HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-15 - Newport Harbor Ensign...,. ..... Wt to rtpt. llaltia J ........ ...., Dcrwwa. ~ ~. ~ EJaa. aw Xott. IUc.tulnl OUpbaat. Jlldrael hll&. Jebaay KcCallam. IWaD Qocdola. Cral9 SlncJotr, Teddy ..._.,aadJCidawl Bemy. COBOJfA DEL •.u. CAUF. TB1JUI)AT. DECEIOU 15. 1155 COU IL TO CT 0 TR ILERPA 9 Saved After Cruiser Hits Rocks Below CDM TJ\@ Newport Beach City Coun-·an lasu@ whftl City Council ap- cll wtll meet at 4 p.m. today prov@d preliminary plans rese'V· (Thursday) tn City Hall to take lng 510 f@et of beach frontage action on plans for enlarging for use by traUer park tenants. and lmprovtng the MunkJpal Th~ plaru1 caUM for a (@nee TraUer Park on th@ bay front M · down to the mean hlch tide Une, tween 16th and 18th streets. separating the traUer park Mach Charles Peyton of Shore Cliffs. trom the remainder of the city- who wu hlred as traUer park owned Mach. Parks and Playground& wu or- ganized and circulated a petition to put the issue on the ballot. The committee has the requtred number of signatures and' plans to place the proposition before the voters In the AprU election. This proposition asks that the trailer park beach be kept open for public use to a depth of 85 feet. con.aultant by City CouncU, will Because ol thla action by Coun· present plans for the flnt phase ell, the cltizeM committee for of the project. ~ calls for 81 ------------------------- Another Step In Drive for School Site Anothu bfc .tep In the New- port Harbor Hfch Scbool'a eftort to obtain a portion of the former Santa Ana Army Air Sue land near Orange Coast College u a n~ acbool site wu reported yesterday by Supt. Sidney Davtd· Nine persona were aaved when the 3&-cabln cruleer, Mullyn E .• ran oo roca ID heavy fos about a mUe .uuth GC OoroDa del Mar ltobat Vladda Mutno: h.la wtre. Jean, the11' three chll· dren, K&rtlyn, 13; Allan, 6, and C&J'olyn. 8; the owner'a brother, John Dlm.ldcll, hb wtle. May and their chUdreu. Gary, 10. and MJt- chell. lf. Mr. Vlaclch Ia a San Carol Singing on 81 Ferry Forty younc people from the Temple Baptl.t Church In Los Angele. will atnr Chrlstmaa car- ola aboard the 'Round the laland Ferry between 8 and 10 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) evening. ~~~'i:'"aaeN:!el~u~~~ Harbor View Boys Choir El_ectrt_...,c ~and the ~asf~: to Si Christmas Carols mUit =~"-= -*'•flll•1llldaclecl In the ap&ftDoG pro. ur auue... euo1a for the Toman<* ~ tbe Boys' th head8 to .,am. CIOII'UDU.nltt. thla ~-end. Cholr wtU start at the Corona del e powu!lnr swf. Out on a Council Ia ~to approve They wUl atng tomorrow fFrl· Mar Chrlstmas tree near Merle's Da. f'IIEDEmCZ T. IIU1fT pJeuu.re crulee from Newport the plans and aped.ficaUons and day) noenlng alone coast hJgh· at 7 p.m. and proceed down the M d• I Harbor, the veael had encoun-call for bids to be opened at the way In Corona del M.u, and Sat-highway, stopping at aU stores e I cs E ect tel'ed pea aoup fog and a strong Jan. 9 m@eting. City Engineer urday evening at the Balboa that are open. About 8 p.m. they I =::: ahc:::ed the craft In Bert Webb aald Tuesday that he Island Chrlstmu Fiesta. will arrive at the big tree at Dr Fred H t Mr. Vlaclch climbed a nearby I~ speclty1ng completion of the The Island FtHta. to be held I Marguerite Ave. and Coast H"''Y-• u n project by MaJ 1. between 7 and 8 p.m. Saturday. The program there will Include perpendicular cUff to reach Coast The controversial beach front-will also Include aongs by other carol singing, music, and Santa Dr. Ftf'derick T. Hunt. who Hwy. and summon help. Assist-ag£ls not lnclud@d Ln the traUer singers. Including the Zetas hlmselt. l ll.ves at 3628 Ocean Blvd .. Corona ant Harbormaster AI Oberg re· park plan to M acted on today. trom Beacon Bay and a little The Boys Choir last week were del Mar. was el«ted Ja.c;t WE'ek ported Monday that salvage The forward row of trailers will carol group led by Ellzabeth part of the PTA Christmas bt>ne as presldcmt of tht> Orangt> Cou_n· work was going on at the wreck be aet back 8S feet from the wa-Macy Jones. Santa will come fit program at Harbor View ty Mf"d ical Association for 19.i6 T T • h aceen. The boat was jacked up ter. Mr. Webb sal d. onto the Island In a horae less School, ''Tht> Ma""c To""'ho ." The elt'<'tion m~ting "':as ht'ld a rs rl U m p and placed on a traller. The boat The traller park beach became cart"tage and will give out candy They have new ve:~ent.s"-whfte Dec. 7 In the VIlla Martna Res-t. valued at $22,000. · taurant. The Newport Harbor Tant su~liC:S ~ndp{:' fthelt collarsd ·1 Installation wlll be held Ja:1. • crushed Bell Gardens 69 to 34 thma e Y e 1 mfo Mers upn erl 11 at tht> Santa Ana Count1 y 1 Tuesday afternoon In the first e supervis on o rs. au Cl b d 1 Holmes. The young cholr is dl-u · an w 11 be conducted . hy round of the Huntington Beach Near the Top Tbese youns people, who are Newport Harbor Community pe president. Eddte Pope led lht> lK'Orlng rectM by Clara Ellen S lman I Dr. Ralph E. White, tht> out gotng 1 Baske~ball tournament. ------I Dr llunt l!l S<'rving as VIN'· w ith 18 points: Paul Lorentzen all trained atngen. will come Chest hu received $26,668.51 In here u auesta ot Mt. and Mrs. the current drive for $28.500 to Lee Bolin of 1210 8. Bay Front, meet Its budget needs, Mrs. Balboa laland. Tbii!!Y have hired Kenneth Cooling, drive chair- the 'Round the Wand Ferry for man, announced thta we-ek. Thls that evening to do their carollng Ia 93~% of the quota. u they clrcle the laland. A check for $500 from the lr· Mr. BolJn aatd that thla musl· vine Co. wu received by Arthur cal treat la ln llne With M.ayor Torrance, chest president. Almost Dora Hlll'a prop-am of encourag-$500 has been turned Into the tns tb.e atnrtnr of a&CNd mualc fund by members ol the Newport an4 cuolJ durfns holiday ••· Beach Elementary School Teach-en Assn. CJCAllET CAUSES FIB president of the Assoctation thts 1 made 12. Dave Tamura 8: Gary' IJf ftAU EB Olf BWT. 1 yt-ar. lit> m aintains hts med.cal Grt"en. 2: Mabelt>. 6. Hall, tt; I ofttc-es In Corona del Mar and 1 Ba bbs. 4. Huston. 4. and Harper, A dgaret tossed from a pas-Santa Ana 19 Hall-t ime score was 22 to 13 sing car started a fire tn the l in !avor of the Tars. They added traile-r behind a car driven by 1 SKll.LET CATCIII:S FDIE 28 points In a thlrd quarter Delmar Hans of Los Angels on While Mrs U!oda May Jont"S splurge while holding thf'lr op- Coa.st Hwy. betwftn the Marine was on a trip to the Pno;t Offtc-e ponents to 7. and made 19 more Ave. lntenection and Corona del a fire In a skillet !ton on tht> in the final period. Mar at 11:53 a.m. TUesday. Dam-stove In her ho~ at 220 Eve-The Tars wtU play their 8eC· age to ho~old artJds totalled nlng Canyon Rd . Shore Cliffs. ond game this e"~ning <Thura- $50. filled the house with smoke. day). ' ., Hop c • • .... .., !)I W!!L LLSl 4 • e WHO SAID TAMMANY? e + e This is a backward look at last week's electio~n attempt to view it in the cooler post-c:emfM!ign atmosphere. I can't quite figure out how normally sensible citize?s can put their names down es sponsors of a camfM!tgn leaflet that mcludes an irresponsible scare-line like "We want no T ammony Halls in Newport Beach." let's look at this rationally-or mathematically, if you will. Under the present voting...,t-lorge method, a group that wonts to hold power can do so by controlling a single block of perhaps 500 votes. Those some 500 votes con be thrown to the machine candidate in each of the seven districts, and must triumph in four of them. Under the coun- cilmanic district method of voting, which was defeated in last week's election the power grabbers must organize a different block Of 500 votes IN EACH OF THE DISTRICTS---and must be successful in four to gain control. Now answer me this: Which is easier to accomplish: to organize a single block of 500 votes, or four or more such bloch 1 Under which system con T ommony ~hrive the _best 1 .. I find it surrrising that Dora H•ll would _s•gn such a polttlcol le~f­ let in her officio capacity of mayor of our ctty. Was the tone of that document in keeping with the dignity of the office of mayor? I em surprised also that a sensible fellow like Rell Brandt would put his nome to such o letter as was published the day ~fore the election. I do not believe that Re• con bock up the accusations that he mode against Col. Andy Sm ith. It is easy to make occu~etions-if you do not hove to stand up end be mode accountable for the charges. I om ell the more surprised at you, Rell, because I hove admired your corryings on at the meetings of the City Perk Com~ission, _of which you ere a member. There you hove shown the some bnd of tn· sistent inquiry end obstinacy for doing what you think is right os Col. Smith did when he was on the City Council, where, as the record will show, actions were by no means brought to a standstill. I believe, Rea, that you now hove the obligation of either docu- menting your accusations, or, failing to do that, of opologizing for moking them. The columns of this newspaper ore open for any re- sponse from you. This is in the well-known American tradition of ' put up or shut up." Fair ploy is another way of saying it. e HOlD ON, HON. COUNCIL! This week I heard a suggestion in our City Council that special elections should be paid for by the guys who cause them to be held. This thought was of course generated by the special election lest week on changing the city's election method. The proposition was soundly defeated, end therefore comes the thought: "Why should the city be put to such expense for no purpose?" Seems reosonGble, doesn't it? But hold on, folks. There ore times when cosh is not the only considerotion. This is one of those times. One of our treasured privileges and safeguards of liberty is the right of initiative end recall, guaranteed by our constitution, end not to be hamstrung by financial obstacles !such as a poll tax would be against the privilege of voting). e OECORA TION Sf'ECT AC ULARS The City of Newport Beech boasts two of the most spectacular Christmas decoration displays that can be found anywhere. One is, of course, that magnificent show at our City Hall-the prancing rein- deer, the enormous Santa Cl.,us and the extensive lighting. Tbe other is e ven greeter-the story book display on Poppy Ave. in Corona del Mar, in the 500 block. Wtlbur Tool is the master mind behind that one, end the fairy tole motif e~tends over several neighbors' houses. This one 'em all. Don't miss it. * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * • Specials For Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Dec. 15-16-17th. FRESH lfO.l Stewing Hens, 29f. SWIF I S PBE.IIIIUK Swiss Steak, 59 f. SWU I S Pll.EKIU'II. CEJn'Ea CUT Round· Steak, SWU I S ftEJfJU)( Prime Rib Steaks, 69fr. SWIP'I 5 numJ1I T -Bone Steaks, • 8y COL. UDDW W.IMI'nl. P r • ._ .... aty e-Mil e a.&enOIIIIDUIGII"''' ol tau. members ct tb• P'I'A 'np to Macl&m M.,-or: You. the wtthtJ:llO Ceet ot the votlnl booth advoeate o1 "'rw..m-. and wtth Uata of the voten In front Uaht." have by UllY poJJt.ks loa ot them who requ•ect the many supporter., apeclally In nam• ot the voten, who en· the dlat:rlc:ts deprived ot the rtaht teredo a procedUM whleh wu of repre~entatJon In tbe City probably Ule,al, certatnly rotten. CouncU. They reaent your Inter· That's what I mH.D by uMCru- terence ln their rlaht o1 .elf JOY· puJous. ernment and repreeentatton by Now don't rtv• me none ot puttlna your name on such cam-that crap . . . that we who are palan hopuh aa ''We want no aaatnst thla tax AN against Tammany Halla In Newport ~ehoola. That Ia a lie that was Beach," and atat1n1 that voters used, and wUl continue to be could never have a chance to used, In thelr propaeanda. I vote an -.ncooperattve councU· would have supported, and wUJ man out of otflce. You have low-support, an honest bond luue. eftd tbelr opinion ot you to an We don't object to paylnr for all-time low. Instead of promot· schools. We object to the lousy lnr harmony you have by your method of flnanclne them. actions In the last campaiiJl Now let's just alt down with created a feellne of resentment a pencil and compare the two among the voten of. the disttfcts methods. Let's aay you are either that exceeds any prior sectional· a borrower or a lender-you're lam. bound to be one or the other. To Rex Brandt: In your elec-Let's say your property baa an tJon campalen letter you referred assessed valuation of $5,000.. to me as a councilman who by You've just received your tax his truculence and nanow mind-btu for the first year of 10. In edness had brought the action of that bill there Is $27.50 addl- the previous council to a stand· tlonal for that bleb school tax- still. That Is a Ile-a mallcious based on the assessed valuation one and 90 proven by the legis-of $5.000. Let's take that sum of latl~e record of that council. $27.50 at 6% Interest. You can That record will snow econo-borrow that sum, provided you mles that exceed those of any are a good moral risk, put up ot th 1 unclls by far-sufficient collateral, and your and th:::v~~o~les were effect-right eye as security, and have ed by my "truculent" prodding, a co-algn~r or two. So for 10 I t cases over the opposition years you re gonna pay 6% or n mos So b more Interest compounded or of an unwllllne Council. ( w o ld thl -because if you're was stubborn and narrow mind· pa mon Y • ~ ed"J It uld have been only the a borrower, and about 95~ of us · co f are, you would be using this soundness and reasonablenes,:,:n $27.50 each year to pay oU debts thth~ measures! that finally on which you are paying 6%, or ..,r approva . "I Here are some of the tax-sav-more. , tl lng measures that I helped push Now let • suppose we had . through. transfer of assessing nanced thla project by 20-year and tax· collection to the county, bonds at 2~ %. The flrat year saving $12,000 annually; lncreas-you would have paid a down lng tees torr water connections payment of V20th of the bonds. and tor sewer connections so that No interest yet. The money this function by city would pay would be Instantly avaJla~le If Its own way savlnr a total of needed. Why no Interest· ~- .,0 000 'all . st p.......t the cause bonds do not draw Interest .. ~ · annu Y • 0 ~ until cashed or sold. and of city practice of cleaning vacan~ course you don't sell them 'ttl lots of prlvate owners for tree, the money ts needed, and none required ltemlzlng of , expend!· will be needed tor perhaps tl)r~ tures for city otfUcals conven· Uon expenaes. as called for by years. law: stopped the Ulepl practices Now I come to the most 1m- of tree meals for councilmen on portant feature. There will be an Increased assessment of over meeting nights, tree dinners tor $12,000,000 next March 1. Do otllclals' wives at League of these additional dollars pay any- Cities meetJnp. tree meals tor thine on thla school tax for the city employees while doing over-tlnlt year to help share the load! time work; helped make Neow· Not a thin dime. Now just repeat port Beach a Charter City by u-this yur a..ftft year (~ nine sl.atlne In the Ol'ranlzatlon of tile more y...,.._becaUM there Ia a aroup that put It over, cont:rlbut-one-year lar before Increased u - lnr ftnanclally and personally aeament Ia taxed. There wU1 be obtaining 350 aignatul'8 to put $100 000 000 or more of Increased the charter on the ballot; cut ~value that will not par· down the enormous amount of tlclpate In paying this tax except tax money given by the City In part. Get It! U you don't I'll Coundl to the Chamber of Com· chart the taru as they come out merce. • • • each year as long as I'm around. e .USEJfTEE VOTE In the final count, which ls the one that counts, each coun· cllmanlc district In Corona del Mar did vote In favor of chang- Ing the voting law. There were only 26 acceptable absentee bal- lots. 18 of which voted yes. At least 11 of th~ yes votes are from District 6 In Corona del Mar. and this changes last week's results In District 6 to an affirmative vote. That's my own district I'm talking about. Obviously the absentee vote, which was 18 to 8 In favor of chanelng the law, was not swayed by the confusing, last minute propaeanda put out by the opposition. • • • Tar Runners Come in Sixth The cross country squad from Newport Ha1 bor Union High School placed sixth out of ap· proximately 100 schools taking part In the Southern California cro&S country race last Friday at San Antonio CoHere. Coach Ralph Reed announced. First or the Tar runners to flnlah was Aurte Ostroski with Bill Plgg second. Others taking part Included Otls Bolinr. Larry Caat:ro and Jeri Hilliard. The Tar team meets Santa Ana High School In a dual meet today, Thursday. The cross country run Is over a mUe and etrht-tentn. course. ............... ,. ...... , ..... An all-cburdl am.t:mu 8erV· lee wlll be held Sunday mornln1 ln the Universalist Community Fellowship, 51!5 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Mrs. Frederick Rlnre and Mrs. Kitty Orr at the pla.noe and Mr. M. B. Tbompeon on the vlolln will play "A Chrlatmu J'antuy .. u a prelude .and Adolph Adami' "Canttque de Noel" u an otter· , $ • ~POR T 1,;1 , .. '/, \114 ~ I ~ '"1 'w ()ALUNGQQ enw ucoea Lut week, In that happy fiah. lnl mec:cl called Muatlan, the Balboa AnJllnl Club put on thelr S e c o n d Annual Ueht Tackle Toutnament. Some 40 members ol both sexes C.M.A.'d down and could hardly walt to wet thetr lines, which were Uaht tackle th:rourhout. They ended the toum.ament wfth the empJlaaJ.s on Uaht and set a record which wtll be bard to ~at. The rt!COtd was much llke the one "Bobo" Olson estab- llshed In h.la most recent tancle wlth Suear Ray Roblnaon. At the end of the tournament. not one atnrle antler had landed a bUl- tlah!! In Mazatlan, where they count 'em In three tlgures, thls la really a record! Old debbll weather was the reason tor the shortage of spike· bllls. There was a lot of wind a.nd the temperature wu about 15 deerees cooler than usual. which meant that the surface water temperature was also low. Only two marlin were sighted and they were definitely "no hambre." eso WIIATI M far as we've reported, you're now sure that everyone who went to the party ahoulda' stood In bed. That's where you're really wrong, amigo. Even Guy McHenry, who has fished all over the world. stepped ashore, beaming, hls last day out and said, ''This ts the best time I've ever had!" For a long time this depart- ment has been trying to sell the Idea that marlln and saJUlshlne are by no means the whole story In MauUan. On our lut trip, even though we caught our flrst marlin, it was a tough choice be· tween the outside tlahlng for the big ones and that last halt day In Luis Patron's outboard near shor~. Mazatlan has aU kinds of flahlng, be)leve me, and the B.A.C. toUts, by virtue of bad weather, eot a chance at the other ldnd of &hlq. whkh Ia rHlly a fllberman's n.ta. When the bOJ.flah dJdn't shaw. all hands brourht thdr boats close to shore and went to town. Het"e's what happened and who did It: Largest flsh, dolphln, 22 lbs., Ray Roemer; second larrest fish, released, Annette Thacker; high point man. 0 . T. Thacker; second high I'Oint man, Ray Roemer. High point woman, An- nette Thacker; second high point woman, tie between Emilie Roe- mer and Doris Van Dame. <Dorls won the ntp of the coin.) High point couple, 0. T. and Annette Thacker; second high point couple. Ray and Emllie Roemer. Largest corblna, (around seven lbs!l 0. T. Thacker; second lar- gest corblna, Annette Thacker. Largest sierra (almost seven lbs.!) 0. T. Thacker; second Jar- rest sierra, 0 . T. Thacker. La.r· eest t«o (jack crevalle) Fred 1ohllson: second largest toro, Tom Williams. Now take a word from the wlae when you go down Mexico Three Houses Are Entered Tb.ree hoo.ae butJlarl.. with the same "method of operation" were lined by Newport pollee Jut week. It looked like the work of a burelar who was re- stockln~ a uaed furniture flrm. Homes entered Included tho.e of Kenneth W. Dixon of Burbank at 1440 W. Bay Ave.: Leonard T. Jtlnp baker, 1236 W. Bay Ave., and Leo 1. Grold of 1338 W. Ba.y Ave., :Newport Beach. Sc:reenl 1ft1'e cut and winctow. broken to Jain e.ntry to all three hom-. tbe IUnp· baker and Grold reatdencM, • way. Take yout Ufht reat-ln· cludtn1 the splnnlnc outfit-and do 801ne cloee-to-ahore tlahlnr! It's out.'-thll-world and I'm real happy that I now have forty more people to back up thla Idea. e LUCKT R'EWCOIUU AJ.IO 1111111 n,.tl Richard Conte-Onlatance Smith StaN Wed. De& U dt.na Did. AUted Hitchcock's With C&t7 Grant --at.o-"TIE ••••a" One JOOd tale concern. NOt· man Froet, who is a Wheel 1n Sunny MaJd P'anna. WhUe a lo~-t1me B..A.C. member, Nor- man hadn't done much ttahlnJ. In tact, untll very reeently, he had never owned a fLihlnJ rod. HJa wUe, Happy, joined the B.A.C. ao abe could maJce the trip. On thelr tint day out, Norm eaucht a roo.ter fl&h, one of the ereateat ln.ahore flab o1 t¥m alL The excitement and eoneratula· tlorw that ereeted hJm on hla re- turn make It a aate bet that Santa Claua will be carryfnJ' a with Loretta Younc heavy load to the Frost haclenda Jo.eph Cottt.n and lt wUJ probably be m ostly lM.li ... i6t.f6a ... liad .. IJid .. lild flablnJ tackle. ~~~ raa IBOW all c1Grf Reports AN to the effect that Dl 1 .,.. the ciU~ru of Muatlan had ao "Ill••--• many partJes and actlvlttes lUll"" .... planned that the crowd returned to the Estados Unldos needlnr a three-day sleep. But it's a sure shot that they'll be amlllne aa they dream! Ah! Tb.at Ma.zatlan! NOW~- ~-.t;3fifi __ ......... _.. .. ,. UliL ......... --.. s• ~ ln Color lohn Derek-Diana Lynn 'l'hree ble. c:omedJ• too! 'EAST OF EDE N" . ~ ..... Jf ....... row. a.-a and • • OP I ~[ •r. -ttU lC d£:.rh , u ~ co ... t "' •o .. •11• -1N I Hl fA M I LY CA ~--·y ,.. .. JII'IIDAY I ' .......... y ....... y I ............ ,.. ...-n ....... ••s• •·CABTOOK CABJfJVAL P1lL SAT. & SOif. * ... MARLON B Rh~DO >t~" <t 't•> ~~*I '. :__ l:--:J ----NOW DOWIHO 1_.,_. ...... ,...., £Me ..., ..... ttl. Orl" Anyone cen make full-color movies with Ko4ek's ••ow••• ov•• ca•••• "'-'• 't Ofttt OM iiMple ........ to-~. Clftd o built-In f"lde .... how. y., ... ~ ......... econoMy. too. witt\ thlt m0¥M MOkM. With f/2~ leitt. Oftfy $37.50. &ftc. fed. Tu. Stott 1ft ftOW aM ..... ""* .,.. t • * JICI...,. • LUID \ GIIPLETE II II IT I lEI Ml VIa Lklo IIA JCIOI lfewpod~Mdl S301 Coaat • ...,_.. JSS5 C...cW ... I Impromptu Santa Hands Out Gifts at Auxiliarv Par+v ••• of soa.~· 'World Tour:' Is Presented note At Joint Ebeii -Meeting lin. Zc1war4 IL P28b acted u port Bet~Ja~; -,L._ Orval !bw· tmprom,ptu Santa and dlmlb· art. Balboa; Mn. .lule Barrab, Trawl.lq by means of •n« wbkh went tu Mrs. Edward \ICed .ut-at the IOdaJ port!on ot Corona del Mat. and IllS. Lau· PolnMtUu &Dod candlea eave a and ltorf, rnemben ot Senior Kelly; and two «llt bird caret tha December meettna ot the renee lllncu• lr., eo.ta x .... ~ slow to the reception and lunSor Ebe.ll ot Jlf.wporl wblch had .aved u tea table NltJltl,...ae Cbal)t« of the BMI A .WKt.r wtJl be award~ to the ctwn lut Sundq by Dr. and Beach toured Chriatian countne. cen~leces, and ctven to Mrs. Ra.pltaJ AWCU!uy held 1ut N!pUDJale member Who .Ut Mrl. lobn l'fett et thfit If~ throutboot the world at tUJ.r Kunay L. Rabbitt and Mrs. week on ~Y at the home ot the ~ deUta. Refpu home. The tupper •u a December meetin1. '11te ftent .lobo Lamar. MIL Walee S. Grant. IJ'vlne Ter· Krl. Georp ~ wu ap· 5 to 1 o'clock aftalr tollowtn, drew a capacity crowd to the Invited to pretlde at the tea race. ~ted to lftVe u lint vse. tbe Qu1atmu choir c:oncert at A..merkan LeeSon Hall. hour were Mra. C. M. Deakins, ANa t.k!bt chairmen tor tbe ~t 1n eharre ot procram-. tbe Newport Jlarbcw Lutheran Me m b era and J'Uellta were and Mrs. Byron WeU.. put pretl· Edna Steams Dayton book re· replaclftl MIL Harry Cuey, and aturch ln the ~n. Spectal ereeteeS Jolntly by tJuo prt!llldenta, dents o! the senior rroup; Mrs. view projeet ot tbe Nlpttncalcw Mra. Fred ElU• wtll take over the lUeRa wen ebotr .members, the Mra. Nlcholaa Brettner and Mra. Fisher and Mrs. Tom Woodward, were eleeted at the buafnaa otJ'Ice ol eoueapon~ eecretary, BeY. Robert Gronlund, choir 41-Preeman w. Fl&h~. 1n tum, Mra. treasurer or th~ Oran«e County l'Mietina preltded ove by Mra. repladna Mra. Jack Cooadon. rector Fred Martin and orpn.lat 8uU Petenon ot the .ruor or. Federation of JunJor Women's Arthur GruweU, prealdent. Mrs. Both former oft Ice ra were Dale Youna. ltet.rshmenta were aanJ.zaUon introduced Klu Lynn clubs. loe Ptelnlnpr, ways and mean. eranted a leave of absence. ~ buffet at:yle with Mrs. Shannon, •ho nanated the Mrs. Amelia Gamble and her eb&1rma.n. annoancecl that Mn. Other bualneu Included th• ap. Mu1e Boraman uaistlne. A fa. Chn.tmu .tory, t~llln& ot Span· ways and means committee Da)'toll wiD NYt.w two eunent proval ot amendmenta to the by-moua llubeu pa1nt1ne. '"Tbe Vls-lab rlta and French c:u.tonu. members art' still taking orders Broadw_, plays and one book lawa ot the pup and accept-ttatlon,'' wu particularly' Uthted Huplat Karin Bt«]~ and .John for lhe tradJUonal fruit cakes In the aeries. .cheduled to beatn ance of tbe realanatlon ot Mra. for the «Uesta to view at the Shafer, baritone. contributed se-and bites. tbe latut part of February. 'J'he Irv1na Watcher. Netta. l«Uona to fit tbe countries. in· ------ tlc:ket eert• may be used tor Aa1stlna the hotteu with the • • • cludtnr a tanro trom SpaJn. a n.. Weowpon ll.adMw CbcaD· ·1Uest8 or ln41viduat.. aervlna ol eaanog pie after the Rain didn't dampen the Chriat· Mexican lullaby and rollicking Ml' of Coaaa.,. ...-yoa to Appointed to head tbe ticket meettna were Mrs. D. H. Crum m.u aplrlt of tbe Harbor Area Enallsh carola. Germany, where do 1'0W' gilt abopplag witb drive In their Individual ateas .lr:, Mrs. Smith Ne-Wberry and Motherslneers who performed our Hehted Chrl.ltma.a ~ or· 70'U ........_ .... muct ta. 1111111'1 1 1DI IIIIET .no ••• ,, Gee lt'a c:re-t to be part of the cane . . . to be neceauy. wanted and needed ... to know that without you the lar~Jr wouldn't be quite complete ... Sure they could 1ft alone lf you weren't one of 'em. Uke they did before they accepted you ln. but proved youradf to 'em, 80 now you're a part ... * * .. were Mrs. James Elms .lr., New· Mrs. Donald Hall. last week on Monday at Ot.ney-tctnated; Italy, where traditional -;:::::::::::=:::::::::=:::::::::::=:::::::::; ':;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ land a.s part of the holiday tea -carols were born, Hawatt, Poland .. Chr·lstmas Serva·ce Sunday tlvttJes there. Modern and early and the deep 80Uth ot the United auut~Daa Sa ~~ Write wbat .,.. lee&. tlae boeb -r• CIDd wbat 1'0'1 ....tt. wW .,. read • • • ()..1 I tM1 baable • • • J fM1 ,_tiluatal • • • I ,... llb ldulag •••ybody _. 9ifta9 •••tt-JJ a mwhd of pal nta ..• 1._. W. ..-r· lD9 tbcmb .•• ta aU of ,.. py-a oat 0... f• matrtag • part of yow-....... day carols comprised the pro· States were included on the CDM Travel Service gram directed by Mary Batten "tour." At Balboa Island Church Steffensen, and accompanied by Orlcinal table ananc~ents Helen WatUon, pianist. Soloists and door wreatha were on dis· I were Nancy Wenker. Patr1cla play ln a bazaar aectJon direct~ Boef, Rose SeJby and Dorothy by the junior club. Beadlne lhe Paine, who played the auto harp. committee In charre of thla rea· I Thla week the Motherslncers ture was Mrs. Dean Gorton of are makJng a recording of Christ-the Wa~ and Hean. eommJtteoe mas music at radio station General arrang~nts tor the I KWIZ. which will be played on tea hour were planned by Mrs. w.wm .. ~to..ut .,.. ...... .., .......... ,. ..... NOW BOOIJNG SPBJNG CBUISml Ton. CABIBBEAN ......... MEDITEIIIlAHEAN • lt1 mullltp. 1lallnell. Allt.lae ......... rrt,_ •'roan·~~ * •o IDVIC2 c::.AIGZ * MUTUAL TICnt AGENCY Harb«1248 Coline Glb~ Dorothy ~a, Marauerlt. BUibea Cor. E. Cout lfwy. at OrcbJd Acrou from P.O .. CDM "'Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room." a Cb.rtatma.a worship IUVice written by Mary H. Trow· er, wtll be presented at 5 p.m. Sunday at the Balboa Island Community MethodUt Church. It wl1l feature members of the ehureh achool and the ehurch chOU.. General dlrector 1a Mrs. P. F. Baines. Mualcal director Is J..es. Ue Van Dyke. Mra. Nora Till· many wtll le'Ve u organist. The cast Includes Gretchen Broertnr. Mary; Robert Cuen· tber, .l01eph; Tommy Gorton. Da · vld Andenon and .John Vallely. ahepherda; Billy Scott. Stephen Andenon and Kevin Sebra, wise men; Gail Grave~, Pamela Peo- ples, Pamela Elmer and Tom Brennan, can41eUehtera. Olvtnr the narration for the 4rama will be Henry Ferry and Marilyn Shooter. Other cut members are a junior boy. Peter Flaherty; a :youth, Dick Bride· man; an adult. Mrs. Robert Let- nau; a family. Mr. and M.ra. Matthew V. Waidellcb and Mat· thew V. WaJdelleh .lr. 5-a-a-a-y! Yerington's ·~· ITI Open EveniiiCJS & Sunday In the first scene, "0 Com~. Let Ua Adore Him." there will be music by the adult and chll· dren's choir. Sanctuary candles will be Ughted and "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" will be sung. The second scene. "We Greet In Rls Cradle Our Savtcw and Kina," ·wm Introduce Mary and Joseph and klnderrarten children who will stng, "Away In the Maneer." Primary children will slnr '1n Little Bethlehem." Junior chUdren will participate In a verae-speaklne chotr. .John Scott, Wendy Blair and Mel Park wtll recite a poem, "A ChUd'a Wlah." Featured ln the third scene. "AA With Gladness Men of Old." will be the wt.e men. the r~ad · tne of Matthew 2:1-11. congre· eatlonal slngtnr of '"'nle First Noel," and a poem, '"'nle Bethle· hem Children." The poem will be riven by Leslie Barnett. Ran- dy Smith, Chrtatlne Park, Steph · anJe Meyer, Mlllle Alexander and Susan Alrlge. The fourth scene. "0 Come to My Heart, Lord Jesus,'' will pre· sent the family croup and rep· resentatlves from different age groups. The cllmax to the serv· Ice will be reached when the children pre~~ent their rttts of money to help purchase a plano lor a chJldren's home In Sea· ward. AlulcL "1by Work, 0 God. Neecb Many Handa,'" will be ~ u a ,..oue by tbe c:hJl· dreft•a ehotr. 'nle aerYtce will conclude with the conerecatton afneint "loy to the World." Following th~ service, the chul'Cb achool children and tbelr parents wtU 1atber around the Chrl.stmu tree 1n Dearborn Hall for the refreshments being served by the Woman's Society of Chris· tlan Service. Christmas day. Ronald Birtcher. Spedal prizes I • • • Included a doll and wardrobe. Chrlstma.s plans for a big family reunion are shaping up at the Everett Edward.s home .. 255 Ev~nlne C&nyon Rd.. Shore Clltfs. 'nlelr son. Thomas Ed· wards. and bla wife and three chtldren will 1100n be here from Saskatchewan. Canada. ln fact Mrs. Thomu Edwards has al· ready come ahead and Is visit- Ing her parents. the Warren Welboums In the Pasadena area. The Everett Edwards' daugh· te-r and son·ln-Jaw, Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Cadenhead, and their five children are also cominr tor Christmas from New Mexico. where Or. Cadenhead ls a physl· cist at an atomic resea.n:h plant. The senior Edwatds' recently m&rrfed dau&bter and son·ln· law. the Bruce Barkers. who live In Hollywood. wlll also joln the family !or Christmas. • • • Coucllman and Mrs. Lee Wil- der plan to apend Chrt.t:mu at thelr Shore Clltta home, where their lO·month-oJd son hu aJ. ready learned to recoentz.e Santa Claus. 110 AlfDIAL POUJID Ceclle R. Hamilton of m Or- chfd Ave.. Corona del Mat. re· ported aome kind of an animal running around ln tbe attic of the house at that address. New- port poll~ reported Dec. 5. Of. fleers Investigated but were un- able to locate anything. Would You Like A Trip · To Fairy Land? Snow White Spun Glass Christmas Tree with cut crystal star trim , electricaJ 37.50 ........... Table and Door Decoration Originals by Jerome Eddy. 18.50 up Gebhardt Circular Bronze Candelabra with Glass Bowl For Flowers $33 Hand Decorated Candles in Silver Mesh Holders, 0 ' J * * * Sure I ouabt to be full of &lbberish about "our Chrl..at:mu ~ ue tbe finest. ~est. ~eat. bestest In the land" that "Our .Johnny Hart can Dame-proof, Dock or spray 'em aky-blue-plnk if you wish" ... But from th~ heart comes . . . "'Thana for looking to ua each Christmas eone by to flll that Cbrlstmu niche In your Uvtne room . . . You've liked our Chrlstmu trees. you've told your friends about th~ ... Thanka for comlna baclt aealn thb yNr ... " * * * C4Ddi.M ...s aan.tmaal ..... Cbaco'at• ..._. CID4 wei· CIIDIMd .., tdl . • • CadleL .. .._ W. Oeaas • plaata. m. 4111!' type of ..... ~ ua. ,_ .. ~ .................. . ..a.. 'NIT .., -.. wU'tr at all ••• A .,_ of c.Ddy - .... ..-r --,... Jut ..... c:.ue I tltJak .,..... • ....U ...-... I Dow .. daa"t &1 11 ~b.tlw.....S ·-~ ............. • lp I '"1aUy .. .,... II* I I I bow .,_ J.UJ. ~.· ._....I ..... .. ttcM• .. .,_.. ..... ....... ~~ca···­•• 11' ' 1 ... IIIIa 0 ,., ••••~'t•eatu L I ... UIM&II.. ... ....., .. JUl •wta~ f.. c...l ......... tiee: 5.. AU en •7 I. A tee CbMn. 1. 2 aDd s polllld .._ ••• l at IDT Mart jut cll4 -· ~ Wp ••• Tour ,. ;t a PO a Toys Games CHURCHES Ethel Mlnnls originals From Palm Springs $10 of llca..odoll•a C II o c o 1 • t w mac. ,.. tatl'od1ac:.d ttaaa ~~Gat E e s t e r b.CD beaD .,...derfw,L 1"baab far ..-:llill9 tor Me· QeeAen•a .. .._ 1'0'1 waat • tnaly auped) box of ~ * * * • DECORA liONS CARDS & CANDIES GIFTS & WRAPPINGS For thctt C..,.~ Christmas Gift COLLEOOR'S ITEM GAU.2RY CIDCl GIPTS 2M BROADWAY LAGUNA BEACH CDM COJOIUWITT ClllTaCJI The Rev. Edwin Gomke will speak on "Fable. Fact and Faith" for the duplicate momlne wor· ahlp services at 9:45 and 11 a .m. Sunday In the Corona del Mat Community Church. The Carol Choir and the Chapel Cholr of young people wUI alng at the early service. Christmas music will be presented by the King David Choir. the Pilgrim Choir and the Chancel Choir at the 11 a .m. service. OUO TO IE PllESEJITED The Young People's Fellowship of St . .lames Episcopal Church. Newport. will present their olio performance. '"'nle Showboat Va· rletles.'' at 8 p.m. Saturday. The .Junior YPF party will be held at 7:30p.m. Tuesday. Family Night On Dec. 21st A new twist to the ~Jebration of Cbrlatma.s will be riven at the Family Nlaht Supper of the BaJ. boa laland Community Mtrtho· dl.t Churcll on Wednesday eve· nJne, Dee. 21. Followlna the 6:30 aupper. the conereeation wUl ll1ht "a blrthda.y cake for .Jesus." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Happy Birth~ 80JtC wtll ;: be au,.. dutlna the ealte Uehttne and euttlftl eeremony. ............ ... ··--...... .,.,., YALD'D ......... .. Atterwarcb the lfOUP will tee a new colored 80\U\d ftlrn8trtp. "How We Got Out Otrt..tmu Carols.'" Ttl-. plannlq to at· tend tM .Upper are ubd t» no· tUY 11.n. P. r. aasa. by MoDclq. . .... lllu.L GIP'I'I • OCJ' I 'C"!!e'l IIDD Leave It to Benne . whJch CIDJSTMAS WOilSIII? Christmas Tree Sarongs. is a seedy way to snap me baclt The church achool department Fantasies In Fell ILSO to my own true ''We got some- of th~ Corona del Mar Commu· I thing nobody el~'s gol"--<-har- nlty Church will bold a Chrlst· acter . . ~nne is the principle mas worship hour at 7 p.m. 11--T IL-£ ln~lt"nt In our rolleoctlon of Thursday, Dec. 22. All the school ..... 11-1 1 Old Slave Mart Con!l!'ctlon!l from classes will participate In lhe the d~p South ... Confections proeram. foUowed by a Christ· 2710 E. Coat Jhry .. c..J).X. roncocted from the yellowed mas party with Santa Claus. A '=:::::;::::;::;::;::::::;::::;::;::;::;:::;::::;:=:::;:::;:::::;:;:::;:::::;:;::::::;::;:=; pag<'S of frayed manuscrtpts. decorated tree wtn be tb~ ~nter " I dim jottings on ancient notes. of attraction. CORAL Bea s I word of· mouth traditions ... U"-a On How would you like to whip up CIDDSTIAJf SCIDCE anntCB I this c;llck dl!llh on your electric "Is the Untvene, Including _ skillet. "Tilke w1ne CinnAmon. Man. Evolved by Atomic Force:'" ''HOLIDAYS SPECIAL'' I the white of an egg and nOWft' This thought·anating question to make It Into a thin ba"~r and Is the subject of lhe Sunday'Les· put It Into an iron mould and son·Sermon at the Newp ort bake It ovf'r charcoal ... " I Beach Christian Sclen~ church. IOifAT PEaiiAJrEJrT. a-g. 117.50. llfOW SIZ.SO • might add the chef or Slave The Golden Text ts from Psalms IORAT ~. a.g. SlS..OO. llfOW 110.00 Recipes ha<> combined the m~c (100:19): •-nte Lord hath pre-* FW b111lllll.t-HJitter 1811 * of the old with ftu~ best of mod· pared his throne in the heavens: .. ern cooking pi"'<.'e'dure to proudly and hfs klnrdom ruJetb over HAZEl PAIIEISII m2 &= B;tL -=~ I otter you a culinary herlta~ of ~~~·;~~===~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tem~l~d~~clH ... -* * * ........ Sa a ~--111&11 AT LAST! ... HIGH FIDELITY a.ESTIIIE IlEA! YOU ARE CORDIAll. Y INVlTED TO VISn' THE BEAUTIFUL "Studio of Living Sound .. FOR AN UNFORGF:I'A.BLE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE IN FINE MUSIC REPRODUCTION . . . .. . . ...s. wbJdl .... pMatecJ .. .... ...... ...,. -• ....... wtU erop• ....... ~ lt .. tiM acda ....... , .a __., II ru Qer ..... ledpea ••• .... artttJe • • • ... withpu.t-.......... ct.c. • .... 1 s Je _, a II ~ .. ,.... ....... .... ltts •••• -u ..- bUadt. 1NIJ ............ . .... efftd ....... "' ~--..wilt-Mill ._.._ .. , .. 11& ... ~ MfW j I • • • ._. Welen ... A_..,,.._..._ ..... ~ ...... .. * • Spiced Pecana. a ber~ ...... the HUIQeDIIIb -nll a 0. .... combla.adcm o( ~. ~ ud ~. are a.bout u _... u a pec:an nut tan ,.t . . . PMd\ latiMr, TnOII ..... .. ~ ....... a 1111'- tSoD to ..... the ........ . •ttn• Jllla•... ... :==fill lltwlla peed!• ... ......... ._.._ .... .......... .. ......... , .... ..... ............ ... • ca.. ... ..,. ........... . • • • ......... ..... . . .......... .. .. u. .... .. utt ..... , . Yule Lighting Judging Set In bitwmoen ol Ebell Club an~ toda,y f« luncheon WimSoww ot lfattMit a.... abope at the home ot Mn. l'f. D. Cuh • .,.. belq jud.,ecl th1l ..at t01 215 Narct.us Ave .. Corona del "eye-appeal" anc1 "buy-al)peal" Mar. Mnl. lf!ft'Y Bell Ia eo·hoeteu. by a committee Ml«ted bJ tbe Ttlere will be an exchanp of Merchant. Dlvlalon ot the <llam· lifta. ber of Commerce. • • • Ftnal jud.lfne of tha nore'a Chrlatmu window• wDJ be made tomorrow (Friday> nleht. ae· COI'dlng to Mllo Laey, chairman of the merc:hantl dtvt.ton. Members of the clvlc and bual· ness auoclatlona are auttrtlng wtth the preliminary judJtne of the Jlehtlne of homes and Krt. C. D. Waldeek wUl JIVe the review at today'• meetlne of Ebell Book Seetion I belnl held at the home ot Mia. Floyd Buell, 3108 Ocean Blvd.. Cocona del Mar. Co·hotrteues are Mra. 1. L Stamp, Mrs. Luly Seaeer and Mrs. Constan~ Dewy. • • • business districts In the annual Ebell members are Invited to ChamMr of Commerce Chrtstmu attend the Chrs.tmas party held llebttne con t e 1 t . Preliminary at the EbeU Clubhouse by Pro· Judetne wUJ be held this Week· eressors No. 2 next Wednesday. end and e&rly next week, and It wUJ be a 1 p.m. deuert, ac· a Chambet" of Commerce com· cording to the aectlon chairman. mJttee wUl make the final de· Mrs. Carl Glse. who will accept clalons next Tuesday, Dec. 20. reservations at Harbor 3356. . ~~~.-.r..-.r..-.r.~. ~---~~~~~~-.: ... ~-.: ... -.: ... -.: .. Custom Personalized e~p~ and hunderds of other attractive ceramic gifts-wrapping-shipping Come and Browse cfCM~f~ CERAMICS CORONA DEL MAR •a 3801 E. COAST HWY. PHONE 2359 ...... ~ ............ -., .... -., ... -...ll!!i-.-~~1 COME ONE COME ALL ••• I'll , Be There Saturday Dec. 17 7 to 8 o'clock • CBIUSTIIAI DECOUTIOIIS aede bf •-ben of U.. lf....,ort lleocb KbeU.,... eol4 at tbe Tt.a..Ml Tea of tbe lfewpod 8eodl Ebe11 Cbab 1a u.. Jfewpod llarbow AaaedcaD IAgtoa Jlcdl laat ThUI'Idoy. IAft to rlgbt with tbe ctea.atialu Junior Ebell Follows up on Safe Driving A follow-up safe-driving cam · palgn was launched yesterday (Wednesday) by members or the Junior Ebell Club In the Harbor area and throughout Southern California. Beginning at 10:30 a .m. yester· day, local Junior Ebell members started calling their friends and neighbors to start a "chain" campaign on road safety and courtesy during the holidays. Each member was uked to call fo ur people to urge them to prac- tice courtesy and continue to eliminate accidents. Recipients of the telephone calls were asked to call four more, who were In turn asked to pass the plea along. Clergymen throughout the Harbor area were asked to ring church bells at the start of the campaign and to mention the safe-driving plea to their congregations. Progress of the sale driving project, entitled "A Call for Liv- ing," will be discussed tonight (Thursday) at a board meeting Mlng held at the home of Mrs. Thomu Woodward, 437 Morn· Ina Canyon Rd., Corona Web· lands. IIIH,te Uallla' New members of the Newport Realty Board are Clifford Block, associated with Tom Cox In his new ottlce; Alfred Kurth, &850· elated with G. H. Lathrop; John Klamm, associated with Ray Realty, and Gordon Andrew, a new active member with Carl Thomas. Petty Theft Charge Made Lawrence J. Kempert, 29, or 1809 Placentia St., Costa Mesa, was held on a petty theft cha ree by Newport pollee at 12:16 a.m. Tuesday alter William H. Bland. service station opera tor at 3939 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, signed a citizen's arrest com· plaint. Mr. Bland charged that Mr. Kempert came Into the service station to apply for an oil com · pany credit card. While the at· tendant was waiting on another customer the Mesa man a lleged· ly took a $1.25 pint of auto pol· Ish and a 69c po lishing cloth, put them Into hls truck and started to drive away, It was chareed. Mr. Bland grabbed the keya out of the .-uck and ealled pollee. Balboa Island , Christmas Fiestf/ Special Program, Fun For All . And The Annual Holiday Ceremony of T~n~ing on The Ughts! Singing of Christmas Carols c ........ n. ... , .... , ......... 11111 ...... II•• Dlr•••IJ· ...... laazlfll l111r~l••• Reverse Role for Rev. Sapp Last Sunday at the Balboa Is· land Community Method i 8 t Church the Rev. Donald G. Sapp played a revense role In one of the traditional ceremonies of the church. Since he assumed hi~ pastoral duties here 17 months ago he has presented numerous rose- buds Is crystal vases to the par- ents of newborn babies In the parish. The appearance of the rosebud on the altar of the church Is a eeneral announce· ment to the congreeaUon that a new baby hu been born. On Sunday Mr. Sapp found himself the recipient of a rose· bud. The presentation was made to him and Mrs. Sapp's mother, Mrs. Al!leld Nevitt of Chandler, Ariz. P. F. Raines, lay leader, in making the presentation at the 11 o'clock service, announced the birth of Greeory Lormor Sapp and expressed the best wishes of the congregation. The flower was given to Mrs. Sapp ln the afternoon at Hoag Memorial Hospital. The baby, their first child, was born Wed· nesday, Dec. 7. He welehed 7 pounda, 14 ounces. Read the Enalp Want Ad pqe. LAGUNA BEACH YOUR GIFT STORE PUSnC CALF BAD II lEW FASHIOII SHAPES ~·baa ........ -poach nys-. all with rich printed taffeta rayon llnlnga, zipper compartment~. Work· manahlp 1a flawless, and Pen· ney'1 price Ia terrl!ic. Black, brown, colora. r Plus Tax This is an ideal small gift you will enjoy giving. Buy several for future gifts. 24 different styles. A collector's delight. • I-CUP, HOD. Pllllm TEA POT A 6-cup tea pot with a dripless spout and built-in strainer-Floral decor-~14 00 ation. Brown R o c k i n g h am type le glaze. ftUMD&Y, DWt.l'DIID 11. ._ Jfewpwt Barb« EDIIIp Hoag Hospital Carroll King Your Gets $43,500 of C.D.M. Dies Health Burglars Hit Mesa Stores I F d F d CanoU DeWitt KJna, ~UibaM Three bull,.._ and a ,_._ n 0 r U n $ of BueJ Grant Xin£ 130 PopPJ cllnce haw .,._ the t.uceta of Ave .. Corona del Mat, 4s.d Mon· ~ 1n the Mesa ar• ,... The Ford P'ounctauon'e halt· day wen.lnl at the Veurane ceatly, eo.ta ac .. police report-bUUon-doUar pant to prtvat.t MmlnlltraUon &.pJtalt.n Lon1 eel th11 ..._ conea-. bolpJW.. and medical Beach, at the ap of 67. About fl:IO tn hand toot. and echoo11 throuahou.t the naUon The Kinp had thelr home In L L ......,.., D.C. appro;dmately 15 1n cub wu Inducted the eum ot t43.500 for Corona del Mat lltnee UKl and atoJen from the auto repalr ehop Hoa1 Memodal Ho.pltal tn New-bad lived there yeu 'round Iince In a lite ol ~ years the av-o1 Cor~U Green at ~ Harbor pelt Beach. 1953. M.r. JOnr a natJve ot Bed· erap penon puta IDOI'e than Blvd .. pollee repol14d Monday. 1'hl.a amount will be added to wood Faile, MJnn., had Parldn-ruty tona of "allered food" Into The burrlar ~ open a atde the buJldlnr fund, Wblcb now aon'a c:Uaeue and bad recently hla body, Dr. Jlalph P. Baker de· window to 1atn entry to the haa been Jncreued to ~.000 tn been tran.terred to the h~tal cl....ct recently. abop. An outboard motor wu the eampaJrn to raiM SJ.,OOO,OOO, when he tell and broke hJa hlp "Our IJ'e&tat fault la over stolen from an open garace at according to bo.pltal admlntatra-He had been an officer 1n World eatlnJ," aald Dr. Baker. The body the raldence ot Loula West, 1m tor Winifred Bacon. The cam· War I and wu a.uoclated wltb wUl uUltze only the amount of Tultln Ave. paten com m J t tee' • roaJ la Grear Publlahtnr Co. until hla food needed for crowtb.. Uuue ApproxJmately t4 In Ups wu $500,000, which Will be matched Jllneu. replacement. and enerl)'. All ex-tak~n from a clua In the Ylor- by the Hoar Foundation. Service~ wtll be h~Jd at 10 a .m. ceu 1a wute and wute matter ~nee Bakery, 819 w. 19th St. Th~ tomorrow (Friday) at Mottell 6: Ia toxin. burelar first att~mpted to ealn A Classified t\d in The Ensiqn Peek Mortuary Chapel, Lone Dr. Baker aald he wu con· ~ntry to the bakery by coming brinqs immediete result1l C oli Beach. BurtaJ wtll be ln Alta· vlnced that ownera of thoroueh· through the roor but rave that Harbor I I I <4-1 II S and orove it I dena. bred cattle and dop feed th~m att~mpt up and prl~d o~n a ;::::=::==::=:::=::=::::===::=::::===::=====::::::::::; more eclenttlcally than they feed back door. A hole wu drilled thern.telves or tbelr families. throueh the roo! In the VIsta Sar IEIIJ CIIIITIIII II 1 lilt Let .. , DAICE ••• with ~ 8daoo1 of U.. o-c. no.. llcDtMw 3113 « HYatt •·4711 Cl••• bel4 Ill Marton. 11a1e lta4Jo of ChanD & Mode1JD9 2112 E. Coast Bwy. Conacl del Mar. Aaa. '"-._. TIMatJoe HURRY! HURRY! Christmas Shoppers TV AND APPUANCE ~ ..... • ell .... _. ..._. .. , • ..._.. caa.4 TV ..a. Pnaa ...., .. w aus.taaaa wttla ..-.y pardaae of a ...,_ appllaa,. • TV y..,. wW NCIIIIYe a 'Nlaable tJlft •.. We HaTe: AnmwNam ... Applicmcn TeleYiaion Hi-Fi Equipment ooLOa TV • 1ow • .-s Ko Down Patwt Easy Terms Uaetl Teletial• Ia Lew u 118.1& P• tbat 8eODDd TV IIIIIL n... ..ta ba9e a11 bMo reeoo4Jt10De4 Ill ow abop, CID4 cany oa.r guciii'CIDtee .. parts CIDd ...nc.. ALL MAD' 1ome lib_... OPE.If IUJO)ATI AJI1) EVEIIT EVEJriKC UJfTIL 1:30 RELIANCE 1101 ...... lt. HOME APPUANCE SERVICE CO. 1D l ·liSit ID J -7100 Good heaJth habits. and an OC· DTup n~xt door at 821 W. 19th culonal ChlroprartJc check up St. Nothlne was mtsslne In the are two eswntlala conducive to druJ store, pollee sald. &ood health. B. E. ll..sricb. D.C. Pboeer ll.a:dMw 5471 M 451• 700 CarDatloa. CorODa del llCII' Glamour Glimpses Gentlemen. what's for YOUR A Classified 1'\d 1n fho Ensiqn brinQs immediate results! Cah Ha rbor II 14-1 II 5 and Of"'.JVe it! Oce• Fr11t $15.000 GOOD TERMS. 3-bedrm. older h ome, partially furnished, C·l zone. Heart of Balboa. 2 car carage stressed for apt. above. Colli Pro,.rtiu 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2658, 2597 and 4600. Christmas bell~~ Ate you going I BUSIJfE.IS OPPOJrTUJfmES to prl'Sent her with the lovely Man or Woman ftomlnlne things she adores? The OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS latest In fashion (we even have A ne-w Item. Fltst time offere-d an assortment of gltts selected Start In spare time, If satisfied. by Vogu~. the fabulous feminine then work full time. tashlon magazine), and the most RefiiJing and collecting money appropriate appart'l for Southern from our machines In this area California for your lady love are To qualify you must have a car. now on display at O'BRIEN'S. reterenct>. $360 cash to secure ter· And, Gentlemen, we have care· rltory and Inventory. Devotlnr 4 fully recorded her alzes and pref· hours a week to busln~ your e~nces to make Chrlstrnu shop· ~nd on percentaees o! collections plnr oh·ao-euy for you! should net approximately $175 , .... ~ ::...•· H09f about a c a a h m e r e 8'Neat.f Notb1.na wUl pleue her more than a beaotU\.11 .ott cub· mere. flttJnclY fuhloned by the famous houses of Hadley and Dalton. Choose a cluslc sUp· over. the u.etul cardigan, or maybe one of the preclou.s ne-w styles with lone torso and rolled v neck. Select that heavenly sap- phire blue, mlst crey or the warm berry~- Why DOt su.rpdae a.. wttb a ...., coat? o-.UER"S ba.e Jut rec:etftd a ablpzwt of aDCII't _.. atylea. A .tlalgllt coat wttb tbe Cllll'dlgaa ,.....u_ topped wttb a bow • • • Tbe tuu. coat lal1bl9 ~ a trlm •a+nta collar. •• aatl fa 1 PontiDalua WM1a made Ill lax- \llioaa tatand ......... ta:U· Oft4 • peri fwdloo aDd 1iDecS wltb 80ft aepe. laJMtued ... ...... 9Cif COI'G1 lb~ rich WbJte caad lllten.tlll9 tw...sa are uM4 Ill t.IMM ~ CIOCita. 110 .-y ft9htl Ev~ woman wants a dress. Perhaps a panel wool or a new lnterHtlng silk tabrlc will tuh· lon just the daytime dress ah~ needs fat' golne to church and then on to Christmas dinner. Thert' are 10 many cuually dres· IY atralra during the holidays. she'll be dellchted with a ne-w Christmas fi'OC'k (and we are pre· pared to whlaper to you her v~ry favorites). Of---...... ..a-.. ~ ..... jewelry CID4 monthly with very eood poll.llibll· lty of takJnr over full time. In· come lncr~ulng aC"COrdlnely. It applicant can qualify financial usatance will be given by Co. for expansion to full time posJ. tlon with above averaee Income. Include phone In application. Write to Box L·21. En•lgn, COM. lEI l ob now open In SANTA ANA to hlrh echool craduates, age 18-45 These are career jobs wtth ex~l· lent opportunities t or advan~ment. CDISTRUGnDII HELPDS 5·Day Week. Paid vacation• and holidays. medical coveraee available to employees and de~ndcnt.s. Co. paid pension and cllaablllty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.· Fri. 8 A.M. ·• P .H. SOUTIEII caumES us co. ....... , ... , '11\ll newer, ~lou. Balboa llland 2-etory home, ln lm· maculate condition, olttor~ all the charm ot Early AIMri· can, plua the convenlenoea and advantaees ot modern archltecturaJ plannlne, Beautltul apt., runt room, larre aooeaalbl~ double 1~.­raee. Patio with buUt-ln BBQ. Both Rome lr Apartmelnt at· tractlvely FURNISHED. W~ Invite your leisurely lnapec· tlon ot thla superlor property. Price $37 .!500 • ISLAID REALTY CO. 498 Park. Balboa laJand HA :rn NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 -bdrs plus guest house, htd. ~lm. pool. beautUully done, Ranch type, iood tlnanclne. Priced $29.!500 • • • au• lEW Colonial~ home ot 3 -bds . 2 baths. lg. llvlnc rm. opens to sheltend patio, wood pant' I finish In living room and dining room. Buy ·now and have your chotce ot colora. Priced $28.750 • • • HARBOR VIEW 4-bedr. home, den. ~ baths. hardwood and c a r p t' t t' d floors, $45,000, SubmJt down. Earl W. Sill let REALTOR 22S Martne Ave., Balboa lsland Call Harbor l'T75, or Baysld~ OUJce Harbor 3297 Eves. Edlth Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 .lohn MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878 OPEl lOUSE 243 Ocean View, Newport Uta. BEAUTIFUL V1EW HOME near new. Three bedroom. extra lr~. lot. Must aeoe thla before you buy. Art lllller Ct. REAL ESTATE "Bay Front Specialists·· 2091 Newport Blvd. N~port Beach Harbor 5226. day or night * 2 BR. ~~e.-PLUs 2 BR. GARAGE APT. PLUS 2 ADD'L. BEDROOMS PLUS DOUBLE GARAGE. NEARLY NEW , block to ~an. only $5000 down. EXCLUSIVE with. 1. M. MlLLER CO .2025 W. Balboa Blvd.-Har 4091 t near the Newport Pieri HlUDR BLVD. IOOI315 Extends from S~t to Stlftt Thls is good clean p~rty with l ·bedroom hoWit' ault· able for ottl~. We feel thls property to be th~ beat buy on Ha_rbor BouJevard. 2029 Rarbol' Blvd., eo.ta Mesa aparkiiD• ~. • • becnaw.l ........... (Jut aak u) ••• elegaat pllltf bap ...... -caaala9 ~ ••• LOTS F. Ul EM WILL IRI TIIIIT EVERYONE READS AID USES ·wANT ADS CAU. 'I'll& DIIQJf WAft AD DDU'IWUt! IIAmtOa 1114 ....... ......,U..-tecm4 ...._ .wu .. ec:diiUc aoatl Wa.t .. betbe...t pepalm ..... , ~ ...... label ..... O'aiUD"' ....... Oufat· --..._. We'd W.. to help .,.. ..... ....... 3515 E. eo.. IIWJ'. ~ADD.Ild Level R·2. Ocean sJde ot highway, C. D. IlL 15750 View lot on Haul DTiw, Ocean aide of blchway, C. D. M. $7950 Ocean front R-2 on C. D. M. main beach $14.'750 ()pen nally: 735 St. lames Ro.d l Bednn .• 2 bath home nearlnc competlon ln C1Uf Rawn Cll" Q W. IIIIIEIS, l••ral D11l1•r Harbcx 3!0:1 or Harb« 3286 .. , ... .... Vogel IEWPIIT Value Ell ITS ........ 2 ~drooma, 1 ~ bat hi, fireplace. hardwood noon. larle llv1ne room Owner hu plana !or addiUonaJ 3 rooiNI 6: romplt'te bath. $15,000-eood tenna. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 14TI .. HARBOR 0757 Yll c .. o ..... For IMtller 10 Yean • • ••sTART LIVING" NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY TNV1TE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DIS'J1NC11VE FURNiSHED MODEL HOMEs AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUC110N NINE DIVE'RSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the hom~ buyer who wt&hes to purcb~ 1n the $25,000 to $35,000 class w~ slnce~Jy recommend the lrvlne Estates overloo.k1n1 Newport Harbor. Tht"Se home-s feature California ll\llne. Offered uclu. alvt'ly throuth Earl w. StanJt'y In a Smoa ~ area known as lrvtne Terra~n Coast Hlahway op~lte the ne-w lrvlnt' Cout Country Club, f(~ l:larbcx. * For recommt'ndatlon. we ~f~ you to anyone who holds a ~a.sehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Clltf Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:tber Information IEF.E YOU IUY TRY FUICIS .J. I.YITI, .... 2216 Nf!Wport Blvd. u 8·5101 J.UO W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1428 Tomorrow You WIU Be Sorry You Didn't Buy TheM To4ay COSTA MESA. SPECIA.IS 1. Busln~. parking. atorace. and expansion all at 2474·8 N~port Blvd. Front 66' x 1SO'-n4!W bJdl- 45 x SZ-2 offiN'S for l~a~. ~ar area ~nC'I.-~ acre -1 Bt-dr st home and garage 145.000. Term&. 2 LeaSt-w1th option to buy. 222 W. Wllaon. l bed.r., Si 5(X) 3 2 lots Plac-e togNher un Rochester and al50 on Walnut 6.000.00 for each pair. 4. I..eaw 9o lth option to buy 121 Cedi Pl., $12,000. NEWPORT ISLAND SPECIAL Ideal bfoach h •m,..___1 bfo<lr . channel rront. sea wall. pi~ and float harbe<'ue and pat1o. Furn. Ptl~ $22.500. terms I~ Channel Don't miss this one' NE'\.\'1'( •RT HEIGHTS SPECIALS 1 405 HolmwOf•fl-:'\t>ar Ho!>pltal. Hf"llpot. and trans· portatlon 3 twdrm . 3 car garare. 1 ~ bath-~autl · ful blrt·h l'llblnPt woodwork Land8<'al>f'd, encl. patio OPE~ II Ot SE ~t and Sun. l S p.m Te-rna. $2-1,500 ~F.WPORT SPEC'lALS 68(};) 5<-ashnrp Dr ~ f'!ll ~rwport. 2· bfodrs lr d~n . . fir<' PI I 1111 from UC't'an. A ·I cond $11.500. terms. 2 3 twrlr hl'il• h hou~ 31 4 35th St .. room to build, Prl<'t> ~ ~--~ Tf'Tm' & Acre Ra1cll COSTA MESA AREA. $..11 :-.cn- Ea.sy te-rms DAN A JACOBSEN. Rt-all or HA-r. 5691 or Ubforty 8 6317 • l oo Lttte to (;ta.dy COM HlGR SCHOOL Jirl need~ d;uly ride to ~ach Santa Ana by 8 a m or di~y to Ana- h~lm Alto ~m aJt~ 3:l0 p m HA 0359 M, ~va; JQ 2·6241. u 286 dayll. ------------------------------n. ..... II I Sale Ia Via Multiple Listing GOOD VALUE \\-'HEN YOU BUY WHEN YOU SELL See your rt-altor today for the finest personal MI'Vtce. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Nt!'W'J)OI't Blvd.-l'fewport Beaeh .. Juat-bnpartcmJ -WIIEBEyoa......_ \ . CASH BATES FOB ENIIGJ'f WA!ff ADS 1 "nme 2 Times 3 Times 20 w()J'ds or less .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion &AAAAAAAA6AA~AA&A4AAAAAA. I'Oa SALE aBAL ESTATE & aDTAU CHJUS1'MAS TREATS-A new CDM NEARLY NEW untumlahed Hammond Chord Orran lot the d u p 1 ex , 2· bedrooms, hdw. whole family. Everyone Mom. floors. f.a . beat, private patio, Dad, Brother, Sister can play rarace. $.105 month. Ba 168C-R. It, tt's so easy. U you can ring FURNISHED APT.. 1 bedroom. a doorbell you can play the fireplace. Call Ha 1517 unW Hammond Chord Organ. $29 a 5 p.m., Ha 5.')43. w ~enlnra. months pays for it. We deliver YOU CAN'T GO WRONG paylnr for Chrlstmaa. Danz·Scbmldt, just $15 week for a modern 520 N. Main. Santa Ana.. kJtcbenette apt. at Ocean Front '55 CAD. Coupe d'VWe, lull pow· Hotel Extra bonus: TV, phone, er t!'QUipt., electronic eye, alr. maid service. Sbopplnc dlstrlct cond. Pvt. party. Ph. BA 924. close by. HA 609L CHRISTMAS TREATS. Hammond cozy CHARMING 2-bedr. fum. Orran used, one only, beauU· happy bouse. 513 Poinsettia, ful Ha mmond Spinet, glorious CDM. or write 6625 Ampere, for the home, perfect condition North Hollywood. SU 1·1'-19. ltke new, renerous saving on FREE-Hi Desert VIew Home-this one. A.lao one only fine fine Hammond Chord Orran. site. Martell Building, Yucca That Is all. Such buys are al· Valley. most Impossible to tlnd. Danz-FURNISHED or unfurnished, 2· Schmidt Plano and Orrane Co., bedroom house with laundry, 520 N. Main St., Santa Ana. on yearly lease. 417~ Hello- MUST SELL Plymouth '50 Bus. ~tro~pe~, ="Co:-=:ro:;;n;;;a;-;--d_e-:-:1 :-:M-=:ar:-::.-:.---::=7" COupe. one owner, $250. Royal $5 PER MONTH rents good prac· Portable typewriter, good con-Uce plano. Enjoy your Christ· dltloo. $15. Record Player, 15 mas with music. Good practice albums classical music, ma-pianos as low as $97, $125, up. hogany stand, $35. Portable All ln excellent condItIon . radio, $7.50. Witt, Ha 1114. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano and SPINETS. SPINETS, several rreat Organ Co., 520 N. Main St.. rental returns Hke new, 80me IlEAL ESTATE roa SALE Salem Maple, Blond Oak, OWNER ANXIOUS to sell 3-bed· French Provincial. Save $90 to $185. Terms just like rent on room. 2-bath home with turn· balance. Danz-Schmldt, 520 N. !shed rental apartment up- Main, Santa Ana. stairs. 720 Narcissus, CDM, suB-:-ZERO 24-foot deep freeze, HA 2506·M. ilke new. 701 ~ Heliotrope, FOR SALE by owner : CDM home CDM. HA 4.237-M. and income, lovely ranch style CHRISTMAS TREATS. $465 buys duplex on lot and half, ocean side bwy., finest const., heavy lovely Baby Grand. Easy terms. shake root. 2-bdm. each, fore~ Another $495. Many others: Knabe, s t e 1 n w a y , Kimball. air heat. hdw. floors, separate Monarch-Baldwin, Starr, Mason patios. HA l684·R. A Hamlin, Wurlltzer, 100 pi· CORNER LOT=-. 3r=-:d:-a_n_d:--:-:N:-ar-clss-:--u-a, anos always.. DANZ-SCHMJDT CDM. for sale by owner: ask· Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 lng $5.950. Call NOrmandy N. Main St., Santa Ana. 5-6578. L.A. ENGLISH RACING BIKE=-=. R::-a..,-le...,..ig-:-h B.EAL ESTATE WMTED Clubman, with lights. excel· TRADE '55 Lone Star 40' Trailer lent condition. $50. Ha 3491-M as down payment on Income after 6:30 p.m . Sl • • K tt Sh ~' UR G-R E-~A...!:,.T,:..,E=-=s-=T=-c=H=RI=STM=-=-AS~ property. t n n op, TREATS -Stelnway Grand. 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. agnlflcent con d I tlon. Thls WAJITED nderful plano almost ll.k~ =ro=--=BUY=::--:b-o-m_o_wn_e_r __ ---::tw-0-or new, can be bought on 3 yeats three bedroom house, south o1 time. Knabe Spinet. ebony fin· highway. Submit cash price Ish. used very little, save over and other Information. c/o Bo~ $300. Dozens of other little 145, CDM. spinets. Many can positively ------------not be told from new. Some HELP WAMTED only $395 Da nz-Schmldt Big Plano a nd Orian Store. 520 N. M~tin, Santa Ana . 100 Pianos FOR SALE by pvt. party: 1952 M.G. Perfect cond .. fibre glass top, exclL tires, $980. See any day after 4 :30 p.m .. 1310 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven. LI 8-7074. CHRISTMAS TREATS. The great· est of all-A HAMMOND OR· CAN. We have all models Hammonds for Santa Claus to choose from: The beautiful HOME MODEL. the lovely lit- tle SPINET MODEL. and the ever popular CHURCH MODEL. all have 2 manual keyboards and foot-pedals: as little as $40 a month will make the pa y me n t s . We deliver tor Christmas Danz-Schmldt. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. Calif. SURE FIRE For Your "Old Flame" Ronson Lighters It Shavers. Also, Sunbeam, Schick and Remington Items ... perfect fo1 Christmas gifts. Use our Lay-Away. RAY FIELDS . .Jeweler 19th & Placentia "In Vista Shopping Center." Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-8488 Our CHRISTMAS TREAT. Elec· tronlc Organ. well known make, save $4$). Danz-Schmidt. Famous Plano It Organe Store, 520 N. Main, SaDta Ana. ----C.rlabnu Di111r Girls- EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, hlgher starting wage and frequent Increases gives you this opportunity. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERA TORS We will train you and you'll receive many other benefits. -Apply- 514* No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD CARE, day or evenings. Mabel Appel, 617 ~ Carnation, CDM. HA 2825-R. RELIABLE CHILD CARE. Day or evenings. Ha 2925-W. MATIJRE WOMAN wishes baby sitting and care of sick. knit- ting or crocheting. Day or night. HA 3192-M. REUABLE. experienced garden· er. .Japanese-American, wants work. HYatt 4-5471. CDM man would like rardenlng, clean-up, etc. Call KI 3·2U2, Mel Upshall. WANTED:..;:: ..:.:::I'Fro:::n.:...,ln,--g-=-ln_m_y__,.h_o_m-e. . Mabel Whitman, 6(f'{ Marrue- rtte, COM. HA 4279-1. ICJ.SCELLAJfEOVS CUSTOM CABINET WORK done on prembes, no job too amall. Phone lti 3-3348. FULLER BBUSH MAN may be contacted through Box 73, Newport Beacb,. ar II 3-2100. MJICEI I U E0171 LOOit AT THIS AD E A J1 N • 8 · • 1 4 D A I LY Women ot all aces ctespe. ately needed at once. Earn wblle )'ou learn Practk:al Ku:rslnc. RJgh eeboo1 eduea· tlon not needed. Call Lam· l*t 5· '7521. or write ''Career In lfuntnl," Dept. U.. 401.8 W. Commonwealth. J\aller. toe. CalJt. ,.,..,...,.~ IUtJC& na E8'J'DUTIS 16.8 OrWn StaiDfe ...... Oel"-7 OOJOfA OIL MAa JrolllbT IU ~ I'*&. CDiit ~. Bicycle Tags. Dog Licenses Now Available Bicycle tqJI an4 doa UceN~et for Ul56 wtll be available at the Newport Bea~h pollee depart- ment starttne today (Thunday), PoUee Capt. Harry Lace an- nounce.. In the put doc license tees have become due and payable by ordinance on a flacal year basis. on .June 30. AA of .Jan. 1. 1956, they wtll be collected on a calffidar year bul& License fees for does are $2 for males and spayed f~ales and $3 for unapayed females. For the convenience of young- atert whose parent. do not wish them travellnr all over town on their bikes. officers from the po- llee department will again sell ta,p at the various local schools. Sales wiU be made at the Corona del Mar School on Jan. 14 .. at the Horace Enalrn School on Jan. 21 and at the Newport School on .Jan. 28. Fee for blke tap Ia 50 cents. Boat Misses Harbor in F.og The 44 -foot cabin crul.ser, Sea Toy, was escorted Into Newport Harbor by the U.S. Coast Guard In heavy fog early Sunday morn- Inc. The boat, skippered by C. R. Wolvern of Garden Grove, was enroute from Long Beach to Newport Beach and missed the harbor entrance In the heavy fog Saturday afternoon. The Coast Guard boat went out at 3:30 p.m. Saturday and started a search which ended at 4:25 a m. Sunday. The Sea Toy was found anchored oft the La· guna Hotel with four persons aboard. W AJI.DS IIOVE TO KEW BOllE The George Wards have moved from their Lido Center home at 3408 Via Oporto to their newly built home on ZT08 ClW Dr., Newport Helrbt.. SEa'VICES HITTERS Welcome to rny new sho~. Just received Bear Brands new Ever-Match yarns. In- structions for the popular qulck·knlt TV sUppers. SIT 'I' lilT SHOP 313 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa ...... )lc ... FOR RENT 8-MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors F A.ST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies Meara Ca•ra Sllo11 17tc2 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 6 -7042 COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 (Evenlnrs. week-ends> EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS SOO 31st Street. Newport Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Urt'n.sed Contractor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa u bert,y 8-8628 L! berty 8-6632 DECEMBER SPECIAL Any 5 tube home radio re· paired for $3.50 including parts and labor. Any car radio (out ot the carl repa lred for $5.25 in· c I u d I n g parts and labor. White's T.V. Service. LI 8-5150. REPAIR AND MaIntenan c e . painting, carpenter etc. Just anythlnr. Reasonable. Satf.s.. taction euaranteed. HA 0126-J. Sli11 I Roftoal ............ American Leafon 215 15th St. MM'llnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. PE.SOKAL TilDE II,_ U WITDII aa.oou. ..... (Umlted 0&1) OK A NEW ''HAJOL'ION" It means tM> mueh maN to let ot ,tw a "'Hamilton.• ................ 1121 & Cout Jlw7. ~ OOIIOI(A W ~ Fire C!hief GiVes ripS For Christmas $dfeft -· .. bql., ... J&JL '· k _ • annoUneec:t thll week by Jame. Ohltf a. 1. art.coe of tb• N..,. poetdOe aw.y from any eouree T. van Dyke, bank ~dent. 1be port Beedl rtre Dept. hu taued ol. Mat ud Where It wtll not new rate wtll anlY to Mvlnp the toUowtq aua-tiont tor obltnad 8taln ot ult ways. aeounta o1. aJ'I1 .._ be .. sd. Cb:rt..tm.u aat.ey: ar.c& ot wtt. the tree eeeurely 'ftle pnera1 f'lrm.l.q at Inter· DON'T L&T J'IRE MAll YOUR In poeltlon. est rata tbloucbout the eountry CJJJUS1'NAS! Pollow tbe tull•· 6. u .. on1:Y Cb.rlltmu tree dunn1 the put year, plus the tiona below an4 have a sate and electrtal wlrln1 and fixtures abWty ot the bank to keep .. v. happy Cbrl.ltmaa. ..,,eb bear the "UL" label of ap-lnp tundl mON tully employed, 1. 1be practice of maklnl coa-~al ot the Underwriter~ Lab· were ,tven u reuon.t for tbe In· tw:nea for ehlJdren of hlfhly oratory. Damaged aock«a or creue. fl~mable crepe paper or other frayed wtrln6 should be dJaea.rd· ~iiiiiilitiiiiii5iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil dan,rerou.s flammable materlu ed and candlea or open Dame should be dlacontlnued entirely. llhould never be WJed to llrbt a 2. care In purchutne toys for Cb.rlltmaa tree. Electric tree children ahould be exercUied. We Ucht. should be turned out when have received reports of eome lm· Ntlrlne and whenever tbe tree ported toys made from a nitro Ia unattended.. cellulose pJutJc that lcnJte very 7. U~e only non-cmnbutJble or easUy and burn lntenaely. They flame-proofed decorations. Never are extremely dangerous, partie· use untreated cotton. papw, or ularly to small children. other flammable decorations. 3. In select:lnr a Chrlstmu 8. Provtde auJtable contaJnera tree, check caretullr to determine for dlacarded wrapptnp and re· that It hu been ft~shly cut and move them from the bouse u Is not dry and hazardoua. Twtp aoon u gllb are unwrapped . and branches should bend with· 9. There Is an lncrH.alnr pub- out breakJnr and needles should lie demand for Christmas trees not tal) when the branches are Docked with a rayon Ooeklnc shaken. Flame-retardant Chrlst· and unless the fiocldng and the ma.s trees are available In moat adhesive both are ol a non-flam· areas of the state and they pro-mable material. the Cbrtatmu vide Increased safety. tree fire hazard Is very material· 4. Christmas trees should be ly Increased. Flocking ahould be •vE I Rll F. 011111'1111 *** * I Let'• Fly The Flag In E'Yery Home! * RMm lnehldes a 5x3• flat wtth 6' jointed pole and bou.se bracket. Special Price _ $2..50 eau•...-t ......_ ,_. 211 ••• ...._ m .. c:o.t. ......... us ... Libecty 1-1501 •11A -1·1 •11PJiter c:a.ars.. a1gp. .,, ••ta •c. Conaa delMar * LAaOU n.AQI ALSO AVA.D..Aaa n' l nc:IAL OmD * kept out of doon In a cool, shady applied only to trees which have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ place, standing In a container ot been previously treated with an :;. water until It Ls ready for place-approved name-retardant chem· ment Indoors. leal. 5. In mounting the trees In· 10. The tree should be discard-CUSTOM CURTAIN SCREENS doors, make a ftesh cut on a 45 ed befOI'e dJDng causes needles degree anrle at the base of the to tall when branches are ahak· tree and stand the tree In water en. Dry trees are a serious fire or wet sand. Set the tree In a menace to the home. White Elephant Exchange Is Highlight of Party A whlte elephant gllt uchange was the blgbllght of the Chrlat· mas party £1ven by the Kappa Gamma Alumnae Aaoclatlon of Southern Orange County on Thursday, Dee. 8. The luncheon wa.s held at the home of Mrs. George Bailey, 613 Catalina, La· gun a Beach, w1th Mrs. Burr Bu · man, Mrs. Gaines Hon and Miss Anna Benjamin serving u host· esses. Fog Causes 2 Accidents For wa.s blamed tor two ve- hlele acldenu which resulted in a traffic signal llrht standard being sheared oft at the base and a parkJni meter being brok· en ott early Sunday morning. Each member brought a gift which one personally did not want. but which others were likely to covet. Trading back and forth was aplrtted, wtth gifts ranging from a aUver coflee pet and a sliver tray to a black ele- phant, and most appropriate of all, a tiny white elephant. Those attending were Mmes. Bailey, Carl F. Bah.er, Marshall Beach, .J. Thomu Swanson and Walter R. Smith of Laguna Beach; Mrs. G. C. Rasmussen and Miss Benjamin of San Clemente; Mmes. G. A. Yablonsky and Wal- ter G. Hatch of Q,sta Mesa; Mines. Robert Straltltt, M&r)' Lou Tonnaen and F. Paul Dlcltenon ot lf.wport BMdl; lin. LacliM Gallacher of Balboa: Mn. Geora-e Barnett of Santa Ana; Mmes. Stroller White, Burr Buman and Robert Black:mar of Balboa Is- land; Mmea. R. P. Mon111. W. B. Dickinson, Dick Drake, James B. Stoddard and Miss Mattie B. Lacy and Miss Ruth B. Maxwell of Corona del Mar. .vuE LOST 0 8 STOLER FLUSH-MOUNTED CORNEl UNUSUAL TYPES lOWED FRONTS ''U'' SHAPES QICULAI CURTAINS IRREGULAR SHAPES SliAJGHT SCUENS '25 · .Jane R. Hill, 25, of 414 Belvue Lane, Balboa, suffered a alight cut to the toe of her left toot when a car In which she was riding knocked out the signal light on Coast Rwy. and Mar- guerite Ave., Corona del Mar, at 3:21 a.m., Newport pollee report- ed. She wa.s rldlnr In a car driv- en by .James M1Uer, 22, El Toro, which hit the signal. A car driven by Richard W. Wlnn, 20. ot San Diego, broke oft a parking meter on Newport Blvd. 55 feet north of 26th St., Newport Beach, at 3:20 a.m. Mr. Wlnn's car tailed to make the curve at Newport Blvd. and 26th St .. crossed the center line, went over the curb ahd hit the metPr, Her purse containing about S20. Identification papers and a license wu lost or stolen from her car somewhere In Newport Beach or Costa Mesa, Mrs. Ruth K. Davia of 4908 Seashore Dr., Newport Beach, notified Newport polJce Dec. 6. 2204 S. Main St., Santa Ana Kl. 5-2789 pollee said. Gifts Stolen at Orange Inn Thieves broke Into the Orange Inn. on Cout Hwy. near Emerald Bay, Saturday ~en!ng and stole $150 to $200 worth of fruit. and candles, ready for Christmas malllnc. owner Leo Croa of Co· rona del Mar reported. Santa Suggests I Wlltlerfll c•r~a~~~u 1111- A Subscription To The Newport Harbor Ensign ' He said then. will be no de- lay tn shlpplnc Cbrlatmaa gttt orders. because they have been a ble to re·order by means of hur· rted telegrams and phone calla and special delivery maU. ·-·--------------------··---·-· AUTO TIDJ'T CIIUQE.D TO LA IIUA aDI.DDIT RQt S. Ma.ntby. 18, of La Mesa, unemployed, wu &neSted on a tnftd theft auto cb.up by New- port pollee Jut Thurecky. He wu taken Into cultody In San Clemente by pollee In that town Whlle dtiYine the car at Mentll W. llfJ78' of XIS Santa Ana Ave., Colt& If-. lit. Meyer uld hlt car .,... ltolen ftaiD In front ell 2101 W. Cout B.,-,. R...-port -..cia. ONE YEAR ----=------ODiy 3.00 Outalde of llarbcw ANa uo I'I.&AI& IUD 'I'D DIIGII • • Gin' 1'01 Ncone -------------------~-------------------------~ Mailing Address------------------ City and State ____ ....._.. .......... ...._ ________ _ • . ,, ' ' , • The annual Cb.rl.stmaa lb.OW' atv~n by the Corona del Mar ltfercban" a'bd the Port Th~atre on Chrlat:mu ~~ wUJ be held thia ~ u a· eontinuous ahow from 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3&. AdmlsaJon to the allow Ia tree with tJck.ta obtainable tbla week from the apoMOrlng merehant.a. Feature attractJon will be "An· napolla Story'' wftb John Detek and Diana Lynn. · The following merdlanta wUJ have tickets for the ahow: Vln· cent'• Harbor Drup. Anthony's, Newport Harbor Bank. Dennie's, Cout SuP!! Market, Marya Bowte ot Maple, Crown Ra.rd· ware, Corona del Mar Nursery, Jordan'• Pet Shop, Bl'andt's, Roy Ball'a Shell SerVIce, Ml• MuUett Sboppe, Merle's Drive-In, Whlt· man's Garap. Doul's Dog House, JohnnJe's IJquon, La Cantina, Tarter• ltadto lr TV, All Amerl· can. Can.noft's, Boy's Barbershop, FaJrdilld's Men's Shop and tli~ Newport Harbor .En.tgn. ......... EYES "'••••• fiMI" ...... 5!1 ............................ , ... ...... _ .. ....., ............ :-.... ...., .... _ ......... ,.. ... . D.DIEJn'Aft TEN"'PKPS GIVE N77 TO CIID'I' John Dean, fourth grad~ teach· er at Newport School and treas· urer of the Newport Beach Ele· mentary Faculty Club. turned over to the Community Chest a check for $tTl u a contribution from the ~ementary .chool teachers. Many teacben, In addl· tion to the contribution to the aaocJatfon donation, abo &ave to the Community Chest b~· to-house canvass. Cherry .Pie Contest Is Won By Harbor High Student Evyonne Wa.rneka of C oat a Mesa, a junior In Newport Har· bor High School, Is the champion cherry pie baker of the Harbor area. Laguna Beach and Bunt· lngton Beach. She will represent this area in January in Los Angeles in a state-wide bakJrta con~ to be held at the General Electric: Co. Los An&eles test kitchen. The state winner wiU represent Cali· fomia at the national contest ln Chicago on Feb. 21. being spon· aored by the National Red Cbt-r· ry Institute, Chlcaeo. fll. Miss Wamdua ls a .student In classes of Mrs. Hazel Owens. head of the hom~ making de- partment at Newport H a r b o r High School. Charles D. Shedenhtim. dis- trict manager of Southern Call· fom ia Edison Co .. says that the contest Is under th~ supervt,slon ot Mrs. Dorothy Paulson. Edison Company home economist. Con· testants must be unmarried and between the ages of 14 and 21, and a member of a local school or youth group. Each .chool or group is limited to one entry. The locaJ contest was held Fri- day at Newport Harbor Hlrh School. .PartJdpatlng were con· testant.s from Laguna Beach Union High School, Evefttt A. Rea School In Costa Mesa. and Newport Harbor High School. Mayor Dora Hill of Newport Beach. Marian Prentiss. Orange County home advisor, AgrlcuJ. turaJ Extension Service of Cali- fornia. and Pauline Ellker, d l· rector of home economJcs of the Southern California Edl&on Com · I pany, were jud&es. I A ruby and diamond ring val- used at $1.000 was stolen from her office. Dr. Elizabeth Hutch!· son of 3732 E. Coast Hwy ~ Coro· na del Mar. notlfied Newport po- llee at 1:30 p.m. Mond~. The ring wu deteribed u bavlne about 12 rubles 1n a U shape wtth a llne of approximately five I smalJ bagette dlamon~ running! througb th~ U on a heavy yel· low eold band. The rtne was stol· en so~ ~ 9 and 11 a.m. Saturday, Dr. Hutchison told police. • of Dimes ' VAN'S CLEANERS ")Oy..,.· ';•fe• ,. ........ ~ a ...... Cowfl .... ,, • WE F&.\lUU C.Nful ....,...., fll AI CW.... Fe1.ria, ...... ' Leot w••• .. OlY Cl~l,.._LAUNOIY ~ ICE-KNIT kOCK~ -HANG 'lESSIN6-DYEIN&-ALTHA. TIONS-UPAIIlN6. "'-H.tOcw IJS2 r~c• u~ a~ s-;. 0,... I •-to I:JO ,..---s.ivr4ey, t e.111. to 2:JO ..,__ )42. £. eo..t Hwy.: C.... .W .._. • .. , SWills Fer Y-c 1111 1111! CANDY CANES e ICE CREAMS • HARD CANDIES STOCKINGS DOT & BOB CIIIIES JIO llarille A..._ k1boa lalaad a .. e We Gift Wrap and Mail b You Tlllll T1nnla Ill ··---···-·: .... -~­v• F••••' ._ ·---·-----··-···-v••••••••,._ •••• p ..... I WHAT TO BUY ••• WHERE TO FIND IT * IEAVTT SBOPS B VIsta Beauty Coral, C.M. Coral Beauty Salon, C.D.M. Elite Beauty Shop, B.l. Ellen's Beauty Shop, Newport Marine Beauty Salon. B.I. * JOOJtS Book Shop of the laland Hyden's. Balboa Island Marriner's, Laguna Beach * CAMELU a84 su•PUES Harbor Photo Lab, C.D.M. Mears Camera Shop, C.M. * CAJfi)T Corona del Mar Pharmacy Dot It Bob, Balboa Island VIncent's, CDM It Newport * CLEAJIJKC, LAUKDIIT Ba1 Isle Laundromat Van's Cleaners, Corona del Mar Sanitary Laundry, Dry Cleanlne * CEBAMIC CIP'TS Kay Finch Ceramics, C.D.M. * COSIIETICS & TOIL.ETBIES Corona del Mar Pharmacy VIJ}cent's, C.D.M. It Newport * DAJfCE STUDIOS Arthur Murray. Corona del Mar Fanya's. Corona del Mar * CBJLI)Il.EJMI WEAJl Brandt's, Corona del Mar Brat Shop, Costa Mesa Bay of Balboa Beachcomber Shop, Newport Irene's. Lacuna Beach Jerl's Pride 'n' Joy, CM Retnert'a. eo.ta Mesa SeJ~na's. Corona del Mar Top Drawer, Balboa Island Karen Margreta Imports, C.D.M. Tops 'n Bottoms. Costa Mesa Lindon's Gl..tts. Santa Ana Penney's. Laguna Beach Oriental Traders, Laguna * _....,.. •• CAJIDS Richard's Udo Market ..,__._._ sea Comber. Balboa laland Brookinga. Corona del Mar Thorpe's, Newport Beach Corona del Mar Ph armacy * •••r.w••r BOUSEw•• .. • Hyden's. Balboa Island ..-ftAAI .......,.. Mantner's, Laguna Beach Boyd's Hardware, Newport VIncent's, CDM A Newport Crown Hardware, Corona del Mar Yerington's, CDM Island Hardware, Balboa Isla nd Kerm Rima Hardware, C. Mesa * P AB&ICS Floyd Lee, Santa Ana Fun 'n' Fabrics, C.M. Stroot's Hardware, Costa Mesa * FLOWERS * BATS Hartleln Flowers. Corona del Mar E1 Marie Hats, Santa Ana Morr1. Balboa and Costa Mesa CCESSo•-• Norman's Flower Shop, C.D.M. * BOUSEWUE.S, A .......,. * POODS Floyd Lee, San~ Ana Butcher Boy, Corona del Mar * JEWELilT Harbor Health Fpods, Newport Calderhead Jeweler, C.D.M. Rlcl)ard's Udo Market Lorenz Jewelers, Santa Ana Coast Super Market. C.D.M. Ray Fields. VIsta Sbopplne Cen'r * POOD CIFT •ACD Johnson Jeweler, Balboa l.aJand Orange Inn, Laguna Beach Spauldlnrs. Balboa laland Welsh's. Laguna Beach WU.son's lewelry, Balboa Western Canners, Newport * LIQUOD * PUliJfiTVJlE Island Liquors. Balboa Island Arcade Maple Shop, Santa Ana * MU'S Gild .OTS' WE.Ail Bay of Balboa Baker's., C.D.M. and Laguna Brandt's. Corona del Mar Danlger s. Costa Mesa Lansdowne's. Balboa Island Islander's, C.D.M. and B.I. The Man, Costa Mesa Laguna Awnlne A Maple Shop Penney's. Laguna Beach Martin A Von Hemert, Laguna Reinert's. Costa Mesa Mary's House of Maple, C.D..M. Sawyer's. Balboa laland * PV1IS * IODOD Santa Ana Fur Co. Mona Talbot. Corona del Mar * CIFTS * IIVIIC.. UcoaDI Blrd'a Studio Shop, Laguna H ..._ Ht -N-Collector'l Item, Laguna argu!l" .... ., .., __ .. Estelle's Pride It Joy, B.I. * 1'LA.-rL SDUII Corona del Mar Nurwry Holiday S~cial At ROY BALL SHELL Norman's', Cc>rona del Mar * •ETS AJfD SV.P'LIEI Jordana, Corona del Mar * .ICT'tJU PllAKIKC Keith"s. Newport Beach Cracker Banel, B. L EIPERT SHELL LUBRICAnH with the pun:baM ot 10 CaL ol Call. Ctln11lele li11 of ••••tries fer c....... lifts. btl Sllell PrltiiCis Rental Trailers btl Dollies GOODfiEAR Brings You the le .. st Tire News of the Year I -The new .•• * IOBnAJTI Harbor Photo Lab, C.D.M. Kayette Studio, Corona del Mar * a.EDUCDfC SALOK Stauffer's, "Corona del Mar * U!S,TAUllA.KTS Cottage Waffle Shop, B. I. Hurley Bell, Corona del Mar Katy'a Corner, B"alboa Island * STATJOKEJIT su•ft.IES • Brookin~ Corona del Mar Corona del Mar Pharmacy Marriner's. Laguna Beach Vincent's, CDM lr Newport * SBOES Brandt's, Corona del Mar Circus Bootery, Costa Mesa Rule's, Lido Center Reinert's. Costa Mesa * SEIIVICE STATJOK Ball's Shell Service, CDM Cramer's Union 011, Balboa Island Elllott's Union Service, N.B. Myer's Union Service, CDM * SPOIITIKC COODS Balboa Island Sporting Goods Rod A Reel, Balboa Island *TOTS Corona del Mar Pharmacy Mary A David's. Corona del Mar Toy Shop, Balboa Isl an d VIncent's. C.D.M. A Newport Yertneton's c.D.M.. * n AJID umo Davls-Brown, eo.ta Mesa Ktrkpatrtck's 'IV. Corona del ,.Mar Reliance Appllance, S.A. 80S Radlo·'IV, Balboa b land * V AmKT'l AJfD 8TA1'10.uT S•,.r·C•slale._ Brooldnp, C.D.M. Yertqton'a Variety, C.D.K. Balboa Island Vartet;y * WOIIDI'I .u.ua. Bay ol Balboa ....... ••••-r,.._ ........ ..., ... prs-.WialttiJdl • .u. .... Your Old nr.. Ar. Your Down PatweDII ~Paya.low• '11.25 weekly b a PAll! .._...,.. ..... a •• .,...,...~-~oa.DM ,, Beach 6 l!ltvcL.t.. Lacuna Beads Beacbeombe'r :'.'Wlop. Newport ' Jraa'1, torona del Mar Braiat's. Corona del Mar EU81M'.1~ Mesa LlcfO Pa~ na, Newport Martl7n'a. ec.ta Mea O'Brien'S. Corona del )(~ PaJW7'1, Lquu 8eladl -.....r .. Colta~ ...,.. • ., oarona ... ..., :.-~~~ 4elllar Town "D 8la(, lA,... ..... La ....... Jf.wport .~,DaDDY .. llardW, Corona c1e1 Mar Dick ......., .. Uclo Cent8 *YADI bit liMp, a.Jboa lalucl K....._..lb Yara lllap, c.D.II. Civic League Meets Tues. WWtoc.ll 'I'M ant auual Clu1lltiDu 'nW -....rt Aldtfbelcll .,. PMb' oC tbe ..... of tbe lan laaiDe ,_ tiMtr trl.p ... aM ~ wW ... beld o.c. .... laaw ..... INiia ... ~ the boiDe oC Mr. and Mn. PhD boiDe tD • ln. Aft., Corona aara. at 10181 1anta Ana Aw., cW Mar. fte ArdUbaldll .,. ~ ... Otrmany wW be eo.ta :u.a. lanDer c.oaa del Mar ..... cleats. d dl4 '-1 D1n7 Hop. C.· IMD eacta.qe -.dent now ...,.._ at !f.-part Rarbot JIICia ICitoot at the Cltttlltm.u ....... fll tM WOIIWl'l Clvie lAque ~. 1ft. lo Ann Hapa wW ,......t QLrt,ltmu mUIIIe oa b• llarp u a musical part of the f..Uw p101ram. A butret luatheon wlU follow the liiOnlt,_. meettna to be held at the Y11la Kartna. Mmes. Lee Bam-.,Jack Curnow, l . a. Lone· ley, Fereua McKay a nd Elliott Mon1a wt11 be boet' n f« the clay ancl m•mben of the execu· Uw boarcl wtU ..-.e Ch.rtMmu ~ at tbe party. D1 n 1 dl taWIIIU CANDLES 200/o b"' Ori9IM1 ou hlatiap 8yLat rr.,.._ I'IIOIIa.a Unu.ual That SbowYou • Thought Belore You Bought a-v.Uou lboulcl be made by Saturday With lin. E. c. Smltb, Bat--.; Mrs. Ray Hcwt.. Harbor Nll·J, aad M.n.. llelwoocl Jlerr1, Ubert7 8-8302. Ill LACVIIA AYDIOL LAQVIIA IIL\CII We Carry Manning'• Choice Baby Beef Exd~ly! ' MANNJNG'S Swiss Steak MANNJNG'S Lean Beef Stew MANNDJG'S Ground Bound Bacon HORMEL'S . FIRST GRADE Corn lleef BEEF ROAST SUGAR-CUBED MANNING'S BONElESS 49L ···------------~--------------~--------------· CII.U& 4 UR.oD-1 lb. C.. COFFEE 69L 49,.. • IDIAPT~lll/l -. Celie ftl. 45¢ Marshmallows 25¢ ···-·-······----·---···--···Qt. ..u. ----------------~--------~------------~· 4 IC01T WAIIICC>Qec. Clalp hoaa Toilet Tissue 1000 lbMt lloll 10¢ COOKIES --·-·-·--3~ --~-~--------~------------------------~ AnLE TillE ~ .. c.. Applesauce --·-···-10¢ Pineapple Juice 19C ----------------------------------------~ '•• Baked Beans ~ ~ (ifSup ·-·--·-·-··u-- 4 4 QOI.DD ITA'I'&-Ih ,.__ aa-s BIG DIP 59~ ~ !l\i75 6i/(J'A"!!C ' • . • ., , 1 , - -·---· COBOifA DEL MAJL CALIJ'. Young GOP Hears UHi Meeting Date Changed A report on the accompllab· menta ol the ElMnhowe-admln· latratlon wu l'lven by Conpeu· man lames B. Utt at Ute monthly meetinl' ot the PranJ'e County YOUlll' Republican Club lut Thunday evenlnl' in the New· port a.eb City Hall. The elub voted to cbanp the meetinl' date to t£'• third 1bun· A fire cauled $200 damap aboard the 49-foot cabin cruls«, Lady Ludt, moored at Swales Anchoraee. Newport Beach, at 6:06 p.m. last Saturday, the New· port Beach fire department re· ported. The boat 1a owned by Norman J. Winsor and R. W. Castleman of Glendale. The fire started when 1 a a o II n e was apUled on a hot exhaust manl· fold. The fire was out when fire· men arrived. ,. .. "-...~~--... li~ll!--------------~-.t .. · · f Announcing The Opening OF JERI'S Pride ~. Jog Soya' Jacbta ----15% ol E...r1D Baby Bottle. a.g •• ....-._ _____ lSc: e SPECIAL e 1r B.g.lib ."· " .... Now S 11.95 FOI'..._. cmdDclca-.1 TBUIIIDAY, D&CDIIID IS. 1155 Pres. Wilson•s Aunt Mary Is Dead at 93 Be a Doll. • ~~ ' • . Santa Give Her a Gift of Grifter or Glamour • SeleCt the perfect gift for the lady in yow-life . . . dreamy d:reea es. gowns. lounge wear. furs by lea:iing designers ... Jewelry and aa."'eD:lries that glitter cmd gleam. I a.,, •. '-~~ e ~a.aa ., ... ,. ... ...,. .............. .. .. ftb rt ................ .. .... -....,f''i'i ...... _ '-•p 1 I $1. 1111 1111111 ............................... rtbL dal~tlll 4adr.. tM VW. ... ._ Ia -. of OniDge Couaty'e li.8ellt ....... ...... ....... .... .... ... to 400. Located at tile..._. t. ....._ lea-d. VDCS. ..... ......aaJp • tllle Cllqae Ia ,........ SOUTH SEAS CAFE ,_ ....... CIIM:IrWl ...... no. ...... aiPUy ...... tnce.e .. tiM •ulc .c t1ae Cr•• ......, Decc. ~ ....._ -..y .. 9M to fi'OJa Rewpcllrt ........ Ancl-cbtft .. ...._ ...._ tva dgtat 011to IIIPWGY 101, U.. tva diiM-.................... of • au. ~ ... 101ft V. L IIWY. 101 --AJfAK£TM UIBIOR 5-DM CAFE-••••• ,..._ ........ --= ......... Q' ILl •UIIIIIJIIIII'I .... -1111 Ia 01 K!_ e-ty, . 15. lacl1ldla9 aiM ..... W•· ..._.cb u IMt 11 m1t.fNalllla _..,..._ ........... ft"a ....... tltp ........ Ql$ .... ....._. ..t ......_ .._ .. a..tuet. Tel Lla .. JWV ....._ Obtm..,...__...._ 117 &. czn&a. AJIAIIKJM AICADIA, CALIFORNIA EASY TO REACH -EASY TO PARK 14 MILES FIOM DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES WORLD-WIDE WINTER IUCING OPENS HOLIDAY MONDAY, DEC. 26 · RUNS 55 DAYS THROUGH MAR 10 $20,000 PALOS VERDES 'CAP OPENING DAY First 'of 32 Stakes -$1 ,055,000 Added FOUR $100,000 RACING CLASSICS SANTA ANITA MATURITY-Jan. 28 SANTA ANITA HANDICAP-Feb. 25 • SANTA ANITA DERBY -March 3 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 'CAP -March 10 -To be run on Turf Course- WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY-HOLIDAY STAKES Two at \5~,000 13 at $25,000 ~en at $20,000 Six at $15,000 ONLY RACING ON GRASS IN WESTERN AMERICA. DISnNCTJVE TURF COURSE 1 3/4 MILES ON HIUSIDE AND IN_PIEI.D FIAYUIIIACIS stAir OPB-..o DAY Firat of Seven Stakes over Turf $25,000 S.n G.brief Handicap Holld.y Monday, Jan. 2 12,000 FREE GRANDSTAND SEATS Infield and Paddock Benches al10 available Umn.d number R...wd Seets on ..,. deify Ticbtt told at track one w.k In •ance (At Main Grandlt.nd Booth) Oatei Of•i111 a • ..:-Flnt lace 1·p.m. I COM Church Will Present Christmas Stoty Sunday Tile Or-*li1Mtr ClliiiNia ot CD-ln'-1-'li!tWt ol ICII'ne. flr'OIII IIGa dll .._ will r:r: tow tile tbe •• .._ WU1 be eDaetecl ID tldrd ,_, .. _.... ___ c::11rt-. Uvlq ......... wttb dMnl '**' ... ~ Iii ............. pound , ... ftw ebolrl ot tM Ia tM FIIIIZ I ot .. JlartMir ebWda.ldillat. ol the area .......... ,.... ...... ,.... ~ tbtlr ~ to make ....... .,. tlae peodUidaD • tru Cbrt8tmu .......... ....!!... * o.a .. ~ -----~--~----lift to .. 4DDIIU&nitJ. -U : T • h lln.=G.Homwlllbrinr .... -. ..... Pa~ on•g t =-:-.... :t:o~m!~ ~: ,.. .............. ~ fteiVUI .. ...._-... l11 I' I .... .,....., Dr! I ._.,.....,._.,,, .. ,_._._. ltir.._,,._.._._. For Auxiliary ~~~.,.,.PL-= ~::::s~!O:~ lrela. and Mn. Robert E. Flane· KeWport III&Dd W~'• Aux· ria .. ln charre of the technical DECO~n~ ~lV1CE ntary wm bold a OlrtJitlau party and tranu.tlc pll._.. of the pro· ........................... ~ CS8II ...... ...... Dn •• ~ ... ~ .. ~ ....... -· ....... .. tonflht (Tbundq) at the boJbe duetlon. Llb.rtv f.5511 ollln. Keith JUma at aeu Mar· Mra. ~· lMlle BtetfenJen, mJnl· qaa Ave., on tbe Jaland. Co·ho4rt· Iter ot mu*. wtll dtrect the na wtth J1ra. BJma wtll be Mn. choln and t. umted by K1a Richard Weber. Marearet L. Scharle, orcanltt. ....... 11ft. ..................... -...._ ..... .. tMIDkB• .............................. _ ..... .,. •• B11s~ ... Gar~Et u.ean·-.-....., .. ,, &, .. ...__ ....... ._ .. ...,. AN&hw .. IM•' 'a .. _...,M_.. 'tltla .. ltl ... ... ,,, ... .,a...~ ....... pwt .................. Orran mwde and colOted pic· and Mn. Walter s. Spicer, vlolln· turee of 111ex1m wW be the fea· Lit. lin. Harlan Hoyt beada the turect tu.rt.nr tbe proeram.. Mem· cut ara.Ln thla 1M'· portraytne ben ot the awdUary wW lll'tq )(ary, the IDIJt!Mr of the Cluilt fawrite redpN to be aebanpd Clatld. f\lmishin9s for homes, dubt, yechb. 3017 w. Coett Hltll-y N_,_t IMc.ll duriDa tile ~. Some ol the ....... liMit Jut 'lbunday to help make Cluilt· mu dec.ondon.J for the bttdp and the street .. &nl on the bland. A Judrtnc of the belt outdoor decoration. on Newport Island will be held next Wednett· day, Dec. 21. with Mia. Paul Pet, tenon and Mrs. Lestel' Sc:hwaeer on the Jud&fttc committee. Can 76 Tons Of Albacore A total of 1!50,000 eana of alba· core, equallln& 76 toM wu can· ned th1E Jut .euon fM sport fiabermen by Weltem Cannen Co. of Newport Beach, ownf!l' ~:=.::=:=~~~====~~===:::::::::::::::::::_Walter Longmoor hu an.· nouneed. Program ·at Christ Church To Present Living Pictures ---. -- --------· ---------- I au-...... Special PEIIIIIIEIT WilE ·-·-----···· .. ·-a• 2 wa ... cialy. • • wida dill ad L VIITIIEim •u Dancing Ev~ Sat. Nlte 0 ... 10I'ni.IC Mr. Loncmoor eald tht. wu four time. the paek of the pnv· lous year foe 1port fiabermen. 'nle ftnn this year canned a total of 200 ton. of albaeore eaufht by COIIUilerclal flsbermen. 'nle IJvtng p 1 c t u res, combining by sln.-ng the lOft& by Mal lotte cannf!I'Y t. now 1n a &ood .euon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii music and drama. wUI be pre· with cherub, junior, high ldlool of mackerel canning, Mr. Long· aented Sunday and Monday at and adult choln of the church moor said. 'nle com m e r c I a 1 c:htUt Church By the Sea, New· partlclpaUne. Mn. Betty Hagen mackerel flahlng .ta.rted ln Sep· port. The characters include Is the pianist and Mn. LaVerne tember and wUI continue unW Mary and Joeeph, the Babe-a Jacoba the orpnlst. bad weather nopa It about' the tlesh-and·blood baby-the wise· The technJdau who are mak· tint of the year, be added. men, the shepherds and the lng thJa production poulble are aAPTISN SD'IJCZ IRLD angel&. · Wllllam McDonald. llabta; .Alden Mn. Jean Xlmble ,j( Balboa Doeeburr. Jame. Taylor and Ar· The aervlce of Chrl.tian bap. wtll play the part of Anna In thur Rem.l~. ata&fng, Mrs. Ethel ttsm wu recently held In the the temple ecene, and WUdan Lowden, propertte.; lin. Walter Balboa Island Community Meth· Thomu wlll portray Simeon. Bliven and Mn. Wayne Carrol odlat Church for Ch.riltlne Loullle aln&fng a Jewish chant when he a.rtl.atk cl1rec:ton. Coltumett ~ McCune and LaUNJ'Ice Michael recelw. tbe baby Jesua tn the be1n de _ McCune, ebUdftn ot Mr. and temple pre.eontaUon. • ma v, ~ of the Kn. ...... u A. Mc:O•-. 110 Gar· Tbe Botmann painting wUl be eburch drcl-. Mt Ave .. Balboe bland. UIUII TIIYEL -- duplicated with Ma urice Sopp, Ross Owen, Jack Jones, Ralph Watson and Eugene Mahone'y enact.tnr the judges and Charles Remley as the young boy Jesus. Rev. Roy Carlson, minister of the church. will lmper80nate Christ blessing the children In another living picture. In the finale, Christ speaks to the people, teaching them the Lord's Prayer and the people respond Curtis Gift Pack Note Seeking Help Is Found "Help, In trouble, Zuma Bch., blr man sl on . come quJck," signed Professor Zlrclebauch. This note, found In a bottle, was turned Into the Balboa (Ire station at 12:31 p.m. Dec. 6th by Mra. VIvian Vallely of Vallely Boat Rentab, Balboa. Sbe bad picked the bottle up on the ocean beach. Newport polk:e re· layed the Information to the Malibu Shertu nation. Zuma Beach Is near Santa MonJca . .. &larJ, 11111 ... c-.... , ....... TWo loues from burglary and thievery were Jl.ated by ftewport poll~ Tu~y. Dec. 6. Two end table. and a rug, valued at PlO, were .tolen from the open garage ot Mrs. MJnnJe Toon at .2270 ChaDDel Rd., BaJ. boa. Georre JL Wat.M\ of 21T VIa Ravenna, IJdo llle, reported tbe theft of a tc-foot lldtt, val· ued at Sl!fO, tram an •·lhore mocwtnc at the end ot VIa San &.mo. Udo lale. laDI DAJ~Ma DW 80Ga Ollldren piQtq bJ • boule u.ncJir ~ at 1111 liar· ,_..tte ..... eorc.a del liar, lmocb4 plallte c1awD flr'OIII tlae eeUtnc, lraDd ....,_ ot • Dahlia PL. eorc.a del liar, a.-..................... ... ,.. Dee. .. Be ............ bfpciMdl•tM:..U. . Albacore! I 8 pack Natural flavor 12 pack 6 pack t .. ~ ·: ... . . .:~~ u.•• .• _.·~ .. • • • . ·. ~-.. ·; .... ·"* PUT STARS IN HER ~ES WITH A GIFT BY NOSEGAY Co~opeiJSO ~~·2~ s..., -ol -feel wlda Noeepy Colope , ••• 2 ._ of the fra· • puce of lo... Plot • la.rp, •etchlDI box of Dorothy Gray Dustins Powcl. for that after· bath luury the adorea. Mora,-rJmNou py•l c-. ... • o&.. 1o2.so c,-p~,t-~.,.. oa-11.50 B•tll s.lts.I2JJO . ' . ~ ... 'PUT STARS IN HER EYES WITH A GIFT IV Dorothy· Gray .. IEAUn IAIQUE .•. cargo of Emeraude• Perfume against aVe,.. tlon back-drop, 3.50 (Royal Barques with both Emeroude and l'Aimont, 6.50) JIIOM THI CAIII\JI .•• . ., ..... ,. .. chorfot of "Air Spun" foco Powder, carry l 'Orlgan• Per· fume Purser, 3.50 DIUMMII lOY ... "Twlatldt" Solid Col~ne and fabulout "drum" of Dusting Powder In Eme- roude •, 3.00 ·- . .. • * ..... "'EE" * Lady ••• ~ ·-ltJedric ...... ·--'•7• c...,.--........ filled witb ..... -·-··-·-·· .............. ___ _. .... a..J.~a htu..a ~ ,.._ _ .. 1.7S LeMIMdc'a Adaa'a Jl1b ..,....__.. a.- a Jlaet • ....., J....W, tpeHctr ... ..1 a.11 Tweed ..... ....... er... lecbet .................... _______ .. 1.75 ll1Dc:e llcrtdtGbeW CoJogDe & ....... let ............. ·-·-··· ............ 4..51 Bol•-• A~ l:nm 11.00 to lls.M ClaatWy T.u.t Wert. & ....... Set .................. -............ 1M Boabl9aat•...._. PataAUee _ .. ..1 1.10 8a1 De T.e. Ecna Do Co..... tnaa . .S US ~-~c!:! ~-~~z. IS.7S • ., .. 11.00 ._ amp .................................... 57c .. ,...u ... Jlo:lr ....... D'e>r.y coa.,.. -.ct ..,._. s.ta * 11m fir "'IF * • r; .,.,-.......... ,._ ·-·---.liM c;;.. '@ ..... ~ J ...__. .... ;u~A ..... ~, ~HI5 :::. '-= ~----. .11• • .............,; tnlla -···--·.11.10 to llUD TIN ltW of tfft 014 s.-. ................. .11.25 e 111011 .,«Mtft Old s..-sa.... a..a.. & Colope __ .a.ao ~~· + I for Spwtaa-·a Cola,_ w 1'1$ """~ --AfterUaft ....... .12.25 .. (..... IAatiMdc AfW ..... a.cl Colapo ·--..... .Jl.OO SPECIAL DUO SETS Cty.uJ deel aJaa contairwn wich Burawadr ~ aih·s-C'bsed. 656 Alter Shave Lotion and Colop~e ... $2 no 6S6-X Ahu Shuc Lounn end T•lnun c • M I.Aatbedc IC....a.tt. Set .. .. . ...................... .s:s.oo Tawa II•'• Traftl Set. tnaa ·--.......... .a.a Colgate Set ... -.... -......... 7Sc ....... Set ·-.. --....... 11.00 PalaaoU ... Set .. ______ .Jl.SO Stwa KlDg Uglaten ,_ .... ..._LIP...._ tnm IUS Elgta 1.1gb...._ fro. IUS ... .., Aala Trays __ ..... s $1.18 TIIlE-II IU.IW ... On Your Old Electric: llaaoi- OnANew SCHICK Electric Razor ----129.50 Electric Razor ·---------...11.75 INGTON "60" De Luxe 129 50 (Also 6-volt & 12-volt) UI..J""IYI "Shave master" _ ...121.50 SUNBEAM" Elec. Razor ---~117.85 * CAMEilAS * ......,. Ill Ell 3 ll. lOX $3.15 * OPDI EYBlY NIGHT, . -(lodudiNJ S\mday) UtmL 10:00 P.M. * Jt.. ••• u. s~ C I II I I I I .... .. ""-'• -""'"'-' Frah, delicioul ASSORTED OIOCOLA TBS ~ ol tbc Vtrf --... I IIi I Pel ~ ""UNI_.._ fruiu, DUb, c....a ..... ailp ~ ....... _, .............. , d • • ------------------------- • ·~ . . . . , :. ~. this christmas give ... ... .. '* -~· 4f~«l~ //~W'lf( ECORA TED NOTE PAPERS ... The thougntfvl precttul Chnstmu G•ft There's one for every .person and every social occ.s•on You can please even the most d••· cnminat•ng people wttn a de"gn to suit each penonaloty. And Hallmark Note Papers cost so little. They're pnced at 59c, $1.00 and $2 00 a box. Choose those you want to send aa Chnst· mas gifts this very week ... and be sure to •nclude a box or two for your own use * WATCHES * roana ..., •• lit" ... IDAT PLAIII OOilit -.awaavr f'LAI8 $9.75 $14.35 Close-Out! KID PIES .... cu-d) "WEaEE" ...... · OUiiit AMICO ............... OUifii ~ $10.85 $4.50 •••• ··-· IN & ",, Oftlcera . and dlHdora were elected at the third annual meeting ot directors and repre· aentatlv~ of Hoag Memorial Hospital-Presbyterian. The elec· tors ot the Orange County Pres· byterlan Association first held their caucus at St. Andrews Church and then went to Hoag Hospital fo.r dinner. Following the dinner, the An· nual Meeting was conducted with John A. Murdy, Jr., presl- dt.lnt, oftlclatlng. The administra- tor's report wu presented by Mrs. Robert L. Bacon, admin1stra- tor. and she made a summary o! the year's activities. Among the points brought forth by Mrs. Bacon were: The Medical Staff has in- creased by 44 new members to a total staff membership of 232. The presiding officer.. are John Poyas. M. D .• pre!lldent; Hugh Plumb, M.D., vice president; and Bernard Mason, M. D., secreta.ry- treasurer. The Central Supply Room h as added two positive pressure ma- chines and has Increased pur- chases In ex p e n d a b 1 e items (sponges, bandages. etc.) due to the Increased patient load. A new Paeemaker and Morris De· tlbrillator and eye electromagnet and one Leffs-Fetascope have been added to our su.rglcal de- partment. The surgical schedule shows an lncreaae in surgical names. An indication o! the growing need tor addltloral facllttle. 1a evidenced by the following fie· ures for October 1, 1954-Septem· ber 30, 1955: Total ac1mlulon.s, 4,787; total · In-patient days, 26.161; total newborn, 94.2; total out-patients. 7,984; total emer- gencies, 2,172; percent occupancy 95.4. Plans for the new 80 bed addl· Uon were dJscussed. A drive for funds is currently under way for the amount of $500.000. The CommunJty's e t tort a will be matched on "doJJar tor dollar'' basis by the Hoag Foundation. The new ottlcers are John A. Murdy Jr .. of HunUngton Beach, president; Ralph Pringle of La- guna Beach. vice-president; C. E. Hawk of Santa Ana, secretary, and M. B. Youel o! Santa Ana, treasurer. RADATOB lor tile •••••1 Cluiatlllaa pcl9eCIDt o.f tbe Co- ,... del Mar C o aa Ill a al t y Clla:rcb tb1a Suaday ...W be lin. aoa.rt (Qerlnade) Bona of 151 Dablla Pl.alce. Coi'Oaa del Mar. Tb• pci9Milt wW be gt._ at 5 p.m. at llcatx. View ScbooL TAR VARSITY WINS 64-61 The Tar varsity basketball t.Mm won 64 to 61 against Call· :i: •iCi•::i•c•iCi•:i•c:•iC:i•:i•oc• i•:i•oc• i•c:i•iCi•i•c:•iCi•:i•oc• i•:i•oc• i•c:i•iCi•i•c•iCi•i•c•iCi•:i: •ex• i•cu :~•:r,~!~h In Sc~:'~~r ~lttJer I-CE EISIII SCIIA IEWS E E M +;M I M I 8 I E E E E 8 M:M & E E E M M M M e:e 8 8 M M M 8 e E e 8 e STUJ)EJfT .ODT CAm>S prizes. Music wu provided by Student Council members at the Horace Ensign swing band, Horace Ensign School have just directed by Lewis Kidder, lnstru- concluded a record sale of stu-mental teacher. dent body cards, using the motto Members of the band are of "Let's make It 100%.'' David Kampert, first sax; John The drive was led by Student Carlyle. second sax; Bob Ander· Council oUlcers, President Davis son, third sax; Dorothy Wood· p VI Pr ld Bill Fr h ward, fourth sax; Bill Karges, ope, ce-es ent ue · fifth sax; David Olson Heacher), ling and Secretary Patty Jones. Assisting them wePe the follow-first t r u m Pet ; John Mount lng students: Eighth grade -<teacher>. first trumpet; John Richard Wataon, Mike Fitzwater. Hulbert, second trumpet; Paul Brian Bruderlln. Tom Markham, Snyder, third trumpet; Steve Sandy Knapp. Chip Porter. New-I Seal.. drum; Lansing Rowan, ell Stickler, Denny Post and 1 bass, Call Graves, and Pam Pet· Nancy Mangan. Seventh grade-erson. violins; Christy Carver. Marshall Forgey, Mike Davis. nute; and lett Smith and Coetf Kent Hodgson, Susan Porter, Sharp. trombones. Robbie Wlnterbotham. Patty Me· Kent Hodgson and Pam Thomp· Combs, Bill Twist, and Jett Dike. son were master and mistress of Sixth grade-Tom Gilman, Tom ceremonies. Hosts and hostesses Gamble Mike Murphy Richa.rd were Tony Peters. Terry Waide· McNab.' Stuart Pinkerton, Bob llch, ~ill Fruehllng, Pam Zander. Horn, Jim Bridgman and Bill Sherrae Husband, Bruce Fay, Jeff Spurgeon Dike, Nancy Taylor, Mike Orr. Proceeds from the sale go Into Marian De'ak, Chrlstln Neal, the Student Body Fund and are Robbie Wlnterbotham, Bill Twist used to Improve the school. Last and Carol Stott. year the Student Body funds • • • paid for new basketball unl-e BASIETBALL forms, letters and sports awards The Horace Ensign A t eam de· and two special assemblies. This feated Huntington Beach 29 to year the Student Council plans 25 last Thursday. Denny Post to equip a room over the gym· made almost enough points to naslum as a recreation room, win the game-22. Newell Stick- with table tennis. checkers, chess ler maEie five points and Justin and othi'r activities to be used Niemiec two. Others on the team by the entire> student body. are Bill Champion and Tom • • • e SCHOOL ASSEMBL T Stan Fields. one of the coun- try's top table tennis pro!e.s- slol)als Cor the past 20 years. and two other champs entertained for the student body at the Dec. 6 assembly. With Stan Fields were h ls son, Bob Fields. Pacific Coast and Southern California boys champion, and Robert Ashley, who In 1954 won the all Army men's singles and doubles table tennis championship. In addition to playing some very tut games of table tennis, these champs demonstrated a wide variety ot spectacular trick shots. Stevens, with Bill McCarthy as substitute. The B team won 19 to 14 over Huntington Beach. Scoring for the Ensign team were Steve Lagerlot, 5 points; Steve Henro- tln, 4; Steve Hughes, 4 ; Bill Fruehling, 2; Bill Twist, 2; Jetf Winslow, 2. Other players are Tom Markham, Kent Hodgson, Jim Cortman. Wayne Gouiron and Jim Butler. LTLE LJOK.AJIGU rLTIJIC BOllE TBlS WED·EJJD The Tar junior varsity team did even better than their more experienced buddies. scoring 64 polnta to the Calltornla junior varsity's 35 points. Eddie Po~ scored 16 points playing right forward tor the Tar varsity team and Paul Lorentzen scored 11 points from the left forward spot. with substitute George Mabee making slx points. Dennis Harwood, center, scored three points and his substitute, Tom Houston, made six points. RJght Guard Dave Tamura made 13 polnta and Left Guard Gary Green made nine points. The Tar junlcw varsity scorers Included Right Forward Don Babbs, 13; substitute, Howard Petel'SOn, two; Left Forward Clarence Kem~. 18; Center Bob VIllagrana, tour; substitute Cen· ter James Bento. tour; Right Guard J im Schones, two; substl· tute Right Guard Bob Allen, four; Left Guard RJchart1 Lewis, three, and substitute Lett Guard Gene Hubbard, 14. Elgin & Homilton Wotches Diomonds Mountings Wall ace Calderhead JEWELER 3123 Ea&t Coatt Hi9hwey Corone del Mer ~ a final attraction, Mr. Aah· ley played twO' challengers from the student body, Steve Ha~r and· Dennis Post, giving each ot them a 17-polnt advantage In a 21-polnt game. The students en· joyed watching both students defeat Mr. Ashley, although the audience somehow felt that be wu not stralnlng hlmselt. Lyle Uonbarger 1a due to ar· rive here Saturday to visit his peni!Dta, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lion· barger, ownen ot Crown Hard· ware, 3107 E .. Coast Hwy., Corona L ........ , del Mar. He is to fiy aouth from e SC::.OOL DUe& The ~eVenth graders held their annual Chrlltmu Dance, spon· IUed by the PTA. on Friday nJiht. Mrs. Melwood Berry and her PTA commlttee provided al.x door MIKE MYERS UNION SPYICE u. s. ltoyel Tit .. Wetlllllf I PoUII119 Compl.tw L......_ SeMele . fltEI ~K.U, t OllMlY ,...... ....,.,., .,. Portlanct, Oregon, where he Ia In 1111 &. c..t ..__, hla freshman year taking a c.-... ._ ministerial coune ln Multomah Bible College. He wu graduated l la.,.• .._ IAa J last June from N~ Harbor U ~,., D 1m. Union HJgh School. Our new with detachable "turtle neck" dickey sa. a ..... Ul lf;elena's .......... oiiiMII ...... .. &o.ISiaq DCI-• CIBL .OU TO BE WI i i 8 A daughter, Hedl, 6 lbs.. 12 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hewitt ot 3408 VIa Oporto, Newport Beacb, In Santa Ana Corpmunlty Hospital on Satur- daf, Dec. 3. * .,.. EYII'J .. 'nil 1:00 •••• espit&litgfl Leorn to Oene1 •• ARTHUR MU~RAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HAUO~ 1925 3523 E. COAST HIGHWAY COlONA DEL ..CA~ Santa Clclu-s Will Be At cl!randt·s, CoroDa del Mar December 17th TO December 23rd ..,,. z:e.P.I.tel:e.P.I. eot * .-Y 8 SIGPPI. DAYS '11U. Cll.sTIII --~~---------~-----------~~---~-...---~ .. ~·!iiiP!f6l ..... * GIFTS FOR WOMEN * * GIFTS FOR MEN * Robes Ungerie Hand Bags Hosiery Corduroy, Cotton ounta. Jackeh Nylon Quilt& · Sued•, Leathen: Orion FleeCe Slipe, Gowna, Pajamaa, Full Petti~ etc. Calf, Faille, Vel~et, Cashmere Brocades Sport Shoes~.O::~ Slacks Suits Any Color You Wcmt 110.95 to $37.50 .'The ....... IDTheW..t*! ·--------------------------------------------- Shoes • • , • Cll~ • t~s HospitGlity. A Cbrlltmu party and tnJUa· tlon eeremony were eomb\ned at the December meetlnJ ot the Newport Harbor Zonta Club held Jut Thurlday at the home of Winifred Bacon, Emerald Bay. Mra. Bacon prnented the abort program ln a resume o1 her trtp abroad with her dau1hter, Ml.U Betty Bacon, Jut aummer. lnJtJ. S. -"•••1• •••rs ......... ,.., The monthly play.day or the RJdera of the San Joaquin will be beld Sunday In the arena at the aouth end of the Newport Ha rbor Buffalo Ranch. A trophy will be presented to the high point wJnner and ribbons to fourth place. All junior and aenlor rlden are Invited to attend. Frank Ware, well·known horse ahow judge and horseman of Santa Ana. wUl be judee of the day. R&neler J im and hla hone, Cocblse, of 'IV tame wlll partlclpate. Do you am.-. abcllpplD9 wttla you load • II cb .. ta. You Can Sh11 • ated Into the eervk:e club o1 ex· eeuttve and prof...&onal women ..... Zelth.a Brandt. eo.ta M ... tool manufacturer: Jllta Board· man. Balboa leland erocery store owner, and Sue Bttc.bman, ot the eo.ta Mesa Globe Herald. Turkey dlnner wu ~rved to approximately 50 members and ruesta by the members of the board Ot directors. Chrt.tmaa J1.tt.a were exchanaect at the cl~ of the evenlnc. A apectal cttt of a M't o1 ehtna wu praented to Mlldred Stanley In reeocnttton o1 her work ln the club durln1 the put year. Prances Mears received the "flowers for friend· ahlp" cona1e for the most serv· Ice rendered thta m onth. The board members presented $200 that they had earned durtn1 the 1955 club year. Helen Stockton dncrlbed plans for the Chrtatmu party to be held December 21 at the Oran1e County Hoapltal tuberculoela and rertatrlcs warda. C h r Ia t m a I atock.lngs and eUta for the pa· tlent. were diaplayed and Mra. Stockton told of plana tor the party and tree·trlmmJng, com· plete wtth Santa Claus. to be presented to the patJenta. Knit Christmas Gifts REMOVAL SALE .......... , Dec. 3111 lfllr I 1111111111 , .. ..... -.•..••.. . II ••••fll •1 11r ·20% to 50% ................. Hartlein Flowers 1•11••111 .1••111 I, Ia Newport Harbor Bank coaoWADKLIIU Tar Tattles eron OOWfEITAJITI The American Field Service hu nanowed lt down to tour contestants tor the .cholanhJp to 10 to another Country over the aummer. The four juniors aze Mklcy Bukell, Laurie Hendricks. Me, Andnwa, and Robln HUl. It Ia too bad we can't ~nd all tour of them, but unfortunately only one ot them can eo. Any one of the tour would make a eood rep· reaentatJve ot our Country. Good luck. kld.l, on the Jut lap. • • • e JIOVUKZUDrG TUT All of Harbot'a IC!nlor pll took the Betty Crocker Teat lut week u dld Jlrla all over the nation. The test tonslsted of questions concemJne every t h tne about eood bo~keeplnJ. The Jirl with the hlehest ac:ore at Harbor wtll eo on to c:ompetltlon with girls from othe.r hllh schools until they have a top girl of the nation. • • • e AJfYOJfJ: PO& TEJf'JfJS? Do you know how to play table tenn!s? The students at Harbor know how after a fine assembly put on by Stan Fields., his part· ner and hls aon, who are table tennis champs. Mr. Fields gave tome fine pointers and explained the game. Everyone enjoyed It when he and hls son played a nursery rhyme by using dlfter- ent size pota and pans ln5tead of paddles. One lucky boy was asked to come and play a game with Bob Fields. Seeing as Bob is a champ, the challen1er was given a 16 point lead In a 21 polnt game. They eot the teachers In this too. Two of our men teachers palred off wlth Mr. Flelda and hl.s part· ner. and It was a eood 1ame too. The versatile teachers at Harbor are a eood example to their stu· dents. • • • e ClmJITIIAS ft.AT H a r b o r ' a an.nual Chrlstmu Play Ia tonllhl It features not only th~ play, but the Chorua "" oENER·s GAR ( ()HNt fl •...• ,_ "- Now! Al-.~011 ..... Ow' 9 Given To Hospital by Auxiliary A check tor $10,451.79 was pre- sented by Mra. Donald Colegrove of LJdo tale, vice president and waya and means chalnnan, to Hoa1 H o 1 p I t a I Administrator Wlnltred Bacon at a apeclaJ press luncheon given by the Hoag Hos· pltal Auxiliary last Thursday at the Irvine Coast Country Club. N e w s p a per representatives were Invited to a special lunch· c,LF .... Dic*.,_ I• lie •••n111 Army Cpl. Frederick P. Dlck- eTSOn Jr .. 21. aon of Colonel and Mrs. Frederick P. Dickerson Sr., 1101 W. Bay Ave., Balboa, has been partlclpatine In the lareest joint Afmy.AJr Force maneuver since World Wa r II: Exercise Saee Bruah. In LoulaJana. Some 110,000 Army troops tested the latest concepts ot atomic. bac- teriological, chemical and elec- tronic warefare. Cc>rpora l Dickerson, a squad leader ln Company E of the 82d Airborne Dlvtalon'a 325tb In· fa ntry Re1lment. Is regularly stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. He entered the Army In March 1.954 and r~lved baslj:: tralninl at Fort Ord, Calif. He Is a 1952 graduate of Wlesbaden <Ger· many) Hl1h School . eon board mHtln1 of the Auxfll· ary to acquaint them with the work of the women'a eroup. Mrs. D. M. Hummel of Thr. Arch Bay, president, aald that auxlll· aries are part o1 a natJon-wlde movement to reduce hoapltal costs. She Introduced various members of the Hoa1 Ho.plW Aux1llary Board a nd committee chairmen, to show how. ln t.h.ree ~ars. the local Awdllary hf- benetlted the hospital u well u rf!duclng countlesa man houn ot trained mf!dlcal personnel. In accepttn1 the AuxiliarY• check, Mrs. Bacon verltled the enormous part the oreanlzatlon bas played ln maldn1 the ho.· pltal more friendly and warm through the n ower and ma1a· zine services and by actually u - siating In the operation ot the iMtltutlon through m e n d I n 1 , making surgical packa and of. flee work. a.s well aa .. Uttnc the hospital with financial eoll• trlbutlons. IOJf 8011Jf TO COD A son. Patrick Earle. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Welllneton (Duke) Cox of 2582 wtllo Lane, Costa Mesa, ln Boa1 Kemodal Hospital on Satunlay, Dee. & Duke Cox ls aecret&r)' ot the Or· ange Cout YMCA. ---FBOM HABBOB HI SCHOOL • and the Latltettes and Harbor's fine on:hest:ra under the dll'ec· Uon of Clint Sawin. The play th1a yean Ia by Stephen Benet and Is tJUed "A Child Ia Born." It ls a play readlne which coneerna the birth of Christ. The members ot the cast are: Dave Johnson. narrator; Steve Watcher, Innkeeper; Jim Ander· aon, Dlama.a; Darrell Hartshorn, 1~h ; Darlth Sherrill, Mary; Pete Schulbfte, aoldler; Marete Stovall, wt1e; Sue Duaaler, Leah; Ann Annqutat. Sarah. and the of1 atage voices, Bob De Long, Jobn Huber, Sarn Jarvia and Rod Calderhead. • • • e TALK OJf IIEZJCO Mrs. Ruth LeLieVTe, Spanish ~acher, apoke to the Tau Rho Ka ppa Club on acbooll ln Mex- Ico. She said that there are very few public schools. a ll others belng private and either all girls or all boys. It seems that In Mex- Ico the children start learning another languare when they are 1n around the third ~rade and algebra when they are ten. The subjects are harder all the way round. It was a joint meet1n1 be· . tween the elementary and lee· ondary puts ol the club. • • • ••o•o• aou. More honor roU students for the flnt quarter: Freshmen conUnued trom last week -Sharon Pomeroy, Robert Porter. Joe Queen. David Reid. Horst Richardson. Carol Ro1ney. Melinda Rork, Mar1aret Rose. Terry Roa. Robin Rylett. Elmer Schuma. ~ Stauffer, Sbarl Tobias, Sherry Tyeon, Robert Whitney. and Wayne Whitney. Sophomores -Leone.l Alden. Pee Anderaon. Joan Brandt. Wll· llam Brew, Rlc hard Brldeman. Robert Burnett. Lyn Cottingham.1 Maxine Chun1. VIctoria Csenar. Carol Dawson. Michael ~n linger, Paula Echols. Unda En· dlcott. Betty Evans. Mor1an F1tzwater. M I c h a e I Gaughan., Beverly Gibbons, David Goodale. Robert Griesser, Peggy Hadflt>ld. David Hammond. Harriet Hay. den. Mary Hennl1ar. Dorothy Hiatt. Ronald Keeler. Julia La- belle. Joyce Ledbetter, Gary Lineberry. Lonna Loyd. Hette Lomax and Diane Lund. More next week. from O'BRIEN'S Ba..nt a label frclm O'aiD'S oe Mr a.t11tm.u tree ···•*-···aroM ... ~~ ..... ot a.Q OM alia_..... -,.,c;~a_.-....-~ L.UKWOQD ._ .... ......_ ........,. at· tracCMlYIIft ......... Christmas Hospitality CHEESE KNIFE Porcelain handles JXIStel shades Sheffield steel blades 12.95 Matching pieces Last call for PersonaJIZled cards. 48 hour servic-e Open evenings 'til Christmas Sundays. too! Gifts from Karen M argreta Imports 2653 E. Coast Hljthway Corona del Mar Harbor 13,73 Girt wrap e ship e deliver When In Doubt • . . -- • • •• • • • ••••• • • ••• • • • • •••• . .. .... ·: : ... __ Oo • . ...... .. -.. : ..... .... A ......... u , . • • •••e. • e••e ~-­detldlatodql W. L LANDIS OB L E. CAIRNS LJMrtr 1-1011 1, E. 17tla lt. COSTA lOlA WILT II Hawailcm~ .. l•Lc..t.lol _.._. ......... ll'r.tt ..... (OPEN SUNDAY) ~~~~~ W/tt-M at Beach & Boulevard SPOIITI AJID CASlJAL WED 320 S. Coast BlYd. IApDa 8eada ll'rcrtt ~ NEWPORT HARBOR • VETERlNARY HOSPITAL 125 Mesa Dr., Costa Mesa announces the addltJon of RICHARD SHEA. DVM to Its staU Horace Parker D.V.M. • Last minute shoppers! Latest &1ft idea from Schick! till .. SCHICK "25" Paul 0 . Butche!' D.V.M. *So-... IOdole ••. IO lUte 10 plcMe 00 Cbl'iwMI fiiOf'Dialend nwy IIIOmlna. Hit fece -had It 10 ,oodt. .. or to dONI "an., lndl:... I lc.ln6nt CluUtmu Day, he c:u Lake 14 days 10 dedde wtlcther 1111 WUII 10 llart '"'7 day with a Schick 'OU" shave. He 1111111 be C~G~nplctely atided wltll It or •wra It for r.u ...Cimd. LORENZ JEWELERS 103 w ... 4th. Santa ADa OPEJf InTEl 'TIL ...... YALIDAftD •ADIIfa ; • n. ~ .......... , ..,.. ...... , .. IIA .,_ ... -LIII11 • TIE Interpretln1 otten-\&led words In our Sacred Book By RALPH C. SMEDLEY of Corona del Mar '!'be Infant daupt.r ot Mr. ucl lira. )arne. Crodre, ~Oct Po- mona Ave .• eo.ta X... died Dec. 7, a short while att.. abe wu born In Boq Bo.pttaJ. She Is wrvtwd &Do by a aistft, Pa- trlda Marte; her paternal trand- parenta, former Fire Chief and Mrs. Frank Crocker ot Balboa, and her maternal trandparentl, Mr. and Kn. C. L Kittle of eo.ta Meaa. .... IIIII Y• 1•-•lltlra F• e Christmas Cards 'I'M Keulab When we speak at. "Jesua Chrl.lt" we u~ the two names rtven to our Saviour. 1be f1rst Is h1l human name, the aecond His otflclal title. Private lfaveslde aervteee were held Friday at Harbor R8t Cem· etery, with the Baltz Cocta Mesa chapel In charee ef arranee-menta. Is called ''Mealah." So are the klnp of the Hebrew.. the an- olntlne belne part of the coron- ation cetemony. Indeed, the title "Meulah" wu not uncommon amone the Jewa, but when Jau. came, both • • M e 1 1 I a h • • and "Christ" were reserved for Him, and to ua there Ia but the one entitled to the dealrnatton, that One whoee life wu divinely / e Styrofoam Decorations e Tree Lights & Ornaments e Christmas Wrapping Papers Bead EIWID Want Ada. Ill MABIIf& 1be Greek Chttstos, meaning "anointed one," refers to the cus- tom of consecrating priests ,nd rulers by anolntlne with oil. Tbe word ls a translation of the He- brew MESSIAS. which 11 derived from the Hebrew verb MASH· A.KH, "to anoint." 1be high priest mentioned In the fourth chapter of Levttlcu. dedicated to the savtne of men. L • h h • FIRST CH~~~ CHRIST 1 g t t e 1 r J)OJ VIe &.We. ..... ..,. ..... A breiiCh of The Mother O.urcll. The ft JUrDDWS life with P,ithl A Needy Family Will Get Aid First Olwdl of Chrict, Scientltt, Ill loe-..... i.IDIAJr CIIVIICB toft, MeiMchu..t+a. 15th St. 6 St. Andfeootn Rd. Sufltley School .9:15 e .ll'l. • Sunday s.Mc. II :00 a.m. ..._ .._ JD0 lctao.i WedfiMCiey Evenl119 MeetifH) 1:00 p.m. Uberty a.;m, R.edinq R.oorn located at lll5 Vie ,_._, .... 1--L l'*wwt Udo, N-porl a..ch, ;, 09" _. SUNDAY: Momine worahJp, 9:30 Mu Epsilon Chapter of Beta days fi"Ofl'l 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. and 11 a.m.; Chun:h School, Sigma Ph i voted to assist a Wednetdeys f~ IO:OO e.m. to 7:45 9:30 and 11:00: Jr. BJP, Sr. needy family ove!' the holldayw p.m. friday -•1191 .f-7:00 P-"'-to Bleb and colleee aee Fellow- when It met Dec. 6 at the home 'i:OO p.m Closed Holidays. abJps. 7 p.m.· Thursday Pra)'ef' Of MISS Ma rtha Oehlerklna, 920 The public i• confielly invited to et-ltU"' .. '""'UP • 9 :30 a.m. • • • tend the dlurdl .. rvicM end u .. tfle "Y .. -• I"DDIT AD&JOLY OP GOD IIDdlt. & &Idea A..._ C... aa-Ubeltr 1-ml ......... c. CMelc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evt.D,Je~Dt eervtce, 7:30p.m. Youn1 People and ChUdren'a Sel'vice, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Kid-week Service: Wed.netlday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' MlaJo!\&1)' Councl1, Thursday. 9:30a.m. for all day. Clay Street. Cliff Haven, with lteedinq ltoom. Mra. Ruth Lewls as co-hostess. COJOIVII1TY Wi&ODIIT I&YDIM DAY ADVDIIII Cans of food and toys will be Professl·onal -w. I-IL c........ ....,... .......... lt.. brought by the memben when Llllelty 1-4111 • ...,.._. ..... .. they come to the annual Christ-.... ,__ W. M1D•r Ulurtr .. 1 .. mas party at 8 p.m. Wednesday, o•1 rectory Swldq: 9:30 ~ Cburda Bun· met. D. ~ ........... Dec. 21. at the home of Mrs. da7 School; 9:80 ud 11:00 8atur4a.Y ~~~ servtca: Sab· Jamea B. Taylor, 239 Drtttwood IIVSJC ~-=or;.e~~~ ~ bath Sdaool: t:30 a.m.-Set· Rd .. Shore Clltfa. The Soclal Com· r----..;:;;:.;.;.:;.;.. ___ __, p.m. IUib -sebool KYr s..tee· moe: 11:00 LID. Ph,yw meet• mlttee, beaded by Mrs. Glen M~~ L. Scharle 1 p.m.. JOUq &cluJ~ troUP lac: Wecbl•t~. 1:00 p.m. Walmutt, will provide rel.resh-of Pla.Do ~ menta and entertainment for the OrJanl.lt • Accompanllt WW el ... ·-W& party. Eventnl•Clatee~ '111& cauaca ar Cliidil .... a '• ...... .... Mrs. Jack B. Qulsenberry, prea-tor dulta 1• Qwdla 1t.. CoiiM .._ ,..... .... Cllw W'll' ' !dent. appointed Mrs. John Ne-3111 GOLDENROD AVE. 1.ae1ty...., t• If .. nil gus u bosteu and secret slater Corona del Mar D. a.. llant. IGaldlw 8un4a.7 Sen'k.w: 8unCiaJ' School, chairman for the remainder of '--,-0-.. -.-aAL--D-JBE--CTO-a __ _. Sunday eervica: 9:45 a.m. Bible tb~30 a~ K=~~ the year. The Chapter voted to r--...;,....-;.;==...;;.;=--.=--...., 8tUdy; 11 a.m. morninl war-lee. 7 p.m. SundaJ. N.Y.PA. ~nd a contribution to the City Frtendly NeiJhborhooclService abJp; 7:30p.m. eveninl MI'V1ce. a p.m. SUncSQ; Prayer meettq. of Hope ln Duarte. California. PARKES-RIDLEY Midweek aervtee. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Wedneeday. New yearbooks were distributed. Wedne.day. A Bound-table dlacualon on MORTUARY "Environment. He a 1 t h , Work, and Play" was led by Miss 110 Broadway Oehlerklne. Ll 8-M33 • 8-MM eo.ta Meaa H•• c•all IIYII lwam II Clare••ll Receiving awardl at the bat- talion review Monday were the following Harbor Area cadets ot the ROTC Battalion of Pomona Colleee and Claremont Men'• College: Cadet Set-First Claa Gregory F. Wright. son of Mr. and Mra. Roland A. Wfl&ht. 2910 Cliff Dr .• Newport Heights, a junior In Claremont Men'• Colleee. na- NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servln1 the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor42 3520 E. Cout HlJhW&J Corona del Mai Baltz Mortuary Ubert1 8-2121 17h 6 Superior, eo.ta .... AMPLE PAJUtllfG 80111 LOCA110NS tional color bearer-award for '::==3l~l.!li!C==~ outatandlne academic achieve-,. ment. pladne in the upper 10 per cent of his clua. HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gisler K:IMBEm.Y 5-1158 .. " ..... ,. '' .. ~-~ !2.' TD c:anc:a or c:aa&i r Oddr.U.W......,.. ......... A..._ eo... 11.-cL u.ty U711 ,._...._,Jr.,M...._ Su.nday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible mady; 10:55 a.m. wonhip aerv- Jce; 7:30 p.m. eventna Mr'Yice. I"DDIT cauw or CIIIUS1' ICDJIIIII .., ... z.w.. • ......n .... JUIIMio .. Sunday Scbeol: t:15 a.m., Sun- day Servlee: 11:00 a.m. Wectne.da7 zv.ntna Keettna: 8:00. Readlnl Rooni. &11.5 VIa •Udo. Newport ... d&. ·open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. wea d&Ja, 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. w~ 't-9 p.m. CBilli'f c:&UBCII l'f nm IU "'\daY evenlna c-...ny.......... -'· ~.a.. aa..s. •1• lt.. • ..,.... ca&il'f Loa•••u caoaca ~JIB Or COITA IIDA ........... .., A. c.... (~~) Sunday Worahlp, 9:30 and 11 un. An lit:.. -;J: ...._ Chwdl Sc:bool: 9:30 a.m. Mid-...._1 ... ...._ \Waalw week Meettne: 7:00p.m. Wed-Sunday ServlcetJ. • : Wonb~-neaday p:rec:eded by 8:15 p.m. Ice t a.m. 8uoda7 at potluck. 10:15 a.m. IT. JOACI'DC cauaca liM 019 A"-C....._ Lllll~o-... ll'ltr.v .... , r.._n--J.IIeft6 lallq M•t t II et 7, I. I. II ... 11:80 a.m. Wend.,.: M.. at 7:00 a.m. -c.onta.1cm: Satur-da.n from f:OO to 5:~7:00 to 8:10 p.m. aAI.aOA IIIJUID COIUiOaHY WIWODiii 111= .......... ..... ~ ..... D <ta.. . ..... .. Sunday Servtca: 1:30 a. m. Cbwda School..:~ and 11:00 a.m.. Wonlllp P'DIIT U.PIIIT taUIIQI ._..A-. A-. ttt ...... .. c... .... .... '·G. ·-'LV"• Su.nday Servkee: 9:45 a.m. Sun~ Sdlool; 11 ~ :;::p~=~Lnt~ 7:30 • p.m.. Eventn1 Service. WecbMiilda7: 7:30 p.m .. Pr.,_, PralM and Bible StudJ. Mon· dq: T:IO p.m. Ken'a Chonll p r act I c_ •~L 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prarer Kwuna. cauw or ov. LAJ)"I • or arr. ca.,.., l6tlW ............. ...... .,. ...... 14 r.._~•.!!!r·...._ rea..~, •• 8cmcl.q M• I : 1:00 and 10:00 ~~:.fo:l-=~ anc1 11o17 oa,. ,_ ·~ 5:30 p.m. and b'om 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Daily 11 .. 8:00 a.m. l'lnt Prlda7: 8:30a.m.. and 6:00p.m. !f ft vena (Pwpetual Help): Tueeday, 7:45 p.m. Ftahermen'a Kul, lul)o and Autut. Sun4aJ • a.m. oalf • ••• liT COIOCo•ttt ra.LOWIIID Dell Clwlt'a .. liS w .................. llcdJtM ............. r.w ...... Sunday Sebool. 10:30 a.m. Korn-lnl wonhJp, U :OO a.m. IT.JtKU-aiaco•AL ~ ... Lw.. • ....-t .... -...alSO .... , ............. Sunday 8ftVtc.: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Family Service with the Cherub and JunJor Chelrl; 11 a.m., wonhlp aenrlce. Thuraday Service a : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. ft. JO.. YIAinfKT llC .._.... A..._ a.J.boe 1.-. ......... r..._~•.!!!f·,_._ r.a..~ liM ~Menu: T:OO U1L 6 t :OO a..m..Cont..ton: Saturd&YI and ..,_ ol lit rn~,. and Holy Dqa; 7:30 to e:ao p.m.: nnt J'rlclq lla.-8 a.m.. Summer ...._luw a.ocl Aucut Su.ncSQ, U L11L Cadet Ftrst Lt. Bruce B. Baird. son ot Mr. and Mra. S. D. Baird. 2142 Miramar Dr., Balboa, aenior In Claremont Men'• Colleae. commander of Co. D-award for outatandlne performance at the ROTC Summer Camp at n. Lewll, Wuh. ----••••D CAa DAIIAGD Alice Salvt!n of 1735 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. notlfted Newport pollee at 8:25 a.m. Dee. 5th that a hit and run car damapd her car In front ol her home. •~Dr u.nwr cauw ar •aww ................ &c:..tltl. ... ~. ...... .. Ull '""' ...,. ............. a.,, •• CO.O.A D&L JUa QMdiUWih taU-'i'f£.,;•&:J;,!.O~ c .... .... ..-. --Ill ..... lr'm,A"" 0.... t•• tt ...._ u... .. ..... ---• .-.-. --lu 110' I :CI a.m. liGna· .---. -·---... ~ 11:00; Ewntaa lundaJ ..... : ·=-..... Sun· da7 lebool; U:OO a.m.. W«· llalp .. , .. ; 1:10 ~ 8undu landaJ Wanlllp ...._: t :e lliwlw. IIJct • ..n .._.. a.m.. U:OO a.m. luad.q lcbool: Ill. We a e a •a y, T:IO p.m. t:eua. PERIWSTNE YEUDWMGES CAN HELP ME LEARN THE STEP fOR MNON6 ACADOVES rT PJUJTD LOOK , fN THE twfiFJED•IMT OF lOUR TBEPHONE lOOK ~ ~•r• lee LMid·WMk lawteeo 1:10p.a w~ Jr.,. If-- I \ I Busine1s Directory INSURANCE "Be S\D'e-lnlure" wrra STANLEY DfiUL\JfCZ AGDC'r ftOMII.arWM' &115 1!. Cout Blaw&)' Colona del Jlu .... Pbone, IL\ S3a2 REAL F.STA TE A I1JI,GOO ,.... wu 1-.d bllrl. • ...._ at ~ Oldlld. ....... by .... Jf..-JC)ft ..... ff,IJOO; lqnm. Col.lt.u .. Blalca· 8u.IJ41nl ..,........ 6w the a:l· ley, D·aatt. 2·.tory moc.t-hotel unit motel·botlll, tM JI'Miot at Awcado and Cout HJibway, ,_ • 'Ia BW _,.. ef C & Q 'hll C::.. _. • , , • .... IDn, to be ............. In CoroDa 1'-.ooG ....... ..,. P II II• Aw. Ia c.e. 11-. 'I'M a. ._. .. del Mar at OoMt Jl1llnra7 Uld • ~· .... ..... ......... .. ... • 1 ......... QWclr ... .,... .... ..... Aweado. ,_IMI'IIllt wu .._... WUlla~a Pldtud, ..tmm.lnr •nhwlllliiir ...._ to~~···~· ~at ~ aw.a T~. ~~~~~~----------~----------------------.:-....... ~lO;r!,::: ••auo•...... Mesa Councilman Martin Aids 011111.-tiD ••uoo. lla-.. l'.rDellt .._..,...at 311&. bb I =--~~'= ~ trc. ~ ~ ~n.~·.;:; Police in Na ing 3 Juv~ni es of tile eiiJ'. Georp Grabam. convert prqe Contracting J'ollowtnl ,..tt..,... t.ued: to a1eeptn1 room at 110f Park eo.ta x ... Coundl.man llruc:e ~ alleredl.y Involved In neal- • a.aiiA Da. 11A11 Avw 1500. Muttn aided Mela poUce Satur-lnr bub eaps trom can. Insurance II. a. ~. 2,1tory, l·unlt • .&.co. lAY day Dee. a tn nabbtnr Juwnlle Mr. Martin DOtWed polke at c1we1Ua1 at lCD Larapur, tlS., J:dwatd d, del 7 p.m. SatUrday that he aaw a had tbe Enaip Want Ad pa.re. Contlnuou. day and evenlDa ooo· 11. .. 1'1outman. wall at TlS Dr. Boy a room at boy at.Ml a bub cap from a ic;;;:=-:;::;;iiiiiiii;i;iiUi;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;j cl...a tor preparation to ~ ~· J. H. &obe1a. "Ketdl Rd., $C.OOO; ~-~ Arrest ~jade Otewolet Conoette on 19th St. e~ca~ator' clown' to tbe bMela at ler, MrVke room at ~s ...,...,.. lVI nur Newport Blvd.. eo.ta Mesa. LIID f11 ~ PUI the State exam. a CamaUon. 13.000; Tbtodore llland ad.. tuQO. D C The boy rot into a peen Mer-~ ~ Call or write lllDdlnJu!r, fence at 0 Irta, eCUPP IIA~ •In ope ase c:ury .edan, wliJeb drove olf S" -.nu I.OAII tu~G: Bradell l"lftdl. tropia)' room Cb&rlee llan8en, l ·,story, 1-unlt wttbout Urbta. llr. Martln rave J'or Information at :M4 Buel, SU'70: N'. Lund, dwelUn•at9!1UtJnp Rd., $2'1,000. Louu C. Foster of 6811 Sea-pursuit to the car. whleh ran Conmuc:tioD Jnane AL TYLER SCHOOLS • •&WIOIIT II&JQBTS abore Dr., Newport Beaeh, wu tbrouah two red Urbta. s" -.nu I.OAII 16U N. Broedway, Santa ADa Canol Alm, 1-atory, 1-unlt booked ln dt;y Jail at 9 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. Ilea pollee Kimberly 7-3511 MO*'E dwelllnr at 214 La Jolla Dr., Dee. 6th on a felony eharre of stopped a rreen Mercwy sedan $13,!5(5(). poaeMton and tranaportatlon of at Newport· Blvd. and 19th St.. Dllor S.2513 e •&WIOIIT marijuana. Newport pollee went eo.ta Mesa. The driver wu a Let Me Teaeb You Mrs. Lennt. Newcomb, swim-to Mr P~er'• home to NrVe a Santa Ana Helrbta boy, 16, and Convenient Claa t.e.ona Station. aim at 3939 W. Coast and ended up by maklnr an ar-boy, 17. One of the youtl\s pro- LI 8-5MB Hwy., IJS(); G. W. Cantelo, ca-rest on their more serious charae. dueed three Oldsmobile hub IU 8011 IATII.D Ptlrllr lldpp .. ISIS E. C.... -.y. CDII ,.. u 1111 a u111 (lletloUJe~ ....... , mtnr pool for Mo-Bo-Tel at 4401 trattl~ warrant from Los Anreles pauenren were a Santa Ana CllmA •~o l Ql4 N.~ W. Cout Hwy., 88.000; Union OU pollee which earned a $37 bail Gardens boy, 17, and a Lido Isle Trailer Park, 88,000; Aleene oftlcen alleredJy found 30 aus-four Studebaker hub caps and "PE1fR1·1~' 19281.rvtne Ave .. eo.ta M.. Tweedy, rarare at 511 29th St.. pect marijuana clrarets In a admitted taldnr two wire-wheel 1 GLADYS TRACY bana at 2A Ancborare Way, Udo • Jn a abake-down of bla car, caps, one Corvette bub cap and a ~ avD.DDIG IVPft.ID t&OO; aao 1-.tory dwelling at hole l:n tbe driver's aeat. In hla type hub caps hom a car In ~~ ALS ___________ ..,.. same addrest. 88.100; M. Ortera. borne tbey allqedly found about Santa Ana. ,~ ~ CEMENT root over laundry tray, 301 W. a halt-pound of marijuana ln Newport pollee had reported .,_ TIDE Balboa Blvd .. $50; H. Wood.bouae, a pint jar and a drua store vial. tbat two Oldsmobile bub caps :;;AU om. l..,.ty AND ruare at 121 38th St.. $'1,000; E. Mr. Foeter, 24, unemployed, hu were stolen from tbe car of WU-..._ .. ' BUilDING Marion Abbott. move buUd.Jnr to lived here on and ot:f alnee 1949 llam C. Goade oL ~ lrll Ave.. .._. back of lot, 200 Cedar St., 1100; and ort...tnally came from Bur-Corona del Mar. lin. Martha I !!!!.!!_:::;.::::~!:!t.;;:~:::;;::::;;:;:::;~==; Nina Payne, cabana at Bay Shore bank ln·~estJaatlnr ot:flcen aald. Woodeate of 126~ 39th St .. N~· II ,_Ceo 2 111 -D 2 t 1 t Trailer Park, $'1.500; W. D. • port Beach. reported tbat tour .upbalt 'nJe-Jb.abber n1e LIBERTY U109 Plllllll ....... PLUJOING Terms. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 ... wa.DDIQ Fabrlcatlnr. ~~ 6 Maintenance TRAILERS, HJTCHES, BUMPERS or what have you: No Job too larre or too small. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Oranre. Costa Mesa, u 8-2619 PATCH'S BODY 6 PAJNT SHOP R. W. PATCH Complete Collt.lon Work Auto Palnttnr Free Eatlmate.-Try Us Firat '188 West 17th St.. eo.ta .Mesa LI 8-7508 "A's" LAGUNA F£DERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serve Y• ' LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLIMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SYVIC£ LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHlY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SvtMATHmC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE. IPRCtENTL Y OPERA TEO LA6UNA BEACH m 0c.... Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. • c..NM RMI PHONE HY.dftth 2·1191 er HYedftth 2-1 196 Schock. re-rooflnr at 50f 29th St.. bub caps were taken from her Formlea -Lbloleum n:Je Stn: M. Hutch.laon, cabana at H. w. Pearcy Studebaker In the parldnr lot at ca~-......., I.IIICLDII No.1 Ltdo VWare. $2.000; Stand· tbe Mesa Theatre. Mesa pollee ~ I-• _. ard on. wall at 1802 w. Balboa Heads NHYC ald. The boys were rdeued to 125 E. IM lt. c.e.-- Blvd .• $1,000. their parents with the advicef 22 y .. ~!L~-·-• ....,..... -•••a that they would be notlfled o ...... loU..., • ......,.. --..v .......... 6 --Harold w. Jte•....v wu elected fwth ctl •-•-r .__m the '"::::=====================:=; ..... a-Corp., 1-atorv, 1-unlt -'1 er a on ar.-.. uv 1' '" -.w ~~ commodore of tbe Newport Bar-lncld t. dwelllnrs at 721 Patollta Dr.. bor Yacht Club pee. 3rd, sue-en --------- $17,970, 1337 Bon n 1 e Doone, ceoedinr Harry A. Mann. $l8.400. and 1301 Bonnie Doone. E. Avf!IY (Jud) Crary was $17,970; Donald Anderson, fence elected vice . commodore and at 1524 Dolphin Terrace, $227. John P. Humdall as rear cornmo· • an.oA · · dore. Jack Conrdon wlll aerve as Rowlett G. Scudder of 444 E. Edward Kover, dwelling at tn9 secft'tary for 1956. and re-elected Costa Mesa St.. Costa Mesa. was ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. _____ ;;;;;:;;-;;;::=====~ Plaza del Sur, $13,500; Edith Jo-to the board of directors wu taken to Hoaa Memorlal Hos· aeph, atrn for CUJno BuUdln8'. ~e A. Mitchell. Al.lo on the pltal at 1:15 a.m. Dec. 4 by 200 MaJn, t800: A. P. Querek. board are Harvey Somera and Ed Costa Mesa pollee auttertnr from foundation, 1805 E. Bay. $2.!500. Wa..rmJnaton. bl'u18ea about the face and hud. e LIDO JaL& received tD a beatJ.nr. Pollee re- Dr. Davtd ,.,._, ..-.c~eUJnr CAa ~ amGK celved a can that a man wu Co. Costa Mesa LUMIEII -IUILDING MATEIIIAIJJ at 1Zl VIa Lore&. $1.!500; l . Bel-Stewart L. Gavette of Anahetm 1aylnc tn the street between the per1n. l·story 1-unJt dwelllnr at erubed bU car Into the atde of Sham.rodt Cafe, tat Newport ~-••••••••••••••••••••~ 217 Via Genoa. $22.500. the Santa Ana river Cout Bwy. Blvd., and Waaon Wheel Cafe, bridp at 2:t5 a.m. December 7, 1830 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa. Newport pollee reported. The ac-and found Mr. Scudder. He wu cldent caused $400 damage to kept In tbe hospital overn.lght ............... C... --loa I fl ..... 2 Bartenders Hit by Youths Two VIDa Marina bartenders were treated for Injuries In Roag H~pltal at 2:30 a.m. Dec. 2 atter nchanrtna blows wltb tJtree mlnor youths they were es- corUnr trom the bar at 12:40 a.m. Woody Holder of VllJa Marina called pollee to report that the three youths were drinking at tbe bar and the bartenders did not believe they were of age. The bo~ demanded their money back but Mr. Holder stated they had not paid for tbelr drink&. One of tbe youths. 17, from Costa Mesa. alleredly admitted drink· Ina a vodka collins. His compan- Ion Kenneth Edens. 19, of 116 Emerald Ave .• Balboa Island. al· leredJy admitted drlnklng two rums and cokes and Craig War- field, 18, aame address. allegedly admitted drlnklnr two bourbons with water. Officers releued the youths advlslna them that a complaint may be drawn up against them. Treated at the hospital was Robert D. Beach. VilJa Marina bartender. of 4ll Jasmine Ave .. Corona del liar. He suffered a broken bancf which had been fractured eeveral weeks aro. RJchard C. Starkey, a bartender, ot 122-42nd st., Newport Beach. auff~ a cut over an eye and a bladlt eye, pollee aatd. Mesa Checks Skill Games the car. Mr. Gavette aald the lett tor observation. front wheel of bt. car broke and ------ froze, caualng the accident. No For lett.rhe.ck. enve&oo.t ul other vehicles were involved. THE ENSibN. HA-1114 11'atcll 1••r Sut./ Ne1r coocealod u.fety r aes-stay clear of Watch y_our Stell.! Be sure you get a mow. mod and ice. Az14 new Chevrolet trucb baw 'eml Modern Truck! .............. ·-················ New Olevrolet Trueks -........................ .... 11__. ............ .. ...... , 1tWC 5 ........ ..., .. ••sir IRsl IIIN'J .... ,_ ... ....,.. ... -' a ti'Kt fl I ill ................... IIJI-.. a...., ....... .. •n., a ...... w .c-- Dorothy C. Jhorpe Original Crystal Stainless Steel Imported Glass and China Linens Distinctive Accessories and Decorations for the Home We Gift Wrap and Mall Open Dally until 9:30 Sundays 9 to 5 Thorpe's 1501 w. Balboa louJeoranl -~ ..... • People he" bMft saytnCJ • • • end w .. m9 thet -YOU 0111 DG IEIIU at Complete Home Furn.lah.lnp I.Dierty a..scM lat x...,.n a-. COSTA ~ESA Reinert's has a tip for supM' Santos: "tlze fflO.Il£ AAO....JUC tlze ~ lrM, ()~!" This Christmas give her Mojud "Magic Motion .. stockings. There's extra '"give" and spring-back in the knit for close clinging flt and longer wear. And ... give her lingerie by Mojud for lots more extra glamour. We have gowns and pajamas, slips, panties and petticoats all styled to make her Christmai dreams come true I Mojud "Magic Motion" atockJnes. bola 11.15 to 11.85 Mojucl elamour llneerte, tn. All tie 114.15 * Free GUt wrapsag * (On Purch .... ol $10. or more) • .. CitY& CJIIDIIITAIDI * Bel lui CUT-UP Tills C...._! Gifts You Make • Yo\U"MU Show Specials December .... 3301 &. COCI8t Rwy., Coroacr del Mar (C...IIuv....,.) . ..... ..., .• • 1Pi$111§!1P ~ "Shalimar" Perfume 18. $14, 125.00 "Shalimar'' Cologae --·--$4.50, 17.50 "Shalimar'' Talcum -------$2.00 ~'Shalimar'' Bath ~ -----ss.oo DOitOTIIY aaA T AIIOir'I'IIDT Guest ~ •••• $1.50 * For The Man * ""IAatiMdc ....... W..at-z.acs. TIIVEL m An. ..... Letlea, aody •• eoa • ..., ._.. su.a~aat -....r__.. $1.14 IUIYIII'I BAR 12-ll AfW ,...,. z..u.. Cnaaa BaU Dr-. ..... eoa .... "Yanlllr" Sllawe •• ••• Set, $2 It ,..,., .... , to-.-.-..,.~~c ..., Ll&lda $1.11 .... Ute let. a.. IUS ~ .... -a-.,.... ....... ._ .. lLpta• * * Boys & Girls! ..... ,.....~ ...... 9NOt a.p ad Glib c:.wtf .. .... to u.. "'-de ........ U...,... ._ TOV • ~ pu· ....... ·ucaoa IIOCKDfa• ftlllt •••owuE Service for 4 14.19 -A.~'ola.•--.n,. Seta •• piece. • .98c: PuDCh S.t .. PAYLESS * FOR · TOYS * a.• • , ... 2411 .. ...,... SUI ............, .......... W.·UbiNik, ....... .. Fleer........ • .... ~...._.At -IILIIYalae • _...... .. ..........