HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-11 - Newport Harbor EnsignI llkha.rd Lee !fowleD ot. BaltNta laland wu ~ yestsday mornlnK by Pfewpolt poUoe and booked on charPI of suaplclon of a.saault and polllble k:Ldnap. ptnr. . YoL 7. Jfo. 52-l't'f'e c..ta COIIOKA DEL MAL CAUl'. 1'1IUIISDAT. AVGUST 11.1& 29 More Join in c·.c. Drive: Balboa Next $1.14 TAX UTE IS SET · FOR CITY He wu held fDt Sen P~o po. lice. who Mnt a (detype mes. sare early y...eerd.,. uklnr the local poJlc»-to loaate Nowlen on the complaint cl. Wanda Cltford or San Pedro. 'nle pollee 4n San Pedro aaJd that Ml.u Gifford had reoetved lnJurt. In a beat. tnr. The 216-year-old l.dand resident was arrested at hl.a home at 206 Ruby Ave. by Offlcen Don Burds- all, Edwin Brawn, .Jutln Epstein and WUllam. Saunders. The ar rest was made alter Officer Burdaall bad spottid Nowlen's car as desaibed by San Pedro pollee. Cou~cil Prepares To Ban Pinballs Anothft' succeuful member· ship drive wu conducted by the Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce Tuesday mornJnr. this time In Corona del Mar. Under the leadenhip of Chamber Prest. dent Maurlt' Stanley. two teams obtained a total of 29 new paid- up me m be r s , and 15 more pledres. . Next Tuesday tht' campalarn will tum to Balboa. Chamber di- rectors and members wtll meet at Karam's Restaurant for break- Cut before &olnr out to make tht' calla. New mf!mben who were aimed up ln last week's campaign on Balboa Ialand are: I. Mull Photoeraphy. Spaul. dlnr .Jeweler~. Kopper Kettle. the Balboen. Ialand Beauty Shop. .Jack'a Barber Shop. Sea Comber Gllta, Lansdowne's Men's Wear, Dot lr Bob Candies, La Fiesta, Lee'• Pharmacy, Island Shell Service, Va1abond House. Cay Top. Balboa Island Variety. Union OU StaUoo, Seely Studlo, JUm of Calllornla. Bedd-14>u, C b a r le • JlkKlnnoo Jnwra.nee. 8ook f/6 -......._ w.a. M.D.. ~ llland Pado. and tM fo1lowtaa lndJvlduala: Clyde Meyer, RJlda Watld.nll. Dorl.a McFarland. Ruth WU.lmes. lohn McNab, Edith Mooft Maroon. Heber Fowler. Stanley Hadfield. Elizabeth J...e.. land, and Don ~anklln. City Counctl established a $1.14 tax rate Mond•y evening for the 1.95&.56-flacal year In the City of Newport Beach. Thls compares with Sl.09 tor tbe past tl8cal year, but It actu. ally represents at 5-eent reduc Coast Hiway S~gnal OK'd tlon. ~aaon Ia that the 5().cents. a-month .ewer chargt' has been eliminated from the water bUl- an amount equal to 10 cents on the tax rate. To replace thls char1e. 3 cents of the 78-cent reneraJ tax ratt' ls allocated for the aewer maintenance and re- pla~ent fund. Here's the comparison with Jut year e .. dtymana ... I U B requellt ol Dal Ctettenber• to be n pper ay allowed to tule a public add:ress system In the Fun Zone. Balboa. Nowlen was u.ted u an engl. neer by trade and own~ or the boat Eatrella In Newport Harbor. Time to Plan Annual COM Lobster Bake Ted G. DeVrla. 25. of Mon-to ;&nnounce sailln1 Urnes tor his ravia. suftend a cut In hl.a back bay and ocean tours. w H when be wu run over by a boat • R.ecetwd a ctft ol more than oman urt In Upper Newport Bay alter Cal-100 war books from author and • ......._" 1 • • llnr otl .ame ... t« aida, the cot"reSpondent Richard Tr~askls b a· D -.-1111 •• I harbor department notified New. for the Newport public library. Y 19 0 9 '-.. F. port pollee lut week. • Rec::rived a letter from At-Art D_...__ a...-11 d Mtas Helen I. Pratt. 60. of UlO DeVries said that the people tomey AUuo::l. cuwe commen -E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa . .ufft'red .John W. Cam-n of Corona In the boat that hlt hlm refused lng tht' Newport Pollee DepL, ~v d art1 1 1 Ca H a fractured lt'ft ankltt when d .. l ,..ar hu ............_ awar""......, tbe to Jive their names. They put an p cu ar y pt. arry MESA BANK MERGES WITH U.S. NATIONAL " .._ .,.,...,... ~ th •-La f t1o d knocked down twice by a boxer trophy for the palntlnl selected eu boat on a trailer and lett ce, or cooper& n an cour. dor In front of 1106 E. Balboa as bert by the judres In the Art the scene. DeVrlt'S said tht' boat tesy ln a cue that he handled. Mt'rger of the Costa Mesa Bank Tht' following om~r pe-rson ExhJblt at the Oranp County which ran over him had been e Received a request from Blvd .. Balboa, at 11 p.m. Satur with the United States National ntol will become official tomor FaiT. There are about 100 pte. following about 10 feet behind Cout Guard Capt . .John Rountree day, Newport pollee reported. Bank of San Diego. effective row: W. c. Rles. aas't. vi~ presl- tures on display, lncludtnr work him when he fell from his akla. for cooperation of local boat ~UsC:. ~~ s!!~~~~ ~~; next Monday. was annouact>d dent: C. R. Nev.rton. ass't. cash of ptofaalonal artlst.f and art The Harbor Department said owners and operators to prevent today by Paul M. Creighton. it'r; Hurh s. Sprlnrer. ass'L teachers. Mr. Cameron hu been the accldent occurred on .July 24. oil pollution of the beaches. dog's caretaker, and the dog president of the Costa Mesa cashltor; C. M. Sovde, Sr.. ass't. P aintlnl only for the last four DeVries was taken for medical e Awarded to Anderson and was owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Bank since 1950. cashlt'r, and D. A. Moore. ass't treatment by Harold Tollt'rup of Anlch. Insurance agents. the con. Page ot l023 E. Balboa Blvd.. The present n.amt' wtll be re cashlt'r Ordinan(e Is Ordered Newport City Coundl Instructed City Attorney ltarl Davia Mon. day evenln1 to draft an ordJ. nance outlawlnl pinball rna. chines In tbe city. The motJon. made by CoundJ. man J. B. Stoddard and 1e90nded by Councilman Sandy Mac)(ay. speclf1ed that a public ht'&rln1 will be scheduled. The Lone Beach pinball ordl. na.nce ls expected to aervt' as a model, '*=ause It makes ~al provla1ona for non.pmbllnc ~n­ ny machines 1n an amu~~ement &reL <See the Loc on Paa• 2.) The new ordlnanc. Ia expect.ecl tD amend the pl'e!lfmt code pJ'O. vtsJon that forbl~ anyone undft' 21 to play amu.wment or aklll cams. ....... , 2 .. t tor the City ~ casta Nella Wa"e continnecl by the eo.ta Mea ctty coundl at a special rMf'tlnc In the Newpo11 Beach .Ju~ Court Monday e'Vt'nlnc. Tbt' ._... 5e'SSlnt'Dts wtJl now £0 on lhf" city tax roll for collf!<"Uon from property owners.. An ordinance annexlnr tht" Murray-Sanders 'iO.a~ aubdlvf slon to tbe ·city passed second reading and was adopted. Th~ 292-home subdivision ls aouth of Orange Coast College. Action on the purchase of a city hall aite on W. 19th St. Is due at tbe regular dty council meeting neX1 Monday evening. Tht' city council has offered Howard Lawson and associate~ $18.000 for the property. years. El Monte, who was tht' operator tract tor comprehensive liability Balboa. who was away at the tlred at th<' close of business to C. W Te Wlnklt'. who was the • l 'oo Lnte to Claalty of the boat towing him. Insurance coverage for the city. time. Harvey said the doe had morrow (Frldayl and wtll be first prt"Sident of tht> Mesa bank. Street l •lght been chained In the afternoon known as the Costa Mesa branch has been toleocted to th.-board of INBOARD BOAT lr trailer, hop. Bremen Youth Arr·.ves Here and claimed that It the dog was of the United States National directors of the United States ..-._ L ,_ I~ at nlrht. aomf'One else Bank on Monday. National Bank f Sa 0 1 PI A • ~""" up motor • ......,; re. au turned It 1~. PauJ Oelghton will be vi~ 0 n ego. an up ga1n cool«, uaed 3 moa. formerly Sfxteen.yeartOld Dieter Noga hopes to attend a meeting wtth ... 40• now ..,5,. Garland IJtove. president and manager of the H . I . S Th d ls d .. •• from Bremen. Germany. anlved President Eisenhower. An examl-Bloodmob .• le I United States NatlonaJ Bank ear•ng s et e ty rea y to go ahf'ad $1.5; Kelvlnator retr11. 7"' ft.. here Monday to spend one year nation upon his return to with the nt'!C'eS'Sary sft'ps for for t65. Phone BA 41.24 or HA as an exchan&'e student at Har Bremen will dt'termlne whether and manager of the Costa M~ matJon of an ~t district USl-W. bor High. He is staylnl at the hewtllhavt'tomake-uptheyear n. a.cs c... aa..abm+'Je b•rancll. ,In Dope Case to Install street llrhting In Co ATJ'N. SERVICE STA110N Man-Corona del Mar home or Councu. of schoollnr he missed at home, Ullit wW be at tM ~.nc.a rona del Mar. City EnJin~r Bert &&en. Are you tired of flrurlnc man and Mrs. .J. B. Stoddard. he pointed out. Legiea lla1L 1511a St. _. w. W..&..• .._0... ICII •• I Webb rt'J)Ortf'd Monday f'Vt'nlnl your dally e.t abeeU, witb Dieter expects to enrort u a Tht' Stoddards plan a two-week • aay A....._ •...-t lleedl: r.-_. ..,_,. Sybil E Chf'Stnut 19. of La that Mrs. Karline Drot'~ has dally lnvetlt.OI'y and IJ'Oia Ienior and to ~a.llze In En& cruise to the Santa Barbara a to 7 p.a. •-• aww (Prtdq). .. ... .._. •• 11rt Habra faces a r harg.-of po~ turned In sufficient strnatures. protlta! Profit 1r t.o. state-l1ah, U. S. Hlstory and clvlaa. He cbanMI Wands on their 3&-foot Dt1JU19 11M pat a ....tU J ... slon of marijuana and Donald E and that lht' nnt at~ Is prepar rnent. payroll, tax report~, bu studied En11l.ab for the lut cabin c:rut.r. catherine B, before IIOCII ....... ._ ued ISS Jane W. Setson. 18. of 224 harl Howard of La Habra a felony atlon of an tnveat:tption and aceta. ree.--trlal bala.nce. and fJve years. 8ChooJ o~ns. Aboard will be ,.._ .C llad en. aiMd 1w Ave .. BaJboa Island.. suffered a char~ of furnishing narcotics to debt report. The propoeed dlm1ct monthly lrtatementaf Let me Upon the oompletJon ol 8cbool-their .on Pete. 13, a freshman ..-u-ta wM ....._ ..S ....._ cut knee In a water aiding acct. • minor. lndudea aU of Cotona del Mar. talk to you about clolnl tbem ~ In lune. be wUl make a thl.a year; .Joan and Rex Brandt .a .. ....-y • -.... ..._ Ia.. dent In Upper Newport Bay Mon Mia Chet~tnut was arrested by ex~t for Corona Rlgblanda and tor you ln your oftke or IQY tb.Ne-weelt trip throupout the and tbeh dauehten. .JoanJe and ,.,.. Ia tndftc • l._ta. day a.nernoon. pollee reported. N~ pollee at 12:05 a .m. Shore CUlls. borne. Call La Vema Well, HA UnJted States and join ht. I"'UP Shelley, and the exchange lrtu-'-ta -.ta eaa be ...S. The towing boat struck mud, Saturday at Balboa Blvd. and ------ 1628-l. _ln_W_uhln __ cto_n_;_o_._c._. _n_ere __ he_cte_n_t.~--------_,.;._., ____ ..._"""":'_ .... ...,. ___ ==· ... IIS.----.....-----...c-a .... usJ=n'---:-th-e_, __ u_l .... to=fall~.==---~~~'!,!t~~:.J:~11~~~Y ~~~ Camallll II I•••• talnlng ] ~ crams of marijuana was found In a car In which she was rldlng. Ht'r preliminary hurlnr wm ~ ht>ld at 2 p.m. tomorrow t Friday 1 1 n Nf'WJ)Ort Beach justl~ rourt. IIOT uraJCEJlATOa Newport ~ach rlrt>mt"n u5<'<1 wateT to t>X11nrulsh a retrtgera tor motor tlre In thf' homf' of Bup C. Sc<'oy of 333 "t Grand Canal. Balboa Island. at 5:06 p.m.. Saturd~· Th.-tire caused tlOO dai"Da~ to the-refrlcHator Newport City Councll Monday .-ventng named a croup of Har- bor Area dvlc leackn u an executl"~ committee to plan nf!'Xt yt'ar's celebration of the elty'e 50th annlvenary. Heading thls Golden lubUee C011Unltteoe ls David 01~ of Udo l$1e, founder o( th• Roadl to Roman~. Other nM!tnben are J. A. Jkoek. with Mrs. llfek u alternate; .J. 8, McNally. P. A. Palm«. R. L. Patterton. Naurte Stanley, Tlleo RobiM. 1. IMJle Stef{e,wn and 1. Ill. WetNiter. ~ ...-.,, • ~,. • .._ City •• ......,. ...._ c.ltf. ow-.... ,.._. ,._.a..._ ............ 1110 L c::...t ~._,, c.r... 4hl ... .,. · ..... IBOFTHE CAUFOlNIA NIWSPAIII PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION • ~ of tile NAllOMAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATOH M•lh119 AcldreM: 2110 I. c...t H19h••Y· c.r-t&el Mer, C.llfornl• TElEI'HONES: HAtw 11 14 ltftd II tl • • • n. NEWPO&T HAUOI. IHSI&N 111M ..,._ Mf• :Mutt to ... • Mwtpeper of t•-•' clrcut.tiotl by tuctt.,.•et of ftle s.,-Jer Covrt o1141 by ,..1011 th.,•of Is qullfled to fM'Witll .N public notlc" ~-~ by lew * * • bt.rod •• S.coft41 CioN Mott« l11 tM r .. t Offiu ot c.r-. 4hl Mv. C.llf. ARVO E. HAAPA ... _. _________ , ___ ..... Edltot •lid r-.ww.., PEG HAAPA ___ ..... -•• ._--------.. ·-.. --... .Aaeoclo.. Etlltot SUISCRIPTION RATES Locol wt-ript•011 r.tM: T-yH,_.Q.OO; ono ,.._$1.00 Ou..Uo of til. Hort..r AIM:T-~~-$7.00; *"* y••_...OO e GOOO.BYE, PINIALLS Looks like the pinb411 mochines are on their wey out. The New- port City .Council took the preliminary ste p Mondey ev~ning by in- structing the city attorney to draft the nece ssery ord mance. The Council certainly deserves e bouquet for that. I have received Information from a couple of other cities on the subject of pinboll machines, and their rrocedure in banning them. John C. Crowley, city manager o Monterey Pork, wrote a le tter dated A ug. 3: "The city ettorney is preparing e n ordinance patterned after the one used in los Angeles. This pertic~lar .ordiAance has withstood two court tests and appears to be very workable. Investigation of the problem disclosed the following facts: The machines are known to attract conslderoble juvenile play: pay-off is not uncommon; machines cannot be effectively controlled and laws prohibiting gambling effectively enforced. Arrests were made here recently by Los A ngeles County Deputy Sheriffs in cooperation with our Police d epartment which suP.porl these conclusions. On the strength of these and the advice of my police chief. as well os police officials of other lo w enforcement agencies. I recom· mended to the City Council that on ordinance be pa ssed prohibit+n g possession of such mochines.' · From Long Beach came a letter. dated Auq. 2. written by City Clerk Margaret Heartwell, who e nclosed copie s of the Long Beach Penal Code and Ordinance No. C-}496. The Penal Code states that: "It shall be unlawful for any person. firM or corporation to keep, maintain, possess or have under control in any place of business, or in any other place of pub lic resort. either as ow'ler lessee, ager'lt, employee, mortgagee o·r otherwise, any table game or device commo,.,Jy ~nowr'l os pin game. p•n ball game. marble game, Or'le shot marble game . horse race machine , claw, scoop or grab machine. any automatic pay-off machine or eny game of chance com· monly ~flown as a slot machine ... ' The Code does exempt non-paying off games or devices ' in any duly ltce'lsed penny a rcades located in the amusement zone s,' if such devices use pennies Or'lly. The Long Beach ordinance sets up an t\musement Gomes Appeel Board a nd specifies rules and regulations for certain games. The differ· ence between a "game of sl:ill and science " and o 'game of chance" is defined. The ordinance provides for a permit for operation of games. The chief of police invesiigotes the applications for permits, submits his ,.comm.,dation to the Board. In co~ of eppeel wh.n a permit is deni.d, the Boerd must decide "wheiher the dominotinq fedor in dete,.mining the result of such game ir chance or skill end /or science." e .an.s ALL ABOOD In two days. Four for mamma, Naturally, thls j u.t has to be two for Kay. Come on, Pappy, about albacore. The entire South· It's your t urn. And mine. ern California aniling fraternity Pappy did the trick. too. Single l.s bolllng, not to mention our hook.up. Kay's down below. Pap. local waters. Everybody's happy, py let out a faint bleat, "Oh, and the loudest c heers may be Kay." She hesitated a split sec. coming from the aportflshlng on~uldn't get the door un. landings. now that those elusive locked, or something. In a flash, long.flns are practically school. Pappy waa !lghtln that fish-on ing up In the jetty. More power Kay's rod. He boated it, too. to all those good people who "Sorry, honey. You were a lit. make a living by helping flsh· tle In gettlne u p here." Oh, well, ermen h ave fun. They deserve a one tor 'the fe llows, anyhow. break, and now lt looks like they EJ,ehty per cent tor mamma; really got it. Go to It, fellows! 100 per cent for me; 100 per cent And full loads! still In the water. Got some eood For • years, the 14 mile bank pictures, though. The P. A. Hukl- has been deserted. No more. I lau was that night. I had a won. had the great satl.sfactlon of derful time. No fish, bu t wonder- seeing a real big one come over ful steaks. the transom Sunday-fresh from e SDDAT the 14-mlle bank. We got there Well, this Is my day. The girls late. but the beer ~ns. paper have h ad their fl ing. No use tak· plates and empty milk cartons lng ohanees w ith big ones. J put proved that a lot of people had the 3-thread away a nd went had a picnic earlier In the d ay. back to 3/6 security. eWE PllEDICT This was on the Adequate. We And now I'm Pc>ld and brassy were on our way back to New. enough to make a prediction. port. Ray and Emilie Roemer. With the long fins In their for mamma and I and, of course. mer haunts, this column will Gwen and Harry Rogers. stick Its neck out and say we'll Guess they were mostly morn have marlin, too, In local waters. lng fish. Noth ing doing off the It's just a hunch, but reasonable. East End or the 209 bank. But To me. there's so much more fun there's the 14.mlle bank. Birds, in trying to lure these big boys bait. business. off Laguna. Dana Point and Cat "Br r-r-r." Hook up. On EmiliE's allna's East End than In San rod. There's color. Wow. what Diego. Yep, I think we'Ll be a whopper. Look out. Shark! Get doing It this season. Time will old Betsy out. Harry. Pink! Ping! tell. It may be my year. Wild excitement. The sha rk Is e HUMBEB ONE REX lunging. Fivt> people telling Sure. I was fishing this week Emilie what to do. tThese end! Who wasn't, who could get women; get rattled at the worst aboard anything that would times! I Sock. Chuck puts the float! I put In three solid thrill gaff home and Into the bag he packed days. two o n Pappy Har comes. What a beauty. TWenty. rison's Jlrnlyn, one on Harry two pounds. at least, Oh well- Rogers' Adequate. Every day we It's just luck. Or so they tell put fish aboard and each nJght me. · saw that old albacore flag up. • FDfiS More durned fun! .J That's my 3 day fishing report. How did I do? One hundred e leht beautllul long.flns. Yep, per cent, chum. That's qulte a the ga_ls were lucky -they deal. lsn't It! Yeah, that's what caught seven of 'em . Pappy you think! Gather 'round a nd saved the men from a total hear my tearful tale-and be skunk, even II he had to do It ready to wade ubore. o n ltay'a rod. I prepared ror thla. I left the 1 batU«. that old 100 pet' cent- Hoffman Hex Oag at home . It you ta ke the one from In front Mamma. poor soul, hadn't bung of the two iao&e eep. Then add up one single long-fin all sea. a nother goose~ge. and what son. Me-I had three. Pretty h ave you ? I'll tell you. aml&&- smart, huh! Well -we'll get It's the Hottman Hex. dipped in mama one-<:ome Friday. Vodka and lowered to ha lt mast •cwaiiOWII.,..aLOCir .. , ... ..,... tM bJodC," tbe w. W. BarMtta haw IDOftd hm 118 Ab&looe to JOt AbAlone. on Little bl&D4 Rump Roast69" CBOICE Round Steak 69f. FOa IADECUDra-aJIOULD&a ROund Steaks 59:. CHUCK ROAST . ·-....... . . . _ 49:. SHORT RIBS -Trimmed . .. . .19f. GROUND BEEF, lb. 29" 4lbs., -,• CROICE--LA.JIGE LODI LAMB CHOPS .... ... 89f. OSCAa IIAYEJI .WIENERS e Swift's Tender Fed· Steer Beef e Frozen Fooda • Dairy Producta • Bread e SpeciaHsing iD Quality Meat F~ Kame F,__n "Quality cmd Pei'IIOilabed Senb With a SmDeH * WE AU OrD DAD. T--8zl0 TO 7r00 P.JI. * IVWDAT-1100 A.M. TO 1:00 P.JI. 47f. 3Gl EAST COAST IDGHWAY CORONA DEL MAB Concerning susperlSion end revocation of permits, the ordinance states: ' If the permitiee or ony agent. employee or servant of permit. tee actirg for and on behalf of such permittee in connection with the operation, maintenance or conduct of any game. •s convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction ir'l the State of Caltfornia, of having voolated any law of the Stole o f Colo fornio prohibiting or regulating gom•ng or of having vtola ted a ny of the provisio,s of this ordinance. or """Y ordinonce of the C ity prohtbtting or regulating gaming all perm ts tflereto fore •ssued to such permittee shall be revo~ed ~y the Board forthwith upon the filing of a certified copy of fi<1ol judgment of co,.,v•ct on of the court with the Boord without hearing or previous I"Oiice.' e ,FJUDAT <Continued on Pace 9) Mamma got one, all rlgh t-r ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;=:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=.;;;;;;;: times three She battled. 100 per cent. Three hook-ups, three In the tlsh bag. With my n~ roller guide silaflex, too. She liked it. Well, good bye rod. I can use one • • • By COL AHDBEW W. SMITH. Form• MMpber of City CoUDcU of my old ones. Me? Oh. I wash fishing 3 thread. TWice an albacore grab- bed the tall feathers of my jig and jerked. oh. so lltUe. Must.a 1-tasted bad. So I did 100 per cent . No hook-ups, no pops, no fish. We boated four In all. Kay Har. rison got the other one. It was e SPEEDIKG County, temporarily at least. ladles' day. Tht> t>fforts to cut down the Motorists seem to think that • SATt7JIDAT spePding on Coast Highway In 1 pedestrians are fair game be. P. A. Tournament day. we Corona del Mar brought this 1 caul!(> tht>y try to escape. Feller started off tine. One solid hook quest1nn from a mPmber of tht> says, "Sure I hit him; he was ad d!"partment or the Ensign: trying to get away, wasn't he?" up · · · Mamma's In business "Can't the city set Its own speed Do you believe that thPre Is a again. It's in the bag. Poor dear mamma. Now she's one ahead of I Jaws"" little spark of larceny In all our me-real quick like. An..,wer: Not on that part of hearts: It Is often fanned Into a Triple hook-up, one of 'em on our ('ltY that is Sta tt' Highway, blaze by a propositior1 that will my outfit. Well. at last here we i. e . 101 alternate-. which cuts make big !ast money wlthM.tt go. Mamma's hooked up, too- through the heart o! our town. I ris k or being caught. This is the and so Is Kay. Hey.y.y! Mine un. As a mt>mber of the City Council a pproach of con men who prey buttoned!! Oh, well, I'll g~ a n. which requested the state to re on the public. other one. What's that, mother! duce thP spE'ed limit to 25 miles • TOLD YOU SO Oh. so yours unbuttoned too! an hour 1 request was refused I, Dontcha just loathe people who Well you're doing o.k.-8) per I know that answer. say "I told you so." Well, it! cent.' You've boated four of your Second question !rom the ad seems that I have an uncanny five hook-ups. Kay got hers ln. department: "Don't you think skill for ~aklng people mad a t It's two In the bag now. Both for that If Wl' put up big enough me. I don t get it. Here I am a the eals '>igns rpquPstlng motor ists to kindly, generous soul. but It Then things slowed down. Six slow down, it would do some seems I just crash In like a bull good? · In a china shop, and to hell with My answer Is "No. positively diplomacy a nd harmony. If It no." People who are nice and po. needs doing, let's get It done. U lite afoot suddenly change when it's wrong let's correct It now. they get on that Iron horse. They What am I talking about? OU berom<' master of the ship. Their Well No. 7 I smelled a mouse InflAted pgo takes over. It makes and said so In this column April them t ht> equal of all men In 14. I thought there was some. automobiles and far superior to thing queer about No. 7 betne a pedestrian. It's llkc putting r~•ported to the city manager as sergeant stripes on a recr uit. "a dud and abandoned tempo.. A helluva bli percentage of rarlly." , people only obey the rules be When I was a tool dresser In cause they are afraid or the con. th e "wild cat" oil d rllllne in sequences. Dldja ever analyze Kansas. t here was always a ru- yourself t o the extent of llnswer· mor started. when a well was de. Jng the question: How honest am clared a "duster" a nd a ba ndoned, I? Am I really deep down as th at oil bad been struck and the honest as I pretend to be, and is abandoning wu a move to throw It because of my morals or the everybody oa 'Ul a later date fear of eettJng caueh t and pe-when Jt would be reopened at • nallzed 1 The only thlng that more advantapous tlme. wUl slow a motorist down even Nothln1 n.-hu been added to the lawful speed Is fear of here. The news wema to haw beine picked up. neatly broken out of the rumor ~member Debe Daniell' cue .tate, ., we may expect to be and the et&ct ol l\et arrest and told any day I19W att.r the biO. sentence tn the Ja.ll hoUie ln dln1 tor tbe ltate te .... betW"" Santa. A.M. The leal ol speed RuntJn&ton leac:b and our d ty Jawa tn Oranp CountY bfc:aJDe boundary Ia over U.at due to a paramow~t tn the ID.Ind8 ol mo-alJpt <Mtrll«ht our lea. hu toiUta trom .... ,........ It wu decided to tab another look at natJocj...-. ~ )ldP pYt the lfo. '7 and liw the eft)' a com. fe&r Ud :1 I ~ the N" pJN report U ,. their ..... 'll*'t ,_ .,.. ..,_ Ja Or...-.,......._. save f) l"J' 1 e y ............. wlth ..... ..,...._r. • • 0 • •• • e • • ee•e··· ,. •• c.a.,.; ~....,, W.LJ.AIIN oa L. E. CAliRI See this new DUPLEX COUCH ...... "IJOI'Urt-WIIII,_ ......... .. ...................... -.... .. ..... ............... for Truly Vers1tile Liri•t• Reversible, loose, iMerspring mattreil can be turned, ._.,.. extr• ~. end permits beddi"9 to be tucked under when mede up for sleepin<) • WIOU<Jht iron table can be used c:ent.red Ot ' et tM end • shown in t+te lustretionl for 'fOAM' most convenient arran~, Two big,~ in~ng bolsters AT • IICMal PUUarn' .......... ..... ............ --....... .... .. .............. .._ .......... . . ................... ..... ,..,. ......... ..... . ..... ~ ........ PTT Business Hq. to Move e w ... I:IDA1'. AVG. 1 wbJdt wu to drtw tbetr cat at -hro penoM 1UtfeN4 bead Ja. hc:Uic ~ 1ut ..u 11re. .. 1. '*" of HOt a. Bay 12:35 a.m. on Cout Bwy. be-o.atSona &Dd ..._....._. lA a cat· auou.-. pw. to mow. tile rtont. laJMe laland. NPGfte4 tweell Dahlia Ave. and Pernlea1 truek accident at knlde Dr • """'''PUIT ....., .. _ omc. to az thllt two bo)'a wwe eaUilllr malJ. Ave .. Corona cW Mar, and •m and Kart.ne Ave., N...-port Beedl. Rewport Bmt., ~ tbe,..... doua JlliKb.lef by throwbll a them oo tbelr we¥ after rett1nr at 1:~ p.m. Wedtwday, Au&,. 3. flola Newport lleedl ell1 ball. eat.up bottle on h• porch the a repcrt that a apt wu about TakeD to Roar Memorial a.. ., Yoa J.iDg tbe laUDdry w. do the work ••• New Low Price. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .. ..,.,_ operauona ..,.. .,. evenlnr before, tbrowtar a ~ to start • • · oalcen quieted a pltal W8'e lba. atrne Ranaen, loeat.s bt <tbe Harbor CIDtral of. crac:kft a !"' nJ•bta previooa. not.y ..nmmlDa party at Sap. 88, ot 225 Apte Ave.. Balboa O<le bulldiDa at 311 E. Balboa throWtnl aan4 belb and rappln& pblre Ave. aD4.S. Bay Front, BaJ. bland. and Barbara Jean wan. WASHERmE 1511._ c::...e ~. Blvd 1n Balboa.. They wm re. on her wln&.wa .•• "'1le batbor boa lalan4. after pttlnr a com-lea. 7, ot l'\aUer1oD. 1'be aed-c.-... .._ ma.; there unttl tbe move on department repotted .tee1~1 plaint at u.;.,a :m-m ·.;1 ~ dent occurred wbeo a car driven !:~=~~=~=~~~~~=~~<~-~~~--=~,_=:::!··~)~~ Sept. 15 01' ,._ L Tbe oltlc::e wheels were Rolen trom e w. Smith. ••. a by Ka.rpret s. want-ot rw . ....,..~ motltl em-boat, SonJth, owned bJ' PbU Seln I.sle, wu arrelted on a 4nmlc lerton eoDlde4 w1tb a pick-up =•~ta=e, Y 8er'Yice of Loe Anples, and the boat. 4rlvlnl ebatre at 12:50 a.m. near truck driven by Earl E. BalJew ot Crystal tee, owned by Clarenu Cout Hwy. and Karcuerlte Ave .• 527 JUveralde Ave Newport HABDw·•~ Manarer Ted Ham brook aald van Killer of Hunttnrton Beach Corona del Mar .• '. HeJrbt.. Tbe ~· wu mak. .ruu:. that after the eonvenlon of Har-..• w. A. ~1 of P. 0 . Box 493, <OaDtiDuMJ ,-Paa-9) In& a left turn ott Marine Ave. HOUSEWABES bot excbanre to dial operation Balboa, complained that a hit Into the VUla Marina par.ldng h11Diblll'e411 ::m ~·~:U~e:.~~~:-· and run ear eau.ed SlOO damboaee ·u. ft..J 811' M Tlk• lot and the truck wu traveling * Giftwar11-· •--~ ~pputia.·~~_..!.._.Pcrinta T:" • to h1a car parked In the Bal a ~ aoutb on Marine Ave. ~ ~ -.-. -- Mew C:llal equipment 1n the -.c. arklnr lot Dave Patterson C II. If •-•r• ==--=-===-::..::::._ ___ :_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ond-tloot bulldlnr adc!Jtlon to be :f 118 Onyx A~ .. Balboa Ialand,111• •• coMtructecl th«e will releue a reported that someone removed Marine Lt. Col. 'nlomu 1. Cuah- larre area on the f1nrt floor tor the 125 boot from the convertible man Jr. auumed command of bualness operatlon.s. top of hla car . . . Marine Photographic Squadron e 1'11UaDAT AUG. 4 2 lut month at the,Marlne Corps 65th Anniversary ORANGE COUNTY NEW ACCOUNTS. More people than ever are u.lng ow ba:nlring fadlities, but your account, too, will be appreciated. We will · welcome the oppar· tunity to work with you for .,:; -· greater wcceu in the days aheoci * Newport Harbor Bank .......... . IIYEwal FarMI"I ... , LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OFFICE: Uberty 8-55M RES. LJnoon:.,. 8-SQ63 Modem living demands more ice-and Clllle·llll• Refrig.atar gives yOU all you want automaticaU11l omcen 10~pt the driver of a Air Station, Cherry Polnt, N. C. hit d red pfrlro""' truck Lt. CoL CWibman Ia the son of an run ....... ., Ret:lred Kartne Lt. Cen T J wh1c:h damarect the lett rear ,... b d Mra. ~~ oi fendu ot the ear of Ben. 0 . ".Js_man an Hester parked In fornt of 315 Serra Drive, Corona BJgblanda, Mar erJte Ave Corona del Mar and husband of the former Miss ':oet Kceullar of 2818 New-Braclley Duffey of Mew Bern, N.C. · · · Be:tore entering the Marine port Blvd .. Newport Beach, was Corps In Aucust 1941, he at- taken from the Newport Pier to tended the Untvenlty of Wash-a physlclan'a otttce, where a fish lngto hook was removed from the rlng n. finrer ot bia right hand 0 0 0 Of ...... -_-....... --c-.-... -~ ... flcera soueht a man on Balboa rYL wnwa ---.p• l.aland who exposed himself from •---a ear to two San Bernardino 1111 .... uwwna gtrls, both 15 ... The evidence Pvt. Gordon R. Rorick. son of was gone but officers reprl-Mrs. Beulah Rorick, 599 W. Ham- manded a group of young people llton. Costa Mesa, recently was after getting a complaint that graduated from the marine hull kids were drinking out of a flask repair course at the Army's on the beach near the Bayview Transportation School, Fort Eus-Hotel, 3Qe5 Palm St., Balboa . . . tls. Va. e P'JUDAT. AUG. 5 Private Rorick was trained to otfleera aettled an argument repair steel and wood hulls and between two brothers as to related structurt-s or Army har Irs. Plllllf •r•n, El-ralllllt, VIIHs Mrs. Stanley Smith of 518 Avo- cado Ave .. Corona del Mar. held a Katte KJatch Friday, July 29. for her friends and neighbo.rs In honor of Mra. Phllllp Meyers, a former Corona del Mar resJdent. who is visiting In the area. Be- sides Mrs. Meyers. who now lives In Hollywood. tboee present ln· eluded Mrs. Maurice Muter, Mrs. Roy Ma.rsac, Mrs. Bruce Harsh- barger. Mrs. Irene WUson, Mrs. Lois Mason. Mrs. WlUiam Sav. age and Mra. Walter Matthews. DAUCIITEa J'Oa &IDIARI A dauJhter, Patrlc:ta Ann, 7 lba. 9 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mn. J:dWUd J::hman. of 101 ~ Aeacla An.. Corona del Mar, In St. I«*Ph Hoepltal on ftiday, IUJy 29. ------a.TIFJCATE OJ' aVSDfESS Fictitious Firm Name bor and landing craft. He also received Instruction In ship nomenclature, blueprint reading. welding. plpefittlng and ship's carpentry. He Is a former student at Newport Harbor High School. SEA.aEE aE'I"'"BJnKC noM TBE PIDLD~DfES Jerry A. Van De V~re. ron- structiorunan, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van De V~re of 1872 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa, is scheduled to return this week- end with MobUe Construction Battalion 9 to the "SeaBee'' base at Port Hueneme. The Battalion, ln the PhUtpplne laland area since January, aurpused Its Ini- tial goal by completing atruc. tures, roads, utllJtles and other facUlties In excess of the pro- jects orlrtnally uataned. a.s ••••• ....,_ ..... _, .. T' .... u-.,.... ••••T' DAT' ac•ooL 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4.369 Mrs. l ean Vaughn. director • FAIR August 9-14 Fairgro•ds 0. Newport Blvd. (Bwy. 56) at"tbe aortll fld&'" of {'-ta ~ midway ._,tweea S..ta Aaa llad Nt'wport ~- Feature Displays-Fine Arts-Hobbies Agriculture -Horticulture -Home Economics Flower Show-Poultry-Rabbits NAnoNAL HORSE SHOW JUNIOR FAIR BUDCiredil of lao,_ Ia t.U -peUUoa at Call· forala'a lop allow. E.fcllt Ope. perf~. F~ laaJor ~ Dally Ia Art'na Vo-~ acrkal~ Ulroo~hout 0f'allA'C' Coa8ty, n.lllbltla&' crop.. ~c ADd li\ ... •&.eek. witb __ ._. puWlc U\•t"Stock auctloa at C p.mq Frtday. Au~r. 1%.. • $ 1190 BOUCHARD RETURNS Plnle ....... 01 Hucl willa ..clu1l lll-'e. lla ~U~rtJac ...--.try. Oal N a I e. ........ Ia« lll-'e, ortct..aJ ~-NipUy a& 1 :46 ,.._ Jll ~..-... A.alplalt-.ur. State Beton Twirling Contest -Pogo Stick Races Public Square Dancing -Daily Entertainment Commercial and Industrial Shows • Ben'd ..,.usic -Carnival -Fun ~ .... of,., .... 1955 • 11IE UNDEBSIGNED does here- by cert1ty that be is conducting a contracting and construction business at 1600 W. Coast High· way, Newport Beach. Calllornia, under the fk:titlous tlnn name of MEDICAL BUILDl'NG COMPANY OF AMERICA and that said firm la c:ompoaed of the following per. sons. whose names in full and places of residence are as fol- lows. to-wit : ~~oLD RELIABLE'' INTO A FLASH OF FIRE! RALPH L. HOYLE 202 Garnet Balboa Island, California WITNESS my hand this 28th day of July. 1955. RALPH L. HOYLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ON Tl-IIS 28th day of July, A.D. 1955, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and tor the said County and State. residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, p e r so n a 1 1 y a ppeared Ralph L. Hoyle known to me to be the per90n whose name is subscribed to the within instru- ment. and acknowledeed to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and af. fixed my offlclal seal the day and year In this Certltlcate first above written. DONALD D. HARWOOD My Commission Expires Au- gust 28. 195& Publish : Aug. 4-11·1~25, 1955 In the Newport Harbor Or.tW.-.IMdapelw....a.t~~·~ ..., a-~ ,._., ..... ~a.t,y ty ,...._11-Vell ~ 1b t11 NU.. ~OM. a.o-. Ta~t I ~rift II ttit ...... ltftlet al4 * ....... " ,..., ltl ................ ,.. .... . For yean md rears. a.e,1okt bas Jiwa ud ~ can &Dd eYCIJ b.ip- JOU thole qualidea ol awaiaJa aad wort-priced c:.r but cme. No otber IIOCt cu manahip thaC ..a it tbo bat iawatm • caa 1Mb daal .. &aneDt. iD itlleld ••• Dd DOW added to al dill " · Y-. mf FlMb of ft.rcl That' a why we II airz,.., ll"'fwseeaal lit JOU to come iD aDd try the new Proal? Y0111 bet. Ia c6W NASCAJt. • Oaet~oiet beb'e you buy tll{1 car. TdaJI a.m.. Olll IOOC ......... all IDw ..,...,....,,....._ .... a~s II' '-D's ..., ..... '" . ................... MILLER CHEVROLET CO. ----------------------~--·~~------ I 4 u'd= TIS • 1 'he .e •AttY DAY ae•ooL .. ..-.rea ..0 Bellotlope, Corona del Mat Harbor .... Uhder new man.a,ement Mn. Jean Vauaba, cllrect.or --·---- Standard 8 h a 4 e Cloths and cu..tom Speclaltles e Drapery B a r d w a r e e Venetian BUnda. L:ido Resident o~yt~!~ o1..a £li f:D4 • Yta Lido Nor4. Lido We, b t1ytn1 around the 'World by -.y ot Honolulu. Ha· walt. JQ&n, Bona Kon&, Bane· kok. Thailand, Calcutta, DelhJ, Bombay, lndla. Sprtnaaar. Vale of Ka.shmlr, Cairo. ECYPt. len•· aalem. Jordan, Beinat. Ltbanon, Istanbul, Turkel, VSeruta, Au. tria. Geneva, Switzerland, Ma· nlch and FrankfUrt. Germany, ParU&. France. London. Am.lter· dam, and Copenharen. Between Amsterdam and Loa An&eles &he wm fly the new SAS flleht over the Pole. tn Hona Konc abe wlll vt.alt Mr. and Mn. .James Zee Min Lee. ~J. tJI ~ Mr. Lee Is writer and motion pte. fD~ fi!J·It~".l ture director. ln England ahe SAVE SAFELY. At Orenge County's L .. ding Home lending Institution wUl ~ ~ cuest of In. and Mn.. Christian Volt, .tortnerly of Bev. erly Hills. ln. Frankfurt abe will be the guest of Baron and Baroness Eberhard Von Oppenheim. and at General and MrL Dunford. She plans to joln Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes In G en e v a, Switzerland, and they wtll go to Munich and VIenna. Apes Hill WI'-Dies Services for Mrs. Agnes Hall WUson. 85, of 1914 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. were held Aug. 2 in Parkes Ridley Mortuary Cha. pel. Mrs. Wilson died In the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ray Bar rett. where she llvt-d She Is also survived by another daughter. Mrs. Edward Hart of Costa Mesa. and a son. Harold E. Wilson of Corona del Mar. The Adrian WU.Ons an down tacnJly b.-e before the tor the rest of the wmmet In ~ th,tf neatlon, Bar~ bland home. They C!Ome • • • trom the Glendale area. Dr. and M.rt. Salvatore Monaco • • • wrot• from Vent~. Italy, that Former tesJdenta. the Tbomu they wo~Jd be home early next Vlc:ka. write from Port Huetlme month. , ... traveltnr Balboanl that they are thlnldng of comlna bave been making a three month back to the Jarbor. tou.r df eountrln on the other ~ • • aide of the Atlantic. They started Read the Enatcn Want Ad The Vern(( Wataona took the out by vtatuna Kentucky IOna ... --------••-• whole tamny to Laey-B Ranch enoualt to see their eon Renato /P. ~jfJA for a tamUy vacation alona wtth eraduate trom medical achool L b h I f h • ~ the Optimist outing. Verne's. par. and alnce have cauaht up with .I g t t e·l r .I e ~·It r-p~'-1-enta from the eut also arrived their eon, Armando, who la sta. ~ over the week-end. Uoned In Germany. • • • • • • Harold Robertllon of 333 E. Bay Front. Balboa Island. and his Dr. wife are visiting up tbe coast at VIctoria and Vancouver, Bri· tlah Columbia. • • • The WUllam Harveys of Bay Shores. that Is, mother and the kids. have aone to Crestline Cor the month o! August . . . dad wtll get up there on week.ends. • • • When the Malcolm Angells say "Happy Birthday" It Juts a whole week. The reason 1s that Mal had his birthday on Mon. day, Aug. 1. and Lucy on Aug. 4. It was steak barbecued at home and a late show for the man of the house, and last Thursday they had dinner at VIc· tor Hugo's and saw the Festival of Arts In honor of Lucy. • • • The Arthur Reaumes of 115 Via Jucar, Lido Isle. are entertaining Mrs. Reaume's sister and family. Mrs. Emery Cook and children, Corry, Judy and Jenlfer. from Texas. Lt. Col. Cook stationed at Randolf expects to join the The 0 . S. Tosdals or 607 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, q>ent part of the summer vacation with a bit of a camping trip this year which wu quite a picnic with their little ones aae 3 and 5 years . . . And please salute when you see Lt. Col. Tosdal around town. he jumped from major tbla summer. • • • A pre nuptial party for Miss Marla Pleaer Is planned by friends In Azusa for Sunday. • • • Understand Harold Hetrick Is buUdJng hlJ"Melf a house on La Canada In Costa Mesa-won$ier 11 he wu able to get the bank to go along on a building loan. Your credit's good, Harold. (Continued on Paee 7 ) FlkST CHU"CH Of CH"IST SCIENTIST JlOl Vle lUo, Newoori leech A bre11eh of the Motl!.r Church, The Firtt Churc:h of Chrii+, Sc:iet~tiat, in 8os· ton, Me...dlusettt. Sut~dey Sc:hool -----9: IS •·"'· Sundey S.rvice -··---I I :00 •. m. Wedn..dey Eveni119 M .. tin9 8:00 p.m. IT. AJIDaKWI ·~ ca-no•aca-lSth St. ll St. A.ndrewa Jld,, .... .._ ......... UIMdfl~ .__,._..J_..Lit.wclrt SUNDAY: Morning worahtp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. HJcb. Sr. Hlah and C!OUeae aae Fellow. ahlpa. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study croup, 9:30 a.m. ____,.. COIOIUMtn IUTIIODIIT -•• lllla ..... CMtD .... Llbert'l' 1-GD a... 1_,a. W. Mc:Dae Sunday: 9:30 a.m,. Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a .m . Morning Worahtp--7 p.m. College Age MYJ' Service-7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 8 p.m .. young adults group service. THE CII'UilCII OF amJST 1050 Cburc:b St... CoeN ,._. Uberty ..... , D. C. Bunt. II1DI.aW J'1IIIT AUDDLY OP COD a..&lt. & a..A .... c....._. Laertr 14711 ··= ., Jl. e. er..k:. ..... SUnday School: 1:30 a..m: Wor· ablp: 10:55 a.m, and evanJti,lat RrVI~. 7:30 p,m, Young People and CbUdren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun, Kid-week Se:rvtce: Wedneaday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Klalona.ry Councll. TbW'IIda~ t:ao a.m. a au •· IEVDIB DAY ADVDIISI .ewpoet ..... at .......... lfl=ttr:ata Elclaw D. a. lpauld1av Saturday Momtng Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a .m, Ptayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m, CIIUBCII of tbe lfAZAaEJIE 1115 A ....... St.. eo.ta M..a Paatoca a... Clift WIIUmna Llbelty S,7111 I'DI'I' ...,..,. caoACa ._.._A-..ell a au. c... .... ... ~a. ............. . Sundq cea: 9 :45 a.m. Su.ftda7 Sdtool; 11 3..m, Wonlllp s.rvtcfs,i. 8:10 p.m,. Baptilt Tralnlnl unkm: 7:30 p.m.. Erinlnl SerYke. Wedntillday: 7:10 p,m., Pfa)w, Pr.S. ud Bible Stud)-. Moe· 4Q: 7:10 p,m, 118'1 c..ua pract~ a:ao .......... ... ,. ..... "" c:aua:a or 0011 LADY OP 1ft. c:apna. 1"1 w ......... -.&. ••pwt IIA.IW 1114 Fau.-1~'-r·._. F~ ........ ~ Sunday MUM~~: 8:00 and 10:00 and U ~30 a.m. Confeulon: Sat, urdaya and eves. of 1st Frldaya and Holy Daya from 4 :00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. Dally Mass 8:00 a.m, F1rJt Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6 :00p.m. Nove n a CPerpetuaJ Help): Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Ft.shermen's Mus. luly and Auauat. Sunday 4 a.m. CONTINUING TO PAY Elsie la.Woyp'! Capt. Welch I YARN SHOP Joins Rosan R .. din9 ROOf'!\ louted •t )) IS v .. lido, Newport B.ec:h, is open WM k d•Y' from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. Wedne.d•Y' from 10:00 e.m. to 7:-45 p.m. f.ridey -nin91 from 7:00 p.m. to 9·00 p.m. Su"<~•Y •fternoona 2 to 5 p.m. Closed HolideY' Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor- ship; 7 :30 p.m. evenlng service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TBE CIIVJICII OF CBJliST Odd Fellows Loctte. 1141 lfewport An.. eon. ...... Sunday Servtcea: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m, MornJng Worship at 10:30 a.m, Evangelistic Serv· 1~. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m, Wednesday. 1"DST CIIUJICB OF CBJliST IC1Df1ST ,. Vla ~r a.adl UJnVEDALIIT COII'IIUWITT FD.LOWIIIIP EbeU ClabboaM 515 W. aaJ.boa IIYCL aalhoa Mlal.ster: .... F. w. BI.Dp Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Morn. lne worsbJp, 11 :00 a.m. PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or ltfore 1M 1Oth of the Mo""- Eern From the ht. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH Pllone HY 4-lln rtf1 E. Coast Bl91nray CocoDa del Mcu BA 0857 Knitting. Crochetlng and ·Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Specialized Accessories and Instructlona BOUJLS Mon. thru SaL 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. Maiuf aJ. ~~ B:EADQUAIITEBS FOB IIDDIES' TOYS, Buell I Swill lur 3101 E. Coast Jlwy. at Jamal•r Coroea del Mcu (Next to All American Market> IIAUOB 5511 * Abo at 5251 E. 2Dd St.. I.D lAD9 lleada * Let v.a eafeopard JOW' w. aa4 bealtb. you holM. CIDd you fata..re wttll wm.-.. I.DaOIGDCie CD...... f>Ga•t delay. Call DOW I *JIM WHYtE* LDDI'I'T 1-1171 COSTA lOlA aurJit &DG. # -------------------- TIIVEL _. The publie i1 eordielly invited to et· Jose Rosan. president of Rosan. t•ttd the c:hurc:h retvic•• end use the Inc., announces the appointment R .. dinq ltoom. of Captain David N. Welch as __ ...;._ ________ _ gPneral manager of Rosan Enter. DJR.EC'fOR Y prlses which ls romprlsed of the Seacraft and Foreign Motors. MUSIC Ltd. divisions of Rosan. Inc., Margaret L. Scharle Newport Beach. Captain Welch Is well known Teacher of Plano In yachting and shipping clreles. Oraanllt · Accompanlst He served as Captain for many Evenrnf Claaees for dult. years aboard the worJd.famous 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Fleischmann yacht "HAIDA", Corona del Mar one of the largest and most lux. urlous private ships afloat. Cap. taln Welch dt"Signed and super. vised c o n s t r u c t I o n of the "HAIDA" at the Bath Iron Works. Bath. Maine. Friendly Nelahborbood Servt~ P ARICES-RIDLEY MORnJARY llO,Broadway u 8-Mll • 8-3434 Coeta Mesa Durtnc World War 0 he was Captain of a troop tu.n.sport and aaUed In aU theaters of opera. tb\. R«ently his work took him to the South PaclLlc, where he ~==========~ bas been for the past six months. Irs. LeHo ll.u Her C1111111ittea Culn111 Mrs. Thomas L. Letto. presl. dent of the Lido Isle Wom an's Club has ~ust announced her appointment of committee heads tor the forthromtne season: Membership, Mrs. Donald Cole- grove. Program. Mrs. Joe E. Preln Inger. Cards, Mrs. Martin J. Lockney. Bingo. Mrs. Donald P. Hart. Luncheon. Mrs. Lee Barnes. Reservations. M r s . G I r a r d Shuchter. Decorations; Mrs. VIncent Sal m acla. Publicity, Mrs. Jt>rrel P. Rich· ards. Publications. Mrs. Thomas E. Cro-zier. Historian, Mrs. James S. Beat tie. Garden, Mrs. Irving Watcher. Welfare. Mrs. l ames Martin· dale. Hospitality, Mrs. John H. Un. eon. Special Events. Mrs. Robert L. Trembley. Courtesy, Mrs. William Tritt. Dancing. Mrs. PbiUip Stam. baugh. The elected oUicers of the club who will help President Letto are First VIce President. Mra. Donald R. Colearove. Second VIce President Mrs. Joe E. Prelnlnger. Treasurer, Mrs. Gene Roa. Re cording Secretary, Mrs. Paul M. Rogers. Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Neil Cameron. and Parlfa. mentarian. Mra. Balph Tandow· sky. The aeuon wlli open on Sep. temb« 27th with a luncheon and card party at the clubhouse. IIOWAIID aoGDT TADI Alll111810-~ Howard 1 Jioltrt ltr,. 110n of Col. and KrL H. Z.. Botert of 448 Momll'\l Can)'on 14., Corona HI-. ....... 11 ~ calJtanda•• Staaford UAlvtnltY ju.okn ~bo .have befn r«etvtnr ampblb~ tntntq at lJttle Cree~~. Ya.. aa-r wl~ mldllldpmm fral& 5I Naval 80TC unJUt ln coUepa •net u~ t.blou~ the ~. ... ,·· NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servtne the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8·2121 17h lc Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKlNG BOTH LOCATIONS INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast HJehway Corona del Mar Res. Phone. 1Jlaerty 8-7315 Wilbur C . Wagner, D.C . Chiropractic Phnlcal Therapy Colon Therapy 314 Ocean Ave., Laguna Office: Hyatt 4·2398 Res.: Hyatt 4-4084 Uberty 1..$711 Tom a.br.Jr .. Mlalater Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m. Bible study; 10;55 a.m. worship serv. Ice; 7:30 p.rn, evening service. CIIJliST CIIUJICII aT TilE SEA CclmaaaiW~ aaJ.boa U9d. ot 14tla lt.. X.wporl ~5121 '-ton .... .., A. CarlaoD Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mld· week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIDI CIIVBCII 1184 a.._.. Aft.. Coda M..a Uberty .. 1.1 ·~ ,. •• -J. •.wa • 11.,. M I .e 9. I. I. II ... U:liO a.m. ~ Kua at 7:00a.m.-Con.fe.lcm: Satur· 4a~ from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. I DIST a.APnST CIIUBCII OF XEWNiff laJhoa JUYd... 1ttla & Cout Sta.. Rewpol't IIAJtJo6 ssss Llbelty a,.-r.a Pastot'c Jled)ert 0. Jolauta Sunday eervlces: 9:45 a.m., Sun· day School; 11:00 a.m.. Wor· ship Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday evenlnc C: er vIe e ; Mid· Week Servt~: 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday Prayer Meeting. Sunday School: 9:1S a.m., Sun· day S e r v 1 c e : 1l :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlna Me«lng: 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 VIa lJdo, Newport Beach. o'ben 10 un.-5 p.m. week d ays, 10 a.m.· 7:48 p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. FrJday evenln~ CIDDST LU'TIIEa.AJf CIIUBCII OF COSTA MESA (Miaenut lyaod) America IMtoe Jla1L eo.ta ..... Paatocs .... Lotbar Tonow Sunday Servtees: Wonhtp Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aJU.aOA IILAJID COIOIVWITT IGTIIODJST UI=A...,...._w..d M .... Dt sHIILJ9 ....... Sunday Servfcea: t:30 L m. Cllordt Schooll 9:.1!0 and 11:00 a.m. Wonhtp M!'Vl~. COIIOWA DID.. MU COJOftJ'WJT!' CIIUBCII c .......... , 111:::;::cc,• ... ST. JAMU znsco•AL UDI Via Lido. .ewpott a.ada ~1-...... J .......... Itect. Sunday servtcea: 8:30 a .rn, Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Sunday school; 9:30 Lm. morn 1 n g prayer and sermon, 11 a.m. worship service. Thursday Serv. Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld : 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. 10-VIAJfiRY 31' MCII'iae Aft.. aalhoa lalaD4 IIAdiK 1114 Fatber ~· ,__ F.U.. fqpg .. Aaat. Sunday Maaea: 7:00 a.rn, ll 9:00 a.m. Confesalon: Saturdaya and eve&. of 1R Frtdaya and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; nnt P'riday ..... 8 a.m. SclmJDu Mua. July ud Aquat Sunda)', u a.m. ~ma..cauaca o.....A-..elllda eon. ...._ LDI lt .. ,_ A.A.h' , ..... Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.. Morn· Jng Serv1ce. 11:00; EYentDg Servt~. 7:30. Mld•WeU Serv· 1<le, Wedneaday, 7:30p.m. Young people meet 6:15 p.m. Sunday. .......... B4wta a-a Sunday Worship Servtces: '9:45 a .m., 11 :00 L m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. l'DIIT IOUTimU a.uTJST IIAUOB ASSEIOLY OF COD $SO W. llala.U~~ c:..ta Meea Chape.L JoatiMna CaW. alble eou~ Ubelty a..ua lfEWPOIIT BOaOB LJbe1ty a.w1 tGlora Dr. aldaCII'd II. ,._ LUTB.EJUUf CIIUBCII 8..,. c. E.. Tlnumood Sunday achool, 9:f.5 a.m.; church 2501 CUff DT .. lfewpod Be19bts aetvice 11:00 a.m. ~aJnlng ~ "1111 Sunday achool 9:30a.m ., morning Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evening ..,.., llobert Cnllla.a.d worship 11 a .m . Young people worahlp 8 p.rn, Sund(ly. Teach· Early service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; service 6:30 p.rn,, evenlug era and officers meetlng7 p.m. Church School, 9:30 a.m.; wor· evangelist service 7:30 p.m. Wedn.daJ. Prayer lervi~ and ship servl~. 11:00 a.m.; Luther Mld.week service 7:30 p.m. Bible Jtudy '7:45 p.m. Wednes. League, 7 :00 p.m. y.'ednesday. day. This Directory is made poPible by these ci~c-mlnded bt•tlia 1 mn•n: WOODWORTH PIANO SHOP RICHARD'S UDO MARKET Exclusive Agent for Baldwin Pianos 2610 E, Co.st Hwy. H.,. 3382 ~· del M• NEWPORT HARIOR ENSIGN NEWSPAP£R Prlnting-Advertlalng-Local Newt 2850 E, eo.st Hwy. Har. 1114 Corona del Mar NEWPORT HARIOR lANK 3436 E, Coed Hwy. NEWPORT IALJOA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 3366 VNt Udo Newpcri leech Orange CountJ'• Mc.t Complete Market ltill Vie. Uclo H.t.or 2121 Newport INd. EARL W. STANLEY. R..ttor SeiUna Newport *rtior Since 1931 Matn Office -..o. lellnd H-*'or 1 ns STAFFdkD & SON Electric IDitallaUocw. lla.batelaanc:e, Bepaha I 10 R"'er.W. A.-. U 1.14fl Ntwport IHc.h IALIOA lAY CLUI 1221 W. eo.t H..,_.y Newport 1Nc11 .. I I H.. hair fashions Announces the addition ot ButbSermnella to Ita ltd 101. Semonella'a name hu lon1 been I)'DOftymout. 1ft tJw harbor aree. wtth outat.aJidlq balr ltJllnc. Mothets Club Meets Aug. 24 Plana are bftnl made tor the Aucut meettq ot the Ddlolay llodaer'a Club, Oran1e Cout Chapter. to be held at 8:30 p.ra. Wedne.day, Au1. ~.at La P-.a Jtelltaurant. eo.ta Meaa. hess laalr fll81dons The Club'a annual pot-luc:k supper wu held at the eo.ta M .. Park on Wedn~. July 27. Membera ot Dellolay, JoM Daulhten a.thel ud their tamJ. 11• and cuecta ~ by Mra. Hadd Blnc. t ot the Kother'a Oub ot DeKola)'. Eaeh famlly brou1ht a hot d.1ah or aalad. r • ...-....._...._.._ ••• .... Wllrlldlrt' cu ... by ........... SNIP 'N' SnTCH .... Summer Clecwance . SALE of Fabrics Poliabed Cottons, Rayons cm.d Nylona At the aamea following tupper prius · were won by Tom NI- quette, gunny aac:k raee; Sally Cooper, ehl~ bean counter; l amea Nel110n for eradters and whtatle contest; and Donna Church for the bean and spoon raee. Reg . to $2.49 --.. --·-------·-SALE Sl.OO Yd. SBDn"' GATU. P'IEft DUGOifS ...S Lotu ala••-· wW be .-n oi tiM ...ac .._.... dec:lw at u.. Lotu r..ttNS aau lldae4uled ._ tbc 11......-t a-t.. Tatat Cab -AQ9Ut • by a. ~ J • spe. A--. tile -.It-tee __ .._. ... tbc ...... ----peaty ... Novelty Cottons Printed Drapery Reg . to $1 .39 --.. ---.... ·---·-SALE 2 yd-. Sl.SO YIIIIIE Scmforized Cotton Prints Reg. to $1.00 .. -·---·--·--.. SALE 2 yda. $1.00 3 Yd&. 1 • price. Special (Corona del Mar Store only) Reg. 59c yd .... -.--.. --··-·---SALE 3 yda. Sl.OO 4th yd. only VIRGOOA·s SNIP 'N' SnTCH SHOPS Mafilyn Cordially invites you to the opening of her new gown shop at 1767a Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa WHERE you will find dresses with the lobels of top foshion De- signers ... such os Don Loper, Georgie Bullock ond o host of others ... oil the gowns 11re stunning however, whether in the low, medium or high priced category ... A few fabulous styles of Summer foshions moy be purchased ot a lovely reduction, for the simple reoson room must be m11de for the new Foil styles which are st11rtin9 to come in ... So do come in and sN for yourself you'll be pleasantly surprised to find just wh~ you wont. . P.S. There ere Acc.ssories. Lingerie ond Hots you'll simply love • • . So don't miss scein9 them when you come in ••• BOLaJlOOitS TO MOVE Tht-Robert Holbrooks ot 2562 Crestview Dr., Bay Shore-s. art> moving to Westwood come ~p tember 1. Th~ have lived in the Harbor area for seven years. cameras repairs rentals fast acony. 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET .. "''" 'ndtler from Betty (The Eel and I) MacDonald's new book "Onions ln the Stew" . . . where- in she de.crlbea We on the Ialand ot Vuhon In Pudget Sound ... Where th~ flnaJJy bought a houae and unwttled down to peaeelesa Island Uv- lnf ... * * * ..,.. ........ ----Gad ~ tiler de.'t Mft It tMy wW .. lt. 0.. J -.bel Dea (Mr llwsCI • •> to w-t .. --wtJd .... ...,....a,. .... ~toWIJllaitwaaa.JS .,.., : •~a.-.wtua • ..__ ...... 1 ......... pcd ear 's ... .....,..., 1111 l..ay. .,.. .,._ ct tiM c::ltec+j .. ---~ eald tMt ...... tMy .... two ... . ..... ...., dlda't J ..... . CIDaple ---. • J did. We c.- ..-lt. ~ .. , ... eald "WWid ria. doa't .. ..-s Ia v.-... Jt'a • ...,......_.: .. * * * Should you wtsh to chuckl~ on through the night ... ''Onions in the Stew" can be pur- chased ln ou• Lido Bookcaae across the street . . . U you hap. pen to have teen aee girls around your house . . . I ddJ. ni~ly recommend it to eue that "What am I! mother or a mouw!'' you're growing through. * * * Actaally WUd .... Mt • tnle ... bwt .......... oi • ... ... _._ ........ 11-a. •• ...._ ••• Ia C'-aa1 dlaa:t It ....... .,, trlbd ........ . laL:sO' ........ I ""-' ....-• • • Ia Dllea-_. _,. * Tty this: 1 4 oz. pkg. WUd Rice (almost ont-cupl ... Wash v~ well ... Combine with two cups gravy ... Don't let Betty Mac- Donald's $2:J5 8C&l't! you ... that's on Goshen . . . Here our moct exepnalve package 1s $1.55 ... four ounce paclta1e 57c:. * * * hU pen ua 1111 • *-1 wMa mailed --1r'UII --• · · ~ d b IIIII ... ._ a.l· u... ... ._. • 1_,. ...... •ball Ia l c.~ bwtW ......... ... dry ...S a18ee II •• 0 a... ...,.... ........ ...... ..... .. 1 ... 1' ....... .................. . • .e-ll ... I =1 .... _. .. nail ••• AM I ... atcwu...__., ... ........... o.~r.-, ................... .............. 2 a ................ ................... ., ...,,..._. nl t?S ...................... aa-am a r -. IRVINE TERRACE OVEJtL()()KINO TR!! JIEAUTD'UL 11100.1'BD'' YACB'J1NC CENTER OF NEWPORT BARiplt "Southern Callfan.la'a 11• Beautlful SubdlvtaJon" • • Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVlTE YOU TO JNSPIX:I" COliPLETED OUR DI.S'TINCTIVE J'URN1SBED MODEL HOMES AND Ol"BEkS UNDER CONSTRUCriON NiNE DIVEaSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buYer who wiahes to purch ase In the SU.OOO to .135.000 class we alncerely recommend the lrvtne btat.es overlookine Newport Harbor. These homes feature Callfomla Uvlne. Offered exclu- atvely throueh Earl W. Stanley ln a Smoe-Free area known o 1rYtne Terrace-on Cout BJehway opPQI!te the new Irvtne Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holct. a Leasehold Estate ln Irvi ne Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayahores or CUff Bavea.. __ _ _ ~ Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther Information Vogel Value COROllA DR IAR CORIIER DUPLEX Each unit has 2 bedrooms. fireplace. No. 1 bedroom large, breakfast area, handy kitchen. tile sinks. tile In baths. cedar roof. garage lr laundry, beautiful yard. No. 1 unit leased at $90.00 per month. No. 2 unit rented month to-month at $85.00. A very good VALUE at $22,500-4"% FHA Loan. Ideal for home It Income or income. THE VOGEL CO. 2607 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 " HARBOR 1741 (Closed Sundays during Aug.) IEFDIE YOU IUY TIY ,.._ L .. VITI, ... , NEWPORT HEICBTS-1) Splc It span 4-bedr., 2 baths, garg., patio, newly painted inside, nr. high school. $14.500. 2) 3-bedr.. 2 baths. 3 car garg., fenced. 2 levels. over 16.000 sq. ft. In home. A-1 cond., 427.500. Will trade Cor sm a ller home In Hts. area. NEWPORT BEACH 11 2 bedr. home. stucco. ror., furn . garg.. nr. ocean. bay & park. $11.250. 2) ~bedr. frame .• fenced, t lrpl.. landscaped. nr. bay &. park. $11.600 31 2 story duplex. Npt Is .. 3-bedr. lr 2 bedr. units. corn. nr. pa rk. -1 1 150 ft. on Coast Hwy. C Zone. Priced rt. on today's mkt., $143 front ft. COSTA MESA 11 Full pricP $5.000 for 2 b<>dr. frame houS(' with xtra rm. Off Npt. Bl~d .. fenced. $1.000 dn . $75 pt>r mu 21 Brnarl\\aY & Fullerton, 110 x 125. Ideal mediC'al or orr hldJ{ sit('. 31 3 h<'rir o.,tuc('O on Broadway. 4r~ loan. VA rom millmt:'nt S11.500 $1.500 down. LIBERTY 8 5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 :'-ipt. Blvd , Costa Mesa 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. ----------- DIG IN YOUR SAIID There's a dlfferenC't' when you own your own home. It's like a port In the s torm. Take. for examp le. this nearly new Balboa Is land 3 bedroom and den home. It has a spacious big living room opening onto a large patio with ronvenienl servace from the kitchen. Jt has many specia l features Including sliding elass doors. forced air heat. etc. Owner might consider trade for Pasadena area. Excel lent financing. Now Is the time lo ~ us for th is et.. C't'ptlonal value. ISLAIID REALTY CO. 498 Park at Agate-Balboa b land-Harbor 377 Utile 1111111 Elclllhl 2 smart modern apartments-tastefully furnished ... each w1t h private paUo and a number of unique fea- tures ... combining the utmost In liveability and rom. tort with choice "Lit tle Island" location. Please call us for appointment to show -we know you'll be Impressed~ W. W. IIIF., ••Ill STANLEY HADFIELD, ASSOCIATE REALTOR Park Ave. at Martne: Balboa Ialand Harbor~ 100 POPPY AVE., OOION A DF.L .Jt1AR OPEN BOUSE DAILY Not onlY te thil a houM wltb a w1de ocean view but It 11 ~,. dealped tow tb• J1"'IOIt convenient tn. door~ UYIU. Artlltlcal17 la.nkapect wltJl an eye for ...., ...,._.nee, 2-bedrl. pi• ._ J .._ wood pueUlftl, Joftl1 ftnpla~ etc., Ito lawa to IDGW! KM1N .._aDd Lclt,--TDM1. Ubat1a.-.. ..... u.w .. ' 2602 Newport Blvd,. Newport Jlarbor ~718 328 N..\RCSSUS AVE. CORONA DEL MAR 2-bedr. home on fiO.Jt. lot. Ha rdwood floors, 220 volt wiring. permant. water lOft. ener, sprlnkllne system, etc. Sacrl.fJce $21,500, tenns. JOII E. SliM RR REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Coast Highway, HA 2422 CORONA DEL MAR ... , .• OnllliHss Perfect business opportunity for couple, and just reduced Cor quick sale! Washaterla with S.yr. lease. Equipt. In A 1 cond. Rt>duced $4.000 by out of. town owner. fn1cis J. · Horwatll REALTOR U S5101 or HA 1428 Open Dally 1-5 P ..M. CMOIA lB. Ill Beaut iful 2-bedr., 2-yr.-old. quality furnished home ... brick flrepl. especially attractive living room. 439 Beronla Ave. Furnished price 511 •. (wtll w ll un1\lrnbhed) Good loan available. Earl W. Sillily REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 FOR SALE: ~~ ener, Corona del Mar, 3 ~~ ... 2 .... modem home, furn. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro- posed parochial school ... everything buUt-ln Including dishwasher, d isposal. etc. En-closed patio and 2 car ga rage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506 M. • Udo 1a1e aarbout Brand new !.story, 4- bedr.. 3 bath home- 77 !t. waterfront -carpet It alate floors- stone fireplace-very smart design. We believe thb to be the moat desirable BAY FRONT HOME available In the en. tire area. ... 750 BE.AL DTAft & ...,-AU • ALMOST NEW Completly tuml.ahed 2·bedr. Cape CcMI bou.!, bath It abower, kJtcben, 4Jnette, dbl. .. .. encloeed patio; 1ot 30 K 118. .fZ1 llelJotrope, CDM. S13,ZO. euy tmn1. See An.y. time. 3 bUca to beach-1 block to ahope. roa lAior HAMJIIOND oaGAJtS. LIttle TU.D& Df JOW old wMda oe a ued. One only famoua euy to Lad* diamond l!l,tn. •al.lue CllAIIIIIJeQ t .bedr. apt., Utde LO. RIOID.JJ.IE, abo Wedp. pJ~ Chord Orpn. One bM.Utl· C&ldllrb•4 Jeweler, IllS E. ~ ~ _, a.y •-..-.....~~ ·~u ful Spi.Mt Model. Won.s.rt\11 Coe1t Jht7 .• CDM. *"• t.na .. JUb. di;"'Wtntet ;;tii .!:c ~ 0:. U ..-;..: f« dnareb « bome. Vey Ub-HlWAJLUf' b&iU WOOd aurt Cll' Jr.--.nd rmtaL RA 30. ev-. c. HA 380'T daya. era1 •vtnt on th .. two lovely board. .ultabJe f« 100 te 1!50 fUIN. lPI' .. jiOd location. -::-:--::::--~~--------b»trumente. Danz • Schrnldt. lb. rtder,ll55. Call Harbor a., ....... ~Joor.lummer ow yearly PAIB 0, neon lllhtl. double DO Ho. Malo, Santa AnL Open, __:W:.:~:.=.=:;::::. __ ----::----:-:~ r..-. Jfo •"dMD. 00 peta. 610 tlxturee. ~ ft. Call anytime HA Friday Eve. USED ~ .....,.., 8PIMtl ,.,......_ CDX. 2235 orBS. Bay Front. B. I. BAa BELL SET UO pounda, llke and :prlettta. Good pnet1ce 2-it:DIO ~. apt., pvt. patio. BOFEY. 1 .,. JMW. Call Harbor 2121. planot u low u SJ,Z. 11• • .-__ ... ..,_ ... __ _. eo or camera -mm.. --4 •--•--~ ......... w .... er, UYDUJ-.. er. ca· model 8.2, with leather cue. BllCHSTEIN. One ot the worlds -· an up. ----.!_:.":..._. ~ r.,.. In BHcon Bay, Pvt. Allo flaah ,-un. leN bood and peatest plano.. IWit like new. onlY famou.t .__.. ~UI!n -.ell. .mall boat tl&up. Win-Jt. meter. $37, complete. u . Good for pnendona. You wlJl al!Jhtly damaBII ed ~~~ ter rental $100 mo., yrly. $150. bel1y 8-7943. be tb.rtlled to bear and play Brand new. I .......... UW. pd. No pet~. Avail. Oct. 15. thla marnlflcent l.n.ltrument. Scbmldt Bil Piano It 0rpD IU U.O. SMALL OAK dJnlne table with Tbe low pr1ee wtll utoniJb 8tcn, ~ No. Kaln. Santa ATJ'RAdiVE aleeplne room a. chalra, tour poeter bed and you. Other panda u low u Ana . kitchen prlVUeees Jf desired, sprlnp, 9x10' wool belee rue. tl95. I>a.n»Sdamlc1t Btr Store, 1950 CHJlYSLER Boyal, i:ar. or- S28 a week. Halt block to 710 Heliotrope, CDM. Harbor ~ No. llaln, Santa Ana. Open lctnaJ. Real clean. fO,OOO mtlee. beadl. 1be PaUaacte., 2:500 Sea. 4578. J'rlday Eve. Royal blue. $750. lJ 8-4073. view, CDM. SUMMER RENTAL: Rachelora auJte, 3 rooms, turn.. pvt. ent. It &bower, no eooktne. Z27 Larkspur, CDM. BANK NCR Bookkeeper It clerk. Permanent. S.day week. Apply Newport Harbor Rank, CDM. CONSTRUCfiON 1oba open ln SANTA ANA For men who are wllllne to ata.rt as HELPERS Who are 1~ 45; H. S. grad. ua tes CAREER Jobs w1th excellent chances to advance. BENEflTS Include pafd vacations and holidays, 5- day wk. Co. paid pension and disability plan. APPLY 1030 E. F1rst Santa Ana Mon .-Fri. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY YOU wUI have an opportunity to advance In our firm, because of our present expansion program. The starting saJary Is good and you will receive fre quent Increases, too. Jobs now for : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply--- 5144. No. Main Street Rm 2l.lr-Santa Ana 9:00 to. 4:00 P.M. I PACIFIC TELEPHONE MlSCELLA.IfEOtJS LADY wants dally r ide to Los Angeles and return. Phone HA 882. RENT A practice plano as low as S5 per mo. Let the klddles . . OF OUTDOOR FURNITURE ' Reductions up to 1/3 Off . Elechic Patio Ught Oatdocw atcm411ag el4N:trtc l19bt witla .• ft. .. 4. fl ,. weatberproof c:ord. Four atyS. to c:t.eoM boa. Jlegular 6.95 to lf..IS KING SIZE CONTOUR CHAISE Regular 27.95. WEI CUJSE 2ftl8 Replar 2U& U · WEI STACI CUllS B..,W. US to IUS l.IIIIUI BTA1T US2I • • • • • 19.95 Al•i•• Pele Ianiei U••rella Jlegulcu :U.IS TJMM Cll"e .-Jy • ..., ••• DOW Ia tiM time to ..-oa oatdo« funaltu.. Laguna Awning & Maple Shop 710 SO. COAST aLVD. LAQUJIA 8EACB Shop at the Crossroads Village • • • • learn. All term rent a pplies If ••• on Newport Blvd. above the Arches. aaoaa Freeway from H--Ha.mtal you buy later. Danz Schmidt. -~ ·r• 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos from which to choose. GET ACQUANTED HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line. SPECIAL all models. Free p r a c t I c e rooms. Come In and play on _. ~ .... ""'. any model-The Great Cencert rzmw a-u:." .uu Organ. the Home Model, the £coaarr Pac: Church and the Spinet Model-. K If you think you cannot play, leenex come In and try the world fa- mous Ha mmond, easy to play v-33c: Chord Orran. You wtU be •-v• astonished to lind you can NOW 26c play In fifteen minute.. Danz- SMITH'S PBOFESSIOWAL fliAUIACY • Penoncrllle4. Fn.cuy s.mce oa your ..,..y ~ MeCL Sctunldt Plano It Orean Co. u.a • ._. Home of the Hammond, 520 ._ _____ ...., _________ •_._._..,..., ___ .. _.__u_a._ftl_l_. No. Main, Santa Ana. COMJII.ETE Q IDYICK FREE E8'I'DIA 1T.S SltH Green Stampe Free dellvery • OORONA DEL MAll NUR.3ERY HA 1038 27.C E. Cout Hwy. ., .... ,. F111 n ... ,. ..... I Pitt ... Come ID cmd ... our complete Mlection oi Dutch Curtaia8 24~ 30'' & 36" •· •. Valcmoe ma- t.daltomatcb. PRICELESS COMFORT ANYONE CAN AFFORD f/mJne ' FORCED -fd R HEAT - Now Ia "'-tlme to replace tf\•t worrl· aome hMtlng ·~•tefft wM modern Pa~ne hwt. End ""''"' prMttma fOf' fOOd . rr .. lleetiWNey. Eat, """•· C-""*7. .... -~ . • AllT C. KJI'It.D CO., UAL WI'ATZ D1 B.wpart .a.d. Btwpe~t -...eta Batbor 5'm. 4a7 or mpt To W..t IDdi• aDd South America &om New Orlecma Oil Board the s.s. Fkmdre. France afloat . . . Superb Cuisine . . . gay romantic cruise to ports of the west In- dies and the Spanish Main ... Departing in Jan. and Feb., Make a...,.atioaa NOW! IIADOa .. CDM TRA VB. SERVICE ~ .. a-t ..... ., <• ..... 0..) c:-del ... IIIII lEW ...... II' I OppcJjllte R.wport Badl Ctt7 JWl Complete omc. a.mc. ~·nSlable 3M5 ft.-port BoUJeftrd TIE..-r• ~ Member of the MUL'I1P'LE LIS11NG SERVICE beloDp to a unique orpn.lzation. 'J"bae members pool tbetr ~omet, 1tores. and other real pro. ~tar a.Je...-then work trom thla pool each with hlJa .epuate fadltue. that eadltelllnl owner may receive the een-tc. ol many llEALTO& aales outlet. throuch· oat the wbole Harbor Area. Proven a tlne SERVJCE to ~ellen and buyes alike in pro¥idlnl a broader, orderlY and free market for all at no lncnUed co.t to our cu.Stomen. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS -seQ4I. ......-.: ••• (Continued from Pap t) ,.. Jf)'ford ~ ol the lr· viDe kDdl aD4 daqlatfir, Unda. and the TeYts Watpt. ol MO Poppy Ave.,. Corona del liar. aaUecl Friday lor RawaU aboard the famoua LurllDe. Wltb tbe w..ac.w WRe tbetr ...,_ ebJI. dren. &~~de, VIckie aD4 1"bomu. 11•--a SlQPE SADJIOAT, CIIQIDPiete with tnJJer 6 buoy. PboDe u S.'lOG between 9 a.m. AD4 I p.m. _ SLIP BD'I'ALS: JlowtloM natal ..... max. 8' bMm. 111 lenath-Amerkan 1APMl Ball. 1!itb and Bay, Newpaft, BA t52. • TRADE IN 70ur old watdl on a new Jlamllton. It meana 10 much more to ctve or let a Hamilton. Wal.lace CalcJerbead. 3123 E. Coast Bwy., O>K. IEJIVJCU ln yoa.r home! Ladles only. For appoint. ment, please call Ba.rbor 0292. FRIDAY. AUGUST 12 The Ne"' Ultra-Modern Refreshments Dancing Entertainment Stucho Opens fo r Public Inspection at 3 p .m. Dancing and Entertainment at 7 p .m. ~ Wte ~ 3.1Wited w. CltUnd come one • • • • • • • • • • • come all • Wash and wear cotton pllsse Machine washable corduroy. dusters. Prints and solids In This ls a real buy for clothes your favorite colors. in rich fall colors. A ·~t!.:"J :~ ~-'2 All .... -;,_ I z c Girls sport casuals for Back to School. Soft brown leather. SbM 4 to I. A.A cmd. width. 2" Here's a buy In luc '1 0 gagP. Ivory or green. sturdily construced. 26"Pullmanonly · Oaly I Tnlill ad wa bad c.. • -.. Wonderful trrry towels In many prt>tty colors. Stock up I now a nd AAV(' mont'\' aatb towel 22 by "-. 75c Face towel 15 by 21 42c I Waab CJotJu 1 toe Plastc ahower curtains 1 with matching window c-ur talns. Top patterrv 1n popular Top patterns In popular colors. $1 =$1 SEE TIESE SPECIIU 3.77 "-'• .,, adCW. Moltll wttlk tai»Jtn treat =..a:u.:r Sl I Pr. Pot ...... pdat p&u.w- .. ...... eea.n $1 ... Genii pwt • ..... ... ..... t' ....... $5 ........... ct GUt•a bh 111 Ia ..._. ...... ~ cletll. .__.. .. ........... ....... MaN tbaJt 18.000 1a INUdtna room. 14or)', 1-unJt dwelllnf at ,. .... W'fft a....ct lD the City n2 K-'J'Iaaaa'a Dr .. t3().000. W ltewpurt ._.. du.rtna the e COIIOIIA IIIGIII.Q"DI ftnt week ol Aof\Uil. Ber'b Sm.l1ll8on. 5-room, 1-story, The premlta lncluded a new ~unit <twelllnc at 479 Mornlna llome tor Rldlard Cruteber on<» Canyon Dr., 111.300: JUebard liOn& B 11 h la n d •, valued at Crutcher, u~ ... 1-ltory, t -un.lt 158,908; a ~ on Udo lale dwelltQ& at f37 t.abella Terrace, tar Walter Seibert. $45.000. and a P8,909. ctweUJnr for H. Jl. R1.na on Jrvtne e coao•A DEL JIAa Terrace for $29,900. Jesse Haines. a4d room at 511 The tollowlnr permits were PolMett!a. $5.l00: M. L. Smit.ben. IMued: lau.ndry and wub room at !100 e ..VIME TZDACE Marruertte. $!500: Clarence Hen. Macoo Corp., &-room. 1-story. ry, 3-room, 1-untt apartment over 1-unit dwelllna at 1500 Dolphin earare at 709 Goldenrod. $6.200; Terrace, $18.~; &-room. 1-stozy, James Galla&het. alteratlona at 1-unJt dwelltnr at 1518 Dolphin 3732 E. Coast Hwy .• SlOO; Earl Terrace, $1~; 7-room. 1-story. Brush, addltlon at 423 Poinsettia, 1-unlt dweUin& at 706 K-Tban1a $!5,000. Dr.. $20.500: Halter R. mnc. s. • LIJ)() ISLE room. }.story, 1-unlt dweW.nr at Walter Seibert. 2-atory. 1-unlt 1517 Dolphin Terrace, 129.900: 6-dweUlne at 921 VIa Udo Soud, JAMES D. RAY 1111... c.tracltr M46 I. COAST H'WY., COlOp.y. DEL MAl HArbot 47U $45,000: C. L. Clark. 7-room. 1. story, 1-unlt dwellln& at 116 VIa Genoa, $21,500; A. H. Batley, S. room. 1-story, 1-untt dwellinl at 212 VIa Eboll. $19,000; l . R. Charter. alab at 100 Vla Cordova, $200; Ruth Lane, alterations at 843 Vla Lido Soud, $500. e 8AT SBO:U:S Robert Taube. alterations at 255 Vlsta' Dr .• $1,500. e REWIOJIT llEJGBTS S. H. Clarke. 6-room. 2-story. 1· story. 1-unJt dwelling at 438 Catalina Dr., $17,800: E. V. Ort berg. S.room. 1-story, 1-unJt dwei- Hng at 210 La Jolla Dr .. $12.875; John McGowe n. addition al 1020 LIIIS F. IllES ~1~~f·500· Charles Duggan. 6-room. 1. storY. 1-unit dwelllng at 1757 Plaza del Sur. $18.000; A. Cough. lin. remodelling at 300 E. Bay Avt-., $1.500: William B. Smith. garage at 1418 E. Balboa Blvd .. $1,500; and 3-room. 1 story. 1 unit addition at 1417 E. Bay Ave .. $5,000. 5" II)..TZAJI LOAJI Construction Loan• SEE aoa SATrLD Plirler lortpce C.. 2515 E. Coat ._,. CDM Pia. 11A ,_ JD ).5115 (Metro Ute ~ Plmd8) eJfEWIOJIT D. L. Davls. cabana at 7 Boll· var. Lido Trailer Park. $2.000: W. J. Tanzey. cabana al 4S ca. brlllo. Lido Trailer Park. $2,500; CArl Nlxon. roof at ~ Bolivar, Udo Trailer Park. $2.000; Gerald Spies. cut otf corner of building at 302 34th St.. to conform with code. $150. ~ wee held Auf. 1 In ratrhaft'n Mau.eolewft tor Ed- ..,.. 0. Bat•. "' ol S0!5 E. Santa Concert-Aids Carol Doane Rth~an&ll are betr\f beld nlcfttly by the coneet band ol the Newport Hal'bor Ht1h School and mem~ fw a ClJ'ama work· lhop lf'OUP for a ~al "pop* eoneftt and play evenlnc to be presented at 8 p.m. Tu8day eve. ntnr at the Hl&b School u a benefit for Carol Doane, hlfh aehool atudent recenUy tnjured In a l«fous acddent. Carol, a '55 Harbor Hlrh paduate, wu a member of the band hetMlf Jut ~ar. The play. a one-act productJon cllJ'ected by Anthony <Bufa) Zerbe. will feature drama ln- muctor Bob Wtntz and Marlo Tate In the leading roles. aup. ported by Mlke Lane, Mike Valle and Tom Pearson. 'nle musical portion of the pro- tram wfll be llrht hearted melo- dies, lncludlnr Stan and Stripes Forever. Guys and Dolls Over- ture. Carousel Selection. Synco. patt'd Clock, Ttibute to Romberg, Amperita Roca and Colorama. Admission wiD be by donation at the door. The entlre proceeds wiJJ be used to deLray medical expenses of the Injured girl. • • • e 1'0Vft CIUIT&a Cltaud ot the Cunta all hit Tl\e .. we lt1ll htid tM J•d ~ in the Little uape 8eftel at e a:aGII IQIOOL the Youth Centll' ln CoroDa del 'l'be Clanta continue to lead Mar attet lut week'a ,...._ the ~de of rn1d,.t Jea.iuer'• up 'lbe Cut. ewampec! tJ1.e QI&.Dta at tM hiP ICbool wttb a ~Jena&. 19-0 wJth the help o1 a bome run tional 12 won 1 loet record after by JamM .Morpn in tM Sr4. lut week'• ,....... nm Brown The lndJan.a defeated the Dod· hu done auperb 1ob of replaeln1 ge~ 6-1, the winning pitcher Steve C&rlllon u a pitcher for the belnf Ronny Fulwiler and the wtnntna Glante when Stevie wu la.r Stanley Haneen. The lut la.t for the remainder of the place Cardinals and th~ first seuon due to a broken wrist. pla~ Braves really put on a The eloaest rlvala are the thrUJer. The CardJnala had the Yankees, Braves and Cardlnala; Braves on the way to defeat 5.1. aU battllnl for that MCOnd apot. untll ln the remalnlnr minutH Good hlttJ.ne ln the d utches wu of the 1arne the Braves loaded turned In by Randy RJtp, Du.ty the bll.!l8 and then l ohn Bureesa Elford, Mike Trapp, 'nm Brown, hit a home run that tied the Ttend Sehepe and Alan Gray. game. The Braves went on to Home runa were hit by Tom Hu. wtn 8-5. lett. Btfan CampbelJ and Jamie The Indiana downed the Giants Carroll. One of the finest jobs 8-3 and the Cardinals defeated of catchln1 wu turned in by Jer. the Dodgers 8-5. It wu a field ry SmJth of the Cuba. day tor home runs as Stanley Here'a how they stand: Glanta, Hansen o1 the Dodgers, Chip l2 and 1; Yankees, 8 and 5; Greenin& of the Cardlnala, James Braves. 8 and 5; Carcllnala, 7 and Ray of the Indians and Jlmrny 5;· Cubs. 7 and 6 ; 'nft'rll, 6 and Back-to-School Fashion Show Will Benefit Carol Doane 7; Dodgers. 6 and 7; lndJana, 4 and 9; Red Sox. 4 and 9; Wblte Sox. 2 and 10. e COSTA MESA PAU land, Cynthia Beltran, Patricia Knapp and Nan Reynolds. Other Harbor High girls assisting with the benefit are Pat Ragan. Sally Bragg and Karen Brooks. The Show is open to the public. Members or Ke Tae Oae and Chi Rho Chi. both Trl HI Y groups who are juniors at Newport Har. bor High School. have mailed ln. vttatlons to a back to-school fuhlon show to be held at Ra. ean's Restaurant next Tuesday u a benefit for Carol Doane. ------------ Harbor High graduate who was l1ltl•le 1 I-fill' Last w~k proved to be a ''bad" one toe the two top teams of the "C:' leeeue at Costa Mea Park. The Cub.s. t.n first place, and White Sox. In aecond place, both autfered d~feata at the hanc:la of the underdo1 Indians and Giants respectively. The 1\U· prtslng Braves &lao ddeated the league leadJng Cubs. which meant two defeats ln a row for the league leaders. recently Injured In an automo. r ..,. Some of the teams which made a poor start are emerging bUe acddent. High School and colleee girls wLil model new fall fashions trom Bragg's Unique Shop. Fun Fashions. O'Brien's and Petite Vllle. They are Nancy Bryant. Merlin Couch. Jo Ann Suess, Lynn Allen. Bl-enda Barnett. Jeanne Castendydt, Linda Zan. der. Judy Crane and Barbara Starege. Hostesses will be Connie Man. &old. Doran Suess. Joy~ Crane. Pat SmJth, Judy Corfman. Mag. fie Crane and Laurie Hendrlcu A committee worklne on arrange. ments tor the party includes President Kar~n Waf'ner and other Ke Taedae's. Darlene Green. Mary Dudley, Beverly Lund. Lester Can. Joyce Albers and Sandy Coleman ; Chi Rho Chl members Carolyn . Calla, Laurle Hendrlcltl, Lynn McFar. Fred Cro.ler has cl()Jed hla u daneerous u{)Mt arttm later oftl~ In Corona del Mar and In the season. Thta helps to plans to k~p just a little w~ ma~ the entire league more ex. one In Newport to ~lve hie clUnr because there ls no auch mall and be away frorn-ma.kJng thln1 u a "push-over" game. deals. S. J. Oxarat. formerly wtth 1be standJnes are u follows: Mr. Crosier, hu mqved hfa desk Cuba, 10 won. 3 lo.rt; Wblte In with F. C. Andresen, comer ot Sox. 9 and 3 and 1 tie; Dodgn11, Marigold and East Coast High. 8 and 4 and 1 tie; Giants, 8 and way. 4 and 1 tie; Catdlnala. 6 and 6 • • • and 1 tie; Braves. 6 and 7; Jn. Muriel Plnover la still down dJans. 6 and 7; Bed Sox. 5 and 8; and still out of the office. but Yankees. 3 and 10; ngers, 2 and she's a long ways from "down 11. • and out." Hear she's practJcally Last weeks IICOres were: Giants carry1ne on as uaual from her 6, White Sox 3; Braves 2. Cube 1; bedalde phone at the hospital lndJana 14. Yankees 0; White Sox ... Hal VIeira. from an old-time 14-, 'neen 10; Cube 2. Indiana 4; Santa Ana family, Ia new at the Yanb 2. ~ Sox 3; Carda 4, Lido Vogel otfi~. Hal Ia a Giants 7; Dod~n 1, Braves 9. ne-phew of Warren Vlelra. thel------------- Clara St., Santa Ana. a former ------------resident of Newport Beach for barber ln Cotona del Mar and a &later of Mt&. Clltt Qu t.el of Shore CUff• . . . Bob Iones ta nicking cloee to the real eJJtate otfl~ these days beeauae pav" Paul la away on vacation ... A numb« or real estate ortiees have d~lded to close on Sun. daya during August. Unsung Commercials · FEATUIIII Qaabl' Stat.-V~JJ..u hDuoU Cllld all UlflOR products • • • •N.lllut. Kcaa• s...ice PICK tJP 4 DELIVEBT nu.....,s UJUOif U I I SEJIVJCE 15 years. 1be Rev. Harry Owinp ot Santa Ana offlclated at the services. assisted by the Harbor Harmony Odd1ellows Lodpo No. 29 of Costa Mesa. Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Chapel was In charge of ananremenc.s. Mr. Hofer died July 28 In a Santa Ana retrt home. He had been at one tlme active In the civic affairs and development Glamour Glimpses ~AJnf Don't shuffle off to Buffalo, ~ron State. Arlz.ona U~ Stan. ford or even Newport Harbor High School until you see the Letters- . . . New operators ot the Laundro. mat Half Hour Laundry at 2817 Vtlla Way, Newport Beach. are Mr. and Mra. ft. H. Shattuck ot 602 Aeada Ave., Corona del Mar. Mrs. Shattuck 1a the fanner Mia Jeanne Klepplneer of Co- rona del Mar and Balboa Island. Mr. Shattuck 11 from ~erly HUlL _'nley were married ln June. @ JOOlJC...-polt 8l't'd. ftewpolt hacb of Laguna Beach. ... b r a n d new fall ak1rta at Newport Harbor Ensign Dear Mr. Haapa: • • • Due to the Illness of M. A. Harbor 3m ()pea E'NI"f Day 7 CLIIL to I p.m. FlllEWOaD nJIE -·---~--- Boys shooting fireworks In the gully at Bayside Dr. and Fern· leaf Ave.. Corona del Mar. started a small brush fl.te at 3:15 p.m. Friday, Newport pollee re- ported. Pollee traveled a block back Into a storm drain In the area to locate the boys who were taken home with a warning given them and their parents. Robert Forbes BUILDER BArbor ••• 1108 no. c:o..tDp-~ Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tlle Formica -Linoleum rue CARL t•S' ~C:.Z:.VX 1)5 L 17\ll lt. uaEaTT I-G53 c:.tiiM_. 22 Yean In Orange County --------.-- Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS •ewport ...._ c-t11 .._ Ubeltr a.s•a O'BRIEN'S. Wuhable Lorette., beautiful wool nannela, tweeds and even plalc:la are sure. flre bullaeyes If you're shooting at wardrobe popularity among your back to school clothes. WLI~J'Iaa. .... ~Oct bead pleats ..... CUM u U we arelalldD9 colora. fa:bric::e CIDCI 8tyl-. but tll1l 1a IUda Clll .. dti.D9 COI.a.e. tiGL tbe wonta Ju.t ~ out. Come ia early f• tiM ..nes-t-~ of ald.rta (Jiar. bor Bl 9U~ we bCift ~ of ~1119 DC1YY cm4 c:laclreDcr1 ald.rba. too) • • • CIDd TOG IEDoow yoa pot Iota of ..:a~-.. lD 9DOd llldrt.-tlwy Juat wear CIDd ~· Stop by now and see that per. feet coordinated ouUlt for a co.ed campus, 3 pieces In jerHy and all coordinated from the match. ~ skirt and blazer-to the nrlped blouse. Stop In, too. and see the aophlstlcated tunJc cos.. tume In "cotton caabmere" wtth saUn collar . . . that f!'Xclualve Peck A Peck dn-aa tn 'nlom&4 cotton that la exclualve wttti O'BRIEN'S In these parta ... nte brand neow L'AJelona Cin eue you mlued ·~m before) ... the beeut:Uul color tweed~ ln a Wide wide ranee oc prtees ... and the unbelievably lovely .weaten In all colora and Jtylft thla year. ... _..,.., ........ a..k. .. •di••J ~ •111•1ed ., .............. ... ..... .-t ....... -Tllr thy. 1'• .. ......,... -.y tM Td.Jb.T PI t ........ ................ c..a D.-.. ...... t . ... - O'Aill&ii'W ... .a -C I &a .................... ...... We wUh to thank you Indeed for the vsy tine photopapha and atory eoveraee on Dlaney. land's o~nc by Miss Kathy Johnson. We particularly wlah to ex.. press our warm appreclatJon for your editorial comments on paee two. Our planning for the Sunday openin& was certainly not feuJt. lesa. but we will aay that the mlatakft we did make were hon· est mistakft and •• are cor. rectln& them just u rapidly u It Ia pouible to do. Again. many thanb for your kind remarka and understand· In e. Cordially, Edwtn D. Ettlnger PubUc Relatlona Director Dlaneyland, Inc. Scream Routs Peeeing Man Sloan, the KeJio.Sloan Con.ltr\Jc. tJon Co. wu dtabanded last month. Hany Kelllo, one of the two partners tor'mlnr the compa· ny, will continue In the contrac· tlne business u Kel80 Construe· tlon Co. • • • The steady rtae In Oranf'e County b\nlnea activity la apot· Uahted by a report from Newport Balboa Savlnp and LMn A.uoef. atlon of Newport Beaeb ahowtn& more than a mtllfon-doUar ealn tn savtnp lnveatmenta durtnr the re-investment period ln the tint 11 days of luly. Pres!dent Paul A. Palmer an. nounced a net lain In aavtnp ot n•ooo durina the u .d., period. '11lla W.. Newport BaJ. boa S.vtnp' total ....,.,.,.. to a new reeor4 well above the 21· mlllJon..dollar mute. be aaJ4. An el ly man peerlnc in a rluaed-ln pordJ ol the home of Mrs. Robert Sc:haw of 504 Nar. claua Ave .. Corona del Mar, wu frightened away a t 1 :05 a.m. Jut 1buraday, Newport pollee re- ported. and lulla were aecompan.led on Mnk ~haw told pollee ahe wu th• trip by thelt boOIIe au.-t. in bed and beud a notae. She MMa Vera Vltton. Mn. Stetner'• rot up, loobd out a window and ~. .mo 1a a achoo1 tMdMr obeerved the man. She aereamed from DltnoJ.a. and the -...peel Oed. OttJce. ::;:;::;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;:::;:::::::;;;;;;;:;;;;;::;;;;::::::::::::::;:::::::;;::::::;;::; tound a ~ bea1 print under a windoW wltete a t~C!r'een bact been remOftd. Upon checldnc the area am. cera found a Corona d•l Mat man, 50. walklna on Nard_.. Av.., towanl Cout Bwy., C<nM del Mar. 11M mu tint told fOo Uee he had bell ln bed but a dM!dt ot hW home ~bowed tM btldmacs..., .. ..._ ..... .,. Md been I'IMdiN aft4 watdltna 1V bwt ~d -IMI:I'fM ,.._, beba4._.. ......... ....., oeTY LD ll SOLVE WE DYE TIE ., OIIPLETE 1T- II TIE EITIIE 11111• IlEA *, * Complete Line of FUU.ER PAINTS. * Renew your upholstery with FABSRAY-14 decorator colors to choose from . * BARBECUE supplies -Braziers -Cutting Boards-Charcoal-Barbecue Forks, etc. * Sanders and floor Polishers for rent. * House-wares: Electric Mixers-Cutlery-Dishes-Steam- ware-Percolators. * SAKRETE, Ready Mix Cement water. OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR COIYEIIEICE * * * Brin9 Ua Your Sunday Lb····· ... Just add * We have the Harbor Area's most complete selection of galvanized pipe and fittings. * Complete threading and pipe cutting facili- ties. We cut and thread pipe y.rhile you w ait. * * * Hotpoint APPliances • •• FORGIT HARDWARE IS YOUR HOTPOINT DEALER HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER with new exclu.alve dual-deterrent cleanaJna action. Ani· tary Calrod electric drylnf, atves you the world'• cleanest automatk dlahwuhtnr. HOTPOINT All-NEW AUTOMATIC WASHER Automatically fllla, automatically wuhes, rlnaes, spin. dries ... Just set Jt. and tor1et IL HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER ~ tor youreelf how m"lch futft', .ufer, aater toe fabrics It la to dry the Hotpoint way. HOTPOINT DISPOSAll Jt'a ci•an . . . It's odorleu . . . It'• sate . . . tt•a eeonomt- c:al. J'lta aU standard a1nb. Food wute Ia pulverlzed and OUihed down the drain. HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER All new .Sa:n: bfrlprator at top. putttnr rnoat-uecl tooele at euy.reaeb .,._btlb level; food fNaer below- Jeut uae4 ~ In roomy tepU&te fttaft . TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOU * * * .... IIIUAft.&WJWT ,.. J.,... lobbetu o1 m 35th St., l'tewport. have moved to Ana. helm. -~-=---·------- tiG~,_,,s / Your Pamlly Restaurant (a-4~) aJs .. c-tlllgla••r ........ ·c-the POUCE BLOmR (Continued from Pap 3) e r111DAT. AUG. 5 Robert Encold of 14 Harbor laland reported the theft ot a flablng pole and reel. a tackle box and box of outboard motor AT Arches "Your Ho.t to the Coast Since 1926" PIKE FOODS 'COCKTAILS COAST HI6HWAY AT THE AlCHlS N•wporl t.a~h JOHN VU.EI I.£ J..J..I..,rY 1-1531 *BALBOA* (IIW IPEI EVDY IIY) Kidd!!!Day ··-Wednesday ... 1"0 ..... Q.,.v.-aa,... an •••••••I••• 11 AU ...... Ic - Free ••••• -~--- 0...1'11!wt:IAI#~M.AWW ~-~~ -. .... ~ Perty Accommodations Weet 5th St. at Santa Ana RiYer * ...__--..._ SANTA ANA PH. Kl 3-8311 Van's Bowling Open Alleys n •• ,, s.t.ay Is ... , ()pea All ..... FilMy ... .........., * AV'I"'OIA'I'IC .... IOIIW * ro~Anon CAFE 7DI -T" Cnlll II Llc.a oxa •on AlfD a 10110 ru. aoVIfD ftl• DailY 11:30 & 7:00p.m.. 11.25, CblldreD 65c: * 3 BOATS OPERATING OGIAY & OCEAN BIDES * Boat LecmQv E..,. 20 Mbautee * ....... a.. ...... -..,~-· ..... ~~ ..... ( ....... -., ......... ,... ..... ) toola trom hla outboard moto1 boat at that address ... Patrick Flalle&an of 506 ~ S. Bay Front Balboa lsland, reported hla mlnJ. ature french poodle rnlsslng from hls car 'parked at 40't 28th St., Newport Beach ... Fred Younc· blood of 1983 Federal Ave .• Costa Mesa. reported that his 1951 two- door car waa stolen from In front of 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach ... Albert A. Brittingham of 633 VIa Lido Soud, Lido Isle, reported that someone was using hls J6.foot cabin cruiser. Miss Ann. moored at his dock, for sleeping purposes during the week when he was not home ... An all points broadcast was put out to locate Linda Lou Dobbs. 15. reported nmslng by her mother. Luella Dobbs of the Irwin Apts.. Newport Beach ... Peter Burroughs of 1008 E. Bal. boa Blvd .. Balboa, reported the Dorothy E. Bronston of Santa Barbara suffered ~n appendlcltt. attack In the sail boat Lazy Daisey In the bay off 13th St .. Newport Beach. at 1 :32 a.m. Sun day. ()(fleff Don Munson re. ported persons on a boat were calling for help and blowing a fog horn In the channel. The s t r I c k e n woman was brought ashore by P. E. Rach of Nanon, Callf. aboard the boat Karen Lee. The harbor depart ment patrol boat 683 radioed for an ambulance and she was taken to Hoag Memorial Hos pita I. theft of a $165 fu11 length black l cashmere evening coat !rom his Ca ling C.Q. car In the Balboa Bay Club park- Ing lot ... Richard Hansen of ___ • ... T_D_I_CK_a_o ... FFM .......... AJf __ _ 3636 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. was treated by a physician for a dog bite at 11:30 a.m . and ol1icers quarantined the dog ... Mrs. George McNamara of Col· llns Island reported someone blowing a loud steam whistle near Bay Island; oftlcers sald It was on a boat wblch kept mov. lng around ... eiATVJIDAT. AVG. I Charles Roe of 91.2~ E. Ocean Front. Balboa. reported the theft Cll a beadUaht from h1s eu ln the "A,. !ll. parkJ~ Jot. Balboe ·:!'" Mrs. w. B. J-..r ol 211 Dta. mo11d Ave., Balboa laland. re- ported the theft of two sultcues from her caraee . . . C. H. Toll of 1009 ~ W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beacll, reported hearing several loud explosions. possibly from firecrackers In the 900 block BaJ. boa Blvd. . . . Cameras valued at $1.400 reported mlsslnc by l ack Earle of Hollywood were found by Frank Larson of 310 JumJne Ave., Corona del Mar. and returned to the Hollywood man ~ .. eSVJQ)AT. AUG. 1 Dr. Robert Duey of 124 VIa Quito, Lido Isle, reported that a htt and run car damaged the right front fender and headllght of hls car parked In front of his aarage . . . V a n d a I s broke aerlals off the cars of Mrs. John Frush, 122 Onyx Ave .. T. R. Sun. shine, 120 Onyx Ave., MUton L. Stannard. 123 Onyx Ave., Mrs. Rlch&rd Booth. 115 Onyx Ave .. a truck registered to the Peterson Engraving Co .. Los Angeles and a ~an, all parked in the 100 block of Onyx Ave.. Balboa Island . . . W. T. Bauer of 247~ Arbor Dr.. Bay Shores. com. plalned of the theft of a 10-foot row boat pain ted blue with red trim from In front of that ad- dress . . . Mrs. C. M. Stromber& of 1400 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. recovered two small two-wheel bikes trom the bay llt that ad. dreu . . . Nurse Lucy Spina of Hoar Memorial Hospltal re quested that the humane officer attempt to remove an opossum that has been around the nurses quarters and to pick up a stray cat ... Clothing valued at $292 was stolen from her husband, Warren Wheatcroft. while left In their car overrUeht. Mrs. Rose Wheatcroft of 107 Cotuna Ave .• IContinwd on Pap 1~ ............... AU Dcr e Jl.u Dcr .A •• Y DAY IC.OO .. u-.r.a .CO Be~ Corona 4e1 Mar Harbor 6368 Mrs. lean Vauchft, diNctcw fContlnUf'd from Pan 2l to the gentle lilting strains of "Dreams come true In blue Ha . wall." That's what you have. e'I'IIUAT I'm going for albacore again- and soon. I may even rent one of Brother Ellis's cruisers-with a bait tank. It'll be strictly a stac party. I'm lnvttln& Jack Cur- now to go alone. You know. old ''ltlu of Death" Curnow. He'll ha,. hla nac on one outrtaae. and 111 h ave mr Hex Oac on the other. One Oac wlll not be the,.. It's the red battJe.axe on the white field-the one that means "my wife's aboard." Nope--we won't be fiylng the battle-axe nag. Because. brother, my w ife won't be aboard. I'm disgusted wtth these female anc- Ien and their luck. lltJ:.1)['QOT.JjJ tOJS JU 0 0 0 UJO[j 0 """ ~PORT ~:~. CORONA 0££ IW~A' iiA ~t:,'luHl ~ IIOW SIOWI. Tile,.., ...... llult-•••11 lilt! Starts SuDclay. Aq. 14. •• 10 blv Dcyall • CJGJUIET GETS 8LAME A clgaret was blamed for a tire In a couch in an alley at the rear of 501 E. Edcewater Ave . Balboa. at 9:26 p.m. Saturday. the Newport Beac:h Ore depart ment reported. Ftremen extln guished the blaz.e with water. ' lSLAJfDEU MOVE The Ralph Lambs have moved from 206 Coral Ave.. Balbo:t Island, to 2560 Placentia Ave .. I Costa Mesa. coMBS 3¢ .,. Tootlt Brush 9t OPEJf DAJLT ............... to Mldelfht Shop lbese Spedo\ '4o\ues ond Sl~~\ At c.D.M.~ SAND CHAIRS .~:---7: $298 <: Dish Cloth Pot Cleaner IJ. IDe Razor Blades 4• Pkc. If I Paper Plates~ EVERYTHING FOR THE BEACH .,.._.. ... Newest separates AND STRIKING Something to crow obout in newest bod-to-school foshions- the swirlin g ploid skirt, or the slim silhouette in pure mensweor flonnel, both keep smort compony with the wool jersey blouse ond sweoters in myriods of colors. Yours for every com pus! New colors include corbon, periwinkle, brown heother, flo me ploid. Skirts from $7.95 to $35. Sweoters ond blouses from $3.95 up FASHION SHOW: R.cJM't R..t•want, CorOM cW M•r .t 2 p.m. Tuesd•y, Aug. 16, for school girfa •~....,wtw. Sponsored by T ri-Hi-Y •• C•rol Ooene Beneftt COR ON A D EL MA R 2515 E. Coast Bwy .. CDM. BA .a c.omfy ' • TEENAGERS! Now's the Tune to Rght "BABY. FAr~ ••. before it becomes "GROWNUP" FAT! You c.n RENT • STAUFFER UNIT FORe motttt. ettd ..._e it with yovr motfter. She'ILOVE it ••• 111ese REAL ·COOL Prices··· an's will be cloeed on Sundays during Au- gust and September. Our regular de- livery aervice covers the entire Harbor Area on Saturday. CaD Harbor' 590 b your-·- . a..• fer Tllln., Fri., SaL, bpal 11·12·13. ._IIIIMIIWiiAM.._.__. .... _...__..__._...-. sa.lJ.lsa a tliTJJilJl11.11a aJliJtU.llT£tU a a aa7J.TJ an 'TJJti.T!I(](lJ ~at1lltL1l.1WtC't mnnn I F r o 1f n F o o d ., t~ ~ L ~ IF~ITS &~;c 1 ~, •• [1::, ' · · . "r 1 - JIEDIVK SIZE LOCAL · TOMATOES 11)( ... &AaTLETI' PEARS 2 ... 1~ VIllE JUHMED CANTALOUPES . 2 ""'1~ CaponeHe FRYERS ·:-.~99~ BACON ;~~(Dmu. 49L Lean Ground Beef 4 ~I" Meaty Short Ribs Breast of Lamb . . DAMS