HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-29 - Newport Harbor EnsignI Sales Tax . Is Plan.ned By County 1be Oran,-e County Board ol Supentbon and representatives ot Orange county cttls wW meet TbUHday, Jan. 5, to con· alder a poatble county-wide one ~nt tnlea· tax. Ear-marldng the aalea tax money f« a eounty bulldlnl proera.m. tn.atea'd of levytng a d.l.reet tax for county buUdtn,- constructlOil, Ia a tent.atJve u.ae pJOpQied tor the new tax money. Unduut~ eountt• are now permitted to ~ a aales tax undel> a oew la" adopted by the state leClal•ture. Where-cttlea have a clt;y aals tax. the amount collected ln the clty wowd go to the city and money from aals outalde the city would 10 to the county. When clUes do not han a dty aals tax, the county would col- lect the one ~nt aales tax ln the city. 1be CJty of Newport Beach bas a city aals tax. Home Stretch Drive on For Hoag Funds Applications Approved Jan. 30th Is Set as . Dead6ne pi1MI." • a...llt -... oa • II DOt .,..._,. ,.... tile "-~ ~ b ll9lnc quarten. • M end tM •--.........._.a......L. ~1 .-.....~-Glenn L. )(uUn'a will and • A Ucation of ~ ---ate an ambulance busS..-""'".~ ~~ OT beech in of a • 1'&500 from the J'OI'd ro.ada· ~tl P~ rc!IUbdlvtcle tiU'ft 'ic* t09 29th St.. Newport. a.DL Tb.e doc owaer can pay $2 put. with the COYnty over t+. Bay end the Harbor, ·~~lting t1on. eel • Raclnde4 previous Councll to the ctty, r«etve in tM Cbunty deci,ion to ta~ o..,.r control of the Harbor . . . Ois- Conltructlon ot the four-story at Goldembd Ave. aDd f'lrst Ave., adlon to vacate a portion of a aucll pa)'lnftJt. ...!n~ !,: pute over re-routinq of Coast Hiqhwey in Cot-ona det Mer ... tw.ptt.al add.Jtlon will tab one C9ron.a del Mar, Into two blllld· pubUc highway on Mewport ..--to a llcenaed wt.ennarlan Here_. then, o. re _the hitliqftts of on • ..,.ntful year, os tab.n fr.- Car Rams Market on Hiway 101 About $3.500 d a m a g e wu caused when a car c:ruhed into a market at 1100 W. Coast Hwy .. West Newport, just before Tua· day midnight. The ear. drlvtll by Edward McGeever o1 La.ke- wood, was travellln1 eastwar«. toward Co.rona del Mar, 8Wf!r'V'ed to the lett and came to rest lD· slde the market. tearing out tM front door, part o1 a wall, ~ to 25 teet ot plate glaa and dam· aging ~tea. Owner of tbe store is J. RJchard Parcmann. Mr. McGeever autleed a eut on the forehead and eeemed to be ln a state ot shock. bel.na unable to ann1er qu.estions of poU~. New Owners to Take Over Super Market Clacnle a EllMtt t.. _.. eoa.ts...-..--.~a c... ct.1 ... to • ..., Ida •t= .. Loa A1191'-...s ____ ..., --~ .... -oa:a. ,.. -'-1 wD1 ... doeed s...s.,-_. • , r ,_ u.. • ..., ,.__.. W ' a r CIDd la.-tecy ... wtD .... adllr .. --.. t ip ... ........ -rrt .. 'l'l l i&'Y --· 70&f, M.n. Bacon a14. Elpty lnl &ltee. the add.IUimal &lte t. Blvd. nea.r the Boq HCMJpltal ~ .. ~ the h odl h ...... man medical be4l. phJ*al t.nc at the rear ollaa 2. 4 and 6, road, ~u.ae o1 a c:lertq.l error and have the dog vacdAated. e tne stones '" t e siqn durinq the post 12 mont+ts: therapy facllltJee, adde4 d1nln.c back o1 the ex1adq ctwelUnl at In the EnJtneertng Department. The nterinarlan ln turn w1ll * . * * i Bal1otl were mailed this week area. an auditorium. a cl1nJc f~ GO GoldelliOd Aft. and ltaJ'ted the vacating prc>ee· be reimbursed by the dty. • aJIUIIY All p • .to memben ot the Newport Bar· the tumor board and a 4e1Jvery • Application of Hu&h a. du.re all over again. After Jan. 30, doc owner. will ey ro I ect bCir Olamber of Commerce • aulte are planned for the adell-A.da!N to resubdlv1de two ocean go directly to wterlnarlans to The State A.aembly and Sen· I elect eight new cSlrectora o1. ~ tlon. The present bQ~~Pital tadll· front bWldln. aJtea In Balboa at £1.--.1 ••• :"., ,..... get their dogs vaccinated, pay ate approved the City ot Newport I to Beg·· n s 0 0 n orpnlz:atlon. ..., -.. n .__ .. _...., f __ , G St. and ""---n Ft. to create r .. -----.... the fee to the wterlnarlan and Nominees bom Bal'--wbae-~~ ""' ...., ..-u or su ••• ~-. pa-~ w1U receive a certUJeate o1 vac-Beach chartn and plans We'l"e I . ....,.. tlents and pediAtrics under the euement for a~ II 911&1, ~ 1 ~Ill dnaUon made to el~ seven councUmen 11 I w N rt there are two vacancies. .,... new plan. Minor changea wtll The Coundl alto: UU • ~ · on M h 15 MJ n ewpo Merwin Peck. OrYllle SdlluSI!r,. be --ut-..a to provld• ..... .,......, • Approved the transfer of the Th N rt .,._ h B lldl Ctty Attomy Davu said that arc . . . ss Betty Kir· • H. Payne 1ba-ancS H. B. WU· ·~-. n::u .., ..... -., th e ewpo uo:ac u ng countyveterinartana have agreed by. correspondent tor local news· 0 ,_ from N- fadlltlel tn tbe present delivery lifeauard headquarters from e Department closed the books for to do the \lacclnatlon at actual papers. and her mother. Mrs. Wt'st Newport finally is a bout 80n. ne vacanc:y ... -..-.. rooms In the bospltal. Balboa Flre Hall to the former 1955 yesterday wtth a whopping Kathryn Kl b died f h 1 Beacb wUl be f:i1led by Georp "The house Is completely Newport Flre Ball on Newport total of $10,056,819 ln permits cost. $2. until Jan. 30. Mr. Davis r y, o asp yx a -to get its street and alley im-William Bush or Ben RfocNiclt. flU-... ," Mra. Ba--n said th'· Blvd. and ~ notice on the added that the .t.andard charge Uon because a bumlnr wall provement program under way. From Martner'a MJle one drr.etbf-. ~ ...., .. Issued for the year-an all· is $5. heater exhausted the oxy~ 'n ln A rt"SO lutJon of lntt>ntlon to go I will be c.hoeen from the two week. Normally, a lull ln num· present tenant to vacate by tlme record. The December total • Z·TEAJl DfTEJIVAU tbelr Costa Mesa home ... Ted ahead with the pro jed was ap-nominees wbo .,. ftel8on Stat beT of patients was expected at March 1. was $1.1TI,l62. Hambrook. local mana._. of Pll· proved Tu~... in b · • thl tl f • •-vee:~ the appointment The ordinance provides that _.,,_ ...... 1 ·~· ~ay even g Y ford Jr and r---Boas. 1'bJw 1 me 0 year. of M::""'Naoml Jretcbwn; for· subsequent vacdnatJons muat be ...-un.: '"' epbone. predJcted dial , Newport City Council. and the ne-w ~on"f;Wboa bJ&D<t merly with the Ollcago library so:~-. M~ Sl~p~. was born made ln lntervala not to exCftd telephones for Harbclr exchan~ I Monday, Feb. 13. Council meet· wtu be chosen flom ai'OODC tM 1lt.an I ll two years. ln 1956 ... Mrs. Hilda Watkins ' lng was Rt as time and pJa~ following sa candidates· aobert ~t. u us t c ty . ~ f':~4~n~-~t!,!a~~ ~ Any dog brou&ht Into the city submJtted her realgnaUon as for a public hurmg. Allen HuoJd Qal~. Lela.nd & Ocean Frolrt. Balboa. dJed e HJ.red the l . L. laeoba Co. to port Beach, tn Hoag Memorial must be vacctnated within five =utc!t of Balboa Island · · · An aaessm~nt district wm be McCoilock.. ltoy JiiQpole. 1tenn7 ea.rlv Thunday motnl"" Dec. 22, make a ltudY o1 the dty'a llcen-~ltal on Friday. Deo. n days unless lt has been vacdn· Mar ..!:" ~Ut oll Corona del ~t up for the area between 31st Nichols and ~ Salisbury .... ..t .. w __...,_ d f--.1.. .. """., ated durin"' the -.. g U wu e ew and ann St. and 54th St., northerly of tht> 8oth Harolrll Caldwti and 1[~. at Hoag Hospital a.n.. a abort ~ WUL&Jan<ll!e an -at a month& • )'a-.=o ... , and Pb1l ~. 19, of Udo Isle, • Pacific E 1 e c t r I c right -of -way. ny Nichols bave _ _... on ..a.._.;. lllnea. Chrllttaa Sdence Mr'V· ~ ol S3.Dl D~COUTIOIU DAXAGED · was shot In the lc:Mer back ln Cost ot the project was estimated -=n·~ .._ lees were held 811~ after. e A&:reed to dtJ operation of An lmtt.atlon snowman was The State ~t of Pub· the Bay Island myaery mlpJng I t $117 000 board this put year with -.. noon at Parkea·RJdlq Mortuary the TMn Cant~ and approprl· carrled btl from In front of bls lie Realth had lent the'health ... Mauri• Stanley. lnsu.rance a · · whlch ex:p~ th1a ~ar. Corona ID eo.ta Mesa. ated 13,!500 fCII' alteration.. home and outside Chrlst:mU officer a letter doeclarlng the aae"'t. elected preslc:lfont ol the ck-1 Mar will ea.ct one new df. Mr. Smllq wu a natJve of • Called for bids to be re· decorations wee destroyed, WU· total area of 0ran.p County to Newport Harbor Chamber of 11 •• lfl Pe6ce Car rector with G. Rabat Ptinal W18CONtn and had lived lJt eelwd l a.n. 23 tor nptac~g Uam Xanold oJ 301·36th St., be a "rablea endemic area," ef. Cmun~ ... At 3 p.m. Friday. r and Mark Sodft\ u nmnln-.. Balboa for~ yearL bUlkbeacl at Rlvo Alto and 38th Newport Beach. complained to fectJve Dec. 13. Sl~ Nov. 19 lan.. 7, 1955. Newport leach be· ...... La ll-...L Votes will be CIOWited h'lclq. st., the entrance to Newport Newport pollee Jut Thunday. there have ben ave rabtd dogs came a charta dty •.. A DeW -. • .-... l an. &. aad on January t ..e The WotneD'a J'ellowlblp ot St. !stud~ aNI to Improve the ap-Chrtstmaa c~ee~Watlons on New· mk:ken, two clop ca\llht and pc.t ome. CIDGtaJnlng abou\5,000 I Newport pollee car ~1 re· hol~ dlrocton wOJ meet An~ ~an an.udl ~ to Ute bland. port IIJand lwldte were al80 under su.sptdon. ~ .u.pected square feet ot f1oot ~ t« oeived damage in excess of $1.00 the ,...lY ~ memben wtll 8ei'Ve a luilcbeon at 12:30 e W~ to dty manarer the cSamared. he added. · does runntnc looee and a hone Newport BHdl Ia ..a.a.ct for tn j ln an accldent an VIa Udo. 85 me board to eeled the c:GIIOIIIL p.m. Wednelday, lan. 4 at the requ at tM Ellts Lodp f« thOUiht to 1M bdected. A dllld bids beln1 Atfi•U.CS bJ tbe ,_c feet west ot VIa Malaaa, New-for Mit ,..,.. '!'be .... wuiiJIIIIIII.._ church. Rev. Jam• B. J)lputhltt leue oC the dt;y-owned lot next IIAJift.,.. AT JIOAC and a marine have been forced oCUce deped.-t ••. M~~part IMch. at U:25 p.m. Mon· will take plaee .t t ... wtll apeak on tbe X & • a J o to t.hle Jodt.e :at tM aame reetal B&.rr7 ---. 131 Vta Udo to underco t he fa~Dtul Puteu.r Dora Hill C'Ub a nbiM>n to am. ~. )(.-port poUce repol'tec1. dlnn• of U.e QlaiMer of 0.:. IncSJana. • • bel.Qf ~-a. ,tbe Grttfltb eo.. SeNd. 1JdO lale. who wu oper· treat~nent for rabbles after belna dally open the Olton& del Mar J.._ aoe:r of U4-39th St.. New- ated on la.lt TlaW'8day at Boq bitte-n by aull)«btd rabid clap BCMJplt&J, remaiba "about the that cowd not be located. ~~ a~~ to bla ~al ----------------------------~----~~~~--- nut-. Be Ia atW In a CXIIIDa. , CCondm.d ti'CIIIl.,.,.. ll the baJ' at 1405 M. Bay Front. a propoMl from u.. W1l1.lam 1. 11.2'7 E. Coalt IIWJ. • · · Jlq N1el· 8alboa lala.Jad. by tbne Newport Moran Co. to provide a 14.000 -ol Newport H~1Jh .. !DitalM4 IIMda street ~t em· IQU&re foot dey hall tor U.. dt)' ,. U.ta• -...,, • n...ley, ..... ~~-' ....,_. ...... Celf ()flee u W'OI'Ihlpl\ll muter of s-tu-P~ ••• Yachta:man Robert on an annual Jeue ot aooo ::!.~ ,.._. '-... ._.. .... tt1t L c..t .....,._,,c.;_ 4el inC Lodle 708. l'rM and Ac-I... Boy4, 56. of OaroDa 4el Mar •.•. 1be congrqatlon of the 0). eepted )(uona • · • lJoyd m.... clMcl o1 a beut att.a.dr to Os.na.rd rona del liar Oomm"-Dit:1 auareh ...... ~ ,_ L C..tt ~~ C:.... 4e1 Mer, C....,.. man ot Glendale wu ldlle4 in· ••• Dr. P. A. Clla.IDWUn. 81, of named Rev. Ectwa.rd c. Gomlre as TB.IPHONH• HMiow 1114..,.. lUI .tantlY when hla a I t P 1 aD e Collta Ilea. pa-.d a__, • • • their permanent mfn11ter replae· t.fEMID OP THI eruhed Into a IIDlall ftahlnclake Campatp ~ are lD the tne Rev. Paul E. Babbitt, who CALIFOINIA NEWSP.vll PUIUSHIIS ASSOCIAnON at 342 Santa Isabel Ave., Colt& field tba. week .eekl.na -..,o took over tbe putorate of the • • • A1t4 .f tt.. NAnONAL fDITOatA&. ASSOCtATON )Ina ... Formation ot a cldaena fw the~· b\ldeet ot the w.... Concrecatlonal Ch\Udl In Shaf. n. NlWPOitT HAliOI lNSteN ... a..-••• •111•11 t. llle • committee to .-lit ln plana fer port·eo.t& Keu bc'audl ol tbe ter . . . Corona del Mar met· .._..,., ., ,_.t .. ,......_ ~ ,_., • ..., .r "-~ c-t •'"' lw high achool expansion a. und• Amelean Jred ere. ... An lD· chanb cel•ate open bou.ee i:::l:'t'.!'.2C:."!:' ~ ...:",::a"~ c=.-~ = ,•~ way ... The Easter Week ren· Junction wJt wu fteld lD SU· after the Coast Hwy 1a widened AltVO L HMPA ..,._ _, ~._ .. _..__ tal ucenae ordinance wu ctven perlor Court to re.traln the City throuJb the area · ftewport PEG HMPA .. a... ~ ft.nal approval by the Newport ol Newport Beac:b bom entordnc c:ttf counell took&~· actfon on HU&H t.fcWIUAN ~ _.._ Beach dty eoundl ... The larce the Eutft Week rental law by t6e ordinance annextne Upper lllT L JOHNSON ~~ crowd at tbe annual Chamber of B.,ey C. Brewster of Loll An-1• --a .... and .a-lay_.. --•on SAW t.ffTCHR.L ........ ........... .._._ .. _ __., stand ..... ,.,_ ... ..-• ~ '"' ocu ou;u ltUIY ST£VEHSON rw¥llhWOiif: rr.n .. Commerce wco:ung 1ave a • owner of rental property at aoe5 on a requ• to annex Coney _.. ..... ,w tnc ovadon to Mayor Dora Hlll Amethyst Ave .• Balboa Ialand . . • Ialand .•. Mayor Dora Bl1l a • , ___ , SUISCllmON ItA TIS .. she was ann o u n c e d u Petitions are being cl.rcu.lated pol.nted Galvin J[eene a.acJ ~ .._. ...._..,.._.. , .... 1 T ... ,..... ,,., ... ~.00 "Woman of the Year" for 1.954 throuJbout Newport a.sJd..nC for Hayton to the Netrport BHd1 OwtsWe .f tile~ Ar.et T.,. ,..,_...7M; -,..-.44.00 •.. A stonn with winds which immediate action to do away plan.n.lnl comm.la1on bit a peak of 54 mUH an hour with the "daneerous and often· · ~ ac:roa the harbor area. stve odors" comlng from "the •11 J ,;) _ J /1~ .g knocldng down wires and but· sewer une andlor the sewer vW. Nt rMJ4 feting boats moored in the bar· treatment plant'' near the moutb Gary B. Bradford of 131% Al· e • • • bor . . . A mUllon·dollar busJ· of the Santa Ana river ... An· bert Pl., Costa Meu, 1s killed ness development on 19th St. be-nexation ol tbe Southern Call· when hla motOI'C)'cle crashed lty COL AlfDDW W. 110'1'11. ,. __ If_.._ ol aty Coa1lcU tween Harbor Blvd. and Park romta Bible College, Orange into a car driven by l ohn S. Nul· Ave., with a neow All American County Fairgrounds. the former llns of Balboa llland.. on Bay· In lut week'a column about OlympJcs at Antwerp. Market u the principal tenant, Santa Ana Army Air Base and atde Dr. n~ar Corona del Mar . . . that alr race ln Long Beach, I To eet back to my stttlne on was announced by Howard Law· the Hale subdivisJon into the A car driven by Mlldted E. Swift said u how I left right after the the cal bench, Andy saJd, "If we son and Harvey Somers. Balboa City of Costa Mesa was started of Costa Mesa went out of con· race even before learning that I win the toss we':re going to re- developers . . . Charles F. Bur· by the Costa Mesa clty councll t:rol and crashed into Col. R. G. had won it. Beason for my quick celve." Thla was almost unheard gin, 19, of Balboa Island and Incumbents Andrew w. Blake's Lone Star exhlbJt in Co· departure wu that I wu head· of ln thoae d~ "We're golnc Robert Huffman, 19, of Santa Smith and Hans Broerlng are de· rona del Mar ... In a move to lng for Pasadena 110 that I could to quick k1ck on the first play. Ana, were fired upon by the OC· feated by Lee Wllder and Clar· block any further annexations be on the bench with the can. The tint Ume we get the ball cupant of a car at Marine Ave. ence Higbie 1n the elect.Jon of by the City or Newport Beach fomta Wonder Team coached by oublde of our 20-yard line we're and Park Ave., Balboa Island, seven councllmen for the City of westerly of Costa Mesa, the Andy (L.) Smith. which was gotne to pus on first do~." All whlle they were standing In Newport Beach. Other successful Costa Mesa city council started prepping for the Tournament of of these were a very radk:al de- front of 218 Marine Ave. shortlY candidates Included Gerald Ben· an annexation m ove to run a Roses game against Ohio State parture on the Emlly Poet book before midnight on Jan. 19 · · · nett, Sandy MacKay, Mayor Dora 200-foot strip to the city llmit.s on New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 1921. of football strategy. Royally for the City or Newport Hill. Stanley Ridderhof and J. B. of Huntington Beach on the west This can uae some· explaining. ''Wby"" 1 ked h , Daach from tidelands oll drilling Stoddard . . . Proposition two side or the Santa Ana rlver . . . I was invited by Coach Smith to . as 1m. 'Have ~ t be you gone nuts"" will almost double tn January. t setting a $2.400 annual llmJt on Frank Sawyer died of a heart on hand during those train· "No" be ·lled 'T t th was estimated by E. E. Pyles, tax funds for the Chamber of attack while attending an Inter· lng days. Reason No. 1: I had ' rep · ve go e vice president of the Monterey Commerce was overwhelmingly club albacore meeting In the coached at Cal In the season of best pass receiver In the world. Oil Co .... A compromise plan approved ... Newport city coun-Newport Harbor Yacht Club . . . 1915, the year Cal broke with 1 can throw a ball over a crowd was agreed upon between Edi· ell adopted a resolution of tnten· After two successive million-dol· Stanford and rugby after nlne ~f ,four players around hlm and son Co. and city officials to keep tlon to proceed wtth the proposed Jar months, the Newport Beach years of rugby and came back to u~~ .. come up with it every power poles of1 the bluff In Co· annexation of upper Newport buJldtng permit total ror the the American game. I was first · rona del Mar . . . Bay and set a public hearing for first tour months of 1955 ts and only assistant to the rugby So Cal received and the at· • FEBRUARY April 18 . . . Historical docu· $3,876,193, according to Building coach who had been retained to tempted quick ldck was fumbled ments, data and pictures are Inspector Raymond Glenn . . . coach American football. Reason and recovered by the kicker. A Fred Hersborn electE'd presl· sou~t as the Clty of Newport Howard Ahmanson's 10 . meter 2-MoUvated "by a aense of loy-punt from conventional punt for- dent of the Balboa Angling Club Beach begins making prepara-sloop Sirius ta first to cross the alty to UC. I had procured the mation, an exchange of punts, ... A. M. (Pete) Nelson retires tlons for Its 50th birthday annJ-flnl.ab line 1n the Ensenada scouting reports of tbe keenest and on the first down a pa.s.s as building inspector for the City versary. which will be celebrated Race to win the race for the sec· observor of football play of his that led Brtck Muller so far that of Newport Beach and is pre· throughout 1956 . . . ond time tn a row ... An ordl· time-Fielding (Huny-up) Yost. he caught It 1n a tremendous sented with a certificate or good Mrs. Dora Hill was re-elected nance eltmlnatlng all number Early open practices held by flat drlve. From there on It was citizenship by the Newport Beach mayor at the city council meet· one flre zone except fo.r the OSU showed every play outltned Muller, either catching them clty council . . . The YMCA lng March 22 ... The Newport ocean front beach ts adopted by by the exact numbering of plays. with hta big mJts, or throwing bo Ch Co In th d tht ed them, to the utter bewilderment membership drive report dinner Har r amber or rnmeree the Newport Beach city council ose ays s wu approv In St. Andrews Presbyterian launched an all-out memberShip ... Workmen start tearing down as proper. Now they h~ve rules of the Ohio State palyers. One Church turned Into a victory din· drive ... Edward T. Healy wu the old Bamboo on Balboa to against obtalnl.ne thla Inform&· of hls heaves, a record at the net" as the three sections of the elected to his f11th term aa presl· provide room for a 65-car park· tion of the other fellow's playa. tJme, travelled ln the air some Orange Coast area turned In dent of the Central N~rt tn1 lot for Karam's Restaurant Now let m4t cJeJ up a lot of ~~ ~d w~ eaught by pledges totalling nearly $4,500 Community Assn. . . . Oppoat· ... Baker's Corona del Mar Fur· contusion about the two Andy e ep ena a toueh- and a memberahiP of Just an· Uon to the tax over-ride method nJture a. opened 1n the Enslin Smiths. I played center on tbe ~~Final ecore wu 28 to 0 '"' ~ other 450 • • . B. Payne Tbayet ot 11nancln& a new hllh acbool Bu.lldlna. Coaat Bwy. and Bello· l90e MJchtpn team. which wu Donot be caupt trtdt bet at 1706 Miramar Dt., Balboa. ac· plant ta Costa Mesa was ell· trope Ave.. by Prank Bakel', the flnt' oJMt-that ~ad 8'Vft tha .47 SmJ on • cepted duties of actJne post· pressed In a resolution adopted owner ol Baker's Laauna Fuml· beaten f'enn. rated top dol In Cal t .:Ouvtna t!"=~t master tor N~ Beach on by the directors of the Freedom ture ... Frank D. Moore lr .. the Eut. Jt had been a lone dry About bt na · Feb. 1. taking over the job from Taxpayers League, Inc. ... Mra. parts ma.nager of the Theo Bob· spell. Andrew L. Smlth. an ell· Frand.lloo etri~of ~ a ~ John T. Boyd Jr., who resigned T. Duncan Stewart. president of lns Ford Acency, Ia elected com· P~ fullback. wu the Penn aa , en e wo d . . . Fifteen candidates filed for the Woman's Civic L.Hgue, an· mander of N e w port Harbor bacldteld coach ln that 1909 sea· at y,Cal An1: SmJn:f:; wbo ~cbed Newport Beach clty councll elec· nounced a league project of clr· American Leeton Post 291 . . . son. Later he wu a v~ success· ame ,.• Wh co g up or the tton on March 15. including Ger· culating petitions for obtalnlng A picket line 1a being main· ful coach at Purdue. at the same ~at ·u ereu~n be dmade beta ald Bennett. Lawrence Bergeron. streets lights In Corona del Mar. talned In front of the Costa Mesa time that I coached Harnmo Andrew ~u h ~· :~ 1becau~ Wtlllam C. Kinder Jr.. Sanqy • APRIL Globe Herald. where a labor dis· High School, also In Indiana. I f}lortly after h: 1 t min nte ~924 MacKay, Jay Stottlemyre, Dora pute resulted In a strike called 1915 I was the ust.stant coac to Stan!or as u osa Hill. Stanley Rldderhor, Mrs. Slg· Easter Week Is hailed as by the Typographical Union ... at Cal on leave from Throop Col· readU snad.. these beta were rid Neff. Hans Broering, Clarence !'quietest ever" by Pollee Chief A population of 17.Z79 persons Ieee (now Cal-Tech). Andrew L. of th~ co= upi ~ a result A. Higbie. A. W. Smith, L. Gor · John Upson ... Hell pot Corp. or In the City of Costa Mesa ts Smith came to Cal In 1916 after called out of ~ fro ave' ~n don Walker. Lee Wilder, W. G. South Pasadena will consolidate shown In a preliminary census they fired the rueby coach and ame artles t m pre· tg Perrow and J. B. Stoddard · · · Its operations ln a $2,000,000 announcement by City Manager sent me back to the bushes. In lmtth,p who w~rov;~t Ana: :••e•••••••••e••····~··•eee•e•••ee ; • • • e e • • • e • e e e • e • • • • • • • • • • • •••e••ee••••eee•••••••••e•••••••ee• ·1956 will be another bll year In telephOne proJress Thla comlnc ,flU, .. plan to put a record 13M m1llloll lDto oew coutntctloo aod eerY• toe tmprovemeDU to .ene the Pacific W..t. We expect to add aew equipment of all JdDda to make J'OUl' tel•· phoDe ••r'flce eYeD better and to pi'O'fidt new •e"lee for the ever-growtn1 number of people here. KOI"&j linea to carry Lone Dlatanee call• and televa.lon programs; Dlreet Dlatance Dial· inl from more tOWIUI to placel U far away U Phl1a4elphia. Chicago and MUwaukee; more colored phonee aod h&M.-free Speakerphones. Theee are a very few of the IIWl7 thlllp lD oar continued program to keep pace with the srowtn1 W..t. In the year ahead you'U Me plency of NUODa wh7 we •y-The men and women of Pacific Telephone work to make your telephone more useful every day. • • • • • Free plannlnl senlce for holneowners Are you thlnlrtnc of bulldblc or remodellD_I lD '66 t U .o, we ~you lndude UJ>to-date telephone arn.neemenu lD 7.GUr piau. CollceUtd wlrine ilnd bullt.-ID t.Jepboue outlet. 1D each of the I'OQIDjl you u.. a lot are J.ow-c:o.t featUI'ell that add much to the "UvabWty" aod nlne of a home. ADd, of coune, to your comfort and convenience u well. we•u be slad to help you with our free telephone plaonlDI llel"rice. Jwrt call ua and uk for "Archlteet. and BuDden Ser'fke". ' ' I • Purchase or the Rendezvous Ball· plant to be built on a 15-acre George CoUey ... A total of 37 1917 and 1918 the alumnl were at Cal Ia allve a co room in Balboa by the city as a ocean view tract which the cor· sportftshlng boats from five screaming for Andrew L.'s job. <Continued ct~ a udltorlum w~ pro~d pontioo h ujud a~uired ad· sportf~lnglan~nptnNewport Theyh~Nt~Pr~uau~· -~~~~~~-~~~~S~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-by Councilman Hans Broering · · · jacent to the City of Newport and Balboa plan to celebrate ant. It jud so happened that The city's long campaign to Beach corporation yard . . . A Conservation Day on May 25, do· Nibs had coached the state eliminate the Pacific Electric $500,000 damage suit 15 filed natlng all proceeds to the Ocean championship high school team bottleneck In the heart or New· against Mrs. Hugh Hutson of Fish Protective Assn. . . . City at San Diego, and by the merest port came to a head as the city Lido Isle for Donna Mae Soren· Manager John SaJlors submitted coincidence the cream of the council began condemnation pro· sen of La Crescenta for the loss a two·mJlllon-dollar budget to crop decided to follow NIBs to ceedings to acquirE: the PE right· or heT left ann tn a water skUng the Newport Beach city council Cal. Notably amone them was ot-way ... Heinz Kaiser, JoT T. accident tn upper Newport Bay. which set a public hearing to; Brick Muller. Of him more fol- Boyd Jr. and Ted Hambrook lee· Sept. 8. 1954 ... W. Stephen 'T:30 p.m. Monday, June 20 ... lows. My first look at Muller was ted directors of Amlgos Vlejos Smith of 2908 Cliff Dr., Newporl A new salary schedule for New· as a Judge at a track meet In . . . Mrs. Thomas Frost. Mrs. Heights. Is Installed as president port Beach city personnel wtth Los Angeles. l think he wu the Harold Knipp. &seine Feeley or the Harbor area Toastmasters a total increase of $63,636 for the only representative of the San and Kingery Whlteneck are Club . . . The Mariners Bank. 1955·56 fiscal year 15 adopted by Diego High School at the meet given honorary llfe memberships Z712 W . Coast Hwy.,_ Newport the city councll .. :A veterans -be and hl5 stater to cheer him In the Newport Harbor Union Beach, opens with Edgar R. Hill. memorial 1arden ln the Harbor on. It wu one ol the early spring meh School PTA .. ; Dick (C.Q.) president. and Gerry RJcharM<>n. Rest Memorial PUk Cemetery 1s track meet& He won the high Hoffman or the '79th G~Y· executive vice-president ... The set tor dedication on M•.morlal Jump and later won a place on Whale Watching Group" sees long-rumored commercial devel-Day ... A ~ tax override to the 0l)'D'1plc Team, for the 1920 whales spoutlne "off the Balbo.a opment of Irvine land back or provide money for a eecond fout· Pier ... "Improper assessments" Merle's Drive In. Corona del Mar, year hJth llchool for Newport against home owners In Freedom came a step closer u the Irvine Harbor Union High School dla· Homes ln Costa Mesa have bee,n Co. engages the Los Angeles trlet Ia approved by dlltrlc:t made by the county assessor • architectural flnn of Pereira and voten. - otnce, v. E. MacCerter, chairman Luckman to make a study ot the • •UIE of the Freedom T a x P a Y e r 8 feasibility of tbe area u a ahop· • Leag\le ol Costa Mesa, has ping center ... A publJc hear· -u s N ch ~.a A tlll d llar ex ..... · · avy erf11llf from An· argocu . . . m on· o · lng Is set to bear protests on the 11 f H M ial H napo • WOI'} the fltth annual pansJon o oag emor OS· annexation of 2100-acre Upper Western S P r I n t Cbamplonahip pttal, doubling the number of Bay to the City of Newport Beach rowtne :regatta for varsity e.tehta rooms. 1s being made possible . . . City Manager lohn Sa.llora in tbe Ume of 6:44.5 minutes on th:rouJh '\1\e otfer by the Hoag ls seeking applleanta for two the 2.000-meter Nortb Lido Chan· Foundatloh to furnish $500,000 new posttJons that are provided e1 a •~._ ..... b·•t• The h...nl n coune . · . Gold certWeatel oD ma"""',..... ---r · for by the Newport Beach city and a valuable coin eoUectlon save rnoney ~ ':;' ~ ~vi~· ::e~ charter. a recreation dlrector and tor a time believed .tolen In a ""--a del Mar, due up the akel· purchaslne agent · · · Newport burctary of the R. L. Crutcller ol· •. • • • • • • • • • • ·• '--"'"" Beach city councU instructed flee at 34.29 E. Coast HWy eo-• • :S-.1otto a.:: 2~a~~ ~:.; City Attomey =Jtarl pa~._to &>re· rona del Mar, wu found ~ In • • : • • • • • • • • • -old, wb.lle ~avatlnr for ~e A~ a!!!!~ '~toto e~":~P..rest • a bank Af• depoelt box ••• Bar· • ..... ~ • ,-~-f d tlo e-1 h Cln ._."'J un&.Ula ~ua.ua e bor BJp School'• peataf mJler • q A.:.. e a ..,.._ oun a n · · · L\&lp the number one fire zone for Tod Wll.H.e o1 a.n.oa Jaland, ' • .. _.:-v_ • ~~ ~~ .... Qoodt ~~ bu.atne. areu •.• 'lhe County the worJcr~ tut.t -mtl~ (iJ .,...,... • .,_ ~ .._ ~ • ~ ol Oranee Mt'Ved notice on the mln .--r nan ,.,. • ~ ~ the U.S. f:t Gtu:: City at Newport Beach that the trae:~ ==-J:'. ~ ~ .A... • • • • • • : -.--•• • • • -cen county lt taldn• OVf!t the aovern· eel CoU..WO Mil. Qaarlel .. • • • • :;r·rt:-~:::,.:~ ment and opentloll til Newport Lamb fledicl P.~l•t Of tlM , ,........... 01111 • 1w .._. fld'"""' w'X~ Hat· Harbor · · • fte Clt7 ~ eo.ta Ucto Jale Oommuntt;t AlilodetiOD ......._.._,I .. 0 ... --Moot dJtlt:rkt. .. _ appiOftd a ,..autloll 01 • • • 1IJ'L ....... Oai!nMiftp ... w W. W/a~ brtmtlon to UlMX • porUoll ol tlni .,.., z ,..,. and .. • &i ........,.. • uPIMI' .. , ~• wttll1ft tM ~ ...-. ta a.e cttJ .,..... . oe l'(.wport ....-atlGn .,.. ... _. iiJM1 ta ootu..-. ...._ L E. CAliRI ol Sea· K~ .. ~tat a coa.table Jlrillk <'ftnr) Vauiba 1.•••: ~:'u~~.J::: :J.ft·,'::f·&·•a::: ... "' .... DMeO ................ , .......... Wa.MJ li~iiiiiiil;liiiiiiil •· UNd. • 'lll a hi-' ....-~ .,_,.-... .,. ,..... 1 tl '"-Q II Ia ,._ell ... fl IIIII :-s.:~:r rttt' II fll ..... ld'A ·~ ""·· ... --......... ... =-~ ................ _... .... ., ... ..:. •• :-=::..:;:, ..... :-•••• ,:r, --·· .. _ ~---c...-... a -H' .. ••• Some.:}i;A Allout the~of MET 0 SERVICE ' Tbe fate you pay co ride a Metro bua is ~­ mined by many tbiap. The public usually .a ooly the mocor COACh. tbe opaacor ..J pedaapl • station or cermiaal. Buc there ate a lot ol Otber direc:c aad inclUcct i~ chat muse be paid with the moa.ey you drop intO the fate box. A f.:w auc:h itema-iadude w~p, materiab, fuel, c.ita, cic:k.eu aod tl'aallen, iuunaee ud cu.. Ia taxa a.l~, Meuo ia DOW paJiq o.u $1 ,600,00() t.UuJ!y fOI' eM priTiMp ol JWOtid- Uaa tnotit III"Yb. • I S.O.S. Raclo & T.V. BADIO-TELEVISIOH-HI.f'l • .. OifK ..... .,. -4MI OUR HOUDAY MENU Combination Seafood, Shrimp Cock1ail Creme of Chicken a la Reine Chef's Salad with 1000 Island Dressing ENTREES Young Tom Turkey stuffed with walnut c~Mssing, cranberry sauce $2.00 Roast Prime Rib of Beef _ 2.75 Baked Virginia Ham, candied yams, pineapple sauce --··--2.00 Roast Young Duckling with apple sauce _ 2.00 lf2 Fried Spring Chicken, unjointed --2.00 Top Sirloin Steak, mushroom sauce ----2. 75 Whole Lobster with drawn butter --·--3.00 Broiled Fresh Swordfish Steak, tartar sauce -------.. -·-·-·---·---1.....-.. -· 2.00 Whipped Cream Potatoes Garden Fresh Peas Hot Mince Pie, Pumpkin Pie, English Plum Pudding with brandy sauce, Ice Cream or Sherbet Coffee, Tea or milk •AT Till: IJGJI OF Till: IWOaDFJSr 11271 S. facUic Coat Ky .. lad Side (1 mUe E. of Seal Beach) r-~= WE•!:* 1·2405 « • ....,. GEORGE ABV ANITI.S, Mer. OPEJI t cua-llz30 CL1Do AJOLaP~Cl Celebrate New Year~ Eve l1 I lriH S•llllcl DIICIII-DIIID-FUI-FIV- * *'* Be Our Guest at A Tom cmd Jerry Party Up.m. l..a .. &a'-1 •-•t Wo eo..~ CM.L roa JIUD't'A"''JJD •ow• rA .Y LESS CGIPLETE II II STOlES Mil ... , ...... .. .. I .. .... -· o-t Jlwy-aA I5SS C..... ell& II• MIKE MYERS \JtffC* s•vtCI u.s. bpi n.. w..w..a~ C.....h•ll.ll .......... Flli IICLIJr I DaiWWf .............. 1701 I. Cout HI .. ItS .. A._. c-.~w. . LUIS Fll- '" ._UQ LOAII Constnactioa J.oaw 54J' •nu LOAII ....... Tn..U Pllrilr le.PP Gl. Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCIS-.ALL SJZFJL-ALL TYPES JA~ 7-1111 K'MIIWJ7 J..Cr15C ................ IIIDS.II .... ._..A.- Costa Mesa Lumber Co. ------~----- Peopleh.wbeen Wfin9 ••• and ii•U•fin9 th.t YMICU 11 1t11a BREAKING A 20 y TWO OFFICES TO SfRVE ORANGE COUNTY RECORDI LAGUNA BEACH-SAN ClfM£NTE WITH OUR 41ST SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF APPROXIMATELY s 3 30,0 00.00 AT THE RATE OF Jl/2 PER CENT PER ANNUM TOTAL DIVIDENDS FOR 1955-$630,000.00 D~· 0. AI Savings Share Acco•ts Av-I Ale As Of Frlclay, Decemlaer 30 • Remember . . 9. ALL FUNDS PLACED WITH THE ASSOQATtON ON OR BE~RE JAN~ARY 10 EARN DIVID~NDS \~. fOR THE FUU' SIX-MONTHS PERtOD ENDING JUNE ~ ' \. GU · SAYINGS AND LOAN A.lsocaa: ;. . I . _ ... AFTER OIRISTMAS dresses. AccessOries. skirts. blouses. coals and~ suih REDUCnONS upto . 50% DON LOPER Ctc*laU Dre1111 Sills ... 0..11 REDUCED Ya TO Y2 DRESSES 12! to 22! REDUCED Y3 TO Y2 IFF! 3419 Ne wport Boulevard * LIDO ISLE * Free Parking-End of Block CORAL Beauty Salon ''HOLIDAYS SPECIAL'' IIO.AT PEUIAJfEJifT, J1e9. 117.50. ROW 111.50 BOifAT .EUIAJfEJifT. lleg. 115& MOW 110.00 * For ............. _ • ..,.. llll * HAZEL PIRIEISOI 3712 &=~~hppy Which stocks will offer the best investment opportunities in 1956? Now available for the a sking Kerr & Company's ''Investment Suggestions For 1956" Investors have found these forecasts to be an invaluable aid in appraising their presently held securities and in judging the best course for the year ahead. This report gives you specific investment suggestions for 1956. _____ _._-------:--- For yOu!' c:oPY~ fill in and return this ooupo11 to: \ MoRGAN & Co. 1111 .. c..t ..... , c-... .... . · .. - · of Sodal ROle 'I'M Sana Loreu' ot ConiDa 'n1e Lpn Ko-biolden af eo- del Ku Jaaw lu.t nturn.cS t.rom rona del Mw are II*Hllftl' part a akUftl trlp to .Alta 1o110wtn1 a ot the holldaft 1n the ~ Uttle vacation 1D Acapulco. Ma· --.-• • lc:o. Methlnb the,yre brave onet Former Harbor Area neiJ~bon. to continue lldJnl after the Mr. and lin. Earl Mdtn!Cftt broken ler Hans auUerecS lut Santa Ana. 9tatte4 the ~led year. -tela of CaroDA ,del Mar A"-'1--1 • • • the holldQa, The IArll Lava~oe had •· • • Chrtatmu dinner with relatives Mila Ella Draper ot Ontario ln Glendale. and Dr. Jean Hodtldnt of Santa • • • Barbara Collep wee Cbrlatm.u Mn. Gladys Spear ot Kanau IUHU of the S. D. Broclal of Co· Ctty Is vll1~ ber atster and rona del .Mar. fa.rnlly, the Dewey Peclut ot Co· • • • rona del .Mar, for the holldays. The Ira Smtth ot Corona BJ&h· • • • lan<b enterlained their couat.n.a Mr. and .Mra. Art Sunderland family children tor the Chrl.lt· of Corona del Mar spent Christ· mas festlvttJM. mas with .Mra. Sunderland's sis· ------- ter ln Lon& Beach. • • • MOVE ROM MEWJOIIT The Marvt.n Petenona have The Stanley A. Sml~ of Co· moved from 117 27th St, New· rona del Mar spent Chrlstmas port, to ~ Bay Ave.. eo.ta wlth thelr sister's family tn La Mesa. Habra. the Wilbur Lakes. who ~;;:;;;:;;:;;;:===;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;=:::c Miss Jane Nunan of Newport Is Bride of Gene Patterson formerly llved OD Balboa bland. • i • Doris Raef, former Orange Cout teacher and secretary of the BusJness and Professional Women's Club, planned to stop in the Harbor Area betWeen trains while she wu travelling from her new position at a lcllool up near Sacramento to ber home in Texas. • • • Dr. and Mrs. John Neff and daughter Karin, of Newport Heights are planning to spend New Years with General Benja· A red and white Christmas uslsted at the reception wera min Glles. former World War D theme was used in the decoca· Mlu Yvonne Taylor. Jan Dul· Alr Force Commander who Uves ttons and bridal attendants' worth, Mrs. Wllllam Trusty, Mrs. with his family at Dana Point. gowns at the December weddJng Raymond Pedersen, Miss Renee' Dr. Neff knew the Giles tn the of Miss Jane Nunan and Gene F. Elliot. AJao assisting was Mrs. far east before Mrs. Glles be· Patterson. The wedding rites Bruce Parsons. aunt of the bride. came a war prisioner at Corregi· were performed by Rev. James Mrs. Nunan wore a mauve dor. • • • Stewart at St. Andrews Presby· jersey dreu with matching hat terian Church, Cllfi Raven. and black accessories. She wore It was certainly Christmas The bride is the daughter of a corsage of white carnations. time when 12-year-old Robert Mr. and Mrs. Everett D. Nunan The groom's mother wore rose Yerkes. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. of 208 36th St .• Newport. and the lace with white carnation now· Yerkes of 132 Via Trieste, Udo groom is the son of the Frank ers. Following a honeymoon in l.sle, received hls "ham" radio Patterson.s of Huntington Beach. the San Bernardino mountains, operator's license. Robert. whose 'I1te bride "fore a fioor length the young couple will llve at call letters are KN6PQJ, ls put· white chantllly lace and nylon 407% 38th St .. Newport. For her tlng together his transmJtter and tulle gown. The dress had long travelllng costume, the new Mrs. expects to be on the alr soon. aleeves and a high neck and with Patterson wore a beige jersey It she wore a frllly pancake hat dress &Jld coat with brown ac· wbJch held her fingertip vell. ceuort~ ~d nowers from her Her bridal bouquet consisted of bridal bouquet. garnet roses. to carry out the She is a gradua~ of Newport Christmas theme, white orchids schools. grammar through senior and phalaenopsls. high, and Orange Coast College, Her sister from Calexico, the where she was director of stu· former Joan Nunan, now Mrs. dent actlvltles. She was honored Donald Preston. was her matron last year at the Children's Home of honor. She wore a red crysta· Society Debutante Ball. Her new llne dress and canted a white husband graduated from Runt- satin mutt decorated wlth Eng-Jngton Beach High School and llsh holly and red carnat\ons. Orange Cout College. He served harbor photo lab cameras repa.lrs rentals fast COLOR SERVICE Her headband was also red. 'Sim· Uarly dr~ were the brld•· four yeara tn the U.S. Army Alr 3121 E. Coast Hwy., CDM maJda. Mrs. John Pattenon. wife :.F;;;or;;ce.;;=·========~=========~ o1. the groom's brother &om San f Luls Oblspo; .Mrs. Robert Schar· nell. who is the former Barbara Trusty from Newport. and Miss Nancy Tritt of Lldo. Serving as his btother's best man was John Patterson. Ushers were Bob Ellis and Jim Axton of Huntington Beach and his bride's brother-In-law. Donald Preston. Jack Kennedy. a classmate of the couple at Orange Coast Col· lege, was wedding soloist. ac· companied by Blllie Deaver, church organist. Red and white ~tladloll and white candles decorated the church for the occasion. White wedding bela adorned the church social hall, where a reception was held following the cere- mony. Harbor area lriends who llwa•i• latallallo• .. lell n .... , Today's meeting of the New· port Harbor Kiwanis Club wtll be President Roy Yourstone's ''swan aonl" at .the regular luncheon get-to-gether at vma Marina Restaurant. The first January prorram, next Thursday. wtll be ln.stal· latJon of the new oWcers. A ape· clal holiday event of the Wanl· kls, women's auxlltary of the Newport Harbor KJwan.la.na, wu tbe president's tea held at the home of Mrs. Max Pope at 1!530 Tustin Ave., Coeta Mesa. on the attemoon of December 14. Ia ... IlP F .... ..... , . ..., Tbe Newport Barb« BJgh School Faculty Chrlmnu Party wu held reeentl1 at U,. Soelal Ball on the eampua. DoOr ~ were won by Mn. A1 lrw1n and WlWam rrtnk. Tile party wu lpC)mored bj the Pacu.lt)-Wlwa Club, All ot tbe ldtoo1 penormel and board members ,.... m..ttec1 TM nat .....uq crf tJ1e h:QJC:r W'lw. Club will be In~ ....... ., OUR FIRS~ SALE! I ''The Hostess Corner'' FEATURING NORCROSS CARDS, GIIT WRAPS, . UNUSUAL PAPER ITEMS • MODaJIR AJm COIITEJUOauT KIDOaED IBADOW IIODI WITIIIIAft.E BAKU VEN£I'IAH MJRBORS, all sizes & types .... Beginning New Year January 3 IMrewDlbe ... •CIOIIDdee Ill .. pbaw:aj cmd .......... , HOME LOANS LAGUNA ' FEDERAL SA Y1N6S & LOAN ASSOCIAT10N TWO OFFICES To Sene You LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLEMEN11 QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY sn4PATHETIC SBVICE FREE CUSTOWYS' PAUJN&, ... ESCROW :: •va. ~YOPBATID LA&UNA lEACH 2220...A¥e. PHOHI HY. 4-1 In . 1111111'1 I Llll IIIIET wttJa U I J q "I ...... 111111 •. , ...... ...pl .... 11••111 Hllara ~a .... _ c H E E R y H 0 L I D A y s and a H A p p y N j • ... , . ' Hope ••• Work ·. • • Achievement! Mc:rr bope CIDd ..Wtloa WI yoariMart claJtay tM If"' Yea:r • • • JDq ,... aDd. Ia cdna.Ddaat ...... tlae ~ to tniiWatle bope lato effort • • • CIDd -c:rr you et-.y effolt be avwDed wttb laatla9 n=-a CIDd ......,__t. llappf If.., Yea:rl Cor~ del Mar PharaiiCICJ -mE tn.c:rtptloo ftCII'IDGC'(" 8~2272 3127 E. Coat Bwy .. at .Jcmni.M. Conoa del Mar •. #--.• ~ FOR YOUR '* N£W :1£AiS.#f~f;/ Disabled Vets Entertained laterpNUnl often·ued wor611n oar Saered Book By JlA.LPH C. SIO:DLEY at Corona del Kat A. Yule Jot, preMnta. rout tur· key and birthday cake made a (estJve ~ber party for the 28 dJ.aabled wtetana who eame trom the Lon1 Beach Veter&M Admtnl.lttatlon Hoapttal on Wed· nesday, Dee. 14. The dlnne and entertainment were planned by membera of the American Le· cton Aux1Uary Unit 291 with Mnl. Walte-r Mathews and Mrs. George Yeage-r In charge. A ctft wu provided for each veteran and the afternoon enter· talnment Included cards and gamee played In the lounge of the hall before a log burning fire In Leaion.. Hall. Four American Red Crou drivers and Mary Leeks. recreational director of the hoalptal. were also guests. ...... AM-., Mfd _ ........ ...... ( ......... .., ............ . ,..,.._ ~). n.. abld· ... .,..., -Job:a Is. There are two Greek words uaed ln the New Testament wbtch are translated as muter. One l.a DIDASKALOS, llteraUy a teacher, and the other Ia llABBI, a title of respect In Jewl.ab lcboob of learnll· The lal;ter ap· pears aa llABBONI, a stU( higher term of honor. In both cases. the honor of being a master appears to be connected wlth the teaching quality. Our En(llah word ma.s- Kingsley Named Commodore of Lido Isle Yacht Club · Kenneth C. Kingsley wu elect· ed commodore of the Udo lsle Yacht Club at the annual ban- quet held In the Lido lale Club· house Saturday, Dec. 17. ''well done" aalllng for UYC; Robert Bogan Albatross perpetu- al, first to Kelth Lumpkin, sec- ond to Bob Bogan, third to John Blaich; Clarence Beebe trophy to Harold Kenoyer for largest marlin; Paul Daniel perpetual to Mrs. Harold Kenoyer for largest albacore. ter doea not fully ...a.et that meaning. It 1a a Lat:Sn clertvadve. with a llteral mean1D1 of cr-ter. The Latin WOl'C1 t.a MAGISTElt. a double comparative from the root of MA.G1'fUS, creat. We UIOClate "muter" wtth "8ft'Vant" or "alave," but u we conaider le!JQ u our ~. we mu.t remember that we are not alaves forced to obey. but dJ. ~pies, or learners, w1lllnllY paying heed to the wordl of our T-.cbeor, and wbmJtting our- eelves to the mutery of HJa love. Future home developen would be req ulred to lnatal.l aJdewallul and place utlllty ~ for ornamental 11 g h t I n 1 under- ground under the provbions of an ordinance amendment pro· posed 1burtlday, December 15 by the Newport Beach City Plan· nlng CornmJaalon. The Commission paaed a resolution aaldng that these provlalons be made mandatory Instead of optional, as the pres- ent ordinance decrees. The pro- posed amendm~t now goes to City CouncU for actlon. It In- cludes also a new secUon stating that "telephone and utlllty un- derground systems may be re· qulred." ....... Happy New Year Before we c:loM the boob on the old year may we aay .. thanka'' for ern you··· done for ua clwiDq the pcmt tw.W. months. We hope. too. that iD the New Year to come we may play seine part in mak- ing your boPN and dream. aD come true. Newport Ha or Ba1k .,. ....... John Can was named vice- commodore and Paul Elmquist rear-commodore. Elected as dl· rectors for'three-year terms were Keith Cordrey and Linn Wll· IIams. William Gundy w a s named to a one-year term on the board, to complete the term va- cated by Mr. Carr. Other mem· bers of the board are Howard Lewis, Leon Ware and Charles Lamb . M. A. Anderson, commodore for 1955, presented the following trophies: Thomas Rutter perpet- ual to John Haskell for a year of Commodore Anderson himself was awarded the DeMark trophy by Racing Chairman Linn Wll- llams for being the adult mem- ber who entered the most races sponsored by UYC and who made the most points. A new UYC junior award, the M. A. Anderson trophy. was pre- sented to Burke Sawyer for being the junior (under 21) who con· trlbuted the most outstanding job for UYC the put year. Light their life with fJith l/lt Delay Annex of Tidelands Newport's City Council adopt.S a resolution on Monday evening. Dec. 12th, consenting to the an· nexation of the city's tidelands to Sanitation District No. 5, but thla action was rescinded at the Stat! commodores attending the dinner-dance we r e C l I f f Chapman. H a y Lang~nhelm. ~ge Carrlnrton Jr. and How- ard Lewis. ST. Alfi)UWI PJlESrrTEJUAif CBU"aCB 15th St. II St. Andrews Rd .. CICI'OU fzala IIJ4IIa ldaool Uberty 1-l'l"n PaW: .... 1~ I. Stewart SUNDAY : Morning worship. 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High, Sr. High and college age Fellow- ahlps. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer. study group, 9:30 a.m. l'DIST ASSEJOLY OJ' COD 22Dd St. & Elde:1 A..._ ea.ta u- Uberty 1-m1 ..... -.4 ... c:. Ooalc. l'astlcw Sunday School : 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:55 a.m. and evangelist service, 7:30 p.m. Youne People and Children's Service. 6:30 p m. Sun. Mid Wf!t'k Service: Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlsslo:1ary Council. Thursdays 9:30 a.m. for all day. FtJtST BAPnST c:au IICil lcmta ADa Aft. .t M paU. e-ta .. _ ...... c.·--. Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. SuncSQ Sehool; U :un. Worablp ~· 1:30 p.m., Bapt.l.at TraJnlnc bn:Joc; 7:30 p.m.. .Evenln1 Ser¥1ce. Wedneaday: 7 :30 p.m.. ~. Praise and Bible Stu<tJ. MoD- day: 7 :30 p.m.. Men'• Cbon. p r a c t I c • ; 8:.30 p.m. KeD'• Prayer Meetin •. ======---:::------=--------------___;::;.. following day's vote canva&S Tbe traditional roast beer din- ner wu prepared and served by new members. Mr. and Mrs. Bur· ton Romberger headed the com - mittee. They w~re assisted by Messrs. and Mmes. L. M. Reed. P. C. Berhard. Berwyn Maple. Eu· gene Vreeland, Donald MacGreg- or. Harold Welch, Perry Clark. Walter Franz. WtJllam Schock, John Carson, Walt~r ~rhardt. Jerrell Richards. Martin Lockney. Jerome Helperln, Paul Elmquist and Mrs. EdJth Humpert. COIDIUJnT'f JIETBODIST ao w. lltll st.. eo.ta Meea LJbeJty 1-4552 SEVEJITB DAY AD'YEM 1151 lfewport Bl-..L at 8ol8a St.. lfewport lletglata Uberty 8.1$32 CBUaCB OP 00. LADY OJ' liT. CARMEL A Happy Hogmanay .. A Prosperous Ne'erday · .., •. 111'1 •• 0111 at . ··Beach & Boulevard lfOft'l AJm CASUAL WZ.U -I. Coat aiYd. z..pa. .... ll'ftdt Use En~a Waat Ads lor Beaalll · may itb•a proeperous one for yCAJ '\ meetlng. The annexation was Initiated so that the cJty could benetlt from collection of taxes on the oU being pumped from the city- owned tidelands by the Mon· terey-Humble Co. Following the Monday eve- ning action It was pointed out however, that the city might be making ltseU liable for paying taxes on the mineral rights ln all of Its tidelands, which ex· tend thr~Ues seaward. Coun · ell therefore voted next,. day to rescind the resolution, while City Attorney Karl Davis studies the tax llabiUty .• ------ ltre P11111ts lssae• Ftr. Dill JaMS 1be carving wu done by WU· llam J. Cowan and Leon Ware. assisted by John Cartlon and Wally Gerhardt. Mrs. Hal Dike headed the decoration commit- tee. Yacht club wassall bowls were under the ladleshlp or Mr. and Mrs. George Buccola. FIW CHUR01 01" CHitiST SCIENTIST I 330) Vie Lido. N•WDOr+ kech A branch of Th• Moth•r Church, Th• Fil"lt Church of Cllritt. Sci.ntid, 111 b ton. ~es~chus.th. Sundey Sc.hooi _ .-9:15 e.m. Sund•x s."';c• r ·--·-II :00 e.m. W.dnlhdey Ev.nin9 ~ .. tinq 8.00 p.m. R .. dinq R~m loc.et.d et lll S Vie Lido. N•wport B.•ch, it ol)4tn -• d~ from 10.00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. W.dn•tdeys from 10:00 •·"'· to 1:45 p.m. Friday -ninq1 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Clo••d Holideys. n •• public il cordielly invit.d to et· tend th• church .. rvic•• end us. th• Reedo"q ROO"'. Three more permits for ski games were Issued by the Ne port Beach City Council in an adjourned meeting held Thurs· day. Dec. 15th. 1b~ permits were given to Clyd-: Denlinger of the Beech AmuMments Co. for the Stag Bar at 2111 McFadden Pl.. Newport; Arches Cafe at 3334 W. p f • I Coast Hwy .. Newport, and Crow's ro ess1ona Nest. 4323 W. Coast Hwy., New- po;e vote was 4 to~ Council· Directory men Gerald Sennett.· Clarence MUSIC Higbie. Lee Wilder and Stanley ____ .....;::;;.:;,.:;,;;,;;..... ____ ..., Rldd~rhor voted yes. Mayor Dora Margaret L Scharle Hill and Councilman Jay Stod· ~ Teacher of Plano dard voted no. Councilman San· Organist . Accompanist dy MacKay, who previously bad .Evening Cla.ues \roted no. was a~nt. tor Adulta On Dec. 12 Council voted 4-3 to !111 GOLDENROD AVE. grant a pennlt to Dick Luebbert, Corona del Mar 1968 Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa. '"==~!!~~~!!~§!!:~ of the Golden West Amusement ,.. Co. for a skU! game at Vaur In Balboa. Friendly Nel1hborhood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MOR'nJAltY 11 0 Broadway U 8-3433 6 8-XM Colt& Mea N O W ... TW O BAlfZ MORTUARIES Servlrtl the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 ~E.CoutHl~ Corona del llar - Baltz M~ary LibertY 4121 11b 6 Superior. M ... AMPLE PAUJNG BO'm t.OC:A.'nONS .... Jo.pb w. McSbaDe Sunday: 9:3(} a.m.. Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morning Worshlp-7 p.m. CoUere Age MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 8 p.m.. young adulta poup 8ll!I"VVce. TilE cauaca or CBJUS 1 1050 C2ndda St.. e-ta ,._ Uberty I-2DC7 D. G. Bunt. JIJaUtft Sunday services: 9;45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a .m. morning wor- ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday. TBE ClltTJlCB OJ' CBmST Odd Fellows l.od9e. lMI Kewport An.. eo.ta ....... Uberty a-5711 Tom llabr. Jr .. lllalster Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CIDlJST CBUJlCB ft TIIZ SEA CclaulnaDJty lhtbodl.t klboa ams. at lata lt.. .ewport ~Sill '-tw: .... Boy A. c:.rt.oa Sunday WorshJp, 9:30 ancf 11 a .m. Church School : 9:30 a.m. Mid- week MeK!ng: 7:00p.m. Wed- nesday pre(eded by 6 :15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACBIII CBUICII ·• liM 0raDwe A..._ c.te M..a Ubelty .. 1.1 I'~ ~ J, lf..ta SaDdlry II-tit 7. L t. 11 ...S 11:30 a.m. W~: ~ at 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur- days_ from 4:00 to S:l.S--7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PIIIST UJ'TIST cauaca OJ' WCWIOIIT aalboa ...... lltla & CDad ..... ..... t ~ SSS1 u..ty...,. ..-:~C.J ....... Sunday MrVkel: 9 :45 a.m.. Sun- day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor- ahfp Service; '7:30 p.m. SundaJ evenJng C: e r vIce ~-~ld · Week Service: 1:.30 p.m. wectned-.y Prayer Meettna. Elder D. a. SpcnaJ41ag Saturday Morning Sftviees: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer Jn@et. tnc: Wedn~. 8:00p.m. CBUKii .... WAZAD'JI"E 1-A.....,.._ St.. C.... K..a ,__: .... c:::u-.. 'tfllJicma. LJbeny .. 7111 Sunday ~ces: Sun<Jay School, 9:30 a.m MomJng Worship at 10:30 a.m. .Evangelistic Serv· Ice. 7 p m Sunday N Y .P .S~ 6 p m Sunday; Prayer mf!t'ting, 7 :30 p m Wednesday . FDlST CBUACB 01' CBJliST scn:JfTJST 3303 VIa Lido. Jf~rt a.acta RA.rtMw t428 Sunday School: 9:15 am .. Sun· day S to r v I c e : 11 :00 a m. Wedn~ay Evening Meeting: 8:00. Rt-adlng Room. 3315 VIa Lido. Nt"Wport Bt"ach. o~n 10 a m.-5 p m week days. 10 am.- 7:45 p.m. Wedn~days. 7-9 p.m. Friday evenln~s CBiliST LtJ'TBEJlAJf CRUllCB 01' COSTA NESA (Nlun&rl STDod) AmeriCGD l.e9ioD BalL eo.ta M..a ...._: a... Letbar Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Setv· Ice 9 a m. Sunday School at 10:15 a .m. BALBOA I'SLAifD COJIJI17JnTT MET1f0DIST llS Avat-A..._ Balboa lllaad Mlalater: R~. Donald Sapp llarbor 4.565 Sunday St'rvlces: 9:30 a . m Chun:-h School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m Worsh ip St-rvlce CO ItO If A DEL MAR COMMUJfiTT CIIUliCJI ~ Ill :::.~A-... Pastor: II••· Edwi.D Comb Sunday Worship St-rvle1>t1: 9:45 a m .. 11 :00 a.m Sunday School: 9 :45am KEW'POIIT KU.OB LUT11EaA.. CIIVIICJI · .... w. a.JbM a..s... ... .-at ~~~~· J'ae.-1~ .. ....., ..... Faa.. ._ n a-. SundaJ Me 111•: 8:00 a.Dd 10:00 and U ~30 a.m. Oo:at.-'oe: ~ urda,. and e¥& ot lilt .......,. .Aiiiiliiiillll and Rol.Y o.,. fJom c :00 • 5 :30p.m. and from 7~30 to 8:30 p.rn. Dally lila. 8:00 a.m. nr.t Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Tuesday, 7 :4.5 p.m. FllbermeD'I Mass. July and August. SundQ 4 am. 01UVE.tiALIST COJOIUJfJT'f l'ELLOW'SJDP Ebel1 Clabboue 515 W. kiboa BI...S.. lkdJ)oe Mlatst.: .... J'. W ....... Sunday School 10:30 a.m. }.{om,. lng worship, 11 :00 a .m. ST. JAMES E.PISCOPAI. 3201 VIa Lido. lfewPGI't ...__ II.Atbac 1Do .... Jolla .. l'arb. .a- Sunday aervtces: 8:00 a.m. Bob' Communion; 10 a.m. FamUy Service with the Cherub and Junior Cholra; 11 a zp .. worabl:p service. Thurtdiy S e r v Ice a : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild ; 10:30 Holy Communion. ST. JOU VlAir1I'EY 314 Mart.e A..._ ..U.. ~ ..... Gilt l'crt~:tw s~ .. Qey. ,_.. l'Cita.. Pw I A-. Sunday M.._..: 7:00 a.m. a 8:00 a.m. Confession: Saturda.ya aDd eves.. ol let Frldaya and RolJ' Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m..; J'lrlt Friday Maaa 8 a.m. S~ Mus. July and AuJUIIt SundaJ', 11 a.m.. CZJn'UL smu caufX ~Aft.ctDrd e-ta ..... Ubertt .... . A.A.~.... I Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. lllofa. lng Service. 11:00; l:wnlftl Service. 7:30. Mid-week ~ Ice. WedneadaJ , 7:30 p.& Younc people meet 8:15 p.& Sunday. 1!111 C1Jtf Dt .• Kewport lleJgllts nasT SOU IUD a&J'niT KAJmOa ASSDDLT OP OOD Ln.rty 1-3a1 CIIU'BCII a.,..&. ..... " ea.w. ..... aobert Cnalalld sso w. --.ue.lt.. ~ Ul*tya... ...,. c.u1.., Duplicate mornlncllleTVIces -9 ,_._.,ow. aldl_. a.,_ LDelt! 1-1411 a .m and 11 :15 a.m.. Sunday; Sund~ 8cbool. t :U a.m.. da .... C. L ft..-..4 lt.tndeTJrartt"n and Pre-School ter9ice u:OO a.m. Trlliiii- Sunday cool~~ am .• momln1 Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.; Unton 1 p.m. SUnci;&.Y. wonblp ll a.m. Yount people 1st Grade through Adult Sun-wonhlp 8 p.m. &lncliQ. ~ 8:30 p m.. e-venlnl dQ School. 10 a.m.: bus pro· en and omcen~ f'YIInltiblt lei'VI~ '7 :30 p m. vtct.d and Nu.nery provided for Wfdlteda7. Pra,.r MtcS---.. ~ 7:30 p.m.. both servtces and 10 a.m. Sun-Btbl• 8b14;11:e p.m.. W~Q. ~ School. d.Q. ----==~::.::.---..., ftia Diractart il made pc""iNe by tb_. ci~ b-IMwilllr-.•-= HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK R&rbot BJ'Y'd. at Qtaler KIIOEKLY 0-llSI ~TH~SHOP Cxd_,.. Alent tar hl4wtn Planot t61 1. c:..t Hwy. ~·· na c.-. cW .... ., lJCHAlD"S UDO WAlKET Onnre ~ ll.c* ~ llliW )4ll Vie LWo H..w 1121 ...... , .. Hwclwcae "---··. L ... Charges of Boat Burglaries Are Faced by Two Men Here A bu.raJary cllar,e lnvolvlnl thetta ftom boat. w1lJ be tiled agalnat lohn Stevena, lt, ol El Mont. and Euaene M. Guatal· aon. 21, of Puente, Detective Capt. Vincent McManlcal of Newport pollee reported Tut!tl· day. wrencb, a 12 puc• unale·lhot lhotcun. A i'l.lcinl knife and marlin aplke and • alx-lncll pen· ell tluhll1ht wcue found on Stevena and &lao on Gu.atat.aon. The men w~e taken to the po· lice station, where a lbakedown ot the car produced two flub· llghbl, an electric touter, a steel Elgin & H•milton Wat~a Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER ] 123 Eest Coest Highw•y Coro~ del Mer The two men allegedly ad· mJtted commJttlng five boat burelarlea In the barbor uea, Capt. McManigal char1ed, alone wlth alx or eight In Long Beach. Newport officers on routlne pa· trol stopped the car belni used by the two men at Bayside Dr. and Marine Ave. at 1 :45 a.m. laat Friday, alter allegedly run- nlnl a atop al1n at 40 miles-an- hour. tlahln1 rod, two padlocu, two'-============ pry bar type lu1 wrenchu and a beer c;an opener. Coroaa del liar llarboc 0157 pert Aft. CIDd lla:dlow 81..:1. f'...tw. .. U.. ba..UdJ.D9 lllclade u.. ant w1Ddew dlt ... la .... ~ ....sc. Ia tbe ~ ...... alPt -- IM*tMT CIDd JUatodca1 ..... lA u.. lebby. J'ODIAL OHMDfCof U.. _..~of tbe e-ta ..... llnlada of tbe v ... lftltSoDal -.Jr wW .. b.eJ4 a.t n.-c~ay. tt .. CIDDOU.DCM by hal Cn6ttatoa. ba.lr r:co •• ,. hblle tour -a gtfta an aJatied ._ tbe fonDGl 4JPIIIIA9 at lftw· ====~==============~-~ Ottlcera noticed a shotgun lying on the rear seat of the auto &lld order~ the men out. They &lao found three shotgun shella, three fbted-blade knlve., a combination pair of pllen and HAPPY NEW . YEAR COME AND GET 'EM! Before we count ·em. Our reqular merchandise is priced so low you won't believe it ... and can't resist it! DRESSES Street-Cockrail & Formals. and Knits including costumes, REGULAR SALE 8.95 to 22 95 -········· ....... _ ...................... -· .. 5.00 12.95 .......... -...... ... ................... . ............ -····-···· 6.88 to 7.88 14.95 to 16.95 ................................................ 8.88 17.95 to 39.95 ........................... --·-·--·--... .10.00 to 10.88 19.95 to 22.95 .. ·····---······--·---··--······---·---···.12.88 to 13.88 '25.00 to 29.95 -----·--·-------14.88 '29.95 ·-·--·-----···--····---·------·---···.16.88 to 17.88 29.95 to 35.00 .. ·-··--.. __ ............................. 19.88 35 .00 to 45.00 ... . --· 22.88 to 23.88 39 95 to 49 95 .......... 25.00 45 00 to 59 95 29.88 55 00 to 79 95 35.00 59 95 to 69 95 39.88 79 95 -... ·----... 49.88 85.00 55.00 4 9 95 to 69 95 . 65.00 85.00 -· ........... . 99.95 ··--·--··· SUITS 29.88 . ................. 39.88 ............................ 49.88 ................ -69.88 69 95 99.95 125 00 COATS .. -··-... .............................. ... 39.88 ......................................................... 69.88 ········· . . .......... 85.00 8 95 tb" 25 00 12 95 to 14.95 SKIRTS 16 95 to 17 95 ................ . 17 95 to 19.95 . 19 95 to 25.00 29 95 to 35.00 -·• ··-... 5.00 ... 7.88 . 9.88 10.88 12.88 16.88 BLOUSES 10 95 .. 1.00 7 95 to 11 .95 .... ...... ......... . 3.88 8 95 2.88 7.95 to l 0 95 ......... _ .... _ _ ... 4.88 12.95 to l 7 95 . . ... . . .. . .... ····-.. 5.88 to 8.88 to 10.88 to 14.88 to 19.88 10.95 to,l2.95 -.... ...., ............................. -....... 6.88 to 7.88 SWEATERS 3 95 to 7.95 .. . .. ................ ........ ... . ..... 2.88 to 4.88 OTHERS on which prices are not yet figured. PURSES 7.95 to 10.95 ................................... . 4.88 to 6.88 ••Es 7.95 .......... .. .. ....................................... 5.00 12.95 to 17.95 .................................................. 7.88 to 10.88 BELTS--large Nlection drcmtically reduced. BRAS-broken me.. reduced. 1.00 and up. Hanld-. gto.n. Karla and ti" and hats draatically reduced. GOWNS, SLIPS, NEGIJGEES CDUI PEHICOATS cmd PANTIES, pric:ed to dear. JEWELRY'~~ price or IML .. -Zllltl .. IMIII From the POUCE BLOntR Tar Tattles ... e WEDWESDAT. DEC. 14 a fliht had taken place; he said Mrs. Nadine Hippe of 310 Sap-someone came Into the station phire Ave., Balboa I alan d, and talked to him re£ardlng a blamed male juvenile paper boys ~1 and that he wun't to aee for placing her son's bicycle and her anymore ... that of a friend, Arthur Pease, 8, WE.DMESDAT. DEC. 21 on the roof of her home · · · Luke A woman's white wool hat and Vlcclo of 405 Jasmine Ave .. Co· a tweed skirt found by Otclcer rona del Mar, reported that hls Robert Jelenaky, on patrol by a cat hMI been poisoned some-bench overlooking the ocean at time In the last three days · · · Ocean Blvd. and O~hld Ave., Dawn Ca.~ ell of 304 ~ 32nd St., Corona del Mar, at 7:28 a.m. was Newport Beach, complained that turned Into the poll~ property a hit and r un car caused SSO room . . . A hit and run car damage to his car · · · Mrs. Nan caused about $10 damage to the Broughton of 429 VIa Lido Soud, fence of Marguerite Palmer, 515 Lido l!>le, reported that a n eld· Klnp Pl.. cutt Haven. and lett erly man a('('OSted her near the a hub cap at the Stt"ne ... Hu- Newport School and attempted mane Officer ~rge Myers 1m- to pick her up In hls car with pounded a white male terrier his last remark being: "Are you with a Costa Mesa lice~ plate a movh.• star!" · · · Ge-orge R. at the Greyhound bus depot ... Burkhardt of 113~ Coral Ave., o m cers confl.cated a 12 gauge Balboa Island, reported that a double-barrel shotgun from a hit and run car damaged the Newport Heights boy arid a lett front fender of his car parked Costa Mesa boy, found shooting In the All American Market It In a gully near 2Jrd St. and parking lot In Corona del Mar. Irvine Ave., later releasing It to • TRUUDAT. DEC. 15 the owner-father of one of the Mrs. H. L. Baker of 1111 N. bo Cl s lth 335 ya . . . aren~ m , Bay Front, Balboa Isla nd, report· VIa Piazza, Lido. reported theft ed warning two boys and send· of a fourplace set of stainless lng them on their way after they steel cutlery valued at $27 from broke Christmas lights on th~ an unlocked car parked near Balboa Island bridge . · · Newport Blvd. and VIa Lido, e FRIDAY, DEC. 18 Newport Beach ... James C. Howard of 429 River-TB118SJ)AT. DEC. 22 aide Ave., Newport Hel£hts., re· Ruth Lowell of ~ Ocean ported that a car cauaed a ,$5 d~t In hla car parked near New-Blvd., Corona del Mar, reporUd Bl d d VI Lid N hearln£ a stairway aquuk ln port v · an a 0 ' ew-het home and teared a prowler port Beach . . . Ortlcers warned children about playing on a con· was present at 1:!50 a.m . but po- 11tructlon job at 1721 Kings Rd .. lice officers searched the home Cliff H&vt'n . . . and area with negative re-sullll e !ATUIWAT. DEC. 17 ... Patty May Hunt, 35, of 1071,oa Car'! c1rlvf'n by Albert G. Bar· 30th St., Newpolt Beach, was ar- tf'll of Snnta Ana and D. G Wll-rested on an Intoxication charge IIams of ifnl, Goldenrod Ave .. In front of her home at 1:57 am Coruna df'l Mar, were lnvolvt'd In ... A rod. reel and jacket, all an accldf'nt In front of ~ w. valut'd at $60, were stolen from n~ h the 31 -foot cruiser "Mme Leone CoaMt Hwy , Newport vcac ... e !UlfDAY. DEC. 18 II" moored In front of 1.200 E. By BAJI.IUA LILIEWTBAL e A ern FOJI SA WDf Clinton Sawin,· Instrumental teacher at Harbor, dl.scovered how much h is many students appreciated him when for they gave him "HI-Fl" phonograph. It wu picked out by Bob Rager, president of the concert band. • • • e EJfCDfEEBS CLUB The Saturday alter school let out wu the big day for the En£lneers Club u they went on a field trip to Grlltlth Park. On the way, they stopped at the museum In Los Angeles and went all the way through lt. They paid special attention to the science part. Then they headed on to Grit· flth. They ate lunch across from the Greek Theatre. At three o'clock they enjoyed the show In the observatory. lt was con - ~ned with what had caused the famous Christmas Star 10 many years a1o on the night the Christ Child was born. They of· fered four or five 11Ug£estlons and went back to four B.C. 6: four A.D. to show them dltterent stars. The students also aaw the demonstration that proves the world tum..s on Its axJs. The trip took all day from 8:30 In the morning to about 6:00 that nJght. The boys traveled ln private can with their aporwor, Kingery Whlteneck . • • • TO ALL! Come. See What' a Behind The Fence! * Only Swift' a Premium Beef Sold Here Speciala For Thura., Fri., & Sat.. Dec. 29-30-31aL i8g 'OLamb 59:. SWU'TI PIIEIIJVII ·------------- Round Steak 59:. f'IIIIT CaADE.. JIALJ' Oa WBOLE Pork Loins 39~ awu 1 1 n.z:JIJUK Chuck Roast 39~ IWU I I PJ1D11U11 • Sliced Bacon nEIJILY QJIOUJII) Lean Meat Eight fifths of bourbon whls· Balboa Blvd. Balboa, owned by kf'y valued at $48 was stolen Daniel Mandel of North Holly-CLEAUIIC£ OF 811 11&1£ UIES from the unlocked garage at the wood · · · A chronograph clock n 1111 home of Marian Wilmot of 1530 wu believed to be the only loss Ser<'nade Terra~. Irvine Terrace when a burglar broke Into the • • • UP TO fiOO/o OFF . . . A barometer was reported 34-foot ooat of Clltford S. Mead e HAPPY MEW TEAll missing off the 32-foot cabin of San Marino, moored In front See you next year! Have a China cruiser ow ned by George M. Ray-of 15!3 E. Bay Ave., Balboa · · · very Happy New Year .and much mond of Montebello moored off Mrs. Charle!! Bauman of 2150 success and happiness to all of Crystal 1302 E. Balboa Blvd., Ba lboa. Miramar Dr.. Balboa, reported you. c;tolen by a thief who chiselled that children tore the fence lOOI'Ie ~-------....---....... Silver I wood around s cabin door and on her property and trampled Unsung Stainless Steel lett a partially consumed fifth the flowers and lawn · · · or whiskey on the deck of the • FJUDAT, DEC.~ C • ls Sale atarta Friday, December 30 cruiser ... A ca r driven by Ken-Mrs. A. D. Stricker of 2412 S. OfnmerCUl nt>th W. Nt>wman of 4008 River E. Kings Rd ., CIU'f Haven, re· Glftl from Avf!'. Newport Beach. tailed to ported that semeoone unloaded a UJIEI IUII£TA JIPOIJS mnkt> a tur n snd struck a garage sack of Ivy traUiniS and dirt Andrew Walker, vl~·presldent · · at 203"i 40th St., Newport Beach Into the front and rear seat of of Costa Mesa Savlnp and Loan 2653 E. Cout HJ2bway ... Raymond Godwin of 2809 their car ... High school atu-Aaan., announces that ifttl are Corona del liar Broad St .. Newport ~ach. asked dents were blamed tor drlv1ng being offered to new accounts HArbor 1373 offlcerM to search tor hls pet cars on the lawn, damaelng lt. received during the month of Gltt Wnp ShJp Del.lvet brownish-yellow porcupine ... at St. Andrews Presbyterian J anuary. These gt.fta include a ~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ii.;J Dale L. Hagestead, 19, of Costa Church. 15th St. and St. Andrews travel alarm clock for new aav-~ Mesa. wu found In a aervlce Rd., Cllfi Haven ... Donald D. lnp accountl of $1.000 or more: station at 2300 W. Cout Hwy., • Noel. 33, of 41.2 Snue Harbor Rd.. and a Ieath~ billfold t<-r ac- Newport Beach. at 2:08 a.m. with Cllfi Haven, wu arrnted on a counbl, in any amount. Interest a hrul8e over hla lett eye and an-drunk driving char1e at 19th St. la currently being paid at the oth('r near the lett alde of his and Balboa Blvd., Newport rate of 3~ per year. mouth. but he would not lden· Beach, at 11:15 p.m. . . . • • • tlfy hl..s aaallant nor adm.Jt that eSATUJIDAT. D&C. M 1 Heu Kitchen of Hess Beauty Dr. Fred Hunt of 3628 Ocean Salon Ia leavlnl ott puttlnl the Blvd., Corona del Mar, reported crlmPf In p.la hair Juat lona placing his doc In quarantine enoufb for a little vacation at alter It bit Miss LUian Daniell of Acapulco .•• be leav• Ruth to 241 Evening Canyon Rcl, Shore CU1'Y on. Your Health Cll.Ua ... A. 8. Cubbace of 415-CDK COIIM~;;;;;U;;;;IU;;rT'l;;-:CA;;t;;U;;aU:ca;;. 38th St., Newport ~ach. reported "A Nw Leub on Llle" will be After-Christmas SGie! diatiadit• modem JAPANESE IMPOBTS I'IDetat S.Jeetica ID the Coaat Area. up to 50-J. all ORIENTAL TRADERS II" TOO IPDfB that someone pulled both boule· the Rev. E4wtn Gomke'a sermon WAI W1IEU vara atop signa out ot theJTound topic tot worahtp services sun· ;:_;;;;;;;~~;;,:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;,;;::;;;;;;=;~;;==:;;;;;;~~ and took them away at 38th St. day in the Corona del Mar Com· r TOO and Finley Ave., Newport Beach, mu.nlty Qnueb. New members STONACA Jla Street Supt. 8lll Covet aatd thll Jotnlnr Community Church w1U I. E. H....._ D.C. wu the third time It had OC:· be rectlved durl.nf tha 11 L.m. , curred In the put two ...U.S· · · lletVS~ leY. GomU and three If your aplne wer. around 1n eiVIfDAT. D.c. • · delep-. BfttT aa.th l!hUlncm. front where your .t.omadl II, pet• A poup ot ft .. junnU• stole Jeanine ~ and .A4rMn.ne bapa you would Jive it men at· a abeet. two towtie and a palr von Dalnbilfl. wtl1 a~ the tenUon and conai<Seratlon. We ot blut Jet,n.l, KIJJ• 1. Zander of PUcf1aa r.Jiowllalp conferenc:. are considerably llke omscMI; !500 Polnaettte AWl., Corona c1el at ~ few a u.r...ctay we have opr .pine W'here we Mar, reported ••• ~ Jfolar lllilllon dati ....._ can't -. them and we thlnlt ol a..b St.. Jfewpcrt Beach. ~ .. at.olutety no 4an~ ~ the 1011 fll a • of &II thee. Wben. in reallf7, tbe ..,_ lndl ilocbtl tn a ,..1aow box • • • aDCS Ql.nal cord are the IDOit e ~. DaC. • Important orpne In the bod7. . lblrmall RUt ot 1'711 ec.n OUr poor tlomacbe are Ia front •..s.. .. ,.,.. ~ tM tbttt and .,. abuN wtt.b an wu.-fll a 111 ....._..._.. trtcJclt and eonable amou.nt af au.nt:IOD. u.at Iaiit A.,. two pw bl· ""u. .. netlec:& our IPfnaJ cwlel ... ..._ .,... tiM .,.. Clllfdl, aJthoQcll tMy cJo .... f/1 .. .... • ,.. ~ \Ia Wllln. ow .... .... ... m.d • .... ltciDat:M 4D .. ftOit. ....... .. .. ARTHU~ MURRAY . . SCHOOL OF DANCIN6 - , \ Two Batbor Area families ened muaelu Althou1h the Car· ~pent a much happt« Chrlltmas ven have no televtslon aet. Kar· on Sunday becau.t of the eener· en's Lather hu aald that when a.lty and JOOd wW of the New· the chJld baa recovered th~ port Beach Polle. Ottlcera A.ao· would llke to pau the aet on to elation made up of members of some otber aUlne 11r1 or boy or the tet'Ular and reserve pollee etve lt to the National Polio officers of the city poltce depart· Foundation to lend out. becauae ment. Little Karen Carver, 5· that oreanlzation has been 10 year-old tot who' recently auf· helptul durlne Karen's Wneu. fered an attack of poUomeUU.. KAren hu three other llttle ail· received a present of a teli'Vtalon ters wM will enjoy the Cbrllt· aet from the policeman's auocl· maa preaenL atJon ln cooperation with Davis-A second family, who spent a Brown 1V fltm. Karen, who lives happier CJ.rtatmu bec&u.e of at 73!5 Center St, eo.ta Mesa, 1a the Polk:e OU1cera Aaoclatlon, home from the hoepltal but 1a wu the Jame. T. Porter family sutferlne a back complication at 121 E. 23rd St., eo.ta Mesa. from her Illness. So her daddy Chrlltmu looked bleak for the ia eotn1 to mount tbe set hlgh Porters because Mr. Porter hu tn order that she can see lt t>Hn seriously W and Mrs. Por· without a strain on her weak· ter, althouih alltne. hu been THE NER 'S GARDE C:ORNER The Anawera to Your Gardenln9 Qu..tiona br I W r -vu- The plantln& of Gladiolus bult. can be sueeered over a period of w~ka to &lve a contlnuou.s bloomlne. We have an excellent aelec· tlon of new hteh quality bulbs, In separate colors, In· cludlnl tbe first two All Americana, "Royal Stewart" and "Apple Blossom" * CORONA DEL MAR NtJRSEB.Y try1n1 to take care ot the Uu~ chUdren, ages 5 months. four and aeven years. FrtendJy neleh· bof'S brou1ht the family a trim· med Chriltmu tree and goodies and the eo.ta Mesa Llona were able to provide them with a ChrlJrtmu dinner. The Pollee M · aodatlon ananeed for a mer· chandJae certUlcate for a pres· ent of new clothes for the chll· dren and a stocked pantry for the tamJiy to help them have happier holidays. In former years the Pollee AA · soclaUon hu donated a num~r of baskets to faml11es ln the HaTbor area but this year they conct>ntrated on thHe sped a I Chrlatma.s g1lt.s. Otflct>rs In charge of the Christmas gifts were Sid Butterworth. Funk Oldmen and Frank Kelly. •• to F~e~ carc• of Chll• lllull•l Newpolt Harbor Ea.lga CASH BATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or less,._ __ _ .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 worduS~i------1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 word.,s__ __ _ 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .05 .07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion ••••••••••••••••••••••••• roa tALE roa SM.& FOR SALE: SCHWINN 26" Boya COMPLETE furniture and tum· BJ.ke.-..425-00. Ha. 2061. lahlnp for 2·bed.room houM, iiOUDAY TREATS _ A new lncludlne Coldspot retrlrer· Hammond Chord Organ tor the ator, IU range. fine uphol· whole tamJly. Everyone Mom, stered chalra and davenport. Dad, Brother, SLiter can play Drexel hleh boy, dresser and It, lt'a 10 ea.ay. If you can rtne mirror. chest and make·yp a doorbell you can play tbe table with mirror, Sligh tWin Hammond Chord Organ. $29 a beds with box spr ings and months pays tor it. Danz-mattresses, tables. rugs, lamps Schmidt, 520 N. Main, Santa and m~Jianeous pieces. All Ana. In good condition. Must sell. '55 CAD. Coupe dVlUe, tull pow· 301 Amethylt, Balboa laland. er equlpt., electronic eye, air. IlEAL ESTATE & EftTALS cond. Pvt. party. _Ph. HA 924. ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN prl· HOUDAY TREATS. Hammond vate entrance. bath and J&· Organ ule'd, one only, beautl · rage. In Corona del Mar. HA ful Hammond Spinet, glorious 4889-R or HA 6274. for the home, perfect condition like new, aeneTou.s savln& on this one. Also one only fine fine Hammond Chord Orean. That Is all. Such buys are aJ. most lmposalble to find. Danz· Schmidt Plano and Organe Co., 520 N. Main St., Santa Ana. FREE-HI Desert View Home· sJte. Martell Butldln&, Yucca Valley. FURNISHED=:--o-r-un-f::-u-m-Wt~-ed ...... --=-2. . bedroom house with laundry, on yeaJ'ly leue. 417~ Hello· trope. Corona del Mar. HAL ESTATE WAJITED I Wl.l. TillE 2·bedr., air cond, home. clo.e 1n at Daert Hot Sprlnp unimproved property or home ln Newport H.arbor or eo.t.a Mesa. WW trade up or sell on low down! P.S. We also have a spacious 2·atory Balboa Island home plus garage apt. .Uk to see lt! • A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR· from our st.t.Ir. ISUID REALTY CO. 498 Park. Balboa lsland HA :rn Delip .. Fer F..Uy Utile Well·bUllt 3·bed.r. 6 2 bath home wtth rented turn. ga rare apt. at back. Top of Na.rclasua Ave., (720) C«ona del Mar. C.U owner, Harbor 2!506·M. HAL ESTATE PO& SAL& CORNER LOT, 2rd and Narc:t.sus. 4x8 BOX TRAILER on factory chusls with hitch. $25.00. Call Ha. 0470·R. TRADE '55 Lone Star 40' Trailer COM, tor sale by owner; uk- u down payment on Income lng $5.950. Call NOrmandy 5·6578. L.A. SPIN E'TS. SP""'IN"'='tt= .. =I'S=-.-se-v-eT-a..,.l_gr_e_a_t rental returns like new, some Salem Maple, Blond Oak. French Provincial. Save $90 to $185. Terms jult like rent on balanct>. Danz·Sc.hmldt, 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. HOLIDAY-TREATS-. --1465--b-u-ys lovely Baby Grand. Easy terms. Another $495. M.any othen: property. Slt 'n' Knit Shop,------------ 313 E. Balboa ltlvd., Balboa. WAJrrED MJSCELLAJIEOUS Sllll I RowMat S,.ce fer Rill American Le(fon 215 15th St. Meetlnp 2nd 4th Wed. 8 p.m. COM !UGH SCHOOL ,UI needs da.lly ride to reach Santa Ana by 8 a.m. or directly to Ana· helm. Also return a.ftl!r 3:20 p.m. HA 0359·M. eva; Kl 2-6241, ex. 286 days. fPST AJID POUlfD FOUND: Car key on aUver trln· ket chain nr. 4th and Hello· trope. COM. Owner may pay for ad. HA U14, 'Mle ENSIGN. .&Gil -·- ·vogel VALUES c• 2 .... r ••••• on dead-end ltreet ln eo.t.a Mesa. Vacant-l'eady to move ln-tull pl'lce $8.500 with only -··· THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY . HARBOR0757 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1741 Wishing Everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year Earl W. Stanley, Realtor liWnMI Staley ne Staff I lssiCiates . William L. Schuster J. Neil Rarrls Ruth D. Wlllmes. Escrow Luctlle Holtz, Secretary Maurie Stanley, lnsurance Joseph Ferguson Edith Maroon Mabel Wrieht. Rect"ptlonlst Joseph Gallant Mary Dlck.ton John Macnab Wally Houck Stewart Coleman Fred Barker Stanley ~ Uf!'Yre Lou l.s Boynton William G. De-roo, 21. of 110· Eighth St., Balboa, Ia due to ap· pear tn Supe-tor Court at 9:30 174C z. Coat IDg1nray ... ParldDg ••• &at. -QoJ.a.arod ~==========~a.m. tomorrow (Friday) on a Knabe, S t e I n way, KJmball, Monarch ·Baldwln, Starr, Muon lr Hamlin, Wurlltur, 100 pi· anos always. DANZ·SCHMIDT Big Piano and Orpn Store, 520 N. Main St., Santa Ana. . DECEMBER SPECIAL Any 5 tube home radio re· palnd tor $3.50 tncludlne parts and labor. Any car radio lout of the car) repaired for $5.25 In· c 1 u d 1 n e parts and labor . White's T.V. Servlct>. U 8-51!50. LOST -Eyeglasses tn Balboa. -------------------------r child molestln& charge. OUR GREATEST HOLIDAY TREATS -Stelnway GTand, magnlflcent con d 1 tlon. Th~ wonderful plano almost like new, can be bou&ht on 3 years time. Knabe Spinet. ebony fin· ~h. used very little, save over $300. Dozens of other little spinets. Many can posJtlvely not be told frQm new. Som~ only ~. Danz·SchmJdt Big Plano and Orp.n. Store, 520 N. M&Jn. Santa Ana. 100 Pianos. VAN'S CLEANERS "30 Yeert' &perlenee Perfedln9 SuperiOt Cl .. nin9 Creftam.nahlp" WE FEATURE c.,.ful Hendlln9 of All O.licete Febrics. S.eded & l.ece Germenh DRY CLEANING-lAUNDRY SUV· ICE -ICNIT BLOCKING -HAND PUSSING-DYEING-ALTEM· TIONS-ItEMlltiNG. rhoM Herb« 5152 rtd Up & O.liwry S.,..ice Open I • "'· to 5:30 p.m. -Setwrdey, I •·"'· to 2:30 p.m.- l426 E. Co.af Hwy.: Cotone del Mer Deroo, a former patient ln At&· .cadero State H o a p l t al. ia chllt'led wtth moletttJne a Bal· boa Jlrl, 10, In his apartment. 'Mle eomplaJnt wu algned by the girl's parents and he wu ar· rated by Newport pollee. He waived ~ellmtnary heartq In Newpotr Beach justJc:e court. He hu a.t.o been char&'ed by eo.ta )(.. pollee wUb moletltiftl a eo.ta Mesa etrl. 8, and loitering around a public plac:e Where ehlldren &ather In theteoo block. '1'\dtln Ave., Costa Mea. both :;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;; on Dec._7_. _____ _ FOR SALE by pvt. party: 1952 M.G. Perfect cond., fibre etass top, exclt. tires, $98). See any day after 4:30p.m., 1310 Kln&S ltd., CIICf Haven. U 8·7074. QUICI SDVICE RDU.ER SHADES . Standard S h ad e Cloths and Cultom SpeclalUes e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian BUnda. ~'-gt.aJ. Sl.op * ... ide the * CaU '"t Office BA 1M G2 32D4 St.. !f.-port hacJa R4G.4~'S Your FamUy Restaurant ((:loMd ~) 2.515 E. Coat IIJpway ~liM Conaa ct.~ Mar .IIPOITS l I MAU. GIFTS & Cos.ucron rrun From BeiJium, Rolland, Sweden, Germany. Italy A Enaland. Arabesque Jewelry from Toledo Spain u.•'• QIP'I'I fill Jf, lloodwtlf. ICIDto ADO .. u. ..... Yllltlll Da.Pter Here Dies HOUDAY ~TS. The great· est of all-A HAMMOND OR- GAN. We JM ve all models Hammonds tor Santa Claus to Mrs. Barbara Agne~ Warneke choose from: The beautiful of Los Angeles, who had ~n HOME MODEL. the lovely lit · vlaltlng her daught~. Mrs. Mil· tie SPINET MODEL.. and the dred Merlckel at 18 Bay Island, evt>r popular CHURCH MODEL. Balboa. dJed Monday at Hoag all have 2 manual keyboards Hospital. Mra. Warneke wu 73 and foot ·pedals; as little as years of age and Jived at 4010~ $40 a month will make the W. Seventh St.. Los Angeles. She payments. Danz·Schmldt, 520 ls survived also by two erand· N. Main, Santa Ana. Callt. sons. Our HOUDAY TREAT. EJec . Servl~ are being held today tronlc Oraan, well known (Thursday) at 12:30 p.m. In the make, save $460. Danz·Schmldt. Wee Klrk of the Heather, Forest Famous Plano 6 Organe Store. Lawn. Baltz Mortuary 1a In 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. chaTee of anangementa. _$5...:.::P;.:.E...:R:..:..:M~O:..:;:NTil~....::.:r.:..:.en.:..:.ts.:..:._g:..:..:ood_:_,_P_r_a_c· 1111.1-of Bal ... Win llwH11 Tt .. J WlllJam Jones of Balboa wu the •nner of the President's ttee plano. Enjoy your Christ· mas with music. Good practice pianos as low u S97. $125, up. All In excellent co n d l t I on . Danz Schmidt Big Plano and Organ Co.. 5.20 N. Main St. Head t.nat&n Want Ao.a.. Cup Sl n a 1 es To urn amen t at the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club, w1nntng the 21·end match agalrurt Al Wilson by a 21 to 9 ecore. This wu the aecond win of a pre~~tdent'a cup for Mr. Jones since he became " membet of the Laguna Club. He first en· tered the winner's circle In the aprtng of 1953 by out-bowline Fred Aufdenkamp 17 to 5. -..EGucr TRAISITOR POCIET RADIO (JfO TUUI) Woe1d's ..... ._. aCIICUo WEJGIII OJn.T 12 OZ. at. oaly r • s-• 11!.-A New Concept ln Personal Radio. Ear Phone and CarT)'· tn• Cue Optional, Extra. DAVIS-IIDWI CO. u t.MS7 • ., ....... ll.-4.. e-ta ..... CDM Travel Service •• wW ... ....., ....... 1'" wttll aay .....a an ; 11 .. ta. NOW BOOKING SPRING CRUISES ~'De CAIIIIJEAN • • • IIOt'a.TI ca. non & QV&ftDI'...,. , .. ... <-. .... .., RESOLVED: Be on time tor your 1956 ap· polntment.s. E tern a·Matlc Watch serves you accurately. RAY FIELDS. Jeweler, 19th 6 PlacentJa "ln Vlata Shop· pln& Center," Cocta Mesa, u 8-8488. Girts- EARN Mt >RE THA.'i EVER BEFORE! Our n~. higher starting wage and frequen t lncre~ gives you this opportunity. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wtll train you and you'll receive many other benefits. ..:.App~- 514~ No Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P .M. PACJFlC TELEPHONE lEI Job now open In SANTA ANA to hl&h achool graduates, age 18-45 These are careE"r jobs wtth excel· lent opportunities for advanct>ment. COISTRDCnll IELPEIS 5·Day Week. Paid vacations and holidays. medical coverare avaUable to employees and d~ndenta. Co. pald,penslon and dlsablllty plan . APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·Frt. 8 A.M.-4 P.K. SMITII-.... .us .. • I.AII"CCCAfttfa-DDIQIIDIQ a.o.v-·· Laadllc:ape & Na:ill .. DfiDI» ,_.._.tan,~u~ tt'1 &aft~! r UD a u~ ~ OMirador. C•etom LaftdaPiq -· o.lptn •. Allo CllaD· .... maJft Black shell. silver trlm. RE· WARD! Ha 2350. BILL'S BEST IUY SJTU ATlOJfl W AJrTED MAniRE woMAN wt.shes baby -IIW Ultler Ceubatl11 s1ttine and care of sick. knit· ~~~t. ~ =~ng. Day or lEW 3 aH 4 ........ 11•11 2 lsi 11m1 RELIABLE. experienced garden- er. Japanese-American, wants work. HYatt 4·5471. COM man would Ulce i'Udeiilna. clean·up, etc. Call Kl 3-2122. Mel Upshall. I WANTED:::: ~I=ro=n:....,l_n_g_l,..n_m_y--=-h-om-e. Mabel Whitman, 607 Mueue· rite, COM. HA 4279 J. CAllS FOB SALE Sale of Sales Yur Elll Clea1 U11 Use4 TI'ICls We have had the best year in 25 years of spe- cializing in the sales of motor trucks. D u r i n g the balance of Decem- ber we will take any deal on a used truck that is reasonable to clean o ur lot of our present stock. Our stock mcludes pickups. JXIn- els, stakes and dumps. All makes and sizes. Do not miss this sale lf you are in need o{ truck equipment. W.W.WOIDS GMC Dealer 615-19 E. 4th St., Santa Ana 'l'ruck hudquarten tor Or~ Co. SEJIYJCD FUU..ER BRUSH MAN may be contacted throuab Box 73. N~ •aeh. or 1t1 3·2100 . COJift.ri"K LAJfDSCArtKQ IDfX& FltE'E ES'I'DlA TF:S SAR Green StamP~ n. deltwr, CORONA DBL IU.R N'UtSDY 8A 1038 %1 .. a. ~ 8-.y. As low u $395 Down and $75 a Mon.tll ONLY A FEW LEFT-SEE US NOW' "you 11 like our friendly service" EXCLl:SIVE AGE~! Libert)' 8-1139 -100 E. l7Ut St , Costa Mesa REALTORS frill BaiMI BaiMalslu~ Con1a •1 lar Costa lesa •• .,.rt W e ext<'nd our warmest holiday gy~llngs and our SJ><'<'IAI thank.c; tn thnse who g avt" us the prl\ llf'J!<' of "-<'rYtng tht>m during 1 9 55 . Our a1m In 1956 is to fOntlnue • tn m£>rlt your ronf1denn> Newport Board of Harbor Realtors 401 N. Newp.,rt Bhd NEWPORT BEACH LJ 8·8351 -- COMPLti't PAI:-ITING lotie Prejlcllra PAPER HANI.l~<; SEmnCE FOR RENT 8·MM 16·MM 35-101 RA 2976 and t6MM SounJ Projedcn CEvenlni'~· Wl'E'k f"ndsl FAST COLOR F1LM SERVICE EUGENE 0 SAUNDERS M~l Airplane S~.tWU. 500 31st Strftt. Newpo" ~acb Pain ' De ........ ting -coraung 1782 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta MAile PAPER HANCING \ Ph(tM ~ 8--100 GEORGE BURKHARDT REPAllt AND~nteD&Dce. U~ ContrtH•for palntJnf. ea.rpftlter .tc. fUll 8'71 W. 18th Costa ~. Jte.uonable. U.. .... OWiiiiiD fartJon Ola.t.' ia fUIII Cll importa:u~ c:. WJ:IEIIE you ~ ... a.r THE LOG of Events for 1955 • (Contln\M'4 1tam Pa~ 2) U\e Newpcrt Beach db' eouncU Balboa, pwebued the ft.xturell budret ol $932.1Sl for the opera-to prov1dt mote area ln Upper and leue of the Balboa Pharm· tlon of Newport City Couoc:ll • • • Newport Bay tor water akilnl acy from Lonnie Vincent ... A tentative bu~ of IIICS2.151 for . • • A contract for eonstructlon Newport Beach dt:y counc:U the operation of Newport Beach of~ elemt!'Dtary achool for New· puses MCOnd readlna on an or· elementary edlooll In l.te5-ee port Helpta 1.a awarded to dJnance bannln• ptn ba.lla from approved by dl.ltrlct trusteee. Chari• w. DeYore of Garden everywhere In the clty except . . . Francia L. (Snap) GJuaer Grove on hla low bid of $369,600 the Balboa Fun ZOne ... Charles awom In as coMtable for New· ... Edward Hare ot 2113 Mlra· R. Peyton of 2M Evenlnc Canyon por"t Beach TownahJp to fill the mar Dr., Balboe, Is elected presl· Rd., Shore CUUa, l.a hired by unexpired term of the late Prank dent of the Balboa Potnt A.uocla· Newport Beach city counc11 to Vaughn ... ~lected u beauty tton . . . Charges by Newport prepare plana for enlar1ement queen from amonr 16 contest· Attorney Karl Davis that lum· and Lmprovement of the city ants at the Costa Mesa J'lah Fry ber shipments are being used trailer park . . . Dr. Albert E. wu blonde 16-yeu-old Carol for a .. bulld up" of tret1ht ac· Stockton of Shore Cllt.fs ls In· Hod1es of Huntln,ton Beach . . . tlvtty at the PaclfJc Electric stalled as commander of the Or· Newport Beach City Clerk C. K. yards were denied by Walter an1e'County Chapter of the MUi· Priest reslKDS and Mra. Mae Holt Spicer. officer and part owner of tary Order of the WoJ'ld Wars •.. of Corona del Mar l.a appolnted the Ward A Harrlngton Lumber A total of 1..9'23 .tudenta have en· as acting city clerk by the New· Co .... Thlrty·three new lnstruc· rolled at Newport Harbor Union port Beach city eouncll ... The tors are hired for the 1955·!56 Hilh School, Prtnctpal Joseph Newport Beach Park. Beach and school year for Newport Beach Hamblet announced . . . Woody Recreation Com.m.lsalon b de· elementary schools. Superlnten· Holder or the Villa Marina an· scribed u "an llleral eomml.s· dent Roy Andersen announced nounced purchaae of the Balboa &Jon" and Ia summarily dis· ... Irvlnl R. Perrett of Los An· Inn property from Mrs.. Ed Allen solved by unanimous action o! geles died July 23, In Hoag Me· ... Harbor Master Russell Craig the City CouncU ... Water akl-mortal Hospital from Injuries reported that 48,301 vessels left tng and speed boat raclng Ls suffered In a beating ... VIcki and entered the harbor during s lowed to 5 mUes an hour In Lynn Wilks. 4~. ol 417 Mara-ue-Aucust almc»t 3,000 more vessels . . • An uwalt and battft')' auJt dem&adlnJ mod than ~000 ·l.a field by Mn. Jack t-h1Wpaon of 392 Ralcam Pl., eo.t& Mesa. school bua driver, araln8t ltobert lteat, <Nan1e Cout CoUqe In· struetor, after he alle 1 e d 1 y puahed ber down ln the achool bua aarare In protedlnl qalnat the dJaclpllne rtwn hla eon as a pasaenrer on her bua .•. State hJ1hway otfldala a n n o u n c e arreement to ratudy the rerout· 1n1 ot Coast Hwy. through Co· rona del Mar and conatder a plan to run the freeway north of the Corona del Mar reservoir. ·• . Membership drive l.a under way by Corona del Mar residents who are organlzlnr the Newport Harbor Uttle Leacue; acttn1 chatnnan Ia Bob Blackwell . . . The local architectural flrm of Lind, PleleJ', Blurock and Hour· an is chosen to prepare plans for a new hlrh school to serve the Costa Mesa area . . . Donald Ensign of Costa Mesa brou1ht suJt for appointment of a cuard· Jan for his father, Horace 0 . En· sign, retired superintendent of the Newport Elementary Schoob; the attorney for the elder EnaliD denied the charges of incompe· tence . . . Superior Jud1e Ray· mond Thompson ruled that the Newport Beach Easter rental li- censing ordinance was Invalid . . . The Newport Harbor Tars were defeated 27 ·6 by Anaheim In the Sunset League champion· ship game and finished third In the League; Charlie Berry and John Hopkins were named as honorary ro·captalns for the year ... Mrs. William K . Kuhn. 1504 Ocean Blvd., Ba lboa, who died Nov. 16, willed her eyes to the eye bank at St. VIncent HOS· pltal. Los Angeles ... &bert La Verne. 33. of San Gabriel was found guilty of manslaughter by a Su~rlor Court Jury In the death of Richard Perrett o! Los Angeles, who died In Hoag Hos· pltal July 23 rrom beating m· juries alter being discovered window-peeping In Balboa Upper Bay as the bay speed llmtt rite Ave., Corona del Mar, dJed than a year aro ... Is enforced . . . Newport Beach Sunday,· July 24, from Injuries • ocr•o City Council votes unanimously suffered when she ran Into a to continue the munJclpaJ trailer car travellnr on Marguerite Ave. Clifford Mahler, 44, Horace En· park on the bay front In Central near her home ... Walter Long-sign School mathematics teacher, Newport . . . Mrs. Richard S. moor of Shore Cllffs and Ray 1s reported In fair ,condition In Castle of 205 E. Bay Ave., Balboa, Co~lln of Newport are elected Hoeg Memorial Hospital follow· elected chairman of the Council to their seventh terms as chalr· lng a stabbing In La1una Beach or National Assistance League man and secretary, respectively .... Protests are voiced In Corona ... A record clas.s of 276 seniors of the Newport Beach city plan· del Mar against the proposed re· bids farewe ll to Newport High nlng comml&slon. location of Coast Hwy. as a by· School at graduation services In • AUGUST pass freeway slclrtlng the Filth the school athletic stadium . . . Ave. boundary of the commu· The first albacore of the season Two wheel games. labeled as nlty ... K. T. KendaU announced Is caught on June 21 by ''Uncle games of chance. are removed the sale of hls interest Ln the Harry" Rogers of Udo Isle ... A from the Balboa Fun Zone by Balboa Bay Club to Clint W. new Park. Beach and Recreation Newport pollee ... !Wbert Ging-Murchison, Texas oU man, and Commission Is appointed by the rich is appointed city recreation reslll'ation as president and dl· Newport Beach City CouncU to dlrector and Donald W. Mea ns rector of the club . . . Ronnie Include Crl!orge Sherrill. Alexan-as ctty purchasing agent by City RJma of 501 Redlands Ave., New· der Hamilton, C. E. Vandervort, I Manager J ohn Sailors of Newport port He ights. won first place In Tom Norton. Stanley Hadtleld.1 Beach ... Mrs. Sara Hoefner rc-the 115·mlle cl~ "D" heavy Mrs. Frank Kargl a nd Rex signs as business secretary of boat Colorado marathon race Brandt ... B B. IBudl Bartlett I Newport Harbor High School from N~e<1Jes. Callf. to Parker joins the staff of the Newport after 24 years of service. Margery Dam and return ... Miss Uni- Beach building department as Schrouder Is a p poI n t e d city verse of 1955, Miss Hellevl !Wm· assistant director of building and c)'rk-treasure r and Marilyn Cole· bin of Swedt>n, 1s a guest at the safety . . . Funeral services for man as deputy city clerk for the Newport Harbor Zonta Club Dis· King G. GIIJette, 64, of 4601 c tty of Newport Beach ... Cross· trlct IX conference banquet in Seas hore Dr .. Newport Beach. are roads VUlage opens Including the Newport Harbor Yacht CJub held on Tuesday. June 21, at For-the flrms of Village Drapery and ... Newport Beach elementary • DECE.ER rest Lawn. Interiors. JWy D. Gawthrop. Heat· school trustees accepted the res-• JULY tng: Ellen's Beauty Shop, Dean lgnatlon of Clifford Mahler, Hor· Sale-Driving Day, Dec. l , was The atate division of h ighways Informed Orange county that tht> state Is willing to participate In the long-pla nned project for eon · structlon of a high level bridge lac..~ Newport Bay ... A ~J craft and water safety ~urse 15 offered by the Newport Harbor High School summer rec· reatlon program ... Major in· juries are suffered by Carol Doane of 416 Poppy Avf.'. Corona del Mar. In a two car accident at Coast Hwy. and Poppy Avf.'. Corona df.'l Mar . . An eml'r· gency ordinance is approved by MATTRESSES IDDarspriD9 -Cotto• Foam Bubber Irregular Shapes !fEW -ltEBt71LDilfQ COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2150 New lllvd. llbe a.I)Ol Largest Md Most Complete Furniture Store in the /\reo. Coli for free DECOR;.. TING SERVICE Liberty B·SS 18 House .. ~ Gar~ en Furntshings for homes, clubs, yachts. )017 W. Coest Hi9hwey Newport Beech w ard. b 0 0 k k e ep I n g , Ha rbor ace Ensign School, math teacher hailed as a success In the Har· Health Foods; Smith's Profet· who sutfered stab wounds Oct. bor Area. where only three sional Pharmacy, Wl!Uam K . 2 In his Laguna Beach home . . . minor accidents occurred · · · Harper. physical thPraplst. and Dr. J ohn N. Osburn, 69, of 19 Mrs. Loyd Folsom of Newport Woodwelding Inc .... A burglar Bay Island, Newport Beach, died Heights Ia elected president of I $3 000 --'-I h'-h m Tu~ .. ay Oct. 11 the United Church Women of takes approxlmate y . CA3!• n ... o e ..-.. , ... from the apartment of Fred Her· Jlm Penney Ia elected president Newport Harbor . . . The Rev. shorn on the second floor of the ot the newly-formed Newport Jamet~ Stewart of St. Andrews Hurley Bell Inn. Corona del Mar Harbor Junior Chamber of Com· Presbyterian Church l.a elected . . . Merger of the Costa Mesa merce ... W. C. (Mac) MacDon· presJdent of the Harbor CouncU Bank with the United States Na l aid, who had tendered his verba) of Churches .. · The Charter tional Ba nk of San Diego Is an resignation as park foreman to amendment propos ition. put on nounced by Paul M . Creighton. Newport Recreation Dlrector !Wb· a s pecia l election ballot by the president of the Costa M('Sa 1 ert Gingrich, has reconsidered Harbor Cltluonls League, seeking Bank since 1950 .. Dieter Noga. h is a ction. a nd announced that 1 to change the present at-large l6, from Bremen. rsermany. ar he will not resign . . . Mark election of councilmen to the rived to stay Jn the homt' of Engelke of 6801 Seashore Dr .. district method. was defeated Councilman and Mrs. J. 8. Stod· Newport Beach. Is elected chair· Dec. 6 by almost a 2 to 1 ma· da rd of Corona del Mar to spend ma n of the Lea iue of Civic As-Jorlty. 1.832 to 95'7 · · · · Mark one year as a t>xchange student soclatlons, replacing Norm a n Engelke Is elected president of at NeWJ>Ort Harbor High School Fleming of Corona del Mar ... the West Newport Improvement ... A $1.14 t ax rate Is set for the Cit y Attorney Karl Davis told Assn .... A ... stOO.OOO jury verdict 1955.56 fiscal year by the New· the Newport city council that In in favor of .::-an Diego radio an· port Beach city council ... An his opinion the city may law. nouncer Edward Hammond. par· executive committee to plan next fully develop the clty·owned alyzed alter a high dive into the year's 50th anniversary celebra· trailer park on the Newport Bay Balboa Bay Club pool. w~s dset tlon of the Cltv of Newport Beach Front and operate It ... More aside by Super1or Court u ge Is appointed· by the Newport than 60 merchanu from the varl· Shea on grounds of contributory Beach city council to Include ous shopping area.a Jn Newport negligence . . . A charter was David Olmsted. J. A. Seek with Beach gathered Jn VUla Marina presented Dec. 8 to the Newport Mrs Seek as alternate, J. B. to discuss ways of encouraging Harbor Junior Chamber of Com· McNally. P. A. PaJmer, R. L Pat-Newport Harbor residents to mece. headed by attorney James terson Maurie Stanley, Theo shop locally . . . Wldenlng of Penney . · · Roy McCardle of JWbi~ J Leslie Steffensen and Marine Ave. on Balboa Island to Costa Mesa ls eJected pn!Sident J M Webster Approximately provide for an1le parking Is re· of the Newport Harbor Board of :zO c~ses of ~ttY ~nd gTand theft quested by the BaJboa Island Realtors ... Dr. Frederick Hunt of outboard motors and equip· Business A.un. ln a letter to the of Corona del MOrar Ia ~ectedt:y ment are cleared by Newport Newport Beach city council . . . president of the anle un pollee with the arrest of two John F. Dodge of Beacon Bay. Medical Assn. · · · Vlctol"}' ap· Fullerton boys. 15 and 16. on Paul Paine of Shore Cllt.f.a and pears assured ~n ~e N~rt charges of grand theft ... New· Edward R. Millett Jr. of Balboa Harbor High 00 • cam_.ID port Beach tideland oil wells off are named to aenoe on the tech-to obtain land on th~ormer West Newport are producing ap· nlcaJ oil advisory commtttee of Santa Ana Auny Alr near lmateJy 1 000 barrels of oil the Newport Beach dty councll. Oranle Coast CoDere u a new prox • high school sJte aa both the a day. City Manager John Sailors •fiOV£UO ~nate and Houa Armed Serv· announced ... E. J. Anderson of Ices Committee~ releaaed thel.r Brigham CJty, Utah. Is lost over · Edward J. Crowley Jr. of Los hold on lt ... eo.ta Mesa Pollee board from the sporttishlng boat An~elea Is named president of Chief Art Mcttenzle 1.a named Jet I and presumed drowned the Balboa Bay Club, auoceedlng chatnnan of the county's 1956 early Sunday mornln1, Aug. 21, K. T. Kendall, who resicned, wtth March of Dlmet drive ... Burg· In the ocean 18 .miles from the Wayne FerrJll u ,eneral man-lara took about ~.300 In cub Newport jetty . . . A klck-oU ager with new oUJcen eJected, an" checka from the Newport dinner for the $500,000 Hoag Me· lncludlnr Walter B. Mellott. vice a.Ibor Bank on the nllht of Dec. mortal Hoepttal expansion fund president. and Donald Harwood, 14.15 and about~ from Court· drive lB held in the Irvine Coast secretar)'·treasurer ... Joe Guer· ney and Lester 'nl'e eo. in eo.ta Country ClOb . . . In of 3900 Channel Pl., Newport Mesa on Ute nJ1ht o1 Dec. 20·21 • SEPJ~I Beach, b elected prealdent of the . . . eo.ta Mesa PlannlnJ Com· lfewport Harbor KlwanJa .Club m1aston member Arthur Meyer Carol Doane. 416 Poppy Ave., ... A. B. Cubbare of 415·38th t• named to nu the term ot Corona del Mar, who was serl· St., Rewport Beach, l.a re-elected Mesa Councllm&n Charles Te· ously Injured In an auto collision chairman q_f ~e Harbor Clttzena Wlnkle, who n~tped effec:tJve July 10, l.a now Jn a wheel chalr Leque wtth Mrs. Ruby Steveu· Jan. 1 .•. Wea OolUna of eo.ta at home and expecta to be on eon o1 215 Marlpld Ave.. Corona Meq 1a elected praldent ot the C'ZUtches In about a week .. . . del Mat, re-named • • creta r Y· K..vPort Harbor E:D:ba.riae Club Burna auftered In a ctrarcoal f1.re treuurtt . . . ft&nda Saunda'a. . • • Ttw c. B. frarry borne at uplo.ton In hla patio proved 29, of Balboa laland. a tadler In 302 ~ C&JI70ft ltd.. Shad fatal to Chat!• L. Plummer. se. the w~ Khool 41ltrtet. Qlffl. woo tiM ..... .-.-prl2Je of 181 J'Jower St., eo.ta Mea. l.a arrated by N.wport poUCie Oil ln tM Ouamw of Commeree and he died ln Roar MmJOrial • a aa perwnSon c:barp ln Co· Juelllnl of l'ild.ciiiiDttaJ <lu1ftmu Bo.p1tal on Mondq, Alii· 29 . • • rona del Mar, aJ.Jeaed.l7 lnvolv· ~ •• , Tbe Oty of ftrlt award for boot.Q at the Or· lftl a Colta x .. temaJ. .ebool If 8Mdl...,.. IIK'Ond lJl anp CountY J"ait J.t won by the t.eb• . · . 1."1ae Mftrpoft ~ lU Ill die OrUee Cocalit:Y d1aplay o( Jlartleln ~owen and buD41DI d • p a r t m •,. t llliMd ODMt ..._ .. _, JtUI.til of Oldll· Gitta ol 0onma cJe1 liar · . • Lee* 1580,211 'fiOtf.b. o:gdJ'ftl pel'• liMe .......... COIL-• • • a.. o1 ,.. and earburetor troublt mna durtJij • llr1nl1na llclilpb1 rnaiM a J.!Uil' ... of e.Uid PUot .John ShetnelcJ Of t.JM tocaJ b tbe to at7'1.· _.,.,~...,.. tM rtiri POPek· SaDt& Monlea to malta a foreecl 7~lrMc1Y ~ ol tbe etiN t1oa ea. aoo..ooo .......-ln tbe ~ .. Ilia atrplaM bl· tGtal for aJI ot lMl,., •.• Cap· ... ill. ... .,.. G1laa L. ~ ._. BarW Ylftr JkJi(jOl Ud taln WaJW D7IICIID 01 K..,art a11p1a1M -•lllad'l,. ... Mew· 1M C'«oDa dill Mar r II rro1r • • • pGIJaa .. tallltJI tD lloif ~ part ...a ~ eo-cil c:aJW fte Ya.tll 011tW JraW~ .,. IIOipftal .air~= frclll a card· lclr ..... fat .........,.... the mal· aowbad du 11 ol t.be uw. 1M W oa.r~~~ · NJct dfel trdlr ,_. • 1M ..... ~ C --aftir ct.lleadnf aallf AM* .I• _... ill 0... c:... ..... ta'SI.. .. ~~ ~-= =-~-· .. ':.fv. ..... ..... =:: ... a.M......... ..... . ..... ::w :' =r Registration Drive Started The Newport Harbor HJab School Stu~nt Cou.ocU and the Parent·Te&ChM' Asaoclatlon are IPODIIOrinc a proaram to PlO· mote voter rec~atraUon. * *· Tluoulb th1s proerarn a vot· er'a ln!OI'matton aheet hu been prepared. and each pupU wu aakecl to take thl.a lnlorm.aUon home to h1s famtly juat before the Chrt.stmu holJday vacaUon. ThJa project wu prompted by the fact that less than one-half of the ellflble voters In Oran1e County are ~ered to vote, which meana that a minority ot the people are electJnc our pub· Uc aervanta. LEGAL •ones No. A·26659 ROTICZ TO caEDJTOa ESTATE OF ORVAL T. MAYl'f· ARD, aka ORVEL T. MAYNARD, aka 0. T. MAYNARD, DE· CEASED. NOTICE IS HEB.EBY GIVEN to the creditors ot and all persons havfn1 clahna a1aJnst the aald decedent or aaJd estate to file them with the neceaaa.ry vouch· era ln the offJce of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of the State of California. In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same, with the necessary vouchers, to the undersl10ed at hls or her place of bualness, to· wit: ANITA J. MAYER, AdmJnlstra· trlx. c/o Hurwitz A Hurwitz. Attor· neys at Law. 2611 Newport Boulevard, New· port Beach, California. wlthln slx months after the first publication of this notice. ANITA J. MAYER Administratrix of the Estate of said decedent. Dated ~>«ember 15, 1955 HURWITZ A HURWI'n by: Max Hurwitz Attorneys for Admlnl.at:ratrlx Publish: Dec. 22, 29, 1955, Jan. 5, 12. 1956. In The Newport Harbor Ensign. . . . ~ . -~\~~ \ . .· ... •' I ---~-----=-~ SIIE .. l ,.,..,.Pliler BRUCE MARTI .N AUTO-TIUCI-FilE-LR LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. OOSTA ~A OII?ICE: 8·MM RES. LAIUIA TRIYB. SERIICE AIIUIES • RIUOADS STEAISIIIPS • TOURS a.m.. T1:ae Coastal Ana F« •early tG Yean Ill 0aaa An. l.opaa -..acta , IIYatt•'-1011 -------------------- STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * G1ftware * Appliancee * ·Painta ·-....... ........u..,... Codcl .... ACT IODAYI SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OPENmBY JAN. 10th EARN INTEREST FROM JAN. 1st ()H., It la...fted .... te ..dt MW MCII .... .............. ry 11, 1956' H,., . ..,,_~ _ _,C....._ ......... 1. ,_..,....._.. ............ ,Q.OOO..., ................... M4 '-'--c..,. ...... 2.. ...... ,.. ............. 4 .... ·~-~ ..... ~ ........ ,.,,.... .. , ........ , .. ................ o. ...... o ••• ., .. .. a."_....,...__,_,~~_...,_.,,... n.t\.· .... ~_...___,...,......,.. I P .... ,_,. .... , .. .,._.., ..... -,., ........... _,... .. ...., ................. ....., ......... . C... ..... -!f....., ....... . . ,_.....,. ___ .,...., ........ ta4 .. c....Miaa ..... ......................... ···-........ . ...... r.. .... -~--., ..................... , • ... IE , Rea port Dates Set _... --·· Plji f .,. ~::~ .. u.en st Gr•de 1_1_. A4ulmm8.)' recta•,. wlntft e1a1 , •••• t,atlon paiocS tor Or "'"a.F'~ui"T I U lillcq tbu $1!10,000 1n cftvtdeM t.eftll d.-at Oran&e~ Cout ~ 1n W1akll C.. were Adult Classes Start Jan. 3 • ... PeJ4 to 80IDe S.fOO -~ Collep 8talt1nl the ... of daarpd. BuW..,.. lldDCWI.,._ _, eelved cammunJeatlon.e rep.rd· lnftltan of Newport Balboa Tueecla7. Jamauy a. e6c:ordln• to UUJa_Oif_UDO ___ _ tlnl .,.. ._.._.. wW ......,. tq tbe Jan. • elate. Pl.l*nta ot Sa.tql and Loan ~atlon 1n Dr. Tbomu A. Jllu..ly, dean ol 111 B. P Ba~ .,. lMq lrt tiM* two 8a.lk poUo tbGa Ia ta.. dallclrtD tn the othe two 8Choola M~ a..dl 00 Dee. ._ ac· adult ec!uc:atkm. 439 :._ Lido Soud. Lido 'ftler ft.nt tout moatba of tbe M.w wW be ocmt.aetH ~ a lat. date. ~to wont trom A.-saUon aep.traUoa tor all cl--. tenDerly ltNcJ at 1J'T ~ppbft Y-.r. , Oilldna who are not enrolled In ~ Paul A. Pal.aMr. both ,_ &Del DOD.·f•. wtll be Ave., a.Jboa bland. and lla4 a •• _, • .,... .... _., ··--. ............. .. Puenta « pucU&nt ~~ a.ny ot t,be three ecbools but wbo WilDe eheeks were IDJllec! to bel4 durinc the ftnlt meettn• of been Ialand remdenU tor .,._ lip CCJD8Bt aU* blriGre tU are crt tbe proper e&e may ,.. lllOit of tbe 41 8tat.-&D4 eevenl ..m elul. Dr. Blably revealed. time ....... -.... ... ••• ..., ... - t 7 .... ft• • 8boU IDAT be liven at ~· cetve the V8Cclnatlon at one of tONI ~ Mt paJ.mer Thla Ia a c1epattun from the . matel.Y oae-mcmth 1 n t • r v •1• • tbe 1oeal eehool eHnicso Pa.renta aald ':.at the bulk ot' 4lvlden4 fOrmer pndjcle ot bol4ln• a 8pe· Read tbe EMtp Wut Ad _,.. J'1nt &boCa at the lfewport 8c:bool of auch chlldren are uked to paymenta WU· cn.trfbuted to ln· iiiiiWiiiiiiiwiMiiiii-iiiiii_w_iiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wm be .. v~ Wectn.c~ay. Jan. contact the oUlce of the acllool v~ 1~ tn Oran•e County. 4 and the ..:ond lnoeulatson Ja neuett to tbem 1n advance of Be &lao announced that !few· ..... _,. ... _....., ht __. •wsra-.... ............ _.._..u Cit ..... d:A:1811 ... ... Tow ctaod'• ... __, ._ .._ • t.cu cte.ty _. .....-, Ia 8Chedulect f« J'eb. 1. Olllclml the clfnJe clatee. port Balboa Savlnp' total aaaeta tn the Harbor VIew School are haw r1.1eo to a new hllb of ~= : ~d ~~ .::.S111! Vandals Harm ~~ .. ~ c~rawa to a April a . 'l1le Corona del Y I l• h • ~oo;,~::;~been Mt at U e 19 t1n9 STAY 011 CUifATIOW . X:Uarerrta o1 dilldren In the NOW' that the Gordon Warrena DADQVAft'DI roo.. TOYS. ..... , ..... ....... _, ... &II . • .-.-........ Mk?l_.tlt.._. ...,_ .. • .._......_ MIL ....,... -.:ld .,_, t1a1a -.......... .,. ... ...S--cba& CALL DB. NICBOLSOX 10DAY f« an appointment to ex· amine. prac:r.lbe and ftt your chJld'• eyes with the propu eye wear. Newport School have already re-Juvenlles were blamed f« have 10Jd the Lout.e Apartmentl _ _.::.. _________ damaain• ChrUtmu d~atlona at 308 Carnation Ave., ~na JIDI &. C....~-~--~ c:on.-del II• Bus .lness tn CJ.Ur Hawn utty Tuesday c1e1 Mar, they have movec~ over' cNest to Ameriean Market) L L NICHOLSON, O.De mor111nc. Dec. 2). J'red erc.Jer of to one of the other apartmentl ~fi.~:::;;;;;=J .....a. 5511 1 309 Siena! Bd. reported that Ju· In the Loube1n ~~bull:...cl1n~p,~now--a~t~~~~~~~~~~~·~A!U..~ct~5~B~!Z.~IIId~lt..~!la!!' ~~~.._.~!!~·~~=====·=·=· l=llla=lt.l==·==....._==· =U=I-=ISIL==c.n.==ll=-==== 0 •1 r.ectory venlles 1n ca.n lmoc:kecl over' aoe eamatJo~ Ave. large candle c::b.rWtmu clecora· ------------tiona along the 11treet at 3 a.m. -a Mrs. Robert Zlealer of 336 Snut llllnAif Harbor Rd., Cllft Raven. reported INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WJTH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. ~ Rlabway Corona del !tlar Rea. Phone, BA 5232 ICBOOLS & IRSftUCTJOif Ch.rt.tmas decorations In thelr yard had been damaged. About two dor.en foam plutlc stripped Chrl.stmu cape.. each about three loot long, were sto- len from the ya.rcS of the Irvin G. Gordon residence at 1111 , W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Mrs. Gordon oomplalned to po- Uce Wednesday, Dec. 21. The canes valued at $8 were taken after mJdnlght when the decora· tlon lights were _turned ott. REAL ESTATE c. L .......... Contracting Tl Lan llwllll Insurance Continuous day and evening cluses for preparation to pua the<etate exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 16U N. Broadway, Santa .Ana Kimberly 7-3511 KEilog 8-2513 Let Me Teach You CIIDfAPAiiifiHQ ConvenJent Clua Leuons I.J 8·5&C8 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Irvtne Ave .. eo.. Ilea WILDIRO avnu:u CEMENT AND C. B. Budd, member o! the lfewport Beach City Planning Commission. hu been welcomed back to the Municipal Bowling Green to u r n a m e n t 1 after a month's vacation in Mexico. Twenty-al.x players ga(hered at the public peen.a on 15th SL, next to tbe A.merle¥ Legion Hall, to participate In the weekly Australian singles tournament Dec. 13. Mrs. William ~u hJ•b polnt winner with total of 15. Walter Wood wo~ nd with 12 Poinbl. ned for and fourth places with 10 polnti each were Lew Pettitt, Ed Murset. Jlo. land Bailey and Mrs. Walter Peanon. Mr. Pettitt won the plq-otJ to take th1r4 p.lace, and Mr. Ba1ley ... t.ou.rtiL .......... , ... "--llllnila.. BUilDING The probatiOn application ol .All KJncS.-Free Estimate. John I... Herrmann, 33, Newport machlnlst. wW be heard Friday, __ _..;u~BE;;.;;...RTY...__u~l~09~~-Jan. 6, In Superior Court on an IIOWZU SIIAJlPEifED anon 'Charge. He wu found ~Uty of arson by a jury ln Su-LET US SHARPEN perlor Judge Robert Gardner's YOUR . court on Dec. 15. LA WNMOWERS-SA WS Herrmann claimed that he Knives. Scluors. Etc. found his estranged wtfe, Paul· UbertY 8·5137 Lne. intoxicated and .In bed with J . A. Bolding a navy lieutenant when he en· 188~ Merrill Pl, Costa Meu tered their former home at 638 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, lut Oct. PA.Dn'DfQ 15. She denJecS the allegation. He went back later and set flre to the house, causing $13,000 dam· age . •. w ..... Ucensed u 8·3321 ot I.J 8-5127 Blalll PaJIIII Clllcka _B> Av~ado, Costa Mesa Slllel frill 1 IIIII' AICHER I HAIIOI Approximately 50 blank pay· PAINTING CONTRACTORS roll checks. sea green ln color. .. Color matching a specialtY' on the First Western Bank and Workman.ahlp guaranteed Trust Co of Santa .Ana, wt!t"e C6 Fernleat. Corona del Mar stolen ~m the office of Earl F. B ~~~ 0~LH~~~-W Chamberlain, BuUder Realtor. ar 388 E. 17th SL, Costa Mesa, mesa PLUidiKO pollee reported Wednesday. Dec. 21. Tbe blank checks contained the name and add.rMa of Mr. Chamberlain ln the upper lett comer and hll name prtnted In the lower right comer, pollee aatd. They were numbered from 350 thtou&h .00 tnclUiive. WATER HEATERS Sales. Service and Repalrl -IDE BECHTU PLUMBING T4!!1'1M. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor S330 Fabrteatt~ Deatrn!llr A Maintenance TIWLERS. Hl'I'CRE& BUMPERS or what have you ;,:!~,fb too larp or too . REASOlf A..8LE ItA TES • 2133 Oranp. eo.ta K-. ua..u MONEY GROWING ON T ES~ ••••cro•• I.A. .... ae•11 aLO..-IIT aA&M P. IIAIKR lAM .. , A. ....... P. A. PALMia WALfta S.IPIGa C.W. TIWHIKU .,,ICUS P.-a. PA&Mall ,._•c• e. caoxo. f1Jd.l t ~ '-Ofltlw WAI.fta S. IPICI. LYLA .... ~ t+t ...• , .. ...,.. ,._ ............. 1:1 ... ~ t+t .. u·•eLIAAIIAII ~ ........... Ofltlw ...... , ao .. na.••• .. c ...... ROallla ... , ,__OM.- •• ITIJtM-1111111 ,., .. _........, This is what thousands of satisfied people in 48 states and in ~ foreign parts say about putting their savings to m with us. ' ..-.. ..... They've learned to "Save Safely Where Saving Pays." Your money is loaned by us for building of homes in Orange County, the fastest growing area in the West-the safest of safe loans. And every dollar of yours up to $10,000 is insured by an agency of the United States Government 8esides your savings are withdrawable in full, always at par. Regardless of your motive -Future Security, Children's Education. Travel, Study or good old New England Thrift -start an acco,unt with Newport Balboa Savings. As little as $5 does it. Savings received up to January 10 earn from January 1 rPfien ~~ Jllca;,,,,t e-liot~.' dn ~et60#1 ot ly u l(ail Wif#t an unbrol-en record ol dividends for 20 years we are currently paying at the annual rote ol ... _, . .,. I Jliu.d. ~~~ ~-· ~0, .... 8' • .,. ~·~ •• , •••• 20 CfH'ei«Jnae TO ou• ••••c•••" Ho•• It's 1 marvel of efficiency where 1 customer is aecorded faster service in a friendly and pleasant atmo$phere. ~~,.,... s.t. De,u?t Vwlt ... c.~ ..... c........ '-.. '-f ...... c.., ... &cr.w SeMee -· .... .... ....,~ til I .... Aff ~&p-r......,a ... . '• • ~''"~ All ~~\.,ASH _, ... ,. WITH ANY GASOLINE PURCHASE • DOUBLE I.J'BE8TY STAMPS -EVERY TUESDAY • Complete Lubrication and S.rrice by EXPERTS • Free Pick-Up Apd DeliYery • ·-·-MOBIL SERVICE a&WIOift' D.ACII -W. COAST IIIWAT ftoM Llbeltf l-IDS ...................................... .APORT /~~u.~. ((U/(JNA 0£1. MAl>' "AA~<'/QJHI'I ...... wt.e one. WJtbout tbe JII'OIQI8e ChrtltiDu ... won d e r f u 1 , ol a bra.Dd new .cart. Jtbe ID· wun't ItT llut &tta-tt'a put, the evltable aftenftath ot Chrlatmu cJaya that toUow ahr&18 remind would be hard to take. ADd 10 me ot a hoMyiDoOD tbra over. I'm lla4 that Ira uuly tlJDe to '!'be Cbd8tmu ~ Ia u beauti· welcome the New Year. Ira pod tw and eolorful u It wu on to have ~ to celebra~ auutm.u eve, but DOW', I keep wtth the rultt;y of the daya after ddnldnc ot. eYa')'thlnl that bas Cbrlltmaa at.arlnl a.round ~ to be packed up an4 put 1ft tbe unwritten check 1n the booiL aaraae until next yee.r. • 1• An-'-betna an a~e dtben. So-weleome. 1966! I'm clad J crlnce u I thtnk of all thoM you're nearly here. I eeriou.aly dl&r~e accou:nta that were Santa need the tonic: of a new year. 'Jbe Claua before 01rtstmu, but now, tho uabt ot It atves ~ new aborn of white beard, red cap drea..ms and new reeolvea, new and sleigh bella, stand starkly optimlam An anater J.a alw.,.a before me llke the bare bones ol an optimlst. You just have to be the Christmas turkey. one, or you can't enjoy ftahlng, The anclent phlloaopher who for' 1n tb.J.a aport. antidpatioo 1s Invented New Year's Day wu a often more exbillrat1n1 than realization. AB a new year rolla In, all sea. anclers be&1n to wonder about tb1s and thaL How J.a fiablng coin. to be thla year! WUI this be a bl& albacore IlNSOn! With tb1s question. I tblnk of what CapL Ed Frueban saJd a few years back. For several years llJ.a Emerald Bay Tract Is Sold For $325,000 pred.lctiona have been ri&ht. U TIDS "''DDODQEAD BOUir Ia ... o1 tM ......a~ Sale of a 50-acre tract ln Em· I rememb« well, 1.956 is sup· ol tM ~~crt U. WWMu Tool ... weace Ia eo- erald Bay for $325,000 to Everett ~ to be better, for the long-roaa..,. liar. (Baalga plaoto) Davia and Aaaoclates of Paaa· f1na. than for q uite some sea· ---------"-----------------~~ ~f~= ~~~~:~be~:~·. It C06ta Laws Concerning Park Area Lacuna Beach baa been an-At this date, we won't even For Subd •• v .• s.lons Stud.·ed nounced by loe Gallant. aales venture a cuesa about loe&l mar· representative of Earl Stanley, l1n flsbtnc. Haw many, where harbor area realtor, who ~-th~ wW 10 and how they wU1 Director Bobert Gincrldl wu aented both croups. , take bait J.a aomethlnc that J.a lnatructed by the Neowport Beach Work baa already started on 1n the lap of the coda. But it's park. beach and reoeatton eom· aurveytnc 122 residential lots on about time we had a real good mlsslon Tuesday nJcht of Jut the property 1n the northwest aeaaon, acaln. week to make a survey ot other section of Emerald Bay, being This is sport-flahlng, fun for cltles requlrtnc new subdivisions the first addition. The balance many, but not for evel')'one. All to make provisions for recreation of. 20 acres w111 be developed alone the harbor, ln small boats and park areas. • later Mr Gallant said. Construe· large, Inside the jetty and Commlaloner Rex Brandt of tlon ~f h~mea wW start soon. He out, there are flabermen every Corona del Ma.r asked for the added that the property Ia the day of the year. Some st111 wea.r information on what other .areas last piece undeveloped between diapers under their jumpers. are doinl. It wu beard that Corona de Mar and Laguna eome have forgotten how lone Riverside and Pomona passed Beach not owned by the Irvtne aco they were three-score yea.ra laws requiring such areas from and ten. To these and every fish. new aubdlvlafona. With the In· Co. enn.an, young or old, whether formation obtained. the local you use a ten cent hand-line or eomml.aJon -.uld d etermIne a thousand dollar outfit. tJ} whether to request 1uch a law eolum.n wishes h appy day~ ln for the CJty of Newport Beach. 1~ And a special good 'uc:k Commissioners Intend to co wish to a rather elderly, ~ry Into the need ot providing super· patient. colored lady, wbo Jat. vtalon thJ.a aummer at the Co· planned to do for aupervl1lon there. Remodelln& and repairing the Ta.r Pit fot the purpose of maldnl the buUdtnc Into recre· ation beadquarten and a recre· atlon center was dlac:ussed. A Sl1l'WY of pubUc: restroom tactll· tie& 1n the clty wu presented. FEITUIIII V. L llOTAL CIDd cdl U'W~ product. ..... '"lltaat. IIGD" Serrice #' PICK UP & DELIVERY ELU,..,...,s UlfiOif VII SERVICE @ SOOJ Kewport Bl't'd. lfewport hacb , ...... r.~ w.~_..,.._ ........ ....u. ... batwellaftndawd u... ... brttbt • • ·JOU9Wb'laaa4 ................. bF oatl'e allld-. dnl .... ladtldlll9, Jeny ~ Jotdy. Jolmy z.e.. Uttle AUce ltaart. ..... z... aacS l'l1lay ll*y. IIZEI Cl9e 4 to 14 ........ to l ub-t.ea 14 D.-CIDd JWDpen LIS to ILlS We laftte Tev Claarve Accocaat C. K. Priest Is Chairman of Red Cross ~ always J.a flsh!Jig from a rona del Mar Youth Center. Mrs. 130 aaoadwar. ~ .._. IIT.tt f.n• a pler away out ne;r the end of Duncan Stewart r~ueated tnfor· Barbor 5432 0DeD E.uy Day t ....... p.m. NOW At 2 Theatres ~~ •o•. Ut.n& rax.. •tan• "' 1 :oo IIA'I'. 11 •VJr .. IJtuU at a:ao CARTOON CARNIVAL JI'RL SAT. SUN. Late Sbow New Y-.1"• E•• · ··-· ·· SCOTT · ~I:.AWLES SrREEr C. K. Priest, fonnet' city clerk for the City of Newport Beach, Ia temporary chairman of the Neow· port-Costa Mesa branch of the American Red Cross. Mr. Priest. elected to the ~ of vtce-c:halnnan. is t11Unc the vacancy left by the restanat:Scm of Mrs. Vernon Mathews, who resigned due to Increased work as school bus supervtaor for Costa Mesa eleme ntary schools. A new chairman will be elected In January when the board of directors meets. A date for the meeting has not been set. Red CrOSII ortlc:lals saJd, but lt prob· ably will be a luncheon meeting In Harbor House, Costa Mesa. •o• an. 1I'SI.. IJtuU at e:oo •• , Jf ..... lltuta ., ll:aG STUDIO P&EVIEW AT TIIIC BBOADW AY NEW YU&'8 EVE ST.urnJ &mmAY: DW. 0. IIOIJDI'80lf • "'I..LLII.AU A.ND "'JIA1If WITII TID Otnrr" W1aa 1108!'. lidUICIJi -~~ • ' DR IV E · I H -lC THfATIH '> CJ ~ <OMIA\TOu•g . ~ I N TIH IAMIL Y Cllll I ..... 1' ,.... I"SD&1'' ' -..~y ....... 1' ............ ,. ..... .......... . * CARTOON CAINIYAL MI.. SAT., a lUll. * * LATI SHOW ..W YIAA"S 1ft. * the Balboa Pen~ Ia. We see mna~ti~o~n~o~n~w~b~a~t~th~e~co~mm~~lsa~J~o~n~===========~==~OIM~~ol~tlle~'ll~ow~a~Gil~d~l~lllf~lll~ope~;· ~·~·~ .. ~-~la~CNI'~~a.t~==:J her every time we-go ouL We've - never seen her catch a fiah. Maybe 1956 Is her year! Good luck and Happy 1956! .,.,. FOUJfD Ill GAUCE Gecqe Newton of 1407 N. Bay Front. Balbo& bland. repol'ted to pollee, Wednesday, Dec. 21, that a neighbor .urpr1aed a boy In the vlc:lnity of his aa.ra,e the eventnc before. When the boy saw her, he whistled and two other teen-age boys ran out of his carage. Mr. Newton said his garace bad been open but noth· lng was taken. Glamour Glimpses By AnD Top o' mo.nliD' to you oa lfew Tear'• Dayl Sure and .. at CYalllEif'S Jaope It'll be a grGD4 begtma.I.Dg to a great year. • • • CWe may sou n d Irish at O'BRJEN'S. but you'll rea 11 y think we're Scotch at the way we're helping your budget In our big. huge pre-Inventory sale. Prices are slashed down to . . . THE RE! Dresses auita, aklrts and blouses are marked down to slide Into everybody's budget. It's a grrreat day for the bargain hunters from today on-as Jon~ as the sale lasts a t O'BRIEN'S.). • • • May your wtabe8 COllie trae th.roagh .....y day of l iM cmd your good l'ftOluttoaa be ecuy to bepl • • • (We know that good resolu· tlon to look your best durtnc the coming year wtll be a ctnc:h lf you hurry on over to O'BRIEN'S and see all the smart clothe~~ re· duced 'way down to our COST ... and below.> The Friendly Bank that has grown faster because it serves you better, cordially invites you to the opening of a NEW KIND OF BANKING SERVICE . £n COSTA MESA . • TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd Truly the bulc ol tomorrow ... dedicated to better Nne you to a frtendly, belt>ful and cooperative manner. ln a pleasant. "penooalized .. atmosphere ... backed by experieDce and u.oderstand.lnc acquired durin~ OVfll -40 r-n oi~UCC~e~Sful bulc- lnl tei'Vfoe. 1be fnendJy bank that is thcroucbly equtppecl to noder • com- plete bankin1 service tncludJna safe deposit bout, e.crow and truat. Joln with at ~ ~. opeatna of our aew t.ak bWLftna. 1\lelclay, January Srd. 10 A.M. to 8 P.)L lOA.M.IotP.W.. .._.., • .....,.,.. ... 1 ... 10 A. ............. ,...,.. -