HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-18 - Newport Harbor EnsignBegin Soon On WelllO 8th Symphony Of Schubert On Program Schubert's Untlnlshed Sym. ph.ony wUl be the featured work at tbe Aua. 27 concert ot the Or· anre Coontf Phllha.rmonJc So- ciety 1n lrvtne Bowl. Lacuna Beach. 1be concert wUl be&in at 8:30 p.m.. and admllslon wU l ••aln be tree, In accordance wtth the SocietY's polley. A.1lo on lh• procram wm be Wapers overture to "Die Met. atenlln.a~:· Charbrler's "Espa na .. and Khatchatuttan's "Muqu•· ade SuJte." Frleda Bellntante will conduct. Mew Kex:lco. Pictured aboYe a t the farewell party an. left to rt9bt. Kn. Dicit Drake of Col'oDa B igblcmda. Judge Coon. JucSg. Joba hny Wood cmd Mn. Wood oJ Clanmoat. wbo an YC~Ca­tioGJ.A9 iD LaguDa. Judge Wood l.a a retlnd aupen. coart Juqe of Lo. ADC)'ele&. (Eu.iCJD Pboto ) ell7 On IGDQUCO MA'IT LeaOaDE of tbe W. A. Tei!Ma IMltr ot&. iD Coata ..... .-._eel tbe Multiple L1at1D9 Mcm of tbe K oath fw J uly e. a. MICOa4 •oatb iD a row. Ia }1Uie be tW f• tbe Maa ot tllle M•tb .._... wiUl aau. a-co .. u.e a.c I'Mltr oftlce iD Newport (Eaalp Plaetoa) OIINfll•••• lltlll ., .... ..., a Commission sks for oice on Bay Front Leases Public Use of Beaches Requested . Riled Hollywood Gal Wants Her Pay-off from Pinball Failure by Newport poll«' to take action on h.er complaint to forc-e a Balboa bartender to make a pay off for her winnings on a pinball mach ine has resulted In a Hollywood woman turning the Incident over to her Los Angeles friends to handle, Newport po Ike report. She told police she had a petl tlon with five signatures a lready to take c-are or our "rotten po lice." OffiCE-r Richard H~lnecke on patrol In Balboa was stopped by an Irate woman In tront of Vaux's Cafe at 8:30 p.m. Friday She ld~ntlfif'd he~lt as Dorothy M. Hudson of Hollywood, stay Inc at the Viking Hotel. Balbo&. She was refusing to pay a bUJ for a steak she had eat~n in the caf~. Offl~r Heinecke reported. She claimed she did not wish to pay tht' bill becau<;<-tht> bar tt>ndN had gyppNi hl'r on the pa} utr on a pinball m:u·htnt' Plan Ha ll Hartleln F'lowt-nJ an" Gifts of 3403 E. Cout HW}' , Corona del Mar. won first award for bootlu at the Orance County Fair The booth. designed by Mrs. John Rartleln and Ml Sue F'lckrr dt>plctf'd the Mardi Gras In N~ Orlean& etoAT ams Jlsw;nt -------· ------ , ~.e_ ~~~~~~a. BY~~~ gu~Qp aoup. Heat thorouahly and MrVe with bread and butter. Allow twice as much aa you think you can eat. It aoee down mlgh. ty, mJaht)' easy, bub. "Doc" Bee- be, John Caele and J Invented thla tld-blt durtne the lnterclub Tournament. Try It on your next aaJt water aatart. It's good, It's cheap, and you can keep a stock I'm really beat down. Next thine you know I'm eolne tQ ralse a beard and wear dark glasses 10 that even my best friends won't recoenlze me. I may even have to vlalt my psy. chlatrbt. J now have an lnlerl. orlty complex 10 hup that It i1 were poeeJble to akJn and mount <Jsc•a•::~•cx::J•c?ta::~~~.:J:c::a::~:ecx:~,a::~:a::J:c:a~::~;a::x::Hacopa:xx:::~:c:a:::~:o• ~r·1~Z?-J:.1~~§ • !:." :.:.':. to the Jetty about blamed It on women. At this flve. Everything alJoat had alba-::J'ICX:JCIICI:::I:CX::JC:a::l:cx:::J:C::JI:!I:cx:X:l:a!l::cx:!I:C::::::::I:IC¥::X::DC:a::I:IC¥:!1:c:::le point. 1 haven't anytbJne left to core nags flying. We aaw out- aboard. e ANOTHER YEAR FOR THE ENSt6N blame my foul fishlnl fortune boards with fJags lareer than on. except that unshakeable than the boat&. I cringed when I double whammy -the Hottman saw two sailboats, chugalnr Hex. alone with ttve honepower out- Unfortunately, too. the Hex board motors astern, merrily bllehta the luck of everyone near fJyJne the red fish on the white me. Horace Witherspoon, San field from the rigging. But we Bemardoonlan who keeps hla bad the answer. We had been tine Elco. the Myjo, over at the marlin fiahlng!! It w,. as aood Balboa Yacht Ba.aln, took the rap as answer as a ny. This was our this week-end. He Invited me to alibi. go along. Hls son BIUy, age 15, • Horace's neighbors at the Yacht and Billy's pal, David Ol.aen, age Bu1n were full of smiles. They 14. who are breaklne out In bll were loaded with albacore. DIIOOf& t. a....-• tM ..................... ~ cnaa. .. ........ - ..... K. Taylor. -.. ..... ..... ,...,_ .......... A-. A..._.C......_,C.W.. ........ 1M dMb•J• ou A.M. 1-. ..... Ia ... , .. _ .. ~ .... 0 ......... '7 ., c.:w.nas. .. Lee Aa .. -. IIIII VII••• IIMll Tlk•F,..YIIIIIIIr A 14-foot row boat valued at $570 was stolen trom tn tront of her vaclllfon home at 101 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island, Mrs. V. M. FaJJs of San Martno complaJnecl to Newport pollee Aur. 4. In the early hours ot the morn- Ing, the thief united the bow llne which secured the boat to t.be shore. pulled up the anchor at the stern and took the boat and linea. pollee said. • • • sa e tD TU Uft lUie eanoet~ are men ... con. WIW batt tiled to that $LOS ti'Ol1ed WIMn padclled "-' the tall rate 10 promlnently IMD• ,..,., .. tloned at Mq.it tbMf ll theN 18OM t.laJ.q ....,_all 1. Qt7 .,...,_ John Salton elM tbat a ....._ :J •• lt'a made a .Uibt .,. cii!IO.OOO on J\Uitk& He m.w.. -be bla Mttmate ol OQf oU tncome. JMma eerl7, 1Mt If be Ia ltlht. Could that bt tile m)"'t.eriout he will be ceiDaMIDdiid: If lle well Jlfo. 7f atepe out ol ltDt and ......_ tbe 2. Coundl voted 4 to 3 to let ruJ-. be wm be 8DCUd Ja pro. the •~1 tu rate at 2 portion to the del'" cl hll m.ta- ceftta 1NitHcl 011 'flplnc It out deed.. 1'1\at'a Just about the t1nt for thla )'Mr. It will be Interest-rule In the mJllt&ry book. n.ey tnr to follow the month by Uke and reapect thetr con:nnan- rDOnth ~4lq of that money den lf they are toup but Jl.llt. . . . and I aim to belp you tol. They know where they atand. low It ln thll column. I cannot too st:ron1))' temm• • ~ mend fOJ' youT readl"-the edl· J Me by the papen that the torlal by Marlo Pel In the Satur. CouncU baa taken the flnt ltep clay Evenlnl tto.t ot Aq. 13. Jt'a to bar plnballa. Don't you llke on juvenlle dellnquefte7. the mod.t way the other paper ' • • • rJvee ltaelf the CftdltT It waa e UGIIftAnc:. Just 11 Wftka after the Enltp I th.lnk It 1a 10 lmpotta.nt that atated on plnballa that the other every eUrlble dttzen be ,...... paper climbed on the band tered to vote that 1n order tQ ln-w-.on wtth any mention of the creue the number ot ~ I subject. The band wrltlnr was wtll 'llat In next week'a column writ plalnly on the wall by that for your conwnJence the p1aees time. It wu obvious that the pln-where you may be ~ balla were on t.be way out. Th~ Councll had cleddecl to lnvatt. aate wtth und.-cover men. Th~lr applecart waa upeet by a private lnvestJgatJon, and now fhe Coun- cil wonders who Upped off their aecret. Who Ia play1nc tooules with the other paper? Per-Student Expense Cut . This issue of the Ensign is th. beginning of the ei9'hth year of publication. Just for the record let us re-state the policies ond prin· ciples that have guided this newspaper, and shall continue to guide it through the years ahead. They are the same now os they were when we started the Ensign seven years ago: accurate , honest, foir and impartiol reporting of the news: no favorit ism. no coloring of the news with personal pique or prejudice: a straightforward stand on controversial issues in this column, the editor's Log : a dedication to work for improvement of our community. and to campaign against anything that is harmful to the welfare of our ci tizens. We shall fight for liberty and individual freedom, because those are the most pre· c.ious rights we possess. • • • bold hlves over the Balboa Ani· (ConUnued on Pllp 7) ling Club Junior championship, ---------""----------------- were the others who fell under L II my s pell. They'll probably never e en - speak to me again. As an ex-councilman. I waa troubled wlth the same mJsglv. lnq when a l.tter to the Coun- cil was publlahed before It was received by the Council. There were other Incidents that pointed to a leak. • • • eQOUTJOifl Total operatlne expen.M per student tn avera1e dally attend- ance at Oratap Cout CoU~e durfnl the put yea.r waa tt2U6, compared to ttBIUf for 1953-54. accordlne to the annual report of Dr. Baal1 Peteraon, collece JINII- Ident. The averace for all Jun. lor college diltrlcta In Callfornta for 1953-54 was $473.93. e WHERE ARE THE HOPES OF YESTERYEAR? Looking back over the Ensig ns of a year ago. I note with con- siderable discouragement this optimistic headl:ne, from the ,A,ug. 12 issue last year: NEW TRAILER PARK POLICY OPENS WAY FOR BAY PAR K A•d heres the story from that Aug. 12 E"sign· First step in a program that moy transform the C ity Trailer Park in Ce ntral Newport into a boy front recreation area was ta ken by Newport City Council Monday evening. Responding to a request from the ~eague of Civic ,A,ssocia· tions, C ity Manager J ohn Sailors recommended the following policy from now until budget time ned year: all lease renewals to expire not later than Sept. 30, 1955; no leases to be written after April I, 1955. This policy was adopted by Council in order to be in a position to make a decision at ned budget time. ''Desirability of eventually developing this property as a public beach is unquestionable," Mr. Sailors said. The big problem, he sc!lid. is to adjust for the loss of income-$+4.1 b-4.1 6 to tel last fiscal year, and a net of $33.~3.10. He expressed belief thot it could be made into a self supporting recreationol oreo, mentioning por~ing meters as a source of income. • • • What hos happened in a year's time to dim thot gellont idee, and that 'unquestionable desirobility ? 1 wo me mbers ot I hot Coun· cil of a year ago are sttil there-Mc!lyor Dora Hill a nd Councilman G erald Benne tt. There is st1il the some c.ity manager. John Soilors. who spoke those weic.ome words. And we hove still the same city engineer, Ber1 Webb, who drafts plans forT railer Park improvement. The need for more recreational areas is still shomefully with us. And • ail we get from our City Council is a re,.,ege on its public spirited gesture of a year ogo. • • • e LOGGERHEADS: I~ the ci ty of Newport Beoch reolly serious obou t its cloims to be needing revenue? Tho! s the onswer-and the only answer-when· ever trer-:l s discuHion about getting the city out of the trailer port bu:;· ne•s. Can t offord to drop the troile r par~. the city sez, because it bw1gs ;"' a net of $30.000 or more. If the city is reolly serious about lod trq for revenue, how s obout taking o look at the trosh and gar· boge collection stluat•on. That cost is now being paid ou t of the general ci ty tax, w.thoul regard as to the omount of service pro v 1ded. A I 00 per cent bu iness-l1ke way of handling this situation •s to levy a collection charge in direct proportion to the amount of ptck-up. Tha t's whet private enterprise would do. In fact. there's a thought; let jt out on bid. and let some private firm or individual ta~e e FISH EVE1lTW11EilE On Saturday. between clean- In g up the yard and running the 5527 Onacrest Drive Los Angele11 43. Calll. J uly 18. 1955 ramlly taxi to the Falr. the mar-Editor, ket and the Buffalo Ranch. I'd Newport Harbor Ensign . turn on my s hort wave every Corona del Mar. CaiUornla on('e In a while. To hear lt. you'd Dear Slr: think the blue-Pacific was alive In an article dated Thursday. with fish. Most exciting news July 14. 1955, you state: "Harry was from Forest Smith on his big c. Brewster of Los Angeles. Toluca. who reported six mar~ln owner of property on Balboa just oft the Laguna Hote~. l ve 1sland, Is contesting the constltu YE'! to meet Forest, but I 11 bet tlonallty of the ordinance on the he II nt>ver guess what that re-grounds of Invasion of his pro- port did to old C. Q . l lost a lot perty rights.'' of sleep reassembling my last You further stated that Mr. year's marlin gear, Including a Davb CCity Attorney Carl Davlsl scavenger hunt through the deep was satisfied the Court would tree-1..e to see If I had a flying find the ordinance proper and fish or two In lt. constitutional and he said the The albacore news was so unl-undertaking of the defense of veraally good, they even quit the ordinance In court would talking about It on the Silent coat the clty $1,000. He further Hour. stated, ~e Super'« Court hu "WeJI," I thought. "we just held that aome laws which have can't miss tomorrow." been declared unconstltutJonal Just before the alarm hit me at thirty years ago are now proper 4:30 a.m. 1 had been dreaming under pollee powers because con- that I'd caught the flnrt marUn dltlons and times have changed. of the ~ason. It weighed 692 Similarly thls Easter week ordl- pounds and was taken on 3/6 nance might have been declared from a 14 foot outboard, single unconstitutional thirty years ago handed. VIce . President Nixon but now conditions have changed presented me with a silk flag and It can be ruled necH.SatY for with the big "Number One" on the general welfare of the com lt. while Don Locke. QUI Plgg munlty." and Frank Linnell clamored for I am of the opinion that the my autograph. The LUe Maga . Constitution of the United States zlne photographer's fluh bulbs has stood for the welfare of the woke me up. By 5:30 the Myjo American people rev approxl· was under way and I was doing ma tely 150 years. I do not see the only surgery that 1 ever d~ where Mr. Davis or the City on a couple of flying fish. Now-Council of Newport Beach can a days I always sew 'em up with abrogate that In any respect. The monofilament. city owes It to the young people to pursue this aa far as possible. e tERFECf DAT Mayor Hlll said, ''perhaps you It was a beautiful day. Every don't realize to what extent we where we trolled, boats were full arc In the public t>ye of other of happy people bending rods. communlUea who have the .arne The waters were In a continuous problPm we do." boll with huge schools of tuna Mayor Hill Is under-selllng and albacore. When did we hook herself and those people who up? Not once~ I waved to Forest dlllgently worked with her to Smith on the Toluca. We saw bring about better conditions In Don Locke on the Big Boy. (Sor-Newport Beach durlne Euter ry you didn't get that broadblll week. particularly Mn. Baca of you had on. Don.) We heard all the PTA. and representatives of the old famlllar voices: Beany the Youth Authority and the Aftlerbaugh on the Schoolboy; principals and profesaora of the Dee Cook. my Jut year'a marlin various schools who attempted skipper on that double marlln to brlne home to the parent. of boat. the Flo-Dee; Laughing Boy youngsten, who enJoy the beauty Joe Koons on the On~h!.One; of Newport Beach and Ita au.r-care of it. • • • old standby Elmer on the DeDe round!Dp, the neceulty of cha· r .. UTY WILL PREVAIL II ; the Beard. ChlU. o.n the Bt.. peroned FJUP. e 81:1"\ cult. They were all there, full of It Is certain. that other com- We know about thot dope c.,lleci Oior, don t we fe llas? We moy those witticisms that come over munltla are watchlna this law be no greet sh.,kes at following the fashions, but there are certain the air only 1fhen the waters are ault whJdl J h~ve tlled In the I _..J full of fish and promlael. lnterat ol the American youth points we keep a pretty sharp eye on. Oior, you recal. trieo to un· and In the Interest of American. feminize female styles-in places where it just wouldn't work. Now he • I~ lam. J t.blnk Mayor HIU ll belnr has relented, and is allowing the womer} to hove figures after all. Then 1 lot a strike. Someone badly ml8l_, by poor advice. yelled. J looked just In time to The City Attorn., cautioned Which brings to mind, with considerable glee, th is Log of a year see that heavy swirl. The ll~e the council, "this would be a ago. in which was written: waa out of the outrtgeer, the reel toueh •. aw tult and It Ia poe~lble 'Women, bless 'em. will fall for Oior's hippy and flat chested waa buz:z.lna like a den of rat. U> late ft.., The law .uJt Ia JOlt tiers. I eue hlm the butt. before It 1ta.aU If the AmeriCan nonsen~. becau~ that's the way with women and new fashions, "Hook-up, Horace!" 1'1\en he dtlzenl cl Jlfewport leach, plua particularly Parisie nne. We do not despair, however-we men, Jumped. When he hit the .._ater, the orpnbled Chamber of Com· that is--because we know beauty and curves will eventuolly pre· he landed 10 hard It almoM meree and the patrlotte lfOUPI. knocked bla teeth out. such u U.. ArMrlcan 1A1Jon. vail. and fashions will one day be busting out ell over agoin." UauaUy J put lbar'lcl blldt, World War ~ &n4 tJMtr • • • alter a Uttle operation. '"'" DM Awdl..S. would lab proper S SET THE •£rORO STRAt6HT wu a bonita. I thoqbt of tiM ldion aad dnlaJMI tbat tbe aty eLET' "•r macte that Ml,:bbor A.n4y Attoral'J' ...... a.a. IUit fortll· 1 get ril.d by Johnny-come-l.tely bandwe9on jumpers. So let' • Smith dole wtt!l one ot thae ID wttJa and not ....... 1M tax. Mt the ,.,Qtd drei9ht on this C4t"lFNi9n to get rid of ptnbells end hJ8 W'lllbtDf W.U ....._ aou.. ,.,.. to UJ' _.. ...-. u _._..J ·-t..t L--' th En • tft' ' the '"W..U .. tNj OM for Alacltr, Ooanef!Wn ........ *wiiUtftd pey·om. It wes donwu "'~'' ~ '" • ''9"• on IS p89e. 1n acwee.," 1 laAd. ~~Grace ....,. ...... • tM ...,. .. ._.. M •· weekly GOiumn of ,.doubtable Cot Andy Smith. wty bed on Mey Wid tti1 ~ -AS eaJI. ._... .. _.,. o..,,. ... P\1 at s. end h.s bMn continued in Andy's column, end in the locJ, end on blr. We put a IMit V'Nr ... .._. ..., ....., ..... IMI Jirctol• P9 one. It wet the fONMI request by Col. Smith. presented in writ· eat -...s IIIIi leto llae Gila :-,!"'* -::..• .=:. ': ift9 et the June 27 Council mMtin<J. that started the Council inYelti-All "-7 ,.. liNd ,.. ... :J e _... ... -. ~ Of pey-offs .•. Let'• 9iw etedit ....,_ credtt Is due. (And rl ....,....., .,.._ II' t1a ..... '-IIW 1111 '!I w tt..1 b. IOfM unt~ind enoi9h tO Wf• "Gtw the devil hit due.'1 =: :=.; ~~:.::. • I n 8. ~s=rq=_H .. :=:=::::::::;:;::=.======t;:l ~:;:~; Has Monterey OU Co. violated a nce with the coJUJUtutJon of the Its contract with the city to the United States. point of erounda for cancella- No pollee officer hat the right Uon? to enter any premises except Ia the city losing tax Income where an actual crime Is being on certain possessory Interests! committed a nd his right to enter I understand some members of Is tully covered under the Call-the Council wer~ desirous of hav- rornla Penal Code In the 800 Sec-lng a friendly little tete-a-tete tlon. which clearly defines the with the county assessor. but powers of a pollee officer. 1t were unable to arra nge a meet. gives him the power to enter a lng until after the annual mHt- bulldlng. even to break down lnga or the County Board of doors U necessary. where a dis-Equalization were cloe.ed for the turbance or crime Is actually year. being committed. I am beglnnine to wonder lt Mr. Davis said however, that maybe I am a crusadel'. Maybe It Ilk 1 I am suffering from a rush of was very un e y that a court self rl"hteousness to the h'"'ad. would laaue a warrant for search • "' for over-crowding. "Sworn a.Ul· Well, you don't develop much davits of wltrfesses are n~ded," muscle and brains from grand- Councilman Higbie said, •land It stand sltUna. You can't get tar La practically Impossible to eet With that kind, letting Ceo. do auch sworn aWdavJta." Mr. Hart. It Instead of cllmblnr down onto Pteeldent of Newport Hatbor the fWd and l'llixiDC It up whm Board of Realtors, sald he had we know our public ~ant. are just come from the regular wrong. Thursday meettn,r of the Realty • 1 LIKE 10C.UQAir Board and that "the board Is behind you lOO?k" "We will Speaking ot erandftanda, J am w~tnt members of the Realty to be doing aome quarterbaclrlne Board to appear as witnesses'' on the University of Mlchlean the City Attorney said. ''We wiJJ .thta fall. be happy to do so," Mr. Hart re. Anybody eot sentimental Jean. pJied. lngs toward any of the UnJver. I take exception to Mr. Hart'A statement that the Realty Board Is 100% behind this city ordl· nance. I know u a matter of fact that the Waldron Realty Company. one of the most repu. table realty companies In New- port City, people who have handled my property for years, are not behind Ordinance No. 741. They are 'whole-heartedly behind an effort to eliminate those things whJch have ~me distasteful due to lack of proper city manaaement, to-wlt:~ver· crowding, hoodlumlam and van dallam and all of this can be cbareed to the lack of manace- ment put and present. with the exception of the tine work which haa been done by our present Mayor, OOJ'a Hlll, and tboee people who have worked so dutrently wtth .her to brine about a cleaner and finer New· port Bea~dty. Stncerely, Bany c. Brewwter alty of Michigan's opponents ln fooc ball thls fall! Beln' a Uttle sentimental my.elf about my alma mammy, I am out on a limb. I like them against any ot their opponent.. And I just aim to &1ve you some tint hand re- ports from Ann Arbor come foot . ball season. • • • e DELDfQOEJfCT "Guess there must be 10me. thine to Juvenile delinquency or boys wouldn't be so bad." I go back to the days when teacher wallopused you over the trunk rack witt\ a brus bound ruler, slapped your hand with lt. and on super-holidays rave you a tii-ZAI part In your hair. We mu.t not fnatrate the lit- tle darllnp. cauae that makes them tlmld. Bribe them, cater to them, appeal to them, never era. them, don't aay don't. trua- trate them never. There Ia only one exeeptlon: when they aet lire to the hou..--tllat'• barred. Thla Jut one I llke: "ChUdren The 1955 report of "Rertudy o! the Needs ot California In Hleher Education" reveall that the av. eraee total expense foT educa- tion and general purpoeee per student credit hour In OCC wu approx.Jmately one.fourtb that of the UnJverslty of Calltomla. two.. thirds that ot private universities In Calltornla and three.fourt.hs that ot state colleges. FIN lila Tl'llll Willi 1,210 ......... . Wheel bearlne friction waa blamed for a tire flre which threatened to engul! a raaoUne tank truck at 5:12 a.m. Aue. 6th on Cout Hwy. 100 yard• wetrt of Marine Ave. Newport Beach fire. men exttnruiahed the Ute fire on the rlrbt rear of tbe tl'aller whJdl contalnecl approxtmate.JF, 6,2SO caUona ol luo.llne. M. C. We.t of Compton. driwr ot the truck. attempted to a . tb\fUlah the blaze with hla ex. tJngu.laher but tailed. The true.k Ia owned by The Tnaa Co. of Wllmlneton. ------ WJU non TIIDP Someone attempted to steal gu from a euotlne pump In hi• service Illation c!urlnr the night. Dick Cr-amer of 124 Marine Ave .. Balboa l&land. complained to Newport poJice on August 4. The eu hoee waa partially cut near the nozzle but wtre lnalde the hoee prevented the cut gotne all the way throueh. the atatlon operater explalned. The pump showed no loee o! cu. UBSCIIIE To The Newport ~Harbor Ensign SAVE SAFELY ' At Orange County'• Leading Home LendN!g lnatltutlon CONTINUING TO PAY . PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSUltED UP TO $10,000 All Accounh Opened o .. -lef.,.. The I O+h of the Month Earn Fro~~t the ht. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOClA TION 222 OcNa Ann" LAGUNA BEACH ,.._ HY4-Iln Census Bureau Gives Report On Population Breakdown 'I'M otrSdaJ Bureeu ot Cenaal NPOft on tiM May It ~ In Ute City ot Jlfewpon Inch lt.ta the tocal populadoa u ~5tl. Thla Ia an 1.ncreue ot l..zM. or 7.1 per Cftlt, evtr u.. u,acn tn.habltut.a on Nov. ~ U53, and an lnCftue ot e,t21. or 53 per eet. over the U.UO lnhabltaJIU on Aprtl 1. J.B. 1'be number of penon. Uvlna In dwelllnl unlb (wblch es. duct. peraona Uvtnr tn places auc:h u lnatJtutJona, roomlnr hoWlS and hotel&) wu 18,486. 'Jbere .... 7,065 occupied dwellina untta Jn Newport Beach as of May ~ wtth an averap ot 2.61 peraona per dweUtnt unit. . Color and sex May 24, 19M Total ···-···-··-·-··· 18,Ml Male ....................... _._ 8,82'7 Female ............... _ ........ 9,TI4 White .................... 18.~ Male ........ -.,................. 8,802 Female ............. ~-·· 9,688 Non white ............ 51 Male .............................. 25 Female ... -... ·---·-·-26 April 1, 1950 12,UO 5,876 8.244 12.067 5.,850 6.212 53 21 32 lncreue, April 1, 1~. to May 24, 19M Number Pf!rcent 6,421 2,951 3.470 6,423 2,947 3,476 -2 4 .e Vacation School Enrollment . At COM Church Totals I 09 The Corona del Mar Commu. nlty Church, Congregational, re. por,tt!'d an enrollment of 109 and a good response to the two weeka of DaiJy Vacation Bible School, under the leadership of Mta. J. W. Rande ll and Miss Allene wu. son (from the conference office) and a hoet of teachers and help- ers. The Junior High visited a Jewish Synagogue one day and Dr. Clinton Emmerson showed some of hla plcturt>S or the Na- vajo IndJans In Arizona to the children. Thursday night was open houllf! for the parents and friends, to see the crafts and hear the songs and BJble pas- sages learned durinr the two Wef!ks. The offerings ret"elved go to the Ft. Berthold Mission school for the Indlans. The school ended with a picnic held at Cost a Mesa Park. Church members and frlend11 donated money tbr the refreshments. Pupils and Teachers attending the Bl ble school were: StlleiiJP..._ .... , , .......... , There ta a pouJblllty of atate purcha.se of the rtrht-of.way ror a new accea road to the Corona del ll(u bMdl, at)" 1t1.aaaaer John !anon lnlormf!d the Coun- cil Jut week. He h u therefore delayed the previously author !zed steps for dty pu~base of that por1lon of Rocky Point. He ravf! this lntormaUon In answer to a request from the Park Comm ission tor a prorress report on the acquisition of Rocky Point and Block C. State approval or acqulrlng Block C. back of Buck Gulley, Is still bf!lng awaited, he said. •1111 llcA.11111 Dies Servlct'S for Mrs. Ncllle Me Adams. 71. former resident of Costa Mesa and Newport for 2tl years. were held :July 28 In Parkt>S Ridley Mor1uary Chapel She died July 25 In Beman Sanl· tarlum In WhitHer. Klndf!rgarten -'Shelly Cun er, Tommy Purcell, BUJy Smith, Nel. son Donaldson, Cralr Grahm, Bruce Grahm, Treasure Arens. Susan Holden, Susie Farrel, Gren Beall. V l t' k I Brlscoe. Chrtstl Briscoe, and Gregg Kel len. Prlmary-Kirk Buttermore, Pat Drlskel, Timmy Thompson, Su san Butterworth, John Broderick, Melinda Brock, Ricky Hewitt, Steven Pattison. Tom Tosdall. Sally Hayton, Chris McDonell, Jim Harrah. Tina Bobman, Bobby Bo8qulck. Penny Coudlein, Tim. my Farrc:-1. Cindy Bellinger, Cathy Belllnrer, Chris Nelson. John Burbage. Terry Zander, Kathleen lnstrune, and Joe Whyte. Lower Junior-Barbara Smith. Roberta Riggs, Susan Carter. Su. san Verberg. Morlo Kennedy, Susan Hayton. Kimberly Custer. Jean Brock. Terry Flane~ln. Lowry Tho m p son , Kathlf!f!n Kelly, Brent Turner. Mark Van Dyke. Janice Beeney. Penny Co n k 11 n , Donna Mossholder, David Hendricks, Jessie Conklin. Mike Farrel, Adrian Farrel. Doug Hamel, Bf!tty Burbage, and Jim Whyte. Junlo,.._gparky Jay Lonrley, Peter Stucky, Douglas Gomke. Ginny Procter, MargMet Ingram, Louise Sweet, Grace Buttermore, John Gruwell, Mike Flanegin. John Sweet, Sbelley Brandy. Rocer Grable, and Sheri !leaD. JunJor High-Mary Zllm. Ann Humuon, Nancy Gardner, BUl CalHa. Tom Smith. Judy Stucky, Holly Ingram. Lor~na KeUy, Lynn Thompson, James Olen. Terry Scott. Pat Watson. Jack McSenney. Mary Bodine, Lorrlne M o 1 s h o 1 d e r , Gary Bohman, Karen Babson. T f! ache r 11 werf!: Mrs. Lois Meador. Mrs. Zona Parker, Mrs. K. V. Dllt'l, Allene Wilson, Nancy Rryant, Joan Burback. Sandie Deardorff. Mrs. Kathrlne Procter, Mrs. Jane Bogert, Mrs. Ruth Hu- mason, and Rev. Edwin Gomke. Planlsts--Mra. C. Smith and Mrs. F. Vought. Music Director-Mrs. Leslie Steffensen. Registrar - Mrs. John E. Sadlelr. Refresh- ment Host~Mrs. Luelle Shan. non. Announcing the Merger ..... Costa ........ lilTED STATES IATIOIIL Bill · EFFECTIVE, MOIIDA Y, AUGUST IS • TM I& 221 fries.,., p8rM& .. DM llanldiM) ...... .. .. ........ ,.. .......... UtlltM leutaa N .. 1aal .... ._....,.. .,._ • .,_ ..... .,I I ,•,... Cr•lzlt• ...... .. Pflll.llt .... ••BliP of ... C ... M11• .... 1167 COITAl I'A: \ . COIU'I.ftU ftADRIIO -Lt. CoL a..t. P • .....aa. 6U ........ c..,... ...... c--o B.icJbl..a, .._ bMa -duty wttb the 1211tll ...... ea.- pi--t. o. •••• c:..atr'• u.s. AnDy .... ,... lllllt. .. .... .,.... fWd ......... C:..p llobeaU. CalU. Lt. Cel. .....U ..................... walt. wbJda -.s.d Ia edmlat. atlatloa oC tiM paet ..,._. tiM tnda.lDg period .. .-... 11D.lts tre. tlaroalll aut tiM soatlnrML (U. L AnDy J'boto )• ~LOIIE~ e WEDifE.SDAT, AUC. 10 Mrs. J. Larson or 304 Dahlia Ave.. Corona del Mar, reportf'd the theft during the night of a fuchsia and a small green plant. valued at $5 ... L. J. Orsatt or 1818 W. Ocean Front, Nc:-wport Beach, reported prowlers a round his home for the last five nights between 11 and midnight ... A San Marino man who wail al iegedly bothering a 16-year <.tid girl In the 3500 block E Coa~t Hwy., Corona del Mar. was given a stern warning and sent out or town ... Sherry fay Smith. 6. or 211 28th St.. Newport Beach was taken to Hoag Memorial Hos pltal for treatment of a head In Jury after being h it by a rock when her brother. Bobby Dee Smith, 9, and Marl1n H. Sm ith, 203 28th St .. Newport Beach. were throwing rock.s at a board ... Ted Bailey of 2037 E. Ocean Blvd .• Balboa. reported the theft or a 12 root boat and 5~ horse power outboard motor; the boat and motor later were recovered at the root of 21Jt St .. Newport Beach, missing a gas tank, two cuahlon.a. a nlne.pound anchor and 100 foot or Une on • aJumJ. num reel ... Ch arles P. H~nsen of 608 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island, reported the theft (rom his bo~t ot hls three horsepower outboard motor valut!'d at S150 with another one lett In Lts place and was notified that oUI~~ had recovered his motor ... J. C. Berryman of 1318 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. rc:-ported the theft or his 12Joot boat. 15 horsepow~r outboard motor and gas tank all valued at $759 e T11UUDAT. AOC. ll Three juvenile boys, two from Nc:-wport and one from Costa Mesa, admitted trying to take:-a hub cap trortl the car oC Howard Russell or 3900 W. Occ:-an F'rontt Newport Beach. at 12:02 am. and were rc:-leased to tht> motht>r of one ... <Contlnued on Page 11) Car DiYII l•to BIJ $5&000 Store BUI1ding Pea •••it in Udo Center A....-t buUdtPC pes"'D.lQ aJ. e CIJI'1' IIA YO ,.41 ba¥e COI'De cloee to equal. Jamee Hf'r'm&l\. addition at 618 Uq tM 18:50.81 total f« all ol St.~~ ltd., 12.000. Jut month. Permlta luuecl dur· e IAL80A ISLAKD ~ U.. put week exceeded Bert TUton, tf!nce at D Col aDO.OQO ln value, the larpst Jlns. 1300; Hel~n McAJI t~r. wall belnr a 15(),000 store bulldtnr In at 1.36 Coral, 1200: Ralph Deems. Lido Shopplnr Center. at 3«M re.roor at 322 Marine, $200. VIa Lido. It tWill be ooc:upled by e LIDO ISLE &lnow'a Department nore. to be Dr. Mlles Hudson. 6 room. 1 operated by Mr. and Mra. Ropr story, 1 unit dwc:-lllng at 204 VIa Barrow, who formerly owned. a Orvleto, $14.750 . department atore In Costa lieu. ------ Followtnr permlt.a were luued; ••&WJOn 404 Calls for Harbor Dept. nw harbor department an swerf'd 4(}:J calls durlnr the month of July, Harbor Muter Russell E. Craig has reported. Thf! services lncludt!'d four rescue calls. 11 assists to large boats. 16 assists to small boata. lnvestlgat('(i rour boats broken Into at moorings. made 29 speed arrests and four other arrest&. Thrt'f' dNt>li<'t row boats were round and d~troyed and 19 ~ dau&'hteF, Mary Beth. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. J&RW~e on.. son of the Arches Motel, Newport BHch, in Hoec Memorial H-. pltal on Wedne.day, July 27. La J IIA lUS.J LIDS FM IllES S"J'-211). TED l.OU Conatruction Locma Baaln Shipyard, ottlce at 300 W. Cout Hwy.. 13,600; Rosan Inc., wall at 2901 W. Coast Hwy .. ~; KJnr Dance StudJo, stcn at 3440 VI a Oporto. $1.500; Paul Kerr, cabana at 10 Lido Annex. Lido trailer park, $2.500: A. E. Muller, cabana at 45 Drake. Lido traJler park. $2,000; Everett Blegf!r. 1 nory store buUdlnf at 2944 W. Cout Hwy., ~600; Robert DeckeF, re-sldlnc at 219 36th St .. $855; Ralph Dean, ga. rage at 407 39th St., $1,000; Wll ~right Ice Cream, sign at 128 W. Coast Hwy., Sin); James Jf!n· nlngs. sun shade ror waxing at service station. 301 E. Coast Hwy., $200: M. Thornburg. 2-story store and ortlce building at 3404 pie-ces or dt'hrls found and de SEE 801 SA"J"Tt..D VIa Lido, $50,000. e COaOifA DEL MAll Anderberg, fence at 422 Hazel. $150: Dr. H. L. McCulloch, new entrance to otrlce, 2931 E. Coast Hwy., $1.000: Joe Rossi, wall a\J alley. 1406 First St.. $400; Web- ster. carport at 3024 Ocean Blvd., $1.150. e DIVllfE TEUACE Leonard Graves, 6 room. l stroyed Six row boats were held I ft- for ldentlfkation a nd rNurn and Pllrier1rtca11 .,._ 17 row boats WNt> reported lost 2515 E.. eo.t Bwy. CDII and O()t rl'C.'OverPd Twenty nine I'(YW boats were Pb. IIA ,_ ID S.SliS found and rNurnc:-d to their own (ll.tro Life luai'UIICI Puada) ers. 10 I'Qm plalnts of speed re ~ijiij celved. 25 other complaints re-. 1 celved, 32 gurst vessels accom J A M E s modated. n1nt> shore moorings In Installed. ""~' orr shorP mooring D Installed and 186 mlcellaneous calls answPrPd 0 story, 1 unJt dwelling at 1200 Lee Bolil Joill Stiff Bayside Dr .. $23,650. RAY BIINilc C11lrllllr e lfEWPOaT KEJCBTS c. Shenn Allen. 15 room. 1 ~ Bolin ot 1210 S Bay Front. s tory, 3 unit dwelling at 1802 Balboa hland. has jolnf"d the Havc:-n Pl., $20.~. at'd at 1702 staff uf thP William Sanford Haven PI , $20.800: Boulevard Real Estate:-Office. 1306 Park *"6 L COAST HWY ~ COl ONA DEL MAl HAI'bot 476l Liquor Store. sign at 449 Newport Ave .. Balboa l!'llnnd t..icfettee: HkiNt 41,. Blvd .. $500; George Ward. }.story. For the past 30 )'ear · ~tr Bolin l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!l!l I unit dwelling at 2708 Clllf Dr .. rl'prt>S('Otf"d a womPn s wear a ..CWO $16.500; s. E. Briggs, 1 story. 1 1 manufaC1urlng firm of Clev~ yo£11Rll~' unit dwelling at 27~ Cliff Dr.. land, Ohio. In charge of sales r $10 300 men rovPrlng Callfor01n. Arizona. ~~tt1' ._ f C:. · · New Mexico. Hawaii and AluRa 1:,1" ~ jUJW He Ls one of 10 men who have 4 B H I d fl own a million miles by air In &AUS TIDE oys e connt"ctlon with his work. -.JA&S OUk:le lapply After Chase For thl' past 15 yean Mr. and ~ ......._ .. Mrs. Bolin own('(i a summer 1011 a.ada home In the harbor area. mov Four Juvenile boys. 15 and 16, log here permanently two years I £ II from Norwalk were arrested by ago. They have two sons. both I U PII L I J £Ill Newport pollee at 3:30 a .m. Sat· of whom S(>rved In the U. S urday, Auf. 6, for lack of par. armed llf!rvlces durin& World ental control wlth the driver of War U. Jlm Bolin Uvea In lt.e ~ ou ~ on an added ~~~~-~:::::..Bo::U:n:_~":~::~:m:UIIiiiiii~~~ii~ililaadf eharce or rKkless driving. ;rea. Thelr arrest foUowt!'<f a high n.. C.oaf ... -J)nla' 1 dl; sPf!ed t'hase during whkh offl. cers tired two shou at the pur -Uphalt Tile -Rubber ,I~ sued vehlcl~. They were finally FormJca -Llnol~um Til~ stopped on Coast Hwy. one mile CAlL JIIS' LDf=" south of Corona del Mar. The I 135 E. l7tla St. e-ta .._ t'hase star1ed after otfl<'ffS on LmEIITT 1-4252 rouUne patrol beblnd the Chefs I 22 Yurs In Oranre County Inn. Corona df!l Mar. attempted to question the Juvenll('S In a 1 sedan. Heart AHack Filii I I To Ylaillr 11 Buell 1 Georgt> Pe<'k. 50. of Downc:-y. died of a hear1 attat'k on the beat'h at Balboa at 5:4--1 p.m. Saturday. Aug. 6th. pollN? re port Pd. Mr. P~k had !x>i'n swimming and t"amC' up on the bt"at'h west of the Balboa Pier and was lying down as IC to takt> a sun bath. A l'hort t lml' later a small girl Costa Mesa Lu11ber Co. Earl L. Kllgort>. 29. of Garden t'am<-up to LifE' Guard Jadt 1 LUMBER -BUILDING MA 1'EBIAlS Grove turnt!'d his t'ar oveor Into Stt'lnman to report the man's Rewport al'f'd.. Coeta Neea LJberly a.1011 Newport Bay at 1.25 a.m . Aug. 1 faC'e was blat'k. LlfE' guards gave ';::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==: at the north-end of Central Avf! .. artlfl<'lal re-sp iration until a 1 Orco Block Co. Newport Bf!ach. Kilgore told po-physklan was t"a lled and pro-I lice he was travf!Ung about 50 nount"t'd him dc:-ad HI~ body was mHes-an.hour on the df!ad end removf'd to Baltz Mortuary In Co. BUILDING BLOCXS-All SIZES--ALL TYPES street. He t~ out a barricade rona del Mar 1 and street lamp before landtnr I lttr PKk had bet-n editor or I JAcboa 7..222t ln the bay. pollee said. The the Scientific News or North .U 1tateUc1. StaatOD motorist was not hurt. AmMican Aviation In Downey . so what! You can keep your m~l qu.1.hC)· high without raising your tempemure-or temper ... by cooking che one rrall) cool way: on an tltrtric range! 5« J0'" dtttlrr . The cold tact as that an dectnc home food fre.:z.a saves you ame, mon~ and trips to the Store . You sbop when you lalct' .. W1)WIII, wM ..... 31 Jeul ..,..._, ........ ol Mr& a.rw A.-at rt I k .,. 111. Artlaur J>cM•I~ ,........ ot m aD4 Kn. ....... W ... •tea ,.._ ~A .. Corou del Mar, Wide &Dd ~ wW Met._.. aDd tiM ..._ Mr. J'arper. Tbe at • ........, A-. ~ M ~room ia the 110ft ot Mr. and Kn. Mar, att. a llrief boMIIDOOIL Lbadlq C. ~na ot alverton, 1'tae ....... t.be....,. liMa ""' l...,. lAY IT WJ1'11 MJS &. Coat Bwy. 8 COBOJifA DEL IIAB Pbooe Bcubor 5011 ;;;ill!!~ harbor photo lab cameras repairs rentals tast COLOR Tbe JOUDa couple w-. mar- ried sw.cs.y, July S11n a double rln1 ceremony performed by Rev. £win& Hudlon. ual.tant putOI' ot St. Andrews Preabyt«lan Churd\. 1be tervJce wu held at the home of Mt. and Mra. Roeeoe G. Hewitt ol Santa Ana, llfelonc friends of the Farcher family. Mr. Hewitt cave the bride away and Mr. an4.Mn. John campbell of Westwood Hilla lft'Ved u ma- tron of honor arid best man. The marrlace rites were Jm mediately followed by a recep tlon at the Hewitt home, which wu a bower ot flowers and Olck- epnc candle. for the occasion. Mrs. Lena Barre«. mother of Mr. Hewitt, presided over the wed· dine cake, and lira. Hewitt ana Mrs. F. W. Andenon usJ.sted with cotlee and punch. Little Kathleen Hllb1ua and Judith Moore of San Diego received euests and p~lded over the guest book. lall ....... ... ... 7 ....... , Gall Weller. 400 Santa Ana Av en~e. Newport Heights, daughtE'r of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weller. celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary Aug. 3 with hE'r brother, William, sister. Suzanne and neighborhood children. Pinning the tall on the donkE'y, and potato races were among the games played before the birth day cake, Ice cream. party hats and noisemakers. The farnlly tra. SERVlCE ditlon of a gaily decorated Jack KornE'r box revealed hand pup. ~ts to each child as they pulled a string which broke the paper covering and released the happy clowns. Among tho~ sharing In the Fa• , ... , blrthday celebration and bring ~ .. ing gifts were: Dean. Jay and A late afternoon weddlng at St. James Eptacopal Churcll, at the entrance to Udo Isle, em Saturday, Aug. 6. wu followed by a reception for nearly 200 at the Ne\Yport Harbor Yacht Club honoring tht> newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bradley Witmer. Tht> bride Js the fMmer Mra. James W. Barbee of Balboa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- rington Chism Feild ol Los An. geels. The groom, a resident of China Cove, Ia the son ol Mr. and Mr!J. William S. Wltme>r, for- merly of Pasadena, and now resJ. dents ol their new home at 2CX17 Baysldl:' Dr .. Corona del Mar. Mrs. H. Payne Thayer of Bal- boa attt>nded the bride as mat. ron of honor. The groom's broth~;>r. William B. Witmer of San Marino. was hla brother's best man. The ceremony was performed by ~v. John H. Parke, 1111 ...... IIIII , ........... .... ~ Bonnie McDiv1tt. Karin Neff, 111.. Paople'heva b..ft Cliff Kreutz.Xamp. Donnie Butts. ,. and Jannlne Carlson. ~ saying ••• and Comlng from Coronado to be 111.. on hand for the celebration were ~ believing that the honoree's grandparents. Ad· ,. C mJral and Mrs. 0. A. Weller. • YOU AI Gall's dad Is a geologist t or Shell ~ 011 Co. In Long Beach. ~ DO BETTER SOif IOIUf TO IWIIZS August nuptials are being planned by Mlas Darleen Kleln of Garden Grove and Jack H. Wood of Costa Mesa. The August 26 weddln& will take place In the CostA Mesa Community Methodist Church betwet'!n the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Klein of Garden Grove and the 10n of Mr. and Mra. H. J. Wood of 212 Flower St., Costa Mesa. ~ lit A son, Mark WUllam. wu born • to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heinz of AJIT II.ALLa JIO't"E • 127 "G" St., Balboa. Jn Hoar The Art Halb have moved • Memorial Hospital on Thursday, from 900 W. Bay Ave .. Nt'Yt'port Aug. 4. Beach. to Lone Beach. .. . : Fwnitur•~ Food, Clothing and Medicine : eomple~e._::ahlnp Are Taken to Navaio Indians • 1131 Xawpon A.._ COSTA MESA Approximately nine tons of food, clothing and medical sup. plies were delivered recently to Navajo lndlans, 100 miles north of Flagstaff, Ar1z. new mlnt.ter at St. James. Uahera Included VIncent Je. rema Healy of Uc:lo. Andrew Madbon Rutherford ol Uplands, EdWin Alonzo Barnes ll1 of San Marino and John Gordon Smith of Newport. The new Mrs. Witmer was dresaed In an aqua pleated chif- fon gown of street length, with a pink feather hat. She carried white .orchldl. Mra. Thayer alao had white orchids. Her dreu was a Dlor blue tucked Crystaline dress. She wore a navy blue and white straw hat. Recelv1ng at the Yacht club were the bride's mother In a turquoise silk suit and Mrs. Wit- mer In a grey beaded linen dress. Alter the reception the newlyweds left &or a honeymoon at Del Monte Lodge In northern Ca.IUornla and Lake Tahoe. 1be bride, a war widow. at. tended UCLA, where she wu a member ol Theta Upsilon aororl. ty. She ls treasurer of the Harbor PanheUenlc Society. The groom Is a graduate of the California Institute of Technology and la a veteran of World War n and the Korean war. where he aerved as lat lieutenant In the USAF. BefOI'e the wedding the couple were honort"d with a rehearsal dinner held on the wedding eve at the home of the gToom's par. ent.a. The oewlywed11 will be at ho.me at 429 SevUle Ave .• Balboa. alter Auguat 20. FtRST CHURCH 0' CHRIST ~. SCilNmT UOl V1e LUe, NewPOrt .. ecll A brench of the Mother Cllwrch, The First Chwch of Chritt, Scientiat, ln lo.- lo,, I.Aeuech u .. tta. Suntley School -----9:15 e.m. 5undey Service --·---I I :00 e.m. W.dne.day EveNn9 MHti"9 1:00 p.m. Readin9 Room loceted et )) I 5 Vle Lido. NeWJ>Ort S..ch, ia open -~ days from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 P·"'-· W.dllftdeys from 10:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Friday e¥enin91 frof'll 7:00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Sundey efternoons 2 to 5 p.m. Clos•d Holideya. The public ia cordially irwited to et- tend the chu"h .. rvicet end u.. the Readinq ltoom. 1111111 Pili SertrtiJ Has lllul L•••ll••• Thto food and clothing was de. livered In the large aeml.truck and trailer from the Newport Harbor Buttalo Ranch by Gene Clark, o~rator. and Chief Push Ma Ta Ha, of the ranch Indian vUllage. Davy Daniel. United DJRECTOil Y Parcel delivery man In the Co-IIVSIC Standard S b a d e Clotlu and CUmm Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Bllndl. ...... the • CaU hft~ IIAIM G2 I2Dd lt.. Xawpon -.oda Mrs. Lloyd Marshall, a new. comer to Balboa Island. and na. Uonal vtce.presldent of Alpha Phi 10rorlty. gave a short talk at the tourth annual summer luncheon held r~ntly at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The 70 guesu represented alumnae chapten f r 0 m Bakentield to RJvenlde and 20 college chapters throughout the United States. Summer flowers and aea aheU. wer~ u.sed as decoratJona for the tables arranged by Mra. H. H. Renshaw of Lido Isle, Mra. Na. dene Coplan of Bay Shoree and Mrs. John Blaich of N~ Heights. Mrs. Ri chard Larzelere of BaJ. boa, president of the Orange County Alumnae Chapter. con. ducted the meeting and told of South~ California alumnae ac. tlvltles. BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-TIUGI -FilE-LR LOCAL AOEin' tm NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OJ'J'ICE: Llbet'tY 8-!RSM RES. lJbertJ' 8-5013 WIITE n. rona del Mar area, waa In an-,.... ___ ......;:;:.;:;.:;:.;:..... ___ __, other truck carrying the medlcaJ Margaret L. Scharle supplies, mostly aampl• from Teacher of Plano h011pltaJs. ''The Indiana need mattreuea Or&anlat · Ac:oompanl..t dftperately," aaJd Mr. Clark Ev~~!nfd~:-- afWr the trip. ''They ju.t don't 3tJ7 GOLDENitOD AVE. have any. They alet'!p In hogaru~ Corona del Mar on the floor and need cots and '::J~!!i!r£~!i~~L:::: beda." The temperature hits 20 ,. DlaECTOD degrees below In the winter, he ~encfly "elchborbood Service explained. The auppllee are dl.st:rlbuted to PARKES-RIDLEY the mllalonl\rles In the area. MOR'nJ.AJlY where It t. clven to the most needy. 110 Broadway "I doubt very much II anybody u 8-3613 1r 1-MM eo.ta.. M- eYer treated prt.onera of war llke '-============::: thll," commented Mr. Clark. '1t's ,. a lood wUl thing that deserves the attention of the people." The Indiana Jack food and vi- tamins and are In extreme pov. erty. Mr. Clark said. The food and clothlnc were collected 1n the aeml.truc.k and trailer from donora at the ranch dUTing the past tnonth. The trip wu made alter the trailer wu loaded. An- other trip will ~ made after the trailer la loaded again. Anything from ahON to mattreaaes la 80U&ht for the new load. ~-raoM JI.LDIOII Summer V'lalton tram Hoop. aton, m .. are Radle! and Barbara Goold, who are atayt,.. wtth th.tr cran.c:lpuer~tl. Mr. and lin. A. a. Mt<:a.Uvm ol eeo tJdo llfcrd. lJdo lal~ a.nd occuJonally vUlt. ln1 their aunt. lira. IW 8lrry of Cl1ft Hawn. 1"bt lf.rl8 attend blah tlebool at Claremont Qlrl8 8chool ln tlw fall. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Serltnl tbe Harbor .,.. Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL JY 1'!m W Harbor a as:ao &. c.ut maw., ec.oaa del Jlar Baltz Mortuary UMI171-2121 17h lr luplrior, ea.ta ..... AMtLE PADDfQ 80'111 LOCA110RS INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITII STANLEY lXSl1a4JfCZ ~ • , • I r., f ... , t \. Light their life with f/,it/,1/ fit IT.AO..-ws nDnTKBIAJI a.u.CII 15th St. 1r St. Andrewa Rd., .._. .,_ IUD lc:Mol Llbelty ·~ ..... , .... 1--.. 1'"'-t SUNDAY: Mornlnc worahlp, 9:30 anc:l 11 a.m.: Church School, 9:30 and 11:00: Jr. Hleh. Sr. Hleh and college aee Fellow- ahl~ 7 p.m.; Thurac:lay, Prayer, .tudy group, 9:30a.m. COJOIVJnT'f ....,._ODJIT ... w. lttla lt.. eon. ..... LJbelty I-4SSI .... 1-s* w. JlclbaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Cburcb Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morning Wonhlp--7 p.m. CoU•c• Ace 'MYF SerVIce -7 p.m. Hl&h Scllool MYF Servtce; 8 p.m.. young adult. group service. TIIZ CIIU'aCII OP ClllUIT 1050 Qucta lt.. e-ta ..... Llbelty ~ D.G.Bant.~ Sunday services: 9:45 a.m . Bible litudy; 11 a.m. momlne WOJ'- ahlp; 7:30p.m. evening aervtce. Midweek aervtce. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Tim Cllvaal OP CBaJIT Odd P.U... lAdfe. 1 .... wpoet Aft.. Coeta ...... L.Delty J.$711 T-...._,Jr.. liiJaUter Sunday Services: 9:45 Lm. Blble .tudy; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv- lce; 7:30 p.m. eventnc service. CIDIIT Clluac& ft TID I&A c-•rt ........ , ............ taiL •...-t ~ ... ....... a.. . .., A. c ... _ Sunday Wonhlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. ICld- Wet'!k M.etlnJ! 7:00 p.m. w.<l- nesd&7 prude~ bit 1:15 p.m. potluck. Pllln' LVTIIT caa ... OP W&WIOft ....... ~c:..tltll.. IIAitler .. LD n1r ....,. .......... a.,.· 1 • SundaJ -Yieel: 9:45 a.m.. SUn· clay 8cllool i U:OO •=or· &hlp Servtce; 1:30 p.m. ewrtlnJ ':ervl ce; ••·W !ervke: 1:30 p.m. Wedne.day Prayet Meet1n1. PDIT AIIUOLY OP GOD 11114 lt. & KWeD-A .... c-t.,._ L.rbelty 14711 ......... c:. a-le. .... Sunday SChool: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:56 a.m. and evanceu.t aervtce, 7 :3Q p.m. Youne People anc:l Children'• Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlulonary Councll, 1bunday1 9:30a.m. tor all day. · I&V&Ji t& DAY ADVDTII1 ............... Cit ...... lt.. ... pwt .... ta LDiilfty 1-IQI EldH D. L lpaaldhi9 Saturday Mornln1 Service.: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m . -Ser-mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet-Ing: Wec:lnesday, 8:00 p.m. caoa:a.,_waaanwa ~-............. c.-.... ,_._, -... CU.. WID!-· ~1-n11 SundaJ ~: Sunday Scbool. 9:30 Lm. Komtnc Wcnhlp at 10:30 a.m. · Evaniellalde Serv- Ice. 7 p.m. Sunc1ay. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettnc. 7:30p.m. Wed•esday. PIUT CliO ... OP ClmiiT ICIDIDI ..... =-='=-' ..... Sunday School: 8:15 a.m.. Sun· day S er v Ic: e : U:OO a.m. Wednesday Ewnl,.. ~: 8:00. JteedJn1 Room. 1115 VJa Lido, Rewport Beach. Gil*" 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week daya. 10 a..m.-7:~ p.m. 'Wectneac:laYa. 1·9 p.m. Frtday evn~n .... ~ ......... WiiiiUWII I CAD** c ........ .. •uns:a, .... .................... lunctay w~ .. fbi: t :e a.m.. l1 :00 .... lund.IJic:bool: 1:41 LIIL PDIIT Uftlft' caow:a ...................... CIIIIJI .... ...... a. .. -n Sunday~: 9:4.5 a.m. lunda)' School; U ~ WQ9hJp S«v~oea· 8:30 p.m., Baptlat Tratn1n1 UDJon; 7:30 p.m. ~ Service. W~J: 7:10 p.m.. Pra,.r, Pralle and Bible Study. Kon· ctay: 1:.10 p.m. Men'l OIOJ'UI p ra c: t1 e •~L 1:30 p.m. Ken'• Prayer Meeun1. cao.,.. or OVIl LAD'f OPIIT.CAWJU. l ..... ..a.. ....... ..,..n u-. .. . PatiMr~~·...._ Patllew~nnu Sunday Ma.-: 1:00 and 10:00 and11:30 a.m. Conf..Son: !at· ~ and w.. of tat Jrtc:la~ ~~~~·:\:~ ~~ DaU.)'If.a81:00 a.m.,..,. Tr14aJ: e:ao a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Nove a a (Perpetual Relpl: Tuesday, 7:4.5/.m. Plabermen'e Maa, luly an AuJUIIt Sunc:laJ 4 a.m. Wanda Dianne Kress Is Wed To Selim Stirrett franklin '. M.lM Wanda Dianne &ne. be-fant lklrt. A 1aee coronet trlm.. came Mrs. Sellm StJnatt Prank· IMd W'ltb pearla held h• UlU· Un at a candlellrht C*elnODY elon vel1. She earrle4 a bouquet held Sat"'*>' nJtht. Aur. I. at cl butterfly 011 ordlJdll and lfilee St. Andrew~ ~an auareb. cl the vane,. Newpon Belpta. Ka.ld of boMr wu 111M liar- Rev J....-S.Wut perfanMd JoN ~ cl Nonb JloUy. the ~ .. rtta wJ.afdl united wood. BlrWunW~W. taduded lila. the daulht. c1 Mr. and 11r1. 14Jtb Karl cl PuadeM, Mia& Geotp aldlard I.-cl Jlorth Carol Jlutr.er cl 8henn&n Oe.ka HollJWOOd and the .,.. c1 111. anc1 11181 ll.arpNt WatJdn of and Mn. Sellm Herrlnl J'ranldln l:ndno. 'I1M7 WWil matchJnr of 1928 Sal)t& Ana Ave., eo.ta IOWM cl periwinkle. blu. c:rysta. Mesa line made ln ~ llt)'le faJ. Th · brtae wh wu eeoorted llnl In tun aldrt.. caurht by e • 0 l'l)atchlnr bows. 8Ht man was to the alta.r by her father, wore the lfOOID'a ooumn, c:tuUtopber a white taUeta lOW" with low Carroll of Tuc-on. Ullhera wue neckline and cap aleeve. fuh· Allen Grellbam of El Centro, lone<! of ~ appllque. 11\e allm James Mazzoni of G)WI'vllle. and bodice ... accented wttb a bout-Da.rrell Glahn of Fresno. • r • • • The bridal party r e c e I v e d euests lmmedJately followlnr the ceremony at. the aoclal hall ot the church. MnL Krea wore ofsodal note Mra. Everett Br&ce of eo.ta Meu Is apendJnr part of Auru.t underrolnr aurgery at SL Joeeph Hospital. a navy dress with white Ia~ aCCfllt.a and the eroom'a mothu wme brown with matchlnr ac. ~lies. Both mother& wore • conaeea of butterfly orchlcta. A small famUy reception wu later held at the Franklin home. • • • .Recently h ome alter an Atlantk and Mediterranean c:rulse Ia John Lanrenhelm. son of Cham- ber Secretary and Mn. Hay Laneenhelm of the Balboa Bay Club. John wlll have only a short tlme In the Ha.rbor Area before he'll return to Annapolla. He wrote trom London saying he en· joyed It enormously. Other ports he vQJted Included Spain, where the ahlp rrecelved offld al wei· come ~lebratlons. • • • After a honeymoon In North· em CalUornJa the newlyweda will make their borne at Palo Alto, where the eroom wUI oon. tlnue his law studJea at Stanford. He Is a eraduate of Pomona Col· Ieee and Newport Ha.rb<w Hleh School. The bride araduated from Westlake School for etrla and wu an Alpha Pbl at USC. Special guests Included the eroom'a 85-year.old grandmother, Mrs. Bellm M. Fra nklin of Tuc· aon, and uncle and aunt from Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. John Car· roll and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffield and aon Chrl.s- topher from New Haven, Conn. Another aun t an d uncle, Mrs. Franklin'• al..ster, have left Johan nesburg, Africa, but wue unable to arrive In time for nuptial cere mony. You may think that Forest Smith Ia tlshlng or lan~Uldly yachtlnr, but ch ances are even while he looka to be ju.t enjoy. lng h~JMelt; he ls m aking blg pla ns. Already the owner ot his Clock Restaurant.a and the Clock Country Club near· Wblttln, he Is now planning a lovely and WATEJl "'COOLS .. CIJILS Javiah country club near Yorba Corona del Mar girls were Un da. The Smiths. lncludlnr the cooled of! Saturday, Aug. 6. by flshlnr genius young Smltha, being sprayed with water by live In Newport Ha.rbor on U do three North Hollywood juvenile lale, when not in the Arcadia boya. Newport pollee took the house up town. boys Into custody a t Coast Hwy. • • • a nd Avocado Ave., Corona del Telephone conversation with Ma.r, at 8:40 p.m. Sat urday. OfU. IEJ'OU TilE MAJn'LE cit tM bome of bw .,..._ta. llr. cmd lin. a..t •. ~ ConGciMliCCD', la Mn. CbGr1eia W. KAapp la .._ weddia9 ...,._ Tbe ,_ M a. Vt.S.. II. DelualatOUD was IDCDiied 1a.t aoatb ill • double rlD9 c:weiDOIIY cit St. Jam" EplaeDpal Cluarcb-(L Mull pbotocpaphy) • Car Crash Mars Honeymoon Of the Charles W. Knapps An accident above Santa Bar· bara on th~ California coast fn. terrupted t he honeymoon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Knapp. who were marr ied In an afternoon ceremony on Saturday, July 9. at St. James Episcopa l Church by the Rev. Joh n Parke. The bride Is the torme r Miss VIvian M. Denn lstoun. daught~r ot Mr. and Mrs. R.obert P. Den- nlstoun of 222 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar. The groom Is the son ot Mr .. and Mrs. George C. Knapp of Honolulu. Mr. Dennlstoun pr~nted hls daughter at the altar. She wore a traditional white weddlne gown with 11 short train !ash. loned In yarn.dyed taCfeta. The neckline and sleeves were !ash loned In Illusion net and Ia~ with lace applique sweeping lhe skirt. A sma ll lace and jewelled crown held a fingertip veil. Spe clal blue orchids were sent by lhe groom's parents trom Hawaii tor the occasion and were com. blned with white orchids for her weddlnc bouquet. DAR to Hold Annual Benefit Fashion Show on Sept .. 15th The ttttth anftual lund ralalnr event of lh• Col. WUUam Cabell Chapter ot D.A..R., Newport Ha.r· bor, a. aet for noon Thuraday, ~ 15, at the Newport Ra.rbor Yacht Club. Theme for the luncheon and card party Ia "FaU FUhlona ':15" and a aophlstlcated ~ wU1 be devele>l*i by lira. &obett Keppen and her eommtttee of Mrs. Adria n lrvhte, Mrs. B. II. Adrian and Mrs. Georce BueeolL Fuhlon a.rrancement.a are under the aupervlaJon of )rfrs. Do11ald P. Hart a nd Mrs. Lester Vledlng. T l c k e t dlst.rlbuUon La being handJed by Mrs. Ja mes B. Tay lor, Mra. M.e:rnJee Bowles, and Mrs. Helmu Dickey. The door and table prizes to be awa.rded during the afternoon are the ac Uvlty ot Mrs. A. E. Stockton. All chapter memben, lnclud lng Mrs. William B. Tritt. reeent, and Mrs. A. L. Pinkley, vice re cent, will have Information and tickets available. Recent plan. nlng sessions were held In the homes of Mrs. Pinkley In Costa Mesa and Mrs. George D. Buc cola of Udo lsi•. and another Is planned for Aurust 23 In the home or Mrs. Anna Ha.rbeson of Balboa. Th~ Col. William Cabell Chap ter was found~ and orcanlzed by Mrs. Cha.rles K. Boardm an ot Adult Classes Break Record Enrollment In adult education classes at Oranee Cout College during the 1954·55 school y~ar tota led 7.834. n~Jng the pr~· vlous high of 6.827 established during 1953-54. Averag~ dally attendance, upon which state reimbursement Is based wa s :rn. State a pportion. ments pay for approximately 45'1 of the cost of this adult ed· ucatlon progra m. Tuition col· lected for nut ot·dlstrlct residents pays for 30( ~ of the cost of the program. wtth 9~ being sup· piled by materials fees. Local taxes contribute approximately 16% ot the cost of lhe total pro gTam. Balboa W a nd ln 1950. Sue«'ed. lng ~b ""ere Mrs. Challen Landen of Balboa. Mrs. A E. Stockton ol Sh<Jf'e CJllfa and cur reoUy Mrs. W. B. Tritt of Lido Isle. Newport Is High in Drive Newport Beach contributors wue responsible for $7,111.59 of lhe $44.537.50 tot~tl collected dur lng the r~nt Orane~ County Heart Fund drive. Tbls was the Be('Ond h lgh~'t total. topped only by Santa Ana. The figures. announet'<l by the organization's budgt't commltt~ cha irman, Joe E. Prelnlnger ot Lido hilt>, after an accounting at the end of the fiscal year, rertect incom.-from all sourcH of the Heart Association to flnan~ Its year round Informa tion. research and r~ft'rraJ services to Orance County resldf'nts out of lt.a Santa Ana headquarters at 17th and Olive Sts. An area by area breakdown ahows t he following tot•la col lectf'd: Newport St-ach, $7.111.59: Costa Mesa. $789.54: Anaheim, $3.961.40: Brea. ~.39; Buena P&rk, $822.83; Dana Polnt Capt· atrano Palisades, $136.80: El Toro, $9l.l0; Fullerton, $3.854.27 : Garden Grove. $3,254.43: Hunt. ington Beach , $803.30; Laeuna 8 ea c h , $1.363.00: La Habra, $1.435.71: Los Alamitos Cypress • $423.67: Orange, $538.02; Pia. centla. $873.50; San Clemente, $678.76: Santa Ana, $1 2.954.75; San Jua n Caplstrano. $19.50; Seal Bt>ach. $<&31.78; TuS11n, $1,054.64; Wt>StmJnstu . M I d way City. $'703.3'7; Yorba Unda. $15.00; and $2.054.45 from other aources. F.Wa ·lelllfllte Ia IIIII ,, •••• Frieda Bellnlante, ronductor ot thf' Orangt' County Philh armo nic. was the guest of honor a t the August meeting of area chair men held at the Balboa Bay Clu b. Twenty eight women gath ered for breakfast, under th~ chairma nship of Karen Margma Bruning. executive director of tht' Philharmonic Society. 1101111'1 Llll IIIIET wtt1a ••••m 'rhrea Rlnl Clreus! To-morrow Jeri HJpea will open hu new Children'• Clothlnc Store ... In fants. tots, toddlera up to al.z.e 14 . . . Boys and Glrla both . . . two fashion shows wiU preview the newest In back to school earb for the onoomJne seaaon ... You aU know Jeri ... at lf'ast your small try do ... While playing with the toys at Lido Toyland ror the past two years, she listened to the ttles of the nM-es- aJty ol a Ch lldren's clothing store among our Lido Shops . . . So she upped and dood It! AttOIIS lh~ atreet on Newport Blvd. She calls her shop Jeri's of Udo ... CongratulaUons Jeri ... May all your trou bles be little ones * * * "A UtUa r-e1:•-. ,_ you to ..... -a. ~ .. ,.. Utile •• +•-. ........S oC tM JoUowi89 , • • A s.rv-pk.. Ilk ............ ~ .... tldDflT wttla 4•1' C I C... • • • A Liadt ~-wtuclt ... bo. of 1mponecs SwiM Claaaelotea coa. talala9 • ...n.ty .. aU tM Lla4t oeMM • . • Ceu.nllet'a Deli9bt ..., ......... Cllbout .. bi9 .. tlae ..cl et yo.r Uttle ~ . . . aact.e~... Coctmd1 541'==1 little ~.... s.Jo. mi to ..,. wltb • d1aall. 8Cnlabload ..,. -pcmca' .... • • • (do; .,.. A. tt p CIS t 0 Arretta Reed (yea, ahe work. tor cera allegedly found a nozzle the Telephone Co.l revea!JI that with a released val ve In the la she Ia now Mrs. David Scrlmp. car connected by a rubber hose aber of Santa Ana. Arretta llved to a high pressure tank In the t~ about tlve yea.r at 108 Uth trunk of the car. Tbe bo~ w~ St., Newport. although she's or. releued later to thelr pa.rent.a ~ a Tau pl. S'tunn,y with no dla.rpa ftlecl. tb1n& lMr new bubeD4 ia b'ODl -=========== Tau. too. Uwd around the :: Glamour Glimpses ., AIIJI A pink t ulle dress with lace oversk lrt and a bouquet or glad· loll and roses tied with a moss green ribbon w aa worn by the maid ot honor, Mlu Janet Bern· ays of Pasadena. Similarly dreued were brldesm&Jda Dia ne ttanstord of Puadena. Ma:rtlyn Kyle or Monte'l'ey Park a nd Dor· othy Fadness of Montebello. Tb~y carried pink daisy bou. q uets. During 1954 55 the adult pro gram offered 296 dltfu~t claSSH In nine dllferent locations. Of these. 2S% were In home and family llvlng, 19% were In a.rt.a and crafts. U % were in trade and Industrial subject.a. 7% In musk. dr&nL& and nne art.a, 12% tn b\ntne. and ~. ~ In language and literature and 17% miscellaneous. Mlss Bellnlante reported on her recent trip to Europe and 41s· cussed plana for the comln1 se&· 10n. The .ext concert will be at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Aq. 27, at th• li"Yllw 1krur\ tn LaiWDL ( ... dda ....... CIIIJilft. ..... ............... 'Ill ... ) ••• ...... s...... ,.......,. Cock-............. * * * "1 don't want you to ret hQ!lPY' . . . l"yeM Dall1ab Cock· taB 1t a -ta WllMie .... from ~. Denma r k ... Younc'• SUpreme CodrtafJ Jam. borft' C cereala. pretlle .. and nuts. blended but dJvtnely and 50 crunchy) . . . Fanclfood Garlic Flavored Bacon lUnda . . Old Monk Green Olives sturted with onions . . . Then tor a change Old Monk Grf'en Olives stuUed with Anchovies ... Young's Su preme CocktaU P epp e r o nI Sticks ... the same little towns that she A Oauified Ad •n tne Ension NOW we ~ why co-@ds with once new, but they didn't know brinqs immediate ,.sulhl Call a high I.Q. aa well as S.S. Csoclal each other 'tll they got torether Harbor 1114-1115 end orove itt smartnHS) a re buying their :n~Cal~U~~~n~.J~-a~.i~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ school clothes locally to give (Continued on Pap 7) th~ A·l rate.ablllty a nd date. ablllty In college or high school. Now we see-alter the beautiful clothes shown Tuesday at the IIPS-ct •••J _. TODAY. the story of a eood figure la told NOT In pouncta. but In INCHES on a TAPE HEASURE YOU will be delJrhted and a mazed when you know for the very rtrst Ume what the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do for YOUR figure! At the Stautfu System. you wlll be told how 1001 It wlll take to achieve your desired proportions. ...... 'hdlll .. T_,.._,..._.,_ b•t ...._ JYa 1117 &. c-t Bwy. ~DKLIID lot Vlli/Ailf I~PERS COLI'I NIW CONCIALID YA.LI -,_ ,.....-papen Oftd ether YOIMitle• (oftly YOU -.. ..... co•iiM,._). Two ltal ta ••I'W• ....., ~ AdouWe.._......,_ 3d ... ~ (3200 capoc· lly), • ,_ CGRCIId checb. 'fwe -'1-tAir ...,... ~ .................... key. w ....._. *»W' .... ,,.. ... ...... ., Cele ..,. .......... NER'S style show gtven by the Trt.HI·Y next door to O'BRIEN'S at Ra· gans Restaurant. Did yoo bappea to ... Jo AaD s ..... ....t.D9 tbat ,.... tectly staaaiD9 daarclocd ddrt .._ ~"S witla tiM float pleats ...... wttla tiM wlaJt. ...... bcltUtle w.a.-. • pUaJr llllpoon. ··-·· ad • lutn blue Cllllftll9aal • ..., t!t.en'a aD outfit t11at wW ....Uy wta • JII'Oft1 c1t ...... KIP ad catiD1I1.D9 glaDciM ..-yw ...... You couldn't have m laed that plaid David Crystal IUlt worn by J~anne ~endyck fashioned of true Imported Scotch tarta.r or the Undaay clan! It featured a smoothly moulded jack~t. and mo bile box.pleated skirt. Perfect for campua or the country and evu ao smart at Tuesday'& ahow ooupled with a white jersey blou~. navy cloves and a stun. niDI camel bal . ,.... .... •t .. ·-· .. tlae Wl_...,,........._by • ..., ...,_. .... J• Aaa. J• Aaa •• %Qed • laJ9Ia • ... ............... wltla 111'· l.abyL·~...s·..cy· ...... wltla ..... C8tJe •· ...... .. Ulw.lilla tMdl .... ......................... .....,....._ ........... Jea.. .. aMt ... IU I ... ..... wltla .......... .... filttltlld .... •• No .... , ................. ..., ................. ~ ... ........................ •nrtelryiiMdrfJI4tl•lll You ma.ed aomethlnr II you didn't 8ft! Jeanne In that beauU· ful red toat em-ln prlnceu line wtth the aJHJntnr whJte saUn dlckJ.....and that cloud.llke treY wool toat wtth aolden sattn ltnlnl, (and don't f_,et the Au· ru• dblc:ount on our brand new coata>-Gee eweyt.hlnr rw fall ia .., Pfttt:J -Come ln and - thtm at O"Brren'l. Best man was Allen Koch o1 Long St-ach, and ushers were Weldon McCulloch ot Honolulu, and three mllltary friends from Fort Ord -Gordon Gunn, Jack Mllls and Westley Westwa y. Following the wedding a r~ ~ptlon wu held at lhe Balboa Bay Club, w here tradiUon&l wed. ding cake was served and cham. pagne toasts feted the young couple. Close tr1ends a.sslstlng with the reception were Mrs. Allen Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Snodgrus ot Santa Ana, torm n ly ot Bay Shores. and Mrs . Athol McBean of Vancouver. SEIIVDfC IR IIAWAD Marine Pfc . Glenn A. Jackson. 110n ot Mr. and Mrs. WIUiam F. Jackson of 413 WUaon, Costa Mesa. Is se-rving In the Hawaiian Isla nds with the 4th Ma.rine Regiment. rround ele~~W!nt of the 1st Provtslonal Marine Alr· Ground Taak Force. First Lt. Philip S. Hurd, 25. son ot Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hurd. 610" Marguerlt~ Ave., Corona del Mar Is a mem~r of the 67th Armored Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Knox. Ky. Lieutenant Hurd, a ssIstant pla ns and operations otflcer In the battalion. ~ntered th~ Army In February, 1952. and was last stationed at Fort SUI. OkJa. He Is a 1952 graduate ot the Unl verslty or Arlz.ona at TUcson. His wlte, Renata, Is llvine In Louis. ville. Ky. . ......... Ire •• .. 1~•11 N~· Newport Ra.rbor residents are Mr. and Mrs. Rogn Wtlllam Ward Jr. who are making their home at 1662 NEWpot Blvd .. New port, following their honeymoon at Big Sur. The young rouplt> were mar rled rf'C'ently In a rormal wed. ding ceremony held at St Ja.rnes Episcopal Church, at the en tran~ to Udo. Th~ bride Is the former Miss Luetta Mae Wll Iiams. daugh tn of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Williams or Costa Mesa The groom Is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Roe~r W. Ward of Newport Releht.s. Ot'eJJintJ !Jnvil.a&m anJ 0/IUU)luzt:e»tozh At imporunt as tbt troa.-au, • to invitt your fr~nds to your wtddint: to a.nnounct to frifnda illnd rtbttvtt fu and nur t~t you aft marrit<l • whtn and w hfrt and your ntw nanw and addrtU. -En9roved-Thermoqrephed-Printed- Your ~ce of meny proper forms for your spKiel occasion. Phone Herbot I 11 <4 for en ap- pointmilf,t to ... our Ampl.s •.. ~drop by cwr pnntirt9 plent et liSO E. Coest Hi9hwey. COIOM del t-4.,. THE ENSIGN PUBLISHING CO .. Hert>or 1114 " * * * ~ Cl ... ..., ad u..a tlae tdp ... ., ---a-r"' ... D-. ... ... cd.lp lwecld R'OsU.. .._ lwd•ld s.l --QMbec • • • o-.ID9'• s.•=• -. D'swnw (Uttle ___,..> ... ca-~~wc~·a ur. Wllt ••• ·--· ...... ea. .tar ............... •''-• Jfgtll • • • c ~ • t • • • auc.d Is 11Rd W•• , • , Qewa&et"a Delitllt ••t .... (uta. dot .... wta ,. ta) c..r. ...t'a .,_...t I t= (Uttle CIUpf ... o.IIM) ••• Geu- ..... l)eUpt ()pW ......... a.-• .ra DeUtJrt Tee v- (.._ ltklr:a w.a a.. wttla ...,., ... * * * "Just to whet your whlatle with" . . G. H. Mumn and Co. Extra Dry Champqne. ~lma. France ... "You mJfbt Uke a cracker" . . . Jaoot. Cocktail Water Bl.:ulu ... unflavored to enhance anythlnc ~ad on them .. * * * "Jut la ~-•t.t~c "'-tic ~ l'alty .... • • • hlJwtdda IM41M• •• , ••'='" ........ ,...... ..... rtb, ........ __ .. bile .. by"' • • • A W"ll II a a..w. eeat•taltlW wut1• n••• ... * * * ''You'll feel rltht at bome with theee" . . . Plneabrkice Parma OrlJinal Smoked '1\arkey • • . Alao Ptneabrtdp F&l't'M whole Smoked Shrimp (~ out &om the Eut. only to I» pur • chaMd an.d f1ow1l Melt home on ......,..,IQ). * * * , .••... Hen• a a 3 bedrm~ 1 ~ bath home tha.t'a worth U.. prtee. Its almo.t new, with a ~ yard and lawn tprlnkJ• mtem. Full price t9'00 wtth balance at t67.!0 per month . .... 4 ..... .., Thla 4 bed.nn., 2 bath home t. sUghtly more than 1 year old. Ita on a lovely com er Elton Barnett Realtor -No. Newpof1 Blvd. n blk. N. E. ot Hoar Hospital) ••~, B .. ir w ... -' ...._ .. :.~.~~-~~ .. !:ri..~sa:,~ .. ~,.~~=·=·=•~.~ .. ~ .. ~~-~· .~~~~=~~-~ft:=i.::.: •• =.= .... ;:="";. i;I'O;;;.:;uu;::;:=·====-=:-;-;p;;;I;;~Y~--~-~Of~w.~..,~~~-~S -~·e;~~·-~ 8nt 1 o ca tIon ln Newport 4 CHOICE lteeldtftUal low on 2 DACHSHUND PUPS. t moe. I• (Ccn~ trc.D Pqt 1> Helth~ 2 bJka. from HI. .... II. ,_ .... O.l Mar Ave., eo.ta Jlfeea, Rq. With AIC. $100 N. lOitl e CLU1 C ' achool It. a cu.tom buUt lf..MIIP, wp .-sG H. Owner U a.aa. E. Bolaa, &. A.. Kl J-0211. lUre'• the ~Ina round ol qualJty home wtth 2 beclra. and r.lax •.. In thll em&lJ A.LM08T !fEW SHORE MOORING for sale. N. the Clau C playofb.-a.IJ pmtt 1r den a"d 2 bath.. It hu cottqe on Balboa lthnd. Ccmpletly fumblbed 2-be4t. Bay at D I am on d , Balboa to be played at tbe eo.ta Kaa select oak 0001'1. ArcadJa C.Pe Cod bou.. bath 6 Jaland. Phone Ll 8-5972, evH. Park nnt we8: lldl 1 doo 1 ,_ Beautiful wood panelll"'* lhower, Jdtdltft. ciJMth. dbl. p .. •a OP L lndJara, from the Blah • na e a.u ra over oo... .... 1.,., eneloeed ,.Uo; lot 30 A& neon llthtlo double Sehool playaround. n. n,..... lne the rear yard. Price ol new tiled alnk, tiled bltha. x 118. 427 HttJotrop.. CDM. flxtUM~. 4 ft. Call anytime HA. from eo.ta w .. Park. at 10 a.m. J?-9.500 Includes carpettne. m,~ ...,. term&. See Any. l330 w 800 S. Bay Front. B. I. Monday. $7000 down. parquet tloora, Jaree double time. 3 blkt to. beach-1 block H.A.MMOlfu ORGANS. L l t t 1 e 2. Cube. HIJh School. va., earaae. . to lhopa. uNCI. One only famous easy to Yankee.. eo.ta Mna Park. 10 SH tht. today! uwrAi.a ·, . . f~~Y s<;:=: ~~!i. ~~=~j ~ ~~~:~ .. m1h School, "'· wtth nice y~d. Price Is $10.. Near schoola. Nlce 3 bedrm. lair $11,7M SMALL OFFICE for rent. $30 per mo. Duncan Hardesty, realtor, ~ Newport Blvd., NpL HA 4TI8. for church or home. Very llb-Red Sox. eo.ta Mesa Park. 11:30 eral aavtnr on the~~e two lovely a.m. Monday. 500 wlth F.H.A. financlne at home, :J yurs old. Haa flre- $2200 down. Paymenta of place. hdwd. Ooors 1r food $74 Include Interest, prln-location. Price la $13,500 clpal, taxes. It Insurance. wllh $28)0 down. --------------------------~----~------------ .. Half-Way to H II eaven OOROIA DEL Ill Ingram buUt house. EASY TERMS • ISWID IEALn CO. 11\ltrument:a. Dan' • Schmidt, 4. Tigers. Hfeh School, va. Jn. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. Open dJa.o.e. Costa Mesa Park, 11:30 Friday Eve. a.m. Monday. 5. Dodgers, Youth Center, VII. Braves. Co$ta Meu Pa.rk, 1 p.m . Tuesday. 6. Giants. Youth Ce-nter, va. "START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, IN Beautiful 2-bedr.. 2-yr.-old, quality furnished home ... brick flrepl. especJaJly attractive llvlnr room. 498 Park, Balboa Island HA m MODERN apart:ment.a and rooma with private bath. eome with private balconies, overlooklnr harbor and ocean, half block to beach; dally, weekly or monthly rates. The Palisades, 2500 Seaview, CDM. BECHBTE!N. One of the worl<b createst pianos . .Ju.st like new. Good for eeneratlons. You wiU be thrilled to hear and play this maenilJcent Instrument. The low prSce wlU a.tonlsh you. Other rranc:b aa low aa $495. Danz.SchmJdt Ble Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. Cardinals, Costa Mesa Park, 10 a.m. Tuesday. 7. Cardinals. Youth Center, va. IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMQG.FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Calllornla's Most Beautiful Subdivision" T-omorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO rNSPECT COMPLETED , OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLA."iS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California lh lng. Offered exclu. slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terrac~n Coast Highway opposite the new lrvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In ln•ine Terrace. Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Cliff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther Jntormation Vogel Value CORDIA DR IAR 4 IICBE UIITS 2 furnished. South of Hwy. across from choice res:idftl tlal area. All rented. ........ ,., $4,000 ,. , ... Garages lc laundry. Good tl'rms. Check this before you buy. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 (Closed Sundays during Aug.) IOLDEI RULE VALUE OPEN HOUSE -SAT. I SUIDIY 16TH 1c IRVINE AVENUE ACROSS FROM NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL Three bedroom provi ncial home plus a Family Room. Two Baths -Attached two car garage. A beautiful home with pride of ownership. This home is the first home In America to feature a new kind of lighting. Asking price or this property. $21,9&0 Phil SulliYal-le•c• T. EYei'IOII 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone: Liberty 8-6761-Eves: Liberty 8 2103 "BAY ROll SPECIIUSTS" ART C. KISTLER CO .• REAL ESTATE 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226. day or night LIOIIH F. I BUYER FOR Y.l HOIE'I What is a RIGHT price? Where can YOU find a BUYER? How much can the buyer pay down? Is a new mortgage nece~ary? How is the buyer going to pay the difference? ,.,. ,.. .... IIIII ·-.. I IEILT. . . . the man that has made real esta1e hi.a full time profession. Botb lniJW and MUer 8hould llt<:\lN t.be readily av•U· able C'CIIUftlel ot t.be penon bell quaJI!Ied to UN th• prot_._.. UU., -rhe baltor.•• • REIUCO TO SEU! -------2 BEDRM. ear. apt.. partially turn., bay view, $90 mo. yrly. Gerald W. Ritchie, phone, HA 83. Dodgers. Costa Mesa Park, 10 a.m. Tuesday. 8. Dodeers, High School. va. 439 Begonia Ave. FurnJshed price $17,000 UYIIJ 2~ ...... TRADE 1N your old watch on a WINTER RENTAL -euest cot. Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace taee, pvt. patio. 165 tno., 614~· Calderhead .Jeweler, 3123 E. Giants. Costa Meu Park, 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday. 9. Braves, High School, VII. White Sox, High School, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. (will sell unt\lrnlshed) Good loan available. Earl W. St•lef REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 plus large euest house In Newport Heights! Owner says sell! Only 2.years old, hardwood floors. dble. gar.. flrepl., full dining room, best location. Full price only $11,960 BaJ & Beach ReaU, • 1696 Newport Bl vd. Costa Mesa. Calif Beeonla, CDM. Coast Hwy., CDM. 2·BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patJo, HAW AllAN balsa wood surf auto. washer, dlshmuter, ea· board. suitable tor 100 t o 150 rage, In Beacon Bay, Pvt. lb. rider, $5S. Call Harbor 4986, beach, small boat tJe.up. Win week.e nds. ter rental $100 mo., )Tly. $150. :::u=sro==-p-:1-a -no-s-. _gr_a_n_d_s-. -,p-l_n_ets_ Utll. pd. No pets. Avail. Oct. 15. and uprlehu. Good practice HA 1240. pianos u low as $125, $149, ATTRACTIVE lifeeplng roo m s . $187 and up. Euy terms. One kitchen prlvllt'ees If deslr~d. only famous make spinet S28 a week. Halt block to slightly damaged In shipment. beach. The Pallsades, 2500 ~a. Brand new. Ble saving. Danz. view. COM. Schmidt Big Plano 1c Organ SUMMER RENTAL: Ba<"helors Store, 520 No. Main, Santa suite. 3 rooms. Curn .. pvt. ent. Ana. 1c showe-r. no cooking. 227 1950 C;:-=H":":R::-:Y-:-:SL.E::=-::::-:::R:--=:Ro,.--ya-=1:-, -:4,-.d.,....r-. -o-r- 10. Red Sox, High School, VII, Indians. Youth Center, 1 p.m. Tuesday. . MISCELLAJfEOUS LADY wanes dally ride to Lo1 Angeles and return. Phone HA 882. RENT A practice plano u low as S5 per mo. Let the ktdd.Jes learn. All term rent appllett If you buy loteT". Danz.Schmfdt • 53> No. Main. Santa Ana . 100 pianos from which to choose. ' Libe-rty S.ll61 Eves. Ll 8 3158 La rkspur. CDM. lglnal. Rea.J clean. 40.000 miles. -COMPLETE-LAJfDSCAPDic;- SEliVICE ~ ~ FOR SALE: lly oWHr, ~ ~u..~~~ Corona del Mar, 1 ..... .-·~on ........ e Ccmal Froot Lot Onl' or the few re- m a In lng waterfront lots In the Canal Sec- tlon-28.58 tt. x 100 ft., p I e r permitted. zoned R 2. SlO.OOO (terms) Call Badlclw 1100 3 lltlnn. 2 utla, modem home, turn. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew School and pro- ~d parochial .rbool ... everything bullt ·ln lncludlne dishwasher, disposal. etc. En- closed patio and 2-car eara.e with work bench ... call Ha. 2506-M. WAMTED ---- GARAGE SPACE wanted for an tlque autGIDloblle. Seldom used Must J>t> within 2 blks of 31»6 Ocean 9£.-d., COM. Call or phone HA 5475. IIIMliSUID ' Cosy modern-2-bedrs.-tlreplace-dellghttuJ covered patio. Close to excellent beach and nr. shoppine center. Oily $11,850 T enu • • • CHOICE EASl B.A Y FRONT Spacious 5 bed.r .• 4 bath ~. lge. patio. p~ pier and float. Price $65.000. Terms. W. W. SAlFORD, Realt. STANLEY HADFIELD. ASSOCIATE REALTOR Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island H•bor 2462 Elevator BRAID lEW Store 1111 8ffiGe Builtli-c Opposite Newport Bea.ch City Hall Complete Office Service Parkl.,.; Available 3345 Newport Boulevard THE BEIUIOIT CO. Harbor ~ call OLympia 2.2130 O>llect. BEFORE YOU BUY TRY FUICIS J. H.VATH, Rulllr 3 BEDRM. 1r DEN .• VIsta Tract home, A-1 cond., $11,.900. WllJ trade for Redondo. $5000 FULL PRICE 2-bed.r. home In Costa Mesa. Par. tlaJiy fum .• fenced. Low Down payment. c .t ZONE. Will sell w1th or. without ceramic bu.lnesa operation, only l lot from Newport Blvd., $10.500. NEAR PARK AND BAY, 3-bed.r. home, landacaped. New. port. $11,600. 4-BEDRMS., 2 BATIIS. brand new, Costa Mesa, $14,000, terms. 2-BEDRM. HOME. fum. on Balboa Blvd., $11,200. DUPLEX on Npt. lsJ,and, 3-bed.r. and 2·bedr. untta. Price $21,500, New loan for $12.000. HWY. FRONTAOI! Newport, 1!()..ft. on Cout Hwy .. 165 tt. deep. Rut ~ Item .. A REAL BUSINESS OPPOR'lVtfiTYl Own« mtm Hll reta.ll bu.1ne. on account of health. See llr. Horvath. UBERTY 8.5101 H.UBOR lGI 2216 Jfpt.. Blvd., Cotta M.ee 3d> W. Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Royal blu~. $750. U 8-4073. MJUIUfE FREE ES11MATES SINGLE m iddle aged woman. SNIPE SAILBOAT. complete with trailer lc buoy. Phone U g. 7().12 bt"tw('('n 9 a m. and 6 p.m. 51tH Green Stamps Free delivery WIU\ r~ .. wants small unfu:rn. houSP. !55 mo.. permanent. Oct Writt" P.O. Box 32, CD:\1. WANTED-Winter or month ro- month re'TTtal In CDM for \\ t'fl r<"<'orumended party. Preft'r 2 be<ir. unfum. No children. Phone IIA 4794 or 1787 W. HELP WAJn'ED CASHIER want.f'd for Fisher- man's Wharf. Balboa Pavilion Co .. Ha rbor 5'7. BANK-NCR BOOkkeeper lc clerk. Permanent. S.day week. Apply Newport Harbor Bank. COM. CONSTRUCTION l obe o~n llll SANTA ANA For men who- are willing to start as HELPERS Who are lS. 45; H. S. grad uates CAREER Jobs with excellent chances to advance. BENEFITS Include paid vacatJons and holidays, 5· day wk. Co. paid pension and disability plan. . APPLY SLIP RENTALS: RoWboaCrenta spnces, max. 8' beam, 30' length. America n ~AcJon Hall, 15th and Bay, Newpon HA 452. PEUOlfAL MASSAGE In your homP~ Ladles 0t1ly. For appointment. please call Ha 4795 or Ha 0292. TRADE IN your old watch on a M"'Y Ham llton. rt means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace Calderheoad, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. N1SCELLA.JfE017S HAMMOND ORGANS. Fall line, all rnodela. rr. practIce rooms. Come In and pJay on any model-The Great Concert Qrc"an. the Home Model. the Church and the Spinet Models. Cf you think you cannot play, rome In and try the world fa- mous Hammond. ee.sy to play Chord Organ. You will be astonished to find you can play In fifteen minutes. Danz. Schmidt Plano lc Organ Co. Home of the H&Jm..,.tcf, 520 No. Main. ~nnta Ana. CORONA DEL MAR NUR3ERY HA 1008 2744 E. Coast Hwy. LEGAL lfOTICE NonCE OF LH I ENbO!f TO CBA'n'EL XOft'GAGE Notice Is hereby g1~n pursu. ant to tht' provisloll!l ol Section 34401 of the Civil Code of the State or California. that on the 29th day of August. 1~. the owner of the ht"r'Pfna/ter de- scribed 'Dxtures a nd equipment of that ~aln Cabfnet Shop business, situated and located a t 1550 Sup.prior Avenue. City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, State of CalJforn-Ja, Intends to place a dtattel mortpee upon the saJd fixtures and equipment. Lester 1. Rehn, doln~ bwline. as lfaUonai Cabinet Company la the morteacw at the a&Jd pro. perty; whose address la 1550 Su. perlor Avenue, City of C.O.ta Mesa, County of Oran~. State of California. Rbbert P. Forbes Is the mort~ of the said pro. perty; wttmr adctrea la 200 VI a Genoa. City ol. Newport Beach. County of Oranre. Sbrte of CaJI. fornla.. The pcoperty, fbtures and equipment upon whJdl the said SEllVJCES chattel mOI'tp.p t. to be placed GARDENING: Lawn ca ... power conslsu of tfae followtnJ: ....... AJI m"-d'llnery, flxtures, turnl equip. Kim berly 3-8535. ture and equ.lpmmt ot said bust. REPAIR AND-M a Int e nance. ness. painting, carpenteT" etc. Just The said cbattel mortgaee 1s anyth ing. Reasonable. Satls-to be exeart.ed and the con.alder. faction guatanteed. RA 0126.J. atlon therefor wUl be paid on the 29th day of AUfliSt. A.. 0 ., 1955, at 2515 E. Cout Highway, City of Newport Beach. County ol Oranp State ol California. at ten o'clock A.M. Wultlq laclll• SERVICE l yur guarantee on jobs done and on used w .. hers. 2488"' (rear) Newport 81., Costa Mesa. Uberty 8-4503 Of' Liberty S.4327 1oM Pra)lltlra POR RENT DATED Aueust 1, 1956. Letter 1. Hehn Mortraeor AND/OR Robert P. Forbes Mortraaee 1 030 E. First Santa Ana Mon.-Fri. 8-4 8-MM 16·MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projec:ton SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY YMI will have an opportunlt)t to advance In our ftnn. ~au.e of our prnent expanalon prorram. n.e ata.rtlne salary ts JOOd a nd you wiU ~lve tre. quent lncreues, too, Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514~ No. Maln Strftt 1m. 211--8anta Ana 9:00 to 4:00P.M. PAcmc TELI:PHOHE FAST COLOR PD..M SERVICE Model AJrplaM SuppiJe:a ... G?&Irl--rna Newport IIYd., c.o.ta Mea Phone ~ 1-'700 • RlVE ttlif The new Watd!-. Dfunonc18, ~J'nr Bl~p. eo.tu_... J ry and CJOdcl ••• ear. rted by Ray Plelda at hla new .tor.. RAY nELD8 W A.TCH REP Alit Jfo Lonpr at Udo Dnar '" htm at nllw lattdon In the "Vbta 8boDDIM c.m. .... 11th st. at IIIJaeintta.. eo.ta Mea. · • Pbone Ub!rtJI-8tll e COID't.J:I'B P AnrnlfG PAPD IIAJifCmO SUVIC:Z , JIA *' IIA.._ EUOJ:lU 0 . SA.tm'DDI 500 3'1IIC ~ Jfewpon IMch Painting-~ PA.PD JIANGDtfO GEORGE BURJCHARDT Uta d O.biiCtol 111 w. 1llll Ooela Keu ~--~UID NOTICE An~ baYiD9 any ...... Clothing Furniture Bedding Dishes Shoes Radios Stoves Ruga, Rggs or any other household commodity for LOUTEa lAKE PLIUINEIIS-J .. et!Ag ICIIIt week at Ragaa'a Reat. cru.raDt to ... piau t. tbe COD1iD9 Lobster Bake Wet,f th ... C:0. roaa del Mea baaba••••-aDd dtbeu. lA tb• ll'oot ritW, left to rtgbt. an Ted au..aae11, lin. Robert Moody, MrL Jobn Rartletn, • ualMie Aua.. ..... Jclent &.any lrcmdt. MrL lra:adt Cllld MrL A. E. PltaDonta. SfaadlDg left to dgbt an Frank Jordan, W. C. lucbterldl'cbeA. CUff Llonbarpr. Dee Cook. Cnmt Howald, Vema W..attoa. Hcaold Betrtck. Chet Parrca CIDd •ru lr099. • • • of sodal note Rev. Reeves Going to Yale 1 Contlnuf'd from Pace 5) In early September, just In time tu start S<'hool again, the Bill Bpurgf'On Ill fall)IIY expect to !)(>reunited at their Clift Haven home on Snug Harbor Rd. Bill, himself. Is cast In Canada with t he Boy Sc.'Out International Jam horH. and other members ot the family are enjoying their home on Catalina IaJand. • • • You've heard o1 weddlne pres- ents being handy and valuable and much appreciated. but the wedding presents elven to Char. lcs and VlvJan Knapp (nee Den- n llltoun> actually saved their lives In the frightful automobile at'cldent they had on their honey. moon up near Santa Barbara. M we heard It, the newlyweds were waiting at a construction area for a flag slenal to proceed when someone rammed Into the back of their~ lull foree. The.,..... ding presents loaded In to the back seat of their car helped cushion the blow. which was pretty terrific anyhow. VIvian spent some time In the hospital. but Is much better now. • • • . On Tuesday, Aug. 9, the Mel Berry's all went to Long Beach to have a picnic with Papa Mel'a first grade teacher from Alton, Ill. lt seems that Mrs. W. R. Cur Us still r~l\')embe:rs Mel from when he was a little boy with long curls In her first grade room. Mu.st've been quite a shock to see him now . halr thinning and tour strapping kids of hls own-but still that angelic ex. preuion with a twinkle In hls eye, no doubt! MOVE FaOM CLIFP BAVE.Jf The 1. R. Slmpsons have moved from 321 Slpal Rd., Cliff Haven, to 410 Laurel Place, eo.ta )le&a. The Rf'v. George N. Reeves Jr. will rondude his summt>r \\Ork at Christ Church by the Sea this Sunday. He ha.s &>rved as assist ant minister during the summer months. Earlier In the summer he wu united In marriage to &overly Ann BJiven of Corona del Mar In a wedding perform ed by his father. Or. George N. Reeves Sr.. president ot Chapman Col- lege. They have been at home In the Harbor Area through the summer months. The young couple wlll leave C8111omla on Monday for New Haven, Connecticut. where Mr. Reeves wlll continue his theo- logical studies at the Divinity School ot Yale University. This past year he has studied at the Pat'ltlc School of Religion In Berkeley, Calltornla. Read the En.alcn Want Ad pare. STARnNG Thursday, ~UCJ. 18 · 10:00 A.M. * VALUES FOR WOIEJI * R• larll Rilll }Swim~l .IIIII• a. swill Stiii-Ctllll "'•" a s.a1• Pedal Pusben in Cotton Prints cmd Solids Bermuda Shorts in Cotton PriDia cmd Solids Shorts in Cotton Prints cmd Solida Sldrta in Cotton PriDa cmd Solidi Sail Cloth and Poplin Jackets mou.- S-..aten in Woolens cmd Orloaa Nautical Jac:bta in Wool f'Jcmnal Kedettn and ScmdaJa * * * Calling C.Q. ly DICK BOPJ'MAJf (Continued from Page 2> Some had 19. some 16. somt' 18. They were carrying dntens of them to their cars In bag~. car tons. or just by the tall-;. Every body had fish. l should have waitt-rl until It was da rk. Or ell>e I sh ould have had a bigger !>ack. I put the s hark In the bag head first . but about half ot him stuck out. At a distance that big tall looked llkt> a giant albacore. I had Old Ugly about halfway to the car when a couple of 10 year olds spied mt'. One yelled, "Boy! Looklt the slzt' ot that one!" l tried to dodge behind a handy Cadillac. but It was no use. The kids steamed up, out ot breath, and took one look. Then their grins faded like a late win ter sunset. One said, "Did you get It skin dlvlnr . mister?" AI. they cllaappeared ai'M.ua4 the corner, one pi~. ''That IUY probably just started to fish. GreenhorN are the only people who ever bring sharks home." I hope you enjoy It, Andy. lf my ego ever recovers. the next one will be presented to you a t. ready cleaned, tlleted. and neatly packed In my lunch basket. dls- gu~ as loaves of pumpef' fti<'kel. Buell Party PI•IMMI Fer Toubustera A bt>ach party will be held by the Lido Toastmasters and Toast mistresses clubs at 7 p.m. this Saturday at 36th St. and Ocean Front In Newport. Mrs. Nadlnt> HIJl. president of tht' local Toast mlst:rt>sses, prt-sentrci the lnvlta tlon to the Lido Toastmasters at last week's mt"('tlng at the Har bor House . Toastmaster ofthf' f>Venl ng was Nell Loeser. and Ed Soulf' was table topics master J~ Storm son of Costa Mesa was a guest. Speakers wert> DeWitt Wor~tf'r. Vaughn Taylor. Vernon Alhm. Tom Soule and Sandy Stelnt>r, who won the cup for his taJk on "Geological Formation of Yo semite." Evaluators were Ed Soule. Ray L'Eclusc. Bob Perrin, Bob McCleary and Chuck Ary. A Clossi fied Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediote results! Call Harbor 1114-1115 and Drove itl Bridge Club Party to Aid Retarded Children's School · BEU nOM ILLIJIOII The Balboa Duplkate •tctre Club will hold a charity party tor all brldre play~ on l'rtday evetlna at the Friday A.fta'noon Club HOUM In Costa Meaa. with play starttnc at 7:30. Both dupll- eate brldce and contract brld~ will be played durlnc the .ven- lnc. burr, refreahment.a; Mrs. Ht>nry Errert. arranrementa; Mrs. Sally Brown, tkketa. Muter points will bt> awardt>d the winners of duplicate brldgf'. and thereo will bf' prius tor the Contract br ldgt> players. Nt>W r61denta at 308 Mar,_. rite Ave .. Corona dt"l Mar, are Dr. and Mrs Robert W. Roper, who are originally f:rom Jlllnota and have recently ~n llvtnc ln Santa Ana while completJna their new home In the Harbor area. Dr. Roper was an optom• trLst in Illinois. His parenta. who have bE-en llvlnr In Laruna, wtU also havt" an apartment on Mar- guerite. The entire proceeds from the party wlJI be turned over to the Oranre County Association for Retarded Ch1Jc1ren to be ueed at a ~ehool tor retarded chJldren. which ia located In Garden Grove. Tbe Friday ~emoon Club of eo.ta Mesa hu don.ated the UIK' of their hall tor the evenJnr. Mra. Edna MacMuter ot Fuller ton and Dick RJchard ot RJch ard's Udo Market In Newport Be-ach have made donallqns tu help raise funds. The local commJttH In chargt> of the arrangements Cor the Charity Party are Mrs. George Carroll, prizes; Mrs. A. G. J:>oes GUESTS noM LTIIWOOD Heu hair fashions Announces the addihon of Ruth Semonella to Its stalf Miss St>mont'lla's na me has long bet>n !lynonymous. In the harbor area. with outstanding hall' styling. hess hair fashions Summer vacationers from Lyn- wood Cor the latter part of Au gust are Mr. and Mrs. George JWth and daughters. Mary, Geor· gla a nd Flo Ann. They are visit. Por Appoiatmellt fhoae Ba:rbcw 4014 op.n Wedueday ...mag by appolatmellt lng at 607 Marigold Ave . Jforma:a Meadows SPECIAL FOR Thursday-Friday-Saturday August 18-19-20 OlfLY-SWITr'S PJIENJUM lEU SOLD liEU SWIFT"S .UMJVM Chuck Roast OSCAa MA~Uc:ed BACON 49~ 59~ ~ .~~--------------------- SPARE RIBS 49~ EASTEaW aALP oa ~..,~----------- PORK LOIN 59~ ----59~ aoLLED POT ROAST nasr CJIADE. SJIAJfK 'Ia oa WJIOLE CURED HAMS, ss:. • "IUTCIEIBOY" QUIUTY IROUID -IEITS-.-- GROUNDROUND 69~ GroUnd Chuck 49'- GROUND BEEF, lb. 29c. 4lbs., ~· SLICED American Cheese 49f. e SwiJt'a Tender Fed Steer Beef e Frcnen Fooda e Dairy Products e Bread e Spec:iaJiang in Quality Meat For Home Freezers .. Quality cmd Personalized S.nice-With a Smile"- • WE AU OPEJif DAJLT ..... :JO TO 7:11 P.M.....SOWDAT t :OO A.M. TO 1:00 P.ll. * 3421 EAST COAST JDGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR I t1ae .... ..t •·--- * VILID F. •• * Swim Tnuab-Cotton and Nylon 4 ICIE UCIUTIOI AIEl wUh IWimming pool-temJu courts- Aloba ~Prints WooleD Sblrtll m ~and Solida MoecM• m llu• o..um ~ooMera m Ncny cmd Natural r .. Sbb1a * ALL SALES FINAL * -OPEN SUNDAYS llzlt 1-llll . •••••• , . IIIII • hafttlball coum-picnic aru- cl..O Mu.-Little U4pe fNld tJou•t)ba*to relltl.nu oftM rww Clciss C Set To Begin ·Next Monday ClAM C bueball clue. ended Jeeeu~ p!Q Jut week at th 4 UAGn Youth Center tl~ld In Corona del ..u o1 Tu...Say 8-16.55 Mar, but the C LMJUM at the w =1 '!,~ cr:U:t 1 :~de ~:~ Gwn'S ···-·--·-·-·-·-···· 15 through thla week. ltED SOX ·-························ 15 CARDINALS ···-··-·····-······ 11 Play-otfa will ~ Monday. BRAVES .............................. 11 and cont1nue Into the · tint week INDIANS ···-······················· 8 of September at the Coeta Meaa DODGERS ················-···-··· 7 Park. Recreation Director V~l'n~ WHITE SOX ·····--····-··-··· 6 Allen announces. YANKEES ···················--··· 4 e YOUTII CEJrT£11 The Braves topped all teams at • LEAGUE the Youth Center wtth a record BRAVES ···········-··-············ 9 of 15 wins and only 1 loss. The DODGERS ................... !...... 9 other standJngs are u follows: GIANTS ···········-····-··········· 8 Cut., 11 and 4; Indians. 8 and CUBS ·-··· ························-·· 8 6; Dodgers, 5 a nd 9; Giants, 3 PIRATES ····-······················ 7 and 11; Cardinals, 2 and 12. CARDINALS ···········-········ 2 e BJGB SCBOOL B A.ME.aJCA.Jf . FDfAL A.s Uttle League nears an end TIGERS ··-···-······· ····--· ... 12 at the blgh 8ChooJ. the Giants, RED SOX ............................ 10 with their clutch hitting, pitch-Ann.ETICS -···················· 7 lng and consistent alert bue-INDIANS ..... . ................... 6 WHITE SOX ...................... 5 YANKEES ·-···-·····-···· .. ... 5 L 5 5 7 9 11 12 13 15 5 5 7 6 8 11 3 5 8 9 10 10 Joy Ride Ends As 2 Are Held ball, continue to lead the pack with a 14 win 1 loss record. In the feature game last week, the Braves and Giants mix~ tn TWo juvenile boys from Pasa. a real thrUJer wtth the Giants dena and Los Angeles face ap. emerging the victors 2·1. It was pearances In juvenile court after as predJcted another pitching going Cor a Joy ride In p n out. duel between Tim Brown of the board motor boat last Thursday Giants and Steven Sh~d of th e Daughters of Golden West Install Their New Officers night. B.raves. Bruce Young, harbor depart. There was some real slugging ment patrolman. arrested the In other contests, and among the pair on Alvarado St., Balboa, at home run hitters were Tommy 11 :20 p.m. after they ran their Hazlett. Bill Brockman, Randy borrowed boat aground. Mr. Wanen, Jim Reynolds, Jamie Young beached hls patrol boat Crowner, Brian CampbeJJ, and and gave pursuit after recognlz. John Weber. John Macy tripled lng the boat as one reported and Mike Schucter was robbed s tolen from Hospitality Pier. BaJ. of a possible homer by a sensa boa. earlier. The craft was re~ tlonal catch. Steve Hurwitz ron. turnf'd to Its owner. Gary K. tmued to play outstanding ball Paurr or 2691 Crestview Dr .. Bay in the field and a t the plate. Shores. e COSTA MESA PA.IlK The two juveniles were re Last wet-k saw the two highest leased to thPir parents at 12:45 1 t£>ams. Cubs and White Sox batt a.m. Friday. They wert' first I ling It out for Clrst place, with charged with grand theft boat the Cuhs beating the Sox 5 to 3 and curfew v 1 o I at I o n . The In a hard-fought g ame last Wed charges were later chang£>d to nesday. This threw the White trespassing and boarding a ves. Sox and the up coming Giants sel without the permission or the Into a tie for second place. The owner. Giants came through for a close 2 ao,. oureM witll Trylacte Tlke au Two boys, both 16, from Los An1eles and Pa.cWc Pallaades were charpd by Newport pollee wtth Jack of parental control and curfew violation Friday evening when arrested In the 200 block E. Balboa Blvd .. Ba lboa. They were charged with at- tempting to steal gasoline from the car of E. J. Spankle of 1210 Kings Rd .. Cliff Haven, parked near Bay Shore Park. Newport Beach. Officers made the arrest after getting a description of their car. victory over the scrappy Braves, who led the Giants going Into the last Inning. The hard-luck Tigers blasted 10 runs In against the third place Dodgers on Thursday. The Dodgers came back for elght runs In the 1ut lnnlnl-flnal re, 10 to 9 In favor of the Tigers. The Red Sox came within one run of defeating the league~ leading Cubs on Monday. The standings are : Cubs. 12 won. 3 lost; White Sox. 10 and 4 and 1 tie; Giants. 10 and 4 and 1 tie; Dodgers. 8 and 6 and 1 tie; Cards. 7 and 6 and 1 tie; Braves, 7 and 8; Indians. 7 and 8; Red Sox. 5 and 10; Yanks. 3 and 11 ; Tigers. 3 and 12. Last wet-k's scores were: Tigers 2, Card!! 4 : Rf'd Sox 3, Cubs 4; White Sox 6, Yanks 3; Indiana 11, Red Sox 5; Giants 9. Braves 5; Cubs 5, White Sox 3; Tigers 10, Dodgers 9. .... ,., ........ Rifletl ., Tllletu The coin receiving mechan. Isms of three soda pop machines were the target of thieves In eo. New officers of Conchita Par- lor 294, Native Daughters of the Golden West. oUiclaJly con- ducted their first meeting In Au- gust at the Costa Mesa Ameri- can Legion Hall. The officers were formaJJy Jn. sta lled by Mrs. Dale Elliott, de. puty grand president. and her corps or otrlcers from the Santa Ana Parlor 225 on July 28. Taking office were Mrs. RudoU Peterson of Costa Mesa as prest. dent; Mrs. Walter Nollar of New. port Beach as past president; Mrs. Andre Lay. first vice presl- dl'nt; Mrs. Donald Muncy. sec. ond vice president; Mrs. Robert M. Wilson. third vice president; Mrs. Harold Graham. recording secretary; Mrs. John Jacobsen, treasurer; Mrs. Larry Bergeron. financial secretary; Mrs. Jack Wilson. marshal ; Mrs. John Emerson. Inside sentinel; Mrs. Gloria Place, outside sentinel, and Mrs. Chester Pollard, Mrs. Darwin Tate and Mrs. Helen Col- llns as trustees. Guest speaker at the lnstalJa. tlon was Mayor Claire Nelson of Costa Mesa. Candlellghters were Pat Nollar, c:lauehte!' of Mr. and Mrs. Walter l'onar. and Helen Jacobsen, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobsen. Bible escort wu four. year old Paula Sprague, daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Sprague ,,., ...... Sc ..... Fer S•••J, 1111-28 The South Coast Rltle and Pl.s- tol Club wiJJ bold a trap shoot from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28, at the rUle range on MacArthur Blvd. north of Corona del Mar. The shoot Is open to the public. Thla wlll be the Sunday before the opening ot the dove season ISept. 3> and prospective bunters will have a chance to get In some shooting practlce. A.nother trap shoot ts ech~uled for Sun- day, Sept. 25. Orange County Ard{ltects met Thursday night at the Balboa Bay Club for a dinner and dls- cuMion or latex as an exterior paint vehicle. George Lind. local president of the county branch of the American Institute of Archltec"U, present~ t he speak- er, who was Fellx Doherty of Bums W. Lee Associated. Mr. Doherty Illustrated his talk with pictures of natural and synthetic paints and their origin. rona del Mar Friday night. New-----·--------port pollee reported. Newport Harbor Ensign Wll WI1PlY1 If-• lfrt....W....._ an YOU fally ............ Clgalut 10M Olr law..-ltf ~c.-a..ap .,... ... Call .. ~ today. The machine In the Corona del Dear Peg and Hop, Mar Nursery wu looted of $1.50. On ~haU of the Newport Har- A thief prl~ open the colJ re-bor Community Players. I would celving mechanism In the Shell like to thank you for your k.Jnd- Servtce Station. 2901 E. Cout neu during the put eeuon. It Hwy., a nd took 80c. The soda hu meant a creat deal to the pop machine tn the Standard JI'OUP to eee your comments writ- Station, Coast Hwy. a.nd Mae. an alter our productloDL I can Arthur Blvd .• was robbed of $2.70. not help but feel that auch publi-city wUI play an Important part In our proaresa ~ard that dream ln every player'• heart- a real little theater of our own. I )lope the croup wlll continue to deeerve your aupport a.nd enthu. alu m. ~ , ~-~ .. . . Jr. Flags were carrl~ by Howard Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham, anlt Larry La· hodny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Lohodny. After the Installation ceremo- nies. refreshments were aerved by Mrs. Earl Patterson. chair- man. assisted by Mrs. Wllllam Melcher, Mrs. G. B. Butler and Mrs. K. W. Brickey. Lanny Young Dies at 55 Lanny Robert Young, 55. of 608 Seaward Rd.. Corona High. lands. died Monday In Orange County General Hospital. Mr. Young, a retired a('COUntant. was born In IJllnols and had Jived In Corona Highlands for the past two years. Mr. Young Is survived by his wtfe. Mrs. Felecla Young of the home address. and a son. Robert L. Young of Newport, Rhode Island. Graveside services wer~ held yesterday In Fairhaven Cemetery wtth the Rev. Harry Owings officia ting. Baltz MGrtu- ary oC Coloaa. del Mar wu ln charge of anangements. CHU~CHU GODfG TO CA.KP IIADPO&D Leaving Sat urday morning for a one-week outing near Seven Oaks wtJJ ~ four high school youths of the Balboa Island Com- munity Methodist Church. They wtll attend the Methodist Insti- tute at Camp Radford. Those rep. resenting tbe lsland church wUl be Sharon Waidelich, Marilyn Shooter. Judy Nealy, and Lance Greenleaf. L L METBODIIT CIIVJICB In his flrat aervtce following a two-week vacation trip to North · ern CaJilomla. the Rev. Donald G. Sapp, mlnlater of the BaJboa I a I a n d Community Methodist Church, wiJl begin a aet"les of sermons on ''The Good Newa Jesus Brought." The ttrst aennon. ''The Newa of the Kingdom," wtJJ be preached this Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a .m. Oth« topics for the aeries wtll ~ ''The New. of tbe Fath«, '' '"'be New. of Penona. .. and "Tbe Newa of Joy ... UJII'YZJIIALIIT ra.LOWIIDP Dr. Frank Macintyre wUl ta.lk on "Letter ttom the eo.mo." at the 11 a.m. Sunday wonhlp 8e'rV· lee of the Unlvenallat CommU· nlty Fellowship, Which IDftU at 515 W. Balboa. Blvd., Balboa.. Rev. Fr~«lck 1Un1e wiU return to the pulpit In September. I"DDE lET m BACK 'I A1:D The clotbes Une and a T·aftlrt were burn~ when 10meone atarted a f ire In her back yard during the night. Martha Peter- son of 2404 Cliff Dr .• Newport Heights., complained to Newport pollee at 8:41 a.m. W~nesday, Aug. 3. for lett.rtteeds. enve&op.s eel THE ENSI&N. HA.f114 111. and 11n. 11: a. WOOdl o1 m~llll!liiim 111 C.llrWo lt., Oolta ~ tube. .,... MvM by Jkwpcwt ~ With the help tJI otMr Ute life pa.nla from dtowDJ.rW In the pa.rd8, Kt. Woocll wu broqbt IUif at l1lt k , w.-l'felwport. ubore and atwn IDedlcal ald. A at J:JI p.aa. Iunday. doctor and ambuleace wwe MN. w~ wu h~ uhore eallecJ a.nd Mt. Woodl wu t0tn ftnt b)' a lUe pard ud wu to Hoa1 Memorial llolpltal. Mr. liVen ant aJd by Jfewport ~ Rauom 1fU the vtet1m ot «X· ~-... Tbe lite pard then ,... treme exbau.don, but ha a.nd tUI'PWQ to the aurf and went to Mit. Woodl ncoverect a ul.ftd. the a.Jd 'of Mr. Wooda. In the ently at the aNne to require no meantime Joel Rauom, ~. of furtber treatment other than Santa. Ana had reach~ the warmth and said. • M AIAMTII • • c~-u.:r.~ :.1 : :.t._.,_,._ • ::t..... -:--.~ : • •••••••••••••••• COIIII IEL Mil PHIIIICY .,...., ............. ··~ ua.oaan ,,.., &. c..t llwf .. --J lee c.-....... ~ at the Cros~oacls Vilage • • • • * * * • on Ne wport BlYd. aboYe the Arches, acrou Freeway from Hoag Ho.pital * * * GET ACQUANTED SPECIAL THE MEW "400"' EconomyPac Kleenex Reg. 33c NOW 19c SMITH'S PIIIIIOY 1111111111 .... ~.-... .......... --Drift Ia ._ .. , "'Ia tile QoeMt ... Vw..."' .. ................ u t.7111 I••••••• ••" ..... F ... . lf-..AUwtk IIIII f'Ne lAw Qdada at ....... r..- • ....... Frllll.lll111 IIAIIOIIEILTH Fa. I VIT-IT- m Tha Crwgoaclll ViDage announcing IEITII'S OUST. PHnaE Lilli •• a.MM ... --.... ''Orll•• .. Yllap" Milia If. lfewpo~t ~ Ull •• t.lll7 Accessories Crossroads Values In Real Estate (Xchalhree) HIGHWAY and FREEWAY FRONTAGE._..Per Front Ft. $150.00 9 UNIT NEW STORE BUILDING ON LEASEHOLD AT SS.25 Per Sq. Foot VfEW LOT IN LAGUNA-SEWER AND W ATFlL .$2500,00 101 HIGHWAY FRONT AGE, STORE AND BRICK UNITS 122,500.00 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ENTIRE BLOCK--3 S'J'IUri'S plua 8 HOUSES Per Front Foot tl25.00 BALBOA OCEAN FRONT APART. HOUS&.LEASE PER. MONTH . • PER UNIT m.oo ACREAGE Bl:I'WEEN XNOTTS BERRY FARM and D1SNEYL:AND co~ Aili IJo,ooo.oo ------ • Sub:Mariners Stage Display A Jldncllvlnl ,_, t.n4 tech· nlque dltlnoMtratJon wu 11ven bY membera ot the Newport Har. bor Sub-Mutnen In the Balboa lay Club ~DI pool 8Un· day, July 3L Alan White ot Santa Ana ctem. on.trated the bulc aJdn.dlvlne 1ear of race maak. IWlm flDJI and breat.hlne morkel. Bob Clark ol Anabetm, SubMutnen prea.ldent. mowed the varloua techniqu• \ded In au.rtaee divine. John Mll· I• of Balboa ahot hU rubber powere4 apear 1\U'l. and Bill SUzle or Coron a del Mar demon. mated b1t carbon dloxJcte pow. erect eun. 1be latter three UJu. mated the uae ot aqua lunea. Mn. Sllzle. Mrs. MIJ~r. Mary He~ Crull\ and Mary Kay 11tu., the latter two from Corona del Mar, demon.ltrated f?am neo. prene IWfm aulta and underwater photoeraphy. lohn Burk~tt or the Waterwear Co. of Newport Beach wu muter of ceremonle.. SereJe Beltran or Santa . Ana acted the part or an underwater clown. TIE ~·' IEIT • I I DINING ••• DANCING ••• COCKTAILS. • • * * P'ULL COUJIIJ: D ...... IDYED 'T1LL 11 •.11. ...... ... ..., ... ,., II• ... * New M.nu ~Dc:lude.ltalicm Delicac:iH * .. .., .......... ,.._ Ov ... p~ VEAL ICALLOftlll e LAIACKA e PIZZA 2260 Hu:Lor Boulevard • DANCI"G IIIlEY UITZ I Ills •lllc l teliiOe.a. ap. 7 Dcrp A Week COCXTA.D. BO~t· to 1:• •.x. DAD..'f I'O.uu& I(JUI) D~ ~ cmd1CIIble for PARTIES. BANQUETS, or CLUB DINNERS ..._Yeu~Jfow Harbor Bl•d. at WU.On Liberty 8-5543 t' I • 4 ' ·y,----m ;;;u--..... rwtu ... fiM Jldli iL ............ dbe. .... chS. tM VW. ...... Ia -.. 0a II CleatJ"a aa.t ...._. ...a l•f-' .._ ...... te ... LID?ted .atM ........ ................................ a..-.. ........... ...... ........... ...,... = . JAil ... ., ,.. JIM. =•so·.,......_ ....... ... ... JIIII till ~ 01 .. 1 • Ora.np CoMt CGII ... Cll ... l • 0.... ..... tile ...,. .. .,_ a.a at .,. t1 tow ,_,. ot JkY· llf'Od ....... ~ tor u.. »~rene. a. will .............. ..... ,. his ptrayal of "Ladlle" in the .,.. •• ftnlt pre. eentatioll ot '"'l"be Huty Beut" In tta He belan hie theatrical career ln l.IM7 In aummer etock, ple.ytne ln auch productions u "Chicken every Sunday," "Ladles In Retirement," and Eupne O'Nelll'a "Ah, Wllderne.a!" Dur. lnl thU period he studied aetlne under Eueenle Leontovtch and Akim Tamlroft a nd wu tutored In staeecralt by Rita GJover and Cyril lon-. With the Newport Harbor Com· munJty · Player"a be hu partk:l· pated In "'Ibe Male AnJmal," "Petticoat Fever,'' "Dream Glrl.'' •'Ptlll.adeJpbla Story," and u Danny ln "Nieht must falL" Col. lep product1ona to hie credit In- clude "Outward Bound" and Mo. llere'a "La Malad~ lmaglnalre." Hla latest role with the Playen was an accidental and hurried one. When charactor actor lim Webb wu stricken with acut~ laryngitis on the eve of the re. cent production of the ''Black Fla mlneo," Orren, who was as- sisting the play's director, don. ned powered wig and JT~ase. paint to play the part of "Popo." Mystery Boat Eludes Patrol A harbor department patrol boat erulalng In th~ bay ln the ar~a of the upper bay bridge no. tiCf'd another boat with weak running lights at 3:10 a.m. last Thuraday. Th~ harbor d~artment boat thnw Ita ~tllght on the other craft, which was equipped with an outboard motor. It left the scene with a terrific speed. golne down th~ main channel and out the harbor entrance to the open Name 22 New Staff Members For Fall at Orange Coast Twenty.two new start mem. bers have been appointed to po. sitions at Oranee Coast Colleee for 1955-56, the lareest number to·jotn th~ faculty since the year the Institution was founded In 1948. HeadJne up the student per. sonnel RJ'Vices will be Or. Don. aid E. P~hlk~. prt>Sently a cllnl. cal psycholoai-at with the Deput. ment or Health for the State or Idaho. Other countellng additions are Stephen Isaac, Conner achool psychologist In Claremont with an M.A. from Claremont Gradu at~ School; Or. laAe Mat.on, psychologist and counselor from East Contra Costa lunior College, and Robert E. VaUett. former counselor at 1Sa~nto State Colleee . The nat concert or the Oranee attaJrs. They lnelude Ma,or Dora Cowlty PhUtwmonJc Orchestra BllJ ancl o. w. cDidl• alclla.rd wW be held at 8:30 p.m. Sat\&r. ot M..-port -..eh.. Owlcbt GlbM ~y • .AUI. 27, ln the Irvine BoWl, ot 'l1lree Atdl Bay; Juqe Cella Lquna Beach, c!lrecton of the Youne and lla.~4 J:lllott ot Oran,. County Phllbarmonlc So-HuotJncton Beach. Mrs. lat* ciety declded at a recent meetlne Com of Balboa laland. Dr. Carl ln the bome or Mrs. Fred G. Fel'· Pearlman of Santa Ana, Gordon rey of ~mon H~lghta. X. Richmond or Ora.nae, Mrs. Mra. Cart Boawel of Bay Shorea, Martha Schumacher or A.nahelm, Mia E. Certrude Hellla and Ed-Mrs. C. Stanley Chapman, Kra. ward Mittelman of Fullerton Edward Mittelman, Mrs. Francia were unanlmouaJy elected to the MoUltt and Mrs. R a y m o n d active board of dlrecton or the ThompiOn or Fullerton, Mn. IOCiety at the meeting. Richard Wlndel' of Brea. F. K . An enlareed advJaory board of Cadw~ll of La Canada and Mau. dlrf'cton will soon be activated rice Harrla of West Loa Aneeln. on oohalf ot the eoclety, lt was announced by President More· land Lt"lthold, to provide Cull county r~resentaUon ln aodety u aoLLE.D wr WJII1'TIEa Local rHidents enroJied In th~ flnt term of the Whittier Colle,e Summer Sftslon were Richard D. Lane, 2056 Ocean Blvd.; and Mrs. Ruth E. Richwine, both o1 BaJ. boa. and Geore• ft. Curtis, 21601 Crestview Or , Bay Shores. The tlrst St"Uion ~nded July 29, and the current four week session be ean Aug. 1. AT Arches "Your Host to the Coast Since lQ" PJME POODI CO C K T AILS COAST HI~HWAY AT THE AICHES H-.-+ IHdt JOHN VD.£11 E &.111_,19 .. 1511 "'EW IIIWIIIr' 1ni11 II t..c-o•z aon JUrD a KDrOTD. IOowD ~ Daily 11:30 & 7:00p.m., 11.25. CldJdr.n 65c * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat l.ecmng £yery 20 Minutes * E ........ o.... .... •......, o--.·eta ..... c • ..... (AU JllcleLISc. 0....__ Uc. V... S ya. P1we) aea. The slower harbor depart. ------------ New teclmoloey I n at r u cton w111 be WUll.am Poor~ ln petro- leum technology, formerly at Huntington Beach Hl&'h School; K~nn~ E. Harrl.a. bulldlnl trades, a journeyman carpentel' for aeven y~ars; Irvin l . Koaan. electronics and mathematics. for. mer radar technician w1th the U. S. AJr Force, and Anthony J. Sully, sheet metaJ, 14 years a sheet metal journeyman. ment patrol boat was unable to purau~ th~ mysterious craft. Newport pollc~ patrol units were warned to watch for the mystery craft In case It came Into the beach aomewhere. LUCAS' GET OlD. A dauahtel', 6 lbs., 6 en., wu bon\ to Mr. and Mrs. Georl• r. Lucas of 2-475 Marino Or.. Bay Shor~ In St. Joseph Hospital on Thursday, Aue. 4. . LEGAL JfOTJCE a.TJFJCATE OP aUSDfESS Plctitioa.a PU. Kame THE UNDERSIGNED does here· by certify that she ls conductlne a real estate b\Uiness at 3444 East Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, Callfornla undel' the flctltlo\U firm nam~ of RAY RE ALTY COMPANY and that said flrm Is composed ot the following per. son whose name ba Cull a nd place of residence are as follows, to. wit : Hazel May Ray 544 Seaward Road, Corona del Mar, California WITNESS my hand this 5th day of Aueuat, 1955. H..-1 May Ray STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) >ss. COUNTY of ORANGE > ON THlS Fifth day of August. 1955, before me, a Notary Public ln and for said county and state, realdJne therein, duly cornmJ.a. atoned and awom, penonaUy ap. peared HAZEL HAY RAY known to me to be the person whose name Is subecribed to th~ w1thln lnstrum~nt. and acknowledeed to me that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and ottt. clal aeal. Adolph 1. Vlccelllo Notary Publlc In and for said County and State. My Comml•lon expires Au. gust l3, 1958. Publlsh: Au e. 18. 25, In the Newport Harbor RAG.4~'S Your Family Restaurant (a.-cl 'hmtq) ISIS CMet ..... ,...., C... dill Tennis Taught at Playground lnstuctlon for beginners Is etven from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. cturlne week days In the tennl.a PI'OP&m at t.he B1&b Sc:hool ptay. eround. There Is no reetatration fee and equipment Ia available at no cost. The ftrst IHIIOns cover only th~ forehand stroke. practice In hold lng the racket and making the proper swine. brine Into action th~ whol~ body. Nnt backhand la taueht. again with ~mphasls upon proper awing. Proper fort" and b a c k h a n d ..rtroklng Is brought about by bouncing balls to students. Balla ar~ thrown at thls staet> rather than hit to e1v~ the beginner more tim~ to eet hls body In position and to aet th~ ball Into poaltlon more ac. curately. Gradually the ball Is thrown faster and farther away from the student. Finally, the Instructor will hit the ball from back court. rallylne with the atudent. Occa- sionally, durtne thla tlm~. the atud~nt will take tlme out rrom thla practice to beeln and prac. tlce tervlne. Correct form ratheF than just hitting th~ ball back across th~ net ls the co-l of the aummeF'a work. 11nl Clnllw..- 11 Celli IWJ~ Crllll Three cars became Involved In an accident on carnation Ave. 80Uth of Coaat Hwy .• Corona del Mar. at 1 :t5 p.m. Au e. 7. Pollee uJd a car driven by CharfH l . Farwell of Santa Ana turned rteht ott Coast Hwy. onto Cam•· Uon Ave., went aC'r'OM th~ cen- ter line and h it a car operated bY Mlpel T. Huerta of Santa Ana. stopped for traffic. The Farwell vehicle continued on 34 feet to hit the back of a parked ear rertstered to Shlrl~y Love or Arcadia, knocking It over a curb Into a telephone pole. No one was hurt. DAVGIITD roa noaau A dauahteF. Judith. waa born to Mr. and Mrs. John Storch or 2'752 Ctrcle Dr .. Bay Shores. on Fr1day, Aug. 5, In Hoag M~ morla_l Hospital. In the new field or x .ray tech· nology, instructors wlll be Mrs. Pauline Bolt. a r~,atered x .ray t.ec:hnlda.n wtth experlenc:e at Children's Hosplt&J ln Los An· edes; and Mrs. Genevlev~ Mar. tin, formerly an instructor at the Langley Porter CllnJc, University of CallfornJa. ' Physical education statt addJ. tlons are Stuart K. Inman, lor mer basketball coach at Santa Ana College, and Ruth E. Mason. previously employed at M~nlo­ Atherton Hlgb School and Puna. hou Hlgh School. Hawaii. Mrs. Mina Harpel' Hutcbitlon. tor ~~n years an Instructor at Huntington Beach High School, has been added to t he home economics d~artment. a I o n e w1tb Miss Ruth Klumb. who has been a home economist for Ar mour It Co., a hom~ service di· rector for th~ Seattle Gas Co., and a food chemist for Pacific Food Products. New mualc Instructors are JamH S. Flt:zgerald. employed for the put tlvt> yean at the Horace Enslen School. and How· ard A Kay, Instructor at the Col· lege of San Mateo and Palomar Coil~. AddltioM In tht> Enelbb d~ partment lncludt" Robert B. For. est. Lucian D. Scott and Patricia Payne. Mr. Forest has an K.A from tht> University or Cblca,o and hu been an Ln.struct.ot at Wa.shlncton State CoU~. Mr Scott wu a professional act« on the New York staee and has taught drama at the CoU.,e ol the Pacltic. New Muieo Hleh· lands University and Taft Junior Collee~. Mba Payne ,._duated w1th ~~eat cn.tlnct:lon tiom Stan. ford University thla yMr. She Ia a Phi Beta Kappa and wu on the edltortal ltaft or the Stanford Dally. BusJness educaUol'l trtaff addl· tlons Is Frances M. Lawrence. Jn. structor at Saa Francb co Stat~. Com p to n and U.C.L.A.. and Ramon Washam. I1"'Cft)' mn cbandlalne. Howard D. Clapp hu been em. ployed as an art Instructor. He Ia the ~tary or the CallfomJa Wam Coler Sodety and to.«dl· nat« ot art for ~nclary IIChoola ln Burbank. • 1n's Bowline Open Aleys 'l'llliwiiJ, IIIINIJ I s ... , ap. AD .... t P'riclaly .-4 ....,_ * AU'I'OIIATIC PDriJIOii&:U • roa IID&a'YATIOIIS CAFE 7a l l1.aDaa AYE. L&Di I ~ COlT& 1a1A --·-------- LBITBil, RYONI a Co. la.,.tment.Securitiee ...._ .... To. .oc. a:: 1111 lOI AMOIUI JIIOCil uaw• ~ .oca litO.,.... •~ MJI MJf C'OAR ..... ,, C.... -.._ CAW • ....... , cue • ............... ._. _,_ .... 1. ....... .. .. , ............... , ............................ .. .. , Thousand More Patrons U Public library and Branch 1be current arowth of the Har- bor are& a retJected ln the ln-'nle ., .. Booa and Sacldle cnue ot hMrlY 1,000 uwn at Club recently wtJc:oomecl to.U IMW tbe NeWport Public Library In members. )ln. and Mra. wtUiam llalboa and Ita Corooa del Mar Edwarda and Mt. and Mrs. Dtc:k brucll. The foUowtne report by RliOn. Forrect Paull, out·tollll head lJbra.rlan Dorothea Sheely prHident. pnsented 11tt1 to the atves atatiltlc:s of the 1954-55 ft.a. outcers and committee cbalnnen c:_al year covertne the period up who ~ with hlm. The to this past .July: tn tum gave him an enlar~ "Your library eeta bUJler aU ment of a picture of bit bone th~ tlme. The Librarian's report a nd the Mesa Ft.sh Fry queen. to the Library Board for the tfs. Members of the club pretented cal yeu 1954-.June 30, 1955 shows a lounge chair to Mr. Paull atter hIs recent Ulness. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Nub have been named lrulde and o ut- side entertainment chairmen for the coming quarter. • • • Oscar Moss of Lido Dies IJnportant library deftlopmenta. Spot ehedla &bow aa &WII'&Ie ot :uo people come Into the main buUdlnr durtna the eleva bow day." ''There wu a 10.f31 aaiD In circulation over lut ~· au tJme record. Our people llke Mft• fiction better • each year. Ply. choloJY, eocl&l ac:Jence. hlltory, travel and blolfaphy clrculated most. At the Corona del Mar Branch the Increase wu steady In all type& of subjecU. The eo. rona del Mar llbrary patrons read 18,618 booka. Of tbla total 1,040 maeazlnel were borrowed. It Is lntelfttlnc to note tbat a ll the perlodJcals are donated. All to1ether 1.27,651 books were bor- rowed from bot.h libraries. • T renspont of NeedY Patients T'o Be ~gued at Meeting Solution to tiM tnMport;8UoD count)' llialptt.al rolJ bUt requtr- proW.. tw cou.DV MeCtF medJ. bw ~n wba Ill be-cal patienta wt1l M ~Cfqbt at a ca-ollacll olmo.ney. 'hrpt ol Junebeon ~ on Frtda;y, the POQ wu people tlaUdall1 Aua. -. tn the Santa Ana eom. able to provide their own trans. m~ c.•. portattoo. Ooe ~ wu WWia Warner, chairman ot the tl)at tbe Jlied C... pro¥tde the county board ol.upervi.lon. wW equl~ &Ad traJnfaa I« dl'Jv. repr--.t Oranp cout;y. Kn. en wtth oth• aaenctea 8t&ndtna C.theortne Johftaon Wlll reprewnt the c:o.t at au and othtr' ex- the N~ ..... Branch, peuee. Ed T. a•y repr-w A.rnftlcan Red et.a; and Mra. the Newport.co.ta ~~-~ranch, Laura Warren, the Southern Or-Amerlcan Bed Crou, at tile meet. anae County Chapter, American tne. Red Crou. Other health aeendea to be auu IRTO ICIIOOL The Centaurs, junior rldJne rroup ot Corona del Mar, an- nounce two new members, Brad- ley Fltzrerald and Steve MJJ. burn. Oscar Moss. 61, of 400 VIa Lido Nord, Lido Isle, died A.ug. 3 In his Los Angeles home at 2451 SHver RJdge Ave. He Is survived by hls wlte, Mrs. Sadye Moss. of the home address. and two son5, Conrad Moss. of Los Angeles and Larry Moss. In tbe U.S. Army in Frank. furt. Germany. ''The lareer book budeet of past yeu enabled the Ubrary to purchue Ayer's Directory of N e w s p a p e r s and Periodicals, Facta on FUe. Thomu BeJlster of American Manufacturers. and many other apeclaJI.zed books. All tosetber 1,887 new books were added to the &helves. Vand&la atole tour pair of hlnees valued at PJ and dara- aJe(1 a gid'a rest room at Har- bor VIew School, Corona del Mar, Newport pollee report.cl Aua. 8. repreeented Include the Oranp County Tu~uloela Aun., Am- erican Cancer SocietY, Oran1e County Heart Asan., Vlaltlnl Nurses ANn., Oranae County Medical Aaan., Oranae County So- ciety for Crippled CbUdren and Reed ....,_._ want Ada. Oranae County Foundation for -====-=-=·=·====~ Intant:Ue Paral:yala. Each wilt r Robin Irwin of the Boots Saddle Club wUJ keep the Quar. ter Trophy permanently, havlne won It three Umes straleht. Lor- raine Lee won the senior trophy tor the past quarter. Mr. Moss was a past president ot the Calltornla Society of CertJ. !led Public Accountants. IJe re- cently retired as a partner of the firm Thompson. Moss and Co., of Los Angeles. At the t1me of hls death he was ser ving as presl. dent of the Universal Finance Corp. of Los Angeles. "A. total of 6,l&O adults and children use the library, which is an lncreue of 932 over last send two repre.entatlvH. The Amerlcan Red Crou on .July 1 cut ott provtdlna tram. portatlon tor medical patlenta except mJUtary penronneJ and their dependenu. I n t ere at e d 11oups In flndlnl" a aoluUon to · the transportation problem met August 5th In Santa Ana. It wu pointed out that Oranee County General Hospital Is provldln1 tra nsportation l or patient. on Ita a. ......... ,. YARN SHOP rff:l &. ee.t ....... , C.... 6ll Jlc IIA 0157 KnJtttne. Croehettna and Needlepoint SuppU .. Altercali•• Belw- Driww ••~ Blcrclist A car driven by Frank B. Meier of 4004 River Ave.. Newport Beach, was Involved in an accl dent with a bicycle ridden by Jim Niemiec of 1611 W. Ba lboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. between 2:45 and 3 p.m. Aug. 8, New- port police reported. The acci- dent O<'Curred on Court Ave. 00. twecn 19th St. and 20th SL. New. port Beach. Mr. Niemiec charged that Mr. MetPr struck him In the face with a paper bag during a dis. cussion after the accident. The bicycle rider alleged that the motorist seemed to swerve to the left and htt his bicycle alter It was brought to a stop next to a parked car. RaHier Is R1111rW 01 lai1 CDI ..... AloDIIIb.~edbyaWe guard to be a ratt*. appeared on the Conlaa del Mar m.U. beac:b at 11 :40 CI.IIL AU9-s. The pard c.l1ed fw the Jf.w- port pollee bUJDcme oWcer. Geor9e .. ,...... Wh• he •· rl..ct U.. IIDCib waa poe. Elda tllnw lOCka at lt a:D4 lt d.bap. pearecS ill the CINCI of the 1ta1n to the IIWid.a beocl:a cat a.u. trosSe A..._ Oftlcear .,.,.... .-.. pcwW. WOJIAJr B1JIIT Df WJlECJ[ AS 3 CAJlS COLLJDE Undetermined Injuries w('re suffert>d by Mrs. Theodore Web- ber of Los Angeles In a three car accident on Coast Hwy. 1.000 feet WE"St of the Balboa Bay Club at 11 :05 p.m. August 6. Drivers of the cars were Mr. Webber. John Davis of 318 Ogle St .. Costa Mesa. and James R. Plno of Long Beach. FEA~· Qu~ Stat.-ValYOll.De remuou and all t7Wl0Jf producb .•• •NJ.aute Man .. SerYSee JlCJ[ Ur cS DELJVEIIT ELLIOTT'S s~~~ @ 3001 Jfewpoct alYd. Jfewport hach Harbor 3123 Os*l Eftrf Day ., CI.IIL to 8 .... !""""""!"!!!"!!!!'~ He was one of the founders and prlnclpal supporters of the Monday Evening Concert St'rles In Los Angeles. Marine Hurt In Hi9h Dive Cpl. Ronny Wolke. 19, El Toro marine. suffered a possible bro- ken neck when he dov~ Into three feet of wa ter from a 15 foot cliff at Rooky Point, Corona del Mar. at 3:37p.m. Wednesday. Aug. 10. Newport Beach llte guards reported. The victim was paralyzed from the ne<:k down. He was loaded Into a harbor department patrol boat and taken to the harbor de- partment dock. From there he was taken to Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. and later to the Corona Naval Hospita l. People had warned him not to ma ke the dive. life guards re- ported. The young m arine made the statement that he had made the dive befor e. KIDS ST AJIT TLUII P11ll! Kids playing with matches were blamed for a trash f ire on Christian's Hut propnty, 325 Edgewater Ave .. Balboa. at 3:10 p.m. August 6. The fire caused no damage and was extln. gulshed by !Jremen. year's all time high. The library TIIZ KIDI ~ tMU OWD 1100 at the Jfewport llarbo. auffalo I alma to provide opportunity and llaDcla. lloldill9 ._pa. of tbe 1100 are a.n hwen. 11. (Left) of encouragement for c h I 1 d r e n • a .. lYUe LaDe. klboa. a:D4 Toal Gall cd. young people. men a nd women F u 12. of 14021/a Ocecm to ~ucate themselves contlnu-JOat. Jfewpon hac:b. (.Eaalp rhoto) ously. Story hours, and .r~gular school classes brought the Jl. K•d Q t Th • Q z brary uses to children In slxteen· I s per.a e elr wn 00 classes once a month this past h sc~~~J,~~~-of the Library Board At t e Harbor Buffalo Ranch who served this past fiscal year are Mrs. C. M. Deakins, Chair- man: Mrs. Stedman Hoar, S«re. tary: Robert Hurwitz. Dick Ri ch- ard. Dr. Horace Parker. and Mrs . C. H. Harry." niet Lnm Bl•t Fer DH le Stole Harbor area kids have estab lished their own zoo at the New port Harbor Buffa lo Ranch. Animals on display Include a baby alligator, g uinea pig, baby pheasant. wild rats. rabbits and opossum. ducks, pigs. tame rab bits. chickens and other animals their search for anlmals for the zoo on ranch pro perty. The young people have charge of obtaining the animals, feed. ing and housing them and paint- Ing signs to attract business. An Interesting sight at the zoo Is to see baby raLc; feectl ng from a baby milk bottle. The zoo keep.. ers as well as customers learn about animals at the Newport Harbor BuUalo Ranch kids' zoo. roll. Listed as heine In need of help were those who ~P oft the Knttttna Bar• Speclallzed Acceaorlea and In.atructlona BOUIII Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to !S p.m. LAIUII TRAVEL SDYICE · Authorbed Agut l'w AU AIRUIES • RAUl IDS S.f9SD9 TIM c.-tal Ana Fw II early 10 Yean 21J Oceaa A"' l.oguDa ae.cb Bywtt '-1•1 A thief took a $1.050 outboard motor boat from a Lido Isle rest. dent's private dock and left a smaller outboard motor boat In Its place, Newport pollee re- ported Thursday. Aug. 4. John Lang of 605 VIa Lido Soud. Lido Isle, reported the loss of his 15 foot boat equipped with a 7 'r. horsepower out board motor. Left at his dock was a 14-foot boat and 5~-horsepower out- board motor, which had been taken from the next private dock west of his. pollee said. Ch ief hunter for the zoo Is Jer ry Cla rk. 12. son of Gt>ne Clark. ranch o.._,ner. The young hunter catches rabbits. rats and other a nimals on the proPf>rty and adds them to the zoo. He claims that a skunk caught for the zoo was turned loose by ranch people alter smelling up the place. lew IJ1~ tf "PERSIIJAUZED" I••J ... , FtJIUfiT'OllE STOU: BIT A portable short wave radio and a tape recorder, valued at $374.45 we-re stolen from the Newport Furniture Co .. 2620 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, po. lice were notified a t 11 :10 a.m . August , 6th The burglar forced open a window on the northwest side ot the building to gain entry Aiding In the operation of the zoo are Gerl Powers, 12, of 403 Belvue Lane. Balboa; Toni GaJ. Iucci, 12, of 14021~ Ocean Front, Newport Beach; Richard HofC. man, 12, and his sister. Nancy Hottman. 8. ot 218 Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar. Richard Is cred It~ with capturing two wild rab bits for the zoo. Nancy caught a three-foot king snake but It escaped. They are conUnuln1 THIEVES GET lEER * SAVES TIME--reedy fo r you in seconds * CONVENIENT~ekes sending money eesy * PERSONAUZED-YOU sign it Ji~e e ched * SAF£-you heve e receipt :::C~d:L-:Ji!::~ PntolOU Lt-:. 200207 4 Tlllt .. H'K a U CfJrT •••~n .. ._••••-...••._.~, .... ,. .. -'~ .• .,._ -!"""',.....-r....,.,,_ .... ..,,_...., • '~' l Ot a ~~<l "~>'~rl OIIDU Mnlll~ ~·~·'OC "" ..... *' Electronicelly Processed • !-· ( -~ua~A.._s;p...J~ 1~ fJ«-' L_ ~ MO~&Y oao 1a .... 2002074 ~ • [ • ( • ( AllfOl !'fiA IAI'IK .. ~ .................... . Mesa 's Planners Take Up Huge Subdivision Requests [ NEWPORT HIRI. BAll * Two young men stole a case of beer from a Pabst Brewing Co. truck parked In tront or Ernie's Cafe, Newport Heights, A. E. Burgess of Santa Ana com plain~ to Newport pollee a t 11 a.m. Saturda y, Aug. 6. The men were observed running with the beer when the truck driver came out of the care. They dropped two cases but ~aPE'd w ith one ca.se valued at S4.JO. leaving In a rose colored car. pollee said. e MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COBPORA.'nON e F ive subdivisions for 1.648 rest. dences were acted upon by the Costa Mesa planning commis slon last week in Newport Beach justice court. Commission members arc still conferring with the Aldee Corp of Santa Ana for a 853 par('(') s ubdivision between Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Rd. north o f the prpsent city limits 680 feet north of Wilson St. The land Is due to be annexed to the city on Sept. 23. The $10.000.000 develop . ment calls tor 822 single family dwellings. 28 multiple dwelling~ two large commercial zones on the east side of Harbor Blvd. and a 10 acre site for an elementary school. The Aldee Corp. also submU- ted for recommendation a 697 parcel subdlvlslon west of Har. bor Rest Memorial Park aouth of Gisler Ave. The Roven-Splegel Corp. of Los Angeles Is the con. tractor for both developments. A 20-home subdlvlsJon was ap.. proved for SulJivan and Everson between WUson St. and Avocado St.. Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Rd. A subdivision of 28 homes was approved for the Polklnx hom Construction Co. of Manhat tan. The hom es wtll be built on Knox Ave. a nd Knox Pl., between 15th St. and 16th St.. Orange Ave. and Santa Ana Ave. A SO.home subdlvlslon of the Newport Balboa Savtnas and Loan Assn. was approved. It will be located on property between VIctoria St. and Hamilton St.. Po- mona Ave. and Wallace Ave. A variance was granted Lorenz Spitz of 110 118 E. 16th St .. Costa Mesa. to add 5,000 squarefeet of building at that address. The American Hellocopter Corp. Is due to close Its Manhattan BeaC'h plant a nd m ove It to the Costa Mesa address. ~····················~·················~·····~·· • • • . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ )/e8~ ·We Do ~ . ~ ~.· ~ CEIITtl"JCATE OF ltJSDfESS ,.. Fictitious Firm Name p B I N 7 I N 6 THE UNDERSIGNED does here. • ~ by certify that he Ia conducting ~: ~ a contracting and construction ,.. business at 1600 W. Coast High- way, N~rt Beach. CalltornJa. under the fictitious tlrm name of ~ ..,. MEDICAL BUILDING COMPANY ,.. ..,. OF AMERICA and that aaid firm • ~ ._composed or the followLne per. • ~ sons. wh~ names Ln fuu and ~ CIIECK TillS LIS"' FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS ~ r~!~o~lt~esldence are as fol-~ I I : ~ RALPH L HOYLE ~. ~ 202 Garnet 0 USINESS Balboa laland. California B ·CARDS G WEDDING INVITATIONS WITNESS my hand this 28th • 0 LETTERHEADS ~ day of July, 1955. • . 0 RECEPTION CARDS .,. RALPH L. HOYLE .._ ~ STATE OF ~.LIFORNIA ,. 0 ENVELOPES G ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ COUN'N OF ORANGE ) ss. ~ • ON TH1S 28th d ay of July, A.D. • [J STATEMENTS EJ MENUS ~ 1955, before me, the undersigned, ~ 0 ORDER BLANKS 0 PAMPHLETS ..Ill a Notary Public In and for the ,. ..,. said County and State, residing • 0 CIRCULARS r-:1 BQOV1 ~ ~ therein, duly commissioned and • L.:..J l'U..C. .t.:> ~ be the person whose name Ia ,. subscribed to the wlthtn Instru- sworn, per so n a II y appeared .._ O POS'!"'t:"D~ O l Ralph L Hoyle known to me to :( .tJ:.n..:> MAGAZINES • ment. and acknowledeed to tne PH. ONE US AT uaDiai'II.R 111,. that he executed the aame. IN ~ • WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ~ ~ h~unto tet my hand and at-• ADd OUr 1Wpr11tmoti" Will Be Glacl To Call 0a Yoa tlxed my oftlclal aeal the day .., • and year In thla Cert.Wcate firtt ~,. above written. DONALD D. HARWOOD My Comm.t.alon Explrtl au• 28. 1958. 1'\lbllab: Aua. In the •·-- ' • (Coe.._. b'OID Pqel) quuuUMcl a moue owned by · e YWUMDAY. AVO. U MIL IteM Paul ol 1740 E. Ocean Shlrley Giddy, 3t, of Tul&.N, lllvct.. Balboa, after tbe mouN ata.J1nl at 1511 W. Balboa Blvd., bad bitten Mark Ha.ud. 1703 E. Newport Beedl. tulferecJ a heart ~ Blvd., and VIetor LaVere attack at 2:58 a.m. and wu of 1101 Mlramat Dr., Balbo& • • · treated by the ftre dep&ltment Mta. Mary lo Brinton. 31, o1 J'8CUe ~uad and a pb,adan Montebello .uffered a faJntJna The eW' Ultra-Modern King Studio Helm Blethen of_. Broad apell on the end of the ftewport SL . Newport Hell)lta, ~ a Pier at 8 :21p.m. and W&f taken a~plcloua man at the bottom of to Hoac Memorial HCM~P1tal by the atalrway at the Areta• OYer· her buaband, Hal X. Brinton, pau wbUe ahe wu waiUna f~ a wt~h a polke eeeort • . • L. W. bus· ottJcera searched but were Xellotc of 1338 W. Balboa Blvd., unable to locate htm . . . 1.ee Newport. Beach, reported the McClintock of MOS~ W. Oeean, theft of two bathlnl auit. and Newport Beach, reported that two beach towela from a clothes. someone broke the w1ndahleld line at that address . . . Pollee of hla car, poulbly with a rdek_. unit 201 operated by Officer wu. while It wu parked on Hello. llam Talbott wu In a mJnor traf. trope Ave. near Cout Hwy., Co-fie acddent with a car driven by rona del Mar . . . Rex Conrad of Donald R. Howard of Camp Pen· 145 Park Ave., Balboa Ialand, dleton at Coast Hwy. and Orchid compi&Jned that a dol chased Ave., Corona del Mar, at 7:1.5 hlm on the street. taklne oft one p.m. whUe In pursuit of a poe. of hla ahoes ... Mra. J. T. Mur· aJble drunk driver ... A hit and dock of uoo w. Balboa Blvd.. nan car cauaed $35 damaee to Newport Beach. reported a $Z the car of Mn. ltobert K. Jon~ bathlnl ault stolen from a of 212 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa· . · clotheellne ... John l . Sulllvan eiATVIIDAT. AVO. 1J I I Charges Against Juvenile Arrested by Newport Police of 2027 Oranee Ave., Collta Mesa. Leslie Davl.a of D> 3:5th St., reported the theft of a 12 foot Newport Beach. reported tbat row boat trom the 19th St. Land· aomeone entered her unlocked tne Newport Beach ... Harriett car and took four dreaee, two L. Wood of 313 Montero St. B&J. blou.ses and a man'a tallored boa complained that boats were a~Urt. all valued at ~ · · · drl.;.ng throuah the swimmJne Klcbael McCarthy, 13, of 106 area at Montero St. . . . Seventh St., Balboa, cut hJa foot on a aplke In the croMWalk at e I'BIDAY, AVC. 12 Coronado St. and Balboa Blvd. Mrs. J. H. Maaaey of 743 VIa ... Whit M. Helms of 8310 W. Lido Soud, Udo lale, reported Ocean Front. Newport Beach, re- hearing what sounded like .ome-ported that hls car struck the one burstlnl a door open and comer of a residence at 34M W. rattling a trellla by hes-front Ocean Front, tearlne a board door at 1 :14 a .m. but omeers from It . . . Mrs. Marlnlta Me- were unable to find any sign of Cracken of 520 Acacia Ave .. Co. an Intruder . . . Nell 0'~11. 35, rona del Mar, was taken by am. of 397 Ramona Way, Costa Mesa, bulance to Hoag Memorial Hos. waa arrested on charges of drunk pltal for treatment of an over. driving and hit and run at 3:30 dose of seconal pills; a telephone a .m. after she allegedly knocked opera tor had reported. a phone a gas pump ott Ita foundation off the hook after hearing some and ran over an oil container ln one moaning . . . Mrs. A. G. the Golden Eaele Service Sta. Gustkey of 1601 Bonnie Doone. tlon. 3400 E. Cout Hwy., Corona Irvine Terrace, reported the theft del Mar ... Roy Jacobson, 50, of of 75 teet of green plastic garden Dorchester. Mass.. staying at hose and two nozzles . . . Joe 3302 Marcus Ave., Newport H. Robuck. 18, of 1209 W. Balboa Beach. apparently fainted out. Blvd.. Newport Beach. sutrere<t aide Richard's Lido Market, New-an a pparent broken knee at 506 port Beach. and was examined Aliso Ave .. Newport Heights. and by thto fire department rescue wu taken to Hoag Memorial aquad a nd a physician and Hospital by ambulance ... WaJ. found not Injured or slck · · · leta of Mary V. Bruno and De. Mrs. William Culack of 506 Park lores Cent!, both of Los Angeles. Ave .• Balboa Island. reported &ee· were stolen from a car parked lng a man's faee outside a win-In front of the Blue Room. Bal. dow ln hes-home at 12:30 am\.; boa ... CUff Llonbarger of the her husband eave pursuit but Crown .,_.ardware. 3107 E. Coast lost the prowler after a chue of Hwy., Corona del Mar. reported about two blocks . . . Pollee cuh.lng a $86.20 flctltloua check "2: :::=sue PRRTJtllllil QLllJil'U for the purchase of two small lf' "'" .... cans of paint . . . John A. ~POR T . , ((lR ()N A 01. '>44 • I•'• -~lr•l 'l ....... plu Shearer, 5'a, of 221 Onyx Ave~ Balboa Island and Burbank. auf. fered minor lnjurtea when he ran ln front of a car driven by Euaene Saunders of N. Holly. wood and was hit on Balboa Ave. 30 feet west ol Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. at 5 :25 p.m .... Two poles and reeb valued at $100 were taken by small chll dren from Jud Oviatt of 103 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa. and were re. turned later ... Cars driven by Kenneth B. ShoUn of 1025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. and William Caban of Alhambra were Involved ln a minor acct. dent at Beacon St. and Newport Freeway at 6 :14 p.m .... Gary E. Primm of 440 VIa Lido Nord. Lido Isle, reported the theft of his 13-foot o u t boa r d motor valued at $1,000; It was found later by the harbor department and returned . . . The Trader Horn Shop, 304 Main St., Balboa. reported renting a rod and reel to a p.-rty who never returned It ... Mrs. Clyde Denlinger of 1577 Miramar Or.. Balboa. reo ported the theft or a $220 band saw ... e StnmAT. AUQ. 14 A Lon1 Beach juvenlle boy, 17. wu arraed on 11 char1~ of law vlolatJon by lif'ewport pollee ln the~ block Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, July 30. A companion, Terrance R. Loefler, 18, of Long Beach, wu charged with malicious mt• chief and poaesslon of an alco- holic beverage. A Newport pollee car gave pur. ault to the vehicle of the Long Beach youths u they drove at high speed through an alley be- Christian·s Hut Entered Burglars enterln~ Christian's Hut. 325 Edgewater Ave., Balboa, sometime between 3:15 a .m. and 6 a.m. July 31 apparently took nothing but a lamp, Newport po. llee reported. A sma ll. personal safe. belong. lng to Hut owner Art LaShelle, had be-en left open Inside a cabl· net In the office, so the burglars did not need to force It open. Mr. LaShelle was absent, so of. fleers could not learn If anything was mlsslng from the sate. The burglers had used a pry bar to gain entry to the office and cabl· net. Manager Joseph Marshall reported. The burglars apparently hid themselves ln the Hut· at closing time at 3:15 a.m. Sunday. Loose Items were moved from the top of the safe to Mr. Marshall's desk. The auspecta used a lan. t.-n for Ulht found ln the oUlce. They took the lamp upon leav- tnc. ._ ... .... • & ..... ..... William H. Deakins, ZT. of Or- anee was arrested on an Inde- cent exposure charge by Newport pollee Aug. 5. on a dtlzen's ar. rest complaint slened by Mrs. Esther M . Sheets of 1610 Park Ave .. Balboa Island. The woman chareed that the man exposed himself In a car ln front of her home at 1:25 p.m . Friday. Pollee were provided a description of the man and hJs car and he was taken Into custody a short time later In front of 900 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. AT hind Cout Hwy. bu.alnesa places 1n Corona del Mar. The car stopped behind Stower'a Caraee. 3601 E. Cout Hwy. and Loefler climbed out to examine aome tires lying In th.e ,..ar. The youth then alleeedlY picked up a truh can and threw It through a stx.pane alaa wJndow. At thla time Loefler saw the pollee unit stop a ahort distance behind his vehicle. He jumped Into his car, retuslne to obey the pollee order to atop and !1 high speed pursuit started. It ended ln the 200 block on Poppy Ave. A quart of beer and a club-Jlke baseball bat were found In the car. The J u v en t 1 e driver was charged wtth malicious mischief. possession of an alcoholic bever- age, reckless driving, speeding. two counts of failure to make boulevard stop, driving on the wrong side of a highway. fa ilure to stop for an emer_gency vehicle, no registration displayed, no front plate. loud muffler and at tempt to evadtr arrest. s.t Ritllra 111111 lly Jnellll Trick Two surf rldertl valued a t $32 were stolen by trick from the Newport Tackle Store. 105 Me Fadden Pl.. Newport Beach. by two J u vent 1 e boya wearing trunks. Newport pollee reported at 12:20 p.m . Sunday. Aug. 7. The boys lett a car registration allegedly taken fro m the car of Charl~ Peterka of Santa Ana and allegedly wrot h \s &lift&· ture on a rental agrHment tor the surf rtdera. They p&Jd the Sl rental fee and never returned. The car reclstraUon wu re- turned to Ita rlehttul owner . Dill lllctlfiZ Mrs. N~na Strotz Buffkin, 82. of 312 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, died July 30 In Hoag Hospital. Services were held Aug. 1 at Baltz Mortuary. Surv1von~ Include her sisters. Mrs. F. S. Baker of the homto ad. dress; a niece, Mrs. James Ray of Corona Hlehlands. and a nephew. Roy Strotz of Newport. A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn brin Qs immediate results! Celt 1 H~trbor I I 1-4.1 I It; Mrl f'rrw,. ;+I The personal attention given each individual as- sures you of quabty m- struction. For more fun and better dancing call or come m today. . ~ . o. •• , ... Ew., Fnay lite IF you have wanted to learn how to dance • or feel that you need to brush up on your danc- ing ... Then King Studios is the place to go. King Studio Of Ballroom Dancing 3448 Yil a,.rto-t .... Lilli s ....... , c ... NEWPORT BEACH-PHONE HARBOR 6081 Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday 12 noon-6 p.m. CONDIG SOOifl Tom Dunigan of 122 Cryst•l Ave.. Balboa Island. re,ported coml~ home at 3:38 a.m. and chasing a man out of his house ... Officers were unable to lo. cate a peeping Tom ~ported looJdne In a window at 211 VIa Koron. Lido Isle . . . Mrs. Ken· neth Harrta of 308 Newport Blvd .. reported the theft of clothes valued at $25 from the Wash&· terfa at 308 Newport Blvd .. New- port Helebts .. : Nathan Crown ot 308 E. Bay Ave., Balboa, re. ported the theft of a $15 fl.ahtne pole and reel from the public pier near Christian's Hut. BaJ. boa ... 0 . C. Howard of 420% Latkapur Ave .. Corona del Mar, reported the theft of a 10 foot row boat from a rock at Pirate Cove . . . PNct ltrlete of 507 36th St.. Rewport Beach, reported a f7 bllp pump Rolen from hla boat moc~~ed at that adctre. . . . SMpben D. Toy, 1$, of Alta. Calif .. ~ at 112 Undo Ave .• :JaJ. boa. ru a 'lllwr In ht. foot at UM Balboe bland r.rr, landlfta • • • ()CI'k:era found ...-.1 wlft. The ComptJCf Group wtth Bette Davla and Richard Todd dowa ...... la a YIICUt '*-at tiM ...... oonwt ol ... AM Awe. aJid C1aJ IL. R..,..t Betllla. and took the na,... ol ..... ........ )P'wftDe .. ,. fouJHI pla,Jtac ln the boUM • • • (QIMisa• •,.. 12) with the Compt1d Price I 2 ,;x foot sofa -,7,-.nd • 34 indl JqUMe t•ble ONLY . ... -··· P"teee~ rn.y be purdwlsed MJMr•t.ly 1111 ''CIIVEIT£1 IIOUP" This group makes the mo1t ~f li.ttle space en~ q•ves the most in eny place ... •t wtll fit •nto es Itt-tie as 0.9 foot wall s~c:e ... seating for s•• ond corwerh into comfortable T wtn Beds. The six foot sofes. with colorful iron fra mes ... dMp reversi~e innerspring met-tress IS~ modern wed~ sheped innerspring bolsters ... are des•gned for mea1mum comfort end eye eppeel. The loose innerspring mottren rmits bedding to tud under, end essures longer w.ar. ~e ta~e is typinq or study heighi . . • 34 inches square . end on roU eosy wheels for eesy movement. Choice of bMutiful c~or treatments . . . Fremes in C.~ 8tue. Apricot. Pink or llac.l . . . Febric5 • • • wide dtotce of decorator patterns and colo~. lfew Dl.ltl.Dctift SoUd Brasa Fin Scnea (Waatn.t.d) OpeDa at a touch of the foot~OMII at a toucb of tiM baDcL (Ecuy. Do-It.TourHlf J.D.ataU.atloo) IKTBODUCTOBT PBJCE (Beg. 69.95) •... Other Scrwu From $7.95 All Alldlrou. pair. 19.95 ASJ[ US ABOUT 14995 Fire ScrHis, MaH to Yoar Oi'Hr * * * *CROWN HARDWARE* * WE GIVE CROWN STAMPS * HARBOR 232 3107 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Be Sure! Be Safe! Buy The Best! Select a "SAFE-BUY" Used C• From our over flowing stock and save! * lll SeW .. I 1-DaJ * MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE SEE US TODAY! * '53 WIUYS $1099 Bard-top, oew flD.iah. Bad.lo. becrter, onrd.rt.,.., '52 MERCURY ... '-dr. Bad.lo, Beater. O'dr. Excelleat medumJ. caUy cmd na1 uat appeuaUD~ $1199 '53 OI.DSIOBILE, 98 COIY&rl •......... $2099 LtJr.e ....,, Power brakes. Rodio, Beater. WbJte fLaiah. !few t1retl. '54 MERCURY .. .......... $2299 Noaterey Cpe. Low mu.ave, Neccamattc:. Radio. Beater, Power BraDs. full 9illyl i.D-t.nc.. THUIDERIIRD .. Fordomatlc:. Power seat. B~ & at..riD9. Black Coa.,..rtlbS.. '51 FORD ........................................................... $1011 Famed Victoria. lfew tuM. llacUo ad ........ . Fordomattc:. BraDd Aew fiD.l.ah. '50 CHEVROLET ............. . ............................... $ .. Tbe WODderful Sedll't. rau raoe. u. s. Royal 51Qiftllle tbeL lladlo, Beater. Special lilt.~«. '56 UICOLI ....................................................... $3111 Lwrurloua Caprt Cpe. Tb1l car bas ......,tb1D9 OD lt. Saft $1400. '&6 MERCURY . .. .. . .. . .............. .. . ......... $2711 Fcmaoua Noatenoy Cpe. r..oacs.ct with extras.· 'II D-E .............................................. $711 ._., SedaD. arcmct .... blae fJ.aJ.ala. lladJo & Bea\w, ()ae OWMI'o '&I CHEVRILET .. ............... . .. ·············-·· $ .. Statloe w..-. All metal. a.cm. Powergllde, aadio & Beater. * ... 1'11111 ... ., ... AT JOHNSON & SON • Junior Fistllng Toumament Will End at MiCinight Sunday <c-ctnut ,._ .... U) Tbe Ianier n.ll1nc To~ I a& b7 Jlm Harold; llpOt ftn e~~CmMY. AUO. II ~lq 1tn1et encll open lor healthy condition tf the ctty.can. m~t wlll doM Gmelally at 12 ero.br, e lb. 2 011. b7 'I1IDnly ~-quafantiMII tbe dot of public baUa.lnc became a th«ny not UmJt the number ot people midnlcht Sund-.y, c:o.cllatrmee Ptttraa; yeJJowtln croaker lib. e Allan CroeUtt ol 11!1 IIOramu t.ue at 1ut week'a l'lewport Cit)' who ct"OWd to the bayfront w:lth. Ray Dlke and Palest Smith Jr. 011. b7 Andy Goodwt.D; Bal1bUt, Dr .. Bal-. an.. It '* AUce Counell ~. out adequate Military lacllJU.. announced thLI week. 21 I'-I c-. by Coleen Rauen: Patta. e. and PeDelope Put&. 3, Ed Healy o1 113 15th St. and Coundl approved a moUon dl· The annual party lor all en-Pac. Maekerel C lb. f oz. by Bill of ln& Miramar Dt. aDd Frank H. l . Eqle o1 1200 w. Balboa rectJni the clty ma.nacer to re· trant.a wUJ be held Saturday, l.aDce: lade Kae.kenl f lb. 12 OL Kanhall. 8. ol 06 Belvue lAne, Blvd., Newport, claimed that move anythlne that reMrlcta the Auc. 27, beclnntne at 2 p.m., In by Jolla Lanton: Sea Trout tJed Balboa ••• lla.rbata lcott ol '73f lOth. llth, 12th. 13th and 14th u.e ot public wate'l'tront for the Newport American Leeton 3 lb. 8 oz. by a. W. Bolly, and Poppy Ave .. Corona del liar re-Street enda on the bay are re-awtmmlq. Hall. Tbere wUJ be door prtzea, Hal 811wn; WhJte eea ba-. a lb. ported a tame equln'el ~run. mfcted by plantlnp and con. ---~ ........ entertainment and preaentatJon 8 c& by lack ~tet; YelJow. nine Into bw howpe ~ time atructJon, and they presented aUT aoa. PIIIIT C'IIDJ) of trophies and special awa.rdL ta.fl. 7 lbl.. 13 OIL, by Jlm Race: abe ol>efted the door bUt It wu anapahots to support thm areu· roa TilE JACK IICJ'DD The junior champ will reeelve 1.,._ variety caucttt, ~ flab by cone when Humane Oltker ment. F1nrt cbUd In the lack McPhee the crand pri%e of an outboard John Lanton. Georee Myers arrived ... ltobert Mayor Dora HUl and Councll· household at 617 Poppy Ave., Co- motor. Munay, 60, of 3111 E. Bay Ave .• men Gerald Bennett and Stanley rona del Mar, 1a a 714 ·lb. baby To date 609 flSh have been IUlc:K TO IAJI A.IITOKE Balboa, wu &J'1'ftted on a charge Rldderhof said they bad ln. etrl born Thunday. luly 28, In weighed Jn by the 311 juniors Paul Smith bas returned to of driving under the Influence of apected the ctr~ enda that Hoag Hospital. The baby's daddy who have entered the touma. San Antonio, Texu. after a vtslt drugs after bla car allegedly morning and that they all felt Ll an Air Corps veteran ol World ment. with • .hla uncle and autn, Col damaged two parked cara on that the swimming areas were War II In Italy and England. Tbese are the current stand· and MrL Andrew W. Smith. In Balboa Blvd. near Washington not restricted. where he flew 51 missions as a lnp: albacore. 24 lb. 15 oz. by Corona del Mar. Young Mike St .. Balboa ... l eft Glass of 132 Louis Briggs, who Jives at 1200 bombardier. and be wu back JCurt HaJJ; baracuda, 9 lb. 15 oz. Smith went back with him for a Via Undine. Lido Isle, reported W. Bay, near the 12th street end, for more duty during the Korea by l im Rager; bass 8 lb. 12 oz. by short stay Jn Texas. the theft of a $72.50 bicycle from said Mr. Engle was making a fighting. Maternal erandparents Iaaac Porter; bonita, 3 lb. 3 oz. In front of the Lido Is~e Club-pen10nal Issue agalnat hlni. Mr. are Mr. and Mrs. Gracben Barnes by Frank La.Prsti; eorbtna, 4 lb. house . . . Briggs aald It wUl be an un. of 716 Marteold Ave. I -· SKDILUI FEATURIII LYIII'S IllY STEER BEEF. Wieners 35'· Propel'ly Q9ed * tea.denMu ad nnw. EVEn CUT GUAUKTEED. ... BACON .~LD= 49L * TRillED RIIHT * PRICED RIIHT * BOKELESS ROLLED Eng. Roast LUT aEEF LIVER Ground Beef 5 t..! I 00 V8a1Roait39h POrk Sausa e 39iL. Vea1Steak45h •• froz en Food s t~-~ lJ amDSE~ oz. Ccm 2 29• Orange Juice · fo, ,. r.ESB SWEET CORN 3~·L GAaDunu• TOMATOES 3 ... 1~ GOLDD atn BANANAS . 1(1( .. ' DADrT KAID-Fint Quc111ty--llb. Butter 59L Gelatin GIAJIT I'KG. • Rinso Blue H • --5~ CAliA~ . y u c:AIUI-4I/a c- Tollet Soap ~.35¢ Pork & Beans Ani.& LAIID-1 lb. II ......Ca Apple Sau'e 19¢ hmiiO Juim Q~ Caa 2 .. .. QOU)D ITAft ........ C. Dog Food z': :• Canned ·M11k