HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-28 - Newport Harbor Ensign~ ta tiM aowcled pabl.lc T beada behr... lltla aacl lttb Stnets • tiM llwwport ky Proal. aat t. tiM ctty.....rud GD4 lop ....... 'l'rallw Patlt ••• IIOW tile ceiiW oC C108tloftlty beclllae oC .Cfona tD aCIIb tiM dty tva IMic* the traiM stt. to tJM public as a CIOIIUDaalty beecJa ••• Vidim Dies, 2 Arraigned -Court Case Is Prepared Newport City Cuuncil vott'd Monday evening to crack down TB11BSDAT, JULY za, 1955 on pay otfs on pinball marhines. -------------..----------=--~-----------------CouncU approved a motion dl-rectlne City Attorney Karl Davis COIIOWA DEL MAIL CALJI". ••• AJm liEU 1a U.. two. 1------------------------- bJock.loq beada of tiM City Tratler Park. at.D41Dg (rom lith St. to 18th St. Th1a 1a a typiCIIIl Yiew-the beada pRe· tlc.Uy dw n't*!. yet watciMd onr by a dty cmd CDUDty paid lUe gUCII'd ••• (See the Log .•· 2) CITY ASKS RESIDENTS TO CONSERVE WATER 4 1/2-Yr.-Old Newport BeaQh residents are asked to sav~ water for the rc maJnder of t he summer because Runs into Car, LEIIOIIREIIFIST Fatally Hurt '~!'! saru_a!Y .. lJUle 4~. Vldd L.ynn --... .. Metropolitan water Is now being used faster than It ls belne pumped Into the Oran~~ County re.ervolr. City Council receivM a lf!tter from the Coasta.J Municipal Water Dlatrlct Monday ~~nine askJn~ cities to cut down on uw of Metropolitan water; otherwiM the dbUict rnq be requiftod to lew City Clerk, Treasurer an~ed to get In touch w ith two In· vestigator reportn s who last week wrote a story of playing plnballs in the city and reocelv- lnar pay·offs In Cive or 11 places vuitt>d. Mr Davis was lnstructPd to obtain complaints slgnf'd by these two mt>n and then bring the violators to Ju tl~ Court for opeo.-atlng a gambling dev1~. The Counci] diSC'usst'd the> poo; Miss Margery Schrouder. •j day. Sh«> '-U<'<"t't'ds \irs Dou~las sabllity of holding a special hear legal secrNary and UCLA grad Hoit of Coron<~ dt"l Mar. who ha!> l tng to obtain PVidPnC'(' b) sub- ua te with a teaching de~. wu st>rved dS caty .clE-rk a.mcc> the> (>('na and sworn tf'st imony In the a~polnt«-d Monday evE-nine by 1 resignataon c•f ( K Prl~t last f'Vt>nt that the> romplatnts can- Ctty CounC'Il as city clerk and month not be obtalnt>d. treasur£>r of Newport Sl'ac h. She Miss S..·hroui'!Pr whn is 46 wa!; ..,. D · ·d th 1 h d .Hr a\ ts .,at a e an assum('d h£>r new dulles yesu .•r secrE>tan at Pa<·tftc lnrlE>mnity p 1 Ch c J h L' d Ci C. C. Begins New Drive Maurice Stanl~>y. president of the Newport Harbor Cha mber ot Commerce. announces an a ll out membership drive In tht> five sections of the city on the fivf' Tuesdays In August. Eac~ drive Will start with a breakJast lrt the selected ~ tlon -beglnlng with Ba.lboa Island next Tuesday. The break fast will be at the Cottage Waf ~Shop. Corona del Mar Is next. on Aug. 9. with breaklast at Jon'll restaurant: Balboa on Aug. 16. with breakJast at Karam's : New port on Auc. 23. with breakfast at Udo Park Cafe; Marln~ra Mile on Auc. 30. with breakf.ut at Boward'a. eo 1 i, 1 r 19..,. 1 o teE' ac> o n pson an ty · n •~ Ang f'S rum ""' to Mana~:('f Jllhn Saalors had agn"t"d 1MB lt>gdl <;l'('rc>IM) 1n LA from , 1949 to 19-1 th I)('. 1 1 to call In out nf town lmt"'tlga-• >-f'n <am(' ega tors tu ( hC'< k un chargE'S of pan· S("('retar) '." Attorn••) ~ S B~>r ball pay off" But now. hf' said. nard in SantA An.1 ~ht• ilvt;>rl tn\f'Sllgdllfln h th(' < 11, would ror a '1.\hll(' In Corona dPI M..r ) . now llvM in Harbor Htghlands bf' on ltiiP gt',.turt· bN'au">t• P\Pry H 1 ...,~ h onf' IS nnw al!•rtt"rl b) tht• n<'"S er sa ao '' ->.>o a mont pap<'r story Named a-. rlf'puty C'it) <INk . • was MISs :'.Lml) n Coh•mRn, a~c> C.nun1·tlman J . B Swddarrl 21. a lso a t.:C"l •. A gnrluat(' wtth ask<'d If pa) •>trs l'on,tltutffi a tt>aching cr('rl<'nllnls In busaness I' tolctllun of thf' stat<' la w on administration. Shf' has bf.-f>n gambling Mr Davis I'E'pllf'd that employed as o;('("r<'lary at t;CLA It Is a VIOlation o f the city's 0'\.\'n Sht> will bt>gan work .Monday at ordinance a salary of S227 a month ------- Annual Flight Of Snowbirds This Sunday The city manager was author lz.f'd to h1re a d JrN'tor of recrt>a tlon and pur<'hastng agt>nt. each at $46-1 a m onth Decision has not yet been made 'Rocky Point' Purchase Due WUD antwel a~ ,... Ill' • t ==J~z;:;~-.; --~~~~--K ~.gl·~·~lillii-~ ... _,.IN\I'i-l:.!m.Jtn~:e::.•~-~~-tJMCovu.ndlllK'UI'IA..,eed to oat> I:Jt.OOD Ellen Koch. 82, re. Of CDM Dies ot oil funds to acqutr. the .ub meraed portion ot Rocky Point. and $28.000 of gas ta.x funds to purchase the portion where a I nf'W access road Will be con structed down to tht> main bt>ach T....,la J 11-.. 1 • Mrs. Ell"n Koch. 82. of 608 Tht> city will m.1intain tat)(' to .... • lrlftiiA Seaward Rd . Corona Highlands. this po~lon Thf.' -.uhmc>rg('l'! por -1...1 .... I died last Thursday in th(' \lr tlon wJII be u"4'd ,t !; mat<'hlng .. Wlrlftl ange Sanitarium. She was a n<~ land to be> rlN"<!Nl o"er to the Th c· d I M L'b • live of London. England had statP, whach thf.'n will Spt>nd a e orona c ar I rar) . · lakf' amount to ac-quarp th<• rl'.,t will be closed Saturday for fuml· llvNI 1n Corona df'l Mar for nlnP f R k p gatlon for termites. It'll be open I years and In California for 38 '' oc )_' _0_1n_1 ___ _ again Tuesday I yeus. . She Is survived by thrf'{' "'ns I Halt Truck.lng I..HI•Ie I :-'-11' I Leo Koch and Eugene Koch of ••IP l.lalll Corona Highlands and I«>J:Inalrl • f L b William W . Sanford. Balboa Koch of ~orth Hollywood, two In 0 um er Is land rea ltor, anno unced this I daughters. Mr'! Ell~>n Olga S4>'1C week that Mr and Mrs. Hadfield, I ton of Glenda II' ani'! Mrs. Ft>llria Ward It Harrtngton LumbE-r who formerly had a real estate Young of Corona del Mar c;lx Co "a" told h~ the ~Pwport Cit) otfice on th~ Is land, have joined grandchildren and one g-reat 1 Coun<'il Monrlay f'\'l'ning to "'"P his ortlce at Park Ave. and Ma {:Tandson She \\a-. thf' widow of trul king 1n lumbf'r t<.l thf.' Pa rlne Ave. The Hadflelds, who Leo Koch. who publtsherl Corona clfk EIC'<"trir frl'lght ~ .ud hf> now live at 114 Apolena Ave .. del Mar's first paJ)('r '"Thf' caust-that prartHp m.ti-.P~ at a left early last year to take up Bre-eze" lumb<'r yard busin<'~" Ward I. ranch ing In Nevada and were Funeral st-nkM for Mrs Koch Harnngton w as tnstru<'tPO fur hit by th~ S(>Vere drouth. Later were held Saturl'la) 1n thf.' Baltz tht>r that thPy mu~t apply for n they went to Phoenix. Ariz.. all Mortuary. Corona df'l Mar. w ith us.e permit from thC' r tannang of which helped convince them the Rl'v. VernE' llarrl~ or St Commission If th~>y wa<>heO to tha t here's the best place. Mary's Epic;copal Church of La resume tht-lumber yard nJ)('ra , ..... VIIHIIc ••• The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Mc- Phail from Tulsa, Okla.. are visiting their son-In law a nd daughter, Mr. a nd Mrs. Jay Stot. tlemyre, 319 Alvarado Ave .. Ba.l · boa. The Rev McPhail. a native of Ohio. Is a retired minister a nd evangelist of the Assembly of God Church. During hla more than half a century of preachlne he helped start a number of churches In the MJdwest. ke'sS•••IIilllll TN, .......... .,1 -~ tiM wiN'•h'e\d P'ttiD9 ...... tbat .... tllrou.. the aatioa lat .,.., ....,. a ...., ... : TIM 1151 au at the Jolla T • ..._...a. ciloea. 1M 1-'-A..._ C. ..... clll ~~~ Jlpplll ita ,.... ........ 'r.lllq. ,.... ••• ....... _ ........ .u .. .... ,_ ....... tM ...... .. a t I Ia a._,-••• 1 • ............ ~ ...... . ..... n.tiea ...... 1.1 • ..,.. • ..... guna IWach officiating tlon In that C-1 wne Col. Davis Of CDM Dies Col H rnr~ C 03\ i c: rf'l trl'd f",,.J11 Art all t-n· otrwf'r anrl \'PI f.'ran uf Wnrlrl War-. I and IL f11f'<l TuMday ntj!ht an Long &•.llh Vt-tf'ran'-llnc:p•tal dft('r an allnes..o; of JUSt 24 huurs Be and his w lfr had JU!'I rP <'t>ntly mo\'ed from (';a rnat inn Cn\"f' C'orona dl'l :0.1ar tn thf'tr nl"w hom to at 2021 811 \'C: Hlf' Dr In thf' np" suhrll\ l.,tnn. n1•ar the Harbor MaJ<tN otfa rf' Hr WaJ-a gracfuatP of E'\Pter anrl '~-"' Mas sarhu"f'tt" lno;;tJtUif> uf TN'h nolng) IJP ic: ~UT\1\C•I al"t> I•\ twn rl.aughtf'r .... Mrc; (,N•q.:r Y.;c>h..,tN of A I huq uPrq uc> '\ :'.1 a no L.1ura Hoyle Dava" of NP'Io\ York Cat~ <~nd a st"P "<>n at thl' homf> a1lrl rt-""· Wilham MrDow£'11 Baltt MnrtUI\T) Is an rhargf' of arran~eml'nts for prl\ atP family St'rviC'es tnmorro" , .. ,. ............. -~ ...... City .. ....,.,. ~. C.hf. om-eM ,......_, ,..., 1a tt.. we.. ....... iiiO L c..tt ~.,. CetoN 4el ~.,. ~ ..... , A4U .... : 1t10 L C...t Hit"-Y. C..... clel ~.,. C.llfontMI mE,HONU: HArl»ot 1114 eMf 1111 ~a.tiEl OF THE CAliFOitNIA NEWS,A'llt PVafSHUS ASSOCtATtOH JwJ of tile NATIONAL IOITOitiAl. ASSOCIATON ARVO E. HAA,A ··-·--··-····-·---·-·· E41tor e114 ,ubll•her ,E& HAAPA.·-····-···-·····-·-·· .. ·-··-· .. -··---·----·-··-...AuocMite Editor HU&H McMILLAN . --·····---·-··-···-·········-----New~ Ptletotreph« IHRT L JOHNSON ....... ·-·---···· -··--·__.y_..kl"f Director SAM MITCHEll ----------·····---Advwtlal"tJl'"""' IUIY STEVENSON ·····-····-·· .. ---·-~----·----.. ,., SUISCRIPTibN RATES loe411 wbscrlpt1o11 rete&: T-.,..,._u.oo; one yee......SJ.OO Outside of tfte Herbor AAe: T-., .. ~7.00; one yoe,__....OO • • • Tllo NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN he. t>..11 cf•termi11od to be e _,.,., of 9•11.,el drculatfoft lly i~tiMftt of tile Superior Courl e114 Ill ree-th•reof It qualiflecf to publl.h ell public 1t0tkft required by law * * Entered e• S.COfld Ctau Metter l11 tM Poet Off.ce et CMona clel Mar. C.llf. F F F 11 l?'k I J!c::;l I I~: I Iii~~ I I I I' , , e e e a e e a' e * * e • • • + e + + a • • + + * * * * ' * * * C Thlnk about thl.s for a while, folks ... a lett.et from Wallace Calderhead. Corona del Mar ~eler, and active In campaigns for civic betterment: Dear Hop, The accident Sunday In which a small girl was killed when she ran Into the pa th of an auto traveling very slowlj', points out our need for more playgrounds. With our narrow streets and con· ge:.-ted parking In resldE.'ntlal areas, the only answt"r Is to provide more parks a nd rE.'<'reational areas. We know this driver's problem. bt'cause we oft en drive homE.' on the narrow. crowded Corona del Mar streets. It Is a slow, nNV· ous prneE>ss to gE.'t by all the children playing ball and running and riding bikes. Sincerely. WALLACE CALDERHEAD Here·s a topic about as controversial as saymg you're against sin. And yet what Is being done about it? Maybe this will givE.' thf> answer: There Is just one ba ll park in the entirE.' City of Newport Beach. and that was the result of the efforts of private citizens. not of t he city Itself. Corona del Mar has no other play fiE.'Id. In all of Newport.Balboa there Is only the small West NE.'wport Park. Balboa Island. Newport Heights and Cliff Havt'n have nothing Now te~e " loo~ et the p•c'ures on peoe one of tl-us issue of the Ensign. They are a shernef...l test1rnonial of the city s 'do little pro· gr~m. There you con see the magnificent stretch of c•ty·owned bay front beach-used by procl celly no one, becouse the C.ty Counc insists wtth oncred•ble stubbornness thet it will st3y m the trailer park busin ess. and that the dol:ors •t gets out of the weterfront tr..,iler dwellers ore more irnportont thon the c · ty s own citizens· need for o boyfront public beach. Alongside that e•c:lus•ve beoch. with iron fence between is the crowded public beoch between 18th and 19th St. This ts not photogrephic f~kery. These pictures were ta~en by my· self. just seconds eporl. on o typicol Sundoy. Kee p these pictures in rnind. Remember them when the City Council gets reepy to spend o big sum of our money to improve ond enlarge that Municipal T roiler Park. • • • eLOGGERHEADS I om souy to leorn that ·our City Council could not ogree on the appointment of Mrs. Kenneth Cooling of Beacon Boy liS our new city c'erk end treasurer. It sey this without prejudice to the new ap- po•"tee bec.3use es of this wnt,ng I hove not met or tel~ed to her .J M•s C ol r q 1 Prno"en•ly q ual fed by e._perier-:e ebil ly person· d itt '",j ~~owledoe or o .. r C..!M'Tiu" 'v. But ~he became the ecc• denta v cr•rn of po r,c..,l rna"euver•,g whoch hod .ts orig.n in 'he c•ty <'ldrn ''JJ ' on 1tself You m•gh+ co !i-s o f nol blow of disrespect. s•rn lo· •c. hPr unc e•,.mor ous dism•s~al os c ty treasurer. when that offce WdS ccmo•nod w rh c •y c.lerk and Chorle Priest got the friendly r-:~d Q,. •c '"" c 1lly C• l rlte h mself got the ex just as obruptly very 'lhor•l; 'heredftN ecr ert thet Cherlie wos accorded the Oriental ''tpe o ! p ·'~"'' ., of el rernovel. Mrs. C ocl•rg then become the loqi· r-1l repld'~"'"'""' But ,:er~oMI feel•ng of the Council majority spoke louder t" ,. the •ndo\putable quelificetions of the former treasurer. AT ,,_,.I &q , ••• , • , ,. .., ! The wodd't aewwat. aeateat c:lwNI>- Th• wodd'a na-t deaDer ·~too ... Triple-Ac:Uola ..._. • .., (It beata aa lt ...... aa It deau) ••• IJA)IItaad~t , •• DO bllf to -pty ... attaduaeata cmdJelble .. UST allldMa ., don..._ See It .... ...... t I A boUquet to a t1ne mow by (lne people: '!be c.tol DoUe Fund Mtabtiahed at tbe llfewpart !larbcl' Bank 1o be u.-d b tbe purgoee o( belph-. defray tbe extraordinary expenae reaulUng from the eevere l~Jurles suttered tn the recent cr&sll tn Corona del Mar. Carol Doane ts a recent honoJ' graduate of Harbor Hig'b and wu an Innocent victlm when a speeding. drlv~ cruhed Into an· other car. Except for the Grace of God, It could have been you or I. A little help from a lot of people anxious to display their public spl:rlt can help out In th1a crushing tJnanclal load. I com. mend t.h6 fund aa worthy of your financial support. • • • • CB.A.ftl& AJCEJfi)JOJfT I see that the petitions to change the elec:tJon procedure of the Charter are clrculatinr. I'll brief you on the law and pro. posed change. Present law dl· vldes the clty lnto seven council· manJc districts. It provides fiX one councilman to represent each district, to be nominated by electors of said district. to be elected by the general vote ot all districts. not just by the vote of the district which he ls to repre· sent. The result of the very flrst electlol\ under the new Charter showed three candidates win· ning their own district and los· lng to opposition votes In other districts. thus depriving these three districts of the right to be represented by councilmen o! their own choosing. They were. In this Instance. Districts 1, West Newport: 5. Balboa Island, and 6. southeasterly halt of Corona del Mar. It could happen under present law In any district. just as It did to these three. It rould come about very t-asily that a distriC't would not be representad by the councilman of their choice over a period of years under this elec- tion law. The petitions circulating are to amend. by placing the propo- sition on the ba llot for a vote of the people. that section of the Charter pertaining to elections. to correct this situation and both nominate and elect by dis. trlcts. thus Insuring that each district will be represented by the CouncUman chosen by the people of aald dlstrict. 1 .J"eCCOIlme!ld your fpproYal and aJgnatfre on th1a petltton. In addition to clrcuJaton. there are, for your convenience. petl· lions at the Ensign and Tommy Foster·s office. • • • eBEBE'S BOW It's been just 11 weeks slncf' I jumped the pinball machines out as gambling devices. • As I promised last week. 1"11 let you In on a little secret. which Is just about as secret as thf' news that the a lbacore a re run· nlng. I am off again on my current target-ptnballs. and how to get rid of them. It requires the use o! a smldgeon of common sense. "We all know they pay oft. but how can we catch them at It?" Let's don't go trying to slip up on the blind side of an already alerted pinball operator. Every· body knows the heat Is on, "so boys we Jay oft until It cools off so no payoffs until things do cool off. Damn that Col. Andy. How does he get that way? A guy who admits he likes to play pokt-r plckin' on them pore ur amusement m a c h I n e s. He'd ou~thta stick to h is own business. Helavlt Is he atn•t got no busJ. ness:· May t surrest to the Council the foUow1ng procedure to prove beyond a ahadow of doubt that plnballs have paid oft In the put and ahould be ruted o.ff on that grounda. U I wee you I would: 1. an- nounce an open investigation; 2. aubpena Clyde Denllnge; 3. subpena trom your records ln the City Hall llcenae department. the 60 operator..ownera of business where pinball• are Installed. with their bartenders, clerks or what have you who hll,Ve been on duty where the machJnes are Installed; 4. aubpena. a oo. aec· Uon of the hundreds of pla.yers, espedally thoee who ue known to be add.lcta (In thla cue l would further define that word u sudc:er>. lncludlnr all known JuvenJJe pla.yen.. A few pointed que.tlons under oath are sua-We~: M.r. D, how Ia the take ot your madlJnea dl· vtdedT How 18 tt aocounted forT Alter eounttn1 t.be JDODq in the e e e machines In the ~ of the laou.~~e man, wbat happend Any deductions trom the tota11 How Ia the net dlvid~T Ju.t two almple questton.s to tbe proprietor and his hired help: Have you eve paid off In cull or merchandJae for a win· nlng number! Have any of your employees ever paid oUT Now bring In the players. who wlll no doubt be less reluctant witnesses. They have nothing to 1~ by a truthful answer. Ques. Uon: Have you ever received caah or merchandise as a prize for a winning combination or number on a pinball mach ine In the City of Newport Beach? Where! From whom! The answers should take care of everything In the way of doubt. If any now exists In your minds as to undesirabllty ol these machines. Now that the ent1re pinball Investigation has been thorough. ly balled up between the City CouncU and a newapaper story, any further attempt to get proof by any other method than by subpena and questioning under oath would be ridiculous. Do you suppose the County Board of Supervisors would llke to know that there are clty.ll. censed pinball machInes In stalled a nd operating In a club In county territory? That's all for now. except thfs slogan I like: "He who does not stand for anything will fall for anything." Registration Opens Aug. I ··students may pre register for fall classes at Orange Coast Col lege starting August 1:· Dr. James W. Thornton. Jr.. vice· president announces. Students pre.reglstered prior to the end of the last school year will not be required to see a rounselor during the summ<"r un· less some change Is to be made In their program. AH students who have not pre registered should see a counselor sometime during August lt pos· sible. OT. Thornton stated. . C)ALUNGQQ •mama DOn T h o s e trustratlng long • fins have et last made an appear· ance, albeit a somewhat tlmour· ous one, within the area rather looeely retened to a "local waters." First ken of this came Thursday, through the Affler. baugh-Kenoyer.R o g e r s grape· vine, with an authenk: re- port that "Bean)"' Afflerbaugh, first branch of that particular vine. bad boated an albacore hard by the East End of CatalJna, on Wednesday. It wu a blggy, too, somewhere around the 3().pound bracket. Next hearsay wa.s that another Avalon citizen had taken six large onH, two mlles ott Church Rock. the rocky spire that Is just around the corner from the Eaat End. My albacore fever began to rise. Then. from various sources on Friday and Saturday, there were reports of fish In even closer. Some were two miles off the Slide (Catalina), some 8 miles. They were scattered, and not too plentiful. but they were BIG. Sunday, one boat ran Into long· fi ns just 10 mUes oft Huntington Beach. e RJC.B FEVER By Sunday, my albacore tem· perature was about 105 degrees. On Saturday. the hot news had just begun to trickle through. I hadn•t given much thought to It before, and was lured by the family Into taking my annual trip to the beach. As I sat thert- on the warm sands of China Cove, I'm alratd that my state of relaxation just wasn•t. I watched more albacore flags flutter by than I had ~n for a long time. I saw the Su·Zan. the Andele, the Happy Landings, one of the Jets. a score of other sporttlshlng boats, private a nd otherwise. parade along the jetty bearing YOUR MONEY th~ whJte nara with the red fish. nutterlng proudly. FJnally I just got up and went home, after my annual baptlam 1n sand. By the Ume the 20th nag went by, I had lost all Interest In water except as a medium in which fl•h Uve---and specltlcaJJy, fish with thelr wings spread. e11o DJCE Now It wa.s Sunday. I awoke early and peeped out my jetty· window. Whole streams of craft of all sizes were heading out to the Happy Hunting Grounds - and I wu shore-bound! I had waited too long to make my ar. ra.ngMne.nts. M.ama knew what waa going on 1n my noggin, too. She said: "Honey, why don't you go fish ln the Bay! I know what you'll be llke If you hang around the house all day, thinking about those albacore." That was the answer. At least, Jt was better than pulling weeds. Besides, I had a new spinning reel and line to try out. Before it was fully daylight. I was order lng a "Schoolboy" breakfast at Merle's Drlve·ln. Merle, alias "Beany,'' the lucky so and·o. was probably over around Avalon on hls boat, The Schoolboy. trying to catch a bigger one. Just fo.r spite. I changed my order to wheat cakes and bolsenberry jam. e JUST l'lSBIKC. Next stop was at that batt and tackle t-mporlum. just over the bridge. known as Lt>s·s Bayshore Tackle. I always go there for ad. vice, as well as bait. when I'm not sure what I want to do. Ralph Schisler was tlnlshlng up the early morning shift. and dis- pensing sage advice along with razor clams and salted ancho. vies. We exchanged views on the albacore situation before I said: (Contlnue<l on Page 11) Is it safe-and is it really working hard for you? As any Clpedeoced hw.,.....n will teU you, put of your .... sbould co into. saviDp accouDt wbk:b II ooe subjKt to a.bt ftuc:tu.. adons. Wbla ydiJ opiD aa lrCCOUDt tbta are two bale tbiD&t to loot for: ~ ie .rety. Tbe OC1Mw ... cooct rdUm 00 your~. When are you"" to pill botll of t.bele Chiap? In an lnluted S..top and Loaa Mscriltioal Tbat'a why more and more prudeDt Aawkant now c:boose to put tbllr avinp lo tt.e A. soQadooa. Bricfty, ......... ..., c&r: Y•.., • 7 1.-.. 'l'blt's t.c..e cbea A-oc .......... --ol dlllir ,.. 1ft aound, ... 1JIIiljkcMDIDOI'U pr v .. _, It ... I& .. JII'C**II ., SCJaDd -pw!C _.adell' eh• ,_ ... 1l Ia insured up to S 10,000 'by tho Federal Savinp and Loan IDiwaoce Corpcntioo-an acency of tho JJ.S. Government. y ........ ......,.~ ....... lto- spaDilble .,.... ~ wbo bow bow to rMb y~ IDODIY wort bud for you. llenlemb«, too. tbl.t inlured S.vtap ud Loan Atlocildooa are allo tlt.lfalloft'l ,.,.,_ lllttk IIIHftC DfltD-. ,.,,.,. IMu. 'Milo you're tbink.iQc of buytD& 01' balldtnc ...... cbsy can be ofbMWtdOua Wp to )'0111 ..._ably make~~ 1oua. n., •to k diiM ,.0.. pc tbo moouy quic:k.ly-aftd at rDOdnrUI-- You realty owe it to yourttt1t to pt ~....._. wicb dw t.nd ... aDd ..... Aeoc:iedoo.,.....,_........., you·.-•••••• iOf I I • .... ICCOUIIl ........... boa» IDOi'tp;llaa. i8UMDA1', JVL1' a ... • Bread and Butter Boucaueta! Next year when you wrlt.. "C&Jt. fornla Here I eom.'' be eure you'll be told to ·~ero. Over the Bridge" rather than ta.k.e a "Slow Boat to China" by Mndlng now. era "After You've Gooe'' •.. News In the Bouq1let. Funeral Spray, Floral Decoratton and Party Plannlnr drc:l• Ia the ar. rival of Robert Schroeder to man. age the Florl.at end of our New Flowe Sbop ... * * 1t lob~ .... 6WIIt fnlaa JlaCIDCIIJID9 tbe n.w. ...... tlae Statler ..... a. 1.-·Aa- gMI.a ............... ...s ~··?····· ICif tile npt Willa ... -.y Uttle CIDCIEtaU ,...._ .....-u. cat.d d1aMn. .-art ........ CIDd patio pcllltt. • • • wW ... CIIIOtiMw ............. Jet ...... oa your "'tJaaatit I .. 4o crt atc::tuud'a'" 1lat ••• ..,_ tD tbe StatMI'. 8ob'a now. artl8try waa appndaW at r ... t l.cnnl Cllld tbe alltaaonl'lortata • • • Though ou .... now.r Shop w1l1 DOt he nad! * a few WMb yet. t1a1a pewnww U to 1M you lalow 8ob Ia beN aow ta OW' Crrweabou.M CIDd all ht. taleeta are nody. w1l11D9 aDd Cle fOil you to ....... of at the ..... pldr-up of a t.lepboM CIDd a awta1a ol OW' dellnry tnadl ..... Jut .... •• a pod aw1auD1D9 pool 110 decorate.·• Mid 8ob ••• ""Tben'a IIOthiD9 ao drab aa aa u.aga:rlaDded awllaaa1119 pool at a be.ldM-U..pool po:rtyt• * * * Air Jet Dry Lindane Vapol'lzer News! Sulctly designed f« In· cJoon aaa!Mt tM ewnmer battle of nte.. ant.. n ..... to name only a ff!'lr of the 200 crntur-e. lt lmock.s down and drags out ... Many happy testimonials have been told about the way AJr Jet works equally as well outdoont and In garages . . . When you step Into the Old Greenhouae be. fore It becomes the new Florlst Shops to m ake the neW Bob'a acquaintance ... Ask about Alr Jet ... * * * Lido laJe lloaDdap la Pdday lflgtat. July lttb . . • u ""' doa•t ~ oa Lido I.a.. ac:n!pe CINia.Dod 1D you ~ beolt tW you f1Dd 10-~ ldy ""' Dew wlllo .._ ad aik ._ U yoca caa bay a tk:IIM ,_ • ll.GD ••• Laat ,_ u..r caUecl It tbe SILip ww.c:k lall • • • T1a1a ,_ ~ ,_. w..t. ...... Pat -by tbe IJde laJe Coa•aalty ~~~~ • tiMU Aaaaal P1Uid ........ CCI'IDpdp. n. ...... GOIII'b wW be raoped off 1GW d=da9 .•• ften will be INrN ~ fOil tbe ldoM ••• , ..... , ........ .... ..-..a..s.· ww wW pat • a Iadet allow ••• Ia tM au ...._old u.. ,._ ..._ ~wma. ......... ..,. WLJIUGDdaCCIJtl .. l .... c:o.ta wt.ll be ........_ woad tMI.a.tlll ... IP ........ tM ....... .,.... ..... .... laltW .... ,. ••• , .. ·-.. Ia ?1a-. •.• Ia '-t a-we ........... Ude ~ .. .., .... ..... ... Llde ...... will .... ..., .~.~-a ............. .. ...... .,.., c.. .... tt --~ ... * * * Summer eatlng and com on the cob • . . u nec:ellafY to eech otber u brucS and butter • . • Grace you.r steemlna plattet wlth IUdlard'a speclally Mlectecl Com on the Cob .•. Why wute your muncblnl on a.nythlq but tbe fiDeLt • • • Th1nJt man wb.lle JOU ~ took MYen ,_,. ot tatloo at BI&Jr Smltb Ka.ncb to prodtee that JuJq moutbhd of 8Weet ~ .__.. • •• 11l.at eorn ._ .. pldiH ,.._. tbil moriLl.ril . . . Tbe cotft .. ,.,.. ...., to.monow WlD ... p.ldllld ~monow -·n•a ._ .. u ,.,.._~ bawa't"JDiftlld tM ~. CIGI'ft -tbe colt ... dab .•. JotD...., •.. Doa't lit ....... ···-10 ~ irtlltl-....... ... •¥1117 ciMWIM ~lAM_,.._,_ ... It . . . PUt • ·('Up of ...... .... • • • A.n.t ..w · ....... * * .. .,.. ('I'U followtftt liNr II from eclp ol tbt .. oat~ Ill V1ewta «._.,DAM to Men ..._. Use the travellln& Burtt of Corona wtal 8heep, bone and wb•t CUMI cuavau and Qu•na of cJel Mar and 8aft Martno, WbOM 1ud ltntdatnl loldeft and Gat lbeba'• water tan.U contrasted latest trawl• h&Ye broulbt tlMm to the botbab: 1:1-...cw wttb WU. Calta bup o&l reflMty. to the Frendl ltMera.) frleDcll at laoepltable "Grella-Leevlnl the Onoya at Suez on THE lt1'VIEilA. J"'lANCE, banr and Bob with a poup ol the Jte4 Sea we reJoined It 18 MAY, 1.955 ~ returnma ladeb wttb hoUrs latft ln Polt SaleS on the Dear Friends: Lying in the aun of our aecond aprlng thla year f'n the beach at Canna. Nice and .~oJonte Carlo, we are thlnkln& of the 25.000 mUea or more we have travelled by atr, sea and our tru.ty Holden car since we left Queenaland, Au• traUa, laat Novem~ -mllee packed with lnt~ thrUls and fun, often completely topay.turvy to us northernets eouth ol the equator. In replY. to your wondet- ful letters, we'll try to ahare th1ll with you In one brief letter. During our nine months "Down Under" we felt like Allee In Won- derland aa she peeked doWn the rabbit hole! One cold winter luly day In AuatralJa Eleanor asked for a hotel room on the south aid~ only to find the sun ahln- lna brightly on the north •Ide. After yean with an automatic gearshift, Bob had an awful time changtne gean with hla left hand, stttln& on the rl&ht ln the car and drlvln& on the lett. Eleanor never coul4 remember tn which direction to look when crossing the street, ao she com- promised by looking each way and daahln& across! Even the .wtrl of water down the draln was reveraed, wrote a friend; was It clockwise or counter. clockwlR? Alter peering down numerous drains. we decided It was clockwise In Australia: we shall now do a bit .of research wttb northern drains. e WOaDS DIJ'J'D The uae of words was often dll- feTent. One day we were Invited to a friend's home for tea; ar. rived at 4 o'clock to find that "tea" meant 6 o'clock supper. To further complicate marten we found 4 teas daJiy-"early morn- Ing tea," "rnornln& tea," "alter- noon tea.'' Just plain "tea" and "evenln& tea" before bed. ~ ..._bini llQ. poundil, lledJterranean. We found mod· a Marny IUYer record. Our eee. em bulldJnp sprln(lng up In ond allmpee ol ranch ltfe wu In Cairo. Jona a c:lty of Arab Tuma.nta, very lUte J!naland moequea and native marketa. At w1th lq peen countryside, .tone MenahoUM 400 of us mounted wallll and Georafan homee. 11u!re camels and donkeys for the trip we viatted Exton HoUM (recently to the sphinx and pyramids: as Pbotoa:raphed by Lite Magazine) we bounced along hilariously like a frosted cake let In formal snapping each-other, my one- gardena and 28 mllea of haw. eyed camel driver would ex- thorn hedae, the bUllard ·table claim: "Look amlle, say cheese" pUed with blue rlbbona won by and aded: ''your camel named tbeJr champIon bulls and Ml8eourl, a super-duper dandy." thorouahbred horses. After a day of sunshine In From Australia we aalled on Napla. we dlaembarked at Mar- the•Ortent Uner "Orcades" w1th aelllea for 6 weeks on the Riviera our Holden ear on December 17th ~with the Brltlah Hillman ''Call- for New J'.Hland. Au c k 1 and fomia" ear we bought in Nice. "friends of ftlends"-bleu theJr We are enjoying every m inute heart&-reall:zed we were feellna and thrlvln& on It-the Monte low on leaving our Australian Carlo Battle of Flowers, Nice (rlenda jtut at Chrlltmu, time International Horae lumping, and promptly la.ned u.s thetr Cannea FUm Festival, plenty of apartment for 6 weeks and Jn. .wlmmlng and explorln& hillalde vlted u.s to spend Christmas with vlllages. We drive north through them at their delightful, modem Switzerland, Germany and Bel- beach home. endln& with a mid. (lum to Eneland. reaching N. Y. 8WIUIU!I' Cllrtatmu awlm. Such by September tat. ha.pltallty Ia typical of both Our mo.t cherished memories New Zealanders and Australians are not of the Barrier Reef, nor -wonderful people! the Alps and fjords of N. Z. but e ZAJIE GaEY LODGE of the kindness and hospitality Three moDtha we explored New of our friends "down under." Zealand,' . 5,000 mUes In our Again we wlah to aay thank you, Holden. Firat the North Island With best wishes to our friends with lt8 famed Bay of Islands, all around the world. Zane Grey's f I a h I n g lodge. Cordially, Job Placements Are Made By OCC Employment Office junelea of tree fern.s and &lant Robert and Eleanor Burt Jtaurt trees. aald to be older and 544 Bonita Ave.. A number of graduates of Or placements during 1954-SS. Of lareer than our Sequoias: Auck-San Marino 9, Calli. ange Coast College have passed these. 190 were on.campus place- land, Ita harbor rtvalltng Syd-Mall address: all the requirements for jobs menu and 379 were off-campus ney'a, where we photographed Wl Auguet II, 1955: with the Southern Counties Gas placements. the world's l&r&est one day re-c/o American Consulate-General Company. it ls announced by R. Types of positions which were gatta from a friend's yacht-for-Zurich, Switzerland D. Boyce, placement counselor. filled by the college office ln- tunately, an equally ardent Au&. U-25th: Interview with Orange Coast eluded clerical. secretarial. sales photographer; the unique ther-Hotel Cumberland students were held just before and management. construction. mal region of Rotorua. where we London, Enaland the close of school by J. C. manufacturing technical, agrl- flahed and tramped among the Crooke. local manager of the cultural and personal service. geysera and Maori vlllaaes; WaJ-IIJ SlrlkM ••• , Southern Counties Gas Company. In addition to Southern Coun- tomo Caves. the twinkling Ughts and Mrs. Mary F. Allen. employ ties Gas, other firms which took of tiny glow worms refiected In S.ltclles ., hill ment representatives In the per advantage of the Orange Coast the water; snowcapped Mt. Eg. sonnet department. Los Angeles College plact>ment Rrvices were S~rong Arm Rv~!:~ey. Count Faced by Trio; Man Slugged Three El Toro marlnH were ansted on strone arm robbery chargea by Newport pollee at 6 :45 a.m. Friday. The victim, Gabriel Halleck. 34, of Los Anieles, stayln1 at 413 Ed&ewater Ave.. Balboa. was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospl tal for treatment of possible Flllily Senicu 1-. T I •• ,. Local Ulits skull fracture, loa of aeveral teeth, severe late'atlona about the face and head and shock. The victim, durin& Incoherent ravine chareed that a tall and blond man kicked him In the fact> after he was knocked down. whUe the other two went lhroueh his pockets .. The arrested marines were Robert 1... WooUolk, 23; Lee Carol Roaers. 24. and Henry S. Tinney, 21. Newport pollee received a tete phone call from the Blue Room, 209 Palm St .. Balboa, at 2:17 a .m. Local n4,XIIiary units under Friday "•porting a strong arm local leat1N hip will be orga I r 0 b be r Y · Officers Robert J. Brockie and Barclay T. Cook nu.E'd by Family SE'rvlces Ass'n. were dispatched to the scene In of Ora nge County In various one pollct> unit and Officer communlu~. It w:1s disclosed Robert Cartf'r In anothl'r I following a board of directors Otricer CartN reported that meeting held at St Joseph Hos the victim of the-beating was In pltal. Orang<-bad shape and that he had lost Mrs. Frank Baeskens of Or a $100 bill during the beatln&. ange. chalrman of public rela-the incident occurred ouUlde the tlons tor the group. outlined the Blue Room. A description of the plan for formJng local auxJJJ. suspect car was put out and it aries to assist with the county. was stopped by Costa Mesa po.. wide program or family counsel. lice at 2:28 a.m. Friday a t New. ling, undertaken by the new as port Blvd. and Monte Vlsta St.. SCX'Iation. Costa M e a. Mrs Edward M Hall, Santa Ana. prt>sldent. reportt>d that I McCAJITBTS GET CDU. calls for rounselllng servlt"e are A dauehter. Margaret Elalne, already being received from var was born to Mr. and Mrs. John lous quarters. demonstrating the I McCarthy of 105 SE'vl'nth St .. n('('(! for the association's pro Balboa, In Hoae Memorial 8 os- gram In Orange county. pltal on Monday, June 13. lrEADQUAJrTEBS FOa IIIDIES' TDYS, BeaclaiSwill ... 1101 E. Coaa1 Bwy. at J-.IM: C6riea del Mar <Next to All American Market) ILUJIOa 5581 * AIM .t 5ZSI E. lllld St.. Ia r....g Ieoda * Even the aeuons werJ re- versed. We followed sprln& south 3.000 mtlea In ~ovember from the Great Barrier RHf of Northern Australia to the southern tip of Taamanla. From Brlabane's tropi- cal Oowera to Sydney's magnl!l- cent harbor. rlneed by red roofs and dotted with white saU&- keen yachtmen ttte.e Sydneyltes. South for reunions with old friends In Melbourne, Na&amble and Tasmania, days filled with at&htaeeiD&, par(les and remlnJ.s. cenoes. mont; Wanganul a nd Welllne-office. Guardian Life Insurance Com ton, the capitol, where we board-Newport pollee are searching Women who have q ualified for pany of America Padfl T 1 1 ed the S/S Maori with our car for a boy, between 11 and 13• positions wlll be placed In clerJ. · c e e for an Overnl,ht •·tp &"'ross Cook who snatched a purse from Mar-1 1 1 dl phone. Ems co Ma nufacturing 1 DOII•T • u " j C M 65 f 3014 w ca pos t ons accor ng to the Company, Republic Supply Com-Straits to the South Island of oree · a.son. · 0 • · So th Co 1 ttl 1 h 1 Ocean Front. Newport Beach. u ern unt es 0 clals. Men pany. Sun Battery Company, Or N. Z. Followtne close Y t e Roya Mrs. Mason, upaet by the lnct-will be placed In operating jobs ange County Personnel Off~. 1 Tour of 54, we had the Queen's 11 f h In the field. Students who have Edison Company, Buf!ums. State I suite at three hotels! dent. did not notify po ce o t e t Incident until the following Mon-me company standards Include Farm Mutual Insurance Com. In February mJdsummer we day. She said she was walking Denis Axen, Westminster ; Judith pany and Davis Brown Televl- uplored the South Island. First. on the Ocean Front sidewalk Perkins. Orange; Carol Doan. La slon Se~ce. Christchurch. a city justly proud when the boy ran up. struck her guna Beach ; and Robert Miller, Employment oUlce fac111tles you bring the laundry We do the wade •.• New Low Prices UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ot Its aardens and Avon Rlvt'!· In the right side of her face and Newport Beach. are open to all stu~ts of the bordered by Oowen. lawn. and knocked her down. He took her The college employment office. collece and to employen, accord-W ASHI:B~ uaa a.. c.-awy. wUlow trees, winding through purse, removed the wallet and under the direction of R. D. log to Boyce. The office wet-~ ~I :I .. c-.a ._ the city, wheN Bob wu warmly took $30 froln the wallet. Bo_.:..y_c:e_._m";ia-d~e·a--to~tal··of~569~~Jo~b~corne.~;;~ln~q;ulr;;J;ea;;tr;GII~m;;em~p;tloyen.~~;;;~~~~~~~ai=~~=~==(=-===.._==,_:7'*~)~?~+~~~ • JUUICII LIP& Twtc:e we 1J1'RP"" ra.da We In A8litralla: J'lnt. a --OD die wMloiDed u tbe on&:r A.mencan "We ..... J111aQ o1 JD111DeY If' ..... ~ l*elld eo.. ..... Ills! ..... quoted ~ Ill Mil; _. to 1M ••...,...nt boy u )'e1JJq to three or four als-. 1aba aDCl fjarda ol Jlf. Z.: more boys ·nearby. Be threw staying CMI!I1llgbt with frtenda at down the wallet and lett on foot. one of the &reat sheep rancha. Mrs. Mason sutfered a black eye ... LJ ..... Llllybank. with Ita 70,000 acres. from the boy's blow. • ..... 5,500 mertno sheep, glaclers and (RO ,.D) peaks over 9,000 tt.. almo.t on W•W'• a..u.t 1lcldlo the slopes of Mt. Cook on Lake wmGIIS on Y 12 oz. 1 of Ev r ll8e ealy r • s• •ll/4• Tekapu, Hilary erest ame A New Concept In Personal 1s a frequent guest. 12.000 Ft. Mt. Radio. Ear Phone and Carry-Cook and the Tuman Glacier lng Cue Optional, Extra. aeen from the Hermitage. the DA.,.. •IDWI ""• lakes -Wanaka. Manapourl and ..... UV Te Anu-Queenstown, Dunedin u ..,.,., and the EgUnton Valley -all 1115 ~ .. ....._ c.tc1 MeiiCI places of great beauty; then-as we emerged from the newly opened ijomer tunnel-magnlfl. clent ralMwept Y.lltord 'Sound IESI UPIILSTEIIII burst Into view with countless waterfalla cascading over the cllfla with the luurtous new hotel a tiny speck on the fjord far below. It waa a fitting climax to our New Zealand tour. At last we stood on the beach of lnver- cargtU, most southern dty of the world, at the southern tip of New Zealand, looking over the Southern Ocean to the vast Ant- artie. Flying back to Australia on T .E.A.L. Airways. we boarded the SIS Orsova (or Europe on March 14th, a smooth 3 weeks crulae with new friends, fun and lntete8tlng trips aahore. Mel- bourne, Adelaide, Perth and across the lndJan Ocean past the Cocos Islands to Ceylon, photo- craphlng rIck aha w s, snake charmers and Buddlat temples In Colombo; erutaing acrou the Arabian aea eloae to the ahotes Perfeciiiiiiii-Aw•• "-letl Recelvin& perfect attendance awards at the conclusion of t he Dally VacatJon Bible School at the Newport }{arbor Lutheran Church were the following 76 students: Sandy Lee. Larry lnakuchl. Ro- berta Trusty, Diana Miller, Jim. my Bruins. Lanl Spund. Jack Boyd, Marilyn Brace. Jolalne Munck. Tommy Moser. Karin NeU. Carla WedekJng. Terri Lee Jewett. Barbara Silva. Donna lves. Stanley Lord, Bonnie Heck. David Zlmman, RJchard Parls. Bert Jamieson, Jack Runnells, Jane Allen. Diana Lewton. Clif- ford Maxon, Crls E 1 I e r m a n . Susan Lee. Penny Innes. Arl~ne Silva, Pa- tricia MacMIIJan. John Woods, JoAnn Mann. Jean Allen, David Rison. Teddy Ellerman. Butch McCardle. Donald Long. Michael Kremer. Ronald Long, Larry E. Brace. lJnda Sue Gentosl. Jim. mle Manning, Lorene Lewton. Bob Kapenhefer, Steve Zlmman. Barbara Jo .Gentost. Gordon Kahre, Debbie' Erickson. Rusty Rambough. Richard Runnells. Larry Rlchle. June Allen, Marty Dennis. Kathy HoUard. Tommy Bradley. Sabra Jamieson. Jeanne Bruins. Sandra Kahre. Dianne Sonsteng. Meril@e KJmbrough. Gerry Martin, Roseanne Seddon. James Rogney. Sharon Arthofe-r. Sandra Hayden. Sonja Hayden. Barbara Paris. Roxanne Sm ith. Bonnie Trusty, Donald Erickson. Jerry Mann. Danny Arthofer. Bill busty, Gary J'ellbaum. Carol Rocney, Kay Mlller, Rose Marte Rueger. BIG LOW-PRICE BEAUTY! * BIGGEST CAR OF' THE LOW-PRICE 3 Plymouth's loqeat, lowest, laf'l'est 1 Even biner than some medium-price can r *ROOMIEST CAR Of' THE LOW-PRICE 3 lfoet lee room. mOlt hip room. la.rprt trunk I Meet Juxurioua upholstery fabriCBI *MOST BEAUTIFUL Of' THE LOW-.-..tC~ 3 See Plymouth'a aleek. Fort~Jflid ~ st.yUnc ••• • artiata call it .. America'• lfoet Beautiful Car"' I • ---........ *TOP ENGINES OF' THE LOW-PftiCE I Most powerful 8tandatd V-8, t.be 167-bp By-Fire! Most power per pennr from 6-eyl.PowerFiow 1171 * SMOOTH£ST RIDE OF' THE LOW~ .. tci I The snaoother, steadier ride that only aLi car, like tM all-~w Ply'moutb, ean give you! *MOST VALU[ Of" THE LOW-.-..ICE I Look at all three. drive aU t.bn.e- JOQ'Il ... why Plymouth's the car tor 10U I ...,.MJY ... r. Yllral ,..,.. ..... ...... ...,w. ... eN benevlnt thet YOU GAll DO BEllER at Fair to Stage Cake Regatta A new automatic au ranee wUl be the er&nd prize ln a "ealaa recatta" to be held at the ue.5 Ot-ance County FaJr. Thl.a reeatta will be ~naored JointlY by the ValencJa oranee lf'OW8'• ol Orance County, the Southeorn Counties Gu Co. a_nd the Fair. ludelna wtll begin at 10:30 a .m. 'nwrsday, Aua. 11, for tour cla.uUkatlona: layer cakes (butter ~>; an~el food, chlf· ton or sponae; loaf, sheet or up. slde down cakes; and coffee cakes. All must contain fresh oranies In some form. The four wJnners"'IU be ellgt. ble to compete In the bake-ott at 11 a .m. Friday, August 12, when they wUJ mix and ba_ke their prlze cakes at the Palr. Each will select one ot tour .ranees tor her contest cake, and the grand wtn. ner wlll receive the ranee of her choice. Winning cakes wlll be dis.. played throughout the remain- der o! the Falr. Others may be claJmed lmm~ately Uter judg. lng on Thursday or wUl be do- nated to Orange County lnatltu- tlons through cooperation of the Orange County Health Depart ment. S403 E. Cocut Bwy.8 CO RON A DEL MAR · Pbooe Harbor 5071 ~~ The contest is open to any Or· ange County resident. man or woman. t-xcept professional bak· ers or home economists. There Is no age I Lmit. ANON llf TROUBLE An anonymous person who sounded intoxicated telephoned Newport police at 7:24 p.m . Sun- day, July 17, to say he had come out of tne water at Vince's Ca!e, Newport. was stranded and ln need of help. Ot!lcers could not locate the party calline. QUICI SERVICE ROLLER SHADES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery. H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. NAGNERS GET SON * hldde the * Call A son. Michael Steven, was born to Mr. and Mrs. J ames Magner of 702 Hellotro~ Ave .. Corona del Mar, on Thursday, July 7, in Hoag Memorial Hos- pital. ~ owce BA 884 432 UDd St.. Knrport a.acb I Read the Ensign Want Ad page. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • WHA ... 'S • • • • • • • • • • DOING • • • • • • • • T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Bad\ • • • • • e•eee•ee•e••••eeeeeee~eeeee•••e•••e How to help people get in touch with you faster If the telephon~ number ot your hou.!e isn't noll' luted"" der your name, it ea,ily can bl' In fact, et·~yont' in the famalu -11om. the y oung.•ten. rr.tt chtd "in-lall's", and .90 011 can have a "eporate li..!tinq. B.u hat:ing your otl'n name it1 thr phone book, you makr it ra•· icr for 'People to get in tor1rh with you. It can be thr di!Jrr· cnre /.Jrl trf·rn qctti11!7 or mi.!.,ing important calL!. And vou ran han• ,,our tJu·n li..!ting at kmall co.,t . So why not call u.• at Iff/li t trli'phrmr lmsinc.,,, office and talk it over. The telephone follows you wherever you go Ever nnt ice how often you find a public telephone nearby just when you need it? This Is cer- tainly oo accident. For we tele- phone people spend Iota of lime picking sites around town that'll be most convenient tor ~ you. That's wby you'll find phone booths ln thealel"'l, res- tauranlB, ftUing stations, and terminals. aloog highways, and in many other places where you often want to make a call. So next time you're away from bome and have a call t.o make, look for the familiar Bell emblem. It'a your sign there's a tele- phone handy. Pacific Telephone. • • • The attractive young lady shown here ls not the latest candidate for Queen of tbe . Oranee County Fair. which she could be. She ts Bar- bara Dosta, recently trans- ferred to your local office trom the large AxmJMteor Bu.slness Office In Loa An- geles. Barbara had a lot of good reasons for comJne heore. She not only Jove. to awtm and aall, but, moct Important, lhe wu recent. ly married to WJlUam A. no.ta, who Ia with the BaJ. 00. Marine Hardware Com- pany 1ft Newport Beach. Barbara la not only an at • traatJve addition to yo. bu.slntM oUkt. bu1 • ftD traJMd and emdeilt OM u well. We ...... • JMutr welclome to ... . NISS .AJlBAJlA BAJfDT. 1953 graduate of Jf.wporl Harbor Bllb Scbool cmd former resicleDt of Con>Da del Ncu. la th• bridle of t. IUcbard J[elth ShlYely. wbo la MrriD9 wlth the Air Pon:e lD Scm A.DtOillo. T•cu. The bride la the daughter of Nr. cmcl Mn. Nau. rice Lee BaDdy. DOW lD Saudi Arabla. R.ep. Utt Cites lniustice To Servicemen Overseas By JAKES B.UTT BepnMDtatift. 28th Dlatrict Many of you have heard a great deal about the Status of ForCi!'S Treaty which provides that o•J r military forces and thelr dependents when stationed ln foreign countries shall be under the criminal jurisdiction of that country for any offenses com- mitted. I am certain that none of you would want your loved ones who are servlne In the Armed Forces overseas to be denied their con. stltutlonal rtehts and be subject to prosecuUon and Imprisonment under a foreign Jaw. This treaty ls In direct violation of the American Constitution but due to the wording ot the Constltu tlon a trea ty with a foreign na tlon ls supreme over our Constl tutlon. The enactment of the Bricker Amendment would ellml nate this. This means that they can be a r r es t e d for minor oUenses, thrown Into foreign jails. and prosecuted without any of the protections provided ln our Con- stitution. However, U you are CIULDBEK WUf AWAJlDS employed by the State Depart At closing t"Xerclses of Dally ment in a foreign country you Vacation Bible School of the cannot be so arrested •and prose Newport Ha rbor L u t h e r a n cuted. The employees of the Church. awards for outstanding State Department go Into these work In memorization were countries by choice while our given to Merllee Kimbrough, boya who are drafted are sent Garry Martin, Karen Tollefson there recudless or whether they a_nd ao.eanne Seddon. The chll· WW. to 10 or not. • chen coUec:Ud 10,852 C&DCelJed Most foreten countries ~o not .tampa te be .nt to Qennany to have laws requiring trial by be tiOid to atamp collectora by jury. the rlaht to a apeedy trial the German Lutheoran Welfare or the right of habeas corpus, all Center residents. Prius tors tamp of which are guaranteed to Am· CollectJ ng were won by Stanley erlcan citizens under our Constl-Lord. Barbara Jo Gentosl and tutlon As a result hundreds of Kenneth McCardlt-. our M-rvicemen have been thrown --FI-It-ST_C_H_U_It_CH_O_,_C_H_l_IST-- into foreign jails for minor criml SCIENTIST nal Infractions and have been llOl Via Lido, N•wPOrl leech held thf"re up to five months In A bre,.ch of It•• Molh•r Ch11rch, The communlcado. Thry art-allowed F'"' Church of Chm1, Sci•ntiat. ;, eo .. one visitor per month. Such a to,, Meuochu,ettl. thing could not happ('n In this Su,.dey School ----9:15 a.m. cnuntry. Svndoy S.rvic• --·-··--II:()() e.m. W.dn•ldoy E-t•ni119 M .. tinq 8'00 p.m. e E][AMPL£S ~aedi,q Roo., l~t.d at H IS Via In onE' case In France during Lido, N•wport S.och, ;, ope" we•~ a stri.'E't S<'Ufflt' Involving an days from 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m .. Aml"rk:i n soldier somt>One was WadMidoys from 10,00 a.m. to 7 :~5 klliNl. and now the Communist p.m. Fr~dey ..,..,;nq• from 7·00 p.m. to pr<'<IS In Frnn<'e Is clamoring to 9:00 P m, Sund ay elt•rnoons 2 to S p.m. havP t hi~> soldier guillotined, al Clo1•d Holideyl. I though It Is his contention that The public l• cordiolly i,vit.d to at- ht' ""as In the scuffie In self-de-~::d.;~• R:u:.~h ••r-.•cas ettd u•• th• ff'nse. He will not be entitled to Bridal Shower In Costa Mesa 'YACAnoii&aO • llll).waT a.v. aDd lin. ftedertek atop ol Cofofta ~ IIU ue on a vaca- tion trtp to the M.ld.W..t. when they wUl be IPftldlnl eonatd•· Mra. Ana Moon ol llfewport. able t1me wttb their daucbter IM7 & C.... ... ••t who became the bride ol Edward and a:ranct.dauchter, Kra. Marl· C... 61& .._ IIA .., .Eader, a!» ot N...wport. at a anne B&rl* kD4 Dianne ot Kntttln& ~ an4 nupt1a.l ceremony tn San f'ran. Peoria. DJ. on their mum trlp Neeclfeotnt luppl* c:J.aco Monday, lulY 18, wu the they hoJNt to come bome by way ICnfttlnl .... eueat ot honor at a brtdallb.ower or Lakt Lou.IM and Vancouver, Speclallad .uc.or~M beld the precedtne Thunday at Canada. Rev. Rlnae wUl be back and lnltruetSona t.h~ home or MnL loeepblne Me-to conduct the Sept. 4 aervtee of• aova Carthy, 1944 Continental Ave., the Unlvenall.lt Com.rounlty F•l· Mon. thrU Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Costa Mesa. lJcow::lh~lP~· ............ ~ .... ~a&.a;a;;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;.; Mrs. Larkin Poinsett at New-,. port Heights was co-hostess. Mrs. McCarthy~ daughter, MH. Donald Wells, isslsted wlth ln- vltatlons and decorations. Carnes were played after open. lng of gifts. and the honored guest herself won the booby prize. Mrs. Sam Hubbell of Costa Mesa received the !lrst prize. Also present were Mrs. Van Hay~ of Irvine Terrace; Mrs. Robert Rae, Mrs. Frank Katnlk, Mrl. Ernest Orchard of Newport; Mrs. Alvtn Spencer o! Corona del Mar; Mra. Thelma Powers of Newport Heights. Mrs. William TambelllnJ of Santa Ana; Mrs. J ohn Russell of Temple City. Gifts were sent by Mrs. Har. rlett Dopyera, Mrs. Davtd Go- derty, Mrs. Ben Arnet. Mrs. Rex Canterberry, Mra. Martin Hirsch, Mrs. S. Wuhburn, Mrs. Richard Duncan, Mrs. Arlie Toulouse, Mrs. Carl Chapman, Mrs. Evelyn Manuel and Mrs. Harry HarrJ. gan. at Beach & Boulevard IPOIITS AJm CAIVAL W&U 320 S. Coat .lYCL Lopaa .._. ~~==---------=:.------= -. --- Light their life with foith l/6 ST. UDUWI Pa.EinTZJIIA!f CBVJlCII lSth St. It St. Andrews Rd.. CICI088 ~ ~kllool ......... J .... s. at.wa:rt SUNDAY : Morning wonhlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11:00; lr. High, Sr. Hlath and colleee age FellOW· s hips, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayeor, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOilJJIJTT IIETIIODIST GO W. ltua lt.. Coeta ,.._ UMny 1-4551 a...JeeepbW,IIc:SiaaDe SundAy : 9:30 a.m.. Church Sun· day School; 9:30 a_nd 11:00 a.m. Mornlna Worabl~7 p.m. College Are MYF Serv1ce-7 p.m. Hleh School MYF Service: 8 p.m., young adults group service. 111E CIIDCII OP CIIBDT 1oso a.uc~a at.. c.ta 11eaa Liberty...., D. a. .... lliiiJater Sunday ~: t :e a.m. Blble ltUdy; 11 a.m. mornJ.n.c WW· lhlp; 7:30p.m. evenln6 een1ce. Midweek aervtce, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TBE CIIDCB OP CII.&IST Odd Fellows I..odge. lMt Jfewport AYe.. eo.ta KMCL Liberty ~?II Tom llabr. Jr .. IOalater Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m . Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship setv· Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CIDUST CIIUllCB BT TBE SEA CoauDDDlty JletJaodlat lkll!MMI BlYCL at l•th St.. Knrport IIArbor S22t PcatOI': ReY. Boy A. Cati.IOD Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid- week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6 :15 p.m. potluck. P1UT AUEJOLT OP COD 2ZDd lt. £ J[JdaD A..._ CNta Ueea Lu.ty t..ml .. ...--4 ... c:. Oolak:. ... Sunday School: 9 :30 a.m. Wor--shlp: 10:55 a.m. and eva.neeUit service, 7:30p.m. Youne Peop1e and ChUdren'a Service. 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7 :30 p.m. Ladles' Mlalonary Council, Thunday. 9:30a.m. for all day. IEVEJrnl DAT ADVEMnl1 11.,.....-t Jll...S. at hl.aa lt.. M-..port ..._ta Uberty a.ISU ElCS. D. L apcna141Dg Saturday Morning Servteea: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m . C111711CII of tb• JfAZAJlBJIE 1115 .,w. lt.. Coeta ..... Patort .... ClJYe WIIUmna Llbelty a.YIII Sunday Servkel: SUIIday School, e:ao a.m. KCJmlnl WOnhJp at 10-.JO ..... ~ lav· Ice. 7 p.m. Su.Ddq. N.Y.P.S.. 8 p.m. Sunday: ~yer m~ 7:30p.m . Wed.neaday. PD.ST CII17'8CJI OP CIDUST SCIElnDT ,., 'Y1a ~;:rr -.acta Sunday School: 9:1S a.m., Sun- day S e r v l e e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlna MeetJne: 8:00. Readlna Room. 3315 VIa Lido. Newport Beach, open 10 a .m .-5 p.m. week daya. 10 a .m.- 7:45p.m. WedneJidaya, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnp. CBJliST LUTIDUK CBUaCJI OP COSTA MESA (IOunllt ayaod) AmerlcaD Levtoo BalL Coeta lleea Pat.a ""'· J..ot.b.ar Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· lee 9 a.m-Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. rtUT aAPrDT c::~~nca lata Aaa Aw. .t lf .... llc ~~~­....'·G. .... _. Sunday Servlees: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sc:bool; 11 :un. Worahlp Services· 8:30 p.m., Baptl.lt Tralnlne bnton; 7:30 p.m.. Evenln1 Service. WedneJiday : 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Pral.ae and Blbla Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Qorus p rae tIe e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a ptayer Keettnc. -..,..,.EntU• ... -OP 01711 LADT OP liT. CAJIIUL ltclW ...... ..._ ....... IIAdMIIr -· P..U..I~,.., • ...._ Pat!Mw ,_ rna Aalt. Sunday Mauea: 8:00 and 10:00 a_nd 11 :30 Lm. Confealon: Sat· urdaya and eves. of lat P'rldaya and Holy Daya trom 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and trom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Ma.a 8:00 a.m. P1rst Friday: 8 :30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Novena (fWpetual Help): TueadAy, 7::!/.m. l'llbennen'• ll.a.ae. July A.Uptlt. Sunday • a.m. OWlf' "I' 1ft CJOMIIO.ift ~ .... ,. ...... 515 w ........ ahd.. 8alboa ......_,-...r.w . ...,. Sunday Schqol, 10:30 a.m. Mom. ln& worship, 11:00 a .m. IT. JAJID &tiiCOPAL DDI VIc Udo. •....,.n ae.da ~ 11:10 .... Jolua & ....... llec:toc Sunday aervtc:es: 8:30 a .m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Sunday school; 9:30 a .m. m o rn l n 1 prayer and sermon, 11 a.m. worahtp service. Thuraday Serv- Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOD YlAJhfH 314 llariM A.._ acdboa lala:Dd IIArbGt' Ill. Patla• ls:eley· tator Patber ,__ .. Aalt. a jury trial. DIRECTORY I In Japan the wife or a service-IT. JOACIIIK CBVJlCJI man lf'ft ht>r electric Iron turned MUSIC liM ~ A...., Coeta lleaa on, &nd the house In which she Uberty 1·1011 •.u..oA ISLAKD COIOIVJfiTT ME1'110DIST 115 A911te A..._ hlboa laiGIIId NJDYtert a... Doeald lapp llcabor Ul5 Sunday Mauel: 7:00a.m. It 9:00 a.m. Confealon: Saturda)'8 and eves. ol 1st Prtday. and Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p .. m.: Firat Friday Ma.a 8 a.m. Summ~ Mus, l uly a_nd Aueu-t Sunday, 11 un. was Jiving caught flre. For this Margaret L. Scharle Pathew T1aoiDcD J. Knta act she Is now belng prosecuted Teacher of Plano la.Dday ,._.. at 7. I. I. 10 cmd Or lst A 1st 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mass at under the criminal laws of gan -ccompan 7:00 a.m. _ Confession: Satur· Sunday ~cea: 9:30 a. m . J&pan. Jn some of ttJe countries Evenlne Classes d fro ~ 00 • ., ·7 00 Cb -h "'-'-I 9 30 d 11 00 hlbl l l for Adults . a~ m ,; to 5:~ : to • u... .x;nOO i. -=· an : tht>re Is no pro ton aga nst 307 GOLDENROD AVE. 8:30 p.m. a .m. Worahlp :;ervtee. C2llftAI. ama.a Cllvac:a cruel and Inhuman treatment. Corona del Mar 0. A _. ~ 1 and some of the penalties for nJIST BAPnST CII11JICB C080KA DEL KQ a: "' ,... -t. robbery includt> the cutting ofl of '---r-O_M_E_JlAL __ D_IBE_CT_O_IlS __ ~ OP JfEWJOBT COIOIVJfiTT CIIU1lCB ~ A.?st~:;.sa tht' hands because they com-. llciiboa BIYCL. ltua & Cout au.. C•F•I•tl•cd Sunday Sdlool: t :4!1 LID. Mom· mltt<'d tht-oflense. Friendly NeiJhborhood Service •ewpon III,!I:::::Ti.f"' l.na aer.tce. 11:00; l:ftnlne A few weeks ago I introduced PARKES-RIDLEY II.Ait»or SW \ Uberty~-*"' --Sei'Vtc.-.. ?:30. llld·week Ber¥-a resolution along with several .__, lledMIIt G. J..,... PasWt lin. actwta a-a lee, Wectneaday, T:!O p.m. other Members that the PresJ. MORnJARY Sunday aervtees: 9:45 a.m., Sun-Sunday Wonhlp Servtea: 9:45 Youn• peo}'le meet 8:15 p.m. dent request a revlslon and 110 Broadway darc School; U :OO a.m., War· a.m.. U :OO a.m. Sunday School: Sunday. modification ot Article 7 ol the lib P $el'Vlce: 7:30p.m. Sunday 9:45a.m. -100-••- North At] tl Tr t th t Ll8-343alt8-343feo.taMeu evenln•~ervtee · Mld·Week • --...... a--.--•-• an e ea Y 10 a Servtce! 7 :30 p.m. Wedneaday SU.Oa AIIDDJ..lP OP COD CADIICill foreign countries wUI not ha\1!1~==========~ Prayer Keetlpe. CIMpeL loatllena CaW. ISOW.a-aa•a.c.... ..... crlmin 1 a 1 1 1 juriJKflctlon o 1 ver Am 0 eredl· N 0 W . . . T W 0 8tble c.lla.,. Lalltf ..._ can m tary personne sta on TUARlES MKWJOIIT IIAimOa Ubertr ....,1 ....,.., DL ... r« & .._ wtthln theiJ' boundaries. Thla BALTZ MOR LOfMIWAJf CADIICII a... c. a. 'I'll.,..... Sunday ecb~tt&S a.m.Tt· duateh resolution will be heard before Servin& the Harbor Area 1101 ......... Dr •= ._._6-leTYIC"' U am. aJnJnc -.... .. _.... SunctAv IChool "':30 a.m., momln, .... · · the Foreign Attain Committee Baltz Mortuary ua..tf I " ., • Union 7 p.m. &.~..-,. Jl'--1"'• within a week or two. CHAPEL BY THE SEA .... -....t a...l..S worablp 11 a .m. Youna people wonblp 1 p.m......,:-;:;.~ e PAlLED JK BOUIE Harbor 42 Early MrVIee. 8 :30 a .m. Sunday; aen1te 6:30 p.m., eveatne en a.nd omc...mett~,_. 7 p.m.. When the National Reserve 3520 E. Cout Blchway Chwdl ScbooL 9:30a.m.: WW· evangeU.t aervice 7:30 p.m. w~,. Ptuw ....t.ceand Blll wu coraldered, we weft auc. Corona del Mar ahlp ..-vtee. 11:00 a.m.; Luth• Mld-week eervt.ee 7:30 p.m. Btble ttuct1 1:41 p.m. W~ ceaful In addln1 an amendment Baltz M ortuary Leaeut. 7:00 p.m. Wedneaday. • day • to It to the eUect that no penon Liberty 8.21.21 Tbla Dlredory ia made po-lb\e by th-dm..mmcled bJaeh 1 •wu under this proeram could be 8ftlt 17h 6 Superior. eo.t.a Meu to any fOffetn country ln wblcb A.IIP'LE PA.JUO..NO WOOOWE)ItTH "ANO SHOP W&IElAL SHEET METAL WOitJC.S the St•tua ot PQI"Cea wu tn ef. 80TH LOCA'nONS Exdwdve ApiJt tor .. ltwtn Planoe • teet. We carrled the aJMndment 2610. E. Co..t Hwy. H•. na CAroM...... -lOth Street H ... 2210 Newport INch about three to one. But the Jle. ~----...;...-----~ aerve Blll c1Jd not put t.be llou8e r IALIOA lAY Q.UI due to a non·•e:rerarton amend. INSURANCE NEWPORT HAitiOl efSI&N NIWSPAPY 1221 w. eo.t uu.....-. ' ment COWI1.nl the Natloftal Prtntlni-Ad~l w... · ·~.., ............ G~,.,... a_ttempUd to amend "Be Swe-lnsure" 2110 E. c...t Hwy. H.r. 1114 C... ct.e Mer the Fontcn .Aid .w to the effect wmr that no torell'ft atd 8boa1d be s•ANLEY ctven to any country una-tt , a wouJ4 ~ C!rtlalnal jun. ---.. -AODCI cUcdon "" OUJ' Aimld l'cln.-el. lt .,._,_ ... ... w"' .......... allcJ we ..,... uaw.t to bee a rOll ...... w. IMJI atteiiiPt co I& elu6t ... .,.. '" -----.................... , .. ...... ltJCHAaD"S LIDO W-.taT Oru .. ~· Molt OQ!III ..... MJJ VII LWe H.Mr 2IZI New,.... ~Met. 1AJtL W. STANLIY, ...... ........ Pill ......... U. ..... Ofllee ..... ..... twW 1771 • • haircuts .. cool, comfortable . yet softly hess hair fashions Plloee: Barbae 4014 opea Wed....&!y eft1lia9 by appoi.Db:Dnt Miss Koivisto Recites Vows An Orance Cout Collece ro. mance bloaomed Into a ~­ dlng at Chrl8t Church by the Sea on Frlcay evenJna when Mt. Leslie D. Kolvtato became the bride of Richard R. M~y. The brfde Ia the ctauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Don KoJvilto of 15150 E. Ocean Fron t, Balboa. The g:rooms parenta, Mr. •and Mn. lobn M. McCarthy •t EucUd. Ohio, near Cleveland, ea.me to Southern CallfornJa tor their son's wedding. A double ring R'I'Vice was per- formed by the Rev. Roy C&rlaon, usJsted by the bride groom's brother, John. R. Mc:Cartby of Chicago, who Ia studying to be a mJnlster. The bride's whJte bouffant gown of ankle length was made of lace over organdy. The long sleeves ended In a point and the scoop neckline was edged with cut out lace nower applique. A halt·bonnet of lace formed her headdrea and held her circle waist-length veil. Her ca3C&de bouquet was centered ,wtU. white orchids. AttendJng the bride were Maid or Honor J4Jsa Betty Norton of Cliff Haven. and MJsa Lory Milne of Newport and Mlu DardJe Schaefer or Harbor Island, brides- maids. wearing nylon organdy, net cocktail length dresses with scoop necks and three·quarter length s leeves In orchid for the maid of honor and blue orchid for the bridesm aids. Their n ow- ers were cascade bouquets of pink BrlerciiU roses. Leslie Frei- tag was the wedding soloist ac· companied by La Verne Jacobs at the altar. Attending the groom weFe three young men, who h.ad served In the naval air force with him and are now also at· tending Orange Coast College. Th"Y were Jack Saplngton, as best man, Jack Hermance and Mason Fenton. Serving as ushers and candle.Jighters were the bride's b rot h e r s Tauno and Charles. Reception followed Im- mediately In Goodell Hall at the church. A spedal assistant at tbe party was Mrs. Jane Curtis of Balboa. Receiving guests, Mrs. Koivisto wore a mink colored taffeta tunic gown of street length with bracelet length sleeves and an orchid corsage. Also wearing an orchid corsage was the groom's mother. Her gown was beige lace. The bride graduated (rom New port Harbor Hlgb School before attending Orange Coast College, w here abe was a member of the student councU. M.r. M.c:Cartby An attractive fresh Interior for your home can be ach ieved by using our services PoiiTiiEiY;iEVEIT J~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~;r;;~~~~~ 1 r ad" ate d from CleYeland ..,._ o4 ....a with l'aftl air foree for four and one-halt )"NN'S Including many combat ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUfi BURN ----·-·..-r·---· ••••••••••••••• • OUAIANTU • .... ~If: c::::t4SIA & ICI • .. ...,..., ...... .., ... _..,.... . ........ ......, .. • •••••••••••••••• Newport Harbor Is recom· mended as an Ideal place for a tall honeymoon In the first Issue of the new quarterly magazine. Bride . to -Be, published thls month . An article for honeymoon plannen Ays that Newport Har- bor Is a place where residents "think and breathe boating and where, on recatta days. the Ails look like a thouAnd fluttering bandketthlefs." AJIWUIU. LOWCIIEOR MEETIIfG roa KDfA ALUIOfU CLU. The Orange County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumna~ Club will hold Its annual luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Bal- boa Bay Oub. Mrs. Charles Burns, director of the Southern California Federation of Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae, Is ex- pected to be present and give a report of th~ r«ent dt..trlct con. ventlon at Long Beach. Mrs. Wll- Uam Holstein Is general chair-- man. For ~.~.. ..,_,e~ooes eel THE ENSI6N. HA-1114 Oet •~'l••intell mith CJ).M. TRAVEL SERVICE JfO UIIYJCE dU.aGEI NOW BOOKING lftAIDIDP .... &..-. ....... , __ •• Glamour Glitnpses By AJflf We have just received a mt>mo from Vogue magazine giving the latest In fashion .predictions for autumn and wlnl"er. The lovely original colors. the r ich textures. the magnificent fabrics make us realize why the fall fashion pic ture Is best loved by the stylists and designer artists who paint them. The pndlctioa.a a1lo mab u.a ncd1M the de9w buyi.Dg lD the trau-MCDOD ~ cm4 ~ foaad rigbt DOW at o-an.a·.. .... .. bclft cot- toea of a comfortable welgbt cm4 atyle f• ript DOW, wblcb wW tit beautihally I.Dtlo yaw tcdl cm4 wtaw ~ fac:t .,....'11 be ........ ~ tor --tb.a cmd --tha. Wcrtdl f• -• of theM bDpofta:Dt Vogue faala.loa pol.ata: A world of color stemming from the "New Blacking." A dull Inky black or a bright lacquer black creep5 Into other colors to create "fl~ browns" and "dark. ling red.L" Abo In the color spec- trum discover London Greens- from black tea to pea soup-and green plaids with much blue ap- parent. You'll find night blu~ with stln of blackness and ocean greys ranging from charcoal to whale CTeY· r..._ ... •u.-s • IMk .nat tMr __ ,_,_ _,.. tM ...... a.t IMII UIDe wwl -IIWt. ,... ..... ..,.. 8q'lo wm...---.~aa.IMk tlliaa tM 1M& elf a lllllrtc. Watch for the luxury look (find It ln 80ft enveloping cuh· mere .-.eaten aa well u dresses and new ooat.a) and ask Mlsa O'Brien lf you're stuck on how to coordinate your new dark ~­ tona w1th your next ~euon W&fd. robe. And come In .oon and~ tbe IWtpt new fall hatt and belc.- Ju.t In at O'BRIEN'S! rnlsaJons In Korea. before return- Ing to school at Coast. After a honeymoon In Southern Callfor· nia, the young couple wil livt> In Orange. SGT. KD.LEB lS SEBVUfG AS TAJfUB Df BAW All Sgt. Frank R. Miller. son of John 0 . Millt>r, 2516 Nt>wport Blvd.. Costa Mesa. Is a membN or the 25th Infa ntry Division in Hawaii. Sergeant Miller, a Har· bor High graduate. Is a tankt>r In Tank Company of the division's 35th Regiment. " Clossifieo J'\d In I ne Ensio " brinqs immediote results! Coli Horbor II 14-1 liS ond orove it! Slolpen1aloa.. ~ at BAfPT DAY SCBOOL b Little Polk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del MIU Harbor 4369 Under new management Mrs. Jean Vaughn. director Otwn doon .-«1 w...-... .... fa ... rwt • M>n~ (rom hom e. vea~tioru-theM ~ gn-att"r perila for ,.aJaubiH and important paJ'4'nl kt-pt at homt-. Fil"t' or thievH could strike whl le you're away. \'our vaJuablt"s 'hould have year-round Safe ~pcNit Box prot«tion here in our vault. A box at thia bank ~tA only a few dollars a year. Re nt youn now • * lewport Harbor Bank .,. ....... -----T -~--,.---· • Fall Fashion Show PRESENTED BY Virginia's Snip 'n' Stitch Yardage Shops Featuring Styles Created from BATES DISCIPUNED COTTONS AND T ARNMOON REGIMENTED COTTONS n • ...,,-.-. .. al:ae .... at the VWa Marina Restaurant ..,_.,. Drlv. at lbe Entr~ to Balboa laland "--Call Rafter _, tw I.u.neMon ..... •atJonil .z-•-- BALBOA GOLD MINE ' 8 F•il•••• ..... ~ II 1111 ._ I 111111 ...... 1111 PilL Ill,-.. ,, $21, .. FUU P.E • • J. M. MILER COMPANY 2025 W. Balboa Blvt , Newport Harb« ~1 "Half-Way to Heaven': ''START UVING'' IMMEDIATELY, lN IRVI.NE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACliTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Calllornla's Most Beautiful SubdJvi.ston" T omorrow• s Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO lNSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DfVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in thE.' $24,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Cal ifornia living. Offered exclu. sively through Earl W. Stanley ln a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terrace--on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Cliff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Ha rbor 4448 For Further W orrnatlon AIIOUICEIEIT We are proud to announce the association w ith th is oUice of c •. ,.,.. ..... .. w; know their many !rienda wtll be happy to welcome them back to Balboa Island. WI. W. SAIFMD, RuHor And Associates Park at Marine. Balboa Island-lfarbor 2462 CORONA DEL IAR 3 bedroom ancl den home. 2 baths; 2 garages. nice pat 10: fir<'plac(' Plus L'nu«ually rh11rm1ng ~turlio a partmrnt with beam ceil ings, tllro bath. kill·henNtC'. and sun deck. Yearly n·ntPd at $73 a month. Full pm·c $19.000 Including most of furnishings. lmmc dw te poss('ssion. STANLEY· A SIITH, Realtor 26--17 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, ~-----------------------Harbor 882 NEWPORT HBIHTS 01111 Heuse: I ,_ •• -4 ,.m. 609 Sl Ja11111 Place second house oft 15th St. BAY AID BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Ba lboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 1264 CORDIA DEL IAR LOOKING FOR A STEAL? See this custom bit. 2-t>ro rm. hom<>. 2 patios. F. A. heat, huge frpl. hdwd. floors- $17.500 xlnt. terms. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED IB.DA IIBSOI, Ruiter 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Island, Harbor 502 • Every Member of the MULnPLE LIS11NG SERVICE belongs to a unique organlzatton. The. members pool their me!'ChandiM-homes, .torea, and oth• real pro- perty for sale-then work from th1a pool each with hla Ml)aJ'ate factlltles that each aelllng ownft' may receive the H'J'VIa. of ma ny REALTOR sales outlet. t htougb. out the w hole Harbor Area. Proven a tJne SERVICE to sellers and buyea alike In proVtdJn1 a broader, otderlY and fNe market tot aU at no t~ ODIC to our~ , NEWPQRT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS , Near Newport Pier Vogel Value •• ,.,. Htipla C.._.uc, 3 Btlra, Earlf Alllrl-1 ... In the heart of Npt. Hts. 14~'x23' living room, used brick fireplace, HW qoors, 1 ~ baths, 10'xl2' dining room. Handy k itchen w ith dlsp., !an, natural wood cabinets. Patio, fenced yard. Dbl. garage, Shake roof, .Redwood 1: stucco exterior. 1280 aq. ft. of charm 1: value -only $16,750-very good terms. Don't fall ta see th la home. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 Cort11 HI lar Du,lex 1· bedr. & bath In rear leased a t $65 per mo. Front 2·bedrs., I ,., baths & den. On la rge 60 !t lot. Priced for quick sale $23,950 UHiale Lovely 3 bedr., 2 baths on 44 tt. lot. Priced at $31,500. Owner w lll carry paper. DUICll IWIDESTY ...... 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Harbor 4718 1 year guarantee on jobs done and on used washers. 2488 ~ (rear) Newport Bl., Costa Mesa. Uberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 BEACH APT. t., lOIII froiiiiCiflll Newport Beach. 4 s pacio us unJts plus mgrs. apt .. well furnished lc In 1st class cond . thruout. Income ex- ceeds $5,500 yrly. Price $4.2.500 with $17.500 down, payments. of $205 per mo. a ... luf.S.yerta ....., 3112 Newport Blvd., N. B. Har)>or .2552 eves. U 8-3186 llSSAIE In your home! Ladles only. For appoint- ment. please call Harbor 0292. 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. tt., forced a ir heat, hardwood floors, fireplace. Real plaster. Large picture windows , natural hardwood cabinets. Can finance 70?C of house and lot. Phone for app't. to see our model homes- IARSHALL HOlES • 20 Years Building In Orange County Models Open: Newport and Mitchell, Tustin Kimberly 7-3293 Kimberly 2-3569 Eves. Li berty 8-4073 BEFORE YOU BUY • TRY FRANCIS J. H.VlTH, Realtor BUSINESSS OPPORTUNTTY OF THE YEAR: Washeteria In Corona del Mar. Price reduced from $13,000 to $9.000 for quick sale. 5-yr. lease. equlpl remodelled In A-1 cond. Future pote ntial very eood! ON NEWPORT ISLAND: Newport Beach duplex, J.bedr. a nd 2 bec1r. u nlta. New loan $12,000. A·l location. Price $21,500, terms. COSTA MESA: 4 Bedrs .. 2 baths, brand new. $14,000, terms. ALSO: 3 rooms lr bath. corner lot, neec:ls electrical, plumbing and carpenter work. A steal at $3,500! LIBERTY 8-5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 Npt. Blvd., Costa Mesa 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. "Bl Y FRIIT IPECIIUSTS" ART C. KISTLER CO .. REAL ESTATE ~ Newport Blvd. Newpott Beach Bubar 5231. da7 or nlabt AUtwe.,..,-. ........... _.Je-.._.._....._ ...... h--. ........ , .. , •• , ......... --· ......... ".., ............ ... ...... u .... AT ... .10111• I- LDfCOLlf-IIDCVIIT LJ 1-55&5 a w..t c:.a.t 111v1away KElDOIIT auca ()pea Eftll. "Wll:30 SAVE ...... Tbll WMII OD Brautl lew IEICUIYS AT JOHISH I SON LIKCOLJf-MEBCUBT LI a.sus 900 West Coast Blghwoy MEWPOBT IEACB ()pea Eftll. 'tW 1:30 Auto· life· Fire L E. CADIIII W. I. LAirDII ~1-1011 113 E. 17tJa lt., Coeta Meea SUP &l:ln'ALI: .. boat ICtal roa Ul.& · ....._ IDU. I' bema. Ill SJfiPE SA.JL80AT, ~with lei\IUL ~ IAJioa Ran. traUer a b~: ,.._ ~ a.?OG lala aad -..,, lf.wport, HAC. betWMn t a.m. aDd t * • O'BRIEN MOTORS * • .., ... I .. '55 DoDGE V-8 SUB~AN O.erclJUe. W -W TJNL 2-Tone Only 4.000 Mil•! . '51 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN De luxe Model-Sharp! Mcmy Other CJ.ecm Can * To ChooM From SEE US r•AYI 1680 Newpott Boule•ard . u 8-7272 Open E•eninp & Sundays • ,,ocluct o.,;,,. '•c.l•v• o..;,,. Acl•ertitl119 O.si9" Architecture I lflystretiOIIt '•lf•Up e11d "'occ KtiOf' We take pleasure in announc:in9 our new location . Airtwwh ellfl P'ttot .. Retovch lllustretlottt C.rtOOM L..Hen119 room ld •t 1600 WEST COAST HIWAY Newport ... ch. c.nt design ond ort • created ond produced to tnMt the needs of business ond ind ustry Shop at the Crossroads Yilage acrou the Freeway &om Hoag Ha.pital • • • IIIH IJ I.W I Yecel HEAR llfllf~ VITAMIN F1~11 ••• MISS MAliNA lOGOS famed Vitamin Coruullanl for Wm. T. Tbompeon Co. will in OW' .ton . ... . . to tell )'OU about the lat.e.t J a(ormat ioa on vitamin• • and miner& .. in the &eld o( bum&D nutritioar. 1"0~ ~v••·I-ORT THAT COSTS LaSS LASTS LONGR~ ROY D. GAWTHROP I * ....... , * Is Back <•• ...... -Lido Dn9) •w IPEI F•l .. lllll ,.,., , .. PAl IT it will,., , ........ . Your paiotiog prob- lems ate .,(vec~ with the appJicatioo of PI NE dLO COL- ONY Paints. 'They ate formulated to as- 1\ll'e luting beaucy· aqd wear. * We Clft * ea..na ...... CIIWI IIDWIIE 1107 &. c-t....,. c.n.a dUM• "SAVE!-EYERY DAY Choice, Selected Meats" ( ............... ) STEll ---.asarEw SWIFT'S BACON DD.ICIOVL TDDU CUBE STEAKS -numnr OC*IL&ft ....-c:araro ..... nD J:I'JDIATES SIB Green Stam~ ,.,.. dellvery CORONA DEL MAR NUBSERY BA 1038 2T<M E. Cout Bwy. I CONSTRUCTION iililiiliOND 0. CAN. SUebUy \ded. Good blc aavlnc. Another wondftful buy. H a m m o n d Chord Orean. lJttle uaed. The orcan everyone can play. Danz.. Schmidt Plano Co., 52> No. Main, Santa Ana. SPINEl' PIANO. BeautifUl cue and tone. lJttle Wled.. Save over 1100 on thJa. Another barcatn. Minor type Spinet only $295. Many other wonderful buya. SANTA ANA Danz..SchmJdt Mu.tc Co.. ~ No. MaJn, Santa Ana. A.lwaya 100 pianos! ORGAN. E1ectronlc! Uaed but 1n excellent condition. Two man- HELPERS uals. Fine for church or home. You can aave $800 on tht. pur- chue. Danz..Schrnldt, 52> No. Main, Santa Ana. YIU will have an opportunity to advance In our firm, becauee of our present expahllan prolf&lQ. The lltartlne salary 11 aood and you will receive tr. qumt 1ncreuet. too. Joba now tor: TELEPHONE OPEilA.TOBS -A.pply- 514t,i No. M.aln Street Rm. 211--Banta Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. . PACIFIC TELEPHONE •• Prt)lctlra STEINW A. Y GRAND. Gorceou. In FOR RENT every way. Parlor alze. This 8-MM 16·MK 35-MM CAREER wonderful Instrument at a big and 16MN Sound Projectors saving. Many other Grands. FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Mason lr Hamlin, Knabe, Story Model Airplane SuppUes ~P-c~a;~.~~~:J:~.::S ~~ ... Ctmlrl ..., Main; Santa Ana. 100 pianos. 1782 ~=~Blvd., ~Men BENEFITS PUSOJfAL SAVE .... Include paid vacations and holidays, 5· day wk. Co. paid pension and dilabUJty plan. APPLY 1 030 E. First Santa Ana Mon.-Fri. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY ~~~=-----·-~--~----TRADE IN your old watch on a new HamJJton. It means so much more to clve or get a Hamilton. WalJace Calderhead, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. aoATS roa SALE H~RC0-40: Fast, radio, auto. pllot, elec. ranee lr refrlg., $16,000. See at Hirsch's Beacon Landlnc, 1301 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. IlEAL ESTATE roa SALE oa ...... IEICUIYS AT R-2 LOT, CDM, level. near JIIISOI 1 .... church, schools and s hops. For .... sale for practlcalJy nothing. LIXCOLif--IIEaCUirT Owner. HA 3021. LJ a..SS&S CDM z.bedi. home. R-2 zone. 2. too Wen Coast m,tnray car gar.. laundry. covered lfEWPOBT aEACB lanai, fpl., tile, landscaped, "Hints'' from House and Garden, at Newport by C:OO..U. llitc:1aeU Interior Designer This week we will tell you about our drapery workroom and some of the mterestmg things · that have been done . . . One of our decorators, Bob Hammerschmidt, had several sash windows m a bedroom that needed a different treatment than just the usual drapery effect. He designed a stunmng traverse shade, a mochhed vers10n of the "Austrian b lmd"-the fabnc was shirred on rigid supports and the ends were trimmed with luxurious wh1te tassels. The fmal effect hod a very elegant old-world look. Another decorator on our staff. Jac k Gray, achieved a stunmng and sophlsticated drapery treatment for a dressmg room window m an apartment ... He took a stnp of crinoline about s1x mches w1de, then glued multi-colored strips ::>f sa1m nb,bon about four inches w ide to the top . . . then the whole top was French pleated, the rest of the ribbons hangmg loosely to the floor. These a re a few examples of how we at House & Garden take any drapery problem and work it out effectively for individual clients ... and of course. there is Lulu Marcom m the drapery workroom who makes the bedspreads, draper- ies. and the many different mtncate styles we design .. Next week we w1ll tell you about our upholste ry workroom Hou se ... Gar~ en FumiJiing for homes, apartments, dubs, yachts. 3017 West Coat BJgbway lfewport leadl Liberty 8-5511 $14 750 t A dr Co ()pea EYeS. 'tW 1:30 , , ~ n ~n ., ~============~====~~======================~==============~=== HA 1540. -SAVE OYD . $12011 TBJI WEEK Olf ........ UIOII.IS AT ...... 65~ 89~ DELUXE, 2-bedrm ., un!urn. du- plex, so. htway. Forced air .heat, hardwood noors.. garage, sep. patio. CDM HA 1684-R. MODERN apartments and rooms with private bath, some with prl"ate balconies. overlooking harbor and ocean, half block to beach ; daUy, weekly or monthly rates. The Palisades, 2500 Seaview, CDM. ATJ'R.A.CTIVE sleeping r ooms. ldtcben privileges If desired, $28 a week. Half block to beach. The PaJlsades, 2500 Sea. view, CD¥. I'UJ.H. APT .. &ood 1 o c: a t l o n , ~no.. au·--,_,., I... .. ddMIINn. 110 pel& t10 Karperlt.e. CDK. CDM 3-bedr. 6 den, unf. home, caraee. Lovely view, yrly. lease. Inquire Louise Apts., Carnation at Seaview, CDM. YOUNG MAN desires part time work evenings and week ends. Has pick-up truck, so also will do delivery, help you move, or? Phone Harbor 1623-J after 4:15 p.m. BABY SliTtNG. care of sick. your home. Day, n ight, mature CDM woman. Before 10 a.m . after 5 p.m . HA 31~ M. lnvitat ioM -Announcem(fl'k "Bri~C6 note6· Lettu ''Baptr Callinsca~ lntormals FOI YOU I COM PUl E PAPII TROUSS EAU FINE PAPERS .-1 .w exdv•f¥• ..,... ............. ~c!s~~! ZZS Ftnltk ."-: HT 4-6544 LAGUNA lEACH ., l'lriel's 4111 ••••I AUGUST COAT EVENT The event you've heen waiting for . I . I' \ \ \ SWIFT'S ·FRANKS. --··············-···-····---· 43~ SAVE .... WRAP YOURSELF in th. lu•ury of 011e of 0 BR lEN S new coots . . . CHOOSE AMONG th• famous lobels--symbol that Amenca 's finest designer\ hav• · g iv•n their ~al of fo1hion approval ... and fabrics like Strooch ond Forst mans in twe.ds, cashmeres, camels a nd shags. IlL 29c, 4lbs., .,. INSURE A. spfendid buy os ~u as maqn•fic•nt coot by set.cting the coot of your choice d uring O'BRIEN S August Coot Event: 10% ~*-'+Oft My of eMir MW co.ttl ~ ,......._:4 "'-" now Hwe ..... A..,.tl A DEPOSIT WILl.. MOLD YOU'a COAT OPPOSITE rH~ BALB9" "A Y ~~~~ • • • OYERLOOIQN.~ DO CHANNa . - Newport Beach's Finest and Most Convenient Office Building This attractive modem building waa designed to tit the requirements of its tenants and also to afford com- fort and convenience to you, their c~enta. Centrally lo- cated to serve the entire community . . . easy to find . . . with plenty of parking aide and rear and occupied by outstanding tenants. South Coast .Mortgage Co. Medical Building Company Russell E. F9rd Realtor Norman A. Gamble PubHc: Ac:eounta:nt Dave Doane D.dgn cmd Art Robert Vaughan and Co. Yaddlrobr We Wish • ~very Success To 1600 West Coast Highw~y • KELSO & SLOAN BUILDERS . . , Best Wishes To 1600 W ~st Coast Highway , ' IOVTII COAIT. MOII'I'Q&Qa 00. IODICAI. avJLDma COIOAIIT .vlla.l. &. IIOD. DAL'Iaa Co~t £<!lege Bu~!.!;!earing S!!.._f!!!'... MondaL OCC Models Gaining Fame Fr01• the POUCE BLOttER OUIIGa COUT Jg cxw•wos waa."T or OUifU •• ~. ._ U.. .... ~ t u:.. :t'l:ll. La-._. ...... au.D& uu or DIITIIICI' l~!!IS ActuallY Katntalned l8tb to ltth, tnclu.alv~. lSM-:56 Budpt Plan 1Jth to lttb. Jnelualve. A.a.Aaa DAILY AIIUDAJica (d ...................... dUbtct) 195t.M AA:tu&J -.. --............. ..1.'725 7-1'1l.AJalPOin'A1101f OP PUPILS SaJariel ud Wac-·--........ -. ()t ... ~ ·-----···-......... _ .•. Gl'Oia Total .. ~·---.. -........ ... . LeM: Relmbunementa from certain 1.9,396.11 other dUitrlru ···---------· Net Total ..... --.. ·-····-···· ·-.. ···-19,;¥J6.11 Total Cunent Expense of Education •. _ .............. -................... ..$ 7~.179.13 9,!588.00 t,.135.00 18,931.00 18.931.00 $ IMS,OTT.OO ~:58 Budpt FAtJmate ·--...2.<m WOTIC2 01' ADOJ'TIO• AWD ftAirUII1TAL All aetlon• have bftn taken on thla budpt durtna ~lar or authorlz.ed lped&J meetinJ of the aovemtna board. Thla dlatrlct la not a member of the County I.Jbrary System. 8-FOOD SEKVICE Wlnntna modela and Cltawtnp aubmltted by Orange Cout Col· Ieee lltudenta In the a.rchltectu. ral drattlnr compftitlon •pon· aored by tbe Newport Balboa Savlnp and Loan &MOClatton will be shipped to Northern Call. ComJa to be pJaoed on dilplay there. 1. A.. S.k. ~altor tor many yean In Newport Beach, hu re- quested the modela tor a deveJ. opment north of Sacram.tmto. Seek plana to ahow the m~la In connection wlth an exeluave aubdlvlslon In Hidden Valley, according to Seek. Thla reslden tla] area will be almllar to the Short' Cliff development in New port Beach. The models produced by lbe Oranee Coast atudent.s were conaldered to be especlaJly appropriate Cor this kind of area. To the County Superintendent ol Scl\oou: T'ENTA'MVE BUDGET: ThJa budaet Ia h..-eby tJled by the JOV· ..-nine board of the lcllool district. DATE OP MEE"lUfG 1une 77, 19M. Sl,ned Lo\Jla Conrady, Cl..-k. PUBLICATION BUDGET: The l ovemlnJ board on July 1, 1955 made auch revlalons, additions. an changes aa 1t deemed dHirable or nec:esaary, pendlna publication. public hearlna and final adop. tion. 11fE PUBLIC HEARING ON TifJS Bt!DGET WILL BE HELD AT ORANGE OOAST <X>Ll..EGE BOARD ROOM on AUGUST l , 1955 at EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. Slaned w. M. Lonamoor. Clerk. 111JO(An Or CUaa&JfT DllftlCT TAX ••oomac&Jn'l roa liM-55 Alaoaat • PVIfD GD4 POUOIE _. T--Ta aate C..put.ct Genera] Fund -·-oooooo•oo..... .. .... 00 .. ~ IJa.tt Ta Bate Total oooooooooooo................ .... .. ..... _.,$965,374.97 Exempt Portion of General Fund Requlrementa l . Cominunlty Services . _ ..... -. ..$ 9.414.97 5.. TOTAL. 1 to 4, Inclusive ....... .$ 9,415.00 $0.05 .0070 (2) Other Food Service ................ 5,140.48 Sa.larlea and W~es ............. . Othft Expente ........... _ooooooooooo Total ... 00 ............. 00 .......... . 9--COMMUNlTY SERVICES SalariH and Wa ges ..... oo ............ .. Other Expen.ac ................. _ ...•... Total ................................ _ ... . 10--CAPITAL OUTLAY Other Capital Outla6 ~-i~8~~=~~~-~ .. ~f. ..~~~-~~~-- d. E4ulpment ..................... . .... . Tota l .................... . T-TRANSFERS Other Tultlon Transfers ............ .. Total Transfers 00 .... 00 ............... oo .. UNDISTRIBUTED RESERVE ... .. 5,140.48 7,441.01 V Wl.Ol 52.007.53 863.451.87 66,347.99 981.8t17.39 Net Gen..-al Purpose aubject to tax rate limitation ............... .$955,960.00 .64 Total Expenditures and Tranate.ra ...... ·--.............. .. ..... $1 ,731 .!i68.01 .6400 V. ENDING BALANCE JUNE 30 --Cash In County Treasury ............ $ ~192.15 .6470 Cash In Bank ............ 00. .... 'B.053.51 Th~ Tax Rate Llmlt for Genera] Purposes Ia the Statutory llmlt or Revolving Cash Fund . .. .. oo.oo 500.00 Voted llm.lt. whichever applies as ahown below: Caah CoJJectlona awaitlne Voted Umlt. The rate authorlzed by an election May 20. 1949 deposit oooo ................. oo •• whereby the maxlmum rate wu Increased from $.35 to $.64 to Account! Receivable . provide "money for the purpoaea or bulldlne purposes, altera. GENERAL RESERVE JU NE 30, tlon.a or additions. aupplles, furniture or necessary apparatus 1956. for 1956 57 ......... .. and improveme-nt of arounds, for the year or years of 1949-1950 to 1955-1956. Total Current A.asets ................. .. AJIALnll of OUaAAL POWD TAUS E.DJIPT l:roal or Less: Current Uabllltles . Net Ending Balance ......... .. VI. TOTAL. EXPENDITURES AND 0.00 TRANSFERS PLUS NET ENDING IU'IJECI' to snCIAl. TAX UTE LDIITS JTU( COIOIO'JfJT'llaaVJCES POJlPOIE 529.63 160.00 344.435.29 45,795.35 298.639.94. i =~t~ ~~~::~~~)~1~ ooooooo-·-· .... _. __ 00000000000000 , a. 1155.644.070 (Secured Roll '54-'55) tlmes $.0054 BALANCE .. .... 000 •• ..$2.030.207 .95 (E'Xceu Jl&t.e '54·55) ,_ ...... ooooooooo• ·-···""""'""""""""" $8.4():1.78 b. 116,:217.7!50 (Unsecured Roll '54-'55) times 1.0000 (Excess Rate '53.'54) ... 000000 •• 00 ............ _ ..... $ 0.00 3. lleltrtcted balance plua tax recelpta ( 1 plus 2a pJua 2b) --.. -............. ___ .................. 0000 .......... oo ................. .$8,404.78 CAFETERIA ACCOUKT I. BECINNfNC BALANCE. JULY 1 Caah In Costa Mesa Bank "Operating" cash oo ..... oo ... • •••• $ 6,002.00 2:50.00 6.252.00 5.250.00 5,789.00 11.039.00 91 .730.00 697,671 .00 135,013.00 924,414.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 34,596.00 Models whk h will be shipped north are those constructed by Dick Hanson. Anaheim; Ernest VIllalobos, Orange; John Ballew. Newport' Beach and Ron Mont gomery. Seal Beach. $1,922.378.00 AJl work was done In conn~ tlon with archlt~tural draltlnr dasses taught by Oscar Taylor at Orange Coast College. 500.00 F .... Fa1111n Pill Ctllfy Fair El~lll 50,00000 Several hundred high school youths. all members of the Fu. turt' Farmers of America. are preparlne for the 1955 Oranee Coun ty Yalr, Aue. 9-14, with a 50•000·00 wide range of entries slated for competition. $1.972.878.00 Tht> FYA program. carried on $ In eight hleh schools of Orange County. ~ncourages many boya from non farming environments to prepare tor agricultural ca reers. • e 1fa.aDAT. JVI.,T • Bruc» .. umettter of 203 Ruby Ave .• Balboa laland, reported the theft of a $12 lb'l'a bicycle from In front ot hiJI rsldence ... Ru.s •ll J'onland of 109 Park Ave .. Balboa laland. re-ported the theft ol a white s lUt car cover from his car ... Mn. lrla C. Underwood ol 416 Narcissus Ave.. Co rona del Mar. oomplalnt>d of the theft of a Jlrl'a blut> and white blcyclt" from that a ddress ... TWo boya. both 16, from Corona del Mar and Corona Highlands. wt>re ar rNted on <'harges (If cur!PW vlo latlon a fter aiJt>gt>dl)• throwtne flrecracl<Prs in tht> Park Avl" Cafe, Balboa Island ... e nrtrBSDAT. JtJLT 21 Mrs. Cornelius Hulst of Pasa d£>na rf'purt<'<l the loss of a $1 50 topaL ring rn the t ('!,t room of tht' ChE'f"s Inn. Corona del Mar ... William Brashear~ of Fullerton rt-portt"d that his Sll5 watch was taken from a blanket on tht> beach at thl' Corona del Mar jetty whlll" ht> was In swimming . . . William Robinson of 1404 W. Ocun Front. Nt>wport Beach. re portNI tht> tht>ft of a rod and r('(>l valuf'd at Sl5 from his tront porch T'wo glass rods and two fish ing r('(>IS valut"d at $65 were stul('n from the baek porrh Droniq rtelill's lotlr s..t 11 St. I.Hia 1 Tht> body of Walter Graham. I 34 of Long Beach. was ~nt by alr Monday from Baltz Mortuary. Corona df'l Mar. Cor funeral serv Ices rn St Louts. Missouri. of the rM1denc. of Fred Ptnk of 1408 W. ()eroan Jl'tont, Newport Beach ... Warren E. Bolton of 205"' 44th St., Newport leach, complained of the theft of hJa sldtt from the public landlnl at 44th St .... Ralph Chue of DlO E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa. reported that rhlldren scratched new pl .. ter In a houae under consttuc tlon at ~ E. Ocean Blvd . Bal· boa ... A car driven by AIMrta M. Brooks, 45, of Santa Ana.. hit a palm trH In front of the New- port ~aeh city hall at 8 p.m. a twr a tlre blew out. cauatne her to loose control of thf" veo. hlclt-A $75 }olntl'r attach ment to a power saw. owned by Art !Wills of 1984 Ma.plt-St .• Costa M<>sa. was stolf'n from an open garage at 177 Vra t.:ndlne. Lido lslt> ... Wade Randt'll, 16, of 518 Dahlia Ave. Corona df"l Mar, surlt>red cuu about his face and legs and torn clothing when he hit a roueh spot In thf" road at Ocean Blvd. and Carnation Ave , Corona del Mar. on hls motor scooter and Cell off ..• Vehicle!! driven by Bert I. Smith. Costa Mesa city couneilman. and Marvin E Tritsch of Huntington Beach. we~ Involve(! In an &e· cident at Coa:st Hwy. at Irvine Terra<'P . 1 Continued on Page lll STEll liTIS lcMatWcally C.troU.CS Bowa:ld CGbtDet Correeti•• MaM<~ge ••ax lD the Balboa lalan.d Massage Parlor • I S»/a Avate. hlhoa lalGDd rw.....--..tcall ....,._ 150-W • .__., ts. ---~-4. Actual expenditures 1954-55: a. Charged to Budaet Clua 9 ........................... oo .... oo .. oo ..... $7,441.01 ''ftewrve" caah . ....... .. . Cash CollectJons awaiting deposit 2.564.79 2S.OO 17.00 35.32 1,901.00 2SOO 4.00 41.00 579.00 287.00 As an toxample. Newport Har bor High School, which bas very llnle strictly farm ar~a In Its dis trlct.. has 8S studt-nta enrolled In the YF A program during the Mr Graham died from drown lng at 4:05 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. In the surf at 19th St .. New port Bt>arh He yf'lleod Cor hf'lp In tht> water and a liCe guard went 10 hls re<"Ue. Newport po. lice rt'ported He took hold of the lite guard's rescue-can and was rr==========~~ b. Charaed to Budget Cla.as 10 ........................ 00 ........... 00.$ 0.00 c. Total (a plut b) ....... _.. . ......... oo ................................. $7.441 .01 5. Restrlcted buance June 30. 1956 ....... ·--.. oo·oo ..... _oo .... $ 963.77 6. Diatrlct taxa on Unsecured roll 1956-56 Accounts Receivable ................... . Stores and Pr~ald Expense 00 ........ . 533.64 141.88 a. $1.2.227,013 (90~ Unsecured Roll '5&'56) times Total ... -................. oooo ... 0000. ..... ..... 3,3!7.63 $.0054 (Excea Rate '54.'55) ............. 00 ........ 00-·-···· .. -.. .$ 660..26 Less: Current Uabllltles ·--·-· ........... -... 2.193.62 7. R.Ntrlcted balance plua district taxes . ·-·-· oo ........ oo ... .' • ..$1.624.03 ----- 8. Amounta budaeted 1~56 a. Cbareed to Budaet Clua 9 .... _ ................ oo_ .... oo .... ..$11,039.00 b. Cbarfed to Bud~ CJaa 10 .... _ ............ 0000000000-·-· s o.oo c. Tota ta plua b) ......... oo .. ····oooo ....... oooooo ...................... $11,039.00 9. Maximum amount to be derived by levy on 1955-56 aecured roll ... oo .. 00 ............ -...... oo .. oo ...... oo .................. 19,414.97 GElfEilAL FOJm I. BEGlNNlNG BALANCE JULY 1 ltu-55 Actual Cas" In County Trusury ........ $ 510.946.17 Cuh In Farm Secur1ty Flrat Nat'l. Bank ..................... -...... 00.0000 12.494.82 Revolvln& Cuh Fund ............. .. 500.00 Cuh Collections awaltlna de- 115S-51 •ud4Jet $ 328.192.00 15.054.00 500.00 AJj~t!f~~~lng Balance ............ .. Beginning Balance ..... . .. .. II. INCOME Cafeteria Sales Other Income ..... .. . .. ..................... . Total ..... -........ oo 111. TOTAL. NET BEGINNING BALANCE PLUS TOTAL INCOME ..... . .... .$ IV. EXPENDITURES 8-FOOD SERVICE 1,124,01 1.124.01 30,713..20 38.50 30.751.70 31.875.71 Sa-~:: ~e~-~ ...... oo.. 7.354.29 Food .... 00 ................ -........... -... l0,01t.70 bellt-ved to have died of a ht'art attaek. put ynr. TWO BlJIIT Df wa.ECI[ 2.837.00 With development of a 4.2-ac:re 011 a~A JSLAJfD • 77.00 achool farm during the put tt"n M18 Ethyl B~. 65. sutft"reod 2.810.00 years. the FFA proj~ lnclud~ a major head Injury and Fred livestock. ornamental ilort.Jcul Baase. 65. both of Long Beach ture, vegetable and tJeld crops sutt~t"d minor Injuries In a two. and agricultural m~hanJcs. car accident at Balboa Ave. and 35,000.00 The livestock program In Diamond Ave .. Balboa Island. at dudes cattle I both dairy and 12:25 ]).m Monday. July 18. Both bt'ef ), s heep and poultry. accord were passenge-rs In a car driven 35.000.00 Lng to Instructors Bob Pf'rtln and by Douglas Bas.w. 43. of Long Charles Yunell, who head the Beaeh. which collided with a ca r I 37,810.00 program for Newport Harbor. 1 driven by Flore n<.'f' E. Hoffman. All landscaping material for 50. of 209 N. Bay Front. Balboa the school campus is p(ovided Island. 8..200.00 through the horticulture pro L 24.~.00 gram. they said. POT· Oct PlClnC c •• , .... .... po.lt .. -.-·! .... -----·----·--A.eeoUftta lecldnble .. Total CUmmt A...ca -.,....-- IAea: CUrnnt Ua~ ---------Nd &qlnntnc Balan~ ......... .$ C.733.09 529.00 180..00 a:t= '298,640.00 Operatln1 aupplles and s:-a.nd ~t·-1.600.36 Depredation ---lUI ----TOTAL CURKENT EXPENSE .. ··--..1 29,064.74 Entries for .the Fair from the The De Molay Mother's Club 1,800.00 el&ht hic:h acbooll wW round held a tamlly pot lUCk plcnlc out a Yar'IM:y .. U~ a.n4 lut nl&.bt lW~) lft the uo.oo aarlcu1tutal proJ«ta. Active P'PA eo.t& .._. hrtr. ._ all .._. _$_34_!560_00_ chaptf'n WbJch wO pa.rtldpate ben ol the De Mola,y chap&« • . Include Anaheim. Br~a-Oilnda. a nd the Jobs' Dauatu.era lledMI Adju.ted Net ~lnnlna Bal. an~ ........ oo·---.. --.00........... .. .... $ D. INCOME a. Fed~ral Subventions Federal Aid for Veteraru Ed· ucatlon ... oo•· ..... -........ oo .. ••• • b. Federal-State Vocational Ed· ucatlon apportionments . .. .. c. State Apportionments and Allowanc-es Basic AJd and Equalization Aid ............... 00-......... .. Special PUrpose Apportionment Apj!f~o~:r:J r_o_~.?.~.~~~ ~-. 00 •• Seocond Period ...... Final Apportionment d. Subventlonl J unior Collefe Tuition Tax Other Coun y Income (ln. eluding Prior Yearsl ........... . I. Other Income .. ...... ... . ..... .. j . Tuition Transfers lfrom other District.) ........................ -•. f. District Taxes Prior Years' Taxes .... oo .. oooo-·-· Unsecured Roll Taxes Received In 1954-55 Estlma ted tor 1955-56 . . ... . Eatl.mated tor 1955-56 oo .... .. 482,733.09 1,737.56 4,725.98 165,720.00 12.406.29 20,820.22 214,566.41 7.948.00 13,1!50.19 16,736.77 10,389.73 103,893.99 Total Income Other Than Secured Roll Ta.xH ..... 00 ........... -. 572,(£).14 f. Secured RolJ Taxes Received In 1JM.55 00000 ..... 00.. 975,389.72 ~r::~~~: ~~--:~ .. ~-~~-~~~ -----Tota.l Income ..... 00 ....... ~. ,_, ......... 1,547,474.86 m. TOTAL. NET BEGINNING BAL-ANCE l'LUS TOTAL COST ... _. ___ . .$:1,030.207.95 IV. EXPENDmJRES AND TRANSFERS 1-ADMINlSTRA'nON SaJarlea and Wages -·-····--Other ElqMtnM ---·--·-00-.. -· Total -·-·-···· .. ·-·---................ _..$ 2-INSTRUCTION 2a--certWcated Salaries of Instruction ·--···------····· .. •·· ~er SaJarl~ oll nmuctlon ~er Expenaea of lMtrUc:tlOn ---·----.. ·-Library ... -...... -........................ . Other ExpenM ....... -.... ·-00·-·· 48,ll6.23 8'74,983.64 t7,455.11 48,438.57 -----Total lnatnlctlon ,_ .. ___ _ 3-AUXILIAllY SERVICES Salarlell and wa.-···----·-Otht!'l' Expenae _ .. ____ .......... . . Total ,_ .. __ _ 4-0PERA1101C or 9CIIOOL PLANT Sawla and w..- Other Expen.le ·------ • Tot.a.1 --··-·----5-MAIJM'El(A.!fCE or ICIIOOL PLAl'T a.Jart. a.nd w..-----Other~---- Total ------1-t'IDD CILUGD • (1) l*bld o.trtbatlon .. ... .,..,.. ......... .... 470.887.32 7,138.90 ...... ...,_ .... -.,... , .. 11 (tl All .... n.l a..--.. ... __ ........... ~ Nal l?.Jal• 1.575.00 4.000.00 207,000.00 6.000.00 9,000.00 265,515.00 93.373.00 20.000.00 102,400.00 708.863.00 965.375.00 1,674,.238.00 11.972.878.00 ' 46,916.00 9.300.00 465.564.00 53,.367.00 2,387.00 89,799.00 611.117.00 8,180.00 11M.OO 8,374.00 93,006.00 t1.093.00 1~088.00 •sm.oo 51.3KOO '72,8..00 V. ENDING BALANCE Cuh In Costa Mesa Bank "Operating" cash .......................... $ "~rve" cash .... 00..... • • ... oo. Cash Collections awaiting depoalt Accounts Receivable . ·-Stort'S and Prepaid Expense ...... Total ...... Less: Current Uabllltles ... 00 Net Ending Balance . .00 ....... $ VI. TOTAL EXPENDITURES PLUS NET ENDING BALANCE . . ....... $ UCIIUITmC STATIOJf OPEJf The Navy recruiting !WTVIce In Santa Ana announces that the part time recruiting l'ltation lo cated near Newport Pier Is now open for enJistment!'l and infor maUon. LEQAL JfOTICE aanncaTE or •osmus Fictitious Firm Name TifE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certify that they are conduc Ung a printing and publishing bualness at 2850 E. Coast High way, Corona del Mar. under the fictitious firm name of Ensign Publishing Co.. Inc.. publishers ot ~e Newport Harbor Enslen. a newspaper, and that saJd firm Ia composed of the following per aons whoee names In full and place of residence are as follows, to-wit: Arvo E. Haapa. 710 Jasmine Ave .. Coro na del Mar. Mary A. Haapa, 710 Jasmine Ave., Corona clel Mar. WITNESS our banda this 8th day ol July, 1955. Arvo E. Haapa Mary A. Haapa STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS.. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON 'MUS 8th day of ~ul)'. 1955. before me. a Notary Publlc In and tor aaid county and state. resJdlna tb~ln. duly com.mla- aloned and tworn, pe:raonally ap. peared Arvo E. Baapa and Ma.ry A. Ha.apa. known to me to 1w the per10n1 whoM namH a~ .ubec:rlbed to the w1thln tnatru. ment. and ac:ttnowledrec! to me that tbe, aecouted the aame. Wti'fCESS rn.y hand and om. dal eeaL J01m E. IADt.Ell ftotar1 Public tn aJtd for aJd Oou" and 8ta -~ uptr. .. .,. 11. ta Pablllll: Ju17 1._ 21, Jl. Aq. 4.. ,., .......... , ........ .. lHI INSieN. HA-t I 14 1.900.89 2S.OO 4.50 41.40 578.51 287.25 2,837.55 216.58 2.810.97 31.875.71 $ 3.25000 s 37.stp oo Fullmon. Card•n Crov~. New and tht>lr famlllf'S port Harbor. Orange. Tustin and Valenda. ICE .OZ CETS BOT A re!rlgerator !Ire C'aused $15 damage In th(' S4:-a1!lde Malt Shop at 2100 W Ocean Front. Newport Beach, at 9:17 p m. last Thursday An elf."('trlc-motor on the refrigf'rator was blamed for I tht> tlrl'. whlct'l flllt'd the malt I with smokP. A. Cl&ssified A.d 1n The t nsiQn I brinQs immedi&te results! C &l Harbor 1114.1115 and orove it1 Again Reduces HARDWARE HOUSEWARES Auto Insurance Rates Auto insurance ratee Are acain reduced by SAFECO ! This Company waa ori,-inally or,aniud to 13 ve on auto ii"'IIW'tlnce 001t1 ... by insurinc careful driven only , and by appl,yinJ modem ltzeamlined methods to p~ng policiee. That has been acc:ompli.hcod. Now we are plealed to tell you that an improvinc lllfet.y reeord ju.t.i/a a IUD further red\.M:'Uon in your auto inlurance co.ta.. SAFRCO il copUol ~ i:naurance. 'Round the dock claiml M tic» throqbout &be nation. You can't bu1 Naitr inluranco prot.ctioal So SA-n wm& &nco. Uadw Aucuat 1, 1905. ......... ana-. c..t ... •••· a.-... .._ .............. __ ._,.., AI< ORDDrAIICI: OP THE' COUIIT1t OP' OUNGE. S T A T E OF CAUP'OJtNlA, AMENDING !UX:'nONS 30'1. 400, tl&,. 521, 522. 807, 833 AND 724 OJ' OltDIHAMCE NO. 735 OF &\~I ~NTY ' OF ORANGE "AN ORDINANCE OP' THE COUN- TY OF ORANGE REQU!RJNG PERMITS AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS G 0 VERN. INC THE CONSTRUC"MON, MAINTENANCE AND OPER- ATION OF TRAILER PARKS, AND PROVIDING PENAL TIES FOR THE VIOLATION THER!:OF." The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, Callfornla, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 302, 400. 416, 521 , 522, 607, 6JJ and 724 of Ordinanc-e No. 735 of the County SAVE SAFELY At OranCJ& .County's L .. dinq Hom• l.ndin9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM • ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Acc:ounh Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month l;arn froM the t d. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Ocean Avenue LAGUNA BEACH • UGAL woncs ot Ora.nae, State of Callfornla en- tltltd .. An Ordinance of the County ot Otanae Requlrlna Per- mit. &nd, Provtdln& ReauJatJons Go v e r n I n 1 the Construction, Malntenan~ and Operation of Trallft' Parka. and Providing Pen- altiHI tor the VIolation Thereof" are h~by amended u herein- after In thl!l Ordinance provided. SECnON 2. Section 302 of OrdJnanee No. 735 Is hereby amended to read ,a•follows: "Section 302 -FEES -CON STRUC'nON OR 0 P E R A T JON PERMITS. • Each application for an Operational ·permit required by Section 301 of this Ordl nance shall be acrornpanled by a fee of Twenty-five Dol. Iars tS25.0tH . which fee shall be exclusive or and In addi- tion to any construction fees required to be paid by Ordl- nan~ Nos. 660 and 661 or the County of Orange, as amended. provided that ap- plications for permits to op- erate trallef parks existing and lawruny operating on the effective date of this Ordi- nance shall be tiled, with the fee herein required. with- In thirty 1301 days from and attt>r the effective date of this OrdinanCE'." SECTION 3. St>ctlon 400 of Or dina nee No. 735 Is hereby amt>nd ed by adding thereto a new sub division to be designated as •ub. division I h l to read as follows : "'(h l Any trailer parked on a site which does not have the hltctt fronting on or direc-tly accessible to a conforming d ri veway.'" SECTION 4. Se-ction 416 of Or- dinance No. i35 Is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 416 -AWNING O R WINDBREAK LOCATION. No structure nor portion "or projection thereof, Including a n approved awning shall be located c-loser than ten ! 101 feet from any trailer coach. cabana or awning on an adjacent trailer site; pro· vlded. however. that a wind- break may be located on lot lines provided It is at !east rive 15• ft"'t't from any trailer. aw ning or cabana. Provisions of this section s h all not a pply to trailer parks in existence and oper- ating upon the effective date of this OTdlnance, provided that in such trailer parks no structure or portion or pro- jection thereof, except an ap proved awning, shall be lo- cated c.toser tha n s ix {61 feet from any trailer coach, ca- bana., or a.wnin& on an a.dja. cent uaUer alte: prvorided,. however, that a windbreak may be louted on lot lines provided it Is at least three t31 feet from any trailer. awning or cabana."" SEC11 0N 5. St.-ctlon 521 of Ordlnam:e No. i35 is hereby amended to rt>ad as follows: "Section 521-SUPPORT Framework for awn Ings shall ~ of standard meta l pipe not less than one halt 1 11 1 inch in d iametl'"r Up rights ·of framework may be of any approvNI material of equal or greater strength. Meta l or other rigid awnings may have supporting fra me work of similar or other ap proved materials. provided. however. tha t weight o f awn ing Is adequately supported. All joints of metal pipP framework shall be securely fastene<t with s t a nd a r d scrf'W pipe or pipe ronn('("'tf'd fillings. \\11"\df'd jn\nl.<t may be used. AwninRs sha ll be fn.-e standing excl'pt that one s ide may be allar hed to an a pprovE'<! a w ning track on the traiiN coach. Wh<"n wood frame construe lion is ·used. It sha ll be d t"'t'med a permanent struc- LAGUNA TRAVEL SERVICE Autborbecl A9e11t FO< AU AIRUIES • RAILROADS STUISHIPS e TOURS Sel"'riag Th• Coastal AHa P'or JfHJJy 10 T~ 213 Ocecm Aft. Lagv..Da 8eacb Bptt 4-1081 C-~~~ COf$1 Dl .. ....... Coli .... *JIM WHYIE * UWiih 1-Utl • cetn'A IJdU llolft -. cetn'A- ture and will require two (2) aet.l ol piJnl to be approVed b)' the County Butldlnl ln· •pector to meet the UnUorm Building Codr requlrementl before permit can be t.uul!d. hrmanent .tructures must meet the same requlrftnenta as a cabana." SECTION 6. Sectl. 522 of dlmm~ No. 735 l.s h;;..,1;v I Winners wt'!"e: amended to read as follows: and J'olln Cantu Jn two-man re "Section 522 -OPENfNG lay; Larralne Lee In Musical QUIRED. Hats; Judy Fowler In pole bend-Awnings shall have at least lng; Robin Irwin In figure one I I l side entirely open at stake race : Helen Matthews In 1111 times. Only canvas or Wester Pleasure. juniors; Billy bamboo drops may be used Warren in Western Pleasure, brtnatne :;;z.;;liii~,;:;;ot!,;; year 0\'er the e mark. La.t ynr the el,x-mllllon total was not reached u.ntll Septem- MT, and In 1953 not until Octo.. ber. The week'• permlu Included more dwelllng:s on Irvine , with a total value of Issued: woviding they a re not per-seniors; Ralph Irwin. trail horse, manent ly anchored."" seniors; Billy Warren. stock eJRVIKE SECTION 7. Subdivision I d ) horse, seniors; Judy Fowler, Maceo Corp.. 1-!!itory. 1· Section 607 o l Ordinance No. unit dwelllnos Dolphin d jumpers. open. is hl.'reby amrnded to rt'a as • • Terrace, $18, 750; 1306 Santa nella, lows: LusiC ol Corona del $18. 750; 1330 Santanella. 119,500; ""l d l The-connec-tor from the treas urer of 1336 $18750; 1406 branch service riser to the Club. suffer£'<1. an 1424 Santa- service connedor shall be ~~~,·~ .. f";£".",;,'~ his horse fell Santanella. one half Inch 1 \ol"} copper 0 on him o n toe l$1& 750;; fence at tubing using flared connec. del Mar pastures. Serenade Terrace, $300. tlons. The connector shaH Schumann suf!e rl"d a broken e CLIFF HAYEK not exceed fifteen feet tl5') when h is horse slippt>d and Robert Griesser Jr., addition at In length." • • 70115th St .. $4,000. SECTION 8. Section 633 of The new oftlceu of Boots & e BEACOif BAT dlnancf'-No. 735 Is Saddle were lnstallt'd Monday. C. L. Cooper Corp., 7-room. 1- amended to read as d w th •to-. }.u•lt dwelling at 122 Har-July 18: Leonar ea erwax. ·~ " "Section 633-president; Charles U>e , vice bor Island Rd .. $27.000. STORAGE OF president: Betty Barnes. secre e NEWPORT HEIGHTS TROLEUM G A tary, and Mr. Lusk. treasurer. William Dugan. fence at 2905 TION VESSELS AND REGULA-::~~:_::_:::~::=:~~~~~~--~-----------­ TORS. No cylinder shall be located within a building enclosed on four sides. nor within any trailer coach, nor within rive feet (5'1 of a source of Igni- tion. nor below ground. nor below ground level. nor with the outiE"t less than five feet 15'1 away from any building which Is below the level of such outlet. Cylinder supplying t.ratlpr coach s hall be mounted upon the tra iler."' HERE'S THE SCHEDULE FOR BOATING COURSE At 8:30 In th~ morning along Coast highway betwet>n the Bay Club aM the Sea Base the barbed wire gate pulled back and the Red Is tied to the post. is open-Jane Baker. Harbor Union High side rowing are taught as sp<> clal st.roke. 1 Recreation Instructor, SECTION 9. Subdivision I a), "'' 1 ,, c oYer the smallcraft. pro- vided by the Red Cross. then goes to the locker at the ad.)oin- lng Sea Scout Base. By ten o'clock the water Is warm enough for dunking which Is Inevitable In paddle boarding. A fleet of three. two regular size and one double length paddle boards are carried down by the partners and launched Into the water. Propt'r care and use a re stres.sed such as, always drain, never drag, lie--don't stand, use h ands not paddles. A few U lcky stunts and games &re also taught. Ever try to rescue some- one with o ne ! Se<.-tlon 724 of Ordinance No. Is hereby amended to read follows : "{a ) By means of a ground- ing conductor run with the clrc1Jil oondu('tors In cable assemblies of the approved outdoor type or flexible cords type 's' or equal. provided an app r ove d multlprong plug or equivalent Is used, one prong for the purpose of connecting such grounding conductor to the grounded metal · raceway or cable armor; this conductor may be unlnsulated but It an in- dividual covering Is provided for th is conductor, It shall be finished to show a green color. An additional contact .-hall be provided lD the ,.. ceptacle for grounding pur- poses." SECTION 10. Thts Ordinance Nixt step Is setting up the first aid lrlatlon and wa ter rescu • equipment. Nine o'clock alarm goes off and rowing Is about to sta rt. The kids gather around the- boat to learn the pa rts and terms. Next come-s rowing exer- cises on dry dock. Before rowing by themselves a swamping test must be made, a pre-requisite !Of" thl.s Is a beginners swim card or equivalent. Tandem and s ide by Sub-Mariners Hold Contest Eleven o'clock at the present Is repair shop but In the future will be outboa rd motor bofitlng. Sanding and painting will make for a good dock hand as they Jearn maintenance and repair. Twelve o'clock noon Is rest per. loci and lunch for one whole hour. Some gd home while others bring a sack lunch. For a trea t nickels and dimes will buy .10ft drinks from th.e machines. After drylng off ~ore lying down ahlrta and lhoe. ~ put back on. tor-proteet1on frOm aunbUm and bli.sten. One o'clock to 2 o'clock Is canoeing. There are two canoes. one three passenger and one four passenger. It takes both ' Broad St., $2:10; Evered Wllllama. alteration• at 470 N. Newpor1 Wvd .. ~. eJt&WfOIIT Robert Fautt, wall at 106 St., $100: Arcltle Fa.Uinp, ~ Beach Dr., $2,000: Leo ner. 5-room. :z .. tory, 2-unlt lin& at 1148.11&1 Balboa Blvd .. $25. 700; Leonard L&Vante, 4- room, 1-story, 1-unlt dwelling at 513 35th St.. 112.250; William Smith, 2-room, 1-atory, 1-unlt dwelling at 1140 W. Balboa Blvd., SS.OOO. and 6-room, 2-•tory. 2-unlt dwelling at 1"-40% W. Balboa Blvd.. $18.000; A.rthur Miller. renee at ~ ~h St., $95. e COAOifA DEL MAll Richard Hendricks. fence at 2812 Ocean ..Biv\1 .• S75; B. z. Mc- Kinney, add patio enclosure at 1214 Ocean Blvd., $1.200; J . A. Lindsley, fence at 207 Carnation, $200. eLIDO ISLE Richard Jay Smith, new ga. rage and convert part or old ga. rage to bedroom, 104 Via Orvleto. $2.000. e BALBOA ISLAJfD Or. E. 0 . Laurence. remodel- ling at 1700 -9. Bay Ft., $4.000; Mrs. J. Hunter Smith , wall. Install bellm. 126 Sapphire. $1 ,000. eiALBOA Mrs. Ja mes Jones. re-•ldlng at 616 W. Ocean Ft .• $2.300; William Humphrey. wall of bedroom, 2m E. Edgewater. $250; Florent Bailey, garage at 201)1 E. Ocean Ft.. $2.000; F. M. Lankershlm, alterations at 1401 E. Bay Ave .. $1 ,500; F. Silk, add bath. extend dinette. 1720 E. Ocean, $3,000; Wyett. fence at 1415 E. Bay, $130; Gertrude and Louiae Mont- gomery. lncllnator '':i.s.io7'ii: 2117 E. Balboa Blvd .. I AJiison, new doors on garage, Edgewater. $150. A total of $65,510 In 15()..week pledges for the building rund of the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church was the tlnal mark at. talned In the recent church. 11 - nan('lal canvass. Wilto n Lewton, toUow-up c hairman, announces. w ork on the new :·~~:;;r::il l which will provide school classrooms a nd a with a three-way view harbor, Is expected to start late fall. Alternate •lte plaru .tlll betna con.ldered -:.,~,;-;; II bullcll.na comm.ltt.ee •nd. ted CUlve-r Hqton. . MOVE FaOII U.T SIIOUS The Verne Snodgrass' moved from 2695 Bayshore Shores. to Foothill Blvd. LOlli FOR NOlES '" -.nAil LOQ Ccmatructlon '-"• • 5" JD.UAa LOAJI SEE 801 IATILD Poirier lolfpp, Z-515 E. Coat Rwy .. CDII Pb. IIA ~ S.SIIS (Metro LJ.t. ~ Pwtdl) JAMES D. R~Y 1111111111 C.lnclor M-46 E. COAST HWY .. CORONA DEL MAl HArbor 47•1 l••ld•nc:t: HAI-bor:4:t:M:::: cowmOIIS shall take t'flect and be In full force th irty t 301 days from and a ftt'r its passage, and before the expiration ot fifleen 1 15J days a ftl"r the passage ther~f shall be publish,.d once In the New port Ha rbor Ensign. a new!!paPf't published In the County of Or ange. State of California. to- gether with the mimes nf the members ot the Boarci of Supl"r· visors voting for and against !hi" The Newport Harbor Sub-Mari- ners held their July beach meet Saturday, July 16. at Dana Point. The spearfishing and sport div- Ing club met w ith hot and .sun ny be-ach weather, but the low visibility or the water contri- buted to poor diving gl'nerally, a('('()rding to publ\c\ly chairman Alan White. strength and sta bility and Is :;:;;;;;.::.;:;;;;:.~~~-~--~-.:..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; m ore of a work-out than Is ex. pected. A tdp ,, pJaooed n.ouod • obert Forbes same. WILLIS H. WARNER Chairman of the Board of Su pt>rvisors of Orange County. Cali- fornia. fSEALI ATI'EST: B. J. SMITH Bob ClarK ot Anaheim was high mlln for the day. spearing thrl'e perch. approximat('ly 2 !WJUnds each. Joh n Miller of Bal boa brought In a limit of alba- lone. During the day plans were dis- c ussed for the next tournamenl. to be held August i, at Cry5tal Cove. between Corona del Mar and Laguna. An early morning breakfast on the beach Is Jllan- oed. County Clerk and ex-off icio Clerk of tht-Board of Supervisors of Orange County. California Ja11i11 Celebrates "' Her Si1th Birthtlay •SEAL I STATE OF CALIFORNIA I 1 COUNTY O F Q R,\NGE l I. B. J. SMITH. County Clerk and e x oUicio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors nf Orange County, California. do hNeby certify tha t 11t a te51:ular mePting of the Board of Supervisors he ld on the 19th day of July, 1955. the fore- gf)ing Ordinance conta ining ten 1 101 st'('fions. was considered st'('lion by section, and that the OrdinanCf! was thPn passed adopted Ill a whole by vote: NOES: SUPERVISORS NONE. ABSENT: SUPERVISORS NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afllxed the oUiclal seal or the Board of SuperviiiOB of the co·u nty of Oranae. State of Call- thl• 19th day or July. Newport Island at the close of (']a !1St'S. Salling 15 fun for a ll but is B 0 I L DE R !-erlous and tE'('h nlcal. Rules of the road, mastering w ind points, BArbo r ••• S 1 0 I nom<"nclature types and class ~~,.,.. are learned. An Intermediate swim card Is necessary. Two hours of sailing In two latt"'t'n rigged canoes and one s mall I.C. dinghy a re scheduled. No jew. elry or street shoes are to be worn on board. A hat with a bill. dark glasses and sun oil are advisable for protE'Ction. New classes wlll begin Aug. 1. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS lfewport BJ.Yd.. eo.to: M.-Ubl:rty I-IIIII PERIW'STME YEllOW Fl'G£$ CAN FIND ME WHAT I lACK f'OR MEMORJAL lMlETS IT ""')'$ 10 LOOK IN lliE 'tlAf.SIFIEI>" PfP OF YOUR TBEPHOHE BOOK • • , v... .._lin a *9t •arr1' DAY IC.OOL ._UtlltP_. 't.600 Building' Is Latest Phi SpOIIWJ Braves·w second Round Addition to W. CoastHwy. ~JACitoa I lilai~ U L ... ...a 440 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar .......... Mtt. Jean VaqJbn. dlre«or ""• .. 1800 BaUdlnC' on W.t Anpla countJa and plan.t -,.-.....-rert..tr--a: .... t-lona--fo_r_th_e_'lb1t_.,d n 1 Sf·rnKIJ Rueuien Cout Rl•hw•y, near the Cba.m. aboct1y to expand work lnto Annual stnaJ• Claalc at van., b« of CoMmerce and P. A. Pal. other ltatee. Bowllnc In eo.ta Mea havtt al. mer otrteee. Ia the moa recent e l'fonnan Gamb .. , publie ac. ready pUled the 5.115 mark ot thtt addJtJon to the powt~ number countant:, ~ booldceeptna 19M CJ...SC. whlch paid $4.218 of bual~ on Uwt meMJon ot and audJttnr. llei"Vtce, tax ~HV· 1n prlze money. Wlth Dlaneyland .AP ORT_., I 4, f)i;}t''W A . -.14.. I ' .. .,-,,,/" Newport'a Marlnen Mlle. ke and eeta up bookkeeplna and ~ Art 1'-.ttval u an added Located at 1800 W. Cout Hlp. •JWtema rot ttrm. or tndJvlduall, drawtnc card, a tuU conteltant ....... Dee.n Martin and Jeny Lewt. ln O.'t .... w. .. ., ..... p&o. ...... Ita ..... loaUMna CIIIWoraAcl ......... . ''IT DAlE ,.. way are th• South Cdut Mort-Mr. Gamble hu been a public Ust la expected by the Urn~ the aaae eo., Medleal Bulldlnr Co. accountant 1n th• harbor area battle bq1n.t luly 30 . ot A.merlca. Rua E. Ford baltor, for the put U yean. Robert Vauahn Co .• yaeht bJOker • Product detlgn and art, There an at the moment open- ftrm·, .. onnan Gamble, publlc packap .tyUna an'd adveftl.alnt lne• on the following daya; Sat-'" d 1 d 1 d urday, July 30. 4 p.m. and 12 a~untant. and Dave Doane, ln-" Ill an ~ out are one by midnlaht; Sunday. July 31, 2 duat.rial artist. Dave Do.ne. Cathertne Shaw Ia Mtvtt! than cooo .nuareteet or a.-oclated with Mr. Doane In p.m. and 12 mldnlg~t; Saturday, , -. ~ ...., th build architectural Ulu.tratlona. Be Aueuat 6, 4 p.m.. 6 p.m. and 12 apace t. available tn e · formerly occupied quarters at midnight; Sunday. Aufust 7, 2. tn1. owned by ~an Brafltord 3637 E. Coast C d 4 and 10 p.m. and 12 midnight; and Norman Gamble. OU.street Hwy., orona eJ Saturday. Aueust 13, 4 and 10 puklq la provided for tenants Mar, movtng becau.e of the need p.m. and 12 mJdnl1ht; Sunday, and thelr c:utomtn. The build· for more room. He lives at 317 Aug'\nt 14, 2. 4 and 6 p.m. and tn1 wu completed Jut April 1$. ~: ~~o~~~e~~~ta. t!: 12 mJdnlaht. e More than $3,000,000 In WUder Aeeney and obtained ht. loaM have been recorded ln the tratntne at the Art Center ln Los put 12 months by the South An.reles. IEIEATI TIE lEI" Coaat Mort1ace Co. The oftkers e a-.. E. Ford, realtor, ape. are Francia Drohan, president; clallzes 1n com.merclal and rest- Dea:n Bradford, executive vice denUal Income p r o p e r t y , ex- president; Fred Howarth, vice changes, lnduatrlal and acreage Udo Anelers, the fishing dlvl. ldw• tlctSoa at lta bed. Start. W.S.. A119. I Bob Hope In president; T. E. Heffernan, aecre-property. Mr. Ford baa been In 1lon of th~ LJdo Isle Yacht Club, tary-treuuret, and WUllam W. the realty business for more hu been organized with Harry "" Sanford, assistant secretary. The than 25 years and ha• been In Rosen as the first President. Dr. cllrectors Include the ottJ~ and the harbor area for the put Ralph Tandowsky wu elected Helnz Kalser, WlUiam Lester and three yeara. VIce-President and Harold Ken- Lee BoJLn. e Robert Vauahan of the Bob-oyer, Secretary-Treasurer. Among "THE SEVEJI unLE FIYS'' The principal business of the ert Vaughan 1r Co. haa been ln the Directors of the new organ! loan firm Is providing money for the boat bualness alnce 1939. He zatlon are: M. A. Anderson. Ray construction of stnele family grew up In the shadow of the Dik~. Gene Ross, Donald Hart, residences. i e t I n a n c lng such Henry B. Nevins yard at City Herbert Riley and Leon Ware. loaM with an occasional com-Island, N~ York. During vaca-Charter Memberships are open merclal loan. The oompany, an tJont he worked In the plant and, to those Yacht Club members F.H.A. approved motrgagee. ls from then on. boats became the who eet In their Initiation tee of correspondent for Ban.kers Na-moat Important thing In hb Jlfe. $5.00 and annual dues of $2.50 to tlonal Lite Insurance Co. ot During his time there, many fa. the club, before September. l, Montclair, New Jersey and loan mous ocean racing yachts were 1955. These dues will cover the representative for Orange County built. He worked tor a yacht period until December 31. 1956. of Winter Morttage Co. of Los broker and became draftsman Yacht Club members who are In also " .. ........ u ..... ....., STOP AT Angeles, correspondent for New and construction superintendent terested s hould send tht-$7.50 to York Lite Insurance Co. for Henry M. Devereux. naval P. 0. Box 23. Both men and • Design, construction and fl. architect of City Island. Later he wom~n are eligible for the club, nanclng of medical buildings sailed on the Water Witch In and juniors und<>r 18 can belong and hospitals art> provided by the Honolulu race. without payment or the ree. the Medical Building Co. of :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::. America. Officers of the tlrm In- e TOV'I'II e&a IU the 'nlef'a, Ran"y Rices of the 'n.e Uttle l.ftaue Bueball Yankeea. Steven Fl~tchff of the tttams at the Youtl\ Cente-r fn ~ Cut.. Don Goddard of the White rona del Mar ended 0\.t:r eeeol\d Sox. Mark RJtt~ of the Bravs. round ol play wttb th• Brave. Bandy Warren of the Cardlnal.s, atJU un~feated 1n 9 .tralcht Buz:z;y Purcon or the Red Sox, games. 'n.e whole tMm hu been Joey CaUant of the Dodgt'rs. playlnJ heada.up baU aU the Chu. Haley of the Indiana and way and tbetr eoaeh, Wayne Dusty Ellord of the WhJte Sox. Connell. baa' been dolng a let· Home runs were hit by .RJch- rlflc job ln coachtnc tbem. ard Lblk. DeniM Bonds. Jlmmy Th~ first forfeit of the aeaaon Reynolds, Randy Warren. Lynn o c c u r r ed when the GJant.a Rea.tnge-r, Dwight Tfpplng, Bfuce couldn't field a team a,gain.st the Woods and BJU Doyle. 1'r1ples Indians. On thAt aame day the were hit by Kenny Newland and I Cardinals dropped a clGNt one to Sandy Eastman. the Dodgera 2·4.. Tbe Bravea de· e COSTA JO:SA feated the Cu~ 4..1, and the Hlfhllgbts of the "C" league Giants took the Cardinals 8-4.. baaebaJl games last weE'k ln. The .Braves-Cubs aame was one eluded the aurprlslng come-back of the best of the .. uon with of the Indians. a team whlc.-h two good pltcliera. David Con-had lost aU seven of the gamH nell of the Braves and John Web-It had played previously. Both or ater of tt1e Cuba. facing each the teams they defeated were other. John Webster &ave up one hlgh In the standings. ao these home run to Chrll McLuhlln of two Indian victories were hard the Braves. fought and well earned victories. The Cardinals • Gfa:nt.a aame The White Sox won two vlc· turned Into a home run test.Jva) torles also, each tame by just with homers by lobo BJchwtn.e on polnt. This kept the White of the Cardlnala and Jltnmy Sox close on the heels of the Giraud and Roger Grable of the Cubs. whD are nUl out In tlrst Clant-.. The CUbs defeated the place by a hall gamP. Indians 7·1 and the Braves Last w~k's scores wtore: ln routed the Dodgera 12-1. dJans 10. Cards O; White Sox 6, e BICB ICIIOOL Red Sox 5; Indians 7. Dodgers 3: The Glanu continue to lead White Sox 7. Brav~ 6; Cards 10. the pack ln the C league up at Red Sox 6 : Cubs 8. Giants 5; the high school and are a aood 1 Yanks 8, Tigers 6. two gam~ In front with an 81 Standings are as foHows: Cubs. won and 1 lost ~rd. The 8 and ) : White Sox. 7 and 1 and YanJcees. Cardlnala and the 1 t ie; Clants. 6 and 2 and 1 tie: Braves are aJJ Ued for second j Dodgers. 6 and 3; Cards. 5 and place with a 6 won and 3 lost 4; Braves, 3 and 6; Yanks. 3 and rea>rd. Next are the Indians and 16; Tigers. 2 and 7; Indians. 2 Red Sox, each with a 4 and 5 and 7. reeord; the Ttgera, DodJers and :--------------------. Cubs with 3 and 6; and thP a.aoaa'b&e llcr'- Whlte Sox In the cellar with 2 All Dcrt • lla1f Dcrt and 7. Cood pltchlne this past I B A PPT D AT SCB 0 0 L week was turned In by Dave fa. Lltt» PoUt Ullman of the Whlte Sox. Brian 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar C&mpbell and Jamie Carroll or Harbor ~ the YanJcees. Steve Carlson of the-t Mrs. Jean Vaughn. director -GODIQ 1'0 IUIOIDOI'A Mrs. 1. W. Schonek of 521. Ilia B~rnardlno Ave., M~ H.~lthtt. )eavft 8etarda.7 fC¥ • vltJt to St. Paul, M'.traA. The Arches "Your Host to the Coast Slbce 1926" PIJtE FOODS clude Ralph Hoyle. president; Fr fh POUCE BLO~R lack Hoyle. vice president; Earl om e I I .. Peteraon, vice president In charge Giants. Steve Shedd of tht-.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Braves. Teddy Barker and Denise ot engineering and planning, • PmDAT. JULT 22 and Ase Ebbutt, construction rona del Mar. at t p.m. and hit rocks ... H. W. Lee-oC Fullerton reported . that someone caused $40 damage to h is c.-ar parkt>d on 13th St. near Oct"an Front. New port Beach . In attempting to gain entry to the vehicle ... Bonds of the Tigers. Bob Horn or the Red Sox. Kenny Swanson of the Cubs. Dave Bunnell of the Cardinals and Bill Brockman of COCKTAILS COAST HIGHWAY AT THE AlCHES New,_t INch JOHN VU.£1 I.E ....... _..:'II' 1-1531 auperlntendent. Ralph Hoyt~ has been engaged In auch specialty building for the firm for the past six years. 'n.e company is now actJve In constructing medical bulJdlngs and hosplta.b In Orange and Los .vaa·s Bowliag Open n .... ,, ...... , •••.. , ()pea AD lflgllt Frkky ODd lct1antay * AOTOIIATJC rmsroa tillS * roa aa&nATJOJts CAFE 70S svrE.aio• AVE. uaDTT U2l2 COSTA MESA (Continued on Pace 12) the Indians. Outstanding ,)obs of t'atchlng were shown by John McCullom oC the Giants. Bobbie Olandff ot -----------------------·------~----- Ronald Barlow of 232 Agate Ave.. Balboa Island. reported that the Balboe dinghy boat. stolen from his yard the Sunday before. was found at Emerald Bay ... Mrs. T. J. Clark or 213 Via Ithaca. Udo lsle. reported the theft of a $50 paddleboard and paddle from Via Cordova 6"all1~ nG 6"'Q- and VIa Udo Nord ... Mrs. Wal-._, -·· .... BJ DICK BOF'F'IIAN ter J. Gerha.rdt of 234 Vla GrazJ~ I •••• 8 8 • 8 • 8 8 ••••• c• •••• a •:• I •••• I I •••• ana, LJdo Iale, thought she could (Continued fTOJD Pap 2) But not for a long time have 1 smell amoke comlna from the "Where·u 1 10 tn the bay, seen ~ many faces bearlna that reel~ ol Jf«lel '"-om'*l at .., .. ,.. ''Tbla 1a the Ute!" look. nlere 2.10 VJa • Gruian.a and firemen "Why don't ya• )o ovft' on my was no competition. no hu"'1, no and pollee were called, but no doclt on Balboa rsta:nd," said hl.s bad humors. fire or smoke was present . · . ernJnence. '1t's u good there as I drllted d ose to a man tn a Terry Wrye, 16. of Orange, suf· a nywhere." small outboard who was fishing tered a badly crushed toe when He had the razor clams weigh. alone. He was not exactly In the a large rock dropped on It at the ed and packaged before he fin· primt" of h is youth. but he maln beach. Corona del Mar. and lshed answering. Thirty . five sportl'd a neatly waJted mus wa.s taken to HoaJ Memorial cents worth. tache and a trim yachting cap Hospital . · · ''O.K .. " 1 answered. as l gave He reminded me of good old fish e SATUliJ)AT. JULT ~ him a halt-dollar for the. bait. a lng frater Salvatore Monaco. Frank 1. Samaniego of 800 w. Hershey bar. a box of ratsms and Everytime he hauled up a sand Bay Ave Balboa reported the a package of salted sunflowt>r dab, his eyH twinkled Our 1 theft of ·~ $185 0 'utboard motor seeds. "And thanks," l yeUed boats drlftt>d t ogether for quite from hls float Allan Fisher bac.-k from the doorway. a while. We wt>re strangt.>rs. but ot 202 E. Bal~~ ·Blvd .. Balboa. "l'H be ove~. after a while." we were old friends In the same pulled a bicycle out of the bay said Ralph. and show you I breath. . where to catch 'em." "Hf"re," I thouaht, "lS a kin· !thl~e w~~~~!~~~ ~~e~ts B:~~: e mtCDOJC FO• A aOAT dred spirit. He is g.-ttlng more Charles Keith of 1530 Miramar TWo hours later l had two good solid piH.Sure and satlsfat'tlon Or Balboa Edward Nelson bites, lost two sets of sinkers from his little outboard boat of ··601 Poppy. Avt'., Corona del and hooks and had one smalHsh than can be measured. H.-is the Mar. complained of the theft of perch on the s tringer. All the Captain .. of H. is Ship. and he Is fQu r hub caps valued at $35 from raisins were gone, and halC the content. seeds. Salted sunnower seeds. e KO WOKDU his car · · · while stUl fishing. add the util The amazing surge In the e SUlfDAT. JlTLT 24 mate touch to complete relaxa s mall boat and outboa rd in- An anonymous woman phoned tlon. It was l)('ace!ul there. on l dustry Is no miracle. once you at 4:29 a.m. to report that the Ralph·s float. I'd already had a have seen and enjoyed what • Red Snapper Cafe was going to drop In my albacore fever. My hap~ned to me lut Sunday be "knocked over" on the Marl-temperature was almost normal morning As 1 ht.>aded back Into ner's Mile and officers checked when Ralph showed up to rake I the-jetty. 1 stood with my feet cafes In the area to find all hls beat'h. 1 apart and let the spray bounct' Qu~~. okay ... George Hoyun ot 204 "Only one perch, huh!" snor1ed j over the windshield onto my ---_ 39th St .. Newport Beach, reported Ralph. and began to unbutton faC't". It was a grand feeling. It's that a hit and run car damaged the canvas cover on his 16 foot somethlne that mtny a rnlUion the fender of hls car parked In Inboard s kJff. ''l'H crank this one alre has faUed to be able to buy. --•--~ ~Tau•IIJ~I a•• ~ront or the Stag Ca1e, Newport up." he said. "Then you eet In 1 spied a boat careytne the ~·='~:..: •~ _.~...;...VII Beach . . . Mrs. Ida MJHer of and go out by the Bell Buoy." blue. white and red bur~ of -_. 2931 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Before I had Ume to argue. he my favorite fishing club, Pacific ="""' .Ia ft'l» 1* P..._ ..uptt.~ Clltlao-Mar, repocted hearing at least had put my eear aboard and Anelers. It was the Leeward. the ,.11...r ••~.:•a.=:~ = ':i:: ........ fou.r gunshots and people run-shoved us away from the dock. Chrll Craft of Ken B~nlnger. top ,._. ·=~ ..... ntne at 11 :36 p.m. but pollee The tittle engine purred sweetly angler ln the lntetclub Tourna. • . 1 lilldtJin p._c theorized flre crackers must have u we beaded out the jetty. ment. 1 waved a iffttlng. Ken ..UAaD '1'0 ao-caused the noise . . . A flower e~~Dn EJfDU.Q waved ~ck. but without know- SU ..._ ...._ ....._ llarbel' 41S7 pot was thrown throueh the of. TWo houra later I tied that lng to whom he wawd Maybe Oftlr IWL1'--.. triJ i" ..... lllda!pt tl~ window of George Minney at &ood little boat up to the float my happiness made me look like ..,.._ I 2601 W. Coast Hwy., Newport apln. I was at pt>ace with the someone else. ... Beach ... Mrs. Edna Jones of world and bles.stn1 Ralph fM hls Opposite the Marine La.bora 443 Santa Ana Ave .• Newport hospitality. To my lone ~h l tory, I was hailed by a group Helihta. reported the theft ot a had added 14 •ucculent sand aboard a ne~t crul~r named the fertUlz.er spreader from het" front dabs. one halibut ot eatln' she. "Lobo." yard ... Lod,e Ltndsay of 1204 a sculpln and four colden croak· "Would you can ~~ne to Park Ave.. Balboa Jsland. re-en. The fatter I bad kept Hpe· tow us In!" the man S&id. as he ported klds llgl\tlnc flreCrackera clally for Petey. Petey Ia nelgh looked down on my tiny boat tied onto balloons and Jetting bor Ruby Strvenson'a cat who "I sure wiiJ," I replied, and U 1 them co Into the air to explode just loves tbh. HJ)e<'laHy golden had ewr had any feeling of In· uncontrolled In the area of his croakers. To hlm. tom cod Is ferlorlty about the slze ot D\Y "ou.ee, wtth one golna off on top not an adequate name tor such boat. that nded lt. ot hla car ... Otttcers directed a felloe dellcaey. I had C'ftr)' tood tntenU6n of tratf1c: at a araa fire In the 500 I carne back born my boat rlde telUne you about tnY new apln· block Via 1Jdo Soud. Lido late. with IIOtnethlnf ebe -a whole ntna reel. rw looked around a at 5:48 p.m. •.• Donald c. Ed· headtuU ol ldeu. an plM.sant. lona ~ fc. the beSt one tor def 5~ ol San a.mardlno auf· All I lal.lly drltt.t out there. nib-aU.round •It wate ue. Sb011:7 ~ a ~ ~atlon when blln1r on IN~ liNda. I lAIIter put me nat to tt. lt'a a a.. fiiiJ olf 1M patb to tbe main ~h. ''You know, 7'0\l ahould San t>Mto ptOd~ too, mact. bMc:b. at ~ rwnt. Co-1\ave a boat. AJJ:J old klnd or • thf'ft 1>y tM Lanct.y Corpora boat. n.t. la N&J happl,..!" tJon. n·a C&1le:d a lAOCle7 '"9pfn Tbfft I ate the 11.tnM7 bar. accw ... U'a a WOft4erf\lJ reel. but • COIOAJI'T rn .at ,._ u.. dlt&U. lata. ~ .... eft '101 ........ __.. 1 Jlad • lot ol ~ out ltllf\t now 1"'111 t.ot oe liloata. nn ODhnel Dlftlllla A '"• Of. UMN tn tbe mktOt ol the out. IOI'M flaw OM ·~· 1 ..._ • ,.,.. t1 Mrrtae ... ...,..,. fleet. Wltb tM motor eft. ,_..,. ._ ..-. alNa«J ~ ....... &a ........ C.W Filla I drlftM paJt IC'CII'el ot boaC.. oat: Jllillt • ne one ._tli ,_ to ... ·AitliiiM,; ._ a 0 I I .. lilold7 t.b~ ,.... ..all out~ U.. l'lll f& r ...... k MN ud ...... AM .....,.,. .......... aDd et1a.lllllrs. ,._. ....-t M'tf, -.._. ._....._ tt ~ ...,. .-±K tar a .._ ell eorta ol ,...._ Ia U.... b'OID M. II .... " M tM ..,.... .. .ziW at AU II*'"• ._..... to .,. .. .,,,..,.. __. ,..., ... ,.. 1'tllt tl tM _, ...-........................ .,_. ........ -wdl·MU...la*.Y•aJt• ,_, .......... , ..... ...a.L ...... tt!!l .. .. "lEW SIIWIOir' Cnill II Lapa OKE BOtTa UD .S JCDIUIES~ •otnm T111P Daily 11:30 & 1110 ,_.._ JLIS. CIJildNa lie * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN BIDES * Boat Leaving Every 20 Minutes * E...u.D9 0cecm lUcia OD .. .., Qu--.• 1:10 p.a. & t .... (All IUdes. 6Sc. QUd:RD. S5c. Uact. S yn. F~) ' ..... ~------ *BALBOA* (lOW IP£II EVElY DAY) lrHII!!! Day w~~Y cotAliAaL~ '"'"1 coO\~_:::~----~ isu'J)loud WALT DISNEYS MAGIC IJNGDOM ., .... _ a.-.ta' ... .mid ..... ._ ..... .......... .. DIUIYL&tUrl ..... : .... _ .. SHOES SHOES SHOES su1•1 SIIES REDUCED CBJLDilEII'S MD WOIIE.If'S URJCED Group 1 1.88 Group 2 2.88 A dun up oC SUMMER SHOES Inducting Shoes-Sandals Play Shoes Dress Shot"S Big S(>!Ktlon. NO L.AY·AWAYS YARDAGE , SPECIAL 38~ DRESSES REPRICED TO CLEAR GROUP I YAB.D Close out of odds and ~ROUP 2 ends of Ginghams-Ny-g Ions -Rayons -Cottons- Prints and solid colors. ~f you like to se~ this GROUP 3 1s your opportumty to save. $4 $6 $8 NO LAY-AWAYS All sales final Big savings for you and good • selection ot cottons Rayons Nylons. REMNANTS Y2 PRICE '1 WOIEII'S PUSSIE SUPS Shadow Proof-Adjustable sho\ilder straps. Sizes 32 to 44 .... . ... .. . . GIRL'S PAJAMAS Special 144 Sciuon & Shean Girl's Plisste Crepe Cool Pajamas m solid colors. Sizes 10 to 16 yrs. 88~ -Spec i a I purchase Imported Cllil~re•'• Pajamas from Germany. fully chrome- 1 and so I plated shears have chrome 2 piN'!' C 1 blades-5. 6. i Inch Size I and 2 yrs. IEII'S DRESS TROUSERS Big selection of men's dress trousers in all wool and wool and nylon in good selection of colors. Broken sizes 29 to 4 2 watst. · lEN'S SUMlER DRESS SHOES $8 $5 Nylon mesh inserts for comfort and $6 style. Two tone for dress up. Sizes 6 to 12 BOY'S DElli PAITS A real buy for save on boy's Pa · Now is the time to '1. b o y ' s play and '1 00 jam as foT comfort. IJChool pantll. able alHplng. Sl:rn 4 to 16 yrs. Sizes 4 to 16 yn. 2311ROADWAY.Lagua.o Beclch STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30. SAT. 6 P.M. COIIPLB'J'I: P.ADn'llfO PQi tina ~ n.-.t ....... PAI'Eil IWCGDCG SE&VICI: • n p.ufat-~~IV • HA 29'71 GEORGE BURKHARDT (COot.lnued from Pa,. ll) ap when Jt went Into the tront RA ~ LloiNet O.t:neW A: ear ctrtven bf Cedrtc E. SQ. rt .. doora of the VUla x.r ... a EUG~. SAUMDERS 878 W. 18th eo.ta Meu den ot Saftta Ana cau.ted daJR. lteltaurant at 2:14 a.m •... AJ. 500 3bt ~ N.wpc~t a.adl U~ ~ · Ubert:Y ...aa ,._ ______ !II len l . MeDonatd. 37. of Holly. SAVE .. 1111 .. ........ IEIOUIYS . AT wood ..Uered a compound trae. ture of hla lett arm when a 16· foot outboard mortor boat, akJp. pered by Johnny Ralpt\a, U. of Encino, ran over hlm while IIW1mmlnr 1n the bay out from 3:10 VIa Udo Nord, Udo tale, at 5:30p.m .... e MOifDAY. JUL 1' 25 Ceorre Richards o1 128 Vla .......... I .... w. hill llahiJ It wu a pleasure to bave tumlahed ottJce equipment and office fumJture lot your otllces. Lido Nord, Lido Isle, reported "W S -U--1"\..1.11 the theft ol hls $8!5 ereen bicycle • pedwu. in vauee SuppHn•• from hls prage ... Curtis Ell. lee U... .. ~ IIOW a tM Bcabw AIM's • more of ~ Via Jucar, LJdo Isle, MOlT COMPLETB OPPJCE KQUJftiEJn' & IVPI'LY STOII.B JOHIS. I tHUI reported the theft of two canvas ovn tenders valued at $3.50 from his anow blrd, the Rascal, at the boat gardena, VIa Genoa and ' 'III.Jiidllf4 UJO VIA LIDO ~ LJJtCOLII--ME.C'Dll1' u 1-S.WS LJdo 1Jaoppia9 c-t. AT ... , •.• LDICOIJI-IIDC:Vn u I-SMS a WMt c..t JliPWGJ IIKWPOaT auar . 0.,.. ..... 'tW ••• . PAO'L'B QADU IUVJCE EXPERT LAWN AND GARDEN CARE too W..t Coast JUpwciy KE9DOBT ·~CB ()pea E.._ 'W.l ttal VIa Lido Soud, Lido lsle ... A clothes buket full of laundry wa.s stolen from her open e•· raee. Mrs. H. D. Chutaln ot 201 E. Ocean Ft., Balboa, aald. 81Gtw..u YEAR 'ROUND MAINTENANCE Kimberly 3.8274 Nllf NAJD Orange Juice Turkey .... , Chicbtl ~, -~· £Rt:ITS 6 t CCC TABUS GR.AVEJfSTEilf APPLES P'll££STOKE PEACHES l1nUID squAsH SMALL LOCAL TOMATOES •• 21bs 9c CUCUMBERS • 3 for 9c Skim Milk 9~-' STAJIKJST-chUilk Styt. TUNA ~ OL . • ••. 29( CLOBOX BLEACH ~ .. . .. 29( TIDE TO BIUICE YOUR BUDIO! Chuck Roast 39•· Lean Ground Beef 4 u .. 'l 00 AJUCOV11 STAll 5 L1L 4 OZ.. Canned Picnic Hams •2:~ B A C 0 N ··~ao~m u_ 49•. Beef Short Ribs 19:. CHEEsE FlEE-flEE-flEE 1-PIIT SIEIIET