HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign. CID'S lEER P ETS LE VOL I. RO. 11-I'IVE CEJrTI Chest Drive Kick-off Set For Tuesday T111111SJ)AT, ocro•u 1:1. 1155 Merchants Offer Aids to Shoppers CdyAH'y Says, ~OK To Lease' DCIIAJIQE ITD"DEJIT DWw (Deny) lfoga. 189 lf.-port 1UgJa Scbool lor_. YMI'· ..... City Attorney Karl Davis told plct1INd at tlae ~..,.. ll•ol*t tit • t.a held wttb Deny cue J" llamblet. bJgta ~ Jlda· th N rt Cfty Co _., u Swaday by •..baa .. tbe lfewpoct Jlcllbw dpaL Cllld Rewpoct Nayw DoN 8111. TM e ewpo Un,;u .uon-CGm!aJtt.e of U.. ••eriala n.td Senic:& Tbe ~Field Serriee bela 118deitalwa tbe,.... day evening that ln his oplnJon tea was belcl tit u.. ..._. of Couac:Umaa Cllld .__ oi '-'--'--.___._ d1ldeDta tD a.. 17 s. • the city may lawfully develop Nn. J. a. Stoddaa'cl. .. e>c.cm ll•cL. Cor'ODCI ;.-•way -;'"i:.p;;;;' .. !1;~1 ,.~ the city-owned trail« park on del Mar. wlaeN Deny b dayt.D9. wblle atteod· (Photo by htew Stoddard) the Newport Bay Front and oper------------_:...~------_:-=..:......:....:..:...:....:...:...::.:....:....::.:..:.=.:::...-------­ ate It In accordance w1th plans recently approved by the CouncU. On hls recommeodatlon, Coun- cil unanimously approved a resolution which Included the following statements of policy: • In the judgment ot the Coun- cil, city operation of the trailer park for other than lndu.strlal purposes Is for the best Interests of the city and Its citizens. • Leas ing this area ls not In- consistent with the trust con- veyed to the city a long with the title to the tidelands. e Leasing this area as one Beaten by Parent, Bus -Driver Claims . pa rcel Is necessary for proper A woman Com M esa schooL. bus as a Corm ot punishment. to back away from the man but development. b dr. ch ed h M M th saJd th t the he kept walking forward until Mr. Davis said he would not us 1ver arg that s e was rs. a ews a give a definite opinion on the lo-assaulted by the Irate fa ther of parent went Into a rage and he grabbed her. would not let the driver explain Mesa pollee said the bus driver cation of the mean high tide one of her passengers at 8:30 anything In the garage. received a telephone call at 11 :15 line, whl.ch d ete rmI nes the a.m. Tues. In the bus garage at "You used Nazi tactics.. mak-p.m. T uesday: '11 you drive a boundary between tidelands and Costa Mesa Malo School. Up to a 1 ing my son kne-el In the dirt in school bus in this area agaln, uplands. It is very probable that late hour Wednesday the woman the bus," Mrs. PhiiJipson charged they are going to find you In a all property there Ia uplands, he had not signed a· complaint !that the parent said to her "You I ditch some morning. I'm takJn~ said. are Nazt. I'll teach you." care of you," the eaUer said, Mrs. The plan of development ap-against the parent Costa Mesa I Mrs. Phillipson said she tried Phillipson charged. proved Aug. 29 by Ctty Council police said ~~~-l:wn~ ~::rr~~~ l~ac~ ~~ t~~beu:~fv~. a~:~r::~~:~~ I Mar·lne Ave Widen·lng use by the trailer park tenants. hpson. 35. by the halr and e This plan calls for a fence to be shoulders with his hands and erected between the Trailer Park f <.'ed h . I t1 t the n ked b B. I A beach and the public beach. ::lice sa~~ v:~ee~ulrer~. bruo:: As y ssn City Attorney Davis. answering on ea<.'h knee. She was taken to e e a question following Monday's a doctor for care and complained Council meeting, said 1t would of a pain In her lower sptnu re· Widening of Marine Ave. on thus could be Increased about be legal for the city to erect the gton and right leg. The man was Balboa Island to provide for 50 percent and still leave the fence down to the mean h igh pulled from her by the bus me-angle parking was requested by trees standing. Clarence Higbie, tide llne. chanlcs. the Balboa Island Business Assn. the island's representaUve on Mrs. Philip Burton of Corona Mrs. Mildred Mathews. bus ln a letter received by the New-Coun cil, commented that parkin~ del Mar brouiJlt UJ) a provision dispatcher. said that the man port Beach City Council Monday Is one of the area-~ problema In the tldelanda cJeed.s from the came to the bu. p.rap. .u.t.ct e'ftnl.nc. on the 1al.a.nd aa4 euiJ aeUan ~--~----wtUdl tor tM IIIII ....... Ilk. &alt. .. n. .... ~ ...... -tM 1 !IIW ....... ~ tbe ~ ~'f: ~to k lrrl 'l!w..a. .... :6a .. ~ .. • ... e.,.·-........... ,~-"'\ KaMa G. mmpatp ehabman, hu announced. Mn. Ray Rinderknecht Is the major tor the Balboa are a, aided by Mmes. WWiain Clarke, Sam loseph. Robert RJckets, RJchard LJUenthal and Harold Boyvey. Mrs. Martan T. O~n is the Lido lsle major, aided by Mmes. Elaine DlnwfddJe, Ellen Mitchell, Jane Sibley and Florence Cordrey, cap- tal.ns. Mra. Lars Lavagnlno ls In charge ol the Udo business dis- trict. G. Mark Engelke ls major or the Newport Beach area, aided by Mrs. Ruby Palmer, Mrs. Mary Faulkner and Ed Healy, cap- tains. Mrs. Lee Schonek Is the New- port Heights major, aided by Mrs. Earl Lewis, Mrs. Mel Berry, Har- old Leddy, Mrs. RJchard Steele and Mra. James D. Ferguson, cap- tains. Mrs. Harry Black Is the Balboa laland major, aided by Mra. lobn Knapp, Mrs. J. E. Wachter and Mrs. H. E. Gust.key. Dr. Edward MUum ls the Corona del Mar major, aided by Mrs. Al Ple,er, Mrs. Fred Huber, Ralph lt{yen, Mrs. Douglas Hosklns. Mrs. Yvonne Reeve, Mrs. Sally Jaduon, Mrs. Elmer Polrter, Mrs. W. D. Humuon and Mrs. E. W. Fleet, eapta.lna. .. ,... _ _, ldiM .. ~ tiMn ways of eMOURJIDI J(ewport In the Harbor a .upply of Harbor residents to lhop loea.lly. comparable merchandise at eom - M.Uo La.ey, chairman of the re-petttlve prices to service their tall merchants dJvt.slon of the needs. see that the Chamber of Chamber ot Commerce, thanked Commerce preSents the city as a h.ls area chairmen for getting single unit and build among the such a big turnout to the first local residents a sense of respon- commlttee meeting. Represent· slblllty to the merchant. more co- lng the various dlat:rlct.s were the operation between business mer- sub-chaJrmen Bob Allen of Bal-l chants. advertise the area as a boa Island, Orvtlle Schlueter of whole. leave the Corona del Mar Ba.lboa. Leon Williams of Lido 1 highway where It Ia. Center a nd Karen Ma rgreta I Theodore Robins stated that Bruning of Corona del Mar. he telt publicity for stores should Breaking down In small com-I not be prepared a.s If the mer - rnlttees, the m erchants came up chants are In distress but rather with ten suggestions l or lmprov-that they are growing businesses ing sh opping on the local level and would like the opportunity and attracting customers. These to show residents the full line of suggestions Included more cross-merchandise they carry. Velma walks, more specialization of O'Brien said th at the business merchandise. more timely adver· people would a U like a chance tlslng. finding and o btaining to show the local people what what the community needs, more they h ave to sell first. and not effort to make the customer feel after they have been to Los An· welcome. master planning of &Jies and Santa Ana and pos- abopplng centers to provide park-slbly purchased the same things ing areas and coordination of that are available in Harbor merchandise. a.sklng the Cham-Area shops. ber of Commerce to direct educa-Frank Jordan said that he tlonal program to eonvince resl-thought that the lndJvidual dents of metchants ablllty to shopping areas such as Lido, provide every need, ke-ep s hop-Balboa Island. Corona del Mar, plng areas clean and attractive, should promote business as ln· refer customers to the nearest lo· dJvldual shopping areas. Ia u followa: at.>-talk to tbe bus driVe-who was Engine-er Bert Webb wbo ex· lute rtrht to tlah In the waters having trouble with his son. He Is .. ,._... il Cf'llll presst'd doubt u to the teaslbU- or a.ald harbor wfth the right of was directed Into the garage. .... /lty of widenJng Marine Ave. convenient access to said water Mrs. Phillipson said she had Mrs. Ana Moon Eader. 38. of A Balboa Island Business Assn. over saJd lands for said purpose reason to correct a student pas-3809 Seashore Dr . West Ne-wporl. • request for rt>moval of cross- is hereby reserved to the ,people senger on her bus at 3 p m. Mon-suffered Cacl.al lacerations and walks in the 200 and 300 blocks or. the State of Ca111ornla. day. The student would not stop her rondltlon is report_ed good In I on Marint' A\e. to providt> eight The tidelands were given In annoying a girl student on th(' Hoag Memorial Hosp1tal. where parking spaces. was referred to trust to the city Cor the use and bus. she charged. The boy was 1 sh(' was taken following a rn·o-the traffk rommltt«.>e. A request benefit of the people of Call-made to kneel beh ind and at one I car a('(.'Jdent In which she was I for chaint'd-do"''Tl trash contain· fo~nla," Mrs. Burton said. side of the driver's seat on the Injured at i :49 p.m. Tuesday at 1 ers on Marine Ave was ~ferred The Council has no Intent to Coast Hwy. and Jasmine Ave .. to the Stre-et Dept with the re- cut o!~ citizens from the tid~ d Corona del Mar. j mark that it will probably ~ lands. Councilman Gerald Ben-8 a y c I u b sue Mrs. Eader was riding In a (.'at done alter Hallowe'en p r a n k n~!l commented. driven by her husband. Edward time. Access ls not denied to the Eader. 36. which collided with a public," Councilman Lee Wilder for s 500 I 000 <.'ar driven by William J . Cauley. A request for a public rest room said. 19 t 707 I 1 A . C d 1 on the Island was rl'ft'rrt'd to the The point being made by the Mar. Nl'wport poll<'t' reported. 0 • • . o t r s \e.. orona e I Park C mrnisslon councilmen was that s ince the A ha lf-million-dollar damage The Eader vehicle. eastbound proposed fence Is to extend only suit against the Balboa Bay Club on Coast Hwy . started to make a to the mean high tide line. the Is being tried before a jury In U turn and· when about three· public would not be denied ac-the court of Superior John Shea quartPrs romp!Ne was stru<.'k by cess t o the tideland waters In in Santa Ana. thl' Cault'v vl'hicle. wE>stbound front of the Trailer Park beach. Edward J . Hammond, Zi. Is on Coast Hwy .. investigating po- Councll Is now lfwaltlng com-seeking to recover damages for lice said. Ne on<' wa~' hPld. Final plans on tht> Nt:'Wp()rt pleted plans from Trailer Pa rk injuries suffered Sept. 19. 1954. Island park and tht> t>lt'<'tlon ot Newport Isle Assn. to Meet consultant Charles Peyton for when he dived from the 10-foot HALLOWE'EN COSTUME PARTY a new board of directors \\i ll be enlargement and Improvement board at the Bay Club pool and This Saturda) from 1 to -t two lmponant Items on the of the Trailer Park. Cell on another swimmer. Ham-p m . is the-timt> for lht> annual agenda tomorrow 1 Friday) night Also in the mill ls a petition to mond, a San Diego radio station Ha llowe'en rostumt-pany for the wht-n Nt-wport Island. Inc .. m~ put the Trailer Park beach on executive. was paralyzed by the k1ds. sponsored by Coast Super at the St. James Parish Hall. at the ballot Cor a public vote on accident. and ls still In a whe-el-MarkN . Corona dt>l Mar. Tht-re'll the entran~ to Lido Isle. ~ keeping the beach open to the <.'halr. He is charging the Bay tx-refreshments. f a \'o r s and treshmt>nts wtl be IIE'rved. wJtb public. This proposition Is ex-Club with negligence. prizes. Mrs. J ames Edwards in chargt". pected to be put on the ballot ---------------------------------------next April. Little League Planned Here Plans to bring Little League baseball here next spring will be dlacussed this eventnr C1burs- d•y> at a meeting to ~ held at the home of Bob Blac~n. 720 Orchid Ave .• Corona del Mar. Preparations to obtain a tran- cltlse In the national boys' base- ball program are belnr made by a I"'UP of local fathers. The muahroomlna su~ of the aummer ball procram for Harbor Afta younpten eon- ducted by the Boya' Club In eo.ta Mesa ha C~"Mted a cJe. ma.nd for slmJlar a~ In Co· ron:a dti Mar and Newpart, 10'. B1ackwtil aald. lim Euon ol ~ diltrkt repreeentatlve for Little~ reporta that lJttle 1..-.ue om. ~ had calls last .,._ from Corona del Mar aM Mcwpoo1 paNna "'to .ee lf tJMiJ t'Oald -tMtr boys In down at Lqufta. .. wiMiie lJttle Leque II lA ope- atlcle. lit. Cuon wtll be a.t ~rt ••zt'lfta to eQialn Gjpljlrladoft fll. ........ aftdto ...... -... ..... ,. eJ. ~~~ BrMJ4-• • • -,COL AIIDUW W.IIO'I'IL F-.. _._. .C a~ c:...dJ.. Dear Hop: • I have read, wtdl tome dJa. CAJ-UNGQQ "''*•~ .....,, -............ Otr .. ....,_. ....... c.lf. 0"'-.... ,_.... ...................... .0 L c...t ~y. c.-tW Mer. ...._. ~ t.o L C.... Hlfl-y, c.-4el .,.,, C.IHOf'lle Tii.IPHOHUz ~ 1114 .... IllS ........ ~THI CALIFOlNIA HEWSPAPH PUIUSHW ASSOCIAnON ~ ..... HAnOMAI. IDITOliAl. ASSOCIATON SUISCI.IfflOH RATU Loc.l .....,.,.... ret.: r-,..,. Sl 00: -,...,-.$3.00 ~• •f the Her\ot AIM: T-JM .......... 7.00: -.,_, t-4.00 e LmO MaLEU U you reckon that all the local yokels have now folded their fishing gear and are sacked up until next spring, you'll be very much all wet. Last Saturday, the Udo Anglen. newest group In the Harbor, and a very up-and· at-'em constellation, went flsb. lng, en masae. They chartered Art Cronsky'a blg Frontier, with Spike Tatt upstaJrs and a full crew below, a nd put on an All· 1CICJI:X::ICICX:XI::l C!CX:ICJI:::ICX~~ICJI:IICI:::JC:.:::.:x::x=::x::ac•a•:::l•a::ll•cx= ::~=c•o• Fish, All . Tackle Tournament · · · · · · ?~ · · e;; ·-· ~, -. u.,., ~:;2:~: ·!~~.! was there as a press-guest of the :r , • • • • • • •:• • ' •> • ' •:• •:• ' •:• ' ' ' •:• ' ' * • ' * ' • presJdent, Uncle Harry Rogers. It is quite legal now, dear members of our. City ~uncil. bless About 30 mem bers o! the new vnnr lltde hc4lrt.s. Our a ty attorney says it is enttrely cnc~e.t f_or you club were aboard, which is about r --he halt of their current member· to run that l'tl dd tratler park: of yours, and you can run It )u.st t ship. Ken Holbrook added to the way }'OU w:mt to. So you're in business. Legal-like too. Isn't tha~ ~icx_? total by going along ln his Jt'a aughty comforting to get t~t legal pat ';? the. baa, lSn t at Dusty Too with annother tour· ... sounc.ls much better than saytng you are carrymg .out. your some. There were plenty of jun· saettd trust for the good of the peepul" by keeping the oty m the lors. some on their first saltwater il L b junket. And I couldn't help but tra. u pu.. usmess. .notice sevf"ral Lido ladles who. T hese legaJ straws a~ gooJ to grasp, hecause now you can say In their short Bermuda shorts, again bravely that of course al l '!( y~u are stoutly opposed to govern• could make Mrs. AmerI ca's mcnt meddling Ul busmess. That s mcc to say too. I know you are op-throne quiver more than a bit. posed. stout feUa's, bec.1use you have told me so ... m?St of you have. The tourney was undlstin· And 1 JUSt know that not one of you will say you arc tn f~v:'r of gov· gulshed by any record catches. emment gening mto busmess. Why. of course you are agm such un· The very large something that American, Soctahstic dcv1ltries. Any red-blooded ali·Amencan should gobbled a very large C.Q. sardine be, beuusc our n .. tlon has gro'i\'11 strong and sassy beause of pnvatc soon blended with a very large piece or kelp and ls doubtless miwtivc and enterprise. tinning around this weoek look· But hold on. A.n exception, just this once. That's wh<lt you're ing for a dentist. I will add that saying, isn't 1t, Honorable Council (if I may use the apres.sion)? Th1S the "whhe croakers" {first name is such a small thing. you argue ... just a tratlcr park, and the oty is Toml were running extra needs the money. So isn't 1t all right? Yes it IS, r ou say, because the large last Saturday. city attorney says it is so. The Lido Anglers were back at Maybe I've been looking into the wrong book. From the Book I've the Lido Isle Clubhouse dock in been rudmg, I have bern taught that moral laws and principles can· time for lunch. This was delight· fully distinguished by vtrtue of not be changed by a ruling of any attorney, nor by the vote of t.M the culinary craftsmanship of people. T hey remam et.emally unchanging. member or. Ralph Tandowsky. J know your answer. lt is such a handy answer : That this particu· the head of the Lido Men's Food Jar case ha.! noth.i.ng to do with moral principles or eternal truths. and Wine Society. Never have I W hy, it's just iL matter of making some money for the c1ty and thus tasted better spaghetti. cheese· easing the tax load. bread, Italian olives and the like, nor ln more pleasant company. But the answer i.s not as easy as that, dur council. You are There were trophies, too, pro- blindly ~dd\ing w1th a monster that is creeping into every phuc of duced by the secretary-treasurer. our cxi.stenc.e. That monster is Big Gove:mmmt, and lot.a of it. And Hal Kenoyer, and presentee! to the frightening thing t. that you are blithdy e:nc:our:agine it along, and the wlnnen by~ '"Uncle )'f!t yoo are able to aay pioully that you stand atauoc.hly for the prin· Harry." Mra. Hal Dike took home ciplcs that have made our nation great. the cup fOf' the largest Jady's L_,. h' · d · L. --·' f b · h. w . L.d fish. whiJe Ken Holbrook started I ~uevc t u attlt:u e IS toe n::~wt o ram wa.s. mg. eve rw a trophy collection with h is first plenty of that for the past quarter century-an entlre generation of win. the award for men's largest time. One·ttmc red-blooded all·Amencans a re being tn!ldlously bram· fish. Jim Cunningham cornered washed clear of such old·fa!h.ioned ideals as rugged indJVIduahsrn. self the prize for J unior's largest fish. reliance and personal mltiattvc. No use worrymg about such old fogey for a white sea bass which feU ideal when we have Unde loolung out after us. Let the Government for his line. Mrs. Hal Dike a lso tak.e over and reach mto every nook and cranny of our way of life, had the largest number or fish. and all ~have to surrender IS our liberty. but the rules said. "Only one . . . . . trophy to a person," so husband I beueve there are sull enough o tu.ens 1n this natmn of oun who Ha l, an unexciting second to te· can recogniz.e t he penis of this brain washing and who will courage· male skill, got In on the money ously oppose thas evil of the .. welfare state'' philosophy. I believe thiS also. fight for preservation of our liberties should start right here at home. The Lido Anglers proudly dis· Hallowe'en Specials Our Meat Department Is Now Featuring Manning's Choice Baby Beef F"mest Name in Meats m all the Southland MAJif'JfiKG'S CHOICE ROUND STEAK MAJnfiifG'S CHOICE SWISS STEAK IIAJfJfllfG'S CBOICE CLUB STEAKS IUIIJfiiiO'I CIIOia TOP SIRLOIN GROUND BEEF 25t lb. QOI.D COlli II.JCZD BACON IOdiU euau iCiltiiOiii CORNED BEEF • • \ • • • • • 67 " 59~ • e LODIW • DLJ 1'D TOUJA C&ll ID trea. the JWOPOMc1 plan ol tbe 1 can"t 10 alonr with the ella· Only one nibble on my oa:er to HJpway CotnlnJaloD b tbe ciJII • tertatlon ot Calllnr C.Q. on contribute .,-oo to the Youth Cell· memberment at the quaint 1fUJe methods of cook.lnr lot..ter. Par ter on cond.ltlon that nlne otben vlllaae knoWn u OoloDa del 10me Ume 1 have been cooking match th1l amount He thourht Mar. lobsten by baking the frHh ones I wu too ateep. So I'll drop It to U the Highway ~n ln a 4.50• oven ~~ 15 minute.. $250. and let'a ... lf we can get ha4 a dta&oUcal plan I« the de· Where did 1 get th1a recJpet 19 othera to match IL m1M of thla beautiful horae From a mimeographed sheet put * * * town, they wouJ4 proceed ts· out by the lobster trade. Since • A 1 PIIOII Ill IIAIOIKD actl)' In the manner «*tllne4 in reading Doc's column last week Motorlatl ahould give more their prellm1nary planning, aa on the subject, 1 gave the subject conatde.ratlon to a mother eroa· evidenced by the P~ PUb· • what I consider a very fait UD· slnr our Coast Hwy. with a baby Ueed tn your paper. played a certtllcate of member-blued test. 1 split live lobsters. buggy than they give to th.e We have Uved In Newport ship In tile International Game steamed half, and ba.ked half of uaual pedestrian. I wu waiting Beach now for eight yean. and Fish Association, and are point-them, and served them to guinea at the Orchid Ave. Jntenectfon own property In Corona del Mar. ing their muzzles toward the In· ptgs (guests) and every one of the other day when the above We .have aeen lt thtive ancl ternatlonal Ugbt Tackle Tourna-them agreed that the steamed men t 1 one d combination was grow; we have recently Uved ment, scheduled for Mazatlan, ones were better Utan any boiled clearly In the middle of the through the wldenlnr of Coast Mexico. April 16·20, 1956. They ones that they had ever eaten, outer lane. The mother bad to Highway, and the Installation of expect to enter a team In thla top but the quick baked ones ~re atop to Jet a earful of punb lslanda t~ safety. All ol tbla, one tournament. and will be looking superior tn navor and tender· blare put her In the middle would preii\UI\e, tor the ,...ot toward July's horizon, and the ness. lane. I a ave them a few bad mo· and futute tratflc stream tbtoufh next lnterclub Albacore Tourna· Of course. one or the problems menta by rapl4 bluta of m7 the town. We have w1~ tbe ment. From thls corner, one of Uve lobsters Is tha t they won't hom. It took them a full block work and ac:tlvtty ol. the lanta would feel positive thla here is a live lon,. out of sea water, eo the to atop and pull over to the curb. Ana J'reeway; the purpoee of new club that wUl go places. solution is to boll the ea,tch that I went quietly acroa and left whlcl\ wu partially to dJvert C.Q. wishes them every success day to preserve them. But there them wondering. Coaatwt.e auto trattle tbrouab long the way. is another and better eolutlon: the back country for destlnaUon.a I can't write "end" without Put them in a state of suspended South of Laguna and San Dl~. telling ot the pleasure of meet· animation by deep freezer. They ~an appra.laer of many yeua lng temporarily missing Dunster remain fresh tn appearance and Funeral service 11 were held ltand.lnl It would appeu to me Creely. whose column. "On the taste. 1 defy anyone to tell the Tuesday for Isabel Herron, who that the normal arowth ot Co· Island," I used to read as regu· diUerence In a thawed out raw died last week ln Pasadena fol· rona del Mar ln the fUture would larly as my own, and with con· lobster and a freshly killed one lowing an Ulness of several tend to the top ot the hUI, and slderably more adm\ratlon. 1 elthe, before or after cooking. months. Both Mra. Herron and 1f at all poulble thla natural found him In the office or the May suggest to you. C.Q., that her husband, Paul, were repre-trend should not be artificially Lido Clubhouse, looking wery during the slack season on fish· aentatlvt-s of the Beaumont Realty obstructed by a fast transit high· much as he did when we last lng news. which coincides with Co. when they had the realty of-way through the mldctlt'. Surely met In the Ensign office. I told the "bug·• season, that you try flee next to the Newport Post engineering know -how and c1Vlc him that I missed his column. out the method suggested herein. Office. While In the area, the Interest should combine to effect His answer was a copy or the * * * Herrons lived In Bay Shores. a more simple, economic and Lido Islander, Volume 2. No. 2. • NOT A cAMDmATE satisfactory eolutlon. It's a neat little sheet. Dunster. Why are the defenders of our A Classifieo Ad 1n lne Ension Elmer S. Polrler but I can't find you in lt. Your fooltsh e 1 e c t l on law which brinQs immediate results! Call Respectfully, talent. 1 fear, ls too swaddled In showed up Jn the new charter Harbor 1 114.1115 and Of'ove it ! Corona del Mar the duties o! an editor and pub· picking on Col. Andy Smith - Usher to shine. as It did, when that's me-saying that 1 want to you wrote "On the ts\and." Bet· get back in! How stupid can ter start a column In your own they get! What do I have to do paper, friend. Let US not extln· to convince them that I wlll guish a bright flame! never again be a candidate for e VEJfiSOJf STEAJt. BtJ117 City Councll! Put up a bond! Recent doings remind me that Of course It's simply propa· it's quite a spell since rve had a ganda to try to discredit a good juicy venison steak. The sensible l aw by connecting me prospects for same are now with· with the movement. Am I for It! in the realm of probability. Be· Yes. definitely I am. The present fore you read this. a group of lo-law. which stumbled Into our cal nimrods will be enroute to new charter. is just a.s unreason- the Jackson Hole country, long· able as letting the other counties tamed for its large population of vote on our Orange County antlered animals. Here are the sheriff. or the other states vote hunters: on our senators. The boys who Orvil and "VI" Lyons. Corona are squealing like a pig caught del Mar; Clyde and Clare Den· In the gate did not win their linger. Balboa: ''Whitey" Walker own districts last time and they and Collins Terry. Huntington probably can't next tJme. Beach; Fred and "Teenle" Clau-Looks llke eome tolk.t thlnk ~~en, LeBoy and Gary Heador, San that the Dee. 6 election to amend C~e~DeDta: Wayne and &Q Bar· the dulrtllr to aJ.JGw the dllltrlda rlaon. Santa Ant. Prom more dJ•· to eleet their own ~ tant parts, Jack Talbot of Bak· Ia rolng to be a puab-ovet. I'll enfield and "Tex" Hall, X. Mit· rtve you a tlp. You'd better get chell and C 1 y d e DenlJnger's on the ball If you are going to brother. 1.. E. Denlinger, all of push u over. The boys who are Whittier. joined the safari. They warming the seats In the Coun· rend~oused at the Silver Dol · cU like It the way It is. lar In Jackson. Wyoming. on * * * Thursday, Oct. 20. • A TBJID I E8 In case you haven't been there. Hop musta got a thrill Satur· the Sliver Dollar ls in the famous day when h is Alma Mammy Wurt Hotel In Jackson, now OP· Minnesota was leading Michigan eratlng under another name. but l3 to 0 In the first quarter. (The no less attractive. we hear. We Clnal was 14-13 for Michigan.) spent a few wonderful days That Alma Mammy of mine has there, enjoying the beauty and gotta start playing In the first hospitality of the region, way half or I'm goln' to be a casualty. back In 1945. just after being Rose Bowl, here we come ! turned out or Uncle Sam's cor-l am stlll rtdlng wtth the Unl· rall. There too, In the Snake Rlv-verslty of Michigan for the Roses. er, we caught the biggest trout They a re claiming that Halfback or our entire fresh-water career. Jim Pace is the fu test man that On a ny, too! That's a good ever donned a football suit on memory! FetTY Field. 'Tatn't so. I'll take • JACK.SOJf, WYO. WUJle Heston. Keene ~ltzpatrick. Never do we remember Jack· Michigan track coach away back son wlthollt remembering the there In the days of the point a sheriff of that spot. His name minute teams. Is my autho~ty. bas faded Into yesterday's mlsU. He said, "WUlle beat Atchle but he shore was a swell guy! Hahn, 1904 Olympic dash champ, He didn't do much aherifflng, but in the 60-yard dash every tlme spent bls time helping newcom-they got on their marks." era, like we were, to enjoy the --=--=-----------dellghts of that spectacularly beautiful rerton. The mt-mory of lt gives us a pang and to think that we've never been back to auch a wonderful place! Back to the bunters. 'nleir des· tlnatlon was Fred To_pping's ranch at Elk. Wyomtna. e norDETAKD I got all th1l dope from old tiahtn' buddy, Wayne "Pappy'' Harrt.on, the Finn of Flab Tatla In the Santa Ana Independent. 1 stopped by one evening to bor· raw back the Bemz•O·Matlc Jan· tern I had loaned hlm to take on a trtp to Clemente. It wu 10 aood· Pappy aald, that he rot one for bJ~ as aoon aa he 10t back. In the near tutu~. a re:Oec· tor for these awel1 llttle outd~ raclpta wtl~ be available. Pappy aay. be'• tbe chaplain ol the expe41t.Jon. He alao al- lowed that be was leaving a dq early eo be coulcl pt ln eomt r10e pndSce. JJelleWI ln 8eJf de· ten8e be sa.Jd. And I coulcln't help Mit woomt. It Cl)'de ~ ~ to !lad fewer ....... ebocQn up a.. In uae 1t1 GuM CIMUitry thaD Jae raa Into ill Jfnr · part Bledl. .. tm-=. u:.-,; ~ ........... S.fad.lt......., ......................... M I loollld ... aD a. ~ tMt nu.l .... ,.. ...... ,_, .......... -... .... .. f'Oa aUT IELEcrJOK. Oa.DU TOVa ~NOW F...US...,~ KO. l nESII IIU HENS Turkeys 35f. ss:. . . nESH FISH I L.aTERS .. -- •aO"fCCIU aoT QVALJT'I'"" QaOVXD KEATS IRDU• IEEF ---····-··--... ~.-........ 4 k $1. WI 11•a IOUID ···-·-.................. _ ........... •r. LUI 11.11 CIUCI ----··-··-··----··-4lf. COUWIWI IT'IU 41 SPIIE -.. --·····-------····-.. -·-··· .............. _._ t. r. B. IIEIIIIAlf. M.D. Announces hia return from the A.iiDed F.oroee to rewme the practice of mediCine . .. Private ~rav8lcSe llftVtc:ee !or Harold Kallaway, 72. ot 349 w. WU.On St.. eo.ta Mea, were IMJd Oct 10 wtth the -.v. Jo· Mph W. McShane, putor ot the Colt& Mea CommunJty llletho· c:Ust Church, oUldat:h\r. Mr. Kallaway died In Vancou· ver, B.C., on Oct. 3, •hlle be and tdt wlfe were vtattlng a brother, Arthur Kallaway. He was a na· tlve of England and came to thla country with hJs tamlly In 1919. He had Uved In Costa Mesa since l!N8. Other survivors are his wife, Mrs. Evalyn Kallaway, a daugh· ter, Mrs. Clltford F. Amundsen of the home address; a not her daughter, Mrs. lack R. Hunt of Lancaster, a.nd a son, Cllftord Kallaway, of Costa MNa, and five IJ'a.ftdehlldren. Parkes · Rid· ley Mortuary of Costa Mesa was In marge of arra.ncements. .a-c••••J ... TODAY, the .tory ot a good figure Is told NOT In poundl. but ln INCHES on a TAPE MEASURE YOU will be delighted and amazed when you know for the very first time what the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do for YOUR figure! At the Staul:ter System, you will be told bow long It wtll take to achieve your desl.red proportions. ~~Mae Today I« Tour... 'nicd ~t llarbol' 1742 3117 E. Coast Bwy. COaQWA DEL IIAJl ee••··~···························· e • ~ WIUW's ~ • • • • • •• DOI·NG ~ • • e • • • •e••······························· "Of all my household Jtems.'' says Kra. F . G. Dominey,"! t.hink my tel· epbone lathe motrt useful. I can't count all the ways I depend on it. For ex· ample, I do a lot of my shopping by phone. Then there are the calla for repairmen, to make ap. pointmenta, t~ round up my youngsters In the neighborhood, and for a hundred and one otber things. And that doean't include all the pleaaure our phone brings ua ... u a fast, euy way to vlalt .. friend. and relative.. I certainly don't know what we'd do with· out it." lloet people we've talked to agree with Mra. Dominey about the uaefulneaa ol the telephone. lan't it true that few thing. which serve 110 well eo.t so Uttle 1 Paciflo Telephone works to make your telephone a bigger value every day. • • • • • Enjoy a fanally visit In several cities at once by lon1 tlstance Did you hoto yow cca" oc- ttually tcalk to ~~ mem- bet't of yat~r fcamily cat tM aoJ~~M time by lofeg cli.ttcaflee 1 WeR,y011 co", eHJ~ lf tMy're IICGte.red all over..JM cou• try. BGCA of you co" tGlk kck Clll4 forlA to tl&e rut •• 41 yot1 were on '" tAe .,,... roo.. We OGll tAb o teU,MM eott/trrtntee con. J'o ~ ou, jut tell your operator tAe peopr. yoN '*''to talk to, toMnt tMy live, tMW-pAou ....-,,, 4IM wAft r<* .a..t to tcaa. 81Wll 4o tAe rut. YOII'D &. ,._.,.,,Y ~ .t Mw um. u con•, ~' lf r<* ooll ·~ I ,. •· "' 1M ~"9 or otty time 8N..ct.y. 'WAy ..ot gtve ~ .... /.,.tly a ,_, INrpri.M tott1' o cort/~ OGll tOtdgAt 1 • • • • • Mew cmd Larger heir •• otlk» tor Ha:rbor Area In or.-. to keep up wltb tlae tnmeDcloul lfOW1.h ln the eo.ta K-. Newport ae.ch .,.._ Jt wu INC I f7 tOt the BuRnela ~ WhJdl W&l Joeatecl at Ill J:. BaJ(M)a aJvd., to IDOft to ....... quart«L TIM new omce Ia located at 1315 N...-port Blvd.. wllJd\ 11 d.lrec:tl1 aci'OII tbe 1treet fi'CIID tbe Newport leadl Qt7 HalL 11M ~Pee~ bl tbll new modem bWI4lnl wtlllftAble ue to atft IMitW &1114 IDOft eaktent .erW:e to ov cnth.....,., Ia a&lltloft to ,..,cllDC a pl&C!I Jar PQJDBt. to be rua. ancl otMr buiMII to M c::ion4uc:bld b tile Batbor ...... tbll oCilc:e ...., u a ~ tc. tile Iouth Oout ....._ lftelu4lfta tM 0o1ta ....._ R..,art 11Mb .,.. Ud die Du.a NM. San a••n• aM 1u JuU ~ao'ada•..-TM..., build· ... ......__.....,,.,._,..,ea•l• vsalldwer.t ta aU , ..... 11 'fW7 ~ We will M Ja t• .. .......,.. ........ ,...a. ... k .. ...... OifhC:& OJ!EJII PIIOII HARIOB Ill &aiOOL 0 • • e II UD&ai COVIICD. 8rowDeJJ; vb·..-dent. Carol pia are the 22 bJghert potnt Student eou..dl coNUt.a ot Crain; ~·tree.a\o'er, 1\'a.h pia In the~ The tbtrteen repreeentatlwe bom e.eh ot the Jtnapp. It le ~ that the AC· new on• are: Barbara Dortdn. fourth ~od c.._ JnHtlng to UvtU. ot lltuclent C!O\ln<:U wUl Rachel Peru, Mona Rae Barlow, clLecUM 8Cbool probJ--. Tbey dewJop leadenh.lp In the stu· Oaud.la Gent.ocl. Laooe Ha,_ meet re,Wady with lobett lilac· den~ and tMwe Cood citizen· Ann LardMr, RobJn B1U. &:atby nuaoa, vke--lriDdpa.l. 'lbe coun· -.sp. Hottman, Lyn Pease. lan Blum. ell recommenda solutions which • • • Terry Jlalch, La.urie Hendrldca, 1'~ 1111111 between 17 and :II ln~ ln enllatJng In the U.S. Ka.rtne Corps for three-year bltcba m.y do so at a new Ma· rt.ne Corp. r e c r u I t I n g oftloe opened at 2Sf Ocean Ave., La· pna ~ach. The oftl~ 1s open each Tuesday from 9 a .m. until f p.m. Anoth~r r«rulting otrlee t. ln room~. post otrlce build· lng, Santa Ana. In tum are forwarded to the • aAIDTaALI. 'a.T'r and lody Lleb. Board of Control, whlcll deter· A G.A.A.. MllteOalJ party Is • • • min• whether or not to put being planned I« tb~ end of thla e COUlfCIL IIE.ADI KErr tbem Into effect. quarter. It will be for all or the Lut week student counctl held GAA gtrla. 1be purpose wUl be Ita 1e00nd meeting. Pictures were to gtve awarda. Each clau will taken ol the council f~ the Gal· put on a aklt ot some sort on leon, the school yearbook, and sporta from dJfferent countries. tor the Beacon, the IIChool paper. Ea.cll class will take a ~tfferent This year the school asked the country. Everyone lalnvfted from councU to help run the PTA GAA and there will be refresh· membership drtve. The member· menta. So all you girls from ships welre not coming In as fast ba.skeball. tennla, and swimming as waa expected. Coundl mem· make sure you come. bers were urged to ltreu tile use • • • Last week on WednMday a group of about 20 students held a meeting at our ac:bool. 11\ese students we.re Student Council heads from high schools all over the County. 11\ey representt'd the California Association of Student Council. · I Each .year these groups let to· gether to plan a big conference 1 Elgin & Hamilton Watches Diamonds Mountings Wall ace Calder head JEWELER of the money and the Importance e PllAJfUTEU of gettlnr In the memberships. "Les Galoplns"-or the French Ot:flcers were elected for the Clul>-had a party Wednesday for representatives from all over 1 J 123 Eest Co.st Highw•y the State to get together and cUs· Corone d•l 1-Aer euas d1tterent student council ============~ problem& and other forma of stu· i dent gove'l'nment. Harboc HI Is year. They are: president. Phil nJght. Oct. 26. The main attrac- PTT Honors Mrs. Osgood Mrs. Ruth E. Osgood of 214 Apol~na Avenue, Balboa Island has been presented a gold pin tor 25 years of service wtth Pa · ctrlc Tel~hone. She started her quarter·century of service as an operator In Newport Beach. She later was appointed evening chief operator In the local ex· change. In 1942 she transferred to Los Angeles to accept the po. sltlon of employment Interviewer In company headquarters. Mrs. Osgood has been a Balboa Island resident tor more than 21 years. Her daughter, Ruth L.. Osgood, Is a nationally-renowned artist whose studJo Is located at the Apolena avenue resjdence. Miss Osgood served as an army nurse with the rank of captain during World War IT. S~ will have her second "one-man show" at the Cowie Galleries In Los Angeles In December. Mrs. Osgood's son, lack, lives In Westminster. He has com· pleted his studies at USC and now ls a member of the geology laboratories ot a major oU firm. Phone Office in New Site tion was Peter Buycke's fllou of Europe. The party was for all or Its members at 6:30 In the home· making cottage. The Pranksters -that's what "Les Galoptna" means-have about 35 members this year. Their president Is Laura Wood· son. vice president ludy Sands, secretary treasurer Merlyn Couch and Andre RJ on ta serg~ant at arms. Andre Rlon Is our French exchange student. Their advisor Is Mrs. Mary Lee Richmond, who teaches French and Latin. The Pranksters' next meeting will be to discuss their business for the year. • • • e 22 IJf TJU SIGMA Trl Sigma lnltlat.ed 13 new girls last week to make a total of 22 girls In the club. Those Street Light Plans Related The City of Costa Mt>Sa can have street lights Installed on wooden poles at no Initial cos1 to the city. Edison Company of· flclals notified the Costa Mesa Plannlng Commission last week. It more ornamental steel poles were de,lred, they would cost $140 a pole, It was explained. Cost for the electricity used by the lights would be paid by the clty with a city tax assessment levied on the residents for the PacWc Telephone's business P u r P 0 1 e · Commlsaloners had office bu moved from 311 East been uked by counl:llmen to Balboa Blvd.. Baloba. to JWIIIf make a atudy and recommend&. ......-. at aaz Rewpan ..._ tioD em tt.e .,.._ lllbt w.ue. • bl J(ewport .... aaoe. from Ctty Hall When a ~eeond·Ooor bulldlng adltion Is erected at the Balboa Blvd. address, a large area on the first noor will be released for business operations. At that time the business off ice will return to the Balboa building. Meanwhile the rlrst noor there will be OC· cuplt'd by telephone operators and their switchboard positions. Uft DOWU IIIILD Over .fO trtenda ol Mrs. Donald G. Sapp. wife of the pastor of the Balboa laland Methodist Church. honored her with a baby shower Oct. 7 at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hlllgren. 351 East Bay Front. The party was planned by the WSCS or the church. General arrangements were made by Mrs. Ted R. Hauser , president. Office hours at the new loca· tlon on Newport Blvd. will re· For Jetterheads.. envelooes e.l In district 14. We are proud to say that we have three of the officers for that dlstrtct. Bob DeLong Is president, l ack Smith Ia vice· president and Ann Lardner Is secretary. Last year the big 3 day cont~nce was held In San Pedro. Each school sends Its juniors who wtll be ne.xt years officers. The conference which was planned Wednesday wtll b(' November 5, and althourh It Isn't the big one, about 150 rep· re.entaUves are expected. harbor photo lab cameraa repairs rentals fast COWR SERVICE DOLL AR S A .. ~ SENSE .•• JOMN DID ~ Stilt ,_ laMp ...... TillY wttll the lewport Harbor Bank c. ...... • main the same as at present: THE ENSIGN. HA.III4 8:30 Lm. ~ 5 ~m.. Mooday F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ through Friday. Parade Slated for Carnival A big Hallowe'en costume pa· rade with prizes In seven dlvf· slons will be a highlight of the annual PTA Carnival to be held from 2 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29. at the Horace Ensign School. Th~re wtll be game booths. Spook House. white elephant booth. Mad Hatter booth. candy and food, movies and merry-go· round. • In charge of the Carnival a.re Mrs. Harvey Somers. ways and means chal.rman for Newport Elementary PTA. IWITIIal'sc$&13,3ll ., ......... -. Th~ Board of 1\'usteea of Or· ange Coaat College bas accepted the following low bids tot the construction of a new 8denee building: M. J. Brock a.nd Sons. Loa Angeles, general construe· tJon contract, ~.000; SmJth Bro&, 0o1ta Mesa. heating and wnWallna contract. $42.711; An· denon Plumb~ Co., Santa Ana. plumbing contract, t&U81; and Lovejoy Electric Co., eo.ta Mesa. electrical contract, SSO.SJO. The total ot all low btc!s was $513.m. This repraented ap· proxlmately $50,000 more than Pft}J.mlnary estlmates. Dick Macker' s Semi-Annual Rug & Remnant Sale! ~· US PI) a iJJJilUl\.1JJ' a a a a CJ4lJO\ 'niiiOW a..• REMNANTS AU .... ll 20% "' IIWQ8 I -. AT £ • 'tall nox .. ·-.... -:-·--···-·-_ RIDICULOUS PRICES! .... --.. ·-•••f'WitllJa1• cue ccuann an a ruucs a a a * ....... (li lllll) .... , .......... -•.•..• , -EIPEB't--. FlEE. DftEBIOB DBCOU'11NG SEilVICE * sa SCOOP Of the Week ••• ........ .., ........... •tly. Let .. clo tlae "apcrde W'OI1(" .. .,.... IF YOU HAVE MONEY •TO BURN go rteht ahead. We envy you. BUT, II you're looklnl" for the best darn HOME COOKED meal for 95c ClncludJng rout beet. vegetable, salad 'n aU tbe trimmlng's) hurry on over--any day but Wednesday -to Katy's Corner. The two smart gals there will whip up all kJnda of mouth· watering concoctJons for you . . . cherry or hot apple pie, cheese cake . . . and make a note of this, they BAKE ntEIR OWN BREAD. lust try a loaf! Mmmm! Or. If you prefer, take home some of their lulcloua BBQ meals and beans ... your whole lam· lly will bless yoo and send you rushing back for more! Phone your orders early-Harbor ~ See you there for Sunday break· fast! KATY'S CORNER. Agate lr Park, on the Island. Open 9 a.m.· 10 p.m . • • • LITTLE AlfGEL TIIAT WI: Aa£ (ODe IDCIIIMat ~ 1N tix our bcrlo) ._...... beea .. t sDOOp(Dg' !01' cute dotbea ._ tbe JUDiCII' DtYiakle • • • ... wbat 1niDderfu1 pd.-'" ..... cot wed crt JEarS or LIDO 1 nacrt load dnua becdlll9 .,.. becu .. ~ ..u...... .. the "'origtaGa"' ........... .. ••• pedrf oatflb .......... II ._ tiM Towa.v Jl1sa by JlllJa .. Ca1.Uonalcr cmd Aaa ..... .. BoU'f'I"*L r. a.. -,. .. strut ba. there aN ac.n., IIJte'a .....t boUday fawb'-s ta a... up to II' a. ( 119 arotben. tab ~I) It"a cr dada the YoaD9 IICID of Dlst:bactioa aad h1l Girl Frlead wW ~ .. a.c. ttag cloth• b--. ta a bdpt ..drc:ua .. aett1a9 • ..._ lt"s P'01I to sbop. C..pl.e. u... ... fCIIlts to'--JEm"'' or LIDO, S4a5 w..,.art aa ..... •.,....n. • • • LET TRJS B A 1.--oR '10 YOU ia ...._. .. 11M tM WM1 cUt Read ma.JPt tc. 11IE &AL- BOAN. 32S·a Marine Ave .. Balboa Lsland. and uJc to ~ their .,pand variety of t'X<'itlng Items which jam lbt' shelves. CAN· DLES. all kinds. all sl2~ Abo Angf'l holders from Germany for an extra gay touC'h ~ banhday Candles Don't mass tht' West· moreland authf'ntll" MlLKGI...ASS or the white leather originals by Rumpp . . . enough to quiC'ken any woman's pulse on Chrl"tmas morning! Personally. Wf' fell In love with a ruby Venetian \'&se and thf' "Pink Veiling" glass· ware. so very USf>ful AND stun- ning Reasonably pr1N'd. too. ....... Other sugg<'stions for spec:! a I ()('('asions: Party Favors, stationery, German Stainless Steel ... a ll personally Sf>lt'cted for you by Clayte and Hazel Spring at TIIE BALBOAN. next to the Flrf' Station on Balboa. Island. Harbor 5193. • • • WOilAK SPAU 111AT PLEA f• tile perfect Jaa.lt dna. All you b419'e to do .. ltop ta at TB£ Y AlUf SBOP Clad pat 'f'O'UMlJ .. tbe capable la....s. of apert lutnactr-eaa laa.ct.e 8eJu. Sbe'U cbart t.be ctr.e • ••eat. fOI' you cmd ......... you. ri9bt oa tile 11p0t. -. IDUcb fuD It t. to lllCIJille .,..... OWD DlT dotbea. Toa11 ..... . tJ..ty dlool "'* tbe .. ..... yanaa piled .. Ja. alaop ••• ~ balky types to u..t .... bcrl.r&. As -Cldded .....nc.. .,.. ~ b ... yogr ... dee. ..... blocbd Clad bW .._, there. ADd cloe't ···•••It .. a... .-ticlae .... ....., .... ....... boetl• ... Cll8t. -....... .,. ........... ... on ll:altt:l-. ••• _, ,... TAIIIf gOP, ~ II 7 1 a.lbMI.a.d. ..... -. • • • • roa DVTr • ~lin' Drama Will Be Presented At Two Local Churches PJC llmiDM Serual. .. ol Mr. and Mra. WWiam &;rua., 225 TwenUetb St.. eo.ta liMa. rec:oenUy amwd In GeftDaAJ and Is now a member of U.. 9th IJl. lantry Dlvla.lon. He la a IQiclaaale in the dJvlaJon'a 9th Jteplaeement Company. He wu eractuated from Newport HubOr lU&h School In 1953. A reiJrfou.s drama whlch uti· llRe the a~dience tor Its presen· tattoo will be ata£ed at two local c h u r c h e a during the Thanbrtvtnr eeuon. "'lbe Skeptic's DedlcatJon" by Leah Laft.ier wUJ be prHented as a part of a aervlce ot worship at 7:30 p.m.. Sund~. Nov. 20. at the Balboa Island Community Meth· od1at Church. It .. wUl be £lven a£ain at 7:30 p,m., Wednesday. Nov. 23, at St. Andlew'a Presby· terlan Church fur the annual Unlon Thanksglvtng eervlce of the Newport Harbor Council of Churches. Mrs. Vllel, known thtout]lout Southern CallfomJa foe her lead· erahlp In the mualcal and dta· matic arts, Is a former facuJty member of Wasaeb Academy ln Mt. Pleasant, Utah. She Is now a resident of Balboa Island. To Be SURE of Deli••ry F• Cllrlatllla ORDER YOUR "HALLIUI" CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW! S.Wc:t l'hlll l.caVe ..... "Hallmark" Album CoroDa ct.l Mar Pharmacy '1'ltE Prescription Phannacy" Harbor 2272 3121 E. Coa:lt Bwy .. CDM BIGGEST BUY EVER I GIAIIT SIZE 112 OZ.) ONLY $100 lt(GUI.ARlY S200 Dorothy Gray SPECIAL DRY S KIN LOTION Never creuy or heavy, Special Dry Sk.io Lotion sohens your WD inatantly. Try a lillie be· fore wuhina diahes-aee water ali de ri&hl off your hudJ! Buy te•eral bottlet to lnish on yovaelf all winter ~111! ~=:r$125 1250 For ttll·l.lt Jry A.tul1-Dorotlay Cr., HortMilc HMJ Cr~. COROIA DB. PHARMACY -rilE Pnec:riptioa Pharmacy"' Harbor 2272 3121 E. Coa:lt Hwy .. aear Jaami.De Coroaa del Mar School Staff Is Installed Coming from the audience of a darkened church to express thelr thankfulness to God befon the altar wUl be a cast whlch Includes a serviceman, a mother, three children, a rfrl, a farmer, a doctor, a veteran. and a grand· mother. Choral muslc will be at· ranged by the Balboa Island cholr. under the direction of lAs· lie Van Dyke, and the St. An· drew's cholr, wblc.h Is directed by Mrs. Virginia Kidder. The 1955·56 Sunday School sta t! was Installed Oct. 23 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The staff Includes: CIIADUATZD Sept~ 24' fnlaa the A.bborae Ternd.D Ap· pnc:latloe Sdaool at 3rd Ma· rt.De DtrialoD beadquarten at Calap lildlUL Japcaa.,.. MaJ. ww.a-.. Coald of .... S.C.· ward JlcL Coroaa BJgb.laDd&. Tbe adlool aSCS. IAf-tJy ofti· wn wbo will t. opei'Citilag from beJJocopten to recogD1ae WralD hatur" aa they appear from the cdr. Autht)r and director for the drama Is Mrs. Holly Lash Vlsel. a teacher of slnrfng and drama· tic arts who recently opened her own studio et 204 Apohma Ave. rs. LoHie PaHei'IH Of C•o•a HI lar Dill Mrs.. Lotti~ Myrtle Patterson, 80, o! 518 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar. died Oct. 15 In her residence. Mrs. Patterson was born in Nights Ferry. Calif. and had lived in Corona del Mar tor l2 years. She Is survived by her daugh· ter. Mrs. Dorothy Culver of Shore Cliffs and her son. Leslie Mlckell of Millbrae, Calif. The body was forwarded Monday to Klng City, Cali! .. tor funPra l 9ervlces and Interment. Baltz Mortuary of Co· rona del Mar was In charge of arrangements. SAT IT WITB 8 3403 E. Coast Hwy. COaOKA DEL IIAJl ,......._50'71 c•r~~~~~• Cnise witll WAL TAH l..cl:rpst coUectioD of Hcnrcdkm cru1M cl~ IJ:a the Soutll· laDd. WALTAH CLARI'S Hawaiian Shops 140 s. Coast. Lagv.Da a.adl Jfat to Show. Jn'att t -1081 <OPEN SUNDAY) Superintendent, Franklyn Hru- za; ass't. superintendent, Harry H a r b e r ; attendance secretary, Mrs. Edgar Mann; treasurer, Mrs. J 0. e ph carlos; transportation manager, Melvtn Erickson; new member secretary, ){l.ss Sharon Mann; materials clerk, Mrs. Vir· gtl Paris; teachers: pre·school a n d kindergarten department, Mrs. Robert Suddendorf. prlncf. pal, Mrs. ~elvin Erickson, Mrs. Lawrence White; primary dept .. Mrs. William Carnett, principal, Mrs. Victor Allen, Mrs. Theodore Hfhderaker. Mrs. Henry Ander· son. Stanley Challgren; junior dt'pt .. Mrs. Charles Dickens. Mrs. Ernest Workman, Mrs. Robert Gronlund; Intermediate dept .. Miss Deloris Prior; high school dept.. Mrs. Leroy Bowman; adult. Pastor Robert B. Gronlund; Sat· urday school, Mrs: Clyde Hart· wlgst'n and Pastor and Mrs. Rob· ert B. Gronlund. Installation Is HeldatChurch The Corona del Mar Commu- nity Ch urch has Installed the following teachers and staff workers ot the Church School: The Rev. Norman L. Brown, Church School superintendent; Mrs. J. W. Randall and Mrs. Ed· win C. Gomke, worsblp chair· men; Mrs. Claude Scott and Mrs. Marian Dae. kindergarten; Miss Alice Gates and Miss Ann Ben- stein. primary; Mrs. William Hu· mason and Mrs. Burt Proctu, lower junior ; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Newlon, upper junior; Mr. and Mrs: Meredith Harwood, ju· nior high; the Rev. Norman L. Brown. high school: Carl Barry, adult class; Mrs. John E. Sadlelr. home department; Mrs.. Stuart D. Brock. cradle roll. Sub.tltute teuhen _,.: Mrs. Howard Bogert. MJsa Nancy Bry. ant. Mrs.. R. K. Harvey, Mrs. lohn W. Johnson, Mrs. John Keeler, Mrs. Harvey Pease, Mrs. A. Ry· lett, Mrs. M. J. Shannon. and Mrs. Thomas Willhlms. Attend· ance secretary Is Mrs. VeTn Smith; enrollment, Mrs. Richard Duncan; and Mrs. Mabel Ross ls the Church School Treas~.~&er. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL A ba ptismal service for Seaton Freeman. child of Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Freeman of Costa Mesa, was held Oct. 16 at St. James Episcopal Church. Carnival of Lights Coming "Carnival ot Lights'" will be the theme of the sixth annual Zonta Carnival dinner and dance. to be held Friday. Nov. 4: at the Balboa Bay Club. Mrs. Tom Nor· ton. chairman. reported on Car· nlval plans at the monthly luncheon meeting. Mrs. Earl Stanley. who was chalrman for the District IX Con· terence held here Oct. 7 ·9. was presented with a corsage from the "flowers tor friendship" pro· ject as the mPmber having done the most tor the club and com· munlty this month. Wfnnt'r of this award has to pay a dollar to wear the rorsage, and this money will help bring a Zonta member from Sweden next year to the International convention In Sun Valley. ATTEJfD K.IWAl'fiS MEETIJfC Mr. a nd Mrs. Harvey D. Pease of Balboa Island spent the early part of last We<!k in San Dlt'go at the district convention of the Kiwanis International. FIRST CHURCH 0, CHRIST SCIENTIST llOl 'Vl.e Uclo., New.-+ ke~h A· bl-ench of The Moth., Church, The Firtt Olwc.h crf Ohrilt, Scie~~tist, ila ..... ... ..... ·---SuN~., School ';IS •""'- Sund•y S.rYIGe I I :00 e.m. W.dn ... d•y Eveni119 MHting 1:00 p.m. Reeding Room IOCAied 1t )) I 5 Vie Lido, Newport S..ch, ;, open .... days from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:-45 p.tn. h-lday ..,.nit191 from 7 :()() p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday afterneon• 2 to 5 p.m. Closed Holide'fl. The public ia cordielly invited to et- tend the church 11rvices end u11 the Reedi"o Room. Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharl~ Teacher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evenlnf Classes tor dults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar PVJifEIIAL DDIECTORS Friendly Nelchborhood Service P ARI<ES-RIDLEY MORnJARY 110 Broadway u 8·3433 A 8-M34 Costa Mesa Sensible Selection NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin& the Harbor Area It is a well-known fact that emotional strain often causes the family to make a selection beyond their means. Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 353) E. Cout Hlahway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Llbert)'S-2121 11b Ia Superior, eo.ta Meea AMPLE PAR.KING BOTH LOCA.nONS Ia. .,_TO DAMJI • ' . tau 7 Members are Welcomed A eon. a-uc. Alal\o waa born to Mr. and Mn. Cbarl• ltram bora to llr. &.Dd Mt.. o.arp of 6» St. lamee ltd.. Clltt Hawn, Perlin ot 112 llland Ave., Balboe., on Wednelday, Sept. 2& In Hoq la Boq Memorial Jlolipltal on Memorial RoppltaL TU..Say, Sept. ~. Seven provtatonala ... p,._ tented u tull-tledteeJ m~mbers of tbe Nlabttncale Chapter of Roar Ha.pJtaJ Auxiliary at their October m~ng held at the home of Mrs. Orval Stewart, Bal· boa Covec. ThOIN! who had auocetatully performed their prellmJnuy du· tle. tor membersbJp are Mmes. Fred V: E1ll.s, Jule Hanab, Ken· neth C. KJngsley, John R. Mer· cer. Smith Newberry, Leon Ware and Paul l'. WUIIam.a. Mrs. M. l . Lockney was Introduced u a provlsJonal by Mrs.' Ralph Hol· den. Plans for making Halloween acony. at tray favors for Hoag Hqspltal pa- tients were discussed at the short business meeting presided over by Mrs. Arthur Gruwell. presl· dent Mrs. Gruwell commended Mrs. Donald Colegrove and Mrs. Joe PN!Jnlnger, CO·chalrman for the recent Hoag Hospital Auxlll· Beach & BOulevard ary Fund Fair, and the 16 Night· 1.,._ ·-CASUAL -·• lngale sub-chairmen who ron· "-'••o ...,..., '"-..ua trlbuted to Its success. 320 S. Coast aJYd. Lwp-.._.. BTatt ..a. Tea was served following the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ afternoon meeting wltb Mrs. Hal Dike and Mrs. Howard B. Lewis pouring. Mrs. Francis Dawson and Mrs. Howard Illo were In charge of the refreshments. WADLEYS MOVE Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wadley have moved from 211 Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar. where they lived tor a good many years. to 600 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Light their life with fJith /llt ST. AJn)JlEWS PJlESBYTEJUAif CIIUBCB 15th St. A St. Andrews Rd., oc:nu froiD BJgh Scboo1 Uberty • .,., Pastor1 a... Jcaaee S. Stewart SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Hlgh, Sr. High and college age Fellow. ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOilJJIITT ME'niODIST 420 W. lith St.. eo.ta Meea Uberty I·W2 Bn. Joeepla W. McShaM Sunday: 9:3(1 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m . Momln& Worshlp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 8 p.m., younc adults croup service.. .. um c;au ... or c:aaaa ...Chi* ... C&M ... La ,, ...., D.G.Bont.lllai8W Sunday aenrices: 9:4!5 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. mornJng wor. ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. THE CIIUBCB or CBaiST Odd Fellows Loclp. 1141 Jf.-port A..._ eo.ta Meea. Llbeny 1-5'711 Tom ..ar. Jr .. Mlal.ater Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CBJUST CBUBCB BY TBE SEA Coamnualty MetbocUat llcdhoa ··~ at lttll lt.. Jfewport BAtbor 5221 Pator: .... ..., A. CariNa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mld. week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p .m. potluck. ST. JOACliiK CIIUBCB liM OraDge A.-... eo.ta liMa Uberty 1·1011 Fatber ..,..._ J, Jf..ta luday ~~~-at 7. L I. 10 Clad U :JO a.m. Week:daya: Mus at 7:00a.m.-Confe:.fon: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:1.5-7;00 to 8:30 p.m. FIJIST ASSEJOL T OP GOD 22Dd St. & £l4eg A...._ eo.ta U.. Uberty 14'711 an.n.d .... c:. Cnelc. Pane. Sunday School: 9-.30 a.m. Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evanaeUst service, 7:30p.m. Younc People and Chlldren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. MJd.week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlaslonary Council, Thursdaya 9:30a.m. for aU day. SEVKJn'11 DAY ADVEJhD1 Jfewpon ... at ..... lt.. •.....-n ...... .. ~I-15U . EldH D. a. lpcnalcUag Saturday Momlnl Services: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser-mon: U :OO a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. cau ..... a.•ua..._ .... 1::' ... c.ea .... ....... • c:::.r. ... -• LD •• a.na Sunday Sen1cM: SUnday Sehool. 9:30a.m. Moml~ Wonltfp at 10:30 a.m. Ev&n£eu.tic Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .• 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. PDST cauaca or CBaUT IQ&IIJDt 1103Via~r .... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wed.ne.day Eventnr Meetlnc: 8:00. ReadJJw Room. 3315 VIa Lido, Newpdrt Beach, open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week daya. 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday eveninn. CBaDT LUTIIEJIAJI CBVaCB OP COITA IO!IA (Miasnut IJIMMI) Amerlc:aa Let1oe dalL eo.ta .... Panc.1 a... l.etbcu Tonaow Sunday Servtoea: Wonhlp Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.~ aAL.oA ISLAJfl) COIOIUlfiTY KE'niODIST 115 Agate A..._ 8cdJaoa 1a1a11c1 IO&&tera ..... Dollalct lapp lladaow ... Sunday Servtcea: 9:30 a. m. Church Scbool~30 and 11:00 a.m. Wonhlp ce. • PDIIT UftiiT C&Uac& COIIOifA DD. liD or nwton COIIDIUaifl cauaca ...._. ....._ ~ & CIMat ..._ CI&II i lt•d ....... 111,!':"~4* ...... ~ IIU u..ty 14171 -1a7 ...._.~a. Jrtar• ..._ ~ ...,.. a..a. Sunda7 IM!rVIca: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· . • · day School; 11:00 a.m., W«· SanclaJ Wonlhlp Slrvtee~: 9:45 ahfp Service: 7:30 p.m. Sunday •:m.. 11:00 LDL8u:Ddq8dtool: ewnJna C:ervtce: Kld·Week 9.45 a.m. _ Servb: 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday Prayer Meetl.ftt. -U..Oa AIIXJOI,Y OP OOD a...ea. Is all-CaW. INb1e Cells"' u..tyU411 -...C.&.TII r t J'DIIT UJi'tiST canca Scaata ADa Aft. at ... ,.oua eo.ta .. .. ..... P. c:. ..... . Sunday Services: 9 :45 a.m. Sund.,-School; 11 a.m. Worahlp Services· 8:30 p.m.. Bapu.t Traintnr bnton; 7:30 p.m.. EvenJ.nr Sen1ce. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Prabe and Blble Study. Kon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorus practIce: 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meetln&. cauaca or on LADY or MT. ~a. 1"1w ....... aa ..... ..,... ~Ql1t Patber I~ J[~. ,_.., Patber A::t:'~ RTS'IUI Sunday MUM8: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Conta.ton: Sat· urdaya and ~-of lR Frtdaya and Bol.Y Out trom 4:00 to 5:10 ~ &Dd .,_ t:IO 1D I:JO p.m. ~ .... 1:00 ........ J'r14Q: 8:JO LIIL &ad e:OO p.a. Novena (Perpetual Jlelp): Tuetlday, 7:45 p.m. rtahermen'a Mus, luly and A~ Sund•Y • a.m. o•IVEIISALJIT OOJOiUatn P'ELI.OWI1IIP EbellCl ........ 515 "· lkdboa ami., ...... ......., ...... r.w . ...._ Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. iforn. fng worablp, 11:00 a.m. ST. JAKEl UIICOJAL 1201 Via Lido. .ewpost .._. IIA.rtMw 1110 .... Job a. ........ a.ct.w Sunday services: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communlon, 9:15 a.m. 11 a.m. Sunday school: 9:15a.m. mom. ing prayer and ae.rmon, U a.m. worship service. T h u r a d a y Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. ---ST. JOD VIAinUT 31. Martae Aft.. ..U..C. 1a1aD4 IIAJtMIIt lilt Fcrtbe l~lley .• ,__ F.U.. ... TU A.-t. Sunday MaSMS: 7:00a.m. 11 9:00 a.m. Confealon: Satu.rd•r and eves. ot 1st Frld~ an Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:10 p.m.; J1nt Frtday x.. 8 a.m.. SUmmer Mus, luly and AuCUJt Su.nda.7, 11 a.m. CZIIftAL ..,. cau*'* d.~:. a:.! ........... La •• ...._ A.A.• .......... Su~ Sdaool: t :.S L11L Mom· ~~ 11:00: Eftn.lnl ._.. .... ""' 7:10. Klcl-...ec Berv· Ice. Wedneada,, 7:.30 p.m. Youq people meet e:15 p.m. Sunday. All of us, at the Parkes-Ridley Mortuary, are aware of this tendency, and try to assist the family in making a selection well within their means. The family's welfare comes first; that is one of the concepts upon which this organization was founded thirty years ago. HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Hubor Blvd. at Olaler IU)IWI!Il,Y 5-ml8 Sunday IChool t :30 a.m..~ wonb.lp 11 a.m. You.q people ..-.tee 8:31 p.m..· ftftlq ~ ... ...see 7:30 p.m. KlcJ...-k ....see '7:30 p.-. ·~- PARKES·RI DLEY MOilTUAilY 110 ••OAOW~Y COlT~ M&l~ LllltlTY 8· 3433 .. "..:!2.L~ . • • , ' Wilbur C. Wagner, D.C. -~P1 --~n:=;, 31C <*all A..._ ...... .,.. omc.: II7IIIt •a-. -.: .......... tw. Dlrecta~r 11 made p c rlble by aa.-c:lt'IN .. hr..W IIWa"'lllll~r•-• WOOOWEMtTH PIANO SHOP bel111tN .a.--8aNwta ..._ 2610 I. c..t Hwy. Her. ~.a c.-. ...... NIWJOIT HMIOI MNC .... a. Celli..... . C. sa .Iii W. New Provisionals Honored By Jr. Assistance League Mew provlltOnala of the lunJor Al80 honored were Mn.. Ed· A.Mbta~ LHrue were honored wud )Ollett. wnlor AM~atanc:e Tu8Ctay at a luncheon held at LMaue prellldent, and Mna. Au.a· the Learue Social ~nter. lntro· tin 8tW1eYant. JunJor advt.or. duoed to t,be members were pro· 16& Earl Petenon. flnrt vlce· vl&lonala Kmea. lam• Laws of ebalrmall ot the JunJor~t wu In Bay Shore., lamea F. Penney of dla.r,e of the luncheon, ualfted Costa Meu. John C. Penney of .by lilm8. Boland Lacerlof, Nor· Costa Meu, G. WUIIam Grundy man Gamble, Jack Broertng, Mor· of Lido, Edward Jarvia of Shore p.n Noble, Robert crowner, wu . Clltra and lack Richa.nUon of Uam Bettulelt. Peter Barrett, Ed· Newport Heights. ward JUchardaon, Edward Boyd Your . Health What Ia CIS important as getting well? StC!Jing well. That's why you go to the doc· tor a.a 800n a.a you fe-el sick, you say . . . (Haven't been recently becau~e every thing seems all right.) Here too, appearance may be deceiving. Let's examine some fundamental8 of "getting slck." L CaWJ&-Interference to con · trol or certain areas of the body (normally reaulated by the brain). 2. Malfunction of the organs Involved, resulting In chemJcal imbalance In the body. 3. Symptoms of dla<:omfort ap· pear. 4. Degeneration and act u a 1 organic chanaes occur. NOTE: The thlrd ataee of UJ. ness 1a reached before there ls any awareness of trouble. With· out reallz:lng their Importance one mlaht take a sedative to dis· pel auch symptoms as headache, nausea, or tension, and tempo· rarlly submerse them. Also, the Jntelleglence which maintains the body, lncreues the functions of other organs to compensate a disturbance. Thus the symptoms may dis· appear and every thing seems all right. for a tlme. The fourth phase therefore l.s frequently present before the patient Is aroused to correct the situation. Awareness of the four stages or Illness l.s a big factor toward prevention which should be our primary concern. How can step one be beaded oft? Control of all parts or the body Ia exerted by the brain acttna throu&h the wwo• 4 t•+ Mlllkle8 ol ct.ll· cat. .,... ..-tn aDcl out ol ........ ., .... ....,.. Deta tcqutten t1r overlooked ( expo • u r e, 0\lenrcrk, falla, .trains etc.) frequently mlaa.llgn the.e spinal segments, lrrltattne the nerves. Thla alters the func· tton of the parts they serve and Jowers body resistance. Because of the lapse of time before symptoms appear how can you discover If such spinal distortion has occured! The Doctor of Chiropractic has the training and equipment to locate such disturbance. ere· fore periodic spinal check· provided roc the detection and eltmlnatlon of this major cause of disease. BEFORE greaf harm is done. This Is Inexpensive, true insurance. The majority of people have turned to Chiropractic only after other methocla fall. M difficulty multiplied, ~Teat changes have tak~n place In the body.· When atepa are taken through Chiropractic to reverse the trend, Jt Ia only natural that certain temporary effecb. Time and cooperation are necessary for the body to make the repairs and adjustmenb requited for normal function. (Remember how a cramped limb had to "wake up" after pinched nerves caused It to ••go to sleep?) Avoid the dl.tcomtorta or m. nesa. It l• more desirable (and tnexpenaive) to stay healthy through reaular check ups. Un· dentand and prevent the cause. See your Chiropractor regularly. R. E. HENDRICIS .. D. C. ,.._,...._.., •• aa• 700~eo.-.aMar I I and Richard Park. Mre. Forrest Neal, chairman, called for a report on the seventh annual Candy Cane Ball, to be held at the Balboa Bay Club on Dec. 9. Mrs. Robert Crowner. way. and mean. chairman, announced the following committees: Mrs. Wllllam L e s t e r , reservations; Mrs. Fred Kuster, decorations; Mrs. Frank Ma.rcellu. lnvita· tiona; Mrs. Edward Boyd, flow· en; Mrs. Sheldon Craddock. tlcl<· eb; Mrs. Robert Hartley and Mrs. Morgan Noble, reception: Mrs. Hugh Hutson and Mrs. Dean Bradford, publicity. Date for the A.salstance League Follies was announced as May 25 and 26 at the fiewp«t Harbor High School Auditorium. aDIAS GO TO KElDCO Mr. and Mn. Keith RJma, 3911 Marcus, Newport Island, have left for Mexico. The trip will last six weeks and Include Mazatlan and Guaymas. SATUIDAY,OCT.21UI BIGGEST DAY MD IlCHT OF THE YEAR!. ~ ))~Luul during the day in the evening TWO ...... ,. IIIHIIflil .... .., ........ ....,,., ...... .., ........ ...,. ..... ....,.. ...... .. ••••trs tf Well Dlstty's Mttlc ......... ,. .. ....... ,_ .. ,.m ..... s...w-1 .. .. ............. ,....... ......... ., .• ..sac.w .. Sfldlall• ~ .. ·.s "··.,.. .... 7,. •. ...... "_ ..... ,...lkbt ... ll .. il ...... llf.I.W .,_ ..... ftJS ..... -*,SUir.-.. .. 12; ........,, $1111 .... SUI. --~ ..... ...., ..... lAllA AlA fiiiWAY AI IAIIII ILYJ.•AIAIIIM ) they will gain grace, poiae, and balance that will stay with them through life. • Cl'lld of Lido ~; Ccrol C.... S. ...._ VLew Scbool ~ aacS ltr&. llarftoy ._._ CID- dlatnaaa. Left to r19Jat Ia tbe b.:tE ,... ... lin. llelftla Waboa. CIO·ctMN-aa: lin. J.tt an.s. bary. pnas.t of tbe Jf.wpoct .... Sdlool PTA. aacS Jln. JOMpla c:ar.w. ...U.. of Ccro1 c:an.. ad ...--.t of a.. ..... Eulp Sdaool ldMol 'P1 A. ( Eulga l'boto) Scouts Speak At BPW Meet Scouting activities were de- tcribed to the Business and Pro· f..tonal Women's Club at thelr meeting last Thursday ln New· port Harbor Yacht Club. Gene McCandlish, an eagle ICOUt from Costa Mesa. told ot hls trip to the World Jamboree held at Niagara Lake, Canada. Doug ~ddlck and John Van Dyke of Corona Highlands. told of tht> lO.OOO·mlle tour made by the scouts of Explorer Post 17. represf'ntlng Newport Beach. Lyn S. Barton. advl110r of the group, showed slides of the trip. A spt>Cial guest of the evening was Carol King, Mlss Lobster Bake of 1955. Carol was the can· dldate sponsored by the club. Other guests at the meeting were Elsie Eggett, Lura MclCen· zle. Sybil Lewls. Allee Fox. Sara I Blatterman. Margie RJchardaon. Erslt> Stephens. Florence Bauer. I Edna Jacober. &oily ~a. Doone Lawson, Tony Babrt D I an e Frut>hllng. Lee Bernard, Dorothy 1 Williams. Dorothy Zabelski and Nettle Wlse. Deb Ball Pians Are Discus.sed • • • of sat:ial note Santa Coming on Early Trip Deroratlons for the holiday de- butante ball to ~ given 0«. 28 by the-Children's Home .::.0Cie1y wert> discusst'd Tuesday with artist Lyell Buttermore at the luncheon met>tlng held at the Shore Cliffs home of Mrs. J. H. Caldwell, 223 Evenlng Canyon Rd. Re«-nlly mar-ried at the Com· munlty Church In Lake ArroW· bead were LH Vader and Miss Margaret Blonk. The brJde has recently come to thl5 country from Germany. The couple are Jiving In Beacon Bay. • • • Col. Elmer J. Wiles of 515 Mar· laold Ave .. Corona del Mar, Ls Glamour Glimpses By AJflf lue you a spook! Well this Is almost Hallowe'en and It's pos· sible that this week.end Lt Is a very popular thing to be a spook, but u a general rule "a spook" ls not the best description tor a gal---and turtbermore 'lff:f know a place wbere )'0\l ean ehaqe all tllat wWa a UttJe help oe what to..., aad bow to .... tt. Lltld .. .,.....,. ~· .... .. llllt ...,.... -.... ......... ·--••• oOaen bwtftt. too. 1'aiDe lin. Z. t. exa•ple. wbo carae tato <naiEJf"' tbe otaa. day. .... wa a .,.....tall ..U.. banleaecl wttll boaMIIold car. ad dLU· dna. CIDd llli.s .,.cldealy Wt .... llli.s lo.t -..ua t. .,... ....... U.ply by M91«'t· ... ... clotllee aDd ... pel'· MIIGl appeaa.... •J .... 80 dowdy aDd tloadl.,.. abe Cllll• ~ to ...... CYar1ea. "1 cloa't Jm.w ............. J'O'l' aDCDt ~.Wbelp. .. WeU, starting right at the basic begtnntne or things-a good girdle and a well-shaped bra- she was eoon looldna AND feel· lng better. The new 1955 long- torso look was molded out of the sagging middle and a new fiat· terlne bra line gave Mrs. X. a fleure she'd fcu-eotten she bad. F• tllclt -~aJ occaa1oa• •b.kll bCid bnagbt ... to o-.mmn 1a u.. ftnt pa... abe cboee fraaa ........ •attw u..-eta••••• u.. ... u.at CICid· ed a toacll of 91-oar ad ~-...u-· 1119 a--'..._, .. eoa.w. 1M deecl1bed to .... O'artaa )1aft .... 111..,_ ......... .. wttll ........ ad .... ... tMy -~~ -..... bit ol ....._. ,.....,., to ..e oa u.. eta-. A almple little wool dress (easy on the budget> was chosen Lot such occulons aa the nelahbor· hood coffee klatch and a PTA committee meeting. A s m a r t leather belt and a colotfUl scarf worn In a new way suuested by Mla O'Brien made the ensemble ntremety mart. lln.Z.Ia,._ .... ..-y ....... _ ..... .__, ............. llt'lle ... .................... 1 ......... __,- ..., --~'S 11M 1 ...tl1 Mat..._ .... Y•o ................. ..................... -•ur•::--17'• .,.. ... _, ,_ .... ........ .,.,... ........ IIIia a-Ia ..e...., s m --rc..':L, . . , .. ~ ... home from the naval hospital at Corona, where he was taken fol· lowing a heart attack. Mrs. WUea saya he 15 much better. • • • IIMIIill o ..... FerW•••'sl.aape Mrs. Phllmer Ellerbroek. Mrs. WUllard Jordan and Mrs. Richard Plegn were elected to the noml· natlng committee at the Oct. 18 meetlng of the Women's Archl· tectural IAague or Orange Coun· ty, held at the home of Mrs. Her· bert Brownell In Bay Shorn. Proposed by-laws were pre· sented by the prHident. ~ Kermit Dorius. Next meeting wlh be held Nov. 15 at the borne of Mrs. Jocdan. Present at the meetlne were Mmes. Paul Davis. WUllam Faul· ker. Raymond Harvt')', Richard Pleger, Stan Bell. lim Smith. Les· ter Schwager. Wlllard lotdan, Marvin Renfro, KennJt Dorius. John Nordbak, Everett Patk:s. ltaymond Johnson, FrederIck Roc'Jcdon. Heorbert BrowMll and Etarold ~elL Ewsapl•• Ill I 1r11 Santa Claus wiU make his first local appearance or the year this evening (Thursday) when the Women of the Moose bold tht>lr annual Christmas · In · Octobt>r proll'am. The party will be held at Thompson Hall, Costa Mesa Community Church. A speelal Invitation has been extended to the new members of the Loyal Ordn of MOOK' r«E>nt · ly Instituted In Costa Mesa and their wives. In charge of the SO· clal will be Mrs. Herbert Shot'· maker and Mrs. Jot' Pine. mem· ben of the Mooseheart Commit· tet>, and Mrs. Durl npplng and Mrs. Archie Ostrander, membt>rs of the Moosebaven Commltlee. Mrs. Tod Oviatt. president ot the Nf'Wport Auxiliary, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Frederic Clury pr~nted tht> program. a short talk on tht' origin and work of tht' society and how It SE"rves the needs or C'hlldR>n and adopt· lng part>nts In the state. Buffet Slated For Nov. I 7th You11 sparkle Jlkt-t.be raindrops, when you...., tbla KNne Pla.at.lc Sllkerette trln\JMd with h.an4 eaeeued popple. gUtterina wtth a hundred rblnestones in Pink. Blue. Cleat with White. Sl.as 8 to 18. 22.95 1111111'1 LIDI IIIIET wtaiAJ..UK Everybody's Invited to the An· nual P.T.A. Carnival on the Hor· ace Ensign School Campu.a . . . Dress up, Mom and Dad, and brlne the kids and have your- selves a Hallowe'en Ball ... This Saturday tbe 29th ..• 2·8 p.m. . . . Dress Parade at 6 . . . A midway ot 50 booths, eames. Merry.go-round ... Fun for all . .. Plenty to eat, so you can plan on dinner ... Put on by the combined efforts of the Horace Ensign and New-port Element.ary P.T .A.s, the proceedJ will go tor Student Ald and Welfare Func:la. Plenty of costumH ready and waiting on our Merzanlne Shop. • • • Cot a "''=1= Ja,ady? QJde 0... foaz ..... Tw•t.lrf· ... ~ l ... n.ct's a.t ~ •.• ,._ cbde .... a.i tbJee COUICwtift -r... Mys. Jfoo bw L 15 _. II ••• Y .. -.. 911t a date ••• Or· .... c.a.t eou.,. c.,._ Sdtoo.L 1Jdo TbMtN. tt•···· A..ll. , • • Co apactbi9 ..... ..... all of tbe 1Jdo IMpa ... tbe loat!Mn c...u-a. Coaapaay .......... I MeoiJd Jut wtaiaper • • • T.. pta baYe .,... aaldJI9 lor uu. •.• ADd wbo ...... to ....... trad.ltiaa of Coo~ .... aftw o .. yean .•• La.t ,... ... wtaiMd ... l.Jdo 'fteaW ..... twiAa ••• • • • Sure we all know how to cook ... Now you take an old Mama doggie like me . . . Married 18 yt>ars . . . I know how to cook . . . But 1 can honestly aay rve nev~ on~ llst~ned in on a cook- Ing lesson with OCC swinging the frylne pan that r haven't taken home a car load of excl· ling new tJ1ck'n treats to sur- prise my Papa doegte and two pups .,r1th . . . Ylpe! With the Holiday Season comlna up I don't want to be caucht with my Imagination down! I'm going to high tall It to the Cooking School next Tuesday! • • • Three Local Experts Named To Oil Advisory Committee 1'hrM local ~ldenu were •P· pointed by Newport City Council Monday ewntnr to a«ve on a Technical OU Advlllory Commit· tee for the city. AU three ate wld~ly reoorntze<t authoriUe. with broad experience 1n the oll industry. Dee. :10 u election day on an· nexatlon ot tht Seaqulat parcel. the bloclt between 15th and 16th at:reeb and Irvine and 1\tatln avenue-. Newport Hetrhta. • Approved a re.oJuUon ap· polntJnr ~lectJon oWcen and de.tcnatlnr poUin• placea tor the Dec. 6 special ~lectlon on the proposition to amend the Charter to provide tor election of council members by c:U.trlct. John F. Dodp of Beaeon Bay Is ch airman ot the rroup. In 1924 he joined the firm which later became Standard Oil ol Calllor· nla. H.e was professor of petrol· eum enrlneerlnr at USC trom 1929 to 1945, then spent three years In South America, return· lng to Calllornla In 1948 to be· come a consulting petroleum en· glneer. • Received letters from Lloyd Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Theo· dore Harrlnaton protestlne street lighting In Corona del Mar; filed· the letters tor a future hearlnr. • Received a letter from Dr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Scholz pro- testing the plan to route a Free- way along Filth Ave. In Coro na del Mar; fUed the letter tor a future bearing. The other two members are Paul Paine ot Shore Clilfs and Edward R. MIUett Jr. of Balboa. Mr. Pain~ took hla first job In 1909, with Matson's Honolulu 0 11 Corporation. Hla early train· Jng was at Massachu.etts Instl· tute of TechnolofY. UntU bla re· tlrement last year, he was tor 18 years a director of the Kern County Land Co. He la one ot the founders and owners of Forma.x 011 Co. and continues limited practice for such clients as Twen· tieth Century Fox Corp. • Received five letters protest· lng a playgroun8 and bueball diamond on Balboa ocean front between A and B streets; agreed to hold the letters pending re- ceipt of such proposal from the Park CommissJon. The letters came trom Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warden, Mrs. John K . Elliott. E. H. Michael, Mrs. Jaye D. McKal· son , Ida Berger and Mrs. Edwin Draper. Mr. Millett has served as exec· utlve secretary uf the Calllomla Natur al Gasoline Assn. since 1947. He joined Union 011 In 19Z7 following training at Pomor1a College; lett Union In 1931 and took up practice as a consulting englnl'cr. Hl' served with the Army In World War II and fol· lowing the wa r was In charge of all petro leum operations for civil· fan use In Japan and Korea. Mr. Dodge said that his com · mlttee will ho ld an early ml'l't· lng with staff members of Mon. terey Oil Co. Monterey.Humblc Is pumping o1l from 10 wells bot· tomed In the offshore oil pool. and the 11th well Is now dl"llllng a t a depth of 4.750 fl'et. OthE-r council activity at Mon· day evening's ml'etlng included: • Approved a r~lutlon setting Qn.ce ~ a..d ~ee -tk UYAt; rpoifl;b& ~ Exciting Colors , ... SfaiNianl ry,._,., .. ,.,.,. Slae f ... II .... "' ... . e-.... ., ...... ..,. .. : • Accepted a gift of 21 books from Mrs. Sidney Sanders, 133 Shorecllft Rd .. Shore Cliffs, for the Newport Library. • Granted the BPW request for frl'e use of the Ba lboa parking lot for the Dl'C. 2 and 3 Christmas Preview. • Authorizl'd City Manager Sailors to lease the city sign· board at the western entrance of the city for $20 a m onth. lnqulr· ies for leasing the sign h ad been rl'ceived from Dick Richard, Ma · son Siler and William Harvey. leretlith Will111 To Talk Hlow.4 Meredith Willson of Beverly Hills. radio and tt-levislon per· sonallty and musical director and composer, will be the gut>st speaker along with Mary Grl'l'r Scarborough at her Nov. 4 book review. the second In the series offered by the PI Beta Phi Soror· ity Alumnat-Cl ub of South Coast. The lecture series will bf held in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mr. Willson ls the writer of ''Fre-edom Song." which was uaed country.wide on United Nations Day, and la the authOI' of "Egp I Have Laid" and other books. CDK COIOI11JOTT CIIVJICB "A Protestant Protests" Is the serm on top ic for .Reformation Sunday, Oct. 30. The-Rt>v. Edwin C. Gomke will preach at both rluplicate services. 9:45 and 11 a .m. Choir dedication will also be observed. Mary B. Steffensen. minister of music, will direct all five choirs participating: Carol choir (grades 1, 2, 31; Pilgrim choir (girls 4th grade through junior high I; King David choir 1 boys Ath grade through junior high): Chapel choir (high school and coUege students), whI c h sings every Sunday at the early service and the Chancel choir ladultsl. which provides music ror the 11 o'clock service. Other •apoob f..U.SUM"' thJ.a weelr..ad cue the Amertam Legtoa AuxllJary DI.D.Der ckmce cmd coctume ball oa Scrta.rday. the kids party at the CoCDt Super Ma:rbt Saturday a:fterDOOD a:ud the lkl1bocr Bay Cub ldda party with Peptlo a:ud Jocm.De hrN eatertaiiWlg oa Saturday e"NA1Dg. (Terry Borla photo) Ci\\ARRINER'S STATIONERS • BOOKSELLERS 225 fOf'esl Avt. Phone: HY ~544 LAGUNA BEACH A Clossifled Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediate resu lts! Call Harbor 1114-1 1 I 5 and orove it! CRAJCPACJfE FASBJOJfS for cocktcdL d1aDer CIDd formal wear wen modeled TuHckry from 11 a.m.. to C p.ID. at Ma:rllp'a fCDbloD appclftl abop 1D C:O.ta M.a. Ma:rilp Friedrich. owaer of JCa:rilf1l'a. poees ben 1D a •champc19De bour"' .,....,. blfhllgbted with J..,.la cmd a full aet aldrt. TllJ.a waa ODe of the IDCIIlJ 90WU c:nated by aucb dMigaen aa hr~. Ked Ccmtot cmd acubanl of lfew 1'orlt abOWII darl.D9 tbe day (KayMte pboto) From our Record Dept. • • • RCA VICTOR RECORDS PERSONAL IUSIC SERVICE Tbe Nu.alc You Wa:ut ••• Dlrect To 1'oar Do. S.O.S. ·Radio & T. V. RADIO -TELEVISION -Hl..fl n.. Sbop or PBOKE llad»or 0710 or 4612 322 MAJUJfE AVL aALBOA JSLAJm CHIUSTIA.Jf SCIEXCE CBtJBCB The Lesson ·Sermon on "Ever· lasting Punlahment" at the New· port Christian Science churc.h Sunday will Include Petff's rala· lng of Dorcas from death as re· lated In Acts (9:40). Peter wu called to come and restore thla rreat woman who was always busy helping others. It Is re· corded that as soon u be ar· rived, Peter "kneeled down, and p.rayed; and turnJnr him to the body said, Tabitha, arlae. And she opened her eyes: and when the saw Peter, she sat up." HEADQUARTERS F. YOUI FIIEPUOE EISEIILEIIIOCEII.ES • .,.. •••• <• at..,..,._) • A.WDIIIOIII (..-y ...,_) • PIIIUftl (4-p&) • LOCI GaAUI e WOOD UID!'I e aa.&.OWI • 1800111 e IWW DOOai&D IIA'I'CIID • f'J••'LACII Cllft'I'Aiol • .......... 7-PIEGE ... 11181 -.u a.o.~Dr••., IOLIDDA ....... & ar..aar ... AU. ILACir ....,. HACI· Oftlr __.,A1' & nmA1' 'TIL I • ............,_~ ... waa ... n. Clint c .. ,.~p •• Pia• 11111111 Calla Ralph Myers, In charge of the Community Chest drive for the Corona del Mar buslneu dlatrlct. said this week that volunteer workers will call on all bual· nesaes next Tuesday, Wednes· day, Thursday and Friday. "Be prepared to efve," he aaJd. A.sslatlng him will be Mlk~ Myers, Richard Hilliard, Mark Soden, John Unruh, Frank lor· dan, Mabel Fltmlorrls, A. K. Phelps, Harold Hetrick, Jack Crlstleld and Chet Farrar. I Won•t Run. SaysCoi.Andy Fonner Coundlman and ex· Mayor Andrew W. SmJth, who hu been accused of promotlnr the comJne charter amendment electJon to further hJa own poUtl· cal uplraUon., wu &lla!d by the Enatrn thJt Wedt lt he wlll run aratn tor Kewport Ctty CouncU. Hta aft.IW• wu "'Jifo." Plot to Steal Harbor Hi Bell Proves a Dud Friday Anglers Win 'Trophies Mn. ~ llaptan ot Mew· l"'fta del Mar, aAd Kn. a., Call port Belabta won a trophy 1« ot Balboa, ahared the )adl;pot t~ the .,._telt pounclap of flab the ,_tellt nu-. ot flah and P. Fred John.eon a trophy tot e&Uibt. eadl decldn1 four the larpet n.b when 18 mem· ' ben ot the Friday Analen Luncheon Club went ttahJnr All your printinQ nMda will be Sunday aboard the Frontier from hondled conv.nientf9 end court- the BaU~ Pavilion. .oudy in the com.,.tely-equip- Mr. John.tOn abo won the Jack· ped Job Printinq Department of pot for the larr•t flah. Mrs. ~our Horbor A,..o Newspaper. Hopton, Dr. Ted Clarke, ot eo. The Ensiqn, 11(}4 Coest Bt, COM. LAGU A BEACH End of MOnth Values ,{ WOlD'S IIESSES IEPRICD GROUP 1 GROUP 2 $4e00 $6.00 Ble sell'Ctlon of higher priced dresses reduced to clear our stock. Rayon·Nylons·Cottons -We h ave selection In aolld colors and prints. Brok en sizes 10 to 20 and hail sizes. SAVE SAVE SAVE ELECTRIC BLANKET A real saving on a full slze Electric ,15 Blanket that has a two year guarantee. You will enjoy this blanket during the w inter nights. Several colors to select from. NO La·Aways. REMNANTS Y2 PRICE Cotltla-IIJI•a-l•r...Or.,..,. IYLOI 81 EID BUllET A,........._ Nylon blanbt tb.a'wtll atve both warmth and beauty. Satlft bowlcJ and It Ja wub· able. Full fashioned 60 gauge 15 denier NYLON Hose tha t Is full of service a nd beauty. And the price la so every one can take advantage of the savings. IIFIITS FITTED CRIB SlEET SanforlzedTaped corners. Needs no Ironing. lEIS OUnll PIJIIAS A real sav ings on MeM Outlnr Pajamu In coat or middy style. Sizes A·B a nd C only. lEIS COIDURDY SHIRTS 77~ Men tha t like a real ahlrt for comfort ·r and wear a buy you should t•k~ advant· • age of. Size Smali·M~.·Large, and the colora are Green·Blue·Bed·Yellow·teal. • lEIS FUIIEL UIITI Real colorful and warm FlanMI Sport Shlrt.a that are wuhable by machl~ Full cut and 10 comfortable. Slz.H SmaU·Med. La.rre. No L&y.Awaya. lAUZE 111PE11 Special woven·Pinked ~re.. Rapidly drytnr. •• IIEII a.TI Juat think a real Broadcloth Dreu Sblrt In Putel colon. New Craft collar. Banel aleeve wft.b one button cuff. Slza 14% to 17. .. 1'lnNIDAY.OCI~If, ... Ruling Asked on BluR Construdion in CDM Charles Fipps. owner of a num· there Is no restriction against ber of lots on the Corona del Mar building above the bluff level, bluff, asked Newport City Coun-they pointed out. ell Monday evening If there is A legal ruling has to be made any restriction against building on the question of putting a ga. above the bluff level on those rage on top of a two-s tory dwell· lots. He also wanted to know If I lng, they sa id. the two story limit on dwellings would prohibit the construction --1-1-6--11--U-.-• ....._ .... i -,-- of a garage on top of a two-story . I ' II I house. He said h(' had r('C('ived pur- chase ortc>rs for some of h is lots, and tha t the prospective buyers wanted to know what type of construction Is p<>rmltted. He said that he had ~n told that bluff dwellings could not extend above the curb llmJt of Ocean Blvd. Accompanying Mr. Fipps at the Council meeting were H a r r y Blodgett. who wu representing him as hls attorney, and builder Charles Masters, who wanted to buy and build on one of the Flp~ Jots. Counc il reterred the questJon to City Manager John S&Jlors for answer. Mr. S&Uora and City Enctneer Bert W...., eQlalnect altef tbe IDilltJnJ that tbe CJt;y Cou.ndl bu -..bllthed a poUey of re- qulrlnr CouncU approval at any plana for access to bluU Iota trom Ocean Blvd. acr018 the right-of· w ay along the blurt. However, Business must've been good at the Horvath RE oftlce. Frank a nd wiCe just arrived home from a Ban!f and Lake Louise holiday and now Curle Fishback or that office Is driving a new blue Packard. • • • Which all reminds us of an old say1ng <modified): ''He who whispers down a we ll, about the hou.se he h as to sell, ''Will never drive a fancy Cad, like him who buys an Ensign ad." • • • NewpOrt took a bow at the re· cent California Real Estate Con· vnt.km •he'll eopa. crt U.. book by loeal !loud member Lot. Vopl. "Bow to leU Beal r..tate." were ~ted u priiee at the women's luncheon. • • • There seems to be a whole n ock oC new members oC the Realty Board. or course t heir a p- plications were turned In bt'rore IIELP W AJn'ED lEI Job now open In SANTA AN A to high school graduates, age 18--45 These are career jobs with excel- lent opportunities for advancement. IAUIE lEI CLERKS and COISTRUCnON HELPERS 5-Day Week. Paid vacatlons and holidays, medical coverage available to employees and dependents, Co. paid pension and dlsabllity plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SA.MTA ANA Mon. ·hl I A.M..f P .K. ....... coumn lAS CO. JOE LITILEFIELD TO SHOW MOVIE TO FUCHSIA SOC1ETT Joe Littlefield, g arden cons ult· ant. wlll s how a "Garden Chats" movie and discus garden prob· lems nt the meeting of the Costa Mest-Bay Cities branch of the C.llfornla National Fuchsia So· clety at 7:30p.m. Tuesday In the Everett A. Rea School auditor· lum. Hamilton lllld Meyer Sts., Costa Mesa. Friday's open house. but w<>'ll 1---------------bet they're doubly proud to b<' SERVICES ------ " Clossified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediote result\! Coli Horbor 111 4-1115 and orove it ! Knit y.., Christmas .niDW! ~--:_~. $1 ... -. ..... --s one ....... ..... _......,...dlp••w ,.._ ........ cdlCIO&on. Plllllilll • ...., &a -. a...u., EWellltl•lllll's YARN SHOP rl#r z. ce.t ....... C... ... ,._. IU .s7 •ova Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. members aCter looking over the ------------- Newport Harbor Board's new UftH£1 I SHIIIOI home overlooking Newport Har· p1iNTfNc CONTRACTORS bor! Here are the new'ns: Doro· thy Faye Fleer and Clora Lynch. "Color m atching a specialty'' VVor~anahlp guaranteed associates with Island Realty; 416 Femleal, Corona del Mar Victor M. Klingensmith. asSO<:I-127"' 30th St., Newport ate with the Balboa Bay a nd Harbor 0347-R or Harbor oon.w Beach office, and Helen B. Baum. associate with the firm's Lido of· flee; Antonio M. Soares, associate with Paul C. Jones realty; John Teagle. associate with W. E. Fish · er; Richard Rude, associate with Homer Shafer; Mary Reynolds. associate with Art Adair ; Esther Bennett, associate with Rex Rechs ofllce, and Samuel Hur- wltt. an active and multiple Jist· lng member with Seven Islands Realty and Investment Co., 503 32nd St., Newport. • • • Over 100 euesta and members were at the open house of the ~alty Board lut Friday (a Jot of them didn't aJgn the book l with the new home a nd every· body In 1t all spruced up . . . artd lots ot pretty plants and flowers. Otfictattne at the punch bowl and tldblta wn-e JNn SmJth. Charlotte Fulola, Ruth Seeley, Ethel Shirley, Vl Clapper and Katy Olaon. And denoting the absence of Ralph Mukey wu a letter on the bulletin board stating that "so they wouldn't miss b lm too much" they could tend alona to bta ottJce 80me of the retrftbmenta and be would drink to all their healths when he eot back. Mr. Mukey wu at· tendJnr a fair commJtt.M meet· lnr up In Fresno. 4-3 Vote OK's 15-Ft. Setback A request for a setback vari- ance for a dwelling at Driftwood Rd. a nd Morning Ca nyon Rd. In Shore Cllrfs was granted to Dr. J . R. Longley by Newport City Council after a lengthy debate Monday evening. A portio n of the dwelling will be ~t back 15 feet from Drift· wood Rd. (designated as a side- street for that corner loll, whlle the remainder of that side ot the dweJllng will be set back 25 teet. In line wltb other houses front- Ing on DriftWood Rd. Attorney Donald Dunga n rep- r~nted some 62 Shore CUffs property owners protesting the 15·foot setback. The objectors claimed It wou1d add to traffic peril at the comer and did not conform to the established char- acter of the subdivision. City At· tomey Katl Davia said that Dr. Lonaley wu legally entitled to the partial 15-fbot tetback. whlcb contorm.a wlth Sb<lft CUtts deed retrtrlctJons on that particular lot. ..... ,.. 18JUIItaalmpoii1mda WIIEBEyou_,..._ The Plannlnf CommlssJon had voted 3 to 2 last 1llursday to recommend approval. Co u n e II voted 4 to 3 to ,rant the requat. Councllmen San<ty MacKay, Lee WUder, Gcald Bennett and Stan.J.,-aldOerbor wted ya MQW Dora am and Coundlmen 1. 1. Sb'Sclu'CI ancS ~ Blc· ble~no. .... OW WaD IIIIC2 ·- --···· • 2·bedt. home and apt., com- pletely fumhhed -In very desirable l~atlon. Full price, only $11,800 • ISLAND RUL TY CO. 498 Park, Balboa Wand HA 377 IIlii lEW A cute little home of 3-bdrs., 2 battt.. le. living rm. opens to sh eltered patJo. wood panel tlnlsh In living room and dining room . Buy now and have your choice of colors. Priced $28.750 • • • ODOR VIEW 4·bedr. home, den, 2 baths, hardwood and c a r pete d floors, $45,000, Submit down. • • • BAY SHORES BARUII 3· bedr. Living room 15x20, flreplace, fence, co v e r e d pa tio can't be duplica ted for This Pric-e Reduced to $1 8,500 Earl W. SlalleJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Call Harbor 1T75. or Bayside Office Ha rbor 3297 Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louls Boynton Harbor 2878 e ,.,.,.., ClilaC.n e View-VIew-VIew Check your broker ..• brokt>r check your Jl.nlngs. Can you beat 4-bedrms.., 2 baths. dln· tng rm.. llv1ng rm.. lee. bluU lot, 400 sq. tt. of plate glass to brine the yacb~ world Into the Jiving area ... Can you beat It! 531,100 Terms We'll and deal- Call Georre Moore Harbor 1600--eves. HA l588·J Hart. I•,•••• 30th and Newport Blvd. Newport ~ach w l'oo Lnte to Cla.ny FOR RENT: older 5-room bou~. furnished. utilities paid, S70 a month. Phone HA 5213-W. WOOUTEls sold only by Petite VIlle in CDM. It Is the cold watl'r soap for washing aU woolen s. 3409 E. Coast Hlway. SITIJATION WANTED-reliable baby t'are. evenings, Corona del Mar. HA 2925-W COROllA DR IAR Vogel Va.lue Immaculate 2 be-droom home. I~ rooms. loveiy fenced yard with patio lr BBQ. BacheloT apartment on the rear. The Income unit can be used tot detray1ng all expenses. Only $14,500. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 BILL'S BEST BUY n1 THE DJTE Almost new 2-bedrms. and den on large lot among towering trees and beautiful homes of finest custom quality. Flreplace, 2 baths. service room. dbl. gar., large patio, nice lawns and shrubs. For those desiring the best. All rooms are large. Priced at $19.500-but owner Is very anxious. Good terms to right buyer. See this! W. A. TOBIAS, ReaHor -yuu'U like our friendly service !Neo.v address--400 E. lith St.> COSTA MESA Uberty S 1139 NICE HARDWD. nrs., 3·bedr. with 1', baths on 68x~ lot. Wired Cor 220. It's a real buy. Submit your down. $9,000 full price . • • • M-1 Investment. 86x475, h igh. level, on Placentia. $12.500, with terms. • • • 3 BEAUTIFUL new Back Bay homes with view. 3 It • bedrms., 2 baths. From $19,950 to $28.500. C&ll us to ~these. HIUSTDI IEALn 1H 111111._ 509 Center St .. Costa Mesa, Uberty 8·6911 Ev~ and Sun. Seymour Harbor 5298-W Lytle Liberty 8-2542 Petite Liberty 3-5487 I UIIT CIUIT Almost new, EutaJde eo.ta Mesa. 6400 Sq. Ft. olllvtJla area plua garaa-. and p~ below the ~ ol l'@l)ro· ductlon. All unJq rented, Income tsOO pe-r month. ToU.I prtce $52.500. f1nn. ll'fWEV S.lllti.IIJ,IIL JU2 Kewport 81vd .. Newport I .. ,..., ART C. m1tER CO .• REAL ESTATE ................. llbapatiiiiiMia .... ..__,•IIIIM , ··- • • • "START LIVING .. NOW IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOME:! AND OTilERS lJNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purcbue In the S24,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely r«<mmend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. Th~ homes feature Cal!lornla living. Ottered exclu-sively through Earl W. stanley In a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terra~n Coast Hlebway opposite the new lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. • For recommenda'tlon, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Baysbores or Cutt Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther Information . BEF.E YOU BUY TRY FRliCIS J. HMVITH, Ruiter 2216 Newport Blvd 3420 W. Balboa Bl vd U 8 5101 Harbor 1428 COSTA MESA l ·bedrm . older home. do~ to stores and boule\'ard .. .. ... $ 5.250.00 2. 1-bed.rm . large lot. room for umts In Cront, low dn. . . . . . 7,000.00 3. 2 bedrm., l ·YT ·Old. h.w noors. fireplace, larg~ lot. low down . .. 10,400.00 4. 3· bedrm., older home. large l.r.. d.r , kitchen. A·l condition, stU('('() and plaster Also bam . ch •ckl'n bouse and garage. Nl'ar Newport Blvd. . . . . 12,000.00 5. Ideal site for that prof essiOnal or bust- ness bldg. On Broadway at Fullerton cor· ner. 110 x 125 feeL Submit o!fer and terms. You'll be sorry If y ou don't. NEWPORT BEACH 405 Holmwood 1. Lovely 3 bedrm., l ~ baths. 2 levels. Ga· rage on alley level. Enclosed patio, &brubs. plants, trees. and fenced. Near Hoag Hospital and Kellpot acrosa the Fr..wa)'. Fine netehborboocl. See lt and JOU1lllke tt. A GD.a1l down mllbt ba.o4Je thb one · 2. Attractlv. • bedtm., to~ air heat. land· S("apeod .. slngl~ garag~m I(> add dble. ~ara~e at dllcy. 2 baths "'ltb Westlng-~ous..• infra red ray h<'dt. :\t>ar High Yh->c1l Tt>rms WEST ~f:\\"PORT 14,500.00 2 b<-<lrm . flrt'plal'E' launfln anfl -.huwpr In garJg(' Nc•ar ba) lttt•an·. and p • .trk on B.dboa Blvd 11.500 00 2 3 bf>drm . flrPplacC'. a£·ros.c; stl'('('l Crom <'h~tnnt>l. room to add doubll' garage and unit at rear of lvt 11.60000 L~TS--2 on Walnut Plact>, and 2 on RochestPr-for Sti.fJ.Kl. t•ash Lic;t )our propt-rty for salt' or for rent at e1t her oU!ce. WHAT DO YOU HIVE? I HAVE 1. IN DOWNEY-A b<'auJiful 3 bfodrm .. d<>n. 2 ba ths. 2 flreplac-eo1> landscaPt'd. double gara gt"--wlth c ur-tal~s. and r~rpeting In I r. and ha lls lncludf'd. Pri<<'d at $.r. .. i(X) Will trade S22.000 equity for mul-tiple unit~ In Balboa Ar<'a 2. IN LOS ANGEL~Wilsh1rt> Dlstn<'t. LovPiy du· plf.'x. A l rnn•ltlon. mrome $2.7110 a yt>ar CarpetPd 13 rooms Will TRADE $.25.000 equJt) for a Lido JsJ~ Hom(' 3 IN BORREGO SPRINGS--A lot nt>ar Count ry Cluh hou.,. _v.,u Trade Cor lot in Harbor Ar('a or "'-Ill 8(>11 for Sl. .so. REALTOR Harbor 1428 Liberty R 5101 OlE OF THOSE POPUUI ''lngram"-bullt 2 bedr. homes Rusti<' d"lgn, 4-yra. old. dblr gar . large patio. ln ex~llent condition. Owne-r transferred to England. Priced for quick sale! $6,000 DGWI Very &ood terms See Mr. Erhardt with JIHI E. SliM Bl REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 2-U:l . ... -,. ..•.• with a totaJ ot a1'70.GI6AD multiple u.dJliiiNd tD da.twt tD ~ , ,.....,. ···~·········· .. ·••······ ENSIGN CLASSIFIED • CASH RATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 20 words or le-ss-----.75 1.25 3 Times 1.50 2.00 2.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 Each word over 40 .oa .OS .01 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion ··········~············· WESTINGHOUSE Frost-Free Be-OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 1·5 p.m ., trlgerator, pln.k f t b reel ass at 276 Maenolla, Costa Mesa. drapes, blrd-prlnt drape-. 8 Boomy 3-bedr. cottage 'midst green plastic cbalr cushions, 23 fruit trees on 3 lots. Duncan complete Lionel tratn and &c· Hardesty. cessorles. HA 6162. NICELY FURNISHED. newly de<:· SPINET PIANOS-~~n-t"""'al=-r-e-tu_r_ns-. orated 5-room apartment with Trade-Ins on organs. etc. Like garage, near post oUice, bank new. ThlJ lJ a chance for a big and stores. Ideal tor couple. No savings. Open Friday eves. chUdren or pets. $90. Contact Danz-Schmldt, 520 N. Main, owner. 325 Orchid, COM. HA Santa Ana. 512-R. MODERN. blond, ashwood fuml· PURNISH APT. 2-bedroom. $65.00 ture. custom made, for home or yearly Including uWitles; S55 oUice. Abo electric stove, 2 wi9ter rental. Balboa. HA 1050. ovens, 6 burners. Owner HA PROFESSIONAL MAN attention! 2425. Owner wUI buUd attractive of· SEASON TICKET BOOKS now on flee sutt.e ln Lido District. Call sale. $4.50 per book. Newport HA m . Harbor Community Players. -=-w":":':VEL=-=-y~vt=F:W=~H::-::0:=-:ME~-o-n-;K;-;1-n-gs Call Mrs. Rysdale, HA 2347-R. Road, cutf Haven. Unfurnished, COMMENCING Monday, Oct. 31 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. $200. HA through Saturday, 1:00 to 5:00 5505 or U 8·7526. p.m., 3120 Seaview, Corona del Mar, purchased on World tour: JIEAL ESTATE WA.KTED Oriental art objects, brocades, WANTED FROM OWNEll 2-Bed· Chinese embroideries, fabrics, room It Den, 2-bath, home. kimonos. costume jewelry, na· South of the Highway, Corona tlve costumes. pictures, linens, del Mar. For cash. M. Lennert. china. lamps. English Lustre Box J -l, c/o The Ensign, COM. plates. Also blond cocktail ta· ble and mahogany Sheraton WAIITED TO JlEJfT bu!fet. wANTED-2-bedroom furnished HAMMOND ORGANS -All mod· house. Nov. 15 to May 15; 2 els. Some wonderful bargains quiet adults. Corona del Mar In used organs. Severa l makes. preferred; reasonable. HA 12 F actlce ooms Trade In ree pr r or leave mes.uge at HA 2452. your old Instrument. Da nz· LADY ALONE wants 2-bed.room, Schmidt, home of the world furnished apa.rtrnent with ga-famous Hammond, Santa Ana. 520 N. Main. rage: not over $85. yearly rent · BASSINETl'. pad and liner. used a l. HA 2280-W. 3 months. $10. 411 Hazel Dr .. llE.LP w A.lfTED Corona del Mar. NAME TAKERS for L ag un a TRADE IN your old watch on a Beach and South Laguna. Good Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace handwriting e-ssential. Write Calderhead Jeweler, 3123 E . Box J-4. cj o ENSIGN, or call Coast Hwy .. COM. Kl 3-3681. INSTRUCTORS AND Supervisors. FOR SALE .. Experience preferred but not 7 cu FT. Chest type Deep necessary. It you are lntelll· Fre eze , excellent condition. gent, neat and attractive a nd $125. 411 Hazel Dr .• COM. can quality you will earn u p IV AJf EDABDT DlSTIJfCTIOlf of beiDg .. Mcm of the Moaath" of the llfewport Jl.ealty Board WD WOA Jat moeth by Jack 8J'eDDCID cmd l•cm Erhardt durlDg Augut. Kr. BnDAGD nceotly opeMd h1a OW1l nalty finD at S320 w. Coast Blgbway, llfnrport. Hla award was for MUlag the lGf9Mt mulUple llatmg. M l'. Erhardt la with tbe Job.a E. Sadlelr Jl.ealty finD at 3l33 E. Coast Blgbway. Corooa del Mar. cmd be was boDond tor MlllDg the moct multiple llat· lags durlDg the IDODtb. (EA· a19'D phot(M) SERVICES lotie Project.s WbU. U. Cot Myron P. IAwla Mr. Adair Ia at Walt Disney Jr. Ia eervlna with the U. S. Alr Studloe workln• on the tcon ot Force In &01ea. hla famUy, In· "SleepJnc Beauty," next tuU· cludlnc Mra. (Janel Lew1a and lenath Disney featu.re. He 1a abo thelr eon. Twte, who la slx. are worklnc With Gocdon JenldM on llvlnc op Abalone Ave., Balboa the Eddie Flahet ahow IChedultd Ialand. The family have been to open In January ln 'a 'fabuloua frequent aumm~r vlsJtora to the new boteJ In Lu Veeu. Jn the Harbor area. Ju.t before comlne put Mr. Adair ~as worked on here Col. Lewla was .tatloned ln shows for Bin& Croeby, Dick Sacramento. HayrnM. Ralph Edwards {thla Is • • • your lUe) and most recently for Just gettlne set1lcd this month the Gary Croeby and Jack Carson on Opal Ave., Balboa Island, are radio shows. In the late 1940's he the Guy Goodwlns, Including Mr. wrote the lyrics for the Broadway and Mrs. Goodwin and 3-yr.-old show "Alone Fifth Avenue," In Susan. They have just moved which Jackie Gleason got his from Laguna, but previously had start. Some ot the many hit songs been Los Angeles residents. Mr. for whlch he hu written lyrics Goodwin has a real estate busl· Include "Everything Happens to ness Jn, Santa Ana. Even durlne M~." "Let's Get Away from tt World War U Mr. Goodwin didn't All" and the "Blue of the Eve· forget California. He wu with nlng." the U. S. Navy serving aboard The Adair family Jived on BaJ. the USS San Oleeo. boa laland tor 10 months durtne • • • the war and vowed to move back to Jive eo.rneday. eo tbla year they eold thelr San Fernando Valley home and pwchued another on Abalone Ave. Dauahter Anne. who ta 17, la .UU finlahlng hl&h achool up In the valley, but eon Michael, who la 12. and twin sis· ter and brother, Robin and RJch· ard, nearly five, are all Jiving with thelr parenta on Balboa Ia· land. IAJIDU TRADER of Llclo Jale ... 1111111 as Slat... KC119C1Nt 1D tiM Jfewport Barbow Comaa· alty •tcrran fl.tat pkry of tile s••oa. "The llaaty Beart. .. to be ....-w ""· a. 3. aa4 s 111 u.. C~aapel neater. Ol'clate c.a.t c.u .... aru.CB GUILD TO MEET St. E 11 z a bet h GuJld of St. James EplJJcopal Church of New· port Beach will hold Ita monthly meetlne In the home of Mrs. William Fisher of 153 Shoreclltt Rd ., Shore CHUa. at 12:30 p.m . Wednesday, Nov. 2. For Jet+erheeds. envelopes c.f THE ENSIGN. HA-I 114 . Early tall arrivals to the Har· bor area were Dr. and Mrs. Don· ald E. Pehlke and sons Mike. aee 9, and Roeer. 6, who come from BoiM. Idaho. Dr. Pehlke Ia Dean of Student Personnel at Oranee Coast Colleee and ts already deep In counaelJng work at the college. He formerly was admlnl· strator at Boise Junior Colleee In Idaho. The family live on Hello· trope Ave .. Corona del Mar. • • • After flv~ years In the heat and smog ot Arcadia, the Robert J. Bonners have moved to Collins Ave. on Balboa Island to take advantage o~ boating and other opportunities of the Harbor Area. The family Includes Mr. and Mrs. Bonner and 14-year-old Jeanine Anne, who Is attending Newport Harbor High School. and Kenneth James. 11, who attends Horace Ensign School. Mr. Bon· ner Is the southwestern area rep- resenta tive of the Nestle's food IJnsuna Co~n~eKia~ company. • • • The Harbor Transfer an d Stor· age ol 2200 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, celebrated Its ninth year In business Monday. Elmer and Ethel Smlth. the owners. came to Costa Mesa on Oct. 24, 1940, which Is Mrs. Smith's birthday. Just recently Mr. Smith pur- chased a 28-toot aeml-van truck which makes three vans and one open truck used by the flrm. Be· sides their transfer business. they both keep busy with clubs, lodges and civic oreanlzatlons. Just recently Mr. Smith was made a charter member of Moose lodge, which was Instituted In Costa Mesa, and a lso was ap· pointed secretary ot the lodge. They b(>th say there Is no place like Costa Mesa and the harbor area tor meeting friendly people. • • • received a letter of oommenda · tlon from the State Pharmaceu · tical Asaoclatlon for his work In lnltlatlne and wrltJne a new narcotic law which hu been passed by the U. S. Congress. This chanee modernizes the nar· cotlcs law by pennlttlne pbann· aclsts to flJl telephoned pre· scription• ot codelne In comblna· tlon with other non-narcotJc drup. Mr. Pelraol is president of the Oranee County Pharma· ceutlcal Auoclatlon. • • • A euest dHiener for the nor· lsts' school sponsored by the In· land Florist Association at San Bernardino la.t Oct. 16 was MorrJ Motho. Harbor area norlst. Morrl also captured tour prizes- one second, two fourths &nd a tltth-at the recent Pomona talr tor noral arraneements In tropl· cals, moderns. color contrasts and Monochromatic a r r a n e e · ment. COOP Of the Weell ••• ........ ~ .............. .._ ........ Ute ••••••• 1INIIr"" .. y.L IF WE'D JUST S11JCJ[ OIL. we wouldn't hesitate. We'd buy one of the breatht.aJdntlY beauWul CLAIRE McCARDELL outfits at 'niE CL0'111ES HORSE. Wonder· tul t-hings happen to you wtfen you sJip lnto a dresa de.lened by thla eenJus of the trade ... really, one feela welJ.groomed. We lost our hearta immediately to a stark white jacket trimmed with jet blade velvet, water re· pelJent It so-o·o smart looldne. But we're REALLY elehlne for a charcoal Myron wool, eleaantly simple. unmistakably Claire Me· Cardell. And to top lt. a eoft fur·llke O'Uepo coat. Top 8eetet news: a ahJpment ot maenlfl· cent BERN HARD ALTMANN ~eaten ju.t anived from the famous House of CUhm8e In Austria. Matchlnc sklrtsT Out. Madame! U onl1 tbe Very Best sulta you, try tbe CLOTHES HORSE. 215 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Harbdr CTTCTT. * * * WEU ITD.L QAIPIKQ '"- tiM tiUtl1 of It • • • bat tllM'e .. Jut 80 dam JIAifT ..:it· lD9 tllJap to ... at L I D 0 TOTLAJI'I)I 'l'be pa.. abaply ~ wttla ~lat­ lble caddJy dolla. e ,. c h l c tndlu. ed...U•cd toys ••• tbe walla .. Jut "'baaUag"" wtda gtlta tbe ldda wW ..... 'l'be good old -..&JabloM"" ... all~ .trtped ti9ln .. mocle11D9 ..a •a JoUy dGiwu •a eewiA9 ldt.-I'LUI a woa· deda1 lfEW U.. of DOOJIT· ED toys • • • cdto ....... csw.. -t. cdtov•tiMf tlu till a •. ElaoaP to pat ..... Ia your GOOD playtne practice pianos. $79, S87, $91 up to $195. Spinet to $150 a week. Apply 1: 00 FOR RENT A visit to relatives In the Har - bor Area last year captured Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson and they returned to Salt Lake City. sold their home, and now have pur· chased a nother on Narcissus Ave., Corona del Ma r. They are now settled as pe rmanent resl· dents. Coming from a larger city. the Nelsons have bf-en partlcu· larly surprised and pleased with the friendliness of their Harbor Area neighbors. Mr. Nelson for· merly worked with the eovem· ment. the U. S. Enetneera. He ..wd wltb tb• ann.y lD World The baytront headquarters of Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Is In the limelight agatn as the feature In adverttaementa ln four national publlcatioM: Archlti!!CturaJ Forum, Procreutve An:bttecture, A.rcb.ltec:tutal Jtec. ord and ln Savtnp and oLan News. Pbotoeraptul Dlu.trate tbe buUdlne' ln all four maeazlnes. .,... aa4 etart ,... -~ JI.DIJie lelia. llaop eady aD4 .. tMU z..r·A~·.._ be• ..................... ~ •aaT'l LIDO 'I"'YY.AArD. Ma Ylll U... P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monda: y S·MM 16-MM 35-MM The W-.ada r.ua..bJp ot ••;at ......_ ..._ ..._ type mtnor plano, a beauty throueh Frtday. ltlnc Studio of and 16101 lollD4 Pro)edon War I. " the Corana cJII Kilt Conmnmlty * * * only J1915. EuJe.t tenna. Danz· Schmidt. 520 N. Maln, Santa Ana. 100 pianos. Open Friday nights. NEWLY decorated turn I s h e d single garage apartment with view, private patio and barbe· cue. HA 2627. SALE-Grand pianos. Many won· derful bargains. Many famous makes. Prices from $385 up. Bench Included. Danz·Schmldt, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. CAliS FOR SALE MOVING OVERSEAS. will sacrl· fl ee '51 Ford Club Coupe and '53 Bel -Aire Sports Coupe. 518 Poinsettia, COM. after 6:30 or week ·end. '31 MODEL "A" Ford, In good shape $90. Phone HA 0152·R. '51 CHRYSLER Imperial, 4-door. extra clean and origina l. 36,000 miles. $850. Liberty 8·4073. '49 WlLLYS JEEPSTER In excelt. cond. New top. low -cost oper- ation. Phone Hyatt 4-4942. PEJISOIIJ AL WANT RIDE downtown Los An· geles Monday through Friday. h9urs 8:30 to 5:30; share ex· penses. Jenkins. 703 Carnation, COM ; In L.A. MA dison 6-4361. Not responslblefor debts other than my w ife's and my own. C. Sherm Allen. Gourmet Kit· chen. Corona del Mar. WANT ride to downtown Los An· geles, Monday through Friday, working hours 8 to 4:30; wtll share expenses. Ll 8-7919. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so m uch more to gtve or get a Hamilton. WaJlace Calderhead, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., COM. COMING: The Hasty Heart. No· vember 2. 3, 5, Cornmunlty Play~ Chapel Theater, Or· anee Cout Collep. SITVATJOifa WAJn'KD COM man would like eardenlne, clean-up, etc. Call Jti 3·2122. W A1fT BABY mTnNG ln my Co· rona del Mar home: DaytJma. CbUdren C to 8 yun. BA· 2M7-WX. WAH lED: trontnr ln my home. Dandn~, 3HO VIa Oporto, N.B LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING •n eare of 5-year-old child, 5 or d 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. HA 2886-W. WIDOW OR PENSIONER to help care for one child. small t>a l· ary and sha re sma ll apt. 1626 Newport Blvd .. Snug Harbor Traller Park. Do not a pply after 5 p.m. Girls- EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE ! Our new. higher starting wage and frequent Increases gives you this opportun it y. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERATORS We will train you and you'll receive many other benefits. -Apply- 514~ No. Main Street Rm. 2ll-5anta Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE MAJWfE Sli, I Ronoat Spce for Real American Legion 215 15th St. Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. .. SERVICES REPAIB AND Maintenance , palnt.lng, carpenter etc. lu.t anything. ~asonable. Sau .. faction euaranteed. HA 0126-J. COIOLETE LAJfDSCUDfQ IOVJCE FREE ESnMATES SltH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 2744 E. Cout Hwy. COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 (Evenlnp, week-enda), EUGENE 0 . SAtmDERS 500 31st Street, Newport Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURJQIARDT u ...... C.V.etot' Mabel Whitman. f1I1T K&t~U• rttle, a>M. BA cm.J. m w. 18th eo.ta .... •a liL Iilli ltatJOn w.,.an. wm .-, up to .., eea. m JIUII Dr. Colona del Mar. LlbatJ... ~...a HAVE TOU Ba:KT 'J'be .,.., WatdMI. Dlamondl, Wedd.lnl lUna. Coltume ~ ... Cliclla ..• cu. rSed "Y aq Pleld8 at hJa ......... MY JUUJ8 WATCH UPAD Jlo ~ at Udo Dna .. It~~ ..... IAiltJ ..... F AS1' COLOR P'lLM SEKVICE Model Airplane Supplies lean c .. ,...., 1782 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8-7042 • • • Another "well • known" hu moved to Balboa Island. He ls Tom Adair, noted song writer and lyric composer. Right now • • • Hubert Pelrsol, owner of the Corona del Mar Pharmacy. has aum:b wtl1 bold a B.allowe'ea 8hdJL& UP TID ~ deuert brfdp and eanuta party Ju.t aampa.d IIOIDe bonellt·to· tomorrow {Friday), &«ordln& to eooc1neM SOUTBI!RK 8'JTLI: Mrs. R. D. Meredith, ways and smoky pit aBQ.. and we can't mean~ chalrman. waJt to drac the ole man back -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for dinner tonieht! Irs a n~ The Crossroads Village Shops e • e • • • • : :BQ ~. !~: m~~ JOHN VOGEL, Realtor "the second story real estate man" PHONE Uberty 8-1617 2nd FLOOR CROSSROADS VILLAGE BLDG. ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE REALTY BOARD FORCED· AIR HEATING leilll's Clllonl Piclurl Fl'llllq Coalplete JloaJdbag. •flnlaht~. Arl SuppU.. .n.au. M1mm wow Dl -riM Cro1aoada Vlllage .. Llbeny ~1117 Uf:l/s •· •......-t 81~ the area·a moat conYenient ahopping center • • • . . • on Newport BIYd. aboYe the Archea. acrou the Freeway from Hoag Ho.pitaL , ........ ,,...... •• ,lw BUKD •.. ,. PIIUIIOY UK TOV I.OOJDJfQ roa A GOOD 'nTAIIDif IP 10 COlO Ill AlfD ~TID POIIJIVLA or lvnaFU We proudly preaent the bat balance4, molt complete and ma.t potent vttamJn.mJneral nut.rttlona.l proteetlon on the market toc!a1. You mu.t be •Uifted w 1our money Ntwtded. - ot tbe stoves la none other than Dlxle hlrn.Mlt, who uses a -s>eelal Texas technique that 11ves a true hickory smoke navor to spate ribs. And hla HOT BIS· QUITS and com bread muffins are even BE'M'ER than mother una' make! He cooks BBQ tur· keys and chlckena to order. and you can buy wonderful potato salad or slaw to eo w1th them. lust smell that hot cottee the way DlxJe brews It ... Or you might try hla early momtng breakfut . . . even the heru can be proud of what he does to thelr eeea! Hours 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. DIXIE'S SOUTHERN BBQ INN, 37CT1 E. Cout Htway, COM. HArbor 4466. * * * WC&Eftlll ..... .. ..tiled .._ t1a1a • VlfiT .. ap atr Ia CDII ._. _., 8pll1 .-y _.., .Achllll1y Ira I II' ••• ..,.utr .._. .............. . I'UJI I -.ll•dn-...... .. -=-==tl. ALL fUUDB&D .. __ ...... o.~y,,_.. .... .. c:.s ....... ~ Ill ldlllll ,_ ~· llf , ... IIY· ........ -... , .... ... ............ . , .... ...... ...... ,. t.ct.,.. ....... .. 'ftllll1r .. way ~ ......... . at ••• wa .. .-a-..a ..u ....._r...,...__..._ ... ......... ...., ..... (• ............ , ..... ~ ••• na •oa•a m001a1 All .............. Y...U ... ,..... ...... ....... ............. ....,. ... , W011A11 Yllft'IIIO WID Ill CLirF IIA ... DID ...._ 8tuJ.eJ' A. Wol. a, o« San rr~ who had been vt.tttnr hft mter, Mrs. Ruth Bu.llert of 321 XJnp Rd.. CllU Sav~. dJed 0et. 11 In Hoar Ha.pltal. An· other at~, Mrs. Mary W. Col· Jlna, ltvee on. Balboa Island. Servlea were held Oet. 19 ln the Baltz eo.ta Mesa Chapel Business Directory llflnAIICB INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" W1TB STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Hlehway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty S. 7315 SCIIOOLS & DfiTJIUcriOJf REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evenlne classes for preparation to pass lhe State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7..3511 KEllog 8-2513 Let Me Teach You CIIJRA r ADf'TIJIG Convenient Clus Leaona u 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa IUILDIKG SUrruES CEMENT AND BUILDING All Kinda-Free Estimates LIBERTY 8-6109 LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS KnJve., Scl.-.,~.1...-Etc. UbertY 8-5LSI J. A. lk>ldlne 188% Merrill Pl., Costa Mesa LARDSCAftRG--DEIJGJnJIG George'• Landacape & Maintenance A home t.m't complete unless tt'a land.caped! I am a U · cenaed Contractor. C u a t om Landacaplne and DesJgnlng. Alto Clean·ups and malnte· nance. lE-E IJIUCHI· U..M4Coa~ LAJI1)ICUE DUJOift:a Ccd1 Lm&IIT'l l ·aiS WATER HEATERS Sales. SeTvtce and Repairs -IECITKI PLUMBING TC!I'D\8, 10 hr Cent. Down Phone Harbor 5330 wa.DIIfQ Fabrtcatlnr. Deatanlnl • Malntenance 1'RAILEIIS. Hri'CJIES. BUMPERS or what haw you ; No job too lure or too small. llEASONABLE RATES 2133 Oranp, Costa Mesa. L( 1·3S19 VAN 'S CLEANERS ")0 v .. ". &.-1-. 'wfectl"9 S.periCN' C1MIIillg V.fhft!eflthlp" WE FEATUit l C.m~ H.ftdll"9 of All o.licete Febna. Beaded I Lece Germents DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV. ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING -ALTERA· liONS-REPAIRING. Phone Herbor SJS2 Pod Up & Delivery Se"'ice O pen 8 e.m. to 5;)0 p.m. -Setu~ey, 8 e.m. to 2:30 p.m.- H2i> E. Coest Hwy.: Corone del Mer Elsie larlllr..P'! YARN SHOP 'DC7 E. Coat Blgbway Coroaa del KG IL\ 0157 Knitting. Crocheting and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Specialized Accessories and InstructJona BOUU Mon. thru SaL 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . -aaaocr TIIIIIIT. PM1D IIDIO <•o ,...., Wodctalad._a.dlo WEJGD 010.1' 11 OZ. ..... .a~y r as• • 111.· A New Co~t ln Personal Radio. Eat Pbone and eany. lnl Cue Optlona). ExtfL 1AVII .. IIWI. Ua.aaJ 1-...-. ....... c:.tllll- At 11111 ..... ..... • -·~ _,T-. .., ... ,..oo•s••,.,......, .,... ........ .... .... Tbe "'bride .. wa l'riaceM. the Uttle CDCbr apaalel eatend by h99Y cm4 Chrta F....,, the daughtft cm4 MD oi Jl£ cm4 ICn. Arc:bie f'nl. Mr. 3130 Brecm.n Dr .. ColoDG del XCII'. Chrta ll pictured at rlgbt. PreMiatiDg the tropblft ll J[ay FI.Dcb. wbo j~ the e"NDt. (Eulp pboto) Mrs. Martha Good Is Wed To Hugh Childs of COM Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MacGinltle. 428 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, on Tuesday, Oct. 11. were Mrs. Martha L. Good and Hugh M. Childs. The Rev. Harry Owings of Santa Ana performed the single ring ceremony at an eve· nlng ceremony. Following the service a family Glnltle and formerly lived In RJvers lde. She Is division mana· ger • ot the lamp department at Sears In Santa Ana. Mr. Childs is employed a t Wizard Boat Works, Costa Mesa. The newly· weds have purchased a home at 611 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. party was held with a buffet llrl SQIIIs 11 It supper presided over by the =!... ~&n~p ~~ ~~ Tt Ill &era,•• couple were Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Bayard of Garden Grove. . The former Mrs. Good. a widow, ls a sister ~t Mrs. Mac· Mountain Lion· Is Reported A mountain Jlon was seen going into a thicket on the bluff north of the harbor department oftlce on Bayside Dr. between Irvine Terrace and Corona del Mar by two men. harbor depart· ment oUiclals notified Newport pollee at 2 :25 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8. Two gjrl scouts and two alter· nates wUJ be chosen u the New· port Harbor Council's repr~nta · tlves at the nationwide Girl Scout encampment neJCt s ummer In Michigan. acrordlng to Mrs. Ted Hambrook. Co uncil presl· dent. The selection committee In · eludes Mrs. Hambrook. Mrs. C. W. Crowl. Mrs. John Oertly, Mrs. Everett Nunan and Mrs. Jack Quisenberry. Selection will be based on skill In camping, arts and crafts. mwdc a nd dramatics.. First fall association meeting was held Tuesday at the Girl Scout House. 1700 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. TRE STOCrrOMS llETUU Many Entries for Vets Day ·--- )(Q. Grant Howa.ld of U3 m .AG ..t. ~'C" HellotroPi Ave .• Corona del Mar, ~ ~~ ~ won the euesslna contest In the Your FamUy 1.-t.aurant Harbor Paint Store booth at the (a...d ~) LoMter Bake. She guessed 833-1515 L c:oc.t Jntla•.Y More than 85 marchln1 untt.a. colored balls. four short of the Barbor 1.. C.... clel .._. bands, equestrian IJOUJW and aa:ct:u:aJ:::n:u:m~be:r ......... ...::::::;:::::::::~=~~~=====~~~ oth~ oreanJzatlona have been -:- luued lnvlt.atlona to take part In the Veteran's Day Parade ached· uled for 10:30 a.m. Friday, Vet· eran'a Day, Nov. 11 In Newport ~ach. A Jlant fish fry and carnlvaJ wUJ follow the parade. It wUJ be held on the erounda of the Newport Harbor American Le· elon Post at 15th St. and Bay Ave.. Newport Beach. Vetera n eroups throuehout Orange eoun· ty will take part In the event 1 The parade will haJt at 11 a.m an d buglers will sound Taps I down the line of march. Veteran eroups are.aelUng fish try buttons at 11 each, good for 1 a flsh dinner, to ral.ae funds to finance the celebration. The Newport Beach city council r~· cenUy declined to provide $1 .000 for the event. The aponaorlng group is the Newport Harbor Veterans Organizations Inc. A dance will be held that evening In Legion Hall with music to be provided by Billy Arthur and his I orchestra. Ebell Proiect Is 'Clean-up' Members of Junior Ebell hav(' undertaken to clean up the Har· bor area as their ''build a bettt>r community project" for the 1955 ·56 club season. Members voted unanimously to take on thls project at their first regular meeting of the fa ll held recently at the IrV1ne Coast Country Club. They propose to adva nce the ir project by educa· tlng the public to the new statt' law which prohibits littering th~ highways by throwing things from automobiles, acrordlng to Mrs. Tom Woodward, publicity chalrman. Heading the program is Mrs James Reynolds. overall chair· man. Serving under her are the' survey committee I n c I u d I n g Mmes. Edward Kelly, George THE HilTY IIEIIT Presented by Newport Community Playen w•.-n.,.,..satirll•r .., .... , 2, 3, .... 5 OB.A.IfGE COAST COLLEGE CB.APEL If LDIIC IEACM lilt distinctlwe Victor Hugo 7JObst......., Telephone 14471 IN CORONA DEl liAR 1he colcr{ul HURlEY BEll •1 t COAST IIICHWAY Telephone HArMr %718 Grupe. Robert Jones. Charles I WI c Woodward and William Sexton. Members of the r~arch com· mittee are Mmes. Robert Wa J. VOUQ ea•NOLa lace. Arthur Neeb a nd Donald PWBLIC GOLI: COUASE Clark. Mrs. Donald P~tt>rson. Mrs. Norman Watson .and Mrs . Free· Olr.Rn..v<lt~NftrUA&AIUIW' man Flsher will serve as coordl· ~.W~~ nators of groups. Mrs. J. M. Hem· Perty Aec:ommodetians street will be tn charge of legis· * lation. W..t,5th St. at Santa ADam.._ sEnD o• ava IIDDaAL ~;;;;;;;~SAHr~~A~AMA~~PII.~~D~3-13~~~~~~~~ Senine aboard the .ubmartne r; USS Medrega.l of the Atlantic Fleet is RJchard H. Relchner. torpedoman's mate third cia~. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. RelchnET of 208 20th St . New. port. Before entering the Navy In Septembe!', he a ttended Newport Harbor High School. ICICBEI I ES TO AJf ABEDC Mr. and Mrs. MJcbael Michell(' (} ~Uwu; Qtucls lll.AFO'S IESTIUUIT -111101 of 600 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona F....,Jy of B-et del Mar. have moved to Ana· SpedaUriD9 Ill caat.beatic ftaUaD Food. deUptful crtJDo.. helm. Mr. Michelle Is on the mu· spben ideal !«_ faaally dill.l.Dg. ltalJaD Foods aad Paatry nlclpal government staff for the I pnpand froiD Gnaadolfo'a OWD Spec:lal redpee ••• city or Anaheim. Mrs. Mlch t>llt' Pf=PCI laked l..aao!rDa--BOIDe Made BGYioU Is the former Mary Beswick. En· I Spc19Jaetti-Steab---Sea Food. .. FOOD PB.ErAJlED TO GO'" sign office employee. lsu Balboa BJ~ 8a.J.boa llcrrbolo 4137 OPEM DAIL T DOOil to midDJpt: KODday 5 p.m. to N ldDJgbt Pollee and fish and game war· dens saw tracks In the area but no further sign of the wild ani· mal could be discovered. In p ast years mounta in lions have been sighted In the wild Buck Gully area between Corona del Mar, Corona Highlands and Shore Clllfs. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Stockton 1 of Shore Cliffs returnNI last I WC('k from a trip t'ast. Mrs.l Stockton wao; caiiNI suddenly to the Atla ntic sea board In August becaust' of th(' death or a n aunt Dr. Stockton joined her the flrst of this month. MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S Royol T:res w~~h,,.9' & Pol ~h.nq SOUTH SEAS CAFE ---- FIDe food •.• eoc:.ktall bar ••• floc. abowe Dl9btly •.• a1ao dclllclll9 to the mualc of the CI'"C"'Ildo., Decca ncordbag a:rtllta. Eaay to vet to froaa Mewpon RCII'bor Areo--dri" ap RCII'bor BIYd.. turD rtgbt ODto lli9bway 101. tbea tva ngJat oa l'loa~ Boad a quarter of a lllfle fartber oa. 10171 0. S. BWT. 101 Dear AKABEIIC UTSTOJJE S·U.. CHUIIIJII CAFE -Aia11Un GIVES CRASE IJf AUTO Three boys stole a hub cap from her car and were running down an alley being pursued by her husband In his car. Mrs. Norma Fergu~ of 309 Hello· trope Ave .. Corona del Mar, notl· fled Newport pollee at 8:40 p.m. Oct. 15. The hub cap was ~­ covered but the boya f'Seaped. C:O, le.....,_•ds. envelopes c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 FREE PICI(.UP & DELIVERY Pho~• Herbor )()q4 170 1 E. C:O.st H•9!-.wey et Aveudo Coi'Qfle del Mer IE SA UPIGLSTEIIII U~&Da¢*11 Uberty 1-C711 D5l ....... m. c..te .... 11aJa tabuloae cat.. larv-t ODd olcs..t Clllaa u ....tcnua:at Ill Oraa9e C:OW.ty. employs 3.5. llld u41D9 D1IM cbefa. WOII· derfu1 QilleM food atbac:ta goa..rmeta froiD tbrou9bout tiM SoatblaD4. l t"a worth a trtp to ADabefa.. ~ Ia tiM baabt CIDd ateab allo an Matund.. Yet Ua b your t..t. Clll• ••• 9ift &bop Deld ctoo.. m E. CE.ltTE1 AlfABEJX u 5-4511 VI.U 1111111 Featwill9 fiDe MCdood. atealta. Pl'bll• ..U... cbJctrea. dadE. tiM VWa ICCII'Uaa b CIIM of C>rcmcJe Coaaty'e tiDed ......._ I'GDta. lcmquet I'OOIIIl Mats QP to 400. ~ at U.e ~ to 8c1boa lalaDd. 08«* ..... OW'DIII'Ih.tp -tiM CUque ... ~ PEilHAPS THE YEllOW PAGES CAN HElP PfWTECT MY HEAD FO~ TENTS AND AWNINGS fT PAYS TO LOOK rN THE •CLASSIFIED~ PART OF YOUR TElEPHONE BOOK • .. • • , fteJ..._ ... ....,....._.. lowlllfp ol COI'ODa del ..., Coal- JDwUty Chwdl baa .a.t.d AJ1D Kn. WllJtDey Wrfaht of Co· Humuon. .,..dent; lbQ ~M~r-rona del Mar, who bu recently 1ton, viee-.,...aclft)t; Teny 1c:ott, nttunMIIIl fhal a trip to Kawau • .ecretary: and Bolly lntnun. told ot ber -.pertence. tMre u Newport liar* Union Hlp treuurer. A cu41e-ligbt s.n.tal· first delepC. ,.._ the Long School rraduate. Ria tJoph,y hu latJon lel'\'1e» wtll be beld at Jeadl moe-to UM General been praented by tbe Newpoct 6:30p.m. Sunday 1n PUgrtm Hall Convention ot Protetltant bl.eco· Harbor Board ot Realton to bJa Amonr thoee rec:eiYiJ:l6 Honcw- able Mention awU"C18lll the CaJI· fomla Jtetl FAtate "-a. annual essay oontNt was Char* JUct, ot the church pal Olu~ at Jloliolwu at the mother, Mrs. Dorothy Perldnl, of · me e t1 n • ot tbe SL 'l ames 459 Eut 19th Street. Cocta Mesa, rwrorr.1an'• A\Ud.Uary. because Charles, who graduated HJ -, Jut June from Harbor HJg.h u lh point l.n lin. Wrfcht 8 Valedlct rlan t. aolna to achool trip wu tlbe eervtc:e of the 0 • • • Womeft's UnJted Thank Ottt'ring at Baylor University, Waco, · Texas. The essay contest was She de &c r l bed the children based 0 the topJc "why I want dtes.sed in costumes of many n · , countries portraying the m.IJWon-to own my own home. 11M PII1Dit total few at 1IU s.ntan.na. Sl&l!IO; 1f12 tlaJa ,.., ......... ~ lo lutaaeJla. aliAOO; 1512 Santa- ...... u tM ~ewpc.t· auUd· Della. llT,eo; 1107 Bolua.le Doone, aa. ~ ~to doM 11&!100: 1115 Boa.nJe Doone, Ita boob tor the IDOIItJa of Octo-11&100; 1331 loMJe Doone, Sl8.· •-eo; t401BonnJe Doone, att,oqo. Almqlt a quarter mUUon dol-e C:OIIOJIA Da. MAJ1 lata worth of ~ta were l.atued 0 . w. Hucblon, extend garage durlnr the put week. LeedJnr platform, ~ Fernleat, $100; H. all areu waa Irvine Terrace, B. Harshbarger, 1·atory, 1-untt wtth a total ot more than dwelling at ~ AcacJa, l16,4SO;. llSO,OOO. Charlet SchwartJ;, fence at M4 Following permtta were Issued: Hazel, $195; AustJn Sturtevant, .... ,._ .._ •noLOAif CoD8tnactloD J.ocma I" .. YLQ LOAif aa 10a IATII.D Ptlrllr ...... a.. 1515 a. c..t Jlwy .. CDM ft. 11A 11• 1D 1-5115 (Metro LUe .......... hlld8) ary work done ln the many for- eign Ianda with the fund of $3,149,198 rat..ed by the women. Mrs. Wright alao told of her m~ng w1tb Rev. and Mra.•Paul Wheeler of Honolulu. formerly of St. James Eplacopal Church In IIIIIs I••* II MllltWIJ ,.., IIAYDrG C:OIDUftD .. u. -..-~ ............. 12 11-.y Lt. Ut) I.U w. r .. a.. ... ol Mr. aDd Mn. W. a. ......... 211 E. 0.... ...... ~. ............. bull 1., ... • DIVDIE naaACB retaJnlng wall at 2027 Bayatde John W, Klug, 1-.tory, 1·unlt Dr., $500; Helen Baker, garage I~Www•BT••••• dwelUng at 1515 Serenade TH· at 3816 ~an Blvd., t9()0; Joe race, $20,550; G. P. GriUith, Elll•, move bulldJng trom 3035 C'f! l):m• SAVE SAFELY At Orenge County's L .. d ing Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSUR ED UP TO $1 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Eern From the I st. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH ...... HY 4-1177 swlmmln.g pool at 1301 Santa· E. Coaat Hwy. to La Habra, scoo. ,.,. --nella ~ace, $2.600; Maceo e ~A Newport. Luncheon for the Auxlliary meeting waa served by the St. Cedlla Guild, beaded by Mrs. Marguerite Murphy. Mn. Don Fereu-on wu introduced u the new chairman of SL Joan's Guild and the eroup announced their plans for a Christmas tea Dec. 7. Kimberly Kuster, 9 years old bad a birthday party at the Buf- falo Ranch Tuesday, October 11. Hosts with Kim were her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuster, assisted by Rex Albright, Manaeer of the Buffalo Ranch, Mra. Merle VerBerg and Mrs. S. D. Brock. ---... llaacy Jl. c.w. ., ._ aer~e~. .._ ..._ ....._ Corp., 1-story, 1-u:nlt dwelll6p Mu Pope, add to building under con.st:ructton at G Bel- -----------· Vue Lane, 1:2.000; RobertS. Gard-lnT . .._ ~ ner, fence at 1823 W. Balboa .... .. •.ua.pe. VtWty lqweda-I, a.-FWd Jl...a A..m.y Air le.tiea. S.. r ~ f"'llllllleWS Blvd., f75; Nlc!Jolu Ntclphor. repaJr termJte damage at 40& E. Balboa Blvd., $200. The Orange Coast YMCA wlU sponsor a community breakfast Saturday, Nov. 5, at Costa Mesa Park, it Is announced by Hal Dike. publicity chairman for the event. It will be the flrst an- nual "Y" Community Breakfast and will feature YMCA program in pageantry, a stage and talent s how. Breakfast will be served between the hours of 7 a.m. and 12 noon for a donation of 50 cents per person. The purpose of the breakfast Is to make the comMunities served aware or their YMCA and to acquaint people with the pro- gram and services or the Associ- ation. Proceeds from this event will be used for Orange Coast YMCA program In this area. Finest Selection of Wollpoper in So. C olif. • CUSTOM FURNITURE DIV.PERIES Dunbor furni ture & occe ssories THADEN INTERIORS 2610 E. Co.rl Hl9hwey Harbor 0793 CORONA DEL MAR l orgest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the Are&. Coli fo r free DECORATING SERVICE Ltbor•y 8-SS 18 The children were entertained w1th stories of Indian Lore by Chief Push-ma-ta-ha. burro rides and a chuck-wagon barbecue completed by a western-decor- ated birthday cake. Kim's guests were Barbara Longley, Susan Hoyle. Susan VerBerg, Kathy Goodman. Lanl Morrison, Janice Beany. Jeanne Brock, Donna Mossholder. Kerry Nunan, Patty Baum. Susan Hayton. Terry Flanegln, Janet RJedel. Mellnda Brock and Kim's little sister Shelly. D111 Ionia Jti11 , .... AlltiH Cllll Dana C. Morris. son o! Mr. and Mrs. Evtort>tt Morrts. 121 VIa Venezia. Lido Isle. Is a member of the Pomona College Alpine Club this year. The club's main objective Is to show the tech- nique of mountain climbing. Dana ts a 1952 graduate of Flintridge Preparatory Schoo 1, La Canada. He Is a senior at Po· mona College and Is majoring In music. He Is a member of the choir, track team. and sailing team. Hallowe'il D11ce Ia Sel ftr let. 29 Th.e Hallowe'en supper dance sponsored by the American Le- gion Auxillary, Unlt 291 of N~­ port Beach, will be held Satur- day, beginning at 9:30 p.m., at Leg1on Hall. 15th St. and W. Bay Ave. Costumes are optional. and prl7t»S will be awardtod. Proceeds w11J go to the rehabilitation fund. 1' ..... CoW. Ia ~ -• ... ICSJlw pilot lae uacS.· .... t .... t ...... t:ral.a1a9 .. ... ....,.. a.u. KcaD.. aDd PleMdd~ 4 , •• , ........ .. For ll,...lqla · e JLUna ICIIOOL PTA A total of 3,T~ dlUdren are attendJna-the ftve elementary achoob In the ~ Mesa Eele- mentary School DJ.m1ct, Super- Intendent E. A. Rea reported at the flnt meettna-of the Harper School PTA. Nine buses travel 562 miles each day to transport chtldren to school and there hu never been Gene Hunt of the Commercial an accident 1n which a child haa Security Patrol took four young-been Injured. he reported. He sters Into custody In the Roy urged parents and teachers to Carver car agency. 1400 W. Coast work together for the child's wei· Hwy., Newport Beach. at 9:39 fare by exchan~ng lnformatJon. p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 19. Don Mrs. Kenneth Leathers, presl· ste.phens. 18. of Los Angeles, was dent, presided. Mrs. Betty Jenks, charged with car tamperlne: a program chairman. presented boy companion. 15. of Puente. Principal Herbert Ward, who In- with attempted petty theft. cur-troduced the members of the fac- few v1olatlon; another Puente ulty. Fourth graders under the boy. 15, ,with curlew violation direction of thelr t eachers. Rob- and a Puente girl. 14. with cur· ert High. Mrs. Pauline Gardner few violation. The <'harges grew and Mrs. Edna Walton, enter· out of alleged attempts to siphon talned the group with songs and gasoline from a car. pollee recitations com m e m o r a t lng charged. <:hrtstopher Columbus. WOVE FROM BAUOA The Arthur Easts have moved ftom 2011 Miramar Blvd., Balboa, to Los Angeles. DA'OCBTER FOR POBTERS A daughter, Pamela Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Por· ter of 116 VIa Lor<'a, Lido Isle. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Sat- urday, Oct. 8. LEGAL 1101,;1C& czaTU'ICAn or avaarua Plcttlleul"'sa•- THE UNDEBSIGNED doee here· by certJty tbat he Ia conducting a Delicatessen and catering busi- ness under the fl ctltJous firm name of Gourmet's Kitchen, 37CT7 E. Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. and that said firm Is composed of the following person whose name In full and place of resi- dence are as follows, to-wit: C. Sherrn Allen 310 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. Calif. IMecca s.ttll Senu 0. 'Sac .... ' Boanl Rebecca F. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mc-s. Philip Smith, 2706 Bayshore Dr.. Bay Shorn, will serve on the ottlclal publications board of the "Saeehen," Pomona College humor maga.zlne. The magazine is being pub- llahed this year after an absence of four ye.an. 111tp Smtth Is a 1l5f Kraduate of Newport llatbor High School. She t. a 80pbomore at Pomona College and 1s majoring in Ene- ll.sh. • A1TEJfD COKVEJfTJOJf Mrs. Scott H u n s a k e r . Mrs. LECAL JfOTJC£ NOTICE • THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOltS OF ITS IN- TENTION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY FOR C OUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOMIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of WITNESS my hand on this 17th day of October, 1955. HaJT)' Estus. Mrs. Thomas Henre, and the Rev. Herbert G. Johnson were delegates of the Newport First Baptist Church at the An- nual convention of the Southern California Baptist State Conven- tion held last week at the Temple Baptist Church In Los Angeles. C. Sherm Allen STATE OF CALlFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. ATJ'EJfD CRVaCB NEETIJfC e CUI'P IIAVD IJoyd C. Howard, 1-unlt. 1- .tory dwelUng at 1721 IQnp Rd .• i~~~~~~ijii~~~i $27,650. e JIBWI'OIIT IIEIQIITI A. a. 'and I. l . Sharp, 1-unJt, 1-story dwellng at 516 Bolaa, ~.172. JAMES D. eJIEWI'OIIT Malone Electric Co.. •lgn at 2500 W. Cout Hwy., $750; Fred Grlmee, demollah bulldlng at 307 32nd St., $100; Parrmann, re- model store at 7100 W. Coast Hwy., $450; H. J. Hilton, car port and store room at 425 31st SL, $500; Kenneth Dixon, add room at 1440 W. Bay Ave., $5,200; PhUio Tozer, cabana at 21 Chan- nel Rd., Udo Trailer Park, $2,000. RAY lllltlllc C•lrlcllr J.446 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA DE.L MAl HAibor 47U l..We..u: H.Art.or 4196 in ~ hme with erlre friendly service is the S.eboerd wey. If xou ne.d money, regerdleu of how little or how mudt, visit our new ofrtce 'lOW. We'l fHOve, ''The arHerence witft • • • 1 . '!~.~ Robert For.bes BUILDER Furnishings for homes, clubs. yochts. the Intention of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County to puf('hase for and on beha.lf of s aid County of Orange all of that rertaln real property situated In the City ot Santa Ana. County of Orange. State of CalltornJa, particularly described as fol- ON THIS 17th day of October, 1955, before me, a Notary Public In and for said county and state, r~idlng therein, duly commls· sJoned and sworn, personally ap- peared C. Sherm Allen. known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument. and acknowledged to me that the executed the same. BArbor ••• 3101 Six members of Corona del Mar Community Church repre- sented the local congregation at the !all association meeting of CongregatJona I Ch W1!hea at AI · ~;::;:;;;;:=;=:;:Bm;;;;;;;:i!i;;;;;;;:s;•iii•EI•;;;;;;;;;=:;=:=E~C tadena. The Rev. Edwin C. Gomke was received as a new member of the AssoclatJon. Others who attend were: Mra. Edwin C. Gomke, A. X. Phelpe, Monta PeJT)', Miss Clyde May- nard, and Mrs. Fritz Karge. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. 3017 W. Coosl High..,oy Newport Beac;h MATTRESSES lDDenpriD9 -CottoD Foam !tubber lrTegular Sha~ lfEW -BEat11LDDfC COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2150 Newport ltvd. Lib. 1-llOl lows: , Lots One and Two In Block "B" of the J. W. Gardner's Subdivision of Lot One In Block "B" of Hickey. Andrew and Crane's Addition to the Town of Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded Jn Book 22, page 26 of ~~ · Janeous Records of Los An· geles County, California. WITNESS my hand and ofll· clal seal. MARY A. HAAPA Notary Public In and f04' aald For letterheecfs. enwlooes c.l County and State. THI!!> ~~ G.._. My CommlssJon expires Aug. ___ c::_g_~_,_.,_H_A_-_•_u_• __ 16, 1959. Publish: Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3 and 10, 1955. In the Newport Harbor EnsJgn. LUMBER -BtJILDING MATERIALS •ewpalt amL. c.to ..... 'D••tr 1-1011 SAVE Willi A Fa,.r'a PollcJ E X C F; P T I N G therefrom a strip of Jand described as follows: A Clossified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediate resultsl C•l' Herbor I 114-1115 end orove iff Beginning at the Northwest comer of said Lot One: thence South 2.85 feet; thence South ag• 49' Eut 14!S Feet; thence North 3.95 teet and thence South ag• 45' BRUCE MART IN :~~~g~eet to the point of AUTO-TRUCI-FIRE-UFE ~~=a theretrom 4 ICU ·IECIUTIOI UU with IWimmlng pool-tennil court•- •,.wsn -.. .. .._ .. , LOCAL AGENT 647 North Riverine Avenue. 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA for the purchase price of Forty- ' ~ 8 ~ S1x Thouaand Dollars <tM.· !;O~FFI~CE~:~Liberty~~~8-~~~=iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiRESiiii. i-iii'"'"iii•Jiii.iii; 000.00; that It Ia propotN!d to IM'· ehase the aatd real propety from Hfttr')' G. Otta and Ethel II. 0tta. husband and wtte, on 'I'Ueeda7, lwwlball courll-plcralc tlt'H- c:luh Mv.-Uttl. ~ fNld &loa • tJbl)* to ru~Urtu of'tM rww Jim Whyte GENERAL INSUUNCE the 8th d~ of Novembe', 1.9155. at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M. ot aa.ld day, at the Board of SU · perv18on Boom Jn the Court Route, Santa Ana. Oranp Coun- ty, cattt~ whldl ttme aad place t. ttx~ u the time and place when the Boud ot &Qpw· vbon WUl meet to CCIN'"D'Mte 8Udl purchue. Dated: Oetober 4. 1& BY oma a. nm BOAJm or SUPS&VI80a8 01' OLUIGE COUJnT, CAUJODIA. (SJ:AL) &1. SlOTH CcJant;J C'l«lt and a-ot.&to an ot u.. loud ot aup.m. liOn of Orutce Couftt1, CaU· tomJa. l----~~~~~~~:==-~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1J.,. aAcJ JT,la ....... 1', oc:roe.a •• ·- L.-.. llf'nl aa.a.c..t .... .., c-... ... ....... 1.-J Ul-7117 ua-. ............ &•asp • ••II The Harbor Democ:ratle Club beJd a reeeptlon at tbe eo.ta M..a Metbodllt Chun:l\ ball Sun· day, Oct. 16, for adlanp stu· denta ot Oranp Cout Collqe. Dr. GUee T. Brown ot Oranre Cout Collep introduced ex· chance atudenbl, Ted DeJounr ot BoUand. Myunr Chopc:ke of Ko· re., Wldad A. Abdullah ot Iraq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Sbenavar Bueeln of Iran. Each lltudent told a little of bta Wltt1J.tJOjJ a a a a a a lJ a a a '1illl backpound and upreued de· .PORT /}./. (.(1 /lO/IIA [1£1. IW4~o' n 4 11/J. IUH) V ••••111.1111 ~ 1'------Ten.! Terrifle! Ill --,.a, ~enn ffiifD 1m1tty McGUIRE Arthw John KENNEDY· HOO~K Katy JURADO Plu ..... Faatar. "WYI•• IEIEUDES" In Technlcolor STAIITS TUESDAY. KOV. 1 The J oyous New Musical "IY SISTER BLEEII" With J anet Leigh. l ack Lemmon, Betty Garrett In Clnemucope-Technlcolor -ALSO- ''CEL12411 DEATH IDW" The Loven Lane Bandit's own story written In the death cell at San Quentln utLT.i.T.LiJ.T.lT.iUJOP ~ ...... (Jy .. .... •... ~~ ....... ,. .. -~­....... ~-W£Y• .. BOBBY WAllE IS IIISSilfG" I ll&ht at the opportunity of belnc able to attend our collece and meetlnr many American people and eeelnc u much of our coun· try u poalble. They abo aald tbat In their opinion the UN orcanlzatlon l.s a very Important aJd toward peace. A welcomJnc addresa wu elv· en by Mayor Claire Nebon ol Costa Mesa. The hall wu decorated with United States and United Na· tiona flags and posters from many countries were on the walls In observanee of United NatJon.s week. The decorations were pro· vided by Bill Wuley of the Or· anee County branch ol the UN. save rnoney .,. auto hlsu,.nc. with se.te Fann Mutual'• • • • • • • . . .... ; ... • • • • ••••• • ... .,Cf •• : •••P-o : • ,. o-.,, • ........ . "''" ..... • A • • • • • • • ••••• I.I.I.AIICI Call aa fOI' detcd.la todcry I W. L LANDIS OB L E. CAIRNS Uberty 1-1011 13S E. 17tb l t. COSTA IIDA 'b II&OADWAY -special DeltftrT' ... ,.....c.tte. • w•ers :--..... "'DADDY &ui'TA AM~ .a ..... LONO LEGS" -----·-,. . L" DRIVE ·IN -r-(tCttlG ·~Pr~~., C!) ~ .... ~ ......... ,_ ..... _ .. -M..o -...... ~ .. .,..... ~~--BAY NURSERY :.=. * WE SBL CONFIDENCE I * Newport Harbor Ea.5gD MEET THE HARBOR TARS-Tars, rlld fOr Top Spott Play Garilen Grove Fri. Standard a b a d • ClaleM and Cutfom SpedeMW • Drape17 Bard•are e VeMtJ.an Bl1nda. nte Newport Harbor Sa.Uor rrld tbe Sallon trav~ed 65 yards for .quad wtU be fiChtJnt to llta.7 at What turned out to be the win· tbe top of the SunMt Lea,ue Dint touchdown. Berry and Ta· when they play ha.t to the Gar· mura each made two first downs. den Grove Artonauta In a home and Hopkins ran 15 yards tor game at Orance Cout Collere the TD. Stadium tomorrow (Friday) eve· The ~erappy Oilers engineered nine. Game time Ia 7:30 p.m. a 65·yard touchdown march In The SaUors are tied tor leacue the tlnal quarter, acortnc trorn All your printing need• wil be lead with Anaheim, each with a the 5 with only 15 seconds lett hondled convenientfv and court• 2·won. none· I<* record. Anaheim to play. The Ollera outplayed the eously in the completely~ will be playlnc at Huntlncton Sailors, maklna 15 first downs to ped Job Printinq Department Of Beach t 1 ht • ~ur Horbor Area ~· omorrow n g · 11, t.nd ratnlne 316 yards to 219. Starting line. up announced by ..::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;En;;;;si;;Q;;n,;;;l ;;' 04;;;Coa;;;~st;;;l;; .. ~C;;;;;M~. I UD TBOMfSOif. 2155 Pair· Ylew lid.. eo.tca M-.a. quarter· back. JUILior, former 8 llqUCld member. 14.5 U... 5 ft. I I..DdMs. TAG ATWOOD, 1050 E. OCMD FIOGt. 8a1boa, tackle. jwaJor. fonaer 8 aquad member, 160 u... 5 ft. 10 i.Dda-. Sailor Coach Al Irwin la u fol· r lows: Paul Lorentzen and Chuck Fire Place Equ·lpment Vandervort at enda; Larry Harp· er a nd Jim Rurn.sey, tackl~; Jer· ry Sarn.sel and Gary Deem. guards; Jack Smith, center ; of G eo rge Schultt, quarterback; Mod Dave Tamura. left halt; Bud em o· ,. m· ~o=niu~:~~all, and Char· IS In on BOB VILLAGilAJrA. 125 Aba· loae A?&.. lalhoa Island. end. IOphomon. fonner JWI.lor Yar· alty member, 193 lbs.. 6 ft. 1. GEORGE M I L L I X E H • 2078 Santa Ana A ...... Costa Mesa. full.ba.clL aopbomore. former 8 squad. 168 lbl... 5 ft. 9 i.Dches. Guard Jerry Samsel and Half. back John Hopklns were chosen as ··saUors of the Week" for their top·notch performance against Huntington Beach last Friday. Samsel was credited with help· lng to turn back Oller drives that could have reversed the 8COre. and Hopkins scoring the winning touchdown ln the narrow 18 to 13 victory . The Sailors were not partlcu · larly Impressive In thelt win. Huntington Beach got oU to a 7·0 lead In the first quarter, covering 55 yards In five plays. Shortly a f te r the ensuJng klck ·Off. Schuitt's kick from the Oller 40 was partia lly blocked and Sam· sel fell on it on the 30. Tamura picked up four yards, and then Hopkins went all the way. 26 yards. for the first Sailor TD. The kick failed. and the Sailors were trailing 7 ·6. End Neil Metcalle recovered a n Oller fumble on the SaOor 23. and from there the Sailors drove From the POUCE BLomR 77 yards to 5eore. Key plays In that drive were three Scbultt·tO· -------------------------Lorentzen passes, the tblrd ro· lng for 13 yards and the TO. The e WDKESDAY. OCT. 19 Mrs. Robert J. Ball of 235 Iris Ave., Corona del Mar. reported the theft ot her son's bicycle from Dahlia Ave. and Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar ... Rich· ard Brennan of 218 Agate Ave .. Balboa Island. reported the theft ot hla black bicycle from the 100 chase from Marguerite Ave. and Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar; pur· suing officers charged that the marine drove at speeds up to 80 and 90 miles an hour, allegedly doing about 85 miles·an·hour across Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar, and forcing several caTS off the highway near Emerald Bay kick again failed. but the SaUors were leading 12·7 at halt·tlme . In the third quarter the Oilers drove to the Sailor 4. but Bud Thompson Intercepted a pass and ran It out to the 11. The Ollers came right back with a drive to the Sailor 29; this time Guard Rocer Early fell on an OUer block of Agate Ave., Balboa Is· ... James Agar of 537 Hazel Dr.. tumble on the 35. From that spot, land •.. Howard Lawmn Jr. ot Corona del Mar, reported heutnr -----------;;._ \SIO Haft!\ Pl .. Clift Raven. te· footsteope of_~ Jn*ler at 2:50 ported tbe theft of a tire, tube Lin. ... <>ftUiers warned a BaJ. and wheel valued at $50 from ht.. boa mother about thUd nerlect ear parked ln front of h1s home after b~r chlldnn pulled lath . . . Ray Gould of 1300 W. Bay from the lath house of Georce Av~.. Newport Beach, reported Allen of 1734 Miramar Dr .. Bal· th~ theft of a $75 tire and wheel boa . . . Mrs. Lincoln Norman from the unlocked trunk of his of 2625 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del car parked In the street during Mar. reported a wheel and tire the night . . . Floyd Hahn of stolen fro m the lawn at that ad· 6502 W. Ocean Front. Newport dress . . . A hit and run car Beach, reported the theft of a caused about $75 damage to the chrome dinette set from hls ga· corner of a garage and a section rage . . . A minor car accident of cement block fence at 503 at Balboa Blvd. and 36th St., Edgewater Ave., Balboa ... C. S. Newport Beach, Involved cars Perkins of 111 ~ Park Ave .. Bal· driven by Elyse Whitacre of 309 boa Island. complained that a Anade St., Balboa, and Carroll group of boys threw eggs at his Evans of 3510 Lake Ave .• New· car while he was driving c·n port Beach ... ottlcers disposed Park Ave. between Marine Ave. of a skunk reported by Ted Hoov· and Collins Ave .. Balboa Island; er ot 2575 Arbor Dr., Bay Shores. off1cers warned a group attend· e TJIUIISDAY, OCT. 2:0 ing a party In the area. ... Homecoming GameNov.IO Homecoming game fo.r Harbor HJgh will be the Nov. 10 e n· counter with Orange High School at Davidson Field. Thl.s is a Thursday evenJng game. rather than the usual Friday time. be· cause Friday Ia Veterans Day . A big alumni get·toeether ls scheduled In the IOdal room lm· mediately followtnc the game . CDM Travel Service Mrs. Helen Bayless of 1000 E. e S1JKDAY. OCT. 13 Balboa Blvd., Balboa, reported Dennis Savio of 1018 Shore We wW be ......, to ..a.t the theft of an outboard motor Ave .. Corona del Mar. reported !::.:Sua aay tnrft1 ••aave- from a pier at that address . . . that while he was out for a walk A hit and run car jum~ a curb on the beach. someone entered traveled 52 feet on the sidewalk. his unlocked home and stole a knocked out about 24 feet of $45 .25 cal automatic with two picket fence at 1C17 E. Balboa clips. one loaded . . . Monte Blvd., Balboa, and traveled an· HaJght of 1550 Miramar Dr .. Bal· other 33 feet on the sidewalk boa, was the victim of mU8CUlar before bouncing back onto the spasms. and a doctor and the fire street . . . Three younc men In department rescue squa~ were a black coupe were blamed tor caJled to provide ald ... Officer-s break.Jnc a window lh the BaJ. dlspoeed ot a deer head deposit· boa Island post oUJce . . . ed In a lot at tbe rear of the e P'UDAT. OCT. 11 home of Mrs. lten.neth Haigh ol May Vertrees o1. ~ Goldenrod 606 Iris Ave., Corona del Mar ... NOW BOOKING SPRING CRUIS~ Te Tille CARIBBEAN • St1 = JleC>nlll A.ldm. • r I ... ,_ • T..,. • ,...._ Tldwta * KO SEIIVIQ CIIAIIGK * MUTUAL TICIJIT AGENCY Ave., Corona del Mar. reported omcers were called to cloae the that someone broke a hasp to door of the ftewport BuboT gain ~ntry to bet garate and Bank. M35 E. Coallt Hwy .• Coro· that a 25·foot piece of garden na del Mar. reported standlne Colin hose was sluhed wltb about tour open at 5 p.m. · .. Price llc:Cula· e Glbbona. Dorothy Harbcx IUS toot ot It mtatnc ... Gordon tJon of 302 Momlnr Canyon Rd.. McK~nna. Marcue-tte Huehee Siple of 408 40th St., Newport Shore Clltfs. reported the thdt of Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orchid Beach. reported two 50-caJlon a cement bird bath from the Across from P.O. CDM druma were taken from b1a con· lawn during the night . . . ~=======~==~ structlon store yard at Newport (Continued on Pare 12) Blvd. and Oranp A,.., Newport Heights, and that chlldren bad SL .1•11 .. leW broken three windows from the • buUdlnl at tbat address .•. Of. I.e_. let 3 flcen were unable to locate a r-•r • • teen·are clrl repocted runnlne The 1956 bud,wt for St. lamee • down Miramar Dr. and tumtnr Ept.copal Churd\ wtJ1 be pre· • on "M" St., Balboa, toward tbe Mnted at the annual Loyalty • OCM.D at 9:0f p.m. • · • A 11'0UP cll.nn« to be held ln the parish ot rowdy younc people ln tbe llaU at 6:30 p.m. 1butiMiay. New .• Poet Tbeatre. Coton.a del lla.r. a. Dinner arT'~ta are In • ._...tone when oftkers antYed ct..,.. of 10-e. J. B ....... prest .• at 10:3t p.m. · • · ._t of the womaa~a Awdllary. .. e IA'IVIIDAT. OCT. a 'l'kha an avaUable &om the ,.. 11ft. .., ar.nJeet ol 2M2 puwa ~ Hart. 1210, or • ..... Dr.. ec.ta ..... NPOitlld from Kn. llliP .. from )ln. A. • Mutnr a lot o1 ..,....."' I.D tiM A. llt.mUton. .. .... My arA Ia tiM -ldq Jlol7 C!OIIllftUNoft ...tee wtlJ ,.. boun. wtalda IOUded Ia. 8hDt-.. Mid at 1 ...S 10:10 a.m. on • ... • . • ...... '· ~ af All lalllta ay, ............. ............... "*l die tMft af ..,.. WOIMO of a ,.._ wiD .. Ul w..iiiiWidl .a • 0.... 111 11 aa at a tea........, a. OIMtOothae..._._.._,. ...-otWotldOa ~-· iiM kill ..._ .. .,_ a-a a e~lltwation • IM' U a I ted ..... Ia .. ladili' ._ 81 a dl WCIIMB tUt will ...... ........... J .. Mal ...... Ill ....... ~ at l- aid 1. tr .. a... • • ....... ftMQ ...... .. ..................... . .. •••• ing .... , .... • iEttd .. f ·PI'ECE P1JlE SET $15.95 2·PIECE A.lf1)Dl()Jf $12.95 $10.95 *CROWN HARDWARE* •A BOOSEJIOLD J)EPAB'ftiEJtT STOAr We ..._ * We Cat * We an. Cnnna Stam.pe K.aya CNwa 1'-Pa aa1m0• m to spare Speed 1s one of the very best features of cookina cl«triccUl11. A modem electric range cooks with fast intense heat which springs into action lDstantly, reaches desired temperature in seconds &Dd st.ys right there until food is c:ooked to perfection. With no "warm-up,. needed mel no beat lost, it's just a step from start to RrVina ... aDd you aet perfect results every time. .. .. • ......... Ill 1:.11 .... .. .. ...... ,.... • I II .. ..__._._..illlllll_..._. .... ___ _...._...._..._ .... _.._._.. .. , '•a .......... ..._.... H ••111o *"liM .. From the POUCE BLO II ER <Continued trom Page 11) e SOlfDAY. ocr. 23 Frank A. Smith Jr., 21, of 323 Island Ave .. Balboa. suffered con- vulsions In Karam's Restaurant. Balboa. from an old head Injury at 7:23 p.m. and his parents pro· vided care !or him ... e MONDAY. OCT. 24 plies valued at $20 from the electric shop at N~ Harbor Union High School where be 1.s Instructor . . . e WEDNESDAY, AUG.. Three plants about tbree foot taU were ripped from a planter box a t Henry's Bar, 2530 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, and a red brick flower pot 2~·foot high was stolen. oUicers were noillled at 3:30a.m .... Belligerent patrons causing a disturbance in Vaux's Cafe, Bal· boa. at 12:01 a.m. were sent on their way by o!!icers . · · OUI· , 1 1 -:1 1 1 ;1:r a:a *Z' 1 <<•:> cer Phil Hall was bitten severely and scratched by a stray cat Letten _ which escaped and la ter was caught in a trap at 311 Grand 2:1CCICX:x:::K::IICICCICCX:ICCICCX canal. Balboa Island ... Clayde Dear Hop; L. Plc.kering, 55, of Norwalk. was arrested on charges of hit and It Is with delight and regret run and drunk driving after his that I read about the new pro- car was Involved In ar1 accident posed Highway Commission plan at Balboa Blvd. and 42nd St.. to establish a new freeway route Newport Beach. with a car driven to the north ot Corona del Mar. by William F. Tohill, 66, of 1019 The quaintness .:tnd pleasure Grove Pl.,. Costa Mesa · · · of small town living have dlsap· e TUESDAY. ocr. 15 Pf'ared in the past lew years due Officers dispatched a bob cat to the heavy traffic thru the on the upper bay road at l :35 broadened streets of our town. a .m.. hol~ing it for !ish and The rerouting of the freeway w1U game offltcals . · . F. C. Wlnde· be a blessing, as It will bring mere or 1024 W. Bay Ave. New-back the pleasures of before. I'm port Beach. reported the loss all for a new freeway bypassing sometime in August of a $1.~ Corona del Mar ... but not In diamond an? pearl ~~t~erfly P1.n the location as suggested by the somev.•h<'re tn. the vtctn_ttY of hts Commission. My wife and I are home . . . Rtchard Htlllard of very much against it. Not only 3024 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del because it will bisect Corona del Mar. complained that his real Mar In future growth but also estate office was co n s t a n t I Y the nearness of traffic noise to plagued with bees from a neigh· homes to the north end. AJ1o tbe bor's yard · · · CUtler Dlppell of present scbool and the new C.~· 430 Pirate Rd .. Clitt Haven, re· olfc school wUl have a problem ported the theft of electrlcaJ sup· of approach. With all the land avaUable above. what Is the problem In· All your printinq needs will be volved of having the highway above the school sites, possibly hondled conveniently end court nearer the proposed dam site north of our community. eously in the completely-equip· You have two votes against Its ped Job Printinq Deportment of present location a nd two votes !or rerouting farther to the your Herber Arec Newspcper north. The Ensiqn, I I 04 Cocst 81., COM • • (EMD OF MONTH) Respectfully Ron Elleboudt Owner-520 Polnsettia Corona del Mar .SALE "SPECIAL PURCIIISE" DRESSES '·-• ..,. (3 -oaly) ~· IIIFIIT COAT I 80110 SOS ........... $4.a Otben ... aD4 110M . IIIL'S SAIPLE a•ES ................ $1 •• $2.88 All .u. (2) IIRL'S BLOUSES ..................................... U. $1.88 Toddler. 1-1. s-a IOWIS I PUIIIS ...................... $1.11-$2.88 Odd Lots. liMe 2-1t ,. .::::a.-............. laftte4 • c.-a,..., ..... vatU .......... ·~~ Caught in ~ay An .ta'bt-pound M1mon WM caueht on a lJve anchovy by uptop" Smith, a cattle ranc:ber, ol the Cuayama valle)', near Taft. ca.w., from the Balboa PavUJon dock lut Friday. 11M day befGn he wu tlahln1 from the aarne dodt and tot a bOC)k up. 'lbe tlab jumped two or three u.m. and people aald: ''Hey, look,. lt'a a aalmon." ''I'm comlne back tomorrow and catch that devtl," Pop Smith said. "And, he dJd," Art GroDSky of the Pavilion commented. '"To my Jmowledee. It's the only salmon taUn In the bay." Tmlll ..... c:-t~Ma ... Jl.tr u. to ..... ...,... -., ,.. •• & ... L&Mo~•·llei'Cal'f 1rt t10 w. c-t ~rwy ... ......_ nu .... ..w. .............. ., p .. ,..... 0... ........ Ia •a-.. ..._ ..ay atJ11-. ~ of NUIIDAY, OCI'OID lr, ... * IIIIP••• ......... , .... * 222 IIUDfJ: AVIL ULlOA JILAJrl) JIAUOa IMI .......... clldly. ~ ........ A Classified Ad In Tne Ensia, brinqs immediate ,..suits! Call Harbor II 14-1115 end orove it! ====:nose £nsip Walil Ids lor Besalb-======= ~~~~ . We carry Manning'• Choice Baby Beef Excluai•ely. The Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland! MANNING'S CHOICE Round Steak GROUND 25i. 5 'JOG B E E F ·, Llts. GOLD COIN SUCED Swiss Steak BACON Club Steaks Hock End 45c lb. Top Sirloin $1.39•· BuH End •• 49c lb. BOLLY-5 1h. 1C19 DADIT JIA.IJ)--.Pidt Qaallty SUGAR 43~ BuHer 591. EGGS doL 55~ JOLLY TJIIE-10 OL Call REITLES' IVIfllAJD leedii Po Com_,::..:.--15¢ Cookie Mix ::_.2§¢ RAISINS =-···--···1SC MAXWELL BOUSE COFFEE 75L I Froz en F ood~ L-~ IJ c•CIEI, TUllEY, IEEF PIES nAIICO AJDJIICU SPIIIETTI 1111 IEIT UIIS ISI{a OL CalL .. -.... ""' ........ . Mushrooms 1~ CGUilower ----------------------------~~~·