HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-19 - Newport Harbor Ensign,
• caa s~ ,_ daal,...,.tp of t.M w.._•,
c-aittMI llal'ol4 IAcldy,-aubt1a9 la tM
.............. drift. ... KUo lAcy. -beedl"9
t.M MW ICerdaalatl DlYialoiL Seated left to ri9ht
an J~ T. Vaa Dyb. U.. MW prM!deat. aa4
ICza. Ncnrie Sta:Uey. (ZMip pboto)
,.. ..... " .....,, -.............. aty ................ c.a Oll.e _, ,...t'-t ....................... ·-I. c:...t ......,, c...M ... .......
...... A.~.,._ ~ L c...t ..,._,, C.... ........ Calf••
TlLIPHOMl$; ~ 1114 .-4 Ill&
AlVO l. HMPA lillhr _, hww-
n& HMPA. ....._..._ Wltet
HUGH t-tcMILLAN .._. .......,.,_
lilT L JOHNSON. A.t._..ftlllt Ou-tor
SAM t-tiTCHELl A.t...thlltt• ~~~&, lUIY STEVENSO ._.. .. ,_
SUISCltn tON RATES Loc.l ...._.,._ r.+n: ,_ ,..,_.u.oo; ... ~3.00
o..tal4e .f ft.. Hertlor AIM: r-ree,...._u.oo; -p.,--$4.00
I + + E & I i
8 •••• :• ..... ·:-. 8 • 8 • • • •: 8 •• +>:•
Whot do you think is the most important invention or d iscovery
in the world?
I suppose the nod must go to the discovery of the wheel. because
without that si mple device, our mechanical a nd industrial development
would have been impossible .
A mighty strong contender for the second most important dis·
covery is the invention of printing with movable type. becau~e print·
ing hos made it possible to strike down the borriers of ignorance a nd
to spread information and knowledge to people everywhere.
First use of movable type in printing can be troced back some
900 years. to China. but the Chinese writing was so complex that very
little progress wos mode until the modern eJe. Johann Guter.berg is
considered to be the founder of modern printing. Exactly 500 yeors
ogo. in 1-456, he is known to have printed o Bible in Germony. Father
of the American printing industry is Benjamin Franklin-stotesmon,
outhor, potriot. newspaperman. ond printer. A nd that b rings us to
the topic ot hood : Printing Week. which is being observed every·
where this week, J&n. 15-2 I. This year Printing Week is commemor-
oting the 250th onni~rsary of the birth of Ben Franklin. whom oil
school boys know for his key and kite experiment with lightning. ond
whom we in the printing business honor for his pioneering our great
Consider these omazing focts: The printing industry is the sixth
largest industry in America. It ronh third in the number of establish-
ments omong the top industries in the notion with 45.000 plants. It
ranks eighth in solories ond wages paid among the nat1on s top man·
ufacturing industries with o poyroll of over two and a holf billion dol·
lors. It ranks eighth in value added by monufacuring emong the no-
tion's top manufacturing industries 'N;th o total of olmost five billion
dollars. It ranks ninth among the top manufacturing industries in total
number of employees with more thon 780.000 worlcers employed. Here
in the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Area , the pr-inting and publishing
industry ranks among the top three or four industries in number of
employees. and size of payroll.
Printing is rnuch more than just big business. Our very liberties
ore furthered ond protected by this device of impressing words on
paper. Printing has given man easy ac:cess to the ideas of others. It
has opened the di::::-:-v~ries of others to minds capable of building
upon them. It hes spread the knowledge of liberty and freedo m, and
has made possible the development of a free press dedicated to pre
serving those liberties. ,
We ore proud to be port of this great industry of printing. and
we invite all of you to take special note of it during this observance
o f lntemetionol Printing Week. --------------------------------
* Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here *
Specials for Thurs.. Fri.. & Sat.. Jan. 19-20-21
Leg 0' Lamb, 65~
swat s PllEJOUII
Round Steak, 69f.
RumP. Roast, 69~
. -.u tCIIIOI,.iid'AUTY, I.IIU, H•MMD Co .Beef,, 59L
·~LOVE Beany IAlttered an acute and
~~ertou• Uln.... It looked for a
time u thout)s h.1l tlahlryr days
were over. But 110met1mes, the
fickle tlnrer ot fate polnts an·
other c11rectJon. K.nowtna the poa-
aibiUtles of Jut summer'• epl·
aode, 1t wu a mapltied pleasure
to ~~ee the new P.A. ptf!xy look·
lnl hale, hearty and just a -boll·
inc to continue the high atand-
ards and performance of ht. Lm·
mediate predecessor.
Good aalllng, new skipper! You
have a real Job to do, but you've
got sometblng worth working tor.
Good luck. all alon1 the line! e BAD. TilE JVJrJOU
It would ta.ke many a page to
Helipot Firm
S_peeds up Its
Moving Plans e TD YOVft caaaaa IPOitam.t.nllb, • tbat wa man ~ CoO)MWty Youth Center lew man. 11M ,..._ ta ~
'ftse lleUpot DMaloD ot Beck· apln. Why un I be&rtha doWn after pa•'•· 11M NOI!Iftl Ia ~ lnatnaJDeD.ta, lne., hu Jeued on lt1' &ecauae theN Ia nothlna. ~ will» attw•P"•I to
:L tnbullc!:r under conatnac-Ia my opinion, that ~ eatdl t1ae '-ll n... ...-a pe •
on Mesa to Mt up COO* do. to Ita lmportaDee to rtod (JJOI..OI) wbeA t1ae Neltfv·
temporAl)' opesatlou 1n advance our youth. 1 have It bolD Youtb • wu at the mercy of tbe bif
of Ita move to the Harbor Area C.nta beadqua.rten that tbere t.ackMn wbo raced c1oem the
late tbb yea.r. wtll be an open b9QN at th• fltid ttmlna their arrtftl with
D. C. Duncan, BeUpot ,-eneral clubho"•· located at the end o1 that o1 the ball The pocw IUY
man•aer. aald that certa.tn de· Itt. Ave. In Corona del Mar, from who wu p.laytq aat..ty man.
partments of the electronics firm 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, .Jan. 29. polllna with h1a -anna up, hla ~o'!!~ ... eet up pa.ttlal o~attona Everyone lntereMed In tbb pro. .,ya on the ball. wu h tt by theM
n ......,... Meea as soon u the Ject, and we a ll ahould be, la a••••ns. wh<J --. tl'&.lned to
new buJldlnp are completed at lnv1ted to be ()!fteftt, look over hit hJm hlth·Jow and ~ hJm ~1 Pla~tta Ave., eo.ta Mesa. the lay-out, '" what hu been apart, aame u a ab.ep Ia at·
e temporary quarters, which done on a ahoe atrtna by lbdf· tacked by a pair ot klll• clop.
will accommodate up to 300 em-vidual effort and contributed In one aame the coaeb had h.1l
ployes, are Just a few bloclc.a labor, see the pouJbWtles. the ~ "hana a blah .,.._.. over
from the atte nea.r Hoar Hospital ereat need for our ld~ and how the quarterback uttty man'•
where Hellpot Will erect a new euy It can be done. bead 110 u to atve the tackles
$2.000,000 plant. I could ao on and on, and times to synchronize with the
Mr. Duncan urged men and probably wU1 next week. We're ball'• arrival. Three.,...... 'Jbree
women Interested In careera in gonna have a klcb baseball aafet)' men ea.rrled ott the field.
electronics to Investigate a series leaaue thb apl'lna, and I'D let !flee pme In them d.,..
of evening school courses ached· you In on a Ma'et. I am buck:inl
uled ·to start at Orange Coast tor a Job as coach of one of the tf'IMMMMIMIM••••••
College Jan. 30. • teams. Its name wUl be "Little
potat~harsf to J)ftl." So I do CHURCn-=c-have a seltbh motive. after alL ~ e 110 BULl! CB.AJIQU
Moet llahermen who jo1n an&·
Ung clube join more than ooe.
Some of my flshlng pals belong
to a ball-dozen or so, and rm not
ra.r beblnd them. But I'll lay a
few peeos on tbe line to back my
bft!et that everyone has one club
that mean.a mcwe to him than
any ot the others. I'U not best.
t-ate to IDUe such a confession.
The patch on my fishing jacket
and the button on my salty old
lona·biUed cap alwaya waves the
aame Oag. That's tbe Oag that
says "Pacific Analera." That's
my .club. It'a QlY flnt love and
bids better than falr to remain
numero uno as long as I'm
around these parts. teU you all that went on at that ------........ -------One final Item about football:
The Coaches A.ssoclaUon Is
that the coaches auoclaUon Is
making no chan,es In the rules
this year. If\ 50 years they have
come a lon1 way from the days
of push and pull, which was a
mass of Interference crlndlng out
first downs of five yards In three
downs. The star fullback wu
one who could keep on his feet
In this rotating masa of players.
The defense against thls type of
play was to submarine, grab legs
and bring the pile down on top
of you.
It l.sn't at all odd to under-
stand the basis for my affections.
I began wlth PacltJc Anglers,
now enterln1 its seventh year.
I've watched It crow Into some-
thing better with each new presJ.
dent, until now I'm not sure
whether It's a part of me or I'm
a part of lt.
Saturda y night, at the Balboa
Bay Club, I saw the seventh
president take over the wheel. It
didn't lessen my pleasure any to
know that once I had hung on,
at times pretty grimly, to these
same spokes. There was a lot of
satisfaction In both old a nd new
captains. The one that finished
his 1955 skippershlp was one of
the greatest. That was Hal Ke-
noytf. whose popularity was as
unanimous as his love for hls
annual a war d s dinner. The
trophy committee. with Ray Dike
at the helm, h ad assembled a
really fabulous display of tro·
phles. It's a tough choice, but
we're going to cast our beauty
ballot for the big. gleamJng per·
petual trophy, won by Pacific
Anglers in the lOth Jnterclub AI ·
bacore Tournament, last July In
Avalon. As It held the pllree of
honor In the center of the dis·
play. 16 mJnlatures of Its Import-
ant sell made a glittering
wreath around lt. These went
home with the members of the
winning team, and tf you enjoy
smiles. the picture of the mem·
bers of that wtnnlng team l.s a
must tor your gallery.
The junior members carne In
for a goodly share of the spoils
of v1ctory. Trophies were awarded
to M e r 11 e e Atflerbaugh. Bill
Witherspoon and Deanna Attler·
baugh tor first. second and third
places ln the junior competition.
The new president looked mighty
pleased to see hl.s young 'uns
playing and w inning at his fa-
vorite game.
Rev. Edwin Gomke, minister
of the Corona del Mar Commu·
nlty Church. will speak Sunday
on "Onward ChrlstJan Soldier."
The junior and senior Pilgrim
Fellowship groups wll) meet at
6:30 p.m. Sunday In the church
for worship, fellowship and fun.
Davld·O'Brlan of Anaheim will
speak on "Something Positive-
A Toy" at the 11 a.m. service
Sunday of the Balboa Universa-
list Fellowship In the Newport
Beach Ebell Club, Balboa. Mr.
O'Brian will use some of hl.s
own Inventions as Ulustratlons.
The service will be led by wu.
llam Wiley. acting rnlns.ter. The
adult study croup will begin a t
10 a.m. Instead of 10:30 a...m. · as
In the pa.st, under the leadership
ship of Dr. Frank Macintyre of
Costa Mesa.
111SSI011Arr FILII
The goal of the rule-makers
has been to make all situations
Fire Losses
Total $835
Fire loaes totaled $835 tor the
month of December In the City
ot Newport Beach, Fire Chief Jan
Brl.lcoe annou.ncea.
* taper• .......... ,... ..
BoatS: t-t datly,
saac1a7 ..... p.m.
")0 Yean' &.p.rience Perledi119
SuperiO< Cleeninc; Creft~.menallip ~
C.reful Handline; of All Deli,ete
Febrie~, Seeded • la'e Gerl'llenh
Phone Herbot 5l52
Pick Up I Delivery Setvia
Open I e.m. to 5:30 p.m.
-S.turdey, I e.m. to 2:)0 p.m.-
3-416 E. Coest Hwy.; Corone del Mer
Hls retirement was approprl·
ately honored too. The club pre·
sented him with a beautltully u.
lumlnated testimonial scroll. the
words on which so pe-tectly ex·
pressed the feelings of everyone
that there were more than a few
misty eyes In the crowd. An
orchid to Martin Pollard for the
gift of being able to write and
read with his heart.
And then there was Davie
Denholm Dr., who mlssed the
boat because hJs pere had pond·
ered too long, In true Scottish
thrift. over the purchase of the
stamp with which to forward
Davie Jr.'s weight slip. This proof
ot his catch arrived too late to
qualify for the trophies, but
Davie Junior got one anyhoo.
They presented him wlth a du ·
plicate of the one they give to
the senior membeT voted the un-
luckiest angler of the season. The
latter. Incidentally, was the new
The dramatic story of a mis-
sionary's work on an Indian
reservation. "Indian American.''
will be presented at the third
session of the School of Mlsslona
at Balboa Island Community
MethodJst Church on Sunday
The lou Included $515 to dweJ.
llnp. $10 other bW.ldlnas, and
~ other than buUd.lnp. The
tires Included three dwel.linp.
one other buUdlng. four trash
tJtf!S, one auto flre and one boat ~:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;=:;=:;:::;:::;=:~
flre. Firemen al110 made five r
As a more concrete token of
esteem, retiring President Ke·
noyer was also presented a case
of beautifully matched SUaflex
rods. There was a 3-thread. a
316 a nd a light tackle wand, In
a velvet lined case with an en-
graved golden plaque. It was a
girt that befitted the recipient.
e CALL Bill "BEA.ff'r
Then the new prexy.took over. president!
The evening's activities wUI
begin with a free refreshment
period at 5:30. There will be In·
formal hymn-singing at 6. The
film wUI be shown at 6:30. .
rescues. slx service caUs and four
The fire prevention bureau
conclucted 245 ln.apectJons, lsaued
two permlta, made alx recom·
mendatlora, luued one leaal no-
tice, conducted five fire tnvestJ.
~rations. ~even fire drills In
ttehools and checked 17 eeta of
buUdlnl plans. PaJd firemen
conducted 50~ h ours of drUI and
paid call firemen 147~ hours of
Twenty-four second erade stu·
learn to Dance
The skipper of the Paciiic Ang·
lers 1956 cruise ls Merle F . Af.
flerbaugh. a ffectionately k nown
as Beany. arter hls chain o!
drive-In r estau rant s of that
na me. His Hunter cruiser, the
Schoolboy, Is known to all ang·
lers of the Southern California
coast. and the keen wit of the
man at the microphone Is en·
joyed by many who have never
seen him.
We can't end this without a
special orchid and a C.Q. buss on
both cheeks for the top P.A. lady.
Ruth De Lamar practJcally stole
the show. not to mention enough
trophies to overload the cockpit
of the "Lady Lamar.'.' She was
a charming winner. And all
power to the person who cal led
for a big hand for the forgotten
her~BUl De Lamar, Ruth's hus·
band. He was the guy who ran
Recelv1ng Christian baptlmt
Sunday at the Balboa Island
Community Methodist Church
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Smith and their children. Rand!
and Todd. 413 Sierra Vista, Costa
Mesa; and Miss Gretchen Broer·
lng, 120 Amethyst Ave., Balboa
Island. dents visited the fire atatlon. In· ~===========~ service companies called at 1.453 r
Last summer. while trying to
get his marlin off San Diego, the boat.
CIIJUS1'IAJ( SCJEIICE CBV.c:B homes, found 857 residents at
In the Less o n . S e r m o n on home where they conducted ln-
"Truth" at the Newport Beach spectlon.a and l.aued phone tabs.
Chrlstlan Science church Sunday. A total of 91 pbone t•b.s were b ·
the Apostle James exhorta all to sued by flre Inspectors.
be "doers of the word. and not
hearers only, decelv1nr your own TOUJfQ ao• TO IOET
Lorgest end Most Complete
Fumitu"' Store in the AM!Io.
C.ll for frM
liberty .. 5511
Bnuse ... Gar~eu
Furnishings for homes,
dubs. yachts.
3017 W. Co•st Higl.wey
N-port Beech
St. James Members Discuss
Plans to Enlarge Church
Plans for the enlargement of N e w p o r t Harbor Council of
St. James church buUdlng dur· Churches.
selves." and he atflrms. "Wboto The Newport Harbor Young
looketb Into the perfect law of Republicans wUI meet at 8 p.m.
Uberty. ind contlnueth therein. today (Thursday> Jn Kennedy's
he beln1 not a forgetful hearer. Restaurant. 401 E. 17th St., Costa
but a doer of the work. tbU man Mesa. HeadUnlng the aeenda
ahall be blessed In bb deed." will be action on resoluUons to
(James 1:22.25>. The Golden Text be taken to the Youne ~publl
from Psalms (86:15) declares, can ltate convention.
"Thou, 0 Lord, art a God full of --,=:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;====~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= corqpasalon, and gracious. lon1·
-.dferlni. and plenteous In
mercy and truth.'' Jng the com ing year were dl.s· At the Vestry meeting which
cussed at the annual dinner and followed the annual meetln1.
meeting last Thursday evening Willi s KU trick R bb• t T I k In the Parish Hall. Dinner was am . pa . wu ap· a I 0 a pointed ~nlor warden by the
served to a hundred members o! Rev. John H. Parke. Elected by $5 8
the parish by St. Margaret's members of the Vestry were the at anquet
Guild of Costa Mesa. following oftkers: .Jo.eph L Car· The foUowlng were elected to ver, Junior Warden; H. Payne &bbl Ernest R. Trattner wtll
the Vestry t~ a term of three Thayer, Clerk; Herbert M. Hoi· be the speaker at the P'tve Dollar
years: the Rev. John H. Parke, ker, treasurer. Banquet, which Will be held at
Herbert M. Holker, Joseph L Christ Church by the Sea Jn New·
Carver, H. Payne Thayer. Retlr· I .. • A....LI port at 7 p.m. Wednelday, Jan. 25.
Inc from the Vestry were the . 1 II• ,._ 'nle speaker ha.a been rabbi of
Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, Robert 1 the Westwood Temple of I.a.
H. Berkley. Wllllam J. Ma.rbak" 11111 II u... IIJ Angeles since 1948. He befan hla
and Danlel M. Pattbon. mJ.n1stry ln S-an Diego in tm,
Elected aa delegates to the A 50 .... a1Jon drum of adc2, ap· and alnce hu led congreratlon.a
Dlociesan ConvenUon were J. • In Loe Angeles, New York and · parently used for aii'Vice amoke Beverl HUt H Donald Ferguson. J. E. Pinkham, bombs. .u.rted bumlnt In the Y a. e hu been . a Wtlllam S. K.Upatrtck.. T . Hord aummer speaker at Chrl.at Churdl
Seeley. Alternate. are Dr. Henry ~per bay area at f :t:t p .m. Sat · by the Sea In put ~an.
Riedel. Norman Wakeman, John day, Newport poUee reported. 'nle WSCS Ia arranat.n1 th ..
T. St~n. H. A. (Jerry) BalL Roy Greenleaf al. ma 1• E. annual clbm«. The Ueket aalee
Aa delegate. to the Lona Beach Mesa Dr., Santa Ana Belahta. committee la -.atn hH.ded by __ ... _ ._,,_ teleprum.d poU. to report a .... _ --·-... _ b Beach ConvQIII.:&LIUn. the .. __,...,.. la.rp cloud ol dark amob -.It· -...-.._._ ..,.,_.ancl, wbo u ~~ ~er~= ~and~ t1q from the badl bay area =.:e th~~c:' ~
Rlu-, w~ L Splcet ud =t =--~=.= =.ttee ~'l,~ the a.v.:: ~ ~ =: Palttbon aad to tbe &e-. JDUD4 tbe clrum OD 1181'014 GIML ' 8au.
lira. WlD T .-on .._. lta aJ4e aPDIG:Idmateb' 2~·mn.
eJected ~ to u.e • u.. ~ .,... drum wu AIIW&Wi an_. .
House Slides,
But not Here
about 25 feet ...., 0.. the A -., ..._.. LlleM. ,.. tiGrn
JOaAL Tbe drUID .... ftllJed to to Mr ..... lin. ~ AMNwll
....... of ....... and left ol .,. .. J.-PL. (31 ......
to bum lt..u -aiDce liMN In ~···idal ... RaJ db WU DO fin~ • ...........,, JU. f.
U.li,l'! d&
,11 11 .. 'r I••• TBis~, BtiWoyettoh ~ome ... ~~n: 31 ... _ rti--i••i'"'~""~l·.--------..~ ... ... ,.. ~c.,.~ o M88 1 Mesa MISSIOn Wlb ,..c~e c•r~ Seout Troop TIUIITII
tM tD~Jowtq· INIIa TIJ -~ ~ 111oJ wt11 meet with the C1aNDce lkCoy wu "elected to Ko. 41, Newport Belpta, Is work· Pll+a•n ... .,..ucatteoe 1&11 .-II: oonpqatlon o1 the Epa.copal MrW u dertlior u.. meettq. tq oo tJwtr Jloller Ska.tine -•
lolllrt J...., (tub~ to ap .. M.IMIOD ot eo.ta Meea at 7 p.m. ~ u deJeaa.ta to tM Dlo-badPt and Ohe P'rlday attanoon ~·0 TD'SD) ~ ~~·x~ TIH!Ied&.y, Jan. 31, at the Pa:rtab ~ C'4ftvendoft. •bleb wUJ aft« *-tin., they had a pot· ~~~~
Cb ..__~on..-Hall of St. Jt.mea Epllcopal convene WedMeday Jan. ~ ludic c1.t.nner at tbe Scout Houae. •• ~ r • s• •l'li' Harwtm._-... _...merce. Church. Newport. St. J.fateatet'a .,... Mn.. C1.arence Me<;oy del• Tbe airb planned the menu, and A New Coi\oept 1n ~nal
CoroOrpha ~oe::;. ~Poppy ~~: GulJd wtU arranp for retrelb· pte, and 1o1m Tulle, alt~ate. alter eatJne they pre • en ted bc1Jo. Ear Phone and Carry.
na tor h tx, ~e:8dta menta foUowtna the meettne. Eleeted u delqatat to the Lone drama aldta tor each other u lne CUe Optlon.al, ExtrL :-a~ rea~ o:_ · Theee announcementa were BMdl eonYOeadon were Robert part ot thetr 2nd c1au badce II VJS.IIIWI ca. wuu.m Bl d, eervice ataUon made at the ttrst annual meet· Petty, Ala K~n. W lllla m work. • • • .U '"' ... _ t 3839 w c!!'.t 8 _ Newport. t.ne ot the MlaalQn, held Jan. 5 P'tlber, Kts. John Donnelly and _,
• Thomu · LuMn. i~., the New· ln St. 'una Pa:rtab Hall 'nl.e wra. Henry Seeley. Second pade Brownie Troop t• a.bcw ~ c.o.t. Ke~~C~
,...... plant of ... _ San!•·--Laun· m.eetinC opened wt~ a prayer by Beporta were made by Dr. No. 47, Newport HelKJlta. made ~~~~~=;;;:;;;~~='!!!! r-• uae ... .,I t the Rev. WMley A. Raverma.le, Lance Yarwood. treUUrft'· Mrs beada of macaronl for the chU·
dry " Dry Clnn1nJ Co., nc., a dean of the Lone Beadl Convo-Theodore lohn.lon. for the' cler~ dreo ln the ba.pltal at Chr15tmu II .. JI 11~ ~· =c:.~·ew owner ot catlon, and rector of the Church Mr. lolmeon; the Jt.ev. Robert A. time. The bea.cSs wece clven to IKALL Clri"S
,..,.. ..... .....
Mylnt ... .... b...,.. .... , ....
--Bou.ae 660t w Cout of the a-~ Santa Ana. Mrs. Grleaer Sr., vicar pro-tem. on St. Andrewa Presbyterian Church I"UI'DiiiUI:W4 the n...,. ' · the mllalon•s I'J'OWth and pro· and from there were taken to the & COLL&CTOn I1'EIII
Bwy., Newport. d N d ere-; Mrs. Johnaon, tor St. Mar-TB Ward at the Ora.nee County From Belelum, Bolland.
ucara& D&ADLDI& Sov e ame ea.ret'a Gulld· MJ'& Joseph Rlges, Hospital. At a recent meetinc. Sweden. Germany, Italy
Satwday, Feb. 4, t. the dead· Women'• awdlla.ry of St. l ames one ot the mother8-Mra. WI&· " Enelaod.
line tor applytne tor ,_. auto A c h • Church. Mn John Teagle chair· cl.na, ahowed the . &lrb a very A.rabe11que lewelry
Ucenae plates, the Department of $ a1rman man of the ."Ghoat" Sllv~ Tea · lnterest.J.na colleetlon of dolls from Toledo Spain
Mot« VebJcla rem!nda ua. AP· Mn. Henry Seeley, Altar Guild; tram Japan. p~wru-:-~ :"~a.~~attt of Red Cross Georee DeBoulhae. bulldlne com· Second gr;d; ~~e Troop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:t;~,:are~~poat!:m:a:r~:ed:bd:ore:~mJ~d· ~~~u!:!;; =::eko~~~~~: No. 18. Newport Heights. re· nteht Feb. 4. Ca.rroll M. Sovde Sr. of 122 let", publlclty; H. R. Hendrie, celved BrownJe Rand Books for
SappbJre Ave., Balboa Island, bead 'U.Iher, and Robert ~tty. Cbrlstmu ao they have been ~::::::::::::::::~~~~~;;~~~~;;;~====== wu elected c:halrman of the supedntendent of the Church reading them a.nd ma.klng plana -w..w Tlw•alar-Sedea Plu•.ta
flf'l Jf. BI'OCIIIwar.Saata AIMII
Newport-Costa Mesa branch of School for the year. They are making COLORADO-~~!~UDA-Amertcan Red Cross at a lunch· Mrs.. Donnelly announced that acrapbooU to keep theJr material .,._.,_ •
eon meetine of directors last a Mlalon Cherub Choir will be ln. Their recent meetings have • •• ... liSE PI•&•£ Thursday In the Harbor House. organlzed to February. lncludtne been apent learnlog to thread ~.JUIU
eo.ta Mesa. cbJldren trom first through fourth needles and Ue knots ln the ends Allla ._.tihl c:o..tn= 8TAK JCJl)Cd.ET •• ........_
Mr. Sovde Ia a.atstant cashier grades of thread. They also discussed The maJor cltJ~ftoyal Gorge, Garden of the Gods. Grand
In the United States Natlonal ~ Havermale announced for their nature study the kind Mesa. Black Canyon. Throuch the Sao Juan Mountalna: Mll·
Bank In Costa Mesa. the reappointment by Bishop of Chrl.stmu tree each girl bad. lion Dollar Hlahwa.y,/bost towns. Ophir. Rico. Cripple Crftk
Plana were dl.scussed by the Bloy of Mr. Donnelly as warden and VIctor. Ouray an Du.raneo on the now defunct old nar·
directors for the annual fund Cor lftiU>.. Unanimously re ·elected row ea uge rallroad, the famous "Galloping Goose'' ... Prices:
I f h b h d t start ·'""" A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn $.60 • .90. 1.25, 1.50.
dr ve o t e rane ue o · were Theodore Johnson as clerk brinqs immediate results! U,ll IEW.PORJ ... SCHOOL K
:?!· 111. .. March 1. A fund drlv:e cha irman and Dr. Yarwood u treasurer. Harbor II 14-1 115 and orove it! -• a. has not yet been selected.
....... $7.tl
Will never c.rack, p .. l or discolor
Attrective Mother-of-Puri Colort
Covering Highed Quality
Chrome Plated Bran Hinges
C. K. Priest. vtce-chalrman,
presided at the meeting. Mr.
Priest bad been serving as acting
chairman. It was announced that
the Red Cross Bloodmobtle will
be at the American Legion HaJJ,
Newport Beach, on March 2.
Twenty.flve members of the
board of directors a ttended the
& Deallaa Ill Rtsc•s
• lelcll D1ri11 '66
There were 191 rescues and
rtve deaths on the local beaches
durlne 1955. according t(\ the
year~nd report submitted by
Ute Guard Capt. Jack Jones.
The death.s Included two by
drowning. two coronaries, one
There w~e 132 emes-gency
calls; eight ambulance cases, slx
resusdt&tlon cues; nine Inhala-
tor cues. Lost children found
and returned totaled 214. There
were 466 minor tim ald cues.
~ majnr tlrst aid cases. •A BOVIEJIOLD DEPAnKEWT ITOU""
•• C..t bra * Jl.cabor 232
Total ruard days for the year
were 2.863 7/8.
Corona del Mar. California
Statement of Condition
Cull oq Han4 and l.n Banka --$ 596,70.00 u. s. Govemment s.curitles -2,812,823.30
lfu:n.Sdpal llollda -370,430.33
LoaDa and Dl8eounta -1..aa.747.01
J'Umltur'e. ~ • Equlpt. _ 34.571.03
<:>tb« A.-3.381.T1 •
Capital Stock (Common) ..
Surplus ................... -··--·---
Undlvtded Profits ... -.. ----
BeterVes --.. ---··-·-·-·---
Unearned Interest ·-·---
DepOSits· <'ommerctat .... $\.am~
Savlnp -·--·---UOO.: 00 ~b~c ~r:t.-:: ~m:7t U8\M9~
Other LlabWtJes 1,900.10
• UOO,a58.34
1.-T. Vu D7b. PI •S4ent
B. I. a.trtdr. ,..... .... D. ........ Al1tt ,...... DeDft!e Ca~ Aa't CUbilr
,... Qralluli. ......., ~
ft3t PI ....... , & ~ Jlc&ln...,. JlraciM J'IDdl
Waltw lf.tlloa, 0..1. o..-. -I. ..,..._ ..... D.-· ... ...,.......,
Announcing Plytnouth's $150,000
Lucky Motor Number Sweatpstakes
CASH plus $5,000 cash
2rd prizre-$5,000
4th prizre-$2..500
5th ,.U.-$1 ,000
50 ,_. ., $500
75 prizM of $2.50
100 ,..a-of $100
555 ,m. of $SO
total of $150,000
World's easiest contest-just go to any Plymouth ...
and register the 110tor aunaber of your 1950 or newer IIIOdel c.-
(any Dllke)e Tbat's ~e Nothing to bay or guess or solve.
It'• our ebaDce to celurac. ou
record-break:ia« •&v ad to JUb .,_
more frienda. lt'erow d.aDce 110 wia.,
_, $50,000 iD c.b-a ~ -~
~world trip for two. pi• ~000-•
•1 oae of 78S CICII. hfc _. ......
ADd it's eo -r to wia: Toa ..ely
lari.Da proof of~~-.,~ 1950
• aewer JDCMW car-to •1 Pl7..,...
cleeler, ad copy yoar ~ .....
oato the FI\IZ atry Wuk. See ......
T'bu'a all there ia 110 it I T'bere • • Do
eotre or dtywae. (Sare, we bop. yoe'l
look .,... 1M DeW ;..... Plyaoada •••
ldgelt cu of .... low-price ...,.. •••
_, low-price f»6 willa P1.11-Baaoa
Dri~. ADd we hope you'D uit aboc
Plymouth'• red-bot de.J..)
Doa 't _..dUe~ at $50,000 «
daat "Yriria1 world trip for two. DUTY
iD to yow ....... DOW. You mar ba ...
a 1-*z motor allllaber I
$ ......... .,.. JaftMrY 17-
hurry ift ............ . -
Ato...,.ca.ty'a ·
LMclt .. H.-. Le..rtnt
.. atftutfM
UP TO S I 0,000
AJI Ac:c:ounh Opened
On or Before
The I Oth of the Month
Earn FTom the ht.
m OcN• Ave ....
....... HJ4.11JI
Standard S h a d e Clotlu
and Custom SpeclalUes
• Drapery Ji a r d w a r e
• Venetl&ll BUnda.
CORAL Beauty Salon
"Special of the Monlla"
$2000 ........... $11"' * For Appoiatment--HArbor 1876 *
HAZR PIRIEISOI 3722 &~ •:A-:~
Meet him next
Monday night e ••
Starrintl lARRY IULLIVAN 01 ..a.
vision'• _,., colorful ,... of rrry,.ry 1ft ...._
half-hour acMntun• froM the worlcl'a newa.frot&
FiUed with drama ... lnlri.-.•• action ..• ..,.,....,
DANGIR ..... COMtaftt COMpanion
SICRICY 11 INa way of life
THI WORLD 11 hie AeW fl ope• all•
·~ ... ~ . .. .. -......_
Margaret L. Scharle
Teacher of Piano
Organtn · Accompanlat
Evening Classes
for Adults
Corona del Mar
. N O W ... TWO
Serving the Harbor Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42 3520 E. Coast H ighway
Corona del Mar
Baltz M ortuary
Liberty 8·2121
17h It Superior, Costa Mesa
Mll't •• IOO •• Ilia ••
.. fallen angel! ..
, ............
•••• "111111 •••lh" ....
Telepla•e ~ 17G TODATI
1117 E. Coat .... ..,.
Lig~~!!!eir I if~ with FQitk l/ A
15th St.lr St. An~ Rd.. a.dlt. &Z:'i~CoetaU.. ._.Alia A.._ at Napc:.-S.
-fNIIl11141ta ldaoel .......... e. er.lc.---e-ta. ,.. ...... LJbedy l ·l7'71 s ._ -· . -eua=• Jlalrto«: a... J«~~~~• I. Stewart ~tnday School: 9:30 un. Wor· Sunday Services·
SUNDAY: Morning wonhJp. 9:30 = 10~~m. and evanceiUt 9:45 a.m. Su~day School; 11 and 11 a.m.; Churdl School, an ce, · P~ Young People ::un. WOdhlp Services· 6:30
9:38 and 11:00· 1r HI-St d Chll8 dren 1 Skviee, 6:30 P~ Baptist Ttalnlng bmon; HI-' · .-· p.m. un. KJd.week Service· 7 . ., p.m.. EvenJng Service .~ and ~Uege are Pellow-Wedne.day, 7:30 p.m. Ladles; Wedn~ay: 7:30 p.m., Prayer:
aMps, 7 p.m., Tburaday, Praya-, Mlulonary Coundl, T!n.&nda,:v-PralM a.nd Bible Study Mon
nudy croup, 9:30a.m. 9:30a.m. for aU day. day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Cho~
COIOIVJfl'n' IIETBODJIT ao w. lttll at-eo.ta .....
LIIMny f.G5t
Jln, J ..... W.KciMM Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School: 9:30 and 11:00
a.m. Mor~ Wonhlp-7 p.m.
College ~ llYF Service -7 p.m. HJgb School KYV Setvtoe·
8 p.m ., young adult. p-oup
110! CWGIICII or Ciilllll"''
1050 Q...,. lt.. c.... ....
D. G. Bant. llla.&aW
Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. momlng wor-
ship; 7:30p.m. nenJng service.
Midweek aervtce, 7 :30 p.m.
Odd hllowa IAdfia.
1 ...... t .....
Ooallt .. ....
Ubedy a-5711
Tea--... }L. lli~~Utew
Sunday Sen1ces: 9:~ a.rn. Bible
atudy; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv.
lee; 7:30 p.m. nenlng aervtce.
Coaulaaalty ~
Balboa 81Yd. at 1M lt.. a.-port
BAI'bew sal
Jf_....t amt. at ... lt.. Jf .......... ..
LJbel1y a.1SU Ew.D ......... ..._,
Saturdq Momtnr s.vsc.· ~
bath School: 9:30 a.m. _:. Ser·
mon: 11:00 a.m. Pra:r• meet.. lng: Wedne.day, 8;00 p.m.
caoaca ., -•MAllER 1-A dl t 1t.. c.te .._ ....... .... cu...,.,..., __
Uberty a.7lll
Sunday !Jenoices: Soodq School.
9:30 a.m. Komt.nc Worahtp at 10:30 a.m. Evangell.tle Sev·
lee, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S..
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting.
7:30 p.m. Wedne.c:tay .
p r a ett e •; 8:30 p.m. Men'a
Prayer Meettna.
"" w ...... 819d.. •....-n ~Ill· p.._~..,,,_._ .,... .....
Sunday Musea: 8:00 and 10:00
and u~ao a.m. Confession: Sat·
urdaya and eva. of lit Frld.a:v-
and Holy Da~ from 4:00 to
5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. DallY Maa 8:00 a.m. P'lnt
Friday: 6:30 a.m. aJHI 6:00 p.m. Novena (~al Help):
TUe.c:tay, 7:~ p.m. rt.bermen'•
J4ua. July a.nd A\l&Uit. Sunday
PDST CBUaca OP CIIJIIiT Dell Chbt ••
ICUJifllf 515 w ...... -..s.. 8cdboe
UD~VIe~.....-t ..... -Mil Act1ll.r Mlel"'-1 wuu-wu.r
Sunday School: 9:1.5 a.m., sun· Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morn·
day S • r v 1 e e : 11:00 a.m. lnc wonhJp, u :00 a.m. Wednesday~ Meeting· -8:00. R.ndtnc Jlooni. 33l5 VIa IT. JAXU Efti(X)PAL Udo. l'ewport Beach. open' 10 _. Yla Llde. • ..,..... leada
a.m.-5 p.m. ... dA,)'II. 10 a.m. IIA.tt.. '* 7:~ p.m. W.e.daya, 7·9 p,u;. .... J ... & ...........
Friday even Inn. Sunday aervtca: ~:00 a.m.' HolY Communion; 10 a .m. FamUy
r-----===::.:.::::::.::..----hstor. .... lloy A. Cclr1eoa Sunday Wo111hlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.
CIIJIIi'f LV'I'IIDAir cauaca
(~~) Awr':-11:: 1faD.
Sernee wltb the Cherub and 1unlot Cboka; 11 a.rn., wo111hJp aervtee. Thursday S e r v 1 e e a :
9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30
Holy Communion.
Ha.rbor Blvd. at Gisler
Wilbur C. Wagner, D.C.
Phyaleal Therapy
Colon Therapy
314 Ocean Ave., La£llna omee: ,Hyatt 4·2398 a..: Hyatt..-.
Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid-
week Meet:Jng: 7:00p.m. Wed-
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m.
IT. JOACBDI CIIU'aCB liM Orcm9l ..... Coni ....
Llbwty 1-1·1 PatMr ,._._ J. Jf..ta I day K-at 7, L L 10 Dd
U:30 a.m. Weekd.aye: llul at
7:00a.m.-Confe.Jon: Saba·
da.'-'l born 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to
:30 p.m.
Pmn UJ'T18T cauw or M&WIOWf
............ l ... &c..tltll.. ........
IIA.t.. 1551 la.tr .....
...... ....... G.Jelln ••
Sun_,. .. n.: •• a.m., San· day School; 11:00 &.m.t Wot· lhrp Servke: 7:30p.m. s..D41Q .watq ~erYlee: Mld-Weelr
Serriclt: 7:30 p.m. w~
PrQW Meetifta.
.......... Letlaar .,....,
Sunday Service.: Worship Setv·
lee 9 a.m. SUnday School at
10:15 a.m.
....~ .... .......
Sunday Servleea: 1:30 a. m. auum Scllool.i ,..~.and 11:100 a.m. WonbJp MrYJCe.
114 KadM Aft.. ~ lalaled
p .... ~.., ...... p.... ?em ...
Sunday IIU 11: 7:00 a.m. A 9:00
a.m. Contaaon: Sa turd~ and
eva of .lJit Frida:v-and Holy DQ8; 7:10 to 8 :30 p.m.; J'lnt
Fridq ..... 8 a.m. SumiiMr
M--. Jut)' aad Aac.-thuldq lla.& •
Mrs. Briggs
Is ~ew Head
of Auxiliary
Put J)NIIIdent. Kt1. Clayton
'Jbompeon. iM&aJJed ..... lot.t
lrtCP ol Cola »-u sw-1·
Mftt ol tbe 41Mr1c&n IAIIon
Awd.llary UaJt at at a ~n1 ot the AUld.lJcy belct JMt WMk
at the Amertcan Leclan Hall In
wllfa 1"1 • Hewport.
January 1t 18 Mrs. llrtap replac. lin. Al·
Newport Harbor bert Leutwylft', who 1'8tl'1\ed u . president. Other new omce.n In·
Ob thta hotte·powft'ed a1e! elude Mrs. Tom MJlt.. f1nt vfee. ~ dettt.h and taxes. car u. pre.ldent. Mrs. Pred Joyner, Jee· cetU~S lhoyld be added to our ond vice preeident, and Mrs. Gil·
lllt o1 lnevttabl•' . . . Brieh1 bert ~1. tecretary-treuurer.
..,ot on our January 1956 llcen.ee A ~aJ meet1n1 will be held
plate horizon 11 our Bank of at the nm rneetJne ot the croup America. acroa the m-eet . . . at 8 p.m. Monday at the Leflon
110Uct, at au n e h and true . . . ball. Mrs. Robert Brtep at·
where for the mere puslng at a tended the American Lerfon
few buclta over the counter, any Dlst:rlct meettne held In Hemet.
ol us can obtain our new income aocompanylne Comma n d e r
tax exemption. for '57 . . . No-Frank Moore Jr. of the American
ttee 1 aatd "ff!W budtl" . . . no Lerfon P-291.
checlta pleue ... 10·3 Monday
thru Tbunday, 10·6 Friday ...
No, you do not need to have an
aceount at the Bank of America
. . . Anytime thru February 5,
add "plclt up 1956 lleenae plates
at Bank of America" to your
ahopptne lllt aa another' one of
the thlnga you can do In our
Lido Shops at the entrance to
Lido Isle . . . Sure you can add
It alter February 5 It you want
to, but you won't like It!
* * *
A1eo ........ --· ADd • ....., ..... &ft to ou
........... tile ........
()peM today (Tbtll'8dq ..
IIIIa) ••• llc:CaU aD4 ht*·
ldr ......... • • • bolta aD4
bolla ... bolta of becaatm
t•4cl9a· .sa cdl tM .-..
cllale Mttw· t. ,. witll ·-... .,...... • ..u.t CI'Op •••
SbMtl. pWow I I I I ad batla
tDwela too • • • ADd claOdrea'•
CIDd ....... c:lota.. 1IP to ..
Open House at
New Library
An open house at the Hora~
EnaiiJl School branch public 11 ·
brary will be held from 3 to 5
p.m. on Monday, City Librarian
Dorothea Sheely announces.
Tbe achool board and library
boeJ'd and Superintendent Roy
Andenen will be the hoata and
Mayor Dora Bill has been In·
vited aa an honored guest. Re·
fresbments will be served by the
PTA Council.
Tbe branch library of the City
of Newport Beach Ia located 1n
the achool library. It ls open to
the public from 5 to 9 p.m. Mon·
day through Thursday, closed
Frfday a.nd open from 9 a.m.
until 1 p.m . Saturday. Frank
Haeennan Is In charee u a
member of the c1ty ltbrary staff.
• • • of StM:ial nOie •• 'K
Don't t.eel 1«r1 for them c::rit· and ..... CIGAy were at one
ten lee41nc a doe'• ute-8lll t.abM tiM otber ftW\ln~d we
Toblaa' mJ.n1.ature poodle fran· ...., .. thla mLWo.n dollar .,.
c:a1a bu an EDIIl'E co.t. no ...... tioa 0( toMIII~hen THJ:Y
1-1 aaq lw 111 I.Dd we &ani 1'().
• • • ~ wu a BALL!!! Our
A note from the Hal Whl-outlltaDdlnl New Year'a Eve
nonnally af Acada Aw .. CorolLa 'celeb' wu Marloll Brando (wtth
del Mar, tella af all the exdte.-JUt& llcftno).
ment at the delert re1101t WIMfe "It'• fun htn on the desert,
Hal Ia entertaln1nc. Hal wrttet: bu1 we ..u. the aan1 and our
'1Sadt tot the winter •uon at home lb a>M. We'U ~ home ln
the Palm Sprlnp &ancll Club. the sprlnJ-but In the mean·
We'w been pleuantly .urpriMd t1rDe the ENSIGN keeps us 'In
by the 'moM' we have been touch'" pl~ytn• tor each nlJht. Ral'e one o1 thoae aprlehtly
We ret our abare of celebrl· m~clarw at the Caplatrano
d• In thla celebrity packed vtl· BeUbcor.nbel"a Club in th
lal•· Frank Sinatra, PhU Barril mertlme. e awn-
Concerts Set
For Jan. 28
• . .
Mrs. Ed,.,. Gardiner of 127
Pearl Ave., Balboa ~aland, wu
called back .ut to Sanda Point,
Lone &land. due to the death ol
ber father. Mra. Gardiner, who
worka at Roberta Jewelers on the
Plans for the concerts for Ialand. wu formeTiy with the
youne people to be given th1a ballet ot the Metropolitan opera
month by the Orange County in New York. She also appean•d
PhUbarmonlc Orchestra were In the muaical "Gingham Glrl."
dJscuased at two breakfast me-et-Her buaband. who also fle\V back
lnp held last week at the Bal-eut to be with bla wife ~rnd her
boa Bay Club. famUy, 11 a former Orpheum clr·
Tbe concerts, fncludJng selec· cult entertainer.
tJons from Bandel, Schubert and • • •
ProkotJeff, will be given at 10:30 The Heber Fowlers of Costa
a.m . Saturday, Jan. 28, at Or· Mesa are oU trallerlng again. I'd
ante Coast College Audltorlum. like to hitch a caboose to their
and at 3 p.m. the same day at house on wheels when they take
Fullerton HJgh School. They will off midst the foe In the direction
be played by the professional of the dewrt thll time 'o year.
orchestra that etves the regular • • • Orange Co u n t y Philharmonic Blanche and Lout. Gates aay Con~rts. conducted by Frieda their dauehter, the former Ginny
Bel1nfante, and the music will Gates, 11 boning up on Guam on
be explained to the young account of that Is the new sta.
people and children. all of tlon which hn h us band Is
whom are Invited to come to the alerted for. They won't know for t~ concert. a few days It lt'a true, but If It ls
12 •••
Organization plans for a voup Ginny wUl be able to follow her
to sponsor future concerts for husband to the Island. Thl.s
young people were discussed at m&kes them mighty happy be·
a breakfast Friday morning to cause It cancels the "no·wlves·l
which all those Interested ln allowed" Labrador call that he
Young Peop.le's Concerts were I wa.s expectlne. Presently Ginny's
Invited. Mrs. F. G. Ferrey or husband ha.s been In rt'S('ue work I * * * 2 d s h Santa Ana. a member of the up at Hamilton IFeld. Maybe on
Rod and Dorothy Barrows are n ymp ony board of directors of the Phil· Guam Ginny will meet up with
not new names to those who h annorfic Society. presided over other former Balboa Islanders.
have llved In these pa.rta atn~ the breakfast meeting. the George Manak.s. who have
the late 30'1 ... Rod operated 8 a II Feb 3 Special I guests were Mayor been over there for more than
the Fitzpatrick Department Store • Dora Hill of Newport. Dr. Basil a year now. The Raloh Mtrhel-
on the ~an front tn partner· PetentOn of Orange Coast Col· 80ns are keeping the Balboa
ahlp with his uncle, the late A. A huee heart filled with a l~e and Dean Fay Harbison : Island home fires burning tor
E. Fitzpatrick from 193'7·1943 thousand smaller surprise 1Ift and a e:roup of music students ' the Manaks .
. . . In 1939 he opened h11 own hearts 11 belnJ deiiiJled by fa · at Newport Harbor Union High ,-:::;:=================·
Banowa Department Store In moua ~ parade tloat destener School. M ts. &llnfante described
Coeta Mesa, which wb managed Lew11 Stanley for the second an· the program for the first Chll· Elgin & Homilton
Wotches by wtfe Dorothy ... The one we nual Symphony Ball to be held dren'a concert.
all know now u Rl!lnert'a . . . Friday, Feb. 3, at the Balboa Bay At the breakfast meeting held
HI Jack and Peg~)' ... You've Club. Hea.rte and tlowera wUI be Jan. 4 for "Friends of the Phil·
got a nice store too .•• You see u.sec1 to augment the eay Valen· harmonic," Mrs. Morris Slack of
Rod and Dorothy IIOld out ln tine theme of the formal dlnnn FUllerton, explained the plans
19t9 and retired to Northern dance and coc:kta11 party. for chlldren's concerts and said
Calllomla aaJd 10 aCftll and the Proceeds from the event will that a separate auxWary would ' Wallace Calderhead
ra.latlltr o1 pure bNd bHf cattle benefit the Oranee County PhU · be formed to make arr::.,ge-~
... Now they'~ back! Once that hannonJc Society, ~rs of the ments and nnance th~ con·
ole Newport Harbor eem In yore county's own proteutonal sym-Cft1& Mrs. John Nett and Mrs.
blood. yo all caln't shake It phony orcbeat:ra. Mrs. ~ Bos· Barbara MacNellledge. both of
Coro.,. del M•• loose! Ahoy! well ol Bay Shores and Mrs. Newport Heights. are co-chalr·l * * * Maxwell Sturees ot Udo will be men for the Harbor Area. co-chalrmen ot the ball, assist· Fiillillliiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;i;ii;;ii;.;;i;;;;i;~::;..==~~~========~
--* '-•Y oo~l lklclc ing Mrs. A.1lJoed Payne Jr. of
to •Y Cu a..._l ht I dala"t Emerald Bay, wbo la over-all
waat to coeltl I c~oa•t .,... chalrman of the party.
waat to lbopl le I pklr a p tbe All guests wUJ be Invited to
w.pll•a ....... ~ 1121 attend the coclrtall party preced·
Clad .ar *lEdGe ... •EddJe... lng the formal dinner dance.
ru ...,. ""W'Mt'a CIOOidD9 1a
tllle Dellc•t••••• t:ockyr" '"CDIIIed ...... Cllbll•t• •••
... ..-y ...... de yoa
Chairmen tor this event will be
Mrs. Roy Maypole and Mrs.. Jack
Corn of Balboa Island, Mrs. Rob·
ert Butler and Mrs. Edith Cul ·l
bertson of Beacon Bay and Mrs.
B. N. Desenberg of Corona del
Mar wtll have charge of decora·
Other Harborltes headtne im·
portant committees for the ball
include Mrs. A. D. Callahan of
Balboa Island in charge of In·
vitatlons. Mrs. Joe E. ~lnlnger
of Lido in charge of reservations.
and Mrs. John Nef1 of Newport
Belehts and Mrs. Donald Cole of
Udo, a.ulstlng with pubUc rela·
* H....,
---· ----
-rBE Pweatptloa Pba:naacy"
BAI.Oil 2272
.-tt Aad --IIAinal'cl ...... ....W .. aac. ••• A
peatt Aad ........ a...ly
................... , Two
ptata ••• a.. ... AMiet ..
-.l .......... tM......, ..
S¥""4 GM~W.t~ t •rh
For leH.,....cfs. env-'ooes c.l
1117 L Coaat llwy. MCU Ja~Di~M. CoroDCJ del Mcu
t.clq ••• J .... ---... ru t1ac1 ..t . . ... a.... a.t
......... DIM .. t~· .......... ~-.... tal. .. ...,,wuw ...
* * * Thoee of you who ahop at bome
m1w the thrUl of llndlq a new
lar of ptc.kl• or plddnc uP a c.a.rton of clam ehowcler w~
aroma you can't N&lat u ,ou
walk by the steam tabla tn our
Dellcatewen •.. Eddie au. Ia
the ..,aea In your abopptaa u.t
...... dy-cooked fooda In ~
Dellca'-" vary dally, 110 do
the ..,ocn.. In our Bakery •••
1tc1c11e knowa • . • He'll aua-t ctm...t hall veptabl• and
htta u betq putlcularly nice toc1aJ • . • lAt ,.,u ID on all tbe
.....,.., 1oN. wWMr tt • a
pkllW potato dl1p or a fOld
p&atld -opmar • • • It ,.. ....... tiM .. ..,a.o .. DNie
will -tbat ,.,.. don't .... ........ • • • 101 ~ boiN ..
CJPia antO 11 In the momtaJa far ......, ..... aftlr ....... .._ •. s:JOtor~-
da7 . • . loft af a nlet 1ttt1e tid·
'" to Jait ..... fUture ..... ...,. .._ J'DU ue without a
................ )lOUt anllk.-
,.. .... pWn a.. ·~ . (Me ... ftectloa.-.ttotM ...... ., =.._,..... .... __
' a e •• 11111r ·~ ._ mailltnn ... ,. . . .. ....... ...,_ .... . = ....... 2 ••
·. .............
Large savings may be eHected on all winter merchandise
One of Tt.Lido ~. Aao. From Rk:bard'a
These Are Some of Our
* SHOPPING HOUBS: 9:00 a.m.·5:30 p.m. *
lepla $2.&8
.... Sill, ................ .
Caressingly soft · ... with a depth
of pile rare at 10 low a price!
Smart diagonal dobby.woven borders
B.gular ~''Special,. = 35~
Reqular $3.95 ... Special ..
Reg-ular $2.89 Value
72xl08, Twin Size
"Plus Serrice MualiD••
Sheets just like your vandmothn used to
buy. The shf'ets that have been famous for
years !or their lone weartnf. sturdy quail·
ties . . . plus a wonderful y dose wo~n
text"clre that g ive-s them a luxurious feel.
144 th.reads to the Inch give a uniform
smoothness. an extra ~gth. Snowy wt\Jte
•lth extra strong sel~gea. Save to 6.00 dz.
3.09 reg. 81x108 double size 2.51
2.98 ree. twin fitted bottoms . ·-···· .. 1.11
3.09 rq. double ntted bottoms ............. .!.51
79c rq. pillow ca.sea, 42x36" --·-·.. . .. HQ
Regular .98c Yard
:-.. ~----·---,.. 6~
On Our "Special Value'' Back
.. Our Brcmd,. rust Quality
Re9Ular $3..50
20x40. Gauze SpeciaL Doz., -----'291
Children' a .. Scout T ex"
Sizes, 1-3. 3-6
Get You r
Door Prize·
You Need Not Be
January 21st.
5:30 P.JI.
Malay OtMr SpedG
Tllrougbtat Our .....
Newport Harbor ...... lcbooJ School before eomtng to Harbor
~ lut week aaNt4 to eoD· High In l.9C8.
tlnue the -=bool'a tlilloCber-ccMlD· e A. L P'IIOK V.c..L..A.
..&or aystem and a~ three Floyd Harryman wu eradu.
l'Mmben ot the faculty to the ated from hJgh school In Keyes,
CC!Wl8ellq atatf. Oklahoma. In 1~ and came to
Al lnvln, who. duties as CallfornJa that same year. After
head football coaeh wtll be worldnr his way throu&h Comp ·
taken over by Don BUJ'Jll. was ton 1\anior College, be served 1n
named penonal couBMlor. John the Army and the Air Corps dur·
McGoWen, wbo teaeb• abop and lng World War U.
aut1ta wtt.b football coaching, He received hla A.B. del'fH at
wu appointed vocational coun· UCLA 1n 1944, majoring In act·
aelor. Floyd Harryman, science ence. Be a1ao received his Muter
teacher, will be educational ot Arts degree from UCLA In
~or. 1946, majorlnr In zoology. In
These three men. toeether with February, 1!MS, he came to Har·
fonnerly appolnted apeclallSU. bor BJgh, where he hu been a
w1ll RIVe u raource people teacher of science and coordln-.·
and will alto counael .tudents. toT of the visual education pro-
Each will devote halt time to gram.
bll apeclal a.uJgnmentl and halt Hb profession&! activities In·
time to teaching uafgnments. elude that of being pres!dent of TO 1"'Ut LA.DIESI-Tbeee ,...... ._.,_. •I -J ·tluead (--..) • .,.. ~ h tla (Kn. a. D.)
Tbe proeram wUl be coordinated the High School Faculty Club tor IWcWc A119Lwa,..... CIIDOD9 tbe tnplrf wt--. Dei4W• (left). IS ~-7111 -.: .....s .-.,..
by Mra. Fay Harbllon, vice·prln· two terms. member of the Or· b•and at tbe aa...S •eetbl9 oldie dab. "nl'-Jaae (Kn. Kartla) r.IJal'd (oeat.). 12 ib.., 11
clpal. ange County Teachers CouncU ~ ..,...t ,... U.. CIW'CII'4 of U.. aoat. -.; aad t1aW pa... PcmJo Ja~ .._le) AHJ..
• ao.oa CUD and membeT of the Board of Dl· __ ...aa ___ '•_Lodllw ___ Tl_10JIIa.....;,....:y;.._f•_tbe __ laa__;VW:.._..:..t _a:DI __ •....:e.....:...:..:•_....;N:.:.:ag~a:.:· :..:•.:.• .:lb.=...:l:...:oa.=.!:<•=·=•=p!=.!:::.::~> _____ _
Al lnvln Ia a 1936 graduate of rectors of the Orange County
Harbor Blah. and wu eraduated Teachers Credit Union.
from the College of the Pacltlc In e BOD Ilf STOCJ[T()Jf
19U. He majored ln b usiness and John McGowen is a third gen·
economics and minored In physJ. eratton teacher. He was born In
cal educatJon. Whlle ln college. S t o c k t o n , where his parentl
he made Who's Who Among Stu· taught and administered schools
Lutheran Women To Meet;
New Naomi Circle Is Formed
dents In Amnican Colleges and tor many years. After graduation The first meeting of the new
Universities. He won letters In from Stockton High. he was em· year for the Newport Harbor Lu·
football under the famous foot· ployed In boat building. He at· theran Women of the Church
ball coach, Amos Alonzo Stagg. tended College of the Pacific and will be held at 8 p.m . today
He entered the Navy In De· won ,his letter under Amos (Thursday) In the parish hall of
cember. 1941. and served as chief Alonzo Stagg. He was graduated the church.
petty officer In the Great Lakes In 1941. with a major in history. Mrs. John Nett. president. has
area for 12 months. He was on a minor in botany and consider· announced that the meeting will
the stat! of a V·l2 Unit at Union able background in physical ed· feature the missionary education
College. Schenectady, N. Y .. and ucation. • committee headed by Mrs. wu.
at Princeton University. At the During the war years he served ton Lewton. The church pastor.
conclusion of his Naval career he as a carpenter. loftsman and ============:::
was a night deck ottlcer on the trouble shooter In the construe· II:L..-11 a....IOf~c-·
U.S.S. Lexington. tlon of rescue boats. mlnesweep· ~ J""''lll ~ ....
Mr. Irwin's graduate work has ers, net tenders and noatlng dry
· been taken at the College or the docks. He entned the Army In
Pacltlc and at Long Beach State. 1~ as a private. was commls.
A3 a teacher he wu at Antioch stoned a lieutenant, and served
High School and Valencia High 2~ years overseas In New Cale·
~ E. H~rids, D.C.
High blood pressure Is one of
the main cause5 ot death. Insur·
ance statlstlca have shown the
eventuaJ danger of even a mod·
erate lncrease ln blood pressure
above normal.
donJa, part of the time as com·
paDy commander of a Harbor
Craft Company.
A!ter separation trom the serv·
Ice he attended the UnJverslty of
Calitomla at Santa Barbara for
a year of preparation In Indus·
trial Arts and a summer session
at CoUege of the Pacific to com·
plete a generaJ secondary teach·
lng credt>nUal. He started his
teaching career at Harbor High
In 1947. He has taught ciUzen·
ship and electricity and at pres·
ent Is teaching woodshop, boat·
building and mechanical draw·
lng an~ha.s just completed hls
ninth year of football coaching.
•• .. .,. Curcu
of Ruiati•c Arrest The danger of high blood pres·
sure lies In the fact that the con·
dltlon is well advanced before the symptoms reveal themselves. Arthur P. Jacob. 31. or La Can·
Some of the prominent symptoms ada. wn arrested by Newport
are dizziness. headaches. a feel· pollee at 1:01 a.m. Sunday on
lng of fullness In the head. and charges or resisting arrest. fall·
shortness or breath. I ure to make a boulevard stop
Most cases of high blood pres· and driving with an expired
sure are caused by nerve lrrlta· operator's license.
tlon. and therefore respond very Otllcers charg~ that Jacob's
favorably to Chiropractic a djust· car ran a boulevard stop and he
ments. Worry. excitement. over wu halted In front 6f 204 Fern·
work. and emotional stress are leaf Ave .. Corona del Mar. Jacob
contributing causes. Early dlag· claimed that he was on private
nosls and adju9lments may off · property and the otrlcE"rs could
set serious future developments not place h im under arrest. ot the disease. Jacob started to leave for the
B. E. Bad.rl.cb. D c. house but officers grabbed him.
• Several blows were dlrected at Pboa.: Harbor Sot?l or .Sl .C the oUicers. they charged. They
Verna Miller. founder of the
Vema Miller Charm School In
Santa Ana. will be the speaker
at the next meeting of the J un-
Ior Ebell Club, which wLU be a
luncheon meeting at the Harbor
House next Thursday, Jan. 26.
Plans for the brunch·fashlon
show·brldge scheduled lor Tues·
day, Feb. 14, will be discussed.
Mrs. Dean Gorton, ways and
means chairman. wtll be ln
charge. Verna Mlller will pre·
sent the show, including the
Lido and Bay Club Fashions.
Rules shoes and BTat Shop chll·
dren's wear.
Decorations for the Val entine
brunch will be taken care of by
Mrs. Charles Woodward and Mrs.
Ray Donald Tickets are ln the
charge of Mrs. Don Clark and
Mrs. Forrest Allinder. Mrs. NeaJ
Hollaway Is securing the door
prizes. Opportunity tickets will
be available for a grand prize
Including a week·end for two at
Las Vegas.
The Franklyn Hruz.as have re-
cently moved from the Harbor
Area to San Dimas. where Mr.
Hruz.a w1Jl be enrolled at the
CaJttornla Polytechnic InstJtute.
A Clessified Ad in The tnsiqn
brinqs immediete results! C ell
Harbor I I I -4·1 I IS end orove if!
Rev. Robert Gronlund, will apeak
on "Uvlng Healthily." He wlll
be presented by Mrs. Donald
Wedeking, pTogram chairman.
Refreshments wlll be served by
the executive board, which In·
eludes Mrs. Henry Anderson. Mrs.
Melvln Erickson, Mrs. Robert
Suddendorl, Mrs. Wedeking and
Mrs. Neff.
Mrs. William Carnett of Costa
Mesa assumed the presidency of
the newly formed Naomi Clrcle
of the church when the group
met Jan. 12 at tbe home of Mrs.
Melvin Erickson of 2569 Orange
Ave., Costa M~a. The group Is
formed by the merger ot the for·
mer Martha and Mary Clrcl~ of
the church. Other new officers
Include Mrs. Harry Bergh of Co·
rona del Mar. vlce·pr~ldent;
Mrs. G~rge Helnmlller, Costa
Mesa. treasurer; Mra. Nelson
Robinson, Costa Mesa. secretary;
and Mrs. J. E. McCauley of Costa
Mesa. publicity chairman.
The president announced th"t
a number of Naomi Circle mem·
bers have been appointed to
chairmanships In the Women of
the Church. They are Mrs. Lew·
ton, m issionary ~ucatlon; Mrs.
William Lampert. Indian mls·
slons chairman; Mrs. Carnett,
thank·otrerlngs chairman; Mrs.
Clyde Hartwt,_,., C h r I a t I a n
~~erv1ce c h a I r m a n , and Mrs.
Bergh, New Gulnea miMions
Material In the harboT depart·
ment "bone yard" ln the upper
bay area near the ahell plant
started burnlng vigoroualy at
7:23 p.m. FTiday, the Newport
Beach tlre (\epartment reported.
The squad truck was dispatched
to stand by. Controlled burning
of material had been done ln
the morning and the fire had
broken out again during the eve·
• •••• ~at* .....
Ill I•'• ... Wtnl
Paul C. Brown, 28, of Apt. 2.
1312 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa,
struck his lett eyebrow on con·
crete and was knocked uncon·
sclous after an altercation In the
apartment Sunday evening, New·
port pollee reported.
Pollee received a caU at 7:54
p.m. Sunday that a person had
been stabbed or beaten badly In
Apt. 2. Oftl~rs anived to find
Mr. Brown unconscious on a
davenport In the front room.
Nine peTsons were In the room
but none wished to make any
statement nor wl~hed any medl·
cal asslstan~. saying the victim
had merely fallen down and
would be all right. Investigating
oUicers said.
Robert Robins, 27, of Fullerton
finally admitted that he struck
Brown. He said Brown had of.
Cered to exchange blows with
Charles H. Ogles. 34. of Santa
Ana. who went outside to avoid
trouble. When BTown started to
follow, Mr. Robins attf!'nlpted to
A new realty fJrm has been
formed In Costa Mesa. but It's
at.atfed by a lot of tamUiar faces.
because the new Meea-Harbor
Realty It A.seoclates Ia the same
atatf and location of the former
Houston Realty. ~de Sey·
mour Is the owner of the newly
named flrm. still located at 509
Center St., Ca.ta Mesa. and U ·
aoctated with her are Tony Pet·
ltte and Floyd Lytle. • • •
Gordie Walker La back to work
at the Fisher Realty Offl~. Co·
rona del Mar, this week after a
bout with the ha.pltal. In fact
he poked his nose In the office
last w~. but not too energetl·
cally, we hear ...
Read the Enalgn Want Ad page.
Beta Sigma Pili Chapters
To Hold Benefit Feb. 7
A beneiJt ~ faabJon Jlbow nett. 5.15 De AD1a Dr 0aroaa
and eard ~ are plannecJ f• H.lf,hlancla. "' Tu.t•r. hb. 7, at tbe Newport Joeepb JtJoU, a ....,..,_ of the
Ratbor Yadlt Club by the com· faculty o1 <>nnp eo..t Oollere
blnecl Hub« A.rH ebapten ot 1n the pcydloloiY department,
Beta' 81111\& Phi Sorority. and a cou.uelor tor tbe Pamlly
Plana to. tbe benetlt aftatr, Servk:ee ~tJon of Orange
ptOCefdl ot wbJeh wU1 10 for a Col.lDty, abowed a IOUDd f.Um en·
room for the Roa1 Hotpltal titled .. A Panally Aftalr" and 0 .
Building Fund, w~re dt.c:u.ecl plalned the funedon of the
Jan. 4 when a joint mHtlng of newly Ofl&niud ta.mJlJ' 11e1Vf
Mu Epsilon and Omferon Rho Mrs. John B MerrW. eh 1rm ce.
Chapters of 'the non-academic of the wata a~d means c!mmJ~
aororlty waa h~ld. Mu Epallon tee for My EpaUon Chapter wm
Chapter served u ha.teu for be In cliup of the .,;nettt
the meeting which waa held at brunch, ua18ted by Mra. Vlvan
the home of M.ra. Robert Ben· Boelman ot Omteron Jtbo. M.rt.
Boots -Saddle
John Stolz and Mn. Robert Hen·
denon' will be 1n chup of t.be
taabJon lbow.
Mn. laclt Qulaenben7, pre:sJ.
PI D 5 dent ot Mu EpaJJon, hu called ay ay et an executive board meetln. for Wed:needay evenin1 tn be bome.
Th M Boo The De'Xt reculu meet1Jll of the e esa t1 and Saddle chapter wtll be held J anuary 25 Club will hold a play day Sun· at the home ot Mra. Olear,-.,.. ·
day at the Oran1e County Fair· lor, m MomJna Can Rd.
grounds. beginning at 10 a .. m . Shore cutta. 1'011 '
Chuck wagon dinner will be ·:============ served all day.
Horsemen from all over South· W l 'oo Lnte to C laMaty
em California pa.rtJclpated In the
show put on Jan. 8 by the Can·
yon Riders at Irvine Park. The
winners were:
Robin Roessler, junior traJJ
class, 13 to 17; Lenny Hayes,
senior trail clau; David Wells.
figure eight stake race; Dusty
Baker, horsemanship, 12 and
under ; Steve Croddy, junior stock
horae; J o hnny Hayes, senior
pleaaure horae; Robin Irwin, jun·
lor trail, 12 and under; Phil
Wright. Senior stock horse; R. J.
Sturdevant, open keyhole ra~;
Ba rney Ellerbroek, junior horse·
manshlp. 13 to 17; Carol Lenz.
senior pole bending; Marvin
Hart, junior pole bending; Dotty
Rackham. senior nov1ce pleasure
horsemanship; Marvin Hart, jun·
lor quadran g I e stake race;
Wayne Hart, senior quadrangle
stake race; Reo Stertlo, junior
novice horsemanship; RobbIe
Therault. open race.
Car F••• Iff 111111,
Hila P"-; Tn lilt
VIola P. Boa, 39, of 126·42nd
St., Newport Beach, drlver, and
Al Lankford of the Irwin Apt&,
Newport Beach. pa.nenaer, were
Injured when thelr car coUided
with a utlllty pole on Coast Hwy.
40 toot aouth of Balboa Blvd.,
Newport Beach, at 2:27 a.m. Frl·
day, Jan. 6, Newport pollee re·
ported. Both were taken to Hoag
Hospital The dr1ver aald abe
wu forced ot1 the road by an
unJdentltled ear.
Some 272 guests were BerVed
at 68 LJdo tale homes during the
prol'fesslve dinner Saturday eve·
nJng preceding the dance at the
Udo clubhouae. Proceeds wW go
toward b land Improvement.
auc CLASS TO azcm
A rur making class sponsored
by Oranre Cout College will
start next Thursday, Jan. 26, In
the Corona del Mar Community
Church. Mra. Robert Roper will •
teach the cla.a. which will meet I
from 1 to 4 p.m. on Thursdays.
OWNER WILL SELL $12,000 6~
Trust Deed on Redondo Beach
substantial home. Phone Ba
Brand new Servel 2 door re·
frlgerator, noor demonatrator,
1 only. Hurey. $200 dl.Kollnt
on this.
Aeolian Player Plano, ln per·
teet eondltlon, lots ol rolla;
complete, only $350.
Table saw, he a v 1 duty
Walker·Tumer, extra blades,
1 hone motor. a real buy.
Complete only $125..
Large roomy Servel gu ,..._
frlgerator, guaranteecl. Only
Roper gas range. fully auto·
matte. 6 top bJ low burners,
2 ovens, 2 broilers, clock con·
troJ. Only $149.!50.
Small apt. alze GE refrl&er·
ator, perfect. Only $49.50.
Simmons Hide·a ·Becl. com·
plete with Beautyreat mat·
tress. Only t97.50
Bunk beds. twt.n alz.e, com-
plete with aprlnp and m.t.
treaes. OnJy $39.95.
Furniture A-App~
1.500 Newport Blvd. eo.ta K.a
harbor photo lab
3121 E. Cout Hwy., CDM
'100 Ca:nacltioa. CoroDa del N• were about to put handcuUs
upon Jacob when he produced 8t:J,.J,A ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF A NEW
QUESTIOJf: Is It necessary to
plant different varieties of
shrubs on the sunny and shady sides or a house?
AlfSWEB: Most shrubs will
do well on the sunny side or
a house. but you will do well
to carefully select those which
must grow in the shade. We'll be very glad to help with the
c.t Toar aan Root
s&B Cnea Tradlag StCIIDpa
2744 E. Coat JIIPway
... ~ .•• Eat.
h is operator's license. Jacob
then started for the back door
ot the residE"nce. where Officer
Robert JelE"nsky caught him. Of·
fleer Jelensky sutrerd a skinned
lett knee and tom uniform In
the sculfie and Officer Robert
Brockle wa.s struck In the eye.
Jacob was brought to the sta·
Uon. where he said that hls wal·
Jet was lost. Officers said they
found the wallet on the back
porch or the home. Jacob claimed
that $200 was misslng from the
wallet •
Cub Scout Pack 17 of CoTona
del Mar will visit the San Diego
Zoo Saturday, Jan. 28. Cubmaster
Howard Richards announced a t
Friday's pack meeting.
Wllllam O'Brien wUJ be the
committeeman In charge lf the
trip. whlch wtll be made by
train. Asststlng hlm will be
Stacy Morgan and Carl V~n·
m om. Awards given out at the Pack
meeting w~nt to Mike Pehlke,
bear badge and gold arrow;
MJlce O'Brien. 2·ye&r aerv!ce atar;
Steve Donald8on. aUver anow;
John FranJdln. wolf 4>adle and
,old &l'l'OW; John Petersrneyer,
bear bactce and cold arrow;
Bank JOcpplnpr, terY1ce at.ar:
Arthur JCepplngeo, ..-vice .tar;
L ••••• ll l Rlclcey Karp, .Uver &l'l'O'J, A rq. t.tratton canS wu ..-ntecl tot
X1tn o.nberf.
A recl*atlon card wu sn-
...wcs -k1Jil »-n-,. ..,.. annal ._ eMrter W1UI pc-••• "J Balta Bumette to ,..._ P ............... ntAtJw
Gl tM •-• ..,._, Club.
A *II WM JIO ••• by Dtn roar cu• ........ ftllta, Joba ,.......,. ....... Doftaltteon. .,.. .......... ~ ..... 1'~...,...~ U.Cut...,.._lr. £_... ............ trill ...........
. . . you are cordially invited to bring any deoorating problem whether it be one room
or a complete houae . . . mixing the old with the new . . . contemporary
styling, provindal or traditionol.
Consult our interior Designer cmd color consultant, eon.tanc. Mltchel1, who will CJ11iUt ~ with
expert advice . . . there ia no charge or obligation
for tbie ..moe. \
U you JOire beautiful kiiDJ-., CIOOI 11on. cmcl weD~
lumlture, do come 1n ciDd bone about our lhop,
we:re., happy to haft~
AlmOUlfCDIG oua 1mW JU.M:& ............ " ...............
ronDtl!!rly HO\dton R .. ~
OUJl Alll Ia to Jtve the best .rvSee ln the In the ReaJ Eat&te field to our cu.tomer.
th.rouahout the Harbor Area.
Members of MuftJple Llstlna
S08 Cent. St. Colta Mesa
~:Uberty 8-69U AU 8-'TltM
A. C. (Tdny> Petltte-A.uocJate
Floyd W. Lytle-A.uoctate
I l l
Excellent JocaUon-pler and allp
l'fo tel.,hpne information will be &1ven.
Shown by appointment only.
$69,500 .. , ....... ....,, ...
Newport-Balboa otflce
• 14:50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Harbor 1.264
Well-buUt 3·bedr. A 2 bath
bome wtth rented fW'n. ea-raae apt. att bade. Top ol.
l'fardau8 Ava.. (72}) Corona
del Mar.
Call owner, Harbor 2506-M.
A bnad ...,.. l·bed.r. hOlM
with 2 tulJ IIMlth.l, Jntereom.
.,......... wtc» trontqe, land·
.:aped Jot. for juat $18.!500.
Cood tenna.
tm7 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
lJ 8-1632: Ll 8-1400 Eves.
OCEAlf PBONT, 4 bed.rma. -------t4S.OOO
MOST attractive! 2-bedr. and bath. farm bouae lyte_.i waU-to-wall carpet~, 80me draperies, patJo with 88(,
llnd tun kltehen, encl. 3 aida; double auaee with laundry ... $17,850 •.• REASONABLE tennl.
DUPLEX-Two l ·bedr. apt.a., lute rooma, beautlful
.treet, comer location, owner oceuylee 1 untt, no va-
cancy ln othet' unit tor ovet' 5 yn., Jli.!QO, untunWibed.
lntereatln& 2-bedr .. 2 bath bouae
fl7,950 Leuebold app.roxtmately 21 yn. to ao.
Earl w ..... ,
225 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Call Harbor 1'TT!5
or Bayalde OUlce Harbor 3297
Evea. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-G22 lobn Ma.c:Nab, Harbor 5359 Louta Boynton Harbor 2878
. Call lllrbor lilt for Joll Prialillg
!~!-'! ~~~! ~~u bed 15ftl8 $41.&0 IAIIIESS SO 3460
Strona constructlon, hardwood frame. 7 180 coil comlortable mattress wltb 80 coU
Fully CUatllnteed Turquoae metalUc upholstery. ma.tchlne box aprlng. Wide atr1pe 8-ounce IZ 11.10 SIFI I CUll ,. tJclc ':iiniiei iRJEis twJn sn· Fully euuanteed.
Early A.merleu atyle eofa bed. Fully UP· 15 • sftliO hoUtered. Sin I web con • true tlon. Top Dream .weet mattress with 28> coli&. Pre-7
quality upboatery. See thta comfortable sola and bed. built border. Plutlc tumJne handles. Gold $241.&0 SOfA IO damuk cover. Full or twin size available.
Early Amet'lelln Style. Smart brown and 194 lfCIItialla11y A4ftrti.Md • • • p._.... ED9~
JOld tweed upbobtery. Hand tied back DUIA Eft&ll llniESS atnd .eat ftJr added comfort and lonall.te. S&ve! ....-..... .
t~..!! !!'~....... ........ sr 5i.s.:":"';.!-=.:'::...-=~--
bed. Upboa.tered In )'ODI' choice of fabrics. l~ap..._ -··· .. -· ....... ·-·----··-----··-·--· .. . . W Hurry Um-ted quantity. Buy now!
!!l~~~Un~~tb comfort-16ftli0 able foam back. Hand Uf'd for comfort. 7 ·
lona Ute. Gold uphobtered, brown welt.
_. ••• 4-PC. SECT. 4W
A truly beautlfuJ Early American 4-pe.
sectional. Foam rubber ru:shlon.s, band
tied back. Hardwood construct.Son throuebout. See thla!
511.10 I-PC. •EtiE 4,.
Smart mother of pearl tonnlea top on
table. Matchtnr plutlc uphobtered ch&ln
are vf!IY comfortable. Sluhed for uvtnes.
.... I-PC. .. EIIE 7,.
Deluxe Mt wttb 10-lnch extension leaf.
36d8-ln. alze eloaed. Matcblna chaJr& See
and buy thta dinette aet at .ensatJonal savlnp.
$11.10 1-10. DIIE II E 5410
GJee.mlne Chrome dinette aet. Table wtth
aJeamlnl yeJJow tonnlea top Ls easy to clean ... nevft' ID&l'L Matchlna upholstered chrome ehal.n..
Ill •• WI .. IT 11• . 6410
!t b;::.rr.,: ::uufl~ =-ssf:&rt ~~
eraln tormJea top for added beauty llDd lone ute. * IIIII CLUIIIICE! *
3 only 1n UU. JfOUp. Green, lfllY or roee
boucle upholstery. Blonde wood a.nns.
Sprtnc filled .. t atnd bac:k tor added comfort.
5121 ........
The wonderful ICEl'fMAR recliners at sen-
aatlonatl aavlnp. You.r choice cJf five dec·
«ator colors. Durable uphobtery with
vinyl trtm. Save now at D a n 11 e r' a .
sr ,.
"..... 4.,. Smart ud vrr eomlurtabJe swivel· 1V
ebaJJ'. u~ In a tmart uphoLstery.
Semat10oall7 pnc.ct f« .. v~np durin~ tbJa clea.ruc.'e ale.
-~~· 44. A "!fi//1 .~W. btch w1nc badt chair. u~ tn a ..u.rt une tape.try covw.
81tclwood ~ a.. and .. ve DOW at DaJilpl-'1
Calla .a-; -· -...... .,.. occulanal ... Wkta IDea ru.._toif ,_added ......._t. UpWitwed
ta ......... -~ falllto. ............. "-
$111.10 IIIIIESS SET 7460
312 cola ln the mattress for wonderful
aleep. Pre buUt border. Strong plastic
turning hllndJes. 10 year guarllnteed. Blue mlpe oover.
!~1~~a~~tMS!! feel. BftiO #
34 Jbs. of extra fJUine. 10 extra pounds ol 7
alsal for lone lUe and comfortable sleeping. 10 year gu&Nntee.
!~tl~Ear~eri!'Cherry. Double 24ftli0 dreAe\", mtrTOr llnd 2 night stands. Hand 7
rubbed to a beautiful tlnlsh. Manufactured 1n the Ea.st.
••• 3-PC. SET 14,. Double d.reMer, m11Tor, bed and chest.
Made of aelec;ted eastern hardwoods ln a. maple tlnlab Umtte<S quantity. See now and rMlly sa.ve.
!~~~. t~ !E!iple dresser 14ftli0
and a'llJTor. Ma.de entJreJ,y of selected hatd· 7
woods. Priced low tor relll dollar savings.
$41.10 IEIIIIIUS 2410 Smut fuU alze Maple headboards. All
hardwood conatructlon In ma.ple flnl.sh.
You'll be proud ol th~ amooth fJnl.sh. Save now at Da.nlJft'a.
MI.IO IPia lED 2r Bea~UfUll¥ d•lped apool bed ot eastern
hard rock maple. F\&U l1ze only. Prieed to
uve you pun Hurry tor th1s aen.sa.Uooal VaJue.
!~ qukk aaJe. H~~!.ple ~ry ,.
that rou will be proud to have on you.r wall.
BeauutuUy eoutructed and ttnlahed. Save today. •• 1-r Smart map._ ftftllb 4-ctrawer ehesu. Just the
thlnl f« much nteeMd atorll~ apace. Now at
the price JOU would expec:t to ~ for llD un1lnllbed eMit.
al.Ma.EIIT... 1,. w.u COI\It.r\tCted ... ftDIIII ...... Lota ol.
dra'"" ~ Prtcecf for baa •¥1n&S-Burry ••• l1rnJeitd quanttt:J.
~!!~~-lb·--r ltoo1l with ~ _..._ Burry
to Du..~~W• for Ultl -doeal _,.
, ......
l unlt.-turntahed .. .$18.500
Duplex-3 bedrl. ee. $32,500
2·bedr. home-ntce .. $19.000
Lot ·····--····-·---···-······ . .$10,000
See us today for the
cream of property values.
498 Park. Balboa Island HA 3T7 . ...
3 bedr., 2 bath hom~ wtth
patio, BBQ. double guage.
~ers in and paid. Owner
transtered. MUST sell.
lew;ert·•··· ... ..,
1799 NC!WpOrt Blvd., Costa Mesa
Ll 8·5508 Eves. U 8-1443
to own
Beautltul Back Bay water
vista r ea t r l c:ted bome-slte.
Buy on easy terms. Only 2
avaU. •
1851 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
U 8-163.2; U 8-1400 Eves.
s..u,, "•· 22,
10 .. & p&
2-bedr.s., 2 baths. glass encL
patJo, lanal On ~a wide
224 Potnse«Ja Ave.
Corona del Mar
lllaplfiOIII View
l.s the nicest feature a.rnong
many In thl.s lovely 2-bedr.
and convertible den home.
2 baths. or coune, a spaclous
modem home with a se-
cludf'd patio. All on 2 levels.
Beam c e Ill n g s , buUt-ln
kitcben. perfect Cireplace.
Full Price $35.000
· P1ea~ call ahead for ap-
pointment to see. .. , ...... .....,
Corona del Mar OUice
3530 E. Coast Hwy., HA 5565
Level, paved strfft, ~en
In and paid. R·1, 5Sxl36.
Only $2..295
1857 Newport Ave .• eo.ta Mesa.
u 8-1632; Ll 8·1400 Eves.
2-bedra. -2 batb.a -dlnlng
room-toom l« pool-TER.
RIFlC vlew!
1111 W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8-4:lT7
Rewpart IMdl
........ oWir , .... ~
._... 1 Woelr to ...... ....,,
a •• arc • " x-aooo ... ...-; .. ._.; IITliO .....
f8 0 MIODAT, JUVUT ll. 1-lrKWJOaT 11AD0J1 I B I\W 'f
Llfllr ••• ., 2-IIL I .....
on the ocean aide of hwy. Lg. Uvtng room wttb ftre.
place. Tile tn kltch. 6 bath. Oilp., elect. heat In bllt.b.
Redwood fenced yard. Lc-dbl guage. S,Piclc A Span-you'll love lt. .., $11,710
2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA.: 17Cl; 11A 07fJr
You've Seen The Rest ..
IRVINE TERRACE .,. •••lie •• ,.rt .... , ..... , ...... .
To the home buyer who wishes to purch~ In the
$25,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend
the Irvine Eatatea overlooklng Newport Harbor.
These homes feature California llvine. Otferf'd exclu-alvely through Earl W. St&nley in a Smog.f'tee area
known u Irvine Terrace-on Coast Hlchway oppotalte
the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Hubor.
* For recommendation. we reter you to anyone who
holds a Le~bold Estate In Irvine Terra.ce, Beacon Bay, Baysborea or C!W Ha.ven.
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Ha.rbor 4448 For Fu..-ther lnformatton
FIIICIS .1. I.VITII, 11 ...
2216 NC!WpOrt Blvd.
Ll 8-5101 34.20 W. Balboa Blvd.
Harbor 1428
Tomorrow You WIU Be Sorry You Didn't Buy Tbe.e Tod.a.y
1. Nf"W')))rt Blvd. -Excell~nt bu:slness cornet' trlth
extra lot llnd bldp Price $40,000 with S yr. leaR at
$400 mo. plus 1 yr. adv. rental as S«Urlty.
2. 2 Ad Joining lots on Rod!ester-also 2 adjoining Jots
on Walnut. $6.000 for each pair.
3. 3-~r olde-r home, lge JM.ng room, dlnln• roam,
kitchen. Nea.r Nt"wport Blvd. SU .OOO with very low down.
L 405 Rolmwood-Near Hocpltal. Hellpot. and trans·
portatJon 3 bMnn . 3 car eanre. 1\. bath-beautJ. ful blrch cabanet woodwork. Lancbcaped encL
patJo. OPEN ROUSE. Sat. and Sun. 1-5 p.m. 'Terma. $24,500
$4.000 down
l. 12.500 down: west Newport, l bedrs. It df'n ...
flrepl .... 1 lot ~m ocean. A·l cond. $11.SOO, terma.
1. Lot near Contry Clubhouse. $1.750, good terms; or will trade for Jot In Harbor Area.
l. l ·bf'dr furn garagt> apL, wJth garage. Yearly 165, plus gas..
2. New 2 beodr unrurn. on lease. S85 plus gas and elec.
l'llll.uiiiiiMTIIIIIIJ .. Lift
of STX"TY C60l FOCn' width LEFT In th.-200 BLOCit on
CARNAnON AVE. (Just look thi"'\lgh the fence, below
209 C&matlonl. For the partk ula.r dJent. who can aftcwcl the BEST . . . USTED EXCLUSIVELy wtth rest:r1ct1on1. at $30,000, W1th '
F. C.
3348 E. Coast lfW)' .. CDM
IDT 11Y1
Now undet' construrtlon. Eattt 11~. New 31a 4
Bed.rm. hOI"Dea with 2 bath&.
a. ... •1111 •••• am-.
Kodem convenlenc• llldewalb
on.ty a few a.ft-11""'71
'"1oU1l J.1ke our fl1eDdJ7 ••W" . . w.a. Y-. EXCWS~VE Ac3n Ltllab a.u. a&. na a. o..a ..._
1 Time 2 Times 3 Times
20 words 01' .. a ..... ,..._ __ _ .75 1.25 1.50
21 to 30 worda----1.00 1.50 2.00
31 to 40 word-.__ __ _ 1.25 2.00 2.50
Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07
Cash must bft received within 7 days of first insertion .........................
Busineis • Directory
''Be Sure--Insure''
Pbone Harbor~·
PD:NQI PROVDfCAL SOFA, WANTEJ>--.2·be4r. and den, 1%
Betp lr told boUcle' uphol· baths/ firepla~. furnace, dbl. 3.\15 E. Cout Blehwa;r
...._ 1 ft. &lfiii'OX. leneth. garage, lt'Ytl Jot and at leut Corona del Mar
C&ll BA 1835-W after 7 p.m. 2 blka from hlghwt.y. Around Bel. Pbone, BA 5232
PLYMOtrnl Plaza *tlon wagon Sl6.~h. An)'tbineT BoX ------· -----wtth radio, be.ter, tinted elua. A·21. c/o Enal&'n. ICIIOOLI & IJfiTBVCTIO•
Price Sl.~ Call Liberty 8·5326 SITUATlOKS WAJfTED REAL ESTATE eveninp. Otf1C CREA.-::T::--:C2ND==-ANNIVERS-:--===:::;:". SITUATION wANTED-Reliable Contracting
ARY SALB 1914·1166. ~ 1r experienced cblld care. Dt.ys • Insurance
buYS lovely Spl:net .tandard or evenings. Ha 2925· W.
make. Mlrro·type Spinet only PA.RT~TIME-TYPING_a_n_d_o_f!""'l-ce Continuous day and evening
1235 Baldwin Acroaonlc $4'19 work. at home or of!Jce. Ha. classes for p!l'eparation to Ktmball Spinet $5150 Baby 148l·J
Grands $495 up. DozeM ot .:-::=;.::::.:·::-:==-7':":'-':""7-~7"" pus the State exam. other. Knabe Stelnway Hard· MA'MJRE WOMAN wishes baby man etc. 1'bese instruments sitting and care of sick. knit· Call or write
are trade-lM and rental re-tlng or crocheting. Day or For lnformatlon
tuma, miny just like new. ntght. HA 3192-M. AL TYLER SCHOOLS Danz-Sclunidt-Phllll~ Big PI· RECEPnONIST. general office. ano and Or~an Store 520 No. full> or put Ume. can Ha. 5333 16ll N. Broadway, Santa Ana
Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos before 10:00 A.M., or write Box Kimberly 7-3511
always. A·ll. c/o Enalgn, CDM. KEIJo~ 8-2513
PORTABLE NEW HOME sewlng CDM man would llke gardening,
machine. about 4 years old, clean-up, etc. C&ll Kl 3·2122. Let Me Teach You
tan luggage carrying case. ex-Mel Up.:;;sh~al=l.~--=---=--CllllfA PAIKTI1fQ
cellent condJtlon, all attach· WANTED: Ironing In my home. Convenient Class Lessons
menta. Ha 1251-M. Mabel Whitman, &07 Margue-
HAMMOND-ORGANS all models. rite. CDM. HA '4279-J. U 8-5648 GLADYS TRACY One only slightly used, almost -~1c DfS-UCTIO .... llke new. Tbls 15 a special. -.. ~ 6 • n 1928 Irvine Ave .• Costa Mesa . .
Danz ·Schmidt · Phlll1ps Ham· PIANO INSTRUCTION. Teresa BUlLDDfQ SUPPLIES
mond Headquarters torOrange Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac· ------------
County. 520 No. Main, Santa ceptlng a limited number of CEMENT
Ana. pupils tor plano. Concert PI· AND
EXCLT. COND. Crosley 7% cu. ft. anist of Three Continents. BUilDING
elec. retrle. with freeozlng untt. Graduate Student of Bela Bar·
Ideal for apt. $7S. Gall HA 4900. tok. 436 Serra Drlve, CDM,
HAMMOND-CHORD-Organ-:-the Ha. 2039. greatest l n vent I on ever ln ... IIEL_....-,_....W_Aln'E __ J) ________ _
music. The whole fam.Uy can
All Kin~Free Estimates
UBERTY 8-6109
CUSTOM DllAPEAIES play It at once without les-EXPER. HOTEL MAID. part time
sons. You must come In and work to start. Ken Niles Vllla ------------
try lt. Danz-Schmldt-PhUUps Marina. HA 1800. ....... Great Plano and Hammond ;;;-:--:-=~~;:---c;;;.-,;--
Organ Store, 520 No. Main, SALESMAN: Thls position will
Santa Ana. pay better than $200 per wk.
BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano, blond. within 60 days. Starting salary.
just like new save $200. 3 $300 mo. plus com. Benefits In·
rental returns, save $90 to $250 elude retirement plan. hospl· taJization, Ufe Ins. Large nat'J. perfect condition new guaran· corp. will select lr train 3
tee free delivery Maple. Light young to work In Orange
Walnut, French Provincial. County. Give compl. partlcu·
Mahogany Spinet case slightly Iars. exper .. age. marital sta·
damaged In shipping $487. tus. aato, etc. Write c/o EN·
Cat• Bra,...
10-day Delivery
Top Quality Workmanship Gu,aranteed
In Our Shop or Your Home
Good pract1ce pianos from SIGN. Box C-31 for Interview. $89. $94. $125. $175 see these at 2484 Newport Blvd.
the Great 42nd Anniversary ·~EN:forearly morning -aufo Costa Mesa
u 8-6671
Sale. Danz . Schmidt . Phillips newspaper delivery, 5 to 7 a.m.. PLUXBDfQ
the Big Plano and Organ Store 7 days a wk. Also some part -------------520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 time work 4 a .m. to 7 a.m few WATER HEATERS
Piano& mornings a week. Bill Matrl· Sales. Service and Repall'a
COCOA so=FA""".-=Jlk,_e-n-ew:-co6r ner. 225 Forest. Laguna ~ach. JOE IECIT ..
Rd BANK NCR-BOOKKEEPER. ex-$279. now $135. 1520 Kings .. CIIU Haven. U 8-5991. perlence not necessary. 5-day
BEAUTIFUL-MlnshallElectonic week. permanent. apply New·
Organ as Is $475. another Min· port Harbor Bank. Corona del
shall three month!! old 2 man· Mar. ual $995. Danz-Schmldt-Phll· SALESWOMAN. part-time. pre·
lips. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ferably one who can do alter·
SPINET Plano llke new with ations. Call in person morn·
Organo $695 wonderful buy. ing only between 9:30 and
Used Solovox $195. Danz-Sch· 10:30. Petite Ville, 3409 E.
mldt-Phllllps Big Plano and _eoas __ t._CD_M_. ------
Organ Store. 520 No. Main,
Santa Ana. lirts
Terms. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
Fabricating, Designing
It Maintenance
or what have you; No Job
too large or too small.
2133 Orange, Costa Mesa,
Lf 8-2619
Officers Are Installed for
New Pharmacy Auxiliary Unit
All OK With
Baby Sitting
Mrs. Newell Fa(t of 20'1 Eve·
nlng Canyon Rd., Shore Cll1fs.
called Newport pollee at 7:40
p.m. Friday to r~port arriving
home to find a baby sitter and
her two-year-old son gone.
Pollee swung Into action. They
received another call at 8:25
p.m. that the baby sitter and th~
baby bad returned home. The
baby sitter. Laura Drake. had
taken the baby and another 80n,
12, on a car trip to leave tbe
older boy at the Lido Theater.
On the way hom~. the baby 1Jt·
ter's car ran out of gas.
At the time Mrs. Fait ftrst
called pollee she said she had
~n a wo'T'an carrying a chlld
and~alldng on Coast Hwy. nev
lrAne Terrace. while driving
home. Mrs. Falt and officers
went to aearch the area but
couJd not find th~ woman or
child. lr} the meantime, the baby
sltter telephoned the Fait TUI·
dence from a aervlc station to
Marie Correa of ChJle was the euest spea.Jcer at the lunc.heon
meeting ol Zonta Club held
Jan. 12 at vwa Marina R.Htau·
The dub's monthly evening
meeting wUl be held at 7:30p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 28. at the home
of Dareen Upson. 'nle club 1)18·
ldent. Dr. Helen RoberUon. who
Laerty 1·5511
ISS c-=_... WCif
a.a.rty 1-MU . Or-.. ·-..._tlo_
I ..
,. . . ,. .. ,. '
II II ., •• ,.
t I , I •.• ...
•lYieLite U.S ••=--' .....
-· c..e ...,.....-a .. c.-......
"' .. uu LOAif
Coastruc:tioa J.ocme
'" •nu LOJUr • su.oauTTLD
P11r11r 111 ... II.
JSU L c..t llwy .. CDII
A.IIA 1111 DUi a
(IIMNJ.Ue ...... •wr-61)
JAMES D. RAY ••• ,, c .......
1446 l. COAST HWY ..
HAriMr 4J6l ., ..
neiw Couv' 11-Dr='-b1 *
Asphalt n:te-Rubber Tlle
P'Ormlca-Linoleum Tile call r•S' Ulla'io~
That you will be proud to
tell your friends about. New
high wages coupled with the lde~l working conditions add up fo jobs with prestige.
VEKETIAJf Bl.DI'D LAUJfDft report belnr out of ru. A daugh·
------------te:r of the family answered the
hu recently returned from a trlp JU L l!a 1t.
to Pl«lda, w1.11 preside. LDEaT'f 1-4151
Purv Pullen (Dr. Horatio Q. 22 Yeara 1n Orana• County
CMte .. _
9:00 to 4:00 p.m.
514* N. Main St .. Rm. 211
Santa Ana
TilE NEW machine p~
method. Reuonable prJces. A-6·
erage 2 tape residential bltnd.
Only $1.00
Blind repaired and rebuUt.
Free Pick up and delivery
Work done by appointment
Phone Uberty 8-5'701.
KI 3·6668 or K1 3-827f
SltH Green Stampa
Free delivery
HA 1038 2744 E.. Cout Hwy.
Mrs. Fait told pollee that abe
had left home at 8 a.m. and had
called home at 4 p.m. to find
everything all right at that tlme.
Birdbath) of Cmooa del Mar with 1----------------------~~~
ventrlloquJam. 80Unds and notaes. c M L be ( ~:Odt.tvg:m ~:=~.,:: OSta esa. Ull r O.
nled Zonta memben at the Zon·
Two Men Held
in Car Theft
ta Club's Chrlstmu party held In LUMBER-BtJILDIRG MATERIALS
the warda of Oranp County Hot!· •....-t aa.4.. c.tct .._ ta Jltf a.1•1
pttal. Abo ~mpan~ne ~ta ~ .......................................... .. I"Mmben were Mn. E'1m4!r Polr· r
Robert Ta)'1or, 19, of San Pedro
and Carl D. Smlth. 24, ot Chaw·
chllla. CaJU., weore heJd by New·
port pollee Jan. 5 on charge. of
grand theft auto and Heape.
let of Ccnma del M-.r a nd SbeUa • • be' rt ..... and Noreen Cannon. all of Co·
rona del Mat, who a&J\1 carolJI,
and Santa Claus, who dl.trlbut· ect ,m. to members ct the~-I UILDEB
pltal warda.
They were charged wttb e.KaP· lng from Soledad state prleon on ~ UIOUIIiQ
New Year'a Day. steaUnr a ear SOC* ,.._ ftALY Ylllft
near Soledad and abondoninl It Expected home soon, after a
ln .San Dle,o. ney a.t.o aJiepdly Chr1.st.mu vt.slt to their native
stole a car ln San Dlelo, and at· Italy, are Mr. and Mn. Frank
tempted to run'down a polk:e of· Gra.ndolfo. owner of Grandolfo'•
ftcer 1n Cbula vt.ta. a.taurant In llalboa. The Gran· N~ pollee charted the dou. are vi81UJar dletr btrtb·
pair wttb --.un. the ear of 1. town cl Bart. ~· a. ....we Dunca.o B~ ol .S Terftlt.a part down em UM h.etl ttl !tab'•
Lane. HarbGI' RJpJanda. patted "boot." It .. been n ,.n llaee
at the rear of Btdwellr.--Store for tlaey IMd ,.... tbelt natlv. land.
)(en, Lido Cent•. T)tey ... r-==iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii==iiiiiiiii~
eaptund b:r 8M1 Buell pollee
1n Naplee an• 1tle&lled to lf.w· port pollee. ftey were taka to
Oranae county jaJ1 1M •t• prt.
eon autllorttila.
• WilT
••• a9ooclear?
• aTix.-MJn ID
.. tvaa*tf
• 1111
~POR T· _,
'''i• "'r,f '• Y-4 .t. ''. '•. 1
• ---..
ft ~AU I..II.Dir'mAL .. Dorris Installed as President
By Sea Horse Spin Rshers TM a.A.A. C.WMt tt.Jcl oae ot day WMn an tho een1« pla football .cheduJe carda, football
annual award& dinner at the theU ....,. ln......._, rneetlnp brou1bt th~ s t u f f • cl animal banquet. victory bell, baakrtball
Hart.. BouM ln eo.ta Kesa. ~r. a pot ludt diM« In peta to .cbooL Little clop. burry and football acbedule peocU..
... C 0 • ,. 0 .............
u a a a &JtbJ!l? n o o nu CUICt:LlJLTJ.nJ
11M So Jkfte Spln Flabln&
Club, one of the Barbot Area'•
newer anaJlnl oqa.nlzatlont. In·
stalled ,Butt Doft'la of Balboa u
~ldent fOC' 1856 at their f1Ht
CDM Travel
•• wW .-...., to .....
Jft wttla at tNftl anat• .......
.. '5~!t~· uw.Y 'I
To MaDy ra A..-y ~~
• Around the World, $1400.00
• Around S. America. $1400.00
• Around Atrlea, ... -.. $1220.00
<Approximate Ratee)
• ltMID.ablp. Jtcdl.rood. AldiM
• aot.) ..... ".uo.a
• Toan • ~ TkiEIMI * WO SEaVJC2 CIIA.JlC& *
Harbor 12.S
Collne Gibbons, Dorothy
Mcltenna. MArguerite Hue)lM
Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orehl4
Across from P.O., CDM
* NOW mOWING * Delft ()pea., 1:10
&U'. -smr. ...... at 1 :u .• , lffiiU ...
·". • • 0 R IV E ·I N -~ (; ·lC THEATRES t:!J
~ :: .. 1 \) •OU AD! ~ IN THI fAiol iLY C It
I IIOli»&Y ,... ftla&Y I t u,........ • ..... &.. I
--...... ,. ..., ft&aft .. ·-* CAITOOM CAINIYAL fiL. SAT •• & SUN. *
:r~ i5:1
* MOW IIIIOWING * "'IIJ:LI. ON PIU800 BAr ..... -r.uGft ZI:IIO'"
lbatllod.ed A.-t
FOI' All
-ES •
lorriD91"bo Coastal AI'OCI FOI' lfoculy 10 Yean
Ill o.aa A"' ~ a..cla . Bratt ._1011
~ --------------
'lbe ottMr oUicera for the newr the IOdal ba.ll. 'l1ley ~ eata. bJc bears, antmaJ. ot all Buah ~•&Ue buketball, De·
year are Bert Pehren or Balboa, tbeU biC ewnt. the G.A.A. Ban· .tlapM anct .tza were seen in eathJon awards, exhibition bas·
fltst vlce-pNSJdent; "MJn" lno· quet beJel ..,.,., yew. Yestftday tbe arms of our M01ol' pla. BJIL ketball eames. e;rammar school
kudll of eo.ta Kesa. MCOnd the G.A..A. convention took place Zimmer took pictures of the pis track me«. Peanut League base·
............. ........ ,.,. .........
vtce-presJdent; Stephanie Betey at hll~ Hlp fOC' all tbe and tht'lr pet&. ball le&&Ue. awarda to most vaJ.
of Newport. NCretarY: Fred Me· hlp lleboola In Ora.nee County. • FAIIIJOII qow uable men tn each sport and
Daniel ot Newport, ·treasurer; The etpteen ctN Ob our cabinet C I o t be s, clothes and more championship team awards. the
and dlrecton "VIc" WUU&JM ol rep'eMntecl our .cboot Alter the clothes were the .ubject at the trophies ot which they have just
Ora.nce, Barry Mataukanl ot propam the cirl.a went ln pain G1rl.a Lea&Ue fuhlon show. The boucht for the next couple of
SantJ, Ana, Dotla Jehren of Bal· to ctlft.-nt JDNtf.n&s which dla· .tores reprettent~ tbla year were years.
boa and Gene Buru of eo.ta cu...cl tho problems of G.A.A. from Balboa Ialand and Newport. They ju.t had the Casaba
Meu. Then a ftDe dinner wu served. K1m of Calltomia. Beachcomber. League baskt'tball playotta be·
About 40 members anct &Ue.b Let's hope they learned aome Cloth~ Hone, and Jean Burton tween the eym periods In which
were preMnt at the meetln&. Tbe new thlnp tha.t ,rill help our were the stores. ~ two won. The school T·
Nattonal Spln. •FiahlnC Auocla· G.A.A. to be better yet. The model.a were Anita Palm, ahlrts were given to the winning
tlon wu repre.ented by Put eiTDDDT COUIICD.S MEET Tony BunouJba, Marcella Kelte, players. In a couple of weeks • Prealdent Gene Mendenhall of Speakine of conventions the Gay ArlpRronc, Glenda Queen, tb~y plan to have· a buketbaU nAn ,.._..
&ell and the newly-elected Calltomla A.Moclatlon of Student Lyn Staltler, Inez Napla, Caryl game between tht' Horace En· A • • • • :
N'.S.F.A. president. Leonard Rum· Counclla, or C.A.S.C.. held a State Carter. Cbarnetb ~tarece. N'onna sign faculty and Harbor's facul · • • • • • •
eey of Burbank. Cabinet meeting ln Huntincton Heffner, Marton Jtumer, Nancy ty to help raise money for the Call .. ._
They pret~ented a gavt'l to re· Hlch School. There were repre-Bryant, Dtane Featherstone, Jo Heart Fund. •••wu•ce 1 tlrlng sea Horse Club prt'Sldent, 11e11tatlves from dlf:terent regtona Ann Suesa, Anna Reyno I d s. e DUCE APTEJI TBE CAME clnalla ..._.,
or. s. a Monaco of Balboa, and throughout the state. A region La Tootle Rudell. The &lrls showed The dance put on by the Rnior W. L
buttons to all the 1955 oUlcera. compiled of nve dlstrlcta. which beach wear, bermudas, Pedal clus 1s tomorrow night alter the )'a
who Included Dr. Harold Decker. Jn turn are made up of twelve Puabers. go . to · town . clotht'S, basketball gamt-with Garden L E. CAIRNS
flrat vice-president; 0 0 r 0 thy schools. Our district goes from party clothes. a akt out!lt, and Grove here. It will be In the 80.
Adama, t~eCreta.ry; Bert Fehren. Capistrano to VaJencla. two beautiful Hawallan dresses. claJ hall with the Rhythm Kings Liberty a.1011
treasurer; Harold Ca.Jdwell, sec-Four of our .tudenta went as Marlon Kurner, who beaded the supplying the music, 30 aJJ you 133 E. 17'tb St.
ond vice-president; "Min" Inoku· representatives from our d.btrlct. show dJd a wonderful job. ,.ld.ds,..iicorne;;;o;;;iii.i.;;,;;;;;;;;;__,Oiiii._iiiiliiiiii,..~..:,~~~=COS"':;;~T~A~MESA~·-iiij;g;;;;-ii; chi, serJeant-at-arms. They were Bob O.Long, Jack e BJ TAliS ausY 1 Prizes were awarded to the fol· Smith, John Hopkins, and Ann Harbor Rl Tara Club Is a busy
towtnc: Mrs. Ray (Lilly> CaU-Lardner. They llstened as the oragnlzatlon. This 1s the honor
yeUowtaJl, 17 lb&, 4 oz.; Jerry cabinet discussed state wide club for lettermen. It l.s thelr
Ganong-barracuda, 7 lbs .. 1 oz.; C.A.S.C. problems and plans. ambltJon to sponsor and pro-
Roy Kobayashi-albacore -11 C.AS.C. would like to get all the mote athletics and general good
lbs., s oz.; David Nishioka. age school newspapers to write up sportsmanship within theachool.
9-junlor award for albacore. 11 thelr meetlnp 10 the students Some of their activities are the
lbe.. 5 oz. may learn more of this organlu·1 football pro&ram publleatlons.
A raffle wu held, the featured .tlon. j
pTfz.es being rods donated by Sll· A trattlc safety program wu
aflt'x·Rod Co., sponsor of the Sea also on the agenda and it wu
Horse Club. Winners were Ray decided that a form of contest
Call. Mrs. Lee Harter and Harry would be run in which the best
Matsukane. Mrs. Harter, whose school would receive a five hun-
husband Is general sales man-dred dollar prize.
U. S. Royel r.,..
ager for SUaflex, returned her • TElflfJS TEAM WIJfS
prize for re-drawing. The g irls' tennls team took a
Weshing & Poliahing
Complete Lubnut:on S.rvic:.e
Leonard Rumsey spoke on the ride to La Habra last Thursday.
value of a program directed It wu tht'lr tim game this year
toward Interesting the younger and they won five to four with
generation In spin-fishing. tak· one tie. That's a good beginlng;
lng them flatting and In cultiva. let's hope they keep It up.
tJng self-reliance and fishing • S. A. DAY 1701 E Coe5t Hlqhwey •• Avoudo
courtesy. Mr. Rumsey lauded Sea S. A. Day, senior animal day. Corone del Mer
Horse club mem~r ''Min" Ino.w .::~as;;;:~lut=='"'=u=r=sd=a=y=·=Th=a=t'=s =th=e:=:::;;:::::;:;;:::;:::;:;;:;;:::;:;;;;;~ kuchl. who bas given much time r
to an effective program for the
junior memben of the club .
The enterta.lnment featured an
Illustrated talk about a trlp to
lower Mexico b)' Dave Fink. Miss
Carol Shearer, a HawaiJan dancer
who 1s part of the Silaflex or·
ganlzatlon when not dancing,
gave her own versions ot "Be·
yond the Reef" and "'I'ht' Uttle
Grass Shack." In the latter num·
ber ahe was assisted by Or. Mon·
aco and Dr. RJchards ("Calling
C. Q." > Hoffma.n.
Founders Day
Luncheon Set
Reservations must be In Tues·
day for the Founders Day lunch·
eon, which members of the
Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae
Club of Oronge County will hold
jointly with the Long • Beach
Theta Alums. on Saturday noon.
Jan. 28. The luncheon 1s to ~
held at Greenbrler Inn. Garden
Grove. In honor of the founding
of the Kappa Alpha Theta, col·
Ieee sorority, at De Pauw Unl·
verslty In lndJana on Jan. 71,
1870. Preceding the luncheon, the
Orange County group wtll hold
a business meeting In the lounge
of the Greenbrier at 11 a .m.
Mrs. Kellar Watson of Orange,
president. wfU discuss with the
county group the appointment
of thelr share of the benefit
luncheon whJch was previously
ht'ld at the Ambassadoc Hotel In
Los Angeles.
The funds will be distributed
between the 0 r a n g e County
Club's own project of assistance
for out·tolng polio patleots; the
Institute of Logopedics at To·
peka. Kansas, which ls the
Theta national project; and the
new Theta chapter house at the
USC campus.
Reservations tot the Found.fls
Day luncheon should be made
with Mrs. William Hlpparct,
Kelloe 8·1016.
1010 OD the dial
Hear ....... -~
11 a..m..-lfews ud com..,..,t.
11:15 a..~D.-Varlect sub~
MONDAY (U:l5) ~ ~ue~·
'nJISDAY (U:l5) •Aa 0\Ct Aa we fttftk-e.Jor a~
'WEDJQI:.!DAY (11:15) "'Lf.Y·
RIDAT (U:ll) -n.. Ud.d ....... Adtoa. ..
Balboa Island
... ....... .,..ill
Saturday Jan~ 21
of the New
"Nantu,ket Room"
9 a.m.-10 p.m. .... ., ....
11n JMIM
Llllll •••••• • ••
IIPLE • •••
~1agnifit"E'nt for r-om fort -
t h l' s e hlgh-rount P"ncal~' Such easy<"are ShH'tS. too! Put
thl'm on -for g e t thl'm till
wac:hda) ' Tht-y stay "made·
up:· nt'("d no dally smoothing.
no lrontng. All P.culey pee·
twf.D. 11/
Muslin at "tts ~t : .. unusually high In tlll"t'ad 1" count for greatt>r romfort. lone t'('Onomy w.ar!
hoc:o'a an loomed by Americ:a'a top alteet a1U&.
t..t.c1 la haaey'a owa ~ ""' wcdoi 1 .•. tdl
tint q«aaljty perfects! 11 by ........
n by 101 tach-. 1.11 a b'f •·iAcb ~ ac
I ~· .crtiaa ......... -.t· ~ ... , ...... .
aoal ft:!'ched cotton f'Uled.
they wash snow whJte. Stu.r·
dy mualln cover. t•pe·bou.ftd.
boxed stitched .
... twla
..-Clara 1[.,...... fJI T1J ~ IJfe Chairman far tM ~ &w .. 00... del llu, dllbtct b a ...uJ ,...,., 1n tbe
aDd Katthew V. Wa..Witb fJI Wa.aa'a loelet7. Al.o. 111M Sa a a Pearl Aw .. ._..._ blaDeS. mema..t Ulla,...,. ol one ot tile
were named Cburda Wamu and lmpoftaDt boarda ol tbe South·
CbW"Ch Man ol tbe Yeu by Ute .m CalJtomta·Arbon& Jl~·
Jf e w port Harbor Ooandl ol cllat Conf.-.nce. It Ia the 8oerd Cbureb8 at the annual dlnDer ol Evaqellsm. Tbla 1a an J,a).
meetln& Friday at Chrt8t Church portant Board ,tvtng direction ltY the Sea. to the major emphuia on Chrla·
The BeY. )l. ~ Cronk, mlnl· U&n Wltne~~~~ now In procre. l.n
.ter of the .u.etnbly of God all :Uetbodlat Churches l.n South·
Cburch, Costa Mesa. and retirl.ng em Cautomla and Arizona.
prealdfllt of the Councll, pre-e AC'I'l'VZ LAYJIAJI
aided at the meetlnc and con· Mr. WaldeJlch, the Church
ducted the l.nstallatlon of the !!fan of 1955, ta an actlve lay.
1956 Council Officers, \he Rev. m&n o1 the B&lboa Island Com·
James Stewa.rt of St. Andrew's munJty Methodist Chureh. He is
Presbyterian Church as the new the teacher of the seventh crade
president. the Rev. Robert B. class 1.n the Church School and,
Gronlund of the Hubor Lutheran along with hls wife, Ia adviser
Chureh as vice-president. Mra. to the Intermediate Methodist
Mildred Wrl,ht .a secretAry and Youth Fellowship, a Sunday eve·
Miss Kohlstedt as treasurer. nl.ng group tor youths ot the
Feat~ speaker was the Rev. sixth, a event h , and eighth
Paul TravIs of Wl.ntftSberg, grades.
world traveler, wbo dlacusse<l The Commission on Education,
problems ot the Holy Land and which haa aa Its responslblltty
Ulustrated hls talk with sUdes the complete aupervlslon ot the
that he had taken. educational program tor the en·
Tbe Balboa Island Circle served tire church, Is under the chair·
the dinner. 'I'Tle choir of the manshlp ot Mr. Waidelich. He
Southern C&lltornia Bibl~ Col· also servts on the otflclal Board
lege prewnted choral numbers. and the Pastoral Relatlona Com· e lfEMilEJI 01' CIDDT CB'UBCB rnlttee
Miss Kohlstedt, the Church Despite hla busy eburch ached-
Woman of 1955. ha.s been mem· ule he devotes a tremendous
ber of Christ Church by the Sea nw!nber ot hours to Boy Scout
in Newport tor eight years. For activities. He 1s acoutmuter of
the second ~ar abe 1s serving Troop 81 which Ia sponaored by
aa p r ~ s _I d en t of the local the chu~h. ·
Woman s Sodety of Chrlstlan Matt is a native of Michigan,
Service. She Is regular In attend· and came to thls community to
ance at worship a.nd oWclal reside when be was attached to
meetings. a.s well aa helpl.ng In the u. s. Marine Corps at El
many regular respons1bllltles of Toro. He saw overseas duty in
church lite. both World War n and the Ko·
In community ltfe, Miss Kohl· rean wu. After his dbcharge be
stedt Is active l.n the United took up hls pre-war employment
Church Women's group of New-with the Pacific Telephone and
port Harbor, and for several Telegraph Company, which he Is
years has served as treasurer or now serving In Santa Ana.
the Harbor Council of Churches. The Waidellchs have three
She has been elected to this of· children. Sharon, 15; Terri, 12;
flee again for the coming year. and Matthew 1r., one year. Miss Kohlstedt is also render·
ing outstanding service to the _ -•
larger work or the Methodist FOI' lettertle•da. envelooes f;.ell
denomination. She ls serving as THE ENSTbN. HA-l I 14
P 1 a n t your roses the
easy way • • • in Plan-
For ample amounts of
cut Dowers plant 3 or
more of each variety.
a 16.50 Value
Queen Elizabeth _ __$2.50
Helen Traubel ---·-2.50 Chrysler Imperial __ 2.50
Charlotte Armstronq 2.00
a $12.00 Value
3 . ...., .....
all 5 for -..o-
1-. ....... --.
Peace ~50
Mojcrn --------2.50 Sutters Gold 2.25 .ua._7.45 • • •
Say it with Flowers
·Variety Show Will Raise
Funds for· Mt.rch of Dimes
&a (')raqe Oauld;J M.ardt ot 4IMue II aal rwt ooequered
Dtmea Van.ty 8baw wW be "I.At"• not lllop when we're
belcl Saturdq nlabt at the Or· 011 tbe a.t ot vkltorJ," he em-
anp Cout eon ... Auclltortum. pbua.t Ia ....-. -.ppan ot
'ftaen wW be local talent, u 11M VarW7 IIIGW aacl CIIIIDtl'tbu· ..n aa prot..r.onal ada, lnclucl-~ tD U.. Jlanll ol 01-.
l.na Jo Burclkk. tall blonde --------==~~;.....__,=
c1aDCW tram AD&betm;. Ted Bow· ant. tuc:ber ancl demlollltratlon
art1at from Loe AlspJee; ancl
Actomantlc:a, a poup of four
dancer-acrobats from San Dlqo.
11celrta few the abow are beJna
.old by the eo.ta llesa police
force, according to Chief Arthur
McKenz:te, who Ia Orartge County ;:=:::::;:;:;:;:;:;::::;:::::;:::::;::::::;::::;:::;
Cbalrman for the annual polio
tund drive. Putttnc on tbla rucbt
of entertainment Ia a apeclal
project ot the pollee raerves.
Dorothy 1o Swanaon of Corona
del Mu Is In chup ot cocwdl-
natlng the talent •few the ahow,
a nd tickets are al110 av&Uable at
CBVaCB COUJICJL AWAJIDS-,_._ .C tiM tile y._ MIM a.. ........ .C C.... del
boet daa.rcb. u.. an. -.y CarJMa oe Clulat M• .-4 M.tt.Mw Wal'kl""' .c ..... laa-d.
Cbuda br tbe s.a (ceat.) 18 pkhiNd ._. wM .,.... ••••nd at tM •....-t ....,_ c-a.
wttll tile Cbarda WCIIDCIII Cllld Cbudil ... of dl of Q.,.._ ....... (ftMe bJ 1'-a-)
her studio.
Money ralsed throueh the
ahow w1ll be u.led to care tor
Orance County poUo v1ct1m.a.
ChJef McKenzie aald. Althouch
Salk vacclne I«WD Ia helpinc
to obUt«ate poUo, be aald, the Name Wanted Use ~ Wut Ads lor Besal~
For Schoo.l
a-lD all of tbe w .....
pol't ..... Eleaa-tary Sdaooll
from Cftlde four tbroagb e19tat
bCift ..... lD.tted to aumatt aaaa.. foe tile ...., e&ealeatary
~~ If~ S. wblcb Ia bela9
CIDIIStract.d at Sa:Dta ADa Aft.
cmd 15tll St. lD tbe lfewport
llelgbta area.
Paplll an belDg aabd to
briDg n.,..UUU to dau. cmd
eac:1a clau will "-«:<de oa tile
DC11De It wt.ab• to aumalt. ADy
dtbea a1lo may nballt aame
n~ dll'ectly to the aoant cd ,.,.,.._, ID elU..
CIIIIM tbe ng~ted aa:aaee mut
be lD tbe bcmda of Mn. Lout.a
CMaar. dedit ot tbe board. br
~. Jcm. 31. Tbe boarcl
ll~ to ~ a NCIDIIUIHilda-
tioll for a DCIIDe at tbe Feb. 7
11mmlny! I hear the girls had
a ball at the Panhellenic Coke
party last Saturday. I couldn't be
there, of course, I'm &lways ex-
pected to stick around here In
the window at O'BRIEN'S and
wear some new utterly devuta·
Ung gown (and now that I've
changed my hair styMg and
color, believe you me It's real
easy to look beautiful ln these
darling new clothes!). But I was
going to tell you about the Pan·
hellenic party. Gobs or girls were
there from Harbor High School
a nd 1r. College and a few of the
glrls , from colleges away came
back for the day to sort of an·
swer questions. And there was a
lady from USC Pa nhellenlc office
... and greetings ... and food
and everything.
ADd of coune part of tbe
pr09JDID was dnoted to clothes
cmc1 tasblou -beanule wbat
COULD be more lDtftestiag to
gtrll tbat ap, wbo an proba-
bly buying all tllelr dotb•
fnlm DOW OD wttll CID eye to
gomg away to schooL Well.
...... O'Brt.D really 1ft dowll
ber bcdr cmc1 9QYe IIOIIle ot tiM
liLilde tips tllat mcdte all tbe
dWenace betwMa tbe Ol'dl·
aary girl aad tbe aaartly
c1reaec1 oae. Lots of Uttle
tblDgs. 1Ur.e the way to wear
tbe coUar Cllld wbat wt4th of
belt to wear wttll oatalde
aweatwa cmd wbJ.cb lac~
cmd sweaters taebd lD.
She showed lots of pretty
clothes from O'BRIEN'S too, of
course, but really gave the gi.rls
the low-down on how practlc&l
you can get about coordinating
clothes and picking out the right
basic thlnp that will go aU
through college with you. She
also showed some d.ncaay dress-
up gowns • and gave hl.nts on
trends In style and news ln color
tor the coming seasons. Yellow,
tor Instance, thta year 1s pale In
shade to be mated wtth the
.trong spring greena; bei&ft are
flaxen to amber tn tone; ptnka
tend near to rose; and the new
blues run to persian and pale
....... .0. OO.IIID ...
....., ......... ~ .trte ....
....... --0....,. c.-c.l· ...., A8a .... Dw'l
l'w _. OIIINr .....,
U you have a problan about
what to weu to a o.rt.a1n tunc·
tJon « a vacation out-ot·towll
.top lD at O'llti&N'S ucl ull
about )'Our neeM. ~ be
glacl to abow )'OU tM .,...,_
thlnp for your sltuat.ioo--tbat'1
what Ia 10 nice about ba.m,
O'BIUII!l''IID near at lwMtt
RCIDD8y Shroyer and BalM Orbon. the u,ew OWDen of Coat Super Market. extnd a COI'ctial in-
Yitation to all of you to drop in and .ay hello, and to tab adYcmtage of tbMe .uper spe.dcrk
• * "Our policy will be to operate a c:Jecm. &ie ndly lion, aDd meet aU competition." *
SPECIIU FB 1WIS., FIL, UTriiiUIIY 11-20-21
We Carry Mannin(a Choice Baby Beef Exclusively!
Dormel~lidwestBaeon 371,.
TIDE 59~
CBA.IE & SAifiOD-Larp 4-oa. J•
CHEESE -·---·-·-·--·-····-0. ,_, 6~ CAKE MIXES -------·---~ 25C
ROjcifGelatin 3 "'1~ WAX PAPER ······---·-1~ . ~~-----------------------------------~~ AU. PO~· •lila ........ CQP
KRAFT'S OIL ·----·-····~4~
Margarine 2 Ln. 35c
frO!I ., Food', )
< I
STEW ____ ~. sc
~>. H'.lTSI. ~C CfT.H\Lf)
2 ... a.