HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignMeet a new official city family,
the Sbelto~lx of them.
Head ot the family Ia J2.year·
old Robert H. Sbt-lton, who was
named lut week as the new city
manage-of the City o! Newport
Vot.. l.lfO. COaoiiA DEL MAL CALJP. ----------
Council to File Suit
ewport Annex Fight
Ruling On 1
Which city hu priority In an·
nexatlon ot a county Island be·
twHn the City of Newport Beach
and the City ot Costa M~ will
be determJned In a SuPf!rlor
Court action.
They'll be movtnr here next
month trom Santa B a r b a r a .
where Mr. Shelton Is w1ndlnr up
his duties as chief admlnlstra·l
tlve ottlcer. He wlll assume his
duties h~ Monday, June 1& at
an annual a.a.lary of $13.500. I
City Attorney Donald Dunran
ot Costa MH& was Instructed
Monday nlrht by his council to 1
tile the rourt action to dett>rmlne
which city !las priority The I
Mesa action does not dlsputt> J
the Oty of Newport Beach an·
nexatlon move for all land south I
of 16th St. west of Placentia
Ave . which also Includes a 40·
acrt> parcel north or 16th St and
wt'St of Monrovia St, Mr Dun·
"Mr. Shelton was our unanl·
moua choice as the most out·
standing man amonr some 60
who applied," Mayor Dora Hill :
aald. ·we believe that the people ot our city wlll find hls quallflca·
tiona ~cellent, and they will
welcome him to our community."
The new city manaJt!r com·
pleted hls early achoollng at La
Jolla. where he f!SUbllahed the
highest .choi~Uc record for th~
.cbool, wu praldent of the stu·
dent body and captained the
baaketball team.
Hl.s college was Pomona. where
be wu a PhJ Beta Kappa ICbolat
and aao capt&J.n of the ba.lelmll team. n. war tnterrupte4 lit.
coUece carHr. He joined the
Navy, lfaduated hlrhMt In a
claa of ove-600 In a Navy V·l2
procram. ~erved as an ln.truct,r
for a while. then was transferred
to Padflc duty as a Navy officer
ln command of an LST. He
wound up In Japan. on an ad·
mlral'l staff, ln charge of land·
lnr craft.
He eompleted his work at Po·
mona alter the war, majoring in
government. He wu then se·
lected by the Rockefeller InsU·
tute u one of 35 lfaduates to ao
to Waahlnrton for a ycar at tht•
National Institute of Public AI·
He returned to C a 1 I f o r n I a .
aerved as administrative analyst
tor 28 yeare wtth the State De·
pan..tftlt of Finance In Sacra·
mento. For the first 8 months of
1951 he wu field representatlv~
for the County Sup4!rvtsor.' A.ssn.
of California, then w u named
...t.ltant city manager and Pf!r·
eonneJ olflcer In Modesto. He
continued In that post until he
wu named admlnlstratJve of·
fleer for Santa Barbara In Au·
euat. 1954.
BOW AaD AlllfAJISOJn l tallll. 6Ift to tialab 1D tbe lf...,...t
BGJt)cw to E=se=:rb YCICbt aac:. fM tbe thCrd year Ia a row. (Ell·
.... pboiD)
gan reportt'd.
The Mesa annt>xatlon calls for
all other county territory In tht>
lsland to the Newport "shoe·
string'' strip. Tht> dlspu tt'd land
annexation Ia Newport's move to
annex land west of Monrovia St.
northerly to the north side of
17th St. then east a long the
north side of 17th St. to Placentia
Ave. and a ~«tlon alonr the
~~:;;~:;:;Balboa Man Is Arrested HB a rtF ~etded
more than 12 ~ wbJJe the y rlen s ~=~·:n:::dtlo:ec~u..:~h!: on Armed RoLL-ry Count A group of about a hundff'd are less than 12 voters. Mr. Dun· UIJe frit>nds gathe~ at the VIUa Ma
ran explained. rlna Monday evening to honor
City Attorney Karl Davts re Bobby M. Kt>lly. 23. carp4!nter. criminal invt"Stl~ator l' S Tt~s nNJiy electt'd Councilman Char
portt'd that he wlll pr~nt the of 427 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa, was ury dPpartment. wt-reo walklnr les E. Hart .
City of Newport Beach argu· booked on an armed robbt'ry arross thf' lntf'rs«Uon or Balboa Sponsortne the dlnne-w~f' the-
ments when called upon by the charee by Newport police at Blvd and Main St at the time Wt'St Newport Improvement As
court action 12:45 a.m. y~terday. and nuu<'t"d a mBn ~4 Ith a gun sociation and ~ntral NPwport
The City of Nf'Wport Beach Kelly allegedly used a rlflt> ~o Intel tht-Karam ... parkmg lot Commumty Association Harold
took legal annexation action on equipped wlth a telescope sight ()ffrN'r Hill wt'nt to a tt>lt-phont> Glass was mastt.>r of ~n-monles.
the same night u the City o! to obtain $34 cash and a bottle ant1 lt>3rned from polrl.'t" ht'ad and th~ were speec-h~ by Ed
Costa Mesa, claiming a two·mln of whiskey from Bartendn Virgil quart('rc: that an armt'd rnbbt'r) Healy, Mark En~Pike Jrm.-Ed·
ute-priority. Paris In Karam's ~staurant. 11-1 h.HI coc·rurre-d Tht' man wtth the wards. Mrs. Ke-lrh Rima. Mont~
Main St , Balboa, at 11 :30 p.m rlfit• "al' pursut'd but he t'.scapt'd Grtrna Harold Arthur. Mr<:
Tuesday. on thf' t:K-t>an Front sldf'Walk, PhWp Burton. Mrs Frank Kargl. ay aUlffn:a ca£ELY • 20:32:28: aiso John Callery Me· RlliM Prllfer lies
Dr. Gordon Alles, flying the mortal Trophy for first ketch In Mr. Paris said that the man ht'ading wf'S't . KPity was taken Geor~ Shf'rrlll. and ("oundlmf'n
Into custody at ll road block In Clarence Hrgblt>. Jay Stoddard,
NPWpOrt Beach a short tlme later. ~ WlldPr and Sandy Mar Kay. eolors of his LJdo Islt' Yacht Arbitrary Class. II His HOM II CDI enteced the restaurant when no
Club,'salled h~ ketch Cynjo tol ~rge Robinson's Trident -· customers were pr~nt and kept
first place In the ocean racing Governor of Baja C a II for n I a Frank L. Ande-1110n, 86. a re· the rifle almt'd at him at all nreat, ••• Sllots
Are Neanl II CDI
claaa In the Ensenada Race and Trophy, 20:32:32, just 4 seconds tired prlntt>r, died TuHday at his times. The bartender o(>{'nt'd tht'
Ia In poasesalon of one of the behind San.s Soucl. residence, 616 Hellotrop4! Ave., rf'gister took out a S5 bill and
most prized trophies In Pnclflc Barney Huber's Mara, Balboa Corona del Mar. He was born In 29 Sl bills and laid It on th<' bar
yachtln1-the PresJdent of Mex· ,.acht Clu~etary of Mexl· Pittaburrh Feb. 12. 1870 He The susPf!C{ picked up tht-money., ''Thlt~ Is Jt. Mr " or words to
leo Cup. can Navy Trophy, 19:19:15. Mara owned his own prtntlnr business then asked for a bottle of liquor. that rrff'M. followf'd by what
Corrected time of the Cynjo also won the Bob Boyd Memorial before retiring. The bartender pia~ a bottle or soundf'd Jlkp thre-e gun llhots
was 19 hours. 5 minutes. :l6 &ee·l trophy of BYC. He Is survived by hls wUe. whiskey on the bar The suspect and a car drlvlni: away at hiJh
onda. Gene Ttepte's Eve-ning Star-Allee. Sforvlce~ wlll be held at backt'd out the door with the ~JH"f'd wt>re hf'arc1 by NAncy Gra.
Rux Schuh's Altamar. also of Trophy for first NOSA skipper, 2 p.m. today !Thundayl at Balt7 rlrtt' still polntl'd at tht> vrctim ham or 121 Narct~liU'I A\e . Co·
UYC. won the Gove-nor or Cali.l 20:16:28. Mortuary. Corona dt>l Mar. with and walkl'd toward tht> Oce-an rona drl Mar at ~ 25 a m Sat
fomla trophy for the flr<;t Cla"'S Dean Brown's Sky La.rk-N. Y. the ~v. Edwin Gomke of tht> Co· Front on ~taln St urda~ c:hp nPilfiP<I ~<"14 port po
t WUdan Thomas led group 'lng·
lnr. assisted by his wtrf' at the
1 plano. EntE'rtalnmPnt was also
provided by Bob Rouhian o! Nt>w·
port. romposer o! ''Tht> Popcorn
Song." who sang a SJ>f'('lal lm·
provtsed song for Councilman
A li1bt dl.aplacement boat across Yacht Club trophy for first dl·l rona del Mar Community Church Henry Hill, Newport rest'rvt' liN' Pu llrf' cnuld not find any
the line. In the corrected t ime ofl vlded rig, 19:54:49. officiating. officer and Francls C. Lindsay, thing or a susp icious nature
19:32:32. ;::;a;;;;;:=:::::;:;:.;;;;;;;m~:.:;::liiir.i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiD:iiiiiin;;:miiiiiii~---;--I Newport's new Post Otfi<'t' on Howard Abman110n'1 Slrlu<; of Avon St and R.lversidfo Ave just
Newport P.O. -
Ceremony Set Here In Newport Beach he wUI
take OVf!r the poll vacated by the
reslanatJon of John J. Sailors.
who 2 weeks aro wu named clty
manalft' ot E1 Serundo.
the Nf!WJ)Ort Harbor Yacht Club back or Marlnen Milf'. will bt>
wu the first across the line for formally df'dlcated at noon Wf'd
the third conMCUtJve year. Her nesday. May 30. Memorial Day,
Hoag Benefit
D~nce Friday
eonected time was 22:10. Tom Po!rtmast~ Payne Thayt"f an
Wet.ter was aJdpPf!f. nounced Mondav
Clark Sweet and George West. Chamber of Commel"t't' Prt"'l
co-owners ot llnk~. of NHYC. dent James Van Dyke will bfo
won the Mayor ot Newport such master of ~mont~. and Con·
Trophy, and received the award gTeSSman James Utt 1~ tl<'hf'dult'd
The Bo.1 R~ltal benefit dln· from Mayor Dora Hill herself at to giw the dedicatory !IIPf'f'C'h.
ne-·dana.. ~ by the S.tutday evenlnl'• trophy pre. Mr. Utt b also !!C'hf'dulrd to
Newport Harbor l unlor Clamber ~entatJon dinner. Jlnker's cor· ~ak at the Me-morial Dlly l.'t"T't'·
of Colftll\ft'Ce; wlll be h eld tomor · NCtecl time wu 21:52:11. montes to be held at 11 a.m.
row (Friday) at tbe Balboa Bay Other winners were: at Harbor Jte.t Memorial Park.
Club, belfnnJnJ at 1 p.m. Howa.rct Ha.rtry'1 Maramel -sponsored b:y the Harbor Are-a S1ncws Ka.r1on Mora-an and the Premdent of U.S. trophy tor ~rv1~ orJanlzatlona.
Oludr lfel.lon wllJ entertain. and flrat ln Arbitrary c..., ~:14:54.
I . I.-IS. Steftmaen will be lohn Paul Jon~· Sana SoucJ-• emcee. Secretary ot U. S. Navy Trophy. ................
lualnean~e~~ ar~ tnvttf'd to the
butret luncheon Mtna .-rwd to·
morrow (JI'ridQ) at the Corona
dfol Mar OommunJty Ol~h u
part ot tbefr dQ ·lona bau.ar.
The lundll. lftdudlna hot cl.tah• « ~ wtll ... 8rf'ed
from u LID. to ~ p.m.
......... -~~~~ ... -DliQI ...... ., ... eld:Ji*_. ............. , .......... . .......... ..,.....~ tonJo,,...... ............................. ~ .........
1a .......... ,.__ 'fte ..e tala. I W ta~utoa to 1D .. ~I PNC1 liiii to Weco, laOIM ...... a ._.WILDe ,Mdl to 1rJ
ol Baylor UDtv.nft7 aDd J.._ llo -... ""d.: 'f. Connell7 All..__ ...,.._ r• Mttlr .-rt at tbe
Waco hu al-.,. had a Jot ol NIJDn•nr. 11 ,_tall wt11a1a tiM ln.-w..,. ....... ola a •. , ..... ol ..... eaD ......... = = UN\ William Cowper Braun. who IOU taawe naa Into ....... --. ~ .e H e CllfCO Da JIA1'0 pl()l'ftftlt, J WU~WhJeh.--to have beet\ foqotten by 1t ...... to,_tUtWfliTthlq • .,. op Lut 11lur.day I wu on a boat saya my pod EIP08A. Ia In It· the n.atJve. but who ln ILia c1., ...,t WI'Oftl. II ad Db ,_
araln, the ttr• tline alnc:e I eot selt a very, very r.,.. aJtuatJon. put tbe town on the map jOUmal. coulcln"t. c1o ~ ijpt, ...
=ICX::ICICX:::IIQICX:ICII:::x::liCX::ICICX::x:ll:xx:ll=x:::ICII::ICICI::EICX::ICICX:I:• :EI•Q) back from MauUan. It felt good, Seems Uke I'll be lfvlng my all l.tlcally apeaklug. He publa.btc1 •hen lJMt IGt io haa tJait ......,. * = * = = * = = *> ' ' ' ' * = ' = ' * * = too, especialJy alnce lt was Uncle for my favorite flshlnr tratemJty a w.ekly paper ea11ec1 the .,COD· tbJa ta the Um)t, anc1 tbeD tiMrJ e A PROTEST FROM ONE OF US SLAVES Harry Rogers' ADEQUATE. with aboard "Beany" AIDft'baup's oclut." Jt hac1 a wk1e national turMC! a.rou.nc1 a.n6-pt wcne.
Here is a basic freedom thot none of you folks con dispute: No Skipper "Chuck" Smith at the SCHOOLBOY, which, alter a eel'· clrt:ulatJon. a.n4 ID lt bla acJc! edt-Well, I wu tn -. ot tru.e
freemen in these United Stetes should be subjeded to irwoluntery control-. u usual. There was taJn week·end as Paula lr tonal pe12 attacked and destroyed meu., I pt an lnt.lonty com·
servitude. The Constitution itself proteds us from th~tt. No argument only one thing wrong-we were Beany'• guesta at Pa.l.m Sprlnp, fabe ~ phonlee and related pla that Jwt wouldn't qult. J
th · N not fishing! ls somethlng to look forward to. penonarea. wu downrlrbt ttmld. Jt wu out-so for. Nor should there be ony orgument over is ouerl•on: 0 Somehow, when I get out on a It's a ~ aaUalylng thing to It wu he who wrote on the .ta.n4J.JJpy obvloua to my play-
freemen should be forced to toil egeinst his will without pey. Thot is boat, 1 just want to tlsh. M. be fed by one wh• ls In the res· oeea&Jon of the Conauelo Vander-matee at the poker table. 11leJ
es bosic ond uncontestoble os wyin g. "Thou shalt not steel." you've already guessed, we were taurant busJness. That turkey! bUt-Duke of Marlborough wed· were quJck to note Ill)' weatme:.
Still with me, ~tnd no disogreement? Then come elong & step helping the biggest ocean-going That baked ham! That Klnr-Crab ding an un-Oatterlng ~ptlon and take advantqe of tt. ~
or two farther. Forced lebor without poy does exist~ere in the yacht race In the w«ld get start· Louis. <I ruesa you pronounce it of the bride, de.crlblnr her u a took turna blutrtnr me. 1 became
United St~tte5-for thouwnds ond thousonds of us. by mond~tte of the ed for Ensenada. It's all I could "louie," like Louie Breer, Junior. big-footed daughter of a Dutch eonvtnced that 1 bad ~ too
Federol Government, ond of the state governments. We business· do to keep myself from rlggin' up who has moved down here to our eml~. but far too good for a old to hold a pair, hence the at-
men oil over t he n~ttion ore forced by low, under poin of f.ne end a 3/6 outfit and tossing a jig In Harbor area.. to take over where syphWtJc duke. tempt to apply fqr admllalon to
Punishment, to toil ISS tox collectors for the government, without poy. the wake. I have a good lmag· his well-liked Dad, Louie, Senior, One of bls famoua "~ermons." the home.
I I h h lnatlon, too. I day · dreamed, left olf.) 10 named by him, wu entitled In ordel' to quality you ba'fe to Unless constitution&! guarantees mean abso ute y not ing, t is "Wouldn't lt be terrltlc to catch • FISB ~X ICE "Christ Comes to Texas." The one pass an examination. They deal
is an enormously .unconstitutionel stote of off~tirs. No person hes the the first albacore of the ~~eaaon And bll • for which he was murdered with you 30 poker banda. U you don't
morel ri{cht or legol/:wer to force enother to work for him against rlaht oU the ~. Jn the middle w e were on the subJect a shot tn the back wu an attack -t a palr, "OU qual'.._ for ad·
h th · h • ~""~ of food, Mamma C. Q. and I •-" ... :r his will or nothing. o put it more bluntly. no person es e r~g t to of all these salJboata!" dropped in for a snack at Forrle on the nephew of the president mlaalon. U you catch a palr they
subject enother to slavery. beceuse thot is on immoral ect. There is Alter the aJpal for the start, Smith's new headquarters, EL of Baylor UnlveraJty. Incidental· throw you back to the cold, c:ruel 11111•••••••••••11! NO POWER thet can moke it morel end just, not even the majority we ran down the llne long PESCAOOR. up on 17th St. We ly, there are no copies of hla world and tell you to buatle for
...... .,
Aeroa tbe street from 11:1E POST OFFICE ,. z-t eoa.t .wy.
(Comer OrchJd)
C... del-· '"Leoll .............
vote of the people. Uncle Sam, however mighty. does not hove the enough to say "Bon Voyage" to enjoyed our lunch, but some· book, which was a eompllatlon of your living.
right to commit en oct thet is immorel ond unjust for & single individ-the Everitt Hadley and guests thing ls now much clearer, sJnce hls "sermons:• In the unlversJty So I eo 28 deals without a palr.
ual to commit. aboard the Ebb· Tide, who were we made that first vult. The real Ubrary, nor any other ltbrary that On the 29th 1 cet a palr of treya.
I LJieve we •re still in ogreement on bosic principles. Then you going to Ensenada just for the reason for this fine addltJon to 1 can !Ind. It ls now • coUectors Of course the Inmates of the
&Je "' tun of it. (The Ebb-'nde Is a F 1 • Item. I once owned a reprint home play poker to pa.aa the will eppreciete my suq_gestion thot we businessmen of the Un ited crulaet, wtth no more canvas on orr e 5 chain of Clock eating· edltlon and loaned lt. to whom I tlme. Little Incident. happen. For
Stotes should no longer put up with forced lebor without pay. I be-Jt than the cover for the radar.) spots ls obvtous the minute you don't reean. That's all, brother. lnmnce a hardened character by
h I h dl walk ln the door. There wasn't lieve thet you businessmen, particulerly. should w o e earte y agree That dldn't help my albacore room at home for all the Smith e DIIAJIATlC DEATB the name of Three FtnrerecJ Jack
thot we should stort behoving os busineumen, ond thot we should fever any. U your memory ls hJ fla 11le manner of his death wu vts1ted friends th~ and aat ln
h h h d h t · good, that was the .1.-lf.sam•boat trop es. h. pictures. etc. E1 dramatJ" to say the least. and with them. Be "----me ....._.na levv o c .lrge on t e service t ot we ren er t e govemmen • rust os _, "" P-"ador is full ol them and it's ... ~ ..---.' that pluck-~'the No. 1 long-fin, ..-. · typ•cal of them days in Tau. non ...... ta becauae he held a pair we do for oil other services we provide. let us determine whet t het eo a beautllul alt>ht to old finny '' •·-and Uncle Harry, the guy that • 1898. when most men toted a of Jacka. They thought that to service costs us; ~tdd o proper percentoge for profit, beceuse we oil eyes. like these. Not th~ least d
still believe in the profit system; ond deduct thot omount from our was busy servtnc chlcken aanthd· fascinating Is a fine mounting of gun. He rou~~~ a eoH~~-~. beh ds~ ... m~~t evidence that be
h I f II d wtches to us chJckens, was :! Fon le's world-record 316 Rooster passed by a uuuo-ay. _...-au· a uaeau:u. mont ly or quorter y remittences o to xes co ecte . Man of the Hour, last June 21st. ant stepped out of the doorway r=============i
• • • when the thrilling news came fish, with the I.G.F.A. certltlcate and abot him ln the back. Tbil
over the air. below lt. was not considered ethJcal in
School Boord eledion doy is Moy 18. Do you fol ks reolize thot
school boords spend &bout &s much of toxpoyers' dough os eny other
body in the world? Also thet they ore responsi ble for one of the most
imporlont jobs in the world, supervising the educotion of the youth
of our country? Moy I 8 is therefore o mighty imporlont dot&-more
imporlont, in my o pinion, then o presidentiol election. Better be there
ot the polls. end hove some soy in this metter. It's your money. ond
your kids. ond th.!_ future of us oil.
Everitt vowed that on the way Somethlnc new ls being added those times, and ln fact was re·
back from Ensena da, he'd be there. too. About to be lnstaJled carded as poor sportsmanship.
trolling feathers for that first one Is a deep-freeze with a window Braun wheeled around, drew hb
for 1956. He also Intimated that In the front. In here, from time gun, and ahot hla opponent
one H. J. Rogers, THIS year, to tJme. will be displayed proud through the heart. then stood
wasn't going to be on the. guest angler's noteworthy catches. The over him and emptied hla Colt
Jlst! first to be shown In the {rigid Into his body. and feU dead.'
• OlfCE ACADf window Is a big dolphin that was The name of James ConneUy,
tlgin & Hemi1ton
Wall ace Calder head
• f'Ji f <.rr•JP TIO II,'; ~-. ~~ .... ,
Ull VIa life DIDOS
-· eoa.t a-try-aA uss C::O... ... Mar
And after all thls albacore yak· caught while the Toluca was do· In whose memory thla Alr Foree
king, I can't resist barely men· lng some exploring for the Bal· Base was named; &lao ltlned
tlonlng that a certain blt of good boa Angling Club In the Galt of memories. I was the flight sur·
news came to my ears last week. Calllornla recently. Lee Jonas, geon a~mpanylng the 19th
Hal Kenoyer, Pacific Anglers' B.A.C. Secretary. was along on Group of B·17s that were trans·
team captain for the Interclub the cruise and sald It was so ferred from Albuquerque, N. M.,
Albacore Tournament. called to wonderful that tou didn't want to ClJlrk Field, Manila. just be·
flnd out U L of all people, want·l to come home. Dr. Kay Dooley. fore the Japs hit Pearl Harbor
ed to n sh on the PA team. He who al~ wu OJDe of the l ucky and Manila. 1 was rJdlng tn Capt.
said 110me1hlng about my num· guests. slghl'd th~ same senti· ConnelJy's plane. and about sun·
ber being drawn out of the hat. mPnts ovt'r the phone. up, as we were near the end of
and just wanted to know. etc.. I never did Jearn who caueht the trip, Jlm 'lowed u how Texaa
We'd Like to Welcome You
To Our New Store
<Open Ev"' Mon.
thru 11luraJ ..... .-~ .....
•• you.ra
Stop prcta:uliDg that bc:aatiful
figures luppcn ooly to ocher
people. We'll dd.iYcr ooe tor-
just as we have dooe for oYer
],OOO,ooo women!
We take h.u~losc iDc.hcs &om
hips, tummy, thighs, mk.Jes, Uppct
arms, bc:aunfy your posture, fum
and tighten mUJCie. V oguc
magazine says, "A vis1t to Stanifer
is~ completely rc:lu.ing time."
Tdcpbone today for a free trU.I
visit md fi~re aJU!yw. No
..,. ...... _._. . ..._
· coao•A Da. MU
1117 ... c:..t .......
"you're so right.
We always
go s. P.''
etc. the dolphin. But. from what I u. had never won ln the history
For my money. that was onr or hear. the name of the angler will of the annual Thanksgiving game
the most unnecessary que!ltlons be shown alone with tlsh' In the In the A. & M. Stadlum. a nd they
t-ver uttered by a mortal. For a new glass-windowed trophy case. were not about to In this 1941
• • • tussle. which was lesa than a
month away. One word brought
on two or more, and resulted In
a sm all wager. Texas U. broke BEaE 'S tbe
third raDiliD9
team I..D u,. ...
CIMit M a a a Ucm
Ugbt T a c llle
Toa.naey, t.be Pa-
cWc AD9 ler1
t eam : .. tt to
r l 9 b t , PI'CIIlll
tJMdom, of Bay
lbone1 c.org.
Crtffltb.. of lr·
'fiDe T • r r a c e1
Dr. W. F. Bobi..D·
aoD, of aay sa.c.... CrtWth
was tecma cap-
Candidates to Face Newsmen
A panel of candldates for the
State Aaembly oUlce, District
74, wlll be quizzed by a panel of
local newsmen at Tu~ay morn·
lnr's meeting of the Woman's
Civic League at the VOla Matlna.
All candidates from both parties,
lncJudJng John Amendt, Bruce
Sumner and W. Oscar WU.On ot
Santa Ana, Oland Carrldc of San
Clemente and Albert Delphlno of
Costa Mesa. wlll apeak.
A representatJve will abo be
present at the meeting to explain
the functions of J.be f1nrt ~lected
Lay Board of EducatJon, accwd·
tnc to Helene Caenar, vtce·pres.l·
umn ..,....., l&llllOW
Dr. Luther Arthur wU1 apeak
1n the Bible Center Cburdl, 23rd
and Oranc~. eo.ta "Mesa. on '"nle
llelncarnatlon or llrldey Murphy,
the traditional jinx.
"On May 29. 1945. whUe acting
aa an observer In the nose of a
night of 500 B·29s. while attack·
lng Yokohama targe~ Col. Con·
nelly met his death aa his air·
CTaft exploded under the direct
hit of anti-aircraft fire."
Lido Players
In Rehearsal
The Lido Isle Playen~ Club Is
rehearsing for "Lo and Behold!"
a three-act comedy by John Pat ·
rick to be presented May 31.
June 1 and 2 at the LJdo l.lle
Guest director Bill Fuclk has
chosen for hls cast Stan Le LJevre
as MUo Alcott. Olan Dunlap as
Dr. Bob Doney," Nancy Hall a.s
Dat.)' Durdle, Agnes Blomquist
u Minnetonka Smallfiowft', Pa·
trtda Walter u Honey Wain·
wrleht. Jlm Blodptl u Kenneth
Moore. Mike Mkbaud u Mr.
Wingate and Hollo Butler u lack
11le play Ia 'Written by the
author of the au~l "Tea·
houae of tbe August Moon."
Luncheon raervatlona, t or
membera and ruesta who plan to
stay followtnr the roeetinr. ~Y
be made wtth KmeL Melwood
Berry, Ray Hovta, Hobert Kuber,
E. C. Sm.lth ud Datar .Jaclmon.
or Delving Into the Unknown." SIMinll
Picture Framing Shop
.....___ --...._..._._ . ~-=------
smrrs DYEING
.. TIIB.PY.LM a •n-llR.
Created for the
w oman 1rith tbe
I beaUt? and~
Mil oi a queen. A
cXilf tbat'a ioyaDy
* Till d'S
T·V IDIIGE .,. ....
Leern to Dance
HAUOit 5011
y._...,...,. ..
Cla1dnd RUI
Improperly FOC\l.Nd' LJcbta
are danlerou.-&nd llle,al.
We'll adjutt your Uchta
to 8.A.E. SpecUJcatlons.
B 'lOll'S .~.J~~
@ ................ .............
.... Mil
()pea Dldly-7 ...........
CREDIT BUREAU ........ o. ... C...ty
Ubrmerly of Newport Beaeb
Lacuna Beach • eo.ta M-.a)
IMJll .. ,, A"'-tOia
u.rty ~7141 •...-t ....
Capistrano By The Sea
Specializing in all Types of
For Further Informauon Call
No. A·27202
lfO'nCE 1'0 caEDITOD
ENS, alao known u C. & DICK·
ENS, al10 known as CLAUDE
the creditors of and all penona
having claims against the aaJd
decedent or aald estate to file
them with the necessary voueb·
ers In the otfke or the Oerk ot
the Superior Court of the State of
CaiiCornla, In and for the County
of Orange, or to present the
same, with the necessary vouch·
ers. to the undersigned at his or
her place or business, to-wtt!
Mrs. Maudle A. Dickens
c/o Hurwitz It Hurwitz. Attor·
ne~ at Law
2611 Newport Blvd., Newport
Beach, Calllomla
within alx months after the
first publication ot this notice.
Dated AprU 17, 1956
Admlnt.tratrtx wtth wtU An·
nexecl ot a.Jd -..mL
2611 Mewport Boulevard
Newport Beadl. Calltoml&
Attorn~ f~clml..nlmatrtx
with Will Aruiaecl
Publlab: Aprl) 19. ~ 3, 10
ln the En&Jcn
• Fer , .. r ~ • ~ ~
~ ,... ........... ~
~ aeylnt ........ ~
~ "•"• _.., tW ~ • ~
~ , .... ~
~ MRIId ~ • ~ • • ~ •
~ .
·~ ., LAdle lale, oftlckd ............... Aaaaalhd
0.,.... TNta. Piwlww ia ................ r:a tJae ...
--., -., .... IIIUIDY ..
..a. ---t...a wW be -... ,.., ................. .
............... fw llayl5
.. .. .., '11. ,.. ........ wUI .........................
~ '--_. iliE art..
Fund Drive Is Under Way
For Cerebral Palsy Funds
4 cloor·to-cloor eaa~ Ia v.n-10s. WWJam lab.N aDd lin. ct. war ID tM Jlatbw Area to WWJ.am ..._,qer.,.. co-chah·
r&JM .,000 tw tbe Umtec~ C..· men ot the harlaor uu fund
bral Palq ~ at Oran1e Coun· ddve. Wllllam B. Fa.nwworth la
ty, WbJdl Ia worldq tht. year to president ot the eounty croup.
bulld a ~-care omt« lew tbe -==========-=: attll~ children In Ora.n~e ~ eounty.
Captatna woddnl In the Co· • ~
rona del Mar area J.ndude lin. e 1...-rl
Harold O.bome. Mra. Gretchen FAYOIII
Carr, Mrs. Paul lorton. lin. An· ton Lopldeb, lira. John MWer, • O#IIC&
Mrs. Gemp Weedon and lin. F0ma
Ruble Jordan. Volunteer captalna
are n~ in the area betweeD
Cout HW)'., Bayakte Dr. and
Dahlia Ave. and betweeon Bay· Lldo Sbopplq Center
side Dr., Carnation Aw., Golden· ....._ a• ... Ys. IJde
rod Ave. and tbe harbcw. ~===;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;~ C&ptat.na woddnc ln the Bal· c; ...... u.. .. boa area Include Mrs. Wl1llam B.
smith, Mrs. Peter Bunoul}l.l. Mrs.
Donald Brldpl.an. Mra. WUllam
McCook and Mra. Helen Incle.
Mra. Florence Buquor, lin. How·
ard Gltfolod and Mrs. Marjorie
Farrwworth are aervtnc ln the
• CJUIJSft --~ ......... yd. IOIIIIICIE'
Newport area. ~~~~~~;;~~~~ Other captalna Include Mrs. r
HARBOR 61'76
2919 E. Cout Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
Phelps Kerlckel, Bay laland; lorgest and Most Complete
lin. Cba.rlea Clark. Udo Tl'aller Fumih.lre Store in the Aru. Park; KrL Robert Jtanc1al.l. Udo
lale; Mra. 0 . B. Skinner, Mra.
Randall Geddes and Mrs. llel
Berry, CllU Haven; Mrs. John
Porter, Harbor laland; Mra. Ed·
mond Douclu, Beaeon Bay; Kra.
Stanley Brisbin, Irvine Terrace;
H1u Barbara Tuttle, Mia VIr·
rtnta HutchJ.Ion. Mrs. Mary
Jahns, Mrs. Milton Stannard Jr .
and Mrs. Mary Aakew, Balboa
I alan d.
c.n for ,, ..
ll'-+y 1-5511
Hen se ... Gar~~~
Fumi$hings for homes,
dubs, yachts.
1017 W. Co.rt Highwey
N-pott S..dl
Ia»...,. "* ....... -. ..
(OJS I U t Clty lltdl) IIA till
-. ~------
SAVE Willi I
Fa...ra Pilley
1'793 NEWPORT AVE.. COST A J.fESA omcz: Ubert>' 8-5554 RES. Uberty s-5063
Orlwe with care • , . ~«•I
I'N7 ._ COAIT mc:awn e-del-.......
At Or~ Co.ty's
L..e4l1HJ Hon.e Le .. cli"t
httfltvtl ...
U' TO S I 0,000
All Accovnh O..-ed
Oft w lefor•
The I Ott. of the Mo"tt.
Eara Fro.. the lri.
%22 Oceee A.,_
..._ HY4-II.
with heart-warming prices!
The "One-Fijtu" and
"7\oo-Ten" Series bring
fiOU Chevrolet's sass11
styling and record-break-
ing road action al prices
,ou' ll warm up to fast I
You won't fiDd ua playing fa~
ita You ret the same lively power
in .. Two-Ten" and .. One-Fifty''
models that you do in Bel Air&. Up
to 225 h.p. t The~ performance,
too-the wide-awake kind that
rata Chny t1ae ptppiest. euient
baDdJ.i.na car on the ro.d I
ADd look at tbe model eboiee
)"'U 've got. Twenty in all. i.ncludinc
four hardtops-two ol them ''Two-
Tens." sa station ~-three
~Tens" and ooe "Oue-Fif~ ...
So enD a.tDOftl the Jo'ftl' prioed
Cbefto&eta you han p&eaty ol
eboice. Came in and look t:MD cmrl
.. AirS,.,.Sr«• ,_..,,._._Jw ..... ....,_......_ .. CA_....,,JMI
---•&-,__,_-1't --a ..... .-r. LIT. I 6 IMJI.
110 Broadway
l..:lJ=s-.3oU3==1t=8-=MM==ea.ta==Meu=~ W. a. CIOLLIRS llOYD
r;. The W . R. CoUma' bave moved NOW ... TWO
Servtne the Harbor Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
39) E. Cout sa::vay Corona del
Baltz Mortuary
Liberty 8-2121
17h It Superior, eo.ta Ilea&
Harbor Blvd. at Gl&Jer
to l'ZS6 Pomona Ave., eo.ta Meea,
from 1737 .Anaheim Pl., ea.ta
Plltronlze the merchants who
a~ ba tbe Jfewport Bar·
bor £Nip..
FfUI CHUtlQt Of' CHaJST saamsr
l)OJ VI. Lw.. ...............
A t-neh of The Moth« Otvrdl, T1te
Rrst Chllf'dl of Oriat, Sciet~tltt, in loe-
ton, Meueehuwth.
S..Mey School ----9:15 ......
Sundey SenoOee II :00 •·"'·
Wednesdey MnliMJ Meeti"9 1:00 p.m.
RHdinq Room louted et lliS Vie
Lido, N-port S..eh, ia ope" _.
deys from 9:00 •·'"· to 5:00 P.'"·
Wednesdeys from '9:00 •·'"· to 7:45
p.m. Fndey ..,.ninqt from 7:00 p.l'l\. to
9:00 p.m. Oosed Holideys.
The publie ia co«fielly invited to et·
•end the eh11rch MMe.. e..d 11M the
lteedi"q R-.
you're going places
tn your
waUl -'ittli"6 Fai•IIH»uler
W ln1 ct.-• ...n.c-,•'1..,.. p more prettily, w .._,_an. .... .,.., s...r ... of Oea. .... j...,.
Y• ,..., ..... ,. .... aiaete ia ita .......... '•:sua " ...................... _......, .. ..., .... _.. ....................... .,.. ..... ....... ................................ ,,,..... ... ..., .
... If ••• ......,, .... ~,.,.., .... , __ .__._,.. .. "" .............. ,..,.,
PDIST aAPnST cauac:a
3lcdboo alYCL Jltla & Coast Ita.
IIAdl« ISSS •..,.n Ubedy I-J072
Jtaatan Jl..t.rt a. JobuGa Sunday 8eMees: 9:45 a.m.. Sun-
day School; 11:00 a.m.. Wor·
abJp Service; 7:30p.m. SundaY
ewn.tn1 ~ e r v I e e : Mid· Week Service: 7:.30 p.m. w~ PrQer Mfttlna.
Qape1. loatlaera c.ut. ...... c.u ....
~ ......
~. c. E. narr•d
Sunday aehool 9:30 a.m.. mom1n1
worship 11 a.m. Tounr people
.ervtce 6:30 p.m., f!'VeJl.lnr
evan,eu.t eervfce 7:30 p.m.
Mfd.week .ervtce 7:30 p.m.
COIIOIIA DU. IIU COIIJCVIRTT cauaca c ...... r ad
Ill ='fi.,Aw..
.............. a-.
Sunday Wonhlp !ervlc:a: 1:~ a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: ·=~a.m.
cauaca .... •.az.aanra
·-AM11 .... lt.. Coat...._ ..... ..... Qlw W111•-· la..tr 1-7111
Sunday Servlcai: Sunday School.
9:.30 a.m. Komtnr WorsbiJ) at
10:30 a.m. Evanr.lLitte Serv· Ice. 7 p.m. Sun ay. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettne.
7:30p.m. Wedne.!ay.
0rc1D9t Aft. at DI'CIIt. eon. ..... Llbelty 1-S. A.A. ....... ,...
Sunday Sc:bool: 1:45 a.m. Mom· tnr Service. 11:00: Ewn1Dt s.r.tc.. 7:30. Mid-week S.V· lee, Wedneaday, 7:.30 p.m.
Youne people meet 1:15 p.m.
WI LUI ••a ... caua::a or COftA IOU Aa(:::~~
.......... l..a.ar,.......
SU.nda)' Services: Worahlp Setv· lee I Lm. Sunday School at
10:15 a.m.
1'1'. AIIDa&WI ..... -•tiliaPi&aUUI ~CIN-....,._ ...
1lllt St. It .. ~ B4., _.._ ..........
I 'II I ltJ ...., .......... ,..... ....... .
SUJfDAY: llorn1q ........ t:JO
ud 11 a.m.: Olurda lcllool.
1:30 ud 11:0o; lr. BJP. Sr. llilb ancl con ..... t.now .
..... 7 p.a.; 'I"'IIUI'8da7, .,.,.,
.Wcly ..... t :30 ....
cauw or OVIt LADY or ..,., c:aPOL
140W ............... ........ ........ c"~ ...... ...... ··--SQndq Scbool: t:JO a.m. Wor-,-1 1 I ....
dlJp: 10:~ a.m. ucl w...,.u.t Sundq II~ 1:00 ancl 10:00
8en'k'!e, 7:JO p.aa. Youna People cl 4•:00 een· , • Sat and CbUdnn'a s.rvtce. 1:30 an ~ LJIL r m. •
p.m. Sun. IIOcl-..-Servlc:e· u:rct.,. and eva. ol. lit rrtc!Q8 • and Holy DQ8 ,_ t:OO to Wedneeday, 7:.10 p.m. Lad~_. 5:30 p.m. and rr-7:.10 to 1:30
MJ.ionuy Coundl, 1bureda)'ll I p.m. DaUy 1(-.. 1:00 ILftL J'l:nt t:.ao a.m. fOit all~. Frtdq: 1':30 .... ud 8:00 p.a
M OVID a (Pw'petual Be)p):
I'IIIIT cauac:a or Cli&ii't IQ&iililt ..... ~..~~~-. .............. Monday, 7:.S p.m.
oaJt•••• wr COIIDIGaart nu.cnrsm. • Ullin Mil ~ Scbool: 1:15 a.m.. San· ...... Ch'h•• c1a7 Ser•lee : 11:00 a.m. III"W • ...._ ....._ ..._ W~ ~ W.UU: ~If? 'rtwa wn rrr...., 1:~ ~dlq 8ooni. &U5 VIII Suncla7 Sdaool. 10·00 a.a. Mom Udo. •.-pan BMc:ll. Ol*l t •·----•.. .:00 • &.m.·5 p.m. wwll claya, I a.m.,. .... ... __ 11. ....
7:~ p.m. -~ 1·9 p.m. Frtda7 ewn.~n--.
•awiOft IIADOa ~·aucaua:a
IS01 1.111~ ·~= ...... .......... a...a ...
DuplJeate mornlnr 8erYieee -9
a.m. ancl 11:15 a.m.. Sunday;
K.lnderra.rten and Pre·Sdlool
Dept. Sunday School. t a.m.;
lit Grade tbroup Adult hn-
dq Sabool. 10 a.m.: bus pro-
vided and N&&na')' provided f01t
both~ and 10 a.m. SUD·
clay School
I&V&W IB DAT ADVU I lSi ... pwt ams. ........... ............. l.a.ty .. . .... D. ...... ..
Saturda~~Sentow: Sa~ .. tb . .... -aer.
JDOD: u• a.aa. Ptue me& tar: Wedll •• ...,, ~ p.m.
1'1'. JAMD DIICO.AL a. vs. Ll6a. ..........
ll&a.ls. .... } ...............
Sunday Mr'VIca: 1:00 a.m. Holy
CommunJo.n; 1:15. ., am II y
sentc:e. 11 a.m.. worablp
.aervtee. Tburadq Serv Ieee :
9:15 ~ Pray., GuUd; 10:30 Holt Communion.
IT, JOIIIr nDirrr
JIAiks -· ........ ,, •• an., .....
SWICiay .,._: 8:00 a.m. 1r 9:30
a.aa. Confaalon: Satwdaya and ...._ ol. 1st P'l'fdaya and Holy
Days; 7:30 to 1:.10 p.a.; J1nt
rrtclq Ill-.. I a.m.
..-r UPlift' cauaca ........ a.. ..... ea...---........ & •• I
8uDdQt ... tks:
t :G a.& laDc1u ktMol; 11 3.11L Wonblp ......._. I:JO
.... a.,u. Tralfttna trnloa; :JO p.a. ~ 8erYica. Jt'edJMiillk)': T:ao p.m.. Prayer,
hal. ud Bible St\lcl7. Mon-
da)': 7:10 p.m. Men'• 0oru.1 pra~tlce: I:JO p.m. lla'a
ftQer Meaanr.
• .-. W1lAlD IOATS s-a.. the ........ u y_..
lttt HMtt.r ....... c..t. .....
UMtty 1-HU
lOB'S SPOAT1N6 60005 . c • .,., ••• ~~
1117 ....... A....C:...W.. lAwtr ..... 12
EARL W. STANLEY, ....._ s... ....,.. HetW .... ,.
..... Ofl..t ..... lnl ...........
COSTA MESA MOTOU ._ ...... .,...c..-
Crsrl k • t t 1 Sa ... ~...., ... ,.....,....
1141....,.. .... c.a. ....
1121 w. c.-.................
T1te Piece T • &e
F. n.. ..... v .. ec-,. •
We ~ SIH e.-s.-,.
JOJ ...... se...t, ..... .........
JJII L c:..t Hw,,. c.-U W. ....,,..,.,
o;:,;....:::9~~ .......
TM411•• Wlet .~~~
ua-ty 1.)4)7
Y-H••10 1~ ...
W. L c:..t ..., .. c.-U W.
STAFJOID I SON ..............
Nil fJFI.h ..... ........................... ~·~-
lAY I lEACH ..aLTY. INC. .-w,..._ ... .... ... , .......... ..... 1 .............. c.. .... .......... c... ....
-I.Oilit c... ......
1;= ........ = ~--:t"
T,ewcttaa ~ .... W. sf,t 11
·-"""' .... c.... .... ~ .. ,.,.
,......_•C...UM.r ... e-.
HetW ...
Woaclerful fubioos with a JOWll
outlook f« cbe womtA wbo
wean a half -tiae.
ffiODE 0 DAY
1111 .ewport Aft.
c...._ LJ ·--1
•• KAJtBC)Jl 6176
2919 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar
llesigned for a
Tbe Coadaeaal Prnda
PwH ....... ia~
Cowhide aa1eaaa widt dar
A M1
• BlouJ~I
• St~r1111
• B•lll
•Drn sll • p,.,.,..
AU. LAMPS-Indoor and Outdoor ---25%
All. FURNITURE-wrought iron, and
Swedish or Danish teak, 20%
METAL PictuRE FRAMES-gold or
silver finish 25%
GLOBEW ARE-"Stove to Table" pieces,
bl 250/0 porcelain or iron, ue or green ---Jc
HAND PAINTED TOLE or plastic 250/0 eemng trays ---------/c
LINENS and TABLE MATS --up to 33113%
ALL JEWELRY --------33lh%
....... ....,. .. CAIOIOI'
Qlft'WUP ..,_ .... WIIIDI'l (JI.AIG'&
PA.aTT roa IIELDfDA The flnt patients were admit-1 ed May 1 to Grace Wtng, former-Cake and ice cream and pres·
., ........ Circle
new Combo BSg
Ch~ from 12 lusctou. putel
colora 1D soft, amooth eowhJd.e.
Plus 10"-Fed. Tax
1448 So. Cout Blvcl
Laguna Beach
HYatt 4·7772 ly the nurses' residence at Hoar enta and rames were all part of
Hospital. to temporarily meet the the birthday celebration of Me· I
community needs untU the· new Linda Brock, dauchter of Mr. and :==~~~~~~~~:;;::::::::::::5~~==~!!55~~=:::!!::::5!~~~~~;:::::::;:~~~!!!:=!3!1 lm·bed winr 1.1 constructed. Mrs. S. D. Brock of Corona del .
The building expansion fund Mar, who wu 7 on Saturday. WE'I£ •• WJ.IUJI! EJPIIIIII Ul f lOW •
drive, .tarted In March. 1955. 1.1 Children at her birthday puty
now In the final wind·UP stage, were Clare Huber. Lucy Smith,
lacklnr $39.000 to meet the $500.· Judy and Kathy Russell, Donna
000 1. The campaign commit· Mossholder. Joanne and Diane
tee ~pes to go "over the top" Unkey,, Shelley Kuster and the
thls Sunday, which has been des· honoree • older sister Jeanne,
I ted ... Hospital Sunday who assisted with the hostess
20% otf Special Group Bags_ Jewelry. Hata. Dra••
Men's. Women'a & CbiJdren'a Weoz
gna -duties..
throughout the county. F~i-----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioi:;===~~===;;;;;;&;;;;;;;;;;;i===============:==;;;;;i;;;jjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiftl IITatt ._ ftiJ
Faculty Club
Election Held
Leonard Thompson. retiring
president of the Newport Harbor
Union Hirh School Faculty Club.
announc. the election of new
ottleen and board members for
the ICbool year 1956·57. The of·
fleen are Roy .Jillllon, president:
Helen Ballard, vic.-pres.ldent;
Toni Adams. secretary, and Don
Bums. treuurer. Board members
Include John McCowen, KJn,ery
Whlteneck. John Echtemach and
Robert Pen'ln.
Here'• your chance to "use your
bead" In a 8mart way on Moth-er's Day. Mrs. Percy, who's well
known ln Laguna Beach for her
custom made hats, Is leavfna
May 15 for an extended trip ea.at
and Is "clearlng the decks" of
her shop at 440 S. Coast Boule-
vard ln Pepper ;rree Lane. You'll
flnd barplns plore! She hu
c:lrutlc reductions on her presett
~taCk of lovely chapeaux and
will bring back new Ideas In fall
fuhlons wben she returns from
her trip to Atlantic City. MJamJ
Beach and New York. Remember
. . . the lut day 1.1 May 15 . . .
80 HUU Y. (Paid adv.)
Are Sure To
Please Her!
-&CIIIIIa.f. CINiia ... .....
M : .... ~ ,..a •. .,
the . ::
best ~:·
way to lOY • ~·u•~
SEE -...
lhl .. C1l1pe1 _. Pwt •
e Jewehy •••
earrlnp and necklaces $1
e Handbags ..•
"You are col~ places Ln
tint clus fashion. when
JOlJ traft.l with a kit
ayled bJ' Trina!" from $1
• StatioDery
&lld DOtes
• BiDioldl
by Amft:y
• Nylo~
by AJnnaJd
.,w,g Rowers Oft 04lf
.. INCI MATCHAaiL&.I '*"""" aMIIw
.... . .. c. .... ~ ....... .,... ...... , .. ............... ...
Pedume. ecru de
c:olapa. whit ... tn.a
........ 11 ........ .!!!:
Allo~cmci Jr~=·· ll.sGto .. OD
1,11111 l1l1r'a ..,.
2 It& ol au-11 Sto-
ver c:booolat. wrap.
peel 1ft p re tt y plftlr
..,.. and ..un rib-
••• ot)a,w llo t llu • •
DQ Gtft ..... ot •· ...... --.u ....
cu6le .... ua .. ....
.... _ .. h ............ lw ..
-DAY OP J"DJar •• o•••~•
•S&JIT,._ ANA. ll'd a& ._.
. "'
.. ... 1'118 w• HoftOr Given ••••• • .,
.,waac:ua.Y exllWra ................ Mrs. Watson ~·:.:.-:.; Con•• ,._t Pat hate a utfoa•• lad ........ Jw ....... •• w .... 01 Lido J , 1 ....
.... ....... .. • 10 « ~ .......... --)Alit .......... _. ,.Micllld ol • .. -........
fte M...,art-mwaada race Ia aa atm wu ........_ <>W •ltrl .....,oiW_,,aa'*'; -
• double·balftlled ewnt: tt'a ,..._ tM 111011.-t tlaat ,._ a-. ,.... ........ lui ...... ·····~ --r· ~ tM Mat 7adlt race oa the We bn t er aacJ 0.... aa-_. at a. --a COD¥atiala II ~· Ia • ••• •
eout. uc1 eeconclb', the ,.,.. b r o" 1 h t Bowant All .. .._ ..... JNM' r' n 1 • -
fete ~ with yaclltfnc. To Sll'ltJ8 ant ...._ U.. llnlllil -.. .,......_ eledloa wu • • wla • ..._
NPD11 the tee. upect u a whole, Uae. tM ftm ..... A t.w 1110-~ ....adiCI bF Rew· Dllf
ehronoloJlcally, or even MMlbly ~a la._, 1• boate ...,.... JlOit ._..l..a. Dell ·-· .. t. nearly hft,polllllble . , • tra Uke over the 11M ~ 10 m.tn_ut. beeaue 11ae .. a. necoad ._. • .. Ia I• ••
tr)'tnJ to deaetlbe a pinwheel. a tramc load u -.eb to mab --aw ~ frOID leutla.-n ~ Y-•t'a
'I'M J•Y-spot ln all North Wllal\tre 110\tlevard look l1ke a C&lUamla. a....Jdq a ...... don a-,. tt =
Ameriea ahould han been En· aJCS. lltNet .ln B.b,JolJte. ~ Sbe tau held ....a1 ....._. .. ....,
~enada, Baja CalttomJL By the 'lbe raee tbla )'WU wu nearly ofk!M In tJae hderatlon Dlatrkt.
eomblned etforta of hundreda of two houn futer than the prevt. tncludlnJ ..... ~tct.nt o1 tM
Southern Calltornla yachtsmen oua aver&Je, but even at that. Southern Dlatrict for the put
h-.1_ .. _ ...........
~ lkdiDu, a oiG IIQ· DOIJa St., eo.ta ......... he[d
Mond., In tbe Jlrlll .. ptJit
Church ol eo.t.a Mel&. ........
aldtey Martu~ .... Ill claar ..
ol arJaftPIMIItll.
lira. HofftDU died at her home
Kay •· Sb• wu a natJw ol Texu
and bad Uwd In eo.ta ll.eM f«
• ,..,.. Sbe ... a~
nune and had worked lD ~
Community Hollplta1 In 8&at&
Ana and St. loNpla .Bollpltal lD
Oraqe. SuMwn laducle ber
•ab&ftd. lla,J1DDD4 Bo'bMDo ancl • .,.,..,..oJcl ........ lihlloq.
'l'ollqbt at I wUl martt tiM Walkers:--~
1100118 OI'IIM AT I :II a.t. ........... a& 1:16
•• ...,. Soott
.......... Wl.a:aa 8'I'IUIZI"
and 32,000 ctttmna of EDieDada, smaller aftd alower craft were year.
all determloed to celebrate an ltill t1nlah.lnJ after dark on Frl·
Cbcdn. ..... Clwllae LoaDgee
day nJghL
By noon Friday there were
enough boats anchored ln the
bay to aplll Americana a.shore
In &JJch numbers to fut the
streets. the shops. the hotels. and
other eatabllshments. to color the
town as being completely u
Robert Llndaay, a. or 211-..srd
St., Newport Beach, waa treated
tor a two-inch ruor laceration of
bqbmlq of ....... ol 1Nek.ly
bt. ncht wrlat at Oraqe county Tll\lnldaJ ewn.lnJ ....,. dane•
eeneral M.pltal Monday ntatat lnJ d~ at tbe O;laununltJ'
a.(ter a aulctde attempt, Newport Youth Center, '5th and trW Ave.,
pdllce reported. Corona del Mar. ...
-n.. v-· 'tc ......... .
Soo~Br~~Q -Aadn7 Tottu
.. lliCIIE'
2919 E. Cout Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
Oily Swift's Pr•i• a..t SeW IIIII
Specials for Thurs.., Fri. & Sat.. May 10. 11. 12th.
•••• lOti!
Chuck Roast 45:,
Club Steaks 79f.
T -Bone Steak 98:.
Round Steak 69ft.
Lean Ground Beef 4'"$1
Oscar Ia,.
c•allrshrita• Bacon ss~
North American.
Every hotel-room, restaurant
and coclrtall bar wu a meeting
place for crews, skippers, riYals,
and family members . . . and
those meetings were exhuberant
and happy.
The shops of Ensenada were
an Irresistible lure and were
packed at all hours. Perfume,
jewelry, cashmere sweaters, na-
tive basketry, and feminine dress-
ware seemed to be the Items
most In demand. that is, of
course, next to the demand In
firecrackers.. I am sure that no
less than $2,813.46 were exploded
In fire works just at the barbe·
cue and trophy presentation
On Saturday morning the na·
live population staged a mam·
moth parade In celebration of
Cinco de Mayo, but. unfortun·
ately, few. lt any, North Ameri-
cans saw the spectacle as It wa.s
over betore 11:00 o'clock In the
morning, an hour which proved
unpopular with the revellers ot
T, II.. JOLLY. Clllboft. Ia tbe
operatw ot JoUy'a Plctun
'f'..-ia9 Shop. ....,ly...tab-
llabed at 27Sf E. Coat Bwy ..
Corolla del -· C\ultom pie· tun framJJag. onat. plctun
fl'aiMe CIDd aaflDJ.sbed pictun
fram• an ft'Ciilable at Jolly's.
Art aapp!Jee an Cillo cmat~Gbk.
badudlDg dlaw1Dg cmd abtcb·
bag paper. patat. bnaab-. IDk
cmd pebd1a. (EDalp Pboto)
the night before. &&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.A.& a
This was the ninth race. and
one of the reasons Its popularity
has grown each year Is that It
has been so ably and skllllully
handled right from the begin·
ning. The few bugs that ap·
peared In the first year or so.
were caught Immediately and
The old "pros," Cliff Chaprr.an,
Harold Adams, Salvatore Mon·
aco. HUllard Brown, Hay Lang·
enhelm, Dick Fenton, Porter Sin·
clalr and the others long with
NOSA and shortly out of my
memory, have the race down to
a pat formula, and lt runs now
just like a new car just oft the
showroom floor.
This rare will grow In number
each year for a long tJme.
Tar Tattles ...
All who saw It will agree,
"Carousel" was a success. This
probably was the most dWicult
play to work with evn produced
at Harbor, and It was probably
the best. Sets and costumes ar·
rived late, whlch called tor many
late night rehearsals. and quite
a few Saturdays ..
Robert Wentz, Drama roach,
did a fantastic job this year with
his kids as ' usual. Zatha Tall·
man, stage manager wlth Mr.
Wentz; Malcolm Buchanan. light·
lng designer; Harold Raveley,
technician; Clint Sawin, orchea·
tra director ; Marie Hiebsch, vo-
.APORT 1l"~~~··
Treat Her to one
of our fine selec-
tions of C a l i f .
Hand Print's ta-
ble c l o t h s or
place mat sets.
We Gift Wrap!
M o t h e r s know and
love fine linens. Buy
our quality branc:is--
p e q u o t -Bates -
Can n on . Economy
Muslins and Luxury
Percales. Colors and
She is sure to appre-
. ·ciate some of our
lovely Martex or Can-.
non Towel sets.
uounawr sroaa
1111 Jf...-rt amL c:.to ....
1 •• cal director. and all the wonder·
ful custodians who came to the
rehearsals -we couldn't have
* SBOWB 8TA8'1 d DtJB& * * c.rtoo. Oan.tnl l'rl., lat. • e-. *
lo.~~a •• a ~"ri::l
.. c:.:.loo:.. • :
-COl.OR •
IAIIIUY • m Cllllst:
•••••••• tl ...
.. •·••·· ...... ·
ROJal CopnMpll Qllna
SWeclllb StMl
9wed1eb er,ltal
Your Picture
Frame ...
done it without you. Also special
thanks to Mary Hammond, who
directed all the choreography.
English teacher Helen Ballard's
room sold the most tickets, close
to 200. • • • e CAJIPAJQJf TOO
Nomination speeches for stu-
dent body otfleera were Jlven
yesterday (Wednesday). We have
two popular boya runnlnJ for the
highest office ln the aehool, ltu·
dent body president. They are
Johnny Henrotln and Micky Haa-
The three tJchting for the vtee-
presldency are Charles Vander·
vort, Artie BJrtcber, Lynn McFar-
land. Stan Scftone., lody lJeb
and CathJ Rotr:man are each
hoping they wtlJ win the ottlee
of aecrdar)'.
The treuurer wtll . be one or
these four: Georee Thompaon,
Jerry nnker. Terry Dallu at
Carolyn Callil. Ru.nnlnJ for C. A.
S.C. representative are Ann Lard·
ner, Patricia Knapp, Bob Bender·
ahot and Georp McFarland. Walt
Howald. Norman R-, Don Jled.
Jneton and Bob Allen are cbn·
t..tanta f« the MW ..,.oat of.
flee ol S&udenl Court Betld.
So thac you
will noc be inconvenienced
may we suggesc that you telephooe now
and make reserv.u:ioos for
All of the delicious entrees and specWtia oa our rep1ar
menu will be f~ oo Mocbet's Day at ao iDcrale
in prices.
Da.Mr Slmd fnHn NMn 'til I PM ; Din .. leMd ,._ I Pll tl 11 Pll
Your Sunbeam Product. Dealer
WeC.t~ * ......._.
The only automatic that dupli-
cates geode hand wa.shlog! Safely
launders everything from the
sheerest. daintiest modern fabrics
Jo sturdy cottons :1od shag ru gs.
H it's safe in water ...
it's safe in the new
0..11 tW• •-'Y•~tced ~tew MA nAO •Hen -'1 ..._ .. f_f.,.t:
• Two speed washing • Automatic water level
action. Push·button control saves water.
control. • Gyrafoam action and
• Choice of 3 water tem-doubfe·spin tubs for
peratures-including cleaner, faster
CIN Wlttr. • washings.
• Wash time flexible; • Built-in Suds Saver
1 to 14 minutes. optional.
A8d 1o...., to Jwy • M..aa!y hi ab
~-~~ r---------------------Newport &.ge Fishing
~ ~
.......................... t ... ...,.Me __ ..._ ' ..........
'Weatemer Day boat 1ecrfta
Dally I a.m.
------·------------------------------~~,;-.. ~_-;-.-... --: :-.... -.. ~ :--.-..~~'";. ;-.-.""':;;-~;::;.. --
HfJW 's FiJIJing?.
.,. IIVQII lfcMD I ...
Spottla &DC~ ,.uowftn eroaker month bolD JfanD'a Lal'ldJnc.
and .,._ .,. belq cauaht ln the 1'b1a rww boet. .-ft. 10 lnch•
bay, eomee tbe FOCI word trom In lencth, wm bave 32 bunb
Grabul'a aaJt and Tadde. JMd and ta dalped to lllh Catalina
'*-m t1 Gar&ln Grow wellbed· and San CleiMDte Wand watera.
. lD apot&. at I~ aDd '7" ~ In the lfteelltime the Muale Ia
Neftltly alone wttb ,.uo.fln leavtnc at T a.m. dally t:rocn
and baa J'red bu .-, landed Jform'a IAJM!In •.
eorbJna recentl1 to the .wf at __ ..,. ---------
::_ St.. ~ u.ncl erat. tor W Too Late to ci.-y
The 11-.y B. leaVl'ft• at T un. .. daJly from Port ()nqe, Ia mix· FR.EE IJIII'J41 to lood homes. Inc rode cod ftablnc with Uve Lone and abort haired, acep.
bait tlahlnc n.e-u,.. whleh· Uonally nJee. RA 1862 or B.A
eftr Ia ~. On IJve ba.lt day. =1-=ML....,.-,,-:-::,......,:----r-:-::,....,...~-ealko b--. aaD4 .,._ ud caba· FOR ~ Hou.Mhold furniture:
zone are belnc caupt. Dlnette aet. day bed, doe bouae
'IWo Uve batt boata are leavinr A Gaffers A Sattler ranee. Ra
dally from the llalboa Pav1Uon. 3192-M.
the Jet D at 4 un. and the Fron· W~ANTED::-:==~:--=ae~al:--e.ta-,-..,..te-aa-:l,....es_ma_n
Spadoua older duplex lo-
cated near South Bay on Bal·
boa laland.
One unit bu 2·bedra. and
den, the other Ia a cute
1·bedr. apt.
Double r•rare and patio .
~nt location. Iota of
poalblliUes ... and the tull
price I« tbl.a duplex 1.a Ju.at
t98 Pa.rk. Balboa laland HA m
tier at 6 un. IJmlt catches ot tor eo.ta Mesa office. Francl.a
calleo and bull b ... are reported. J. Horvath, rwtor. HA 1428. ------------
alone with bleeer barracuda ------------than were belnc caught earUer.
A six-pound apoUfn and the fl.rat
sea trout of the eeuon were
caueht Jut week. The amall boat
launchlnr holst Ia provinr popu·
Jar at the Balboa Pav1llon with
the amaU-boat anrlefll catchlnr
basa and halibut around the
....... Bin.
Spacious 3·bed.room home ln
nclu.alve area of Corona del
Mar. BuutUully decorated
. . . 1 ~ batht, larg~ modern
kitchen w1th dlabwuber and
garbage d I a p o s a 1 . Lovely
landscaplnr, 2-ca.r garare.
Davey's Locker report& talr
tlahlnr these d~ wtth barr&·
cuda. calleo b.., small white
eea baaa and halibut belnr
caueht on the Jet which leaves
at 5 a.m. daUy. Come Saturday,
May 19, Phil Tozer will wheel the
Fury out ot Davey'a Locker on Its aarr• rar •rYEITS
malden voyare at 4 a.m. The 56· ~~
foot Fury will sleep 30 and l.a de·
alcned to flab San Clemente
Island or La Jolla kelp or
wherever th~ !lab are blUng.
The Santa Barbara Special ls
3112 Newport Blvd., N.B.
Eves. HA 2921-W or U 8·3186
the name ot a new boat belng ------------
built by Dittmar and Donaldson.
Costa Mesa. to start running next
11a Eh• Pace, 32,
Of Costa 1111 Dill
Mlu El9a LoulM Pare. 32. ol
2657 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa,
died Tuesday In Oranee County
Hospital after an extended 111·
ness. SeTvices w1ll be held at
11 a.m . tomorrow <Friday) In
Parkes RJdley Mortuary Chapel.
Mlsa Page was a native ot Or·
ange County and had lived ln
Costa Mesa all her llfe. She had
been employed aa a secretary.
Survtvora Include her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Par~ of
Elden A~. address; a brother.
Bennie ~are ot Costa Mesa:
&Tandmothen Mrs. Belle Page of
Costa Mea and Mrs. C. L. Hintz
of ~ndJdo.
1111 ••••rW ,_, ..... u, "' Calls
The NeWPOrt Balboa Rotary
Club 1s establishing a Robert L.
Callls Memorial Room Fund at
Hoar Memorial Hospita l tor Its
tormer president, who died Wed·
nesday morning last week at the
Rosary waa recited lut Thurs-
day at Our Lady ot Mt. Carmel
C&thollc Church for Mr. Callis,
who llwd at 306 Haul Dr.. Co ·
rona del Mar. Requiem mass was
celebrated Friday morning at the
sa~ church, and Interment wu
at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery In
In good n~lghborhood. Large,
level, amonr rood homes on
Holrnwood Dr., Newport Hts.
$6.000 only
1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
U 8-163:2; LI 8-1400 Eves.
Duip Fer Utiac
(U. clllhll'll)
s.yr. old Cape Cod house on
45·tt. lot, South of Highway
near Uttle Corona beach. .
J . bedrs., 1% baths, tor~ed air
heat, dbhwash.-. completely
fenced yard wfth aepa.rate
play yard. Fiberglass covered
patio. $23.750. Will ~11 fur.
nlshed. Owne:r, BA 2059--
courtesy to brokers.
Costa Mesa. 5-acres. zoned
M·1. May split and sell. 2%
acres racine Pl~nUa-Ask
ing $15,000 dOVQl tor all. Dis·
cuss your neeCk and work
out deal for a"ll or part.
1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
Ll 8·1632; u 8-1400 Eves.
c•oo DB. 111
1-yea.r old ... overlooking the most delightful swim·
mlng beach In the Harbor Area.
Pricetl $33.&00
(Worth $35,000)
This ls why:
• 2-bedrooms. sle-eping den
Larre fam Uy room, double fireplace
• laland kitchen with many bullt·lns
• Hardwood n oors
• Separate laundry room wired with 220 e Over 2300 feet of llvlne area
Drive by-then call us for a ppointment
We ~ate W'ith all realtors.
.... IUIESTY, lulllr
Harbor fT1I ~Newport Blvd., Newport Beach
~11ten. f.~ a bath home• SuJtable for larp fai:Dil7. e r' I Jill p&tlo. • • •
liE LilT Ell IUUII .• ,_.
---UROD CXMIIIIOCTIC*: a.•etroca home. ,_,. t.wd· ---.--.................... , •• ! ......... ............ . ........ ,
z.ooo SQ. n.
• 3-bedroom It den, ha,rdwood
• 2 tuU tile baths!
• Huee mast~ bedroom!
• Den 24.x14 tt . plus 1Qxl2 wet
• Firepl., dining It llv1nr room
• 100'1o wool ca.~tlnr. dbl.
• Plus many other features!
Full Price $21, 1&0
• Owner wants action!
laJ & ._.Realty
Corona Del Mar Branch
3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5563
'4 acre ... new 2·~. with
den . . . 2 baths . . . A
• • •
Terrific r~ew • • • z .......
. . .2 bedrs.. l baths ... thls
you must~!
WIJI Trade.
CUll£ Yll H ..
ZT31 W . Coast Hwy. U 8·4Z77
Newport Beach ...........
Fer l)lia Sale
Choice Cor o n a Highlands
view lot on the desJrable
"high" sJde of ~award Or.
. . . with a PER.'IA:'iEYr
VIEW of the wide Pa<"iflc.-
Multlple Listing No. -;'210
Phone Harbor 2462 for dt-ta1ls
and Associates
1306 Park Ave., Balboa Island
OPEN DAlLY 1·5 p.m .
Wonderful view home -2·
~. 2 baths. Has
everything to make Ill~ more
1600 JClngs Rd.
Cllt! Haven
1857 Newport A~ .• Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; LI 8·1400 Ev~s.
When buytnr or .Ulq
• Newport propecty, wby not
do b\lalne. wtth -.meone
tborouebly tam.lllar with the
1 baw been here a Jone
time and can offer real
On 2 ... l\lmJabed home&.
~ blocS ft'om awf. 8oth ........ ~.~ .. ~ tOed. IMiatii!CI .. ..,.. ••• fft.
~ ..,..._ Mew 1tre1tt A
aD ' t ow nta paJ4. Mo
l..r ... ~
iMOMDAT. JIA1' Jl, 1-M&WJCti' UDOa DIICIII f • .... ..... . ... .,.,
Irvine Terrace
lnlp CeaiJ'a ,..... ....... .
To the home buyer who wUhes to purch~ In the
$25.000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend
the lrvtne Eatates overlookln& Newport Harbor.
Thew homes teat\lre CaJI!ornJa living. Offered exclu-
sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog ~ area
known as Irvine Terrace-on Coast lllghwa.y opposite the new Irvine Coa.st Country Club, Newport Harbor.
• For recommendatJon. we refer you to anyone who
holda a Leaeehold Estate l.n Irvine Terrace, Beacon
Bay, Baylhores or CUU Haven.
Earl W. Stanley
Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu:1ber IntormatJon
•• , .. lllis-
lew, 3 Wroe•s, It .....
Slldin& doors. dlsp .. loU of tile. Good Eastside location.
Total price $11.750 Easy terms.
21667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741; HA: 0757
3 lAY FIOIT SPECLU,S ................ , ...
OldeT. 4 bedrooms ..
2·bedrQPms and den
5-bedrooms. 3 car garage
. ...... ····· ..... ·-·-· . $40.000
. -·----$47.500
Submit terms. ---·-·· S6'7.SOO
3-bf'droom furnished on Newport Island facing Cove..
$28.000-Low down.
"Bay f'ront Spec-iallsts ..
2091 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beac.-h
Harbor 5226. day or night
With good 2 be-dr lr Den home. Hardwood noors. flre·
plaN". double garage and large ('()v~red patio
Sl.OOO d(lwn $80 mo.
Thr(.'(' and four Bedroom homes. 2 bathrooms. Forced
Air heat. double garages. curb sewers and sJdt>walks.
$11,450 and $12.450 . $1.145 Do~·n
.. you·u llke our friendly servk e ..
Liberty 8·1139 400 E..17th St.. Costa Mesa
$2000 DOWN
Fln~ custom built homes In top looatJon. RA!stricted.
AU tm~nt ln. Handy to shopplnr center. 3 bed·
rooms plus a family room. 'l'No bath._bullt In oven and ranee. Good workmanship. Large two car raraps.
The *t homes ln the area tor the money. Owner
leavinr for Europe •.. Let·s talk turkey.
FULL PRICE $22.500
1856 Newport Blvd. C04rta Mesa
Pb. Ll 8·6'761; Eva HA 4366
IULTIU • 1.:111111
MI. !fO. 8101-~ &ou.a 011 55lrl.80 Let 1ft <XliTA
MESA. One S·bedropm bou.. and OM l ·lleciNubi--
In rev--2~ ,_,.old Priced Slt.SOO.
lla,y 10. 1956
Newport 8Mdl. Cal1t.
Anybody here named la.rvt..?
Of the Phlladelpbla 1arvt.lea?
2() warda OJ' IIICJesa,_ __ _
21 to 30 word~a.•------
31 to 40 word~a..• ----
11DS SIZIC cl...uted ad In U..
Enalgn coet8 only ~ for
three lMertlona. can In your
adt to Harbor W4.
And perchance do you have a .._...._...,....__....,...._...,. ....... ...,. • ..._ ......... ...,. ••••
great-vandmother, aunt <lr thJrd .. •
cousin named Anna f U so you I'Oa SALE POa I.U
can preen your feathers a blt aa MAPLE BUNK BEDS, c om p J • .,..26,......,FT=-. ""FIS==HIN=""G,......,BO=-A""T""",'""'Comm,._--er--
you watch alad-faced morns, be· sprlnp and mattre:u. $29~ clal or pleasure. newly recon·
decked with flowers beln1 gifted aet. MAPLE DINE'ITE table It ditJoned: ahlp to shore -bait
and dined out thla coming 43rd 4 cbalra. $16.95' aet.. MAPLE tank. $1550. Call Ha 84.
Mother's Day throughout the na· DBL. BEDS. springs It mat· GRAND PIANOS many like new,
jjl§ R£Ht
is nearly upon\ua.
Gift t1ae pactua-. a watclt
wtth ...... ~
the eb.ubed a...&.MaUC,1
Don't waft 'tJl tbe lut minute.
I.-.1•, ~ a. Pl~tla,
"'In Vl8ta Shopptq Center,"
eo.ta M-. Uberty 8·SC.
t5 PER iiONTH good practice
plano, Jet the kJddles learn. All
term rent allowed on buy Good
praettce pianos fl~. $145, $17&
$195, Schmldt·PbUliPt Blf PI·
ano and Organ Store, 520 No.
Main, Santa Ana. t1on. ' tresses, $18.95 set. Ph. Je!terson Mason It Hamlin, excellent * * * 7·1853. 11352 Westminster, Gar· condltJon. Story It C 1 ark. UBVICU
ActaalJy llotbft waa boD· den Grove.___ ___ Knabe, Edmund Gram, one
....S ,_ tM ftnt tbM by Alula 2 ELECTRONIC ORGANS Uke only $4.35. Another $495. Many PIANO INSTRUcnON. Teresa J~ ODd • hWDd lD 1107 • • • new. our price only $575 up other wonderful buys In pl-Renner (Mra. A. Renner), ac·
Tbe7 tdlaply apeat tbe day to-SchmJdt·PhLWps Big Organ It anos. Come! Look! ScbmJdt· ~pting a llinlted number of
9MMr to .._. ... 1 «'* tiM Plano Store. 520 No. Main, Phllllpa Big Piano Store, Santa pupU. for plano. Concert Pi· cmal••....., ot tbe ........_ oa Santa Ana. One Solovox $150. Ana, 520 No. Main St., 100 Pi· anl.lt o( Thue Continents.
of A.Daa'a ....._ • ,._ P""i· SIMMONS iron bed spring and anos; Home of the Hammond Graduate StJ,adent of Bela Bar·
oaa ' ' • TogetiMc tbr( WCII'1Ded m a t t r e s s -$15. Phone Ha Cryan. tok. 43& sen-a Drive, CDM.
up to tiM klecr of 8Sttbl9 aaJde 3656-W. =ro=R.::S'""AL£-::-:::-: ~1955:::-.:=-::Dod:.--:-ge--=-=V,.....·8:-:Pi~ck:-· --=H~L:;:...::.2I~039;:_::.... ---=--=----:--
a day ~~ to ~~t ............ ~ AND FAcToRy up, % ton. deluxe cab, heater * '-WII Ill * to all -••• -.... .;:)AJT~lr ~ d th 'It'-u t -to ---• ladl'ri41Ud8. dal» CLOSEOUTS at cost or whole· an o er extras. .c.Ac:le . en sale prices. Monday, May 7, condltlon--$1295. Ha 001.-R. Gtlt8 P• AU 0 lou cm4 ~ • • • .., tM FINE WATCH REPAIRING 2Dd Suday Ia May ot tM aat until 9:00 P.M., Tuesday It IlEAL ESTATE & llEJfTALS "Prompt Servlce-
f"l' tbe wboloe towll of Phlla· Wed. til 5:00. Bags galore. BALBOA ISLAND HOME, yummy -~aso1~ble Prlcea" delplala cUd ~t Uttle Jo9. gifts unusual, and jewelry. _ _
1a9 tb1Dp to tballk cdl Pbtla· Wandaa of Corona del Mar, turntshlngs. 3-br., dble. 1arage, 2711 E. c.t. 11wy., c.n.a delMar
delpllla )(..... few belD9 700-B Carnation, entrance on plua $150 per month t.rom ln· liT T lifT Juat Moat.a. • • 4th Ave. come apt. $44.200. Ba 4342. * * * TRUMPET-$90. Olds Ambaasa· CALL Edna Craig, rental ape· Start ctft·makJnc n0w for Moth·
Anna's lovely thought sky-dor. wtth case and music dallat with Doria Bray, realtor, er's Day ..• Father's Day ...
rocketed . . . She talked. wrote stand. PractJcally new. used by 216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. . . . Graduation . . . Birthdays. ... _ Ll HA "" HA <>A New yama, maws and corde. thousands of letters. pleaded s t u dent a few mon...,..,. 1/U or .,...
... Since 1912 the Governor of 8-2750. WAifTED TO BEJfT SIT 'N' KN1T SHOP • HA 4622
Texas has observed the day by ~:.::O:::_N_D_O_R_G_AN-=s,___u_sed-:-. --=-A .;,.:,:;,;;.;:;:~~~~"==-=--:---:--313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ~.. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY desires gtving pardons to a number of rare opportunity. One famous two bedroom home or cottage
prisoners ... State after state CHORD ORGAN, one BV Home near beach. summer month& GUEST BEDS
FOR RENT jumped on the "Mom. we love Model both llke new. Don't IU!ferences. 8510 c a ll f 0 r n 1 a
you. train" and on May 10. 1913 walt 11 you wish to make a Ave .. Whlttl~. OXford 36.260. Call
the Senate and the House of Rep· good saving on the world's Liberty 8·3456
resentatlves pa.ssed a resolutJon finest Organ& Schmldt-Phllllps FAMTLY of 5 would llke to spend Seal's Surgical Supplies
to ma ke the !'econd Sunday In Home of th~ Hammond Organ. a month or 2 away from hot ------------
May a national holiday. the of. 520 No. Main St .. Santa Ana, Phoenlx. Chas. M. Alexander.
t lclal badge of the day to be a Good Terms. 36 mo. 2102 W. Avalon Dr .• Phoenix,
white carnation ... Oh. I a lmost JSPINE'TS It 1 G-r-an-d-.-sm-a=n Ariz.
forgot .. · she was Mlss Anna case damage Ln s h I p p I n g . LOST AJn) FOtnn>
Painting -Decorcrtmg
GEORGE BURKHARDT Jarvl11 . . . Anna . . . All the ~lght co. It factory pay, you
gtft shops. candy stores. florists save blg money. Schmidt-Phil·
and restaurants throughout the lips. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.
UN'Tl~ C"".ontnt,.tnr FOUND: Gret>n Parakeet with 1897 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa
yellow streaked wings In 500 Uberty 8.8628 Uberty 8-6632
nation thank you ... 01 course DAV'ENPORT It CHAJR-.$20-:-Dl·
they c-annot take the place of the '-'lded Top Tappan Gu Range extra sp«lal small Cry squeeze
block. Marguerite, CDM. Owner
may h ave same by payioe tor COMPLETE PAJN"ITNC
on Mother's Da y morn. nor the wtth Grayson Clock controlled
love In the eyes ot the bearer oven and thermostat. Gpod LOST: Ladles' wrlat watch. Wed· HA 2978
of the breakfast In bed try . . . condltlon-$80. U 8·2'750.
VfOUN. over 100-yearao ld:-eau
nesday, April 18, somewhere <Ev~ln1s. week-ends)
between Richard's Parldne lot EUGENE 0 . SAIJNl)ERS
* * * Tbe EC19K a.cr.en of OUI'
1-t JUDi« Qacnnhft of Com·
m.-ce are gatb.ert.Dg tbel.r
&bare of mud cm4 atldaa to
eNCt the ...., wla9 f« tbe
8009 M-odal ao.pltal •••
C'mou.. you out then, let's gift
'em tM 150.000 tMy Deed. ao
,.. am pt goi.Dg oa a MCODd
wtag ••• DI.De th1a coaalagPrl·
day, May 11. at tbe kJboa Bay
Club • • • 115.00 per couple.
with MariaD Korgaa. wbo I
bear from tbe boys. Ia a neal
9ood look!Dg bloade alapr:
Ha 2321 up to 6:00 o'clock. and Lido Theatre. Ha 1639-J. 500 3lat Street. Newport Beach
buys many slightly used. ren· 75 USED=--=P-:-IAN:-=cOS~-w-a_n..,..ted-:-.-=sw:::-a-p
tal returns. new guarantee your sll~t old plano on a
Maple. Blon~. Ebon)'. Light Hammond Chord Organ High·
Walnut. save $100 to $260 all est cash alowance. Schmidt·
Jlke new. Mlrro Spinet only Phillips 52> No. .Main, Santa
$235 Maple tlnlsh $295. · Kim· Ana.
ball, Acrosonic Spinets. from ------------$465. Many other great buys. SITUATlOifS WAJITED
100 Pianos to choose from new GARDEN WORK on Balboa
and used. Schmidt-Phillips PI· I.sland. Phone Ha 1038. 7744 E.
ano It Organ Store sin~ 1914. Cout Hwy., CDM. PbUllps
520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Brooks.
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Cout Hlthway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone. HA 5232
MATURE WOMAN wtshes baby
aittlng and care ol alck.. knit·
tlng or crocheting. Day 01'
night. HA 3192-M.
CDM man would llke gardening.
clean-up. etc. Call E1 3·2122.
Mel Upahall. W ANTED!=:=l;;::ro=n::....,l,....n-g'""'tn,..--m-y'""'b,....o-m-e.
Mabel Whitman, 607 Margue-
rite. CDM. RA 4279-J.
tng-by the hour; baby alt·
tlng. Ha 0500·1.
CLASS tor summer business In
this area starting now; llmlted
number accepted. Call 10
Appllcants needed. many otflce
jobc, abo restaurants and do·
mestlca. Many jobc tor qu.al111ed
men. (Jleglater now.)
June Farrar Empl. Agency.
402% 32nc! St., Newport
SI&H Glftn St&mPf
PNe delivery
HA 1038 77+t E. Cout Hwy.
Telephone Harbor 2450
For Car4.lae Conclltlona ltldney Stones
Jfepbrttt8 -All-.lea
Salt Free Diet u 1-501.2
REPAlll A.1'fD Maintenance .
paJnt1n1, earpenter etc. Just
anyt.hlng. Reuonable. Satta.
faction l\lar&nt.Hd. HA 0126-J.
PAMKD c:ow.oY Ia 111ow -
M•U. ........ ... ol tbe
-.t ........ ..... Ia tbe
Bald oC coWbof ..,.._....,
wW be .... a.. ... tlttroc·
11oM Ja tbe 0,... Cowatf
W o I' 1 d Cbamplo .. llJp llodM w. lcrtvdar CIDd luday Ia
llaaldpcd aowL Saate AD&
Tile llodeo Ia 111 au and by tbe
Jtm.'-AaA.ta.c:. Leclgue ..
Scmta AD&
E·Z .... Wll S.
Tratll Trill Pllllrea
Mr. and Mra. Raymond BeJJ,
Mia Mattie Lacy, Mlsa Ruth
Maxwell and Mr. and Mra. Harry
Wood are In charae ot the J al·
1., tonight (Tburaday> at the
pot-luck supper to be held by the
E ·Z Club of the Corona del Mar
Community Church. announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bakkela, club
skJp~. Pictures of South Am·
erlcan countries, taken on a re-
cent trip by Dorothy McKenna of
the Corona del Mar Travel Bu·
reau. wUl be blgh spot In the
OIANCN COUNTY ............ w,
s..... ......... c~, .. ....
MAY 12 ..ct 13
AT 2 P.M.
~CATUfU ... t
STaaR RIDINe AND HUND .. aDa 0~ THRILL. Actutt. .............. 1.50
a.~W,... ............ SOc
Tkkeb Avail• .. •• O.ft'e LMtllw ...._ •w a.,..,.... D•"•' w-.-...._ • H. Syoem. a. A ...... ••ar• • w. ~~~ Ticket ._.,.. 4tll 6 Mal•
Your hmUy Restaurant
(Cioeed n...day)
2515 E. eo.t ...... ..,
llclrbcw liM c.-del ·-
••servl ...
Cbuck JfelAoa. wbo"ll J099'le
your aemt-formal bobby eotb
all ....wtg: lAc ............
wbo't tbe m.t aa em MC. wttb
dJ.JuMI' ODd cladag ••• WJaat
Mom coald aalr f« cmytbbl9
more • • • Thort of you wbo
b~ a1ncldy ncelnd bJdl •••
alt doW1l cm4 writ. out tbe
Utta. cbec:k cm4 mail It a1o1HJ
wttb tbe bld tomorrow IDOI'Il•
lag • • • 01' .... yet call
L1bel'ty 1·1101 ••• Who's Lib·
erty 1·1101? Jut a Dice guy,
wbo '111'0Gldll1 tblDir of ..,tD9 I
told you ao wblle you staDd Ia
1.IIM bo141ag your brolla Mad
••• Actlacllly tbla Ia tbe ftnt
pbUaatbroplc proJect of ov
Local JC'a ••• Aaybody ~
35 Ia too ol.d to tolD • • • at ...
the ldda a dacmoe to allow off
Ia &oat of tiMU elden •••
. Contracting
Continuous day and e-venln1
claues for preparatJon to
pua the State exam.
Call or write
For Information
shorthand. accu:rate typln~ te·
ulred. Apply City Hall ............. The Fln..t Food In
The ... rbor Area''
* * • Wonder bow the Easter Bunny
will react to the new square
plastic eggs next year . . . no
kidding! Pretty soon they will be
te.t marketed In the east . . . Th~ you lmmr the next spot!
C&llfornla. Ever receive a plutlc
packet ot jelJy along aide your
bacon and eggs In restaurant!
That'll be the new way to buy
16U N. Broadw9, Santa Ana
KlmbetlrT .J5ll
Ullog 8.2513
KO n:E cou.cted ~romappucant
413-31at l'f~ Beaeh ....
Good lobe -Good Salary
wtth treqaent 1nc:leUft 1n • eompany dlat •actually ert·
J'ul) pay .. 7'0U .,. tralMd.
eaP. It aeema the hen's shell ......()pell1Dp b-
brulo too eully, beaJdea It haa ------------1'I:LEPII01U OPDATOJtS
Terma. 10 Pw Cent DowD
Phone 86rbGr 5330
pclftS that let Ill bacterta ... So IOD1'·•AIIIT..,.
.::lentlat.t have rt1ged up a ma· --..lppb--
chlne that breakt each ecc and PATCH'S IJOD'l
drope It In a Uttle plutlc cup, 6 PAll'fT SHOP 1 :00 to •:00 p.a.
then eeala a plaat.le film over the •a. W. PATCH 51416 !f. Mala 8t.. a.. 211
top ot .-ell cup ••• Twelve little Coll\pltc. CoU..._ Wertl 1aata Ana
eupa to form a .,_, are joined Auto ~ ~. wtt.ll .,.ce enoufh be-rr. a.ttma~'l'r1 Ue Pint ~~!P!AC~::U~ftC~~'I'I:I~c":>B:OIU::l: twMn, to'• you cua cut oft an 1'11 W•17th 8t.. eo.ta ..._ en u Meded. aur. JOU'll be u e-~-'7!01~.;;......;........,.......,.,_.
able to .. the ._. ••• Bl.lt ot -...!:~~:!!!::~~~_. COW"M 7011 ean ooo1r u..t pluttc .. .eae11 and all •.• ,-... ~ ,..e
otl tM top ,....., ,... .... -• • • Jlfo cliiiJI4I • • • . ·* * • .................. -.rt of .................... _ .. '*........... .
P..ta.rtag flM .... DIA. ......_pat_. .0.. ~ cha&
tM vw. ...... Ia .. ol OraDte eo-ty'e ........... .... .._ ••!pet .... ...U11pto400. t.u.-e.eu.....,.
to le1bea lal.ciDd. VDda aaM ........., • 1M a..-Ia
U.._,.,. IEITIUU_IT 11 'MI
P-lyoCII...e lpHM!= Ia nU..SC lbiUaa Poed. deUtiMfa1 .-.. ....... -= ....... n.u..,_. .... ......, ....... .._ ~ ....... lpeelal ....... . .. _ ....... , .... ·~· ..... ........ ···~ = ·-,......,..... --rooD Aa&D 10 GO"' 511 ..u.a ll..S. ........ ..... .,
Onlr DAILY-. to aHe!Ptl a.-1 llrr111JS
Attend the
Preaented and Conducted by
of the
As Part of Its City Beautiful Program
From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. .
This Saturday and Sunday, May 12 and 13
Garden Tour Ticket, $1.50, will entitle you lD vtalt
15 gardens and to have tea served at 216 \1l Lido
Nord, Lido Isle. Tran.aportatJon wUl be provided by
the committee, by station wagon and terry boat. Boats
and cars w111 leave publle pier at Via Antlbea and
VIa Lido Nord, Lldo fsle. hourly beelnnlnl at 1 p.m.. and also wlJJ leave the Cout Guard Dock at Bayatde
0... Ia Corona del Mar.
Tickets available at Chamber of Commerce
or at both polnta ol departure at ~ ol tour.
c._,. O...ty'a ....._ Jfutad ._..U. I I I
' with
Judy Whitney & Country WCIIIb.bunw
Avallable for private partie._ dance~ and
Club activities. Excellent mualc and en·
tertal.nment. for the "over-tb.J:rt1'" IJO\lp.
TaJt. UWII.....,. (DAJ'I)
l'rGm ~··SWede, , lt&lJ ..
Ara'-que 1eweJ.r7 bolla ,... 8pa1a ........
Gll"''l ···•••••l•lataAM
a •• , ......
5,r. »-TEAa LOU
Construction Loans
5,; ». ftAII LOAJI
Ptlrler lortpp CL
2515 E. eoa.t Jrwy .. CDK
ft. u ,.. a a.aaa
(Metro Life r..u.r-e. Puada)
Hh~Mr 476.)
a..w.~~a: HAtw 41tt
'l\lro abable CCIIMMidal build· cf7 M~.,. dty oouocilman trom
top belped boo.t the Newport Balboa. J
a-da buUdlnl penalt totaJ ,... llarold Clart.tlet at.o took out
the quart.f.mllJJon·dollar mark a 110.000 peJ'IIllt. for a new &-
tot th~ nm week ot May. landera buUcllnc on Ba~tde nr.l
~ohn Vo,el took out a 130.000 near lJnda .-. •. 1be Corona del
permit for a commercial buDd· Mat ltore of the blanctew a. tnl·j
tnt at 863 w. Newport alvd., pcnrUy loeet.ct at 3422 E. Cout
Newport Hetpta. 1'1\la aclJo&M HWJ. pendJnt completion of tbe
the Crouroedl Vlllaee bulldlne. new bHdquartAn.
whlch Mr. Vo,el haa aold to San-Other maJor Pft'!Dltl Included
OW .VIDfUI-Demel a.b-
b&u of 3GI Pena~Mf Aft. wW
.,.. tbe Jualar ...... llou.M at
Mil E. eoa.t JUtlawur. C....
del K•. • MKt ~.May
15. TU ~toft wW leata.n Pl.ed
Piper ................. ,....
...... ........, Daft at tbe ...
.... wW be lalla ..u.. tbe ...
... ,... ,.....,._ of eon.a
del .... (Eulp pbotD.)
~-A ..... ._. .....
~ .... 11'11
a S32,000 dwelltne on Harbor II·
land, a t29,500 dwelllnr In New-
port. a pr,ooo dwelllne ln Coro·
na del Mar, and a 124,000 dwell·
Followln,c permtts were lasu~:
• B.AaaOa ISLAJID H. F. AhmaNIOn, 2-story gum
house at No. 19 Harbor Island,
132.000. e lfEW.OIIT
M. Hallldy, fence at 128 29th
St., $100; F. F. Fowler, cabana at
8 Anz.a, Udo Trailer Park, $2,000;
Irvine Co., Clipper Ship deslrn
over VIlla Marina sign, 1045 Bay-
side Dr .. $3.000; J. A. Cox, cabana
at 36 Fremont. Lido Trailer Park.
$2.000: Kenneth Koll. 2·story, 2·
unit dweutnc at 3302 Marcus.
$12,750; H. E. Chrlatler. 2-story
commercial buUdlng at 341 Bay-
side. $30.000; George Bush Jr.,
display room at 113 McFadden,
$1,000; Irvine Co .• portable tool
shed at 2702 W. Coast Hwy., $200;
G. Alexandria, porches at 1526
W. Ocean, $1,000; Marie Portier,
2-atory, 2-unlt dwelllne at 1901
Court. $29,500.
• a.u.aoA Irvin George Gordon, alter&·
tiona at 1111 W. Balboa Blvd.,
S200; Edward Hare, 2-story add!·
tion at 2113 Miramar, 15.750; F.
B. Woodworth, porch at 945 W.
Balboa Blvd., $450.
B. H. Vance, 1-unlt dwelllne at
221 Larlupur,$27,000; Junior Shoe
Houae. aJgn and dl.splay window
at 3411 E. Coast Hwy., $520; Anna
Parkhum. altnattons at 701 Car·
nation. $2.000; John DeWitt. sun-
deck at 606~ Marguerite, $tOO;
Douglas Roesch, a h o w f! r and
dresslnl room · at 2628 Ocun
Blvd .. $500; Homer Rf!ed. 1-story.
1-unlt dwelllne at 221 Heliotrope.
$17.000; Wilbur Tool, addition at
503 Peppy, $4.500.
• an.oA muum
C.Ottrey Colllns. add to kltdl·
en. 1609 Balboa, $750; Paul Park·
er, enclose patio, 316 Coral, $100. e aAT SIIOaD
Georce Curtla, add to dwelllng
at 2601 crestvtew, $5.300. e LmO ISLE
I H. B. K. WIJlllr. alterations at
: 101 Wazfers, $500; Ben Sauer, 1· f story, 1-unlt dwelllnl at 203 VIa
I Ravenna.. $24,000; E. P. Hadley,
addition at 815 Vla Lido Soud.
S14.SOO; Gabriel Glannlnl, en·
large .wtmmtne pool. 135 VIa
Genoa, $200; LHU~ Peteraen. 1·
story, 1· unit dwelllne at 342 VIa
Lido Soud, $20.000. ' 1. IAinT-Your receipt proves payment. U JOU
Harbo~ High Sophomore Wins
Sweepstakes at Science Fair
Davtd eooo.en, 15. Harbor Rich
sophomo.re, won the s e n I o r
sweepstakes at the Orange coun·
ty aclence fair held last week at
Santa Ana Collqe .
Harbor area .tudents won 25
prl%ea at the fair. A complicated
mechanical brain. which took
three montha to build. was the
wlnnlnl entry by Student Good·
sell. A runner-up was Richard
Grltfln. 15, Harbor High sopho·
more. Htl wlnnJng entry was a
display and evolution of verte·
bralc bral.ns..
County Mathematics Teacher.
All elcht entries by Horace En·
algn School students won ln thf!
first annual county scleflce ta!r,
Principal Bill Rllter announced
tht. week..
Don Carswell won first place
In the phyaJcal acl.erwe. dJvlsion
with a worklne m~l of a alx-
lnch telescope. winning a $25
savings bond. Other winners In-
cluded Sue Sibley, second place.
chart of the manufactu~ or per·
fume; Bruce Mason, third place.
The Harbor area prlre wlnnen chart of sea life; David Laur1f!,
also lnclud~ Shela Peck, Stan· fourth place, chart on magnetic
ford Lyon, Robert Walker, Terry Jines of force: Pam Lerner. !lee·
Dallas. Alayne Compton, Frank ond place. rock collection; James
Schultz. Rod wtlson, Russ Gam· Erwin, second place. worldng
mon, Robert Potter and Bruce model of an electric motor ; Bill
Douglass. all flnt places; Shirley Ferry, third place. working mod·
Youne. Davtd Andrews. Jerry el ot a transistor radio. and
Hand and Jack Bradbury, second Mickey Bramble, third place.
places; Pam Peterson, Dennis working model of a metal de·
Cozad. Pat Milburn, John Britt. tertor.
Grant Burna, Linda Miller and The entries art! on display In
Patsy Klnpley. third pJace; John the school library through today./
Hopk.Jns. Bob DeLonr and Rogt'r j Thursday.
Pugh. fourth place. ------
Harbor RJ&h students ent~ed 57 projects and Instructor &obert Ensign clusitl~ a ds ret ~uJts.
House serv~ on the fair plan-
ning board. The fair was apon-
IOrad by the Or~e County Sci-
ence Tea.chera Assn. and Oranee Your
Health loee the .-.celpt. there an ltill penuneat rec-
orda to prove that you paid.
2. CONYINIINCI-Mail them anywhere. Fr0111 POUCE BLO tiER W1IT IOLLIOKS
~. ICONOMY-They usually cost less than other
ldnda of money orden.
4. AVAILAIAITY-No applications, or standln1
ln liM. IMCeM&I'y to a•t them.
I. UP\ACIMDni-A bank money order, if lost.
Call be replaeed..
Buy Money Orders in any Jesared amounts n:
thb bank.
lewport Har•or Bank
a... .....
n.rCIIUIIIJ-D ', •
Alpbalt 11M -Rubblr 11le hniLic:a -LlnoJewD ,.. .......... -' c..e.--
e W&DifDDAT. KAY 2
Theodore J. Hoogenbosch, 23,
of Ontario, wu arrested on a
charee of destroying clty pro·
perty after he atlec~Y pulled up
a street barrier to use to tree h is
car after It became atuck In sand
near the west jetty, Balboa ...
M. M. Perry of 213 Dahlia Ave.,
Corona del Mar, reported the
theft of two 30-gaUon trash cans
R. E. H.toel rlch. D.C
Millions ch<>Olle Chiropractic
because they !lnd that they can
obtain quick and lasting rel1ef
from many of their ailments I Under Chiropractic car<'. rom mon
aches and pains clear up very I quickly. Acute conditions <~u<>h as colds and other "inlN'ttous" conditions break up In a fractJI)n I
of the time require-d under oth<'r l
healing methods. 1
Prompt Chiropractic treatmt>nt
wUI prevent the developmt>nt
and progrt>ss of many chroni<'
conditions. and clinical rP<'Orlls
show that persistent Chiropractic
care will cure these conditions
Millions choose ChiropractiC' because besldt>s obtalnlng qukk
and lasting results this healing
method tuches how to prevt>nt dlsea~ when~t>r posslblt-. ISd·
ence SldeUrht, New York City. l
a. E. ll.e4rkb. D.C.
•• ·-IE II
O,'r'l ...... & D Qll'l
18 IL .... ... -..c.e. ...
"lO v .. ,.. &pert•~ ~ ...
S11~ 0..111"9 Ct.tt-MIII'"
c.,.f~l He11dli"9 of All Del~
Febri<:t, ... ded & Leu 6.,......
~o ... Herbot 5)52
~ci Up & o.&;,.ry s-.;c.
Ope11 8 •·"'· to 5:)0 PJ'I'. -S.t,m~•Y· 8 ....... to 2:)0 ~-
)•26 E. Coeat H..-y.; eo.-. del ._..,
I ~ vitamins ... IEDUCIII ...
Spedcd Diets t. AU if• Salt·,.._ Gild Dw..tk
Featurlnc natural and «· ganlc grown fOO<U Self.s.rn. ea..aa...s...._ .... , .... F•••• mw.w....,..nm..L
~no:.~ ....
Mot/em Magic
at your . serv1ce
We proudly announce the iDst:allation of Dew
I B M Electronic Accounting machinea at
Newport Balboa Sa vinp .
Star o( the show ia tbe 402 Accounting Ma-
chine. Supporting rolea are played by the
Key Punch and the Card Selector .
These three electronic marvel8 combine to
do in minutes many joba that f ormerly re.-
quircd days. For our BtaU membera lt wu
difficult, detailed work, too, and the I B K
machtne3 don't mind it at all Do i t with a
smile, in fact. In addition to that, tb~y cheek
their own work, and eliminate &11 errors.
Tbua they add greatly to the speed and
efficiency with which we can perform our
St"rvices for you. This means economy,~
economy which we can pua on to you in the
form of a higher return for your aavinp.
We pay dividenda 4 times yearly on all ac-
counts. Our ClllTent rate of return ia 3 1fl%
per year.
ot Salety
Corona del K&r Otftce
2407 E. Coast Highway
l&eeoa.I'CM aow ba act'lM of
certainly not!
~stays ~bece.-quk:k.
deaD~ CICICibtc .. kr.de
-,... )10Urccdi.. 11 ......
,.,. kttehen. ~-,_
~ too. See )'OW ....
... '* • MDCI'Ea eel how JD01ta1tt:t ean be "'-'4·
... ,-: .. of tile Corona ed ro. IIDIDGRaUty by JoUowtna ~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~!~!! ... IIU 'CII.awnlt7 Cbwdl ln· the example aad ~ of Cbrtllt
cl ... .._a. wu.on. Mr. ud ~--'!be Golda Tat Ia froiD Mn. '-a. w .... Mn. Boward lloaaaiUI (t:l), ..,..,. whJc.b &N a.. ...._, 11r. aDCI lOa. Alex tM claD*-of tbe n-. u..
IIMCJIIJMQ, Mr. aDd Mn. Cedi ... DOt ......... of Ood._"======~~~======---........ .....:.. .................... ""!'!_ l.llllllr. WraDil ~ a. Kent -
..,.,. Jr. IO'a. ,.._.. BW·
--. Mr .... Mn. OordoD Bam·
...._ 11r. Ud 11ra. a• Den·
... Jolul AdwrUDCI aod ~
AllblltiG141 Ju41 ..._, llarjorle
Aaa RaMI. ~ LoW. Peue.
cauw GmLD TO IIDT xn. &. B. von Ebrenber&' or m Po1ne1ttSa Ave., Corona del
Ku. wU1 eatertaln the Church
Scboo1 CuUd of the Corona del
llar CommunJt;y Church at 7:30
p.m. llonday nleht. Mrs. Wallt.ce
Calwhead a nd llra. Lowell
Newlon are co·hMteMea.
llemben of the NTA Soclal
Club ol the Corona del Mar Com·
From. the POUCE BLOTTER GlamouT :a:;tyth.~:~~ :::ru:~ u!: meetlnl next Thursday (May
<Continued from pa&e 9) home, later reporting that the
ring had been lost, and was
found at the El Toro marine
base, where she works . . . Steve
Smith of 2918 Cll.t.f Dr., Newport
Heights. reported the theft of 16
gallons of gas from his station
waron. e SAT'Om)AT, KAT 5
Mrs. Eugene LaPerle of 1980
Federal Ave .• Costa MN&, report·
ed the theft ol a blu~ denim
sport jacket. a woman's shorty
coat, a comb and h alr bru.sb, all
valued at $30. trom her car
parked near the maln entrance
to Newport Harbor Union High
School while attendtnr a school
Bozi-c l1ri11 Drltu
lato Sille of Cafe
A Camp Pendleton marine. WIJ .
llam Noe. apparently asleep at
the wheel of hls car. drove Into
the side of Chefs Inn. 3201 E.
Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar. at
5:55 a.m. Sunday. The car lett
the highway, hit the hydrant at
the southwest corner of Coast
Hwy. and Larkspur Ave. and
continued across Larkspur Ave.
to hit the Chefs Inn building.
caualng damage to masonry and
the bulldlng.
Mothproofing of
woolen garments
cleaned d uri n g
Month of May. ........ ··-·--··--44' ~ B.lou.ae. ··-
Spoct Sb.irta ... ·-··· Skirt. PlaiD .. ..
17). Mrl. J. Kenneth Ht.mel, Mrs.
play 0 •• Robert Fanell, 12. of 318 Glimpses w. D. Humuon and Mrs. o. G.
Morning Canyon Rd., Cor on a Howell a.re In c:har,e of the pot·
HlghJands, walked Into lumber luck aupper planned for 7 p.m.
protruding from the back of a ., Aaa _ · CIDIJST ~CB ft 1'D lEA
truck parked In front of 338 Eve· Baby mother on Mother's Day! ~ for Mother's Day on
nJ ng Canyon Rd. and cut hb up· Help her feel happy and young Sunday wtU cllmax the obllerV·
per lip, then threw a r~ to again with -one of those adorable ance of National FamUy Week
break a window In the truck; hil "baby doll" abort nJghtlea. She at ~ Church by the Sea In
mother agreed to pay tor window might not dream of buytn1 any-J(ewport Beach. The mlnlater, damag~ ... Burglar alarm rlne-thine 10 pr~tty and trlvoJoua tor Rev Roy A. Carl.IOn, will apeak
ing In the Newport H.arbor Bank herself, but watch her elation at both ~ 9:30 and U o'clock
at 10 a.m. brought poUce to the when you give her some such terVtcea on th~ th~me, "God ln
bank to flr.d everything secure pretty nlghtl~ tor Moth~:r'a Day. the Home." Tb~ Sanctuary Choir,
again after a simllar occurrence u you're SURE ah~'d prefer a directed by Mrs. A. J. Rutter,
at 9:05 p.m. the evenJng prevl· long gown. O'BRIEN'S have a will provide apecial music for the
ous ... A shopWt~ took a $29.95 beautlful selection with appll-servtces.
dress from the Shabara Dress qued lace or embroidery detail IIE'I1IODIST CBUJICII
Shop. 3329 Newport Blvd .. New· ... and ther~ la a waltz length L .. ~ Mother to Remember" la
port Beaeh, Barbara Quarry re· gown. a dress length gown and the .ermon topic selected by the
ported ... Ricky E . Martin, 22 the student coat length gown-Donald G Sapp ot the Sal-
months old, of 430 Narcissus a gown to ault everyon~. :::· Island ~mmunlty Metho·
Ave.. Corona del Mar. suffered llotbew wW be 110" 1 •D U dlst Church. for the 9:30 and 11
mJnor Injuries when a car In yo.a hy her a lo'Niy UDprte rvt Mother's Day
which he was riding driven by Mt aa a .pedal '"-toar.a ~~a'f r: ~~~n will be rtv~ ~Is fath~r. Donald E. Martin. col· frOID yoa. s.. tJud ele9aat to two mo~s at each of the
llded w1th a car driven by Shlr· cbaiDpagM ayloa 9D'WD with services. Tber~ wlll also be the
ley J. Massa. 17. of Laguna app1iq1lecS lac. topped with a 1 f Ch.rl tlan baptism. Beach. emerging from a drive· •atc:b1D9 M9119M npeatbag serv ce o s
way at Merle's Drive-ln. onto tbe Clllanaa•t? laD't that a CDII COIO(UJfiTT CIIUJICB
MacArthur Blvd. at 2:55 p. m. . . . ludou plDk 9D'WD w1tJa p1Dk A talk for the farnJiy wlll be e StnfDAT, MAT 8 aDd 9I'MD ~d ~ the Mother's Day sermon of Rev.
A car driven by J ames A. ahowD with tbe ..,u9M mCIISe Edwin C. Gomke In the Corona
Moore ot Santa Ana struck a o1 ~~ o1 pede JD1at 9I'MD d~l Mar Community Church Sun·
parked car owned by Robert E. loftl.IJMM Ill ayloa-tbe aevU-day. Lay delegates of the church
Ghlselln of 951 Union St., Costa 9M a1ao hldi.D9 the piDll attended the annual meeting of
Mesa, parked In an alley at the aatc:labl9 raadnada. E., • ~ y the Congregational Conference of
rear of 3713 W. Balboa Blvd.. Dl 0 t Ia • r w 0 • 1 d adon tbe Southern California In Claremont
Newport Beach ... D. W. Me· dncaay &oeW cbaatM of daiaty on Monday, Tuesday and Wed·
llroy :>f 603 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal· ay-. dotted lwtaa. dalllty aDd nesday. They Included MIa a
boa. reported the theft of hls 110 tr.b lookiacJ. Clyde Maynard. Mrs. Frances S.
son's $25 bicycle from Palm St. U she's a practical woman, Cox. Monta Perry, A. K. Phelps
and Edgewater Ave., Balboa ... mother will appredate the new and Rl!v. and Mrs. Gornke. e MOKDAT, IIAT 7 ~mboned cotton housecoats at ClmDTIAJII ICIEJICE CBOac&
Julius Oblatt of 621 W. Bay O'BRIEN'S. They have the look of In the Leucm·Sermon on "Mor-
Ave.. Balboa. r~ported hearlnr a dress and yet are 10 easy to tala and l.mmaltala" &Jven Sun·
possible rlne or pistol shots at aJip Into and so completely day In the Newport Chrlat:lan Scl·
8:43 p.m.; officers believed they work-proof ... no ironing, just ence Church, It will be Uhntrat·
were firecrackers ... A report of let 'em drip dry. A find that
nares over the ocean between she'll wear and wear, and onJy
Corona del Mar and Laguna $8.95.
Beach at 10:48 p.m. sent an El Stick 1D tJM pocket a coaple
Toro helicopter and U. S. Coast of pa:1.r of boee. a pa:1.r of eal'·
Guard patrol boat out seeking a rtavs. a pa:1.r of pntty wlalte
possible downed aircraft but no glona. U you IMUy WGDt to
crash was reported . . . Mark pleaM beL SUPf. IICIIUb. beau·
Muller. 10, of Corona del Mar. t1Ju1 Mooet ~ .._.s.ta.
CLEDEBS·LAU1fDEilEas was the vlctl m of a sq u lrrel bite SDlCIIt ...., aatUI'CI1 wood JMCk.
1876 B~ 81.-d.. eo.ta lleaa at 406 LaPerle Pl.. Newport Hts. ~. -.quillte haadbn:laWa. e Tt1t:SDAT, KAY I an Jut a ...., of tJM aa.y,
Mrs. Orvall Lyon ot 222 Orchid IDCIDT gUts frOID o-.IIIEJMS
Ave .. Corona del Mar, report~d tbat JD0t111ew wcnald be tlarWed
the theft or a cured deer bide to ~" oa .._ day, wz:rr
!rom her garge ... Don Noel of SU1fDAT.
U. S. Roy•l Tires
W•shin9 & Polishi"9
Compl•t• lubriution S.rvice
412 Snug Harbor Rd .. C11ft Haven.
complained that chJldren defaced
new plaster on new construction
at ~ E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del
Mar . . . Arvid 0 . Toso, :rr. or
Compton was anested at lOth St.
and Bay Av~ .• Newport Beach. at
8:14 p.m. on cnarres of drunk
driving and possession or dan·
gerous drugs for allegedly hav-
Toilet Tissue
Phone H•rbor 3094
2201 E. Co.rt Hi9h••Y •• Avoudo tng 45 seconal pills and 44 benzl· Coron• d•l M•r drine tablets In his car ...
Give Mother
The New Modern
2515 E. Cout Hwy.
RArbcw 2118
~~~~:. ·:::.;: '09' ~
Tho ott..r sldo lor unclorarms ~
Elll Ill Filii ....... -
.... YIEPU ···• ... .
Ia Lonly patel colon .$14.95 (deluxe model $17.95)
* CROWN HARDWARE* . . ................ ,_ .. , .. ~--
W.CII .... ..
4 Rolla 2~
Tomato Ketchup
21~ 14-oz.
Bottle -----
No.. 2 Can __
Announcing -
invite you to drop in
and visit their new
store -providing a new service
for Corona del Mar
and the Harbor area.
omo nn 1D
Book Matches
2 Box .. 25~
RATH HAMS 10'11111111 .. DJI"
••I• • ••·• WI Saltines
25C ss:.
Butt Half. • • 59L
1-lh. Box ____ _
lwtl'a Pr••l mt
BACON .. 49f.