HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign' DII'I'IIICl' 1 •••rwt. •• 1t. • ..... A.-lltlw YD 110 Prec. 1 (1 and 24) 116 61 Prec. 2 (2 and 3) _ 58 84 Prec. 13 (18 and 25) 65 82 239 '1:1.1 466 DISTBICT 2 ...... u.a-.a.,.. YD •o Prec. 3 (4 and .5) 37 93 Prec. 6 (8 and 17) 53 107 ... Prec. 14 (19 and 28) 34 111 124 311 435 DISTIICT 3 u.s.,-.y......,.llr .,.., ...... ......,~T...- 'nl ao TOTAL Prec. • (portion of 16) _ 1 24 31 Prec. 9 (11 and 26) 18 219 237 Prec. 17 cp only) 7 48 55 32 291 323 DISTBICT 4 ............... CUff ..... 'nl •o TOTAL Prec. 7 (9 and 34) 29 . 142 171 Prec. 12 (15 and 20) 16 131 147 Prec. 17 (35 and 36 only)_ 14 97 Ill 59 370 429 'DISTRICT S l4dbolllalaad YES xo TOTAL Prec. 4 {6 and por. of 16) _ 21 70 91 Prec. 8 (10, 12 and 29) _ 39 140 179 60 210 270 DISTRICT 6 SoutiWca .. lt c... cW .......... ClUfa CIDd c.-.._ ... Ya XO TOTAL Prec. 5 (7 and 32) ---72 76 148 Prec. 15 {22 and 30) ----63 61 124 Prec. 16 (23 and 31) ·-··---.108 112 220 243 249 492 DISTRlCT 7 • o.tll .... ly Canoci1W ... Ya •o Prec. 10 (13 and 33) 88 76 TOTAL 164 184 Prec. 11 (14 and 21) ···-·-94 90 182 166 348 TOTAL Corona del Mar _425 415 GRAND TOTAL .. 1~ Newport Groups Fight · Sewer Odor Problem Claim Against Bay Club Set' . Aside by Shea city by way ot cbanafnc air cur· rent&. Mr. Edwards UlJ'ed concert~ effort of all &S80Ciatioru~ to brtnc PNQUre on the sanitation dis· tr1ct to correct the probl~m. Mr. Glua then auuat~ wrftlnc the jOint lHter. e PAVJRQ DIIC'UISED Pavtng of atreeta and alleys In West Ne\lli)Ort was discussed "This matter has been bane· Inc fire 1n C1ty Council almost three years.'' Mr. Cubbage. said. "It's time for tome questlona to be asked of Council." (1be city's Enflneerlng De- partment ls now gather-Inc tech· nJeal data for the formation of an ueeasment district to pave .treeta and &ll~ys.) 10% ToGo In Chest CampGigil Ap~oxlma~ly $25,500 hu been collected to date In the $28.!500 campaign tor the New· port Harbor Community Chest. Mrs. Flor~nce Cooling, campaign chalnn.an, announced this week. Thls Is almost 90 per-cent of the qt1ot.a. Mn. Lars Lavacnino, Newport Beach area captain, was pre· ~ented an envelope contalnlnc a1moR $SO() from Richard's Udo Market. ftewport Beach, which Included $350 from the market an~ the balance from market employees. repreMntlnC 100 per cent participation. G. Mark En- celke ls the area major Cor New· port Beach. The Newport Helehts area was the first to reach Its quota last week with 101 per cent reported. Mrs. Lee Sc:honek is the Newport Helehta area major . Orrin Wrtaht. aecretary·treu·l urer of the Community Chest. received almost $25 Crom the Elementary School T e a c h e r s A.un. of Newport Beach. Many teachers besJcte. contributing to the u.;,datlon donation alao cave the Com m u n J t y Cheat hOUN to houa canvua, It was repol'teCL Dr. J:clwud IOlum. area major ,. OlroDa 6tl ...,, .... repOrted 11 ,. eltlef c:lertt tn the Jf.wport lleec:b 8anlt ol. America. Ia Jceeplnc the thermo- meter record on the ~tace of the fund drive on the thermo- meter In the bank lobby. The thermometer was prepar~ by Huch Mynatt of Richard's Udo Market. Forrest Owen Dies at Age 82 Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday for Forrest B. Owen. 82, promJnent Costa Mesa resident. who 41~ Monday nlcht at Hol· lywood Presbyterl.an H o s p I t a 1 after an Illness of several weeks. The funftal rites will be con· duct~ by the JO'r"aternal Order of Eactes No. 93 of Bakersfield at Parkes Ridley Mortuary. Mr. Owen. or ''Bo" as he was known, was instrumental ln or· aan1z:lnc the Costa Mesa Sanl· tary District In 1945 and served as secretary ever since. He was l!xteDW boara for the ot Christmas mall fot Harbor area po.t otfJcea have been announced by Postmuter H. Payne Thayer of Newport Beach and Postmast· er Verne Watson of Corona dt>l Mar. Otflces In Newport Beach. Bal· boa. Balboa Island and Corona del Mar will remain open until 6 p.m. on week d ays tram Mon· day. Dec. 12. through Tuesday, Dec. 20. On Saturday, Dec. 10. and Saturday. Dec. 17, the offices wUJ rem ain open untU S p.m. Instead ot closing at the noon hour. 1be olflces will be <>P6I from noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 11. and Sunday, Dec. 18, tor receipt of parcel post and stamp sales. Mallers are lnvtt~ to obtain labels In the otflces to Identify their bundles of local and out·of· town cards. By deposJtlng the cards sorted Into bundles. dls· trlbutlon will be expedlt~. Postmaster Thayer is due to open bids tocfay (Thursday) on location for temporary quarters for Ctlrlstmu mall. The Vote: 1824'No,' 939 'Yes' TIIUJISDAY, DECDOZa L 11155 The cbarte~" ~mendment pro· position seeklnc to chance the el~ion procedure was toundly defeat~ Tuesday In a two to one landslide. 1be tally wu UtM to 939. Ab5entee ballotl, of whlcll 32 were Luued, a.re yet to be counte(l. Includlnc a b s e n tee ballots. about 35%*' ot the cft:Ys 7.820 register~ voters tum~ out for the el~lon. The proposition, put on the ballot by petition circulated by the Harbor Citluns Le-cue. sought to chance the pret~ent at· large votlnc for councilmen to the counc1lmanlc 4lsb1ct method. whereby each cn.trlct would vote for its own council repreenta- tlve only. e CDK IUJOIUTY 'TEl' Only tour of the 17 con.toll· dated votlng prednctl cave a favorable vote to the propo8ed amendment. 1be.e were Pl1!clnct t West Newport. 116 to 61; Pre- cinct 10, northweste~"ly Cclrona del Mar, 88 to 76; Precinct U. also north we a te r 1 y Corona del Mar. !H to 90; and Precinct 15. Corona HJchlands and 80uth- easterly Corona del Mar. 63 to 61. The propo&ition narrowly lost In the other two Corolla del Mar vot:lnc prec:tncta. but the owr-an Cclrona del Mar vow ... G5 to 415 Ill favor of ~ MD t=• Two of .. ¥9'". • ..... ............. , . Dtllrld \: .. » iiiCo -.. .... ~.-.. 2 .. Cclrona del Mu. lG to Ja. In Ds.trlct 6, eouthf!a.llt.el'ly Con>na del Mar. It wu a close 2t9 to State exeocutlves of the J unior Glen Davis of Santa Ana. ln 243 "no" decision. In all the Chamber of Comm~ w11l be charge oC t he Installation. other Councilmanic districts it present tonight (Thursday! to Maurie Stanley. president of present a charter to the N~port the senior Newport Harbor Cham· was "no" landslide--the biggest margin being In Dlstrlct 3, 291 Harbor Junior Chamber of Com· ber or Commt-~. and Hay Lang-no to 32 yes. Lido Isle Itself merce at a banquet at the VIlla enhelm. executive secretary. wUI tum~ In ~n overwhelming 219 Marina . be special guests. The Honorablt-to 18 vote. James Penney, Newport attor· Robert Gardner. superior court • EDOU C:OilUCTED ney, president of the newly or-judgt-. from Shore Cliffs, wlll also The original tabulations on th~ canlzed group. v..il1 officially re· att~nd. !J('()reboard In City Hall showed ceive the charter from Richard Tht-dlnner·dan~ climaxes th~ Fitzgerald. state president. organization artlvitle!l of tht-voting precincts 3 IBalboa busi· Other-guests wlU be Robert 1unior Chamber. which were nt-ss ar~a) and 12 fa portion of Heinz. state vice-president; Rob· started in Newport Harbor In (X. Newport Bei~hts l favoring the ert Mosher. state natJonal dlrec· tolx'r Among the Cirst activities ~~en:~.;:l;.o ~ean~,::gn~~ tor, and Davtd Holt. executive of th~ rroup wUl be to a&slst the scort>board. kept according to secr-etary of the sta~ group. Of. City EmployeM Association with flclatlng wUJ be WlUlam Dennis. the floating Christmas tre-e fes-geogT&p!:.:-.ol ar e a 5 • rewal~. president of the Santa Ana J un. U\1tlt-s. Tht-J unior Chamber Is however, that the&-two voting-. precincts w~ each sandwich~ lor Chamber. the sponsoring arrangmg choirs and caroltrli~ betwe-en two precincts that tRnt group, and William Wenke and 1 to accompany the floating n ------------------------! oveTwhelmlngly against thr pro- Christmas Hospitality Is Theme of COM Merchants position A re-check on tht-el~· 1 tion returns Crom 3 and 12 show· E'd that tht-elt'Ction boards had mistakPnly reeorded the figures In rE'Vl'f'S(' also aecretary of the Costa Mesa ------------Corona del Mar merchants are thl.s f'Vening IThuf<'dayl to takt- launchlnc their Olrlstmas s hop· part In a rommunity ''df.'COrating Tht-vote will be canvas.'led at 10 a.m. Tuesday by the City Counc1l. The absentee ballots will lx' rountt'd at that tlme. Chamber of Commerce for sev· eraJ y~ars and a member of the Costa Mesa Lions Club. Mr. Owen Is survived by h1s wUe, Mrs. Etta E. Ow~n of the home, rl51 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. and by two tons. l ames KelseY. C>rnn and WUllam Wen· dell Owen both ot Dayton. Ohio. and two aisteJ"S In Ohlo. He wu a native ~ Ohio and came to Callfomla In 1903 and lived In Cocta Mesa for 25 years. w l 'oo Ltrte to Clawpy ping sea.s<>n w1th the theme of bee." MODERN SMALL BUFFET. could ''Christmas Ho.pltallty In Corona Mrs. R. M. Bra gg is arrangln~ be uaed u room dJvtder: del Mar." This Saturct.y evening for the de<'OraUon!l. and In lamps; electric etoYe; amall will mark the beflnlnc of ~· charge oC the df'<'Oratlng work throw rues. Ba 2C25. nine shopping hours for the re· parties are Mr. Jordan and Bob LOST, Lady's platiDum wrist rnafnder of the Yule shopping Patin. Dorothy Jo Swanson ls watch. ElJin. Diamond stud· per-Iod. planning tht-E'Vt-nlng entertain· ded. Sat.. Nov. 26. Reward. F1nal plan.s fot decotatinc and ment. which wtll ioclude somf' of Ha 2383. sboppl.nc hours ~ made at a her tiny dan<'e tots. also th~ DECEMBER SPiCIAL breakfast roeettnc Y e • t erda Y Bubor Motherslnge.rs. and ~s Any S tube home radio ,.. ~ at R.acan's a.taurant. Steften.en leading community p~lred fot Sl.SO Including with lta.ren ~ BrunJ.nc s1nctnc at 7 p.m. Saturday; and parts and labor. . preddtnc. a ea.roJ &TOUP from Horace En· Any car radio (out of the Frank Jordan reported that the sian School at 7 p.m. Friday, car) repaired for $5.25 In· c::hrbtmu tftea wwe to arrive Dec. 16. c I u d I n g parts and Jabot. later In the day, and that 11m Elwood Murphy ha.a arranged White's T.V. Seorvic.'e. U 8-Sl.SO. Ray and Jobn Stowoera would .et fot pla.y:lnc of Christmas music SPINETS. sPINl:f'S. MWr&l pat up the tree. -OIM near M•le's from the Corona del Mar Com. rental returns IJ.ke new, 80me Drtw-ID and tiM .._ Mer the munJty C h u r c h tower loud. Salem Mapl._ Blond 0U. ~~~ IIWJ' • ....-...:-IIPMker and also at other loca· Here's how the precincts vot~: PNd.Dct TES lfO TOTAL 1 ·--111 " 177 L . .. .. 5I M ICI 3 ·-··· .... J7 • •• '-........ -· .. 111 5 ............... 71 " •• 8 .. ... .............. 53 187 ••• 7 ... . ...... II ICI 171 L ........ -·--· Jl 1.0 171 t _____ ... ·--II Ill lit' 10..-................ • " ... 11 ......... -...... .. • 1M Jt.__,_ •• au wr IJ ...... ____ IS a l., 1'-·-··-·· .. ---M 111 l. as ...... -·--a 11 .... 11-........ -.1· Ill - 17 -···-·--11 1G - -... fiil French Provtnd&l. Save t10 to tlon. Uorw aJona the hlehway. ~ Temul just lllt~ ret Qn 'nl~ dt;y wW JMU'WWII a truck, _ __;·---------------------~:~dt. D) N. ~ s.='.:!a~'::d ~ Tar Varsity Wins 51-42 LOST, IOiei, ~ ~~J:: ~:W~ = :~ Tar ~ball va.rslty team ruard. lllx; ~ BoustoQ, cent«, ward. J. L ~~~· .,. ..ad to _·at tile two """ 51 to a qalnst Torrance ~tine. and wblltttute cem. J..ar • aop., Cmona _, -· ·~ ._._._ lllP ~ '1\1~ afternoon ry Harper,~ CDR RIAILY RiW ~ Clarilltmaa ~ --at 7 0 ...__ In ~ a.fte lo.t,. ~ to 55 Tbe Tar Ju~tlor ....a.,. -...... cl a pIt X, J • ._ .. 0 OIDI. WW. ...... lllw.ndde Bllll Sc:bool b&ll ~ lOll at to M ....... lloan. f.L beat. ...... ,,._tto, Pl.ann·eng Need ... f'rti1Q at alwntde. ToiT&ne.'e and ... .. 110 • .......... tl05 moalltr.. Ba ~~a. u lrllldle .... 1'llt rtcbt forwa1"41. ~ .. ,..... 1D ... tV· ~muc .,... .,d c c IDil41lt n poiDb .. hJp .,... ra cle ~~··--s 5 a.... ................ To to ........ ~ rame. o.w ... 15 ......-: • a.t4. lfA Dene't II ... D e e .,..___, ftllrt IUard. ...... ll llx; J._ 11111111. ........ a... ................. ~--... .-... -,JII~' .. I ._ Olra.ap left llur. Ia tM ... Ill Business Directory IJISU'LUICK 0. INSURANCE ''Be Sure--Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Hlgh\vay Corona del Mar Res. Phone, HA 5232 SCHOOLS & •sTaUCTlOK REAL ESTATE cluses for preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Klmberly 7-3511 KEUog 8-2513 Let Me Teach You CBDfA PAIJITIKG Convenient Class Lessons u 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Btm.DDfG SUPPLIES CEMENT AND BUILDING All KJnds-Free Estimates UBERTY 8-6109 N OWEJIS SBAJlPEKED LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS K.nlves, Scissors, Etc. Uberty 8·5131 J. A. Boldlnc 188~ Merrill Pl., Costa Mea I PAIJITIJfQ Pllmla I. W. Rou Uc:enaed U 8·3321 or Ll 8-5127 280 Avocado, Costa Mesa ARCHER I SHIIIII PAINTING CONTRACTORS '"Color matchtnc a specialtY' Workmanship guaranteed 416 Fernlea!, Corona del Mar 127 ~ 30th St., Newport Harbor 0347 · R or Harbor 6C177 • W ft.U'IOIJIQ WATER HEATERS Sales, Service and Repalra .IOE BECHTILI PLUMBING Terms, 10 Per Cent Down Phone .Harbor 5330 WELDIJfG Fabricating, DeslgnJng A: Maintenance TRAILERS, HITCHES. BUMPERS or what have you; No job too large or too small REASON ABLE RATES 2133 Orange, Costa Mesa. u 8·2619 BODT·PADIT SHOP PATCH'S BODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH Complete Collision Work Auto Painting Free Estlmate.-Try Us Firat 786 West 17th St:_,_9osta Mesa Ll 8·7:lUtS " "'A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 'niE NEW m a c h I n e process method. Reuonable prlc:es. Av· erace 2 tape r.id.entlal btinct. Only .$1.00 Bllnd ~ and rebullt. Free Pick up and dellwry Work doae by appotntmeat PboM ~ l-lt701. JO a... ow u 3·C7f Name Ned Hill to U.S. Board Edgar R. CNed) Hill of Lido Isle. president of the Mariners Bank, has been appointed to the National Board of Field Advisors of the Small Business Admlnls· tratlon. This announcement was made by Congressman James B. Utt of Santa Ana, who said that the Small Business Administration, "originated to Insure that the small businessman has an op· portunlty to remain In business and to expand, relies heavUy up· on the advice of men like Mr. Hill In many parts of the coun . try." .LirMe.lollllll Of Bal ... Dill at 73, Mrs. Irene LaRue Johnson, 73, ot 806 W. Bay Ave., Bal~ died In Hoag Memorial H~ltal on Nov. 30. She was a native of Rlv· ersJde, and had Jived In Balboa for slx years. She is survived by her hus- band, WIUiam A. Johnson; two daughters. Mrs. Frances J. Fuller ot San Marino and Mrs. Mar· • I '!'be IP'lnc pUottnc cl.. ot the Balboa Power Squa4ton, wblcb lJ open to the publlc. wUl 1tart at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 23, l1l the Newport Harbor Yacht Clu~ Commodore Curt Doah an· nounce~~. 11le next meetlnc ot the aquadron wtlJ be held on Jan. 19 In the yacht club. LUCKY LEGIOD AIWE K•8etb L Jell•-Ia proudly boldlDg elpt of tJae ldM IS c:laecb M nee~.-at a ,..., w ... •d.-y ...U.. of u.. Kewport Barb« ~ Legs-Pa.t Ill Jw be1D9 pnMet wbeo Ilia .,.... wca dlawa .. tiM att.GdaDce dnlwtllg. ~ tM alatlt cbecll at tbe left is a:aother J[e~a JobD.Ioa.. llllllddle lD· ltlal "'Jf,.. wbo is eatertalameet C'CIIDJal"- ......... tor tbe ............. ftce t l • ----.~ ............ F-ar lloen Jr .. cwn-cmdw oC tbe ...._ ,.._ etgtat daecb a-is taoldlog .................... .., ....._. wbo .....a•t 1D att drrae wta.a ~ ........... eaJled at ... -'Pt ,...sou ..... lap. (Eaaip pboto) Dana and Glncer Lamb ahowed their fUma on survtv,al In the desert at the lut aquadron 4Jn. ner on Nov. 17 ln the yacht club. B. H. Palm of Bay Shores won flrat place In the member con· test of summer pictures wtth hls elides of the Honolulu race. Pre· aented certJflcates as graduates of the junior navigation class were Dorothea•Grlmes, Ray MJl- ler, Stroller White and Donovan Johnson. Certttlcates were a1ao given to the 30 craduates of the aprtnc aearnanlhlp class. Com · modore Dosh plUJded at the meetJnc. JAMES D. Girl S.:oub e ftOOP KO. II Girl Scouts of Troop 19, New- port, sixth graders, were given a special treat when Mrs. Ralph Larrabee, 1306 W. Bay Ave., of· fered the Larrabee yacht, Good· will, for an over-nJght stay. A coUee can stew was pre· pared by each girl at the Scout House for dinner. Sldts were pre· ~nted. and the'tl the Troop, with their sleeping bags, .sojourned to the Goodwill for the night. Breakfast was served at the Scout House the next mornJng. Chaperones who accompanied Troop 19 were leader Mrs. Sam Hill, Mrs. Arthur Remley and Mrs. Wlldan Thomas. A short time ago, the girls met at the Balboa Pier to ride bl· cycles to the Newport Pier for lunch and to learn a few funda- mentals of camping on the ocean front. This trip will help the girls get their cyclist badge. Mrs. Emmy Lou Brubaker ta co-leader of the troop. Girls who belong are Helen Hill, Jeannie B r u b a k e r , Jo·Alme Remley, Cyndy Farnsworth, Sandy Wal- lace, Patricia Aldrldce, Susan M as t e n , Patricia MacDonald. Dorothy Bush; Florence Sottle· myre, MUdd Merriam. Linda Ryael, Mary Eloiae Tbomu. Dledre Corn, Bridget Hunsaker, Renee Carswell and Marina Dorey. , ... , ...... Set Fer ..... ,, lee. II . Orange Coast Hi-Y Groups Hold Induction, Installation RAY IIINI11 a.~r~c~~r )446 E. COAST HWY., The annual new member In· of all senlor year students In· CORONA DEl MAl ductlon and installation of HJ .y , terested in a co-ed "Y" club was HAIMr 4761 and Tri·HI ·Y Councll officers was held at St. Andrews Presbyterian R.atd•ttee: HAtltor 41" held Sunday In H u n t I n g to n i~h~u~rc~h~Tu~esd~a~y~e~vie~n~ln~I~·~I>ec~~· ~6~. ~~ii~~~iii~ijij~~: Beach by the combined clubs of the Oranae Coast area from Seal Beach to Corona del Mar. Plans were made for future area-wide activities, Including a snow trip In February. COASTAL COICIOE CO. LJberty I·SSOI 135 Commercial Way COSTA MESA Xt•berly 3-1135 . OniiDp 1113 PlCICIIIltla - Fifty Harbor High School youth Interested In the Orange Coast YMCA and Tri·HI ·Y Clubs at· tended a "play night" at the Costa Mesa Community f-{etho· dlst Church followtna the Harbor High Alumni Basketball game Friday, Nov. 25. 11lla was the flrst of a series of events plan· Floor CoftdDp-Drcdabealda n~ for "Y" Club members and Aaphalt Tile-Rubber Tile all Interested high school stu. Formlca -Linoleum Tile dents. CARL TIIS' ~C:.~UM The "play night" was foJJowed 135 E. l7Ua lt. ,.__.._ 11_ by an orientation meeting held LDS.-rT a..a52 ....--- Monday, Nov. 28. at Orange 22 y Or Coast College for over 200 pros· ~=::;====•:;::;;;;:;:;;;:. :::::z::ear:;:a:l::;n:z:an=:g:e:Co=ucn:ty:Cz::::=:! pectlve members who have lndl· r cated their desire to belong to a HI ·Y boys group or Tri·HI·Y Club for clrla. The younc people met with Mra. F. Roy Fox and Duke Cox. atatf.J~MDben of tbe YMCA. to learn more about the Orance Coast "Y," the purpoees of 'T' Clubs and to begin the arganlza· Uon of additional clubs to serve h igh school age youth. Many of the prospective mem· bers are jolnlna exlninc clubs but additional groups must still be oreanlzed, partlculazly tor girls, Mr. Cox aald. A meetlng Costa Mesa Lumber Co. Robert Forbes B U ILDER B Arb or ••• 11 0 1 garet J. Corkett of Balboa; five ·grandchUdren and a sister. Miss Safronla LaRue. Private funeral services were beld Friday In Rose Ch-.pd, Roe Hill Memorial Park. with the Rev. James Stew· Nat Turkey Shoot of the art of St. Andrews Presbyterian South Coast Rifle 6 Pistol Club Church offJcJatlng. Baltz Costa will be held Sunday, Dec. 18. at Mesa Mortuary wa.s ln charge of the club range on MacArthur arran1ements. Blvd. n9rth of Corona del Mar. • ThiJJ Chevrolet --~----------------------------- ISIS 1L CMit llwy ... CDII ft. JIA 1111 KJ UliS ( ...... w. JMQniMe l'wldll) /SAVE SAFELY At Or ante Cottntv' • • L..acf1ft9 Hotne LencUnt tnttltut1H CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSUREO UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month E.un From the ht. LAGUNA mo.... A.,.... LA6UNA BEACH ....... H'f 4-1177 • Yule Pageant at Christ Church To Tell Story of Nativity keeps a ~ecret ... beautifolly I A dramatic Christmas pageant wlll tell the Nativity Story In Christ Church by the Sea, New· port Beach. at 7:30 p.m . on Sun· day. Dec. 18, and Monday, Dec. 19. The pageant ls the center of various Christmas plans In the being prepared. The lnltl;U de· signing work was done by Har· old Arthur. Ralph Watson and J ack Looney made the cutting of the deslgn.a. Boy Scout Troop 5 and the Senior Hlgb School Fel· lowshlp are assisting with the final painting of the fieures. church, aceordlna-to the pa.tor. ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Rev. Roy A. Ca.rlson. The pageant fUft18111ft Is under the direction of Mrs. 1- Holly Lash Vlsel, assisted by Mrs. Irma Rutter and Mrs. Leah U. ~AL Langer, all of Balboa Island. Clad all UWJOK ...-ctacta .•• The pageant will open with '"llta.te •aa• lentcle the Annunciation. featuring Mrs. PICK 17? & DEUVEIIY Leslle Freltac, soloist. as Mary and Mrs. Dorothy Ensign Stll· B ••11 'I s~~t~ well of Costa Mesa aa the anael. Mrs. Freitag wU1 sine ''The Sona @ •1 ... ,.... ~ of Mary" in this scene. •....-t .._. Among others appeartnc ln the ...._ ._ Chrlatmaa pageant are Samuel a.-11w1y sa.y Bard of Santa Ana as JOHph; 1"--. tt,. ..-. . Alden Doesburc of Newport ~~;;;:::;::;;::;::;:;::;~ Beach, Ru~~~~ell Razee of Costa 1 Mesa and Harold Glaal and Bar· old Arthur of Newport Beach. Shepherds and wt.e men wtll be pottrayed by Walter Bliven ot Corona d4!1 Mar and WUdon 11lomu and Jloy Jtelloll ot Bal· boa. Several lfO'Upl In the dlurc:b are pa.rddpatlba tn a projlet to prepare an outdbor ClartltiDU acne which wm be.......,_. Ia front of tbe elnarcta dwlq QutmnuMUOILLUe· ..... n.· urea of tJM KatWlty -.,. . . •. It's one of Chevrolet's New ''~nnnt(" eeries • • • the ·------- ,' ••• I I I ' •' {. • • I I ( • • --- or to • 11"'1 'I'D UAIOif .... -....., ............ ~ .................... .. -.a JOIIIIIO.._ ,.._. n • ..._,....._,_. ................. ~ .. ............... -•... ......-aa. .. ....... ... .c .u .............. lt --.. ~....., .... ... IMwlt ..... 0 ......... . -•ar,.. •• ,....,.....,. ............ ...., ........... wttla .... ) ... -...rt lltnlt· u...·o... ........... . aaltwed ,...ta. .tiiU89 ........ 1 .... br ........ "'lilt· -~.-It .... .. cl;uel .. _to..._ .... br ....., ... f'IU. YOGil OWII ITOCIDIIQ wttla Jew...,. tn. JODIOin.lll ....-. A...,a.L.~ ... • • • WHE'I1IER SIREN, ever)' woman wants to look bewttchlnl ... and Jolon'• For Beauty Ia the malic place that dOH It tor you. Lorraine knows all the eec:nrta o1 creating a hair .tyle to make you look llke Mia Unlverae! A ff!W brush atrokea here. a tew pln curls there . . . and presto, you feel like a princess ready tor hoUday- partylnJ. Tbat other eenlu.s, Dick De NU,e, drlvea down every Tuesday from thelr Hollywood Riviera Salon ,to pertonn color trlcka for women of the Harbor Area. When you don that new d.resa, remember ON TOP OF IT ALL belonp a amart coiffure. Call HA 1~ f()( an early ap· polntment. JOLON'S. (formerly Beauty Barn}, 2827 N"'PC)rt Blvd., Newport. • • • -wta .._ T II&-.............. QeldDecew ... .. CMtecna PbiUJa Ilk· ................. w ... Aad -.'11 1411 ..... -" ... ,...-u ...... Joy .... ,.. -.. "' Its-.. c:lecll8 ••• ...................... ,....., 1'-.taa. a.--PNIICb Qny ••• MM•••I So.,_ tiM -u.. .. ,..... w..· IMad -•oiiA TAUOI"''. 1M E. eo-t Bwy .. .t O•ldeared. CDJI. .,.~,_. .. ,... AJrDIAI. IDIIGDOM. 11M ••• ad .... .uy '"" JTr le -· pectl ... ~ ...... ••.• -..y ... --.ywu .. Jecu. today .t TD JOa· DAIIL .. ht IMp tMt a. Jut ........ oat .u ... wttla a llfal *-e.,._ • .,..... PUled eoclll fNia SOc· 11.115. s-cy g1.ltteir eoUal'·s.-la .... tn.IU5.1adiwldatll..,. at l5c, ... (Mid,.. IIIICIItlal) a IIAJID Oil lED 1zwa.r..P JOODU IWL\fta ,_ IIUI. ..... "U .... -.......... cat • dov· ...... It a MDaT CIDIITIIAI balD Tile J ...... J'I'JI E. Coat IIWJ.. CDIL 11A ... • • • nLGENE'S have BAGGED the smartest Idea yet - a new a nd altogether d I f t e r e n t kind of "cany·all," In glortoua bright plaJda and plain tall colon. They're laree and roomy ao that you can actually use them u an overnight bag, for ahopplng, or tor Just simple eye-catchlne at- tention! Tuck one on yout arm and off you go . . . the envy ot every other woman. Who cares about rain! You're all set -In such a fashionable w~!-just pull out your umbrela and nart beJnc the tareet of admtratlon. These 'IWO·IN·ONE dellghta are an E.,LLGENE EXCLUSIVE and eell tor an amazingly low $'1.98. Elleene'a. · 1883 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mesa. U 8· 7566. •"'" . . Church Group Plans Election • The nomlnatJne committee, ot United Church ,Women, made Its repert at the recent executive board meetlne. where plana were made for the annual meet1n1 on CANDY l.a a MUST for the Roll-l an. 6 · at the Corona del Mar days, eapeelally ~ndy Canea to CommunJty Church. Mrs. Chester trim the Tree. lust watch their Fisher, retiring president. pre· face~~ beam when anyone un-aided. wraps a box of delicious choco· A committee was appointed to latea and bltea Into wonderful revbe and amend the by-lawa. tuttne aweeta . . . It's the best 'nll.a commJttee Includes Miss part o1 Chrlstmu! It'a the ONE Elsie Newland, Mn. P. F. Baines.. GIPT that's cert&Jn to pleue Mn. RUih BaJrd, Mn. Clifford ewrybody, 10 cheek your llat 'nlornu and Mn. Robert Mere- with the.e Ideas trom DOT A dlth. JIOB, Candles. Chocolate Bella In Tbe new otrtcen will be ln- e o 1 o r e d foil, decorative Tlna nalled at the annual meeUne. trued with aaorted nreeta. fancy Olalrman tor that event will be oomblnatlon pftb ol ehoC!olat. Mn. CUt.leman Smith of the host ud nutl. 11aa Can~ lara with ehurdL • BEWARE of Misleading Advertising . ' e OG1I JIOUC'r COIIIIWUU AI POU.OWia 1. New ear. Sold at Nad onalb' AdVertl8ed Prices No "Tradlnl Pack" added 2. Sevtce aft• MI-. we do not ".U 'em and tor,.t 'em." 3. A fair price. for your tracle-Jfo ta1te ovw aDowa~ 4. No blah ~ ..tllq. w. don't need It, don't beUew In St. do.rt want a. ' BY•._. .. ..,. NEW OR URD IMPCIIJW CAR •• a.. a...,. .......... ~ ... -,.._ ........... * I W .. UIITS • THE .aLE Interpreting often-used words In our Sacred Book By RALPH C. SMEDLEY of Corona del Mar TMIICIIIMof}eiiU ,..... aiMIIt .u lila .... , ........ tt .... tlaat Ua11 ........ ~ ,_ tMU ...... In any cue, thta ·name must remind ua or the mission ot Jesus. which wu to "save Hll people trom their alna." llatt!aew l:ll FtlST CHURCH 0' CHRIST Two names were riven to the SCIENTIST Son ot God.. llOl Vle &.Wo, Now.-+ loecl! One waa His human name, A brench of The Moth..-Church, The Jeaua, which wu prescribed by First Church of Chrltt, Sc:io11tin, 111 ~eM­ the anrel of the annunclatJon. 1011. MeuechaettL Th1a wu the name by which He S..lldey Sc:hooi 9:15 o.m. kn to u•-famll d Sulldoy s..v;eo -----II:()() a.m. WU own .u.. Y an Wednetdoy EYe ni119 Meeti119 1:00 p.m. trlenc1a. It Ia a Latlniud fonn of ltoodiiiCJ lOOft'l loceted ot )) IS Vio an old Hebrew name which Udo, No""porl S..ch. Ja open ... ~ meant "Jehovah l.a my aalva-d•Y' fro"' 10:00 o.fl\. to 5:00 p.m •. tion." It was made up of a com· Wednetdo'f' frOf'fl 10:00 •·"'· to 7:45 blnaUon of JAH and HOSHJA. P·"'· Fndey _,.;~ f,..,.,. 7:00 P."'-to Uterally m e an I n g "Jehovah 9:00 P·"'· Cl~ Holid•'f'· helps.'' The pvblic it cordoelly ii!Yited to et· We tint encounter the name tend tho church .. ,.,,c.. el'd u&e the ot the Bible ln the case of _•_•ed.....--·n_q_R ___ • ------- Joahua, successor to Moses as the leader of the lsraeUtes. His I name was the same Ln origin and meaning as that of Jesus. It occurs In other torm.s, as Jeho- ahua and Jeshua. still carrying the mea.n1ng of "salvation." DS. &Am. L IDLET. ,__of tiM Flat aaptl.st Clna~ of OD· tario. wW be tbe apel&a. crt tiM ....... c::luUtiDaa DtaiMw of U.. CanDcl ct.1 liar Cam· •aalty Cluaida. TIM cS1aDew wW ............... eeda1 ball of tbe daa.rdl Md Tu•· day .....-. DL JWey a. a Da• tift of Okllllla-cr Gild a. a •· -,... IWt el ._ Col· lep fa ....... Olda. Be N · cMftd lata LA...,._ at llecl- laada Ualftnlty1 M.A. ct.vr- at UaJ.....tty of hDMyl.aaia: LD. ...... at tbe ....... aaptlat 'i'1Molog1cal ._ • ....,., ... ft&Jrts.,..kL -" n.D. -- .... -... CeatNI llapllat ·-........ ·--City ........ lAY LESS IIIPLETE II II "ITIIEI Professional Directory JIUSJC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Oreanlst · Accompanist Evening Classes for Adults 3C17 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar P'UifEaAL DJU:CTOBS FrlendlJ Nel&hbotbood Servt~ P ARICES-RlDLEY MOimJARY 11 0 Broadway U 8·M33 It 8-3434 eo.t.a Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin& the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 ~ E. Coast Hlehway ' Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary uberty 8-21.21 17h It Superior. Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCA 110NS c HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gisler KIMBERLY 5-1158 Wilbur C. W 9gner, D.C. Chiropractic Physical Therapy Colon Tberapy 31f Ocean Ave .. Laruna omce: ~yatt f-2398 Rea.: l:{yatt 4-4084 lfo •jeetlofta were recetv.d llaort adjourned eesston. Tbe un- atainlt the annaatlon o( a nine-laba~ land Is located north acre pa.n!el o( laDd to t:M d ty f!l WU.On St. and west ot Pla. o1 eo.ta Mesa at a public bee· c:entta Aw. lnr ot the Colta llaa dty CCMI.D· dJ Monday, Nov. a, 4wift& a ._d the Enalp Want Ad pap. ... Light their life with P,ithl/lt • IT. AIIDaws ·I'DD'I'TDID "-CMIIIIIIU,.W.,.. 15th St. A St. ~ acs .• ~~~ ......,._..,_L ... a.t SUNDAY: lloml01 ~p. 9:30 and U a.m.; Cb~ Sebool, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. lllrh. Sr. Hlp an4 collep .,_. Fellow- abJC*, 7 p.m.: 'nlur8day, Prayer, ltudy poup, 9:30 a.m. COMMUJn'TT JO:TIIODIST -w. lttla lt.. e-ta ..... Llbel'ty 1-4552 ....J.-plaW.IIcSM8e Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Cbureb Sun-day School: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Komlnr Wonhl~>--7 p.m. College AI• ~ Service -7 p.m. Hlp Scbool MYF Service; 8 p.m .. youne adults eroup aervtce. TilE cauaca or c::mwrr 1050 Claanla lt.. c..-..... i.Jbedy....., D.G.B-.nt........._ • Sunday services: 9 :45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. momlng wor. lhlp: 7:30 p.m. eveninl service.' Midweek service. 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday. TBE cauaca or aDIST Odd Fellows ....,._ IMI 11....-t Aft.. c.to ...... Uberty 1-5711 Tom~. Jr .. Jllal8ter Sunday Servt~: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenlne service. tiiJilST C&UiiCii ft T1IE SEA Col:amaalty JletMdbt lalhoa al..S. at t•tla lt.. Wewport ~5211 ......... : .... Boy A. Carl.eoa Sunday Wonhlp. 9:30 and 11 a m. Church School: 9:30 a .m. Mid- week Meeting: 7 :00p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:!5 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACBDW CHURcH l iN ~_,. Aft.. Costa Mesa Uberty 1 -1 0!1 P'atber Tbomcu J. lfm n Suaday lloue. at 7. I . 1. 10 aad 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mus at 7:00a.m. -Confesl'lon: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PIIIST UPniT cauaca OP IIEWi'Oirt aaJhoa al.cl.. 1Mit & Coat I ta.. ......... IIArbow SS$3 Liberty ....-n Past.: a..t.rt c. Jola.D.Ioa Sunday .ervtcea: 9 :45 a .m.. Sun· day School: 11 :00 a m ., Wor· ship Service; 7:30p.m Sunday even1ng coe r vIce; Mid-Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meettmr. naST AMaaLT OP COD Iliad l t. & &ldm A..._ c-t. U.. I 1111 ~ W'JIIl .......... er..&c. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:55 a.m. and evangelUt service, 7:30p.m. Young People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary Council, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. tor all day. SEVEJITB DAY ADVEIIIJS1 X.-.port a a..s. at 8oba s t.. Xewport ...._ .. Libel'ty lsl!U Elder D. a. lp -'dt .. Saturday Momln1 Services: Sal)'. bath School: 9:30 a.m. ._ Ser-mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet- Ing: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ClltJJICB of tbe IIAZ.Aan& 1115 ADab.U. St.. eo.ta ll..a '-tcw: a... Clift Will'-· Uberty ·-7111 Sunday Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m . Mo,.nlng Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evangelistic Serv-Ice. 7 p.m . Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting. 7:30p.m. Wednesday. P'DlST caoaca or CID.IST SCIEIIT'IST 3303 Via ~;&-' aeacta Sunday School: 9:15 a.m .. Sun-day S e r v l c e : 11 ~oo a.m. Wedn~ay Ev~nlng Meet:Jnr: 8:00. RNdlng Room. 3315 VIa Lido. Newport ~ach. o~n 10 a m.-5 p.m. week days., 10 a.m.· 7:45pm Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenfnn.. CBJUST L~ CBOBCB OP' COST A liES A (lliunu1 I .,...S) Aaaerica:a lA9'oD BalL eo.ta ll..a Pastcw: ... t..tiMu Tonow Sunday St-rvieft: Worship Serv- 1~ 9 a m Sunday School at 10:15 a.rr.. BALBOA ISLAJtfl) COMMOMITt Nt:TiiODlST 115 AIJQte Aftw Balboa lalaod MIDuter: fte•. Donald SQpp Barbow CS6S Sunday St-rvtees: 9:30 a. m. Church School: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Servl~ ~ADa. lid C:OIOIIUIItft cauaca Cwp..,u I tll~Aft. Paftor: .... UwlD Ciolll.la:a Sunday Worship Sftvi~: 9:4.5 am .. 11:00 a .m. Sunday School: 9:4.5 a.m XEWPOBT KAIIBOB LtrniEB.A.X CBU IICII ...., unliT caw ... ............... , ...... es... .... ... ••• Q. ., ••• Sunday Servt~: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; U a.m. Worship Servicee· e~ p.m., Baptilt Tratntne bn~ona; 7:30 p.m.. Evenln1 Service. Wednesday: 7 :30 p.m., Pray., Pralae and Bible Study. MOD· day: 7:30 p.m." Men'a 0\0f'UIC practice ; 8:30p.m. Mell'l Prayer MeetinJ . CIIUIICII or OUII LADY OP' liT. CADIEL ltelW ........ alM..W ...... •••u 011• ...... ~ . ..., ...... ..... .. .. A-. Sunday Ma.-: 8:00 and 10~00 and 11:30 a.m. Confession: Sat· urd~ and eves. of lit FrtdQ'II and Holy Days from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mus 8:00 a.m. Flnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. Novena (Perpetual Selpl: Tuesday, 7:4.5 p.m. Flabermea'• Ma.aa. July and Aqust, Sundq 4a..m. UJfiVEitiALIIT COIOIV'IIiTT nu..owamf EbeU a ... ... 515 "· ..u.oa ...... ...... ........ , ......... ..... Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Jlora. lng wonhlp. 11 :00 a.m. -ST. JAKES EPISCOPAL Ia VIa I.Jdla. W....-1 a..a IIA.rbor 11310 ..................... Sunday .es"Vtces: 1:00 a.m. Hoq Communion; 10 a.m. Family Service with the Cherub and Junior Choirs; 11 a.m., wonhtp service. Tbunday S e r v 1 c: e a : 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuOd; 10:30 Holy Coaimunlon. ST. JOBII 'f1AJf'IIE'f Sl4 IICII'tae A..., aaJhoa laa...t ~-~· P'.U.. ·~..., ...... P'crt.Mr hi I FU a-t. Sunday Muses: 7:00 a .m. • 9:00 a.m . Confession: Saturdays and ~es. of bt Fridays and HolJ Days; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m.; Ftnnt Friday Ma.a 8 a.m. Sui!U'JMI' M.a-. July and Aupat SUJ14a7, 11 &.IlL f c:DfftJU. ..... cau .. OIUDfl Aft..ta..ta c.a. ...... ua..rty •• ,. A.A. C..... .... Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mont-lng Servtce, 11 :00: Even.._ Serv1ce. 7:30. Mid-week Serf'· lee. W e d n e 1 d a y , 7 :30 p..IIL Youne people meet 6:15 p.JIL Sunday. 2:501 CUff Drw "~ llett)bta P'DlST SOO'TII'ED BAPTIST ua.oa ASSEJOLT OP COD Uberty 1-3131 CIIUJlCB Claapel. SoaU..W Cal1L .... llobert Croola.Dd 150 W. Baalltoll M.. eo.ta ,._ 8Jhle Coll'19' Duplicate morning wrvt~ -9 Uberty I-J4I3 i.Jbedy a.e411 am and 11:15 a.m .. Sunday; Sun~~ ~~~~c:t:S:.!.:':urdl .... C. £. Tla.,..OIId Kindergarten and ~School 00 ..._ , .. , .. -s d h 1 9 30 n-s d ae ce 11 : a .m. .. a ....... un ay sc oo : a.m .. morning v.:.-pt. un ay School. 9 a.m.; Unum 7 p.m. Sunday. EvenJna worship 11 a.m. Youne people 1st Grade through Ad ult Sun· worship 8 p m. Sunday. Teach· service 6:30 p m.. evening day School. 10 a.m.: bus pro· ers and otficers meetlnl7 p.m. evangelist aervice 7:30 p.m. vlded and Nursery provided for Wedn~ay. Prayer aeNice a~ Mid-week .es'Vtce 7:30 p.m. both services and 10 a.m. Sun-Bible study 7:45 p.m. Wedn«!f- ~edneeday. day School. day. This Directory ia made poaihle by these civic-minded bumneamen: WOODW0RTH PIANO SHOP Exclusive Alent for Baldwin Pianos 2610 E. Co.st Hwy. H.,. 1112 won• del ._.., NEWPORT HARIOR ENSIGN NEWSPAPER Pr1nrtne-Advertlatna-Local New!- 2150 E. Co.st Hwy. H.,. 1114 Coron• del M•• NEWPORT HAitiOR IANIC )4)5 E. Coat Hwy. Corona del M•r •tc JltEMiwl ......... lsr RICHARD'S LIDO MARICET Orange County's Most Complete Market )433 V'.a Lido Herbor 2828 Newporl a..d. EARL W . STAN LEY. Reeftor ~lllne Newport Harbor Since 1.935 M•"' Office a.lbo. ld.nd Herb« I 771 STAFFORD & SON Elf'C."tr1c lnatallatlons. Maintenance. 1tepatra 110 RiYerside A .-.. Ll a.l-459 Newport IMda SALIOA lAY CLUI fOI A HA,.fl tiM ••• UVI lt.KTIICAUYr SUUJ __ ,._ ..... ,.. ... -. IO~THEIN GAUFOINIA EDISON CO,PANY I .. ~ ........ For Her lmart f'lexlw. cmd ... A WOIDCID'a Heart $8.95 White Stag Jackets Catalina Sweaters W ondamere Sweaters Ship 'N' Shore Blouses Holeproof lingerie Hickok Jewelry Pendleton Shirts . Berkshire Hosiery Suppledrape DenimS Catalina Sweaters Kurtzman Slacks White Stag Jackets Fer Cliltlr11 Kaynee Boys' Wear Ship 'N' Shore Blouses Pandora Sweaters Lurrie Pizer Sportswear Guild Moccasins WE GIVE s. 1 .11. GllEEJf STAJDS OpeD E•.,-, SUDday 10 to 5 -- 303 Mcd.ll St. 1.,,,. '' ljJtj .•• GIVE SPORTS • E9UIPMENT \ a• ~~­$1 •• Tennis GoU-BadmintoD Hunting-F',.bing Equi.-ent BAUOA ISLAND SPORTING GOODS B.Aiboc .. 1 aALBOA ZSLAJn:) Dally 1·1 SQDday 1-4 P'riday aDd........, to I p.a. REAL ESTATE & aEXTAU CHJUSTMAS TREATS - A new FURNISHED APT., 1 bedroom. Hammond Chord Organ for the fireplace. Call Ha 1517 unW whole. family. Everyone Mom. 5 p.m ., Ha 5543-W evenings. Dad, Brother. Slater can play YOU CAN'T GO WRONG paying lt. It's so easy. U you can ring just $15 week for a modern a doorbell you can play the kitchenette apt. at Ocean Front Hammond Chord Organ. $29 a Hotel. Extra bonus: 1V, phone, m onths pays for lt. We deliver maid service. Shopping district for Christmas. Danz-Schmldt, close by. HA 6091. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. NEW 2 -BEDRM., nicely fum· CHRISTMAS TREATS. Hammond lshed bouse $100 mo. on lease. Organ used, one only, beaut!· Across trom"Cathollc Church ln ful Hammond Spinet, glorious • Costa Mesa. U 8·5214. HA 5188. for the home, pe-fect condition cozy CHARMING 2·bedr. turn. like new, generous saving on happy bouse. 513 Poinsettia. thls one. Also one only fine COM. or write 662S Ampere, fine Hammond Chord Organ. North Hollywood. SU 1·14Ji. That is all. Such buys are al· -most Impossible to find. Danz· FREE-HI Desert VIew Home· Schmidt Plano and Organe Co.,. site. Martell Building, Yucca 520 N. Main St., Santa Ana. =V::-;a~ll~ey=·=----;----::-:-~-=- SUB·ZERO 24-foot deep freeze. FURNISHED or unfurnlahed, 2· 1 k 7011L Heliotrope bedroom bouae with laundry, I e new. 7'JI • on yearly leaae. 417% Hello· COM. HA 4237-M. trope, Corona del Mar. CHRISTMAS TREATS. $465 buys 2·BEDROOM, unluml.shed du· lovely Baby Grand. Easy terms. Another $495. Many others: plex; fireplace, fioor furnace, Kna~. S t e 1 n way , Kimball, hardwood fioors, yearly. $75 Monarch-Baldwin. Starr, Muon month. HA 3549-.J evenings. 1r Hamlin. Wurlltz.er. 100 pi· $5 PER MON'Ill rents good prac· anos always. DANZ-SCHMIDT tlce plano. Enjoy your Christ· Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 mu with mualc. Good practice N. Main St., Santa Ana. pla.no. u low u $97, $125. up. OURG R E A T E s T CHRIS'I'MAS Ail ln excellent c o n d I t I o n • TREATS -Stelnway Grand, Danz·Schmldt Jl&' Plano and magnificent con d l tion. Thb Orlan Co.. -K. Main St.. wonderful plano almost llke new. can be bought on 3 yean time. Knabe Spinet, ebony tin· Ish, used very little, save over $300. Dozens of other little spinets. Many can po&lt.lvely not be told from new. Some only $395. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 100 Pianos. GET A ----------------- * Only Swift•• Premium Beef Sold Hen * Speciala For ThUI"&.. Fri.. & SaL Dec. 8-9-lOth .ono• IVT't Boneless Roast, · , cou.,., IT'lLE Spare Ribs, IWDII P&WIOR Chuck Roast, CUDAIIT"' •o. 1 .uarru oa OSCAa MAnn Sliced Bacon, IIIAim IIALP 0& WIIOLE Hams; First Grade, 39fr. 49~ H .AR ·RISON CHRISTMAS TREATS. The great· est of all-A HAMMOND OR· G~. We have all models Hammonds for Santa Claus to choose from: The beautiful HOME MODEL. \he lovely Jlt. Ue SPINET MODEL. and the ever popular CHURCH MODEL. all have 2 manual keyboards and foot-pedals; as little as $40 a month wlll make the payments. We deliver for Christmas. Danz-Schmldt, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana, Calll. DEAL Highest Trade-IIi Alowance LONGEST I ERMS TODAY! Our CHRISTMAS TREAT. Elec· tronlc Organ. well known make, save $460. Danz·SchmJdt, Famous Plano 6 Organe Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. Read the Ensign Want Ad page. • WE'RE OUT TO BREAK . ALL R,ECORDS DO.N'T W AI.T ~ c II I I s T I I • In the Ialanders tradition of "firsts,"\mports from Milan and F1orenoe, Italy, Czechoslovakia: Ash trays, hand-dipped holiday candles from New York, all at th8 Corona del Mar store . .. ._ COMI lfW1., c-del .._. 214 M8rtile A,_ue, ... .,_ Wud ' WFRE PREPARED TO • BEAT -ANY DEl\L ,SAVE SSS ON THE NEW 1956 FABULOUS PONTIA~ ' \ . ! . ;' II/ { ( ' . t' •• ( , -• ~ • 4 .. . , aut.lma Special PEIII~ ... IT WilE 2 ..... ..,. ••• with ... ad L VIITIIEim-. DIB!DfC!IYE IIOUDIW Japanese ImportS Exquisite Gifts = the Orient • I DJXX>RAnvz uoaa tnruSUAL cat•JIIOl APPAIIKL mwJ:I.aY ORIENTAL TRADERS TOASTMASTER .PIIEIIITIC TlltTII 1 ·16 ........ ,. ........... ...... ., ... . ,. ., ..... ........... ...... ·~·· ........ _ .. . , ...... . i:.:, peffMI •2750 • the flnett, fostMt woy to Good Cohe UNIVERSAl from $24.95 Wa...... ..... ... ........ --···-.... ID ..... a&'ll' ....... ..._ ..... ,_ Mlft'A .,..._.. .. ..... Aac:IMn AweiP =, Abo-~ALWATI PAIIl W&ATBEBa..::;_-=- ..... ...... 0 •• , l 0 .... ' '. q ~,....,, "l'li N ()OIJt[) 11 T •, ' ~ \ ~ ' .. ~ . ; .:• . ' : •. ·~ .-1-·.' ~"-.. • ~ : ''I .:. ... • NEAll NEW 2 bec1rm. home. w.w. carpet, fireplace. Comer lot. SlG.!!QO Good terms. •. , ....... ..., 1'799 Jfewport Blvd., Colta Mea lJ 8·~ Eva lJ 8-7237 I••• Filii $1.5,000 GOOD TEBIIS. 3-bedrm . older bome, puttally tumlabed, C·l zone. Heart ol Balboa. 2 ear ear•~ m nrd for apt. above . UAI. UTATK POaiAL& OWNER ANXIOUS to M1l 3·bed· room. 2·bath home wtth fum. lahed rmtal apartment up· ata.lrs. m Na.rd..uu-, CDM, HA~·M. FOi'SA.LE by owner: CDM home and l.noome, lovely ranch .tyle duplex on lot and ball, ocean aide hwy .. finest con.lt., heavy ahake roof, 2·bddi. each, forced a1t heat. bdw. floors, ~eparate patJo&. BA 1§84·R. COIU'fER Ldt, 3rd and Narclaus. CDM, for aale by owner; uk· lnc~_$5.9e0. Call NOrmandy 5·6578. L.A. .APORT .:? .. /. {OIIONA [lfl IWAA' ~AAIJ 'Q /Hl'i I •••• .... ..... 1111 ... .... ... ....... llny --SUUWM · PUER ·IRELMD .. t., IMIJI.A...,......._ -"'~t..UIIIdiOIIUU ...... -........ __ III!MJMidiOIIIiotU. ........t.o-,.,.,..,...., tfJL11.1TlTl7 a A us a a so ---........ . ......... ,,. In TIE ' • · suggall8 GLAMOUR GIFTS. as sparkling as the topmost star on the TYee . • .· PDm J:LI!:PHANTS • • • f&DCJ' 'fttaD buketa .. ba.r decoration, preaela, p1anta nm.J:r LINGERIE P A.M'l'IES • • • bladt lace trlm. wtth decided P'reneh accent BABY J)()LL GOWNS : .• with pant:lea to match ca.\ZY PANTS .•. with .._,. labela PJ:Bft1KED MA TCB SETS, Jeweled Aab 'l'tQ'I, Deeded Flyswatters, Wine Buketa EXTRA FEMININE BAJT .•• oob la la Jeweled Sweaten, Vesta. SkJ.rta Sari woven·&old trim aldrta-cu.stom made ... pwt .... -------------_.. _... --...-...-..---_..._. _...------.-. -------............ Dear Customer We would like to draw your attention to the un· u.ual Chrtmnas Gttt. we have. In remembrance through the years. Candles and Gift Items. and From our nursery you may ~lect a Gift that will &TOW 1n rememberance through the years. and The Garden Supply Departmmt has many Items tb pleue the ardent home gardener, many appropriately &Itt wrapped. We Invite you in the coming da1s to visit us ln our new location. • JOE ELLIS and LYNN MOSSHOLDEil LITS Fll II' E. Will .. Tl SUIT Level R·2. Ocean aide of hlehway, C. D. M. $S750 VIew lot on Hazel Drive, Ocean side of hl(bway, C. D. M. $7950 Ocean front R·2 on C. D. M. main beach $14,750 Open Dally: 735 St. James Road 3 Bednn., 2 batb home nearing competion 1n Cl.J.tf Haven CIWILES W. 11ASTE1S, l•nl C.a .. lcllr Harbor 350'J or Harbor 3286 TWO DUTSTmll. BIJ Fr~~ll••• on Balboa Island. a well-buill charmlne. 4-bedr. home with pier and float. Modestly priced at $57,500 unfurnished • • • In the vicinity of NHYC. an attractive 4·bedr. house wlth excellent view; Pier It slip fioat; tu.mbbed, In· clucllne appliances. ~.ooo Tt4 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ph. Harbow 80 ... Elllll Ill••••: We olfer J'OU Up top comml.saJons. whole-hearted oo-operatlon. ea.1enalve advertJatne and a new spaclous aa1ce with u peeutlve's desk you can call your own. -Member of KuJUple Ustiq . .... ...... •• .., a .......... a.. .............. Via Multiple Listing . 0000 v.u.u. lB. Ill Vogel Value in excellent locaUon. Nlee pado. Out-of-town O'W'IMir wtll CX~naider 1~ W,a home with an optjon tD buy at the total prtee ~ $10.~ turnlahed. HW'f)' on thl.l . • THE VOGEL CO • 2187 1!. COASt HWY. HARBOR 1741 coao~A od. KAA HARBOR 14'77 ,.c. ...... F• laelllr 10 Yean. • "START LIVING" NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDlALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DI.STINC'nVE FURNISHED MODEL BOME.'!I AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DlVERSIFI.ED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wl.ahes to purdlue 1n the $25,000 to $35.000 class we slnrerely recommend the lrvine Estates overlookine Newport Harbor. Tbese homes future California Uvlna. Otten<! e:xclu. aively throueb Earl W. Stanley In a Smo&-Free .,... known a.s lndne Terrace-on Coast Hlehway oppomte the new lrvine Coast Country Club, Newport Barb«. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone wbo holds a Lea.sehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshore. or Clift Haven. Earl W . Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu."ther Information .......... * Rustle Dt-slgn Duplex 2 BR. and 1 BR. on Marguerite. COM. 3 years old, ahake root, stucco and R/W, dbl. garage, comer lot very nice. Low Prl~ Sl9.~enns • Duplex. 60-foot tront.aee Corner ; hou~ and large apt. over dbl. earaee; bue· ment. FA beat. sturdy construction, apt. rented. A.aklna ~000-ten:na SEE ME.. ERHARDT with J.l E. SJIIBI 3333 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 24.22 Here are 8 UNITS. COMPLETELY FURNlSHED. wfth proven Income of 111.000 per year Out of town owner wants action! Will take home for ht.s equity. Call on Don Franklin ... lr H·U·R·R·Y THE VOGEL CO. Har. 444 208 Marlneo Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the Post OUt~ Eves Har 3059-M Har. 4248-R HERE IS A nic-e clean commercial property In an at· tral·tlvl' and bu<~y communltv. It's almost new and problE-m tre-e On the ground floor arf' two stort" fronts both modern and outstandmg, and both are least>rl. al· though on.-will rome up for renewal next year If your plans Include a husint'SS of your own. Your neighbors are tht' best stort-' and shops in (11M Parking In the rear Upstair.; art> four modPrn furn1.<:h f'd single apart- ments 1one now avallablt>l. The location and relatively low rentals wall kl't"p this building OC('Upaed-)'f't the rt>turn Is adE-quate on the asking prk l' of $55.000 and we can work out 1st ratt' tC'rms. Call us and rome In and ~ It-It's good value UY IIEICIIEILTY, lie. Corona del Mar Otrl('(' 3:)3() E. Coast Hwy .. Harbor 52~9 IIU.S lEST IUYS ' •••r C111b,.11 We're ... 'Ac l•••n•l••• 't'tlrft and Four bedroom homes, 2 bathroomt. car· bate d isposals. nhau.t fans. l&J'Ie doubl~ caras curbed It pawd lltreets. a1dewalkl and eewen. EutaJde location. Prked u low u 110.085 wttb Down. W. L T••••• 111 ... AND ASSOCIATES -yw-u lUte our &tencUJ llei'Vtce (New addrea _, E. lftll k) COSTA KISA ~a.u. r .. ww ua tbe quJet CIOil....a..t .. [.....,_ .. .._. .... ._ pool, 1M f.rtMMQJ attn •',.. .. _.. .. .... ,......,....., Anniversa~ An open bou.ee, lD bODor ol tM twat)'·tllth ....scu.n. &Dill· ~ot_. ........ a...,. T. COane ol. Balboa lalaDd. turned out to be a aUYel' doUu 8bo• • at tbe bome ol. tMh ••• and IOD•In"aw, Jlfi. and lin. Donald ~mwen of 483 11olly Lane, Newport Betc-.ta. Mont the 80 people attended the party ~ honot of the Coanes' weddln.c day twenty·tfve yean a,o Jn ao.ton, Mua.. Amonc tfte famlly sweeent were the Coanes' daughter Mary, age 9, and son, Bob, 19, and three grandchlldren. Mrs. Coane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Pratt of Balboa laland, were also present. Aaal.ung with the tea were Mn. Robert Ibbotson and Mrs. Ted Hauaer, both of Balboa Island. Mrs. P. F. Baines of Clift Haven and MQ.. J. L. Steffensen of Corona del •ar presided over the tea table. CDM Travel Service We wlU be bappy to aulst J'OU witb caay trcrft1 GIIGDge- --ta. NOW BOOKING SPRING CRUISES Tone CARIBBEAN Alacl,.. MEDITERRANEAN • Ste«ftuttalD, IIC1IOCIII. AkU:M ·aot.l ~ • Toan • 't1MatN TlciiiMa * •o IEJIVICZ CIIABGE * MUTUAL ncm AGENCY Harb« IUS Coline Gibbons, Dorothy McKenna, Marguerite Hughes Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orch.ld Across from P.O., CDM largest &nd Most Complete Furniture Store in the Are&. Coif for free DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 8-5518 Hou se .. ~ 'ar~en Furnishings for homes, clubs, yachts. 3017 W. Coest Hi9hwey Nowpon koch ..... c ... w1t11 WILTAH Lar9Mt cou.ctloe of BawallciD c:nal8e dotbell Ia tbe Soatb laDd. . 10. AJm K U. FUXS IIAJfiOif cat tbek wMdlllg C1111re at a ~ foUowiD9 tbell' • .._._ 1Ndd1Dg. (ledr:MI ..... ) Ida McVay of Costa Mesa Is Bride of Frans Hanson The bride's sister was matron en Hanson In Rawall and the ol honor and the groom's brother bride Is the daughter of Mr. and served as best man when Ida Mrs. C. McVay of 1696 Irvine McVay became the bride of Frans Ave., Costa Mesa. Mr. McVay Hanson at a November wedding eave his daughter away at the service held at the home of Mrs. single ring ceremony read by Louise Scherer In Costa Mesa .. Rev. Charles Hand of Costa Mesa. The rroom 1.a the son of Mrs. Hel· The bride wore a gray wool Organization Plans Drawn The sevent h organizational meeting of the Newport Harbor 20·30 Club was held Tuesday evening, Nov. 22, In the Seasport Restaurant. Newport Beach. Mlke Taylor. director of the 81st db· trlct of 20·30 International, spoke to the group on the development of 20-30 clubs In the United States and a broad. dress with a pink hat and gray accessories. She wore a shoulder pink rose bud corsage. Her sis· ter, Mrs. William De Loge of Costa Mesa. wore a brown faille dress for the ceremony. Charles Hanson of Costa Mesa wa.s his brother's best man. A champagne reception and bu1tet was held following the ceremony at Kennedy's In Costa Mesa with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ltennedy and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McVay assisting. The restaurant was decorated with mums., bird of paradise and gladiolJ. Nearly 300 attended the party, which bad pla no and musJc .by Helen Terry and singb~g led by Dave Attending the dinner meetJne were members of the Orange 20-30 club, wb.lch Is actJng a.s sponson to the new club ln Its chartering attempt. RI c h a rd Krull of Corona del Mar ls the acting chairman an~ Introduced the guest speaker. Patterson and Dick Smouse. DWLIWW lb. _. Kn. waut.a ...._. ~-......... The bride's mother wore a ........_ ._~ • .. ••m1m ... ...._ ~-.,.. ...._ 11 .. Those attending Included C. M. Henrotln, Allan Thomas and Rod Johnston of Newport Beach : ~tee wool draB and a cardenla ....._ .,-_ if,..._., ??II .. 1k ... .a & P. corsare. Both the newlyweds ... ,...... ., bla4 .,.. 111!1-'i• ta .._ -., ..._ graduated from Newport Harbor 1r11u-0pe11e of Don cuaa.. (,._ by F.a-) Bleh School. The bride graduat· ____ .:..... ______ __.:.. __ __.:.. __ __: _____ _ ::Sg:~nJ'0t':e ~! ~n~~ OC Wives to Vie for Prizes his studies at Santa Ana Junior College. The young couple are making their home at 376 16th St., Costa Mesa, following a hon· The OCC Faculty Wives Christ· Samuel McNeal In Santa Ana, mas party will be held at 7:30 bostesa. The December meeting p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14, In the wUl be at the home of Mrs. Stoderlt Center buUdlng at the Donald Pehlke In Corona del • * We Gift Wrap and Mail .DOT & BOB WILTAH CUll'S Bob Kelly, SheJ Besner. T. E. Johnson. Jerry Klng, Cal Bark, J. T. Newton, R. E. Miller and B. Storey of Costa Mesa and Mr. Krull. The cb aIrman Invited all young men between 20 and 30 years of are In the harbor area to attend the meetings at 7:30 p.m. each Tuesday In the Seas· port Restaurant on Mariners Mlle. eymoon In Las Vegas. college. Mar. SlO KCIIIIM Aftw llaUaoa lllaDd JlA .. Hawaiian Shope 140 s. Coast. t.avuDa ..... Kat to Sbow. BYatt ,_..1 COPEN SUNDAY) All your print~nq needs wiD be handled conveniently &nd court eouslv in the completely .. quip- ped Job Printinq Oepertment of your Harbor Are& Newspaper The En~iQn, I I ~ Coast 81.. CI)M I I '\ \ FOR EVERY HOME l(a ama.rt a.ad wonderfully pracdc:a1. to em Jiles wi&b • IOpbUdcattd touch I for me fuaidc: coattmponry Ot CD· ditiooal futplacc fixtum, Cuacu. udiroal. bdJowl. fmdcn. wood ~ts, W. llJhteu, p loas aod a variety ol ocher •pa.rtdiOI Jilt items. For outdooc .., encuuiniAJ: diltinctive Leecra.ft portable Bu-8-Vator·Bruien, waaons. small barbecues, daeltwea.r, table tcttin~t~, akillet clocks. utenails, cable oonlties. Decorative Jiles : Old-world-charm in imported .,.... wall placqua, plaoten, trivets. Quaiat hou.Jt.awkcn, wau.htrvanes, brass cOYUtd wood chtsu, and many more si ft tugabons ••• priced to fit your bud~'t. Come in and browse! Three stortt with pb for every S.nta ! + .. ------.. ... "" .,,. ---· AU those attendlne are asked Mrs. James Love was elected ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~·!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~ to wear a Chrlstma.s headpiece chairman of the book section at '=: of some sort, and prl.zes wlll be Its first meettnr. Next meeting Use ...... :ga Waat ... _ for J--111 awarded for the most original of the book eection will be In !:__ . _ AU QUI hats. Another entertainment fea. Ja::n:.:.:u:.:ary::.:.·:...._ _______________ ~-::-:::-::-:-:-:-::=-::::::--:::::--::-:::-=::-:=::--:=::-:: ture wlll be the exchanre of white eJepbant gltta. A program of Christmas caroll will be led by hostesses Mrs. James Pitton and Mrs. Robert Kest. Other hostesses are Mmes. WU - Uam A c k e r m a n , Eleln Hall, Oscar TAylor. Eustaee BoJ&J, and Charles Haley. Women ~faculty members wUl be the guests of faculty wives. Another holiday event of the club was a dinner last night (Wednesday) to precede the col- lege's Chrl.tmas dance. Faculty wives entertained their hus· bands at this event. held In the Chart Boom of the Newport Har· bor Yacht Club. Mrs. Robert Os· borne was ln charge of arranre· menta. The club's 8ewing aection met on Dec. 1 at the Balboa home of Mrs. Don Bridgman to sew doll clothes for the chlldnn at the Oranae County H~ltal. Mrs. Gel'al4 EllJa 1a chalnnan of the .-wtnctectlon . 1'lle bridge NCtlon, with Mrs. Robert O.borne u chalnnan, met recently In the home of Mrs. with Mr8. Irv1n ltoaan u co· .... , •• SET. 'ale NEW HOLIDAY LOOK from TOP DRAWER Offertnc a dUferent klnd ot aerv- lee ... Cuual ChUdren'a Cloth• made IN OU1l OWll FACTORY to your chlld'a penonal JUe&IUJ"e- menta . • . uatnc your material or our espedally lelec:ted fabrlcs AT BEADY -TO-WEAR P111CES A ,_,,_ S..W. A......._ lila 0.. W_.a ..... LA I'IDTA. _. ...... • tM w.d. 1111/a ...... A'fDO& IALIOA JILAirD, ~. FOR TRAILRS-RSmNG fTMWTOLOOK lllHf 'ti.ASIIflltt'fMT OF WlUl TEIB'NONf lOOK \ Legion Plans Yule ~Dinner A m e r I c a n Leeton .Auxiliary Unit 291 wtll ~ a diDMr at . 1:30 p.m. Tuaday, Dee JO, at the American Lqicm Hall, 15th St. and W. Bay Ave., Newport. In addJtJon to the dinner an evening ot entertainment hu been planned by ICenneth John· ~n. There wUl be a tree and an exchange of a so cent &lft by the children. The American Leeton Aaxtllary Unit 291 and the Gold • Star Wives of America wUl uslst the Post 291. L e 1 l o n Commander Frank Moore Jr. say., UU you do not have a child of your own, brln& a nel&hbor's child." ----A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor II 1<4-111 5 and orove it! -liJJS ·-• ., <•lw& .. ·-.... mt. wide,.... eolor ....._ F..w.l .u,... de. ri..d ftoaa t.t, "-icu r.lk ut ... "' ill W1th ..., type -ptriod eld-lltioa. ........ ,...., '"' ....... KOIICNIY tfMftl m POl 4 Lido Women To Hold Tea A Sliver Tea wida the theiDe of Chttstrnu Decora~ and Table letttngs to ~ he1d M ftt. day Dec. 9. •tU ~ the fiht pre-~ "•t a:beduied by th"eUdOisle Woman's Club. The Tea Is beln& ~naored by the Garden Section of the club. Table settings and dec:oratJons w111 be created and donated by Lido Islandl'rs and all proceeds are to be donated for the beautl- flcaUon of Lido easements. On Tuesday, Dec. 13. the Mit· chell Choirboys will be the fea- tured Christmas program of the Woman's Club and luncheon reservations will be llmlted to Z75, according to Mrs. Joe Preln· Inger, program chairman. UWC members are planning a Progressive Dinner · Dance for Saturday, Jan. 14.. The eoaJ is to raise money for Island improve· ments. especially playground equipment for the easements. Mrs. Robert Trembley and her committee are arranging host- esses for t.be various courses. ' Soroptimists I Aid Girls Club .At a meeting held Monday ewnJng at the Glrla Club Head· quarters on Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mesa. the Newport Harbor Sorop- t~ met wlt.b representatives of the Glrla Club to fonnally adopt tile M ... Pf._ u t.belr leadfna community 8ei'Vice pro· ject. The Soroptlmist.s plan to help the Girls Club meet thelr $5.000 goal, an amount wh.lch oUJclala ot the Irvine Co. have said they would match for a new club- house for tbe group. SPECIAL OFFER $10.95 Already $1,000 has been rilied 1s PIJ.'CES-tour each cups. bY· the girls and thelr frtenda aaueen, bread and butters, 1n the community, according to 1 1 If~ Mrs. Adle Schwartt. an adult ar&e pates .•. separately 1 leader of t.be group. ARCADB MAPLE SHOP ua.1. aaru The Charm of Yesteryear-Book Section IV o! EbelJ Oub The Service of Today met last Thwsday, Dec. 1, at the home of Mrs. J. S. Linderman, 1.:;, 'r.:=--n"~r:;A 109 Diamond Ave., Balboe Ltland, • for a dessert and ChrUtmu a ...... party. Mrs. w. E. Lachenmyer -... .... , ... ,e-..• wu hostess. AAUWGreets New Members New members of the American AsloclaUon of University Women In the county are Mrs. W. S. Lee ot Udo Isle and Miss Glyde May- nard of Corona del Mar. The gen- eral meeting of the club will be held today (Thursday) at Ebell Clubhouse In Santa Ana with Sven and Anne Reber presenting ''ChrlRmas Customs and Carols" for the program. Husbands and other guests are Invited. The Drama section o! AAUW will ~ entertained Dec. 13 at the home of Mrs.. Robert Hom, 358 OahJia Pl.. Corona del Mar. MusJeal comedy romance will~ the pro· gram for the evening. Dean Marie Howes of Oranae Coast Colleee will give Christmas read· lnp at the Home Interests sec- tion on the afternoon of Dec. 12. • F•Y .. I • ,... ........... • • ..... ...• • .. ......... .., • ... • . , • ••na • • • • Kiwanis Plans Kids' Party The annual Cblldren's Christ. mas party o! the N"'J)Ort Har· bor Kiwanis Club will be held Thursday noon. Dec. 22. This week's meetlne, Thurs. day, Dec. S. will be a mot ion pic· ture on "Freedom and Power," made by the Sou~em C&lilornla Edlaon Co., wlth JOwanls mem· ber Bert Connell ln charge of the program. The charter for the new "Circle K" Kiwanis Club o! Orange Coast College will be presented Tues· day. Dec. 13, at an lnter·club Imminent Draft Moves Up Winespurg-Pridham Weelding Pl&M !or a lar&"e weddtng and 1"8CePtlon In Whlttler were CAJi. celled In favor of ·a small and tlbnple ceremony In Las Vegas when It was learned • by Miss Velma lean Pridharn that her brlderroom to ~. GeraJd Joe Winesburg. was beln& dratted. So the time o! the wedding of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Prldham was moved up to mld-Novembt>r and the couple were married at the Ftrst Meth· odlst Church In Las Vegas. The groom's mother, Mrs. Vera Reiger of Las Vf'gu. served as matron of honor. The groom's step. father, Donald Reiger of Las Vegas, was best man. The bride, whose parents Jive at 15--13 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. la a graduate qf Newport Harbor High School, Oranee Coast Col· lege and Whlttler Colleee. She dJd graduate work at USC and at present ls Glrll' ~tary ot the YMCA In Whittier. She is a past Honored Qu~n of lob's Dau&"b- ters ~thf'l 157 Costa Mesa. The young couple are making their home In Alhambra, whne the groom has ~n llvtne. He is a graduate of Alhambra High School. Pasadena City College and UCLA. He did graduate work at Los Angeles State College and ls pa.st Master Co\UlSe.lor of the Alhambra DeMolays and a mem. bt>r of the Granada Lodge F. & A. M. He has ~n teaching English and Dramatics at King I Junior High School In Los An· geles. For her wedding Miss Pridham wore a pink faille suit with a Pt'ter Pan collar and rhinestone buttons and a matdltna Wlwt hat trlmme<f In PNtla and •· quina. She tvon a p.rde.la ear· sage. Mra. Reiger WOC'e • ar•J' sllk print dreu wltb black ae- ~ies and a carnation eot· sage. Before the cercnony, Kt. Prldham waa feted at a number of &bowers and parties In her honor. Nelghbots and &ienda ot the brlde·to·be attended a pot- tery s hower given by her sister Carolyn (,t.lrs. Paul Parrtah) anct her slster-ln-law, Mrs. Davl4 Prldham, who Ia the fortner Bon- nie Nowel&. A m18eeUaneowt shower wa.a &Jven u a surprt. party by her fellow YMCA sum- mer camp courwelors. Tbe party was held at the borne of Mlaa Unda Moorhead 1n Whittier fol- lowing a dinner enea,.ment. Two peraona.J abower. honored her. One wu elven by Kisa Eva caldwell ot Anaheim and the other, g'lven by Mrs. Ben Brow- nell ot WbJWer, was attended b,. m~bers of the Women's Com· mitt~ of the YMCA. PEJISIAII IIOG c:a.aAIRirG WOUS Ill DJCil JCACKEft Ba9 & c.p.t C'1 '"9 layoull-• .... .._, KCII'bor sal ~ Gal I luncheon meeting to ~ held with the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club at . the American Legion Hall in I CORAL Beauty Salon "HOLIDAYS SPECIAL" A Classified 1\d in The EnSJqn brinqs immediate resulfll Call Harbof-1114-11 IS end orove it! • Costa Mesa. Walter James ol Los Angeles. director ot the commis· sion on social w~are of the Presbyterian Church, will be the speaker. New Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club members are Ralph Duke of Bayshore Boat Rentals and 1. B. Cunningham of Woodweldlng. me I BOKAT PEJIIIA.liEJfT. ·~· ll7.5G. 1r0W lli.M BORAT PEUIAKEJfT, &.9. 115.a 1r0W ll ... * Far a,,.il .. lll-u.t. 1111 * lllZEL PliiEISOI :rm J;,= ~ ~.,, for holiday entertaining . ~ • • Cr .... rry Ill I Ea lee ._ c .... Hcmd-Pa'*-d ., .65 A o-t Ewopecm Water Ice-Hand-Pacbd $1.25 quart Delicious Hand-Dipped Chocolates ICE CIEII port Beach Uberty 8-616917th & Coast Highway Are you GENTLEMEN SANTAS L~oking for . the Proper CHRISTMAS GIFT 9 • SHOP OVER COCKTAD.S and bon d'oeu'tTes at thia 2nd Annual New HOIJDAY FASHION SHOW ·a~ ctaers IIIII sofd)AY. !»X:. u 5 o·dock A Marjorie Hale PrWntation FcwJdc-w.Jaownby • ........... Qlftll tb4t ......... beaaty ......... fteanN .. yean .. ~ ·---- ·----· lilcell.-lifts J CIIID S.t.a Cracbr Dlab.- Badr.eb Wlad Qttm.M Lallt.ma (Decorative) Place Mats (Imported) Poi41Dg Pau· TCIIbU Food Coftn Cup. & Scnac:en ·------· SAlTA AlA TEIT I AWIIII 1626 So. MalA St.. Scmta ADa PBEE DELIVEBT OPEJf EVEBT lflCBT "TIL Cllll1STXAS . lawll Pla)aalan • roa IIEin' 1-101 U.MK S.IOI an4 1AOI Sowld Projedion PJJrr OOLOa m.M SDVIC& Model AJrp1aDe 8uppUII ........ -. 1'782 N.wport Jalvd... Oolta M.liila Pbone~ RENT ,. TUX COMPLETE WJTII AU. ACCESSOIUES Maior's TUX SHOP lOll/a E. 4tJa St. la:Dta Aaa J[J 1-5714 ()pea E..._ by app't nEE PUKDIG (Jnl. & Kala) ASHION SHO·W GLAMOROUS DOOR PRIZES! RESERVATION NOW. HA 3930 villa marina Wednesday, Dec. 14th 23rd in a aeries of monthly Fashion Shows NOTE: Next Faahion Show on Wed. January 11th. (and the second Wednesday of-each month following) Presented through the cooperation of the Villa Marina, Vema Miller and The Following DistinctiTe Shope THE BRAT SHOP MARILYN'S FASHION APPAREL 1809 Newport Boulevard 1767-A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa Costa Mesa * FUN FASIDONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. COrona del Mar * LIDO FASIDONS 3423 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach * LOBNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * Mary Mcmon Maternity Shop 102 E. 9th St. (across from Buffums) Santa Ana * FRANCES NORTON SHOP 213 North Broadway Santa Ana * RULES OF CAUFOIINIA . 32i O Via Udo Lido Shopping Center ~I:IICa .. G George'• Landacape &NcdnteDcmce A bome llll't complete unlea lt'a lanct.caped! I am a IJ. cenM4 Contractxw. C u at om IA~ptq ud Deatcntna. Al8o Clean·upe an4 matnte· nance. EAit1f MOU: TRAJ( BVD IIDOUI Our new, bJCb• atarU.na wap and frequent tncreuee ~ you thl8 ogportunlty. Openlnp now tcw- TELEPROR OPERATORS We wW train JOU and )'Ou11 ~lve many other benetlta. --Appty- 51f" Mo. lla1n Street Rm. 211.....aanta Ana 9:00 to f:OO P.M. PACIJ'IC 1'ELJ!:PtiONE (Llmlted Otter) ON A NEW "HAMILTON .. It meaM • much more to aet Qt.. Jive a '11aJn.llton." ..... c ........ 3123 E. Cout Bwy. CORONA del MAll .-nus•EII 0 t.riGli'•..- CIIIUIIMI .._ INf be .a.d ... ,.. •• ~17M ... .... ~ ...... ......... .cdl ... ........ . ......... ............... Come ln and Jet u. help you make your ~~election. P. S. Prom now 'tll Cb.rlltmu we will ~ve double Green Sta.mpa on any pu.rdlues $10 or over. ()pea·~ Del19wy CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY 17tt IL c:o.t JUttawar -~ ..... SPECIILS Fll TilliS., Fll., SAT., DECU.O .... 10 We Carry Mcmning'a Choice Baby Beef ExclwdTely! SHCed Bacon 49~. CHOICE Lc, o' Lan1b 59~. ShOrt Ribs 19•. POrkChops45._ iilbSteaks 59 .. HAMs 45;,. ....... ~HOUND 5 f) BREAST 19c BEEF Lk 0' LAMB ._. COFFE~~······················-~.29 Mii~···-·-················--·-1~ vEL t,~. Leu~ GPLOWDICpefao~ oa. ;an J .. ,~ """"or tBE WALl< I l9c ra rult UKe 7" ~! :.. ................................ ,,. sauerkraut :..·--·-···-19C ~EESE ~--·-·--·-·-69¢ TUA 19~ Tomato Soup ···----··10¢- DUD&ZW--I'rllll J.....a& OL Jcu I r ' 0 ] I ri ; 1~ ~ r~ ' :• c '· • • CALLINGQQ COBOJifA DEL MAL CAI.D'. TIIVUDAT. DECEifaEa L 1155 e SUU'IUSE Last Sunday the tel~hone The next voice from Moshan· rang. There was nothing unique non waa that of "Lew" Smith. about that, but I waa all ears Lew is always the hunting cap· when the operator .aid, ''Mo-tatn. He'a a modern.day Davy shannon, Pel\MylvanJa, 1a call· Crockett. whose bJg calibre rille ' tng." mean. venison In camp every I WHAT TO BUY ••• WHERE TO FIND IT "Moshannon!" I said under my time It roars. Lew's a carpenter. breath. "Who, by the prophet's I remember hlm, like yesterday, beard, 1a calllne from that frigid for a number of things. He al· little outpofi. perehed, like a ways grew the thickest, blackest one·legged crow In a bllz:zard, beard In a week that ever came atop a hill In the Allegheny out of the headwaten of Big mountains?" Bear Run. I1100n found out who was call· Ina, It wu my old cSHF-huntJng And, next to the tr1eger o n h is • rtlle, he wa.s the aUckeat man gang, the grlzzled heartle. of the with a hammer and a handful of Big Bear Rod and Gun Club. 1 I They were enroute to deer camp, na Is, ever knew. At camp, one for a week of hunttne the wily of our evening Paatlmea. aside buck and enJoylnr the rugged from eatlng, waa to see who tun that _.._. wltb thla annual could drive spikes ln an oak log .~ with the fewest hammer blows. expedition. They ju..t wanted to say "Howdy.. for Auld Lang ~ never used up more than two per spike. And I remember Syne, and the converutlon made well the story ol how Lew. Frank many a warm memory glow. Peters {wbo was the thl.rd voice • PAMD.lAJl VOICES on the llne) and John Lucas The fll"'t old-tl.rner 1 heard was started to build our hunting "Sherm" Lutz. whose nlclmame camp one day at dawn. It's a hu always been "The Baron." two-story structure, aa big aa the There Ia a guy! I've always be· average Callfornla house. but lleved that you are fortunate if, that night, by the time the fl.rst In a lttetime. you can name three great homed owl flew out of the or four real friend&-& apeclal forked pine. Lew , Frank and few that. In your eyes and In John had enough done to sleep your heart, can be ealled juat tn. They flnlabed It by early aft. that. without re:servatJona. ernoon the next day. • On my llat. '7he Baron" 1a one ot the nama rn remember, • GOOD DATI aa ._. u dawn 1llu.b. Be Is Tboee were r:rand dqll. out one Gil ......._ ... taa all4 wtua u.. .. ..., Gaftc. I e&n tau~t me to flT. He atW own.a Me al1 tile old·tlmen: 'nle Wq· an airport tn central hnnayJ. ner Boys. loe and Charlie; vanla. He'a known more lean "Splke.. Heverly, who used to daya than I can count. but he take out hla uppen and look weathered them wtth a courage. like Pop-Eye, the Sailor; "Pop" that la one of my enduring In· Cormeau, my old blrd·huntt~g aplratlons. and with a grin that's pal, who to this minute haan't perpetual. forgiven h imself for sJ~plne In The ~ears on hls face must re-the ArmlatJce Day I shot the mind him of hla toughest year. two wild turkeys; Fred Blair. who I remember tho~ times too well. had a service station; "Coon· They began one day out of a Foot" Walker, who must have clear blue aky. when the tele· been part Indian, h1s words were phone said, "Go to the hospital 80 few; "lrv" Martin, the barber right away. The Baron just spun -a lot ot others. ln. Looks like he won't make It thla time." But he did make lt. Medical skill can do juft ao much ln the face ol. multiple major Injuries. From there on out. the wtll of the patient to live m akes the difference. The Baron had that something called courage far be· yond the comprehension of most of us. He waa uncon~elous for weeac.. For months he only haz. lly knew what he was doing. It took a good year before he even got In an airplane. Even then, there waa a lot ot doubt. But his brand ol courage never quit or even slowed down. He attll hu a Ump. a hand and an arm that don't work right. and a 41tferent fa~. but be still tlJea uound "'Hell's Stretcl\" tn IWml)'lvanJa'a Alle· ghenJea wbenev.r the blrda are grounded. That mppled band can .till llq\Jeat the trliP-f of a .300 Snare at the ~ty rtfbt !natant. too. HeN's a natural for '7hla ts Your Life." But I would· n't ever aua-t lt. The Baron, you .ee, 1a a V'W7 ahy eon ot a IUY· He'd Just ,..._ made It th.roufh that kln4 of a prolftln. But hta ute would be an lnlplra· tJon to mJUIGDI U thq could hear the whole trt.ory. Some are hunting In other woods, like "Big John" Klnaley. who wore five coats and looked more like a bear In the woods than a bear did; Peter Dale, who wrote his last prescription aome years back ; my younger brother, Pete. whose artificial leg. 110me· how, got over the rocks out there. even If he had to connect his "whiskey lock'' to keep the knee· joint stiff. They were a great crowd. these fellows from those good days. It was a rare mixture, but they had a lot ot qualities that I'll never forgeL They were as honest and slnefte a gang as I've ever known. And thoughtful, too, may I add. Just before the Moshannon op· et"ator got her one line back. they told me the real reason they had called, over all those miles. Somehow, they'd gotten hold of the column "Calllng C.Q." where· In I bad dropped a hint to some other bunten about It being a loq Ume aln~ I'd had a venl· aoa steak. They wanted to know 11 I'd bad that deer-meat yet! So. honest-Abe Jlke, I a.ald I hadn't. AIJ they hung up, they aald: HJ>on't worry, Doc. You'll eet ~ venbon!" Or~ ••• A~ .... GrQehlt DatM. . . em... . . • ,.... . . . etc. GIVE us THE ADDJIEIS WE GUAJULN!EE PREPAID JlEUVEBY * * * ORANGE INN * BEAUTY IJIOft B VIsta Beauty Coral, C.M. Coral Beauty Salon, C.D.M. EJite Beauty Shop, B.l. Ellen's Beauty Shop, Newport * SOOD Book Shop of the Island Ryden's, Balboa Island Marrlneor·s. Laguna Beach * CAJCEBAS Gild SVft'LIES Harbor Photo Lab, c.D.M. * CAJfDT * FOODS Butcht>r Boy. Corona del Mar Harbor Hnlth Foods, Newport Orange Inn, Laguna Beach Richard's Udo Market Welsh's, Laguna Beach Coast Super Market, C.D.M. * P'U1Uf1Tt1B..E Arcade Ma ple Shop, Santa Ana Baker's, C.D M and Laguna Danlger·s, Costa Mesa Girl Scouts Are Chosen For Trip to Round-up Islander's, CD M. and B I. Laguna Awning 1r Maple Shop Corona del Mar Pharmacy Martin A: Von Ht>mert. Laguna I Dot 6: Bob, Balboa Island Mary's Houst-ot Maple. C D.M. I * CLEAXIRG. LAOlrDaT * PV.S Bal Isle Laundromat Van's Cleaners, Corona del Mar Santa Ana Fur Co Sanitary Laundry, Dry Cleaning I * GIFTS Newport Harb o r Girl Scout takt>n Into consideration by the Council has announced the Sen· selt'Ctlon committee. * DAMCE STUDIOS I Blrd"s Studio Shop. Laguna Arthur Murray, Corona del Mar Coll('("tor's Item. L.aguna lor Round Up wlnners and thel.r Mrs. AI Rylett Is volunt~r CO· alternates who will go to Michl· ordlnator for the Newport Harbor gan next June to join 5000 girls Roundup group and has been and adulta from all over the working tor wveral months on United States In a two week en· the project. Mrs. William Spur· campment, the first or Its kind. geon U1 ls the volunteer tralnt>r CrackPr Barrt>l. 8 I Fanya's, Corona del Mar Estt>lle's Prldt' 6: Joy, B.l * CIDLDBE.If"S WEAJI Karen Ma rgreta Imports. C D ~f Brandt's. Corona del Mar Oriental Tradt>rs. Laguna Brat Shop, Costa Mesa RJchard s Lido MarkPt Bay ot Balboa Sea Combt'r. Balboa Island Beachcomber Shop. Nt>wport Undon's C1tts. Santa Ana Geraldine Nack, high school who wlll traln the slxt~n girls sopb~ daughter o( the H. E. from Orange County ISanta Ana, Irene's, Laguna Beach * BAJl.DWA.IlE. BOtrSEWAJlES Reinert's. Costa Mesa Newport, Laguna. Fu llerton and Naclw, &21 Fullerton Ave .. New-Anaheim ) councils In order that port Helghta. and Sandra Spur· they will be ready for the June eeon. tres.h.man. daughter of Mr. encampment out·ol·door living. and Mrs. WIUiam Spurgeon Ill, They will work and traln u a 436 Snuc Harbor Road. cwr Patrol No. 3I.~th ahtftn pls Selena's, Corona dt>l M'ar Top Drawer. Balboa Island Tops 'n Bottoms, Costa Mesa Penney's. Laguna Beach Boyd's Harrlware, Newport I Crown Hardware. Corona dt>l Mar Island flardwarf'. Ba lboa Island Kf"rm Rima Hardware, C. Mesa F'loyd Lee, Santa Ana * BOVS&WAJU:.L AOCESIOam& rao,d Lee. Santa Ana Bavwn. W011 U.. two tJnt places. ,. __ ...., Alt4mtatea are Diana Sanders, as memberw. \.AIUIUe ale Pro· daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney ceeds wiU flnan~ the project. * CBaiSTMAS CAJlDS Brookings. Corona del Mar Corona del Mar Pb.armacy Byde:n'a. Balboa laland Mariner's. La.g\lna Beach I Stroot's Hardware, Costa Mesa . ·~ Sanders. 133 Shoreclltt Rd Shore Focu.a ot the Roundup Is ·• Americana--the aonp and stor· Cltffa. and Peegy Bush. daughter tes ..... crat... akllla a d 1 it of Mr. and Mrs. David Buah, 4.35 • .... ._ ~ n sp r Catalina Drive, Newport Helgbta. that grew with the nation and Diana and Peggy are juniors at are now part or the American Harbor High School and aU win· heritage. For two weeks sevt>ral ners are members of Mariner thousand girls will live out of Ship Naiad, skippered by Mrs. doors. preparing thel.r own food. Norman Dulworth. taking care of tht>l.r own equip· ment and most Important. gain· Selection commltt~ was head· lng a deeper appreciation of ed by Mrs. Ted Hambrook. presl· their own country and new In· dt>nt; Mrs. John Oertly, second sights Into their own responsl· vice-president; Mrs. C. W. Crowl, bllltles as future citizens. troop camping chairman ; Mrs. * n.oWEIIS Hartleln Flowers. Corona cfel Mar MorrJ, Balboa and Costa Mesa Norman's Fle1Wer Shop, C.D.M. lllllple Usllil' B. A. NereS(>n has a whole of flee full of brand new assoclatt> members to the Nt'Wport Harbor R.t'alty Board. They I n c 1 u d e Thomas J. Bryan, Donna Marlt> Smith and William E. Wt>hmeler. Evert>tt Nunan, past presltlent and current Little House chair· man, and Mrs. Jack Quisenberry, l'll'elghborhood Chairman. IIAUOB ASSJif. TO MEET Albert Dayton ot the Waldron Twelve senior scout girls were In competition for the honor or reprt'senting N t' w port Harbor. They wert', other than the win· nt>rs. Marilyn Set>ly. Dabney Watson. Patty Wilcox, Joan Re<'d, Sha ron Slnet>r. Sue Brown, Diana W olle and Robin Rylett Camping skills. ability to get along with others and person allty wt>re among the factors The annual general member· R.t'alty offlre a now a new as· ship mf."t'ting of the CaJICornla soclate mt>mber or tht> board Marine Parks and Harbor Asso· a~. as Is Jack Mullan with Dun· elation will be held tomorrow can Hardest y. !Friday) at the Vltra Marina • • Restaurant The m~tlng will tol · Last w<'ek was lucky week for , low a 12:15 buffet luncheon Mayliss Hughes with the Art President. vlre · president and Adair oftire. She not only wa~ Cour directors will be elected. 1 awarded the "man of the month·· realtor award for the largest ex MOVES TO VISTA change in Multiple Listing, but Mrs. Homt>r T. Wilkerson of she rereived the $16.43 jackpot 1994 Anaheim Ave . Costa Mesa, I for being present at the Board has moved to Vl.sta. Calif. breakfast. Announcing ••• The New 1956 FORD J 1" "'" ~~.J."'-« • THEODORE ... UOO W. COAST IDWAT Calderhead Jewf'lf'r. C.D.M. Lorenz Jt'Wt>IPr<: Santa Ana Ray Fields, VIsta Shoppmg Cen'r John'IOn J~·pler Balboa lsland Spauldtng's. Balboa Island Wll<;on s J~t>lry Balboa * UQOOBS Island Ltquors. &!boa Island * NEJf'S aDd BOYS' WEAA Bay of Balb<.>a Brandt s, Corona del Mar Lano;downl.''s, Balboa lsJand Th<' Man. Co!.ta ~<'sa PPnney's. Laguna Bt'ach Reinert's. Costa Ml'sa Sawyer's Balboa Island • PLAln'S. suoas Corona d<'l Mar Nursery l'orman'll. Corona dt"l Mar -w"laa': rc CIRCUS IOOIBtY· * PETS AJf1) StJPPLIES Jordans. Corona del Mar * PlcnTU rLUOJIG Keith's, Newport Beach * JIOJITaAJTS Harbor Photo Lab. C.D.K. Kayet.te Studio, Corona del Har * llE.DOCIXG SALOJif Stauffer's. Corona del Mar * llEST AtJUJn'S Cottage Watfle Shop, B. I. Hurlt>y Bell. Corona del Mar Katy's Corner. Balboa Island * STATIOJifEaT ltJPPLID Broolungs. Corona del Mar Marriner's, Laguna Beach * SHOES Brandt's, Corona del Mar Circus Bootery, Costa Mesa Rult>'s. Lido Center Reinert's. Costa Mesa *TOTS Corona del Mar Pharmacy Mary 6: David's. Corona del Mar Toy Shop, Balboa Island * SEBVICE STATIOK Cramer's Union Oil, Balboa Island * SJIOJITDfC GOODS Balboa Island Sportlng Goods Rod It Reel, Balboa Llland * TV AJf1) IIADIO Davis-Brown, Costa Mesa ltl.rkpatrlck'a 'IV, Corona del Mar SOS RadJo-1V, Balboa Ialand * WOIID"S U.&.aa. Bay of Balboa Beach A Blvd2 • Laruna aeacb Beachcomber !)~lop, Newport Bragg's, Corona del Mar Brandt's, Corona del Mar Ellrene's. Costa Mesa Lido Fashions. Newport Marilyn's. Costa Mesa O"Brlt>n"s, Corona dt>l Mar Pt>nney's Laguna 8(-ach R.t'1nert's. Costa Me<~a St'lt>na s Corona del Mar Shabara ~~-port SilhouE-tte Shop. Corona dt>l Mar Town 'n Surf. Laguna Bea<'h La Rt'mt> N ~·port * OPBOLSTERT. DRAPEBT I Bon Marchp' Corona d€'1 Mar D1ck Macker's. LJdo Center * TAJUfS I Knit Shop, Balboa I"land I ~arborou h Yarn Sho CD M . • •aaa TWO ~ ....tly, .. n........,, ...... aty ., Newpert ...... c.at. om.. _. ,_..,.. ,a ... 1t1 tt.. ~ ..,. 2• l. c.-H&Pw•r. c..-. 411., ~~;,.. A..w,..., 2110 I. c...t ~. C..... 4.1 Mer, c.nt-a. TEUPHONES1 HAtMr I I 14 e..d I I II MEMIR Ofl THE CALIFOlNIA NEWSPA,ER PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION A~ e1 tt.. NATIONAL EDITOltAI. ASSOCIATON • • • TN NEWPORT HAliOit fNSICiN he• a..-dot...MiftM .. ... • Mwtpoper of toMrol clrculetion by l'"'t -t of the ~pwlor Cowt e..d bz reeton th-f It queliflocl to publlel! •II puWk notice• requlr.cl lw law • • E:ntorod •• s.c-d Cleu Metter In tM ,_. Office et Cor-. clef Met. ~t AltVO E. HM,A -· .Editor end ,..,,.._ ,EG HM'A..·--· Asa~ Wltw HUGH McMILLAN ···-·---News 09fep6lw IEitT L JOHNSON. -Aclvortltlnt DltMtor SAM MITCHELL ·-··---· Acf,ertldnt. "lnti119 lUIY STEVENSON ·-·· looll .. per SUISCIUPTION RATES Loc.l tubtcrlptloll retot: Two yN,.......n.DO; -yee.......$).00 Oll+lldo of "'-Heritor Aroo: T-yee,...._.7 .DO; 0110 yoe,__...OO ..... "?k . p;,· .. ~:. u.; .... a +:M ; M M M e M e M 1 1 i e i M M e 1:1:+ M 8 M M M E M M 8 M M M M I +:a ONLY IS DAYS left to do your Christm~ts sho pping. And no better pl~tce to do it th~tn right here. ~~ home , with your ~wn loc~tl merch~tnt, your neighbor ~tnd fellow c1t1zen of your commun1ty. son DBDfK SALES a ade at aac:lr OaUy a..t ftiiUDer by a 9J'OQP of Coroacr BlglalaDd.,....... Mtt..s 125 for tbe You til c-aw. 1'be c:IMdl wa ,.....ted last 1IPMir to Gla:Dt Bowa14. cbcd.r· IDCIII. Left to right tnat lOW Ua tbe ..w ~ ••t oo tbe Yoatb c-ater at..-are lila: Bo- wald. ll.l.llay -.y, 7IJa, ... ld8 .... '*«. W.ode llay, 1Citla• el Me 1 1 wad 114.1 a..t M-G.flll. mry, 10. Ul IMwcad 8d.. aD4 lany •oe)rtee Ill• 551 IMwad lid. Ia tbe llack ..... 11ft to rtpt. are..._ YoalcL 11. of lSI .. ww4 8d.. aD4 lOb I....._ II. of ..a aa.... 'h. SOCIAL NOTE: Two Corona del Mar residents, Logon J~td~n, former sheriff of Oronge County, ~tnd Opal Fullerton, were m~trrl_e? Dec. +-with t~ retired head jailor as best mt~n, ~t~d a f~rm~r Ltul matron es member of the wedding party ... looks l1 ke you re 1n for life. Logt~n ... C HANNEL 2 at 7 pm. Saturday showed you why our Ken Niles could not be present for his scheduled stint es co mmentator ~tt the BPW Christm~:~s Preview at the Rendezvous Ballroom. There wos Ken loo~ing at you from your TV screen, onnouncinq for the "Home Pl~ty· house" program ... Assn. Elects Mark Engelke G. Mark Engelke, 6801 Sea- shore Dr., Newport, waa elected president of the West Newport Improvement Association at the annual meetlng Thursday nleht In City Hall. He succeeded Arthur Cubbage of Newport Is land. LOTS OF GUYS hove given Harry Truman the bird, and ere On the new board of directors still doing it ... but there's G fellow h~re in Corona. de l Mar wh~ are Mr. Engelke. Mr. Cubbage, says he's done it, and got thcnlced for 1t by Harry h1mse lf. T~at 1s R. S. Pattison, Harold Arthur. Purv (Dr. Horc tio Q. Birdbath) Pullen, who e ntertained for Pres1dent Fred Kriete and Howard Wright. Truman bed in 1946 end did his fcmous bird ca lls . . . On takJng over the chair from Mr. Cubbage, the new president N EWPORT S building and safety ins pector. dcpper Raymond urged Newport residents to tum Glenn, h4 s a framed scroll otte sting to the f~~t that h~ os a sh_o nuff. I ~ut for the Association meetings. honest-to-goodness Kaintucky colonel, by offoc1al cp pomtment 1n. 1932 "nte~~ are a. lot. ot things to be by then Governor Ruby Laffoon ... It scys tha t Mr. Glenn IS ap-done. he sa1d. ~e need back· pointed "as aide de camp on the steff of the governor w1th the ran~ lng to get our potnts ovetr.thlfl we d d f I ' get together we can ge ngs on gra e o co one. done." W E DUFFERS would be thrilled to pieces if we would ever get Mr. Engelke ls the West New· a hole in one on the golf course. Our golfing ~iend o~ the Port The· ra~ks~e=~!:tl~~don~r~a~~~ ~tire, J ohnny Oxford, has EIGHT of them to hos credot, the l•st one Commission. He was a member just a short whole back at the Huntington Beoch course . of the 'Board of Freeholders that SHAMEFUL EPISODE was lhe statement by Georqia"s gove rnor drafted the city charter. Joe Slantll Ia Wi11er I• Lan Blwli•c Jay COL MDaEW W. WaltM Burroughs, who runa the Costa Mesa Globe Herald, once again ia .tlcklne hla nose Into Newport Beach polltlca. His so-called "uncon!usine" editorial on the Newport Beach charter amendment election and hl.a at· tempt to smear the Issue by bts statement that I am trying to get back Into ortlce has got me to the point where I've got to let him have lt. Let's go back some two years ago when Mr. Burroughs did a character-assassination on me In print, using such tender words as "sadistic." "mean," "petty." "sel· tish." "blockheaded,'' "bigoted," "mlserly"-to mentlon a few. Last summer I was Invited by the Globe Herald to do a guest column. I submitted my column, but for some strange reason It did not appear. It was !lUidly uncomplimentary to the owner ot the Globe Herald, and this might account tor Its not being used. opposmg' Georgia Tech s parlicopation in the Sugar Bowl ~ootball game becouse Pitt's teom has a Negro ployer, ond segregat.1on w~s not practiced in ticket s~tles. F1ne moteriol for the Commun1st an~l· American propaganda. Georgia·s governor os by no means clone 1n this un Christ1an th1nking· we see it all around us. How can anyone claim to be a true Christian if he harbors prejudice s ag~t1nst any roce, creed, or color? Last week Mr. Burroughs used my name In an effort to t>reJu· dice the proposition voted on Tuesday, asserting that the real purpose of the measure was "to put the same Andy back Into 'I'Wenty players participated ln otflce"-addlng to his mallclous the Australllan Singles tourna-abuse despite th~ fact that 1 ment qn the Municipal Bowling 1 have publicly stated land of· Greens Nov. ~-Although the feTed to post bond, and sign In weather was a little cool some blood 1 that 1 will never run for. of the pla yers were pretty hot. nor a ccept the office ot council· Christian Science Church Will Observe Dedication The First Church of Chrlst. Scientist. of Newport Beach will observe the ded lt-atlon of the chur:eh edifice a t special services Jo Stamp led the field with a ma n In the City of Newport 15 point tota l for first prize, Mrs. Be h Taylor C.rr gave Joe a good run t c c~n't let thls go unchal· but finished seeond with · 14 1 ged So 1 hereby let the ~y points, Nick Brettner. Walter he:ve it. Here's the column, as Wood and Mrs. Pearson were she was writ-but never pub· tied with 13 points: In the play. llshed by Mr. Burroughs: off Walter Wood won third and • warTTEK FOB TilE c. 11.. Mrs. Pearson fourth prizes. Col. Andy pinch hlttJng-with wealthy, mtterty anti dntro;er used at random and without a basis or an appraisal of facts be· com~ abusive weapons In the hands of an editor, and by the misuse and abuse ot aucb weapons the power of th~ pr-Ha becomes a cobra of v~nom rather than an Instrument ot education a nd a source of pubJlc lnforma- tlon. Good editors choose and care· t ully weigh thelr words. You, Mr. Burroughs, find it convenient to caiJ peopl~ names and are ready a nd eager to destroy eood names when such names do not tit Into your pattern of schemes. Bigotry and meanness -Mr. Burroughs. you should talk: any person who reads your Illiterate digest can Immediately see polson and hate boiling over against all persons who dare to take the other s ide of an Issue. You bubble and boll over with s uch arrogance and profusion and with such an air of rleht· eousness that when you look Into your rnlrror you must see a halo ot sanctity and holiness around your head; that Is not your lot, brother. The power of the preu b great; the pen Is mightier than the sword, 11 and when used pro· perly to educate, to rtve facta • and public Information. When used as a tool to destroy honest and constructive opposition It Is dastardly and despicable-Mall· clousness that Is used to destroy a man's name and character by the use of words so garbled that they are not Intended to be fact· ual but merely to convey a bad Impression. It is In few words · · c h a r act e r assassination by print." Derogatory words and words of defamation must be chosen with 'the reeular ~~ of t.M l'fewpart Harbor Awd.Uary of the O.Udren'a Home loclet)' of CaU· fornJa wu held Nov. 22 ln the ho~ne o1 M.ra. Martin Manrold, 21• Lukspur Ave., Corona del Mar. lll~em• "* Guellt apeaker wu Thelma C. u 1-7017 Patton, eocial warka supervisor ~~!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!~!!!!!~~ ot the Department of Welfare fn 1; Santa AnL MJu Patton spoke o1 the services offered to ch.Udren by the Department of Wellare throuehout Oranee County. r.. JIA AJd Ia given to children In poor health u well u those w"bo are In need ot economic and tlnan · clal a..ubta nce. She alao spoke ot the cooperation between adop · tJon aeendes and the Depart· ment of Wellare In plactne cbU- dten In private boardlne homes while they awalt placement with adoptive parents. ----Read Enaten Want Ada. MIKE MYERS UNI ON SERVICE U. S. Royel Tirol Woshin9 & Polishlnq CoMploto LubricotiOf'l S.rvl~ FREE PICIC-UP & DELIVERY Phone Horbor 3094 1701 E. Coort Hl9h-y at Avec.edo Conine clol Mer ~~til~· St~tuffe,. ~~J.-fttllt" / Ualae )'OU an 111t.6ed wid! uyifta eo ··~·· a du ll 4ras oa • we •• 61r\in ... u.oJHt l'OU IN COG:rtll 10 ~ O'I'UWdaht unlew ?OU eo;o, the daJh "d~" tuc o' war cbeo e<-c-cpc 01.\r offu t.> If\ the STAUFFER SYSTEM DOW! Tltit PfOYCO plao ol Ptaiva reducio,. u .. ~co-low iocba from J'OUI hi Pt. nunm,, an!Ua a.od &hi«h, rd.ua J'OU ••• eoc~a d«ulatioa corren. pour pocure .. and •eocJ,. molcb~ ClOOtoun !'tidy for today'• Jlmdui.dna fubioaL Gift ,wncU a c.J ~,....,. hnt a DeW 6nsa lot 1~ FROM DEC. 19·24 We Close a t 12 :30 DEC. 2lf>...-,l AN. 3rd. We Wlll be Closed. [Y .. Mttl Uu o., c...~,., &ilt • n.) UITIIII 0011011 DEL liAR lllrhr llC2 aen._. .......... • The Chrl"stmas program of the Newport Harbor High School PTA will be the Christmas story, "A Child Is Born," to be pre· sented at 7:30 p m. next Thurs· day. Dec. 15, In the high school auditorium. Ebell ~oles A gro up of officers and mem· tX'rs !rem Newport Beach Ebell Club were present last week·end In Palm Springs for the annual fall conference of the Southern District Federation of Women's Club Juniors. permission of my boss, Mr. Haapa of The Ensign, and on condition that It does not lntere· fere with my column "Col. Andy says," In his paper. When Sue Hitchman Invited me to be a guest writer I asked. "What a re the llmltatlc;ms?" The answer was "None except libel." care when they a re printed and r=::::;:;:::;:========~~iin circulated to the general public, because the subject of such crltl· clsm is without adequate means to properly defend himself. This Mr. Burroughs, you are aware of and are ever eager to take ad· vantage of because you feel sate and have no tear of contradlc· tlon. at least 'not In your paper. A guy that wtU do that-and you do It every time-Is just as mean as a man who pushe-s lit· tie chickens In a creek.. The pla y Is dlrectt>d by Zatha Tallma n of thl" English De part· ment. Musk will be provided by the La rkett<'S singing from the balcony and a chorus on stage in the bac.-kground. trained by Miss Marl<' lll<'h<;('h and C I in t o n Sawin Rnbprt Went7 Is drama arlviscr Li nda WJCkE')", sopho· morE'. ~ill play the orga n PTJncipal Joseph Hamblet PX· plained the school gra rllng S)'S· t ern a t thP Nnv 28 PTA board m<'etlng Mr Hamblet said that eac.-h traC'her uses his own judg· mPnt as to grades, With no set rule' as to the number of A's or F's-the grading depending on the individual student's proven a bility. Miss Mar J o r I e Adams and Ralph Reed of the physical edu- cation depa r tments outlined their marking procedures, st:res· sing the fact that grades are given on the basis or attitude. interest. participation and lm· provement. rather than athletic prowelts-glving an equal op· portunlty to a ll. Award.s were given to th~ win· ners ot thP annual P'TA poster cont~t on the theme of "Team· work Does It." Laurel Woodson w on first p~l%e, David Yeisley MCOnd and Karen Waener third. .LeRoy JW80n ot the clvta de· partment spoke about the apa· th7 ol90tln' r.etatratlon. Out of an .umat.d 12>,000 ellrlble 7f,OOO Mrs Norman Watson of Lido. prt>~ident of the district, called a mei!tlng of board members at 10 a m. Friday to open the con· ferenc.-e A highlight of the week· end was a banquet Friday night with the presentation of awards and a Palm Springs fashion Show. Local c l u ow o men who at· tended Included Mrs. Ni cholas Brettner, president ot: Senior Ebell club, and Mrs. John Lamar and Mrs. Nelson Holmwood, jun· lor advisors from senior EbeU; Mrs. Freeman W. Fisher, presl· dent of Newport Juniors: Mrs. James White, federation exten- sion chairman ; Mrs. Forrest AJ. IInder, corresponcUnc secretary of the district: Mrs. Georee Dauphine and Mrs. Myron Mll· ler. So here I am and there you are. and here goes the show. No wraps except libel. My subject Is "The Power of the Press, Its misuse and abuse. by Mr. Bur· roughs. the editor of this alleged newspaper ·• Mr. Burroueha: shortly alter my election as city councilman In Newport Beach I t~lt the In· nuence of a soft 10ap line In· tended to line me up wltb an· nexatlon or mereer of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. I re· fused to commit myself on a proposltlon that to me wu some distance In the future and In ao refusing I saw the milk of human kindness. It any, In your make-up curdling up a nd tum· lng sour, and from then on I became your target tor veno· mous and abusive languace Ju.st abort of libel. Word.l llke btrotry. meannHS, And when you use the word miserliness, Mr. Burrouehs. check It up; to me It means what your boss, W. T. Jefferson with all of his mUllons. is J'UUty of when he refused to make a contribution to the Hoag Hospital. I. probably, contributed more than the both ot you. I wish to thank Sue Hitchman tor h~r Invitation to me and s in- cerely hope that Mr. Burrough• will get oH ot h1s hJch horse and •tart walking wtth Ul common people, wbo feel we have a rleht to our convtctlona and ar~ not 8COundrels juat because we do not crlnee to the crack or hla whip. Uae that prea to educate • • • a.a... • u. and etve ua factJa and public The annual Tinsel Tea and r.. -···· information, and atop calllnc ~~·:~hp~~CIC::b U:: =~ T1 Y11•• z.l ·-people name:-• • held today (Thundq). -w-1 tth USK the e WDr o• LOSE .. • • Junior• and SenJort are JolniDI 10~n!f:r.~rul~· AJMrt w. 1b.la column la belne written toeether u co-hosr-to the Donohoe of 227 Vta Orv1eto,. Udo four daya before the election ... party w1th tea tabla re~Plend· llle. wa teeeDd:1 •tvanoat1 to U you lost ln Tuesct.y'a votJna. ent wltb Yuletide eeconUona ~ ra~ o1 ,........ ~nd d--. NmerDber that wtn. 10M 01 draw, and other Cbrlstmaa a.rranae1 a. 11 em dW7 &a t.bi Cet&al your llle doeln't to wttb It . . . menu proml.led b)' J:Dembell 01 ......_ a tile ~ o1 tM To ~ Dora Htll: Your zeal junl01 Ebell M.ra. Am.u. GuD-Oonnna...., • • CMif. hcMit • ~eat tbe propoeltJon and ble. ..ruor ways and _... JIM. harl Hubcw, s:awa.u. a. t:llaleb7 to reta1Jl your P"Jet chairman. will also haft hit enJs.t.d 1ft tbelfavy In IUl)e U53 ..wall da.t:rlcta b not auffldent c:ak• on aaie, and Mrs. rftD nd rePCiiWd to Onehd'lt ln reuon to ma1Jdoualy Ute the ac· Perew will take «den tor auilt· ~ lJ5I5. cuaatJon that l am trytna to ,_ mu aUt macaztee lal*rt~ • '** IDto oiDal •.• 1D 8plte of Tbe mga lc•l )llr'OCraJD ol nTIT iWf ,. • ...., IIU' plaiD ucs· direc:t ltatement "4Qut.tmu .UOUD4 the Wartr A pttty t.bl8 CiUi1'e bal bela acC1fPt a JIOIItJDn u oou:nctlmu Wl1l Include barpllt Ka.rln JUlie, tOed .. ,,~ ....ad a. U~ ol the Cit)' ol Mewpart leKh. .. We Allo &..ID Stock FOI' Y 0ur Cail•eDi.eld * ..U& .. wiGuT.D.C. * ENJOY C.D.M.'S italit • . • • pleasant,. easy way to svrpttse everyone JOIN NOW Moke neat Orith~Hts IMfTMr for 'fOVf fo"'ity Clftd friencb. Join ow n.w Chrfst"'os OW ond save o conftf'llent aa.ovnt ret~ulorly, 10 you'l have extnl cosh with wtllch to lhop .arty ond cnoo1d pillng liP bt1h. New~ Harbor Bank COROKA DEL MD ••• of sodal note Can't undentand It, Vdma Trojan alumni from the Har· O'Brien ot Corona del Mar and bar atea and their auNli are In· our local rta}tors vlltlln& the na· vlted to attend a dance Saturday Uonal convention were all In nJ&ht betne apon.aored by the New York CJty at the same time, TroJan Club of Laauna Beach, but didn't aee eaeh other! Velma accordtne to Joe Bu.ahard, ~1· .uo went to .everaJ ot the New dent ot the club. ,York b~Uebt playa, lncludJnr 'ncketa for the a.Uair, ICbed· '"Inherit the Wlnd," opera, and uled for 8:30 p.m. at the Laauna even wu ln on tbe TV Tele· Hotel, may be obtained from phone Hour. .Mn. Robert WUC9K of Harbor HIPJand-, Uberty ~. Mrs. WUeox aald that plana for a local TroJan club wW be made next year. C. C. to Elect 8 Directors Etgbt new dlrectora tor the Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce wW be balloted upon by memben late ln December. Officers for 1958 will be picked early ln January. Director vacancies to be filled Include one from Corona del Mar, one from the Martnen Mile, three on Balboa Island, one In Newport Beach and two In Balboa. Preal· dent Maurie Stanley wtll appoint an election commJttee. Ballota will be counted Jan. 6. On Jan. 7 a president. flrst and aecond vice · pres.ldents and a treasurer will be selected. The annual dinner meeting and ln· stallation of oftlcen wtll be held on Frl~. Jan. 13, In the New- port llubot Yacht Club. • • • The Orance County Alumnu Club of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority on to ptck up their boat at an· wtU install otrlcen Saturday at other port the home of Miss Sbirley Kaye. • • • 2670 Solana Way, Lacuna Beach. AlliO jUit back trom a ~0 Mn. Richard E. SheU~berger. month trip eut 1a llabelle province president. wtll oftklate. Bowl-, of Balboa Ialand. Iaa· Otrkoen to be lnstal@d are: belle and ber mother took • a Mrs. Donald L. Snyder, Garden leilurely motor trip and .topped Grove, president; Mtas Nancy at all aorta ot Interesting places Boyd. Santa Ana, vice-president; from New York to Florida. Mia Beryl Srtgley, Carden Grove, Claimed tbetr vtstt to Nassau recordJnr secretary; Miss Doro· wu really the mo.t de.llghUul! tby Rletkerk, Fullerton, treas- urer; Mrs. Warren Hawkins. Or ange, correspon~ aecretary. The Installation wtll follow a luncheon tor Alpha XI Delta alumnae at the Chers Inn, Co - rvna del Mar. Mrs. Donald L. Snyder of Carden Grove is luncheon chairman. SHOPPING nME AT Corona del Mar PHARMACY • '.....,;,t..-.;,t......,;,t......,;,t..-.;,t.-~·~~~~~·. * Find Gifts Galore For "Him'' or" Her" at Your Favorite Store * SAT ITWITW 8 U03 E. Coat Bwy. :ORO If A DEL IIAJl Pboae Harbor 50'71 .. •::-•: ..... .:.....•::-•::--.:.:-.w. ..... ~-.:.....·: ..... ~~ "".-.,...,~~~~~~.,.,.,.,.,., . . .8., , --4-.. ~->•' ~Mohawk No Down Pay~ntl ' ( f ' I f • '• •. ·' ·-----------~-----------------------------··------------- c-r,"'e l 'Al_ ........ r-""1~~~~ f-··'~'· wpett,M.IIok "-"• 6.SO eo&.DIN SWANS l'Ai-m• ,etf.,_ '-· V.O. ,_..,. Cooopod ...1 "-ltcl Cofr "24" Up.rid J.OO SANTA ... and ~~. (~ ~~ ~-~ HUBERT w~ suggest R~S~ CANDIES Visit Our Coetume Jewelry Counter ••• t 0 g i V e a n d en J. 0 yf Gin"S from $1.00. up • • ... -~;:-. Jl('_'. ·: .... IN HER EYES WITH A Gin BY Dorothy Gray 4 fahuww f~ in COLOGNE OR DUSTING POTTDER 1}00 EACH ' So ID1Ida r,...,...,. fw ao little! Chooee Dor· ochy Gray ~it'a woDderfuUy lonc·lut· Jai. Or Doroth1 way htlftl Powd.will. i .. owa hrnrioa la..h' .. wool pal. Yoar ehoa of Pmk ....... CoW. • Spice, W'ldJe IJIM, •r T.it,ul••···lift· ........ f...,.., ·----------------------·~------~--------------* GinS FOR "HER" * * GIFTS FOR "HII" * Rnloll Futurama Ltpltlck. from 11.'15 12 Baael ll1abop J...-cl Llpdjck 11..50 Leathulc'a Adam.l' Jl.lb Pwlume 1!.00 Tweed Scmta a.iD"-r c:nam Sacbet 11.'15 Bolmmum AtoiDtaen from 11.00 to IIS.OO AageUqu• CologDe Qucutette -suo llD9allque Colo9'M Trl• . .. _II. 75 All~=~·.Co~ . -... ss.oo PrtDw McrtclaabeW ColOVD• Cllld hrfullu Set ... . ..... .M.SO QacmtWy T.u.t Wet. Cllld Pwfume Set .. .. . .. SLOO Boublgaat ~ rcaata:tas-.......... _ ............... -... .J2JIO Coty l4d1ewlaa ....,_ ..... .. .......... -.~-.... --... ..ll.GD Cot'f eoao,.. ta Lodr Atomtaw . . -· .................... _suo 8a1 De hte Ecnt de Colope. from .... .. ........... -·.. .. 11...15 Wla!• ca...,~ Cola,... bt ......_... ... . ... . . ..... .. . . --. .A.J$. a.n. 1'7.00 11.00 Ear lliDg1l .. . .. .. ........... --·-----·-· . . S?c D'Onay Cola 1M Clll4 Ped1mM Seta •J ... ut.· a.u anub• TREE UGHT SETS ••.• to 13.50 11 .. caa&liiiAI DOW ---.S.C "''CIIIIIAI. tarr .....ac ftU & =-=:·~~~ & 11M TBEE OBHAMEN1'S ................... ______ .,.. "'W'&U & TYr E"'DOI• lUI...._ tit -----·-..1111 ltlD9'1 Neu Seta. from 12.00 up to 110.00 SportlmaD'I ColOCJDe cS After Sban n25 '"B.la-Set&. from 12..00 up to 110.00 IAGtberic After Sb~e cS ColOCJDe 11.00 Old Spice SbcrTe Lotion cS ColOCJD• J2.AJO -rQWDN ...... l'raTeJ Set. from I'J..21 lADtheric Muabteer Set SS..OO lloa..loD U9btera from .. M.50 We.tclock Wrlat Watch• . .1LS0 .........._ Bawbre Camera. Flaab & aul.ba ......... IIUS 115..10 • Aasc:oN Beady· FlcDh CalDera Outflt .. . . 11G.IS Cloeb. .net. Mlectioll. from . .. .. 12..15 -spamu• Electric ltltcbeu CJocb. . . . . . ... . .. A.J1 •J.uy Dolla" ll.a & A.ll 1r CBIUSTN.AS PAPE& am.oK & SEALS * '* ASB TBAT SETS J ' J J J J I J J J I .. J J J J J J J I J J J J J J At hom& around the middle of Decem~ at 200 Fernleaf Ave., Corona del Mar, wtll be Mr. and Mn. Logan Jackson, who were married ln a hlah noon cere· mony laat Sunday at the Calvary Pre.byterlan Church In River· aide. The groom Ia a former sher· l.ff of Oranee County and has been a contr&ctot In the buUdlng trades for 25 years. He served as Miss Thaden To Be Wed Plans for a December 18 wed- dine were revealed this week when Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Wood· worth of 221 VIa Flrenze, Lido Isle. announced the engagement ol their daughter Miss Sandra Thaden to Wayne Ireland of Co· lumbus. Ohio, at a rocktall party held Sunday, Nov. 27. About 50 guests w~e present at the party which wu held In the salon of Thaden Interiors store. whPre a large book opened up on the walls revealed the betrothal. The The book. done ln gold on whitt-. W a5 adorned with white wed· ding bells. White flowers and white candles were used on the table covered with a gold lame· table-clo th. Costa llesa Author I SAVE nus HANDY YULE Glfi SECTION Ow local ._._ are bunt· aherttf for eight yean beelnnlna &a9 with the ...._t Clllld Mrs. Eatl G. Cor.kett of 304 In 1930. Outing that tlme he wu beet fow J'OUI' 91ft b"YYD9. Buena Vlata, Balboa. opened hen president ot the Calllornla State Sbop aecu 101;ar home, cm4 home for the monthly luncheon· Sherltt's Association and waa .....,. a Neny Shopp!D9 proc.ram meetlna ot tbe Col. WU· made honorary life member of aa.rt.tmaal Ham Cabell Chapter, DAR. on that group. He Is the youngeat Nov. 30. Mra. WWI&m B. Tritt, re- son or the lale Major and Mra. cent. prt!!lided &nd twent)'·llve WUllam Jackson, early C81Uornla memben were pnMnL pioneers. who came to CalUornJa M·adsh·rpman John Langenhe.tm Theme for the day waa taken In a covered waeon. trom a recent speech of Mrs. Ruth His bride. the former Opal Ful· Apper110n Roua, state recent. who lerton Is the youngest dauehter w·all Wed Wash·rngton Art.tst uld. "We must remember that of the late Mr. and Mra. A. L.. liberty, Thomaa Jet!enon aald. Frazier of New Castle. Ind. She ~annot be completely Inherited, hu resided In Southern Caillor· A coast-to-coast announcement graduate o1 Newport Harbor High but must be won anew tor every nla since 1927 and ls an active carv this week with the news School and Rutherford Prepara-Issue ln every generation. Eternal member ot the dlrulct Business that Miss Ma ry Harriett Foster tory School In Long Beach. The vlgUance Is the taak fadne every and Profl"SSional Women's Club. has promised to be the bride of weddln& is planned tor next June Daughter. Let each and all re· The bride wore a dark brown MJdahlpman John Perry Langen-In Wuhlngton, D. c .. following solve to make every day a Italian wool gown with moss helm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hay hls graduation from the United Thanksgiving day of duty to pro- green accessories for her wed-Langenh<>lm of Newport Beach. States Naval Academy at Annap· teoct and enrkh our h~ltaae." ding with a corsage ot talisman The engagement was announced olls, Maryland. Plans to present et.n.. to Juve- roses. Mrs. Grace Stephens of by Miss Foster's parents. Mr. &nd Miss Foster Is an artist. who nile Hall !rom the chapter at San Bernardino, a nie-ce or the Mra. William Anson Foster or Christmas tlme were dh1cuased rrroom, s«.>rved as matron of hon· W 1 already has her paintings hang-... ash ngton. D. C. The bride-to· 1 a 1 tbe Co G u f by the Americanism chairman, or In a royal blue dr«.>ss with n. n rcoran a ery o be Ia the granddaughter of Mrs. Art In Wuhln t D c Sb be Mrs. Adrian Irvine. Sponsorship sllvc.>r accessories and a cor•age w 11 1 g on, · · e · "' a ace Dar lngton Connor or h ... t dl 1 N .. __ ot an eighth grade Girl Scout oC pink rosc.>s. Best man was Capt. KJ So ,.. __ 1 gan er .,.. • s u es n urn~ g. ngstree. uth \.AUO Ina and "'-rmany wh h f th troop under the leadership of Theodore Lacy, retlred head Jail· Mrs. John Foster of SheUield. V":' ' ere er a er was Mrs. Robert Schock was devel· er of the county. 1 with the International MUltuy A abama. Tribunal. She late r studied under oped and a re-cent visit to tht> M«.>mbers or the wedding party Father ot the Intended groom Hlgate Ishii ot Tokyo, Japan, and troop was reported by Mrs. Irvine. held a wedding luncheon alter 15 e.cutlve seertotary or the.> In the United States at Corcoran Members contributed to the needy the service performed by Dr. Newport Ha rbor Chamber or Gallery oC Art In Washington. Cros&llore I DAR aPPr o ved Thomas Hudson. At a specia lly Commerce. The Langenheim's I o. c. She attendc.>d the Convent school) with a shower of pillow de-corate~ table at the Mission live at the Balboa Bay Club. ot the Sacred H«.>art school In slips which Mrs. Charles K Inn In Rl v«.>rslde. guc.>sts WPrP also Midshipman Langenhei~ls a Tokyo. and the Warrenton Coun-Boardman. organizing regent. Mrs. Tht>Odore Lac.-<'y. former jail try School tor Girls In Warren· wUJ ·send to the school u a matro n. Lt Joseph Vlgn<'au. re ton, VIrginia. She Is now at Christmas gift tir«.>rl from the Los Angeles C•>un-DAR HonOrS George Washington Unlv«.>rslty In Mrs. Chall«.>n F. Landers pre· Mrs. R. T Morris of Fallbrook atCIIIated with the Delta Gamma laws. which wt>re voted upon by t y Shenff's ottlce and Mr and l Washington. D. c .. where.> she Is sented the reviS(>d chapt«.>r by The bride and gwom ar<' plan L p sorority. the chapter. 1 Talks to UllrlriHI nlng a number of short trips In ynn ease Midshipman Langenhelm ex· New mc.>mbers were presented I Southern Ca!Jtornla for thPir Esth«.>r Warn«.>r. Costa Mesa 1 honc.>ymoon. L p pects to be home for Christmas. I!_Y Mrs. F.• L. Lowe, who lntro- author. was guest speaker at the ynn ease, Harbor High but will Join his fiancee and her duced Mrs. Lewis Reed of Lido School Library Association mt't't · School senior and daughter of family In South Carolina Cor the Isle. Mrs. Robert Roptor and Mrs. lng. Southern Section. held at thP TAB POT STARTS FmE Mr. and Mrs. Ha rvey Pease of latt«.>r part of the holidays. Ruth Jerterson Rust of Corona d«.>l LaFayette ht)tel In Long B<'ach A fire In a tar pot caused $15 Balboa Island, Is the re-cipient of Mar, Mrs. Harold Houser of Bal· Saturday. Miss Wa rnt>r Is known damage Friday on the roof oC a the annual DAR "Good CitiU'n" boa Island. Mrs. M. H. Deckard tor ht>r books. "Nrw Song In a r«.>sldc.>ncc.> undn construction at award. which Is presented by the Zo nta 's Yu I e and Mrs. Hugh Hoover ot Costa Strange Land" and "S<'ven Days 1757 P laza d«.>l Sur. Balboa, owned Col. William Cabell Cha pter. to Lorna Land." by Charles E. Duggan. A large The award Is based on dPpt>nd · Attending from this arc.>a Wt're column of black smoke rost-from ability, leadership. service and Party Ton •• 9 ht Mr~. Hilda MrCartnc.>y, district th<> roof as thP tar burnt-d but It patriotism. Selection or the win· llhrarian of the Costa Mesa was quickly Pxtingulsht'd. ner Is made by faculty members schools. and Mrs Kathryn Sauc-from the.> top thr«.>e candidates erman. Horace Ensign School II · SON FOB McQAVJlONS named by the glrl students. Last brarlan. A son. La rry Allen. "a<o born 1 week ~he w!ls announced .as the to Mr. and Mrs Franklin Mr-Zonta Club s chol.~ a.s 'Zont.a MESAHS MOVE NORTH Gavron of ~ Santa Ana AH• I Girl oC the Month for Nov«.>m· The 0 S Zl<>glrr.., have movf'fl NPw port Hf'i~hts. in Jloag MP tx-r from 2131 National Ave.>., Costa ffi(lrial Hospita l on Wpnnpo;rJa~. Lynn !Wtved on the Girls' )1('sa. to Burllngamr. C.tliC. Nmr 23. Uaguc cabinet Cor four years i-,._..._11111.,.....,..._'"'.-;..,..a;ijjt;•;e;----;;jjj;;jj;;iiMiiiHiiHi;;j;d a nrl Is now presld«.>nt. During her junior year she represnted the There's Still Time To • • • Knit a J .. lte Jacket for CHRISTl AS high school at Girls' State ln Sacramento. She Is a member of the school Honor Society and ot I Trl Sigma. honorary glrla' club Currc.>ntly she Is representing Harbor High In the Calllornla Associated Student Council. She is an artlve member In GA.A and Pr~nts for each other and presents for women In the Or· ange County Hoepltal w111 be brought to the Zonta Christmas party being given tonight by the otrlcers at the home of Corres- ponding Seocretary Wlnlfr«.>d Ba. con. Emerald Bay. Christmas tree ornaments will also be brought for the hospital Christmas party which the Zon- tlans will give.> to the womc.>n In the.> TB ward at the Cou nty Hos- pital. Hel«.>n Stockton ls In chvge of the party. Glamour Glimpses No kidding! You're glft hunt lng? Oh, and you have some.> very unusual people to buy gifts for -the kind or people that have EVERYTHING! Those people.> who have such exqul.slte taste.> you don't know HOW to tempt them --or the ones that you're so very fond of you'd like your present to be something VERY nice! FOB YOUBSELF-OB A Cln Tau Rho Kapp.a. the group com· posed of future teachers. A Christmas luncht>On and book revlt'W party Is being plan- ned by VIce President Dorothea Sheely at her home In New· port Heights nPxt Wednesday. S'fuDAy. but lt'a 9ifta for th-. ldAda of people that O'BUElf'S ~ ln. y ... really. Velma. b.,...lf baa Juat ntunae4 from ftew York. wben U. .. lectecl faahJoa'a ID 0 I t ~T c:natJoiLI. .. fon that she att..clecl CaWonaJa mar· bt.a to fiDel the fiDHt w•t CIOCDt 9ifts cm4 wearable&. Sbe'a beell atoddD9 Ia« loftly atcwe low moet.ba with the .-y thblgs that please the most 41scl'lmiDCitlD9 people. So EasJ • • • So Quick WE'LL SHOW YOU HOW Aa low aa 16.35, wblch 1Ddu&t• yaru. pcrttem cmd youJ' aMdlea. ELsiE KAUOBOUCB'S YARN SHOP %747 E. Cocdt BJ9bwcry Cororaa del Mar IL\ 0857 Hot oft of Saata's Sleigh Murray Millmcm'• Really fitted Prtuc:eu wool dreu .•• rue Enginf' Rl'd and Yummy c;r<>en. Sltl''l 7 !.l 11 -13-15 17.98 • • • P g. Sub-T«.>en Special! l\1.1n IYP<> tallor«.>d shirts, by PPh•r 1'11 n . . Pastel colors rt>g. 3.50 this week oD.ly ........ 2.98 ~elena's "the BOtnlS 1() 11 m to 5 'P m Sizes" . Panhel Will Hold Yule Party at OC Student Lounge Dec. 2 I 1 Harbor Panhellenlc will hold a sa lmagundl Christmas party, to whlt'h husbands a nd escorts will be invlt<>d. in the.> student lounge at Orangr Coast College at 8 p.m Wl'dnP<orlay, Dec 21. The ho'lt('SS committ«.>e will In· elude Mmes. 8<-rtram Es plau. chalrmnn; J ohn Rec.>Se Carson. PN«.>r Rarrctt. William Grundy, R'JY llallb<>rg-, Joseph Carver and L Mao;ton Gallagher. Panhf'IIPnl<' has voted to en- dorS(> a lf'Ctur£> series by Eleanor Klneslry on "Nutrition for Health and Energy." The lecture dates I are Jan. 17. 24, 31 and Feb. 7 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. In the OCC auditorium. At the last Panhel meeting, art Instructor Howard Clapp from OCC demonstrated pattc.>rns and teochnlqutos ot floral arrange. ments. The meeting was held at the home.> oC Mrs. RJ chard Wt>n· ker. 3728 Ol-ean Blvd .. Corona del Mar. Hostesses were Mmes. Wen- ker, Theodore JohruJO~ Leonard Baltzer and Thomas t·rost. Mrs. John K~ler reported that she and Mta. H. 0 . Boyvey, pres- Ident. had given a Thank.sglvJng party for the Retarded Children's Foundation. The ifOUp voted to set aside funda tor the purchase ot Chrlatmaa iltt.a and tor the expenses of adcUtlonaJ parties for the Foundation throuehout the year. Perha ps a handbag? One ln gorgeous golden tan 1 eat h e r called Roney's "ltalla." A little gold t ag says the be4utlfulleath· n Is water repellent and color fast.. The smartm gold fastener mark.o; Jt as a n especially nice bag. This bag Is only one of the many beaotllul handbap by Ronay at O'BRIEN'S and you'll be Impressed at the money value of them. O'BRIEN'S also have large velveteen tote bags, small brocade clutch bags for evening and velvets and satins beautUul· ly beaded. embroidered. or em· blazoned with rhinestones and pearls. Jewelry 111.0.. a atunaiDg ttft. &.peclaJJy If It Ia the COY· .WK.-t,._.~ ~ ....,... tlt.at .,.. .....-,.od taste Ia a lh'•l•f ~ ... ...,, Ccfaae Ia a4 .... a-.....u a1.eo ....-iD ...U 11 adl:11 t• whea JI8G tift .._ a gUt .. da.IDMt:a•• • • • .-bDponat ,.._ -· ...,~ ............ . u..~ ........ -wttla w. .-4 ............ .. O'alllKrl ............ .. ..... ..... _, ... ea:nfatll. POUJ'71 That'a all It ~ to pe a whttl of xow tavorl-. per· tu.me In a PreetA-Wbt ~d new bulb~ at.om..tar-eee tt. lt'a the aaa..1 Anotlter udun. new etlt at ~ and a perfb.n. bottle to matd'l. • italitgf) Meu and Mrs. Neil WUllama ot Balboa. Second vice · pfflldent, Mrs. Anne Harbeson, p~nted a pro· rram of music. colored tum &nd talk of the El Toro Lady Marine. aupervlsed by Major' Mary Ta· turn. ''II•·~ .., ••• ,, Chrlatmaa Ia bound to be a lively place around the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Coates, new residents at 210 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. Both their 1100 and dauehter wUl be home from colege for the holidays. Dauah· ter. Marlene Ann, is a junior at USC. while son Edward wiU be coming all the way from Yale University at New Haven. Conn., where he Is a BOphomore. The Coates have owned their Orchid Ave. home for several months, but just moved from Glendale to make It th«.>lr permanent real· dence. Mr. Coates is BJII!IOC!ated with the Greenleaf • Sleveru Realty firm tn Newport. Vnmng Commercials It'a hard to aet a man to admlt he llkea Chtimnu abopplng, but the store. are makJne It u euy aa poaJble by havin& a c:odttaU fuhlon show and ahopplng apree tor men. p&rtlcularly, at Cnera Inn trom 5 p.m . on Sunday. Fashtona w1ll be presentecl by the Clothe. Borw, and lobuon'a Jt-Welen, Balboa l&land. ud by the Santa Ana P'Ur Co. MarjOrie H&Je Charm School bu arraneed tor modela &nd co~ntatlne. • • • Marcumte Way pa.aed her Bronze medal award cfven by Arthur Murray Danee Studt~ with tlylne colo.ra, honon In fact. at the Corona del Mar dance studio laat Friday nl&ht a.nd wu at the Arthur Munay Bronze Medal Ball on 1'elevlslon Sunday nlgbt with ln.at.ructor BUI Fuctk. SOJf PO a DUT ILl lAS A son, Rlcou ~n, wu born to Mr. and Mta. Anthony Dl~ula ol 713 Poppy Ave .• Coro11a del Mar, on Friday, Dec. 2. In HoaJ Me· mortal Hospital. * CHRISTIIS liFTS FOR YOU! * WALL PLANTEB Coppt>r planter with wrought Iron wall bracket. Reg. $2.25, now, while thc.>y last ·-··· 11.18 CRAFDf(; DISH Aluminum food pan with cop· • per Ud, black wrought Iron stand, a real value at .. 14.11 ,.... u.!'lft StnfiEAN COODB·I'JITEB Full alze. 15·11tht; each lamp Cooks compl~tP meals auto· burns I n d ~pendently. Ree. matically. With try buket $3.75, and recipe book . . . 1U.50 Spec1al at ··-· 12.11 ()pea t1DW 1:00 !'.X. l'roaa Dec. 10·24th. *CROWN HARDWARE* '"A BOUSEBOLD DEPABTNEJIT STOBr We Becleem * We C.t * We Olft CrowD !tampa ...,.. er..... ltampe BAUOam 110'7 EAST COAST BJ(;BWAT COaOlfA DEL KA.a REMOVAL SALE We lust •n• ., Dec. 31al After 1 S•cceasfll Yur We 1•1111 Hr ....... to ._.fit ., oar 20% to 50% ...................... Hcrilein Flowers a.&. c..t ........ c...a cW ... ....... Corona del Mew Stores OHer Programs Set· The church school and the adult and chlld.ren'a cholra of the Balboa laland Community Meth· oc1Ut Church are rebeanlnr for a holiday prorram. "Let EverY Heart Prepare Hlm Room." to be presented at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18. It 11 betnr directed by Mn. P. F. Relnet and Leslie Van Dyke. Church achool children wlll brlnr to the prorram the money which they have collected for the purchase of a plano In a Seward, Alu.ka, chlldren'• home. Follow- lnr the procram refreshments will be lerVed by the Woman's Soclety of Christian Service. On Wednesday evenlnr. Dec. 21. the replar monthly FamUy Night Supp« will feature a pro· gram on "How We Got Our Chrt.tmaa Carol&." Youth• ol the church will rath· er on Friday evenlnr. Dec. 23, before rolng ln two separate groups to alne carols In the com· munlty. The traditional Christmas eve service of carols and candlellrht· lnr wUl be held 1n the church sanctuary at 9:30 p.m . Saturday, Dec. 24. Chrlnmas day services of wor· ahlp are planned for 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church school will be held as usual at 9:30a.m. 4000 Attend Yule Preview Some 4.000 persons attended the annual Christmas Preview of the Newport Harbor Business and Professional Women's Club , TBEJlE WAS aAQPJR KVI IC ..,.._ tbe Ccaapbell daa ...tat U.. bo1u of lb. cm4 Kn. Bany C. CcaapbeU at 221 OrdLI4 A• ... ConGa del Mar. •1ay1D9 tbe pep. Ia Dr. DoDald lladlatyre. aa achaap pro...._ from U.. tJa.lftnlty oC E4iDbGJ'9h. Scotlcm4. who 1a DOW oa the faculty at Paaaoaa CoUecJe, (Eulga pboto) last Thursday and Friday In the -------------------------- Rendezvous B.Vlroom, Balboa. Flowers by Morrl was the sweepstakes winner In the judg· lng of merchant's booths. Vln· cent'a Udo Drugs was first, Bill's Market second and Richard's Udo Market waa third In judg· Ine for Cla. A In Clua B Don Buab pbotoerapJu-... flnt, Rule's ot CalltomJa 8eCOnd and Olver's Supply third. In class C tlrst plare went to Thorpe's Gifts, second to Branberry's Oven and third place to the Brat Shop. Honorable mentions went to Jeri's of Lido and Hartleln's F1owt'rs. Jack Huckabee of 320 Marine Ave.. Balboa Island, was the winner or the $100 prlze Saturday night. G. N. Wells, Costa Mesa realtor. was the winner of the $25 prize, which he promptly re· turned to the club for Its use. Arloween Dockter Is Brid_e of Roland Briggs. Costa Mesa The home of the Lutheran m in· lster, Rev. Lothar Tornow, was the 8eene ot the weddtnr last Friday nlrht between Miss Arlo· ween Dockter and Quartermaster Roland Driggs. The brld<' Is the daughtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dockter of 919 W 18th St., Costa Mesa . and the groom Is the 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Briggs of 1962 Ful· lerton Ave .. Costa Mesa. Idyllwild. The bride's three brothers. Jimmy. Glen and Duane Dockter, were alao present at the ceremony as well as both sets of parenu. The bride attended Newport Harbor High Sc-hool and Is now at Orang• Coast Colleee study· lng to be a nurse. Her nPw hus. band ls al80 a &Taduate of New· port Harbor High School and was recently stationed In Alu.ka In the service. He exp«ts to be sent to the South Paclllc In February. Honor Pupils • • • of sodal note (Oalttlnued trcrn Pap 8) to announce their recent mar· a.rouM tbe table at the Friday rlare -and tell people about anaWa pbielt! their weddlnr trlp to Canada, • • • Seattle and Y~te ... Brooks Saw Mra. E. H. L.a.U.nne of no Bernard had a wlne-taatlng f~e Potnaettla Ave., Corona del Mar. at hla home In Newport for the d1nlnc at Raran's f~ the first IOdal and 8clentl11c search of time out atnce her releue trom knowledge about CaJifornla., I Hoag H01SP1tal. believe, wines . . . the Candy • • • · Cane Ball wu aold out alm<>&1 at OBRJEN'S . TO GIVE WITH PRIDE t Dana and Glq&er Lamb are before It started ... Mrs. Fred decoratlnr their bouse ln prepar-erick Rlnre bad a beautiful atlon for a quiet Chrl.st:maa In luncheon and card party for thP Corona del .Har before they start women's auoclatlon of the Unl a country-wide lecture tour In v~list Church and thtt gut>St!>' January about their rabuloua ad· apparel wu In tune with the ln ventures. terlor decor of her home. A prevl • • • ous party for the Universallst A Real Clitia Pie Starting the holiday season nrly, Gertrude Seymour la host- lnr a rroup of frtenda at a cock. women was held on Harbor IS· land. • • • tall party from 5 to 7:30 p m. We undttrst.and the t-Ot'wport Saturday at her home at 1112 W. Harbor Community Players have Balboa Blvd., Newport. Our bet tossed out "The Women" 1n favor la that there will be plenty of of "You Can't Take It With You" flab talet amonr her many an for their next product.Jon. rllnr ftienda. Lily Call. for ex • • • ample. wlll J)I'Obably get her line The Edward Johon.ans of~~ In edrewtae u some of the not · Ave , Balboa Island, are planning so-lucky feminine anrlens will on a family Chrlst.mas -with be asklnr her briny llea"ets about their son In the Navy and their how she brought home all those son and daurhter • In · law In sliver trophies at the recent 1 W~twood .)olnlnr the rPSt of south-of-the-border tournaments them for a Jolly Yule. • • • • • • Another work party volunteer The George Hannebergs or Co· Saturday and some more w ell rona del Mar have been entN placed nails at the Youth Com talnlng Mrs. Hanneberg's brnthf'f munlty Center. Corona del Mar. and slster-ln·law. the Frank M made the clubhouse a little near·l Tc.lfTes, from Honolulu Mr. TfJrre-s er completion. SurrttStlona have l.s with the Bu~au or Unemplo) been rna~ re a possible womt>n'~ 1 ment In Hawaii. While they wt're auxiliary to the youth center pol-hert> there was much ae11v1ty In I Icy board and a rroup of the gab eluding trips to Tijuana and La-. met last week at the homt' or Vera.s and all the high SixJts 1n 1 Mrs. C. Lester Jones to offer their the Harbor area. help and moral support to the • • • project. Arnone the rroup who VIsitors at the home of Mr anc1 1 have already shown an active Mrs Worth Bernard In &>a<·nn Interest In the Youth Community Bay are Mr and Mr<~ Ed ga r liM · Center are the Woman's Civic r('ll. cousins ot Mr BE'rnard. Thl' League, which ha.s a Youth Cen· Harrt'lls. native Chicagoans Mf' 1 ter committee under Mrs. Alvin quickly convertNi Into Southl'rn 1 Spencer, the Junlo.r Ebells anll Calllornlans by the BernMds 1 the Opti·Mrs. In s p1te of dnppy WE'<~thN • • • by KICKERNICI Cw 1e ~· y :~ F-e&~ sr ')r1 0 ~ you d1.1re . S&ucy r.1lo" si-torl.e gorn shed w th r-.ch "g ond twm ro~e­ b ... d. Motch.ng pant,e. P "~ Clcw r b'ue. S·M L. The Jet 7.95 OTHER GOWNS-SHORT DRESS LENGTH. WALTZ L.E:'\GTH AND "GRA!'iNY" GOWNS IN ALL FABRJCS FR0 :\1 CHALLIS 1'U NYLON TRJCOT-PRJCED FROM S:> 95 G1!t Wr..~p~. of Cow~ . Open Eventnrs. CORONA DEL MAR 2515 E. Coast llwy. CD)(. IIA 2111 THEY'RE SAYING IN NEW· PORT HARBOR : Jo McCarthy and William Roberts of Newport· VIsta / are bav1nr a ~ption Sunday The lfewport Harbor Cham· ber of Commerce uv-you to do your 91ft ahoppi.D9 with your U...towa ..C...ta. --~_.. ...................... ~ ................ ...-..it........,..·-·-1 .: •• •• ~~~~~~~~zzc 1Call HArbor 1114 lor Job Pdatieg Gifts with a Flair at in the contemporary mood! CDlL F08 KOJIJUSOKI A daurhter, Lisa May. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Melv1lle Morrison of 715 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoag Memor- Ial Hospital on Wednesday, Nov. JO Only the families of the young couple w<-re present for the cere· mony, which was arranged to fit In with the military leave of the serviceman. The bride wore a white sht>ath dress. gold shoes and carried a pink colonial bou· quet. Ht>r mother wore a navy blue afternoon dress and Mrs. Briggs wore an avO<'ado dress. The motht-rs had corsage& of roses. P:~;2:~:.~ I Just released the first group of I nam<-s of the freshmt>n sturt<-nts who have achieved thE' hontlr ro ll grades at Harbor High &hool They are: -t . .. -k , ... _. • After the ceremony the couple took a brief honPymoon trip to UREI IARIRETA IMPORTS ls brimming with e.xdtlng Gifts Specially priced for Cllrlsllna ....,...lltr Dap Monorram glasses 5.95 doz. Penonaltud Chrt..tmu card orders still filled rift wrap deliver ahlp 2658 E. Coaat Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 1373 Open f!Very nlte and Sundaya 8:30 to 9 :30 .. , IDlY·--.. I llrt Lit ........ Tt-rrl Ct>ffoltt'r. Rose AndNo:on, Judy Baker. Jack Bradbury. Char lene Carroll. Diane Carroll. \aro lyn Casey, Lorraine Cuthh<'rt. /f'an DeJong. Janet Dt>lphlno. Tim Drlskel. GAry Dunn. Richard Elliot, Clemt>ntlne Estrada. ~ally Eymann. Diane Forc1erbrugE'n Margar('t Fruf'han. Howard Gil strap. Kay HarTl'>. Raymond Har· I vey, John Haskell. Janie Hoy<-!1. Judith Henry. Susan Huffman, I Carolyn HughP!I, Carol Hyden. Michael Irwin. Carol Jaquith. Connie Kempton. Richard Korn· welbel. Linda Lawton. Anna IA:>d· bE'tter. Robert Lieb. Barbara Lll· ienthal. Bonnie McCa)'. Arva Morris, William Mu~. Tom Pet· erman and Pam Peterson. Pell• Offl•r Hila Slllln II I• PMII Suspicious actions of two San Dteao sallon resulted In New· port Po11ce O«left Robert Davrn · port holdlna the sailors at run· point at 2:30 a .m . Sunday at Coast Hwy. and Marine Avtt. un· Ul ualatanc. anived. ' He had pursued tbe aaJJors from a Mrvl~ staUon at RJver· side Ave. and Coast Hwy .• Mar· lnen Mlle. One or the allen bad beea pound.J.n& on a dearet ma· dllne tn the eervlce .tat1=th hla c:ar llpta out and the 11.,. runnlna. 'I1Mt car tben d ed at a blab rate ot IPMd. runnln& throu&h a red ll&ht. After an In· ...uptJon t.bq ... releul!d. .(. I ••••• .· .. I I : , I •• '.f .. A.. Abow•ef c•••••uc ~••• I. c ...... ic .... trey C. Mt .. t di ..... bird d••'9" 0 ~r;.., c-tempou ry bowl E. C.nep• hold.,.,on.•y pod wood from Heweii F. He"d cervecl wood g trefle '"'•II 11 G . l.ar9• 9 ireff. 1<4" H. Tebl• leMp, whi .. gold-)7 ' '-•gl> I. S.l+ & pepper •h•••,.. m•l•l p•rt• ~h•ffi•ld Steel J. F...,. lw•~ coeolel'\ & ho·d•• h.ncf med• INtine fin11h IC. F.o1111 lv•el w i•n+•l coff.• pot ootid bt•u, petitle r,,;,t. Make your own and your friends homes beautiful this Christmas with these aocassoriea d e a i g n e d with an eye for beauty. lri I uti<* IJIX."'aA1UC AatiCI& .. b 'IS soo 10 00 1'1 so II' I ¥' .j' .. FIIIITIIE e. .... JJ Mi. ..... o-il .... ....._ • ~.et•a Fly The FlagiDEfti'T llame! * ·RUm tncluctee a 511:3' na, wttb 6' Jointed pole and houae bracket. Special Price _ 12.50 Hate to hang up laundry? GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DRYER •••••• • • • and you'll never lift another clothes basket, never touch another clothes pin f Funds QK•d By City for Hwy. Signals Newport couneil hu approved an aereement on alloca.Uon of ~.146 ln ~ tu fundi lot maintenance of ~ atreeta and Installation of two new tratflc al,nals. The allocatlorw Include $6,000 for the city's share of the coat of ln.ltalllne a ~-way sJenal at VIa Lido and Newport Blvd (12(),668 ls the state's share): $7.· 118 for city's share of the cost of a aienal on Cout Hwy. at Mom· I~ C&nyon Rd., between Shore CU.tta and Corona Hlehlanda <t8.250 1a the ata~·s share): $1.· 750 tor city's &hare of the cost of overhe.d aatety lJgbtlng on Cout Bwy. at Seaward Rd. ($750 Is the •ate's share>; and $19,500 tor maintenance of major meets throuettout the city." City Engineer Bert Webb uJd there 1a $40.000 In gas tax funds to be allocated for acqul&ltlon ot property for wfdenJng of New- port Blvd. Council also: e Approved the request of convalescing City Manager John Sailors for a nlne-day vacation beelnnlng on Dec. 1. City En- flneer Bert W'ebb has been act- tne city manager since Mr. san- ora' recent hernia operation. e Cancelled the scheduled hearing on revocation of busi- ness licenses of several business firms for failure to remit sales taxes upon receiving payment from all tht> delinquent firms. e Passed Ordinance 762 to second reading; this ordJnance permits th£' pollee department to check the background of busi· n~s and their employees hav· lng direct contact with public and having access to homes; for examplE'. husJnesses like buUd· ing maintenance and house- cleaning e Received and filed a letter trom the Park Commlsalon atat- tne that the Commission feela there does not appear to be a suitable location for a public restroom on Balboa Island; the request for a restroom had been made by the Island Business Assn. e Approved the request of the Park Commission Cor joint action by city engineer and the com· mission to bring up to date a master plan for maintenance and development of the Corona del Mar state park property; this request had been made because of proposaJ for a new restroom. e Approved the Park Comml.s· slon recommendation to allow the Newport Is land Assn. to go ahead with its plan for beautlfl· cation and Improvement of city owned lots known as Newport Island Park.· e Received a request from Ralph Maskey and pet I t Ion signed by six persons requesting a crosswalk on Newport Blvd .. between Short and Finley streets. In front of City Hall; referred to the city engineer. • Approved the license re· quest of F. Edward Parker to conduct a forel~n car service at 2815 VUla Way. Newport. e Approved the license request of A. P. Tolle to conduct the bus- Iness of repalrlng gasoline hose. nozzles and air gauges and sell- Ing parts fot same at service sJ._atlons In the city. .. Approved the request of Newport Postmaster H. Payne Thayer for relax1ng the oU-street parking requirements from 26 spaces to 19 at Vte new poat of· flee to be built on Avon St. back of Mariners Mlle. e Approved plans and spedfl· cations and called for bids to re- place the sewer line on Balboa Blvd . between B and G streets In Balboa. Arcltilecllrll Leac• Will EIHI • T..UIJ OUicera for 1956 wtll be elected Tuesday by the Women's ArchJ · tecturaJ ~ague of Orange Coun· ty at a meetlng to be held in the home of Mrs. Charles Hunter, LagunL Report of the nomlnatlne com· mlttee wu given by Mn. WU- lard IOI'da.n. Mra. Phllmer Eller· broek and Mn. Richard Pleger at the November meeting held at the home of Mra. lorclan In eo.ta Mesa. PresJdJnc over the bualnena meettnc wu Mrs. Dr· mit Dorhu ot Colt& K..a. pres~ . dent. Plana f« the 19M National D.liay ~-........ ......, ,... C:O.ttll. !M ......., ... ,. .... ••wpwt ....., ...... , • ..., ....._ AMI~O.... .... ..... ...., ... ._.. ,~ ~ ..... ..,.. (L .. r.)a l'ta'6 c.t....., .................. ......,.w ............. t ...., ..... _ -. c:.ta ...., -........ c.... ...., Jeddr ,..,..... W .... b 1t I lob Q d -. ~ leclda1 Lee .,......,, l•ta &.1 Dea Mfp D& OaldJa 0....111idC...ItaZ..aa. ---------------------- Record Crowd At Boys Club A total of 1,915 members had joined the Harbor Area Boys' Club as of Oct. 1, and of th~. 88."S have re-registered during October and November. Thla 1s 215 more than were membera as of Dec. 1, 195f, and 282 more than were members on Dec. 1, 1953. Executive D 1 rector Albert Spencer reported that In October there were 643 vla1ts from boys In Newport Beach. In Nov,mber there were 965 vlslt.a from New- port Beach members and vtsJtona. I There are now 162 rertBtered members trom Newport, Mr. Spencer said. • I. The Boys' Club bus picks up boys from Horace Ensign School every Monday and Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. Parents must arrange to get them home. Average dally attendance dur- Ing October 'and November was checked at 3T1 boys each day. Durlne the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of the Thanksglv· lng holJdays at 472 boys found activity at the Soya' Club each day. ,_... ..... ~MutMI't ••• ··:!if! ! • • . _...._. . .......... . .. ·~ ..... . . ~--. . .... .. ..... • • •••• • • • • ••••• . --. . ... ._..., . • .....Oo..,, : . ........ . ..... ...... A .......... • • ••••••• • ••• Ccdlutc. 6ltda tedcayl W. L LANDIS o• L E. CAIRNS l.u.tf a.un lJI a. lftla ... CQITAMUA Learn to Donee •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HARBOR 1925 lS2) E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Dancing Every Sat. Nile On:JI TO PVU.IC Billy Arlll•'• Orcllulra I:J0-1:30 SOc pew ..... . .,.,. .......... O.C.C. IIOTSIIOT -DeaDy P'lbpabiclr. lf...-port llarbow 10gb Sdlool~·· ~ to be ODe of tbe ~ plup ·-tb1a s Coast Collep bcDbtbcdl t.cma. Deluly. a fraU at ~ was l9b poLDt IIUID for tbe lacs wttb 21 poi..Du LD U..lr -.oa'• opeaer witb tbe aiWIUlL Llci•Rall l5tb ST1IEET AT THE IA1' FaOXT Two More Firms Establish New Factory in Costa Mesa The addition of another na- tionally advertised product to the list of Costa Mesa manufac· tured Items was revealed with ·oream• Boat Hit by Blaze Carelessness wu blamed for a $50 fire aboard the boat, ''Dream." moored at Vllla Ma· rtna. 1021 Bayalde Dr., near the entrance to Balboa Ialand, at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 26. Firemen uJd the blaze started when owner Harold H. Stamps of Loa Angeles dropped a pan of euollne on a generator In the boat enelne room. Carbon tetra· chloride flre extlfli'Uiltlera were UleC1 on the Dam• by tha.e prnent. Stan SmJth ot 518 Avocado Ave .. Corona del Mar, Mc:ame Ul from the dangerout fume. from the carbon tetrachloride and wu etven OX)'Jell by &emen. UIUIA TRAYn IEIYICE AIRUIES • RAILROADS s.nu. Tlae Coastal Ana P'OI' Ready 10 1'ean 211 Oceaa A.._ lAgaJaa leada llyatt ~1011 voJI!tiC PUBLIC GOL~ C:OUAS. • .... agic Toy Shop' Is Benefit for Harbor View ScHool PTA Opti-Mrs. Club Officers To Be Installed Friday "'lbe Maa1c Toy Shop" wtll be pretented u a PTA bendlt at the Harbor Vtew School at 7:30 p.m. today (ThundiQ') and 2:30 p.m. Saturday by the Newport Harbor Community Playen and the Barbot' View PTA. The action 11\ the play takes SMALL 1GIPTI & COLLECTOU ITEJU From Beletum, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Italy lr Enrland. u ..... GIPTI fin •· a.oadwer • ._ .. AM IE II IPIILITEIIII MATTRESS£ ............ -~ r-......_ lrrqular Shapea RW -U817JLDDIQ COSTA MESA ._.ATTIESS CO. 21 50 N-port N . u ... m For that place 1n a maatc toy lhop. All cSollt ..,. dlaracten from favor· lte taJzy boob. but beeaU.M no ooe bellevea 1n maatc anymore, tbe dlara.cten can't come allvt u they UMC1 to. Three m.Jee who llve ln the lhop, aleS~ by two lost chllclren. work the spell that makes them come alive once more. The cut t.nelu cSea: Suaan Hay . ton, Leslle Ga.ta. K a t h 1 e e n Goodman aa the mice; Stephen Pattlllon and Lin da Har erave a.i the JOlt chJlcSren: S.Uy Hareravt aa Dorothy; Todd Hess aa Scart· crow; Pat Croarnan aa nn The Opti-Mra. Club of Costa Mtwa. met recently in the bome ot Mrs. Buddy C Wilson. 1953 Maple Street. Guest speaker, Mra. Alii~ Schartz, apoke to the rroup on the nee-ds of the Hat· bor Area Girl's Club located on Harbor Blvd in Costa Mesa. Members present were Mmes. Dourlas James, Claude Blood. John Hoyt, Clarence Page, Matt LaBorde, Harold Kreutzer, Vlr&ll Cooper, M. L. Cornelius, Marek Wolfryd. and BJlddy Wilson. The Optlmlllt' Club will honor th~ Opti·Mi'S. Club on Ladtes Woodman; lock Mc:Sevney u the w ..... OVE cowardly lfon; Michele Porter aa BO ABD SEAG-... M Nifht witb a cSlnner dance to be held at tbe Harbor Bou.. tomor· row (Friday) even 1 n r . Mrs. Geor&e Burkhatdt. prealclent of the Newport Harbor Opti·Mr&. Club, will otfielally lnstall the otflcer1 of the Costa Mesa Club. QUIQIIDYIIE ••• El IIIIDEI Standard s h a d e Clot.b.a and Custom SpedaltJN e Drapery H a r cl w a r • e Venet..lan BUnda. Winnle·the·Pooh ; Mike Flanerln ThE' Howard ~agen, who u Eeyoe; leanne Brock aa the formerly llvM at 500 Hazel Dr., * a.Gde u. * c.u owl; Chrt.tJne EUebout a1 Plr· I Corona d~l Mar, have just moved "-t otac. II.& .. let; Klmberly Kuster u Allee; to Los Anreles from their Dun-G2 u.cs st.. ••pwt a..1a Sondra ~ aa Mad Hatter ; nn~ln~r~D~r~h~oon~e~ln~La~gu~n~a.~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Kathy Wat.lon u Dormouse; IAftA'S·~ tC a. Alll8t· .lada41e llrL B...,_~ Jln. WlWam \;. Sandra Wat.lon u March Hare. ..,. trrpe of •ewport 11..:1a an ..... B. ltlrby, llrL JCcaUcdJ • ...,..._ ...S Mn. Sonnee Stallman u Snow ....,. Mid .. won .... ..._ ....,. tc. _.. ~ J. aroob. 'Tile o.14 toy ....-.. are be- White; Su~an Gazlay aa Queen; Ia tbe Am' .....,_ IAclfae nnn l bep a ses 1a9 ..s. 1a tbe A"'etcreee L•••• wwk abop I Marilyn Yamer aa Lady-In-Walt· 1~;~~1Llnb~K~~Walp~~==:l:~=·:•:w:~=t=~==:~==~=:~=!!:~===td=1:1:5:~==1:L=·:ewport===~======= and Shelly JC.m.er u blr«S.; .... Chrlttle Henvtreet u the ~ulr· rei ; Karen Gates and GaU Olan· FROM HARBOR ID SCHOOL der u bunnies; JClrk Buttermore ,.. _______________________ rr_a_o.a...,__AU __ LD..IEII'TBAL ________ _ u the akunk; Noel Armat:ronr u "" I • -.. Doc; Sandra Mt.La1n u Grumpy; e Q.A.L •AftT Seniors ltarted out the show King, Margie Knox and Laurel Patl Anne Baume a1 Sneezy; In ~tte of the rain we }lad with portrayal ot Floren~ Chad· Woodson. Last of all came th~ Punela Goodlnan aa Sleepy; Jut ntunday, the G.A.A. party wick IWimmlnr the Enrllah refreshment&. Everybody trotted She ila WllllarM u Dopey; Carol tor buketball. tennla, and IWim-Channel. It was put on ln the ovez to the homt!m&ktng cottage Denner aa Forest Falry; Terry mJn r went ott u planned. The pool 80 they didn't mind the In the rain to eat 45 doun cook· Flanegln u Peter Pan; Grllce party wu 1upposed to have been rain. It wu quite tunny and les brought by freahm~n and Buttermore a.s Tlrer Lilly; Tim· held on the pool deck but In· everyone enjoyed lt. Then every-drlnk punch. m y WUII~ u Captain Hook; stead It wu (lven in the adjoin· body trooped back lnalde to see • • • Mark Van Dyke, l ulle Hanna· 1n1 Social Hall. the juniors 1how Switzerland's e CAME.IlAI ford. Bruce Olander and Robert nte pufPC*! of the party was aport, 1k1Jng. It waa really funny Everybody wu eeelng spob Olander u Indiana. to rive awards to the older rirla to see them come out In dltfer~nt last week u pictures were t~ken Proceeds from the play will who had enough pointa for dll· oo.tumes pretendlnr th~ were of the four cl&U8 and most of help provtcSe VHtmenta for Filth ferent emblems and tb renerally on skis. the dubs around Harbor Bill Grade choir boys. have fun. M 100n as everyone A basketball pme ~tween Zimmer. our photoerapht>r. start· llltllllll llckflru Mrs. Francb Westerdahl ot 223 E. Bay Front. Balboa Ialand, be· frlended a younr rirl at tbe Lon& Beach a..1rport who appeared to be alone and without tunds, only to have the rlrl steal a $70 watch. $24 cash and make lon.r distance phone calla to Oakland and Lon£ Beach. she charged to N@'W· port pollee Nov. 28. Mrs. Weaterdahl sa 1 d she bought the girl h~ breakfast and brought her home. Later she learned the girl was only 17 and may have run away. When she returned home from work at 3 p.m. Monday the glrl w u .rone. The girl had light brown hair and wu wearlnr aqua·colored pedal pushers and a black cor· cSwoy jacket. 1be watch and money loa and phone calla were learned. had assembled alter school the France and A1rlca b r o u r h t ed the ball rolllnr on Monday aklta befan. Each clua wu to shrieks of laughter for the soph· w1th the freshmen. put on a 3 to 5 minute humorous omores. They ended the game by • • • 1kJt on some aport from a for· the wild Alrlcans killing off the 1• SJCASB SUCCESS elm country. Frenchmen. Last of all were the U you saw the ~lor play on freshmen. who took Canada and t-Ither Friday or Saturday night Ice hockey. Their halftime ~Mas you will know what a smashing quite funny when they had tu. success It was. The play wu After the skits came the main kept entirely secret as th~y had part of the s how, the awards. tried something n@'W this y~ar. I The winners In the basketball The sceen was at a high S<'hool Interclass last quarter were Sen· In the City of Carson CornNs lors, then juniors. sophomores Five months before a boy had~ and freshmen respectively. In died at the h igh school by fal· tennis the seniors also took first ling ott a fire escape It had place. But this time sophomores been accepted as an a<:'CidPnt j brought in second and juniors but now some students had rt>a · third with freshmen again bring· son to ~lleve that he h ad b('f'n Lnr up the rear. utters. sweat· pushed off the fire ~scaPf'. Thf'y era.. bar~ were given out to lndl· had Invited their part>nt~. With viduals. out telllng them what for, to the Then embk>ms were given to school. Then they told them thPy elrht ho~ ~enlors. They were to act as a jury While they were: Judy Coleman, Darith tried the case of M.r. KovalHkl, Sherlll, Lynn Roush, VIrginia a janitor, for murder. The part of Fugit. Margie Stovall. Harriet Mr. Kovaleski wu played by Put a bug In hla ear that you -want /:IJ'/:1. 1-W TNy Certo Top douWes 01 _...._ lroyl 29 ~· hit~~~, 16 y,• a 23 ~·. c:Jir--. or blodl - •••' .. ,,, five-ply COSCOAT ...-...... lft ..... p..,, ............ - .... Step '"'-'• S.Ot, 24. "'""- l wt!ber•treod•d "swltot·owoy" ·~ C..fon·pddded. C>w--. or blodl -• f'Nollr wcnhoble o..-.,..,_.._,.,1ft red, yelow Exceptional Christmas Gift IIOT Mc.CABDLE Back at home in Newport Heights and actually having via· ltors on late afternoons Is former Realty Board president Ed Sedel· meier -lookJni well after 15 months In the sanatorium. German exchange student DE-rry Noga. Evt-ryone agreed that It was about the best thing they'd evl'r done. At the end Mr Kova leski was finally pro' t'n not guilty. The play wa~ so ~etlv(> ..-. dlo~l 01 piM. $13.95 COLlEaOR'S ITEM GAllERY and GIFTS 234 BROADWAY ../ LAGUNA BEACH Realtors Pick Roy McCardle Roy M c C t r d 1 e . Costa Mesa realtor, wu named president of the Newport Harbor Boa rd of Realtors at their breakfast meet· lnJ Thursday at the Balboa Bay Club. Other officers elected were • • • Realtor Bill Killion must have sold hlmsell a new house. He and the Mrs. h ave move-d from 710 Kings Rd .. Clift Havl'n. to 706 Santana Dr., Irvine Terrace. Mabel Fltzmorrl.s. Corona del I Dell I 8 Mar. and Art Adair. Costa Mesa, n. I .. ron, aa vice presidents. and Kather1nt' I F I o•--I Olson. of Balboa. as 8e<'retary-Ol'llltr 1111, ... treasurer. Lois Vogt-1 and Mr. Mrs Dt>lla Mae Brown. 69. for- Adair were the two brokers Just mer Costa Mesa rPSidt>nt. dtrd elected Thursday .to the Board, Nov. 23 at Santa Ana Commumt)' and Matt LeBorc;te was the salt>.s-hospital. She wa.s a native of man named for the ensuing tn& Ky .. <"ame to Costa Mf''l:t In term. 19Z7. and In 1935 movl'<i to Santa S.fe.Crackers Gel $&After H1nl Work Ana. where ht-r home was at l 12 I N Flowt'r St Sbe Is survived by two daugh· ters. Mrs. Dourlas Wa rd of Ledo IslE' and Mrs ~raid T Wake Safe<rackers worked hard to field of Costa Mesa; six sons and gain entry to a safe taken trom two brothers. Servlct's were held I the Hanna Escrow Co .. 112 E. 18th Nov. 28 at Parkt'S·Rldley Mor· st., Costa Mesa. They stole $5 In tuary Chapel. Costa MPsa. and I cash. Interment was at !tarbor Rt'St The sate-crackers tlrst tried to cemetery. punch the dJal to gain entry but ------ that they didn't evl'n tell about It In the programs. Harbor's or~hestra under th(> direction of Clint Sawm played before the play and In between acts. After the play tht' cast prt- st>nted a gilt to tht' drama teacher Ro bert Wentz. Mrs Za· tha Tallman, and Malcolm Bu chanan for their help and tlmt' * We Give Crown Stamps * * Con venien t Terms * STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Gi.ftware * ApplicmctMI * Paint8 1-Bewpon IU..S.. U 1-Ma. e-ta Me.a spent. ------~'!!---------========::::::;:=~=;=~ Santa Suggests I W11llerful Cllristlllls Gift- A Subscription To The Newport Harbor Ensign without results. Next t hey at· tem pted to peal the outside armor l~IID~ii.~CIIi.e~i..._~~iiiiiiiliii~i.~iii~IIY~tltt~i•ia~-~~ but gave up after only pealln& bllck about a foot of steel. Entry finally wu made by .smashlnr at the edge of the safe door. Franct. Albers of Orange Cout The only weekly newspaper in the Harbor Area ONE YEAR . -Only 3.00 Colle~re notlfled Costa Mesa po· IJc. at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 28 that tbe sat. wu found abandoned on the college campua.. 1be l&.fe wu taken flom the oftJce .ometlme SUnday afternoon. Outsid4t of Harbor Area --. t.OO ·-----------------------------· I'L&ASE SOD 1'1IE USICDt • • GIFT TO: Name ·-_ Mailing Address __ City and State --------·-· ·------·--·-· Oldww4 .., -----.. ·---·-·-··------------atr& ..... ___ _ -- IIDIIII'S LIID lliiET wttbiAI..I.D e Pai:D.AT. Jr09 • .JS of Seuport Landin£ Newport A pede.trlan ~ at Sixth St. Beach, at 10 a.m. •.. a. E. Rob· and Balboa Blvd., Balboa. wu ~ of 3803 Seuhcft Dr .. New- damaeed by a l'ftOto1't.t, who de-port Bucb, reported a .pare parted &otn the ecene before ln· wheel and tire atolm ftotn the v..Uga~ oftleera &JTived . . . unlocked trunk of bJa car • . • Harbc)f area d.ruelflta were lfv· Mra. Cbarl~ Beyler of 805 N. Bay en .erial numbers from trlpJJcate Front, Balboa Ialanct. reported namrt:Jcs blanb Jtolen In the the theft of a nightgown from dty ol Oranee · ..• Cera drtven a clothes Jlne . . . Mrs. Carl You and your pet planter have by Allee M. ~tenon. 27, of U6 Schilling of 933 Vta Lldo Soud, a date thll Saturday, December Avocado Ave., Corona dti Mar, Lido Ltle, reported' a skunk ln 10, on our .Mezzanine ..• U your and Paul A. Frueban. 21, of D her garage; oUicers found It wu pet planter la naUed or cemented Opal Ave., Balboa leland, w~ a deordorlzed pet and took It en down. brtng tts measurements' Involved In an acddent on Cout a veterinarian . . . Cars driven • . . It you don't have a pet Hwy. In front ol the Balboa Bay by Janice F. O'Bryan of Santa planter, we'll sell you one . . . Club •.. Harold 'M. Noble, bar-Ana and A. E. Dahl of 174.1 Po- But tor decoration'• aake and bor enlfneer, reported the theft mona St., Costa Mesa, were In· that bare spot In your home that of a ourveyor's S.foot range pole volvec:l In an accident at 17th St. cries out for a bit ot greenery, from the north aide of Cout and Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. don't Jeal a alnele word of the Rwy. on the bluff 300 yards west at 3:15 p.m. ... Otflcen ~ood by following unturned . . . ot Marine Ave .... Mary Jo Don· at the Port 11teat:re during lnter- Mayor to Open Yule Tree · lot And Receive Birthday Cake Wben Mayor Dora Hill visits milt Club wt.U provide afgna and the Boy Scout Chrlmnaa tree lot ..ut with aupervtafon. lpeny Top~ldere ....u..aaa. 1'edat c..-. •r~-.... lai.UIIg J ..... w ........... ....... Dar-....M••_,_•....._ • w .... •• lcdUatf 'l'ola Wyloa"--U...S J ..... llcawaUaD IIDpcwta Tea 11IDen, Paaaaau 1.a sJJJra. aro c 111ee .acs ec.tto~aa AND MANY OTHER ITEMS, SOME AT PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL PRlC!S TilE IUOICIWlfl S118P Deck Toe Headquarters For The Whole Vamlly 2701 W. eoa.t lllpway. R....,..n llalbow. Ll t-11a I.at:roctud.Dv a DeW 11De of artificial pl.cmte CIDd fo1.lage • • • AU your fCIYOii... • • • PwtuawD.. Dwft.nbcldlia au- dolpb Boelus aDd P1c:tcL E.Jaa. Uca. ConSatua.. DalllC n a laD· dedcma. IYy. Lily o• tlae Val· ~ • • • ~C. Fl.npl'Oof. DOD• fCICIJ.Dg, DOt effected by the ele· meat&. l.Dcludblg Mit water. ..a cd..r aod ga or eleetrtc beat. Waabable. too. tbey caD be diiAlted 1D wa:rm auda a:D4 r1DMd off • • • I mlgbt add tbey ON Yfl'f DAitural loold.Dg • • • Th.y look the way .......,. howe plaot abould look wttb tta 1~ all made bdgtlt a:D4 gllat.Dl.Dg wttla IAcd of Luster or Bdtter (Floww Shop) ••• Abo tb.y an .-.ry bdd.able • • • T ou c:aD bead eoc:b leaf 1D aoy cUredtoo you wiab cmd mab the atem. go juat ao ••• WbeG you get t1red of oae ar- raoqoemut. they caD all be beat LD cmot.ber d.lnctioa •• • • ald.a of 213 VIa Florence, Lido m.Jaion at 8:25 p.m. a.tter the Ltle, reported that a man In a manager reported havlne trouble yellow and black car followed with juvenUes . . . Mrs. Maud~ her on Balboa Blvd. near 20th leo. 67, of 314 Alvarado PL. Bal· St., Newport Beach and to the boa, auffereod a heart attack at Forlft Hardware. Newport Beach, 9:47 p.m. and was taken to Hoag where ah~ called pollee, who Mftnortal Hospital ... A Balboa took her home ..• l ohn A. Grav-woman was ta.ken to Oranlte er, 17, of .317 OrchJd Ave., Co· County Hospital suffering from rona del Mar. auUered minor In· acute mania after being found juries when a car he was drlv-outside Hoag Memorial Hospital lng was Involved In an accident alle~~ly In an lntoxJcated con- with a vehicle driven by Jackie dltlon at 5:40 p.m. wtth her E. Gregg, 18, of 2029 Harbor Blvd., clotblnl torn, which she said she Costa Mesa. at Coast Hwy. and did u the result of a bad head· Avocado Ave .. Corona del Mar, at ache ... at Cout Hlehway and Bayalde 11te lot wUl be open from 8:30 !!~~!!!~~~~!!!11~~!!!!!!!!!!!'1~~1!!111!!!1 Drive at 1 p.m., Satur-day. she a .m. untU 9 p.m. from Dec. 10 Use En.un. Waat .... _ for a--•a.. wiU oUiclally open the lot for through Dec. 23. _ _,.. AU QUIY Ch rlstm aa tree aalea, and also .;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:. will receive a birthday hoaor. I ------- Now here's the "date" Pal\ of Dece-mber 10 . . . We're very proud to have Mrs. Louise WU- son. who hu made decorative arrangements with these artltl· claJ leaves In IarKe restaurants, banlu and offices all over Los Anieles. spend the day with us to plant your planters for you •.. There wtll be no charge tor this SE-rvice and we wlll supply the moss or styrofoam needed to m ake your pl ant a rrangement complete . . . Mrs. Wilson Is a true artist from away back .. Even If you are not artificial plant minded, right this minute. you'll enjoy watching her work with these plants and obtain a world of Ideas In plant decor ... * * 'S'wonder1UJ! Newport Harbor went a ccident free on S·D O'f! Thanlu Harborltes for stop. look and listl'ning on the double! * * * Chrlatmcu play .•• atrictly ldd'a atuff • • • Harbor V Iew P.T.A. uoder the Dtrectloo of Mcuthella Rcmdall. w1ll pn- aeot "'Tbe Magic: Toy Sbop .. 1D tbe Ratbor Vlew Audl· torium, Thursday. Dec. 8. at 7:30 cmd SaturdGY. Dec. 10. at 2:30 • • . Mrs. Baodall alao wrote tbe PICJ'f wblcb t. all about faYOrite ato" book char· acten comlJlg to•uje ..• Chtl· dreo 2Sc ••• Adulta 75e ••. 11:40 p.m .... e SATOaDAT. KOV. 28 Kenneth Soares, who lives at 344 Rolmwood Dr., N e w p or t Heights, reported the theft of a $48 blke t:rom 15th St. and ~~­ boa Blvd .... Ralph L. Llngen· ber~ of 219 Ja.mlne Ave., Corona del Mar, reported that someone used a sharp Instrument to force open the locked trunk of hls car to steal a $50 tire and wheel ... Earl W. Brown of 23 Balboa Coves reported the theft of a $150 homemade green flbreelus 12· foot row boat from the dock in front of hls home . . . William Kinder of ~ W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, reported that the occupants of a car tore up about 30 feet of hls wooden walk to use to get their car out of sand where it wa.s stuck In the area ot his home ... Corinne Pehrson of 705 N. Bay Front. Balboa Is· land, reported the theft of a $50 s uitcase fiUed with clothes and a $75 portable typewriter from outside the garage ot her home upon returntne home while get· tlng her key trom the house next door ... Harold Keeler of 3612 Seashore Dr .• Newport Beach , re· ported the theft of a S80 rod and reel from alongside hIs house along with the lhett of a $70 rod and reel owned by Cornelius Van Dlng~r of San Gabriel and a $65 rod and reel owned by Stan· ley D. Statla of 3701 Lake Ave . Newport Beach. from the sa me location ... Earl Pann of 1908 Ocean Front. Newport Beach. complained that children played In the yard of hls unoccupied home and left a mess ... How- ard Lawson Jr. of 1500 Havt'n Pl.. Cliff Haven. reported the theft of a $50 tlte and wheel from the unlocked trunk of his car ... Verno n Miley, gardener at th(' Horace Ensign School. rt;'ported that some-one drove up on a fr('shly planted lawn at the front of the school soml'tlmC' Friday night and spun a fi!W brodles on it . rausing considerable damage. e TBURSDAT, DEC. 1 The dog of Laura Purdum of 307 Anade St .. Ba lboa , was quar• antlned after biting Phillip M Honey of Canoga Park . . . Eu · gene A. Ha ll of 508 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island. reported that hub caps were stolen from his car for * * * the third t ime In she we-elL'! while parked In front of 1107 Balboa Collect up all the broken a nd Av Balboa Island . not playt'd w ith toys around e · your home and put 'em In the,. FlUDAT, DEC. 2 Toys for Tots barrel In our front Cars driven by Rotx>rt J Gll'!l, lobby ... You know the Marine 1 21. of Long Beach and Wa lter Corps Reservl' does this every Grohnert. 69. of Costa Mesa. were year for chlldrt'n who would Involved In an accident In front otherwll't' go without . . . They do a s imply marvellous job of I painting, f lxJng up and repair· Jn g ... * * * Kids again NI!West type of Juvenile Christmas card Js a large chocolate candy bar with a complete picture of Santa. Vixen and Blltzeo and the rest of the boys In relief ... The Chocolate bar come11 cc:>mpletely cartoned. ready for malllne In a gay cardboard container ... * * * Wut to gift Ole •llkiDcaa. a. ...... 01' tbe cn-cs Dat .._,A aut~,_ a. me-t......,..._. I Dow • • • 1.-t .._ IMry toed ..... -...., •• ..., tbidr .... 01' • -fll .slut I I I ••• A .. . ... .._ - -... drlc Clldtee ...... A...er....-•aple • • .A._.,_., •• eano. .. !d .......... ~-u.. " 3 6 .......... par. ..... QMICWM tL * * * Tile CRICKER BARRR Custom Picture Framing GIFTS USEI.ESS & USEFUL Prints, ____ .... ..from $1 FTamee. __ . ..from S2 Do-it· Y ouneH Kit For Jewelry. with Kiln & SupPti• --"-95 • * * J'ot an .vu.t P'flend a Ht of palnta. a eanvu. or bruahes. • • * •• Aflll!.. u am ..... " . ,....., ... ... ~ .... e IATUBDAY. DEC. J Otloera quieted a boy and Jirl at Park Ave. and Emerald Ave .• BalbOa IaJand, at 12:21 a.m. hav· lng an areument over the Jirl's ex-boyfriend ... John Garden of 310 Undo St.. Balboa. called pollee at 1 :01 a.m. to report that five boys came to his home and called him names altet' he re- fuaed to permit hls son, 16, to eo out Into th~ street to settle an areument started earlier In Merle's Drive-In, Corona del Mar; offlcen later stopped the ca.r and obtalned the names ot the youths at 18th St. and Balboa Ave., Ne-w- port Beach . . . Or. R. F. Herman of 910 Kings Rd., Cll.U Haven. re- ported that someone" shot a hole lnto a window In his llvlng room with a pellet or BB gun ... A BB gun and a sling shot were con- ft..catec:l from two Balboa Island tuvenJJe boys alter they were reportedly using them on N. Bay Front Balboa Island ... Gerald B. Irwin. 29, ot 703 HeJlotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, su.tfered major pavement burna when his motorcycle went out of control and he elld off the back end on Coast Hwy. at Morning Canyon Rd. at 11:45 a.m .... Cars driven by Raymond C. Jones. 66, of Los Aneetes and Larry G. Wa.rlau- mont. 1& of 213 E. Bay Ave., BaJ. boa. were Involved In an acd· dent at Newport Blvd. and VIa Lido. Newport Beach ... Maurice Roland of 533 Catalina Dr., New- port Heights. reported the theft ot $30 caah from wallets In a chest of drawers in a bedroom of his home ... e S01fDAT, DEC. 4 Charles Hopton of 1620 Kings Rd.. Clift Haven. reported the street caved In In front of the driveway of his home ... Chester Wultt of 415 Aliso Ave., Newport Helght.<t, reported an 18-lnch cave In In the alley behind his home ... A 1956 Ford stolen from the Theo Robins Ford agency, NI!W· port Beach, was found wrecked at Fullerton Ave. and Flower St., Costa Mesa ... The Jot, operated by the Bal· boa Island Community Metho· dlst Church. wiU benefit the ac· tlvltles of Scout Troop 81. In ap. predation of her appearance at their openlne ceremony. Mayor Hill wUJ be preHnted a birthday cake by the local Scouts. The ceremony for opentnr the Jot and honortn~ the mayor has become an annual tradition. General supervlalon of the lot wlll be provided by parents of Scouts had parlshlonerw of the church under the chalnnanahlp of Robert Blalr. 11te Scouts have made the lot ready for sales. 11te sub Soout Pack 81 will follow Ull'OUJh on clean -up. Free use or the property hu been arranged by the lrvlne Foundation. Elec- tricity II provided by Jennings Ba1Slde Mobllgu Service Sta· tlon. 11te Newport Harbor OpU- Your Health JUIEVMATISM l. I. tt-lricla. D.C. I ntne are many klada of Rheu · matlam, named aeoacdln~ to the parts affected. Rheumatism al· fectlng the nerves II called Neu· rltls; alfectlni the joints. Arth· rltls; the mu~les, Myalgia; the sciatic nerve, Sciatica; and the lumbar area of the back. Lum-bago, and .a forth, 11te cause of Rheumatism ls pressure upon the nerves, weak· enlng the nerve and th~ tlssue that they supply. 11tese weak· ened tls.aues have lln aUinlty tor the acid In the blood stream, which gives rl.se to the pain of Rheumatism. By removing the pressure upon the nerves by Chiropractic ad· justments health Is restored. R. E. Beoddcb. D.C. Phoae: BCII'bcw 5471 o. 4514 700 Carllcrttoll. CoroDa del Ncar ~ . . . . OUIIE COUNTY IOIEIIID'S Fatorlte Hel,., F1r 31 Yura Now .. ,. • 2 Convenient Locations In Newport Beach Back in 1918, during the era of the washboard and laundry boiler, Sanitary was established. Through the years we have maintained an unbroken record of friendly, help- ful assistance to the homemaker in the realm of laundering and dry cleaning. New techniques and equipment have been installed for the benefit of our customers· as soon as pro- ven. Their acceptance of these new methods has been reflected in the growth of Sanitary. Our . C?Omplete service -laundry, dry clearung, moth proofing, and fur clearung and storage-is available to all of Orange County and East Los Angeles County. We have now opened our second plant to better serve you, the residents of the Harbor Area. Drhe II IH V111111r lew PIIII-T ... J 1100 W. Coa.t lfjqhway Acrou &om the Balboa Bay Club Bal ... 111u• Store 216 Marine AYe. * MAIN OFFJCE 2601 So. McdD St.. Scmta ADa No Mark Laundry Senice Christmas Dreams are Made of * The lift SM'II Clltrllll IIIII tf All ••• e The Santa Ana Fur Co. has been in the Fur Business exclusively in Santa Ana for IS years. Charles, MASTER FURRIER and DESIGNER-is a 2nd generation fur craftsman. Their guarantees are respected throughout the fur buying world. Santa Ana Fur Co. is known throughout Orange County for offering the best in fur values, and for never knowingly being undersold on top quality furs. at Special Reduced Pre-Chrislaatas Prices! /ftlintk podcet;.J~ regularly $595. Ncnr ODly NSio • •