HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-14 - Newport Harbor EnsignI ...t M•le (.....,) AffledMI.P. W1MN boat ""Sdloolboy"" was lli9la boat .... '-lBc ADgsen CIDd ttaUd llSP .. tbe -tift toaJ1I,.. ....... Tbla plctaN was ~ at tbe T\aDa Club ill A9CIIoa. o1dNt Mlt .at. f.lloh1Dg club ill tbe wodd. by Dick (Cc1111119 c.Q.) BoU. IIDCID.. abo a __ .._ of wtaa1a9 tMm. Cln IS I ES GAT G PI B· LL FEE I E UITY •JlDEQ17A1T"' JJIDEED -1'1wd'• tbe DGIDe of MU ........._ Ia» Jadr'f bat. wtlicb t.l•p to PadfJc AD91« Beary ....... a-rt. aowa at the Mn. ...... WltJl bUD t. C1D9Ier aay ..... dock ill A..aloo edt. tbe trtUIDphcmt w .. k.ead The *1~. aJao pictund. a. Cbudt Slllitb. of a1bocore flala.iD9. ,._..,. -GDcle HCII1T"' llJ.a. (Boflmcm pboto) -------------------------------------+:¥:+ I M M M M I M M I I a:a i I M • Low Fees Are Cited CALLINOQQ fi~~ ." • r~ •. .~·P'--· ~.;;~···-~-~ BY~~ M M M I IE 8 I M ME f E M:e M I I e THE WDfJfAJISI An Investigation Into the pin We'll start this column with ball llcenslna is ~lng conducted that simple but satisfying state 1 • ment. "We Won." By "we," I I TIIUliSI>AT. JULT 14. ltsS for the Newport Clfy Council by mean Pacifi c Anglers. and the' Councilman J. B. Stoddard. ·•won" means the Tenth Inter CD Crash ictim 'Fair' Th~ Super-lor Court trial ol the Newport Beach Euter Week or dinance, which was scheduled to begin yesterday morning, was Mr. Stoddard reported to Coun club Albacore Tournament . ell Monday ev~nlng, urging a Major Injuries were su"'•''"""'·• tightening up ot curr~nt regula fought and finished over this by Carol Doane of 416 Poppy tl d dl I past week end out of Avalon. Ave .. Corona d ('l Mar. in a two. ons an or nances concern ng Catalina Island. pinballs. car accldf"nt whl<'h Injured two He said he had found "Inter It was a grand and glorlou.s otheor persons at Coast Hwy and estlng Inequities" In the lie-en feeling. I don't know If there are Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar. at sing ot amusement games. and any goal posts on Catalina 6 :48 p m Sunday added that ather &reu In the u. Island. but , 11 there had ~n.l One of the drivers. a Camp cenalng cod~ also n~~ Invest! th~y wouldn t be standing today. Pendleton marlnt'. Harold W gaUon The celebration alter the win R.ldalls.. was a.rt'8t.t>d on cha.rces The reeenUy formed Cltluns He ;eeommended ~mployment didn't Involve goa.l.posu. but of felony drunk drtvlng by Neow. Committee foT Parks and Play. of a qualWed flrm to owrbaul tht'l'e wu every other ev1de~ port poUce. bit and run by tlw = uiCed ctv C.ndl Moft. ......._ ..._ el a.. • of the uawa1 altennath at a Boee CalUonlla ~ patrol ... ~•ua'"CJD~---n .......... .,....,. ... -~ .. ~--' .:..._ --.~~ ..... a ........ ----v ..... taequtdee. ~--~.... au~ pollee. Put on the ~ewport bay front e-.-QIIOSS ported by th~fr ra.tr fem.Jntn. The hit and run dJa.r~ DftV aa a community park. By way of example he men rooters. ret:l.red to Searl's Restau . from an accident on Coast Hwy. contJnued to 9:30 Wednesday. In ltJI lt>tter to th~ Council. the tioned the fact that the city has r~nt and cel~brated as only a I bt>twf"(>n Laguna BE-ach and Co. Oct. 19· commltt~ expressed ho~ that ~lved $2.000 to rover the 11 fJ.rst time .. ~Inner ca~; Team rona del Mar in "h1ch thf> ma Harry C. Brewater of Los An· "In determining what portion of censes for 6() pinball machines Captain t.:nciP Ham Rogers, rlne allt'~edly was rnvolvrd in geles. owner of property o n Bal thl' water front area shall be re. for the 1955 56 fiSC' a I Yt'ar. This j emergPd from the festlv<' scenP I an a('('! dent wit!'! a molrlrr \-rlp • boa Island. Is contesting \he con talned for the public use as a averages S33'•J per machinE' wearing a Catalina cowboy ~at rider, Alton Gardnt'r or l..c•nli! stltutlonallty of the ordinance. community playground. you will Gros~ revenue from these ma a purple lt>l. and a smilP wrder Bfaach. \\ hn sutrPr<'d a hn•k~>n on grounds of Invasion of pro apply the proper test of public chines has been e<~tlmated at than hls seventt'('nth cigar of thP i<'g perty rights. nt>ed and use of this area rather $250.000. hP said. This averagPS day. Hoag hu"pit:J I rl'por1Pcl Yl''-tl'r • SPECIAL MEETIJfC HELl> than the Improper yardstick of OVPr $4,000 per machine. There·~ • rr BAPPEK~D THIS WAY. I day that Miss Ouant' "'"" doing I Bay Skiing Is Extended Clry Council held a special s trictly financial gain to the qulfP a sprt-ad betwN'n $33 and In case you re not acquarnted v<>ry Wt>ll and had '>h()W<'d a meetlni last Thursday mornlng city." S4.000. he romme nted. sugges w ith th~. fra~tk.ally !ough_t grt'at d('al o! imprnn•ml'nt dur CAROL I>OAHE to discuss the city's policy In the Other requests made by the j ring that higher license f~ I>E' cont('Sts. we 11 ~·'e )OU thf' facts mg thl.' prt'<'t'drn~ 24 hour~ ShP court test of the Easter Week Citizens Committee were· I Je,·led The lnterclub albacor(' tourna was an hnnur grl\duatt> o! ~pw l . Ordinance. Present at the m~t • Submit the entire ~aflt>r of Mr .Stoddard said that his In ments have I><'E'n hPld fnr the port Harbor High Sch(\()1 last 8<-a<'h bar :n: uponhlt':l\ In~ s~~ An emergency ordinanc-e was tng were Mayor Dora Rill. Coun the planning and use of the vrstlgatlon had revl'aled .that past l<'n years. and a re tht> first month Sh<' had ~n Trl Srgma a ra~ par ;· at '• ,. t'uJt \\ ~ approved by Newport City Coun ell men Sandy MacKay. Cla rence Trailer Park area to the new minors arE' not allowPd to play and most . Spt'Ctacular of th<' Sigma prE'sidt'nt GallPOn c;ports tht> E'Y" n '' lr. a "~~'~ > ell Monday ~enlng to provide Higbie and J. B. Stoddard. City Park Commission for dt'talled I plnballs--c'xcept may be In the many flshrng compet~tlons hPid Nhtor. Hnnor S.><'i<'IY trl.'a<;urt>r I ~-~~':'~ ~~ apnt1. rtm;, nn~th hn n more area In Upper Newport Bay Attorney Karl Davis and City t d Fun Zon<" which Is trn tl'd Sc"p bPtWN'n the:' varlou Southt>rn and m('mbE>r nf thl.' ~tucll.'nt n.tc::t W) oliN' n f'g(' I ~~ Th d Manager John SaUors. s u y. . . . • . . <Continued on Pap 10) Cnunl'il I hE' IHimlttPfl doln~ "PE'I>rl!' of hCI for water skllne. e or lnance. e Dt>lay any pr('('tpltous action artely In the license section or '" qo mtiE'" .1n hour '"hilt> hl•t amending the previous Upper City Manager Davis Informed on the Trailer Pa rk "in vl<>w of tht> City Codt> \1is.c:; rx .. ,n,. "·'" nrhn~ 1n a rar ' C II be h h • L• ht 5 ht rnrhhng I! north •••• Cn a!<l H"~ Bay ordinance, became ef1ectlv~ the ounc mem rs t at e 1 tht> exceedingly tangled lt>gal e RAJU> TO EKFORCE 19 O U 9 clri\'E'n by HPrhflr ~~ Tf"<k a Jr Immediately upon passage. ld M i"S Oo;tn<' wa'-rrportl'tl tn was satisfied the CC¥Jrt wou 1 background. both In regard to I It Is dltrlcult to enforcE' this 1 c:;wlmm~nl! lnslrlll'lor ••f "'••n' .\lk. r:ur 1Ylndlltnn in H•Ht J! ME'mnrtnl Councilman Clarence Higbie find the ordinance proper and the varlou5 deedc; and grants to ban on minors playing bee au~ I who c:;a1d h€' ";~ ... tr n <'I 111~ Pa!'t ld h 5 d II•"'PIL1l ~ht> c;uffl'n'<t multlpl<> reported that the previously constitutional. He sa t at this particular proP<'rt)' and also "thPre are a Jot of minors and At on Coa ... t Hw' .HHI '' Htl'f'i '' undertaking thc defense of the In regard to the l.nas"" situation only a few police. and all a'"t I on e a war makE' II lc•ft t ;.rn on p, '"I'' "\I' litl l'r.lllfln ... II\"Pr hc•r hllri~ frac established water skiing area. " "' ... , turPci pl'l\ 1.., anri unriC'tPrmmNI northerly otlhe upper ramp, was ordinance In court would cost as It might be Interpreted under 1 reast>s wh<'n pollee <'Omf> on thE' H(' sairl hc sa" till' t'.n lln,rn lntNnill lnturl~>s inad....,uate. The water there was the city about $1,000. the nPw Charter." scenr." he said. His suggpstlon Sun c1 a v. ·"' a<'Cident which by thf' m.ninr ctpproa• hm~: from -.. La~un.1 p"IIN> <'h<H~"d thf' ma d-p •nouah for skiln.,. only dur "Th• Jaws on Invasion of prl e Consult a qualified trailer was tt\at Information should bE> causPd sen ous lnjurv to a Co thc Pa~t at a £rt•at dt,t'lnc·e """ ... • • ..-" r.np with '-l~>almg thr <'ar fro'Tl lna hlah ttde, he said. vacy of the home against unlaw park archltt'('t "In any final ac submitted to the pollee by <'iti rona dPI ~ar girl brought dis \-VhPn hr "a" .thout thn"' f!U.H \f lldr~>rt T Campbt'!l or Lllguna He recommended that the ski· ful search have been eX'tendl'd tlon to establish a trailer park zen..'l so that corrective action cu!iSion at Monday t>venlng's I ters turnt'd h1.., ,·ar "a" hit Bt•arh inl area be extended eouth down from time to time." he said. "The on a portion of thl!! property." roulc1 be takt>n. 1 City Council mE'<'ting on possl broadsidE' by t hr (',tr drh·rn hy to the Oran,e County ramp. Supreme Court has held that e Secure and d~velop propt>rty "Perha ps a motion would be billty o! "'lowing down Coast 1 tht> marinr whH h "'as al lf'grrlly Below that t. the speed boat some laws which had been de In West Newport . for develop In order to make further study Highway traffic tra,·elln~ at h igh "JlN'rf Mrnor A A k d area, which wu extended In the dared unconstitutional 30 years ment of Channel Park. of the pinball situation," Coun I City Englnf"(>r Bert Webb said lnjurlrs Wl.'rl' c:;ufft>TE'ci h) ooth nne X s e eoutherly dlrect.lon toward the aeo are now pro~ under pollee e Expedite the acquisition of cllman Stoddard suggested. I that a traffic signal has ~n drivers and all thrr<' wrrc' 1,1krn Upper Bay brtctee-. n.ne recom powers because condiUona and Rocky Point and Block C In Co-"We ·have ll year's time. and recommended at Seaward Av~. to Hoag Memorial llnspual mendatJons Wft'e J.n.corporated tlmes have changed. Similarly. rona del Mar because "delay we can study this for several and Coast Highway to slow the Ne~A'J)Ort poll<'t" at thP ~m> Into the new ordinance, which this Ea.ter Week ordinance jeopardizes this plan." months," Councilman Stanley north bound traJtlc were contacted b> otf:'\'rral mntur was paaec1 una.n.tmoualy. (Contlnl~H on Paa;re 7) The letter was signed by Har· Rldderhof said. 1 cycle riders who sa1d thry had -----------------~r---------old Glass as chairman. Mary E. City Attorney Karl Davis said Wh Q th bfoen In pursuit n! thP marlnt' Burton as vtce.chalrman and "I believe that Is correct" to I 0 wn s e after he was lnvol\'N1 Parllrr in FLIGHT OF SNOWBIRDS Frank 1. Ferry as secretary Councilman Stoddard's ob.wrva the motort')'cl~ aC'CtdPnt Thr) treuu~r. tlon that the llcen!le f~ for pin I Bea h A h char~ the marlnt> "',th tr;t\'E'I 81'ad~n Finch and Mrs. Earl balls have a lready ~n paid for c ny OW lng In ex~c:; of ~l to 9:1 m!IPS Is SET FOR JULY 31 Stanley were llsted as the ad. this year and therefore there Is an hour and they wt>rP unablE' v11ory commJttee. F o 11 ow I n g no way for tht" t~ to be cha nif'd lh. CIDCl Mn. C..W. ~ to o\'"Prt a kP him until arrlvlnJl at wer~ listed u dirt!ctors: Edward durlne this year. ot 1700 W. ~ "'-t. W.w. the wreck S('('nl' Rt Puppr A\'f' The world'• Jrealnt amaJJ Race otflclals are : Commodore T. Healy, A. B. Cubbag~. Mrs. Mr. Stoddard ended the pin poet. _. two lolb wtao ,.... and Coast Hwy boat event. tbe Fllaht of the Allen Campbell of the Voyaeen Duncan Stewart. Mra. G. Norman ball discussion wfth the remark actt....,. ill......_. 1a ..,.... The marin<> told P<'li<'E' th11t hl' Snowblrdl. wUl be held Sunda.y, Yacht Club. patrol Jud~e; Com· Pease. Mr. and Mrs. Norman that ''Council l.s acti~Jy ~n ~ tbe City 'I"Nl* ~ h ad several ~~" 1n a U\J.!una luJy 31. at Newport Harbor. 1bl1 ~ Marshall K~nnedy ot the Flemlne. A. JC. Phe lp&. Mrs. ~raeed In th~ study or thNe ac 1 beadl a..ctr to u.. pQi1k • • by Su bd ivisi on Annt hf'r ~ubdlviston due fo rome Into the City of Nt"WJ))rt 8<-ach b~· ann~>xatlon Is Harbor H 1ghland!l. at 18th gt. and Irvine A vP . tM>tiAt>j>n the Upper Bay and ('~a Mt>u. Nrv.1>0rt <'lty Council N"Cetwd a ~tition for ann~xntlon Mon. day t>venlng Cfty Engineer Bert Wrbb ltllirl the-J>("tltlon slaners rPpre-st>ntN1 70'"-:. of tht> ana. wUJ be the nh annu~ aaJJlnr Balboa Yacht Club, Jude~ of the Louis Csenar and Grant HOWilld. t1v1Ues in the city; what will ~ ~ of thJa famou. race. flniahee; Com m odor e Harry Th~ l.tter wu metred to the com~ of lt. I can't predict... S. ,... -. ....... )ln. Urban Beh, d\atrman of the Mann of the Newport Harbor Park Commlalon. ,_~-cee ... ....._ .._ YadlUnr ConunJttee of the New. Yacht CJub, judee or the starts; Ctty Manapr lohn SaUors P. 0 . w·.lt Be ... ... . •••.• ~ port Harbor Chamber of Com. Commodore M. A. Ander80n ot commented that th• elty planned tn. ........, • tiMt little l1l4!'rCe, anllO'fnces that thecoww the Udo lal• Yacht Club. juctee to consult a traU• par~ archJ. R d N ~ .-cl dNidl elM-* Ia hat will be the tame .. Jut ,..,, or the coune. tect whm the aen«al p~n ol ea y ov. I ............... ,. .... Crt pi'OYfdJnl a wide .c.aruna 1JM. ft~ pneraJ commfttee dU.C. traUer park spanston ts eettled. ..W. ......._ .. !'W .._. a.at Tht• Une wUl be located betWeen dnc thla )'ftr'• fllabt Includes Ctt;y AttornQ' Ka.rl D•n• ta.k1 The new 'POAt om~ for !'feow u.. City ce d' ,._. a ._. Oil Funds Are Suggested For Buying Rodly Point two wlllte marker o-.. aPPf'CW· JCa.)IIDf Dora BJU1 lame. M. Web. there w.. no l•lal tntanal._ port Beaeh on th~ west side of l•ttea a-t ...,., ...,._. a.at mate.tt Clllltne W1th 0 St. In IIIJ. • Co8\0)0don J. A. &Mk. Rar-~nenta u 1.Dffttloned In tM Jet. Rt~~ Aft. a.nd .,uth ot Avon ..a., U.. ....._ __. ....... bM __. ~lre Ave. on~ w M-. ..._,.J 0a11. C. F. m-. Be pol.ntM out that U..Cbar-St. In the Marlner's Mn. ~a la - -.,. ._.,.. Uland. 1..aJadliill. llaiW)' SonMn. RJchard ter allows ~n1 cal water due to be ready on Nov. 1. "'-t· 11a. ~ .._. ..._. .... 'I'M Snclwblrdl wiJl lltart l.n a hnton, L. S: ltowbmy, Saint Q . f.tont JIC'OJ*lY th.at WU Uftdef muter tf. Parne Tbayer an. ... .. a. ..._ a._. ... ...._ty 41rec:.tJon on tbe lalboa ._ llowW4 B. Lewta. r.te a... wbeo the Charter ~t nouneed thn ~k. ...., 1111 ••• .a .. aa. akle ol tiM dwlne1. ...U around ,_.., Clui.r* Ullman, Con~ late .Uect. 1be motel on the JII'OPft1:Y -.. ....., ..... -.._ !fo. 1 llq Uik.-In t.be ...,.... Wuch .. -. Dr. 0. c. su-. and oouDClbM.n l . a. 9todci&N l&td raut be ~ to ~ rtom _. .. Mt ..... ill.& a Mtw"n Lido r.a. ...... ,.... Otetrev ""*" 8eb. n.e 8lia 1M hald-~on wt tor t1w new !Ox.lOS' b\lUcrta•· he ... .,.... ._ -. ...., Coron.a del Mu bach and tJM po5Sfb1Uty ot proYidtna a lifeood at'C.'t"SS by p u r e b a 1 l n 1 Point. ·-n.~ .. , •.. PftPAftd to .-at up I are ol ~Y t__,. -,.,.t. tum ...._ .. .... • ) ! .... ,... holt., wt1l ... •bJICt U4 ..atH to lltU4:1 tt ald. ,. motel a.nd JfOI*l)' .... ,.. .... .. .. ' • 2 t~te ·· ._, al U.0 W. ad lUI H *'-Met. • turtMr. CJtWnM by frank 1. O'Oimal ol ... ._..... • 5 • I ~a. tllat o0 roya.lty rev .... .U)lftc. pruut ....... :We: 18U 1ft ... 1M ...., ....... 8M MW CIIMIM • ~.~ .·_ " •• -.q .M .._. to b\ it ..... ,......., ......... :JII'V ._ ...................... ttM ... ~-·~ '·~.--·~ •td ... h.t ...... .,... ... ................ ""Ida wla.kll.)l __ ... ti··IN I 111i1 a.li I.IIW;wal RftC Me. l.I'K~GmCe tit\ ~. ~ ·W--. ..,._ tii ..... ~ Oft peet of. • ..a; "' ...... t -., waa ....,. II • ...._._,. fil tb1t eftth WOck. 11M ..,. Mil:..................... ~.. ,~ ........... of \be,...,.,., ftril .... ,.... .. plliMIIt ....... tv Mr. .... 0...,. ~ aw Oiall ................ . --............ WID .. _.. .t ......... MdfaUlt,._.. tilt ~ II lle.U. wtaa WI lw ....-al __._ .. tM ..._ of Slt lllartaald A-. Canee del ...., .... 1JIMm til lhalll __..,.,-.,......,... s• ..-.. _. • ........ .._ -. .. ., ... lllllil .... .-. falil&lJ' • • ......_ ..... • • .. ._,. ',.....,. .... a... ta 1t. .._... ...-.a • .... • -.. ..... s • ._ ..... .., • •••..., ... , ... .,o. , • ...._ ,. ..... ....., a.••rwt~Ma ........ .,,,... • .. t nun_ .... ._., 1111111• • • • • •='::~"':'wonden ~=~~~me.~ Not~ dabM to e~aara- about Who rtab~ OIWDI the b...-u. wttb that lad and 1CN. fit llielltal aleoboUc ...._ ... to • beadl• fit \be Upper a.,. look to -. wh .. JOW b.ancJ dt. a.n latOixlcatald ,..._ ._.. aJed ftle ...., ~--Jf..-. aaaane.a.nc. uMI llsifi'o•cawnt. In that ciJ8cu8doD about who a~ 1111 n.t wttb hll thumb by Mr8. rn.ac. D. &aU. &\ ,... pan ~ ...,.., ••c:IMI and Tbe otMr ..... ....., ... Jtan. ahould PlY bow mueb tow one. up 1oob Ua a ealra hMd. ~ flt11~~ ~b:: ..._UOD OMP•I 'm wW bold J.,. a..m.Jd o1 WbM leland halt~ a pi• on klt.o. laland. • DU8T no._ and .._ butfnder WWJua A. tta ftnt omdal ••Jtlq at T:ao aftd Ita Brandt o1 0a1ona del It was brou1ht out that the I"N..l You lOtta hand It to TeXu b • p.Jif. ~ ~ ... at !feW. Mar. estate aaleunan had estimated their weather. You ma.y ~-~N~ '::-W.m ~boa port CltF BaD Coanefl Owllbera. the value of a pleJ> to the pro. ~nee MVeral chan.-m a dq. ' .. -..-.. -tw· n.. CcwmwWion wm be under petty ownlna It at $5.000. You BeiJdes that. you can llt&nd lltW port ltMcb JWit.Sc:e court Monday. the cbainuMblp o1 c. &. van. know what they are taxed at! In thelr d\llt storma and aee ludp D. I . Dodae Mt a Jury cJaYOft of Uclo Ja1e. Mn. Frank lust $2.80. Oklahoma, Kan.au and ftebruka trial to h._, the cue at 10 a.m. ltarfl o1 Corona c1e1 Mar hu I also wonder, when the clty headed for Mexico, and the next Wectne.day, Aug. ~ Both .,.. been named aecntary. Disabled Vets To Be Feted bought that Paclfic: Electric day aee Mexico comtna back. ..,_ 011 a2SO baJJ. Committee chairmen .,.. Tom . awamp In 1919, If they bouaht 1 brouabt raln, at least It wu They were eharaed with eel. Norton of Clltf Haven penonnel· ------------------------------------American Leclon Aux.Wary, UnJt 291 of Newport Beeeh, wtU ~ntertaln dJaabled vetaau from the Lona Beach Veteran~ Hos- pital next WecSna.day, luty ~. at the fAalon Hall, 1Mb St. and W. Bay Ave. C't I_ -ntlf L., Hop the beach, whlda La of course right behind me on arrival. It Una beer to Mable M. Moore, '2. Georp Sherrlll of ~N •• p 0 r t IIIIJ .,1;, j •... tideland, or was It given to the was very upaetUng. A herd of of ItO CabrUJo St., eo.ta Meu, laland, flnanee· A. A. (Sandy) city by grant with all other Ude-cows were stampeded, their mllk who wu arrested on an tntoxJca. HamJJton ot Bat~ . planntna -.::~CX*:I*C*ICII*I:IIICI:X:*ICI•c•a•::.J•r::x:x:•IICII•c•a•:.•c•a•c•a•:.:Hr::xi:I*C:EICII*I:IMICI:X:I:I:I*CI' Janda. 11 that Is the cue, can the curdled by the thunder storm. tion charge ~ Newport pollee. and acqulattJon; II&. Vandervort, ... city set uJde any of the beach FuU grown frogs three years old She en~ a plea ot aullty and for the private use of traJler were drowned. It's gonna be was eentenoed to pay a $25 fine resldenta venus local residents! opeo aeuon on me the year or serve a five-day ja1l aentence, • DtSNEYLAND I'm off for Oisneylend-{or that big opening this Sundoy. Just o kid ot heart. Most of us ere thet woy, and thet's why Disneylend is going to be e tremendous success. If I get bed from T omorrowlond, I'll be writing ebout it in next week's lo<J. All this mokes Orange County just about the top tourist attrec· tion in ell the world. The County hos always had its magnificent coast- line ; it has in perticular our own wonderful Newport Herbo~nd more development to come in the Upper Bay. It hos also Knott's Berry Form, ond the much more recently orrived Newport Horbor Buffalo Rench, end now Oisneylond. Whot can top oil thot? e NOT SO FAST! It wos sort of omusing ot the t ime-woiving the reoding of a n ordinonce ot the Newport City Council meeting Mondoy evening. Why woive? Becouse there w,u no on:4inonce to reod. It hod not yet been drofted. But Council proceeded to odopt the ordiMnce, ond m!Kle it effective O N THE SPOT, ot thet very moment of p.!~ssege, simply by declaring it to be on emergency ordinonce. e ,......._,...... 'round down there now . . . takJn~ the jall sentence. A feller aaya to me the other But to aet back to Davy Crock. Ikpa.rtment of aJcohollc bev. clay, "You'd ought to be back on ett, and I'll tellya for sure you erage control officers for the that Coundl" Be'a ·now conva-you can't r~t aw:~.y trom hlm. I state staked out in the cafe at leeclne in Ward 13. That's a naturally had to see the Inside the request of Newport pollee. joke, aon. of the Alamo. Having passed It The an-ests were made on July 4. My temper mJgbt get me ln an even thousand times whiJe on trouble, but bavtna llved wtth dut.y at Brooks Field without ever llEV. PDDa.L llEA.PtODnZD me a long time, I doubt lt. rve 6<)1na lnalde, I felt compelled ln noticed ln my observations of Justice to th_r readers of this myself and others, especially column to ch~ up on Davy and kids, that temper La aomethlne b1s coonskin cap. I am sorry, YQU keep a ttaht rein on, except podners, to report that Davy's when you think you can get picture did not show hlm In a away wtth tt. coonskin cap. Maybe he took It Rev. 'Ibomu Roy Pendell, for- mer pastor of Christ Church by the Sea ln Newport, bas been re- appointed as pastor of the Wes. ley Methodist Church of San Diego. Rev. Pendell thus became the "dean" In point of years of contlnuous serv1ce In churches of the San Otego District. Mrs. Pen. dell has been named as the first honorary member of the Wes. leyan Service Guild of the Church. I remember having tempers of! because he waa Jn the house and taking them out on my when the paJntlng wu done. mother. Do you notice that kids Texas mesquite: M you may who raise their voices and even or may not know, I a.m quite an their hands against their mothers outdoor cooklng enthusiast. In never threaten thelr fathers? See fact I rate myself u expert on what I mean! They can hold barbecuing and smoking, or the their temper-5 when It ls the combination of the two, as they For lettemeada. envelooet ~ smart thing to do. say down here when It comes to Thla will mark the fourth year ot entertainJna the veterana here. Mn. Robert Br1rp 1a hos- pital cbalrman for Unit 291. In Robert w. Cla.rtc lr., 18 months, chara~ of thla party will be Mn. of 899 Oak St., eo.ta Mesa, La BrJags, Mn.. Fred loyner and recoverlnr In Hoag Memorial Mrs. Gllbert Opel. HospltaJ .trom a broken right leg Lut month the party wu wfffftd when hlt by a car ln the atven by Mra. P. l . WUaon. Mrl. Meu Center parkina lot. Costa Theo Bobtna, Mn. L G. Gordon Meq, at 1:42 p.m. Saturday and Mn. Clayton Thompmn. The · veterana went for a ~Y ride In Mesa pollee report tha1 the Martin Pollard'• Cad-O·IAt. lklp. boy wu hit by a car driven by pered by Loaan Hendrtc::aon. MJ&s Melba G. McNamara of Col- lins Island. The driver reported Read the Enalgn Want Ad pace. that she pulled around a car ~:::::=:.::=:::::=:::::=:::::=::::::::; when ahe heard a thump and •••••IINI ..._ backed up. All Dlly e 11.a1 DIIJ The boy's father, Robert M. 8 A •• Y DAy I C 8 0 0 L Cark. aame address, said he lost t. Ultle rea hold o! hls son's hand when the 4t0 Hellotrope, Corona delMar boy was hit In the head by the Harbor t389 t'ar. He said the car backed over Mra. Jean Vauahn. director the boy's leg before he could reach hlm. Hormless. you say. beceuse it deolt only with extending·the woter skiing oreo in the Upper Boy. But it pointed out e dongerous chink in the fromework of our Charter_ Never before hod it been possible to roilrood through on ordinance into low on the spot. without giving the voters eny notice, or ony chance to consider its full implicetions and possible dongers. Now it is possible , ond the next one moy not be so hermless. J ust dwell on thot o while, reeders. But just once 1 tried It on my thls art, "I've got It made." THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 old man. From then on 1 was the • A TaUE TEXAX -------------------------- meek type In his presence. Well, lt just so happens that J R•d St I 3 8 t e NOT JUST A LITTLE BIT WRONG I get a laugh out o! the state· my big fisted nephew with whom oy I ers ea oa s ments o! child psychologists who I have collaborated rates hlmsel! warn that we must not frustrate highly in this field and justly so. In Bay·, Tr·ao Is Arrested the little darlings 'cause thelr but belng a true Texan no wood Con't soy that I'm overjoyed et the first officiel ennouncement by the new Citizens Committee for Porh and Ploygrounds obout the City-operoted Trailer Pork. s pirit will be broken and they wlll do the trick as well as Texas wfll grow up meek. mUd and mesquite. And he don't meen Three motor boats were stolen miLk-toast, lackJng aggressive-Just any desert mesquite; It's over the week-end on Newport ness and Initiative. 1 don't seem gotta be TeJCas grown. To show Harbor for "joy rides." All boats to prove that by reference to my you to what lengths they wtll go were recoveree( and In one case family or nine--five males, o! to prove a point, when he came the "joy riders" were arrested by which 1 was the runt, or maybe to Corona del Mar on a visJt he harbor poUce. plates and slx pair of swt.m fln&. Nell E. Cariker o! Downey re. ported the theft of hls 19-foot cabin crulur, Allee I, vaJued at 12.100 from the Port Orange dock. The boat was recovered by harbor pollee at 932 Via Ltdo Nord, Lfdo Isle, where It appa.r. ently had been abandoned. Either they ere of the opinion that it isn't so bod after e ll for the government to be mixing up in private business. Or else it is e cose of not liking it. but ogreeing to put up with it just the some in order to gain o compromise-in this case opening up the beech ot the troiler pork site for public use. I am not as tough as I look. and shipped out by freight a barrel of Three Lakewood boys, each 14, I know 1 am not. 1 estimate my-,.e.xas mesquite. were ordered Into the 19th St. self to be a right soft touch. 1 am about to haul ott to Ran. Landing, Newport Beach, by a Never had but one fight In my dol! Field. four miles away, to harbor department patrol at 2:35 llle. Feller took "plx" on me the annual retired officers associ. a.m. Friday. They were arrested (that's a marbles term for teeing atlon luncheon. There I wiJI rub on charges of Illegal boat board. . d 1 t! , elbows with retired generals lng, tampering and lack of .,a. em up an tee ng 0 on emL whose physical examlnatJons I rental control and were released Hit me behind the ear so hard did when they came In as cadets Standard S h a d e Clotha and CUstom Speclaltfe. • Drapery Hardware e Venetian BUnda. Either woy they ore wrong. A maHer of principle is one thing you can't compromise. Government in business is not just o little bit wrong. It s oil wrong-if you believe in our system of free enferprise ond privete initiative. Who con soy truly that they do believe in this system of ours, ond ot the same time fovor keeping our city in the trailer perk business? I'm loo~ing for on answer to that one from our C ouncilmen. • PINBAllS AGAIN A stort et least hos been mode into the investigation of pinbolls. Licensing fee inequities were brought out in Councilmo11 J . B. Stod- dard ~ report to City Council Monday evening. But thot is only o phose of the reel problem. The reolity of poy offs to pinball ployers can be met only by benning the moch1nes en· t'rely. Why did the Orange County supervisors bon pinbolls? They mede r ::> bones obout their reasons when they passed Ordinance No. 528 w?Jy bod in November. 1947. They wrote the reason right into the ordinance : The Boord of Supervisors of Oronge County expressly stote os o reoso11 for the odoption of this legislation that the individuals who operate such machines obtain Illegal power, prey upon the public. pMticulorly children ond the unwory. inexperienced ond credulous 111di..r•duols. In equally ploi11 longuoge the supervisors wrote: · It is the purpose of l~e Boord of Supervisors to absolutely bon and prohibit the use in fhe C-,~.nty of Orange of eny mechanical devices wh ich ore operated by •he n1sertion of o coin or slug " ... and they odded that all such Moch',.,es were banned even though the devices were cloimed to be gomes of amusement only, with no return of ony kind to the ployer. There's the solution. O'BRIEN'S 7th Birthday Sale CONTINUES DIASnC IEDUCnOIS You can't afford to miss Dresses -Suits ---Skirts---Swea1ers Blouses - - -Shorts - --Purses Hose Slips ---Robes ---Hose -- -Gowns P.J, 's - - -Petticoats - --Panties -- -Belts Hats ---Jewelry. PRICED TO c• EAR they tell me I bit ,the floor and at March Field, Randoll Field to their parents. bounced. I wouldn t know. That and many other statlona. We wUJ They were chareed wJth tak- flght was a short period of my auure eaab other that we "look tna a 15-foot boat equJpped with life spent in dreamlafld where wonderful; haven't changed a a 25 hCII'aepower mocor from my actions were lnsttnctJve. I btt, .. etc .. and then faJJ to reml-berth 75, Lido hnlnaula, owned missed the whole fight. I was nlsclng. We'll remember the cap. by Cla.rance W. Nelaon ot Los told that It was good while it taJn who was so dumb that when Angeles. lasted, but too short to please his gas lndJcator showed nearly Gregory Smith ot 744 VIa Lido the some 90 glassworkers who empty, he broke the glass and Nord. Lido Isle, reported the were t'hanglng shift at the time. bent the hand to s how enough theft of his $3.300 lS.foot open Only four blows struck. He hit gas to get him home. U any good bo1lt. the "Okey Dokey," from me. I hit the .floor. Then I h it clean new stories come forth I'll the dock at that address. The him. And he hit the floor. make notes for you. harbor department later reported • • • By ANDREW w. SMITH recovering the boat at the scout • PDfBALLS P. s .-None did that La, that I landing. Stolen !rom the craft Is It a question of catching a can clean up enough to get past were a rubber band-type spear pay-off being made to rule out the boss. gun, a n abalone Iron, siJC fat.-e plnballs as Illegal or undeslr-==-=-=-=--=-----------=---------..:._.:........_:_::..:_ able? Or proving that for a per- Iod of years they have paid off and that an unbelievable amount of money has been taken by the pinball owners. It should be a very simple thing for the Council If they are really Interested In making our city a better place to Jive In and raise children. HOW'S FISHING? ay IIUCB NcMDJ M the bay. No comments, please, for the next slx months like when a bonito wu reported e COTTOKS • LDrEJfS e DOTTED SWISS e VOILE ....... tbe • Cell ~om. u .. ........... ~ ..... A•ewO.e4 ....... SUI.EI II EISEl ~~fi'" FISIII. IPPIIB JMa Jl.....-t ..... c..w ..... -tile .., .. tbe .. A. C...try Cla.b They have the means of prov. ing. without a question of a doubt, that these plnballs have been a menat'e. All they have to do Is to use thelr powers of Investigation -of s ubpena and of questioning under oath. Under those circumstances there are plenty of people who wUJ testify as to the pay-offs -and they wU not do It under any other circumstances. The oath Is highly respected by our cltlz.ens; per. caught Jn the bay.) U our bay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ is clean enough for ocean.golng r flsh to come ln. all the better! "tfints" from House and Garden, at Newport jury Is a fearsome thlng. Citizens. are reluctant to report wrong dolna. Can you picture a member of a club reporting to the authorities that pinball pay- offs are belng made in that club? Why do you suppose the City of Long Beach barred the pin. balls by ordinance recently! • • • e AT SU AlfTOKIO, TEXAS ll .)'OU thlnk th~ Davy Crockett fad la raatng In CalltornJa, you ain't aeen or heard nothtn' yet. 11\Ja place Ia Jumptna with lt. All colul'DJU and news stories atart ott wfth htm. Texas lives up to Itt reputa. Uon. Everythinl'• done 1n a bla way, from lO..aaJJon ha.ta down. Perch and corblna are being caught in the surf around the by Caaa1e ~U Sanu Ana River ~tty and spot-Interior OesJ.aner ties In the bay, comes the W.Drd \ trom Graham's Balt and Tackle. Anglers on the tlahln~ barge, Georgia, anchored o!1 the New. port Pier are catchlna bl~ barn- door halibut these da)'l. A 33.. pound haUbut wu cauaht Sun- day and a' 15 and ts.pounder Monday, plus lots of aalmon 1 r o u p e r , spanJab Jacka, and greenback mackerel. The Uve bait boat Westerner hu been brlnllnaln barracuda and amall whJte aea baa. save ~-.1oney ............ w1111 -... ,.,_ ..._r, Here is o glamorous "spoc:e saver" for you who hove the prob- lem of smoll quarters. It's e dunning Commode +hot not only has ample drower apece, but con be tlltended out to become e dinning te~ for s.ven f*>ple . . . Simply pull out ttMt top dra~r ond pr.stol You ho~ • lorqe toble . . . odd a CJttaming white linen cloth -plus lovely silver ond chino ond you hove o beoutiful settil\g for 9rocious entertaining. Close it, end you ha~ a decorative Commode. It COfMs in three diHerent finishes, Mahogony, Wefnut, ond Platinum to ~ with modem or treditJon.l decor. ., There is efso •-beeutifuMy desi9fted dMl: th.t •~s·a· way, wondetf"' to use if ~ ~sft to charw)e yow dinint .,.. to • den or simply enl.r~ the IMft9 ·.,... ThiJ ~-way line M induct.. t.rgw chests of diff.r.nt designs . • • They .... ~~. • 1111 •••L D•• .... Kiwanis Gets New Members . hrJ_.I Swim Teaching Program Tllllr 11•1 II -New members ~ntJy jolnlnr ~ Aaoc., auto deal•. UOO 'fll • Mr. and lit*, Jtobert Allen ..,.. tbe Newport Harbor Klwanla Cout Rwy., Newport; Wal~ C1)tde Prltc:b&rd. ~of the Unde w at Beadles now 11v1n1 at us Fern. teat Ave., Club are the following: Bjorneby, accountant. 2515 E. Cblldtwl•a 8\&Neu ot Lol ~--r ay Corona del Mar, Where Mr. Allen Lout. Reed, owner of Lou Reed Cout Hwy., Corona d.& Jlat; -.plai!Wl bow the llilfta" 01*'· t. once more a dvUJan. George Ba.uett. a c eo u n t a n t • .._In P~ elllldlwlba t.JD. Lut month, lbortly after ,. • • .. ._.. ·-· 2903-B Newport Blvd., Newport; poruy boat4lq ~ durt.DI n.e ..mnmtnr lnttrud.Jon of a baJI.bou.r ec:hedule Monday turnlnl bome from ma07 montM I II -u..l.ll Frank Grandolto. owner ot Gnn· tamJJy ertat.. at the luv • the Newport Harbof Htrh School t~ ~ weekly. Here la oveneu lll!l"YY~. the aervteeman .. ......._.__ .... dolto'a Reataurant, 511 !:. Balboa IMitln1 <JC the ChUdren'l Rome Dlltrkt .uauner r«reatlon pro. the echedule: received bJa cll8dlarp. WhUe 1n -...... .. Blvd .• Balboa; Burdett Ha.rrlllon, Sodety held at the bome ol Mn. pam Ia now undet way, and wW AT lOTH AND BAY, Newport-Germany Allen wu attached to PbJllp Gray, former Denftl' of California LnvestoN Mutual, I . B. c...an.ll of Shore ClUb. eonUnue tbroqb Au1. a. ac. 9:30 to 10 a.m., .wtmmen. no a mountain cllmhlnl unlt and advet'tUJng agency owner, baa 3924 Wllahlre Ave., I.a. Aftaelee: JtecenUy 1nltalled ptMldent corclln1 to d~or Vernon Allen. ap llmJt; 10 to 10:30 a.m., Inter· wu uaed ln reecue work In the ~n named mercbandlslng man. Or. Robert Ray, UO-C 1\m..ln ol the Newport Auxlllary CIC the The PtoiJ'&m la conducted on mediates. no aae Umit; 10:30 to rnountalna. He was even Oown ager ot National Rod eo. ot Costa Ave .. Newport Helgha; Joe Star Cblldren'a Home Society. Mrs. .U a.ltl., bea'lnners. aaee 8. 9 and to Denmark and Sweden for Mea, a dlvlalon ot Narrnco, Inc. of Harbor Paint. 412 32nd St. TocJ OYtatt. predded at tbe final QCC to 'Add 10; 11 to U :30 a.m.. begJnnert. mountain climbing rwcu•. Under the direction 0( Howard Newport; Gunna r Watson of meettnr ot the .,-oup until tall. a.-8 and 7; 11:30 to 12 noon. Tbe Allena formerly lived at Aahby, sales manager, Mr. Gray Hausken Moton.. 1932 Harbor LU.bdleon ba.tuna were lin. C. be&lnnen. ara 6 and 7. 2270 Oranae Ave .. eo.ta Me$1i. wUl coordinate and expedite the BJvd., Costa Mesa. D. Perry, Mn. Elton Barnett and Nurs·•ng Class BALBOA PENINSULA (at Cout Mra. Allen Ia the tonneor VIvian merchandising program. The club meets eYf!!l'Y Thurs. Mra. Jobn Knapp. Guard beacb)-9:30 to 10 a.m., Luak and wu queen ot the day noon at VUla Marina )tee. JIWilll!Del"a, no age Jlmit; 10 to Uon'a Club flab try tbt. year. taurant. " U'l' aJIDfQI FII'DQII Complete Bome FumllhJnp Llbertyt.MM A amokln~ televtaton aet ftlled the home ot Glen Eraldne ot 1.304 Balboa Ave .• Balboa Island, with amoke at 2:86 a.m. Wedn.ctay, July 6, the Newport Beaeb fire department reported. The eet re. ~lved $20 damap. laiW ..... Aft. COSTA MESA Modern living demands more ice-and Senel Gas Ice-Maker Refrigerator gives you all you want automatically! .... ~-! •• • C" wnt. ..... -:.-..--.ft': ··-.. -. = .,.,·..-:.=:c-=: ...,.._...., ............ . -autometlc deft'Wttn1-bfl .. paretetrMzer-roll-out~ -Qulc:k • c:otd ahelf-Iutter K"per end ln·•·dor -"-"'-· you a refrigerator different from all others • IOUTWDII tiUITIU lAS COtlrAMY SAVE-l Fam.r'a Pillet BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TIUOI-FilE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1713 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA MESA omCE: LibertY a.-.. RES. Uberty S-5063 ,,, •••. ••• If< The •uaia of pilotiDJ your cat tJuouah a...y tn6ct ..• bu.atioa fcx tpece ia je......_p ~loa ••• ex vyiQa tO 'ad aa -pcy ~po~aloaa • coawnieftt curb ••• this .. lltlnJ ~.Hr. ..,..,. aabject J"''AA'''lf tO it.,.._ Metro ~ice ..... a •imple. pleua.at ,.tDedyl aw. .... ._,_.~Malo ..... JOG co JCNI ..Uaadoa coefonably, fl'liddJ ...... , ........ '!"'~ Imtructton ln vocational nurs. 10;30 a.m.. Intermediates. no age lng wUI be expanded at Orange llmlt; 10:30 to 11 a.m .• beginners, Coaat College In the fall of 1955 aees 8. 9 and 10; 11 to 11:30 because of the acute need for a.m .• beginners, ages 6 and 7; more nuraes ln boapttals. Dr. 11:30 to 12 noon. beginners, ages Bull H. Pet~n. president. an-6 and 7. nounces. BALBOA JSl..A.ND <Ruby Ave.) TWo classes for vocational and CORONA DEL MAR (China nunM.!S, rather than one aa In Cove),......l to 1:30 p.m ., lntennedl· former years, wUl be started in ates, no age llmlt; 1:30 to 2 p.m .• the fall. One class wlllatart Sept. swimmers, no age limit; 2 to 1.2 a nd wUI continue for the reg-2:30 p.m., beginners. ages 10 and ular eleven-month training per. 11; 2:30 to 3 p.m., beginners, iod. The other class, starting Oct. ages 8 and 9; 3 to 3:30 p.m., be· 15 will be held In the evening einners, ages 6 and 7. only to allow women wlth day. ume responsibilities to prepare Welk to Be at themselves for nursing. An added Incentive to the OC· t4EWPORT HARBOR BANK Corona del Mar, California Statement of Condition JUNE 30. 1955 cupatlon of vocational nursing Benef·at Dance hu been the Increased remunerJ atlon set by local hospitals. Starting October 1. licensed vo. catlonal nurses will receive $200 tJtartlng salary and will have an opportunity to advance to $215. Also during the last five months of the seven months training period Jn hospitals. the remuner atlon has been raised to $8). Lewrence Welk and his cham. pagne music orchestra wllJ play ror the dance sponsored by the Seafaring Masonic Bullding As. soclatlon at the Rendezvous Ball. room. Balboa, Tuesday evening, July 26. according to Ralph Maskey, president of the associ. atlon. Cash on Hand and ln Banks S 693,099.16 U. S. Government Securities 2.408.021 67 Municipal Bonds ···-··-····· 311.758.85 Loans and Discounts ···-1.365,769.39 Furnltur~. Fixtures Jr Equtpt. 36.271.59 Capital Stock ICommonl Surplus Undivided Profits Reserves .. .. ..... . ..... U nearn~ Interest .... ,$ 105.000.00 85.000.00 35.973.32 22.238.43 33,370.42 Ttulll .. rs Dlscas SoclallzM IIMIIciH Socialized medicine was diS· cussed pro and con by the Udo Toastmaster's Club last week on Tuesday night In the ~arbor House. The attending membership was dlvld~ Into two groups with President Vernon Allen presiding as moderator. A very hot debate was carried on with each man presenting hl.s points for and against the subject with an op- portunity for a rebuttal. Hugh Mynatt was the table topics master. The Toastmaster's Club gives a man a chance to express his views on all subjects and teams to speak ln front of groups with seu.assurance and polle. L&GAI. IIOI"'CK . c:anzncaft or ............... - ftt:tluou. J'lrm Kame THE Uittii:RSIGlfED do here- by ~lly that they are conduc . tlng a printing and publishing business at 2850 E. Coast High. way, Corona del Mar, under the flctJtJous flrm name of Ensign Publishing Co.. Inc.. publlshe.rs ot the Newport Harbor Ensign, a newspaper, and that said firm ls composed of the following per. sons whose names In t ull and place of residence are as toUows. to.wlt: Arvo E. Haapa, 710 Jasmine Ave. Corona del Mar. Mary A. Haapa. 710 J asmine Ave .. Corona 11el Mar. WITNESS our hands this 8th day of July, 1955. Arvo E. Haapa Mary A. Haapa STATE OF CAUFORNlA l )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE l ON THIS 8th day of July, 1955. before me, a Notary Public In and ror said county and state, r~ldlng therein, duly comm.J.s. sioned and swom, per~e>nally ap. peared A.rvo E. Haapa and Mary A. Haapa, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Instru- ment. and &~knowledged to me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and offl clal seal. .JOHN E. SADt.EIR Notary Public In and ror said County and State. My Commls.slon explres May 31. 1956. PubUsh: July 14, 21, 28. Aug. 4. -xpf~T ~C\CKING 'I Other Assets -····· ..... ........ i50.26 Deopos Its: Commercial .... $3.133.866.91 Sav1ngs 1.015.456.84 Pubic Funds .. 305.000.00 US. Gov'm't TI.678.96 4.532.002.71 Otht>r Llabllitles . . 2.086.04 Mr. Maskey said that the pro. ceeds will go toward finishing the new Ma!Kinic Temple. near lne completion at 15th St. and St. Andrews Pl ., across from Nt>wport Harbor High School. Tickets are being sold by members of Seafaring Lodge No. 708. Free and Accepted Masons, and of Harbor Star Chapter No. 568. Order of the Eastern Star. BE'ITEJI CO WlTBOtn' Sevent~n hub caps have been stolen trom his car since he started working at the VIlla Ma- rina, Marine Ave. and Bayside Dr.. Dick Williams of 411 Jas- mine Ave., Corona del Mar, com. plalned to Newport pollee at 2:45 a.m. Monday, July 4. He said the last four hub caps were taken aometlme between 6 p.m. Sun. day and 2:45 a.m. Manday. rouaa IIDIDUTI Mo-B 'ne 1kJDr C. 1L McGees, fOil· merly ot U6 PoJmlettla Ave .. Corona del Mar, have moved from the statJon at Quantico, Va.. to Glenvl~. ru.. near Chi cago. • $481567092 NEWPORT HARBOR BANK OPENED FOR BUSINESS MARCH 14. 1949 Deposits, June 30. 1949 .. .. Deposits, June 30. 1950 .. Deposits, June JO. 1951 . Deposita, June 30. 1952 .. Deposits. June 30. 1953 . Deposits, June 30. 1~ Deposits. June 30. 1955 ... " • . . .$ 980.024.40 1.916.639.94 2.358.214.01 . , .. ,_ ·-··· . .... . . 2.872.709.65 OFnCERS AND DIBECTORS James T. Van Dyke. President 3. l79.0'TT .15 3.662.789.45 4.532.002.il H. L. Hetrick. CashJer Wm. D. Sexton. Ass't CAshier Dennie C&gle. Ass't Ca.shleT Jean Gra.bam. Ellc:row Officer VIce Presidents: B. Z. Mcltlnney, Braden Finch Walter Mellott. Geo. J. Davk!a. J u. & B.anett James D. )lay, Stanley Rldderhot (ME'M.BE'R FEDERAL DEPOSlT INSURANCE C'ORP.l Ohev:role-tS got a ntnAC honey of a hardtop ••• with a lower-than-ever price tag! Maybe you've had a yen for a hardtop but couldn't quite squeeze it into your budget. If so, thh IMtlty's for yout It's the hardtop u only Chevrolet builds it. Long, low and plenty saucy, like ita con- vertible cousin. IC't at& Aottat+ fOOd,... lwdtop, to&-wo cat1r pillan .... .. roll down 1M , window. Nothing but fresh aU' and a picture-window view. Best of all, this big, beautiful "Two- Ten'' Sport Coupe is priced right down with the two-door sedans in Chevtdet:s fteJd. I t lisU far l&u tAG" .,., otMr l«Jdi"f ~ aold '*'· c.... "' ........... • w ................ It h. COIOINt 'fOUl NIW CHIVIOUT P'UtCHASI WI'" YOUI VACAnOM P\AHSI Or4er • ,. •• Clile•r•l•l ....... "'· ..._ ~ It -. .. .... ,._, '" ""''· ~~~~~'--· -CN...._,, h ilt, If .,.. u ••• -.41 ., .. .,_... ........ c--. -· .,..,. -• ' '• tiel ..... -,_ .. ................ • 10 81MWII d.Fashioned ••• of sed•' nate ,,. It's Shipwreck Soctal Planned Speda1 v1elton at tbe C.Martt )(d. Boward lAWiftel BJru. ot Time July 21 liiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil An old t.uhSon4Ht Ice cream*> Enplke hqme at 11m 9eubore t.M .&.Dabet8l Dream aome.. and fte Don OUDderiDIW patio at .Ill cla.1 wm be held by the SL An· Dr .. Newport. are Mrs. J:baleU'• Mr. and liN. J:vwett Pratt Bad· 1111. IIJramar. Jalboe. mq be drew1l Prelbyt.erlan Church Fel-puena. Col. and ....._ K. B. ley, trarwportatJon IDOI\ll from decanted wtth ... weec~ and a.rt. I P I I LIT II II IGWib'P from 1 to 8 p.m. Wednes. Hawktna. who bawn't been beN Lol\l Beedl. n.e bride wu a 0\W alt WU. nat 'l"'rundQ • day, July lO. In the patJo ot the for 22 yean! Tbe HaW'Idna live Tbeta at Arblona U., th.e poom a nllht. Tuly 21. beclau. tbar• t.M duardl. 1n Panama 'City, Florida, and leta at sc. locale ol the ¥J1Ual BuaiMII 1~~.~~~~ Co-d\altmen for the event are expect to return thee euly In At Cu1.lt Churd\ by the SH and Prol-'olaal' Women'• Oub illillillil Mra. Kenneth MeDIY'ltt and Mn. Auaust. on SUnday, June ~. 11s.a Ann patio p&JV, and t.hla year dle * N' JCAD J'UD:I * a&ADI:D_.LACKCHMCWII aUMeU CUthbert. Pie a Ia mode • • • Grlaty became the .brtcle ot theme 18 "ehlpwredL" ~~ and Ice Cf'Mm with home made The Harold Mltchella ot eo. Jam• Harrla Jr. The poom•a Membel'a and IUftb are ulald .._... cake will be Mr"Ved. rona del Mar are looklna for. parent. Uve ln Balboa Cove., to come ct.re.ed u Sf they bad •• I.ET 8 J I 20 ward to a trip to HawaJJ with Ann'a folks are Mr. and Mrs. w. been ahlpwr,cked on a d~ -· , --a za a r U y the Sh.rlners on September 21. Alan Grt.lty ot eo.ta Me.a. New. laland. Dlnner rt!8ei"VatJona mu•t (IJO ,..., The whole Lurline hu been port Harbor RJah and Oranae be made before Monday with ....,. ...... --At St. James chartered tor this apeclal voyaae Cout Collep are the aclloola ot President Jean Howell, Harbor WaGD OIII.Y 11 0&. and exuavaaant plana for aide botb. 3127, or Sue Horvath, Llbuty aa. ealt r • I" • 1'1•• The annual bazaar ot St. trips and entertainment have Abo Harbor Hlah Alwru r• S3S81. A New Concept ln Penonal J Cb been made for the HawaUan cently married are the former lnvttaUona were l.uu-.1 by ltadlo. Ear Phone and Carry. ames Epllcopal urch. New. vlalL Mr. Mitchell took the same Mia Shirley l ean MlthoH wh---notes lnaJde small bottln-put tna Cue Optional. Extra. port. will be held at the chord\ "" ...... t 1 th ffl 1 ••... ..... CO. Wednesday, July 20, by the trip sans wUe 22 years aeo. parents are Mr. and Mrs. o. R. o sea n e post o ce D.ltead .. ....... Women's AuxUiuy. The bazaar • • • MJthotf ot Coeta Meta, and ot the ocean. e DRY CUANIN& e KNIT ILOCKIN6 e LAUNDRY SERVICE e DYEIN(i; e HAND P'RESSIN& u a,_, wm open at 11 :30 a.m., and Friends ot the Carl Tauchera of Wayne Euaene Corbin. .on or JfEWCOD--D-LOI--B-DOQ- 1• ....._ ....., c.t. ~~-luncheon wUJ be served at 12:30 423 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, the Leonard Corblna of eo.t.a p.m. may know of the recent death Mesa.. Weddlna bella rana at St. Brand new residents ln the General chalrman 1n charae Ia ot Mr. Taueher's wUe, Anna. The Andrews Presbyterian Church on Harbor area are the W. l . Me. e ALTUATIONS, REPAIRIN6 * * * Mrs. 1. H. RJags. auxlllary pres!. Tauchers have been part.Ume June 18. Leans. who moved In around the dent. Mrs. Nell Harrla Ia In Harbor residents -spendlne • • • first ot luly at 426 Marauerlte charge or the "Curiosity Shop," some of their time at their ranch BEEN tlshtne lately? Les b-Ave., Corona del Mar. The Me. hJ b on the deserL bell and nel&hborlna cronies Leana come from Burbank and * * w c will feature old silver, have had the traeedy of Joslne chlna and costume jewelry. Mrs. • • • found the cUmate too windy tor Whitney Wrlaht hu charae of Ray Fields of Orange Ave., &ood catchlna up at their annual their 10.yr.-old cocker do& alnce the "White Elephants," and Mrs. Newport. will remember July 4. trek to Utah this June. Cauaht arrfvtne. Thomas B. Prost wiU supervtae 1955, on account of a private ex. enoueh tor good eating there, ------ o.,.. a .... •asao pa.. .... ..., •..... ..-. Mal&. c-t..., .. -.._ .... c:.... ...... the cooked food booth. Hand. ploslon he had-an emeraency however. Read the Enslen Want Ad page. made articles prepared by the operation for appendl~ltla. The • • • ------------ £11M larltlr..P's YARN SHOP Guilds wUI be on sale. surgery at Long Beach Veteran's Cards wiU follow luncheon. Hospital preceded another erand FIRST CHI.(RCH OF CHitiST SCIENTIST ))0) VJ. Uclo, Newport a..cll opening, that ot hls jewelry store In Costa Mesa, which had been scheduled tor Saturday. Lealslators' work Is never done. Earl Stanley has been In Sacramento aealn this week. Keeping tabs on his proposed legislation tor small harbors. Light their life with foith l/ it A branch of tho Mother Cllurch. Tho Firtt Church ol Chriat, Sciontirl, In So.. ton. MeauchuMth. • • • Hear that ringing In your ears? Chances are It's weddlnr bells for June and early July brides. Among them-Miss Joan Constance Bryan to WUUam Pratt Hadley. The newlyweds' Lido Isle parents are Mr. and • • • The Bernard McNalra of eo. rona del Mar have been samp. ling pineapple a la luau Instead ot hambureers a Ia Bud's In Hawaii (or a tew weelu. The J . W. Hornbeaks of Shore Cllfl& have also been In Hawaii a nd the Dr. Ed MJlurna ot Bay Shores are Jiving In the Jay Carlisle's house In the Islands thiJI sum 'DC7 E. Coat JIJ9bway Coroaca ct.l Mar BA 0157 S..ntley School 9: IS e.m. Su11dey S.nrice ---··-II :00 e.m. WednMdey Evo:1i"9 Meotonq 1:00 p.m. Roedin9 Room louted et HIS Vie Lido, Newport Beech, ia o~n WMk d•VI from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. WedneldeVI lrom 10.00 e.m. to 7:•5 p.m. Fridey evenin91 from 7:00 p.m. to 9c00 p.m. Sundoy ofternoona 2 to 5 p.m Cloaed Holidey1 KnlttJna. Crocheting and Needfepolnt Supplies Knitting Bags Speclaliud Accessories and Instructions BOVU Mon. thru SaL 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tho public is cordielly invited to et. tet>d tho church Mnricoa orld UM the •••dina Room M~ruuJ~~ BEADQUA.BTEBS roa IIDDIES' TOYS, Beacll I Swi111 lear 3101 E. Cocat Bwy. at JCDIIll.De1 Coroaa del Mar (Next to All American Market> BABBOa 5518 * Abo at 5251 E. 2Dd St.. la Loag a.acb * LAIIGUIIE tum. SEIVICE A•Ged.ed ~ For AU AIRUIES • RAILROADS STEIIISIIIPS • TOURS S.rnag The eoa.ta1 ANa Pew Jfearlr 10 Yean 213 Ocecm Aft. Lap.aa -...eta Bratt ._1011 Make you~ Own Giflwc.-e in our Ceramic Studio A wo nderful new plan for the ceramic hobblat ... you work In a complete, modern plant wttb aU the latest commercial equJpment under akUJed auper. viJIIon. We have molds for over 125 ltena from our line that you may use or you may make your own designs ... AAyoae caa do it • • • no.. fw f1a11 dnda. * IACIIES NIIEIY I •ts Ebell Noles mer. • • • Plans for a late "summer cot. A Fourth of July patio buffet ton" card party were announced supper held at the Dave Nielsen this week by the ways and home on LJdo, honoring the means committee of the EbeU birthdays of America and Dr. club. The dessert bridge IJI Dave, ended In a moonlight scheduled for Sept. 22 at the cruise aboard the AJ Blacklldges' American Legion Hall, Newport. boat Holiday. Amon& the auesta The ways and means commit. present at the party were Mr. tee met at the home ot their and Mrs. Fritz Kretzschmar of chairman, Mrs. Amelia Gamble. Lido. Or. and Mrs. AI Stockton of In Corona del Mar the first ot Corona del Mar, Mr. and Mrs. July to discuss their plans for <Continued on ~e 7) t'he coming year. Besides the cot. --0-JRE---C'f--O-R_Y __ ton party the date ot March 8 was announced for the annual spring festival. Mrs. GambJe also said that M t L S h 1 fruit cakes will again be avail. argare · C ar e able through the Ebell Club Teacher ot Plano prior to the Thanksglvtne holl. Orearu.t · Acoompa.nllt daya. Orders will be taken when Evmlnl c..... • far A4u.l .. the club eonve.-. In Oc:to'*'· 111r ~ AVS. • Meettna with the waya and Qwona clel liar means committee were Mmes. C. M. Deakins, C. C. Dodd, Charles ,_....:N;..;;.;W;,;.;*:;;a::;:;;.;:;IU.=-:D::;.:IWK=;.;:CTO;.:.;:;.::D::.._ Eaton, Russell Craig. Thomas S. Friendly Nel&bborbood Service Smith, WUliam Tritt. Byron Wells, Baall Peterson, Roy Sabin, PARKES-RIDLEY Nelson Holmwood and H. S. M e· MORTIJARY Greeor. LECAL lfOTICE No. PA-620 lfOTICE TO caEDITOBS ESTATE OF HENRY CHARLES BROWN, aka HENRY C. BROWN, DECEASED. NO'MCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors ot and art--persons having claims against the aald decedent or aald estate to tile them with the necessary vouch. era In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Calllornla, In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same, with the neceaary vouch- ers. to the underalaned at his or her plaee ot business. to-wit: E. R. Abbey, Public Admlnlatra. II 0 Broadway U 8·3433 It 8·3434 eo.ta Meta NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servtna the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor42 3520 E. Cout Hlahway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8·2121 17b It Superior, Coeta Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCA'nONS tor. c/o Thomu E. Heffernan. ,-------------. 2515 E. Cout HJehway, Corona del Mar, CalJfomla wlthln alx months alter the flrst publication of this notice. Dated: June 24. 1955. E. B. ABBEY Admlnlatrator of the Estate ol aald decedenL Attorney• tor Admlnlatrator Harwood, Beffemal') It Soden 2515 E. Cout Htehway Corona del Mar, CalJfomla Harbor 1.535 Publlah: lune 30, July 7, 14, 21 In the Newport Harbor Ena1Jn. INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrm STANLEY INSUJlANCE AGENCY Pbone Harbor 2474 331.5 E. Cout Hl.abway Corona del Mar Rea. Phone, UbertY ~ 731fS FOR TELEPHONJANSWERIHG saMa IT MYS 10 LOOK ST. AJmUWS PU!InTEaJAJr ~"CBiniOnlac&~ 15th SL It St. Andrews Rd., ----z.::, -&kbool .__., .... J ...... lt.wa:rt SUNDAY: Momina worahJp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High, Sr. High and college aae Fellow- ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOIUWJ'IT JIETIIODIIT ao w. 1M st.. eo.to ..._ LJberly 1-4552 a...JoeepbW.IIcllaaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momlna Wo.rahlp-7 p.m. College Aae MYF Service - 7 p.m. High School MYF Servtce; 8 p.m., young adults aroup aerv1ce. T1IE cauaca or CIDlJST 1050 Cbucb lt.. eo.to .... LJberly I-20C7 D. G. Bunt. IIJ.a.tatw Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning w~. ship; 7:30 p.m. evening aervtce. Midweek Rrvice, 7 :30 p.m. Wedneeday. 'Ia WU CB-CIIWI Oclllll rea... ....... l ..... ,.t ...... Coefllll( .... Liberty a.5711 T-aa.., Jr .. lllalfter Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible atu<l)'; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv. lee; 7:30 p.m. evenlna aervlce. CldJi't cauac:a n '1'10 au C...waity lletlaodl8t -.Jboe MM. at l6tla lt.. Wewporl ..... Uit IWtort ..... Boy A. Carlloa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. MJd. week Meeting: 7:00p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m . potluck. IT. JOACIIIII c::ll17aCB ... 0,.... ...... c.e. .... .. La-tr ..... . ratta........_J.Wnta 11llldllr K•n• at 7. L L 10 -.d U :30 a.m. Weekdays: Ma.-at 7:00 a.m. -Cont.-ion: Satur· days trom 4:00 to :5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. J'DIIT aAft1iT c:aua::a OF a&wiOIIT ..... aiM. .... & c-rt ...... IIAdNr aNt ....... La-tr .. ~ ,_.., -...ed a. Jelrr• Sunday MrVlc.: 9:45 a.m.. Sun- day Scbool: 11:00 a.mi Wor· ahlp Service; 7:30p.m. unday eveniJ\1 ~ervlee: Mld·Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wedne8Cla.y Prayer lleetln1. rDIIT •IIEJiaLY OF COD J2Dd lt. & ~ ...... c.e. .... Uberty • ...,.. ..... ~ II. c:. c..aJc. ...... Sunday Schoel: 9 :30 a.m. Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evaneellat aervtce. 7:30 p.m. Young People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. LadJes' Missionary Courwll. Thursdays 9:30 a .m. tor all day. IEV'&Jin'B DAY ADVU 1111 If~ ami. at .... lt.. ·~·~ Liberty 1-1 Elder D. L Spaul41.Df Saturday Momlna Serv1ca: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Sef. mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet. Ina: Wednftday, 8:00 p.m. c:au.c::a of u. wau•zn l ........... t..c.n. ...... ,._._, -..,, CU.. WIUf=., Uberty .. , ••• Sunday Servleea: Suoday School. 9:30 a.m. Mornlne Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evanaellatlc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettna. 7:30p.m. Wedneaday. ,. ... u...r .... IIA.._ Sunday Scbool: 9!U LID.. &an· day Servl ce : 11:00 a.m. WednMday Evenln1 Meettn•: 8:00. ReadJne Room. 331.5 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. ope-n 10 a.m.-5 p.m. weelc da,_, 10 LID.· 7:C5 p.m. Wedn~ 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnp. CllaiiT LVTDIAW c::auac::a or COITA KUA (IUIIt:ul lfMCI) A..SCI8a a...toa lla1L c.ta .. _ ...._,..., ....... T ..... Sunday Servtce.: Worship Serv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aAUOA 11LA1rD COIOIUam ...,.,.,_,. liS= A..._..._..._. .. , .... ., ......... ........ Sund~ Service8: 9:30 a. m. Church School· 9:30 aad 11:00 Lm.. WonhJp Sentoe. r.mn IAftln c::auaca ..... A-. .... -... .-a .. c:... .... .... .•. a. ....... Sunday Servtc.: 9:45 Lm. Sunday School; 11 \l.m. Wonblp Service8' 6:30 p.m.. Baptia TraJnlna Union: 7:30 p.m., EvenJna Service. Wedneld&y: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Pralle and Btble Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus pr act 1 ee; 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prayer Meet1n1. c::auaca or cu. LADT or liT. CAMnJ l.CIW ...... 81 ............ ........... Pdaer·~._, . .__ PCIIIINI' hi • 1 as A..t. . Sunday Maues: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a .m. Conf ... 1on: &at· urdaya and eves. ot t..t Frldaya a.Dd Holy Dayt from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. DaUy Masa 8:00 a.m. Firat Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p .. m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Tuftday, 7:45 p.m. Ft.thermen'a Mua, July and Auau-t. Sunday 4Lm.. oa1t1D•',. wuant n:LLOWIIID DlaG" m . ............ ..... c_• ---..-.r. .... ladq ldl!at. JO:ii La. Jlam. lq -*lp. U:OO a.m. ft. JAial DIICOtAl. a.IY'-.................. ......... ..... ) .............. Sunday 8ei'Vtcea: 8:80 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Sunday 8Cbool; 9:30 a.m. morn In 1 prayer and sermon, 11 a.m. worship aervtce. Thuf8day Serv. lees: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOIDI VliUfJR1' 316 ....... ,.,. ....... laJad ••••• ••• PatW~wta.y ...... p... .. .. .... Sunday Mnut: 7:00 Lm. It 9:00 a.m. Conf-..loft: S.turdar and eva of lat Frida~ an Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Firat Friday Mul 8 a.m. SUJDinft Mua, luly and Auau-t Sunday, 11 a.m. CCII'tUL 8iiii cauaca 0....&... ........ CIOIIC*A Da. Mu C... ..... lA It ...... COiiWUIIM CW.W A. A. Sr 81 1 ,_.... C •11•1 "md Sunc!a7 kbool: 1:415 a.m. lltJm • Ill P Mlli'Ji,A"" tnl s.rvtCie. 11 :00; Ewnln1 ..... Sei wtee. T:JO. MJd • ...-s.Y· ,_._, .... ...._a-.. Jce. Wedneaday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday w_.. ~: 9:«5 Youn1 people meet 6:15 p.m. un., 11:00 a.m.SundaySchool: Sunday. 9:45 a.m. _ • ,._,. IOUia&U UnliT IIADOI AIIKJIILY or GOD 1M W • ._:w1• ,.--"-..._ Clt .. tL ... .._. Ctdlf. --..._c.u1... LDutt..._ WCWIOIIT aAJDOII l.a.ty .... 1 -...._. Dt. ....... & ,_ LU IWIIU cauaca ..... C. C. ft mil 8~ ~lic,l:e Ullh chuldl 1101 CUll LD~ ~~= ..._.. s~frl 9:30 ;-m., morn~ UDlon T p~ su:-~. ~': .... ...._.. 0.•111•1 P LIIL ouna peop e · -:!r I p.m. Suncfay. Teach· 1:ar11 _..-. 1:10 a.m. Sunday· .mot e:ao P~ evenina .. amc.. IMittnt 7 p.m. Cbunfa Moo&. 1:10 a.m.· wor: .vanpJS. MrYlce T:JO p.m. W~. Pruw ...tceand _. ..W.. 11:00 a.m.; LuU.. M14-WWk 8R'Vb T:JO p.m. ... ._ T:tf p.~a. Wed.n ... ~,,:GO p.a. Wednelcla)'. c!a7. ME CHECICUM YEUDWPAGES GET HEAP QUICK HELIIWAHT IN THE "C1AS51FIED" JMT OF YOU~ JBEPHOHE lOOK fht.~~f Jl made pa.OW by th-cf•lo-mlnciedJnrtal WAI W00CJWeRTH PIANO SHOP 8INIIW. SH&T WITAL WOIICS ....... Alent for ...... flan.---Slr..t 26~ L c..tt HWJ. H.. JIG C... .W W. ........ _..,..._ ••w ...... a Hlr.llllow .... ,.. ..... M1.10A MY CWI taOMDAY, JVLY IC. &-. 256 Calls for Harbor Dept. June eallt by the R..W De. partment totaliM * aeccwdtnc to the monthly NP<Ift by Harbor Muter lluiMll Craie. • Tbe ~ numft'OUI eaJa. in- cluded: 23 der~llcta founcf and dMtroyed; 19 rowboat. found and recovered; 1S rowboatl beld for ldentWcatlon and return; U rowboat. Jo.t a nd not recoverfld; 13 complaint. tor 1peed; 25 other complalnt.l; 10 at1Wtl tor tpeed. ITEIIIITII lcleatw.dly C.tNUed ..... cl~ Correc:ti•• Ma.av• ....... tiM Balboa Ialcmd Ma.age Miss Bari)ara Jean Bandy Is Bride of Lt. Shively Parlor Althoueh her par~nll. Mr. and Shively at the Central Chrlstlan lUI/a A..-, ....._ ...._. Mrs. Maurice Lee Bandy, were Church. San Antonio, Texas. The In Saudi, Arabla. and unable to parenll of the JTOOm are Dr. Roy F• •••tat sst .U attend, Mia Barbara Baridy wu Shively of Kansu City. Kan .. ... ~ ••• l1WI•W·•-1~~aat..••• .. llii•L:.:man1:::.:.;;ed:;_..;to~=L;;t·_;llJ~ch;;a;r~d;..;K;;;.ei;.;th~ a nd Mrs. Stanley Shafter of 1111 Merced. acony. II Bea'h & Boulevard The bride La a 1953 graduate of Newport Harbor HJgh School. She was given In marriage by her brother. Lt. Maurice Lee Bandy. Her sister-In-law, Mrs. Bandy, served as matron of honor. White silk organza with an applique of large white lace flowers formed the bride's full length g own with chapel train. Her fingertip veil was held by a band of pearls. Mrs. Bandy wore a blue dotted swiss baliE'rina length gown with white lace trim and matching hat. After a short honeymoon the newlyweds returned to San An tonio, where they will Jive until fall. when the groom will rt-turn to the University of Missouri after his discharge from the AJr Force. The bride. who formt>rly Jived In Corona del Mar w ith her parents. spent one year at the IPOIITI AXD CASUAL WEAJI AmPrican University of Beirut In 120 L Coaat al..t. t.aguaa aeoda B'fatt ._2211 Lebanon and Is now attending ~;::,;;;;,:::::;=~~:=:::ff::~=:~~~==~~~~~ii=ii~ San Antonio Colleg('. The Girl Scouts have scheduled a Senior Scout Roundup. which ~~~~~~=:=~~====~:=::=;:;:;;===::=::=~ Is not unlike a small Boy Scout .Jambor~. to be held during the FIGURES TAILORMADE I ntl nAUflllll SYSTIM wfl teb ,_.,order TODAY for a new figure by SUMMER! Those hard-to-lose inches on TUMMY, HIPS AND TH IGHS will literally melt away while you re' ax on the famous STAUFFER TABLES. An .. ,.,. nA..,.,.. SYSTIM fitplre Cofttvltant will weigh and measure y~. She will determine what you need to lose and where you need to lose It during your FREE INTROOUC· TORY DEMONSTRATION and FIGURE ANAlYSIS. Take a..., t.ward a MW PIOUU toclayl Cell PHONE NUMIB for an appointment at your convenience. ~~ SWIMSUITS BY COlf HAJtiOR 1742 1117 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR HHr Jaamine summer of 1956 In the state of Michigan. Four thousand senior Girl Scouts betw~n the ages of 14 and 18 will come together from all pa.rll of the United States. Jfewpart -..ell baa beM\ tn- vlted to .nd two pa. to partlcJ. pate ln thU AU-American Round. up. The 1956 Glrl Scout CookJe sale will finance the trip for the girls. Mrs. AI Rylett will act as vot. unt~r Senior Scout Roundup for Newport Harbor Council. Four councils In Orange County, Ana. helm. Fullerton. Santa Ana and Newport Harbor w1Jt participate In the Roundup. The selection commltt~ for the Harbor area will have as members Mmes. Ted Hambrook. C. W. Crowl. .John Oertly, Everett Nunan and .Jack Quisenberr-y. On .June 30 the flrst Roundup m~tlng was held at the Girl Scout House In Anaheim. Beginning In Septem. ber meetings wUl be held every month. Showing ott Callfomta wtll be one of the chief occupations of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Yetter of 222 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. ' tor the next few w~ks, bee a use during that time they are enter talnlng Mr. and Mrs. Edgar King ot Detroit. Mich. Mrs. King and Mrs. Yetter are status. Mr. Klnr hu never been to Callfomla. but It will be a re. tum vtsJt for his wife. WhUe they are here, a brother of Mrs. Yetter, Frank E. Bowell of Oak- land, wlll al110 be present for a few daya reunion. rtJIEMEJf nGBT nBE Newport Beach firemen ext1n- ftUIAhed a grass and trash tire at the interaectlon of 17th St. and 16th St.. Newport Heights, at 4:47 p.m. last Thursday. Spon- taneous combu.tlon was blamed lQf the blaze. ------For .. .....,..... eft.,.lopes cal THE ~SIGN. HA-111• Mrs. Viona Burdick Married To Matt Bengochea of COM Two city employees were united In marrlaee at a candle- llCht ceremony Friday at the Uttle WeddJnr Chapel Around the Comer in Las Vegas. Mra. Vlona Burdick of 204 42nd St., Newport, became the bride of llw•ll Will Hear T•• • Twl1 PIHI Ralph .Johnson, director of the Twin Pines Ranch. will speak at today's noon m~Ung of the Newport Harbor Kiwanla Club, which Is supporting a campaign to start an Orange County boys' ranch on the old .Joplin Ranch . Program at next Thursday's meeting . .July 21. will ~ a travel talk and lldes of Africa, pre- aented by Mrs Dorothy McKenna of the Corona del Mar Travel Bureau . Matthew .J. ~ngochea of 618 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ken of 608 Orchid Ave.. Corona del Mar, served a.s best man and matron ol honor. Week end festlvlt1H ln. eluded a wedding breakfut at the Hotel llJvlera In Las Vei'a.&. The newlywe<b are at home In their new residence at 201 Santa Ana Ave .. Newport, on the blutl back of the arches. Mr. Bengo- chea Is Nt-wport Beach plumbing Inspector. Hls bride works tor the city in the warehouse division, where she operates Radio Station KME 582 for dlapatchlng city cars. kJ=ced ~..,_-~ 1M 'fov Uttla Tob BAPPY DAY ICBOOL 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vauehn, director Pirate Queen to Be Chosen At Progra"\ Set for July 26 Beautiful Furniture to grace a home of any period. The Pirate Quen of the 1955 Orange County Fair will be chosen Tuesday evening, .July 26. at the mf'eling of the Asso- ciated Chambers of Commerce of Orange County. This will be a Alumnae Plan July Luncheon A .Ju ly luncheon at the home of Mrs. Charles Gruber In Hunt lngton Beach hu been planned by alumnae of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority of Orange County. Plans for a fall benefit brunch w111 be discussed and a summer potluck beach party for bus. bands and guests. Harbor area alumnae who wish to attend may place reservations wlth Mrs. Harold Wlbon, Harbor 1329-W. Mrs. Albert Leutwylft" ot Costa Mesa prnlded Monday evening over her first meeting as new president of American Legion Auxallary, Unit 291 ol Newport Beach. Other officers are Mrs. Gilbert Opel, first vice president; Mrs. Robert Briggs. second vice presl dent; Mrs. Cecil Inns, treasurer: Mrs. Herman .Johnson. 8ecretary; Mrs.. Kenny .Johnson. chaplain ; Mrs. Tony Boetto. sergeant at a rms. and Mrs. M. A. Hudson . marshal. CIIJ blfiiJII lrtlll ... .. at VIlla larilla Dick Whitson. president of the Newport Beach Employees As.'IO elation, welcomed the presidents' council of the Southern Cali fornla League of Cities Em ptoyees at thelr dinner meeting held last Thursday at the VIlla Marina. Barbara MacDonald. secretary, was also officially present at the m~tlng, attended by 72 repre sentatives from 20 member cities. Program wu a dJscusslon of the Integration of atate retirement into federal social aecurity for city employees. workman's com . pensation. IA'f IT WITII ,. &. c.-• ...,. 8 COitORA ba. 11.0 .............. dinner meetJng In the newly completed exhibits building at the Fairgrounds. Contestants wlli parade during the program following the ban quet, and presentation or the qu~n will be the fina le of thf' program. Local contestants are Dee Dee Cunningham of Corona del Mar and and Sharon Glenn 1 of Costa Mesa. Speaker will be George Wilson. president of the CaJJtornia Statf' Farm Bureau Fedt>ration. He Is a director of the National Farm Bureau Fed era t I o n and has served on President Eisenhower's agricultural advisory commltt~. Ptrlillef LWt s.l TeltCIIs .. ferFete • llilli Ill niJ • SU IIIII SIJ tl POSITIVELY PREVEIT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNBURN .-,---·--·---·---· •••••••••••••••• • OUAIAMTU • , _ _, ........... : ,_.__ ... SIA& Kl • ....... ... _., ...,...._ . _..._ __ .......,. .......... ....., .. • •••••••••••••••• The Udo lsJe Community AI,. soclation was cranted permls- slon by Newport City Council Monday e-veninr to block oU a l)CIIttae elf VIa lJdo Soad. near the ten..nJ.a courta, whtft the MJd. summer Roundup wfJJ ~ held on Friday . .July 29. .oiA IEl •1 "'1"''E P'lwca ........... uaaoal272 Thia annual event wiJJ be ht>ld from 7 p.m. to midnight. Paul Butler ls general chalnnan. 3127 E.. Coast Jrwy .. ..,._ 1 ...._ c.o.a del Mar For COOL Summer Nights you 11 want one of theae lo•ely FUll-FASHIONED ~1/b#,/u,/le~tc, sweaters IJII .9{tHIIJ1' JUST ABRIVED in New Summer-Fall Colora A long slet>Vt'd cllrdlgan -the perennial favorite. always In fashion. Here's ~nart's version done In wonderful. wonderful full.fashioned Wondamere. th~ yam that's 80 much like cash mere only an expert can tell the difference between the two. Its classic llnes f e a t u r e smart turned-back cuffs. ln slzes 36 to 40. Avallable In whit~. plnk. malzt-. blue. navy, Jlght ox- ford. aqua, tan heather, brown. avocado. red. vicuna. medium rudord. black. .shrimp and blonde. Cardigana 10.95 Slip-oaa 8.95 Other Styles from 7 95 • • • O..'ft .... ... , . .......... . -.. Clllll ., ... ............ • .... v • ............... 2111-Wlkl1H1 H II · eave n "'BI'Ain' LIVUfG'' IlOIEDlATELY. IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING niE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern CallfornJa'a Most Beautltul Subdlvulon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY I:'NITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCfiVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. 1bese homes tea\ure Calllomla Uvtnr. Ottered exclu- .tvely throuah Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terrace--<>n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a l....t'as<'hold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay. Bayshores or Clllf Haven. Earl W . Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information Vogel Value COSTA IESA lew, 4 ....... , I 3/4 Ba.. Home in the ~nter ot the Harbor Ana near schools It stores. Lovely llvlng room looks out on enclosed rear yard & patio. Lg. bedrooms, Tile In balhs. Wired tor elect. stove. Sewer ln. Copper pipes thru-out. Dbl. garare at rear of lot. 1 car garaee attached to home that can be made Into a den or bedroom. A delightful home at only $13,300 ONLY SHOO DOWN THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 Bill's Beat BIJI- IEIE-WE-11-IUJII t:NDER CONSTRUCTION- 3&4B •• IIolnes 4 PLANS-NINE ELEVATIONS-AS LOW AS $375 Don VETS OR NON VETS SEE US FOR COMPLETE INFORMATIO:'\ W. A. TOBIAS. leaHor -yvu'll like our friendly service 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty ~11.39 -WE WILL BUILD 01 YOUR LOT A 1244 SQ. FT. 3-IEDROOI HOlE AND 2-CAR IAUIE $9100 Forced air heat-Hardwood fl oors. Fully financed on a good lot. 19 years on Savings & Loan IUSHALL HMS 20 Years Bulldlng In Oranae County Models Open: Newport and Mitchell, Tustln Kimberly 7-3293 Kimberly 2 3569 Eves. Uberty ~4073 1-1 Priced tx>low adja~nt farm lands! 45 acres. manufac. turing zone. 2 Highway frontages. Very best Investment possible. $4,100 .... Liberal terms. lilliE COAST Pl.aTIES 1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa U ~1632; U ~1400 Eves. DAILY AT Not only 18 thla a bouae wlth a wide OCMn vfew but lt Ia arddtecturally delll2ned tor the~ convenle.nt In- door-outdoor u~. Arilatlcally landleaped with an eye t~ euy ma.lllten&ftCet 2-bedrl. plua dept 2 batha. wood panellbl .. JOftly ftnplace, ete. EnUre RoUe and Lot. $21.!100 1 i!iiW1L Uberty s.sm Jllnot ua.w "' Atchltectural aenlul and superb bulldlnt have com. bined to make thla near. new 4-bedr., 2 bath horne bn Balboa Island one of charm and distinction. The apacJoua Jiving room and bedrooms open out on the large friend- ly patio. Completely and at- tractively furnished. An op. portunlty If bought now. See today ISUND REAL n CO. 498 Park, Balboa Island HA 377 CORDIA DEL IAR Beautifal Hill tlew from the living room of this 2 bedr. home at 222 Hazel Dr., AND a private pathway to the beach. 1% baths plus outside s hower. prime loca. tion, S25.500. EXCELLENT IICOIE 4 furn. unJts; 1 bedr. each. No vacancies In over a year. Rent Is $65 each. Gross yearly over $3.000. All In first class. Reduced for quick sale, $19,950 Earl W. SIMieJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775. eves. Harbor 5359 UDO ISLE 3 lle~r. I ••, 311allls PLUS spacious garage apartment. Wall to wall carpet, built In kitchen, 40 tt. lot. A Bargain! $31,100 CUIIE 1111•1 REALTOR Z731 W. Coast Hwy., Newport u 8-4277 FOR SALE: IIJ ener, Corona del Mar, 3 w ... 2 111111, modern home, fum. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro. posed parochial school ... everything built-In Including dl.ahwuher. disposal, etc. En. closed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . ca11 Ha. 2506-M. PEitSOMAL TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace Calderhead, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. JtewjN!I'l Jlalli• fndiD iWOMDAY.JVI.'I' M. _. SUMMU UNTA.L CDM. N&c. 2.. lt' IOA.T, wtncllb14rlcl, ........ bedr. turn. houee t• month ol ...,, ,.._,... covw, adt. Aua. or loqer. TUe bath, JM. cond. ~ portable .wln1 6 patJo. f~ HA 188t-a. tt..-. eet. • lendlx 4r)w l ·BEDBll. FUiN. houae tor rent -JCayak A ~4dle, sao. aot born luly 17..30. _, a week to CoUln~. B. 1 .. RA 3891-W. raponaJble people. See owner CifUtiSt HOOi:tb RUG, i2ifl, at em Carnation, CDM, or call little u.aed. HA. 1~1-W. HA 4703-J. • • ... CADIIL\C-Hu eYft)lthina. Gd. YEARLY lltNTALS: 2-bedt. mOd-cond. Mab cuh otter. 21' ern turn. apt., tara~e, .. uto. Fernleal, CDM. HA 1887-R. . wuher, 204~ 42nd, N.B. Alao MUST SELL: Bed Sprlnp. $i, 1 1-bedr. untum. bouse • a•· ,dbl. 1r 1 sri.; Frpl. acrten, 30" rap. 3 doors from bL dlat.. hilh and' 54" Wide ss· Ora• 616 Goldenrod, CDM. Phone tor ru~. 9'x9', $5. lZ% 'E. Bay Ft., appt. to show. U ~ 7607. B. 1. DELUXE. 2-bedrm., unhlrn. du-;::oo=B:;:;E:;:;~~f:-:A;-;;N:;-;:P=="U:::P:-::P~IES=--:-b-y-s-.G-e---::of plex, 10. hlway. Forced air Storm, AJCC, cropped, lnocu- beat, hardwood floors. aarage, lated. 923 Arbor St., Costa ~p. paUo .. CDM HA 1684-R. Mesa. U 8.6267. MODERN a partments and rooms HAMMOND 0 RCA N. Sllghtly with private bath, some with used. Good big saving. Another private balconies, overlooking wonderful buy. H am m on d harbor and ocean, haH block Chord Organ. Uttle used. The to beach; dally, weekly or organ everyone can play. Danz. monthly rates. The Palisades, Schmidt Plano Co.. 520 No. 2500 Seaview, CDM. Main, Santa Ana. ATTRACI'IVE lleeplne r ooms· SPINET PIANO. Beautiful case kitchen prlvUeaes if desired. and tone. Little used. Save over $28 a week. Half block to $100 on this. Another bargain. beach. The Pallaades, 2500 Sea Mirror type Spinet only ..$295 . view, CDM. Many other wonderful buys. FURNISHED ROOM for lady In Danz Schmidt Music Co.. 520 private CDM home for July No. Main, Santa .Ana. Always and Aug. Very reas. HA 2412-J. 100 pianos! ATTRACT. OCEAN VIEW 1-bedr. ORGAN'. 'E;;-;1:-ec-:-:t:-ro-n-:1-c;-! 7U;-s-ed7'-:b-u-:-t-:l~n apt., partially turn . $75 mo. exc.-ellent condition. Two man- yrly. rental. West side Costa u"ls. Fine for church or home. Mesa. Call HA 80 between 9 You can save $800 on this pur- a.m. and 5 p.m. chase. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. FURN. APT., good I o cat 1 on, Main, Santa Ana. ground tloor. Summer or yearly STEINWA Y GRAND. Gorgeous In lease. No children, no pets. 610 every way. Parlor size. This Marguerite, CDM. wonderful Instrument at a big CDM 3 bedr. It den, unf. home. saving. Many other Grands. garage. Lovely view, yrly. Mason &: Hamlin, Knabe. Story lease. Inquire Louise Apts., It Clark, Etc. Prl~s $495 and Carnation at Seaview, COM. up. Danz-Schmldt Plano, 520 N. LOUISE APTS., overlooking the Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos. bay. Modern furnished apts. Moderate weekly rates. Sum-HELP WAJifTED mer reservations; 308 Carna. ------------ tlon. CDM, near Seaview, WANTED: Baby sitter. five days HA 4016. a week. Call HA 2582-J after 5 p.m. S1Tt7ATJOMS WAJifTED EXPER. GARDNER wants work In Harbor area, also cleanup. Owns equip. U 8-7579, after 5 p.m. YOUNG MAN desires part-time work evenings and week-ends. Hu pick-up truck, so also wtll do delivery, help you move, or! Phone Harbor 1623-J after 4:15 p.m. BABY SITI'ING. care of alck. your home, Day, night, matur~ CDM woman. Before 10 a.m. after 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. Painting Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Ucenaed Ccmtractor 878 w. 18th Costa Mesa Liberty 8 8628 Ube!ty 8-6632 COMPLETE PAJNTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS 500 31st Stree~ Beach COMPLETE PDfQ SEIIVJCE FREE ESTIMATES SAH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NUR.SERY HA 1038 Z744 E. Coast Hwy. lelc• .... ,. lotle Prtject•• FOR RENT I Iris- YOU will have an opportunity to advance in our firm. because of our present expansion program. The starting salary Is good and you will r~lve fre. quent Increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514~ No. Main Street Rm. 211-s&nta Ana 9:00 to 4 :00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE MEN for STEADY, full-time jobs with large public utility. High school graduates between 18 and 45 years ot age wanted for regular employment. OPPORTUNmES tor ad. van~ment. 40 . hour week, paid vacations, paid holl· days, sickness allowances It pensions. I.Hpter ..... ,.. R .......... . Walter Longmoor of Shore Cliffs., veteran chairman of the Planning Commission, was reap. pointed tor another term by Newport Ctty Council Monday evening. No acUon was taken on another explrlnt term, that of Commission member Wealey D. Smith of Balbo&. Attorney J. P. Guerin. resident of 3905 Channel Pl.. Newport, was reappointed to the ClvU Serv1ce Board. Council &lao: Decision Due In Fire Case A jury ln Judge Robert Gard. ner's Superior Court Ia expected to reach a decision shortly In law suits growlna out of a Bal. boa Ialand waterfront fire on July a 1953. Stunt fiyer Paul Mantz and his wife. Teresa. an aulng the Shell Oll Co., J. A. Seek, Jack Nel..lon and John L. Stamets tor J26 .. 430.95 tor tin damaaes to their propdty at 400 S. Bay Front. Balboa Wand. The flyer ettJ. • ~lved a request from mated Sl3.3UJ18 damaa• to h .. Robert Incra.m to.r removal of u &pal'tment bWI4inp. .111fT outdocw advertJat.ne alan at Cout damqe to .....-.1 Ji'Oij)eltJancl Hwy. and Poppy Ave .. porona Ml • 'm .ao. ol Nftt chuiAI tbe live Mar. whlch ,_e aald bloc.ka hu months foJlow1rl,l the flre. Buraer llle s ign and .la llleeal R. F. and June Kelley are because the permit has expired. suing the aame group for ts .. The matter wu referred to the 677.88 tor damage to their per. zoning lnve.\lgator of tbe Plan. aona.l property whUe renting an nlng Commission. apartment from Mr. Mantz. J. A. e Received a petition with 24 Beek, bland ferry operator, aeeka signatures of tolks whb don't $12,000 damages from the Kel- want street lights on Morning leya In a croaa complatnt. Canyon Rd. In Corona Highlands. The Kelleya charred thkt Mr. This was referred to the city Beek leased property next to that engineer. which tt\ey occupied to the Shell • ~elved a request from Or-OU Co. and ·Mr. Nelson for a re. ange County Catertne Servlct ror tuellna dock for yachta and Information about getting a Jl. boat&. Mr. Starnet.a worked tor cense to operate a lunch truck the dock flrm at 406 S. Bay In the city. This was referred to Front. the city attorney. Caa and fuel oil tumea ac. cumulated und~ and between e Approved the request of the fuel dock and property oc- Newport Island Inc. to have all cupled by the KeUeya was shore moorings on the llland blamed tor the fire assigned to the association tor · administration and assignment. aOATS FOR SALE 8-MM 16·MM 35·MM e Approved the license appll. cation of R. B. Simpson and Wal. ter Kwoka to operate a dan~ academy at 3440 VIa Oporto, Lido Shopping Center. subject to clearance from the Poll~ Depart- ment. 'Flying Discs' Sighted Again HARC0-40: Fast. ratllo, auto. pilot. elec. range lr refrlg .. $16.000. See at Hirsch's Beacon Landing, 1301 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. .A.II your printinq needs will be handled conveniently and court- eously in the completely-equip- ped Job Printinq Department of your Harbor Area Newspaper, The Ensiqn, 110-4 Coast 81 .. COM. and 16MM Sound Projectora FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model .Airplane Suppllee ~uno •• ,._ 1782 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa Phone Uberty 8·'7043 IlSSA lE In your home! Ladles only. For appoint- ment, please call Harbor 0292. SEJlVJCE 1-year guarantee on jobs done and on u.aed waahera. 2488~ Crear) Newport Bl., C<*a Mesa. Uberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327 lEST IUY •• Attractive 2-bedr. home, flrepJa~. real roomy kitchen with Iota of cupboards. tUe, covered lana! adJolnlnt kitchen ·and ~ar bed.r., Jandlcaped rear yard. kM aaraae wtth laundry- R-2 zone ... lood location •.. priced to Mll $14.~ Terma avaJlable. _.., ...... ll Cout awy: at Ma.rlJo.lct. Celona del M.ar Ranaf 1M) APPLY Mon. thru. Fri. from 8:30 a.m . to 4 p .m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. • 1030 E. .FIRST ST. Santa Ana 1947 PACKARD Clipper, nut' A Meehan. perfect. White llde e Granted the legal advertta. Ina bid tor the 1955-:wJ flacal year to the Newport Harbor News Press. • Gave final approval to an ordinance ellmJnaUnt the 5(). cent monthly charce on the water blll . • Approved the reque.t of leny Johnson. eo-owner ot the Rendezvous Ballroom. to put up a stream« acroea Balboa Blvd. ln Balboa publlclztnr the 1V ahow at the Rendezvous every Wednesday from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Vmung Commercials wall tlret. radJo A beater, lood ------------.econd car (Of famlly, $1!50 cuh. HA 28M-R, 613 Pdppy, CDM. City Cracks Down on PeEe City Attorney Karl ,Davia an. nounced at Monday evenlnc'• Council meetlna that Newport Bea.cb eoon wUl take lta ttabt for removal of Paclfk Electric trackl and rlcht.of.way to the Ints. state Commerce Commt..ton. Be t. now preparlnc the application to be fJJed with ICC. atnce he hu leeJi no alcn of actJon by the Public Utllltlea Commlulon. At the aame Ume he char Jecl that PE hacf ereatJy lncreaaed Its lumber baullnf buslneaa In re· cent montba 10 that it un buUd up a cue wtth ICC tor continu- ance of Ita rtel&ht line here. "One of the principle Issues we'll have to meet t. the PE con· tentlon that the volume ol .trelcht bualnHS Is atlch that It Is eaaenUaJ for aervlne the com- munity," Mr. Davt. said. "l'm rather of the opinion that a very larce sh are of lncomlna frelcht 1s lumber tor Ward 6 Harrington. Attet we eot serious about acqula,Uon of PE property, the land &round the PE spur be· came loaded with Ward 6 Har- rlnaton lumber." He aald aome ot the lumber IJI being hauled In by a trucldng firm In Anaheim, and some ot the lumber arr~lng here la for Garden Grove and other Inland cities. CHURCHES Mr. Davis also pointed out that lumber Is being plied on city property adjolnlnc PE property -and thus city land Is belne used In a campalen to defeat the city's own case with ICC. Council Instructed City Mana- ger John Sallora to have a fence erected along the city property to prevent Its use as a lumber yard. IH1 w•r, 87, Dill Mrs. Anna W~ber, 87. died July 9 at her home, 1964 Church St .. Costa Maa. after an extended Illness. Sht> was a native ot l.ewlsvllle, Ohio. came to CaU. fornla In 1935 and to Costa Mesa three yean ago. She Is survlvt"d by two daugh. ters In Costa Mesa, Mrs. Ray Goodsell and Mra. Gus Niren- berg. five other daughters and a son In the east, 28 grandchll- drt>n and 15 ereat.grandchlldren. Services were held July 11 at Parkes Ridley Chapel. The body was ~nt to German City. Iowa, tor burial. ST. JANEl EJUCO•AL "Happy Are They That Mourn" wm be the sermon toptc ol Rev. Joh n H. Parke thl.s Sunday at St. James Chwch. Newport. Holy communion Ia at 8:30. and aerv- lca &re at 9:30 and ll a .m . UWJVEUALJIT FELLOWIIID Rev. F r e de r I c k Rlnge will preach on the topic. ''Better Than Average," at the Unlversall.st Community Fellowship services this Sunday at the Ebell Club- house In Balboa. It will be hi• last sermon before leavlnc fot an extended vacation trip to Mid· West. He will return Sept. 4. M. H. Thompson of Corona del Mar will play a v1olln selection to open th~ services. He will be ac companied by Mrs. Ringe. ClmDT cavaCB .T TBE SU Rev. George Reeves. Jr .. aulat- &Jlt pastor, w111 preach on "Sacri- Cice of Love" this Sunday at Christ Church by the Sea, New- port. Thl• will be the second In a aerles of sermons dealing with three of the Eighth Century pro. phets from the Old Testament. A Classified "d in The EnsiQn Oecupytne the pulpit .July 24 brlnq• imrnediat. resutt.f C .. wiU be Rabbi J::.m.-Trattneor ot Harbot' II 14-t I IS and l)t'OW it! w•wuoct 'hlllple. CD)( COMKUJUTT CIIUBCB A Sunday sermon entitled, "Do You Believe In Love," will be de- livered at both the 9:45 and 11 :00 a.m. services at the Coro na del Mar Community Church by Rev. EdwiJl C. Gomke. The rec. ocniUon service for Rev. Gomke will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday. KUDfEIIS MEET StnmAT The Mariners. young adult croup of Chrl.st Church by the Sea, Newport, will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Russell Razee. The Junior and Hl&h School M.Y.F. groups will m~t at the church at 6 p.m. amJSTIAK SCJDCE CIIVIICB Tht> thoueht that God is eter nal l.lfe and the source of all true llfe and beln& l.s empha- sized In the l..Haon-Sermon on "Lite" at the Newport Beach Christian Science ch urch Sunday. The Golden Text Is from 1 John (!5:111 "This ls the record, that God hath given to us eternal llte, and this life ls in hls Son." Read the Enslen Want Ad page. 0. INitllll .,. ,.,.., _. ..,W.! Yu, H'a The New Brat Shop twice as Big y .. lfl conllaiiJ IIYIIM to •• , Grand Opening FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 15TH AND 16TH FlEE •m! IIEIT BUYS! * Free orchids to the lint 100 women! * Fashion Show 2 p.m. Saturday * Free gifta for llddies! * Sub-tMD Conteat 7:30 p.m. Fridcq! FII • .UT. SPEIIALS =-0:::.. ~---~·~·~ aTi ......,,.,....... Da ••• ... '-111.11. ~ ................... -----.... v, liM Cflll C. w.-pa..C II ta.. ................................... ..,_.. ........ IUpl .......... ...... l ... , .................. IIALJ' . .w~JC& a• l•hd• ....... aa-I te ll. ...... , ............................ ~----------· .. .. ••• ,._. llallta. r__. ......_ ..._ I '-L .......................... -------------lie ....... Cdb W'iu. WinQ I peA Ia; ........... b-..... _ .. __ .... hll.._"-Y,_, ...... r..,_. .............................................. ,.... .a ... hHII. a. • m ......, V.._ te liM ...,, ···---·-·----,_ ,....._ el Ct•w 'k ....... aut. ._ .................. _____ ..... ..,., ... ll ...... .,.... .. .................. --~-·· 11M ...,., .... I '-I, II II 1 , ...... ................... ____ .. • Th• ... , .. Featurea: Carter underwear . Billy-The-Kid jeans, Don Rancho shirts, Nitey Nite sleepers, Young land dreaea, N an c y Ann Story Book Dolls. His Nibs shirts -PJ'a, Catalina IWim wear. ,. r AG& ••• Delay Easter Law•s Trial ..., s.t " ,.... I,_ •··~· •••nl 11\e body of Mn. Ellza~th Bids tor eonstJ'Uetlon ot a new She14en. 74, of 427 La P~rlf! Pl.. elementary school wut be op&"ned eo.t• .t.leaa. was sent to Eldor 1 a t 8 p.m. Tut"!lday at the meeUn• ado, ltansu , for lntf'rment. with ol the Trust~• at the Horaee (Continued from Pace 1) Parke. Rldley Mortuary In cha ree Ensign ~hoot, accordlnJ to Har- mleht bav~ been d.eclared un-ot arraneements Mrs. Shelden vey D. Pt>aae ot Balboa Island, consUtutlonal 30 years aeo. but died July 7 at Hoag Hospital the new president of the Board now the condItIons have alter a rtve w('(>k Illness. Sh~ I of Truste-es. chanced. and It can be ruled was a native of Iowa. had ltved Mr. Pease was named at the necHaary for the Jf!neral wel. In Costa Mesa for the past two lut meeting of the Board, re. fare of the community." years . 1 placing James D. Ray as presJ. • QJIEAT liEU '1'0 ~UCZ dent. Mrs. Louts Csenar wu "The city owes It to tbe youne ~d the Ensign Want Ad page. named clerk of the board. people to puraue thu as tar as ;;:;;::;;. ______ .;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;; possible," Mayor Hill aald. "Per haPf you don't realize to what extent we are In the public eye of other communltJes who havt' the same problem that we do." • • • of soc::ial note (Continued from Page 4) Jack Reinert of Nl'wport Heights. Miss Rose Smith or Los AngeiPs. Mrs. Bob Nelson of Solvang. Miss Dorothy Flndon and Edward Waton. both of England. • • • A note from Dr. Theodore PPt7: old: he's now living on Mill Creek Rd. In Mentone. Callf. • • • An early fall wedding Is planned by Helen Kohlmeyer of Costa Mesa to Earl LeRoy Pat terson Jr. Both of the young couple are Newport Hleh gra d uates. • • • Pat RJgga IMrs. J. A.l Is back from the hospital to her Balboa Island home, but still supposed to be quiet and uncommunica- tive, according to doctor's orders. Hope she feels real good real soon. GlamouT Glimpses She remarked that the pollee were rreatly helped last Eastt>r by the new ordinance. City Attorney Davis and Coun cllman Higbie agreed, saying that It was one of the flnf>st Easter Weeks we have had and that the ordinance contributed to that record. The city attorney cautioned the 1 Council tha t Otis would be a tough law suit. and that It was possible to lose lt. Councilman H lg b I e replied, "The previous Councll thought enoueh of It to pass It, and therefore we should back It up." He made the motion to stand by the ordinance. 1 e EXTJtA FEES Df .VDGET, Councilman MacKay polntt>d out that the budget Includes funds for extra-legal tees. Councilman Stoddard wondered If the ordinance could be ex tended to cover over-crowding nt any time, since that problem does not exist at Easf~r time alone. He asked what is the pro cedure under the Constitution for entering prern!Ms to check on possible over-crowding If there were no speclllc ordinanCt' City Attorney Davis repllf'd that the procedure would be to go to Superior Court to aak for a search warrant. He added. however, that It was vt>ry un likely that the court would lssuP a warrant for search for over crowding. Sworn aUldavlts of witnesses are needed. Coun<.'ll man Hlgbl~ said. And It Is prac tlcally Impossible t o get such sworn affidavits, Mr. David commented. e SUP~aT IS PLE.DCED Charles Hart, president of the Newl)Ort Harbor Board of ~al­ tors, ~ntered the Councll Cham- bers at that moment. and Mayor Hlll asked him what the opinion of Realty Board members waa concernlnc the E .. ter Week orcllnance. Mr. Batt atcl he had Jut come from the reeuhr 11uaday mom lng meeting ol the ~alty Board. I and that "the board Is ~hind you 100 per cent." "We will want membt>rs of the Can you blame me tor pouting! Realty Board to ap~ar as wit Now honKtly. wouldn't you be nesses.." the city attorney uld. a little unhappy Lt you were a fashion ma nikin In a lov<'IY "We'll be happy to:· answered h h O'B I ' d I Mr. Hart. s op. suc as r en 5• an t Councilman Higbie's motion had been all arranged that the I was approved unanimously brand new dark cotton charmer betnc featured on th(' rover of • APPROVED Df JAJn1ART the new Harper's magazine was The ordinance was approved , to be th~ very dress you would by City Council last J an. 17 Jt 1 wear In the momlng-and THEN rt>qu lres a $10 licerult' for thOSt' just before you got wriggled Into who rent tor 15 days or lt>SS dur It, a customer ca me and bought lng the period beginning 10 days the dress before It had scarcely before Easter Sunday and end even been unpacked! lng 21 days aft er Eastt>r Sunday The ordinance provides that W•U. lt may pro,... that you "such applicant and the person I h~• to pt up .aly cmd eom• or persons renting from said ap lD Qltee to liMp track of the 1 pllcant shall each agret' In writ ~ lat•t CIDd ....a tiM fu ture 1 lng that at all times during the fasbiou lD O .. BJElt'S, but I'm I O<'Cupancy or term covert>d here 1 awf1ally IIOI1'Y yoa dldla't pt to by. such premist>S and living ... tlll.a &o....ly ..,., c1reu. I quarters shall be subjf't't to If~ Dl1DcL tbou9h. V•lma reasonable inspe<"tion by the eaya U... •• Iota of oUMr I membt>rs of the Fire an4 Police t a • b I o D •CMJCIId.De featured Departments of the City of Nrw loYeU. oe the way, ODd lD p(lrt Beach and any State or fact .. ba.... cd...ty uapacbd County law enfor<'f'ment agrnc-y" q111 .. a tew of t.be ... dark The speoclal lll't'nM' Is not rr cotto..--I qu lred for multiple rental units Forecuts from tuhlon l't'nters. consisting of three or more ltv recently visited by our boss lady, Ina quarters. since su<"h units Velma, Include the verlflcatlon are r~guJarly licensed by the that belt lines will be lower wltb city. a w111owtnr curve emphaslztne the feminine figure from a high bustllne to the lenJthenf'd tor80 ... Overblouses and tunics wiU feature the relaxed waistline. o.rtE ........ ·-... ... ..... ............ .... lato~~ laat1wu....,.....S...., ... ................... c .. .. ....... IAolr cleMIIyl .,.. wW .. taa.t..-yel~ ........., ............. .s. leolt w. ..... .... tllrt'ul'ecl fel'icL Com~ In eoon If you want to tallte a look at our V'ft)' nm fall looklnc cotton& th.Y~ ~ect 1adabouts fw dty ot vac.Uon travel. l>rHws with Instant amattnMa that you m.,. buy today and wt~ar far lnto the fu tu~. r.L,.._ .... ..._..., ..-.. o-. .. -.k ·-..... ........ .,..., ....... City Ma11ager John Sailors sub mltted the-namt~ of William Flory of Beverly Hills Monday evening as recreation director of the-City of Newport Beach at th.- startlng salary of $464 a month. Council approved the appoint ment subject to the Approval of the Parks. Beaches and ~a tlon Commission . The Commission took no ac:- tlon when It tMt Tuelday ~ c:-auw lull memb«shlp was not preMnt. Ftnal action Is upectf'd at a commtssion mee(lnl thla ~nln1 (Tbursdayl. M.rnben ot the Park Comm..._ aSon wer. atven a tour ot parlt sites and othft" clty.ownM land Tueeday by City En~ne.r .., Webb. Spedal Jta!t rayoa ....._ a.IC!ely detaJ.Md Gt tiM Melt. u... ••tscta.c~ Cit tiM waist t. 900d ftt. ........ aDd CDOI ._ auamw. PtaL aalat. aabe • bl1M la .U.. Kediwa. l.ar'9e· Extna.l.clrv-. NOW I RGAII DAYS Spedall Womea'a acetat. trl-One time auyl 22 by U.loc:h cot briela lo elastic or bcmd all-yaro brcrlded rupl Terrlflc le4) atyl"l Tbllf're cooL loag-for auma er . • • they're cool wecii1Ag. madl"\ae washable. lookiDg. bard to 110lL pop lato Wblte, pink. blue o~ mClln la tbe washer to c1ecm. Stroa.g alMs small. Medium. l.cmJe. S-ply JCD'll. Auorted t"OlorL sl oo 1 s2oo 4 for I Oaly Nylon Panels Jecnattful oew ayloa pcmels to beQJatlty 'f'OW' rooaa. ~ x 81 1Acb. White oaly. Balboa Leads in Value of Building Permits Issued ·~~ Balboa led all the areas of Newport Beach 1n the value of buUdlng permits tuued durlng the tlrat 10 days of .July, wtth a total value of $75,000.. Permits for four dwellings. valued at $14.250 Motel Plans Are Opposed M46 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA DEl ~~ HAIOor 47~ ..... _1 H,4,W 4196 Lilli Fll I .. S 5" 20-TE.AJI LOIUf Construction loana 5" JO. TEAB LOIUf lEE aoa SATT'LEB Pllrilr •rtcace Co. 2515 E. Coat Hwy .. CDN Pia. BA 3lla-KJ 3-5185 (Metro Life lluuro:Dce Fuo.S.) SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On o r Before The I Oth of the Month Earn From the I st. LACiUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I & LOAN A SSOCI A liON 222 Oeeu Avenue LAGUNA BEACH ,.._ HY4-1177 A petition with 23 signatures was received Moqday evening by Newport City CouncU protesting "any plans for contemplated motel on any of the three vacant corners" on Margu6lte Ave. at Seaview Ave .. Corona del Mar. Clinton Trimble of 308 Lark. spur Ave., originator of the petl. tion. said he understood that the northeast corner, which 1s zoned R-3, has been put on the market as a possJble motel site. He Nld that with a use permit thll pr<> perty could be developed Into a nlne.unJt motel. He explaJned that the protest was based on the transient nature ot motels, which did not fit In with a resl. dentlal area. Council referred 'the protest to t~e Planning Commission. Thief Steals Antique Guns Three firearms valued at more than $200 wt>re stolen from the storage shop or WllJiam H. Trusty of 124 Tustin Ave., New. port Heights. Mr. Trusty. a re- serve pollee offlcer, reported a t 1:30 p.m. Sunday. The weapons stolen lnclurled a .32 cal. pistol with a three Inch barrel. a .32 cal. plstol with a four-Inch barrt>l and a ..22 cal. pistol with a 12-lnch barrel. Two of the weapons were antiques and the other a semf.anUque, Mr. Trusty said. All were ln fir. lng condition. Irs. lila llae la1ag Of Costa lesa Diu Mrs. Ida Mae Kanagy, 67, died Friday, July 8, at her home. 221 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa. She was a native of illinois and had Jived In Costa Mesa for the put J6 years. Services were held Tuesday ;,t Baltz Mortuary, Costa Mes.t Chapel. Rev. Ewing Hudson of. ficiated. Survivors Include a daughter. Erma Smith of the home address; a sister, Mrs. Allee Richardson of Yuba City. and a brotht>r, Myron King of Glendale. l•caret Wl•l•so• Dies at Ace of 31 Mrs. E. Ross (Margaret Caro- line) Wilkinson. :rr. who was leader of the Dorcas Society of ....... $18 F .... ca•••• the Seventh Day A d v e n tl s t A burglar took about S18 cash Church, died July 9 at Orange from a purse In the bedroom of County Hospital after a lengthy Edith Stanton, 5(17 Marguerite illness. Services were held yes. Ave., Corona del Mar, pollee re. terday at the t:hurch, with Elder ported at 2:53 p.m. Saturday. Spaulding and Elder Martin of. She heard a noise In her bed· tlclatlng. Baltz Mortuary, Costa room and later noticed the man, Mesa chapel. was In charge or about 30 or 35, go from her patio arrangements. Into her garage. He came out Mrs. Wilkinson was a native· and said that he was looking for of Cleveland. Ohio, and had someone and apparently was ln Ji ved here for 13 years. She Is the wrong place. survived by her husband, or the home address. 535 Redlands Ave., Newport Heights; her mother, Mrs. Opal lane of Los Angeles. and a brother. Sgt. Robert Sharp, now serving In Japan. 125 HOKE OVEJf FDlE Grea.se In an oven was blamed for a fire which caused S'2S da- mage In the home o! Mrs. Edwin Rice of 324 Marigold Ave., Co- rona del Mar, at 7:02 p.m. last Thursday. MVLTIPLE C.U CIIAJICES ACA.IWST MEWIOIIT .OJ' Robert Forbes A Newport boy, 17, was ar- rested by Newport pollee on charges of hit and run, reckless driving, violation of probation and carrytnc a concealed weap.. on at 22nd St. and Ocean Front. Newport Beach, at 11:06 a.m. Sunday. Pollee ~barged the youth with crashing a car Into a fence at 1.22~ 2tth St., Newport Beacb. He denied ownership of a switch blade knlte found ln the car. He was sent to juvenUe ball. MEWIOIIT JILAifD WOJOJrl AIIOCL\'ftOR WILL 1DET BUILDER HArbor ••• 1111 ----~ ----------- Costa Mesa Lu~nber Co. LOMIER -BUILDING MATEIIIALI ....... ~ c.t. .._ LD I II .. J.I Women'a AuxJUary of the New- port IaJand A.IIIOclatlon WIJJ meet Thunda,y mornJng. .July 21, at the home of Mn. Chester PoJ. lard, 3fn Ramona Way, Colla Mea. loutba'll CalltomJa'e eecond 1.,._ Nwllq event. U.. eo.ta to Get ShitsJuly22 M ... TlaJrd Anaual Stncl• au. O.Udrea fNft ft-.ort a..dl ate. .-uDder way lul7 ao and eo.ta .._ wt11 hav. a tbtouah the w._d ot Aquet chance to 1et tbetr ~d -- 14 at Van'• ao.un1 1n Colla of polio vaedne at two local M .... Six ltundred entrl• trom clinks trom 9 to u :ao a.m. l'ri- San Frandaco to San Dle,o are day, luly 22. • dMte the 1.-eh.ll.._ wbo re- Citvect ant llhoU ~ tile .... u. clJJab. but could DOt pt tile 81C01ld 8hoQ bleau.. U.e eupp!7 ol vaectne ran out. · IWUII8AY. JVLY M. 1- expected and the prize money la The Newport Beach cllnJc wUl eatlmated at more than $5.:500, be at Harbor VIew School, Co- with ~500 auaranteed. 'Jbe 19M rona del Mar. The Colt& Mesa Cla.utc prize llat paid f4..318.00 clinic will be at the Main School. wtth only :535 entries. Fifteen cllnJcs throughout the 8eeOnd lhota wW a1lo be riven to ehUdren of U.. tint aACI a.ec- ond I"•~ who have mowd Into ~~~~~~~~~~~~ the county a.lnce the ,.ular • cllnlca Wf'l'e held, and who can brtn1 110me record of havtn1 re- ceived the first lhot. No flrwt lbota wUl be given at next A.B.C. and W.I.B.C. rules win county will be p~epared to vac. apply and only A.B.C. and W J.B.C. aanctloned bowlers will be eUglbJe. Handlcape will be 2/3 from 200, with 160 minimum average for men, and a women's minimum average of 140. BowJ. ers may enter twice and cuh once. The entries wW close when each squad hu tts full compll. mentotK Guaranteed "Handicap" prizes are, 1st 1500, 2nd $300, 3rd $200. Guaranteed "Scratch" prizes are $300, $200, and $100 respectively plus many others. Entry fees are $12 for 6 games across 12 lanes. Bowlers from the Harbor area are needed to fill the 48 spots on the regular and women's Harbor Squads. Deposits Rise To 4 1/2 Million I week'• cllJlJal, Jun.IOr Ang er Parental rfquesta for vaectna-tlon wbJch had been tOed tor Records Told preceding cUnJca wW be hon- ored, Dr. Edward Lee Rulllell, About 200 youn-en have aJ. city and county health ottJcer, ae~ said. Parents who dJd not tile ready entered the lunJor Angllnl request. for their c:hUclreo'a vac. Tournament ~naoftd by the ctnatJon durtn1 the lut cllnJc Balboa Anallng Club. Followlnl may me reque.ta nOW' to obtain are the current leaden In Ule aecond abots for their ehllcl.ren. vatJous categories: ~;;;;;;:~;;;;=~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~;;;:~;;;~ Ba.rracuda-9 lbs. 15 oz. caught r by Jim Rage!'; baa--S lbs., 12 oz., Isaac Porter; corblna--4 lba. 6 oz., Jam Harold; h allbut-18 Jbs., 1 oz., Robert Mlchaeles; pacltlc mackerel--t lbs., 4 oz., Blll Lang; jack macker~----t lba., 4 oz., lack Carpenter; spot fin croaker-6 lbs., Ray L. Groy; yel. low tln croaker-9 oz., KJrt Ha J11 sea trout-a lbs., 8 oz., Hal Stern; white sea bass -3 lbs .. 8 oz.. lack Carpenter; 18 Varieties caught so far by .John Lantow. The Appointment of NEW! EXCLUN ()(JAL-P£f£RfJOII CIEAN1/NC ACTION • nih ..,., Hre, •I II Dfat.w.her aae.bt J'OV cU.a... aod ~lauware ._.1.1 N ... D.al-O..Uptn ac- tloa , double l'iasia~, uaital'y Ca1.rocte electric ctr,io~. Ji.-a J'OO the wodcl't e~,.,,,, autol8atic diehwuldaJ. • N ... Sep.n•Jloll-ll-Radu aad ..... l-podioa I'IICk ..... yoa ...... COOftnf~ ie •'"-a"d , .. __ lo.diQ~ olall cabJ-..n. Washes aod drift poo &~~d pau too' • More daao net, Hocpoiot_,._ ••~ie disbwa1bia~ i• quickel', C:UMr,'cleaa., u.ler. La ua lhow YOU ••• 8000' Yous F• ..a-f • -u -..at ...... ........ . IITMIT 1IUEW ·-··-• AVTOIIAftCAU.Y IIIIa • • • A 1 r ta.U,. w >ec ............ ....._la.ttt ••• P ..... Itl eWifA'IOa AC!IOir -J&LZt 1 ..._ ewawta til • ...., ............. ...., ... a... .,..,... ....0,. ... 1 eOYEIII"LLW ..... a a .... ..a..,_. ..e .. .. :.,.....u ..... leU ......... 7 dl ......... ... FORGIT HARDWARE Aa Your HOtP•IT lUI El Hotpoint ApplicmcN * DISPOSALL Food.._.la~ CIDd flaaa..d dowa tbe ...... e It's Clean e It's Ordorleu e It's Safe e It's Ecoaomical Fits All StaDaant llab HOTPOINT EYE-ID AllRew .,... .. Refrigerator at Top Food Freeser Below . nu. pab ....... ued ....... ...,. .... .,. .... leftl • •• *-t ued ...... Ia ._J' IIJ &G .. .._ ....... .. NOMDAY.JWLYM. .. us--un-ffisss 7 a a a ! us ... ~ --·---·-----· I • I Yll~:.t I • I I I .. """""' .. ...! ............... __ 1 ·-·----l taarta Wed. Jtaly. MAitTUf & IZWII la • u From 1M POUCE BLOTrER • -e Wa.DDAT, JVLT t ~leued a eo.ta Mea boy, 14, Can c1rtven by Matte D. Pbel.,. alter be alleaedly ltol.e a balf- (1( 81.2 W. Bay Ave., k lboa. uc1 boX ol bubble pm !rom a ham· lrYtn C. Sebroder ot Clmdale bUf'Jti" sb\ad at 510 8. Bay Front, were Involved Ia an acdclent at Balboa: the owner, Mrs. Kabel Cout B wy. an<l JfareLIUI Ave., Tripp, declined to P'ftl cl\~8 CGfona del Mar . . • Mrs. l a.n'lft • • . A car «riven by llkhud D. Tltua ot 1012 W. Bay Ave., New-Grlttln of Huntincton Park hJt a port, .reported that tM a1r wu parked car ln front of 28'JO lfew. let out ot one tire and pa.rtlaUy port Blvd., Mewport Beach, ret· let out of tbe other three t lNS llltered to Floyd CNlwe of that oo the car belonctnr to her addreu . • . Mn. C. D. Frrrf ot brother, parked tn front ot her 311 Crystal Ave., Balboa laland, home ••. Cars driven by Bertha reported that 80me older bo}'s M. Clayton of 708 Klnp Rd., came Into their ~arace durtnc CUtf Haven, and 1. L Lutktn of the nt1ht and took her aon'a Lon~ Beach were involved In an bicycle . . . accldent on the 80Uthea.t ramp e PUDAT. JVLT I (I( the Arm• overp ..... Lee For the third ttme .chlldren McFadden ot 225~ Grand Canal, wwe b)amed for ~luhlnr paint Balboa laland, found a sparrow over walla, floors and cornice hawk, whtch be beUeved wu a boxes ot the houae of C. L Smith pet and &a.ld be would hold for of Orance at 127 Via Flrenu. the owner . , • Lido tale . . . The 1955 license e iBUIIIDAT. JULY 7 tab wu stolen from her ca.r ln Four hub ca~ and two fender the Balboa parkin& lot, Mrs. aldrU valued at • were ltolen Buah of 703 E. Balboa Blvd .• BaJ. from h1a ~ parUd ln front ot boa. complaJned . . . Boys ln an h1a home Alfred E1lmore ot 1ZT old car were reported turnlnc Sapphire Ave •• Balboa Ialand, re-over out-houses at th.e new con- . . . otfleen 1'(Uned and struction area on Bayside Dr . . . M. W. Branmeyer of 338 Dahlia Ave., Corona del .Mar, reported that the stop sign at the Fern- leaf ramp had been moved aero.~ the street ... e SATVJII)AT. 117LT t UIIDQD UTf-ftl8 Ea. lll9a ..... ...... lt.y wu. u-. lp;J =tr tl• tMtilyta9 Ia W.....,.t J118tic:1e eo..t 4'Diia9 .. 1151 tndl ...... ... ....... .,. ........... ... 8CitiU9 u.. ~ .... .. -..s .......... la ... bJa ....... blaad•caputu:Leat. 'I'M ............. --u.-aa. bullrr1 MnM a --Ia CIOCIIIty Jcdl la laDta ADa. RCIW Kay's Ia tbe .... agala -wttla aa. •lop-eat aan1- op Ia Mt..s.. lf....sa. to Actw a-tl Ccrlale -MMdary. ·---Death Leap in Bay Traced To Fear of Imprisonment WIICIIITA YJII'I'OII-- Mrs. Sydney Shannon and 2- year.old daurhter, ~bcrall, bolla Wtcblta, kana.. &N v1slttftl the s. 0.. llroda ot 513 ............ Ave., Corona del Mar. Mrs. ShU· A. Colander-DavU, •bo jum})ed to bJa death In San Dlqo Bay, wu owner of a ear Mal-*ip wbldl be called Europa Moton. Tllu wu tint loeated on Mart. Doctor Called To Enter Plea Dr. R. Evelyn Alv•d, 51, Costa Mesa ~teopath ot 2221 Pac!llc Ave., Is scheduled to appear Jn Newport Beach ju.ttce court at 9 a.m. Thursday, July 21, to enter a plea to charges of practicing medlcJne without a U~nae. Six misdemeanor complaJnta. "each charging th~ lack of certHJcate to pu.ctlce, were filed Jut Friday by Ma.rtln SpaiJiero, Mrs. Elaine Patt, Enrica Patt. Miss Bonnie Patt. Lorry Patter. eon and Mrs. Hue:l Fay Snyde!' . Dr. Alvord and Dr. Norman W . SchmJtt, 55, l.oiJ Anaeles chJ.ro. praetor, are under Indictment by the Los Ancel.. Grand Jury, charflng conspiracy to commit theft and violation of the state bualness and proteaalona code. Dr. Alvord Ia ou't on $500 ball. Ttme for the appearance for plea was set Monday In the mesa court room. nera Mlle In Newport, then non el(pf!cta to be joined by ~ moved to 1562 Newport BJvd~ husband later tbla month before eo.ta Mesa. drlvlnf home. The finn handled fo~i~ made --------------ears. Including Mercedes-Benz, VoUtawacen and Ponche. Buslnesa ~verses and fea.r ot a prlaon sentence were believed to be the cause of the leap to death. He had Jumped from the San Diego-Coronado Ferry, and the body was not found untn July 3-!ully clothed, wtth steel weights In his trousers' pockets. The body was Identified by the man's widow, who lives In Santa Ana. Mr. Davis - or Mr. Colander- Davis, as he used to write It In hyphenated style -had been IICheduled to appear In Santa Ana 0 r a n i e Municipal Court June 24 for probation or senten- cing after pleadlnl guilty to petty theft. The theft cue had a.rlsen from his car transactions. The probation report had recom- mended denlaJ ot probation. "Y•'re •• TN Ytlll" plu ''II O·z• tr. ........... , Henry C. Burr of San Diego was anested by Newport pollee on a sex perversion charge for San Diego pollee and was re- leased to San Diego pollee ... Bobby Chacon of 208 Vta Pa- lermo. Lido Isle, reported his bicycle stolen from the Udo clubhouse ... Officers and the flre department Inhalator squad stood by whUe a physician treated Randy Stabler, 2. of 6 Balboa Coves, for an illness ... Children were blamed for mall vandalism In the area of 4300 Seashore Dr., Newport Beach, by Postmaster H. Payne Thayer. who reported that mail was being taken out of maU boxes, torn up and scattered around ... e SUJmAT. JULY 10 Water Sports Under Way For Bal Isle Yacht Club NOW OPEN ••• NANA ·s Mexican Foods OPEif EV'Eft DAT ll lUI. 'TIL 7 •.11. .......,. a ~ ..-.-et ,...._. foocl laclacS. 1.D9. IIMf cw 8eaD Iantto. T~--~--Toatodoa. llaiUa.rpn CID4 ............... Van's Bowling Open Alleys n ••• .,, .. IE' • ., II•IIJ O,..AD.._.......,_. ... wdQ * AVTOJIA'IIC ftiiUOTTall * roa~~DEn&non CAFE 70S sVKaJoa AVE. Lm&IIT'l Ula COSTA JOSA Roy G. Stone of 105 "A" St., Balboa. reported his 1947 light blue convertible car wa.s stolen from the "A" St. parkJng lot ... Edwin Henry, 26. of Orange, was taken to Hoac Memorial Has. pltal for treatment of a lacera. tlon over his right eye suffered while awlmmlng . off the main beach. Corona del Mar. when someone's Jeg hit him and opened the cut ... Mrs. Robert Morgan of 208 Via Mentone, Lido Iale, reported her son's yellow bicycle wu .tolen . . . · An:h.IN14 A. wm.t ., 1e Superior Ave .. eo.ta Keu .• re- ported the loss of a pair ol 11a.saes In the surf about 100 feet west of the Newport Pier ... Harold E. Walt of 122 Garnet Ave., Balboa Island. reported the theft of two blankets from hls unlocked ca.r ... e MORDAT. JVLT 11 The car stolen from Roy G. Stone of 105 "A" St .. Balboa. was recovered by Buena Park safety officers ... Bruce Elford of 1512 W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach. reported the theft ot a $12.50 tire and wheel from hls car ... Mrs. H. B. Stewart of 10'7 Eighth St .. Balboa. reported tlndlng a one- foot toy electric motor boat on the shore at Ninth St. and Bay Front . . . A $203 adding ma. chine was stolen from the Gen- t!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t eral Sheet Metal Co., 405 30th St., Newport Beach ... An eight- Inch table saw and a baH-horse- power electric motor, both valued at $82. were stolen from his ga. rage. Morgan Noble of m1 Bay. shore Dr.. Bay Shores. reported . . . Gerrard Hoyt of 2575 Crest- view Dr .• Bay Shores. listed the theft of a skill sander and 13 drills valued at $132 from his open garace ... Approximately $70 was stolen from the unlocked cash drawer In the Mo-Bo-Tel of- flee. 4401 W. Coast Hwy., New- port Beach.. manacer.owner. Mrs. Lennls Newcomb, reported ... nrtAft JfOIIC:aOU WlTII DD IIIPA.-rrl DIVIIJOJI Pvt. Herbert L. Norc:rosa. 17. son of Herbert E. Norcross, 2063 Federal Ave., Costa Mesa, Is now wtth the 2nd lntantry Division at Ft. Le\lvU, Wash. Private Nor-cross. an ammunition bearer' In Heavy Mortar Company of the dlvtalon'a 9th Regiment, entered the A.rrny ln .January, 1955. First picnic for the summer season by the Balboa Island Yacht Club was h~ld at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the group's open-air clubhouse west of the Balboa IsJand ferry landing. Kennedy. All youn1 people from 4 through 16 have been Invited to joln the club. Dues for the eight-week summer season are 75c. Otticers heading the club this yea.r Include Commodore Ml.ke Baum, VIce Commodore Larry Stump, Rea:t Commodore Dick Bridgman and Secretary -Lolita Joint Highway Group Formed Week1y club activities Include paddleboard races. 10 a.m. Mon. day; an o w b lrd and Balboa dinghy races. 1:30 p.m .. Monday; swlmmJng races and diving con. tests, 10 a.m. Tuesday; rowing races. 10 a.m. Wednesday and club meetings 6:30 p.m. Friday. Futu~ picnics will be held on July 26, Aug. 9 and Aug. 23. Flm place ribbon winners In the first week of dub compt>tl· tlon for paddleboards Included City Encineer ~rt Webb was Riehle U oyd, Wendy Blair. Jlm named by City Council Monday Bridgman, Mary Lou U oyc:t. Betty evening u the Newport Beach Jean Guenther. Bill Twist. Jo- representatlve on a new formed anna Gevne and John Herrlng- "City-County Cooperative High-ton. In swimming first place rib- way Committee." bona went to Riehle Uoyd, Vickie CouncU aleo Instructed City Newberry, .Jim Bridgman. Carol Attorn~)' Karl Davta to prepare a Wblte, George Ba\dft, Blll Uoyd. reaolutlon expresaJng CouncU Llnda Preston and BUl Lanc!aJu. apeement tor coopentlna w lt.b Flrst place dlvlna rlb\Mms the new comm.tttee. which baa went to Rkhle Lloyd. Wendy been formed for dbcussJon of Blair, Standish Flemlna, Chris- mutual highway proble~. The tine Swim. Jim Jones. l~anne committee Includes one r~pre-Jones and Commodore Baum. sentative from the counry and from each city. TWO IKJVU:D AS CAJtS COLLJJ)E Olf COAST J!IWT, Two persons sutfered minor in- jurl~s In a two car acddent on Coast Hwy. 200 yards eut of Bayside Or. at 1:55 a.m . Sunday. July 3, Newport pollee reported. Valerie Hervey ot 1807 E. Bay Front, Balboa and Richard E. Yarter of Pasadena were Injured and taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital by pollee. Both were riding In a car driven by Hilbert K. Browning Jr. of South Pasa. dena which collided with a car driven by Tazwell B. Nealon of Compton. Pollee said neither driver could say how the accl dent happened. TWO lltJJrT IX WJlECX Mrs. Betty Bartells of White Swan. Wu h. and Jerry JonPS of Torrance were Injured In a two- car accident at Coast Hwy and 17th St. at 12:47 a.m . Sunday. July 3. Newport pollee reported. Mrs. Barttels w~ riding In a car driven by Clay R. Barttels of White Swan and Jones In a car driven by Ftancls M . Scott of San Gabriel. The Barttels ca r stopped and was hit In the rear by the Scott vehicle. pollee said. soft roa laADLETS A son, Gerald VIncent. 6 lbs., 13 oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vau1hn E. Bradley of 50'7 Aliso Ave., Newport Heights, ln Santa Ana Community Hospftal on Sat· urday, June 25. He joiM his brother, Tommy, 5, ln tbe famJly. , .... , •. ,,.. ........ E-.IJ Approximately $100 In cash was stoleo from the purse of Mary E. Doane of 2721 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. at the Hurley Bell Inn. Corona del Mar. She left the purse In the r~ room and when she returned It was gone. Wednesday evening. July 6. Th pursE>. minus the cash. was returned to the home address about 20 minutes later by Capt. John L. Re6e. Marine Corps Alr Station. El Toro. Capt. Reest-saJd he found the purse in a service station. GIBL FOB POIITEliS A daughter. 8 lbs.. 10 oz.. was bOrn to Mr. and Mrs. James Porter of 121 23rd St.. Newport Beach. In Orange Co unty Gen eraJ H o s p I t a I on Tuesday. June 28. STOP AT The Arches ''Your Host to the Coast SLnce 192;" FIRE f'OODI COCK1'AJLS COAST HlbHWAY AT THE AlCHES N•wpori ... ell JOHN VUDI.£ .L..IIII_..:or .. ISSl Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p.m., $1.25, Children 65c * * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat LecniDg E.,ery 20 Mmutes * E ..... OCIMD aa-. • "'kyo--. .. 1:• JUL & t p.a. *BALBOA* ( .. OPEl EVElY DIY) Kiddi!! Day Wednesday lfOOJf TO I •.11. fl'll ....... . All C••••l•• &c thrilling thoroughbred RIICIIIG coming this Soturdoy, JUlY 16 SJ00,000 ~ =~~~KTRO HOLLYWOOD . JEA11 BOWELL RAilED Jean Howell. president of the Newport Beach Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club, bas been named vt~-penldent of the Oran,e County Council of otfi. cera of BPW. Pr ... Dta A , ...... . L• .. •• ,._,,.,11 SEASON EN IS JUlY 25 IUClS lAilY CUP 0. oJ 1M ...,.,I~ ,.., tlMtitr f,..,.;,t A.-iu's ,_11 nero.,~ IQGAD DAIIa.l AT f'AD SAME ADMISSION PIICIS IUIISTAII ,. cu•IIR 211 1h San Tana Squares. W'ith 'hal Wawon u ealler. will ~­ on~trate their fancy ~ at ~quare 4uldftl at 7:.30 p.a 'l1l undq , l'rtdq and Saturca.J, ---Aq . 11. 1J ud 1St on tH IMWt7 _, pawd ana narth CIC ~ eocn. L••••• 111• ..-. P #tsz ... t• ..-. . ,......_. b7 tbMe dlstinc'dve ~ •. · odela &ad coauvntary bf Vema Mill« ... • '"' -~~-~--a..t ...,..... oft .... .... __. ......... Oranle c...Mr Pair • GAY TOGS WAm.Tln J..OaNE ~ NORlC* (Continued trom Page 1) lavish with their hospitality, and California light-tackle angling everyone had a marvelous tlme elub&. For a number of years. at the two cocktail parties held ~ven clubs. variously trom Los Friday and Sunday evenings on Angleles, Long Beach, Newport their famous porch. Harbor and Ava.Jon, have sent • aDULTS their boats and best fishermen You could write a book about Into the two-day contest. everything that happened. Your Each club bas five flrst-st:rlng usually unlucky correspondent teams, of three men each, with had left his Hex Oag aboard the an additional alternate boat and Jlmlyn, and for once, In slx three-man team. In the event of starts. caught the most flah on boat failure, the alternate team the boat, the Dorothy Elaine V. goes In and replaces the dis-Dr. ~be's Chris-Craft. abled flrlt-line team. Thus, the Lady Luck forsook us the sec- toumammt Involves 42 boats ond day. After a pre-dawn •tart. and teama and 126 anglers. we blew a cylinder-head gaaket All ftshlng is done by trolling and lost an engine off pyramid a.rtWcfal lures. and 3/6 tackle. Head. 20 minutes before starting which means 1S.pound test linen time. The Dusty Too took over line, 1s required. No live ba it or and we limped back to Avalon chum 1a permitted, which makes on one engine In very rough It just that much tougher. water. e PAlL PAa AWAY Maybe that's the way It was meant to be. Through our rots-The real rugged factor this fortune, I was on deck when tbe year was m.Jles--and miles-and mOf'e _ m.Jles. The a 1 b a c 0 r e boats came back to weigh In, schools Insisted on stubbornly and found myself the only photo- Sa 1 th grapher on hand. And so, by the remaining nearer n D ego an fickle finger of fate. the lOth anywhere else. The nearest fish I. C. albacore tournament will be were taken at least 60 miles from Avalon a nd many of the recorded In the archives. In pte- best catches were made either In tures. as well as In words. f e PDfAL SCOIIES waters near or actually south o Here are the statistics. I'm real the Mexican border. The official starting time each happy about them. After six day was 7 a. m . Nearly aU boats long years, It's a thrill to be on and their sleepy occupa nts took the winning team. even It I got oU by 3 a.m. the first day, Sat-to play In only the f irst half. urday. Twenty odd boats tied up StaDdiD9 Polata In San Diego that night Instead 1. Pacific Anglers ............... 127.57 of returning to Avalon. All. how-2. L. A. Rod A: Reel · · .... .110.74 ever. returned by the 6 p.m. 3. Lt. Tackle MarUn Club 93.39 deadline to officially weigh In 4. BaJboa AngUng Club .. · 73.06 their catches. 5. NHYC Tuna Club ............ 60.63 Mechanical failures were com-6. Tuna Club (Avalon) .... 42.93 mon, due to run,nlng motors for 7. Calif. Tuna Club .......... 38.58 long distances at high speeds. Largest fish-C. Pastor, L.A. R. A: R.-23 I bs.. 8 oz. Nearly all boats carried extra Second largest tlsh-J. Don drums of gasoline. but this did Locke, Light TackJe Marlin Club, not prevent some boats from running out. On Sunday night. 22 ~~gsh Spo~nt boats: First. DI-Morgan Bissey and his crew on the Edwena h ad to be rescued by verter, L.A. R. A: R. Club; Second. Bill Plgg and h is Big Boy at the Feather, L ight Tackle Marlin height of the party at the Tuna Club; Third. Schoolboy. Pacific Club. "Biz" had ninete-en tine Anglers; Fourth, Adequate. Pa- flsh a board, o ne of them a clflc Anglers. 1 twenty five pounder. His lack of High point Individual ang ~ pa and tallure to weigh 1n by/ (total of both d ays )-1. Ken 6 p.m. called for ma ny condo-Heininger. Padflc Anglers. 27.17 lences when he f inally arrived. points; 2. T. Vedor, L.A. R. A: R.. e SUCCESSES 1 21.83 points; 3. Gordon Wevill, B.A.C .. 18.00 points; 4. H. Rogers, This was a great tour~ament. Pacific Anglf'rs. 17.75 points; 5. Not the least credit for ats sue Henry Brent. Light Tackle Mar. ct>SS goes to Bert Devere. the lin Club. 17.72 points ; 6. Bud Hoi- tourna ment chairman for the stein. N H.Y.C. Tuna Club. 17.59; host club, The Tuna C"l ub of Ava 7 Bill Df"La mar Pacific Anglers. Jon. who. wat h the judges and 13 :l'i point". the t('('ording rom'!'l.ttee headed I Tota l albacore caug ht: Satur- by I.Re Jonas, ef(acaent Balboa I day, 197, Sunday. 103. Grand Angling Club secre~ary, ma_de It total: 300. plus three fish dis. one of the outstandang a Ua ars in I qualified because bitten by the history of the te n interclub sha rks. tournaments. , It was a great occa s ion for The me mbers of the Tuna everyone, especially "Uncle Har- Club. the oldest salt water sport. I ry" Rogers. This Is really his fish ing club In the world. were year. He caught the first alba- Open ~ 'brii!~:· :dd_: FISH? -Ea joy "Bear• Fish •N Chips ORDERS TO CO TOOt Swtf FISH nY core or the season. captained th<' winning P. A. team. After the C<'re monles, Lee Jonas. B.A.C. sec- reta ry. whispered in his ear. He I sa id. "The albacore you caught gave you enough points to be the first to qualify for the B.A.C. club champions hip!!" Yep! It's "Uncle Harry's" year! e ADD AJfOTBE B ITEM And just to keep up the tur- moil. some other big news came through. On Saturday. Lee Mc- Curdy of San Diego came pro ud- ly Into the S. D. Marlin Club fly. ing the first marlin flag of the season. It weighed 155 pounds and he got it 65 miles west of I Point Loraa. That beats Mrs. Billie Hoss' first one of the 1954 I season by 23 days. Yep. The sea- son Is now-WIDE OPEN! Let's go! In The Crossroads Village Draperies Maple Accessories · Interior Shutters IDA MAY JOHNSMAN--Decorator Consultant VIHap o,.,.rr 1 ..._ion ua lfortla •.....-. a1..s. LJbertf ...,... in The Cro.roada Village r·Now!~·;;,;·ri~ at- ~ .... IULTI Fa. I VIT IT- ; ID fte C~oack VIllage ., ... •...-t ..... .... .. ., .... ......................... 4 _ _.. ...................................... ~.:.~ YOl!JT~ CENTER BRAVES L~D LITTLE LEAGUE • .,._ .Ail'IT lla.D a.... fll llr. and lin. PNd lo71Mf of G 40tll St., K...-,on. Saturday ftoeDJq.,.. Mr. anct Mra. Pat Toland ot Covtna and ll.r. and lin. .John llorrllon of eo.ta ..... It wu a IUI'I)f1M patty for ....... Toland'• bJJtbdq anntvenary. The flr.t round ot the lJttle Nell Savten, Euaen-Opptteck, League Ba..81fball at tbe Youth Steven P~tdaer and lobble Cha- ~ntet' 1n Corona del Kar ended con. lJttla Jadde Klmbal and July 6 wtth the Bravea In the Teddy Baril« turned iD nice re. lead with a perfect record ot five llef pttehtntroaSteven Brayl• .....,. given an awful tteare by games won and no loues. 11\e and .John c:uru-lobked ll)~ty the Red Sox. other teams were In the follow· cluq In pnetal fit)d play. The Cub8 are leacUng·wlth a lng order: Indiana, 3 and 2; No o~ caD aay that there 1a :S.O recol'd. The other team r&· Dodgen. 2 and 3; Giants, 1 and such a thl.nr u a "rlnch" rame Unp are: White Sox, 4 wt.n.a. 1 4; Cardinals. 0 and 5. In the •-c• League at ttte Colta tle; Dodaers, 4 wl~ 1 lou; At the Hleh School Play. Men Park. u can be proved by Giants. 3 wln.e, 1 lou, 1 tie; Card. ground, the Cardinals and Giants the eame Jut week between the lnal1, 3 wtns. 2 loues: Yankees, are at the top of the heap, both unlucky Red Sox and the League 2 and 3; Braves. 2 and 3; Tiger-. with a 4 won and 1 lost record. leading Cubla. The Cube man-2 and 3; Red Sox, 1 and 5; ln- . O utstanding pitching perform-aged to eke out a 7-G win but dlans, 0 and 6. ances were turned In by Steve --:C-:IIJ-:-I-:--::1-:I...,D=--:·-~--~:-:--.. --:--~--:-T--:S:--Dcrr--lloot--l-e-·a-b-la-c-a-l-t-D- Carlson, Randy Marx. Kenny ...._ clmly et a ..-.. ••• Swanson a nd Sandy Eastman. a.arw ...._ Lea IL Em ByBta1natioD * Suaday. Tu..clcly & Thun. only loey Gallant. Richard Ollpt\ant. ~-- -...._ V 1r glle • a, 11.., Jack Kimball and Robbie Ola.-..:..-~~-~~-~~~.~ W&Mw. Piab.la PoeiiL ... der did ex~Uent work aa re-~ lr ...... 1L ....., J.eadlap. celven. Good hits were reg. c.-. lfd9, lldp.~ lstered by Teddy Whlteneck, Tim ... tal Tcldde A...u.ble Call 8lrllor lilt lor Joll PlbiHng Brown, Mike Pella, Bruce Woods, M .._ S&aVJC& 7 DATI A WOK ••• ..._ .. COFFEE 75u,. Margarine CA'-12 OL Ca:a Mushrooms 1~ FIGS :. ............. 15( Corned Beef coc:K OP TBE WAI.K-BalftS U~ DOLJ:..-.tl OL Call PUIS If~ Cau Apricots :. ....... 27¢ Pineapple Jce. 23¢ Cat Food 2'"'23( _ _.:::._______________ BE~ot Dog • 8CIIIlbargft QOLDEif STATE-Low Cal-* GLOIIIE1T--21{, • • II ... Bi Di .,, . PEARS c-. . 37¢ Rel1sh ~-.. . .25¢ g P -· . _5,_ UlfCLE 8BWS'~'I'Wted lfDIIC0-12 OL .. 2~ RICE :.:: ............ 43( Shredded Wt. 17f N..._...OLCa:a Baked Beans --------------------------------.. ~~.~.~.~c.ocKEA~~~~----------------------IIIV~l a. J--.hN ITIIWIEIIY PIEIEIYEI · EUEIITA PEACHES Lug 1.79 2 lbs. 19c JUJOO CELERY 9c ea. BELL PEPPERS 9c lb. WATERMELON 3c lb. SWEET JVJCY ORANGES 5c lb. I Froun FooJ, --~. • (j) t - --L co · ... Caa.. ....... an ... at I'-. uick ::. ........ 37( SlfOWDIUPT-:Ilb. Can Shortening 75~ SWISS STEAK RIB STEAK GROUND ROUND STEW BEEF ARMOUR STAR 19~ PIC IC HAMS '288 ... Lean Ground •et _4u .. 'l" BLICK MOIITAII CHEESE 591. Rex \Vieners 3Di.: ROUND STEAK ~ 8DL. BACON aou.-· 4Dt. i