HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignStU11· tllive on . . ~ . ' • Ci to ap ew PoliCy For Easter ''There are no plana to pursue the Superior Court ruling that thla cue rlJht now," aald Mayor the Newport Beach Euter Week Dora Hill thla week. foUowtne rental control law was unconsti- EYA BALDWJR of 302 Ccrta· l.laa DL. • ........., Jlel9lata. -- capped -.4 ... ,.., ned JfOY. 17 Cit t1ae ~tal Jfanee Trclda1acJ Sc:t.ool .. laa Pn1Dc18CO. Lido Isle Man Nailed in Booth By Assailant tutional ~ flallllain..at l!laflll...,. ~ -be 1w1ce Ttii'GIIf 1m ruled that the cordJne eau-IDOUftc UCMmd h._ boat. Cll'dJ.Da:nee violated both the fed· the ~14 l'ro Quo'' moored at era1 and Callto.rnJ' COf\8tltutJon conductor of the society's profes· Lido Peninsula. protections •caJn.t unreuonable alonal orchestra. The concert. to Oftlcen picked up two pollee search and selzure. . be held at the Anaheim High ca.r loads of auapect.a and brought Mr. Davis is now on vacation School Auditorium, will be the them to pollee headquatten. motoring through the southern tlrst the eroup has performed ln Mr. Preston falled to Ident ity states. He is,due back on Dec. 5, Anaheim, said Mrs. Karen Mar - a ny of the suspects. One ad-after spending one week at the greta Bruntne. who explained mltted belne aboard the "Quid convention of National Institute that concerts a.re etven 1n vari· Pro Quo," wh~ a scuttle re-of MunJclpal Law OWcera In ous areas of the county-to ac- aulted. The suspect admitted Mlami, Florida. commodate aU llstenen. naUJ~ Mr. Preston In the phone booth. No complaint wu signed, 10 all were releued. M.ra.. CUnton Trimble, 58, of ~ Larlupu.r Ave., Corona del Ma.r. wu knocked unconacloua and Injured ln a th.ree.ear accident at Coast Hwy. and TuatJn Ave., Newport Beach, at 2:01 p.m. last Thunday. PoUc:e aald a car d:rtven by Dr. Arnold E. NaeeeJI of M55 VIa ()porto, Newport Beach, struck the rear of Mn. Trimble's car when the alpal lleht chan,ed. at the lDtenection. The thJ:rd car Involved In the ac:cldent was parked at the tlme. It wu reeta- tered to Bette B. Hottman of Z581 Vista Dr., Bay Shore., pollee aaJd. Auto Victim Fatally Hurt lobn W. Meehan, 80, of 4051 E. Sixth St.. Lone Beach, dJec1 1"11· ··~·· ,.,_ ............ Obscene phraS<'S were written with black <Tayon on four CanJ ln the Chefs Inn par~inJt Jot and on one car In the-All American Marktot parking lot. Corona del Ma.r. last Friday n liht. Newport pollee report~. Officers questione-d a grOup of juvenJJe boys who arrived in the lot at the time of their ln- wstleatlon but they were not held. · Asst' City Attorney Rules Against Request of League .. .. • Harber Hi's Grid Squads Are Honored Seniors ' .Play Is Next Week I"UU.&ACK c::MIUe leny ._ ~ • lara •t ce Ql · ., -.... ...., ....... ---... 071...,.. • au A1lD Jerry Scmuel waa DCIIIMd • mo.t lmpi'O'f'ed playw oa 0.. SGilor •antty. Mesa Okays Pinball Law The lone debated ordinance ba.nntne pinball machines In the City of eo.ta Mesa flnaJiy wu approved by the Mesa Cou neil Monday ewntne. 'Jbe ordlnanc:e will 10 Into ef- fect u of mldnJaht. 0«. 31. and will prohibit eoln·C)perated IM· d\lnes that ~-wtn.a for tbe pl~ '!be orictnally propoe.ct orcti.naDc:.'e had .,_, ~IMCI after Clt7 Ooudl bad J~Rned to ob· A cut ot a will prewnt "Car· jedtona from Nt!Wpeltt Attuw&fJ ... 0...... .. tbe ..tot dua a. Bu:rwttz. r•-.u.n. a,.te ~. at I o'dodr • l'ffdQ aDd Deat.... crl ...,._, OWDer cr1 Sa~ nat,.,... fh Ute Bar· u.e )iftMI.l ... ,._ bar 111cta aQ..._.UJL l"'aaa ,...Oft! wu .,.._. te .,..._-.. adQt&Oon ala tleJe. ... a SM.,. tw ...,...doll fill vtaton llhow os--on a bUJDal'· 2110 I. c..t •••• •. c.-...... ~ TI&MtfONUa HMer 1114 __, 1111 ww• Of! THE CAUFOlNIA NIWSPAIU PUIUSHEilS ASSOCIATION ~ ef tt.. NATIONAL EDITQalAL ASSOCIATON AlVO L HMPA .,.._ _, ,......., PK HAAPA , .,_,, .... ...._ •• I*?*/;; * ./!~ I .. : I :• e YU, COU)JdL AJrD'I __.T When you think ot Col. Andy :::I!*ICX*:I*C*ICI*::::l*ICX* :I*C*ICI*:::I: *ICX*:I*CC:I*:::I*ICX*:I*C:IC• 3::I*:::I*ICI*:I*ICX* ::I*CC:ICIICII:X::ICICC:I*:X::X*::::Ii Smith, you probably auoclate e VOTE ''YES" DEC. 6 h1m w1th local politics. our City In less than two weeks we will be going to the polls to signify Council and Michlgan. I, too, am tully aware of the.e Interests of our choice of method of electing our councilmen. The proposition on my nelehbor, b!Jt my awarenea the Dec. 6 ballot proposes to amend the Charter so that eoch coun· doea not ceul with the Items cilmanic district will determine for itself which ~ndidate will repre· ju.t mentioned. I keep rem.!m· sent it in the Coundl. berlne 110me put daya, recently It's goi ng to take some cool thinking, unruffled by the screams of reCaJJed by the celebration of "bossism" and "disfranchisement," to arrive at e sound decision. This Veterans Day, when I probably importent step is not to be decided on the ~sis of those screams. would have had to agree with Rather it is to be determined by your individuel feeling about this Colonel Andy. I, too. was a nteht I surgeon, but by no means an one question: "Do you want to elect your own counci men in your old·tlmer like the Colonel. Even· own district?" It is as simple as that. If you do want to elect your tuaUy, J got around to wearln,: own councilman, without t he threat of veto by the other districts, then sUver oak leaves on my ahoul· you will go to the polls Dec. 6 and cast a "yes" vote. Thet's what I em ders, but I never did anive at going to do. · the rank that called tor those I cannot !>ee any justice or fair play in allowing one district, or a chickens with the big beak.!~. combination of districts, to veto another district's choice of its coun· In the Air Corps, as It war; cilman. Why should Balboa, for instance, hold the power to decide called then, l would have agreed h h f h . to agree, had l been under Col. who will represent C orona del Mar, over t e wis es o t e ma1ority Andy's jurisdiction. But now, of the voters in Corona del Mar? Now tum that question around: with the w1ngs, the chickens a.nd Why should Corona dol Mer have the power to determine the coun· the oak Jeaves tarnishing In cilman who will represent Balboa. over Balboa's own wishes. Don't dresser drawers. I can disagree, think it can't happen. It has al ready happened in one district in Co· legally, anytlrne I feel llke lt. J rone del Mar, ond in West Newport and Bolboo Island. It can hop-relish the thought, even on such pen to you next. a matter as how to cook lobsters. Opponents of the proposi tion to amend the chorter are raising a • BlSTOIUCAL ROTE g reat cry about the threat of bossism. They call it "ward politics." We're going to bring up the Who among us is so noive os to soy that there wasn't a "ganging up" subject of lobsters eventually, but fi rst, please pardon a digres· in the last election 7 Porticulorly wos there o ganging up on the incum· slon. Col. Andy Smith ls a real bent in District 6 of Corona del Mar, who was a decisive choice of pioneer in aviation, and I admJte his own district, and of all of Corona del Mor, but was defeated by him for it. One r~nt day. he the combination of Ba lboo ond Lido Isle votes. There wos definitely showed me a battered, tarnished a slate" in thot lest election. put up by a formidable g ro up of pre-silver cup that his good wl1e :\fln dominantly Balboa and Lido Isle powers. It wos no coincidence that had hidden, as all women are every single candidate on that slate was elected. It wos no coinci· dence ; it was the product of determined campaigning, of the massing of forces to defeat specific e4ndidates. wha tever the preference of the districts might have been. Thot was power politics' and 'boss- ism" in the true sense of the word, Md it exists right now under our present system of voting at Iorge. It con give tremendous power to o relatively small group of determined politicos, becouse they e4n throw the same blod of votes to their own hand picke d candidates in all seven districts. Think it over, folks. Do you want to elect your own councilma n 7 Vote yes on Dec. 6. • • • .., COL AWDJIEW W. PIJ'T1L r-~ ol City C...aJ e ll.EJIIIfDEB TO SBOPPEilS 1 have no authority to speak for Do your Christmas s hopping the League, but l wtll person&lly early. Shop at home. Patronize guarantee t he payment of cost your local merchants. Keep off of printing a nd stuffing of t he the highways. The life and mon· proponents' argument. HNe it Is: ey you save may be your own. • • • • • • e TBE AJlCUKERT e POOR MICBJCAJf The proponents of this mea- l yam a sad sack ! I1 you feel sure, the Ha rbor C~ns League, you must rub salt In me wounds. believe tha t a glaring mistake wo..J id you grant me one little was made in the dra fting of our reqy~t.! Could you make it new City Ch arter. That mistake Lowry's seasoned salt! Pore ole was made apparent by the out· Michigan. On second thought come of the first election held maybe they're Jucky not to have under the Charter. Three of the to come out here and be taken seven districts failed to elect the a part by that mea t grinder. councilm an of thelr choice. That UCLA. Now the mantle falls on Is, In three districts the voters the shoulders of 11 '1 ole Michigan of the district chose one candl· State. Too bad for them but date to represent them, but that some team has got to come to candidate was defeated by a represent the Big Ten and they heavy vote from outside districts are the Jambs to t he slaughter. in favor of an oppos ing candl- 1 reckon though they'll do th<' 1 date. bt>St they can. I We believe tha t the voters of • • • each district s hould be able to e IT CAlf BE DO"E select the councilman to repre· Glamour Glimpses ay AJfK Well. now, it you haven't aJ. ready tried on your Santa Claus whiskers. It's high time you got cracking and making plans about being thJs Yule's most popular Santa. Yo\1 know, It doesn't take any mc)n 1n0ne7 to make this the happiest Chrtst· mu ever tor those you love. It Just takes a little thought and know-how to please girl& every. where-and It you don't h ave that femJnlne "know -how," c'mon over to O'BRIEN'S and let some of ours rub oU onto you ... all a -sparklln' for C hrIstmas ! O'BRIEN'S specialize in know· how . . . even keep a record of sizes and favorite colors of the gals around town, so your gtfts will not only be pleaslne, but they'll fit ! U JOG gift b• IDODef, be tore to gift ba 1101Detb!D9 ap- pi'Opl'lat• to carry lt ~~-a amart ...., JloDay b~ Tha. an oocSM. of UDuaaal abap.a Cllld .U. Ill the becaU· fu1 ...., amootb a.atber' bap at O'aiUER'S. Saaae fttt.cl wltla aparlltl1D1J ....Uty lllln'On. IDGily tipped wltla blaq IIGll beada CJDd good looldDIJ loeb. Velftt a Ia tote bag 11 CIIIOtb« MMCI· tioaal faahioll ...... ..., tb1l .,.ar. wont to do, ln some dark dosat corner. Enpaved on the trophy wu a teltlmonJal to Andy's pl· onee.rlne. In the lone·aeo year of 1qro, one Andrew Smith, Jn Lone Beach,· Calli., had been pro· claimed the winner ot an avfa· tJon meet-an aJt race. u they are desfenated today. May I re. mJnd you that the Wrleht Broth· era took the t int fiytne machine of1 the pound just 17 yean earlier, In 1903! That wu just one year alter I wu born. U Andy hu contemplated or ls contemplating the execution ot a will. l would Jlke to ask a favor. WUI you, slt, before you have made your Jut fileht. make provblons to assure the receipt of that cup by the Alr Force Academy, for perpetual care In tbelr museum! I, too, have certain ancient treasures, Including a flre blackened badge worn by one of the pllots who new the first air mall. It ls my wJsh that these artJcles be pre· sented to the AJt Force, so that tomorrow's fiy-boys, more likely called jet jockeys today, can look and shake their heads. with the thought so well expressed In an old doggerel that wa.s born In the Piper Cub factory: "And multitudes or men looked up. and marveled from below That m an could bulld an alrplane Tha t would Oy so G ... D ... slow!'' e OLD t1 I'm well warmed to the mem· orles of old days, now, and I can't stop without another ques- tion for Andy. Did you ever hear the Air Corps version of the fa· mlllar folk ballad, "The Wreck ot the Old 97!" I don't know where I first heard It, but It goes llke this: "'T'here were 97 alrplaru~s lined up on the apron, And tb•~ wun't room for mot•. Now the ftnrt 96 were of modern construction. But the Jut was a DH -4. "Now a second lieutenant wandered Into the office. And he asked for a ship or two. They said, 'Youne man, we are mighty short of alr· planes. But we'll ~ what we can do. '1t was Old 97, and her fuse· lage wu rusty, And her wings were warped and bent, And she aagged In the mid· die, like a cow In a pas- ture, Like a cow that was quite content." Report on the public meeting sent them. without Interference of the Harbor Citizens U>agu~: In that choice by vott>rs from Campaign pla ns for the support outside districts. This Is the com· o! the propos ition to allow each mon m~thod of electing repre- district to elect Its own council· sentatlves under our representa - ma n w~e discussed. Chairma n tlve form of government. The A. B. ~bage from West New· majority of cities which have port read an argu ment he had charters elect by district. All submitted tao the city clerk In county s upervisors are elected favor o! the proposition to In· by district. All state assembly· form the voters ot thelr reason men and state ~nators are lor desiring a yes vote. The as -elected by district. All congress. sistant city attorney, after check· men are elected by district. and lng the state constitution. ruled senators are elected by state. Those are the fJtst stanzas. I'm sure that they wtU bring back a lot of memories to Andy. If he doesn't know the rest of this masterpiece of AJt Corps parody. let him say so and 1'11 auppJy the other numerous v~. In· eluding the laat one, wlth Old Gloves are a perfect Christmas 97 flying tnto the tunnel. It'a a gift-practically, they wtll keep clean epic, and it there are other her hands warm, but fa.ahtonably old timers who would enjoy the It's even more lrnportant to have rest of the 110ne. call C.Q. and severaJ arnart styles of Cresendoe we'll print lt all. eloVH ready at a momenra wear· • IIOAJfA It couldn't be done. We fear that the present sys- WeJI, It can be done. True, the tem allows a dty machine to de· book ma kes no provlslon that It velop, and by controJIIne a aub· must be allowed, but by the stantlal block ot votee, to throw same token there Is no restrlc· those votes against any candl· lion on Ita being used. Mr. Cub· date In any dlstrtct In the dty, bage reported that he had called thus In effect exercising a veto Wayne Peterson. city clerk or Los power over the choice of the Angeles. who Informed him that voters of each dlstrlct. arguments for and against char· The proposed amendment wUl ter amendments (they have 20 prevent a machlne t.-om develop· to 30 every election l are routine. tne which mteht control the dty Now I uk you, Our City Coun· government lndet1nltely. It will cU: Don't you think lt'a the falr, accomplish this puri)OR because just and aj)Ort.lne thine to do! It will alow the votera of each To mall areumenta pro and con dlstrlet to elect theJt own coun- on any question ln order to fa· ciJman. Election wtU depe,nd millartze the voten with the upon the favorable vote ot the propoettton praented to them for nellbbon of each canclt4ate, the dedaJon! 11 there .ometh.lna people ho know hlm belt. wrone with th.lltf AM )'OUJWlt tlla. quealon: lng. No hand ls correc:t without them and there are 110 many Funny, lan't It, how you can beauutul, l'tlrN't and topbl.stie&t· eet ott the track! To be able to. ed styla from which to choo.e. without anyone ratatne cain Searta tor pla of all ages ranp about It, Ia one of the joya ot trom dny aUk aquara tor pocket wrltlng a column free at:yle. We or neckline to the beautltul lm· were, orJ.etnally, all ~t to apee ported French ribbon 8CUW:I by with Andy that. broUed lobeten Echo · wete the bMt ot all And we · had a new redpe from pen by of a.. .... , Utue gin. friend, loe Bate.. up ln Musa·. of ,.._.,, ~ -a4 a. chuaetts, that we wanted to pua Woe wtll .... ..-. elledl.,. on to AndY and all the other bncl4-ad·....._ tlftl ._ ,._ people Wbo love loblrtera. We'll n-•,.a,.., ._..a• A a 4 gtve It to you. but manana. 'I'hil, •• ,.., ef Til RhJhS.. • • • It eeema, •u our day to Oy. ua.w., ..................... ... ..a.ct • *-ID,... tw ..._. I j\m uked Andy about that by ..,... _. .U .. .........,.. race he won. Be flew a IOUped up .. lenDJ"...-.the oUI Wol'l4 War I trainer. Be befted a number ot IU~ Cut• alrpla., In· l.ndadlnr a DR-4. TIM latter, =-'~~ :::::--.:: ...., an a. ~ 1n Jtcwpwt .... l 11 the Counc:tl oppoeed to al· "Do you •ant to elect your vwn lO'IriQI the dJittletl to elect O.elr cocmc:tlman ln your mm dll· VAtfS CI..EANERS CJWn T I IUapeet the maJorit7 are trlct f"' _........ (three ot u.a_ BlmMtt. You doT -~ __._ ..... _,. "lt Yteff~¥ 1uc• ....... , ~ a--. YVUJ a-SupeMr CIMIIII111 c..f'_.p .. '-" BJcble and W1Jc11r, did DOt W1D A. B. Cubbap. Cllaliman, WI HATUU tMit own cllllrtct). It the ma· Harbor Cltt.ne ~ c:.re~v~ Ha •i\ _, M Nate Jort~ are ap.lalt all .,....re, • • • F.1N4a. ....., t.e.e ....._.. dMa write 7011' a&ICIIidlillb e....,. ... 1\Aai-OilY ~UNOttY AI¥· ....... the qtlll1tllll, ad In· If ta. ...,_... c1oi1 *M ....... ~-HAND d ... It W'Wl the RarW au.n. eo tut CMrt u ~ e,abwl. .,.,...,. -AL.,.,.. r....-arru•••t t.ftd UM taa.n a.. wm .. Meolltlo tbe T .._ ....,.. Milot. dt7. 1ft cue ._ dO • ...,., ,.... ,...... .,. au II f I ....... tht tbt tlallil ...,.. ... , llilli ._ tie "-' U, I ....., ....... 1 ... 1 .. .-F ................ prlatiM OD fM........ ~ ........ ... ... • a ... we ........... et • ···-... to __ ;.!!!;!~~!;.!!!!~~ .... ~ ......... ~ -~_.a .. -a .._ I _. .-tT· ·"' .... ..._._.._ .. -.iio+.!li!!*~llillloliil@-*'-.,..._.lllrrP.._, First Baptism To Be Sun clay · Tbe tint baptlam for the Coe· ta Mesa Ep&.:opal Mlulon wUJ be held at the Harbor AJ'U Bo,.-Club at t:ao a.m. Sunday, When the Rev. Bobe.rt Grlesrer of Corona del Kat will oftlclate at the baptiml of Donald Frank.ltn Miller, ll·montb·old 110n ot Mr. and MrL Robert L. M.Wer, 100 IJnden Place, Costa MH&. Wltneealne the ceremony wtll be Donald'• 4·year-old brother, Robert lr., and 2%·ye&r·old ala· ter, lolee. Anangement. for ·the baptlam are beJne made by Mra. Reruy Seeley, 289 Mea Dr .. Costa Mesa. who heads the Altar Gulld for the new Mt&ston. Pollowlne the aervtce, the euests will re- turn to the Mill~ home for luncheon. ' Select you ~ cards nCJW from OUI ..... tlnctJve and unuaual •· Jectlon ot album.t c.rdl with or 'Without name. We are allowing albums from : carnnCATZ or avsmus Plct:ltleu Pima w-. THE UNDERSJG1fED do hereby ce.rt1ty that they are conducting a fiower shop and nursery bus!· nea at 2625 E. Coast Hlehway, Corona del Mar, Calif., under the fictitious tJtm name ot Norman's Flower Shop and Nut~HY, and that said flrm ~ composed of the folowtne persons whose names In fuU and places ot residence are a.s follows, to-wit: Elan ot Sausalito, California Inkweed Studios or New York Frederick Beck of San Mateo Market Square of Lake Fonlt, Illinois Bill Goldsmith ot Dallas House of Carda of Rex Cards of San Franclaco San Franc!Ko loe D. Ellla, 431 ~ Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar. CHINA • Calltorn Ia Artists Selections TRORPE'S GLASS •• UNEN • J. L. Mossholder, 515 Margue- rite Ave., CQrona del Mar. 1so1 w. 8alhoa ams.. GIJTS ......... WITNESS our hands this 7th day of November, 1955. Joe D. Ellis l . L. Mossholder STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. ON TinS 7th day of November, 1955, before me, a Notary Public In and for said county and state, residing th~eln, duly commls· sloned and s*om, personally ap· peared Joe D. Ellis and J. L. Mossholder, known to me to be the persons whose 9ames are subscribed to the wlthln lnstru· ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Dancing Every Sat. Nlte WITNESS my hand and offl· cJal seal. Mary A. Haapa Notary Publlc In and for said County and State. My ColUJillsslon expires Aue. 16, 1954. Publish: November 10, 17, 24, De· cember 1, 1955. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. OPDTOPVUJC . ., •. ., ....... .. •• .,. ...... ·.;;;;. ........ lStla Stii1ET AT TD SAT ntOWT • What gift grows bigger and better every day? ,.. .• -a.w-~ JCM c:ea _.. ~ ... +zzpe..-.......... JOiOM- ... wiO .... ~--...,.Md,..'B a...Cbe....rpl aGII P!SIIF"' blgwllldbebw~lftlrCkfl t ne pn" • .map.,... • •llllliillilll ..... blpiDdLoa.~ M• YG8c:..-tyu. IICCOUIIt willa ...... IJ to ., ....... .._. tiiiiJ' f1l ..... ,._ Ow' I . .... 1DdlriiJ •., ado , 1 t .... ,.._, .... a, .......... -..CiriiiiA 1a' dRJ ___ , ... .......... .,.....,.. .......... .....,_,_, ..... Dl ... A..a .... JOGI• ..... prCIM*d bJ lOUd ....... ..,_,.....,.,.,, ___ n.yuaJaaac~ ...... ., ............. Lou lp •c.p• •an M..-=Jaf' .. U.S. Ootw .... ,. ..... ......,., 1 ,,...... .... 'U,.,...,..,.. • .,., ""to --~~...,...,...,_,..So ... O.tiDwdoiiJ .... CJW .. be ... JOG .. _, 01111- -·· p ....... ---...... ~ _.IAil* ARI I SR . ----- ..,....,.I~ ~ l~ri.t.JS IIIPLETE IIUI , STIIEI It I'H[\(I!fl'r,n• • ~.---: ,~ . .. nr. wo.aa•a ~ err Qrla. Uan Service crr a. 8alMe ......,. Cun•aa~ JIMIIa IIIII CIMudl lau eat W«hrtq, Jrov. ao. u ... ...,. few all ebde ...,...,. ,. Clle month. 'nle llartba Clrde will -.et at t:30 a.m. at the home fill Mra. 9teft Smith, 31f Apolena Ave.. 'l1le autb Circle aho ......_ at the aame hour at the home crr Mra. C. Douelua Feny, 311 Crystal Ave. Mrs. P. F. BaJ.ne. wiD hC~Ress the Ruth Circle at 12:30 p.m. In .,_ bome at 427 Pirate .S., Cllfl Bawa. n.e ~dta Cbde, wbJch meet. ill tbe ~at I o'clock. wm pUler-at tile faome o1 Mrs. Otto Hoec, 831 Vktorla Ave .• .. 8ecKh & Boulevard 'V~~~ teiYIIIUde IIA .. 11.....-t~ • 1101 Coat Bwy-a.A 1535 C... del ... eo.ta Meaa. 11'0111'1 AJm CUVAI. WE.Aa M*i'KAL a.oG# .&its ~~~==L==c..rt====m==~========================~~==== .... ====~ I Ill ........ ~ left t. rtpt .. rlalli Tile medical a~ oomm.lt· - J-...a: C...t Bo~•zt of u.. T..ua tee crr th u.-..-~ ... Kunes As c-w IDc.t TN • .... Watrloa. pn~~~~ e ..... _ · -----·-- deat of t!ae OpUaatat Cl& aDd ll1aM Fwd. 80datlon m« 1"eCeeltb' d Boaa (z.tp pboto ). ROIIpltal Attencllq the IDeeUng were Dr. John H. LIMon. Dr. Ed· St J Y P I ward Lee .Ru.ueU. Dr. IL E. • ames oung eop e Hawes, Dr. Carloe M&J'tineoz. Dr. Standard S h a d e CJotha and Cu.atom Speclalttea e Drapery Hardware e Venetla.D BUnda. The sale of a block ol bay front property corullstlng of three lots. includJng ~en apartmentJS &lld the K.ozy JComer sandwich shop at the comer of 18th St. and Bay Ave., Newport. has been announced by Robert V. Brose, Newport realtor. who handled the tranaactton. The property wu pilrcbued by Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Kincaid, long-tlme New· port residents, Jiving at 3008 W. Ocean Front. Former owner of the block. which lB directly In back ol the 19th .St. public beach, was Mrs. Adelia Rouen. The Kln· calds sa.Jd that their daughter, Betty Reynolds. will be aaaocl· ated with them ln managing the aandwlch ahop. Mildred Wehrly, Dr. A. R. Wicht· PI Y I P rty D I 9 man. Mrs. Bernard t.l.uon. .Miss an U e a ec. Alfreda Danielson and Dr. Helen or Crueller at the 9:15 and 11:00 Robertson, wbo la Chatrm.a.n ol -fl. 8J.J. fDISPGI * ..... tllie * Cedi het otfkle IIA .. ..................... * z.t. Gr••.....,. .,...... ._u...__.. * Cartln ..., c:aoa.. * GNa ad a-t IliON Oot.._ IIIE YRI CHRISTMAS LIY-IWIYI •w1 WeC.GIIIII Y• EIIIN FIIIIJ *. 2 Alnw.n'Dipld alrtil .. --... .,.,. * .......... tdl tM -..uy * Table I Ill • ,.._. .. ( --.ct •••• aide) ~Met&. lllia.bt:a, hS " ........ PWowa 'lit o.ar FaiDAT"I "'111.1. t:OO P.JI. * WE GIVE QIIEU STAMPS * einert's DDAanaaiT ITOb llll ... pwt ~ c.tla ..... * ..... Jla .... r..w-Pwldaj Lot........... * • • • In record ..... wfth ...... "...., ..,. .. fhe S..l.o..l "'~· " ,.. ...... ......,, ,.,.. ••• of hew lttle • how .....d., YWt .., ~ ofRci • now. We1 ,......, ·""'--. • ._ _... A Christmas party is being planned for Monday, Dec. 19, for the Junior Young People's Fel· lowshlp of St. James Episcopal Church. There wW be games and dancing. and the last hall of the evening wlll be devoted to singing songs of the Christ· mas season and exchanging gifts under the tree. Fellowship held a Veterans Day party at the Church. start· lng ofl with a grand march led by the Rev. 1ohn H. Parke. Joan Hallberg and Larry Somers won the door prl.zes. In charge of the party was Mrs.1ob.n Knapp, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. DonaJd Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. J~b Carver, Mrs. G. Bur· ton RysdaJe and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Ringwald. Dave Powers and Ttiah Knapp. mem· bers of the Senior Y.P.F .. dec· orated the Parish Hall. The Junior Y.P.F. consists of the 1unlor Choir, Acolyte Guild, Junior Trt·HJ ·Y and Hl-Y. The vartles are gtven once a month as· a reward for service given their church. The 1unlor Choir rehearses . once a week and sJngs at the 9:15 Sunday Family Service. They are under the direction of Mrs. Lester Smith. The Acolyte GaUd under the apouonhtp of Mr. aa4 lira. Walta Sp1eer meet OD tiM Qa.lrd Wed..-4Q ol rwry IDOilth f.or ..,_ alld tutruc. Uon. 1'IMy 8er'Ve eadl Sunday u uah•, Flq Bearer, Torch Bearer, Plans to Wed Are Revealed A aurprlae announcement at a dinner party at the home of Charles G. zamora. 313 21st St.. Costa Mesa, gave the news that a late December wedding is being planned by Mr. Zamora and Mrs. DonaJd B. Faullmer ot 403 39th St., Newport Ialand.. The party Included the couple's par· ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wagner of Newport Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles IL Zamo.-a of Santa Ana. Tbe brlde·to·be, a widow. Is a graduate nurse serving at St .. Jo· seph Hospital. The Intended groom is captain of the Observer, the yacht owned by the W. G. Krlegers of Udo. Party Honors October Bride o'clock Family Se-rvlce. ..:tb;;;;e;;;;;:;Com.mt;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;tt;;;;ee.;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;:::;;;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;::::;;:;;;~ Donald Fercu10n meets wltb f the JunJor Bl·Y group twice a month to plan their activities and proaram for the year. The Junior Tti·BI·Y is sponiOred by Mrs. G. Burton RysdaJe. The girls meet on the third Monday of each month at 3 :30 In the Parish Hall and are now making plana for their Christmas project. <:> I for holiday entertaining ... er. ... ,,, ._ I -lee I• c.._ Hand-Packed '1.65 European Water lee-Rcmd-Pac:ked ll.2S quart Delicioua Hcmd-Dipped Chocolate. ICE Those present at the Vetf!'l'ans Day party Included Susan Wing· er. Susan Madison, Martha Haz- lett. Beverly Rysdale, Pam Ler· ner. PrtscUJa Ja.rvts, Krls Carver, 1oan Hallberg, Linda Hostetler, Susan Somera, Nancy Nlckertz. Kathy Reynolds, SUPn Guley. Julie Alcorn. Sandra Godwin, Dtane Hutchlaon. Unda Dussler. 1enelyn Black. JackJe WaJker, Mlckey Marcellus. Pete Winger, KJt Clark. Terry Scott, 1..aniY Somers. Goetf:rey Moore, Stuart Pinkerton, John MacKay. Robert Mackay, Sandy Knapp, Richard Parke, David Parke. Leo John· son, David Johnson, Marshall Wright, 11m Rysdale. Mike Fftz. water, Daryl Marcellus, 11m Rya· dale and Peter Nick~ 17th & Coa.l Highway Newport Beach Liberty "169 • are in the new Chevrolet. Chevrolet never had It eo good for you befo,.. ••• and no oiher carln ft. field even come• cJoM. See tf Chevrolet doeen't featu,.. everything you want for '56. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·e; ( ...... -... ......,. (. --I ~. •::!t l j aold ,... Moto,.mtc etyune Ju.t look It over-the lower, loqer hood . . . the wider &Tllle . . . the hi• bold p&Jtiq Hl'bta and the IWeepm. DeW ~ dlJ'ome tJutmeal Pacb hDi« the paDCh of ordinar)' 6-TOit •71f.ema ••• ll)lu the eqtoe up to ODe-third faater whell JOG tara tiM kQ'. Yw I'll ..,.. ltartiq Ia aD Wlrlw. ADA,_ haft a....- tiectr'la.l I I N. ..•....•.. , ...•....•. • That'a tM ,...._ tbe new •super Turbo-Fire V8" poan out (optional at utra coat ba aB modela). ........ mU.~ Ball bearblp poatiJ ,...,. trieticm &Del •teert.c .. cd Ill a..a•t'aBaJI..a.a.~. Cben-olet'a le!t~side taillirht holda a ltyliah aecret. It'a bin.,ed at tbe bottom . . . mnp down to uo- co~r the ru cap. Cloeed up. t.be cap's concealed I ~ ...... A~-----~--- Cbenolet •en ~ JW coaJcl wiall for iD the ..,. of PftV aenaDta r AU ue a..n.ble • aba..cwt opdou. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs! Renner ......... Ill dlurcb ftlrDltuN- 10 lbat a .... be IDOYM Ul I Meets Sister awry tiJDt ,.. ....... a chedt J'OU .,. v.a1.a1 a ..,..W. a atcn ..at eo llltldl ....,. Ia avaU· able. A Dollar .W AI a CY~Dbol ol ~~;~~~;;;~iij . certain ........ ol JO&d Ot .... r, WI' btid by tiM ~ Tile tJq s. a ~,Y~Dbo& ol the eou.ntry lt ,.._... 'ft'adt~Darb, copy. ,. ......... wanbJp ....... )(n. ............ leDJMr ol eo. ,_ E ....... table 1ft ConaN· rona 8tplaoda wu united wltll pll .. ._ AI placed • the IMr ..._ aiW 30 yean and .. .. ....._ tD tMJcate that both IUJI7 IUD7 lllll• It wu tn daurm UN IQDMD .,. equal Buqary, ~ b.ton Dr. and .....,. God. and that a OOIIINia· MrL ....._ eame to make thelr ............. uound the table. bome tn the UnJted Statal. that rtPt-. ~ plctunl.taqu ... I ••••• -.n•111 ._11 18 a ~bol. Ewry u.. 10U aft down to .... cs JOU .,. • n1a01. or aa~o• Mra. JteJmet 1ut aaw ber allttt, 'ftM 11owwt on the altar ue Kr&. Yolanda Stetn. &Dd abe~­ QIIlboll ol the J'MUlreCt1on ot eently made a trtp cleu uroa 1-.a. ~ AI the eeed dlea In the United Stater and up Into orcler to produee the bloaom. t10 Canada to NWllte wtth ber. ualn• qmbola. The aaeleat hMr· ~lypb.ks hm whlda our alpha. bet S. derived. ..,.. notblq but pictures. We ean"t Uve without aymbola. The whole ..... ld Ia a aymbol ot the outward t!XPNI· aioll ot Cod'a creative .PQWft'. Cbrlstl&DJty bu lllhHited a ereat num~ of ~bola from the Jewish churdl. The halo, the pdmb~ch.the~e~u~ by Jews &Dd paaana u aymbola, but relnterpteted to ChrUtla.a meaning. Symbot. rrew out ot a n~- doll bWDU lJfe die ln ordH that After, a atx·wetk vlllt on ber It JDQ .flower In etftllal life. alater'l" farm, whlcb 1a .a mtle. Pram tbe besinnJne the cross from Torollto-Mn. Renner .,_. hu been the ehlet alp of all auaded her aUter to eome back to CalltornJa with her for the winter. thlnp OlrlatJan. In t.be da~ of penecutJon ol coune there we-e no vtalble 17J'Dbob ol the ere.. But wben Conatantlne flnall¥ put It on tbe at&Dcludl ot hJa army, It came out Into the open. Whlle near Toronto Mrs. Ren- ner al8o aaw prom.IJlent Aultrlan and Czftboelavaldan l~dultrlal­ lab whom abe had known ln Europe. lira. Berms &Dd lira. . T H A N K·S G I V I N G Thil Ia the time th.t AmericMs teh dod of tftetr w...an,.: freedoM, tood heefth, prosperity. And not the le•t of ow W... U. It the opporhlnlty open to al. not l•t e few-to ln.,... In • 9'0Win9 Amerlc.e. To bed a healthy frM economy with yow aamg.-to yow profrtl alty for aecrecy In the early ~ ..a1ec11ee _. ----~~~ church. It wu not safe to be too ......_ ~ Ia ... leatla obvious. So the early Cbrl8tl&na, 'nle.re .,.. more tba.a :50 varl· .U.. ot tbe era. Latin or Boman cro.: Solllettmee It .tandl on Stein returned by &Jr. t.llrft It~ for faith, hope and ;:========:c::==:::; ThM • whet yo.. do ....... you open • aamgs account ..... yow funds. F.deraly inane~, ... ifw..t.cf, throuth rltlciY IUfliarviaed loans, In the homes and busineaes of tftlt ~fty. You are helpin9 mab Newport .. ach trOW· ..._ Instead ot maldna crosaea. made Wal 'Til CI••'S the afp of the crou. 1'be7 made charity. Gr~k ~: Square- four equal arm.a. St. Andrew'• croa: X. Kalteee erou: The Greek croa with a drcle on lt. lndJeatine eternity. (One of the lnterestlne vartatlona Ia the one B9in & Hamilton Watches .....i&..ii..L an anaeram ot Greek warda Hawaiicm Sbo.. about Chrlat. me&DJna P1ab.. 'nle Diamonds 1..,. L ,.___. 9 _ ..,_. sign of the fbh Ia atUl to be ~ -._.., --in their places of wonhJp. artslst tried to outdo the other. on our 1~ Fleurle-- Aealn the aymbot. became ob· where the florlated enda add the jec:t.s of worshJp. Cbrl.sttanJty de· suggestion ot the ReeurrectJon to ge11erated from the worship of that of aacrUice In the cross It· God to the worship of THINGS. sell.) The Coptic cross Ia another Mountin9s Rat to Dow. IITatt ..._. Some of the aymbob we now (OPEN SUNDAY) use were Ln the ~nine n~-lewport ·Harbor Bank ~~~~~~~~~~~~ aary to the preservation of the .: Christians. When they worship- Wallace Calder head JEWELER harbor photo lab cameras repairs rentab rut COLOR SERVICE 3121 E. Coast Hwy. CDM ped in the catacombs, C&Ddlea lr torches were needed. Now they are retained on our altars to symbolize that Christ Is the light of the world. The candles. too. besides their symbollam of lleht. Indicate that the aavtour, whose lite they represent, aacrltJced himself even as a candle dles to give llgbt to the world. OaJECTS OP WOUJIIP When the Christians finally were allowed above the eround they brought their aymbola with them. Durlng the Middle Aeea, Church architecture reached Ita peak -In sculpture, mosaIc . paJntJng and stained ela.ss. each The reformation brought a re· aample. action. Puritanical Calvinism ln· • FIGVU OP IAVJOVJI 312) E.st Coest Highwey .... ..... alsted on reducing public wor-Soon alter the crou came Into Coro~ del Mer ~lpn~j~~~m~~~b~~o~,thefi~~~the~v-~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to barren plainness. Church were lour beean to appear. At first In - stripped of their or n a m en t a, clothes with a crown on his glass wa.s shattered, carvings head. A lone under-robe, the destroyed. Sybollsm wu de· eucharlstlc veat:ment and the nounced as evil. Even music was crown were to ~ow him as Pro· eliminated from public worship. phet, Priest. and King. It wasn't The only thing pennJtted wu unW medieval ucetlclsm that the Bible ltseU-apparently for· the c:ruclflx beean ~ show the eeUul of the tact that It TOO Is d~eourSa~~~hes we prefer to just an outward form. Gradually. we have come back use an empty cross. to show that ~ an acceptance of symbollsm Christ Is a r~n. Jiving reaJity. even ln our tree evangelical tra· Sometimes It has the letters IRS dltlon. Experience has shown us UBC Is an older Greek form) on that people are affected by thelr it. These are the first three let· surroundings. A symbol repre-tns of the word Jesua In Greek. Light their life with fQith /1 A ST. AlrDUWI nEiaTTEaiAX CII1JBCJI 15th St. II St. Anmew. Rd., ..... ,.. Ill-ldaool Liberty 1-ml .__ ..... J--LI~ SUNDAY: Momlne worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00: Jr. Hleh. Sr. High and college age Fellow- ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, ltudy eroup. 9:30 a.m. PD11T AIIDOLT or GOD 2lad lt. & KldaD ..... eo.ta .... LJbelty 14711 ............ c:. CNalc. .... Sunday School: 9:30 un. Wor-ablp: 10::515 a.m. and evan,ellat service, 7:30p.m. Youne People &Dd Children'• Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wedne.day, 7;30 p.m. Ladles' Mlalona.ry Council, Thurac:laya 9:30a.m. fw all day. PDST UJ'TiiT CBUIICII ,_.~A ... tltll ... d .. c......_ .... P. a. .... • SUDday S«Ytc.: 9:45 a.m. Sund&,J 8chool: U .un. Worship Services; 1:30 p.m .. Bapu.t TralnJne Union; 7:30 p.m. Eventna Servtee. W~y: 7:30 p.m.., Prayer. PraJM and Bible Stucty. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. M~'• Chorua p r a e t l c e : 8:30 p.m. Mea'a . .-.................. ,. sents an Idea. It Is a nut shell, Sometimes lt hu an A and an which gives us many things Jn 0 on It-alpha and omega-the brief form. It ta a remJnder. a first and last lette.ra of the Greek suggestion. an association with alphabet. Or It might have X some lareer area of IUe, a short· and P. These are the first two hand method of indicating a letters in the Greek word lor more comprehenalve thoueht. CbThrlat.e four aacred letters INRI, Are all these symbols neces- COIDiulnT'r KETIIODIIT aa W. Jtt.ta St.. Coeta M..a Liberty I-4SSJ .... Joeepll W. McSiaciDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Momlne Worahlp-7 p.m. CoUep A&e MYF Servtce -1 p.m. HJeb School MYJ' Serv1ee; 8 p.m., youq adulta poup ..vice. IEVDTII DAT ADVU I ill Kewport aa.& at ao~.aa st.. .............. b Llbelty 1-JSU Ew. D. L lpcha1dJav .Prays Meettnc. • CiiUIICII or on LADY OP liT. CAIDIKL lttl W. 8cdbM ...... Rewport ·~ 0114 ~-~ HOMI fASHIONED FAVORITES -Pecan roUa. fudges, buMer bons, nut crunches, jelliea ••• everything except chocolate-covered piec:e$1 1 lb. 8}35 2 lbs. 1260 CHOCOLATES in three auortmentsl •A••rtM Chocolates" -creams, nuh, crisp and chewy centers. "Anott.d Creema, .. chocolate covered, with a few butter bons. Or all "Nut, ChowJ end Criap'" centers, chocolate covered. 8 135 1 lb. boJC NEW! PIUrT ........ JIWIS -Oiffwent from any twMt you've •vet taaMdl Cherry, lime, wenge and ~ w ith .. lurprl• .. oentwa. sary! No. It Is quite possible to often seen on the cructflx over worship God without any of Jesus' head are the Latin words these. But human beings gen· for Jesus of Nazareth, King of erally find that some outward the Jeowa. a.ct.a are really helpful In eJvtne ------- apre:a~on to thett devoUon to • lAilTA u•••• God No one eaa ...-.hlp fw J'OU. ""-8obert ~Je former!)? There Ia notbfn• wron• In forma ~ ~ Ba~ Dr .. 8a.Y ShcJiw. Wlleu they are allowed to be· are now Uvtne In Santa Barbara. come mere fonnalltles. With or without symbols, Cod must al-~ad Enstgn Want Ada. ways be worshipped In spirit --FI_IlST_C_H_U-ItC_H_O-,-C-H-l i_Sl __ and In truth. SCIENTIST e EXAMPLES llO'l Vle LHto. Newoori ... ell Let's begin with a specific ex· A brench of The Mother Church. n.e ample: The center aisle In our Fint Church of Chrirt, Sciontirt, in eo.. church. Sometimes people won-ton. Meuechu~tt,. der why the best space In the Sundey Schooi 9: IS e.m. house Is left open-It Is to lndJ. Su~ey s.,.,;ce ------II :00 e.m. cate tht> way to the center of Wedne.dey Eve~n9 Mootin9 1:00 p.m. worship, the altar. The altar 1t .. din9 Room loeeted et ll 15 Vie Lido. Newport koch, i• opo" -~ represents God's spiritual pres-deyt from IO:OO e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. ence. Wedno.deyt from 10:00 e.m. lo 7:-45 In formal churches the baptls· p.m. Fndey evonin9, from 7:00 p.m. to mal font Is at the entrance of 9:00 p.m. Closed Holid~'fl· the church or the narthex, which The public ;, cordielly invited to et· Indicates that by baptism one tend the church sorvico1 end u~ tho galna admlsalon Into the Chris· Reedinq Roo,.,. uan life. The center aisle repre-__ P_r..:._o_f_e- 5 - 5 -0 1 0 -n-a--=l-sent.s a way of life, from the font of baptism to the altar of God. The business of the church Is to Do t keep open the way that leads to 1 rec ory God. The lectern, from whlcb the ,...... ___ _:KVI:::,=.::::I:.;:C;._ __ _ Gospel Is read, stands on one M t L S h 1 aide; the pulpit, from which the argare · C ar e Gospel Is explalned. stands on Teacher of Plano the opposite aide. They are helps Oreanlst · Accompanllt to the Christian way of lite. For Evenlnf Cia.-.. for dulta the same reason the organ is oft 3C17 GOLDEN ROn AVE. to the aide and the choir Ia dl· Corona del Mar ,... caua:a or c:aawa 1-c::a..nt1 1L Cloell .._ r..a..tr....., D.C.•ant. ........ Sunday aerv1c:ea: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a..m. momine wor- ahlp; 7:30p.m. evenJne aervtce. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 11IE CIIUJICB OP CJDJST Odd , ..... Lod9e. 1 .. Rewport A.,._ e-ta ...... Ubelty u-711 Tom llclbw. Jr .. Mllalstw Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv. lee; 7:30 p.m. evenlne service. CllaiST CIIUJICB rr TB'E lEA Coauaualty Metbocllat 8a1boa ~"-at lCtb St.. Jfewport IIAJbor 5221 hatcw: .... aoy IL CadMD Sunday Worship, 9:30 &Dd 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a .m. Mid. w~k Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIIII CIIVRCII 1 .. 0ra119t A"'-C:O.ta ..... . LJbel1y t-1011 raa..,___J, • ..._ hDday II-tit 7. L L 10 ..ct U :30 a.m. Weekdaya: M .. at 7:00a.m.-ConfeaAion: Satur· daya from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday MomJnc Services: Sab· bath School: 9:38 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet- tne: wec~n..c~~. 8:00 p.m. cau ............ _. s... ¢z'n -.a....--........... a..-.1 LD If 1-ftll Sunday Servtc.: SUnCII.y School. 8;30 a.m. MomJne Wonldp at 10:80 a.m. Evanee1Jit1e Serv· Ice, 1 p.m. Sunday. M.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetine, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. PDIST CBUIICii OP CBJUST ICDJITIST laos VIa Lido. Rewport hclda ·~Ida Sunday School: 9:1!5 a.m .• Sun· day S e r v Ice : 11 :00 a .m. Wedneeday Ewnlne Meeting: 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 Vfa Lido, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week aaya. 10 a.m.-7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 1·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. ClmDT LOTIIEIIAJf CIIUKB Or COSTA IIEIA ~:'~Jan. Coeta -;:., Paton .... Lotbaw Tomow Sunday Servtcea: Wonhlp Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aALaOA IBLAJfD C010117Jf1TT IOTii\lDIIT US A..-A.,._ 8a1boa JaJaad lllafat.r .... DoDcdcllapp ..._as Sunday Services: 9:30 L m. Church School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. FCitber I~~· ,_._ Patbel'~ .... Sunday )( .... : 8:00 and 10:00 and U:30 a.m. Cont...scm: Sat· urd.aJI and evea. of 11t J'r1dQI and lloly ~from •:ao to .. ~,._.,., ..... ~-.,..:~::. =-~r lfo•ena (......,._. 8 pl: nae.day, 1:45 p.m. J11benMD'I M--. July &Dd Auf\&ll. !u_n4&7 • a.m. URIYIUtiALIIT OOIOiURJTt P'ELLOWIIID a..u a ..... .... 515 w ........ at.cL. laJboCI lltalnwt .... P. W ....... Sunday School, 10:30 Lm. Motm. an. worahJp, U :OO a.m. IT. JAIOI DIICO•AL a.t VIe Lade. Rewport ..,_. ~·­...., ................ Sunday lerVlcee: 8:00 Lm. Holy CommWllon, 8:15a.m. U a.m. Sunday ICbool; 9:15a.m. mom· Ina pra.yer and aermon. U a.m. worship lervlce. T h u r • d a J Services: 8:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOD nAinfrl SlCIICII'taeA .... a.o..lalaM ......... raa..a3TJ:',,_.. r.a.. ,_ rw A.t. Sunday M ..... : 7:00 a.m.. • 9:00 a.m. ConfeuJon: Saturdar &lld evea. ot 1lt Fridays an Holy Dv-: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J'1rat Fl'fday M.. 8 a.m. Summer M._ July a.ad Au~ Sund~, vlded. In .orne churches we still 1.--------~~-....J have the pulpit In the center of r--_.:r:..:O:.:W::;E:IIAL=::...::D:.:Dl::.::E:.;:CTO;..;;.;;:;;.;;II:.;:S_...., the chancel, which Indicates the Friendly Nellhborhood Service Importance placed upon preach· ·-a•--ex>aoRA Da. 110 CZII'ftAL .._. QUIICII I W h 1 I P 11. nV'r'C" RIDLEY .. &-.. -·-· \i&lv-co .. -.. u .. ITT CIIRCB ::.-r..! ... _ --..lt. ng. e ave one • nee re<:og· ~--JOIIT .,. -- nlzed the false Importance tbJa MORTUARY ....._ m:.::.t. & c..ut Ita. Cr•1npllru1 c.... Lllurt .. .,. u a.m. gtves to the aermon. which Ia •• .....__ __ ·~--a.-til JI:II~LA A... A. A........,.-., Just another help alone the way. 110 Broadway ---·,-_,. -1117 l!lunc~Q lebool: 1:45 LID. Mom· The Important part of worship La ,_._, ~ a. 1•• • ...._. .... ...,.. a-.. ~ ~ U :OO; av.nan. God, and therefore the altar la '-=U=8=-3433==1r=l-=30t==eo.ta==M=era=:::; Sunday ~eft: 9:-'5 a.m., Sun· Sunday W(!rlllfp len1ees: 1:45 s.rvtce. J= ~d·~30 s.n'· the center of worahlp. ,.. day School; 11:00 a.m.:& Wot· a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sun-, Sc:bool: Ice. We n •• a Y • : p.m. J KAJK •ans N 0 W T W 0 ahfp Service: 7:80 p.m. ztUnd~ t:e LliL Younc people IMft t :15 p.m. • The t:hrft maln pa.rta to a • .R.TUARIES ewnlnl ~en• lee: Mid-Wee a&WJOftiiAimOII Sunday. church buUdJna are the nave, BALTZ MO =~~=-.m. Wectneed&)' LUI*I'g caoaca• _ 111 PmiT IOUI ..... IIAPI'II'I' where the conereeation aJta Servin• the Harbor .V.a 1501 CUB 0. .. •••=litl;a taUW , <meanlne ahlp or Ark In which Baltz Mortuary ....oa uiiiiiLY or GOD t..llleltr •· I • w .• _.._ a. a......_ people found refuge). then the CHAPEL BY THE SEA QIIPaL ... ....,. C.W. .... -.....t a.-hiM LIII•Jtt ..... chancel or cbotr, and .finally, the Harbor 42 a..a. CoiJ•... Duplicate mamlnf eervtces -8 ....... 0.. •• wt & ,_. aanctuary, wblch ouebt to be a ~E. Cout RJKtaway t..llleltr ..... a.m . and U:l5 a.m.. Sunday; Bunda)' M!hool t:a L.IIL' d\urda aeparate apace, bavtne an altar Corona del liar .... c. a. 'liP• aad KlnW.art-n and PN·School 1erY1Ce u:OO a.m. ~ rall acroa the front of it. AI Baltz Mortuary Sunday ldlool t:ao a .m.. morning Dept. 8unda1 khool, t a.m.; Union T p.m. laadQ. ~ Conereeattonaltat. we have not 1J'*1)' 8-21.21 worship u a.m. Tounf people lit Onde tlttoup.Mult Sun· ~lp.a.....,, 'r-cll· quite tully adopted thl8 latter 11h 6 Super~«, eo.ta .._ ..-vte» 1;30 p.m.. .wnlnt dq lcbool. 10 a.m.~, bul .. ..._. ......_ T p.m. tradltJon. AIO'I..K PA.mDNG wanplllt ...Se» 1~ p.m. .tded Uld Jlhu•J tar ••=· ...,_ ....._and Sometime. there Ia a rood LOCAnon Kid • ..-.me. 7:JO p.m. :::' :::;::-a.ncJ a.m. lu· II* 1:• .,.. ~ beam aero.~ the front fll the '----JJpJ'H----...J WeclneedaY. 4Q. dlaneeJ. lndlcattq tbe trawJ.n ,. Dlrectw... .. ....... p a sfth br ~--c:hic-tllllladlld ·----u Pl'OII'elll froiD llte Into ,.,..... • • ~al=u:.~Cif~ HARBOR AF.$T wooowetTH fltANO go ~ God. n.. na" lltupporWcS MEMORIAL PARIC . c.tUIM ..-tar ... ....., ,._.. by pWan. 1 n d t cat t n 1 Ute a... ...._ at 0..._ 2610 L c..t ""'· H.. a. Cef~ .. Mer •PGid• .......... the ptDan ol tW ~ ,.... p01an .... oftee JolNN1 "' ........ to denote tbe 1Pirttaal Uftloll Clf Ood'l -_ · •• •• ' ·" ·• r ' • '-~ ~ ~ti.. IliON,.... ctum:.._ Wilbur C. Wagnef, D.C. ::..: ~,..·.:J 'ri!& ........ r:.. ............... . .. OaatNszl n ..... --,._ fNe ... aJ'IMII_......... 4- tlile II MIM t.Me M a...._. !1.1~-iillf!llliiililiiiiilllllliilllilll.oiiiii ..... ....,_.,, =..iii4iii4iii.iiii;iiiii:41&4iii4iiiii:;iiii&4..:~=========== Newpwt ..._. Ea.lga · ., -.;._...;.. ___ .....;;.. __ ----- £HIJ~£HU Assistance League Greets G.ifts of Exciting Beauty from ~bose lovely Porisian soti~J oblongs by 3 New Provisional Members • • • ofsodal note 0 18 • I rten s - cert.Wy 100% Imported cashmere •.. -&w ~~. definitely DcJf-ft+U A _.... IIMt I IMiq II ~IP style .•. encl dlt ._, rattlt b Toni, I n lncttd.lbfr 10ft pure IM,cHW ~. Anllable In 1 merry croup of cokn ht can laup et lilt reinbow. ~ ... CDII COIOiv•HY eauw bY. Edwin Gomke ot the eo. 'lblft new JI'OY1alonal nwm· rona del Mar Community Church ben of the ...s..tan~ Leaeue wUl u.e u hla lleftftOft tople 011 were lntroducecl at the Nov. 1~ thla flnt lktn4ay tn Adwnt. "'The meetln& ol tbe poup held at the Chrlat We are Seetdnc.'' Tbe PU· Soclal roo... lD Newport. Mra. 1f1m reUowMJp lfOUP'• meetlhr Wllfred Berla ot Balboa Ialand, tn the eYeD Inc will dlleua the Mn. Maxwell Sturce. ot lJdo Ial~ rnearun. ot ActvenL and MIS. B. Pa)'De 1bayez of BaJ. bo& wwe ~ted by mem~r· ~ r&LLOWIBD ahlp chalrman Mn. Nelson Neice. '"The Contribution of luda.l.aD" Mn1. Donald Colqrove of Udo wUl be the aennon th~me ot the llle, another new prov .. lonal. Rev. Frederick RiDge at the aerv· was unable to be praent. lcea of the Unlven&J.J.t Com· Praldent Mn. Edward Millett rnunfty FeUowahlp thla Sunday welcomed the newcomers on be· In the Ebell Club, &15 w. Balboa ball o(. the Leaeu~. Other bu&l · Blvd., Balboa. CbUdren have been ness cL the meet1n1 Included an uked to be' praent at 10 a.m. announcement by Mrs. Marshall Instead of 10:30 a.m., the reeular hour for Sunday school, untU th~ pan he I to Hear Cb.rtst.mu ainctnc and tableaux on Dec. 18. with WWJam WUey In char1e. Th._ Sunday wiU be birthday Sunday tor those hav- lnc bfrthdaya In November. SPECLU. IDVICE TODAT 1"he Thankaatvinc Day service ot the Newport Beach CbrW:lan Science church Includes a Les· son · Sermon particularly pre· pared for the occulon on the subject "ThankagJvlng." Thanb· etvtng Proclamations by th~ President of the United States, or by the Governor of the State, or both. will be read as a part of the service. After the opening ScrlPturaJ reading, prayer, and hymns, the sermon will com· mence with the Golden Text from Psalms (97:12): "Rejoice In the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of hls holiness." CJIJUSTIAJf SCJEifCE CBt711CB "Watch ye. stand fast in the faith. quit you like men. be strong." These words of firm counsel. given by Paul to the Corinthians ln his first eplstJe 116:13) will be the Golden Text ot the Sunday Lesson-Sermon at the Newport Beach Christian Science church. "Ancient and Mod e r n Necromancy, AUAS Mesm~rlsm and Hypnotism. De· nounced" ls the subject. Boys Assist Youth Center A $25 check for the Corona del Mar Youth Center was presented Saturday to Grant Howald, youth center chairman, by a poup of boys from Corona Btghlanda. Tbe boy8 made tbe IDOftey 1ut aummer by •lllnc .an d.rtoks on Little Corona beach. Boys making the presentation Included Mlkey Ray, 7~. and his brother. Walkie, 10~. of 544 Sea· ward Rd.; Greg Mac Gllllvray, 10. 532 Seaward Rd.; Barry Hos· klns. 8 ~. 553 Seaward Rd.; Peter Yould. 12, 552 Seaward Rd .• and Mike Steiner, 12. 440 Rivera Ter· race. of Decorating Holiday decorations wlll be the principle topic on th~ program for Harbor Panhellenlc when ttu> group meets at 7:30 p.m. Wed· nesday, Nov. 30. at th~ home ot Mrs. Richard Wenker. 3728 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. Howard Clapp, Instructor in art at Orange Cout College, wtU speak on floral and table decor&· tlons Cor Chr~as. Hostesses U · slstlng Mn. Wenker will be Mmes. Elmer LaLanne. Theodore Johnson, Leonard Baltzer and Thomas Frost. Plans are to be made for a Chrlstmaa party to which hus· bands wll1 be Invited. Ebell ~otes American Le~lon hall was the setting Nov. 17 Cor the first of the annual art exhibit teas spon· sored by the Ebell Club of New· port Beach. All the members of the art section. with chairman Mrs. Lewis Matthews. showed their water colors during the aft· ernoon. Joan Irving IMrs. Rex· ford) Brandt. nationally known water colorist of Corona del Mar, Instructs the art section. The water colors lined three walls oC the large room and pro· vlded the background for the tea ta~le. Mrs. Brandt poured. Contributing to the showing were Mmes. W. E. Bouck. Charles Eaton. Kent Andrews, Verna Wadleigh, C. M. Newton, Carlton Enfield, Dorothy Buk. Horace Parker, lames Brown. S. T. WU· l1a.ma, 1. W. HartJey, P. A. Fer· rler, Lewls Matthlu. Thomu Baume. H. F. Craie. A. D. Lynch, W. M. Bliven and C. M:1>ea1dns. Church Plans Yule Dinner CORONA DEL MAR 1515 E. Coaat Bwy .. CDK. 11A 2111 --~~-.. ..... -..-....-.-~---~~· , ......... ... The annual Chrlnmu dJnner of the Corona del Mar Com· munlty Church will ~ given In the social hall of the church on Tuesday, Dec. 13. Marilyn hu collected a lfOUP of fublon.a to make you Belle ot the Candy Cane Ball • • • Debutante Ball ... am.tmu Tree Ball .•• and Waltz you aU tbe w-.y into a Happy New Year - Mrs. B. R. McEideny, president oC the Fellowship of Congrega· tlonal Women of Southern Call· fornla and the Southwest spoke about women's work In the church at the ~tlng of the Women's Fellowship of the Co· rona del Mar Community Church Nov. 16. PresldJne at the meeting wu Mrs. Stuart Diehl, vice-president. Mrs. Oliver C.mp~IJ Introduced the speaker and the musical pro· gram, which was presented by Mrs. Robert Meredith. Mrs. Wal· ter Spicer and Mrs. Castleman SmJth. This year the men of. the church are In charge of the din· ner. They will cook and serve the dinner. Speaker will be Dr. Earl L. Riley from the Ontario Baptist Church. The Mothersingers. under the direction ot Mr'l. J. Leslie Stef· Censen, will present a musical program. VI.Nn AJfD IIUSIIES SMOD!fC Firemen removed vines and bush~ away from tht' chlmney of the home of Mrs. Allee G1,1er· tin of 609 Popp)' Ave .• Corona del Mar. at 8:57 a m. last Friday. , ...... , .. _ .. le1t Yur • l'fiedeeker on the prorr ... of the ------------toy ahop. She atd that the an· nual Chr1.ltmu Toy Sale will be held at the Thrtft Shop on Dee. 6. At tb1a time returbt.hed to,.. will be oUered to mother and Cather Santu for a fraction ot the6-orfeinal cost. Mra. Robert K. Walker cave a report on the newly opened Fam· lly Service Bureau of Oranee County. She said that the Leaeue waa one,pf the maln contribUtors In aettlng up this 8ft'Vtce, wblch is now avaUable at at:n H. Broad· way, Santa Ana. The terVtcea or the trained counselor will be avallabl~ to au IOclal atratas and a fee will be charred In pro· portion to the familles aerved. Host.eaet for the luncheon at Tueada)"a meettnc were Mra. lohn Robinson. Mrs. W. 0 . Buck, Mra. VIctor Grace, Mrs. Lester Lowe, .Mrs. Howard Peterson, Mrs. Paul Rocen anct Mrs. Wal· ter Seibert. Five Members Are Pledged Mu Epsllon Chapter ot Beta Sigma Phl held iu Pledee Ban. quet and Ritual Thursday, Nov. 17 at KenDedy'a Restaurant. Cos· ta Mesa. pledging five new mem· bers: Mrs. Robert Bennett. Mrs. 1ohn Ragan. Mrs. Clary Staat, Mrs. l9hn Basabe and Mrs. l ohn Negus. The vice-president. Miss Louise Oliphant. welcomed the pledges, who received their piM at a candlelight ceremony con· ducted by the president. Mrs. lack Quisenberry. She waa U · slsted by M.lss Martha Oehler· king and Mrs. Jame. B. Taylor. both past presidents of the local chapter. Mrs. Robert Hendenon. president of Omlcron Rho Chap· ter was an honored euest.. The chapter presented a Beta Sigma Phi crested baby spoon to Mrs. Rodney Trotter for her new son. 1ohn Scott. A Beta Sle:ma Pbl bride's tray was efven to the chapter's new bride, Mrs. Glenn Walmutt. The next regular meeting was changed to Dec. 7 at the home of Mlss Martha Oehlerking, 920 Clay St.. Clift Haven. Thla travel bualnea Clts Doro· tby McKenna like a glove. Six days att~r a motor trip aU over the United States, covering aucll dJversltled apots aa Florida and Canada, she took off for South America and hu already croued tbe contenent once or twice aouth ol the equator. So that no 1111111'1 LID I ·lliiiET one could say ".ee America And ao the Kama Buffalo said flnlt," Mrs. McKenna and Flora to the Baby Buffalo ... ""'b._ ta Mu Rogers went tourln& United our own, our Native Land ..• States by car and canyinc with Years ago people found some· them, as far as Canada, Teresa thlq cood to be thanJctuJ fOil Renner. Atter depocltlng M.n. . .. They hune on to what they at her sl.ster's they completed th~ found and each year their tour. hlttlne all the high spots Thank.sglvinc aecured them more to Florlada, Louisiana and home. tightly to "Freedom ot Speech, • • • Freedom of Re.Uglon, Freedom o1 Fred Stllllngs recently re· the Press and JUcbt of Petition." turned from a ten-day mit to • Texas nur DaJlu. where b~ squired Miss nna Hu1hes, an· other former Harbor HJ&h stu· dent. to football came. and con· ct>tU nna Is attending Texu State Coll~le for Women. Fred Is on the verge of being inducted Into the Navy. • • • Despite the acad~mJc upects of college. we'll ~ that coil~· ~anc; were mor~ Interested In the football tussle this put week than In crack1nc books. Ken Nllt'S, the younger, an ATO at SC. won't deny It and there wu plenty of soror ity enthusiasm for the aam~ too. according to Bar· bara Start>ge, a Gamma Phi at SC, and Nant"y Tritt, a Delta Gam at UCLA. Now that his stint In th~ serv· lee is over, Bob Whyte is up In LA carrying on where h~ drop· ped his studie-5--ln architecture. U:.SIDEJn'S IUT FLAGS Approximatt"ly a halt-dozen residents on Snu1 Harbor Rd .. Cliff Haven. took advanta1e of th~ American Leeton offer to buy Amt>rlcan nags recently. ac· rordlng to Mrs. M. A. Johnson of 315 Snug Harbor Rd. Tbe fiags will be displayed on holidays and election days. SAT IT WlTB * * * ...... CNrf a.tad·ap .. pelt ,_ yoa to dt.foweb a a t11 late. If I .._ wrtt e111e ••• It atarta tlala-•-way • • • 11.511 free la d.IMIOu.ata • JIJcbard"a c:&ft .... l(qa 'M ' • • t._ •o• .._ M tlan »• .._ M • • • It --tllta..a-way • • • Y .... W1wa • Utta. card - Wlalc:fa ,... ... a-tE -.,.... 9100111 ~ ••• Toa _.. .,.... ,..,..... ... wllea .,.. bclft DUD --ut.. ow depart· ......................... yoa aDd IDCII'II tiM ...... t - t.be bcdl of your Cllll'd • • • WIMa ,... ..... Cl as.-a.dtt _ .......... .,.. ....... tt.d to .. .,...... ...... ,_ ~ Y'ft -.-t 1lp to 110. cat Cl 10" dl-.af ••• u .,.. bcft ca aa... a.dlt ,.... ma ~ ........ Cit •• ~ ... ........... mAD cnd1t. ,.. ~ .. to .... Cit•·~ ... ......... ~ta--· blq1 .......... a...· ....... II .. cndtt ..U ,_..., worth apatcdn Cit 30"4 cl.l8oDaat • • • 1115 • • • JSG.II) Cit • .,. •· oowat ••• 1150 ••• -.. ....-til 150 COUCH nu: _.. ~ «t 30~ oft ••• Children with a candle were 0...? Jut -Ia ••. yoa11 blamed for causing a $50 couch be .,..._ • -" ••• AU .,.. tJ~ ln tbe borne of Ruth Sutton ....,_ a. • .. _.. .,._ ,.. of 121 Pearl Ave.., Balbo& laland. ......_ ..,. • .. 8Mt • • • at 4:.22 p.m. SUnday. 'l'be CO\lCh * * * wu hawed outdoors &f.d ex· 'f&Jesday was dte lut day ot tinguhhed before tbe arrival of the Oranp Cout Coll~ Cook· :Lir~eme~~"~·==================~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lng School at the Udo Theatre r ... Thanka ... Thanks ... LOSE. • • those bothersome INCHES e e e "BEFORE~· the Cbriatmas Holidays! ..• THAT IS .•. unless you are satisfied with trying to "SQUEEZE'' a slz.e (1 2l dress on to a size (18) fl~! ... unless you enjoy the "DAILY ZlPPER tu1-of-war"! ACCEPT OUR OFFER 1'06' A c-npJimeetary Elrplcmatory TrecltmeDt (Jfo Ob1J9atioca) A TRAINED FIGURE CONSULT ANT WUI Help You Wtth YOUR "Fi&ure Problems" Be A New YOU ••Befon" 1956--START TODAY! - .....,_17U 1117 E. c:-t • ..,. CO.alfA DEL IIAa .... .,. .... PMIIID.U.., a World ol hlla.Joll • • . tor 'fob to Sub '~'teN. OldlWil ,_ Teena (aM ·IDCIIt.Mn) Firstly to Ruth Klumb from Or· ang~ Coast Coll~g~. . Increased anendan~ ~ach Wet>k anti th~ appeafan<'e of the same-fa~ again and again. showt'd that the ladies llkf>d what thE')' hPard ... Ladles' G~nts too~ There'a more Adult Education out 11t OCC and It's 1111 youN . . And a rt"al roo-t~·too thankc; to the Southern Countl<>s Gu Company. Gaffers and Sattl«'r and our own Lido Electric right across the str~t. whkh Is tht> plart> when~ you ran buy the-lovely Ga!fers and Sattlt>r Gas RangC'S, nlso any GE appliance, small or large So solly ... ~('(',(' and GE we love evlyblooy . . We just one gleat bllg happy famb· ly * * * Hey' This Thank~glvlng sturt I makt'S you ff'CI likE' you could fly . . Try It ~me t lmf'. And Thanks to all the rest ot the Lido Shops tor making the Cooklna 1 School a greate ble wham-dine bull's l')"e . . * * * lllwpwt BariMw ~ TarTattlett ~-•• ··· no:=-~· Extra Pqints ..::.::::.....:~. =::::::::......:::......:.....:__~===~-I Wi~ for OC • &J{QIIfiUM c:i.n • IDL& CLVI An)'OM who Ilk• may join; Jt A new club. U,. .....,._. Ale you lntftMted In helpln.r eolb 10 ewn .. tor )'Out ftlllember· Polnta allw touebdowrw made Club, .oundt Mllh()' tn~c. other people; In helpln& spread abtp card.. '111e llM'etlnp .,. ev· th• diffa+111f» fOt the Oranp The club ltucUee all t:yp. oC tn· U.. Chrt.dan PaJtb; In Jearnln& «'' other 'f\lesd&y a.ftd ewry Cout CoUeee PtratM Jl'ld&Y etnterln& ancl plan. to haw more about the Blbl•r Then the oUJ• Ttuuaday at noon. ni.Jht at BIYera1de u the Pirate& •peekers on the ditf.-.nt typM. Bible CJu.b, with Ita 70·odd mem· • • • c.me tlltouCb wtlh • 21 ·19 vie· They also hope to have many here b tor you, Althoueh. they e T1D OPPJC&U t~~W. wu lltlt: to K'Dn, field trlpa. 1he dub ia juat pt. are Juat rettJn& rollin& t{X the The ortiCHt for the SaillncCJub and added' their only exua pol•t tine rolllnr n<Mf. They have no year, they are •upplytna two were not clearly Rated In lut officers at the moment. but a nMd.y fa.mJIIe. with a turkey and week'• article. Here they are u to make It '1.0. MUte Hab cll· committee hu been appolntHI to lull 'nlankarlvl .. l trtmrnlniL they •hould have ..__ 1'.-ed: maxed • 'F1·yard march tor the · " ....,....., ,.. PlratH late In the first quarter plan their rovernment and otf1. Many .apeaken ar. planned tor Dave Grant, eommodote; Myrlyn ctn wUI bt elected aoon. They the club, one of which will be Couch, vice . commodor.; Nancy by acortnr bom two yards out, have about 30 membnl now and from the Bible Institute In to. Corkett, secretary, and • s u •I e and klck.cl the extra point to !N) far there are no limltationt. Angeles. Movies are •lso ahown Stone, trea•u.rer. Happy sailing. tie the ICOI'e. Riverside went They meet regularly and their to the members. • • • ahead aealn, 13-7. wtth a 52· advisor Is Klneery Whlt~eck. 'nle president. Sheila Peck, hu e IA.S.ETIIALI. TDIE yard drln, but In th\ third • • • hl&h hopes for many other proJ· Well, football season 1s over quarter Bruce Knipp PAMed 28 e SEBVlCE CLVI ect.s like their ThanksatvlnJ one. now and we beeln to Jearn bu· yards to BIU Harrbon for a TD About ll) people comprlse the The other officers a re vl~·presl · ketball rules. We hope our bU· and Hau &&'&In kicked the point Se I Cl b h" I h M dent Beverly Butterfield and lee· ltetball team does u w•ll u our for • 14·13 lead. rv ce u t year w t Ill'· The Plrates aewl!d It up In the jorle Knox leading them. It lt ret&ry·treuurer Joan Burback:. footbaJI team did. Good luck, 1 rth 1 K W their aim to assl•t tn charitable EmU Neeme Is their advisor. boy .. and go to lt. ou per od on enny ooda' 1 _ _:, _ _:..:....:.....:..:.......:.....:.....:.....:.:::.::::.::::.:::..::..:::::.::.:::.::::.: ______ 1 TO and Rau' third utra point. drives such as JntantUe ParaJy. Rlvrnlde'a Jerry Allen returned .... and their annual CARE "'lve Plann•"ng Comm•".ss•"on Okays the klck·off 90 Y"'d' fo• the &round Christmaa time. 21·1911nal .core. At their last mrt!'tlng D. 0 . ca .. y .• new teach., at H., .. ,, Perm"•t for Motel Near COM TIIECAMDOJIS ATTEJID spoke on his ex~tences u a JOSTOmCAJ. SOCJETT PICIIJC tf>acher at a boy's camp. But this Mr. and Mrs. I . W. and Mra. wasn't just an ordinary boy's A use penn It for construction CJarwlch L. Cooper to construct Ca meron of Corona del Mar ...-ere ~amp, It was a camp for JuvenJle and opt>ratlon of a motel, ri!Jt&U · an additional al"C'e&SOry storagf> at Palm Sprlncs (where they,... delinquents. The talk. as yOu rant and cocktaU lounge. ,... room to protrude six feet Into •Jd~ from 1927 to 1939J last must have decided, wu qulle In-quested by the Irvine Co. 1-the require-d 10-foot rear yard Sunday to attend a picnic of the terestlng. Coast Hotels lnc .. wu approved set·back at 116 Harbor Island Palm Sprlnp Hl•torlcal Society, Their o1ficer5. besides Marjorie by the N~rt Beach City Plan-Road, near Beacon Bay. of whk:h they are charter mem· Knox, president, are Cathy HoU· nlng Commission Thursday e Approved the application of bers. man, vice·presldent; Donna Reg-night. the Maceo Corp. for rear yard an, treasurer, and Barbara Ham· This pennlt Is for the Jamaica set·back ol alx teet. six tnchn mond, .!Jt'Cfettary. lnn, which will be built by Rob· Instead of the required 10 feet Anyone who likes may join the ert Ingram, Joe Collins and Ln at 1301 Bonnie Doone Tenace, dub. They hold their meets on Blakesley at Avocado Ave. a nd Irvlnt' Terrace. the first and third Tuesdays of Coast Hwy., In Irvine Terrace e Approved the application of each month and their dues are adjoinlne Corona del Mar. the Matto Corp. for lO·foot and 25 cents per semester. A commlt · A number of Corona del Mar 15-foot set-backs at 721 Patoltta tee of four were appointed to residents and property owners Or .. Irvine T errace. RETtrU 1'0 CAlf ADA Mr. and Mn. Arthur T. Hunkln of VIctoria, B. C .. lett Monday after a ten day visit with Mrs. Ruby Stev~~n of Corona del Mar. Mrs. Hunktn and Mrs. Stev- enson are •lsters. The visitors are returnlne from a five month holiday trip to England and the continent. Uti II' With thoManda of CS..Mopta In New York tor the National ltMI· ton A..etaUon, Calttomla wu tePNRnted by U2 delerata. and Nft'POl't Board ot Rultst" by tlx ot thoN 182-prftty lood. ehf a.tdes rneetlnp and mHUnp (tbe ··~humiD¥' Round Table dt.eu•lons Included about 300 nwmben eaeb), the locaUUea went to Iota of &how• and nfrht clubl. Gloden Pay even hired a Jlmousine to take a bunch ot 'em up to the beauties ot up~r New York state one day. After the convention, you see, they all stayed around for aome blr city Ute. (.A.Ik 'e:m about the French ntaht dub, Blue AnJelL Prez. and Mra.. Charles Hart h ad an especially rood time vt•lttne the east becau.se they used to live In tha.e part•. • • • WHOA BOYS! Compet ition must be rettJnr rouah. We hear Johnny Voeel bumped In to Carl Greer'• fBay lr Beach) vehicle recently. Heard It was just an accident, however . Shuek•~ thought m aybe we could ret a real feudln' started. MILO LACT IPEAU Milo Lacy, reneral manarer ot Richards Udo Market, was speaker at a rece-nt meettnr of the Orange County Chapter ol the Society or California Ac· countants, when they hosted 60 county bankers and attoml')'ll at l.he VIlla Marina Restaurant. Mr. Lacy spoke on the vowth of super markets In Orange County. Cor lettetttudl. u....topes eel THE ENSIGN. HA~I I to1 • i8UWDA1'. WOtiM** M 1- 'Amahl "anc:l Night .Visitors' .. Will Be Presented by OCC "Amah! and the "!Cht Vtal· tors." Gla.n-Carlo MtnottJ'a apwa, eommlaloMd •pecl:all.y for ...,. vJ&lon and ,.,_nted 011alnaUy In 1901, wtll be tile Qulltm.u ptoductlon at Oranae Cout .col· lep Friday, Dec. 18. The opeta, to be stal't'd 1Jt the Unsung Commercials Several hundred ballota have already been cut at the Port Theatre, Corona del M'ar, for the audience awards election belni' held country-wide and endtn1 Sunday nleht. Everyone may vote for the stars of their choice. The cate1orles Include bfat per. formance, actor and acueu. most promlslnJ ne-w pet*)nalJty, actor and actresa. and the best picture. Front lobby comments Indicate that the late Jamis Dean may be leadlnr the loa! popularity poU for the best per· formance. Ht. picture, "Rebel Without Cauae," Is currently beln& ahown at the Port. IT'S A QW.I A baby &lrl wu born Satur· day nll'ht. Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mra. Warten Clark of 1750 ~an Blvd., Ba100... The little one weiJhed In at seven pound&. She I• beln& rreeted by her 16· month-old sifter, Nancy, and by her maternal grandparenta. Mr. and Mn. Robert StableT of 1722 E. ~an Front, Balboa. new colle&e auditorium. hu btt'n announ~ aa a ~ Jltt to the community b)' Oranae Coatt Collere .. 'lbe production b MlnJ Con· dueled by Howard ICay, mu1tc ln•tru ctor at Oraqe Cout. Sa met FiU,erald t.s dlrecttne vocal eroups.. Lucien Scott b In chuJe of aetlnJ and eet con· •tru.ctlon. Eu•taee Roju W'IJI dl· rect the o~estra, and Howard Cl,pp ol the art department Ia .. t.tln& with Rt deslen and prorranw. Beverly CampMll t. directlnl' the c.boreol'l'aphy. 1n tile cut wlll be Sara Met· caU u Amahl; Barbara ladtiO'\ aa Hls Mother; Marvin Lusk u Klnl' Kupar; Borden Gr&naer u Klnl' Melchior; Bob Stoau u Kine Balthazar; and Glen Groves a• .. The Pa,-e. ---- .. .... TWa FriUy ....... ,CUret 'lbree Camp Pendleton marine lnfantryrn~n were held to ari.we:r to Superior Court on .tronr· armed robbery charges tomorrow (.Friday) tollowlne a prelim· lnary hearlne Jut Friday In NeWport Bea,ch Ju•Uce court. 'lbe marines. Michael D. HUes, 19, Davtd K. Crow, 20, and Jerry L. Bowman. 20, were &nftted In Capla'trano Beach on Nov. 8 after allf!l'"l'dly beatlnl' and robblnr I . C. Buchanan of Lonf Beach of S1 while he dozed in .. ts car In the Vllla Marina parklnl lot. They are betnr held In Otanre oounty jail, not havln• poated $5.000 ball each. draw up the plan• for the year. were present at Thursday's meet· • IH-nif'd the application of F. They are Wanda Trautwein, Judy lng to participate In the discus· Edwards Parker of 278 Flower Bangert. Marjorie Knox and Jody slon. Objktlo ns were r a 11 e d St .. Costa Mesa. to ope-rate •n Lleb. against the wording of the ap· auto repair se""lt"t" tor forelan • • • plication, which Included the cars at 2300 W. C>cean F1., New· e RADIO Q.UB , Harbor's Radio Club members sound like they have lots or fun . At their meetings, which are on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock in the radio shop, they bring projects from homf> to work on, which are mootly amplifiers, radio and poWer supplies. M one boy put It, "We putter around with electrical equipment and one time everybody got shocked on viCH." term, "related activitie-s." In the port Be-ach. scope or the use permit. The e Approved the application of Planning Commission granted the Irvine Co. and Lou Reed A the permit but deleted the pro· Associates for permit to display S-D Day Dee. I ·· -DRIVE SAFELY Set> If you can makt' this one out : ''The boys build Ieala rolls, which use 15.000 volts to strike a Jacobs Ladder, which runs up the two wires to the top where It disappears. It then starts again at the bottom." Quote, Dave "Goody" Good.seU. Sounds mJ&ht.Y lnterMtlnJ', doesn't tt! The club hopes at a later ~ate to be able to visit radio stations llkt' KFI and KWIZ to see how they operate. They also hope to learn about some or their equJp. ment and how and when It is US4"d. Sine.-they started six weeks ago, they have had about six meetings, so yo u see It Is an active club. tested phrase. and sell new and used cars at Plans to make ''Death take a -w c 11 N holiday" on Sale Drlvlne Day-• BUOJifUfG DISCUSSED ........., . oast wy., ewport. Th -• d h II tl ' u.,...ay, Dee. 1-were complet· Flr:tt hearing was held on the e Approve t e app ca on o Co R 3 l!d at a meeUn& of the local S·D application of E. Morris Smith, the Irvine . to use an · par· 1 ' 1 d ' bll ' Day Committee Monday noon at who asked for C·l ·H zonln& for ce o an or pu c or no· ee Bill Mc:Laughlln, schools: ''Stu· dents are presentl.ng classroom talks on safe drlvlnJ. Graphs are set up In hallways to depict the number of accidents." Chers Inn, Corona del Mar. the R·2 portion ol the block In private parkhtg lots near the SAFE DIUVDfC TIPS Corona del Mar where Mr. Smith VIlla Marina Restaurant. 0 . W. {Dick) Richard, the S·D proposes to construt1 a commer· e Approved the appllcatlon of Day chairman for Newport Beach, Be sportsmanHke on every cia! bulldlnr next to the All Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Dilts, 2JO presided at the luncheon meet· drive. American Market. The new Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Mar, lnr and heard reports from com-Obey all tratflc regulations. building. at Irb Ave. and Cout to rPSubdlvlc:!e a pa.n:-el of land mlttf'l' chairmen. ' Keep speed reasonable. Start Hwy., will be oct"Upled by Vln · at Seaview and Larkspur to The Jo&l for the day wtll be: earlier and drive $lower. cent's Harbor Drugs and three Htabllsh two le1al buUdlnr aot a s1A9~ trcdfk "C"ddeat dW'· Don't drive when you drink. other smaller buslnHSH. •ltes. lD9 1M u .a.oaz .,.noeL Purpose Remember, dan&er lnc:rea.RS Members of the Planntna Com · of tht. aeeond unual S·D Day wtth darkness; At Andown, re- mlsslon exprl'SRd opposition to· c·.v··l Defense .. to demonstrate that traftk ac· dUCit ~ 80 you'n wtlhl.D ward any relaxation ot the ton· ddenta e~~n btl~ :patty tecluced raqe of your head.l.ll~tt. ln1 code ooncernlnl' tile property when motortsu: and pedestrians Stay J.n Un• ~ .. ave. alone Cout Hwy. l.n Corona del tulttu thefr responalbuttY tor Don't Paal unl81 there'• plenty Mar. They f~l that II the R·2 Meet"•ng Set aatety, of room-and NEVER on btU• or property In thl• block Is re· Here I• a reaume of the reports curves. 7.oned, then numerous other re-etven at Monday's meetlne: Allow •ufftctent •topptnr dl•· q uests will be madt-for re-zoning School teachers. custodians and Hans Broerinr. serviCf' nations; tanCf' between you and the car of R·2 lots adjoining C·l areas secretaries will attend a }oint "All staUons will a.sk permission ahead. along Coast Hwy. <."'vll defense mt-etlne on the of motorists coming In for aerv-Be extra alert at Intersections. The second hearing on the ap. school's part In clvll defense at Ice. to put a stJ'"Ip of red adhesive Always signal your Intention plication will be held Dec. IS. 7:30 p.m. Monday, In the audl· tape at the 35·mlle·an·hour mark to turn or stop. e SWUCJI(JifG POOL SITE torlum of Newport Harbor Union on the s~mt'ter. We are also It the weather Is bad, don't The commission approved the Hlgh School. preaching th~aafety belt rospel." drive unless you must. If you application of Harvey D. Pease Max Elliott. a.salstant chief ot Jim Penney, Junior Chamber of drive, double your care. SAT£ WAL.kDfC 11PS Cros.s streets only at crou· wallu. Before ctOS!IInJ, look both way._ Cross only on proper alcnal. Watch for turning cars. Never eo Into the roadway be· tween p&lked can. U there b no •ldewaUc, and you mutt walk In the roatlway, walk on ten. faelnr trat!Jc. When walklnl' at nlebt.. wear or earry somethtnr white to help driver• aee you. Be S•e! Be Safe! Come In and Get Acquaint-.! ADd Get A .. , • lEW "RICIRB.D" DEJI!fli "Don" Martin & "Bob" Myen 1131 E. Coat Bwy .. crt ........m. * COaoJI'A DEL M.Aa * nEE ~CZ·'DP & DE.U'V&ft/IIA .. They have about thirty mem- be-rs and their olflc:ers are Ron Crowe, president: John Hopkins, se-cretary; B111 Stone, treasurer. Their advisor Is Cutler Dlppt"ll. for set·back variance at Park communications for the County Commerce; "Posters are belna Check your brakes, llehl•. Ave. and Agate Ave., Balboa of Orange, wtll show slides of pia~ In ba111 saying 'Call a cab windshield wipers. tires and lsland, where he proposed to the atomic testa from the Nevada If you've had one too many.' A ~~~"~ .. :•:l:n~r~-------::---..:=========================~ ct~n.struct a swimming pool and testing grounds. Others to be short film on safety 11 also be· to operate a private lnvlta· present Include Cuba Morris, a&· tnt made available for local h f gifts from Karen Margreta Imports 2653 E. Coast Highway Co rona. del Ma.r ITS LATEil THAN YOU THINK Chrialmaa Cal'ft unusual wide selection personalized from home and abroad o•r ••• , we elft wrap, ship, deliver Harbor 1373 Hours 9:00-9;q<> 'ttl Christmas Open Sundays I tiona! school of physical educa· slst•nt director of dvU defense theatres." ''T Sa t D e e c e A e I" tlon fo• boy• and .,,,, undO< 14 . ro, lh• CountY of O.ang" Spu•· ,. .. Hill. -club" "Sklt.or . e es nvlng ar In men(O. The variance was granted on geon Sparks. deputy director; are being prnented at regular condition that four off .street Dave Olmsted. coordinator of clv· BetVIce club ~Ung• stressing parking naH.s be provided. II defense for Newport Beach ; the purpose of S·D Day." ThE' Commission also: William Dunn. coordinator of Bob Robins. car dealers: "The e Df'nled the application of civil defense for Costa MeH; local car deal~s are oUerlng to 1 Miss Glyde Maynard. 609 Lark~· Linton Simmons. county superln· give a free check·up on brakes. pur Ave .. Corona dt>l Mar, for tendent of schools. tires, wlnd~hleld wipers and waiver of the front M>t ·back re· HIR:h school teachers and ele· lights In order to make driving I qulrt"mt"nts for ron~tructlon or a mentary school teachers from safer." garagE". Thert> is no garage. now. Newport Beach and Costa Meu Mac ftt;;tfro. Senior Chamber of anrl the Building Department will attend the meetlni. Commerce: "We are making all felt that the best utility or land Chamber members aware of S·D would be maintained If a por· of _,...,.1'al Day through letters &nd posters ." tlon of the home were dlaman· • • • ~ Wes Jay. Insurance arents: tlPd and garage deslgnl!d so the "We are dlstrlbutln&' safe drlvlnJ a lley could be used lor a~. note pamphlets." e Approved the application of Ben Re-ddick. traterna1 oreanl· George rruehllng, 130 Via Lorca. zatlons: "A plleh lor aupport of Lido Isle. for waiving a side· The Lyman Farwells hou.se at S ·D Day is betnr made at Wf'l'k· yard requirement ot 18 Inches In 1124 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. wiU ly meeting•." ordl!1' to construct book shelves be one of the homes opt-n tor Rev. Donald Sapp, churche:a: in this additionally acquired vlsltlne at the Santa Ana Aa.st.t· ·~e aafe drlv1nJ program wtlt area. anCf' League'.s annual Chrl•tmu be menllon.ct In aermons. We e Approved the application of tour. Even the Farwell's Yacht, are asking the pollee department Charles W. Masten for a one· the Seadrflt. wUI be bedecked In to send oftlcera to talk on •ate root front aet·back In place of Yule fa.ahlon tor the occualon of driving at Sunday .c:hool. Church the required 10 feet at 316·318 Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 3 bell• will be ru.n& on S·D Day." Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar, be· and 4. Bill Spur&eon m, youth groups: cause of the steep grade. • • * "A ulety proeram on the u~e of • Approved the appllutlon of Now there'• one younr lady bicycles ~ being praented. Ernest Ro55 to construct a ga· who's bound to ret a eoocJ Pamphlets wUJ be cllatttbuted In rage to within 18 Inches of a. talkin' to. New Uttle Mt. Stroot. all markets.'' required J .foot •Ide yard st-t· recent aniv&J vta Hoar ROIPltal, Mrs. 1\ldton Sutherland, Pt'A: back at 3'17 E. Bay Ft .. Balboa had th'e nerve to be born on a "A Mfdy belt demonttratlon You are invited to aee LINCOLN for 1956 Lincolo. for 1956-uama.tabbly, the beet la the iDe ear 6dd.. It'• the loap~t. Jo..,.t, m01t 1padow Liaeola ....-buih. It's 1he ben pcrfon:rWrc. too-with 285 h.p. aM tbcl hishetl usable p<nrer o( uy A.meriwa car. On di.J~Ur in ow. tbowroc.. You'ra l.nitM to eoee aod drin it. Unmistakably the finest in the fine car field JOHNSON & SON • IJifCOI.N-MERCUBY 900 W..t c-t Highway hland. Saturday noon, juat at that bu•l· wlll be praented at the Nov. 30 Ne':f'port Beach "::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:l:::~·~A~p~p~ro~v~ed~~t~h~e~a~p~p~l~lc~a~U~o~n:,;;or:l est. time IM htr papa, hardwaa,;PT~A:..:,...~=t~ln~ .. ~--------!============~;:========================~ f merchant Bill Stroot. • • • A Fine Decorating Service Awaits You I ~·· Thanlugivlnl' In a cUt t. the protp«t lor Sid Blackbeard of .)11 111.1 An., Corona dd Mar, who teU from a ladd• while work.tna • WMtt a10 a.n4 now hu a apUt botlit ln hll lee wltb a cut Mati.Y to bt. hlp. Wont of tt t... aatd !114. he'• m1IMd three colt toumamnta. but 11 boNtf\l1b' proud ol bntlftl • Halbor aru. champ. lAw PettJt •t a1bMp. ----ULAYIYD ....... MIL ..._. 1M llrlubtl and fi I • ._ 4·yept old dauP,W, ,GaJ, .,. • • ., now -br c....r. dol IW A Safe DriVer ... _,. ; ' Dtlver • ............ ·--~'""'~·· ... ...... ..., --.._, • Au. ftM: or ••ziPia•wn * , Speed Take h Easy IIIIIY - otDJ>IrtA•.~rloiMat. r _L __ _ Mn. ltnubel ,. ta.....,... ..r uq ~ w. ~ Qnw ~ 0.0.0 ._~~~~~;;~;_--~~~;·;;·~1;11~~--~~~----..1 '~~------~.ni-.!L:.a..I~::..,_~::G~I~·!'= .. ~.._._ __ _. ____ .J ~C~w~~;~·~·~'~M~r~----.....;-~lc.n.oa~~~l~rl~•~~~d~j=:n:::_--,_II -·--_, n , '-..... • • iWUWY. •otCMID 1t. J .. Riders of the San Joaquin I>T A News Organized; Garvey President A parmt education meettna The lllclera ol the San 1oaquln. a new adult rlclln• aroup, baa been oraanlzed and oUlc:en elect· e4. The tint offlc:era Include Jlm Garvey, pr8lclent; Chatles Luak, PTA Sponsors Yuletide Play ''11le Maelc Toy Shop," a Chrlstmaa play written. directed and produced by Martbella Ran· dalJ, will be presented at the Harbor VIew School audltortum at 7:30 p.m. Thunday, Dec. 8, and 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Dee 10. School children will have role. In tht. play about story book characters come to 1 lie. eo.tumes ate belna made by mothers. The Harbor Vlrw PTA 1t apon· 110rtn1 the production, and Mrs. John Stallman, waya and meana chairman, la In chatee. Mlu Clara Ellen Spelman, music teacher, l.s rehearsJnc fifth JTade boya cholr for speclal pre· performance music. vtce-presfdent: Betty Barnet, tee• retary. aod,Bill Edwarda, treu- urer. Club members b~ to co-oper- ate with all rtdlnc crouP~. both Junior and aentor, 1n turtherlna Interest In hone~~ anc1 rldlng. The name wu picked becau• dub headquarten and arena ate at the Newport Harbor B u f t a I o Ranch on the old San Joaquin land erant. The croup lllnter•t· ed In prolJlOtlnf actlvitles IOJ' Loe Compan~. junior rtdln& croup of Coeta Mesa, and the CentAurs, JunJor tldlnc eroup ot Corona del Mar. Los Companeroe won t I r • t place In the rldlnc eroup com- petltton at the Newport Buch Veteran'• Day parade. Arnone the lncUvidual winners wft'e Robin SWtntord. second place western boy; Sam Edney, third place western boy, and Judy Fowler, first place .. plain western alrt. New Members Are Pledged fcw au puatt of ~ .tu- dent.a at lfewport Batbot Union, mah lehool wt11 be held at 7 ~ p.m. Wecm.day. Mew. 30, 1n the IOCial ball al. the IICbool. Taldna part In a panel cll.t· c:uulon will .._ B.obert Maanua· wm, dean of boya; Mrs. Ellen Carleot, ~y.Jcal education ID· struetor; l'loyd Harryman, edu· <1tiona1 oouDJelor and .ctenee teacher, and two seniors, Bob DeLona and Lynn Pea.ae. · Varloua phuell ot IIChool We wtU be covered. such u datlne and the IOdal actJvttles of nlnth eracten. allowan.c:a. and,the uae of the famJly car. Requlrement.a for colleae preparatory ClO\lnH and other flel ct. will be ex- plained, u well as the avallable IChool clubs and how to join them. DZXocaATI WILL BEAll • AT'L CII.AIWMU aOTLEJI County Democrats will honor Demoaatlc NatJonal Chairman Paul Butler at a dinner to be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, In the Santa Ana Masonic Temple. IntonnaUon about the meeting can be obtained locaJJy from Mrs. Clara Axtater at Har- bor 0167-M. lfEWPO.IlT BIGHTS 3-bdra. plu ~ bowie, htd . ..run. pool. bHuUtully done, Ranch type, aood ftnanclne. Pri~ ... ~ • • • ..... A cute l.tttle home of 3· bdn., 2 bathl. I£ IJvtnc rm. open. to wlt.ena patJo. wood panel finlah In Uvlnc room and 4ln1nl room. Buy now and ba ve your choice of colors. Priced $28,75() • • • 1111101 VIEW 4-bedr. hom•. den. 2 bath.a. hardwood and c a r p e t e d floors, tc5.000 • SubmJt down. Elrt w ..... , REALTOR ~Marine Ave., Balboa Island eau Hatbor rns. or Bayside Ottice Harbor 3297 Lll'lniMa .. You may need a more spa-• cloua. PfJ'ID&MDl yev-round home or W&Jllt a aoaJJ sum- mer c o t t a c • on Balboa laland. Whatever your need8 or wants, we hava the 80hatlon . • . or wW find one. For example, conaJder this 3 bedroom home with apt .. completely fumJ.abecl. on ·Balboa WAnd, priced at J22,500_ Come In and tee ua tor thJ.e lr otber &ood vaJues In the Newport Hatbor area. • ISUID IEALn CO. ~ Park. Balboa lala.nd HA m ....... Two R-3 lots 4.5x100 ea. In San Clemente. Level lr ~ady to bulld on. Both f« $4850 cash. Call FORD VERRINDER today. Har. 4263; Eves. 34T1. "ChOd chat" will be conducted from 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Dec. 5, In the Hatbor Vlrw Cafe- tortum by MJaa Batbata Hart.slc of the Orange County OUice of EducatJon. The topic wll1 be "How our cfllldren are learnlnr to read at Hatbor View." She will observe flrst graders start· Inc to Jeatn reading In advance o.f the meeting. Nine new members were pled&ed and eight active mem· ben received their jeweled pin. at a dinner meeUna of the Epsl· Ion Sigma Alpha 80rorlty Jut Thursday. Eva Edith Karoon, HYatt 4.f222 A C111uified Ad in Th. tns•qn lOTS J)aJVE CAll AWAY John Maclfab, Harbor 5359 brinqs im!Mdiete results! C~tll Some drunk boys drove his car • Loul.s Boynton Harbor 2878 Harbor 1114--111 S end DrOW iT! Monday nleht. Brian Blodgett of ____ ....;_ _______ ....:._ ___________ _ The PI' A Christmas meetJna- wUJ be held 'l'hursday mornlnc, Dec. 15. There will be a program of Chrl.unu songs by pupils under the direction of Mlsa Spel· man. Funeral Rrvlcea for Rlcbatd 0. Salisbury, 40. of 2161 Ocean Blvd., Balboa, were held Friday in Smith's Mortuary, HuntJnrton Beach, conducted by the Long Lone Beach Elks lAdge. • Mr. Sallabury wu a native of Lone Beach and had lived In the Southland aJJ hla llte. He was vtce-prHJdent and aeneral man· Husbands and guests were In· vtted to the ceremony presided over by Mrs. Everett Brace, presl· dent of the 80rortty. Mrs. Lee Stroup and Mrs. Ceoree Bezbez. tan were In charge ol thi! tables decorated with fall fiowera and candles. New pledges Include Mmes. M. J. Barbeam, Burton Beck, Frank Clenden.sen. J. C. Hibbard and Donal!! Hunt. Members receiving their Jew· elled pins we:re Mmes. Melwood Berry. Clarence Fidler, Rex BeJJ. Richard Sonouae. F. I. Smith. Clarence Lutes, L. Z. Taylor and F. N. Thayer. Two special guests were Mlas Veluria RJce of New- port Helcht:s and Mrs. Sam Crawford of Costa Mesa. •••• ,... VIsits DCC lrHI1t SCf aeer of the .Thompaon Paint and Dr. Bull H. Peterson, president Manulacturlnr Co. of L 0 n C of Oranee Coast College. just re· Beach. He died Nov. 15 In Hoac turned recently from Berkeley, Memorial Hotpltal . where he had the apportunlty to Survivors Include ~o dauah· confer wlth former atudenta who t.«s. lucl* and Joan, of Palm· eotered the Unlvenlty ot Call· ~; bll motlt•. Kn.. S.CU. Sal· fornJa at the 1tart of this eebool ~~~Mary ol 'hfnlaol: --..... .,.., Alice ol Loe Anp._ ._ and Co~fterw!ft were held wlh Dol'1a ol OcftntJde; four broth· Graham GJbbons. Corona del en, Ruah ot Midway City, WU· Mar; LLam Groener, Newport Uam ol Ocean.lde. Dicky of Tor· Beach; Michael J. Henry, New- ranee and James of South Gate. port Beach; RJchard Jordan. BaJ . Read EMltn Want Ada. SAVE SAFELY boa Island; Joan Lau~nce. Nrw· port Beach; and Barbata Wll· IIams, Newport Beach. "Tiui group as a whole are maktne aaUafactory pro,-ress In the University," reported Dr. Pet· eraon. "Moat ot them stated a conviction that preparatJon re- ceived at Oranee Coast was &ood." Film Is Shown A film about "Flash of Dark· ness." ahowlnr emergency first aid during an atom bomb attack, was shown at the luncheon meet· lng ol the Junior Ebell Club In Chrlstlan·a Hut. Balboa, last Thursday. Presenting the film was RoHa J. We~r. technical advisor In the production ot the film. which 105~ N. Bay Front, Balboa Island. complained t o Newport pollee at 12:40 a .m. last Friday. He said the boys had take-n the car keys from his etrl trlend and that he found the car later w1th a llat tire. w 1·oo Lnte to ClaamJy A17RACTIVE 2-bedroom apt. In convenient location, B a 1 b o a Island. Yeatly, $75 per month. HA :rn. NEW 2-BEDRM.. nicely furn- Ished house $100 mo. on lease. Across from Catholic Church ln Costa Mesa. U 8·5214, HA 5188. PIANO INSTRUC'I10N. T e r e s a Renner (Mrs. A. Renner). Jt.c. ceptlnr a llmited number of puplls tor pLano. Concert Plan· ist of 1bree Continents. Grad· uate Student of Bela Bartok. "-16 Serra Drive, COM. HA 2039. LIVE UXE A MILUONAJRE on Sl5 a week! Ocean Front kitchenette apt. w1th maid lr phone service, TV. Mod· ern, eye-appeallnr. ultra· comfortAble. Neu shops lr mkt& ~ B.arbor 8091. a..., I••• lie••• T•! a premium 45x118 comer lot South of Hwy., 2 bedroom and den or 3rd bedroom with pvt. entrance and batb, llae· stone fireplace, p&Pft lr Pan· ellnc. hatdWOCMI lloors. a wonderlul home. On the rear Is a 3·bedroom -lr bath up and an extra room and bath down, eataaes plus carport. $47.500 lr aood terms. .. , ....... e..., Incorporated Corona del Mar Office 3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5249 ...... ! At Oran9e Co.Aty'a Leadlftt Hom~ Le nd ing htltlMiotl was first shown on the 1V pro· REALTY CO. • CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED U, TO $10,000 AJI Account. Opened On or lefor• The I 0~ of the Month. Earft FroM the I at. LAGUNA FIDIIAL SAVINel I LDAN ASSOCIATION mo.... A ..... LA&UNA lEACH .... Hf4;11Jt &Tarn. "Medic." 2323 W. Coast Hwy. New memt$ers received Into the (at Pwt Orange) club were Mrs. Philip Maurer Newport Be~h . U 8·7562 and Mrs. Robert Diemer. M Harbor 5154 eves. Russell Hampton was named ------------chairman of a new project. "Op· ~ WAJnD eratton GI." for collection of .tamps to be sent to service hos- pltala tor therapy and recreation ol veterans. ......... $110 ............ 1 ClothJna valued at $150 In a cardboard box left ln the alley wu stolen whlle he was puttlnc bli car 1n a aaraae at 3010 w. Ocean Ftont. Newport Beach, Ray F. Stron• of t..c. An,eles com· plalned to Newport pollee at 1:49 p.m. Saturday. Mr. Strona aaJd he beard the eouod ot a ear motor whUe be wu puttJna his car ln the aara,e but did not He lt. Two othft boftl 1~ In the alley wen not t.ouett• A Ia~• coat. a man's camt1 hair coat. a $15 mm lAlit. patr of ~al pushers, three ~•ten. Pit!' of bifocal 11...., two pa.lr ot IIWl 11--. thrw paJt ol lborta and a..orted tow· elawwelntbeboa. aY.aGDOLM .... fWCOITAIBIADID ru.-al lll!n"..c.w for aw. au. dolpb )(. kM. 81, Wl OR. ..... QJeta ........ btld Sat· W'd.,. In hfU. JU4a., ~~~Gmt· aty. .... ..... ,.... ...., Jlfcrr. Jt at ~ ._.. .,._, aft •••0141111M&Rewu ••· tift ot ....... uct bad ltvM .. Ool&a .... -two ,..... ................... ~ lEI • Job now open In SANTA ANA to bleb sc.hool craduates. age 18-4.5 Theee are caree joba with excel· lent opportunities tor advancement. S.Day Week. Paid vacat.lona and holld*Y' rMdka1 cowr.,. avaJ.lable to~o,..and ~Co. paJ4 peMioD anct ... bWt7 plan. APPLY lOI.W) CAST rotST ST. &AlttA ANA Mon.·MIA.M..fP.M. .. ________ llllliiil .... , ... -......... .,. •• L IIICOIE UIITS Potential $SO() month Income. Prloed for qul.ek &ale at less than replacement cost w1th small down. 3·BEDROOM HOME, NEARLY NEW $110 .... 4-unlt apartments. 2 rumished, $2500 down. $270 month Income. Triplex. nrw, excellent locatJon. Priced rtebt. Low down. IICO. UIITS BUILT ON-YOUR LOT 100% FINANCING· AVAlLA..BLE 1-n.JtOCBESt EA S'J'B.EET. COST A IO!SA Phon! Uberty 8~ IEFME YIU IUY TIY FUICIS J. H.YITH, Realtlr .. 2216 Newport Blvd. lJ 8·5101 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1428 Tomorrow You WUJ Be Sorry You Didn't Buy Thew Today COSTA MESA SPECIALS 1. Buslne-. parking. storage. and expansion aJJ at 2474·8 Newport Blvd. Front 66' x 150'-new bldg. .cs· x 52'-2 or 3 offices. Rear area encl.-~ acre- l ·Bedr. st. home and garage. MS,OOO. Terms. Now also leasing 2 ottlce«. 2. Opt>n House-2150 Rural Lan~at. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. 3-Bedrm. large lot-h.w. n. patio, (iceplace- ····· . .... .... . ·-······ . -··-· ·-·····-······-············L··-··• 13,600 Can't Hardly get these no more~ J . 2 lots together on Rochester and also on WaJ . nut Place, ._.6,000.00 tor each pair. NEWPORT HEI<iHTS SPECIALS 1. 405 Holmwooc:J-Near Hosplt&J, Hellpot, and trans- portation. 3·bedrm .. 3 car garage. 1~ bath-beauti- ful blrch cabinet woodwork. Landscaped, encl. patio. OPEN HOUSE. Sat. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. Te:rms.. 24,500 2. .C·Bedrm.-2 baths with Intra re-d heat. Forced air· landscaped-eat., near Hleh School. Terms -.. 1-A.SOO LONG BEACH Terrific business promttlon. net 25~. automatJc car wash and cas station. Ideal location, good lease. IILLS lEST IUYS ••• C•••IIKI•• We're IMIIc l111nlllaa 'lb.ree and Four bedroom homes. 2 bathroom.!~, l&r· ba&e disposals. exhaust fans. large double Cat~ curbed 6 paved atrftts, sldewalJcs and sewers. 1\)p Eastside locaUon. Prloed as low as Sl0.09e5 w1th 1395 Down. IIDTALI You wtU Ita ttw quiet eonvenJent loc-aUoa. tM heated ..t.mlna poel. u. frieft4l)' ·~· • llad to ....)IOU&~ I ......... ,. -.au lB. Ill Vogel Value STOP.._. c ....... ! . ...... Comer duplex. partially furnlshed. Income potential $130 per mo. Room to build on lront of Jot. Total prit-e .. , $10,100 This will ~u fast-hurry! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. CO~ HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR l.CTT HARBOR 1741 THIS WEEK! Model Home In IRVINE TERRACE OPPOSITI: IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB NEWPORT HARBOR We are proud of the t'la.ss of mercband~ which we are oUerlng In Irvine Terrace. We know that you will also lUte the location, quality of constructJon by Maceo Corp .. and interiors by Martin 6 Von Hemert. HOMES FROM S24.000 TO $35.000 FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Courtesy to Brokers I lmiNI DUPI.EI II CISTI IEII , .... Price $1,1111 Owner needalaJ'eeY home ... MUST MOVE! HENRY C. VAUGHN, TED HAUSER. WILLl.S lOJ'fES 2029 Batbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-4761-Evn.: Uberty 8-4n8, Hatbor 3064 -M We oUer you tJp top commissions. whole·hearted co·opt>raUon. extensive ad\oertlsmg and a ne-w spacious otrl~ wttb an executlve·s desk you can call your own. -Member of Multiple listing. S.M 111-. Realty I .. , ....... C.. 503 32nd St .. Ne'\.\'J>Ort Beach Harbor 5868 IULnPLE usn11a Over The Top! 01r pal of It •w01 DOll AIS PROPERn SOLD Ill 1156 WITH IOIITHS TO SPUE-. . . USE' :\tu ltiple Listing. It ·s the-Su("('{"s.sful way to SE'II Newport Board of Harbor Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd.-Newport Beach ''II Y ROll SPECIIUSTS" ART C. KISTLER CO .. REAL ESTATE 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Ra.rbor 5226, day or night ........ ,.. JIOia ow am ..... -p , .... -·-- . . CASH BA'I'III 'FOil BNIIQif WANT ADS 1 Time 21lmes 3 Times 20 worda or leas.____ .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 words._. 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .05 .01 ......................... OWNER ANXIOUS to .ell 3·bed- room, 2·bath home wtth turn· lahed rental apartment. up· Ralra. 720 Narcwua, CDM, HA 2506·M. • FORSALE by owner: CDM home and Income, lovely ranch style duplex on lot and hall, ocean aide hwy., finest conat., heavy shake roof, 2·bdm. each, forced air heat, hdw. floora, separate patJo.. HA 1~·&. CORNER LOT, 3rd and Narcl.uus, COM, for sale by owner; uk· lne $5.950. POB SALE 1941 BUICK SEDAN, seat covers and radio. Best otter takes. HA 3852, 100% NYLON JACKETS, nylon fleece lined, washable. Slzee 8·14. S7.98. Donaldaon'a, 300 Main. Balboa. FOR SALE: Ladles' trench coat with belt. fur collar, alze 14, never worn. $25. HA 2063· W. NEW turquolse lounge chalr and ottoman, turquoise lamp, lilac quilted chintz bedspread, pink tlbreeJua drapes, prlnt drapes, green plastic chair cwshlons, Westlnehouse Frost Free rdrleerator. HA 6162. SURE FIRE For Your "Old Flame" Ronson Lighters 6 Shave~. Also. Sunbeam, Schick and Re-mington Items ... perfect toe Christmas &ltta. Uae our Lay-Away. RAY FiELDS, Jeweler 19th lc Placentia "In VIsa Shopplne Center." Costa Mesa. Uberty 8·8488 ORGAl't. 1 Electronic Organ now o nly $575. All Electric Organ balance only $785. Lowry Or· eano $195. AJJ wonderful bar· gains. Danz·Schmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 75 LUNCH BASKETS In sets of 3. Will sell lot or Individual sets at bargain. Dude Barbe· cue, COM, HA 4466. KENMORE 4-Burner Range, In new condition. $25.00. HA 4073·W. O'XEEJI'E 6 MEIUUTI' lta.np. w1th iflddle. Hollywood bed. Excellent condition. Call after 5:30 p.m .• HA 2804·W. HAMMOND Organ11, all models, our Christmas stock now com · lng In; $10.00 deposit wUJ re· serve . any model while they last. Trade In your old plano. Danz·Schmldt. Home of the UAL UTAft & Dn&U FREE-HI DeMrt VJew Hoftie. aJte. Martell BuUdlnc, Yucca Valley. NICELY FURNiSHED room. Prl· 'vate entrance, private bath, near pqlt office. bank and stores. ~ Orchid Ave .• Harbor :i12·R. FURN. A.PTS.-1·bedr. ru. bus and bus. center. Alao 2 l ·bedra. on wat« front. 3708 Channel Pl., lfpl Is. HA 1.217 .J. -..,.-..,.... FURNISHED or unlumllhed, 2· bedroom houae wtth laundry, on yearly leue. 417% Hello· trope, Corona del Mar. 2·BEDROOM, unlurnlshed du· plex; tlreplace, floor furnace. hardwoocl noon. yearly. $75 month. HA 3549·J evenlnp. 1·BEDROOM HOUSE. furnished, ~ CamatJon, 1 n q u I r e HA 52U·W. NAME TAKERS for Laguna Beach and South Lal\lna. Good handwriting essential. Write Box J.4, cjo ENSIGN, or call Kl 3·3681. HELP WANTED. Lady, capable of sewing and selling. Mlu Muttett Shop, COM. HA 667. LOOK AT THIS AD EARN $8 ·$14 DAILY Women of all ages desper· ately needed at once Earn while you learn Pradlcal Nursing. Hleh school educa· tlon not needed. Call Lam· bert 5·7521 or write "Career In Nursing." Dept. 11. 4016 W. Commonwealth. Fuller· ton. Callf. SALESLADY one day a w(>Ck during Chrlstmas season. Sc· llnas. 2743 E. Coast Jlwy., CDM. HA 6173. llrls- EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, higher starting waee and frequent Increases Jives you this opportunity. Openlnp now tor- TELEPB01fl: OPERATORS We will train you and you'll receive many other benefits. -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rrn. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE world famous Hnmmond, '>20 PEUOKAL No Main. Snnta Ana. One .,:___ __________ _ Splnt>t Model, one Ha mmond Chord Organ used but like new wnndt>rful bargains. KENMORE ELECTRI""""C_st_o_v_e_, -ex-. eel. cond.. $65; chrome dinette ~t't, $15; cu~fom dt>slgncd dla· mrmd wedding ring, $65; $1 25 S<'t of Castl<•ton China, n~>ver USN!, $70. HA 0059·W after 4 TRADE II ro•r OLD WATCH! 12&.00 lllnMCI (Limited Offer) ON A NEW "HAMILTON" p m .. 60.'3 Iris, CDM. It means so mur h more to PRAc-rJCE plunr~ -189. $95 to get or give a "Hamilton." SIRS. SvlnPl type mlrro plano Wallace Cai.I-..L-... $2.1'>-a blonrl beauty. Easiest •rw. W tPrmc; Dant Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Sant::. Ana. 100 pianos to rhuoo..,r from 3123 E. Coast Hwy. CO RONA del MAR WOOLITE 1'1 <;eJ!d only by Petlte M __ AlWf __ E ________ _ Ville In COM. It l! the cold watf'r wap for washing all WofJICn'l 3409 E. Coasl Hlway. GRAND plnno Christmas Sale. MAny wonrlerful barealns. fa· Sit, I Rowlloal S,ace for Re1t mouo; makPS Stelnway. Mason Amerlcan Legion 215 15th St. IIA mlln, Knatw t>tr. dellvf'red Meetings 2nd 4th Wed. 8 p m. fr('(' hf'nrh lnclurlcd frnm $387 ~--~------------------up. Dant Schmidt, 520 No. LAJfDSCA.PDfG-DESICJfDfC Mnln. Sant11 Ana. SPINET Pianos R.-e-n-ta-:-1-re-t-ur-n-s. George'• Lancltcape & Maintenance .All fOJIEJIY ,...,.. feU' d • tlae Tc YCII'Uty ... Ia I ft. 10 lac:IMe Ia ~t. .... ......-cb Ia a,....._ _,. ,...,s. ouly bad ....... 'l"'lnnty ... pedeDce. DAVE JOJDrSOK. 112 W. 20Ua St.. Coeta MetiCL ceJIN\'. -*· DO peat aperieDc:e, 171 U.., lft.llAc:ll. PETE SCIIl:JI.aUG. 5M ._k Lcme. C:O.ta Meea. played gucmS for the Yanlty 8q1lad but •• foreed to .... •P play wbea tM auffered a kDee Ia· Jary Ill the middle of the MG• IIOD. lie la 5 ft. ' lllc:Me tldL wetp.a 1• ,._. • a -... aDd fonaerly ........... atty ...,.n-ee. Trade·ln'l on organs, llktt new Mme M a p I e , Blond Oak, Fr('nr h Provincial. This Is a chance for bli saving. Open Friday night. Danz-Schmldt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. A home Isn't compll!!te unless It's landscaped! I am a Ll· censed Contractor. C u at o m Landacaplne and Deslgnlne. Also Clean·upa and malnte· nance. IEBVJCEI DAMAGED In shipping 2 :yptnets, save $180. Danz·SchmJdt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ~ IITU A noxa w AlfTED CUSTOM CABlNET WORX done on prPmi'Jt'll, no Job too small. Phone Kl 3·3348.' MATURE WOMAN wlshes baby ---· ---------atttJnr and care of alck, knit· SEBVJCES tine or crocheting. Day or nleht. HA 3192·M. FULLER BRUSH MAl' may be JitLlABLE, ex~rlenced earden· contacted thtouth Box 73, er. Japaneae·Amerlcan, wants Newport Beach, or KI 3·2100. work. HYatt 4·5471. Dm YOU KNOW!TT a>M man would like ~rardenlng. clean ·~~t et.e. Call 10 3·2122. Mel UP1N1&11. f(AJiTED!tronlnc In my home. Ma~ Whitman, fK1T Marcu .. rtt., CDK HA G'1f..l. ;;;;:a i a:non .......... FOR ltEl'IT S·MM 16·MM 35·101 an4 liMM Sound Projecton FAST COLOR FILM 8EBVJCZ Model Airplane Suppla.. ... a ••• ,.._. l'nD lfewport 1Jv4 .. ~,.... Phone Uti1tJJ!!ta WiiiLiii d .... .. nEE I:S'J'DIAn:s SAH Green lt&mpe ,.,_ dellftr7 COROlfA DEL lUll JlftJUDY HA 1038 71U E. Cout aw,. coMJLZJt •AIHJ&I PAPZB BAJf<JIWO -f«Z JU 21'78 ( ............. ) CUCI:If& 0. IAWfDal liOO .,.. ..... w......, .... .Oif TBOUE. 2123 UDJoD St.. eo.ta Meea. tackle. Jaalor. ao paat ...,.n.ac. .... u... 5 ft. ......... 80a IIIAPEJL 411 llamlltoa lt.. eon. ..... todde. Jwaior. ...... juaJor YGnJty IDMDhft, 115 u... 5 ft. 11 laclll-. IWWY.WO'fCHBa ..... Tan Take fhldl PlcKe . • As Anaheim Wins Tille Mewport Ha.rt.or Tan "-tt.e Anabelm Coloalttl .. amped · · · - alumni wm h tJM ftnt buill«· tbae M~ Hanor IJ'an 71 to 1 IVIIIft UAGVa IT~ ball 1ame ot t1ae U.S·M •uon at La Palma Park, Anahetm. to (nnal) at 8 p.m. tllJa Friday a{ Newport win tM 8uDMt Leque varatty W L T PU.Opp Harbor RJp 8ebool. football ehamplonablp Friday AllalMfi'D ··-···-··..e 0 0 188 " Alumni at 1151' wtn pi&J dM nJpt. Santa Ana ... -.. -.4 1 1 75 82 ttnt quarter, alumni of liM the Anabelm led the leatue with Newport Harbor 4 2 0 99 86 second quarter, alumni ot 1M atx wtn.t. no 1oe1ee. Santa Ana Fulllnon -·-.. -·..3 2 1 It 13 the third quitter and combined cleteeted 11·7 by Santa Monica 1~ Huntlntton Bh 2 4 0 108 't05 alumni will play the ftnal quar-a non·•tu• came Friday n•cbt. Garden Grove .... 1 5 0 61 144 ter. The a1umnl team wm be took.MC:Ond tpot with tow wm., Oranae ·--··-··-···0 ·e 0 150 1!56 coache4 by lob Wetlet, formew ooe clelftt. one tie. The Tan peat 'hr player of 1953, then came In third with tour vlctorles selected u Sunset Leacue tint and two defeats. ltrlnl forward He .. now a pro. The Tara IICONd their lone fealonal bueball play• wttJ) touchdown wben J'ullbacll: Char· Clndnnatt. lie Jerry went over the middle The Ta.rs won the alumni pme on a line buck trom two yards lut year 68 to 66. out early In the fourth quarter. Scbeduled to appear on the Anaheim scored three ttma ln a lumni roster tor 195.1 include the ttnt ball and once 1n the loel Leonard. Pomona eon.,e; third quarter to taUy 27 points. Pete Morrll, Pomona Colle,e: The Colonllita made a net 1a1n ~ W~t. Claremont Men'a ot 220 yards-all by ruahlnc. Colleee; lack West. Edt.on Co., They 41d not try a aJncle pua. and Rolly PuJukt, U.S.C. The Tara made 139 yarcla rushln1 Alull\nl trom 1954 will Include and 31 yarda on three completed Bill lnloes.. OCC; Fred Neabftt. pauea. The Tara led 9 to 8 in UCLA; Bill Kelter, Stanford, and tlrat downa. ~M~~~ ~~~a~p~~ Members of the alumnJ from they were jult a better ball 1 1955 will Include Paul Neumann, team," aaJd Coach Al Irwtn tol· Stanford; BJJl Wetz.el, Denny lowtn1 the eame. Fitzpatrick, Bruce Knlpp and Quarterback Gene Hubbard Sonny Coane, all from OCC. played the entire game for Hat· Included on the Tar roster by bor and wu voted the player of Coach Jules Gaee w1ll be Paul the eame by the Tar ~quad. The Lorentzen, letterman; G eo r r e eame ended the .euon for foot· Mabee, former Junior varsity: ball play at Newport Harbor Paul Tamura, former B; Denny Union Hlih School. Harwood, junior varstey; Larry aLEX 8V'POIID, 1m M....W. St.. c... .............. ............. ..,.... __ . bM. 1 .. U... 5 ft. I .......... --~-....e..s....a. playw -.......... .......,. Ha~. letterman, and T~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hall, former B. all .enlora. V Juniors will Include Eddie JlSUftg Pope, letterman; Tom Houston, C • ls former junior varalty; Gary ornmerCUI Green, transfer; John Lewt., for· mer junior varsity; Don Babbs. former B. and 10phomore Bob VIllagrana, former junior varalty member. Here Ia the basketball 8Chedule ~or the year: • Nov. 25-Alumnl Nov. 28-WI110n Dec. 2-At Riverside Dec. 6-At Torrance Dec. g........{;allfornla Dec. 1.2-.-So. Count. Tourney Dec. 28--At Pa ramount Dec. 30-Excelalor Jan. 4-Compton Tournament Jan. l~anta Ana lan. 17-At FuUerton Jan. »-Garden Grove Jan. 2t-Oeante Jan. 27-At .A.Dabelm Jan. 31-At Hunt1naton Beach Feb. 3-.lt Santa Ana Feb. 1G-Fullerton Feb. 14-At Garden Grove Feb. 17-At Oranee Feb. 21-Anabelm Feb. 24-HuntJngt.on Beach The varsity wUI play first and the junior varalty second at all afternoon games. At evening games, the junior varsity will play first and the varsity second. B and C team aames wlll be played on the same days at op· poslte courts at 3 p.m. B teams will play tlrat and C teama &ee· on d. The Tar varsJty and junior varsity coach Is J ules Gaee with Jim Mlllet the B coach and BUI Straw, C coach. A HI Neighbor pt·aequalnted celebration wa.a held at Don Martin's Richfield Service, 3636 E. Cout Hwy., at Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar. last w~k. The aeTVlce station ha.a been operated by Don Martin tor the past month. He was formerly manager of a service station In Newport Beach. Mr. Martln re· sides at 1815 Fullerton Ave., Coma ¥eaa, with his wife Carol and son Rlck Edward, 16 months. Manaeer of the station Is Bob Myers. He resides at 1638 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, with his wife. Carla, and 10n, Robert John, 6 mont.h.l. Kt. Martin W&l born In Port· land, Orqon. and mowc1 to t.hJI ara !tw J'8&rl qo. Be le an Army veteran. Mr. M)en .. aoaa Pennsytvanla and hu Uwd tn Costa Mesa tor 10 years. He for· merly worked In a service Ita· tJon In Newport Beach. PT.4 e IIUPU ICIIOOL PTA A panel dlecualon on crea· tlvlty led by Jaue Hoe~rs, cur· rlculum coordina tor of Costa Mesa elementary echools, wu the hl&hlleht of the recent meet· lne of the Ha~ School PTA. Mrs. Kenneth Leathers, preal· dent. announced that a PTA •ponaored movie ltartne the Marx Br011. w111 be held Jn the Mesa Theater at 2 p.m., Fr1day, Nov. ~. Children w111 bring ln canned f~ from Nov. 21 to 23 durlnr the canned food drive for the PTA community pantry at the Undbere School. A Classified Ad in rhe Ens.iqn brinqs immediate results! Celt Harbor II 14-1 I IS and orove it ! ~ IIIIU ~) Stickler Home Is Burglarized A burglar uaed aa open out· aide bedroom door to ealn entry to the Dr. IJ. E. Stickler residence at 3631 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar, Sunday afternoon to es· cape with cub and valuables totallne $124, Newport pollee re· ported. A t80 wrllt watcb wu taken from a d.rftler ud a ., wallet from a tv set In a front bedroom. In another bedroom, the suspect took SiS 1n bUJ.a from a top drawer of a drMMr, a 16 wallet contalnlna .. .eo In cash, a $25 atalnlesa steel watch and a baa· ketball. Popcorn wu Rolen from the houae, betne eaten and ecat· teH!d around by the burelar, po· lice added. * VOlT J-lretbcxBI FoothaDI. Swill rUUL etc. • * RAWLING& lupKb ....W ~ * llcrc:GBEGOR 6 WILSON Goll ,....._DI. .. IEHMa-ARCIIEilY-I'ISIIING-HUN'rllfG MIBCBI.I.MEOUS .-oRTS m:r..l AND GANES -.AUO- JOYI• AND MEirS GEnUaNE tEVJS * WIGWAM lOX * DUDACI: HOODED BWEATBHIIl'I'B AL&c::r •ow --.. --·-··-· LAY AIIDZ roa WUlAI I Balboa Island MDCE MYERS UNION SBV1Cl u. s. loyel Th .. Hospital Christmas Party Is Pl~nned by Zonta Club W..W.. I PolltW119 c-. ...... ~.s.Mc. FIEl rtCK.UP I DELIVERY ~ Harbor JOt4 1701 E. Coe.t Hl9hwey at Avac.edo Cofofte 4el .._.., Learn to Dance A eervSce Pf'OJeet and bla and little meena ot ralalnr money _... aubjecU ot the recent Zonta Club meetm. lwld at the Villa Marina. 1be projeet of a Christ· mu party for the women'• ward at Oran~e County H~ttal wu lntrodueect by Jlelen Stock1on, MrVIee cha.lnn.an. Blanche a.nz received the "tlowen lOJ' frlendahlp'' conage at the meettnr u a tribute to her work u ticket chairman of .ortes will be u.ed to belp brinJ a ZontJan from SWeden to the lnternaUonal convention to be held at Sun Valley next year. Gu.ta at Thunday lu.ndleon In N.wport .._.. Marauertte 'lo.· Itt ot Newport and eo.ta Mea&. alta Boardman and Zeltha Brent ot Balboa lal&nd, Mrs. Robert Patln ot Corona del Mar and Mrl. Jeffrey '1. Burke ot Balboa bland. at the Zonta Club CarnJval held .......... Ia •• early thla month. The award wu .. p ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING :~!!. Helen Norton, dance GltJ .. E.,..,. One ot the little fund·raJ•tna proje<U of the club Ja the Newcomer In Newport City Hall "Zonta Hat." a becom1ne bundle Ia Mlu Barbara Boyd ot CWf ot feathen whlch wlll perch Haven, who Ia part-time aecre· upon any member's head for a tary to RecreaUon Director Rob· nominal fee. Jt wu originally ert Glngrteh, and clerk·aten· loaned to the former Vlrglnla oaraplulr ln the water depart. McMahon on the day she be· ment. HARIOR 1925 1523 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAlt "11•••••••••c af. came Mrs. John Luther. It hu She Ia the daughter of Mr. and •• su--. tJ tte ded th Mrs. Earl G. Boyd of 3tTI Snug --.,..uen y a n e opera Harbcx Rd. M.r. Boyd Ia on ... e Rnest Selection of WaA.,.per in So. Calif. with Kathleen Coleman and u.~ topped the he.ad of Ruth Bar· faculty at Harbor High School. CUSTOM FURNITURE DltA,ERI ES c:ume when she waa toutmla· w1th the math department He treta at a IOro.rlty banquet. The retired lut lune u head of the hat wu a present to put presl· math department of Cbel.wa High dent Eva A.spln trom a member _Scb_oo_l_ln_Bosto __ n._M_ass. ____ _ Dun~r furniture & oc.c.uorias THADEN INTERIORS of the Lynwood Zonta Club. Mrs. A.spln. Maravene Galla· aher and M.ra. Luther attended the recent L)'Yiwood Zonta meet· lng and presentedo them with matching earrings and nec:klace Which Will be rented by that Business Directory 2610 E. Co••t Hiqhwey Herbor 0791 CORONA OE.L MAlt club as a small fund ralaJng pro· DII VUBCE ~====================~~J~~::_:M:o:ne:y~bo::m=-~th=ese~·:_:a~::~· ~--------------------~ •••••e••e•e••••e••················· • I • ~ WHA ... $ • • • • • ~ DOING • • • • • T. M. Hambrook, yourT$phone Manacer in Newport Beach • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Christmas gifts everyone in your family will enjoy # Tlrne wre S!lea, and C'hrlltmu Ia almo.t here ap1D. So why not take a minute out right now and JO Cb.ri8tmu ahoppiDJ for your fam.Uy. Below are aome of the telephone gttta from whlch you eaa chooee. They'll brtag new pieuare to your home not juat at <::brUt.mut.1me but f!Very day of the year. Color phoftee: J'or adclld beauty u4 CODftDltoce ba ......., roca ,_ ... • aot. eo .. ta ,...., •·~· .,...., . .,_.. ••• blue, belp. ,...UOW,or ...,.. AJIIo ill two-toae COJDbtaat..loaa. ~ e.pedally, would be p.-...ct with ua attr&ct.lve gttt like thJa. lpeaker-phonee: You cua ue thJa reo marltable oew banda-free telephone without utt.tq the recetnr. Talk COD· venieatly tb.rouch the m.lDJature mJ. cropbooe. Hear at a dWtaaoa ~h the loudqeaker. Can beu.ed like any other phcme. too. Illuminated dlala: When you Uft the receiver of thla •pecial telephone. the d1aJ lighta up aut.omatlcally. DtallDJ Ia eaay for you even ln total dark· ness. Juat the thing for bedrooDUI and any other dimly Ut pla~ Wall phonea: Here'• aomethlng oo modem kitchen should be without. Dad would find a wall phone handy ln hla workabop. too. It'a "out-of-way" when you're working yet Ia atwayw euy to reach. Take your choice oC attra,.t h·c colors. T1lue ore jt68t o /evJ of the thmg• ft01D ovoiZ.. obz. to IIR4ke JOIU' tel.eplwfte .till more ~ fvl oM ottroctiv.. WAmt you·~ lft4U your c~, coll rot"' telep~ buft..u• ofli" oM tolk U ouer. You'D N IMrpriH4 MID HttZ. U coat• to giw tlaue ""I&IUGl yet ts· ,.,.._,,~ ,..ceiNI ,.,,.. ~M (/ yow coll tiOtD, ~ou'U N nra to uw ~~ M piMt~ 0/ «tiM for CAri.ttMCU. • • • • • IEET • n •IEITIY-Y .. GIIEF ••te~ Chlef ~·tor f« Pacltlc Telephone'• Kewport Beach uchan .. 11nce a., Kn. Gentry bu Men the loc&l fOrce ot. tel•phone operaton ~ from 35 rtr .. 11 yean aao to a current tOtal o( • 1to. Tbe telephone woman h u Ju.t completed 32 yean of aerY· see tn tM .. u a,am. She buaeen at (lnt band the tabulou. powth oC th1l area and reeaU.. for INtance. that there wen. only UIOO telepbon• ben when ahe came to Newport-Balboa. TodaY that number baa pown to J&!SOO and lt'a at.Ul lncreu· tna. Stutt~ IMr c:areer u an operator ln J'ullerton after ll'ad· ualton trom that ettT• hlJh ICbool. Kn. Gentry later 8fi'Wd u a -~ tn A.nahetm. (J\ 1JIO abe wu appolnte4 evenJnr dlJe( operat« In the A.na.beUn omce and wu nam.d PUlleorton dlW In 1132...,... Gentry and Mr hu.aband. OaJe, live at 113 In JC.wport .e.da. S. OWM a DbatmaeY In 'I'M woman'• claQiater, lira. l acqulyn Ruhl !fewpart But.or B1atl and now mak• Cal1fomia at 1"rM:y. ""11M .... twtn 801111. INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty 8.7315 ,. SCBOOLS & DISTJIUCTlOif REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evenl.ng classes for prep4!atlon to pua the State exam. Call or write For I.ntonnatton AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 K. Bro.dway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7.3511 KEIJog 8.2513 Let Me Teach You CIIDIA •AJllfTIIfc Convenient Class Lessons LI 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Itvtne Ave .. Costa Mea& aUJLDDIC su•n.ms CEMENT AND BUILDING All Klnc»-Free Estimates UBERTY 8-6109 IIOWEIII IBA&n:JI&D LET us SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS--SA WS Knives. Sctsaors, Etc. Ube~8-5137 J. A. ldlnc 188 ~ Merrlll Pl., CoSta Mesa •ADITDfc Pllm• IL W. 1 .. Ueerl.led U 8·3321 or lJ 8-512'7 210 Avocado. eo.ta Mesa .......,._r-=-:;-EI I SIUI. P Al!f"'mG CONTRACTORS "Color matching a specialtY'' W«kmanahlp cuaranteed 418 l'emleaf. Corona del Mar Har.!!"ct\.~ !t.s~~~-w ft.U'IODfQ All-TIME BUILDING RECORD FOR NEWPORT --- .... 'nle Newport 8H.d\ BuU4lnr tlJ,OlO; 615 Malabar, Sl&725; l&n1C& Department hu already broken 121 Malabar, $19,4!50; n8 Mala· @ -l •spat .... Its prevtou. reeonl tor yeetly bar, tl7370; 724 Mal&bar, SlB.· •••r=t ..... volume ot buUdJn• permits Ia· 725; 730 Malabu. 118.456; 1431 ...._ IGI sued. and there Ia .Ull more thaJl Bonnie Doone. $17.215. a month to go ~ the boob e J.IDO ISLE ";-. •::v. ':' &re-dOlled for the year. Georee Gaudin, 2-atory, 1-untt .,. .......... .. EA11L II. 11AJ1VE1' of Ill W. llcrf A.._. lkdboa. La DOW aa- Mdatltd wttla ... nc:.atly •· pm1wd I'&Chlltdcd aad lab~ dlftaloa ••• ,. lt ~ of •• A. ....... l&c:Dipocated. Ned....._ a-at~ VIa Lido. ........ to bcmd.le tlae bier:.,., a ._. of I.Dqa.lrt.a ~ ......... aad l.&Pt ill· clutl* .......... ill .....,., to ... tMna o.a.g. Coaaty. BulldJnr lMpeetor Raymond dwelllne at 538 Vla Udo Nord. Glenn reported thla week that lot(),OOO; l ohn Leue. alterations the total for 19515 hu cllmbed at 210 VIa Lorca. $200. over IIUIOO,OOO. The previou. rec:· e KEWPOIIT IIEJCIITI ord for an entire year wu Ot B 18 629 OOt establlabed 1 1951 to uer, cabinets In kitchen, • • · n • 2804 Cliff Dr $1 000· Rkhard the year that the mJllton·dollar· ColiiM, l ·ltorY, 1-~nlt' dwemng plu. permit for Hoar Ho.pltal at 2800 Bto&d •17 980 wu Luued. . • . . With more than a month to go. • aALaOA ISLAJfD there ta a cooc1 chance that the R. R. Morean. foundation at total may reach $10,000,000 thJa 522 S. Bay Ft., $395; H. L. Houser, year. re--llhlngllnr at 121 N. Bay Ft., Here's how the annual totals SlOO; Anna We-Us Brown, addl· compue durlnr the put yeus: tlon at 124 Grand C&nal, $2.000; 1948 ·--··-··· ··--··-··--•• 041.508 :u~am G;ne;· 1-ltory, 1·unit 1949 ... -.. -............... ·-·--4.,414.295 we nr at 1 eul, $13.280. 1950 ............ -.. ·--·--U02.376 e 8ALaOA 1'951 -----··-·----· 8,629.004 Paul Rodet, add bath at 123 1952 _ ......... -...... _ .. ____ S..UO.:MJ E. &y Ave-.. S1.630; I . W. Put· 1953 ... _.-... -.... -··-·-8.002.822 nam. addition at 4.33 M St.. 1954 ---·-··-·--··--7.153.2'70 $5.400; H. H. Mullins, cuard raU 1955 (to date) -·-·--· 1,.822.000 at 303 E. Edeewater, $1~. The BuUdlng Department was e COIIOWA DEL IIA.a able to break the all·tlme record Ch&rlH Chase, carport at 519 durfne the put week beeau.t! of Fernleat, $1 .500: EdJth Peters. Paul A. 1otul.lon, 28, ot HolJy. 14 more permJta for dweWnp on addition at 425 Carnat ion, $3.500. wood. faced a preliminary hear· Irvine Terrace, totalllnJ mor~ • aA1' IB05E.I lne on two counts of felony tlctl· than a quarter million dolla.rs In Max MIUft', add bath at 2522 tlous checlal In Newport Bea<'h value. All of theae permtta werP Vlata. 1750. justl<'e court at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Issued to the Maceo Corporation. • •EWJOIIT this week. The-followtne pennlta were Tf'd Reed, carport at 33 Chan· Mr. JohnJSOn was booked by w uf'd during the put week, to-nel Rd .. $350; Glenn Colt, eye- Newport pollee on the c:hargeA talllng $350.000 In value: brow ov~hanr on earages. 1401 at 2:45 p.m. Wf'dnesday, Nov. 16. e DIVDfE TEaUCZ W. Balboa Blvd., $100; Robert He was arralened Jut Thursday Maceo Corp.. l ·stor:J', 1-unlt BI'OM', n"' signs at 1920 W. BaJ. and ball set at $5,000, which he dwelllnp at 1537 Bonnie Doone. I boat Blvd · S200 ; Paul Jones . did not post. He was charged S17.9'7Q; 1543 Bonnie Doone-. m~kf' room for new bulldJng at with cashing a $93.95 fictitious P>.600; 1437 Bonnie Doone. $18. 111 ' 20th. $100: C H. Church. ca· check at Bidwell's Shop for Men 400; 1519 Bonnie Doone. $17.21 5; bana at 221 19th St., $1~: and a SSO fictitious check at 1515 Bonnie Doone. $1.9,010; 1501 Bushnell Electronic. sJen tor Richard's Udo Market. Newport I Bonnie Doone. $17.9'70; 718 San· Harbor HI F'l and Interior alter&· Beach. on Oct. 26. t&nella $17 970· 723 Santanella tlon" at 3333 Newport Blvd .. ----------------·--· -·------· Sl.lOO; Lorlne C.oo~r waU at Proposed Election Change Brings Varied Comments 205 42nd St.. $l!i0; Hall It Cza- mer, move-four buUdinp from 2226 W. Coa.st Hwy. and de· mollsh two buUdJn.p.. $2.750. Comm~nt.s and quest.loru~ from ment l.a the purest form of cov· CIIITIL the Door highlighted Jut week's ernrnent. We would like to see -- meeting of the!! Woman's Civic: JSOmeone who represents Newport COIICIETE CO. League durfng discussion of the Hlghts and knows ua. · coming e lection on amending Mr. SteUensen -In Newport I.Jb.dy 1·5501 the council election provtalon.s In Heights your representaUve was 135 c--dcll w., the Charter. elected by the majority In your COSTA IIEIA JAMES D. RAY llll'lnc a ..... .., 1-446 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA OR WAA HAtMr 47U a...w-!~4196 LUll Fll_. '" •uu LOu CoDIItrudloD Locma ~~ .. Y'U&LOU sa .oa unu::a Pllrler l11fpp C.. 1515 L c..t Jtwy .. CDJC ..._ u n• a s.s111 (~!.He r.u ... h8dll) Speaken~ were J. Leslie Stf'f· district. U.hwl~ 0.... 1• fen.sen, who favored luvtnr the-Mrs. Nett - I know; I ran 'ell!l!················-~;;;·a~ Charter u Ia. wtth CouncU mem· agalnat hlm. P ben elected at wa• for eac:b of Mn. Kel ~ elee· the leftn ~ &Del Andrew tiona mlaht •tanalate ~ In W. SmJt.h.. wbo supported the ~ anli ween would propoeed amendment. whlch pro-t7y to elect people who are con· vtdea for election of councilmen sclous of the whole dty. by the-voters In each district. Mrs. Waldeck _ Under the During the du~uaslon that fol· praent system one group can lowed the foii<'Winr comments control the whole city bfocau~ ~=====~ ,... C.: 1 ... -Dt 1 t .. AAipb.alt ,.. -Rubber :m. ,...._y .... ,.. CIILT-~ 115 E. ~~ lt. c:.t. .... LmUn a.as2 22 Years ln Oranee County ==-====~ were made: any one can run In your district Mrs. Carl G. Waldeck -We Mrs. Duncan Stewart-A CN R b rt F b were dls.satl5flf'd with the old taln eroup <'an put In a counC'II 0 e or es set-up because the councilmen the-y want u they vote at larg~ In the past didn't represent us. with a lot of money and powt>r B U 1 L D E R but rather the city at larce. Thill Mr St ff 1 ill still true. . e ensen -t would bt" Mr. Stefftonsen-All of them euler to have control ot thE' dis ~=::::::::i~;;;i::;;!2!ZB:;A~r:b:o:r:::::;:.:' =· ='=1=0=1=======:::::. represent aU the people-. More lrfct than a district u a whole. r people vote-agaJn.st people th&n While there ls no political power c for people-anyway. here now one could later appear osta Mesa Lumber C o. Mrs. Forrest Allinder _ Don't with a lot or money. you teoel that you haven't given Mrs. l ack Flore-r-I resent thE' the present s y a t e m a fair lnference about mont>y buying LUMBER BUD.DING MA TERlALS chance! What's to stop ea<'h votes. It ill not necessarily money ll...,..rt - cou nell man from votl ng on Jy to that gets the vote out. Sl nCE'rl ty ipiiiiiiiiii;;iiiall9d..iliieo.taiiiiiiilli..aiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.iiiiil01iiiiil~ benefit their dt.trlct and retus· and hard work for a cause will lng to vote on anything else! do lt. Dl..strlct elections might Col. Smith-In all leve-ls of bring the elections doee to the govl.'rnment the people elect people 110 that more people- their own rl.'prt"Sentatlves and I would fe-el they were partldpa· t.hey work together all rlrht tine In the government by belne Why ket>p on trying here what I more familiar with thelr own dOt'Sn't fit~ representative. MN' Robert Marshall -New· ------- port Bearh Is a Jot smaller than OCC IUD TO PLAT the supervtJory or assembly dl.s·l The Orange!! Coast Colleee pt. trlcu; the-people sho\lld have a rate band under the dlre<:tlon of common Interest In the city. · Howard Kay wtl march ln the Col. Smlth-Uttle ones make HuntJngton Beach Santa Claua up big ones. parade Dflc. 9 and will play ln Mrs. l ohn Nett-City .rovem· the Junior Roee Bowl on Dec. 10. Jim Whyte GENERAL INSURANCE Have (weatherproof washdays" onelooltwilltell ..• • • the modem way ... with an electric clothes dryer SEE YOUR DEALER NOWt \,\'I I I A IUJW1 Of p.rk and rilcfta· week. Tile JI'OifUft " on an a · don ~ lacladblC plans pettmt'Jltal bula. Tbe lebool .. for tutUM kqu ... tJon. Ia be~ tumlahlnl tbe eq .. lpment and prepared lilly a.er.aUon Director the city turnlahtna the --~· Bob Clnartcb f« tbe l{ewport alon. Park connnl•klo memben Beech Park ~tDn. hope to enla.rp the procram to COmrnJ..tonen want tbe wr· Include all the IICboola. Vf!1 to tltud)' Won eettlni·UP A study ol city ordlnan~ baa their budget for next year. revealed that property ownen on Mr. CIJlll1cb bu reported that harl Ave .. Balboa lalanct. can a t1Ue .earcll Ia In ~ on remove the larp popular treN two Jots propoeed to be added to fn the city parkway In front ot four dty-owned lots near Chan-their home., but must p.,-the nel Pl. and 44th St., Newport CCMrt after rettlnl elty permit· Beach, for the planned Channel &lon. CornmlsaJonera have voiced -• & IOIIfiiOII .... 6ew U... .S.. th d ire that --........ ...., .._. .. ~ ..... 6"1 wlddt Park. He aaJd the owner of the e es .. ~ .. -... ,. owners tolliiNd tile • ..._ .. hr ~ lltalge4 cdoot Jots Is In AlukL buy small trfoes to replace the __________ ..;_ ___ .....::.. __ .....::.. ____ --------------- A aoltbaU park for younger poplar trfte whkb have boated o· bl d v t E t rt . d bo,. and a triangular public cement •tdewaJu and aent roots IS a 8 8 5 n e a In e sWimming beach are planned for up Into Jawn.a. Property owners w h d p the area. He said be would llke must pay the coR ot repair1n& •ft o•lnner an rogram to have thls park project In the sldewallu. At an earlier meeting budget for next year but it P r 0 Pert Y owners protested mi ht be dela,yed by the legal against the trees. gk eed d to obtain the two A recommendation was tor-~ n e warded to the Newport Beach a0111foro IIATCBU nmoww Membera of a kld gang have been throwing burning b ook matches on roof tops In the neighborhood, C. E. Van Hall of YOU till IIRIID .. F;om 50 to 60 boya are taking clty council to permit people on part in the city recreation pro· Newport Island spending their gram from 9 a.m. until noon own money to beautify the two· each Saturday at the Horace En· lot park at the entrance to the aJgn School. he reported at the Island. After the lmprovementa More than 20 disabled veterana were entertaJned last week on Wedn~y by the American Leeton AuxUiary Unit 291. VIn- cent Cuaum.no of the Legion hwt prepared a apagbett1 dtn· ner for the veterana. which w aS aerved by Auxiliary members. monies for the program, which 424 Helltrope Ave., Corona del Included DoUy Stewart at the Mar, complained to Newport pla.no and the "Harmony Croup, Beach pollee Friday, Nov. 11. He women Martnea from El Toro. asked o~lcers to lnveatlgate, Gltt.s for the disabled veterans claiming that the gang attempt- were provided by local mer· ed to tear the mirror off. hla ear. chan~ --~~-----------.~~~~~~~--~iH~~~ .. ii Other projecta of tlte Legion P com taln the park, It was reported. Commander of Post 291. Frank Moore Jr., was master of cere -:==========:::;:~~ark~~~rnlaa=:::•o:n~m::ee::::tln::!~lu;::t are made, the city would maln---------------------------------------------- .UIHIUCI ~ Victor Hugo II COIOIIA E lUI ala. colorful IUILR IELL •1 L COAST lliiiAY Telepe,one HAIW ml M~ tMUJ ~twJ4. DADQOA.ft'ED ro• IIDDIES' TIYS, ............. 3101 E. c.c.t Jlwy. at J-\Mt c.-a del llcm <Next to All American Market) IIADOaU. * AIM at 5ZI E. -.cl lt.. Ia LoDg aeocta * 0... n.wCAt#NtnFI• A£,..., ~=:t~-~~ • P.ty Accommodation& West 5th St. at Santa ADa BiYer * "--~-SANTA ANA PH. II 3-8311 LIRIA TIAYB. SEIVICE • IAUOIDI ~ • TOUU ller9tag '!'be Coanal Area P• K_,ly 10 Teaa Ill Ocleaa Aft. 8yatt '-1111 Harbor Students Promoted By ROTC at Claremont Harbor area students who have received promotions and awards In the ROTC Battalion of Po- mona College and Claremont Men's College Include the fol· lowing: Bruce Cordon Baird, 1952 grad· uate of Harbor High, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Baird, 2142 Mira- ma r, Balboa, has been deslg· nated commanding officer of Company D. He Is a senior In Claremont Men's College, and a cadet first lieutenant In the ROTC battalion. Richard W . Larkin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Larkin. 265 1 Bayshore Drive, Bay Shores, has High, has also been designated commanding officer of Company B. He Is a senior In Pomona Col· lege, and a cadet first lleuten· ant. William M. Jeffrey, son of Mrs. Phyllis Jeffrey, 312 Nar· clssus. Corona del Mar, ls a member of the Battalion Color Guard. He is a junior In Pomona College. and a cadet sergeant. 120-30 Club' Is Organized been promoted to cadet flrst "Keys In the car," an lnterna· sergeant. He Is a senior In Clare· tiona] project of the "20·30" Club mont Men's College. to draw people's attention to the Gregory F. Wright, son of Mr. car theft hazard, wlll be the pro· and Mrs. Roland A. Wright, 2910 ject for the newly organized 20- Cllft Drive. Newport Helehts. haa 30 Club o1 the Harbor area. been designated a member of In order to receive a charter the Battalion Color Guard. He Is from the lntentatlonal organlza· a cadet aergeant flnt ct.. and tlon, young men o1 thU terVioe has been a member of the drlll club muat co~ a 'PrOJect. team and JUte team. Be ts a More than the '10 ~ve 1953 craduate at Newport Hat· member's neceaary to a pply for bor Hlgb School and a Janlor in a charter h ave ahown an Interest Claremont Men'a College. In the club, acconflng to Dick Tom Henderson. .on ol Mr. Krull of Corona del Mar, who Is and Mrs. T. W. Henderson, 430 acting chairman of the new VIa Lido Nord, Lido Isle, bas group. received the Dlstingulsbed Mill· Other temparary officers In· tary Student award for outstand-elude Allan Thomu of Costa lng scholastic and ROTC W'Ol'k. Mesa. secretary; Dick Miller of Tom, a 1952 graduate of Hatbor eo.ta Mesa, treasurer ; and his LECAL lfOTJCE brother, Robert MUler of Costa p Mesa. project chairman. Meet· Xotlw of Sale of ll..s 1 opert1 tnas are held weekly at 7:30p.m. at Prt9Gte lcde • No. PASADENA P-14,157 at the Sea.sport Landing Restaur· ln the Superior Court of the ant on Mariners Mlle. State of California, In and for the The 20·30 Club wu nrst or· County of Los Angeles. ganlzed In 1922 at Sacramento In the Matter of the Estate of with the Idea that ''Youth, to be served, must aerve," and It Is !~~ Pattlaon' Sheuby, De· fitted particularly for young Notl~ ls hereby ctven that the men between the ages of 20 and undersigned w1ll sell at private 136. As a service club 1t sponsors sale, to the highest and best bid .1Iocal phila nthropies with. three der subject to conftrmatlon of I main national projecta. the ld Superior Court on or after "Keys In the Car" project, a :e 28th day of No~emHI", 1955. constant drive against rheumatic t Ita Trust Department at 160 fever, a nd the orlc1nat1on of ~ Colorado Street, Puadena, "aafety Sally," the little girl sign County of Los Angeles, State of used at crosswalks. Calltomla, all the right, tlUe and Interest of said ch!ceased at the AI K h 47 ttme of death and all the rteht. I m.! U n 1 1 title and Interest that the estate ~~!~-::: .. or·~ of Balboa Dies other than or tn addftl011 to that of said deceued, at the time of Mrs. Alma Jtulln. 47, of 1!104 death, In and to all the certain Ocean Blvd., Balboa, pasted real property altuate In the away after a abort Ulaeu In County of Orange, State ol CaJJ. Hoag Me morIa 1 Ha.p!tal on tornla, particularly de.crtbed u Wednesday, Nov. 16. foUowa. to-wit: Fueneral ~ tor Mrs. Lot Five (5) ot Block TWm· Kuhn were held on Prld_,, Nov. ty-two (22), ''Eut Side Ad· 18, In St. lames Eplacopal dltJon to Balboa Tract." u Church, Newport Beach, con-mown on the Map recorded ducted by the -.v. Jobn l'arlces, In Book 4, Page 20 ot M.18eel· church rn.lnJ.Rer, lntemebt wu laneou.a ~~a.-. ~ ot Or· private. ange County, c.lJtorn1a. Mrs. Jtahn had retlded In the 1be above delcrtbecJ JII'O· lla.rbor area r. -tale ~ .ven ~ Ia a.t.o lmGwll u UOI ,..... SM 1e larllw<t by ller Eut Balboa Jloulftard, Bal· bubud. WJWU:l K. JtUhn; • boa. caJJfonda. 80D. WlWMI &. It_... h .: her TenM at sale cub In lawful IDOtJMr, Mn. AliDa IrWin ot E1 monq or 1M UoJW ..,_ 9ft c.r~-. eaut: a -.t, ,.;.. 1. E. c:onftnDadon ot ea1A ot l*t eub OarcJoa. and fourtb bfotb.., and ~ ~ b1 note w tllla m , AJMrt. John 1111d 111CU1M by llartpp 0t1 Tru8t a..ate. 1rW1D « tile San Fran· Died oe CS.e Pl"'*t:t t~DIOI4. ,._ et.eo -a.ra. ..,._ MortuU)' Pllf c.t fll ...,.trt blct to .,. ill c..oa delMar _. an eharae ...... .. ..... = .. =·=·=-=P'I::::.,= ....... =====;j •.t.ot ..... t.Miawrttina,.. . ... wfll ......... at tbe .... ak1~·~u..aa.• lint publtc:ew. ...., ...... ton ... c ... MWK or AMee~ JrrMA. .. Eueatlllr " .... 'WID f/llf.W. PattiiDD ••• ,,, ... .... w-.... ., .... . ~Jr:J.k~.~ i==,UD IOI!MU All _.,. lit 1.-r . r-:r-=&'::''' • tr·i .... a n.~t;-. ................ _ .. Auxiliary were dltcussed at their meeting held earllet last week at the Newport" Legion Hall. Mra. Robert B r lgga, rehabUitatlon chairman, reported $111 worth of gilts taken to the gift shop for the Long Beach Veteran Admlnl· stratton Hospital a week ago. Mrs. Herman l oh.naon, junior actJivtJes chairman, announced that juniors would receive mem- bership pins. Other reports were ctven by Mmea. Adrian Noel, Tony Boetto, Kenneth Markham, Cecil I nns. Mrs. Robert Tracy and Miss Lorna Johnson were Introduced as new members. Guests were Mrs. Betty Smith, president of the Costa Mesa Le· glon Auxiliary, and Kenneth Johnson. Hostess was Mrs. Tom MIUs. * DIAKOKDI JIOIIIOK uaana * .utaa IPEJDEL JEWELBT PO •. IIEif 1KWELa IT ftiPAm * 00LD evPP LIII'D CVLTVUD nAIIL JEWEI.IlY * SOMETHING. NEW under the sun • • .and stars A Dome Car wwiBa twwo decka- and eve17 •••• •und_er ••--•• I -.) ......... -~~-....... -~-·· ~ ~ -I •• ' ..,.....ei\WAA.~ . . . ' • • ·s c· o o rs ...... ~ .. ....... ..., ...... -•rlftnt't_ • • • IAI .. .................... .... , . ft"'' A .....,. • .,. Jatar. ......... ..a.ct • -,.. ...... '-BY -..,.,, .... , , Jf..-port at)" CounclJ Voted Mocwlay1 Jf01r. 14. to deny the re- Quett Of tiM Lido Shops .u.n. to parddpateln the Chrt.tmu dec· ontloft plan lor the Udo Sbop· ...c.m.. "HOWDY NEIGHBOR!" Jfew resJdeotlta at tbe top o'' old 8011, l ohnny, Ia already en· Goldenrod An .. Corona del Mar, rolled In Corona del Mar School. we wW ... ~ .. ....._. are Mr. and .Mn. Walt« C. Pear· Mr. Monaen held a supervla-.,... wt~ -r .....a -1 .on, who moved 1ft early thLI orlal poattlon with the Los An· .. u. month. The Peanlona ort&fMUy aeJea D&JJy News before it ceued came trom ~~o. when Mr. pubficatlon. He ~rved overseas NOW BOOKING Pee.non wu retlrecl from tbe wtth the army for three years I SPRING CllUIBFJI CbJcaF Park DWb1ct.. lira. Pear· durtnr Worl4 War U. Mrs. Mon· Te 'n. .on &Do worked foe the park .en taught school In La Ca.nada CABIIBEAlf PAGilfG AU. WOMEN wbo know a real nlue wben tb457 Me one. THE CLOnll3 ROBS!! on Balboa laland made a lucky pu.rehue of ortetnal ecarvee by ~===========~i Vera • • . truly eoxqulaJte one~~ = meant to eell toe $1G-BUT- h,.e'a the BIG 8000P -u a PR.E·BOIJDAY SRclAL (WhUe the'T Jut) they're oUerln1 them tor only tU~! Look 1at.. theee lll'ftl't just ordinary ecarva; they're hand·rolled PURE SILit and StLIC CHIFFON, 31 tncha 8qUare, and ln apect.acular tall colors! The prl.q,e. are hand· ecreened! Bec:auae they're auch nice people, they'll even box and &1ft wrap them tor you. The IUP· ply Ia Vf:I'Y llmJted, so don't de· lay eotn1 to The Clothe. Horse. 215 Manne, Balboa laland. -.......... ••rt•• .. '" ........ t.r aaDAniC&'I .. CDM. ........ ,..,.. .. ..... ...., ••••• PJ .... t-'11 __.. ... ••'h I ..t lpulrlntr r. the uaoclat1on, Selly f'leiD1JI( of R.lcbard'a Mar· at ..set that the request was made beeaue the City Hall has .., mud& street ftonta1e In Udo eem.r. .. Councllm.an Gerald Bennett ~nted that 1t the City CounoU would participate tlnan· elally In thla decoration plan, It would have. to participate ln plana of all other bualness dis· trlcta In the city. dlatrlct. The couple have Uved for a few years . In Oranee County tor aeveral • • • ADd"'- yean and came to C.Ona del Newcom ers to Amethyst Ave., MEDITEIIIlAJfEA • save money ............... ..,... ...... ,.. ... r, • • • • • ••• • •• . . ... ~ .. • • • • ••••• • • •• . ... , ~ . . ..,.Oo_ . . ... .......... ,. : ftAU fAaa e A .. . ••• • ••••• Cal1111 ... , dndla tecllrJI W. L LANDIS OB L E. CAIRNS l.u.ty I.JIJI ., E. 17th ... COSTA,MEIA : X P f Q T P 1\ (If ' N 0 .. • • • • A c:aan.-. ,.._.MEJiDous barvaiD ••• wttb eo mucb eye .. , 11111 yoa'U waat oee lew ,...,..u. .....a1 ·-trlft&. JIAJlTIII'S P'UurnraE bca a IM1 lftCIAL tlala WMir -a JIAft.& I UGD SCOOP. 11 .. ..... wttla plallt. CID4 C dec· ....tift ., ...... Jldt perfect ·-.,..... ldtdMa or ludlWCI'f ••• ....s ....,...,. pracUcally arv. DfG "Ell AWAY at 15.15. ht· w pbODe cm4 neene ooe be· c:aue 0... CIN a popalar ...... • • • aDd at tbb ...., low price ..,. pndlct a ..U oat. ~ ""bot"" lt.D .. yoa.r holiday li8b a UAII TalVET tor oaly 75c:. Yoa'U .. IOid oe tb .. • • • cm4 du.na glocl you weNI At ll8tia PGftll~ 1115 Bar- bcw 81~ Coata Neea. U a.51S1. • • • TAKE IT FROM US (we'd like to take 'em!) the best dressed bottles are hanging a r o u n d ISLAND UQUORS this RUOn. You never saw such a terrltlc stock of fancy decanters (tilled with your favorite bourbon or acotcb. of course) and wicker .baskets wttb combinations of liqueurs, hora d'oeuvres, cham· paenes. The re -usable bottle Is "on the house'' ... makes a per· teet rUt tor that apeclal client, ~ relative, apeelal IUY· Klnda' na. too, for your own Olrlltmu lOCk. What could be a happier .olutlon to your Glft L1st than a bottle of hla favorite brand ... a 100% PROOF Sure Hit. lsland Uquors. 220 Marine. Balboa island. HA 1394. Knit ... Ill ........ ,., OIIISTIAS s. Ear .•• s. Qllck WE'LL SBOW TOV aOW As low ca 11.35. wb.lda IDdudM ,..., patt ... GDd you ~ Ellilllllllreqll'! YARN SHOP 1'7C7 L Coast IIJ9bway Cololla del Jlar llA 0157 BOOBS Mon. thru S11t 10 11 m to !'i p m ~ ........ ,... ........ u ......... eC ... Jwctrr -wM illb:aalf owa a 11ft. Nly -~· ... _, awpel6 ...... ,... ...,. ....... ....,... ........ et tlall bad· _ _._ .. ., ~-... ~ ........ -'"· ............. p ... loU.. ..-t tbu ""It ....,.,... Jldt .... ... Gild 6111 Jlcataow a.~. T bat • a ID:aDATJDcrs TV. 2751 E. eo.t llwy .. CDM. • • • Everything about Mona Tal- bot's ahop REFLEC"J'S eood ta.ste. You see It In every MIRROR ... for mirrors are her stock In trade! She apeclf..llzes in wall decor, both residential and com· merclal, but don't let that stop you lf you want something more "personal" . . . tr'ln.stance, an antiqued Perfume Tray (the Very Latest Thing accordlne to Vogue) or a mirrored Shadow Box ... and, for a real Conver- sation Piece, a mirrored LAVABO A.ND SCONES! Last week ahe featW'ed Luau Llte Candle. at $1.50 and sold out. But hanr on; ahe rushed another order and you atUl can get one In time for your Thanklgivlng table center piece! Call HA 5403 and have her reserve one for you. MONA TALBOT, Dlattnctlve M I r r o r s , 2760 E. Coa.st Hwy., CDM. City Manaeer 1ohn . SaUon aald that perhaps nut year the City Hall could tie In with an over-all decoration plan for the Udo Shopplnl Center. (Advert!Mment> Your Health IIEADACBD OPTD1WE, DA.IfQU SIGJfAL l. E. He~Mfrlcb, D.C. Although a headache ls a palft. ful experience, oftentimes the one who sutlers from It should be thankful, tor It Is an Indica· tlon that aomethlng is wrong with the mechanism of the body. It l.s like a red light on the rail· road track that wam.s one to stop, look and listen. Headacba may mean that somethJne ls wrone with the llv· er, the stomach, the ears. the eye. or other organa. It's the be· glnnlne ol preventable Illness. and It comes as a wamlne In time to repair any Initial mla· chief and ward oU the ultimate consequences. Ta klnr an aspirin or other drue to relieve the head- M E M 0 T 0 G u Y s WITH ache Ia like the ostrich puttlne DOLLS : there's a arand selection his head In a hole In the ground of DIAMONDS at Roberts Jewel· to avoid danger. The drue may ers, all (lawlessly cut and temporarily relieve ~ p&ln but mounted. Next surest way to wtn will not remove the cause. hft approval Ia a Bulova watch Chiropractic adjustments re- or a piece of Robe co.tume jew-move the cause ot many types elry ... a aure hit wtth any ot headache and may avert fu· Ml.ss. Or have you thought about ture trouble. Mar from eo.ta M.eaa. Balboa laland, are Mr. and Mrs. • Stealublp. -.a.1111. aa.u.. • • • Robert B. Bernard and their three • Hotel ........_. U Alfred 1. Mon.sen Ll speak· children, Including Bryn and • Toun • ,...._...1'lctleel Jne to hla wtfe, Ruth, they've Bret Bernard, three·year-old twin * 110 IEBVJCE CIIAIIG& * probably already healed their ss.ter and brother, and a little dltferencea ln lut Saturday's daughter. Brooke, who is 21 MUTUAL nmt football eame, becauw be l.s from months old. Mr. Bernard 1s su -AGENCY SC and bJa wtte trom Ua.A. How-~rlntendent ot clalms with State ever, they have manapd to over· Farms Mutu-.1 Insurance Co. ln • Harbor 1248 come ~lr traditional rivalry Santa Ana. Before coming to the Coline Glbbona, Dorothy • each year-in tact they really Harbor area, the family lived in McKfmDA. Mar~ertte =• .._ met 'tJuouah ICbooJ activities. Manbattan Beach. Mr. Bernard is eo E. ,.. __ _ • r. -..u-.-wy. at They moved to Opal Ave., Balboa a former U. Commandft with I&Jand. to 1et away from smog ;.Niiialiv;iiali.iiAiiviiilaiiiUiiioiiln~. ~--~~-.:.!:==~===tro=m=P:.O::; .• :CD=il:l==:: and hay fever. They came to the r Harbor area from La Canada and previously llved foe ten yean ln San Gabriel 1bet.r wven-year· ' flOW llb1.D* fndudel 4 IWimmmg pool and clublaovte for ruUient. of the fleW Hakcrul UNIVERSAl TOASTMASTER PII£11ATIC TIAST£1 .... '····· Actle• ..... -lc.n, .... ......... ...., It.._,. l•t ..• , ••• ...... "-" II 1 It e • I f . ..... ,.f'fecot -. $2750 I IIlLI IEPIIIT Wll IIIII YMI a:T! 21.15 116 2-SLICE *CROWN HARDWARE* •A IIOOSEIIOLD DUUliUJif ITOU"' We ...... Cnnna Starpl * We Cut Eeys * we aa .. CrowD I ..... a necklace ot carved abalone Plaoaet J1arbcw 5471 • 451C JIDM)a 132 shell or antique ear rings from '1'110 Canaatloa. eon.a del JC an estate! And for you gals :=====;::=====ar=:.!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~tn;;EAST;;;;;CO;;;AST;;~m;;GBW;;;;A~T~'====~OO;IIOJI;~A;;D;a.;IIJ;;a~La~ who're on the hunt for the Right Man's glft, bowz about a hand· tooled leather wallet or aDver I'D01leY ellp f A pen "n pend! aet « -hold everythfng! -~ smart eold cuff Unk& so "man tailored" he'll strut around all day In his shirt sleeves. Huny on over ... they're Cull of good suggestions at ROBERTS 1EW · ELERS, 2231,1 Marine, on the Island. P.S.: Use their Lay-Away Pla n. • • • 1>00 goae. It l1Da11y 1acqt_ . ,...SI A bcmd·....a ~ 1>00 COLI.D & LEASII STUD· DE.D WJ'I'B JEWELS • • • eo ...y lllaDJ ..,..,. thtpkl"t' of leo41D9 • dot"• w.. ,.... 1EJfE OBJGDIALS, adualft wltb on. JCMI'daD'Io ..u .. IS.m cm4 CIDIDe ID GD ocMatle .. Jewel ca..'" DO IMal (Dow1a. Pldo • • • ...-'11 pt yoa ooe.) Of c.'IID'a.I'M. U yog•,. looldDg for ... et.bia9 a.~tra-faacy. ben'• tbe Last Woard ID CGDiDe fl. aaya a delaa jewel coller plua an •.-..y clay"' spare • • • IlLiiS. Ob. oae now-Spe· dell ..... ..... up to Dec. IStb lit TilE JOBDAR'S. 2"732 L eo..t Bwy.. CDJI -a good ploce TO PET. VILLA MARINA ISSUIE YOU OF November Weekly Specials PLEASURE IT GRUnY lOUCEI PRICES Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Thanks- , g1vmg Day 20 26 21 22 23 25 During the above calendar w eek. except THANKSGIVING DAY. we Wlll serve a NEW YORK STEAK (bone in for flavor) for $2.50. Or. if you prefer seafood. our HALIBUT DINNER w1ll be $1.50 this week. Continuin9 with their ~icy of designatin9 certain of ~eir regul.r dinners at a grutfy reduced price during specified p~iods as indic:.ted above Villa Marina restaurant offen weekly specials. lllanksgiving Day Menu U1 -• ), • ,Ctfl _s.;; ... Iced Relish Bowl s., ·ed ,A,,.,.,-~o 'Tamily Nights" Color TV Consomme Celest .. ·e or Cream of Ct-den Sc-.p at Tossed Green Salad, Spec t~l Sour Cream Dress -c on Villa Marina For Y CHW Dan~ing Feet • e e BiqScreen Roast Oregon Brot~d-breasted T ur~ey. Oyster Dressing, G iblet Gravy. Cranberry Sa~.oce Broiled Center Cut Swordfish Stea~. Maitre d buHe r Baked Sugar-cured Ham, Cumberland Sauce 300 2.75 3 so Tunday • • II '·- II11IIIY WFEA twa FlEE LESSIII AT TBE Di&OB JIVDAT DAJICE ITU'DJO Df COIIOifA DEL liD Tl TIE FIIST 1• PDIIHS --EIITI r• ..... ......... ·----...... , . ........ _ ........ ICE in Lounqe e SPORTS e MUlde Roast Eostem Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus, Y orbhire Puddin9 -··-·-··-·· Broiled N.w Y or\ Steeb. lordeleise ... Snowfla~• Pot•toes or Candied Y oms with Menhmallows and Walnuts l!!!!L m sh G arden Peas or C auliflower Au Gratin Home Made Rolls and Butter Coffee or Tea Ice Cream or Sherbet Pump~in Pie, W h;pped Cream or Hot Mince Pie, Brandy Sauce After Dinner Mints ~.00 ~.so Child's Thonhgiving Dinner evaila~ et I .50 Call Villa Marina--Harbor HlO for Reservations The Mew lloDaybeM play tar Saturday Dancing at v-..,-Nadaa F• VIla M I•• r•••nat~aaa ..... ~ .._ Thunckry F'me Food I e Wa-IIIIAY, _,.. II Hope Scott. 31, ol tm federal so u a ern .PORT . · loe &. caa..on and Dan E. St., eo.ta ~. on Cout Bwy., lldn1a, bodl .ot US3 llaple St.. Newport Beech, cauam, tbe ear eo.ta llleN. 8Ufteec1 Injuries to swerve to the right and jump and were t.aa:n to Boar Memor, a curb, Iandini tbe c-.. In a lal Ho.pttal aft« motorcycles parkway without damare .•. they wwe rtcttnc coWded on Clothing valued at St-5 wu .to· Cout RW}'. near Intne Terrace len from her clothesline, Grace at 10:05 pm .... Ot.tken quar-CroaJe-r of 211 N. Bay Front. Bal· anttned a doc which b tt WWla.m boa Ialan<l. reported . . . Lombardo. 8. of 101 VIa Jtavenna. e nmAY, JIOV. I t LlfhiNA llfl. 1\1,4;.' •·4 •, 'IH/~ Lido lale • · · Jack Oodwtn of A canary wearing a blue band SantaneUa Tr.. lrYtne Terrace, with the number 54 on It new r~ed the thett ot bU d.aurh· Into the Newport post ottlce and ..... nn ""·a ......... _,_ Otnr·A::...: m r• t er • ItO bicycle • • • Ottlcer were t k t t h Th unable to locate three &mall was a en o a pe .s op. e boys reported breaklnr beer bot · mother ot a Corona del Mar boy, ties tn drlvewa~ in the 300 13, agreed to repair a window block of Marouertt Ave. Corona damaged by a BB pellet from her •. e • son's gun In the home ot Mrs. C. .. _ ... ___ _ del Mar, at 3.15 p.m. · ; · .. Mra. E. Allison of 513 Orchid Ave., Lonnie VIncent of 332 'L St., Corona del Mar ... Cars driven Balbo.-. reported the theft of a by Charles J. O'Grady, 22. of El purse from b~ car In a parkJnl' Monte and Laurel Ann Weod.sen. lot near Newport Blvd. and VIa 16, of 308 Poinsettia Ave. Co- Lido, Newport Beach: the PW'M zona del Mar. were lnvolv~ ln contaJned about $!50 cub, a wal· an accident In front ot 6604 W. let. pair ot glasses and ldentW· Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, at cation papers and mak·up . . . 7:.26 p m. 'IWo Newport John Scudde-r of 14.5 N. Bay Beach broth~· 14 and 17, re- Front. Balboa Ialand, reported oenUy h aving moved ffom San the theft of a 13~·foot boat Joee with their parents.. were valued at $500 from In front ol taken Into custody by Santa ·-·--·--·--..... ...... -.--.......... .... ............ _ ..... ..._ ·-I'CIW STAaTS WED... JfOV. 30 ,. that address · · · Barbara sherl!t's officers on run· e TBUBSJ>AT. JfOV. 17 away charges ... Lee Axford ~~ Madonrta R. Davia of Sl2 Sea• JUversldt> reported hearing a ward Rd., Corona Highla nds, nt· ~Cream !rom across the channel ported the theft of a red leather which officers found came from wallet containlng 175 caah, lden· two couples on the Corona del Uflcation papers. car reglatratlon ~ar main be~fh who were and two personal checks tor $6 playing around and were sent and S5 ... A cable came loose on their way· · · on the fire escape on St. James e SATURDAY. JfOV. 19 School and the fire escape would Vandals cauSt'd approximately remain to obstruct the sidewalk $10 damage to a shutter on the until repaired the next day, building on the end of tht> Bal· church officials notified pollee boa Pie.-... Mrs. R. K. Davis of ... T. A. AtJdnson of 3225 Ocean 4908 Seashore Dr .. Wt>st Newport, Blvd.. Corona de l Mar, reported reported that boys on the cll!f the theft of the license plate across from her home were from bls car wblle parked at shooting and she thought she Newport Harbor Union Hlrh could hear bullets fiylng around School . . . A right front t ire but the boys were gone when of· '!!f.C~r~r~r~z~re~r~r~r~r~a~nt~,~-~nt~'lt.~'lt.~'l...~,-~'l...~'l...~S....~'l...~lll~b~l~ew~~o~ut~o~n~t~he~c~a~r~ot~G~I~o~rl~a fleers arrived ... A group sh oot. lng against a hill In the upper bay about a half·tnlle south of the salt works were gone when officers arrived . . . A burglar alarm started ringing at 6:02 p.m. In the Brandt's Department Store. 3321 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. but officers could fi nd no sign of a forced entry ... Bruce E. Barton, 18. student of 2079 FE'dPral St.. Costa Mesa, and George G. Dodd, 18. stock clerk. of 111 VIa J ucar. Lido lsle, were arrested at 10:58 p.m. at VIa Lido and VIa Oporto, New· port Beach, on charges of posses- sion of an alcoholic bev.erage. NOW •• L.i il'£1iAci:·: 'I~H RIJ) )Ill R~ . ~ ..... -...~:DAILY Walkers ~~ SANTA ANA-art a& a.la m • • DRIVE-IN ...,-~·~· . /} ~ :·I·'' \.V THEATRES .._., ~ COMI AS TO V Alii ._. IN T f fAM ILY CAll I aoJr:D.AY "''JJaV ~.AY I I u~AY • ...,....,.y I 8llow elaiU a t f:OO .. OW ft.Aaft .AY •• • CARTOON C.I\P ~IVAL FBL SAT. & Stnf. '* ·• Til(· \ II \\ I I{ I I\ 1 1 II 111 PU\11'1·~ 'Ill \ll 11 "' . II ''· .. ~. · l Vc~vt (_),,,,\( '11 · :~· A'R\C~~ \..\0 "Siacerely Yours" Also -"RETU'RK OF JACK SLADE" e Sl11fDAT. JIOV. 30 Mn. Wln.ltred Hatok ot 314· 35th St., Newport Beach. report.ecl h~ blaek nlne·toot row boat mt.sslng from the bay front at 35th St.. Newport Beach ... Larry Schwart7.. of 605 Poinsettia Ave . Corona del Ma r, reported hls black and white blcycle sto· len from the Port Theater ... Eric von Ehrenberg of 611 Poln· settia Ave .. Corona del Mar, re· ported the theft of a black bl· cycle from the Port Theater ... Rebe«a Hawkins, 3, of 502~ 31st St., Newport Beach. was taken to Hoag Memor ial Hospital with severe damage to the Up and nail of the middle finger of her right hand when her brother closPd a door at 502 31st St .... Letters valued at from $6 to S8 were stolen from a sign In front ()( th<' P. A. Palm<'r Co. ofCice at 3333 VIa Lido, Newport Beach ... e MOJfDAT. JfOV. 21 Gay von Mills, staying at 2101, 33rd St , Newport Beach, wall takt'n at 1:15 a.m. to Hoag Memorial Hospital. where her ~tomnch was pumpt'd out after she r£>portedly took an ovedose of pills prl'<>crlbcd by a physl· f'ia n Shop in the Crossroad Village HCIJDIY SPECIAL I I I PDIIBT WIVE 11111••1 lllr SIJfla .. aart•• I Ill FJJEN"S BEAUTY SHOP, 35, If. Mewpowt BIYd. Uberty i·2C12 .. 'De a ••• , ... Yw..e ......... 11ft n. Oth.eor ,uta may be the wronc .a., color, « lt)'Je. And to eome Jtemj people may be m.,p:. lut eveyone recoplzn the care ancJ thou1ht that .toe iftto a .dlt ol Health, wbJch Jutl fer be'J'OIId the HoUISaT . SIMOn. 1r1tb . your ,ulda~~<:e, Ncb ,aft Je taJ..IoNd to tiM IP, ... t'8 GIWII ,..OilaJ neeck. Otww an attraetl\le 'lbalft Gift c.tUlcate. ..... ~ 5 ... ......... City Council Delays Decision On-Bids· for· Police Cars Kewpon Clty CouDclllut -..ek delayed ftnal action OD the award of bldl on two can to be UMd u replacementa tor polJce du~. MlU• Che\llolet Oo. .u.bmJtted the low bJdl ot SlAa and $1..117 fc. OJdemoNie .... ext low bldl ~ aDC1 11.834 I« Ford lnt submitted by Theo Roblne. • Denied the 4amare claJma of Joan c. Smith tor JT,m and P. w. Smith tor 8'n50 for "trip an• tall" lnJW'I• .uttered Aur. 18 near 22nd st. and w. Oeean J'r'Ont. Newport. • Approved the requellt of Earl Bapel.l tor UcenM for ambu· lance MrVIce at 409 E. 29tb St., Newport. • Approved the reque.t of Fanya Devttt tor Ucerwe tor danclnr academy at 2912 E. Coast Rwy., Corona del Mar. tWOW1'. iiO'fiMIDM. ... IIIALL GIPTI & ooi.UC'IO• rrua From Belrtu.m. Holland. Sweden, Germany. Italy 6 En1land. ·h•••'• ., Jf .............. A-. Kt. Robina explained that be undenrtoocl that tbe pollee de · partment wanted the Ford Inter· ceptora. alnce they were of atur· dler. heavy • duty conttructlon, with bopped up motor. He aa!d be could have w bmltted c11Uer· ent bids l! be bad known that the city would accept pusenger cars. e Approved the llcenae requHt of W. H. 'netz to operate the •••••••••••• 8 E K L T 0 a 'I .. lfaa .C ~ lfoatla• CIW'al'd ,_ ~ llla8 beea awaadecl to a a uaaa. JIJldred III9P of Coast Proper· u.. ~ 1a la1bocL ,.. .....S. __.. fa J'OCI09Il.IUoa for lfalttple LJatiD9 acU.tty. ,.... ....-w ua.a. moatb w u.. lilllai.M8t 8GM mode lD Multtp .. U.tia9 cludD9 tiM moath. Mn. Jli9p woe tbe m•tioa with a .ale of a C:O.ta N ... lot fOI' 13.150. (EuJva Pboto) YUI.!.E PLANS DESCRIBED A giant Santa Claus with a sack on his back will be coming down a chimney atop the New· port Beach city hall at Christmas time as part of the Harbor area Yule season.. decorations. CouncUman Lee WUder saUl he felt that the Interceptor was the car to b uy, and City Manager 1ohn Sallors agreed that pdce cannot be the all determJnlng factor ln tbls cue, because speed and plcJ<-up are esaentJal factors. Cooncll also: • Authorized City Enrlneer Bert Webb to pass on pier per· mit transfers rather than have eacn request come up for Councll action. e Awarded the bid for public llablllty and property damage In· surance to Bay Insura nce Aasocl· ates on the bid of $4,372.62. Jay 6 RenfTo are tbe brokers. e Received another .peUtlon, this one signed by 25 persons on Poppy Ave., opposing street light· lng ln Corona del Mar. "Soon there won't be anyone lett," quipped Councilman Ray Stod· dard. "About 90 per cent ot the orl&'fnal petition s1gners .Ull ap· prove," aald City En&'fneer Webb. e ~lved a request from the Chamber ot Commerce commend· lng the city for JU survey of the business and 10UclUng ordl· nances of the clty, and request- Ing an opportunity to review any pro po&ed new ordlnances before final passage. Santa wiU be approximately 24 feet high and In three dlmen· sJon.s, not nat like many such decorations. Santa's head and mittens are being carved out of styra·foam. Hl.s mittens an three feet long. One of h is lt>es wtu be Inside the chlm~. which actu· ally Is the city hall tower dec· orated like a chimney. Cloth on a wire mesh over a wooden frame will be Santa's body. rt Is being ·-~~-........ covered with a plastic paint and •-r OIW -• later wilt be co.lored. He Is uo· II c.i.., fo ICC der construction now In the city -. corporation yard. Kunechl WateraJ, a Japanese Santa's sleigh and reindeer student. a.nlved In San Francisco will be erected the same as last Monday aboard the President year on the front of the city hall. Wilson on hls way to attend 1 d classes In Orange Coast College. aervlce atatlonJ a t 3400 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar, and 3939 W. Cout Hwy., Newport. chang. lng ownerabJP from Craig Oil to Sunset ou. e Approved the Ucenae request ot Fred Powell to operate the service alation at 3000 Newport Blvd., Newport. e Set Dec. 12 hearing date on proposed annexation ot Harbor HlghJanda and set annexation electJop tor Feb. 14. CIIJ l•ac• Sailers H-,PI•a.lt ... J City Manarer John Sailors and Mrs. Sailors ot Newport Beach plan to leave Friday for Cathe· dral City to spend a week or 10 days while Mr. Sailors recuper· ates from a hernia operation In Hoag Memorial Hospital. Mr. Sailors went Into the hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 15, and came home laat Sunday. ------For letterhe•da. envelooet e.l THE ENS IGN. HA-1114 r t t E GARDENER 'S COHNE::.R The ADswera to YOUI' Gardeaiug Ou..tioua byawP...,.._ QUESTION: Should .shrubs be vouped or planted aepar· ately? ANSWER: Group plantln p of ·nowerlng tten and ehruba or everg.reens In the corners of your rarden wtll Jlive you an easy-to·malntaln oackDound for almost any other pfantlng you want to do. If you Hke the idea you can connect these com et areu with trlm· med hedges. We ba.. a CIDIIIplete l1ae ol fou.D4atloe CID4 • p. c ..... ~ CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY 21" E. Coast Jll9bway ... hrldag ••• btu . -Qo1deDrod ..... ,.. ,., ...... ..... c .... , ... The most enjoyable way to gain physical A mental grace, balance and polse l.s dance Ballet and Tap. Help your daughter thru the ackward years. A Christmas tree wlll be ocate lohn Sailors lr., son ot City Man· near the parkJng lot In front of aeer and Mrs. John Sailors, of Por IDfonDatloe CIDd ~ ft-. •~ Jtl31 the city hall flag pole. Newport Beach, made arranre· II'I'CIItt C-4711. .........,. OllllJIITatt •-4711 co1Ject. Giant candles will be placed menta for the student to come to a-.. Mid Ia .. ..,..... -.Je lt.dlo oC c:::-... & ,...,.,.._ over parkJng raeten In the Bal· th1a countr7. Plana call tor h1m 1112 &.. c.-t -.c-.._...._ At~.-.._,_. nr IN boa &.rM by the BaJiaoa Improve---• ment ~-u am.tmu deeora-tAto~lt~ve~on~~tbe~~collep~~~eam~.~p~u.~d~~~;;:=~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;~~~;;;i tJona. The candles wtll be Hrht· • ect Strlnp of Ch.rlstmu llfhts will alao be stret~hed across Main St. and Balboa Blvd. Shops ln the Lido ~nter area have plans to decorate lamp post tops with wreaths sprayed pink and blue and ga rlands will be wrapped around the poles rolored aluminum. sliver. red and white. Giant 12-foot candles will be lo· cated at VIa Ll<1o and Newport Blvd. on VIa Lido near the New· port Balboa Savings and Loan Assn. and at the Newport Blvd. entragce to Richa rd's Lido Mar· ket parking lot. The Blrth of Christ will be de· plcted In a Christmas ~ne at Christ Church by the Sea. Church young people are working on the scene. The annual Balboa Island Chr istmas party will be held at 7 p.m. Friday. Dt>e. 16, at Marine Ave. a nd Park Ave.. Balboa Island, sponsored by the Balboa Lsiand Business A.un. Christmas carols will be sung and Santa Claus will arrive over the bridge to hand out gifts to the children. T u m b 1 e weeds a re belni sprayed with silver and red mo· bile spirals are being prepared to be hung from tre8 along Ma· rlne Ave. which will be llluml· nated with permanent lights from nearby butldlnrs durlnr the Christmas aeuon. Motorlata driving onto Balboa Island wUl drive under a rlant Della Robin wreath before rotnr ove-r the bridge. The wreath replaces the giant Chrl.stmu m antle of lut year. Harold Chrlstler and Mta. Allee Burke are co·c:Uinnan of tbt bualneu ueoctatJon committee In charce of the PIOif&m. Other committee rnemben Include Mrs. Vera JohMOn. Mn. Clara Spaul· 41nr. lames Bloclptt. Mn. Ruth Pardol l Martlyn I.AM:J, KenMtb Nichola. Lee WeCollocb. 11.-rt· mae Tavt.. lba. 11*'1 SU1Uvan. lin. 'nta Kna~ F.,.& alppe- ~. Mrs. JIJt.a ~ an4 Mta. Dorta lray, a.odatloll president. Ever_y Import a nt ''LITTLE FUR." F a sl1ion ... {j)AASTJ CALLY Rrvucrv! LA Y-AWAY NOW For Christmas Giving MINK STOLES Fully let 0111 skins ••• Ranch-Wild-Royal Pastel ~hllean--SapphUe Silver Blue .... ....., .. $595 MINK STOLES $795 MINK STOLES $1095 MINK STOLES NOW • ---~-• '475 • ' ... ._.-• '595 • • • • '795 lA VINGS UP TO t400 ON Oua J1UMJUK QUAUTY Mn«