HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-14 - Newport Harbor EnsignCity Taxes
Will Go Up
1 More Cent
COIIOif A DD. II.A&. CALJP. ~DAY,Jft<. ...
"Do you truat your wife!" run tor Council after your wlte
That questlon will be uked of had announced fllat ahe'd run."
Coun~lman C l a r en c e HI able .A. a matter ot tact, that' a the
when he and h1a wlte appear u reuon the Hl&biN have been
cueats on ventrlloqulat Edear asked to appear on the prO&Tam.
Bereen's well-known Tuesday The produ~rs have been looklnr
evenlne TV procram. for poliUcal subjects for Novem-
And you can lmaelne Charlie bft prolfama. The Hirbles there-
McCarthy remarklne In a snide tore expect to be on TV aome-
ma~ner. "It'a obvious that you where near the Nov. 6 eeneral
don t. because you decided to election date. It mJrht be that
very same day. because that day
Is a Tunday.
The program wtll be filmed
aometlme In Sep~mber. the Hlg-
bl~ believe. The .crlpt wr1tn11
tor•the ahow have already Inter-
viewed them a number of tlmee
to eet leads on humorous quips
for Bereen and MtCarthy -or
maybe lt1l be Mortimer Snerd,
or Elfie Klinker.
by peedboats re
lated for ubilee
Tbe ~cle of IPHdboata ~ to tbe bay hu been ached·
Wed u one of the hicbJlahta of
Golcltn lubUee week ln Septem.
Tax Study
Is Planned
The :Pf~ Bl'ad! City Coon
ell Is planning to make a survey
of asSE'S..<;f'd \'alulltleln of pro!)f'rty
1 In th(' cJty with a \"it"W to .-qual
tung aSS('<;.Sm!!'nt••. I This Information w all an
nuunC'<"C1 ~1onday evt"nlng In
an~wer tu a comm('nt b)' Ja mes
Manmng of Short-Cliff~. who
said that perha~ Irvine land
ls tued too low
"How about an lner.a!'le In th~
tax on lrvtne land!'. he askt'd
"We're looking Into that."
Councilman J11y Stoddard aald
Cnundlman Sanoy MaC'Kay
, ~a1d that th(' l'urvt>y finn of 1 L.
IJaC'nbs has ~n 1\.!lkt'd to give
an f'Stimate on the cost of the
jliUrvt>y, AJI pmJ)t"rtY within the
I C'lty would ~ 1ncludf'd, and par·
tk'ularly the ~ently annexf'd
Uppt"r Bay area and leue-hold
• m
c1rtall ... to ..... ..... do ., ........ , ......... ....
wttll ~ and ..,.. .. ...
........ ~ WllaMrlwlll be ...... ., IW ·......-
---W c.M MA Vlttlkb. ........... IIOUJCA.
. " ............. ct.. ... tnelade ••••cAIIIIIP•'' .... _. Stptem._ t. tut IMN'• ._. HAL d!Mro-,._ ...ed:J wtnn.. wW ec.a·
~ tn a &h-ot! at tbe .ct ol
the cJetby ancl wiD ~ NWUCIId
by ~ ancl tropht. u .tDi· -.: .... .,..,: eecaD4 .-o;
third. 1100: fourth. -The ealll, ln each lnlltanee, wtU be IICCIODl·
.. l::x:II:X::ICICX:II:X:ICICICICX::ciCICCI::ICICICCCEII::ICIDC!Ia:::IIQICICIC:IitJ panled b)' a trophy. WW we be ~eelna you?
eDIITAJft IIV'IOLIRGI Paz, where there l8 a ~nta· Mbmla and I bacl cllaner at
I enjoyed f e 11 ow • columnist tJve of the International Game EL PJ:8CA.DOil 1ut 'nuallda.y.
Hugh McMillan's moo recent Fish .usn. Tbe ottic:taJ weJcht. We're now prepared to t'Jdllblt a
"How's Fllhlnc!" wherein he re· alter a day In the lc:e·bex. wu prtze.wtnner ln the alul·tvln·
viewed the dates of the first and 52 lbll., 13 oz., whJch 1.1, tp our dow.d treer.. lf that Hoffman lut albacore taken ln the put money, 80me dolphin! Hex ).wt stay. on vacatJoiL But
nine yeus. To me, the n~ of It aU 1088 well with th& form· even lf we don't wtn. It wW be
that big first one (wbJch usually alltJes requited by the LG.JP.A., fun trylnc!
l8 .quite a small llsh, pound· Newport Harbor and Thelma ;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::
wise) 11 one of the most atlmu· Krlecer can chalk up another
•• FE E E & I M E E 8 E 8 F ' 8 • •
Ia tine Items that ever comes to world record. ConJ'fatulatJona, e CAIIDI
these ears. And. like most events Jlttle cal! Thl8 wrn help, rm
concerned with fishing, the anc· sure, to dry that little tear you • • ...,.,. .,. Hop ler who catches the ottlclal,flrst must have shed when Forrie FA't'OIII
albacore of the seuon has to Smith beat your 20 lb. rooster· a OftiCII
have lady luclc, not only bard fish record! . I'OIDa
' 8 <•:• 8 8 8 8 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 8 ' .:8 • " t:,-r' S A M A %. f N by, but practically slttlnc on bls P. S. Thelma said that the fish·
• GET RID OF A lAD LAW . ' Jap. Inc. Ln ceneral, wu JUST WON·
Removing bad I&Wl from the boob would be a fine undertaking. Q u \C. K '-t 0 N E Last year, Uncle Barry Boaera. DERFUL down there 1n Las Pal·
A r f · · h h b h 1 h · • aboard Everett Badley's EBB mu Bay. cou e o events, gomg on r•g t now, eve roug t to ig t ego•n -"1" H E F E L O F' I _,. TIDE. successfully courted the • nsc:ADKD'f Udo Sbopplna een•
one o the reel bod lows. This Log took o few swin9s ot it several I • • • lady and dJ<l It right under Ev· 'nlt. teemS to be a tt.bln.g ...._ ta• ,_ WS. Ll6t
yeors back, end another look reveals it to be just os evil as before . erett's ra dar. He got away with derby year. In addJtJon to the .~=;;;;;;;;;=========~
This is Section 6300, Chopter 3, of the code. It coils for o per· It that tlme. This year, however, annual oonteltl put ou by each
mit fee of $25. o doy, with o minimum of $700, before o busi11ess in {iol A~ g Uncle Harry will have to do hls angllnc club, there .,. tackle·
the City of Newport Beech eon hold o going-out-of-business sole, in ~ • fMI4 hunting on his own boat, the store derbies, eJty cl«bl-. land·
the cese of going broke, or just wonting to close up shop. Some goe • • • • ADEQUATE, and from what I Inc derbies, mapzlne derbies.
for o fire sole, in case of goods domoged by fire. or by smoke or hear, he's doing just that, as of and the Schenley Sport5man's water. ~COL AJmllEW W. SJCJTIL p_. .. ...,_of City Cowadl Tuesday. Club derby. Wrre not poking fun
Two businesses ore now specifically involved: the Belboon on Sol· ellfVITATIOM at ANY ot theM. For our money,
bdo lslond, end Norman's Nurse ry in Corona del M11r. In both cases • TBE B171)GET way." Sure, lf it hadn't been The reason t know abotlt this the more competltJona. the more
going out of business is Cllused by circumstl!nces beyond their con· The budget is still being con · for some smart lad that invented Is because C.Q. was Invited to go fun, not to rnentJon the fact that
trol--the Bolboon because of he,lth r~llsons. Normon's becl!use of loss sldered, but what you think ot It thewh~l. we would stUI be car· aboard the EBB TIDE as a mem· everyone can c et in on some of lellse. ls of no consequence. Our coun· rying fire wood on our backs. ber or thelt lnlUal albacore kind of a contest.
ell Is rldlng high, wrde and hand· 2. "Look at the taxes the busl· scouting expedition, which bega n Our latest find Ia the PESCA·
In both cases two good busin essmen, our friends ~~nd neighbors, some on our money, and they nesses pay," said In defense of last Thursday. With considerable DERBY. and lf you wltl stJCk
ore denied the right to properly dispose of merchandise to recoup " Will listen tolerantly to you, but tree service to business place11, pain and my beer full of tears, around a minute, we'll clve you
shore of their investment 11nd effort. The required permit fee is ex· you h ad just as well use your which produce a lot of refuse 1 had to turn down the oUer. the quite exciting low-down on
orbit11nt. It is " form of leg11lized confisc11tion of property &nd income, time pushing a rope. (ma r ke t s, drug stores a nd Then I said to Ev, "Are you tak· thls newnt one. ;:=:::::;:=::=:::==:=:=:=:=:=:=:~
becouse t he only oltern11tive is to d ispose of goods ot 0 con~derl!ble They are going to have fu n trailer courts). There are m any lng Uncle Harry!" The answer The P E S C A DE R B Y centers loss. spendln& over a million dollars j businesses that pay more taxes wu brief but to the point: "No around Forest Smith's busy new
It is hardship enooqh to hove to dose out ., business. On top of of our money, and at the next than the bleb users of the tree air, he's had hls moment. Let's '"taurant. EL PESCADOR. on
th11t, to be denied the right to dispose of goods lind wares by legiti. meetlnc when they are finished service, and get no free collec·· pass this thlng around a bit !" 17th Street In eo.ta Mesa. Next with the prayer an~ the salute to tlon service whatever from the Thanks.. anyhow. Ev! It would Ume you stop In, pick up an
m11te merchandising methods is crimin11l. the n ag. they could end the city. They have no refuse to be have been a lot of fun to have entry blank from one of the
This unjust l11w could hit 11ny one of us, for 11ny number of re11sons budget meeting as quickly as picked up, or they handle It been along. And good luck to restaura nt staff. and you're in!
beyond our wish or controJ.-he,lth, le11se, fire, de11th, disaster. lndi· they voted last meetinc to ItO themselves, or have a by-product, you In your bunting! That ls, If you catch a fish big
vidual businessmen, merchants divisions 11nd the Ch11mber of Com· into the traller park business in such as sawdust and scrap lum· e WAKE TBE DATE enough to top all the other anx·
merce itself should 11sk for the repe111 of this 111w. a plush way by pouring $116,000 ber, that the city by law cannot Every year, about this tlme, lous anclera that are tryinc just • • • more tax dollars into It in com· pick up. And ao thls No. 2 de· columnists are p r o ne to be u bard to win u you are. e DISCOURAGING, AIN'T IT1 petition with the Uttle rental fense ls blown hlcher than that touched by the long.fln madness You can read the rules on tbe
Here is ., conversl!tion, not necessarily mythiclll, between two people. $1,000 ot our money that'll co and stJck their sunburned necks entry blank wh~n you cet one,
h d h
Of course that put the tat in up in the fireworks to be ex· 'way, 'way out by predlctlnc the but here's the interestlnc part.
or · it toxp11yers. They 11re t11lking 11bout Mondoy evening's budget the flre because to do It they ploded come July 4th for the pur· date the first long·fln wtll be Each week, $25 1n c:redlt slJps for
hearing 11t the Newport Beech City Council meeting : must raise the where-with-all pose of lnstUJlng patriotlsm In caught. This ls absolute foolish · EL PESCADOil'S good ft>od and
u.s.·~., n,..
WuhirwJ a 'oliat.lag
<:-pl.t• lll~ice1i0fl s.Mce
~ H•rl.or l094
1201 E. Co..t Hi9h-y •• .-.voc.Mo
Coroa• del M•r
--· -~ Soys the guy who w11sn't 11ble to 11ttend: "I he11r there WIIS quite a nd what they regard as the the bearu of our youth. Nuts! ness. It's much less certain than W'iiiiiijiijWiwiliiiiiiiii~iiij;~~iiji
" h11ssle over the budget:· s implest WtrY is raise your tax 3. "It will be too complicated trying to guess who will win /
Says the other guy. who w11s there: "Yes. o whole lot of us folks rate. In this instance It's not that and expensive to figure the next year's Memorial Day classic
were un h11ppy 11bout our t11xes going up so high." simple. • • • charge for each cust omer." The a t Indianapolis. But I won't
No. I guy: I know you guys we re going to do your durnedest • CO,..... ,. •• E ~"' .. LE answer is simple: chicken ! "Finn," Santa Ana In·
to c t d th t d t f 20 t H d'd va& ..._, "'_,...,. Have a n at rate for all resl· dependent's teller of fish tails.. do ?.~ own " propose "" .ncre11se o cen s. ow • you Dear Council. you may be walk· bo 1 11 dences; a minimum charce wUI be chldlnr me a ut t a
Ubelty ... u 1117 .......... ...., ca.e. .....
N lng toward the Super ior Court businesses for a m a x 1 m u m summer lf I don't come up with
.o. 2 guy: ·We succeeded in keeping the incre11se down to 21 again. Remem ber the Easter amount of pick-up, to be deter· a date. So--without reason, with·
cents. I Week ordinance? It backfired mined by survey by the meet out explanation, with CJngers _ __.~ if~~ o.y ._..
and left you red faced and us superintendent. and a pro-rated crossed on both sides. my left ~,l• = • .......,..._
__ .~ taxpayers over $1.000 out of extra charge for amounts over hand grasping my lucky pocket· ,.. ~
pocket. the maxJmum. Tbla can't be too piece, the other stroking my old .. MADAM I Don't take this as an Idle complicated or expensive, be· Pennsylvania raoooon·bo~e, and ·a y-5 A.K.
..... threat. Smarter people than I cause a large majority of clUes with eyes toward Mecca. t II take 632 3lllt s~ Newpwt Beach I Charter loata COMES HERE think that a taxpayer's suJt bas In the state are dolnC lt. ~une 20th! reasonable grounds, unless the • • • U you know of any pools being p;;;;;; W .... E~ 401 IE cost of trash and garbage collec· • LECAL EDEJISEI a.nanged, pu t me down for that
DAVE SPIES tlon Is removed from tbe general My curiosity about the city's date! I, too, can dream, can't I ! c:::; ~OP5 tax fund before the tax rate is legal expenses brought to Ucht • AX~ roa A J.AI)T
raised. a couple of tacu that micht In· I've told you before about FOR. THE TENDEREST I'll tell you why. Section 5212·1 terest you. Thelma (Mrs. W. G.) Krteaer's added to our municipal code by l . Santa Ana. with 8 full time way with world . record ftsb. OF Ordinance 687 adopted June 8, city attorney, hu a total legal Thelma ls the world-record·
1953. says as follows: "Collection expense of $l2,000 a year. New· breakln'est woman anywhere, CWOPS/ Charge. Any person from whom port Beach. with a balf·time city and we're glad she's a full·tlme
• garbage, refuse or cutUngs are attorney, has $lS,950 b udceted Newport Harbor resident, a.s well
collected under the provisions o1 for the coming year. Santa Ana a s a member of several of our
this Chapter, shall pay the City ls 3 times the sl.ze of Newport local angling clubs.
§ = ~
O.IJ Clloite Ieaia SoN ke
S,.C. t. Tll1n., Fri., I IlL,_._ 14-1&-11
of Newport Beach such fees a.s Beach. Not lone ago, whUe fishing
are set up from tlme to time by 2. A majority of the legal de· from their OBSERVER. In Las
resolution of the City Council." partment demands (bill• ren· Palmu Bay (in the Gulf of Call·
In order to take a reading on dered and paid by the city) COV· rom la near La Paz, MexJco) the voters' reaction, the Council ..... el • ld d b -•-• erlng the last 11 months are •.. ma s wor -r~r · re&IUnc
placed a proposition on the bal· certified by a youna feller tha t I r ePutatI o n got another nice
Jot for the regular· city election don't remember helplnc to hire. boost. She wu fishJnc with 12·
In April. 1954. The proposition d t 11 hleh is 't read: "Shall Sec. 5212.1 of the I suppose some or many of you poun eat ne, w n ex· may think I bring such things actly rope, it you know what I
Municipal Code, providing for to Ught out of pure meanness or mean,-"w)len a big dolphin struck
the paying or the cost of garbage to fill thl8 column. You will have her balt and hard!
and trash collection In the City to be judge of the first. A& for Thl8 wu no ordinary eaUn'.
of Newport Beach by the users fllllnc .tills column, there are a aiz.e dolphin (known to Ha waiian
of such serv1~. be repealed, and lot of subjects that I would pre· c ou:nnets u the delectable mahl·
s hall ordinance No. 712 of the fer to talk about. aueh u food. mahU. Thelma sa)'B she bad
City of Newport Beach, dlrectlnc outdoor cooking, Dte'a health, the quite a tJme with the flghtC!f be-
the City Council to lnclude In the cteeert. I hope to cet around to fore she cot him aboard. They
Ordinance est.abllshlnc the left· tbOM svbjecta "hen 1 get over lmew they bad a JK*Ible. for the
eral tax levy, a n additional levy, the shock ol readlna th&t ~· former 12 lb. Jloe-tat reeord wu
not to exceed 25c ~ $100 ot the teroua, oeh-awtu.l P t 0 p 0 ae d f1 ~ I be. tor the meA. 29~ lbe.
asaeued valuation ol all taxable bud et. I for the women. 'J1a.e1 declded to
MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS ........ ,..... ......
LIIMity ~2111 1511 w. eo.t ........... pwt ....
---· ----~-~~---------
lmW & VID .OATS & xoroa
S1JIIFSIDE GENEBAL WELDING -~ W..t eo.t lllitawat• •...-t .... 1.111 Itt 1-Mft
property In the City of Newport I ctve up a day of fiah.1n6 and
Beach. fur the p~ofpaylnc ~ dle ~ ea~tcb~~~~p~to~~La~~~~~~!!!;!!~~~!!~~!!~~~!!~;;;;~~ the coat of such carbace and L II '
trash collection, be adopted?'' e ei"S -
The voters &lapped thla propo· ___________ .....,. ...
s1tlon down by a a ~ to 1 vote.
That certainly puts the Counctl Editor ol the Enstgn,
under a moral "llcatlon to en· Thank you for JOUt fearleu
force the Jaw . To me It ta alao and honest reportlna on th1lt un·
leplly blndln& that the removal Ju.t taldni of leclt:bUte bual·
of refuse, which 11 a tanclble n-llere at the Fun Zone. ~. should be paid tor by the I have Ju.at 80ld mJ •partment
u.era thereof and Jn proportion botde IYft &nd piaaMCI to re·
to the le'tVke rendeftd by the turn ln Ul• fall an4 llllU7 a nke
d ty Just as surelJ .. the dty bome. I ahall co ..,...._. DOW eharp~ tor the amowt ot water beeaUM ol U.. laju81dct of
we w.. ~t~
By what lepl autllortty or Ap1n. ~ '"tNt,
moral rtlht can tba Cou.DdJ do ,.._ oelft~ifc&•ltoft
tiM W!rT t.h.ln. the people ..u.d ---. them tiM rtpt to a Ru tiM 116 &. ,.._t
powB entruiiCed to tbe OINaall -.!boa
bJ' the ,..a.. U..t tJI ha:DdUiw i;!i!!i~!!i!i!!iii!iiiiii!~ a mUJIOn doll.,. ol tutpQaa"
cleaab. '""" tiMm cW .... " paiMIIut and ~
that tile people doln ~~r~~~~-, ..... .,..
for a.-. INt tllllt
-.ftdl ... f
'ftMtiOOII..,.tludtMoo.i. ea .. u. ..,..... 01 u.. r-'11!~
.,.... .... !fq ....
Alld ...,. ._. .. Jilt clw'IM ~ ru...,.,__.,.._.._ ... , ............ ...
.... __. ...... -.al-1 .... -r ::-.,. ... a ,IMI1•
• wa~o.nt•
CC WT•10•ecwh" MOVaNt~."
1'01 IS'IIMAfl CA.U •••
HAlt-476.1 ....,_, HAlt-....
· WaCH'S
liS c-·rrdrt w..,
Orco Block Co.
Btm.DING BL0CD-ALL SIZES-ALL nPES JAdllaea ,.. =t' ,, ...,.
................. DIDL ...... ._..A-.
,._ Ceow .... -Dtw' 'r dl
Aspbalt 1\le -Rubber Tlle FOrmica -LlDoleum 1\le CIILTIIS' ~zt.UII
Conal ....
The Lions
Wish to Thank ·
Who Contributed
to The Success of
thi 11th ANNUAl . .
Cishl ra F.Y
II Sclleel II IIMeht
$41,218 U.S. F ...
U. S. Senator Thomu Kuchel
reported from Washlneton last Ills . c-· lrflll w~k that Newport Harbor High School will receive a federal ar· .. J~IJ A...,. proprlatlon of $47.250 toward lht
._. --•• construction ot a 14-classroom
A 'ldas led to the arrest of buUdtng. A $287.000 contract ror Loula Rattner, nsldent of the the addition wa.a awarded Jut
Ocean Front Hotel. 2306 W. month.
Oce&n Front, Newport Beach, on -------a vagrancy charp at 5:30 a.m. 101f 80D TO TIIEALS
Friday. A ton. Robert Michael, 6 lbs.
Tbe man aUeaectlY entered the 13 OlE., ,.,.... born to Mr. and Mrs.
room ol Una Bound ln the Irwin Alfred R. Theal. 5510 Seashore
Apts., 2122 W. Ocean Front, Ntw· Dr., Newport Eeach. ln St. Jo-
port Beach, at 5:01 LID. and .eoph Hospital on Sat., June 2.
awoke her wtth a Ida. Pollee-::=========:::; bad rec.efved a complaint of a .,
man cau.ing a disturbance at
the Ocean Front Hotel and lo·
cated Ba.tfneor at the entrance to
the Newport Pier. Be IMt the
~ptlon ol the kHU.ng In·
trucJer. Tbe vqraney complaint
wu alped by the 10Qin&D.
San Frcmc:i8CO
Jcmuary 1. 1957
AI Kepli~ger Beats Knipp
In Run-off Election at OC "' ' . J, .. t.)
Shorts Lose
Loeb w. ............ ......................
.. 0 .. c:..t Ceil's ..
A -.lttM ... 111111 t.
.tady stat 1 ......... ...
.,...... • touows: ..._ &In
a1aorta -well -........ ............. ...Seta.. Ia-
t f'IIJ '(, '• ,•,
~·-· ~~
-~ Vic LIAr JI.A ,. ... pok ....
..... .tUN .. Mt .....
__, wtUa ....... .tv1 E?t ..... Oo4te•-. .. tWr ......
.a.o.Jd be ,... ea1y -nda a cc 'ma • ttn.t. Dey, all _._,....lew-.-a.J c..t •wy.-&A IDS
C... del-
...... Cllll&lp ._. lzilc._
Capistrano By nte Sea
Specializing in all Types of
For Further Information Call
Or Write To
339 15 Del Obispo Rd., Dana Point
' '
' '
Exclusively at BAKER'S
You'll love the PlanMr Group for in $i~icity. in scale and its ,.fiMd li~"MK end
above an few its vart.ty of u• in ma~~y individuali.d w..,s .•• for
every room in your home. Avaaable in four distinctive
finishes •.. neiur.l ... tob.cco ... w.lnut and
b&ecl. The F** d.tcMd ~ w. juri
a few of tM m.ny deti9ft$ hw Y0411t
livin9 .,.., b.droom 'end cf~
Conwlt our deeor.tot-No cod tiT iiW9at•
·~ qood t.st. co.h ftC) ........
Ellie ..... &'t'•
YARN ·SHOP 49 Straight
Bullseyes for.
Dave Kimes
.... tb9 w.ea.y ... ....
... ..... .. tbe .... C:O.t
Two Optirilt
Clubs to Hold
A Joint lMtalladoa ot MW of.
a.n -.. o.ta .... and If..,_. ..._ ()pdmblt clu ..
wtD • w• ~aow ewnJna
(.......,) Jn ........ 11&7 Club.
dtaltq a ...._, danee.
,.._ ~ b tile eo.ta
..._club to • ~ lndade aoct Llppel .. ....-~: CltuJe c. W'lrtat hall Spdn,_ enct M. 11 CGnelhla. viCe pr.Wenta; Mare Woltryd, ...-nt-at-
arma, and dtrecton CJude Blood,
Dldt Scott. Buold Kreut.r, R. L.
Peache., Daw Cree£ lohn Hoyt "'gggggg;dili a.nd )(, M. LaBorde. ~
!'few offlc:en of the Newport
Club are Ru• Font, president;
Prank J or d a n, viee·prestdent;
Bob Turner, aeeretary; Dlclt BU-
llard. treasurer; Pat Pattlaon,
~erreant-at-arms: and board
membera Dr. Ed Bbyd, Dr. Ted
Clarke, Georre Burkhardt. Ted
Ruuell, Jbn Jennings and Kenny
GIRL SCOIJT a.. a. ..... br Js-.,.. .
.... ~ ....... -.. ICI' •
lloan 10 .... to s p.IL
Coloea del Mar Barbow 0157
Elgin & Hamilton
Day caq1p for the girl scouta
and brownies of Newport Harbor
CouncJl will be held from June
18 to 22 on Irvine land on 17th
street along the eum row north ot the Castaways Club.
The theme "Americana" hu
been chosen for the camp to
coincide with the theme of the
SenJor glrl scouts. who wUl be at
the MJchlaan Roundup. The day
camp has been named "Camp
Wallace Calder head Bald Eagle," and 300 glrl scouts and brownies wlll be there each
JEWELER day cookJng and eaUna foods
with real "Americana'' flavor.
)12) East Coett Hi~ Each unit will pick a state,
eo.-. del .,.., and each site will be known by ,_ __________ ~ something about that state.
jewell~ welty
OCCASIONS r .... Deunry
TeL Harbor 2001
Flowers Telegraphed
3529 E. Coaat BJgbway
Coroaa del Mar
There will be Texaa. known ••
the ''Lone Star" or "camp Ala-
mo," and the ''Beavers" from
Oregon, plus the "FI1ckertalls"
trom North Dakota. a.nd "Yellow-
hammers" from Alabama.
Each "state" or unit will be
complete w ith Information on
thelr particular state; such as
the n ickname of the state, state
bird, flower, capital. motto, when
discovered and by whom and
when admitted to the Union.
Wednesday. J une 20. will be
visiting day at ··camp Bald
Eagle." Parents and friends are
Invited to come and walk up
A Complete UDe of "Main Str~t. U.S.A."
FUfE CAJlPETS The Senior girl scouts rf the
Wool Carpet aa low a 15.95 yc!. Mariner ships "Maul" and "Nal-
101 MARCil£' ad" and the eighth grade girl
.,. scouts will act as program aids.
HARBOR 6176 The Day Camp committ~ con-
2919 E. Coast Hwy., j sl.sts ot Mmes. T. Avery Fisher, ~~~;:;;Co:;::;r;:o;:;;n::a::d::e::I::M::::ar~~~ c h a 1 r man , .Jack Quisenberry,
Of CourM Y QAJr Business Is
It covld be no other
way ill our bank!
lewport Harbor Bank
3-435 E. .co..t Highway
••t can't
descri.Jte it,
but ther~B
tennetAing tO goo& about .
•WIM• em S. P. •
John Oertly, Fred Singer, Ralph
Wilcox. Al Rylett, Wayne Crowl,
Hennann Nack, Dorothy Mill and
Wilden Thomas. e Alf1n1 AL GAJI
The senior glrl scout Mariner
ships ''Maui.. and "Naiad" elf·
maxed a busy year of scoutlna
by comtnr awa.y from the an·
nual Gam at Hansons Dam, San
Fernando Valley, with two t op
a war~ "clipper," one of the
several top awards given, won
by '1'fatad," and a "schooner,"
second to top, for the "Maul ..
One thousand senior MarliM!r
ships were; for the "Naiad,"
Mrn8. Bernadette D u I w o r t h ,
Lawrence Brown, Don Munsey
and Ml.asa Ja.n Dulworth and
Carol Doane, for the "MauJ",
Mmes. Georre Sc:hoonOYer, Al
Rylett. Wilden 'I1lomu, Ralph
Whitford and Nancy Kllner.
....... ....--m--.. 411
.......... lid.. CWf aa....
Dcmd ..... ~ • pel'lect -· wttll .... , ., .. -..... .
l'lc ....... lt.ltliJI9 .. z ....... .
with ...-y 8bot. 1'1Ma be bpt
• aboot~Dtf. laittia9 I ....,.
~ bNaii:ID9 .. ,.....
....-dbf II. Be--~ ....... 51. ,........ .. cda ..,.
P"'"d ..-acatcla,., tbe Qua
Club. ..... ...._., a..,..
a.mla9tola IDCitda rt..a..
~d Ia cdnody the aacall .,... ·--·-·h• .. loath· .. CalUend&
'"Jt ,.. -.. the pecrtMt ...,_ttl ••aU.. .,.., .. .a6d
Dallcala Stewart. Mad of Ute
Caa Club.
Fr. Trt, to I.Y. PIICED II 5lUG
Cn\ •••
Reproduction of famU1 •
lletrloom -It roc:b -
tan. mndard a1u crib
mattrea-Salem F1n1ah
-All blreb-AJ.o an.U-·
The announcement of the new
officers for the "Maul" and the
"Naiad" was made at a joint
dinner party held at Knotts Ber-
ry Farm. These officers are, for
the "Naiad," Sue Brown, officer
ot the Deck, <president), Gerry
Nack, Yeoman, (Secretary), Diana
Sanders. historian a nd log keeper
I publicity); Irene McCormJck.
supercargo (treasurer ); Naomi
Morgan, senior class representa-
tive; Lynn Glnoux, junior class
representative, and Barbar Nott,
sophomore class representative.
Ottlcers tor the "Maul" ar Diana
Wolf. Officer of the Deck (presi-
dent); Patty Wilcox, petty officer
(vice-president>< Marilyn Bow-
ler, Yeoman (secretary), a.nd
Sharon Singer, purser (treasurer).
The PauJ ButiBa of 103 VIa
San Remo. Lido, have just 're-
turned from a quick vacation to
New York via the champagne
n ight. The Butlers, with their
young dauahter Barbara, spent
just a week In the east, but dur·
lng this time they vtalted Paul's
family In Butler, Pa., and did
New York City up In ribbons, In-
cluding Radio City Music Hall
and most or the night clubs ot
note. They new back to sunny
california via the eight hour
non-stop air route.
Mattr....optioaal $5.50
All State Girl
Scout Named
Sue Brown, the daurhter of the
Lawrence E. Browns of 911 CUff
Drive. Cllff Haven, hu been se-
lected from Newport Beach by
the National Council, Glrl Scouts
ot America, to attend the senior
girl scout "All State" camp in
Cody, Wyomlna. from August 9
to 25. ·
Only two airls from Orange
County have been honored by se-
lection for "All State," which 1s a
two-week encampment of girls
chosen from every state In the
Sue, a senfor In Newport Har-
bor High School next year, haa
be-en outstanding both ln scout-
Ing and In school activities.
Among her varied activities are
president ot Glrls Athletic AJJ·
aoc:latlon, delegate to ,.Glrl State''
convention In Sacramento in
June. member of Ttl Slama, ac-•
tlve member of band and orche-
stra, and Honor Society. In pl
scoutlna. ahe Ia a member of the
senior iJrl ecout Mariner ship
''Naiad" and officer of the deck-
eleet for tht. crouP·
She waa one of the Newport
Girl Scout Councll'a selections
Jut aummer for tfJtellonal" camp
which wu held at Tahoe forest
near Sacramento, California.
Another anouneement by the
Newport Clrl Scout CouncU is
the aelediona for the 1956 "Re·
gtonal" camp to be held at Bte
Bear Lake flom Auaust 6 to 20.
''Regional'• camp la made up of
senior girl acouta from Region
12 which Includes Calltornla.
Arizona, Nevada, Utah and the
TftTltory of Hawall.
'nle two pia wbo wUl repre-
sent the Newport Girl Councll
are, from the Kartner ablp "'JifaJ.
ad." Naorol KortaJf. daupter ot
the ............ 11 Lido !ou4,
lJdO' lale. and from the Marina'
Shtp •'Jiaut.• Donna CoS. claQIIl·
ter ot the IAw18 1!. CoeD, U.
27th ltNet. Colt& ...... Bodl ....
ju1tlon at ft.-port Harbor 111ft
kbool aJM1 .... tdtft ln dOof
Md .eou't~
.... ., ............... .._ .., ..... .
' Enter Plymouth's $100,000 Solid Gold License Plate Jackpot!
If you own ANY car-any make,. any model, any year-
YOU can win one of 446 huge cash prizes-$100,000 in all!
l•t .. IZII I I I
1, w ...... tii,MO • _. i a • .-442 .... r ....
•50,000 i ........ l$,110 ...... i
I •• CAIR I ........ ·~~-.. ~'
................ ,. ........... , ...
ns -•• • OO&D If,.. .... ., 1M....,.
winnen ill Plyaoada'e 1100,000 Jn:kf'Jll n..'•
_.. .. • t.yl Ita ..y .. _.._..,. tD wtat
uoaw car GDIL Member Drive Launched
By County Philharmonic
A daupter, Debra Sue, wu ..., _____ ...__........,; ...... ;.;..;....,_
born to Kr. and#.Jdra. WUllam
Saunden ot 312 N. Newport
Blvd., Newport Betpta. ln Boaa
A cowdJ • wtde membenblp I Philharmonic Soclety held 1ut ~~aJ Hoepttal on Saturday,
drive fDtt tile Oranae County week on Monclay ~t Oranp --:aa.
Pillllue•••le ~ wu1Cout eoue,e. a number ot -----------TIDE
launched ~ay momlDI at people trom the Harbor Area ~ Ia 10Uf DeW11 ~ to
tbe brHkfW IIIINtiAa of J'rlendll took their place:e wtth other Or· =~----.paper, the ED· =.-:r
of tiM ~c at the Bal· anae County Nlo'lcSenta u m«m· -Wf. boa -.,. Oallla. ~ ben of the board of 41rectora and -----------::=::~:...:ll_:~~""~!!t_:L=..:•::•:•!pw~t...!l=•:=*
wu ....-0( tbo t1ext eoncat. actvl8or7 bouda.
which wtU be at the Imne Bowl llaNJaad Lelthold ot Balboa
lD IAIUJUl oe Aucut lJ. wu ....a.etec~ to ansa.. term
At tbe aaoual mNt!Da ot the u president ot the 80dety. Mrs. It coul4a't ... ,.. .... • ••
.,..,.._ to ~ pnCt:Jtaf up a
T·booe. "You're llviDa me too
mud& tat!" IJutdMr, 'Tm DOt atv·
1n1 It to JOU. rm aeWq It to
you!• ••. ,...,. -comlnl
Pred .,~ ot Santa Ana wu 1-w"...,., ............ ..__
up next Sunday •.• Thought he
ahould be the stu performer . . .
Father'• Day carda, Sunbeam
electric ruon, bar-b-q's. rotlaaer·
lea, bar acceaorlell • . . &.lao
men'• aprons on the Mezza·
nlne ...
• • •
ltcoal4 ..............
• • • WltJle I atDocl *-Y·
eyoed wttla a coaple oC h trot oaa. people oat • ou tnet
aldewcl1k. watdala9 -.tty Bat·,
tall aDd DaDa ~ 90 tluoa9b tiMU .............
••• A lady nubecl ..tWly by
. • • -w1lat a ,._. r.. .aly
beLa ..... hrtCie • • • 'l1lc 1at
.._....,,... ..... AF.U·
... .,..... ••• A.c ... --...,... ................. y ..
.... .... .... ... oCt..
~ ...
Civic League
Will Install
eleet.ed u Yiee presiclat. £4.
warcllllttalman ot hllenon wu
returned to the otnoe of tl'ea.IUrer
and B. Walter Steiner of Santa
Ana aucceedecl ht.malt u Jlea'e·
Mrs. Qordon Wevtll, pretJJdettt Hay Lancenhetm o1 Newl)Ort
of the Newport Beach Ejemen· wu eleeted u a new member of
tar)' Teacben Aaoclaton. wffi the board of direc:tcn aJona wtth
lnata1l the new executive oftleers Kra. Carl ao.weu of Bay Shores.
for the co~ year at next Tun· Dr. Salvatore Monaco of Balboa,
day'a meet1n1 of the Woman'• Mn. Eat1 Stanley of Beacon Bay,
Civic Leaaue at the VUla Ma· Mn. KaNn M. Brunlnc ot Corona
tina. lira. Wmll hu been a del Mar and Dr. auu Petenon of
ktnderaartett teacher at both Co· Cllft Haven.
rona del Mu and Harbor View Members of the advlaory board
School& for aeveraJ years. tnclude Mrs. KaxweU Sturges ot
Lyell Buttermore Jr., eommer· Udo, 0 . W. JUchard of Irvtne
dal art and home deslper 1n Terrace. Mrs. Thelma Paddock
the Harbor Area, wtll be ruest Hope of Corona del Mar and Mrs.
~ for the morning mef!t· Jack Com of Balboa laland u
AT A aaADVATIOII fAa"n' Ill._...._ aa-DyMrt oC • tne. He will talk on lrenda ln. well u repraentatJves from all I
...Janfn A...., •...-t ..._..., suued a.. ••••-eat oC home destan tn thla community pUU of the county.
tiMk no,..., a-IM .. c.pond TW I.MrM Mcll an Jr. 111M with «mphu:la on the area'•liiiiiiiiiiii~ijiiiiiii
.,_. ........... ,.. ••• ...,. ..... JUwla lcboeL rrowtb and developi'Mnt. Mr. ,~ I 'l1le ..-.-. .. 1 I ra.c1 ,._ ....._ IDgla la 1111. .. Ia tM Buttertnore taught eamoufiage ~
.... Jlr • .-4 ..._ TW tewU Mella ... lr. ot 371 Jlaa1lto. St.. and uslsted In research and de· -UIE
C... ...... ad Ia .....Uy ........... wttla tlae V. L IICIIf.De eocp.. velopment of camounage wtth 1
...... lila beLa 8et ,_ tlae Wl111"9· the anny during World War ll . ____________ ___;;,. ___________ He worked with building con·
• • • of 5CM:ial nole
tractors before becoming com·
pletely enpeed In commercial
design and Interiors.
Luncheon reservatlons for this
final .June meeting may be ~~~;;~~~~~~~~ Sophisticated reporters and on the foot that crew out of the made wtth Mrs. Melwood Berry
newshawk.s of botb aexe. were man's head. Mrs. Ray Hovis, Mrs. Robert
openly and hilariously enter· • • • Huber. Mrs. Thomas Williams. or
talned when Balboa llfland's Velma O'Brien's ott on her Mrs. Dexter Jackson .
"VIP," Virgil Partch. entertained aeutl-annual buying trip looking
with drawincs and running com· for pretties way out thar in the SOif IOD TO BOCCIS
menta at the Orance County New York fashion market. A aon, Michael Christopher 7
Press Club meeting at Disney. lb. 8 oz., wu born to Mr. a'nd •••M.,...,
land Hotel. ••• ., ,._ Mrs. Marion Boocl ol 618 Marl·
One had the feellnc (at least -gold Ave.. Corona del Mar. In
this one did) that VIP la more .J• Zl P111l1 Hoar Memorial H o s p l t a 1 on * * * at home drawtnr than talldnr •• W~edn~esd~~·Y~·~Ma~~y~30~. ----~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prevent accident. on the HJgh· or do"-mc»t anythlnc--except Mn. C. V. Turner of Costa Mesa I w 1 T)l t' th job of th Call· perhaps alpptnr potent pink ls taking reservation& for the
fc!!i ~ ~ C: u ~ t lemonade, and just to prove the summer picnic luncheon meeting
a t e lden':.nc · ih' ~ ho point he dJd a lot of quickie of the Women's AuxJIIaey of the ~ aec on e I . aketchea about favorite cartoon Orange County PhannaceutJcaJ
way .. Educate the IUY behind characten explalninl them u AssoclatJon to be held Wednes·
the wheel ... Teach him cau-he dribbled the fieurea off the day, June 20, at the Costa Mesa don, courtesy, respect . . . teach City Park. him to obey the rules ... Know· crayon. M be of th Lo .. __ .. lna that old dop are harder to VIP hu an euy style of draw-em rs e ng ..... a .... •· cb tri-a.-th ln.,-he sketches aort of lazy· Pharmaceutical AuxJllary wlll be ~a new ""'" an young • guests of· the Orange County
• Fll FlEE CWFE£ •• Ill DIY SIT. a-.
CBOWN HARDWAIIE-3107 E. Coast Hwy .• CDM
{)UP' the Calltornla Safety Coun· like · · · a lood deal like Bing unit. A ~laJ hour and cards
cU upon the recommftldatlon of Crosby atnp. He bu an abUity wtll f ll th 1 cb R.eaer u--110 ..... --Goocttnn l K.nJabt caw the to qutclt sketch with .o much 0 aw e un eon. · v• '-&00
Youth Drlv~ Tralnlnc Proeram penonallty that even a few Jines vatlona may be made with Mrs. • .. SEI~IIII
In al1 the Blah Schoola through· mean .omet.hlnr rlcht away ... Turner at Uberty 8·1205.
out CalUomla a abot In the arm You can aee that he'a trytnc to QDIL roa ICAJITDfi)AI.ES f.:leiMntary cmd High SdlooJ
. . . A atate-wtde contest with draw, even 11 you don't let the the following loot u Incentive job. Be ahowed the reporters . A dauchter, Lisa Ann, 6 lb. 11 _..... 2 _ .a-1ft 1 8l:a
to _ .......... 1 t ..,600 • .ome of hla little devScft -a oz., wu born to Mr. and Mrs. • ... , ..... ., ..,_ _.-. pa e · · · -.or , John MartJndaJe of 325 Fullerton D--:-&..ati J 30 1 awards to the top five htch quick palm tree means were in Ave N rt Ret hta in H &&W\JAU OD une , 956
acboola In the field of promotion A!rica -bubbles indJcate an Me~ort~ospltal ron nun::: AJIEaJCAII LEQIO. 11ALL. 215 ISTJI STaEET
of traffic aafcty . . . $1.400 for under water ecen~d he drew May 31 • ltEWfOJIT BEACB
eranb to schools who needed the several cartoons that seem typl· _· ------For Information Call HArbor 3634·R
1'11011 -········ .. ~·
OR oeeof
Briefs or Shorts ... . --·--·---··-From .,OO
Denim Slacks _
"----" ..... -··----.. .Frcx:D 1315
. ·--·--·---·-··-··-···· ___ ...From
-OPEJf ramAn 'TD.. JnJrE •.x. -
We Give Green Stampa
1111 •....-t 819d.. c... .... money to start a tra.ftlc procram. caUy VIP-lsm, such as the man EruiJcn cluaUJed ada ret results. Dlnctor l ohn W. John.olr-620 Narcissus Ave .. C.D.M.
ln the bar with the pointed bead r---==~=:-:--:-___ ::::_-:_-_ .... _-::_-_-:::_-_-::_ .... _-_-::_ .... _-:::-:-_-:;::-..;,.:-:-:-:-:::::-::::-~~>~g~Q~A~A~A~A~A~R~U~R~R~I~R~R~t~R~I~R~t~t~l~t~l~t~t~t~A~t~u~t~p~p~t~t~I~R~R~I~I~I!'~'~A~R~a~~
* * * and his friend pol.nttnc to hlm ---
with the remark. "None for him.
he's taperinc off," and the other
character standing there with a
toot ,rowing out of his head.
.....U., we aalate oar doee
_......,_ B11Du.wtoD a..dl a
........... tlile flft ......
,.__ to drift Ia CGJI .......
• • • ............. IIJ9Ia .... tile
..... latiMU~ ••• a..
...... detellaJMd by tlae ........
............ 1*1 hitdM.
... -ol ... a..t.Dil+IM9 ......................
Oltwd tlae dMctt .._. L L
c.ba Menta. ...... , to Or·
.... Coaaty loal'd of .......
.......... oCialety .......
...... ........ do you tla1all ,...
did Itt"' • • • -a.c:.u. I Md
........... at.deat 8ody beltJa4 .....
* * * .
''He's crown a foot."
Partchts finale was a cartoon
ahawtnc a huce newspaper preu
with colordecks toT prtntJng
colored comlca and pressmen
standlnc on the bridge watching
over the mechanism. only one
poor pressman slips and just as
he la being 8Quashed between
the heavy rolls ot paper, hls
friend at ~ other end hollers •
"So long, loe. see you in the
funny papers!"
The Harbor Area seems to have
been Cood to Mr. Partch. He's
a little fatter than when we first
aaw him aeveral years ago. Hla
enormously broad shoulders aJ.
tn011t blocked the view of his
netnprlnt upon whJcb he fitting-
ly sketched for this audience. Carole Donalct.on wu eelected The audience nearly mobbed
u the~ lfrl driver and .Am1a him. llke typlcaJ tourlsta. The
Luten u the ~ boy . · · Be· u.sually auperior netn-hounds .sese. the SS)O meek. \he ecbool nearly .dobbered the art1R at the ncetved a 10fP0U8 "'Safe Drtv-lq Oaear'' donated by Jdl the end ot hla ..-ell ... noee-c!lv·
Wouldn't It be nJce If the Call·
fomla Safety Coundl had aU
tbelr kJda behind them . . .
'lbey'd wiD. too. I'll bet .•.
automcJbOe ct.a1en In Bcnttna· inC for hla pk:turft that had --....-.. __ _ by tanen to tbe floor, ..uotherlnS
toll ---.._. pr~n bJm wttb qu.tlons, tnvlttna hJm
-...rt Mandlc:. CtlrJaler and to putt-, a.rut when we left MY·
f'b'mouth DeUw · · • 8'&1 ot them had hlm baebd * * * 1n tbe c.ner putt:lna the flnlab· Ina toue.l\8 on hla sketch..,_
btl slpatun V J.P. and tot'D&lla ,.... ••• ,. 8T -.· ...... , ........... •·
8 2 8 • 0 • -rMa ...... ....... . ..., ... ,, . .._.. ___
... DIIIr ......... .... = .. ~ .. ldl 8 .. ..
a 2 ..., c c· . Ftr , .. 1
* * *
Gift him his faYOrite
• :-: .. :r.--a-.DC., ..
~~DI-MWMIW ... pecan ro111. ..._
---....,._ ......... I I 'I COYer.S .....
1 ...... $1.11 ... .,.. $2M -:~ .... ·-:-~__;;,..--........__ 11 ... ,.
R~~M~Dhft-Do4 011
I~M 11 .uJa ..
~ .. A~
Ea111ciiiiJ F•m.
Kings Men
11 to 110
Se4la IUS m. n .. 110
........ .JS aas&a
Old Spice . .... . ..... .., ..... ) .......
Baa.aD ._ .... ~~.,
.... Ill
Sma4" I Seta .....
ADd • ltox oi
.... Nd ..
He maybe an
PEI'ITO. tM ,_... •• .....
dowa. a.. twaed ...........
to ................ u.. -vas.
.... 1151.-. J~ ...... ...... ,.....w ••••day ...s ft.,...., .. --' .... tt.
J ........ ss.byu.;.,..
.... J ..... »-ct-.~
....... Oa •• eo.t College
Alldlwtaa. Die tlu'M din•· .._.... aaarur=t floWia9 aet ._ u... ... _w r..t oct .-.. .... .....-a.-. ..
.......... hplto. ._ Co-
,... .......... t.Boeetd u. -tin ..., .. to bo ftbDect
w TV bf Deala PradactloU
~ u... CIOal1l9 .,... no
JII'Od.ctloa lad ... tiM Zuo-.._ arc... u... llagtc Tor
&bop........._ ••• Ne...S
tbo ..... 'fl-t llcdW. 0..
500 y--. ..,._ .._ lila to
21 ,.... of .... ladadle9 75
.._ tM llclrbol' ana. CII'O lD a.. .......
Read the Ensign Want Ad pal•·
. . ,. ....... ~
A l'·-atla-4N ~--.rt ·--.... ....... .... ...... ~~ .... •~ GI"WW baw .._ iDacle 1ar thea&? 'OUISII ... Cltb ' Padtk," ;:"=· =:--• ..;:, .. =-~ ............ the ~ ,._ .... ,....._ that ... ens .... ··-· bad taba*l a .... of ...., ,... Look.. Tlaat'l ..... you ean •• ..... ., tM ,.,.,.tl and ,....... • wm ...... at ... ,.. babJ ... -.....
8ei1M U.. 1a OaDeoa. Hubar'l of tbe aradua* We ~tope • ....,. Ctl'• at 11:30 ~ ldiU .. ~ ' Y........._ Wldl Ita aqua aDd all that tJMy wW ftacl h.,.._ alulea TaWblkle, tM ftnt Be wu IWIMd .. ant ..,.. ..... ; .....,. • .._ mJ:!; a ud Nlnrrd 110 ..,
bNw1J ..-. and m pdat~ ~ ln tbelr ftatUN. ona.h M _. of mayor of Colta .,_., and a. If. ot eo.ta ._. ~ Ita lD· ... ,, d wus ud ftMII• -==;;':;~~==i~;=;;1 W Galleon. It ,...... .. a mlk· the bat o1 ~to 1110• P)'l• Bun~ leedlotlman, corpontloll ill 1-. , .,. MtW, .._...to~ f
m1J7 beautlfuJ ~few the ,._and~ 1D We. we an wm ,.,.._ tM "'utttandtn• e& ._ ft'UI ,.._...., ....,. &q aad Dlet-,:.;z;-
_..,. and tbe other atudenb. wl.lb tbem luck 1n tbe ~ ettben• a-.. at Onn .. Cout Mr. PJlee wu ... Ill ~(au.; LDeiU looet. diNctora.
Zada )'ftJ' tbe yeubook lt future. Now tbat tbe, .,. ,one Collep ~nt exerc .... tlel4. Tual. and ..... to call· "'oatta ~ wW be JN· ..._ ..... ••
clldbted to tomeone around the the Junlon mu.t come up and t.omonow (J'rtdar). fornla a halt eeeta:¥7 ap. a. eented Au1. a and 4, u the eon. -_.
tmool wJlo hu helped. encour· accept the reepoMibUJtlet ot CommunJt;)' ... den haw been wu .UU a mlnor ..._ he act trlbutlon by Or...,. Cout COl· •aect. and been a friend to atu· Nnlorltm. honored by tbe collep elnee UICSO ht. ftnt job In tbe oO Jnduat~y. lele to the SOdl aanJ......, cele· ~~=: IIWY. "-"tl. Tblt year r.celvlnJ tbe ;.. one Jlrl put lt. "'!'bent won't by the OCC truatHI f~ contrtbu· After a ~ ot boU. ~I lnUon ot the aty ot Newport IUA ~, wulohn Jobn10n, btolOI)' M anyone to fall back on, now." tlona to the lite Of the commu-durfna the World Wu, he r. ,INch. ._d the tnilp Want Ad.,...,
e.etae at Hub(n. But I don't think the Junlon nlty. ~ly honored have turned to the oU lnctuatry and r===========;:::::;;:======~;;;:;:;;=~~ The theme of the Galleon waa need anyone to rely on. I'm eure been Wlllt. Warner and Harry wu Mnt to HuntlnJton 8eech 1n
.......,.Ueth Century PloneerlnJ," the new dutlea wUl come eully, Welch, 1851; John Murdy and D. ,1922. There he wu riven the
with an hwplrlnr Introduction and they will take them joyfully. J. Dodre. 1952; Raymond EJUott rHpoNIIbtllty of developlnl the eon~lnJ the exploration of • • • and Sidney Davld!10n,1953; Heinz Southwest Exploration Co. tleldll,
aucb tlelda aa rellJion, aclence e TIIAJrU Kat.er and Robert \fardlow. and he Invented a number of oU
and phtloeophy by Dartth Sher· I would lJke to tbank Arvo 1954, and 0. W, R1chud and Ed· toola which the lnduetry hu put
rut. Darltb wu tbe edJtor of Har· Haapa, publa.her and owner of wud Bray, 1955. to use.
bot'a '!56 Galleon. Baekln1 her up the EnalJno for Jivlnl me tbe e CBAnU TJIWIJtiD.& In l!MS he realized a lone·~
were the ualttant editor, Jessica opportunity to brlnJ to you read· Mr. TeWinkle came to Costa dream with the foumllnJ of the
Roberts, and the literary editor, era the actlvlUes of our acboot Mesa In 1920 from Clymer In R. M. Pylea Boya Camp In the
Rod Calderhead. I have enjoyed wriUnr the Northern New York State and HIJh Slenu. VacatJons were
On the sports ataff. were Terry column thla yeu and I hope I establlahed a IJ'<)Cery atore here. provided for 40 a,oy. from 12 to
Dallu. Trlsh Knapp. and Lynn have helped more people to be· 1n 1923 he boulht the hardware 16 In the first year. This year
McFarland. Rachel Perez and come acquainted with campus store at Newport Blvd. and 18th more tban 400 boY•. will make
Marilyn Hill were secrt!tarle~. life around Newport Harbor St. and operated It untU wUinr the 6·rnlle hike to the eamp,
William Zimmer and atudent Union RJgh SchooJ. It just a few years aJo to the amonJ them the 2000th boy to
photoJrapher Dan Pierce did a Stroots. vlaJt the areL
wonderful job taklnJ the hun· Honors Grads He served as polltmaater In the ------dreda of pictures which made up early days. He was a charter laavu:EII'Oa Dfi'AJfT the Galleon. Of course there were mem~r 6t the Costa Mesa Lions Serv1cea were held Saturday
maJIIy, many other atudents and Younl people of the Balboa and served u their president. He In Parkes-Ridley M ort uary
teachera who worked hard get· lal and CommunJty Methodlat wu also president of the Costa Chapel for the Infant daughter
Ung out the Galleon. Church graduating thJa week Mesa School and of the Cham~ of Mr. and Mnl. Fred Uahu of
Jam packed litto Its 176 paiH, from e 1 em en tar Y and high of Commerre. ' 2086 Thurln Ave., Costa Mesa.
the Galleon boasta senior por· ach~s were honored at a Grad· He was active In the e~tabllah· The Infant wu dead at birth
traits. junior, sophomore, fresh· ~at Breakfast Sunday In the ment of the eo.ta Mesa Bank. June 2 In Orange County General
men class pictures, faculty and chu social hall. served aa Its president, and now Hospital. Survivors also Include
administration, atudent lOVern· Honored 1 uests were the foJ. Ia a director of Its aucceuor, the ~rothera Larry and Raleigh. In·
ment, organlzatlon5, sports and lowing &Taduatea a.nd their par· u. s. Bank. He Ia a member of terment wu In Harbor Rest
boy's and girl's athletic.. And ents: Tom Brennan, Judy Colllna, the Muonlc Lodge and al!IO :Ce;Mmiiiietiiiie_,ry •. __________ ._
of course here and there are a Pam Elsner, Bill ferry, Bettejean serves on the board of the Har· 1
few pages ot candid shots whldl Guenther, Call Craves, Peter bor Area Soya Club. 1 E S 1
brought many a laugh. After Koch, Allee Lamoree. Valerie He helped In the orJanlzatJon
school last Friday many students Lowen. Pam Peoples. Chuck Nor· of the Mesa lrrlgatJon Dlatrtct U p II O L S J E Ill 8 met In the cafeteria to allft each ton, Jim Weston. John Gage, and served as a dfrector before
others Galleons. Susan Nealy, Dol«et Harper, movln1-to his prewnt post u Vpbo..._.. & DNp.y
• • • Phyllla Ackerman, Susie Stone, president of the Newport Height. 1350 Jf LlbertYL.I-4.?.!!._ ........
e QUUTIOJfS I'Oa GUDS and Jean Smltb. Irrigation D1atrlct."' ______ .!..!!!!!~~.,....~~ -~lli-ww-w-~
Wlll they do well tn College! ArranJinJ for the bl'Mkfast -
Will they ftnd happiness In their were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shooter,
chosen occupation! Will they Mr. and Mrs. P. F. BaJnes, Mrs.
make good In the Ume to come! Vern Smith. Mrs. Dougla.u Ferry,
Will they fulfill the dreams that Mrs. Burt C. Lowen and Mrs.
Mirror, '*"or
Oft tM wall .••.
Lawrence Broerlnf. Master ot
ceremonies was .Matthew Walde·
llch. chairman of the Commla·
alon on Edueatlon.
\ --1 ---.... -..
Ia. J-7010
a1 w.-.... ... uast.
.,... ............ , .......
fl14ke8 you
barut of them all
BeaaUf ul for
d6eolleU tuhiona
or bare-ahouldered
frocka. F I"" uplitt ... ftat.t.ennc
eeparation ... nc:h comfort
you•,. n.-..er had
before. Triumphant
bodl-tlex wafer-flat
wire auurH ,.ou
the ultimate in
MCUrtty with
~rtect eaae. W.wt-allmmlnc
relnfol'c.d elutlc:
diaphracm c:cmtrol
... fuhlon-anur hip and paneak ..
dat tommy that will do you proud.
Come in and~
' #ll3 HMftftlp
eMbtoi...,ecl clovble
"y\oft _,quiMne •. c cu, ,, 50
2515 E. Coaat JUPway, Coroaa dol Mar, Bcubow 2818
at Rl Y fiB IS, YIIJa Jeweler
The only watch that winds on ball
bearings. thus eliminating friction
and costly repairs.
the BEST gift for DAD . .
a perfect present
for bride and groom.
Olhet .......... w.-.,.........4 _ ..... .,........ ... A......._,_
• 71.50 ... 375.00 .............. ,...,... ..
ay Aaa
Welcome to our summer vial·
tors In the Har~<>r area! Come In
and see us soon and feel free
to make O'BRIEN'S your "home"
atore while you are vac.tJonlne
with ua. If you've been bere be·
fore. you know that we love to
have you l-ome ln and browse.
It you're new to the area. aU
the more reason why you'U want
to come In and look ua over ...
Whether you are shopplnf for a
dollar gUt gadeet or a eorceoua
suit for SlOO. our sta!f will be
ever .o pleased to "elp you.
We t b l a k yoa11 W.
<nUE.Jf'S ~ cdtbMttll • lt'a • .ud.l nan _,_.. to
our dty coaataa. we...._ tde1
to ....... -ladi...W..Uty ... ~.bklata .......
penaDel t11a:a Ia pnidble ta a
lca9l -pori.-.. T ..... Vel·
... 01h1ea, bocad ef (niiDJI'S,
b• al....,. felt 10 lMippy to
...._ a stiDI'O locat.cl lD tnada
a WODdeilfal CII'M ..... people
wtao ..... ~ ..., ..... .
cmd~ ..... tbat
alae ba goae oat of ~ way
to flD1 ex:wpUuea1 ...S bocruti·
ful thtags. dotbol ........
of all G9M th.crt CII'O -~~
buys, too.
Did I 'say glrla of all ages?
Well. I should say Jirla of all
slze11. too. Because O'BlUEN'S
carries a range of sizes that lt
hard to believe. For Instance:
there a re junior alzes from 5 to
15; mlues from 8 to 20; petite~
from 10 to 18; cuatom halt slzes
from 12~ to 20~. We aJ!IO have
clothes desllfted tor the taller
11r1. I
We have JJUiu (from budget
priced to Davidow), dresses from
$8.95 to $175.00, llnaerle, hose,
glrdle11, bru, blouses and IWeat·
era, hall. acarts, gloves, hand·
bags. belts, jewelry . . . from 11
up to the beautiful Monet mu·
ter·cratted ,Jewelry.
balptiD9 ............
Jut aa..t ~ IDIIelly
would ...... ·-..... IM1lbe tluWed .... A. ...
tbo beeatlfal ' dlnr .e
O'aJIIarl. lo ... 'dr t; .,.. ................... ~ ................... -
.... Ia ... .... -. __ _. ___ _
O'Di&ii'l. (AIId ........ -,.._........ 57 ..................... .._.. :':Irs~ .a *, '' • Ia • k AMid •• , "; ,._
01NII&if'i, .. --·)
Legion Lauds
'Old 1imers' * ••••• * ·-, .. -~N~D!-~A~Y,:Jl~lhl!!.& !1'-~~-~-_!W~&!!W!!W.~IT~III!:•~...,_~!_!I!!!!f
:a •,
QOWiaiOCL m CDI& .. r. (nft) aDDU ..,. --............... ..
Put c:om.mancs.ra an4 J.AciOft
nwmben ot 1oaa llalldtnc weN
honorH at the olcl tlJIMn meet-inc ot ~ lfewport s~ A.Joerkan IAI'Ott ro. 281. a...
lee atan ror eonttnuoua yeua ot
mem.benhJp ln tb• IA,SOO were
awarMd to:
5 ye&ft-lalph Bondi. Robert
1. Jrtae. Imneth Jf. lohnlon.
J'recl Joyner, Wal ter Mattb«wa.
10 ye.,._Whlt Helma, A. B.
lAutwYltr. Leonard Perru.zd, Ber·
bert A. "Thoft\peon. 15 ye.,.....c,eorce Sbaw.
~ y..,.....CUl Danlel8on and
Ray FUnk. ~ ya.,._l'rank Crocker. Glenn
Croft and 1. M. M. Leonard.
30 ye..,......Clayton '11\ompeon.
Frank E. Flnater. Byron L. Mar·
ahall. '11\eo Bob1na, and E. B.
Whltson. All 30-yeu membeTI
are chatter mnnbera ot tbe ~
e.-.. ..... Q_ ...... c-.
--. .. • .._ ps 'f•t.. ... Wallll IIIII.
-.y ...S .._. .... ty. __... A new honor h u been offered .. ... c-ee ..... ...... ..na lu «~• at 1m ._. to Mra. Norma.n Watton of Udo,
bor ams. _. • a.-eta .t 1• _Cal ...... u . ...,ornla ptal~nt Cif tbe Fed·
a-a ..._ JVU wUl be JI'OIUd 10 .... On ~y
qu.let ......... Wide lot. Com· p~l)' f.toDtd nu pa.Uo.
Jfew'Jy decOnMd ln.llde •
out. t18,.S)O. wtal only ts.OOO
Oil. * .... .., *
Beaut""' 2-R 6 Den bome
on eoxuo lot. Lovely 'rrtMI a landle. u' batha. and bW4. nn.. dbl ear. Approx.
1!100 aq. ft. ol delld\ttul Uv-tn,. .,.._ f,21,1e0. ~own by
appt. * ..... 1 *
2 Bedr. l!a. on wide lot on
quiet &. S. CoRa Mesa St.
Apta. htanpd wltb can1ea
• between 6 divided, fenced
rear Ya¢1. Latae rma.. t1Je
kitchen 6 bath&. Only 14000
On. ........ , . ....,
6 A..~eoelates
509 Center St., eo.ta Mesa
Uberty 8-6911 or u s-nsl
.,..,,.. ..... ,
comfortable b e a e 1l bome,
E patlo. dbk prace. a~ve 1-bedr. apL
to aay nont -• tn
lmmaculate e on d l t J on on
Sub.tantlal INJilD)e1 In·
come .~ to new own~.
Pttee 121.!500· Hurry!
111.1• IEALn co.
d8 Park. Balboa laland HAm
For two weekS bertnnJnc lune
25. Vaeatton Ouucb kbool wlll
be held at the Corona del Mar
Cammunlty cburcb from t to U
a.m. f!!VftY week day. Mn. Bat·
net Randall Ia aupervt8or. 1'1lere
wtll be an Open HOWle tor the
parenta one evenlnc and tb~ lut
ct.y tbf'Y wiU all co to eo.ta
W... park for a plcnle.
· · Women'• Cluba. Junior •.....-t • ..._ C.... ....._ DlvWon. She Ia one of a band· ------------
picked few leaders tbrout}lout
the country Invited to partJdpate
ln a panel on youth aponaored
by the Ladlea Home Journal
macazine ln New York City June
26 and 27. The panel will be
and all the kld.a will be lots
more run In thta roomy 4
bed.rm. and den home, r:t1ht
ac:rou the way from our best
awtmmtne beach. VIsta. VI·
aJon Vlew of tbe enUre Ha:r·
bor from the 3l' Uvlncnn-;
ltxlT dlnrrm-. • e cl u de d
patio wttb room for a pool
C&l1 for Pfe-vlew.
c::aJUST cau ... IT ,... au
·~ wtll be PromotJon Day rcw eburch .chool cl..-. at 9;30
a.m. at Cb.rtR Chutdl by th~ Sea.
Gl.tt Bible. wUl ~ preMnted to
reeutar chureh ac.hool members
wbo have been promoted lnto
the f~ arac1e at ICbool Ser·
rnon topic for both the 9:30 and
11 a.m. worship aervtces wW be
"A. Father' a Jnllu~~... aeeord·
lnr to Rev. Boy Carlaon. put.or.
Dies 8 Days
of Age 100
Death clalmed Mrs. Eliza Jane about the effect or lurid aex ad-
Morr:!Jion of eo.u Mesa Thura· vertllernenta on youth.
LIOI!I day 3ust 8 days before ahe would
have been 100 yeara olc1. She
dJed at her horne. D) O&le St..
alter a.n extended lUnea. Her
birth dat~ wu June 15, 18:56. If 21 0 ut-1 1.1-ltnl She wu a native of Rockford, ... I.IIIV
lli&i&ODIIT CORtDDCE CBAY FRONT) Chriat Church by the Sea wlll
be ~e.ented by Its elected
del.,ata. Mrs. John Elliott and
M._ Elsie Newland, alone with
the Be¥. Roy Ca.rlaon, at the
Southern Callfomla-A.rlzona An·
nual Conference of the Metho·
DJ.. a.nd came to Co8ta Meaa In
1952 to make her home wlth her
dauchter. Mrs. lubell Boudreau.
Services were held Saturday In • 3 Bedroo~2 baths
Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Chapel.
Costa. Mesa. wllh Rev. Charles F. • Pier and 1u1e allp
Hand offlclatlnc.
dlat Cbutdl n~ w~ at tbe i-----------------------
UnJven.lty ot Redlan~
UQII'TilA:r,Oif TUB Unsung
Commercials DaUy vacation Bible school
wUI open at 9:15 a.m. Monday
at the Newport Harbor Lutht-ra.n .......... -----------
Church. It will end Friday. Jun~ Mr. and Mrs. CUff Uonbat.-r
29. with • ble ennlne parents and Lee Stuck have luued an
Pl'Oirf'&J'O. Repat.ratlona are now Invitation for cof1H and donuts ~tne taken at tbe cbUJ"Ch otflce. whld\ wiU be aerved aU day Sat·
Thla yeat'a le..on aeries Is "Our
• Completely fumt.hed. ready
to llve ln.
SELL!-Yes! at 169.500
($40.000 truft deeds)
TRAl>E?-Yes! Good Commer ·
ctal or "ln.atde" restdcce.
RENT!-Yea! Seaaon $3500.
Chrlst!an Faith:' and deals wttb urday at Crown Hardware In Co· the A~e'a creed rona del Mar to acquaint the · public with Sunbeam coffee·
SCBOOL 0.01 MOJfDAT muter and other products.
............ c..
The F1tat Southern Baptist
Church In eo.ta Mesa wUJ con·
duct a Vacation Btble School,
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. June
18·29. for aces 3 to 16. aert-tra·
tlon and a pazade are planned
for ~ p.m. tomorrow (Friday) at
2:00. Mble an4 charac:Ur mmes.
• o n c•. G9f-.lonal aetfvttla.
hanctaatts. reatatlon and re·
treshments are many of the
event& planned for tbe ~hool.
Roudot Weds
In Las Vegas
Mildred Maxey of Coct.a Mesa
cot Joe Roudot. owne-r of Roall'l
ln Corona ~J Mar, for ht-r birth·
day present lut weeat! She and
Joe were marrled In a whirlwind
elopement to Las Vegu last
week on Tuaday, June 5, which
11 tbe brides'• bltthday date.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Deckert of
at tbe Balb<Ml lalaod Community Santa Ana drove over wttb tbe
Metbodllt Church. The achool couple and stood up wltb therta
will be conducted. at the church wbll~ the weddJnr banda were
from 9 a.m. to 11 .45 a.m., Mon· Ued In a clvU ceremo y The
day. July 2. throuch Friday. July neWlyweds will ma.k~ th:.r ·home
13. It Ia ~ to all children of at 381 eo.ta Mesa St Cost the ehureh or the community ·• a who have completed ac.hool Mesa. ... when they are not ta~·
Jncke 1-6. Dl.rector wUJ be Mra. tnc care of cuatomen at Roasts.
R e 1 I • t r a t l on for VacaUon
Church School are belnr received
Donald G. Sapp. lftllllllllpl
.... ,12.Diel• ..........
W1.111 ........., Recreation Director Bob Glng·
G. Gilbert (Hap) Small~. 72. rich baa called a meetln& for
of SolO Avocado St.. eo.ta Meaa, 7 p.m. today (Thursday) at New·
died SUnday nlcht on hla wed· port City HaJJ to orranlze an
dlnc annlwnatY. wblle vt&tUnc adult aottball league.
In C«ona del Mar. Harbor Har· :..~ !:",~~.!~~~~ 29t~ 1111111 ........
CTtuuwday) at 2 p.m. at Parkes Antonio Rudolpho Hlcuera. 7S.
Ridley Mortuary. who dled Sunday at hls home at
Mr. Smalley bad been a bat· 1519 Monrovia St.. Costa Mesa. ~r worklnl for the Braddy Bar· wu a naUve of CaUfornla and
benbOI) In Costa Maa for the botb bla mother and father were
put 19 Je&IL born ln Callfomla. Mr. Hll\lera ... ••••n• .. llllll
Jewelw, 19th a ~ua, ~ Vtlla Sboppt.nc Cent«.'' a.ta ,.... lJbert7 8-8C88
c::MI& ..... Qllllt "--"'
Cllll -~ BAUOill'l'N
2811 E. eo.t HWy ..
Ootoaa del Mar
ttu born In El Monte and moved
to Costa Mesa 'l7 yean aro. He
wu a retJred farmer.
Rosary wu reclted 1'\letday
evenlnr In Parkes·B.Idl~y Mortu·
ary and masa wu celebrated
yHterday a.t St. Joachlm.l Cath·
ollc Chureh. • .............
Ed.ar Hill of lJdo I.ale. preal-
dent ot Marlnera Bank. and
Hume Seymour ot Shore Cl1tts
have purcha.Md the boat woru
at 609 31at St., nMr Norm'• Land·
tnr. and wtll ~·• It u tbe
LidO Brlcl .. Boat Yud. Woodtord
Boyce wtU be tlM mana,er.
• Too tate to CQ:Ic-fiYf
r,ewport Blvd. at 30th St.
Harbor 1600; Eves. BA 1588-J
home. neat. br:tcbt, cheerful.
2 blocks to Tbrttty and Al·
pha Beta. $7.500 full price
with ttnDil to 1\ltt.
• • •
PLACEN'nA ST. parcel that
will make your mone'Y erow.
3 acres. bu low area and
needs aome tJil Prloed ac·
• • •
Blvd. Investment opportUnity
. . . property must be sold.
$17S month Income on poe-
lion or p~ or ready
Immediate development. 151
feet on Ra.rbor.
• • •
3 RENTALS: 1-bedr. duplex
--3-bed.t .• 2 bath home. In·
come PlO month. $5000 4n.
Full Price $17,500.
18S7 Newport Ave .• Costa Mesa
u 8-163.2; u 8-1400 evN.
c ....... ..... ....... --
Rear of 2229 E. Coast Rwy.,
Corona del Mar
~6.-.. ........ Spoce
1.24 Tustin
Newport Beach Fr•• "· ... .., B.EA.LTOK
Ba1dlor 1565
Ctnu ... lar
Near big Corona Beach. Com· pletely redecorated lnalde 6
out. and Jen~ally Improved.
Roomy 2-bed:r. home. HW noon. dlnlnc room. double
eara1e plua 1Sx25' .=· aprlnklJne ar-tem. dl .
All on 40 tt. lot. just a ff!W
steps to the ocean on Ju· mine. A buy at $21,500! Only
$5.000 down.
OPEN SAT.·SUN. 1-5 P.lrt.
(bet. Fernleat 6 Da.hlla>
.. E.l•••lr
3333 E. Cout Hwy.
Corona del Kar Harbor 24.22
c•DIIl DEL Ill
Enclosed lliatlo
Srnall Lot
1 bUt. to Ocean Blvd.
Cout Hwy. at Marleold
Corona del Mar-Harbor 1540
DEAL WlTII REALTORS ..,, ..... ....,
Corona ~1 Mar Branch
3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5563
1-JI' ....
C.,. CMI ~•••
on 45 ft. lot south of high-
way near t.rl'TLE CORONA
BEACH. 3 bedrms.. liA. baths.
forced air heat. dlshwaaher.
Completely fenced yd. with
separate play yard and fiber
glass covered paUo. $10.000
cash. Baiance at 5%. Will
sell fu.mlsbed. Owner. Har-
bor ~-CourtesY to brokers.
Clllll DR Ill
a DAHUA AVE. OPEN HOUSE-Sat. 6 Sun. 1 p.m. to 5 p .m.
45 Ft. R·l VIEW lot. 3 ~s .. 3 baths. large llvmg room.
brkk patJo. This Is a good cit-an property. Fumlshed ncept radlo 6 TV and other personal Items. Full pr:lce
3-~•· and 2 baths. ~nter hall plan. larae slldinl
clua doors to patio-on Dolphin Terrace.
Good tertu to qualltled buyer. $32.500-lea.sehold. • • •
An all year around home. rustle fint.b Inside-~ bed· rooms. 1 ~ bath.e----extra wall bed and outside shower-
Beautltul paUo and barbeeue-Owne.r must sell-wanta
otte-r. • •
New llstlng In this exclusive district -Living room
opens to larce patio, also bar kitchen and dlnJnc space
-3 bedroomf and two baths.
Also-a very laree attractive one bedroom apart·
ment-A real barcaln a t $38.500.
Exqut.lte 4-bedroom. 3 batb home. Suitable for lUJW
family, encla.ed patio. • • •
TIE UST lEAL 1111111
3-bedroom home. large dinlnc room. etc.
J u.st reducrd from $28,.500 to $23.000 for q u lck sale! • • •
We bave bu.yen for rood llatlnp! Free est:lmates and food servtce.
Earl w ..... ,
2Z5 Marlae Ave., Balboa laland Call Harbor 1m
For earlier Information call:
Edltb Maroon. Hyatt 4-6222 Louis Boynton Harbor 287'8
Flne 2-bedr. home. ba.s luge Uvinl room. flrepl~.
.-parate cllnlnc room and la carpeted.
tumtahed ~ over double c:araae. On ~Uent ~' locat.loo ... 1 block to shopplna ~t«.
41' Q. L Loan. ISS.~ per mo .. tull ~ S23,.0C» ...... ., ... ,
3542 C. Cout RWf~ Corona del Mar, Batbor 1M2 ··--' ............
Six AtViotti" unJa all ~
........ Moore. A1'ta •.•
•••••--. llallr -~--Waad
Irvine T errCKe
• .......... "'I••• ~, •••••"
llllrlln ~J lartla I V• l•••rt
.... ..,... " $34,000
Your Inspection Is respectfully soUclted .
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposi~ tbe
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 for Further Information
South of Hlfhway 1n most desirable ~ntal loeaUon.
Ranch Ryle t..arce Uled brick fireplace. FA heelln£
hardwood noon. patJoa. 24' X 26' ,. .. ra,e. Term& very
Cexlble-be sure to see! Priced at $24.950.
2667 E. Cout Rwy .. Corona del Mar RA: 1741 ; IIA: O'm
3 ... ,. •• ., 2 .....
Early American rombined with modern bullt-ln.1 ln·
eluding stove. oven and 21" television.
Hu heavy shake-roof. massive fireplace. wall to wall
c~tlng. drapH and panelln1.
This should end yow search for the place you11 be
proud to call home!
If this sounds lnterestlnc. ~tter c-all now ...
lt won't 1a.st lone
We Can Ananee Reuonable Terms.
"you'll like our friendly ~rvlce"
W. I. TilliS IEILT.
Uberty 8 1139 400 E. 17th St~ eo.ta Mesa ------------------------
221 llrliac c.,.. R4.
SIMIJ I ,... " & , ...
This home has t>Vt"rythlng a famlly C'Ould ever
want 4 tx-drm'l . 4 bath'l. formal llvtng room, full din·
In~ room. breakfast room. dtshwasher In kitchen. but· l~r I pantT)'. forct'd aar heat. hardwood fioors, beauU·
fully planted yard and. <J' rourw. located an one ol
Calltornla's finest subduvslc;nc;, SHORE CUFF'S. $45.000.
c•le han~n C'O manag~mt"nt
liOO W. Coast Hlghw. y-Uberty 8 5-')iJ
Willi 2 ... ,... leiCII II-
A Few Sllfl Te Till a.. Frtll7
$2S50 down, balan<'t' S60 a month tlncludtni lnterestl
Move r~ght an ·
liT C. IISTLEI 08.
''Bay Front Spt"C"Iallsts"
2091 ~"'POrt Blvd .. Ne-wport Beach Harbor 5226. day or nleht.
• ......... II IIIII
WANTED -----------------WANTED: 40 used pianos for our
big rE-ntal dept. Highest cash
allowance In trade for Organ,
Spint't or Grand Plano. Sch·
mldt·Philllps, 520 No. Main St, I
Santa Ana.
ft. sloop n«>a r Balboa Island.
Phone;> coii PCt: E:Xbrook 48935,
Patronize the mPrchants who
advertise In the Newport Har·
bor Ensign.
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Hlahway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232
Good lobs -Good Salary
with frequent Increases In a
company that actually en·
courages advancement.
Full pay as you are trained.
-Openings for-
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
122 W. Third St.
Santa Ana
Jobs open for Truck Drivers.
Electrical Engineers. Survey-
ors. Laborers, Diesel Opera-
tors, Clerical Workers, Steno·
grapbers. Steamfitters, Fore·
men a nd many other job
claaslticatlons. Salaries $750
to $1500 per month. Foreign
employment provtttes FREE
transportation, boa r d and
lodging, medical care, an·
nual vacations and bonuses,
recreation and wa1es are tax
Sales. Service and RepaJ.ra
.. ROOM 302, 1424 K STREET, N.W.
For Cardiac: CondJUona
Kidney Stones
Nephrttil -Allereies Sa.lt Free Diet u 8-5012
"·MM 16·Ml4 35-MM and 16MM SounJ Projectors
lura ea.n Sllop
1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8-7042
SIT 'I' lilT
Graduation . . . Birthdays.
New yarns, straws and corde.
313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Margaret L. Scharle
Teacher of Piano
Oraant.t · Accompanllt
Evenlnf Claaes for dulu 307 GOLDENROD AVE.
Corona del Mar
Friendly Nelrhborbood Serv1ce
110 Broadway
Terma. 10 ~ Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
U 8-3433 lc B·MM Co1ta Meta
Doug's Dol House, 351.2 E.!::::==========~ Coast Highway, CDM.
Ccaaplet. ColllaJon W011r Auto Pa.lattna
,_ Ddraa..._Try U1 rtr1t
111 Well 1'7111 lt. Colla .._ u ....
s.rvtn1 the Harbc:w A.rft
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor G
JD) 1!. CoMt Ba.trwu Corona .. liar -
Baltz Mortuary
UbertJ .. 1121
111a • au,.n.. eo...._
101'11 LOCA'I'IC*I
Services were held Friday In
Parkes-RJdley Mortuary Chapel
for Miss E1lz.aMth Hall, 86, of
432 HamJlton SL, Costa Mesa,
who dled lune 5 at Norwalk
Metropolitan HocpltaJ.
She wu a naUve of Ontario,
Canada, moved to Los Anaeles In
1897. and became an American
cltlz.en. She came to Cost.-Mesa
In 1949.
(ItO TURI) Wortcra l=ala.t a.cuo
WEJGD OWLY 12 OZ. sa..-'' r • s• • ,., •• A New Coocept lJr Per.on&J Radio. Ear Phon• and Carry.
ln1 Cue OptJon&J. Extra.
UUG? ~-~ ....... c.e. .... ---------
con1ero~ film
Eutman Kodak Ansco
BolleWex Polaroid
Stero-RealJst A.rl'\18
Bell lc H~U and Tape Recorden
BODY aTI ad IVPft.r.U
TID CAJIZU IBOP 115 llcatM A9'aae
8cdbocr JaleDd IIAibM JSa
24 Hour Developlnr Service She wu a retired seamstress,
having worked for the Hudson
Bay Co. for many years. SurvJ.
vors Include 2 sisters, Ml8S Mary T v
Hall and Mrs. Agness Arundel, .------.. both of the Costa Mesa addres.s.
Pvt. Robert E. Snyder, son of • * Arthur F. Snyder of Costa Mesa,
PEA 'rolUl'fG •
• till &qw(j ~
Rooda lamoua ,..-HITop~
l'taatood ••• ~ ....... no. ...... ~ .... ...... ... ,_,.... ... ...,. ....... .._ .... ..:..;.·--
-AreCI dd .. -•. ...,.. ams.; .................... .,
101, tMa t.a 111M • f'lcata,. a..s •....,.. .. • au. ....... • .,.. u. •. ... AJIAIIEDf
has completed the telephone TARTER'S
switch board operation course at W1Ma ..._ Ia a..
the Shm al c:..hool, Fort Gordon, T•V SERVICE 11 !!'A .. _~ ~ '-9Md .... ' ' • aau_._
a. PVt. Snyder entered the Ia ou apotJeea dNa ld~ , , , --s tau y .....s G "'-· ~ J'Oa .uweys •-It --L'M'Ctae• • .,..._=ap...S
Army In November 1955 and to .,_ Ia old WWict .._,. .... , , , ~ r11 =
completed bulc training at Fort 1111181 1411 ~~ldne"a porthaa -..d). Ladaa• .....s , . , Chaffee, Ark. « pa. ttl I ..-..
_ ___:_.:..=.::..._ _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~---=-~1'~1~1 ~·-~c..t~ JlltlnNT, C.... delMar
The Fln-.t Food In
The Harbor Area''
. -
.._ ..... - 1
........ I .,.
11:00 All to 1.110 AJ[
LUNCHES ............................. .I'IIC>M
DINNERS . . ... ·-. .. ... . .. ·····-· . .JI'IIOM
A · LA · CARTE •
a&wwuace .... •
~ r . ' , ' , r' _.,. , .. ,
OP!lf 11:30 A.M. TO 8:30P.M. CLDSED nJESDAYS
------11111 .... _. E_, We .. •• I' ell .. YIM ------
WiiiiiUiiifi WIWODJIT
- w. ·-.... c.tll .._ LJII ty .......a SERMONETIE
.., .... A. A. Koden
IT. AJri)D'WS PIIDftTD1AJI "'ca-..u•aca-
lSCh St. • St. Andl-ews Rd..
.... ,... ..... Sdteol TWO OFFICIS
To S.we Y•
..... ,..... ......
Sun~: t:3ll ~ Clumb SuD· day Scbool; 1:.30 and U :OO a.m. Momlna Wonlli~7 p.m.
Collfte Ap ~ s.vtce -7 p.m. Rip !k:bool MYP s.vtce; I p.m.. )'OUDI ad\llta poup
..... C.bal ...... Q.cla., c.-....
U we belWft the Bible to be
the tnf&Wble Word of God. then
It Ia our ~DidbWty to belleve
wh at God says.
The one me.aage tha t comes
from Its paee. with the stmpll·
city of a book written for second
ande consumptjon Is thls. ''How
ISO W. ~toll St.. c:.tca ,.._
Llhelty 1-1481
..__, Dr. akiMad .....
Sunday .chool, 9:45 a.m.; chui'Cb
aervice 11 :00 a.}Tl. Trainlna
Union 7 p rn. Sunday. Evenlna
worship 8 p.m. Sunda,.. Teach-
ers and ottJ~rs meetlna 7 p.m.
Wedn~ay. Prayer ~and
Bible study 7:45 p.m.. Wednes
Liblny • .,.,
hater. .... J..-L • ...,_.
SUNDAY: Morning worship, t:30
and 11 a.m.;' Chlm:b Scbool.
9 :30 and 11 :00; .Jr. mp. Sr.
High and coll~e ap PeUow-
ahlp&. 7 p.m.; Thunday. Prayer,
study poup, 9:30 a.m. SAN CLIMINTI
222 Oc.Nn Av ..
PHONE HY. 4-1177
60 I H. B C.mino R .. l
PHONE HY adnth 2-1195
« HY adftth 2-I 196
•AJI,'I.I) wAn DIStaoCTOa
Gerald Ern.. Oranae Coast Col-
leae encf.neeortne tnUructor and
a Navy lieutenant commander,
hu ~n chOMn by the Bureau
of Naval Penonnel to teach nav-
lptlon at the Officer Candidate
School in Newport. Rhode Island,
trom J une 25 to A.ueu-t 31.
l. E. H~cb. D.C.
Now Ia the time to be&ln tak·
lng precautions against Hay
Fever. ThouaandJ suUer from thla
dlatresalne aUment annually.
,... caoKB or CIUdSl'
IGIO Q~ lt.. c:..tll ..._ Ubeftr....,
D. G. BUilt.~
Sunday aervlees: 9:15 a.m. Bible
.tudy; 11 a.m. morntne wor-
ahlp; 7:30 p.m. evenln& .erv1ce.
Midweek tervice, 7:30 p.m.
'J'JIZ CBOIICII 01' cams'~'
Odd 1'.U... ~.edge.
l .. R ..... Aft..
eo.te .. ....
Ubelty 1-5711 ,._...._.Jr .........
Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m. BJble
lludy; 10:55 a.m. worahlp aerv-
ke; 7~ p.m. eventna MrVtce.
CIUIDT CBOKB 8T TI.I'E SEA c--"" Ilea Jill lit ......... .tl--.•lt.. •...,..n
B.Aaor 5.221
.......... ..., A. CarboD
Sunday Wonh1p, 9:30 and u a.m.
Cllurdl School: 9~ a.m. )(Jd-
week ¥eettna: 7:00 p.m. Wed-
ne.day preceded by 8:15 p.m.
IT. JOACIIDI CII1JKII liM~ Aft.. c:.tca ac-a IJbeltr 1-1011
1'at.Hr ,...._ J. R..to
.......-, ._atf.LI.IO...S
U:.30 a.m. Weekdays: Ma• &J
7:00 a.m. -Conf~on: Satur· days from t :OO to 5:15-7:00 to
8:30 p.m. •
Hay fever develops In those
whose muooua membranes are
ten~ttlve to the pollens of certain
plants. The question would natu-
ralJy arlle, why certain people
are &Ullcted with Hay Fever and
otbft'l eseape. 'ftle answer la that the m ucous .
membranes ot thoae effected are
unabw to buUd up rest.tance or
\mmunlt)' to lt. Thu. we .ee that
the actual ca~ ot Hay Fever is
not 1n the environment. but lt la
round w1lhln the body •~If.
Chtropnctlc adjustment. help
ma ke It possible for the body
to buUd up lu own Immunity ln
the mucous membranes of the
nose and throat against the of·
tending pollens. thus neutraJiz.
tnr thelr lrrltattne effect.
r aarr aAPnST caoaca 01' •aWPOIIT Wboe 81.-d..lltll £ea-t .....
IIAdtOI' ""'•..,..nua..ty 1-30'72
....... 11..-rt a. J.a.-
Sunday leJ'V1ce: 9:45 a.m.. Sun·
day School: 11 :00 a .m.. Wot· ahlp S«vl~; 7:30 p.m. Sunday
evenln1 C: e r vIce : Kid-Week Servi~: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
Pr_,er Meetlna.
.. E. a-drldiL D.C.
Pboeel llarbof U71 01' 4514
700 ~ ConiiG del ...
-~· AUDDLT 01' QOD CbaiML loat.IMna Ca1U.
atWe eou.ge.
Uberty UCII .... c. E. Tba.daoad
to Become a Christia n."
Tho the maare Ia clearly re-
vealed In God's Word, few people
know what lt means to be "Borrt
Again." (John 3:3) Few people
know what It means to be
"Saved." (Acta 4:12) Yet they be·
lleve them.selves to be Christians.
Chrlatlanlty to most people
consbts of betnr born In a Chris·
tlan country, or belonging to a
Church. This Ia not the messaee
of God's Word.
God says, "By grace are ye
saved throurh faith; and t h.at
not of younelve.; It Is the ellt of
God; not of works, lest any man
should bout." TBE aEV. KADED
What does God's grace In·
elude? God'a erace Includes Hl.s Church ; not by being born In a
provision for our aalvatlo n. This clvlll.ud country; but by faith In
provision la unique In that It ls the fact that when Jesus Chrlat
the only provlalon God has died, Be paid the penalty for
made. It 1a Jesus Christ. God our sins. and when we believe
manifested In the nesh. dyln& on In Hlm ouT sins ar~ forgiven and
the cross of Calvary for the slns we become Christians-That is
of mankind. what God says.
.Jesus said, '1 am the way, the The world of today stands In
truth. and the !Ue; no man need of but one thing; people
cometh unto the Father, but by who are born again, living in the
me." poweT of the Holy Sp irit o( God,
Some would say "saved from seeking not t or selMsh gain,
whatT" Saved from an eternity fame or popularity. but seeklng
.eparated from the presen~ of to pln.se God and to make this
God. The Bible aaya, "Saved world a betteT place In which to
from Hell." llve. HoW does one obtain this aaJ. Have you ever b«ome a Chrls-
vatlon ; how does one become a, tlan-baslng your answer on
Christian. God .Utes not by God's way to become a Chrb~
worklng, not by belon&tn& to a Uan!
oo&oJrA DEL MAa --c.c.Jn1lAL------.-IB-LE--CBU'B--CB--
COMXVJIITY CBUIK:II Orcm9e Aft. at ntd St.
Cooftll9GtiDII«1 eo.ta 11-.cL Liberty 1·530:1
Ill BeUo~Aft. A. A. J[aOen. Paa1w BAtbor Sunday School: 9 :45 a.m. Mom
.__: .... Edwta Comb tne Service. 11 :00: Even Ina
Sunday Worahtp Servlc:ft: 9:45 ~rvl~. 7:30. Mid -week Serv a.m.., 11 :00 a.m. Sunday School: lee. W e d n e s d a y , 7:30 p.m 9:4:5 a.m. Young people meet 6:15 p.m
anraea of tiM JrAZA•ED 1-A.DaiMW St.. Coeta ,._.
...-: .... Cll.,. ww~am-. J.n-1Y 1-7111
(NJ.unart SJDOd)
AaaerlCICID Lettoe Ball. eo.ta , ...
l2ltd St. & El~ A,. .. c:.tca u ...
Libertt a-m 1 • •••ftd ... c:. Croak. .....
Sunlfay School : 9:~ a.m. Wot· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evanplt.t
eervl~. 7:30 p.m. Youne Peopl~
and Children's Service. 6:30
p.m. Sun. Mid-week Servke:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles'
Missionary Coun<-IJ. 'ftluradays
9:30 a.m. for all day,
a.. v!"' ~;z-t a.oc~a
Sunday Scbool: 9:15 a.m .. Sun· day Ser vi c e : 11:00 a.m
Wednesday Bventne Meoetlnc :
8:00. Readlnt Room. 3315 VIa Lido. Newport Beacb . open 9
a.m. ·5 p.m. week days. 9 a.m.·
7:45 p.m. Wednesda>" 7·9 p.m
Frtday evenlnn.
1501 CUff Dr. R....-pad a.J91lta ~~-~· a... lklbcl't CJ'Oilluad
Oupllcate mornlnc aervlces -9
a.m. and 11:15 a.m .. Sunday;
Ktnduearten and Pre·School
Dept. Sunda,y School, 9 a.m.;
1st Grade t hrous:b Adult Sun-
day School. 10 am.: bus pro·
vlded and Nursery provided Cor
both ~rvlc-es and 10 a rn. Sun·
day SchooL
II"'Pid .. .._ .t a.l8ll St..
Jrewport JWpta
Liha'ty l-1 $12
Elder D. L Spauld1DAJ
Saturday Morning ServiC'etl : Sab
bath School: 9:30 a .m. -Ser·
mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet·
lng: Wednesday, 8 :00 p m.
115 A9Gt. A..._ Jca1boa lslaad
IClD.lstAtr: an. Doaald Seipp
Rarbcw ~5
OP KT. CAn«£1
lWW.IIolbM 8l..S.. .........
1' ............ 1Wrf ....... F .... iOdl. I ....
Aeel,.._t ,_..
Sunday Ma.sws: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Co~: Sat-
urday• and eves. of tat Frldaya
and Holy Days tm m 4:00 to 5:30p.m.. and from 7 :30 to 8:30
p.m. Dally M us 8:00 a.m J'.trst
Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. No v~ n a I Perpetual Kelp):
Monday, 7:4!5 p.m.
Dell O•u ue
SISW • ....._...._....._
ActM9 Mle' .. u wuu-~
Sunday Sdlool. 10:00 a.m. Mona·
ln& worab.lp. 11 :00 a.m.
a..• .. u..••.....-rt ....
B.Arbol 1230
.... Joba& ......... ltedOI'
Sunday tenrlces: 8:00 a.m. Rol7
Communion; 9 :15. Fa m 11 'I
Setvice. 11 a .m., w o r 1 b 1 p
aervtce. Thursday S er vIces :
9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10~30
Holy Communlon.
ST. 10-VIAJinlfET
314 Marilte Aft.. Bca1boa lsJCIIId
JlAJt)or 021'
Pat.ber St.pbea K!s.y. ,._..
Sunday Masses: 8 :00 a.m. 6 9:30
am Coofeslinon : Sat urdays and ~ves ot 1 t Fridays and Holy
Days: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Flrat
Friday Mass 8 a.m.
Scmta Alta Aft. .t ~ c-te ..... a... P. G. •....-==
Sunday Servfcft:
Sunday ~ehool 9:30 a.m .• mornin g
worship 11 a.m . Young people
~eNloe 6:30 p.m.. evening
evaneellst tervlce 7:30 p.m.
Mld·week aervtce 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Services: ~uncsay School.
9 t30 a.m. Momlng Worship at
10:30 a.m . Evangelistic Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S ..
6 p.m . Sunday; Prayer meet:lna.
7:30 p.m. WednHda y.
Pastor: a ... lAtbar TontOW
Sunday Services: Wonh lp ~rv·
Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at
10:15 II.ITo
Sunday Sc!rviC'eS: 9:30 a m
Church Schoo': 9:30 l!md }};()(
am Wor"hlp SPrvl<-e
9:45 a.m. Sunday School; . U
;un. Worship Serv1~: 6:30
p m~ Baptist Tralnlna Union ;
7:30 p m. Evening Service.
Wednesday: 7:30 p m .. Prayer,
Praise and Bible Study. Mon-
day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorua
-p r act Ic e ; 8:30 p.m. Men's
PrllVPr M~ln2
W1lln ,ou are aboard one of 'Metro'•
~ lt•a comfortlq to lmow there'• '
dependable driver behind the wheel. He
hal been carefUUJ cboten for hia fttneaa to
hao4le 111a1 tntlc lituUGD. hia tut rdues
and hia dri"flq judtmtllt. Be ia alao a
lraduate of Metro'• rilld trailllnr ooone,
whieh eoven eveo ..... ud 'I'MJM)MlbtlitJ
of hil job.
Soatblra California haa mon can than
any othet area In tht wvrld. Crowded
8\rMt.l. lllft.waya and frMW&JI creat.
coutant buardl for the JDOt.oriat. WiM
~ ofta ~ ~ can at home. eo
..., -trawl ...,. aad WGrrJ .. fN" bJ
Wednesday .
efMI WIV.aD IOATS s.,..;,., tit. Herbor 2) Y .. ,.
ltH Herbor tt.d~ Coct• M-
l.lkiy 1-1062
Ce111pl ... s,.m"' &ood•
1101 .....,... ".,.~ c..t• ...... lActty 1-4112
·QMM, "--"
.,.... ... ely ~-
'"' .. ....,... ........ e-ta ..._ lActty Will
EAitl W. STANl.Ff, RHitor
~ .......... twW SINe ltll
Mea.OM.et ......... 771 ............
1121 W. c:..t 11;1 P• .............
...-saauas ... '8 2 : ,._.., ..... .............. ea... .... .........
Tll• l'lau To Go
Fot floe lrartch Y 0t1 IC,.ow.
We Gin S&H ep,..,. St•"',..
l OJ Mai11 S..._., k lbcHI
Herb« 109
TN EJ.ctNiw Me11
..... _, R.Mlft a.._..
D24 ~ lho4.. c..t• WeM ,._. llNrtJ .... ,
h S~~
lJ" E. c..st ......., .. c..-4.1 ...,
HerW 2474
o-.-c-.tt'• ..... C....plete ....
,_.JJ VN l.Ue, ......,._. .....
.ww 2121
SURF & SAND .....
VA6AIOND HOUSE L.W. ............ a.... ,....,... S,.lsa••
.. ., , •• _,_...o.t .., ' ..... ........ a..
lw• ... s..... ......
r7'11 ....,_. ...._ c.. .._
~ ......
T .t ... ;s~o---.dlos
Fri9idalre Home Appli."c"
1115 Herbor Ito-d. Co.te M-
libet+, J..M11
v-~ ....
MU L C..st H...,~ eo.-4el Mar
He..W J010
&.c+ric ............ w.w--. .. ,...,.
110 ~ A ..... .._,_. IMdl UWty .. ,.
1450 w . ..,._ .......... ....
Jt 11 L..M.,..... ............... ell .................. c....._
1171 Me"'-....... c..t. ..._
l\JO "c.... ~,. c.-.......
JOf*f E. SADl.Bl. ..... M ,__ .. twa I I
1m I. c..t ...,_c.... ..... ....._HD
l.af'9ed ;,. cne,.t• Covnty-
O.e,.ri•-Siip C.O..en--
hn!it..,.. Med• to (nd••·
2)50 N.wpcwt lf.d~ c ........ Me u._,., 1-4711
)442 'Vi• Lido, Newpori a.ecll
Heri>ot 1~
lypewrite-~ddi119 Medii""
S.l•e I S..Vic:•
1 .. 1 H.frbor IJ..,cf~ Coste M•w
Ub.r+y t-7794
c.llii ...
• ws n naw. ,_ • 1111 ~ .. .au boat ...._ 1. DuraDd. OWDer Oldie tile J'w a 'a a pa.,
lhaAqtle a., UO-IZncl at.. Jl ... ...._. It wu ~ ....
....... NpOrted tllat --........ ~ted from -an...-. to tala ~ • c.-a Ml Mar bo7a, U &ad J&
~ tbe eat. .durtq the nlPt. .,_ .,_ • lllnl ... Mot at ~
liS ' If 'J ~a,_,. wtadow eereen Aw. aad !eavtew Aw .• eor.a ll ad t1 ud w..JdJll the top eeetion ot W Ku ••. Kra. Helen 1(.
Furniahings for ........_ a wtnclow • • • Warren Oow ot IIUJIIIl1, ownew ol the Mlln Jlul·
c:fuL hta. a ~a Aw., CoroDa cleJ let 8llop, 2'131 E. 0Dut Hwy,. Oo· ..,., yec: Mar. reported the theft of a t1re roD& del Mar, repon.d the theft
lOI7 W. eo..t ~ and wheel from th~ trunk ol hl8 ol a 130 e.du .verpeen tne Ill ";:::~:::N:-~pott;;;~IMdl~=~--car during the night •.. Mau· a eeramlc container from In front il rice 8tanley ot 1531 BonnJe Dooa~ of that adctrte. • • • Doqlaa
Terrace, Irvine Terrace, reported ltldd of Garden Grove reporbtcl
tbe theft of a J7 wieker cb&Jr the tb~tt of a t50 cuatom·ma•
from hla front porch ••. Harry ear cover from hl,a ear parked
Eltus of 400 E. 15th St., Newport In front ot VaWl'S Cafe, Balboa
Helghta, reported that blaek . . . Petty theft chqee were
birds were diving at residents In ftled agaln.st three Santa Ana
the area of 15th SL and T\ut1n men, Clltford I . Bool~ ~ Doyl~ !!~~~~~~~~~~~ Ave., Newport Belghta, but the & Buttram. 21, and leale F.
birds were gone when ottlcera JUnk. 23, alter they allea~y
arrived . . . Can dtlven by drow away from th~ Arche.
Wayne J. Anderson, 22, ot 1014 lei'Vtce station. Newport Beach,
E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, and without paying for $4.24 worth .APORT //. .. /
(llii(JNA {!{I MAR ''A~.il,'RIHJ V •. ···-TDV JURE 15
Raymond E. Holmes, 31, of 306 of eu ...
Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, • raiDAT, JURE I
were Involved In a minor accl· Mrs. Merll L. Graham of 721
dent ln front of lOOCJ w. Coast Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar,
Hwy., Newport Beach, at 2:37 reported a "bte rattl~r." which
p.m. . . . officers found wu a hartnless e 11117BSDAT. JUXE-7 gopher analc:e ... Amanda Tay.
Robert W. Crain. 16, of Azusa. lor of ~ Channel Bd.. Balboa.
suffered a dislocated hlp In his repo.rted the theft or a $14 plastic
car near Coast Hwy. and TustJn car cover · · · George Parker of
Ave., Newport Beach, at 10:45 the Ocean Front Hotel, Newport OPD BOVIK w1l be Mid 1 mow (Piidft) ,._ ldl .._to
a.m. and was taken to Hoae Me· Beach, reported the theft from 4:JO p.a. Cit tiM batbwt laalldq1141111Na et ll..,.n l4dbec aa..
mortal Hospital, officers flndlr~&' hla' car parked at 23rd SL and lap ...S Leala Aaa. Ia Lido c.• to oft'r1 "....., .ua --'·
a bottle of potassium cyanide on Ocean Front of an $18 suede ••IIGrY• ... DM ~-a::= eqw.l •t. aacla • tile
u.e. aDVES ..,...... '1.
PAm ······-·-·-·············-
Colodal b.Q.
Aprons •1• •
lrlaNiar..-.Q ( ........
to cut) llturdy COII8tnac-
tioa.. CllumlaDecl bood
ready b your """"'"" late \l8e. I
Jle9. Priced at 139.85
Sierra Sialer
1.1-t. lEIS
'Wa,_l .... aw.
~.-. .. , .... ......,
him at the h~pltal and contla· jacket. S3 sun gluaea, a bill OM .....,. ......._ w1l1 be T1ae lnc~M~.t ODfa CIOUK· d th ·-~11 tioD ... ,.U..wiaaiiMJ ..... .._.. .._ tiM anllltectual cated a .22 riDe found In his car, cap an ° er m,_-.: aneou. ar· dN:ftla9 c:...-ettioD tit occ wW be ~ Qifla ..,..~ later hearing that he had run tJclea · · · Joan Cavanaugh of 829 ........ ..._ =~.._ _._ . ..___ ___ ___. Ba ld D N WU& -•• ~ ... __ .-~--w1tla tiM Ia ••• 98c Tongs
away from home for rear of ap-ys e r., ewport Beach, re· cb1ae an •-:aaa =""' Dontlay Onrtg, eo.~ !lob
proachlng hlp surgery ... Ron· ported the theft of the headlight lB~ .. ~~d~and~!_:lln.~~loba~~~~-~~~,.,~--:-----------ald A. Attanulo, 10~. of 211· rings from her car during the -: •
28th St Newport Beach suffered night parked at Finley A~. and EnS 9 D Th• E •
slight ·pavement bu~ on hl.s Newport Blvd. . . . Arthur Cort· I n an c e Is venIn 9 COMPLETE SETS OF chin and right knee and a ner ot 570 Kings Rd., Clift Raven, B Jl tr d ir complained that someon threw a oons, s eamers an c cus Phelps Merlckel, Lester Smith, bumped forehead when hl.s bl-ty 12 beer e posters wUl mark the theme John Haas, William Tobbltt and
cycle colllded with a car driven an :J:nv of~ h ~n throueh "Under the Big Top.. at th~ Fred Woodworth. Mlaa Mary
by Helen J. Baker, 47, of 205~-~ ht ome urlne the graduating dance for Horace En· Beery, school counselor, la the
45th St., ~ewport Beach, at Lake e h,.UU,AT JURE 1 sign School being held tonight te~er dance committee chair-
Cap. Apron & Gloves
Stt.6~ln5d 36th St.,ENl ewpol H rtll Beboacht. Miss Elsie, Newland of 217· (Thursday) at the school gym. man.
a . p.m. . . . s e a . a a 33rd SL N Be naslum. ~----------"'"' 50. of 111 Park Ave., Balboa rt-.a • t rtlewport 11 ach, re· An added attraetlon to the DECOUTDfQ f'IIO• DCI! IsJ d lied fro th ba po .,.. a u e craw ng In her IAt v ... _ y b S:, ,Fw~ pu f ~; B y front yard; officers took It to usual record dance will be In· s-..
Fry t. B. lboo"!~sol ndo t t.. .t ady a veterinarian . . . Mrs. Lora strumentaJ music provided by c:.dl ..._ 11'11
Your Sunbeam Producta Dealer on • a a .... an . a .. a a · p k 1 1732 0ce Bl teachers from Everett Rea and .. 111--~ dress and was taken to Orange ec 0 an vd., Bal· Horace Enslen Schools. lnclud--~
county hospital a fter officers had boa: r:f:rted ~ ~~:!u her lng Lew Kldd~. David Olson 2919 E. COAST BWY.
received a call that "a girl was 33sonl2s n--.e .. BJ. d. eo· of Robert Davia Jim Donahae Jim' CORONA DEL liAR * CROWN HARDWARE*
t tl t dr h lf'• ""'-.:an v .• rona del • • a temp ng o own erse · · · M rted h 1 Kindred and Stan Brooks
John E. Hlll of 2136 Union Ave~ ah!"b r~ the ~~ n~7nod r:~ Door prius, dance prl~ and -~~~~~~~~~~~~Cost~~a~M~~~·~repo=:rt:ed=th=e:th:e:ft:-of home at 12:50 a.m. ... Officers refreshments, plus corsages and confiscated a BB eun from two boutonnieres will be provided by
Corona del Mar boys after they the PTA committee, which In·
broke two windows In the home eludes Mrs. Mel Berry, president,
of Maxine Bjom~by of a~ and Mmes.. Jerrold Randall, C.
Fernleal Av~ .. Corona del Mar. R. Carlyle, Charles Hansen, W.
f'ru,rnun •tart. •• ""-" / lhL Ulrv l"rt. Ooor11 Open G:OO
C'.art-Canatnl Frf Sat Sun s.t....s-Ooora OpeD li:C4
e StnmAT, IVWE 10
Judy Reynolds, 8, of 1801 W.
Bay Front, Newport Beach, suf·
Cered cuts to both ankles when
she became entangled In the
leash of a dog owned by Mrs.
Anthony Cake of 133 E. 16th St.,
Costa Mesa ... Walter J. Rea·
na ult of 118 Crystal Ave., Bal·
boa Island. reported the burglary
of clothing and costume jewelry
valued at 1489.95 from bl.s home.
w. cat a.,. * ...._ m
Use Endga Wut Ids f• Besalll
Arthur Bone, 76, of Hollywood,
suffered a h,eart attack at 301 N.
Bay Front, Balboa bland, at
10:17 a.m. and was taken by
ambulance to Roag Memorial
Hospital ... Lawrence R. True·
blood. 32, of Santa Ana was ar·
rested at 12:41 a.m. on charges
of Intoxication and dlsturblne
the peace at 112·25th St., New·
port Beach. alter Eunice A. Yates
of that address slaned a citizen's
arrest complaint ... H. C. Brew-
ster of Los Angeles reported the
theft of an $18 rod and reel hom
his car In front of 305 Amethyst
Avf .. Balboa Island. and the Joss
by a friend. Wllllam H. Juhnke
of Los Angeles. of an S18 fiber·
glass pole, an S18 pole and reel,
a $23.50 spinning reel and an·
other S8 reel and a $10 tlsh box
from the car ... F. H. Haradon
of 5 Balboa Coves. Newport
Beach. complained at 8:02 a.m.
of the theft of his 1955 car from
his residence by 80meone who
took $25 and hla car keys from
his pants folded over a chair
a longside hla bed while he was
''10 liT" Val-t. n..., Fri., Ill.,.._ 14-11-1 ..
Proa nun• •tart at """111--cart.ooa Carruva.t l'rt.. Sat., 8 111L
CAlif) ---..
-~~-"Ji1ame Over Africa"
r:;;; -~
I ~MtL, .:.. !U.UJU
lo•boro ',TA~V.V'I Bo ., \L.l.l~lN -·-·-_....__
asleep ... e TUESDAY. JVWE 12
Henry .D. Keresey Jr .. 25, of
r.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3051 Warren Lane. Costa Mesa, was arrested on a drunk driving
charge at 2 a.m. at Coast Hwy.
and Larkspur Ave., Corona del
Academies of Dancing
and stage training .
....... n...,-.28111
8 P.M.
Featuring. The Enchanted FOJ'fMit-
The MQIIlc Toy Sbop-CiJ'c\»--!.Thi Ballet
Mar ...
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday cmd Hoticlays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
LIBBY •oz To11salo Juice
LIBBY •oz Pinea~e Juice
II OZ .. !;!!! IUCZD
UIIT • ca WIIGI.a .-·-.. n-CO IN 6•$1~00