HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-29 - Newport Harbor EnsignFred Henhom , OWM'f ot th Hurley BeU re.taurant hi Oororta del Mar, told the En.algn Monday evenlnat. foUowlnr the Newport City Council meettnr. that he was golnr to file ault for a.lander ara lnst CouncU~n 1. 1L Stod- d ard and Lee Wlldet for their Vidorious · Ta.rstO"ay . Montebello Pirate Game Is Sat. Nite ·. remarks about the Hurley Bell at the Sept. 12 Co\lncll m eeUnr. At that meetinr Councilman Stoddard reported he bad re- ceived a number of complaint. trom. near-by reside nt.. who ~ they w ere annoyed by not8e and dlatrubances at the rataurant and parkin g lot. Councilman WUder said at that meetlnr that be alao had re · I he Peirsols Hurt As .Car Is reeked Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Peirsol, owners of the Corona del Mar Pharmacy. werl.' both Injured Tuesday evening when their car went olf the road and rolled down a mounta inside 30 miles from Nampa. Idaho. nE-a r Boise. They were on the~r way to Nampa to attend the funeral of Mr. Peirsol's father. ~lved auch complaints.. Jlf£1DOBT BAAaOa Jtlwaala Club c:a~~dacsat. lala:ad. Da:rk ba1nd BNDda Ll 15 ..a:n old. 5 Mr. Henhorn atood up In the I few o--ol tbe Ccwoea die! Mar J.obner Balle ..... 81/a ~ la be191lt. CIDd Ll a ~·n-- The car was demol- ished, but apparently no c r i t I c a l Injuries wert-s utrt-red by the Pelrsols. Informatio n about the accident came by way or a phone call yesterday m o r n i n g !rom Mr. Pe irsol. In a wheelchair at Mercy Hospital In Nampa. to John E. Sadleir of Co· rona del M ar. Mr au<llen.ce at MondaY's Council .. 8..-da A.lbar'-. doaGbt. of Dr. CIDd ICa. at Jlfewport Jlarbor UDJoa B191l ScbooL (Euitll meettnr to ask If any formal -.!1:..:ob=DD=~1:..:.· ...:AlbartaD==.::=....:of::....:•~•oa=-R.:.:..:..·· -=Bay=.!....:FI'Oil:..:..:=t.....:Ba:=lbea=~ ..... pboto~~)!.._ _____________ _ oompl-lnt h ad been ·voted by Coundl. Councilma n Stoddard replied that the city ma n ar er had been Instructed to tell the pol!ce department to lnveatlrate the matter and to take . steps to Improve the altuatlon. Mr. Hershom then u ked Councilmen Stoddard and Wilder for a public apology and a re- traction of their statements . "No comment." Mr. Stoddard &ald. Councilma n Gera ld Bennett said that the motJon ha d been voted by th e entire Council and that Mr. Hersb or n has no rlrht to demand an apology from any Individual counctlman. No fur· ther action was taken. Later, asked If he was golnr to pursue the matter further. Mr. Hershom said," Certainly ; I will fOe a suit for slander aralnat the two counciJ men." Trailer Park Meeting Mon. Installation Service Set · 1be BeY. lobn H. Parke will be lnlta.lled u rector of St. l ames Ept.copal Churcll at the ~~ervtce of 1Mtitutlon and reception to be held at 7 :30 p.m . 1bunday, Oc::t. e. at tiM church. 1be Rev. Rollo M. lou wtU be ln atalled u u - 80date rector. Oftlcla.ttnr at the lefVIce will be ~ .. , Rev. Prands Ertc lloy, ba.hop of the Loe Anaefet~ Dloceee. The Rev. Weal~ A. VOL L KO. 1-PlVE CEJifTS 3 Seleded To Choose TheQut!en Another Step In Drive. For School Site The U.S. Army has released Its hold on former Santa Ana Army Air Base property wanted as a high school site by Newport Ha rbor Union High School, the Ensign learned yesterday. COaOKA DEL NAJI. CALIJ'. T1IUJISDAT. SEPT. 21. 1115 TWO NOU: COJIITESTAJn'S lew the COiolla del Mar Loblter Bab 0..... UU. an Carol Bnub (left) cmd Scmdee DeardodL botb of COiolla del Mar. They an sta:Ddi.D9 lD froot of tbe lt15 Noct.l T Focd whJda Carol's dad wW clrlYe la the Roneleu Carricl9e pa- rade d1a.rlD9 the Lobetw .... Carol ... 16 -pan old. s feet. 4 ~ ill M191lt. a Jaa.Joc at Barbor Rl9b. Sbe Ll the doau9bter of Mr. CIDd ICJ'L Earl Brush. W Poluettla AYe. Sa:ladM L1 IS -pars old. 5 feet. I lDc:hee tall. cmd a .opboaacwe at Harbor B19b. She Ll the dau91lter of lb. cmd Nn. 0 . C. Deardorff of 50'7 Poppy A.,., (E-.Ip photo) Man and Woman Killed As Boat, Yacht CoHide U.S. Army Engineers are now screening the federal property as A boat accident brought death., Escapadp II started dropping sail lll1BERT PEDISOL Peirsol said that the E.LEAJJOa PEIIISOL accident h a p p e n ed whPn h is car h it a gravel-covered spot on the highwa y, skidded off the road and rolled down the mounta in. He said that appa rently neither he nor Mrs. Pelrsol suffered any broken bones, but X-rays were being taken. They ha d left Corona del Mar Monday morning to attend the funeral. which was scheduled for yesterday. The Pelrsols live at 600 Acacia Ave. 'Get Tough With Tate,' Councilman Recommends Councilma n Stanley E. Ridder- hof told his fellow council mem - bers Monday PVening that he had re<'e'ivl'd many complaints about t hf' condition of the main Corona df'l Mar ~ach and sug- r ested that City Manager Jotln SaJJors "ge-t tou gh" with Darwin Tate. who holds the lease for the beach. to k~p the area dean. ''We should consider replacing him," said Mr. Rldderhot. "Do we havf' sufficient grounds to break the lease!'' asked Councilman Jay Stoddard. 'The altuatlon ls wholly unsatisfac- tory." $120; agreed to refund the mogey. e Adopted an ordina nce which requires garages In fronts of lots to be closed in • Rejected tht-$5,178.75 dam· age cla im of Mrs. Gertrude Spieth. who said she was lnj urfll Aug. 19, 1955, at B St. and Bal· boa Blvd.. Balboa . because of "dangerous and defectlvt" condi· tlon or the sidewalk ... Council also: A •••tiBt ., a. ... pat e ftl'C'elved a request from the a..cb Col._ 1~ Celebla· Balboa Angling Club fCX' renewal ,. __ , ....____ of lease on A St . Balboa. for 10 tioa -.-.uut11M bCIII - I yPars from April 30. 1951. npira · ca.l.led for 4 p.m. toda! (Than· lion datP: rt'fetT'f'd It to cjn· at · day) lD City Ball by ~d 'J 0~ caDJDittee cllain:Dcm. tomey a.pn..atati,.. of e>rcmg. e ~1\•Mi prote-sts again!'t Coast CollecJe, Jlfewport Bar- pro~ strf'<'l lighting In C'o~ bor ll19b Sdlool cmd ~be If-· rona dt-i Mar from Alfa E. port EJ.Reatary Scllools wW Brownrigg. 230 Poln!'f'ttla: John be pNMDt to ct.t.cuu plaas C St>arlt'. 211 \rQidenrod. who en· for acbool "*" c:oat.sta lD clo!'e<i a ~tltlon slgnt"d by C'..ol· CODDec:tioD with. lfewport 50· dt>nrod anci FPrniPa f property year cmzUYef'SCUT eelebrcrtioa ow nt'r<:: pNit ion from property DerXt year. own('r<: on Mangolrl. a nd pE-t ition ----------- !rom pror<'rt~r· own('rc; on J'\ar<'il'· AH w·ll 5 ...... <;us: r<'ff'rrNi thMI" protests to I OI'IIJ I •-J city <'nginM'r p ~ A. ' R f 1 e R("('f'IH•<i lnfomation.from fi. llll•IIP I ltllll nan<'l' orr!C'E'r to thl' t>ff~·t that A Sanrly St<'inN . '~ hn op<'ra t~ Sandy'" Df'IUXl' Ttail<'r Court 11n Martn<'r" Mtlt'. had O\rrpatfl his buc:tn<' s IIC'<'n!'(' 1n th<' <~mount a possible site for defense• plant to a woman from Santa Mon ica and put the boat engine on thl' use, High School officials said. and a man frqpl Venice Sunday line and came a bout to pick up Nt:NBERSKlP SERVlCE If the engineers release their afternoon In U1e ocean off New· the people in the water. A <'andiPhght "i'n H'f' ,f mrm Tht> request of thl' Park C'nm m isc;tnn for a lc.•gal ruling on C'l ty C'ounctl's ptlW<'rs to rf'ltc>vP the- l'llmmission of cPrtnln r~pon<:i · billtt('!'; wa.., prc><:f'ntM to thf' :"<'wport C'ity C'oundl MondRy 1'\'t'ntng-Th•• rPqut"'t WAS rf'ff'r r<'li to C'll~ Attorn"' Karl Davis hold on the land. It ls expected port Beach a nd Injury to the The sail boa t Frolic. owned by bershtp" t<: pl.mnNI fnr 7 p m to be conSidered by a congres-hus band of the woman. William Kirk of 1208 E Balboa Sunday fur th•' 5f>n111r \ outh rf'l slona l committee. The committee f?t!ad from the accident were Blvd· Balboa. picked up thl' two Jo"'"hip uf tht• R.11twa blanfl must approve before It may be Shtrley Kyger. 33. and J..eslle J. de<.'t'ased people and Mr. Kyger. Commu nlt~ MPthodt"t C'hur£"h A released for educational use. ,Steen, 35. of, Venl~. InJured was , A dinghy was lowered from the ftlm "ArJ You a Good CtttzE'n · Mrs. Kyger s hus band, Ra lph I I Continued on Page 7) will be sfiow n Council Hires Water Expert l ames Montgomery 'Co .. con- sulting engineers from Pasadena. was h ired by Newport City Coun- cU Monday evening to make a study ol water needs for the city. The survey 1.8 to be completed In 1.20 days at a cost not to exceed $7.Sl0. Thls Is another atep In the CouncU'a prorram to provide for adequa te water supply for the tutute. A huge 600-aa-e-loot water reeervolr tn the Irvtne Hllla Inland from Corona del liar ls the key Item In these plans. Lobster Bake Help Needed Kyger. A fourth ~n aboard ~----------------~~-------------------------­ the lll·fa ted boat. -Geot~ Luke. 37, ol Manhatta n. wu not In-. jured. ' All were aboard Kyger's 20-foot Inboard motor boat. Raley Way, which was rammed by tht- schooner, Escapade n, Newport pollee reported. The motorboat made a tum to port d irectly tn front of the Esca· pade n a nd the ~1 boa t hit the motorboat a mldlhlp with the bowatay, according to t:.capade n owner WllUam H. Moran of Los Anples and Captain l a mes Cooper, Lido Anchora,e. • PACE BLOODY I "Alter the boat hlt u 1 r~t ~tf roUtnr u nder u.e big boat." Mr. lt.ylft told pollee. "When I could catdl t'Q)' breath and had come to the -.face. I rot a hold ol roy ~ Shirley, and held her race up aJMI out of the water. Her face wu ~ with blood but my ..U. '-ld u.y 80mt!tblnr to me. tt •--' lib a lonr t1me bef«e the ~t that ba d hit WI turned arooncl. .. Th• btr ~:Kapacte n wu ~­ route to Newport -..ctl fnlm Avalon under fUll ...... ._ aboard apla.lned. Tbe .... ..,., owrtook tile an boat .ad llllllllld • cou,. to 1M ......: ftle lqOtOI• a·~ tMn came a-.t IDII ta. ........... ~t .. .,.., ............ to ... ... .... .... . • A .............. . ........ , .......... ... ... IIIJM •·• a Ul I _. ............... ~ .. .... ........ CiliA ..... .. C'nunC'tl appro)\ M I hi' l'ommi . <>ton 11 N"QUI"<:I tn hf' j:;l\f'n a ('uUr lt>o:y <:<':ll tn~: .tt l'ounrtl mf'Plln~ 10 urdc-r to an~w<'r QUE'SIIon a nd c>X)X"d lll' artton nn rommunka - tions. P.WI•IIul ...W,. • ,._...,, .. tfW Cllr ef .....,.,. ...... c:.lf. OHM -,......,._..a. ............. fllo L C....~. C... Mf ~. ..... OfTHI CAUIIOaNtAJIIEWSIAIH PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION AA4 ef .... NATtONAL IDfl'otliAJ. ASSOCIATON ...... A41tlre.l 2110 E. c..-......... ,. c.-. tl.t .... ,, Calif_ .. TELiftiONiSr HArfMr 1114 •114 I Ill AlVO E. HMPA -_..,.., a1M11 P11Witllet He HAM ~ .. Wltar SUISCIIrTION lATIS Lecet --'-",.._ reteer T-. ,..,. ... -year-41.110 0 w • ~--: .~~-~T'i:!Z!!.O:: -s~ w + 1 p <JJ.. J!Of ... Hop IE E I I I I M'+ M MJF I M MiMi i MIMi i ME EM M +)+:+EM M i + e TIME STANDS STIU "Folh hove comploined thot they cennot ea sily understond whet goes on in C o uncil meetings. The big trouble seems to be o combine· tion of bod ecoustics ond mumbling on the pert of councilmen ... " Sounds like on up-to.dote compleint. doesn't it? It heppens, how· eve r, thot this is quoted from the Ensig n Log of MAY 19, 19491 • • • e CAN'T YOU S-P-E-l-l7 A lot of folh sure ere ell.fired in terested in the sub ject of spel- ling ell of e sudden. Must be beceuse of tha t little Negro girl who entranced the entire notion with her rolling eyes, TV composure , ond omozing obility to S-P·E·l ·L correctly. Or moybe it's bece use of Ru- dolf Flesch"s boo1 on "W hy C en't Johnny Read?"' I ~nov.a two good reosons why not: the kids eren"t getting the solid drilling in phonetic spelling, ond English is the most otrocious spelling longuege in the world. I could suggest several handy substitutes-for instence, my own native Finnish lon9uoge, whic h is 1 00~~ constant in pronunciation, ond t herefore in spelling ; or Germen, or even Russi en, which. my Jasmine Ave. neighbor Boris Bushueff se ys. is on absolutely phonetic longuoge. But English is our language. ond we're not ebout to chenqa it, so we hed better learn to spell it. You ~n stert by drilling on these (obout 991h% missR,e lled in copy crossing my desk~ccommodote (with the double "m ') ... rarefy (not '"rarify"') ... buoy (not "bouy") . . . iridescent (not '"irre") ... restoureteur (no · n'"} ... meinten· once (not ".toin·"J ... incidentally (not ".tly") ... sophomore (not "sophmore") ... How meny times heve I corrected those words!!! The n we heve some extr~ speciol problems with some of the nome~ in this town of ours: Is it Did Richard or Richards ... Nelson Neice or Niece . . . J ohn Sedleir or Sedlier . . . Burt Proctar or Proc· tor . . . Roy Andersen or Anderson . . . Bunster Creely or Creeley . . . Dorothee Sheely or Sheeley . . . Sendy MacKay or McKoy . . . Sten Ridderhof or Ridderhoff ... Dave Nielsen or Nielson??? It's the first spelling that is correct ... O.K., go look it up if you don't believe it. You con see why o newspoper editor gets discoureged. I he ve been able to discover only one solution for spellin g : work ot it--oil your life. e AJfJUVEIIIAIIT Dee Cook, the owner of John· nle'a Liquors, the only store In Corona del Mar with a marlin look ing you In Ole eye, had an annlvefsary last week. He was good e nough to Invite me to help h lm celebra te lt. Last year, on Sept. 23. th is sltJpper ot the Flo·Dee and your lin-happy column1st had a bali. We steamed up to San Diego's Marlin Club, fiyjng two m arlin flags a nd weighed In two fight· lng bill-fish, one for Dee, one tor me. It had been, to put It gently, quite a -day. The waters oft Point La Jolla had been full of marlin a nd they w~ not j ust "lookJn' fish" -they were practica lly crazy for our baits. We could have easily h ad two on at once, that morning, but J decided against pitting my light tackle agalrn~t Dee's medium. J pulled my fiylng fish a wa y from a determined follower, just a second a fter Dee ·hooked up. Lady Luck practically sat In our lap that exciting day, for I came through with my first marlin In these waters, on my light tackle, late th at afternoon . e DOtJaLE ftOnLE Y(e' thought the tun was o11er when we put the tall rope a round mine, but brother! were we all wrong! During the cere· montes which followed, the boat backed up, every so gently and when w e tried to get m ine aboard, he wouldn't budge. The tall rope had become wound around a propellor shaft during our toata. All we tried to free the tlah, sharks began to gather. That was when we c:Uscovered that the rudder was Jammed too, and the only course the Flo·Dee n _ J /1~ (!I would take was a clrele. «J(J4,. Nt C>~ Finally, although I ready ad· -, • • • mit to no creat prowess u an underwater athlete, I did the .., COL AJmUW W. IIIITIL Pcmaer Member of City Cowad1 onlf thing left to do. It 1 had e OLD MAC caOWDED OUT good. No jinx 10 far brought ~n wearing my best Sunday So they-the City Hall guard on by my rosy predlotlon for a pants, they aure would have -finally crowded old Mac Into big season for the Wolverlne:L been aoaked. but at t.be Um~. I r-'Cn~ Tbat Pl'OF&m baa Boee Bowl, her~ we oome. .,._'t • • a r l D ~ aQJ' pam., bHn lflolnt on fDr MYeraJ yean. • • • pe-lod. Slnoe then. I don't 10 fw Mr. MacDonald was one or those e iiEPOJrT ox PETITIOXI akln·dlvlng, much! hard workln~. honest depart· Petltlons to return the city We finally boated that big ment heads who would not play trailer park beach to the public beauty, a nd ran up .the second foot.ales against his conscience. by vote of the public got off to blue and w hite banner. We'd Jn my experience Old Mac's de· a running start Tuesday. The have paraded both. w ith prld~. partment was economical a nd necessary names to put this pro· along the shores of San Diego's hard work ing. As a matter of posal to change tht> el('('tlon Jaw Ha rbor. It we hadn't hit that fact. ht>'s the only on£' that 1 to election of councilmen by dll'· log on thP way ln. By the tlme can remembf'r of having a s ur· trict.<; up to the voters over an we got to the Marlin Club, It was plus of the money budgetE.'d him unwilling majority of th(' Coun-1 t()Q dark to see any fiag. But it at the end of th(' year. Do you cil will probably be complete In was a clay that neither ol' Dee suppolW that this Is the straw of three WE'eks. Cook or yours truly will ever t hP famuus ramcrs back? Report on petition rlr<'ulatlng: forget. • • • 50 signers In the first two hours. 1 e MO REPEAT e NATIONAL TBACEDT Everyone wa nts to sign, f('W I There aren't as many marlin l kc"s h£>art attack Is nothing want to bt> circula tors. If anyon C' around this year, and the ones short of a national traged y. They wants to volunteer to work his or I that are here S(!em to be too well don"t make that k ind very often her own neighborhood. get In fed. As the Flo-Dee pullt>d away no more·. touch w ith me or call Ed Ht>a ly 1 from the San Diego Yacht Club, a t Harbor 3087 .J. we dN'ided that It would be a I can't h<'lp h ut remark the d 1 If 1 d dlfft>ren<'P In thf' handling of the If you desire to sign elthN of : gt)() a nn versary we sett e th e pt'tltlons you may do so at for half as many as Ju t year. As prE'sld<'nt's ht>alth situation as the All American Market Park I 0('(' stN>red for blue water. I comparf'd to thE' RoosE.'velt re· lng Lot today !Thursday I, Frl '-~'W£'d up the flying fish with ports Thl' RPpubll('ans have day and Sat urday. 3 to 6 p.m., Cortland's best Cam·o·Dage mon · hPf'n frank. (JfJf'n and hrmest. In • • • ofllament. too, I'll have you Roo,f'V!'lt '<> ''"<;~'. those clolW to • MATCH MT 1500 knt>w. Fifteen-pou nd test and him <tllowNI thP natwn to ele<'t IAdv.l Wa nted: Nlnl:' ('Nlpil' rlnublt>d for the bridle. a vr•r) <oil-k m:tn. v.hoSI' physl· who w ill match my rontrlbutlon e END OP A DAY dan-. kn1•w that h£> did not have a 1 h tn('t• to flni~h the term. of s:;oo to the Youth ('('ntl'r, Tha t evening, we pulled up to • • • made under the term!! that nlnf' a fa miliar dock again, but not e FUMBLES AMD UPSETS Th(' u~ual early season fum- bles and upset~ -poor Hop's Alma Mammy, Minnesota. being a n oub1.andlng victim. First quarter re port on Mlchlgan·Mis· sourl was Missouri leading 7 ·0. Second report Michigan 28. Mls· fiOUrl 7. Final 42 to 7; So far 10 persons do llk«>Wise Thl're Is no to weigh In a marlin. We just local cause that matches the wa nted gas. No cannon boomed. Youth Center for 1 merit. Th(' no flag went up the pole for us. Youth Center needs the money; When we tied up, later, at the we need the Youth Center. Step Yacht Club, Frank Naso, th e San rlgbt up, folks, and Jay It on the Dlegan who caueht the grea t line with m e. Provide the faclll· 406·pounder, came aboard Then. ties that will do more to keep Davie DenhoJd Sr. stopped by, our kld.s busy and t}\ereby h•lp and added hla heather·touched brorue to our chatter. Davie Jr. wu there, too, la menting the four hours h~ had fought two marlin, with only a memory for lt. It was pleasant there, with good friends, as the amber In our gla.aes swayed With the gentle swells of evenln~. It was the end of a day-not perfect, perhaps, but mighty good. The waters h ad been blu~ and JenUe. and th~ Coronadoe had loomed all da)', llke treat MOft\llDellta to ,......,.,, tllb~ wt.o no lonpr troll In their llaaoowa. Ra1f a ~ time. we lad J~Hn the well loved llddel bnd tb~ azure IIU'rface In a brief alut~ .. thou,Jil to .,: ·-x~ toclay, ami~ 1at 101M odaer ctq we'll .. ltewpwt • vr 111a aoao AI I drove alona t.he Coast Highway toward home, the Jut colon of Sunset atlll tinged the sky. I wu In no hurry, I re· m inded myaelt. It wu a time to m use, to count one'a blessings. Next d ay, I thought. 80meone would ask me lt I bad been flshlnJ. Then they'd say, "Didn't you get ANYTHING!" And some· one would a dd, '1 can't ~ this marlin fishin g. Troll a ll day. day In, d ay out, and you're about as likely to catch a marlln as to make a hole-ln ·one." I'll accept these remarks with· out rancor. I thought. "Forgive them , for they know not what they do," J heard In my musings. For only a true ma rlin fisherma n knows why h e Is one. He goea, In hope, but he gets Infinitely more tha n fish. He's a brother ln a brotherhood that has no dues and no password. In most, there Is no selfish thought. CaroM del liar led all Gtll• ..,.... tJI tbe dtJ 1n the vohune tJI bulldtq ,erndtl a.uect dur1q tbe dGIIna ~ tJI ~-by u.. • ...,.. IMda IIDUcllna De· 1*tnMnt. About ~O.(d) wafth ot perm.JD were ..._eel. tnt,GOO Mlftl ,« ~a "-1 Mar con· muetlon. • Follow!JW permJta were ,_ued: ecoao•A Da.IIQ W. E. Flah•, 2·1tory, l •UI)It dwelllng at a& A~ada, Sl3,400; Borla A. Buahuefl. fence at 712 laamlne, t125; Trimble and Bangert, 2·story, 2·unlt dw•lllng at 3111 Margu~lte, $21.200, ela6 2·atory, l ·unlt dwelling at 3111 Marguerite, $12.450; V. F.,Partch, remodeling at 621 Orehld, $2.000; Warren Bremer, 2·1tory, 3 -unlt dwelling at 312 Dahlia PI 124.675. e a ou CLir'rS Torrey Webb, encloee carport at 227 Evenln.e Canyon Rd .• $175, •uno ISLE R. S. Callender, garage a t 218 VIa Koron, $1.200; S. J. Hurwltt, one·,Jtory, one·unlt dwe lling at 105 VIa Undine, $16.750. eBALBOA Harry Wyeth, door at 1415 E. Bay Ave .. $600; Frank Toler, al· teratlona at 111 Main St., S300; Jack Tilley, fence at 2250 Chan· nel, $165. eXE1DOBT Thomas Carson. cut door at 201 McFadden Pl., $200; Griffith Co .. move wall at Richard's Market, 4315 VIa Lido. $1,000; P. B. Car· penter, siding at 116 38th St., $932; Balboa Marine Hardware, work shop at 2537 W. Coast Hwt .• $1.825. L8st Saturday, Bill Hoas1 able skipper or the ~a HOfiS, after many fla t daya, got his first m arlin. His eyes flashed. but scarcely less bright were the eyes of a llundred unknown kJndred aplrlta who said to them· selves, "GoJiy, l'ro sure elad old Bill connected." Ill .I F 1 If And then. over the air ca me •• IITJ 41111 the news that Elmer Hehr had Is AaafiM ., ... 0 cau~ht his broadblll. Again the .... r'V air was filled with congratula· The California Public Utllltles tloru~. And certainly, for every Commission lss4ed a ruUng Jut radio that saJd ao. a dozen other week permitting the Balboa fellow aneJer. that Elmer never Isla nd Ferry to restrict the uw knew and perhaps never will, of commutation tickets to pur· gulped a little a nd said under cha~s and membera of their the1r breath, ·~at'a swell. That famlll~ The order la effective Elmer, he'a a good flahennan." on Oct. 9. So The Commission authorized ' If there ll an answer, per · the sale ot commute tickets on ~lJNCES I Mercury ~ 1956 ll&W PLO·TOIIZ C::OLOa snuxa enhan~ Mercury's dlatlnctlve new beauty. •zw IAPETY-svacz v .. oa111u ... 210 hp and 225·hp ... for aenntlonal perform· ance In every drtvtne range. J(ZW LOW ·IILIIOU'ET1'E MODELl '-tared In every Mercury H'rfes ... Montclait-Mon· terey~om. 12 Models to Choose From. ._._. ......... MINaJII JOHNSON & S0N LINCOLN-MERCURY Open Tll 8:30 p.m. Uberty 8-SMS 900 W. Coa.t Hwy., Newport Beach Longer ••• Lower • Wider. . . haps that's ll You don't ha ve to the followfna baals: 60·rl .. -catch one yourself to enjoy lt. • ue You're n tlsf)ed to have been out famUy ticket at $3. or 5 cents a there In the gang, trolling alo ng rlde, to be used by the purchaser and feeling Jlke yo u lJelong. And or members of hla family, a nd a when ~ day Js done, you'll hear 20-rlde ticket for $1. also s cenu someone say wtth a certain a ride, limited to use by the pur- amall, nU.fylng amll~. even ~~ only. At pr~nt. uae ol thoup they came badt wtth e ~rfde ticket Ia unrestricted. notblnc ~ th.tr CMdiiiPJa but C&ah fares rema1n at 10 oenu a acl~ft·~:,w~r~p.~.~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~s pered the day Joe caught hls flrst one." Or perhaps, "I told hJm which way to ao, this morn- Ing." And even, '1 tautht him how to sew up a fiylng f:sh.'' U you're an ou tsider, never wonder again what a certain small gane sees In this marlin fishing. Don't wonder what keeps them going out, day after d ay, when they always come back without a fish . There's sO'me· thing out there In that fleet that's bigger than ma rlin. It's just a feeling, I guess. I felt It the other evening. as I stood on t he bluff and watched a little bla ck boat with a blue flag on Its outrigger beating Its way toward the calm waters lns lde the jetty. l dodn 't know who he was, this e uy, but I had that feeling. It's aomethlng akin to hearing the Star Spangled Ba n· ner when you're ten thousand m lles from home. LOANS FlJR HOlES 5" 20-TED LOAJf Construction tocm. 5" •nu LOU IU 1081ATn.D , .. , .. ,._...c.. 2515 &. c..t • ..., .. CDII h. IIA 1111 ID s.tla (Mot ,.,.__) FRYERS 53 ~ T ·BONE STEAKS SIRLOIN STUKS V.I. CIIOJCE & n&I011M P.otter ·House Steaks, 98~ • NUWDAT, ID'r. & ~ •ss'•t II 11111111 Fer lflu• Tnlslzl AIMmblyman Earl ltaDJot7, awarded the UW..tem IDsurane» rellldent ol Jleeeon lay, bu beeD IDiormatlon s.rvtoe Awatcl of Honor" at a recent meeUnr ot tile Gre.ter 1M Ancel• Cbapter ot the National Safety CouDdL 'Jbe award wu made for Mr. Sta.nle)"a •poMOnhlp of Call· tornJa'a hJch achool driver train· Inc procram. which hu been widely copied by oth« .tatee. '-ntLI protJ'&m wu made poe. adble by the vt.lon and tenadty of Mr. Stanley,'' aald VlctoJ' Montcomery, founder president ot the lrusurance IntormatJon Servlce, · at the presentation luncheon held ln the Blltmore Hotel, t.o. Anceles. BANKING BY MAIL i4 c,;kif aHd Sap * * * lewport Harbor Bank c. ....... IDAUIU'UL caLOII PILIII Renowned Travelers and Photoeraphera In Penon as nUTa· ton. Oct. 10 to Apr. 16. Al\fa)'a on Mondays. -.Aa&AifT or •uv--swuzr -coLOaFUL COLOUDO"' -.A'YAtiA• -wuTZDf CAJfAI)A.. •AI)aJATJC BOLIJ)Ar All._.. ... .-.cbh. (I fli&t 1.50. 4.75. LOG ••pert lllrlllr I . Sclleel MAKE RESERVATION NOW Corona del Mar TraYel Service 3542~ E. Cout Hlehway. Ph. Ha. 1246 'Jbe Bookcue 3416 VIa IJdo, Newport ~aeh. Ph. Ha. 4404 LAIUII TUYn SERVICE Aa thodaed Agelat PM All AIRUIES • RIILIOADS lerftD9 Tbe eo-tal Area ror Kearly 10 Tean IIJ 0... Aft. Laplla-..cla Byatt '-11•1 ,...,.~.., ....... --... pnaU.. VI II, ._ of Mr. a4 ..... llany J. , __ oC 1'raUAw Towa. W..t wu-. Coeta ...... 1a Ml"riil9 .. tbe lpedaJ lerriCIN ~at tbe lfaYal Air Statloa Ia Ala.eckL lefon •t.dal the NI'Ylc. lD Karch ... atteDded K.-port ~ Valoe Btgh ScbooL Directory MUSIC Margaret L Scharle Teacher of Piano Oreant.t • Acoompanlat Evenlnf Clauea for dulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mu PVKEIIAL DmECTOIIS Friendly Nelehborhood Service P ARKES-RlDLEY MORTIJARY 110 Broadway U 8·8433 It 8-3434 Costa Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin& the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3S20 E. Cout Highway Corona del Ma.r Baltz Mortuary Uberty 8·2121 17h It Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS HARBOR REST MEMORIA~ PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gt.aler JD¥URLY S.l..l!l8 Wilbur C. Wagner, D.C. Chiropractic Physical Therapy Colon Therapy 314 Ocean Ave., Laguna otfice: Hyatt 4-2398 Res.: Hyatt 44084 I AMANDA LLOYD Physical Therapy Corrective Massage Port Theatre Bulldlng 2901 E. Coast Hwy .. C.D.M. Office Phone: Harbor 39!rT Residence: Kimberly 3·2410 King Studios aALLROOM DANCING Klng Studlos, famous for Hlch Quality lmtructlon brlne• r.ou thla Special Introductory 'cet acquainted" FALL OFFER! 1.eara r. Trot. Walta...__ etc. Dala4» hrtlee ...,. f'rt· ..., lftptl WltJa Oadwebo. Pll&&l Toa are Oa.r a-tl XIng Studlo. famous "penon· allllid" lnmuctlon will have you danclnc at once! 110 VALVEI '1510 I ftiVATE LUIOKS .ucna IUIIOIII . DAJIC:Z •AIITIU T'hk ......... et~lyl Heftpot's Newpod Plant Will Hire up to 1,500 C::O.DVCIIWQ COVIllE QJV&Jf A 1.2-week c:oune ln lnl«mned· late ehoral conduct1ne of par- tlcular 1:nterst to church cholr d1recton and public school music teachers wUl be oUered b)' CbaP· man Collece'• attemooA and evenlne divlalon trom 1 to 10 p.m. Monday-. bectnnlnl tb!a week. SAVE Willi Fa ... r'a Pilley RelJpot Corporation plana to be In product1on 1n Newport by next fall, ata.rtlnc wttb 800 em· ployeea and eventually expand· lng lu work Loree to 1.200 to 1,500. Women comproml~ about !50 per cent of the Hellpot staff. 'nlla wu the Information alven to a well attended Newport Har· bor Chamber of Commerce mem· bershJp meeUne last week by Doflald C. Duncan, vlce·presldent and eeneral manaeer of Hellpot. The new plant will be the lueest Industrial Installation In the Newport Harbor Area, Mr. Duncan said. Plans now are under way for the $2.000.000 Hellpot plant which will occupy a 14.3-acre site adjacent to Hoag Memorial Hospital. The 150,000·square foot plant Is being designed by the uchl· tectural firm of Pereira and Luckman, desleners of the Dls· neyland Hotel now bulldlne In AnaheJm, and of the Bt>verly Hilton Hotel In ~erly Hills. Hellpot, a dlvalon of Beckman Instruments, Inc., of Fullertdn, manufactures helical potentlo· meters. These are similar to vol· ume controls In radio and tele· vtsJon ~ta and provide the pre· cl5e and accurate rontrol re· qulred In scientific Instruments and electronic computing de· vices. "We found. the NPwport area the most desirable In Southern California from a standpoint of Jiving conditions for our em· ployees, labor market and acces- CEJITIPlCATE OF BUSIJfESS P'lctttloa.l P'tnD Kame THE UNDERSIGNED does here· by certify that he Ia conducting a book.ket>plng and tax service business at 357 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif .. under the fictitious finn name of Ace Bookkeeping Servlct' and that said firm Is composed of the fol· lowing per110n whose name In full and place of residence are as follows, to·wlt: William Dean Ward. 217 Sant a Ana Ave., Newport Beach. WITNESS my hand this 17th day of Septemb<'r. 1955. William Dean Ward STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS 17th day of Septem· ber. 1955, before me, a Notary Publlc: ln and tor aa!d county and .ute. r..ustnr tbeore1n. duly c:onuns.toned aNI .wwn. pet· 80ftally appeared WJUlam De&n Ward known to me to be the penon whose name 11 suMcr'lbed to the within Instrument. and acknowledced to me that he ex· ecuted the same. WITNESS my hand and offl· clal ~al. Mary A. Haapa Notary Public In and for said County and Statt>. My Commlsslpn expires Aug 16, 1959. Publish: Sept. 22. 29. Oct. 6, 13. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. No. A 26178 KOTICE TO CJlEDlTOilS ESTATE OF Ha rriet M. Ferre ll DECEASED. aJ biU ty to the corporate ottlcee ln Fullerton," Mr. Duncan aald. The decl.sJon to locate at New· port cllmu.ed a "lone and care· ful ~arch· lor adequate loca· tlon." he added. • Hellpot employees already are anticipating moves to Oranae County communities. These in· elude Newport, Corona del M.r, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana. Garden Grove, Laguna Beach and Hunt· lngton Beach. Hellpot's move to Newport will corusolldate the functions and ' personnel oC 13 lnstallatlorus now located In Pasadena. South Pasa· dena, San Gabriel and Alham bra. Hellpot. which expanded !rom ' 25 persons In 1947 to the present ' 800, maintains oUices in South Pasadena. Toronto. Canada, and Mountainside. N. J. ALL KATIOJIS P'ETE SET The Ali·Natlons Festival, an annual event given by the YWCA-apo~ed group of women and men of foreign birth. wlll be presented at the YWCA build· lng at 1411 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. thu Friday and Saturday evenings, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. BRUCE MARTIN AUTO -TRUCI-FIRE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COST A MESA OFFICE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty 8·5063 =- ANNOUNCEMENT Dr L. L. Nicholson has reopened the optometric oihce of the late Dr. Ludwig Krauss Complete visual a nalysis, ccn-.uha+to" prescnp· t O'l ~un glasse s. continuou~ vtston lenses a nd child eye car av.,ilable at 19th St. and Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1526 Whe r e 's the smart place to put your sav ings? Today millions of Amencans "'111 tdl you that tbe smart place to save y\)ur mo ney 1s an insured Savings and Loan Associatio n. They" II g1ve you thr« good rea~n~ "'hy th1s 1'>~ ... t'nud fNOplr. People wbo reaUy know tbctr commurutJes. People who are right on the spot "'hen you need them. SO it's hardly surprising that Amt'ricans art no" putting mort' of tht'tr hard-t'arMd sa•m,;f acrovnt dol/an into insllud So"illgs and won • ..f.r.wnatron.t than thl'_r put anrM·hert' t'l.re NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the sll ld I decedent or said estate to fll(' them with th(' n('('essary vourh ·l ers In the ottl<'<' of the Clerk of the Sup<>rlor Court of the County oC Orange. State of California. or to present the same. with th€", necessary vouch<'rs. 'to the und('r signed at his or her place of business. to-wit: l. You're smart to put your mone) '-'here 1t bnngs you t'Xct-llt'nl rt'turns. ln\ured Sav· ings and Loan Assoc1at1ons c.1n mv~t mtht of Lhe1r funds in sound, 'lteady·p.lvmg home m\)rtgage,. They really male )<.•ur mone) work hard fllf you. 2. You·re smart to put your m,•ne' \\ht:rc ~ou know 1t"s soft'. In th~ A<>\(~IJtll•n'. 1t'., protected by good managC'mcnt o.~nd .. ut>· st.1nttal reserve>. And the 1-cdcr.il c;;,l\ me' and loan ln.;uranceCorporatwn Jn ··~en~~ of the l.J. S. Government Jn'>ure' \uur '·"· tng' up to SIO.OOO. . ]. '~~u·rc .. mart to deal'' tth frrrnJ"., 'rrn· And here·> another 1mporunt pomt: When y\)u're thtnk.mg of buymg a home. rtmemi'>C'r that these A''>ociatiOns are the nat•on·~ larg- C'\I '>tnglc s0un .. "C of home mortgagt' Joan'! The\ lll.1 lt' lthcro.~l loan\. Thc'r >t'C to ll th.1t ~~~u get the monc~ qu1d.l~ ~nd at modcr· \hPuiJn't ~ou gt't to !..no"' .11. tn,ureJ . ..t' tng' .1nd Loan -\,...:x·l.tlll•n llllt>urcommun· '" • '••u'll ttnJ ,r, J m•ght' l!t'\4.-.d pl.11.'c ,,, d0 t>u,Jne~'' 0 • • •• % A. K. Phelps. 3429 E. Coast Highway. Corona del M ar. Calif. wtlhln sbt months after the first publicatio n of thls notice. IEWPOIT BALBOA SAVIIGS · Dated September 19. 1955. A S S 0 C I A T I 0 N~liliiliii~ P. A. PALMER. Prt'nclmt a n d LOAN Beatrice F. Spen<'ft' Administratrix of the Estate of sald df'Cendent . J l 6 6 V i • l i d o· H • r b o r 4 2 0 0 A. K. Phelps Attotney at Law N EWP O R T BEA CH CALIFORNIA 3429 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar. Calif. Convenient CORONA DEL MAR Office 2..07 E.st Co.st Highw•y Frances Bundy, M•n•g•r Harbor 5220 Publish: Sept. 22. 29, Oct. 6. 13. In the Newport Harbor Enslen. MoMbor S."i"t• •..d loan ~•fton, Inc~ apont()f' of thia ecf,.,.;, • .,..,.t ,,. LIH. SATURDAY EVENING "0ST end TIME. DIOGENES Throws Light on Subj~ct I CANNOT AND MY HONEST MAN MY LAMP, ALAS. IS DIM PERtj.APS THE YELLOW PAGES WILL HELP ME SPOTUGHT HIM FO~ A.C'Vf~fiSI NG SE~VI CE IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE 'tlA5~1FIED"PART OF YOU~ TELEPHONE 800"' • Velma "idham of Costa Mesa To Marry Gerald Winesburg News ot tbe 1Mtroalal elf 11t111 f01'1"Ul announcement wu re- V~lma Jean Prtdham of eo.ta cenUy made by the btld~-to-be'a Mea to G«ald IM WlnMb'.VI ot par~nta. lf.r. and Kra. D. C. Prld· Alhambra, wu refta.led at the bam of 1M3 Oraqe Ave., Costa Whittier TIICA Camp, wa... Mesa. both of the )'OUftl people ha¥e The fUture poom lathe .on ot been employed thla aummer, but Mrs. Vera Wl~buJ'I of Alham- People h.ve M... sayin9 ••• end w..m9 thet ,. CAll DIIEIIEI .. ~ bra. The couple have .et 'lbanlc.a· living week for the~ wedding date. Mlu Prtdham craduated from Newport Harbor Hleh School, Orange Coast College and Whit· tler College. She also did grad - uate work at USC, where she majored In 80Clolo&Y and re · Ueton. She 1a past Honored Queen of Costa Mesa Bethel No. 157 o! Jobs Daughters. She Is em· played by Whittier YMCA as Girl's Secretary. Her husband-to-be graduated from Pasadena City College and UCLA, where he later did grad- uate work. He Is a past master Counc11or of DeMolay and now teaches In Los Angeles city achoola. ~ For lettwhe.tda. envelooea c:d Fumiture~ • THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 Cotnplete Home Fumlablnp r,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~ LJbea1y I-2U4 1at •.,.,.,.n Aft. COSTA MESA , c.-a del II• MISS VELMA JEAK PIUDIIAJ( of eo.ta Meaa ..... Lea J LJ 1-781'7 JIA 1215-J 1\ Cl,m ified Ad in fhe Ensiqn brinqs immediate results! Cah Harbor 111 4-1 I IS and Drove itl "I'm a new kid in the neighborhood!" • I'm the youngest of en ~ line of .... who .. ·--.,_ coest to coest .. lending Mlgh- bon. I'm re.dy to do a mMsized job to h.lp Y<KI help yCHWSeH. My home is dearfy mar*ed SEA. IOARO FINANCE COMPANY and you'll find it at ... 1781 NEWPORT AVE. COSTIIESI UlleJtr 8-llll At Seaboen:f, the .welcome met is elways out. So if you could use ~. from $25 to $1500, end want fast, friendly service •.. c.II·Suboard now. lnterviewt are private and there is never any CASH-tif- -/pay .W Wh /cOftselidatt instaiiiM•h "-·· ... ''"''" .; .... ... ./ ...... ,. ,.,. .. .;.-. ,.,, ...... ./ ....... , .. ,.... , .... ..,,.. ..... embarrassment. Best of all, you have up to 24 montns to repay on terms you c:.hooae younelf. "The diffPrC11ce with &aboard's the SERVICE!'' Opti-Mrs. Plan Club for Mesa Ore anlzatlon of a new Opti- M rs. club was dl~ssed when Newport HarbOr Optl·Mn. met with wives of eo.ta Mesa OptJ. mls~ at a Ju nch~n and card party Thursday. ~ptember 22. at VIUa Marina Re.ta urant. Mrs. Waltf!r BuchtE'rklrcht'n, 331 Driftwood Road. Shore Clltfa, explained the work of Optl·Mrs. as being both socia l and servicE', and stressed aid to n~y local girls as an Important project. Acting as cha irman of the Costa Mesa voup until election of officers Is Mu . M. M . La Borde>. 369 Flower St.. Costa Mesa. The Newport Ha rbor club wel- comed Mra. Wilbur Wagoner, 1990 ~an Way. Laeuna Beach, aa a new member. ... La ........ , ......•. .., Mrs. Paul William Lawrence of 224 VIa Lido Nord. Udo lal~. has returned from a trip around the world. which Includes fiylne over the North Pole from Los Aneeles to Copenhaaen, with a fuellna stop-over on Greenland. While on her trip sh~ wu en- tertained In Amsterdam by Dr. and Mrs. Chrlatlan Volt. formerly ot Beverly Hilla; In Frankfurt. Germany. by Baron a nd Baroness Von Opperhelm; and In Bombay, India. by Klsh Natrojl, director of the Tata lndulltrles. which In - cludes steel milia. cotton miJIJI. and a ir lines. FIRST C HURCH 0' CHRIST SCIENTIST JlOl Vla lUe, N~ ... ch A branch of The Mother Church. The FiMt Chureh of Chrott, Sci~ti1l, in b- ton. Meueehuseth . Sundey School _ 9:15 e.m. Sundey S.rv:ce -·-----II :00 e.m. Wednew ey Evenl"9 MHti'"J 1:00 P·"'· lt .. di~~q ltoom locet.d et ll15 Vie lido. Newpotf ... eh. it Of*! -· d eys from I 0:00 e.M. to 5:00 p.m •. Wedneweys from 10:00 e .m. to 7: .. 5 p.m. Fridey -niflllt ftOffl 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sundey efternoont 2 to 5 p.m. Glo1ed Holideys. The r.blic Ia ~ielly invit~ to et- tend I • chwrch Mrvlc.t end liM tt. lteedinq 'ltoom. YOU C AN TAKE OFF POUNDS The Easy • Stauffer Way If You Are·. TODAY, tt.. dory of a good f19ur• ia aetu.ly told NOT in ~. but in INCHES on • TAPE MEASURE YOU wil be delighted and amazed when y<K~ kno• · for tt,. .,.,., first me wfo.at the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do for YOUR f'igurel At the Sta\lffer Syst.m, Y<KI Wl1 be Wd. how long it wil take to achieve your desftd proportions. • PHONE TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TRIAL TREATMENT I FIGURE ANALYSIS llarbolr 17G SU7 E. Coast Bwy. COitORA DKL IIU Light their life with fQith ll/ A ST. AIQ)JIEWI PIIZirtftiWUI a~-.. u-aca-- 15th St.lr St. Andtewa Rd., GCI'OU fi'OID JUata lcboo1 Uberty• 1-lm ._..: ...... 1 ..... L lt.wart SUNDAY: Morntna worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11 :00; Jr. High, Sr. High and college aee Fellow- ahJps. 7 p.m.; 'lbunday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIGI1JJfJTr IIETIIODIIT -w. 11Ua lt.. eon. .... LJbea1y 1-4562 .... Joe.pb w. llc:lbaM Sunday: 9:3(1 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momtna Worahlp-7 p.m. CoUeee Age MYF Service-7 p.m. HJ&b School MYF Service; 8 p.m.. youna adwb eroup eervlee. PDIST AIIDOLT or COD 2lad lt. & E1dea A,.._ Coeta Neea Liberty 14711 ............ C:.Cnak:. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evaneeltat ~Ice, 7:30 p.m. Young People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Servtce: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlaalonary Council, 1bwwclaya 9:30a.m. for all day. IK'VEJITII DAY ADV&R I 111 . ................... ... •ews-t-..,:a ~ ... EJdu D. L lpcna.Jdl.ag Saturday Morntn1 Services: Sab- bath School: 8:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prqer meet· tne: Wedne.d•>'· a:oo p.m. cauw., .. ...,, •a 1'D caoiiCII or caaar •• •art ._ a. c.ea .._ 1 .. Qercla L Cllllll .._ ....._. .... C11N _1!1WINl .. -. llhrty UIC7 ID'J It .. nil D. C......, Mklr... Sunday Senieali: SUnda7 ScbooJ. Sunday aervicft: i :4S a.m. Bible 9:30 a.m. ~ Wcnlll~ at study; 11 a.m. momlna wor-10:30 a.a. J:v~ Serv· ablp; 7:30 ~m. evening service. Ice, 7 p.m. Su~. N.T.P.S .. Midweek aervice, 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Sunday; PrQer meettng, Wednesday. 7:30p.m. Weclneada)'. PDIIT LUTIIT CIIU'aCB laata AM Aft. at llw ... l&a eon. ..... ...... a. ........ Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :un. WorahJp Setvtc.· 6:30 p.m., Baptlat Tralnlnl Union; 7:30 p.m.. Evenlq Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pralae and Bible Study. Mon-a.y: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus p r act 1 Cej 8:30 p.m. Men's PraYft' Meeun1. caua:a or on LADY or liT. c:.&WMJn ... J w ............ •....-t IIA6el' 0114 r.ua. '3T.!..., . ...._ r..._. ._msu ..... Sunday M.._: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Cont..SOn: 8at· .......,. Ud --of~ J'rtdQI Utd Jlol1 Da" tr.n C:OO to 5:JO ~ ... from 7:30 to 1:30 p.m. Dally Mua 8:00a.m. J'lnt Jl'r1a.y: 1:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. Novena (PWpet\Jal Help): Tue.ctay, 7:45p.m. P"lahennen'a Maa. luly and Aueu-t, Sunday c a.m. ~uarn TilE CIIUac& or c::lmDT Odd r.u... ~.oc~p. ............... c:o.ta ..... DeDCI ·' ..... rtUT cau*'* or Cllliiilr ns w .......... ..._ lalbocl laDIWJ Liberty ~ms T-....... Jr... IOalater Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. wonhlp serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenJne service. CliiUft CIIUac& rl TilE lEA c-.aalty lletbodlat laao. lml. Mlftla lt.. •--.ort IIAtbew 5111 ...... ...... ..., A. c:..rs..o. Sunday WorahJp, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid- week Meettne: 7:00p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIDI caoaca l .. O.,...A...,a... ... '---~ .. ~­FatJa.~J.•..tn I~II-.. 7.LLllanlld 11:30 LJD. w .... a ,,.: ... U 7:00 a.m. -CoafMrlrm: 9atur-d.,. bom f:to to 8:15-T:to to 8:~ p.m. a. v&a ue., • ..,..... .._.. Mt'r ........ r . w ...... ....._ a. Suna.y School, 10:30 a.m. korn- Sunday Bebool: 8:15 a.m., Sun· lnl wonhlp, 11:00 a.m. day Ser•lee: 11:00 un. n. JAIRI~AL Wedneeda)' .l:wftl"' .Me.tJ.q: -,.. ......, • ..,...... .._. 8:00. Readlq .,.._ 3315 VIa a.-1110 Lldo. Newport Beach, open 10 .... Jolaa B. hrb. a.ctw' a.m.-5 p.m. week daya, 10 a.m.· Sunday aerv1ces: 8:00 a.m. Holy 7:45p.m. Wedneedaya, 7-9 p.m. Communion, 9:15 a.m. 11 a.m. Friday eventnn. Sunday .chooJ; 9:15 a.m. mom· CllaJIT LUi*i'Y CIIVBCII or COSTA IIDA (IIJanul 1.,_.) A-sc.s ...... lloll. eon.~t ... ...... ~ ...... TonNw Sunday Servlces: Worship Serv- Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. _..,......, co-uant unaobiiT 115 A.-............. lalad ........_ ..... D tid lapp ....... Sunday Sta tk:-et: 9:30 a. m. ln1 prayer and sermon, 11 a.m. wonhlp eervlce. Th u r • day Servicea: 9:15 a.m. Pr-.yer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. ft'. JOD \'IAJIJR1' 314 IIC111M A,.._ ltlllboa bJAald ~-1· r.ua. ·~ ~· ,__ r--~··•• la.nclay ...... : 7:00a.m. lr 9:00 a.m. Con!e.lon: 8Uurda.n and evea. of t.t Frida,. an4 Holy n.ya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; First Prtday 11 .. 8 a.m. SUJnmer Mall, 1uly ud Aqp.t Sunday, 'll&3D. -CJaurdt kbool· t :30 aad U:OO a.m. Wonblp SerVice. PDIT UPniT cauaca -CD'IUL -.aiii cauw or •awJOa!' oo .. a Dll. ..,.. lcdboG ...._ IIIIa & OMit ltL COMiiOWI'ff C8VIICII a... ........ .. c.-........ ,.._ ~ ..... Sultdq s •• a.a lfom. •• 11:00· ...... . ....... 7 ...... .;;;! ' ·~ C liES A rrl IIAdlew tiU lAM II ...,. Ill== ilfl,a... ............. a.J•••• ---su::?a:-it~· :~· :':: ...... -...-....a h e TALK AIOUT ICONOMYa They say that ·~ tt.cceeds W. success." And an eledric range will lumisb full prool ol tt. with ao unbroken aeries o1 cookJos IUOC:leUel to make big uvtop to your ~ bold budpt. Food'coeb moeey-and the eJtmm,doll o1 cMJy _...., (&Oure~ wtD more thu pey fOf tbe wry few ceata ...,.. ef tllcltiWty whkh......, you ol perfed ,_...wry tae. w ,._illaltt ~I ! . lhfp a.•Set: '7:10p.m. lundu SUndQ W~ e.w.: 1=45 ~ t:ervlee·II.I4·Weelc a.aa..ll:OO a.&IM..,Icbool: s.r.tee: T:JO p.m. WeclDelday •=•.... . . Pr.,. ........ - lee, WedneadaJ, 7:JO p.m. rowe peopae ... e:u p.m. lun4q. I / 'Nearly New Fashion Show' Nets Philharmonic $1.500, '!be Oranae County Philbar· monJc Sodety netted men than $1,!500 at the "Nearly New Pub· ton Show," beld at the Balboa Bay Club. Tbil IUm will ao toward meettna the budpt coal of 1."§0,000 tor the ~·56 ronc:ert aea110n. Nearly 600 women aathered at New Members· Entertained The Board of the Newport Har· bor Auxiliary of the Oltldr~'• Home Soctety entertained the alx new 1'1\etnbenl of the oraanJza· tlon at a recent luncheon at the home of Mrs. Howard IAW11011. MrL Tod Qvlatt, prealdent of the Auxlllary, wu hoateu. u · atsted bJ Mn. Don Andenon, Mrs. Larry Howell, Mn. M. S. Bernard, Mrs. Howard IAW80n, Mrs. H. Payne 'lbayer, Mrs. WU· llam Curlett. M.n. Robert Barnes, Mlu Carol Jones, Mrs. John Oertly, and Mn. David Ballan· tine. The n.w memb<'n are Mrl. Ed· wud Leiter Smith, Mrs. Tbomu McDoua~u. MrY.. Martin Man· gold, Mrs. William Davld Clark, Mnl. Edgar B. Wltmer, and Mrs. Jefftnon Scoville. Two formeT memberl who will resume actfve membership In the . group are Mrs. Frederick Huber and Mra. JamH Hoyt Jr. S...,....P'e YARN SHOP 17C7 L eoa.t.IUPwcrr eo.o.. del ... • JIA .., Knlttln1, Crochetlnl and Needlepoint SupplJee Kn.lttlnf Ba.p • lptclt1'Md A« 1 I '111el aad~ aoww Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the club tor the lww:beon and lt)'l. lhow, whleh wu followed later by the tale ot the many fublon ltetna doftated by lead· Ina ahopt and aumeroua tncU· vWuala. n... ranpd trom orta· Jnal ctestaned IDOdeU. hand· 110nu~ tun and ma,ny ete1ant dreaN to amall lteme IUCh M handbap, conan an4 aoetume jewelry. A tarae committee ual.lted Mn. MbWeU Stur£M, chaJnnan. In arranatna the event. Decor•· tJona were dellaned by Thelma Paddock Ho~ ot Corona del Mar, aulsted by Mra. B. H. Hmahaw ol Udo r.Ie. and Mrs. Walter Schoenfeld of Newport Beach. In charae•ot all clothlnl and mer· chandiM wu Mra. Carl M. Boa· well of Bay ShorN. Mrs. Bull Petenon ~Newport Helehta wu In cb&r~e of aalH. In charae of the model& waa Mrs. OUver S. MUier o1 Ba7 Sboi'H, uatsted by Mnl. Wllllam Taylor of Corona del Mar. The coordinator of cdstumH wu Mrs. Alfred B. Payne. Jr. of J:m«ald Bay, ua1lted by Mra. Franct. Glblan of Bay Shores. Wardrobe chairman wu Mnl. 1&1 Berry of Newport HeJehta, aal.lted by MTI. BDbert AndJulla ol Cerona del Mar and Mn. Do\l&)u ~ of •Corona del Mar. Annou~ wu Juliette lOll~ of. LlOo tale. M~ll Included Mrs. Undae)' Youneblood and Mrs. Robert G~ of Corona del Mar; Phy1111 Beck. Barbara Gould, Betty Holliday, and Mrs. Joe E. Prelnlnaer of Lido lale: Mrs. llkhard Newman. Mrs. WIUlam McCook. Mrs. Robert HJp~. and Mra. Walter B. Mellott of New· port Beach; Mrs. Arthur Thron· 110n, Mn. J. Robert Maddox. and MarUyn Freldrlch of Costa Mesa. Mrs. GunnJng Butler of Costa Meta waa ticket and reservation chairman. F•JIIII .... *ttl The humble duck and her feathered trlends will adorn the top-pieces sported by coeds of Orange Cout College at the an· nual A.uoclated Women Stu· dents dinner Friday, Oct. 7. Tradition dictates that all those attending wear the z.anJHt chapeaux lm•glnable. Prlzes are awanled 1o ..,..al catqorietu nan.-. ....... IDOit ~ &M -ua·-al CJnthla Bell ol the lieU ...... NCiai'4J.q ...... wW entertain. VIall • •• rlllftl ••.•ILIII 1M -a. ••• 1M c.a.-aa L P. 11111'11 et• • IU P A•aEJ J •• ....,.. aJPPETOE KID IIIITB UTADAPP * S.O.S. Radio & T. V. noaa..._.,. • ._ all IIAIUIIK AVE.. aAUOA IILAIID COLI.JWI CET COIL A daughter, Robin Dale. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Col· llns of 14 Balboa Coves.. on Sun· day, Sept. 18. In Hoag Memorial Hospital. ------THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 ~ I.HetM•dt. -~Del ~ DON'T PAY for WATER NOTHING- No Notlli•g- llke ltl A WholetMW Idea in Cleaning with a brand new V-W Mellfl a.a,..,-0.. • • Miss Frances Jacoby Marries Ernest Espenschied of L.A. WbJte la~ was dlown by ~P· tftnber brtcle, M1u Jlances Ia· coby, tor her we<tdJne to EmHt Kurt ~bled at the Pua· dena PrHbyt.erian Churd\. peariL She wore a sJiver tlllp-ee necklace, Which wu a gllt from the grqom, and carried a bou- quet ol white carnations and ltepbanotJa. Attend Inc ht-r wt-re Mrs. RJch. ard Conant of Los Angeles. aa matron of honor; Miss Lila Blu· mer. the brlde'a cousin from Pas· adena, u maid of honor. and 1101111'1 Lllf IIIIET wtt:biAl..l.D The bride Ia the dauchter of Mr. and Mra. K~e Jacoby, D> Pearl Ave .• Balboa Ialand. 'lbe groom'• parents are Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Eapenschled of Loe An· gel H . With her baUerlna lenl(h eown, Mlu Jacoby wore lace mitts and a shoulder lenl(h vell held with a coronet of' 8eed M1a Ann Evan• and Mlas Shir· "Open the Door, lUchard's ..• ley IUner, both of San Marino. to a wonderland of foods ... u bridesmaids. Ma ke yourself 110 whimsical, that Donald Rawson of Alhambra you must be seen. touchtd. used was beat man. The ushers wer~ and tasted to be bellevf'd ... " Bill Jacoby, the bride's brother, * * * Preview Set For Dec. 2-3 W II II am Hughes. Lawrence Jenks. and Robert Lurie. atl of Los Angelt.>s. At tht> reception. held In the patio of the church. M.ra. Jacoby The Nlnth Annual Christmas received guest.g In a turquoise Previe-w wtu be staged 011 Friday satin shnth drKS with match· and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3, by lng hat. She-wore an orchJd cor· the Newport Harbor ·Bualness sace. The groom's mother wore and Professional Women'a Club. a brown faille dres with tur· quol~ hat and orctli<U. Theme thu year wtU be "Har· After the weddlng the couple bor'a Golden Year," and the left for a motor trip to Wyoming. place again will be the ~dez· where they will make thelr Fashion Show Aids Missions The women's fe-llowship of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church will hold a aUver tea and fashion sh ow In the church lounge at 1 :30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 5. Mrs. Joseph Kelm and Mrs. William Gilmore are CO·chalrmen. Fas hions wUl be shown by El· lgene. La Reine and Pride and Joy. Proceeds will go for medical missions In Kentucky, AJas ka and India. Models will be Mmes. Donald Andenon. Albert Kelly, J. E. Stallman, Marsden Davia. Paul wunam.a. .Jobn GlUM. Myron WaJ, c. w ........ Jldl .... cle.IJ and C. G. Dowth, and the follow'lnl cbUdNn: Paula wu. llama, Devon Barnett. LHJie Way. Pancho Edler and Paul Edler. Mrs. ~ Bolin will do the commentatlng. , ..... n.. S,.t .01 Llll Flllill Trl' A vacation time treat for Sally Bragg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Braeg or Corona del Mar. was a 20·day fishing trip on the commercial fishing boat. Skager· rak. VOUI Ballroom, Balboa. • Lydia Southworth Ia chaJnnan homP 8oth of the newlyweda for the Prevlew, and her advl8ory plan to attend the Unlvera.lty of Wyoming this year. The groom board Includes Mary Naegell, Is studying for his master degree Jean Howell, Mazle Blrd and Mil· In geolo....... He --duated this dred Swanson. "'~ ,.._ Committee chairmen are Merl· year from Occidental CoJlege, lee Dungan, booth sales; Karle where he wu president of KAppa Lanning. fashion show; Dorothy Sigma Fraternity. The new Mrs. EspenAChled abo studied at Oc· Jo Swanson, talent show; Doro· cldental. where ahe beloneed to thy Palen, publicity; PhyJlll 1 h Church, tickets; Evelyn VarnerA -;;p~aj;ijso;jrori~;jty;i.~~·;;;;;;;;~ and Sue Horvath, bazaar booth; • Ruth Wright and Helen Cole, door prizes. PAT BOCAK OP ltEWJIOaT A'ITEifDilfG IIA VY SCIIOOL QUICI SEIVICE 11110 SUIES Standard S h a d e Ootha and Cu.ltom Speda.ltles e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. Attending the Navy's Fl,. Con· trol Technician School at the Naval R e c e I v l n 1: Station In Washington. D. C.. Ia Patrick Hogan. boatswain's mate second class. USN. son of Mrs. Marie Lant-of 308 36th St., Newport Beach. He entered the servtt'e In ~~-g~g~.op • hsS4e tbe • Call ro.t OWce IIA 1M 1MB. I a2Uadlt.. ........... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • WIUW's DOING T. M. Hambrook. your Telephone Manaaer in "ewport BelCh • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ······~···························· Axel Lar~n of Costa Mesa was the skipper. and along for the trip were daughters Sharon and Diane La~n. In addition to Sal· ly. and Prince. a dog. Five tons of albacore wt-rc> caught on the- trip. which took them down tht" Baja California Coast of Mexico. touching land only once during the entire trip. They were lucky enough to get to San Diego with their load or fish beto~ the prlC(' dropped. If your youngstPrs 11hould come home from schM I some day soon talkang about a fabulous land of pup- pets. here's whnt it 'a all about. An enter · taaning co lor motion pacture called " Adven· ture in Telezonia'' ia now available to the elementary acb.ools In l his area. The movie is pRrt of a special kit we telephone people have worked out at the request of teachers and with their assistance. We lend the kit to schoola to help children learn how to use the telephone corr~y. Thia Ia important. For the klnd of telephone .ervice you enjoy dependa a lot on tbe way you and others uae the phone. So the good telephone bablta "Telezonia" iA teaching school children will help make telephone service ~lt er and mort' u.eful for everyone. Pacific Telephone works to mak~ your t~le­ phone a bigger value every day. ------ BAaaOa ABA STUDD'TS EJOOu.ED AT CAL fOLT Enrolled at California State~ Polytechnic College In San Luls Oblapo a,. the !ollowln& stu· dents from the Harbor area: WU · llam Ray Beck, 500 CUff Or., Clllf Haven; Kenneth W. Kraner. 431 Santa Ana Ave.. Newport Heights; RJchard ~~e McClel· Ian. 23 Yawl Road, Beacon Bay. and Ronald W. Moore. 45!5 San Bernardino Ave., Newport Helaht.a. ........... for six and .even ~ olds and eteht and nine year olds are operlinl Oct. 3 for Ct 11· dren who are Matnnera and want to levn wtth other ch'l· ctren. Sbe and number ot claate wUl be llmlfed to 3 cl.- wtth four children In .. c,. claa 'I'M~ wt11 ananae tilDe to wit" ,eople lnYOI¥td. • • • .......... .•. --____ ,_ .... ............. A.C... ...... • • • • Away-to-school days needn't "break up" a falnily • • • Jloybe tltp'e'~t a ymu19 man or V'OMG" ht your fa mtlv wllo'~r got"fl CIWGY to lf('hool tlln fall 1/.-o, Y'* COft ~ttill .ttay lft clo.'le per.aul t Ot6CA wit A ~~~ ot Iter, yON l"ftOtO. 1'or it tak.e~r Jw.:tt • moMettb to tnwd from h.ome to CCIM I*", or ccunp...a to llomr, by ttlep~o .. e. Aftd o quick glattCe cal tAe rotN tPl your trlc· ,~ book trill •hotc you how Uttle it co.ta. Wily "ot ln lou-- con Jottg cfi.ttCiftee MOkt" family rettft£otu • /reqt~Ntt M 'Cnt dwr· fttg ~~ «Mol yf!GT oAcod. • • Lilli Til•••••• .. Pll Flnt 1111 Tralll11 ,, ........ . So we huffed a nd we puffed and we blew the walls out ... Then we dug a bole In the mJd· dle, threw In a load of ca rpen- ters. refrlgf'raters, a r c h I t e c t s. plumbers, electricians and top· ped them oft with a banel of suggestJons and reque£t& from our friends o! the put seven years ... ''Won't you come In! We're most anxious for your opinion~" * * * OffSdal '"Ead oC -odell .. ~-..... tiM If ... Jlldl. ..... LaDd"' tiUa W'MIE·...S • • • n...s.y. Pl't.My Clad s.tv· cky • • • wtt:b ~ to DiaiMT· laDd,tfte oat ...-y ...,_ ••• 1--·b~ all ... tJM place • • • cmd • wbb:lleroo of • Mile Ia ..wr lllpwta•t . , • * * * Come on . . . take my hand; I don't want you to miss a single wonder or budeet·booner ... How do you like these new elec· trlc doors ... no push, no pqll, just noat ... Let's go upstalra first and visit the new Mezzanine Shop~. with the walla pushed out to ma ke more room for small e 1 e c t r I c a I appliances, houte· wares. ceramics. &Uts . . Be· aides I know you'll want to browse over the lOf% ·SO"'., off tables ... * * * We adl t:be cda&. bet• ... OW' ... rr-tood ~ tbat stretda t:be taU '-9tb .. tb• ..... ...:kid ....., ••• ,..... ... .... ...... _ ... ~ to~ .. --..-..,..up . .. au ... ...._._..,._ ~ _. IIIII Je wttlt tlut tiMrw1at ........... ,... felt tJM ..... ......., ·~ Ia t:be frl9ld ...... . * * * See that gal over there In the ~lc~ ... that'a me ... Won't you atep up and tute my wareaf ru have ........... cllf. ,... -.ell ,,_ ....... . DOCID fNID a. MW llllllli ifla~ .•• All .... szr -~~::lit:~;: to-eat foodl ttwrt .. • up In our catertn1 ldllcMn ••. And don't m1ss our new aN U.. dell· cateswn wtth modera ftourlah~ . .. with the tra,. ot wrt.nklf'd olives., jars of plckW PfP fN't .. Thf' WW'St ol It .•. Brat. i lood. Me-tt ... with 'nuuln~t'r, Capocolla, Hlld~el.,_, Pas· traml. Pf'pJ)('r Beet •.. all Cl'}'tnl "Slice .. me Mama. ontt to a pi~ of rye ... * * * .... DDcd ...... aeat CIMIIIter •.• Ill....,. taU .. .-14 plct.4 ~ ••• AU oC oa.r Tope GIIDd ... Tol'k _.. ~ Ia flUID w-... aty ••• Jut l.1b old u... to flM • pol'k teD· derl.oUl • • • ADd t:be .... !IDe- up of Nailly·••cappe4 IDMta A ...., staap IMD beee added .... dlcad'... • . • rtpt 111089 aide t:be U.S. Co'f1. 1D. apected ~ • • • We DOW ba.e OW' OW"D ftiDCb Clad rat.ee OGr owa beef • • • W1Mrt -pa c:aD't ... IJI a ...., ....t .,... lDq room • • • Meat to -v- property mut be ....,. • ~ ............ 1-.r de yoa waat tiMrt 'I+ side • ~ .. I beef .,.cl. .,...... ,... ..... tt NO&tr ._ .,....., ....._r I * * * Bloomlngf'St of all Is Bob ... Schroeder. I! you want to be for· mal . . . rlaht rrom maha.Ona the Flower Shop tn the Hilton Rotel ... Bob can d~ate. w1tb nowt-r · liJce preclston anythlnc from an eeg cup to a swimmlne pool ... • •&Ga ... Harbor IDgh Ne~s LeUer -~-~ Harbor Ra.t& Ia •ure bunttnr at the ~ea.m.a. They expected 1.800 kids and we now have 1.925 and atlll aolq. They are here from all ·over the &lebe. 1 hope to able to Interview ..some of them for our column soon. Ev· erett Rea and Horace Ensign math teachers can take a bow; Jbn Miller, al,ebra teacher at Harbor, announced that his de· partment had hit their highest enrollment ever. There are ap- proximately 38 In every clau· room. In eome rooms throughout the .chool, there are over 40 In a class. We are overcrowded In gym also. Equipment lockers are sban!d by 2 students. That In· eludes 2 tennis rackets, about 6 baJls, 2 pairs of gym clothes, gym s hoes. towels, and other odds and ends Ln one locker that should just hold about half that. That goes also for the boys' side ot the gym. In GAA this year there shows another mark of over-crowded conditions. so many girls en· rolled for tennis that the tennis courts could not accommodate 1111 ELDOUDO CUILLAC Royal colored tires. contln· ental kit, Bahama blue, only 6.500 miles. This car must be seen to be appreciated. Will take trade. Telephone Llbt>rty 8·3364 or Lycoming 2 -1071 CPomona l tbem. We are all hoplnr that the Georre Thomp.on; Vlee-Prel.: new hJrb .chool will be built Art Blrtcber, Lynn McFarland pretty .ooh ao that we can take and Eddie Pope; Sec.: Jody LJeb down the one-way traffic signs and Karen Warner; Tree&.~ Mar· ln the halls and breathe easy gte Crane, c.rolyn Callla. Walt again. The way It ls now a can Howald and Conn a Small; Board of sardtnes hu, nothinr on us. o.f Control: John Henrotln. • • • Nominated for Senior clau e AQUA DOW n.AKKED president: Dennis Hendenon and The first meeUng to plan the Pete Schulberr: VIce-~: Dar· annual aqua show, which 1s held rell Harbhorn and Jack Smith; every November 22·23, was last Sec.: Pat Kelter and Jlm Taylor; week. The girls met at Jallen Treas.: JoAn Haren, Don Mere· Green's house. Jallen ts a senior. dtth, Tom Niquette and Sue Nls· ~her representatJves were Lau· sen; Jioard of Control: Jim Bath rel Wood!lon. Heather Liddle, and Dick Overby. Judy Coleman, Mary Fay, Anita Election wUI be beld next Palm. all seniors, and Sue Brown, week. Jody Lleb, Marcia Davis. and e YEA SAJLOUI Meg Andrews. juniors; Lonna Harbor High started out with JEI'P C11MDUa aDd Joaa Cluw ... d -. Dktancl ...,_. .. 00 Lloyd, Gerry Nack. Pat Ragan, a bang this year on the football tiM..._.. .t =del Me 1a u...,. &.. -r_. • tbe sophomores, and Pat FruehJing schedule. I hope Friday night's ....._ • ...., ....._. ct tbe hrt ~'I'M V...._.·fa'-· and Marilyn Bowler, frosh. Miss smashing vk:tory over the Ex· ...u..ca1 lbadlo •• .. aoc.tJoa ct tbe IDCla C.... del Me • Marjorie Adams was the advisor. celslor Pilots will give our boys -;•~•:a~c:la~caci~~Cb~~·~-;~eo..~~for~~~~~~-~1"9~~~~~~~~·~·~·~-~U.~Ia~•~t~l:odl~~~-~;::: "Over The Rainbow" Is the the confidence to better last ..; theme for thiS year with 12 num· year's record. bers and 1 diving performance. The sailors w~re spurred on by The fee will be tlfty cents per Allen Ryplnskl and hls cheer· person, with the funds eolng leaders' fine leading of Harbors towards permanent bleachers on cheering section. The cheerlead· the pool deck. It oueht to be a ers lnC'Iude Don Waldron, Kayla good show this year so we hope Hurst, Patty Kelter and Carlton lots of you will come. Dawson. Allen was rt>ally on the e ELECTIOJf JfEZT WEEK ball with his che-ering. Petitions for sophomore, junior Clint Sawin led the band again and senior class officers were this year a~ tht>y play Anchors turned In to the office last week Aweigh. The Star Span~led Ban· for gTBde checking. Those norni· ner. On Wisconsin an<f our Alma nated for sophomore presl(fent Mater. The band was headed by 1 were Dave Pettit It Larry Shra·' drum majorettes. Beverly Lund, der; Vic:e -Pres.: Carl Bergeron. Sandy Swanson, and Wanda Glenda Price, Patty Smith and Trautwein. The marching band Patty Whitefield; Sec.: Mary Co· was kept busy playing "Anchors valt; Trea.: Maxine Chung It Awei gh" after evl'ry Harbor Marilyn Hammond; Board of tourhdown. Control: Norman Howard. Sharon Flag twirlers werl' seniors Lyman anc1 Gall White. Judy Sands, Jan Blum, Carol CHIJRt:HES VJnVEUALIST PJU..LOWSBIP UnJversallsts wUI share In the observance of World Communion Sunday with a symbolic com· munlon service, where the ele· ments )VUI be dedJcated but not distributed. The Rev. Frederick Ringe's sermon wll be on "Areas of Agreement with Our Christian Friends." The Universalist Com· munlty Fejlowshlp meets every Sunday at the Ebell Clubhouse. 515 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. CBJUSTJAJf SCIEJfCE CBVBCB IIEW?OIIT PDIST &AP'IUT Rally Day wtll be he.ld at the Sunday School of the Firat Bap· tlst Church ot Newport Beach. 19th and W. Balboa Blvd., at 9:45 a .m. Sunday. Special awards will be &lven to teachers and classes with 100~ attendance. The Rev. Herbert Johnson's World Communion Sunday ser· mon at 11 a.m. will be, "Christ For The World." At 7 p.m. he will speak on '"'lle VIctorious Lite." JfEWPOIIT HAABOB LVTBEllAJf Nominatl'd for Junior class King. Tony Burroughs. ~nnle president: Micky Haskl'll and Lund and Norma Hefnl'r; Jun· ;::::================================; tors, Carolyn Callis. Cynthia Beltran and sophomore Patti John, the Baptlst, In describing the coming of Christ Jesus says In Matthew (3:11, 121, "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. and with fire: Whose fan is In his hand." and adds that he will separate the wheat (facts\ trom the chafC (fables), In the Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "Unreality" at New hours will go In effect this Sunday at the Newport lfar· bor Lutheran Church In Newport Heights. Early service w111 be at 9 a.m.; pre-school Sunday School at 9 a.m.; Church Sunday School at 10 a .m.; second service at 11:15 a.m.; Luther Learue at California Whimsies llesiplll ., Et1 Lee • • • photo by Kayctte-Corona del Mar Patio Prlnc<>SS . Imported velveteen with hand de· tailing, lhl' tunic Is fully lined, has peter pan "v" back opening ... many styles In wool jersey. bro· cade satin, and velveteen white, red, black, blue, turquol~. 8-16$49.95 to 169.95. FASHION APPAitB. ~f.74JI ,,., • .....,..IW. e.. ....... c:.lf. 7 p.m. Smith. Sul' Thornbt>rg. Beverly Pflrrmann, and Shelby Tunnell Wl're grl'at as our songleaders. • • • the Christian Science church. The ;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Golden Text (or the Lesson-Ser· e FJCRT FOB POIJfTS mon Is taken from I Corinthians 7, verse 31, "The fashion of this world passeth away." The annual fight for Service Points bt>gan at the football gamf'. The girls who sold pro· grams under the direction of B11JCMACE SALE SET Heather Liddle were Pat Frueh· Oct. 10-15 are the tentative l1ng. Marilyn Bowler, Stephanie dates for the St. James rummage Daly. Nancy Chamberlin. Eve sale to be held In the little build· M 0 r 1 and , Sharon Waidelich. lng next to thl' Costa Mesa Bank. Marilyn Shutter, Judy Jonan, Rummage may be left at St. Janice Hayl'"S and Barbara Har· James Episcopal Church or at per. Concession girls Jed by Kay 1 the home of Mrs. John Donnelly, Bailey were Patty Bush. Mary Lu 271 Broadway, Costa Mesa; or It Downing, Sandy Spurgeon. LuLu will be collected by telephoning Davis, Barbara Nott, Jeanine Mrs. Donnelly at Liberty 8·6624. Armstrong. Linda Forderburg. c6K COJOIVJfiTT Cll"aCB Rachel Perez and Barbara Banks. World Wide Communion Sun· • • • clay wll1 be •oa.ervecl thls SUl\• e aACK 'nD .aD day at Corona del Mar Commu· Rubor Bees play their first nlty Church. The Rev. Edwin C. game with Montebello here Gqmke will give a Communion today. Let's not forget to sup· Meditation at duplicate services. port our Bees too. Their next 9:45 and 11 a.m. Reception of game will be with Fullerton, Members will be held during the there. Oct. 6. Remembt>r, they are 11 o'clock service. In the evenlne our next varsity. the SenJor Pilgrim Fellowship is • • • spon_sorlng two showings of a e PBOSB CET·T'OGETBEJI ' family film, '"'lle Secret of The Bob Johnson. temporary Frosh Gift," In the Church Sanctuary clus president. announces that t 7 d 8 15 the f~hmen get-to-gether w Ill a an : p.m. bt> on Oct. 7 Watch for further L L CONMVJflTT METHODIST news. A Church Attendance Crusade YHIII Fellewsllip Selects Officers Tom Brennan was elected president of the Intermediate Youth Fellowship of the Balboa Is I a n d Community Methodist Church at the fall organizational meeting Sunday evening at thl' home of the group's advisers. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Waldl'llch. 205 Pearl Ave .. Balboa Island. Other officers named were Dick Brennan, vice president: Gall Graves, secretary; Jackie Painter, treasurer; Barbara Ken· nedy, refreshments; Terri Walde · llch. publk:lty; Joel Frul'han. telephone; and Pamela Peoples. worship. A get-acquainted party Is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 9. In the church patio. eaan, Fire c.,.ap Ia low U1tler WIJ Mrs. Ernest L. Church, 830 Congress St.. was hostess when members of the committee 'for the coming Camp Fire Member· ship Drive held their first meet· will be launched next Sunday at the Balboa Island Community Methodist Church as the parl~h · loners gather to observe World Wide Communion Sunday. The Crusade Is being headed by Mrs. Fount L. Lowe, chalgnan of the Commission on Membership and Evangelism. Sunday's Commun· ton service will be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. In the afternoon the Rev. Donald G. Sapp will vlslt the sick and shut-In to admlnl· ster the sacrament. Serving as Communion stewards will be Mrs. Harold Fink and Mrs. George Jonl'"S. CBJUST CBV.cll .T TBE SEA Dr. Gerald B. Harvey will be guest speakB for World Wide Communion Sunday at Christ Church By the Sea In Newport Beach. He Is executive secretary of the Coordinating Council of the Southern Call.fornla·Arlzona Annual Conference of the Metho· dlst Church. Last May he re- turned from a special six-month mission to the M e t h o d I at Churches In Korea. He will speak about some of the high points and impressions of hls trip to Korea. SAVE .. SAFELY At Oraft9e Coatttv:• uecfint HOMe ltndint lnstitvtlon CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP. TO S I O,Obo An Ac:c:ounh Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month E•rn Nom the lat. LAGUNA FEOE~l SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LA6.UNA BEACH ,.._ HY-4-1177 lng. Read Dtatrn Want Ada. Appointed c h a i r m a n , Mrs. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;==~ Church anounced that tbe -n· r nual drtve to obtain new Blue Birds (7 to 10>, Camp Fire Glrlll (10 to 15> and their leaden Ia now rolng on and wiJI continue to Nov. 30. . In hB openJn1 talk to the committee Mrs. Church atreued the Immediate need tor more Blue Blrd and Camp Fire lf'OUpl because "there are ltW too many pb on the ouUide-lookln& tn on the run and frlendlhlp that Ia Camp Fire." COL. AL-..0;::;--;A;i :, D;;;DS;:,. JIILITAIIT OBD ........ Col. AI Ktn1 of !fewport wu oftldal ~ate of the Oran&e CoQnt;r chapt• ~ the MUttarJ OrdB' of tb• Wodd •• at the h.atioDal c.'Oftvetdoft IMid .... QJ. C*fO. ~ ...... .... lrtp ... ~ Olia. .... .,..... ol La jolla, .... Rlil ai ••• d Dr. !fiiiiMI. ••• ,. ol ... ..... OIJR fPfC'4 :_ry * DAVGII'I"a WWIW ,...CAaL~ Dolae J:d1aiW of loeebud Parm ln Rood. Callt.. baa been vlaltlna ber puente, Mr. and Mrs. carl VeMman, at tbelr ocean front hom. tn !f.-port Hlahlll'bta ot her vt.tt baw been a party alven tn her honor by Mrs. Barrett at the Balboa Bay C.lub, and watdllnl the Harbor HJ&h SaUon defeat Excelalor lot Friday evenln&. . For lttttaiMa._ en~loatt cal THE E:NS16N. HA.III4 El9in & Hamilton Watehts Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEV(El£R l 12) U.t CoetJ Hi9hway CoroM cf•l Mar A .. OUCIII tbe 0, I ... oC Cl• .. ........................ AdnaCIId Jloo.,_'l n'rcd _...,, '•cd <cluses for Motbefl A Bualneu Women) Specialized training tor tbe pre-scbool child from are three. Class It Private Leuonst Pora.u.nuutlola cadlloegSatratioo PboMIIcllrb.r J11J1 BTctt '-4711. K ....... adl IITctt C-4111 oou.ct. Clauee b.W Ia IICII"jode .._ Studio of Cbclla & ,.._lilul 2112 E. ea-t Jl.-y. Colaaa del KCII'. Acrou fnla hn 'l'beatn End of Month Values Save Thursday and Friday , WOIEIS DRESSES IEPIICED '4 GOOD SELECriOJf OP IDGIIU DICED EAJILT Pall dr_.., Cottlra·...,..·Jiylooa· Darb cmd ............ to etlect fnla .... ar.a a... 10 to • Cllld JfJIJ to Ulla- PENNEY SHEER . ' . NYLON-HOSIER.Y , 60 gauge-15 denier What a wonderful buy for you. Top colors and they're full fashioned to fit smooth. Sizes 81f2 to 11 At Penneys Thursday and Friday. · Women'• Felt HoWle Shoes Just think a felt house shoe at thls price-felt top-euede sole and In wine and blue· sizes 4 to 9. $1.00 Big New A.ortment REMNANTS Y2 PIICE WOMENS T.AJLORED RAYON SLIPS "$1.00 A lovely rayon tailored sUp with ad.Justable a h o u 1 de r straps. White only .and alzes 32 to 42. WOMENS NYLON DRESS GLOVES CLOIK OUT liM ' Womena Hcmd Bav- Y2 .. CE CO'n'ON , PRINTS -PLAIN COLORS-R.A~ONS _ DRA· aJG IEUCriOJI OF HAL , ~NYLONS -OUTING aAIIQAJJII m DUE COLOI· Sorry no Lay-Awaya. ED •DDIAQI. e.~ ... ~ .... CM .... ·~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~III~~!:~~~~IJ!!!!==~!!!!!I~II~!!!!~~~~ ,. tiM ........ ... ,• • I 8 081DAY.IDT. a 1-.......... ....... il Palhu~ of an emeraeney brake to hold wa. blamed fOf the ear oi Paul McGuire, 31, of W..t- min.lter, badtlnc Into Newport bat at th~ 18th St. boat launch· inc ramp at 5 p.m. Saturday, VAN'S CLEANERS "lO Y••rs' &~•IK• PMfectl119 Su,.,-ic)f Cl••11l119 Cr•ftJ~Mnship" WE FEATURE C.~ful Hendll11\ of All D•llcet• Febriu, B.•d.d lAc• G•ronenh DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV. ICE -I(NIT BLOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING'-ALTEAA· TION>-REPAIRING. P~. Herbor 5152 Pid Up I O.liv•ry S.rvic• Op.~ I e.m. to 5:)0 p.m. -S.tun:ley, I e.m. to 2:)0 p.m..- )42 I E. Co.st Hwy.; Cor011e del M•r MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE u. s. ltoyel n,., Wuhin9 & Poli~in9 Complete l ubriceli011 S.rvic• FREE PICIC.UP l DELIVERY ' Phon• Herbor )()94 1701 E. Coesl Hi9hwey et Aveeedo Corofte del Mer Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store in the Area. • Cell for fr•e DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 8·5518 u._~r.am Furnishings for homes, clubs, yachts. )01 7 W. Coesl Hi9hwey Newport Beech harbor photo lab cameru repairs r~ntals fast COLOR SERVICE 'Ia o--t c.u .... 50c M tad Varttiee ••• Ia bad ncllty to bloom SPECIAL 29c W. 0. TOLLE LACUJIA •uca -s. 0..11 =:A~~ JOHN VOGEL. Realtor • • • on Newport BJyd. cmo.e the Arch•. ac:ro. the Freeway from Hoaq Ha.pltaL 2nd FLOOR CROSSROADS VILLAGE BLDG. 1•'• O••••• ...... ,,. .... C..,W.M"Idlilllw lletla!M-Alt • ..., ... .............. wow Df .,.. Q J il l .... •m..-- &.alltf .... u PHONE Uberty 8-1617 SECOND STORY omCE FOR RENT $40. Month . DUTil CUITIIIS c-. Ia ..ct .. ou.r ODIDplete ..a.ctioa .. 14 ...... Gad 3r Datcla c:.daiU. •••• We alto • • • • ........ aat.da1 to ID4Itdi. r.... ....... Lido Author Is .Appointed Lron Ware of 105 VIa Nice. Lido IsJe. was appointed by Mayor Dora Hill Monday eve. nlng to till the vacancy on the Newport Beach Public Ubrary Board created by the reslrnatlon of Dr. Horace Parker of Balboa IsJand. I Mr. Ware 1s an author and has written a number of stories for the Saturday Evening Post. A public hearing on the an · nexat1on of the Seaquist block across from Harbor High School to the C(ty of Newport ~ch wa.s set for Oct. 24 and the el(>('tlon was called for Dec. 20 by New· port City Council Monday eve· nlng . Council ~lnded the prf'v1· ously ache-duled ~>«" 6 election I Mcauae the orlrlnal peUtlons did not Include thf' provision I that property OWT\f'rtl acrce to ..ssume their shve or the city's 'boa~ lndebtedn -Ttae peCI· lions bad to ~ N ·cirt'ulated ......... , .. , ..... a.. IF JOI wall REAL VALUE this BALBOA ISLAND HOME. 3 ·bE'drms . 1 ', baths. choice location. 2 patios. overs i zed garag£'. shore mooring with f1ber glas boat. COMPLET'ELY f ur n . lTV. linens, b l a n k e t s , beach equip .. paddleboards. etc I All For $25,000. Terms ,. o ......... . Fer IHtller 10 Years ••• OR "START LIVL>.:G" NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE • Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NIN~ !>IVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24.000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the lrvine Estates overlooklng Newport Harbor. ThHe homes feature California Jlvlnr. OUered uclu. slvely throulith Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free ana known u lrvlne Terral"f!--n Coast Hlrhway opposite the new lrvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or ClW Haven. THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG.FRtt'' Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther lntormatJon c•ou on 111 Vogel Value IIlLI TO SUIT Would you llkt' an extra -largt' room w ith bar kHcht'n. bit In ;a':'gt' lr oven, modern design with 1. 2 or 3 b(>d. rooms. 't our choiN." of any stylt> or design Owner·con- tractor will build on two very deslrablt' R-2 Jots lo- catNS between shopping lr beach. Call us now for par. tlculars THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HAR BOR 1741 CO RON A DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 OlE OF THOSE P1PUU11 "lncr&m"-buUt 2·bedr. homes. Rustle des!Jn, 4·yn. old. dWe. car... larp paUo. 1n ..,.,.nent COIIo4ltioD.. Owner tra:ad'ei'ed to Enll&Jlct Priced tor quick ~e! ...... Very good terms See Mr. Erhardt with JDHI E. SAIUIR REAL TOR A.'iD INSURANCE l3J3 E. Coast Highway. Corona dt'l Mar Harbor 2422 IIIEDIITE POSSESSIDI 41tealra., 2 ............ TOTAL PRICE Sl 0.500 $315 Don 2029 Ha rbor Bh•d .. Co!'ta M<-!'a Ub<'rty 8 -1161-Ev~ : LlbPrty ~ ~71~ HoHt-.or 3064 \1 ---------- A ll vour p•int~nq ,eeds w'll be I handled conven•entlv t~"'d cou,... eously in the completely eo.J o I ped Job Pr.nt;,Q Deoartm~,t of vour Harbor .t\re~t Newso11r-e· The Ern'ql). 110-4 Coast 81. CDV SALE I !!mAll Stelnway like neu $1500. For Real Fu111sW :l hNir<Y~m rurnan-hrat fir«> p l .. t'P chnllll! room rtrl BAL R<•A ISLAXD $150 'til June !"> BAYFRO:"\'T 2 hNirno"m. :.? bath S90 .t ~room 2 bnth f1replaN." $1";t1 Pleas(' ~ Mrll Dayton 1 only. used Mapl£' SpinPt • I •••"• ... Pi••• eo. ISLA. RUL TY CO. . Harbor 3382 WALDRDI REALTY :\08 ~Iarine Avr . Balboa l~>land llarbnr 23~ <498 Park. Balboa Island HA l77 HIIIM VIEW 4 ·~r. home. den. 2 baths. hardwood and ca r pet f' d n oors. $45.000. Submit down • • • 3-b@c:lt home. larp rooms. protf'ICted patio. attractively prlef'd at $2-t,j'5() • • • .. , 3 · bedr. lJvlnr room l SdO. ttreolaC'e. fen«\ cover to d patio can't ~ dupUcated ror $19.!500 2610 E. Coast Hwy .. \OM ------------- ''lAY FROIT SPECIWSTS" ART C KISTLER CO . REAL EST A TI:: 2001 Npwport 81\d. Newport Bfoach f-lnrbor 5226. day or night YIUI CISnE II TIE Ill c. .. ,..~ ••• -r A )fultlpft' L~tln~ Rr,.ltoT ('an ~how )IOU a w1ct. va~ of the c:t\OIC"t'lrt valu~ In your pri~ ranp. • AND UE KNOWS ROW TO ORA W UP cmrrt.AcrS FOil ntt MOST CONVENTENT 1"ERMS.. Yoq'U ftncl tt ~to do bualnt11 wit)\ a a.ttor. ,._ or cbop In 800D to JWtt one of the m reliable -.,_.. l.lltJq a..lton ln t~ Harbor Alu.. NEWPORT HARBOR BO~RD OF REAL .. ....................... ENSIGN CLASSIFIED . • •• CASH RATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 20 words or less _ _,_ __ 21 to 30 word..o.s--'-- 31 to 40 wordso.o-.---Each word over 40 __ _ 1 Time .75 1.00 1.25 .03 2 Times 1.25 1.50 2.00 .05 3 Times 1.50 2.00 2.50 . 07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion AAA~AA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA e IlEAL ESTATE & aEIITALI FURN. 2·room apt. at 31 Beacon Bay, near Harbor Island, $65 monthly until July 1, Incl. utU., double garage, very quiet; large enclosed yud, pine pone, hall block to private beach and small boat docklne prlvl· leees, near,by tennta court. No peta or chUdren. Call Harbor Z766 Saturdays or Inquire No. Z7 Beacon Bay, Harbor 1m. $100 monthly on year's leaae. SMALL APT. for rent. cooking facUlties. private bath, private entranee, 616 Goldenrod, COM. See alte-5 p.m. HA S684. IIJIC&LLAKEOVI WILt TRADE Automatic Dlah· washer. Youngstown, tor rug and playpen or accept reu. offer. HA 5983-.J. $5 PER MO. RENTS good practice plano. Let the klddles learn. All terms rent lt you buy later. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. 100 pianos. Home of the Hammond Orean. ausmus OPJlOWtulittiES FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES see Mr. Lee Casey. 2721 E. Coast Hwy., COM. MABDIE SUP FOR RENT, will take cruis- er. N.D.. Reaa., sate a nd clean. Harbor 3173·R between 6 p.m. It 8 p.m. or Liberty 8-~91. NICELY FURN. 1-bedroom house at 41~ Poinsettia. COM, near Post btflce. bank and stores. Very desirable for one or two persons. Call Harbor 512·R or contact 325 Orchid, COM. Sll 1 1 -Laal 2-BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patio, P lw--. a uto. washer, dlahmaster, ga. S••--a.,r R•f rage, In Beacon Bay, Pvt. r-'"' JU beach, small boat tie-up. Win· American Legion 215 15th St. ter rental $100 mo., yrly. $150. Uttl. pd. No pets. Avail. Oct. 15. Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. HA 1240. ONE BEDROOM furn. apt., $70. a BELP WAJifTED month or $65 on yearly lease. WOMAN TO JJve In with elderly 601 Poppy, COM. Ha rbor 3495·1 woman. Board. room. a nd after 2 p ., smaJl salary. Nice accommoda· FOR LEAS!.: OFFICE s uitable __:t:::lo:.:ns=. . ...:.H:..:A.:......:124=-..:.8:_·..:..M_. ____ _ for MD.; Ear, nose and throat doctor. dentist, lawyer. Corner of Goldenrod It Coast Hlwy., COM. Drape~ It carpeting In · eluded. Key at Mr. Cameron's. Write, 2860 Mlll Creek Rd .. Mentone, Calli. Call: Mentone 8·5631. TUJUNGA HEALTH WNE Casth· m atJcs). Dry, no smog or fog, 2500' elevation. Secluded, 3· twdr. homl", 1 yr. old on a p· prox. 2 acres. Panoramic vlt'W. Quality construction, $39.500. Also six secluded houSe sites, oak trees, springs, 1 to 4 acres. Must see to appreciate. Sell or trade for Bay Front property, liveable s a 11 b o a t . FLorida 3·5323. .. POa SALE BICYCLES, Urn. tube8. bultets and accessories. Bicycles from $39.95. W.stem Auto Supply, 1838 Newport Blvd , Costa Mesa. LATE-'47 FORD Con~.crtlble, $295 Call eves L1 i ·5425. CHICKERING upright plano $150. Good cond Call Harbor 2905-R PV('S HA.~MONO ORGANS World fa mr'u" All mr,rl PI'I. Also several bargain!' In u<~crl organ~. You ran 11a vf> on thf>SI' Cine organs. Danz S< hmi11t, 520 No. Ma in, Santa Ana. TRADE IN your olrl watch on a Lad i('S rl ia montl Elgin. Wallace Caid<'rhrad Jpwrlcr, 3123 E. Coast l!wy., COM. '51 CHRYSLER Impt•rlal. 4-door, rxtra clPnn nnd Qrlglna l. 36.000 miles $900. Llbr rty 8·40'73. ffiy----c;RA ND Sp<-clal. Only 149:>. r..ood tQne a nd action. Blggr'll stn<'k of wonderful grand pia nos In Orange Coun ty. TNm<~ OanL Schmidt Great Plano a nd Organ Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana Home of the H a mmonrl Org~t "---=---:-:- NORGE REFRIG. for, sale. Very good rond. HA 397_2_·_J·-~~ ELECfRONIC ORGAN. Save $410. lirts- YOU will have an opportunity to advance in our firm, because of our present expansion program. The starting salary La good and you wlll receive tre. quent Increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514% No. Main Street Rm. 211--Santa Ana 9 :00 to 4:00P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE latll Prljadlta FOR REin' S·MM 16·MM 3S·MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVTCE Model Airplane Supplies ..n Ca•r• Sllof 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Phone Llberty 8·7042 Cor le+temeadt. envelopes ~• THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 HAVE YOU SEEN? The new Watches, Diamonds, Wedding Rings, Costume Jewelry and Clocks ... Car. rled by Ray Fields at h is new store. RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAlR No Longer at Lido Drug 5ee him at new location ln the "VIsta Shopping Center," 19th St. at Placentia. Costa Mesa. e Phone Liberty S8488 e COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31.at Street, N~rt Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Uceued Contractor e TVUDAT. Uft'. • _..... an 3:1 to bit 141ft Susplc:ICMd object at "th St. ...... ._ 1ft a wttb an Ull· and Ocean ft.. N.wport. MpOrted ~moira '-7 at a.ra Dr., 0. by Mrs. Don Bunch, 4908 S.a· roea-lltatalanda. and wu tall8d abore Dr., turned out to be Don· to a ~ cent• for tr.t.Mnt atd Corrlcan. ace 16, of ~ 43rd . . . W. &. Blnpam ot Ul" St., In a aleeptnc bac ... Ertle Cryftal Aft., lalboa lalancl. ,. AdamtOn, 80, ol 215 VI• <;enoa. PGrttll tM theft ot about • waa reported mJulne by .On-ln· fiom b1a unloclced ear ... law Arthur Llndeke . . • H. 1. e PmDAT. Uft'. Jl Lorenz. 120 Ocean Blvd., reported A dty MWer truek driver's at· a swimmer In trouble &t little tent.lon waa obtained by MnJ. Corona beach; the swimmer was Jean E. Scboemaker of 1f171( W. bro ught a&feJy to shore by a Balboa Blvd., Newport ~ach, at companion. 12:22 a.m. to report a prowl~r In e WEDifUDA:J. SEPT. 21 her real den c: e and ottlcen Hubert Stephenson, 58. of 1104 ch~ked to flnd windows c:loaed W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, (0oaUnue4 oo Pap 8) w as arrested on a drunk drlvtng charge at Coast Hwy. and the UQAL KOTICZ entra nce to Irvine Terrace, at rN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 2:30 a.m .... Pre·school young· THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA llf aters were blamed for removing AND FOR niE COUNTY OF mall from the mall box of Mrs. ORANGE. Roger Ward of 534 Aliso Ave., In the matter of the Htate of Newport Height.. leaving It un· JANE MAC ARTIIUR. Decea.sed. opened on a neighbor's yard · · · CASE NO. A 28 204 Albert Stanley, 34. and Read T. NCYnCE OP SALE OF REAL AND Hanks, 34, both of Santa Ana PERSONAL PROPERTY AS A were arrested on charges of dla· UNIT AT PRIVATE SALE. turblng the peace, alter aJlee· Notice is hereby elven that on edly being engaged ln a fight at or alter October 7, 1955, the 37C'IT E. Coast Rwy., Corona del undersigned, A. K. Phelpa, as ad· Mar, at 5:28 p.m. Men In two mlnlstrator of the estate of .Jane plck·UP trucks were belleved to MacArthur, d~ued, will sell at ha ve ~to1en sacks of czement a private sale, to the highest from the Masonic Temple bu!ld· bidder, subject to confirmation lng ln Clltf Haven · · · by the above entitled Superior e TBtJUDAT. SEPT. 22 Court. all the right, title, Interest Franklin L. Roberts. 38, of 1013 and estate of the aald decedent Arbor St., Costa Mesa. was ar· at the time of her death and all rHted on a drunk In auto charge the right. title, and Interest the In the Merle's Drive In Parldng said estate haa, by operation ot lot, Corona del Mar. at 1 :06 a.m . law or otherwise, acquired other . . . WIIJiarn L. Biddle, 35, El than or tn adltlon to that of sald Toro marine, was arrested on a d~edent at the time of her drunk driving charge at 3 a.m. death, ln and to that certain real at Coast Hwy. and Narcissus property located ln the Clty of Ave .. Corona del Ma r · · · Jack San Clemente, County of Orange. Randall of 303-35th St .. Newport State of Calltornla, described as Beach, reported the theft of four follows: hub caps from his car · · · Lot 16 In Block 23 of Tract Randolph L. Reddick. 10, of 524 779, as per map r~rded In Seaward Rd., Corona Highland.!!. book 23 pages 19 to 25 of Business Directory INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbot :M74 331S E. Cout HIJ}lway Corona del Mar Mlacellaneous Maps, r~rds I of sa id County, sa.ld reaJ property to be sold as a unit together wlth the furnl· ture and furnlahlnes of the house upon sald land, said personal property consisting of the follow· lng: O'Keefe It Merritt stove, Frigidaire refrigerator, dining· room table a nd 5 chairs. sofa, Kimball plano and bench. R.C.A.· VIctor radlo·phonograph, aecre· tary and cha ir, bookcases, cheat or drawers. coffee tables. end table, lamps. twin beds, dresser and stool. easy chair, and mla· cellaneou. small I n c I d e n t a J Items. .W. or ._. .,. ~vlt.d for &aJd pioperty and mu.t be Jn wrtt.tne and may be delivered to aald admlnlatrator, at hi• office Res. Phone, Uberty S. 7315 at 3429 E. Coast Highway, Co· ____ ..,._. ________ rona del Mar, Callf.. or m ay be atnLDDfG SUPPUES tiled ln the office of the clerk of ------------said Super ior Co urt at any time CEMENT AND BUILDING AJI Kinds-Free Estimates UBERTY 8-6109 SCHOOLS & DfSTJlUCTIOif REAL ESTATE after the flm publication of this notice a nd before t he making of aald aale. Terms a nd conditio ns of sale: CUh ln lowtul money of the United States of America, ten per cent C 101{',) of the amount of bld to accompany the offer and the balanC4! to be paid on ron· flrmatlon of sale by sald Su· perlor Court. to existing tlrst trust deed Joan, upon which a GOP to Hold Fu.nd Roundup Mu Sturees of Newport Beach, financial chairman for Republl· can Central CommJttee of Or· ange. County, hu announced that a Republican tun4-ralalne Round-Up will be held at the BuUalo Ranch on MacArthur Blvd., Sunday, October 9 from 3 to 5 p.m. Howard Pyle, former governor of Arizona, and now ex~uUve a.sslstant to President Elsen· hower, will be the principal speaker. Senator Thomas H. Kuchel. Congressman James B. Utt and other -.fate GOP leaders wUJ appear on the speaker's platform with Mr. Pyle. Beef Bar·B·Q'S will be served and music and other entertain· ment wlll highlight the two hour proeram. Mrs. Robert J. Hltt,' Orange. Is women's c h a I r m a n for the Round-Up. Mrs. Richard Teach· out, 2581 Crestview Dr.. Bay ShOC"es, Ia woman's chairman for Newport Beach. Mr. Pyle Is former newspaper and radio correspondent. lnclud· lng reportlne the war ln the Pa· clflc during World War It. «&a a a aTtl1TJ7 flh.1lC(UTj;Jji a a a nru .PORT ;:,/. CORONA :JEi /WAr> h A,(,.., NIH/, .. C.r111 ... lar ... IBI -plu&- _,_ .. =L.••u .. .,_ -............ _ .. ..__ Contra cting b&lanee of approximately $4.·1-.-..-........ --...................... _,...._..,.._..., 293.40 Is unpaid. Taxes, rents. and Insurance premiums, and Insurance operating and maintenance ex· Continuous day a nd eve ning pensea shall be prorated aa of the date of C9n!lrmation of aale. classes for preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information The examination of title, record· lng of conveyance and any title Insurance policy shall be at the expense of the purchaser or pur· chasers. COIIDfQ, OCT. S ALLEY" John Wayne and Lauren-Bacall -plu._ .Johnny Wei.Mmuller In ~ •ew HI-WAY 3t ... 'lloocl .......... 80UTI SEAl OAFE AL TYLER SCHOOLS Dated: September 20, 1955. j~~===~~~~=~ A K PHELPS ~=-~==~==~;; 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7.3511 KEilog S2513 u admlntmator of the eatate of the above named decedent. A. K . Phel~ attorney a t Jaw 3429 E. Cout Hlehway Corona del Mar. Cam. Publish : Se-pt. 22. 29, 1955. ln the Newport Harbor Enalen. UG4,_,'S Your hml1y JU.tau.rant -=hnd ,...nd'q) llll&.c..t ..... .., llaltMt 1.. c.-del ... r.-.... a. ...... -. ..... ~...., •·• IlL..., a...a.M ..,. .. _.,o .. ea ... , .• ..._.,.... ....., lny..t-_.. .. t. a. ..,._..."' tlllelldclte .. ...... ..._.. v .................. -tiM a,... .. ........... Easy Terms. Oanz Schmidt. 520 No Main, Santa Ana. Home of the> Hammond Organ. '48 FORD convertible. radio, hl"ater. good Urea. Make ofler. Harbor 4159·W morning OC" be· tween 5 and 6. 878 W. 18th Costa Meu Liberty 8-8828 Liberty 8-6632 Let Me Teach You ClllliA PADITDIG Convenient Clau Lessons Ll 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY SPINET P I A N 0 S. Wonderful buys. Some slightly damaged In shipment. Rental ret\lm• and trade.lns on orearu~. Mirror Type Spinets as low as $195. Easy terms. Danz.Schmldt, 520 No. MaJn. S~tnta Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. liTO A TIOifS W AJfTED WANT BABY SJTJ1NG In my Co· rona del Mar homto ; Daytimes. Children 4 to 8 yrs. HA 2847-W. W .ANTED: lronlnJ ln my home. Mabel WhJtman. 607 Mareue· rite, COM. HA 4271J.J. CDM man would like gardenlnJ, cl•n.up, etc. Call HA ~. Mel Upaball. REPAIR AND Maintenance. patntine. carpenter etc. Juat anything. Reasonable. Satl• fad.lon euaranteed. HA 0126.J. COIIft.ETK L&JrDICUDIQ IDYICE FREE ESnMATES SltH Green Stamps Free delivery CO RON A DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 Z744 E. Cout Hwy. IIOWZU IIIDPZJIZD LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS Knives, Scluon. Etc. UbertY 8·5137 l . A. lloldlnl 188% Merrill PJ~ eo.ta M_. YD'STIAir &llfD uuaon • 4 "A's" 1928 lrvtne Ave., Coeta Mesa , LAii'DICA.fiiiQ.-.DUIGJIDrQ Georqe'a Landlcape & Maintencmc:e A home lan't complete unJeu tt'a lanct.acaped! I am a U · cetUed Contractof. C u atom Landacaplnc and I>eslenlnJ. Allo Clean·UPI and maJnle· nance. ... ·~· .... ... ...... I , QOlL .CD TO amEU A dauJhter. Robin Dale, .. wu !:=:=:=::=======~ born to Mr. and Mra. Dale Riner of l«M:5 W. BalboA Blvd., Newport Beach. on Saturday, Sept. 17, In HoaJ'"MemortaJ Ho.pltal. •A Classified Ad in The t:nsiqn brinqs immediate results! Ce l1 Harbor 1114-111 5 and orove it I POUTICAL ADVER11SEMENT T., OCT.'15 at the beautiful AMERICAN LEGION HALL 15th and West Bay, Newport CleM• Bar will lie 0,. Dinner Served 7 p.m. n1 11 p.m. ' SEIVIOE * BANQUET HAU AVAILABLE S..h 300 * BAY VIEW-DANCING-COCKTAIL BAR Let Me Sol•e Your Food or Catering Problem ROM£ PA.-nu • LAaGJ: GaOUPS WELCOMED * Hon d'oeun• cmd Good Food * MY SPECIALTY * Dorothy Marston of Tile GDurmet's . Kitchen 3707 E. Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar Presents an Informal ·DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF BILLY ARTHURS ORCHESTRA 8,... '1112 .... ''Select your food From the Little Wagons That Carry it to your Tab le " * * * DINNER and DANCE aaa,.,, ... "Lots of Fun and Favors" Surprise Entertainment MAKE IT A DATE! • United Church Women Plan Annual Mar Casa Retreat PJan.a fGI' the annual retreat ot the Southern Calltornla Nevada UnJtN Church Women to be hell. In Mar ca.. on Balboa llland on Oct. 5 . and 6 were ~ at the exec:utiv~ board meed"-ot Newport Harbor UnJt~ Church Women Sept. 16 in the Coeta Me.a Park. Mrs. Chester Fisher, president, presided over the rneetin& which also consider~ World Cotnmu· nity Day set tor Friday, Nov. 4 and the annual meeting of the local council on the first Friday In January. About 150 women will attend the retreat In Mar Casa, repre- senting more than 60 councils. Among them will be national, state and local officers. Out of town guests will be housed and ted In Mar Casa a nd nearby homes. Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. P. F. Baines are members of the plan- nine committee. Mrs. Theo Hauser is chairman of World Community Day. The theme will be "Building Lastlni Peace," and the subject Is "Give Us This Day Our Dally Bread." New oftlcers•wlll be nominated and elected. - your l} b 1!\ * includes tennis and handball cdurl8 for residents of the new Halecrest In benUlul COSTA MESA Harbor Boulevud & Baker Ave. S.lesA~Mta-WallleftlM I T== Uberty 8-7a2 ,, Tra1sfer I Storace 2200 Jfewport 81Yd... Costa Mua Pbooe EYe~ & S~ Liberty ~1323 Liberty a.JSIJ AG ENT <, J OP lrYOIII WOillD WID£ MOviNG A••o•cement I I • A ltOclal hour followed the Frl· day me.t~.na. Attendlnc were Mn. Ch.ter Ftaher, and Mrs. Jtuth Allen. eo.ta Mesa Metho- dlat Cburdl; Mrs. Georae Burk· hardt, president, and Mn. Marie Borgman, Newport Harbor Luth· eran Church; M.ra. P. F. Baines and Mrs. 1beo Hauser, Balboa Island Methodist Church; Mrs. Clifford Thomas, St. James Epls· copal Church; U oyd Folsom and Mrs. Hugh Batrd, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church; Mrs. Ceorge Davies, Corona del Mar Congr&· gaUona l Church; Mrs. Henry Hoffman Jr., Universalist Fellow- shtp; Mrs. D. B. Spaulding, Sev- enth Day Adventist, and Miss Elsie Newland, Christ Church By the Sea. ------BOOK llEVIEW SEAlES WD..L BECIK ocroua 1 Mary Greer Scarborough of Balboa Island will give the first In a series of four Phi Beta PI book reviews Friday, Oct. 7, at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The theme this year Is "Today'll World Through Today's Books." There will be a coffee hour at 10 a.m., the book review at 10:45 a.m., followed by luncheon. Glamour Glitnpses ByAJIIlf Fall Is really upon us, and this is the season we love, be· cause we have definitely left our summer fluff behind us, and are again taking note of our tlgures. and loving the feel of weartnc our slim skirted dresses and skirts, with cashmere sweaters. or beautifully matched knit blouses and jackets. Of coa.ne. aloo9 wttb tb_. ltema we jut c:a:D't UN last .,.ar'a baDd ~ wbea we ... the W'ODdedu1 DeW oae. for tbla MCIIIOIL 11!9. bl9 VelfttMDa for day UN lD ODIGn of fall 1~ to blead wttll cdmCMt noesytbiJicJ lD your wwdlobe. of the a1LbUe bladr.. wttb cr touch of call ao It ~ wttb your call shoes • • • t.be campletely..., cmtiqu• flDUh bags by BODCIY 1a to.. whlc:h eahcmce cmy ~tum• • • • WheD It CIOID• to ~· CYBn.a•a c:aa tcdr.e c:ur. of your aeed.a ~ of e~ge; .. bCift tbe smcrll 1AIIql efft datc:h bag .. tile , .... pl. • ..u ... ..,._... ""'*' .......... ..... .... cs-.. ~ Ill-* ....... of c:.'IOIIIM. It It's later in the day, a nd you are going out. you wUl love the selection of cocktaU and eve· nlng purses that are available for you at O'Brien's ... almost any color or fabric. and each chosen with discretion, with your desires In mind. Do COIDe cmd tab cr Uttle tlm• to browN crroaDd cmd look at theM loftly items. 80011. While t1he selection Is com· plete. we would like to remind you that It's not too early to think about tucking away a few of these Items for the loved ones on your Christmas list. HArbor 2861 2515 E. Coast Hwy. CO ROlf A DEL MAR CORAL Beauty Salon Now Uoder tbe Ow1aenhtp & llau ~t of IRS. HAZEL PAIIERSOI ( 16 Years' Experience In Beauty Cultunl FORMER IJEAUTT COLLECE IKSTBUCI'OB SLEEK ••• cmd • • • UDClattered An easy-to·care-for h airdo that's wonderfully elegant for evenlnc, yet Jook.a so right with cuual clothes. Let me create tbls attrac- tive hairstyle tor YOU! . IJfDIVIDUAL ..... C.ltl89 & lty1.1D9 Jf&W M&T.OD ., •ara TlaTJJfQ * ,. 1 1(1kk 111-llllll * ... .: Gilllil..,..-....,, 0... ...... Clinton F. Eastman. Import salesman of chlnaware and glassware, of 218 VIa Palermo, Lido Isle. reported a oar burglary loss of $159.40. The thief Inserted a wire In a slight gap in the right wlndwlng to reach a doqr handle to gain entry. IT. JAKES EPISCOPAL "Our Pastoral Responsibilities" will be the topic of the Rev. John H. Parke's sermon Sunday at St. James Episcopal Church, New- port. (OIDttJnae4 tnlm s-p 9) IIOIIDAY, I&Pr. • Two w t1uee 8kW aawa, an ~lectrJc under and an eleetrlt meNdon cord were atolen from a tool box at 1!518 Dolphin Ter· race, Irvine Terrace, ownH by th~ DlvenW~ Bullden of Mon- t.e~H!llo ... A Vftbal arcument bdween a husband and wUe ID the Hurley Bell Inn, Corona del ~ar, parktnc Jot at 11 :30 p.m. end~ when an ofllcer arriv~ in response to a dJsturbance call and all parties left the scene wh~n requested ... e TUESDAT. SEPT. 'Z7 Officers quarantined a dog alter It bit Carl Shearer, 10. of 311 E. 19th St .. Costa Mesa, In a yard at the residence of Mt;s. C. R. Mower of 519 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar ... W. C. Mac- Donald of 505 Clubhouse Ave .. Newport Beach, reported the theft of a new $27.50 reversible jacket from a City of Newport • •• Froz en Food s -t;! 1: (; \ ~~ f~\:ITS i ~'CCCTABlES BRUSSEL SPROUTS 7f. JfEW CJIOP WAIBJJfCTOif JONATHAN APPLES 10~ LAJICE EZTJIA F AJfCT SEEDLESS GRAPES 7" FllESII a.oz. na. MUSHROOMS ~~ BANANA S(t)UASH 4t. I