HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-31 - Newport Harbor EnsignVOL. I. 110. 0--nVE CEJfT5 "nnJ'UD&T. JIAT Jl. 1-
Fun Zone ins eprieve
Before Getting the Ax
Logerlof. lule lpAc.r. Jfaacy haDey aDd Carol
Lawa. Tbe b~ ''FolliM"' was pnMDted to a hall bOQM Friday aDd Satwday ...-.ai.Dp by
tbe Jualor Amdllcuy of the lfewport Beach ,..
JlatGDce League. wttb atrictly local taleat.
(EDafga Pboto)
High Fee
11s Delayed
The controversial business II·
cense ordinance was approvl'rl 41 to 3 by Newport City Council
Monday ~enJng, but the high
tees tor Ute Fun Zone arcades
will be delayed until Oct. 1. 1957.1
Votlnr to pa.u the ordinance
were Mayor Dora Hill and
Councilmen Sandy MacKay, Jay ·
Stoddard a nd Clarence Higbie.
Voting no were CrJuncllmen Lee
Wilder. Charles Hart and Stanley Ci Tax Hiked 20~
A 22c reneral tax Increase tor
1956·57 fiscal year was voted
Monday evening by Newport
City Council. This will bring the
city tax to Sl 34 per $100 as·
eessed valuation. compared with
$1.14 for this year. This Is a net
Increase of 20 Cl'nt.s, because the
2·cent advertising tax Is can·
Ordinance 782 was passed as
written. and thPn an emergl'ncy 1
ordmance was p.t1..'l<.>tl to allow 1
Fun Zone arc-a 11M to operate j
through the summl'r of next year
at a fee ol $300 Th1s was de
scriM<! as a compromise plan to
THEilE WAS A PVLL BOUSE at tbe Rewpol't
Bcubor Yacht Club Satantay DOOil fw tbe Bar·
bor Day lUDcheoL wblch wa:a tbe opealDIJ
nent lD tbe JabU.. ce~a of tbe Cit! of
Reowport leach. Pictu.Nd. hen at tbe bead table an (le.ft to riCJ}lt) IL 1-(Pat) PattenocL. harbor
de9eloper aDd fonDer dty eDIJI.Deer; Coagnu-
mGD Jam .. Utt; CoL A.rtbaz Prr-Jr. U. S. d.l.a·
trtet -.u.... the speabr; Jba ...... of ...
boa. aDOthw KCII'bos pioaew: llcryor Dora JlUJJ
J. A. ..U (Ja.at back of the _.,..). wbo c:aiiDe
ben lD I to7. Jut a .,.ar aft. tb• ""bUtb.. ei
the dty: J. LMlle Steff-..... tM emcee. aDd
WWiaiD Spui'9MD m. wboee flllaa.Uy an Onaa9e
Couaty ~ Thia wa:a tbe ~..eat of
tbe dty'a Gol.s.a JGbl.IM ~
on Diving at
Rocky Point
~~\'~~~= :=deo;~~=:~r~"~~~e Pirates Are Upper Bay Plan Study ments and de pre c I a t e their
~f=~~:~i~:; another ordl Stat e Champs B u s E • Du
At the auggelltlon of Finance
Office S. V. Pfuntner, Council
arreed to allocate the estimated
$1.29,726 additional revuu.. to
lfftJ'P'Ort Ute Caan! Capt.
Bob IC.oon ea1d th1a ... at tbat
GDJODe d.1N9 from tbe rocb
at llodty PolDt. Dear tJae eo. ..-a ... lla:r a.acta. wW be
beld for ...... -Cl c:hclrVe of -.1olat1D9 tbe dty _.,,...,.....
nance which would haVE' out In Baseball y • trJ nglneers e Jawed pinball machines In the
the capital outlay fund.
Eliminated trom the capital
fund projects for the coming
year wu the proposed project to
move the Pacllic Electrte factll·
U. bvln tbe Mu:t f/1 Mewpart to
a loeatJon In We.t N.-.rport.
• noJECT'I Al'tJtOt iW
w bk:ll prohibit. famP'D9 or
dt~ .._ IOCb. "ddt• -.......
Fun Zone, the only place In the 1
city where they are now-allowed.
Council received letters and
cuds with 134 signatures ex·
pressing approval ot rettlng rid
ot the Fun Zone and Rende-zvous
Ballroom, whkh were criticized
u undennlal.Dc p~ values.
" ftalllbel' at ~ ~ the ordinance u an unfair plan
to tu tbe Fun Zone out of bual·
Gnm9t1 Coast Colle9e WOD Harbor Day Junch~n guests at
tbe ataa JGDioc baaeball the Newport Harbor Yacht Club
cbampiooahlp wttb two ..trcl· Saturday noon heard words of
buUD9 .teton. Friday aad hope that the U. S. Enctncen
Sclhuday ewer Coal1D9Q Jamoc will be turning their attention to
Co~ lD tJae Ptrate•a ball· the Up~r Bay development.
pcmrk. Col. Artbur ~ Jr~ U. S. Dls·
Col Frye was the speaker at
the Harbor Day luncheon, at·
tended by more than 200 guests.
Les Steffensen was maater of
ceremonJes, and Mayor Dora Rlll
rave the welcomlnc addreu.
Only other apeeeb allowed wu
by J. A. Seek. who u..ld b~ out·
dated ~ne elae tn tbe room.
because be Jt..d (lOirDe be-e G
years ago.
Council approved the follow·
lng capital Improvement pro·
jecU: $116.000 for city trailer
park, $40.000 for enlareing po-
llee bulldlnr. $50,000 for tire hall HEW PB.ESmEJfT oJ tbe lkll·
on Bayside Or., $2.000 tor tire boa lay Uoa.a la G o r d o a
alarm at city corporation yard, Wcalkft (abo9e) of 441 CabrUlo
__ ...., __
JO c.a. tD I ..-.7 daysa ,.... crt ...., Nat. wbJcla ...
.,._ tbe ..... of .-..ad lD·
Ja..n.. from dt'fiq.
lor H111s His Fill
I• Scooter Spokes
Attorney Max Hurwitz gave
the followlna figures on the ef-
fect of the h igh fees: Harold
Hannaford's Fun Zone Arcade.
lncrea.w from $300 to S7.050;
Dick Sandoval's Playland Ar·
cade. lncre8S4" from $250 to $2.750;
Jim Markslty's Bay Arcade, In
crease from S250 to $3.700 All
3 testified that the high fees
would put them out or business.
Mr. Hurwitz said all 3 are w111-
lng to show their financial re<.-·
ords to Council to prove their
.,._ .....-,.... tbe .--trict enaJneer trom t.o. AnceJ.es. .. a. JIDt ...... S '-4. ..._ uid thAt tbe preliminary CAm·
~ ,_ • n-. ID tbe kwt !nation of the u~ Day PTO·
af tbe aUla to v-.... the ject was a uthorlzed by Congress.
e11tJa lDD.lDg, Thia ~ a N-but was held. up during the Ko·
9CIIQe CoallDCJa wlD nreoJr. rean crisis.. Now the Corps of F tb • d I
Saturday It took tbe Pt.rat. 15 Eng~nE't'r<> Is catching up on the I 00 rt ge S
buUD91 to wlD 3 to 2. Batch back log of surveys. and will one I
CoopmGD drilled a ala9&. llrto day makf' a ~udy of the fea'li-B b. s·t
c.atw tie1d ICOI'1D9 Bowlalld I blh ty of the Upper Bay plan. he I 0 m In g I e
$9,000 for acquiring 2 Channel Tenac:e. Cor o a a BigblGDda. Timothy Kemp. 6. of 2861 Bay· _BW __ tD_wlD __ tbe __ nrte __ tt_u.. ____ sa_ld___________ Tbe Goldenrod A"' toot·
Park lots In West Newport. auecNC11Dg Cla:nace BlcJbie. hor~ Dr .. Bay Shores, suffered a
$10,000 additional to acquire dty COUDdlmaD cmd Balboa minor Injury to the heel of his
Rocky Point In Corona del Mar. Wcmd ~at. Otber aew of· right foot In a motorscooter ac·
$15,000 to acquire park site at flcen an Ceor9e Ertdaloa. cldent Ia front of 1000 W . Coast
19th and Irvine, near Hubor ff.nt .tc.pnaldeat; lformaa Hwy.. Nl"WJ)Ort Beach, at 7:30
Hlrhlands. BacldorcL MCOGd Yice·pred· p m. last Friday.
Council rejected. at least for I dent; llidwy B..rtb. tbJ.n1 .tee· The boy was rid lng on the
the time being, the alternate pr'M!clelltJ Bob Jaynd.. tail bac-k of a motorscooter being
plan of l~lne a trash and ear· twt.t.1 11ay a......_ llclataaa.t drlvcn by his brother, Daniel. 16.
One-Hour Parking to Be
Enforced on Marine Ave~
bage collection charae. From the Carl 'naolaaa CID4 aa.a 11a99. Tim place-d his right foot Into He said also that the owners
a udience, former councllman An· dlNcton at large. lutallation thE' spokes of the vehicle, New· of areade propertles--Al Ander Councilman Clarence Rlgble
drew W. Smith aaid that the will be Weda•day, Juae 13. at port pollee reported. He was son, J. B. McNally and Frank report~ to City Council Monday
total cost to the city for these cl1luMI' meetin9 lD tbe Im.a. trl'ated at Hoag Memorial Hos· Llnnell-are willing to sell their night that Balboa l!lland bust
collections Is $160,000 a year. He COat Coalltry Club. pita I. property, to the city or any other ness men are overwhelmingly
pointed out that there is a law buyer, at a fair. market price against parking meters on Ma
Council also:
e Awarded the bid to R. J
Noble C'o tor resurfacmg Corona
rJel Mar street<: and ll~trbor
Jc:land Road on the low bid of
on the books providing for 8 H• • H d b s 1 f He explalncd that his cllcnts rlne Ave. but are in favor of t'n ~::~!~~er!orh;:~eJ::~~ ;::,~ oy 1t In ea y ug rom :~~n t~h~h~n~~~~~~g ~~~t ~f~i;g the one·hour parking th: i::1\~~a~·~~~ ~ht>:r!~; 1t~rr;:~ $7.681 Z1
hridp wa:a u.ect by culprits as
a "'bombiJl9" ute tw moton.t.
p Cl I a I D 9 Ulldenaeatb al009
JkiTtide Dr. SatunSay .....U.09-
"ewport police report.
J..U Powell of 319 Polaaettia
Aft.. Coroua del Mar. OCICD·
plaiJted at 9:35 o.m.. that Cl
clod of dirt blt bu car wtad-
ahMld CD be cbo.. UDder tbe
bridp. Mn. ltutb Weed ot 511
llllrlgold A .... Coi'ODCI del Mar.
caaplcrll'ed at 1:40 p.m. tbat
a ml.ulle atndl: b•r dauglatw. c.crm.ua. Ill tbe moath aa tbetr
COII..rtible weet aDdw tbe
brid~ TIM v\rl'a lDJury WGII
U.Ut.d to ....ut.D9· ~;oo~::.'se the tax to pay for Air Pistol Fired by B. rother :c~~c~~;(>~t :e~:~ ~~~~~~~ T'nl' merchants had been polled Ju;\lp.pr:~~~~~t' e.x .... ndlture of OUlcen at.cdl:ec:t out lD tb•
--. ...ada9 tbe c:ulprita. wttb
Jle9Citi ..... ulta. • -oUJT••• •• 1957. deadline. U no such salE' Is on a number of proposals. Tht>y ~ I ..... ,..._ Thomas M. Ftsh. 6, of 310 shelf ot a cabinet along \\lth favored enforeing the parking Sl.OOO. to rome from J ubilee C't'le· I h cl"' made by thPn. he told the En Alter the vote tSo raise tRJ~d •:~ Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar, about three loose pellets. He took sign yesterday, City Council will limit 7 da)·s a week all year brat~~n funds. for July 4 tire I M • I D
tax. Councilman tan ey ~· was hit In the forehead with a h h be asked to ~lnd the ordl· long. and extending the parklnr wor""' em 0 r a
hot aaJd, "This won't prevent Ul alug. acddentally fired last Frl· t e gun to s OW to his younger nance or t'Xtend the deadline limit 2 blocks westerly on Park • In~asf' the city's liability I a y
ttom levying a collect.Jon charge day from a ..22 caliber air pistol brother, who was standing about and Balboa avenues lnsuranC't' to S500.000-Sl.OOO.OOO s • d A sug~~rt>Stlon by Councilman 1 H I later." by h is brother. Robert. 7, New-8 feet away by a kitchen tl\i>le. Sandy MacKay that the Fun Pollee Chief John Upson said for an additional S520 aye~ be· erVICe S e
Coundlman SandY MacKay port pollee reported. Apparently while Robert was Zone. R~nduvous and Pacific this m('thod would take twice r Ruw of danger of dlvtnr Injury I
said that the Council will pt ln· The slue entered the skin at showlne the weapon to Tommy. Electric pro~rtles be purchased more manpower than would be clalm."' U S. Repr~ntativf' JamM B
formation on ucaalve COlt of the halr-llne on the youth's fore-the cun was discharged. Tomtny by a city bond laue was coolly needed it parking meters ~re e Approvf'd a policy to require Utt of the 28th DlstriC't was
collection. OouneUman lay Stod-bead, pollee said. The slug pene· was treated at Hoae hospital. received by other members of Installed. Arthur Kramer, Balboa communications to be N!>celved schedule-d to SJ>('ak yestt'rday at
dard remarke-d that it wu In· trated the scalp and traveled Robert said be dld not load or the Council. About $1.000.000 Island resident. said the parking the Friday before" Council meet· the Memorial Day ob~an<'t" at
equitable to have DO mulmum about two Inches and then came pump the gun. The -boys' fatb<!r, would be needed. according to problem wouldn't be so bad If lne I! they ue to be considered 11 a.m. at Harbor Rf."St Memorial
on the amount of truh and car· back out of the akin. pollee said. Robert F ish, reported that tb<! Mr. MacKay. From th• audience the Marine Ave. me1 :ha.nt:a would at the meetlnr. Park and also at the dedlcatJon
bage to be P~ ~p tree. The pellet showed a muabroom weapon had been flred occasion· Arthur Kramer of Balboa Island k~p their cars oU the street. e Passed a resolut1on or ap. or the Newport Pom Office on
Cornmentlnl 011 ellm.lnattna dlatortlon. ally by him at skunks on his saJd he'd get out a ~ltlon to Councll voted to enforce the predation for pollee Capt. W&l· Rlwrside Ave. and Avon St .. just
the PE projlet, Oouncllman IUd· Robert had gone Into the premises. The father termed the defeat such a bond Issue because prest>nt law. which calls ror a tt'f D)'IIOn tor 2S y~ of out· off Mariners Mlle. at 12 noon.
derhot uld be tawred ~ kitchen •archln& tot a pen. He wound as very superfldal, police he didn't want the elty getting one· hour parktnc llmJt on Ma-standing servIce. which was The ~remony at Harbor Rat
thla by meana f/1 an a.t neot found the alr pistol on the top reported. Into private bwtlnea. rtne. halted by his re<:"ent Illness. honored the United Spanl&h War
d.1ltrld. 10 that tboee who would -----..:.....---------------------------------------------------Veterans. the oldc>st VetPran or· =o=be~~~w~ CD. · M · Man Tells of from Death ~~~~:~~y r:~~~~a~nca:~: From the Leque of Civic M · Escape pit Camp No l6.. chartered Aur. eoclattona came a letter uldn• S. 1.952.
delay tn the PE project. bee&u.ae
undue bute m11bt be cc.t1y to Mlraculoua e a cape after a When the return fllght time was and to the starboard. head under to get my aboea ott." ottlces at Ora~ County Alrl»ort
the dt;y. The letter au..-ect "eruh lanctlnl" :100 miles out at up, they llCUJ'f!d they should be "The Iandini wu so smooth It took about 15 minutes toe him and Lona Beach. Ria w1.te QPft·
that PE mllht pull out C9tt'· •a wu cle:IC::rtbed thll week by between Lone Beach and New· that we were all stttlnc bolt UP· to 1'8ft0W his clothes. The ship ates Selena's apparel &bop In Co·
pltltl7 at no CCMit to the dt:Y be-J q Tfaeer of ~~ Dahlla Ave., port Beach a abort distance at right In our ant&. wttb no one was not ln sllht and be wu rona del Mar. Mr. Drake Ia man·
cau.e f/1 ~ In ·other _,... Corona del Mar. •a. They started to let down thrown forward." Mr. nacer roe· alone, unable to ~ bt. com· aaer of the n&Cft' Assoc:Sates
b.tweea IMn and 1M ADp.la Mr. Tra~ and B1U Drake at tluou1b the overc:ut. At fD) feet ported. The plan noeed up level. panlons due to the roulb sea. Loaa BNch otlke.
Loll• -..ell ,..,. ..CUed by a they finally broke th.roulh and and Mr. Nf'Wton bit the wate-Aftft about 35 minutes the ablp Kr. n&(W has been O;ytna
Eb.ell Honors M&nll&·bouDd abJp alter they found they were OWl' watft wttb ftnt. aft" havtna removed hts came Into alJbt. since 1917. eamJf\1 Qyinl t:fa.
hacl dltdle'CI th.tr plane aboUt no stcht ol land or lh!JNL cloth-. ""They bad already picked up by wuhtn.a &Jrpl..,. Be bu
d 8 mlHe ,.... of 1..-An~l-. Mr. 1'rac.w took a b~ ol Jl.r. Drake yel)ed to Jl.r. Newton Dn.ke," Jl.r. Tracer ald. "'!bey more than 1,000 boars ol rtytnr ~ jr Reynol s A tbW mem .... of the fillht. 30 -~ ancl In .... min· to -.op awil11Jillnc toward the W'elre stUJ looklna for Nt!!Wton." ttm. and has nown JlUit about lVI S. WlWam D. !f.-ton. • of Lone utea, uw the dltp euue.tne. lhlp and to "tab It eqy ... Mr. Sbortl7 before dark Friday tbe PVWr7 klncS ot efYUian a.lrcr'att.
111'1. 8ltt:Y ..,_. f/1 Rew· ~ wu ~ to abu4on t.M The plane continued on Ita ClOal'M Drake ltartf'd to let out ttw left ~ 8blp ren~ wtth ftl.r. Drab wu a mlllt&r7 pilot
port hal WOD the~...._ p1ue. llat WM lott wa.n. trJiq rtt 10 mlnuta ften lit. '~'rater stele ol the aJleraft and Nr. Tra-tbe Onion OU Co.. tank~. Avila. durin~ Wartd War u and new
award tt. all UOCIH ch•· to ..,. to Mte«y~ ~Jllad tb~ wee rurmtq out "'" the rtcht ..... both '-tlb' after ltotJl 81\t~ bad dlanced 8·211 oa 30 m....._ tna Ttn·
WOIIDAII f/1 tbe ,_, Oil J unllr 'fte t1to 11ft t.oQa leach at ot , .. and turned to Nt\II'D to ch 14. The Oil tbe tn· ~. lotb re.euecl men ,.... tan cnw lapeJL lit al8o taupt
Dell w tM ..,.,_.,_,It.,.. 1:10 a.m. J'rt4Jq en~oute to the ablp, wbldl by Ultl t1me fine ltarWd to ,.U tbe aircraft tTanlltwrecl to tbe tanll.et. At nntpt1oa IDr oee ,._..._Ill
~ at tM lliilalladoft .......,_ At 7;30 a.m. tiM a1tcnft wu out of .s,ta1. 11\e p1a.ne wu unct.r. 10:30 LIL Saturctq the A'f'lla ~ ~ had_. IIIIMMtnl1fl) II It 0. -. o.. .......... aboft an fl1tna low due to the roor .tsJ. -n.. wtn• wu tna ..,..,. IDcbcl tD l.oQI BMc:h. 1BDt aboard tbe ftrlt ,.._
..,...,. -.., Q ub. ~ aart.17 t.IMre&ftw the blltt;y and )ow 0\'eteUt. n.o upon me and t CIOUJdb't let oat Mt. ltftrtOD wu tbe 80Ift ot a Je. nac. *"*I t:Mt Iaiii
,.. ..,_.. 11 _.. -... ~ ·sCMtte c •••-Dl two radio wab ol tbe ~• wu _..._,,., fJ'OCil an*r It,.'" 10. ~ aieL Tom lf--. ap.ne. ol Ole ~ e 14 •• wu .. • • bJ a.. _.. .... alalt of -... trls•~ ud ,_.... •• __, u4 foUow~ uatn tbe came ., wu pulllna __., aloN 1M Jlfw1oG DweailfW ~ ~ ...... -, _.. ,.t ..... ,. ,... .. M; ~ 1:11 a.& ....... u.¥94 .. ~ . .. ..... .eta-., ................ IMa ....... Ia Lal\a ............
• Q Ill .. :• p !!iltl':tlllnllil ..., _...., ....... Mt·C'OClla Mr.-~ ~ tbt .. , tile ttp to be ca.t ......... 'h'IIOir II tt.W bi~W 01 tM llfte W. lll'cU• Ill .._ ...... lllilt>: wt~.JI:t.,... Mt -........ CIN1'CUt. lWtee. trofPtd tM Plane 8ape. ..,.. undler. 1"'Mit"a ..._I .... ,....._ Dtl:-. A.-cJ aM ................ ,..... .. , -
Lslilllr tiiiiiM .... II • ,.. .............. IArij ......... tile 'Wtaill ucl .... a .... lwufaU.r • I ,....I c:·, ft tl ,.._ *..cl ... ,..... ...... ,.. ..... j
............. 1 11 .................. ~ .... 0 .......
1 .. ,... ........ ...,of ...... l.. • .. , nsr•ar..-.. -....... .
·-·., ......... CICI811 '19, 0114· WW tile Woapwt .._. ~ .... •••• ... .ra .... ... Coaacll,utdlelllw•~ ........ thiN ... ,........ .. . and ....-_...... wlalell ll laiiiM. ., 11Nt a.. tile .. aa~ n.t Ia tt.e c.~e. 1MD ._.... to a _, ud.. Ia ...
..ueet u a ..... ot ~ ~ • .,._ 'ndl .....,.
' tbe bu4pt wttbout rallbal tile baW Mealal& .. tM .... ·----<'T ~-"9 . .... BY :/;J,l!,(~ ~'-XtJo!:~ .. ~/ tMy :.=:.=.---..:.:. =-~~ 1.,. .l.;j ,..., "• , . 'J'Ise orcllnance ~ a eol· 1At'1 pt .-... • dMrla...t de· ...._. 118 W TIM l~ft cbar,. wu ,....S b7 the partJMDt& Tallie tM -at· _.._ ~ Wile ••• e4
: : M • 'i'OG-AIOIIT '1'111& hn4ed CouDdl aDCt lata •PIIfOwd by ...... ,.. ....... ~ ........ .,,_ OD a ........ JoUow.
6 1\ft: tt!!~>.. r.••• -lA• , II ~ A lfand total a dedatw vota ot the people. It wu buq.wd ... to ra lila 1
.... 50 bl ... ._...... e I YI!; ~A,.."""'" ~AND THEN HAN& EMl Thla Ia about 80CIM dolnp of of~ nab wu tile lamll1 ._. Ia a talr and jwlt law It 1a de· 111 'J'Ise ~ c1nw-lalilldild-. "MlUJ et· 'CkaUoo
Our City Council did not •••cute the Bolboe Fun Zone on t~ Pactnc Aaelen.. of the Balboa the 10Unt Ia~ Jeadbsa with 17: atened to eolled tor~ ren· ha!:'ume That wu _,., ..._ ..... II uotiMir ,.._tor the
spot afier all. They voted to give it o reprieve, and not give it the ax Bay Club. Eacll year th~ .tart Pappa next wWl 14. Mamma 10. dered tn proportion to tbe be for 2) boun a of dt:r _......, Jar ldl ..,war
until Oct. I, 1957. That, my friends. is justice dealt with the bock of ~ ;~::O~~ctJ:elr annual The total '"'Pt wu a lb& 11 amount ot ~ racJered by time. He aJeo recetftd at:ra laalr·U.. pq to ..., a IDODtb.
the hand. · " • · Tour n a.· OZ.. which 18 a pretty JOOd·•bed the clty. It b pattened alter the aen1ce pay for time ll)eftt owr Add aJa to "~ (or
What Council qid was to give the Fun Zone o doomed man's =~0 ~ :!;::: fun. 1 b~~ 1~ 1 baefull, for any flahtnc day. laws of the majority ot the clttes the 2) hourL Tble •u tn atra) ...sc-ot -a month,
hearty meal of 2 summers of operation on 0 $300 fee. Then the boom bJDft than a n:.:'.:: ck~ Sldpper·ao.t H o 1 broo k was In Cal!fomJa. and tot that matter wtth a eurvey ol Southa'n Call-an4 dae Job 18 dobta lllwlt:1 loocl
will be lowered with the confiscafo7, new license law. For one arc·...!· ere~ or a haltbuf': th Ju mtha.. happy with Ilia eteht white ones, the larce m.,jortty ot the ctrles fornla d~ JMU our PGPJladon. b a bettnaer.,.. pl• the tact
. .11 . $ $ _,. • 1 a. 1 even If he 4ldn't eome In for the of our a1ze and btner ln the • • • tbat tbe lepl Ubru)t haa beeft
t •s ~· mean on mcrNse to ~·~ .. rom 300. . hard to tell from a bte sand· prtze moJM7. But, like aU akl . United States. e lllC JIICWKUK . NIDOWd from the QIJ Ball to
Merely o matter of op1n1on, says Counc1lmon Joy Stoddard dab. To boot. the weather Ia pera. he dJd pt maximum aatl~· 1 ' the dt:1 attorneYs autt. ot offtcea
about the charge of "confiscation." What is your opinion. dear usually horrible. with at least 30 faction from .lng h la boat'a ct::':'! ~~..:::k~~':e ~:: :::; I't _!M 1V!~ ~.:· abared by 3 otller at~Df'MJ'a.
readers. about o license fee that jumps more than TWO THOUSAND m~andhour winds the rule. euesta cub ln. His 9·year.old ts eetttne mlehty looee wtth ~~ 11 ~U qu.::rt::':ppllcan~ Whkb laacla me to a&¥ to tbe
per cent, aimed et just one type of business? And what soothing tt t~ a~ wa~ • r-ou.lng excep· euest accepted, wtth a fiuah of creatine new departments and were interviewed by tllie CouncU Council: Bu it eYer ocxwaed to
nome do YOU have for that, Councilman Stoddard? .~:;· an!r a'"~on er IJlan ~lbaved, happiness and pride, that lighted glvtne everybody an assistant. They weN tol4 ot the above con: )'OU tlliat tor tbat ldftd tJl dou&h
No wonder that even I hod to get up at Monday evening's Coun· at San J>ieeo. !1!::.t ~v~~~ ~e enUre room. the 1leamtug that we should stop giving free dlUons and pay. ~ c:;!:..,:ave4 an attomeya
cil meeting to sound a protest. A law t~at is evil and unfair on May caught flsh-:..1a not the lesser f am~ly ~p"trd~use, of the rides to the big users of thla I mention thls becau.e of the a an timeT
28, 1956, is [ust as evil and unfair on Oct. I. 1957. And if it can hop-fry, either. D~d:· ha: ~ J. flshd Ev:n service! • • • marked lncreue ln1all coetl of a&CII: • ..wDOrA
pen to one business, it could happen to another--perhaps yours, or At the reeular meetJnr Satur· cares about 0 1~1 4. ~~n V:,O: • A TIIVCK EACII DAT that department in leu than 2 Tbe W. I. Dahlt of Balboa
my own. A pouty Council. with its dof\der way up, could level the day night In the Balboa Bay there was the fine Mitchell' spin: years. In the tJrst year, the pro· baw left I« tbelr annual aeuon
death dealing blow of exorbitant license fee at some other enterprise Club's new stateroom. the fol· reel that her aecond place In the There are -2 plck·UPS that eet posed budpt WU up to ·-at K .... a, 111.nJMaota. 'n)e Dahla
th t · • th c ·1 s odd d d th h · _ J d lowing wlnn~ were announced J a truck a day, 6 days a week, at for the dty attorney's atttee. Ap-uaua.Uy ntum to tbe Barb« o . In~ e~. ouncl mon t or agree . ot t at wo.s mo~e by Ray Dike, tournament cap· unlor dlvlaJon had gtven her. $15 a load (estimated cost to the parently thll wall exceeded Area tn late fall.
poss1ble. That s ~he 9uy you. electe~. fol.h. soy~ng those frtghten1"g tatn, and the trophies and prizes And Mamma was delight~ with city). There are many business $4..200 by brlngtne the actual
words. !But, to g1ve h1m cred1t, he d1d po1nt out the remedy: you con were presented by Ray Roemer her shining new Penn Mono· establishments that require half total cost In the final eount to D&COU TIIIQ f'IIO&alat
kick 'em out at the polling place.) trophy committee chalnnan ' Fil" Reel. a truck load 6 days a week. How $13.590. Tbla Included an Item IAt Vs .... .,_
Councilman Lee Wilder had more respect for a point of prtn· Juniors-largest flsb : 1. .ianle It was. truJy, a happy ending does the twice·a·week service "addition to fixed a.uets." 1~ C:.U ...._ 1171
ciple. He did not believe in o scheme to for<;e private enterprise out Cagle, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. ~O,:dat~:n;1!~,!1~: ~~~~~~::;: that you receive compare to our languaee It wu the pur. -
of business. A vote of thanks to Lee, and also to Charles Hart end John W . C.gle. barracuda. 1 that! Yet you pay the same as chase of law book.a to brine the 29l91!. COAST BWY
Gen. Stan Ridderhof. who joined him in voting "no'' on the license pound. 15~ oz.; 2. Nancy Hoff· lng. Being of an excertloMlly they do. as long as It ls paid for city's law library up to full CORONA DEL MAa· fee ordinance • man,. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. bashful nature, I have purposely them from the general fund. streneth. The attorney'• halt· · "CQ" H-hi avoided mentioning names until ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~.=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~--:= Ma rt this also in your memory: The 4 votes that~qssed the ordi· · · Ou.anan, w te sea bass, now. The family's name was The service Is elective. U you b 5 d M K J S odd d 1 . b' 1 pound, 12 oz.; 3. Rotkrt Ha"l· want to haul your own or hlre nandceMwereDcost HYII on y ac ay, ay t ar , Grence Hlg le sen, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Hoffman-the "C.Q.'s" no less. It done, that's your privilege. Gn ayor ora 1 H all b And I'm '"Oin'" to quite yakJdng, · • • • ansen. c co ass. 1 pound. 2~ • • When the questions of rescln·
oz.; 4. Russell Robinson. 1o0n of ~~ h:.fe:nU:ebo~~;;O::~go::::. dJng the Jaw and paying for thls
• SPENhD .. SPEND .. SPEND . . Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Robinson; and Last Saturday, at least. It was service by raising the general W y is it that there is no searching effort among any of our 5 Chris Grllflth dau .. hter ot Mr t te t t th • ' • · vert definitely on vacation. ax ra came up or vo e, e City Councilmen to pore down that enormous city budge t? Are we and Mrs. Geo. P. GrWith. • • • voters defeated the proposition
.,11 succumbing to the spend·spend·spend brain-washing that is being Ladles-largest fish: 1. Mrs. by 3 to 1. I the~fore teeJ that It
Gdministered by our lavish federal spenders? Eleanor Stone. sheephead, 101.4 • POJLEDI Is Illegal to pay for this JcyrviC't" • • • lbs.; 2. Mrs. Eddie C"C.Q.") Hotf· 1 alaould have won the jack·pot from the genera l fund. U not II·
• VOTE NEXT TUESDAy man. white sea bass 5 lbs. ~ oz. on that maiden trip ot Phil Toz· legal, It Ia In defiance of the Ladl~most pounds fish: 1. er's Fury. Out ot the five or 80 vote of the people. and morally
Section time Tuesday June 5. I m going to vote for John Murdy Mrs. Paula CMerle) Atnerbaueh. sheep·head I caught while try. wrong.
for another term in the St.,te Senate, and for James B. Utt for another 2. Mrs. Betty (Jim) Holliday. lne to snare a big black sea· bass. A3 to the necessity of $l.50 t~rm in the U. S. House of Representatives. They both hove stood Men-largest fish 1. Karl Mil· one must have welgi\ed nearly monthly charge 1 consider that f~rmly for sound government and against the creeping policy of so-ler. hallbut, 7 lbs. ~ oz.; 2. Ken ten pounds. It wasn't quite legal out ot line with' othn cities. and
ciolism Gnd ruinous s,.,.nding. Heininger barracuda 6 lb'l 131~ for the money. Up at the top of .--· · · the jack ·pot roster It said, plain out of line with the $1.00 flcure I scored the State Assembly cGndidates on fundamental issues. oz. I ed t b th I C
d Men-most pounds fish 1. John as day, "No sharks or sheep· arr v a y ~ prev ous oun· an my vote goes to the only one with firm convictions on the stand heads." ell who studied the problem.
th.,t I believe to be right. I believe that we need the Bric~er amend· W. Cagle. l2lbs. 1 ~ oz. of barra· I hope the Council wiU t&ke t t f d C t t t' f be' h b . cud a: 2. Jim Holliday. 18 lbs. 10 The sizeable jackpot went to th'"' bit In th'"''-t-th •nd '!llml· men o sa eguar our ons 1 u 10n rom 1ng overt rown y treat1es. oz. of caUco bass. the lucky taker of a nice bull "' ...... ~ " ·
I believe in " man's right to wor~. which means the right NOT to join • • • Of-$8y--4 1)9Unds. I wouldn't nate thla Jn~ul!*b!e altuatlon.
" un1on, as well as the right to join. I believe that we must resist Fed· e LADT LUCK SMILED have mentioned thls publicly
eral control of our !>Chools and therefore must reject Federal aid for There was one other trophy. It except for one thing. The guy • alJDCET CONIAJIDOWS
!><:hook Because he alone of the candidates believes li~ewise, I'll vote wu awuded. not to any lndl· who caueht lt wu none other Let's go over the proposed
for Albert Delphi no. vidual, but to the family of two than my old·tlme feud in' ·buddy, budg~ and make 10me eomparl·
No dispute about Proposition W. It must pass if we are to safe· or more, who caught the most "FINN" Hurbo?,• w~o writes all IOns. '
guard an adequGte water supply. The money is there· it will m tts h. In numbers, not pounds. that dirt about C.Q ln hJs Fish RJght ott the reel, I w&nt to · · t . b t . d 1 ·, ean no The "Family Trophy'' was won TaUs In the Santa Ana In de· aay that this budget Ia a big nse 1n axes, u 1t nee s ~our approve to put the money to work to last year by the Wlthen;poons. pendent. Improvement over those of the
produce the needed water lines. Vote yes on W. Horace, Jo and BIJly, who checked I've spent years convincing past, although It is still plenty
WE YwON ll4E
In 58 sand·dabs, alter losing people that his luck is even eonfuslne to my untrained mind.
several through the cracks in the worse than the Hoffman Hex! and I don't think I am al?ne on
noor 6l the Balboa Angllne Club Regulu readers can IICU~ keep that. It would be nice lt you
whlle weighing ln. They were a dry eye at mere mention of his eould tum to a department and
the favorites to wtn again, but name! And-l'll remind you-find the total cost to the city of
had motor trouble and didn't he's aliO the blrd that l chal· that department u well as a
even place. lenged to a duel, once, at the clear and understandable ltem·
Another family of thr<!e ~tere South Coast Rlfie A: Pistol Club. lzfne.
guests aboard the Dusty Too. the He tetened illness as an alibi tor Fpr Instance. one 1\em looks
Chrls·Craft that ls Ken Hoi· hls non·appearance. Do you won· reasonable: cost ot tra\tel of P,e
brook's pride. Mrs. HoI brook der that I beerudee bls wtnntne department head. On that ~ub·
doesn't tlsh. 10 Ken Invited this the slmoleons! ject-what has become of the
group of Pacific Anglers who I dld my best to ret even. J.. policy that used to be ln fore&-
dldn't own a boat. soon aa I learned that he had that a department head was al·
Ken'• luck hadn't been too the money, I chanred my ealJey lowed and encouraeed to attend
good. so tar this year. Re had order from a plain hamburger to
tlshed for the Lido Anglers Jn a double of ham A: ens and a <Political Advertl~ment>
Don 't Foraet Yeur . TIAIELEIS CIECIS
Loss-proof money you un cash iust
like • greenback. 75c per $100.00.
lewport Har•or Ba1k
M35 E. Co..t HJthwey
the InternatJonal and drew a bottle of beer. The winner al·
goose egg. He wasn't especially ways pays, you know. When Bob
confident Saturday, with the ttsh· Ritchie took our pictures. Finn
lng low aU week. But he knew insisted on boldine down hls end
a hot~ down near Salt Creek of the balance beam, to make his
where white sea bass had been little baAS look heavier. Gradg·
spotted. He put the anchor down Jngly, I'U admit he won, leeally.
about 8:30 a.m. and never m?Ved But you'd think a true sportsman
during the tournament. would be man enoueh to at least
ON HIS aECOaD -----Oily Cllllce lull Soltl ke
Specials for Thurs.. Fri.. & Sat.. May 31. June 1-2.
Round Steak
CBOICE-Por acu.a.ea.
Chuck Steak
T -Bone · Steak
Ground Beef
a101a~n •, hlltta HAMS ... S9L
4 k .,.
.. ? .. .. 49~
It was a good day when the share the pot with the one who
lines cames out at 3:30 with 16 caught the blgrest. If not ex-
white sea bass aboard. But the actly legltlmate. flab.
family he had Invited were his I eould forgive all thll. but
biggest ' thrill. looks like. The there was one final cut that
youngest member, age 9, on her hurt. We stoped over at his
very first ocean fishing trip, had Jlmlyn for a lltUe cheer. While
17 fish In the bag and. by actual he had me down below chopplne
tally, had one white sea bass, Ice and washlne dirty glasses.
one calico bass, a perch, two he gave away my bus and a big
jack·&melts. two herring, &nd ten aheep·head to Dr. Mulford Smith!
tommy.croakers, better known u I llke Mulford, but what kills me
tom·oods. is that Finn told Mulford that
Pappa and Mamma had In he'd caught 'emfl
their aacks the first white sea ============= ba.u they had ever caught.
Mamma had two white ones. ln·
eluding a 5 lb. 1 oz. giant. the
largest a~ard. Pappa rang up 5.
but none u Jaree u his red·
Phone In your new. ltor1es to
your local ~per. tllie En·
sllft. Harbor W4.
Capistrano By The· Sea
Specializing in all Types of
• Completing hi .. SECOND ..,.... in Co,.,..i -
JAMal. un
ha~ the ~enkJrity to get thlnga. done for YOU
To Sene Y•
• SAN C.....,.
222 0... A.,..
PHONI HY. ~lin
60 I N. B Cemino R_.,
PHONE HYKinth 2-1195
or HYednth 2-1196
e lfEWJIOrl' PTA
A m e r I c a n folk _,np and
A daughter, Molly Haven, 8 lb.
12 oz., was born to Mr. a nd Mrs.
Howard Keen of 312 Dahlia
Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoag
Memorial Hospital on Frldny,
May lL
"tMt awl~· NCJt br
U.. ~I TM/ood,
• ""' I*'Jile, tA.
.. , ... S.P.
1111-TIUCI-FilE -I.H
Makes deliciou. coffee
nuy time beca.-ol ia
.,-~ted vacuum prioci-
ple. It Jiva you •iJoc'oul
&gitatio~ of Water aDd
miee i.o the Btew-cop at
the correc~ biab laeac
without boiliDC -oee of
the leCftG ol delicio-
colfee nwkin., Jaa .. k
-ad forpr iL ~~abe 1
to 10 cups-auro .. rl·
cally. Upper ud ..._
•e.eh 8ft .... ol did
mppu' c:b.romepla-s.
Your Suobeam Produda .Dealer
Announcing another big Plymouth oontest ..•
Solid Gold Llcen .. Plate .Jackpot
• • IN 448 PRIZES
1st PRIZE: $50,000 IN CASH
442 ITIEI IIC PRIZES 2nd prize: $1._ II casll !
I 3rd prize: .,.. II casll I 2 ...... .. ... , ........ ., $110 -(iii:!!
4th prize: $1• II call : 40,.... .. $100 100 ....... $SO
• You .can enter if you own ANY car • Nothing to buy • Easy to enter! • Visit any Plymouth dealer
• Register your license number • Complete the simple entry form • Enter today-you can win $50,000 !
-yow cu'alica.e plate may be worth (in c:uh) ita wei«ht-or
...,.._Ia eolid pW if yoa are one of the happy wiDDera iD Plymoada'a
f.wo. 1100,000 Solid Gold Licenae Plua Jw.kpot!
)1111 tab )'OV reptntioD certific:allt W other ~ proof of
........ to you Ply....alt deeler'a. Repear yoar licenae number
-...... •lr'J w..k. c..'** the font ad hap it ia ... ba. ,._,.,. ..a to .. a Jeckpot winDer-to .aa.... ill 1100.000 iD «**a!
I.IIW ....... ,.. .........
Doa"t cWay; --today I
............... --..a
t.c.... .................. .,. .. ~ ........... ... _ _,....,....,.,,_, ... _,,, .. ~ .. ...
... -. ....... ,. b ............... .,
............ C.pu 1 ..._..~., ~
C.pud4 ... cA , ............... ~ ......... ...................... . ... ,..,...... ................ ,... ,_ .............. -.. ................................ .,,__ .. ... ...................... ..., ........... ..... ... ...... .. .,.., -· ............. _, .,.... ................................. ....
.......... 0 fJs 1 ............................ ......
..... "-' % 1 -· """ ............ "\ ... '-· "'D" ........... .,.. .. ..__ 1Ws-...... ; 0 \ ...................................... ., .......
... All ........ ..._ ... ,...,..... .. .._,..... ........ ..
~C.pull _,_ ...................... ...
.. sA ,,,, ............... ~ ... -· 0 0 ... .., .............. ........ ........ ,__..,..._ ...... ~ ... ...., .............. ,.. ............. ~ ....... ........ -. ..,_........,-............. ,_....., .. ..... ..... ...., ....
?.a....,_ .. ,,, ... ..,.. ..... ... ..., ..... ~.......... ......, .. ...., ............ .... ................... ,..,~...,
.......................................... .._..... .................................. ....... .................................
t • ,·:. J <,1 ;, ' I·'·'·,
~r. ...
Dlplclmu wW be preMnted to be ..,. tJc:ket. Eadl ~ttq
380 ,ractuattq ..man at lfew· ..._ wtll be ttwn tWo tkbta.
poft Ba.rbar ~ Sc:bool at 4 Su~t Jloy ADcten. p.m. We<~Jleedq, lune 13, on the wtll vr-ent tM .,.duatlq 8ba·
llJ&b ecbool football Oeld. denb to the boud ol ~at
A total ol 293 .tudlmb from the Horace Enatp Sc::bool arad·
Horace Enalp Scbool wDl re· uaUon. Prt.octpal WWJam attter
cetve dlptomu u eiahth-J)'ade wlll preeent diplomas to the 8tu-
araduatee from the N e w Po r t dent&. Tbe lnvoeaUon and bene·
Beacb elementary echool dl.strtct dlct:lon will be ctven by Jlev.
at 4 p.m. Tbw.day, June 14, on John Parke. A mualcal proaram
the Enalp School football field w111 Include the ln.ltrumental
"Aim.ln.c tor the Top" w1ll be ITOUP dlre«ed by Loula ltJdder
the subject ot an address by Rev. and the ICbool choral poup 41·
Bob RJchard ot Lone Beach, rectect~:~b~y';.D~avl~d~O~l.lon~~-=-=:-=~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~:-::::--=::--=-:~~~-::::~--::----::---:-:--:-------_._---------wotld champion polevaulter, at .;;;; ~r:~.·~~:: .. ar~::,~of e:L A T T E N D T H E C H U R C H 0 F Y 0 U R CH O ICE Andrewa Presbyterian Church, ~~tv:r:::a~";"~:~n~~ --------1'1111 Wllk ... EIII'J .............. YW --------
Largest end Most Comp&.t.
Fumiture Store in the ArM.
Call for f,..
Llb.rty 1-5511
elve the welcome. and Mlas Mar·
Jor1e Stovall, graduatlne student.
wUl ctve the farewell speech .
·-W. IIIIa lt.. C.... .._ Lilla tr 1-4511 .... , ...... w .......... Supt. Sidney Davidson wUJ pre-
aent the cla&S to the school board
ot trustees and Mrs. Ronald Bar·
low and Les SteUen.sen, mem-
bers, wUl glve the dlplomu to
H G ~ the students. The hJ1h IChool 0 n S () II J a r ()I band wlll pl&y tl}e processional, L I L "Pomp and Circumstance" and
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Clnan'b Sun-
day Schpol; 9:30 and U :OO
a.m. Komlnl WonbJp-7 p.m.
Colleae ~ -xYF s.rvtce -7 p.m. BJcb Scllool IIYJ' Service; I p.m.. youn1 adulta IJ'OUP ...nee.
Furnishings for homes, the ''Recessional." The benedlc-
dubs. yochts. tlon wlll be etven by Rev. Roy 'liD c:aoa:a OP Cli&lii
Carlson Ot Chr•-Church By the 1• Qvcta lt.. c::.e. .._ 3017 W. Coect Highway uo• Liberty a.JIN7
Newport ... c.h Sea. J). a. B.nt. Mlp.fsrW ~~~~~~~:;'550~~-~ I "Llftln1 the Levels ot Lite" Sunday ~: 8:45 a.m. Bible
will be the address given by Rev. study· 11 a.m. momlnl WOI'·
Donald Sapp of the B&Jboa ahlp; 7:30p.m. ewntn1 Mrvlce.
Island Community MethodIst Mtdweek eentce. 7:30 p.m. Bgin & Hamilton
Chwch at graduation exercises Wednaday
to be held 8 p.m. Sunday, June ·
10. In the high school auditor· 'nD c:aoaca OP taJUST
lum. The invocation will be Od4 P.O.W. ~
given by Rev. John Parke of St. 1 .. Kewped A..._
James Episcopal Church; scrip· Coetll ....._
wallace Calder head ture reading by Mr. Cecll John Liberty 1-5711 Collins and the benediction by T-...._~ Jr • ......._ JEWELER Father Thomas J. Nevin. Sunday Servieft: 9:45 Ln1. Blble
The hllh achool orchestra wlll study; 10:5!5 a.m. worship aezv.
3123 Eett Coest Hlghwey play the "Processional" and the Ice: 7:38 p.m. evenln1 8ei"Vice.
eo,_ del Mar chorus choir will sing. Due to ~~~~~~===~~~~ the limited capacity of the high r. school adultorlum admission wUl
c..,~e ..
la1dsca•i•l S.nlce
oastal La•aa•llc
2229 E. Coast lllglnray
Corooa ct.! Mar
Prtcw u S.7027
lAa J
IIA 1~
From Bel21um. Holland,
Sweden, Cer-.11\any, Italy
lr Enrland.
Arabesque Jewelry from Teledo Spain u .... ,.
4lr1 ft. Broadway. Salata Aaa
Dyelq s,ecill
•• , ••• J-
Mrs. A V. Andrews and famJly
are now llvlng at 1945 PrlscUla
Lane. Harbor Hlghlancls. They
moved last month trom 621 Clitt
Dr., Clift Haven. DaughteT Meg,
or course, wUJ be spending the
summer "on the continent" In·
stead of Newport Harbor, repre·
sentlng the community as an
American exchange student.
CiiAJS'f CBUM!B ft' TBZ IU C....aalty~
UlbN liM. at 1•t.b St.. Kewport
....., .... .,A.~
Sunday WonhJp, 9:30 and U a.m .
Cburdl School: 9:30 a.m. .Mld-
w.ek Meetln1: 7:00 p.m. Wed-
neaday preceded by 6:1!5 p.m.
By the Rev. Joseph W. McShane
Putor, Costa Mesa Community Methodist Church
St. John 15:13 Create!' love I
hath no man than thls, that a
man lay down his lite tor his
Each May 30 the people of
our nation pay tribute to thoee
who have given of thelr lives
upon the field of battle In ordeT
that others' Uvea' ml1ht be saved
&nd that the freedoms of this
country might be perpetuated
On this patriotic ooculon we
proclaim In speeches throuehout
.the land, our debt ot gratitude to
those wbo have paid the su·
preme sacrltlce tor ua..
The question, however, be·
comes not 10 much of what we
sa~ but of what we do. As .Abra·
ha!Q Lincoln has saJd, '"The
world will not lonr remember
what we say here. but Jt wm not
aoon forget what we do here."
The tact ls that we are all of
us called upon to lay down our
lives for our friends, our country
and that wttlch ls bllhest and
finest and noblest.
Some ot ua, Jlke 1esus, hlmselt, a... JOMPb W. McSbaae
and our dead war heroes, are der the first. This Is not to de·
called upon to lay down our tract trom those who have so
Jives In a moment ot time. nobly sacrl1iced ot their Jives tor
Others ot us are called upon to u.s during the heat and fervor
Jay down our Jives over a period or battle, but It should point up
ot years; years ot service and to us that more than worcls &re
aacrltlce and dedication to a necessary to repay the debt we
great cause, . &nd the laylng owe.
down of one's Ute under these we, too, must Jay down our
latter set of clrcumstanees often Jives, even If It means the drudl-
may be more d1U1cult than un· ery and penrtstence of yeara.
COIOiUMrrt CllnCB Caapewa''rd
•n::::-&,A .....
........... Edwta a-a
Sunda)' Wonbip Servtces: t:~ a.m.. U :OO a.m. Sunday School: l :t5 a.m.
taUM!B of tM KAV•DI'E 1.s ....... lt.. e-ta .... .......... Olft wnu,..
Liberty 1-7111
Sunday Services: S'On<!ay School,
9:30 a.m. Momlne WonhiJI at 10:30 a.m. Evan1ellatle Sen·
Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .•
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetJne.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
10:1S a.m.
01aD9t Aft. at Dl'd lt. eo.ta Mee& Ubettt 1·53CD A.A. E-... ....
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· ln1 Service, 11:00; Eventna s.rvke. 7:30. Mld·WHk Serv· lee. W e d n e s d a y, 7:30 p.m.
Youne people meet 6:1!5 p.m.
(MINnut Spod)
a..dccaa Le9Me BalL c:o.ta Meea
Jlatwa ••· r...thar Toraow Sunday Services: Wonhlp Setv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at
ISO W. -.ut. lt.. C....._
Uberty ~.sea
....... Dr. llfcltDd .....
Sunday 1Cbool.t...9:4!5 a.m.: c:hureb 8ervic:e 11 :w a.m. Traln1ft&
Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventna
worsh.Jp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teadl·
era and officers meet1n1 7 p.m. Wednel'day. Prayer 8ervlce and
Bible ltuciy 7:45p.m. Wedn•
2IDcS lt. £ EJclla A"'-eon.~ LJbettr 1-tftl
.... &d ... c. c..lc. ......
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-
ship: 10:55 a.m. and evanae.llat
aervtce, 7:30p.m. Youna People
and Children's Service, 6:30
p.m. Sun. Kid-week Service:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles'
Mla1onary Count1l. Thundaya
9:30a.m. tor all day.
:1!5tb St. • St. Andrewa u... ......._ .........
lDvtr l.mJ r.tana...J-LI-...t" SUNDAY: Mom.Lna wonla.lp. t :JO
and U a.m.; Cllwda Sebool,
1:30 and U :OO; lr. RIP. lr. B1Jb uc1 con ... ap Pellow·
ablpe. 7 p.m.; TbundaJ, Pra,Jw,
lltudy IJOUP, 1:30 L11L
taUIIQI or omr LAD1' OP Jn'. capcu.
1441 w .............. .-port
IIAdMw ••• P.U.. ._.... KJ.IeT • ...._
p .... todi.J ·--AMI8taat .....
Sunday M._...: 1 :00 and 10:QO
&nd 12:00 a.m. Coftf..soa: Sat·
urdays and eves. of 1« JPriday.
and Holy Days fmm 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Dally M .. 8:00 a.m. P1rst
Friday: 6:30 a .. m. and 6:00 p.m.
Nov • n a (Perpetual Help):
Monday, 7:4!5 p.m.
naT CllftCB OP CliiUS"t
SIOI VIa~;:&-' .._. PELLOWSBJ~
Sunday School: l:l.S a.m., Sun-EbeU Cl•*••
day S e r v I e e : U :00 a.m. SIS W. lcdhea IIJYd.. acdhocl
Wednetlday Ewnlne MHtine: Act1a9 ....._., wuu.. wu.,
8:00. Readln1 Room. 3315 VIa Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Kom·
Lido, Newport Beaeh. open I lnl worahlp. U:OO a.m.
a.m.-5 p.m. week~ I a.m.-
7:45 p.m. Wednndaya, 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnp.
LtrTBEUR caoaca 1501 CWf Dr. Kewport Jle6Pb
Uberty ....
.... IIebert Qnalaad
Duplleate mornln1 eerviea -9
a .m. and U :l.S a.m., Sunday;
Jtlnder1arten and Pre-School
DepL Sunday Sdbool I •~;
lit Grade throulb Adult Sun-
day Sdlool. 10 a.m.; bua pro·
vtded and Nunery provided f«
both 8e'rVleea and 10 a.m. Sun-
day School.
l&f&MIB DAY ADf&Mid1
K..,..taml.tlt ..... lt.. .............. Liberty .. ,.
Ew. D. L lp• kM ..
Saturday Komtnc Sen1.~: Sab-
bath School: 8:30 a.m. -Ser-mon: 11:00 a.m. ~yer meet· 1n1: Wedneaday, 8:00 p.m.
liS A..-A"'-......_ lea-d IIJaJIIt.ra -... ~ lapp ........
Sunday Setvleft: 9:30 a. m
Church School.i. 9:3.0 and 11:00 a.m. w~~ce.
IT. 1AIIU E7IICO~AL a. n. Lido, ...........
~IDO .... 1 .............
Sunday eervi~: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion; 9:1.5.. r. m I I y
Service. 11 a.m.. w or a b I p
service. Thursday S e r v I e e s : 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30
Holy Communion.
IT. 10-YIAMMET llC M_.... A..._ ....._ lala8d ..._.IC raa..a_....mw, . .__
Sunday M-.-: 8:00 a.a. 6 1:30
a.m. Confftalon: Saturdays and
eves. of lit Friday. and Holy
Daya; 7:30 to 1:30 p.m.: nnt
J'rlday Kue I a.m.
PDIIT LU'niT c:auaca
latiiAaaA ..... tltll ... tU. c... .....
.... ~. Q. ....
Sunday Servlcet:
9:U a.I'D. Sunday Sc:IMol; 11
1\.IIL Wonblp Serv1c.· 8:30 p.m., Bapu.t Tralnlnl Union;
7:30 p.m.. Evenlnl Service. Wedne.day: 7:30 p.m., Prayer,
Prabt and Blble Study. Mon ·
day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Choru.
p r a e t I c e ; 8:30 p.m. Ken'• Prayer MeetJna. on any Dyeing Service
Estimates Freely Given
Barbor 3907
Across the street from
3538 East Coast Bwy.
(Corner Orchid)
CoroDG ct.! Mar
•~.oo~t ·-the nd door"'
A lew Senice • • •
You llecldltgla ..
Improperly Focused Llcbb
are danrerous-and We1al.
We'll adju.t your U1hta
to S.A.E. Spedf.lcatlona.
B.UOn'S ~
@ 1001 ..........
Jfewport .....
lladMw 502
OpeD Dcd1y-'1....., t. I p.m.
• ....,..UJ&lWO~
,_.,. .. l&.aNCH. ................. ....... ,.,~.·
1101 anMArt CAU •••
s.rv~.9 tt.. ~ u v .. " 1m He"-IW., c..ta w-
LAetty a.20U
c-...... ~~ 1107 N_,...,. A".. w-LA.ttr 1-4112
BROADWAY ROWER SHOP ·o .. ~.....,.
Dc.tlwtlu*L Ami1111~ 1166 N_,..t ., c..ta W.. lAerty .....,,
WIAt N_,...,. He"'-5aMa lftl
Weill Offtcet HarW 1771 ............
~Hra ...... U.... c:--c:-,~e .. Awt_, .... s.r.t ..
locly .... , ... O.,t.
1740 Newpert ...... c..ta ......
U!Ntty 1-2261
,1221 w. c............,,....,... ....
JOIIh ....... ,.. ........... ...,..,_
Tlle Place T • Ge Televill~loc Fer Tlte lra...lt Ye~~ IC-. Fritida!r. H-Applia-We ~ SI H '"-Sta111,. liM H~ .....,., Coda~ ... J01 ...... StN.t ...... Liberly a.Ml1 He"'-509
VACUUM CLEANER CO. Y-Hu11 o-M Iaiii ............... a.. ... Mll E. C..lt Hwy .. c..-,.., Ww
2U4~N .. c..taW.. He"-)070 ...... IJWty 1-4229 .. ~ ... STAFFORD I SON
WJtt. a..tMI ............ STANLEY INSURANCE A&CY. w.w.--... ,.Ire
Jill E. c..tt ...., .. c.... .. War lit lMfwWe A"• ......,.,. leacJI
~2474 UMnya.l41't
1410 w. le"'-a ..........
Or.ttte c-t(• ...... C.,W. .... Jlf2 a..f.,..... ::e= .....
MJJ VIa t.We, ~ ..... .... ~ ............... ......_ . 1171 N .. c..ta WeM
JUO L c-t ~. c..-.... War
OW..IHei.W~ c....w... c.~t ... WW.W '-"=::r
SURF I SANb 412 »MJ!\.-;r ..... NiWPoltT HARIOit VA&AIONO HOUSE
LWe ........... ENSIGN NEWS,APEA ........ ,..w s,.. ... _ fti411Me:l .... ....._~ .._.
JIIO L C.... Hwy.. 4el, W.
UDOCUANBS ....... .... .
le I, 10 e.......o.t ., I ,... ....... ~ JOHN E. SADLSR. ...,._ ·~~ .... AI,.,_ .. ·-UII nn 1. c......,_ c...._. w.r ...._MD
"Wate', wat«, ewrywhere and
not a drop to cJrink'1 ••• Wltb
the board~ .ahr1nklDa under blDI
and tbe Albatrca banltnl over
htm. do you thlnk the Andent
Mariner would dawdle over
putt1n1 his "X'' aplMt "yeti'
for propomtion "W" next Wed·
naday, June 5th! Tbere Is no
autMrtttute for water ••. We h«e
near the cout are treadlnl on
what oould be aa.lty territory If
we don't do aomethlnl to ralM
our u ndereround water baalM.
from which we have been draw·
Jn1 more water by mUlloN ol
1at1ona per day than we have
been replac1Jl1 . . . How to WI
theM bulna up, but fast. to keep
the aa.lt water from aeeptn1 tJl
to HfW tbe vacuum!" ... Vote
)'8 on Pro~tlon "W., (water)
next -rue.ctay . . . No lnc:reue tn
taxes, the money l.l ready and
waltinJ, but your vote Is needed
to put thla money to work for
you rllht here . . • Wonderful,
clear. clean. aparklinl water ...
ao Inexpensive, 1!10 always reacly
wllllnl and able ... Cherbh It!
Use what you need, but be
ak.lmpy about It ... Save 1t for
that unralny day ahead!
* * * Ia rrac. ~ nplacea
watw fOI' a tlaint ~be·
OCIUe tiMV .... Ia t~Ddd~ak·
able • • • WlaJda .. Cl aMCIIky
way of bltncladll9 K tcMU.
McCoy aDd ~aft two nperb
ClaadiM ctn.iap , • • Jaea1
Preedt DnuiD9 CIDd lloquefort
~ • • • Jllc:IMU. McCoy .. P.-cL waa .._. IJl ~
• • • So abe atlopped • rout.
o..-ben w ... a bit of ....S.
laDt1aDd .,.s 90t laelw1f -· CIIIDOGNd wltla a pcda' ot ldlta.
Ia DO nCIII08 W ber to loee be6
FnDda ca11DcDy ald1b • • • Aa
tJM nor, ~ ... abe 1Dabl·
tllilliMd .... ooaldll't flad CID'f
~ Oftl' b en that Nt.d
belll9 poaM4 Oftl' a bMd of
I aafM.MabeJDOdeiMr'OWD
two ~~-••• l be ...-a-......... aodMr Claad·
...... JCad ... ...., ... but·
... , TCM& ma ._.. botla aa... ......s p6qllat dal .... tlala
-..lr-411111 Ia M1W Delleal IlK
••• ,. ...... Dll ... ..
....... tat. ., ......... the
WWf tn. .,.... drllf ..... ..
... lid ........ 'I'M aocr-·
fed. •••Hd wltb SaaWDe W'I.M. S. W. DO ~ton
di"JJ J"'9 ,.. ...... tne4 .........
* * * How to pfftlel'Ve a Day ...
yesterday waa Memorial Day
. . • Its prnence was made
aware of all ovM the nation . . .
At our own Harbor Rest Me-
mortal Park. a beautUul cere·
mony took place, honorlne the
oldest of our Veteran Organlza-
tlona, the United Spanish War
Veterans ... 1be creat men of
Calumptt C&mp No. ~ were aa·
luted ... Every oreantzatJon In
Oran,e County wu rep~ted
• . . Tbe Greeting Mayors were
Mr. Claire Nellon of Costa Meta
and Mra. Dora RJll of Newport
Beach •••
.. * * ...... ,.. ............ ....
.......... 1 ...... ..
ll :r u .... ll Pdid .,.,_ ,.... ~ .... ,,....., ... ...... , ........... .. ' ......... ···-· -· __ ............. ,. ...... _ ...... .. ..... ... ..... .... , .. .............. ,.... ............ , .......
laM .......... WIIIIftl&
• JJL ..... JUt ft& .. r fliP-....... ··--.,,,, ...... ................. ~
... _. ••• fte , ....... ................ ...., .. ......... ,__ ... .....
..-y .. -. ......... .
I •• n8 • • • fte -..... .................... ......... ...,_., .. ............... ._ ="'tOrr--4lllit ......... --................ r.-............... -....n __ ,_ .............
~ ..... ,... .. ,.. ........ , .... . . .• * *
Mrs. Lawson
Is Installed
Wedding B~lls Will Follow
Navy Commission For John
Mra. Karrulrtte Tandowsky, dJ.
rector of volunteers at the Santa
Ana otrice of the Chlld.len'a
Home Society, Installed Mrs.
Howard LaWI!IOn aa president of
the Newport Chapter May 22 at
the Lawton home, 1220 W. Bay
Ave., Balboa. Other new officers
are Mrs. M. S. Bernard, vice pret·
ldent; Mrs. William Curlett, cor-John P. Langenbeim, son ot
respondJnc secretary; Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Hay Langenhelm of
RUey, recordJng secretary; Mn. 84lboa Bay Club, wiU graduatt>
John OertJy, treuurer; and 11!·1 thl4 Friday from the U. S Naval
tlrlne pre.Jdent Mrs. Tod Oviatt Acedemy In AnnapctUs.
as parllamentarlan. f Culminating coJorful ' ' J u n e
Al80 servlng on the board next Week" ceremonta graduation
year wUl be Mrs. Donald Ander-exercises for the Class of 1956
son and Mrs. E . c. Martin. ways will be held In historic Dahlgrt'n
and means; Mrs. Jefferson Sc:o-Ha ll at 11 a.m. John will receivt
vUJe, press: Mrs. H. Payne a Bachelor of Science degree and
Thayer , program; Jegi4JatJve; be oomml.ssloned as an Ensign.
Mrs. William D. Clark. tele· USN.
phone; Mrs. Tom McDoueall. His parents are there to Se('
hostess; Mrs.. Howard Merrill. him receive his C'Ommlssion. And
roster books; Mrs. Frederick the following day t hey will at·
Cleary, advisor council; and Mrs. tend the wedding ceremony In
P. R. Huber, special projects. the Chevy Chase Ptesbytt>rlan
' Church that wiiJ unite their son
Party Honors
Fund Raisers
An appreciation party will be
held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the
Community Youtb cater In Co·
rona del Mar to hooor penona
wbo have helped ra.Uie tund.t for
the Hnter. A pot·luek luncheon wru be ~ Kts. Clara Axta·
tar 1a lundleon chaJ.nnaa.
Speclal thanlca will be liven to
lbs .. Alvin Spencer, dlaJrman o1
the Woman's Comrn.lt:t.e t« the
Youth Cent.,; Dorothy 1o Swan-son. who hu been conductlne
the aUm and tJ>Im cl._ at the
Center; and Clef JohMOn, the
adult art dinc:tor. Kra. Swanson
and Mrs. JobnJOn have been dv·
lnr the donations from the~~e
elusea to the kitchen fund.
Alao recelvtnc thanks wllJ be
Mrs. Edwtn Morcenroth, Mrs. La
VerM LAke. Mrs. Jaclc Florer.
Mra. Frank Karel. Mrs. Clara
Axtater, Mrc. C.. Lester Jones.
Mra. Leon WlUlama. M.rL Kay
Phelps, Mrs. A. S. Brown, Mrs.
Duncan Stewart, Mra. Thomas
0 H b H. • WIJJlarns, Mrs. P. H. GlocknM, I a r or I ~ ~~. Peat80n an~ Mrs.
Girls Honored Mesa WOTM
Ten out.tandlnc aenlor pta
from N e w p or t Harbor HJch
School were honored May 17 at Election Set
the dinneso meettnc ol the New· Election of otfloera for the port Harbor au.tne. and Protea· atonal Women's Club held at the Costa Mesa Women ol the Moo.e
Newport Harbor Yacbt Club. No. 11S8 wUI be held tbla 'nlurs·
Each of the co-edl, tncludlnc day evenlnc. May 31. at tbe
Marjorie Stovall, Lynn Pease. Moose RalJ, ~ E. 17th St..
Sue Dua.ler, Nand Campbell. Costa Mesa.
Marjorie Knox. Vlrlln.la Fug1t. The nominees are Mrs. Arcllle
Judy Co J em a n ltaren Kay OstrandM and Mra. Neille ~
Ba.Dey, Pat Kelt~ and Ott:Uy Ins. aenlor ~ent : Mrs. Harold
Bayer cave a abort dncrlption ltreutzl!r and Mrs. Walter Grohn·
of her future plana. ert. junior regent: M.n. EsthM Fisher. ch aplain: Mrs. Geor.re
Selected read 1 n 1 •, most of Matthews recorder· and Mrs I them tn various dialects, wtore Betty Cr~an, tre~urer. Inltl:
I' presented by J. .Robert Kest. atlon ceremonies were conducted
speech professor at Orange Coast for Mrs. Jam~ Montgomery and
I CoJJege. Door prlzes were won by Mrs. Curtis Upton.
Sue Dussler and Elizabeth Mar·
I ............ ,
Sees Sister lulalletl O.,IIJ lfiM .._
As P• W0111•'• Pre11
Calal11a'a IPW
......... _ 20
and Miss Mary Harriett Foster of
Washington. D. C. Mrs. Clara Axtater and son
John Langenhelm entere<l the Karl of Corona del Mar rt'Cently
Plans are being made tor a
reception h o n o r 1 n g Mrs. Ray
Nielsen, Deputy Grand Matron or
the 79th District ol the State of
California Order of the Eutem
Star on Saturday, June 16, at the
new Seafaring Ma.sonic Temple
In Cll!f Haven. In charge of the
party will be by Mrs. A. A. Voor·
hees a nd Mrs. W. H. Nicbula,
chairman. with Worthy Patron
and Worthy Matron. Mr. and
Mrs.. Max Owen, presidi~.
Naval Academy on a Secretary returned from a visit with Mrs.
of the Navy appointment In June. Axtater'a sister, Mrs. V. G. Me·
Mildred Fisher of 1817 VIola
Place, Costa Mesa, wiJJ entertain
members of the n~ly formed
eo.t.a Mesa Business and Profea.
alonal Women's Club on Wednea·
day, June 20, for a barbecue at
her home. The meetlnc wtU re-
place the rerular dinner and
business rneftln&' usually held
on the nr.t Wednesday of the
1952. after serving u a seaman pany Commander and Battalion Farland. In lngl~ood. They
apprentice In the NavaJ Reserve. Sub Commander during the tall were there to attend the lnstalla-
He 14 a gradute of Newport and sprlne tenn. tlon of Mrs. McFarland as preal·
Harbor Union High School and He received class and Intra· dent of the Hollywood Branch o1
attended Rutherlord Prep School mural numerals In football, and the National League ol Amerl-
at Long Beach for 1 year. was compa ny ring and crest can Pen Women, a t the Holly·
Durtnc bl4 First Class (senior) representative. wood Plaza Hotel In Hollywood .
year at the Naval Academy he He plans to attend submarine Mrs. McFarland. a writer of
attained the rank of MI!Uhtp-llcbool tn Connecticut after aerv-poetry, lll also eonespondln& ~·
man Ueutenant. servtnc aa Com · lng a year o1 duty at S&n Dlego. ~ta.ry ol the Alta Vl.ata Club and _______________ ....;_ ___ __.:_ ____ _:_ Put .Royal Matron of the Order month .
A tpedal m~lnc of the Costa M ~ J 1 B I 11 d ~e:e~t;:,d~= o~a~~n!·~~u~~ rs. Me erry nsta e
Charlotte Cooper, at her home at A E • PTA Pres·.dent 923 ..Con cress St. Costa Mesa. to s n sIgn
dfaeuu proposition ''W," the
water bUJ which will be on the "Pearls of thought" were: used
ballot 1une 5. as the theme tor the Installation
A committee Including Mll· ot Mrs. Mel Berry ot CUU Haven
dnd Fisher, Ruth Ryden and as president of the Horace En·
Evelyn Jones wu named to see algn School PTA Jut week.
Costa Mesa Mayor Claire Nelaon about endorslnc the proposition. Mrs. Richard Llllenthal, past
The mayor has slnce signed a presJdent. conducted the Instal·
proclamation urflng citizens to latlon rites for Mrs. ~rry and
vote for the measure. other newly ele<:Ud officers, In·
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mitchell
have moved from Poppy Ave .•
Corona del Mar, to Dolphln Way
In LllJUn&.
eighth graders entering h igh
Panel memben were Jane Fon·
tJus, Newell Stickler. Valerie
Lowen and Tom Markham. En-
sign eighth graders asking ques-
tions, and Bob Johnson. Barbara
Ullenthal, Bob H ask e J J and
Robin Rylett. Newport Harbor
High School students discussing
the a nswers.
During the business meeting
the croup voted to rt~ $75 to
the American Field Service to
help with the fo~lgn exchange
student program.
of Amaranths.
.... liP .....
1M Staff l111rN
First place awards In the
Santa Ana College Journalism
Workshops went to the Harbor
High School Beacon for Its sports
section; Bill Doner ot the Beacon
for sports story. and Sharon
Crowl ot the Beacon tor her
Other Beacon winners were Jo
Anne Jackson. tied for third for
best news story: Judy Ferguson·
and Sharon Crowl. ho nora ble
mention for best joumallst; J udy
F~n. Sf<'Ond tor interview:
Fonner Newport Beach resl·
dent. Charles Roe:w. baa moved
from Santa Cruz to San Dtqo.
fW-*AY •• •••w ••
... . . . .. ~ ... ,.~
CAaDS , ..
eare ••••1•
to •••cl tlte
•err ._. .••
tee our eo..
plete ~
tion now.
'"TIIE~=-3127 L c-t &wy .. ea.o.a del ....
a..da. ....._ c::::liiMJiw 1.Mia ... ..
H.AJUK>R 6178
2!tl9 E. Cout Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
Ellie ...... ,.
Jloan 10 cr.a. to 5 ......
ec.o..a del -~ 1157
Pied Piper ........
MU &. c..t awy.
A aon. WUllard Mark. 9 lb. 6
oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs.
WUlard Musick ot ~t,.t ·29th St..
Newport Beach, on Sunday, May
13, tn Hoae Memorial .Hospital.
eluding ~ John Haas. fJrst
vice president; Mrs. Porter Sin·
clair. second vice pres ident; Mrs.
Sydney Gaynor. thlrd vice-prest·
dent: Mrs. Martin Lockney, ~·
cording secretary; Mrs. Charles
Hansen, conespondlng secretary;
Mrs. DUJWood Young. treasurer;
and Mrs. Harl H. Burnett. his·
tor ian.
Former teachM, Mrs. Mary El·
len BrowneH, served as rnoder·
ator for the panel protram. con·
alstJng ol students. who dls·
cussed pro b I ems conbontlne
1be PTA meetJnc opened wfth
a n ag salute conducted by Glrl
Scout Troop No. 7. under the dl·
rect1on of Mrs. Kenneth Banis.
and ciO!Ied with a cotl~ hour. A
special president's cake Inscribed
"Good LucJt. Bonnie" decorated
the table In honor ol the newly
Installed president.
Dennlll H a r w oo d . second for
sports feature. The Beacon tied
for SE'COnd for feature section.
The Newport Harbor Galleon
won "out5tandlnf" rating a mong
Cut Your Expenses
At Our May Sale
~·5 in vour home • • • see
The Figurehead Store
51.1 29th St.. Newport .
HArbor 32lS
Complete ••.
Decoratlnlll De.ip-Carpeta· Druerl• · Furniture • Uphol· st«ln•·Color Conwltant ·Sbut-
ten·All t:Jpea ol floor and
windOw coverlnp.
Walter Holbrook J;lll lf. Pappu ... ...... ,._
Scm FrazdKoo
Jcmu4py 1. 1957
rw ............ '1:;: ......, ........... ---:<. ~ .,., .... ..... aJIIOID h
......... .-. •• 'II It "'7' lw !1~ t --n.•x .... Lmta•
• • • of SOf:ial note
Harold Roberbon, 333 E. Bay marriage $he wu an a.ctive c:a.
Front. Balboa laland. 1s recup· reer woman and eerved u ~·
eratJ.nt from aur,ery -at leut tary to Oz:zle and Harriet. 1'V
there's a doctor In the houa&-and movie .tar..
hls wt!e, Dr. Helen Robertaon. • • •
• • • Beautiful plctu.r. ~earda ln-
Lewta Balta o1 Corona HlP· dJcate that the Gene Boe:ros and
lands 1s a prett,y stdt Jt.IY ap.ln Speedy are vtslttng ln beautiful
-be's ln Boac R~ital. Alpine Italy. Bet the babyU be
• • • to bll he can walk down Cout
Commu nity Youth Center Hlahway when they return.
atanda to aet q uite a ~ tdtchen • • •
flxin'a and lnilde twn1shlnp U A feathM ln the c:ape ol west-
Zonta Club manat" to .t.l all ern sall~'IWr)' Gloep of BaJ •
the Uckeb for the International boa, wbo attend.t the Cout
Cb&mploo ,-.nnts Elthlbltion at Guard Academy ln New Encland.
the Balboa Bay Club on l une J. Just nnlshlnl bJs Junl« ~ar.
All the monJer over and aboYe hu been aa.Ulnl capta.ln, and
the Bay Club experwes will be dofn8 a Jot ot racfna With the
donated by Zonta to help equip Academy .
the Youth Center. • • •
• • • 1be W. S. Ellpatrtcb of Ollna
Mrs.· lames Zet,er, 616 a.torua Cove are Jeavtna 800n foe a Jels·
Ave., Corona del Mar, hu been umy trip north to the San JUan
80journlna In Boag ao.pttal. lalanda. 'Ibe KJJ)Nitrtcb wtll be
• • • • dolt\1 80me vi81Un1 -.ue Kr.
The former SallY Conley, now IIC'a mother U-.. ln SMttle.
Kra. c:::urtor4 B. Rqhe., WN OM
of the •lecud l unlot Pro¥Woft. 110W m UT ... .,
alt ret'Ot11 annou.c:H by the j 'ftle Jack Rl.,.,._ b avoe moved
!...e. ~·-J..., c..cue Chap· from Ootona mtf\landa to .., ter. ,lira. Rual* .. the daqftter ..._ 'I'Mf brueJt1 JIYed at
ol Mr. an4'Jiln. .,....,_ OoDley S.O JMward A..._ u.tr new a4·
ot ec... clll ...... ..._. w ._ Ia 38115 IICP* .. Dr .
AdlaJ Steven80n will make hls
final pre·prtmary vt~t this Fri-
day at a picnic and rally In Ana·
helm City Park. The Democratic
presldentJal candidate will be
there at noon tor the luncheon
and wm rive a short talk.
SPliT a.TS
"'--4 snr.rttiiiD._I .. , ...
....... ,s
1/3 TO 112 OPP
A..sa..M ..
b ....... ""-
Are Appointed for City
' Appointment of 3 recreation Eldred l«tw. 25. au~
aupet"Vbon hu been approved at Corona del Mar Youth Cent«
by the Newport Beacll City Coun· and CotOna del Mar area. ~:xper.
c:U. They are: lence Jnclucte. work with Boy
Bernie Letuna~ are ao. au· Seoutl; Sheboygan. Wla., ~
pervt.or for boya' and men'• ac. ment ot PubUe Jl e c rea t1 on :
tlvttlea. He receJved bla B.S. de-YMCA In Ann Atbor, Mich.; cree In educatJon from the Un1· physical education teaching U ·
venlty of JndJana; M.A. In rec· al.stant at UnJvenlty of Michl·
reatlon trom New York Unlver· gan; Santa Monica YMCA. He
atty. 1954; four ye:ll'S ot experl· wUl receive hla M.A. ln recrea·
ence Includes recreation work 1n Uon from UCLA thla month. Hla
Lititz, Pa.; pollee athletic leaaue salary wUl be $364 a month.
In New York; Boya' Club in New Mlas Julia Root. 41, supervisor
York; community center ln Hart· for girls' and women's activities.
ford, Conn.; summer camp Red Fifteen years of experience In·
Cross swimming Instructor. Hia dudes community center dlrec-
aalary wUl be $364 a month. tor In Lenox, Mass.; interim dl·
••• ..-. ••••• ••• rector of recreation for State of Vermont; supervisor of special .PORT :? ... J .
COIIONI l'll 'lt/14 11 h 4U ,'Aiillr
activities in Cedar Rapids, Iowa;
superintendent of recreation In
Springfield. Vt.; program apecla-
llst fos recreation depa~nt in
Yuma, Ariz. Sbe la a graduate of
•• ....... the University of North Carolina.
•-. Her salary will be $382 a month.
I:.S p.m. CIDd 1:15
• • •
Mrs. Jane Fitzeefald has an·
nounced the opening ot her lane
Fitzgerald's Beauty Salon In the
lim Gallagher BuUdlng, 3732 E.
Coast Highway. near Poppy Ave ..
In Corona del Mar. This is the
location of the former Coral
Beauty Salon.
__ ._. -tile .,...s pn... Tlae Flab Pry wW
M Mid tlall lcrtwday CIDd IUDday at eo.ta x.. Mk. Actc. Viet« llcl.ogJea CIDd Ida
JDOtolcyCie aa1p1 wW leod a ft~ pa· raa. latuday, •tal'tta9 at 1:30 p.m. ----Fretl Filler, Prilter, a-. allp of 42
Read En.aagn Want Ada.
Holy Rosary was recited Mon· Orcaag. eo.atra lf..-t llaakal s...at1oa I I I
day In St. Joachim's Catholic THE
Church for Fred Forrest Fuller,
42, ot 2282 S. E. Orchard Dr., "WES YIUIIIAII '1"811" Santa Ana Heights. Mass was 111111 I nt
celebrated Tuesday In the church. wlth Mr. Fuller passed away Friday
at his home. He was a native of Judy Whitney & Counby Washburne
BuUalo, S. D.,.and was a printer
by trade, employed by the La· Available for private parties, dances and
guna Beach Post. Parkes·Ridley Club activities. Excellent mulde and en·
Mortuary was In charge of ar· tertalnment, tor the "over-thirty" rroup.
wttla Gecqia Gobel
Assisting operators are Marl·
lyn Snedeker and Hazel Parker·
50n. Mrs. Fitzgerald, who lives at
411 Heliotrope Ave., previously
was at Tommy Wilson's Beauty
Salon In Corona del Mar, and
came here from Las Vegas.
where she was associated with
beauty shops at the Flamingo
and El Rancho Vegas. -··········~ ~-------------------------
PJCTUU:D AT TilE OPDDfG of tile aob IMJtx ......... t OD
th• bay &oat LD the Lido ~'-c.• an (left to fi9bt)
IDCIDCI9W KMUMtb CawthJ'a. boetHa Jtay DaY~ CIDd nctauna• tew Bob DaltoA IW:Ia.MU.
rangements. TELE. LmEJITT 1-151'2 (DAn)
t4a ,.-a-::--:•i=---=s,__ICC_•• fi~~~ij~~E=:=~~9 Mrs. Ida Pacini. 72. of 1953
Arnold Ave., Costa Mesa. died
May 20 in Hoar Hospital. She
was a native ot Italy and had
llv~ In Long Beach before com·
l'ru~enm at.atta at l)uak / lloa. Ulru l"rt. Door~~ OpeD 8:00
C'artooo CaroJvaJ Frt Sat 81111 8•t.. 8UD. Doon OpeD 1 1 :•s
SANTA ~A. ard a. 8ualt * DOUICS OPI!:N AT 1:1& *
W IL Pho.,., * Sat. A 8ua. llalt.. at I :16 * G .en IU 1-a40 * NO\V SHOWING *
Bob& Taylor Stewart o,_,_ Sa.&~~ Ba)'Ward IUebrd c-te
· · • • DRIVE ·IN -· lC r ~::ATR[S CJ
~ rO N l ,. tO U 'Ill
--lftil 1 H J J A U II.."' ( -.,g "}
Prolr'IIIM nar1 at O.k-canooe o.r.tYal rrt... SaL. 8aa.
f1l • saul I~~':~.:
--, ~ ~HC3UJHr3 ..,._ [0;; sc;;;;Ell ---··-.. --....,fUI ....... ........ !'-IM~ '!"' u;oo;'j
ADD 8111ertdaa Steve Codl
Canl ~n Tom Tryon
* Now Showing *
"OUB 11188 BROOKS"
--doUiee • 1 ... !Dd1141119 ..........
f!rahns' n<O..ba.a J'xYJA= 1 uO...I•-aha
* SATURDAY,. JUNE 2 ...... .......... , ..
"God the Only Cause and Cl'ea· A missionary ~a.ker on fur·
tor Is the Lesson-Sermon sub· Iough trom India, Doris I. Welles. Ject for Sunday at the Newport will talk at the Sunday aervlces
Beach Christian Science church. at Chr~t Church by the Sea.
The Golden Text of the Lesson·
Sermon Is from the Psalm ol COIOIISSJOMS TO KEET
0...1'1artaot.#-.11m MA4:AUW
P..ty Accomtnodetions
David (72:18), "Blessed be the Commissions of Christ Church
Lord God, the God of Israel, who by the Sea will meet Wednesday.
only doeth wondrous things." June 6, to elect officers and to
lng to Costa Mesa 6 months ago.
Survivors include a son, Mario
Pacini of Costa Mesa: a daugb.
ter, Mrs. John Angel of Costa
Mesa, and 4 other daughters.
Holy Rosary was recited May 21
In Parkes·Ridley Chapel, and
mass was celebrated May 22 In
St. Joachim's Catholic Church. We.t 5th SL at Santa Ana RiYer 1(.
, .. An'llll ... ~~~~~~~S~ANT~A~AN~A~P!L~~KI~3-~83~11~~~
Here we are on the brink of
gift time! Graduation 1a alm*t
here and June 1a the month for
brides . . . trousseaus. bridal
review work for the hear ahead.
There wUJ be dinner at 6:15p.m .
and business meeting at 7 p.m.
Vacation church tchool will be
held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. June
25 to 29 at Christ Church by the
Sea. Pre·re&istratlon will begin
this Sunday. The director is Mra.
Mabel Stanley, assisted by Mrs.
Wayne C&rroll, Mrs. Roy Carl·
son and M.ra. John Elliott.
g1tt.s and bridal showers. It's fun GUJLD MEETS JUWE I
Donald L. Richards, 22, of fr
517~ Orchid Ave.. Corona del
Mar, was boked at 2:30 a.m. Frf·
day on a charge ot violation of
parole tur Newport pollee alter
he wu seen leaving a Corona
del Mar bar at 2:20 a.m. A com-
panion. Douglas L. Nord, 36, of
500 la.sm.lne Ave., Corona del
Mar, was taken Into custody at
the same time on a· felony war.
rant from Las Vega.s pollee
charKtng embettlement.
to give presents to sweet etrl St. Elhabeth GuUd of St. James I I I 1• graduates and young brides. 'Ibis Eplacopal Chuureh wlll meet at l 11• .. Illes
Is the time of llfe when they 1 p.m. Wednesday <June 6) at Serv:lces were held. May 18 In
especially love pretty thlnp-the horne of Mrs. W. W. Barnes Parkes·RJdley Chapel for Mrs.
when pretty things espedaUy of 134 Shorecllff Rd., Shore CUffs. Pearl Mumford Harold. 81, ot
belong to them, • too. And we Members will bring tcl&sors and 2016 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa, who
have oh ·50·many pretty things thread to work on a needlework died May 15 in Hoag Hospital.
for them here at O'BRIEN'S! project tor the luft bazaar. She was a native of Prairte du ~~ ~ -from tlae IL. elgbth pade tlarougb college AT GEJfEB.AL ASSDOLT Chien, Wis., and ,arne here 7
-treave lcrnly tlai.Dp to Rev. Jame. Stewart, put ot montha a.go. A daughter, Mrs. H.
wear. auc:b aa Dedll--. brill»-St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, D. Chutlne of Balboa, survives
leta. em •lecJcmt bC!Ddbav ._ lett last week to attend the an· her, as wet a.s another daughter
••eaJ.Dg CIDd a pa1.r of becnatl· nual General A.aaembly of the ln Washington and a son in
fu1 er..c:.adoe glofta ~~ be Presbyterian Church being held Pennsylvania.
to c:bert.ab. In Philadelphia. Also attending I F-,_--.~-... -.-.. --..... -... ..1
So m e t h 1 n g ex ceptlonally this meeting will• be Rev. Tom IJ .......-.,._
thoughtful for the high school Gibson, former pastor of St. An· Guy Joseph Forcier, 66, died
graduate who Is planning on drews, who is now located at a May 16 at his home, 169 Merrill
college th~ fall Is a cashmere new church In Palos Verdes. Pl .. Costa Mesa. He was a native
sweater ... or a set of cash· CDJI COJOC17JUTT CIIVJICB of Mlnneeota, came to C&HfomJa
meres . . . a practical Invest· During the early wonblp hour in 1921 and moved to Costa Mesa
ment In the proper wardrobe for 9:45 a .m. Sunday, a apeclal Aco: in 1947 trom San Leandro.
the nnt four years. tyte Recognition Service will be Survlvon Include his wife.
Brides CIDd graduatM both held In the Corona del Mar Com· Mn. Marjorie Forcier, 2 sons and
wtl1 .,. ~ wttla gtfta of munlty Church. All boya who 2 daughters. Holy Rosary wu re·
becnatifal KJcbnaktt CIDd lila· have aerved through the year clted May 24 In Parkes·Rldley
aoo t.lD9erte: E.-y ~ waals w1ll be presented wtth award Chapel. and masa wu celebrated
a wbole ct.wry of fUmy tb1ap pins. New members wUl be re· May 25 In St. Joachim's Catho·
to tab wttb .._ to hew .._ celved during the 11 a .m. aervtce. lie Chun:b.
p~ .................................... clacfl.
tile vw.r ....._ a. -. .. o. .. Ceatra a..t ...-..
............ .._...._ .... ..._LI ....... tM~
te a.u.. ~aa..ct. u..s. -. .... ...,.. • a. carq. .. r.u.no..
I....:FI'S lbTI.uT 1•1101
= ~-::...-=:.:: so• aoa TO B1JELU jiiiiRA~~-G~~A·~Niiii!iis~·· 9GW1U to ~ detlcdW IUpe A son, Bradley Wallace, 7 lb. Willa are appnclated) _. Malty • 8 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mn. ,_... Ia .. _.. .......... • • • I ._
__ .... ...__ ....._ -... -.. Dougl•• Buell of .......... ~a A...... Your hlnl17 --.urant ....-u = ... • ..... 1 •••• • ..... ~ 1 •• --·----.··-· -._.A.._". ""'' fa-·..._ •• a • ••• _.: r -..c theM lcrnly tub • tbe7 _. Corona del Mar, on Tu-... av, (a-d .,......., ..._ = a;;. _.. -.. = • -i .c. =
....... tile C10U, -----···-I 101' tiM bride-to--Y wey. May 22, In Boag Hocpltal. au .. c..t ...... , (Ciall IWII .... ,. I ad •• ........ u ,.... ... atDck .... -......... c.-... .....~··---
dlcmae _.. O'aiiJEII"S laaft -----------~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~----=-~·!!·~·~-~CIIwtt ... ••t• .,..... ... ._ the yoaag ..,. .. ad
coJOI' ,.. .... c.-fUel
High achool and college e:r•d·
uates, too, appreciate the beaut!·
ful ln lingerie u found at
O'BRIEN'S •.. and glrla of all
ages, from elahth grade on. will
love you 11 you select a new
wonder f u 11 y trlii:r pett.k:oat.
Really, t.ba'e are .o many beaut· ttw thlnp at <YBJD.J:N'S to ct.
llpt "ery girl'• heart. )'OU
abo\lld come tn and aelect .ome-
thln• apeclal ot JOW OWil ~:
Inc . ........... ,..,.. ..... .... .......,.....,, __
............. a C ..
.._ ........... I Wtllt. •-• o-•~• ......, 'liS I
• and Bon ~ppetit · ·
. \ •
From the· POUCE BLOmR ~~e~~~.:~
now to ou.et taxes lr lntft·
est>. Cloae In C·2 comer. Baa
to be 10ld . . . clear. Seller
wUl accept 11mall down lr
c:any bal. to suit.
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; U 8-1400 eves.
to $15,000 foe equity In 3 BR.
lr den house In Corona High·
2721 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar, CaUl.
WITH DOWN PAYMENT OF -=noo Then $64 monthly beys
this new 3-bedr. home, car.
peted thruout 3 bedrms.. ltv.
rm. It ball. S~-.wers It
curbs It street lights 1n It
P.O. FHA Bullt It Interest.
1857 Newport Ave~ Costa Mesa
LI 8·1632; l.J 8·1400 eves.
I l l
Wu $29,7SO -now $28.500
3-bedr. plus larce den! wet
bar -2000 ~. ft.! 2 ultra
rnodem tUe batba! Dbl Ga·
TERMS! .., ....... .,
16198 Newport BlYd .• Coeta Mesa , u t-n61
Modern ·MW4·bedr.. 2 bath.
u.nlque feature&. Planter and
PP 1n u..,_ rm. wtth *P
down ,.... d.lhlq .......
Landlnped • .._._ Call
now or .. Sat. • s-an. to 5
larT Newport Aw.,. o.ta ..._
l.J 8-1131; u 1-ltOO ..... ........
~1M ldeaJ-You.
mutt .... tbll ~.bedroom
and ... &arty American eo.
loiWL1. It ott.. a lltettrne ot
paclout IMna. It'• •pactoua.
JLu aum-tn lt.bc'bftl. aervlee
porch. 1• beth.a. patio and
cwtnbe .._ .... &'arace. Pull
pr~ P1.501 wttb exeeUent
W.l. Te.lla, ....
''you'U Uke our friendly aervtee"
400 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa
LI 8·ll39
Fill ~~ Falllll li ·
Ufl lpi1?
Then ret acquainted with
this Uttle Ruatlc Modem, 2
bedr. It 2 bath home built
around a dellrhttully land·
.caped, shrub enclosed patio-.
And It sits way back on a
45 ft. R-2 lot with ample
room to build. We have the
key and the price Is just
$17,900 fumlahed.
Bar I leach Realfr
Corona del Mar Branch
3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harboc 5563
Cozy 2 bedrm. • l~nal
R a n c h y home completely
fumlahed. 2 ca.r garage. Set
In heaven of flowers, trees,
shrubs. FruJt trees galore
Corral for bone. AJI fenced. 66.X305. .-;,ooo down. ... Pr., ...
Ruth Jayred, Realtor
Hlldred Riggs It
Sylvta Thompeon, Associates
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Phone Harbor~ Harbor 4600
C••••rclll 1111111 ..., ..... ., . .,
Rear of 2229 E. Coast Rwy.,
Corona del Mar
ccmfortatale be a c: h home, Jarce .,.uo. dbl«!. prace,
plUf attnad:tve l ·bedr. apt. Cbie to Bay ~'font _ . In
Immaculate condItIon on ·~· JSUUrl) Sut.tuUal •wn.mer In·
eotPrtme ~lot~~ to new owner. ce 121,.500. Hunyi
498 Park. Balboa Island RA m
Inspect, then buy and enjoy
lUe 1n th1a 2·bedr., 2 bath
luxury home!. Patio In rear-
ocean It Harbor View In
front. Rorru! has Forced Heat,
F. P~ We, paper and paneJ.
Jnr. Property clear-cubmit
down It paym~nts.
Quick occupancy. •
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
U 8·1632; LI 8-1400 eves.
L~ II·C..A-1. 7
When buying or aelllnr
Newport property, why not
do bualness with aomeone
thoroughly famlliar with the
I have ~n here a long
time and can oUu real
C .. Jes Hart, Realtor
3420 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport
Harbor 1428
VIew of Bay. Near Carnation
and First Ave.
Coast Hlway It Marigold, CDM
Banjo St., 3 lge. bdrrns., w-to-
w carpeting throughout. cus-
tom drapes, lge. fenced lots.
dbl. garages. All Improve-
ments ln It pd.
1857 N~ Ave .. Costa Mesa
LI 8·1632; U 8~1400 eves.
OUioCII & Sbop • 1....,_ Space W l 'oo Ltde to C1c:mmry
124 Tu..st:1n
Nev;-port Beach
Fr•cis .J. lltnllll,
sale. fine condition. $50. U
Ha 14.28 or lS6S
HELP WANTED: Mother's help·
er; 2 children, prefer Uve ln.
salary. Ha 3286 afternoons.
Clrlu 1111 llr
Immaculate condition. 2 bednn. apt.. hwd. noors. tub It shower. Large living room It kitchen. 23 ft. plastered
garage and 2 additional nicely finished sleeping rooms
with extra bath, private entrance. Can bund another home In front.
Best construction; only 6 years old. Compare thl$ with
anything In today's market under $16.000. Owner anx·
lous. wiJI .U for $14.500.
No sight-seen. Buyer n~ $7400. Drive by 706 Mar· ruerlte Ave .. th~ phone Harbor, 882., to Inspect.
2647 E. Coast Rwy., Corona del Mar HA882
A sleeper on two Iota. well constructed 2 ~ bol'Df!
with centra! patio ott ot large Jlvlnr room. tropical
plant&. ftsb pond and a hl&h wall for complete privacy,
aecond patio ott from bur. klteben 13 x 13 dlntnc room. dbl. pra,e. Multip e No. 7082 $25.450.
Two plus bedrooma. ocean view, room to expand. H~
fs tomethtnc you ean sink your teeth ln. Drop by and take a look and let's talk a deal.
3444 E. Cout Bwy .• Corona del Mar-Barbor 2288
(Aeroa h'Om Bank In c.D.M.)
PILL.I ...
........... II IIIII
u ....
W&WIW't 8ADOII ••• ' ~ ::~ 4
Irvine Terrace
Gives You Everything
---but Smog
..... D1 IJ'I ,..... ........ . ..,. ........... , ... ...
IIMI .. PICiflc 0.•
To the home buyer who wishes to pu.reh&R In the
$25.000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend
the Irvine Estates overlooking N~rt Harbor.
These hom" feature Calllornla U"tnc. Offered e:xdu. alvely throufh Earl W. Stanley In a Smor-Ftee Arft
known u Irvine Tert'a~n Coast Highway oppo.tte
the new lrvtne Coast Country Club, Newport lfarbor.
* For recommendation, we mft you to anyone wbo holds a Lea.aehold Estate In IJvine Terrace, Beacou
Bay, Bay&hore. or CllU Have.n.
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Harbor f448 For Fu:ther Information
Ctrw Ill. 3 larp .......
Price ..-ce~ It $18,500
2667 E. Coast Rwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741 ; BA: am .., , . ..,
3 It 2 bedrms.., comer. Across Park It Bay. 1-unlt turn.
Ideal home It Income. WIU trade for Ba.Jboa laJand.
Full Price $23,750.
THR..EE BEDROOM. untum .. car port. wall-to-wall car-pet It drapes, 194-4 Monrovia. Costa Mesa.. $9'700--$2400 cash.
146 Cedi Place corner. Challenge to some one bandy w1th tools. Price SJOOO cash.
70 X 121 C zone Newport Blvd. Needs f'E'Pa.lrs to code.
Price 126.500 now reduced to S20.500. Terms. Small down.
110 on Broadway by 125' on Fullerton to alley, then make an otter! Owner will subordinate.
FUICIS "· ••vall, •••r Harbor 1428 Harbor lS6S
CORDill DB. Ill
3-bedrs. and 2 baths. center hall plan, large slldJna-elass doors to patio-on Dolphin Terrace.
Good terms to qualified buyer. $32.500--Jeasehold.
ALSO 2 bedr plus a deon home on year's lease. $250 mo. • • •
Ex:qul.alte 4-bedroom. 3 bath home. Suitable for larg-e family, encloaed patio. • • •
•ut •••s 3·bNroom borne, larp d1ninl' room. etc.
Just reduced from S28.SOO to $23.000 for quick we! • • •
We haft buyen tor I'Ood lt.ttnp! Free estimates
and coo<l aervtee.
22:5 Martne Aft,. Balboa Island Call Harbor 1m Eva Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222
lob.D 11adtab, Harbor 5358 LouJa BoyntOn Harbor ~
• • •
to th.ee& questioru
1. Do you bave steady ~lo}'I'Mnt!
2. Doea JO'Ir employer tra.L.
)"'U lor advancement!
3. ~ 1!1Q baw paid vacation. ~ aD41k:k lHve?
.. Do ,. Wildt doet to )"'UU ..,...,
!1!!~~~~~~~~~~-.. -·~uw~--~~~~---~~~----------------~~
JIIAifO ......ucriOR. ,._ • a • c.llla A. • ,.,, ec-,...., a lbDlted au•• of
pufUI ........ CoDollt ...
&aMI of ~ c.-ana IL -"ei::~;:~::~~~~;5S7i;;:5:~;:~~~==~~~ ar.ctuiite ltUitnll of .... ..,. • ... -... om.. a.r.. c-a. .... ot,..,topre. ................. .... ....... .... .............. -.......................... ~
* ... ,..... ............. at•a.a.ftll ................. d .......... & ........................ -. ..
a-..-.uo r • a.-r-.a. ............ a.., ..... ~ .... PIJU WATCH a:PADIKG MeloN of tM ...._ ..... Mdr a ,._ _.., II ftt·
"''tooDpt a..-ke · to 1N'I '-'• -7lltD .... 'I; eraa IN WlaMa .. eoD· ._...,. .... ftotcsl"" ... ,._ e., 111e ,_..: 11C1, U..U. to ..... ._ ..._., at
nos SIZE• cl•"'fle.d ad tn the
EnatiD cc»t1 Onl1 ~.!50 for
three lMertlona. Call 1n your
ada to Batbor 1114.
...._ 1-Aq. 4 UIIIO ........... : lNI, 7 L11L 4aUJ.
Dll L CIL.:_-.. C... ... .._ .TW, I to AUf. 11: .... I~ I to Didn't 1mow or ....... rllll· • 101m JoiiZ"-aoem iii Aq. ao: lJ!O. June ao to o.. M: 1D'" had ., mudl pul1.tq ,..... .
Appllca.nta ~ many amc:. 1851. ~ 15 to a.,e. 11: 1152. Mil. Graham ot Craham's Bait Jobe. also re.tau.ranta and do· luly t1 to Au1, JO; UU. Jut7 4 and Tadtle dalml sJae ran out
mat:rcs. Many Jobs for qualltled to lut7 •; ~ .July e to Aue. of sand crabs and couldn't COD·
m.n. (Re,wter now.) 13, and 1955. June :H ~Sept. 5. vtnce the anal .. tb.,. could u..
---........ --------------------June Fatrar Empl. Aeeney, A stu~ ot the stat Jcs ahowa razor clama tor spotftn croaker =ro-=-=a=-=aALE-===':-"':=------:;:;-.---=-:-=-:-~ -;'r':'"o:::a:-:SALEc-:-:::--:::---:-:'--::~---:,----=-=---=-402~ 32nd St., Newport the ftnt albacore of e eeuon att~r they read tha. ttab.Jna
BARGAIN! Tappan Cas Ranee, JAGUAR-David Niven's Mark COI1l.PDI 1n durlnl tbe w,ek be· column In the EMJan recently.
with extra griddle, clock con· V 4-door salon tor aale. White· GUEST BEDS fore or the week after the Fourth The "How'a J'1ahln' " comment
trolled ov~n, thermostat. ell· walb, heater, aun-root. rt. PO.R RENT of July for all yean except 11M7. was about ualng sand era!» for
vlded top. Veey aood condltlon, band dtlve. $1250. Days LI. Call In many years the run extends aurt flahtne.
$55.00. U 8-Z750. 8·5573. eve$. HA t095·M. Uberty 8•3456 not more than a ff!'llll' weeU, so, Naturally, razor clams are the
2 ELECTRONIC ORGANS llk~ ~;,-....,.-•• -_ ..... A-TE--W ..... -_----Seal's Sur..tcal S•,...pll-you'd bftter htt ·~m whlle th~yre best for apotfln In the bay with
new, our price only $575 up _._. -~ -~5&# • .., .. ., -h~. 110me nJce catch• COJDina In
Schmldt-PbWlpe Bl& Organ A WAN'T'ED TO LEASE with option Generally, the flnt albaeore theM da~ Speckled baa and
Piano Store, 520 No. Main, to buy, 2 or 3 BR. moderate Painting Decorating reports come from Mexican ~Dowfin croaker are a1110 belna
Santa Ana. One Solovox $150. priced home. N~ed by June; PAPER-HANGING wat~ then San Df~ao or loeal eauabt 1n the bay. Flahlna t. re·
FISHING BOAT, 26 IT., Gray Ma· excellent rderence. Ba 5347. GEORGE BURKHARDT waters, th~ the we.t ~nd of ported good all over th~ bay.
rlne ~gtn~. ready for tishlne. IlEAL ESTATE & aEJIITALS u--.....o ,... __ _._ C&tallna, Santa Barbara lsland, Anllert 1n the upper bay on ~ ~ Ba 4864. ~ ........... "'._. Morro Bay, oft S. F. and Into week enda find the water alders'
_....... OFFICES FOR 8~. Birtch'"'· 1897 Onftp Ave. eo.ta Mesa orth-wa•.. I p.... th too ......... b'"'.. t I hJ b HAMMOND ORGANS used. A ALJ• • ~ LJbe:rV a.8828 Uberty 8.6632 n ""... "'""rs. r .... ume ey . wa•wr -. excep ~or I rare opportunity. One famous Bldg., Mar Crest Corp. 2515 E. swing acroa to Japan, down lnto tides at the point on the eastern
CHORD ORG.... BV H Coast Hwy., COM, Ha 1964. COMPLE'T'E PAINTlNG the Western PacltJc by Sal pan, ahore just below the dam. Sud
,..,, one ome 2 BR. UPSTAIRS APT., water· PA.Pb BANGING SERVICE where I've ~aten a lot ol fOOd · fishermen are having good luck
Model both llk~ new. Don't tront. Dlsposal, garage, large HA 2978 tasting locally cauaht tlah. and between 30th and 60th Sta., N~·
walt 1t you w1sh to make a fenced yard. Special price for then swtna back acroa th.~ Pa. port Beach. eood aavtne on th~ world's 3 .... .... •• , 1 (Eveninp. week·encla) eilJc to the west cout of Mexico. A ..... pound aalmon was cau,ht finest Or~tans. Schmldt-PhUllps .rnon ... .., 01' ...,-.be years EUGE!f!: 0 . SAUNDERS .. , •
Home of the Hammond organ, --...;l;;.ease:::6;:-;-. ::Bo;--:;;x,..-355-=;.,' ~N:-:.B;:;.=--::-~:-=7 500 Sbt Street, Newport Beac:b It was only durln1 th~ year last Thursday on the May B out
"'""' N M 1n St. s ta An 2 ROOMS 6 SHOWER for ~nt. when the albacore ran late that of Port Oranie by .Ray Jack.aon
.u;u o. a • an a, ------------eggs were found lnalde lon1 fins of Belltlower. A live bait did th~ Good Terms, 36 mo. pvt. entrance, no cookJng. 227 COKPI.&TK I..AJRMICAftiiG brouaht lnto Newport Harbor. trick. Small white aea bass and
3 SPINETS A 1 Grand, small Larkspur, COM. IDYJC& They apawn somewhere along a tew 1ood bull ba.as are being
case damage In shIp p 1 n g, CALL Edna Craig, rental ape· FREE ESTJ)IATES the lln~. caught on th~ Missawlt. 6 a.m.
freight co. &t factory pay, you ctallst with Dorls Bray, realtor, SolH Green Starn.,-Lar1e halibut up to 10 pounds and May B. 7 a.m., from Port
aave big money. Schmidt-Phil· 216 Marlne Av~ .• Balboa Island. .Free delivery and sea trout are being caught Oranee.
Ups, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. BA 20 or HA 64. CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY off the dock at th~ Balboa Pa· Quite a few whit~ sea bus
VIOUN, over 100 years old. Call WJUfTED HA 1038 2744 E. Coast Hwy. vtllon th~ daya. The Jet n and calico baa, but n o bana·
Ha 2321 up to 6:00 o'clock. ------------Tel~phone Harbor 2450 leav~s at 4 p.m. and the Frontier euda, Is the catch story from the SPINET PIANOS-:-All wonderful 75 USED PIANOS wanted. Swap --~.;;,e;;,;a;.;.;.;;;a.lr-:-":la~ll:7-.e...;;...;;;;;_;;___ at 6 a.m. dally from the Balboa San Juan, which leaves Seasport
buys ma ny slightly used, ren· your silent old plano on a .,._.,.,._ Pavilion. Anglers aboard these LandJng at 6 a.m. dally.
tal returns, new guarantee Hammond Chord Organ High· W boats are catching 6 to 8-pound Sand dab, flounder, rock cod
Ma ple, Blond, Ebony, Light I est cash alowance. Schmidt· Dlstllletl ... white sea baas and calico bass. and mackerel are being caught
Walnut. save $100 to $2160 all PbJlllps 520 No. Main, Santa For CardJae Conditions The Fury leaves at 4 a .m. and by anglen on the fishing barge
like new, Mlrro Splnet only
Ana. Kidney Stones the Jet I at 5 a.m . dally from anchored ott the Newport Pier. S23S Maple finish $295. Kim· ""srro-""A_Tl_O_N_S_W_AJfTE __ D____ Nephritis-Allergies Davey's Locker, with anglers In a week or so, Spanish mack·
ball, Acrosonlc Spinets, from -Salt Free Diet catchlnr white sea bass. calico. erel are exp«ted to move Into
$465. Many other great buys. COLLEGE STUDENT d e s I r e 5 LI 8·5012 sugar and aand bus, from their waters around th~ barge. The
100 Pianos to choose from n~ summer baby s itting. Well· =RE=P..,.Al~R::--:AN~D:::-:M~a::,:l=n-t-~-n-a_n_c_e_, decks. Davey's Locker has a neet water Is clearing and becoming
and used. Schmidt-Phillips PI· qualllled &: experienced. re!er· painting, carpenter etc. Just of charter boats available for warmer with some real good
ano 1r Organ Store since 1914. ences. Wlll live ln. Lois Bal· anything. Reasonable. Sat!J. groups of anglers wishing a fishing expected. The Clrst shore
520 No. Main, Sa.nta Ana. lard, 118 E. Brookdale, Fuller· faction guaranteed. HA 012&J. boat of their own. boat to the barge Is at 6 a.m ..
GRAND PIANOS '1TlanYJike new, ton. Lambert_ 5·9612. ------------Memorial Day aees th~ Santa hourly thereafter.
Mason &t Hamlin, excellent GARDENING It til Prtjeclarl -·-
condition, Story a, c 1 ark, Specializing In patio care.
Knabe. Edmund Gram, one Lido Isle lr Corona del Mar.
only $435. Another $495. Many Dudley Cavanaugh
8-MM 16·MM 35·MM
other wonderful buys In pi· K~S·l=-62_1 __ -=-.,.,....-
anos. Come! Look! Schmidt· GARDEN WORK on Balboa
and 16MM Soun.i Projectors
FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies Phillips Big Plano Stor~. Santa Island. Phone Ha 1038, Z744 E.
Ana, 520 No. MaJn St., 100 PI· Coast Hwy., COM. Phillips .... Caller• .., anos; Home of the Hammond Brooks. 17'82 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa
Phon• U~rty 8· 7042 Organ. 7MA::-:-:TU=RE=--:w=o:-;-M-:-A-;-,N..--wt--.-s-:-h-es---:b:-:a:-::b-::y
MAPLE BUNKB EDS, c om p 1 . sitting and care of sick. knit·
springs and m attress, $29.95 ting or crocheting. Day or SIT 'I' lilT set. MAPLE DINETTE table ol nJght. HA 3192-M.
4 chairs. $16.95 set. MAPLE COM man would Ilk~ gardening. Start gitt·maldnl now for Moth·
DBL. BEDS. springs 1r mat· clean-up, etc. Call KI 3·2122. er's Day . . . Father's Day ...
tresses, $18.95 set. Ph. J efferson Met Upshall. . . . Graduation . . . Blrtbdays. 7 ·1853. 11352 Westminster, Gar-... REL--P-W.,...;..JUfTED_........,__...._ _____ New yams, straws and corde.
den Grove. SIT 'N' KNIT SHOP • HA 4622
Di rectory
"Be Sure--Insure"
RELIABLE WOMAN. housekeep· 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
er and child care, permanent. ------------
salary open. Ll 8-5251. LEGAL JfOTICE
!or general cleaning, ironing. JfOTJCE TO CJIEDn'OU
Mon. lr Fri. aft. Exper. In In· ESTATE OF HOMER E. ARM·
tant care. Irvine Terrace, HA STRONG, aka HOlrfE'.R EUGENE
1155. ARMSTRONG, aka H. E. ARM·
CLASS for summer business In NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to
this area starting now ; limited th~ creditors of and all persons
number accepted . Call Kl having claims agalnat the aatd
7 ·4Z72. d~ent or said estate to me
le1C01 Pei'IOIIIII
them with the n~ vouch·
ers In the o!tlce of the Clerk of
the Superior Court ot th~ State ot
100~ EMPLOYER RETAINED Callfornla, in and for the County
7• AGENCY of Orange, or to present the
NO FEE collected from applicant
413·31!t Newport Beach
aame, with the necessary vouch·
ens, to the undersigned at hls or
her place of business, to·wlt:
Rawlings -Spauldinq -Mc."Greqol'
Hooda famous "PF" HiTopa
22Z llartae Aft .. 7la1boa lalaD4--IIcll'b Jlel ......... daD~__,. .... p.m.
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232 Girls Hurwitz A Hurwitz. Attorn~
atLaw aciiccii~CiiaCi~cc~ac~~Ci~Ci~cc~acij~~
Continuous day a nd evenlna
elassea for prep&r1ltlon to
pass lh~ Stat~ exam.
Call or write
For Information
1611 N. Broadway, SAnta Ana
Kimberly 7-3511
KEilog ~3513
Sales. Service and Repa.lra
Tenna. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
Compl.te Collt.lon Wotk
Auto Pa1nttne
J'rM Eftlmat--Try Us J'lttt
'Ill Welt 17th St.. Costa .._ u .. '7801
a .. IEWS!
Good l obs -Good Salary
with frequent lncr~ases In a
company that actually en·
courages advancement.
Full pay u you are trained.
-Openlnp for-
2611 Newport Boulevard
Newport Beach, California
within alx months after the tlrst
publication of thla notice.
Dated: May 2, 1956
Rosa Lena Annstron1
Executrix of the EA.ate of aaid
l&ll Newport Boulevard.
Newport Beach, Callfornla
Attorney• fot Executrix
Publlab: May 10. 17, 2«, 31. 19M
In the Newport Harbor Enaip.
Newport Barge Fishing
~ !:A-;
..... .,... ........... ~ ... ......,..., ............... .....
.. W..tamer" Day boat Jea-n.
Daily 6 a.m.
------------------------------------------------~ - ------- ---~---
. ---·----------·-------
I -
Our population is growing at an
amazing rate. More people need
more water. Out present supply is
used up to the limit. With more
millions coming. we must hove
more water, or Cace restric1ed use
and thteatened water rationing.
J?as I
In~ustry uses e\'er ioc:reasin&
amOUD&a ol waecr. lodustry brinp
livelihood to oar i.oc:reu.i.na popu-
lation. To keep our joba, and
create mon jobs for more people,
w nt~U~Ittlw motW water without
! 'delay. I ·••a.to._ _______________ j ___________ _
Hca vy populad01.-tto~ laM
tnae~y ~d oarUDdelpoaad
stonee bulal. We JIIUit baUd dlaa
up willa motW ...,. u procecdoD
apiosc war,~ aquectDct
breatdowa, prouacted aenre
drouabt, or other uupected
The MetropolitaD Water District of Soutbem Califomia
-io which we live-is pushioa forward a aiant
Colora..io River Aqueduct CODIU'Ud:ioll propam. The
District oeedl $SO milljcwj CO belp briDJ tbe tqueduct
up to its full plaDDed deliwry capKity. By appRMq
Propol.itioa .. V we will euble tbe Dilcrict to pt tbe
job done rapidly ao that we caa pc die ~ Deeded
watcc without delay. 1
Tllere Will .. NO New Taxes
Ptopol.idon T wiD enable tbe District to 1peec1 up our
w~~er dellwry by IIIW.., ahart-term DOtel far tbe Deeded
$SO mWioo. Tbe DOita will be redred, with latenlt,
b'om umeutioo lea already pWaect IDd beiDa pUd
e8Ch year by ueu annned to tbe District d~ ,._.
yean. 111111 .. lit ... water we Deed -W1111 NO
Pro essional
I •
Con1UuctSoa ....... _..,. oa e AWIGRt •
.......... • Mn.JiantM~81Mtt.-~l.. ~.~ ::J of 2U Oltp Ave .. a&lboa lUnd. ~•fP! m•ae dJe4 Kay 22 1n sut.a 41\L She A t'st!!U:!!!... ~ wu a native olllldlpol't.. Conn., ~ -••• llal*d llddiiJ, • of ttOO ba4 Jtve4 ln C&Jifclm.J.a for 55 w..a ~ • .._ • .. fl&.
W. eo.t llwF. ••JCIIt ~ y•an and oa Balboa Ja1aDcl t.ar .... _, ~ Gf,.,... ..._ and 1 IBGfttha. SUJvlvon Include 2 ~
• 1 .fiedihiJr lleulnc eooe. Edwt.n ot Newport ud HAJmOa 11'11 Orlaallt • AuuarntC .......,_at llloth tbe eo.oaa del J01ut ~ raUlnc arou.ncJca· ~,~=I Kat mala budl aDd 011 tM 8al· rqt dec*. 501 J1tb St.. $100: &. 111'1 QOI..DD-., AVE. beMa OCMD beech ...., tile ..-. A. wan., eabana at J7 Dralle,
"''10 .... ,......,. ln Beber ol Berkeley. Baltz llortu· 2t19 .E. Cout ~ ..
............... -.rt. U)' of eo.ta ........ ln charp "---Colona---del_ ... ___ ~
......., .. ~ .... ta.k· oiOI' ....:_,~~·~'ica~------...!.================== IDa two ...... lad a tn11t .. atcb _ Coloaa ... Mar 'I'M l'tlltiOOIDII are ....... ...at b Lido ~-Park, .U00: lloJ' ':::!!iiii:iiE:~!:::: the City ol Jfewpcllt ... ,. .,. Scouts of 4merlca, l'CIC* tar .... ,.. PVWaAL contradelr a. L ~ w1to ap at lea lcout .._, 1115 W.
,._. ~ a-ow ....._ of t~lt~l ~•eemeonu (Political ~) -~~-.__..apart.
ment at T p.aa., lfa7 1.1. ,... at· torner ei&Md the eomplalnt.
cba.rclnc *at Sblt1e)' took the
J'rtencUvJtal-bodteda.vlce WU low bidder 011 1Midl PIO~ Cout IIW)'., ..,; W. B. lcm..
' -wltll a 1ota1 of -.-. PlYwood on floor and wall. UU P ARXES-RIDLEY Permtta a.uecl cturtn1 a.. put court. 1150; zuubetb Ol8on. de-
MOilTUA&T -week totalled onlJ f70,000, but mollab ~na at 22 Bolivar,
broulht tbe month'a total doee Uclo Traller Putt. $100; WWJam 110 Broadway to ~.000. J'ollowlnl permtta Hlnnen, replace poteh at aot u .. aaa,. .. 14M Coeta 11.. were t.ued· 32nd St., 885; Ruby Hadtell, re·
• etdlnc at 1.23 Mth St., 1'715; lohn ,~:==========~ BinneD, re-aldlnl at 121 38th St., N 0 w ... T w 0 2 Are Sought Sl~: ~nla Jfewcomb, wall at BALTZ MORTUARIES 4401 w. eout JIWJ .. I225.
·~ADa. liD
8ervtq lbe Rubor Area ··n K.tdn·p·tng OF. 1. 1. Albarlan. partition at -Baltz Mortuary u m. E. Cout Hwy .• $2.000; 1. H.
CHAPEL BY 11IE sEA Goode, add to wall at 1.305 Way
Rubor 42 Newport pollee eee~ two yout.M, Lane, 1200; Mrs. S. E. Llnk:Jater, asao E. Cout Ht.bwq 17 to 18, for lddnapplnl a Loe alterations and add1tion at 309
Corona del ),far Aneeles woman from the park· Poppy, ts,OOO; City of Newport Baltz Mortuary lne lot at the Balboa Bay Club Beac:b, ratroome at 1012-14 Shore
Uberty 8-2121 about 12:30 a.m. lut 'Ibunday. Ave., at Corona del Mar beac:b,
17b Ia Supedor, Costa Maa Donna Jeanne Barton of Loe $11.533.
• AMPLE PAJUCING Angeles cdntacted Costa Mesa ea&Wtoft DIGIITS
BOTH LOCATIONS pollee at 1:05 a.m. lut 'lbunday Don Brlaeoe, ear port and ad· '"===~~!!!!!!!:===~ to report the kJdnapplng. She dltlon at 446 Rlveralde. $8.000; C. r had been let out of a ear In front R. Smith, fence at 316 El Mo· ot 327 Avocado St.. Costa Mesa. dena. $100; Lucille Denough, HARBOR REST
Harbor Blvd. at Glaler
from where she called pollee. patio and walk at 531 Irvlne ••••••
'Ibe woman uld abe had left Ave., $275.
the bar room of the club • and e Cl.lPF IIAVElf
was trtandlne in the club park· WilHam B. Colllna. addition at
tne lot, waiting for a frlend to 615 Kines Rd., 15.000.
plek he:r up. A car pulled up e ~• IILAif'D The South Coast Democratic
';;;;;:::;:::::::;::::::::;:::;:::::;:;:::::;:;::;;:::;:;:;::::::::::;:::==:t I alongside and a youth, about 17, H. F. Ahm&n40n, addition at Club has pre.ented a resolution
atepped out and stood behind 18 Harbor Ialand, $10,000. to the Cou'lty Supervlaora and
jewelry, retua1n1 to pay $1.000 In
attomey'a fees, t.ar W'bldl the
jewelry wu eollalenl. and bit
him on the face.
"Wbere'a my mon.,.!" the at-
torney atat.cl. retallne to poUce
the Incident.
"You don't eet any money,"
Mr. Shirley reopUecl.. -
"Why DOt!" questioned the at·
"You insulted my wUe. I eot a eun and I'll shoot you. Now e\rt
out ol her.," Shu.Jy replled, ac·
ewdlnl to the attorney. 'Ibe aJ.
le,ed blow followed..
cnmt-ro~ film ........ .,.... ..
Eutman E.oclak Anleo
lolleUlex Polaroid
Stfto. B.eallat Arcus
Bell Ia Howell and
Tape Recorders
•o•n un ad s17n'UU
'I'IIZ CAMJtJIA mo• ll5...._A~...... Ialad
JL\d)ow asa
U Hour Developlne Service .CAm)~ ••AmT PAVOa
her, placlne what abe believed e aALaOA othe:r oreanlzations In south Or·
to be a eun at her back. Charles Hill. alterations at anee County demandlng a mora-li'IIMMM .. EIJ., .. _.,...
"Get ln the car, If you kn=»W 1501 Miramar, $300; City of New· torlum on oU well drllllng and • c·-I Fmlll
Lido Shopptnc Center
IIIWIIc C.1traot.
what's eood for you," the woman port Beach. restrooms on beach exploration In the l:oastal area ,.. __
quoted the youth as stating. She at Balboa Pier, $11.827; Earl Can· of the county to protect property
dJd and the other youth, a'bout non. patio roof at 1219 W. Balboa values .and recreational areu
18, drove the car out of the dub Blvd., $300; Paul R. Moss. beer from .~hat It terms the "oil
erounds. 'lbe car was driven bar at 109 Palm. $1.000: William bUebt
around foe about 20 minutes dur· Kapella, repal.ra at 300 E. Ocean -------!!:k w~hC: %:.: ~n!u'= ~-~A JSLAJm ICC 11& .. 111 c •• , ...
searched through It to find $3. s. w. Bouser. addition at ZIT 11 lr1Nrv CMIIIt
"She needs It worse than we Grand Canal, Sl.OOO: Mrs. Robert •-.
do," she quoted h im u atatlng. Bassett. addition at 1206 S. Bay
She threatened to jump out of Ft., $1,000.
the ear If not released. The driver -------
than slowed down and the vic-
tim eot out. The car was driven
away for a distance and then
drov.e back and the suspects llt·
tempted to for~ the victim back
Into the car. She began to
scream and the s1,1spect. drove
ot1 at a high rate of speed.
100.000 Due
For Festival
AccaatL Jr...._Ciabuof
ld8d ., dabb --··--Ia A•edcll. -wo collecti•• • .... -......... .u a.ta.
....... OraDge Coaaty
(fonnerly ol Newport Beach
l.aeuna Beach 6: Costa Mesa 1
aMat ... llldwA..._IOIICIIII
La..ty ~, ••• ••=rwt .....
* * * * * * * * * *
~ur United States Senator
* He has faithfully
served California and the
nation for 20 of his 45
* During his 3~ yeam
in the United States SeD-
ate, he has spomored G
bills-voted into public
law-benefitihg ALL the
IE-ELECT hi111 June 5
Mrs. HUd.red Fe:rreU
R. C. <Bobl Mlze, Co-Olalrmen
R. B. (Bobl Wurea.tt. Finance Cba1rman
* * * * * * * * * * She told pollee that the aus·
pects never m e n t I o n e d each
others names and the only state·
ment she could remember eon ·
cemed what they were eolne
(Political Advertisement l
Complete Home Fuml.ahlnp
Llbelty 1-StW a•acupwt Aft.
Costa Mesa
to do with the car.
• • JOHN A. MUIDY, JR. ••
Citizens of Orange County who drafted
John Murdy to run for the State Senate
four years ago are now more firm than
ever in their desire to have him again
represent this tremendous growing area.
Ben Hulse, president pro tem of the
California Senate, h a d this to say
before 400 persons attending a meet-
ing in Anaheim: .
HJ know of no man in Sacramento
who has a more briftiant future than .
Senator John Murdy."
County~ Director. Fnmlt V. Cnme-County Compai;n Treanrer. Francia GriMt
Newport leacb-Balboa Balboa Jalcmd..-..Coro del Mar C mnrittM b Senate. Murdy
Re le ased Time Religious PQI ! tar!l c.'f... I ~
A .. M ......... &MI. • lb. 11
OL. ....... to .... and~
Education Classes Plann ed = ~a~.::.w~ a:-:. 11""· .. 1\Y ta. 1n Boaa MemartaJ
pnMnted to tbe •J&hth _... pb whea tbey came ovtr lut
en tor -. ,_r __.. chOMD week. 'nl• up eomlnc ........ .,...
Jut ..a. n...., cbeerl..-. dr._ beerd talklbyLaurlelleocl·
are JenJ W'hltaUr. Dave EJDJDeS. J"k::u and Su• Brown and thea
ll1ke Jotuwoo. Medin Coucb. and went .to the pool deck to wtme.
Carolyn Gnen. 1be .oncteacters a few numben from lut year't
are JudJ Oorfman. Patti Smltb, aqua allow.
Plana I« aa Gpande4 pro-oa -ru.daJ at k Ju.. J:pl8co-a It ' c .•
cram ot 11e1o "'II nm. a... pa1 aaurc:ta. -• a.....-....
ln NUfloU,8 ed&aeatJon. When The Jev, ., Catl8oa. cbaJt· -.....
~ opeu nat taU. were dJll· man al tbe eo~~~•••on on edu· ,._ .._ 1191
eu.M --et U.. B&rttor Oouac:U of catsoft. bl'oqht tiM repoit oe ,... -••_., Cia..,.._ meednt lleld lut WMk ..._. time a«iYitlel aad an· ~
nounoad that c1o.1nt ...,... -.&. OOAI'I' IIWY. .,.. betnt b.W w...-at tbe ~A DI:L ItA&
lil&rU7D Rallli'Mftct. Sue St. Clalr, • •, •
an4 ._. Moon. Tboee ae4 a.. e iiiD QVAJI'I'D a01roa IIOLL
et...8 at tDotball pmel, bU· SOPHOKOu:s-Pea:J' Ander·
ketbAll ,.._, track meete, and ~n. WUllam Brew. Robert Bur·
other IIPQrb ~ta were Alan nett. M a x l n e Chun1. lionnle
Ryplnald, Don Waldron, Carlton Clark. Vlckle Caenar, Carol Daw·
Daw.oo. Jtayla Hurst. and Pat son, Mlke Denllncer, Paula Ech·
Kelter. 'lboee .onclead~rs tum· ols. Betty Evans, Georce Fitz· 1n1 VIW tbetr pompoma are Tiny water, .John Fonttus. ~ Gl·
Snowden, Su. Thcmburc. Shelby nowc.. Ray Godwin, Da¥td Good·
1'un.Dell, and BeverlY Pfirrmann ale, Pecgy HacUleld, Da¥td Bam·
Overby. mond, M I c h a e 1 Bayes, Patti
• • • Hourigan, Ronnle Keeler, David
• DITCII DAY Ktmes, .Joyce Ledbetter, Lonna
LIWC Elects Oaroaa cW Mar Com IDU n 1t1
Ch~ tM Oalta .... ~
41lt Chardl a.o4 au1lt Cburdl
Mrs. Lockney ~~= S::w~ ~I
, Ftsber beada tiM t.cohlq atatr.,
Krt. Martin Lodtney defeated Jtev. JroMrt Gronlund ...-tded
Krs. Lee Bam• to ~me PN&I· over the Councll of Cburchea
dent of the Udo ble Woawm'a meetlnc In thf abolnce ot Rev.
Club at their luncheon meetlnc lam. Stewart, wbo s. tn the
lut week on~. eut att.ncttna a "-byterlan Oth« new oftlcera elected art! Church conference lira. PhWip Stambaucb, first · ¥tee president; )Ina. L a. Me· The bu.ln~ mNtlntr followed
Cully, .eeond vice president; luncheon In the part.J.h J\OUM
Kra. Redtleld T. D t n w 1 d d 1 e , served by the women of St.
treuurer; Mrs. c. E. Vandervort. James. Report~ on aummer and
recordlnc aecretary; Mra. VernoR fall plana of the churchea wtll
Uttlejohn. coreapondlnc aecre-be heard durtnc the June meet·
tary; and put president .Mrs. Inc. echeduled to be held .June
~n• yl oi• a
llot;J J . .J~ce One of the best privileges of Lloyd, Bette Lomax, Diane Lund,
Senlorlsm la the Senlor Ditch Douglas MacLachlan, Marsha
Day, when the schools elders MacMillen. Je!f ldacNeUedge,
may ulp school and go any· Robert Mailloux. Sharon Mann,
where they please. Friday wu S Diane Marsac. Sandra Martin,
D Day and seniors inhabited the Irene McCormick. Deanna Miller,
mountains. Palm Springs, and Sonja Moon. Gerry Nack, .Ju~
many other places. Some ot Payne, Dan P h a I e n • Frank
Robert Wentz's drama studenta Schultz, Clermont S h e r m a n ,
made a trip to Warner Brothera Susan Stewart. Richard Scott,
1bomu Letto, parliamentarian. 216. At thia meettne the councU
The officers wUl be installed wUl be CUesbl of thePacllJc~le· aoc s.. llcda st. .fun~ 1.2 at the annual "Hats ln phone Companya local manacer, lAilTA AliA Ja f. Bloom" party of th~ Lido Isle Ted Rambrook. at t,he new tel~·
Club. BesJdes ~atlve fashJona PP~ho~n~e~o~ffi~ces.~=======g~~~~~~~~~~~~ In flowered hats at the party, ';. Studio. Ma,rearet Swain. Brian Tamura,
• • • Page Westfall, .Judith Whitney, e ]UJftOB.HJnOB PBOII • Linda Wickey, .Judith WW!am· A •JUJOB EDCUTIVE'I WDfi)()W"' Ja. ..._ ID.Italled at Jfew· Pro • Th 1 1 Se 1 Pr ~ lla.lboa acm... aa4 LoaD Aua.. oa tM bay froat Ia Lido m . e un or· nor om son. ......._ c.aw. 11M Jaalor liDCIDd-. c:aa •cdle u..u owa .s..
the new fall fashions created by
Dorothy O'Hara, (Mrs. Hank
Lunney), well-known Lido Isle
dress designer. will be shown In
an exclusive preview ol her or·
lctnal atyiN.
wu the blchllght ofthls month's FRESHMEN _ Terri Affolter, poalta fl.--~pca••vw type ...-ble p1at1ona. wttJa
busy 8Chedule. And It was cer· Rose Marie A n de r sen , Judy Clll'ftd b.-4 rcd1a ..s b1aa o1 poll...., ..,_......,, Jt ,.,.. ballt by
taJnly th~ most beautiful event Baker, Bonnie Barnes. .John Bel· lAG SclaNiber. a member of tM A...c:t.,_ lllatf. Pictu.d ~
of the year. ''Midnight Sun" wu linger, Jack Bradbury, Pat Bush, cae u.a·ftnt to ue tM ...-aWDp-f'OUD9 ]oM Bauoa. ..,., CIDd
the theme. and the gym was Charlene Carroll, Diane ea.rou, u.a ~ s. both of Lido lale. aad t aaadablldne ef hal A.
decorated In blue and white. The Carol Casey, Carolyn Cavanaugh. ~. ~ CIDd sw-tct.at of the AMoc:latioiL. ~ tiM ... C.IMJ IIIII pool boasted a fountain, which 1 .Jerry Cox, .Jean Dejonc. .Janet automatic ODtD cowatK Ia teU. Boo Dt.!uD. -----made It quite beautiful. Keith Delphlno. wendy Daenberg, ....:..::..:.:.....:..........::.::...:..: ____________________ .. c.a. A •
WUllarns band p r 0 vI de d the Sylvie Dial. Carla DonJca, Tlm oc s h G J h w· .. ..,
music. Some exquisitely beautl· Driskel, VIrginia Dunlavy, Rou op ary 0 nson InS Ro .. -rt Cheney ot 203 ·~thyst ful formals were shown that Eclc:ert. RJchard EllJott. Sally ..., AU,...
night. and It was a truly won· I Eymann, Diane Forderbrugen. Q t t d• • Athl t A d Ave .. B&lboa Island, expects to derrul evening. Margaret Fruet\an, .Jeanne Gas· u s an In g e e war leave .July 2 for Indoctrination
The honored queen or tb~ lay David Gibson Howard Gil· course~ In preparation (or enter·
prom was Sue Nissen. and her str~p. Dorothy Haley, Russell Outstanding Athlete award for Bob Lo Cicero. Teddy Young, 1hC the United States Coast
princesses were Lyn Pease, Nancl l Hansen Kay Harrls. Raymond 1956 was presented TuesdaY Gene Maine, Darwin Hartshorn Guard Academy In New Eng· Camp~ll. JoAnn Hagen. and Harvey.' .John Haskell Stephanie night to sophomore Gary .John· (manager). baseball. land.
Patty Kelter.. • • Reck. .Judy Henry, Susan Hull· son at the Orange Coast College William Harrison. Stanley Hop-Robert. who graduates In two
man. Carole Hyden, Michael lr· spring sports a\\!ard banquet. kina, Bruce Knipp, Terey lJvlng. weeks from Newport Harbor
• MOTBEB·DAtJCBTEB TEA win Carol .Jaquith Robert John· Gary, an Orange High School ston. Larry Livingston. Henry High School, received his notifl·
The Girl's League put on Its son. Stephen Kl~ble Richard rraduate, Is a 2·year letterman Rodriguez, Jerry ihltter, Lee cation of acceptance a~ut two
annual Mother and Daughter I Kor.nwelbel. Linda La~on, Anne In track. an outstanding tackle Taylor, .Jerry Worthy, Bob Suess, weeks ago following rigid scbo-
Tea on May 17th. The mothers Ledbetter, Robert Lleb, Barbara and award winner In football. He and Fred Varela, track; Duane lastlc and physical examination.
were entertained with a. fashion Llllenthal, Bonnie McCay, .John was high point man In track tor Bowen, Emil Dopyera. Gary Leon. It Is believed that less than 30
show given by Harbor s home McTague, Allx Miller, Arva Mor· the Pirates this year and cap· ard, Ron Sabo, Bob Schuttpelz. young men from the entire state
making department. Shelby Tun· rl .Johannat\ Oqulst. Thomas taln of the track team. He com· .John Swain. .Jim Tibbs, and Jim are accepted as new students in
nell and Kayla Hurst were mod· p ~term an . Mary Ann Petty. peted In shot and the dl.scus.s, Morrlson, ttew. the Academy.
('rators. Then the mothers a nd St\aron Pomeroy, David Reid. and won the Eastern Conference -------Alter lour years of college
daughters were ush~red ~ver to Horst Richardson. Meflnda Rork. lhot put UUe last year and thls ... a Ill tu-tralnlnc at the Audemy, Robert
the home arts building s big Terry Ross Robin Rylett. Elmer year. While In bleb achool h~ ~t fll .,mer .,... wlU graduate with an enctneer·
patio for cookies baked by the Schuman, Beverly Smith. Reece ah Inc decree and the commtssJon Freshmen homemaking class. St .., Sh .. ....v Tuson. Glenda the present Sunset League ot Georg~ Ellsworth Carpente-r of Ena-Jcn in the Cout Guard. and ~a and coUee. auuer. ~·.~ put record. 62 f 450 W VIet rt S ~ Thla same fashion show was Vande(Tift. Previous out.tandlng athlete • 0 • 0 a t.,
<Political Advertisement)
for. State
• • • selections at OCC tlave been Mesa, died May 19 In Hoac Hos· e BOl'fOB SOCI£TT , Carleton Mean of Newport Hts. pltal. He wu a native of Travta
All those who were not In In 1950. Ken Moats in 1951, How. City, Mich., and came to Call·
Honor Society before. but were d Miller ln 1952 Wayne Braga fornla tn 1911, moving to Costa
h \1 th times ar · d Mesa 2 yean atm. H~ Ia aurvlved on the onor ro ree In 1953, Don Carter In 1954, Bu by hJ.a wUe, tiJI~--_Edlth ~--t-. consecutively thla year, are now Belsh 1 1955 .-u-. _..,... .. -
memberS. Also any who have Tb.: sl~verwa're denoting Eut· ~ were beld May 22 Jn
been on five tJmes non-con.secu· ern Conference championship In Parkea·Rldley Chapel.
tlvely over a period of two yean baseball was presented to ltU·
may join the National Honor dent body president Ron Arm·
Society. strong by co·captalns Wayne
The Honor Society has many Cought:ry and Ted Coutts. A spe·
speakl"''S at their meetings and clal award of an athletic letter
ma kes at least one field trip a was presented to yell leader
year. Recently they went to Randy Albers.
see "Rosalinda." at the Philhar· Two·year jacket awards went
monic In Los Angeles. to Bob Staats. Leonard Blscalluz
o.-. .-............
be proud of
your figure
this summer
No IDOI'e apo&o,id to }'<'W1df few
the ..ay )'OU loolt m a swanuuicl Let
Swl&t Syucm am you dK lovdiu
6cure you're oopablc ofluVIlll·
WHAT wa or-•. Scaulfu S~m
taket KUbbom ult.het from hips and
twnm T • • • raiu pet )'OUt thic)la.
U1kJcs, and calves ..• bauri6n ,_.
CUR, 6nnJ and QPtcru D'IUICic.
e u•a. ec1aNT1rtC, Tbit p1euaat.
rd.axin& •yscem baa been ~ly
prove-d and pcrtcaed ovn 11 ynn.
Tlltee aullioa ~ luft pined
-~ua!ul ~ wlda Scaui!U.
1111•1v 1DUAL AnaNT10 N. Your
tlcnckrU:in& ~ will be tt.iloftd
jUit ro you. Aad -'U ddivu ~ •
,_lea lA a ~ puaod ol cUne.
Pa aa Ta iAL Doe't JO .-t-
-IIIU widaout au·nnr • -
bauci&l 6prc. Call coday f« a '-•
fi.p-c a.ulytil aDd councay ._
ttndoa. No ob~
The club has just elected Its and Gene Tyler. tennla; Gary
new o!flcers. They are: Dean Johnson and Bob Norman. track;
Rickets, president; Terry Dallas. Syd Tovatt and Bob Dlebl, coU;
vice-president; Diane Marsac, Tony Lombardo, Wayne Cough·
secretary; and Peggy Anderson. try. Don Leigh, .John Estrada and
treasurer. Once you belong to Rowland Hill. baseball; Georce
Honor Society you must make Lyons. swimming; Al Baker, Get·
the honor roll at least twice a ald Bandlck. manager Howard
year to remain a member. Hall. Al Hathaway and Tom
"'EE liT'' Ill• fw n.r.., Fri., SaL, .., II, .._ 1·1.
John M.
College instructor in eco-
n om i c s , accounting, fi-
nance and business law.
LL S,ie&el Taka
FL 8111111 Ct1ne
First Lt. Bernard P. Spiegel.
28, 110n of Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank J.
Spiegel. 2656 Newport Blvd.,
Costa Mesa. recently ~as gt:adu·
ated from the associate officer
advanced course at the Infantry
Center. Fort Benning, Ga. He en·
tered the Army In October 194.5
and has since been awarded the
Purple Heart. Good C o n d u c t
Pletts, crew.
One year awards went to Jerry
Holden, Yenitt .James, and Alan
Moore, tennls; VInce Sanders,
Ezra Van Hom. Bob Su~ Bob
Utz. .Jim Starn. and Bob Blals·
dell. golf; Alan Hodges, Paul
Breithaupt, Grant S t a g e b ere,
Doug D' Arnall. 'Russ Murphy,
Bbb Staats, Max Bowman. .Jack
Sht~ds. and Tom l onN (man-
ager), swlmminc: Ted Coutts.
J im Newkirk. .Jerry Wayt. Bob
Coopman. Denntl Fitzpatrick,
Meda l, Co m b a t Infantryman
Badge and the World War D
, ........ , ....
Tlnn IIJ Yll6 1 To work for relieving lower VIctory Medal. His wile. Kath·
• Income people from Sta te ryn Uvea ln Columbus, Ga.
Income taxes, by raising j ' loeepb Ramirez. 8, of Nor-alk.
the exemption for couples to LEGAL lfOT!CE received a cub at the back of
$7.000 and for single people to -·~rroa ht. bead from a rock thrown by
$4,000. lfOTICE 1'0--one ot three Cotta Keu boy.
2 To study the possibility of ESTATE OF WANA E. CHA· wblle playlnc J1ur the Irvt.ne
repealing the pump tax VEZ DECEASED. Ranch abeep ranch. near the
• law In order to help the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to upper bay boat laun<:blnC ramp
farmers rather than hinder them. the credltora of and all peraona Sunday afternoon. May 13.
3 To work for higher educa· havtng clabna acalnst the aald The youth wu tann tOtlloat
• t iona! standards for real decedent or aald estate to file Memorial Hospital. where two
ntate license applicants In them with the necessary vouch· atitlches weret£ak~n to eloee the
order to give better service to e!'S In the omce of the Clerk of d. N rt a\oUce reported.
the real estate minded people of the Superior Court of the State of ;:r':! ob= the naJlleS ot the Callto~l~rk tor a law requlr· Callfornla. ln and for the ~u~ty three boy. Involved and turned 4 lng every car to be lnaured of Orange, or to presen 8 th.m over to the crancttather o(
• In order to give financial same. wtthth th~;:es:ry t ~~ch· the injured bo1 tor an attempt
protection to pedestrians and ers. to e unb 1 gn toa It· to collect mecllcal UJ)4!nM'JL motorlata. her place of u.s nesa, ·W •
5 To work for the dlacourage· %Harwood, Bt.aeman II Soden IJ. ......_ .-ea ..
ment and ellminatlon. . it 2515 E. Cout HIJbway -_g
• poalble, of the crowtnc Corona del Mar, Calltomla T I 1 &;; ....& pratlce of not blrlnc people, age wtthl:n alx monthl aft« the flnt I IIJISI•
35 and over, ln orcfer to pre-publication of thta not1<:e. ..
8UVe for all people an equal <>P· Dated May u. 1956. Jfa-.y u. CJI> Jolla J:.
portuntty to earn a Uvlnf. Mary Cbava bu NPUitlld to the nwt Oun· If -1 wcmt to help ac-AdmlnlatratrlX of the r..tate al D87 ldloo{, Ban otep. f« a •
•--sa.ld decedent. week coune ta u.. control ol
YmFII ..... ...... Harwood, Heftet'ft&D A Soden AaU·Alte:raft au aau.n. and
2$15 E. Cout Bli'J\wa.y tiM latM ~ ot
Corona del Mat. Califomla ~ ...........
Attorneys for Mmlnt.tntrtx to 1fa41a.llta J'* I.
Publlsh: Ma.y 17, ,., 3l,lcme T Be .. tiM -II Ill ........ rn the !fewpcwt lienor 1:n11an &. a. Wllllit o1 .......
Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday cmd Holidays 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
~. __ 27¢
• \ -
Reynold's Wrap
1Roll -___ 25¢
BACON 45:0
1 lb. Pkg. 45c
Oalt11eal Cookies
ftg. 23(
I Uillllllllt
Hi-Ho Cracken
I lb. Box 31~
Tomato Paste
~-3 '-25C
No. 21/J