HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignTars to Play Anaheim For Sunset Title • Harbor Tara and Anaheim Col· onlsts wtlJ tangle for the Sun.et League varsity football champ· tonshlp at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow <Friday) In La Palma Park. Anaheim. The Tars go Into the champ· tonship battle with one lou against none for Anaheim but it the Tara wtn and a tJe ex1lta the win tn JDe1t .-t•blltlb• tile tMID .. u..~ Jfov.25, ot three games to establlah the 1 o u t h e r n C.l.F. champlonahlp. VOL L KO. 15--P'IVE CEJn'1 COJIOIIA DEL MAll. CALIF. Member Drive Set Four hundred ~Qld cards w1ll be distributed soon to the first 400 charter members of the New· port Harbor Uttle League, the boys' baseball group announced yesterday. voleed objections to parenbl starting their own sport proeram ln Corona del Mar, last week car- ried hl.a protest to the Little L«;ague regional office ln Santa Monica. Mr. MacMilllan has stated that the program conducted from the TII1JJISDAT,IIOVDOE.a 17, 1855 Vincent Drug MovingtoNew NewHiway Re-Routing • Plans Due State hJehway officials have agreed to restudy the rerouting of Coast Hwy. throueb Corona del Mar tolJowing a meeting last Thursday In Santa Ana, New- port Beach City Councilman Lee Wllder h as reported. The meeting was In the oftlce of A. S. Koch, Orange county road commlss1oner. Principal ob· jectlons were from Corona del I Mar people and the Irvine Co. A propoeed Irvine Co. business development northwest of Coast Hwy. and MacArthur Blvd., Co· rona del Mar, would be split oft from the balance of the Corona del Mar business dtstrlct by the proposed !reeway, Irvine Co. of· ficlals pointed out. Other Corona del Mar people objected to the proposed rerout· lng along Fifth Ave., charging that It would spilt away future development to the north. Resl· dents aJong Fitth Ave. objected to having the freeway close at hand. Another objection was h av. lng the freeway come between Corona del Mar proper and Bar· bor View School and a proposed parochial school nearby. Mr. Wilder predicted that the state highway department w ill submit new proposals after their restudy. lrving Co. otfJclals proposed that the freeway awing Inland eaat of the ImDe Coast Cou:atry a. .. Removal 01 · , 11 Machines POLICE CIIIEF Jolua Up100 of lfewport a.ach wW be pad:u· crt.d from u.. ., .1L If atialla1 Academy at 10:30 a.m...._. row (Fri4ay) ill tU Depart· meat of Juatiee cmdltortwD ill Waahillgtoa. D. C. Be baa bMD lD Waab1.D9toll atted1"9 tbe IIC ........ T f« U.. past few moatb.L Aft. padUCitiee be plcma to ~ Ia Waall1D9· toG. D. C.. f« a U.. aDd tiMD go oa a Y'CICCitioD bef.on nta.rD· lDCJ to duty. lin. UpiOD O.W eat last W'Mk Ia ..s-to be OD bcmd 101' U.. padacltioG ~ aDd to jotll u.. c:bJef oa U.. ~ trlp. C ity and PE Near Accord Is Ordered The City of Newport Beach 1a faced again with the problem of pinball games. This matter popped up again as the City Cou ncU received a re· quest from Balboa Music Co. tor llcenses to operate .. miniature pool skill games." The license appllcationa were submitted by Harry Duensing of 921 E. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa. He requested licenses to operate the games at the Chinese Casino, lll Main St.. Balboa; Crow'a Nest Restaurant. 4323 W. Coast Hwy., Newport, and Ernie's Bar, 4TI N. Newport Blvd .. Newport Heights. e 110 UCEKSES ISSUED Councilman Sa n d y Ma.cKay said that games were being op· erated ln at least 11 locations, Including the three for whlcb 11· censes were requested. No 11· censes have been Issued tor any of the machines. he pointed out. "They are being operated In the same locations that the pln· ball machines were, ed rm not sure that they aren't allied to pinballs," he said. He made a motion that the permit tor IJ. censes be dented until the games can be investigated, and that the city manager be instructed to see that the operation of unll· censed machines la prohibited. The motion was unanimously approved. e CITAnoa IAUED ........ Tbe COWUitftclat huiWing to be emoute LacuDa ...._ "nte CUy ol !fewport 8Mdl and ...... _ _., __ to~ __ ... _... built near the Carona del Mar tendlnc tbe meetlq were Ed· ~ ..... __ ___._ -.-_._ -n ...... ._ ... ._ rv-~ •-_ _.. ""-lf'.....A bl..... ..,_ c~ ~"""-u"" ate a -'-r """~ ~ of g•--_,.,._ ~-All Alnerlcan Market w11l be the wan~ a"' .... .., atate ••• way~· •-rd t lty L"_. ... ._. __ ., _.,. -r- trlct gin -~th __ _, ...,_.._ agreemen on c pur· ated without license. Tu•ay new home of Vincent's Harbor en eer. wa two ao.:nst· ch t PE perty L. ............ n t.s Br d H 11•-Myt rd t 1 a~ 0 pro ....,.,""""" City Manager John Sailors In· Drug Store, It Is revealed ln the an ; a e .... 0 rv ne Balboa Bl d d th C'ty ""' II d Bill S m t th 1 v · an ~ 1 ua · structed Mr. Youna to tell the zonJng amendment application an purgeon or e r· p k 1 ,.._ t 1 "'-·"""rt The • vi Co Cit ,.. J h er ar n '-C"n ra "~ ~ "" · o~""ers of the games to remove submitted to the Newport City ne ·; Y manager 0 n it 1 kl t I "' this " S II f N Be r.. Cl c Y s see ng 0 :'cqu r.. . them. Later that day Mr. Young Planning Commission by E. Mor· a ors 0 e\•;rport ac... ty rt f d un E gt J B W bb t N prope Y or expansl~n an gav"' thlS. order to Clvde Den· rls Smith of Lido Isle, owner of n neer · · e 0 e-wport t ! h tr I k I '" ~ Be h d N .,_ h provemen ° t e at er pa:r · ltn' g"'r of the Beach Amu8ement.s- ~ch Al lrwtn expects to field hla first-string Tar varsity team poeslbly with the exception of Quarterback George Schultt. suf· ferlng from a wrenched knee. CondltJon of h1s knee today wlll determine lt he can play. Empbaalzing that the newly formed group wllJ bring a pro· gram of free baseball tor all boys in the 10uth bay a rea, local chairman Bob Blackwell reported that he had been advised by the regional otfJce of Little League that strict neighborhood bound· aries were necessary for fran· chise opera tion. the property. Mr. SmJth ls ask· ac an ewport .,.,ac coun· PE 1 1 ed Cit C ell th ... t " II Lee Wild d J . n orm Y oun .. Co .. o"-ner of eight of the games.. Costa Mesa club was sufficient lng C·lH zonlna for the enUre c men er an ay t t--' t t 1 al • S odd d 1 "an ""' 0 re a n mmer. and to ~1.r Duensing. who owned tor the needs of Corona del Mar ·parcel. t ar · rights, and the right to slant dn ll the other thre-e. e LIXE·U'P FOB GAllE but planned to gradually expand The construction plans. re· "We feel that de!lnlte progress !or oil there PE also ask-"' !or • ""' 1 Pinball machint>S are outlawed The llne·UP Includes: ends Paul Lorentzen and Chuck Van· dervort; tackles Jim Rumsey and Jim Taylor ; guards Gary Deem and Jerry Samsel; center Jack Smith; fullback Charlie Berry; h alfbacks David Tamura and John Hopkins; quarterback Schu· ththe club progr1amty ttlo m1dake tusethof vea11Iedf In th10e000En.s.tgn last wee1 k. BrhasadenbeeFnlncahccothmlsplwi~edk.,"chsaalrld. otticlal notification that.the c t) by ordlnanre e\·t'r)v. here In the e commun e a e ca or a . · square · oot = was ready to pnx-eed "1th ron Y th ,._ b lldl t th dru d man o! a spect'al ---·ay study · · city of NE"Y.-port Beach except In ou .....,nter. u ng or e 1 store an u""-""" demnauon. lt nect.'SSarv. to ac· The Little League office In three small shops. committee of the Corona del Mar quire the property. • th~ Fun Zon~. The ordlnane-e to Santa Monica found no basis tor Civic Assn., speaking for the Council acted favorahh· on thts effect "as appro:-red at the the Mesan's complaint. and FJIMCI Direct. committee. "We're pleased at the these requests. although. City Sept. 12 mE't"ting of City Council e IKQUIBIES II.ECEJVED "We have had a few inquiries from Bay Shores and Balboa ask· ing lt boys Uving ln that area would be eUglble for the pro- gram at Corona del Mar's Youth Center," he said. stated that "neither program way the lnterv1ew went between I M g J h Sallo s said that and went Into effect 30 days ana er o n r later on Oct 12 should be disrupted as the re· Is ..... &..... f'_u..· the Irvine Co .. city, county and the city could acquire mineral · · · suit of the actions of the other n IW VIIJ state. It coincides with what we rights too by rondt>mnatlon If 11 e DfQt7m1' SU_GGES_TED Itt or Gen e Hubbard. Harbor Bee footballera tangle with Anaheim at 3 p.m. today (Thursday) on the local David- son Field and the Harbor Cee team journeys to Anaheim for a lt all parties concerned acknowl-Vaughn Walters. 35. of Culver !eel Is the feeling of the civic I wanted to do 51.). Assistant City 1 During the discussion Monday edge that undoubtedly there are City was appolnted Monday eve-association." Attorney Jack Pt>nnt>y agreed. e\·enlng on the request for II· enough boys desiring to play nlng to the new position of direc· sa)·ing that acqu1ring fe-c simple censes. City Manager John Sail· "Wblle we must llmlt our ter· ritory to the number of boys we feel we can handle, the parents of other neighborhoods could easily start their own leagues. The Important thing to remem· ber Ia that Uttle Leagues are all started and run on a local basis. A reuonable $20 fee will make available all the assist· ance and knowledge of the na· tJonal oreantzatlon." basebalJ ln Little League age tor of finance tor the City of JET BLAMED FOR ao<>ll I would Include mmt>ral nghts. 1 ors said that the city should In· groups to make possible the Newport Beach. He w111 take of· A blast that rocked windows PE informed the cit\ that Its vestlgate to see If the miniature operation of more than one flee on Dec. 1. The appointment In the Harbor Area at 5:20 p.m. oUer tor the prop<>rtv '~:a-. $.5.000 pool games are IUegal. and game at the same hour. league." was made by CitY Manager John Tuesday w as believed to be a or $6.000 too high ·and that It should suspt-nd them until they e "'WOULD EASE LOAD'" Sailors a nd approved by City sonic boom caused by a jet I was PE's Intent to sell It for arP thoroughly cheeked. The junior varsity aeason ta over, with the Harbor lVa having tied the Anaheim lVs for the e:hamplonahJp. The last game was against Santa Ana for the Harbor lVs u Orange dld not tteld a lV team. The Anaheim va. Harbor lV game wu the first of the season. There 1a no play-ca. In the lV league as the team e PIIOTEST JUDE members are only playing for Rod MacMlll.lan, Boys' Oub . the ~lence. athletic director who earlier e TAIII WDI The Tar varalty scored a 21·7 M t I PI victory over Orange Hieh School 0 e an S last Friday night on Davidlon Field. The first Th touchdown was on a 19-yard pass from George Scbultt to Paul Lorent· Are onAgenda zen. Charlie Berry made the con· A request by the lrvtne Co. version. The MOOnd touclldown and Coast Hotela Inc. for a u.e wu by Berry from five yards out and the thlrd touchdown was pennlt to construct and operate In a motel, l'eftaurant and cocktaU al80 bY' Berry after he ter· lounge tn Irvine Terrace, at the cepted a pus from Max Darrow Comer of Avocado Ave.· and Mr. Blackwell said there was barely room ln Mesa Park tor the Costa Mesa boys and tha t the Little League would "take a load oft their bands." ''Besides.'' he said, "the Boys' Club Ia ele,ht miles from our homes and we need to get aome· thing golng tor ourselves right at home." · The current Little League membership drive headed by Dick HUllard a nd Ed Bucko Is expected to net upwards of $500. A fund·raising breakfast tMts also been offered by a COM merchant. To take care ol the younger boys, a "mJnor league" program will al80 be outfitted by aponaon and thele boya wtll partake in a full eeuon of play besides belnc offered eeneral bueball trainlnc. of Orange and ran 40 ya.rda. He 'al80 kJdted the convenloJW. Coast Hwy.. will be coftlddered e PD.IIS 10 a IIIOWM All of the Tar polnta were bJ the NewpOrt Beach City Plan· Dave Webb, In charge of coach· made In the firlt halt. after nJnc Cornmt.lon at lbl monthly Ia arranctq for tra1n1ng fllml to which Coach 1rw1n wnt In as IDeet.lq thla evenlna ('Ibun· be abown fathen at eoadles many aublltitutel as P*fble to da;t). • d~lcs begtnnJq In Januaray. _. .... ~ u.. p''"'..c .. --Tbe motel, wllkh wtll eftlrtu· MeanwbUe. Vern Smith. field :=_ ~ wu ":W. .. to-;:;-.; all7 aou111t ol lCIJ unit~. 1a t'be commJU. dlalrmen. was con· one toadlclown 1n the aecond (II'O)eet ol ltobert lnpvn. Joe ductinl 1011 tsta tor the new half. (lolltna and L. II. (W.) ~-diamond. • aAIIQGft _,. a.,. Pour ""Yan~tT" team~~ ol15 wm BllltMir -won lut Thun· AI*» ~ up toplpt wUl be be 'fteWed at the Youth C4mt.r day ....... Oranee • to t and tM ,:ct o1 Rarwy D. Peue nat .....,. from boya ol Co· tM Rarbof 0.. beat Ora.ftl'e 25 for ot olf·ltNet parldna mna cJeJ Mar. klboa blucl a.nd to 1J tM .-..,.. nlltrtc.tlDna _. NIW _.. ..... aclJolftl.aa tadiUiJ, Kr. aack· 'l'be uunaal ~I banQuet 7ud _.._. ,. 11...-cl con· well eatcl. .. .. .. ·~ .... ~ .... ~ .......... pool Pour.,....,.. wUJ pay tiM COlt 21. 1ft tiM Wsapca1 a....Yacld Ud Dll•atllli "!tE In· ol ~ u-e. ...._..,wold a..' With Ira~ .,. of .. .ttatlaMIII&!Iloel.. td· tiM ant ... el ........ die· ........... ,... .. --......... -..,. ...................... a.. fldll· ~~~·w.~Ae~~r.-..wta• tlile ... GIH:ftitla111lall lithe U.. .. Gl\b' _... fll. the lifO• ... wiD ...... ...., ............ Jllidl .... u4 ..... .,.. wiD ................... ...... -Iii ...... 1111 ... will .... ~ .................. wiD ....... --.... . .. I •tTl • fll Ill* & II In-J,;; -. Council. plane. $111.750. ''Is that enough If they are op· eratlng without a permit!" Coun. cllman Stanley Rfdderhof asked. - ft' WAI nncAL ., I •"a Dar ...au a.... .......... ._. __ ,.... ___ _ • .......... ..,.-i .... ..... & kr el I I I ..... -..... -, .... ...... ~lllln .~.,-..... 9 7 .... , ........ .::. .. ' .. ·,.: Ell,.._.. ......... ...._ ..... .................. -.-a~CIIL-~ ........ -..,. ........ .... ..... aLLo.. I A.c;slstant City Attorney Jack Pennt>y pointed out that It Is a I misdemeanor to do business without a license. He added. howe,·er. tllat he had checked the game and that In hls opinion lit was a game of skUI. e 'ALL GAMES OF SElLL' I 'They're all games ol skill," commented Councilman J . B. Stoddard. "But It's gambling lt I there Is a pay-oft." Mayor Dora Hill said the mat· ter should be carefully checked because of the recent pinball In· vestlgatlon. In another matter concerning pinball machines, CouncU ap· proved a motion to refund a pro· rated amount of Ucen.se fee to Clyde Denlinger, tor the remain· der of this fbcal year following the outlawing or pinballa. Bluff House To Be Built • ' ................... ~ ...... ~., ............... Cellf. OM-:!.,.... ..................... t• I. c-.. ........ c.-.., ........ ~~ HIOLc..t ..... w,.c-........ ~ T'IUIHONIJ; ~,,, ...... I ttl t..tlNIB OF THI CALUNGQQ ~ ' ~s r ~ ' ........ a" Your eoJ. 11-4 A~ . . . ~ 001. AIIDUW W.IMI'I'& Jlw M __ ,_ el Ott Co '111 .. q u • at I 0 n a have been SaturckYI I&Jne aaalDit 01\lo uked: State wU1 eettle tt. A wtn or a 1. What Ia the Harbor Cltltena tie and we aN In the l.oM Jowl. Lequef A loea wUJ put MichJ1an Staw lac:kacbe lt Ia a non·prolJt. no·aal&r1 or· ln vla the baek door'. At the v.y CAliFOlNIA NEWSP»>I PUILISHU.S ASSOCIATION ~ J ... NA110NAL IDfTOIIAL ASSOCIATON • • • n.. NIWPOttJ HAIIOl INSt$H ... ...... ...... ..... .. .. • .BY :/;;}f'el(~ 1anJ.zatJon, wboee objecta and .ora we ean aay we came pul'pCIMa ar• to promote the wtthln one of It, but 10 dJd the •\uly, 418cuulon and bettft'ment mother who wanted twtru~ and ot our city rovernment It wu tot a aln.ele. A recent adWrtl.Mment of a orpna.d May 5, 1953. e UIIKD fta.laOWI pha.rrnaeeuUcaJ au P P J 1 bouae 2. What has Jt accompUahed T CoroA& del Mu bas at Jon1 atarted w1th tbla q Q e • tt oft : (a) 'nte first project of the lut made the New Yorker. '11\ta ~at'a back ol you.r badEHtMf" ....... ,., .. ....,., ........... t-1•• ........ s.,.n.r ce.t .... ... ,.._....,... .................................. ~ ........ ~~ ...._. •• s.c-t a-.................. Off* •• c-4J .... Celt spurned the cuace. When the Lea,ue wu the City ('Jlarter. cllpplnc was 1ent to our new The Chiropractor would ......,lY ra1na came, abe due a bole In a The lurue aponaored the clrcu· ne11hbor, Mra. Fay Reber: anJWer, "Your back. of OOUJM,» tiOW'f!t' bed alonr the fen~. and latlon of petltloi'UI to place upon From the November 5th "New Chtroprador'l ate aplnaJ 8Pe· AAVO l. HAN'A UJtw _. l'uWI•••r ~ H.MJI ..._ e IIOVftADI '1'110 HU6H McMILLAN Newt .......,_,._ HAT L. JOHNSON_ ..,.,..._ 61N.ter SAM MITCHEll ~~..~"' lUIY STEVENSON-' ,..- Alonc about thla tJme ot year, the whole C.Q. family eeta moun· taln·hunery. Veterans Day, with the kids out of achool, aettled lt J'rlday found us wtodlne up the hW from Hemet and headed for our favorite mountain tow a Idyllwlld. The old ranch wacon was loaded to the run'la 'with food, oookJng equipment. cam· eras, warmer clothes, and ua. h&d llept there, throulh the wet the ballot the propoaal to elect Yorker:" ctaJlats. Throup the aid of ntcht. Juat to be a little nearer Freeholders to write a charter. JlAIIKD EftUM>WI DEft. ak.Uied ~ worked tn DeU· to thoee who had given her the The propoeal carried by a wide (Ad. ln the Pasadena St&l'·New11) rolol)', balance and ten1Joll con· SUISCIUrTION RATES Lecel .a-n...-, .... : ,_ y.-.. .00: ... ~.00 Ovhlcl• ctf tile He"-AIM: T-,..,......'1..00: -.,._. .4.00 dream that had to end. mareln. ot the 15 Freeholder-a CORONA DEL MAll trol technlqu-. and w1th .-pe-e PDIIT IIIOW elected, the Learue backed 14. SACJUFICE AT $18.500 dally deslrned x-ray equipment ..... -.:;k-".l!;;;j_" ~: --u• ..... The kJda bad a rrand ttme, but The Learue then backed the 3 bedrm.l., 2 batlu, double eu. we have found new ancf modem thelr m<* fervent wtah wu un· Chart« written by the Freehold· Patio • carden with attractive waya ot correctinr the cauae ot fui11Ued. They wanted to tee en. anc! it was approved by a bachelor ln rear. Lea than 1 blk. backache. snow! From the tJme we pulled lure majority of the voten and from ocean on beautUul Marrue-Whether you need advice re· lnto th lorful littl becam• our clty con.tltutlon. rite. cudlnl poftl~N, your bed. ape· •:• +e e a e e e + •:1:1 W:*3* M e e + e e e + e e e . •: e eo e vtllaee. (b) The next pro~ of th• • BO•JIIIQ.• ......,._ cJal aboes, the uae ol belptUl Betsy, our old aprlncer spaniel, with the leaves matcblnf the ~' "" --esft'Cl8e was our guest. Whenever we co colora on the totem·poles that Learue was the problem of the luat tot the word over the • or eklWul manipula· e DOC'S DAY to the mountalns, Betsy becomes dot the town's center, It felt Uke annual aubaldy ol the Chamber radJo that the peNOn rNponaJble Uon or adju.tment., JOUt OlJ.ro. Cinderella. She comes out of her snow. ot Commerce from tax money. for the mJd·atr e-xploaion kJlllnl praetor Ia bat able to belp you. chimney eomN In the guaee. You may ask juat bow one ret.a The Learue apon.ored the clrcu· 44 puaeneera. lncludlnr bla He wtll correct the cauae ot your . Sto<y_ of the centu.y ;, the o.de•l of 31 -ye•N>id Go<><ge Sm;th, and Uues like a queen fou week· the feellne Jhat lt'a 101•1 b> latlon of petlllo"' b> pla<e upon mother, hu cont-.!. He had bad<ache and atve ..,.. nllet I"' te<l ,P'Iot fo• Nol'lh Am.,;<an, who baaed out of • plummet;ng end. Usually, 0.., little wtene<· snow. n·a hml to d...,..lbe, eape· the ballot a prvpoaal to limit the ... ....., b.,. to< pr,ooo. What a Foil-bts lnotnlctlou to the 1et,. sur:o•ved t}le tremendous imf£act of hitting the brick wall of super· dog, Camellia, the pampered one, clally to someone who hasn't amount ot tax money; that could horrtblt way to malte a llvJn1~ letter. PleaM~, dear Council members, use those impressive looking mikes ot your Cou~cil meetings. Don't be so modest; we enjoy listening to you, ond we re olways unhappy about those low·voiced discussions. • • • d t f 0 C b --1 d 1 1 Uv-"' b •-aU be donated annually to the Alr lines wlU look with an X·r•v sontc o•r. was rescue a sea o our range ounty coasf y a mir-..... ys n oors. • eeps on peop e ,.,.... w ere snow .. an ·Win· Chamber. The propoeal was ap· eye at barrage put on the pia;; ....._, ....._ Mrl • t514 aculous stroke of coincidence, and pulled through the long ordeol at beds and gets bites of people ter blanket. Back Eut some euly proved overwhelmlnflY by the by anyone not rtcllnr on It N ~ C.U.... del .._ H oag Hospital. Feb. 26 was the fateful do~, ond he stayed ot Ho•n food at the table, whUe old Beta)' November day, aft~ a f~ weeka • ._..1•• ============= h h .. "" sits sad·eyed out back and ju-of crt~~n, brl.,ht w•·th-, wh·-voten. It baa resulted In the • ...., -BO ... t more t on t ree months. It is estimated he oiled out ot 6,500 f•t •• ., -r • ~ ~ "' .. -1-* 1 f th1 tt f Three n-- 11 " he I .... hope5. T h I s time. Camellia. autumn'• paints blazed on every wu•P ~e remova 0 • em 0 ..... '1-OL l&mes of t Pone nosed down at 777 miles an hour. A deloy of jusf two more whose short coat wasn't buJlt for hlllalde, the feeJina would come. expense from curr ent city sklU" ue belnl OPft'ated 1n the seconds would hove me•"'t '".e~·,·n de•th. • budee•· city without a 11 M • "" "' "" "' mountain cold and who eets Suddenly, It aeemed, the treeJS ..... oenae. .,Ybe A Classified Ad in The Ensign brinqs immediete Nsultsl Cell Herbot 111 .... 1115 and orove itl His survival ond recovery made aero-medical history. proof thot roose·bumps at the sight of an had 'become 4ark akeletons, their (c) The third proJect of the juat a n~ coat of paint on the t~e ~um~n body co~ stand terrific punishment. Doctors who helped Ice cream cone, spent the week· oran&e and acarlet and gold of League Is the pendJng proposal horse formerly known u pinball h•m '" h1s fight for life were Dr. Dovid Ballant ine, Dr. Richerd Button, end with Dr. Stockton, our veter· yesterday, now brown on the to change the method of electlnc l imFa~ch~Jn~et~!;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Samuel Frazier and Dr. Walter Rolston of the Hoag Hospital steff. lnarlan. ground. The blue of October skies city councilmen. The Lea,ue L I ..J. t ra; w 11 G d h h d f ded t d ll sponsored the clreulatlon of pe· oco t:"'o oqro er " y erhar t ad the important assignment In Idyllwild Bet&y was a pic· a a 0 a u • even rray, tltlons to place upon the ballot of maltmg o c.o or.photofrophy record of the pilot's recovery. So top ture of dog happiness. Bon} or and the stimulating crispness of th t th h th d h hunting Parents' every dellclo ... morning frosts had '-~m ... a e proposition to change the secre wes •s p ase o e recor t at the films were t·'en from ..... """"' "' elect! 1 t 11 h W I .. ~ ht-f h oods deep, penetrating cold. There w"• on aw 0 a ow eac coun· o ly for processing and study by North American ond the Air Force, w u 0 t e w • every exclt· ..... cllmanlc district to elect Its own ond only recently was Wally able to see his own pidures. lng scent of deer or squirrel, a \lf1lnge atUlness of the air. The councilman. This proposal will • • • stirred old Instincts that had gray sky darkened and lowered never had much chance ln a untll It .eemed just overhead. be3 voWhted on on December 6. The coin-collecting Nichols ... Kenny and son Gene of Balboa mostJy.concrete back yard. At There, Uke tiny feathers from · 0 are the member of the lsl.ond · · · attended t~e State Numiosmetic "ssn. convention in San night, stretched out on a warm some unseen white bird, hJfh In LePraeue! 1 D.lego last week-end. end Gene won second place in Closs A with his rug In front of a fireplace that that gray, the first flakes would eaent Y the officers are A. B. dtsploy of US .. proof coins and patterns ... Wouldn't you ltnow it. smelled deliciously as oak loga come, with a gentle stillness that Cubbace, chairman; Ruby Stev· wh t K N h I ld f 11 and pine con-roared a m•rry seemed •o surround you. F"•ter enson. secretary.treuurer. The . e enny IC 0 s. wou w.ont m.ost 0 a is a nidel-191 3 v•riety ~ "' ., ~ dir t H oe·---w I I berty h d f h h I f u tune. o -tsy was living one of the and faster theywouldcome·· .. th· 1 ec oCarsldareh enry uoLCJ, a · 1 . eo .. o w •c . on y 1ve ex•st. One was on displ·y •t the con-uc ""' a..... er ead H Lo u u days that came much too .... ldom. out sound. In moments. the dark '""' · ' ans renz. ~ent•on. pme possess•on of J. V. McDermott of Milwaukee, who re· When we piled out of t ..... he car, ground had turned white and BDr. Fried HuWntl.lEI lmer Wiles, Hans lected M offer of t 11,500 for ,·t.l.l . . . """"r ng lam P l ~ h I S d ever.,.......... and the stark tr...,.s •""" ' errow, · If t t b ome aga n on un ay evening, •. .......... ""' Fr k 8 k d you wan o ecome a coin collector (other thon just trying to Betsy knew too weU that the ball grew lovely In feathery cloaks. an ur e, An y SmJth, Wal· collect the green stuf~. send " $2.10 money order to the U.S. Min t was over. A!$ often as we put her It was magical, that first snow. ter Gerhardt. Fred Singer, Mrs. and ask for 0 proof set of coins--a half dollar. quGrler. dime. nidel out. s he'd try to get back on the Each year, It seemed that some ~r~s FloMtr,er, ~Fbrk En&elke, A. K . on~ penny · : · 91 cents worth of. money ... But to give you an idee car seat again. Like the atory of sort of miracle had happt>ned H e ips, d ~ erFn Moseman, Ed of. •ts potent.ol value, .o 193~ proof set !also 91 cents worth of U.S. the girl and the golden slippers. again. ea y &n a. ay Reber. There com) was sold ot o t d th . f h sbe,didn't want to go ba-... to the • WATCH -.-~o,.......,a are several outstandlnr citizens f $ uc •on unng e convent•on or t e record price himn """ ••a--·· who are supporters of the Lea,ue o 185 . . ... Ken ny ho.s proof sets for every year since the Mint c ey comer, In the rarage. We all felt the nearness of the who for business reasons prefer rlorted prov1dmg them, 1n 1936. . . On Mond~ mornlne, we felt first anow. up In the mountain to remain anonymoua. th Cen feny~ spore me e nickel, liberty heed, that is. 1913 d•te a UW. aad about the wbole fp,~ce •• ~~ledln .~<!tlllwtll d. thFor ~-~~ MembenbJp 1n the Learue la • year 0 my b1rth • • • 0 ~!·_9~d Betay, t:rylnr IO hard U-LU_. UJ...-V., e ~-open to aJl pe.noa8 lD the CQm• -::;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;jjj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===~~IDAAC~~~het:!.~*'~"~m~Jut,~~ba~d ~e4 the o.a~. Aa munt~ wb.o are ~tereete4 In ntrbt came they c:bedted lt every ctvlc atfaJra. nse publJc b ln· few minutes. boplnf acaJnat vJted to all mHtlnp. hope that the needle would toucll Look over the llat of names of the freezing mark. On Saturday the oUicers and directors. I won· morning when the cloudl lifted der If anyone wants to throw brlefiy from the highest peaks, rocka at any of them. I'll be glad there was a new whiteness, re· to give space to any one who placing the gray rocks of the day does. luat step one pace forward. before. On Sunday, the snow· The League hu announced a line waa nearer, but stUI too far public meeUng to be held In the for any sense but the eyes. M we City Hall Council Chambera at packed up our gear, the kJdl 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday). pleaded to stay another night , ......... ...,1 FOR CHRISTMAS OaDU TOO'a ''HALLMARK'' ........... 1 CGI-... Ill PUIIIOY "'1'8E ~ ftoa ncr IIAibof 1171 '117 .. CoCIIIt 1U91away, c-.a del M• r. -.n Ses.ct~oG '1 know It wtll snow!'' they eJOCBJCAJI aald. We're down but not out. Th.la VVe went ~ the winding iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~~~~~~~~~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~ road to Hemet with but a promiM of the snow that never reached us. But the lrmlncta that told us the anow was near were not wrong. One more day and we would have had snow a plenty! lnllr Y11r n.•sc~Y~~c ,.,.,, •••! e LOCAL n..,....MI. ._ * Only Swift'• Premium Beef Sold Here * ALL PRICES GOOD UNTIL THANKSGIVING DAY FRESH DRESSED TURKEY 59c HENS •· The kids went back to achool on Monday morning foT a tbrlll that didn't come-the feel of fresh, white snow. But. after a ll, we have a compelling excu1e to go back. very soon. to that lavor· lte hideaway called Idyllwtld. ............... .............. Dr. Msrla E. Varady, who baa lust opened her otnee at 2753 E. Cout Rllhway, Corona del Mu, ta a rraduate of the aoyal Hun· 1adan Pu:many PeWt Unlveralty Medical School ln Budapest and abe reeetve4 h• 8pedaJJat de· lfH ln Internal DM4JdDe at the Jtoranyt ClJnJc Jn Bunpry. Dr. Vuady U.. at ~ Seaview Ave., Corona del Mu. .. ' s '' . R I ; , I I 1 , L. 1 • I LJ r ' . I I~ IPEDL4LI Fll n..llr .. W•••••ar, .,. 11• .. D AIIII001rl I'I'Aa-W.... -..... IWl TENDIIIZED HAMS • • • • • • BACON. • • • • • .49clb. . • • • 65c IIi. • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tar Tattles ---... PBOII IIAIIIOa ID laiOOL .., ...... LILID'I'IIAL Patronesses Are Named For Harbor Cotillions Alonr the a&cs. ot the claDee n.ey bout thtrty-ftve memben floor, thee wen y&l'd llne matk· thla yqr. lfewpon Bait>or Cottlllona held The seventh and etrbth crad- .... meet ln the evenln1 u the lunlor CoWllon. Patrons and Pa· SCOOPS "IIi .... I I I ....,. .. ..., '-..... ---tly ••• Let ... dotM.....,_....r ... beJel Jut ftund.I.Y tor the RU· .. to llve the Ida ot 1 football Th.U ~np are held on the tbelt 8eCIOIIod meet.Jnr of the c1ent1 aDcl ol' Orada wu u aue· fteld. A tea.l.latie 11e0re board on tlrat and th1r4 Monclaya of eedl aeuon yateday CWednMclay) ~ u the rame pnee41nr lt. the left 11cle bad the ICON ot the month. OMcen ~cUnr for tbJI at the K....,an Harbor Yacht The cSance floor wu c:rowcle4. 1ame on lt. Tall1oal PMb atoocl year are Gene Booeey, pr..tclent: Club. Dtreetinl the IJ'OUP wu ~neuNS Include ~. and ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--Bull R. Twlat, cha.lrmen; ~. Learn to Dane. .. ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HAUO~ Jt25 3523 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR L.rgest end Most Compl.te Furniture Store in the Area. c.n fot frM DECORAnNG SERVICE Llb«iy .. 5511 Furnishings for homes, dubs, yachts. l017 W. Coe.t Hl9hw•y Newport ... c.h Tour ~!11andoaa dill •• ..w... . by the e'Dtrii)Oe cloor and on the Rachel Perez. vke preddtnt; 10aa Vlrrhlla Gollatz. otber alcle ot the floor. Conerat· Gene Bmlth, aecnta.ry, aacl Mat· x.r.. Harvey Somen o1 Balboa ulatlon.t to the Pep Commt.lon. ete Knox. t.reuurer. Co·aclvtacwa 1a ceneral eb.atrman ot the Qttll· Durtnr the bal1 time at the are Cbatl• lla.nclall and Leon· Uoru~ of M.-pon Harbor. She p.me the bome-com.tna Queen atc1 Tbompeon. beacla a number ol patroneaes and her Court ~e preaentecl to • • • who are apoJWOrtnc various of onlookers. One awed mate mem-ei'IIIIT QVAJIUJI ona th..e clanclnriJ'Oups. ber of the band wu ao struck One clown and three to ro-Tb M tl CotiUl that· he wu left ttarinr at her quuten that Ia. ~ letter to e a nee on, Whlcb o ....... 1 11aa-... u the band ".,._.. meets at 3:45 In the aft.e:rnoon, ls mo...,.,~ lntoth~lr next formation aU Freahmen Parenta:-nmem· headed by M.nL Charles P. Got· • • • • ber u you look at our report ton, a.alated by Mrs. lay Beeee- carcla today-If aome cUdn't quite myer. It Includes children In the mAe the honor roll-we tried-third and fourth erades. Other but laJ\'t your second cake better patrone.aes are Mmes. lames l . than your first on a new red~. Carroll, ~eld Dinwiddie, Don Mom!-thla t1rst quarter we had Edler, E. H. Gr~nendyke, Sam- to ret acquainted. with ao many uel Hill, Burh Hutson, M. Macy new people and opportunities-lones. Sandy P. MacKay. Emory maybe we tried to do to many E. Moore lr., loh.n Oertly, Spen-job~ere b so much we want cer RJeharclaon, Paul M. Rorera. to take part ln. Don't "crrnund" eiAILDfdCLua The Sa.Uln1 Club whteb wu Ratted 1ut year la rolnr full blut thla year. In October a "luau" wu held for the mem· ben. Jtlrht now a .erie. of four layman'• races are beinr held. Two have already been held and the remalnlnr two are scheduled for December 10 It lL Another laym.aru~ terles wW be held next semester &lao. A cup known u the "Calcl· well Perpetual Cup" la the prize to the wtner of the layman. It Ia named after their advlaor, Paul (Pablo) Caldwell, a Spanlab teacher at Harbor. Ocean races are &lao held throughout the year. At tbla time the Sir Tomaa Tipton Cup, at..o a ~rpetual cup, la the prize. '1'1\ne aoclal dinner dance parties are alao held. The oW cen tor the year are Dave Grant, t.reuurer. To join the club you must have a genu· lne interest In aalllng and be a fairly good satl<w. A boat 15 not required, but they would like It If you had one. • • • e .OWDIC a.va FODI.ED Speaklnr of boats and water, another new club has been formed, the Rowtnr CluJ>. Al· though they haven't taken to the water yet, they are quite active. They have two ahells from the Los Anreles Ahlet1c Club that are In a llttle sad condition. The boys are spending their time now flxJng them up. They are 1n need of about S500 for new equipment. .,.._ T. D. Roeera. lohn Scuddet", Get'· ua for too lone-we've a whole ald Shuchter, lohn Swtrart. H. new quarter to aettle down ln. Payne Thayer lr., Charles Ull- ''Tbanka for remembering your man, and Franklin WUcox. freshman year" slrned, "your Younr ballroom dancera of the ever Jovln Froah." -Tries to Swim To Sailboat Mrs. Edna MeWllllam.a of 417 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa, was picked up while swimming In the bay off Fernando St., Balboa, by a harbor department patrol boat at 7:25 p.m. Jut Thursday, after startJnr out to swim to her bus· band's boat. the Norma S.. at about 6:10 p.m., Newport pollee reported. Mrs. Jack W. Hill of 410 Hard- ing St., Balboa, told pollee she tried to discourage Mrs. McWil- liams from ma~ng the swim whUe wearing a white blouse and pedal pushers. The women and their huabands had been for a sail In the boat earlier In the day. Mrs. HW said she saw Mrs. McWilliams disappear b e h I n d the second boat out from the dock at Fernando St. fifth crade meet at the Yacht Club at five o'clock for their CoUUlon, with Mrs. Robert C. Sallabury and Mrs. Richard Steele. Other Patronesses tor the Fifth Grade CotiJUon Include Mmes. Lawrence E. Brown, Spalding Eastman, Vernon EdJer, Randall F. Geddes, Walter D. .K. Gibson Jr., Earl Gustkey, Dudley Jarrett. Hugh l . Lowe,l r .. Robert Mackey, Donald McCallum, Emory S. Moore. Jr., lobn Oertly, Nelson Pringle. James Ray. Harry Stick- ler. lohn Swigart. BasU TWist. Oren Wade. and Thomas C. Web· ster. Patroness cbalnnen for the Sixth Grade Cotillion. which meets at 6:30, are Mrs. William B. Clark and Mrs. Howard B. Lawson. Assisting them are Mmes. Spalding Eastman. Vern- on Edler. Robert P. Forbes, Cllr· ford Hakes, Samuel Hill, Al!red V. Jorgensen, E. VIncent lorgen- son. lay Rhodes Longley, Rich· ard Ma.rseJJus, J. Kenneth Mer· rlam. George Michaud. Smith Newberry, H. Morgan Noble. W. D. Schock. WUllam R. Severance. William H. Spurgeon, m. and Richard Steele. • and MrL JUcllard Ma.raellua., co- c b a I r m e n , and MmeL and Meara. lames S. Beattie, I. Har· old Caldwell. loeepb Carv8, S. l . Colyer, Hal Dike, Wlll1am E . Ftaher, Robert P. Forbe.. Leonard Graves. Edward Groenendyke, George Hoar U, Robert Mackey. W. Phelps Merlckel, JOMPh Nick-era. Nebon Prtnr!e, 0. w. <Dick ) Richard, l ohn Scudder, Porter Sinclair, Edward Lester Smith, Lester A. Smith, Harvey Somers. Cbarle. Ullman, Charles W. Prld· dy, Hany Stickler, Gaylord To· hJll and Alan l . Mickle. and Mmes. Marearet Tr1der WhJte and M.lriarn SebmJdt. WU.UAJI JEFnET una AS JTVDERT DDIOifSftATOa William M. letfr~. aon ot Mrs. Phyllls l ethey, 31.2 Narclssus Ave., Corona del Mar, served as a studen• demonstrator In the botany department at the an- nual Pomona CoUece Science Day procra.m Saturday, Nov. 5, when the oollere wu h~ to more than sao students from 50 Southern Callt.ornla hlrh acboou. Wllllam. a junior, la majoring In botany. T11E TWEGIES. DWLTWEDS. MAKE T1lEDl BOllE IX (2)11 Making their home In Corona del Mar are l ohn Charles Tweedie, formerly of Newport Beach, and his bclde, the former Mlss Marcia Wood, daughter of Mrs. Lucien A. Wood of Fonda, Iowa, and the late .Mr. Wood. The eroom Is the aon of Forrest J. 'lWeedl~ of CbJcaeo and the late Mrs. Tweedl~. Th~ newlyweds hon~ymooned In Mexico. DOCTOrs DMCE IIELD Mrs. Fred Hunt and Mrs. Nor· ma n Carlson of th~ Harbor Area were both on the commltt~ for the Doctor's Dance held Saturday nlrht at the Newpoct Harbor Yacht Club. The party was gtven by the AuxHiary to the Orange County Medical A.uociatlon to fete husbands of the members IIIE DOES IT WJTII MDaOIISI Jloea T61bot Ia tile..., ~u Ia .... WM ....... lf.T. t:nda1Dg Ia ...... ~ to aab youn • BOUSE aEAUTU'UL 0. dJtpiCI1' Ia .._ loftly ...., ..... Ia (2)11 ... ~ alrnn. Mooiattft aafiqaecl m.1nan wttla 90le!· CJI'MD .... CIDid (bold your bnathl) aaJmlnd .... tlllblee wtt1a aide plaat.a ned Clllll• nnatiOil ,.._ Ia aay b--. She.._ • .......,.., .... ,__ c:lDatiD9 • E a F 17 I( E ftA YS wlaU.e .,. ,.... tiMre bat took tilDe to abow u tlae lfEWEJT ITEM of cdl ••• a ............. c:.atlw ...... -.,..,.. ,...,. vtYID9 tlllblal a.a.d gift ..... too -y ll.5CL ...... m-.... & ~ Cadw-. a.da· sift wttla .._ Ia CDJI. Jloea Talbot. 1710 L Ceat ll.hNy, BCII'b« sa. • • • • Custom·made LAMP SHADES are more than decorative; they are conversaUon pieces, when designed and fashioned by Es- telle's PRIDE lr JOY Lampshade Shop ln Balboa Island. Shades and frames created to order Just for YOU that particular apot ln your room. Estelle make a fetish of lndivtduaHzed perfection! She will work dl.rect.ly wtth you or with your decorator. You'll mar- vel at the wide selection of lovely fa brics and trims. Remem · ber, It's Estelle's at 304 ~ Marlne Ave., the lamp shop we list with PRIDE lr lOY. Harbor 516. • • • WIT1I -.: BOLIDATS D · P110AaDifC 1t'a • fOOd U.. to '"W ~ wklw.'" AT BESS BAm F ASJIIOifJ U..U apwta -~ bow all the tric:b of tile tnlde • • • WI "''eeful ....,. to lacdDa you feel lUre a l'rwtty ~ ~ .............. ... T...t .. a.,...., ftllt ..... ..... --.y .......... t ...... llomla-.MII ........... . tlrrzry _.._ • •·= .... • "'"fj ' CIISd ..., a..aty .. ,._ ... lt'a • llllk·mft rrn•tl••• tllllllt .... •1 trr. ... ,.... Owlf?MI -.ct • ..,. rraeL trT .... IIAD FASIDOn ...S ,..-u bowy..~U..aaTI .. L c..t Bwy ... CDII. IIA -~~ * * * COUNT TO TEN rood reaae>DS tor ualng TED BROWN, IE'WI:L· ERS u your rUt headquarten: 1. Dlamoncla ... ao luxurious! 2. <>meca 1r Bulova Watches 3. Ronson lr Sunbeam products 4. Cultured Pearls 5. Sheaffer Pen lr Penet.ls 6. Geme Silverware (Swedeft) 7. Expert Watch Repair 8. S. lr H. Green Stamps 9. Easy Credit-No C&rrytnr Charge 10. Lay-Away Service Convinced! Then get "on the double" lr head tor Ted Brown Jewelers. 1823 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, lJ 8-3777. • • • OOIDAifT COICJ•c? - baftDg • bUtJI.daT? Cladatila-la9 • ..., boat? To. daa"'t IIAJ'TA' laaft • .-. INt U .,_ c1o. ~SJ.JWD uouoas ..w -~ tile wood&... • ... your tcr..tt. bniDd ........ .... ac:eeda. a...dy ••• .., -.. ltl Plu -ollld --. a.-.. bUs. m... ...,. .... wttla lt. ~ .. WIW& • TDIL • ~ ,_.._ ~­ la9a.t.~My ..... ...,..._. wtMwt-.tt...s....-tt. t.tift I I • Bey. _... .. ,_ waltmw trd n. -1' - Ia 1alaDd u.r--. at ......... ..u.. laa.d. ,.. ~ .. Cllll Ia IIA 121&. ~ .. . Sba1 ••• ...s ...... s to ... . • harbor photo lab One of the shells Is a tour man and the other ls an eight man. Later when the boats are fixed. races will be staged with Or· ange Coast and other high schools. The president of the ctub 1a PhJl Brownell, vice presi- dent. Ron Crowe, and treasurer, Carl Betreron. There are about 15 memben. Tbelr adviser 1a lohn Edrternach. • • • • ..,...,.CLn The husbands, l oseph McWil· IIams and lack Hill, came ashore ln a cllnghy without sighting Mrs. McWillla.ms and immedi- ately put back out to search for her but their little boat capsized, aplUing both men Into the bay. Mrs. McWilliams declined medl· cal ald afer being brought ashore, and she walked home. ....., ... 11, • liap11t II •••• Flag down the record breaker fast COLOR SERVICE 3121 E. Coast Hwy. CDM OM ot• tbe lead.ln6 du118 at Ba.rbclr Iii the Buatne. Club. It la a club for junJora and .enlora who have over lS credits in bust· ness oouraetJ. Known u the Theta ~ Kappa, their object 1a to help those Interested In a business caret'!' throurh varied tleld trtps. They have gone to auch places u Northrup and the Huntington Beach Oil Fields.. Win a New Dodge Every Year For Life! The Most Excitin9 Prize in History! 4 BIG CHANCES TO WIN A WINNER A WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS! TO WIN YOUR NEW DODGE EVERY YEAR FOR LIFE COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS ENTRY lH.ANK NOWr If your sl09en is sefected, you will b. flown to HoUywood to eppeer on the coast-to-coast L.wrence Welk TV Show. All expenses paid for by Dodge! GET THE OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (NO OBLIGA ~ION) AT AL BEA rrY MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH, COSTA MESA Mua for Mrs. Mary Grotz. 71. of 1.22 34th St., Newport Beach, wu oeelbrated Monday 1n Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cat.hoUc Church Holy Rosa~)' last Friday In the Baltz eo.ta Mesa Cha~J. Mra. Grotu died on Tbunday, Nov. 10. In Hoar Memorial Bos· pltal. She wu a naUve of IDinob and had lived In Newport Beach for five years. She Is survived by her husband, Henry GroU. of the home address; two daugh- ters. Mra. Edith Spence of San Bernardino and Mrs. Dorothy Parrlsh of Fontana; one grand· daughter and two sisters, Mrs. Hanna Frederick of Inglewood a nd Mrs. Margaret Nosen of UU - nol-'. A l'fEW LJ'1'TLE SAVACE A son. Thom as Edward, was born Tuesday, Nov. l. to Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. Savage of 512 Avocado Ave .. Corona del Mar. The baby a rrived a t Queen of Angels Hospital In Los Angeles. LEGAL MOTICt: CEIITJ1'ICATE OF BUSJXESS Fictitious FinD l'fam• TIJE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certlly that they are conducting a flower shop and nursery busi- ness at 2625 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Calif .. under the fictitious flmt name of Norman's Flower Shop and Nursery, and that aald firm b composed of the folowtn1 persons whose names In full and places of residence are u follows. to-wit: loe D. Ellla. 431 ~ Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar. l . L. Moaholder, 515 Marrue· rite Ave., Corona del Mar. WII NESS our hands this 7th d_, of November, 1955. l~ D. ElJb l . L Moaholder STATE OP ~FORNIA l COUNTY OJ' ORANGE la OM TBlS Ttb a:, of November, 1955. before me. a Notary Public In and few .. sd county and atate. i~~1810~~lf~WW~pul~lt~Bl~Y4~~~~~iii~iii~~~Uiil~·72'72iii~~ ratdlnr therein. duly commls· " "" " 11onecl and awon1, personally ap· I)M.Nd loe D. Ellla and I . L MC*bohler. lmowft to ~ to be t.be ~~~~~ wa.c. nUM& .,. •b8erl'*l to tbe wttbln lnatru· lbftt. and edmow ..... to rM that ~ eu 1 Clt.cl tiM ...... . ···~ ~ bad and otft. dal -.1. ~ A.llaapa lfotarJ Pvblle .. .... ....... ~ ........ ~ Oa 'sdae ....,... Auf. ...... ,.blllh: ...._._ 10. n. M. o. ~Lt-. --~~~==~~:::. .. .-.-.... .:;:~=:~~~·~-. Rewpwt R~ ~ . 'and take the wheel! We'te got tlaac MID '66 CMrrollt ~' C7"'11iling 1M stretts to mak4 it tG8J1 for V0t4 to driH tM ear thai ~Mlter«l 1M Pika Pm reconL WMft rou,. one, tDGH (l to 1M curb-and t4U tiN tOW. Y ov'U dUt:oter all 1M IAitlfl tlaat WIGb W. ,._ CJa.w o cltGmpl Here'• the ear that .,....., tM Pia. Peak reoanf_,...., it - tbe qualitiea that meu..ter, __. drmDa eoDtrol I Lib to drift ... , That'• eaq. J.t ....... ~ of t.beee DeW Cbem*tt ....... ltraton-aDd tab OYWI YOQ'U feel tbt h•MJinc .. tMt took the twWa out ol tJa. willdiq Pikes Peak road. And ,ou'U-what we mean by l'eCQI'd. brw.kiDa poww. 'I'be8e Cbevroleta are pow•ed by tbe new 205 b.p. "Super Turbo-FIN V8" -an extra- COlt optioG that poan out all tbe aetioD JOQ eoWd enr uk fori So. lin -. ol oar DeW Cbe'lya tM hiP lip-fult for fWL We'D ben......,faryoul TH. HOT .QN.a .V.N HOI i&JII MI''R CHEVROLET CO • • "Be s~~.naeure" WITB STANLEY msuiWfca AG'ImCI' Phone Harbor Jnt , 3815 E. COut 81"""' C<n.na d¥1 IUr Res. Phone, uwttY S. 1315 """' i iiii iiiiC'I'IOir REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Contlnuou. d8J' and evenlna cluaet tor preparation to pau the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7 ..J511 KEllog 8-2513 Let Me Teach You dlmA PA.DfTIWG Convenie-nt Cloa Le8sons lJ 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY . -- I HOM I lOANS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS Sanford Sues to Recover Funds from Gordon Eldred LOla FOil .. 5" •no LOU Ccm.tructlcm 1oarw s,.._UU LOU au .Oa dtft.a , ..... l•rta• a.. 1515 K. eo.t a.,. C'DN I'lL. u 1111 a J-5115 ( ...... loUt biNs I • hMI) ----·------- 1928 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa . auiLDma snruu CEMENT AND BUilDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION To sm. Yoe. ln. btaadfwl COSTA MESA 11.-bdr~II ...... A ... ... _._....,.Ue A Superior Court 1ult charging which furnished the bond, the ~~:"':"': "c ::::=:·~=~·~~~:: .. :'·==~~~~=~~==~==~~~ fraud and forgery and .eeklng JO a}unoo o~ 01 A~n~ ~PU(d "" - $11,363.84 from Gordon Eldred pu1r lPlfl puv.z.J JO ~unoo and $5,000 on his 1urety bond ~Jlfl )0 ~JAU<>o RA\ ~13 hu been tiled by WlJJtam San· ·<Y.l Ot()tnJnSUI sapuno.tf ford. Balboa Island realtor, and forgery In Santa Ana Jut year his wile MHdred. and now Is serving time in Chino All Klnd&-Free Estlmatee LIBEJn'Y 8-6109 t 4 4 LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS KJIVH. Sclaaorl. Etc. Liberty 8·513'7 J. A. Bolding 188% Merrill Pl .• CoSta Mesa PADfTilfG PAlin II IL W .... LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CUMINYE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW .. ~" INTEREST ItA TES The Sanfordl charged that ltate prison. J.tb Santa Ana l'ftl they paid $3,514.24 to Eldred for estate business entered bank· , , +:• , , , , , , , , , , •:, , , the aaatgnment of a trust deed ruptcy as a result ol the manlpu. Letten ... on one parcel o.t Orange property lations ot trust deeds of which and 16.816.53 t or another trust he wu convicted. deed on another parcel. On both, *!A • •:•:• ••' • • ' *' •: • ' ' he claimed to have ualrnmenta To the EdltoT: from Anna H. and David R. May an unimportant taxpayer Miller, but the signatures actu· ally were forged and notarized uk some questions about the by EJdred, the suit charge.. propo~ new highway to pus The Millers In a quiet-title a'C· Chapter Holds Pledge Ritual Corona del Mar? tlon won possession of the trust Future new mem ... --of the 1. What connection does the deed s 1 Co rt J d uo:n~ s as uper or u u ge Mu EpsUon Chapte-r of Beta proposed by.pass have with the Franklin G. West ruled the as· Sigma Phi Sorority wtll receive high bridge which Is to be built algnments were forgeries, the th It led ltual th'- 1 across the Upper Bay? complaint set forth. The court e p ge r .. even ng CThursdayT at a meetlna-at Ken· 2. Is the announced route defi· was uked to give the SanfordJ nedy'a Restaurant, Coeta Mesa. nately fixed? Is there any vital Judgment for the face amounu MB. John Nacu-, M.n. John reuon tor locadnr the new foa4 ot the note. with a $5,000 Juda-· Ra*an. MA Robert letmett.lln. on our J'Utb A.•a. • ._. It mat ap.IMt tbe •uretr flml e1er7 Staat and Mn. ~g~m au. wW M a aulunce to IIWI7 r.A· J abe wer. recentJ:)-...._. to a..e dents. put· .tOp-to turtbet res!· Ho ders Back non -.ctemJe tnt.ma6onaJ .. dentlal MftloPOWnt ofl the hlll. rortiy at a preferential tea and aJde, .r&d cut fll1 tbe ~&Gel lhMl F E were welco~ omctalJy at Jut the w.vnt Woal4 It lM Jd*lbte rom urora e Thursday'• meeting at the home to move the route five or alx of Mrs. John B. MerriJJ 230 24th 416 Femleal, del Mar hundred teet further north, where Mr. and Mrs. Woody older ot PI Costa Mesa • 127~ 30th St., Newport FRIENDLY lt would not place a barrier be· the VIlla Marina Restaurant re· The chapter · Yoted at Thurs. Harbor 0347·R or Harbor 6f1r7.w tween the school and the stu-turned the tlrst of Novembet day'a meeting to aasut the New· PLU1011fG dents. most ot whom • come from from a European trip with a port Harbor Elks with wrappln& SYM'ATHETlC SERVICE south of the buUdJng. group of hotel and restaurant Chrtstmu &1f1a tm the needy WATER HEATERS 3. Granting that the upper people. The group of ZT persons Mrs. Ernest Waltze •u ap: Sales. Service and Repaln FREE route would add a few rods to wu headed by Prot. H. B. Meek, pointed chatnnan of the J'r'Oject. II£ IECIITIIJ the length of the speedway, d"n of the restaurant school at and gilt wrappinp are being • would not this cost be offset by Cornell UnlvertJty. aoUclted from the members. CUSTOMERS' PARKING ellmlnatlna-the expense of buUd· The Holders left here on Sept. PLUMBmG lng elaborate under·pa.sses or 20. going. to New York City by ................ ----~-..... -... ...,...._..._ Terms, 10 Per Cent Down overhead crossings to give acceu air and Oylng from there to Lon· TH£ ~ Phone Harbor 5330 ESCROW to the school? Even at greater don. Enrland. They toured Eng· mLo I I IE1n WE.LDIRQ cost, It might be that the greater land, Holland, Germany, Swit7.er· II) L~ SERVICE. safety would be worth lt. since land, Italy, Spain and France, Fabricating, Designing EFFICIENTLY OPERATED a freeway on the town sldeofthe Oying back to thl11 country from It Maintenance school would almost Inevitably Paris. Restaurant schools were • W'EJ)IfESDAT. lfOV. I TRAILERS, HITCHES. BUMPERS constitute a t.rattlc hazard. visited in dltlerent countries. Mrs. John R. Dinsdale of 934 or what have you; No job LA~UNA Btr.ACH 4. Is there any emergency along with deluxe hotels and Dogwood St., Costa Mesa, re· too large or too small. ':::7 1: which requires the construction eating places. ported that her son, John 2%. REASONABLE RATES of the new by·pus? Traffic in Mr. Holder recently purchased ran into the street at ZTtb St. and 2133 Orange, Costa Mesa, 222 O.:..n Ave. Corona del Mar appears to be the Balboa Inn In Balboa and ex· Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, U 8·2619 PHONE HY. 4-1 177 more than adequately provided pects to take poues.slon on Dec. and sutferd bruises when hit by ,.., ........ adwoyf NEED CASH IN McoiD TIME? A phon. c.ll ttill storl the ball rolling. You may have th. cash in record time to pay bills, boy new dothes, make car repairs or for any olher good reaSdn. Don't hesltat.. Seaboard likes to h.tp folks help themsel .. s. If you need money ~II our ,.. offic. NOWI 1 • / I • I , I , • * • Uberty •• .,. no. c. ...... -.,... ' ••• Aapb.aJt roe -!tubber TUe PonnJea -Ttle tDIOt.hM IIIOt e... ... BODT·PAIRT SBOP for by the w1den1na-ot Cout L Plana call tor the Inn to be a car but she dJd uot otrt,tn the Htrhway, so expen.Jvely earrted remodeled wtth a swimming name of Ute drlver ... Mrs. Ju. ,.~~-----~•lllliliiilillliliiiliiiliiiiiiiiiii ....... PATCH'S BODY SAN CLEMENTE throuch a year aJO. There are pool and cabanu In front. thar Ray ol5lllmfte Ave .. !few. A: PAINT SHOP Vf!IY lew t.ralJic janu~ ln our Yil· port Hellbtl, reoported her ton'l R. w. PATCH 601 H. B c-.tno RMf Jaa-e, except when the ~ Ill. P•lllt llll bicycle mt.tnc from the Horact-Compl~ CoUlston Work fl'HONE HY.-... 2•1191 llcbtl 1et mixed ap, .. It often .. Enldcn M~ ... Aato Palntlnc ., HYadftfh t.t 196 happeN, caualnf the ''walk'' ltf· II .__.. lll.lllll'l e I~.,MD~T. •O.. ·-Free Estimat5-Try U• Flnt nall to cmttraaJct ttt. ".top,. and ... --Ganna.t Wat.m dl 151.2 Dol· . 788 Wm 17th St., eo.ta Mea "10" Upt., anti tlut:t eonftndnc M. Larry L Chapman, 19, phln Dr. Irvtne Ternce, repottecl 1J 8· 7Q pedeltrtana. 1f8nbon of Mr. and M.ra. W. A. that a blt and run ftlltele C!U.IW 'r======;~==::::;;::;=::=::==:::e::=::=:====~ li••liilliiiiiliiil••·•----~~~----· II It really taJr to ~d a lot Bateh, 1a E. 22ntl St., Costa f75 dam•p to • br1dt •.0-ft-.._._ .._..-.L ~o. of money on Ccn'ena 4el Mar, Mesa. Is put1dpatin1 ln the hta pro~y ... Street Supt. aflJ ~ ~ ~ IIRUIEI • STEM-. IAUIMS • ~emq n. c.o.t.d Ana P• •-'1' 10 Teen llyatt '-lOll wb.-e we havt no vet)' Mrioua Iara-ett Atmy·Air rc.ct maneu· Covert ~laJnffd ftl.t lttfcbl tramc problem, and !lfllerct La· nr .mce World War It. Ex~ cblld:ren .nL t~c cJmta B'DILDINd ~ · cuna Beach, wtMft eGIIl,eltion t. s.,.llnuh, In Loetaan&. ttreet altnt.rt ~Aft. ana J-O=~r-tbe rule, anti wh.. a by.,._ Prt .. te atapoman, a fteJd wire· ~de br., Cormia .tel kar . . . .. ""'II. ~ - through the hUla would be a re-man In H8dquarten and Serv· llJchaM Ybdt, *'· dt Bob~ && uwww )Jeof ~ all who !fa~l the Coat tee Com,Pal1y of~ 3rd11nfantry wu arrested 01i dtarrt!t iit tift. i•-eii~~~~i!p;iiM;iii;;~ili;fi;gl;;;ii;i;;;£ Althwayf kt ~UJ4 ieen\ tno~ DMiion'a 2nd tittalton, Ia rer· p .. trtg andln~catton after be n.-llbot11 and feMr&tly ~ul .lhl:r atatlon11cl ~t rort BennJna. alJea-ecUy bioke tnto the Jtome of tor us to reUnqid.sh oui ditma, 1f GL He la a 19M ifaduate C11 Mia EVelyn ltollbadt of 1a>~ 1"• baw hla .. anr, 1ft favot of l'f~ Barbclr Bl&h School, W. Bafboa Jftvd, ~ft.DOrt S.atb, our nelrhboring commUAI\y to and entered the Army In Janu· at 11:31 p.m. •.. Ofilceft •• the eoutb. ary, ~. unable to locate .....nJ lftile 1U· Thank you, Mr. Editor, tor venUes reported ~uatna-a ella· thfor )'OU can1~ to Mt me tur.,._ it I'm A"'-and Qnn on the.e polna I aio not f:iw Wft...,..dt. ••ai•Det cal Ave., 1aJboe J.MaAd, 1ft 1.1:.0 In ba+tnr Ill = tn THt INSI&N. HA.-1114 p.m. .•• fllatrtny pro)let. ~ (CoattiJued em Pap U) portant cJtt.ne Wbo wW be.lp ... pay HI• bW would lUce lei tblGw ~ .. '-T: :t .:r:. ':.:S eW'tahce Ill dliiftll tt..t Wt *-1 ... jul& W'b&t ...... • ... Uf.fkii. ....... ., Miss Dyantt1a ·French Is Bride of Bob Bur,khardt of C.M. MI.. Dyantha lox.alne Frendl and bovardla and eMC&dlnl of b e e am • Kra. c.ora. lloMrt 8llk rtbbona. Burtdl.ardl at a double rtn1 ~-Mia Ann Benstetn of Sbore moay Mid by e&DC!Iellpt Satur· CWfa wu the m.atd of bOD«. day ewDlftC at tM Jleverly R11.la Sbe wore a ball.tna ~ LuU..U Claureb. 4teel ol aqua made almllarl7 to ,.. ~ II tile daUibter Gf tM bride' .. wtth a m&tehJ.nl M.rt PlaW1p ,...... J'Nnch of ~dtea and amal1 vell. She 211 IMialpur A-. Corona del aarrf~ a c:reec:ent chaped bouqet Mar, ud at .... lit, French. (If atatumn shade~ .r mums. Ut· Bet taU. laM ..._ =dent ot tleYk*ie ~ ot Balboa laiUd, the OCieiNPU. .t church a .._ of 1M ..-.n, wu floWer for ...,... ,.._. __.. ........ llrt Ia a a..l ao. lftl&h dNU to the Barbal' .V.. fte ~ II fill ...._ .,._ ad earrytn1 a the lOll of Mr. &ftd JbL a.-.. ......_ of atuma. Burld\ardt ot 878 W. 1Mh St. J8Ck 'B a r k b a r d t wu lta Colta M-. llroOler'l belt atan and WIMrs The bride's uDde, Harold A. ... &enDith JfU. lr. of Udo, Bjoi'IO of Loe Anpl-. .-ted ,......_ JWey of Balboa lala.nd. h.la niece to the altar. Sbe wore a tbe poem'• lll'other·ln-law, and chantilly lace IOWD cte.lped WaJt.r Buetrt.rldrc:IMD ot Aore with a floor lenlth tuU f1owtDc dJtfll. A myriad ol pale ,..Uow ak1rt whkb bad an ln8et ot nylon cancU. SAd c:bryauthemWD.I pleatfnl down tile ~nt. a. ~ from pale yellow to b~ wu a jeWelled tiara flame decontAtd tbe chwdl. "ftle wttla an imported .nk Wuloa a.Wea were 1arlanded with wtde -..u ot ftnfe'rtlp len,ul a. ear· 101d rtbbona. Kappa Kappa Gamma Honors Mattie Lacy, Ruth Maxwell Honored tor My yean ot membersblp In ~ppa Gamma. ..._ Mattie a Lacy and Ms. luth a. Maxwell ot Corona cJel Mar were preeented ~ .,. IQI'Jty ptna at a meet1n1 ol the Southern 0ran1e County Alum· nae IJ'OUP lut Thunday at the home o1 Mrs. J. E. ~diD. ~1 Vla Juear, Uclo late.. President. Mra. Jtobert Straltltf. presided avi:r the meet1n1. at which plana were cUecuued for the annual Jtappaz.aar t.o be held next May 1n Loll Aftaeles. All Southern Calllomla poupa par· tJclpate In thS. annual event that provides money for the Child Guidance CllnJc: of Loa Angeles. Walter G. Hatch ot eo.ta Mesa; LouLM Callach~ ot Balboa; Burr Buman. Stloller White, and ltobftt B 1 a c k m a r of Balboa Ialand: and James B. Stoddard. Dick Drake, R. C. Morrill. Robert Lenker, W. B. Dtcldnson. and Kt. Lacy of Corona del Mar. BPW to Talk Preview Plans Further plan. for the Christ· mas Preview wtll be dS.CUssed tonight (Thursday) when mem· bers of the BuaJness and Profes· slonal Women's Club hold their final meetinc before the annual event to be held the nrst week· end In December. Members have ~n requested to brinl their donation. to the Bazaar Booth and Grab Bac. rle4 a pra)"ft book wttb orebJdl After the eer-emon-~ny' a reception ;:==========::; wu beld In tbe tellowabJp hall IOWI.iW&Di Mr. alii~ DoDIIW arm-. (........, ,._., Mrs. Strattltt announced that Mrs. Marshall Beach of Laguna S. the ne-w secretary replacing Mrs. Tom CollleP ot Santa Ana. MacazJne chairman, Mrs. J. T h o m a s Swan.on. announced that local Jtappu are third In magazine sales 1n tbe Kappa province, toll~ Bakenfleld and Pasadena. Profits from the aale 10 toward eampenblps for the Oran1e County Crippled Chlldrens Sodety. Knit Christmas ol tbe dlurdL Mn. J'renc:b re· eetwd ,uata 1n a plnk brocade aown with pink acee•~ and a conaae ol. flame colored 1la· mJllu. Mrs. Burkhardt wu dr.-e4 1n a .teel blue tafteta wtth beaded U1m and wore a 1Iamllla cotaaae of American beauty red. Catharine Ann Andrews Weds Medical Officer Don Britton 'l'bou attendlnr the luncheon Included Mmes. F. Paul Dtcker· son, Robert Straltltf. Mary Lou Tonnesen. WOllam Grundy, and J. E. Keirn of Newport Beach ; A talk on '"The hycholOIY of Individual Dltteorer)Cft" will be given by Dr. Donald C. Brtdre· man, profeaor of 80dolOCY at Orange Coast Collece. at Kon· day nlc,ht'a meet1n1 of the Hor· ace Ensign School PTA. The m~n11s called for 7:30p.m. at the school eafetorlum. Marrlaae rites at St. Andrew. ....... 'rrrJ.......... $1 ~lloCIIKit rw--.wrncalll ~ ••• tM ..... _........allppew The youna couple are honey- moonJnr In Lu Ve1u and the Grand Canyon and will make their home on Balboa Island fol · lowtna their return home. The new Mrs. Burkhardt a:raduated from Beverly Billa HI.Jh School. Bob Burkhardt S. a a:raduate of Newport Harbor HJah School. Presbyterian C h u r c h • Newport Heiabta, were followed by a re- ception and supper at the Balboa Bay Club honoring the bride, the former Miss Catharine Ann An· drews. and the groom, Donald Amos Britton. The bride S. the daughter of Mrs. Georre Norman Pease of Shore Cllfts and the late George L. Andrews. Her new husband Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Britton of Loe Angeles . .,.._ ........ ...... ........ • ... Ia .. &w.~Dtf DAVGBtU' roa SIWOOTS A dau1bter. Anne Marruerlte. waa born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stroot Jr., ot 308 catalina Dr .• Newport Bellhta. In Hoa1 Me· morial Hospital on Saturday, Nov.12. Mlas Marp.ret Ellzabeth An· drewa wu her cousin's maid of honor and walklng before them acatterinl rose petals was little Catharine Sue Glacamazzi. a namesake of the bride, and Ellll ... ••p's YARN SHOP .,~ .. c:o-t ..... .., C:... del liar IIA _, l:HIJ!tCHES IIOVU Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Elgin & Homilton Wotches Diomonds Mountings ST. JAMES &PIICO•AL CBOilCII CDIC OOIOIUJfJTT CBOIICII Holy CommunJon wtll be b'ld Thanklgiving Sunday In Com· at 7:30 a.m. Thanklrlvin• Day munlty Church In Corona del In St. James Eplaeopal Cbureh, Mar will be observed with a spe· Newport Beach. A family service clal o(ferlng taken to help with wiD be held at 8:30 a.m. on the World Mission proa:ram of Thankacivinl Day. The otferlnp the church. Rev. Edwin C. Gomke of money and food at tbS. aerY· has chosen as his sermon topic. Ice wtll be for tile benefit of the "Jesus' Prayer of Tbankrtvlnl-" Wallace Calderhead Epl.acofel CbQIIdl Rome for Chll· The Klnl Davl4 bcJf1 c:botr and ella. In 1M ~ Holy Com· the Pllarlm pia cbolt wtll par- JEWB....Y -·•toe .m be beJ.d at I a.m. tldpate In the IDOftl1Dc WWIIdp tlllllllladq .... • ed .,. JDCII"'llnl .nice. l12l &at eo..t H19hwey prayer and f.aJD11J.ervlce at 9:15 ca:aJITIAif ICIDC& CBOIICII CotoM 1M! M~ a.m. and Sunday school at U "Bless the Lord. 0 my 80Ul: ============:.:...a:=m.=-::---:-::-:-:-:::-:=:::-=::::-=:::::: and all that t. within me. bless ' ... ill!!i-~~---ft~-----~ ~ ~~lytJ!'eam~~·d~~';.~ ~~ =,: Lesson ·Sermon on "Soul and J Body" at the Newport Cbrlst:tan #: : Science C'h urch Sunday. CPsalms •• 103:1>. The need to glorify God f . •-rt ":'MS :J In our body u well aa In our ... -...-soul and spirit is accented by J Jesus when be healed the man f ll.l II ... : r:~ ~~e L:r:~n~::.S 1~~ Unexpectedly found In small ahopl • Let Br&.JI'• help you with your Glft List. Jeweled Sweaters by Rosanna, Calderon Belt-. Renart Sweaters. White Stag Playclothes, Blouses, Holiday Clothes. Scarfs. Jewelry. and Bap. Solve your aUt problems with a aUt cert:Wc:ate. 2n7 L COAST HWY,.....HAIIOI GMI COlONA Da W.U. CALifORNIA J TOO'TJI ACTIVJTJU PLAIDED J The Junior HJih Class and : Junior Hllh Pllgrlm Fellowship :J of Corona del Mar Community Church will observe Thanksgtv. lng with two special actJvttles. J Saturday they will attend the : Plla:rlm Pa1eant deplctlnl GoY· ernor Bradford and others who J. took part In the first Thanksgtv. lng Day celebration. preMnted J by the residents of Pllarlm Place : at Claremont. A Tbanksrlvlng Party will be given by the Jun· ). lor Hllh Fellowship ln PUa:rim Hall, Corona del Mar at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. OlfiVEUALJST PELLOWSJIIP Contlnulna the series of aer· mona on practical messages from world religions. Rev. Frederick RJn1e will preach on the eontrfb· utton of Buddhism In hla sermon at the Universalist Community Fellowship In Balboa this Sun· day: He S. abo preachlnl a series of chJJdren's sermons on the ute and teachlnl of Jesus. The adult Sund~y school clua will oon · Unue Its dlacualon on waya and me~ns to help men and women In state pr&.ona c1urlna thetr eon· flnement u well u after their ~leue. Durina the S u n d a y 8chool pertod tiM rum ltrlp. ".Johnny Appleeeed." wUl be showu to the cbUdren. dauchter of the former Alida Beck. • Jerome Parka wu best man. The bride's brothers, Dr. Alan V. Andrews and Robert Lindley Andrews, llft'Ved u groomsmen along with Dr. Paul Hamilton and Henry Hulzjnca. Another ooualn ot the bride, Miss Sharon Crowl, san1 a wed· ding solo at the beclnnlna of the ceremony . Tbe bride wore a 1own of traditional white with a high· necked lace bodice. Her veil cas- caded to nn,ertlp length trom a aatln bandeau trimmed with ()ow era. The groom Is servtng as medl· cal officer with the Ninth Tactl· cal Air Group at Wendover Field. Utah. He will go Into private practice u a physician when he finishes hla military service. His bride Is a graduate of Newport Beach Schools. anended college at the University of Calltornla and bas since been a secretary at Harbor VIew School. Opti-Mrs. See Home for Boys Optl·Mrs. of Newport Harbor are vlslt1n1 the OptJmlst Home for Boys ln HI.Jhl&nd Park today (Thursday) In place of the reg· ular monthly meeUna. The group wfll make a tour of the home after havinr lunch with the boys. At present then are 57 boys beln& cared for by th~ home, which Is supported by Optimist and Optl·Mrs. clubs trom the 14th dlstrlct. MakJne the trip today are Mmes. George Burk.harc!t. Walter BuchterkJrchen. Ted R u s s e I 1 , Frank. Hubbard. PhllJp French. Russell Ford. A. K. Phelps. Jim Jennings and Frank Glockner. They took cases of canned fruit with them u a contribution to the boys• Thank.sgivlnl dinner. Mrs. 1oaeph Carve', president. explained that the previously scheduled demonmatlon of a parent conference wpl not be held because of conflld:lqdate& Commit~ to be featured wm Include cltlz.enshlp and parent education with Mrs. W. D. Ha· mason and Mrs. Harry Fellln£e u chairmen. s•Lc:..t.L a_.._. ..... to ..... ll'fd ...... COPEN SUNDAY) ....., .. ,.. t. lildl Ill O'W&ii'L .... • WIMiir II f , II -Ill I '._, O...la ..... -OwlfWia 0 n Q l'g .................... ...., ...... .. ..... -...... __ ........... , ................ ,..,. . .._., ~ _.- _,I. d 3 .. Oi&ltwl , ....... II IIIII' I Llll IIIIET wttla I II I 1'1 Navember 17, 19t55 Newport Harbor 1be flnest Calltomla CJttlJ~I ever told . . . Sterllna Calltornla Frults ... beautifully attt pas- aged. each with Ita own card· board paclulce for malllnl ... The cream of Callfomla'a crop . . . Wblt~ Callmyrna Flp, Cold· en Blenhelm Apricots. J u m b o Prunes, Palm rtpe De1let Noor Dates. blended tute delllbtfuJJy with alae. pineapple. c:hetn. and nut meata ... Here's &1ttlq for younc or old ... from o\U fam.lly to your family . . . or to a W!rJ penonal friend • . • '!be prices: to fit any poc:ketbooll from the Intimate $1.25 pack t.o the tarre tam11y $lO.OO ......-t· ment ... But ctndentand this: the same bleb quality Sun-Drlecl frulta, plcked from the en. when fully ripe, burltinl wttb natural frult-aupr aweetn-. aU the pwtneu captured and eeeled ln each tute-temptin& ... whew (time out for a prune atutr.d apricot) ... treat by Calltornla'a Golden Sunshine . . . Goes Into each package ... only the dlt· terence In the pounda1e and the container-.arts the price . • . . * * * ...... .ww 11 ...... -........~., .... dlatlact flaftl'l Ia -wdulw witla StlldAII9 ••• Aad .... -· ~.., .......... .. ....... .., .... eboey Ia ••• blwdsd to;stlww ••• Aa .,.. ....... lndtl-......... wttla ... 1.~ .............. ·---.... Mft tile pHs I .... wtaJda Ia tam wW ........ tnalts dry ..t . . . I...U.. maftecl lndt. .. N f wttla ....,, aot .... -... ._ -...at ...s IISft • • • 'l1le ........ ............ ......, Gad ..-..al ttft to 11• --· cdW tbe ...U.·...att.9 osa· t.eta bCift ...... A Nil· wood aat bowl wttb ...u.t ... Aa ~ llat1w care~ ••• ANdw...S-. ••• A .... .. ,.._.,bW7 ···AU..-* ..., .... ·---··· ,.... ........ , .. ............ _ .. ...........__ .. tift"-··· * * * Ch~ )'OW' tratt. e I t h e r stuffed. or In their natural state ... Make your selerttona. and do your own maUing . . Or let ua mail them for you . But do ua a favor. wlU you f .. Every red· blooded Callforn an sends at least one fruit pack Give Steor· ling's a look before you make your ~lectlons . . And don't glvt> ·em all away .. Tr~at your· ~lt to a dlsh of these d~llcloua trults while they are at their tlnest ... * * * E~a brrtted to tM Oraa9f Couaty nonat A-. Stb Alua1Mil Cb.rUtmaa Deelp. ~~~~ow. • ,.,, .... as to 1 ~._.._ ..... a.._ .................. ....., osa"";ll~-.,,., ....u. ds& •••• ••• duwatlw Ideas ........... Qriat. --tl8ae ••• -..at ldlz .... ._ ..... n.ww-..w .............. ~ .. ..-.. .......... o.u .. c ••. * * .. New sweet potato tlx: !koop out an oranre and cut the top ott. fill with cooked, aeuoned mashed awMt potato., a mania· mallow and more potatoea Oft...., •.. beat .•. Eat d\e potato rtpt out ot the oranae ... Aad If you want a rMl fanc::y _..... fixed up to be a Uttle ....,.._ oome 1n tbil week-end &M - Bene Roullet and h1a a 6 II Bullet mabr ......... .... ett.ber to cantaJoape, ~ oeloDa. toma...... ~~···,.. .... OM.*-* * • .... Local Architects Chosen To Plan New High School · Thanksgiving Drama Slated For Sunday and Wednesda¥ 1'be Newport Rubor BJgb School Ttusteee decided Monday to bite the local arcb.lteetu.ral finn of Unci. Plepr, Blurock and Houaan to prepare the plana for the new IUth School to be buUt in the eo.ta Mesa area. Supt Sidney Davtcbon reported "The 8Mptlc'1 Dedication." a P. F. BalM~~. who MrYec1 ln that he bad received word flom Th~a elrama featurlnf a both World Wan I and 11. pot· Bob Geier, executive Neretary to cut o1 lf Newport Harbor tray~ the mUlt.ar)' cltapla.ln. Hil llep. Jam. Utt, that the Depart· cbu.rdlmen and three church wife II cut u the mother. Chll· ment of DefenM hu approved choU.. wUl be presented at 7:30 dren In the drama are Nancy declarlnc the alr bue ptoperty p.m. thJa Sunday at the Balboa and Jane Loy, twin daucbtera of u IUrplua. The Hou.e Armed I alan d Community Methodist Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jobn Loy, and Services Committee la expected Ch~h and acaJn at 7:30 p.m . .Jimmy Barnett, 110n ol Dr. and 1b~ proposed slte on the fot· mer Army A1r Sue cround near Oranae Cout Colleee still bu not yet been releued, 80 the trustees voted to proceed with plana for a two-story addition at the present alte, paralleling Dodae Hall, provtdlna 12 to 16 more cla.asrooma, to be ready for occupancy tor the second ae· mester of the 1956-Si school year. to act favorably aoon, but the Wed.MIIday, Nov. 23. at St. An· Mrs. Clalr B. Barnett.' Senate CommJttee may not meet drew'a Presbyterian Church. Robert Guenther 11 cut u the until January, Mr. Geier write. The leCOnd performance wlll farmer: Jean Smith, the IChool Because of this further delay, be incorporated lnto the annual girl; G. Wallace Fleer. the doe· and the considerable Increase in unJon Tllanluglvlng service of tor; and the Rev. Donald G. enrollment over first e.fllmates, the Newport Harbor Council of Sapp, the Voice from the Ucht. the trustees decided to co ahead Cbureb-. Vocalists wru. be Mrs. Donna with plana for more classrooms Author of tl\e play ls Mrs. Brace, choral director at the at the present site. By way of ex· Leah Lanaer, and the director la Community Methodllt Church of ample, Mr. Davidson said, the Mrs. Rolly Lash Vlsel, both resl· Costa :Mesa, and Dick Elsner, a first estimate for this year was dentl of Balboa Ialand. quarterback on the Oranae Coast F PI 1,850 students; the total has The Rev. Robert Gronlund, College football team. reeway an actually reached the peak of putor ot the Newport Harbor Both presentatlon.a are open to 1 936 MU. LEAJI LAKOU Lutheran Church, stara In the the public. A unanimous actlon to 10 on ' · drama u the serviceman who ------- record In oppoeitlon to the pro· d questton.a what he ¥5 for which IAILOIIS VlfDDQOU SvaaEIIT poM!d 5th Ave .• Hlahway In Co· s h t H PIe a Is M a e to be thankful. Mrs. Pauline Me· rona del Mar and a lengthy dis· 0p a ome Clure Claybrook, a pioneer In Newport City Manager lohn cusslon of the proposed new 1 s d • 8 • d this area, plays the role of the Sailors underwent •urcery yes- amendment to the city charter As c 0 unci tu I e 5 I s gTandmother. Mrs.. M a r a a ret terday at Hoag HosptW and will were matters of prime lmport· Vader, a dlaplaced penon from be absent from bla City Hall du· ance at the Tuesday morning Eastern Germany who has just ties ·until Dec. 1.2. City Engineer meting of the Women's Civic A plea to "shop at home" was Means recommended the award come to this country, appears In Bert Webb Is actina city man· made to the Newport City Coun-of bids to the General Motors the role of a displaced per10n. ager In the meantime. League at the Villa Marina. ell Monday evening by Lou Reed, Factory on all five Items on --:=======================:; .J. Lealie Steffensen spoke for local Chrysler ·Piymouth dealer, whlch GM complied with speclfl· .J.; the negative and Col. Andrew when bids for purchase of ve· cations. W Smith for the atflrmaUve on the hlcles were being discussed by "I feel that It behooves us to ·f: proposition to amend the New-b 1 hi h 1 th th port City Charter 80 that each Council. uy w t n t e c ty ra er an councilmanic district would elect Mt Reed o!fered his comments direct from the factory," Lou ,. : 1 · h ln A t Don Reed said. "I am startled at the _ts;;;;;;;;;;;o;;w;;n;;co;;;;;;;;;;;u;;n;;c;;U;;m;;e;;m;;;;;;;;;;;be;;r;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;aft;;e;;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;P;;;;;u r::;c;;;;;;;;;;;as;;;;;;;;;;;g;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;g::;e::;n;;::;;;;;::;;;;;; [act that you're buying out of r town. There Is the question of ., .. ...... toss 'n tum lounge 'n live in propriety. I follow the habit of buying locally." He expressed surprise that the :1: GM Factory was bidding In com-•. petition with the local dealers. ., •. "Neither Chrysler nor Ford would bid directly from the factory," he said. #: e SAVDfCS CJTED •• The sentiment expressed by #.. • Hair Fashions For The Holidays STYLED BY Mr. Paul e WITii COLOR WORK BY CARMEN ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Munsingwear Balbriggan Pajamas Council was to the effect that the •= saving was too great to pass up. ~ * Marl.De AYe.. Balboa lalaDCl Mr. Means cited the amount : · of saving, about $2,300, by com· · Ccd1 P« Appt. JIA 1127 ~ There'• no puJl.inc. c:rampinc 01' biadiDs in Munainpear ~-TbeJ're bit ad Jiniahe4 to reaiat ahriok- iltlo t.tgin& atretchi.Ds with NYLON-reinforced neck.Nnd; wriata and ankles. In J.isbt bl.e/nary, py /wine, sold/brown, ii6bt S!een(Buoter creen. CU.. A·D Buy2~F for }.W."' 1350 SUe. 4-., 18 * OPEJf FJliDAT'S 'TILL 9:00 P.K. * WE CIVE QB.EEJf STAMPS * einert's DEPABTMEXT STOllE 1118 Jfewport 81•4.. ~ M..a * Park ln !few. l.ar'ge Park.ID9 Lot. Bear of lton * ~ BALBOA ISUID SP•n• I..S ~ F•=us * VOlT BaabtbaDa. Footbal& Swill fina, etc. * BA WLINGS Superb BallebaU GloY ... * MacGREGOR & WILSON GoU EquipmnL •• TENNIS-ARCHERY -FISIDNG-HUNTING MISCELLANEOUS SPORTS ITEMS AND GAMES AUO- IOYS' AND MEN"8 GENUINE 1EVIB * WIGWAM SOX * DUXIACJ: HOODED SWEATSHIRTS az.acr 110W .. -----LAY AIIDK POa CIIIUITitAI Balboa Island Goods paring the GM Factory bid with ~ • ....:.L.-o.t..-;.;.......:.L.-.........._........_......._~ .......... ........_ .. the next low. which In each case ~-.:~-.:-.-.:-.-.:•-.:.-.:.-.:"W-.:-.-.:-.-.:-a-.:• was submitted by Miller Chevro· ;;;;.;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ let. The comparison was as !ol· lows: e Car !or street department: $1.142 vs. $1,5&1. e Car for zoning Inspector: S1.317 vs. $1,758. e Car for harbor master: $1,349 vs. $1,794. e Car for pollee. $404 vs. $892. e Car tor pollee, $904 va. $1.392. These are net prices. with sales tax flrat added. then allowance made for trade--In& eams.A...avm Coundl approved the award of the blda to the GM Factory. Also approv1d was the pur· chase of a truck for the sewer department from Miller Chevro- let for $1,890. Decision on three other Items was held up pending further study. One of these wa.a a truck for the llle guard department. Lou Reed submitted the low bid of $2,162 !or an InternaUonal Truck. Purchasing Agent Means recom- mended buying of a $3.294 truck, •lmllar to one on duty now, be: !&Use he knew It could stand the rough service. Mr. Reed sald his would out· perform the one now on duty. He said he would provide a truck for a test. and Council agreed to delay action unUl a test is made. Crowd Hears Grading Talk Martin a D 4 von Hemert IJfCOaPOUTED INTERIORS OF FURNITURE ROI OUR MODEL HOME in IRVINE TERRACE BIG REDUOIONS * * * VISIT OUR IIEW .. a. HOlE Ill IRVIIE .TEIUCE llml I VM HEIERT IIC. US If. Coat Bl..S. BT.f-1-A more than capacity house appeared to agTee with Dr. Ev· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ erett Shostrom at the Harbor r VIew-Corona del Mar Schools combined PTA meeUng Monday night at the Corona del Mar Grammar School. At least they raised no argument to his prem· lse that person-to-person compe- UUon Is not good for the ele· mentary school child. CIIJ Cl•cll lljlcts lariMltLWillllllc The Balboa Island Bualness Asan.'a request for anale partdnc on Marine Ave. and removal of crouwalks to provtde more park- Ina waa reJected Monday eve· nlng by Newport City Council. CouncU went along with the recommendations of City Enctn· eer Bert Webb, who l&ld that the •ueaestJon.a were not feutble. The Assn. bad reque.ted Cound.l to widen .Marine Ave. by creat· lne bay• between tNes. thUI leaving the treee atandlna, and aUowtnc for an1Je parld.nf. Mr. Webb l&ld thla could tncreue parldn• by .0 can In the two blodal. but would cut tbe aide· walka to a width ol only • ~ feet. Fall Clearance Sale BAY NURSERY CIS EAST 17'1'11 ST. OOSTAMUA .., QuiiiJ ....... AIIOIIO on aAaGAD~~ (-..y., WlllllaWeiiCifta...)Aaa DQVJ.Aa a.u.a I'IIICil l'llla , .•.• -----1&.11 • Lll ..... .. . .IIi .. AM · ... .... .Ill LA&UNA BEACH BRAND NEW BOLTS! Fabulous artiat~ , .. priDI8! I PEIIO EICLUIIYEI "REIUUTED" em• "Reeulated" fashions fit per· fectly always ... they're San· forlz.ed 1 ~ stay fresh and crlsp JongM ... restst 801Jlng. ahed creues. stay lUBtrous and color-bright ... they're mer· cerlz.ed! CoordlnaUng so J I d colora, too! llewl.ow....._l 79f. ,..s tMa.xlmum abrtnkaee 1 ~. Cll •• Sew Orc•IIJ.,_ SAil Will 69( yard No pattern needed just one yard makes a smart well designed apron-Several pieces to select from. Makes an Ideal Chrlstmu ••• QUwn PEICILE .. ITS Inspired new prints for all the family! Colors range from brllllants to new muted tones . . . all In high count percale that machine washes to per· fectlon! New! See the decorator pat· terns. too In Penney's own Rondo! .... Will S.flrt• .1-IIITCI SWEATERS The better half of your separates wardrobe -tine gauge wool sweaters you can wa.ah safely, foraet about blocking. They'r~ finely detailed, come In a huge range of autumn colors. Sizes 34 to 42-at Penney's-now! alldllii 6 ,. } • IWWDAT, IIO'fihlll If, 1 .. ..... ~ witlllaimt Gm 1M ilEGISTRAll• ~ceGarhar All your p rinttnq needs will be hondled conveniently ond court- e ously in the completely-equip.. ped J ob Printinq Department of y our Horbor Areo NewsP4per. The En~iqn. I I 04 Coost Bl .. COM ••• IIIII ..., 111,- wtth ~~. ...... <tumlahed) Income t PP· 35,. on caah Investment -room for ear. and home tn front then convert rear to atnele rental. See Mr. Erhardt. w1tb .,_IE.UJIBI REALTOR lr INSURANCE 3333 E. Cout Hwy., CDM Phone Harbor 2422 Un II C.D.I. •• " Cliff •• , • ., Our Costa Mesa Office has a ll.stlng on a lovely 3 bedroom and den home for $29,500 and the ownen want to move to CDM South of the Hwy. Prefers a smaller 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Hls home 1.5 really very nice. If Interested give us a call. Bay llllcll leaiiJ, INCORPORATED Corona del Mar Office 3530 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 5249 1·1 USED CARS sp•clalsf '54 Trlumph TR-2 Roadster ·-·-·-······-··-·--· . 1895 '54 Chevrolet BelAir 4-dr., R·H, P·G. PS -·-··· 1645 '53 Ford custom club coupe, R·H, O'drive _ 109'i '52 Ford V-8 Custom 2-dr., R·H -·····---·---··-995 '52 Chrysler Windsor conv., new rings ---· 1095 '49 Plymouth convertible, R·H ···-··-·-··--····-395 '36 Ford 4-door sedan ·····································-·· 75 STATION WAGONS '54 Ford 8 ranch wagon, R·H, O'd ···-······-······· 1995 '54 Ford 6 ranch, Fordomatlc, 2-tone ···-······· 1895 '54 Ford country sedan, Prem. w -s-w, O'd .... 2095 '52 Ford V ·8 ranch wagon, R·H, O'drlve ........ 1295 '53 Ford V -8 ranch, R·H, Fordomatlc ............ 1645 '51 Plymouth suburban ···---····-····················· 845 TIE .. EI .. IS YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 3100 W. Coast HJway ._ ....... _a. . ....... ..... A eute Uttle bome ot 3· bdn., 2 bat.U. 1a-u~·~ ~ to abel~ pa._, ....... tln1ab tn llvtne room and dlnt.nl ~ Buy now and have JOW cllotc:e ot colon. Priced t:28.150 • • • 4·bedr. bome, den. 2 batlul. hardwood and c a r p e t e d noon. $45.000, Submit down. Earl w ....... , REALTOR ,, .. 111111111 .................. wtth a lap one bedroom apa.rtment over two-car ga · raee. Total prJce •••r 111,1110 I. I. LITIHP 3635 E. Cout Hwy., CDM Harbor 5442--eves. Harbor 5680 .... ..,. .. This .-ma to be tl\e qu.lckellt me&D8 to make known to you our iped&l I~ need&. 1. 2 bedr. or larger bayfront home, additional Income unit optlonal . . . 180,000. 2. 3 bedr. modern home Balboa Island or Ccwona del Mar wlth or w1thout aeparate apt. . . . price open. 3. Older Balboa Wand bou.ee. 1, 2 or 3 bedra. ok. Will remodel U nee. 22:5 Marlne Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor rns. or Bayside OWce Harbor 3297 c.-• We have bonafide buyers waiting for these properties. U you are going to ae.IJ . . . and your bouse meets these wants . . • caJ.l Ha.rbor m ... It might m ean a quick sale for you! Eves. EdJth Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 John M.acNab, Harbor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878 3 doors from Ocean Front. 2 car garage. Xlnt. cond. Full Price -·-··-··-···-Jl2,500 Good Terms Can Be Arranged. • • • Bar Fr11l •.•.• .,.,., IIIIIH• We have one of the BEST! With Pier lr Slip ... $73.500 No Phone Inlormatlon R.EIT V. BROSE REALTOR 1920 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Beach Easy Parkin& HA 4072 BELP W AJITEl) lEI Job now open In SANTA ANA to high school graduates, age 18--45 These are career Jobs with excel· lent opportunities for advancement. IELPEIS 4-BDRMS., 3 BATHS, Rumpu• Room, 2 Fireplaces, Room for Pool. On TWO lots. VIew! . $45.000. 2-BDRM., Family kitchen lr Dining Room. Terrttlc, sweep. Jng Views! $27,500 CWIE VII HMI REALTOR 7731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8·4277 Newport Beach • ISUID Ulln CO. 498 Park. Balboa laland HA 3T1 UVE L1.KE A MILUONAJRE on $15 a week! Ocean Front kitchenette apt. with m aid A phone serv~. TV. Mod· em, eye-appeallng, ultra· comfortable. Near shops lc mkt.s. Call Harbor 6091. A Clo.uified Ad in Th. tnsiqn brinqs immediate results! Coli Harbor I I 14-1 I 15 end ·orove it l BILL'S BEST BUYS ,., If ... Bar HannonJou.. eolor scheme thru·out Are you tired of looking at ordinary houses! Then let u.. show you thLs one. Has 3-bedrooma, large 20 x Z7 covered patio and completely fenced. Priced below Market value at $12,950 with $3,500 down. • • • can you use a three bedroom and den home! In this home you can enjoy aU these fine features: 1. Hardwood floors 2. Large Rear L.R. It D.R. 3. Bunt In ran1e A oven 4.. Natural Cabinets 5. Cv~ap disposal A edll~fan 6. Forced air heat 7: Fireplace 8. Large service porch 9. Two full baths 10. Bac::k Bay location $4.000 Is all you need to move In th.b lovely home. W. A. T••l•, Realllr AND ASSOCIATES 5-Day Week. Paid vacations and -yuu'll like our friendly service holidays, med.Jcal <New add.reu-400 E. 17th St.) coverage avaUable COSTA MESA to t'mployees and Ubert¥ S.ll39 depeodents. Co. ----------------------paid pension and disabillty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·Frl. 8 A..M.-4 P.M. SOmEIJJ CMJmES us co. c:or Je+tertt.Ms. envelopes c:.r THE ENSIGN. HA-l f 14 I IEDIIOII DUPLEIII COSTA lEU T elal Price $1,a. Owner needs larger borne ... MUST MOVE! • • • $2&,000 Owner will participate to qualified buyers HENRY C. VAUGHN, TED HAUSER. WILUS JONES 2029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-'f761-Eves.: Uberty 8-4718, Harbor 3064-M OPEl HOUSE s.. llt.20111111& 4&1 CaW. TtiTICI, c.-HIP'•* Ranch type bome-3-bednn .. and den, blt. In ranee and oven, disposal, many features you wUJ enJoy. Wonder· ful ocean view, ~ ft. Frontage. - IB.II 306 Marfne Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 502 lYwllll Fnl•••• I••• Filii I••• On Jt-3lot. room to buUd lncome Wllta. , ...... ...,_.... .. ,_ ~ ....... 21115 w . ...,. 11.. g.,._ Dl' .,..., llewpc:wt ,.... - , ... -·- UIIIJ Vogel Value ........ 3 ............. . located betw~n the ocean and the bay. l uat 3 yean old. Used brk. tlrepla~. natural finish kJtcben wtth tile sink and disposal. Sliding glass doora to patio with BBQ. Sundeck over garage. 1 '4 baths. An excellent value for $19,750 with attractive terms. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 1477 THIS WEEK! Model Home ......... , c ..... ,.,., In IRVINE TERRACE OPPOSITE IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB NEWPORT HARBOR We ~ proud of the class ol mercband~ wbJch we are otterlng In lrvtne Tena~. We know that you will also ll.ke the location, quality ot construction by Macro Corp .. and Interiors by Martin fr Von Hemert. HOMES FROM $24.000 TO $35.000 FOR THE DlSCRIMTNATING BUYER Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Courtesy to Harbor Brokers 4448 t. plftae4 to an.nounoe that •. lilt .... "'' will ~ associated with lht"lr firm and will be speclallzJng tn Industrial and rom.mercial properties. olt" hanson ro., sales management 3333 via lido. harbor 1500 1700 w. coast hl~hway-lltwrty 8 5573 IIR.nPLE um1a Over The Top! O.r pal of It •w• M • •as PIDPERn SOl D II II&& WITH IOITHS TO SPIRE- • • • U!'t' Multiple Listing. II'<~ the Successful ·way to sell Newpor.t . Harbor Board of Realtors -----401 N. Newport Bl\'d.-Newport Beach ''II Y AliT SPECIIUSTS" ART C. KISTLER CO., REAL ESTATE .... OWW&D XBl Newport Blvd. Ne-wport Beach Harbor S2a;, d.,-or night . ~··· .. ·~·········· .. ···· ENSIGN (LAS51FIED CASH RATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or less .75 1.25 l.SO 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07 Cash must be received within 7 daya of first in.Mrtlon A&·········~············· CAll roa a.AL& 1941 BUICK SEDAN, seat covers and radio. Best offer takea. HA 3852. '55 YELLOW CADILLAC conver- tible, red and white Interior, white nylon top, low mileage, private owner. $4,795. 3:ll17 Ocean Blvd., CDM, HA 1193-R. evenings. roa SALE 1-BEDR. house, fum., S65 mo. lncl utll. 706 Iris, CDM. NICELY FURNISHED room, pri- vate entrance, private bath, near post ottJce, bank and stores. 325 Orchid Ave., Harbor 512-R. FURNISHED or unfurnished, 2 - bedroom house with laundry, on yearly lease. 417% Hello· trope, Corona del Ma.r. NEW turquoise lounge chair NEWLY decorated fur n Ia he d and ottoman. turquobe lamp, atncle garace apartment wtth mac quilted chintz beMpread, view, prtvate patio ancl barbe· ..., ............ Al.lrecl ...... ., ........ Kr • ..,..... lin. ...... .... ................... ~ .. c::..... ..... . -. Aadf1lll&. llr. &Anltt14. lin. -.....a _,. T. P. Weed of ........ ("ffay ........... ) pink tJbreglaa drapes, prlnt __:cu:..::..:e,:.,. . .;:HA;:;,..:.2627.:...........,..· =-....,...,=--=--- drapes, green plastic chair FURNISHED APT., l·bedroom, S C 0 0 P S cushions, We:stlngho~ Frost $80.00 Ind. utllltlea. Alao 1· Free retrlaerator. HA 6162. bedroom furnished apt., rr.s.oo, Hew resJdenta at lesa than two on Santa Ana Ave., Newport _. .. .. .. HOWDY NEIGHBOR! .. SURE FIRE available Dec. 1· U 8·2036· weeka on ltlnp Rd. In cutr Hav-Hel&'hts. Wltnealng the wedding WI WI • • • For Your "Old Flame'' 1-BEDROOM HOUSE, fumlahed. en are Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn were the new Mra. GaJbraJtb'a ....... tM ~ • ....., Ronson Ltahters It Shavers. 5(]7 Carnation, I n q u I r e KA WhJte and their aon Jerry. Mr. son, Keith RJ.ma. and hll wife. Cllll..s.tly • • • 1At u Also, Sunbeam. Schkk and ' 5213-.... w...,·~=-=---:=--~-=---Wblte Is business manager for The Keith Rlmu lett for Mulco · do tM "'lpclde wodlt"" ._ Remington ltema . · · perfect OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 1-5 v.m .. the Covina High School Dtstrtct after the weddtng celebration. ___ ._......,:l:.;.oa..;;.. ............. ......, ...... ......,.....,_....,.....,........,_......,._..,;;:;; _ _.. __ _ rot Chrlstmaa gltta. Use our at 276 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. and commutes to work. Jeny Is The groom ls a retired conatruc- Lay-Away. Roomy 3-bed:r. cottage 'midst a 8tudent at Orange Coaat Col· tlon foreman f~ the Northern RAY FIELDS. Jeweler 23 fruit trees on 3 lots. Duncan lege studying auto mechanics. Pacific Railway and lived In Ta- 19th It Placentia "In Vista Hardesty. HA 4n8. The Whites also have a marrted coma: Wa.sh. He ha.s visited the Shopping Center." WATERFRONT-Fum. apts. foe daughter who Hves ln We8t Co· Harbor area during the winter, Costa Mesa. LibertY 8·8488 winter rentaL Two 1-bedroom, vlna. how4!'Yer. Mrs. Rima came to ORGAN. 1 Electronic Organ now one 3-bedroom. No pets. 3706 • • • Newport from Pasadena and was only $575. All Electric Ora:m Channel Place, Newport Island, On Oct. 20 In Las Vegas the originally from Minnesota. balance only $785. LowrY Or· HA 1217-J. former Mrs. Anna Rima bec.ame • • • gano $195. All wonderful bar· cozy__;.:::.:....::;,H:;:AP:,.;;PY=-=---=-=H""O=-=u-=-s=-=E::-,--:;:2:-:-bedr~.-. the wife of w . J. Galbraith and The Frank J. O'Connor family aalns. Danz-SclunJdt. 520 No. Fum. S85 or $95 on 1 yr. lease now they are maktna their home moved to KJnp Rd .. , Clltf Haven, • An ------------Jut month from Huntington Main, Santa a . or ! 513 Poinsettia. CDM, or SDVJCES Park, where they had Jived for 75 LUNCH BASKETS In ae~ of write 6625 Ampere, No. Hlywd. 18 yean. Jn fact Mra. O'Connor 3 Will aell lot or individual SU 1-1439. DID YOU KNOW!!? Ia a native dauahter; ahe was ~ at baraaln. Dlxie Barbe· IlEAL ESTATE FOa SALE born In Los Anaelee.. The two cue. CDM. HA 4466. Our Watch Repair is no boy• ot course, are native aons B Ranae In FOR SALE by owner: CDM home lonaer at Lido Drug. Ray '"' ral8t coatume jewelry that's atrtctJy deluxe! Sophlatlcated hlah·ft)'led aeta by MOZELL (shaped u delicate ahella and sea . weed!) hand pat nted on enamel. You'll teelllke M1as Uni- verse, with all eyet admiring you! Or picture yourself stepping out for a eaJa night of dancing; you're wearlna an ortgtnaJ de- ............ •. Ill s••ra .... Peter M. Aau.Uar of Loe An· pl• &Del Leroy E. Rutter, El '\'CII'O Jaarlne, ..... arrested OA ft• paney ..... by Jack L Pro· .,..._ fl • If. lf.wport Blvd .. New,.. ...... at $:2!5 a.m. Satllfd9. ," .. Mr. ~ Called pollee to Nport t..a ....... ~ ttta bed· room to 11M a ... ~~t.aacane OV« tUm shln'-a Ulld Ia Ills face. 'ftle lntruct.ir ..at Into tbe ftont room, where 1ft. ProMIICo fol· lowed hlm, ftacllq anodler In· truder on a eoedL 'ftle ~men departed u tile bome-owner called pollee, and tbn followed hit unwelco"" vt..ltDn. Mr. Pro- buco led oftlcen to tbe aree of 3309 Clay Sl, Newport Helthts. where he placed the two men under clvU arrest. Both men claimed to have been drlnk:lng beer earlie-r ln Emle'a bar, New- port Beflbts. OIIPLETE ••••• ITIIEI t l '!lf'\(1'11'!10',', ..,. . ' ~~ Mil Yle Ude IIA IIOS lf..,...ta..la -1 C...t llwy,.....aA 2SIS c.-del .. KENMORE 4· urner • , and Income, lovely ranch style • too; they are Jim, age 13 and new condition. $25.00. RA h lt Fields 18 now In a NEW L(). now In the eighth grade at Hor- 4f:f73·W. dJudplexh on tlnlot and -~ ' hoceeaavyn CATION In ''Vista Shopping ace Ensign, and Tommy, eight, MEM..O TO A SMART BACH- ELOR: tab your hoatea a box of HOME MADE CANDY thla Thank.sgl~ and you're aure to get Invited back! Where to buy them! At DOT It BOB'S, of course -that cute little shop which Ia the "sweeteat" ~ on the laland. Just smell those luaclous mixed chocolatet . . . creamy centers, nut pieces, cbewa .•. MMmm! For you FUdge and Dtvlnlty fans. they make that. too-fresh daJly. COr U you prefer lmporta. they have The Big 3 : Lindt. Droste and Tobler.) Why qot take home a pound box today and lmpresa the Little Woman! Will aet you back a mere $1..40 and lltt your stock Sky-htgh. Works wonders wlth weekend company, too! DOT It BOB'S. 310 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. HA 2093. algn by NAPIEJlln .terllng ail-~-----------· ver or bumtahtd gold . . . that Ra s e wy., est OOno~.. Center," 19th lr Placentia. O'KEEFE lr MERRITI' nge. shake roof, 2-bdm. each. forced Costa Mesa. who ls In the third &rade at Har· with griddle. Hollywood bed. air beat. hdw. floors. separate CO LETE JEWELRY bor VIew. Mr. O'Connor Ia a Excellent condition. Call after patios. HA 1684-R. SERVI~ lr GIFT HDQTS. building contractor and owner of 5:30p.m .. HA 2804-W. CORNER LOT, lrd and Nardsaus, Uberty 8.8488 the Bal-Port Motel, on Mariners wEDGE W 0 0 D 4-burner gas CDM, for sale by owner ; ask-------------Mlle. where the new Newport range, 8-foot Crosley Shelvador Post Office wtll be built. Another refrigerator, apt. size Servel lng $5,950. .......... ._laal..l member of the family, Mrs. Cora gas refrigerator. each $35.00. HELP WANTED WIW r-rw,..aw Morse, who Ia Mrs. O'Connor's 30" meat block, $25.00. 6-foot FOR RENT mot.her, has just moved to Dla- dellcatessen cue, $75.00. HA NAME TAKERS for Laguna 8-MM 16-MM 35-MM mond Ave. on Balboa Island. 5192-W. Beach and South Laguna. Good and 16MM Sound Projectors • • • od ,. handwriting essential. Wrtte F'".,.... COLOR wn ... ,,,,,_,"CE M.r. and Mrs. Lee Bunce are HAMMOND Organa. all m e._ Box J ... cj o ENSIGN, oe call ~.. ,...,.... ....:.A't'A' .. our ChrlstmU stock now com· ..., a-3681.~ Model Airplane SuppU. new resldenta of WeRmin.Bter lng In; $10.00 """'_.. w . L 0 0 It AT THIS A D 381rl moved there tram Oonma c1el "'----lt Ul re ~ ... C -Ave., Newport Betahta. They aerve any model while they last. Trade In your old plano. E A R N $8 • $ 1 f D A 1 LY 1'782 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta ..._ Mar and have preYioualy lived f the Women of all ages d~-Phone U'b!r!l 8-'lOU tn Southern Callfomla about five Danz-Schmldt. Home o _..._... t Earn REMOD-.we, p-•-••..... n--r. Mr B •----""'__.. con world famous Hammond. 520 ately n~""' a once. a&.U" IUD........, ..,_.... yean. . unce .. a n:u.r~ • No. Main. Santa Ana. One while you learn Practical ating unde-r Licensed Contrac-atructlon worker. Spinet Model. one Hammond Nursing. High school educa-tor. 21.33 Orange Ave., Costa • • • Chord Organ used but Hke new tion not needed. Call Lam-Mesa. phone U 8·2619. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bums are wonderful barga:.:l..:.:n..:.:•·~~--::;--bert 5-7521 or write "Car~r REPAIR AND Mat n ten a o c e ' newcomers to Newport Heights. In NursJna:• Dept. 11. 4016 1 tl •rn.nter etc Just having just moved Into their own 48' SPORT FISHING BOAT. Ker· • pan ng, c-... -·· . W. Commonwealth, Fuller-._.,.1 R abl• Sa••-new home on Fullerton Ave. They math 160 HP motor. Fully an..T .... ng. eason ~ · ~ equipped for fishing. Must sell ton. Calif. factJon guaranteed. RA 01.26-J. formerly Jived In Costa Mesa, where Mr. Bums 1s associated imi'T!edlately, terrific bargain. 11...1.... COMI'L.E'TZ LAJf'DSCAPUfC with Tobias Realty. During the HA 4466'=·-----=:=----:=--:: u..-SDVICE war Mr. and Mrs. Burns resided PRACTICE pianos $89. $95 to EARN MORE FREE ESTIMATES ln Honolulu, Hawaii. $185. Spinet type mlrro pl~no mAN EVER BEFORE! SltB Green Stamps • • • $235-a blond beauty. Easiest Our new. higher starting Free dellvery Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voorhies terms. Danz·Schmldt, 520 No. wage and frequent lncreues CORONA DEL MAR NURaERY and family have just come from Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos to gtvea you t:h1s opportunity. RA l038 2744 E. Cout Hwy. Pacltlc Pallaades to their home choose from. nn...ntnp now for-COMPLETE PAINTlNG on Vista Or. ln Bay Shorea. They WOO UTE ts sold only by Petite "'~"" TORS p .. ftER u .. vaiNG St:>DVI,_ are all native Californians and VIlle In CDM. It Is the cold TELEPHONE OPERA .--niU" 1:oA ~ Mr. Voorhies commutea from the water soap for washing all we wUl train you and you'll HA 2976 Harbor area to Loa Angeles. woolens. 3409 E. Coast Hlway. receive many other beneflta. (Eventnp. ~k-enda) where he worka for a large tex- GRAND plano Chrlstma.s Sale. EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS tJle tl.m. Included In the famUy Many wonderful bargains. fa-' -Apply-500 31ft Street, N..-port Beacb are Jimmy, age 8, and Leilani, mous makes Stelnway, Mason 514% No. Main Street age 6~. who attend Harbor View Hamlin. Knabe etc .. delivered Rm. 211-Santa Ana Painting _ Decorating School, and 'lttle Patrlda Suzan -fr~. bench Included from $387 9 :00 to 4:00P.M. PAPER HANGING ne, age 2. who ls recuperatJne up. Danz-Schmldt, 520 No. PACIFIC TELEPHONE GEORGE BURKHARDT trom a tonaUiectomy. Main. Santa Ana. PEJISORAL LIOPnMCI CoDtrac:t« c.1 WESTINGHOUSE Frost-Free Re· .:...:::::.,:__ ________ 878 w. 18th Costa Mea for lettetite•ch. en•-'ooel frlgerator. pink f 1 b reg la • s TRADE II ..., Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-86.12' · THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 drapes. blrd-prlnt drapes. 8 ••-. green pla.stlc chair cushions. ... WITCH! complete Lionel train and ac· cessorles. HA 6162. ~41:. ao A'lll SPINET Pianos. Rental returns. ~ II WMCI Trade-Ins on organs, like new (Llmlted Otter) some M a p 1 e , Blond Oak. ON A French Provincial. This l.s a NEW ''HAMlLTON" chance for blg aavlng. Open It meana ao much more to Friday night. Danz-Schmldt, get or give a "Hamilton." 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. DAMAGED In s hipping 2 aplnets. aave $180. Danz-Schmldt. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. IITUATJOlfl W.urrED M.AnJRE WOMAN wlshet baby slttina and care of alck, knit- ting or crochetlna. Day or night. HA 3192-M. W._ G.Werllaltl 3123 E. Coast Hwy. CORONA del MAR Amerle&D Leaton 215 ~ St. Meetlnp 2ncs.4th Wed. 8 p.m. Gwarve·• J.cmc~Kape & Ma:lateacmce A bome t.t't C*nPIN unl- ... land8cal*tl J am a U · ~ ~~-Cuatom ................ an4 Deqnlnf. AliD Cleu•UPI aM maiJlt.e. ....... FORBGN CAR WEDIATE DELIYDT OR ALL 1958 MODELS * We Dave Recently Become Franchlled Dealen foe the J'abuJoua ALFA-ROMEO .. I l~~e. • • • P'ISRJlfG ftlr a 'nlmkwcfvtnr treat for the k141T Wbat poealbly could thrill them IDOft than a BOWL OF GUPPIES (thla week's SPECIAL at The Jordana). For just 89c you get a family of gup- pies, the bowl, a lovely coral dec- oration, sand AND food ! Enough to enchant any child ... or adult (send one to an aged friend or shut-In). And jtst ao you grown- ups won't feel lett out, there's a second sPECIAL . . . you can "watch the birdie" and hear It, makes you look like a Lady, feel Uke a Flirt. More Good Jdeu: Jewd-atudded lighten with cJa- arette cues to match (aome u low u $3) oe comb, aeta wfth multi-colored atones. All at W. D. JOHNSON'S Jewelry. 218 Marine, Balboa laland. • • • too! A PARAKEET Hendryx Cage r===========~ (lncludlna food and supplles)- only $5.95. At THE JORDANS, 2732 E. Coa.st HWJ., CDM ... Harbor 4949 . . . a good place to PET! • • • ww ,... .... SIIAJOOOPEI) -becnatllal ..._ n.-"-91•· lag ,..._ at.tt Jlq It ea:le -tNt ,.....u Ia tile -.wt CIIIN of Jll. Dldl Delflb. bak aty11a1a at JOLOin. .tao c1mM ap ..-y T IUJ., ._ tbek lloU.,.,oocc ....... ..... .. ~ tiJae ..., AN. .... let. b lfUMitya all• 01' ... ,... ............ .. won ..• ......_ ,_ aa... tt. ,_._. • claatut •••• ••• ........... 'he-~ +' , ....... ,.... .. ...... ,...., ..... ... ye.r ....-r.. •• • ..... ... ••• Cllll .... -Jl8t:!i -......... .. P., ...., (I 21~ "- IlL It t.il). _, MJSa ... t ............... • • • VAN'S CLEANERS "30 Yee"' &perlenee PerfK'ting Superior CINning Otaft.maMhip" WE FEATURE C.Nf11l Hancllln9 of All O.liute Febtlo, k•clecl I L..u Garmenh DRY CLEANING-L-\UNDRY SERV· ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -H"ND fllESSING -DYEING -ALTERA- TIONS-REPAIRING. Phone H•rbor 5152 Piek Up • O.livery S.Niu Open I e.m. to 5:)0 p.m. -.s.t11rclay. I a.m. to 2:)0 p.m- MJ6 E. C:O.rt Hwy.: Ccwone del Mar •••• -at- Finest S.lection of Wallpaper in So. Calif. CUSTOM FURNITURE DRAPERIES Dunbar furniture & accessories THADEN INTERIORS 2610 E. C...t H5f'lway Hwt.or 07'91 COlONA DEL t.V.- Travel Service •• wtll be ~ to ..s.t '" wtt1a aay tNftl an ,.. ....... NOW BOOKING SPRING CRUISES To Tlae CARIBBEAN Aadfte MEDITERRANEAN . "·== WINed. AStlbM . . ........... • Toan • ,....... 'l\clleta * •o aanc:a c::~U.mK • MUTUAL TICI£1 AGENCY Harbor 1246 Collne Glbbon.a, Dorothy Mcltenna. M.arruertte Hughe. Cor. E. Cout Bwy. at Orchtd Ac:roa from P.O .. CDM 535 CENTER ST. - The Oranl* Count:y Plll.U..· at the JfOYeraber ......atut IMft. morale Soclfty wtll pnMDt Ita tna till the loddf at tbe 8alboa ,next C!CIIhCllllt laturday .......... 8aT Club. ~ Dtrectot bee. a. at Anabetm Bllb khool, Karen ~ Jlruntnt pre· wtth ~ P'rteda Bel Infante eon· .s4ed. duetlq. J~Gr-:::2 ~ere made ~f ~ 'l1lk announl:ement wu Iliad. . Ltltbold ot IWlboa, save rnoney leader ~ ttie area c:llalrmen: Mn. Carl ~ of a.., Sborea, rummaee aale chairman: Mrs. Edward Mittelman of J'allerton. publldty, and M.rw. Alfred Payne of Laauna Beach, Valentibe Ball d\alrtnan. Tbla aecond "Glye Your Heut to the Philharmonic" • .... ..._..._ ball wtll be held Peb. 3 at tht ,.,... .... .,. ..... Mueuart Bay Club. Mn. Moms Slack of J'uJJerton, newly appotnted dlrectot of youth, one each In both northern and 10uthem pub of the county on the ..me day, can be pre- Mnted by the Ph 11 harmonIc eometime ln January. Mrs. John ftflft ot Newport Helehts has been &J>polnted Harbor Area dlairman for the youth concerts. ••••••• :··•ft'j\e:J l · .. ~,~· . _ _.._..._ ... . ~--. • • • • •• • ••• . . .. ; . . . . . . ' .. . ~ ... : .. .,_z~ : . -~~-.. : • • • • • • • • For letterheeds. enve&ooet c:.d THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 ••••• c:.D .... ...... .....,. • • • of sodal nole W. L LANDIS oa L. E. CAIRNS Lll*tf 1-IDU I"&. lftll St. COITAKDA MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. Royal Tires We.ahin9 & 'oliahinCJ Complete lubric•tion S.rvi~ FREE PICK-UP & DEliVERY Phon• Harbor l094 170 I E. Coed Highw.y at Avec.do "Cofoft• ct.! .,.., Mr. and Mra. Frank Owen of 430 Dahlla Ave., Corona del Mar, entertained their slster-ln-law and 11-year-old nJece trom San Dleeo over the Veteran's Day week-end. • • • Newport Harbor Rleh School Coach AI Irwin was "sweating It out" on the sidelines again last week-end when his w1fe was taken to the Hoag Hospital for an operation. • • • Isla Peck-Mrs. Sydney Peck of .t3Q Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar, that ts-ls the n~ office manac~ and gal Friday for the City of Newport's Golden Jubllee celebration. • • • The Ralph Hoyles have moved from their temporary home at 202 Garnet A~ .• Balboa I.aland. to the btand new residence a t 2033 Bayside Dr., jtut below Ir- vine Terrace. • • • Maybe they like the numbers. or maybe they just like the prox- Imity to the ocean. but the G. A. Jones household changed the street. but not the number when ~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!j they nwm;d from 303 Jumlne A't., Corona del Mar, to 303 -. ----·-··--_ .. -::::------- ,ft. (lfO TVaD) WOI'ld'a •••Deat ..UO WEJQIIS OWL T 12 OZ. •• ae~, r x s~~" x •v.· A New Concept in Personal RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry- inc Case Optional, Extra. IIVISIIIWI 00. UUG7 ·-·~ ........ c.tc .. _ OtchJ4 A .. e. · e • • 'hat· r. A. Schln.n ol Cqrona c1el lhr left Jut weeJr.enc) f« Enaland and wtll probably have tl\elr till of plum pudcttn' and Chrlltm.u lOOM befOft the holl- da)'1 ~ over. Just before she left, Irene Mid abe wu ple~sed to be aotna to i!nalanci because that Ia one country to whldl the family can all traftl toeether. ~ when the hu~and Is tn the service. Since Arthut Murray Is already opentna studloe tn Lon· don, It may be poatble that Irene wU1 continue her dance Instructing "over there." • • • After belng suspended mid· houses for several days while they had the rugs put down In the new house, the Merle Ver· Burgs are nearly settled In their new home at 18711 Vale Ave .. Tust in . The VerBures m oved from 60S Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. • • • School secretary at Corona del Mar Grammar School, Sally Ken- nedy, and h~ mother have moved to a new boine tn Corona del Mar at 3M Jasmine Ave. • • • iiiiiii Home just In tlme for the Newport Island me«tng w~ the Geor,. Sherrills after a fqur- week trip to D. C., M~MJ~ . DA111QvAift*i PM TIYI, ............ 1111 &. c..t lhrY. et J lam c-... ,._ (Next to All Amerkaft llarbt) I!~~~~ aumo• .. • Aile ...................... ... and New York City. The Sher· rills combined business and pleasure by plc.klng up a new car while In the east a.nd visit· lng such places as Grand can- yon, Bryce canyon and the PaJnted Desert on their way home. • • • The Ned Willits have moved from the home at Zl6 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. to their folk's home on Bayside Drive. Suml and Ned and family w111 probably be moving back Inland to the lemon country In a little while. . . .. The o~ation undereone by Mrs. A. A. Kemper at Hoag Hospital last week turned out to be more tricky than even the doctors predicted, we understand. but Edythe has already started on the long, lone roa'd to re· rov~. • • • Mrs. Florence H~eU of Corona del Mar trent to the home of her sister. Mrs. Horace BeonjamJn of the Balboa BaJ front. .rter belnC releued from Boec Jut week. Rotiae 0t ~ 4( tMlPiopeny -~14w No. PASADENA P-14,157 1n the Superior Court 9f the State of california, In and tor the County of Los Anaeles. In the Matter ol the Estate of Nellie Patt.l.8on Sbeuby, De· ceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undenlgned wUl aell at private sale, to the highest and best bid· der. subject to conflnnatlon or said Superior Court, on or after the 28th day of November. 1955. at Its Trust Department at 160 East Colorado Street. Pasadena. County of r.o. Anlf!les. State of California. all the r1tht. title and Interest of said d~ued at the tlm~ of death and all the rleht. title and Interest that the estate of aafd deceued hu acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than ot In addJtJon to that of a id decea,eed. at the tilDe dl. death, In and to aU the ces:taltl ru1 pro~ aJtuate In the County of Oran,e, State of Call· fomla. particularly described u follow-. to-wit : IJo't J"tv~ (5) of Block .,_en· ty-two <22), "Eut Slde Ad· dftlon to Bal~ Tract." as shown on the Map recorded In Book 4. Pate 2> of M.Lic'el· laneous Maps. records of Or· an.ae County, Callfomla. 1be a..,... Geecrfbed pro- perty Ia al8o known as 1309 Eut Balboa Boulevard. Bal· boa, Caltfomla.. I • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Terms of sale cub In lawful ;:. money of the United States on MARIA E. VARADY, M. D. \ PHYSIOAN AND sUBGEON ~ tbe ~-ol an offke at 2151 Eat Cout BJpwQ' Oorooa del Mar ' ,.., ... :114~ ... >.-: IIAcntr conltimatlon ot .. Je. or part easll and balance evidenced ltJ note RCU!'ed by Mortpae « 1'rult Deed on the pwpettJ eo eold. Ten per cent ol amount bid to a.. del*fted With bJd. Bids or often \0 be ln wrlt:lnt a.nd will be neelftd at the afaoe. at~ omc. at any time afte ~ ant r::au.n ...., and be· ... ol ..... UJCK or AIIDICA !n'IIBA. .. ~:aKa ... ., tM ww ol ..... Pattllle ... ,,, Rr: oa• a~~ Jlli4l Of...,_. L~ .,.: '· .. . 'JNt I'IW&D AliD .oa..&AU ==~t.~, ···-~ ........ ~ ...,.. 10.. n. ,., ta. • ._~~ ...... .:... ..... .,... 111111111111 ___ .._ __ ..... ...._""""!'" ___ ..-,.._ __ Ia tM Jlcwpat ...... ......, •• u It un4 y ~~~~---ot t• ~ ........ ~~~= ~--·--·· ~,.,........ .... ln ~ ()taQp <:>renp county tftlo polll6 before ODiftt:'r JadP Kennettl ~ In ·All OtUee County WOIMft wbo Santa Ana are belna aided lo- haft ..-ewe.... With the ea117 by memben ot tbe Oranee U'IDell ...,.. in .UC. YMCA, county etttaena admlttee of the AJifC. WM; u4 other aovem-county probation MpartmenL JMnt .,_.,.eel Of'lanUatlon• Local members o1 thla voJun- .,. lllvttlld to atten4 the meet-teer comm.tttee lndude Rev. Her· Int. ~ to Klaa llancbe bert loltneon of the P'lnt Bapt:lst P'ulbnon. In charae of the Har· aum:h of Newport -.c:t~; Dr. R. bar lll!d:lon. TboM Interested ln J. Dalloaebel, ec.ta )leu chlro· attenctlaa ...._., eaU M.l.u f'ulker. prador: Larr7 Lactwta. manager lOll ol llartMJr 5338 for tranapor-ol the llatbor Boller atnk. and taUon. l&me~ Penney, ftewport Beach 8unday'a hoetea Is a charter attorney. member and ftrst vice-prealdent The c:ommlttlee m-. once a of the San f'ranct.co Untt of mont!\ tn t:be Santa Ana YMCA WOSL ln 1921. She saw aet'vice where Matthew G. Conldaris, de: ·In France wtth the YMCA. Mn. puty probation otrlcet' of Orange Bacon &leo attended the WOSL county, aJds members of the tenth anniversary meeting lut commJttee ln .oJvtna counseUng summer and attended the Parts problema. Member a have a meeting ln 1951 as a non-~overn-chance to learn what others are mental obeen'er. ~olne to aJd deUnquenu to use LT. LIT'I'LZ OOIIJ'LETES IULJTAIIT fOLICE COVUE In thelr own eoaauetlne. Committee members are asked only to handle one ea.e at a time but can have mb'*-'nley read all the records of the case before dectdlne wheth« to bandJe lt. Once accepted. they meet with thetr charces at Jeut once a week In tbetr homes. The mem· ben have no authority u pollet! officers but generaDy listen to their problems ·and do anything they can to help the young people. Straight fu.l tl\at only three cue. bave come back up before Judee Mor- rieon. A woman'• club Ia ltartlne to work-up a woman's commJttee to counsel delinquent etru. ~-lohneon said that pef80f11 Interested In jolntnc the commit- tee should contact Mr. Conldarta at Kl 7 ·3311, extension 240. They must tul out an application and be ICreened by the FBI. More members are needed on th~ com- mJttee which meets each third ThUJ11day. ICJSI lfAft JEAJf KUa. TO ICAJUlT LOYD POSTEa The engagement of Mlsa Mary Jean Kesel of Costa Mesa to Loyd Foster of 'Santa Ana was r~ntly announced by the in· tended bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kesel of 1932 Maple St., Costa Mesa. Miss K~l Is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School. "'MAC'" IS BOllE W. C. McAhren Ia home at 50'7 Jasmine Ave.. Corona del Mar from St. Josephs Hospital In Or: ange. "Mac" was oper-ated on last Thursday and Is reportedly doing well. but 1.a not expected l to be back to work tor 110me tlme. Army 2d Lt WUeon Little Jr .. whose father lives at 433 Pirate Rd., Cliff Haven, recently com- pleted the milltary pollee officer basic course at the Provost Mar- shal General's School, Camp Gordon, Ga. The lleutena.nt was ll'aduated from the University of Wlsconaln before entering the Army last 1uJy. He Is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fratern- Ity. aoz CAUSES PUlE A cardboard box placed on a stove caught on flre from a pUot lleht ln the residence of Mrs. Barbara Allen of t50 Belvue Lane. Balboa, at 9:56 a.m. last Thunday, the Newport Beach flre department reported. There was a lot of smoke. but no dam- l!le resulted. Rev. John.on pointed out that most of the boys are from broken I homes where the mothers work. The boys feel that no one cares for them. With the lnt~ shown by the coun.elors. the boys are guided Into useful pur-l suits. CondJtlons ot probation orde'ed by Sudge Morrison for the delinquents lnclud" an 8 p.m. curfew, yard work and d.lsh washing. EYES nat .. liT S..W! OIU. roa v AJf DR.ES A daupter. Janet. was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Van Dyke of 600 Dalllna Ave., Corona del Mar, on Thursday, Oct. ZT, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. All your printinq needs will be handled conveniently and court eously in the completely-equip- ped Job Printinq Department of ~our Harbor Area Newspaper The Ensiqn, 1104 Coast Bl~ COM The work has been 10 success- 1ftUe ~ --CW. ediMil eoa. bJIMz-tbe JiPt glauee. u .... ~ c-. tiki you dUI4 Ia ...... ...s -~ the IDGIIJ 4111.-t padatiou l.a colo&' l.a Yal'flD9 ti9bls. CALL Dll NlCHOL90N TODAY for an appointment to ex- amine, prescribe and fit your chlld's eyes with the proper-eye wear. L L NICHOLSON, O.D. The car that's going places 1rith the Young in Hean ••• biggeat car of the low-price 3 -------------------------~------~----------------·-- aave ~ tth!d it 1 Paah-Botton Dririns-the mOlt exci~~ automotive newt in tea yeare-and the AD-new Aerody .. mie P!ymoath '56 ie the fin' low-prioe car to briDJ it to you! N~ could~ aimpler: with a finpM:ip tooeh oe a button. yoa dtooee yoar dri''inl TaDp. 'llren Pfymoudl•• fully automatic Powerfliae tak:~ rollliiUIDd! Try lid. ~ coaTeDience at your Plymouth a.Ju•a today. Wida fabaio. Jet.qe ltftin« and bluifts 9().90 Tarbo- Twqae Powa-, PlyiiiCNIIt Ji._ 1M ,.. ~ ._ the .. oel.er 2.,. 2G0¥4 .......... ...,. ........ _ ... ,s-, ........ ....._ lr.._lt11iflltMc••*..._ ..... liS...,_.,._ -·-......... ,.. ........ Jl Ill I 0 fl..,_.._, ...... n..l-........... 11114 .. -..... la ... •Ullilfwlttl~ ---~~-------------------------------------~--- ... ' ---Charter. Due ns for Troop 81 'I'D1B Weaatladoel baft l»eeft made Gallll I ee'r ~ tiM ..U.O. ..aaM CommW\.lty ..,.. "rt n -'IIMbodJIIt auardl to .. wne •:::::•::•===,..=.t::a.::::::•:•::•:::pw;:;lt::.._.:::=IIIPOUOI'IbJp ot ~oy seout Troop IL The daureb eagecta to Neelve ... daart.r 800ft. CORAl Beauty Salon • ... III.IJ 1..,.11111 IMtttuUoftal r•eeentaUon to u.. Dlltl1c:t Coundl .. Lt. Col. • ''HOLIDAYS SPECIAL'' Balboa Houa of Beauty .John Loy, USMC. a Balboa laland ....actmt and parleblona" ot the 1oea1 ehUJ'dt.. Seout~nut« 11 Jlattbew V. WaJdellch. AMU~tant tiCOUtmuten are Net.on VIMI and Bud Cbeeley. Ron St. Clatr 11 JWllar aulatant IClOutmuter. Troop commJttee memben In· elude Ted Ha uter, cbaJrman: 501 E. la1boc 01147 Douc.Jaa Ferry, campln~: Robert Blalr, treuur~; Dean Gorton, a d van c e men t ; lamea Gap, equJpment: a.y Bark. traMPOr· tation; Ronald Vallely, proJram: and Robert Cheney, Explorer ad· vt.er. New Owner·Manaaer Doc'othy BeU ot Palm SprJnp A Classified ,A.d in Th. En11qn brinqs immediate results! Cob Horbor I I 1•-1 I I 5 and Df'OYe i+l LOSE. • • those bothersome INCHES ••• .. BEFORE" the Christmas Holidays! ••. THAT IS ... u nless you are satlalled with tryfne to "SQUEEZE.. a a.lze ( 12> dress on to a sJz.e {18) figure! ... unless you enjoy the "DAILY ZIPPER t ug -o!-war"! ACCEPT OUR OFFER I'« A CompUmeeta:l'y l:xp1aDatowy Tnatm•t (Jfo ObJJgatiae) A TRAINED FIGURE CONSULT ANT Will Help You With YOUR "Figure Problems" Be A New YOU "Before" 1956-START TODAY! at JladMic 17U 3117 .. eoc.t llwy. CO.a.AD&LIIU acony. Beach & Boulevard SPORTS IUfD CASUAL WEAJI 320 S. Cocut BlYd.. LaguDa Beadl BTatt 4-2211 ftA 'IDD ....... ., .. __ , .. ., ..... r-nz:·., ......... Mldlrrf'la "· L tit a... .. lin. ,_ 1'wlt. .... CWia.la ....... ,~ ....... 1o11aa ..._. 111.-"'-'-ou~ wt. ...-. cS.at ., 11M ...._, 11n. 1-* 0.1-a. •1• ... lteat. .. •• r • ..._ ._..., 11a. J ... ........... c. ............... -....n ... Mtt.(D.a .......... ) Carnival Nite Report Made Reports on the Carn.lval Night. annua l benefit dinner dance ~ven by the Newport Harbor Zonta Club, were ~ven at the luncheon meetina ot the poup last Thursday at the VIDa Marina. ... LIIITI M TIE Interpnttng olten·u.ed words In our Sacred Book ~ &AI.ftl D. IIIEDLD e1 C:.... del M• -r'M ....,*"-of WOI'da Ja .......... ~­ "''CMJIA• naturally Inquired. "What 11 ItT" The word they ueed In the quea· tlon, "manna," became the ae. cepted name tor the dlvlne gift of food. and we uae It 80 even today. .oil AT ft1IMAirDT ...... , .. ~AT ft1IMAirDT ...... a.. Our 16 YHnl experience and Special 1\-~ In Beeuty CuJ. ture auurea you ot the utmo.t In lndlvh!ual Balr Cutt1n1 and Stylln •. ............... 'llatlat IIlii ' l" ~-* Ftr .,, ........ _111171 * Helen Norton, chairman of the eve nt, received the "Flowet'S tor Friendship" corsage as the mem· bet' who had done the most for the club during the m onth at the previous meet ing ot the gro up held a t the home of BUlle Thorn· aon In Costa Mesa. There are two words used Jn Exodu. 16:15 which have ll strange 80Und to our modern ean. The verse run.s: "And when the Children ot Israel •aw lt. they said one to a nother, lt Ia manna: tor they wist not what 1t wu." Thla Ia much more eaally un· deratood when we read the mod· ern t r a n a I a t I o n : "When the w a ellte. saw lt. they aald one to a nother. What Ia It!' tor they dJd not know what It wu ." Light their life with fQith i/Jitt Letha Drolet was chairma n of the dJnn er arrangements tor thJ.a meeting. A craft talk wa.s given by FranCH Mears, who with her husband, Carleto n, founded the Mears Camera Shop In Costa Mesa. Reporu we~ also given by Dr. Helen Robertson, p r e s I d e n t ; Myrtle Brookings, Mildred Stan- ley, KathJeen Coleman, Myrtle Soderberg, Wlnt!red Barbre and Blanche Benz. Margaret Reinert won the prlze of the evening. Irs. Georce l.aH Of Cuta lesa Diu Funeral services [or Mrs. Clo· tilde M. Lane, 71 or 827 Plum Pl., Costa Mesa, were held Friday In Baltz Costa Mesa ChapeL Mra. Lane dJed Nov. 8 In Or· Anf1! County Ba.pttaJ alter a lengthy Ulness. She had lived In Costa Mesa ror two years and was a natlve of New Jeney. She Ia aurvlved by her h usband, George H. Lane Sr. or Costa Mesa ; a 80n. George H. Lane Jr. of Newport Beach ; a grand, child and a brother, James L. Druck of New Jersey. "W lat'' 1.1 an Old Engllah word tor "knew." We h ave a relic of It In our word "wit." The Israel· ltes were a.tounded when they saw the strange 1ubatance on the ground which they were In · structed to eat. and they quite QIVES .APEJI llf WASBDrQTOJf Dr. and Mrs. Jay Longley ot 721 Narcluua ~ve.. Corona del Ma r, last week were In Waahlnt· ton, D. C., where Dr. Longley gave a paper at the symposium of a ntibiotics for the Bureau ol Health, Welfare and Education. Fll.Sl CHURCH 0" CHRIST SCIENTIST UOl VIe LU., ......_.~Melt A brand~ of 1M Mothef Churdl, The firtt Chwdl of Olritt, Sdentllt, "' ._ toft. W...dt-"t. ~1'4ey ~ 9:15a.m. ~lid .y S.,.,Oca II :00 e.lft. Wednetday Evenl"9 M ... i'"ll 1:00 p.m. RHdi119 Room lout.d at lll S Vie Udo, N~ a..ch, It ~~~ WMl deys fi'Oifl 10·00 ....... to 5:00 P·"'~ Wednewfeys fi'Oifl 10.00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fndey ..,."i"9• fi'Oifl 7:00 p.m. to ':00 p.m. Clo..d Holideys. The public it cordially ii!Vit.d to af· tend the dt11rdt .arvic" and uaa tfte Reedinq Room. Professional C..lttee ....... laM4.JFtlltwsli' Three committee c h ai rm en Directory have been elected by the ~nlor Mtrstc Youth Fellowship of the Balboa ,..----.....;;==;..._----.. Jsla nd Co mmunity M ethod I s t Margaret L. Scharle Church. Dennis Brown Ia chalr· Teacher ot Plano man of Christian Faith; Donna Smith, Christia n Fellowship, and Organl.t · Accompanlat Evening Claues Allt>n Guenther, Christian Out· t or Adult• rene-h. 3111 GOLDENROD AVE. At thf" election meeting. a dis· Corona del Mar cusslon was conducted on the .__ __________ _,; topk. "Is Jt Right Cor a Christian l'trlfERAL DDtECTOJlS to Engage In War?" Panel mem· Friendly Neighborhood Service ~r-; lndudf"d Ron St. Clair, Sharon Wah1cllc:h. Susie Stone. PARKES-RIDLEY and Dkk Bridgman. Worship MORTU ARY was l<'d by Donna Smith. Recre· IT. AJJDDWS nESJnTZmJUt CIIUJICII 15th ~ It St. And.rewl Rd.. ---~~ ..... ~ .... J-..LI~ SUNDAY : Morning worship, 9:30 an d 11 a.m .; Church School, 9:30 and 11 :00; Jr. High. Sr. High and colle~e age FeUow. ablps. 7 p.m.; Thllnday, Prayer, atudy group, 9:30 a.m. COIDIVWITY METBODIIT ao w. lttll It-eo.to ..... Liberty 1-4551 .... J-.. W. McSJaaM Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School : 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worahlp-7 p.m. College Age KYF Servtee -7 p.m. HJgh School MYF S«vtee: 8 p.m.. youna adulta group aervlee. "I'D CBOKB or CIIUit ·-Qua lt.. c:.e. .... lD Ill...., D. a. ...... ,, ... Sunday ~: 1:45 a.m. Bible .tudy; U a.m. morning wor. ship; 7 :30 p.m. eventn1 8el'V1ce. MJdweek la'V1ce, 7:30 p.m. Wed.neaday. TBZ CIIUKB OP CIUD't Odd r.uow. Lod9e. 1 .. •....-t Aftw c:.t. ~heeL Ubaty 1-5'111 T0111 ..._,Jr., ltam.t. Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible stud,)\; 10:55 a.m. worahlp aerv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CIOUIT CIIUJICII ft TID lEA C:O...ualty ~~~ lcdboa aaYCL c1t 14tla lt.. Kewport IIArbcw 5221 Pater: .... Boy A. CariMD Sunday Worship, 9 :30 a nd 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid- week Meeting: '7:00p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACBDN CKVBCR liM ~ AYO.. Coeta M..a Uberty a.lotl naT AIIDUI.T or GOD I:IDd lt. 6 &Idea Aftw c:.t. ..._ Llbelty 14711 .. •• ad .... c:. a.Jc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· lhlp: 10:55 a.m. and evangelllt 8el'V1ce, 7:30p.m. Young People and Chlld.ren'a Servtoe, 6:30 p.m. Sun. MM.week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladlea' Ml.uJonary Council. Thu.rada~ 9:30 a .. m. tor all day. I&Y&RIB DAT ADYDIIS1 •.....-t ...... Cit ao&aa lt. Rewpodllokdlta LJben'f a.asu Eldew D. L lpeal.dlq Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· rnon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· ln1: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. CIIU8Ciii oC 1M •a.uaBJIB .......... ~.c-e. .... ...... .... CU..W"D'-7 uar '* a.nm ~ a.ntc.c SUnday·Sebool.. 1:10 a.m. ~ WOnbtD at 10:.10 a.m. Evana.u.Je fery. lee. 7 p.m. Sunhy. Jf.T.P.S.. 8 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetinJ. 7:30p.m. Weclnad~. naT cau ... or CllaiiT ICI&WIDI aav1a~r .... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· day S e r v I c e : .11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenln1 Meeting: 8:00. Readln1 Room. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m .. , p.m. week da~. 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.m. Wednesday., 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. CIDJIT LtJT&EWAJI ClltJJICB or COITA MESA (Miaec"url 8pod) a-loa IA9Iola •all. eo.ta lleea Pato1'1 a... Letb.ar Tonaow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School a t 10:15 a.m. BALaOA ISLAJII'I) CONMVJnTT METii~DIST 115 A~ A.._ lalboa lala:ad Nl.D&ter: lte.. Donald lapp Batbor ~ ,..,. -.vTift cauaca ........ A ............. c:.n. .... ... ... a.··-Sunday Serviea: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; U ::::, r:=p Tr:c:-LJ~:C: 7:30 p.m.. Eveninr Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Pra11e and Bible Study. Mon - day: 7:30 p.m.. Men'a Chorua p r a e t I e e : 8 :30 p.m. Ken'a Prayer Keettnr. CIIUaCII or on LADY or NT. CAalfEI. 1"1 w,. ........... •....-t ~0114 r.U..I~K£!1·.__ ratiMI'~ TIU Sunday Mueea: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11 ~30 a.m. Oonteaaion: Sat- urdaya and eva of 1.t Frldaya and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:JO p.m. Dally Mue 8:00 a.m. P'lrlt l'rlday: t:.30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Jf oven a fP'wp«ual Jhlp): ,......,.,,,.,... .......... .,..... J\lly ud Aa.-. s.n4q 4 a.m. Uilit • ••• wr COMMUW«t ra.LOWIIID a.aa-...... IIIW • ...._aJ..._Wbee ......_ ..... r.w.a-.. Sunday Scltool, 10:30 a.m. Ill~ lnl worship. 11:00 a.m. -IT. JAIOI D'IICO.AL Ia ... lJdo. •.....-t .... IIAIIMir 1110 .... Job .. hlb.lledw Sunda y la'V1ces: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:15 a.m. 11 a.m. Sunday school: 9:1.5 a.m. motn· In~ prayer and aermon, 11 a.m. worahlp aervice. T h u r a d a y Services: 9:US a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOD YIAJf1fET 314 Nca1De AYO.. lalboa 1a1aD4 BAmor 021C r.u..r I~Eiley. ,_._ rat~aM hn:aaaaua AMt. or Sunday Masaea: 7:00 a.m. 6 9:00 atlon was led by Jean SmJth. 110 Broadway 1 Sponsors Cor the evening were u 8 -3433 1c 8·3434 Costa Mesa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guenther. P~ Tb0111as J. lfn'lD Suaday Naaae~ at 7. L I. 10 cmd 11 :30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mau at 7:00 a.m. -Conles.~lon : Satur-days from 4:00 to 5:1:>--7:00 t o 8 :30 p.m. Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. Church School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. a.m . Conl esalon: Saturdays and eves. ot tst Frld11y• and Holy Da~; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m.: Fh'lt Friday Mau 8 a.m. Summer MUI. luly and Aliau.t Sunday, 11 a.m. D 0 l l A R s A •• : s E N s E •••• JOHN DID •••• JIM DIDN'T le~,.r H1tior link .......... TJlADfDfQ Df IIUf DIEQO Marine Pvt. Kenneth H. Reyn· olds, 611 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. Is undergoing recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot In San Diego. Upon completion ot training, the new Marine. are aaalgned to Camp Pendleton for further Infantry training, or to one ot the Marlne Corp~~ achool.l. Fer Y ... r People ha¥. beeft aeylrt9 • • • end bel&evfn9 that ,.Ill MIEllO .. . ........_.. .................... ----·----= --' N OW ... TW O BALTZ MORTUARIES Serving the Harbor Atea Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Cout Bllhway Corona del Mu Baltz Mortuary LJ berty 8-2121 11h 6 Superfor, eo.ta MeN AMPLE PAlUWfG BOTH J...OCA'ItOJfS HARBOR REST MEMORIAL P ARIC llatbcr Blvd. at Gl..sl« XJVBDI T 5-11!51 .. " .•. t-!.!.~1~ • • J ' Wilbur C. Wagner, D.C. Phse, ,..., 114 Ocean ..... LAnna Oftlet: 111aU 4--a..: aratt ...... ttl .• ..~ .... !··~ .... POIST I.APnST CIIVIICB COBOJfA DEL NAR Ol' JfEWPORT CONMUJfiTY CJI"OliCB aau..a al9d.. lttll 6 CoaJ11ta.. C•povattaacd •--.o~t Ill Be~ A~ IIAmor JW Lu.ty a.J071 BA~bor 5227 ..... a.'-1 a. ,...... ...... ..... Uwt. a-Jre .Sunday aervtces: 9:45 a .m., Sun-Sunday Wonhlp Servicea: 9:45 ::rc ~I ; 11:' a.mS Wor· a .m., 11 :00 a.m.Su:ndayScbool: P tn co ee; 7: p.m. unday 9:45 a .m. even 1 .ervlee ;Mid-Week ~ ara~.a CJIVllca o.-.,. A ... at 111'4 lt. c:.t. ...... Ubelt! 1·1101 A.A.KCiden..__ SuntJ•y School: 9:15 a.m. Morn-lnr ~ 11:00; Evening 8eiv1ee. 1:00. Mld·week Sen'· 1~. Wed n e • day. 7:30 p.m. Youn1 people meet 6:15 p.m. Sunday. Servtc:e: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday •JIW&WWP'IJIOiftiiiiTI"'' IIUIK)a Pn,Jer Keetln«. L~ cao... P1111T IOUildJiii SAftiiT 1511 CUff.,._ •...-t ..._... cauw ....aa AIIDDLT or GOD La.ty .... -W • ......_St.. C....._ a ... L ... ...._ c.w. .... ....._. Clw~•t LDr '* ...., ... c.u..._ Duplleate montlnl -+JCM-. ...... Dr. ......... LD alt ...,.. a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. lun4ay; su:,::t;_ edtool t·.S am.. cburda ..... c. IL ftw •d ltlncJerplten and Pre·Sehool u:OO · ._.: ~ Sunday ec:hool 9:30 a.m.. mornlnl Dept. aunct.,. ~ ' Lm.; Union ' PA lklncJa,. a.. .. worship 11 a.m. Younr people ~ Oracle throulb Adult SUn· WOI'?bJp 1 p.m. lu~. 'J'Mcti. eervtee 6:30 p.m., ewnlnr da, Sehool, 10 a.m.: bu pro· en and otr1e1n ...c~n1 T p.a .. anpllst eervtee T:30 p.m. vlded and lf11nft1 JI'OVfcJed fer Wed.,..;lay. ~ ~aacl Kid.~ MrVb T:aG p.m. both Mrvl~ an4 10 a.m. SUn· .... ltUcty T:ttl p.m. W.a. w~. 4ay SchooL c1a1. TJd. Dbwdor! Ill made porh\e by th-dYic>mhaded JMwlp I i*N I wo0owaaTH PfANO 5HO' RICHAitlrS UDO WAUET bel..,... A,.m r. .. lctw1n ,Pt&Me • Oranae ea.acra ...._ "r''ppaJbrbt ~•o 1. c..t Hwy. H.. na c... ., .... MJJ VIe t.We ...._ .. ....,...,. ..... NIWPOn HAliOI MieN NIWWAPB 1'11wttn• .Utwlllitlne-a...eaJ ..... J.o L c..t Hwy. Har. I I 14 C.... .. ._.., IA~f::W. STANLIY, .. ._ ..... ... "-•rwt ........... s.. ......()Mia .... ~ ...... 771 STAIPOID I SON a.trte ..,..D.aa• .. , , ---. ttO Rkl•• ~ U 1-1-Naapcwt .... IALIOA lAY CWI .... ,. ..... 2204 5. Main St., Santa Ana Kl. 5-2719 OPEN MON. & Fill. EVE. OPEN SUN. 12 TO 6 P.M. ........... .,.,... ... •m••-......_•••a•E 'I'M~,. .. Waat ••• DtNct To 'fow .,._ S.O.S. Radio & T.V. RADIO-TELEVIII.-II-F1 no•&...._.,. •• ,.... SJaop of Ia llADIR AVL IAUOA ISLAJfl) ...... :--..... UftAAif~ ...... WALT DJDiii'W ••AFIJCAN UON" ...... N. _ _.. .. ........ o..a. ......... " • • DP.IIJE IJI4 .-(; ,lC THEATRE S t:) ~ CO hl l A\ •Ou Alii -I H THI fAM IIf (All 1 .................... I I .. ~ .... .-.aT I .......... ,. ..OWd&aW&YI .. * CAnOO• CABJIIVAL FU.. SAT. & 10. * ~~~ IAIID DmAl' •aEaa. WJTROUT A CAUSE .. .... '"TIIB W AJIBJOIS• • EIUIOL n.YNN • if1 •(Jf'• tDIIfllflinll ID .,.. -.uK ALOJfE" &AY IOLLAND BANK BY MAIL (postage-free both ways 0t U.S. Natlonol) Suicide Try Is Reported CAa c:vn JOWEa fOU IL..;... POUCE ILO ••• Denn1l M. Moody, 19' C&.mp IJIW' Pendlet!OD martne. wu taken to -----~•......,.--------------------Hoac Memorial tw.pltal at 4 Lm. Saturday autferinr minor (Oonttllu.d fJvrD Pap 10) 80Jln JlobJMOft of 800 W. CoMt injur{es after hla car lheered"-olf e FJIDAT, .o¥. n Rwy., Newport Beach. reported ;~pow~~er~po~ .. ~a~nd~b~Jt~a~ma~l~lbo~x~~~~=~~*~=-~~~ E4na m-ane ot X.O. Anctiee ~ warned boy. about -.etnc two cars .we.wtpe •ch call~~~ po]Jice ~:o~ ~ anowaat tbe rear of 10. other at 17th St. and Cout Bwy., Lm.ln 1 n t_......!eportPo..,. ,... of VIa .s.ntone, lJdo lale, tor tear Newport Beach, 1top and then .on· · aw, ..,.,_.. .7'-. -· ot hu.rt.lA& MnMOne ••• Oft~ take Qt1 ••• Mlal Adonelle Kaale lOS E. Bay Jtlle., Balboa. had were-vnable to locate boys re· ot 743 VIa L.tdo Soud, Lido We. called her about 8:80 a.m. that ported tlhool1nl flreeraclun on reported a plate I)UI window momln& to MY he WU lOll'& to the beads lD front of 1310 S. Bay broken ln her home appannUy commit .ulclde and h•d take1l a Front. aalboa Wand . . . A man from a eonlc blut u no object bottle of aleeplnc pUla. and t:~Wo women had been drink· could be found which could bave OUlc:era contacted Mr. Poylea, lng and were' hav1nl a family bJt the window .•• Mrs. Charles wtfo aald he bad taken two aleep· areument ln the Hurley Bell Inn ConverM of 200 Sapph.lre Ave .. Ina pllla. WhUe at the atat1on parldnr lot at 10:25 p.m. and Balboa laland, repo.rtecl at 10:45 wrltlnl their report. otflcera aald were moved on by an ottlcer p.m. hearing a ~Craplng sound the mother·ln·law called again after a complaint was registered llb someone trying to get Into to atate that her eon-In-law had by a neuby raldent ... Offlc:ent b~ baby'a room, wb.lch lnveitl· c:alled her to report that the PC>· re-Ported wlndowa broken out of caUnr officers believed was lice bad ju.t left. He told her the Mike Myer1 se.rvtc:e atat1on, eau.aed by trees being blown by that he had told the oUJcen that Cout Hwy. and PolnNttla Ave., the wind ... be bad only taken two pUla but Corona cSel Kat, at 11::50 p.m .... e KOifDAY.IfOY. It actually had taken a bottle of MrL G. E. Van Hall of 424 Hell· pllla. trope Ave., Corona del Mar. re· OUicers promised to check on ported that someone pulled up Mr. Poyles. When they left the tlowera from ln front of ber atat1on they found Mr. Poyles In horne ... a Newport Beach doctor's oUlce. e IATV'&D~T. IIOV. 12 They learned he wu there bav· Mra. Wufla Hunt of 1M VIa tng hla stomach pumped out, of· Trieste, Lido Isle. reported at fleers reported. The doctor aald 12:35 a.m . of having received a Mr. Poyles wu all right but Wepbone call trom a woman would stay ln -a hospital for 24 c:l&lmlng ,.the world wu comJne hours. to an end and for her to stay In Vaughn Plaque Is Dedicated the house; Mra. Hunt notified po· EdJaon Co. wu noWied at 2:06 Lm. that a wtre Into the Grey· hound Bus Depot. Newport Beach. was arcing rvery ff!W minutes . .. Mrs. l . Y. Bryan of 812 w. Ocean Front. Balboa. reported the loss of part of the luuage carrier from her ea.r 19mewhere In the dty .•. A Balboa Island boy, 13, hu bMft ardered to ap· pear In juventte court f« alleg· edly treaputlJll on the pro perty of Vlrgtn..la Manton ol 309 Coral Ave .• Balboa blaDd ... Arthur G. Boueman, 41. ot San Diego. was arrested on a ¥agrancy charge at Coa.at Bwy. and Cam a · tlon Ave .. Corona del Mar. at 11 a.m., clalmlne to bave alept un· der a tree ln Nf!W'PC~d the night before but weatu completely dry clotblng In IPtte at tbe re· rent rain ... l . L. Wade of 528 .......... 1 'I ............ .....,_.. _ _..,...._... ..... ,... ........ .., ........... ......................... ..,. =---.... ~'-$1 95 o.,, ..... ...,w.--. 4 ............. ........ .................. ......... taM .. o.~rss.a ... I SUI I IUIIIT WD1 IIIII 1•1 ~~ *CROWN HARDWARE* ..A BOUSEIIOLD DDUTWEIN I'I'Oa- * We Cat ~ * A veteran memorial plaque for the late Frank Vaughn, long· time constable tor Newport Beach Township, has been dedJ· cated In the veteran's section of Hubor Rest Memorial Park. Uce for the record ln cue anyone el.ae received auch calls ... Ken· neth E. Edens. 48, of 314 Golden· rod Ave., Corona del Mar, wu arrested on a drunk driving charge at 2 a.m. at Bayalde Dr. and Marine Ave. . . . Mrs. E. A. Wentzell of 504 Clubhou.a Ave., Newport Beach, reported that two boya were throwing mud balls and boxes In the area of her home ... Seaward Rd., C«ona Blrhlands, ~•= reported a bole 1n a rear window 3107 ••-' Mr. Vaughn wu the firat vet, eran burled ln the section and the first to receive the memorial plaque. Mr. Vaughn served In World War I and organized the Costa Mesa American Legion P~ which conducted the dedi· cation. Harbor Rest Memorial Park Is a contract cemetery with the Veterana AdmJnlstratlon for the burial of veterana In thls a rea. • StnmAY, ROV. 13 Floyd Greiwe of 2920 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. reported that peanuts and candy valued at $5 were taken In a burglary of hls service station at that ad· dress . . . Doug Bul'll. owner of Doug'a Doghouse. 3512 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. reported that a rubber mat 15 f~t lone and 20 Inches wide. valued at $85. wu atolen . . . Robert L. Hill of 1813 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa. chargPd that a hit and run car damaged his car at Helen's Nut House, a t 1:25 a.m .... Nel· of hla home made by a BB •hot •=· ....... =· iliia•CO•AST••IIJGIIW=::IIII:AIIYEII:IC:::::::z:::I•IICO•.O•If•A•D•a.••IIU•• . . . R. H. Conley of 2164 Santa r Ana Ave., eo.ta Mesa, reported the theft of a 165 ak1tf from tht> American Lecion dock. Newport Beach ... e TUESDAY. lfOV. IS A ear driven by lames C. lb· botson of ll2 Opal Ave . Ba I· boa Island, and a temi·Uactor Ui~Ck driven by WUllam L. Pal· mer of 2120 Santa Ana Ave .. Cos· ta Mesa. were Involved ln an ac· ctdent at Marine Ave. and Coast Rwy .• at 8 a.m .... IN A HURRY. • • 1D adcUtioG to our N9Ul• La.ac:ta.oll (ISc to IUS) We are DOW Mn1Dg c:afetwla style 1aadteo& E.DtrM 4.5c to 6Sc WE AJlE ROW TAUJIIC • • A Classified ,._d in The Ensiqn brinqs immediate ntsuln! Cah Harbor 1114-1115 and orove rtl .wouotsustJJODsm=•~ Three Boys, I 7, Arrested On Dope and Curfew Charge .APORT /lw.l.. B.ESEJIVATIOJfS FOB TJIAJfKSCIVDIC DDOfEB s,.clll ... Your Family Restaurant (Cloeed T....say) CORONA DEl MA/l·NAA/It'RIH/'1 .,..... __ .,_ C»nrn& .-E . . :----•ru--... ·-·--. .., ..... .... ....... --........ --............... ___ Thr~ 17·year·old boys, two trom Costa Mesa and one from Corona del Mar, were arrested on charges of poaealon of marl· Juana and cv.rfew v\olat1on by Cocta Mesa pollee early Monday mornJnr and t&ken to Orange county jail. Applications for pe· tJtlona for appelltances In juven· lie court were filed on each. Pollee said they found approxl· mately five pounds ot marijuana In two sacks In a sedan occupied by the Corona del Mar youth Ptfked on 22nd St. near Elden A£ .. Costa Mesa. When ottlcers a lved the Corona del Mar yo th said they had run out of ga.s and hls two companions bad gone for some . Dri11r H.W Iller 11H111 Tn O.n George S. Leach. 49, of 1537 Cerenade Terrace. Irving Ter- race. was arrested by N~rt pollee at 6:23 p.m. last Friday on an In toxication charge alter his cllt was Involved In an accl· dent with two other cara at Gold· enrod Ave. and Coast Hwy., Co· rona del Mar. Offl~rs charg~ that the Leach vehicle damaged the right rea r fendl'r and tall light of the car of Cllrtord Neresc>n of 377 R.alcam Pl., Cocta Mesa, and the left front fender and bumper of the car of Alexander Katz of Los Angeles. The Nereson and Katz vehicles were stopped at the sJenal at the time of the accident, officers said. my tUuJJri 1 .muJrt ... he·, g.tfing hu Jbl\* in the MW Halecrelt wttb au u.. trtauDiDcJs The oUicers waited approxl· $1.80 .. 2.2& 2515 E. Coast Jlifhway IIGrbor 1141 ConDer del ... mately 20 minutes and when the '-1!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1------=-=-11!!!!11-.. others dld not return. the Corona del Mar boy wu plaeed under aJTeSt f« curfew ¥iolaUon and brou&bt to the -.Uon. AboUt 20 minutes later the other youtha drove up ln another ear. atopped by the parked sedan and then tried to leave the area at a high rate of speed. They were lntN· eepted by ol!lcers and their car car shaken down. Thr~ whit(' pills were round In thl' right front shirt pocket of on~ of the mesa youths, which ottlcers saad resembled bmzedrine. The parked sedan was then searched and the marijuana was found under the right front seat w ith particles or marijuana on the rear seat floor. A curved stem pipe was found In the glove compartment. •••.. ..,. ... '111 ......... . Alex SUman of 417 Narcissus Ave.. Corona del Mar. called Newport pollee at 6:18 p.m. Mon· day to report that hls wife had been gone all day. He said a short while earlier he recelvPd a caJJ from Henry's Bar-Newport Beach. He said he couldn't un· derstand what the person calling wanted but It sounded to blm like tbe "place was coming apart. .. Mr. Silman asked otflcen to ·~IUal tile distJIIttM ViaorHugo • COIOU 10. 11M the colorful IIlLEY IELL •1lCUST -AY ret..,.UrW ml cl\eck the situation and 1l hls O...~al'#~r_,_......,. wife was there to uk her to come home. Officers M id they iliE%~ ~-~,.,.~ found Mrs. SUman at Henry'S' Pwty Acc:onwftodations and placed her In a taxi cab tor W th SL Scm •-Ri * a trip home. · ----eat 5 at ta n.ua '••r At 7:18 p.m. Monday poll~ SANTA ANA PH. 1J 3-8311 headquarters received a call that ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;!;;;!;;;!;;;!;;;!;;!;;~~ "a woman waa dead lytnc on the ~ &ldew&Dlln front ot 222 Martaotd Ave~ Corona del Mar." Otflcen went t9 the scene and found Mrs. SUmad' layln& on the sidewalk. apparently unhurt. o f t 1 cera chatl'ed that she wu belHieftnt to them and to the pollee matron wh~ atr'eSted on an Intoxication charge. She posted $25 ball and wu releued at 1~0 LftL 1'\tfll· d&y • () !bu.uu; (/MMI. a.TI-liFE .,_.. • M &41 • ..... • ....... . ~--It .......... Citliil ... • ........... COft ...... ................ ..... _. ueuu ,.,.,., • •• ••• •u ceu. • •••u• tnu•• •u•n• , I I , • 1·oo ..-to 9 ., Subdivisions Are Approved ~~~=La* ... *"' 1a their n.w home at 30LtCD ~ .aft, ~ 2·Mdloom · TWo IAibdJVS&Iom to1a1tna a dlvllion ol 1J Iota wu approved Santa Ana Ave., eo.ta lieu. baY· b..e oa aalboalalud. llA m. Iota nctlwd U.. &ppi'Oft1 ol the for Dike and Co~Atpove at tbe lq IDIMtd from Corona del Mar. Cotta K.. cltT pl.aD.alq com· eouthwe.t COI'M1' Clf Santa Ana Mr Lulie Ia the vJce.p.,.....nt of _...,. .. PolSce CalM Walt. 1'0.& SALZ: ~ treDdl coat m.lalon lfondq 'Dlaht aod now Ave. ud 18th 8t. ~ MWb'·otea nl2ed adult rld.lna ren~a~ 1a Roaair.mon.J wttll belt, fur eollu, aiM 1._ 10 to the eo.ta U.. dt7 COWl· Coaunlllllonan plan to meet poup. ne 11om a MY"W wom. 135. BA Da·W. ctl tor aetJoJL next Monday ntaht In tbe jury j'irri----~~~~~~~----~ Tbe attorMy e. BorMe 0. liD be ~ ... bll(M*d cardiae heart eon eun.ed YI!AJl OLD DAGLE Jooldn1 for A ,..lot .UbdJvwlon received room ol Newport Beacll JUitlee 1!1111110. retln4 .uperi:ntendllnt of QOil bJ ~ or "5 ,.,.,.,1 per· 1n hJa home a week a_ao SUnday. aoocl borM. Spayed and hu eommlwtoft approval tor the eourt to dS.CU. policy matt.n. the Newport Beach Element&IJ' ...., .. tbe ecm c1aarp4 tn hJa Capt ny.Gn Ia In fait eon41Uon, alllhoa. IL\ !500-W. Newport Balboa l'ederal Savtnp Sebool cl1ltrlct. mu.lt lbow eaue court tldioa. ha.plta.l autbodtl~ have an-1------------a.nd Loul Mm. at 18th 8t. and Few ....... ._.._ ..,, ....... c:.l totratow (J'rtda1) 1n su,.._ DoDald EMllft ...a to be ap-nounced, addfnl that he mut,. OUSTOM CA.JIIllfft WO.Rl[ done Placentia Ave. The ~eeond aub· THE ENSt6N. HA-l t 14 Court why a ,uudlaD tlbould not polated ,uarcllan ovw hJa tath•, main In the h()jiJ)Ital fa~ awbile on Jlftlll.._ no job too anall. be appointed tor Mr. l!nalp. Itt. fatbra PIOSMb. valyed at yet before belne releued to 10 Phone 1D a.aa. Mr. Enslen. who remdM at !tTl 11.000. ud the famUT bome. home. E. 21.-t St., eo.ta Mesa, baa been 'ftle eld« EMian. 11. ndNd Capt. Dyson h u been a mem- char,ed by his aon, Donald En· 1ut ,_, from the ehment&r1 ber of the Newport Beach polJce .. ,.,. ol 372 Maa:nolla St.. eo.ta .ebool dl.atrlet after MrY1ce wh.leh department foe the put 23 yeara. Mea. with belng Incompetent atarted In 1930. Be had been M'l'Vtnl u ac:ttna Donald .Enalen Ia employed by The younaer EN!p aa.ld be pollee chJef wbUe CbJef l ohn Newport Harbor Union Hlch had no comment to make about Upeon has been attendfnr the School as a mechanic and bue the court cue when contacted at P .BJ. National A c a de my ln drtver. the hll h achool Monday b1 an Wublnaton. D. C. Capt. Harry "He has property whJch needa Enslen reporter except to .tate Lace took over the actl.nl pollee care, la unable and una.ulsted that be tued the ~D for the ehJef duties upon the Wn~ of properly to manare and take members of the famlly. Capt. ny.Gn. care of blmself 01' h1a property "We lntend to ask for a jury ------ and by reason thereof 1s likely trial and a full hearlne 1n the Glamour Glimpses matter," said .James J.lonroe, de· tense attorney of Santa Ana. "Hl.s wlfe is a b lghly-aa.larled Instructor In Los Anrele. Col· lege, an M.D.. a former officer In th e U.S. Navy, a aureeon· physician." The alleged center of dispute Is $6,000 In personal property which never existed, added the attorney. Actually, there 1s only a house at 3C17 E. 21at St., Costa Mesa. he said. "There ls a certain amount of jealousy for the old man's at· tentlon," the attorney aaJd. Mr. Ensign suffers from Parkinson'• disease but it Joes not bother the mind, he added. w~ pl'a ,. .. bicycle ln aood condition. RA 1736-.J. HELP WANTED, Lady, capable of MWinl and aelllne. )Ita Muttett Shop, CDM. HA 667. BABY SII IU wanted Saturdays only from 10:00 a.m. to •:oo p.m. HA 5328. ' Dancing EY"f Sat. NHe .., ... ., ..... .. IOc,.,__ ····" ..... ._._ lei• 1111 lStlt lftEZT AT,... L\T non 411MES FASTER 98- Nothing beats snuggling. on these nippy winter nJgbts. Snug- gling Into a warm -as·toast nutr knit gown by Klckernlck found at O'BRIEN'S. Being warm as toast and looking pretty and feminine. all at the .same time is due to those darling touches of embroidered f 1 ower s sprayed carelessly on the bodice of the nightgown-that sweet edging of lace, or the running blue ribbons that set ott the yoke of the pa- jamas. Yours for comfort a nd beauty sleep with the cloud·ll&ht nuttiness of the rayon n utr·knlt. or the super nylon-In gowns or P. J.'s. Mr. EnsJgn married hl.s second wUe, Johnette, In 1950. Hls flrst wtfe resides In Santa Ana. ChU· dren by the first marrla'ie In· eluded Donald, Eueene, Dorothy, HMJDIY SPECIIU F. THUll. .. WED., IIY. lltln 23 Besldes tbe cuddly nstware, cmotber 'NJ'f proeUca1 lteaa lD fiuff kDlt Ll the pretty bed 'aclreta. made to matcb tbe 90W1l. ox to be em addltlOD to 'fOUl' c:o~Dfort at cmy time you wcmt to read lD bed. b.Cift tx.aldaat oa a ucry, 01' be h t c b 1 D 9 cm4 "'uDder tbe weather" all at Ollt». ... ,des tbe nuff·kDlt bed,acketa (a fiDe 9ift by tbe way.-pretty. p • r a o D a 1 cm4 ncuooahle). O'BBIEK'S b.aa mcmy otber ackmlble bed·'ac:kets. You'll be chCII'Dled by tbe qaUt.d D'floaa. ~ witb pretty ..,.. a4 alcelT 1baed to boot. wttb • --iidbWtift 1111'9e e. ~ _. loob. r. tnllftl· UDCJ, yoa ....., want oae of tM dalllty oylOD-batlat. bed-,ack· .u: tb.rr a.-a to pack 1iiiDt aU. Kathleen and Marjorie. Kest Is Sued by Bus Driver An assault and battery suit de· mandlng more than $25.000 was riled Tuesday In Superior Court by Mrs. Jack Phillipson of 392 Ralcam Pl.. Costa Mesa school bus driver. against Robert Kest. Orange Coast College Instructor. The suit. alleging assault a nd battery, demands $10,000 general damages. $10.000 punitive dam· ages, $5.000 to her husband and an unspecified amount for medl· cal bills and the loss of wages to herself and her husband. Mr. Kest alle&edly &rabbed Mrs. PhUllpeon by the hair and ahoulden with bb han<b a nd forced her to the floor of the mesa school bu.a p.rage on Oct. 25 after protesting the dllclpUne treatment given hls aon by the bus driver. Mrs. Phillipson's suit was filed by Max Hurwitz. New- Who·hoo·hOO. have you a new port Beach attorney. petticoat? O'Brien's have . . . • several new ones in fact. One Cla•les f Bt•'-that's absolutely Irresistible Is of I 1 •It • namlng red taffeta with plenty lllliYI of ,., ••• , Dill of full support from white net ruffles and horsehair-and some Holy Rosary was recited at 7 adorable rick -rack trimming p.m. ye.sterday (Wednesday) In glinting with gold! Not expen· the Parkes · Ridley Mortuary sive either Elegance In winter Chapel for Charles Ferdinand fashions Is ~lso repeated In pettl· Bialy. 80. of 1903 Santa Ana Ave .. coats this year and you will find Costa Mesa. Mass Is to be cele· rich looking brocades among our brated at 10 a.m. tod~y !Thurs· llectl frilled with pastel dayl In St. Joachim ~ CAtholic ~mes. o~.bbons and lace under· Church. with the Rev. Thomas J. neath You'll also love the ex-Nevin oUiclatlng. qulslt~ white embroidered nylon. Mr. Bialy died Sunday In Hoag <Tisp and very beautiful. In fact Memorial Hospital after a brief you'll love oodles and oodles of Illness. He was a native of Po· the 1 0 v e 1 y things here at land and came to California In O'BRIEN'S come In and see! 1925 and had Jived In Costa Mesa ' the past eight years. He was a BA.I'bor 2888 2515 E. Coast Hwy. COBOKA DEL MAB JO.year member of Pasadena Elks Lodge 672 and a male nurse by trade. Survivors Include his wile. Mrs. Pearl Bialy; three daughters. Mrs. Marla Turner of Altadena. Mn. Tresa M. White of El Monte and Miss Mary Bialy of Chicago, Ill.; a son. Alfred Bialy of .H,wthorne; two grandchildren and one great· grandson. SENSATIONAL! ''811 ·~1111111' FREE OFFERS When You Meet Your New RICHFIELD DElLEIS "Don~~ Martin and "Bob" Myers 3636 E. Coaat Hwy. at PoiDMttla Corona del Mar 1IUIS., I FIL, .,. ll I 11-Y! * FREE-Sibs. of SUGAR * FRE-5 lbs. of SUCiAR We Carry Mcmt.ing'a Choice Baby Beef Exclusi•ely! The Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland! raESB Da.ESSED, aaOAD aUA.ITED ••• (ROT J"aaZER) TURKEYS Hens 53'-Toms47•. HAMS BACON 49L Roiiiid•ur Sleik SWiSS Steak SiiOilibs Ca;••atte F.,.. DAFT-Platte~~-~ CUp P1'M wttb ewla-.qt. OCEAR lftAT--Itndlled 01' ...a.-11-. CaD ~y. ICecliua l'lttecl Salad 011 .... ~ ...... 49¢ Cranberry ~e.19¢ Olives ...... Tall-29¢ annamon Rolls .43¢ p;;Pkin 2 '-29¢ RRr.=·=·-•u.c..-. 15¢ ZEE-Whitft LTOR&-aD-. Jcu Napkins 1ftll GLnCOE oa TASI~W""~ Mince -Meat 35¢ •·••·•·•·•• CL ..... "" Marga nne 2 ~ 25¢ .--QIAIIT ____ _ ~~~~]!ice 19¢ s;;;p;tatoesltt TIDE Dressing .......... u. _ 49¢ 49~ ~~ . i r ;_ ! T S 6 i r (( T ~ t.t I ) ,., .... l ·lb. ... va..n ::: ____ ..... 2 ... 31 ~ Cranberri~ anum. 1,_ YAMS ..... __ §~SPROUTS 3 ~a APPLES IIIIJLK IDCOIJ.-..I h + • Mince Pies