HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-13 - Newport Harbor Ensign• . PariUie to . Open ~ob ter BalM ole Set for Dec. 8 On Proposition for Ci ard System CDM Event Wiii .Begin On Saturday 2nd Petition Is Due to Be Ready Soon A special election has been called In Newport Beach for A parade of Horseless Carriages Tuesday, Dec. 6. to vote on a Saturday mornlng will herald proposal to change the method the start of the Seventh Annual of selecting city councilmen. • Corona del Mar Lobster Bake and The proposition to be voted on Trea.sure Days. asks whether counclln:)en should The parade will begin at the be elected by voters within each MaJn Beach, where the Lobster councilmanic district only, rath· Bake will be held this Saturday er than at large. as the city and Sunday. Riding In the car· charter now provides. rlages wtll be I>eeOee Cunning· This l.ssue Is being put on the ham. who was Miss Newport ballot by the Harbor Cltlzf'ns Beach tor the Orange Sounty League. which collected about Fair, and tht> eight Newport Har· 1.500 signatures for their pctl· bor High School students who tlons. are contestants for Qu~n of the TBD PJIOTO of talL biODde City Clerk Margery Schrouder Lobster Bake. Cllld becnrtlful Beu..t lloaablll announced at Monday's Council From the Lobster Bake slte. of SW'&dela was tcm.a by Ell· meeting that the signatures wert' tf.'am will farP a strong squad the parade will go throughout alp pbot09ft'Pber aa tbe K1u sufficient in number. II approved. VOL L RO. l O·PlYe CeDta Sect. 1 COBOKA DEL NAIL CALIF. TBlJBSDAT. OCTOBER 13, 1955 frum WhlttiN 's California lligh the Newport Harbor Area and to u.u,.,.. of 1155 eoteNd the t he charter a mendment has to Sc-hool tomorrow I Friday I t>ve- Costa Mesa, returning to the R.-port Barb« Yacht Club cu go before the State Legislature OCC p•lrateS M p A M d nlng at 7:30 at Davidson Flt'ld. Main Beach for the 12 o'clock the super apeda1 g-ueet at the for a pproval before It can be· ore rotests re a e Char I i e Berry and George selection of the Queen. Zoeta Dbtrict CoDfereDce Sat-come effective. This could hap· &hullt WE.'re namE'<! as co· Tars Judges will .be Maurie Stanley, 1mky ....U.g. p<'n after the first Monday In To PI ay D 0 n s or tht' week for ·~dint the Tars Rex Brandt, Ken NUes and Chet March, when ~glslature meets to a <'O ovlncing ..:.n to 6 triumph ~~a~~ac~f~~l~:~: Mahler Out -~~u.~ ::!'!~ s:~7~e '7o~·thi! On Saturday Aga·lnsl Freeway Plans ~~:~ O:ul~~~~e:;nt~:d·~~~SF~ ante County Fair. will crown next general Council election. • strong contenders for the League the queen. Aprtl 10. The Orange Coast College Pi· Utle. 9elinnlnc at 1 p.m. Saturday, Three Council te~lll be rates wlll be trJtng to make lt The Ude of protest is mountlna C\vk A.uodatlon at 7:30p.m. to-FWlerton 8COI'ed Cl\IICtiiiF Ia t:M and Hdl hour on the hour there· T explrtnc then-thoae Ge-ald two confeftnce Vk1or1• ln a row ln Corona del Mar qatnst the morrow (FrlclaJ) at the Corona t'lnt ca-ana oa .. aftft tbere wUl be drawlnp toe as a.nn.u. w 1. w ..... ut:IM7.-t ........ IIJPwQ Dl'ltsloo'• plana del ............. , t-..... .. ..... ... &~ unnaed JlGit· a.......... a. a& ,. r • o.·•...., ... a JNe-I'MII!ttnc YnT be wroan J • ..w. tt.e ••• '• ldill4 .. CIMt ......, of tiMi Altlaar Bal.;.,. ........, • alld i.e Wll!IW cHum. 1'bJa "N~ ot Uw ctant way aloq Flfth Ave. B. Stoddard and Lee WUder. drfW 81 ,..,. lor a TD; ._,. --.m Mila ill 2 C08oicl ll8blii', *,_r-olcl OIICrtet 1. Co1ofta c1.e1 Mar . .Ali ldlWa'" • ~ to clnw a The Wom.an.'a Civic LHeue Letters of prdtest Wf'rt' received m.a~ 7 Yards. C&ltro JGit 2. ften ..-. S.turcla7 and contlftue B«ace ~ dool matll three received a mJnortty vote In bea.y crowd to watdl an Import· will start clrculatlng a petition at Monday evPnlng's City Coun-Schul" tossed a long pass to tblou.p tbe an-noon and eYe· teaCher wbo IUifered stab th lr dDt:r1cts ln the la.st ant Eutem Conference tussle. of protest at the Lobster Bake c1J m('('tlng On a motion by Vandervort. who was pulle-d nJng wounds Oct. 2 tn hta Laguna e own The OCC Buccaneers returned this w~k·f.'nd I Councllm«-n W1ld«-r. tht> Corona down from bfohlnd on the 4. The OurlnJ both days the eerving home. submitted his reslJnatlon el~lon. to the win column last Saturday Protests w11l be ht>ard at tht> j del Mar Civ1c AJ 50<'latJfln wa.!' 1 play roverE'd 56 yuds . Jkorry of Jobater and chopped alrloln to the School Board Monday af. Councilman Wlldt>r commented wlth a convincing 14-7 victory 1 me-eting of the Corona dt>l Mar rt>qut>Stt"d to St'rve as a <'itl7t'ns'j picked up a yard Castro made steak dinners wlll begin about ternoon. at Monday's Council meeting over a heavily favored ChaUf'y · I rommlttN' for the Coun<'JI to a yard and a ha lt Schultt th«-n 10 am. and continue throughout He wrote to the trustees: that the present mt>thod of at· Panther squad. c D M Group study the Frt'eWay problt-m and tossed a touchdown pass to Lor· the ·day u long as the llnes "While not admitting the accur-large voting for councilmen was Cha tfey drew first blood w ith • • • ~ubmit a rf'rommt'ndAtion to entzt>n &>rry klck«.>d tht> point. last acy of various reports In the unanimously approved and writ· about two minutes lett in the M F •d Counrll an<1 the Tars If'<! 7 to 6. The Pet Parade at 1 p.m. and press following my Injuries on ten Into the charter by the Board first quarter. Louie Hoyas went eets r1 ay The Tars startf'd from their the Style Show at 3 p.m. are two Oct. 2, 1955, I recognize that of Freeholders alter long and over from the two·y~rd line as QL lie ft--.&:-own 45 early In thf" M'C'Ond half of the blghllghU Sunday after· some of these reports might serl· due consideration. the Panthf'ts ('OVered 49 yards in ' Nine directors will be el(>("tl'<1 ·-r ....... -I an<1 srorN.I In t>iRht plays. &>rry noon. There will be music by the ously impair my effectiveness as A. K. Phelps. reporting for the 11 plays. I at the Corona dPI Mar Civic Att.· drove throu~,:h for ~ yards and a Rhythm Rockers beginning about a teacher In Newport Beach." Citizens Committee for Parks and George Holden m ade a nice sociatlon m<:ting at 7:30pm In ....... ali• Drf•e TO. and then kl<'k•d thf' point t<> 6 p.m. Sunday. and the grand Mr. Mahler had called Supt. Playgrounds. told Council that run·back of the Panther kick-ott morrow 1 Fnday 1 at the Corona I r mak<' the S<'Off' 14 ·6 prize of the Lobster Bake, a 21 · Roy Andersen Monday morning over 800 signatures had already from hls 10 to the 35 yard line del Mar Elt>mf.'nta ry School The Nf'\\·port Harbor \hambfor Hopkins re<'Over'E'd a Full«.>rton Inch TV set, wlll be awarded at from Hoag Hospital and asked to been collected for the petition First quartf.'r ended with McKen·l Following are nomin£>eS: Mrs of Commerct' is <'Ontlnumg its fumblt> on the Indian 40 I s thf" 7 p m. talk to him. The letter of rcstg-asking for a public vote on open· zie being hf'ld toe no gain. Harry Bergh. Wallacf.' Calder· 1 wrekly mf'mbf'rshlp drh·t>S in ' final quart«>r bf'gan. The de· · nation was prepared. and 1\-tr. ing the City Traller Park beach Barney Ebargaray thf'n made ht'ad. Mrs. B. N Df'~nbt>rg. Mrs. vnrlou'l st><"tlons of thP <'ity Fol I termlnf"d Tars drove on for their P Sh S t Andersen read the Jetter at the to the public. The signatures will his prt>St'ncf' in tht> ball game Karoline DrOf'ge. Norman Fll'm· lowing nt'W m t> m b <' r s havP 1 third tou<"hdown. with &>rry et OW e special meeting at 4:30 p.m. be ready to be turned over to the felt with runs of 8. 21. 11 anrl 4 lng. Mrs. Norman Fleming. Mrs slgnt'd up during tht' pa-.t \\Pf'k' lltNally fly ing 0\'f'r the Fuller· Monday. The ~ees voted to City clerk ln a week or ten days. yards to aceount for 44 of thf' Jsr k Florer. Hazt•l Gra!'t King Corona rlt>l Mar -~llhuurttf' ton llnf" fnr thr la-.1 yard and a For. Sunday accept the resignation. he said. He remarked that the 65·yard drive to reach pay dtrt Mrc; IS<~bel Pl'aS{'. Wilham P<'r Shop. Van·., Cleanf'r., LNlnard hair A~am Bt'rry·., ronvf'rslon Mr. Mahler had first rf'ported committee was not desirous of Bill McKenzie drove over from row. Mrs Eleanor Smith. Duncan Con;.trurllon Co . Dr Jnhn L wac; good. and thf.' score was to pollee that he h ad picked up calling a special t'lectlon on this the l ·yard lint> despltt> the pullt'd Stewart. Fred Stoddard and liar Poy~s. Dr Jay R. ·Lon~ll'v 21 6 The Fourth Annual Pet Parade wtll be held at 1 p.m. Sunday at the Corona del Mar Lobster Bake near the crandstand. lt Is a n· nounced by Frank Jordan, chair· matter alone-that It could be tf.'ndon which ham~ed his play ry Wood. N t ..., 11 c' h C F u 1 1 r r t on· s st~tr fullback a hitch -hiker, believed to be a led over to th"' April elec· II d h I I d Th t . r 'l r C f'\\'""r -• (' n\\ ·• t•. . . 1 M 1 th t th carr "' a ay. Anot f'r cr pp e. en «' ~o roun 1 men •. rom o ... T\ .. ' ~ 1 ~ r Bo Of'\\'(')' Landry. was carried ort CamhltchphPikeerndfoe~~~ .. harimnteo. drtave t~ tlon if It cannot be put on the Jack Kennedy. kicked the point rona del Mar. LN> ·"' lldt>r and ABcmlldf' R ... a_ t>S ~-• n I,;. II ' at th(' flt'ld with a palnflll back ·~~ ~ 6 I l el-ton ballot 7 7 J Stodd .. II . u t'r Ou.:r1 volrrl' ~I Jam k If 1 1 d ~-spec a "'n · to make the score · · ames ar ... ''I g1'e an . . IOJu rv shflrtlv aftl'r th~ Indians his home at n e pont n a e· Early In the third quartf'r PI-out lint' of their tf'rm of offl<'e to Elliott Sf'r\'JCf' Stat JOn JPrTY Hall rN'~'I~·Ni tht>. kk koft man ot the event. Pets wtll be entered by chll· dren from klnder~arten age throucb the Mvetlth crade. All peta .must be ahow1i by the chll· hmlamndlnfotrh ... msotooemyachan~adst~~~ Dr. Osburn, 69 rate QB Bruce Knipp tumt"d in date with Spt'<'lal attention to i TRir('l S:.:\ll't". e an_ A J;rolhr!S{'n With lf'SS than 4 minutes lett "' .. It 21 d 1 r h' th t local ISSUE' 'Thf' n~· f'8 "-"tal('. "('\\~lrt nUl Prs • Later be told pollee that he had a n ty .yar aunt rom 15 t> nf.'wes · S 1 :-. c r It in thf" gHmf' Bud Thompson rt'· Invited the man to his home. own 28 to 49·yard stripe. Baca proposed fr('('way routf.' along Hup~·· G'l ""'~~rt H•1~ ht ~~~ ryt turn<'rl a F u.lll'rtnn punt to thf" D·.es at Home carlied for thrE"e yards to tht' Fifth AVt' In Corona del Mar" ar r N~ss R 01 ~r ·~ t~ Tar 4.3 Jody Ff'nton made 3. ctren themaelves, and must be 0 th l• t d under the control of the chUdren ea Is e Or. l ohn N. Osburn, 69, of 19 at all Uma Bay Island. died ln hls home Flrlt. .ec:ond and third place A s • • d TUesday after a br~f Ulness. He tropbtes wUl be 11ven tn the fol· S a U I C I e had uved tn the harbor area for lowtn.,. clU~H: The death of Mrs. Ruth c;. the past seven years and in Cal· • J .. ed lfornla for the past 35 years. 1. Best ~ed pet; u"'g Moody. 53. of 422 Larkspur Ave .• Untll recently he had maln· by VlrJinla WU.On. Corona del Mar. baa been clasal· talned an o«<ce ln Corona del 2. Best croomect doe; judced fled as a suld de by Newport Mar for practice Umlted to the by Frank l orda.p. pollee. She had slashed both her 3. Most unusual pet (dop and wrlsta tn the bathroom of their ey~e was manled to Barbara cats excluded; judged by Mrs. home Monday nlght and bled to Stephens. dauthter of the former Gene Clart:rak. I ed ... _ (j d-" on death, pollee saJd. governor of Calltomla. 4. Best n ....,, u .~ He was a nav-' o--ln the bu1a of dWlculty of trlclu per-' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' &A u•"'"'·· formed); jud,ed by Kay Finch. T T I tlnt World War and chief sur· 5. Best cromed lonJ haired cat; a r att e s . . . aeon for the western dlvlslon of 4ud-'~ by Mrs. Claude Blood. Sante Fe Railroad for several J •.,;-y b........a do J .. ..-ly Ua•UA I.ILIK.-niAL yean. Be wu also doctor for the 6. Best pure ""'"' g; u..._~ 5 5 ,5 : ; c• , , OI,ymplcs In 1932 and team pJtY· by Frank lotdan. aldan for USC athlete.. 7. Best pet In ahow (choeen Tbe proud president ol the Rn· Besldea h1a wtte be &a survived trom amonc the alx wlnnen ol tor clua Ia Denny Henderson. Wllll the aboYe c:laaes); judcecl by VJ---• .. -t ,_ 9a_... SmJth.. sec:· by two dauaht«a. Mra. am ... ,.,.. ... ~....,..., .. • ...... Holstein of Sbore CU.tfs and Mrs. Kay l"lndl. rt t retary Pat Kelter, Joanne Hacen Robert Fulton of San Fernando Chll~ must ftPO a :=; c:ounta the money u ·tenior class Valley, and tlve rrandchlld!'en. Saturday ln order ~ treuUn!' and Dlc.k Overby .. the Sen~ .,. pendlnJ at BaJa peta In the proper Board Ot ConlrOr npneentaU~. Mortua.ry 1n Corona del Mar. Coqratuladou! Names Penney ..=a:ur~·~~ League Names Tile newty fonned !fewport deBt. LJnn MeJ-arlaM won ln a Harbor l\lnlor Olamber ol Cam· nm-Gft wttll J:dclfe Popel for aattt £~\te~ke ofiS)t SeUhore m~ beJel tkelr ...tt a.t~aa tNuartr. c.fob'D Callll won tn Dr.. Newport. ..., el«tect lut Monday ftlabt. at which Ume a nan-oll Wltll DoMa Small; Thunclq ~ ~ U: they had thelr election ot otft· acf*'7, Jo4F 1M: loarcJ ol ~ ~ ..... Be eue ~ ~-..,.. Control. lolaiD -CIIdD. n ...... _ .. -,;. omc.-. aw. Pr..adent-.,.__.. .. nllr t for thll .maa ~_.of~ ;-a~ 11m ...._, • ....._. .sc:. ,._. ,..r 1e LUr7! llelueW. Vlc. Eel ........_,. -"""'"'' «AWpo.l -IIIIis ~; ......W ftol ,. ....... 1e ~ ~ u.pa wu named .sc.-cbainun: Aa· .. liD .....bur. ......,..... of ... t .... .... CDftlt. ... l'tlrnMM ol Ointral ..... calt lpk!lr: IIUUWW-M ...... au..e •n•a•, aM portal:=·~=-= ~· ltatll • .., '*' J'. -. •re=• ....._ .. K.arll .... , ....... 0 ttoL Nblr7· enemy 48. Mike Hau. just ln tht> an<1 what can be done about It Center. t>a t) < 11 Thf"n C'rt'nP Hubbard In for baU game alter beinJ sidelined The rouncllmen will al110 tell ~~~0 ueC~I;:,~· Tt'rry S.ilf'<; Co Sc'hultt. 1 at" r a 1 1 t' d. to Tom for three weeks with a back In· of th~ progress towa rd tht' q ~lqut>Ht'. and Tr>m went all the jury; then went all the way with acquisition of Rocky Point and Newport Ht'lghts-L E Bt>ll way on a 5-1 -yar<i !IC'Oring play. a deceptive break throuch center Buck Gulley by the city. and the man. !'llquc•ttf' wn~ jumping In glee u of the Panther line and a quick Main Bf'ach lf'a~ will be dis Balboa-..Tay thP Barht'r Stol hf' <'amf' oft thf" field. for that swing to hls riJhl. His kick for cussed. Presldt'nt Dick Hilliard tlemyr~. tourhdo~-n play wu his blrt.h· polht was good, and the score lnvttf'S all Interested citizens to I Out of town-Hf'llpot CorlXtra· day pre-sent for hltrutelf. was 14-7. a ttend the m~tlnJ. Uon. South Pasadena. l ...... w ••I••• Tt Stat Willi Cllr W. C. <Mac) MacDonald. who I had tendert'd h is verbal resitna· tJon as park fort'man to Newport R«rt"atlon Director Robert ClnJ· rlrh. has reconaldf!Ted hla action. and· last Monday announced that hf" wtll· not '"lgn. ThIs news rt'luw was i.siJued Mond'Y by City ~naeer Sa 1· • • • Newpwt Harbor Ene\gD NUMDAT. OCU*Ia II. ... CALLINGQQ .......... , lA ~ "'7 ... ....,. ' etJ. ll'"" g lnll I tOW her HJ!fo. • It .,..•t JOOd enoulb. A mlUtary poUc.oe. • • • • man cam. aJon, and upla1Md my objection to the 12.00 blll. ~'-"·• ....,.,, .. ~ ....... a, e4 ~ ....... c.llf. OffJce t.''!.~tlnt ploltt Itt tM ....... lWittt, 2110 I. c.e.t Hltfi-1, c--4ol Molftnt Adcl,..: JteO L c.. .. Hlot'-••1· C...... 4.t Mor, C.hfett~lo TE.LEP'HOHU: HAtw t 114 •-' till MIWif.A Of THl CAUFOitNIA NEWSPAPIIt. PUIUSHEAS ASSOCIATION ~ of HI. NATIONAL lOITOitiAL ASSOCIATON • • • Ttl. NEWPORT HAliOl ENSIGN "-• .,_.. 4.t.fMI.-.4 .. ~ • ,...,._..,., of toMrol drctMtioft lw lw4tmottt of HI. 5lt,.,W c.wt Oft4 '7 rooson thoroof It quollfto4 to publltl. oil public 11otlcot Je41Uiro4 lw ... 0 • &ltef'OCI •• S.cCMicl CleM Mottet I" tile Poti Office ot COI'Oft4l ... ( Mor. Collf. AltVO E. HMrA _ ·-·-·-·---·-··· E.llter on4 Pvbfkllol rEG HMPA ---·-··----··--··-····-··-·····--· --Aaocloto Wltor HUGH McMILLAN ··---··-·-N_.. Pll.tetr•• IEAT L JOHNSON.-----·-··--.. ·-···-··-·--~•oftlslnt DltN.ter SAM MITCHEU ·----------·---Ad•wtfllnt, Pritltlt~t ltUIY STEVENSON ...•.. -·-··-··-·-···-· • .. -·-·-··--·-·--·--looUoo,., SUISCitln-ION RATES Loul t~o~btcrlpt•on rotMt Two yoo.._$5.00; Olio yoor--$].00 Outtldo of tho Herber Aroo: Two yoor.-$7.00; ono yoor--$4.00 ..... ?'k. 'J!d¥' .. ~:. 'ii~~ .... j e AN INVITATION Come on over for the Coron.os del M&r Lobster Boke this wee~·end. It'll be held this Soturdoy &nd Sund&y ot the Big Corono Beech, where on e nergetic group of Corono del Mer businessme n end B&lboo Boy Lions ogoin will be offering two doys of fine feeding end entertoin- ment. Come end hove some excelle nt lobster meols, moybe win e prize, enjoy the tolent show, whistle ot the queen contest, wotcn the style show, listen to the music. see the pet porode ... join in this worthy community project, which will raise SC¥Tle muc h-needed funds to help complete the Youth Center Building. See you there Saturday end Sunday. • • • e THINK IT OVER Some unkind critics soy lhot Corono del Mar folks ere olwoys the Ther~ are many W'ho eo flJb· lne who have neVer beard of ..,ortamanshlp. Durinl the week· end. when It wu my poor for- tune to be ahore·bound, I heard a conversation tbat concerned a man whose plemY aoul needed aomethlne to make It pow. One of the rood skJppen ot our tpOI"t- tlahlne neet wu talkJne to an· other skipper. It wu late In the afternoon of a Jon~ day, for these boats and crews had cut oU their moorlne lln" lon~ be· tore the dawn. "I have an aetta tor aboard," aatd the first skipper. "He's sore because he bun't caught any. thlng. Rleht now he's down on the deck trying to talk the other passenfMa lnto l~n1 that we ke-ep on tlt.htng unUl be eeu 10me flah. He says that 1f we don't, he'a 1o1n1 to talk the whole boat-load lnt9 e otng Into the otrlce and as ktne for their money back. I dunno about euys like th is. Most of the others don't ~IJl to be paying much attention l o h lm." IUY thlnkt tblt Ia a commftdal. not a IIJ)OI"ttl.ablne. boat. .. To me, lt'a a prlvileee Juat to be able to eo out. To date. I've never been flabJne with a ak.Jp. per from thla area, or any other. for that matter, who didn't do his dumcte.t to ret hla cuat.omen In tlah. But to brine tlt.h home Ia aomethJn~ no one can eua.r· antee. Penonally, I'm glad that's the way lt IL For heels like the unknown one In thls tale, the only sure a.n.awer ls the Dab market. I hope the next mea he buya Is allghtly over rlpe-.and I hope aomeone who knows this character aenda him a copy or thls column. • "Sic temper tyrannls." And lt your Latln'a ruat.y, I 'll tranalate It for you. In today'a Jareon, tn words that everyone under· stands. It meana: "Okeh, George. You asked l6r It!" <Continued on Pa~re 8 ) &gin· type olwoys opposing ne w proposols, such es the widening of Coos! Hwy., wh ich now seems to be generelly occepted 01 ok11y. Now, soy these critics, Coron11 del Mor ·~ og•n the pl., to re-route Coast Hwy. onto e Freewoy between Harbor V•ew School and Foflh 1\ve. I 11m not ogin the eg n policy. It s better to use a graon o f salt on 1111 proposols than to swellow them hast.ly wothout a thought. 1\t least you won t be in the constont fi ~ of the gal who rouldn t sfJy no. I don't know thls guy, but I'll bet he's the same bird who Many classes In the . area of would take you at poker with a language and writing are avail· marked deck. It the skipper able to adults a t Orange Coast knows his name. he should ~ Coll.,.ge. So let's look hfJrd fJI this ideo of pultong 11 FreewfJy r1ghl through the heorl of the future development of our communi ty-ond try to move it liS for up the holl bfJd of our tow,.. liS po•s1ble. Why not IJC:IIIe ot (JI leo,t os for b11d os olorq thot olreody ec ost ng rood on the other s de of Horbor V1ew School. 11nd thus leave the school ~~nd Youth Center ond boll field 11 con!tguous pMI of our commun•ty. to It that every tanding on the Creative wriUng Is taught coast knows tt, too. What this Wednesdays from 7-10 by Adolph Joker really n~. the next time I Anderson at the St. James Epls · he shows up at a ny la nding Is copal Church, Newport Bea ch. to be firmly escorted, w1thout English refrt>Sher Is taught by apology or explanation. to the~ Mrs. Bev<>rly Myers Tuesday a nd oearest fish market. and then Thursday evenings from 7-9. told. In language that matches Conversational French Is taught his black and white striped fur. by Mrs. Hilda Everett Thursday that there Is a place where he evenings from 7-9:30 and Tues- can be sure of hls fish. As the days from 7-9:30. Letten--first skipper said, "I guess this Public speaking ls given by J. R. Kest Thursday evenlnes from DAR GROUP IEETS Happy Day Ranch quaking as~n trees and firs 110 Carbondale. Colorado dark they were almost black. Following on the heels of their September 9th. 1955 The ground was covered with annual benefit luncheon mid· The Erudrn wild raspberries. wild Strawber-September. the local William Ca· Dear Pes and H.op rles. current.a and gooseberries. bell DAR played hostess to mem· and all of our friends. and thouaan41 and thousand.a of beTa and IUest.a ot the Southern We look forward each week to w1ld Dowen. Coundl of DAB at a luncheon at eetttne our Enslen via rural Yea. the t lshlne was wonder· the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. route delivery up here 7000 feet ful. And when •he moon was Mrs. Ruth Apperaon Rous. state at "Happy Da y Ranch" -halt full. the harvest moon. we I regent, o~ned the meetlne ar· way to the stars. We're always brought ln 110me of our hay by ranged by a commltee of local interested in what you "low· moonlight. Some of the neigh-club members Including Mrs. landers" are doing and we enjoy bora he lped and we-sang and It William Tritt. regent, Mrs. A. L. your good reporting. Here ls a was just like hayrides In the Pinkley and Mrs. Anne Ha rbe· -<·heck to renew our subscription. movies. Another night we h itched son, vi<'e regents; Mrs. Helmer Maybe you'd like to know Old Dick tu the buggy and rode Dickey, t reasurt'r; Mrs. Font what the adventureous Joncses down to set' the moonlight on Low~>. regist rar; Mrs. C. F. Land· have been doing since we lett the river. Wt!-work too--haying ers. !'ltate rPgistrar. and Mrs. Earl there In March. or course. we got must be done at just thl" right Corkette and Mrs. C. F Dennison. to brlelly say "Hello" to most of time and while thl" sun sh ines. Special Pttrlotlc decoraUons you at our daughter Glnny's It's fun to see t he tall a lfalfa for the mt>etlng Included an old wedding In June. Well. we sort Call as one pu lls the mower thru I splnnlnl( wheel with an antique of remodeled thls seventy year It and then to gE't up at fou r silk comfort and several very old old brick house Into a Jlvang· o'clock In the morning while the hlstoric'a l fra med pa~rs. com· kitchen room and five bedrooms dew ls still on the mown hay pllmented by a floral arrange· -thr@e upstairs. The "Hearth 1 that heavenly smell I and «0 ment and climaxed with a large Room." as we call the room we round and rou nd on the tractor American flag. Besides the state live In a nd cook ln. has a big and watch thf' sun rome up over regcnt. ~lx membl'rs or the DAR rock fireplace across one end. the "Ill and hear the t'hlckens state ex('Cutlve board were pres· We picked up the rocks here on crow and the neighbor lady ull ent for the meetlnr. thE' ranch -they a re pln.k and her pigs. and have the small buff and tht> hearth goes clear warm pupple11 grt>«.>t you as you EDITOR OF THE ENSIGN : across the end of the room and come to thl" houS(' for a brf'ak· The Citizen's Committee for Is raisNI so we can 11lt on It and fast of ham and golden pan· Parks and Playgrounds· would warm our backs. rakes. greatly appreciate the oppor· Picturc windows ar<.' on three And yestPrday we had to tunlty of cla rifying Its position sides of the room. Onf' over th<> la..sso the old mama s heep and concerning the Munll<'pal Trailer sink. looks down over our peace· pull the porcupine quills from Park beach. In circulating thf' ful gre«'n valley where black her nose-we'll never know what ~tltlon for the amt>ndment of angus graze. grain stands In makt>s her so curious that she the City Charter In relation to shocks ready for the threstrC'rS, has to snltf at them. for she this beach. we find that some a road w inds betw<.'en tall pop can't eat until we pull the quills uncertainty or misundersta nding ular tr('{'s just startln~ to turn out. Wt>'ve built ten ni"W gates exists as to the exact nat ure of yellow. and green fi elds of a lta i· and put up rods and rods our proposal. fa stret('h up to rt'd mountains lthat''l how they measur(' herl"l Flrsf. our petition does DOt An elm tree frames this picture of fpncPs Of rourse. we haven't prohibit the operation of a tra iler and the blue sky with sma ll done It all a lone. This summer park. Tht-plans alrt>ady adopted whltP cmbrelll\ clouds Is a lway'\ we'v~> had t hree boys (from the by the City Counrll provide for then•. t'ltyl Instead of four. And aJ. the filling-In or a strip or the bay 7-9:30 at tht> St. James Church. Newport Beach. Publicity writing for clubs Is a short four m eeting course taught by Mrs. Winifred Barbe. Society editor of the New· port Balboa News Press. The clus meeu Tuesday evenings from 7·9. Rftdlnr apeed labctatory, a dewlopllwnt&l OOIQNe f« .alta who want to lncreue their ,.ad· lng eUiclency, la given Monday evenings from 7 to 9 by J~ Kroll. Conversational S p a n I a h Is taught by Mrs. Jeanette Hoff · man. A beginning class m~ Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7·9. an Intermediate claM on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7·9. a nd a beglnnlnr class Monday and Thursday alter · noons from 12:30 at th~ Midway City Woman's Club. Professional Directory JC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Ore anlst · Acci>mpant.t Even lnf Claues tor dulta J(1T GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar PV!fERAL DDlECTOitS Friendly ffeltbborhood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MOR11JARY 110 Broadway U 8·3433 6 8·3434 Costa Meaa N O W ... TWO BA LTZ MORTUARIES Servtne the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY TilE SEA Ka.rbor 42 3520 E. Cout HJ~hway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Llber'ty 8-2121 11h 6 SUperior, eo.ta M ... AMPLE P A.JtXIlfG 80J'H LOCAnONS Tht!-window over lhC' electric t h 0 ugh , they've been green fronting upon the present trailer stove looks straight up our thpy've be(>n willing and S('('ml"d park grounds, and those plans ranrh and wt> can ~e the tall to t>njoy ev<>T)' minute of this further provide for the creation star·ks of hay, the green fields fnrm life. and maintenance of a beach 85 and our red and white cattle George Ca.n1ngton, from Co· teet wide between the trallen~ grazing or lying down chewln& rona del Mar. came by on h ls and the mean hlJh tJde IJne. their ruds. The other window. In way east and gave us a helplne Our qua.rrel with the P<M~Itlon size <>lght by ten feet. looks Inti) hand. 1 had the cutest little taken by the 4 majority mftnben our orchard whPre the apple fltteen year old alrl as a sublrtl· of the City Counc:U la limited to trees arr heavy with trult-5mall tute for my da ughte r• (who thls queatlon: ShaU a.U of th.la shiny r('d crab appll"'l and larle would eo and get married) to 85 foot attlp of clty·owned beach very yr llow summer cooking 8P· help me cook tor the twenty or be open for the UM of all mem· ples; the rert apples have Just th lrty meals we've served each bet• of our community, or ,aha.JI -----=:::;:.~=:..:...-----. a touch of red M yet. There the d t h 1 d t.a. She a major portion of It be set aside sheep graze and the hor~ reach ~~ 0wh:,r:~:nha:u: leave tor the exclusive ute of a amall up and steal an apple or two. . tor IICbool 10 1 euess she liked frOUP· mo.t ot whora wlll be 1 I sit at the old oak round ranch life too. non•retJJdent.a a net non tax· ta ble peettne apples for apple· payen? aauce and can look out of a ll Next month our huntll'\1 frl~da second. there ..-m. to be tome th ...... wlndowa. 10 1 really don't ftom CalJ.tomla wW COJM. to t 1 .. _ .... _ ~ tn "''"" 1 a'tho' t"'--·nl --pte ba--all con ua on u ·w u.w p;;;r;.v · mind dolne dlabes or ea.nn na. • ow ~----,.,. volved. Our ~ eeeiQ to ere· Of courw. 1 don't alwaya stay In· left for ec.flool. we won't be lone· ate and malnta.ln a eommunJty tide. 'MtJt momtne 1 knoW ju.lt .ome f9t Jon1. Wish I coUld Mnd ~ aloDJ the entire M7 front how a rac:lnJ jockey feels be· you all tome appl• The crop from Uth ltNtt to u.. AJMrteu cau.e OW' .quarter hone (they wu-. hMYJ thla year tn qlte IAPm PI~· OUr petltiDD tell I'M they are (uter than race ot the fact that tt .nowed • the doel nat aiJtd 1ft ..., ,._, tM 1\onet tor the nm quarter m.Oel bl~ l.ft MQ, tllat -ol !J4'M'b ..._. to u.. ~ ,-an away wtt.b me lut nllbt. l U.. a.. .,. tn.JdAI ucS ....,.. ......_ • HARBOR REST . MEMORIAL P ARJ( Hu1>or Blvd. at Ol•ler IDI.'IIDLT 5-1151 dld))'t fall olf but my arms an WIMN lb.,-.... a eupet olred ,.. _... ..... wtlll ..,.... ton from trJinl to bold llJm &Dd ,.uaw oa tbe .......... -~ Ia ....._ ...... IIIJ .......... ._ aDd 1 Mftl' ezpect to p 10 fait Ia Od •• •we .,. wv• •-.. ,..,.. Ia 2 q ...... • ap.ln ewn ln an a.~ ..U. to o.r n ~-to We ,_... .... a. ........ Arid .... kin. ol .,....._...._.. .. -.ala_., ..... a t•lllfjP I ......... ddJnl,tAMrWI_.a_ ._ ................ a tu ..._. .. ..._....._ fill. u4 rocte Ill ddrtt ...._ to •u••• ... .._. ., a.. y.,. .., • """ •--•• tbit --................... 8ak ftdlill.t--... a no. ....... tlw•n_. lilt..,...._.. •-ud •,.. ... -Cldl .., • ....---~ lt ... tMJDGit ..., lA. ... ,_ •willild: I ._..,........... .. ..,. w ...... ..,., IAniV cr .... ..,., ,... ,.._.,_co_L_AJmUW ____ w._uan~. ___ r_.._ ___ .. _.-.. ___ .,_a_tr_CoacU ___ 'nlen to me he .. ld. "Wbo but e you would buy tueh a c:raq eiiVIICII Olr rov. IPDI lnp on Sunday mornlnJ ln the number!" ft wu lltaA~ prac. Are you IUpenUUou.a! Do you publlc equ.,., lnddentally. the UCe fol' ewr)'OM ..,_, week to beltt'Ve In huMbed · ~QVtrfti'IMnt Wlfd the p.rotJtl lo buy a ~ tklult. I ba4 nevw I'll tell yc1\l th• ~tory· ot the butld the t.t hoepJtal In the fCondllc.d ., · tottt lltUe teYeM. 'nlla story Ia Central Americas. dated In my mJnd by the fact I stated that I would 10 to that on thla day the new• of Colon the next clay, Saturday. Prtwldent Hudlne'• death eam• and buy any of the remaJnlne over the cable. eectlona of the four aev~na Ucket. It wu In the evenl.na. The Each tlcket bad 10 MctJona. fiCe'De wu tbe ~ned.-ln porch which Mil for !50 c.nta each. of the bachelor quarteT~ at There Wet'e !50,000 tleketl. which France FJeld, Canal Zone, Pana· Weft the combination• ol four ma, oveorlooklne the Caribbean dlflbt. 0 to 9. Therefore each Sea. A little eame ot poker wu tJC!"et had one chance ln !50,000 eotng on. I wu dealt tour aiv of "'-nnlne the flrat prlu. ens, a nd In case you don't know Ttl~ tlrat native woman aellln~ lt.. that I• considered a pretty tickets had flve aect.lons of four eood country band to pick up aevens. I aave her a ts.OO bW. before tho draw. In fact, you and abe laid down u my chanae can't barctJy get that kJnd no a SO-cent piece and a two-doUu more. and never c6uJd. bilL You atJU ay Y,ou are not t was wondertne 11 maybe the •upem iUou• and don t believe In boys were havlnl a little Joke, FIUT CHURCH Of' CHl tST but I decided that the dealer wae SCfENTtST no eleteht-of.hand arttat. In fact. JJO) Vlo LJ4o, NoWMri ...... I held the opinion that he wu . A bronch of Tho Mother C_hur~h, Tho so clumay that he couldn't get Fortt Church of Chrltt, Sclonhtt, •n BQ.. hls hand out of an apple banel ton, Mu .. chu .. ttw.. • Sundoy School ----9:15 •·"'· So-o-o-o I played the band and Sundoy S.rvico .. ·-·-·--11 :()() •·"'· raked tn most of the looM Wodnotdoy EY.nlnt Mootlnt 1:00 P·"'· change, whereupon an otltcer re-Reodi"9 lloom Joc:.otod ot n 16 Vlt marked that he had a Mctlon ot Lido. N-port ... dl. Ia 090" -k that numbe-r In the wee.kly Jot -do'f' frOf'll 10!00 •·"'· to &:00 P·"'~ tery. Wodl*do.,. fro"' 10:00 o.m. to 7:-46 • •anoKAL 1.01 I U'f P·"'· Ftodey _,.,,. ,,_ 7!00 P·"" to I'll tak tl t h to 9:00 p..m. S\lndoy eftomoont 2.to 5 p.m. e me ou ere 6 · Clotod Holidav-. plain that the Pan.,nanlan Gov. Tho public '•. confltlly hwitod to ••· ecnment conducted lta own na. tend tho dlut'Ch Mrvl~ ond 11M the tJonal lottery, with weekly draw. Roodln9 llool'll . ................ wtth se.te ,_,... Mvtuttl'a •••• ••••••• • . • • .:'I . : G'e .. ~ .. ,: • .. caretu' .,.. .. • : ........ ...... ! • • • • • • • ••••• • • ••• • • • • •••• . --.. . . .• --· . • • ..... 0. • . ,.,., .. ""' : n•re ,... • A .. . ••••• • ••• c.u ..... ........ .....,. W. L LANDIS o• L E. CAIRNS Lu.ty ~1011 Ill .. lftla lt. OO:ITA IIUA Li9ht their life with foitk /1 A ST. AlfDUWS I'Jl.EinTE&lAJf anraca 15th St. A St. Andrewa Rd., CICI'OU bola IP91a kbool Uberty l·l7'73 Pastor: BeY. Jcaue L 1...-art SUNDAY: Mornlne worahlp. 9:30 and 11 a .m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Hleh. Sr, Hlah and colle,Je aee Fellow- ships, 7 p.m .; Thursday, Prayer, atudy group, 9:30 a.m. COKMUJn'TT IUTJIOI)JST ao w. lttll lt.. Coda x .. a.u.ty I-GII .... JoeepbW.Mcl,._. Sunday: 9~30 a.m.~,_Cburch Sun-day School; 9:;,u and 11:00 a .m. Momlne Worsblp.-7 p.m. Colleee Age VYF Service-1 p .m. RJ&b Sebool MYP' Service: 8 p.m., young aduJta poup . ..me.. TBa CWUJICa tW c:awt 1050 a. ........ Olllt. .... ~....., D. a. llant. lllalaW Sunday aerv1ces: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a .m. morning wor. ship; 7:30 p.m. evenlne service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m . Wedneaday. TRE artraCII or CIDIST Odd r.u... J..od96. 1141 Jf...,_t Aft.. eo.te ...... Uberty 1-5711 Tom ll4drlft, Jr .. Mtabter Sunday Servtces: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerY· tee; 7:30 p.m. evenlne service. CIBliT CII'UIICII rt THE lEA C...IIAity Met.laod.Ut 1c11boa 81Yd. trt l4tb lt.. R...-port IIAtbolr 1221 ..... .... ..., A. Carboe Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m . Mid- week Meettnr: 7:00 p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JOA~ CKUWCB 1114 0nm9e a ..... eo.ta ..... LJ))efty 1·1011 ratllw Tla4aaa J. Jfma Sallday ...... at 7. I. I. ID cmd 11:30 a .m. Weekda)'lt: Maa at 7:00 a.m. -Confealon: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5 :1~7:00 to 8:~ p.m . tmsT aAJTDT CBvacB OP •zwtO.,. acau.. ai..S..I~ 6 Coart Its.. •....-t B~ 21M Uberty ....r.1 ...... ~a.J•--Sunday aervlce.: 9:45 a.m ., Sun- day School: 11:00 a.m., Wor· ahfp Service; 7:30 p.m . Sunday evenlne C: e r vIce: Mid-Week Serv1ce: 7 :30 p.m. Wednesda.y Prayft' Meettna. I'IUT AII&IQL T Or GOD 22Dcllt. 6 Kldll:a'A.._ c:..t. U... Llbetty l.ml ......... IC. c:. C'nalc. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evaneellst aervtce. 7:30p.m. Younr People and Children's Service, 6 :30 p.m . Sun. Mid-week Servtoe: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. LadJes' Mlaalo!'lary CouncU. Thundaya 9:30 a.m. for all day. IEVEJrnl DAT ADVD 1~1 •..pon ............ t.. • ...,od lleiQta ~ .. lsaa ElcletD.Lipald'D9 Saturday Momlne Servtces: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser-mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· ln1: Wed.ne.day, 8:00 p.m. cauw " .. w•z•U""& ........... 0.... ::r .....llw.aiNWW' Llllartr .. nil Sunday Serv10M: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Mornlnr Worahlj) at 10:30 a.m. Evaneellltlc Sftv. Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday: Prayer meetlne. 7:30p.m. Wednesday. I'DIT ~OP CDJIT ~T 1302 v~ Udo. llewport .._. IIA.rbcw U2l Sunday School: 9:15 a.m .. Sun· day S e r v 1 c: e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Ewnlne Meetln•: 8:00. Readlne Room. 331!5 Vla Udo, Newport Beach, o~n 10 a.m .-5 p.m. week days.. 10 a.m.· 1~ p.m . Wedneedaya, 7·9 p.m. Friday ev~nJn~L CJD1ST LU'Til'E&A.II CJIVaCII or a.TA MUA (ICJMc'vl lpod) Amertcaa ~ llalL eo.to ..... Pcmtora ..,, ......_ Tonaow Sunday Servt~: Wonhlp Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aAL.oA IILAJn) COIOIU'JfiTT IRTiiODIST 115 a....-a ..... a.a.a talaad .................. Dee4dd lapp ..._au Sunday s.rv1ces: 1:30 a. m_ Chuf(!h School,;_ 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship :service. COIIOIIA DD. IIA. COMWVIfiTT CIIU'aCII Coli'paf&llealll •u="&,A"' ......... antaa-lr.e Suncla.y Worahtp !ervl~: 9:45 a .m., 11 :00 a.m. Sunday School: t :45 a.m. -aa.80II ASIDDI.T or GOD •llrl&!'tW•tOW'IIIIT .AJI80. a..,L .... _ c.uL LVTII&UII CBOKII -•-....... ... 1101 CWf Dr ........... ..._.. --~~lfllllt.. ........, .... 1 ........, ..... .... ~ a...hlad ... c. .. ft•• -· F..ar!y llft'Yice, 9:00 a.m. 8\lnday: Sun4a1 eebool te a.m.. mamJ.ng Pre-~ebool Sunday Sehool. 9:00 wonhlp U a.m. Youne people a .m.; Church Sund.ay khool, ~ 8:30 p.m., e¥enln1 10:00 a .m.; lltCOnd MrYkle, evanplblt Mr'Yb 7:30 PJIL 11:15 a.m.;, Luther Leap••. Mht.wMk MJ'Yke 7:30 p.m. 7:00p.m . Wed....SaJ'. rDIIT LVTIIT arv.CII Scaata ADa A"' tit MopoU. Coeto ..... .... •· a.. Jfnacaua Sunday Servl~: 9:45 a .m. Sunday School; 11 :un. Worship Services: 6:30 p.m., Ba ptl&t Tralnlne Union : 7 :30 p.m... Evenlne Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pralae and Bible Study. Mon- day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorus p r a c t l c e : 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meetlne. CJI17aCB or on LAJ)T OP liT. CADI&!. 1441 w ............. 11...-t ·~-.. rat.~Mr ·~ ~· ...._ rat~M~r~ IIIW Sunday Man•: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. ConteeiJon: Sat· urda)"8 ariel ""'-ot lit J'rl~ and Holy DQa frcwD t:OO to ::= t.'\, a;&. 'T.~~= rrtcJay: e:ao a.m. utelt:OO p.m. N oven a (hrp«ual Help>: Tuesday, 7 :45p.m. J'lahermen't Mue, July and Au,ust. Sunday 4 a.m. u•IV&aAUIT COIOIUJflTY l'a.LOWIBJ. &bell Cl•bll .... 515 w ...... 8mL aau.oa ., ....... , .... r.w . ..._. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. l.fom. lne wonbJp, 11 :00 a.m. IT. JAJOI UIICOPAL a. va. LNe. 11.......-t .._. 1IA.rt.. ·-.... J.aaaB.hrllit .... Sunday aerv1ces: ft:OO a.m. Holy Communion. 9:15 a.m. 11 a .m. SundtU' IChool; 9:1:5 a.m. morn· lne prayer and .ermon. 11 a.m. wonhtp service. T h urad a y Services: 9:1!5 a.m.· Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy CommunJon. IT. JO-VlAIIlfft lit Mari.De A...., 8aJMa lalaD.cl JIAtber Gilt r.u..·~~ ..... raUMr~ a1u Sunday Muses: 7:00 a .m . 1r 9:00 a.m. Confealon: Saturda~ and evH. of Let Friday• and Holy Da~; 7:3Q to 8:30 p.m.; Flrit Friday Mua 8 a.m. SU.m.lller Mus. luJy a nd Aueuat Sunday, 11 a.m. CJUnLU. amL& CIIVJICII Or-.. A"-at Dtd lt. Coeta Jleea. Uberty I·UOI A.A. Kaden. ....... Sunday School: 9:e a .m.. Mom· tne Serv1c., 11 :00; Eventn1 Service. 7:30. Mid-week SerV· Ice, Wed n e • d a y , 7:30 p.m. Youne people meet 6:1!5 p.m. Sunday. naT soo aaaa aAJ'TJIT CIIUIICII 150 w .......... St.. c.ta .... tllluty......, ....... Dr ........ ... Sunday 1Cboo!t_l:45 a.m..; murch IM'r'VIce 11 :w a.m. Tr&.lnlnJ Union 1 p.m. tktnctay. Even1n1 wonhJp I p.m. Sunday. Ttadl· ft'l and omc.... meetln11 p.m. W~ay. Jlrluow 11r¥ke and Bible ltudy 7:t5 p.m. Wedne.. da)t. Tlda Dlreeloi f ...... pa •lA's by WOODWGITH PIANO SHOP Clcl ............... ...... •-d.SC adnW lrt•h 1 •ww liOtARrrS UOO WAAKET Orutee ~ .... ~ llattctt JGJ VII LWe ~ 2121 .... ,_. .._. 2610 E. c..t HwJ. Hlr. J~ CAieeee ., ...., IAl1. W. STANLIY, ......, ...................... 1. w. OM. .._ ..._. MM. am ........... .... II New Members Initiated At Junior Ebell Meeting Eleven women were added to turtne Emma Knox In ber "Short the actlve membership list when Story '11leater." the lunlor Ebell Club of. Newport M.n. Dean Corton. MOOnd vice· Beach held lu first meettnr of president. reported on the work the club year Sept. a at the lr· abop wht!:ft memben wUI becfn vine Cout Country Club. maklnr artJcla tor EbeU Club'• They were introduced by lha. 'nnMl Tea. Robert Whl~. memberahlp chair· Mta. Fllher Introduced Mra. man, and welcomed by Mra. Nlcholu Btettner, EbeU Club Fl-eeman Piaher. president 1be prHtdent Al.o attendlnJ were new memben are: Mta. John Lamar, SenJor advt.or, Mme~~. John Barrett, lohn Col· and M.ra. Net.on Rolmwood, by, L t nc o 1 n Ct1ndle, Ceorre newly appointed lunlor Advtlor. Grupe, K. L. Hartman. John Baby apoona were preaented to Hoyt. Robert lone~~, WUJiam So· Mrs. Harlan Hoyt, lira. Curtl1 ton, Robert Wallace, Chatlea Herbert.a, and Mrs. Donald Clark, Woodward, Thomas Van Houtfn. who became new mothers alnce Mrs. Don Hayton, llrat vice· the club la . .t met. pre~~ldent. preaented a review ot The hlltorlan book for the year proerarna for tfle comloe year, 1.953 wu pr~~~ented to Mra. Ed· mentlonlnJ apecttlcally the Octo· wtn Finster, prealdent tor that ber meetlnr to be held at the year. Mra. Burr White al.o re· Newport Harbor Yacht Club tea· celved hen for the years 1951 l..ar9e.t ~., JlcnNIIJjiQ c:na1ae cJ.otJa-. .. tiM loatll laDd. WILTIH CUll'S Hawaiian Shop. 140Lc..t....,....._. lfat to lbow. IITatt t.-1 <OPEN SUNDAY) P•op&. hav• bNn uying ••• end b.fieving thet YOU CAl DO BEllER at • • Fumitur•• Complete Home Furnlahlnp ~ Uberty~ • , lat lfewport A9'&. • COSTA MESA and 1952. It waa voted upon to send the most outatandlne clubWbman ot the year to the Southern District Sprlne Convention. Standlne Commltteea for the year were announced u follows; program.a, Mra. Don Hayton; ways and means, Mrs. Dean Cor· ton: recordlnJ secretary, Mra. Forest Allinder; treuurer, Mrs. Edward Kelly; correapondlng sec· retary, Mta. WlUiam Cullen: au- ditor, Mrs. Don Peterson : mem· berahlp, Mrs. Robert White: fed· eratlon extension, Mrs. James White; tattler, Mra. John Me· Carty; preas, Mrs. Thomas Wood· ward: curator of sections, Mrs. Edwin Finster: parliamentarian, Mrs. Sterling Paris; build a bet· ter community, Mrs. Betty Reyn· olds; welfare, Mra. Myron Miller; Inspiration. Mrs. Arthur Neeb; historian, Mrs. Robert Frailey; ways and means representative, Mrs. George Smith; penny art, Mrs. George Curr; reservations, Mrs. Curtis H~rbertJI Jr.; music section. Mrs. Lt'ster Vlerllng; youth, Mrs. Donald Clark; civil defense, Mrs. Donald Fuller; Mrs. Harlan Hoyt. ·_ -··~ ... • Luanna Alton of Costa Mesa Wed to George A. Horner <X'C Faculty Wives Club held Ita lint m~Unc of the tchool yt>ar Sept. 27, In the .tu<lent loung~ on the ca mpul . non-. were Presld~nt Mrs. Weo<MII Pickens, Secretary· Treuuter M.n. l~ph Kroll, Mra. Geot1e Cuth • rlt'. and Mra. Jamea Love. Thirty five members were preeent. IOU CLIJ'P'OaD Clt.AXDALL. U.. ·-Kathertae lcbW... (~ Pboto) Katherine Schiffner Wed To Clifford C. Crandall .b hefrloom veil worn by bOth h« mothft' and crandmother at their weddlnl llei'Vice. covered the face ol M1u Luanna Arlene Alton, daughtft' at. Mr. and Mn. Leonard .M. Alton ot 2MS Elden Ave., eo.t.a Mesa, when ahe wat e.cort.ed by her fa ther to the altar ot the Church of Brethren, Santa Ana, to become the bride o.f Ceoree A.ltred Horner. The September weddlne wu an eve· nJne candleJight llef'Vtce con· ducted by the Rev. Robert M/ya. The brlde'a gown was a white floor length dreu of dainty nylon lace over satin. Lace ap· pllque at the neckllav was 1 adorned by ~ pearla. She cor rled a whl~ orchid on a prayN book. Serving aa maid of honur for the double ring servlfi" '¥1l'i Miss J an Baum ot La VernP Sht> wore a coral eown and carried a turquoise and cora l nosegay. Dressed In light green and tur quolse and carrying corJl oolorf>d nosegays were the bride's sister Miss Carolann Alton of Costa Mesa, her cousin, Mlss Louh.t> Groty of Garden Grove. and Mr<1 Donald Hall of Anaheim, all serving as bridesmaids. MIUIOn Teter of Santa Ana served u best man for the> groom, wh~ home Is In Ana hei.Jn. Hls ushers were RJcbarll Ebert of Anaheim. Charles SAncl berg of Carden Grove and VIrgil Pletcher and Darrel Cooney of I Clifford C. Crandall of Newport and Jefferey MacNellledgt> of Santa Ana. The poom'a parents Heights and Miss Katherine Ann Newport served as ,ushers. Pink Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Homer of 1 Schiffner of San Gabriel wt-re and white n owers an4 satin rib· Windber. Pa., were unable to b•' united In marriage by R~v. Ed· bons decorated the ~hurch and present at the weddlnf. w in Comke at a double ring the social hall. wherP a recep-The young couple are honPy wedding ceremony held thP last tlon followed the ceremony. The mooning In -MexJco alte' whk h week-end In September at thE.' bride's mother received guests In they will make their home In Corona de~ Mar Community a grey suit with a corsage of Anaheim. The new Mrs. Hdrner Church. shattert'd pink carnaUons. Mrs. graduated from Newport Harbor 1 The bride Is the daughtt>r of Crandall wore a pink lace dress High School. Orange Coast Col Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Bomar of and a mat<'hlng rorsage. lege and the Unlveralty of Red San Gabrle1. The groom's part>nlB I Following a hont>ymoon at lands. The groom graduated from are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crandall Lake Tahoe. th(' newlyweds are Windber, Pa .. high School and of 517 Sa n Bernardino Ave .. New· 'I making their homt-at J03 34th 1 served with tht> U.S. Navy medl port Heights. St.. N<-Wport. cal corps. The bride. escorted to the altar by h er lather. wore a white lace and net waltz length gown with shoulder length veil. She car · rled a cascade bouquet of shat- tered white carnations anrt lily of the valley. As maid of honor. Miss Nancy Kasahaskl of San Gabriel preceded the bride In a pale pink gown with a nosegay or pink carnations. Randy De Munbrun of South San Gabriel was best man, and Charles Carpenter of Costa Mesa Dick Othmer Is Married Pink and white nowers among the greenery served as the back · ground for the altar at which Mlss Elizabeth Priz.Jo of Santa Ana became the bride of Rich · a rd Othmer of 612 Balboa Blvd., Balboa. The wedding vows wPrE' ex- changed and the reception was held at the home and garde n of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Prlzlo of Santa Ana. The groom Is thP son of Mrs. Marloe Othmer of Balboa and Richard Ott.mer of Newport Beach. Mrs. Donald Mast appeared as her sister's only attendant. Arthur Longrldge served as best man. BPW Committees Are Named By President Jean Howell Committees for the currt>nt International r~latlons. RoS<' club year have just ~n an· Fenton, chairman. Fredah Bates. nouncf"d by J~an Howell, presl· Ma rgaret Ege, Ruth Wlllmt>S, dent of th~ Buslnf'M a nd Pro· Edythe Barnes, Phyllis JackJIOn, fPSSional Women's Club: health and Safety: Nancy Mid · Membenhlp: Dorothy Paien. dleton. chairman, Carmen Bell. chairman. Mildred Chapma n. Mary Madden, Hazel Decker; Kay Vaughn: procram: MarUynn pubUc affalra: Ruth Wright, Wheeler, chairman; fInan ce: chairman. Bernice Allen. Velma Kathryn Quinn, chairman, Ruby O'Brien. Mlldred Stanley; alCS.· ltllako, MUdrecl &w&MOI\, Pb)tl· to·IIID&ll "'"'arr: June Johrulon, Us Ourdl; Jeplatton: Evan dlalrman. Buth Cerrlsh, )fin a Van Wlaman. chalnnan, hJ Hershey, Helen Wolford. Vera Haapa, H~len RoberUon; educa· Johnson; decoratlons: Hel~n Cole. tlon and vocation: AgnH Blom · chalrrnan, Meta Bachmann. J~. qulst. chalrma n, VIrginia £sco. sle Hill. Marllyn Miller, Mattie bar. Mary McChesnf'y. Elizabeth Rolling. Lena May Wlli,.Py, C!'· Marshall; nt"Ws Rrvi<.'t': Cera I· cella Thayer. din~ Bryan, Vlr~nla Watson. l..A-e Musk: Clara F.llrn Spt>llman MacGrt>gor. Ruby Fox. <'halrman. Na tallt" Michaud. Oor New Couple Now in COM othy Jo Swanson. Bf'tty Hoffman ; r~rvat lons. Phyllis Wllllamo:on chairman: Marc-h of Dlmr · \.rl'lha Tubbs. chairman. lm I mogPnE' Rabun. Ali<'f' Crank. Mia ~tarl£> DussiE'r. N(•lc.la \.II>Mn. 1 El itahf'th Hf'"L'l. Sur llun nth New I y wed s .-stabllshlng a Nf'vn Onkrlf'n. llt>lf'n Spir <1. V1r· homr In Corona dE'I Mar arE' Mr. gima Towlt'. Vivian fkl(lm:~n. and Mr!l. F.nrl U>roy Palt('rson Ma ry Janr Ba ngf'rt. Alkf' Sir Jr .. who wrrr rN'('ntly married In mons, Sanrly Carlson a formal wNh1ing <'Prf'mnny at I C'ourtf!'";y: Mnrlgolrt ~·hiuf'IN Christ Church by the St"il, New· chairman. tsabellr RflwiE's. Rf't t) port. Jarvis: yt'ar hook: 1'111'1 PN·k. Mas. CEOBCE ALJ'1ED BOB· MER. a ~ bride. l.a the former Niaa Luaaaa Ars... Al· toa. daufbter of Kr. Gild ....... I.AoocDd 11.. Altoa of 2541 Eldea AYe.. C:O.ta Meea. I N~ membf>rs for 19M·56 are Mmes. Howard Clapp, l amH 8. 1 I Fi~erald, RotM-rt B. Foreat. Ken· I nE.'th E. Hnrrls. Stuart K. Inman. StPphen laaac. Irvin J. Koean, 1 Howard A. Ka)', Donald E. I PE.>h lke, William M. Poore, An · thony J. Sully, and Robt!'rt E. Valt'tt. QUICI SERVICE ROU.O SHADES Standard S h a d e Clotha and Custom Speclilltlell e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Vt>netlan Blinds ~'-SkJ. Sl.op * ... tcs.. u.. • Call Poet Office KA 114 a2 Had St.. lfewporl a.ada Largest end Most Complet• Furniture Store in the 1\ru. Coli for fret DE CORA Tlt~G SERVICE Uberty 8 SS I 8 Furnishings for homes. club•. yachts. )01 7 W C ... e,t H.qhw•'f NewP'Jrt S .. ch aconye ~~~~~ ~~A"· If Beach & Boulevard SPORTS AJfD CASUAL WEAJl 320 s. Coast 81Y4. ~ lleadl SAVE With A BRUCE MARTIN AUTO -TRUCK-FIRE -UFE LOCAL AGE!\1 BTatt '-2211 Following a honeymoon at LaKe Tahoe a nd San FranciS('(). t he newlyweds will live In Santa Ana. The bride attended Santa Ana High School. The groom graduated from Newport Harbor Hlgb School and Inter attendf'd 1 Orange Coast College. Thf' bridr i<t the former Helrn c-ha irman. MariE.' Kay: hO"'pl · Marie Kuhlmeyer, daughter of tallty: Mazlt" Bird. chairman. Mr. a nrl Mr~. Raymond V. Chn Alrla \.orton, Sarah Newlin. Dor rf'ttf' of Cnst:t Mesa. ThE' groom is oth.ra ShM'Iy, Dorothy Suthf'r the son of tlw Earl Leroy Pa ttf'r ian'd. Evc>lyn Varner ; youth ac ~n"' nf Cnl'lla MM~a. 1 tl\·itie'l : MNII('(' Dun~a n, rhalr li93 NE\\'l'0RT AVE .. COSTA MESA OFF1CE Llhf-rty )o( !1--..-M RES Llht'rt) 8 5063 neatly done You 11 still have ~leaning up to do ... but lt'a a much euler job when you do yo~ cookJ..na •LcctncaUv. You11 be amazed al the way pota, pana and other utensila remain hrlaht and ahlny without ICI'Uhblna or .courina. Electric beat II the cleaneat ever ... lt leta you cook every ct.y and atW keep your .. kitchen pollee" dutln down to a comfortable mlplmum. Kitchen wall.t and celllna sta)' cleaDer loaaer, too, 10 you Mve on reclecoraUDI- SOutHern California Edison :com~ny Eighteen youths were r('('t>lved Into the membership of SPnlor Youth Fellowship of the Balboa IJIIand Com m u n I t y Methodist Church at a candlelight scn•l<.'t' Sunday evening. Oct. 2. Conducting the service wt>rt> Sharon Waidelich, president: and Ron St. Clalr. Words of challenge w~re etven by the minister. the Rev. Donald C. Sapp. Mrs. Nora Tlllmany terved as oreanlat and Ceoree Hauser was the acolyte. Thoee recetvtne membership cards. Including those leadlnr the aervtce. were Marilyn Shooter, Suste Stone. Whitney Baines, Melinda Rork. lean S m I t h , Donna Smith. Jeanine Bonner, Chuck Kramer. Rosa Eckert Henry Ferry, Ronny Carl. Larry Metealf, Da'l Sanda, Dennis Brown, and Sandra J'l~. TIYI .. •'•I Wt>dri ing attPndant~ who pnr man EvNyn EIINman. Robl'rt.l tlcipatE'd In thr <'Crf'muny ()f'r Sht>ll ; Ra rl in anrl 1V: Florrnc-r form...O by thr Rev. Roy C'a rlS<IO. Trary c-hairman. Da rN'n t 'p'l(ln wert' Mrs Vic1or Hilt. Miss Ro· Elt"anor Lb k June Peter'lOn: raf berta Haley. Miss Joy<.'t' Flt>m · n f' prizes: Dorothy Rt'ddk k mlng. Mrs. Bill Kuhlmt>yer and chairman: welfart>: Ellzatwth MIM Allee Kuhlmeyer. Handy. chairman. Winifred B•· LAGUNA TRAVR SERVICE Standing with the eroom were ron. Marie Lanning, Hel~n Nor - Charlt'S Klmbroueh. John Kin-ton ; historian: ~mice Weaver. cald. Jules Dione and Bill Kuhl-chalrrnan; report coordinator : meyer. Following the wedding Jean Matth~. chalrrnan, Kath· aervt~. a reception was held at leen Coleman. Lomta Clus; Goodell Hall of the church. conv~ntlons: Allee S.ll, chair· Authortnd Aptat Por All STEAMSHIPS • TOUIS The newlyweds are both grad· man. Marguerite Collin&. Carolyn uatH of Newport Harbor High Weber: Bosses Nlfht: Kathryn School. The groom attends Or· Quinn, chalrman, lala Peck, co- ....... 1"1M Coaata1 Ana P• !featly 10 TMn ange Coast College. chairman. Ill 0... A.., lAiguDa a..da ayatt '-1•1 AND WITH THE YELLOW PAGES HELP, Ill ANO SOMf TREES AHD GflEENfRY FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE .. CI.ASSIAED" PART Of lOUR TELEPHONE BOOK • f 1101111'1 LIDO IIIIET wlti IALLD October 12. 195:5. Ahoy Columbus! And what do you think of your 483-year-old baby now ... We i'fOWed up, didn't we! But we didn't let any crass crow under our feet . . • Like father, llke apn . . . You weren't satisfied with the world you lived In, so you set sail and found yourself a new one ... You set our pace . . . We're always aearchlnc for a new world to conquer ... * * * ActuaUy. tbougll. we'n a pntty 9r'ooYy buDda • • • We wear tbe ICIIDe kiDd of dotbee cmd we eat the --. ldlad o1 foocb • • • I kDow, bec:aue I work lA a Groc.y Ston • • • Or pel'b.ape I abouJd Clllllt Tbe Groc.ry Store ••• Doa't taille It from me • • • I bczye DOt beea tluougbout tb1a WOilderlul anr laDd you d1.lc:o'nnd. aor Ia tbe old ODe you left beh1Dd • • • But tben an people wbo bOTe cmd tbey ICIY we top 'em aU ••• Not Ia alae ••• but Ia com· plet--.e • , • Enryt.blDg Ia ben aoyoae could poulhly wcmt to eat cm4 a great mcmy fooda th.,. wouldD't b a • • dnamed poulble •.• * * * 8,972 foods, or was It 9,728 0. F. WAUU Ll ow.. CIDd pnpdetcw of Vao'a CJeaDen at 3421 E. eo-t Bwy .. Conaa del Mar. IlL Warrea baa beeD Ia tbe dry cJwntag l.lldutry f• app;..u.aately 30 ,...... ..... at1Dtr a cJecmlq ...._ LD La· paa hac:b -15 .,.... ....... cc-tq to Conaa del Mar. Mia« repcdn. ladadi.Dg bat· toea ODd ripe Ia c1otbia9 an npa1nd by Vcm'a CJ...,... befon beUig retunMd to cuto- mwa. o,.tag CIDd alt.attoaa ODd a lcna.Ddry lel"ric. an a1ao piiCWided by vao•a CJ ....... WJLLIAJ( L O..IITOif b DiaD· agw of the c:on.a del Mar of· .OC. of the IA...tmeata aDd MCUrtU.. finD of Mor9GD & eo... lD the IUrtcber Bullcll.ag at 2515 E. Coat Bwy. Be Ia a UCLA gradaate Cllld widely kDowa aa a lect1Uw OD a.a ... t. ............. w1Cil lalla .. tlae load ...... Gay llewttt CIDd JCidt M.w.y. DEE COO~ Ia ...._ o1 Jolua· ale'S' ~ wlaidl Ia de- acribed by DN'a f:lalaiD9 baddy. Dldr (Calllq C.Q.) 11o1bacm. aa '"the Clllly at.n Ia Conaa del Mcu wblcb baa a ma:rlla looldDg yoa LD the .,... • Tbla ma:rliA oa the wCl Ia ...U· aaoay to Dee's lo9e of deep aea flablDg. ~ Dee at JobD· Die's Llquon Ia Bony Mean. wbo baa beeD mCIIIC19ft of \Jae ston for a a....,_ of yean. BUGB BUTSOif. a Lido !ale' ... Jdeat. Ia tbe OWIMI'•IDCIIICif• er of~ BW'a a..ra IDL located OD Coast Bwy .. betweeD La:rkspar Cllld Marguerite OT• au• Ia Col'oDa del Mar. Bagb ·Ia the .oa-lD·law of the aobert llWa. foa.Dder of tbe fCIIIMd Cbef'a IDa ,_tauaDts. 'I1Mn .. BW • B~ c:IM!ra Jaa cllala9 ...... .a-Ia Paa«ncr CIDd LaCaaad-. CDM BuSiness Directory liW l••fi•IIIJ ~~••••ril•• aAn..la c.-IUP...Y nte v ~~ del 11• oc Co. .. ·--·······-········· .2667 Savory Bakery ... -.................... .3329 UDVCIIfG llftBOD Van de Kampa Bakery ........... .3049 Stauffeo System. ...................... .3117 aAJJK a&n'AVL\In'l Newport Harbor Bank .......... .M35 Chera tnn ................................... .3201 auvn aon Dennie's t:ate ............................. .2849 Coral Beauty Salon ................. .3732 Dour•• Do& Houae ................... .3512 Marlo's Smart Set .. ······-··-··.3400 Hurl~y Bell Inn ........................ .3801 aVJLDU Newt's Drllt Room. .................. .3344 J. Ray Conmuctlon Co .......... .3446 klan's ae.taurant.. ..•........... ~l5 cu.an. v,.ounaT sarna: ITATJOifs . Bon Ma.rehe' ............................... .2919 Roy Ball Shell Servlce ........... .2800 CATI:IpWO · Morry•a,Shell Service .............. .3600 Gourmet's 1Citchen .................... 3707 Mike Myers Union Servlce .... 2201 CEilAJIIC8 Nelson's Aaaoclated ................ 3700 Kay Finch C.ramlca ................ 3901 IBOE IDVICE CJ1A.aM 1<200L Anthony's Shoe Servlce .......... 3401 Marjorie Hale... .. .... . .. .. .... .2912 TIIEAT;JlE CBILDUW .. CLOTIIIJfG Port Theatre .............................. 2905 Mlss Muffet Shoppe ............... .2731 TOTS COifST11VCI'JOif LOAXS Mary ~ David's Toys........... . 3101 Newport Balboa Savlncs ...... 2407 1'11AVE.L IUVJCE Poirier Mortp&e Co ............... .2515 COM Travel Bureau ........... .3542•~ DAXCIKQ ICBOOLS TV·aADIO IEIIVICE Arthur Murray Studio .......... 3523 ~~······· ............................ .2900 Dorothy Jo Studlo ................... ~l5 Br . ITOU Fanya School ot aDnce .... .2912 ook.Jnga Variety Slore ......... .3309 DEP~&IfT noaE WOIUJf'S WEU Brandt's Dept. Store ..... . . ... 3321 Bragg's Unlqu~ Shop ............ 2737 DaJVJ:-IIfl Brandt's Dept. Store ............... 3321 Burger Isle .......................... 3916 O'Brien's Specialty Shop ...... ~15 Merle's Drive-ln. .... .. . ... .2344 PeUte VIlle.............................. 3407 DaUG STOI.EI TAU SBOP Corona del Mar Pharmacy .. 3127 Narborouch's Yarn Shop ....... .2753 Vincent's Harbor Drugs ........ 3301 naT cuuma AICHER I SHIIIOI Van's Cleaners .......................... 3426 PAIN'TING CONTRACTORS FLOIUIT "Color matching a speclaJty" Hartleln Flowers ..................... 3403 Workmanship guara nteed FUIUfiTUU• 416 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar Baker's Furniture. ... . ....... .2854 127% 30th St., Newport ... , .............. .... new ownership ... Mr. & Mrs. Clifford. Sea Crest Motel Phone Harbor 0591 2931 E. Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar Mary's House of Maple .......... 3422 Harbor 0347-R or Harbor 6077-W ~~~~age . .... . ......... 3016 ;===::==~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::::;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;; GIPTS Karen Ma rgreta Imports ... .2653 BAJlDWAB.E Crown Hardware KEATIJrG Pacl!lc Heating llfSUUJfCE 2233 John E. Sadlelr ............... 3333 Maurie Stanley .. ... .. . .. 3315 DfVEST)(EJn'S, SECUarnES Lester. Ryons A Co.. . ........... .3425 Morgan A Co. .. ... .2515 JEWELER Wallace Calderhead .......... .3123 LAJfDSCAPIIfG Coastal Lancbcaplng. ..... . 2229 uouoa STOIIES Johnnie's Liquors. .................... 3537 La Cantina ................................ 3244 MOTELS Crown -of the Sea Motel... ... .2600 Sea Crest Motel. .. . ............ .2931 NAUETS Cout Super Market ............... 3347 Greater All American .......... 3049 lfEWSPUEa-POLIIIIDfG Newport Harbor Eulp.. :za50 IDAT IUWIPKT Butcher Boy ....................... -...... .3421 -: PENNEY'S " . .::.,BIRTHDAY PA.flTYI s.m.. '-eww, .. l SPMiel ,_ •• cru* .... I .lltitHdq .Bargain /fica- LAGUNA BEACH ·sTORE . foods, to choose from ... And do you know what the typical New· port Harbor family eats for din· ner! Hamburger patties. frozen pea.s. baked potatoes, with white bread on the side and Ice cream for dessert. If they have salad they eat mayonnaise on It ... or course they drink coffee . . . Should they open a can of !rult It would be peaches ... Corned beef hash Is their favorite In the ready-cooked entree line . . . They drink more canned grape· fruit juice than any other canned juice and consistently eat choco- late cake and apple pie for sweets . . . With 150 types of cheese at their disposal they wJJI pick cheddar ... They llke boiled ham anct baloena In the cold cut line and hot docs . . . C1f t:roun prepared main dJahes chJdcen pies have the most appeal ... But anm 't they aJJ good! 'Ea ling I ~~CiijXiiCixiCixiCixaxiOixiOicxiCiii:iCiii:i:icxXia~ would be pretty dull without all IIi of them at least once a week' VisH our •• r~e~nl lle,atlatlll •tl Jell JfVUEaiES Corona del Mar Nursery ...... .2744 LooiEI ,.._., ...ec1a .... ..,... Octol.w • apedal ....,.._., They're whipped Oeecy rayon . nylon, extra long 90 Inches, 3~ pounds ... come with acet•te satin binding. Handwaahable, too! A rare one-Ume buy! * * * Ice cream • • • If I wen to pldr ODe food that Ia bought more CIOG&lateaUy thaa cmy other. lee cream would be lt •.• ADd rlgbt DOW U I w ... to plck the oa.e lc. cream of aU the lee cncmu we bOTe to pick fi'OID WU Wrlgbb Eaatena Black WalDut would be lt ••• WU Wrlgbb "FlCI'f'Or of the Moath" for October ••• Wby Eaatena Black WalDut? Wal· aub from all OYer the aatloa were tcuted aDd t .. ted for uae la tbla dream coacoctloD for ' the October lee cream eatlDg ctrcles of the Wll Wright's fcm clubs • . • Tbeae particular Ecutem Black Walnuts out· shone the rest for fia.or cmd typical black walaut taste ex· cttement ... Those of you who baYe enjoyed the super rich· , a.eu of Wll Wrlgbt'a ice cream will aaYor to the switch to alack Walnut for the month of October •.. So you'll take •a· alllal I mew ltl There you go being typical agaial * * * We Amt>Ticans also like to do things togetht>r and help others ... Lobster Bake. October 15 and 16, Corona del Mar ... Put on by thP Balboa Bay Lions Club and Corona del Mar Business Men ... The prortts to go to the Youth Ct-nter In Corona dt>l Mar ... $5.000 are needed to complete their building plans ... * * * We AmerlcaDI lib a bczr9cda • a..ldel Christmas Ll com· lDgl Tbe CanlatloD Mllk peo- ple bOTe come out with a aew CbJld.nD's Cook Book • , , It Ja all doDe with pletu.r. ODd Ia CCilMd tb .. Fua to Coolrhook"' •.• Ben's a uD.lq1M stodd.Dg fJ1l« If I ...., eaw ooe , • . Tbe ~ 2Sc ••• Just fW out t1ae coapM ••• T .. do DOt-.. to bay C1DY CclnMrtSoa N1lk • • • Two ,._. ... with a 91ft taw loolr Ia tJMU .,._ • • • A Ill dell w ... wttla a 110 .-• ... • • • ... • 1oftly ... . .... diiiL .... tlfully ...... . ... wttla .... u.at .. be -~~~ .......... c::a.a-~ ••• .................... ... A,._ .......... .. ........ , ....... . * • * Don't be a tJpjeaJ American and walt untO nat ... tb to .. u JOUr ov• • Clllilltmu r:: Ud :."-==-.:-= ............. WidihUdo M --tltM .......... at ................... ••• the Col_.i1 L P. Recon Cl .. For Perual Senice UDIO-TB.EVISIOI-Hl.fl S.O.S. Radio & T. V. PBOifE Harbor 0'710 or 4412 3UN~EA~a~Am~ THE BIG Norman's Nursery... . .... .2625 OPTICAL CONPAJn Hutcheru1 Optical Co.. . .. .3341 PADfTS . Harbor Paint. . ..... . .... . 3701 PET IBOP Jordan's Pet Shop .................. .2732 PBOTOGL\PBT Harbor Photo Lab ................. .3121 Kayette Studio ...................... ~ PJUJf'TDfG Eru~lgn Publishing Co ........... .28.'50 Hendrick.! Printing Co ............ 3631 U:AL ESTATE John E. Sadlelr.. ················-· .3333 ••. IT'S THE 81G, BEAUTIFUL NEW 19~ MIICUIY I WITH ~· SENSATIONAL NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION SAFETY -SURGE V-8 ENGINES-FOR MORE SPIRITED "USABLE" POWER IN EVERY • PERFORMANCf RANGE. 110 225-HP IN MONTCl.AilS AND MONTEREY$ • • • !!,g 210-HP IN CUSTOMS ••• SEE AND OliVE THE JIG M-THE 1956 MEICUIY-TODAY AT JOHNSON & SON , SPECIAL SUPEII --11 CIEIIU.E IEDSPIIEUS hllDey low pric.a an fabaJoua cmd fuat look at the quaUtyl $ 00 Plush, velvety chenille bed· 5 spreads with · wldP banded edges, smart rounded corners, Every one In vibrant colors. Machine was h In lukewarm water. No-Iron. Allo ................ full or twLD DUI LOWEST r•cES EVEII B PIIEU OF DICilrl -= :..~~ -::m~ .,Z2 DuPont Dacron panels . . . wb'-Py aheer beauty that ~andj up to aun, mlldrew, __. wubee with amazing wrinkle restat.nce. Wide bottom hema. 41·~ w1c1e. Wowl w..t • IIIWt .-.. .. a Penney's rqular top-fit pat- lena! UJ·to·date atylln1i Teo· rltlc conltructJon I Uned IPOrt collar acU\wtable cutra. San- torlzHt printed cotton IUede~ - laclgt.ael Plaatic·-.cl ... en at a pric. • lowl Snap them up at Penn~y._wann. soft-napped cotton knltl, with gripper fasteners for easy dreulnr. elastic back waa.t for anug flL Paatela; alze. 1 to 4. SPaCIAL I '100 ,. \ 18081DAY,~&a..- ...... 1 ..... roa IEln' 1-M:M li·IOf 35-MM and 16MK Sound Projeeton FAST COLOR ru...M SERVICE Model Alrplaue SuppU. ..,.a, •• ,.._. 1782 Newport IIYCL. e-ta ...._ Phone Ub!rt7 l-10a Glamour Glimpses ay AJI1f ~ The clues for the children to find the treuure cheat wlll be pa.ted at the bank ea.rly Satur· day morntnr. BUT we have found many treuurea that the bltJer glrla will just love and there· fore we hereby rive you .orne special clues that will he.lp you find them: ()....Go to the ahop where the rtrll ( bll etrll. that la) .. Y -ota• every time they look In the wtn · dowa and aee the pretty thlnga. a-1"1114 the ~re with a wtde wtde Mlectlon ol belta and bclga -thla aeuon's amartest accents. Belta that are amoothly polished leathers tn deep wood-tones or amartly decorated to compllmel'\t your cnatume. Bap that are 110 amartly Individual, you'll want several. • ............_t II the way you wUI look when you find a cocktaJI dress or ball gown spec:laJiy for you at thla shop of lndlvldu&lly selected fashions. 1-lm.....tk~N compliments wUl be yours when you select a new fall hat from the adorable col· tectloo at th\s Corona del Mar shop. E-Ecllch detail In the beautl· fully tailored suits now on dis· play a t this shop. shows that the finest workmaru~hlp. the best de· alrnen (~en Davidow) and the nicest matHials have been used In these exclusive costumes. Jf.....WIItioal have aent to this ' leadlnr Harbor Area shop many of the world's tlnest feminine treuures .. . Imported French scarves ... jeweled evening bags from Italy . . . Imported Engllsh aoft wool sweaters ... and CO· ordlnatlng Imported wool skirts. , _ (A alrn to catch your breath when you see the exqula· tte Klckemlck lingerie fashioned for the trou.tNau. for lovely glfta and for the luxurloua you.) 1 I• a._t In new fall •tr* are found at thla shop. So come on over SOON to d18COVer tbeee precious feminine treuurea 1n Corona del Mar. (lo ~ you bavwrt1 found ua "'-oat a~ ... , a. Cout Jl~Wa,y, ....,. u.. ~ o1 tbe llae.Aithur tramc: Urht~ co~. It's O'BRIEN'S>. ... -. 1110ROU 0 B L Y It E L I A B L E woman to clean bouM one day a week. BA .-J ·B. EXPEJUENCED waJU.... bua boyt wantec:S for Saturday, Oct. ts. Excellent opporturuty. Call Dorothy Marston at Harbor 4466 after 11 a.m. WOMAN TO llve ln with elderly woman. Board, room. and small salary. Nice accommoda· tlona. HA 1248-M or HA 5875. lEI Job now open ln SANTA ANA to hllh acbool graduates, age 18-45 These are c&.rftr jobe wttb.excel· lent opportunitJea for advancement. I' FilS and C .. IIUOnDII IIBIEIS 5-Day Week. Paid vacations and holidays, medical coverare available to employ~ and ,de~ndenta, Co. paid ~nslon and d1aablllty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST F1.RST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.-Fri. 8 A.M.-4 P.M. SOUTIDI a.ma us 01. , .. wtU have an opportunity to advance tn our firm. beeau• of our pre.ent apan.l1on proaram. 'nle ftaltinl wary ts roocl and you wUl receive fre- quent lnc::rea-., too. Jobe now for: TELEPHONE OPEI.ATORS -Apply- 514% No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE roa s.u.& SPINET PIANOS-Rental returns. Trade-Ins on organs. etc. Like new. Tbla ls a chance for a big savings. Open Friday ~es. Danz-Schmldt, 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. 16-FT. SXIFF and Johnson Motor. 5 H.P. llS Garnet. Balboa Island, HA 893· W. AUTOMO'nVE PARTS and acces· aorles: tires. batteries, bicycles, toys, toola. sportlnr . roods. palnta. Western Auto. Uberty 8-2711, 1836 N~rt. Costa Mesa. DINING TABLE, DREXEL PRE· CEDENT. silver elm $7S; wa.rd· robe trunk $20; rolf clubs and bar SSO: walnut rate leg table $10. HA 0164-J after 5:00 p.m. CHICKERING upright pla.no $150. Good cond. Call Harbor 2905-R eves. HAMMOND ORGANS All mod· els. Some wonderful bargains In use<! organs. Several makes. Free practice rooms. Trade In your old Instrument. Danz· Schmidt. home of the world famous Hammond. Santa Ana. 520 N. Main. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace C.lderhead Jeweler. 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. Kayette Photos ICTIIEI SPEUL ItO -POll!--- CHRISTMAS PHOTOS CHRISTMAS CARDS HOME PORTRAITS • FAMILY GROUPS .. E. Coaat JUvbway coaowa D&L IIAB IIAIIbw 5115 S~op at the Crossroads Village • • • • .. on Newport Bl•d. aboft the .ArchM. acr~ the Fr .. way trom Hoag Ho.pitaL , ......... . P1111re FrlmiAI c_ . ...,.,......., .., ....... Art 1241 .... .............. •ow 111 ..,.. C.l ..... vw..-- ........., ~··" MIYI ..... ,......_ ... ,_ Pltllilpllll JOHN VOGEL, Realtor 2nd FLOOR CROSSROADS Vlll.AGE BLDG. PHONE Uberty 8-1617 SALE IUTOI DUITIIIS r~ ~~t,· flel•4 .. d9-- ;n:u . ...,. e • .......... lei ...... · aa '100 &.OG&JMQ roa A GOOD YJTAIIIIft •10 co.a • AlfD ca•cz ,_ ..-nn.& OP ftNWAZ We JII'OU~ pru1 nt the ..... b&la.nold. 1111011 (!Gi~Bplete a.Jld lftOIIl ..,..._ iftaliala·mlMnl nuutdolaal ~on tbe JDUIIIt ..., • .,_ ....... •tMGM tW ro-IDOIM7 Ntu:ndlld. n,.•wr-u. • •• roa~ GOOD pl.ayin.-...-,.-pt-a-c:t':":'lce--p"'l"la-noe.~ fl't, .,,Ill ~P to~. Spinet type M1t'tOr plano. a beauty only t115. Eulest l8ma. Danz· Schmidt. 5.10 N. MaJn. Santa Ana. 100 plana.. Open .Friday ntpta. '51 CHRYSLER Imperial, 4-door. extra clean and ortpnal. 36,000 mllee. t8()0. Uberty 8-4C773. SALE-Grand plana.. Many won- derful bartalru~. Many famous makes. Prices t.rom S385 up. Bench Included. Danz·Schmldt, 520 N. Maln, Santa Ana. arrv~r.m•• wAifftD WANT BAaY mTI'ING tn my Co· rona de• Mu home; Dayt1mea. Children 4 to 8 year•. HA· 2847-WK. WANfED~::.: :...,.1-ro_n....,.ln_r__,l-n_m_y-.-h-=-om=:-:-e. Mabel Whitman. 61:11 Marrue- rlte, CDM. HA 4.2'79-J. . PEUOKAL WANT r ide to downtown Loe An· reles. Monday through Friday. working hours 8 to 4 :30; wU1 share expen.s. U 8· 7919. TRADE IN your old watch on a new RarnJlton. It mearu~ 110 much more to give or ret a Harnllton. Wallace Calderbeacl, 3123 E. Cout Bwy., CDM. REMEMBER-Don't forret-the Great Porter Heaps Organ Con· cert Oct. 24.•8 p.m .• Muonlc Hall. corner Sth and Sycamore. Santa Ana. No admlulon. A wonderfu l musical treat for all Ioven of the orran. Danz· Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. IUVJCES REPAIR AND MaIntenance , palntinr. carpenter etc. Ju.~ anything. Reuooable. SaUa. faction rua.ranteed. HA 01..216-J. n * LOIT AJrD I"'VVrD POUKD: Ab&JiidOned blue para· keel. vlc1n1ty of Potn.ttia A Seaview, CDM. Harbor 637-M. Children's pet kitten. • moniiia old, abort b.alr, white pawa and v.-t; la.t over weekend. 910 Park, B.L HA 1267·1. American Letlon 215 15th St. Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.rn. •~cu HAVE YOU SEEN! The new Watches, Diamonds. Wedding R1nrs. eo.tume Jewelry and Clocks ... C.r- rled by Ray Ftelda at h is new atore. RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAIR No Lonrer at Udo Drur ~ him at new location In the "VI.sta Shopplnr Center," 19th St. at PlaeenUa, Co5ta Mesa. • Phone Uberty 8-8a8 • COJOLE'n I.AimiCAftiiG ID'nCK FREE ES'1'IMA TES SAil Green Stuns- Free dt'llvery CORONA DEL MAR ~ERY HA 1038 2744 E. Cout Bwy. COMPLETE P AIN'm'fG PAPER BANGING SERVJCE HA 2976 (Evenings. week-enda) EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. N"'PQft Bea.c:b Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Uoenaed Ccatrac:tar 8'78 W. 18t.b Costa Meu Uberty S.8628 Uberty 8-663:2 CMOU DR Ill Vogel Value W ant a home with a lovely enclosed • covered patio • the tlnHt BBQ that you can really enjoy! U llO we thll fully furnJshed 2 bedroom home In cholee location. LJ. living room, fireplace, Ule In kitchen, cyclone fenced yard, cedar roof. new copper pipes. dbL gar .• R-2 zone. Priced at $14.500-now has a $10,000 loan at $80.00 per month. Hurry on thla one. THE VOGEL CO. ~E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 aUL UTATK & ...,.AU £JDIDL tuil. Ji)UiiL ~ quut. oha.rmlnJ. 1&'5 on 8- mont.b leaae. sse on year·• leaae. 513 Poinsettia CDM or write 6625 Ampere Ave . North Hollywood. SU 1-1439. 2-BEDR. F\JRN. apt.. pvt. patio, auto. washer. diahmaster, ra- rage, 1n Beacon Bay, Pvt. beach. small boat tie up. Win- ter rental $100 mo .. yrly. $150. UUI. pd. No pets. Avail. Oct. 1.5. HA~. SMALL APARTMENT. unlum- llhed. Buslnesa location. Bal· boa lsland. $45 ~r month. HA 138. ONE BEDROOM turn. apt., $70 a month or t65 on yearly leue. 601 Poppy, CDM. Harbor 3495-J alter 2 p.m. FURNISH APT. 2-bedroom . S65 00 yearly Including utllltlt>s; $55 winter rental. Balboa. HA 1050. 'i\I»ARTMENT FURNISHED liar· bor view In Corona del Mar yearly $65 grr month call Har· bor :rn or Harbor 3698 eves _RE___,NT-=-a plano untllyou buy Ali term rent allc•wed. Good prac· tlce pianos as low as $5 per month. Da nz · Schmidt Bl~ Plano Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. _ FOR REN'"f:CORONA HIGH· LANDS 2-bedr. deluxe apt. Car· peted w-t-w, rood heat. big rooms, pvt. fenced patio, gart;r dl.sp. Call Dick Strlckll"f. HA 2774. FOR RENT -Garage. Inquire 323-B Marruerlte. CDM. WANTED FROM OWNER 2-Bed· room It Den. 2-bath, home. SoutJT of the Hl1hway, Corona del Mar. For ca.ah. M. Lennert. Box J -1. c/o The Ensign, CDM. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 35 Foot 3-room traJier. complete bath· room, tub. toUet. etC'. $3.000 vaJue; trade for lot. down on bouse or 25' ·30' auxiliary sail boat. FLorida 3-~. CORONA DEL M.A.B H.ARBOR14TI It isn't her fault lf you are cramped for space--troubled with claustrophobia. Just go to yo ur phone and call Harbor 377. Ask to see t.bls 4-bedroom ... 3 bath home ... extra large lot ... beautifully furnl.shed ..• cholee location on Balboa Island. Price $3&,000 Unusually good terms. • ISUID REAL n CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA 311 2·bedrms. furnished. 16th St . Costa Mesa. Only $1.500 down Move right In! Art llalllr C.. REAL ESTATE "Bay Front Specialists" 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport S.aC'h Harbor 5226, day or nltht ' Y-CASTLE II THE Ill ..... ,.. •.•. -~ A Multiple Llllt.lu RH.ltcw can &how you a wide va.riet.y ot the cholc.wlt nJv. tn your price ran~. AND HE IC1fOWI ROW TO DRAW UP CONTU.CTS roa THE..,-OOMDI&NT TEDIS. You'll nn4 It .-,.to do ~ wtth a a.ltor. Phone 0( eStop tn aooa • -one o1 the 21'S mlaW. Multiple u.tinl ........... Ia ~B.,._ Area. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS ,. c •• ,... ... Fer IHIIIer 10 Yun ••• • .. START LIVING'-' NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMI!:3 AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who w1sht>S to purc hase In the $24,000 to $35.000 class we Sincerely recommend the ltv1ne Estates overlooklnr Newport Harbor. Thae homes feature Calltor nla ll"lng. OUered exclu-aJvely throuJh EarJ w. Stanley In a Smor-Free area known as Irvine TerTac~n Coast Highway oppa.lle the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Barbot. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who hoJ<U a Leaaehold Estate In ltv1ne TerTace, Beacon Bay, Ba)"'hores or CJW Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu::-ther lnlormatJon OlE DF IEWPORT HIIIOI'S lOST LAVISH BIY FRDIIT liliES Completely tuml.shed ... beoautltully appointed with pier and long finger sJip ... sandy be-ach . First ............... 1111 Tops In ~ery respect! SeiUog due to Illness In tamUy. ART C. KISTLER CO., REA L ESTATE "'I Y nDIT SPECIAliSTS" 2091 NE"''I'"port Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 5226, day or night VIEW! C.•• llell1r VIEW! ARCHITECTS O~"N CONTEMPORARY MODERN HOME I>Mignt"d for mndPrn Southlan11 ll\'ln~ and featun-.; desert !>font> t'ntry 1r1111 pnnPI~I II\ In~ room with adJolnln~ dPn and daning ilro•.~ all "ll.h !>\.\ f'('VIn~ \ lt'W of bay Slldtn~ 1:1,1'-., d<><.•rs tu "JI·ac 11•11' 'undt'<:k MastPr ht'>drnnm \l ith h.lth h .... c i.H:,f"t'' \.\IIJINl J:llf dt"n pat1o 1'\.\o lw·drn"n'' .111d 't'J>.Uith' bath do\.\11 s talnr;. also " Jth ft>nn-<1 p .11J•• Largf" storagt> and furn,"'' r. •um ; l.lu nclr) rnnm an1l drying yard Double Rar.Jg•· Th ~ Is not an ordinary homt>. so dttft>rt>nt ynu must see : For personal rt"asons thi~ .. ne ownrr homf" m ust be aold. The asking price ts far bfolo" coM a t $39,500. Wll.UID L IIWM, Rlllllr 3341 Newport Bl\rd. Harbor 'lr'Jt05 -------------------IIU'S BEST BUY IICOIIE UIITS-IEWPIIT HEIIITS Tn D.,au .. (21M3...._) on "t A~ In cholC't' loratton 1""o yrs oiC'I Room fc>r resJd~n<'f" or "nothtor d uplex. Prl<'t'd at $32.500-with f'OOd tt"fm.S. Annuftl Income $3840 W.l. T.a&s. .... -yvu·u ~ ow tnencSly ~ <New addnu--4()0 E 1'7tb S ) COSTA MESA Uberty 1-1138 _TE,..._ ••••-.z .. ••••• TOTAL PIUCS ll~ •••sa .............. ~ .... IAiiitr ~: lAM.; ........... -· .. ---' FEI ' Senator Murdy BuildfM $35.000 Home on Lido SAVE SAFELY M"ATTRESSES ~ Irregular Shapes XEW -UBVU.DIXG COSTA MESA M~TTAE.SS CO. 2160 Newport llvd. · ll~'!l .. llG_l LIAIS FIR HilES 5" ID-TEAJI LOAII Construction Loans 5" ID-TEAll LOAII SEE 808 SATTLEB Pllrler lertcac• Co. 2.515 E. Coat Bwy .. CDM ft. BA ~ID S-5115 (Metro Lit. Iuurcmce FUDd.a) JAMES D. .RAY Builllill Coltraclor l446 E. COAST HWY .. CORONA DEL MAR HArbor 4763 Reside11ce: HArbor 4196 s.nator Jobn Murdy, a resident ot Hunttncton leach. la building a $35.000 home on Lido Ial&-- 334 Vla Lido Nord. The ~It for the dwelling wu lu ued la,st week by the Newport Beach Building Department. In Cllft Haven, four three-unit apartments will be conatructed Unsung Commercials With payment of Newport Balboa Savings a nd Loan Associ· atlon's 39th consecutive savings dividend Sept. 30. President Paul A. Palmer a nnounced a new rec· ord blgh of $22,000,000 In total assets for tht> Newport Beach savings Institution. The figure represents an asset gain of more than three million dollaNI In the past 90 days, due m06Uy to new savings Investments, Mr. PaJmer reported. Friends are congratulating Mr. PalmPr on the beginning of New- port BaJboa Savings' twentieth year. Mr. Palmer organized the Association, and has bE-en man· aging director and president from the beginning. Others who have served continuously since the founding are Directors J. A. Seek, SamuPI A. Mt>yer, WaltPr S. Spicer, vice pr<'sldent. and Miss Agnes Blomquist, a dlrN:tor and executive vice presldt>nt. Also dl· rectors are Ralph P. Maskl'y and Charles W. TeWinklP. Hou••••i•c Helll It llu Epsil01 DEBT -. Miss Martha Oehlerklng or ,...,._.,._.,.__. .. ""'""'""'~ 920 Clay St., Newport Heights. CIU.Ecnl.s I was given a house-warming shower of gifts Wednesday eve· nlng, Sept. 28. when the Nu Epsl · AC'CIOUJlta. Jlotet.. Clalma of ~! ldAd of deb• -GDywbere lD America. "Jio collectiolu-llo 1 ..... We adYGDc:e all ~ CREDIT BUREAU of W•tem OraDp CoUDty (formerly of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach lc Costa Mesa> 204 atftrli"-AYe.. PO Box 3tl Uberty 1-7141 Jfewport lleacb C.or '-+t.,Hds. enve\opea c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 Jon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met In her home. Mrs. Ja ck B. Quisenberry of Newport Height~; was CO·hostess. GuE'Sts prE'Sent lnr ludl'd Mrs. L. FrPdorowkz. Mrs. John Nl'gus. Mrs. Lyn Barton. Mrs. Rob<>rt Bennett, Mrs. Richard Melrose, Mrs. Hugh McVeigh. Mrs. Joseph Basab<>. Mrs. John Ragan and ~rs. C. R. Staas. Mrs. Ruth Lewis conducted a program on homP pla nning and home building and aU memben participated by drawing plana or thelr dream houses. Robert Forbes BUILDER &Ar b o r ••• 3106 Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -Bun.DING MATERIALS Newport Bl•d... Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1061 Floor CoverlDqa -DraiDbocuda Aspha lt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum Tile CARLTONS' u~'tfl,VM '-W9"':1~..J.fll.~ 135 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa UBERTY 8-4252 22 Years In Orange County WELCH' COASTAL COIICRnE CO. Liberty 1-5506 135 Commercial Way COSTA MESA Kimberly 3-1135 . Orcmge 1883 Placeatla • on Coral Pla~. near the Horace Ensign achooJ l'fOUnda. Four pet• ml~ each valued a t p),OOO, were la ued to the Oowntnt Brothers of Downey. Thest> pe:rmlta helped brlna the building permJt total cloae to a quarter mllUon dollar• dur- Ing the first week of this month. Following permits were luued: e LIDO ISLE W. L. Worthen, 1-unlt, 2-story dwelling at 120 VIa Genoa, $21,000; John A. Murdy. 1-unlt. 2-story dwelling a t 334 VIa Lido Nord. $35.200. e CLIFF BAVE..ll COIIITIIVCTJOJI Ia _... way • Wa ,_ J>ro. ....uy • hiJdl8g t-:r•ct. of U.. dty of William Pell• remodelling at · f••l•al hllclla9 oa W~ A"" Ia tbe ~!'~.F.orr--......-t . wttb tM dty: , Croeuocld8 Vl.Uagle --. Dr. DciYI4 lliebea la .. _ ._ • ~ ~ 1121 Kings Rd., $1.500; Downing ow.. of tlae b -n .. •-. wlaJda la -.cl aft. atiola la tbe • Tbe IMII~d~Ja9. ....,._. by Brothers, 3-unlt 1-ltory a part-.._ ~ llolkoolr. wW Jaou.-i!fP..._aWy 10 ment at 2100·2102·2104 Coral Pl.. Mn. LUl.l.ma .... 8ta1ldla9 au~ la A-If. a.Jtee of doctlll .. .USc.. 8Ulld&D9 -.ct laD4 also at 2000·2002·2004 Cora) Pl., (hte) llelaoa of llewpod .... bt:.. wbo ntind 'Nlae wW ......S IIJS.a. a~atl~-l~·~Co~l~-~~=~=====~==~=============~~~=~=~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ • CORONA DEL MAll L ~tt~ ll A.JI. to ...... L. S. Loenlg. l ·unlt, 2·atory " .,.~ --------------------CIOMCIMODday ~~e~l~~~~~!~ !~~=~ ~~d. ~e:~ -----------.-.. ............................... ...._ ........ ._________ ~~ ~ 550 0 Cr The Ensign : gestJons, petltJons and pleu. ~ Shri 7 Poppy Ave.,.-.. : a:;,.a000u~, They pla n to give us what they .'' /., EaJoy ~ .. • addition at 331 Poppy, ~. ; · Neighbors! Some of you are think their out-of-town frtenda Morrie Smith, grocery storage or confused and are weakening on d d d warehouse a t Jasm ine and Coast the Trailer P.. concept tha t shoul h ave, an to etermlne Hwy., $10.000; Charlotte Thomp· m any of us were In complete how much of our money wUl be ~·umbo shrt•mp SOn, fent>e at 711 Begonia, $135; spent to ma ke those plana seduc· agreement on: to wit, that the tlve. ' Corona del Ma r Pharmacy. sign assigning of public land for the OIIDEa TO GO TOOl at 31Z7 E. Coast Hwy., $250; Burt sole use of a n exduslve few Is Well, Sailors m ust be quite a 8EIIT'I Procter. a lterations at 402 Col· man, from all J hear-hlred to s~ denrod. $5.700. wrong. That Is plain theft. and do a big job of admlnlatratlng, • BALBOA lSLAJifD any money t aken from the pub· he still finds time to dellne llo treasury for t he ma intenance policy and brief our Council. J. Paul Kirk, add bath at 544 S.l or lmprovemPnt of that property Let's prepare our city for an n•11 y Bay Ft_ $1,600; C. C. Pyle, ter· Is also thef1. Invasion of good ordlnarv Amerl· ....... mite repair at 315 Marine, $170. f f 1 -.~ 1 • aAT SBOJIES Some 0 you seem to ee now cans of a ll kJnds. from the east 110 0... Plat.-..::; _ _._. ... that "Trailer Park Plan No. 8" d th b k h v Let' ke Wear ..._, ,.. Joh n Staats, extend living room an e ac coun~.,. I rna 11.-.___._ --....c:•• 0 $2 000 wtll solve our problems, and that them welcome In every w ay w1th • -..-· -at Z742 Bayshore r.. · · It' II I ht s I s the •n (Balbo • NE~JlT s a r g a ong a "' · plenty of pa rking s pace a James Titus Sr .. add shower at trances to the beach are handy Blvd. frontage! and plenty of 1004 w. Bay. $400; Harold WIJ . to your particular residence You beach on bay and ocean. son. remodel cabana at 23 Ca· feel that you a re making pro· Now If we m ust have a Trailer brill, Lido Trallt>r Park. $1.450: gress by accepting Plan No. 8, Park, let us a llow Its USf' fr~ to Wayne Newman, alterations at and you talk about It as though these strangers In our city, for 6900 W. Coast Hwy .. $1,000; F. A It wt>re a victory. lt doe11n't keep one week or ten days, time en· Bergman, finish upstairs at J281.t the street ends open and 'doesn't ough for anyone to look ua over 40th St .. $2.500; R. Stayton Dor· give t ht> greatest servlt>e. In the and find a place to Jive ln-ll rls. fence at 506 31st St .. $2,000; most convenient way. to the they want to stay. This would H. W. Anderson. 2-unlt, 2-story greatest p o s sIb I e number of encourage free enterprise, help dwE'lllng at 4204 River, $17.650. people--and that Is the only goal business and Px pand our com· and l·story dPn at samt> location. that :1 democratic administration munlty. $500; E. W. Bell, cabana at 4A should strive for. The traffic mess tha t has pre- Anchorage Way, Lido Tralltor I've heard the City Council valled this last month should Park, $2,500; George Gaspar. al· "pledge a llegiance to the flag warra nt serious consideration of trratlons at 127 24th St .. $75: Gil· and to the Republic for which it any and all Ideas from a ny bert Foljambe, fence at 130 43rd stands," a nd they have a mini · source. A city should be admJnl· St.. $400; Mrs. Rout>n. termite ster there too to bless their ac-stered for service-not profit. k t 1800 Vllell $200 Jim tlons. Their harmony Is remark · lt4G4~'~ Your Family Restaurant (CJOMd Tu.day) 2.515 E. eoa.t JIS9bway llclrbcw lltl c.n.a del Mar At Orant• County'• l•aclint Home lenctinCJ Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accoun ts Opened On or hfore The I Oth of +he Month Earn From the Itt. i.AGUNA • FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oceu Avenue LAGUNA BEACH ,.._ HY 4-lln wor a E', : Mr. and Mrs. George Pardey Riley, alterations at 3333 VIa able, hardly any right. left or Lido, $300. center-a little red, white and 1700 w. Ocean Front e JIE1QOaT BEJGJITS blue-but mostly a dull gray-Private Police Patrol Mta. A. P. Pranae. fence at 507 all brua and the d~l take the Newport ~ac:h Rlvenlde, $1SO. prlvat~. It teems to rre that part e 8AL80A of the adminis tration has not KAPPA DELTA MEET Glenn Wa rford. 1 .unit, 2-story completely a djusted to civilian The afternoon group of the dwelling at 2033 Balboa Blvd.. life, and just don't understand Pasadena Kappa Delta Alumni $17.300; Ways. addition at 1513 th<' term "sovereign citizen." Assn. was entertained at a patio Balboa Blvd., $400; Charles Ull· Now about this Sailors-Bennett buffet luncheon Oct. 4 In t he man .. add guest room at 1520 E combination: They Sffm to know home of MNI. •George Willson. Ocean Ft.. $4,400: GundNson tht>lr oppos ition betll'r tha n ( do. 418 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. Drugs, sign at 716 E. Balboa and may be gaining ground. The hostess was assisted by Mra. Blvd . SlSO. They stubbornly resist all sug-1 L. J. Tucker of Garden Grove. DU II A IDfCB .. tM aew CoAII .._ ..._.... IMal= !' tM v. L Jl.....a a...L ... aader cuaataw.tte. at 1M ----aea ............ llewport ...... Til• ball wW ...., -.ty .... Merchcmta. iDduatry cmd ~tlal areaa LOW MOJmiLY' RATES Boat patrol available for water front estates, boat owners a nd industrial waterfront facilities. ~~ ..... ~oHICian-All <>ec. .... Commercial Secwity Patrol Koaae.WC...-LM... · ASE 0....116wt:JIIu#~4~ ~-~lfluNu. ._ ..... .,..Party Accommod•tlons Welit 5th St. at Santa ADa Ri•er * ......___ SANTA ANA PH. ll 3-8311 (} ~Uiuv; SUBSCRI.BE acraan tMt .. u.. ..sa a.or ....s 1.sao.......,...,.. • -. ... _...., ltrUatr wW be of ••llln cleUp. 8otb a ,_. ad ...., .................... ~-..... -. dltft-la ... . .., ......... _...... ,... IMdl ..... ....-..s .......... ... a.e. Ia Dat bw. C..tr.ctora .. the loatla Ceaat C..tnctilaa Co.ofll..,..n ..... ----------------------------------- .QuJ. OIFE-..... . Tid!, = ..... = ......... a. ..... ......._. Ia w~ c...ey. .. t•h 1'11 .... ....._,.,.. To The Newport Harbor Ensign The only weekly newapaper in the Harbor Area Only 3.00 ONE YEAR ------- Oublide of Harbor Area ----4.00 JIAJL Df T1D1 ODD .-d YOU'a c:::.KCK • CAlli TODAY Name ------------------------------------------------------- Mailmg Addrea ---------~---- EVERYONE READS AIID ·USES WANT ADS ..... --·-.... , ................. ... .................................. , ...... .. .................... _ ..... &.Ytel.la .. ,.. ..... o•••_...__....._ ., &. CIUY&&-All..... I ...... IIU ---..--.-:r---: l I ' raoMDAY. oc:romm aa. •• flOUt tlbll* Include• tennu and h4ndboll COUrtl for rerident1 of the new Hakcrelt Business Directory IJfSlJUJICE <••• daiiCl .._ U.. •ut. ehecb to the bingo arent with a ...... .._. ..... ) MNM m1D4. 'nley have no ln· ., Jill P~ ... ln dotb• and the blnro , Bingo players are not quite parlor wW p,nenlly provlde a bright. But they are numerous. aandwtc:h and a colle. l.ecent .tatlstlct Uat blnro u It tb., w1n. tbey play It back. neu the top of all rambling and U they take any money ramee In mUJJons deriVed. Cath. home they bring It wttb thero. olJc churchet p a r t I e u 1 a r 1 y when they return. They elthe} throughout the ~•at ewell their play unUl broke or unUl the revenue with bingo. joint cloeee. Seven women play 1bouaanda weekly pack the for ev~ man. You nev~ hear of buementa of the peat Montreal a blftao wtdow. U grandpa playa, cath~ala to play blneo. It Ill grandrM will not be tar behind more or leu Wegal In Amerlca. Bln.. playes travel ln 11ocka but complacent peace oftlcera llke gee.. They all know each generally look the oth~ way, 1t other and they all tell each othf!'f the objective Ia reported to be for about the time they won ''that good cauae. • hundreil dollar garoe at the Key lJWe equipment 1a required. A Club." They also expect to do tt care full of numbered balls, a again 1t they Jive long enough. Oub~ board, aome numbered e JfO BEAUTY IBOW cards and a sack ol beans wtU Beauty and aartor1al perfection • set you up In buslneu. The pro-are as rare u hen'• teeth among fit la unbelievable. a bunch of bingo players, but a • 108 IIV...rl -raAft• drunk amonc them 1a almost un-u you put a bunch of bingo heard of. They are the most playen In a room. around a harmless peopl~ extant. They table and let them play long never worry. No bingo player enough, the operator of the game waa ev~ known who needed a wtll eventually em~ge w1th all Pl>'chlatrtat or felt the uree to of the money. jump ot1 a building. The late Bob Murphy of New· In every given group there Ia port Beach built hlrnaelf a pal. one moocher who borrows mon· ace trom blneo. H~ aao ran a ey from the rest. one griper no bar and a ballroom and had one wanta to aJt near, becauae toured the country with a whal~ lhe complains audibly constant· ahow, but he often aald, "Givf ly, and obe withered roee so gre> me my bean rame. You can have teequely attired, you keep look- all the re.t of the rackets." One lnr for b~ broorrurtlck. But these of ha favorite expressions about characters are vastly In the mt. bla bingo eamea waa, "I eueu norlty. I wtll go out and look at my And In all of thla ulere Ia con- trnps." ald~able philosophy. The aucceu of blnro Ia due to • 75 Ill TilE LAST aow Ita simplicity. Of all eambllng The backbttlne and striving Cor games It requires the least en· place wblcb characterize most ergy, physical or mental. No cal. groups of people, gathered to. culatlon ls required. Confirmed rether ln common cause. Is bingo players will sit for slx or ruanrely absent among bingo I el&ht hours at a stretch without players. M a whole. they walk moving. except to hold out their In quietly and go out the same hand for a free drlnJ< on th~ way. ·--·----- A Closs,fied 1\d in n.e Ensiqn brinqs immediate resulh! Coh Harbor I I I 4-1 I I 5 and orove it! <•on.a) Wodd'a l•tdlelt -. WEICBI 0111. 1' II oa. Sbe oaly r • V • II/•"' A New Concept In Periloftal Radio. Ear Phone and carry. Inc Cue Optional. Extra. DIVJS.IIIWI. Ll~ IllS llcat.c. .Wd.. c..e. ..... 1\11 your printmq needs will be hondled conveniently and court· eously in the completely-equip- ped Job Printinq Department of vour Harbor !\reo Newspaper, The Ensiqn, I 104 Coast 81.. COM . INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" W1TII STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY house. There ar~ more women They aay If the camels had a welehlng over 300 pounds In god, It would have a hump. f!Very group or a hundred bingo Blneo players want little. When players. than In any almUar aa. th~y get to their heaven, all they aemblaae anywhere on earth. will demand wtll be a small cor-IIIDSIIaMU Boward z. aog.t (Left). aoa of CoL aDd Mn. e OYSTEa ftm.oloPBT n~ whft'e the light will be good Boward._ 11o9w1 of ta MonabMJ Ccalyoe 114.. 'Coloea JDtlala8da. Jim Whyte GENERAL INSURANCE Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Rea. Phone, Uberty S. 7315 Their philosophy of life Is com. ~nougb ao they can see where to caad ....., a. Coon. MD of Ja&,. aac1 Mn. .._., a. Coon. few· pletely almple. Like the oyster, put the beans on their cards and merly of lno o--a1.c1.. COIODCI del Mar. \&DdenNat part of th~y just alt. They experience enoueh upholstering on the tWr lfBOTC • ...._ ~ at the Kamal AU Statioll at Ce1pu none of the excitement of the chaira eo their aching backs w111 CluVtL T--.~a•paetec~ the cauaaal tJa1.aia9 at tbe LttUe crap shooters. Moctly elderly only occasionally distract their C...k Xcnocd -'-aa.. lD Xodolk. Va.. Aa91Ut IS. WbU. peo~theyaJ~~ert~lr~ml~~m~~u~ng~l~ at~Q ~~~a_~ __ la_tbe __ "_a_•~(-•_T_·~--~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clal aecurlty or state relief _"7::_5:ln:....:th.:.:e:...::last=-,:raw=·-" ____ _:__la_:g::..:..p _IGIM. ________ _ d • ICIIOOLI & Dfl'lBUCTJOX REAL ESTATE Contracting / Insurance Continuous day and evening claaes for preparation to pus the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway. Santa Ana Kimberly 7-3511 KEllog S.2Sl3 Let Me Teach You CBIJfA 'AIRTDIG Convenient Clau LesaoM • Ll 8·!5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 lrvlne live., Costa Mesa IVILDIJfO IV'JLIES CEMENT AND BUilDING All KJn~Free Eltlmates UBERTY 8-6109 LECAL XOTJCE CEftiPJCAft OP aUIDU.II ........ _PIIa .... THE tnmDSIGIUD doea ben- by ~ aat be 1a CODducUna a booltkeeplnl' and tax 81\"Vlce buatn.-at 35'7 N. I'ewport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif., under the flctJUoua firm name of Ace Bookkeeping Service and that aatd firm is composed of the fol· lowing person whose name In full and place of residence are as follows, to·wlt: Wl11lam Dean Ward, 217 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. WITNESS my hand thb 17th day or September. 1955. WUllam Dean Ward STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) >ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE > ON TillS 17th day of Septem· ber, 1955, before me, a Notary Public In and for aald county and state, realdln1 th~eln, duly commissioned and sworn. per· sonally appeared William Dean Ward known to me to be th~ perl!On whose nam~ ls subscribed to the withlr) Instrument. and acknowledged to me that he ex· ecuted the same. WITNESS my hand and otfl· clal seal. Mary A. Haapa Notary PubUc In and for said County and State. My Commlsslon expires Aug. 16, 1959: Publish: Sept. 22. 29. Oct. 6, 13. In the Newport Harbor Enslan. LET US SHARPEN • YOUR Jqo, A 26178 OWERS-SAWS XOTICZ TO QEDJTOBS LA WNM ESTATE OF Hanlet M. F~rrell Knlvn. Sduon, Etc. DECEASED. Uberty 8-!5137 J. A. Bolding NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN to 188"" M~mlll Pl .. Costa Mesa the creditors of and all persons __ ........,. ---------having clalma against the aaJd VEJISTIAJf aLIIfD•LA'UJfDft decedent or said estate to file them with the necessary vouch· ers In the office of th~ Cl~k ol VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY THE NEW m a c h I n e process method. Reasonable p-k:n. Av· ~age 2 tape reeJdutlal blind Only $1.00 Bllnda repaired and rebuUl • Free Plc::k up and dellwry work done by appointment PboM Uberty 8·5'701 or UmbelY 8-G'lt th~ Superior Court of the County ot Orange. Stat~ of California. or to present the aam~. with the necessat)' vouchers. to the under· alped at bts or b~ place of buslneu. to·wft: ~ A. lt. Phelpa. 3429 E. Coast Hl&hway, Corona del Mar. Calif. w1tbln 11x montN alter th~ nm pubUeetson ol. thla noUce. DaYd September 19, 1955. Ieatrice F. Spen<:ft Ad~atft~Rratrb ol. the Eltate ol aaSd ~t. A. E. PbeJpl AttiOfiM7 at Law George"• LaDdie.. =~=-~ & N••a..,. ru•allb: lept. 22. • Oct.' u. A .._.. ._'t 011111 .... UAI-iba-U.MWiiew-pwiiltiiii&IWiiiiiiiiJ:naliiiiiiipi . St'a landletlptd1 f .. a U · c....ilad Co&IIMior. C • 8 to • '•dacaptq ad "MMptq. A.a. a-a ............... ...... , A very important man As the General Petroleum d1stnbutor In the Harbor Area. R L Callis is one of the most Important men In the complex orgamza tion reqUtred to make our Mobtlgas, Mobdoll and other Mob!l products available anywhere all of the tlme R L Call1 s 1s 1n business for htmself Among h1s pnnc,pal customers are the 9 Mobilgas dealers m the Harbor Area who also are In b usmcss lor themselves To prosper in this highly compellhve oil busmess. Mr Callis and the Mobilgas dealers have to sell hne pro- ducts with fast and fnendly servtce Just as we take pride in our Mobil products. we also take pride m the manner in which they are sold to you Many of these independent membe rs of the Mobtl family are active in commumty affmrs They know that much of the growth a nd development of the Ha r- OIL PIJOHESS WEEK bor Area depends o n them as 1::.:--::Jl b usmessmen and ohzens JUSt as we know that mu~h of the proqress of our comp:my and our mdustry depends upon them as od men Dunng tlus nationally observed Otl Proaress Week we would hke here to pay our comphments to Mr Callis and the Mobugas dealers lor th~ hne JOb they are domg for the people of the Harbor Area-and fo r us • • • 9-15 , • • 4 POR T • I '" ~ I '\ A 1 t ~ \A 4 .. .. . ., .. y -plus-- Starta Wed.DMday Oct. 19 That Joyous New Musical "IY SISTER EILEEI" with Jan<>t Leigh. Jack Lemmon, Betty Ganett Ctn<>mascope-Technlcolor -ALSO- BE SURE TO CONE TO THE LOBSTEB BAKE THIS SAT17RDAT & StJifDAT JfOI'Ia OJ' THE BOARD OF SUPDVmORS OF rrs IN· ~ON TO PURCHASE · u:.AL PROPERTY FOR COL ANDY SAYS · C 0 U If T Y 0 F ORANGE, (Coatln\Md &om Pap 2) Uc:: A RneY lut Sunday ahowed STATE OP CALIFORNIA. ·e U.OIIT Olr riiiliOWI ovw a'lO qnatulee ln the flnt KOT!CI: IS BDDY GIVEN of Petition No. 1. to elect Counc::D· 12 da.J'I, which lleleM8 to Indicate the tntenti011 ot the Board of men by Olstrlcta: Complete and completion by tht. Sunday. ~ Supervltlon ol Oranee County to quallfled. Required num ber ol dlctJon: will p .. when It comes purchue tor and on behalf of atenatures. 989; total alenatures up to a vote. aaJd County ot Oranre all of that obtained, ovet" 1,500. Toda,y (Thursday) ·a. the last certain real property situated In Look.lllke there was v~ little day to reat.ter In order to vote th~ Ctty ot Santa Ana, County reslstapce to puttlne the ques· In the Dee. 6 election. ol Oranee, St ate of California, Uon to a vote of the people, and For eome reuon whleh I am particularly deec:rlbed u fol· there wlll probablY be very little unable to decipher, there aeems lows: at the poJls. Prediction: wUl pass to be a reluctance on the part of Lot. One and Two.in Block 3 to 1. some of Ita backers to place It "B'' of the l . W. Gardner's Petition No. 2. to open the City on the ballot with No. 1 on the Subdlvl.aion ol Lot One ln Trail~ Park Beach to the pub· Dec. 6 ~lectlon. Disadvantages: Block "B" ot Hlc;key, Andrew · none that are apparent tb me. and Crane's Addition to the s u pER v Is 0 R s OF ORANGE A'dvantacea: 11 It passes, and It Town of Santa Ana, aa COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. most assuredly will, It will be shown on a Map recorded In (SEAL) approved by the 1956 ~etalature IBookan ..... u~· l~erds'JJ) Jf ~: B. J. SMJ'I1{ at1edtheflr bMud.!~t meetld 1nt cwtsc11hedbe· ""' "" """" County Clerk and ex-officio u or a'""• an · geles County, Calltomta. Clerk of the Board of Supervt· come law at once on tbm ap- E X C E P T I N G therefrom a Co Ca i proval, thereby openln& the strip of land described as sora of Orange unty, 1 • beach to the publlc next sum- follows: fornla. H I mer. Beelnning at the Northwest PubU.h Newport arbor Ens 10 corner of said Lot One; October 13, 20 a nd 71, 1955 I ' (Colltinued from Pace 2) J can't _. much coMec:tlol'\ between flablnr and rteewa~ but occasionally 800\e threat to the unchanrtnr continuance ot the well-loved ~nvtronment ln which I llv~ c:alb for a remark. I'm dead acalnat the propoeed route of the Freeway through. our town. Penonally; I give lep than a hoot about th~ furth~ lfOWth of our eood community. My chief fear Is that someday I'll find my- self llvtne In Los Angeles. The lncreulng ptevalence pf real L.A. smoe doesn't lessen this sense of apprehension. "Smoe tree Orange County" is now only a dnam of what mleht have b4een-a realtor's broken dream. • . . . to pay bills, buy new dothes or for any good reason are S.abord's business. If you nMd money ~on't hesitat.........c411 our new office now. You may have the c"sh in record time. 1711 IIEWJOIIT AVL COSTA MUA • flfWIC£ COW ANY L1berty •• ,. thence South 2.85 feet; thence South 89• 49' East 145 Feet; thence North ~95 feet and thence South 89• 45' West 145 feet to the poln.t of beginning. FEATURING. • • • ALSO EXCEP'MNG ther~from the East 80 feet. 647 North Riverine Avenue. for the purchasP price of Forty- Six Thousand Dollars ($46, • 000.00; that It is proposed to pur· chase the said real property from Henry G. Otta and Ethel M. Otta, husband and wlte, on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 1955, at the hour of 11 :00 o'clock A.M. ot said day, at the Board of Su· pervlsors Room In the Court House. Santa Ana. Orange Coun· ty, California, which time and place Is fixed as the time and place when the Board of Super· visors will meet to consummate such purchase. Dated: October 4, 1955. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF Presen ts A Fashio1 Show LUICHOI ' 1lte Finest Name in Meals in all the Southland! We carry Nanninga Choice Baby Beef Exclusively. Mr. Leidy. the manager of our meat depwtment.. is pnitinq &om ear to ear becauae of the great Clcceptance yo1L our c:uatomera. &bowed in buying 10 much of that Wonderful Manning's Choice Baby Beef. All Mr. Leidy can think of ia more YOlume. again he ia offering large saYings which you will want to take advantage of. MANNING'S U.S. CHOICE Swiss Steak Leg 0' Lamb MANNING'S HORMEL ~~ 1~ &AL80A I SLANO CALIFORNIA ThursclaJ Octoba' 20th. Round Steak BACON 49a,. Lwu:h eoD 12:30 p.m. FcuhiOD Show 1:00 p.m. Models and romml'ntary by Verna Miller .. . Fashions by these distinctive shops .. . EUGENE'S FRANCES NORTON BEACHCOMBERS BRAT SHOP MARILYN'S KIM of CALIFORNIA CIRCUS BOOTERY SNIP' N STITCH KATHY 'S MATERNITY SHOP Luncheon by Chef Henry Jones ....... -. $1.25 Reservations Please! Harbor 463 Parking available during the show The New Suit Line Very straight- and there- fore very new- our 5-bu t ton suit of gre y and white plaid 100/'0 Forst- mann wool Designed by Roth Le Cover 69.95 FASH ION APPAREL U"-ty t-74JI 17•7• ....... ... c.. ...... c.lf. MANNING'S MANNING'S LEAN Round Bone Roast 49i.. ·Ground Beef ·5 u!'l • MANNING'S Short Ribs IIArRELL BOUSE COFFEE 79i.. doz. 55~ Margarine 2-25• DAIIIY MAID-P&at o-utY BUTTER 59~ • I F r o 1e n F o o d ', ~-':.! L aDIDSER FISH BITES :.: ........ 25~ ~.-..... _43~ ........ .......... ...-.r CHOPEII AJ:Clesss a CDONEIIE FRYERS 49L • Look What llk Will buy!! 1'111 ... IIIII lias 1 ttll M II Ill ta.Oy •111111. Cat Food ~ APPLE TD1E Pumpkin Sugar I IUJOfT lOLLS Catsup Napkins \.ir,IT',\,f,i \!.!'-. 12~ Artichokes ·--·-·--1~ DKLICJOVI APPLES •12· IUD'SM ~ -·-··---.. ----·-~ GRAPES • a...._ __ ~ n au. PEPPERS . 19( YAMS....... __ 2fe .. ~o6st@r Bake tllis Week-end JEAII UIITIL ... 17 • ._._ of Jlr .......... ·-t.ltla of 571DiaiM L-. Coeta ...... .,.....cS by llewport·llcdl:toCI Botaly Club. (Eadp pboto) , ...... . 101. ra.AIICII 81JWDT Ia IDCID· a,.. of the Corolla del liar of· f.lae .. tM II _...port h1boa SaY· lDp aDd LoaD A.uu. Tbe Co· .-.del liar offiCie was .....-s s.pt, IS of last year aDd baa bMa --led by ..... haciT .... tMt u... .ewport hl· boc11a91Dp.wtthbl 1~ Ia tM Lido llaopp'-9 C.tel'. .............. __ .. ---( ............ ) ~een to I .e Crowned Saturday ~ aaaDA AUAaJY. ... IS. .................... 1 ... ... 1111&-..... ........... -=····., -...... ... 1 Cblb. (~MAp ..... ) AT TilE aJQIIT SUE s c. u s s L E • I Clgle 15. ----of Jlr .... lin. .. A. Scta..a.. 711 DabUc An.. Co- roea del liar. ~ by the ~ ky Uou Club. LOBSTER BAKE PROGRAM SATUa.DAT. OCTOBEJl 15 I :GO-Clu• pon.d at Jfewport BCII'b« ~ for TncDu.re Bunt. 10:00 a m Slnf119 of lobnel' a:D4 cbopped atrloAa •eala be91D- 10:00 a. m...--Parade of Bonelfta ~ be9tJ:UU.D9 at MaiD aeada Ia Coi'ODa del liar, CCIII'Jill9 lliu 11...-port Beacla cm4 all of the ei9bt quMD CGD4lcla*. tcnartq •UN ~~~ Harbor and Coeta KMCL t.rmlaatla9 back at the LoiMtel' Bcdrit site. 12:00 DOOD-JDcl9'1a9 cmd crowalD9 Of the LobftM lab Qu .. L 1:00 p. aa-Drawtap few pna.; UU. wW be done eftry bour OD the bour. 2:00 p. 1D. cm4 t.luou9boot afterDOOil cm4 eft1Wl9-l:Jltertai.D· IMDt. SUIIDAT, OCTOBEB 16 10:00 a.m-SentD9 of lobiJW cm4 daopped alrlotD meala be91D- l :GO p. aa-Drawlap f• PJU-; UU. wW be doae .._.., hour OD the boor. ... p. ..,........ Parade aDd cnrarda to wlaDen. S:GO p. --.style Sbow • ..,.aabJoD Tlleraldor.• •:ao p. m. Clad tluoagllloat naacm.cs. of cdtwDooa and eft· .... ~---t. 1:01 p. __... .. by tbe Dytllal aocbn. 7:00 p. -.,.....Awcrd of tbe Qraad Prbe el 21-lacb TV Mt. SAII'DEJ: D&Aa.DOU'P. age IS. daapter of llr . .ad lin. 0. C. Dea:rdodf. 507 Poppy A.._ Co- IODCI del liar, 8pOUOnd by the Coroaa del liar h.ta-1 A.uu. A.IOVE C:UOL JDIIQ. ... 17 ........ w etiiL _. .... awr ,, ~llliMA.._C... ... ............. ..,_, * ............... ·-~ Cl111t.. AT TilE LEFT CAaOL D1J'IIL ... II. clinP· .. of Jlr .......... &.It ana.u. 4.23 ~A.._ eon-a del liar. If a •• a red br the II ..-port BartM. Excbcm.,. Club. (Ell· alppboto) There wtll be a won party at tbe Kaln Beach ~ at ~ ..... todQ' ~IJI"aaQ) to pt the Loblter Bab site rudy tt. tile bJ~ .vent this ~·end AJ Pleg- er ot the BaJboa Bay U ons will be ln charge. PATTI .OaiiiSOII, 09e 16. daa91lt. ol lin. Jtatb.WeD aobta-. of 5211{1 Ma:ri90ld An.. Coroaa del liar. llpOD· eond by the lf...-port BCD'bor Zeeta Club.. (E.ulp pboto) i ----------- TREASURE HUNT COMING The treasure hunt for a rt'al 1 Lobstl'r Bakt' JamPS Van Dyke. treasure cht"St will again tx> a I who has ronroctNI tht' duM to big feature of the Corona del Mar the IO<'iltlon of th<" cht>st P\Pr since thl' first Lobc;tl'r Bake m 1 Fashion Show Slated Sunday 19.19. Will ha\e h1s customary rhyming puall'r post<"d on th't- door or thl' !'\('wpnrt llnrhnr B.1nk I by 6 tfdock Snturday morn1ng A.'l usual thl're will he a hnrd<" or kid!-trying to r.gurl' out thl' I A "Fashion Thermidor" or clu!"' Th<" lurky tri'1'<Uf(' Sf'<"kt'r styles will tx-pr<'SE'nted Sunday Is mo;tructl'd tn bring thl" trPasurt' aftt'rnoon. tx-ginning at 3 p.m .. ch~t to the Luh,ter B.lkt" sll<" at the Corona del Mar Lobster a t tht' main tx••wh <1>< "''"n ao; ht• Bake. finds lt. and thl' rh"'' "111 tw The ch«>f ror this special style openE'd to displ.1) .Ill t h1• prttl'" show will be Verna Miller. and I within. I her professional models will dls· ------ play styles from Bragg's. F'un 1 QUEEK TO BE NAMED Fashions. Brandt's Oepartm~nt Qu~n or tht' C\m•n:t cl<'l \tar Store and Miss Muffet Shop. A Lobster Bake "Ill tx-1·r.m nt'tl at I coupl~ of Arthur Murray dant't! students will m ambo and mode l the conclusion or thf' quN•n <'•'n during the show. test. which Is scnl"duh'Ci "' st,ut Here Is the "menu for glam· at 12 noon Saturday at tht> Lob our." according to Chef Verna: ster Bake silt> at the main lx'arh Appetizers -marinated f a I I tweeds; soup--<:asual du jour; salads -tossed colours; ~n~ - fll~ of urban suburban or fu h · ion thermldor; dessert-crepe suzettes, or mutfet parfait. All served with music. PHTLLIS PATIN cmd ber bul· bcmd Bob NC»Dtly ooeaed thelr Boo Na:rcbe' &bop at 2911 E. Coast B.-r~ near the Port Tbecrtnt in Corolla del Mar. Tb~ offer a decwatlD9 Mrrice CD well CD carpetlDg, ~ cmd lDt.iora. Tbe Patta&. wbo came bere from ....... ly llllla, b~ a baby lOG. BYJOD,. wbo was 2:2 months old last Satu· day. (Eilllp pboto.) • Specializing iD Carda e rme Stationery EDVCATJOJfAL TOTS PLAJJE MODELl AJifD ACCESSOBJES LEJfDIJfC LDIJUUlT BROOKINGS VARIETY STORE S30I E. Coast Bwy. COBOJfA DEL NAB Babol' 0150 Crown of the Sea * MOTEL * "Newest and F'mest in the Harbor Area" Comfortable · Ki tcheuettes Sleeping Rooms Available Day-Weekly -or Monthly Rates HAROLD A. SCHUSSLER RAllBOR 3194 2600 E. Cocut Highway. near MacArthur 81~ Co1'0GG del M ar AIH•OIIJIIII • • • CORAL Beauty Salon Jfow Uodw the OwMnhlp & K~eat of IRS. HAZEL PARIERSOI (16 Years' Experience In Beauty Culture) FOBIIEB BEAt7TT COLLEGE IJfSTBUCTOR We ha.e tbe experieDce aod 1pedal tnd.DlDg which auune you of tbe utm<Mrt lD IJfDIVIDUAL Hair CuttiDg & StyllDg JfEW METHOD of * HAIR TIJfTIJfC * F• A,lll .. lll-0 illl * 3732 E. Coast Kwy .. IMCII' hppf, Coroaa del Mar BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE WITH WHITE STAG'S Flic.•ring Fl•me tones •.. subtle Smoh sh•des coordin•te White Steg's go-everywhere y•rn-dyed Smoky Fl•nnels, Modeled by Sheil• Hendrichon. C«d-uitched Swe•ter J.c.et with ~rdig•n stylin9 end new •imono sleeves. Sius 10-11. $1·4.95 W •irt-•ditnt•ble t•bs eswre ""ooth fit of Smorr A•nnel W•irt Adjutt•ble ~irt. Te Het• Linin9. Sius 10-11. $10.95 MilS. BIZ HABTJ.EIIf ~ HcutlelD Flowen at 3403 E. Cocut Bwy.. CoroDa del Mar. Flowers cmd glfta lDclud.l.Dg flower arraagemeat.a. ~ty ct.algns. wedcUDg. CIIUliftnCU· lea. table clrnm~ts. plaat- en cmd tbe tbne Dwire Mn· Ice cue fecrtund b!' he.r firm. Party rental decoratiou aYail· able here IDcluct. allYW tea sets. amdelabra. clecOl'atiYe hula g lru. boats. fUh. e~:. (ED· 1ip photo.) NOllNAJf MEADOWS. lD part. oenhlp wltb hll IOD. Deem BuiHU. operat" tbe Butcb• Boy Market at 3421 E. Cocut Bwy.. CorODa del Mar. Jfotb· log but the best quality meat 1.1 prepared by tbe two expert. eoced butdlen lD thb meat mariiK. Tbey 1eata.re Swift PreiDIWD at .... !tML M.at ll cut to order for cuatomen. (ED· 1ip photo.) Dinner Is Set for Oct. 20th An All·Churdl loyalty dinner for families ot Christ Church by tbe S.. Ia planned for Tbureday evenJn~. Oct. 20, In the cafe. torlum of the Newport Elemen· tary School. The dinner commit· tee la headed bY Mrs. Winifred Young. The program chairman 1a Harold Arthur. A religious fllm, ''The Hidden Heart.'' will be part of the evening program. NAUBJE STAHLEY, owner of the Sta:Dley luuraace Ageocy at 3315 E. Coast Bwy .. Corona del Mar. 1a one of tbe Judge~ who will H led tbe qu.... of tbe Lobater Bake. Mr. Sta:Dley u prealdent of tbe Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce aad u ODe oJ tbe 12 dlrccton of tbe CaWona.la Auoc:1crtJOD of IJuuraace Ageot.a. tbe trade auodattoo for I D • u r a D c e QVeDb. (E.D.Slp photo.) XBS. aEB.EifiCE ADAMI 1.1 OW1Mr of tbe Stauffer S~UID. CoroDa del Kar Saloa. at 3117 E. Cocut Hwy .. Coroa.a del Mar. Mn. AdaDu 1.1 a member of the Stauff• famUy aad baa been auociated with tbe Stauf· fer Sywtem of redudDg. relax· lDg aad 1leDderlliD9 for tbe peat tiYe ,.an. She 1.1 maki.Dg arraogemeab to opeD a DeW Stauff• System SaloD lD ADa· helm sooo. Tbe Coi'ODa ct.l Mar Sa10D baa been lD operatioo for almost two ,.an. ( EDalp Photo) .. .......... "-AWiiv ........ 1f; , G-ET YOUR ''CLUES'' FOB THE ANNUAL LOBSTER BAlE & . . "TREASURE DAYS" HUNT HERE at 6:00 A~M. Sa~day. October 15th A Careful Balk Constant watchfulness through the years has been our best protection-and yours. We are glad to be known as a "careful bank!" Our conservative policy will continue to safeguard depositors and to make this bank a bulwark of financial strength In the commu nlty. NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Buy Eat • • Coro~a •1 lar • • • • Loeully Locally BeautifuL Spac:iQua Dining 11oom-Seata 68 c...-. Mat a C.I..X.--Toe.! S. EAT Iff llllb1lllllcn•r-AIPLE PAIII. , Merle Invites you to enjoy .•. Fine Food at Reasonable Prices . •a I Ll. II 11.1. -Zl ... DUY lAY PROUDLY PAFSENT AND SPECIALIZE IN ••• BIIEUFAST AT ALL HOURI INCLUDING ME8IES FAMOUS SCHOOL lOY IIIEUFAST . INDIVIDUAL aiiCIEM POT PIE & 1EEF POT PIE DIIVB .. I I Resftllllflllf ·Finch Ceramics Is Landmark ~ DADD P'IIICII b=f'w tiM ............................ ..... &., ..... --.. tiM .................... at &., rtacla Olnala. -· E. c..t lhry .. c:-del .... &., ~ c:...lca .. .... beR·Ialowa...... ··Rflll -............. .,.... ....................... ..... c.-............. IMI. Ia tiM .-t It......_ tiM tina .... _tba ...... ...,... .._ by 1pn1 .. -.......-..,......_ ..... .-..-. ... • ,. .......... t ..... .., .... Clddltioa at Cocat • ..,. -llael DL ...._eta ol 1M ..................... t .... ..wkl. ..... Geol'9e ,..... 17. ...... tlae ............. aDd -taiMn --~ .., .... ...... ....... rtacla ... ...... •.....-n ..... dty ---(&.ulp .....-.) MORRY'S SHELL SERVICE .. , ..... * ...aTEI IIIE * • w. Gi••S&H ' GREEN STAMPS 3800 E. Coaat • .., .. at On::laJcl BCII'bK 1710 OOBOJIA DEL MAll JAIIU T. Y U DTJtE. pns~. ...... •.....-n ......,_ --.ar. ._ benl aDd ftllMd ·lD Sioux Oty, ..... .. Aarted his • .,, .. .,..... Ia Iowa after ,..,...... "-tlae UDJnnity .. loatll .,...,... ba 1121. lD 1-M left ~ T"f llatlo!Dcll ...., lD ....._ City to becoaae pn '1 at ol tile f'lnt llatiooal ..... ct 'fterw opoll&. Wyo. .._ AIW _.... th.rM ,..an • • ....a omc-lD Wodd We 1L lae ..W laia lD-.st lD U.. W,.ala9 bcalr lD 1146. ca.• to CciU.fonJc wttla laia '-Uf _.. M+ e aaoc:Scted wttla .... CciJioraia ..... lD Lee aa .. a..ra lltllaewaalD· ..._tal lD ....,..tztaq tlae •.....-t .......... ba Co· .................. YCIIL~b ... ftee Jill rl1•t .. tlae II ..-port llarbw o-ber .c ~ aad u • ,..t ,......_t of tbe llewpon Bcat.c. Kiwaaia Club. (E.DUp f!boto) ~················y··················~ ~Get a c quainted with~ ~ CD M TRAVEL~ ~ SERVICE • ~ ~~~~to~· ~ you wttb aay tnrnl arraDge-• ,. ..... u. • ~ NOW BOODNG • ~ SPRING CRUISES • ~ ~~ . ~ CARIBBEAN .• ~ ~~ . ~ MEDITERRANEAN • ~ .... . t : ~ * WO .SEnJCE CILUGE • • : MUTU~ ncm ~ ~ AGENCY • ~ Harbor 1246 • ~ CDM TRAVEL SERVICE ~ ~Cor. E. Coast Hwy. & Orchid {Oppoa.ite the Post Office) Corona del Mar~ ~············~·~~·····~~············~ 8 •:• • •:• •:• 8 • 8 "HOWDY ~EIGHBOR!" • • • • • 8 • TtaveJUnc Ia the byword of Gordon White. The WbJtes have Major an4 Mta. Olarles W. lived 1n the area over a year, Weibel Jr. and famUy these formerly on Fernleal Ave. Lt. ,_ya. .o the tamlly, now llvtna White t. stationed with the Ma- on Orchid Ave., Corona ckl Mar, rlnes at E1 Toro. He t. orletnally will DOt be a bit surprlled to Me from Texas and his wife, Donna, the Major b\lZZ tn th1a w~k from Ia from Pasadena. Both of them Olanthe, Kanu.e. where he hu are Stanford alumnJ . been faklnc a month's jet train· Inc coune. 11\e Wettzels lelt Norfolk, Va., naval bue on luly 18 travelled to the west cout via Montreal, Can•••· Niagara Falla, Glacier National Park and Port . land, Ore., former home of Mrs. Weitzel. They have just bought and moved Into their Orchid Ave . home. The family Includes two daughters, Cheryl, aae 11. and Diana, 8. ~ • • • New smog-driven residents In the Harbor a rea are the WIUiam E. Gauley family, who live on Irla Ave., Corona del Ma r. The Gauleys are not new to the area, however, as they have spent sev- eral summers In the area. The famUy Includes four boys. lack. 8, David, 13, Alan 17, and Wu. llam 19. RJght now Alan Ia away at Navy Corps School In San Diego. The family moved here about a month ago from Arcadia. Mr. Gauley work& for Westing· house In Lac Angeles. • • • Minnesotans nPW to the Har· bor area are Lt. and· Mrs. F. W. "Pat" Poole, who have just moved ln to 308 Carnation Ave., Corona del Mar. Lt. Poole Is a Marine aviator at EJ Toro and the couple lived at the base for about a week before settling In Corona del Mar. • • • Now living on Orchid Ave., Co· rona del Mar, are U . and Mrs. Ka. UDJ ,,.•KEVOW Ia tile ... ...__. 111 t r.C ... c..a......, ....... .. E. co.t lbry .. c.-..... . lin. .... _ ....... .. fMd ena-'•ee ba a.-ty C'lll· ..... ... ..._., ......... ty con.v. a..tnador. &.II .,... ol beauty c altar •. ,.... ••t.a .... bldi'richaal M:k Clltti.Dv aDd aty.... .. ....... .., u.. Coni .... ty ...... (Ea· alp .... ) 1•11. lt'era,lrll ..... ,......_ Courses In music. drama and the tine art.s are ottered In the adult education program which Is offered by Orana:e Coast Col· lege. Drama Is taught by Oren Brooks Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30· 9:30 in the Chapel. Music c.ppre· elation Is taught by Eusta~ Ro· jas. Tuesday evenings from 7 · 9 In room 3 of the Music Bulld· lng. Fundamentals or musician· ship Is taught by Mrs. Virginia Kidder, Mondays and Wednes- days trom 7 ·9. PalnUng. by Howard Clapp, will be a claa m elementary technJques Tuesdays and 1burs· days from 7-10. A beginning elass in P1ano will meet Wednes· w. c. au~ ... days from_ 7 ·9 with Mrs. Barbara tlae OWDet ol tbe llebw Jai.at P o u I s h o c k . An Intermediate GD!I W~ Co. ct 3701 E. plano class will meet Mondays Coaat • ..., .. eon-a del lie. from 7-9. Sculpturing will be lila f1ma .....,_ Datdl aoy, taught by Peterpaul Ott Tues· eoa.u. Gad '1ttabw9h pcdlat.a. days from 7 ·10. Women's chorus 1'be Jlcat)cw Jcdat aad Wall· will meet with Mrs. Mary Stet· paper eo: lacD tlae la:r9Nt col· lensen Tuesday mornings from 1ec:tioa of waUpaper boob lD 9·11 In the Community Church. tlae bcat.c. an& Jai.at.a may ~ Corona del Mar. obta:laed hen wltla a YariMy of ------ 2.000 colon. (Eulp note) A JMrc1in9 local iact.a.~ry lliDce lSSI -with a ... .., ......... , ... we're not handing you LUGGAGE LAMPS PICTURES PIIJ.OWS aline • • • • • YOU CAN BUY IT IN CORONA DEL MA R .f ...... . we bte; CARPETS THROW RUGS BED ROOM FUBNITURE IJVING ROOM FUBNITURE DEN FUBNITURE , DINING ROOM FUBNITURE VACUUM CLEANERS MA TTRF.SSES ROOM DIVIDERS BARCALOUNGERS G. E. APPUANCES DESKS ACCESSORIES BARS TOOLS BARS SNACI TRAYS CARD TABtES FO~ING CHAIRS TEAKWOOD CHESTS MONKEY POD TRAYS so don't get tie4 up in trcrftic . or amog bound . . . ..... .......... B. N. (Rt1PE) IIEJfDBJCES la owuer of Beadrlcb PriDtiD9 Co. at 3631 E. Cocut Blpway 1D Coroaa del Mar. Rupe has beea 1D the prlDtiD9 aDd pub- llshill9 bual.Deu fM more thaD 30 years. eomiD9 to C«oDa del Ncu 1D lMI. Be waa fol'lll•11' a newspaper pu.bllshu 1D Penta. putting out the hrris Progna. which hla father had rua for 33 yean. (EAilp pboto) harbor photo lab cameras repairs rentals fast COLOR SERVICE • • • of sodal note Back apln poundln' tbe ole typewriter. Decided 1 ml&ht u well Uve after all and I must say 11Q' dedaon wu not a Uttle af. fected • by the mtnny, mlnny, mJnny well wlahen that popped up with cheery ereettngs. Why, 1 hardly knew I wu aick before ~eryone seemed to be wishing me well! Sincerely, the scores ot carda and Jreetln&'S were Women Hold highly appreciated, and bere'e a "thank-you" to all In cue l don't litet a chance to look up trom this mountain of paper work that piled up on my desk whlle IQY 1 back was turned. • • • Makes us glad we're alive and. llvinlit In lh.l.s lovely Harbor area when we talk to people like the Walter Glpes. fr instance. The Glpes used to live on Seaward Rd. and'then a little over a year ago they moved away to Tucson. Ariz. Mrs. Glpe sald that Tucson P• c k s I Is very nice, but, wben, after 14 1e-a e a e months, they were stUI home-sick, they dec:ided to move back The Woman's Civic Leaeue of -and now they're at 508 Mar- Newport Harbor will sponsor a iUerlte Ave., Corona del Mar. cake and pie booth at the Lob· Mrs.' Glpe also blamed The En· ster Bake. Members of the alen for just kind of keepin' League and several grocery them homesick! Shame on us. stores will furnish the baked but we're glad they're back! goods tor the affair. The pro· • • • ceeds from the sale of the des~ Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Naegeli serts will go to the Youth Center. are returning to Minnesota for Pie and cake contrlbutlonl by an early faJl vacation. other than League members are • • • welcome and are needed. They Mrs. A. A. Kemper, Women's wtll be picked up and delivered FeiJowshlp president of the Co- to the. big beach by callln& Har· rona del Mar Community Church, bor 2917 or Harbor 2059. The Glrl has been getting check-ups by Scouts. under the direction of Los Angeles specialists after her Mrs. Lois Irwin, will assist the recent nare-up IIJness. League in the sale of the pies (Continu~ on Page 7) and cakes. Mrs. James Van Dyke is In charge of the booth tor the • league. ------ MOVE IX L.A. The H. B. Melnkes, formerly of 438 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar. have recently moved to Wilkins Ave. in Los Aneeles. DA.RLS BACK TO BALBOA LEE STtJCJ[ la the maDapr of Crowa llardwan. at 3107 E. Coast B19bway. the oaly hard· ware non Ia ColoDa del Mar. Be la tbe ... ta.Jaw of Mr. aDd Mrs. CUff Llolabarger. ow... of tbe atON. CUff la a past ...... t of the Coroaa dol Ncu Bual.aea AaD. Gild was ~ chail'lllcm of the 1952 Loa.ter Bake. (Eulp pboto) Fashion Show for Opti-Mrs. 3121 E. Coast Hwy. CDM Home again after a summer at Nisswa, Minn.. are the W. B. Dahls.. who live most of the year in Balboa. Wives of the delegates to the District Convention for the Optl· mist Club to be held at the Bal· boa Bay Club this week-end (Oct. 15 and 16) will oo enter- tained by the Newport Harbor ' Opti-Mrs. Club at a fashion show and luncheon on Saturday noon. ''The Best 0 e 0 IJf Baked Goods" * FRESH DAILY * BELEN & JOSEPH CLOVER'S SAVORY BAKERY 3321 East Coast Bwy .. COI'ODG del Mar The lint and only girdle full lash· iontd like a sfockint -sheer. siHk, a lightweigllt miracle of control -.1 <om fort. 0 * BOB NOOU la the DlCIDCI'9W of the Cnatw All Amedca:D Mar· at 1D Coroaa cie1 Mar. at Ja.. ml..a.e A.., cmd Coast BJgtaway. Tbe parld.D9 lot at that loca· tion was tho ute of tho 1151 ~ 8clk-. 11M Coroaa del Ncu marbt la Ko. 3 ill a chcd.D that lDc:ludN allo Downey. Kewport. Gardea c,.,.._ Kor· wa.pr cmd Scm Clem•t.. AD· other AU Amertam la belog p 1 an a e d for eo.ta Neea. Blaya.e Batchlloa la pnalciellt cmd ~ mcmager, cmd hla ~ Carl la dons super· ..... The newly organized Optl-Mrs. of Costa Mesa will uslst with hostess 4ut1es. Marjorie Hale Studio, of Charm wUl arrange the ta.shlon show around the pool. President of the Newport Optl-Mrs.., Mrs. George Burk· hardt., wtll greet the guests. MOVES TO KEWPOJrT BEICBTS Mrs. Gladys Sykes of 2520 Sea· view Ave.. Corona del Mar. Is moving to 518 El Modena, New· port Heights. ------Read Enstcn Want Ads. Conchita Parlor 294 Ffonors President With Birthday Gift At a recent meeting of Con- chita Parlor No. 294, Native Da ughters of the Golden West. members honored Mrs. Rudy Pet· erson. president. with a cup and saucer and handkerctliet shoW\'r In celebration ot her birthday anniversary. This was followed by the serving of a cake decor- ated for the occasion by the host· esses for the evening, Mrs. Har- old Graham and Mrs. John Jac- obsen. During the meeting plans were begun for a pot luck Halloween party to be announced la ter. Conchita parlOI' 294 presented a (lag to Mariner Scout Ship Naiad on the evening of Oct. 12 at the Scout House In Newport Beach. Following refreshments color - slides were shown by Mrs. Don Muncy and Mrs. Chester Pollard ot trips taken by them through Calltomla and the northern states. Ot Interest were pictures ot missions. especially those of Mission Soledad which the order has been restoring. Next regular meeting will be held at 8 p.m. today (Thursday) at the American Legion Hall. Costa Mesa. ' DELAifET'S PATBER DIES Bruce Delaney of Costa Mesa Is the son ot Martin Cleveland Delaney, Laguna Beach realtor, for whom funeral services were held last week at Baltz Mortu· ary, Costa Mesa. Cw le+temuds. envelope~ cal THE ~SIGN. HA-l I 14 Fou.r new memben ba~ been added to tbe Actvt.ory Board ol the Oranp CountY Pbllharmonle SocietY. It b announced by Prftl. dent Moreland Leithold. Tbey are Dr. Jobn Cowles ol Garden Grove, Robert Kneeland of Santa Ana, Dr. S. IL Monaco ol Balboa and Mrs. Maxwell Sturces of Udo_lsle. Plana for a Youth concert u well u the Ol'&'an1zatlon'a een· eral concert plan.e were d~ at the recent board meeting. The Soclety'a 'next mncert. which or· l&Jnally had been ach~uled for Anaheim tow4J'd the end of Oc:· tober, waa changed to Santa Ana becauM of Anaheim's annual HAllowe'en celebration. La . Cantina Liuuor8 "The le,..t ... ~ .... ,.. Paokqe St.e II dd.p Ce•tr" * 3244 Eul Celli II larperile, C.r111 ... lar * .......... 1101110, o ... We carry the F"meat of both domestic and imported wines. liquors. liqueurs and beers. Also Fancy domestic and imported Foods & hors d·ouevres . e No order is too large or too small e · * FOR DEIJVERY SERVICE CALL HA 0262 * JACK Nl7LIIOT HELPING YOU TO SECURE MORE INCOME BY INVESTMENTS IN STOCKS -BONDS -MUTUAL FUNDS MoRGAN & Co. 2515 E. COAST BJCBWAT-BAJI.BOa 3212 AJfD S37l-COaQKA DEL NAB • fttll fa hioned I/){) Knom Your DOME Store Better! A fabulous first -nothing like it mr before -tlw lithtwtitht girdle yov'n always imagined but hove nenr seen f • M1 'A1MOIKI Ull A noar•t • an-• c--'"'' , .. w t • an•""' '&JMOeMt ... -IOU '"t • M1 , ........ '"'"' CltTCIIt • ......... ~ eMfll Me SIMI 11• DIWI.I1'11 • UCUIIW ..,~ ... -· '-"' •wea..-...-....-, .. BRANDT'S of CORONA del MAR •• EIIT .a .. _ . . • , I I l • COIOIA IE1. 11M ,,.. colotlul IUILEY IEll •LMIUCI lilt dlstlncUvt Victor Hugo 730fast.,....., Teleptlone a.4471 _,tCMST..aY felephoneiiMirml , TELESCOPES BINOCULARS GLASSES DIDEKSDIG OPr'ICIAKS HUTCHEIS IPTICIL COIPAIY SStl E. Coat Bwy .. Coroaa del IICD' ~2571 1501 llortb MaiD St. • We are happy For all the New Frienda we h'"e made . f• SlUR .. IIPf, we ate • I I tile'..,.. ftr YOU I I IIIII's RIIHT! MARIO'S SMART SET -HAIR FASHIONS- IIADOIIIIM Attend The Annual "TriUifl lap LM.W Bike" Biq Corona Beach. October 15 & 16th BEKEFIT COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER WKJOIIT auvaa 11tw. ..... Ad • ..... at ua. Wtl 111a. a.taa r.aiE. Tr ts'ct• .e u. apt. _. Mrs. nenac:. Jbldtt ..W.. Ill JIL ef tM 1...-8tW1 Is eon.a del ........... ••=t .. n•••bu••ta ._ tMU • ......_ .,.... ~ ....-..1111 ..... =--· ... ~r.::.:: ...... ~ ... _........ e-lly IJ ..... _ • ... ...... .. .. ..... ,.. ......... ..., wW :c:t::·--............... --. .... --.,. . ... ..._ ....... 111-............................ .. .. ...-••••• lemwthtwMIIl .... pnrtaeftM ::;1 1a 1 , '•• _. ...._ ~ wllkat tM ...... .. ..... . ... 1'Dc:.LY •a•, r laftt .... ~ ..... ..... ~Fw-lll!bl •• r. ..U PlGVU UIAI.Ym ~~-·- I Newport BariMw fbdp lall•u lab s.cthG IIA.aJO .ocCI Ia tbe ope~atoa' oC llado'a S.ct let at S40'7 E. Coat Bwy .. Corolla del IICD'. Be .. f-1· oC ClrNlaDd. OlaJo. w!Mn M -!oolt h1s beauty ebop ba:la1Ja9. .. baa .,... 1D tlala ........... tile past 10 yMn. a. w..tEiect formel'ly 1D ................... .., to Co· I'ODCI del .... (EM!ga pboto) IDS. ILAIICIIE W AKEl'1ELD .. tbe OW1aiW o( Petite vw. at MDI E. Coast Bwy .. Coloaa del IICD', wb1da leat1aNa casual 'tNCII' fOI' ....... of all a... htit. vw. --opeoed ..... yean 090 CIID4 bas beell OWDed by lin. Wa:WJ.Id f• tbe past f1•e yMn. Tbe Fnadl DGIDe, htite VW.. • Uttle .Wop. was relec:ted to ct.crihe wbat C01'oaa del MCII' was wbea tbe finD wa f1nt •tabuabed. but Corooa del IICCII''baa oo~ tbe Uttle Y1.1Ja9e c:lauWartloD. (EMipftoto). ALL E If ASBWOJlTB Ia ill cbarve of tbe ButcbeDS Optical Compcmy, cllapea.alDg opt.ldana, at 3341 E. Coast Bwy .. Coroaa ~~ liar. Prftc:riptioDS for gle~:UM an fWed by th1s opti· cal f1nD. wblcb also repairs gl---. A MCIODd office for tbe finD la malDtalDed at 1508 11. llalD St.. Scmta A.lla. Jlr. Ash· worth bas bod 12 yean espert. .ace as em optidcm. {EJ:Wga pboto.) PotLuckSet ----~r=~=============-~ F!~:!:~~~~ L 0 0 K I luck dinner to be held Oct. 24 and thla week'• rummace aale plans w~ cn.cuaed at the meet. inc of St. Marcaret'a Women's Guild, held ln the home of Mrs. Eucene Wella, 979 Linden Pl., eo.ta Mesa, president of the Guild. All residents of Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Heights were In· vlted by the Every Member Can· vass committee under the CO· chairmanship ol Monte Grimes and "Sandy'' Hamilton to attend a pot luck dinner In St . J ames Parish Hall on Monday eve· nine. Oct. 24. Pledges wtll be taken at this time to support the work of the church for 1956 and the building of the planned Cos· ta Mesa Episcopal Mission. J[ E Jill E T. L ("K E Jill T') PATJO: Ia tM a-. J• oC tbe Coat s..-IICII'IIIet at 3SC7 E. eoc.t Bwy .. CorOlla del IICD'. .. baa .,... Ia tbe 9I'OCM"J ............ the pallt 20 yean CIID4 baa U..cl bl Coi'CIIla del liar f• tbe pat DYe yean. Bla bome .. at 112 lleiJotrope An. Be feela tbat Conea del liar la a •=• Mlfal pl-. to u... (E.ulp pboto.) LEWIS T AliTER Ia tbe OWDel' of Tarter's TeleYialoD Sales CIDd s.mc:. at 29CM E. Coast Bwy .. CoroDa ~1 IICCII'. Mr. Tar· m la a color teleYlaioD tech. Dldcm. reUlDg. IDatallillg aad MrYldDg color teleYtatoD rets. Be la GD autbort.d ILC.A. tele· Yial011 dealer, illdudlDg black aad wblte aad tbe 2l ·illcb ILC.A. color tele'riaiOil ret. Mr. Tarter also openrt• a teleYI· aioD aal• cmd ..me. apacy at 274 Broadway, Laguna Beach. wbicb baa beeD ill oper· atioD for tbe past eight yean. {E.Daiga Photo) c.D.II. BUSIMESS ASSM. aad BALBOA BAT UOMS ll'IVlTE YOU TO A'n'EMD THE 7tb Alf'IIU AL LOUTEa BAXE at Big COI'oD1I Beacb ELSIE IIU.OIIOUGB la tbe a.ty wttlt tiM ••• d... CIID4 yana w1M OW1UI tiM lla:rbocougb Tara Sbop at %74'7 E. Coast Bwy .. Mar tbe Ciol._rod An. traffic Uglat ill Conea del IICCII'. 1M ..u. .,... Cllld ... ,t.- lastnlctiola 1D Dltuag. IIOIDT SIIJTB Ia tbe ..--of Mony"a SJMll s-rice Statioa crt ..., E. Coast Blpway. at Orcb.ld A..._ Conea del IICCII'. lion"( la Cl lletwaabl Datift. CCIIDe ben from C le D dale , when be baa beea _.plored as a parldag meter ...nee IDCID 101' tbe City of CMeclale. "'EIL TIEISUIE" Is fl•• II *CROWN HARDWARE* TREASURE NO. 1 .... TREASURE NO. 2 TREASURE NO. 3 .... * * * * * * * * * l ·Qt. IIABl)LEI) PLASTIC lillie llwl Fr11! Wltla z.cta Caa Pa.lda -· d {' twttecs to Stodl Oil a-d) *CROWN HARDWARE* •A BOUSEBOLD DEPIUITII:EOWf ITOar" We a.iuw * We Cat * CI'OW'Il Stam.. ~ ~·= 2107 EAST COAST BICIIW AT COIIO•A DEL MD Lobster Bake Sat. and Sunday Treasure Hunt Sat. Morning TOE e TAP e BIW.ET • HAWAIIAN e ' BAUROOM e BATON TWIRLING e DIRECJ'OR DOROTHY JO SWANSON has just returne-d from a two m onth tour across the country as a faculty member for 1'ATIONAL ACADEMY of DANCE and AFFlLIATED ARTISTS Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 2515 E. Coast H1ghway, Corona del Mar, Harbor 3499 It's always '.'Treasure Days" at O'BRIEN'S ' ..... tiiYpza···--Y LIIL 11111 ···&liT IMdl • • • ~ .... From EEIIMDg tbe IDGDY &De kdl ... to tr..CLN F.,.,mlne FaaJrione tbcd wiD tab you bdo F.& ia 8lyte OBVIOUSLY, I I • ---' CJ)A\ BUSINESSES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE LOBSTER BAKE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I i .. , i~ ~ Eut Celli llchiJ • • ••• -u tt • I Ia ~ • • • • = c • Cl I .. • • .; I • J AT THE IUQBT BOT BALL SB. Ia U.. ...., OW1l· • er of tbe Sb.eU Senlce Statioa Oil Coallt Bwy. at QoldiG.rod Aft.. Cor'ODG del Mm. Be came !Mre from CleDdale, wb.. be bad operated a Mmce atcrtJoa for 10 .,.an. Soil Boy Jr. Ia a fonmcm at Loc:kbead cmd daughter Docuaa Ia a CIIIIDUDer· dcrl Cll'tiat wttb Nc:CcmD Erick· aoo crd•erlia1D9 ageDCJ Ia I.o. ADgelea. (Eil&lga pboto.) AT THE LE" JEBBY LOCBECX bcu been mcmc:aver of Nerle'a Drt••ID at NcrcArtbur Bl•d. cm4 Coaat Bwy .. CoroDCI del Mar. for tbe pcut 21/a yemL Prior to com- lAg bere. be wcu IDCfDCI98r of tbe Merle'a DrtYe·ID crt Vea - tura for three yean. Otber driYe·laa me located at Sauter ADa. LoDg Beach cmd I.o. AD· geles. aU OWDed by Nerle (Becmy) Affierbaugb. Btrtc:be6 Bldg. 2515 E. Coallt By. • • • • • • ~ j ci ci j 0 .... ... :1 b .. Ill • • • Shoes Recovered to Match f YOUR GOWN or SUIT SHIES RESTYLED II lEW LDK HEEJ.S CUT LOWER PLATFORMS REIOYED! Anthony's HARBOR 5328 3401 East Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar ROBERT HIUS HAU.OWFEN .(OSIUME PARTY Mald&IJ. October 31st. · f* .. * PAVO. * JIIIYCUIT 1 I! ! .:: i l E • • • • • l • ii = X> C J .... .I I! af IA TRLEEJf BEANAJf cmd her baabcmd opeDed tbe Icry.tte Portrait Studio at 2901 E. Cocut &wy .. Corolla del Nm. ju.at tbla paat Nay. Tbe BecaDcma orig- lllally ball from Noatcmcr. wb .... tb.y bad a atud.lo cmd a 1~ pbotogrcrpbJc buaiaeu aem tbe •trcmce to Clader Jlfat:IODal Park. R.ecUten her Patter:ns China Crystal SUver Stainless Steel Many patterns from many countries We tnvtte you to open a charp account. Chooee your Per-ona.lbed am..tmu carda now. , • gifts from Karen Margreta Imports • X ~ • .i l .I J ~ ~ • i • • !f ~~~ •• •••• • . J ~ l -a • . . • • • • • • • • • • • l11i!1 ~ !I . -q ~ ~ i X • X .. ! D. ! ~ I > ~ IJ X . An Invitation to the Lobster Bake The professional men and women of Corona del Mar commend the Corona del Mar Business Association and the Balboa Bay Lions Club for their public-spirited project of co-sponsoring the annual Treasure Days and Lobster Bake Celebration to raise funds for the Community Youth Center of the Harbor Area. We join with them in inviting you to attend this event. Ear, Nose and Throat THOMAS F. GOWEN, M.D. General Practice EUZABETH S. HUTCHISON, M .D. Obstetrics and Gynecology HOLUS PAEGEL, M.D. JOHN L. POY AS, M.D. ROBERT C. WOODRUFF, M.D. Architects RAYMOND K . HARVEY, AJ.A PLEGER. BLUROCJr:. HOUGAN Osteopathic Physicia ns and Surgeons DR. JOHN J. ALBARIAN LLOYD OCHELTREE. D.O. Urology JAY R. LONGLEY. M.D. Public Accountants LEE B. CASEY ERNEST V. SODERBERG Optician !!. H. THIELE •···• , ... 1956 Show Pi•es in Maple Ethan Allen Sprague & Carlton Gold Aro Country House Charleston Belcher Pine Negley & Son S. Bent & Bros. * Calpa Lamps * Rosanna Lamps • • • I I • Newport Harbor Ea.igD-Lol:.ter Bake Section • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SAVE-THIS HANDY GUIDE TO CORONA DEL MAR SHOPS J I I J1 ~ Jlsl 0 .., i .• ~ ~ ; ~ e e e e A .A ..-. ..-. ... e -~ ~~n'~ 1 ll ~ i J .. J. •l ~ ii .. B :as :1 .!!., fi i il ••• i I X • '"C • • • • AlfR SUTBEIU..AlfD BEllE Orange Coast College. Her par-PJU%E-WIJOifDfG Af'GIIAJf FOa TilE SCHOOL TED ents. former residents of Corona Mrs. Helen Kilty of Costa Mesa Ann Sutherland, daughter of del Mar, spent part of the sum· won tlrst prize for afg~ns at the Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Sutherland mer in the Harbor Area visiting Los Angeles County Fair. of New York, Is spending thls Mrs. Sutherland's parents, Mr. year with the Norman Frahms In and Mrs. D. R. Rooke of Corona BE SUJlE TO COME Corona del Mar and attending del Mar. TO THE LOISTE.Il BAD Camellias Fresh new Stock --,. full Of buds 1 GaL Can -··-·--··········-··········-····· 1.75-2.50 5 GaL Can ..... --.. --.. ··--·-·· ..... -... 5.00-7.50 CHRYSANTHEMUMS in 1 Gal ccma full of buds and ready to bloom. SPIDERS EXHIBITIONS POMPOM 79f. CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY 'r/44 E. Coast Highway ••• Corona del Mar BEAll PABDNG ••• ENTBANCE ON GOLDENROD Poirier Mortgage Co. .. The Oldest Mortqaqe Loan Office in Newport Beach" We have been serving the harbor area and Orange County for the past 25 years. We are now the largest Mortgage Loan company in the county, with seven offices and a record this year of over 10 Million Dollars loaned in the first nine months of 1955. Loans For Homes 5%-20 Year Lo«ma on emting homes and new coastruction.. Financed by Metropolitan Ufe Insurance Co., the largest financial institution in the world We also handle Building and Loan Funds. For Information stop into our ollice or call Harbor 3888 and talk to Bob Sattler, our Newport Harbor Representative for the past seven years. aoa SATrLEa Manager of Corona del Mar Office MICn' WAU Secretary Poirier MO-i CO. ' i ~ ~ -01) .. e e •• • nn a ... ~ 1 1 l 5 ftJj.i • ; j •!tl ~ i X'! ..... • - RAIIOLD IL SCIIUSSLEa 1a U.. OWDer IDCIDGI'K of Crowa of U.. Sea Motel at 2100 E. Coast Bwy .. eon.a del Mcu. TIM Sebu.ulen -..ncS ben bam St. CllcuW.. IlL two yean ..,.,.. Daughter Su.J~C~aDe l.a a ca:ad.l· date few ~ aa.r. Qaeen. Sola K• l.a a m.u..Datid.aD wttb llonb A-scala AWdioa. CIDd daaflla._ Ially 1a -ED· .... 1-..& rtzf I i • ei • ... j ; I e . e • • • --:3 ~ l 1 ... . ~ 1 •• • .=j = Ill .. Ji-= .. I -1 • • a .. .oa SA'ni.EII 1.a u.. man-1• of tbe Coi'Ooa del Ncu oWce of U.. Pol.r* Koc1goge Co.. wbicb baa beea ....tag U.. lla:dlor Area CIDd ara.g. Cotuaty ·-mon tbaa 25 yMrS. Tb1a tina. beaded by Elmer PotrW at eo. raea del Mcu. baa lta beadqiiGI· ten la Sa:ata ADa. CIDd baa a total at ...,.. omc-. IOc:ky Walp 1a MCieblll at tbe loal1 ...... (EMitla ..... ) ICI TB.DIIIM IIEIIQUIIIEIS RCA VICTOR See the biq chanqe ... COMPATIILI COLOR And see the Color Shows TELEVISION at our shop. SALES and SERVICE TARTER'S TV <~oss'1r~~~c;:>~ Harbor 5491 Lobster Bake Sat. and Sunday Y' ALL COME BY! for snacks or dinners -l-"'1- (a.t 'tt'bbee to the Lobat. ~ Clad tb• CDM Coaullualty C.t.) Treasure Hunt Sat. Morning OIIPI.ETE I.E lEAn• SEIVICE e Janitorol Automatic Gaa ~ • Cole1DCID lleDd Air llecltiDg • stewart w~ Gaa Fumac:. e Weetem Gat Funaac. Padfk Heating CO. Inc. , __ .,. I .. ~ j ! . 1 • ~ E -I e e e e e ~ -- 1 l l • 1! .I -}' J iii ~ . ; ~II • • 1 J .. • .. .. ... -f • s .... • .. :1: who lives In Santa Ana. Late Jut Of= SOCIAl. NOTE • • • month Mel's fiancee wu ldlled ------------ln .rn inland Oranee County ceo tl ed fr crash and this week Mel 1s ln n nu om Page 4 ) the hospital with mejor lnjurln Automobiles spell bad luck In due to a Coast Highway crub near lethal doses to Mel Up-that occurred early Sunday mom - sh all, Corona del Mar rdener, ing just below Corona del M ar. WI TH 0 R A .W A 8 L E I N S URE 0 SA VI NG S PrfJfJf fJf lefldersllip A gain ol man them $3.000.000 00 iD r.- 80UI'CM iD the p.a 90 clute proal al iD- Yeaton' c::onfidence in NEWPORT BA.IJIOA SAVINGS, the fa:stest-qrowinq Scninga and Loan Association in Oranqe County. Our resources now exceed $22.,000,000.00. Dividends If Times Yeflr/y (Jh llll llccfJunts On Sept. 30th, we paid our 39th conaecu- tiYe sarinqs di~dend to nearly 6.000 in- ••tora in most of the 48 states and many foreign countries. Current R•te of E.min91 31/J% per y•M SYM&OLS Of SAF£TY I • WOTM Plans Dinner Meet .. JAKES D. UT IJIIIat.l tiM J, ..., C...tnactioa Co. at tbe C111111M of JlfardMu.a A"" CIDd Coat .._,.,.,.. Coc'Oacl dial Ka .......... .upty ba.y wttla ...... tkd. ....... .. ...s rdlool ceut:nctloa tlaroagtaoat tbJa ........... tilDe to ...... ----of u.. Jlfewport hclc:b z•-•tay lc:bool 8oCII'cL WHEJf KAJIT DEWJifiSOJif cmd hn late hurbcmd opaecl Deu· Die'a a-tcnanmt OD Coast Rwy. It war ooe of the nry few buaiDM... 1D Coroaa del KCII' cmd a lcmdma:rk DOt ODly for the CftfhOUD4 bu.... that atUl uae It aa a Ucbt stop. but to all tr'aYelen u.aiDg the coaat route. MCII'f's still doiDg tiM cooii1D9 cmd •CIIUII!PD9 at o-aie#a at_. E. Coast Rwy • e IIABPEJl SCHOOL PTA P.T .A. membership drive k ick oft started Monday. membership chairman Mrs. Dudley Boyt"e an· n ounced at Costa M esa Harper S<"hool P T.A. board mN"ting last WM'k. Thf'rp will bt> varitHJ '\ pri7('S awarcfl'd to thC' room" thil t l>nng In thP hi~h~''lt numi>N of m £>m - ~ro;hiP"-ThPrP 1'-i t o ll<' a best postr>r pr itr . a two dollar room prll(', <anti a prt/f' '" th1• room win ning thf' s;ulh~oat ,.,,ntcst. the· rP'!Ults n ( which w ill l>f' tabu Ja tf'tl d<J ily in thl' d1splay w i n- flow hy thf' ofrk f' A Cl,-. f'" I A ·J '" The En~iqn brin'1' •rnrnr l ..,.') rc•ult~! c...,h H -'l·h~ .• 111 4 Il l S .,,..j c rrw_, 1t! Autumn cleeoratlona wtU en- Uwn the tablee f« the ttnt tall din.-.meduled by the ottlcen ol the Newport Beach Wom~n of tbe Kooee for Saturday at the M'ooee Hall, 2300 West Ocean Front. Newport Beach. Mrs. Walta Grohnert. chap· lain, who hu been appointed by Senior ltepnt Mrs. Claren~ Younl' u ebalnnan, announced that the committee had choaen ham to be aerved from 6 :30 to 8p.m . A drawlnl' tor a prize wUl be held by the Home Maklnl' com- mittee and the Home Cbapter committee will have a white e le· pl'laot display tollowlnl' the dln· ner. 811T AJifT CRJUSTEJifSEW Ia the pcll'tJaft ·IDCIDoCI9ft of Vta.c.at'a Ba:rbor Drugs at the CIOirDel' of Marguerite A"" aDd Coat Bl9hway. Conaa del Ka:r. whJcb waa opeaed badt ID April. 1N6. Th1a Lr oae of the LoGaJe Vlacleat c!na9 at-. whJcb IDduAS. abo Vlaceat'a Udo Drugs Ia the Udo Shop· piDg Celltn. $Ea.aiga pboto) PAUL L. NELSON. a MiDDe· rota DCJtiye cmd Ma:riDe Corps Yetercm. Lr the owner of Nel· son's Aasodated Ser-Yice Sta· tion at 3700 £. Coast Rwy .• at Poinsettia An .. Corona del Mar. He ae"'ed with the Ma · riDes iD 1946·49 cmd war re · c:a1led for combat dut"f durinq the Korea flqhtiDq. The Nel· sons bcrYe two c:hlldreli. Ste•en. 4 yean old. cmd l ·year-old Leiqh. ( Enslqu photo) For <1 llmited ltme we will custom CARPET and DRAPE your home for only $499 complete * Coale ID. ... cmcS • fMI the c11tfenoce 1D qullllty carpet I * Ask about .•. , Chevy Chase -yours for u little u $10 a month! * RDGn'W .. DA'fCII..Oa 011 CAa DRAPERIES IDcluded: LCD'ge 12' Llnag Boom Picture Window, DIDIDg Room. Jtltdlea. S."· Ice Porch. aath Clll4 3 a • d roo m a. Ctdtom made to fit each wiD· dow. Fifty f.abdc:a cmd o Y • r 300 decorator colon to chooee fnMID. FRIEZE BROADLOAM CARPET a-d--..... ,. u.-. ..... .,....... ..__. ..... .,a ...... ~ Ltdd ..a .ta . ..awt6 ....., .......... I "-llllirllllo . hr he ... m•tel« to ... ---- ID JOUr 01WD ...... call BArbol' 1111 2819 Coai1t Hwy., Coroaa del Mar ~ ......... '1' Proeeeda from the dJnna' wU1 be uaed toward the pwcllue ot a new refrtl'ft"ator for the lodae kitchen. FaME JOilDAN Clll4 la.LI wife are the OWMn of T'be JordaD'a ht Shop at 2732 E. Coat Bwy .. ConGa del .... T'bey baDdle all ldllda of pet ~ poodle ........ tropJcU lUll. pucdiwta. -ruan-u CIDd --.............. JordaD Ia crgala Ia daal9e of tbe pet aboow at tiM LobeW .... (E.ulp pMto) at the beautiful JOD SADUDI opau... 1a.L1 reel ..tat. ............. av-ct at ma a. c:.a.t awy .. Coi'ODa del .... Jlr. .......... .......... u....._. .... tiM pat II !'MD ad Ia C. r-. del K• ._ tiM a-t MU of tlala u.... .. --...... , --... of a. .... of ~- --braDcla ......... .. start.cl Ia tiM ..... en.te baal· ............ lalla. .. Ia .....-cd ~of tlae lalft· tioa Amay .. .. •.....-t ·~ ...... (&ui9a ....... ) Tile • --·-3011 E. Coat Blglnrcry. c:on.. del... • w.a.aoa,..s Dorothy Marston of GfJurmet's Kitchen 3707 E. Coast Highway, CorC?Da del Mar Presents an Informal AMERICAN LEGION HALL 15th and West Bay. Newport Cocttail Bar will M Opel Dinner Served 7 p~m. Til 11 p.m. DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF BILLY ARTHURS ORCHESTRA 8 ,..... 'Ill 2 a.m. • ••select your food From the Little Wagons That Carry it to your Table•• * * * DINNER and DANCE -.. ....... ''Lots of Fun and Favors'' fnlldnl IIIII IJ -~ MAKE IT A DATE! . ............ Jnhhllllll,_ * * * " .......... One of Newport le~cb summer life JUUda, Bay Klddaup , baa recently been appointed 8Wim· mint Instructor tor the Santa Ana YMCA. Bay, ~. Ia the 110n or Mr. and lira. llay Mlddauah of 507 .. r St., Balboa. He baa been a madent at Oranae Cout Collqe and bolda a atxth place breut..c:roke ratina In Ca.Utomla Jntenc:bo1Qt1e Federation com· petition and a third place In • Southern CalUornla Junior Col· The Kleppers Live in COM Tbe Mesa Boots and Saddle Heaps to Give Organ ~ecital Club will hold tta annual beftetlt Porter HeaSH~. nationally prom!· ahow on Nov. 13 on the Oranp nent oraantat. will return to County Fairpounda where 14 Santa Ana Oct. 24, In a concert trophies and ribbons to fourth on tbe Hammond ora~an, to ~ Hl)neymoonlna In Corona del place wtll be awarded eompetlna held at 8 p.m. In Masonic hall. Mar, Mr. J ru\Jttn .. Bobftot Ed· horwmt'n. All proceeds from tbe Firth and Sycamore Sts and "people who Juat lUte music." Thne will be no admllmon charee. but the 8pOMCitn• ltrm would appreciate calb for the free tlckt>ta. aald Fnd Sdtm.lctt. membt!r of the firm. . • -• e - -. i • i lqe oompet.Jtlon. VAN'S CLEANERS WE COIIEID the efforta of the Ba lboa Bay Lions and the Corona del Ma r Business Auocla· tlon for their e ftoru In be· ha lt of the Community Youth center. It Is Indeed A Worthy Cause .. TREASURE DAYS and LOBSTER BAKE" Big Corona Beach Saturday & Sunday Oct. 15 & 16th. 0 . F. (PoUy) WarND "30 Years' Experience in Quality Work" e DIIT CLEAJfiJfG e DIT al.OCK.IKG e DYEDfG e liARD nESSIJfG e LAmmaT SEIIVJCE e ALTZUTIOifS. llEPAJJWifG * * WE FUTilE * Carelli ··-" Ill * DELICATE P.UaJCI * 8EADED Clad LACE GAUIDTS • • • ()pea I a.aa. to 5:30 p.m.. Scrta.rcky. 14:30 p.m. * SUI E. Coaat Bwy .. CICI'OU from aaak. Coroaa del Mar When You Think of Think of PRINTING COMPANY Serving Corona del Mar and Southern Orange County SINCE 1948 3631 E.ut Coast Hiahway • Corona del Mar HARBOR 1799 Be Su;e To Attend The . "TriiiiN .,., LOBSTER BAKE BIG BEACit CORONA DEL MAR Satnr .-S•••r, let. Ill II * S.. & EDJoy Our Loc:al Talent * c:.o.rwy .. ARTHUR MURRAY ITUDIOI c-...... * ''R-l" IEIVICE * •• ~ li••ll Fer U·HAUL TUILD. RENTAL .SRYICE * NELSON'S * ward Klepper, w,ne married Jut ahow will aot to Cua Collna, tbe PreRnted by tht' Danz 5<-hmldt md'nth In a double rln& cerl!rnony home for crippled children, near Plano Co .• Mr. Heaps will appear culmlnatln& a romance which Chino. Thla la an open &how a nd In a three·h our con«>rt. designed For lettetite•d&. env.aoMt C4ll bqan 25 yeara aao. The bride Ia all horsemen are eliJible • prtma rUy for the home organists THE ENSIGN. HA·III4 the torm.er Mra. Vlrc lnla ~ =....::..:...:.:..:.:...:::......:......:...._..:_ _____ ~~--:::::=======::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~=======:-- DOUG BUELl. IS OWifEB cmd operatcw of Doug's Dog Bouse at 3512 E. Coast Bwy., Coroaa del Mar. 1a the Dear future the c!.lDJA9 room of Doug's Dog lloaM wW be apaDdecl from D aeata to 50 NC1ta to proride IDON I'OOID few patnla.a. Doa9 BueU ~ 11/a .,.an lD the U.S. lfcn-y duriJl9 Wcwld War U cmd later durlll9 the J[o. recm CCIIDpa:ip. Be Ll a former aaembft of the !f.-port lleada p o II e e ~biaeot. (Eu.atp Photo) -------Missionary Work Aided· Missionary work In Kentucky, India and Alaska will benefi t from the funds raised last week on Wednesday at the silver tea and fashion show given by the Women's Fellowsh ip of St. An· drew's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Joseph Keirn was chair· man of the fashion party held In the patio and lounge of the church with !all styles for women and chlldrPn on parade. The tea chairman was Mrs. William Gilmore. commentator for the show was Mrs. Lee Bolin. Musical selections were pre· sented by Mrs. David Fraser, ac· companied by Mrs. Ralph Dea· ver. Women of the church serving os models wt>re Mmes. Donald Ander!IOn, Albert E. Kelly, J. E. Stallman. Marsden Davis. Paul • Williams. John Gillis, Myron Way, C. W. Hubf>rt. Jack Stock· • dill ond C. G. Dowds. Child • models were Paula Williams. • Laurie Smith. U>slle Way, Pan- • cho and Paul E(ller. ! Kamp ol Wa lnut Creek. Mr. Klepper, who lives at 4Z7 Hello· t.rope. Corona del Mar, met his bride 25 years ago thro ugh tam· Uy friends. Since thrn each had remarr ied but they rt'Cently were reunited through Mr. Kl<>pper's daughter. Rev. Edwin C. Gomke per· formed the wedding ct>remony at the Corona del Ma r Com munity church. Attendants were the groom's daughtt>r and son·ln· lawt Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. 1 Brown I nef" Belly Kl('ppN I of I Pasadena. The bride wore a lime I green knit dress with avocado 1 accessories and a gardt>na cor· sagt-. The newlywc>ds took a short trip to La Jolla before re· turning to Corona del Ma r. They plan to live In Walnut Creek. I where the new Mrs. Klepper has a real estate business. I DOIIOIBY IIAU'I'Oif, Ia part. aenlaJp wttla C. Sberm A.Uea. operate n. GourDMt'a K.ltchea at 370'7 E. Coast Bwy.. ConGa cS.l Mar. A coaaps.te cateriD9 Mni~ Ll pi'O'ridect by Tbe Gourmet's J[!tchea for boiDe ~ or lcup groups. Bora d'oeu...,.. cmd CJOOd food an the apedalties of Tbe Cour· met's J[!tc:hea. (EIWCJD Photo) I Record Collection Started : By Newport Public Library The Newport Beach Public Ll· • brary h as started a rC<'Ord col· lectlon. Mrs. Dorothea Sheely. Jl . • bra rlan. has announced Unltl the collection Is larger. • the library policy will be one record to a borrowl'r. she said.! All records lx>ing purchased a re 1 long playing. Records wall be In · I spccted and clcant>d before loaned and again upon return 1 The Corona del Mar branch will not have this collection. as It Is I the custom for records to be loaned from tht> main library, the libra rian added. I Records rt-ady for listening In· ' elude "Tht> Family All Togt>ther," Boston Pops Orch~tra. Arthur Fiedler. conductor; "Restful Good Music." Le-OP<IId Stokowskl and his symphony orchestra; Benny Goodman, In "HI!I" with his new band; "Dance With C'ugat," Xavier Cugnt and his orchestra. and ''The Art of tht> Organ,"! music by Bar h. Pur~ll. Bulrt('· hude. Pacht>lbel and Swt'ellnck. playt"d by E Power Biggs on 20 famous and historic European I MID IITEU owu cmd oper· .._the Vldoa Serrice StcrtioD at the .-terly eatraDCe .$o Co· ,_. del MCI!f-4t A..ocado Aft. -.I Coaat BlpWGJ. Mike Ll a -u ... of Wla.lttier. worbd Ida...., tlueaP WJaJttler Col- ..,. • C1 Valoa ...n~ stcr· tSea attr 'nt. ..-. to tbe llarbol' AIM Ia 1153 to ·tab dMII9e of cr Valoa statioa Ia eo.t. M... Clad a-t .,.. opeaed tM ... ~ ...... LEAVE W&WPOIIT roa IWLAJm The Herma n Roaes have moved moved from Nf'Wl)Ort to Garden Grove. ........ u..,., I * * SAVE! SAVE! DUIIII OUR SE··DIUIL REXALL SALE! ST ~RTS MON. OCTOBER 17th! ~}. ~ ., ....... -r~c~ ''IE SURE TO IG TO TIE C.D.I. u.slEI IIIE" BAilBT MEAU DEE COOK "Courtesy and Ser vice" is our Motto JOHNNIE'S U(i)UORS 3537 E. COAST HWY .• CORONA DEL MAR. HARBOR 3639 * USE Ottll lfEW PAVED PAJIKING LOT IJf a EAR OF STOllE * DJUVE Ilf ALLET FaON If AJICISSVS Oil OllCBID -ElfTEII liT U:AJl DOOR ''BURGER ISLE'' NO. 2 WE HArbor 5071 8 ....... ,. &. c..t ..,_ ....... lei (Jf..t ......... " .... _..) CORONA DEL MAR "The Shop of Personal Service" * * * * Cut flowers * Plants * "Personalized" Arrangementa * Wedding flowers-Corsages * Fuu.ral Des!qua We IDYite Tou to VWt Our Booth at The LOBSTER BAKE -OCT. IS-16th WIN A VALUABLE PRIZE! ''DUTCII IIY'' PAIITS W, C. BUCBTEUliiCBEJf HARBOR PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Wholesale-Retail 3701 East Coast Highway. Coroaa del MCD' Telepboae: Harbor 2020 Treasure Hunt Sat. Morning Lobster Bake Sat. and Sunday DEAJf CAIInEU. Ll •aaaver .. a.-• ...... aad,Co. of 1425 L Coat Bwy .. C.... cJel IICD', wlak:la ............ la't'Mt· ••t .,........ .. tbe .. .....,. --...... 1 ..... c-pbell .......... tile ......... CIDd ....... t bcrnld"9 ~M~rt•-· ..... 1111 ....... beaD with r.....tet·Jiyolat ... Co. eiDer IMI. lbrtp l'boto) ARC To Hold Annual Dinner Mark Soden. chairman of the Newport -Costa Mesa Branch of the American Red Cross. an- nounces that the annual dinner with election o1 officers and Boa rd members will be held at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 26, at the Harbor House. 2260 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Edward M. Schottland, adminl· s trative director of the Los An· geles Regional Blood Center. wUl be the speaker. All contributors to Red Cross are invited to attend this meet· In g . ReSE'rvatlons can be made calling Harbor 1865. Ridi11 Ew•ts Are Post,~•• ''Foe The last four events In the I junior playday held Oct. 2 at the Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranch wrre postponed until Saturday. Oct. 22. when a tog rolled ln. as several of the children had to ride to Corona del Mar. Winners of the events ra n In· eluded Dockey Lomax. Los Com- naneros. western pleasure: Pat Walker. Centaura. b areback pleasure; Sam Edney, Los Com· paneros. figure eight stake race; Helen Matthews. Centaurs, ~Je bending: Page Westfall. Los Compa neros. stock horse and trial class. and J udy Fowler. Los Campaneros. quadrangle stake race. Trophies will go to the high point w inner representing the Centaurs. Corona del Mar junior riding group. and to the winner representing the Los Campa· neros. Costa Mesa junior riding group. on Oct. 22 following the final event. RAGEJfS MOVE TO F ALLBROOJ[ The E. C. Hagens. for s«'veral years residents of Corona del Mar, have just moved from 721 Marguf'rite Ave .. Corona del Mar, to Fallbrook Mr. Hagen Is a re· tired railroad man. FORNER JfEWPORTITE MOVES Mrs. George Ritter. formerly of 1210 W. Bay Ave .. Newport. has moved from Altadena to Santa Barbara. rUOID BESTAUBANT COCKTAIL LOUifGE Engagement Is Announced Mte. Albert L. John.ron or 101 10th St., N.wpott. anJ¥»unced the naa.-nent of her dauahter, a.u. ~ Hood of Westwood, to au. J'Jledemann or Oranae •t • recent patty lfven 1n thelr honor at the home ol the Intended brlde'a aunt and uncle, Dr. and lin. lamee B. Wasbum of Loe A.nplet. Mr. Frledemann a. the ron of Mr. and Mrs. carl Friede· mann of Orange. MJss Hood's father ta Robert C. Hood of A.zuaa. NapkIn r with the youne couple's names in silver a nd a decorated ~ake adorned wit~ doves and the names "Joy~· and "Gus," revealed the forth· coming occasion to guests. The young couple are planning a De· cember wedding. • The groom-to-be entered the U. S. Army last week. He grad· uated tram USC School o1 Law this year and took pre-law work at both USC and Valparlso Uni- versity In Indiana. Ht. bride-to· be attended Pasadena City Col· lege and the School of Nursing at Los Angeles County General Hospital. She Is now a labora · tory assistant in Westwood. Mr: and Mrl. Albert Johnson and the honoree'• ailter and brother, Kathy and Robert Hood of Newport Beach, attended the party alone wtth many relatives and frlenda of the youna couple from all over Southern CalllomJa. LEOK IUlD (JIEWT) WEWTOJf Ll the owur of the Drift Boom at 3344 E. Coast Bwy .. CorOlla del Mar. wb.ldl be baa o~ for the peat year CID4 a balL DlDDen GDd coclrtalla are feel. ba.nd Ia the Dr.Ut lloam. TIM cta.l .. w .... .., ..... bar t_.... lDclade TCIIIIUDJe La ha.Da. Jeuy Boff CIDd BW Sbope. The waltr.Ms are Jaa· ette On, Georvta llacl.eYy. a.tty Pcrubb cmd Lonalae NCD'ti.D. ( Ea.alga Pboto) Fire Hazard Is Reported A fire hazard existed behind her property and behind all the buildings In her block because employees of the lumber yard at the rear of her property have piled dry lumber about one toot from her fence. Mrs. Ruth SmJth of 2825 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. complained to Newport poll~ recently. It would be Impossible to fight a tire If one got started between the lumber and her fence. Mrs. SmJth charaed. Old papers and lnfiammable material were piled against the fence nearby at the rear of the South Coast Construe· tlon Co. office, she said. Pollee notified Newport Beach Fire Marshal Walter Noller to lnvestl· a ate. 0..111'11 ,., a.... Ellcla ... , ...... WUllam H. Farnsworth. real estate broker from eo.ta Mesa. hu been named the new presl· dent of United Cerebral Palsy Aasu. of Orange County, taking over the po.ltlon from Frank Tesch. Santa Ana print shop owner. nu.tnc the annual election meeting, the UCP board of direc- tors formulated plans to Htab· lltb a Ollld Da y Care Center 1n Santa Ana. • 'rhe Center would p,ovlde cue for Cftebtal pat.y d\Ddren who are not otherwlee provided for; ..tabllllh a care betadquartera for parenta wbo work and canaot obtaln qua.rtned laab)' slttera fo handle the aftiJcMd c:lllldten, and provide u envlrcwawntal chanp for ee*al ...-ebD· clnft who could Ul ...... wflll othen of their Elgin & Hamilton Watches Oiomonds Moontings ........................ Lhilplll'l ..... llh'wTey ...... ..... • Silwer.,._ ........ • • • LOBSTER BAKE SPECIAL ... ,,.,.. ...... a ... . .............. ... 's• , . IIAft IIVU&LL Ia tiM .... ary'" of -..carr lloue of ....... .. f11ral..,. ....._ .. Mil IL Coatt Blpway. c.... ct.l ...... a. t..... ll.ngold .... CIIdaeaa. • • • lief I lief Lo1f fir Pill • 11.-y ...S IMw •a.r11 d. Ted. ........... of tlae ..... W'bicb bcmda.. ~aaple fvaalture by .....,1.,. .aaafactven.ladud· lDg Etbcaa ADea. a,..._ & Carltra. .... ..., & lola. Gold A.ro CIDd Qa._... GD4 •CIDT otben. (Eulp ...... ) Adult Group t<? Hold Party the iordans 2732 E. Coaat Hwy.-Harbor 4949 Corona del Mar. California Two ad u It evenIng groups of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;: the Corona del Mar Community r Church are joining hands for a "Get A<'qualnted" pa rty this eve- ning IThursdayl at the social hall or the church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thlas. skip- pers of the E·Z Club, and Dr. and Mrs. Oliver H o we II . newly elected chairmen of the NTA Club. h ave extl'nded a welcome to couple In the community to join the party Following d~rt. the Rev. Edwin Gomke. pastor of the church. wllJ present his pic· tures of Athens. G~. The Arts and Crafts Group of the Women's Fellowsh ip of the church mrt Tuesday at the * MEMBER New York Stock Exchange Loa AngeiH Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) ·DOW JONES Direct New York Trans-Lux · Newa Wire Semce * LEITER, RYONS IC Co. church with Mrs. John Meador. Investment Securities Mrs. K. V. Dilts and Mrs. S. W. Blackbeard as hostesses. The 3425 EAST COAST HI GHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR., CALIF. Reading Adventure Group met HAUOR 2121 yesterday IWednesdayl at thP O .. n C.mpbell, M•n•9•r home of Mrs. J. R. Bell. 706 '"=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~=~~~~~~ Goldenrod Ave .. Corona df'l Mar. -~~~~~t~~sMv::~eL.M;~·K~~tc~·· Prizes Galore at Lobster Bake lei YHr Tilkels Here For 1M An~Yal Lobster Bake, Oct. 15 & 16th Benefit of Community Center Thia is the new home of the Corona del Mar Pharmacy, owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Peiraol. The new building contains two and a haif times the space of their former location at the comer of East Coast Highway and Jasmine. One of the newest and moet modem in Southern California, it is completely air conditioned for oool. •}UDID•r c o m f o r t and winter warmth. The NEW OORONA del MAR PHARMACY ia located juat a few doon from the coraer of Jasmine & East Coaat Highway. Fe. 'l'be Coaftlde_,. of OUR CUSTOMERS We Are IDcreasing our FadJitiee cmd Elllfllll a. ••1•1 INCREASING our ACCOMMODATIONS To Comfortably Seat SO People DOUG'S DOG HOUSE . "'TTae .... to Go"" FOI' e 8UUF~T e LUifCBEOJf e DIJfKEa 3512 E. ~t • ...,. CGnDa del Mar J. UY COISTIUcn• CO., l1c. Ca•••rclll R11h111H1I Harbor 4783 U48 E. Coast Blgbway CoroDG del Mar INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure .. WITH STANLEY IISUiliCE IIEICY Phone Harbor 24 7 4 33 15 E. Coast Hwy., at Marguerite Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty 8-73 15 IJ. C. &JI..I.. REALTOR lva11 W. &Nnlt, Auoci.te J) ll E. Co.st lovleverd Treasure Hunt Sat. Morning Lobster Bake Sat. and Sunday BEUB MdfUI.LEJf b tbe paenl1 .IDcaaca.-of th• .11J9U W• at 3tll E. Coast Bwy .. Co· rooa del Mar. wblcb opNoed Oil July 1. Food to 90 b f.tuMd by tbe 8urgw We. AAotJMl' Burgw W• b loccrt~ at lith St. a:D4 11...-port A•e.. aaoea from th• eo.ta Mesa park. Mr. McMullen t .. b that th1e a.a bas gnat promiae cmd b lm· pnn-illg all th• time. { EulgD pboto) COLIKE CIBBOIIS of tbe Co- I'ODG del Mar TMftl Bureau bas traYe~ at.ut .. ly ill Eu- ...,._ CID4 tbe -~ east CIDd bas a wide II:Dowl.ci9e of ateamahlpa. tb•lr OWMn CIDd rout... She rec:.Dtly tOW"ed Na:lco. A Ccmadla:D by b1rtll. abe bas u...s Ill tb• barboc area few the past 11 yean. oua. __ .... oC tbe CorOaa Ml ... TNftl ....... bid ... .... _.. . .,... ... ~ tlay K.s.e-s ... ..._. IMw· IDg left .-tly -• toa.r of South A-sea. (Eul9D potbo.) BE SOU TO CONE TO TilE LOBSTEII BAIE TBlS SATUJIDAY & SOliDAY Finest Selection of Wollpoper in So. Colif. CUSTOM FURNITURE DRAPERIES Dunbor furniture & occessories THADEN INTERIORS 2610 E. Coast Hiqhway Harbor 0793 CORONA DEL MAR Would·be buntera In ttt. bade bay area m&J' flush out a covey of polleetJMft instead ot dueka when the duck huntlna aeuon opens Oct. 15. Althou&h there hu been 80ftMt bltd huntJn& In that area In previous years, the entire upper bay 1e now a pan of the city of Newport Beaeh and therefOI'e comes und« the Jaw which atates "no lhootln& or huntln& within c:lty llmtu," ac· cordln& to Pollee Capt. Harry Lace. UJf1IT 81lAJfDT b tbe owaer of 8radt'a Depcl:rtlulat Ston at 3321 E. Coast Bwy .. Corooa del Mar. N..a'a. --·• cmd cblldreD'a dothla9 b l.atund at th• aloft, wblcb b <a la:D4· mark ill tbe barbOI' ana. lteluly b pnaldeat ol tbe Corooa del Mar B u a l D • a a Auodatioa. fou.Dden a:D4 co-apoa.aora of tbe 1155 Lobster Bab CIDd Treasure l)ayL ODOffldal CD• alsta ill th• Job a:D4 at th• store ~ from bia wtt.. Bllda BJ'CIDodt. {EiuJ9D photo.) KBS. NTJrTLE BBOOUIICS opeaatea tiM Bl'ooldDp' Variety Ston at 3301 E. Coast Bwy .. CoroDa del Mar. Mrs. Brook· lDcJ'a CIDd bw baabcmd FraDk C. Broold.Dp. DOW retlred. ~ tbe aton two WMb pd« to the harl Barbcw attack ill 1141. Tb• Broold.Dp cam• to th• barbOI' area ill 1121. Mr. Brooll:lllp was CGIIbier CIDd IDCIIUIPI' oC tb• Firat llatiooal Bcmlr of 11.-poc't hacb CIDd later WCD cuaodcn.d with tbe Citi•Da llatlooal Bcmlr ill Loa ADgel... B• retired from th• latter bCIDIE fl" .,.an «190-(Ell· •19D photo.) Home of the Ensign - - -Your Local Newspaper * Ill c•o11 BEACH Corona del Mar SaL I S•. Oct. 151 1• BENEFIT COMMUNITY CENTER * BUY nCIETS IEIE * LOBSTER BAKE SPECIALS Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Oct. 13-14-15th JU.I. AJ(EaJCAJf Ice Cream 1ft GAL 59c IO .. IIRI.Y MEADOW COLD BUllER SUGAR LL S9c Coffee CIIICB CAKE MIX 1 LL PKG. 75~ 23c ADEJrl CHEESE ILL LOAf' 59c IGUCU: WBIP Salad VAJf CAJift Dressing GRATED TUNA 19c * IIFIEIL....-T * they will gain grace, poise, and balance that will stay with them through life. CI.AU ....................... Ado •Ill -.. ... Co 'c•=' .................. (claaes for Mothen lr Bualneu Wom~n) Specfallzed traJnJnc for the pre·8Chool chlld from ace three. Class 1r Private Lesson& Pcw ~aDd~ fbaDa llclllt:Mic "''' IITatt fsof711. z....s.p c:alliiTatt fsof7ll oo11ect. a-Mid ta II.,_. llcde lta4io of a.ar. & llocWI .. 811 E. Coat Jlwy. Canea cW lla. A~ ,._ Jlwt 1'1aeatn I.EIII "UP· TO. THE IIIUTE" SERVICE nat's •• , llllillll e tJ.S. BOTAL DISTJUBt7TOB e TIRE RECAPPING e COMPLETE tJNIOH "MIHtJTE M.IUf" SEilVlCE e PICK: UP & DE.LIVEBT Mike Myers Union Service ()pea 6 A.M. 'Til N idAl.gbt Coast Highway at AYoc:udo IIJlTBl)AT AM HI VEil· SART !COY. 4. You're LD· .-lt.d.. .. tr.hmea.ts all day. Wrtt. or pboa. pr call to regtater for Yalu· able pd--. Beodquarten for ma· t.mlty faahiooa cmd llD· ..... bCibf ~ lclys ....... blaDJIN a4 ,uta. ••d ... .......wy .. .............. gtr .. ap to II yean. Pne ar· tiatic gift wrapptAq. Miss Muffet Shoppe 2131 £. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Pbooe BCD"bor 3094 Corona del NCD" RUBERT PEIIlSOL cmd hla wife Eleanor are owzaen cm4 opera· ton of the Corooa del Mar PbCDUlacy at 3121 £, Cocut Bwy. Crcmd opeDlAg lD thla aew bulld.l.Dg was held last Jcmuary. ID addition to b l.a pbCD11lacy dutieL Nr. Pelnol la seniDg thia year as president of the Orcmge Cou.Dty PhCDUla· ceutical AModatioa, CBET F AIUJI l.a OWDer of the Arthur Murray Scbool of Dcmc- l.Dg at 3523 E. Cocut Bwy. lD Coroaa ct.l Mar, wbJcb be ... tahll.ahed here lD 1 MI. diet baa coatrlbut.d bla dcmd.Dg taletl1a lD dealoostJatiou of Dew .up. at a DUID.ber of dric cmd aocta1 enats lD the Har- bor ANa. Tb1a year Q9CilD be la a:rTa:Dgi.Dg the taleDt enter· tcdDmeat fcw the Loblter Bcdre. COAST SUPER MEAT DEPT. UIDER lEW IAIAGEIENT NOW FEATURING ••• A I a·' S CHOICE BABY BEEF Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland We carry Manning's Choice Baby Beef ExcluaiYely. Mr. LeiA!y. the IDQII.CI9W of OUI' meat depcutmeat. l.a 11Dllba9 from ear to ear beeaue of the peat cseceptCIDCie you. ov c:uat.sen. ahowed 111 baytDg 10 much of tbat Wcaedel1u1 llaa, Dl.D9'• Cbofce laby leef. AU Mr. Leidy caD thlD lr of Ia IDCII'e YOlume, 10 agcda JM Ia oftedDg 1arp ecl'f'i!p wblch you wW wcmt to take Cld 'f'CIIltap ot MANNING'S Swiss Steaks 591;. KARJfDIG'S IIU. STEAl ........................... lit. U.S. CBOICE Lee 0' .._. ··········-··········-·····-· IlL MAR'JIDfG'I • STEAlS .......................... ·-···· &If. IIOBK£1. 110M ·················-············· IIAJQQJfG'S ... IOIE ROAST ·····-· 41t. JIAWIOJfG'I .......... ..., C:UORaTIS FIYEa --··-·-·-----·-4k MAJIJOifG'I -T -·-·--.. -·-··-----If. IPE-1 F. n..., Frt., 1&--M 11-14-11 I ER FAKTA DEVnT teoda .. ChU· dreD how to daae at her Fcm· ya School of the Dcmce. at the Marjorie Bale Studlo, Z912 £, Cocut Bwy .. CoroDa del Mar. Befon c:omlDg to the west coast cmd atarti.Dg her studlo thl.a fall Mrs. Deritt taught daDe· l.Dg lD Ch1CQ90 for 25 ,.an, I e . CtJT ltJCJIAJfAJf liNd to op· .at. a mule don 111 Jlock. focd. m.. 11DW ........ to Ore CID98 Coalaty to eeeape t.boae cold wtDten. La.\ yea:r .. ~ h1a ..... ~tiM c..... Ml Mar JC111'Mrf trt 17.. E. eoc.t Jlwy. ,......., .__, ... ..... ........, atoclr Gild ..., pU. aad lcmdunpiD9. Wbea tl» ~ t. oa the leach • • • lkmtm'a DOt Jar behind. OIIDD YOU'll ,...Willii .... toiiiJUI ft'DII •ow• ..... ~ .... , .. .... lldld' ....... . ........ ..... ...... , .... ~ ................ tau-.&'1'. OCIOWI8 II. ... a.~a.,...,, YARN SHO Lc..tJUPway ....._ .Go to the LOBS I ER BAKE • • • YOUR YOUTH CENTER NEEDS YOUR· SUPPORT MOVE I'BOII SJIEDIAlf OAD lt4G.4~'S New Ha.rbor Area residents from Sherman Oaka a.rea a.re the Jack Llndseys of 460 Serra Dr., Corona Blchlands. Your Famlly Restaurant (Cloeed TaMday) 1515 . JL c:oa.t lllgtaway ~ 1 .. Canea del II• SPECIAL FOR Thursday-Friday-Saturday Ocloller 13-14-1 & OKLT SWU i I RDUVII IBEI' SOLD JIEJlE ltJT TICKET~ IOU FOB TilE IJC~ LOISTEI IIIE OCT. II-II IIG IUCIL CO.ORA DIU. JIU auun COIDI.,....,v,._R...;tft::; 1W IB CEihU . . IWU I I nD017II IWU I I ..aG17II LEG '0 LAMB 63~ ROUND STEAK 69~ -TillS WE£1t WE AD ALSO FE.ATVBDIG- FRESH LOBSTER & FISH . .... ..... . SWIFTS PllEIIltJK. IOJfEJ.£11 ROLLED RUMP ROASTt SWill I PB.EIIItJK PRIME RIB ROAST, ••Quality cmd PenonaliMd s.me.-With a Smile'' 1R UK Ota DAJLY ...... .OO &a. t. lzto P• rl:lnnl • ....., 69~ 79~ 3421 EAST COAST IDGHWAY COBONA DEL MAR J•.a.,_. r-a.. 11....-t ..._ .._ We are proud to be part of Corona del Mar UVE FIIIT TIE L.ml IAIE ••• .. WITII TIE Yml Bid-·