HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign• urte
Kra. Thorld.ld Knudaon of I...oe
AnpJee aod Lido We wU1 be
the chJef ~er at meetlne ol
Rlllist• by f.eb..16 To .
Vote in· Council Eledion
the Women'• Comm.Jttee ol the Cltizen.a ot KI"'IVPPrt Beach and
Newllort Harbor Chamber of eo.ta Hesa have until Feb. 16
Commerce P'riday, Jan. 20. 1bU to rqtster ao that they wtU be
wW be the O:nt of two luneheona able to vote In the April 10 Ctty
planned thfa year to be held at Council electtona. 'l'hrft vacan·
the Newport Harbor' Yacht Club. cles w111 be filled on the New·
Mn. Knucllon. known throulh· pbrt Councll and abo three on
out Soutflern c.ntomJa u Val· the Costa Mesa dty councU.
ley Knudaon. bu &Jeen president . Coqnctl wnu up b-In~ ln
of the women'l dlvtllon o1 the Newport Beach Include thoee of
I...oe Anceles Chamber of Com· Lee Wilder, dlltrlct alx, 80Uth·
meree. Sbe wu abo chairman of euterly portJon of Corona del
the Loe Aneeles Bea'!tlful ~-Mar; Clarence Htebte, dfatrtct
mJttee. Sbe fa famUiar with the five, Balboa bland. and Gerald
Harbor Area havtnr made her Bennett, dlatrlct one, Newport
8e00nd home here for 80me time. Beach area from 15th SL to the
, .... Flllllnlll ........... Santa Ana rlva jetty. Voter.
throuehout all the dty wlll de·
clde on the candJdates. Under
the propoea1 defeated recently at
the special city charter amend·
Snow Slide
in the Alps
Mesa Obuncil Acts
John A. Drote• ol Colona del
Mar, .forme football pla~ at
Harllor BIJb and UfeiUard at
the Btl Corona beach, mJracu-
loualy escaped unhurt a.tter
belne burled byfan avalanche
which killed four members of a
lut Saturday. lkting party ln e Swl&s Alps I F• h R b• I John, 33·yur·old U. S. Army i =~y ....... ~~~ .:.~ ::·~ n 1g I on a 1es
1 Jtarllne D~e of 300 Fernleaf
Ave.. Corona del Mar. Mrs Vaccination of dogs In the City
I' Droege, who ls a native of Ger·l of Costa Mesa for rabies will be
mAny, 1a In Munich to kH"p required before lssuap of 19e6
house for her aon, and expects dog licenses under an"!mereency
to be there for at lean a year. ordinance which passeod first
The avalanche occurred near reading at the Costa Mesa city
Davos, Switzerland. John was I council mH"tlng Tuesday night.
knocked out by the force of the 1 The ordinance wiiJ be up for
snow slide, but when he camel second reading and beeome ef.
to he was able to dig his way to fecUve at the Jan. 16 readJng it
the surface. A companion, Daniel passed. The new law will require
Schiavone, 27, of Manhattan dog owners to obtain a certltl·
Beach. Calif., was able to reach cate from a llceiUied veterinarian
the surface. They were the only that their dog hu been vaccl·
ones of the party to escape. nated for rabies. They mu.t
A sld rescue party brought exhibit the certitlcate before a
them back to the Oavos hotel. license wUl be issued. The oeT·
Kids'. Panel on
PTA Program
A dlUdren'a paM) ot quettton.a
and aJln"dS wt1l be tbe procra.m
for the PTA meeting at 2 p.m.
Monday at the Corona del Mar
Tbe panel will Include: ROOnd
craden BUI MacMaster, John
Monsen and Laura Lamb; third
eradera Joyce Oele. Cathla Hope
and Boyd Reber; fourth erade:rs
Johnnie RJchwine and Homer
Alexander; fltth lf&ders Karen
Folk. Jimmie Barnett. Susan
Archer and Steve Oonal<bon.
The Fifth Grade orchestra will
make their tint ~ppearance.
Tries to Ahlllrt
An Arcadia man bit Ross
tiflcate must have ~n obtained
within a period of 365 day. prior
to the application.
Costa Mesa thu. Is followtne
the CIV ol Newport llftcb and
U.. eoant:y lD tak1q emt'J&aq
acdon to oom-.t the perU ol
rabies. At last week'• Newport
Cfty Coundl meeting, an emer·
~ncy ·ordinance was approwd
and ~nt Into effect lmmedl·
ately, requtrlne a11 dogs In the
city to be vaccinated by Jan. 30
The County Board of Supervt
sors approved an emereency
ordlnan~ last w~k requiring
that all dogs In the unlncorpor·
ated areas of the county be vac·
clnated against rabies.
According to Dr John H. Bower,
Orange County meat and live·
stock Inspector, local vetertnarf·
ans have volunteeTed their .a·
slstance to insure the auccea of
this vaccination pro,ram. Dur·
lng January, the veotertnaria.u
have aer~ to vaccinate dop at
a fee of S2 each. Alter Jan. 31.
special office houn wtlJ be held
ao that thls program may COJ'I·
tinue on a reduced f~ basis.
Beoglnnlng F~b. 1. vaccinations
wtll be offered between 2 and 6
p. m. on Thursday. by local vet·
.rlnarlana. The usual fee of $S
per dog wtll be charged at any
time other than the Thursday
a!lernoon hourL
"The lon~ 1ut1nc chick em·
bryo rabies vacdne, eftectlve for
at leut two ye.ua. wtll be uad ~ thJ. JIII'OI'.l'a!D." aW Dr.
Mazet Back
From Movie
Shooting Trip
-11.-t ., lJI •• 1117 ~'nat. ..U... 1IW. Men d
.._. dloltly ~ Qrlrtz•
flo-.--'Pt---a .......
IlL 11.-t .... __. -· a rr Cllld .....S •• 1111 ._
.. fl ..... ol • ,._ --
d , • .aarr ~
'"Tea-...s tM 1.-t .........
wta c.too ICDtt • T-. ,..m........ • ......
~-d by uo ... 1.-
PilodDcttOM CIDd wW lie ..
a.-4 IIIII 11 .. 18 1-.
It ... llr • ._... 8nlt Atd-
CIIII 1dp bat tM ~ .. -._ a J a 'e'S. IIIIlS C...
Cllld .... ..u. ... c.w. .,
Saa J-. c.w.. .. d' .. wild
•• , •• 1 ,~atlp u'sm. ~
tuaed-............. .
.... -•• iGl ... ,__
.... 11 ... --. ..... .... ............ , .. _ ...... ............ ..., ......... ------·ruS a ,a .... __._. ....
_.., .... Ia AtrS. ... --
Shot Fired in
Nwpt. Home
HaroJ~ S. Thompeon of D).
30th St., Ne-wport Beach, f.tred
a 45 callbft revolW'r In bla honMt
at 7:53 p.m. Sunday, Newpwt.
pollee reported.
""'bis Is MN . ThomPIIOft Oft
30th St. and you better ogme-
rteht over u my hu.band S.
eotng to shoot hlmMlf. .. Pollc!e
Sgt. WIJllam Blue repo~ bear-
Ing upon answer!~ the tele--
phone In pollee headquarten.
"As she finished the .nt4!'ftee,
I heard a &hot In the backeround
over the pbone." Srt. Blue ,.
ported and he rushed otncera
to th~ne.
Offtcer WUllam .Talbott aa.ld •
that when he a.nlved at tbe
soene Mrs. Thompeon opened the
door and said "ln the ldtc:ben. ..
The oftJ~ went to tbe k.ltdaea
and saw Mr. Thompeon ~
at the ldtdlen table wtib IUa
arms folded on the table. UQder.
neeth hla &J'tM wu a codtecl •
automatic p'-tol. omc.._ Tal-.ott
leaped acroa the room. pa6becf
the gun and took lt into the
front yard, where It wu ltD-
loaded. The run eontafnecl twa.
unexpended rounct., the omc.
Pollee aaJd Mr. 'l'hOillQJieOG .,..
ln a n lntoxkated oondtdoa..'l"hq
took him to Or~ CoontJikw· ptt.al.
A tiM!'dl of the 8C.'ft\e wu COli·
·---IOI&CWIG De-., 10C a.t •a tkb A IIWir<'& laM .._ ~Dade .._.., IMI Wlllll'a .._..,
11t11 ell . ..._.. ooa..,. a ._.. ......., 111&1 It to 1. ud a ..._. =-c .. -::r tM Cam· tiM ..... • UCLA.. ,.,.,. ~ ..... Ill .............. _ •
... __, • tlaat tile boJI eaa 10 trtdl p&Qa ...._. ol ~
fine ~ aDd pl.,-oe Put ID· out a two.·Jucl •vwaae • tile ..-. 01 • a ...,_ out&Ja. It pouacl ftlr wllat MaJcl llaft
U. a..n ..,.,ltelr 8ltUid tllat been tbe dlndl• .
.. wW have cqanbed buebal1 lmqtne tbe blood ,..._.,.. ol
for bo)'ll on tiQI plan:round thla 8edl Ianden when eoect.tq !)om
e ...n nw T&UJ d~~Cte 110 .aan 1 kt _.._ 1 C!Oiftlnc IUrnrner. They need a the 11~ by -* ot Ilia
.. q . ·-tllouaud doUan -• ~ .,..,... COlt Ilia .... ll ,...... 'nlat wu. • ~ ._ .,. • ....._. 110 bold olf UllW I lOt _,.._ aDd INd'"l on that out· aDd Bonnie ltDolr ....,.. ..._ ga.~», • ._.. t ltf 'ftle llftall bet out ol tiM f90Jn. field. and ..ek bMiad u. IIMI u.
1 almollt didn't ~ to AIMlY ru MVW Jet tbroulh .,...., • wtth two 1-... -IDta • ..._ SmJth wu worth ewry cent It arateful for the preeenee of Boa1 An IIQeri OD lrrllatlon bu t . -po .... ~ coa me. I didn't even make tt HMpltal 1n our net&hborhood. recommended the tn.ltallallon 1fnur more yucla to ~ l ·yant
unW between halves. Sudl Ia Sure, Uncle B. might have done ot a mobile ~ u the bHt. e. the prlee ot athulaam. jUst u well 1n eome otlMr hos· 1'b18 would eUmlnate l.njurlee to Like a put lllaiU' othtn. I
How are ,our New Year' a a.o· pltal, but 1 doubt ft. "nlere pla;yen that mlght re.ult from =·le ~nu:.reJ~Ioecl Jf~ .JI*CICICII:ICI:I!:zllqi~DIIXIII:I!I:IIII:liiCii:Z:Ia:x:=a:.c.:;a:z:~mz:~ICII:x:ICirJ lutlona com.inl alonl? I've bHG uen't any othera where JOU ean a llxed a)'lltem. · fatb• ~ ~ betmol ma.t-: domt a lot ot thlnkln&, but I look out a window and ._ the Tb_. Enatan will be J}ad to CO· fair Q~ the part of h.la c:rttlca j
baftn't ftnlabed my llat. Tbere'a harbor and the oeean and the operate 1n thla community effort want to MY h-. and now that
at1ll time . . , It'll be 1956 for boats of a lot of people you to rat.e the needed 11.000 for the the maner In which h hJt th t
quite a while yet. Here are a few know. When you are u cloae to Youth Center. Contrlbutlona to llne 1n two aucceu.t~e pla;.
:ICEII:XDCICDCICD~I,CICIC.:iiz:acc:E• ::l*:li*C*ICIICCICII:J*CXXJCX:IC rve been coN.ldertne: F1nt. I'm taking ott on that last. long voy. thla fund ean be .ent to the down agalnat thel.r pal liDe
• ROSE IOWL NOTIS golnc to quit USing razor blades ace aa Uncle . Harry wu, very En.algn otflce; or to Grant Bow· wh.kh Jlet up the tytng touch' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , H , ho . o.L_ ...t.. R p d d Bowl more than three Urnes. lt'a not little thlnga, Uke the ocean view ald. ~ Heliotrope Ave., Corona down convlncee me that th t • ere s w to SUMW m. trip to me os_e ara e an the wear, ft'a the tear. I'm not from a wtndow, may make all del Mar; Mn. AI Spencer, 613 boy 1a really a peat footba~l
Game: We storted f~m here at 9:30 in the morning, drove by way 19ln1 to let Smog Red apoU all the difference between "buenoa Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar, or player and with reuonable ,. I I II
of the Fr.eway to Rosemeed, then up Rosemead as far a' we could the other wonderful thlnga about dJes" and "adios, amfp." dJredly to the CommunJty Youth bfea.b be will make All Amerl I pI I [I J II II I
go, around the pared. dispe1"141 area by way of Foothill Btvd., a nd California. Besides, I co a, Los e JfEW WDIG PLAiflfD Center, Box 4. Corona del Mar. can next faU. Put that in you·
panted our car a_t Mountain and Marlelo at II a.m., walked the sill or Anceles ~nly about twice a year, Tbla 1 write, not as a doctor, We'll keep you posted on the hJt: If It doim't come out to a,!
so blocks to the parade route, arriving at the precise moment that the and that s usually to board a but aa someone just Uke you, weekl)t progress on thia drive. true, throw your bat away.
advance unit of the porade went by ot I I: I 5. We saw most of the plane or a train for somewhere who sooner or later wUl be • • •
parade, left at 10 menut.s to I, drove down Mountain most of the else. At such times, I'm In such grateful beyond words for the euama ;lle~a~d~th~e~EN~~Ign~~W~an~t~A~d~"P&~ge.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
d he Bo.... _L h h 1y d bu a rush I never noUce the smog. recovery of 80meone who means Bouquets to the county health way. entere t WI FM~~ing area on t e sout er si e, t were Down here (usually, and thank· a lot to you, just because ot the ot!lcer, who flnaUy forced the
shunted woy over to the Brookside pork areo, P<'rked our car at I :35. ful 1 be,)" It's fog. presence of the Hoag Memorial Issue for compuleory rabies vac·
It was e long walk, but we got to our seats just as the opening kick· e 110 SKIM DIVJXC Hospital and Its staff of doctors. clnatlon ·of doga wfthln the City
off was downed near the Michigan State goal line. We had a low· I've n!SOlved to give up akin· nurses and all the other j)eople of Newport Beach. Remember
down seat, behind the goal posts-but those gool posts happened to diving and stick to rod and reel. It takes to run lt. A new wine is what a Donnybrook I raised
be the ones in front of which practically ell the action occurred-in· I'm beyond the athlete stage and about to be erected. I hope every when I pJ'Opoeed this aame mea·
eluding those incredible final moments of the game . . . and we al· fioat very readily. For me, It's room has a n ocean view even lf sure In 1952 when I wu mayor!
most got thot gerne winning field goal in our lops. hard work to go under. Besides. they have to do It wiUi mirrors. I aald tt then, and I'll say It
Dee Cook sold the FLO-DEE. Folks. don't let that wonderful agaJn, that It Is beyond my un·
• A POUTICAL YEAR COMING UP That had me worried, but not for structure rise without having deratanding the thinking of
'This is going to be o political yeor for sure. There'll be the ci ty long. Before the first tear hit the your John Henry on at least one people who wtll oppose the pre·
council eledion in April, the June primaries and the November gen· store·counter, someone told me brick. Some day, just like I feel ventlon ol any dlaeue by vac·
eral election. • Dee had bought a new 40·ft. thls minute, you'll be mlcbty clnation or any sanitary mea·
Time enough to be taking sides loter on ... but for now, let's Matthews. Thla, also, will doubt· glad you had a finger ln the pie. aures. That same type o.f think·
d 1 f ff lesa be called the FLO·DEE TWo, And when you take up fOUr In& opposed vacclnatfon for ty· point out o ep oroble state o o airs concerning the registrotion of or should be. 1 like that name. brick or boulder, tell 'em, like pbold. smallpox and m 8 ny other
voters, or more accurately, the failure to register. From the county It's the only boat 1 ever fished Groucbo always says. that "C.Q." d.J.aeues that we no longer bear
cler!'s office in Santa Ano comes this dishlrbing information: on whe. we cot two marlin In sent you. It's a wonderful way, of except In the history books.
"On Nov. 2, 1954, there were 132,000 registered voters listed one day. I do hope, thouch, that by the way, to start the New • • •
in the Great Register. Of this number 32,000 voters foiled to vote this new Matthews has a posJ. Year! e CUT 11A1J11
ot the Primary or the General Bection in 195-4 end by that failure tfve neutral. Thls thing of un· Why coacllee get cray hal.r:
have re-registered end again qualified to vote at ony election. A con· Jon 1• for the fish-not for me. . P State, pasalng on fl.rat down 1n
·* ....
OlJR \Pf C14 ,_ 7 r
co•a IEL 1111· PIIIIACY
-ra .... W'hee ftll-...... ~.~-t. · t f h ·1 d · 0 Happy New FLO-DEE. Dee! 11 ~._, the ahadow of their .. oal ...-. serve •ve estemo e o t e nArsons entet e to regester as voters in r· 1 1 th wUl ... _ • ......., ..... ,...-Another reso ut on at .,..,. . and the lnten:eptlon, which led ••a.oa an
their names were cancelled from the rolls. Of the 31,000, only 6,000 tangling taut ropes from prope!· ~ l1•1rl 'That first play by Michigan
onge County is 180,000, and our records os they stond todoy show welcomed by Mrs. Bacon and The Immlcratlon and Na· to UCLA'a Immediate touch· 1117 &. c..t ~~wy.-J ..., ~ ... ,._ 1~000 -~~~re~te~.~~ty-~r~~~~~~~~m~~erpeo~lsth~~tlon~~~~u~~~~~~:.=~~Do~~":u~:w:p~~==~~==ch~~================~=======~ residents have no voice in the offeirs of the County, State or Notion.' going to spend more time telling 1n the United States to report his
Such facts do not speak well for our sense of duty and responsi· more people about our Hoag addresa to the Immlcratton and
bility as citizens. Failure to vote, more than anything else , gives power HospitaL Until just lately, I con· Naturalhatfon Service d u r 1 n g
to the political clique or pressure g rou p. It is o poor citizen indeed sJdered lt. rather off-handedly, January.
who considers it too much of a bother to go to the polls and exercise a.s a good hospital, a fine thJng Aliens must fUl out a reglstra·
his precious privilege of voting. for the community, etc .. etc. But tlon card available at Post Of.
A . I d f d h ld h S .. J only with the new year did It flees or at the nearest lmmlcra· sP<'c•e wor o commen otion s ou go to t e t~KJent Coun· beeome aomethlng that now Is tlon office. Parents may fill out
cil and the PTA ot Newport Harbor High School for their campaign very warm and personal, Here's cards (or children under 14. lo encourage voter..,..pgistration. They state their views in this man· why-
ner: "The voter is the key to the success or failu re of a democr~ttic e UJICLE IIAJIKT
form of government. It hos been coiled to the pupils' eHention th&t You, of course know "Uncle
less than one·half of the eligible voters in Orange County ~tre regi,. Ra.rrY! Roce_r-J. who lives on Lido
tered to vote. This means thot a minority of the people in our county Isle _!_~shes on his ADE·
ore electing our public servants. This type of situation has, in other QUATE, along with a lot of
notions, led to decay frcm within. With on active voting public, the lucky people lUte old C. Q .. who
d · h ho f d isn't with a boat. Uncle Harry oor •s open to t ose w avor emocrocy." has made this column a lot of
Porenh can certainly toke a cue from this public-spirited interest times. Mostly It's been about
on the part of our stude nts. either fun or' fishing, which,
For your information: A person is entitled to register os o voter after all, Is practically the aame
if he is a citizen of the United States end con read and write; a resi· thing.
dent of the Stote of C olifomio for one year, of Orange County for On Thursday before Christmas.
90 doys. ond of the preci nct where he lives for 54 days. A registered Uncle H. took a dillerent kind
voter who has moved from one residence to another or whose regi· of a ride. This one wa.s on the
stra tion has been cancelled for failure to vote in the Primary or Gen· operating table at Hoag Hospl·
I El tal. No one knows what part era ection in 1954 must re-register in order to vote. hard-boiled eggs before daylight
There you ore, fellow-citizens. Get yourselves registered ... ond played In the drama, but some
vote. of the doctors up there had to do
Church Clubs
Plan Pot-luck
For Flllll IIIII
a major overhaul on Uncle
Harry's stomach. The operation
went well enough. but a week
later, Uncle H. was about to lose
the biggest battle of h is life.
He'd ~n In a coma ever since
A $100 donation for the Ameri· hls wrgery and just refused to
The N.T.A. Club of the Corona can Red Cross flood disaster re· snap out of lt. And about that
del Mar Community Church will lief in the California emergency time, they ran out of veins and
hold a pot.Juck dinner meeting was glvn last week on Tuesday were feeling quite desperate and
at 7 p.m. Thursday, lan. 19. Dr. by the Newport Harbor Optimist frantic In general.
and Mrs. Oliver Howell will be Club at their regular luncheon At the crucial moment. Uncle
chairmen for the event. and the meeting at the VIlla Marina H. decided that he still had a
hostesses wUJ be Mra. Wallace Restaurant. Jot of flablng to do and betan
Calderhead, Mrs. W. D. Humuon The group abo offered to ac· to take a small, albeit hopeful,
and Mrs. A. K. Phelps. A square cept and traMport donations of Interest In thlnga, Including food
dancing lesson will be part of warm clothing for the fiood refu .... the like of whJcb be hadn't
the program. · gees and designated Jlm Jen· tasted for' nearly a whole fort·
The Middle Club will hold a nlnp MQbUgu station at the nJgbt. AI. you may know, or
pot·luck meeting Tuesday In the comer of Coast Highway and otherwlae, food dJapatcbed In·
Social Ha ll of the church. 'The Bayside Dr. u the depostt cen· travenoualy or by atomach tube
skJppers are Mr. and Mrs. Robert ter. ls nothfnr to eet your mouth •·
Meredith. The food committee Other MobUeu service ata· waterlnc. or hardly.
Includes Mrs. Manhal Vaughn. tiona have also agreed to accept • A 'nlft
Callllll Clpflll
•• Lift II ••••
Cash totaling $30.35 and 153
packages of clgarets taken from
a cJgaret machine pried open In
the Bob Dalton Restaurant. 34~
VIa Oporto, Udo Center, were
left at the scene, Newport pollee
reported Tuesday, Dec. ~-The
coll\5 were wrapped In a bar
towel and stuffed back ln the
coin box found on the floor. The
dcarets were In four paper baga
found behind the bar.
Ttl F.
The .Anawen to Your
Gardening QuHticma
by BWFa t-
We have our last ahlpment of
tulip bulbs trouv Bolland
These ahould be planted now
for late spring blooms. Dar·
win Tullpa·Red Pitt. Wm.
Copeland, Yellow Giant. Pru·
nua. Bed Scarlet &leo White
Pa.rrota, Pink Parrota and Blue
Panola. They ant IOfnl fut
. . . get you.ra whlle they 1ut.
NUBSEBY Mn. Mike Ryan and Mrs. Robert clothing donations to be picked On Monday, I cot a call from Roper. up by the 0pt1m1ata, according Harry'a aon, Tom. He said. "Dad ., .. &. c..t ...... ,
'There wt.JI be no meeting of to Harold Hetrick. put preslde11t wanta to know why h1a ftab.ln&· .._ ........... ..._
the E·Z Club 1n lanuary~ ot the poup. pal bun't been to .ee him. • It ~~~~~-~cwa~;;;·~~~J. ========~=============== didn't take me long to ,.t up to Boom 23. When I walked In th.at
door and shook a warm hand.
It wu the b..t fMllnJ rv. bad
ttw a lonr tilDe. I ut there 1n ...,.
ftlhlnl clu411. fttdl l'd worn j'UIIt
to mab Uftde B. tM1 utwal
a.ncl .. ...... lifalltl1, It ...
• ..,. food Mlftl' .... for ,.,.,
.wn II ,.,_ ....-w• ~
.alf ...... --~· It wu . ~ ........ -~ llqiF, Mt I ......... te 4D ............ -.. ..................... .. ..., ..... _ ........
........... ·--
If you're saving for a home •••
Where you save does make a difference
Juat c::oolidu the ad'vaaca,.. )'OU-,.._ )'OU pat
,oar avinp ill aa liiiUnd S.W. lllld 4-
AIIocilltioa ••• Exulortm.whaa,.,.....,.
Modem. .mcieoC. f01 • ....,...,.,... ..W.,. AiM~.
ot coune. J'OQr ~ •..............
AandadoaiJ"OQr...__ .. 1 cl t~...t
!IIIMJ *4 ...t •4 pH ~ 1'1111)' -
'--1 up eo SIO.OOO b)' tbe FSUC-aa aa-cJ o1 .. u.s.~ No,......, A..mc.u ... .... ,.,..,. .... "' ... ..,..., II«<Wt!!..., llfltl
,...._ ~ -.1 U. A.,rMtbw tlwt -oo-..... •r a..ty, 11 ,0., eo aft Ia iDMnd
.......... IAMA.cWioall
• ..
''Be &.u.-Insure''·
pa.aa the State exam.
Call or write
16ll N. Broadway, Santa Ana
Kimberly 7.3511
KElloc S2513
Let Me Teach You
ConftDJent Clul X...Ons
LI 8·5M8
1D Irvtne Aw .. Colla MeA
Planners OK
Tbe Newport Beach Plaruilnc
~ appi'Oftd the fol·
lc:Jilftq appllcation.s at Ita De·
-----------e.mber meeti"-: e ~ of 0. W. Bad· CEMENT
ton. 305 FWDieaf Ave., Corona
del Ma.r, to OOD.Itruct three unlt:a
In tlllldltloa to the two ext..tiDC
• Apptatf.oo of Puquale Za.mpleUo, to penalt front set·
back ol ftw feet and cantilever
------........ ----of eecond .mrt f« aclclltJonal .... ---w;..------dtreJ.11nc at 507 29dl St.. IC.w·
All JCinct.-l'ree r.timatea
UBDTY 8-8109
port. Tbe OomiDialoft contlnaec1 an·
..... .., fll.7 .. llbop. :.=; ~r· .. a~: c;
lUll zecel•ed leu Brancfa .__. ~ lD u a.a .me
DeW ~-Matda 7U'DL J.n. •-w..._ __.. ._...__ =liM b 111e ....,,., at J.-&. --_._ ---M T"f' •1~-AJeo contlftQid .., Ju. 1J Wd
• ....,.. ---tbe awlbtton ol a.c.a. .._..
liT -=-1 ... to CIDelltNc:t ·an 1-anlt apartmellt • ... on tiM nortMut eoner of lrYtJte mE. Balboa Blvd. &Del Clay, Ul •·3 lot 1D tbe Cllt1
Balboa Haven Mdlon; and an &.unit --: .. ~o:;;wn:i~w:=,:;,;,..;;;g;"""-apartment on the toUtllwest cor·
---... ""~ ........ ~·~~.......,......_-ner of St. A..odrew. ancl CJA7, aliO LET US SHARPEN tn our KaftiL
btv.. ••-:m.,ae. ~, ..... ~ ..-m i[ eoa x-
,.__,. ...... .........
lf!ITT A. PurWl. 11, of Bell
Gardena and tbree Juvenlle boy
------~==~~------~~u ~ ~ G~
•,a-.-were held on ch.,._ of IU8PI·
-I-don of crand theft auto and cur-r.w violation at 8:33 a.m. Dee .. W. .... :.tb by Mewpart pollee. Tbey
wee seen drtv1n• bom the rea.r
lJeenaed U 8·331.1 or U 8-5127 of a ..vtce ltatlon at 3136 E.
:8) Avocado. eo.ta X.. Coast Bwy .• Cci'Ona clel Mar. The 1~---I ..... juvenll• Wft'e releued to thetr _...,.. parent:a with petitions rued for
P.4JNTIRG OO!ft"RACIORS their appearance In juventle
.CCOIOI' matdlln• a apeda.ltY"' court ln Los ~les. The car Wortan&nlb~teed they were drtvtnc was aUecedlY ~ P'emleaf. a c1el lla.r taken from Tbomu G. McDaniel Hu~~~~s!~-W ofN~--~---------
Newport pollee ~eek an elderly
WATD ID!ATI!RS man tn a Uaht creen HueSton
Sal-. Semce and ltepa.lra .etlan who ~ htmMlf to
IEII11LI the dauchter of a Balboa Penin·
aula woman at tbe.ClOI'Da' of Se·
PI.UJ(IIKQ vtlle Aft. and Channel ltd., Bal·
__ 10 ,_ c.nt Dowll boa, Tuetlday ewnlnc. Dec. ~-
·"'" .. ._ PoUee eheeked the area tmmedl·
___ ~~t~...,DODe-~B~ar~"'!"!!'*~SS...,DI_D___ ately but were unable to locate
wa.DIIIO the man or the ear.
hllrieatfq. D-tcn'• ,. ...........
TJWLEI:S. RI'I'CIIES. IIUIIPI:IIS ow wbat haw 7041; !Co iob
too .... ttlloo ...n.
2133 Orm_ifr ....
Beach & BouleM
.. •• cnNJ.
I.A.-..... ........ ., II"•' A. IlDia ...... , •..
c.w.11 ... u
o•ncu• ......... _ ....... ...........
""""' 'f 0
,._IIICII e. a••-~---.. ,na._.• ......, ... .., .. _.. e ,,,..
... • .a ... , .... ~ ......... ,. ................
This is what thousands of satisfte4 people in 48 ~ and in many
foreign parts say about puttin& their savings to wort with us.
They've leemed to ''Save Slfefy Where Saving Pays."
YCMK money is loaned by us for building of homes il Orange Cotlrty,
the fastest growing area in the West -the safest of safe loans.
And every dollar of yours up to $10,000 is insured by an agency of
the ~ited Stites Government. Besides your savings are withdrawable
in full, always at par.
Regardless of your motive -future Security, Children's Education.
Travel, Study or good old New England Thrift -start an acau1t d
Newport Balboa Savings. As little as $5 does it
Savings received up to January 10 earn from January 1
@jaen ~ ~ t/f!OUJr!
dn 9'eWon t» ~ vftod
Witlt on unbrol-en reconl cl d"rvidends f« 20 )'Nf'S
we ore currently poying of the onnuol rofe ol
CN'elaJnu~ 1'0 o•• ••••c•••~' •o••
It's 1 maml of efficiency wt.e 1 a~Sta••r is IICC**d
fastlr ... ill • fri.., ... ph ,.,.. •• ~ ....-.c .... ,,.....,.
PriwleCe'.IR ...... c .......... ~ c.····· .... s.r.-.... ~
• .. ... t.. .... c._•
ftlllt ~ ..... aDd A ........ feiJI .. tile .... .... Wb' .... nd IMntea fw· ............. ot .....
DIIIMd a ~ IDOtll to tbe lin. Da.W u.tr., ol .... ~ wwddaq of I ... Au. ..... a ........, ..... tia I.-
ADa lJibtbaU Ca1Da, da ....... v....., tbe ~ wW ....
of 11r. and 11n. GordoD r. CalM 1n ~aa&a ADA -w tb* -
of Suta Ana. ud AYerf 1M eo.ta ..._ bome 1B ~ Adalr. 80D or llr. and Kra. H. Eltaa. .. fbtta'wl.
B. Adair of 112 VIa Xanthe. IJdo :::·r::.:.t ~= ~::m of ••~• n ••• 11 .. .~~~~~~~~ The bride. e.eorted by her,. ... II t-II father, wore a white satin and I 1111 ....
Chantilly lace gown with eath&·
KEEP··· ..
... ••·Yera lttll.•l
At OreiHJe C:OU.ty' 1
Leecfi•t HOffte L•ndint
UP TO $1 0,000
AJI Aeeounh Op.,~
On or lefor•
The I Ott. of the Month
Eem no• th• lat.
m 0c ... A .....
dral·lenath train. The bride· Golodon M. Thomu, a1rman
poom'a ·~· Klsa carole Adair, apprentice, USN, eon of Mr. and
IMII'Wd u maJd ol honOI' tn a Mrs. Gordon Thomu of 22) Gol·
redlngote atyle IOW1l of red vel· deuod Ave., Corona del Mar, 11
vet whJcb opened at the bont .cbeduled to graduate lan. 16
to abow rowa of pink tulle ruf· tro'm a 1'-week bulc COW'Ie at
fl• A matebtng reel velvet mutt the Aerograpber'a Mate School
wu topped with a tiny DC*!PY at the Naval Air Technleal
of pink roeebuda and white Training Untt Lakebunt. N. l.
holly. SJmllar attire wu worn Students are traJned to operate
by the brldesmald-, \vho wen all .tandard aerologteal equJp. Sz
)ln. William Gustation. Mn. ment n e c e • • a r y for maldn~ -. < I .. ...-tl'1 ~= te ~~ .., ._... II& -...y
Floyd Swa.n.10n. Mia Winston weather observation&. In addJ· =:J •:•,;•• ~ rr-" PI' 'S•t ._.. Gdllaa.
Sullivan and ll.la Claudette tlon to takln~ aurtaee and upper ....... = _::,,:;-::::.:;::-• ,.........._ .-rt7 lw
LrunL alr o~aUona. ~aduaUs are ----------------------~------~-------------Aleo In the wedding party qualWed in tech n I q u e s of • :.~~~~air~ ~:.:;o;~: weather analyst.. Hol1day Wedding Rites Unite
and the young ring bearer, a llwl '"-a... fl-1• C 1 :,e~~~:ch:n~A:;rrj~ed~! ;en ••.. nN' aro Hoover and Bob Wetzel
nedy, a friend of the youne brf. ll1,t ·Will PIIJ-eff dal couple. A Chrtstmu wedding with After the reception. the youna
Two new Bowlers joined Into holly and polnaettia decoration. couple lett for a brief honey.
FIRST CHURCH Of' C..RIST e competition on the MunJd· in, the Corona del Mar Commu· moon at Lake Arrowhead. They
SCIENTIST pal Bowling Greens last week nJty Church united M1sa Carol will make thelr'home at 1002 E.
llOl Vi• lUo, N--+ INcll In the Australian Singles tourn· Hoover, daughter of Mr. and Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 'llle new
A brer~ch of The t.AothOf' Ch.,rch, n.e ament. With 21 players compe-Mrs. A. L. Hoover, 2539 Westmln· Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel had their Fi~t Church of Christ, Scientist, in ao.. ting the competition wa.s keen ster Ave., Costa Mesa, and Bob flrat date at a Heart's Des•~ ton. Messechusotts.. u~
S .-School 9 15 and close. Wet:ze.l, son of Mr .. and Mra. C. Dance at N.-.nnrt Harbor Hiah un••Y : e..m. P W .__1 ol 127 Vtr...t J PI -.. ..., • Sundey S.r-.ice II :00 e.ro. Albert Knopf of West Newport · eu.c ann a ·• School, whJcb they both at-
W.dnesdey Evening t.ANti119 1:00 PJII· Beach and Bruce Hesse of Bay· Costa Mesa. The double ring tended. Later they attended Or-
LOSE ....
EITII •••••• • . Ill lEI
Harbor 11742
R .. d inq Room locetod et 3315 Vie shores tied for first place with ceremony waa performed Friday ange Coast College. ~~ N-~~ ~"~ ~ ~ -k ~poln-lnthe~a~~~o¢e~nJ~~-~~~Uwln ---------~--------~=====~===============~ de'(1 from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m~ won first prize and Hesse took Gomke. Mr. Hoover presented :.:.~~;~:~.!:o.,:9!0,:n·7~·:.m~~! ~:;!:,~~:u::'~~~~~~r: ~~red:'!!:l:n~~o~~etal~er~~= L,·gh.t the·1r 1·1fe w·1th fU,·t~~,, ;It 9:00 p.m. C!osod Holide'f'. and Mrs. Walter Pearson of Co-length gown with small white
The public ;, cordielly invited to ••· rona del Mar finished fourth leaves embroidered on the skirt. tend the church sorvicM end IISO tile ll..,d:~0 Room with 14 A short Illusion veil was held by ~wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a tiara of small pearls. ~d roses IT. JUfl)UWS
IIIUIES • nii .. IPS
5enta9 n.. Coated Ancr r. Jfearty 10 Teaa
Ill ac..a A"' z.apa. .._. 11yett ~1•1
Speaks softly and
with white orchids comprised PBEiaTTEmD CBUJlCB
her bridal bouquet. 1!5th St. A St. Andrews Rd.,
Attending her was GaU Parker ocn.ut:, ~Sct.ool
of Costa Mesa. She wore an em· ..._1 -... 1 __ L lt.owart
erald green taffeta dreu of SUNDAY: MomJng worship, 9:30 street length and carried a bou· d Ch··-.. .,_ .. quet of white eamaUon. and an 11 a.m.; un;.u .,.,;nOOJ.
holly. Attendlnr the groom was 9:30 and U :OO; lr. HJgb, St.
Dan Carter ot Tustin u best BJgb and college age Fellow.
man. Mick Bet:mler of Costa ablpa, 7 p.m.; 1bunday, Prayer,
Mesa, Don Wlnterbum of Laguna study group, 9:30 a.m.
DDd St. 4 &Idea a ..... c.t. U...
Liberty 14711 ....... ... c:. a...ac. .....
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor·
abJp: 10:55 a.m. and evangel..a.t
.ervlce, 7:30 p.m.. y ounr J».ople
and Chlldren'a Service, 8:30
p.m. Sun. Mid-week Servtce:
Wedneaday, 7:30 p.m. LadJel"
KlaJonary Cound.l. Thurada)'8
9:30 a.m. for all day.
PDIIT aAPnST caoaca
Iaiita AM A.._ .t IC.p l&cl eo.ta .... a... p, Q. Jf•l I p
Sunday Servlcea:
9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11
3.JD. WonhJp Serv1CM,i. 8~ p.m.. Baptiat Trat.ntnl union;
7:30 p.m., Evenln• Senice.
Wed.oeaday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer,
and the ~oom's brother, Bill.
Poinsettias •In gold altar vases COJOI11WITT IIETBODIST I&VU 18 DAT ADf&WTdi
decorated the chancel of the • W. lllla IL. Codla .... ...,... IQM. .t ..._ lt..
Pra.t. and BJble Study. IIOD•
day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Cbon1a
p r a c tt e e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a
Pra)'er ~~eettnr. -
chureh. Green bows and holly ._. f~trW~c:DaDe •= =•
m.arked the wedding at.Je. Miss Sunday; 9• Lm_; Church Sun· &1drr D. a. ...:..........,
Margaret Scbarle, church organ· day School; 9:30 and U :OO
caoaca or ova LADY or liT. CAIII0.1. IC.IW • ...._....._ • ...,_.
IIAdirr 0114 ratllrriE.iDey,...._ 1st. played wedd.lng musJc. a .m. Momln• Wonb..lp-7 p.m. Sa=-lc:~~s.rvte.: Sab-
Followlng the ceremony a re· Colleae Ale MY7 Service-7 moo· 11.; 'a.m. ~a.m. -m::· ratlllm ,_ u
ception was held In the church p.m. High School MY7 Service; tng· 'W~ 8• "'.m. •
social hall where Christmas dec· 8 P.m.. young adults croup • ' · r Sunday ...._: 8:00 and 10:00
and U:30 a.m. Coftf..SOC: Sat· urda.yw and ...._ olllt Prldqa
and BolJ Days from f :00 to
5:30 ~and tram 7:30 to 8:ao p.m. Da1l7 ..... 8:00 ..... .,...
Friday: 8:30a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
If o • en a (PwpftuaJ Help):
orations were carried out. Mtas .ervtce.
Ma.rilyn Makovaky ualsted wtth
the ~est book. Mn. HOOVft' re-
ceived ~ests In a blue lace and
taffeta stre« dre:a with a cor·
sage of white carnations. A aim·
Uar corsage wu worn by the
groom's mother adorning a coral
crystaline and lace dreu.
,... cao ... or CIIIIU'I'
·-~lt..c.t. ..... Llbrrtr.....,
Sunday aervtees: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; n a.m. morntnr wor-
abJp; 7:30p.m. everunc MrVlce.
Midweek eervtee, 7:30 p.m.
,... cauac:a OP taaiil
Oddr.U... .......
1 ..... pwt .... c..--.
Ull It t.S7U
cao** .,-;;-.Az....,.. ........... 0.... .... .......... cu...! a
1111 ., 1-7111
SundaJ ~: Sunday Sdaool, 9:30a.m.~ Wonllt, at 10:30 a.m. Evanp!Mtk Serv·
tee, 7 p.m. Sund&J. K.Y.P..S..
8 p.m. SundaJ; Pra)'F meetfn&
7:30p.m. Wedne.dq.
Tue.da7, 7:45p.m. fttL-•'•
11&.11, lu)J aD4 .u.-. Saada:J'
4 a.m.
OMit*"'' 1ft COIDIOWHI
Plllft caua:a or caarn .._.. Ont' ••
ICI&IIIDI liS W ............. ..._ .. ... = .~*l'ili't ..... IG I .......... w .....
Sunday Sc:bool: 1:15 a.m.. am. San~J 8ebool. 10-.10 a.a. ~fora.
da7 s e r •• c e : n :00 a.m. t.q WWiilt.lp. ~:00 a.m. r.~ =. ~ ft. JAIDI DIICOPAL ,i..._ --•. 0 _._&Ma. • .....,..._. -........ _. open "' ......... .._
packs ·a powerful wallop!
,... ..... ~Jr.lllal8tlrr
SundaJ Servleee: 1:45 a.m. Bible
.tudy; 10:55 a.m. wonhJp 8en'·
Ice; 7:30 p.m. even1n.a Mrtlce.
CDJn' caoitil n 'lim DA c-.nattr .........
ll.u...aa.d..tl-lt..X ......
a.m.-5 p.m. '"* daJII, 10 a.m.· 11w J..., & --...._ 7•45 p.m.-~ 1. • ._ f'i.tc~q ~... · p.m. Sun~ _.,._: 1:00 a.m. llol1
-Communion; 10 a.m. J'amlly
WIIIDT L1r1'DUII caoac:a Service wtth the Oerub and or co.TA IIDA luntor Chotn; n a.m.. w.nhlp
Sotkpobu., yea. (ODe niUOil Ia the
hJdraalic-baahed .U.e Jitt.n DOW
tn .u Chevrolet -.m--va ott a.)
Aad tbia hepdecne tra.U. J*b a
borwponr wallop that -.... ap
to 2061 Ira ~ 1rida -..,
CICIIDC*)trated ~
A._ that am •w 1'0G ~
..,oodl for taf• PialiJWI A.,.,_
that .. JGa ............ .,_
IIAdtow Ull
hatrr1 ... lloy IL Cars-
Sunday Wonhtp, 9:30 and U a.m.
Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid-
week Meeting: 7 :00 p.m. Wed-
n~ay preceded by 6:15 p.m.
ST. JOACIIJK CBOIICa ... 01-.a ...... c.tlr .....
. Llbrrty 1-1.1 r ... ,..__ J .. ...
......, .._ .. 7 ...... 10 ...
U:30 a.m. Weekda)'8: M .... at
7:00a.m.-Contesafon: Satur·
dap from 4:00 to 5:1.5-7:00 to
8:30 p.m.
PJDT MPniT caoac:a or aaww .............. &Coartl ....
.............. a.J ....
!undaJ -if1ca: 1:45 a.m., Sun.
day lehool; U:OO a.m.:a War· llhlp 8rrYicl; 7:10 P.Jil. :Man4&J ewnt.nr 4! • n I e e; Mld·WMk lerYke: 7:10 p.m. WedDelday .....,..)(..uQ,
(Kiwi ~.l..a 8erVIee. Tbundq 8 e r •I e e a : A••Jt•• 9:15 a.m. Pr&Y* Gulld; 10:30 c.e. -Holy Communion. ~a.. . ....._ "JJaaaw ft J~
Sunday a.vtc:.: Worship Serv· lit ..t.. a ..... ......_..._.
tee 9 a.m. Sunday School at ....._ elf
10:15 a.m. r ... ~,..,, .....
UL80A IILAJfl) r...._ ,_ w
COIIMOMitt lnftODIIT ~ US a..-A ..... ...._ l8a.d Sunda7 ~: 1:00 a.m. 6 t :OO
.........., .... .,._.. lapp a.m. Confa.ton: Sa~11 and ....._ .a eves. ot 1st P'rt~ and RolJ
S D•-·, 7:30 to 8: p.m.·, _ _.. unclaJ Servicee: 9:10 L m. Frid~y lla. 8 a.m. ~
C'hurdl School~: anclll:OO a.m. Worab.Jp c:e. llua, July and AQI\IIt Su.DdaJ, u &.ID-
COitOIIA Da. liD COIOIUMIH cauw CZifftAI. --.. cauw c............. :::z.:. .......... • ..... , .. 'til... ~ As I[ .~ ::.-
' __ ~.-....... __ SUn~ ll:bool: 1:45 a.m. Mom· .._. _....---tnr ... -. n:oo: l:ftlllq lunc~Q W..._lp Senk.w: 9:45 8ei'Ytee. 7:30. lOci·--S.V· ~ 11:00 LIILiunctQ!Iebool: lee, Wedne•daJ, T:JO p.m. t:• a.a Youq people IDHt 1:1,5 p.m. SwadiJ.
.. .... WOfl!an's Civic League Hold
Only .. Social Meeting of Y ,.. ....... .-. MUW Branch Plans ~ .,.FIIId pubUe a(· AHrt•• ~ ~ auaa ::-.:--..= ;.=:::·~~ Ruwmage Sale in February
~ fain-tM ....... ol thellorrt., ....... U..taW.Uid -
I WCDU.. QVIe IAque. VWa ,... W....._ Iavan for tM Mr. ... a JIIP)ar ,...... • liS • n. r tl llutDa. It ............. boU· --a.. ............. -· .&..eM .. Jl 12' -• a.rtlltmM ,.. .... .&.. ~ ol the .... 'ftomu ~. 10871 Trask • dq luneMon. dJdl .. tbe ._.&all .-a.a.dlna ern -; Ma *!""WG .. aa ~ u.oet•tloa ol. UnJw.· Ave.. Garclen Grove. at 8 p.m.;
' FunW•If9 fot home~, • .._,. 80da1 wat ol the club lldl a 1 ---,__._ AI a n ~ fll "-·• " •• ..,. • w ..... pl.aDnlat a rum· Mrs. Glac17a llted. 1n charp ~ clubl. yec:Ms. ,_, c If .., .. _._ ~· e. Ill alii IM ... a bltll ..._. ..,. _.. '* f'elllnlaly u a pedJatrlcs at Ora.qe County
1017 W. C... ~ oftmJe 1aJ1ta aa-. hand =-~ J. ca..r. DmJ teilldMr Ia a Mtcldpn towa ftOt f\aJMt ........ .._t. Jlln.. V1r&laia ~ BCIIIPital. wUl talk 011 ....._. ~ cut and • fired W Jlolpltalt17 op. .... lbiCIIDt at W.W· ,_ ,_ tile lleiool's home. K.lrldwD. 1n c:barp ol t.M -..e. ~ uc1 CUdren." i~~~~~~~~~~~~®=~lftDII=~a~lln.=~Ja$~~eurna.:~~a.nd= JGit ..,._ .......!._~ m.la ...._ ~ •· de IJF ancl ltu· .. UiklnC IDftllMn to look in Konda)', Jan. t -tlrldp at
JACkEtS .......
'r ... ,.._, ....... 1.
Tee Shirts. ~ 2. 98 .......... ..,.. ..,....._
SWEATERS sox ....... , ..
e lw.b-,._ • Qlrt'a AIJ all e ...,_ ~ 14
• tat.ta w.. • r .... c.. •,..,. *Charge Accounta * Lay-A-Waya
'*01 .. c.-ly"a ..... b ;'± Of! 0 -·· .....
o,-......, ................. ...
..... put .... 1.11-Yftl ----------~-----.. . . : .
0 -I OUR . ops.MISTAKE
T oo 'Mu~h Stock on Hand
SO!! LEr.S GO.
.. .. ... --.... --
..,, •• , ,., Will to a• I• £-. .......... ,. ... .. -........ ,., ... " ,.
# laMf IM lellltllr Atloricu _._ ......... ,. .... 1
PW &a __.. tali: eoMrM-._.. ....... Ia Joulhem Cal· u..tr attk:l for ..._ to ..0.. home ol Mrs. Carl Stnke1 123t S
U., ~L-· ..._.. u 1M lfGrDia wtlll tile ~ to eel• .rouowtna 18 tJae c:alendar of B1rdl St.. Sallta Ana, at 7 p.a ·
bM ... -..._&ad 1D Ml llnte tM WlrtM'Il tNk ~ tbe ewnt.blaauary: '1\Meday, Jan. lo-.t ...._ ~ ~~a ra._a..ay• •. :..!!!. lpUtaa'• ptdnll team. Tbunday, Jan. 5-et taome ot -. Wllllen P\acla", 11852 Afbo. ,__,_ __ ol .. -• • ~ -a ..a~•• -la .... , w .. ,_ ~ ~ ... ---... ........, ~ U.. AIIMrlcaft t ._ ay, ~ .... ta ~ at 7:0 to Chu:rchlll dl -.. =~~:''::"..!:&-~residents to Be Honored t::~:fY.u=·s~~ =..?'~~:.:::.:. :.:= ::_:-.:::! ~~~ By COL~ Women's Fellowsh·•p ~nday, Jan. 1s-.t home~ ~or...,~~: ~ b)' thronll.._ automo· lVI Mrs. L. J. Sherwtn. 2730 N. ment In my t._-....._ bile tnftle oa the lllpwaya and P'lower, Santa Ana, at 1 p.m. but with wbt dell_., ...... ~,. telntalon vt-.... t The Women's Fellowship ol church. The Church School GWld Mia San.ae lahJda. .tudent at lovely raulta' ....... .., a the Colona' del Mar Community wil .ave a 5()..eeut hmebeon at Santa Ana Junior Co~Jeae, wW •
t.M. beutla8lde. Ch lfreh wm meet at noon U :30 p.m. apeak and play the plano. w..t .. .._ tsiiet... v
'n.e PfOII'&m &lao featured Wecm.day, Jan. 25, at •the Put preaJdents will be bon· Friday, Jan. »--clouples brldp t.11 eft -.._. ., -
muale furnl.lbed by the Nonaa ored at tbta annual birthday at home ~ Mr. and Kn. Carl ...... a. ~ _. ....._
JIWtdna l!lehool of Mu.alc: flute un·.ted Church lUDCheon. A rum strip, "Good Bopkin-. 1310 w. Wuh.tn,ton. ...... 0.. IF 7 • ,.... quartet. CIOM1at1ng of Carole Voice and Gn.ndmotb« River" Santa Ana. at 7:45 p.m. Wlllllre .. _. -.._ ... ll1den. Robl:D ltylett. Shart To-will be shown In ootor. ' Monday, Jan. 23 -"odd per· ,. II' I 1111t ta .._. .. _..
btu. an4 Terry VWapana. women Elect 'nle friendly service a:rouP of 80ft'S" bridle at ltollne of Chloe • .... .. ... -....... lllembers of the eseeutlve the Fellowalp held a work and Rmrietta PCI8lfr • .-n W. Ia &.t . · • ._. • ...-
boerd ol the Leacue. beaded by The report ol the nomlnating meet1n1 at 10 a.m. ~y. 19th St., Santa ADa. at 1;30 p.nl ....._ ........, ,_. .., ~
Preadert lin. J'crrest S.. Allln· commtttee. lmmedJately follow~ 11M Church School Gulld wiU Monday, Jan. ~t }\()IDe ot • • • 0.. will ,... _. 11i1a
der, had made decorative Clu'Ut· by the eleetlon ol otflcers and meet at 7:30p.m.. KODCI&y In the Kn. John Colby, an Bayabore ~ dirty......., ••· _.
mas OOCIIde. tot the .l~n. their lMtallatlclll. will be hlch· J"r1eftddh...p Room o1 the Onueb. Dr .• Bay Shores. at 7;30 p.m. M.-• .. -......-., ..._, •
Ro.te•u, In addition to M.ra. llpts of the annual mH'tlnc of Bob S c: b roe de r ~ RJdlard's Jean Porter wtll give a ~ In tlaW will __. ,_.. at1 '''a
Curnow and Kn. Morrt.. In· the United Church WorMD to be Plower Shop wU1 pe tn.truc· watft color. • fe•l't• _. ...._ ,._
eluded Kn. J. IL Loft&ley. Mrs. held tamorrow (Friday) at the tiona ln eoraage ma.ldnl and Tuesday, 1an. ~t home of ..._ •••
Lee Bam-. and M.ra. Feraua Colona del Kar Co m m u n 1 t y bowl arr~ta. Kn. Clyde Cook. 38 IUwalde ~y. Churc:b. The A.rta and CratD poup will Dr .. Santa ha. at 7:30p.m. Mrs.
• The bualn-mHtlng and pro· meet at 10 a.m. 'Way for a Clair Jordan aDd Mra. Wt.Wam
cram wW be preceded by lunch· work day at the dlurch. 'J'be Crary wtU Jeed a cn.eu-lon ot
eon 1n the aoclal hall of the Reading Adventure Group will foreign ..tat&~ . Ebell ,_.,otes
Mrs. Marcuerlte Murphy will
give the ft'vlew at the January
meeting of Eben Book Section m
to be held TuMday at the home
of Kn. Cluence Dodd, 111 Via
Jucar. Udo Iale. Co·llocrtea wtll
be Mrs. H. L. Roberds.
• • •
A resume of new boolu given
by Mrs. Wllllam Haarstad.. Or·
ange Cout College librarian,
wtll be the program for the
January meeting of Book Section
II to be held at the Ebell Club·
churc:h. meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. Wedneeday, Jan. 25 -CtiJI&e
Mrs. Glenn T. Welln of Long 11. at the bome of Mn. Georce hour book revfew by Ilia )(ary
Beach. area chairman of the Davies. 2692 Circle Dr.. Bay Bates at home at Kn. Arvtl
United Churdl Women, will be Shores. Co·hosteaes will be Mrs. JClrkham. ~ Rlvenlde Dr .•
the Installing officer and guest Fred Bechtel and MIS. David Santa Ana. at 9:30 a.m.
speaker. accordJng to Mrs. Cutle· Hanson. Mrs. Bea Waldeck wUl Wednesday. Jan. 25 -Junlew
man SmJth., procram c:ha!rman. give a talk on ber European trtp. aection meettnc at 8 p.m. Rettrtng ptftident. Mrs. Cbes· 'nlunday. Jan. :a& book re-
ter Fiaher, will preside over the D~C IIA8Jt S'1'0LEif vtew by Mrs. AllaD Goddard at
bu.atneea -..Jon. Annual reports A deep aea dlvfnl mask. val· home of Kn. A. W. Blemuter.
will allo be given. Music wtll be ued llt S80. was .Wlen from the 746 N. Zeyn. Anahetrn. at 8 p.m.
provided by the Fayola Trio boat "Sh·~ No. Z' moored at Saturda,y, Jan. 28--eouples .,.
which includes Mrs. Walter Spl· the end of 21st St.; Newport dal and lltUdy at home of Mrs.
cer at the violin. Mrs. Smith at BH.c:b. owner Harding Auatln of Edwin Lov'ret. 18232 Leon Way.
the plano and Mrs. Robert Mere· El Monte complained to Newport Tustin. Leon Williamson will
dlth singing. pollee a t 11 :10 un. Sunday. speak on landscaping.
houae followtnr a buket lunch· ------------------------lllall'rmGALD TO IIEET
eon on Wednesday, according to
'Mrs. Frank Perew. s«tion chair· • of sodal AQie •. PK man. • • • •
Membera of EbeU Book Section JV wtU meet for dessert next Perhaps It's their New Year's
Thursday (Jan l2) at tb .. home resolution to enjoy life and work
The January ~ ~ the
Nlcbtinples Chapter of Boac
Ha.pltal Auxiliary will be held
at U ;30 p.m. Tuetld.a.y. January
early In January mikes It sound 10. at the home ~ llrL WlllJam
llke a Christmas present Itself to Humuon. 305 Orcll1d Ave.. Co·
"' .. manana" that gave the W. W.
of Mrs. Nelson Holmwood, 203 Sanforda of Balboa Ial~nd the
Holmwood Dr., Newport Heights. Inspiration to take a "leetle" va·
live In our choice area. rona del Helen writes: "I think I have r:=.:.=.....:.:::....:::::z:,;__ _____ ...,
• • • cation down Mexico way. They Membera of Ebell Book Section are leaving thta week for Guad·
I will also meet next 'nluraday. alajara and Puerto Vallato. 111ey
'nlelr hostess for d~ will be plan to be aone alx week&.
Mrs. C. B. Rudd of 2576 Arbor Dr., • • •
determlned what tt ta that gtves
me auch a thrill when I thln.k of
coming down theN to Uve 'for
keeps' . . . When I wu a chlld
7 to 11-my father was mlru.ter
of the Chrlstlan Church in Or· Bay Shcns. with Mrs. Herbert
Baetz and Mrs. S. W. Blac:kbeard
..Sstlng as bo.teMes. Mrs. Mar·
ahall Keeler wU1 present the re-
view. • • •
Amon& thoee "nicest of ChrUt· ange. Now and then. 80IDe of the
mas partJes" -the slUndtg few good 'brethren' would outfit my
the Earl W. St&nley ataJf at the Dad with ftsb..lng equlpment and
Newport Harbor Yacht Club last he would 10 to Newport. IF I bad
Friday. ~n a good girl-he would take
• • • me with blm.. I was almost wild
Leam io Dance
HAUOl 1975
CORONA DEl ~Al Mrs. Leon W. Rudd Is named
as new CO·edltor of the monthly
publication of the EbeU News·
ette. a.at.tJng Mrs. Fred Joyner,
editor. Membership cha.lrman.
Mrs. John Lamar. announced
that Mrs. Jeanne Brown and Mrs.
Percy Graves are new club mem·
One of the best tblnga about wtth joy each time I got to come
llvtng in the Harbor area 1s that -and one summer even. one of
the people are ao nke, even your the famWes took me to Newport , ____ iiiiill __ ll!llliiliii-~
neighbors are worth knowing for a whole week. !II harbor photo lab
better. So say the oceanward '1 fed tbta same chlldlsb thrill
residents who Uve In that area even now when we approach
that faces both Haul Dr. and Newport . . . we are mtghty
Poppy Ave They had a Christ· happy to be c:omtng down-and
• • • m.a.s block party and everybody It t. the realization of a U yeers'
"PbUoeopby T h r o u g h Your' JOt to say "Merry Chrl.ltma.s" to dream. for Heruy and I bought
Hat" wtll be the subject of the everybody. • • • our lot down there in l!KJ ...
talk to be _. by ~-Ll d We are both convinced that no· .,.ven _..... oy Several people have asked where ln California-or perhaps
White at the January meeting of what happened to the stgn anywhere else-are the-e such
the Ebell Oub thta Thursday, wbtch read "you are now enter· wonderful peoplf!--.and the year ~~i. 5.N~ ~-: Legion Inc Corona del Mar" that used and a half we Jived down thf!f'e
lecturer wW follow 1u~rous to be at the Newport end of made this a conviction. We made
3121 E. Cout Rwy., CDM d b ---a un eon CDM near Avocado and the luting and precious friendships
anAlao ~ ...-w.-.lh al Highway. It matched the one at during those months and t'Ven
al1 lr J an!'~ ht ~nube the other end and both were more since that time." L--=p,.----r------,.--:
a mens I painted by Port Theatre man· Foodforthethoughtthatwe-ro ess•10na held at the Leaton Ball. Mrs. ager, John Oxford. Seems it was all who Uve In Newport &arbor
Amella Gamble and her com· tom down during construction should be e-xtra thankful of this o·
mfttee will .-ve a c11nner honor· d _........, •rectory tng buabanc!a and cueats of Le· an ne-ver reappe~. beautl.tul area -and.for us all
jfion members on January 12. It must h:ve· ~n like that this should really be a HAPPY ICVStc The program will Include '-rbe NEW YEAR. Many will remem· ,-----....;;;;.;.;;=----
Dlplomats,,. a male quartete feeling you get when you ~ach ber the Yates. who had the Coast Mt"TT't"1a:ret L Scharle
Memben ol the Junior EbeU out your hand and nobodY Cities Loan office In Newport. -, Club will hold a lundleon Jan· shakes It; that's what Jack Sad· stnce th~ they've ~n ln Los Tucher of Plano
•.w .... at the Bar.._ 8 _,.,.., lelr aot when be preoented his Angeles. Orpnlat Accompaniat _, _, .,... ~ parldng ticket at a Lone Beach • • • ~lnf Claaes
parking lot j\dt before Christ· The Bruce Browns on H~io· l(f1 cJ~~ AVE.
caa&S I liAS iR Jl..l.mOIS
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell .. Nf!W·
loa of 514 Acacia Ave., Corona
del Mar, their aon Ron and
dauahter Susan lett Dec. 19 by
traln few Mormal and Danvers.
Winola, 1ft ord« to .pend Chrlst·
mu with Kra. Newlon's parents,
Mr. a.M lin. Qarl• F. Wll·
llaJM, and Mr. K-lon'a parent.,
Mr. and Kn. F. T. Newlqn. 'J'bey
Ntu.med Mew Tear's Day.
•••• IT liES
mu and there was no car there trope, Ave. Corona del Mar. were Corona del Mar
to redeem. Gone was b1s beaU· entertaining Mr. Brown's par· ':::J~!!j!!]~!!!!£~!!=~ tlful shining new Mercury with ents. Mr. and MrS. H. N. Brown ,. P'U1f'EaAL
just a couple t.bouand mlles to ol McMlnnvtlle. Ore~ durfnc the Friendly Nel•hborbood Servb
its name. 10ne. too. were the holidays. •
numerous Christmas presents • • • p ARKES-RIDLEY
pUed in the back ae&t. We U"D· Out ol town cu-ts from MORTUA&Y
clerstand that be dld have In· Corpus CbrUt1. Tau. La Can·
su.rance. however · · · at leut ada. and Lonl Beadl joined 110 Broadway
that's what he'e always telllnc local netgllbora and titeDda at a u 8-3433 It 8-Mlf eo.ta ~~-
us to buy. eoclrta1J party l'fwn by the Jbdl.1 '==========~ • • • ant Galllvana ol Corona del Mar •• The Rubert Pelraols tpent a at hollay time.
ff!W days recul)el'attnc from the . • • •
Chrtstmas rulh, Nlulq ,in Harbor Rlgb-Gnd\taqa Mba
Palm SprlnJS.. In cue you ve Carol EIJzabeth Pfister and Del -.en Mrs. P. Jlmplnl a Uttle D ,..___ ·
not that lhe """* ber feet down roy • .... ..,. have anncMa:nced Ue ln ....__ tJtelr latention to wed. It ....... to a nubbln wb runn I UVIU vealecl at bollclay time by th~
one ~nd of tbe CDll Pha.rmaey tutur. bride's parenbl, Mr and
to the oth..--..be j\Lit trtppecl Mta. Arnold Pftlt« o1 ·Cotta
over a few OlrtttmU pteea\ta .._ The I'I'OOI'Il to-be Ia ttl
at a atatr part7....a.e m.tpt llave 80ft~ Mr. and~ aoy s. erac:
been ., tired abe eoulda't ... ~ ol Calta ...... co~ ol tM loci&J mer-
daants are by tiM dJDe Cbrllt·
mas week rolla 'rawHL • • •
Servlftl the Rarbof Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42 3530 E. Coast HIRhw.,
Corona del liar
Baltz Mortuary
Ll barty 8-2121
llb • S..pe'lor. a:.ta ....
AMPL& PAit&llro
........... a...
•·_.· .• '.~-:r*: ·'••
You11 find our 11ft mop JDOYet
down ataJ.n. biner"n lftON ~
than ewr ... You'll ftn4 a IIIJ!e-
dal Gourmet Shop wt~ all tile
extra fancy stuff catberect •
you don't have to 10 looldnc for
It . . . Food ctfta lor all ,_,.
round &1vtn1 will have their own
Uttle hole in the wall . . . Ca.n • ca. and ..eeu ol all ldDda • • •
A simulat~ Karlne Spolttnc
Goods Shop . . . A health food
Store . . . A J Wc!e llll.r • • . luJ.k
teas and ootlees . . . wU1 haft
their place. ..................... ........... ...
............... 11 ... .......... 'l'e .... _ tc, • ......,. .... .,..
d.---.... ·-... .. .......... ,,.. .... _..,.. ............... ......... a.r-----...0. .. dll _ .. ..,..., --lillie..._ till a I .... ____ ..... ...
,_ tl4f11 I ... •, 57 a ....... &.-.. = 1 ., ....
Our Bakery bas too m.aJQ'
thlnp doulhtnr and not enoup
room to dough 'm1 In ... By the
U:me you read tht. an l"ewpart
Beach School ldda will be eft·
JoYing bread and rolla .tamped
with a capital B. baked frellll
each morntn& with the flnelt.
purest 1ngredleDts available •••
Lucky kids . . . Lucky h~
aboe out ln front . . .
._.,.., .......... ~,.
-~ ........... .... ~ .......... •••at --~ ___ ...__ .. --...... .... 1 ' ••• or s, • ...................... ...... ,.. ....... ...... ........ ,__ ... ... ... . ...... . ................ ,..,.. .. . ....__,.. .... ...,.
• • • """-..... • • • Pli 7 1 ___ _._.. .... .,.... ... ... ........
Wall a-.,..,..U ...
-n.. ....... ciDid---
KLEEN-KNrr wasbJng will
ellminate the cost and in· convenience of dry cleaning
... KLEEN·KNIT Is kind to
your hands . . . KLEEN·
KNIT Is recommended for
the finest garments . . . ca&bmere, Angora, Vicuna, Nylon and Orton . . . .... til
( 40 •••hlltp) I JiG
10 CUlL to 5 p.m.
27~ E. COAST BIGBWAT eo..... del ...... llal!b« • .,
February 10 to :M hu been set
as the dates of the Annual Glrl
Scout Cookie Sale for 1956 with
Mra. Albert Oberg In charre. One
of the Chrlstmaa projects for
local girl ~t troops wa.a to fW
Christmas stocklnp for the Elks
welfare program. Mrs. C. R.
L'Ecluse announced that 4,000
Girl Scout calendars were aold
during the drtve, wbJch was
under her dlr~on. • • •
The newly formed "Patrol 31"
composed of selected senior J'lrl
aeouts from all of Orange County
will hold thelr first meeting
Saturday at the home of Mrs.
W llli am Spurgeon UI. Cliff
Haven. The glrls of Patrol 31 are
winners and alternates from
senior scouting troops ln New·
port. Laguna, •Anaheim, Fuller·
ton, Santa Ana and Yorba Linda,
who plan to go to Michigan next
summer for the national Glrl
Scouting Roundup.
A Costa Mesa boy, 11. was
taken to juvenile hall by New·
port pollee at 8:30 p.m. Sunday
after being held on charges ol
car tampering at the Theodore
Robins Ford agency. 3100 W.
Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. He
was abo charged with stealing
a car from the agency on Dec. 4
and leaving tt at Fullerton Ave.
and Flower St .. Costa Mesa.
The Corona del Mar branch
otflce of Newport Balboa Savings
and Loan Assn. will be open this
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
to taJc:e care of the rush of New Y~uslness. President P. A Pa announces.
ad Enal&n Want Ada.
Martin vonHemert d
on Many of our F'me Pieces of
Up To
Kaay Mow
CIIINTZES ·-·--·-·------.99
HAND PRINTS ----···--·-··---1.99
___ ...._ ... J_C.' '"*-"-~ .. Lido ....... Ially .......
LiWIIDGe Pfist. of ...... lkly. IIUe Taja To-
bW aa4 DL G. E. 'fi'IU1l of 8cdboa aDd Kt.
Cora ...... ad hiler ...... ., ..........
lleltlata. (Teny Ioria ftoto) a-----------------------
111 Te
I 3 Ha·rbor Area Debutante
Presented at Bay Club Ball I A dlsa led outboard motor
the second annual Debutante 1 boat, skippered by J. M. Gebod
Ball sponsored by the Children's of Santa Atta. with one other OC·
Horne Society. cupant. wu towed Into Newport
Glowing lights from hundreds
of tiny candles shining on spark·
ling pink and silver decorations
and renecting In the shlntng
eyes of the young honored
guests made the Balboa Bay
Club a talryland of festivity
Wednesday evening last week at
Ill Crea at Party
Lacy fans a.nd delicate blos· Harbor by the U.S. Coast Guard
sorns blended wtth the classic Saturday, Dee. 24.
columns of the club decor and Duncan Stewart of 183 Shore·
the bouffant gowra of the young cliff Rd., Shore Clitta, called
ladles to maJc:e the atmosphere Newport pollee at 10:30 a.m. to
reminiscent of the old Southern report a small boat apparently
tradition. in d..l.ltress beyond blrd roclt, at
Mytord Irv1.ne introduced 13 of sea ott Shore Cliffs. The occu·
the Harbor Area gtrls chosen for pants were wavtnr a red flag
the honor by the Children's trying to attract attention. Po·
Home Society. Each one wore a llce relayed the call to the bar·
A large crowd was present in blUowy white dresa and ca.rrled bor department. who rave the
spite of a. "ceiling zero" fog an old fashioned bouquet of call to the Coast G u a r d to
when the Harbor Panhellenlc pink and white roses. BanJc:a of handle.
and thelr hubsands held a tall tapers In gUt candelabra llt 1 -----------
Christmas Salmagundi party In the path ol the gtrls. After the in·j llf'f'AKT IOJf DIES
the Art Center of Orange Coast troductlon the debs and their . Services were held Dec. 17th in
Colleee. fathers joined ln a waltz. I Parkes RJdley Mortuary for lease
The holiday decor was canled Detore the presentation, sup· Monroe Powers, infant 10n of Mr.
YOU GET 1'118
Came. S.. Wllat'a Behind The FeDCeJ ~ * Oalrlwift'aPnmiamiMISoldllate *
Speckrk lor Tlaum., Fri., & SaL. Jcm. U-7th
11/s TO I La. AftUGK
Fresh Fryers, 45~
LL\11 ~ ID&ft-P• .......
Short Ribs, 19~
Round Steak, 69~
T -Bone Steaks, 89~.
Porterhse. Steakst 98~
Sliced Bacon, • 49~
* *
out by aid of a Christmas ~ per was served with the younr a.nd Mrs. Joseph S. Powers. 800
loaned by the collere for the oc· ladles and thelr escorts espect -jw. Wllaon St.. Costa Mesa. The
easton, and ornaments made by ally honored. They were Ml.sa baby died 14 hours after birth
the Ralph Mtcbel.aen family. The Elizabeth Beck • with Robert Tuesday, Dec. 13, in Oranre
base oL the~ wu piled bJah Milum; Mlu 'naSa TohW with County HospitaL Su.rvtvon in· ~th~~~b~y~~H~~~~a.n~~d~u~d~e~th~·~~~~D~~~~an~d~a~~~«~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ families In the community. with Chart.. F1llk. M1.a Sally LUlie.
Enrlneerlng the variety of Pfister with John Btuntnr. Mia
games were husbands Bert Jeanne Castendyek with Se>'·
E.splau, William Grundy. Roy mour BeeJc:, Mlas Cora Peters
Hallberf, Walter Hatch and John with Charles Horger lr.. Mlsl
CArson. Their wives, aided by Ann Gibson with Lawrence
Louise Gallagher, were hostesses. Johnson, Mlu Cuaandra Hoyt
Four juvenile boya, 14 and 15,
from M a n h a t t a n Beach a.nd
Hawthorne were arrested by
Newport pollee early Saturday
morning, Dec. 24, on rrand theft
auto a.nd curfew vI o 1 at Ion
charges at Marigold Ave. and
Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ap·
pllcatlons for petitions for their
appearance In ju¥enJle court
Wel'e tiled. Three of the youths
were released to the lr parents
or guardJan and on sent to ju·
venlle hall when It was lea.med
hls parents were In Texas. The
car was stolen from Playa del
with W 1111 a m Pelham. M1u
Clare Sm.Jth with Don Steele,
Miss Susan Betz with Donald
Hoskin, MJas Melinda Lelthold
wtth Larry Newland. Ml.u De·
nlse NUes with Carl Suedeen,
Miss Jill Howell with C. Ea.rl
Stoner Jr.
Mrs. Tod Ov!att president of
the Newport Atixlllary of the
Children's Home Society, enter·
taJned at a pre-ball coc.lrtaU
party and later was preseat to
welcome guests to the Debutante
Ball. Lyman Howes Farwell
acted aa host for the present&·
Bishop Donald Campbell, Nf.
tragen bishop of the Diocese of
DIIJVEa DOZES. BITS CAll x.o. Angeles, wlli administer
Richard c. Herms of 317 Coron· ConflnnatJon rites at the 9:15
ado St., Balboa, tell asleep while and 11 a.m. Sunday aervkes at
driving at 4 a.m. Sunday and St. lames Eptacopal Church,
crashed lnto a parked car, which Newport. Reception.a for mem·
was knocked Into a n o t b e r ben of all claase. will be held
parked car In front of 1235 w. after the aervlcea, and the Feut
Balbo& Blvd., Newport Beach, of LJghtl lei'Vloe will be held
Newport pollee reported. Both at 7:30p.m.
parked cars were registered to ----""':""--
Tile Bef/ciJcfJ/11/Jei
* ~ iC SllfJp
50 to 60~ Off! •
ALL SALES FINAL! Bobby E. Bodre of 1235 w. BaJ. Cllmi'TIAJIICDIICK Cllnal ~:==:=:=:=:=:====BT=.=._=1=-=="=========~ boa Blvd., pollee said. Chrl.lttan Sclenu.t. will kneel ln aUent communiOn with God to
TOVTII CEJrTEa o•a BOVS& receive more of the Otrlat aplrlt
Open bou. will be held from at the Sunday le'J"9ice oD US&c:ta· * MEN'S * WOMEN'S * CHILDREN O'BRIEN'S SALE
Fabulous Ya.tue. oftered
from our regular stock!
Pan•• ..... lela~-··
1/2 to·1/1 OFF ............... n rdl·nr rii,.._.....OW .... ..........
2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, at ment'' at the Newport Beadl
the Community Youth Center on Chrlstla.n· Sdcrall c:lau.rdL ThtJ
the Barbar VIew lk:hool IJOUDda, w1l1 ~ with the Plalm ..
tt Ia announced by Grand Bow· (51:10), "Clute ID me a dean
aid, president of the Youth Cen· hart, 0 God; and nM'IIF a rl&bt
ter. The Woman'• Civic Leaaue IIPirtf wlthln me," whJell II tJte
wW be b~ Golden Tat oi the '--m·Ser·
..... , ....... QUited L.laiiW
WP Pit ........
, ...... •••••• (J...ay) O.UJ ............
'nrl ........... 0 ............... ................ .........
•• ''tt c.ee. .....
..... , a 3
1'1 'b Clell ........
.... '3 ~--QWI~ ... .... ,_, .... .....
c.e... .... ....
Tars.Lose to 'iloti .53~9;
Play in Compton To~nament CAIIIIIATEB roil .-. wMr ADI
11M Jf.-,ort ~~art.ar Tan ~a.t u.. ~ ,...._t Ill 1 Ti.m8 2 iunes 3 Times
a c1-. • t. • ,... to u.. a. caaek& 11M ....._ t1 w. 20 warda or lees .75 1.25 1.50 =PUotaPIMQalitrtattbec;:.~=.:.::21to30worda 1.00 1.50 2.00
11M ...:rJ:" U..IIICI ol tM (1'banda)-) tao..-,. 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50
tint quutar 11 to & aacl at tile 'I'M sw.t IMpe ~ 03 05 b..U • to 21. '* u.. pDoCI ~eque p1., ~tart~~ at. a p.m. Each word over 40 . . .0'1
,_.... -.... lit tile ..........,. 'helday, Jan. ~o. wtaa 8a:Dta Cash muat be reoeiYed within 7 days of first insertion
1« IDUtl 3'7·• Paul Lanntzen ADa Htp Sdloal jcNia_.,.. to .. .:•AAA...&AaaA..-...aaAAA•••••·
wu tOp eoorer tor Harbor wtth Newport Harbor 11o pla.y the Tara. ---....1.·---"'------~ ....... ~,_.......,. ____ _ 11 polnta. eery GneD made Leque &&JDM to rouow lftdudt roa &IL& WU'I'D10 ..w = .{: ... '5. .. ~ u.r .,o!; ;!n, ~ ~ ~~ Obi OW¥ dHD AJiiiiVti(. tan•IOOif &r1ifldied or een~. •.-...&-..., · ..-r MLa w•-ues. S3l5 ~ ._.., )'Hfly JebtaJ, _,_ 1. p.m. Frtday, la.n. »: Oraaae ~ ~ SpiMt ltandarG about -., l:la. 5333 bdOI'e
The Tar varsttJ .,.._ball bae, a p.m.. ~y. lan. ~; DiaJce. )(lm)-type Spinet only 10:00 LJf. or wrtte Box A·12 team Jolt 33 to 38 aca~~wt Para· at Anaheim, 'l p.m., JPrtdq, l an. 1235 laJctwbl AaoeonJe lt1l e/o 1:na1p, CDII. '
~ .....,. .... lacaeol ..
clttlfntdOn &lid qU&Uay ...
came avaJiaWe on Ba.u.ile
)fltand. ..... the apadouit
J,Mnc room wtth ~
and acljolnJna den to tiM
larp bedrooll\1, there t. a
homlneel and UvabUJty you ww ru.dUy feeL
'nlere 11 a beautltul apert.
ment. a .eparate cuest room
wttb bath and an euUy .,.
cee.lble double ..,..... a
wUl be a ~ to llbOW'
you thJa home.
PRICE $37.500
mount Hlp 8ebooJ In their 71: at Bunttnaton 8eadl, 3 p.m. Kimball Sp~ _, Baby -----------came Weda...Sa)', Dee. 28. at 1\aeeday, lan. 31; at Santa Ana. Gruda tt95 up. ~na of aALDTAft .aa UL& e
Paramount whUe the Tar junlot 1 p.m., Friday, Feb. 3; 1"\lJlenon others K.nabe Stetnway Hard· CORNEll LOT, 3rd and Narctuua, ~ won U to 17 aaa.lnlt bere. 7 p.m. Frld.ay, Feb. 10: at man etc. nee l.Mtrumenta CD)(,,_ ale by owner· uk· .. '
lh* Paramoot opP<JGtton. Tar Guckn Grove. a p.m.; 1\ae.ctay, are trade·lna and rental re· lnJ __ ~ cau N~ndy lfll.n II. aee. won Sl to 34. Feb. 14; at Oranp, 1 p.m. Frf. tu:rna. many Ju.t like new. 5·67l8. LA..
Forward Paul Lormtzen IICOI"ed day, Feb. 1'7• A.nahetm here, 3 DaJU-Sduntdt·PblllJps Blc Pl· -----------498 Park. Balboa 3T1 8 potm. tar tbe varsity; Guard p.m. Tuesday, Feb. ~: and the ano and Ol-ean Store 520 No. ~ AIID I'OVIrD bland BA
Gu7 Orten. 11: Guard David Jut pme Buntlnlton Beach Main, Santa Ana. 100 planoe LOST, yellow parakeet, on !>«. Taman, f: Center Lany llarpet', here at 1 p.m.: Friday, Feb.~-alwaJS. 2& lD ridaity ot SlpaJ Road ----------~
4; Forward Tom Routon. 2 ; Cen· At afternoon l&mel the varalty , and Clift Haven. LI 8 ·7397. ter Demla Harwood, 2, and For· plays first and the junJqr varsity 55 CAD. Coupe d'VUie, full pow· FOUND: Car ... _ on .Uver trin·
ward Barry Hall. 2. MC:Ond and at the ntcbt aa.m. « equlpt., electronic eye, alr. ~,
Tar Junior Vlll1llty acxirlnc In· the Junior varsity pl.,_ n.r.t and ~d. Pvt. party. Pb. HA 924. ltet chain nr. 4th and Bello-
eluded Forward 11m Bento, 13; the vanity 8eCOnd. Bee and Cee HAMMOND ORGANS an modela. trope. CDX. Owner may pay
Forward Don BabM. 10; Guard aames are on the same days at One only all&htly used, almost for ad. HA 1114. 'Ibe ENSIGN.
llm Sebone., 6; Guard Richard 3 p.m. at op~te coum wtth like new. Thla 11 a speclal. lrTUAnon WAWI"D
~ 2: Center Bob VUJacrana. the Bees pJayinc first and the Danz ·Schmidt · PbUJips Ham· PART·'IDfE TYPING and ottlce
5; Forward Clarence Kemper, 3 Cees second. .Jules Gace 11 the mond Headquarters for Oranee work. at ho~De or ottlce. Ha.
and G\tard Bob Allen. 2. Tar vanity and junlor vanity County. 520 No. Main, Santa 1481.1.
Tbe Tar vanity wam played coach with 11m Miller the Tat Ana. ~===-==:-:-:-::--..,.....,-----,,.....,.-
the Exeelalor varatty team at Bee coach and Bill Straw the Tar COMPLETE furniture and tu.rn· MA'JURE WOMAN wtahes baby '"' _ _...... ur-.-__._ 1 ,..__ h at~ and care ot &lc.k, knlt· ., p.m. ,._..__y, n'II!UJ-y, n ....,.. ooac . lahlnp tor 2-bedroom bouse,
lncludlnc Coldspot refrlg«· t~q or aocbetlna. Day or
&tor, au range, fine upbol· nl&ht. HA 3192·M.
stered chain and davenport, RECEPTIONIST, aeneraJ ottJce.
Drexel hlgb boy, dresser and full or part time. Call Ha. 5333
minor, chest and make·up before 10:00 A.M., or write Box
table with m.l.rror, Sligh twtn A·ll, e/o Enalcn, CDM.
A holiday vtaltor at the home beds wtth box springs and RELlA.BLE, experienced garden·
of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred R. Reczuch mattresses. tables, rugs. lam~ er. lapanese·American, wants
of TI7 Fernleat Ave., Corona del and miscellaneous pi~ All work. HYatt •·S47L
Mar, Is Mrs. Yvonne Glrard from In 1ooc:1 condition. Must aell. CDM man would like gardening.
New Hampmlre. Mrs. Glrard Ls 301 Ametb,yst. Balboa I&Jand. clean·~~t ete. Call Kl 3·2122.
Mrs.. Reczucll's moth«. The Cam· HAMMOND CHORD Organ, the Mel UIIWlall.
Uy ln fact baa only lived here area test I n v e n t I o n .ver ln WANTED-: -::lro:--n-:-ln-c--=-tn_m_y~h-o-m-e.
two rnonth.a thnnselves. They music. 'Ibe whole tamlly can Mabel Wbftman. 607 Mar.,•e-came to the Harbor aru trom •-North Boll....--. 'lbe famJlv, ln· play It at once without lea-rtte. CDM. HA 4279-J. ~ .. ....,.. ~ 10na. You must come In and •
~ . .
Well-buDt 3·bedr. • 2 bath
home wtth rented fum. p ·
race apt. at back. Top of
NardasWI Ave., (720) Corona
del Mar.
calJ owner, Harbor 2S06·M.
Our new, higher starting
wace and tr.quent Increases
gives you th1l opportunity.
Openings now for-
We wlJJ traJn you and you'll
receive many other benefits.
, --. ...
L-Cba.rminc Farm-style ho~·bra., ~ llvln&' rm. ___ . ________ ..._.,....,.... .....
2.-Cotona Blehlanc:t.-3·bra.. 1~ b&U... ....._ dltJon. Good location. __________ .... .,....,
3-(2) choice R·~ lots on Main BMdL ,__ -.11
tor p._vtlcula.rs..
aT E. Coast Hwy., Corona delKar HA.: lTU; uom
,.., n.t •. ,..,.
To the home buyer who wtahes to purcbue ln the
$25,000 to $35.000 d us we aincerely recommend
the Irvine EstAtes overlooJdn.c Newport Harbor.
These homes feature California Uvlnc. Offered exdo-
slvely tbrouah Earl W. Stanley tn a Smoc·Ftee .,_ known u lrvlne Tena~n Coast Highway oppomte
the new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport lfarbot'.
* For recommendation. we refer you to anyone Wbo holdl a Lea.Mbold EA:ate In Irvine Terrace, BeacoD Bay, Ba.yahora or Cli.U Raven.
c:Judinc their etabt · year · old try lt. Danz.Schm.ldt·Pbilli~ '"MUSJC DISI&Dcnor
daughter, CharleM, hu always Great Piano and Hammond PIANO INSTJWC'MON. Teresa Earl w. Stanley • • • wanted to live at the beach, but Or II Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keller Mr. Beezuch 11 a deslcner for pn Store, 520 No. aln. Renner (Mrs. A. Renner>. ac·
ot Ma.rcverite Ave., Corona del lJbruoope and It wu only re· Santa Ana. ceptlnc a llmltect number of EXCLUSIVE AGENTS
Mr. an4 Mrs. Georre L. Dow·
den. who are new neighbors on
Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Mar,
orlcJnallY came from Pasadena.
When they t,lrst moved to the
Harbor area they moved to Poln-
Mttta Ave., Corona del Mar. Mr.
Dowden 11 Orange County repre·
sentatJve for W. P. Fuller Co.
The Dowden family allo In·
dudes a 2J,S -year-old dauabt.er,
Val«le. 514 ~ No. Main Street
Rm. 211-Santa Ana
9:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Mar, will celebrate the oomlnl cently that the firm opened a BEAUTIFUL Spinet pfano, blond. pupils for plano. Concert pt. Pbone Harbor 4448 Por J'u."1!ler IDtorm.a.tice
I th •---•-h br ch ealled K 1 San just like new aave $200. 3 anl.lt of 'I'hree Continents.------------_______________ ......:.., __ ..:...,:..:::.......:... __ _
year D ev Har ..... IV'I'a om.. an ecca 11 ta rental return.~. aave $90 to $250 Graduate Student of Bela Bar· ~c.-.I)ESJGJnJIC
which they moved lnto lut AnL There tbey wU1 deslp and --'ect condJtJon new '"•aran· tok. 436 Serra Drive, cou -----------week. 11le Kellen moved down manufacture cannina equipment. ~... •-....... b-am Altadena. after Mr. Keller tee. free delivery Maple, Ucbt Ha. 2039. Geprve'a Lcmct.cape ~be~=~ In~~ •••• ..... ..... =~~;ny ~= :~;~~y MIICWJ t MEOUS & Maintenance :~.'::~ an~n..::"w:tt't'~:: • 11111111111 a... =&edpra~ ~~0: = 50 USED PIANOS wanted for our ~s~=~·~t: ~~
ler, have lust moved 1n ac:rou 889, $94, $lZ5, $175 see these at rental service. Trade yoar pl· cenaed Contl"ac:tor. Custom
the tJtreet.. Tbe eenJor Kellen' Valerie 14. Carey, 32, of 1522J,S the Great 42nd AnnJversa.ry ano on a new Spinet Grand or Lancbcaplnl and Oeslplna.
two man1e4 dauchters live ln Miramar Dr., Balboa. was booked Sale. Danz . Schmidt . Phllllps Rammot;td 0rp.n.. H lg be • t Abo Clean-ups and malnte·
KOIU'O'fta and Pasadena. Mr. on an Intoxication charp by the Bll Plano and Orcan Store c:aah ~owance durtnc our nance.
Jtellft Ia retlnd. He formerly 11 Newport police at 4 p.m. lut s:JO No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 Great . Danz·Sdunldt·Pbll·
from 1"ea& 'nl\ll'llday. PlanO.. U~& 5» 0. IUba, Santa AnL
RooaJcl C. Molton. M. ot ll.Q-BEAU'flroL Minshall Ele.ctoillc ft. I ....... _ 25th St., Newport Beach, charced <>rcan u '11 $475. another Mln· Vllp -•
-----------the woman had been drlnJtln& shall thr-ee rnont.b.l old 2 man· S .._ 8--A
Tar Tattles . and was despondent over per· ual 1995. Danz.SchmJdt·PhU·,.II IWf .....
e e 10nal troubles. He aald he u w llpa, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. American Lq1on 215 l.5tb St.
.., MDA&A ULID'TIIAL her wa.lldnc on the beach and SPINET Plano llke new wtth MeetJnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. tnto the surf near 23rd St. and Orcano .-s wonderful buy.
Ocean Front. Newport Beach. He U-.1 SolOYOX $195. Danz-Sch· $5 PEJl MONTH rents a JOOd e auDftALL .OUJfC& ealled to ber but she paid no m.ldt-Phtlllps Blc Pi&J\9--and practJce plano. All term rent
'nle 8l!lliof cl .. 11 planilln& heed to hlm. He ran after her Orcan Store. 520 No. Main allowed. Danz ·Schmidt · PhU·
a "Buketball Bounce" or dance and overtook her In the water Santa Ana. · Up. Bl& Plano Sale. 520 No.
on January lO after our second JtPt u lhe wu knocked down Main. Santa Ana. Home of
home baaltetba.ll pme. lt Ia in about four feet ot water. He DAL DTAft & IIDTAU M.uon~amlln and Knabe pt.
open to all the .Wdenta and wW took h« to the Ocean Front
be held 1n the pls' 1Y1D, eo Hotel, Newport Beach. and poll~ NICELY FURNI.SHED APT. with
l'1lo&b aure J'OU all come. wen called. omcen ul~ she addJtlonal cuest room. ocean
• • • wu aem.l-coll.lclous and com· vtew. Fot 1.... $100 month. e ao•oa .au, .,....._.. pletely eoaked. She wu revived Saclletr Real !'Mate. Ha. 2422.
SENIORS _ Grq Adams. Pat by a lite aua.rd. She posted a CDM DELuXE-NEARLY NEW
Ad ltueJl Balley Susan 150 ball bond and wu releaaed unturnJ.Ibed cl up 1 ex. 2·bed· Baka;: Pamela ~ • .Ja..mea from ja1J at 10:05 p.m. last rooma, bctw. tloon. f.L heat.
Be on tJme for ~~ur 1956 ap-
pointments. E tern a·Matlc
Watch serves you accurately.
RAY FIELDS. Jeweler, 19th
6 Placentia '"In Vlata Shop·
Pine Center," Costa Mesa,
LI. 8-8488. Bath, Karen Bjomeby, Belen 'Ibunday. prt. patto, prap, $105 month.
Blebm. lan Blum. Helena ao.ter. -----------Ha. 1684·R. .... -,-,-.-W...._AJITED _______ _
Nand Campbell. JUdla.rd Carter, v NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. prl·
Gloria Chapman. Vlrclnla Cbue, n.sung vate entrance, private bath, BAN1t NCR BOOKKEEPER. ex·
Sblrlee OaW80n, Valerie Colton. nr. postoftice. bank and sto~ pertence not necessary. 5-day
Sally ero.thwaJts. Ca.rol Crain, Commercials 325 Ordtld. CDM. HA 512·R. week. permanent, apply New·
Sharon Crowl. Robert DeLon,&, ROOM FOR GENTI..EMAN. prl· port Harbor Bank, Corona del
Carole Edwarda. lane Enrtlbt. -----------vate entrance, bath and ca· Mar.===~--::-"'
Judy rerau-m. Lew1a F<*«, 'nle U.S. ~asury Department rage, ln Corona del Mar. HA HOUSEKEEPER. for adults only.
Virginia I'Uait. Robert Gardner, bu extended hrmaJ thanks to =4889.,;;;:_·R~o.:..r .,;.BA;...;...627.;;..~4.,.,..--,_-Some oootnna. live out until J>ennla HarWood. Anne Rawley, the Newport Harbor Bank tor lw FREE-HI Daert VIew Home· private apt. completed. Couple
Denn1l ~n. )(ari)yn BUl. "Jeadenb.lp a:n4 patriotic .erv· stte. Martell BWldlnc, Yueci uttstactory. call Ha. 9 after
Jtay111 Bunt. David lohneon. ~ .. In helpbtl ral8e eotnnumtty Valley. 6 p.m.
Robert lob.Dion. Pat ltelter, Mar· lnvwbtleet. In avinp bonds FURNisHED=,....-or-QJitQii-..,.......,""iibed.,., 2· 1\ Clossified /\d in The Ens•qn
tan Koerner, 8 tan ford L7on. durtna 1955 to a lO.yea.r record bedroom houte with laundry. brinqs immediote result~! ~II
Vlckle Madnt)'re. M.lcbael Mkh· hlch. A "'Klnute Man" cltatJon In on yearly leue. 417~ Bello· Horbor 1114-1115 ond orove it!
aud, Nle~ l'femet&. Dieter Nop. 8J*1a1 recopJtlon ot lndlvtduaJ Cd-o del M
SltH G~n Stamp.
Free dellvery
BA 1038 2744 E. Coast Bwy.
Paintmg -Decoratmg
lJ<'Pftled Coatnctor
878 w. 18th Cocta Mea w berty 8-8628 Libert)' 8-6632
letil Prljecllrs
S·MM 16·MM . 35-MM and 16MM SounJ Projectors
Model Airplane Supplies
•an C•ara a.,
1782 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mea Phone Liberty 8·7fM2
REPAIR AND Maintenance.
p&lntlng. carpenter etc. .Just
anything. Reuonable. Satta.
faction cuaranteed.. HA OUJ6..J.
Boberta OUpbant. Anita Palm. be.Dk support wu received by _tro_pe_. ___ na ____ ar_. __ _
Lftln Peue, Jtacllel Perez. Bev· rr.ldent lames T. Van Dyke. a&AL DTATE WAIITZD er11 Pftrr1DanD. Da~ Powert. • • • 11.1 'I lEST IUY
aatbel Qutroc. Bobert Jtapr. Beltnnlna on Ka.rdl 31, lnter·
:Robert SmlU.. Ma.rle'Stone, Ethel e.t wUl be paid quarterly to all Sto~ Karjade Stovall,~:; aavtnp accounts at eo.ta Mesa
alUM su-. Andrea Tobiu. uu Savtnp and Loan AAoclatJon.
Von Bemert. ltobert Walbr. tm Newport Blvd .. Collta Mesa,
Sandra WllllaJDI, lAurel Wood· It Ia ~ by Vlce·rre.l·
,ora. SblrleJ You&. dent ADcSNw wan-.
TRADE '55 Lone Star 411 ~all«
as down payment on Income
propab. Sit 'n' ltnlt Shop.
313 E. laJboa Blvd.. Balboa.
To all ol J'OU wbo ms-4 tbe Tbla auart.r1.7 ~ ba.Md
Mn« roll liT JUit 00* 011 oe eo.ta .._ ....,._ c:uttellt -----------pobdll. ~"t .,.,. .._ tN'cl IDle uaaal rate ol ~~~ ...-.. ,. to ,.at JOUI' IWD8 01\ the 1J1t UIUIID 011 all ...,.pata, wUl t. Plaanl.. to t. In San 1*1'0
nat CJUMr• Qoo4 JAcll! paid to all MC ... fDur U.. ~tM =-=.tft4~ e:
..cia ,., Ia•: d. • With pq-.:: IIICardle. Dtdr -
tWIW __, 11'1........ __.. ....._ IDAc1l Oil Mardl 11. =tt ta? -Ka...._ OI8Dn. lt&Dk7 .6111a Jr.. 2» ol ,._ J0. ~ 10. ud O.C. • Ia Glodla PQ l8d Lo1111 Vop.l
Oap Aft.. s.n.a.......... tiiM tar C~n~~DM~a•tllbaa • • • •
taiiiD to Boac ~ Roe· Orawtla at CDita .._ .. ..._. d
M low u $3915 Down and $1'5 a Month
w.a. ~.a 11111:11&.& ...... t 511 ................ -~ ....... -...... aM ._. ..._ 11111 ........ ftlt' .._. •• • ~'.. ...... II a..., A.OIIIIT
•_. It ..., a ,.. IIIII' Mr.' .,.._ aw'W V -Rcwpwt ..,._,-~~·••
--MSAIII!F eaJ£ ...., ....._, M II 1.-Dt ........ ----------------------fte Jllllllla ... FAd ... .. Me a ft 1lle ::t=... I -.... r ....,, -===-~:~~~=~,~ ,.J & Us' a n ., .,_. .,"'!'t>;IIJ •;a~·~~ ·j a. RcaiJIUt 8ledl. ru IMa ldl MSWjW -............................ ,.....__.. = ...... --. ............ w • •• ...
..... ••••,_ a .... ...._ '*' .. . .,.,. ...,.
···~,:.:·:.-::. ..... . .
... .. ......... ... ... U.lln7 ... ............. Mill ... ... .. _.. ... .....
__ ..
OCEAJf ..,..., • , ..... -------s~-IIIUY OC&AJf ~ -·[ ............. --..f-.::ll!!iiU ................. -··--
IIIII-. ) '
.. .... i!IJIII'IIIIJit& ............. .... ....... d£ 2 ,.., .... ._a;
FDIICIS .1. ••va~ ••• 2216 Newport Blvd. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd..
Ll 8·5101 Harbor lei
Tomorrow You WUl Be Sorry You Did.n't~y 1'bele Toda,y
L Bua1nea. parking. aora•e· and QP&ndoa all at X74-8 Newport Blvd. f'ront 66' x 150'-new bJd&.
45 x 52' -2 otflce. for leue. Rear area eoncl.-~ acn -1·Bedt. 1t.. home and carace. $45,000. Terms.
2. Lease w1th option to buy. 222 W. Wilton. 1-bedr .. $7.500.
3. 2 lots together on Rochest« and al10 on Wa..lnut
Place,----···--··-·········-·· 6,000.00 for each p&lr.
4. Leue w1th option to buy. 121 Ced.J Pl., $12,000.
1. Ideal beadl ~ -3· bedr ~ chaJ'liK!l front. .ea wall.
p!er and float . . . barbecue and patio, Fum. Price
$22.500. term&. 4008 Channel. ·
Don't m1ss tbls one!
1. .OS Holmwood-Near Hospital. Hellpot. and tra.aa-
portatlon. 3· bedrm .. 3 car garage. 11( bath-beaut!·
luJ birch abtnet woodwork. Landscaped. encl.
patio. OPEN HOUSE Sat. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. Term:a.
1. 68)5 ~ashore Dr .. west Newport, 2 ·beclrs. • den ... firepl ... l lot from ocean. A·1 cond. $11.500, tfttM..
w ith beach shack 4tocat1on.
Less than prl~ of the lot!
Balan~ $90 a month.
l'a a ... ,
Dn Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach
Harbor 5236. d.a.y 011 ntpt
OOOWhii E PAiii'riNC
RA 21171
(~ wwk-endl)
aJGEIR 0. SAtnmEaS
!ltit StrM. ~
OW liD
IIIIOW -AIII'B till -:.ow -~ .mt. e& D :ll
=-DA~ Walcers :-.... ~,:,:-~ &&Jft'A &JIA-aftl .a ._.. =~
I ..... y 11WaW .am&Y I I ......a&Y • ..,...., ............... _. ........ 'If ••
.APORT -. !
C·'C('fli ','I;Y!•-•· .....
villa ·marina
Reservations Now. HA 3930
. .
WednesdaJ. January J 11h. .•
24th. in a Mries of monthly Fcmhion Show.
NOTE: Next Fcmhion Show on Wed. February 8th.
(and the NCODd Wedne.day of each moDth lollowing)
Pr ... nted
through the cooperation of the V'Jlla M~ Vema Miller
The FoUowing Diatincti•• Shop.
1787-A Newpod JloulnarcL ec.ta M.a
1809 Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
Eat' .Wfwllll
No. A-~
aka 0 . T. MAYNARD, DE·
Deen S. FaneiJ, 18 mpnth.l old, the creditor. of and all penons
of 121 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, havtne claims agalnlt the aaJd
at 8:06 a.m. Sunday. The baby decedent 01' said estate to me
bad a bad cold, hl&h fever and them with the neceMary vouch·
went Into co n v u I a I on a and en In the otfloe of the ~k of
stopped breathlne. The tlre de· the Superior Court of the State
partment rescue, aquad and a of CalUomla, In and for the
doctor wu called. and the chUd County of Oranp. 01' to ~nt
recovered. The child'• mother the aame, with the neceuary
wu llated u Mra. Okey FaneU. vouchen, to the undenlaned at
hia or her place ot bualnesa, to-
ANlT A 1. MAYER. Admlnlstra·
c/o Hurwitz It Hurwitz, Attor· 1ohn D. McNamara, 25, ot San neya at Law.
Diego was fined $SO on a vae· 2811 Newport Boulevard, New·
rancy charge and h1a wife. Bar· port Beach, California.
bara Ann McNamara. 18, wu within stx months after the first
fined $25 on a almllar charee. publlcatJon of this notice.
Newport pollee reported Dec. 23. ANITA 1. MAYER
A petty theft charee agam.t the ' Admlnl.stratrt:x ot the
pair was dropped. They were Estate of saJd decedent.
chareed wtth 8teallne a $5.75 Dated December 15, 1955
Chrlatmu tree from the Corona HURWITZ • HURWITZ
del Mar Nunery, 2744 E. Cout by: Max Rurwttz
Bwy .. Corona del Mar. Theywere Attomeya tor Admlnlltratrfx
arreeted at 4 a.m. Jut Friday at Publlah: Dee 22, 29, ~ 1an. 5,
llfareuerlte Ave. and Cout Rwy.. 12. 1956.
Hitchlilker Blamed f .Tiieft
of Costly Came~• Equipment .
Your Family a.taurant
ISIS &. c-t ..... ..., ......... c.--.-
............ ,.. .....
Clllib wida A ..,_ R&i M
Tn••J.n CbeqaM becaaee ..,. ............. _ ...
•taDtlr· nco,._. ud ac·
ceptecl ~' Ammcaa B»l _Tta,..,.a.q.. ..
u Qendable •• cuh-aad
100% ..,._., u.y,. at 01'
lltoMD '" ... quick NluDd. Come iD far youn ........ ,_
.... ~~--flOO.
Harbor Balik
I) ~lAMp;
QHMI. 1111-......... a.. ...... ~ ...................... .....
tM vw. ....... -.. 01 .. Ceellty"a .......... .
....._ lrq'Mt._ .......... L1111 ..... ~ .. ...._,...... v..-.-. ...... ._ .... a.q..aa ...........
IWhl lUI Uiil
Corona del Mar. In The Newport Harbor Enatp. ---~-~~~~~~~~==~~~ ,---------------------:---------------------------
for "switch
• ~stretch . and relax"
and carry"
,.. NCIOid ............. Ia 111M tt ...... 144.48S.
tt. at.:r • R...;art IMdl ac:· fte hllb fta\Ue f« 1e ean ~ b a t.Gital af 510 aclcll· be attributed to tbe lnera.led
tloaal ClftWnc untta d\.lftq val~ of lln,Se WlJt dwelllnp. ta. valued at p,no,cm_ the Durtnr 11155 S34 permits wen
tad·of·t.be·:tear NPOI'l by S.atld· a.aecl tot ain&le famtly ....
Arrive s Here
From Ita ly
Before Card ....,., ....... ,. a r-.. ......... c....
....... I ......... _ ..., ... .., ... ~
-~ ....... .., •• .............. -a .. ... au a r ~ u. c-.
F -, •.
...... ..~.aJDdlcal
Telephone Call to Ge ... · ~
Is Student's Yule Present
eoane Ia lftdlcA1 Jaw, wW be bow BlP School, talked by tele-York will pldr a. • f 1 -
a ,.., ....._ tar aclulta at Or· phone with hla mother, Frau a l1at ot. four aa
an.. CoMt OOUett lltaJ'dnc Prleda Noga, and hla brother, trfp. ~. luuary t. t.roaa 7 to Peter. In Bremen to exchanre -----..;;;.,.......;_....,;.....,_...,..~
10 p.m. lniCrudGi' Bra d 1 e 1 Ch.rlatmu rreetinP on Dec. ~ y
Sdawa.rr. a~. wW cowr The ~ewport Rubor Stu~nt OUr till•illillillilll••••• In( IDipector &a.ynaond Glean ~ wtdl a tutal Yalu.e of
l'e"Ve&b. •·~· 1619M there were m . -····· .......... ........ .. t. ........
aueb topb u oommunftJ 1110· Ex c h a n r e Committee of the
perty, ...w..., laws • ~ American Fteld Service, hla He•J~
CODtnebt IM.tween huband and IIPOIUIOn, arra_naed for the tele· U m
UNtoN $£1MCE
u.s....,., nr..
w..w.., • roli.lli119 •
c-p.te ~ SeMc.
,..... H.4ot 3094
1701 E. Coett HIC)hwey et A~
C.,... cW Mw
Tbla Ia renwbbl7 eloee to valued at IU17,13C, and ln 1953
tbe two pnced.lna yean ln the there wen 371, val ued at
nUlDber of u.nJt.---802 In U53 and .. ,.,.,,
• In 11M. llut there wu a CCIII· 'ftaere were 32 permits for eom·
atct.able tnereue ln value. The mar1eal bulldlnp du:dnr 1955,
1t53 toQ1 f« ,..ScJentlal con· for a total value olll.372.GT. In
ltnlotJoft .._ t5.1M.217, a.nd ln lJ5f tba'e ·were 21 ~ts
.............. ~ 2::--........ .... -. ...... .., .. -........ ...........
.U.. ......., ~_p, dll*, pliloae call. 1be time of the eal1
rlpt., cllllt* a.ed obUpt:.aoM fll wu 3:2) a.m. Saturday 1n Co·
memben fll tM t.unily. rona del Mar and 12:20 p.m. S.t·
valued at ~,a. and ln 1953 2 Arrested in . ~~= M pennlta. valued
c tstlt .. • WIM W ....... ....,. ..... ,..., Hughes Heads
Fuchsia Group
.............. wtll .. ' ........ _ ....
..... ._~ .. two -.,.... .. ......,to c.ap&ete
... ..,.. laltdl wttla the . ..,.. bb C A recapitulation of buUdlnr Ro ery ase recorda f« 19!15 revealed a elm· Bradley Burh .. of 337 E. l8t.b
cal error of $100.000. and the St., eo.t& lleea, wu 1Mtalled
· total for the year dJd not ro over Art• t 5 • Tueada.y ewntnr u new presi-Gale R. CroxeU. ~ of South 110.000,000 after an.;Jbe official IS eraes dent ot the eo.. Mesa-Bay
Gate and Dennia R. Evan.. 23, ol total Ia $9.9:56,819 for 1.286 pet· Ctt:lft Brandl ot tbe CalUomla
Huntington Bftch were boNed m.lts t.ued. The comparttlve fig. I A d National FudW& Sodety. The
by Newport pollee on armed rob· ures are $7953.270 and 88'7 pet· S nnounce i.Mtallatlon meetln& was held
bery eharees lut Friday nl&ht mlts ln 19M_ and SS.002.822 and In the Evft'e'tt .Rea Sc.bool audl·
after aUeredly t.aldn& $70 cash 1 013 permJtB In l9S3. A alx-eveut utt.t and lecture torlum. with Gecx-p Harmon,
from the Boulevard I.Jquor Store • The permit break·down tor lerles be&tnnlnl mld·lanuary executive aecretary of the Costa ~ N. Newport Blvd .. Newport. 1955 Ia follows· baa been announced by Chap-Mesa Chamber of Commerce, of.
at 7:03 p.m. Friday. u · .$6 028,24S man Colle,e wtth an Invitation tlelatlne.
Clerk Carl l . Cheoo. of 438 N. 334 slnele unJts .. -....... ' to all residents of Oranee County Other oftlcera are Ronald S.y.
Nl!W'pOrt Blvd., aald a man, 32 2·fam1ly units .. ....... S32.M5 to attend the .erfes. mow, vlc:e·pres.ldent; Th oma 1
whom he later ldentltled as 14 3-famJiy units ..... · · 372.725 Out.stahdJn& eventa .cheduled Rhodes. treuurer; D • Wayne
arday ln Jlreme.n. The .tu«Mnt
found hla moth• and brother
Be la 8Cheduled to leave Co·
rona' del Mar o.n lune 25, tor a
nmraa.. • TIIZ P'Din' 10
a&MUH •
three-week bua trip throu&h the Chlropractle Ia aat a ~ .a
states with a lhort .top • In No method of h~ wGI ... Wuh.lnaton. D.C., and a two-day be tJiat but ChlropreCIIc ....
my In New York before leavln& su~ the old JDIGolll Ill
on the lhlp, Aroa Xulm. for caring tor the alck 1n ~ ...
Europe. 'nte shJp will be carry. stances. lust 10 did tbe .._..
Inc ~ of the 654 exdlanee lhlp superseck. the old aaiiiiiC
students of the American Field v~. the electric Ulht ~
Service studying ln thla countr)' the ker~ne lamp, the alr plaDe
this year, the balance ~tolnl to tab the place of land·rolae ..,..
South A.merlcL bJcles
The student. studylnr u a Each n~ thJn& bu to PlOW
Ienior ln Newport Harbor Hi&h Its vaJue aod advantap ewer
School, ~ tqytng In the home the olcL Tb~ who are tint to
of Co~nc1I.ma~ and l4ra. lames try a.nd accept th.e adva.ntaa-
B. Stoddard, 2928 Ocean BlvcL, are the first to benefit. Corona del Mar.
Croxell, entered the liquor store ~ ~-~=; ~~!~ ....... -. · 1~~ Include the Shapiro · Gottlieb· Kln.stather, recordln& secretary;
"""'"-·• and asked for a bottle ot whla· 611 dwelln at";;"-· -:sss Berkow1tz lltrtng Trio; Dorothy Harold Crale. oonespondJng .e<:·
key. Ch~ bent over to plck up 32 ~ ~ldp ...... 1.,372.49'7 Ledp.r, !De"ZZZeeprano; N e II a mary; and Erma Standlee, aJ.
A local student frO
school junJor clau
Europe th
the bottle oft a &hell. and u he :iS eo:mer:.a1 rep~;; 200 527 BetUn,er, pianist; Al.Jce Ehlen. ternate delegate .
... .,..n •-.. atr&.\&htened Ul) he saw the man · ba.rpdchorctl.lt; the Chapman The ret.lrln& officers are Owen beldln& a blue steel revolver. 87 cabanu ................ -.... Colle,e Ka.drlgal Slngen. and Kidman, pra.ldent; Erma Stand· ... ----.-........ -... -... . . .. ..._ __ ---...... -. . -=======-=--------.,...---~ ~
LilliS ......
CcmatructioD l,oana
I " .. TaU LOU
IU .o• I ATrLD
, ..... lltlpp c..
1515 &. Ceat Bwy .. CDII
ft. IIA 1111 JD S..Sll5
( ...... Ute ~~~~---hadlt)
HArt.. 4763
"Give me the money. no colna." 24 ra.raees ·-· ····.-;--... lectu.rs on "Paclflc Adventures" lee, vice president and alternate
he quoted the man u saying. 247 .wl lmminl poo ...... 63·~ by Dwtebt Long, photognpher delegate; DottJe George. t.reuu-
As the man waa runnlJ1g out of 4 a gns ......... .. .. -· ·· ·· 23· and traveler and "Where the rer; Lynn Worcester, recordlng
the front door. a customer, Rlch· 819 Newa Comes From·• by Leonard secretary; and Evelyn PhUlp.
ard F. Peck of Norwalk, entered. 1·~e Building Depart!'~~!· Slater. West Coaat manager of conespondlng MCreta.ry.
The customer obtained a descrlp-lect.ed a total of $19.l38 In fees N~sweek. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ t:lon of the suspect's a.salatant for buDding permlta. Other tees. t>r. Edgar Sholu.nd. acting
and their get.away car. lncludJn" c.hecklng, pla.stedng, head of the Chapman Colleee Checos fired three shots at the • mu.slc department. ls dlr~r of car, hlttlna It twice. An all-an tOe. chimney. plumbing, eleetri· the lerles. The programs will be
broadcast was put out. Hunting· cal and removal and demolish held lanuary 16 and 23, Febru·
ton Beach pollee saw a car fall permits. plus the sale of zoning ary 13, March 5 and 12 and
to make a boulevard atop at At· ordinance boOklets. broupt the April 9.
lantlc Ave. and Hwy. 39 and total Income to $37.486.85. --------
stopped the car at Flfth Ave. Flnal permits issued ln 1955,
and Magnolia St., Huntlnaton not previously recorded here,
Beach. A 32 cal. run and a roll were the following: Mnk Fulker·
of money which amounted to $70 aon. repairs at ln3 W. Balboa Blvd., Neo.vport. $400; Dean Kep· wu allegedly found In the car, hart. addition at 611 Aldean Pl.,
which wu occupied by Croxell Newport Heights. $1.000; McKln ·
Building Site
Is Damaged
OP'P'ICE: LJ'berty a.Bt RES. Ubeny 8-5011
and Evans. The two .men were ney, adldtlon at 301 Amethyst. Water from a pipe broken by a
turned. over to Newport pollee. Balboa Island. s:z,ooo. car caURd an estlmsted $250 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~=:;;;;;;======
The Dec:ember total of $l.ln.-damace at a construction job at
162 included 20 stngle·unlt dwel-2727 Ocean Blvd.. Corona del
llnp, $362,658; one 2·unlt dwel· Mar, on the blurt overlooJdng
ling. $1.9,800; one 52·unlt motel China Cove. Newport pollee re·
c ••• , ....... .
Wlfl • .., .....
Someone abot a hole through
the cloth top of a car beJng
drlven by Country Washburn of
13762 Paularlno St.. Santa Ana
(Jamaica Inn), $195.000; 36 re-ported Sunday.
pairs to dwellings, $70,993; five A ear driven by Richard l .
cabanas, 114,700; five garages. Beach of 121 Agate Ave .. Balboa
$9.300: two awtmmJng pooll. Ialand, jumped the curb at the
$8.2()0· four commerdal buDd· Ocean Blvd. address and caused
Heights. and hit his wlte behind lnp. •1484•190; three repairs to the broken pipe, pollee cbaree<L
the ear, slJghtly breaking the commercial bulldJngs. $5,1n; 'nte car abo knockrd out a bush
akin, N~ pollee reported three slans. $1,150. and hit a pOe of lumber. Lett at
last 'lbunlday. the scene was part ol a bumper
Mr. Washburn said he was h I T and a license bracket. At 3217
drlvln& 0~ Bayside Dr. near T ey re 00 o&an Blvd .. Corona del Mar. po·
Rlchardaon s Yacht Landing. at Uce found a car with a flat tire
approximately s p.m. Tuesday. Eager to Help and part of a bumper and u. Dec. 27, when the s.hootmg OC· cense bracket ml.ssinc. Mr. Beach
curred. He reported It the next said he wu trying to locate a
day. He saJd he thought the 1hot Boys too eager to aid northern tow truck and for that reason
came from on top of the hill at t1ood relief victims were blamed hadn't reported the accldent
Irvine Tenace. Officers made a tor taking a bundle of clothing earller.
periodic check during the eve-from.. the porch of Mrs. M. C. Pollee said the new construe·
ning. Hayden of 2541 Crestview Dr .• tlon at 2727 Ocean Blvd. be·
Bay Shores, last Friday. lonced to James E. McCready of
Mia. Hayden called Newport 717 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar.
pollee at 1:58 p..n\. to report the Forms and trenches were under·
bundle ltolen. She placed a $25 mined by the water and run ofl
value on the bundle, which In· dirt was at the bottom or the
eluded three sheets. t.bree pillow hlll.
slips. a wltite lhlrt dress. a navy IIOIKE JroTr Df 'tBECK
blue shlrt. and palr of Balboa C. B. McKay, marine stationed
blues. Mra. A. K. Condee of 2536 at the Corona Naval Hospital.
Crestvle'lf Dr .. aald abe saw the was Injured When his car was
"theft" committed at noon 'lburs· Involved In an accldent with a
day b)J a group of boys. 14 to 16 plck ·up truck driven by WUlJam
years. H. Harvey or ~ Vista Dr~ Bay Mrs. Hayden called pollee later Shores. at 17th St. and Coast
to report that she had checked Hwy., at 5:45 p.m. Saturday.
and found that the Boy Scouts NMVnnrt pollee reported. The In· were out collecting old clothes _ .. _ E1 for victims of the flood area up Jured marine wu taken to
north. She chedted'witb tbe Bal· Toro dispensary.
boa nre hall and found that all r============;
the clothes had already been
1e11t on thelr way, police said.
~ .......... . ...... ,., .. Elgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
312) E.rt Coerl Hi9hwey
CoroM ct.! M•r
to eodl ""'ac:covttf ol $1000 fW
--· n,;, beoutilvt ...._-wed T nrwel Ab'lll Clod! hal o lvminous _,_ ciOol ond foWl
into a COftiPOd eo.e. bmn-t for
home -office Cll well Cll .......
nH c..-LalllfiUF1U
lo~-~-$500-...-. Ope" yoow .......... OCICIWflt of $.500 cw _., Yov ~ • ha~ ..... ._._.....w
tr.. (eithef -"~'or locty'a awl-
to ooc• .. ,.. •-iltf• occo-f. o.-)'OW ...... _... .. Olf'l _. Cllftd ~ ~ • ...., "Gvvlf ,_.. ..... ...._ ........
.,.. ortidel-ttololri-. ......
~,.. .. a,.ortwNtwtow ... oi7J...._~_ .. ,....
ilo....t4t ........ ,..., ...
for ._ to Loa v..-.
Offer M ....... -..... MW MCaUIIf •
....... b , J1, 1956 ...... ...,,..~--c..-.. ....... .. ,.. ............ ~ ........ ., ................ .... &..,__c..,..'
l. ...... ,.. ....... ""--• ._.,..._!! ...................... , .................. ., ... ................ ~, ,., .. s. ,_...._. ____ ......,_, __ ,_.. ....
"-""• ..... .,. _ .... .., .......... ..... ,.,.
c. .... ..,_., ...... -.............. 1
... ...., .. _._ .. .w. ................. . c... ...... ....._ .......
..._ ____ .. .,......, lcA tijC.. ..........
.. ..,.... ..... ._..... .......... t ....... ,... ................ ,.. .......... _,
JAN. 10th
JAN. 1st
.......... -.. ....bF .. , ........ ., Y....., ...... ._ ..... wmo...-.c.ea...._
... .._ I *•I ...... le _, ....._ a. &-a T •
..... .... turMd -..... -... 11. "' 1110 ......... ................... [.Art ........ ~Ill-
Gil ..................... ._.at IDUl lt. ...... _. -ell~ a. Wboa ........... Blvd.. lf...,. ....... Ill& .... fiPCIIC*l tbe tiMft -' a .. W. L. Bakkela cl 110 lrta A...-_... ,.a.t Uld a • ,_. cl CclloDa del Mar, reportlld ..,.
....,.. fnal b1a car 1D laM .., ... lbootinl BB CUM betw,... J ...
• . • Doa ...,_,_. tJl 41501 Sea· mine Ave. and lrla Aw. 1ft tiM
.... l)r., M4'pult Jleaeb. CIOID• cullJ', with avwallboQ hltt1q
pl....., that IIOIDeOM threw a her house .•• Mn. S. M. IIeber
roeS tllrouiJl a wtDdoW 1D hla ol 216 OrcllJd Ave., Corona 4el
..._.on Cbrtlltra&l EYe. •.• Of. Mar. reported that eomeone 8bot
flcen conn.cated a ..22 rUle from three holes ln her caraee wtn·
a Newport Bel&ht. boy a.tt. he dow durlnl the put week at 408
wu tirln& lt 1D tbe upper baY Jasmine Ave ....
area near the Cutawar-Restau· e iVJn)AY. JAif. 1 .
rant and later releued It to hla Emma l . Brecken.rldee. 31. of
parent. with a warnlna . • . Mn. Garden Grove. wu taken to
Jane N. Pateraoo of 407%·38th Hoae Memorial Hospital by am·
St., Newport Beach, reported that bulance at 12:.0 a.m. after abe
.omeone shot two holes 1n her sUpped and fell on the dance
ear window . • . Marton Harvey floor at the American Leeton
ol 221 Acate Ave .. Balboa llland, Hall, Newport Beach . . . Al C.
reported that aomeone put ashes Beatty of 1.576 Ocean Blvd., Bal·
from a trash can in her car boa, reported the theft of a tire
through an unl~ windwtne from hla car . . . Two penons
whUe it was parked at the rear firing a weapon OVft' the water
of a book store abe OWM at 319 from the middle of the upper
Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand ... bay dJke, proceeded to the far
David Connell of 41!5 Irla Ave., shore when officers tried to gain
Corona del Mar, reported boys their attention from the back
1n an old model car were strew· bay road ...
lnl Chrlstmu trees In the street. e MOJfDAY. JAif. 2 e '1'11V'UJ)AY. DEC. • R. G. Ghrlest of 3601 W. Bal·
Otttcers quarantined a dl>e boa Blvd~ Newport Beach, re-
whlch bit Linda Crowlet, 2, of ported that aomeone pulled up
t68 Marearet Way, New" o r t a stop sign at the comer of 36th
Be:lghtl . . . Mrs. Jane E. Me· St. and Balboa Blvd. •.. A N ·
Elory. 1560 E. Ocean Front. Bal· port of a possible bruah fire In
boa, reported the theft of two the canyon west of Hoae Memor·
white flower pots valued at $20 tal Hospital at 7 :26 a.m. turned
and a redwood planter valued at out to be a low fog bank ..•
Zonta Honors
Miss Tunnell
Shelby Tunnell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fay W. Tunnell,
Z74 E. 15th St.. Costa Mesa, was
chosen "Zonta Girl of the Month"
for December, and received her
"Z" pin from Dr. Helen Robert·
son. president of the Zonta Club
of Newport Harbor.
Each month an outstanding
girl Is chosen to receive this
honor on the basis of leadership.
friendliness. dependablllty, char·
actet and ambition.
Shelby's activities at the New·
port Harbor Hl&h School Include
vice·P re s l dent of the Girl's
Leaeue • .ong leader for the put
two yean. and head of G.A.A.
Uniform Board.
Two Costa Mesa boya, both 1!5,
were a.rrestl!d by Newport pol..lce
on charges of lll~al boardJne of
a vessel and Jack of parental
control at 8:20 p.m. Wednesday,
Gene V. Hachez, owner of the
boat. Martha .June, moored at
Davey's Locker, Newport Beach.
chareed t hat he caueht the boys
aboard his boat as be was pre·
paring for a trip to San Pedro.
The boat had been ransacked
quite thoroughly and a .22 ritJe
had been removed trom a for-
ward compartment to a rear
hatch. The boys were released to
their mothers to appear later Ln
juvenile court.
$10 from her patio . . . Margue·
rite Webber of 756 VIa 'Lfd.o
Nord.. Udo Isle, reported all the
liquor missing from the bar In
the lanai of her h ome . . . R.
W. McClellan and Son of 151
Commercial Way, Costa Mesa.
reported $50 damage to equip·
ment parked next to the road·
way to the Orange County out·
board ramp ... Mrs. Pat Oele
of 114 Amethyst Ave.. Ba lboa
Island, reported her son's pedal
car was missing . . . Kenneth
Nichols of 305 Marine Ave .. Bal·
boa Island, reported the theft of
a pair of Ba lboa blue denim
pants from a clothes line ...
David I. Prldham of 31.20 Broad
St., Newport Heights, reported
the theft of a .22 cal. rlfle from
his car parked in the driveway
of hls home . . . Officers confls·
cated a slx·lnch fixed blade
knife from a Costa Mesa }uve·
nne boy In hls car on Onyx Ave .•
Balboa Island . . . Dan Godllol
of 314 Carnation Ave .. Corona del
Mar, reoprted seeing two boys
trytne to steal baJt from the BaJ .
boa Pavfllon dock at 10:40 p.m.;
an investigation showed the two
boys were trying to pick up dead
City ~rary Brllcla
If Enlp 1 .. 111 Do desert == bedton you 1
bait ... e P'IUDAY. DEC. 30
Pete Nlckertz of 201 Vta Or·
vieto. Lido Isle. reported that
someone took his bicycle from
the 3000 block of VIa Udo. New·
port Beach ... A car driven by
Robert Turner of 257 Magnolia
St.. Costa Mesa. knocked down
a street sign at the southeast
corner of Carnation Ave. and
Fourth Ave .. Corona del Mar . . . e SATUilDAT. DEC. 31
A car driven by Mrs. Mary
Jane Warwick of 446 Esther St ..
Costa Mesa. was towed off Coast
Hwy. at Orange St., Newport
Beach. after all four wheels
locked. causing a tratflc hazard
a t 7:45 a.m .... Mrs. Forest Neal
of 326 Evening Canyon Rd .•
Shore Cliffs, reported the theft
of a six-foot taJJ Santa Claus
from her front yard during the
night . . . A haJf.ton truck
222 II.AmJI'E AVE.
......... MDy. . ...., ............
A branch ot the Newport Beach Are you ott to the Canlbean?
city library Is now open 1n the Taking a trek aouth of the bordft'
library of the Horace Ensign to the warmer parts ot Mexico?
School, Clift Haven, to lel'Ve res!· Planning a cruise to HawaU? Or
dents of the Clltf Haven, Marl· Tahiti! Don't go wrong by being
ner's Mile and Newport Height. unprepared to enjoy yourself 1n
sections of the city. •mart comfortable clothing for
The library is open from 5 p.m. these warmer climes. AIU! don't
to 9 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday. aay that O'BRIEN'S Isn't ready
Wednesday and Thursday and to he lp by already having on
(rom 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Sat· hand a sharp new group of 1956
urday, Mrs. Dorothea Sheely, resort style5-the very nicest!
city librarian. hu announced.
During the school hours. the Jl.
brary ls staffed by Mrs. Kathryn
Saucerman, school librarian. and
Is only open to Horace Ensign
School students. Frank Hager·
m an ls the city library employee
In charee during public library
Fiction and non·flctlon books
for adult.. magazines and prl·
mary grade books for children
are provided and owned In the
city library service and all city
library rules are being enfor~.
The branch library Is on an ex·
perlmentaJ basis, Mrs. Sheely
lrs.lllrcaret lllesol
Mrs. Margaret Bateson, 76,
died Sunday at her home. 312 E.
Bay Ave., Balboa. after a length y
Ulness. Services are being held
at 1 p.m. today (Thursday) ln
Inglewood Park, wlth the Baltz
Costa Mesa Chapel In charge of
arra neements.
Mrs. Bateson was a native of
Pennsylvania and had lived In
this community for the put four
years. She wu a member of
Eastern Star, Denver. Survivors
Include her husband, WUllam
Bateson; a eon. Harry of Balboa;
a daughter, M.n. Ellen Flotten of
Los Aneeles.
.... ,.,ua ,...._ I
, ......... v .. c..
F« you lucky tnrnllen -
..,. U you'n Ja.at bobbLD9 oft
to Palm Sprillga or Leu Vega~
f« a few ctcry.. ,.. ~~aft n.
celftd tbe ......t canal n ·
IOI't ... dl'eUM lD .........
wool Jeneya aDd U.. wool •
COIDhi..Dat:lal fabrics. tM fti'Y
c:beert.ft t:DttoM' cmcS ....
pedectly ~ cocktall
gowaa--1.01' teellDg cmcS look·
lD9 you.r beft OD YCICIItioL Of
CIOUIM then Ia • ...,.. 'fW8Ioa
of tJaat penmt.lal fandte. tM
oottoG dnM witb tM OtlOD •weate• w1alcb mab ndl
w a • deNtal tranlllD9 compaa·
loa&. 0.. ndl dao COGMI8 lD
-Cldanble aautical IDOW
lldaooaa prillt.
O'BRIEN'S also have a brand
new shipment of sweaters, just
since the holidays, and believe
you me they come In the MOST
ludou.a of colors. Sweaters are
an addition to the wardrobe at
all times of day and nearly any
place you plan to go these daya
. . • and for travelling they are '
so·o·o packable. Some of the
new ones are adorably trimmed.
but of coune you wlll realize
why they are 10 beautiful when
you see they are Imported from
Italy and Auat:rta. If you•w aeeft
my slater, ManJkln Colleen 1n
tbe window with the perfectly
stunntnc coordinated sweater
and akJ.rt. you'll realize how
~1 aome of these brand new
reialrt·wear ensembles can be .
F"m.t S.lec:lioD ID the eoa.t Ana.
up to SG-/. a8
We Carry Manning'• Choice Baby BNJ ExdusiYely!
Ground Beef
Fro;en Foorl; ~-~
___ 3