnrpol't a.ocb Further Information about the art classes may be received from any of the teachers, Mrs. Thomp. son at Harbor 2221-R. Mr. Bush- man at Liberty S. 7452 or Mrs. Hope at Harbor 2899-W. Zonta Club Is solely lnter6ted In mak· lng the classes avallable to cbll dren of the community, accord-For letterite.cb. ~ c.d lng to Dr. Helen Robertson. presl-THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 PERHAPS THE YELlOW PAGES CAN iELLME WAAT TO DO FOR OPTOMETRISTS & OPTJQANS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE ''clASSIAED• PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK • Cowie Given Award of Merit By DAR for Care of Flag See Willie lilc C•test II••• Fumiahed By Ua NOW ON Harbor 3009 Where do 14 million Americans go to s~' ~ .., Americans save in Jots of places. But a definite and very important trend is now taking place: Every day. more and more people are o~ savings accounts in insured Savings and Loan Associations. In fact , Americans are now putting more of their savings account dollars in these Associations titan anywltert tlse! There are several w:cy simple reasons why this is so: ONE-Your savings earn u«.llmt rttums. You make moaey becaute the Associations invest most oft.bcir f\aods in sound, steady- paying home mortpp. lWO-You enjoy COIJflktt $/Qft'ty. Your savinp are protl:ded by aood management and aubllutal raa ..a. They are insured up to SIQ.(XX) by the Federal Savings and Loan I niW"aDDD Cocporatiou-an agency of the . S. Government. THREE-These Assocsations are hK:al or- ganizations. managed hy re"pono;ihle. e\- perienccd people of your own rommunsty. They give Jrit'nd~r. prompt and com r mc lll Sf!nice. And here's another way in)urcd Savm··<~ and Loan AsM>Ciatson can be a ~sg h~.1p to you: When you're ttunking of hu)mp a home. remember tbal they male lsheral mo rtgage loans. What's more, the) ~ tn it that you get your money qu1ckly and at moderate rates. It's a good idea to get to know your nearby ins"red Savings and Loan Association. You·n find it's an important place-and a mighty good pt a-~ to d o busineu. U.. ourcoautrltlt C.....4W W.OfAc:. IEitOII llliOI 1111111 aad I.OAif AIIOCIATIOif, iMiiil~ P. A. Palmer, PreRdent .,. MD7 FAll C... ._•at lliaW a.·-..... -'-......-.~~ flANCU tuNDY, ~114 t w.a. OfRee et 1M6 VIe &.We NIWPOaT IIAOi. CA.t..J1101NA Mew Gouple To Live He.re NNl,.. Mr. aad Mn. ao. land ... cb pla1l to .u. ... bome In abe .., ..... .,.. .,.. luJy f .,._ ~ ~ froiD their honeymoon trfp, 1"b«)-..,.. m~ J"rt~. lune 11th at the White Chapel In Lu Ve,u. ~e bride 1a the fonner Kath· lee!\ Hottman. dau1bteor o1 Mr. and Mra. Robert A. Hoffman ot :.11 Channel Pl., NewpoJ't. and Stuc:Uo City. The rroom'a parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Beach ot 462 E. Costa Meaa St., Costa Mesa. u-..-.......... --BAPPT DAY S CBOOL wUttJerolk 440 Hellotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mra. lean Vau&hn. director ""DO Eller TIIIIITM PICIET 11110 (RO TIJUS) World'• a.allelt ..U0 WEI CD on Y 11 oz. SIM OGly r a s• a 1¥.-· A New Con~pt ln Personal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry. lng Case Optional, Extra. llliS-IRIR CO. Llua? 1115 B~ aJYd.. eo.ta Mesa Phyllis Albers Plans for a late August wed ding were announced thls week by Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Al. hers. the parents of newly en gaged Phyllis Albers. who wJJI marry Noel Barlow late this sum. mer. To Wed Noel The prospective JroOm Ll the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Barlow of 232 Agate Ave .. Balboa Jslan•. The bride to.be lives with her parents at 176 Monte Vista, Costa Mesa. Both young people are gTaduate. or Newport Harbor Hlgh School and attended Or ange Coast Colleee. .. u.. ot out.al·tawll ....... tor ». la.,b •. of u. .... 1 .. --~ ~-,.a ....... Dr .. ..., llbcRI. o1 Mew YOlk aa,:•:.., am. and tM ~ddau1bt. ot the Han7 CoiJint, ,__., it aodles- la._. Dr. and Mn. Charlea H. t.r, IODn., _.,. ~ ol La Jolla. Kayo. Dr. Kayo waa co-founder Mr. and )be. lam. Jteev-. Mr. or the Mayo CUnJc. and lin.. wlceaw Waane.r and Rev. Ralph Pease united the lin. Boward Giere, all ot Pua. r-~·-··-ln a double rlnl aervtce dena. in the church decorated with ------------ white ....... delabra and nowen. FlllST CHURCH OF CHlJST ..-.. 5aiHT1ST Mr. Rood ac:orted hls dauehter IJOI VIe LU .. ....,_. ...... to the altar. Sbe wore a wblte A br•lleh of th. Mott..f Olurdl, n. lace &own ln prlncea 8tyle and a Fim Churdl ef Oriet, k l•nti.lt, In b Juliette cap which held her fln. ton, Me~Md-UM+tt. ~ tip vet.L Her bouquet wu ~~•Y School 9:15a.M. fubloned of wbfte nowera placed Sulldey S.tvice II :00 •··"'- ) d I t h ._ .. 1 Wed -.dey Ewlti119 MNt1119 1:00 p.lll. on a ace an vory an, w ""'' • lteecli119 ltOOtn located et Jl 15 VIe a ~ntwy old heirloom In the Udo. ,.._wpoft ... ct.. Ia open -• Hatch family. d•YI '-10:00 e.111. to 5:00 p.111 .. TWin altter ol the bride, Mlu W.ctMtd•YI fro~~~ 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 Prudence Elwtneer, served aa P""· fridey -i.-cp from 7:00 p.m. to maid ol honor. Sbe wore a chltton 9:00 p.m. Sunday •ft•moons 2 to S p.m. KQWD in the watermelon lhade. CloMd H~id•YL Flower (lrl, Linda Dell, scattered TM public Ia cordially invited to at· rose petals down the aJaJe. Jerry t•nd the church Mtvle.• end UN the * * e DRY CLEANIN& e KNIT lt.OCKJNG e LAUNDRY SERVICE * e DYEING e HAND PRESSING e AlTERATIONS, REPAIRING * ()pea I..._ • ,,. ..-.. .......,.a.ta• ..-. ~a~ a. eo-tll'wf.--._...,c... ... Mar --------------------. -. Stolp ot Loa Angeles served as .iitMd••'I\O••t•--·--------best man and ushers wer~ Robert Cramer and Stanley Betts. ' ' I!. t J.. ~, Jl6 .. E~~~lfi~:~:~~~ light their life with .1-aitJ1• • tall white candles In sHyer can. ST. AJmaEWS l'DIIT AUDOLY OJ' GOD rDII"f UPniT CIIU'aCB del a bra, bride's white ~estal ..aaYTBmAR Cll11aCB llacllt. & mc11a A...._ eon. u.a ._ .. AM Aft. et K .. ••lla VE III1IL A cake, silver trays of hors d'oeuvres 15th st. It St. A.ndrt!wa Rd.. LIIMitr I.JNJ CINt8 .._ SA n... CBJUST CBVIlCB n TBE SEA and champagne gluses decorat. ~ .._ ..... ICbool .... d II. c. cn.Jc. ...... ... ••• Q. ·--- "Foundations of Freedom'' wlll ed the home and the patio for the Ubelty 1-lm Sunday School: t :30 a.m. Wor· Sunday Servtoee: f111111r'1 Policy be Rev. Roy Carlson's sermon r~ptlon. Assisting with the re ,__, .... J_... a. s....m ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evaneellat 8:45 a.m. Sunday School; U theme at Christ Church By the ception were Miss Kathryn Fltz. SUNDAY: Mornln& worahlp, 9:30 aervtce, 7:30p.m. Youne People :l.m. Wonblp serv1cesb &:30 Sea. Newport, on Sunday. In con Geuld, Mrs. C. W. Hubert, Miss and 11 Lm.,· Church Sch0<11, and CbUd:ren'a Servt~. 6:30 p.m.. Baptld Tralnln& e~n: 7:30 p..m.. ~ .-a-nee. B R U C E M A RT I N nectlon with the observance of 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High, Sr. p.m. Sun. Mld.weoek Service: Wedne.day: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Indei)C'!ndence Day, the aerrnon $180 ........ f a ..llalaa. High and colleee aee FellOW· Wednesday, 7:30 p .m. Ladies' PralM a.nd ... Stu~y. Mon· will present some or the splrJtual Will I AI~ ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, Mlalonary Council, Thu~a~ day: 7:30 ~ Men'a CbOIUS AUTO-TRUCI-FIRE-UFE !acton that strengthen our free. Tlk• Fr• J.lal.al study ~up, 9:30 a.m. 9:30a.m. for all day. p rae t 1 e a; 8:30 p.m. Men'a LOCAL AGENT doms as Americans. The Church 1..,.. Prl.)'er Meettna. Commissions and Official Board OOJOIUJQ'!'T IO'TIIODJST U:VDJB DAY ADVDUSl CBOIICII OF on LADY 1793 NEWPORT AVE .. OOSTA MESA will meet Wednesday evening, Everytbln& of value, Including aD W. lttll St.. e-ta Keea -~ at ..... lt.. or -,..--- OFFICE: Liberty 8-MM RES. Liberty 8·5063 July 6. following the fellowship articles totalln& lUll. waa stolen ~ 14552 11·--..:.;;; Blltbta 1 .. 1 w • ..a:;. m...,.n '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!! dlnner which begins at 6:15p.m. from an unoccupied triplex at a... Joeepla W. KcSbaDe l.lb.-ty .. 1111 U¢ ••• 1900 Hav~n Pl., CUff Haven, Nor. Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· Ew. D. L lpaald'"9 F.U.. 1~1'-f, ,_.. A FOR YOU You receive an attractive, guaranteed Travel Alarm Clock free when you open your new savings account of $1,000 or more. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either man's or lady's) • is yours free when you open your new savings account of $500 or more. JIC'r FODAYI Off., it linm.d one to each ..-w occount. Expi'" July 31, 1955 1. Eod! occouftf II lnsu~ to $10,000 by the Federal ScrYin9s oncl Loon lmv~ ~. 2. Now, yov ~ .,....._ cMdla .. ...,_ o ,.or on .,_ Fvl1 ,eNd ~ ScM9 Acaultt •.. Mordt l 1, ~ lO, S.,tMtbet lO, CMCf, Itt ...... for ..... ChriatMoa. o.a •• ., 20. J. Yovr occount eonw lH .....,_,, cwrMt J'Mffy ,..., 1\at'a aaii!Wflaa 250" ._. lfiOfl M4111Y ~ ....... kAwle:• 4. Yov ,_., ...,. by ...., ••• we ,.., ,...... beftl woyt. J , lmereat Oft yot~r , .............. OCCIMMf It CIOIIIpDIM ... -' GMuoliy, Mltl•..na.l) ~ .. ~ IIUOVM, .. ~.__...., .......................... . c-. MMI•.,., '-"'1 ..,..J. ................ o,...o~a.rw, ,, .. ... ........ .._ ,.., ... . rna Porter of 114 VIa Palermo, day School; 9:30 and 11:00 Saturday Mornln& Servtces: Sab· .,...._ ...... .... 1 11 .. Lido tale. complained to Newport a .m . Momln& Wonh.lp--7 p.m. bath SehooJ: 9:30 a.m. _ Ser· - poUce Last Thursday. CoU~ AJe MYF Service-7 mon: ll:OO a.m. ~er meet· Sunday M ..... : 8:00 and 10:00 The stolen articles Included 20 p.m. Hl&h Sc:hool ~taService: In&: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.. and 11:30 a.m. Confession: lat· sheets, 30 plUow cases, 25 bath 8 p.m., young • u eroup urdaya and eva of 1.t Frldayl towels. four table cloths. 10 doll. service. C111J11C11 of u.e •AZ.Aun and Holy Days from 4:00 to les, cocktail shaker and tray, a •• A......_ St.. c.t11 .._. 5:80 p.m. and &om 7:30 to 1:30 _ ... dl 1 _.,. ~ca or ----.. •-at-_,._. ~m. Dally..._ 8:00a.m. aat silver tray and a Wo:"U n& P c •-_.,. ~· .--1 ....... .. .. "" • lday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. ture. 1050 Oau.rcll St.. Coma Meea ua.tf .. 7111 oven a (Perpetual Help>: CBJUSTJAJf SCIEJfCE CIIVBCB The oneness and allness of God Is the baaJc theme of the Sunday Lesson.Sermon at the Newport Beach Church ot Chrlst.. Sclnetl.lt, Sunday. 'nle aubjeet of the Mr· mon ll God." Tbe Golden Tat la from Paalms <'n:t:n. '"Thy way, 0 God, la In the unctuary: who Is eo ereat a God as oar God!" DIRECTORY JllJSIC Margaret L Schade Teacher ot Piano Organlat · Accompanist Evening Classes tor Adults 3IYT GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar J"U1fEJlAL J)IJIEC'J'OJlS Friendly Neighborhood Service Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Cha~ 110 Broadway LI 8·3433 It 8·3434 Costa Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. eo..t RJehway Corona del liar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8·2'121 17h It Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS INSURANCE "Be Sure--Insure" WJTB STANLEY INSUBANCI'! AGEifCT Uberty I-2M7 Sunday Services: Sund&)' School, Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. FSabermen'a J). a. Bu.nt: Mms.tet 9:30 a.m. MomJna Wofthlp at Maas, July and Aueust, Sunday Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible 10:30 a.m. Evane,unte Serv· 4 a.m. study; 11 a.m. mornln~ wor· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P..S., ship; 7:30p.m. evenln& servJce. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettne. ~ C01IJIVJfJTI' Midweek service, 7 :30 p.m. 7:30p.m. Wednesday. ~ Wednesday. Dell a en ... ,... caow:a oY c::&miT 1'11111' c:acJ8C2 or OIIIDr 111 w ...... .....,. ......_ Odd F...,_ ~. ICD:Iniii r ' I& I-. ••• w ..... ,_ ftl ~ ........ .._. Sd'n~ lebool. 10:» a.m. lfom. 1 .. •.wpon Aft.. -SC. lnl' wOI'Ihlp, U:OO a.m. Coeta ..... lJl)erty 1-5711 Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· IT. JAIID amc:o•AL Tom 8alriK. Jr.,. MlJltater day S e r v I c e : 11:00 un. DOl VIa tiM. Jllewped .._. Wed.needay EvenlnJ )(~: ~ ltll Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible 8:00. ReadJn& Room. ~ VTa a... Jolla~....._ ltectw study; 10:55 a .111. worship serv. Lido, Newport Bftch. open 10 Sunday RI'Y1cea: 8:30 a.m. Holy Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenJn& service. a.m.·5 p.m. week daya, 10 a.m.· Communion. S:30 a.m. Sunday 7:45 p.m. Wedne.daya, 7·9 p.m. CBJUST cavaar rr TBE sEA Coauaaattr lletbocl»t 8aJboa 11194. at lttla lt.. Rewport aAdMw UZI Paator: .... .., A. c:ars.. Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mld. week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST.JOA~ ~CB liM Oni:Dgle Aft.. c.tcr Ke.cr Uberty 1·1·1 rcd!Mor 'l'boaula J, Reftla Su.aday Manu at 7. I. I. 10 ad U:30 a.m. Weekdays: M._ at 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· da" from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30p.m . FIIIST SAPl'IST CKUaCB or •zwton SOJboa al..S.. ltaa & Cout Ita.. ~ uss llewpoct Llbefty t..J07J ..... , a.t.t Q. , ..... Sunday aervtcea: 9:e a.m., Sun· day School: U:OO a.m., Wor· ahfp Serv1ce; 7:30p.m. Sunday evenin& ~ e r vIce ; Kld·Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wedn~y Prayer lfeettne. Ptld&y evenJno. . .:hool; 9:30 a.m. m o r n 1 n & prayu and M'l'mon, 11 a.m. CIQ.IST LU'i"'IEUJf CIIVJlCII worship eervl~. Thursday Serv· or COSTA MESA Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; (MJ.unut I,_..) 10:30 Holy Communion. Alalde:. '= llaU. IT. JOD YWnfft .__, a...~ Toroow 114 M.tM A.._ lcdbee 1.-d Sunday Sel'V1cea: Worahlp Serv· ....._ •u Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at rcra.. I~ Ff!r· ...._ 10:15 a.m. r..._ ~ ••u SAIJIOA ISLAifD OOIOiOatn IDTIIODIST 115 A.-. A.._ ScdiMMI l.alaDd MlDr.t.ra a... Doeald lapp *-'*' tSI5 Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. Church School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Servtoe. Sunday Maael: 7:00a.m. It 9:00 a.m. Contealon: Saturda" and evea. ot l.t Ptlda" and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J'lrst Friday Maa 8 a.m. Summer Mass. JuJy and Aueust Sunday, 11 a.m. CIDiftAL aDI.K CIIVaCB 0..... Aft. at Did lt. COIIOJIA Da. MAJI Coee. 11-. L1be1ty l.uol OOJOIVJfi'TY caoa:a · A. a. ••••• ....._ C••pa;ztt•aJ Sunday School: 8:45 a.m. Mom· Ill ::L:t:.,A"' In& Servtct. U:OO; Evenln& s.rvtc:e. '1:30. Mld·week Serv· ._....1 -.. • .._..a-a lee, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. sundq WonhJp ~ce.e: 9:4!5 Youne people meet 8:1.5 p.m. a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Sunday ScllooJ: Sunday. 9:4.5 a.m. P'DtiT toO'I'IDD LVTiiT uaaoa AIIEJOLY OJ' GOD tSI W. -=~ e..t. K .. Q ... L ... tiMnl C.W. 9 _ ai. albae c.u._ -·· a&WIOft BADOa u..rty ..... ........ DL .diMI & .._ LU'I'ImliAJr CBOac:B a... c. a. ft-••4 Sunday 8Chool, 9:4.5 a.m:1 ctuarch JSOI ca..-Dl' ... ..,...... JWtlab HrVlce U:OO a.m. nalnln& l.u.rtr 1_.1 Sunday 8Chool 9:30a.m., momlnr UnJon 7 p.m. Sunday. Ewn.lna a.. . ..,_. a..J...s worahlp 11 a.m. Youna people ~ 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· Early aervlce, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; aervt~,._!:30 p.m..7 ~enln& .. omc.n meetln& 7 p.m. Church School. 9:30a.m.: war· evan.~ ... '" M'J'Vlce =~ p.m. w~. Pray• eervleeand lhtp lei'V1ce, 11:00 a.m.: Luther Mfd.week .,-vice 7 :30 p.m. Bible atudy 7:4.5 p.m. Wednes. League, 7:00p.m. Wednelday. day. nu. Dlreetc.y Ia ma~ poeelble hy tb-dftc-m~Dc~ed ))nel=t 7 ... D: WOODWORTH PIANO SHOP &ENHAL SH&T METAL WOAKS Excluatve Alent taw Balcwtn l'laDae 2610 E. eo.t Hwy. H•. 1312 Cetone del M• Qi.STik Mo Tacb ... Jfo Tape ••• Ro Pule 222t E. eo... Hwy. c..... ...... • Mrs. Florence Temple .. Wed To Alfred Amillo Jr. of COM Mn. J'lorence Tftllple ot • 21f Cr7wW Ave., Balboa Island, chOM to be a June bride and 80 'ftlund.-.y, June t, wu the date of tbe marrlqe eeremony whldl made her Mn. Alfred AmJUo Jr. The couple were married at the Balboa laland Community Church wtth Rev. Donald Sapp perform- Inc the weddlnc rites. nae rroom Ia the 80n of Mn. Terfta Ammo of Balboa, and reelded at 2:500 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar. At preeent they are resldfnc on BalOO.. Island. The new Mra. Am1llo Ia MCretarf at the Balboa Realty Co. Her huaband Ia .. tat. ant manacer of the First Western Bank of Garden Grove. Mrs. Max Pope Heads W aniki Mrs. Max Pope was lnataUed u presnsent of the Wanlkl Club of Newpott Harbor last Thursday at a luncheon meetlnc llel,d at How- ard's Restaurant,. Newport. Other new otftcen are Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Koepsel of ~ta Mesa, vtce.presldelft: Mn. Jack Nelaon of Balboa laland, aecre. tary; Mrs. James Van Dyke of Co- rona BJ&)\lands, treuurer. For the ceremony the bride wore a wreen and white dress of cocktaU length with ahort jacket. She wore a white orchid, Her ma. tron of honor wu her daughter, Mra. Mary Joy Rubaloff of Tar- zana. She wore a fiowered print dreg with a cardenla corsage. Eueene Clifford of Carmel wu ~t man. After the ceremony a recepUon for a small rroup of family and friends wu held at the brlde'a home. Autstlnc her with the creetJnc ,cueata wu her Mrs. Georce Stricker of Balboa. · dauchter and her 10n, Robet C. the outcotnc prealdent. conducted Temple Jr. the lnstallatlon ceremonies. Alter The newlyweda plan a trip te> lunch abe lnvtted the club mem- Mexlco City In the near future. ben to her home for card.t. • BOYS GIRLS Leam the COtNCt way--fM Arthur Murr.., Way-of dancing. IOYS-leem the correct lead, footwonr, COOI"<fination, belenc.e and timing. You wl be tops on the teM'I tim f ... GIRLS-t. .. m poise, 9fec:e and confidenee. "lso leam how to folow danc.ers witft weak &..d. Aho a t.frifte foundation for modeling. II' Enrohent has anacfy started. Seftd in the Coupon below: SPECIAL: 8-week coune 16 LESSONS for $14.00 Mary Louise Starr Is Wed To Ray Smith of Wyoming IJow)Jbl)() ... -.ate to Ster-MJa Sue P'lcker, vocal aololst. llnr. Colo., wllere the JI"'OM wtll WeddJnc ~ake and punch were ... ume a poa.ltlon u ceoJoctat ..-vel at a reception held In the with a.n oU com~. are newly. patlo of the Balboa Yacht Club. weda Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond Mrs. Starr received euests In a lmlt!l. who were married at Out navy a.nd powder blue print dress Lady of Mt. Cannel Church at 2 wtth matching aooeuorles. She p.m. Wednesday, June 15. wore a conace of pink carnatlona The bride Ia the former M1aa and CArol Amllng roses. The Mary Loulle Starr, dauchter of croom'a mother wore a navy Mrs. Carollne Starr of 315 Mar-crepe dress with white accessories guerlte Ave., Corona del Mar, and and a similar corsage. Both the J. H. Starr of JuUan. The rroom newlyweds attended the Unlver Is the 10n of Mrs. E. R. SmJth of alty of Wyoming. Gillette, Wyo.. and the late Mr. Smith. 0 • ~~ Cl b The former Miss Starr wore a pt1 MrS U lace ballerina-length dress In tra. • dlt:lonal white wtth fitted jacket p• k Off• tor her weddJng. She wore a Oow I c s Ice rs ered coronet which held a sboul der-length veU, and carried a white orchid corsage on a prayer book. Her brother. Jack Starr, gave her In marriage and Mrs. Jack Starr of Costa Mesa served as matron of honor. Mrs. Stan wore a net ballerina dreu ln dusty roae shade with a match- Ing headband and a shower bou· quet of glameUaa. Lawrence J. (Bing) Starr was best man and Nelaon Vlael ol BaJ. boa served as usher. Special wed- ding selections were offered by The Balboa Tutoring School wiJl again be conductlng cla.aes this summer, beginning next Tuesday and contlnulne to Aug. 12. at the Ebell Clubhouse, 515 W. Balboa Blvd. Mrs. George Burkhardt of Costa M~sa was Installed as president ol the Optl Mrs. at a luncheon meetlne held Thursday at the Harbor House Others who as- sumed offi ce with her are Mrs. Walter Buchterklrchen, flrst vice- president: Mrs Russ Ford. aecond vtce president: Mrs. Frank Glock- ner, re-rordlng secretary; Mrs. PhU French, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Ted Russell. treuurer. Mrs. Burkhardt n a m e d the heads or commlt1e-es for the com- Ing year at the meetJnc. They are: Mrs. Ford as ways and means: Mrs. A. K. Phelps. pub- licity : Mrs. Ted Russell. well are; Mrs. Frank Hubbard. social chair- man, and Mrs. Harold Hetrick. projects. Elsie .......... ,. YARN SHOP 'Z'1C1 E. eoc.t IIJ.IIawoay ConGo del ... JIA 0151 MY NAME ADORiSS PHONE . ... .............. ... .. ................... MY AGE Best time for me ........... -........................................... .. Miss Virginia Jones of COM Is Wed to Harry Allan Parker Penonal tutoring wUl be ctven In high school. junior high and ele~ntatY subjecta, with apedal at1entJon to remedial readine. remedlal spelling, biology. eeom- etry, algebra. arlthmetlc. Span- Ish, history, typing and English. The school Is conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Patterson of Costa Mesa. Knitting, Crocbett.nc and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Special~ Acceaories and Instructions BOUU Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 .m. I Went the Advanced Coune 0 I Wet~t tfte Beginn•~' Coune 0 Send to Arthur Murray Studio SSJ3 E. Coat Blgbway. eon.a 4elllor Call Harbor 1925 for Information l p1dal Jlrtcle 18 hMIM t. 11 ... -................. you ....-t .... ....ua. "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport by Colulie JUtcMU Interior Destcner Here ore a few idees about using screens effectively to hide struttural defects, divide rooms, or to estoblis~ a decorative spot in a room. The new black and white Shoji screens that have just arrived a re lovely. They hove bled loquered frames with white rice paper background. then a latticework of thin block loquered strips or wood on both sides over the white paper. The lattice- work can be removed if desired. In o Iorge square room. one of these screens was used to make an entrance way. so one did not walk right into this large room. It was placed about four fe~t away from the door, fo_rm ing an entry ~pace. Th~n a small cheer was placed in front of 1f on the room s1de, createng o lovely ef· feet as shown above. Another type of natural bamboo screen was used to hi~~ o nasty looking water heater that was an eyesore between o deneng oreo and kitchen. A la~ rubber p!ant In a wh~te archi!edural P_Ottery pot on iron le<Js was placed 1n front of 1t, creating a delegh~ul effect. An outdoor slat screen was used to make e private sun bathing area on a terrece, adding o decorative note as well as being functional. · Hiust ... Gar~Et Fum~~Wftt for ........ , ........ , ...... yachts. 1017 W..t ee.t .... _, ........ ..... z.a.tr I-SIII Pink and white fiowers de-ror- ated St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for the late afternoon wedding of Miss Virginia May Jones and Harry Allan Parker on Saturday. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Jones of 734 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar. and lately of Colorado. The croom ta the 800 of Mrs. Joeeph J. Parker of ~a.n.tfd Clt;y, Kan., and the late Mr. Parker. A sweeping cathedral train ac cented the bride's gown of Chan- tilly lace, bridal satin and nylon tulle. The fitted lace bodice ex- tended to a lone tono peplum effect over a very full skirt of the tulle. A hall bonnet of pleated nylon tulle trimmed wttn pearls held a long veil of silk Illusion which extended to the end of the train. She carried a shower bou- quet of phalaenopsls. lily of the valley and stephanotis. Mr. Jones escortl'd hls daughter to the altar. where Rt"V. James Stewart per. formed the wf.'ddlng rites. Mrs. Lawrence B. Scott Jr .. the former Barbara Jones, served as her sister's matron of honor In a sheJl pink taffeta gown wtth long J. mertwn-Diu Funeral services for J. Elbert Wilson, 94, of 129 24th St .. New. port Beach, were held Tuesday In the Sm ith and Tuthill Chapel In Santa Ana. Mr. Wl110n died Monday In Or- ante County General Hospital. He was a native of VIrginia and had Jived In Oranee County since 1945. He Is survived by his wtfe. Mrs. Grace J. Wilson of the home address, and a 80n, Wesley J. Wilson of Manito, Colo. .._, •••an 1111 Henry Edward Byrum, 77, dJed J-n hla residence at2303 SantA Ana Ave., eo.ta Mesa. last Friday. He wu bom In Frlstad, Mo., and had lived In eo.ta Mesa tor four montha. He wu a retired apart- ment houae manager. Mr. Bynun Ls survived by his wlfe, Mrs. J'lorence Byrum of the home adctn.. and one brother, B. 0 . Byrum ol Loq VI.-, Waab. Funeral 8ei'Vtce. for M.r. Byrum were held at 5:30 p.m. Sun~ In the Baltz Mortuary CoiU Mesa Chapel. lnter~Dent wu pdvate. L L CO-Uiii1"1 ~ ~bs..-.,...,ol mlna.try to the 8albOe laland Commun~ M.u.odlllt auarch, ..... DoftalcJ 0. S.pp wtU 0 ...... tM ~t ot l:lol7 ()om, ........ tlaJII ....., at Mt.lll the t:JO .... lla.& lln'lea ....... .. .._ .... .._~..._.re • 'l"rtaaDfh... ,.. laCftmeat wW ... .,.. 51 ...... .... :l~~!!=~~~~~~~=~!!!l!!!ll!·---·1·--· ......... .,......_, torso and full ballerina length skJrt. She carried a bouquet of deep pink camellias. Similarly gowned were the bride's cousins. who aerved as her bridesmaids, Mrs. John F. Skin- ner. the former Nancy Thom e, of San Francisco, and Miss Patricia Thorne of Puadena. Best man was Richard Blair of Fullerton. Robert Coubrou.ch of Van Nuya, wnuam Alleft o1 .,....._ an4 the bride's brother-in-law, Law- ~nce Scott Jr. of Corona del Mar, all served u u bers. A reception In the church par lors followf.'d the ceremony. acony. II Beach & Boulevard SPOIITI AJm CASUAL WEAB Following a honeymoon at Lake Louise and Banff. Canada. the young couple plan to Jive In Pasadena. The bride Is a gradu ate of Newport Harbor High School and the University of Colo- rado In Boulder. The groom grad 1 uated from Stanford. where he I belonged to Sigma Kappa fra UD s. Coast aJYd. l..o!Juaa a.acb ternlty~·--------~----~-~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~============~~~~~~ * ........ " MOVING •• c •• Offer n.. * * * .. ... ...... ..... • l ....... Sllrl .. 3323 NEWPORT BLVD .. , NEWPORT BEACH (Ac:ro. From Ymcenta' Drug, Next to Standard Station) Group of Colton Dresses AI~ .,.,.. 20to50%oH Codr.tail Dr··-Sweaten BilE Dnnu * HATS at Y2 PRICE * • 1101111'1 Llll IIIIET wttlaiAI..I.D Pardon me while I push aside plat1era of fried chicken. bucketa of cold soda pop In crushf.'d lee, piles of steamlne corn on the ('Ob ... Cotta make room to say ... Gosh It's good to be an Amerl can! * * * lla1f o ,.a:r 90M by • • . tlme '-.._ 1DftDt.orr ••• Let's ... .•. eroc:.n... llecrta. Produce, ~ ••• J)EUCATZS- SEX • • • Oar J• MCD11D haa .... tJuoag1a all tlae ...... J. ... of lab doipcubiwat .... Ul.D9 Jutllba,.. ... I.Dtlaeaew ldtciMD . ....... o11 tlae cool£,. lDg'a ~ ript out la tile ..-. ••• yoa ~ aull tile ClaW a.cm. wbea yoa coaae 1D a.. treat .._ ••• G&eallllDt ...., •••• ......_ Oogw ........ COI'CI1 tiDd .-r . . . wttll tla1rty c:taJck. .................. J'Oitia. -s. . . . ..... tatdM tilled wttll ....ty prapored lood.a I• y..a to t.b ..._.by the cartoa f1a1l (cat tbe pnMDt wrttl.Dg. aetbl"9'a tilJoed Clllld DOtllia9'a 9aAA9 I'OaJid Cllld roa.acL but I ..... bopw tlll.Dp will be ......... wiMD you read tlala). * * * ........... SlaiPfl ... Wb.n you c:cm olw«ff fiDd what you•n Sooktag tor cmd 101 sur. pn... lor ltnlag room. ldtc:beD r ODd patio you'll eDjoy f1DdJD9 Clll4 d1da't ..... Dow alated ... s~. aD'd.a. c:cmdlw. gUt ..................... oad...,. ••• JUC)'bt aow tile awi.D9 la tDwal'da ............. SUD ~ batlaJ.Ia9 cap. We .,.... ........... nriiD toy.. balla. floats ... Wf IICidl boclb • • • .u.o \be aacdld.Dp fw o little ~ ClredDett ........s \be hoaae ••• Oar JIMM!II .. Slaoppe, l.a o .a-lor you to d18c~Dft• .ad lOt ... you Uacl&ap .. "'" tua ........ oa • • • eo.tw.e Jewelry. -~ tut wl.ectteM .,_ 1111 ..-. tbe .... sd ••• * * * Bakery We bake It all rt•ht here, behind th011e swtn.c· Inc doors . . . ~h dally ... Thirteen dltferrent varl~ee of bread at the lut countlnc ... Where devfl'a food cakea and lemon plea take ttle top aeat In tbe popularity poll ... Amnka'a l.avodt-. ""-up to their delkJ. oua UJ*.1,atlona h4ft . . . but ,.,.._ ..... PJr'amld eakea ott• pu1;y.u~w trtancl• on whldl to 1111t a .eoop ol Ice CI'MD'I • • • ltSda fllld ealt:-. with eltMr oran .. • eboeolate lclnr . . . Creole -· .... tn tile ..... dldee .•• Praline CU. _.._... fta~ ~~rewa....,. ........... .... del OOCI.._ Cllllla ...... A-a .. e..a ............. a.. t .................... ... . .............. . -~··· .. lllrlclht .................. 'Let Home H-......2 BJtS. 6 den, BW Ooon. fioor furnace A panel ray beat. fireplace, la. llvlnl room. bandy k.ltchen. tuU bath with ahowet over tub. nice enclOIIed patio. FumJahed apL on rear of lot la always rented. A 1araae for ~ach unit A laundry. Very cboJ~ property ror only $14,.250. THE-VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COASr HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 147'7 HARBOR 1741 "Half-Way to Heaven" "START LMNG" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern CaiLfornla's Most Beautilul Subdivision" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CO ROfALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND 'OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooklnl Newport Harbor. These homes feature California Jiving. Offered excJu. slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog Free area known as Irvine Terrac~n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information INVESTORS! HERE ARE TWO BALBOA OCEAN INCOME SLEEPERS YOU'VE BEEN HOPING FOR IL II.- Prfoe's A~t~ib££1111, 1• E. 0.• Fr•l Rt>al first cabin merchandise. $25.000 down Average $5.000 yearly nE't Income with owner living In o ne.thlrd oC the property. Yearly Income should easily rise to $6,500 If dE'slred. Unquestionably have the finest clientele In area. • • • IL 10. 5903 POIIT HOTEL APARTIEITS 1115 E. Balllu BIY •• This one has terrific lncom~ possibilities. $20,000 down. balance $300 per month at 5~. For years has grossed $18.000 to $20.000 per year. At present Is nE'ttlng $5,000 per yr. on selective summer rentals only. JOHI ¥0-EL AND lEI SMITH, RuHora EXCLUSTVE MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS 100 Main St .. Balboa (\til Harbor 37 or H 5, or your favorltf> Harbor realtor Full cooperation glvc.-n. MOVED TO A lEW LOCAnOI 0ur offi c-t' at 3034 E C'oast Hl1hway, Corona del Mar, has been movrd to a new location at ,, 3024 E. COAST HIIHWAY IN A NEW FISHER-BUlL T BUILDING Come In and see us :Multiple Llstlng Realtors-Members of the Chamber ot Commerce Cordon Walker, realtor WI E. Fisller, ~IIIW. Dick Hilliard, Georg~ Raban. Pat Pattison, Bob Gervais Harbor 2443 WE WILL BUILD • YOUR LOT A 1244 SQ. n. 3 IEDIMI •• Ill 2-cAI lilliE $1UJD Forced atr heat-Hardwood floon. Fully financed on a rood lot. 19 ,_,..on Savtn.p 6 Loan ·--·-2) Yean •udtq In Ota.np County Koctm Open: K.wpcrt and MJ~U. -ru.tln KlmWiy T.a. DIB....,. J..a5ll Eva UMrtyl-t073 How Would You Like A View of The Ocean wrm VDY SECLUDED ENTRY ••• Courtesy to Brokers See 3415 Ocean Boulevard, Corona del Mar OPEl IIIUIE 3 Bed.rs.-2 Baths-Lar1~ Famlly Room-2 Fireplaces Adjoins area's BEST BATHING BEACH HaneJ D. ,_ Jl.altoc • Price Retl101• Owner has lowered price for immediate sale ot this dis- tinctive Balboa Island 2 bed· room home. Attractive furnishings, beam CE'iling. real fireplace. din. ing room. delightful pa tio. SEE THIS TODAY OIIJ $18,950 Terms Available ISUND REALTY CO. COIOII DR IAR ......... -, •. trorn the llvln1 room of this 2-bedr. home at 222 Hazel Dr., AND a private pathway to the beach. 1 ~ baths plus outaJde shower, prlme loca . tlon, $25.500. EICElLEIIT IICOIE 4 turn. units ; 1 bedr. each. No vacancies In over a year. Rent Is $65 each. Gross yearly over $3.000. All In flrst class. $6,000 takes. Full price $22,500. Earl WI SlalleJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Ba lboa Island Call Harbor 17'75, eves. Harbor 5359 498 Park, Balboa Island HA 377 ------------ CORDIA DR IAR Attractive Ranch St yle du- plex for sale. Ocean side hwy., Finest ronstr. on 1 '11 Jots. 2 bedrs. ea., frplcs .. hwd. floors. Forced air heat, patios. J.apt. leased. Priced under repl. cost. OWNER. HARBOR 1684 R OPEN SAT. A SUN. 702 BEGONIA., COM FOR ULE: IIJ oner, Corona del Mar, 3 IMinn. 2 llath, modem hom~. tum. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro. posed parochial achool ... everything butJt.tn Including dishwasher, dlsposal, etc. En. closed patio and 2-car gara ge with work bench . . . call H a. 2SQ6.. M. I 06 FL F,..tace, CDI ... Charmln1 well.decorated house. has 3 bedrs. plus maids room, on secluded land.sc:aped corner with Eng. llsh 1arden. Only l ·block trom ocean, Corona del Mar. Hou.e aJtuated on 3~ lot& Owner will .ell house ancl complete comer for $42.~ or bOWie tpducUna 66 ft. tronta1e tor Wonderful features for comfortable living Include e Jec. trlc controlled garage doors, etc. LOUIS WI BR188S, Ruiter 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80 Bill's But BuJ A PEACEFUL HI VEl Uke "Down on the Farm'' yet less than five minutes to market. This spacious and rambling J.bedr .. 6~ yr. old home In restricted neigh borhood Is llebt and airy and all rooms are exceptionally large. It you'd like a nice qulet home near BACK BAY with a beautiful view, this Is It! Priced at $15,200, wlth reasonable down payment. W. A. TilliS. RuHor -yuu'll like our trl~ndly aervtce 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty IH139 OPEl HOUSE DAILY AT 3GD '"'' An., C.Ma ... lar Not only Is this a house with a wide ocean view but It Is archftecturaUy deallfted fo.r the most c:onvenJent In· door.outdoor llvfne. A..rtlatlcally land.acaped wttb an eye for easy maintenance. 2-bedn. plWI den, 2 batha, wood panelllnl. lovely tlr~place, etc:. Liberty 8-5231 Harbor 1329.W "II Y FIOIT SPECIILIITI" ART C. ICISTLER CO., REAL ESTATE D1 Kewport 'Blvd. IUL11PLE Newport Beach Harbor q clay or nJ1bt Df TIJE ''IUGGEII lniY" NEWPORT HAR eR BOARD OF REALlORS IMPR O VE YOUR LMNG CONDITIONS BY CONSUL- TING BAY AND BEACH REALTY ... A Beach CoHace 3 bedr. furnished, near II brary. $2,000 down, full price $10.500 • • • o,.. Dally 1-4 11.111. 1315 W. Bay Ave. 4.bedrs., 2 baths, $23,950 • • • 0,. Daifr Ullil SIN 245 Evenlnl Canyon Rd., Shore Cllfls $32.000 2 bedrs. 6 den. 2 flr~places, beautiful vtew, lar1e patio. ~ Jt! BAY IIIIIEACH IEiln 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, Call!. has been one of the most ac. tlve shops In the area, but due to h us band 's death widow must sell. Has been running 10 men. FULL PRICE, COMPLETE, $8,000 Harlllr 11111111111 C.., lultors Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport ~ach Phone Har. 1600 SCOOP! 4 Jr e s I d e n t I a 1 Jots listed today. R-4 Zoning. Dltt Cheap, $1850 each! Tenns as low as $500 down. Onlc• Clast , ... ,. .... 18:57 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa u 8-163.2 u 8-1400 Eves. IDYICD Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGlNO GEORGE BURJaiAROT lJcenMd Ca:ltrac:tol' 878 W. 18th Colla Meu Uberty 8-8828 Uberty 8.6632 COMPLETE PA.JNTlNG PAPER RANGING SERVICE RA W76 HA...., EUCEHI! 0 . SAUHDDS ~ :nat ~leach OOiiJiLiTi c aanca J'UE BSTDIATES 8AB GrMil 8t&lllPI J'Ne dJtl.l.-ry COBOJf£ DEL IUa JruUDY HA 1031 '2'7~ &. OoUIJIW7, lllpr la•lln 111111 1\ljllllll 4 ... 2-BEDRM., turn. apt., wtth P · SIIPPD-Prtvate boat. f ye.,. rap. Summer cw yearly rental experlenot. eou ... lf&d. Plume Inquire 435 H~liotrope, CDM. HA 1274-J. A 'n'IL\cr. 0C1!A.N ViEW l ·bedt. ~fXH.i:;;;;;;;;--:G~A"RD~NEB=~w;-an"""'"""c.-wor-......k apt.. partially turn. S75 mo. In• Harbor area, aJeo cleanup. yrly. r•ntal. 9C55 W. 16th St., Owns equtp. Ll S.'75'1't, alter CW., <twn ldt end ot r<l.) SuJt. 5 p.m. abl~ tor couple. Can be 8een O'y6,mtrifi;or,;G;--;-MAN:.i7'i:r-:~:a:-::r:-::-:~put.-.~tlme~ ne&. A ~da. worlt eveontnp and ~d&. SUMMER RENTAL: Corona del au ptc:k.up truck, 10 a!*> wm Mar, nJ~ 2 BJt. tum. bou.e, do delive-ry, help you D.lOVe, orT close to beach and abopa. Phone Harbor 1623.1 alter f:J.5 ~vall. month Auaust or lonaer. p.m. Twin beda each BR. tJJe bath, CHILD,;:=~-::CARE:..-:-::r:;::r-.da-ya..-....,2.--ye-a.ra--to patio, ,.,,, fenced. HA.JUK)R pre-.ecbool. 713~ IrS... CDII. Bar. 168f.R. bor 79-w. SUMMER RENTAL: Bachelors ffiY~SITJ'IH==~c=-. -c-.are-ot-ra'""'Jck...,...._Y'_o_ur suite, 3 room.a, fum., pvt. ent. home. Day, nllht. mature COM A shower, no cookJn,,. 2Z1 woman. Before tO a.m., after Larkspur, COM. FURN. APT~ 1ood lo catIon . 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. lfOUnd fioor. Summer or yearly PEIISOJIAL lease. No children, no pet&. 610 Mar,uerlte, COM. COM J.bedr. "' den, unf. home, gara1e. Lovely view, yrly. lease. Inquire Loulae Apta., Carnation at Seaview, CDM . LOUISE A.PTS., overJookln1 the bay. Modern furnlahed apta. Moderate weekly rates. Sum· mer reservationa; 308 Carna. tlon, CDM, near Seaview, HA 4016. FOB SJU.E CARPETING -45 yards cocoa brown cotton carpeting w/pad. ding, nearly nPW, $195, 222 Marguerite, CDM. AKCREGIS., Tiny type ch lhu ahua puppies. 8 weeks, l07l11 E. 32nd St., N 8. TV FOR SALE::-:--:P,_a_c..,..k-a-rd'=""=Be--:1:-:-1.-2,_1-.. , blonde table model, $150 cash Incl. aerial. HA 1398, 513 1., Orchid, COM. ELECTRONIC ORGAN-two man ual. almost like new. Save $80. Danz Schmidt, ~ No. Main, Santa Ana. 'fCUBIC IT. Frigidaire, good rond.; also Thayer high chair. HA 0872 RK. GRAND PIANOS. Many to choose from. Knabe, Mason A Hamlln, Stuyvesant, Cable. Extra spe. clal. Story A Clark grand, In good condition $395. Another special. ~autlful StuyvesanL fine shape $585. Al!IO 10rgeous Knabe $975. Save on many others. Danz.Schmldt Bll Piano Store. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. AJways 100 pianos. H AM M 0 N D ORGAN, Spln~t model. Slllhtiy used.. Good Sav. lng on this. Also Hammond Chord Or1an. Eaay to play. DaM-Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. SPINET PIANOS. Rental retur'M like new etc. You wUl always find wonderful savln1s In this depL Many ma.kes and models. Mirror Type Spinet Maho1any flnl.sh $287. Another In Maple tlnlsb $395. Danz.Schmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. · IIISCELLAJIEOUS POR IDS or her ~taduatlon ... the new modern Eterna.Matlc, the finest sell wlndJn1 watch on ball bearings. See It al Ray Fields new location, Vlata Sbopplnl Center, 19th and Pla. centla. Coata Mesa. U 8-IM88. WANTED: Rfders for ride to Lon1 ~ach Stat~ Colle,~. Leave 8 a.m .• HA 1874-W. FREE to 1ood homes, beautiful kitte ns. HA 0565-W, 3408 Ocean Bl .. COM. S5 PER MONTH rents good prac. tlce plano. All term rent aJ. lowed il you buy. Good used practice pianos $89, $125, $137, $150 and up. Easy terms. Danz. Schmidt Bll paJno store. Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln. WANTED 50 u.ed pianos tor our big rental depL Hl1hest cub allowance In trade tor Or1an • Spinet plano, or Grand plano. Danz.Sc:hmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. SUP RENTALS: Rowt.o.t rent.al apace., mu.. 8' beam. 30' lenatJl. Ametkan Lelfon Hall. 15th and ky, Newport. HA ~ TRADE IN your old watch on a new HamiJton. It means .o much more to 1lve or let a Hammon. Wallace Calderhead, 3123 E. Coast Bwy., CDM. "'JJUSIC DflftUCTIOJI .. PRISCILLA MA TniEWS teach~r of plano c:luslcaJ A popular tbru harmony Zll Tustin Ave., Newport Helghta Uberty~ (formerly Ot Loe Angeles) aOATS FOB SALE 14' OUTBOARD RUNABOUT, plas- tic 11ass covered, excell~nt cond .. steerlnl wheel, $250. ~ at 304 Collins, B. I. HA 3698-W. . CAAS FOB SALE FORD '54 CRESTI.JNE 4·dr. sedan, good cond., radio, heater, Fordom atlc. etc. An eJCceptlon ally good buy at 11595. Pvt. party, 2846 E. Coast Hwy., COM. HA zn. JOHISOI I SOl'S 4TH OF "ULY ''SAFE BUYS" DE ·''80. BUYS" * * * '&4 FORD CutCIID &catda Wt19DL ..UO, b • crt • r. FOI'domctk. Power ~ atMitD9 CIDd -.t, ... . ................. -..... -................ . 'MIEI-Y Co•••~tlble. ......_ ..,.._, ....-cbt ... wlaJtawaUa aad .... oaly li.GOD ...u.. .............. mil. '&4 FOlD c..to. J..doo&o. ··-Jladio, II o cr t o r • Fordolaatic. wblte tine; lt"a ""..at lauDec:uJote." ....... -..................................... 11711 '&4 IEICUIY stat~oa w..-. ..uy ,... .... wltJa ............... aad .. tniJ' IIOCit. aocuo. ..... ad II• c aatlttc. JO.GOD •"• -...-....... -........ -............. ..- 'II HUDSOII ......................... aad lrydNaacdlc. nu.a Ia~ 1 fa UDua.crlly Decrt CIDd nau -.u~too ........................ ..,. '&2 MERCURY ~wttbx ... aa..~ ........ flalab.. aCid.lo. a.crtw CIDd o... drlft. acr.. at oaly ··-••• WErE C.OSED OX TID! ft'll or JVL T ....... UJICOUI MDC'CJIIT Ll""' -Wwt eoa.t lbtlnrwy .&WJOIIT UAal In n.e Crossroads Village NOW! a new service at •• ua11 IEALn ,.., wr••n• ID The Cra•oacll ViUage I5J ._. •...-rt ....._ l.a utt Nat Wo -MW ...,.ay.,..,.,... ,._. ••tt1.U. ...s lrtdt JU... • ~.,_ .. 1_ • lmUWAIITD Girl&- IT'll ... ,. .. 1 and you'll aeree when you hear of the many Job opl)«- tunJtJea t'-qua.lUfed )'O~q women 1n our bualne. tocSAy. Openinp DOW f«: TELEPBDNE OPI:IATOIS -Apply-Monday tiUOUib Frl4ay 51~ No. Main Street Rm. 21.1.-aanta ADa 9:00 to 5:00P.M. PACinC TELEPBONI! M!:N 6 WOMEN WANTED by LarJesl OrJanlzatton of l~ ltlnd In the World. Traln- lnlln lntervlewlnJ, aupervts- lnJ, and ma.uetne. Will be 1lven to thoee who quailly u Arthur Muna.y lnatructora. Many advantqea over other ~ployment. U you are over 21 conalder th~ facton: 1. Pleuant aUJTOundlnp and wwkln1 condJtlona. 2. Security-no lay-ofta be- cau~ of alack ~uon.s. 3. Excellent opportunJty for adv~ment-travel. 1f de. alted. 4. No experience neceuary. We traJn you free during evenings. If lnterHted. aoply 3523 E. Coalt Hwy., Corona del Mar, or ca lJ 1925. Mesa Council Cuts Budget . An operaUonal budJet or t398.-provide .o cent. t« a fund to Jli'O' '796 fM the City of eo.ta Mesa vide a storm drain .yaem, ..U-ror the tt.cal year 1955-158 wu mated to CCMit ~.ooo . adopttd by tbe eo.ta Mesa city Councilmen del aye d actlon councU Monday ntaht. "ntS. S. a untU the next mMttn1 Tuaday reduction from the ortetnal $01,-evenlnl on a propoea1 from How. 456 budJd. ' ard LaWIIOil ol Lido lale and .. CouncUmen ~Jayed flx1n1 the aocJates to .ell the d'Y a dty t.ax rate for the new ft.lcaJ year, haJl att, on W. 19th St. tor tt. welehlne the dJiterenoe between The Law.on propolal ealled lor a GO-cent rate requll'ed for the the dty to arran1e tlna.ndnl and budJet aJalnat a Sl-00 char1e to construct a city hall ol 8.000 ~ w·-~uare feet on a mte of 280 feet -...... on W. 19th St. and Plummber St. APPUCA'nONS are betnl re - ceived for the combined poaJ- tton of city clerk and treaaUJ'el' for the Ctty ot Newport Beach. AppUcanta must be experienced aecnta.ries « bave had expert. ence u a clty clerk « deputy eity clek. Apply City Mana· Jet'• offtee, Harbor 3131. MEN WANTED at OranJe Coast Colle,., reJU}ar, fulJ.tJme em- ployees: Farm laborer, Grounds- man. Painter Helpet', Custo. diana. Sixty year •1e limit. Start work Immediately. Apply In pet'80n between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Business Office of colleee oft FaJrvtew Rd., Costa Mesa. WABTD TO DJrT LOCAL COUPLE with best refer- ences dKire attractive 2-bed- room Corona del Mar rental. No chUdren. Phone HA 1787-W OJ' 4'71M. and 270 feet on Pomona St. wtthlnllix months. ·Ria propoal altM> required that the city pay ~ of the ~ of awfac:in• and pJ'OV1dJn1 curt. and eutten on W. 19th St. from Park Ave. to Pla~ntta Ave. for a width of :56 feet. tf the property owners petitioned the city to make the Improvement. The pro- ject also requited the city uldng the .tate to determine 11 W. 19th St. waa a street of major Import. ance eligible for Improvement with state JU tax money. A public hearlnl waa ~t for Aue. 1 to conaJder the annexation of Orange Coast College and the 69--acre Murray and Saunders subdivision 110uth of the college. A reaolutlon of Intention to an. nex the property was adopted. The rlver annexation p&Med sec ond reading and was adopted, joining the cltiN of Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa on the west bank of the Santa Aaa river. STROOT'S HAJIDWARE HOUSEWARES City Attorney Donald Dungan waa authorized to work out de- tails with Miller Chevrolet Co. for renting pollee can to the Clty of Costa Mesa on a mileage basis. * Giftware * Applicmces * Paints ~-................ u..,., c-t. ..... OF SOO..U. ~OTE ••• Martin • • d von Hemert (Continued trom Page 9) sights while they were here. ln. eluding a boat ride on the bny . During one or their sightseeing trips. a broken arm was suffered by Mrs. Phelps' aunt. DICD..OUTm Olllllz .... INTERIORS • Furniture • Draperies •carpeh •w•papers • • • • Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Beaman have returned to the Harbor area alter a visit to their former home in Montana. where they were present for the wedding of their son. • • • Gerry Norman Evans lett last week via Hillman auto for Cape Cod. wbere he will .spend the summer with the little theatre at Plymouth. Mass. Gerry, who lives with h l.s parents. Mr. and Mn. WWJam Evans of 50o& Mar. euertte Ave., Corona del Mar, won the Plymouth Drama Festi- val Scholanhtp for the .ummer eeuon. Be pad\l.&ted from Or· ~· Cout OoUep and lett tm. medlat.elJ b Jf.w Enaland. • • • Mila BemJ~ VeAa.l. principal at the Newport Beach Elemen- tary School. will retire to her home In Oran1e tor the summer. • • • lllml I VM HEIEIT 110. If there Ia fresh fl.sh for sale at Coast Supet' Market this week- end. erab It! lt ml1ht be 110me of the lovely trout that owner Chuck Elliott and manager Ken Payne caught on th'elt recent fishing and hunting trtp up in Brltl.sh Columbia. ' 111' • ._1_ the HESS HAIR FASHIONS You are cordially invited to visit our new salon. Mr. Hess offers to the Harbor Area 15 years experience in the creation of high fashion hair designs. Wanda Smith, former owner of A-Del-Mar, will be • I I ociated with .Mr. Hea.. ' -·-~ora Told Legion, Helms. Good Humor To ~-..I. T!J~_.o! ~!!t!_:N~~~~ .. ~~~·Benne« \.; .. ll lion ,.._ 291 to U.. a loud-aald It a. prohibited by ordinance. ~on a jeep to advertlae Uu! ~llman l . B. Stoddard then (CoeUDold tNm Pap ll luly 30 Leeton breaJdut wu brouJbt up the matter uf the I Clt7 ~Karl O.via aald. den1ed by Newport City Coundl Good Humor and Helms Bakery -rbere t. no let(al JI'OU"ftd to re-Monday evenlnJ. trucks. who blow whlaties and tUM U.e ltcen.lel. II you find evt.. rtn1 bella In residential areas. clenee lahll', JOU can revoke the 8 d c Council Instructed City Manager Uceuee and ~te under the U get •, S ut l ohn Sailors to Inform these com .. antl.aamblln6 lawa." panles that this practice was pro- • MD ftA JOLICT hlblted by ordinance. Jla.yar Don BlU aald abe bad (Cclltinued fnlm Pap 1) Ctty Council also·.' --'-ed , d tl •--the rates propcJee4 for l9C5"6-5e In --•01 recommen a on uvuo Clty M.anaJer Sailor's bud,et. • Received a petition with 51 the juvenJie proted:lon chairman algnatur... -ft'-'na '"'Xclu· slon o• f tb State PT'" b t h d .... and the proposed revtaton: ..-• .,....... • "' ~ o e 4 u a not. Yc-• Haul Dr. from any street light received a reply. ~ lnl plan In Corona del Mar. "This Ia not 80methJn1 we ;J l 1 ~:; e ~pted $13..250 of road should lust let clle," aald Mr. '"" ~ 1 ~ users tax fund trom the county Stoddard. a ,;: ! ., > for the d d Councilman Lee Wilder asked Oi =' 41 propose access roa It tbU matter had come to the at. ~ GA o: across Rocky Point to the Corona 1 General fund ..... 75 .75 .67 del Mar Main Beach. tent on o1 CouncU previously. Sewer fund.. . ... -.03 e Accepted the resignation of City Mana1er lohn S&ilors an. Bonds ..... --.. -· .. _ .. 10 .10 .08 Dr. Horace Parker or Balboa swered, "Periodically In the lut Parka -···-· ... 03 .10 .08 lsla.nd from the Ubrary Board. ~':o!:c~~~.t I don't recall any Ubrary -·-· ....... 05 .10 .08 e Approved the request of the Que.tloned by the Council, AdverttalnJ _ ...... 04 .04 .02 local yacht clubs to use sun deck ... suus .PORT - ((lQ,,I\o ...• '1 .... ,. t• . ftnaJtllylt ffiffi. fi!Dl JAMES STEWA RT JUNE ALLYSO~ ,· \ 1 I --.......... llJVE.JOr. NIR .._ -SUU1VAN . BP.NNITT -... -J-....... ... ----.... -.. .. ... _..,.,_ ... ..,.,_\.,., ·--Chief of Pollee l ohn Upson sald, Retirement ......... 12 .12 .10 of building on Balboa Pier for "We probably all know pay.otls signal mast for startlng ocean ---91..,_ TOTAL TA.X. ... 1.09 L21 1.06 races. "Cr • _., are made, but It's dlftlcult to CouncUmen Stoddard and M.ac. • Received notlflcatlon that M Ia ~~cp~" unless we have outside Kay levelled;lhelr attack prlmar the BaJboa Island Ferry ls re lly on the balances ln t:be varl-questing an Increase In ferry wt~ 2 • SKOUJ.I) TAKE AcrtOJf ous fonds. Here 1s a resume of rates. to change the 20 tickets for wuu-a..dbl "II you feel theYe Is pay.off go. the budget reductions: $$1!.!to~1!4~f~o~r !S~1.~o~r~50~~fo~r~S3[. ::~~~~Arth~~ur~~~~~~~ ing on, we should take action," City cWk CIDd tnaarw-Save 1 , Mr. MacKay replied. "'That's about $3,450 by lower beg1nninl enouah for me. rd withdraw my salary for clerk-treasurer and motl1~n and ~ove that we not b. eliminating one clerk . sten01. su~ cen~. rapher. 'We .. can t convict without evl-eo.~ ~ut m' half. I dence, remarked Councilman by $20.000. since the curr~nt Stanley Ridderhol. year's contingent expenses like "Maybe we should Investigate I extra policemen for Easter Week before Issuing licenses," Mr. Mac additional legal and engineering K~.Y said. expenses are already budgetted. After all thls publicity, it j Park ~Wipe out the 110 wouldn't do much good to check." 074 balance· set the tax rate a't said Mr. Stoddard. "Let them be 8 cents rath~r than 10. licensed; .!-hey're legal as far as I L1brary fuad _ Wipe out thE' we know. $10 401 balance· set the tax rate "I've seen them pay ott," Mr at Scents ralhe; than 10. I Wilder said. A~ fuad-Set the tax "So have I," agreed Mr. Ben I rate at 2 cent!! rather than 4, re n~~t. , .. dudng the budget about $10.500. O.K .. lets go after them. was Jletinllleat fua&-Set the tax Mr. Wilder's comment. rate at 10 cents rather than 12, • HTEXTisOFh LETTEB reducing the budget about $10, ere t e text of Col. Smith's 500. lettM: 80Dd rett.nmeat-Set the tax "City Council: rate at 8 cents rather than 10. '"The tlme has come to renew reducing the budget about $10, all business ltcenaes-lncludlng 500. pinball machines. Councilman Stoddard argued "ls our City Council contem against creating the new post. plating the renewal of the )1. tlon of assistant stret-t superln censes for these plnbaJI machines tendent. stating that the recrea for the fiscal year 1955 56! If so, tlon director soon to be named I wish to question the legality of could help with the beach dean the plnballs. lng supeTVlslon. Co uncilmen GeJ'. "Are they a gambllnr device! aid Bennett and Stanley IUdder- U they pay off. they ~-And lt hot contended that the stJftt au they are a gambllnl devtce, they perJntendent needs lbe asalsta.nt are llletal. to ptovi~ adequate aupervtalon. "Ia there any qafttton ln your Mr. 9toddard'a pt"CCppAl wu ,. fl\lnds. City Council, about the jected 4 to 3. • pay.otf! Thls Is the way It's done: Andrew W. Smith of Corona del U a player racks up a w1nnlng Mar spoke up from the audience total. he calls the house man to against leaving the $7SO Item In verlfy the result. The hou~ man the budget for the Bowllng Green. then makes out a slip for the stating that It should be made amount. takes It out ot the cash self supportlnJ. Mayor Dora Hill register and places the slip In the said that thls matteT should be ca.sh regt.ter, hands the cash to left to the ~eation director. the player. who, she said. will put It on a "Do you know that minors are paying basis. allowed to play, without any re e IIAK:ES ICOT10Jf nuT strlctton! How can thla be any. CouncUman Bennett stole the thing but a contribution toward mart'h on Councilmen Stoddard juvenHe dellnqueJMt'! and MacKay and got In h is mo. "U there I• any doubt In your tlon tim on the advertislnJ tax, minds that there l.s a pay ort. use movtng that It be set at 2 cents. your power under th~ Charter to This was approved by a 5 to 2 subpena wltn~. and question vote, over the objections of M.r. them und~r oath. If you like, you Stoddard and MacKay. who can start with me. You should sought to cut out th~ tax com. call In the local agent for the.o pletely. contending that the p~ machines, and also the people ent balanee of $7.310 In the fund who have these machines In their l& adequate for the comln1 year's place of business." expenditures. Pier Lease Is Protested The 3-cent sewer tax wlll be levt~ to ralse money for the newly created sewer rnalntenance and replacement capltaJ ouU•y fund. The ~cent t.u will produce an estlmated ns.7SO revenue dur. lng the coming year. There ls Protests were heard at Monday now a balance or $12.200 ln th~ evenlng'll City Council meeting fund. and a transfer ot $20.000 against Andy Kirk's operation of from the water fund to the new the conc:ealon at the end ot Bal. fund wa.s r«ommended. boa Pier. Mr. Stoddard aald that this Balboa Hardware and 0 . P. a_mount will take care of all items Veach of Ace Key cha_rged that of pressing nature. Mr. Kirk waa violating the terms e JfEW UYDO& sovaa of hta lnse by eelllng Items At the conclu.slon o1 the hear other than thoa. permltt~ under lng Col. Smith said there Is a the lease. They both dl~ thiS 80U~ of ~venue which the wu untatr competition for Bal Councll had avoided mentioning boa m«ehanta. since Mr. Kirk's -a trash and 1arba,e collect.Jon rent wu only SlOO a year. charge. He saJd that this costs Balboa Improvement Assocla. the city an estlmat~ $160.000 a tion d~on .ent a le-tter stating year. and the big buslnessft get Jlr. Kirk waa dol~ a fine job the benettt. "Is It just fair for the and askln1 for revklon of the taxpayers to foot the bill!" he leue 80 he couJd 8ell m~ Items ukecl and make a fair Jlvtne. Councilman Stodda_rd agl"ft'd It Council refen"e(t the matter to wu a problem. but ''We can't do the clt7 m.anaaer to c.bedt It the everythln• at once." tf'nt 1s adequate and II the lea.ae I "Brln.a It up -.atn." Councll- terms should a,. btoa~ned. man Wilder augated. m ... ............... ..., •• tt'h ..... _ ......... --., ....... r... ..,., .......... [ .. ·~-...... ,.. ... _, ...... , ... ....... II• PM--••• .... Jl If I II .. lilf .... r-_• • IT liE ... • >e• 111. a...,...., ... ·I ~ LAGUNA ~BEACH SUMMER SAVINGS DRESSES REPRICm TO CLEAR Big selection of sum. mer dresses r~rlced to clear our stock. Cot tons Rayons . Nylons. Sizes 10 to 20 and hall sizes 16 ~ to 24 "a. GBOUP 1 '5 GROUP 2 SOUD COLOR DUW IIIPES Colorful Draw Drapes m all over des1gn m Rayo n and Acetate. 4 i nch pleated headmg Rose-Gold- Hunter Green-Eggshell DRAPERY YARDAGE CLOSEOUT 66tYUD BRAIDED RUGS Colorful all yarn brald~d rug I In SI7P 22 x 42 oval shapt- '2 Good st'lt'ctlon of printed and 1 c;olid rolor yardage to select I A rug that will stand the w~ar from m width 36 to 50 Inches a nd washes well. Save on thla w1dt' No lay-awa)~. 1 o ne. SPECIAL BOYS lEIS STIIW CAPS 'T' SHIRTS A ~al bU)' In a mara ~ Boys all whttt 'T ' llh~ that ca_p few summer Wftar. LJabt wU.I .Wve d'tJ'a --.r. I ~la-ht and RI'V1C8bl~. to 14 yra. El' • I ltlrap 2200 X-.pol't Bl..S.. eo.ta ..... , PboDe E...._ & SUA. LJbertf I-7UII.Jbedy 1-1511 . .~ . .. . ,. J, YOJ!t lr"•' \.., '•' •• ( "• '} .. I ill'of o STUIIITRS SdlllWladly Colltrolled llowanS Cclbl.Det Correcti•e Massage Jlelax ill tbe Balboa Island Massage Parlor 1321/1 A9(1te, Balboa Wcmd FOI' appoLDtmeDt call BCD'bcw 1542-W 01' Ba:rbcw ~ 1'Da DAIIACIU IOAT A tiN ol unknown orlrtn caWIICI $100 dam••~ to the 53- foot coamaerclal fllhtntr bn'~t. An,el, mocftc1 at 2107 ~ Ave., Newport BMcb. at t:t5 p.m. Leonaat Weatberwu ol La,. Jlalpb·l.rwln won three awarda Friday, Ute Newport Beacn tue pna WM IMtalled u pr'Nident !funday-tor aenb tra.O borw, depart.Jnent reported. at tbe tut ~ ol the Bootl aenlor ~ and .mor we.tern r=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;---..;;;;;;;~ 6 Saddle Club. Otb.r new oUloat pleuure._ Sam Edney won for are a.ar• Lee cxf Santa Ana, Junior traU bone and juniOC' nce.pnaJdeut; MJa Betty Barn.-WMt.etn pleuure. Helen Matth. of Santa Ana Helabta. eecretary; ewa won tor Junior ltoclt. Charles Luall: of Corona del Mar, Other wtnnen: 1udy Vowler, treasurer. jumpen; Robin Irwin, pole bend. 'Rle pew board lncludee Lee tnr; Charles Luak, tJpre etrht; Parts of Santa Ana, Ralph Irwin Helen Matthews and Robin Irwin, of Costa Mea, Ralph Selkirk of 2-man relay; Charles Lusk, musi- Corona del Mar and Gua Pflrr-cal hat. mann of Costa Mesa. Forrest Paull, the outgoing E. f H-..LL Rl.-. .. president. attended hll first out-· • .._ .... ., ... lng last Sunday t or ·the first time ln several mol)ths. He had been In the hospital for some time. He watched from a car while a couple of hl.s horses were being exercised at the Play Day held at the Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranch. Glamour Funeral serv1oes for Edmund F. Herbkeraman, 63. of 2000 New. port Blvd., Costa Mesa, were held yesterday In the Parkes.Ridley Mortuary Chapel In Costa M eu with Rev. L. V. Tornow of Chrlst Lutheran Church of Coata Mesa oftlclatJng. Mr. Herbkersman, a retired ma- chlnlst, died Saturday of a heart attack In hb home. Be waa a native of Maple Helehts. Ohio, and came to Costa Mesa In 1945. Glimpses rHe ENsiGN. HA-•••• Pii itiiELY;inEIT • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UN BUliN .-.---·-·.,..,·--·¥ ..... ••••••••••••••• • OUAIAHTU • , _ _, ,.,_..., If : ,..., 4le oooUI"" MA & lit I • • ....., . ....,.,_., ...... .., .... --.... ~. .. ......,.~,. . • •••••••••••••••• COIOIA DEL MAl PHARMACY ..,... .... I= lpUoa .......,.. JIAUOII 2272 3117 E. Coast lhry ..... ~-·-. c.-clellla:r By MX For let+ertt .. ds.. envelooe. c:.1 MANUUN'SNOTE:Agalnlhun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY C.ARP . T Beaoaable 11at.s AU Day e llaJJ Day BAPPT DAT SCHOOL for Uttle Polk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vauehn, director CO rtllfG TilE CAK.E a:ftu a ~ riDCJ 1INCSd1Dg cepaaoay at tbe L49uDa CoauDUD.Ity ~ Church are lb. aD4 Mn. DoG L. Bofta. Tbe bride Ll tbe fonDer Mlu ...._ C«mllle Mo.- bead. dcmgbtel' of Mr. cmd lin. Wlll..lalll V. Neorbead of J..arwaca. Tbe 9J'0C11D Ll tbe IOD of MJ. cmd Kn. llay lloria of 701 Ida .A..,._ Coroaa del Mar. Ilia brotber. llicbard BO'ria. ~from Scm trau. c:Lico to be best maD at tbe weddlllg. Botb of tbe DeWlywecll grad- uated from 0rGDC)e Cocu1 Collep. the writing of this fashion column over to Miss O'Brien. Velma is home now and of course ready to greet you at O'BRIEN'S, but so many people have ex- pressed interest In the way our friends and neighbors on the other coast llve, that she is con- tinuing her fashion travelogue: A abort weelc..-d away from Xew York Ia mCNtt nlmdiUJ aD4 LDten.ttDg. Ala early na.ab fi'OIIl the botel to GraDd C.Otral ata. t1oa to catch a 7:30 CLDL a - pr--. aD4 0Ge DOtiCN the QD. unal Clll1m aD4 almCNtt qaJet of tbe btg dty ••• eo differeDt from aa boa.r laW wbea ....,.. oae Ll naatDv aboat. Aboard tbe CXIIIUIUIW tnda. L lib lllla.t of tM otaa. pciiUell~ bead for tbe dlDer for bNaJr.. fast. Altw my MCIOIIcl cap of eof .... r.. llble to ~ the FOR SUMMER FUN! Whetner Y ou'N Going- FISHING -P1CNtCKING OR JUST RELAXING AT HOME. KElP YOUI FAYOIITI IEYDAGf HANDY Either Way You Uke It- ICE COLD « ptPING HOTI .. TteS IIAUTRL PICNIC JUG IT£11-Gf. THE-.Onl Reg. $2.95 Value SPECIAL *CROWN HARDWARE* Mrs. Barnard Is W~lcomed Mrs. Julius Barnard was wet. corned to the Harbor Area with a tea given In her honor Tues. day alternoon by Mrs. Castleman Smith of 222 Hazel Dr .. Corona del Mar. Kathryn Ba rnard, as she Is known professionally, formerly taught music at the Pasadena Junior College, where Mrs. Smith. also a musician, first knew her. Her husband, the late Julius Bar· oard. wu for maoy years c:rtme report« fw BMrSt rwwapapers lD Loll Angeles. (le was a former director of th~ lalboa Yacht Club. Presiding over the tea tables at the Smith home were Mrs. L. A. Bls h and Mlss Margaret Scharle. Mrs. Martin Maneold and Mrs. George Davtes as.lsted the host. es.s In greeting guests. Also assisting with the arrange- ments were Mrs. G. D. Grupe. Mrs. J. W. Elliott and Miss Ruth Elliott. Miss ConnJe Mangold and the hostess daughter. Mrs. Jack Newton. Mrs. Barnard moved thls month to her Harbor area home at 3120 &>avlew Ave .. Corona del Mar. people aroaJid me. It's an lnterestlne ride through luch green countryside and. being Saturday morning, the traln ll loaded with week enders llke myself. As the people get off the train at various stops. It Is Interesting to note the attire, varyine almost acoordlng to sta- Uon. U it was one of the strictly suburban reaJdenUal stops. of which there are many, the ladle. had on Uctrt-and eotter ~ many with fUll pett.lcoats-the . onN who went on to Boston and farther points were wearing mostly dark cottons. or linens . . . there were ma ny linen tweeds. AnniD9 Ia ... tall. 1 "9· lst.ncl at my taot.l aDd iJD. mediately ftarted 119bbeela9· Oa the spedal baa I met people froaa Utendly all owr tbe ,.,...ld--4De lady froaa tbe Brt. ttab W... -.. fnlaa Ccmada. a ~tleaaau fnaa ~ Aap .... It was a rat.MI' cloudy, ba..aald .s.r. aDd JDCN~t of tbe W'OIIMD wen 4nued LD ODttou. or ~-t type ni!'OIU- H W •ll• Na:ay hall oa eottoo CID4 u-. • I I am s 0 n auita. C'OIOI'I ben ..... ... .. what lifblw tba t.boee ....a R•t T d LD Xew York. I e s 0 ay We had dinner at a most Inter- Funeral services for former estlng place In old Boston and * I NPwport Beach mayor Harry H.. here many of the younger elrls Wllllam!".On, 72, of 1520 Miramar with dates were ln !lutfy llrht Dr . Balboa, will be held at 3 p.m . dresses and full petticoats. We today {Thursday) In Parkes-Rld-proceeded to the Mualc Hall wtth WE GIVE CROWN STAMPS * ley Mortuary Chapel in Costa the hope of obtaining tickets to Mesa. conducted by the Newport the pops concert which was HARBOR 232 Harbor American Legion Post 291. being held. No luck with tickets. Mr. Williamson died Saturday but we did observe that most of 3107 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar In his Balboa home. victim of a the lucky people with Uckets .. ---=-~========~=====~====~ heart attack. He had been Ill for were dressed In street clothes, FURNITURE INTERIOR DECOBAnON Ba.oA ISLAJfD 214 Nariae A"-llcatMw 1547 coao•A Da.IIAII 2M8 E. eoc.t ~ m .. .., 2-l~~a 12 Balboa TuforiiiCJ School REGISTRATION JULY 2 some time. He seTVed as a city 80me wore m~ dreuy attire. councilman In Newport Beach Latew, wileD we atoppad Ia from 1926 to 1930 and as Newport the boW cSiaJat ...-a IDw • Beach mayor from 1936 to 1940. lat. ctap of ..., .. .,.. Jut LD He was In the real estate busl· tilDe to .. ..._ w1ao .._. -" ness In Costa Mesa In 1922 and taeded tbe ••u t .,..... Ia ._ moved to Balboa In 1925. He was • late .. ,. IL Ia Uala poaJa. a former pharmacist mate In the tM ...._ ._... .....Sy Ia U.S. Navy and retired from the ....ay __.. .._. ...S ._. Navy In 1945. Survivors Include cla:dl llllk ••••• latw&alltly his wtfe, Mrs. Nell Wllltamaon; a •-Y ., .._ .,.. -al f1ll son. Capt. Basil K. Wtlllam.l, Ita· ....._ ,... ..,... • ._... tloned on Guam; two dauJhterl, ....uy Ia ~ 'rtsa 1 ..atll. Mrs. Virginia D. Murphy of BaJ. IMtead ot the concert we at- boa and Mrs. Fred Lindeman of tended the alt feetJval belna Coeta Mesa; a alster, Mra. CJar. held on the ._on Commons. It ence A. Andenon of Glendale; a wu 801Dewbat cooler here and It brother. Winfield B. Wtlllamson, wu Joveq Yleottlh• the artim alJio of Glendale and nve p-and-~It under t.M ea.noplel. When children. I ,.. eobae ol tM "-b vf.td Mr. WlUl&l'MOn was a eharter oolora and the wbtle 80(t tona member of the Newport Harbor from the art.11a' palettes, I Amerk:an 14ton and R...,...-t couldn't help but think of the Harbor Elka Lodge. Be wu a •autiful bript colon Mlq c:a,. member ot. the AJ Mal:aiU:b tured Ln thiJ ,_,... auJ1lJIMr Shrlne of Loa AnpJe~, Veterans drIll II of the SpaDIJb-Ameican War, the ... tMt r. ......_ ..... Lo~ Beaeh Conllltor1. Jta.,. •••tlldlot ...._ pcl'hctlt • Mattne Vetera111 and s-1artn. ....., ._. tit 0 • 9 I ... Ka.lcmk I.octre 101. -.. -.., .. ......-,; .. ~ ....... &.' ... ..., .......... ........: ...... -. ....... _ ...... .._.....,' P'rar ._.tit " * FREE! Small Pieces For The Young Ladies' DollHouae (Nut .. Ac:caaapa:aJed by Pcaeat.a) *Ill TYPES *Ill COLORS THROW RUGS F,..,,~le$3. (ValuH to $15.95) Remnants 40°/o OH! BROADLOOM 12 ~~d~ FL 20% OFFI * DRAPERY OFFER * * DIC ' I.&GAL .one& 1ruab. 1.05 Oulnea <::bu.-.. ----·· 2~ lien • 8andbluter (K.eman) .• 2.81 Kft,..ltl ~-2.93 8&ftdblaMr (Pot Tucllr)-U.S Sip • fktorial-llelpet -·· ~ kaJer ···-·-·-·------· 2.21 IIMida 6 ......., le, 7-hour a&y Scaler tuna Boe'n'e Chair fernd t.o aa the "Owner'' wtll No 1JIMW ant LA~ or Safety Belt ot Power eel" up to but 'bot later thaD Linoleum A Soft Toola) ------·--·-----2.42 8 :00 P.M. on the 19th ol July, 111a Laywa H. 6 Vf. t~c 3.01 La)'ln& ol all Non-Metalltc 19M, eealed bide tor the ~ward of Gluier (phae 1 wk. pd. vac.) Pipe, Jnc:ludtnr Sewer Pipe, contract I« Ule eon.atructloD at , IIMlth 6 Welfare _ 2.585 DnJn Pipe, and Under- Newport leada E 1 em en tar 1 ~ pound 11le ·--··-·-·-·-·· 2.t7 School No. 15 loeae.d In eald dt. Pluterer Maklne and Caulklnr of all tr1ct. Sucb bJda wtll be reeeited 8 6 w promotional 12~e 3.4375 Non-Metallic Pipe Jolntl 2.35 ln the otnce of the Owner, HOO Pluterer Tarman and Mortannan .... 2.21 Clltf Drlve, City of N.wport Jl'onman a • w 12"'c _.3.6875 Steel H~derboard Man ._ . .2.:585 Beach, Oran1e County, California Platter Tender H 6 w 7"'c 3.18'75 Watchman -·--·---·--··-2.00 and wlll be opened and publicly fLUIDEIII & rrTTKa Window CleaaH ···-.. ····-···-·· 2.31 read aloud at the above lltated Plumber Foreman ---·---··· 3.50 FOREMEN: ttme In the oUJce of the Owner In Plumber--Gu or Lawn Effective June 15, 1955, all fore. l&ld buUdJn1. . Sprinkler Fitter ···---·-· 3.25 men aball be paid not le. than Each bld must eonfonn and be PJumber-LMd ot Cement ::10c per hour more than the hour· responsive to th1l invitation, the CaulkH ··--·····-··------3.25 Jy rate ot the hllheet clualflca. plana, specWcatlo"' and all Plumber-Ot11Jty Plpellne _ 3.25 lion over which they have INPH· other document. comprlaine the Lead Burner ···-·····---·-· 3.50 vtalon. pertinent oontract documentl. Steamfitter Fore man ·----3.50 mo• WO.U.S Copies ol the Contraet Documenta Steamfitter ······--·-··-·-········· 3.25 Relnforclng Iron Worker .... 2.80 are DOW OD file and open to pub-Pipeline For•man -····-·-···· 3.50 Rate effective on old llc ln.apect.lon In the l&ld offices Plpellne .Jou.rpeyman --·-· 3.25 work untll 10.1-M: ·-·····-· 2.1t ot the Owner and of Hodedon 6 Jndu.trtal PSpefltter Rate effective on all Ellerbroek, Archltecta. located at Foreman ···--···-·-····-.3.525 work 2-1~55 ....... _ ............... 2.85 320 Welt Cout HJehway, New-Jndumial Plpefitter __ .. .3.2'75 Foreman -·-··-··-·············-·· 3.10 J¥>rt, and may be obtained at the Health 6 Welfare tor aboVe toe 'I'KAIIITZD latter place b'Y depo.ttlnr $25.00 8prtnkler Jl'ltter 8.25 Bealth A We11are 7%c for eacb let. 'Ibis deposit will be Health 6 Welfare 7%c effective 9-1-M refunded lf the .et or aetl of Con-Betrtprat« rttter ···-······-··· 3.05 Driven of Dump 'I'rucka of . tract Doc\uni!I'Dtl delivered are J'el Health 6 Welfare 10c + mileage leu than 4 Yda. Water turned In toad condJtlon w1thtn aoors.a Level --··-·····-·--·-· 2..265 'A JUIT 101.0 ...__""'..,. • ..,., D J '"T 1• • trataw ............... tbe Cony Field 0. L ..... Aendllm:y AU ........ • ·-·-·& PI&. by ..... Aftalloa c:.a.t Doaal4 E. J Cl~ Ill ( ....... ) of 501 • ....._A,.,. c..a dellla. WHit twl laltlld ..... ~ Ka. "' ......... rupt trcdalla9 ........ he wt1l nee~ ...... etnact1oa la ,...W.. cdr wock ..... wltla ............. IOio rupta - _ ...... ...., towar4 eanalD9 b1a •CIYY "'Wlap of Goad. .. Junior Angling Entrants Busy five days atbtr the bid openlne. Health 1r Welfare 8%c vac. pay Drivers of Dump Truc:U- Each bid lbaD be made out on Boater Foreman ···--·········-3.10 4 Yds. but leu than 8 Yds. About 160 fish have been a form to '-obtained at either Roof 2 85 water level .. _.,_ .. _____ 2.295 cauaht to date bv the 125 en- of the ealcf omces In which the Plt~r ~m~t;;··,..-~~~·::a-225 Drivers of Dump Trucks-tra;te tn the ktboa Angling Contract Documents are on We. Piled Enameler .2 975 • 8 Yds. but leu tharr 12 Club's Junior Fl4hlng Tourna. Each bld lball be accompanied Damp Waterpro~T~'d·-····-· yda. water level ................. .2.345 ment. AU junior anglers. under by a certtntd or cuhler's check Bituminous Enameler .... 2.85 Drivers of Dump Trucks-16 years of age, can still enter payable to the owner, or satlafac. 12 Yd.s. but lese than the tourney at any landing or tory bid bond In favor of the SUET llltTAL 16 yards water level ........ 2.425 tackle atore. Owner. executed by the bidder u Health 6 Welfare 8%c vacations Drivers of Dump Trucks Here are the leaders for the Principal and satlstactory aurety Sheet Meta l Worker ·······--· 3.00 16 Yds. or more water various fb.h: colllpany u suret)', In an amount Resld~tlallnmll 3 00 level -·-··············-···-··-·· .. ···· 2.645 Barracuda. 6 lb. 7 oz... Skippy not leu than five per cent of the Rea ng er ---·--····· · Drivers of Trucks-Legal Bourne; bus. 4 lb. 12 oz.. Mike bid. The check or bid bond ahall TILE Payload Capacity less Thompson; corblna, 4 lb. 6 oz.. be et•en u a ,aarantee that the nte Setter ········-·-···· .. ····---·· 3·12 than 6 tons .................... ·-··· 2.265 Jim Hanold; halibut. 12 lb. 5 oz., bidder wUl execute th• oontract Tlle, Terrazzo or Drivers of Trucka-Legal Mike Supple; pacific mackerel, 1 lf It be awarded to him In cqn-Marble Helpers ~·-·-······.2.287S Payload Capacity between lb 4 D s 1 · j k rue Setten HelPB ......... .2.2875 . oz.. anny upp e, ac formlty with the Contract Docu-alth 6 W U 2%% 6 and 10 tons ...................... 2.295 mackHel, 3 lb. 11 ~ oz.. Richard menta and wUl provide, the He e are Drivers of Truck.&-Legal Walker; se" trout, 3 lb .. Cheryl surety bond or bonda u apecWed ~are 10c Payload Capacity between U oyd; white aea bus, 3 lb. 6 oz.. therein within five day alter no-2.8S 10 and 15 tons ............... -... 2.345 Doug H a r r m 0 n ; yellow fin tltlcatlon of the award of the con-Carpenter -·-······-···-·--········· Drivers of Trucks-Legal croaker, 9 oz.. Jt1rt Hall; largest tract to the bidder. Shlncler --.. ····-------·-··· 2.99 Payload Capacity between variety, 16 flab. John Lanton. 'Jbe Owner reserves the prlvt. Floor Layer ···-··-··-··· .. ········· l .06 lS and 20 tons ............... -.. 2.4.25 lege of rejecting any and all bide Mlllwrtaht ···-·;··--·---·-·· .. ··· 3·06 Drivers of Truck.s-Legal or to waive any lrre,alarltles or Saw FUer -·····-.. ···-·-············ 2.£M Payload Capacity 20 tons ••• Crandlon or Mn. lJlllan Lee ol 223 llariiQid Ave., Corona del Mar, b .. been v111ttnr trocn the mJdw-wttb b.ll wUe, ..,.._ Gary II.Litu.~, and th.st Uttle eon, Gary Paul 'lbey liked Sout.bem eau. fornla 10 well tb•y decided to mak• lt their home and Mr . .Jua. tua hu found h1mMlf a ~Uon wtth the Anaheim poU.Ce foroe. • • • Our Orchid Avenue correspon. dent reporg th.at the E. D. Her· rlngt.ons of 421 Orchid Ave., Co- rona del Mar, have .old their house and plan to move to Santa Barbara. • • • Seen on Udo Iale In the oom. pany of fabuloua-4'0ntractor (juat uk hlm) Bob Ingram wu Cean1 McCallen, tonner Orange Cou.nty Beauty colltelt winner and one- time Balboa Island resld•nt. who 1a now working in a 20th Century Fox mOYie entlUed "'Ibe Girl In the Bed Velvet Swln£" CeanJ playa a Floradora ,trl and dances with Ray Mllland. who ltaJS ln tbe picture alone wtth loan Colltna. Ceanl Ia al.o ap. pearfne with Caaa Daly on the Jimmy Durante ahow eomln& up. In private life abe lives In Brent- wood, II a drea desllfter, and hu her own c!reu llhop there. • • • DID YOU-AU. KNOW! That Mrs. Cornell& Nichols ol Ash- vUle, N. C., made her first alt. plane flight last week' at the age of 80. Mrs. Nichola Ia the mother of Mrs. Carleton Mears of 332 N. Newport Blvd .. Newport, and she travelled here to attend the wed. dln1 o.f her grandson. Carleton Jr. Th~ weddJnc date ls July 3. the place, Christ Church by the Sea, and the bride wUl be Miss Elizabeth Mashburn of Hunting. ton Beach. • • • June 18 was reunion time for the Jim Garveys of 19'70 Federal Ave .. Costa Mesa. because that was the day the two boys, Jlm. 16, and BW, lC, cam• home troin school In Ohio. 'nte boys bave been attendJng St. Aloyalua MIJi. tary School In Columbus . • • • Pwlu.., a. .... , • .,~,.._. ..... clll' dllllk. .. Yw. _.... .. -.. ONiwe c-.u:., .............. . ..._ ................ te4110.L IJIW .t .. ...... ....... ..-... u ............... -.. a.... .. Van's Bowliag Open Aleys ,....,, s.t.Ut I I••IJ Opell AD Wl9lat Prtday ...S ~ * AV1'011ATIC P'DIItoliEU * Informalities In any bid or In the Table Powtl erNSallw Op. ·········· 3 2·94 11 or more ............................... 2.645 blddlng Pneuma c a er ···-··-······· · Drivers of Euclid Type ...... , ..... Te II laTWI Try Pursu.ant to the Labor Code of All foremen are to receive 25c Spreader Trucks --·--··· 2.~ the State of California, the aald per hour over highest cluslflca. Drivers of Dumpster Trucks 2.64.5 What was thought to be a ,an ro• u:savan on ClfE 111 au......,. AVE. Mrs. Kay Phelps' mother, aunt jjiiiiiu:aiiiiuiiiiii..U.iiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiCO~Nn'iiiA~IIDA~~~;~ and nlnety.plus.year old grand- mother have r~urne-d to Texas via the train after a month-lon1 F u wares for each craft or type ol tlon over wbJch he has aupervt. Drivers of Transit-Mix shot was only a five-gallon gas workman needed to execute the .SOn. excluding the Pneumatic Trucks-Under 3 Yds ....... 2.505 can being dropped. The Incident oontracta which wlll be awarded !!!~~ 11 •• ,.._1 Drivers of Transit-Mix resulted in two Pasadena ju the successful bidders; and these ---a ___.... Truck.s-3 Yds. or more .... 2.645 venlle boys, 15 and 16. being ar prevaJllng rates are contained In Health 6 Welfare lOc Gas It OU Pipeline WorkJng rested by Newport pollee at 12:25 said spectflcatlons adopted by Cement Maaon ..................... .2.785 Truck Driver. Including a.m. last Friday on charges of the board, and are as follows: Cement M810o <composition Winch Truck and all slzH attempted gas siphoning and CLAUIPlCATIO• • or mutlc) ···-·-·-··-·-··.2.905 ot trucks ·--··-··-·-··---2.445 ~ion of an alcoholic bever. FOREMAN: .All foremen not here· Cement floor tlnlablniJ Driven ot Road OU Spreader age. 1n eeparatel,y cl...uled aball be machine operator ...... -.2.955 Trudo _ 2.445 John B. Wing of Puadena told paid not Ieee than tbe JIN'ftdAl• loaali8 M Jtootrnen _ .. _····------2.44.5 pollee be thouebt h• h~ard a run rate. · Health 6 Welfare, 7%c Dumpcrete Truck, Jess than shot and saw boys running In an stay visiting th~ Phelps home In Corona del Mar. Not only did the vlsltln' relatives enjoy the Phelpe children, but they saw all the fContinued on Pan 7 l A p pRENTICE S : May be em. Laborer, General or 6% Yda. water level ........ 2.505 alley near 3504 W. Ocean Front. ployed In conformity with Sec· Construction ........................ 2.16 Dumpcret~ Truck-6% Yds. Newport Beach. Officers found ~~=~=~~=~=~= tlon 1Tn.5 of the California Labor Laborer Packlnr Rod Steel water level and over ~···· 2.645 the gas can about 10 feet !Tom j Code. and Pans ·······-······-·-···-··· 2.85 Ross Carrier Drvire--a car and a piece of plastic bose a-wc:.tJoD Bate ,_ Bo.u Operators and Tenders of Highway ....... -..................... 2.645 In the gas tank of the car. The ASSUTOS Pneumatic and Electric Water Truck Driver-boys admitted attempting to sJ Health 6 Welfare 741• Tools, VIbrating Machines. under 2SOO Gill. ................ 2.32S phon gas. claiming It was their Asbestos Workers ·~·-···-....... 3.15 and almllar Mechanical Water Truck Driver-flrst attempt. A pint of tequila .OIL&aJIADIIS Tools not separately class!. 2500 Gal or more ................ 2.445 was found by officers In the "Your Ho.t to the & JU.ACIUIOTIIS fled herein ···-··-······-··-.. ··· 2.37 Industrial Uft-Truck Driver 2.265 glove compartment of their car Coast Since 1926" STOP AT The ,Arches Health 1r Welfare 7%c Asphalt Raker. Ironer, Truck Greaser and Tireman 2..375 nearby. F I II E F 0 0 D S BoUermaker Foreman ......... .3.475 SJreackr ......... ·-··--............. 2..37 Truck Repalrman .................. 2.825 C 0 C J: T A ILS BoUennakH Sub-Foreman 3.325 Cement Dumper (on 1 yd. or Truck Repairman (Job Site) 2.825 All your printinq needs will be COAST HIGHWAY AT * ( BALBOA~ EVElY Ill) lrHII!! Day Wednesday JfOOK TO t p .II. F• 11111111 Ill C•••••l••• lc Boilermaker 6 Blacksmith 3.125 larger mlxers and handling Truck Repalrman Helper ... .2.375 handled conve niently and court· THE ARCHES Boilermakers A Blacksmith bulk cement) ··---·-·-······· 2.37 Truck Repairman Helper eously in the completely-eQuip-.._,_. ... dl J-L PrbdiDg Helpers ............................... .2.825 Concrete Curer-Impervious Job Sttel ............................. 2.375 ped Job Printinq O.partmeni of JOHN VU.EI IE Call. HArbor 1114 lor UU • alllCKLATEU Membrane ·--·-·--·--... 2.35 Helpers. Warehousemen _you r Harbor Area Newspaper, ~-'rJO 1-1531 Health 6 Welfare7"'c ~lb~ or ShorB .................. 2.~ A Tea~ers ........................ 2.375 T~h~e~E~n~s~iq~n~,~~~~~~~~~~~d~~~ .. ~~~D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bricklayers 6 Stone Mason 3.60 Cuttlne Tor<:h Operator Warehousemen and - Brlcktender ····r····--········-······ 2.50 (Demolition) ...................... 2.21 Teamsters ........................... 2.185 ELECTaiCIAKS Driller (All Others> -·-······· 2.45 Warehousemen-Clerk ···--· 2.325 Electrician .......... -.............. 3.35 Chucktender (except The rates of per diem wages Cable Splicer ··~·-----··--3.65 Tunnels ) ····· ............... ~ ......... 2·31 for each of the various cluslflca- DOK Fine Grader <Highway and Uons of work shall be the here- Pan Setter ................................ 2.43 Street Paving only> -··-· 2.28 lnbefore set forth prevalllng Pan Setter Wkg. Foreman .. 2.60 Flagman ···· .. ·········-··-·······-··· 2.16 rates of hourly waees multiplJed Pan Setter Helper ···-·-··· ....... 2.18 Gas and 011 Pipeline by eight (8). Eight (8) hours Ornamental lron Worker .... 3.10 Laborer ···········--·-·-··--· 2.16 ahall constitute a day's work; It Structural Iron Worker ........ 3.10 Gas and 011 Pipeline being understood that In the LATIIEJIS Wrapper-Pot Tender and event that wortc.men are em. Lather Foreman .................... 3.775 Form Man -·-··-·-----2..37 ployed less than eight (8) houn Lather ·······-··· .. -· .. ·····--····-·.3.465 Gas and OU Pipeline per day, the per dJem wages PIUlftEU Wrap~Inch Pipe and shall be deemed to be that frac. Brush -·-.. ····-······-·---··· 2.50 over ·-·-··--------~ Uon of the per diem wages here-- In establt.abed that the number of hours of employment bears to eteht <8> hours. Where a alnele shift Is worked, ell'bt (8) eonsecuUve hours be- tween 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. ahaU eonstJtute a day'a work at etrai1ht Ume. All "ort performed In excess or eleht houn per day for tony (40) hours per week or on HolJ. days and Su.nd~ aball be paid for at the rate or oYWtime of the craft involved. Holldql u bereln referred to llhall be ciMtDed te beN.-. Year'• Day. Decoration Day, Independ- ence Day, Labor Day, Atmlatlce Dq, 'lhan)facjviq Day, and ~ V any ot the abow holl4.,_ fall on Sund~. th• Moncle.)r Wlowlal lflal1 be oon-~Adtncl a llcal bolldq. Jt lhall .. ,.,., t 1 upon tbe Oofttrec:t. to wboal a coatract II awardecJ, and upoD aJl IIUbeon· tndln under bJm to p., not ._than I&Jd ....... pNftWna ,.... ot '*' dtem ..... to all wortr:m. ..._plo_JM tn the GeCU· ...., of tiM t'OIIIINd;. Jlfo ...._ J1M7 wtt:bdraw Iaiii w• rw a ,_.. ot ao ...,. an. tM ... -.. tiM Cll*'llll •ot .... ...... atTriatl• Jlftwp(llt ........ lcMol Dlltrkt ~ .... Onqe~. -: 8AaftY D. ..... a.ll low, Ride the lew "Showboat" to Laguna & SUnset Oce .. CrUise ::---~a.i;iiiicjni~~c:-iib&ll tab eflect and be In full Lt. CoL WI* a, VuMI9ort AK OIIDIJUIIICE A.JIE!Q)ING lone thtrt)' (30) ~ flom and • ... ~ ... U lD Udo .. after lt8 d before the ..r.. w-~.. w '!'be &IUUial ............ draft. laloboe NCietftd 110 tlrom Robert ~~~CJ:~ aplratloa~ftft!:n (15) daya r=~ ~~ ~:u= 11\a o_.. lllaf'WOfed bJ P. A. Weld. Newport Balboa SaYlop 3S1 OJ' Till! COUJn'Y OJ' OR-att. the ~1e thereol shall be mand and General Staft Collep ....._ u4 tbe 11-.art 8alboa and Loan ,.,. •nntatlw, and ANGE. CAL 1 p 0 HI A. AI pub)..... once In the N~ at Fort Levenwortb K.an. Sa.._ ad LoaD ~atton Ball.., NCelwcJ a ciMc* f01t t:SO. AMENDED, EN'l'I'I1JI:D .. Al'f Harbor Enalp, a newspaper ot Colonel ~an~ hu com· b.u ..._ WOil bJ' J:rJ.-~ OtJwr prbe wtn._...,... Jton ORDINANCE J:STAWI.JSIUMG ...-a1 etreulation publlsbed In pleted the IChool'a N~Ular C!Om· boll of 0ranp. MootaomerY, Colt& M-. tbJrct. LAND c LA SSlJ'ICATrOJCS tbe County of Oran,e, State of rnand and 1enftal atatt offlcel' Be Ued lD total DUJDW ot $40; Doll Gutftt:Jler, San Clemente, AND DJSTIUCI'S W 1 T Bl N CalJtCIIonla, toptber with t h e ooune and ll ICheduled for u. poiDta with JollA Ballew. ollfew. fowtb. p); Ernie Julian. We.t. THE u N J Nco R P ORATED rw:n. ot tbe members of the al&nmen\ In the Far !!ut pwt llaads. but wu rated a cloee mlnlter, fttth, ~.and Jerry llic:e, TEIUUTORY OF ORANGE Board of Supervllots voting for A membe:r o.t the ninth Po-twar ftnt becaue ot tbe dMalli.Ddud. eo.ta Meu. alatb. ~0. Tbe l!pe- COUNTY AND R.EGULA11NG and a1alNit the same. class to attend the echool, be wu ecllD Ilia wwldn1 draw!J:lp. Vll; clal award ot t.25 for th• out. THE USES OF PROPERTY WIUJS H. WAllNER Instructed In tire theor;y ot hllh atanclln1 model wu made to THEREIN. ADOPTING SEC Chal.rman ot the Board of Su-command and the tedlnlquea of AJIOIW ~ Dick B&n.IOJ\, Allabelm, by Stew TIONAL MAPS OF SAID DIS. pervt.eora of Orange County, ataff officers. Bll clus Included The Stork dellvery .ervtce wu SmJth of the Newport Balboa Sav. TRJCTS, DE PINING THE California • 538 u. s. Armed Forces ottieers lnp and Loan. TERMS USED· IN SAID ORDI· A1TEST: and 72 students from 35 other na. not on .atke mld.June, accordlnl ------ NANCE, P R 0 VI D lNG FOR B. J . SMITH· (SEAL) lions. to Thelma Paddock Hope. Corona LOCAL ITUD&JITI U110U. THE ADJUSTMENT, EN· County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk Colonel Vandervort, whose wlte, del Mar artllt. who announced a AT CII..AftCAR COLI.&Q& FORCEMENT AND AMEND· of the Board o.t Supervtaors of Katherine Elizabeth, ls with him ne'IIV arandchild, Llsa Chrl.at.lna Enrolled tor the IUJD.IDes MSilon MENT THEREOF AND PRE· Oranae County, CalltornJa at Fort Leavenworth, ls a veteran Hope, born Tueeday June 14, to at Chapman CoUe1e, Oran1e, are SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) of more than 13 years' Army Mr. and Mn. Fred Hope of Her. Mrs. Janet Patterson, 302 E. ITS VIOLATION." • > sa. service. Bls decorations Include mou Beach. Tbe baby's father Ocean Ft., Balboa; Nancy Sheet.s, The Board of Supervisors of the COUNTY OF ORANGE > the Purple Heart artd the French Is a araduate ot Newport Harbor 325% Diamond Ave., Balboa County of Orange, Calltornla, do I, B. J. SMI'IH, County Clerk crotx de Guerre. Hllh School and Oran1e Coast Island; Sue Baldwin, 335 E. Wal. ordain as follows: and ex-officio Clerk ot the Board College. Tbe baby has a little nut PJ., and Garlan Wetzel, 369 SECTION 1. That SubseCtion of Supervisors do hereby certify Read Enatcn want Ad.t. brother, Freddie, ace 3%. E. Broadway, eo.ta Mesa. "C" ot Section 19 of Ordinance that at a regular meeting of the No. 351 of the County ot Orange, Board of Supervisors of Orange Callfornla, as amended, entitled, County, Calltornla, held on the "An Ordinance Establishing Land 21st day of June, 1955, the fore- tlassltlcatlons and Districts with· golng Ordinance containing three In the Unincorporated TerTitory (3) sections was considered sec. ot Orange County and Regula-tlon by section, and that the said tlng the Uses of Property There. Ordinance was then pused and In, Adopting Sectional Maps of adopted as a whole by the Col- said Districts, Defining the Terms lowing vote: Used In Said Ordinance, Provld-AYES: SUPERVISORS RALPH ing tor the Adjustment, Enlorce· J. MCFADDEN, HEINZ KAISER. ment and Amendment Thereof C. M. FEATHERLY, WM. H. and Prescribing Penalties for Its HIRSTElN • AND WlLUS H. Violation." be and the same Is WARNER. hPreby amended by addlng to NOES: SUPERVJ SORS NONE said section a paragraph to read ABSENT: SUPERVISORS NONE as follows: IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I "If a Variance Permlt or Con· have hereunto set my hand and dltlonal Permit application affixed the oftlclal seal of the has been denied by the Board Board of Supervisors of the Coun- ot Supervisors, no further ap ty of Orange, State of Calltornia, plication covering the same this 21st day of June, 1955. property for a Variance or B. J. SMITH Conditional Permit for the County Clerk and ex.oUiclo same or similar use may be Clerk of the Board of Su. flied or considere-d within the pervlsors of Orange Coun- perlod of one (1) year from ty. California the date o! such denial." 1 SEAL) Yoa lldllg tllelaudat w. do .... 'tirol-k • • • NewLowPrx- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHERmE • ITEA-IPI ....... , •• .. , ... fte c..tlll AIM P• •eatr JO 1' ... . ldO..A.,.,. L I_.._. a,.tt'-1·1 I I i SECTION 2. lC any section, sub-Publish Newport Harbor Ensign section, paragraph, sentence. June 30, 1955 clause or phrase of this OrdJ. nance is tor any reason held to be unconstitutional or Invalid, such decision shall not aUect the validity or constitutionality of the remalnlng portions of this OrdJnance. The Board of Super. visors hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordi- nance and each section. subsec- tion. paragraph. sentence. clause or phrase thereof, Irrespective of the fact that one or more of the sections. subsections, paragraphs, sentences. clauses or phrases thereof be declared unconstitu- LECAL XOTJCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC IIEAJliifC Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the application oC Charles W. Masters for a Re subdivision No. 10 to resubdlvlde a parcel consisting of Lot No. 16 and "' of Lot No. 15 of Tract No. 1026 Into two R-1 building sites as follows: Building Site No. 1 consisting of the Southerly 60 foot portion or said Lots No. 16 and 1141 of No. 15 with a frontage of 84 teet on Breakers Drt-le and an area of ~ sq11are teet. BuUdlng Site No. 2 conslatln1 of the remaining Northerly portJon of said Lots No. 16 and ~ of No. 15 having a depth greater than 63 feet. an area greater than 5000 square feet and an 84 tt. frontage on Ocean Front Blvd. and located at 701 Ocean Boulevlird at the Southerly end of Marguerite Av- enue. PUT YOUR SA IIIIIGS WHfllf THEY fXPAIID-WITH SAFETY I tional or Invalid. SECTION 3. Thls Ordinance 3403 E. Coa.st Bwy. 8 CO RON A DEL MAR Phone Harbor S011 &.....:~ Complete La•dsca,i•& Semce Notice Is hereby further gtven that said public hearing will be held on the 21st day of Ju ly Year 1955, at the hour of 8 :00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall. at which time and place any and all persons Interest~ may ap pear and be h('ard then•on. RAY Y. COPEUN. SK'retary NEWPORT BEACH Cl1i. PLA."iNING COMMISSION LECAL NOTICE No. PA 620 NOTICE TO CJlEDITOBS ESTATE OF HENRY CHARLES BROWN. aka HENRY C. BROWN. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all persons lfavlng claims against the said decedent or said estate to file them with the necessary vouch- 011111 I --..lsca,i•• ers In the oUlce of the Clerk of ...... -D the Superior Court of the State of 2229 E. Coast Blghway California. In and tor the County CoroDCI del Mar of Orange. or to present the same, with the necessary vouch- Roy~ Prior ers, to the undersigned at hll or u 1-7021 her place of business, to-wit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ E. R. Abbey, Public Administra-tor. c/o Thomas E. Heffernan. 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. California QUICI SEIVICE Rou.ER SilliES within six months alter the first publication of this notice. Dated: June 24, 1955. E . R. ABBEY Admlnlstrator of the Estate of said decedent. Atto rneys tor Administrator ~I _ {;I J ~-411111 {;I~ Harwood, He.Uernan lr Soden ,,. C>HQIII. C>1 2515 E. Coast H11hway Corona del Mar, Calltomla Standard S h a d e Cloth.s and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. * ..... the * Call Harbor 1535 ._t Offlce BA 1M as S!2ad lt.. ........ .... PubU.b: June 30. July 7, 14, :n ~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~I~n~th~e~N=ewpo~~rt~ Harbor Ertal&n- Our functional modern new hom e (all paid for) is a marvel of economical efficiency. Come and see your money at work. Toss a pebble in a pool. See those ripples expand in ever· widening circles. ' Well -that's just the way your savings 'grow when you invest them with us. They grow and grow in ever·expanding figures in your passbook . . . .•. and remember that they are withdrawable, always at par. Accounts ore insured by the federal Savings and Loan lnsu:-· ance Corporation, an agency of the United States Governme'lt. Savings received up to July 11th earn from July 1st. For as little as $5 you can OPEN AN ACCOUNT AND SAVE BY MAIL Ample Customer t"anung Safe Deposit Vault Private Coupon Booths ConfeNnce Room Complete &crow Service Money Orclert American Express Travelers Cheque Col1ecttons Savings Accounts Over 19 years ot regular dividends . • . now paying U. S. Government Bonds Loans to Ivy, lui lei, ........... 3 Y2 -J. per annum ..• .4 payments per year on all accounh. IMurence Aa•ncr Our 38th Consecutive Dividend NEWPORT BALBOA· SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P.A.PALMIR,,,...,., ' 3366 YIA LIDO • IIIWPOIIT IIIACH. CALIFORNIA .. ............... . co•o•a DIL IIA. OffiCI • M07 IIAII COAlY ... IWAY • IW 'PIDI• HAAI .. 1'71 J.A.- •. ., •••.••. ,. .... ,a..-na •• A ••• , ••• OIIICI•a • Upper lay aid Sking Rules l.mAI. JIO'I'IC& I,&ML 11011Ca ~AIJCIK ,. keep UG&L IIO!'IC:a AN OIDIJfAlfCB or THE ~uoualy ~at tho "(e) ,..or u:rr,..... to operate Hearing Is Set In Lane Case HOW'S , • CITY OJ' ftt:WPO.RT D!ACB ol aald Unea with tbo a motor boat 11t a 11*'4 1D ...-A PI'OMUOe beutllr haa been AMENDiftG SllCTIOJif lOUO lhoN line on bot\l atdee ol the of thtrty.ftft (J5) nauUca.liDDel Mt b Jul7 It. Oeorp H. Lane Doc Boltlnan notk:ed In tbe list belnr eauaht oft the rocks or fr-om or AR11CLE X OJ' 1'111: )(U. ehan.nel wltt.ble alsn-dealrna· per bou.r. lr., M. ol a:rr ceauna Dr., J(ew. or data wbe.n the ttnt albacore boea ancltored near the rocks.. NICIPAL OODE D'IT'J1.I:D :'' :s-te.'lltelltely and aoutherly .. (d) J'or aQ penon to enaqe 1*t a.tpte, • fMM ef auJtly came 1ft durfna ~t yean that Jlallbut. bua. loti o1 rock cod OW .. "HARIIOR III>CULATIOIIS ..:::.=.t. ot doe.,. ......... bo-e< •adlac ... tbo .., ____ vlnlautA> tile one bla"'" wu -· lllc and a lew buncu .. ,,. ""'"' --AND GOYDlfllfG SPEED • pwpoee Qf rtc:reetloll. aeept ltl ale traDMdlon& Ria bial wu to year the ftnt flab wu cleeked In eaupt on Port Oranp boats. . @ ~ •••••=• .. •rtll ..._ REGIJLATIOIIII AIID llATE 11 '6. Within ~ I ot 'Upper .,_ wllldo ...., .. 1zs1pa>st """....,.. -T bo SUperior Juno IMtud ot Ju!y. S. tn>ut and halibut llsbl -- OP SPEIID... ewport Bay' U baeln deec:rlbod. u awtma\lq .,... by ,_,JutloD Court. In 1950 the I'Wl .tartecl on JUM bu bee-n fOOd d ne .._ - 'lbo Clt7 Council ot tile City ot -oball be eocluolw!y b ot tlla City Couadl. tbo 11at11o ot .,. hlo pl-. r. .. admitted .. and lutod -to 11-_. a.ntab ..:":," tho Ellll Nowpaot hoch doe& ordala u ~~ .....,, -u ... ..,. -anu oball be plalaly f!!!'4 ,_ "' "" automobile on Y..,.o dq. Thb ,..,. die. II .. al· bay brfd ... Some yoll~ = ., .!.. "::'.'~ followa : .... ._provided, Mtween the hours ~ked by appropriate alaN ._.,. .. U. 195C. from MN. EJI.za. baeore eame In on lune 21. Looka er are al8o beln =~~~~~~~~~~~ SEC110N 1: Section lOUO of of 11 a.m. and auuet It ahall be pofted by tJle Harbor Kuter. beth Smith and tleft on Sept. 15 Uke a J00C1 year. AJ.o. they were llmm Ca ~ eau1ht around Arll<le X ot tho Municipal Code unlawful and a violation ol thb "(e) Ve< any -· to -ala ot IUA!LIO l>om tile Bank ot Am-on t>e bum thlo ,._, wtth tllo down~. cll~l ,... aallboot of the Crty of Newport Beach, be or~inance: or cau• to be p.tac.cl thereln « «lea. Newport Beach branch. tint repora not oomm1 t.rom The Westerner ~ntlnues to nsb and the same 11 hereby amended (a) For any penon to operate thereon any motor •t unl-Mexico. , local. leavf~ from the New to read u follows: or eauae to be plac:ecl thereln or the aame ia equipped with • f1re G F I The bean farmers deelded to go Pier at 6 a.m. with quite r "Section 10110. Speed baula· thereon any·veuel or water eraft extlnplahet of a type approved ene ene on out and show the boya how to do small wblte eea baas. uite ~ t= tJoru~-Rate of Speed. ot.Ur than a motor boat tdlhte6t by the United 8tatee Cout Guard I D d It lut 'nlura4ay on Phll Tozer'• halJbut but hit and ~-th "1. The term motor boat u feet (18') or leu In le.nath and and We aavtna equipment of a $ ea at 81 Andele fr-om Nonn'a Landlna. batracuda. A few hatlbu~n an~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~ ule'd ln th1l lledlon ahall mean with unoMtr\Jcte4 operator • a tYPe approved by the United brlnllng ln 28 aJb~. These Paclt1c and Spanish mackerel and Include any and all YeiNls view, except pwsuant to a ape. State& Cout Guard lot each per. Funeral llerVices for Eugene lone-ftns were caught way down are beln& caulht oft the bar e A Clessifi-Ad tn .-..... en..:-n or waten:ratt wholly or partially clal pennlt to bold a boat raee ~ tran.apotWd therein. Fenelon, 81, of 1721 Mlramar Dr there on the 35-mlle bank. Georgia, anchored at sea oft [h~ ,... ·-....... ""'polled by naptba, ruollne O< .,.. • ..,. pumaant to tllo ...,... (I) Po< any..,_ to operate Balboa, .,.,. hold y....,.day 1~ Sea """t and halibut up to olx Newport Pin. b<;nq, ;nunad;eta '""""' C.ll other motlve power. alons of Section 2 of th1l OrdJ, a motor boat ln the na..rrow chan-Our Lady of ML Carmel Catholle pounds are betng eauJht on live .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;H;;e:;rbor;:;;;;';;';;'4-;;;;1;;1 ;;15~o~nd~~a.~rcwe~~itl '"2. Exceopt u herein othenvt.e na.nee. n~l weaterly of that Cleft&ln Church. Newport Beach. Mr. rene-baJt from the PavUion cloclL Some r provided, no pm10n In command "(b) For any j,enon to operate laland described as Lot 2. SectJon Ion died Sunday 1n Hoa1 Memor. spotted sand bass are alao betng of any motor boat aball operate a motor boat 1n other than a 26, Township 6 South, Ranee 10 1&1 Boepltal after an extended w. eau1ht. The Seablacult from aa.me or permit the same to be eounter-clodlwtM trame pattern. West, S.B.B. 6 k. and which .Ia nesa. Davey'a Locker hu been eettin& operated In any portion of New. except when apeeWeally d1.rected Joeat~ southwest of 'Upper Bay In 1908 he was usoctated with eome barracuda and Iota ot. white port Harbor at a rate of apeed 1n otberwile by the Harbor Muter Ramp. a14thor lack London ln a London sea bass. The Spot King from excess of 5 nautical mUes per .. (e) Por any penon to operat~ "(e) For any person operatlna adventure to the South Seu de. Norm's Landin& continues on the hour. · a motor boat at a apeed In ex-a motor boat to tow a water alder acribed by the author In the book white aea bua.. calico and hall· "3. For the purposes of t.h1a ce.a of 35 nautical mlles per or engaee In any type ot water ''Crulae of the Snark." One of the but run, with barracuda when aectlon. that portion of Upper hour. akllng whataoever. crew membera wu Martin John. they're ayallable.. Newport Baylylne northerly of a "'(d) For any penon to operate ''8. It shall be unlawful and a aon. ..._later became famous u 'Ibe word ftom Graham'a Bait line that beara north f17• 18' 19'' a motor boat manned by lese violation ot. tht. ordina.nce tor an African explorer. and Tackle Ia that a f~ apotf1n eut fr-om Station 125 of the ordJ. than two (2) penons when auch any vessel or water eratt of any Mr. Fenelon was a native of croaker are belne caught ln the nary high tJde line as eatabllahed •boat Ia towtng any object. .true. kJnd In excess ot eighteen teet Sal Harbor, Long Island, and bay. Some ruce a.lz.ed perch from In 1926 by Court Decree No. ture or penon. (18') In lenath to enter either came to Orange county 40 years 2~ to 3 pounds are being eaupt 20436 of the Superior Court ot "(e) Por any person operating Dlmtct I or District n during the ago. helping to start the City of In the surf between 30th St. and Orange County, California, shall a motor boat to overtake 1n the houra commencing 11 a.m. and Placentia. He served as bulldlng 36th St.. Newport Beach.. Some be known and designated u wake of or follow ln the wake of endlng at sunset. Inspector for the City of Newport corblna are also being ~aught In U~per Newport Bay." another motor boat at a dlatance SECTION 2. The City Council Beach from 1926 to 1930, when he the surf on soft shelJed sand '4-. A part of said 'Upper New-of leas than two hundred feet may, when It dee~ the occasion was an unsuccessful candidate crab5. Those prtcluy sculpin are port Bay' ahall be aepazately (200'), when such latter motor warranta. grant a special permit as a county supervisor. He then known and designated as "Dis-boat l5 en1aged tn towing any to hold a boat race In the course be<:ame purchasing ag~nt for Qr. trlct I' and 'District n: District pbject. structure or person. o1 which, unmuftled engines may ange county, serving for four I shall be that portion of sa!d "(f) For any penon operating be used by the contestants upon yeazs. 'Upper Newport Bay' lytna north-a motor boat to fall to yield the the waters of Newport Harbor He served overseas d u r I n 1 erly of a straight line between right-ot-way to the operator of along and over certain courses World War I In the 144th Field Station 43 and Station 95 of the another motor boat whkb l5 en. situated In the waters of said Artlllery and was a rancher In ordinary high tJde line as estab-eaged In towing any object, struc. harbor; and provided further Placentia. He served on the New- Jlshed In 19216 by Court Decree ture or penon. that such special penntt o1 sa!d port Beach city planning com. No. 20436 of the SupedOP Court "(g) For any person operating City Council shall be tor a period mission and aided In drafting the of Ora nee County, California. Dla-a motor boat to tow more than of time not exceeding ten days first plannlne and zoning ordl- trlct II shall be that portion of two (2) penons at one time. In all of any calendaz year bere-nance tor the city. He was a said 'Upper Newport Bay' ~e "(h) For any person operating alter, and shall not exeeed eight member of the Newport Harbor between a line that bears north a motor boat to employ when houra of any calendar day the American Leato~ Post 291 and f11• 18' 19" east from Station 125 towing any object. structure or entire period o1 time for ~hlch Our Lady of ML Carmel Church. of the ordinary hllh tide line u penon, a towline In excess o1 s uch special penntt 1s granted to Mr. Fenelon Ia survived by his establl5hed ln 1926 by Court De-~enty.~ve feet (75') in length. fall between the hours of eight wife. Mrs. Molly L. Fenelon of cree No. 20436 of the Superior (I) For any person to engage o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m. the home address; four sisters. Court of Orange County, CaJt. ln awlmmlng or wading for the SECTION 3. The provisions of Mrs. Walter Williams of Chicago. fornla and a str•lght llne be· purpoee of recreation, except In thls ordinance as provided for In Mrs. William Rohman of Massa tween Station 95 and StatJon 43 areas which may be designated paragraphs 6 and 7 hereof shall chusett.a. Mrs. Annette Bugbee of of the ordinary high tide line as as swimmlne areas J>Y resolutl,pn not apply to commercial or bust. Lone Island, N. Y. and Mrs. Law. Funeral services for William Alva Hatch Sr., 66, of 188 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa. Wf'l'e held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Parkes-RJd. ley Mortuary Chapel. Costa Mesa, with Rev. Chazles Hand otflclat lng. Mr. Hatch died June 23 ln his home of a heart attack. He wu a native of Utica. Neb., and came to California In 1921 and had lived In Costa Mesa for 32 *ars. He was a retired engineer or the Holly Sugar Co. establlahed by said Court Decree, of the City Co u n e 11 , the ness craft havfng a legitimate renee Jeffrey of Florida. and extending north to District I. limits of which areas shall be business to conduct In either of Roury was recited for Mr. Fen. "5. It shall be the duty of the plainly marked by appropriate said Districts during the hours elon Tuesday In the Parkes-Rid- Harbor Muter to poet and to algn.s posted by the Harbor Mas-set forth In paragraphs 6 and 7, ley Mortuary Chapel In Costa ter. provided, however, that such Mesa. Mrs. Grace Elizabeth Regan, 39, o1 341 E. 21st St.. Costa Mesa. dJed Friday in Hoig Boepltal. where she had been a p&Uent few 10 da,ya after a heart attadt. ·SAVE SAFELY At Orent• County's L .. dint Homo lending lnatltwtion CONTINUING TO PAY "(J) Por any penon to operate eratt aball f1nt apply for and re- or eau.M to be pl~ ~In or eeJve ln wrlttna permlaton to thereon any motor boat unless enter aaJd Dl.strlcta from the Har. the same Ia equipped with a fire bor Master. and provided further. extlngu!sber of a type approved that In the event that such per. by the United States Coast Guard mtulon 1a received. then such and Jlfe aavtna equipment of a craft shall be limited to a rate type approved by the United of speed not Jn excess of three States Coast Guard for each per. nautical mlles per hour. son transported therein. SECTION 4. The time referred "(Jit) For any person to operate to In paracraphs 6 and 7 hereof a motor boat ln the narrow chan. shall be Sta.ndard Time, except nd westerly ot that certain when Daylight Savings 'nJne 15 laland cle.crlbed as Lot ~ Sec:Uon ln force In the State~ Callfornla. 26, Township 6 South Pan&e 10 durlne whJcb time the time rel«· West. S. B. B. 6 M .• a · Nhlch 1s red to shall be deemed to be loca~ southwest of 'lJyper Bay Dayllpt Savinas nme. Ramp. SECTION 5. This ordinance l5 "(I) For any boat operator to hereby declared by the City enter fr-om the North Into the Council to be necesaa.ry as an channel east of that certain emergency measure tor pre8ef'V. laland described as Lot 1, Section lng the publl~ peace, health or 23. Township 6 South. Range 10 safety for the following reasons: West. S.B.B.&M., and which is That the area of Newport Har. locat~ North of 'Upper Bay bor described In Districts 1 and n ~p. hereof was recently annexed to (m) For any person opera-the City of Newport Beach and tlng a motor boat to commence that prior to such annexation towing a water skier against the w ater sJdlng and motor boat counterclockwise trattlc pattern, speeds In excess of the speed reg. and when at a boat launchln(; ulatlons of the City of Newport ramp from other than a deslgna. Beach were permissible 1n said ted 'take--oft' area, provided that Districts. and were extensively E111 Lilli If lsi• S111 , •• II Ap if. Sbe was bom ln New York CIV and came to Cal1fomla in 1939 and to eo.ta Mesa ln 1942. She Funeral services for Earl Littell, 1.! survived by her h u a ban d Ill. of Zl6 E. Ocean Front. Balboa. Geor'p E. &elan; one dau1bter: were held Monday In the Baltz ludlth I. Beran. and two .,na, Mortuary Costa Mesa Chapel. George E. ftelan lr. and Thomu with Rev. Ewing Hudson of St. M. Regan. all of the home ad- Andrews Presbyterian Church of. dress; two sisters. Mrs. Myrtle tJclatlne,. Heart of Long bland. N. Y~ and Mr. Uttell died last Thursday Mrs. l ean Blrcb of Philadelphia. In hls home. He was born In wu. Pa. Jlamstown. Ky .. and had Jived In Holy rosary was recited at 8 Calltomla for 32 years. seven In p.m. Sunday In the Parkes..IUdley the harbor area. He Is survived Mortuary Chapel in Costa Mesa. by his son, Fred Llt1ell. of the Mass was celebrated at 9 a.m. home address: two grandchildren Monday In the St. Joachim Catho- and one great-grandson. Private Jlc Church . Interment followed the services. CLOTHES DJUEB FlU: GIBL FOB KELSOifS An electric clothes drier w as A daughter, 8 lb!l .. 3 oz... was declared a total loss from a fire born to Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson 1 which burned clothes In It at 8:37 of 319 Anade St., Balboa. In St. p.m. Saturday In the home of Joseph Hospital on Sunday. June 1 Mrs. Elsie J. Braly of 530 Kings 26. Rd .. Cliff Haven. . Larabee, Goodwill Owner, Reports Mystery Threats the operator of a motor boat may used for water skiing and for the plek up and launch a fallen skier propelling or motor boats in ex- ln the water, if he ean do so wtth. eftS of nve nautical mUes per out disturbing the counter-dock· hour by the publlc generally· On two OCC'aslons ln the past 10 of his car. Mr. Larrabee informed wise tratftc pattern of any other that said Dlstrlcta are now u.ed days a man driving a grey 1949 the man he would knock him tJat m?,Wr boat towine a alder.. continuously by operaton of or 1950 sedan hu tried to force lf he came upon hl5 property. (n) For any penon operating motor boats and water skiers, hi t th b d ah ted whereupon the suspect ~turne-d a motor boat with a skier In tow and unless this =&nee 1s th:at1° at ~~~r~een ~boa to his car. who has falleh ln taking off from adopted as an em cy ordJ. Blvd. and Coast Hwy. and hls ''I know where you live and I'll ~~ ram~a to clrele back nance regulating the operation of home. Ralph E. Larrabee o1 1306 get you; I hate all you rich cl~ d aolna In a counter. motor boata and aklinl 1n aald w. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach, no-s.o.b.'s.'' Mr. Larrabee quoted thf' ..... lrec:tlon around the DlstJ'Icta. the City of Newport tltJed Newport pollee at 4.45 P m auspect as statln& ..., he drovf' two ..... oy pattern at the ramp Beach will have no orcUnance June 22. · · · away. pollee said. ~·· permitting akUng or the opera. Th last tl Mr. Larrabee, owner of the (o} Por any skier to drop his tion of boats ln excess of nve e me, on lune 20• the schooner Goodwill de.cribed the 1 towline and terminate hts akllng nautical mUes per hour durlna ~ followed the Informant suspect u about aO slx let"t tall All ACCOUNTS INS E In a boat ramp area other than the hours herein prescribed. ome, pollee said. slender. wearing kh~kl pants and · Ult D at the deslpated 'landlne area' SEC110N 6: That thls ordl· Aa Mr. Larrabee came out or ahlrt and a peak cap wtth a but UP TO $10,000 at .. aaJd ramp. na.nce ahall take effect tmmedJ. hls aara,e, he picked up a heavy ton on IL PER ANNUM All Aeeo~tfttt Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Eam From the ht. LAGUNA (p) For the o~er In a ately upon the puaage thereof mahogany boat tlller and ad Pollee advbed Mr. Larrabee t() motor boat whoee skier hu fallen, and ahaU be publlshed once tn vanced toward the threatening contact them immediately u the and for ~ otleerWr In a motor the Newport Harbor Ensign, a man. who had ~topped besJde the suspect put In anath4!f ap~ar boat Qproedalnc a fallen alder. ~per ot. pnwa1 drculatJon. Larrabee drtveway and eot out ance. to fall to tmmedlately raUe one printed and publllbed and drcu· arm wrtlealt)-upon o~ lated ln the Cit)-of Newport the fallen alder ln the water." Beach. "'7. Wltbln Dtlttlet n ot 'Upper The above and ~eotna ordl· Newport lilY u hereln deacrlbed. nance wu In t r o d u c e d aDCI between tb.e houn of 11 a.m. and adopted at a special meetlnl ot. aunset Jt ...U M unlawfUl a.od tM aty CouneU o1 u.e Clty a VIolation of tJail ~: Newport 8eacll beWI Clll the 2.1rc1 "(a) hr &QY ,....... to opent. c1Q fll June. ._ "' tM follow. or caae to M. pla_<*l UMnln 01' m, .-., to •= tiMreoa *"7 ...-1 • .... Graft AYD. OOO'JICII.MD: .. Mtl.l otiMr tbu a mocor boat elfbteea \1IIJW ~~acK.et lllodclu'4. JUa IWt Cll') • ._Ill._.. alid 111e; .W. ' · wWl ~ operat o r '• ~ OOUtfm.IQ:R: wane. !!!!'· .apt ....... to a ..,.. u.RT. ~: ... -.....-• IMM a boat nee ..w. ............ tiM~ .._. _, ~ I G« thai OrdJ • ....... •(•) hr Mlr ..-to opera .. .............. ttau. OIUI• llt*wlliir trdle = A O~niW Ad ift lM .,.. •. ....._ ...... ..,... ~~ ........... ~~ ..... -...~_.. ... ..._...__,,._ ••·a.·~~e .... .,.._, H.t.or 1114o;OIS lind.,.,. Announcing the Opening of Our Beautlful New Shop on July 1st * COLLECTOR'S ITEM 234 Broadway IUCI $4ftll u .. E••• IV Wltla ..t1a pole 1w .-y c:.e. ...... to 8CIIId wabnDa. c... ..... wtaa ....... CW:if ... c.e. II .,.., SO. COAST BLVD. lf1'ATT ~21 LA GUlf A BEACK Pe ..... H'siiM llclleck·.,• Laguna Beach WE IIAVE EYUI iiiDIG r oa TKE a&Aal UJ) PAnO ••• OUIDOCM P Ua .ITV D OP AU. IDif'DS.. COIO'LETE IE. LECTJO. OP PADS A1rD JlE.COYEIIS • • • CU'ITOII aE cov aas oP AU. ,.,......, IEACI UCIS Y•rhllanlill •Ill~.,.~ •• , • ' __ .. Again For Speed Boats, ater Skiin1<1 The ordlDance .... dedan4 \0 be an emerlft'CY, apd thert'by the POUCE pr.m.tum paymDt of perhapt 'nle Grdlname thn wu ·~ be e a me alrteUve l.mmedt.tely at.2l0 a ,..., U tb• entire Upper proved unantmoualy -all mem-upoa ~P. ~~;;;:;;;;;;;;;.~=-=~;;~;;;:;;;;;;;:;-;;1 It ..... toueh w~. but Newport • waN'DaAT. JVII& a tH~pted to llMl anoth'er at tlnally did~ tllat Georp ~ of UOl cut! Dr .. Mamla Aw., Newport Beach, otdlnanee lata lut Newport Helcht., reported a poe. tn'a the nlcht. Philltp bPI) afternoon. and padJoaa a.,. aree 111 opened~to llldlnc. l'..,~n~c<~Cou~nell~~bu~!~Cou=::DC!~Ima=•~==:::=;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::, Coundlman Let WUder calledl- atten~ to adde:d H:JM:Me to the elty, not only from the hJ&ber premium. but aDo from addl- tJcm.al Harbor Department patrol- stble attempt by IOID@Ofte to catn 2305 W. Balboa Blvd.. real estate Newport Bay wt!re ~~~· ~:G< entry lhtouah the rear ......_,m alfllt for the property, reported apHd boats and water fe< I niD window of b1a home but otfken : • o A amall plane with the week-end. said th~ could find no poettlw wtnp and poealbly a The water alden W«en't prool ... J. M . Boyk.ln ot Coeta eame down\ in a low act.Jy hapPY about It, Mesa wu caned to ~'@move a beaeh betWeen 9th · and tbato• the reuon swarm of bees from the Girl Scout St.. Newport &e..ch, at nance was atmoet day camp area near the CUt. Mn. Robert Powell ot Reaaon for the aways Restaurant . · · Paul C-Ocean the fact that the Jones of 514 W. Ocean Front. Bal-dlytded tnto two areu: Dlatrk:t boa, reported the theft of a 16-a stra p 1, from the upper: ramp northerly foot flat bottom ;row boat · · · pet, on a to the dam. re.trlcted to water Mrs. George Dalby of 315 Golden-Balboa . o • alding; District u, from the upper rod Ave., Corona del Mar. report-5101 SeaShore Dr .• Newport ramp .autherly to the lower ed her son's red bicycle stolen Beach, was: ~en by ambulance ramp, restricted to speed boats. {rom the Port Theater . to Hoae Memorial Hcwpltal after "You'd have to be a bird to be e THURSDAY. JUKE J3 she fell and hlt her head 0~ a able to water akl way up there," His tomato red 1953 convertl-waJI in the Snue Harbor Cafe. was the comment from the audi- ble car with the keys In it was Newport Beach, at 10:44 p .m. · · · "You can skJ there at stolen trom In front ot his home, e KOJfDAYo JUWE 17 extreme hteh ,tide. The Robert E. Hutchison of 32(Y7 Ocean The driver of an empty ak.Ung area Js below the Blvd .. Co rona del Mar, reported tanker was not hurt when ramp." . . . . Someone broke branches off a tanker turned over on Coast Harbor Master Russell tree near her front fence, Claire a. short distance west of Avo<oo•do Claxton of 127 42nd St., Newport Ave., Corona del Mar, at Beach, complained .. A 9-foot a.m., clipping off a utlllty sktrf, valued at $75, waa stolen Rupert Spurlin of 3939 W. from Mrs. H. M. Pomeroy of 310 Hwy., Newport Beach, reported Buena Vista Blvd., BalbOa · the theft of 13 junk batteries val- • FRlDAY. JOKE 24 ued at $1.50 each from the rear Charles W. Moncreitt of 208 of a service station at that ad. Opal Ave .. Balboa Island, report· dress ... Officers contacted boys ed that during the night some-a t 312 Grand Canal, Balboa Is- one broke the left fro nt window land, who agreed to dispose of a in an attempt to get Into his au. large rattlesnake they were keep- tomobile ... A violation of leash tng in a jar and letting out OC· Jaw charge was filed against casionally . Wildon Thomas of 2112 Miramar of 1164 Agate Ave., Dr., Balboa, after his dog a lleg-land. reported the ediy bit Edward Ha re. 50. of 211 3 portable radio from Miramar Or .. BalbOa. who was house at 302',; S. Bay treated by a physician ... A hit boa Is land ... abould take ao. llnc. Councllman CJarence Hl&ble Bay for aa!d that such extra expen.~e is J: B. a minor factor compared with the additional income to the city from the boattnr and water akJ. inl' bualness. r a I d Bennett propoeed Ol"dl- nance could be pa.ued. with the diatrlcts ellmlnated. to do away with th• objections of the water alden. W . MacKay told ot some ol. the Insurance problem~~ arlaln& the speedboatlng and water In the Upper Bay. He aald earrlera may re- f<>< !he Councll waa just about ready to ·~ whe n Mr. MacKay said he wanted to be on record u favortnc Immediate action to ~pen tbe Upper Bay. He made a motion that the ordinance be adopted as written, a.nd Mr. Stod- dard seconded the motion. Mr. Bennett said he would go alone with that if 1t would be understood that It waa a tempor- ary meuure and would be amended a t an early date with respect to the water akUnr area . .... 30, ,.., 1-2 TASI&WFI 1M>hnxGJ lb. and run car damaged the left side of her car while passing at a high rate of speed while she w as traveling on Bayside Dr .. be- tween Carnation Ave. and Marine Ave .. Mrs. David L. Connell of 415 Iris Ave., Corona del Mar. complaine-d at 11 :20 p.m .... e SATUBDAY, JUlfE 2S Unsung Commercials EGGS doz. 49~ Margarine2-25' Hess Hair Fashions was "'!:c"'~ this week a t 3026 EHI;o~:>~itc:~o~ Corona del Mar. by e LDIIUill e DOTTED SWISS e VOILE -··-SUIIEI DIESIU _ .... IPPIIFI 2MIW ...... 819'4..C....11_. -. U.. wcrr to U.. L A. eo-trr Cl.-b EE 79._ • Steven Watson, 2%, of 223 Crys. ta l Ave .. Valboa Island, was re- ported wandering In his sleepers In th(' a rea of 1611 Ba.lboa Ave .. Ba lboa Island. at 1:43 a.m. and was taken home by officers . Tom Halstead of 713'1 Iris Avt> .. Corona del Ma r, reported that someone stole tht> right rear wheel of his car parked In front of h1a home. lt>avlng a jack at the .cene ... William Ha rper of 7301 Seashore Dr .. Newport Beach. reported that a group of boys t.ore up a boardwalk a nd a wooden windbreak and built a fir«! on the beach east or Orange St. and that he scared one of the boys out of of Laguna. Designing ing a beauty s hop Is not HILLSDALE IU ..... ~C. YAM' CAll.........,. C.. a ear ace ... e l tnrDAT, JDII'E. JOAeph F. Rivera Jr .. 28. of 106 E. 22nd St., Costli Mesa, was ar- rested on a drunk driving chargt> at Apolena Ave. and Pa rk Ave., Balboa Island. at 3 :77 a.m. Someone stole a $125 fiberglass float from under a dock and at- DO Iorge! WaHah Clalie's Hawaiia• Shop Swim suits. ll.oo Moo'•· Saroa.g"• cmd Gifts ••• E...-yth.iDIJ from Bcnrcrli WALTAH ClARIFS HAWAIJAJf SHOP l7U K. Coast 81.-d.. next to show, LCIIJUDG OPEN DAY. TIME. NITE-TIME, ~y OLD TIME Mr. Kitch en ; he Is owner of Hess Hairdressing beauty in Erie. Pa .. and has been 12 )'ears. Originally a native of Phil•· delphia. Mr. Kitchen attended college in Wooster, Ohio, after which he attended M. School of Hair Design In New York. Before starting hla own shop, he worked In New York several years, principally In Fifth Ave. Salon. His Interest Southern California after he had spent Q catJona at Acapulco, met many Callfornla.ns. tlng and moderfa aty11nl a feature of the new shop, cording to the owner. • • • · A Salute to Summer da nce was held Friday, June 17 , at the E1 Adobe In San Juan Capistrano by the Corona del Mar Arthur Mur- ray dance studio students and guests. Approximately 50 at- tended the party, which was a seml-fotma l dinner dance. Mam· bos, tangos and rhumbas the specialty of the evening. • • • FREE Gin'S are a1~::~~!~~~;! Investors at Costa ~ and Loan As~iation, port Blvd .. Costa Mt>sa . ~:;:,~! J uly. it Is announc<'d by A Walkf't, vief' · Mesa's and ]f)an IIRDS THAT B EA ll: WAT C H ING The Flighty Bumble Bird He'a a bird o f passage ••• alwaya on the go! But he never sceD\8 to get thinp done. even though he puta up a good flight. Can't even find time to pt to the bank. Solution: Bank By M.D-tbe quick, easy , conve nient way to get your banking done. Ask for your aupply of apecial Bank By Mail foi'IDI today. U.e them ne:r.t time you're in a flutter or can't &et to tht> boDit ••• you'll be !reo u a bird! 1" Dl'ftJlUT rAID 011 UVJifGI ACCOVIITI Dl ................. JIIIYJM ...... ..,.._,"!'~''· ' . Jftlw.t~•aJ••• ........... Pine~pple :.. .......... 25¢ Applesauce 2 ... 25¢ Pork & Beans ....... DEL JIOifU Socllw IH-~.-..d~-02.C -. Jar ITUKIIT--Citull: ltyt. Gingerbread 39¢ Dill Pi,kles * 29¢ TUNA ,-:-_: -.21¢ .OifDWAai:===Cola~ lr platM. DEL IIOJITE.--I .. wtl liD C.. (i;;;p;t..Uii Jce. 19( Paper P~ates ~ ... 10' _T ____.__--:--_2_"'___,_25_t ":1 ·• !FCITS A\T(fTABLL> Ja.OJrDJXE aLACK BE.ED WATERMELON 4~ UKTUcrY WOJIIDEB BEANS 7~ SOMIIEJl MD ITALlAI'f SQUASH 7ft. ftEB aJPE!RD PEACHES 2'"'29¢ ~-d········-····35¢ LIUTI-IIIa C.. IIOaQOVSE Fruit Cocktail 31¢ Mustard* :~: 13~ ZEE WAllE Napkins * FRANKS GOLD ..... J'k9. ... BACON LONG HORN CHEESE, RED s WIIOLE oa ....... IIALF SWifT'S PREMIUM · ' l /2 LB. Canned Picnic H·ams '2!9 Lean Ground 4 u..'l" Short IDL Chickens