HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-22 - Newport Harbor Ensign' ·1 .Faces Chall On_' .Li iting Park, loa Commission . Asking,.,, ·v-o ... L-L---'·""'o.-,-!-riVK--CEJfTS-----co-.,-.-A-DEL--.. -AIL-C-ALIP--. ---TK11111--D-AT-.-,-EPT-. -22.-.-155.. legal Rule Tars Fa(e Exmlsior on Friday The 1955 Tar grid squad of Newport Harbor High School wlll receive Its flrst test tomorro.- (Frlday) evening In the ~euon opener against Excelsior High School from N9rwalk. Game time 1.s 7:30 p.m., and the came will be played at the new Orange Coast College stadium. Coach AI Irwin has announced the following probably startln& llne·up: Charlie Berry. fullback; l ohn Hopkins and David Ta · mura. halfbacks; Georee Schultt, quarterback; Paul Lorentzen and Chuck Vandervort. ends; Larry H~ and Dick Nabors, tackles, l erry Samsel and Gary Deems, euarda. and l ack Smith. center. The Tars will play Montebello there on Friday, Sept. 30, and wtll open the Sun.aet League aea.son Friday, Oct. 7, against Pullerton, at the OCC stadium. Holder Buys Balboa Inn , .................. ..... lilt. ....... .ar ........ t lata ,._. llec • M Wt ,_. ................... tnp .. E119J.cm4 ad Euope wltll tbe ·~ A.-odlltioo oi~Owawn. OCC to Play at San Mateo Orange Coast Colleee Pirates. who tied .a tough East Contra Costa team last Friday 13·13, have a bye for this week, but are pointing for thelr game on Friday of next week at San Mateo. The followtne week they will host Chaffey at the n ew Pl· rate Stadium at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8. Last Friday's tussle was also the ottlclal dedication of the 13()0,000 stadium, and for a while It looked like the Pirates would honor the occasion with a vic· tory. A blocked punt In the first quarter led to a Pirate score, and they led "7.0. The v1slton made lt 7 ·6 after a poor kick eave them the ball on the Pirate 22. The Pirates KOred &Jaln In th e tblrd quarter, but mtued the conver· aton. and the acore was 13·6. VIc· tory was In q bt u ntU a spec· tacular 68-yard ~ with lea than two mtnutee to eo acored for the Vl.ldnp. The conwnJon made It a 13·13 tie. MEET THE HARBOR TARS-Does the CJty CouncU have tht'! power to limit the du~ of tht'! Parks, Beaches and 8ecreatlon Commission as spelled out In the CBVCX V AJfDEIIVOIIT. 110 VLa a.aoa, Udo Isle, Juaior. eacL former a eqaod •eabew. 134 pouad.l. 5 ft. 10 lada-. CBAllLIE BE.aJIT, 2021 Harbor Bl.cl.. eo.ta .,..., Mlllor. hall· back. two .,._. .anlty ... perteoee. 170 lbL. • ft. 1 1Dc:b. Stiii ·More Pupils Due A tot.! of 1.1D stud~Mlta .llaft ..-w at Jfewport Bar· a.. u ..... lllgla SdaooL Prla· ~ 1...... -· lllilllr ,... ......... ... Lat ,.... du.rta9 tH electJGia campcdp to proride a ....ad Ja1911 Klaool. It was atlc:1pcted tbCit a toted ., 1..150 atladeots woUcl be atta adla9 tlle hlp scbool tllia yea:r, a f19un aow topped by 73 atadeata. Scale stu"-b an~ oat but DOt • •-1' • MW .aroU· --ta. 'City Charter? That, In effect. Js th question being asked by the N . 8eaC'h Park CommiMlon t"Wport At the monthly meet4~g T\Jf>S. day evening, the Park Commfs. ,;lon pass<'d a motJontadt' by I Rex Brandt asking t a legal ruling !rom the city a rN"ty on I the extent of the responsibility I of the Commls.slorr u nder Section 709 of the Charter. This section provldA!d that the Commission "shall fave the I power and duty to . . establi!lh policies for the aoqui tlon, d~· I velopment and lmpro ement to park.". beaches and pi YRI'Ounds · · · subject to the ghts and powers of the City Coi ncil." Mr. Brandt's morlan askt'd· May the Park Comna.tssJon ~ freed under cert&Jn clrcum-stanC'E'~ !rom this obUgatlon by the City Council or other city otflelals. and lf so, In ~hat form Is such action taJcen? • • THE aAaaaoOlrD) Background for this j-equem by the Park Commission Is found In the on ·again, off.again. gone. ngaln. steps takt'!n by the City Council on the city Trailer Park problem. When th£> present sevt'n·mem· ber Park Commission was first appointed, they wert' Informed by City Manager John Sailors that the Trailer Park area was no conct.>rn of theirs. since the Council already had decided what to do with lt. 'But at the July 19 meeting of tb• Commis· sJon, they INmed that the Trailft Park wu in UteU lape •t.M the TtaJier CD tJae 9nmd pdae at tile ~ Jklb. 1'be coa*tallu are Sue Sdlualel' (Wt) aDd Marl· lya Baaa..oad. botll of C.O.. del Mar. LOBSTER BAKE SEEKS QUEE COITESTA TS Already two contestants are the race for Queen of the Corona del Mar Lobsler Bakt'!. who will be chosen by a panel of judees at the Lobster Bake site Satur· day alternoon, Oct. 15. The contesta nts are lS·y~ar· old Sue &hussler, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schussler. n& Dahlia Ave.. Corona del Kar, by the Balboa L aa.mo.ct, &Da QrdtJd Aft.. Corona del Mar. spoMOf'ed by tM Newport Harbor Optimist Club. ~ce clubs will again spon- sor au queen ca.ndldat~. who must be students at Ne·wport Harbor High School. ThE' queen wUJ receive a complete wardrobe u her prize. and the other con· testants also wiU receive prlus. The Lobster Bake. co·spon.sored by the Corona del Mar Business Association and the Balboa Bay Lions. will be held Saturday and Sunday Oct. 1' and 16. at the Co- rona del Mar main beach. Pro· eeeds will be used toward com· pletlng the Community Youth Center building. Com.mJttee lor Parks ancl Play· grounds. Then City Counell sald It was all a mJsta.ke, changed Pin ball pla:rt>rS In Costa M~nt'W1nkle castln~r tht'! dedcUng tbelr minutes of July 11 and said c· . G I will be abl<' to confinuP pinyin~ vote. Also voting ln favor were the Trailer Park was all their IVIC roup at l£>a<;t for a time ac; thf> ('nc;ta :\ofayor C'ialrP NE'lson :tnd Coun· own show a gain. Mt'Sa r1ty .-ounC'II .Monda} P\1' cilman Bruc-f' Martin Council· e CIIALLEJfCE PI t M t nlng took no furthPr ad1t1n nn I mf'n A L Pinkl£>y 11nd · &-rt ~esday evening's request by an s 0 ee an ordlnanN' to ban lht> ma s.mnh votN! no. frt>ll ng thf' ac· the Park Commission was In I chm~ from the city. twn was too !'udd£>n. polite terms. a challenge of the DlrN't?rs of th.e Corona ~PI Du(' to the abH'n<'t' of C'••Un("ll I A public hearing '-'8S !'t't for Council's attempt to JlmJt the Mar Civic Assn w:ll .mpet at 7.30 man ChariP-; T~>WinkiP. thP ordl I Nnv 7 to ronsld£>r tht> annPxa· Commission's duties and powers. I tonight IThursda}' In the office nan<'t' was left tabiNI It Will tlon of Harbor ~ffi Mt>morla l BOB HOPE IS COMING HERE FOR FUND FAIR From the audience Fr~ Singer of Dkk Hilliard. ,president. at come up ill the nl.'>.t rf'~ular I Pa rk Into t~E' C lty of Co~ta of Newport Heighl<J put It this ,3024 E. Coast HW). Corona dPI I mpetlng on Oct 3. by whlrh timt> Mesa A pt>tltlon for annt>>.atlon way: "The Intent of the charter Mar. Councilman TPWinklt' "'ill b(' of the park was submltt£>d 11 1 tht> Is to give you the duty and Plans and a date fo~ the gen· back fmm tht> Lea~ut> of C'all Monday E'Vt>mng meelln~ C'oun power to recommend plans for era! meeting ol the c1vlc group fornia Citit>s ('OnvE'ntwn In San C'i lmen adopted a r£>-.olut1on of all park areas. 1 don't see how and election of new offl~rs w11l FranC'I"<''. intf'nt1on to annE'x thl.' pro!)('rty. you can be relieved of that be marle at the ~irN'tors .m<'<'t · The ordinanN-pa--.s<-d flr-.t duty." lng. President Hilliard saad he rE'adlng at tht> mpetmg on &-pt B G •dd Comedian Bob Ho~ will be cracking his jokes ft the Hoag Mem o r I a I Hospital Auxiliary Fund Fair and dance benefit In the Rendezvous Ballroom. Bal· boa. Saturday evening. Oct. 1. Mrs. Donald Colegrove, chair· man, has announced. Johnny Me~r. Lido Isle resl· dent. will sign and autoeraph his record albums which he Is donating a nd which wlll be sold In a record booth by Mrs. Mercer. Trombonist Joe Howard will also appear and donate record& M~ for dancing trom 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. will be provided by Les Brown and hb orchestra. l anle Owen of Costa Mesa and Joe Howard wlll pre~oent a new •me whlch they have written. Doors to the Fund Fair will open at 11 a.m. At 1 p.m. George W inslow, the foe hom of the movies. will appear and at 2 p.m . a clown will be on h and to en· tertaln from Lido Toyland. Janie Owen will provide the proper music for a cake walk. a gastro· nomlcal musical chairs with Dorre Betts In charge of many cakes to wln. Six finalists will a ppear In a talent s how for chll· dren under 12. with auditions ~lng arranged now at Jeri's of Lido, Newport Beach.. Local Anglers Catch Marlin The marlin' "broke loose" In San Dleeo waters over the week· end with Saturday's score 24 plus a broadblll. and another 15 mar- lin on Sunday. ''That's what I meant," an· welcomes any sugg~lon.s for 6 with a thr('(' to tWll apprm ai I ee ra e rs sweredoMr. Branrlt nev.t candidatE's for otf1ces 1n the Also from the audience. Ed organizatiOn OPTIMISTS TO BE HOSTS Play Sepi·. 29 Healy of Central Newport said that the powNs of the Commls· SuiCI.~I A&&...-,f Verne Watson prE"H1rnt of lhr I a llalll Newport Harbor Optlm1-;1 C'lub Th£> Tar BN' football tl.'am \\-i ll slon had been an mportant announ('('S thilt tht' l<><'al club ul)('n tht>lr c;eason her(' at 1 p m Issue In drafting the charter. and Re-rfetl il BIIHa Wlll b<' host for thf' z.,"" Cnn nt>xt Thurc:day. Sept 29. on the Freeholders put In the spe· r• Davidson Flt-ld a~ainc:t thl.' 8("(' Cltlc Words ~n,..,rnlng the Com· f vention at tht> R11lboa 8.1~ lluh '-" .... M~. Katherine Dagort o Lo!il r..-..__ 15 .. 16 tPnm frnm Montf>b('llo High mission's powers. ___, 1 ..... -to.n-r anu Angl'les attempto:u to comm I S<:hool. eJOUC1' STATEMEJn' suicide by taking an ovPrdoSE' of Coac-he-. Chet Wulff and Mlkeo This Is the ~nd time that slpeping pills In a room In the FELLOWSHIP TO MEET Pt>lsingt>r h.!lve a small but fast the Trailer Park &rea has figured Balboa Inn. Balboa. at 10:15 a.m. I Dr. George Mlllrr Jr d(•,1 n nf -.quad of untril.'d llj.!htwelghts In action taken by the Commls· Monday. Newport pollct.> rt'!ported. Aleppo College 10 SyTia "'Ill ll(' who will bf' t-ndeoavorlng to ston. At Its Aug. 16 meeting, the Thf' woman was taken In an the spPakPr at thf' ml.'t•tln~ of makf' their tlpenlng game a win· Commission approved a state· unconscious condition to Hoag the Wo men·s Ft>llo\\ <;hlp .11 2 nt'f Coach Wulff has B<lb Smith. ment of policy stating that all Memorial Hospital That night p m. Wednesday. Sept 28. a t th(' Jay Mtka. Tom Atkmson and Rod city owned beaches shall be she was taken to Orange County Corona dl.'l Mar Commumt~ Wilson as his dt>pt>ndables. open for use by the public as a GeneraJ Hospital In an Improved Church around whom he hope'S t o build whole. and that any mensJons condition. hospital oWclaJs said. I a formidabll' outfit or renewals of existing bay front Newport pollee said they found Little Is known of the visiting leases shall first be submitted two notes In her room. addresst'd POOL OPDf TO PUBUC tl.'am. E'XI"t'pt that thP Oilers from to the Commls.sion for study and to her estranged husband. Louis The Orange Coast Colll'l:r Monte~llo arE' r E' g u I a r l Y a recommendation. DagroU. found visiting on Lido Swimminc Pool wtll bt> op£>n tn l'tron~: contPndt'r for tht>lr league- Dr. AI Stockton Installed As Head of Military Order Among the many Newport Harbor anglers trying their luck. the successful anglers on Satur· day were Don Locke. 138'"i pounds. fl..rst of the ~ason on 3/6 tackle on the Big Boy. Dr. Mul· ford Smith. akJpper; Marvin Gar· rett, 161 pounds. medium tackle, and hla son. Jerry Garrett. 168~ pounds-light tackle. botb on tht' J~remar m. with Bob Davis tht> skipper: H. A. Kenoyer. 152 pounds, lleht tackle. on thl' Ha · Be, Merle Atflerbaugh. skipper Thla was Merle's first tlme out a.lntt l'ftOVet'Y &om hls recent lllnt'ss. Shortly &ftt'!r that the CouncU Isle. and to her mother, Mrs. Ew the public from 1 to 4 p m E'arh champ1onshlp and undoutedly went ahead with lu "my.mlnd· Graft of Los Angeles. Saturday starting OctobN 1 this year will be no h<'t'ptlon. ls·made-up" plan to Improve the ---------------------------------------clty.owned trailer park and ~· strict a portion or It for exclusive use of the trailer dwel\6s. The Park CommlaJon Tvesday evening &1., approved a mOtion by Mrs. Frank lrargl to ask City Council to a llow the CommJAslon chairman or his n.>pre!M!Dt&U\-e to havto a courtesy seat at the Council met>tlngs tc) an.swer quemlons and to receive commu· nlcatlon,<J. In order to end the long delay tn actina on problftM broueht up In letters. lohn Sale. now of San Diego. but formerly of Newport. landed a 218-pound m&rUn Saturday on medium. on tbe llrok•, Frank truo. ski~. Sunday aw "Unde BanY' lo~ ot Udo tale wetehlne In a 158-pouncl medium tadtle mar- ltft on E'fwttt B~a Db 'nde. The fkh .... ~~-'"~ ~ncl ._,lht b tllrM houn and a m...._ .,.._ ....... •ted with U.. help ol nou_l Pritllt, the l:blt 'ftWI eaptabl. and "'luck" S:FG. On tile ....... ~. "1.11 na ,_.. Koc.. tot a 155- .ll-"t ~oetM ... o..tl.ftlleW.A. .. .._M& ... • ••• .... ...... Jar • ............. a. .. ,. ............. -~ Ia ... cat. ., ~ ...... c.lf. OttM. fiiWI,....... ..... a. tile ........... ,._ L c...t ..,._,,c.-4.1 . W.r. . Will-Of THI CAUJOINIA NIWVANI PUIUSHIIS .usoctAT10N ~ el tile NAnoNAL IDITORJAI. ASSOaATON w.aa., ~ 2-L c-t....,_,, C.... 4W .._, ~le TJUI!HONUz ~ 1114 fiiWI II II AIVO E. HANA I4JW a.4 P•Wt.•., PI&,HAN E .. ,. M 8 I *> M M M +: M I M E +:+ I I M M I Q ••. ' Everyone who writes a column eventually has to qet on the sub- l.ect of television. No use trying to disguise the fact that I enjoy the ittie monster (one of those 9-inch ontiques, courtesy of my brother- in low. end clear as o Bell). It offers lots of entertoinment, but you hove to do a lot of d ial twisting to keep from throwing the set out of the window, The terrible rat race of producing those half hour dramas week ofter week brings its inevitoble results. You just can't keep it up. end here's what is hep- pening: (I) repeeting the old ones, some of them coming eround for the third or fourth time, which gets you med at your poor memory: ond/or (2) just ploin fresh beceuse of the led of sustaining telent. So skip the dramas, and catch the quiz shows. They're neturals-- such os Grouch6, Whet's My Line, I've Got a Secret, Make the Con· nection, and the febulous $64.000 Question. Their success is based on mens e"gerness to prove himself smart, to beet the expert, to hove the chance to holler how stupid the ~ot~testonts end ponelists are-- but odu.,lly to be envious of their oft-time shorp wit end knowledge. Then there ere the movies. Mony a groan can be heard etbout that, because there ore a lot of lemons "mong them. But now end then there is on admirable "dark horse"-perhaps one of those superb w"r films from Englond. Among the best is "One of Our Aircraft 1s Missing,'' revealing the grit ""d courage of the British airmen, and the bravery of the Dutch underground. "Night Train,'' and "Millions Li ke Us" "nd e recent discovery, "Intruder," are other top notch war film imports. My special prize of all foreign movies is a gem c.,lled Wonder Boy. ' in the m"gnificent setting of the Bava rian Alps, per· haps near Berchtesgeden (which was our first home together). I especially like the wer documentaries. bringing bed memorie s of wer d"ys oversees. All the best of them ere sho"!ing right now: Victory et Seo," at 7 p.m. Mondays: "Uncommon Valor." at 9 p.m. Wednesdays. the story of the M.,rines in the Pacific, with excellent commentary by Gen. "Howlin' Med" Smith: "Background to Battle," at 8 p.m. Fridays, showin g priceless historical scenes; Gen. Eisen- howe r s "Crusade in Europe." I 0 p.m. Fridays. I am not one of those who condemn the insistent commercials. There would be no TV without them. It is advertisin g more then any- thing else th.,t has enabled us to maintain freedom of communication. There can be improvement, to be sure. Most maddening of a ll is to tune a program to e respectable volume. and then to have the com- mercial thunder you out of your chair. How stupid can they get! Another major gripe has to do with that horrible background music in movies end ploys, sometimes so loud that you re about reedy to toss it all out. Can't the producers toke a hint? Or maybe they're ludy enough not to listen to their monstrosities. e Anmrno•. WIIAL&·WATCB Iaure hope they're eoocL Pfcturee I've just ~ent a letter and a of theee kUle..., who can swallow cUpping to Daniel Callahan. In a leal or a porpoise at one bite, cue you don't know about Dan. are rare. They are aald to attack lei, hfs the ALL-SEEING MID· boats, too. 1 wanted to get even WESTERN EYE (lncluc:llni tbe closet, but Betty fleured we were Great Lakes) of the 7IUa CNy cloae enough. Anyhow, for the WMJe WCitdLI.Dtr a...p. I, my. second tlme, I had seen one of 8elt, (and not without a certain the rare!' aJgh.._.nd I hope, got deeree of founder's pride), am 80me plcturH. I'm wide open to Tille C:nat Gray ~ hear from anyone who knows of What 1 sent Callahan was a anYthlne with a bigger dorsal cUpping from the L. A. Times fin than a bull klller whale. It's which said "Santa Monica Pier a 11ght you never forget. Visited by Big Whale." It came e QVJCKIU out, front page, In t.he Sunday It waa nice to hear a familiar ~Jtl9n. Ll!e,uud Lt. Roy Hutch· voice aeaJn this week. FlsbJng tnson. said t he article, ran out buddy Dr. Salvatore Monaco Is of hls shack tD see a 50 loot gray back from a summer In the Old whale spouting Inside the break· Country. water. "Diet you see any llsh !" I This. verily,, wu hot newB for asked. the 7Ith Qlray Wllale WCitdda9 ''Well," said the Doc, "I saw a C:roap. It looks like we're golng lot of flabermen." to have an early aeaaon. A& I It's good to have you back, said to Callahan, "It won't be viejo amigo. long now." AU local whale· N'ot often dOH a big boat come watchers are hereby advised to In proudly flying two marlin ktep their eye-balls peeled lor flags. But Gil Smith and his the big cetaceans, as they start Happy Landings did It last their parade past our shores en· week-end. His passengers hooked route to their mating grounds In up two mu lln at once. oil Cata · the Gulf of Callfor nla.. They llna~s East End. . make the 10.000 mile trlp an· The story g<>H that when they nually from their sum mer quar· got going In opposite directions. ters In the Bering Sea. In spite Gil called t he Lyn, and Frank of the long haul and the lrreslst· UnneJJ took one angler abQard. lble urge of Jove, they never They got both fish, so Gill had seem to be In a hurry! to borrow an extra marlln flag e WHALE'S KEST from Everett Hadley on his Ebb This whale-watching se3.50n, Tide. Congratulations t o all con · we're going to be better equip· cerned, especially to that guy ped. We're building a new room who tuns the Happy Landings on our house. Mamma's excited out of Davey's U1 Locker. about the extra bath, and all the ============= additional storage space. But the Great Gray Whale's burning In· terest lies In the roof. It's a deck. All your prin tin q needs will be complete with steps and railing. and like the crow's nest on a handled conveniently end court boat's mast. will afford a start· ling view or the far-flung whale waters In front of us. With a /J _ } 8 /llul_, PfMI4 couple of easy chairs, a big um· v~~ Nl C>l breiJa and a telescope, It'll be • • • one of the greateSt whale-watch· -r CCJL uuaaw w . ...,._ r-x 'w • ae, c * ~:e"h~ thJa alde of Polnt !tOusly in the completely-equip ped Job Printinq Department of your Harbor /\rea Newspaper. The Ensiqn, I I~ Coast 81., COM e nTmOII CiiC'iiiTOa no way to make a llfln~. You It's golag to be called the =========== 1 have already publicly ac· meet 80me very fine people and wlacde'a a..t. for. many a day. .JIALF oa WIIOLa PORK LOINS 59~ &AIDDJOU SPARE RIBS ................................................. -.-49~ V.I. CIIOICZ ROUND STEAK .,~ V.I.CIIOfCL~ RUMP ROAST ... ··-·-··· .................... 79'- V.I. CIICICL IIOIIa.al STEWING MEAT ................................................................. 59f. CVDAIITS •o. I nmTAJf SLICED BACON • Ground Beef, 29cllt. 41s. --···-····,· * FINEST MEATS SOLD Alf"tWHERE * e SwUt'a Tender Fed Steer IMf e FrOUD Fooda • Dairy Procludll • lnad e Spedalim"9 iD Quality Meat FOI' Home Fr....,. "QuaUty cmd PeriiODGIIaed s.me.-With a Smile'' WK uz o•u D&D.Y-e• &a • ••• p•rl:ln•ll • ...., 3Ul EAST ~AST JIIQIIWAY COlONA DEL MAll knowledged that I was wrong occasJona)ly one not so fine. I you'll be able to see The Great I when I worked so hard to get our have been thrown down the front Gray Whale relaxJng topside as present election law In the char· steps (verbally) by a one-sided only a gray whale-watcheF can ter. The very fi rst election conversation which went some-relax. I can hardly walt for Clll·l showed me up, but good. Three thing like this: "l don't know laban to make his next trip to ot the seven districts did not nothln' about it. and l don't Calltornla. When he arrives. get the candidate of their choice, want to hear nothln' about lt." we'll go alort to the whale's nest so w e have three districts repre· The feller who_ said that It and quietly qurnch our thlrst as sented by CounclJmen who could takes all kJnds of people to make we watch. With what, you not win their own districts. a 'World wasn't just a woofing. naturally ask! The potion that Therefore they are not beholden He wasn't barking at the moon. we'll sip can be called only one to the voters of the district they Requlred equipment lor a petl-name. That's right! We'll be sip· represent. And another "there-tlon circulator: a thick hide. ping away at the official Whale· fore." something should be done good sales talk, tenadty of pur· Watcher's drink, the Eye·Bcdll TheNew'56 about It; so that's why r a m pose and .a strong belief In your e Ct7ESTS working so hard to give the vot· cause. Unlike the public whale-watch ers a chance to pass on correct-It Is very discouraging to find on Point Lorna. our Crow's Nest lng a mistake I helped them the lack of Interest by many Is going to ~ strictly private. make. and to get a meas ure on folks In the city government. Naturally, from time to time, the ballot to a llow the m to dt>· Tht>re is a type who won't walk there will be guel'!ts. One of the cldc if they want to change t hi' two blocks to vote or to register first to be Invited to relax over Jaw. to vote. Yet they will screa m like an eye-ball will be the young 1 am a strong bt>llever In lht> a pig caught In a gate If and but up and coming CDM con· right of the people to mak(' and when . the city does somPthlng tractor. Charles w. "Chuck" amPnd thPir laws. Th('r«' will be that cramps their style as lndl· Masters. While he Is an active anothPr petition shortly to plnt'C vlduals. And thry do not hesitate member of the Balboa Island b<>fore the voters the qurstlon of to call me. I have a stock ques-Punting and Sculllng Clut?. I'm forbidding the city from rrst>rv· lion to complainants: Are you a sure he'll enjoy a turn at gray lng a private beach for Its trailer registered voter In our fair city! whale . watching from the park tenants on city · ownrd Here's a up-to-date report on Whale's Nest. After all, he waterfront. They have had It petitions: should. He's the fellow, we're pretty soft-rent a trailer !!pace e To give the people a chance proud to say, who built the by the year. pay no taxes, to vote on amending the election Whale's Nest! We'll feel grateful schools for their children. and llectlon of the charter to allow to him lor ma ny a whale-watch · step out of the trailer onto a prl· each district to elect Its own lng season to come. vate beach from which the lowly councilman: over SO per cent e aAJlE IIC:BT taxpayers are fenced off. There complete. Thls whale-watcher la no pur· Is nothing In the lease to prevent • To take the private beach 1st. and w11l happily ogle any !!Ub·lertlng. Incidentally, small away from the tenants of the speciH of whal~ that blOW'S. Last apartments adjacent rent lor es city traJJer park a nd open It to time we were down to San Diego, much as $80 per week In the the public: will be lega lly ready we were aboard the HA·BE with summer se3.50n and a private to circulate next Tuesday. Betty and Ha l K~noyer and ln beach does not go with these Remember you're not changing quest of marlln. we aaw our tim rentals. the law by ydur s ignature. You two of the aeuon, but they were I starteq out to tell you some· ue simply giving the people a not hungry. lust ott Point Lo~J\a thing about circulating a petl· chance to vote yes or no on a we aaw a rare sight A rnJehtY tlon. Jt's tnterestln but It ain't change of law. It's beyond me fln, as high u Davy CroCkett why anyone s hould rtdu.ee to ltancb In ht. wtnm 80Cka. came stgn a petition on a controve.,al up out of the •a, IICafte a Jaun· subject under thoee conditions. dred feet from ua. Hal •• It eAJDULAIICI .,.._ J\llt u It 1Ubmeorpd • I am golnr to check up on "'Sea Elephant!" aaJd RaL speoed laws of ambulances. AJ.8o aut b0MIIIl1, I thou*"t far a on the deatha and lnjuriea ,. lllhUite It wu a new tJpe or sultlnl from amb\llanee crash• .ullmarlne. ~ ttme It towaed I predJct the ....Wt will be 10 CNt ot tbe water, J kneW It waa kDied cw inJured to ohe wbo (111 ...._....,. aJJw. 'I'M ftn, JIOb• tbe ogJnlon ol the ~ doe· abi,J tiM hla t that IN'WI on tor) ...... ~ tbe ..... ..,. ............. at .... trlp to th• t.o.pkal. I _.. to ftw lilt tilL ud ah ~ ride an uUaJance • an bMrM. ~ 11111' a, ac etc. That p10Mbl1 eceoantl lor a,: ....-. 1 ... -. -.., _.. be-pay balr • .-~r .., a . one ~ .,.. ,... • .._ ftlb. U azalt ..... ,IJIIitw tM itiM fll lllil Willa ..... ' n -Ide wrr ... ._)lit JoN to....,~-.. .....-.., .. ,,_. tlllll ... tlwoCde -... a.. -• -.............. -flf .,. ...................... _ .. d-wt'a;ftltM .................. .. .... . ···-Gnl I Mi ... ~~--~=~~.~~ MCQ ...,.,_.,...._,..... •• .................... tilL &£ .... _ ..... ·~········ .. ... . With NEW -h.p. Thunderbird Y -a· YrllhNEW With NEW IMMEDIATE . ' Tlwndtrllifd Styli~g Lift9tanl Design_ • .. \ I'IIUW.,, ID'I'. &t• 4 WMUAifWIIC&auD Willi liP! 'CWI&a IQVUIIOif Gery E. Blauert. airman ap. ~. USN, .,D ol Mr. and MIL loba E. Mltdl.U ot 7e Cen- •· eo.ta .....: 1a MrYin.l with Bellcopter Utlllty Squadron 1. buecJ at the bam l"'eld lfaval AwdUary Air StatJon at San Ylldro. Callt. He teporte4 f« duty In Au(Wit bom the Naval Tralftlnl Center, 8aft DlfCO. Be· fore entering the Mavy ln May 1955, he attended Newport Har- b« Blah School. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. L. L. Nicholson has reopened the optometric office of the late •Dr. Ludwig Krauss Complete visuel enelysis, consultation, prescrip· tion sun glesses, continuous vision lenses and child eye C4r eveileble et 19th St. and Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1526 M~GMJ~~ DADQOAIITDI roa .._EI' TIYS, ............. , 1101 &. eo.t Jhry ... J ... , eon.a cW Mar (Next to All American Market) ·~~~-~~_, ....,. 5511 ' ., l * AJMatU.K.IIIdlt..tal.-.a.ada * Juat a11 lt la bWDGD aature lo root for oar hom • to'W11 faftd-. t10 'abo Jocal pride c:au.see mcmy people to .pend low o1 time in booetinq dYic prOCJT .... A further method to help local ad.-cmcement is to patronize local •tabliahmenw. It pay-. to buy and bank at home. . Newport Harbor Bank • ........... f t •• , ~'ttl AGIIA.-IMOW -·-·-~ ·-""' .• .......... HOIII IACIII DMY ,..,._ ewtr..WAY ------------~. A KTITEaJOUS STOltE. three ·----------""---- 12 Fire c ·alls During August 1 LDcbee ~ cmd 11/z·lDcb .. tbJck. wa foaad at lnlAe Ter. re!Q nceeUy by the trio of ~ abcmt P'ctuNcl with the ft--. Left to rigbt they LD. dade GI'CIDt Buru. 15. of 418 Ask Opening of Via Oporto Newport Beach nremen re· Dcda.Ua1 MUI.e Cleaaeace. 11. of sponded to 12 flre calls tn Au· a1 Dcdl1la A•a.. cmd DcrYld Newport City Council received gust, which resulted In $1..279.50 Dnary. 14. of m Pemleaf A•a.. a plea Monday last week from In fire lou, Fire Chief Jan Brls· all of eoro..a del liar. (EuiCJD two shops on Via Malara. In the I coe hu reported. pboto) Lido Sbopplng Center. to open The llat Included three dwel-VIa Oporto onto 32nd St. for bet· llnw building fires, two flres M •1 R ter traUlc clrculatlon . other than buUdinp, two trash I itary ·ates Council referred the matter to fires, two auto flrea. one boat flre City Engineer Bert Webb for In· and two ml.cell~eous flres. f N M vesttgatlo~. on motion of Coun- Firemen alao handled 10 rescues. 0 r a vy an cllman Sandy MacKay, who made four aervtce call5, t~ • commented that "It certainly Is lnvestlgatlona and three needless Full military graveside serviC: a bottleneck." calla. Wednesday of last week for Er· The letter was sf&ned by Don The flre prevention bUJ'eau nest Georee Mount. 37, of 1919 Creighton for Malaea Imports conducted 178 Inspections, ls· ~ubllc Ave., Costa Mesa. a US. and Lorraine Daniel for La Reine. sued one permit, conducted nine Navy photoerapher. Via 0porto dead·enda near flre lnvestleatlons and issued Mr. Mount wu killed Aug. 25, 32nd St. alone~llde the Newport nlne recommendation&. Twelve whUe serving his country aboard Flre Hall seta of bulld!nJ plans were the U.S.S. Hornet. two days out ------ checked. Paid call firemen con· of Japan on maneuvers. He wu ducted 80 houn of drtlJ and paJd I a photoerapber talclng pictures men conducted 221 ~ hours of of lncomlng planes when one drill. went out of control and he wu IOJif BOD TO ar EJQIS A 10n. Steven Ray. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walte-r Blehm of 110·29th St., Newport Beach. In Hoag Memorial Ra.pltal on Sat· urday. Sept. 10. Business Directory "A 's" VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY mE NEW m a c h I n e process method. RH.aonable prices. Av- erage 2 tape residential blind. Only $1 .00 Blinds repalred and rebuUt. Free Pick up and deliverY Work done by appolntm~nt Phone Uberty 8·5701 or Klmbedy 8-8274 INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty P, 7315 ICIIOOLI & I:IIS'nUCTIOif REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evening claaes for preparation to pus the State exam. Call or write For Information killed. He had returned to Costa MHa from a world tour on Dec. 16 of last year and was sent ov~rseu again on May 4. He was a native of Spokane, Wash .. and lived In Costa Mesa two years. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Mount; a daughter, Donna, and two sons, Robert and Rex. Parkes -Ridley Mortuary of Costa M~ was In charge of a r· rangements. LEGAL JlfOTICE No. A 26 204 NO'nCE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF JANE MacAR THUR. DECEASED. NO'nCE lS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of a nd all per sons hav\ng claims against the said decedent or said estate to tue them with the necessary vouchers In the offiC'~ of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of Calltornla. or to preMnt the same. with the necessary vouch ers. to th~ undersigned at his or her place of bus I ne-ss. to-wit: 3429 E. Coast Highway, Corona d~l Mar, Calif. w ithin slx months alter the tlrst publication of this notice. Dated Aueust 29. 1955. . A. K. PHELPS I Administrator of the Estate of said decedent. A. K. Phelps Attorney at law 3C29 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar. CaJif. Publish: Sept. 1. 8. 15. 22, 1955 In the Newport Harbor Enslen. A Clessified Ad in The tnsiqn bnnqs immediate results! CaU Harbor II 1+.1 I I 5 and orove it! BOTBWELLS GET SOJf A son. John Reese. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rothwt'll of 314 Evening Canyon Rd .. Shore Cliffs, on Sunday, Sept. 11. In Hoag Memor ial HospitaL ()pee 11 A.M. to I P .II. ClOMd IIODday IIVWGIIT roa Fish? EaJoy -aEAL .. Fish'n ChiDs OGDS TO CO -ro&1 Sw4 RSI FlY cn. ao.,.., or CDK TAKDWt&OcooaJ: Cpl. DaYSd Jl Humphrey, 10n ot Mr. and ltra. 1. C. Humphrey of Corona del Mar. and huaband ol the former Mlsa Mary A. Hoop« of Santa Fe. graduated Au.,..t 25 from the 1st Marine Dl¥16m'• Vehicle Drlvlnc and M•lahmuee School at Camp Pendleton. RAG4~'S YoW' Family RataUJ'ant (CloMd Taeeday) ISIS E. Coat Jlifllway .arbor 1141 eo.o.a del lla:r ... "UGDCr' 11llm1l P .. ET ... (.0 TOUI) ......... d ....... WEIQID 0..1' 1.1 0&. lbe.-lyraVai'H .. A Nf!YII Concept In Nnonal RadJo. Ear Phone and Can7· lne Cue Optional, Extra. DIVISUIWI._ Ll~ 1115 ~ al'f'd.. c:.n. .... For letteme.cla. etwelooea c.JI THE ENSIGN. HA·III4 () ~iMMu; quu~.e SOUTH SEAS CAFE o..-n..-at.#.Npe'., .,.,., ~-~~ Party Ac:c:ommoc:Mtions ....._.....;;; __ W..t 5dl St. at Scmtn ADa Bi.er * SAlftA AliA PB. D 3-Gll · ADaan-d~t r. All A••IES • UlMUS s.rn..,.... eo.ta1 Ana r. lfMI'IJ 10 Tea:n 21S 0.... Aft. Lapae a..:ta 8y.tt 4-1011 *BALBOA* Enioy Rides & Games TilE TIE FI.LY F. I "TRRP IIOUID THE lAY"-2 ,& D111J On tfle "Belle of Wbo." AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7..3511 J(E}log P,2513 4 ICII IECIUTIOI DU with ~Wnnming pool-tennis courts-.. •• ._ ...... NT Let Me TMch You CIIIIIA fADn'DIQ Convenlftit a .. Leaons u 8·:s&al GLADYS TJlACY 1128 IIVlne Ave,. eo.ta Mesa nu.DIIfQ lvnLDI CEMENT AND BUilDING All Klnd.-J'ree r.tJmat.e UBI:Jl1'Y Ulot .... lwmdbGll courll-pknic arec- club laouw-Utlk l.agw (wid &** • -~··to rultknu of tlw new I I Rusliing ~lans ALS Are Initiated t1D1 J'll'lt evnt In the tall ruablne c:-:' ':' plana of tbe Mu Epallon Chapter -;~~~;j~!':i~~; ot Beta !U&ma Phi wu a h.lneh· ! I I I ..... eon to« JDeiDben and euesta YH· terday at the horne of Mra. tqole Pope, 601 Cillt Dr., CUff Haven. ,., .. ,. P.oplet.av.been uykg ••• .;, beaeviftg that ,.au DilEllO Tbe first fall meettne of the eroup. wu held Jut week at the horne ot .0.. LouiN OUphant, 1~ Ocean Blvd., Balboa, with presJdent Mrs. Jack B. ~ulsen· berry prestdlna. Mrs. Ruth Lewis wu appointed proeram chalr· man for the oomlne Y4Jat. A check wu sent to the CyStic Ft· brosls Foundation of Calllom1a, ~ a project for the sorority. ~ Mra. John B. MerrUJ, ways and means and service chalrman, an· nouneed that a scholarship hu • been set up by Mu Epsilon tor a girl art student to '-e sent to the Brandt · Dike Summer Art School. • • F . • • unu~•• ~ Complete Horne FumJ.ahl~ • Next meeting wlll be Wednes· day. Sept. 28. at the home of Mrs. Martha OehJerklng, 920 Clay St., Cliff Haven. Llbeny 1-MM lat •••port Aft. COSTA MESA CIU. aoD TO JIIOJITIIS A daughter, Christine Carol, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jer· orne North or 1411 Clay St., New· port Heights. on Saturday, Sept. 10. ln Hoag Memorial H~pltal. COIPI.ETE IITEIIII SO VICE _;, _____ _.._ ·--......... Ebell Notes • 1440 VIe ()pofto In tt.. LWo c..t.' HOURS: 10~ a.ll'l. to 10 p.m. Monday fhru Fric14t1 -:- NEWPORT IIACH Noon to 6 p.m. * BANQUET HAU AVAILAilE S.etslOO * BAY VfEW..OANCrNG.COCKTAil BAR The e ntire board of Junior Ebell Club were hoateaes to the membership tea on Sept. U at the Shore CUffs home of Mrs. Freeman Fl&her, club president. Membera anct_ thelr guests were Invited to the annual event. the first reJ'Uiar meeUng will be a luncheon to be held Thursday. Sept. 29, at the Irvine Cout Country Club. ~~~~~~~:!:~~~e~~~~~ Light their life with zaith AfA a dance at the Sunny HIUa Rec· .I U WI/ - Let Me Sol•• Your Food 01' Caterin9 Problem . BOllE ·~ • I.AJlG& caovn WELCOMED * * Hora cfoeu'YJ'M and Good Food MY SPECIALTY r.~c:ou DOROTHY MARSTON Mo Ordft la Too a19 ot' * Too IIDcal1 ~ * ........ 2272 * * * .... , 2272 * COROIA DEL MAl PHARMACY -no.: heealpUoa Jllwa .,.- JlAJiaOB 2272 3121 E. Coast Bwy .. aear InmiM, Conaa 4el liar reatJon Center ln FuiJmon Oct. IT. A1fDUWS 7, proceeda wlll help buUd a nurtTaiAII "'c:a.nonaca- physiotberapy pool. 15th St. It St. AaciNwa 114 .. JunJor EbeiJa projects for the .._ .._ .... ..._. club year wiU Include a booth at ~ ...,.,. the Ebell CJub'a nNel Tea In ......., lllw. J-L ltuw.-t ~>«ember, a tuhlon ahow and SUNDAY: Momtne worship. 9 :30 ·Monthly board meet1n1 of the eroup was held early In ~ptem· ber at the home of Mrs. Don Hayton, Corona del Mar. Mern· bers reported on monthly meet· lngs, ways and means projects brldee and a rummage aale wtll and 11 a.m.; Cburdl 8choo1, be other apeclal event.a. 9:30 and 11:00; lr. BJJtt, Sr. Attendlnl the board meeting Hllh and eolJ~ge a&e Fellow· were Mmes. Myro n Miller, Har· ablpa, 7 p.m.; 'nnuaday, Prayer, Jan Hoyt. ·Roger Hannaford, Ed· study IJ'OUp, 9:30a.m. GOP Women Meet Today ward Kelly, Fonnt Alllnder, Dean Gorton, Tom Woodward, WilHam Cullen, John McCarty, Norman Wat.!lon, ~elaon Holm- wood and John Lamar. FIRST CHuRCH OF CHRIST SOENTIST nOJ VIe lUo. .....,_. ~e.ct~ John RouaseJout, staff mem-A braneh of The Mother Church, The ber for Vlee . President Richard A,t Ch~ of Cllriat, Scletltitt, 1ft S... Nlxon. la the apeak« at 10 tOft. Me~ o•dodl thla 1DGitl1q (Tb_..._) tJ: :!:-----1 r'::::: at tb~ K?Mlnl of the Jt.epubllcan WfltiJ~ M~*l Meet~ UIO""" Women • Club of the Kewport lt.edill9 l-located et Jl15 Y"ie Harbor Area. Udo. N_,_t ... eh, It ope11 -.l Hla toplc la "What the Elsen· dayw frotfl 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m .. how~ AdmlnlstratJon Has Ac· W.dM'Ideys froM 10:00 a.m. to 7:45 compltshed." The meeting, being p.m. fridey -lft9t '-7:00 ~"" foo h•ld at the LJclo Theatre 1s ln 9:00 p.m. Su!W:Iay eft..-noons 2 to 5 p.m. " ' Clowd Holid conjunction wlth the annual The w· ~ eord'elly I!Mt.d t 1 membft-shlp drlve of the club. te!W:I .~; chu~h .. ~~ a!W:I ._0 ~ MNI. Richard Teachout, presld~t ~ .. dl"o tt_., ot the club. will preaJde. __ ..:....._ _______ _ Robert S. Barnes of 'Bay Shores, p f • I chairman of the Orange County ro esstona Republican Central Committee, will Introduce the speaker. Mr. o·. rectory Barnes will also announce de· · t ails of the Republlcan Round· IIVIIC up a nd barbeque to be heJd Sat· urday, Oct. 9. a t the Newport Margaret L. Scharle Harbor Buffalo Ranch. Teacher of Plano Mr. Rousselout 1s a public re· Oreant.t • Accompanlat lations executive; member of the Evening CJauea Los Anr eles GOP Central Com· for Adult.a mlttee·, member or the State Cen· 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar tral Committee; first vlce-presl-~=]!f!j~[:i!!ifi2!!=~ flent of the Loa Angeles Young Republican Club; membership chairman of the State Younc Republican Club. C:OIOI'UWJ'n' JaTIIODIIT aD W. IIIla IL c:.tll ..._ Ubelty I-GII .... J ..... w ....... , Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Ouacb Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momtne Wonhlp--7 p.m. Colleft ..... MYF Sen1c:e -7 p.m. llJp Sehool IIYl' Servlce; 8 p.m., YOWll adulta IJ'OUP aerviee. 'liD cauw e. CDiit s..~a.a.... .... ·La '*...., D.G. ...... Mie't& Sunday Nf'Ytcee: 9:45 Lm. Bible mdy; 11 a.m. momtne wOI'· ablp; 7:30p.m. evtn1n1 aervtce. Midweek .avtee, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. T1D c:aoaca OP e&aDT OddP.U... ....... ............ A.._ c.t. ..... ~1-5711 T-..._, Jr .. lllalater Sunday Servicei: 9:45 a.m. Bible atudy; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenJne .ervice. CllaJIT C&Oa:& 8Y T1R IU C:.....aty .......... a.u.o. ..... ct lflla lt.. •...-n u ... u. ....... ~-.., A. c.a- Sunday Worship, 9:30 and U a.m. Church Scbool: t :30 a.m. )(ld. week )(~: 7:00 p.m. Wed. ne.day preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. YOU CAN TAKE OFF INCHES The Easy Stauff.er If You Way Are TODAY. the story of • fOOd r..,... it hW NOT in pound~, b.lt In INCHES 0t1 • TAPE -..EASURE , PHONE TOOAY FOI YC>Ua FUI TlW. TUAT....-r HARIK)R REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at OJIIer 1m :r J.UII I'DIT MIUOI.Y OP COD 21114 lt. & DeeD A.._ C... ar- 1.111 a • .,.. ......... enuc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahJp: 10:~ a.m. and evanpu.t aervtce, 7:30 p.m. Youne People and ChUdren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. MJcS-W'tllltr llrYtce: Wectne.ctay, 7:30 p.m. LacHe.' MWI!o~ Coundl. Tbundaya 9:30a.m. for all day. I&V&WIW DAY ADtUI&i ................... "' ..... ,.-=--Latt2 a. &w.D. ••• ldl8t Saturday MomJne ~: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prarer meet· Ina: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. cauw.e .. ••••-.a 1-7 PPM a.a....._ ..... ~.CIIt!IW'"' lD It 1-7111 Sundq Sen1c.: SUnday School. 9:30 a.m. Morain• WOnhtp at 10:30 a.m. EvanftllaUc Serv· lee, 7 p.m. Sunclay. N.Y.P.S .. 6 ~!..m. Sunday; Prayer rneettne. 7:;,o .p.m. Wednesday. PIUT CWO ... OP ClmiST ICI&iil&i ,. Ylcl ~r -.eta Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· d.,-S • r v I e e : 11 :00 a.m. Wedaeeday Eventn• lleettn•: 8:00. ... dint Room. 3315 VIa IJdo, Newport Beadl, open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. Wftk days. 10 Lm.• 7:4.5 p.m. Wedneadap, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. c:aaar LUi••• .. cau ... 0'1 CIOITA II'&IA (lllllcwl....., . d=·-= lieD. ._.. ........ Tw •• 8UD4ay s.rvte.a: Wonh.laJ.Sin· Ice t a.m. Iunday at 10:15 a.m. PmiT Uftin' caoaca latll.a..A..._ ........ u. c... .... ... ••• G. •• --Sunday ServlcN: 9:4.5 a.m. Sunda.)' School; U 3.m. WonhJp Servtc. · 6:30 p~. Bapti.R Tralnlne Union; 7:30 p.m.. Eventne Service. W~: 7:JO p.m.. Pra,)'a', rru. and Bible Stucl)'. Mon· clay: 7:30 ~ Men'a Cborua ~t~~:30 p.m. lltn'l caoaca or 0011 uurr or 111'. CAaiDI. .... "· .._ ~ •..,.n ......... p---·~Jn...,, ..... p... . .. ..... Sunday ~: 1:00 and 10:00 and U:30 a.m. Coni..SOn: Sat· urc!Q8 and ewe. of 1M l'rlcSarll ud llo&J ~ tro. t:OO e. 5:30 ~ aDd a.. 1:30 to I:JO p.m. Da1l)' ..... 1:00 a.m. l'lnlt J'rtda7: 6:.30 a.m. and tl:OO p.m. Novena (hrpetual Help): Tu~. 7:4.5 p.m. J'labermen'a Mus. JuJy. and Aueuat. Sunday 4 a.m. OMIVKUALIIT COIOIUJfnT RLI.OWIIID m.&ICI•tt.._ SISW ........ ahd..aau.o. ~~~.r.w . .._. Sunday Scbool. 10:30 a.m. Mom • Ina wonblp, 11:00 a.m. IT. JAIID UIICO•.U. ..... "*' .. r .... U......J ~., ............... Sunday llefVteea: 1:00 a.m. Holy CommunJon. 9:15 a.m . 11 a.m. Sunday 8Chool; 9:15a.m. mom· lnl ,.,.. an4 ~ 11 a.m. wonhlp ~. Thuraday Ser)t~: t:15 a.m. .....,... Gulld; 10:30 Holy Communion. ft.JOD..uwn ,. .................. ...... 'NUIIDAY.arr.. & a• Betty Norton of Newport Hts. Is Bride of Thomas Ca'nepa Ill Tom Norian • 1 eo r ted bJa wtth fttted tono and bouffant dauattw, Kt. Zllz.abeth Aao aldrt. 'n\e bodice wu trimmed lfortan. dow'n the ~t• allle to w'ltb a wide band ollace at the the altar ol Our Lady ol Mt. low Y·~aped nedcllne. BrUUanta Cannel CathoUe Chu,rcb Jut Sat· ud pu.rll at the neckline were urday when 1he wu united tn matched With peuls and rhine· mantap to Thomu Andrew Ron• on a lace C!l'OWn which Canepa m. Father Stepbell K.Uey held ber eucadtnc Ulumon veO. performed the late momtnc Her bouquet tnclucted catalyea double rtnc eervice. ordlldl .urrounded by whJte The bride wore a wbJte lllk ~ and IPfa,. ot Illy ol the Shantunc drell of waltz -.&th valley. Millions and millions and millions of women wear Berkshire stockin because they know the .,...,., and , ..... end prter and toe runs forever. • FASHION APPAREL 1717·A •....-n ami. c..-... .. .., ..,.. Attendant. for the dauehtH of the Tom Nortona ot 1815 Clift Drtve, Newport R~Jahtl, were M.rl. Richard McCarthy of New· port u matron ·of honor. a net. 10M Dard.Je Schaefer of Harbor llland and Mlla Loralynn Milne of Puadena u brldNmaldl. All attendlntl weTe llmllarly dreued In prlnefte lt)'le ctre.ea at cry•· taJette with fulllklrt.L Th~y car· rted talllman I"C))Ift and yellow mum~ wtth eroton leavee tied with brown Vt'lvet .t.reamers. Wendell Raya of Ba.keraflt'ld wu best man for the groom, who Ia the 10n of Mr. and Mrs. Thomu Andrews Cant'pa Jr. of New Cuyana. Ushers wer~ Jerry Kirkland and ClW Hiatt of Ba.kersfleld. A reception at the Elb Club follow~ the cere· •mony. Aulst:Jng were the groom's al.teT, Mia Martlyn Canepa, a nd Mn. Ivan Hotfard, sister of tht' brid~. and Hrs. Ronald Comer of Balboa. Mrs. Norton received guests In a beige suede cloth dress, a bead~ hat a.nd avocado acces- IOrles. The croom's mother wor• a allver'brocade dress wtth black acceaorlea. After a brief honey- moon the younc couple are mak· lng thm home at 120 Grand Canal, Balboa bla nd. Both the newlyweds attended Orance Coast Colleee, where the bride served u director In the publicity department and the groom wu president of tht' sophomore class. The new Mrs. Canepa aliO craduat~ from Newport Harbor Hlp School. The bride's parent. are proml· nent Harbor area restaurateurs. Party Today for Opti-Mrs. Newport Harbor Optl-Mra. to· gether with the Costa Mesa Optl·Mrs. group are holdlnc a fall get tocether In the form of a luncheon and card-party today (Thursday) at the Vllla Marina. New Optlmllt Club memben' wt...wm._....._ Fl ....... .... , ......... ... ''The St"cret of the Gilt." a new fllm on stewa.rdshlp, w1U be s hown Sunday, Oct. 2. In the Co· rona del Mar Community Church sanctuary. This picture was pro· duced by tht> Protestant FUm Commission for the Congreea· tlonal ChrlstJa n Churches. The Senior Pllarrlm Ft'llo~lp wUJ sponsor two showings. at 7 p.m . and 8:15 p.m. Everyone ls lnvlt~. There wlll be no admls· slon cha rge and no offering will be received. It Is a fam.Jly film with parents lnvlted to bring their cl\Udren. Costa M .. Optimists are now meettnc at 6:30p.m. Wednt"Sdays at the Harbor Howle. Lido Fashions' • . \ · ~en g_®Q n a ' September Here it is again! Our Annual s.,... .. , Cut EYIII! Cashmere 'a, Orlona. wooL cashmere and wool blenda • • • plaida. tweeda. atripea. All kinds of full length coats priced From 'J,. C:HIJitCHES oaav••••wr ~ A report on the conventJona ot the UlllVft'A..IJR and Unitarian cbu.reb• at· Detroit, MJch., lut month wfll be ctven to the UnJ. v.na.u.t CommunJty l'ellowahlp Sunday at 515 w: Balboa Blvd., Bal~. by Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd IIOITIJion ot San Mattno. noaa&IIIVE DIJfJfU A procTMalve dlnn~r will be held by membe-rs of SL Joachim's Mother Club 1n Costa Mesa on Oct. 29 Courses. wlll be serv~ In dlt!erent homes of members. Plan.t for the dinner w~re d ls- cu.-ed Jut Friday at a meetlng In the home ot Mrs. Jacquelyn Miller. club pre«<dt'nt. . •aaa ,.,.. 1111111'1 LIDO IAIIET wttla a artJE 'nley attended the oonventlona aa well u the joint aeulon.a. where proarea towwd a mercer of theee two Jtberal lfOUpt wu And we think we·r~ smart! CIDUSTL\Jf ICJUCE CIIUaCB Know what happen~ In the 10· made. • Tht' apostle Paul learn~ the callt'd "Gay Nineties" or the reality of the teachings of Christ "Naughty Aee!" 8fll operat~ a Jesus when he waa made blind telephone trom Nt'W York to Chi· AJrY WIU"I'E ELEJ'IIAIITil and was afterwa rds healt'd cago ... Henry Ford testt'd tht' Juat u they llft--Or wrapped t hrough the mlnhrtratlona of the first automobile ... Dr. Roux of Up fancy _ the Church School disciple. Anan las. as related In France showed the world tht' use ThP A<'ts In verse 20 of Chapter of diphtheria a ntltoxJn ... Quo Guild of the Corona del Mar 9 we a re told, "And straightway I Vadls was a best .seiiH' ... Gold Community Church hu put out dJ ed 1 th Kl dlk a plt'a for w hite elephanu and he preached Christ In the syna-was scover n t' on e Surpr•·-packages for klcll, that goeuPS, that he Is the Son ol ... Radium was d iscovered by lo100:' God " Marie a nd PI~ Curle ... Mar· tht'y may sell at the annual Co· This '"ory In th-life o( Paul coni sent first press messag(' a · rona del Ma.r Lobster Bake on "' "'" E 11 h Ch 1 b WI October 15 and 16. Donations Is only one-of th<>~W rela~ In cross ng s anne r re· may be Left at the church or the l.t>sson-Sermon on "Reality" less ···The Nineties dJdn t s~nd will be pick~ up 11 donors will to be read at th~ Newport Beach ~11 their tlmt' danctnr till dawn- call ..... office, Harbor 5237. Christian Sclencto church Sunda y. mg and dlnJng on fresh tt'ITa· ~.:_.-::u::~":_:=.:=:_=:=::....:=.:.._-_:..... _____ --:=-===---pin, champarne and plovt'r ... Thanks. Nineties. for gulldlnc your lily ln our dlrt"Ctlon . . ~ I I , • , • I f t ' • f ' .... ,. , I .,. • •• ~ I~ . • . ""-(H, II ld t! I."!/( I /111 u(lll . .. ... . . ( . ~ Lecture Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS CONSTRUCTIVE MISSION By Georce Cb•nnin1, C. S. B. of San FraDd8co, California Member of the Boud oi ~p of The KotJaer Cllurch, 'fte rtnt Cllareh of Chr1n, ldcu.t. lA ao.toD. M·-chUKtta * * * Gay Xt...u-s.Je thJa -..k· ...StAb .-u. reader.-- .. ow .... CIDd bnttana all ~ 1D tM pluall CIDd p& .... of tbe ·~ ••• I ,.... wm be .. pdae .... tla• PltdaJ, .,._.._ Urd . .... BOaY ATTEU. GUJfDPAUJfTS mr,._. ......S_....,_ by Mr. and Mn. Roecoe Horvattt'r of Irvine Terrace becamt' arrand- parents lut SunGay, Sept. 18. The new arranddauchter. Cynthia Umb, is the 7 lb., 2 oz. daugh · ter of Mr. and Mrs. FranJ< D, Umb of Pa.sadena. <aRell ..... ... VIa ~Me. Jfewpon a..da A.D .U. Ool'di&D7 ~ to AlUDd Reservations No HArbor 3930 villa marina * * * Saturday, Oct. 1st 21111 in a series of monthly Faahion Sbowa NOTE: Next Fashion Show on Wed.. November 9th. (and the second Wednesday of each month following) Presented through the cooperation of the V"illa Marina. Vema Miller and The Following Distinctive Shops mE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 309 North Sycamore Santa Ana * LORN£ 204 Manne A venue Balboa Island * MARILYWS FASHION APPAREL 1767-A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * ELLGENE. CASUAL FASHIONS P£11f£ VD.LE 3409 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar . . ' 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa * FUM FASHIONS 2659 E. Coas1 Hwy. Corona del Mar * I.A IIDIE 500 Via Mal~a Lido Shopping Center * R1JID OF CALIFORNIA 3210 Via Udo Udo Shopping Cent~r * VEBNA MD I £8 aiAIIN SCHOOL Commentary-Fashion Models 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana LUncheon from 12:00 Noon aana-. ....... lo-- c:aat f'O'U bCillot .... tiM WelT 01' ~ u..t ...._you tcmcy • • • Ov ..... will be dlicsuicrt!ld too. bat f411Nloulyl * * Laughing throulh a cookbook of the nlnetJes that you may ~n­ joy aa rood appetltln u did Ul· llan Russell and Diamond Jim Bra dy ... CoftH : "Grinding of beans dt'pends on the method you U5t" • • • Drip cotlee Is bet· ter than boll~ cotfeto . . . A flannel bae holdlnl the eround cofft"e may be flttt"d over the cotft"e pot and thto bolllnc wattor poured o v e r it." Buckwheat Cakts: "Put 1 Jarce •poontu l yeut and a uwe Salt mto a quart ol buckw'beat meal. .... a ....._ wtDa O.W .-! 1At ,. ................... . Sldew11Mu7 C..: '"1 ~ flour, ~ pound butter. 4 poG:ad su~ar. 5 eces, onto nut:Jnec, beat ecp aeparatt'ly. mlx aurar and Oour tort'lher add togp Jut." Bakto (tx-t It comes out flat1tor than the Buckwheat Cakes) * * * a.a. coat.t too thla w..ar. eAd ••• GaeM the oWilber oC 1 CIDff" becaaa 1D the gla:u t• a:Dd you w1.a a pn. . . . n.., wW be l'ol~• eofJ" bealaa I . . . FolgW'a cotf.. Just ~ bratM their 105th caa.nJqna:ry ••• Tbr(..,. beea 1D bua'-.• !IJ.Dce 1850 • • • * * Jeri's of Udo, right across the 1 strE'f't on Newport Blvd . ls the plac-p tn rPgistC'T your !lmnll fry for the TaiPnt !'how to takP place at the Fund Fair Bene-fit of the I Hoag Auxiliary, at the Rt>ndez· vous Ballroom Octobt'r 1 ... The prlzto will bt' a S25 00 mt'r· I cbandlse or<lt-r for JPrl's Your I <'hlld must bt' u nder-12 to Pnter . . . Jt'rl will givt> you all th~ particulars ... * * * .... •ow.: '"I WOD1d lib t. ..._ If I coaWD"t IIC19'e ca -·· ...... ....,. (doW)· CDid u ,... ......_"t .... ltC.O.D.pa... -Ia -illll&J'e bew -~ lt II. I ..... W. tiM eNOl' .,.a. &ew lf .,_ IICift It U ..t plak. lily wd I -Ia ••• a.cty Wed· a-. Jllda&M. Ccd.lt.n.l& P. L lleDd • .... • pau•Ne I ...,. It ,..., ..... ~ yeL .. .•..... ,, ......... ·-·-....... * * * "Won 't you pleue mall m~ four foxes McClendon• min~ A friend of minto brouaht me bactt 110me whllf' v1111t1n1 out there and I think they are the float I haw~ tuted." from n.. mont, Nebruka ... * * * .......... ..._ .. OJ.- ......... JIIIlMt_. ...... fectlea ........ 11111 ... rt ....... _ ?~ ... • .,._ R nt v kl ......... _,. ...... _.. ........ ,, .. _ ..... __ a.m , n s .. ....._ ............... _.._. * * Shot Is Fired •. Men Chased In Riot: One Arrest Made c..1v1n P. w-. 20. ot 1121 w. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, wu arrested on aJ\ lntox:Jeatlon charae by Newport polite at 2:25 p.m. Sunday tollowina a riot at 28th St. and Balboa Blvd., New· port Beach. , About 15 men In the area d~· pened In all directions when of· fleers arrived. There was broken glasa In the meet. and beer bot· tles and can s littered the area, officers said. OOicer Gerald Irwin fired a shot out to sea over the heads of three men he chased to the beach at 28th St. He returned to the scene with Charles J. Traut· weln, 18. 1769 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa; William D. Under· wood, 18. 1981 Maple St., Costa Mesa. and Arthur S. Jewell, 21, ot 378 La Perle Pl., Costa Mesa. Held at the scene were Samuel F. Kniss of Santa Ana; Bobby E. Cantu of 2674 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, and Calvin P. West. A fight had broken out In an apartment at 2803 W. Balboa Blvd. A bottle was heard to break and a man fell down the stairs from the apartment. He was Injured and apparently wandered otf somewhere. Trautwein, Underwood, JeWell, Kn iss and Cant u told pollee they were going up the stairs when the tight broke out. West Called to pass an intoxication test, of· tlcers charged. The men said they ran because they did not want to become Involved in the To a. Sun cmd Safe. Too ••• FOR ACCIDENTS HAPPEN OAIL Y! Wet atneta. bad brakes. e.erybody lD a buny ••• It caD bappea to you. too. Drtn wttb extra care lD bad w-eatlaR cmd BE Fl1LLT Df. StJB..ED. Let ua tell yoa about oar low-eoet auto J.D.. SW'CIDC» plcma. dlaturbance. All the subjecta. ex· c:ept West. were warned and re· 14tued. Parking Case Vote .Delayed The Newport Beach Planning Commission last Thursday eve· nlng continued the hearlna on Harry Kelso's application for waiver of certain oU street park- lnr requirements for an o(flce and store bulldJng a t 3424 Via Oporto In the Lido Shopping Center. Requirements for this prope rty call for 20~ parking spaces. and the space available would pro· vide room for 16 spaces. The ap- plicant stated that he felt this would be adequate. Fight Breaks Out at Pier · The Commission also: Because both parties Involved e Denied the application of wished to sign complaints, New . Mr. and Mrs. E. 0 . Lawrence to port pollee inade no arrests permit the projection of the sec-among participants In a fight ond story eaves to overhang the at the entrance to the Newport public righ t of way along the Pier at 3:15 a.m. Saturday, South Bay Front Balboa Island, Sept. 10. Cor the property at 1700 S. Bay Dory fisherman Paul T. Pheg · Ft. ley of 222 Knox St., Costa Mesa, e Approv~ tht> application of charged that a group of juve· Glenn Warford to permit five-niles started an argument and foot rear-yard setback In R·l dis· one hJt him In the mouth. His trlct at 2033 E. Balboa Blvd., son, Paul S. Phegley, ran to the Balboa. Baldy's Tackle Store, near the e Denied the application of plt>r entrance, called police and Clair and Zernle Claxton of 127 grabbed some knives oft a show 41nd St.. Newport, for two-car case to protect himself. garage accessory building on Billy Lee Bearbower. 19, of rear portion of vacant corner lot Santa Ana, was one of a group to be used In conjunction with or six Santa Ana a nd one Ana· adjacent two-unit dwelling. heim suspects, pollee charged. e Approved. for six months. "While rominr ott the pier, the application of Jesse Dicken-two men were standing on the son to erect 45-Coot antenna pole beach and one said 'we were at 416 N. Newport Blvd., Newport chicken'," Bearbower charged. Heights. Cor transmlssion of mes-'"Mle older man callP<I me a sages for cab rompany. 'punk' and swung at me so I hit e Approved the application of him and knocked him down. The Charles Duggan to resubdlvi~t> a other called me a name a nd ran. two-lot part•el at 1755 Plaza del I chased him Into a tackle store Sur. Balboa. " and he grabbed two knives and SiiYif T II ,. ...... The Altar Guild Silver Tea to be held next Wednesday !rom 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. will be the high point In the St. James Episcopal Church program for the coming Wt'E'k. The social event will be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Brewer. 129 Via Koron. Lido Isle. came a t me." Wayne Carpenter. 19. of Santa Ana allegedly admitted throw· lng fish poles into the store to confuse Paul T. Phegley so he would not be. able to cut Bear- bower with a knlle. One of the fish poles broke the corner of a show case. pollee said. ~-~ ~'!! JIM WHYTE A baptismal service will be held at St. James at both the 9:15 and 11 a.m. family worship services Sunday. Also Sunday a new clus, entitled the Adult In· 'quire'S Clau will bec:ln at 8 pJn. and meet weel¢f. R. L. Morrison of Bakersfield reported his $27.50 fishing pole broken In the altercation. He was In a cafe next door at the time, unaware of the damage until later. Hawaii Theme • , .. IOehul Jo~ 8, of Santa Ana. ran Into a ata. dbol at '7'00~ Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, at 6:44 p.m. SepL 3 and •uttered a cut armpit and chln which re· qulted 25 ltltches to cla.e. 1be boy wu betna ch ued by hl.l •t.ter, Patty, 8, when he ran lnto the door, breaklna two 10· by•12·1ncb alau panel• from the tWOMIDAY.IU'I'.II; a• toww teetJon of tbe doal' leadlna out f1 the kJtdlen, lnWitlpUna pollee .. ld. They tran.1ported the boy and bta areat aunt. Mta. Ubby MlUdrum ot 700~ Hello· trope Ave., to Hoaa Memorial Ho.pltal. Pollee contacted the parentl of the youth, Mr. and Mta. D. 8. Iones ol Santa Ana. to obtain pennJtalon tor meclJcal car ot the boy. It Really is ()lJ()R /R£1"/ Now you can have the ~-the full ranp of d.co. f'CJ&cw't colcw•...:. the permanence of,.., o4l poim-without ltf'01lQ uftplea•cutt odOf'/ Old Colony'• new odor-free enamels are available lD velve~ flat, aJowinl seml-cloas. and spark.l.lni hqh cloa flnbha ... everythinc you need for the ent.lre bou.e. And, you've the full range of Selec- tone Colen from wbleh to cbooee. Come in Today! Let us help you with your Painting Problems! * A. LEE STUCK. PADfT EZPEBT * Graduate. OLD COLOJn' PAIIIT ICIIOOL At TOal' s.r.bl * * * * WE GIVE CROWN STAMPS ... EYDIDAY laiiAJIDWAU DAr..._ I * *CROWN) HARDWARE* • • • of SCKial DOle lo, ~ 1107 E.UT COAST BJGIIWAY A benefit dance with a Hawal· ________________ .......... ____ ....... ___ ~========================~ ian theme will be held by the .- Orange County Federation of Women·s Clubs junior member· ship at 9 p.m. Friday, SE-pt. 30, In tht> recreation center at Sunny Hills In Fullerton. Les Brown's orchestra will play. ~~W'L BAY NURSERY ~t;~~ The mont>y will be used to help pay the rost of a physlo· therapy swimming pool In Or· ange County. 1t7ST A.BIUVE~KEW TTPE BOUIIIIMLLEA -lorceoa Color! "'Sea.aatloa.. la brick red cmd bcu a l~r $3 70 flower tbcm the ordlDcuy type. • FIVE GALLOJf . . . . .. Mrs. George E. Smith, of 505 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar, fed· eratlon ways and means repre· sentatlve. of the Newport Harbor Junior Ebell. Is selling tickets lo· cally. Mrs. Thomas E. Woodward Lots of Blblac:u.a cmd Olecmden lD bloom . . ... IOc cmd up * LA WJf TOOLS l.OAJfED FJlEE TO CUSTONEBS * of 437 Morning Canyon Rd .. Co· rona Highlands. ls treasurer or A Complete LiDe of Pla:Dta, FertWaen & CardeD Tools DAVIDOW CARLYE DALTON CASHMERES SLOAT SKIRTS HARVEY BERIN and many many more! COIOIA DEL tht> rounty group. It isn't CHRISTMAS . . . yet, but it' a high time you select your new " fall wardrobe. We have a complete ... lection of wonderful fall f a a h i on • frcm budget prices to the f a m o u • labela you read about ••• •.• from llbea 7 to 20, in- cluc:ti.Dg c:uatom baH m. cmd peti .... .JI & OMit..,_ CDII. u- organs. • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gibbons of 440 Carnation Ave., Corona del Mar, returned earlier this month from a holiday trlp to Mexico . They new down and hit the high spots such aa Mexico City a nd Acapulco. Arrangements for the trip were made, of course, by the CD M Travel Service ... Mm. Gibbons ls Coleen-the gal who makes the "C" In C.D.M. Travel Service. Colleen was telllna about an- other fabulous trip belna plan· ned for a fellow Harborlte. Dwight F. MeK.Inney, the author who wrote a controy.nlal eerles of artlcl• on to. Anaeles for tome ol the bla maauJnes, wlll leave h la Balboa Island home Octobel-12 for a na·zar trlp around the world. While he'• "zlutni" Mt. Kc:K.Inney wUJ cover moct of the trouble spots ln the world. lncludlna Indo- nesia, SlniaPCift, Jordan. EaYPt. Cyprus, Yuao-la¥ta. lltanbul and theA.tttcanOout. F• 811 S,ri11 .....,1 PLANT BUUS NOW! • ~ ~ona..-apdacJ Glory. e Dutdl I.rt.-Wqew all. W'htte. T.UOW. • llcmuaaalaa. ·=---. I'Neala. URDEI SIICI IUISERY W. 0 . TOLLI! OPIJI IVJIJ)AT 110 S. Clast IY 4-1212 Every Child . . . Should Have "The Chance. to Dance" dJ.tUUpJ- •·•••1 " .. ·-, Announcea the ()peDID9 ofC'==H • • For legbmer. lntetmectiate, Ad- YGDC'e41 Ncm-Proh-.lcmcd-Pro- M.ioaal. (classes for Mothers & Business Women) Specialized training for the pre- school child from age three. Class& Private Lessons. , IWUMD&T ....... a.l- em~. r oa DJIDaJCKI A daught«, Kimberly Ann. Girl~ Regt.tratlon ot Cub Scouts ot Corona del Mat will take place from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) at the Corona del Mar school. Cub 100uta must be ac- companied by parenta for regl· stratton purpoees. Tht. Friday will be the only time set ulde for reflatratJon. was born to Mr. ind Mrs. Ken· neth Kendrick ot 1300 Dolphin Terrace, lrvtne Terra~. on J'rl· day, Sept. 16, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. ------LEGAl. Jf011CE rN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OP CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. JfElnOJIT IAPTIIT Clll7JICII Dr. lohn E. Dollar. head of the public relations department at the Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Berkeley, wUI speak at the 11 a.m. Sunday service at the Flrst Baptist Church of Newport Beach, 19th St. and W. Balboa Blvd. ln the matter or the estate of JANE MAC A R11flJ R. Deceased. CASE NO. A 26 204 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AS A UNIT AT PRIVATE SALE. Notice is hereby given that on or after October 7, 1955, the undersign@<!. A. K. Phelps, as ad· mlnlst.rator of the estate of Jane MacArthur, deceased. will sell at a private sale, to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation by the above entltl@d Supet"lor Court, all the right. title, lntert>St and estate of the said decedent at the time of her death and all the right. title, and Interest the said estate has. by operation of law or otherwise. acquired other than or In aditlon to that of said decedent at the tlrne of her death, In and to that certain real property located In the City of San Clemente. County of Orange, State of Calltornla. described as follows: O'BRIEN MOTORS 1680 Newport BlYcl. Co.ta Mesa Dodge-Plymouth USED CAl EITU SPECIALS! ·ss Dodge V-8 Lancer Hardtop, black It yellow 2 tone. loaded with extras, low low mileage. ·ss Dodge v -8 Cust. RyL 4 dr., power steering, power brakes, power windows. auto trans. Beautiful! '53' CheY. 4-Door Sedan. red It white 2 tone. power&llde, radio, heat., low m.Ueqe. •53 Plym,outh Suburban Overdrive, radio, heater, low mJleage, one owner. 'S-4 Plymouth Club Cpe. Auto. trans.. 3600 actual miles. You'vt' never ~none cleaner. · ·s2 Cadillac Coupe De VIlle. All the extras. plus alr conditioning. A honey! ·53 Ford V-8 Custom 2 dr., auto. trans., radio, heater, hnmaculate! •49 Chewolet 2-Dr. Sedan, A·l condJtJon through· out. •49 Cbrpler ~Dr. 6 Cyl. The cleanest uled car In Orange County. SEE IT! Lot 16 In Block 23 of Tract TT9. as per map recorded In book 23 pages 19 to 25 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of saJd County. said real property to be sold as a unit together with the furni- ture and fumlshlngs of the houS(' upon said land. said personal property consisting of the follow· Lng : O'Keefe It Merritt stove, Frlgtdalre refrigerator. dining· room table and 5 chairs. sofa, Kimball plano and bench. R.C.A.· VIctor radfo·phonograph, secre- tary and chalr, bookcases, chest or drawers. coffee tables. end table, lamps. twin beds. dresser and stool. easy chair, and mls· cellaneous anaJl I n c I d e n t a I Items. Blda ot often are lnvt~ lot aJd )IIOpeJty and most M ln writing and ma,y be dellven!d to said administrator, at hl.s oltlce at 3429 E. Coast Highway, Co- rona del Mar. Callf .• or may be filed ln the otrlce of the clerk or said Superior Court at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of said sale. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash In lawful money of tht- Unlted States of America, ten per cent ( 1~) of the amount of bid to accompany the offer and the balance to be paid on con- firmation of sale by said Su· perior Court. to exlstlng first trust deed loan, upon which a balance of approximately $4, · 293.40 Is unpaid. Taxes. rents, and Insurance premiums, and operapn.g and maintenance ex· penses shall be prorated as or the date of confirmation of sale. The examination of tltle, record· tng of conveyance and any title Insurance policy shall be at the expense of the purchaser or pur- chasers. Dated: September 20. 1955. e 1•••••1 e 'nl Prtwtallar ·······- • OPEl • FrWar-s.tna, s ••• , 1 to 5 p.m. Located on HARBOR ISLAND ROAD Features: e 2 bedrm. It den e 3 baths • Shake Roof e 2 fireplaces e Lot sizes average 65' x 117' e Beautltul Paneling e Large Sunny Patio e Forced Air Heat. Garbage Dlsposal, Westinghouse DLshwasher e Fine €ablnet Installations e BuiJt.ln Bar It Refrlgeratlon e Built-In Electric Stove It Oven e DellghUully decorat@d e Expensively Landscaped e Restricted area DEVELOPED BY CLA.RENCE L. COOPE'B, INC. BUfLT BY JOHN B. CL.ABK QUALITY BUILDER • • • F<;?r preview showing To QuaJltl@d clients Call John Abell 111111 IIVESTIEIT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone U &.5386 UIE ALSO COIUI.En SEUCTIOJII OP QOOI) A. K. PHELPS 1 small Stelnway, like new as administrator of the estate $1500. 1'1IAIIIfOIITATJOJif CAJII of the above nam@d decedent. 1 only, uaecs Maple Spinet. A. K. Ph~ps on:a KYU. & S11JmAT attorney at Jaw ••••••• ,._ C.. 3429 E. Coast Highway IJI-7212 Corona del Ma.r, Call!. Harbor 338'l Publl.sh: Sept. 22. 29, 1955. 2610 E. Coast B'wy., COM In the Newport Harbor Ena:__....:lgn:_·.:......__,...=========~ RO.SES FALL SALE TREES GRADE NO. 1 PATENTED ROSES IN 5 GAL CAMS At I.E8S THAN BARE ltOOT PRICES. Chrysler tmperi&l. ee.c&n.10 PUJu, Forty MIMI', n.tfan.r, SUtfin Gold., Pln.kle, Ullbet, Oataetta and IDOI'e. tl = ...... us ..,. Fruit Tr ... iD s.GaL Ccma Royal Apricot -----1.49 Bahcock Peach _ _.. Nectarm. 1A9 1.49 Pnm. ).It Plow&ilag hacb 1.79 ,1 ................ -.... ..... ... _, 8flll--. -.-. .. ....... ..... ....... f(5,000, Submit down. • • • lAY liliES 3·bttdr. home, larp rooms. protected patio, attractively pdced at 124.750 Eatt w ...... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 177~. eves. Rubor 5359 FOI UIE: ., , ... , Corona del Mar, con sl cte1 '1bls BALBOA ISLAND HOME. 3· bedrm.a., 1 ~ bat.ha, choice location, 2 patios, over sl zed ~ara~t>. shore mooring with t iber· glaa boat. COMPLETELY fur n . rrv, Jlnens., b 1 a n k e t s . beach equip., paddleboards, etc.) All For $25,000. Terms. • ISLAID REALTY CO. fAG& ··- "Half-Way to Heaven" •'START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE "Southern California's Most Beautiful SubdJvt.sJon" OVERLOOKlNG YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMEs AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFrED FLOOR PLANS 3 .... 2 .. .., 498 Park, Balboa Island HA 3TI Tu tht> home buyer who wishes to purchase In the S2-Hl00 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the l rvtne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. modem home, turn. rental apt. attached ... close to Harbor View School and pro. posed parochial school ... everythtnr buUt.Jn Including dl.shwasher, dlsl>osal. etc. En-closed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. r oa SAL.E IEIL VALUES! Brand new wrou·aht Iron OJ. nette set. Formica top exten- sion table, 4 chairs. foam rubber seats. 5 Pc. set, only $49.95. Serve) automatic lee maker, double · door refrigerator; floor demonstr-ator. Don't ml..sa thls ... $100 discount! Brand new Bunk Beds com. plete with guard ralls, lad- der and factory rebuilt mat- t:rt"sses; Complete . . . only $49.95. SPECIAL! FormJca top step End Tables or Coffee Table; Reg. $11.00 ... Cb~. each only $7.95. NEW S · drawer knee · hole desk ; blonde, walnut or maple finish, choice, only $19.95. GRANT'S Fl1UITUU & A.PI'LlMCES 1500 lfewport llYd. COSTA MESA BAUOI Oceau Frtll Rllllli Cheaper than traller space (even from the City of Nt>W· port). $600 a year, all utili· ties furnished. Adults only. These Apartments ofler "Sea, Sand and SolJtude" (Balboa bas everything.) See your Crlendly landlord. BIIJDA PDIIT IPTS. 1115 E. Ocean Ft .• Balboa FUSIII Select Corona del Mar ln· come p-roperty. The keys are yours for $2.800 down. l.eeCIIIJiffice Z7Zl E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor0846 IEFIIE YIU IUY -liY OPEN HOUSES SA 'MJRDA Y It SUNDAY 1-5 p.m. N£W · PORT ISLAND DUPLEX at 401 38th St .. 3 bedr. It 2-bedr. units. Price $21,500. New Loan for $12.000. 4.BEDR. It DEN VIsta Tract homt' at 2043 Pres ident PI . Costa Mesa. A-1 cond. Full price $11 ,900. Low down payment ... owner anxious to sell. NEWPORT HEIGHT'S. 40S Rolmwood. Spacious 2·1ev~l home, 3-bedr., 2 bath.s. 3-car garag., fenct'd. over 1.600 sq. ft. In home. A·l cond .. $24.500. Will trade for smaller home In Hts. area. LIBERTY 8-5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 Npt. Blvd., Costa Mesa 3420 W. Balboa Blvd, Npt. Bay Front-pier and slip. 4·bedrs .• 3 baths. extra large living room, nice kJtchen. Comptetely furnished. $ll,fiOD BAY _.lOCH IEALn Harbor U64 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Ba I boa. Callt. ME • TIOSE PIPUUI "Inrram"-bullt 2·bedr. homes. Rustle design. 4·yrs. old., dble. gar., large patio. In exceJient condition. Owner transferred to England. Priced for quick sale! " ...... Very good terms See Mr. Erhardt with E.U•EII REALTOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Coast Highway. Corona ~~ Mar Rubor 24.22 TOTAL nJCE JtO.SOO -···· xat Ran. .¥4.. ao.t. Mea Ubert)' a.c?l~: t.n.r1:.J 1-ml. Harbor 30M-II ....,..., ART C. KlSTLER CO., REAL EST ATE _, These homes feature California li\ ing. OUered exclu- sJvt'ly th.rough Earl W. Stanl«.>y In a Smog.Free area known as lrvlnt' Terrace-on Coast Highway opposJte the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. • For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in l rvtne Tt'rrace, Beacon Ba y, Bayshores or Clltt Haven. THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther Information 8 .. UlniiS WilTED We •• ill .... If CM lislilp illlia.,... Plt>ase phone Harbor 17H or Harbor HTI and one ot our rourteous salesmen will bt' glad to asslst you In listing your property for sale or rent. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST RWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 c•au DEL 111 .at HOUSE .... ,,-21 ...... 'OAJIUA 531 HA2'ZL DIUVE IDIIIaSII, ...... 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Island. Harbor 502 ----------------------- COIOU DEL Ill Built by "JE:'\KI:-lS" 3 le~r. •••e. lictly 'la11NN1, IIIII 1Hr1Ctite. Furnace h«.>at. hardwood floors. 2-car gar .. lovely yard, 'Full prlct' $15,500-E.xet'llent te-rms. 607 POINSE171A SHOWN BY APPOJNTMiiiNT WI. W. SAlFORD, Rellllr And Associates 1306 Park Avt'. Balboa Island-Harbor 2462 r• COSTA IESA LOCAnOI DriYe ., 478 E. 21st. SL 2 b<-drm ... and dt-n 15( sq ft lar£t> sparious rooms O\'f't 2 baths onl) 2 years old Prl<'t'd for tmml'fi•ate sal('. l"lt>ase call tor apJ'lOtntment to SN' W. A. TOBIAS, halter -yvu'll Ukt> our trhtndly service 400 E lith ~~ Costa Me~a U~yS.UJ9 ----------------------- UCI BAY IlEA Lot }~' X 252' on St>wer!l . ran tw dlvldE'd Into 2 lots. ....... rt .. II $1,GOO wIth t t'Tl'OS .. , .......... ....., 1~ Newport Blvd Costa Mna. Wbttrty 8·1161 , .. CISllE • TIE .. c. .. ,.. •••• _, A Ku.ltl~ u.tin.IR.Mltot een 8how 7'0U a wtclit ~ ol tM rbotoalt vafuea In your~ ranae. AND HB DOW'S ROW TO DUW UP <X>Iii'J'Ucft FOit 11IE MOST C01fVI:NU2CT TaMS. -. ••• • / ......................... ENSIGN CLASSIFIED I'!! CASH BATES fOR ENSIGN WANT ADS 20 words or less ___ _ 1 Time .75 1.00 1.25 .03 2 Times 1.25 1.50 2.00 3 Times 1.50 2.00 2.50 21 to 30 word~s ___ _ 31 to 40 words ----Each word over 40, __ _ .05 .07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion ... ~······ .. ~·····~· .. ·· IlEAL ESTATE & llE.IfTALI SMALL APT. for rent. cooking factlltlea, private bath, private entrance, 616 Goldenrod, COM. See after S p.m. HA :5684. 2-BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patio, auto. washer, dlshmaster, ga. ra&e, 1n Beacon Bay, Pvt. beach, small boat tJe-up. Win- ter rental $100 mo., yrly. $150. UUI. pd. No pets. AvaU. Oct. 15. HA. 1.240. FOR LEASE: OFFICE suitable !or MD.; Eatr, nose and throat doctor, dentist, lawyer. Corner .. •VSJNESS O .. OIITtJIIITIEI FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES see Mr. Lee Casey. 2721 E. .Coast Hwy., CDM. SUP FOR RENT, will take cruta. er. N.B. Reas., safe and clean. Harbor 3173-R between 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. or Uberty 8-5691. of Goldenrod It Coast Hlwy., American Legion 215 15th St. CDM. Drapes It carpeting In-h ed 8 eluded. Key at Mr. Cameron's. Meetings 2nd 4t W · p.m. Write, 2860 Mill Creek Rd., B.E.LP WAKTED Mentone, calli. Call: Mentone --------------------- 8-5631. 2-BEDRM. house, furn.. or un· turn. Yearly lease. LI 8-2398. 417 ~ Hellotrope,,_C.:,.D::.,M~. ::-:----,:- TUJUNGA HEALTH ZONE (asth· m atlcsl. Dry. no smog or fog, 2500' elevation. Secluded, 3· bed.r. home. 1 yr. old on ap- prox . 2 acres. Panoramic view. Quality construction. $39.500. Also six secluded house sites, oak trees, springs, 1 to 4 acres. Must see to appreciate. Sell or trade tor Bay Front property, liveable sa I I boat. FLorida 3-5323. FOB SALE FINE QUALlTY lady's suit, dark maroon cha.rmeen. size 16. Phone Harbor 1046. LATE '47 FORD Convertible. $295. Call eves. U 8-5425. HAMMOND ORGANS. World fa- mous. All mode ls. Also several bargains In used organs. You can save on these fine organs. Danz Schmidt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace calderhead Jeweler, 31.23 E. Coast Hwy., COM. BABY GRAND. Spedal. Only $495. Good tone atnd action. Biggest stock of wonderful grand pianos In Orange Coun- ty. Terms Danz Schmidt Great Plano and Organ Store. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. SNOWBr RD Wl-..:.TH..!!.::.;..:.s:....a_ll_s.-$60""=-. ""'c,....a~IJ Ha 1252-M alter 6:30 P.M. ELECTRONIC ORGAN. Save $410. Easy Terms. Danz Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. llome of th<' Ha mmond Organ. '48 FORD ronvertiblt>, radio, hPatf'r. good tin's. Make offer. Harbor 41 59-W morning or be· twf't'n 5 and 6. SPINET P fA N 0 S. Wondf.'1'ful buyc:: Somf' s lightly da maged In s hipmC'nt. Renta l returns and trarlf' Inc: on organs. Mirror TypP Spint-L<: as lnw as $195. Easy tNms. Dan7 Schmidt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Home of th<' Hammond Organ. PERSONAL ----------------- TRADE "rN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so m uch more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace Calderbead, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. . SITOAnONS WMTED YOUNG WOMAN with 10 years Mtpeorlf'nce as ex~utlve secre- tary and gen'l office, wants Harbor area employment. Ref· erences. HA 0193-J. WANTED: Ironing in my home. Mabel Whitman, 607 Margue- rite, CDM. HA 4.279-J. WOMAN TO live In with elderly woman. Board. room, and small salary. NJce accommoda- tions. HA 1248-M. EXPER. WAITRESS wanted for Catering work. Mostly evening work. Apply Dorothy Marston, The Gourmet's Kitchen, 37CJT E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. HELP WANTED: Apt., board and salary for younge couple or 2 girl students. HA 2897. I iris-' YOU wUI have atn opportunity to advance in our firm. because ot our present expansion program. The starting salary Is good and you w1ll receive fre- quent increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE LOST AJm FOtnm SEJIVJCES lotie Project•• FOR RENT ' 8-MM 16-MM 35·MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies lean C•era ao, 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8-7042 HAVE YOU SEEN? The new Watches. Diamonds, Wedding Rings, Costume Jewelry and Clocks ... Car. rled by Ray Fields at his new store. RAY FIELDS WATCH REP AIR No Longer at Udo Drug see him at new location In the "Vista Sbopplng Center." 19th St. at Placentia, Costa M 6&. e Phone Uberty 8 8488 e COMPLETE PAIN11NG PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. Newport Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Ucmaed Contractor CDM man would like gardenJng. clean-up, etc. C&U HA 5684. Mel Upshall. 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa N JSCEu.A.IfEOtJS WTLL TRADE Automatic D111b· washer. Youngstown, for rug and playpen or a ccept reas. offer. HA 5983-J. $5 PER MO. RENTS good practJce plano. Let the kJddlea learn. All terms rent If you buy later. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pia~. Home of the Hammond Orgatn. Liberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 REPAIR AND Maintenance , painting, carpenter etc. Juat anything. Beuonable. SatJs. faction ruaratnteed. HA 01.26-J. CIOIDI.Kft LAJfDICAPIIfG IDVJ<:a FREE anMATES s.\H Green stamps Free deUvery COBONA DEL MAR NUR.3ERY B.A 1038 7744 E. Cout Hwy. IIIIELII'I -BT•..-.a. Chef Accused After Beating A complaint chardnJ battery hu ~n alped ttpinst Iftlnet.h Hall of Santa Mbnlca, a ebef 1n the Hurley Bell Inn, Corona del Mar, by Fratnk Valdez, 33. of South La~na. PoUeet were ttven the warrant to eerve Saturday. Valdez charged that the chef struck him tn the kitchen of the Inn on Saturday ~~. Sept. 3. Pollee said three stitches were ta ken In the rigbt upper Up of Valdez In Hoag Memorial Hos- pital to close the wound. Watters and the kitchen staff broke up the fight. pollee said. Valdez was working as a walter In the Inn at the time ol the fight. It atllrted following an argument concerning a misunderstanding ot dinner orders. while the chef wa.a busy making up about 100 orders, pollee said. BirtWap ....... Here Ali II .... , A recent celebration at the John Trebler residence, ~ Bay- view Ave., Corona del Mar, was a birthday party for Mrs. Trebler. The pllrty was a duo celebration halt-way 'round the world be· cause the same Important date was celebrated In Norway, where Mrs. Trebler's twin sister Uves. Mrs. George Stevenson of Corona del Mar and a number of Nor· weglan friends [rom Los Angeles were guests of the John Treblers. No. A 26178 l'fOTIQ TO CU:DITORS ESTATE OF HaJTtet M. Ferrell DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors or and all persons having claims against the said decedent or said estate to tile them with the n~essMY vouch- ers In the ottlce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California. or to present the same, wJth the necessary vouchers, to the under- signed at his or her place of business. to-wit: ~ % A. K. Phelps, 34.29 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Callf. within s ix months alter the first publication ot th111 notlce. Dated September 19, 1955. Beatrice F. Spencer Administratrix of the Estate of said decendent. A. K. Phelps Attorney at Law 3429 E. Coast HJgbway Corona del Mar, Cal.lf. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13. In the Newport Batbot EnsiiJL save rnone y I If T E 81f AT IOifAL U:PU· SEifTATIVE M tM ..... d.l.· tnc:t ............. IMid .. lf...,..t ..... Ocw.r ' to .. wW ......... IC.IIdNd C...· dell. ...ww pabUc -.at· c.t o1 oa hdlt. DL a..s tr..· ...._ol&.t.lll ....... fr=t A cia.... __ .._ of tiNt Oak hltr &oat. Club. Klaa ClaD· dal1 baa ..... ~ tnauJw ablce 1151 ....... mn.u.ct Ia U.. Ualteci Stat. Clad cdwoad Ylaitlag &oatcl ClW.. IIU. ClaDda11 MIMCI ber CICCOGIIti.D9 .,.._ aaavaa CWD IGade Ia Dlgllt lldaool wb.Ue bo141a9 dow1a a full time job dutq tbe day. Slae leiter coatlaaed a.-DJ.pt madlea aatU au r.-ftd bet C.A de· vne 1roaa tbe tJDI.....tty of n. llao1L "What's Doing In Our Schools?" wJll be the topic at the noon meeting today (Thursday) of the Newport Harbor Kiwanlt Club at the VIlla Marina RestauranL Vlce-p.rlnclpal Joe Hamblet wiU speak for the High School, Supt. Roy Andersen tor the New· port Elementary Schools and Vlce-PresJdent James Thornton tor Orange Coast College. All three speakers are members of the Kiwanis Club. Investment Lecture Series To Begjn Tuesday .at OCC An lnwement 1ec:ture Mrlee Other lecture. 1n the eerie~ few a4u.lta wUJ 8tatt at Oranp wtU be held on Oc:tobti-4, n, 11. Cout Collep -ru..la.y eventq. Z5 and M'ovember 1. Subjlcta to ;::=::::=:=:=::=::::::=::;::::;. at 7:.30 p.m. be tl'eated durtq theee lecture~ Dr. lobn Cladelll._. .,...._,. wtD be anal)'dn1 and appralt- ot tlnanee at U.c.LA., wW be the lnJ eecurftl-, the effect o1 ou:r nnt ape&ker. Be wfll talk on teo~ on inw.tmenta, Invest· 'Work o1 Stock ltxdlan,a and Ina few appreelatloo and tn. Procedul'8 tn ~ ... Of· come, man._tnc lnvestmenta, flees.'' atnd recommended eecurlt lea. Mesa Kiwanis To Fete Kids Approximately 3,400 school chtldren are expected to partlcl· Speakers .-tao wtiJ a ppear on aublequent ptO~I'N are John L. Kerr, president ot Jterr atnd Com- pany; Loult Zltnlk. Investment analyft. and Alfred B. Post, P~MI· dent, L. A. Society of Security Analyata. All meetlnga wtU be held In the Art ~ter Gallery. pate Satutday In the Costa Mesa ......_ U • KJwanls Clu\) Natlonal Klda' 1-......... Day. Admisalon to aU events Ia ... ..........:.... PMI.III a Klda' Day button which cost. n-_ ____ _ 10 cents. the tunda to be used for Newcomers at 1759 Mlrllmar local Klwanls youth services, ac· Dr., Balboa, are Mr. and Mrs. Bgin & Hamilton Watches Oiomonda Mountings Wallace Calderhead JEWELER 3 I 23 E.at C:O.tf Hi9hwey Coro~~e del ~., a. .......... YARN SHOP cordlnc to Dav~ Gardner, chair-Arthur Llljenwall and famUy, rJC7 I. c..t 11.1t11••1 man, and Gordon SeYert.a, publl-who hall from Pasadena-way. C:C.O.. del .._. IIA _, city director. The famUy Includes also aona Knlttlnc, Crochetlnt atnd Dr. Robert Andkws, co-chair· Robert, 13 year• old; Steph~. 4, Needlepoint Supplies man, wtll dJ.rect the chUdren at and Eric, 6 month&. Knlttlng Bap the Mesa Theater at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Ltljenwal lt with the air- to see a motion picture ahow. plane hardware division of Clary Spec~J~~rlea ''The Plunder-en" will be tea-Corp .. a manufacturing flrm In tured at the Costa Mea main San Gabriel; and he commutes BOVD school under the direction ot to work dally. He atnd his f~tmlly Mon. tb.ru Sat. 10 a.m. \o !5 pJn. Herb Ward. used to live In the Harbor Area A Classified Ad in ,he &lsiqn Klwanlan Bill Johnson wllJ before, untll he entered the Navy brinqs tmmediote results! CaN head the committee supervising for a tour of duty In 1952. Harbor I I 14-1115 and orove ifl the running and jumplng con---------------_:_:...:..::....:...::..:_.:....:.._:.....:.._.:....:.._..:......:.:..:.:.....:~:...:...:.....:..:..: tests at the Costa Mesa Park. WllJard Courtney will aupervlle pony rides at Bay St. and New· port Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tom de Forest, club president. w111 be In charge of the kids at tbe Harbor Roller Rink. Chuck Lewis, swim commJttee chairman will super· vtse kJd swimmers In the Orange Coast College pool. The events will be conducted from 1 to 4 p.m. FBEJifCB a.ASSES SET French classes designed for those who expect to travel are being offered Jn the adult edu· calion program at Orange Cout College, taugbt by Mrs. Hilda Everett of Santa Ana. Beginning French will be taught from 7 to CDM TRAVEL SERVICE ISal!a E. eo.t Bwy .. c.o.a cW ~ ... 9 p.m . each Thursday and Inter· ;:=====:::================== mediate French from 7 to 9 p.m. each Tuesday. • • • • The area·• moat convenient abopping center • • • . • . on Newport Blvd. above the Arches. acroa the Freeway from Hoag HospitaL JOHN VOGEL. Realtor 2nd Fl.OOR CROSSROADS VILlAGE BLDG. PHONE Uberty 8-1617 STOP WORRYING STAll~ LIYIN8 ••• ... r-------.. 1 .. '. ••••• ... ,_ IWIIe Frlllhlc ........... FIIIM •ow IJf ""T'Tie c: ••* ·~ IDa rtr l-1117 Mill. If ........... .. lml'l ...... , ..... _. bat N1W ••• ALI'A•C. fi.UI ( ....... ). tl Ml· _. '1111 I ola ....................... 1a w1Uew ................ "'C. .. lit • ... .. •• ....ly ..... 0::1& ............. • 0 II ••-d1ea ..t. lfOW Qf aTOCZ. . . _ Rwwport Rarhor ~ L&AYK~OO.O.~~UA~DDKLELi.u~•u~.-~~=::=.:=:==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;:=:=:=:=::~· .... _ da~h=~=--~~-:: Ffoin the POUCE ·BLOnEi Jean Boosey =~a~ ........ inovtn• to p.... · . Hurt in Crash 2 More Store s •WKDaUDAT. lEn. Jt Cal'l dtlven by Richard L. Van· lAY IT wrn1 lean D. Booeey, 17, of 3405 Fourth Ave .. Corona del Mar, .uf. fered a rtpt knee Injury In a two-car aor:1dent at Coast Hwy. and Kareuertte Ave., Corona del Mar, a t 8:05 l>.m. Sunday. . Slated for Lido (enter • Two permits were laued dur- lne the past week for office and store buUdJngs In the Lido Sb<ip. ping Center -at 301 and M32 VIa Oporto. The pennlts, udl valued at $30.000, were l•ued to Edwin Munt~ey and Harry Ketso. Permits during the past w~ totalled ~ $150,000, brine· inc the September record close to a half million dollars. e aAI.-oA COVU Arthur Caron, seawall at 62 Balboa Coves, $344; Jay Stowell, guest room at 41 Balboa Coves. $(,125. e II'EWJ'Oirf HEIGHTS C. L. Blood, two aviaries at rear of J>('t shop. 447 N. Newport Blvd .. SUXX>. eaALBOA F. Way, alt~ratlons at 1513 E. JAMES D. RAY l446 E. COAST KWY .. A car atolen from the Theo derpool, 14, of 2369 Harbor Blvd., Roblna car lot at 3100 W. Cout eo.ta Mesa. and Walter McPher· IIV·• Newport Bftch, wu re-eon. ~ ot. to. AlamJtoe. were ~ In a parkJna lot at the Involved In an acx:Jdent at "M" ~ar of the Marlner'a Bank near· St. and Balboa Blvd., Balboa ... bY . • . OOlcera were unable to OUktn examlnecl the home of locate a man expc~GD• htm.lf Mn. F. M. 81labH of U1 Seaward to two )'OUnl clrll nev the eut ld., Corona Blcbland.l, absent In end ot Dodee Hall on the Lacuna. a.ttet a nela,hbor, Mn. JrOUnda of Newt~Grt Harbor Lee Jac:ktlon ol 445 Seaward Rd., Unlon Hleh School . . . Bert reported tlndlne the front door Hammond of 416 Orchid Ave., open on two ocx:ulona, but with ~na del Mar, eave pollee four no aten of a forced entry ... A rocka about alx' Inches ln dla· Coata Mea boy, 17, waa arrested meter which were toaaed Into hit In the Hurley Bell Inn pa.rktna ~!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ c:ar. breaklne out a window . . . lot Corona del Mar, at 2:10 a.m . li Edward McCabe of 460 N. N~· on charges of lntoxJc:aUon In port Blvd .• Newport Helehts, waa auto, reslstlne arrest, curfew vlo- anestecf on battery and lntoJd." latlon and possession of an· alco- The (irl wu rtdlng In a car driven by Dorothy W. Brisbin, 28, of 717 Marguerite Ave .. Co· rona del Mar. which was hit by a car driven by Germand Dicarlo of 420 E. 17th St., Costa MHa, pollee sal~. Wltneues told pollee that the Brlabtn vehlcJe was travellne without lights at the tlme of tbe acc:tdent. Th~ Injured girl was taken home for care by a family physician. e•EWPOJIT William Richardson. wall at 4806 Seashore, $240; lrvtne Co., fence along Jl)l Bayalde Dr .. $110; Edwin Munsey, :l-story commercial building at 3424 VIa Oporto, $30,000; Harry Kelao. 2· story commercial building at 3432 VIa Oporto. $30.000; K. 0 Farnsworth, add to aarage at 1019 W. Bay Ave., $500; W. K Lewis, alterations at 9M · W ~an Pt., $1,000. Balboa Blvd .. $700; John Flotten. re-roof at 312 E. Bay Ave .. $600; William Plowden. alterations at 2132 E. Ocean, $2.500; Joseph Putnam. 6-room. 1 ·Story. l ·unlt dw~ll lnr at 429 M St .. $15.400. CORONA OEJ. MAR HAttM.r 476J a...lde-: H~ 41 .. •J·····~ 31._ ....... 1• cation on private pr o p e rty hollc beveraee and was released 2 G·1 rl 5 0 1111 charges by Newport pollee after to h'-mother later to appear In eny hll wife, Marjorie McCabe, juvenile court when notified ... T e h e IALBOA ISLAJfD signed the complaint charelng Richard J. Fowler, 18 and Rene ry• ng T eft that he beat her. . . J. Boullet, 19. First Marine Divl· u••···~~~ e TIIUIIIDAT, SEn. 15 slon, Camp Pendleton, were ar· Two West Newport sisters. 7 and t denied attemptJng to push dowd' a n elderly Newport man Friday to get his billfold. claim· Dr. E. 0 . Lawrenre, 2·story, 2· unit dwelllng at 1700 S. Bay Ft .. $8.000; V H. Gunderson. carport at 124 Arate, $450; Mrs. Conely, flagstone at 302 Grand Canal, $380; Ralph Edwards, addition at 314 Sapphire. $1,000; R. S. Cook, partitions at 302~ Marine. $100; Allen Campbell. !lr~plare at 301 Onyx, $500; Hal Will Smith, drain at 203 Marine. SJOO; Robert Haas. addition and alterations at s,r. 10-YE.D LOU Construction Locma S,r. a.T&A.B LOU W. Stuart Foote of 416 Fuller· r~ted on car tampering charges ton Ave., Newport Helehts. ureed at 10:39 p.m. for alle&edly siphon- pollee to Install stop signs and (Continued on Pap 10) .__,. ~~~nt~;ss;~l~~~';'~~:lg~7s; Balboa Boy. 8 lng they wer~ only teasing, In· vestleaUng Newport pollee re· ported. e COBOII'A DEL MD F. W. Gloege. dweUinr at 236 Heliotrope, $19.000; Wilma Q. W. Patton. dwelling at 408 Avocado. $19,400; Paul Holder, door at 222 Hazel. $350; B. Busheft. patio at 712 Jumtne. $250. SEE aoa IA'J'TI.Jm Poirier leltpp II. b e c au • e approximately 100 ~iiiiii~i:iiiiiiiiiii~ ICbool children board btuee there . • . Delores Baltena at Sf k b C The man, Ed WorraU. 84. of fUC y ar 125-25th St., Newport Beach. said I he WaS e iven a ShOVe from be· 2515 E. eo.t lhry .. Q)ll Pia. IIA ,.. m s.saa Largest and M ost Complete Furniture Store in the Area. Cell for fr" DECORATING SERVICE liberty 8-5518 Furnishings for homes. clubs. yachts. 3017 W. Coest Highwey Newporl Beech VAN'S CLEANERS ")0 Yun' &perience Perfecting Superior Clu ning Creft,men,hip" WE FEATURE Cereful Hendlin9 of All De licate Febriu. S.eded & Lace Garmenh DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV- ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING -AlTEilA· TIONS-AEPAIIt1NG. Phone Herbor Sl52 Pod Up & Delivery Service O pen 8 e.m. to 5:30 p.m. -Sa turdey, 8 e.m. to 2:30 p.m.- 3421 E. Coed Hwy.: Cerone del Mer -~--- Standard S b a cJ e Cloths a.nd eu.tom SpedaW.. e Drapery H at d ware e VenetlaD B11D4a. ~'-g~ S/u,p * .... de tbe * Ca1J haOUb 11A .. 01 u.s lt... •...-t .... 61.2~ Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del Mar, reported a skunk In her ea· rage ... Arthur S. Jewell of 378 La Perle Pl .. -co.ta Mesa, and a juvenile were booked on charees of drlnklnl ln public In the Merle'a Drive In parking lot, Co· rona del Mar ... Mrs. Ruth Jor· dan of 111-Jlst St., Newport Beach. reported the 1068 of a shotgun . . . A pedestrian eros· aJng stgn was seen nylne tbroueh the air In front of the Yellow Cab office 3137 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, after being bit by a car ... Mrs. Murray G. Brown of 306 Sapphire Ave., Bal· boa Island, reported that some· one broke eggs on the rear steps of her apartment ... e rmDAY, SEn. 18 .Robin .Lee Field, 8. of 503 hlnd but did not go down. He Ed,ewater Ave .. Balboa, sutfered saJd a try was made to ger-Ms minor Injuries when hit by a car billfold but he kept his hand on while riding h.. bicycle on It and believed that the girls Island Ave., Balboa, at 7 p.m. were only playlne. Officers In· Sunday. tervlewed the elrls before their The car driver, Charles D. Bra· mother and step-father. A stern den, 24, of Orange, said be was warning wu gtven both girls traveling slowly on Island Ave. and their parents advised to between Bay Ave. and Edge-keep a close watch on both girls. water Ave. when the boy rode his bicycle out of a driveway be· tween two pa rked cars. He was not able to see the boy until the lru~tant before the Impact. The motorist took the boy to a physl· clan for treatment. $1,311 ........ ~ For ICC • .._, Daniel VIne, 50 of Chula VIsta, Leu~ ... wu picked np In front of the .,. ~ Stae Bar. Newport Beach. at 1.2:54 a.m., suffering convulsions after ddnklng a pint of rubbing Mr. Dick Hoffman alcohol and was taken to Hoae Newport Harbor Enslen Memorial Hospital for tuatment Dear Dick: • and wu later moved to Orange J ust finished readlng your County General Hospital ... Roy article In your "Calltne C. Q." H. Keene of 1576 E. Ocean Front, of September 1st on Disneyland. Balboa. reported finding two Thank you Indeed tor this holes In the windshield of his wonderfully falrmlnded type ot BACJ[ P110X ll'u.ASL\ car parked In front of h is home, story on the park. We hope you Arden Cannon of Newport apparently caused by bb shots ... wUl vtalt us again and again. Heights and Corona del Mar Is ------------------------ .......... j .... l1 field at Er~ll'' 205 Topaz. $2,8)0 . (Metro LIJe ~ r.M.) -................................. . Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCIS-AIJ. SI'Z£!LAU TYPES Cars driven by Tom Pearson Let us know before hand when back In the Harbor Area after of 133 VIa Jucar, Udo Isle. and you plan to come. a flying trip to visit his old JAdi:MD 7~ .,.ber1y a.G7M Pfc. B. M. ruuenbotham of the Incidentally, you '"-Y be In· home town and all h is relatives lOG KaWJ& ,._._ a. L ...._ ._.. ._ f'lnt · Martne DtYial~ Camp tenM.ed to know that we .,e ;baA~c~k~ln~N~ebr~&.lk~r.a..~::;;;;;;;;::;;::;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:;;;~~~~~~;;;~~~~ hnclleCoo. were lovolwd tn an planDlftl' to aoclt the "1Uven ol accldent at Cout Rwy. and Bay-America .. with blueclll -don't aide Dr., Newport Beach . . . know lf thb Ia a relative of the Donald Smlth of 1125 W. Balboa catfish as all my expeditions Blvd., Newport Beach, report~ have been confined to salt water that his wife aaw a suspicious debacle. m an wandering around In front Again, many thanks. of their home and maU box a nd Sincerely, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ that he missed S30 lrom his wal· Edwin D. Ettinger r let . . . Officers warned three Public Relations Director SAVE SAFELY At Orange County·, Leading Home lending htttitutlon CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO S I 0,000 All AccOUtth ~.4 On or lefor• The I Oth of the Month Ea"' froM the ht. 112 OMiill Au I I i LAeuNA I~ .... HY4-1111 Lido Isle boys, 13, 14 and 16. Dlsneyland about shootlne a BB J"Un at soda pop bottles In the bay In front GtaL. 13, FOO'lm 011' BEACB of 439 VIa Udo Soud. Udo Isle WJTB MA.aDO: AI'TEil cv.FEW . . . Maggie M. Miller of 182ni W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. reported her daughJer. Dawn Rose Miller. 15. was miMing, be· lleved to have run away lrom home ... e SA'I'UaDAT. SEPT. 17 Officers confl5eated a BB gun from a Lido Isle youth; Harold cahill of 529 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, chari"ed that the youth tired BBs Into his boat, boat cover. a box on the doc~ and Into a win· dow ... Officers conflscatt"d a BB gun from a Corona del Mar boy. 10, after Mrs. Mary E. Smith ot 501 Fernleal Ave .• Corona del A Santa Ana gtrl. 13, was held on a charge of curlew violation by Newport pollee at 3 a.m . Sept. 11 at Ocean Front and Channel Rd., Balboa. She was In the com· pany of an El Toro marine. Atter an Investigation the girl ad- mitted having an Intimate rela- tionship with the marine on a blanket near the water, the po· lice said. The girl's mother was contacted. Officers said they doubted lf she would sign a sta· tutory rape charge against the 1 marlnt". feeltng her daughtt"r was as much to blame as the marine. Mar, complained that two BB r,;;:;;:;:;;:;:;;::;;:;:;;:;:;;::;;::;;:;:;;::;;:~ shots we~ fired at her ho~ by harbor photo lab one of a group of tour boys ., .. Bill BelUnget of 613 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. gave pollee a nickel plated 32 cal. re<VOlvet which he found whUe dleaing clams In the mud In the back bay "ill way between the shell plant and aalt plant ... . . . Bill Goodacre of the Market Spot Liquor StoTe, Balboa Island, ~ported that a .IJ'OUP of boys tn a yellow convertible car threw a box of be« cans Into the atreet there and headed toward the llalboa Ialand brtdee ... Oftl· cera disposed ot a dead akunk found In the back yard of the ~ of R. E. Blrtc:her, 601 Poiuettia Ave .. Corona del Mar • . . Men enga1ed In horse-play broke elaaes In Karam'a Rest· aurant. Balboa. at 1.2:42 a.m .... liiJIIY Paula Tlaa. 18, ol Brent· wood. ,... taken by ambulance from 338 Dahlia Ave .. Corona del Mar~ to Boaa M~lal ~ttal aft« abe C!Oiftplatne4 of abdoml· nal palM ••. An ul\kJiowo oc- cameras repairs rentals fast COLOR SERVICE 3121 E. Coast Hwy. CDM ~ ol a ear atlelllptal tiD ....a 1M ,.... of Kn. P. L. ~==-=~==:..:=~ IADdtll-of 121 ......... AYe.. ~ .,.., lq Avoe. and .._~......._uU.•eu 15 ......... \W •.. .. -.~ ... A...U_,.-dr~bY AI~ 01... Dr •• ... .,......,.. .. ._-...acr•· oa..-Jt wU .,.,.... at the .-tla. biiiiMct Gill tit M toamlnl e.~T •••• 1 • W _.. run· -. ... crt r ~· ............ ~10 ......... -., •• Or.-· -... , .... a.,..rt O.spla .. ~s..- CASH~- .;,.., .w w• lcNseiWatt •••=••ta .; •• , ....... d .. .;,...-, .... c• np•• .; .... ,...._ ,.., .. ,..,._ , ... , .., ., ..... SPECIAL LONG ftllMS •tMI DIPRIIIICI WIN IIMOMD'I Nl !f•+!r • . • . • . • • . • • • • • . • • • • ''I'm a new k;d in the neighborhood!'' ~owdy, neighbor! I'm the younge1t of •n ~ line of folks who .,. f•mou.~ from coat to coast •s lendin9 neignbon. I'm reedy to do • INn-sired job to h-'p you h.tp ~ ttwou~ •ny money problem. My home it deeriy m•~ed SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY •nd you·· find it •t ... 1781 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA lA••tt 1-llM "PACICAGE LOAN • just one eccount-one poytnent-one place! ww to....._ "*'thly ~,.......1 ~ s .. a.oen~ .-. • PACICA(III LOAN. It tMy ....._ ,._.. ...-tt.ty ,_,......,., • ,._. • ONE-HALF ~ .,.. ...... c..h Oft h.cl fer .,.._ ...... ............. ..,. ·"~~~~~~~i91!JZU I 7 .. a.._,__. · · ·l~.....t;~;.;..;;..~iiiiliiili~iOiiliiililiilll.._ _______ ~------------_.--....,.......,......,llllllliiiiiiiiiiillll_...._~.-......_ .... iilllllliliiiiiltliliiililijiiiii_.IIIIIW Harbor ¥alter Jt....U Crata reported tbls wweJr that 48.301 ~ts left and ent:reed the ha.r· bor during AuJUft.. 1'hla 1s al· most 3,000 more than a year ago. 'nlls annual tra.tfte cheek re· nects tremendous increue In the use ol outboard motorboats In Newport Harbor, M.r. CraJg aald. This figure rose from 12.955 ln' 1954 to 15,741 this YN-f. 1bJs amount,· however, does not &how the large lncreue in outboard tratttc Inside the Harbor ltsell which never eoes outside the Harbor. In addition to the 15,741 out- boards. the 48,301 total includes 25,982 Inboard powered boats (an increue from 25,486 in 19541 and 6,5'78 sailboats (a decrease lrom the 7,042 in 1954). The traffic check was made at the entrance channel, opposite N St. In Balboa. Peak load at the entrance cha nnel occuned be· tween 3 and 4 p.m . Sunday, Aug. 28. In this one hour period, 330 HARBOR LUTREBAN CHURCH Pastor Robert B. Gronlund re· turns to the pulpit of the New- port Ha rbor Lutheran Church Sunday after h is annual vaca- tion. He and hls fa mily spent the past four weeks visiting their tamUies In Farmersburg, Iowa, and Duluth, Minn. IA.u.or.tJCLT.i.TJ.TJ:..1Wl4.~ APORT 1/r.i<· COqONA 11£1. MA//·HAA/It'A/8/f lOW SHIWI. with Richard Egan. Anthony Quinn and Michael Rennie -plus- veuel• paaed throulb the chan· nel--M outboard-. 180 inboard poweced veuela and 111 aaJI. boats. In Aui\Ut, ~ the total trat · tic WQ 32,311); 1n ~ It wu 4.5,M7: ln 1953, 47,481 ; In 1954, 4.5,483. GlamouT Glimpses ay AJnl Some ol the best dressed women--60me ol the trimmest tigure$-have you noticed what they were wearing! Look again, It's probably a soft tallored suit. Suits always seem to give the neat, smart and casual look; they are always appropriate, and they are so very comfort- able In Southern Calllornla. The pleasing tact is that this Is a suit year and that O'BRIEN'S 1s proud to have an extensive col- lection of suits to show you. ADd !bey __ .. Jut onJl. aary ..Uta. Caaae .. aDd ... lf yoa dGD't CiiPW tbe Dcmdow auita an a p IIMII act to eJe.. gaDCe. tbe'f1l 90 CII'OUDd tile · world. IINWI4 tbe clock ••• ,_, •• bCift the late dlry ault. too, cmd a dal'lla9 Uttle Jo C 0 111 D a go-to-~, go.to-- bu•IIM'S ..Ut tbat Ota the budpt pocll:etbook -.. fact ...... got ,.u ldDda. Here are some points to check on, when you're shopping tor a suit. You'll be wearing It time and again, so pick a Iabrie you truly llke--a soft. soft tweed, for instance, with a surprising blend ot colors that you can bring out with dllferent accessories. Or perhaps a heavier English-type tweed, outdoorlsh and heather flecked. Some suits are made of suit weight jersey, others worsted flannels. smooth jacquard wools. rugged herringbone tweeds, Bl· anchlmi Imported silk. Tbere are a lob of Uttle tb!Dgs that mab a Dice suit. too. Bcmd boUDd bvttOGboles for example bcmded MCIID.S, taped lhoulclen. tailoriD9 that 91•• you a unart look. cmd hcm.d d.etaUa that 91•• your auit 1Ddhiduallty. .............. CUI ... _, m'ltl And fashion says there's noth· lng dull abou~ suits this year. Even the tweeds m ay be bright with color, linings are brUUantly • contruted, a dark .Wt may have a coordinated brleht blouse for warmth ol color, a basic suit N'ft.US lMml .. -.., COMIKG, SEFr. 281 "FEMALE ON THE BEACH" w ith Joan Crawford and Jeff Chandler filmed i1 Coroaa del lar may be trimmed wtth high shade velveteen. tr you ha ven't had a look at this year's suits. come Into O'BRIEN'S . . . a nd you'll agree that this Is a perfect suit year. HArbor 2868 2515 E. Coast Hwy. CORORA DEL 'MAll :~~~~j- Show Starts At Dusk • Show Starts At 6:30 TENSE. TORRID DRAMA IKEN GAVE IIEB EVERY- OF MAD LOVE: THING BUT A GOOD NAME BN{JRA\OORD ...,. JEFF CHANDLER .,., ...• ~~ ..... ,.. - Walkers :0~ SANTA AN A-arcl at Baab e BOB HOPE •o•~v-.~AT 'TaAKCIB 1M Tllll NA VI"' "'IUN PROM COLORADO" ~ ........... v •• ~ ~._ .. raur ~ • • DRIVE -IN -r-, . ..,.,.' lC THEATRES t:IJ ~ COMI A!> YOU AQI ~ THI FA ILY C .......... ~LOIIEit • 4 (OalldaulcJ floclln ..... , tne euoUD• from the car ol.llrs. lames C. Newlln parked In front ot her residence at 1743 E. Ocean Blvd.. Balboa .•. e XOKDAY. UP!'. It Miss Portia Rlley of 3328 Oc8n Blvd., Corona del Mar. com- plained that appcoxtmately 200 boles bad been due In the ground between the walk and the curb In the front of her house, the digging belne done In the late evenJng or early morning hours . . . Carl Ander- son, 11, of 128-26tb St., Newport Beach, bitten on the right lee by a dog, was taken to Hoag Me· mortal Hospital by his mother. Mrs. Nancy E. Anderson; ottlcers quarantined the dog ... A · tour and propam at the Ltahw 'lban Air Bue and a !tee movie wU..l be In .tore fM loeal klda u the Newport Harbor Kl· w~ Club otNierve:a National Klda Day thla Saturday. The open houae at the Air Due wtll be from 9 a.m. to noon. At 1:45 p.m. there will be a free movie at the IJdo Theatre, ac- cordlne to Allen Ashworth, KJda Day chairman. Trailer Pn Belch PtHH• leel Set FEATUJUifG LYJfJf"' aAaT STEEB BEEF it's liere ··~ .......... I I 8 lf-....J....,. ... lbeltMk .......... t~ Ia ...................... .. it'• woocledul ••• and coeta but 2.50. . Jor a ~of-.ional Pin perm CHEESE 59•. ACED, TBDOIED AJm PJUCED lUCHT. SBOOLDEB Veal Steaks 49•· SVGOCUU-.onLESS -------------· Corned Beef Lamb PaHies 29•· ~TBnGMDEUOUEU ------c Chuck Roast BACON .~LD= 491». ao .. BuH End •• 49c lb • Leg o' Lamb 59•. Hock End 45c lb. LIBBTS PEAS .-. Froz en Food s 6-~ IJ 10 0&. Pk9 •.. GIA.Iff PKO. 59~ BIN SO BLUE &-. ... -Qt. .we-J..--o;;.; j.rice 2 ~ 33( Noodle Soup 33( ApPle Oder ~ ~ tRUITS i HCCTABltS SEEDLESS GRAPES 9(·· IPAJfiiB ONIONS 2 ... 9( YAMS ~ .. aa.a..n.owu APPLES ~ .. CLOiliE'ITA-Wbole Peeled A e .,5~ DEL KOifTE-Eady eans.. '-r•cots:.. . .~ Asparagus :. __ 33( SNOUT JOE--1'1 OIL CaD Barb. Beans 25( LA--·~--. DIIITUOOU .. --SpagheHI See. 23~ ~~u~.:'_Cab. 45~ (aifooct ~ Pie Crust Mix 15( DAFT~• aat QllldE Eaay Meal Dinners 2 .... 27~ I ,