HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignAll Skill Games
To ·Pay License
Drastic revisions In 10me busl-,ln the Balboa Fun Zone by an
ness licenslne fees and proce· brdinance that wt>nt Into effect
dures are In store for Newport last Oct. 12. Now all plnballs will I
Beach as result or an ordinance be banned. I
lntroduccd at Monday evening's Even m nre !ar-reachhog 1!1 a 1
City Council meeting. It will provision r!!peallng th<' df'signa.
1 rome up !or second reading and tlon of "penny arcade" and "Fun
tina! aproval at the May 28 Zone" and calling for a separate
meetlne. business license for each Ra me
The ordinance, which would dev1ce-$50 for a gam<' playt'd by I
become t>ftectlve July 1, deals one person. $100 tor a game at
a final blow to plnballs, which which 2 or more can play. Under
were outlawed evt>rywhere but the present ordlnan~ a great
$282,000 Bid
on Hi School
C lassrooms
Newport Harbor Hlch Scbool
tna..teee will hold an acljoumed
meetlnt' at e p.m. tomonow (P'rt·
day) to consider •~1 a bid
from Secrest and Fiah of WhJttJer
of approximately 1282.000 for a
new 14·room clus.room addition
to the present hlrh liChool. It was
the only bid received at the ree-
uJar Monday afternoon meding.
Trustees opened an escrow
with the Orange County 'ntle Co.
on land received from the gov.
ernment for a new high school
across Fairview Rd. trom Oranre
Coast Co11~e. to complete the
agf(tement with the g'>vemment.
Board President Donald J . Dodee
said ar<'hltects are worklnc on
tt>ntatlve plans for the new hleh
A tentative budget ot 1851.562
for the 1956·57 achool year wu
adopted. It doea not Include any
capt'tal outlay. A public hearing
on the budget will be held the
flrlt week In August.
number ot eames can be In-
cluded In a sJngle license for a
penny arcade or Fun Zone.
B 0 If 0 BED at the lfewport
Wcmd Pak ded1catloa Scztur.
day .._ llcrlpb N asby. local
Naltw aad ..tdeat of the
la1lmd. who cSoa.at.d the pa:rk
aJte 11 y.an avo to tbe dty.
( Eu!p photo)
There Is considerable specula·
tlon on the ettect of this ordl·
nance .on the Fun Zone, where
considerably more license pay·
menta would have to be made R d
few the comlnr flacal year lt the en e zv 0 us
various ,.mea continue In oper-1 • d a~ Ucenae orc:Unance ...vf.aJonl s Dlscusse
Ia the result of the J. L. Jarobs 'Jbe reports of nchtlnc and
Co. survey of all city licensing disorder at the ~nde-zvoua Ball-
Jaws and aee1ta to brlfl&' the local j room. Balboa, culmJnatlng ln a
fees In line with fees In cltJes of number of arrests last week·end.
similar stze. In some cases this rt'Sulted In a conlerence this
will rt>Sult In lowering of fees. week among Pollee Chle! John
Upson, City Attornt>y Karl Davis,
Jtrry Johnson. ownt>r of the
Rt'ndervous. and Hal ~lger. who
leaSE'S and operates the dance
Hlrllor ... , LMCIIIII
To Be Hel4 01 lar 28
Harbor Day wUl bt' observed
with a noon luncheon Saturday.
May 26, In Newport Harbor Yacht
Club as a kick-oft t'Vt>nt for the
Newport Beach Golden Annlver·
sary celebration.
The luncheon Is open to the
public. and tlcketa can be pur·
chased at the Chamber of Com·
merce office, Newport City Hall,
the yacht club and from Junior
Chamber members, who are ar·
arranging the event.
Mr. Johnson and Mr Ze1gt>r
wert> lnformf'd or the numerous
romplalnts recf'lved and said
that they would takt> steps to
10lve the problt>m.
An elt'ctrlc lleht ronnt'ctJon In
a glove rompartment startt'd a
fire In the car or Agnes McClurg ot lJO.a Ba.lboa Ave., Balboa
Island. at 6:43 a.m. Friday. caus-
Ing $50 damage, the Newport
Beach fire department reportt'd.
CO..A DEL ILU. CAUP. --------TIIVUDAT. KAT 11. 1-
T Hike or Trash Charge
Is Proposed for ewporl
19c or 20c
Increase Is
A tax lnellta.se of 19c or 20c 1
over the p~t Sl.l4 rate Ia In
prospect few Jfewport Beach for I
the 1956-57 fiscal year because
of propoMd expendlturH tor
needed capital lmprovt>ments.
Public heartnr on the proposed
budget will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Monday In City Hall.
Tentative estlmatt>S call for an
Increase In the &:t'neral tax ratt' 1
from the pr~nt 7& to $1: ellml·
nation ot the lc advertising tax;
lc reduction In the 7c bond re·
tlremt>nt ra te.
An alternate suggestion is to
lt>vy a Sl 50 IK'rvic-t> charge for Costa Mt>Sa City Attorney Don domestic trash and garbare rol. Hadd Rlnr. Inc-umbent candi·l Attomt>y Leroy p Anderson.
lectlons. to raiSP an estimated aid Dungan. Incumbent candl datt' for thf' High &hool Board 119 E 18th St. Costa M
$131,922. and to charge for actual date for the Harbor High School has M"t'n 3 Ring youngstt>rs gu · esa. a
cost of rommt>rrlal trash and Board, Is seeking re·t>lectlon so through Hleh School and ha:. 3d candidatf' for the NE-wport Har·
11 I I bo t that he can rontinut> t.:l "ork mlrf'd tht> fine job dont-bv tht-bur High School board. was a f:.;~fe ro ect on, to ra se a u toward getting tht> nt>w high school " I mt'mbt'r of the tlrst board of
Prln~lpal reason for the tax In· ~~~~ ready for the Costa Mesa "It I~ a grtnt sourre of plt'as trustt>eS or tht> high school, or·
crease Ia the nt>CeSSity of build· · ure for me now to be of assist·' ganiz.ed in 1929. which atartt'd
lng new tire halls on Bayside Dr Mr Dungan is a natlvt> of Gar-an~ In he-lping carry out a wt>ll the high school bulldtnr pro·
and Harbor Highlands and ln·l dt>n Grove, r~ivt'd his law de· rounded educational program for gram tor tht> first cl~ In
stalling additional circulating gree at UC In Berkt>ley, passed the students." he says. 1930. Ht> served as a trustee for
water linea, In order to reduce the state bar In 1941. He eerved Mr Rlnr came to the Harbor one term and then wu appointed
the city flre ratlnr from 6 to 5. In the army for 3 years durlne Area 14 yean aro from Los An· a membt'r or the board ot trustees
and thus reducinc fire Insurance World War n. 2 years ovetMaa reles for war work whh the of the Costa Mesa Union elemen·
rateL Otb• lncreaMd exp«ndl· wttb Patton's Thll'd Army, on Ackerman Boat Co. He la now a tary 8Cbool dlatrict and wu
tuns will ~ r. acklldon.a.l po-combat duty wtth the Fourth partner wtth Tom Hendenon ln elected to lf!TVe another term.
lice and ~ .,....mnti, and for Armored DtvtaJon. filb~ the the Rarbor rnvoestment Co. Tb~ He helped b! atab1Jalb1nl tft•
.ewer Une replacement& war from a tank bom D plus .1 to ~ the deovelopeors of the Balboa Costa Mesa BAnk ln eo.t& Mesa
A propoled major orpnJza. the end ot the war. He gambled Bay Club and the Irvine Coast and worked to obtain ~ In
tlon chanre Ls creation of the on volunte-ering for Far East Country Club, or which Mr Rlng Costa Mesa. Ht-Is a vt>te-ran of
Department of Public Works, to I duty. and the v.·ar In Japan is prt"Sident. He has been on the World War r With the ne-w high
Include under It the present t>nded shortly after he rot back school board tor 8 years. school bulldmg program to start.
Engineering. Street. Water and to the states. The Rings Jive on Irvlnt-Ter ht> fe-els · qualified to handle the
Electrtcal Departments. A d ire<"· Ht> and his family moved first raC't' Thl"lr daughters. Delort'S trustt't' job and has no CUTTI."nt
tor ot public works would be In to Gardt>n Grove. then to Costa and Dona art' marrlf'd and have ctvlc obligations and has tlmP to
charge. Mesa In 1~. f<~mlltt'S Son 8111 Is at USC' dt>''ote to the school job
~lmatt'd gent'ral fund ex ----------------------------------------------------------------------~-------
pend It u r es for 1956·57 art'
$ rompand with $1.0'i3.
146 for tht' currt>nt fiscal yt>ar
~. V Pfl.!ntner, dlrt>ctor of tl
nan~. announct'd yesterday that
roples or thi! propo~ budget
will be avallablt> In city hall at
the time of the public ht>arlng
Neck Broken
In Diving at
Rocky Point
..... Mt. X Ia U.. a.a .,_. a..r
Jlt. X wu nat aD ..... IMro-• • • cluce bl8 ,.... ........... IIOf
~~~~--·-··-~-.. , ....... ... he allowed to IIIII a..,. JIOOI
• eo TO IHI fiOUS t01 SOfOOL aa:noNS - --· - -ot ....... "'"" .......... • ....
Tomotrow it the~ fot schoaliaoefd .a.ctions.. tt'a en ltnportent ,..._ H .. tu Ntuna of Ia ...
.&.ction. beceute it hei to do with the ,.._."9 of~, sehook. end the • ....,~lloiil--...,._,.._~...,-.-~~~~~~~---"""!"'• • • .._ WAll out at 1ftWeTt. ""'* be 411U· PfiiiDt..S ........ ._ Mr. &NW\ding of • lot ~ rrtOM'J· .If y~ .,.. ~•sfed in schools end I ,.._, ,...._., It ~ tD M tull7 NPOrWC1 J'IU~ u tnoame. X Ud ........ blaB• .._ ,..,. ·r-·· he poll thia Fride ... ':lL C:..,t-.6oiM..: ID line ,_ me. ...a. I Ul a bd .... IDaome tu oa 1t. ol--. Tbll ... JIIJIOWb him· mone8~~~t~._: way I will·~~ m~·bellot: . lu.l a. Tau. to.,..... • 1llde Mr. re .._... .....,._., aD4 llle4 u ........ INa* ftara
NEWPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOARD--Melwood Berry • • • n. NIWPOIT HAUOI _.... '-.._. ,.._111•• .. ~ • about lt. ............ ot---. IIV wiLidl be ooul4 baw JII'Oftft If a ~ taAr ........... an ~,_ ef ....,., ..... "::.:!MilT I If f11 ... ~ C... .... .. edltar aJMI JaG loJb,.... It U ...... a daaDCie to do 10, tbat ....... eMUJ ....._,; OM
of Crtff Hoven, an incumbent. end Mao lacy of Newport Heights. -._.. • ...-.. t. all,_........_~ .. a.. • • -, wwtla ._,.,.. MQ:M _, lllltl ....... t:Mil ,_,.be Jaacl made _... ..... a liD .. a flrteDd.
both of them en•rgetic1 dynamic ond public spirited citi'ltns of our ......., • ~ a.. ......, le ... ,_, OM. ., C.... 4.1 ..... c.llt lln't wortb ...... 1Mit If JIIOU loaM to ft ~ welllnl one ~ e&IIDOI be da...,.. u community. ,..... ...Yr. • ........,, a. .._ at, el ~ ......, Celf. OM.. ha,_'t aaaTidJn4 10 lD tbe ,..C. II'•• IMiJiblfta wu jwlt betnC Ia tiM loaD Ia .....
NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL BOARD-Hode Ring of _, ,...... ,.._. .. Hie ._... ...... 2• L c::-t Hltl-f, c-.. 4el then JOU'M ftOt readlq tt DOW, ~ u ... u Ullcle ... .., .. wbat IIDMn b)' a _...way
Irvine T•rroce end Donald Dung.n of Costa Mesa, both incumbents. WM. ~ we'le wen. wu ~ ll.la. lilut -. t1ae __., M J'OU ba,. • q'gp4 bJ'
who have proven their sincerity and consider.d thinking on school .,.,_ Of THI I lncled rtaht IIDadl ln the taxable ,..... ol U.. aD4 IIi'. X DDW, the Ju4p naW Jalt tlaat. ~ms during their yeal'$ of service on the School Board. CALI.OitNIA NEWSPAPII PUIUSHIU ASSOCMnON miclclle of a ptnt .._ ,...,. ,..., bacl t.be llllltartu.M tD ll&ft a fair Mr. X ftNcl ..._ atfiOIMJ', N·
ORANGE COAST COLLEGE BOARD-Walter Longmoor, resi-A114 .t .._. NAnOHAL EIMTOIW. ASSOCIATOH when 1 antved for a vlalt with .t.clloan 10 .v. BelJquJcJatecl ceJwc1 a bW tor..,., .. -.Ieee AltVO 1. HMI • rnT bit' n.tecl nepbew, Paul bu It at a loa from hiJD. (The ~nt dent of Shore Cliffs, end Harry LeBard of Huntington Beech, bofh in-• PK HAAPA.. A ___________ ...._ _. ,_..., been few 2 yean annoyed. lm· On tbe aclvlc:M o1 a lel'al a-elalm wu ~ Sl.401l) Mr. X
cumbents. H~H WcWILLAN ~ WIW tated. Irked. clam a 1 e c1 and pert who ~ In 1aeome Qfea)ed the cue, WM Wiled few
If I were voting in Costa Mesa, I would cast my bellot for incum· IUIY STEVENSON_. _.IIMQ ·~ abued by a bercl ol cow. owned tax. be clu1y ent.ed tbia Item u tiiOO b)' the .,......... few
bents Bredl•y Schwarz end Herbert Jenks f~ the Costa Mesa 8emen-· ..., by a elty feller, who turna them a deduetlon ~ bed de• pri.Dtfnl the ~ If lae pro· te1.School Boord. SUISCIIrtiON lATES lOOM on the -..umptJon that and a capital to. dectuetlble In eeedecl with ta.. ....... • · · e r.r,..llti...,ION CALLS FOR THE Ntrr\1 r. • Leql • .._.._ ,.._1 ,_,..,. IIOO:-.... ,.......,_. Tesu laltiD open ran-. totalln the ,.u (U50) a. wbJcb wb .. upoa be ~ tD em· ~ ,., g;vu; o.,..w. ef tM H.rtMr AIM;,_ ...,.......7.00: -,..,__,..... •-I ---.... ~•--~ -We hove gri~ about this before, and this won't be the lost B~ and thlnty cows be· t wu ..tabl1Tbed to be a 1--. --UJ.e'-U.U--'fi~VN'"" ""en
time: meaning the blithe attitude of our City Cooncil in sliding ?CX:JDCX:JDCX::ICIICX::ICIICX::ICIICX::ICIICX::ICIICX::ICIII'X:ICIICX:x::IICI:::ICliCI:=I'! come expert at jumplnl cattle Uncle 8u1ar MYIIt "Looode here, rape r. tnntta.W.. Nlu and
throogh important legislation withoot a thought in the worfd about PI l\larda and fencea. Jtepeated Mr. X. that'a no ~ loaL enjoy lt." Be paJ4 ott lib • alot complaints to the aherrU broU&ht We &If" t!lat you 1c11t tt and In madl!De.
expleining the why end wherefore. It is o strange melody of public CALL out the· fact that the only re-the manner .Uted., but lnaii'I\Udt Tbere mUTt be a IDOf8l here
servants. associated with longevity in office. First symptom is mum-lNG aQ COUI'M under the Texu livestock .. you are not In the Joan butt· 801Dt!'Wbere. Maybe It ... "Don't
bling to each othe r at council meetings, followed by opethy to public law la to pen them up and flle neu, It la a penonal 1<*. and u nevft' ewlm up ltreUD wD an
opinion e nd d isdain toward the press. a complaint. wb4!Nupon the law audt Ia not wholly ded14ctJble In anvU on JO\Ir bAS.,.
A perticulerly horrible example occurred Monday night on an hales the ownt!r into court. U 1950." Eveft 80, had I ..... Mr. X I
extremely important revision of business lice nsing fees ond procedure. found euUty the owner must pay • OD·WAT l'ftK.ET probably would ... ,. Oaattnued
Council d id not even hove the text of the ordinance. The city o»omey a maximum fine of p00 fM eadt How do you Wte that few a one-tot butt my h•d qa.iMt Uncle
h d d
complaint and 25 cents a bead way .treetT Supra lt.One wall. f laaw IWJWI'
o not even "reo proof" on it. beceuse the typinq hod been com· per day to ret his livestock back So thla J~al tu expert of been 1mown u one tD nm away
pl•tad on~-(. o short while before the meeting. The city ettomey mode 1 from the penner·upper. Thla Is mine lays, ''They can't do that trom a ftrbt. when I tlaoueht I
only the most superficial reference to the nature of the revision. Coun-4 •(l<l justice! The answer t., '1t'l the to Ul. We'll just contest thJa In waa on the aide ol rtlbt and
cil was all set to pou it to second reeding without o word of dis· 1~ law." th~ ta.x court." ju.stlce. The only WQ 1N tu·
cussion. No one in the audience , nor ot the press table, hod the slight· Would you expect a widow So he dJd. It turned out to be payers can ret &1\Y nlW Ia by
est notion of the significance of the revision. It took If query from the BY ~)>. ~ ~ ~-. • woman to have a pen that would a aorry contest. The onl,y quea-r~ a hoU. aratMt u~
audience !credit for that goes to Orville Sdllueter) end ' persistent ~ ( "''1J~ hold a Brabma bull! And would Uon to be decided wu thla: taxation and unJust tactle&
questioning from the press table to elicit some grudging details ebout "':::acx:acx:aoc:acx:acx:acx:acx:acx:acx:acx:acx:a~ you expect bt!r to put bJm ln"'the
the ordinance and its impact upon locel businesses. .. pen U she bad one. when •he
I don't believe this is intended m41ice on the port of our public • BIGS TOlE cllmblnr over, •lttlng on, stand· looks out 1n the early mornJnrln
servants, the city councilmen. It is worse than tho t-at least it-hl.ris My mail tella me that It's lnr by, shivering ln, dripplnr th~ eyes of auch a creature, who,
more; it is that disdainful attitude of neglecting to take the public about Ume I rot out of my rock-with, hldlnr from. breathlnr after eating up the ve,etabl · h · fid de 1 h b lnr dtalr and toued a few an· down, two •teps ahead of, ret· garden. Is contentedly chewtnr .nto t ••r con 1 ence in a ing wit pu lie b usiness. chov1ea Into the water. Every tlnr ready, dlrrtnr for, baJllng hla cud and retumJnr the raze!
If there is to be any cure for the melody. it will hove to be ad-week I ret a r~port from Harold out. runnlnr alter nsh trucks, A little lnvestlration brines
ministered from the pren table. And the needle certainly is the proper Green's Marlin Inn. as to what dragging ln. brarginr about and out the fact that many nelrhbon
instrument. I'll be there needling. you con be sure. the altuatJon Is down San Diego smeUJnr ot have complained to the law en·
e lY THE1R ANSWERS. YOU SHAU KNOW THEM way. lt'a been up and down. but MOTHERS LOVED th~m. lucky forcement officers. only to re-
I hod t he pleasure of taking port in e "Meet the Press" interview you can ruess which way 1t girls married the m, uncles and celve the stock answer, "Pen 'em
of State Auembly candidates Tuesday morning et the Woman's Civic would be the day Hottman and blr brothers teased them. fathers up."
The ODiy Exclusin Cbildren'a
Shoe Store in The Harbcw Area.
1411 L eo.t ...,_..._. B 1177-oaa-..a.._
Leegue meeting. It was enlightening to me, es it must hove been to hls Hex appeared! and ~andpu taurht them. Cod One neighbor reported that he
membel'$ of the Leoque, beca use it is by their answers to fun damental Next. the postman brines me enlisted them. The flab warden baa had less trouble alnce he
questions that politiciens reveal their thin~ing standards ond thereby the latest on the Schenley watches for them. called the owner and told him,
their worth as public servants. Sportsmen's Club derby, wbJdt n5HERMA.N ls a lie with a "Your cows just ldt here with SANDALS AND W1S FOR YOUB
Th f d
seems to be going to town. ac-e new look. a story with a new their taUs over thelr back&. You
ree un amentol issues were raised in the questions from the people are catchln~ really big anrle. AJJ hla hopes for the fu· will be abl~ to Identify them ; SUMMER TIME PLEASURE--
press table. My scorecard of answers gave the top grade of "ell cor-fish, and along with lt. a nJce ture are Ued to tomorrow or the they're heaYier than they look
red" to Albert Delphino. the Coste Mesa carpenter. J ohn Amendt rod or reel, times 12. each week. day when the fish will be bit-... blrd shot:• Trimfit Ha.iery and aU Colupanion
of Santo Ana was second best with "two correct." Bruce Sumne r of Usten to a few scores U you ttnr and be wlU be there. So alter a couple years of this. Footwear from ''Tota to Pr•TNaa/'
Santa Ano wes in the middle with "one correct." Score of "none cor· don't think there are some big A FISHERMAN ls a composJte. my big fisted nephew pens up i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i~~=====~
rect'' went to Oland Cerrid of Son Clemente end Oscar W ilson of ones around. He has the appetite. of a blue· the trespasslnr cows. and I am
Santa Ana . e LUJfiEBS gtll. the dlrestlon of a shark. the a witness that he has 14 cowa
These vito I questions were: II J Do you favor federal a id to educe· Ralph Pannerlee oC Long Beach en~rgy of a muskellunge, the (plus 4 calves born since the
tion? No. because federal aid means federol control; education should Is top.s In the yellowtail section curiosity of a native brook trout, penning up). Mothers and babies
remain e local responsibility. 121 Do you favor the Bricker Amend· with a monster mou·back of 42 the tunes of a fanner bawllnr are doing fine.
t t t. U S C · f b lbs., 12 oz.. and taken off Cata-out a trespasser, the lmaalnatlon That's only half the war. men , pro ec rnq our . . onstrtution rom e ing superseded by o • Com-now a Ia m .... th
? llna, at that. Wow! A flsh like of a lure manufacturer,· the lr· "''" w an, ""' a treaty Yes. beca use our constitutional guarantees are too imporf•nt cJtation of suit f r dam .. that could chew a man's leg responsibility of a frayed tippet. o ares
to be subject to chonge by whim of a few individuals. 13) Do you fevor oft-but I'd take the rlsk. the usefulness of a backluh on against my kJnfolk for "unlaw ·
& :·right to work" le":'. guora.n!eeing o citizen the right not to join 0 Then ~rge Goto, a lucky a dark night. the glamour of a fully, wrongfully, mallcloualy
unror, es well o~ the nght to 1orn? Yes, becouse the rioht to work, end Pierre from Las Vegas, managed hellgrammite and th~ ataylng penning up, etc." Then comes
to join or not join any organiza tion. is os fundamental as the right to to hit the jackpot with a while power of a relative. more soup on the lawyers' ladles
freedo m of wo~hip, or speech. or of t~ sea bass of-honest-54 lbs., 6 oz. NOBODY ELSE 1 1 · · · a counter suit from Paul for
Thl Co d
1 so ear Y to damages to crops.
s was a rona o Island job. r~. ao Ignorant of lunch. so late Should I be embarrassed by all
!~~ ~~~~ee~.:~edth 1fruoc~UkaUe for supper or so luke-warm about this and run back to peacetul .. .. dtores. Nobody et.e ret. so mudt Corona del Mar"
that. he .ahould be! fun out of weeds. lily pads, ·
A "log.ger" name of Jlm Stutz sunken lop. lonr worms. heavy • ..-_ Z VI. U.A
of L. A. snaked a better·than-1.2-ra1ns, fresh aJr ud .Unkinr What with all th1s local ln·
pound barracuda onto the deck, minnows. Nobody elae can cram terest ln adse tax and Income
also down Coronado way. This lnto one pocket two rusty knives.. tax lltlgatlon, thls would be a
one leads. to d~&te, In the barrle a piece of ahrlveled rard~n rood time to cite the case of Mr.
section. ntere•s an albacore dl· worm. 3 feet of knotted lnvillbl~ X venus the rovemment. .
vision. too, but !10 far It's just a leader, alx split ahots a rrocerY Mr. X bad ovt!r a period of 31
gleam In a lot of eyes, not a · order. last year's Clahlnr button, Y~US. In addJtion to hla •alary,
* ....
* ......
-nD ... I .................. .,,("' .. •
cludlnr these ballY old peepers. two bottle openers, a racred wet been frugal ~nougb to save up a IIAimOa 1171
e GODf' I'ISIIDIGf fly and a topographical m ap nest1 ~~gd, -~~ldt he ulled to half. IDTIL c..t -.. -J •-,.~ ..._ ... _ showing hls favorite flshlng so e -.. -..ary and lncreue the --• -----E~~ofthls~~-~~ea. ad~;~of~th~e~e~g~r~b~y~~~~~~ln~r~mo~n~ey~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OIIJ CMice .. Is SeW ke
Specials for Thurs., Fri., & Sat., May 17, 18. 19th.
TRY OUI 111-IE-tUE CIICIEIS •••• . ... ,
Stewing Hens 39~
Leg 0' Lamb 69f.
Chuck Roast 39f.
Round Steak ,,,.
announce, please, that the day -after you read this I'll be aboard A FISHERMAN IS a magic ere· tPolltlcal AdvertlaemenO (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertl.leJMiltJ
the Fury, head~d for fun, along ature. You can lock him In your
with a lot of other fishing news workshop, but hla heart Is dane·
hawks. r like L. A. T\mes' Jack lng on a trout stream. You mlrht
Curnow but 1 hope he can't as well give up.-''he's rot noth-
make lt. With hla K Jss of Death lng to do, and lt'a all done." He
and my Ha. we all might as can be captured, jailed, boued,
well say we just went for the mutt!red-but only by a mlaalng
rlde. Jncldentally, fellas. what bundle of noisy amall try who
am J oUered to stay borne! perks up the hopes and ahatt~red dreams of every "skunked'' flab·
• aAa EAST erman by ahoutlnr. ''IIJ. Dad!
Being possessed of a tree run· C.tdt any fl.ahT"
nlnr pen, nearly all ol. what ap-• • •
pears In thla column ls orrtnal. I always wondered what waa
There's always room fot a rood the matter with me. 1'bankl.
exception. Here It l.s, thank to an Steve. Now I know. And thanka.
old home-state writer, Steve too, to Dick Jenntnp, the car· Szalewt~ of the OU City toonist·publlc relaUona d..lrect.cw
(Penna.> Derrick. It's quite ln of the Cortland Une Co. for for-
«~. too, with the Balboa ~· wardln1 t.b1a llttle ,em.
Unr Club's Junior Tournament
ready to 10. early next month. Ia D·VI'IIOLITD
your sprout ready! CIMIIn, ...... ~ Le ••• .. WHAT IS A FISHEllMAN!
(With ApoJogtea to "What Ia
A Boy' and all boys wbo don't flab.) JIA1UIOa ll'N
IN INNOCENT boyhood, in dJr· 291J 1!. ~ A':l'"
nlfled manhood and ln bonon4 1 ~:::::::::=:::Coro:::::::::n=a:::::del:::::~::::::::::= old qe we find a dei.Jihttul I·
creature called a nSBEilK.Alf.
nsHERMEN come ln all ....,
wetrbta. colon, auto., boata, cape
and boota. They are all dMI·
cated. enllaved and boodapd to
the aame ur,. . . . 'to eQJoJ
eftr'l eecon4 ol ~ mlnuta ol
Wf/17 hour ol ~ dq aD4
nlaht blmde • lltNem, 1aU «
bq aDd tD JII"C**t If tiMn II ln._...,. bF law, bl-law ow
PISHEMMJ:l'f an ........ .,., •
......... topof.beDee~
•PROT ECT ION ·of Y 0 U I ·1 NT II l S T 5
leprau.1ting 2 ... : .. · ·:~:: .. as-.,... c.u ...... l
• Native of .... 28th Disfrid -
hal the~ to oct in YOUIINTIBSTS
TQ . . . ' .
Harbor High
Gets $5,948
Con~ Ja.-• Vtt an-
nounc:ee that Newport Barbot
Blah ~ool hu beet\ awarded
t5.N8 for edlool opent:tnc f\mdl
Plll"'lllallt to PDbUe Law 11f.
........... _.:] ....... :-,=
::.. ~ ~..:-l .. -=. ... -r.y
htitt.. WlaUe -.a .... -..... ..-a -............. ,_ .. ~ ........... ..
Clboat .-. 1a t.:L ....._ a. as a ....
lal155 .... utt~e .... a a• M,.. ... ._
117.500 tlala ,...... .
Barber Shop
<?roup Names
Dan Wedman
Our tellers mus1 be os oecurate as
lftaehines, but no moehines could give you
the human senic.e tHy do. Thelr alert
eyes for signatures and their dependable
I'MI'ftOry for facts and faces continually
safeguard the infwesb of depositon.
lewport Harbor Ba1k
Scboola wbJeb are bMvtly bu.r·
dened by the lmpad ol ~ecleral
lNtallatlqne ln their area are en.:tble for flnaodal ,,.._..nee
under thla Publlc Law. 1be total
entitlement f« the tlacal year
1956 hu been Mt at te,l51.'l0, ol
which IS,MB wu eertUled for
IJ'nmedlate payment. --..~~............... -n.. Jtewpwt ._. bWldioc Followlnl' permlta were luu.ed: Dan Wedman ol 108 VIa FJ-. Ill ...,ut total la .u..Q doee to a .IIE1DOII'I' GWTI "" lutJt mJ.lJJcla dollan u ol Jakl· Clyde Shaver, laundromat at ence, Lido Iale, hu been r~ JllaJ', u ..,. bla projeeb were 306 N. Newport Blvd., $7,.500; G. elected presJdent of the Newport NCG~dN clurlq tbe put week. F. Rudel. 2-ltory oUlce bu.Lldtng Harbor Chapter ol the Society
MlS E. Co.+ Hi9Jwey
222 0.:... AYe.
PHON& HY. 4-lln
601 N. 8 c..-. ltMI
PHONE HY.-... 2-r 191
• HY..wt. 2-1 1"
DacoaATIMG ft08LDIIt
1AtV1 .... T ..
Cllll..._ II" ..
2919 E. COAST BWY.
sa aoa aa-m.aa
........ IIJipp c..
2515 a. c.-t lhry. CDK ... u 1111 m t.Sse
JAMES D. RAY .•••. , .......
K-Br. Etz I rgeD:y Senioe •pedra
Lll •• .... -~··= ......... C.. ....
Orco Block Co.
G. ~. Rucld ol • Catalina Dr.. at 325 N Newport Blvd. 16f.SOO. tor the Prftelvatlon and Encour·
Mew""" ~ toea out a • ~ ' &l'ement ot Barber Shop Quartet -.-~ tor a 2·*-7 com· Sln£1nr In America. ..a.al hu'ldl.na at 335 N. If_.. Mn. J. Cooper, ca~ana at No. Dale WhJt.acre ot eo.ta Mesa a-t •veL. JtewJUit ~ad· 5 Lido VWap. $1..500, Carl VI'M-waa re·rieeted vtee-prmdent,
_..... tbe erc-oac~a v~ man. repair fire dama~ at fl6 and Bob htttt of eo.ta Mesa wu
bu.Udia& 31st St., 12.000; C. C. Palmer. 2· named RCre'tary·t:reuurer
D. C. Du.nc:an. piMnJ rn&Q&er .tory dwri.Un& added at 12) 28th President Wedman apPointed
ol the HeUpot DMaloo wbkh 11 St.. ta.OOO; WllUam Connors, add the followtna to the Board ot Dl·
hulldJrll Jt• ,.._ headquarten to cabana at 21 Channel Kd., recton: Clyde Sprtnp at Costa
near tt.e Clty eorpa.atlon Yard. Lido Trail« Padc. $1.&00; M. W. Mesa, Don McCallum of Newport
took out a .-rAGO permit tor a Ganllon. 2·1tory, ~unJt dweWnc Hetrhts and Georre Gnnrood of at XTl 42nd St.. tl7 ,250; Harry ......... , ctw.lUn& a.t ZU. M-DL. ln the Macy. cabana at Lot G. Anchor· • <nun. Bob ~~ of Whittier ls
Upper Bay area. a.re Way. Lido Trailer Park. the new cbonla ~r.
13,000; Bob Dalton. aJgn toe rest· ... h • d ...
U QJU. JIO'I1CK aurant at 3H&3452 Vla Opol'to. --• •••
ROnCE '10 C8DI'TOD Sl.860; John Slaalbter. cabana a.t I
ESTATE Oi' JUANA E. CBA· 43 Cabrlllo. Lido Trailer Patk.l.lrl ....
VEZ DECEASED. 12,000; B. H. Greenwald. alteta·
N<YrlCE IS HEBRBY GIVEN to tiona at 3200 Ocean Ft.. $100; C. A 17-toot outboard cabln
"~yon the
u 10 friendly. Maku
JP1' ful right at lumu. ,
the creditors ol and all Pft!IODS Jl. Po.t. 2·st.ory dwelllng added crul.Rr, aJdppered by Robert
havtnr da.Jms aplnft the Kid at 3701 Seubore Dr .. 11.m : Alex Manntnr ol Fontana . came
decedent or said e.tate to rue R6d. cabana at Lot 39. Channel ashore In the first cove M>Uth ot
them wtth tbe nec.aary vouch· Rd .. Udo Traller Park. $3,000; Dr. Buck Gully la.te last Thursday
en in the otnce ol the Clerk of Gordon Dempsay, add to . wall, afternoon when the cratt ran out THE lEST O F RIDES-FOR FO LKS OR FREIGHT the Superior Court of tbe State of noo Ocean Pt., .,. of gu. the U. S. Cout Guard re· ,..._. _____ liiOilliliiiilii _______ ._._ ____ lllllii:_
Calltomla, in and for the County e aAL.oA ISUUfD ported. r
of Orange, or to present the J. R. Patton, alterations at 114 One passen.rer was aboard. ~o
aame, with the necesury vouch· Diamond, Sl.OOO; Jf!ITY Nlckertz. one was burt and the boat was en. to the undentgned at his or wall at 314 Collins, $250. not darnared. It was Ooated back ~er place ol business. to-wtt: • LIDO ISLE out through the surf at U :30
%"Harwood., Betreman A: Soden a.m. by Mr. Manning, aided by
2515 E. Cout HJchway .Albert Webb. rumpus room at a llte guard. and towed Into the
Corona del Kar CalifomJa 219 Vla Eboll, $2.000; David Cun· harbor by the Cout Guard. • ninettam, add flrep.lace at 134 ,--............. _ _....._.liiiilii_ ...... ....,_.;.....;
wJtbln abc months alter the lim VIa Yella IS)O· John Scrurg.s.
publication ot thJ8 DOtJce. awtm.mJne pool 'at 153 Via wa.
Dated May U , 1956. z1 ra, ., ~ Mary Chavez e __.....
AdmJnt.tratrtx of the Estate of • Ia'V&a& 'ftDAc&
<Anothet ln a Series ot Meuaeea Prelellted by the Newport Harbor En&Jcn)
uld cl«edent. Carl Anna.aon, fence at 1300
Harwood, Heftft'Dan a: Soden SantaneUa Terrae., 800().
25lS E. Cout Blehway e OOIIOifA DEL XAa
Corona del Mar. CallfornJa MJnnle Bowen. alterations and
Attomeyw for Adm.Jnlltratrlx repair pereota. 218 Got~.
Publlah: May 1• ~ 31, 1un.e 7 $800; Jack ~aves. patio at 321
In the Newport Harbor En.atcn Orchid. PlO: Tbomu Baume, en-
cloee pareb. 621. PoiMfttla. $1.000.
No. A.-27401 eco.ou IDOPJ-...
1M TD IOiCIIIOa QOUIIT OP David ChapmaD. altera.tlooll at
Til& ITA'l'Z OF CAI.D'ODJA 512 Seawud Rd., PJO.
Df AJI'D ro& 'Ia WUWI I e ....aA
0. <»•wcpr Euclnle Brady, alteratlon.s at
In the J.tatw o1 the Eatate ot 508 E. Ocean Ft., tt.ooo: Dorothy
ROBERT L. CAU..IS, &.lao Jmown Boao, re·sldlnJ at 911 E. Balboa
u R. L. CAU.JS. Deceued. Blvd., $1,195; John KJlroy. 2-.tory
N011CE OF HEARI1fG OF PE· dwelllne at 1752 E. Ocean Ft.,
WILL A1'm FOR LiJJIIW eURD .. JA••• ,.,..._ ._, It..,.. TESTAMENT.ABY. D. C. Dunean, 1-story, 1-unJt YOUR OWN
.. I: , ,... • t 1a ... t ..... ._.. AM Notice la benby dven that the dwellln& at 2182 Mesa Dr., ==============-petition of DOROniY L. CAU.lS $37.400. -··-· n.. Quat 151 -De t ' 1 II for the prebate of the Wlll of the ------~t rue _ .... 'me above na.med decedent and for Phone lD )"'ur ~ atartes to
J'cinalea -1 ,......, ... n1e the t.uanee ol Letters Testa· your Jocal new~. the ED·
•••• .._, UIJ!I!;!.VII mentary to tbe petitioner wUJ be atcn. RartJor Wt. W..-il.... _ beard at 10 o'clock A.ll. on June -=---~ =::-----&. lNa a C.. .._ 1. lB. at the CDwt fCIOIDo clr De· UIDn' ...._. partmeat 2 of the Superior Court
22 y..,. Ia Oranae OoaJd:r ol the State ol Callfomt.a 1n ud .. --------------·------& for the CountY. ot Qnn~. Costa Mesa bnaller Co.
. .----.-·-
Date Ka,y 11, He«
L. 8. 11U,I J 4CC. eouaq,
Rarwoocl .... WI a 8Men
Attorneys. tar ..Utiocw
2515 E.C.O...~ eom.a .a. .... -e.ua..&a
Publlah: Mq 1.1. 311. al. 1956
In the N41wput au..~
We can't hove o community without people . ..d it's tn. 10 .,.._of indMdu.l
effort th.t bui'lds or destroys. Y ov cal'lnOt effOftd to lo. yow i• ef'l· ~ tf.. yow
town CM afford to lose you as a cime.., a ...._, Md ._,..,.. ~or i~tty.
everybody's lobor ond spendi"9 hebfts ore refl.c.d ift tn. cc: we~·, p1 w
One of the most important fodot'l in mainte i,inq COIMnunity stability is 8\JY.
lt-.16 1\ T HOME . . . b.couse every doll• ~T TO WORK .t home pun ~
at home to won . . . ..,.ry donar SENT 1\ W 1\ Y from home reduces the efnouftt
evOii..W. for weqes.
It is plain sound sense to lreep thn ~t in mind: Your loGal stor. c:.ft 9ive
you every bit as good a deal. or bettw. than you might 9M •h•••• ... _._.._
you.,.. c:ontributi"9 to tM security of somebody's job. ANO THE JOt YOU SAVE
t 1 .,... ,. I' . I
Bgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calderhead
l12J u&t eo..t Hi91t-y
CoroM d•l M•r
Mrs. Wachter
Is President
of S.orority
Mrs. Edwin Wachter ot Beacon
Bay was elected president of
Pro ess.IOna Sigma Kappa Sorority Alumnae,
Santa Ana Valley chapter, at the
May meetlne of the rroup held
D • t at the home ot Mrs. Worthington lrcc ory Lee. 1939 Bayside Dr., Corona del
KVSlC Mar.
Mrs. Lee wu elected vice pres-Margaret L Scharle !dent. and 'Mrl. Walter Bunouths
Teacher of Plano of Clift Haven wa.s named aecre-
Orrantst . Aceompanllt ta.ry-tre:l.Surer. The new ottlcen
Evenlnf Clauee were installed foUowlnr lunch-
for dulu eon served by Mrs. Lee and her
3IJ7 GOLOENROD AVE. daugbtec. LouI se . with Mrs.
Corona del Mar Wachter and Mrs. Bunouehs as
PUlfEaAL DIU!CTOD co-hostesses. r--.!~::==:...::.:==.:..;:;=.--; ' Mrs. Helen Cruikshank was
Frl~ndly Nelehborbood Serv1ce appointed as official del~rate to
PARKES-RIDLEY the national Sigma Kappa Con -
vention In Colorado ln lune.
MOin'UABY Cards and a social hour com·
110 Broadway pleted the atternoon. following a brief business meeting. Amon&
U 8-3433 A: 8-3434 Costa Mesa those attending from the Harbor
Servtne the Harbor Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
3520 E. Coast R&way Corona del
Baltz M ortuary
LJ berty s.. 2121
17h A: Superior, Costa Mesa
area were Mrs. John Murdy lr.
of Lido, Mrs. George Gurr of Bal·
boa, Mrs. Carl Venstrom and
Mrs. William Dosta of Corona del
, ........ , ,..,
At ac 1111 ••
Called ''the most talked-about
play of the season" when It flrat
opened In New York. ·~e Mad·
woman of Challlot" will be pro·
duced at Orange Coast Colleee
L----.c=::==~er----' on May 17 and 18.
Harbor Blvd. at Glsler
The tale Is of a daft old eoun·
tess. half dowager and haU rae·
bag crone. dressed ln the eon-
tents of an attic trunk. who de·
fles a group of plotters earer
to drill fM oU right In the center
of her beloved ParlaJan boule·
ff )(>U hate -to ha~ up
and take down laundry
-·--~ ............. .......... .,.,. ..... tw'e ... ..., ..............
AeMntllic 0.. ciDIIIII .,_ ilwb* ia 1M ••ax
IUGMAftC. Odllr ...._ ..t. en ABC, Blnc~
Calodc. ..,, Pare-. &eaaore, Maytq. NorJI, ........ a-.~ WIUdpoal ....
•• I Ll da .,........, ..
'Wyatt Earp• Buys Tickets
For Pancake BreaHast Here ... '1 .....
PwAD . --.•nu..s ·~
-----nil WIM IIIII EIIIJ WIM ......... Y•-· -----
-"· lttla lt.. c.n. ..... LD.ty I-G5I SERMONETTE
a... 1 ..... W. KcSMM 8y TM llrl ... •A&Jr:L ......
Sunday: 9:3CI a.m., Chwdl Sun-St. 1___, Zp!Kapcd Clauda. Jl...-t .._.
day School; 9:30 and 11:00 ARE YOU FilLED wmf
a.m. Momtnc Wonh.lp--7 p.m. THE HOLY SPIRIT! CoUere Are llYF Servtce -7
p.m. Wab School MYF Service; The three rreat festlvall of the
8 p.m.. younc adults pup Christian Year are Chrlstmu,
service. Easter, and Whltaunday, ~lebra·
tlng the birth of Chrt.t. the TIIZ c:aoac:a Of' CBJUIT resurrection of Christ, and the
1050 Claarct. lt.. c.ta ..._ eomJne of the Holy Splrlt upon
D. ~ =-the d1aclples. Tht. Sunday, May
Sunday Mn'lcea: 9:45 Lm. Bible 20, brings ua to the third of these festivals. ltudy; 11 a.m. momtnr wor-The orlefnal name tor tht. day ahJp; 7:30p.m. eventnr aervtce. th F t P H Midweek aervtce, 7:30 p.m. was e eut o entecost, a e-
Wednesday. brew festival eommemoratJna
the gtvtnc of the Law and ob-
TIQ CBOICB OP CiUIIIT served 50 days after the Pua·
Odd P.U... ~ over. The early Chriatlaru took It
1 .. w.wpon A,._, over Into their calendar becauae c.n. ....._ It was on thls day, ahortly aft«
LD.ty 1-5711 Jesus ascended Into Heaven, r-aaar. Jr. ......... when the dt.clples ln leruaalem
Sunday Servicea: 9:45 a.m. BJble experienced a tremendous out·
.tudy; 10:55 a.m. wonhlp 8el"V· pourlnr of the Holy Splrtt u
Ice; 7:30 p.m. eventnr aervtce. they were rathered torether In
prayer. Filled with ~!ritual
CIDJIT c::ao ... ft TIQ lEA P<JWft, they preached to crowds ru llri.JOBJI a. •AaD
c-.a..ny ~ ot people In the elty, "and there
...._ m.4. •l• It-•...-t were added unto them In that our need as membera Ia to be ao
llAibor Sill day about three thousand JlOUl&." fllled with the Holy Spirit that .__. a... llor A. Cad-(Acta 2:41) God may use us ln brlngtnr
Sunday Worship, 9:30 and ll a .m. Accordlnely thl1 day of Pente-others to ChJUt.
Churcll School: 9:30 a.m. Mid· cost became known as "the birth· In thll rapidly gTowlng area
week MeetJnc: 7:08 p.m. Wed. day of the Church," and wu there are many to be found, new
nesday pNCeded by 6:15 p.m. celebrated each year on the sev· families movtnr In from all pam
potluclt. enth Sunday alter Euter. It rtf!W ot the country, many of them
to be a popular day for baptlams. unbaptlud Chrtatlans with no
ST. JOACIIJJI c:aoaca and fn the larger dUes hundreds Church connectloh. They may be
liN Oraltge A~1g;-Ke.a of newly-Instructed candidates. llvlnr on our own street, or even
Llbeltr aU dressed fn white, would next door. ratJa. ,..._ J. •-w CIDd gather at the bapt.Lstrtes of the Are we, are you, sufllclently
Sa.Dday K-at 7• L I. peat cathedrals. Thus the day filled with the Holy Spirit to In · 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: M.. at n ch 1 Ilk 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· became known as ''White-Sun-uence and ange peop e e
da.ya from 4:00 to 5:1!5-7:00 to day," or Whitsunday. these, drawing them lnto the
8:30 p .. m. In our own community It worshJp, work, and feliO'lnhlp of
should serve to remind us that God's family, the Church! Christ
PIJIST 8APrDT anr.c:a all Chrlstlan-, whatever their de· calls each one of u.s to be a mls· or •EWPOJIT nominations. are members of the alonary on our own atreet or ln
8clbocl 8l9d.. lltla & Cout Ita.. one unJveraal Church, and that our own place of bualneu. ... pwt
IIAdMw SS5a Llbel'ty .. JI72 COIIOifA DEL 110 a:Jn'aAL auLa CIIVKII
...._. ~ G. 1.._ co ... o•nt c:aoaca ar.... A-. • Drd at. Sunday aervtces: 9:45a.m.. Sun· CIPIIIS Uaaa' c:.n. M-. Uberty ......
day School; 11 :00 a.m.. W«· Ill.!':"~ ... A-. A. A. Kaden.,..._ 8hlp Service; 7 :30 p.m. Sunday _ 1117 •.• _ .. _ .. _.__, t .s Mom ewntnc C:ervlce; Kid-Week ~ ... y ~= : a.m. ·
.. _ .. -a •• 7:30p.m. w-----...._ ..... ...._a.... tnr Service. U:OO; J:ven1n1 ............... ~ a----w...--o..• --~ I ... Sei'Ytee. 7:30. JOd·week a.Y-Prayer Meetlna. ___,. ........ p aai'JeiM: :-Ice, Wed n e • day, 7:30 p.m. a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Sun~ School: B.AJDOa AISDDLT OP QOD 1:45 a.m. Younc people -meet 8:1!5 p.m. aa...,L ... ._. c.au. Sunday. ..... _ c.u.,. cau ... ., ._ •UJlmaq ::::=._ • ._..1 1-An JIJ ala St.. C.... .._. -·· -~ .... cu... wm·-.... c. &. n.-.d u..tr .. ,111 Sun~ay echool 9:30 a.m.. momln& Sunday Servlc*: SUnday School.
worship 11 a.m. Younr people t :30 a.m. Komlnl Wonblp at
..-vtee 8:30 p.m., eventnc 10:30 a.m. Evannu.tJe Serv·
wancela.t aervtce 7:30 p.m. Ice, 7 p.m. Sunaay. J(.Y..P.S ..
Mid-week aervtc:e '7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Sunday; Prays meet!D ..
Wedn~ay. 7 :30 p.m. Wectne.day.
c::&aiir La •• ,, .. cauac:a or con'A IIDA
(~~) ··--=.~~:: ..... ...., ......... ,.........
Sundq Servtce.: Wonltlp S..·
Ice 9 a.m. Sunday Sc:boo1 at 10:1!5 LID. I
ISO W. -.ut. St.. c-t. .....
Lu..tr I.a.
....... DL at'*'WI'd B.,_.
Sunday llcllooi.t..9:45 a.m.: clum:b
llei'Vtce 11 :w a.m. Tta.lnfna
Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventnc
worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach-en and oftlc:era meetJnr7 p.m.
Wedneflday. Prayer aervtce and
Bible atudy 7:45 p.m. Wednes-
11114 lt. & a.t.D ..... c.n. ..... Llbelty • .,..
.... d ... c. c.-Jc. .....
Sunday Sebool: 1:.30 a.m. Wor-
8hlp: 10:55 Lm. al'ld evancelt.t
Nl'Vtce. 7:30 p.m. Youn• People
and Chllclren'a ~ee. 6:30
p.m. Sun. llld-week Service:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladlel'
MJialonary Councll. 1bunda)'ll
9:30 a.m. for all day.
nuT c:auac:a or caaur
S10I v .. w:.:r~ ....
_ _.n,. .... .umawa naat a&aiAII "ca.n~or. ... ,..
1!5tb St. • St. AndNM llcl..
---z.:=..~ ~ .... J_ .........
SUNDAY: MomJ.nc wonlllp. 1:30
and U a.m.: Cburcb 8chool,
1:30 and 11:00; lr. BJP, 81'.
Btrb and collet• ace FelJow.
mJ)MI. 7 p.m.; 1bundq, Prayer,
Rudy poup, 9:30 a.m.
caoaca or on LADY or KT. aura.
................... .,...n
~-~· ,. ........... &~JeT ..... r.u....._._,_ ...........
Sunday M._: 1:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Co~: Sat·
urdaya and ewa. ot 1at Frldaya
and Holy Daya from 4:00 to
5:30 p.m. and from 7:JO to 8:30
p.m. Dally M .. 8:00 a .m. P'lnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual B~p):
Mond•y. 7:4.5 p.m.
Dell,. ..... Sunday School: 9:1!5 Lm.. Sun· day Service : 11:00 a.m. 515 W • ..._ 8hd.. ..._
Wedn...tay Evenlnc Meettnc: ~ ......._. WI.D-. wu.y
8:00. Rudlnc Room. 3315 VIa Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Kom·
Udo, Newport lleacll. open 9 1nc wonll.lp, 11:00 a.m. un. ·5 p.m. week U,.., 9 Lm.·
7:45p.m. w~ 7·9 p.m. rrt~ nen.lbca.
•KWJOn ua.oa
LOt •··~ cauac:a· 1501 CUff DL. •.....-t JWpb La.wtr .... .... -....rt Qnahaad
DupUeate momtna eervtcea -9
a.m. and ll:l!S a.m., Sunday;
ltlndercarten and Pre-School
Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.;
bt Grade t.hroqb Adolt Sun·
day School. 10 a.m.: bu.a pro-
vided and lfunery IJI'OV{ded f«
both eervlcea and 10 a.m. Sun·
day School.
l&fDIM DAT AittDIWI . ......-~ ............ '-........ ....,.
1.111 tv .. ... ..... D. ........ ,
laturdu =·~~: .... Kth Sc:bool: t · a.m. -S.· mon: U:GO a.a. JlrQw JDMt.
lq: WeciDeedt.:J, I:CIO p.m.
COIUIIJ.iii W&IIIODII'f n•=•.._..._....., ..~ .... ~a ..... ~ .......
Sunday Servkee: t:ao a. m.
Cburdl Scboollt:~ and U:OO a.m. WorahJp MnJCe.
s.IVS.Lide.•......-t .... ~·--.... , ..............
Sunday Nl'Vtcea: 8:00 Lm. Holy
Commun!on; i:15. F a m II y
Service. 11 a.m., worablp
aervlce. Thtlhlday ServIce a :
9:1!5 a.m. Pra,ya GuUd; 10:30 lloly Communion.
IT. 10D YIJUIIrKT JI • .._..A,._,....._.....,
~ .... raa..st~sll•llUet· ...._
Sunday .,._: 8:00 ..... • 1:30
a.m.. eonte.lon: Saturd.aya and eva ol lit Prlclan and Holy
Daya; '7:30 to 1:30 p.a: Fllllt
Frtc!ay lila-. I a.a.
PDI"r Mft'IIT cau*'* ...................... c.... ....
... ••• Q. ····--...., .. ,h I:.S ....._ . lcMol: 11
a.m. ..... wte.· 1:.10
...... 8a,u.t ,.,.., bn.Jon;
:30 p.m. ~ ler¥Soe. Wednellday: 1:10 p.a. Pra,_,
Pra._ an4 •* ltucly. ato. day: 7:30 p.m. Men'• a.ora. ~'~.:JO p.m. Meft'l
.... Wll.AlD IOATS s-m.. .......... 2l y..,.
lftt~N .. c..ta...._
U1Mr+y t-2062
c-...... ~~ 1107.._..,.A .... e..t • ...._
lAertr 1-4112
"Q.IIfy ...... Dl"lwii•-L Ami• I• r
'"' ....,.,. .. c..ta .... .....,~,
s. .. ....,..... ....... SIM&, ..
Wallt OM.t ...,._ 1771 .............
thef•t-.4 u-1 c.,._ c •• , .... lwA .... s. .... ...., ... , .... Dept. ,, • ....,.. ...... c.. .... a.a,.,e, a.me
1221 w. c...t ......., • ....,.. ....
PINK'S oaues .... , .... ,.....,. .. .............. a.. .... .,..._.. ...
..... ..4 ..... a...-
DM....,.. .... c:.. .... ...... LAo.tr l.a2t ..... ·-· Willi
JJII L c...t ttw, .. C.... .. War ..._..MM
c.. ....
Lw. ........ .......................
T.lewWa• Wlea ,.,..., ... .._~·-1-......., ...... c... ......
ua..ty e..J4J7
NlWPoaT HAliOl lANK Y .. H•••~ ....
,... L c...t Hw, ... C......, W.
ST AFFOttD a SON .................... .. .... , ...........
I 10 lh ...... Aile.. Newpetf .... lAertr ....
INSI8N ..WWAIB "kl , :Vewn r ......, ..._ _ .. c.......,_c... ...... ...........
MESA UPHOLSTElY ...,_.Ill a.... c ••• .,_ Dr.,.... ... c. ... -,.. ........ a....
Dtl .............. c..e. ..... lAertr t-4711
EQUIPWINT CO • ,,..,.._ ...•.......... w.a..,....
·-......... c.... .... lAertr .. ,..
ROBT HILL'S a.5 ,._.
, ........ c...i ....... ... c-.. ........
-aupaoclaoe tlala '-ou ........ ., .............
.. J.t twt8t ., .. wrtn ..
.. ..... t -~ ..... _. .. ..._ 1111 ••• TM
Jle='spa, lliot ... --.4
......... , ... daM, dip .................. ~'-'
............ ..-.. flt ...... .,. ........... . ........
......., .. _ ....... ....
~ ................. -.. ta -•• ,. m ...... t ... .......................
........ ,........, .. .-1
w.ll ... .,....... ,._ ......
.... ww ... ..-.... p.bllc
••• ., ScS .......... ,._ ................ .....,. _........,_..-at llziO .................. .,........ ........ ......, ... ·-.,.... ...... A ... .. ........ .,... .. . ,... .............. .......,
II I ' .. IIIII M mtlla·
....... will tlda ...... ... ......... z..aapw .. . n-............ ..... ...... ~.-.w .....
·-·· W. •d.CIUIII'I • , • 1rlllfilw ........ e. _..
awl wt ............ ...
.................. CNft ..... ,__._. ..... ......................... ................. , ,_ ..........................
* * * Plan tD attaDd our MQ' Lido
Shope J'Uillon ~bow out ln flont
..• rrtcJq ol Dat week •.• All
tM Lido Apparel lbope wiD
abow tbW' 8WIUDif ....,.. •••
2919 E. COAST RWY.
ll.fJIT 17 I.BI'.
Feel and Loob v ... Younger
.., ~the Acfvlce of
Ada Albert,· Fwuecl Hollywood
NulillkMht •
I r:~~--.. y,_ All ... TYPa Of ~lilY I ¢~~~~~:
.... II AU. YOU DO-
..... "" All Yout I
I ._
A few of our tremendOus ~)XiDg Jooldet Speciak ..
for your garden cmd your home.
Ill lEI
liE ..
Jle9. 2.35 . SPECIAL __ 1" Beg. 2.75 -__ 211 SPECIAL
25 ft. Reg. 2.49 16S
SPECIAL ---·--·-····---··--···
SO ft. Req. 3.75
SPECIAL -----__ _
!Wg.l .• SPECIAL __
......... -•• e.ay ... ...
'-"--¢lilt .... !lie ..... -. ,.......,. ..... ..., ... ...... ......... , ............. .
... 111¢1 ....
Two in One
a.v. T 10.59
·-·-Hollow Gt-ouod
~ 98~ ~ ............ = .. ......... ... ,. ........ -.y ... -. ...... _ ............. ..
W..~ .... ._JI' I I .....,, ....
6/$~ ..... ...
~ 3.
IT I AYI DO tiMit t.Wr ............... tcw Ole electad ~ of .. J..._., lin. DeaD
,... ........ .,._..JaM. eau. of ... an -., .......
lie at .._ • .-.wlft&'• a_, latJon. ... lUI • tllit ~
CeuDcU ~~-........ sua-~ lla~ .._.., A l.u. .... •A ........,_, ..
llut If .... ~ Oouilll ... prot.-cl ..... "!dt1 .........
ftnDed tiM a I I Pt aad U • pla,.cl Itt ....... role"' Ia llli8
noUeld tiW JWI*Il ..... projed. .......... , .........
laaw I meatM to coeDaet .. tbe outr... 1laat ca.. ~ -teU
-ltD. what kind of. PlPt to -• aadl· La~ nampeon. --· lnl ·-Ulan dlctatonldp." The ment enelneer. ap1&1necl . t.laat l•tter lndlua. a l~k of WIClef •
....-nenta awrapd a• a .tandlne. MayOC' HW conarneJ~ted.
&ont foot I« the bluff loti, be· With the ~ con·
• • • of sot:ial
Itt no
flrlned. bUla wUl be eent to the
property owners, who wlll have
30 daya to pay cut.. OtherwtM
6CJ' bond.a will be t.ued. pay·
able In 10 years.
Council aiAIO:
• Awarded the contract to
buiJd the comfort at&tlona near
the S.lboa Pier to R. L. Stein·
metz on hls low bid of 111.827. Mrs. John Osburn of Bay Island
11 leaving 100n on a lovely trip
to Honolulu with her children-
she-expects to be aone about a
• Approved first reading of
16th St. annex ordinance; once
more delayed the Hellpot annex
TBE lrEW COVWCD.IIAJf tw DiatNt a .. W ... •••.-.1 0.,.._ IL ll..t .e .......... IliFf II ..._ Mft eCfrT 1 .. tM .....
• • •
The Walter Q'Xeete'1 of Break·
ers Dr.. Corona del Mar, have
just returned from a three-month
holiday vl.altlne both the United
States and Europe. Mr. and Mn.
O'Keefe and their dauehter drove
across the United States and
then shipped their car to Euro~
wher they continued tourfne ...
In France, SpaJn, Belelum, Italy
and Switzerland. • • •
hearlne. •••U.. .......................... YUk ...... ll4ly '· AIM DMtved .. Jln.ll.t ... ,._. .... a. pi'Tild•t .. tM e Received a petJUon trom 100
Balbo& Penlnlda resldenll. pro· w .. t lf.wport S.pa••-•t Aua. <~ ,....>
testtne .,atnst the dancer of z s· I boat moorlnes at G, H. I, J and. onta 1r 5
K atreet ends; referred the mat·
ter to City Manaeer Bert Webb. f Th M th • Received a pTOtest from Mr. 0 e 0 n
and Mrs. Carter Lane. 2800 Ocean
Blvd .. Corona del Mar, stating Are Honored that the Ocean Blvd. bluff house
<PoUtical Advert.IMment)
l'oWM of '5I. to be ........ Prlday cm4 Satu· 8roiUord. __ ,_of tM ~ LD c:bage ot
day. May 2S ~a Ia tM ~ Blp audi· ua. poa.u.., aad 8okiDd t.c.w-lot wtao. "tla Mid. Some are retumlne-and some toriua by tM ~1.....-ee l..ecl!ru Jaalan. ...... t _. _ _., t Ilk
overlooklnr China Cove extends
above the curb line, In violation
or the original aveement: re·
ferred the matter to Mr. Webb. e Agreed to Include a Newport
Pier restroom In the 1956·57
The eight Zonta Glrla of the
Month or the put ~hool year
were entertained at the luncheon
meettnr of the Newport Harbor
Zonta Club on Thursday at the
VIlla Marina Restaurant.
left to .,._t. CIN J11n. £a11 ........ .....1y wU1 agaba be ODe of tJie Aan of tbe &bow. are 1U!It auuunJ OU . · . e • .,.. __ _;;_ ___________________ the John Bakers of Irvine Ter·
SOW 80U TO AXOSSDS race. They are leavlnr in June
A 80n, Carl Vlctor Jr .• 8 lb. Battle of Bermuda Shorts for a trelehter·tO·Euro~ trip 10 oz., waa born to Mr. and Mr1. with the whole family. Going on
Carl Amussen ol 436 VIa .Lido d R f F d the same ~at are Isabelle
Nord, Lido Isle. In Hoae Me· En s in etreat or re Bowles or Balboa laland and her rnorlal Hospital on Frl.. April Z7. mother, who will re·vlslt 110me
r:n,~ .. Fll ....
LIICI'Ifl .. ,. •••••
~,~·~ ..
icn;d J
Frederick J. Harvey, 22, of 115
29th St .• Newport Beach. ls not
weartne hl.a bermuda s.hortl to
attend cla.ues at Orange Cout
ColJege anymore.
Dean Fred Hu~r u~ the
Costa Mesa pollee last week to
request Student Harvey and hla
bermuda ahortl to leave the
'1 was In the lunch llne at the
time and Dr. Huber shook a roJJ
of pa~r In my face and told me
I wasn't appropriately dressed to
be In 11Chool and to leave the
campus Immediately," Fred Har·
vey reportf'd. He explained that
clothes wa.s rude but I didn't pay
much attention to hlm."
"Well, are you eotne to leave
or are we eolne to hav.e to take
you!" the officer asked.
"I walked out to the parking
Jot," Fred reported. He denied a
story that h• was forcibly evicted
!tom the 11Chool. He explained
that he put on a pair of lone
pants and returned to talk to Dr.
"I wasn't breaking any ordJ.
nance or dolne anything wrone.
II they don't like bermuda shorts
there should be a definite ex·
planation wby," he added.
he was prepar ing to eat lunch c• I:*::I*C*CI:*::I*C*CII*:::I*CI:*::I*C*CII*:::I*CI:*::I*C*ICIC*:'
22CM So. Malia St.
and the dean warned that he
was going to c-all the authorities.
SAJfTA AliA ''I had almost finished lunch
when they arrived." the student
reported. "One cop In plain
Resena tiona Now Harbor 3930
Francis Norton Shop
213 N Broadway, Santa Ana
Presented by Verna Miller Charm School
Luncheon From 12 Noon
• Bay Side Drive at
Marine Ave.
8 8 *7* M;+;+:+ +:+ M M i:M 8 M I t
"Soul and Body" will be the
subject of the Sunday Lesson·
Sermon at the Newport Beach
Christian Science church. The
correlative passaeea In this ser·
mon are from the ordained pu· I tor, the Bible and "Science and
Health w1th Key to the Scrfp.
lures" by Mary Balter Eddy and
are dt~ed toward IJ)lrltuallz·
lne the human concept of Soul
and of body. The Golden Text
of the Lel8on-Sermon ls from the
Psalms (84:2 ): "My 10ul Jongeth,
yea. even falnteth for the courts
of the Lord: my heart and my
flesh crleth out Cor the Jlvlne
The Rev. Edwin Gomke will
preach on 'The Power of the
Holy Spirit" at the Corona del
Mar Community Church Sunday.
The Rev. Clark Harshfield. mini·
ster of evangellam or the Con·
gregatlonal Christian Conference
of Southern California, will dl·
rect a program of visitation
evangellsm at the local church
Sunday through Wednesday.
Parishioners of the B a J boa
llland Community M e t h o d I • t
Church will have an opportunity
to pledee their flnandal aupport
for the 1956·57 year tht. Sunday,
which Ia Loyalty Sund•Y· The
budret ls 110~
Jane Fitzgerald's
2 I
3732 E. Coast Highway, Near Poppy Ave.
Corona deJ Mar-Tel. Harbor 1876
rana..tJ ... 'nllllal7 wu.n
OPDA~ AMI'iiNO .... wr.:=---
of their favorite apota In the Brit·
Ish Isles.
• • •
The W. A. Sternberea of Corona
del Mar are plannlne an eutesn
jaunt. In fact Mrs. Sternberg l~tt
for New York a few days aeo
and the Dr. Ia joining here there.
The Fayette Blrtchers of Corona
del Mar have plana for a lovely
trip Hawallan Island trip comlng
up. The W. B. Dlckln~e>n.a of
Shore Clllts should be de-ep In
enjoyment of their trip acheduled
to take them to England, the
Scandinavian countries and the
continent. • • •
The Hadd Rlnr!l returned last
week from a few days visit with
daughter Donna and ber hua·
band and baby In PHoenix. • • •
The Dick Richards planned to
be In Cleveland and points east
the early part ot June but for a
few daya even the top brass at
Richards Market lost 'em and
didn't know quite where they
were. My gueu 1.1 that they were
holed up In their beautltul nt'W
Irvine Terrace home ju!lt pre-
tending to be away. · • • •
Somebody, maybe everybody,
had 110 much fun the flrat time
that they're dolftr It again. Hav·
Inc a Jam Seaaton. that I.a. at the
Balbo& Bay Club. The club luelf
8Hms to be loaded with talent
110 they are Jlmlttne the tootlne
and beatlne to members only.
but guests are Invited to come
along and clap-or hold their
ears-however the sounds come
out. Max Sturgea Ia In charge of
this jsm jump, which will be
held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Bay Window Room.
Ia Set F• T•IPI
The eighth annual mualc fest!·
val of Newport Beach elementary
achoola w1Jl be held at 7:30 to·
night CThuraday) In N~rt
Harbor Hleh School auditorium.
Taking part will be 3 CIOID·
blned ruth-grade chor~; 3
combined fitth·erade orclle.tru;
a sixth and aeventh eraa. band
and an orche.tra: two wventh
pade chOC'UaH and an ellbth
pade advanced ordlntra II'OUP.
budeet. •
• Approved the map for the
Austin Sturtevant Tract near
Harbor Hlahlal\da; &Jl'eed to
write to the lrvlne Co. sueeestlng
a chanee In the name of Irvine
Dr. because of confua1on with
Irvine Ave.
lltl Crill F.-Drhe
le,arts14!o/o If Qllll
The N e w p o r t Harbor-Costa
Mesa Area has coHected 64.5%
of Ita quota ln the Red Cross
fund campaJen. which Ia now ln
ita clean-up phase. The local
chapter reports $17.887.32 of the
$27,100 quota collected to date.
The Southern Oranee County
arel\ Is within 74.1% of the eoal
-rep or t1 n 1 $81,477..20 of the
$109.888 quota.
Four persons have fUed tor the
one post vacant in the fifth dis·
trlct on the Orange county board
of edut"atlo n. to be picked at the
election on Tuesday, June 5.
They Include Thomu B. de For·
est, 1437 Serenade Terrace, Irvine
Terrace; M.ra. Cue Rottman. 2581
VIsta Dr .. Bay Shores: Donald J.
Stevena. 8!17 W. 17th St., eo.ta
Mesa. and Mrs. Jacqueline Ellen
Stomuon of 2310 Santa Ana Ave .•
Costa Mesa.
lllllfiCCIIT .. •.•..• , .....
J. Robert Kest. Oranee Cout
Colleee speech profesaor. will
entertain the Newport Harbor
Business and Prof e 1 11 on a 1
Women w1tb character sk~chea
at tbe dinner meettne tonight
(Thur.adayl at the Newport Hat·
bor Yacht Club. Outatandlne
Newport Harbor Hleh School
Senlora will be honored. Dinner
will be aerved promptly at 7 :15
The ·elrls, Pat Kelter, Lynn
Pease, Shelby Tunnell, Joleen
Green, Rachel Perez, Kayla Hurst.
Marre Stovall and Laurel Wood·
son. were presented wtth recog·
nltlon acrolla. High School VIce
Principal Faye Harb!IOn wu a!IO
a luncheon guest.
President Dorothea Sheely was
choeen official r~esentatlve for
the Zonta International Confer·
ence at Sun Valley. Idaho, ln
June. VIce President Ruth Jayred
la the alternate delegate.
Ruth Paddock Glbba presented
the "Flowers for Prlenda.hlp"
award to Louise Hamblet. Guests
Introduced at the meetlne were
JeweU Welty, 'Mrs. Robert Steph·
enson and Mrs. Robert Fielder.
Ex.Pollle Dfflolr ..... ........
u ........
T-J 1••••1 s.n. u 'n. .......
Durlnr 3~ yeara u our U.S.
Senator. Tommy Kuchel bu ably
repreaented u.--.1 he hu for the
20 yeara he hu held varloua
hJJh ott1cea.
He hu ~red leel.alatlon
to provide more water for Call·
fornla 'a farms and cltl~more
joba for Callfornla workers -
more bualneu for Callfornla In·
dustry -aecurlty and protectkm
for all. Merel Coe of Costa Mesa police Sen. Kuchel baa reputation for
and Jack Crogan of Santa highest lnteerfty, level-headed Monica. former Newport pollee h otflcer. attended the alumni dJn· couraee. 80und thlnklne! He u
ner of the San Jose State CoJieae SHVed u1 faithfully and well; he .. has earned our truat! pollee IIChool In San Jose .l.ut -------------Saturday nleht. Mr. Croean is
security aupervliOr Cor Sears Mnd
Roebuck Co. In Santa Monica.
They teamed that John Larson,
a member of the Newport pollee
department durlne 11M6·1948.
died of cancer about two weelu
aeo. He wu ral.alnt cattle at the
tln\e In the Eureka area. Mr. Lar·
aon waa chief of pollee of a com·
munity near Santa Cruz after
Jeavlne the Newport pollee force.
llcPIIIIII•• .., .......
An announcement luncheon on
the comlne move of the Harvill
Corporation of Los Aneeles. lar·
rest die cuttne 'plant In the
west. to aoutherly Santa Ana waa
held Tuesday noon at Jrvlne
Coast Country Club.
Work will atart In 30 daya on a
125.000·1QU&re·foot plant on 30 acre. of Dyer Rd., juat above the
l. L H••• w .. D.C.
Th~ are over 4.50 trtlllon In·
dlvldual netVH eben In the
aplnal cord u It leava the akull.
Nerve Obera are contlnuoua
from the brain to the area they
aupply except for cel.ll alon1 the
way known u J)'llapeta. •
Ther-e are aepuate nerve nt»era
for all of our varloua RDIM!!e and
functions. auch u for tute,
amen. aleht. bea.rtnt. pain, touch,
pressure etc.
AlJm.IAJIT IIEETI South Main and Newoprt Blvd.
Mra. Kirk Rlcharda of Costa lnteraectlon.
The enerl)' which Ia carried
over the nerve fibre ln one
mental lmpul.ae la 1/SOO,OOOt.h of
a volt.
Mesa and Mrs. Paul Calhoun of ~Jdent Blchatd Clevenne
Tuatln wHe ln chuee of rftef· said the company bu 300 em·
vaUona for yeaterday'a meet1n1 ployees, and a.n annual payroll
of the Women'a Auxiliary of the ot more Ulan a mlJUon dollars.
a.&. ..... D.C. .......... Mn•••• ,.C"eaatS c.-... .._
Oranre County Pharmaceutical ;=======================;::; Auoclatlon held at the Irvine
Cout Country Club. The meettna
wu tb• ,..ular monthly lunch·
eon held euh month In a dJf.
fent~t part ol. the CIOUDty. RELAX AWAY INCHES
.......... .,_ .... ,. ..... ,. 1111-nllll --.. w,...,. ..,..., .........
No .................
, Flames Kill
.. Mesa Womart lfn.r bll c.on& Beach. Now . Mini ...._.ted lnaJde and
out. an4 ..,...UY lmpro~.
~,. 2-bedr. home. HW
fJoon, diJUq room, double
prap plu 1Sx25' abop,
IPrinldlnl 1111l«m. dlapoul
All on 40 ft. lot. juat a few
ttepe to the ocean on Jas-
mine. A buy at $21.!500! Only
$5,000 down.
3333 E. Cat. Hwy. Coro~ del Mar
Harbor 24.22'
.... ,..... c.ttac•
Ia 0... .....
Charming, small, 2-bedra. on
rear of R·2 lot.
AdanbJe" 2-bedr. vacauon or
wlnt« home wttb 1Dcome
from modem atudlo apt. and
extra room.
Plenty ol apace for out·
door llvtnc. Lcfcated on BaJ.
boa Ialand.
Thl.a you tnuat .ee!
498 Park. Balboa Ialand H.A m
I l l
Flowers ar sunshine combine
to make thls 2 ~room
home w1th ttl enc:Josed patio
the perfect spot In which to
relax. Choice area and only
,..,...,.Y, KAY 17, u. aaww •• ..,. ;a m'
Irvine Terrace
Gives You Everything
---but $mog
To the home buyer who wlshes to purchue In the
125.000 to $35,000 dasa we s iN'erely recommend
the lrvlne Estates overloo.k.lng Newport Harbor .
'ntew homes feature California 11-..lnar. Ofterf'd aclu-
alvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smor FtM area known as lrvlne T.errace-on Coast HJgbway oppoa!te
the new lrvlne Coast Country C1u b, Newport Karbcw.
* For recommendation, we refer you to anyone wbo holds a Leuebold !Atate In Irvine Terrace, Beacoo
Bay, Bayshores or Cltu Haven.
Earl W. Stanley
Tht. 1a the time of year real-
tors are especially anxJou1 to
ahow Bay Front ~roperty trom
the water aide. And lf they
Police Seek Molester
Of Beacon Bay Girl FISIIEI I CO.
Phone Harbor ~ For Fu.."ther lntormatJon ., ..... ~.~----------------------
2603 Newport Blvd., Newport
Harbor 4429
3530 E. Coast Hwy., RA 5563
Corona del Mar Branch
abould happen to ltay out on the Newport pollee are teekin& a ~ach to play wltb a pJaatlc boat.
boat and do a little fiahln', well, younc man, 17 to 21, suntanned, The crandfathe.r went out about
lt'a practically In a day'a work alende.r, with buaby curly haJr. 15 or 20 minutes later and found
• . . Otben .eem to be takln& foe molestlnJ a Beacon Bay alrl. the &lrl mlutnc. A ~arch wu
lltUe vacation&. LouJe Brtrp 4~. on LJ.nda Ialand Friday af. atarted. When questioned later ------------
took a abort trtp to the daMrt t~oon. the arlrl ~Jd ahe wu picked up RENT ONE L.OII·C-1-!.1 and It aema coaxed the weather A doctor examined the artrl and by a bll boy In a blue boat.
to follow blm home ... Cordle aald that abe bad not ~n crlml· The ~er description of her 2 new quality homes. Both
Walker l.a out of town all week nally attacked. She had two usallant wu obtained by 11'· furnished. Glass en c l o • e d
When buyt.nr or .elllne
Newport property, why not
do bualnea with eomeone
tboroulhlY famlliar with tbe
... Nelda Glt.on wu under the amaJl acratcbes on her buttocks. vestlaratln& pollee from a woman Uled baths. Fireplaces. I&·
weather and then took a few a small acratch In her crotch, a across the bay. She had noticed rages. New atr~t. all 1m·
daya off for a vacation ... Har· brul.ae on the eroln, bruise on a girl In a blue boat atruggllnr provemenu paid. Property
rlet GoUld Jot 1hook up In a Ut-left &boulder, bru~ like finger w1th a young man but she ~-clear. 1 have ~ he.H a lone
time and can oUer real
tie auto accident and took a marks on her rlarht aide near the lleved he wu her brother, trying Submit down and pay-
couple of daya laat week to col· hlp and a smaJJ acratch on her to keep her down In the boat. menu. ~ block to aurf!
Ject her thouarhll. face. Harbor department off~a found
The Paul Jones Realty a. an· Mr. and Mrs. William Koleta the ecene of the child molesttnar
tlclpatJnar a 100n move to their of 307 Coral Ave., Balboa laland. on Unda Ialand where appar-
new otrtce around the comer on brouarht the ar;trl to the home of ently a mucarte between an
Balboa Blvd. ... Marie Kay, for· her grandpa.renll ln Beacon Bay adult and a barefoot child
merly with Nelda Glbeon. bu shortly before 4 p.m. Saturday. showed In the aand.
opened her own office In Corona They found the child walkJnr Oftl~ followed chlld'a .foot·
del Mar ... Muriel Plnoveor ll no along Bayal~ Dr. ne-ar the LJnda prints to the toutheut end of
Jongeor on her own. but la now Island. or Unda Isle, brldare. She the Island and then north about
with the Bay and Beach Corona was In a disheveled condition 200 yards where a c:hlld'a under-
del Mar offlce ... Bobble de Ftr and looked as If she haa been allp waa found lytnr beside a
has left Bay and Beach Costa crying. She was carrying a amall lor. The at:rapa had ~ tom In
Mesa for the Earl ChamberlaJn sheath knife In a leather scab· two and theftl weore several tears
oUic:e ... Haul Condon lntendl bard which ahe said ahe found. ln the slip. The foot prlntt lead
to be mon ac:tlvely enraeed ln Three buttons were torn off her to the brldge and d.._ppea.red.
the bu.stne.. now In Myrtle dress. her whlte allp had one Officers took castings of the
Davy'• ~-at:rap tom and another allp abe foot prinll and photographed the
Worst kind ol JOO(ln' off In bad been wearing wu mJulnr. area. A check ol the neighbor·
this weather Is the "doctor'a The grandfather said they had hood was made along with small
orders" kind. Bill Schuster ll just arrlved home at 2:30 p.m. Satur· boat rental places In an attempt
cettlnar back to Irvine Terrace day and the artrl went out on the to locate the arlrl'a assailant.
off~ after ~lnl under the
•••• rt .... ..
lftlr ...... .... ,
City Seeks Added Coverage
For ·lniury Damage Suits
1~ Newport Ave., Cotta Mesa
u 8-1632; u 8·1400 Eves.
3420 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport
Harbor 1428
Exqulllw 4·bedroom. 3 bath home. Suitable for larre
tamUy, enclosed patio. • • •
THE UST lEAL 1111111
3 -bedrOom home. Jarare dlnJnr room. nc. Juat reduced t:rom $2IUOO to $23.000 for qulc:k sale! • • •
Cll .. DR Ill
curtains and draperies Included to q uallfied tenant.
• • • We have bu)'8S for &ood llatJn«S! Free estimates
and &ood lft'Yice.
Robert E. Ma.rtJ n. 53, ol HS6
Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. died
TuHCtay at h&. home t.rom a self·
tnOlcted cun wound. Be had
been lleftoualy W. and he had
allo been d•pondent over the
death o( hla wlte 3 y.an a,o.
'nte likelihood of expenalvt
Injury damage aulu, art.stnr pri-
marily from Injuries from dlvtnr
at unsupervised. unauthorized
rocky beaches. prompted New·
port Beach City Counc:tl Mon·
day eventnar to aak for quota-
tiona on Increasing the present
liability Insurance from $.250,000·
$500.000 to $500.000 and a mllllon.
Newport Beach for dlvtng ln-
)urles suffered SeJ>t. 1. 1952, by Ellf W, SlllleJ
Davtd Hawk of Rosemead, then
18 years old. He wu paralyzed REALTOR
after dlvtnar oft rocks at the base 22S Karlne Ave ... Balboa Ialand Call Harbor 1m
of the Corona del Mar jetty. EveL Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 City Attorney Karl Davia told ___ J_o_bn_K_a_cN_a_b._H_ar_• __ 53!59 ___ LouU ___ Bofn....:;__to_n_B_ar_bor __ 2878 ___ _
There t. now a case on the
Super!~ Court docket In Santa
Ana for Aug. 13 on the $100,000
damage ault against the city of
Councll that there wu a poal·
blllty of a Jury verdict of more
than $100.000. the llmlt or city
coveraare In thta c:a.te. and he rec-
ommended uklnJ the city's In·
1urance canter-a to settle for a
aum within the policy. Council
approved the recommendation.
He had lived In the Harbor
Area for 8 years and owned a.nd
operated • aarace on Balboa
Ialand. Swvtvon Include 2 eona.
Alnnan Robert Martin of Lowry
A.Jr BaM ln Denver and WUllam
Martin of the home addrea: 2
daurht.era. Mrs. Bob McDaniel or
Balboa and Mrs. J. L. Thomu of
the home a.dd.rea. ServiCft will
be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow
(F\'iday) ln Parkes Rldlet Mot·
5 Are Arrested on Charges
of Fighting at Rendezvous
Five youne men were arrested
by Newport poU~ on tlarhllnl
charees In the Re.ndezvou• Ball· reom. Balboa, at 1:55 a.m. Sun-
Mrt. lams 1t. SmJth of 5e55 day, and L)'nwood boy, 17, wu
J)ebon.b LaM. Bar• Hllblanda. c:harJed with ~Jon of 4.9
pald t1 tot a certtf1cate valued ~uana dpreta ln the ball·
at about ., f• 10 poltraJt room r..t room at 11:40 p.m.
pbotopa"pba bUt received noth· Saturday.
ln1. • complained to Newport Anested on fl1ht1n1 char&'"
pol.lee • Wedneeday, Ma1 I . ....,. Armando M. Canales, 18.
charre In tbe Rendezvoua Ball·
room at 9:17 p.m. Saturday.
RefuJio H. t:.eoto, 18. of E1 Mo-
dena and an Oranp boy. 17,
were ~ed on charJel ol ~
....ton o( alcoholic be-Yeraces In
the ballroom at 10:!6 p.m . Satur·
day. •
....... ~otC..O.• del Mar t to Roa1 Hospital
for 1., sur, a.y.
She aplalned that abe wu Santa Ana; Jerry A. HI nee, 22.
flnt contactecl by telephone 3 Artesia; Rodney C. Hollander, 22.
weeki .ao and wu uke4 to Artesia; Rueben L. Banvelos. 22.
name the t..t Mlllnl book. Santa Ana. and a Santa Ana
When lhe auwerect. "the llblt" JuvenUe boy, 1'7. • t'oo Ltde to CQ:II-II'IY!
lhe wu told that she ha.d won Oftlc.era tald •'•'t persona ----------....;..... ..... 880 worth of photopapba. She were involved In the fray at the SUM.MEB u.:NTAL· Ocean bont.
wu then eold the eertlfteate a.nd eut end ol. tbe dance Ooor. In eoron.a .., Mar.' VftY nice 3
told that ellt would be pboMd the eeuftle to ltop t.he f'llbt. Of. bedr 2 beth&. AvaJlable ~
tfw an appoJntme'llt. A c:blek e1 fleet Blalnt sa-l wu lltnlck on ~lb BeptemMI' aay Realty
the • .,._ ol. the phoCol'fapber the jaw and lddc*' below the ,... &. Cout Blab.-.y milL
In eo.ta .... shoWed tbt oftlee belt and hl8 hat wu k:noclted ott HA ~ '
vacant. pone. aa.ld. and oot recowrec1
-( .........
canaiM ... ....,.. ··--and wu llb'Udt tn an t)'e. eut-
tlnl the Jowotr-Ud. Be wu t.aMn to ao.r ............ a-plt&l ...
• u.tiMftt U. NCatMd to tt.•
poUce 8Uae tar ~· PoUce ...... ct tbal .... ftclilt lt&rt*l .,..... a poap ol. ..ateana In·
INhlct tbe ..,, ,.... ol. tiM
·~ Jlb.D llall .... .... .....,.... .......... ............ ........................ ....................... :-...::.--::.: =: 1:-:· .......... ~.._,..,.... .. = ... _ .. = ,... ..... ,
......... IF .. ..... :! ~ r:.•. C -,.'an.
-a••*·• .. .a ..
" ,.,.
1. Corneor 77xl00. near Santa Ana Golf Course . $3500
2. Large R-2 Lot, for Income uniu ln Npt. Hts ... $5500
3. Newport Helarhll comer, restricted to R·l ...... $5950
4 .. Holmwood Drive, arood neighborhood-level . $6000
5. Placentia An., J .acre plot, needs !lOme fill. submit
6. Large C·2 with Income, ad}olns large R-4 lot
.. .. .......... ..... . .. . -· ........... . ...................... both $15.000
7. Zoned for manufacturlnar-<lose ln. 5 acre site
............. ·-·-.................... -............... $1.5.000 down
8. A· 1 Zone 40 acres, attractive buy, Increase
value ............ _ ............. -·-----·-·-----.$3500 ac
1.18·1632: Lll-1400 Eve&.
Theodore Robins
Pl\d Sal• Ta.x .... ..... ., ......... ..., .
Jar alii ..... rr
~ POaD ... ,. IIJIICZ ~
0. ... .,_ tf ....... a. fta QC-.alltl
Sllll ... 1111 .. ...
.......... ~ .. 2 .. -~ •••
overlooklnr ~autlful 101! cours-e. HW firs.. handy
kltch.. nlcoe patio. Lawn. flowers. 1.1 fruit trees. 1arden.
Owner movln1. must sell. Price reduced to JU.400.
Just move In and start llvln1.
&7 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar HA: 1741; HA.; O'm
3 I 4 ....... • .... I. 2 ........ •
for~ alr heat ... double garaare ... curbs, sewers
and ald_.a.l.ka.
$1 1,7&0 ... $12,7&0
will $1,17& ~ ...
"you'll Uke our friendly .et'Vice"
W. I. TilliS lEAL,.
Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St., eo.ta Mea
011111 DB. Ill
1-year old ... overlook1ng the most dellrht1u.l IWlm-
m.lne ~ach In the Harbor Area.
Prlcetl $33,100
!Worth $35.0001
This Is why:
• 2-bedrooms. aleoeplng dton Larae family room. double fireplacoe
• Island kitchen w1th many built-ins
• Hardwood Cloors
• ~parate laundry room wlred wlth 220
• Over 2300 feet or lhtlng area
Drive by-then call us for appolntmt-nt
We cooperate with all realtors.
Harbor 4TI8 l602 Nt"'W])Ort Blvd.. Newpon Beach
3 BEDROOM. 2 bath
2 BEDROOM:. fuml.ahd .. (sold).. -..
2 llEOROO"t 2 bath. CarpetNi and draped. Corner Jot ...
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath <Sold ).
....... $2'.UOO
2 BEDROOM. 2 baths completely fumlst}ed .... SM,!IiOO
Harbor 1600
IRTIU ~ W TIE IIIII ...... -.....
ML KO. .at-TWo aou.. 0J1 ~ LGt ta can'A
IIIDA. 0...1-Mdloom houe II.Dd .. t .,tlrta• .._
.. ...-.116 ,..,. old Prked .....
!! ! ! 4 Receive Award Pins · · IGN CLASSIFIED As 100-Hour Volunteers .. ~ar T'!ttleta·~.:'~
CA II 0118 loa a•QII WAift ADS · etw••ac. u.. tile
· 1 Tiine 2 Tim• 3 Tim• ~~:, ':o.~ ::::., r..:-::.:3J.:.a:.::. ,.... -. ...... ., u. baw -.-..,:-. =--. ~
20 worda or I 11 .75 1.25 1.50 • wu utiiOUftCid lollowiDa u.. tuue~a 1M MtMu. ot•....,. =-...:,.. tt1:.~ ...,.. = • II ...,......,. •
21 to 30 W'-7 } 00 ] 50 2.00 bOud ...... ol liMa 8 I ... tal ol a. ldlwiJ' wadi.Qa msm,_ • ... liMit 1J ... .. Ill ..... -:--. Uf-IIOW. -~ • • AUtdJ~ beJ4 at the a.pttal ol tiMt '"""''17· UpoD ,....._ JMr ,._, • 31 to .CO wqrda 1.25 2.00 2.50 lut Tlual'tdq. VoW to ..,..w NpCIIt. 11n.l..wt. twMd 1M._,:::·~~= • lie .WUID .._ 110LL Each word ~ .CO 03 OS (11• the award plu .,. IIIIW. J'rank ....-..,.. .. 11n. waw-ou., ..._-a. M .., ts& ..,· ~ I'll& 1• ... ...
·Cash must be zeceived wttlili,. 1 da,. ~~ first inaertton ::U. ~: ~r:._ ~ -:.:-=•==--._.,.N C ":::;,.:. A!f.-.. -: =:==-.-:;a,: C:: .._,.,.,_. ,...,.. .... 1a .... ,. IDcluctt ..... _... ......._ w ...., .... ca.~an, m Y.._..Ool.
Mn.. Donald Colepow. MW11 "orence Dar11n1. llta. Job Youq. • laQr ~ Sllleron
IMtallecl prMdent, conducted Huteblrwon aad lira. Dowel ,.. tiDp ....-wiD ._ CNwl. llllllllt 'Dfh ... lue .,_.
the bua~ meed.DI ucl called Wella. Mra. MeU Cameon Ia ill 'DNIU= I l at tM llr, Culle ....... ,_ hip·
for the ftul report of Mrs. char,. ol .lllleDlbenb.lp. Sen1ce -.aqOC:... uae .._. -. ..._.... ...... D1aaJ11 Jlu.
reaciM4 by .~..... .:::wood. .,.... •• ll•eoa. &Qla 101 anMAfl CAU ••• ~ ................................................... ~ s·.·ster Zonta Clubs Send .....,. ltadel .;.-~-~:. u... Burlt, ~ Jq, ,__ Mn• roa a.u.a I roa SALE yean arid the u..... , ....... o1 eoa. Pat &.~._, Marjorie KDox.
thla ,.... &.Acl thee ----tbe 8ta..Dbd ~ V1dde ll.aelat;JN, ··--MAPLE BU1Qt BEDS, c 0 m p 1. 26 FT. FISHING BOAT, Commer· Off• . I t I t II t• .. ···no.. ao~~at lleDonal4, lllke .. ehaucl, ----sprt.np ancl mattreaa, $29.95 clal or pleasure, newly recon· I cIa s 0 n s a a I 0 n If& polllt value.,.. total ... Jlfltla N...a, DMUr Mop, Jlob. • .....~
aet MAPLE DINETTE table lc ditloned; ahlp to ahore -baJt dJvtcled by the number ol creel-. .U OUpbaDt, Antta Palm. r..,nn • I~
4 chalra, $16.95 let. KA.PLE tank. $1550. Call Ba ..._ Retirlnl a.ncl lncominl IOWJ'Il· stars and pink clouda. pink can· • • • Peue, 8be1a "--r. ltacbel ...., -·~ ......,
DBL. BEDS, sprtnp lr mat· GRAND PIANOS many Uke new. In& boa.rc1a of the Newport Bar· dles and anpl hair ueect 1n the • OODrG '1'0 .,.,.. ITAft Davlcl ~ ~ ..... Dar· .,.._ OetttJIM -=._ & ....
t:reae1. $18.95 Mt Ph. .Jeftenon Muon 1c Hamlin excellent bor Zonta Club met foe a May decorat1o9. 1bree bo711 from Rarbcw wU1 lth 8ben1ll, JadE Smlth, Jtobert a.a.tr .. ,.1 1.11t11ty .. 1111
7 ·1853. U3S2 WeJ!tmlnster, Gar· condition. Stoty ir c 1 ark, Day breaktut at the home ot the A special award wu made by be IOinl to ao,a' State tht. re.r Bmltb., Suzie Stone, abel ._... LYON VAM UNIS A&INT
dR Grove. Knabe, Edmund Gram, one newly tn.ta.Ued president, Doro· Wlnlfred Barbre to Eater Warner at lac:ramento, June 11 thru badr. llarjorte Stonll, lobert '-============i 2 ELECJ'RONlC ORGANS llke only~ Another 1495. Muy thea Sheely, 4.20 Catallna Dr .. author of .everal boola lnclud· .June 23. 1"be7 .,. Kldc.ey 11&1· Walker, Sanclra Wllllam-. Laurel•;
new, our price only ~ up other wonderful buya 1n PI· Newport Hetpta. Put Prealdent In& "New Sona• In a Stranre k.U, lolm Henrotln. ancl Buddy Woodeon, Shirley Youn1, ~ Schmtdt·Phllll~NJ Bl& Oraan lc ano&. Come! Look! SclunJdt· Eva A.apln wu eapectally bon· Land" 'ud "Seven Daya to Lorna· 'lbom}*m. Sponaortn• the boya Banner.
Plano Store, ~ No. Mat.n. PblUlps Blr Plano Store, Santa ored with a birthday preMnt at land.'' ln recornttion of a local are~ Meu Amer-lean IA,SOn JtJ'JifJOJtS.-..\nn Amqullt. Jean·
Santa Ana. One Solovox $1!50. Ana, 520 No. Main St., 100 Pf. the party. · woman's outatandlnl achl~• ~ newport Beac:b Leeton Poet. nette Ba1rd. Robert Bell. lloberta
AUTOKA11C KENMORE wash· ana.; Home ot the Hammond Special rreetJnp were brourht ment In the tleld ol literature. an~ the 0ran1e County Women'• Bolton. SybU CarMy, Nancy tnr machine, for aate cheap. Orran. by representatives ol Zonta clubs Mla Warner. who Ia Mra. .Joe A lary. • • • Chamberlin. 'J'wny Dallu, Mucla
Largest end ~ost Compl.te
Fumiture Store in th. AI'N.
Cell fttt ,...
Liberty t-SSII Ha 5213·W. SDOIONS t:ron bed sprtna a.ncl Ill San Dlep, San Fernando. Gar· DendeU of eo.ta Mesa, 1.8 abo Davia. Cary Deem. Mary Del·
PISIIJl'fG BOAT 26 FT G M matt r e 11 _ $15. Phone Ha den Grove. Lapna, Puaclena, well known lD the c:reaUon ot • ftJ IJGIIA DrmATEI phlno. Barbara Dork.lll, Mary B G ~
du. ~ ~eady for ~In~: 3656· w. Lynwood ,and lllvenlde to the ln· Denwar Ceramlc.. Thb 1.8 the · Etrht m&re rtrla have been lnJ. Dudley, Joan FarqUhar, Davtcl l!"i!u!l Jfot Lf I J $1..5!10 Be ..._ atallaUon ol new Zonta oftlcers second Zonta Award of Merit Uated Into Trl Slpna. They are Gilford. Darlene Greeft. ._,...... al 1 II
' IIJUU. DTATE WDTZD held recently at tbe VWa Ma· presented. Tbe first was rtven Lonna Uoyd, Sue Baker, Char· Hammoncl, JetTy Hanel. Char._
Zl ST'IR =cl~r:Jo~ ! WANTED ro LEASE wtth opUon rlna. Mrs. .J. Marla Pierce. lieu· pa.thumoualy to artt.t Helen lene Drake, Gall White, and liar· RubU. Laurte Bendrtc::ka, Jc*n dub., yech+s.
tr ct. 1813 PI t1 C. K. to buy 2 or 3 aa. moderate tenant fOW"lOr, and Mrs. Hazel Smith. Jorte ltnox. Marjorie wu WP· Henrottn. !forman B-. .Jerry 3017 w C.... Hlth-
.;,:· 5.00 SeeaC:~ :.S Pla· priced home. l'feecled by lune; Grant Klnr, founder ol the local After lnstallation ceremonies, poled to have been tnlUated last RUbert. Henry HJll. ltoblll Blll. ~ IMclt 'I
eentJa ti n'ot home excellent reference. Ha 53C7. chapter, abo aald a few worda o! Mrs. Sheely announced her new quarter but waa Ullable to come CatllJ Botrnann,. Joe IJDward, j~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~ --· cre«tnr. committee. u follow.: attend· to the meet1n1. WWlam Kabla, Vqtnla Kn~Cht·
1'KUMPET-$90. OJdl Ambusa· I.EA1. UTATE & aan"IU.I Put pr~ldenta ananred an ance, IAtba Drolet; clvU defense. • • • en. Challel Kramer, Ann Lard·
dor, with cue and muslc 2 ROOMS 6 SHOWER for rent, IMtallation ceremony on the Da.reen Upaon ; tellowahlp. Nora • CAA WOMDfATIOW ner, Jocb' lJeb, luclltb Llnklater, IE lA
stand. Practlcally new, u.ees by pvt. entrance. no cooktn,. 2Z1 dream theme with rlttterlnr Stevenaon; f 1 n a n c e, Mildred The G.A.A. Cablnet has made Anita MeClellancl. James McCoy. IP I I LIT E Ill I • t u d en t a few montba. Ll Larkspur, CDM. Stanley; h Ia t 0 r 1 a n . Frances Its nornlnat1on.a for otrlcen for lay Mlka, Wllllam )(I) burn. Na·
8·2750· OWNERS HOME. CDM, tor rent MISCELLA.IfEOVI Meara; lnt«·dty, Mrs. Drolet; ln· next year: Sue Brown for presl· oml M:orpn, Steven Oqus..t. Su·
HAMMOND ORGANS used. A turnlabed 2 BR. patio garbage NOT RESPONSIBLE tor debts tematlonal relations. Ruth Hum· dent. Claudia Gentosl for vice san KRaker, Diana Sander, Con·
rare opportunlty. One famous dlsp 'IV : tor .J~ne 1.5 th ougb other than my own. Charles E. mel· membership. Past President president, Marda Davia and nte Seeley, atametb Starege, !~~~~~~~~~~~ CHORD ORGAN, one BV Home Sept;m~r Ha 4125 r Ben nett, 605% Marguerite. Hel~n Robertaon · official host-Carol Talstra tor Recording lM!C· .Judy Sutherland, Sandra SWan·
Model both Jlke new. Don't · · CDM. esses. Margaret' Reinert. Peg retary, Arlene Barrett for corre· aon. leny 'nnker, Dianne Toolen.
walt lf you wish to make a BALBOA lSL.AND HOME. yummy FREE KittENS to good homes. Haapa and lUta Boardman• par· spondlng .ecetary, Barbara Dor· Dour Unruh, Charles Vandervort. 1 a.:... L Ill
aood saving on the world's funllshlngs. 3·br., dble;!ara,e, Lonr and abort halred, excep· llamentarlan, Florence eo;,Jlng; kin for treasurer, Allee Burns for Davlcl Vaughan, Oren Wacte,jl I qll
finest Organs. Schmldt·Phllllps plus $150 per .=nth m In· tlonalJy ntoe. HA 1862 or HA press book. Evelyn Green; pro· reporter, and Marilyn Bowler and Marianne WUIJam.aon. ., ......
Home of the Hammond Orean. CALLcomeEdnapt. ~~ Ha ~ 1461. gram. first vice-president Ruth Clementine Estrada' for aopho·
520 No. Main St .• Santa Ana, a .._,. r. renuu ape· IT'S HERE Jayred· public affairs Kathleen more representative. %
Good Terms. 36 mo. clallat with Doris Bray. realtor. CoJem~n · publicity ~nd vice • • • JeweD ~ 20 • ·
3 SPINETS tc 1 Grand, small 216 Marlne Ave., Balboa l.aland. Graduation president Louise H~mbJet; aerv· • CODfC TO IOLDICD welty 0 11•1
case damaae In a hIp p l n r, HA 20 or HA 64. is nearly upon us. lee, Eva Aspln; status of women. Me& Andrews. who was select·
frelaht co. tc factory pay, you WAKTED TO B.EifT Give the ~T&duate a watch Sue Hitchman; ways and mNns, ed by the American Field Service noRIST Oil CIDY J>,.iD9 s.r.ice
aave blr money. Schmtdt-PbU· Mrs. Reinert; carnival, Mrs. Stan. to be an ncha11re student thb SHOP ~ Freely GiftD
llpe. 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY desires wftheth -~aled t~eepa·Mlna!_,. ley, and year book, Lucy An,ell. summer, h u finally received no· -W-v . two bedroom home or cottage •.:n .. :nan ..... ~.. u ..... t1ce ol where ber destination wtll PLOilAL DESIC!fS DAVENPORT A CHAIB-$20. Di· near beach, summer montlp. Don't waJt 'til the Jut mlnute. Newly ln.atalJed olt1cers ln· be. She will be rotna to Sonn,.en, AND ~~G~:~:P~:kG:n:~!: ~~~ttt~0oi;o~~~~~~.a l~e~er~!I.~ ~~d!e!~~~GC::::';! ~~·=•t:':O~~ FL0~"8AALL ~~-F~
oven and thermostat. Good , '1n VIsta Sbopplna Center ,. cordlnr se c ret a r y ; Vlrrtnla Ita tin cutlery N. ..._ Dl .. ._. ea-t •-·
conditlon--$8>. U 8-Z750. WArrED Costa Mesa. Uberty s-848& Luther u treasurer; and Dr. ~bee wtll 1;.ve t..o. AnreJes FJowen TeJ..,apbecl (Coml!' Orchid)-··
VIOLJN, over 100 Y~ old. Call WANTED: Used water akJ.a at $5 PER MON'RI poet prac:tice RoberUon and Wlnlfred Bacon lune 23 ancl aniw Ill Montreal, AnJwbere C.... ... .._
Ha .2321 up to S:OO o clock. reasonable price. Ha 5339·M. plano, let the Jdddies Jearn. All u board members at lure. Canacla. the 25th. Arrlvlnr In 1111 K. c..t r-:1::.,. "Lee~~ .. * ..C.....,.
SPIN1:T PIANOS. All wonderful 75 USED PIANOS wanted.. Swap term rent allowed on buy Good Bremerttaven luly 5, Mea-wtll be ~===:~~C~~w~dai~~~==::L~~~~~~;;~~~~~
buys many alJrhUy used. reD• your atlent old plano on a pract:lce plano. S135. tl.S. fl7&. $148 Ins ... c ... ~ the object ot a two·clay reception = w·· ,,, ... ,., ........
tal returns. new ruuantee Hammond ChoTd Oraan Blab· $195, Scltmldt·Phfllf~Nt Bll pt. ... lfvm by the Bnmerbaven Sen· .u. no ~ g
Maple, Blond, Ebony, u,ht est cash alowance. Schmidt· ano and Orran Store,~ No. IJ ~ II a..a ate. In Soltnpn. llel wt11 Uve ....... ...
Walnut. aave $100 to $260 all PblUlps 520 No. Main. Santa Main, Santa Ana. .... 11 wNl the ~baum famUy. At ~ ---llke new, MirTo Spinet only Ana. IJIOWIIW&U .._ WAiala
t235 Maple flnilh $295. Jnm. -----------::•u:::::':;':::a=:'====:o=--:::,.---: m"~ ~ o~~~ DDIUaa&:aa 'I'D JUa Swim Sulta. 8arofta. Dr-. ~ "'Oillctr.'l" ball, Acroeonlc Splneta. from SJ'TUATIOirl WAJfTED PIANO INSTKUcnoiif. ,._ Beach, Fire Chief Jan Br~;~ CIIAJICD '1'0 a&WIO~ 'nllnp. Muumuu.. -l.uau ~ Men'a Aloba
$465. Many other great buys. HARDWORKING co I o re d lady Renner (lin. A. Jtenner), ac-..--lut week. Kanford E. Shirley, 43. of 2803 Sb'"' Glfta. Decantloal.loutla ... Part:r J)ecorattq
100 Pianos to choose from new wants re~lar house<:.Jeanlnr cepttn1 a llm.lted nwnber ol ...,.~ "jpi~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~-~~~~~-iiC~•~·~·~--~~(i .... iiiii .. ~-~~·~)~'~ril~~---~~ and used. Scbmldt·PhlUipa pt. by day. JC1 •-tC85. 11 f t ,.. ___ PI Fires dtu1n1 the month In· Balboa Blvd.. l'fewport Beach, "' .:...__-=-..,..,......-pup • or P ano. '-"''~ • 1 decl f dw,-''ln _... wu a.rreated on May 3r4 on a ano • Organ Store atnce 1914. GARDEN-WORK on Balboa a.nJ.st ol 1brM Colltlnenta. c u our ~ p, two .....uer charp ol cla.tu:rblnl the peace.
520 No. Main. Santa Ana. lsland. Phone Ha 1038, 7744 E. Graduate Studeftt of Bela Bar· bulld.ln.-. two truh, five auto and wu beJel by Newport pollee
"Be Sure--Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232
Continuous day and evenma
cla.sses foT preparation to
pass the State exam.
cau or write
For Information
1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
Kimberly 7-3511
KEUoa 8-2513
Sales. Sef'v1oe ancl Repalnl
Term.a. 10 Per c.nt Down
PhoM HarbW 5330
lc PAJJn' SHOP a. W. PA1'CH
CompiN Colla.ton Won
Auto Palntin1
.... btlma~ Oa rtnt
.,. W-.t 17tb 1Jt.. Colla 11 .. u .. .,..
Coast Hwy., CDM. PhUlJ.... tok. 438 Serra Drive. a>K. and two rniaceUaneoua outatde w ... • •--Dl __ ... ,.. H ~ buUdlnp. F1.rftnen a1ao ran on on arran ... aor .-u et0 anu
Brooks. a. · elpt racuea. a1x aervtce calla. Hawthorne poUce. A citizen'• ar·
MATURE WOMAN wishes baby * .lewel Ill * one mvesUratJon ud two need· rest wu ·aJ,necl on Shirl.,-by alttlnr and care of akk. knit· leM calla. Carl A. Wester ol 107·28tb St..
ttnr or crochetln&. Da,y or Qlfta P• All 0 lrrs l'fewport Beach. Mn. Shirley wu
nlrht. HA 3192-M. FINE WATCH REPAiltll'fG , ...... ·--&rested by l'fewport polJee on an .,..,;..,~;..;_:___.;......;_~,.,..,.-----=-__,.-"Prompt Servke---vu.... lntoxkatJon charre 1n the 100. CDM man would llke 'ardenlnr. Reuonable Prlc:ea" •• A...,_ block 28th St. ,
clean·up. etc:. Call KI 3·2122. ~ aa •ona ~ CIIEDITOU
W ~~lnr In .ny home. 2721 E. cat. !."WY-.s-del .,_ !'Atate of CLE1'fN U11L CA.R·
Mabel Whitman, em Marrue-SIT T IJIT TEll, Deeeued.
rtte. CDM. HA 4279-J. Start rtft·rnaldnl now foe Moth· l'fot!ce Sa bereby atven to the
er'a Day . . . Father's Day . . . erecllt.on ol and all penona hav·
RELP WAJfTED ... Graduation ..• Blrthdaya. lnr clalma aralnat the aaJd de·
HOUSEKEEPER W A NT ED foT New yams. straw. and corde. cedent or Aid estate to file them
widower. Live In; salary open. SIT 'N' KNIT SHOP • HA. 4622 with the necessary vouchers In
2316 Paclflc, CDM. 313 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa the ofttce ot the Clerk of the Su·
AVON-SPECI.AL-TR A IN IN G ' perloT Court of the State of Call·
CLASS tor summer business ln GUEST BEDS fomla. ln and for the County of
this area starting now ; JlmJted FOR BENT Oranre. or to praent the aame.
number accepted. Call K1 Call wtth the neceaaa.17 vouchers, to
7-4772 the underalrned at hb or her ~ · Liberty 8·3456 place of buarness, to·wlt: SOME FREE -SOME FEE' Seal's Surr:fcal Supplies Martha Ann Carter Executrix.
Applicants needed, many office c/o Harwood. Heffern~ 1c Soden.
jobs. also restaurants and do· Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Cout
mestlcs. Many job8 for quallfledl Painting -Decorating Hl&hway. Corona .del Mar, eau .
men. <Reglater now.) PAPER HANGING fomla, wtthln alx montb.a after
.June Farrar Empl. Aaency, GEORGE BURKHARDT the ftrat publication of t.bla no·
402% 32nd St. Newport , J,..,_.. r..oemt'fmo uoe.
100,r. EMPLOYER llET AirQ:D
NO FEE coUectecl from applicant
413·n.t Mewport Beach
~..._2~ Ave. Colt& Mesa Dated: May 7, UM.
. ~ Uberty 8-6632 MABTBA Al'fN CAllTER.
COMPLETE PA.IJifTil'fG Exeeu PA.PEJl BAJifGING SEllVICI: cleced~tot the e.tate pt Aid
HA 29'71 Harwood. Hdfemu lc Soden.
(Ewnlnp. Wftlr·encl8) 251.5 E. Cout Jllahway,
EUCE!fE 0 . SAUJIIDDS Corona clelllar, Ca.JJfomJa.
PtMIIET IUIO (110 ,....,
Wedh .. tdleat-.
waGIII OlfLT 11 OZ. ,,_ ..ay r • s· • av.· A New Conc.pt ln Penonal
Radio. Ear Phone and Carry.
lnr Cue Optional. Ex1ra.
DAVIS-IROWI .CO. u a.MI'7 ~-~ JhocL c:.ta ...... ... ,.
& cou.acrora rraa
From Bel.tum. Hollancl,
Sweden. Cermany, Ita~¥ a .£n1land
.Arab-aue 1.-.lry from Tea.clo SpaiD
I lz.ll'l ... ...... , m n.t Stnet. IC.wpart ... dt Attorn.,_ for Eucutrlx. GIPTi
Publlab May 10.11·~-31. 1958 ., •· ...... ,, ..... ~
Good lot. -Good Salary with frequent ln.c::re-.-ln a
company that actually en·
couraps aclva.noftnent
Full pay u you are traJDe4.
--Openl.np for-
1:30 a.m. to • :30 p.m.
122 w. Third St.
Suta ....
CO.,._.,.. LAIIDICDIIIG 1n-==tbe=~Jf=ew=port==ll.u1MII'=·~~EMI~~IJl.~~=========~ IDWIC& r
Mil <liNeD ..... ........ ......,
BA 1mB 2'744 1!. Cout Rwy .
Specializing in all Types of
For Puitber In.fcrmatsan Call
_..,., .... _IllS
lttutlful, ....... ---.... .... ..,
ll'.sMit• .. ,.. wMt '!"-• I utyl
....., ALUMINUM full.frr•r fw W ...........
c ..................... ,..
..., .. h111.1 PIUitOLAI _. ............. ...... ...., ...........
•.•.... ,.., .............. ; ..
,._ .
JaDaary ·~ •• ,
I .., ........... I,., « ........... .
IP''t ftl?[ .. .....
:iiNk'!t lm'
Cllt .,, ..... , .....
Hadar 1248
Collne OlbboM, Dolot!al McKenna. ~te Bulbel
Cor. JC. Coat IIWY. at OrdlJd ~~.-.o .. CDll
Crew Racing
Set May26
A four lbell crew race bu
been acheduled for .... U4Jo
ClaaniJIIl on laturday, May a ac 11~ UL U a pet a( U.. Jlutaar De=w•atioa. Cout Collep wW .....
two -o&Nd lbelll apJMt twO
llbeUe trona tbe San Dleco ao.r. tnr Club to cltmu tile Ptrate
rowtftl MUOft.
Coecb raw BaptW.e flu 1e11t
bla Plntea aptiUit U.c.LA. twice
ancJ u.a.c. twb, JoGnt oaiT
once, to U.c.LA., anc1 tbat tilDe
b7 a mere two·tentlul of a ~
The Oran,. Cout Collep f:lftl
w1D travel to 8u Pec1ro tblelat-
urday to meet the cnwa olU.S.C.,
U.C.L.A. and Stanford
The lJne.up wtJl be: Gerald
Bandlck, l!mU Dopyera. Jlm
'nbbtl. Duane Bowen, Gary Lion··
ard. Bob Sdurttpelz. Tom Pletta,
AI Hathaway/and Couwain Ron
Sabo. Alternates wtll be: Tom
Cox, Jim Morrlaon. AI Baker, and
Sven Grimstad.
Ho~t ~ FiJIJing? . .,.,_lfcMD'U
aawiOirf ......_ 1 • 1
i&G .. AY# IIAY 17, -
Tile !l·foot"ll-foot beul P'w)' ready to join tbe flahiJl6 fleet
wUl lHw Dawya Loclila' at 4 from Port Oran6e on dally ru.na _ * a.m. 8aturda7 on Ita .......... YOY· outalde. •r• an. a llhaUcJowa eruJze Swf ttabermen. ~u.lnc Nnd 9JI•ID~'1111 tOIDGIT~. Prlday. 0 1' albacon· c:rabe and worma. bave bee 1 1
atdlfnr Ph1J 1'ballr .. llld,_ of catdlJnc corblna Jn tbe aurf be· T•l -the Fury wbJc:h meana ~...,_ tween 21th St. and 30th St., New·
llboulc1 baw eome lut fWa.lar port Beach. Blc perch are belnc .... ...
actloD Clll tbJa DeW boat. c&uaht Jn the au.rf bet•een 80th
It NIDlncla ye ac:rt-o1 tbe St. and the Santa Ana rtwr jetty.~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aprll day bedt In tbe .... tara Crab a"' • a report~ apot11n I"
when the ..... SuQ1'" made lb c:roaker ..,.. still belnc eaufbt a l'l'ER
IIWdeft VOJ&p from tbe.....,.pcwt tn the bay bllt not u many u ~p£1R
PMr. Here's hoplq tbe ._,. hu lut week. "Quite a tew ba.u'' ~
.. dlltlftl\11llbe4 a eal'e8 .. the are ~lnl eaucht on tbe roclla ~ AL5 "BBr S.JlQY" and an...,._ deck u around the jetty. ~" ..
m.uty ftah u w.re eaucht from Small banacuda and quite a IMII tiDE
aboard that belcpwd boat. few nallbut are belnl eaur:bt on _..""' om. .....,
Tbe l et I baa been runntnr the San Juan wbleh leavea Seu· wewct ..._ ..
from DaveT'a Locker at 5 a.m. port Lanc1Jnc at 6 a.m. daUy. 1111 ••=.-'t L ... ...,. .....
LltnJta of barracuda were aucbt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;ii;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Saturday by uf}era alone witb r
and Iota of b._ were eaurht DtCa& lila. "--. (WI) .. , I I 111 J .. .....U. ..., ..-l· Sunday. On Monday, the wind ~.. ...,.,...._. & • I....._ C ••'* ._. ...._ plenty ot. b&.-. A '"' barracuda ~=-I. f •• IK lilT ....
.._., -...._-... a-.. • a.-=-... ...., lleld ~~q S abe blow, 10, no ftablnc. .._... w.,. •a~ O.ta Aay 1"'de
DJGIITIIOLDJ&a'"i'AKU :C::.!*~~..:'=)._........_.tlile....S.pn-Tbe Muale lale.Vinc at 7 a.m. ~--Li8Uii a..UU-'DUT't' 1-IIU
ftAIInlfC Ja a••un dally from Norm'• Landlnc wtth ZAn-. LA8DIIfG..., w. c..t ..., .. ..._ ....
flahlnc fair tcw anall barracuda.
Speclal s.t Third c ... PbJlllp l . F the POUCE BLO I ER RrL&ll whlte au baa. smaU calico Neaderhl.ae, eon ot Mr. and 11ra.r0111 1 bau and small halibut. Plenty ii---iiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiii VIctor Small, 3UO Broad St.. of Uve bit 11 a.tnr tPfOYided by fjewport Helchta. recenUy took · • BUJ Odette. Manacer Frank IJ comt·rrn fdm part In a thtee·week field train· e W'DirDDA't'. IIA't' t boa Ialand. wu anested on a lteeler reporta there 11 a lot ot
Inc exerd.M at the Seventh Army WMle')' Soi•MOn of 532 W. drunk In auto charge In front o1 Oahtnr room avalla.ble.
tralnlnc c.nter at Crafenwohr, CeDtet St., eo.ta Mesa. c:barced 1.27 E. Bay Front at 6:40 p.m.. . . Aro~d the nnt ot tbe month
Germany. He 1a an anncwer tn that he wu hJt on the rtcht A 'IV antenna blown into the Norm 1 Landlnc will launch tbe
·Battery B. 74th Field Artll1ery shoulder by an elderly 1\min meet from an unoccupied hC>UJ~e "Santa Barbara Special" a new
8D. man with a cane whJ~ both Weft at 203 CoUJna Ave Balboa 65-foot boat equipped with 30
movtnc a 'IV Nt at 516 W. Bal· Ialand wu removed .; a traffic bunk&. 'nll.a boat will tl.ah local
boa Blvd., Bal~ after the let hazard by tlremen ... Parker watera runnJnc from Norm's
allpped aoddentally and struck Pence of 2296 Orange Ave., eo.t.a unUl September and th~ will CO
the Tu.lt.ln man on the foot . . . Mesa. complained of the theft of to Santa Barbara to make fi&h1nr
Marvin Dorrla of 1707 ~an a 30-pound anchor and 60 toot trfpt to Santa BoA Island.
Your I'~ a.taurant
(a-4 .... nftay)
ISIS&. e.-t ...... _,
........ C...cW ...
Blvd.. Balboa. reported the u. ot chaJn, valued at $75, from hl.a Howard Elliott of Los Anceles
eenae plates stolen from hl.a ear. boat. "How Do'' moored In tbe and d au I h t e r • Mildred and bay of1 18th St. ... The lett front cranddaughter Linda, c a u 1 h t
• TBUliiDA't', ~'t' 10 tire, wheel and hub cap wu seven apotfin croaker, avera cine
High ra~er~~y , ........ . l ames M. Hlcp. 21, ot J..318 W. stolen lrom tbe car of John tour to five pounds and five tur-
Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Raines of 302 Larkspur Ave .. Co· bot. averaclnl two to three
waa arrested at 3:54 a.m. at 20th rona del Mar, and the ear low· pounds. near the Balboa laJand
St. and Balboa Blvd., Newport ered down to the payment and brldce In a skiU from tbe Balboa
Beach, on a crand theft auto the ru siphoned [rom t.'\e car PavtlJon, ope day recently. Unda
eharce ... Kenneth J. Williams ,.. tank ... Lorraine Freeman, caught two of the turbot& Salt
ot 707~ Goldenrod Ave~ Coron.a 55, of lCK·l5th St., N~rt water crawdach were u~ for
del Mar. reported at 6:41 a.m. Beach wu arrested on a drunk bait wtth all the fish eaupt In
that caah tot allnc 166.30 wu drlvtne charp at 12th St. and three hours on an tncom.lnc tlde .
..... fte lcntltal ........ ~ ......
Conaultatlon·.Eitlmat.·No obllptJon
HAA.Ofl HI·~
IIA NIWfQir .,._' .......... -.
(O;;a.att aty llildl) U ••
stolen from the cub box at the Bay Ave.. Newport Beach, at Ltmlu of banacud.a and 23
Arches aeorvtee station, Newport 10.05 p.m. small aea ba.u were cauabt Sat·
Beach, where he Sa employed. · urday on the l et n. out of the
whUe he wu uleep Jn a cball' e TVUDA't'. KAY 15 Balboa PaVilion and the Frontier
. . . Horace Muet of 125 N. Bay An unJdenttfled car struck a experienced 100<1 flsblnc. Sfmllar
Front. Balboa Island, reported IUY wire to an Edison pole on catches were m.ade Sunday. 'nle
~~iiiiiiiii;~~~~~jii~~iiii~~~~~~~~ that a low Oytnc airplane buzzed the crounda of the Balboa Bay let n leaves at 4 a.m. and the the VIlla Marina at an elevation Club at 12:17 a.m. . . . Frontier at 6 a.m. Some halibut
of 200 feet and nearby l'lou.ees 1 and am.all bus are belnr caucht
Oa •11 c..atr"• .... Mula.1 11.-tioa I I I
Judy WhitDey & CoUDtry Wcmhbume
Avall.able few private partSn. danca and
Club ac:tlVitia Excellent m~lc and en·
t ertal.nment. for the "over·tbirty'' croup.
ftLL UUII'I'T 1-1571 (DATI)
at 500 feet ... Harry D. Ham· ....._ IJrl ... H ott the Balboa Pavtllon dock.. l burc, 44, of 103 McFadden Pl.. I •I I Ill Rock cod, salmon groupe and
Newport Beach, wu booked at £1--1 ~ Jla I • small white sea bass are being
1:30 p.m. on a eharce of violation r .... WI .... caucht on the May B which
of parole and wu released to a 'leaves at 7 a.m. dally l rom Port
state parole otfleer ... OWcen John Brlsbln and hl.a son, Stan· Orange. The Mlasawtt ls. about
were. unabht to locate boys who ley.· who operate Harbor Boat
threw a firecracker throuch an Rentals at the east end ol the •• .111 b WJ---
exit door ln the Port Theater. Co· upper bay bridge. have a neet .S f n.-r
rona del Mar, at 9 p.m. ... Mrs. of 46 boats tor tlsbermen and II ...... ft=,..llll
Gerry Smith of 222 VIa Koron. others thla aeuon. Jncludlnc alx •-. .,_.,___
Udo laJe, reported that abe cut 26·foot crulsera. '
a cloth on class from a broken The Brlsblns provide row boats. Harold Sbandley of Balboa
stnet Usht at Vla Ithaca and outboards. aldfta and c:rul.aera for I.sland won the Australian Sine·
Vla lJdo Nord. bay and ocean angling, tro:z:en lea tournament on the Newport
•• A-A• ... •y 12 and Uve bait, dry and wet stor· Municipal Bowling Gr~ns last
a v-a -bl w~k. BUJ Brims took lreCOnd. A car drlvn by Merle G. Cam· ace and launc nc ramp. Colln Brown. Tayl« Carr and
eron, 49, of Puadena, ran lnto Formerly known a t EUJa Boat Mrs. Brims were tJed for third
the ~ar of a ear operated by Rentals, tbe Harbor Boat Rentals place, and in the play ·off Mn.
Leroy N. K.atnlk, 23. of 131-44th center wu taken <YVft by the Brlnu won tbe third position.
St.. Newport Beach, stopped to Brl.ablns 15 months aro. Fatber C. K. Cl~ last week Introduced
make a left tum off Coast Hwy .. and 10" are former owner. of and tutored a newcomer, M. E.
50 feet eouth ot Narc:l.aaus Ave., tbe Brisbane Iron Work.a In Loa Taylcw of Corona del Mar, In tbe
Corona del Mar ... Cars dr1ven Angeles. art of BowUna on the Gr~n.
by Larry O'Cara of 442 Broad·
way, Costa Mesa. and Robert R.
Reynolda of No~ were ln an
aeddent at Newport Blvd. and
32nd St.. Newport Beach . . . A
ear owned by Dr. Holll.a Pugf'l of
Read Enstcn Want Ada.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~~~§~~~ 605 Aldean Pl., Newport H~lghts, I parked at Hoa1 Memorial Hos· plt.al, wu hlt by :1 car driven by
l ack L. Burton, 14. of Rivenlde,
and In attempting to help, Larry
R. Mead. 14, ot RlveM~~Idc. stepped
on the gas pedal of the Burton
eu: and It moved backwards to
atrlke a parked ear owned \•Y
Ernest S. l acklon of Santa Ana
... Elmer Matea.s of 4903 ~a·
shore Dr .• West Newport. reported
the theft ol four pair of bathing
trunb valued at s:rr . . . G. l .
Ca.rrf.nrton ot 924 VIa Lido N<'rd .
Udo ble, reported the tbett of a
car tin and wbeel • . . A. D. ~ax·
ton of 440 VJa Lido Jiford. re-
Colln F. Brown. lr.. was pro·
moted to Navy Commander while aervtnc aboard the Atlantic Fleet
destroyer USS BristoL
........ -. ... ,~ .. -· .. ·--...... = ........... ....... .. =.............. ...Jiwlery
.. ·-·--~ .......... d ........... . r ••••L• 1 •u ...... -...... ···~·~~-....... ...... .... ...., 1'0 GO" Ill..._..._ ....._ ...__, OftlfD·te·ll-lfn, ra
He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
ColJn F. Brown of 403 KJngs Rd.,
ClJU Raven, and husband of the
former Miss Catherine D. Spag·
nola of Utica. N. Y. Udo Sboppl.q Center Cdr. Brown hu been senrtnc u
Executive Officer of tbe Brlltol ~~ .... ==:·::·==NID=:YIII::::Lide::::;:;; since July 1954. -;
ported that IIOIDet:lme Tbunclay A Garden Grove boy, 1S, and
nJcht two .,..,_ ot ct .. were a Santa Ana cfrl, 17. Wft'e &r·
cut. po.lbly wlth a at .. cutter, rated by Costa Mae l)C)Uce ee.rly
tn a clownataln bathroom ott a Sunday mornlnc alter a hlr:h·
male!'• room. a~nr tbe mateS. speed ch .. tbroulh eo.ta Mea.a
wbo .c:are4 the pe.rty away . . . and into Santa Ana. •
Charges ot reckless driving e ,._.,a.Y. IIAY 14 and lack of parental control were
J'randa ltoiDero. 10. of 712 flled acalnst the couple. Msa
t.arbpur Ave .. Corof\a del liar, olflcen said that at least 30 ctr1v·
.utr.red a bnl1aed left lea and Inc vtolatJona were c:ommJtted.
bumped .__. wben bil btc,de About elcht mesa. abertft .and
colllc1cc1 wtala ear drtven by AI· Santa Ana poUce units jotned
fred C. Pl~tpr of 40'7 Dahllf Ave.. the chase. whtcb ended at lrb·
Corona ctel Mar, at Second Ave. tol St. and M~ ~Santa and Daltlla Ave., Corona del liar, A-. where the punued car
a t 4:31 p.m.· • ·A t:UO 1014 )Ceoy, tamed OIWI' on tta left aide and
a 12.25 eomb tAd a ti!O bramlet alld tnto an oranae tr-. No ln·
1ftN ltoleD by 6opl.,._. b'OIIl Jutiea wwe reported
hi• ol CaJdonla SboM. aeto ,.. chue stanec~ at ~
VIa IMo. !f......-t ~ 18 tM ad. and 8aker St.. Cotta M-. at
palt two ..._ • • • Carl .L BDI· 2 a.m... when tbe 61rl droft
.... &1, fll -JC. -~"rant. a.J. tbroQp a atop ....
\..eerft io o.c. ..
HAliOl .IJ
2919 E. Coast HWy.,
Corona del Mar
We ...... ..._WeleU .OATS & .OA"i' fttg zr IU .... ..IIAIEDW&a
a...a-tr l.as12 1118 w. c.-·--·· •••IW't ..... ~-....=....=;____ ----------ll£-. -~ - -»-r ..... ~ '"hry'"& .,.,.. ~~~~-, ... -r&· s A.IL
632 31at St.. Newport leach I Chart.loala
Bobs' Sporting Goods
F"whi"9 Equipment-Browain9 Gum
AmmUDition-Spczu)diug-Ww.oo-V oit
Ubelty I-G12 .., ..... , ..... c:.lll ....
Newport lea ge Fishing ......._.-......s., .. .,.., ... ....,.__ .. ...., ................
.. Westerner" Day boat ~-'I A / Daily 6 a.m. ,:YL.;,. Q ................ ....__
Senator John A.
35th Senatorial IMtrid, Orange County
Ben HuiM, president pro tem of the Ca lifornia Sto ..
Senate, aold of John A. Murdy Jr., "' know of ftO mcm
In SoCIJ'Gmento who has a mew. brilliant futu,.. .• • Ourlftt
the patt four y-ean Murdy, who heodt S atnl~\c ~
min ... , hat ~CMded in havlnt ad~ ~ rneotv,..
he hos .,....n~ far Oronp Covnty. A ,...lct...e .4 tNt
covnty for « """· Murdy comp,_,.., "'*"toNk ~
bfetns of all the ,.opJe ancl hat ._., ~ •-...
oppi Mht ef apedcil ,...,...._ A forMat, liM&--. ,....
en4 ._.., 1ft dwreh life, he It pteul ... t .4 ..... ._.
....r M ..... aM ,..aJccent of the Cell,_. liMe .._.
o. ......... .
J'taa1 ,.._ r._ .._ ..,... aar; aad tJae ... ._ ...._. ,....
annual to.w ot ...._ ,.... c~Ja.l ~ ot 1M Carl llllliHu al
CUied ~ ........ at the an Eut -J'lont aDd tiM Daa
IDOIItbly .,....,. ot .Wta Gam· Doolttt* at JOl &. -.,y f'roet.
ma AlWIIIIU .._."• b~d at tbe Put a--ldellta at tbe Delta
Emertld Bay bGIDe ol Mrs. Lau· Gamma Alumnae .&.odatba
renee~-w1ll be ...._ for tM to be
Four Harbor Area bomea wUl llf!'fftd at the IIUlpen bclne.
be llbOWD tomonow (P'rlday) be· '!bey Include MmeL WUUam
tween 1:30 and 5 p..m., and t.a Blurock. Jamea Rq. H. PaYM
wtll be lftVed at eu b bOD:Ie. ac· Thayer, Jack Bou.!_]\an. Harold
cording to Mrs. John Reae Car· Glmeho, CbHter Holton, Beyn·
80n of lJdo, general ch airman. olds a nd Harold Harvey.
The event wW be open to the Hosteaes at the Yale h ome
p ublk, and proceeda of the after· wUI be Mrs. Walter Spicer, U·
noon wUl be contributed to the slated by Mmes. Nadine Hippe,
N u r • e r y School for Vlaually I Charles Vandervort. F r e e m a n
Handicapped Cblldren In Loa Fowler. John Thomas and Don· An~ one of the cblef Delta ald Whitlock.
Gamma PbJlanthroples. Serving at the Pneeer home
The homes tour wlll Include wUl be Mra. Atthur Aune, with
the contempotary home of the Mmes. Owen Ward, Justin Ken· eec.ee P f 1 e 1 e r •. 26 Harbor nedy. James Coberly, John Glua.
Island; the period home ot the LeRoy Tattt. H. M. Walllnlfotd.
Leon Yal8. f Rudder Rd., Beacon Edward Jarvia Jr. and Mlu
Jacque Gaud in. ~AAAAA..,....AAA At the Doolittle home. host·
.4PO RT :;;~J(.~.
C ,•JJOIII • OEi "•lA•' .,.Ail 'JUHl )I
eases wlU be Mmea. Samuel
Barnes, Richard Loveland, George
Hodees, Leon Wllllam.a, W. A.
Gethard, Charles Eaton and
Shelley Horton. Mrs. Hllleren.
who is cunently president of the
alumnae, will be &allsted by
Mrs. Eugene Koch u well as the
past president.
The homes may be vt.Jted In
any order, according to members
of the arrangements com.m.Jttees.
who include Mmea. George Johns,
Robert Schollar, Aune, BWrren,
Thayer and Eaton.
Tile Iiiii sa.,,,,.
Hoi• F11al P.ty
Bradley K. Schwarz. attorney
and coUDMlor a t Jaw, 1790 New·
port Blvd., Costa Mesa. la an
Incumbent candidate tor the
board of trusteec of the Costa
Mesa elementary 8Chool dJstrlct.
Mr. Schwan baa been ~erVing
as p~ident ol the dt.trlct board
ol trustees. He is a lieutenant
colonel ln the U.S. Marine Corps
Reeefvea. He served ln the Ma ·
rlnea durlW World War U a nd
ln. Cllrlaa 0.111111
Funeral services for Mrs. Cia ·
rlasa C. ComeU, 76, of 2Wl9 Broad
St., Newport Heights, were h eld
TUesday in Parkes-Ridley Mortu·
ary Chapel, Costa Mesa. wlth
Rev. Rollo M. Boas. a.ssoclate rec·
tor of St. James Episcopal
Church, Newport Beach, officia-
Four years of fun and dancing Mrs. Cornell died Sunday morn·
came to a close last week on In& at Capistrano By the Sea
TUesday when the "High Step-Sanitarium at Dana Point where she h ad been the past nine days. pers." freshmen dance group, She had come to Newport from
held their final party at the Bal-Olympia, Wash., where she had
boa Yacht Club. The group, or· e anized four years ago. was the lived the past four years.
second of the young peoples' She was a retired doctor's as·
dance clubs assembled under the alstant and medical technician and a member of the Presby· direction of Dorothy Jo Swanson terlan Church In Olympia. Sur-
for monthly parties and dance vivo~ Include a daughter, Mrs. Instruction. Because of the In· crease in school activities. the Hugh Godwin, a grandson and a
rroup wlll not meet during their granddaughter of the home ad-
sophomore year. dress. Ill Mrs. sw&naon was called away Last rites and Interment w ___ ..
... ---and sent a telegram of regret to :be::::l::n::O::I:ym::::p:ta::,:W::::ash=.==== the "High Steppers," and they
were unable to make a personal
presentation of the gttt ot a
punch bo'wl and ladle whJeh
they had for her. Starts Ill. lat J I ... __
PASSION ....... ....... .., ......
...til tf iit _.,N • ...... ,
Mother ·hosteuea for the final
party were Mmes. Roy Mather, C.
1... Walker. John Walp, Robert
Beaehamp and Joh n Baker.
E•••nl W. W.,.., 19,
of Ctro~a ... lar Dies
Edward W. Wprner, 79, of 44.2
Dahlia Ave.. Corona del Mar.
died Sunday in Hoag Memorial
Hospital. He was born in St.
Louis. Ill .. and had lived ln Co·
rona del Mar Cor two yean. He
was a retired consultant of the
J . H. Pomeroy Construction Co.
VAN HEFLIN. FUneral services were held •pa.TT& RNe· yesterday 'tn the Baltz Mortuary, ....., Corona del Mar. ···0~ ~owa11t l He Is survived by his w ife. ..._. _ _,...._
••••••••••• • Mrs. Virginia M. Werner; a son. Mark E. Werner of Oakland; two ALSO
"Crl111 Apiast Joe"
John Bromfield lr Julie London -............................. ..
daughters. Mrs. lola Bowland of
Salinas and Mrs. Billie A. Savaya
of Long Beach.
Read the Ensign Want Ad page.
a c -.-..ftL._ ....... Cartoon Canalval Frt Sat s-.. t.. ... ._ o.-•• u•
JI'OW' ·~ rllrO ..... ~
1\1\1111 < IITI<,IIII\1 [•
SA!Ioi"TA -'NA. Srd at Bas. * DOOIIS OPEN AT 1 :15 *
Walken Phone * S.t. & Sua. llatbtee at 1:11 *
"Retn-at Bell" , .. Obarte at Featber River"
Fn.ak Lovejoy -Aalta IAehe o.,-..... o• -....... Len,.,.
. · • ' OP IVf IH --
(A_f__A , l c T "1 f t\ T ~ f '> Cl ... _ ... ,, .-\ ..
-N !Ht 1.'\M ... (:.J
~ start • ~ OUalnl Frt.. ..... a-.
~r;Jfli ...... ~ .. GUYS AND DoLts
fWI SINADA • mwt 1WN1 -~.-,·-----~
O'BRIEN'S hu It! 'lbe new
Monet inromparable white Jew·
elry. Fine atorea everywhere a&·
lute thls excltJnc bright-white
jewelry, created ln the golden
manner of Monet. Created be·
cause of the public demand by
discriminating women of good
taste for the kind of whlte Jew·
elry that hu a jeweler's quality
... aomethlne that any woman
would be proud to wear not
alone as an addition to her aum·
mer costume, but as a fine dis·
tlnctive plece of jewelry made
by the muter c r a ft a m e n of
Monet. T•. you wW be thrtlJ.t at
U.. ILlgb.ly p o 11 • b • cl wbite
...... set Ia goJ4 to en.t yoa.r
sa.auaer co a t u m •. to glow
agalaat yoa.r auJDIIMW taL to .,.
woodedally aubelalat oga:lut
a u m m • r bladt CID4 I'CIIIlaDt
wltb pastela.
Fashioned w ith the same e"·
pert care and craftsmanship u
the magnificent gold and silver
jewelry by Monet that you like
so well at O'BRlEN'S, this new
blazing white ln neck I aces ,
bracelets and ean1ngs, uses a
unique stone that wUl remain
true white -w hiter than ele-
phant's tusks. The atones are
fused ln. tor life, and will never
chip, peel, or yellow. The col·
lectlon featur~ exquisitely de·
signed pieces set In white to be
worn as dainty additions to your
costume or chunk.Jly combined to'
create a stark white Impact
against any color. ChOOM aump·
tuously designed seta, atrlklngly
beautiful lndtvtdual plec:ea aee
this premier preaen tatlon of
muterplec:a! ........... .,.. ........ , ...
....... O.'ng~~ ... , .....
clals • •'rfl 1 ...
.. O'aiiiD"I ............ . tMa., ----...... dlll lll 'utr'ly puna •• t ._ tltJa
.... ltkn .... Driiiii ... ............. ,.... .... ..........................
WtGI& .. ._a. .....
.,._ of aultdued 111 I
~a.tc••••••aew ....... dill .........
-.trill .. ,.... ........
Dr11 n tiMJI a.,._, tid .. ,.. .............. ...
.. ...ay ........ 2 .... ,.... ....... c-. ....
.. -:8111111 -....., t?l TM'U ...,. ___
I I « I
Mrs. Wm. Tritt Is lnstalied
As Ebell Club President
• • Ita'-D:la.ud Cude ol aaJboa an"''UMed that Dell llebolar· .... ......... omc.o at tiM ehlp a...,. wtU ..... be ....
Dell Clult fll M~ ._. a1 ~tnW to ()raqe Cout ~~aUIIc
tbe anal ..,.... ...Uq ot 1M ucl ..............
elulll ._... "Ill~ at tiM Jlfew. Durlnl tbe boat.... meet1n1 PCII't..,~ ~ 1ACJon Mrl. Trta ID_...nd Mrll. Jfor-tlub-e-man Watlloft, a _...... ot Jun.
lin. WUIJala Tritt of Uclo'N · lor Dell, wbo WU elected 8tate Mwcl tbe prllllllare pwl 11om ..-dent o1 ,...,_... WOIMil'a
NtJrina ~ lira. Wlcbolu Clube, Jualor DIYWoa. at tbe ,.. INttJw ot kr ...._ IMtalled eent eoewatJoa 1D Sen rranctaco..
with lira. Trttt ......... Geoqe )It& rr.man ,...,.., Ntlrtnl
Hooper and Mr8. WUl.lam Gam· prealdent of tbe local 1unlon.
ble. vlee .,.....deftt.; Mrs. Leon ~ a c.hedt for tbe !:bell
Yale, lin. 1tobert 'J'remble)' and Clubhoue ~Ucllq fund from
Mn. GeOC'p Stricker u recotd· the JunJon. an,, correeponcllnl and flnanclal lfew tiMIDben, tner..llnl tbe
~: Mn. Tbomu Letto Ebell membership to 327, are
u treuu.rer; lira. J1oyd Bu.tl. Mmec. Loean 1aebon, Donald
auditor; and lira. l ack Boylan hblke, Robtrt Allen, A. C.
and Mn. Carl Gt.e u du.eton Beatty. rr.ct TMbe1, Olga F.
aaiiPDC* ~ IAiriOD at large. Jon-. G. F. Peten and Gordon
• Beadlng atandlne eommlttee. B. Smith.
Herbert ll. Jen.U, 3M Broad· Hanlaon P. Sanborn, ~ ot 244 fot next year wtll be Mrs. Brett· -------
w ay, eo.ta Mesa, Incumbent E. 21at St.. eo.ta Met~a. 1a a ner, bc.pltallt;y; Mn. Ruth Ved· IDLYDr JVIIVD AaiQII&D
candidate I« the Costa Mesa can d 1 d a t e for the board of der, bulldJna; Mrs. 0 . Z. Robert· '10 V1fn' AT PT. UWII
elementary .chool board. la pres· t:ruateea o1 the eo.ta M .. ele· ~n. ~on curator; Mrs. CJ&y. Pvt. Malvin L. ~ 80n of
ldent of Sllatlex Corp. and Pa-mentary echool cn..trict. Mr. San· ton Thompeon and lin. John Mr. and lira. E. ~ m Karl·
citlc Laminates, both ot 1919 born hu h ad atx years of bank· Lamar, h ou.e co-clla.lrmen; Mrs. J'Oid Ave., Corona del Mar, bu
Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. lng background and aerved three 0. W. Hoop, luncheons; Mrs. C. bMn ..s,ned to the 2d lntaatry
Mr. Jenks wu a ppointed a years as buatnea manager for M. Dealdna, courtesy: Mra. L. L. Division at J'ort I.Awt8, Wub.
mem ber of the board of trustees t he Costa Mesa .choola. He re-Iabell, budget; and Mrs, FOI"J'eR 'nte "lnd.lanhead"' dlv1aloft Is
last October when Ed Edlck algned that pcM~Itlon when the Allinder. junior representative. ICbeduled to mow to Aluka tn
m oved away. He ha.s a bachelor School Board voted against rehlr· To help finance the building July and Aui\&St u a part of
of education derree from North· In& Principal Ted Neff. Mr. San· program, members voted to ralae Operation Gyroecope, tbe ArmY•
ern llllnola State College, De· born ls now engaged 1n a new the dues from ts to $7..50 per unit rotaUon plan.
Kalb, lll. and 1s qualified u a buslneu. Medical Bualneu Man-year, and to SlO tor uaJClate
teacher. He hu taught as a atu · agement of Orange County. mem bera. Mrs. Butl ~enon, re·
dent teacher. He has had 15 tlring vice president, preeented
A nre blamed on a amolderinc
clgaret caused S35 damap a t the
Newport Ice Plant, 410-30th St.
Newport Beach, at 2:45a.m. MoD·
day. Tbe fire burned tbe wood
loading dock.
years experience ln business ad· .. .!!_e .ervi edl dlflve .J.•ars lthn thle the final entertainment tor the
ministration IUuoy, nc u ng ~ mon 5 n year a pro-am of u.1c d · the European Theater He was a • •· m an · drama given by Orange Cout chief warrant oUlcer. College students.
He is chairman ot the Citizen's After the PJ'Oif&m Mrs. Petenon
Council of Costa Mesa, delegate
Variance for the DennJa Hog·
land shopping center 17th St.
a nd TUstin Ave .. Costa Mesa, was
granted by the Costa Mesa city
planning commission Monday
of the Harbor Democartlc Club,
treasurer of the Orange County
Council of Democratic Clubs and
member of the finance commis·
slon of the Costa Mesa Commu·
nlty Methodist Church.
ICC c..la' lttllers ·-··· ~-· Moth era of Orange Coast Col·
leeg ~ will be honored this
hlday, at the annual Mothers
A Comedy In Three Acta
Chapel Tbeatr.......orcmge eoa.t College
Qutala I I:JO p .JI. ,
THURS. FRI.. SAT., MAY 24. 25. 26. 31. JUNE 1. 2
The variance will now go be·
fore the Costa Mesa city council
next Monday night for action.
The variance calls for ahopplng
center use of five acres of land
facing the west side of Tustin
Ave., north of a five acre parcel
Mr. Hogland already owns at
17th St. and TUstin Ave. which
ls already zoned C-2 commercial.
Louls Blake ot 1381 Galway
Lane, Costa Jd'eaa. was ordered
and Daughters Banquet to be 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii held In the Student Center start· I
lng at 6:30 p.m. The banquet ls W I I T E I sponsored by the Associated
to reduce the helrht of a fence Women Students. After dinner,
on hia property trom six foot tD guesu wil~ attend the perform·
four foot to conform to regula· ance o!, -rhe Madwoman of U~ns. Slx subdivisions of lea CbaJllot ln the colleee audJ·
than five Iota each were a p-torlum.
prov~ -------------
FEDALDI an aou.
STEJGI:aWAI.DI GET GUlL A daughter, Jane Elizabeth,
A d auc bter, Lee Ann. 8 lb. 2 7 lb. 4 oz., wu born to Mr. and
oz.. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Knowlton Fernald of 1804
Jamee St.ti,et'Wald ot 518-3Sth Clay St.. Newport Het1bta. In
St., Newport Beach. In St. loRph Roa1 Memorial BOIIPital qn Sat·
H011Pital on J'rid~. May 4. urday, May 5.
•• .,, elb&e)* ............. Ia ....... ...U. lll9llJT
JIIOfttall&e ....... ·s. ......... l'urt .. --· ....
JIN'iiW ol • ....,. ........... ol ed'•d .......
•• ..,, .... WID ...... ..tr.-tU...t tla&.Oalyta.
................ t ................ _... .. __ .,-.,._ . .,..,wzt••be ..._ .......
o.la ..U., ol •• I ll1ely .,. te _... • •
t.rltay, .. u ..... Wy ........... ~ ........... ,.._ r·--.... .. a.a...._ • .__.,._
..._.,..-• r ndu& AD •1U1•-wtU • pwled
-$ t ......
Paper Napkins ·---aown.aa CIDCDJf ..OP' • TIIE·SEA
• Coaat 2 " .. 23¢ .
Ripe Olives
Reyriolcls WraF
BeefSteak ~'~• ..... ·-····-
\ _29( 61/2 OL
Can ·-···-···-····-··-····---·······
BACON 45:.-
Mother's Cookies
Cottage ~r~
.A.ortment-Box --~
s~nNES .
Box ·-_17-
Me'ft'!II...W __ ,.. ....
No.2 1• Can _ 7Y.