HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-16 - Newport Harbor EnsignI
Opening Up ore
Oil Areas Likely
Exteon~lon of the sl11nt drilling sary to o!bet draining Qf oil reo· upon se-lecting a contractor the
a rea In WP'it Nt>wport lr11Jms as 1 sourCH, a coordJng to the rom· whole matter must be prewnt<'d
a strun~ probab1l1ty 1n the lischt mlttee's report. OtC~t drlllln(C ls to the vote of the people under
of recummt>ndatluns submlttPd the method ot protecting pro· I the provisions or the charter.''
by the c1ty's technu·al oil ad· 1 perty rlrhts, In this cue mineral The committee also rf><'Om-
vl~ry ~mmlltee Monday eve-rlrhts, which are beln(C lost mt'nded lmme<iiatP ste-ps tor t~ale
nlng. through drUllnr on adjacent pro · of natural gas from the tldf'·
Opening up more territory I perty. lands. A proposal for purchase or
within city limits for 1!lant drll· A city ordinance prohibits oil th~ gas by Mont~rey 1s now In
ling operations may be neces-drllllnr operations within city the hands ol th~ commltt~. I
----------Jlmlts. Westerly of 53rd St., slant •
M 8 • drtlllng under the city 11 allow~d S h 1 ""BEWaJrnA.• ~ ~. t. ....... ben .-t u.. c.a.ty rs. run1ng from drlll sltH Outside of city cenes s ot J)oQ MID~ A.l'c:t.e. 9Mtia9 tM IJaal tnc:bea for ft1a.l89 .....
h • limits. It Is In this area that the ot 1-* v ... ·• •A.na.Dd Ute WGdd la • Dayw..-~ t. a
Is C airman Monterey.Humble tidelands dru. for 'SO Days uo-toot. two-....-s 8dll•-• .._.tr OWDeCS bf u.. ~ llnl' operatlona ar~ conductN . lutttut. of La Joll& (Easlp pbeto)
f M h Slant drllllnl' Ia not permitted
PI . w k d 0 I 0 ere ants ~ut~rly or 53rd St. All t'Xlen· 'round World' an Or e U sloru of oil drilling operations
Mrs. Kaftn Bruning, owner of muat be submitted to the vote ot Karen Marc:reta Imports, was the peopl~. Anyone who happened to ~
electN chalrma:l ot the newly I The oil advllory committee tlv~ mlles out at ~a yestnday
... Cormed Corona del Mar Me-r· satd ln Jta report: (We<lnesdayl may hav@ ~n an
F M • p E chants Dlvlslon or the Newport I "Some u not all of the produ· h onest·to·r oodnea movl~ being Or Ovl ng Harbor Chamber ol Commerce at clnr wells In the city owne-d sub· mad~ Michael Todd's production
• •
an organization mttetlng yest~r-merre<t Ianda are dralnlnr areas of ''80 Days around the World"
day morning at Cbers Inn. ~ast ot th~ present limit of the was having a sequence shot In
E I e c t e d vl~·chalrman wa.a so-called Elliott ron tract. the replica of the old fashione-d
Today Is Deadline
To File in Race
choice In ttlt' t'le<11on for Cht' dll
tr1ct.'' Hans Broerlnc said when
he file-d
ctty Attorney Karl Lynn Davll proximately 60 fflet westerly ot Frank Jordan, owner of Jordan's "It It 11 ever fe-lt desirable to "side wh~ler" ship recently rt' As of 3 o'clock yestt'rday after-
quietly dropped a sizable bomb· the wenerly line of 58th St. Pet Supplies, and tht' secretary· take the n~ry steps to oft· constructed at the County Dock noon there wer-e tour candidates
shell In the roncludlna mom~nts "B. The abandonment by the treaaurer II Harold Hetrick, cash· 1 set th~ production, It pmbably In the Harbor. In the rart' tor Council In the
ot Monday evenlnr'• long Coun· City ot Neptune Ave. from a ler at the Newport Harbor Bank. will be necessary to 110Uclt bids The-shooting took place about City of Newport ~ach Deadline
d l rne«<ni by presentlna a ten· point approximately 60 f~t A propo8ed set of by·laws was tor similar type of rontract now five miles out In the channe-l for tllln(C for th~ April 10 t'lec· "I will try to uphold the k ind
tatlve proposal, atteptable to ea.at ol the easterly line of presented by .lamesT. Van Dyke, In et!ect with Monterey. nod toward Catalina and the good tlon Is 12 noon today tThurs· of governme-nt that the people
Pacific Electric, for removal of 55th St. and extending westerly president CJf the Newport Harbor -----ship. yacht that Is, "Kanlm," day 1 Today Is also dt'adllne-for artt mtere-stt"d In in N~rt
PE atatlon and tracltl from the to the Coast Highway. Ch&mbeT ol Commerce. Mrs. Bru· CBUCJlO TO APPEAa took a boat load of celebrities rt>glsterlng In ord~r to vot~ In Beach and continue to ht'lp ln
heart of Newport and rel.ocaUnr "C. 'Mle proper re-zonlnr by nlng named the following on a Chucko the clown will appear out to stand by for the shootlnfr. 'that t'lectlon. the pro(Crt'SS and ~owth of New·
the PE facilities near 61st St. In the City to nootnftlt the reloca -'-y-lawa commIttee : Kenny In penon a t the apeclal Heart There are forty'lt'Vt'n stars In S I d I t t \port Be-ach. That s th~ reason I ..-···· % F d .__ efl h 1
urpr se eve opmen s yes eot· d ld-.. .. West Newport. llon and the placement or oranc!t of Brandt's Dept. Store, un .,.,.n t • ow at 1:45 p.m. the rllm. which has been taken day wt're the-switch de<"lslon or ec ....... to run.
Total COIIt to the City of New· tracks on their property lmme-Hubert Pelnol of Corona del Mar Saturday at tht' Udo Theater, I In porta all around tb~ world. lncum~nt Clarttnce Higbie to Sleneu of Hans Broer1ng's pe.
port Bellc:b for the relocation and dlately north of their present Pharmacy and Lucy Nocenzo of Newport Beach An Abbott and 1 Thls particular sequence was run tn place of hls w1ft' who had Utlon were Robert W. SrotJeld,
value o1 1an4 to be acquired rlght·of-way, c:ommenclnr at a La CanUna Llquon. Costello movie will be shown at prt>VIously fllme<i In tht' studios, tile-d last wttek . and' tht' an· 114 Marine Ave.; WilHam R.
would be ssoo,m, acoordJna to point apptOXJ.mately 100 feet Nut meettu,r of the Men:hants the beoaflt espeetally prepared I but they finally remade a boAt nouncemrnt of ' candidacy by Scott. 203 Emerald Ave.; C. T. n,.,_ wbtllttl*' by Pacllle west of the --..,ly line o1 Olvtaton will "'le at 8 a.m. Wed-for elemenll:ry younpteors of the and N'did the "real thlnl" be·1 rormer Councilman Kala Broer· MacMa.steor, 206 Purl A~.; Vlr·
Elec:tr1c oMci&la. Prospect St. and extendlnl to needay, Man:b 21. at Chel'a Inn. Kewport ana • .,lli!ONd by t.be cauae they werert't aatistlN with lnr who had bftn ddeatN for j..U I. Panda. ,a Coral Ave .•
• AtrniOIIJ"''Y GUJnED the propoMd relocation r..ciU -Harbor Council PTA. the .. pretertd" .oenes. rtt·~lf'ctlon by Mr Hl&ble l'l the "'bomu A MeDoupJJ. and Ro-
The Council approved a motion ties above ~enUone<t. Dr. Long I ey h March e-lection Jut yt'ar. I berta c. McDpuraJI, l08 Grand
to eiy .. City Attorney Davia the c t Be M d Canal. and Richard Cramer. 124 •• "' "D. The naht to subdlvidt' anges 0 a e Both of tht' otht'r two lncum· Marin• Av• all of Balboa la'•ftd authority to work out a prellml-the vacated railway on their ' ...__ •• C II ' ~ Wild "' "'·· .......
1th PE I h I H d f .,.....n..... ounc mt'n .....,..,. eor Th .. ,_t1tlon was cl-·Jat_.. '-y nary contract W W t 0\Jt r1ght·Of•Way COmmencing On s ea 0 d ro~ ld D-_.. h "' >" ''-" ll"U IJ 1 1 an ..,.-,a ...... nn..-.. . avt' an-G?rdon S. Wevtll of 1561 Mira· a::=c~:e~~u:~d·~~m!~ r~1tt~:h~r:xa~~~;~ C.D.M. Assn. In School Boundar·les ~:~:~0~~1~n:n~:ntlon to run ~~~~.:~~£
ceptN by PE manarement. hear· mately 100 fttet west of the M 1 1
I ld '--h ld '--f th PI t 1 tl DISTRJIT 1 Wt'Sl Nf'Wport -rs. H &b e providN anotht"r np wou ""' e uo::: ore e westerly line or Prospect St.. an• or a ga a mtte ng on 1 1 Interstate Commerce Commlulon aald aubdlvillon to be for resl-Friday. March 9, and election of Chan(Ce-over ot the Hora~ En· School for ""ades kindt'rgart"'n <'A-raid Bt'nnt'tt. Incumbent. 'surpr se n the t'lectlon picture
and Public UtJlltles Commission. dentlal purposes. I new ottl~ were botll resolve-d sl~ school to ~venth and through rlltr An a Iter n a; t' D(STRJCI 5. Balboa Island -by announcing yesterday morn-
Mr. Davis saleS.. there ahould "E. Som .. p-vlslon for ac-at a February organization meet·l el<>hth -a des only will start -u ............ uld be to assl'"' ~hi I· Cl&Rnce-HI lit b I e . Incumbent . lng that sh~ was wlthdraw lnr
not ....... mu"h qu---•on about ob "' '" I'"" or th• new directors of th• " "' '"" '""" ~ .... ... Hans Br~rl·na. ·-rvi-statlon from th~ race-In ft~vor of ht'r ....,. .. "'"'u · cess to and trom the railroad "' "' "' nut Septt'mber along with a drt'n In West Newport from tht' own•r. "" ,. ~ '"" husband. She expla lnN her de-taining ICC and PUC approval taclliU-In the evt'nt that the Corona del Mar Civic Association. number of boundary ch n ... S " I I th I since this was a relocation of rall "" Dr. Jay Lonaley, or 7~ Narcls· • g"'.. anta Ana River to somewh~re DISTRIC'T 6. Mutht'asterly Co c 5 on us y: ~Ices, not reducing aerviCH. proposed freeway on th~ Coast sus Ave .. wu elected president. when thto new elementary school In the vlclnJty of 40th St. to the-rona de-l Mar _ Lt'fo \VIIder. In· 1 "S1nce ht' Is 50 ciOM to the big
The city attorney had ronfer. Highway elemtnates IIUCh ac· Other ot!lcen are Norman Fle~-o~ns for the Newport H~lghts I new school. ruml'M-nt. problems at hand. I fttel that ht'
re-d Feb. 6 with the following PE cess from said Coast Highway lng. vice prsldent; Mrs. Elbert area. SCHOOL NO. 5. at Santa Ana • FAILS TO QOAUFT :owes It to tht' city to rontlnue-at
otflclala: Georre Squires. vice where Neptune Ave. Intersects Smith, aecr4rtary; Mrs. T. Duncan When C'las.st>S begin next Sep· Ave. and 15th St .. kindergarten Almoo;t II r andldatP but Jac-k · a time whton hi~ knowledg~ of
presldertt and .1ent.>ral manarer; said highway on th~ west." Stewart, treuurer. Directors at tember Cor the 1956·:57 year, a • through r1tth In the t>ntlrt> Nev.· lng ju~<t 11 month In qualifying past past art airs IsM important"
Ed Yeomans, aeneral coun.el; • COST aJIOUJI DOWX large are Mrs. Philip Burton, part of the Horace Enslrn slxth port If eights and CIICC Haven Cor thrl'f' \'f'ar~ as an f'IN"tor In 1 Circulating M r Higbie's nomi-
WaJter Steiger, uslltant attor · The $.'500,979 estimated rost Is Mrs. G. N. Pease. Harry Bergh. grade-will ~ a&slrne<t to one of areas wiJJ atte-nd this school. In tht' rlty. wa. Norman L Brown nation pa~r was Curt Dosh, 217
ney to Mr. Yeomans. and E. van brok~n up as follows: ~location, Hubbard Richter and retiring the othe-r qchools. I addition. eltht>r West Newport. of ~11 5t>nwart1 Rd Corona High· Pt>arl Ave-SIJml ng thf! raper
Dusen. In charae of real estate. Including pavina of the new rail·! president. Richard Hilliard. The sl7e and facilities of the as explained above, or Harbor l11nds. Hl' went tn City Hall Tues· were Frank Bra ndl. 1111 N. Bay
• PJIOJIOSAI. road facilities. 800·foot screen A little business sandwiched Corona del Mar School make It Highlands will also be Include-d day to pk k up nomination pa-Ft : E. H Hlln'iPn, 1011 N Bay
The proposal arrived at was roncrete waJJ nine f~t high on In betw~n a lot or run has been ldt-ally s ultN u a lower grade It West Newport Is assigne-d to Pf'r'l In nrdf'r to run In Dlstrlrt Ft.: Robt"rt W1llmt"<t. 225'-' ma
described by Mr. Davls as fol -~the south erly edge of tht' new planned tor the first meeUng SC'hool but not well designe-d to School No 5. Ha rbor Highland!! 6 but t11 <.('()Vt'rf'<1 that ht' rould rln<' Avt'; Dr n (; Sut'SS. 1708
lows: location. nood llahtlng and sta.
under the new board. It will be handle gradt'S k Inder garten will rontlnut' at the Harbor VIew nnt quality Mr Brown Is a Park Ave . M1ldrNI Cullt"n. 222
"The Pacific ~ectrlc 11 willing tlon platform. $117..237; land held March 9 at the Community through s1xth. Therefore-, It Is School. If Lido Isle Is assigne-d to t!'arhl'r 1nrt prr 1r hpr a"-'!lsting Ruby A\'f': W w Sanford 80R
to vacate all of their rallroadl acqulsttlon, tot a l or 2.'10.875 Youth ~nter at the top of Irl~ anllclpatP<lthat it wtlllnthefu · Harbor VIew Sc h ool , Harbor at thr C'nrnn~~ dt>l ~1ar C'hurch. S Bav f"t . \harlr·-. HanMOn. 608
properties west to a polnt .In square r~t at the alte of the Avt'. Special entertalnm~nt will ture handlt' grade~ klnder(Cartt'n Highla n<b will ~ Include-d 1n anrt 1-. "''" o;r r.1nc as a n inve<1 S Sa~ Ft . t:lmf"r Maldf'n, 125
West Nt'Wl)Ort about op~lte of present PE .Utlon, $356.072; re· Include an Impromptu band of through fourth. w1th firth and tht' School No. 5. ar~a. mrnt rPpr('-.ent ttl\ P Ruby Avt> . Ft-rd l-1nsdownt-. 218
Prospect St .. which for the pw· moval of ~nt station and proft'SSional and bualnHSmen sixth grad<' chlldrt'n In that art'a HORACE EN 5 I G N SCHOOL: ''Thr ~It-nn R.tlt>na l<iland Crystal .t.\f' and Robert Cook.
poae o1 ldentUJeaUon. fa two track, lndudJna the traclu on musicians. T. Duncan Stewart being ass1gne<i to the Harbor The children in the ~veonth and !>hould ha,·r more thnn one 210 Ma rini" A\'P.
bloclu west of 6llt Sl 'Mlls pro· Balboa Blvd. and re-paving. less will have charge of the m~tln(C. VI"( School. , «.>lghth grades rrom all or the ----
po.aJ fa aubjed to thf! followlna: credit for aa.lvaae. 116.870; re·l Otht-r chanees wUJ be mad~ to District and the s1xth grad~ chll
"A The tllht to relocate thelr moval ol balance of rail lin~ lo· s •t w• take maximum advantagf' of th~ drttn from all are-as t'X~pt thow
facilities on the property cated on the rlght-of-V(IlY ex-al ors In, location of the new IChool In re· assfgned to Harbor VIew will at
owned by tbem Immediately tendlnr wm~ly from Balboa duclng transportation needs ol tt'nd the Horae~ Ensign Sc-hool
north o1 the pre.nt rtrht-of· Blvd. to 6t.t St., $10.800. r• f 2 d the District. In one or two ca~. Somt' minor variations In Kin
war havlnr a lenlth ot 800 Mr. Davls oaJd that II t he city I e or n hoWl"Vt'r. It will, be necessary to dergarten boundaries will almost
feet. eommenetnr at a point and PE cannot ac:reoe on the A chance for the Tar varsity transport children to a school ce-rtainly be n~ssary
apprax!mately 60 feet eut of value or the land, this matter bas.k4rtbalJ team to tle with Ana . other than th~ one clo.wst to
the euteorly line of 55th St. would be aubmJtted to a court hf'lm for flnrt-place In the Sun· them geographically. Tentatively L h S f
and extendJnr to a point ap· of law to determine the value. set Learue depends on the T"l$ approved school boundaries and at rop a e I A $22.~ damage t~ult wu
wlnnlna their rem&lnlng three
gnde assignments for 1956-1957 1 tllNI Monday by Hugh Davts and Details for a Greate-r All Ameor·
be L I Ch eel gamt'S. are u toll~: # A ta t• C'hlsholm 8l'Own of thf" Davis -lean Market In eo.ta MHA at Ra les aw S ang The~ play Orange there at HARBOR VlEW SCHOOL: Jtln· In n rc IC Brown Co , 1885 Harbor Blvd., 19th St. and Harbor Blvd. wtll
7 P m tomorrow CFrldayl An•·! dergarten throuah alxlh grade 1 C'osta Me<ta. against H o ward be announce-d In two weekt, h~l~ hen at 3 p.m. nextn.esday chlldrttn from Shore Clllfs. Co· 34 Ltf i:~ ~~SH. ~~hroMp Jr Lawl'On, Mrs. Howard Lawson. Blaine Hu~hlson, president ot
and Huntlnpn BHch here at rona Highlands, Corona dt'l Mar, • 0 u-t · ......,,a HA, H a r v t' y Somer-s Inc., Harvey the markt'l chain. told the En· The emer,ency rablee lnoc:ula· to Balboa lsland beae!hes, and a 7 Jl'rl~ F b 24 north or the hlrhway and Bay ls expect~ ho~ In Aprll. his Somt'rs and the Nf"WPPrl Balboa a1 M d
tlon ordJnance reeetved 80I'Oe suarestlon th~n wu made that ~~Tara .:On et;9_46· owr Gar· Shores and Bay Shores Camp father. G. H. Lathrop or 465 Sea· Savlnp and Loan Atmt. Ill\ on ay.
emer,.ncy amen4.lna at Mon~ a new Ol'dlnance be drawn to dl'n Grove T\lf»day to mov• up will go to thf! Horace-Enslen ward Rd.. Corona del Mar, an· The Davts-Brown Co ~ka a PlaM tor the market have
enDlnc"-Newport Clt:J Coune1l prohibit dop on all beach• ex· to a MCOnd place tte with Fuller· School. tn addJUOn. the fttth nounced thll Wftk. lO·foot alley f'Umt'nt at the rear been redra.-n. Mr. Hutch~
me.ttn,......to a.mpt dop whole cept OD the Newport ocean front. ton with e..a Nll'OC'dL Ana.beJm and sixth rrade chUdren from ~n Navy men. lncludlng Lt. of tht'lr property at 1885 Harbor ~· a~n th~t ~:; ~.k~
Uwa 1Da7 be tnda.qered by the City Att.or~MU' Karl DaVll aald defeated Santa Ana 38·2'7 to 1 all 0: the-p~t Colona del Mar Cnldr. Lathrop. ~nt five de.> .. Blvd. Thf'y cha.r,.e that Mr. Law· would be built. Th• llrm hu
rablellbobl. ~ m1&trt be 1epJ eompllca· stay on top wttl'l 1 1•2 recotd.. In School Dlstrlc.'t w1l1 att•nd Bar· on the ~ beside their cruhN .an and Mr Some-rs &~"@ e.l'f!rtina oth• 'I.'J:I.a.rkeb In the eountv In
TbJa amea~t. which went tiona oonc:wnlq IJdo l&le. be· tbe other • --__ Or• .. -bor Vlf'W. "'peration Deep rr e e ze" U.S. a bulldlnr facln1 w 19th St. ''
Into tft«t lmmeMa~, . ..-cauae the ~ then aN det•ted g;;'~M.ii CORONA DEL M.Ut: Kinder· Navy plane In tb«" Antarrtk:. which ls blocldn1 a . to th~ ~h. ~del Ma.r,
that a Clrtlftee.w ~ to leued by the Lido tale Commu· Lut ~ the Tan Ul*lt prten throuah fowtb pade dlU-"J"''aeoy were rat'\M'd lut Tbun· I"Nr ot their buUdln1. Th~ AV• te an ~ Oro... ~h• dal\IW tD tile c1oC IDUilt be nlt:Y A..adadoa. ~matter WU Fullerton 62 ~ 53 to drop th• &en trom the .,.. P'"V't& day and~ to Uttl~ Amer· lnp ..-octatlon wu na.JMd tn
obta1Md fi'Oift a lJceed ~· th.a ,.,_.,... to him f01 ttuctJ 1 dJana out or ant plue u. ..wet by the 0.00. Ml Mar lea. All banda~ l'f!POrted ...re th• autt ror llavlna prov1ded Ut m.n.Jiom«ooiJ'GIUp ~ned tor UMttr
IW1an. 8udl pUd dop w1U.Out ..,eelflc NCOIJUDenda· n The Tar ~ apiNt ·au. School. aDd W'llll.. loan for thf! La.-.on . Somen buUdl"'f to rae. on Ruw atvct.
mWit be conan.t 'to JINIIl1MI « tton u to mttbod. den Crow tndQcMd Paul !Met-NEWPORT SCHOOL: Kinder· bullctlna. A new AU-American Vt. Da.ta dt.a.rpd. a4d q that
Wltbtn a motar viblde at ~-all I • I II I zen. f ; Edd.le Pope. 23; Larry ~en t.ttrouah tuUl pact. dill· II ..____ Mar-ktt w1ll be buUt on the Law· now tM7 ..,. llavtnr th bulle!·
U... -1-11• -1·11 Harper. t; Dt'nn1l Harwood. 2: wtll att.nd ~the eame -~ eon·Somerlltte. tna tac. OD Utb
Doll dJdn't tare ., well. how· CUb w.nn, MtwtMft MO &nd oav. Tamura. 10: aq DaoW• .,.... u at ~ anpt that 11 Mr. Davb QPlaln~ that ht ..,.. lboald be an a.n., -..
..,., tD a.DOtbet cle'N&opmmt te wu ....._ from tM muale e and Ga.r7 c.-n. 15. It wUI bf! neceDU1 to reu~ tM anct hts p~ •f'I"Md to cut olf b.lnd all .. Mi DiaN
MondaY ....,tq u Coudl ,.. room o1 Cbe lienee bllCn Th4l Tat ,_.n.lor vanlt:J lalt to Joact at the lftwpalt Stlllool by J'ftwpellt at:r Coand1 ~ th* buUd.lq to an 10-Joot ald. -rt Ia lll tM dtr .... ·.w..,..
celvect a petition from abOUt 15 Scllool by a bwtlar, Jfewport po. ~ ero... • to a. tranaferTtntr OM ane to anoth~ a petition Mones., ewnb\1 tor dtptb to m.atdl
Udo 1a14t Nlldfttt aatnr for ac· uee l't'POfttd ~. «bool. At OM ~t tt~. there annexatiOn ol a block ollanc11n ~ by the r... .. nan.!ttlliiDf .. l
tioD to lc.-p .... 011 the Udo w. 1t Jllttll ol .., P\allefton Clla .oe ....... In .,. two ~·'-ara. whtd\ the trppw -.... -• ._,. P'OUP directly to th• ..otll 014tauoe.•
Mec:ba • Ava.. llf.wport a.tlbta. called po. Mr. and MilL IDtbael MW'ell• mq proVide a 101~ and th• Rubor BICitlaftcla. ftla la the 1'M)' ,. u-p a ,_. CIDita ..._
At 'ftllt a IDOdoD wu made lice at u :.15 ....._ ~ to ,.. at ..,...,.., lillirWilrt7 r .... .-ftnal dfdalon wW b&V'e to be blodt l1 ol 'ruUJ:a A ..._ a e)eantna plant wbJda ou:¥•1 na lut cJ.IndiiC Clt:J ~~a...., Job pen ltMifta a ..au.-, IMtal at 100 ~ Ave...~ tM4e upon the Mille ol a com· tweftli2Dd an4 t3r4 part ·cil tiMir 1Malldlfta tiD "-_,. 8
laDen to bau 1 ,.,.... ... " ,.. ou11 ._ ta tM aJJ417 at tM,., cW Kat. ••-tM ,.,._ fl l*t• ana.,_ ol ~~~! ~ ~ Ownmteetoa ,... 1IOI'tll aad 1 Ill .. tt -. ...._ ....,.~;==~ Ji11t M* • .... .. f 11 u fill .._ ....._ ft ........_. ,._ a.n ..... t ... ...awl ....... data of tMII two .,_. .... ..-..-•-"!"" ~ ol 6Ja .,_ tl .. ftna In •• I Clf ..., a • ..... .... = a-.. RIIJip ......... '-"Y ..... -•••• ..,.. M." at w to .. rl......._ ... .. ............ ftalr ........ .. _. ......_ ... a "lt ., .... • ,..~ o..,. ... ,.,.,. -.. ..... a.mdlat~aMe. ,.. ..... ._ • ._.,...... _.. ........ . ... illlr ............... .... ....................... ~ftl 'IC 2 t . ftl........ fl
I 5
~t, Hop
Suppose •tf\e guy across the street is sharing in oil royaltie~ from
sJant drilling under our city. And suppose that the boundary lme of
the slant drilling Mea runs right do._. the middle of the street. and
you on this side connot share in the royalties: Then you have a cause
for action. for sure, because oil that might be under your property
•s being drained away. There is only one way to protect your property
rights: open up your'side of the street for oil drilling. .
That, my friends, is the sitvation looking our city square •n the
face. Property owners edjacent to, but outside of, that West. New·
por+ slant drilling corridor have good legal grounds for seek•ng to
share in the income from oil being drained from under their house s.
Thus it appears inevitable thdt new oreas for oil drilling must be
opened up. Th~t. in feet, is the recommendation of Newport's tech-
nical oil odvisory committee. If new drilling con be allowed neat to
the present oil areo, then more drilling must be ollowed next to the
new oreos. ond so on ond so on.
We are faced wifh the dreodful prospect of becoming on oil
city. To some this moy not be so terrible: money isn•t so bad, they
soy. But I firmly believe that our greatest ond soundest long-run
weolth is right here irf ou.r wonderful recreational ond r~sidentiel re·
source s. and the spreod of oil drilling will cause greoter loss in growth
end voluations than the gain in royolties.
.All is not lost. however. There is one pretty li~ely safeguard: fail-
ure to find oil in sufficient quantities in areas other thon the p~sent
oil field. Hold your breoth. • • •
Time to tolk seriously about consolidating Newport Beoch ond
Costa Meso into one city, which is the only way to solve the school
problem. No use discussing the union of school districts until the ci ties
are united. If only all the citizens of the two cities would reod the ex·
pertly prepered, report on consolidation completed in 1954, they could
see that joining together would be of immediote financial benefit to
both cities . . . I can t shed any tears over the threot of losing school
subsid1es through the union of school districts. Subsidies ore expen·
sive crutches thot discourage a comm uni ty from solving its own prob·
lems. Control follows subsidy os surely as night follows day: and for
every subsidy that you receive. you lose onother chunk of freedom. • • •
Thanh to Moyor Dora Hill for colling for clorifications from time
to time on h.,rd.to-underst.,nd issues at Monday evening's Council
meeting ... Lido Islanders who ore calling on the city to keep dogs
off Lido beoches might find the problem strictly their own--because
the Lido Community Association is leasing the beaches from the city.
ond therefore it would seem proper thet the care and cleaning of the
beache$ should be their responsibili .. , ... There should be no quorrel
about upping our Councilmen's solories from $50 a mooth to $200
{ond from $100 to $300 for the meyor). Those folh are running o very
important enterprise. our city, and sho11ld be properly compensofed
for o difficult job.
~AME /-
• :l\
f'lu:ac.. ........-.-."""
* Fresh Fish & Sea Foods During Lent *
Specials For Thurs., Fri. & Scrt., Feb. 16-17-18th
Sliced Bacon 49~
4·POVJrD, CAirlfED
Picnic Hams , . . .
caoc:a c., . .,..
Beef Roast
' I'm looklnr at the 1956 ''World
Record Marine Game Fllhes," re·
leased recenUy by the Jnterna·
tlonal Came Pllh AModatlon.
There are a lot of tamUJar names
In the columns. Many of theee
namea belonr to people you
know who live or spend a lot of
tlme right here ln Newport. U
you're knee-deep ln flshlnr. llke
us. there may not be ~uch here
that's newL But to the leu fJeep·
ly dyed, It may be lnterestthr to
know that Newport Harbor can
and should boast about aa many
world record holdtws for big
game !Ish .as any city of the
same size anywhere-or maybe
a hundred times as populated.
For your enlightenment and civic
pride, here's the local Who's Who
In the Ble Time of sport fishing.
One record holder who ·has
kept hla title a long time Is AJ.
phonse Hamann. who. In 1931
landed the blggeat one ever
taken from local watera.
His 692·lb. stTiped marlin has
been tops for just 25 years, come
August 18. Seems like the City
of Newport Beach ought to strike
a medaJ. have a parade or some·
thing .
Biggest !Ish on the sheet for
the home towners Is Bert Dev·
ere's 834 pound Pacifi c Black
Marlin. taken on ~ pound test
line In 1954, whUe Bert and
Frank Bivens were showing the
Cabo Blanco folka a thine or two
about the art ot llrht tackle
flshl.ng. To prove It was no ac-
cident, Bert caurht the first
three blacka ever taken at Cabo
Blanco on this relatively Urht
tackle. Ordinarily at Cabo Blanco,
they use 130 pound test line.
There are two world record
certitlcatea over In Balboa Mar·
lne the name of C. H. Hopkins.
Harold, who Jives at 1107 E. Bay
Ave., hu made many trips to
New Zealand. Uke Bert Devere.
he also provt"d that llrht tackle
can do the work. He currently
holds the record for the blrreat
thresher snark. a 308 pounder.
which he landed on ~·pound
test line In 1952. Hts most ac·
compllshed trick.. however, wu
a 331 pound striped marlin-the
same kind we know hereabouts
-<>n 20 pound test line. That's a
mighty tiny line for such a huge
fish' Thill was the peak of Har·
old's 1954 trip-and how!
Other rt'COrds on the men·s
light belong to R. M. Anderson
with a 2001~ pound atrlped mar-
lin on 12 poun1 test line, In
1953: a 158 pound Pacific sail·
fish on 20 pound, In 1956. by Art
HalJ; another Pactllc sail of UW
pounds on 30 pound test by
.. Woody .. Krieger. an ~ pound
test 48~ pound rooster Clah per
Russel A. Parker, an albacore of
unmentionable weight on 50
pound test line by Stan Annln.
ll you read Sports Illustrated,
national marazlne published by
the Life, Time and Fortune
people. you could get the Idea.
from re«nt Issues, that all the
hot lady anglers are from the
East Coast Please to advtse their
not -to·Wt'll·lnformed r epo rters
that they had better s tart West,
and Newport Is the center to
head for. We'll start with Jean
Carlisle of Harbor Island. who
with husband Jay, keeps sending
me cards and news from Hono·
lulu. where they now are. Jean's
254 pound Alll10n Tuna, taken In .......
From Belgium, Holland,
Sweden. Germany, Italy
It Enrland
Arabesque Jewelry
from ToJt"do Spain u.•'• Qlr1W
•'Y7 If Broadw.y, ICIIIrta ADa
1964 11 top totem In the 130 lb.
teat brac.ket far both men and
women. u ..U u the Womn'•
aU tadtle record. On the aame
line test. KnL Don AIJJaon haa a
blr 759 pound broadblll that'•
aitllnr pretey for the rat•. lt'a
right up there In the columns
with auch tamoua tlshln' ladles
u Mn. Kip Farrl.nrton, Mrs.
Mike ~ner, Mra. G. A. Bus,
and Mnt. Lou Marron. And Mrs.
Art Hall .bu the 30 pound teat
record tor a 178 pound Pacific
ullttah. e POll OVJI MONET
We've saved the best for the
last. Her name Is Thelma and
she's Mrs. W. G. Krle,er, who,
with husband Woody and their
sons recently brought their fur·
nlture and their boat. the Ob·
server. to Udo lsle for good. Say
It liOftly and reverently-(1 al·
ways salute when I see her>-
but Thelma Krlerer, a tiny and
mighty purty llttJe gal, padnah,
holds worlds records! Only one
other lady holds as many, and
that's Mrs. G. A. Bass. an East
Coast anrler, and a friend of
Get out your abacus and start
counting. Thelma has two rec·
ords In the men'a section, a 38
pound rooster fish (20 pound
test I and a real blrgle, a 30
pound test. 552 pound Pacific
Black Marlin. In the 12 pound
test sectlon-lacUes, we see a 196
pound striped marlin, a 4!5 pound
rooster fish. and a 134 pound Pa·
cltlc sallflah. On 20 pound test.
there's a 38 pound rooster and a
146 pound sail. This hut one
upped her former record In thla
clasa by 9 pounds. and, It hap·
pened In 1955, while the Ob.le·
ver was on a scientific expedl·
tlon to the Caloparos Wands.
The same 552 pound black mar·
lin Is also top8 on 30 pound test
for the ladJes. and [rankly. It
glvea me the ereepln' jeepers to
even think of it. That's the same
thin thread that moat people u~
for albacore! e WJIO'S TilE LADY CBAICPf
And 10. with real dvtc: pride,
we nominate Thelma Krlerer.
our own bome-town gal, fCK
World Champion Lady Angler!
But. you say. Mra. Baas holds the
aame number of records! Okey.
Without counUnr f.lah twice that
hold records In both men's and
women's departments. Jet's add
up the pounds -and I hope I
don•t start any hak·pulflng the
next tlme these expetta get to·
gether. Mts. Bus's records total
959 pounds. Thelma·s add up to
-1.111 pounds! Thelma'a big
black marlin w e I r h e d 552
poundL Mrs. Basa'a biggest Ia a
518 pound blue tin t una. And If
you STILL don't believe that the
World·s Champion Lady Angler
lives on Lido. I 8ttll have one
more dart. Thelma·s recorda are
all on 12. 20 and 30 pound test
line. Mr!!. Bass, In two instances,
has a 50 pound line test record
on the sheet.
rm sending a copy of this to
tht> Flshtnr Editor of Sporu Il-
lustrated. Maybe he's just over·
rome by the sun and the sands
or old Miami Beach. But It would
seem about time to rive the Weat
Coast some belated but deserved
recognition. If you read S. I., one
might get the Idea that fllh are
caught only by tlshennen-and
llsherwomen-all ot whom llve
quite a dJltance Eut ol the Gulf
of Mexico. Maybe thla story wiiJ
open the edltdl''• big blue eyes. e TIIAKK.S-Gacl COIIDOUJfCU
For reporting gray whales, a
blr Thank You to .Mr. and Mra.
90Dap More
For. Decision
on Hi Sctlool ........... ... .......... lA ...
Pate e1 a llii!aDd ...... 1Cboo1 U ... dille PI II I ( ... I "'-' .,_ .. 1111e ...... 11Q a.~t
.... Jw Itawpwt a.,._ u..-to ' o'dock .... ., ......., Uld ..._ ..,. ftiNI 1 ..W ... lh 8cbool DlterlcC on the for· liMN lau ...... aa .......... (• tt; ... 1 .. ..... ·
..., Santa Ana Army Air 1ue Ja tbe loc!a1 lAw.,.,_.) .... ol ...... ,. •:~II u. ftw. *'~*ted to M dedded In 90 aop la8we el c.1NIIda,_ .. tatll•• to a:.-... 1M JIDIIIW
..,.. City eo-naa. I ...... ....... ......... Oft
lt wtll take aboUt that mudl Mow, tlaat'e Md lor -,;: tll1l ._ -, ..,_. -. Mt 1
t1JM to kMw the nA!ta ol the f:'f ~.!!~ ....._=•• t1aat tt WM tbe ~ln. by the General Serv· a ... __ .... _ NWIIlt8 .... ., ln ....... ,.,. lc:e~~ AdmJnlatratJon, Superlnten· In lack of JIOlltJeaJ ~ u.s '"ldWia Ill" the 1nnoosDta
dent Sidney Davtdlon aald lut whlcb ln tum cut. dowll the wtth tbe arp~Mnt that '"we
week alter returnlnr from a trip meat and t.roc-J ano.r.Dee. Cl&ll"t u. ow C9Undl'a h&Dda.~
north. 11ta federal ar~ ll de--whJcb 11 bad f~ the butdl•, the Wben h eomM to ID&IdJ)f or ex·
tennJnlnr lt any teclaal need t~ and the hiNd huct tftHIIftr ...._ • pwpwiJ ln·
for the land remalna. You .e bOW' far reecb!na th11 volvtna Ute.,_,._. pla)'II'OUndl.
Mr. Davtcbon murned to hla aJtuatlon beco..._f U llOt eor-the people lhoUJd haw the "*"t
office Jut ThUJ'Iday alter a tl'fp rected It wUl affect the whole to m&Q the dedaloft. Alta' aU,
north lntervlewlnr new teachers. national economy, whJch re. tt•a their land. ·
From 10 to 15 new teache,. must mJnd.a me of another queatlon: All th11 ad~ about,wllat a
M hlred tor ne«t ye~ Including Have you 1n your Jlfe t1me aeen J'C)04 councU would do a. bued
replacements. he reported. He our economy 10 ~IUve to the vtslted the University ot Call· health of one man. U Ike 10 on bualnea procedure which our
tomJa In Berkeley, Stanford Unl· much aa burpa after breakfast. counclu 1n • the palt have not
tty s J St t d th the Stock Mar"'et dtope like the practiced. I repeat, ~ tbe lndl· vera . &n ose a e an e h 7 vtdual memben ran th.tr Q.W1l
Santa Barbara branch ot the t ermometer In a ~~ bllz:za.rd. bualnea llke th la&ve run the
University of C a II f or n I a. He The whole country 11 panting on clty'a bualnesa, ~ would be visited several new high achools. the edre of their aeata (chatr.,
lncludtne the RUJdale School In that Is) while waitlnr let h11 _Jo=n='=b=u=st=ed=.=======~ San Mateo, which features move· declslon. U you can peu which ,.
able inside walls. It will be you can make pUes of
money by either aelUne the mar-
ket short or buytnr It lone. Never
since George's leadft'ahlp 1n the
rebellion has one man been con·
Get 2 Tags·
on Your Car
Motorcycle officer Don Burds·
all, whose job It Is to tag traf·
tic violators, has a sugrestlon
that mlrht save a lot o( d.rlv·
ers a citation at tbls license·
chanrlng Ume.
"Be sure to put the tags on
both front and rear of the car."
he says ... Many drivers appn.r·
entJy have the Idea that they
have to put on the rear Ucense
only. We are cltlng drivers who
hav~ only one 1956 license on
thelr car."
Harbor Day
Meeting Set
An oreanlzatlon meetlnr will
M held ~t 4 p.m. tomorrow <Fri·
day) by the Harbo Day ~le·
twatton Committee ln the dJrec:.
tors' room of the Newport Har·
bor ChamMr oC Commerce, 1~
W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach.
Harbor Day hu been ~~ehed·
uled for Saturday, May l6, the
20th anniversary of the dedlca·
tlon of the Harbor. lt wlll be
tbe tlrst major event 1n the Go I·
den Jubilee celebration of the
Incorporation ol the City of New-
port Beach.
OCC Is Given
Strong Praise
The atrong academic perform·
ance of Oranre Coast College
students transferrlnr to the Unl·
verslty of CaJilornla has brought
a letter of commendation from
PresJdent Robert GordOn Sproul,
UnJverslty of California.
He wrote u foiJows to Dr. Bull
H. Peteraon, president of Oranre
Coast College:
"The stronr academic perform·
ance In the University of CJII·
fornla of Orange Cout Collere
students transterrtnr In 1954·:16
has come to my attention on M ·
halt of the University, It rtves
me pleasure to wrtte th11 note
of commendation. The fine rec·
ord of your former students must
bring warm satisfaction to you
and your faculty."
A personal note to Dr. Petenon
added that the commendation
we nt to only a handful of junior
colleres In the State. ............. 11 c ....... ·••••l••
····t~~ sldered 10 lncl15penaable. ....
''SA vr, Y OUI' Clothee! Ot cou,.., there are a lot ol
Democrats who don't rate Ike 1n
the Indispensable bracket. Adlai
will tell you that he could run
the 1how better, but It's ~
tough to conVInce people. who Vadel..., ==•tn •t
for the last three years have been Across the .ueet from
brtnrtng a reruJar pay check mE POST OFFICE
home and having a few coins to SSM &at Coaat •Wf·
rub together In their pockm, (Corne Orchid)
that we n~ a chanre. ln simple • c.n.a ..a .._
word&. there Ia no hue and cry "'l.ooll ._ tM Nd .....
to "throw the ra.sca.U out." which '============~ ls the greatest, mo.t elfectlve :
and popular campaign speech
emaa cALDu
I have a hunch that by the
time thl• Is prfnted, there wUI t
M plenty of candidates, and the
caliber will M hlrh. It wUI be a
relief to ret straJrhtened out and
get councUmen elected for tour
years. Maybe with that security
they wlll have the rutt to take
action on aome ot the questJona
that have been put ott "untU after
the new council comes ln"-cuch
harbor photo lab
aa new peraonnti chanres. ret· 31.21 E. Cout Hwy .. COM
ttnr the lnectultable and unfair':::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::=:=~ truh and rarbate collection e'.X· ;:
U. S. ltoyel Tlres
Complete LMbriuliOfl s.tvlu
Phone Herbor 3094
penae oU the pneral tax fund
and plactnr the ~ of thls
8ef"VIce where It btionp. on the
u.er, llke nearly ~ other c:lty
In the state has done. Stop the
aplralllnr cost of city admJnl·
stratton and therefW reduce the
tax load. Have you ever heard of
a taxpayers' atrlkeT W~l. It hu
h&ppened. and could again. Join
Jn the Investigation In Orange
County of lnequltles of tax as·
sessments. Fearlessly lnvestJrate
all leases ot city property. (Place 1701 E. Co.at Hi9hwey et Avoc.do
on the ballot for a vote of the Corone del Mer
people a proposition to amend ~:;::;;:=:=:=;;==::=:=;;:=~ the charter to prohibit future ;:
councils from extending existing
leues on swtmmlng beach pro·
perty. except by vote of the people.)
8gin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
Do you know that the charter
prohibita the councll floom mak-
tnr any new le&aes whJch In·
volve awtmmtnr beaches, but
glvea them the authority to ex·
tend any and all exa.tJnr leu..
whJch means that they may rive
exten.aJons that wlU amount to
foreve, which I have been re·
minded Ia one heck of a lone Corone del Mer
tlme. Approval of extension of ============= leue. In vo I v l n r awlmmlng
beachea ahould belonr to the
people Just as aurely u the right
to make new leues. The prtn.
Patronize the merchant. who
advertise ln the Newport Bar·
bor Ensign.
C. F. Rehnborr of Corona del Robert S. Gingrich, recreation
Mar. who spotted one right out and parka dlrectoY tor the City
their llvtnr rootn wlndowa, tour of Newport Beach, wu the re·
othera oU Catalina Ha.rbor. The corder at the aaslon on "Field
latter may M the reuon we're Experience In the Recreation
not aeetnr ao many ln our kelp Curriculum," at the Etrhth An·
this )'N.r. nual Callfomla RecreatJon Con·
,,.., 1•-
s,.,..,., c~, ,....,, -.., ... ..-.,,..m.,
To Dr. Dave Ballantine, for a terence held thla week In San
Valentine, a Thank You for a Diego. • '
tender and MUy-qualdnr quip Theme ol the conclave, CO·
on a mermald·adomed eard. Ad· apol\80ted by the NatJonal Jtee.
dtaled to Old Opal Z,. Holt-reatJon A.octatton, the CaJJfor.
man. It aald. '1 ~ GUY nla ltecreatlon Comrnialon, and
WHALING about 70'1:'-!111 the C&llfomta Becreatlon Society,
And-To Dr. Paul 1>\adley White waa "Recreation tn Calltornta-
-NJ~ Try! Today and Tomorrow." ----------------------~---
1011 ft. --
AtOr•ftt• C...ty'e
le•dlftt Home Lendlnt
UP TO $10,000
All Ac:co unh Opened
On or Before
The I Oth of the Month
Eatn From the lat.
222 Oc.-A .....
..... H't4-111(
1011 Fl SliDES
Standard S h a d • CJotha and Cultom Speclaltte. e Drapery B a r d w a r e e Venetl&n BUnda.
-1'-SJ.J. Sl.op
• a..tdetiM • Call Po.t Office llA ...
G2 3211d St.. Jf.wport a.ocb
Clrl.t Soouta o1 Troop a o1 Bal· their J'Jyup ;;J memortztn• Clrl
boa acted u aa, sa..ten tn hoM· Scout _,.,.. tor Juliet Lowe day.
-.tnc a Valentine PartY for the They spent thetr Jut meetlnc
leCIOnd crade pl.t 1n Brownie atudytnr the unllorme of the
Troop 65 Jut Tue.day. The older Brownies ln forelcn countriH.
pl.t tau&bt their IJttle ~n a The pl.t learned that In lndla
lAme, a _,n1. and a dance, with the official uniform for Brownie.
the three patrols of Troop 49 tak· 1a a looee blou.te with a aaah over
1n1 turna 1n the leadenhlp. Be· the ahoulder and loose trouaera.
trftbmenta were 8erVed. They decided that tbJ.s would be
ror aeveraJ weeka put the very comfortable.
llrl.t of Troop 49 have been tak· • • •
lnl akaUnc lestoM at the Har· BrownJe Troop No. 50 of Co-
... .-...... nee
with se... ,.,.. Mutu.r• ••• •••••••• • :···G«4':J :
! ~--... orW•' : ... ~ ...... ··. . ~-· . • ••• • ••• . . ... ; . • • • • •••••• . ...... . .... -.... . • ..,..Oo • . ...... .. ""' : ..... ...• • • • • • • • • • • ••e
bot Boller JUnk in eo.ta Mesa. rona del Mar hu planned a trip
Sally Brown, leader of the troop, to the Birdcare Theater at
reporta that 17 rtrl.t have now ICnott'a 8ftry Farm. The troop 1a
aucceastully completed thelr test the proud owner of a pair of
r equlrementa for the roller akat· little parakeets named "Sweety"
lnr badre. These will be pre· and 'Tweety." The rlrls have
sented at the next Girl Scout made the wire care In which uu uu .. u Call u ._
Court ot Awarda tb the followln& the little blrda reald,. and each cs.t.J.1I todatl
who have qualified: Allee Bal· little &lrl tJAkes her turn at hav. W. L LANDIS
lanUne, Diane BuU~. .Barbara lnr the little birds at her home
0 8 8 r o w n , Barbara .ArtJ.a. Gall durin& the w~k. Thls I~ part ot
Munro, Mary Myers, Leslie Oert· the Scout training In learnlne to L E. CAIRNS
ly. Sherry Ostrander, Joan Salls· care for pets. When surnm~ va. Liberty ~lOll
· ~ of ~teed. OtJaao ..-hen of u.. ..,. lloard are bury, Susan Somers, Sharon cation anlves the birda will be 133 E. 17th St.
IIJUil)IJIG Ofta 'rim GAVEL a • ~ loft to -'-bt. Kn. ~ ~. Kn. JobD Tork. Barbara Towle, Barbara rJven~t~o~a~s~h~u~t·~ln?.'7'"~~r=-.i~~~~iCOS;.;:;;T;:::;A::::.;M;;;;ESr.;· ;::A~~iii tiM Jfewpan Jlalbw eoa.cu of l looau a. --• .., a.4 M E 1 Wade, Toni Bell, Phyllis Hack· Kn. Ted ........... (left. n.a4&89). ntb'la9 Oertly. Kn. Jaa Qa.lMabeny n. ar ford, Dorinda Harvey, and Kathie ~ to Kn. Slduy SalwW'I. ...-.1y •leC:.:'*':.=--=Doc..:.::.ae_:_ ___ -:--------:-:-.-=:-::--::::: Schwager.
LEGAL JfOTJCE to be u followa: days upon which auch rates • • •
Rate per hour-cla.uHlcatJon. shaU be paid shall be all holt· Glrl Scout Troop 16 of Corona
STATE OF CAUFORNIA $2.3!>-Apprentlce engineer, ln· days recognlzed In the collective del Mar baa published a news·
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC eluding f 1 reman, oiler and bargalnlng arreement applicable paper since September. The name
WORKS to the partieul&( craft, clusltlca· of the paper is "Happenlnp DMSlON OF mGHWAYS gr~~r . .Uphalt raker and ironer. tlon or type of workmen em· Now and Then," the motto is the
NOTICE TO CONTRACI'ORS 2.485-Bootman. ployed on the project. Girl Scout motto "Live by the
Sealed proposals will be re· 2.90-Carpenter. Plans may be seen, and forms Promise." All newa is contributed
celved at the office of the State 2.~ment finisher. of proposal, bonds, contract, and by the Troop members In the
Hlrhway Engineer, Room 406, 2.81~ o n c 1 e t e or asphalt specltlcatJons may be obtained clear box which Ls provided at
Dlvialon of Highways Bulldin&. apreadlnr. mechanical tamping at the office of the State High· every meetlne. The subject mat·
120 South Spring Street, Los An· or flnlshlnr machJne operator. way Engtneer, Publlc Works ter covered 1s usually coming
eeles. Calltornla, until 2 o'clock 2.65-Concrete mixer operator Bulldlnr. Sacramento, California, events and any Uttle jokes which 11!!!5!i!J!!!!!
p.m. on Friday, February 24, -eklp type. and they may be seen at the of· the &iris mleht appreciate. Mrs. Miiliii
1956. at which Ume they wlll be 2.JOS-Drlver or dump trucks flees of the District Eoglnee~ at Leonard Osteen, a Troop moth~,
publicly opened and read ln (less than 4 yarda water level). Los Angeles and San Francisco, types up the paper for the girls.
Room 2 of aaJd building, for COn· 2.335--Drlver or dump trucks at the office of the District The 'noop 1a divided Into three
structlon on State highway In ac. {4 yarcls but lesa than 8 yards EnrJneer of the dlsUiet In which Patrols: Troop No. 1 is called
cordance with the speclflcatJona water level.). the work is situated, and at the ''Tbe Green Pearls," their leader
therelor. to which special refer· 2.3&>--Drlver of dump trucks office of the Asaoclated General ls named "Queenie.'• and the girl
ence la made, u follows: (8 yards but less than 12 ~arcls Contracto~ In San Francisco. leaden are Sue Archer and Sheri
Orange Co unty, In Huntington water level). No bid wUl be considered un· Beall. Troop No. 2 is called "The
Beach, at Intersection of Ocean 2.~0rlver of dump trucks less it is made on a blank form Green Birds." their adult leader
Avenue with Maln Street. and In (1.2 yards but lesa than 16 yards fu.mlshed by the State High· ls called "Mother Bird" and the
Newport Beach, at Intersections water level). • way Enrtneer and La made 1n &irl leaders are Nita Wheeler ~101 z. eo.t llwy. at J_._: c.o.a clal-
of N'~rt Boulevard with VIa 2.685-0rlver of dump trucks accordance with the provlsloM and Karen Bruning. Troop No. {Next to All American Market)
Lido and of Pacltlc Coast High· (16 yarcls or more water level >. of the Proposal Requirements 3 ls called 'The Mermalcls.'' their ~~~£1.,M::;;;;~ JUDOa 5511
II .. ES' TOYS, ...........
way with Seaward Road and 2.~0 r l v e r of road oll and ConditloM 11ft forth under adult leader 1a called ''Min nie," * AIM cd us. z. llld lt.. Ia "-9 ~ •
Ora·GO, ~·HntB. NptB; NptB), 3.35--EJectrlclan. flcatlona.. Each bidder must be E1&in and Katie Linklater. with Mornln& Canyon Road CVU· spreader truck. Section 2 of the StAndard Sped· and the girl leade~ are Sue ~-~~~~~~===================II
traffic: afcnal aystema and hleh· 2~flarman. UC~tmsed and~ prequallfied u At present Troop 16 Ls workln&
way llrhtJnr to be fumi.ahed and 2.90-Heavy duty repaJ.rman. requlred by law. (See aald Pro· toward their 2nd class rank, part
Installed and modWed and chan· 2~Heavy d uty repalrman-pou.1 Requirements and CondJ· of wblch activity la an "ewer.
nellzatlon to be constructed. helper. Uona..) nleht" on February 24th at the
Blda are required for the enUre 2~Laborer. The Department of Public Girl Scout House.
work dacrlbed herein. a.~Motor patrol operator, In· Work.a reserves the rl&h t to reject • • •
In accordance with the provi· c:ludlnr any type of power blade. 11 blda Brownie Troop No. 32 of Co-
alons of Section 1T70 of the Labor 2.95---Palnter Cbruah). anb;;~ OF PUBUC rona del Mar recently took a trip
Code, the Department of Public 3.20-Palnter (spray). WORKS to Irvtne Park, where they blazed
Work.a bu ucertalned the ren· 2.81-Roller operator. DMSION OF HlGHWAYS a trial u part of their training.
eral prevaUtnr rate o.f wages ap· 2.65--Screed operator. G. T. McCOY, They are currently working on
pllcable to the work to be done $2.90-Tractor operator -bull· State Highway Enilneer thelr "Flyup." ...co dozer, tamper, ecraper or drag Dated 1anuary 27~1~. • • •
ypc,n•' 3.~U n i v • rt a 1 equipment In The Harbor del Mar bas been on Q ~1-1~' type shovel or almllar type. Publl.ah: Feb. 2, 9. 16. 1956. Bl'ownJe Troop No.9 of Corona
& , C:. operator <shovel, draellne, der· ENT JU.I""" rick, dm1ck -barp, clamshell.
crane, or pile driver). TIDE 2.36S-Water tn.lc:k d r I v e r -
='AU Offlc:e IDpply under 2SOO eallon.s.
$law:~ Harbor 0631 2.~Water ttuck d r I v e r -
3011 Jf....-port 11.. Jf....,.t -.ac:b 2500 eallona to 4000 rallon&
2.6a)-Water truck driver
4000 gallons or more.
Any classltlcatlon o m I t t e d
herein not less than $2.00 per
Overtime -not lea than one
and one·half (1%) times the
above rates.
Sundays and hollda~not lea
than one and one· b all (1%)
times the above rates. The boll·
2 .................... ,., .. ,_._
• r•a
a..b19 1"'lle eo.ta1 Ane I'CIC •..ty 11 y._.
113 0cMa A.., t..t-e ~ llywtt 4-1.1
1 .. 2 .. 3 .. and you're In Plymouth's
'1SO,oo0 Sweepstakes
Sefy ... , ........... .. LOOK AT THESE 711 PRIZESI
a. t1 Jl'r •• Ou ......... .
...... .,..111 II fflt ht..--$10 ...
2..a ,.__....., ... ..... ., ............ w,..._--.--.,..__tt.,..
JO ......... ...
7S ..... f/I$JM
100..-.el$1. ........... ..
.... -::-:..-:: PLYMOUTH :::.~.-:-.:
L 0 U REED & ASS o .c I ATE S
... wu1 CQIII •nw&Y. ~•
).446 E. COAST HWY.,
HAIW 4761
I..We-: HAtW 41 ..
5~ •nu J.Ou
Construction Loan•
5~ 20-TE.AJI LOJUf
Poirier ltrtcace c..
.... .. .... . .. .. . .. ...
Robert Forbes
Costa Mesa Lumber Co.
LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS •ewpon mw.L Cedll ..... Llbertr a.1011
~·-5501 ISS ColluDerda1 WCif
IDmberJy 3-1&3S • 0raDge 1-
Placntio •
h 't • I • dri ' w en 1 rams ... 1 It es.
l I
dry clothes
the modem way ..• with an
electric clothes dryer!
........... CotMI~
o.troft...tW, .•.
tt.MOUJhiJ ... ., ....
.... elrdrfe t.wt.lt'•
thr ._ ___ ...... 1--tl.r. .. w ...
yollna' .... ,.,,..,.., ...........
Su~lntendent Roy Andersen
of the Newport Beach elementary
school d IatrIc t leaves today
(Thursday) for Atlantlc City.
N.J., to attend the convention of
the American Aaodatlon of
School Administrators.
IT. AJfDU'WI I'UII1"''ZaaAA ,.ca ... o•IICII-
lSth St. It St. Andrews Rd..
-~~ ..... ...._, .... J-.. L ... wut
SUNDAY: MornJ.na wonbJp, 9:30
and 11 a.m.; Church School.
9:30 and 11:00; lr. w..h. Sr.
Hl.lh and collu• ap P'ellow-
alll"' 7 p.m.; 'lbunday, Prayer,
study lfOUP, 9:30 a.m.
-....... lt. c.te ...
1.111 '"' I-GII .... J ...... w. lieD•• Sunday: 9:.3ll a.m.. Qurcb Sun· day School; 8:30 and U:OO a.m. Momln1 WonbJp-7 p.m.
CoDqe ~e KYl' Servlce -1
p.m. Rllh -school MYF Servtee; 8 p.m., youna adulta poup
lfEW aumEJn"S BED no cau ... or CIIJIJST
Mr. and Mn. Leroy Kel1y are 1050 Clnuda St. c.tlr .._.
and wife
new resJdenta at 416 Marguerite Llbtrt1y a.aN1
Ave., Corona del Mar. Mr. Kelly D. c;. Bust. JllalaW
Is a representative for GaJlo sunday aervt&s: 9:45 a.m. BJble
wine. study; 11 a.m. rnornlnl WOI'·
Under Execution on Judgment
Ordering Sale of ReaJ Property. FIRST CHUICH 0, CHRIST ablp; 7:30 p.m. rveninl aervtce.
SCIENTIST Midweek aerviee, 7:30 p.m.
Under and by virtue of an Exe·
cutlon on judgment and order of
sale duly made and entered In
the Municipal Court of the Said
Santa Ana Oran1e Judlclal Dis·
trlct, County of Orange, State of
Callfomla, on the 12th day of
August A. D. 1955. and an Exe·
cuUon on judgment requiring
sale or property under foredo·
sure o! Mechanic's Lien ls.sued
out ot the aald MuniclpaJ Court
on the 17th day of January A. D.
1956, ln the above-entitled ac·
tlon, In favor of FRAN1C CURRAN
n01 V1a L14o. Ne--+ leech Wednesday.
A brelldl of The Mott-Church, Tlle
Fint Church of O.riat, Sci~tiat, in 8os-THE CBUIICII 01' ~
ton, Me ... chuwfu. Odd I'.U.W. ~
Su1141ey Sd>ool 9: IS e.m. 1 ......... A.._
Sundey Service _ II :00 e.m. c.t111 11-.
Wedne.dey Evel'in9 MMtin9 1:00 p.m. Uberty 1-5711
RNdi'ICJ Room lOGe ted et lll 5 Vie TOlD ..._ Jr • ......._
Lido, Newport S..ch, Ia open -k Sunday Servtoea: 9:'5 Lm. Blble
dey. from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m. trtudy; 10:55 Lm.. wonhlp aerY·
Wednetdey. from 9:00 e.m. to 7:45 Ice; 7:30 p.m. eventna eervlee.
p.m. Fndey -nin91 fi'Of'll 7:00 p.m. to
9:00p.m. Clotoed Hotldey.. Cllllll1' e&DiiCII ft 111& DA
The public it cordielly invited to ••· c-.-"Y ....... dMt
tend the church Mrvlcet end uM the ~ ....._ .t lflla St. •.-pod
Reedinq Room. ...... 5111
LUMBER co .. ~nc a Corporation. Profess·lonal Plaintiff and against WILLIAM
NON, Husband and wife Defend· o·.rectory ants. a copy or which aald Exe-
cution on Judgment duly at-IIVSIC
tested under the seal of said Mu· ------=~=:...-----.,
nldpal Court on the 17th day o' Margaret L Scharle
January, 1956, and to me de· Teacher of Piano livered on the 18th day of Janu·
ary A.D .• 1.956 whereby I am com· Or,anlat -A.ccompan..Lat
manded to sell at public auction ~:nfd~l:--
for c:uh In lawful money of the acn GOLDENROD AVE.
United States. the followin1 and Corona del Mar
In aald dec:ree, described real l------------~~-...J estate: PVIfDAL DDI.&CTOD
Lot 83 In Tract 1237. Corona Hlahlandl, 1n the City of Frtendlylfetpborhood Service
Newport Beach, Oranre PARKES-RIDLEY
County. Callfomla .... per uo-'"""" map rec:orded In Book 40 at _, au un.au
pa1ea 19 a.nd ~. Mbcellan· I }{) Broadway
eoua Mapt, lecor~ ol aald U ~3433 11 ~M.'M eo.ta w.a Oranp County, CalllornJa
Tocetber with all and aln,War
the tenementa. hereditament~ N 0 W . . . T W 0
and a~ tberevDto be· ruARIES tonctn1 0tt tn any wtae apper-BALTZ MOR
taJnJn.. lerv1.q tiM llarbcW ANa
PubUc notice Ia hereby It~ Baltz MortUary that on P'rfd&J, the 2nd day ol c ItA
Mardl. 19M. at 2:00p.m. ot l&ld CHAPEL~ W
clq, I wtU proceed to .U • the -&. eo.tlllallwU IDUtb door of .... oowt ....... In OoroDa ... ... .
dM ~ ot 1urta Ana. at public Baltz Mortuary
auction to tiM b..,._ blddlr tor u=:.lsldl cub. ... a.wtal JMDI7 of the ~ ... _ Vntt.l .._ a8 ... .-.,.,. cJe. 1,_,.. ,-..-•
Krthed Nal -..... ~ • mueh .61111'1.8 P.-oiO
tiMNol .. ..m .. adiiCIIM to,L __ .,.. LOCA"'IIa---.;.....;.~ ....,_....._,_.,, .... L
lnt.elt Ud aD oaML --
': . l ' • l
ca.. .... ., .....
----~ . .,.,. .. ~ ..... ILL.= .. ........ c, .... All...,. .. ... ...... .......
Paatron .... Boy A. c.IMa
Sunday WonbJp, 9:30 and U a.m.
Chureh School: 9:30 a.m. Mid-
week Meritng: 7:00p.m. Wed-
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m.
IT. JOACIIIII CBU&ea liM 0....,. A.._ C... .._
r.a-ty 1-lGil r.a.. ,._.. J .• ..._
• ...., ,._ .. '· .... 10 ad U:30 a.m. Weekdaya: .... at
1:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· d._,.. from 4:00 to 5:1.5-7:00 to
8:30 p.m.
•miT U.PI'D'I' caaaca or a&WtoiiT
............... & CR.Jt ......
•..,.at ....... 1551 a.a.ty ....-s
Sunday IM\1'*: t:e a.m., Bvft· day School; U:OO a.m.. Wor· lhlp Service; 7:30 p.m. 8unda7
eventn1 '!er•lee; Kld-Weelr s.rvsee: '7:30 p.m. Wed.....,_, PrQWM..._
SAVE Willi , . ...,. , .... , -~
11M lt. £ Dllla A .... C...._
La.ty 147'11 ••• , .... c:. CNalc. .....
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. W01·
ahJp: 10:55 a.m. ancl eva.n,ellst
eervlee, 7:80p.m. Yot.tq People
and ailldnn'a s..tee, 1:30
p.m. Sun. llld-.cw.k S..SC.:
Wectn.da7, 7:30 p.m. Lacllel'
K*1onuy OouDcO. •nunda~ 1:30 a.m. ,_ aU day.
l&t&aia DAY UfDIDI ...................... ........ ..,... ua tJ ...
&liW J). j; lp I H ...
Saturctu MornJn• Servtc.: Sab-
bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet·
tna: Wectneaday, 8:oo p.m.
·-.b¢dz lt. a... .... ...._, ~. C:UW. WID'-· ~I-fill Sunday Servf~: SUnday School.
9:30 a.m. Momtn1 Wonblp at
10:.30 a.m. Evan~<: ~
Jc:e. 7 p.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S ..
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer lllHtln.a.
7:30 p.m. We4neaday.
rDIT cau ... or caarn ICI&IIIDI
a. Yla u... -==· .... u .. n .
Sunc!Q Sdtool: 1:15 ..... BuD·
day Ser•Jee: U:OO a.m.
Wedneed.u J:wnla. lleetln•: 1:00. B .. cttn• ~ &n5 VIa
Lido, l'fewport Beech, open 9
a.m.-5 p.m. week cJaya, 9 a.m.-
7:'5 p.m. w~ 7-t p.m. Prl~ evenlnn.
c:a:&liT LO I M&•U e&Uaca
OP OOITA lOlA . .J~=~ ...... ~ ............
lundu a.me.: WonbJ~-Iet • a.m. SU.nc!Q at 10:15 a.m. '
COIIMONHY WI.,.,.., lls .......... ...._..._.
IIJafiJtln .... D t dd ... .........
SundaJ Servtc.: 1:30 a . m.
Qurcb School.~ and U:OO a.m. Worship ce.
CIOMIIDNttf taU ... c ...... Ill ..
au :::::Tif ...
...,.. ......... a-..
luDday Wanb.lp ler-leel: t :«S a.m.. n :00 a.m. ~anc~q khool: •=• a.m. •
naT a.vnn cauaca ._.A-.A ..... IIa..-aa. eo... .... ...... Q. .....
Sunday Servfoea:
9:'5 a.m. &u.ncky lcbool; U
3..m. Wonhlp Servtc.;. 1:30
.-.. Jaaptlat 1'raiAinl unloa;
:30 p.m.. Everun. Servtce. W~: 7:30 p.m .. Pra,_.,
PrOe ucl Bible ltudy. )lon.
c!Q: 7:30 p.m. ..... Choru
p ra et I ee: 1:10 p.m. .._ ••
PrQWMI , .... -,..c:au .... w-or ova I..IDY or.r.c•_. l.UW • ._.. ............. ...... ~ .. ,. ... =s.= ...... ,..... .... .....
SuDcky w ..... : 1:00 and 10:00
and 11:30 a.m. Conl..ton: lat. urclaya and ev-. ollat P'rtc~Qa and Holy Days frnm 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and rnnn 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mus 8:00a.m. nrst
Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. . Novena (Perpetual Help):
Tuesday, 7 :45 p.m. F!ahermen'a
Maa lul)t and A~lt. Suncky
4 a.m.
OMit I ••• ..,. CX)IIJI'1JMTf
Dell C'eb'•-IIIW ................
...... 'S 'itlt WUU.. WU.,
SUD.s.y lchool, 10:00 a.m. Mom·
.... worllllp. ~00 a.m.
IT. JUDI D'IICO.AL a..~u...•...-t .... ~~........ ., .........
Iunday -w-: 8:00a.m. Holy
Commumon: 10 a .m. Famlly Service with 'the Qerub and
Junior Ololra; U a.m.. wonhlp eervlce. 'lbunday S e r v I e e 1 :
9:15 a.m. .... ,.. Gu.Ud: 10:30
Holy Communion.
IT.JOIDf......-r lit.. ... ........... lllDd ......... r....~-...... .,...., .....
Sunday lbun: '7 :00 a.m. a 9:00
a.m.Conl~n: Saturdays and
eva of lat P'rfda)'lt and RoiJ
Da)'lt: '7:30 to 1:30 p.m.; Pint
J'rlcJay ..._ I a.m. Summer
K.., JulY and Au~ Sund_Q, u a.m.
c::amuu. ..._. c::aa** a..... ........ ... c... ..... .......,.__
a. a. a..... ..... lun.S.y lcbool: t :.S a.m. Mom·
tn1 leMee. 11:00: Ewntn1 8eiYict. 7:JO. )l)d:w.ll Sen'· lee. Wed nead ay, 7:10p.m.
Toun• people meet 1:11 p.m.
Llll IIIIET .... , .....
Ebell Club Names C llair.men
for ~nnual Spring Festival. • • • ofsodal Mrs. Sprague Is Elect ed
PresiCient of Nightingal es
....._ .. ~ ... ,. ..._ U.tlat-. ••• elephanu; Ka 16:8. lAWNDee ......,.. Jt. wu Plana wen completed f« dee·
•111*..-d t. U.e auual lllll'iQ lll.amle Poote. aprou; and r.. eledecl ..-act.t ct Cbe Jflfbtin· oratJnr the theatre tor ".Ana·
,...... ., tM Dill a.a. Wtalc6 ... ~. Mrs. ~ T.,_, ,..,......_ 11 ....._... to roll .... O..pW tJ/. lloq s.pttal .wJa. H the draJD.at1c .tory ol t.be wm M IMN ...,... I M tM .... Jln. W. E. ~ aad tM •~uaaeta lu. .. tab 4u:Jdlla'7 lit M8 ~ meet· Grand ~ wbo eecaped Pill •aut cu 14'-11a1L lit& II. L. ••Ill-Itt. ~ foodl. :n._ :. . .etaJ _... ~ Ina Mlcl lit tbe boae ol Ills. from the Commwtlata ud wu • -.: Wllllul ···CU..._, ..,. 'l1clriiD b 1M ..,.. may M &alpll a. llolda, Ml VJa Lido dered throqlt l!\.lr'Ol)e Authentk ... --~ ..._ eltetn.aa. purda.-d floaa wa,. ... .....,. ~..oeet 1 Co., IDe. ....._ to loa4. Udo llle. Rualian co.tumea wUl be worn
...... ...._Dew r.i•••a'** • OOialaltMe IMID....., Mrs. <MD· ::' tr;e a;-' •• ~~~ OtiMr ollkwa.,.. Mrs. rrane:t. bJ Nl(httnple memben. •== ., tM ~ ..._..; We eai4. 11Mre .._to be a lu.Delt· w ....,... --c. oe---. wto.pnlldeat ln .vu. Ueket dl<men tor the
liN. ,.,... C. ,....., book ltall; een. to 'M foil wed ~ a fulalon nWt ...._ -.:;:_ ...uy lm· ebalp ol ,....,._: Mrs. lame. tieket llerl• are: lira. Ralph
..._ & A. Cort aDd lin.~ B. llhow and an ~ll til eard = =~ wu ~ ~: C. .J'!l.IM, l r.., ...,..pr...tdeat ol Holden and Kra. Kenneth Jtlnp.
pl..,. lpeclal ..._. iJl acldltioel caa-. _..11 plannlnr to open ....,. a.nd ...... : Mrs. I . Cordon ley, UcSo lale; lira. Lawrence E.
••• ...,. ....... w • ~AT ...... ABII.-
I'NIIIIa money, n • w • p • p e~ • • ~ bottlea. marutne. and
......_ ••. In the north eut cot·
... ,...... • • • Our marazlne
rack hu made many new frt'encSa
D f P 1 to table tn-are to be awarded a ...., ..... 0( ..., wn..blN lmlth, .a . .,....cwt oliMIDber· Sprarue. lr .• eo.ta Mesa; James ay 0 rayer tor the oeeuJon. proceeda flom ._ tCiap a1 Gut Inn. Bob In· *ip; Kra. JaJe Harrah, NCIOrdlne C. Elln8. lr., Newport Be!Jbta;
Which 10 to the varloua IChoJar. ,..... ..,. llae doellot of C~Mrn· 88CNtary; IIJa. Precl Ellla. eoftt!a· Mn. Jule Hanah, Corona del
I T lhlpe donated by Ebell to local lnr and ...,. her own IIJOI'tll· I)Oft4lna tleCfttary; Jlts. Leon .Mar. and Mrs. Orval w. Stewart. ~iiiiiiiii .. iiii~;;;;;;~ $ omorrow drama, mua.lc: and nu.ralnr atu· w-.r eut U ..tl u teaturtnrlt Ware, t:reuww; Ills. Arthur J. Balboa. Ji
denta. ln bet OWD *-ahop Jut t.w Gruwell, parUamentarlaD. Mn. M. A. Andenon an· ln the la.at ff!W weeks by those lea'lnnlq In the Tonp laland.l
aevcbtq fot the Search for Brf. u tbe aun r1.ee11 ovw th8 Inter·
d.y Murphy ln True Marutne national dateline tbe World DJY
.•• Sorry w•'re fresh out at the o1. prayer wtU be c:Mebfated ln
~t wrttlnr, but you can dlferent eountrte., dltferent com·
purcbue MOC'ey Bern.steln'a com· munJU.-and different c:burchee
plete book rleht acrou the meet throuJhout the world tomorrow
a t the Bookcue . . . (Friday) until darkneu aettlee * * * over Aluka. Final ot.ervance
.. __._ .. ..ay ........ ...
... d au. .. .a. ·--.... . .....,. lp..t••••• Atlaa of ........... c:.u.tona. c..at ... .._ ... ·--.... ......... _,.... wltb
CIMIII u 1 nwdt.,. .ad cbarta
PIIJ .-.cl ~ U.. V.& Coast
Cllld Ceodetle • ....,. ct.arta.
Qup at y. •• rtsa ad .._.. .......... ..s w..u.. Colldt· u... .......... •••t~~MJ. ....
will be held on St. Lawrence
Island In the Berlnr Sea .
World Day of Prayer wW be
obselved In the Harbor area at
1:30 p.m . In the Seventh Day Ad·
ventist Church at Bola.a Ave. and
Broad St.. Newport Heleht.s. just
o11 Newport Blvd.
In aupportlnr th!, Junior Ebell ean lhe wu 0'ne ot •Har· Ha~ compl«ed tbetrequlred nounced that Rlc:hard's Market
member-a ln thelr clean-up tbe ~ :0 mo.t popular beauty number ol. provt.lonal hours, would dona te one per cent ot
clty" campaign, President Mrs. uee then c:arrytn the mont Mn. Wallace L. Chrtsty and MnL .sales slips. not more than 60
NJcholu Btettner a nnounced at ~er :( GenJ Smith. gSlnce the~ Earl G. Sawyer were ~ved u days old. to the Auxillary Build·
the monthly prorram meeting she has appeand In the movie regular members. lng Fund and uked members to
that the aenlor rroup wlll "Pur· with Ray Mllland ln .. ~ Vel· Prendlnc wu Mrs. Arthur J. mall slips to either Mrs. Ander·
chue Utter bap to be dlst.rbut.ed vet Swine" and also on tele· Gruwell. retlrtng president. who son or Mrs. Arthur Gruwell or to
by the JunJors. Mrs. Freem.an vision asked tor a report on ticket &ales bring them to monthly meetings.
Flaher, junior president. was a A~d., alated to handle the to the Edna Stearns Dayton play Valentine cake and coffee were
ruest. and announced her organ· and book review aeries, opening Sf'l'Ved by the hostt"SBH, Mrs.
lzatlon's party set !or Valentine's ~=:::n:"~ ~~~.C::~~t wtth "Ana.stasta" at 10 a.m. Martin J. Lockney, Mrs. John H .
day at the Balboa Bay club. who will come from the Encor~ Thursday. Feb. 23. at the Udo Mercer and Mrs. Lawrrnce E.
Mrs. John Lamar, membership Room on La Clenega Blvd. _ Theatre. Mrs. Joe Pretnlnger. Sprague. lr. with Mrs. C. L.
chairman, Introduced Mrs. R. B. r8taurant row Jn the bl cit ways • means chalnnan. a.a.Jd Smith. pouring. Mundy, Mrs. H. V~ne Woodruff, • • • g y. that Mrs. Lawrence Spraeue lr. The annual meetln~ and In·
Mrs. Jack Buslk and Mrs. Belle WATCH 'niE BIRDIE! Teny and Mrs. Martin Lockney. with stallatlon of ottlce:rs will be held
Handorf u new aftlllates. Hon-Borta. photol\'apher, Is colng to over 20 tickets each to their on March 6 a t tbe home ot Mra. ored at. thla meetlnr were past credit, are close contestants for JamN C. Elms IV, 2508 Marino
presidents, who included Mrs. C. be on th' wrong end of the cam· the prize of a cashmere sweater. Drive, Bay Shores, Mrs. Nadene
M. Dealdns. Mrs. V. F. Grace, era on March 6 when she wUI Proceeds will ~o to aid Hoac M. Coplen. Mrs. Walter B. Seibert
Mrs. L. W. Pettitt. Mrs. Bruce Me· be modelllnr Instead of snap. Hospita l Tumor Board. and Mrs. John Webster will U ·
lorqest ond Most Complete
Furniture Store in the Area.
Call fO< ''"
Liberty • 5511
B1nse ... Ga r~tr
furnishings for home~.
clubs, yochts.
)017 W , Co•rl Hl9hw•'f
Nawporf Beach
.-cy IW ....... _wate ..S
~ ...... Ac 1 •oda·
The service Ia belnc conducted
by the CounclJ of Church Women
wlth M.rs. George Davies ol the
Comna del Mar CornmunJty
Church ln charge. She Ia aaalated
by a committee ot women from
the ten other member church es
of the council. Theme of t hla
year's World Day of Prayer 1a
''One Flock. One Shephard."
Brtde and Mrs. Robert KUiefer. pine picturH at the Orange stst as hostesS~eS.
The.e paat officers later presided County Me d I c a I Aasoclatlon's ~~;.;~~;;;;..~ ... ---~~iiiiiiii:=::::;::;;;;;;;;;;i:::;::;;;;:::;::;;;;:::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!l~
at tea tables. decorated fn the fasblon lhow.at the Balboa Bay Ebel r Pianning U... Food ad Waw. Drt•·
.............. ad .....
•• ,Wit•MC.~t
pla8tlc -...... n. ... bei.D9 .. told ... .. ..ap ,..... ,... .. 9DUI9 to ..,.
... .-....t Ia -Cllld Wa
ready faa AM aaclw cdl ~
eoed.IUou. Or aMaJd ,... ...
It •••board.. cdl yoa laa.e to
do Ia JaJDp lD .,.... It •••
You'll get ...t. but tbe book
The p r o g r a m being used
throughout the world was writ·
ten by a group of American In·
dian leaders a t Cook Institute In
Phoenix. The offering or the day
will be used Cor educational,
health and welfare purposes at
home and abr~d. A nursery will
be provided for the children.
Valentine them by Mrs. Tapfer. Club. • • •
Durlnc the afternoon members Word from Jane Ca lkin s' New Bu.lld.lng viewed wat~colors done by Mrs. mother that the Skip catkins' Lewis Matthias, Mrs. Horace
Parker, Mrs. James Brown. Mrs. have just returned from a &lorl· A hearing on the granting of
Charles Eaton. Mrs. Verna Rhodes ous trip to Acapulco and Mexico a use permJt for a new clubhou~
Wadlelch and Mrs. A. D. Lynch. City. Jane and Skip are former for the Newport Beach Ebell Club
who belong to the club's art sec-Balboa Ialanders. who now Jive will be held tonight. Thursday.
tJon. of which Mrs. Matthias Is In Coronado designing boats. 1 by the Newport Beach city plan·
leader. T!ley work through the belleye. Ja ne was so entranced nlng commission.
year wttb Joan Irving Brandt. with Mexico City that she can't The club rt!q uest calls for the
Corona del Mar artlst. walt to go back next year. Seems co~t'tlon o( a 200-st'at audl·
A musical program was given they ov~dld the trip a little. torlum on Balboa Blvd. about ~ * * * by Clyde and Joyce Zulch. Mr. however, cauS(> laort heard from I feet ea.st of Sixth St. The present
There are two kinds or good Mardi Gras Zulch played plano works. both they were un.der. th; weather. elubhoUst' would be dismantled
cooks ... First of a ll there Is the classical and Interpretive. mod. under the plan. It ls situatf'fi at
cal wh.oee apoon and spatula Fete IS Set em and ol another era. and In· Fenton Earnshaw was homE.' 515 w. Balboa Blvd. adjarent to ... m to be dlpt In fairy dust eluded Cbopln. Beethoven. and from Hollywood \!siting his par· wht>re the new structure would j
... Everything she touches turns Gershwin. Mrs. Zulch gave a.mu· ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry EArn, be built
Into a rutronomtc dream . . . The Ebonalra wtu entertain sing hlghllc hta ot tou.rtng with shaw of 1600 E. Balboa BJvd.. Mrs. Ruth VE.'dder. t'h.alrman of
* Harller
. -.. -
* .......
COROIA DEL MAl PHARMACY She's worked at ft. believe me for the Mardi Gras Part1. Feb-her husband through the United BaJboa, Jut week-end. 1! you the club building commission
... She'a studied cook books and ruary's monthly member party States. ' watch .the Cftdlt lines you 11 ~ and treasurer, explained that
experIm ented until ahe bu to be held at the Balboa Bay AJI sections wiLl participate ln Fenton s name attached to ever de!lnlte plans tor the building ""1'1'E Prwcr:IP.tk* Pbw,-
reached perfection ... Secondly Club on Friday, Feb. 24. The an Informal "brunch -play-day" 50 many television plays these have not been prepared. await· IIAimOB 22'72
there Ia the gal who hu made a BBC Rounders wtll a1lo be on wht"D ~U meets at the Amerl· days · · · Including the Blft lng the outcome of the planning 3117 E. Coat Bwy .. aear Jasml.De, c:on.a del Mar ~l~tyot~oM~~d~esha~~mu~anddan~~AJ·~~~~J.M~hL~l l&~~~Th~w~h~uco:m=m:la=lo:n~a:ct~l:~:·~----~~=================~=====~ and _.lca.-to th'"'m ... ""-cu-thouch an Informal party, muka ,.._ n--il p t grown up with the Newport Har-_
•• ... "' l:oA ...,;c a .m., .ln.I~ ...... e erson. pro· bor Community Players will rt!·
the eour lfapea. men. but ~ wlll be the decorative motif. cram chairman, announced. member Mr. Earnshaw's contrlb· ot you tall Into thla clua . . . All Hosts and bocteaes for the eala are eonaldered to be food cooks wll be Mr. and M.ra. Jam.-Car· utlons to that group. He was
... ~JI think everybody Ia roU, Mr. and Mrs. Ja.m.-Hoyt. Lambs Go·•ng with them during the time when
a rood cook. atmply becau.e food Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Platt, the plays were given ln the New-
aerwd at uybody eJ.M'a house Mrs. Pat Coberly and Mr. and port School audlt.odum. alwa~ tutee better than It c~oes Mrs. IUdlard Feethemon,. to Nicaragua at home ...
* * * EaqaWa aew Cook 8eolt of
............. redpee ~ cd1
tile well • ...,.. ......... b
tiU a •••t tbe c:oaatry aMaJd pat .......... -90041 ......
-.. ftle ••• ww It be c.a. ..., o,. .... lbafW wltb ..
qulolt ..._ I Wy tbe ()ptiew·
1DG1L Rew T~ aa A~
Soap ,_ tiM T.,..... Piau .....a lD ancl•ncrti •••
* * *
...... , .....
.... , ... 23
The J unior Ebell Club wUI
bold a husbands' night dinner
dance on Thursda,y, Feb. 23. be-
ginning at 6:30 p.m.. at. the
VUJa Marina Restaurant.
The club has agreed to a.sslst
with the Easter Seal Drive tor
the Harbor Area a nd will place
containers In public places be·
ginning March 1, and will fiJI
envelopes to be mailed. Each
Dana and Ginger Lamb of 437
FemJeat A~.. Corona del Mar,
plan to leave for Nicaragua In
the mJddle ot March to make a
film of the route of the proposed
Ntcararua canal. New act.lvtty In
the proposed canal was given by
Mr. Lamb as the reason tor the
trip. The Lambs have completed
their film. ''The Lost Mlaion."
which shows their efforts to lo·
cate a Jesuit mission believed to
have ~n bullt In northern Baja
Calltornla, Mexico.
• • • Hollywood celebrft:Jes were on
hand In a very casual manner
lut Saturda,y, wht"D Bob Crosby
emceed the Jashlon sbow for the
Mothers Guild benefit or St.
Catherine's Military School In
Anaheim. The !act tbat a couple
ol the Crosby boys are enroJied
In the achool gave Bob a per·
iOnal Interest ln the benefit and
probably aceounta for Mrs. C'ros·
by and daughter cathy belnr on
hand as SpE'Ctators.
Mrs. John Scudder of Balboa
Island Introduced the famous 'IV
CContlnued on s-c• 81 Like a k!nd lady once aald to
me, ''You can make even a car·
rot sound glamorous!" ... '1t's
eaay," aald I. "When you've got
a glamorous carrot to start
with!" ... Al's well that enda In
your aalad bowl lt you make
member of the club has also;============;::=============;
agreed to make a palr or white
n anneJ pajamas and a saque
tor the children's ward at Or·
anre County Hospital.
Soprano Saramae Endlch. one
of the discoveries of the Music
Festival at Tanglewood. Mass ..
will sing at tbe Community Con·
cert aeries at 8:15 p.m. Thursday,
Feb. 23, ln the Laguna Beach
Hlfh School auditorium.
The W. E. Lachenmyera enter·
talned thrM coupJ.-at a house
party held lut week at their
your ~lectlons from Al'a chorus horne at 221 & Bay Front. Balboa
ot rlamoYr-lovelles ... Yours to Island. The couples were Mr. and
mlx or match for comblnation Mrs. G. W. Barber ot Paramount.
aalad with dozens of taste Mr. and Mn. Ted Betts ot Monte· chan~es ... Frelh Splnach, eel· bt!llo. and Mr. and Mrs. A. II'.
ery cabba,e, ~nze beauty Jet· Frampton of Artesia. Mr. Barber
tuce, romaine. Ioeber'& lettuce. 1.1 president of the bank ln Pa ra·
water cress. parsley, celery root. mount.
leek.a, Boston Leaf Lettuce, En· ...... .;;-;;;;;-;;;.;:;-dlve ... And of courae red and Jl&'Y'Udl ...,.. BAIT
rreen cabba,e, pepJ~f!n, ~cum· ltoecoe Hovattft of lrvlne TerJ
ben, radiab-. tomatoM. avo· race jullt returned flom a trip
cadoee . . . to Cbae.p and polnb eut.
* * ... c.a.y ........ _ ...
twe ....... ._ .. .,.. ............... , ....
....., ........ It ... ....., .. ....., .......... ..... ..................... ................. _
11 ........ -.. .......,. a t • ••lfl l _..,._... ... a' c.a· ..,_,_......... .
*·*. ODm .... ~, ... , 4ttlall
time al tM ,_,, Wb.. ••
tNt ...... Alley ......... tM
..... ..., tlo "' '"' Mllld ..,-• .,._ 11 wubed aDtd wrapped
tD ~ loU and NAct:1 110
P! ..... tbe O'Nn .•• w
...................... all aMtb' ....
---..• ,.,.... •uhroaml tao •.• DWI J'OU ...-.... .._ nnr a aladf J"'nn men· .... ., ........... . =---· . ._a..
I TilE I
Unl-\llU ''t sari~ed
wi!JI It\ 1n11 11 "'lUftl~"
a 1nc ll onr~ oa
a rin Ill fituno unln.
YOU 1ft Cl>n:"'"l II'\ ~
"~""tiaht unl~ v<'U
.nic)ll dw daih "••r~r·
ru.a o' ••r 1lwn atccpt
ClUr offer 1 ' '" IM
now! Th11 '"""'"' 11l1n
of pu'l"c red~Kinw 11kn
hard·ln·lnw tf'Chn ln.m
y011 r hir>• lummv. ankln
and 1hi1th' rclneo
you cnc'OUratf"
ci~Ja1ion corl'ffU
your oo.'IINrc and trfltl'
C'OOCClUrt read\ for
...... ~izirtt
"StreamJIM Your
Ffi'Jre'' To ne New Sprinr
·~ *...uy
PLAIN COLORS ... ·-···-··--.. ;129
PRJNTS ..... ·-_ ..... --··---.. -~ 149 y cL
All The NEW Sprinq
* NotioDa
* Buttons
* Threads
Butteri k
f'fU~O l'lllttlt
City Pay Raise
Put on Apnll 0 Billiot
A propoaltJon to raiN the ottlclals, .uch u memberl of the
monthly pay of elty eouncllmen Plannlnl Commluton, Patk Com·
float ts) to $200 and ot the mtasion and Library Board. who
mayor from ~00 to t300 wu put deRtve pay fc. their servl~. ~~~ ~~o~:~!:o~pra'!a~ .... , ll&lllllil
City Council Monday . evenln1. Ill& • fir -Ia.. Tbe propoaa.l to amend the char· ~ ...
t.er wu made by Councilman In a land·sllde 155 to 3 vote
Gerald ~nnett. Tuesday, Harbor Highland real·
Coundlman Stanley Rldderhof dents approved annexing to the
aald that the tJme Involved In City of Newport Beach.
MrVin& on the eouncU Is mc.e The Newport dty council wlll
than double any estimate he had canvass the ballots at an ad·
been given when he first ran journed meeting at 4 p.m. Mon·
tor election. He said that the day. 'Sive absentee ballots re·
aalary lncrea.ae was Bece;sa&ry to maln to be counted.
encouraee "our fln4t5l business· An annexation ordJnanoe must
men to seek office and keep up be submJtted to the city council
th caliber of the Council." and approved by being read at
If tbla proposition la approved, two council meetings before the
Councilman Jay Stoddard said, annexation measure Is forwarded
there are many non-compensated to Sacramento tor recordlne.
i~ the REAS(JN
No Shrinkag&-No Uneven Hems
On Your Dr .... & Coats Tou*WW:taifiiiWSDViii! CID4S 01u
MU. IIAilft JODSOif JB.. SaJhoa lakald bdde, la t1i1e ,_
Mlal Dolly Aloha WagoiMI' of Sclllta ADa.
Dolly Aloha Wagoner Is Wed
to Harry Johnson of Ballsle
The former Miss Dolly Aloha San Francisco, and the bride Is
Wagoner, who used to be a the daughter or Mr. and Mrs.
Hawaiian entertainer, and Harry Frank Wagoner of Santa Ana. The bride was ctven In mar·
G. Johnson lr. of 139 N. Bay rlace by her father at the wed·
Front, Balboa Island. are mak· dJng ceremony In the Ftnt Meth·
In& their home at 217 Apolena odlst Church. She wore a full·
Ave .. Balboa Island, alt~ their leneth drest of chantilly lace * PICI UP •• DBJYEIY IEI•IIft£ * weddln& In Santa Ana and a which formed a aweeptnc C&· , IIU honeymon In Santa Barb~a and thedlal train. The lace parted In
()pea I CLDL to 5:30 p.a.. .........,, 1-1:30 p.m. San Francisco. The eroom s par· the front to reveal a n lnaet of
S42l E. Coat BWy .. acrou from lkiiDll. eoro.a del ICcu ents are Mr. and Mrs. Barry misty ruifled tlert of nylon net. '"=======================~:_l~oh~n~so~n~o~t~B~al~bo~a~I~sl~a~n~d-a~n.d The fJtted bodice wu of hand·
petal neckline trimmed In ae· ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cl~~ Oa~l~ lace ~th ~ qulns. She canted a white Bible
with orchids and wore an Ha ·
wallan leJ of white carnations. DOllAR DAYS
e Don Loper (dresses)
Wer• Row
II 0.00 ........ ~_ ...... -·-·-..................... ..$45.00
69.95 .. -' ........................................ ~ .. 38.00
59.95 ....................................... -..... 32..00
49.95 ....................................... _ ........... 25.00
55.00 ..................................................... 20.00
e Bloomfield
$22.95 ....................................... -.......... $11.00
24.95 .............. _ .................................. 13.00
29.95 ........................ -................ 15.00
35.00 ................................................. 19.00
39.95 .................................. --···--· 21.00
45.00 . .................... .. ...................... 24.00
e Dolly Myers
$ 9.95 ........... ---.... ---
1 0 95 ... . .................... --
14 95 .. .. .. _. ··-· ...... -.... --·-·-
e Alexander's of California
$I 7. 95 ....... .. ............ ___ , __ .. ___ .. .$ 9.00
18.95 .............. ---·--·--·-·---10..00
22.95 .......... -... --.-... -... -... ---11.00
24.95 ........ -·-·--.. ·-· 13.00
$17.95 ......................................... _.___ 5.00
35.00 ............. __ ... _ .. _ .. _____ ..... 15.00
45.00 -.................... ____ .. _____ 19.00
49.00 ............. _ .................... -----20.00
e Petticoats
'$ 8.95 to 10.95 ---
22.95 to 29.95 ----
7.00 s.oo
FEB. 17-18
eSuits and Coats
$45.00 -·-·-·---·-.. --.-20.00
59.00 --·-------29.00
$10.95 ---------4.00
29.95 -·-.. 14..00
e Blouaet~
$10.95 -------'~
12.95 -·--
e Knit Suits
$39.95 -·--·-----u.oo
45.00 --·-·----·-· 28.00
59.00 -·--.. ----35.00
e Dolly Myers (Rob.)
$29.95 llJIJJ&'-22.95 .______ 5.00
24.95 LOO
9.95 3..00
........... , .. •ll•&tl
Reg. 11.00 ea. now __ __..
Reg. 2.95 ea. now __ __..
Reg. 3.95 ea. now ---
Mrs. Eunice Czapla of Garden
Grove served u matron of honor
In a rose gown of nylon tull~
wtth a bouffant sklrt and fitted
bodice. Her n owers were ~n or·
cbJd let. Similar nowers were
worn by the little nower &lri and
ring bearer. the Misses Sanda
Alwine and Marsha Bever of
Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
Both little cirls wore white taf.
teta dresses.
Elmer Cupla of Garden Grove
served u beat man. and ushers
were Edward Alwine of Garden
Grove and E. First of SantA Ana.
Orchid trees decorated the
church for the occasion and Ha.
wallan sonp were chosen for the
weddln& musk.
Flowered lela were ctven to
the gueatl at the weddln& N ·
ceptlon. which was held at the
reception hall whlle HawaUan
music turnllhed the atmo.phere.
A.sslstlne with the reception were
Ann Larson, Maxine Mactll. Ted
Kay. Frank Crawford, l ohn Cal a·
breze and Shirley Alwine.
Mrs. wa,oner wore an orchid
net gown ~th orchJd and black
accesmrle. ~nd an orchid lei.
The bride attended Santa Ana
College, Coe CoUep ln Cedar
Rapld.l, Iowa. and ln the Ra·
wallan Ialanda wc.ked at the
Royal Hawallan Hotel and Harry
Owent ahow. She &Do appeared
at the Royal Nevada ln Laa
Vegu and the Seven Seu ln
Hollywood. 11\e l'octiJll'aduated
from San FraneWco Pol:ytechnl·
cal Hllh School and attended the
San Franclaco Enpneerlnc Col·
m: S00.U. NOTE •••
Her fiance also attended New·
port Schools and eraduated from
Newport. Harbor Hl&h before at·
tflldJnc Orance Coast.
Doq"l ~ J1ft ol Co· roaa del Mar ,.,... ,....._. -.t
ln a :fl·at vtd.-1 ,_ -. El
Taro Doe'l Tueld&Y .._ tn an
A·City lAq\.le l&me lD Banta
Ana Rllh Sehoo1 I)'IIL n. win
dftehed tbe f1nt p1acle tar tbe
Doc's, who trhonpbed owtr the
local boys rated ln NeOnd place.
Lalit week Dou*'• I'Jve van.
qua..bed LQule'• Cafe.
In Tuellday'• aame polntl were
racked up by Bob )forman, 15;
Hal . Roehm, 12; Jack w-. 8;
llm Hart and Jack Jtnnecly,
each 7; Dol\ Baker 4 and Phll
Shafer 3. Al110 on the team are
Wayne Youna. Ray Echola, But
Foote and Gene Weaver.
Phone In your news ltorle. to
your local newspaper, the En·
aten. Harbor lllf.
* .llwellll * .., ....... Coet1laae J..-lr("
''Prompt Servlce-Reuonable Prices" ..... ,.
.,. E. Cat. Jhry .. c.nea 61lllar
................................. 1vt,... ... a •• .., ... Cehler ..........
the wee .. er, yeu ••w• et •••••1~1
..... 1 •• , ...............
TIN •pecial eNIIl ..,,._ price. diN ••• Gltll•'-• ""¥ P,.l
Two pair of
quality Nylona
for leas than the
price of one.
Scoop them up, pis-
They're misty aheer,
60 1auee, 15 denier,
even full fashioned!
Slim dark s e a m 1 .
Sprln& ahades, 1tze.
8~ to U .
~· ...... bedllpi6iida of ..a..t·tiLick ~~ mel Closely
tufted. Wavy-line pattern. In
room-sparking white, eolors.
Machine wash In lukewarm
ht .. J1tt-.....U.I Oaly
IS autaiM -•••..,. .-.
Quality cut of -·rull...,t
·~ with lOO·lnch valance.
6 ·loch headed rutnea. In IYOIT
and pastels.
Sparkllnr new fabrlo-dalnty fl,ured acetate.
Fresh u Sprlna -perk up your windowa with
the.e hannonlz:ln1 drapes--46x84 al.ze.
a•.-t --IIIII .
Decision on Unifying Study
Left to Elementary Trustees
Meet Slated
,..UMt the~~ oa
leboo1 DLIUict -.oqa.nJDUOn to
rnab the lltuc~T.
A r.olutlon to thll .u.et wu
appeoved Tu-say by tiM Blrh
Sc:hoo1 board ana recetvtnc a ,..
quNt t.rom the eo.ta 111-board
uldq tor favorable ac:tJon. Lalit
week the Kewport Elementary
b D t Sebool board noelved dle MeM emocra s propoW and took the matt• under lltudy.
Harbor Democratic Club Tbe hllh ~~ebool tru.t.. at
will meet at 7:45 p.m. Tuelday their meetlnr a11o approved
In the Harper SehooJ Catet.,la, worklnr plan. for the new 14·
lMh 8t. and -ru.tln Aw., eo.ta cluaroom addltJon at the htrh
'Meu. 11Chool, IUbmltted by archlteeu LUt meetlnl wu held P'eb. 7, Smith, Powell and Morrrfdp. 'fliUMDAY WAI UJC&1' DAY ,_ .._.._G. .. IAtlarop, ritbt.
the aame day that Adlai Steven· The plana were forwarded to the At I ...... 1111l...cl 1Nid of Iaiii ._., ~ ..... • ....... lcraab
IOD. Democratic uplrant for --te dlvtalon of architecture for Ia ""Uttte .... ..,_.. ad at 1 ..-. M ,.,.. • -~ toata •ua • • ...... t. ..W.. tM .-1 11111 .... u.tlap daria9 Jcmuary, presldenUal n om l n a tJon, wu approval Supt. Sidney Davtcllon J•••Lt.. Wellb .,.. • ,........ ..eo ,_ 11aU119 a.. aoet aold
honored at a reeeptlon rtven by aald the new bulldlnr ahould be u.t~~~p. JecMeetllllY. tbe .........,. llniDe tiMU ..,. tocater U..
the <>ran,. County Central Dem· re&dy for \Lie by the leCOnd ,.. My ...._. .. .,.. tile Jda. 'TJie ........ ...S. by Art Adair
oc:ratJc Committee for Steverwon mester of not year. Cit tM ~ ....atr IOclrd ~ (L llall ,....)
2·bedr., year 'round fu.rnJ.ahed
home ----~---.$1.9.000
Duplex. 2·bedr. II 1·bedr.
exclt. cond --·-126,000
New -modem-BeautUully
turn. (owner a n xI o u 1 )
................... -.-....... -.$22,500
A BUY-near Bay-2·bedr.
plus studio apt. ..... ..$1.8,500
Now 1a the time to buy
498 Park. Balboa Wand HAm
0111111 lB. Ill
U.ll_ ........ l
Lovely larre duplex~ver 1900 aq. ft. of llvlnc area
plua dbl. ra.rare. Excellent Location. ExcluaJve. Price
Jl7,500. Phone to see these.
B7 E. Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar RA.: 17 41; BA C17'Sl
You've Seen The Rest
at&m~AuCoU~ ====~~~~~--------~~~~~--~------~--~--~~~-------., ... Ml••••'• .... IEL Ill Ill -------..
SEE ''THE BEST'' ••••r ... 1114 OCEAN J'JlONT, 4 bectnnL _____ $45,000 C...
Funeral lerVices were held lut • • •
week for Mrs. Olive Chrt.ten~en,
moth• of Bryant ChrlstenMn of
Corona Hlrhlanda. who died ln
San Otero on February 6. Mrs.
Chrt.teJUen, who wu 64, died
1uddenly of a heart attack. Be·
ald.. her .on, Bryant, who Is
owneor of Vincent Harbor Drup,
ahe lJ survtved by a ton. Robert
of San Francisco. and a ton Jim·
my wtth the U . S. Nayy .Utloned
ln Guam.
~ le....,._.~ eti¥MotMI c.i
THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 • ..........
Buy now, bullet now, and
enjoy the aummer ln your
own home.
$17,500. Vlew Jot ovel'look·
tnr beach plus a panoramic
vtew of bllla. 50 foot front· ....
Jl..B. l\dt a bop, lkip and a
jump from the m&Jn beaeh,
level ~118. R·2 zone.
18,500. Only 30xll8 R·3 lot
ava.l)able on Marruertte, best
rt!fttal c1lltrlct for trl· plex.
15,500. Level R·2 lot, North
of Rwy. flne neJrbborhood, loo4 dralnap.
AU achww with ua
111 lflln •
3444 E. Cout Hwy.,
Corona del Mar Harbor 2288
Bu.inea block. 2 stora, 3 apartments. Sbows excellent
Income. Pri.ced $49,500. • • •
InterestJnr2·bedr., 2 bath bOUle
Leuehold approximately 21 yra. to ro.
Eart WI ...... ,
225 Marine Aw .. Balboa llland C&ll Harbor 1775
or Bayside OUJce Harbor 3297
Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4·6222
John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louta Boynton Harbor 2878
1 UNIT: display room phu 2 otfkes. Larp ahop and
warehoUH, walled·ln park.lnc at alley level
1 UNIT: 3 oftlces
Full prlce $45,000
2216 Newport Blvd. ·u 8·5101
3d> W. Balboa Blvd
Harbor 1428
2647 E. Cout HJchway Harbor 882
Next to Norman's Nunery, Corona del Mar
otlered by
Brand New '56 Mercurys
AIIDW AI [ $ ~:4.'-:?'1
tor $10,!500
Level. 60'x110', R·1,
waltlnt patiently tor lt.t' own luxury home, nothing )etlll
ex·penalve, and It's extra nice.
Come Wk to ua about Iota.
Bat lleiCII RuiiJ
Corona del Mar OUice
3530 E. Coast Hwy .• Harbor 5563
••'P•• Fer F..atr LiYilc
Well·bullt 3·bedr. II 2 bath
home with rented turn. ca·
rare apt. at back. Top of
Narctasua Ave., (720) Corona
del Mar.
Call owner, Harbor 2506·M .
Corona del Mar. South of
H 11 h way, full sl2ed lot.
Hal Wlll SmJth
Harbor 200·J
Alert full -tJme aalesman
wanted ror long established
real estate otflce ln active
Corona del Mar.
Best workinr condltJons.
3542 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar
Both homes are fumlahed
. . . Tlle kitchens and baths.
fireplaces, rara1ee. SMALL
DOWN and rental of one
should make payments.
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa u 8·1632; u 8·1400 Eves.
IJ lwzer
J&.ft. frtltap ... I I I
acroa from Newport Harbor
High School ... all improve.
menta In ... HJrh and DRY
... restricted.
$4,1118-T IIIII
CALL U 8·6761
e J bedrooms
• used brick fireplace
• thermo controlled unJt beat
•overstz.edUvlncroom ope.nlng onto e Sheltered lanai and patio
e beautifully lancbcaped yd
• 4~ G.I.-$78 mo. Incl. taxes
FUU. PRICE $17,500
.., .. I••• ....,
1875 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa, Calif.
u s.m4. Eves.-u 8·3158
Grosses $180 per month
WalkJnr dlstance to bus and
ahopptnr ...
Room tor 4 additional units.
Owner says, "Sell. get $3.500
cash. and I ~'ill carry bal·
1857 Newport Ave .• Costa Mesa u 8·1632; u 8·1400 Eves.
e 70'xll0' ........... _ ........ _$10.000
e 70'xl86' -····-·-......... ..$ 7.750
NEW HOME -·--·.$43.500 .., ..... ...,
1696 Newport Blvd., CM
Uberty 8 ·1161
~: Uberty 8·3010
Close to town. partly tum ..
workshop II rarap.
$1.500 DOWN
1857 Newport Ave.. Costa Mesa u 8-1632; u 8·1400 Eva.
L I II ~1-1.7
When bliY1ftl or llelllna Newport propeny. why not
do bua.l.r.-wttb aomeone
thol'oqhly famlUa.r with th~
I baw bel!ll bere a loq
time and can offer real
8USlHW OI'I'OWfOMH'i .....,....,.
Outllta .... llladL .....
plaUf8L AWIIU& .. GWD• ......... .. ... ~ .....
tllta....._m11 ~..,.,_.
Milia nnllult
oaAMa COAft ....... .
~ .......... 011111 ...
u'.~~~ .. ~
To the home buyer who wishes to purclla. In the
$25.000 to $35,000 clUI we sincerely recommend
the lrvtne t:.tatea overlookina Newport Harbor.
Tbae home. feature Calltornia lWlnJ. Offered exclu. alveJy throurb Earl w. StAnley In a Smoa·Ftft area
known u I.rvlne T~ee--on Cout Hlrhway oppoatte
the new Irvine Cout Country Club. Newport lrarbor.
• P'or recommendation. we refer you to anyone wbo
bolda a Leuebold Estate ln ltvtne Terrace, 8eacoD
Bay, Bayabot'el or Clltf Raven.
Earl W. Stanley
Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu.."'ther lnfannatioo
IPEII-1111,_... ..... , ..... .,
Corona HJahlanda
Spacious 3· bed:r. and d~n home . . . Fo~ A1r beat.
hardwood Doors. separate dlnlng room.
ALMOST NEW _ .. ---· ..... ... ·--· -·--· $31.500
tor a 2·bedroom and den home with vi~ ln Corona HJcbJanda tor only $29.500.
318 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island
SlaUJ, F ... 1111, fr• I II I ,.._
Lovely-ne-w-Back Bay-three bedroom and den-home
Full price $23.500 wUh only $5.000 down
"you'll llke our friendly llerVice"
Uberty 8-1139 400 E. 17th St.. Costa MM&
0.• II 131 SL .1•••• K
Just completed, 3·bedr .. 2 baths. c~n1.
BuUt·lns ..
c. .I IIISTEIS, ••••
HArbor 3502 HArbor 3286
Newport Bu.cb
BU'bor 5231. cSa7 or ntPt
, ... ,LIBTIII
... El'rh I 111111 lzmi&M
htlt u ,_ sn't Ieana JMCJidM, i8w • .., aiM p 111 uta. bJ -.q haallna out a lip.
IAt .. ., .. -·---oltM ............ ,.. .... ,. .. ,.. ...
Diredor.y ...
''Be Sw.-Inaure"
Phone Harbor 3t74
33l:S E. Cout Wahway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, BA 5232
Continuous day and evenlna
classes for preparatJon to
pass the State exaui.
Call or write
For Information
16ll N. Broadway, Santa Ana
Kimberly 7.3511
KElloa S-2513
Come In a nd see the com· plete new line of Graphic
Patterns, Bear-brand Ever-
match yarns, Morell's new
dress patterns, novelty yarns
and straws. Including the
popular knit lacy skirts.
313 E. Balboa Blvd.
All Kinds-Free Estimates
UBERTY 8-6109
CUSTOM DJlAPElliES .,..,....,.
Cuslolll Dra111ries
10-day Delivery
Top Quality Workmanshlp
In Our Shop or Your Home
2484 Newport Blvd. U 8·6671
Costa Mesa
Sales. Service and Repainl
Terms. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
Fabricating. Designing
& Maintenance
or wh<Jt have you; No job
too large or too small.
2133 Orange. Costa Mesa,
L1 8-2619
THE NEW m a c h I n e process
method. Reasonabre prices. Av·
erage 2 tape residential blind.
Only $1 .00
Blind repaired and rebullt.
Free Pick up and delivery
Work done by appointment
Phone Liberty 8-5101,
KJ 3·6669 or KJ 3-8274
COmplete Collision Work
Auto Painting
Free Estlmate!t-Try Us Flt'st
786 West 17th St., Costa Mesa
LJ 8-7~
PIIITIII .......
2a> Avocado. eo.ta M ..
Uce.Med U 8-3321 or U 8·:Sl2T
0.,1&Lj ........ ,* . .. ,..,. 'he ....at .... .-
TBlS SIZE c:l .. lfted a4 In the
Enalan co.ta only $1.:50 tot
three lMertlona. Call 1n your
ada to Harbor 1114.
roa SALE CAaS POll SALE ------FOR SALE BY OWNE&--2 Bdrm. 1~ VOLKSWAGON S e d a'n -
home, completely redecorated. $950. Ha 4403-W. 521 Fernleaf,
Lots ot closets. cupboards. Low CDM.
down. 711 Heliotrope, CDM, 195S CHR-YS-LER--NEW-YOJiia:R.
open 1·5 Sunday. Ha 4326-J. deluxe sedan. Leather uphol-
MOTOR-SCOOTER-_ good cond., stery, all extras, low mlleagt'.
'54 Cushman; best good otter Private party, Ha 4889-R.
takes. 208 Opal, B. I., HA 4716. l951-0LDS-SUPER_88,_4,....·d-=-oo-r,
SOFA-BEDWtth-Englander In-radio, beater, whJte side walls,
nersprlng mattress, custom-sun visor, low mileage, private
made slip cover. Also lounge party. Ll 8-6771 evenings.
chair. Both In very good condl·
tion. Ha 2998-M. LOST A.lfD FOUifD
CALL Edna Craig, rental spe·
clallst with Doris Bray, realtor,
216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
HA 20 or HA 64.
unfurnished d up I ex, 2·bed·
rooms. bdw. floors. !.a. heat,
fireplace prl. patio. garage,
$105 month. Ha. 1684-R.
FREE-HlDesert VIew Hom;.
site. Martell Building, Yucca
MATURE WOMAN desires baby
sitting. good referE-nces; will
provide da)'time transporta-
tion. Best hours to call 8-9:30
a.m. LJ 8·5697.
IRONING. 85c per hour. Pick up
and delivery. Ll 8-8571.
PART TIME WORK. Day, night.
wanted by retired gentlemen.
Perfect heaJth. college gradu-
ate, formerly accountant, man·
agement. hotel clerk. Tired of
being idle. Own car. Consider·
able foreign travel experience.
·Good appearance. U 8-6215.
MAniRE WOMAN wlsheSbaby
sitting and care of sick. knit·
tlng or crocheting. Day or
night. HA 3192-M.
CDM man wouJd like gardening.
clean-up, etc. Call Kl 3·2122,
Mel Upshall.
WANTED=: :.::lro=n:...,.l-ng---1:-n-m-y--=-h-o-m-e.
Mabel. Whlfman. 607 Margue
rite. COM. HA 4279 J.
MlSCEI..L.A.NEOUS -------
Be on time for your 1956 ap-
pointments. E t e r n a-Matlc
Watc:h serves you accurately.
RAY FIELDS, Jewel~ 19th
&t Placentia "In VIsta Shop-
ping Center," Costa Mesa. u . 8-8488.
That you will be proud to
tell your friends about. New high wages coupled with the
Ideal working conditions add
up to jobs with prestige.
9:00 to 4:00 p.m.
514~ N. Main St., Rm. 211
Santa Ana
Painting -Decorating
RENT a Spinet plano to buy, a11 GEORGE BURKHARDT
term rent allowed. Prac:ttoe pl· Llnoneed ContnctOT
ano low as $5 per mo. Danz-878 W. 18th Costa Mesa
Schmldt-Phllllps BJa Plano It Llbert;y IU628 Uberty U632
Organ Store, 520 No. Maln, St., COMPLETE PAINTING
Santa Ana, PAPEB HANGING SERVrCB ., ....... .,.. "' ...
American Leeton 215 15th St.
MHtfnp 2nd-4th Wedc. 8 p.m .
RA 2978
(Evenlnp. week.end.a)
EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS :soo 3bt Street. lfewpf.Wt -..eta
May Nell Cahill of :SOO~ Marl·
gold Ave., Corona del Mar, has
been HI with the flu this put
Your Family Restaurant
( ClOMd 'ru.day)
2515 E. Coast HJ9bway
Bartlow 1946 Coroaa del Mar
I. .
* .......... .
-....~~eaQ 011bz e _,-
'"'I'IIIC KIGHT 111'
WOIU.D TJlAVELOClJE SEaiU •aas£Jn'8 "Wutem C•aa" ~~-, ... 28
A Col«·P'llm Tranl09111 llobert l'rian. lfarratow See BanU and Lake Louise, Vancouver, Yoho and Jasper Na· tlonal Parks, Edmonton, the oil center, the spectacular Colum·
bla lcefleld and the "Inside Paasaae''-h. I.IQ. A 11.15. 1.50
Tlcketa at Co101141 del X ar Tranla.n-.ISf.l¥a &. c:o.t Bwy.,
or llooc OUlc. oa Di9ht ol abowtM. KEW.OBT BlCB SCIIOOL AUDrTOinnl
SPOJITIW&U '"-WADma Swim Suits. Sarongs, Dresaes. KelJcJa "Children'l'' Things, Muumuus. Luau Costumes. Men'a Aloha
Shirts, GUts, Decoratlona. South See Part)t 0ec:or1~~':f _2• Soatb Coalt ll..S. (...t .. ....,) l.clpaa
ALIO ............. ~.-.. ....... c ••••• I, •• ..._
* J•tlaiOuK .. ..............
* m~UaD~&AY&.
IIADOa ...
......... dldJy. . ...., .......
Loe AD ..... ta ......,_ dlft. later than the 1187 eea.eon. Few·
ntt.ly ..-urM of bn'tq a PfO-eat &nlth lr. ol I'JI Vta Lido
'-lcftal ~l tam by DOt !ford, Lido t.l~. mUllona.lre re.t·
Crew Races
Are Cancelled
aurant man. hu announced.
It la virtUally aeure4 that tile
tranchlM ln the NaUonal Buket·
ball A.Mn. wW co to Kt. lmtth.
Who hu a.MUnd Maarlee Podo·
loft, N'IA ~. that he wlll
apare no expeNe ln order to
Ttl~ Western Sprint Olantplon· brtna an out.tan4lnc team Into .. _ _. .. not be the UIOC'Iatlon. ahlp Rowtnc .AC'(atta w.u · Mr. Smith Indica~ that u of held a t Newport HatbcW tllll
May, becau.e It would conflict now everythlnc la de~ndent
with preparations for Olympic upon the cqmpletlon of the Ex· rowtnc trlala. ~Jtlon Park pavtllon, which Ls
'nlla annou~ment wu made the only locleal pia~ for teams
by Hay Lancenhelm recatta dl· of the NBA to play.
BOla .-ow CIIAmKU -a..,. ........... m. ...wt-
..... ......... baa .....
• eiVWDAT. rKa. II
Dtvtnc equlpmeat valued at Charle. Howard of 6l6 SM.
tl680 wu .-n from Water· ward ltd., Cozona Blchlanda. re· w..., Corp. ol 8803 w. Cout P«Wd hls dauahter'a ~ bicycle
Hwy., Newport Beach, by &OIM· .tolen from t.be lrYII"'a pasture
ODe 'Wbo kJdred ln a door to pin eat of Corona Blchlanda where
entry ••• Kra. Gustave 0 . .Atlt, t.be ib'l keepe her bone •.. Tom
57, ol Pacltle Pallaades, wffered AdaJr of 3ln Abalone Ave., Bal·
minor inju.rlea wbea a ear driven boa Ialand, hls PlO 14·
by h• husband, Dr. Gustave 0 . t t
Alit, was hlt ln the rear by a car
driven by Paul W . Pollock, 73, ot
Chlcaao, 01., at Coast Hwy. and
Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, at
5:13 p.m. ... June Farrar John·
son of 402~·32nd St., Newport
Beach, reported t,llat someone
cracked a plate ilaas window
and attempted to enter the
prftlllaea u the entran~ way
wu covered wlth mud ...
e TIIVUJ)AY, FE-. I rector for the South,;e.tern Bow· "Profetatonal basketball is In
Ina Auoclates ot Newport Beach a cla.u by ltaelf for apeed, and
He hu sent the foDo-.tna lett~ suatalned au.pen.te," Mr. Smith
to Interested parties: said "A local team sparked by
J::.===========~l '1n view of the added ftnan· performft"S Uke USF's Bill Rus. cla.l obllgatl.ons lmpoaed upon sell, UCLA's Morrie Taft and
the Western Coli~ and Row· Washlnaton's lim Coshow, would
Inc Clubs that will participate 1n have tremendous appeal for
the Olympic Rowlni Trials ,t southlandera."
11-.1 • .. ....._ oC
.. ~ . -..I C>raa9e
Coaaty-. BMw. opauanct
by tM o .... eo.atr JhaUd.
... A-. Tille ... wW be
IMlcl .._, I t. t Ia .. bla.lbAta
WUIIam F. Ward of 128·42nd
St., Newport Beach, reported the
theft of two pieces of matched
tuegace valued at $100 ... A
package containing seven aport
shirts valued at $35 was stolen
from the car bf ~rge E. Bau·
man of 414 Belvue Lane, Balboa
... Oftlctals of the Balboa Yacht
Club asked the city humane of. ncer to ~move plgeoru which
have taken up abode at the club
after the removal ot their for·
mer home, the Corona del Mar
Stables . . . No one was Injured
when cars driven by Marilyn
Hill, 17, of 1316 W. Bay Ave ..
Newport Beach. and Morris M.
• • !
• •
y .... tt'IMII •
Clullll:sd PDZI
Improperly Focused Ll(hts
are danaerou.-and illewal.
We'll adjust your ll&hta
to S.A.E. SpeclfJcatl.ons. nuo 11 ·s .~w~
@ ..................
llarbor 5a2
0,.. U.Uy.-7 ..._to I p.a.
"lO Yee"· &perienca ,erfectill9
Superior CJMni119 Crefttmenthlp"
C.reful Hendli119 of All O.licete
Febrics. S.eded & Lece Germenh
Phone He~ 5lS:Z Pic~ Up I Deliwry *vice
Open I e.lft. to 5:)() p.lft.
-S.turdrt, I e.m. to 2:)0 p.m.--
l4U E. C...t Hwy.; c-. ..., Mer
For Y_.l
People hav. b..
wying ••• and
believing tftat
at • ~ . ~ ~ F~tur••
ComplPte Home Furnishings ~
Liberty 1.2454 ~
1139 lfewport Aft.
Syracuse, N.Y~ on June 28·2!r· In event the franchise Is made
30th,l956, the Board of Directors avaUable thls year, Portland.
of the Southwestern Rowlnc AI.· San Franclaco and a Texas city
eoclates have reluctantly decided possibly Dallu. wlll be added to
to bow to the more Important the leaaue at the same tlme. The
Olympic requirement. a nd to decision wlll probably be reached
eue the problem of all crew. at a mld·Aprll me«lnc of the
concerned by eliminating th~ as.toelatlon leaders.
Western Sprint Championship
Rowing Regatta at Newport Har·
bor on May 19th, 1956, as prevl·
ously contemplated.
"The next Western Sprlnt Jt..
eatta has definitely been ached·
uled to be held at Newport Har·
bor In May, 1957."
Frank Wood'a Showboat I~ all
the way -almost -In the first
race of the Pacific Class Fleet
winter seriN sail~ Jan. 29 at
NHYC. but It wu Dick Deaver's
Challenge that came in the wtn.;
n~ at the last moment, and Boo
Lamar's fast flnlshJnc Slnbad
eked out Showboat tor eecond
Here'• how they flnllbed, and
point acores: Dick Deaver, Chal·
lenge, ~; Bob Lamar, Slnbad, 2;
Frank Wood Jr., Showboat, 3;
John Berrlncton, Vivace, 4; Ian
Lawn Bowling
Match Is Held
In Riverside
TW~nty·one players partie!·
pated In the weekly Australian
slnales tournament on the New·
port Beach Municipal Bowling
Greens last week. Ed Wilcox won
first pta~ wtth 15 points. Four
players tted for second place
w1th 13 polnta-Lew PettJtt. Al
Oxland, Joe Stamp and BUl
Brims.. In the play.ofl BIU Br}ms
won second and Lew Pettitt tbok
Lut 'nlursday 22 Newporters
tarvelled to Riverside for an ln·
vltatlon Bowllnr match wlth the
Rlvenl~ Lawn Bowltna Club.
Bowlers maldnc the trtp, accom·
panJed by their wtves, were
John Lamar, Nicholas Brettner.
Taylor Carr, Ed Mu~t. Albert
~-.. O...,.Coaaty Pair .. .. betWND llasata
ADa aDd C... ......
Chef Farrar,
Peterson Win
Golf Tourney
Harold Peterson and Chet Far· Molho, 40, of 408 E. Balboa Blvd ..
rar won first place Sunday with Balboa, were Involved In an accl·
a score of 287 for the Fra nk Carl· dent at Bay Ave. a.nd Palm St.,
ton perpetual trophy at the sec· Balboa; the Hill vehicle went out
ond annual High-Low Tourna· of control and struck parked cars
ment at the Irv1,Jte Coast Country registered to Beverlyn Ann Old
Club. of Laguna Beach and Paul Staf.
Club members winning second ford of Pasadena ... 0 . D. Bill
place were John Robinson and of the Western Salt Co.. 20501
George Stafford wlth 288. Also BaysJde Dr., reported the theft
scoring 288 a nd finishing third of a S20 battery from a dump
after a play·oft were Willis Hunt truck ... Wildon P. Thomas of
and E. C. Rbodes. Four teams 2112 Mlr.unar Dr~ Balboa. re·
tied tor 291 wlth play.offs glv· ported the theft of a slx·foot
lng fourth place to Don Harwood trailer parked near 412·29th St .
and David Wortman ; fifth place Newport Beach ...
to Bruce Marston and Walter Reeves; sixth place to Robert • Fa.IDAY, YEa. 10
Philbrick d R. B Fehren and Edgar Whltmere of 429 Seville an · Ave., Balboa. reported the theft seventh place to John Curci and of a 165 saw from his car
Verne Watson. Eighth place Robert A. Pfleger of 210 ColUns
went to Ken Harbert and Sam Ave., Balboa Island. reported the
Howard, nJnth place to Bruce theft from hls home ot a S300
Weed and Joe Bushard and lOth television set. a Sl50 hl·lt set. pla~ to Earl Grandy and Norm two fllths of whiskey. three patr
Gamble. There were lOO entries of blue denims. a hall·doz.en palr
In the tournament. of sox. a dozen handkerchiefs. Murray, Cat.paw, 5; John Blby, Knopf. Walt« Peanon. Roland
Blue Cblp, 6; GeorJe Wells, Mil· Bailey, Joe Stamp, Lew PeWtt. C. SBEIIIJ'P DICK WAS HEBEl
ady, 7; John Barry, Mara Stella, K. Close and William WUlard. Sherllf and M.n. Dick Dalley of
8; D. A. Voorhees. Spray, 9. The Newport Beach Playen Newhall were vlsltlnc In !'few.
two blue jackets, tour ties and
a nuhllcht ...
Th~ aecond race of the winter won two out of the ltve matcbe.. port Harbor over the Lincoln's
eerles will be Sunday, March 4• A picnic luncheon was S«Wd. Birthday holiday. They visited
at NHYC. and the non·bowlers enjoyed an Mr. Dalley's pa~nt.s. Mr. and
e SATUmAY. FE&. 11
""PPnt Ia Wcr:r.
J'1nt Ia .....
Pint Ia tiM a..ta
of IDa Coaatrr-ea ... -
Prilldp&. ••• CIDd hswoawl 'na... ... •t·
•taad'DIJ Ia tbe ctaar.:t. .. eeor,. w ........
That be adhered to these principles so wl~y Is
attested bx the strencth today of every~ hutf.
tuUon In the United S ates o1 America.
...... LU.80A COYU aft~mon of cards In the Club· Mrs. Ftan.k Dalley of 307 Fern·
-·• hou•... 1--• Av-., Corona del Mar. 'nle Andrew Friedrichs have __ '"'_· ___________ ....u ___ "" ________ _
aold thelrhome ln Balboa Cove.
and have moved to 1989 Arnold Pirates After 4th Straight
Championship in Baseball
Patty Sldnner, 9, of 521 Clift
Haven. suffered a cut lip which
requlred thrH stitches to dose
when she fell from her bicycle In
front of her home . . . Shelby
Coon o1 516 S. Bay Front. Ba lboa
Island. was treated by a physi·
clan and a fire department res·
cue squad after hP suflered a
mild heart attack In the Balboa
Newport Har•a r Baak
Ave., Coss.a Mesa.
Mr. and Mrs. Purv Pullen are
movlnc bom Corona del Mar to
Vacaville on the main highway
betwPCn Sacramento and San
Francl.sco. Mr. Pullen will be as·
soclated with the Nut Tree ranch
Learn to Dance
ThPir fourth straJeht Eastern
Con fer en c e championship in
baseball Is the goal of Coach
Wendell Pickens' Pirates as they
open the 1956 seuon at Compton
College tomorrow !Friday).
Next Tuesday they wiJl be
playing at El Camino, then re·
turn to the home grounds to face
Compton In a return game Frt·
be bolstered by the addition or
Ted Coutts from Montebello at
the catcher s pot. Teddy Young
from Huntington Beach In the
outfield. and Denny Fitzpatrick,
who was Harbor High's leading
hitter last year with .400 plus.
Lee Fisher !rom Rarbor High ls
rated as a good prospect as a
day, Feb. 24. Another home game ------------
will be Tuesday, Feb. 28, against
Harbor. Tuesday games will start
at 4 p.m .. Friday games at 3:30,
and the public Is Invited trPC.
Last year·s team won the East·
ern Conference title a nd the
Southern California champio n·
ship. but lost 1 to 2 In the state
play ofts.
··t do not believe we will be
quite as strong In the infield as
last year," Coach "Pick" says.
.. We wlll be about the aame in
the outfiPid, and our pitching
and catching should be better."
R e t u r n I n g from last year's
cha mpionship club are the thrPC
starting pitchers. Wayne Cough·
try, Don Leigh and l erry RJce.
Tony Lombardo, regular catcher.
Is back. Rowland Hill w1ll be
back In h1a center field spot. Jim
NewkJrk and Bill Wetzel, former
pltcher·oOWelders from Harbor
High, ve early se.uon posslblll·
ties for the outfield
At the conclusion of the bas·
ketball seaton, the Pirates wlU
To Arthrltl.L
ll. E. Hetldrich, D.C.
The correction of faulty body
mechanics Is Important In the
cure of arthrltls. confirms J. G.
Kuhns. M.D .. writing In a recent
issue of Physiotherapy Review.
"Chronic arthritis occurs less frequently In joints wherP nor·
mal function Is not disturbed.
Normal funct ion In a joint Is~·
pendent mechanically upon pro·
per anatomical allcnment of the
bones ... In faulty body m~· chanlcs. often all th~ may be wrong. This Is ~n parttcularly
well In the spine and low«>r oex· tremJtles. When th~ body Is
badly polsed, welcht is often not
well balanced over supporting I. W, •• ...__ lila structures. Mu8Cular pull a.nd
....... tension are altered from the lfllr ll........a .... chabced allgnm~nt of the bo<b'."
..... -A Chiropractor ls needed to Several frl~ndl D'om the Har· con-ect faulty body mechanics.
bor AIM .Jo~ to Pasadena a. &.. B-*lcb. D.C.
last week on Wednesday to at· ,.._.: a..t.or wn • C5J4
t•nd the funeral ot R. W. Spar· M ~ c.... ... ,._
llna. who died unexpectecUy ol a ------.-:..-.------...;_ heart attack whUe at hJa Balboa
Island home tile prevloua '"*•
end. The Sparltnc ~ Uw.d
at 800 Balboa Ave.. a.J-.
lllu4. .. ...u .. Puadma and ....., ..,.m ...... t deal ot tbDe
Oft tbe ~· .• , ...... .... clurtnc dile:1 ...... .
c. ....... ,
Inn Cafe at 4:34 p.m. . . . I
100% Solid Brass Fireplace Screens
custom-made to fit your fireplace
It's Ntrt ••• Oar 111 Fl..., .... Slit tf th Y•r
Save from s~.05 to $5~.05 on models made to your
own specibcations up to 52.'x40". Choose from
tloor length or fender base styles -each looeft>
sotid brass from fine mesh scr~ing to practical
ng. $45-$9!
pull-dWn. F'lamr raistant baked enamel finish. F'UE ~-viCB
oo 6.replace equipment is yours for the asking .
_ ........ an,..,..
-~~~----~--.......... -..........~~ ;(nne &riggs Council Calls
: of COM Dies •• I. UI'¥W,Y -... -.............. We~tN·arrsort -.. .. -~~'!""!"'"'!"~~~~---~~---AlUM a. Cllrtal. .... ., ~-'!!'fte~ ...... uu....,. u.u ........... c.... Pauang 1 s
c::mai'I'IAif • ca cawa:a •..a CP"' • ........ ""••• I80Dill .. artaa aDd ...,. ... .._ .-D~ ,_ • _. na~ of IIIII ._ ... Y· .,.. cautcnM 1oa1a1 h•oe »
Go4 u u.. aD·Dowtaa IODd ,.. Maoml aide or o.. Mew-....._ ta tea.-o.o.. w lflir ... flltW ,..,..,. ..._~tot~ ... ...,.. '" ...._. ..._ 1o1t-IOdats.. ._.. ·~· ~ 4.
.. the c:entnl .._. ol tiM IM· port Batbor LutMrt.ft Cllwda ao.mu~ Qwela. died ~ ,......... aad t1ae CODDIIt ...._ aad WIOID .... 116 1M lk '·m ,.. ............ PNJect « at LutW' .. lrwlr ,_.. mp .,.,.s.moa at tile Jf e w Port IIMt Feb. t at tbe ..._. olllln. lD IMr ._.. at 3111 Pac:lllc Dr ...... Miellir .. wu tM MIIUDr. ..._ 1I'Oft. fte ...,_. ... ~~ !.• lf.....t ..._.. aDd 1c1aoo1 Ia .._. , • ., 'fte ..._. o1
JIMdl CbNt1aa ldeaee.c:bureh 1. z. MeCaaltr:J, 13D Cet., Colla eo... del Mat, atw u •· 'ftle ...._ ....., tiM ....._ fl llrWd _...... ...,_ Ill Mew-_.. -•-bit and INIIII 1M~ wu ~·
5\tM&y. Tlae Gcll~ Tat lrolll 11-. )ln. Barry Berth pw a e.ndM Ill-. She wu M ,_. O'a'-...._ Mill ....... tile ,._ aad tMN wu a llaad .cr-.. .. elated to I'C ...._ WQ lq the TWtlldedl Century."
PtVYet"M <2:t) ...,._, "Tbe report on the Meda ol tbe M.-old. flnl ..._ nu......._ · wldell ~ ~ wbeN tlleJ' CDUI4 bu7 otiMr tooct. 800ft u M....-rt at1 CouaO J1.arW litlll tMtruetan 1tQ1
Lcri J1veth wl.ldom: out ol hla Guinea m.t..Jon.e and It WU de· K.n. GrfiP ucl llw4 1b Co· ..,.... Etta.,. ~ • u4 • • • ~ ~ ~*~~....._~ ....... IW... ...... ao.u. ud WU·
mouth cometh lmowleqe and clded that ahe would puJC:bue rona cW Mar tor t1w,..,.. a. -ca. o..• 'I'M eoern -ena.D.,.. Tb ..__ IT. u.. flleiAaplle-. IMIDben
UDdentancllnl." material tot tbe ....a.nr JIIOjeetl. wu bora tn LaneullJroe. Efta· ortatMl ancl bMuttnlliJ cloM. Lut 8aturda7 llatbor'a ad:tft .. 1NN 110 pMinbi at a o1 a pa..a wtaleia cllll!.-d tbe
•&WPOIIT r1lln' aAPftiT The Circle will make clothlnl f« land, and had lived In Callfonlla ''l:ulllllll" and "Buq Part" ... BloloiY Club 1Ntlt on a field llt'p ~~ tot ~~ ft'e·, .a.et. olldentUie aclv&DCIIIMI't
New Gulnea at the Marcll meet· tor 19 years. Sbe wu a member fa...._ fte llpttnJ crew de-to tha ~ Bird Sanetu~ In I · "'lq CIOIIUDUA-wu a our •
The Bev. Herbert loh.naon will ln& whleh wm be held at the women's Fellowahlp. of tbe Co· ~ a hand for the wondlmal Maje«je Canyon. ~:very .., often a letter from Mr. and lfl'8. ClaY· to-------------.., ~~ .. o~t·r::: ~lp:.~oc-:d,..'!~ ho~e of Mrs. Berch. Corona del rona deJ MarCommunltyChuteh. Job_~.!!!,d.1 ''M-.a~ "-ht th! aanc:tuary bu a work day In ::..,.o. .. U: =~t ~ ": Mar She wu the ttnt weddlnl ell. u.. ..... n .......,..." An; • Wnlcl\ .tudenta come up and -, -
ahlp hour of the First Baptist . rector ot the church and orran· teetun" wue lmpreulve 1n their help put tap on the· plant llfe Blvd. and La.ke St. City Encln ..
Church of Newpo~ ~ St. and cDII COIOIU1fJTI' CBUIICII lzed the Pmellla Service Gulld lon1 black leotard&. The daneen around the ADetuary and help Bert Webb aa.ld th1a thla would
W. Balboa Blvd. Faith will be For the first Sunday 1n Lent. and several ol the "Couple. In "Window Shopplnl'' were cute keep It In IOOd wolkine order. be done.
hls topic at the 7 p.m . service, Rev. Edwin Gomke, mtntner of Clubs" ot the church She wu In their ctreuea with tull aldrt. About twenty of the members -------
and a sound ·col~~ movie. "Red the Corona del Mar ~!"-munlty alao the Key WomAn ~e «aenta· as they shopped for new hata. pa.rtJclpatec:t lut Saturday. l ohn TaAYJa. a.ua M IDKT
Terror in Malaya, will be shown. Church, will speak on Runnlne tJve to the United :P Church "Keystone Cops" were amualne lohnaon and Bobert HoUM ~ Su..-tJon.e tot travelers wt11
The School of Missions will be Away From Ute." CoUee ls Women tor the church and sane as they "let nothJng Interfere the apoMOrs. be liven by Dr. GObert Hamtlton
held at 6 p.m., with Mrs. J. Ca.IU served between the duplicate 1 th b lr with their duty " "Cats and at tomorrow (Friday) nfaht'a
leading In a study o! the IndJan services by memberS o1 the n Bes~d:S 0 h;, husband, who ls Birds" wu eood ~~ wu "Churcll ......: ~nAoa ....-.:: meettne of the Oranp County
Americans. Senior Pllgrlm FeUowship. hlmselJ recovering from an ill· Mice," whJch wu a tumbling • ••a. ~ Travel Club, which meets at the
Fot Ovt MOIItflly
S,.clela In n.. Enlli9n
c.n Fw Appolnt~M~~t
HAIIOit 1176
1732 E. Coest Hwy. act. mLo ER Santa Ana PublJc lJbra.ry. l4laa a. L IIETBODIST CJIVJlCB KEWPOIIT aAPnST ~CB ness at home, she ls survived by , ~ I I · Irene Catland wtll show color
Thls Sunday, the first ln the "SOS" or Share Our Surplus two dauehters, Mrs. Marjorie Everyone w~s ~usy In 'News· --------·-----pk:t\area of Spain. Neer Poppy-Corone del Mer
Lenten season, will be observed will be the theme of the proaram Humber o1 Unwood and Mrs. paper .?'flee. Japanese Tea
at the Balboa Island Community at the monthly Pot Luck Dlnner Ruther Miller of Hermosa Beach. Garden lent an Oriental tou ch
Methodist Church wlth the cele-Fi Ba t1st Church of She ls aao survived by her par-to the show. The girls made
bratJon of Holy Communion at ~f the rt ~ch ro be held at 7 ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Haw· themselves appear Oriental by
both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. serv-p.~tomonow (Friday) nieht. thorne of Corona del Mar, and a sp~aytnc :;'elr h;ttr t~la1ck and
Ices. At the early service the The party wlll be beld at the brother, Noel Hawthorne of Sac· us .. ~";,! eQ·~:tr:" ~a;et~~ bal-
chlldten'a choir, under the dlrec-church at 19t.h and Balboa Blvd., ramento, and tour arandchlldren. 1 .....,.., 1 th h Th
tion of Leslie Van Dyke, wtll N . rt. Coffee and tea will be Memorial services were held et ~.onnance 0 e 1 ow. e
aJng, "Gracious Spirit, Dwell ew:: b t ben and auests Monday at the Corona del Mar glrls were truly magnificent In
With Me," accompanJed by Mrs. ~ ~e~ ~e~rlne their own Community Church wlth the Rev. thelr ~~;~e ~~da. The l~r
Nora Ttllmany, oreanist. Com· table service, accordlne to Mrs. Edwin C. Gomke, pastnr, ot1Jcl-numll d • nThu~-.r1• 1 wu 1qu 1e
munlon atewarda wlll be Mrs. Hodsd 3901 Marcus atlng Parkes Ridley Mortuary In we one. e g r s, aga n n
Harold Fink, Mrs. George Jones. WllllamN onh, Ia s'-al.rman Costa. Mesa was ln charee o1 the lone black leotards. had halt of Ave., ewport, w o .. ""'' their fa~ painted black with and Mrs. Leonard Hargrave. and may be contacted for fur· anangementa. Interment wu at their eyes rimmed In white. A
Acolytes are Joel Fruehan and ther Information. ir~ew Cemetery in Chico~ Ulht black cap hid their hair
Bill Ferry. Ml.ss Nancy Calli, in charae of and black make-up eave the
•..z.TJIUE' IIEETDfG the program, has asked that lmpreuJon they had lOIIt one clean used clothln"' be broulht For letterheads and envelope.. hand and on'"' t-t. Parents with children under • Call th ,.. __ , H bo w.. "" "" to the party. 'Ibis clothlne will e cu ..... J'D, ar r ... Th'"' ........ mbly was on .. look'"'d three years of age met Monday .. -..... .. "'
for a pot·luck at St. Andrew's be shipped overaeu to help the forward to all year lone and wu
Presbyterian Church. The par· needy. An ofterlng will be taken GlamouT certaJnly worth waitJne tor. ents were atven a book "Before to defray shipping costa, she • • •
They Are Three" to h elp them In said. • HOCKEY A.JfD ""TEJt._._R..,IS ..
the rellatous nurture or thelr KEWPOJrT JIAUOK LtJ'TIIEJlAX Gl• Last week on Tuesday the girb
chUdren. A filmstrip "These Par· Pastor Robert Gronlund or the JmpseS junior and senior hockey and
'"'nts Pro-'··--'" was shown. · tennis teams went to Hunting· "' m•>H:U Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will preach a series of ~nnons ton Beach High School tor a LUI B£8 P1LX SUXDAT
CContlnl.le'd from pa~ 9l
foot fiberglass boat rnAalne. . . .
Roy H. SabJn, 69, of 1737 Plaza
del Sur, Balboa. victim of a mJid
heart attack ln front of 2108 W.
Ocean Front. Newport Beacll, was
taken \o Hoag MernorlaJ H~·
pltal ... Someone attempted to
gain entry to the boat. Snook
Ray, owned by Georae Raymond
o1 1302 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.
eKOimAT. PEa.. 1S
Mrs. Robert Ruth of 1.26 Onyx
Ave., Balboa Island. reported
that a window wu shattered In
her car by someone flrin& a bb
shot . . . Bobby Conrad of l9C.2
Tllln., Fri. 1111., Fa II, ll, 1•
UGVLU ac na DOUif
D I I II E I ·--.. -.......... --....... ___ . .~)(& 25-
.,. •....-n 8tftL c.-.....
(Near 17th St. A Safeway Market)
Vlv1an Lane, ~arbor Hiehlanda, HI F -lift IIAal~ ~ported her purse with about ... -..,-,v
SlO cash and papers wa.a taken ~ J'tll .... ln. 11-. ...
from the bar in the Hurley Bell,
Corona del Mar, Saturday eve· .EITIL
nlng ... A $29.95 electric coffee 4t1 L c-at ...._ .._.
maker was reported stolen from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Crown Hardware. 3107 E. f
Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar,
sometime Saturday ...
The tllm "Martin Luther" wLll
be sh own at 7 p.m. Sunday In
the sanctuary ot St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church. The tree·
will offering wHJ be used to help
send the young people of St.
Andrew's to summer camps and
on ''C'he Christ" during the six lly Aall sportsday with Anaheim and
Sunday of Lent. This Sunday he Doll't let til .. a. a cra-t~oa 'Huntington and lost while the lldVE noll LIDO
will speak on ''The Foollsh mark lA your ...., apdDv •· second team lost to Anaheim. STROOT'S HARDWARE
HOUSEWARES * Giftware * AppHcmoe. * PaiDta
111111 Te PIMI
• Tuberoua a.go.ua.
lA pots cmd baabb •..
e Alllo tt.m. to make up
yow Fuchala aa.lr.et.l • • •
• • •
BeautUul selection of large
tuberous begonia bulbs and
gallon fuchsias.
s&ll Gnea TracSJDg Stamp.
2744 E. Coast Blglaway
Bear Parldng ••• Ellt.w
oa Coldemod
CDM Travel
We will be happy to aut.at
you witb cmy tranl arnmge.
.. Lcayl .. Tl:utftyl
To llcmy Par Away Plaeeal
• Around the World, $1400.00
• Around S. America, $1400.00
• Around A!rlca, ....... .$1220.00 · (ApproxJmate Rates)
• Steamahlp. Railroad. AldiM
• Bot.l IIHerftrtloaa
• Toun • Tbeatn 1'lc:btll * RO SEBVJCK c:JIBGE *
Coline Gibbons, Dorothy
McKenna. Marcuerlte Hu1hes
Cor. E. Cout Hwy. at OrchJd
Ac:roa from P.O., CDM
Christ.'' Mmble mab It 011 EXCLJUIA· The juniors did a Jlttle better The Charles Flshbacka have
nOK POIKT-1-1 A darllDg when they beat Huntington but m oved from 114 VIa Cordova, 1-................ u .. ,.., c.te ...
A special missionary movie,
"Indian Americans," will be
s hown at 11 a.m. Sunday at St.
J ames Episcopal Church, New·
port, tor Sunday School from
grade 4 up. At 7:30p.m. Tuesday
travel movies of the South Sea
Islands will be shown by Dr.
Robert Burt, Cal Tech physicist.
resident of Corona del Mar and
Pasadena. ............. ~
, .... Wills,. •
The Rev. Godfrey GraeOin.
minister of the Methodist Church
at Coronado Island near San
Diego, wllJ be Illest leader at
Christ Church by the Sea, New·
port. tor the week of evangelism
beginning next Wednesday, Feb.
He will speak at three special
week·day services on Feb. 22. 23,
and 24. also Sunday morning,
Feb. 26. and for a youth program
that evening. He will lead the
visitation outreach on the eve·
nlngs of Feb. Z7. 28 and 29. Thls
emphasis on evangellsm ls a
part of the conference program,
this year called ''The March of
B.l.. Clllrcll HHOn
Puttr'a Wife, ... ,
The Woman's Society of Chris·
tlan Service of the Balboa bland
Community Methodist C h u r c h
has awarded a llte membership
to Mrs. Donald G. Sapp, wlte of
their pastor. Mrs. Sapp Is a mem·
ber ot the Official Board and the
Commission on Education. She
has served as a church school
teacher and d irector of the Vaca·
tlon Church School. With her
husband she serves as adviser to
the Senior Youth Fellowship.
The society al~ pr~nted an
honorary membership to the new
parsonage baby, Gre,ory Lormor
Sapp. who celebrated hls two·
month birthday at the women's
meetJng. An appropriate certlfl.
cate, lasued by the natJonal of·
flee. was pre~ented. Both presen·
tatJons were Introduced by the
reading of an original poem by
Mrs. Sara Bowman.
The Newport· eo.ta Mesa
Brandl of the Amerkan Red
Croa wtn hold Jta monthly meet·
tnr at 12:15 p.m. l'rlday, reb. 24,
at the Hub« Bou.e. eo.ta Mesa.
...., laat fNm O'aBIEK'S ..w a. lost to Anaheim. Only one per. Udo, to 24 Beacon Bay.
tlae -.phatic= polAt of your ...., ================~.....::=:::: faallJoa looiL From our couture
collection Cln the Azure room at
O'BRIEN'S, first floor) treat '/OW'·
sell to an Important point of
fash ion . . . an Imported MUan
straw, a smooth French straw,
hand·made textured I t a 11 a n
straw . . . lattice brim with
Oowft'S, a saucy vbor brlm ...
a scatterlne of tJny bows . . . the
wt.p ot a feather . . . banda of
velv~ mldat their own sprlnc
c~en. Yours for the poignant
look of new aprlne loveliness.
SPmJfG CBEDO: 'nae allm ft!t
to 90 wttla tbe duaaJa9 1aat. n.
......t povtble atiMoette ..
SpriDcJ lllcry DOW .. --at O'aUEJrS. We llke the look of
the column slimness, the empire-
Inspired shoulder, the casual air
ot the jack~ . . . as created by
Davidow In a suit o1 mim()!U
yellow tweed. We Uke the paper
crisp woolens. the light little lm·
ported checu In aha.rply cut
sult.t -perfection pared to the
bone. We llke the 2-pleee suit In
wool crepe, mist blue or beige,
with white linen collar and
* SPECIALS FOR THtJIIL FRI.. SAT-I'EB. 18 -17. 18 * We Carry Mmming#• Choice Baby Beef Exclwanly!
Swiss Steak 5Si.. Short Ribs .
Ciiuck 39•. BACOI I WUII
We wcmt yoa to ... tlae ward·
robe for PETITES, cmdlable lA
wools aDd sUb fi'OID oar llpdDg
cou.ctJoD at O'aiUElf'l. Here you
see styled ~or the smaller figure,
the famous Var~n Petite COS·
tumes created in acale with
da intier, smaller proportions ...
the truly American figure! The
details In these Varden Petites
are placed with an eye toward
Oattery-wlth all the imaglna·
tlon that fashion demands. U
you are 5'4" or under, these are
the costumes, cSresses and suits
that will seem created for y ou
alone. Do come a nd see them
all. from a collection ot sizes, 10
thTou1h 16 . . . others, sizes 7
throueh 20~.
=ao~u=a=u~ao~.=.~.~,~ . .a.E==~-----------------------
eo.. Cllld ... ua.. cdl Cllld
,... wW ... wlay liMn .. ..._..
,_.,._ •U... I*' .mr •
Chuck Roast 39._ ROAST ·
15~ I
F r ,.. , ., r 0 .. . _ -: •
11 ' • ' I.. ' .,. t L
IJ4L ...,.._, __ .,,_ SWORDFISH
French Fried Pot.
49c ...