HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignLa Verne . Is Said Guilty, Ask Retrial • Robert B. La Veme, 33, of San Gabriel was found euUty ot manalaughter Tuesday evening In the ~ating-death of 21-year- old Richard Perrett of Los An· geles, who died in Hoag Hospital July 23. La Verne asked for a new trial, and Superior Judge John Shea aet hearing date on that plea for 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16. La Verne meanwhUe 1a out on baU. Deferue Attorney Stan Could h•d pleaded eell defense for the defendant, who had chased and beaten Jlerrett alter aeelne him peep Into the window of the La Verne apartment at 12th St. and Balboa Blvd. ln Balboa. Deputy Din. Atty. Stan Could asked for the manslaughter con· vlctlon for the San Gabriel plas· terln,g contractor tor the death ot Perrett. who wu a student at Claremont College and .an of a Los .,geles advettialng execu· tJve. The jury trial began Nov. 14.. 'nle verdict was returned at 9:15 p.m. Tuesday altet 7 hours of de· liberation. ca.aiiA Da.. MA& CAUP. TWUMIDAT, D&CDOD Thi-Is S-D Day; Drive ith Care Tpday, Thursday, La Sate Drtv· their lives and those of their tng Day and Mayor Dora Bill's neighbors are at stake unless all Safe Driving commJttee h&s learn to handle their ears cor· many projects under way to cut rectly. Churches participating are down on trattle accidents not the Balboa Island Community Yule Show only on S·D Day it.8elf but every Methodist. St. Andrews Presby· day. terlan, Costa Mesa Communty Five churches in the Harbor Methodist, Christ Church by the area wJU ring their bella at 10 Sea and Corona del Mar Com· & Sat a.m. and 2 p.m. today, Thwsday, munlty CongTe_tatlonal. F ·~ to ~mlnd motorl.sta to conalder All Boy Scouts In the Harbor r area wUI be statlone<i In stores • • and markets from 4:30 to 5:30 The Newport Harbor Bualnesa Woman Found p.m. today, banding out 5,000 and Profealonal Women's Club sate driving pamphlets. under dl· wtU ~t Its ft.lnth annual u • • rection of WUliam Spurgeon III. CM8tmu Preview Frtday and nconSCIOUS 1n o. w. <DI~> ruchard is chair- Saturday evenmp at the Ben· man and Blll Bernau of the New· deozvoua Ballroom, Balboa. Str t B I port Harbor Unlon High School "Pam.Uy Nlgbt" • wW be ob· ee on • • drlv~ education program l.s CO· ..vect t.omoiJOW fJ'rtday) .w-chairman and coordinator. May . ...a.a.. ~ Jo 8waDiab .. Mrs. DcJI'Mb)' P. Smltb, 32. o1 or Dora Bill and City Manqer eiWnDul tar tile J1"11'UQ. and 3:22~ Marlae Aft.. aalboe Ia· Jobn 8a11on hav. baftd.led IJa.l. iii~SIIiilr ~ -I --.. .. ... louDd •w I FDIIUI, 80ft. 11M atJ fill N.-pod IIHdl ltl E 0 BY 4-3 COl CIL Deco~tlng Contest Set For Harlior ....... In Ardde X ol ~ c::barW, &Dd Permits OK for Devkes at 12 Sites .. 011111 ... _ _.... ~ PI R. • d F one shall ~ elected from eadl = tn!: lla~n.~ be was drlvtng ~~gb::C:e =-t~ Rl= ay IVers• e on .rl ay :eauc~=~9~~~n~~ =~:: ~:cl~~~lnCICUO-IIIF. ~ "Beaeb beautJM'' will off the Island and obeerved the aald. ' The Tar varsity basketball points and Center Bob Villagrana candidates at the times and ln county has an ordlna~ th....,..a~.,.iiw.l:'l'f,, be Marcia ltwln, Carolyn Keeler, woman ly1ng across his traffic team I08t 41 to 52 against Long 16 points for the Tar junior var· the manner provided In this prohibita all ~ of skill ga mes Nancy em. Unda Weiland. lane. A doctor and the fire de-Chest or·lve Beach Wlbon HJgb Scltool Mon· slty against Wilson. Other Tar Charter. They shall serve for a and added that "perhaps we Chtt.t1ne Farquhat, Allaa CoU· pa.ttmen.t rescu~ ~quad were day afternoon In the Tar gym junJor varsity scorers lnclude<i term of four years and until would have ~n wise to have man. Janet Uvlnpton and Kath· called and she was taken Into whUe the Tar Junior varsity won Howard Peterson. forward. l : their respective successors are' consld~~ such an ordlnant'e leen Courtney. Jan Threlkeld her home. Flremeon prOvided oxy-I u t 8 3 0/ 52 to 39 over the Wilson junior Clarence Kemper. forward. 6: elected and qualified," ourselves." wt11 ~ a llteguard, and Tacoa gen and the doctor examined the S p 0 /0 vanity. Stan Schones. ruard. l; Robert The results of the first Coun· Councilman u.e Wildt'r salcf Hayes will repreM:nt Colden woman but could find no evl· Forward Ed Pope taWed l6 Allen. guard, 2· and John Lewis. cil election under th~ new Char· that t he ()Pf'rators should bf" on Daya. ''We have graduated" wtll dence of injury. A total of $23,870, or approx· points, tops for the Tar t~am. lett euard. 8. ter prompted the Harbor Cittzens notl~ that any use of thf> games ~ preeented by Sandy SWeet. Mt. Long told pollee that as he lmately 83 per cent, of the $28.· Other first team members and The Wilson Bee team won SO League to d rculate th(' pt>tltlon for gambling. or for award of Sandy Little, Boxy NewberT)', drove up Matlne Ave. toward the SOO quota of the Newport Harbor their polnts Included Denny Har· to 49 against the Harbor Tar Bee to amend the election prOCf'du re , prizes. will be gTounds tor rcvok · Lyn~ Scheppe and Renee bridge he observed a 1946 to 1!HS Communlty Chest has been wood. cent~. 2; Dave Tamura. team. w ltb Richard PalaleTTI In that election. on ~arch 15. ation of lic:oense Holman. blue club coupe lnvtng the gen· turned in so tar thl.a week. r1ght guard, 2: ~~e Ma~. making 14 points and John Hen· thrf't' c.-andldates won ~ maJority "Just e nforce the t>XIstlng ordi· Honolulu Race wtll be pre· eral area where the woman was "If anyone hu been m.1ssed left &Uard. 4, and Tom Houston, rotln, 12. for the Tar team. \-ote In their o~'n district but nanr~ ... Mr. !k>nnf'tt saad ~ented by Linda WeUand. '"'The found. The victim's husband. and wl.shes to contribute they left forward, 0. Substitutes acor· Wilson Cee team won 34 to 23 wt>rt.> deft'atf'd by the vote from "Wt> are putting a burdt"n of Jl'tah" will be played by Thad Roy C. SmJth Jr., atrlved and should send their donations dl· lng Included Paul Lotent:Zim, lett against the Tar ~ team. Tar other dirnkts. enforcement on the pollee de· Mlller, Nancy Sebra. Hal Barker, was questioned. OUteers learned rect to the Community Chest of· forward, 3; Larry Harper. center. player John Fontlus made 14 I partment." Ma:ror Hill rPmarkt'd. Julie Hannaford, Ted Barker. that there bad been a domestic flee at Z19 Marine Ave., Balboa 9, and Cary Green. lett guard. 5. points u high point play~r. The • xo KAJU:S IIEK IIOKED Dfana Herring. Jan 'lbrelkeld, contllct. following wh.lcb the hus· Island." Mrs. Fl~nce Cooling, Forward Don Babbs scored 17 Bee and Cee games were played c ·, v·· c Groups "Some plac('S nN"d th~ Rames Judy Hagan, Randy Reddick and band departed, It was eharpd. campaJgn chairman, announced. at the Long Beach school. I just as much as they nf't'd an Sherrt Ann Myers. Salute to Mrs. Sm1th followed him and "A volunteer work~ wUl come s·d A d d The Tar varsity and junior A-bomb.. <;aid Mr. Storldard. Newport Harbor wtl1 be given was leaning against his car and pick up donations, Jl you I s war e varsity basketball teams journey Meet Ton·tght ''Tht'y'rf' Wild t>nOUI?h aJ~ady. Of by Margie Trautwein, Wanda when he drove away. call Harbor 205L" to RlversJde High School tomor· rour~ I'm not mf"ntJOning any Trautwein and Sandy Swanson. ____________ ..;._ ____________ F v h• I rov.•. Friday. to play at 3 p.m.. namt"' bt"<."au~ I m ight bt' ~ue<i." Feature event Satutday eve-'D t • 8 I I PI d or e IC es while RJveorslde Bee and Cee Thr<'t' ~('wport rommunlly as-, Ht> wa-. rt'ff'rrln~? to a thrf'at or ning wtll be the faabion show, ecora lng ee s anne teams play at the same hour In socaations wa ll h!)ld a joint mN't · sland('r suit a,::alnst hlm<;t')f and with Marte Lanning as chair· Bids for seven ~lcles wt>re the local gym, agalnst the Tar ing this t'\'t'ning tThursd.1y l in Mr Wildt>r !or mentioning noise man. The theme of the show wW for Dec. 8 ·In Corona del Mar awarded by Newport City Coun· Bee and Cee teams. League play N~rt City llall bt'glnnang at and dlsordt.>r<; at a restaurant· ~ "Faablons ot Yesteryear." cU Monday evening. Total net will not start until 3 p.m. Tues· 8 p m bar ~ BPW and ... _._ h price, with allowance made for Sa th Wt'st A 11 II t taken n Members ..,. uu:-u US· Corona del Mar merchants will tlve on the Chamber of Com· $24.367 70 day. Jan. 10. wben nta Ana Tht> Cl\'1<.' J!roU(lS arE' C' ro ca \'O e was o band8 wtll be modelllng authen· have Chrlstma.s tree "decorating mer-ce, presided over planning tr~~~~~ul bleb ~eore : w. 81gb School joumeya here. 1 Newport lmpro\·Pmt'nt Assn .. the Mr. Denling<-r's a pplication. Vot· tie COitumes of the bonelea cat· bee" at 7 p.nl. next Thursday, meetIngs held last week at w. Woods. garba~ packer ror Alumni of Newport Harbor 1 Newport Islanrt A..••sn. and tht> ing YE>S were Councilmen Ben· rlage ckyl. wbleh will Introduce Dec. 8. and all bustnea bouaes Merle's Drive-In and yesterday Street Dept" t7,981.17, ~d truck UnJon High School won the bu· Centra I 1\E""·port Communaty nett. Ridderhof, Wlldt.>r and Clar· ~ fubloM of tod&J, displayed are a.sked to partJclpate In a morning at Chef's Inn. Next for Street Dept., tt.929.85: ThfiO ketbalJ game last Friday ~-Assn. t.>n<'t' Hlgblt' Voting. no w~re by loeal mercbanta. joint Yule Ughttn• program. Wednesday llftomlng at S. the Robins. two Interceptors for p0 • nlng 83 to 74 against the Tar Mayor Rill and Councilmen MRc· David Valle and Eatle Quinn Mrs.. Jraren Mar-· Bruning, merchants wW gather again at 11 ...... Dept.. fl,574.64 and •-924.64; varsity squad In the blgh 8Chool k H c Kay and Stoddard. will do the OCIIIlmefttatlng. Tbe .. ~..... ...~ .... . e· •t I Mr Duensing's request then .alpt ... by Mary McChesney, mercltants dlvtslon represent&· Ragan's to comp)et~ the plana Lou Reed. two trucks for Water gym. I e I s a r I I "-'&.!' taken up. Councilman Mac- and the .tap Mt by Clata Ellen for decorating and staying open Dept .. each $2.897~ and truck The .urtlng line-up for the Kay ~ld that these miniature S~anu!!! ~---~.!~~ o·lstr·.cts Set for evening shopping. for Ufe Guard Dept.. l'l.162.70. alumni and their tallies lnclud· L.d 8 H rt pool games at }~ast had no dlala .u1l. __ , • --.au ,.,loU --Frank Jordan and Bob Moore eel Joe Leonard. 2; Pete Korrts. 2; I 0 oy u I registering wins. but the vote vide ..-an mu.le durlftl both are In chatp ot procuring two ftll.. a .. p. hi-If• ~ NMbltt. 12: Jack West 0. 1 was thE' same. 4 to 3. to approve -· • w1ll be f N A t:reet, to be eet up near Merle's VHJ U. -.. ._J and CQY Wl1ght. 2. Other alumni I the llc:oense PeYenlnla..-':y ~-=. n-.. -or ew rea and at the Ma.rgumte lnterwc· ............. ·-·-rlr players and thm points lncJud· Vernon Edlt>r 11. of 120 Via _· ___ _ -7...... ...,.~ ticnt, Vn. R. M. Bragg Ia ln ._ ._.. • eel Paul N~mann. 18; B1ll Wet· Yella. Udo Isle. suf"fe~ a Cout Collep. Jtecently annexed areas were eharp o1 pthertng decoratJons 2:1el. 11; ~ J[nJpp. 8 ; DenD.)' chipped tooth and bumpM ht-ad ,_ Will ,. d Membership Meet Dec. 7 uatped to coundlm.ank:: dla· and says thllt anyone wishing N~ City Cound..l we~t on P1t:zpatr1dt. 6· Teddy Martina. when h is bicycle collided with a I tr1da by Newport Cit)' cffuncll to make donations can call her ~ :~~~k;~g:.:v: 4; Mike Valle.' f; Jl'mlk Na~ hit and run car :JdVi:slUdot~~~ fll' lyll .. Pill llo.nday e¥'eftlne. An or nance at Rubor' o:M1 or bring the ~ec-providing th~ labor ll the prop· 2. and Sonny eoane, 2. and VIa Jucar. o e. a : wu ' lJitlocJuced and puled to oratJona to Bran'• Unique Shop. f th The Tar vanty ~ lJ.ne. p.m. lut Friday 1 The request of Harvey D. PUM 8eCOftd r.c11.lta. 11tL Harold Sw&NOn .. In erty owners pay or e ma· up and thm tallJea loeluded Ed Tbe J'OUth told pollc:oe h«-was rqr relief from parking and a.lH:Y n.Upper J1a7 annuatson was ehatte o1 pla.nnlnc entertain· terl,.:! ago Andrew W. Pope 28. Tom Rouaton.. 5• Denny heading east on t he lett side of I setback requirement. tor a pro. The qu.,...l7 IDe ID b • t1 hlp dlvlcJecl u follows: north ot ment dwtna the decontlnl bee lth ~mber ot tM Coun· 8~ f : Dave ~ora. 8. VIa IJd.o Soud and the car was posed gym and IWimmtng pool luDCileon ol the Newpott ll&rtMir Cout IIWy. to Dlltrld '-~ and throulhout the~ Qui.ltmu : ~Uy led the ~· ud aeor.,. Kabee. 9. Other-Tat headlna east on the right sJde at ~ate and Park A~. was ap- Chamba ol eoaun.c. wUJ ... IDdHII Jf..,.,..t a.tpta a.nd lhoaptna evenlnp. • make adewa.lk repair n.nlty p1Qwa I.Dduded Lany ol the strHt. Just as he atartNi I proved by Newport Clty Co\mcD M id w~ IIIOODo Dee. T, at alii Rawn; 80Uth ol Cout Bwy. pa1p -!!....n.Wty ol t.be proper· 8~ 13 points· Paul Loreftt· to c:roa Vla Jucu the car mad~ Monday .wnina. the N.,ort BatW Yadlt aut.. to l*lrkt a. wllklllnel\ut. Lido W El t the • __ ...... _._.. le s: 'hn7 Hall. 2. and .,. a left tum. he was unabl~ to 1'1le City Planning Cocnm18doft It t. &IUIOUnced "by PledMat lllle. -..... -..a. ~ aad omen ec . ~~~~~--~ :: =:;.~ oi ~ 2. lllop hJa blc::yele and ran Into utller had approwd the requelt llaarte aan~ey. Irvine 'hneoe. . ........., .._a -:' the left boot tender ot the ear. t permit. but on11 on eoo· ..... ._ wW M-John ._ Can\ TM &it edMon to tbe lrYtM 111'1. LD7d T. ~ ol New-tbe rtpair. Col. SmJt.b s &J'IUIIM'I't RJ.s ~ was knocked down or a u.e t ~-.u.et parld.q be ...; ;...,_t and .-.raJ IDD· TwtMI ..... ,....._ aclJolalnl PGft Retcbta will ...,. u s--l· WU UJIMid later b)' a nallq 12 1 L ..... .. ancl ... fell to the street. R• heard dJ":t~a: ... fJI ........ IDe. He w1U C!n~Ml;-alllir at A....-...... ._ ot tM ~ Cluudl Wom· fJom tlae Ot:r c:::.aDIIIII it ~·IIJI £ the car drfftr laugh and k~ on prollr pft. a:plalned tUt dae talk....._. tM faMioul pvwtll wu ....... to Dlllrtet T, wllJcla .,.. ol Jkwpwt Raft« for 18. lloclptt. and a gotnc. '11le car drlwr was a al1 . •tback and pa!1dnc 1II"'UUI ud,..... .t ~. ~J~ -••••rd7 O..S ~...!:.t~ .!!!'l!t c.~!:-.~ ~tr~t ol tile llkllwa1ll .Ill IIG lit .... ~ .... between lb5' ankd n .~vtlbln! red.~ce the area abOUt ... ~ -........ ...--• ...., ..,.. .._..... ·-..-.....,..) ol fOllc:1 r r a ........ I"MMl or ~ac con.--~ ~ to .uch a de,_ that • WWid ~. and .... w. B. "'"n'nlt7. ~ ctDcunloa Of..... ~ t..azwD aanouneed ,... car, the J'O'rtlt told polke. make the ~ ,.... .... .wolliCII.W.... a-.ur-. . IIAil$1kdoll .,. tM .... 0 *• -t.bat tiM !laattar7 La\JIMtry poalbl . .. • =~-: ~.:·:. ~ A .oY rc. ,. 80Ift .... tMt poplat --.. ..... • ~ a.nJaa Co.. me.. .. Th. rd Concert eou_nctlman Ja)' ~ .... •••Iii .. estr••• -.tal A'""" .. Ia the Doqlas A'N. • llalboe --... .. ,.. elt.a_bltlblq • new R~ ~ I _ ;~m::::.~~ ~-.. -=..~.::&:;'!: ::._~::.•:-.:.,~ =~~.Q.2·:': =.:au:~.:=....., .. ,. om,. Oounv ftlllbaf. DD·~·= ..... Illill .. .... .. .... ...... 1:15 a.a. ~-IQ', Jfolt. • ....... 8lit O.Pt ! ,..._. Rlw~ ............... ol SUI· 1Miftle ...., wtU ,.__._'!' =:: ... -.-~~;; .-.wa • , ...... ' ....... ,.. a~ ..... 0 ... J 04 ..,. .. -...... lllaln til .... a .... ~., .... --· --· ·-~....... JM\It-......,.tw..O.... .. _ ...... ts cia-a AM. ... ...., -biala ..... ~ QU ... In tile Auttr ,.._ ~....:!_=-·m:U.. ::-~-:-........ ,::.-=·-=-·=-.. -., .. :::.-11 ................ ==~:-~ 14 • :Ta:'.--.. ~····- JWWD&Y, .,...N*D l. ... Hcrwallan Shos- 140 .. eoc.t. ............. Jlf-.ttoDew.IIT.ttf.-1 (OPEN SUNDAY) largest ond Most Complet• Furniture Store in the Area. C.ll for,,... DECORATING SEJtVICE LID.rty 8·5518 House ... Gariet Fumishings for homes, dubs, yachts. )017 W. Coast Highwey N-pcjrl ... ch QllaiSDVIOE IOIJ.ER SilliES Myford I..Vine Will Present Debs in Their Society Bow Myford Irvine, head of the Ir· vine Foundation and the Irvine Ranch, wUl make the presenta· tlon.1 a t the Second Annual Deb· utan te Ball s6on.sor~ by the Newport Harbcx Awdllary of the CbU~'s Home Society or Cali- fornia. The Ball will be held Wedn~ay evening, Dec. 28, at the Balboa Bay Club. Honored cuest will be Arthur T. George, a San Francisco at· tom ey and the president of the state board of directors or the ChUdren's Hoene Society. tine of Balboa; Mrs. Kenneth Starege and Mrs. Roland Vallely ot BalbOa Island; Mrs. Charles Peyton, Mrs. Robert Mc Farren and Mrs. l ack RUey of Corona del Mar, and Mrs.· M. S. Bernard and Mrs. Robert Barnes of Bay Shores. A. southern theme will be car· rJed out, ln keepina wlth the at· -JJ.. P ':;-!. tJJ L.~~a-m.o-pbere o! the first debutante C)~ C)~ balll, whlch were held ln the * ..... o.. * Coli deep aouth. Mou and n owers Standard S b a d e C1otha and Cu.ltom SpectaltJes e Drapery B a r d war • e VenetJan Blind&. The patrons are M.urs. and Mmes. Howard Ahmanson,' Wll· llam T. Baut'l', Robert Beau· champ. J. Ross Castendyck. Ev· erett S. GardJner. Edgar R. Hill, Myford Irvine, G. Harold Math· ers. Nel.ton Neice, LaWTen~ J Pfister, 0 . W. Richard, Paul Roeen, Lon V. Smith, Walter Spicer, Austin Sturtevant, Ro· land Wrleht. Bewley Allen. Hor· ace Benjamin, C. S. Brokaw, LY· man Howes Farwell, Edward Groenendyke, John B. Hurndall, Moreland Lelthold. Lester Lowe. Paul Palmer, George Pfleger. John Moore Robinson, E. H. Skinner, Harvey Somers. Earl Stanley, Thomas Webster and Poet C>tfic. BA 1M wOl deoorate the pWars or the at S2ad St.. W...,..rt .._. room. and the debutantes will ~~~~!!!!~!!!~~!!!!~!! be presented on a atage. which ..;;; wtll be transformed Into the .... save rnoney Oft euto ...._.nee with ... ,.,... Mutuart •••• •••••••• • :·· bi§':l : • .. ~,o.w:r • : tl£&d ... P'-" ; • ••• • ••• . . ···•: '. ······ --.L_,_ ~~·~·,.._,-~~""\..· --~ • ......... ---. : ...... ~ .... : """ ,... . ........... e.... : -••e•e ••n•a•u Call 11.1 ·-detaUa todayl W. L LANDIS oa L E. CAIRNS Ln.ty a.1011 JSS lt. lftll St. COSTA IIESA -IIIII L·-·-1111 .. c...a .... ..., c.-cW .. . tit. 1.-J U a.fQI7 IIA lla porch of a typical southern man· alon. CenterpIeces of sllver plumes and nosegays will dec· orate the tables, and the color acheme wUl be silver, pink and white. George Yardley. • Lynn Pease Is Girl of Month The Harbor .Area young women who wlU make their bows to so· clety are Mellnda Lelthold, an Alpfta PhJ aororJty member at the University of Call!omla at Berkeley; Susan Betz. a Delta Delta Delta at the University of Lynn Pease, who's a senior at Arizona; Cora Peters. alao a Harbor High School. daughter of Delta Delta Delta, at Long Beach Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pease of State Collqe; and the followtne Balboa .. land. wu choaen "Zon· etU01led at tbe Unlvenlty of ta Girl of the Month" f« J'fovem· IMidl-CeiW..la W. Ala· ber, ucl l'ecelftd ber T Pill .... : lbl'pnt B.btla. no u. JlfOftftlber t T at tile 'HJC'h ScbOol pleclred Gamma Phi Beta: Eliza· from M.nL Arthur 'lbron.eon, beth Howell, a PI Beta Phi; Taja chaJrman. Tohlll, Alpha Omicron P1 ; Ann The choke was made on the I Gibson and Sally Pfister, both basis of leadersh ip, !rlendllness, pledging Kappa Ka ppa Gamma; dependabiJity, fineness of char· Jeanne Castendyck. who trans· acter and ambition. Lynn hns ferred from Northwestern Unl· served on the Girl's League Cab· verslty and affiliated with the lnet as freshman and sopho·l USC chapter of Delta Gamma, more: also secretary and presl· and ls se<Tetary of the Sopho· dent of Glrl's League; active In more Class. G.A.A. and the Spanish Club; as The Ball CommJt1ee Is headed a junior represented .the High by Mrs. William Curlett of Em· School at Girl's State and at erald Bay as chalrman. Other present ls Newport Harbor's Rep· members are Mrs. H. Payne resentaUve of Calltornla Asso· Thayer and Mrs. David Balian· elated. Student Council. FIRST CHURCH 0' CHRIST SCI ENliST ))0) Via lido, N.,._. leach A blench of The Mother Church. The F;ryt Church q,f Christ, X lentnt, In eo~ ton, Meuochut•tt•. Su~ey School 9:15 e.m. Sundey S.rvlce -·---·----I I -<10 •·"'· Wednetday Eve:~l119 Meetinq 1:00 p.m . Reedonq Room louted at lll S Vie lido. Newporl Beech, it open ,. .. , deyt frotY~ I 0;()() a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednetdeys from 10:00 e.m. to 7=-'S p.m. Fnday evenin~JS from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Cloted Holideya.. The public i1 cotdoolly oiWitad to e t tend the church Mrvicet and uw th• ~..d,,.o ltOOI'I acony. Lynn also received another honor this past week when she wu noUtled the D.A.R. had chosen her to r~lve the D.A.R. Good Citizenship Award. Paplll II Be IIY• • , c .... Dec. 18 The Chrlstmu Pageant to be given at Christ Church By The Sea at 7:30 p.m .. Sunday, Dec. 18. will pretlent living pictures depicting the Nativity. Music will be furnished by the Organ· 1st. Soloists. and all the church choirs. Leslie Freitag plays lhe part of Mary; Mrs.. Dorothy Stillwel, the Angel : Waldon Thomas.. Sl· meon: and Sam Bard. Joseph. Rev. Roy CArlson will play '"The Christ." Shepherds. Wise Men, and The J udges wUl be repre· sent~ by Churehmen; wbJle Q\erubs. Angela and heavenly ... • tl\terpnltlng often·u.d w~ ln our Sacred Book II)' llA.LPH C. SMEDLEY ol Corona del Mar nEVD'I' A Uvtnclancuace is constantly ehanctnr. WOf'da ehanee their meanlnp tn tbe coune or ~n· eratlona. 80 that the reader who would undentan~ Chaucer or Shakespeare 01 Spencer mu.t know the old meanJne as well u the new one. When the Bible was translated more than tt\rft centuries aeo by order ot Kine l ames. a vet1e In the fourth chapter or Paul't rim letter to the Thessalonlaru was made to read: "that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep." Ebell ~otes Hundred& of Ebell members and their cuesu will gather Thursday afternoon, Dec. 8. !or the third annual 'Mnsel Tea at the Newport American Legion Clubhouae. Lynne S h a n n on . narrator ; Hendrlk de Boer, tenor, and Karin Bigler, harpist, will pre· sent a musical procram of "Chriltmu Around The World." l unJor Ebell member Mrs. In our u.aace, "prevent'' meana to hlnder, but three hundred yea.rt aeo, It wu cl011er to Ita Latin meaning. It wu dmv~ from the verb PRAEVENI.IlE, to go before, and 80 It was a II)"D· onym of the modBn ''prece4e." ln modern revision• of the BJble you wlU find Paul's words trans· lated as "shall not precede them whlch have fallen asleep." I LE.ASDIC In the fourth Psalm, the writer asks, ln verse two, "Row long will ye love vanity and seek attt'l' leaslne!" 'nils hu no reference to rt>al estate rentals. "Leasinc' ls an old Engliah word which meant deceit, or lying. Thus we find In tbe revised versions the trans! a . Uon readtne: "How lone wlU ye love vanity, and ~ aftet false· hood~" CORAL Beauty Salon "HOLIDAYS SPECIAL" ao•AT ~AIIDT ..... 117.50. WOW IILSG 80WAT PDILUIUT. a.g. lis.& ROW 110..00 * Fer a,,elllaell-llrW 1111 * uzn PIIIEa• m2 &= •DA ··~··" EYES lf.ooe of yow chll~..,.. ia w.abr them the oth .... tt c:.a d.Ww'b DOnllal "'bl.aocula'" •taoG. Tll1a Cllll put a beaYy atralD Oil u.. .. good"' ..,.. too Gad c.ue ..sou troabl&. CALL DR. NtCHOu;QN TODAY for an appointment to U· amine. Prescribe and fit your chUd'a eyes with the proper eye wear. L L NICHOLSON, O.D. ""COMJ'L.E"n: VISUAL SEJrf"lcr -w. lltla lt.: at aa.t.c. u 1-1511. e-ta x .. Ronald Blrtch~ will be in char&e of the tea lt:MU and the decor· aUng of the tea table. The junlor group has been lnvtted to pro · vide a Christmas bazaar. Mrs. Dean Gorton, ways.and.means chalrman. has been eatherlng Christmas decorations made by the members for the bazaar. CAJlOL ETMAXW JfAJlE.D TO STAlf?OJlD WOM.ER"S COUJICU. Light th~ir life with fJit.h l/lt Carol Eymann, daughter of Mr. and Mra. James J. Eymann. 41.2 Piazza Lido. Udo tale. was elected to the Women's Council in the annual (all balloting of the Associated Students of Stan· ford University. The Council Is a student judiciary croup hand· line violations or the honor code. social regulations and traUk violations. · 'PAYLESS CIIPLETE -=------==-111 I ·STilES t P P t SfRIPTIO!'I;S ~~ .. _ ·.·~· ..... .......... , .... _ Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L Scharle Teacher of Plano OraanJst · Accompanist Evening Classes for Adulu 307 GOL.DENROD AVE. Corona del Mar rtJJifE.B.AL DDlECTO Friendly Nelahbotbood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8·3433 A 8·M:M eo.ta Mesa ST. AJif'Da.EWS n.ESIITTEaiAII wa,..-nu .. aca,... 15th St. It St. Andrews Rd., OCIOU J::, ~IOMl Panon .... •--s. stewa:rt SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11 :00; Jr. High, Sr. High and college age Fellow· shlps. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. OOIOit7JiriTT METIIODIST -W. lttll St.. eo.ta MMO Uberty l ..ss2 ..... JOMPb W. Nc:ShaiM Sunday: 9:30 a.m ., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Mornln2 Worshl~7 p.m. CoUege Age ~fYF Service -7 p.m. Hlgb School MYF Service; 8 p.m., young adults croup ~ ,_ caua:a or wa ~-Clnm:la St.. C.. 11-Ubelty....., D. C.. Ba.nt. ~ Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor. ship; 7:30p.m. ev~nlng service. Midweek service. i :30 p m. W~nesday. T'BE Clr1mCB OF CIIBIST Odd F~ Lod9e. 1141 Jlfewport A..., eo.ta NMCL Liberty 1-5711 TCIID Babr. Jr .. MiDllter Sunday Serv1C'e5: 9:4!5 a .m. Bible study: 10:55 a.m. worship serv. lee; 7:30 p.m. evenlng aeTVIce. CIIJUST CBtraCII rr TilE l EA Coauacm.lty ~ aan.ocr IUYd. at l4tla St.. Jf...,..rt B.A.rbalr 5111 Panor: .... Boy A. Carl.- Sunday Worship. 9:30 and 11 a .m . Church School : 9:30 a.m. Mid . week Meettnc: 7:00 p.m. W~­ nesday prece-d~ by 6 :15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIItM anntCII 1114 01'aD9e Aft.. Coeta Meea Uberty 1-1·1 Fat.aa. ,..__ J ...... SlLDCky M-at Y. L I. 10 aDd 11 :30 a.m. Weekdays: Maa at 7:00 a.m.-Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PDIST ASS DOLT OF COD Dad l t. & E.1ckl A .... C.. Neea ,J..Ibftty • ..,... -........1S ... c. CloiUc. ...... Sunday School: 9:30 a .m. Wor· sblp: 10:55 a.m. and evangelist service. 7:30 p.m. Youne People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid week Service: Wednesday, i :30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary CouncU. Thursdays 9:30 a.m. for all day. SEVEJif'TJI DAT ADVEJUIS1 Jfewport BlYd. at Bo1M St.. Jlfewpcm S.lgbts LJbaty 1-1532 E.ldu D. a. lpcnllc!1D9 Saturday Mominc Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:()() a.m. Prayer meet· me: Wednesday, s:oo p.m. c:aua:a "-•n•wn ..... a..c.... .... l'wtlln .... C::U... WVI' Ubelty a-n11 Sunday Servtees: Sunday School. 9:30 a.m. Momlnc Worshtp at 10:30 a.m. EvangeUstlc Serv· Ice. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sunday; Pra)'er meeting. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. FJllST CBlJltCR OF ClmiST SCIElfTIST 3303 Via Lido. Jfewport leac:b B~tda Sunday School : 9:15 am .. Sun· day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a m. W~nesday Evening Mf'filng: 8:00. Readtnc Room. 3315 VIa Udo. Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.·S p m . week da)"'. 10 a.m.· 7:45 p m. Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenJnn. CidliT LU'TIIEaAJI cao 11t11 0?' COST A MESA (Mislcurl Syaodl Am.-ica:D Levtoo ll.alL Costa ll..a Pclltow: a... Lotbar Tcwaow Sunday Serv1~· Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 am. BALBOA ISLAl'fD COJOflJ1IfJT'r ME'Tli\:>DIST U S A9Qte A.._, Balboa lalcmcS Mlal..-ter: R••· Donald Scrpp BartMw .SCS Sunday 5(-rvJC't's: 9·30 a m Church School: 9·30 and 11 :00 Lm. Worship 5(-rvl~ COitOJifA DEL MAR OOifM1J'Jif1TT CRU'RCK ~ Ill lleUotrope A.._ BAitlor sm ,_._t ...,., EctwtD Coma PDIST ~ CKUilCII Scaata ADa A.._ at M ...... S. e-ta Meea • a... r. c. Jlfeaaaaa Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :\.rn. Worship Servtces; 6:30 p.m.. Baptlat Tra.lnJnc UnJon : 7:30 p.m., Ev~nlne Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Pra.yer, Pralle and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Oloru.t p r a c t I c e ; 8:.30 p.m. Ken'• Prayer Meettq. artniCII or ou. LAD1' OF liT. CA•MEL 1"-1 W. a.Jbac al9d.. W..,...t ~ ... Faa..~~·,__ F.._~IIU Suncla.J M e Ill! 8:00 and 10:00 and U ;30 a.m. CoultJdDID: 8et- ..,. aa4 e¥a .,lilt fttrc = ::!!.~~ ..:-.. p.m. l)ally v .. 8:00 Lm. P'lnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. Novena fPerpetu,.J Helpl: Tuesday, 7 :4S p.m. Fishenn~n·a Mass. July and August. Sund,.y 4 a.m. tJXIVEilSALIST COMMt1!flT'f F ELLOWS HlP Ebell Clu.bbouae 515 w. k1boa at Yd.. Balboa MlDJster: lin. F. W. a!Aqe Sunday School. 10:30 am. Mom- in& worship, 1l :00 a m. ST. J AMES EPISCOPAL 3201 Vla L.ldo. Jlfewport 8eadl HArbor ll30 .... Job.D .. Parke. a.ctor Sunday services: 8:00 a.m. Holy C'.ommunlon: 10 a m. Family Service with thE> Che-Tub and lunior Cholrs: 11 a m . worship senrit'e. 'Jbur;daY ~ r r \'I c t> s : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gu1ld; 10:30 Holy Commun1on. ST. JOIDf VIAJifllfET 314 N ariAe A .... 8aJ.boa lalaad HAtbot 0214 Father St.pbea EJ.Jey. Past.. Father 0.0rc)e P~ua Aat. Pastor Sunday Masst"s. 7:00 a m & 9:00 a m C'onfp~.;tnn : Saturdays and ~c-s of 1 ~ Frit1n~·s and Holy Days: 7 :30 to 8:30 p m.: First Friday Mus 8 a m Summer Mass. July and August Sunday, 11 a.m.. c=JIM'1tAL BtaLE Clll71ICK Orcmte A.._ at Dt'd St. eo.ta N MCL Llbertl 1·53a A. A. Jtac»n. Palltw thronp wiU be played by the !===========~ alnlfta. SUnday Worship ~<'": 9·45 a.m.. U :00 un. Sunday School: t :t5 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 am Mom· Ina Servtce, 11 :00: Evenlf\1 ~ce 7:30 Mld·WHk SerF· Ice. W e d n e a d a y , 7 :30 p.m. Youne people meet 6:15 p.a. Sunday. Holy Vbel Ia In char,e of the production. She is asat.t~ by Leah Lanpr, Mrs. Jnna Rutter, and Mrs. Roy Cart.on . ............ •.•. .. , ••.... • • Se ason·s Greetin~s ll,.... ... lla., TbU .,._ gtft a lcdoa Prtat • a PCIIDily habalt by ~ ••• a101 E. ~ Jlltlnray. c.-a del K• BcabOI' 5135 Use Ensign Waat Ads tor Besa1ts IJnsulll Joe Rou~ tormerl7 ol the Arches, La the new OW'J\ft·maDa.c· er of Boa:J's Cafe, 23Z5 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Mr. ltovdot took over control toda:y (Dee. 1). Be will add French dlahes to the Italian food belnc served ln the cafe. Mr. Roudot. who lives at 1924 Maple St., Costa Mesa, pur· chued the cafe from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosll of Corona del Mar. • • • Stae time Is next Tuesday at Marilyn's Fashion Apparel,1767A Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Men, only, are Invited during the cock· taU hour for a special showing ol furs, lounee wear, gowns, COS· tume jewelry and accessories. • • • 'nle late James Dean was the unquestionable winner In the audience awards election at Port * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * SPECIALS FOR THURS •• FRL & SAT., DEC. 1-2-3 s WlF'T'S fl!liiiVR T -Bone Steaks, • swtP 1 i ftEJIHbi Porterhouse Steaks, swtFTS fUJlfUW Rib Steak or Rib Roast, 69~ swa 1 s ftiiHthi Swiss or Round Steak, 69~ IWd 1 i PIIIHttll Boneless Rump Roast, 69~ cbbAJITs PUIJTAH MO. 1 Sliced Bacon, 49~ "Quality and Personalized Servic-With a Smile" An exciting experience awaits you; we cordially invite you to visit our showroom 'nleatre, Coroea del Mar, aec:ord- lnl to tb•t.r m.anacer lohn Ox· ford. Dean, who wu lJaWd tow h1a perfCII'I!Ul.DCe ln "East ol Eden." poUed a populart~ vote on the maJority of tbe U61 baJ · Iota cuta at the local theater. • • • New members welcomed to the Realty Board are John J. Moran, aaoclate wtth WUlard KUllon Realty; Charles Lake, auoclate wftll tbe Dorll Bray offi~; Hal VIeira, aaoclate with Voeel Co. at Udo, and Bayard T. Cook. as· soclate with W. A. Toblu, realtor. . . .. Realtor Stan Smith and hit mother have jUit returned from a llttle trip to the desert. FACULTY JIDiaEJtS JIEU ROM IAKTA aAUUA Three members ol the women's pb,yslcal educatJon department of tbe University of Callfornla at Santa Barbara were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Brock. 513 Mar- guerite Ave., Corona del Mar, tor the Tbankaelvlng week · end. They were Mrs. Brock's sister, Dr. Jean Hodgkins, Dr. Vera Skublc and Miss Mareret Dietz, who Is recently bom Germany and world renowned In the dancing tiel d. Your Health trlfEVE.Jf SBOVLJ)EJlS R. E. H•Miricb, D.C. When one shoulder Is lower than the other there Is compara· tlve degree of curvature or the spine. This cOndition can account for many stubborn symptoms which resist usual treatments. The Chiropractor 1s the human engineer; he Is a doctor who has devoted many years of concen. trated study to thl.s particular phase or health; he can tell pre· clsely the condition ot your spine. He la especially trained In cor· rectlng spinal dlstortJons. there· by removlne the cause of lowered resistance and disease. B. E. Beadrtcb, D.C. PboDea lla:dNit' Sf71 • 451C ,., Camatioa. ea.o.. del ... 1181111'1 LIDO IIIIET wttlaiAU.I& December 1. 19155 Newport Harbor ''Men and women are both bad drlvera, but the women eet all the blame" . . . beint paued around the S·D (Sate Drlvlne Day> Circles ... as heada all over the natJon are put toeether to make the public reallze ... "anybody who baa an accident on S·D Day, Thursday, December 1, Ia a Dirty Blrdle" ... Hey you there, you, behind that wheel, you're the one that cau.es accl· dents. nobody else . . . First of all. take. a huhdred or so of those horses from under that hood and put 'em out to pasture ... Re- member there are others out there on that highway and In those city streets besides you ... They want to get where they're going, just like you do . . . ln one piece ... .. Do wato oth.,. as you would b«<ft ua.. do wato youH ••• let tbe othel' .9UY 90 by. doD't pub. doDCot abon ••• you'll lin loegw • • • "'TTa bettw to gin them to ~...-••• WheD 801Debody's totta gin. you try doiDog tbe gtriag. 'tis bettel' tlacm ~ booee cmd IDem• '*' bod* ..... courteou • • • Tou an DOt tblp1rtn9 of oth.... wbea you "'belft ODe fOI' tbe road"' • • • you an aot tblplrtDf o1 otben wb-yott drt~ too fast ••• you an DOt tbtnlrtDf ol ~ wbeca yoa drtn wbea you an too tinct • • • U yvu 1•1 sleepy. pull O'J'W to tbe aide of the rood ••• Someou lD the n.atioa cUes ....-y ~ mlllut.e 1D em auto· mobile acddMt ••• What ccm be .... to atop tb1a hon1hle toll of DMdl•• death 1 Kot n · aean:b I • • • aot dna pi . • • eoDtribut:lllf IDOIM'f WOD't belpl ••• TIM CGUM ll ai.Nody kDowD ••• so ll the cure ••• You're the doctor ..... Courteous. be couldetrate ••• Obey your tra.f. fie laws ••• "Drive Carefully'' when you attend the free concert given by the Orange County PhUharmonlc Society at the Anaheim High School at 8:30 this Saturday nlght. December 3 ... =i;ij!i~!i~ii;!!!iiMiNi .. iN "Drive Ca.retully'' . . . when • ssssM you atand the Buatnea and Pro- felllonat women•• mntll aanual Chrl.ltmaa Preview 'at tbe Ben· dezvoua Ballroom, Thursday an.d Friday, December 2 and 3 . . . M previously, Friday night Is tor the small fry . . . with a prpgram consisting or dancing, .PORT;?, .. /. CORONA 0££ ltttA:l IYAAJ:, 'AIHJ<J ........ -plu..._ "'Cnatun wltla tbe Atom ara:la .. ballet. singing. baton twlrllne and music ... Saturday night a "Fashion Show of Yesteryear" . . . also dancing to the Riffs from Oranee Coast College . . . $100 cash erand prlz.e this year, plus 100· door prizes . . . The theme this year ls the Harbor's Golden Year ... Believe me, Christmas Shoppers. thar's eold'n bounty ln them thar booths burled ln the caverns ot the Rendezvous Ballroom . . . Pan yourself a little ... you'll have time to whJttle lf ye shop at home ... -z>dn eca.tall.,.. tla1a dim· lD9 11atanday. l'l1day cm4 Sat· unky. zw-ber 1 (Safe Drt•· laf Day). zw-ber a (why atop? Keep <ap ... good Safe Drhia9)· .,..,........ . s (Scde Drtfta9's bee a•• a babtt by ...,.) ...• .._yea att.ecS the ..--Lido Days ....... all ol oa.r Udo ........ TbeWll be ~ Lido. Days ...t --tb ... cm4 tile ...t, with all tile .aao,. JolaiDg .. to ... ap a W. ...tDp OCCODDt •· -$--Cc;m+inental Mlark H pec:lally .. ,.... ••• How's thU for a sneak preview ... Cashmere Sweaters and Lingerie, lncludlnl slips. nleht· les and robes •.• 1/3 ott v.,. bond House: Lennox Hand Sap . . . 259(, oft, Rules of Calltomla: nlrMaJ, FrluJ 1111 S.I .. J, Ill. I at, 2M, 3rll • ············· .......................................................... ············ ········ .................................... ·················· ............ . ' * LINCOLN * JOHNSON & SON . * IIEICUBY * Kapok filled throw pillows . . . 50~ ott. Dick Macken: New l.9l56 G.E. Automatic Waahen wtth trade ~.95, as low u $2.16 per month, Lido Electric: KJd's Car, boat and traDer 96c: allo larp Horseman doll and wardrobe ••. JT.95 ••• Udo Toyland: Leather· ette Photo. Scrap, Gaat, etc. booU and .Picture tr~ . . . ~ dlacount ... WlJllama Sta· tlonen: Special purcbue tor bol· lday eventa, color·matct.d doe· akin blouea, jacket.. aldlta and fancy panta ·50·~ .La Reine: DuPont orlbn .upon. an4 eardlpDs. t.U!S...-. lAdo rub· lonl: GtrW and boya' ahlrta &Del .... 1/3 o4 Jed'• al Lido: ilhft'8' .u.k ribbon lm.lt ll*t ...... ,..,. .............. ...,...U't: llfattonallJ acl'wti'UIId ladle~' ............. 11'7.115 ...,.. tu.l5 ••. lbadiiDCI(a: Ala Ulllalt. -.tolull~ ..... .,.. :=.~=~==\ e ?Pc ,.., ......... ............. ... lit., ..... ..... ...... .,..,. ......... ..... .... ..... ".,_ .. .... ...... JJ?fitl,_. ..... . SO IW I* X ?11\ .fllit. .............. I EM .. &Mtllll ••• .. i8081DAY. M::INIIM L ·- UITI AU IJ. 1·1010 ............... IIIW11f ........ Unl«• rou an •tUHcl widl UJuia co"..-." • lize 1l dee. oa I size II iawn ... ualta fOU 1ft C'OD~I IO be OYtrwciAht . ualett you «aio¥ the daily ••zipP«r" ~ o' war . dwa ICCellf our off«r co tl\ the ST AUPFER SYSTEM oow! ThU PIVYm pl111 of ~~Utift ~i1111 taka hard-co-low mcilft f I'Oftl your hiPt. tuemy, mltle. and dU,aht . reluet )'OU ••• eocoonan cUaaJatioa . . COfrKII )'OUr CJOI1\l~ . . • aod jtltlltl, molds l'l"'Qr coatoun rudy for today'asleoduW.11 faab.icxu. Gift )'OUtM.If • real Olriamu praeat, ban 1 MW ~ for 19~ COIIOIA DEL MAR H1rMr tJC2 . .. , ......... _.... 9th Annual CHRISTMAS PREVIEW at the U.EZV-Uifl- Fri. lilt., Dec. 2 I 3 at 7 p.m. * luur * ........ ,...,.., * * , ...... * DANCINa.:-Mu.ic by "The Riffa•• ADMISSION $1.20 ••• PRIZES tic1llet fOOd fOI' Nth Dlgbta ...... ted by Newpoq Harbor Business • Ptofesaional Women's Club NOW ~~tr .. ~13fili -................ .,. MY .............. . -~ IWMDA'I, Dl'tmlal L ... TIYII 11111 Complete Sel«tJoo Sportlq Ga~~ Goodl. 8Jeydee, ete.. LAY· AWAY NOW roa CHRIB'I'MAS ............ 1&16 lfewport Blvd. u 8·27U eo.ta ..... A. Cleuifi•d A.d in Th• Ensign brinqs imm.diete res.ultsl CaH Harbor 1114-1 115 end DrOVe itl EAD IIOU: 1"'IAJ( EYEJt IIEJ'OU:! I Our ... bJCber 8l.aJ'tfq .... and fNQ.aeat lDc:r-.-.sv-you tbi8 oppoltuntty. Openlnp ,DIIJIW b- 'I"ELL:PBOKE O:n:L\TOIIS w~ will trat.D '" a.od J"OU'll NCIItve 11W17 otMr be:olftt& I a& a'I'Aft roiiiAL& UAL U'I'Aft £ DlrTAU UWR& ildi6Ui to .u a-bed· You CAN'T co wao.Nc pa)'ina 1'001Q. 2·batla laome wtth turn-JuR $15 week tc. a modem lahed NDtal apartment UP· Jdtdle~ apt. at Ocean Pront .aaln. 'DO Wa.rct.ua. CDM, Hotel. Extra bonau: TV, phone, ~~.....,~-owner--:•~=M-:-:-bo!M-maid 8ft'Vioe. Sbopp~ dlstrlct •va D~U.o& .,, clo.e by. HA 8091. and lftcoi:Dt, lovely ranch ayle ;;;;Nr.;EW;u;--2;;:-·;;.BED=KM..=,--n,....lcel--.-y----:f;:-urn-. duplex oo lot and halt. ocean laheCI bouse $100 mo. on leue. 1111111 lB. Ill Vogel Valae ICEII ROIT 1-2 LIT IDcludes plana for a duplex, 2 bedrooms uch unit wUh a J)Okntlal lncom~ ot over $5.000 per year. Other Iota J.n thla area priced mucb hJcher. Exclusive with \lS. cau now. Prlced at $14,500. -ApplJ- 5lf~ lfo. Ma.Jn Street am. 2U--8anta Ana t:OO to 4:00P.M. THE VOGEL CO. aide hW)' .. fiDMt COMt... heavy Aero. from CatholJc Church In 8b.ake ftXJI. 2·bd.m. each, foreed eo.ta Mesa. U 8-5214, BA 5188. 8'7 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAl a1r beat. bdw, floon, aep&rate cozY rrD .it. DU•1Uc 2· ._.-.i.., furn. Sell11 ... Yen11••• paua.. HA liiM·R. ~" ~ HARBOR 174.1 HARBOR 1477 OORMEaibT, 3il'd and N&J"clau.a, happy houae. 5la Potn.ettla, -·---------------------- Of~--.-.. ... ~ Gift.._ .......... . •hrt'f~ e llolJdq Vel ..ta • o..s-aw ...... • iett.lfOibet lkkta eA~••Ddea P S. lf you are nine to fourteen . . • vtalt Selena'a new addition . . .The "SUb·teen Bar." of Small Slz.ea" CDM, or wtite 6625 Ampere, CDK, f.or ale by owner; uk· North Hollywood. SU 1-14.39. ~~~ Call NOrmandy PREE-HJ Desert VIew Home· PAaftC 'I'ZLEPHOKE aJte. Martell BuJld.l.na, Yucca BENT a p.luo ~~ auutm.u. AU _ro __ a UL&_________ =v=~=J~e-ro-·=====-----...,.. tenn rent allowecl Good PRC:· KELVlNATOR Automatic Wuh· NICELY FURNISHED room. prl· tJce planoe ~ as per month er, brand new, retalla for vate entrance, private bath, let the ldddlea leam. Da.n:z. $309.95; will aeJl for $147. Prl· near post oWce, bank and Schmldt.. 520 No. MaJ.n. Santa vate famlly. 2815 Broad St., N. stores, 325 Orchid Ave.. Harbor ADa. B. U 8·2014.. 512-R. ~~~~=-~~----~---WANT SMAU. SAIL BOAT In 1941 BUICK SEDAN, .eat covers FURN. APT'S.-l ·bedr. nr. bus trade for a rood u.aed car. 1.947 and radJo. Best otter takes. and bua. center. Abo 2 l ·bN.rs Fraur, cood tl.res. motor, etc. HA 3852. on water front. 3706 Channel 1~n. HA ~. • 100~ NYLON JACKETS. nylon ;;;;P:;;:L-;-;. ~N:;;p;;t.;Ia~. _HA_;_l21--:-:;.7-·-:J.-:--:--=:- PIANO INSTRUCTION. Tereaa neeee llned, washable. Sizes FUilNISHED or un.furnisbed. 2· Renner (Mrl. A. Renner). N:· 8·14. $7.98. Donald.aon'a, 300 bedroom house with laundry, cepttnc a ltmJted number of Main, Balboa. on yearly lease. 417% He!Jo. pupl.la tor plano. Concert P1an-NEW turquolae lounge chair trope, Corona del Mar. 21a E. Coat lllgllwu1 c.n.a del liar Barbow 11n tat of 'Iluee Continents. Grad· and ottoman, turquo~ lamp, 2·BEDROOM. untumlabed du -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~U~e~~~d~~~t~o~f~~~·~~~~~ rnuqulltedchlnu~-~4 ~u;~la~n~~a~ ~elena's ., .. a .... --: plnk flbreglus drapes. print hardwood tJoora, yearly. $75 (PoUUcal ~t) (PollUcal Adftl'tl8emellt) drapes, green plutlc chair month. BA 3549-J eveninp. cushions. Westtnchouse Frost LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, Co· Free refrigerator. HA 6162. rona del Mar, near ~ach and (PoUtJcal ~eat) SURE FIRE shopping. Private bath and en· For Your "Old Flame" trance, utilities paid. $35.00 Ronaon L1Chters lr Shavers. month. 321 Iris. AJso, sunbeam. Schick and SITUAnows WAKTED Remington Items . . . perfect for Chrlatmu cltts. Use our SECRETARY-Versatile, capable Lay·Away. and available. Days call HA RAY FIELDS, Jeweler 1721. eves HA 5398·J. 19th lr Placentia '1n VIsta CUSTOM CABINET WORK don~ Shoppinc Centet'." on premlses, no job too small., Costa Mesa. U~rty 8·8488 Phone Kl 3·3348. ORGAN. 1 Electronic Organ now MAlURE WOMAN wtshes baby only $575. AJI Electric Orran sitting and care or s.lc:k. knit· I balance only $785. Lowry Or· ting or crocheting. Day or gano $195. AJl wonderful bar· olght. RA 3192-M. gains. Danz·Schmldt, 5.20 No. REUABLE. experienced carden· MaJn. Santa Ana. er. Japanese·Amerlcan, wants NOTICE: 5 pianos must ~ sold work. HYatt 4 ·547~ Ftl., Dec. 2. Sat .• Dec. 3. 2 spin· CDM ld Ilk d 1 • • • the best interest of an ffie people of the City of NewpOrt Beach Y11 C• Dfllll Fer bellllr 10 Yura. • "START LIVING" NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISnNCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOM:!:5 • AND OTHERS UNDEJt CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purebue In the $25.000 to $35.000 class we sincerely r«<mmend the Irvine Estates overlook1nc Newport Harbor. Thne homes future Calllornt. Uvlnc. OUered exclu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley in a Srnoc·Free area known as irvine Terrace-on Cout Hlchway oppoctte the ne-w lrvtne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For rec:omm~ndatlon, w~ refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estat~ In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshore.s or ClW Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS UJe fh~ undersigned believe the proposition set forth on t+te ballot for December 6, 1955 should be defeated: eta, like ne-w, 1 baby grand, 2 man wou e gar en ng. small uprights. Terms ar· clean·up, etc. Call KI 3·2122. ----------------------- ranged. See at Penn Mayflower ;::;;;M;;:;:e:::;J;::U::;psh=:=:aJl::;:::==:::::::::::::::;::::: Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther lnlarmatt.ft t5ecau~e ••• Councilmen of the City of Newport Beach are now nominated from t+teir respective districts and elected, by the voters of and for the entire City of NeWport Beach ::Jfere/ore ffley mast represent tfieir home neigh- borhood and the best interests of the entire city as a whole. UJe ~ . this gives tfMt best, most complete representation to and f~ everyone in aU sections of the City ot Newport Beach Van 6 Storage. 17th lr Santa lllSCELLAI'ft:Ol1S Ana Freeway, Santa Ana. HAMMOND Orcans. all models, L 0 0 K A T T H I S A D our Christmas stodc now com · E A .R N S 8 · $ 1 4 DAILY lng In ; $10.00 deposit wfll re· Women ot aU ages desper· serve any model whl&e they ately needed at once. Earn last. Trade In your old plano. whUe you learn Practical Danz-Sc:hmJdt. Rome of the Nursing. High school educa- world famoua Hammond, 520 tlon not needed. Call Lam· No. Main, Santa Ana. ODe bert 5-7521 or write "Career Sptaet MecW~one B•..-4 1D ........ _~ 11. 4016 Ch~d ~ but lib aew W. Commonwealth. J'Ul.ls. won~~~ -to~~~Cd~~~~~-~~--- KENMORE ELECTRIC atove, ex-L-A UldMIIM cel. cond., 165; chrome dinette .... ~ set, $15; custom deslcned dla· mond weddtnr rtnc. $65; $125 set of Castleton China, never used, $70. HA OQ!59.W alter 4 p.m., 603 Iris, CDM. SUB·ZERO 24·foot d~p fr~. like new. 701"' Heliotrope. CDM. HA 4237·M. PRACTICE planee $819, $95 to $185. Spinet type rnlrro plano $23'S a blond ~auty. Easiest terms. Danz·SchmJdt, 5.20 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos to choose from. WOOLITE ls sold only by Petite YUle In CDM. It Is the cold water soap for washtnc all woo&erus.. 3409 E. Coast Hlway . GRAND plano Chrlatma.s Sale. Many wonderful bargains. fa· mou.s makes Stelnway, MJUOn Hamlin. Kna~ tote .• delivered free, bench included from $387 up. Danz·Schmldt, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. . -,.....,...--~-SPINET Planoc. Rental returns. Trade-Ina on oraana. llke nt'W some M a p 1 ~ . Blond Oak. French Provincial 1bla ls a chance for blc aavtng. Open Friday night. Danz-SchrnJdt, 5.20 No. Main. Santa Ana. DAMAGED ln shipping 2 spinets. aave $180. Danz·Sdun.ldt. 520 No. Main. Santa .Ana. WANTED: lrontne ln my home. Ma~l Whitman, fitTf Margue- rite, CDM. HA 4.279-l. TUDE II,_ Comfortable 2·bedrm home, wall-to-wall carpet, exclt. heating, close to water In at· t r act I v e ntoighborhood on Balboa Island. Garage, sub· stantJally rurn. $18,~ only $6,000 • ISI.UD REALn CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA 3T1 ..... ,. ...... .2 Story 3 bedrm. 6 den. 2 car garaee. Rustic Interior, fire· pla~. patio. BBQ. Quality built. Fumlsbed. Nice sur· roundJnp.. Full Price $11,181 Terms! U you are looklne to buy a home, lnco~ property or need a rental, we have h ! REALTOR 1920 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach HArbor 4072 IIU.S BEST BUYS U1tler Ctlslnlctioi -We're IMilc l•••n•••• Three and Four bedroom homes. 2 bathrootn.s. ear· bage disposals. exhaust f ans. large double caraea. curbed lr paved streets. sidewalks and aewera. .:top Eastside location. Priced as low u $10,095 with 1.1915 Down. ·-.... , ........ . AND ASSOCIATES -y..u1l lib our friendly llerVtce (New addres»--400 E. 17th St.l COSTA MESA UbertyiU139 You wiU like the quiet ron\'enient location, the heatt>d swimming pool, the trlendly atmosphl're Be elad to show )'OU anytJme. I• lila Villa larila 1021 Bayside Drive Harbor 1800 Real Estate Sllesma1: We ot:rer you t1p top com.m1.ssions. v. holt' hearted CO·operation. extens1"·e advertismg and a ne-w spacious oU ice with an exe<"utive·s de-sk you can call your own . -Member of Multiple listing. 503 32nd SL, Newport Beacb Harbor 5868 •••n! WANTED: 3 bdr. or largt'r homto south of Highway In Corona del Mar. To S25.000. -·IE.fORTDI REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. (at Port Orange 1 Newport Beach U 8·7562 Harbor 5154 ~ve-s. . ....._...._...._....._~,...c 0.-.:~-.:~-.:.~-..;~~ A poll of Nt"Wp<>rt Hubor ~altoN~ lndJcatH thAt they are In complete &gTffment: the ~t C'h rtstmu pr~nt Is a new home or futurt-home alte. See next Wffk's pAper for rt>al estate SJ>('Cials that will make perfect ettt.s lhis holld~cy ... UJe 1Jrge you to vote "NO" Dec. 6th al WITGII $21.00 u. ••• (UmJted Otfer) ON A Shop in the Crossroad Yilage BUT BE . SURE TO . VOTE NEW "HAMIL TON" It means so much m«"e to .. get or lf'lve & "Hamllton." ..... c ........ 3123 E Coast JtW'Y. CORONA ~1 MAlt a.o.v.·· J..cmdK arpe &Jirdn......_.,. A M1M ._, eo~QPI .. I ...,_ W.~! 1-aU· _. CloaCradow. c •• t •• .... , .... ad~ Allo a..a ......... ........ -. Y IPEIIIL ••• WilE ll1lm' I I* ... • as 111 I Ill ELI.EN"S BEAUTY SlioP .. 357 N. Newpcxt lhd. Liberty 8-2412 Ia ,_ Q I I ... 'f1DIIte .... l•l•r•n. •• it- • Busin ess Di rectory . INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGEl(CY Phone Harbor ~74 3315 E. Coast R!gbway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, HA 5232 n "SCHOOLS & DtSTBVCTJOW REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evening classes for preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7-3511 KEllog 8 2513 Let Me Teach You CJIIKA PADITJJfG Convenient Class Lessons u 8-5648 GLADYS TRACY ' , Winr,e rs of Turkey Shoot Get Awards at Pistol Club Wlanen ln tiM turkey ahoot held Nov. ~ at the South Coast RUle and Pilto1 Club ranee on MacArthur Jllvd. included the followtna ~ llhupilaooc.n: Trap aboottq:-..amu l ar· rett. 30 Beacon Bay, 2 matches; Kenneth Ku.ter, 208 Aldean Pl., Newport He.lcbtt. 2 matches; and Field D~y Set By Boys' Club Boya' Club football draws to an official end Saturday with the staglng of the annual foot- ball field day at Costa Mesa Park. All boys third ,rade through high school (excluding those who played high school football) are eligible for the events. which lnclude tests In place klckJng. passing, running, punting and blocking. CompetJtton wtll be on a grade leve1 with eac.h grade partUcpatJng only against those of equal school status. Starting time IS 10 a .m. Al Irwin, N e w port Harbor High's football coach, will assist In the field day with the aid of high schoo1 football players and volunteer dads. one match N.Ch won by W. J'. Alben, Oran1e Coast Collep: Dr. N. C. Carbon, 2908 Clttt Dr., Newport HelJbta; Norman DuJ. worth, U2 Duel Drlve, Corona del Mar: Fred ICus~. 1r.. tot Marlcold Ave., Corona del Mar; Donald D. N~l. 412 Snu• Bat· ~r Rd .. CUlt Haven; Raymond Rossi, 223 Monte Vtsta. eo.ta Mesa; X en Wenger, 10\i Pla· centla Ave .• Costa Mesa. Pistol match~A. M. Po\ftll, 319 Poinsettia A~ .. Corona del Mu; L. E . Pratt. 170 Del Mar. Coata Mesa. and Ralph W. Glr· ton. 219 Fairway Pl., Costa Mesa. tJed for high score with ~ points out of a poaible • 100; Stanley AnnJn, 2501 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. 96; Georee Hat· rtngton, Newport Beach. 96. Rifle matches (slx events)- Bob Ballinger. age 14. 183 Shore· clltf Rd .. Shore Cliffs, 100x7 out of a possible lOOxlO; his father, T. Duncan Stewart. 50 out ot a poalble 50; Jack Palmer. ITT Cedi Pl.. Costa Mesa, 49 out of a possible 50. Novelty L>Vents-BIIl Blue. 504 El Modena, Newport Heights. two events; and one event each won by c. Coon, Costa Mesa; STUTIJfa orr tJae aaaual Mile oC Clarla~· = Ia iab'Ohcecl bY s~ J adge lobed Don Kirkpatrick. 710 Marigold aa Ieala to fi,..ce tbe JMI·~ CIC'tiritiel ~ • ,...t .,lAW~ tbe l-ela•• Ave., Corona del Mar; W. A. ol tJae Ola89e Coaaty 'h.belaa!Mla aad ...... ~---WOI'IIDeQ diU D~W.Iia ' Laughlin. 989 lJndel Pl.. Costa AuodaUoca. Qlele. JL Jlcd.cttria.. rltbt. IDCID· u .. Mel~~~ ~ .:.S = Mesa: George Myers. 111 25th agw ol Va1t.t Stat. lhahber Co'a Saata AAa L. aauoe. ~t. St.. Newport; Kenny Payne, 612 ----------------------:::....:== A. Classified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediate results! Cell Harbor II 14-1 I I 5 and orove it! ----·- •• , ... 1 , .......... .... .. ... .. .,..,.. ..... ,.Ill DIIEIID .. ..... 1928 Irvine Ave .• Costa Mesa Bon.DIJfG SOH'LJES Medals wlJJ be presented in each division to the outstanding partJclpants. Points will be given for performances in the various tests as well aa for putlclpatlon In the Boys' Club football pro- gram this past fall. Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar; L. E. Pratt, 170 Del Mar, Costa Mesa: Lee C. Smith, 304 St. An· drews Rd.. Cliff Haven; R. B. Tudor, 2307 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The next TUrkey Shoot will be h eld Sunday. Dec. 18, st.artlng at 9 a.m. Events wUl include rifle. p ls'tol and trap matches. along with "non-skilled" shooUng. Harbor View, Ensign Pupils Perform at Speech Meeting Two groups of pupils Lrom the Newport Beach e 1 em en tar y schools gave demonstrations at the annual convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association Nov. 17-18-19 at the Statler Hote! tn Los Angeles. program and whleh contribute to Improve speech habit&. Dancing Every Sat. Nile CEMENT AND BUILDING All KJnds-Free EstJmates UBERTY 8-6109 NOWEilS SBA.B'EJfEI) LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS Knives, Scissors. Etc. Uberty 8-513'7 J. A. Bolding 188~ Merrill Pl.. Costa Mesa PADITIJfG PAl mill ....... Licensed U 8-3321 or U 8-5127 ~ Avocado. Costa Mesa ARCHER I SHAIIOI PAINTING CONTRACTORS "Color matching a specialty" Workmanship guaranteed 416 Fernleal, Corona del Mar 127 ~ 30th St •. Newport Herbor 0347-R or Harbor 6077-W PLUMBilfG WATI:R HEATERS Sales. Service and Repairs JOE BECHTOLD PLUMBING Terms, 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 WE.LDDfG . Fabricating. Designing & Maintenance R4G4~'S Your FamUy Restaurant (ClOMd~) 2515 E. Coaat·Jii9bway B~ lNI CoroDa del Mea Le.,rn to Donee at ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HARBOR 1915 3523 E. COAST H IGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR IIPOR.TS SMALL GIFTS & COLLECTOilS ITDCS From Belgium, Holland, Sweden. G~rmany, Italy & England. u ..... GIFTS 4D7 Jf. Broadway, Scmta AJaa Party to Get Toys for Tots A December 20th dancing party at which. toys for tots are the pricE> of adm ission is being planned by the Corona del Mar Arthur Murray Studio. accord- Ing to Chet Farrar, manager. Thl' toy dance is an annual a ffair at the studio. but thls year the toys donated will be col· !ectad by EJ Toro marines to be Twenty Kindergarten children from Mrs. Anna J une Wevlll's class at Harbor VIew School gave a demonstration of rhyth. mlc activities which are a part of theJr regular Kindergarten .Wood Wins at Bowling Green distributed in their Christmas Walter Wood of Corona del c2rive for little chUdren. The Mat ran up 17 points for first dance will be open to people in place in the weekly Australian the community u well .. dance singles tournament at the Munl· ltUdents and t.beft 1'1--. Mr. d pal aowlloe Guenl a.t 15th St. Fanar said. near tbe Newport American Le· The Studlo's annual aeventh glon Hall. anniversary party wu held early Bert Knopf of West Newport last month with 50 former stu· won second with 14. Ed Wilcox dents a nd guests attendlne. Spe· of Corona del Mar was third clal exhibition dances were pre-with 13 points. Four players tied sent('() by Marguerite Way and with 12 points, and Dr. William Bill Fucik, doing a mambo, and A. Willard of Corona del Mar I by teenager Wade O'Hara with won the play.oft. Regina W 1111 am s . The entirt' Dr. Willard. who Jives at 403 group tried the Jessie Polka. a Jasmine Ave., has just returned n£>W da nce that Is sweeping the to the Bowling Green competl- nightcJubs. tion alter spending the summer LL laclp B. Somers Issie ... It Presillio at Estes Park, Colo. He Ill a re- tired professor from the Univer- sity of Nebraska. Bob Gingrich. director of Rec· reatlon and Parks for the City of Newport Beach, points out that the bowling greens are open to all citizens. They do not have to be m~mbers of the club to play. Those who desire to join can do so on payment of $10 an· The children In the group were Nels Armstrong, JeUrey Broerlng, Val De Camp, CraJg Graham, Joe Hartshorn. Lawrence H a r v e y , Scott Mclntoch. James Riedel, Thomas Spangler, Phil Jordan, Sandy Alexander. Lorle Hanna- ford, Clare Ann Huber, Wendy Kerr. S hI r 1 e y Macy, Unda O'Brien, Roxanne Ray. Georgene llllr .. .,. Orlllelbl t&JO·l:JO SOc pal' ..... • .,.rt .... , ...... ......... 15tll STaEET AT TilE 8AT ROJfT Smith. Cynthia Spratt and Mar-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gt~ Taylor. · I They were accompanied by - Mrs. Geraldine WIIJiams as well UIUIA Til JEJ. SDVJOE as their teacher, Mrs. Anna June Wevfll. Mrs. WUllam is also a teacher at the Harbor Vtew School. IIRUIES • UILIIUS ..., ... fte~C~•-• IIJO...A ... Mrs. Jane PettJt's Eighth Grade Speech class from Horace Ensign Schoo 1 gave a demonstration which involved an unreh e&J11ed ~up reaction to a Wm that wu JII"C!!Wnted u a part ot the dem· onst.ratlon. Mra. Leslie V•u•han. Newport Beach Element a r y School District Speech Co·ordln-i~i~i~~=~E:]~i=:~~~~~~i:~~; ator who attended the confer· ence. reports that this demon· stratlon was exceptionally well done and was well received. Children participating were Norma Atkins, John Baker. Mary Anita Bandel, Kristina Berg. Vlv· ian Brown, Chris Carr, Jim D'Errlco. Pamela Elsner. John Fields. Sherry Florin, Nancy Gardner. Sandy Godwin. Diane Greene, Lynn Hofman. Lucky Hogan, Susan Hughes. Charl()tte Marx. Pamela McKenzie. Jock McSevney, Carol M o g a n so n , Louise Peters, Mary Jo Reilly, Doane Schindler. Steve Selerson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mike Tandy, Tad Tobltt. Richard f Watson. Sandra Watson. and Richard Williamson. TRAILERS. HITCHES. BUMPERS or what have you ; No job IE SA UPHOLSTERIIII First Lt. Maclyn B. Somers. whose wife, Geraldine, lives a t 406 St. Andrews Rd .. Cliff Haven. recently was graduated from the military medIc a I orientation course at the Medical Field Serv- Ice School. Fort Sam Houston, Tex. The course stressed medical service In combat. n u a I dues. of wh lch $6 goes back ;;;;,;;:;;;;;:;;;~;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;=;;;::;;=p:;;;;;;. too large or too small. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orange. Costa Mesa, Ll 8-2619 BODT-PADfT SHOP PATCH'S BODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH Comp~te Colli!lion Work Auto Painting Free Estimates-Try Us First 786 West 17th St., Costa Mesa u . STROOT' HARDWARE HOUSEWABES * Giftware * Applicmces * Paint. 1a llca pwt aa.d.. U ~ c..t.ll- Jim Whyte GENERAL INSURANCE Lt. Som£>rs has received orders assigning him to the U. S. Army Dispensary at the Presidio of San Francisco. He received an M. D. degree Jn 1953 from the Unlver· sity of Southern California. Be· fore entering tht! Army last Sep- tember, he was associated with Dr. Carl Johnson In Long Beach. CEJn'D'ICATE OF WIDrEIS Flctitlou.a Fl.nD Jfame THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby eertify that they are conducting a flower shop anc! nursery bust- ness at 2625 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Calif .• undeor the fictitious tlrm n&me of Nonna n'a Flower Shop and Nursery, and that laid f irm Ia compoaed of the folowlnt penona whoee names In full and places ot residence are u follows. to·wtt: ~~ D. Ellla. 431.~ Begonia Ave., Corona del Mat. 1. L. Moaholdeor, 515 M&J'IUe· rtte Ave.. Corona del Mar. Wl'J'llfESS OW' banda th1l 7th day ot Nowmber, 19e5. 1oe D. ElJJa l . L. )(~older STATE OP' CAIDOaMA ) COU1'fTr OF O&ANQE >• OW THJS 7th clay of November, lB. belofe me. a l'otar7 Pu bl.lc In and tor •let county anc! .. te. retldJnc therein. dulY CIOIIUillt· ~iiii;iiiii;iiiiiiiii;ii~~=~~ji~~ii~i lloned anc! IWOm. periOftaJ}J ·~ i ,ee.red loe D. EUl.t and l. t. M-NMer. liDioW'n tro me to be .. ,..,. .._.name. are wbeariMd tro the wlthlD lMtru• __.,aDd~tDme U..t tJI.,. ~ the ..... WJJW£11 1111r band and oCIJ. dal ...... KUJ A. Baapa !fotary PublJc In and f« aa.Jd ODa~ ........ Jl)o C. 'HIPD ...... Aq. H. liM. .. .,. ... : ,,,,. .... to. 17, M. Dei ._ .. loU& Ill 1M Jfwjilllt ............. to th.e city for maintenance ex- peMes. There Is bowling every day except Monday and Thurs· day, beginning at 1 :30 p.m .--and Including holidays and Sundays. 1111 a• 0. DIIJ At 1_,., Alaska On duty at the U. S. Naval Station. Kodiak. Al aaka, are Jim mie D. Lancaster, construe· tJon apprentJce, Constructlon Battalion, USN, of 319 Bay St., Costa Mesa, and 1eny A. Van DeVeere, conat:ructlonman. Con · st:ructlon Battalion. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van OeVeere of 1872 Placentia Ave., eo.ta Mt"Sa. ActlvttJes of the battalion In· elude loelstk IUJJpolt b Kaval veuell. lncludlnc floatJng dry· cJodc fadlltl• rteonnal...nc:e airera.tt, and NaVY .ea and air retCUe unlta. K.o41ak llland, alte of the Navy'a ~ermoct Naval Station, t. loeated ott the south· ~tral cout ol Aluka. CDM Travel Service We wW be bappy to aaat.t you witJa CIDJ t:raft1 Clllcmy4t• · ••ta. NOW BOOKING SPRING CRUISES To 'fte C.ARIJIEAlf Coline Glbbon.l. Dorothy McKenna, Marcuertte Huahea Cot. E. Cout Rwy. at Orchid Aero. trom P.O., a>M taUMDAY, Dllt:KnD L l.S Helipot Will Boost Output In Move to 'Newport Plant R e 1 I p o t productJon will be booeted by con.olldaUng the a.anulacturlng acttvttln of 14 8 o u t b e r n Callfornla locations Into a new plant to be buUt tn Newport Beach near Hoag Hos- pital, Sale. llanage.r D. c. Mc- Neely anounc:ed at the annual aaln meetlng of the electronics finn, which now hu Ita head· quarters 1n South Paaadena. The new plant, which will allo be, the new headquarten alte, will be rea'dy for occupancy next year. Hellpot wUl continue to operate productJon facillt!H at Mountalnalde, N. J ., and Toronto, Canada. All other actlvltiea will be tranaferred to the new plant here. Mr. McNeely predicted a ree· ord $10,000,000 aaln total nut year, u ag&lnat .ame •soo.ooo thla year. The company II lntro· duclng a new ceramic potentlo· meter wbJch wtll operate with hllh preclalon at temperature. well over 200 delfees centigrade. It wu de.Jsned apeclflcally for use 1n &ulded mlulln, jet en· etnn and mJlltary electronic equJpment. Hellpot 1a al.o Introducing a new digital dial fo.r potentlo· meters adaptable to multi-turn operation, and a ainrle-tum dial, which for the first time will al· low accurate settJnga of one part in one thousand in a single-turn device. The Zermans Buill11g Permit Total Is Close to $9.000.000 The Newport Beach bulldlnc permit total for the year wu close to $9,000,000 u .am~ 86(),000 ln permits w~e recorded during the flnal daya of Novem· ber. Largest permJt durinc the past week was a $20.800 dwel· ling for Leo Koch in Corona Highlands. The following permits were issued: Basketballers Form Teams eUDO ISLE Earl Sawyer, addition over ga- rage, S35 Vla Lido Soud, $5,000. e aALBOA H. H. Mullins, 303 Edgewater, $136; John Falnbarg. re-roofi ng at 416 E. Bay Ave., $172; Edwin Draper, rt> rooting at 810 E Oct>an Ft., S200; Mrs. G. M. Thompson, remodel shower at 419 Harding. $500. • BALBOA ISLAJfJ) L. P. Kemp, one and two-story addition t t 908 S. Bay Ft., $i,OOO. • COJlOK A DEL ICAB Robt>rt Yamer. re-roofing at G20 Margut>rlte, $195. Intramural bask~ball teams e KEWPOBT ·~ -·- fJ01JI .tl blB* inc1uda. Lltfle IAogv• baseball ~ld in tile new Htdecrest HOME LOANS Wed 55 Years Mrs. Leila Gentry Completes 32 Years With Phone Co. for seventh, ~lghth and h1gh R Donald Hall. move building school age boys are being from 2226 W. Coast Hwy. to formed at Harbor Boys' club Santa Ana. $500; P. A. Palmer, Fourth, fifth and sixth grader jc>~ l'lry c;tore at 3378 Via Oporto, w11l start next week. S3 200; Floyd Mock. utility buUd· LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serve Y• LAGUNA I!ACH AND SAN CLEMENTI QUICK 24 HOUR SERV1Ci LOW "•EDUON6'' INTEREST .ItA TES FRIENDLY SYMPATHmC savtCE FRIE CUSTOMERS: PARKING ESCROW · SYVICE. EPACIENTL Y OPERA TED LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oc.en Ave. PHONE HY. 4-lln .SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. B c.mtno RHI PHONE HYadnth 2-1195 or HY.cfnth 1-1196 Costa In celebration of their 55th wedding anniveraary, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Zerman, 221 Golden· rod Ave., Corona del Ma.r, at· tended a family dinner given for them on Thank.aglving day by their daughter Mrs. A. E. Comter ol 917 Loulse St., Santa Ana. There were 10 ereat grandchll· dren present at the party, which Included four generations. Mrs. Zerman was born In Wooster, Ohio, and came to Santa Ana 58 years ago. Mr. Zerman wu born In San Francisco and came to the county 70 years ago. T. W. PAT!'EBSOifS MOVE The T. W. Pattersons have moved from 428 Avocado Ave .. Corona del Mar, to 618 Begonia Ave. JAMES D. RAY ••• II O.llr.., M46 E. COAST HWY .. CORONA DEL MAR H.MMw 4761 R••lcl-: H.MMw 4196 LOllS Fll 11•1 s" -.no LOAJf Construction Loans S"._TLULOM sa 101 SATTI.Ea Ptlrllr lllltpp Co. 1515 &. c::o.t Jtwy .. CDM ft. JIA ,_ 1D 3-5115 (llebo Life~ l'uDda) Orco Block Co. BUILDING JILOCIS--AU. SIZEI-ALL-TYPES Jl 1 ,... IP'!e'-ly U7M IMI&dllk • ._._ -L ..... ._ .. a- ~Ua Gentry. Chief operator fo.r Pacific Telephone's Newport Beach exchange alnce 1938. has just completed 32 years ol serv· Ice in the Bell System. She has seen at first hand the fabulous of tMs area and recalls. Instance, that there were only 1,600 ·telephones her~ when she came to Newport-Balboa . Today that number bas rrown to 18.500--and it's still lncreas· lng. She haa seen the local foree of operators grow from 35 girls 17 years ago to a current total of 140. Starting her career as an oper· ator In Fullerton after gradya. LEILA GEJfTJlY tlo n from that city's blgh school, some since the Holiday peak, Is Mrs. Gentry later served as a still a whopping total of around supervlaor In Anaheim. In 1930 45,000 dally-handled by opera· s he was appointed evenlng chief tors. · operator In the Anaheim office The new switchboards will and was named Fullerton chief Improve ~Ice a great deal. operator ln 1932. Mrs. Gentry said. In addition to supervising the "Customers can help them· local operating force, Mrs. Gen· selves, too. If they can place try la busy these days assisting their calls during the less busy In the coordJnatlon oC equipment hours. chances are they'll get ex· to serve Harbor telephone users. cellent service," she said. Western Electric supervisor Ed Busiest hours are between 9 Nlckertz. 314 Collins avenue, Bal· and 11 In the morning. Also, boa Island, and his men a.re now between 3 and 5 p.m. The latter, Installing six new positions of she pointed out. Is the re-sult of switchbOard. Last spring, nine teenagers arriving home from new positions were added In the school. central oUice at 3ll East Balboa "Many people have asked me Blvd. II our operators will lose their The new equipment wUl bring jobs when the dial conversion Is the switchboard poeJtJon total to ma.de. The answer Ia no -all 3S and w1U probably take care of gir~ W'IU be otteJ'ed slmUar posi· the heavy volume ot calling trat-tlons Ln n~a.rby offices of their 8e uatll 1M dial CIIIIIWWMIM fft ~ Rdf .. Santa Ana, Ana· 1957. The swttchboarda are ne· helm and Garden Grove." ~ to meet the su.rging in· Mrs. Gentry and her husband, crease in calllna volume. Gale, live at 613 36th street In "Lab« day weekend was very Newport Beach. He owns a phar· heavy In volume," M.rs. Gentry macy In Banning. recalls. "Ou.r operators handled Their daughter, Mrs. Jacqulyn an average dally total of 50,000 Ruhl ~kin. graduated from calla durin& that weekend." Newport Ha.rb« High and now That flgure. she. pointed out. mak" her home in northern doesn't include the calli handled cauromla at Tracy. She bas twin by dial equipment (Uberty). sons. 2t.t year-old Michael and And the daily volume, down ,Jerry. Murdy Re-elected Chairman. Names Hospital Committees State Senator John A. Murdy Jr. announced· commlttee ap- pointment& for the cUJTent year for Hoag Memorial Hospital after he wu re-elected chaln:nan of the boa.rd of dlrectors. which Ja composed of representatives of the Hoar Foundation and the Presbyterian group. Mrs. Georee Hoag of Balboa ls the president of the Hoag Foun· dation. Members ol the executive com · mltte(! Include Mr. Murdy. chair· ma n; Dudley Furse, Los Angeles; Chester Hawk. Santa Ana, -and Ma.rlon Youel, Santa Ana. Mr. Youel ls chairman ol the finance committee. which also Includes Ralph Kohlmeier. Los Anreles; Gordon McGowan. Long Beach , and Ralph Pringle, South La· gun a. meetlnp. nunes' meetings and auxJllary meetinga. From Feb. 1, 1954 to Dec-ember. 1954 Hoag Memorial Hospital handled 4.225 In patients: 7..271 out patJents; 1,548 emergencies; 831 child births; a dally high of 120 patients with an average or 83.34 patients. KAJlL KJTTS IS SUVDfG .UOAJU) S171 llAZODACK Karl G Kitts. Interior commu- nications e lec:-tr1clan firema n ap· prentiC'e. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. lUtts of 183 E. Santa Isabel. Costa Mesa. Is serving aboard the guppy-type submarine USS Razorback at San Diego. The Razorback. which conductE'd a two-week cruise In late October to the Mexican sea· side playground of Acapulco, Is a unit or Submarine FlotUJa 1. As In football and ba.sebaJI lng at 1000 W Coast Hwy .. Sl0.·1 Boy5' Club athletlca are gea r<'d 500. Tom Carson. re-moflng at In buuU(ul COSTA M£SA to give participation to all. Bas 2111 W Balboa Blvd , $400. Harbor BoulevarcUr Baker Ave. ketball "house'' rules Insure • BALBOA COVES SaMt .,.m-w.lw a LM every boy of playing at leastj Nadme Dagu<'. patio and din· '3 :Telepboae:•" Lib.ti l-7arl • half the game. All boys who rt> ing area at 1:> B<1lboa Coves., ~ = "~ • port for formation of learues ar<' Sl 000 ------------- placed on teams and assured the ecoROKA BIGID.Al(J)S 1..-----•HIT'••••• chance to play. AJs ln football, the better play Leo Koch. 1-story. l ·unlt dwel· Clll t:m,... ers a.re given an additional op· ling at 4t5 Isabelle Terrace. VIIO portunlty for com petItI on $20800 through participation ln the Or· • IRVDfE TEJlllACE ange County Boys Basketball As· M Gardner, swimming pool at soclatlon. However these boys 1536 Serenade Terrace, $3,000. must maintain ellglbUity by playlng ln the Intramural lea· gues and efforts are made to s pread them evenly through all the teams to give even com~· Uti on. Seventh _graders report Thurs· day afternoon from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15; eighth graders T\Jesday night. 6:30 to 9:00. and h1gh schoolers Wednesday 6:30 to 9:00p.m. Wilt Party 1..,. 011 ,, ... ,_.c ... "Many hands make light the work" w as a good slogan !or t ht> volunteer work pa rty at the Community Youth Center on the Harbor View School grounds the other Saturday. There were several fathers of budding southpa')'S. or may n future Steve Bilko, reporting for work with the spirit of getting the job done. Two boys who wlll have a personal lnterest in the Youth Center bulldlnc are St"'e 8uUeworth and Pete Morlftl· roth, wbo responded to the call tor help. More boyw wlll be asked to come for future ttork parties. Mt>mbers of the Youth Center Committee of the Woman's Civic ~ague ~rved a coUee break. There are tentative plans for 'I some sort or entertainment at the Youth Center building during the Christmas holidays. dept>nd· lng on completion of lighting and beating. 11005£ LODGE POT -LUCK A pot lluck dinner was held last night C Wednesday 1 tor all members of the newly tormed Costa Mesa Moose Lodge No . 1457 and thelr tamlllea at the Costa Mesa American Legion Hall. An opportunity for bona fide res•dents of the dellvery zone of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Corona del Mar post oUice 1 to entt>r the postal service ls 1 now opt>n through an ~xamlna · tlon for Clt>rk and Carrier posi- tions r<>qu lring no ex~ience. Postmac;tt>r Verne H Watson an· nounces A recent cbangt> in the writtf"n c.-xaminatlon p e r m I t s morE' ~rsons to qualify while k~plng the high callbrt> of po· tentlal emplo) ees. he said. Entrance pay is $1 71 an hour with steady Increases providf'd Appolntmt>nts art' made to the car('('r !'f'r\'IC'P \'eterans art> al ~ lowd fiVe.' pomts extra on thc.-ir <'arnE'd gradE' and veterans with a com~n!>able disability which MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. Royel r,,., FREE PICK-U P l DELIVERY Phon• Herb« 3094 170 I E. Coest Hiqhwe y et Avec.do Cot'OIIe d•l Mer w-Ill not lntt>rfere with their work 1 ,A., Classified ,A.,d in The Ensign are allowed 10 points extra. brinqs immediate results! C.ll There IS no height requ~ment. Horbor 1114--1115 end orove itl *Mono is 150 ~llf'fltJ in U. S. Nlllio114l's CHRISTMAS CLUB Join Nowl t $1.00. _. s 1.00 ..... ,.,._ ·-·-·---· s 50.00 s 2.00 ..... ..-yt ---·--$100.00 s s.oo ..... ..-y~ ____ ··-· $250.00 SIOJIO • ~ ,..ys .. $501.00 -PLUS INTIUST - . -. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK COSTA MESA Members of the public rela· Uons and building campaign committe(! selected by Mr. Mu.rdy Include William F. Kimes. Clltf Haven ; Dallas Turner, Laguna Beach; Stephen C.rlset, Santa Ana; A. V. Jorgensen, Mr. Pringle and Robert Cunnison. campaign coordinator. Members of the buUdlnr committe(! lndude Mr. Crlset. Mr. Furse. Clarence Lush of Orange and Mr. Murdy. Squadron 3, a~t~Sa==n~D~I:eg~o:·----~~======================~~-~-----~--~---o.oP---'--~-------~---·--· __ •_hd __ " ___ 'm __ t•_A __ l~--~ __ • __ __ A 44.400 population 1n the Huntlneton liNch. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach area is pre- dicted tn four years w ith the necaalt:Y tar D> hospital beds. Southern c..n,e oouDt;y has rrown 80 ~ aftd consl.atentl)' in tbe lut t... ~ Oat Boac Memorial ~Ita). opened In s.ptember, 1J52. wttb "'S beds. II now beln& t&XIId to ~paelt)'. PI~ addltlonl to the h~· pttal1ndude 80 bedll. • pediatrics ~t. .._yalotberapy ~ p&rt~Mnt.._ aa.lllln.llla I"'OONN .. eon~~Ultadtw tumor ltoa.rd, ~ 11. 8dc1JtloMJ har.cb room taclO· del. room tar llltwn or NaJ.dat ~ _..tloeal room tar ila...,..tk aM •. ,.., equlpaMftt .. -li'DC7 ......... a..tJaon • ........... . ......., .... ,. ::r-' .. *-' ...... ....., aft .......... -~ ... .- ~--. Tlff HAHOY YEUDWPA6ES WILl SEE ME SAFELY llfROUGH FOR TAXICABS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE .,CI.ASSIAED" PAAT OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK 0 1 FrOI11 the POUCE ILO I I ER NOW! Joe Roudot (Formedy of -r'be ~ Is The New Owner-Manager of ROSSI'S CAFE REPAIR AND Main t enanc e , paJntlngl carpenter etc. Just 2325 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar a nything. Reasonable. Satts. ~=========================~-=taction guaranteed. HA 0126-J. Give a Gih that GROWS! A 6ift Account .. Newport Bafboe S.vings keeps right .,._ growing, earning -4 dividends y..rty. Your Gift Aeeount Passlioc* wlls,.,.U. on tfie Cfiristn• tree, in its handsome r.d ease, with • Gift C.td bMtint yovr signature. Makes eyes s,.rkle,· too, at suc:Ji • though+- ful, worthwhile gift from y04J. S.vings invested 6y h 'l()ft; of eny month Hm from the ht, et our cwrrettt hi~ reM,t of l'h "· per ..,.., • NIWPORT lA' lOA SAYINGS 3366 VJe lUo NEWPORT lEACH, CALJFORNA Ccla..m.t OOBONA. DEL KAR CXIIoe Jt07 ... C4ut mpw.,. Jlut)or 5230 ,..... ... , ¥••4• ----., ....... _ Thl8 1Mf W'h7 not atve a LIY· tq OUt ••• Ben are a r.w ~: Camellu, Gar· deidu, Hlbl8eua. or o t .h • r hanty lbrubl for a sunny area ... a llvtnr am.tmu Tree, a Rubber Plant. Split Leal PhJJ. odendron. or other tropical bouM plant. Glazed pottery, BedwoocJ planter or too.. for the back yard farmer. Come ln and Jet u. help you make your Mlectlon. P. S. From now 'til Christmas we will give double Green Stamps on any pwdla.ses UO or over. ..... Dellwly. CORONA DEL MAR NuRSERY ., .... ce.t .... .., -............. .. • Geklss.,.. LAUfi)RV £ DRV CL(;AOinG •'SemDg Orcmge County SiDc:e 1918'' Ia opeNttDg tile ....._ C.. hN ~ & Dry Oa•tn. 1100 Weet eo.t llllla'tNJ (~ 1.-tM -.y Club) .ewpol't .... IIWIPEI DriYeln For ConYenient and Complete DRY CLEANING and LAUNDERING SERVICE 1100 W. COAST IDGHWAY SPECIALS F. TIIUIS., Fll., SIT., DECE.EII-2-3 We Carry Manning's Choice Baby Beef ExduaiYely! IWU 1 5 nE.IIU7II ALL IIEA;r-llb. plqJ. -W -IENERS SJCALL Fa.ESB IOU Ribs Spare JIAJIJORQ'S 8EEP Pot Roast lb. LEAII-VEII'I' LITl'LE aoaE Pork Roast ....,..n:a~u ......... ~ , 49l .HAM 45 .. SUGU CUUD 801fELEU Corned Beef I LB CAR Crisco 69~ GLOJUETJ'A Tom. Juice ::~ ......... 19~ EIU.AJm"S-PieciM & Steau Mushrooms ·.: 1~ PIUBCELLA yAMS :a .. H •••••••••••••••••••••• 15~ I'OLQEB-1 lb. Caa COFFEE 79i.. I F r u •' n F o o ch 1:-~ L miiM&T&-11 ...... 2 Clll"lll .~.-~ ...... • SPINACH 29' aDIIJUD . Sh awbea rles .... 23• ....... M& us 7 a au as a a n sa a SF sa As a OLD DU"'''CB--/a Jlrt. 1aJe CLEANSER. LmaTs-aady Ga:rdeD 1 Can 121/JC 1 Can 61/JC 2 CANS 19c PEAS :a ..... H. 2 ~ 35~ RiCEt ':: ;:~~···H···-····35~ l.laft"'-eu.d -llalfte Peaches :. 2 ~ 35~ DOW Wan& Cauliflower FIIDIIOUD BROCOLLI . liD !WAY GRAPES ... a a u -· untu Presents u 6ift Guide· SAVE THJB HAMDY l YULE GIFI' -sECTION Schools to Present Yuletide Programs ·SHOP and SAVE 100 DRESSES $10~00 vema.. up to 129.95 S..7-20 CORDUROY · GROUP Pua&Atn __ ,__,. ___ J4.95 Stim limit 4.95 Bermuda Shorts -·-3.50 ~ 3.95 PuDonn 3.95 Sldrta 4.95 Jac:btll 6.95 COLOa "-+ a.-. Gold ~ ............ 11-.10.11 • --t ~~ .N. _,_. I Bea'h & Boulevard Uatt •·Z. -· 1. •o. I' I "" .............. _ co-• D--IIA&. CALIP TIIVIIIDAT. DECEXaD I. 1151 -·~~~~~~~-·-~_•_a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~n~~ full dap~~hool &hool 0r~~u~o~am~7:~ WHAT To. BUY · WHERE ·TO FIND IT ~::;::a~{~~~::~~~g bth~:: ~~]:~~~;~th;;~~~~ e e e The last day ot Instruction will al ot the ahepherda and wi~ be on Friday, Dec. 16, and the men with gilts. * U AVTT .. on Elite Beauty Shop, BJ. Ellen's Beauty Shop, Newport * .OOD Book Shop of the Island Hyd~n's, Balboa Island Marrtner'a. Laguna Beach * CANZ.U CIIDd SUPPLIES I Harbor Photo Lab, C.D.M. * CAJmT Corona del .Mar Pharmacy Dot 6 Bob, Balboa Island * CI.EAJOJ(Q. LA1JJfDIIT Bal Isle Laundromat Van'a Cleaners, Corona del .Mar Sanitary Laundry, Dry Cleaning * J)AJfCZ IT11DI08 . Arthur Murray, Corona del Mar Fa nya'a. Corona del Mar * CIIILDU:.W'I WEAJI Bratldt'a, Corona del Mar Brat Shop, Coata Mesa Irene's, Laeuna Beach Reinert's, Costa Mesa Top Drawer, Balboa Island Tops 'n Bottoms, Costa Mesa Penney's, Laguna Beach * CIOUSTIIAS CAllDS Brookings, Corona del Mar Corona del Mar Pharmacy Hyden's. Balboa Island .Mariner's, Laguna Beach * PLOWEJIS Hartleln Flowers. Corona del Mar Morrl, Balboa and Costa Mesa Norman's Flower Shop, C.D . .M. *FOODS Butcher Boy, Corona del Mar Harbor Health Foods. Newport Orange Inn, Laguna Beach Richard's Udo Market Welsh's, Laguna Beach Coast Super Market, C.D.M. * PVIIJifiTVIl.E Arcade Maple Shop. Santa Ana Baker's, C.D.M. and Laguna Laguna Awning It Maple Shop Martin It Von Hemert, Laguna Mary's Hou~ of Maple, C.D.M. * CIPTS Blrd's Studio Shop, Laguna Collector's Item, Laguna Estelle's Pride 'It Joy, B.I. Karen Marareta Imports, C.D.M. Oriental Traders. Laguna RJchard'a I'Jdo Market ~~-=:~al)d * IIADWAD. IIOU'ICWAaa Crown Bardw.,., Col'ona deJ Mar I.aland Hardw~ Balboa Island KMm RJma Haidware, C; Mesa Floyd Lee, Santa Ana Stroot'a Hardwut, Coeta Mesa ~ewelM, C.D.M. Ray Ftelda, Vlata Shopplne Cen'r lotm.on 1eweler1 Balboa Island Spauldlnj(a, BalDo& Wand Wlllon'a lewelry, Balboa * UQOOU Island Uquors, Jalboa Island * MD'S Cllld lOTS' WEAJl Brandt's, Corona del Mar Lansdown~a, Balboa laland Th~ 1Jtan, Costa Mesa Penneya, Laruna Beach Reinert's, Costa Mesa Sawyer's, Balboa Island * PLAifT'I. IIDtJU Corona del Mar Nursery Norman's, Corona del Mar * PETS AJfJ) SUPPLIES Jordans, Corona del Mar * PICTUU: nAJUJfQ Keith's, Newport Beach * POII'TilAITS Harbor Photo Lab, C.D..M. Kayette Studio, Corona del Mar * ~traNG SALOif Stauffer's, Corona del Mar * D:STAUaAif'TI Cott.aee Waffle Shop, B. I. Katy's Comer, Balboa Island * STATIOifE.IIT 'IOPPLII:S Brookings, Corona del Mar Marriner's, Laruna Beach *TOTS Corona d~l Mar Pharmacy Mary It David's. Corona del Mar Toy ·Shop, Balboa Island * SEIIVICE STATIOif Cramer's Union OU, Balboa Lsland * SPOIITllfG COODS Balboa Lsland Sporting Goods Rod It Reel. Balboa Island * TV AJfJ) llADIO Davis-Brown. Costa Mesa Kirkpatrick's TV, Corona del Mar SOS Radio-TV, Balboa Island * WOMEif"S APPAilEL Beach It Blvd., Laruna Beach Bragl"a. Corona del Mar Branat•a. Coron!J!!.Mar ::e;::,~u:c:.t~~~- Marilyn's, Costa Mesa young people will return to • GLEE CLUas TO SDfQ O'Brien's, Corona del Mar cluses on Tuesday, Jan. 3. Since The Harmoneera. the eighth Penne~s, Laguna Beach N~ Year's Day taJls on a Sun-grade mixed chorus, the seventh ~~~~~~ ~aM:!t Mar day, the students will have Mon·l grade girls' glee club and the Silhouette Shop, Corona del Mar day. Jan 2• as a holldar-seventh grade boys' glee club wUl T-own 'n Surf Laruna Beadl I StevE-n Vancent Benet s play. sing under the direction of David La Reine. N~rt "Our Child Is Born," will be pre· Olson. The ~hool orchestra wlll * UPJIOLSTEIIT. Dun:JIT sent{'(! to the public and the play, directed by Lew Kidder. Dick Macker's, Udo Center Nt-wport Harbor Urllon H I g h The same program wUJ be pr~ * TOJfS &hooi PTA In the high ~hool sented tor the students that day. Knit Shop, Balboa Island aur!ttoraum at 7:30 p.m . Thurs-1 'The Magic Toy Shop" is the Narborough Yam Shop, C.D.M. day. Dec 15. after a PTA bus-name ot the Christmas benefit !ness mt'E'tlng. The play will be program for Harbor View School set>n by the high school students to be presented tn the school I on Friday, Dec. 16. cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, All students tn the Corona del e PROCilAJI DEC. 14 Dec. s. and 2:30 p.m. Saturday, .Mar School wUl take part In the Parents of students In the Dec. 10. Students will take part school Christmas program. Each Newport Elementary School have staged by the Harbor View School cla.s.s will present Its own .ang been invited to attend a Chrlst· PTA In conjunction with the and scene at 9 Lm. Thursday, mas program In the school on the Children's Th~atre or the New· Dec. 15, in the school auctltoclum mormng or Wednesday. Dec. 14. port Harbor Community Players. for the othet students. The pub· Songs and verse with tableabs In lie has been Invited to. witness the Christmas th~me will be the Christmas program at 9 a .m l:'nactt"d by students of the first, Friday, Dec. 16. S('{'Ond and third grades. "The First Christmas" will be Read the Ensign Want Ad page. the tht'me of the Horace Ensign A Clossified Ad in The Ensiq, brinqs immediote results! CoR HorbcY I I 14-1 I IS end orove itl VOGUE GIFTS from Delightful Gifts For The Home . ..... llrSIHia Iars , .... For thoee who love gifta with a difference in the oantempor- ary mood . . . there's aomettdng for the home every membir 01 the taiDl1j wlllenjoy. Smart Sefll eMirs Ll•p Cllllrs . rd Baker's DECOilATIVE SCJIEEifS 110011 DIVIDED MaGie Top Willi . FIIIITI.IE e. ••• JJ *-... ..... A real prize from this year's Vogue collection -this beautiful cross-bar bracelet by Monet. craftsman Jewel- ers, for $1 0 {plus tax), matchmg ear- rings for $5. The $1 present at its freshest: a dark, Paisley garnish. Generous Burmel linen handkerchiefs to give in pairs or tuck in as an extra "stocking gift," $1 each A nice surpnse in a fashion-and as a present. th1s stunning paisley vel- veteen bag Its a brand new Chnst- mas 1955 creation for the sma rtly dressed w oman. $1 6.50 {plus tax). "Just what she's always wanted." Th1s smart wickered gilt compact by Evans .. has cake }X>wder inSide. The style is another Christmas occur- rence in fashion, individual and smart, $7 .SO (plus tax) ., ..... ,., ...... ,~ ........ .-... ..... , .... .. ZQZ Z .. qpq ~-.:~~ .. 4l .. . •THESE Gin'S are a few of those selected by Vogue magazine, Ne>- vember 15 issue, for her Glamorous Christmas. See other Vogue aeJeo- ted fashion presents at O'BRIEN'S . 110'1' ....... o..-..... • Tbe IDGIIt .-able wq to pin ...,.., • ...tal ~~an4pol8el8 dance Ballet and Tap. Help ydUr dauab~ ~ the adlward ,.ara. I f'or llafamaatloa aDd......,...,.._...._ •111 JITatt • ..., ... ~ .u JITatt • ..., •• coUect. a.... bel4 .... ..,..... ..... of aa.a £ .......... 2112 E. Coaat ll'wy. c.o.. .w .... ~ .... ':-' ,....... .:.:--.:.:....~=-.:.:-.::-~-.:.:......::-.. -.::..,.., .. , ..• ~.,......,.....,.....,.....~~~.,..,. . ·~ . .., .a S acony fun to give and to get! 'nte Rev. Jamee S. Stewart. paa· tor of St. Andtewa Presbyterian Church In Clltf Haven. hu been ~lected prealdfllt of the Harbor Council of Churches for 1~. Serving with him will M Pu· tor Robert B. Gronlund cit the Harbor Lutheran · Church, vlce· president; Mrs. W h l t n e y B. Wrig ht, trom St. l ames Epl.K'o· pal Church. secretary; Ml.&s Clara Kohlstedt, Christ Church by the Sea, treasurer. In.stallatlon service will be h~ld at Christ Church by the Sea on Jan. 15. which will be the an· nual meeting. 'Ibis will be a din· ner meeting open to the public . Th~ program will include the award to the Church Man and Church Woman of 1955. Pastors will 1ubmlt names of candidates to the committee, wtUch lncludfS the Rev. Roy c.aruc!fl of Christ Church by the Sea, the Rev. Frederick Ringe of the Universal· 1st Community Fellowship and C. W. Cox. YMCA sec-retuy. Awards are made on the basis of "service to the church, the com· munlty and the world wide cause of Christ." The electJon meeting was held at Orange Coast College, where a Thanksgiving lunch was served in the cafeteria. 'nley adjourned to the Student Religious Center for the busJness meeting. The Rev. W. C. Cronic, president. pre· sided over the cl081ng session of the year. Dr. Basil Petersoll. OCC president, told brfefiy how the building wu acquired a nd how It will be used by student groups and others. .. Couple Elopes To las Vegas A weddinc reception at the borne ot t.be •ide'• p&Nnta, Mr. and lira. Brobert Chamberlain of eo.ta 11--. feted MWlyweda ~. and lira. lto,er McKlnnqn fol· lowlnc their ~t e\weiMnt to Lu Veaaa. The brld Ia the for· mer Mlu Millicent Chamberlain. Her new husband 1.8 the 10n ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles MclCinnon of Corot~a del Mar. loth yount people attended Newport Harbor Hlcb School and Orance Coast College. The bride alao formerly went to Arizona State College. Cor leftwtteMI. envelopes ~ THE ENSIGN. HA-t I 14 • • • of ~CKial note •• ,E6 Sacony holiday What nieer &ift for this llolidaJ MUOil •• tber.'• • much to do, 10 many partial Saecm.Ta dntr, eolorfa1 .,. aeparata are 10 thrifty, and 10 •Aiftr, too. Yoa eaa ,14 any akirt plus two mix-match blouaM for ucSe1' $11 (3-6x) and surprise a tittle cirl with a vlol. party wardrobe! ,.It.'s a wonderful bVJl" Slu>vm: Wool felt circle-aldrt with appllqued felt poal-, qulclt-ftt elaaticized walltbancl. .... (1-f.z), .... ('7-14). Bnid-ouUined lisle bloue a.M (S~x), a.M (7-U ). u MeD iD llcCall'a · e Sub·TMU e Crlrl'a Apparel e BoJ'I thnl 1' e bllcmts w.. e FuraltuN e Toys * Charge Accounts * Lay-A-Ways "'Oraav-Couaty'a Moat Comp.-ChlldND'I Sllop"' OpeD Friday lftgbts Vatili:OG P.M. ~a;~rr ~~ 1101 Jfewport An C:O.ta ll..a Ll 1·7731 ... The Dick Mackers of 216 VI a Mentone. Lido, spent a real quiet Thanksgiving, but the excite· ment came the next day when they decided their seven-month· old baby had the measles. • • • Two Newport Harbor High School alumni are planning fu. Renner Pupils Give Recital Mrs. Alexander Renner of Co· rona Highlands presented a re· cltal by some of her plano stu· dents at Monday evening's meet· lng of Asia House, heJd at the Grandview Garden Restaura nt In the New Chinatown, Los Angeles. Dr. Renner is president of Asia House, whlc.h is an association of people who have Uved in the Far Eut. Ann Humuon played a COD· cert .tudy by Czerny, a Chopin Prelude and a Strauss waltz. Daphne Monroe played "Orcan Grinder in the Rain." Helen, KornUow'a selection wu a Bach Prelude. Ruth M cGurn played three studies by Czemy, a Chopin ~ude, a Strauss Waltz and a Bach Prelude. Paul Carr played a march by Souu.. UGAL Ilona& •ana or n•ama ~Jict..n.l Befo~ the Publlc Utllitles Com· rnl.ulon of the State of Call· forniL In U!e mattft" of the applica- tion of the PacWc Telephone ana Telegraph Com pany, a corpora· tlon. for detft"mlnatlon whether the public Interest requires the establishment of extended aerY· Ice over certain routes In Orange County and portlons of Los An· geles County whJch are adjacent to the Orange County boundary and, In the event It is determined that the public interest requires establishment of such service, for authority to establish rates for ···~----~(lill~--"le!l!itl~~~~~~~~~~~ saJd extended service In lieu of present rates In the areu af. Oon:t be caught short of cash at Christmas time. Next ye1r you c1n have plenty of money when you · need it the most ff you iofn out Christmas Club ,. 1916. fected and to cancel and with· draw message toll telephone service rates now ln effect for said routes. Notice ls hereby given that the Public Utllitles Commlaaton of the State of California bas aet the hearing In the above en· titled matter Mfore Comrnlaston· er Craemer and Examiner Ed· wards for Thursday, DecemMr 15, 1955 at 10:00 a.m. In the County Welfare BulldtllJ, Santa Ana, .California, at whlch tlme and place all Interested parties may appear and M heard. By order of the Public Utilities Commbslon. Dated at San Frand.a), ,thla 8th dq of ~overnber, 19!55. R. l . PAIAUCH. Secretary, Public Ut111U• Com· mission of the State of Call· fotnlL Publtah: Dec. 1,1955 In the Newport Barbot Eraafp. A C1euifi.d Ad in The ~ brinQf' immediate resulhl c.- H•rbor II t4-IIIS end DtO¥e itt ture trips to the altar, according to pre-holiday announcements. Emil Dopyera. son of Mrs. Har· riett Dopyera of Costa Mesa, wUl escort Miss Suaan Rock. daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. 8. Rock of Garden Grove, up the center aisle on .Januar~ 29. Both are at· tending Orange Coast College. William H. P~net', now attending the University of California at Berkeley, ls engaged to Miss Nancy Warren, also attending college. at UC. Blll's parents are the Parker Pences of Costa Mesa. Mrs. Mildred Warren of Oakland ls mother of the bride-to-be. • • • Although they are Uvlng In their Los Angeles residence on Fairland Blvd. thla time o' year, the Don Dotaons manaJ~e to get down to their Collins Ave. home on Balboa Island lots of week· ends. • • • Mlclce Wlt.oll, fanner "Myrt • Gert" pl, .ts now tDutn.a rtal,.. =~--~~~--, .. ~ ..... ···-···-········-··--· .11e Gh'e Your JJttle ADpl" A -ut.-Ub• UVE BUIIEB "all .... , • ............. 11.11 Pre-HDiidtly St1/e Chritllma. F"JJJ.d STOCKING 51.11 One of The Best Selections of Perfumes 6 Colopea In Th• Southland Dn0Jr -C0'1T -LU fiLUIC -IOAIIA'n .,..a: IIATCUntJr_...._. DOJKn1l'f GUY -aAL DS 'Dft -D"'aAY , • : ;. ,,s,,;,Jiu~ stlldioll Df tltJIMI ,,.,1 ftw 7DMI CAPESKIN JACKET Washable! White, pale pink and powder blue. 49.95 SPORTSWEAR COCKTAIL DRESSES LINGERIE ACCESSORIES Slu1 I II 16 LA RIINI ••• LIDO ~ Lido ~ c:.nter '""" Nftopclrt ~fwd.. twn riGM at VIII ~ first 1tNet ..... ~.MarW. JOO Vi.~ Mi~Ul• N1wptw1 B1~~rh HArbor 4JJO DoaleaT 1111111eT .. a.. claM' of 1 .. ) aDd Mr. aed lla.. ....U ..-.ly (Mr. ~,. la a ·--of tM daa of IMl). '!'be •-• c 4iilll9 ..._ Ia tM Sodal •all toUllwed llalbor'a .sctory 09W Ora.ge. --~------------------- .a.&. )anUY II J'IIOKOTitD 'fO IWQPUT riMY CLAU wtmam M. Jettrey, eon of Mra. Phyllt.t' Jettrey, 312 Narclsaua Ave., Corolla del Mar, hu been J1101D0te4 to aereeant firat class Miss Jane Nunan, Bride to Be, Gilt sa....ts Is Feted by Ex-Schoolmates Home from the 1955 national A December bride-to-be, Miss JanE Nunan, wal feted at a pre- nuptial shower etven by former schoolmates, Miss Yvonne Taylor and Miss Nancy Tritt, at the lat- ter's Udo Iale home. Twenty trlenda gathered for brunch last Friday and exchanged college news as well as exciting plans of Miss Nunan's coming wedding to Gene Patterson. Many of the friends were home from ~~ehools for the Thanksgiving hoUdays. The honoree was presented with gifts for the kitchen. ar_- ranged on a table centered by a small replica of the old fashioned cook stove. The table arrange- harbor photo lab cameras repairs rentals ment waa made with autumn fiowers. The Intended bride's mother, Mrs. Everett Nunan, pre- sided over the coffee and Nancy's mother, Mrs. W. B. Tritt. assisted the hostesses with service during the brunch. Prtz.es for the games played during the party were c.aptured by Miss Carolyn ptd- dlngs and Mtas Mary Royce. Among those invited to the party were the Misses Jan Dul- worth, Connie Mangold, Sally Stewart, Mary Harvey, Judy Blum, Renee Elliot. Mary Ann Russ, Becky Smith, Kay Board- man, Gall Parker, Linda Zander, Marilyn George and Mmes. Rog- er McKinnon a nd Robert Schar- nelL Out of town guests Included Mrs. John Patterson of San Luis Obispo, Mrs. Donald Preston of Calexico, Mrs. Frank Patterson of Huntington Beach and Mrs. Lad· die Taylor of Santa Ana. GAS CAUSES EXPLOSIOif G&l Scout convention, Mrs. Ted Hambrook. president, Mra. Sld· ney Sanders, M.n. Everett Nunan and Mrs. W. P. Thomas, execu- tive director, reported at the re- cent Newport CouncU board meeting. Some 3.600 delegates. alter- nates and professionals from all over the United States attended the Nov. 1-4 convention ln San Francl..sco. Six thousand adults and teen-agers were present at the ~eieral assembly, which in- troduced nauonat otficera and guests, Including Lady Baden-. Powell. Shiet Guide of the World. SAT IT Wl'nl CORSETRY-LINGERIE 2737 F.. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar .ACI& , ... In the ROTC kttaJJoo of Pomona Colleee and Cl........t •••• eoue,e. He wu a ce4lt ....... and ia a ~ ot &be JattallOD Colol' Guard. He Ia a junior at Pomona. Our 4reu le1111h Primro•• Pretty I MIIII of t11Uia • ,.,.., of ruflk• lit tlte lt.tiiTI IMptl neckline arul at the .ule Jt.tM. liM. For the tleUuu lHic you love ... a pri.mrou u ~6rol.­ dered 111 the miiril o/ tiW II)'· lo• tricot llr~ fOil/A. Love Apple R ed, B~.merc~tp. Pink Violet, BU.e Belk, PeUil Pink. 11853, sizu 32-38 at 6.9S fast COLOR SERVICE An accumulation of natural gas caused a $50 explosion In the heMe~-room of the residence of Dr. 'L. C. Lowe of 2242 Channel Rd., klboa, at ll:35 p.m. 1ut Friday~ tbe Newport Beach fire deputment M'port.ed. 8 3403 E. Coast Bwy. 00aoJIAD£LIIAa ,._..._S(I71 BOUIIS I TO 5:_, .. OIIE U..Oa 1- JlZI & a-t awy. CIJM For Men Only Men: this~ a special showing by models . furs . . . lounge wear. . . gowns . . costume jewelry and acoesaories. Trained penonnellrill be on band to help you -.ct the perfect gift~ for the Jady ln your We. GOwDa Ketc:hed. d'l6gned by Don L9per, Doro\hy O'Hara cmd Perlberg. Many more gorgeous things by~ delllgnera auch aa 'Rna L1111r will be shown. ...... - I at Tuesday December 6th '4:30 •• l:OO ···~ P.S. Ladies, DQee Santa know . your Ua? Marilyn's Yes ••• you ccm pJ.aae thou nearest and dearest to you ••. of whatever age • • • beat with Lovely Jewelry , J....U by Trlfart * OtDega Watcb• ~!, .. ~~~ e Decorative Baskets ~~--J'i';) e Shell Jewelry e Italian Wooden Imports Sea Comber MabYoun "A Gooll Soa1d" Cllristmas Gift • • • S.O.S. RADIO & T I v. JlADIO-TELEVlSJOH-Bl-FI RA 5570 PROJfE Harbor 0780 or '482 322 MAJIIKE AVE .. BALBOA L Tbe Sbop of Penoaal S.noice PUZRED WHAT TO GIVE? WE FEATURE STANDARD BRANDS OF MERCHANDISE LANSDOWNE'S lEI'S WEAR 312 Marlne AYe. -------... , ......... , •. ,. ~OVER A GOOD MEAL SHOP ·oN .Balboa Island Chrislaalds is near ••• Yo. gifts are here! FerS. .. Cllri111111 "Ewa" CHURCHES 17JfiVEBSALJST FE.LLOWSBlP In the absence ol the Rev. and • Mrs. Frederick W. Ringe, this Sunday's serv1ce in »te Unlver· A Hair Style By Mr. Paul .. CDM CONM17JfJTT CII11BCB that created the heavens; God sallst Community Fellowship, The Rev. Edwin C. GorAke, himself that formed the earth 515 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, wlll minister of the Corona del Mar a nd made It; he hath es tablished be conducted by Wllllam Wiley. Community Church. will speak it, h e created It not In vaV"t, he "Religion According to Me" will on "The Word We Seek" for the formed It to be Inhabited: I am be his sermon top ic. Miss KJtty second Sunday In Advent. Sacra· the Lord ; and there ls none Orr will be In charge ot the mu- ment of Baptism a nd re<.-eption else." I sic. Sunday school will begin at of members will be held during DJOCESAlf ME1'TINC FB.IDAT 1 10 a .m. I~ order that children the morning worship. may pract1ce for the Christmas CJIIUSTI ... SCIEKCE CJit1JlCB \}le Diocesan Day School din· service which will occur on Dec. ......, nN and area meeting will be 18. The completeness. Pe r man · held a t 6 p.m. tomorrow (Frl- ence. and glory or God's perfect dayl In the Parish Ha ll ot St. CRJUST CHURCH •T TBE SEA creation will be t'Xpounded In Ja mes Episcopa l Church, New- the Sunday Lesson·Sermon on port. Speaker w ill be the Rev. "God the Only Cause l nd Cre· w 1111 a m s. Chalmers, head· ator" at the Newport Beach Christian Science church. The master of Harvard School and Golde n Text Is from Isaiah head of Diocesan Department of (45:18): "Th us salth the Lord Day Schools. "Our Journey Into Christmas" will be the Rev. Roy Ca rlson's sermon theme at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday In Christ Church by the Sea, Newport Beach. The Sanctu· ary Choir. under the direction of Mrs. Irma Rutter will p rovide special music of the Advent sea· son. Let US do your Laundry While YOU do your Chriatmaa Shopping! .AJIAJ FAITH TO MEET I C9lor Work by Carmen BAL ISLE LAUIDROIAT the PRIZE PACKAGE, an CHOOSE FROI OUR COIPLETE SELECnOIS OF FAIOUS BRAIDS -H-111111 Hanlware & S~t~rllll loolls Ideal For Your Own Home or As Gifts 210 Mart.M Aft. e ....._ lalaDd e ..._. 1134 I WITCH n.t Takes Te W ... lAe ... Ill .. Fr1111 The recent Journey ot a standard, Mlf·wlndJnl Mo· vado, water-rsl.ttant watch to Europe and badE. coa- tlnuou.ly • u b mer led tn aea-watft. 'ALSO Vaclutron Et eon.tanttn lACoultre WrUt A..larml Atmo.' Clodal A meeting of Harbor a rea I members of the Ba h at religious group will be held tomorrow, Frl· day, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Jean Rov1n, 2094 Fed· eraJ Ave .. Costa Mesa. Dr. J ohn Stroessler ot San Diego will apeak on "'The Bahal World I Faith and Tomorrow." Elite BuiiJ .. ~~. ~NIJ'I'S * We GiJt Wrap cmd Mail DOT & BOB u .. ·;~~~· * IIY'I IEPT. * * Nylon Lined Jackets * Tee Shirts *• Flannel & Cotton Shirts * High Top or Oxford Keds * Haberdashery * ID'I IEPT. * * Nylon Jackets, lined & tWined * Sport Shirta-all typee * Lambe Wool and Orion Sweaters * ICed&-Aat'd typN cmd colon * Hickok Jewelry * PajCDDaB ·~ SAWYER-'S ISUMDAY. DKCZM•• L 1 .. ' SHOP Quick Kntta ror Chrt.tmu Gltta . • • Jtnlt a pair of 1V Bootees 1n 2 houra! Be ortaJnai . . . Make up a IC.nlttJna Kit fc. your trlenc:t. who like to knit! · Call Harbor ~ It aak LOIS tor ldeu Located In PaUo of Book Shop ot The Ialand 3ltMGtMA...- Are The Nicest Gifta • • • * * * A '"LlttJe UaUllal• aut.ttaaa Carda * * * ChllciNa'a hob. A Specialty ne 8001 SHOP of IIIISUID Cbampague Gin , Wb.iabys Rum Bourboaa Vodka EggNog& Cocktail Mix .. * CJPT DECA.IfTE.U I • IWOWY. DKCIIJ!IP"' L a• They Look _Like Young Angels in HoUday Ca.uala am• UK In our own factory TOP DRAWER NOW OFFERS A UNIQUE COM- BINATION SERVICE . . . Clothes made to your child's own measurements ... at READY-TO- WEAR PRICES ... Uatng your material or our own especially ~elected fabrics. A personalized service for ''The carriage Trade'' . . , ln addition to our complete stock of Top Brand Name Clothing tor cbll· dren. A almlla.r service Is available for women hi our LA FIESTA Shop located next door, on Balboa IAland. 3-6x 7·14 SUB-TEENS • OPDRAWER Girls .... Boys 2 2 1 & M A aJ N I A VI N U I I ALI 0 A ISLAND, CAL If. ·~'!I'" !0 lA ItA ••• GIVE SPORTS EQUIPMENT VOlT FOOTBALLS, from von~.&-am----------------~-­ BAWJJNGS GLOV&I. frcm Tenni&-GoU-Badminton Huntinq-F'l&hing Equipment * IIIIOIISUID SNRnll a•DS ........... ........ -tk TR£nD LflGflRDf by ........................... ~~ • _..,._.a .. , ... .,,...... _ ............... _.... ............... --~ .................. ... ....... ..., ........... ,. ... _ . ....,. . ., ....... Frances Kneubuhlls Bride Of William Robert Opelle A nupd&l mau held at M.la· alon San LuJa &ey united ln mar· rlage WWiam Hobert Opelle and Franees Emily Kneubuhl on Wednftday momtne, Nov. 19. The bride, 4reMed In a cream lace gown ot ballerina lenJt,b wu eiOOI'tA!d to the altar of lbe h1lt«Jcal nm.Jon church by her father, Benjamin Franklin Kneu· bubl. She wore a abort veil held by a erowJl ot aeed pearl& Her brlday flowers were green or· cblda and lUy of the valley. ller only attendant wu Mlsl Patricia IC.ra.mer of Placentia, who wore a peen velvd eown f« the oceuton and ea.rrted yel· low cluyaanthemum& The brlde'a tour brothen MrVed u ushers for the groom, who is the aon of Mrs. William Opelle of 187 ShoreclW Rd., Shore ClJ.tts. They are James Pritchard Kneubuhl of Puadena. Benjamin Franklin Kneubuhl Jr. of Honolulu, John Alexander Kneububl of Holly- wood and Douglass Crane Kneu· buhl of Burlingame. Louts Gal· Indo of Loll Angeles wu ttle best man. The famous old chapel wu adorned with chrysanthemums for the occasion and a special part of the wedding mass was music by the catholic Alumnae Choir from Los Angeles. Follow· and had prevtou.Jy studied in Grenoble, France. at Sorbonne ln Parl.a and at the Unlvera1ty of Benaua 1n India. He Ia uaoclated with the American Express travel aectlon. 'nle newlyweds plan to Uve ln the Watwood·Brentwood area of I.a. Angeles following their mum from honeymooning In Mexico City. TOY SHOP ) WE a. ~IDE REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS THIS HOLIDAY SEASON with CAUFORNIA 'S FINEST FRUIT We Ship Pre-Paid To Destination. Give Us The Address. We Guarantee Delivery. __ A_V_O_C_ADO--S---. CITRUS FRUIT---__ D_A_TF.S ___ _ LAB!6E FAJfCY JIIAVAL Pall Plat 20 l.az9e Pn-Pcdd 8.75 1/t f1at (10) --6.25 PRESERVES P.o..a. DEL 12·8 OL Flab lkntl Aut. ........ S.ZS-7.50 S·l oz. Flab Bowl 2.J.S.3..60 5--11 OL J'tab Bowl 2.15-4.70 3·11 OL Aut. ... L75·2..95 OR.AJifCES & GllAJIEFBUl'T 40 lb. Box Oranges ... -8.25 20 lb. Box Oranges. .... (.95 10 lb. Box Oranges .... 2.95 The AboYe he· Paid Express To Destl.DatioD or 'lz Each. Onm~ cm.d GrapefJuit Sam• Price. Our Special Mixed Boxes Contains. Orcmges. Grapetnalt. A•ocados. Dates, OUns. Nuta. Tcmqerm... Onmp Hooey. 40 lb. Box Pre-Pd. 12.25 20 lb. Box Pre-Pd. ···-7 .SO Al8o Spedalllou Pacad For C1dtomen S.lectiOIL r.o..a. DEL lS lb. Plat .... ... 5.75·7.60 s lb. aox ........... ..... ~so-:us 3 lb. Extra Pcmcy 1.&5·2.55 3 lb. Coefectioll .. 1. 7S·US 20 OL aa.bt.... .. .1.J5·1.15 A1lo Mcmy Othw Packs to Selec:1 Prom .................... FIGS 3 lb. Extra Fcmcy 2.65-S-55 3 lb. Choice lng the ceremony, a wedding USI/a Kana. AYeoue 0 R A N ~ E I N N breakfast wu held at the home Pboa. V Pboae EYell!ap of the bride's parents, Mr. and WWben n. Big ClOWD R ... ,.._..-a BTatt 4·12'76 II.A.rbor 1730-J Mrs. Kneubuhl at 311 Sapphire ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:::ii:======93~2~1:CO;·;AS;;T~B;'W;:A~Y~If~ .. ~LA~C~tnf;;A~a;EA;;CB;;=========:;~ Ave., Balboa Island. r The senior KneubuhJs live part 1 time In American Samoa be· cause he Is an executive with the Matson Line shipping firm. The bride Is • graduate of MJlls College. Her new husband received his degree !rom UCLA CAKADLUr VISITORS IIE1E On their first visit to Call· tornll, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen· dergast of Cornwall, OntMlo, are I staying for part of the winter with their daughter and son·ln· 1 law, Mr. and Mrs. WilJiam Ma· lone of Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. Thelr trip south and west was Inspired by the desire to be present at the wedding of their son, Michael Pendergast, on Nov. 12. Glamour Glimpses ., ... High on her Christmas glft list thts year Is a shortie nightie- and no wonder! They're rea lly adorable. Come In and Jet the girls at O'BRIEN'S show you the latest. We have them in nylon trlmmed In utln-nylon trim · med In lace-long sleeves, plain colored chalJl&-darllng Stein· berg prints on "easy llvlng" (no Iron) cotton. We have them In Dacron batiste w ith Swiss Ttsse' embroidery with a matching hank.le In the pocket. Several of these are by one of your fa vorlte lingerie houses, Kkkemlck. of course. ADd O'mUEJI'S .,.. to aU l•gtlaa Ia gowDa tbia ,.ar- besldee thoM abort aJa.oniM. tben'l the little ~ ... coat~tbe---~ CIDd tbe fDll·l...,tll gowa. w. a.bo bclrN tbe ~ gow'D .. wttla tla• ~ CIDftJ'ed up look. Amoev ow pets l8 tb• darl1D9 )OD4J gow'D witla lhol't matdUD' Jacbt emhroldend l.D large CICII'1ICitloaa tb ... l8 tla• becnatlfvl Jllcbmldl pwa CIDd matdaillg fUmy bla• full DeCJUI'" =mmm. lOftlyl But don't forget you ! U you are plannlne to be the belle of the Chrlstmas social whlrl. Ume now to get your Important ball gown or cocktail dress tor the most Important occuJons. Rhine· stones. pearls. bugel beads give an elegant look to one of the year's prettleft. a white forma l at O'BRlEN·s . . . For the new· ly talked of "opulent look" choose a champagne brocade, sheath·llne with a decdratlve puff at the side .•. lf you ~ a lucky aiz.e slxteen, lbe exclusive· ly beautlful cocoa lace over taf. ty candleUght aatln may be youn . . . The 80pbiatkated codrtaU ~e employa a atriltlng Jer· wy coat ow.r a llmple but ele· 1ant lace eown . . . The youn~ ln heart may chOOM the confetti dot aUk ahantune emphul.zed wtth apark.IJn& "jewels" to add pyety to the holl.dq eeuon . ..................... .._ .... .....,~ ..... . .. fl .... 'Y .,,..... .... *7 •u•u ...,., I._,._-... ........... O'Wi&iri -y..-n ....................... ......... lllldll .. .,..c-. ......... .. Cll8iil ... ..... ... ·-.... a....,. CX.AI8& ... * GIFTS FOR THE HOME * Cannon Boxed Towel Sets S 1.98 to $S.98 F'mest Sport Shirts ·~ Cllld LV .D. Woola Beautiful Pillow Case Sets Table Linens Sofa and Bed Pillows • Bates Percales 200 c:oa.Dt. 1ll luxurious colon cmd white. $4.75 and $5.50 Each * GIFTS FOR "HIM" * Beautiful Neckties Sl.SO to $2.50 Hickok Jewelry For Men $1.50 to $5.00 Mukluks For All The Family $2.98 to $3.98 .......................................................................................... * D'DTIIA 4lld -r a .. ..... -. * CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR "HER" * * LoTely Mojud and Phoenix HOSIERY 11.15 per pair _ and up • • WE GIYK QMDITA.Mft • einert's s.. 0. beautiful ae~Kiiaaala,._cmd IGJ&JtiiDe cM ........ ILIIt1tllU5 ' I .... 11Y1 111 Plastic Playi11 Car•s a 11ft to be proud oft c)\\ARRINER'S ' STATION~PS SB.ECT •ns TUT SHIW THOUIIT AI WEU. II tyiLITY ••• For Instance the new apider web design in glassware ... OR Al uminum punch bowls and other Items ... ln decorative, pewter or platinum flnlsh ... OR an original oU painting ol Laguna ... OR f ireplace bell!>WS or hearth brooms that are really attractive . . . OR linens or Imported figu· rines ... and hundreds of other things that appeal to tile dlscrlmlnatlng taste ... .,. .... Elks to Honor •••II•• lib •••• II lin•• •• S d Mr. • *' ~ J:clwtn De· .... C. IC. DeY1De ol Albuquer· r•• Te-m s vtne -ID.Ik1aa ..., lome .,. que, New M~ • C Cl :J 2 :J z : : c : C : t:i : c 5 2 c u Garde O..OV. tollowtq a hoeey· · • m.owa ID TIIAIIt ..... hu "trtoUcall¥.....,. her n., ~ luplnUooal pl.,_ moon u Lu v.,u. The youna IIAftDf llf ~ fLAY Today, Dee. 1. 1a the openlna ~. hom a ~ f1ae 'On tbe TU VUIItJ ~~--tttad couple ,... \aDJt4MI ln a It~· Matttn t. ~ 8W' of lin. day tot loeal bla aame. tbe vantaae point on EYa&Da Can· and Qft Use ~ Cout Collep ber wMdiq at tM Newport Bar· Loua.. ~ Banta Ana Gray Whale. ,I'll be on deck, yon 114.. llabel ~ ma!AtalD a tam ri.l Ncelw NC0fD1t$0G bor LatiMran Chureh, Newport Ave., eo.ta ,nll be In the atop th~ Whale'a Ne.t. trytna to ua watch 1« the 11nt Dedan· aw~ at a cUnn. taft!Pt BeiJ'hta, 'nata WW. Ia tbe ~ eut of the , "My nu. be the tint Corona del Mar eWI ectea Glaveua to wu• OUI fair (ft~) In~ Newpart Bar· Mia Melbe Sue Wahtet, dauab· Anpla," to ~ !G by tbe dw~ller to yell, ''Thar 4e viDap. I bope me opena tbe ..... bor t:lb todp. ter ot lit. an4 lin. Otia Walker Pomona Col.~Mf" Produe· blow.." _,n, too. unl......-of coune, the 'nle two ~ball team~~ wW be of eo.ta liMa. llae Ia a Nawpurt UonL He wf1f .II the part ot Actually, lf I do .ee one, I Great Gtay Whale otl lucky IU,_. at a dinner at T p.m. and Harbor HJah School araduate. the vtllalnoua n, Henri wouldn't be able to tell lf rm and .-Numero Uno-hlmeeU. lattr wW ·~ upetatn to join '!be IMOID'• p&fehtll are Mr. and Troehard. alebtlna a Moby Dick Ql' one of tra a wide open oeean. and all Elb for the c8em0ny. A UCLA r:;:;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::=;;:::;;;;:====-=====i hls female companloJ\1.. ~ far eltlzena ot Colona del Mar are lt&tf mem'*" w11l lpMk. a.s I know, the dlatlneulshlne Invited to keep an al.-t eye lie&· mark of a whale, boy or ,.trl, ward and report any ITAY whale. mld·alr, lJb tJY'lnl flab. ls not Included In the atze, the seen to tJda ooluml). All ~Ul be Anyhow, Dee. 1 Ia beret 'te· direction or the heleht of Uae duly recorded except ·~ .een bal~ at,ert! Blnoeulan at ready! apoul 8().-when a Gray Whale on New Year'a Eve wbrch are Let • 10· And you know tbe keen Watcher yells, ''11\ar she blows" ' thrlll that loel with that Well· and downs a handy eye· ball, fr@quently Uneed with pink. aged expr~cm, '"'~bar • be few wUl question the accuracy ~ loa llebt•, or are .een In blow.." o1 the exclamaUon, sex·wiR. e TBE OLD 7IUa Lut week we tlew hleh w1th "Old f11." Thla ttme the Old 79th takes over. M the Great Gray Whal~ of that select and unlque lod,e, the 79th Gray Whale Watching Group, It Is my pleas· ant, albeit official, duty to pro- claim, with the arrival of Dec. 1, the official openlna of the Gray What~ Watchlna season. Japanese linports DECORATIVE AOCESSORIES UNUSUAL CERAMICS APPAREL JEWELRY Orange County's Most Complete Selection of Exquisite Gifts from the Orient ORIENTA~ TRADERS ~ IOU'TII COAST ILVD. Copies of this proclamation wtll be duly forwa rded to Dan· let Callahan, the All · Seelne Mld·Western Eye (Including the Great Lakes) and to Jack Hoag· land, the All·Seelnl' Eastern Eye. Whales may be aca.rce In Chi· caao. especially Gray Whales. but we'll bet our best red whale· watching ahlrt aaalnat the total number of eye·balla that Darnel C. can down In a full whale watchIng day, that someone ln p;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Cblcaeo (It could be Callahan!> will spot a gray whale or two In th~ Windy City before 1956 atumbles In! Jack Hoagland wtll doubtless depend on the actlvltles of the 1 Connecticut Chowder and March· log Society to aet hJm In abape for h la watchlnJ', · and even though he reports no great num· ber of whales of tbe gray species ott Con nectJcut or 1n the reser · volrs of th~ Ca.mpbe.ll Soup plant In Camden, N. J., be~l atW be oallng for a whlte spout or a wavlng tall. Since that time he saw a gray whale near Bou Grara In the desert regions of Tunisia, I have lived In hope. Such Is the regard In which I hold All·Seelng East· em Eye Roaaland, one of the all· seetneest 10uls In the entire whale watchlna fraternity. e VOL~ I already have one worthy vol· unteer to us1st ln the atabttpa and reportlnJ' of the t1rat biC l'f&Y cetacean to pa.sa our ahorel. Martin • .. d von Hemert IKCOUOUTm INTERIOBS OfF....-.e BIG REDUCTIONS On these PiecH and Floor Samples * * * Vlait Our New Model Home In IrVIne Tena.ce UITII I,. IEIDT a • A prize of a price . . . a prlze of a coat. Penney's abort Sprlna story In nylon Oeece! Rarely will you find such rlch softness, such extra flne de· tails at thla price . . . hand washable, too . . . to make your cleantna dollars eo far· ther. White, lee blue, pink, belae, aqua, lilac, rnaJz.e. m..ltolL 1475 LAGUNA BEACH ......,.. • .....,.. • prioe4 ... ILI.Ue wrap Ia ct..ly twlfW to Na-Ne CIOidworl A full sweeping beauty, It haa a awtrllng t.hree·needl~ overlay around the entire aklrt. double revere collar, deep eufta. Ma· cblne wuhn In lukewarm water. Carmen, pink, peacock, othera.. .... ~ ..... r ........... .-..,..,~~~_._. ....... _ ............ ._._. Isabel Andrews Pease, who baa apent many a day aalllng our .... ee.t .... . .,., .... 215 Laguaa A.,._ EXCinNG GIFTS FOR THE DISCRIMINAnNG ARE FOUND • • • at the TDwn and Surf SIJDps 230-234-2.40 Broadway . LAGUNA BEAcH. CALIFOBNIA 7k 11~, 7Bw,ffllf -. .... ~._A World of Fashion for tots II •• 11~1 A complete shop for the young folks . . . Toddlen 1 to 3 ••• Boy-. 1 to 8. Clrla 3 to &x cmd 7 to 1'-cmd Sub-teeD CJ.rla 8 to 14. Select Your Gifts hom these Nationally Advertised Lines Johnny Lee Ro ·Nel of Cautornla Jody of California Bess Loomis California Youngsters Canterbury Girl Prissy Mls.sy Suzl of California Little California Coats Alyson of Calltornla Leland of Calltornla Langer Knits Cole ot CAlifornia Leslie Ann Bonnie Frances Little Allee Stuart Nob HIH Knitl Sacony Savoy Knits White Stag Helen Kelly Wee Mod. Playtoas .Jewell Keyes Orla. Stelft Toya CallfomJa TYke. Eden Toys Ace rJtorie.-To-,.--Gifts For that Exceptional Christmas Gift COLLECTOR'S ITEM GAJJ.ERY cmd GIFTS 234 BROADWAY LAGUNA BEACH ....... a ...... ......... n.. I I M•'• D acr o ..S ad Pima WJU ..... UJJt .,. Rich· ly blended tor luxury looka and feel, wrinkle·free groom· tne. and remarkable durabU· lty! Styled, cut and tailored to top Penney atandarda. a-~· .. 17. T ..... laxuiou ........ klcl wtft sUppeD ••• a.. ~ qualityl Hard 10le Ia ld~l for bedroom, basem~nt or back· yard. Sanitized• llnlna tor cleaner better wear. ....... 2.r r POODLES P~tflll ••• .., l•l•n , ... , .•• Toys. Cbri8tmas Stodrinv- lor Dogs. Cats and Birda •• 'r .,,. • ..,_ I the iorclans 2732 E. Coast • ..,. CoiODCI del Mar ...__FOR Christmas Gift Item At DICK MACKE Throw Ruga e For Bath & Bedroom PillowS i Wdalnll;~ Corduroy Card Tab~ Sets e 4 Chain Rubber Mats e For Kitchen, Jkdh aatl Door Carpet SwMpera e At A Sac:rtac.! -----· * , .. .,.. * At Prices You Can Affdl11! ------· 3420 VIA LIDO. HARBOR 4328 CEITEI ,, "i1 ~-, . ., .• , ' . ' • ' •aaa ••• • • • ed their claM oftlcera lut week. put up to help remlnd lltU4eta Tar Tattles • • • FBO:~~OOL :~~,:.n~bn'~~~; =~~to~S:Jl;~::U-: ---~~-~.._ ________ .....,. __________________ 8eCfttaJY, Pat Fluehllnar; treu· Becin now to empty your full " " u.rer, Bob Ueb, and boa.rd of con· c:lOietl to flU tbe boxes. e ~ d WU..On. Tbe eapt&Jn of the ee.'a would count DOt Ju-t for today, troJ repr.-entatlve 1a Georare Me· At tbe ~ 11 ban-le 'l'en7 Bqweb. 111m mo.t 1m· ot tomorrow, but fot evuy day Farland.. Nice arolne a nd good B.ead J:Mlln Want Ad& quet. t u captain of proW4 ~ wu Crate Cad· and an7tlme you drive. ludt. ,_ ____ ._ ____ ~ the v received a ape-walacler and their mo.t valuable e PACVLTI' n.. 1Y e IDIOa PLAT elal awavl u Tat of tbe Year, ~ wu lOb Geocae. A rlotoua football rune wu Jtemember, the aenlor play aD4 tbe JDMt valuable player for e _.. ......_,. battled out between the male atarta tomorrow, Dec 2. It only our A'a. J.,y ...._I wu 'fOted ~a... today, December menben a1. our facu.lty and the playa for two n lehts. so make I themMl improved. Ca9bJD Den· flrat. Ia lata Drlvinl Day. Tbla undefea~ Junior va.ndty Wed-sure you go to one ot them. ''The nY Dalebout h..-cl the Junior pertalna to tbe .tudenta of Hat· ne.day afternoon last week . Remarkable Incident at Carson Vanity a.D4 wu aJ.o merited u bOr u ....U al every oth« lltu· 'lbree cbeera for the fa~ty!!! Corners" ls the tiUe and it is • the mo11t tmproftCL dent and adult ~lbout the They won 13 to 6. IUatbter Goerke rumored to be quite g-ood. That's ' l"or the .., .. their captain wu nation. Wheo you re drlvlnr to 80t rather carried away and be· Dec. 2 and 3 at 8 o'clock at Hat- Jerry Shaf•. 'lb• mo.t improved ICboo1 ln the mornlnr. juat watch can tackling the oppcN~Inl team. bor's auditorium. wu a fredunan, Bob John.lon, a little more carefully the .top 1'bia wu rather funny u It wu e TOT DBJVE and the rDMt valuable wu Rod aJena and epeed llmlta. 'l'hla au~ to be a touch tackle The Business Club will begin came. their Christmas Toy Drive pretty 5-~ 0 0 p -;; " • rDIIIIID J:LEC'I' soon. Boxes wtll be set a round ~ ~ Tbe fnaJ!rnen at Harbor elect-the school and postera will be • ....... ..,to ..... ~ ••• Lttu do ... """ppde .... k'" .. ,... AQD Q001)I to tie oa to art ~ ..... Jut bot Oil ..-to IILAJfD UQUOIIS at -11artae A 't' • a 11 • • lcdboa J.alaDd ....... you Ctft 1Jat ~ Wa cr d.Dcta yoa'U be a popalar Scmta U yoa MIICl a ...tay looldDg faacy DECAK • 'rEi of leotcb 01' • 8oarbCIIl (at regalar pdce but re-uable. Extra pretty, too) Tbey come •o• tlllSTIIS &MIG fJlft•WiUpped & all -net-rib· boDed .. to add a bollday touch. ADd doa't .lorpt your OW1I .........._t.boee Cala Dayw a:rea't feu oft 10 bne pleDty oa bcmd. ISLAJm LIQUORS, Bar- bot 13M. • • • You'll be TOP MAN at home after the family taste those de- USH·us c ho c o l ates you've brought from DOT lr BOB'S ... chocolate covered nuts. fruit cen- ters. luscious soft creams .. . yummy. yum! Home made .. . TWO FOR TilE SHOW! At ELLGENE'S. elamour comes ln pairs this week! IESTERBELLES ..• merry little allppera u llatht as the mood they evoke. Of re · sUient new "moltotoam," they'll ha ve you walking on clouds whether you wear them at home or slip Lnto them after sports . Lined In soft ra yon. trimmed with COLDEN BRAID IE ClL T BALLS. they're WASH ABLE 'n PACKABLE! Jn pastel colors,l pink. lemon. c h o r a I . blue. They're an EUgene EXCLUSIVE ln the Beach Area ... only $5.98. While you're there. be sure and see their ITALIAN FUN SHOES ... $2.98 -$4.98. Yes. at Ell· gene's they practically put the world at your teet! 1883 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa, U a ·7566. • • • I'TS A ""SOUKD .. IKVEST· MEKT to •l.ect a gUt you wbole famUy caa a}oy. aucb oa a Motorola or Syl~ TV featuncl by ~AftJCK"S la CDM. lD tbe ad yoa'U be ICIY1D9 iDOIM'J • • • becoaM yoa'U haft top eatertcdaiDeDt rlgbt .. you OW1I bomel 11 yoa'n ODe of tbe l11c:lry oees wbo Cll.n.-ly owa a Mt. nly Oil EJ.rllpatrkk'a fOI' CIDJ repa1r 8K9Ia yoa may Deed ••• tb...,..re o1cl bcmda at tb1a basS· ..... CID4 CIGD be ct.peDdecS -f• ..-fKt wodt • • • oa TV. radio CID4 pboaognrpbL So the aat time "'it mows. • Juat re- lax CID4 died llarbcw 3013. T bat • a Jt'DEPAftJCK'S TV, 2758 E. eoc.t Bwy .. CDK. • • • Tiley all ask fDr ~fiYPAI Exdusive square dMign cooks 20% more. You get per- fect rMufts with controlled heat for bacon, eggs, p an- calces, chid en, meah, pototoeJ, etc. Exclusive WATER. SfAI.fO element for •asy washing. Ya4J set the dial for the heat you wont and -no mor e cooking failures. UP/a•-ttl.l5. lll/a·-m tS. 121/1 1¥ t5 8gin & Homitton Watches Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER 3123 E.•t Coest Highwey Cor-del Mer Tbe OJifLT E\.ctrsc IM'ww eapeclally .._~ ... Wome&. 0.. aide .C tile -... lD9 becld ....... , a. ..... side ... 1111111-......... aa a c--..-:t. Sla .._. tit" 11~1 De L--. 117.& And only $1.40 a pound! Of course. it you want somethlnar imported, you might try their linea of Swiss and Dutch can- dles. or maybe you'd a:wefer the Engllah "hard" candles. U you're a Bluma'-Mint·Man. you can get thoae, too ... and all kinds of jellied candles, so pretty as well u tuty. JUcbt now. they're fea- turlnr D e co r a t I v e Tin Boxes Olled with your favorite sweets; Jl'ruJt cake~ for the holldaya; and -JOG 1'Q I 111 tt-P'rendl LolU· pope and Candy Canea for the ldcb. DOT 1r BOB'S. 310 Marine, Balboa Ialand. HA 2093. Be an INSTANT SUCCESS with your Pin-Up Girl! 1uat allp a pMoe of MOZELL JEWEL&Y under tbe bee and watch b« eyea elow! Thla Ls deflnltely "bleh styled" . . . created tor !4.llady who wants aomethlnar sensational. Or. lf she's the more conservative type. choose EISEN· BERG ICE, the aristocrat of all jewelry. and watch how pleased SEE and TASTE the RESULTS of ''SUNBEAMS ... • • • ._.,. tbe aaJGIITEST ft9· ... lioa yet ••• a _.. LAID a. 108 ..._. tiUa _.1aa At Z.W.Wa niDE & JOT abop, t1wr C*ll4 _..,. )NIO"a to Al· ..... -..., to W"'dt ...... wttll ........ a.d IJIADESI ,..,... .-u.. . .....-at ............. tllal Jcdldc. aalp- .,... It .... -a.. CIDd ,...... • ...,_atlwe ..-.to tedd • clllc IMit to _. cor· ._.,,._~..._w. she'll be! Personally. we "fell for" a bumlahed eold bra~let a.nd earring aet dealrned by NAPIER (comes In silver. too). ThLs Ls jewelr:y "'with daap lr a o ph I s t I catlo~ .•. "made to order'' for wom ho JUce ele- all these tre... at W. D. JOHNSON, · . . 218 1:00 A.M. TO S:JI P.M. F"me Automatic ELECTBICAL Cooking DEIIOISTilTO IEIE SITUIIlY, IEC. 3 *CROWN HARDWARE* •a BOUSEBOI.D DEPUhiEIIY STOar We llelt••• OvwaStaapa * * OPEK SAT. t :OO A.JI. TO 6:00 P.X. • ..._ ... .,_. a CoJoalol Lcnwpl...... wltll Prowtada1 ................. woaJd be ....... ..,. ...... CIDd frWy, 1 te«• ~ abadM. • pedlct . a. Jlllady'a bed· .--. AD cutea .-.. of CIIMine. .... ,_ to -wttla nJDK AJfD JOT Ia you owa a.-.1 At IM1/a Mcm... Oil ..._ ~dad. IIA 511. cance In th-eir 1 ~· tqu'U find Mum~on&U ~--~==~~==~=;~~~;;~====~~~~==~==~~~~~~~========~~~ ~--·-·~i~ --~i·-~~~~~~~~~~~-~·~·.-.~~-~~~.~~~· EX-P.O.W. LKAVD IIESA Judson Rlcbardaon. formerly of 4Tl Marnolla Ave .. Costa Meaa. has r one cross country and Ls now receiving hLs mall at Red Bank. New Jersey. Major Rich· ardJion was one of the American servicemen released from lm· prlsonment by the communists alter the Korea.n War. lhtl "'...al•" .. For EftrYOM In The Family -, ••• ddag FreiD ......... Alwat• SomMbiDg ~ .. You..u..~ i&Dia! GIFTS FOR THE ENnRE FAMILY "YHr Ha.._ Area's Ollly Ce-.1111 Cllllli11 Sllrl" roa MEN. WOMEN. INFANTS. CHILDREN * * HEADQUARTERS FOR * Girl ~uta. Browiue•L Mariner'• GIFI'S & UNIFORMS OM Your CbcmJe Account * * * ANNOUNONG Kerm Rima Hardware COSTA MESA YOUR NEW AUTHORIZm SHOPSMITH. DEALER I S.. a complef. cMmoMtrofioft of IHOHMml by a fadort- trailtod •l*+f FritlaJ, Dec. 2111. IHOPSMITH -a CCIIII,_,. home won.hop In ON ~ poet unit -sow, aander, lothe, drm, and horlaontal dril. Del~ compMt. 0f11y: $289.50 E...,, ..... .......... _. s. & H. cr .. D Stamps l&IW Newport 81Yd. (Oppo.lte ea.tci Mesa Bcm.k) Coeta Mesa hl'klJa9lD .... 1\ C14ss.fied 1\d 1n The tns1qn brinqs im medi4te results! C 411 H4rbor I I I <4-1 I IS a nd oro11e it ' •• llewpart llarbar EIMigD Local Couple Repeats Vows SCOOPS ......... • A wecWfna whlch took place of N. G. D • .,._.., at A.readla at hlp noon at St. Andrews and the late M.ra. Boluter. ~ Cbu.rdl on Satur· The bride won a brow!l adt ....,. a. wwr ...... day, ~ov. 12. unJted Harlan Boe· and plnk a~• w the OC· ~ '«MMt ••• 1.-t u a1er 1.eGakei. and E. Steve Per· caaJon. The couple c:boee Carmel. • a. .._... ..r" ._ . rln Ill a •J.n•l• rtnr ceremony Monterey and Reno for the _.. ___ ... ,_-. ______ ~"'-------_.;.---- performed by the Rev. lames S. honeymoon. Tbe bride Ia a Ua.A • ..._ aomo 10 DIE D001 " COUNT TO TElf ;;;ci reaeona stewart. alumna and la presently em· ...-..... ..u r-e1 • ..._ for uatq TED B&OWJf, lEWJ!L. ltr. PerrlJt oilS» Irvine Ave., ployed at Ora,nae Cout Collere ...., ...... .t DIE JOa-ERS u J'OUf rttt h•clquarten: eo.ta Mea. la the aon ot Mrs. u secretary to the aaalatant DAII"'' ,.., ..,. 1a CD .. .,.. L Dl•moada ••. ao luxurlou.! Emma Penin ot D a v en port superintendent J.n charre of bu.l· -_... INy uno IO.AT 2. Qmeaa A Bulova Watche. lowL 'n!e aew Mn. Pen1n. wh~ !:esa.hoo'-~ Io!:S::dla =d~ LOAP (~ ...., •1. •••tall 3. Rt>naon A Sunbeam products real -.. .. -as) Ia -DfDIYJDVAL f. CUltured Pearls dence baa been 411 La Perle an employment are11cy In New· •u. • ~e. ... _. ._. It 5. Sheaft• Pen A PencUa Pl., eo.ta Mesa, la the 4auJ')lter port Beach. wta. .-..., t. ,._.. ..ay 1 6. GeNie Silverware (Sweden) ,., .. .. ·. LANE 11. .. 111 ....a oWl a... you~ 7. Expert Watch Repair ....... will a~~~al"-..._ a 8. S. A H. Green Stamps bnak Ill .... CIDd Datrttloa. 9. Easy Credlt·NO Clrrylnr AU It ....ct. a. a Uttle wama• Charge IDV. rlgbt Ia tM pcaa yoa bay 10. Lay-Away Service It Ill ••• ...S. ....... tbe hf· Convinced! Then ret "on the Offa oa~r JOe .-poalld • • • double" A bead for Ted Brown clu...-~ ...-u.eatl a.t Jewelers. 1823 Newport Ave., It,_ y.w c-1M C..tiea ,._ eo.ta Mesa. U 8·3711. TilE IOIIDAJI ... 2721 E. eo-t • • • Bwy.. C... cW M•. BA IIEIGBitODOOD c:LEAJfEU ... Ia CDK .... a auutmae ..... •t ... yoal So tbcd you Clla be .... of ...... you cJotbM .... ... Melt .. Mllday ....... ...,. will dly deaD _. ,._ Aft 1171T. COAT 01' Daul lw Jut 11. You c:a:a't beat tla.la HOLIDAY UEClJlL GDywJMn Ill tow. • , • aDd J'IIN ca:a"t ftlld bett.c wodtl So • • • •c:Ma • .....,.. yoa.r doeeta to· BROOKINGS VARIETY STORE ckr CIDd tcaa •-.a up OD tiUa 1s all AGLOW with bea utiful mnmtav offeL lt'a a goldeD I candles ... Bayberry and Scent· oppolta.a.lty to get yoa.r doth• ed candles, Tavern drip cand.JH ncady '-tbe 9Qia enata and fascinating Multi • Color abe1ld at aJ C I Jl VI If G S I "Self·Decoratlng" ca ndles ... aa If~ a.cm.n. 2720 CLDTIEI • • PLJllfJfi:L IUITI ............................ -·-·-··-· .. ---··-........ . MSOO Charcoal Grey -Light Grey LJeht Blue, BeJre. Chareoal Brown lfYLOK JACZE'I"'-IUCIIDIE WASIIULE Feather Welrht. But Very Warm QUILTED LDIDICL ...... _ ....... Ilf.l5 SLACKS -ALL WOOL n.JUflfEL. ................ -...... -.......... .Jli.IS • uaa.us• DDDI SLACKS. sus In the New "Blendtone'' Colora SlOaT IJIDITS. ____________ .. _____ ..JUI CIDd a.- • A Laree Selection ot the Latest S~Jes and Fabrics VJlLOU to a.l5 • It eo.ts ~ tD &bop ._ YOva MaD at THE MAN 1131 lfewpott aJYd. * nEE CIPT WJLVMIIQ *I & • GUEif ITAKn • Cbcuv-JlCICOU.Dta CID4 •ucSaet Jlccouats wtt.b . Coaama.a.lty Cred.lt •taa-fro~ c:aaca,. ~llutheru~~cl~~n· E.~~~~~~·~·~·~1~K~•~·~~~===~===============~ dles you ever saw. Small Santas ..,;,z,_..,.,_.-..ltl..-• ..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_..,.,_.-oL...,.,_ ... ~.-oL...,.,_..,.,_.....w. and delightful Anrela, just a few ~-.:.-..:._..-.~-..:.-.~-..:.-.-;,.-..:.~~ .. -.:-.-.:.4!¢1?.4l-.-;,.-,:.-.:-.-.:. Inches hteh, Ideal for stocking g1tts or f8 original place cards MODEL IBOWJf ( Aboft. Jllgbt) '64.95 at a holiday party. A n o t h e r Grand Idea: DECORATE YOUR OWN . . . Brookings have the sequins, glue 'n sparkling glitter beads In a Do·lt· Yourself KJt. Candles will make IT a truly BRIGJIT Christmas! Brookings Varle~. 3309 E. Coast Hwy .• CDM. • % Red Udar lourior • CabiAet o~o~ from frooc -oo oced co remo•e anida from top. • Scored anidet euiJy .reached by pallioc our alidiAc abeh·u. PRICES START AT * Open Friday Eves. "Till 9 p.m. * Santa's Store from of Useful . . . where you w ill find stunningly at- tra ctive fa s h i·o n s ... coats, suits, dresses, formals, b ags, je w e lry, lin- g e rie • HA (£i(). •-o. • • • YOlJ"LL aE SOLD Olf 1'11JS- CIDd dana 91od JOG ,...... T!len'a eeoap ..alue IMn to IIICdr.e you Wlllr yoa'n aeelD9 doable! I 010'1'1 111 CI)JC. Call· fonda Modlma 111 atyJ.t. COM· ft.ETEL T J'UDIIIIED. e a c b wtt.b 1 bedl'ooaa. 'r'ben'a •ldom a YaaiDC'J• CID4 JOU CICID 1 .... t.b-D SWD.IDft 01' .,.arly natal.L a....-a !OW' dlGDce at BOTB ROME MD JlfCOME • • • at a price tbat will aar· priM JOG CIDd a IIETUU THAT WILL PLEAIE YOUJ Os*a·ap a.at ....,. ................ IIIAaEL rrnll~ II&AI.1T~ IllS E. c::o-t Bwy .. CDII. ~ ...,.. u.. a,y Clld1lag auaoa 1152. 1.-y·A·W_, ... * I A Prlllted Nvloll A Yel7 Jft#MI ~~ ........ fW II J Dt .................. =~ ...... 5.95 I 9ull..t~ ........ ,.. ... .. -.......... ...... I ..... II, t • I ... z.r~ ... 14.95 ~ . . . . .. •. • I • • . . . Ohrle'bn•e Br~ut ,.,~ J. 1M ..um.Mr ew htlliiN • flirltt, .............. ,. . ·~ a./oftl, 11M eo~Waaimu of ttW 6if1 rw6a. W ~,.~ lortr robn aJ