HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-21 - Newport Harbor EnsignHigh Fees
Protesb were 10unded by a
number of bualneues throughout
the dty thl• week when bills for
bualnesa licenses for 1956·57
were received.
These protests came from small
manufacturing firms.. some of
which were faced with a con.sld·
erable Increase In license fee.
Braden Finch, of Kay Flncb Cer·
amJca. Corona del Mar. saldnls Jl.
<'t"rult' fee waa raised from S25 to
$200. He brought th~ matter to
the attention of the Newport
Harboc' Chamber of Commerce.
objecttnr to the big Increase.
The matter also came to the
attention of Ctty Manager Robert
Shelton, and he called a meeUng
for 4:30 ~rday aftemoon to
dl.c:uaa the mlher with members
of the Ctty Council, Chamber of
Commerce and Mr. Finch.
TBE JrEW CJT'l MUAGU of R...-pol't hclch. llobert Sbeltoa. 11
pictured darl.D9 IWI lDtroductory apMCb ID Couudl Qurmboara
Kooday lllOrll1Dg. Mayor Dora Blll 11 lD tbe badrcpouDd. (EDa.I9D
Robert Shelton Takes Over
As Newport City Manager
First · Albacore Is Caught;
Season Predicted
Cy Welch
Catches 3
Long Fins
BEACH 11 loftly
Sa~Mha Nadu·
tyN. of SOl Sl9·
D4l Bd.. Cliff
BerND. wbo w11l
be a MDior crt
B a r b o r B19h
oat f a 11. She
W lll npi' ... Dt
The first albacore of the sea· the dty lD the
son Wll5 wel&}led In shortly alter
8 o'clock Tu~day morning at the 't h of J u 1 Y
Balboa Angling Club. It was Q u • e D cootest
caught by Cy Welch of Laguna crt B u ~ t lug-too
Beach and San Marino at 6:10 Beach aDd lD
p.m. Monday c>n the 60 mile
bank. about 110 milt'S from New· tbe Pirate Queeu
port. coat..! for tbe
Cy caught tht' fish on 3/6 OraD9e Couuty
tackle. on a double japhead jig P'alr. The 4tb of
with blue and white feathers It July QuMD wW
welrbed 13 lb . 13..., oz. Hl' also
caught 2 other albacore, weigh·
lng 13 lb., 8 oz. and 14 lb . 2 oz.
Water temperature wu 64 de rrees.
be choeeD tomor ·
row (Friday)
......UU9 ID the
B u Dt l Dgtoa
Beacb Nemort.al
Ball aDd w11l
Cy was aboard his own boat.
the Cyvela. He and his party
had 7 strikes but landed just the
3 fish. Milton Shedd ot Newport ride at 0 p the
had a hook-up but didn't land QuMG Ooat lD
hls fish. The Frontier from the I the b'9 parade
Balboa PavUion was In the same oo the Fowth.
area but did not connect. (DoD Buab pbo-
Thls first albacore of 1956
came 3 days earlier than last to)
)'ear. when Harry Rogers caught
the first one on June 21. Because -
of th'-early catch. "CalliAc
C.Q." Ia pr~ne a good alba· co~:e~~=,!~~ not d~· Bob Murphy Is Appointed
tined for the dinner table Onto b ~!w =x d~sr'ioT~~th~m~~~-ti:, Chairman of lobster Bake
Pescador Restaurant In Costa I Bob Murphy. co ownPr of thr Boo 1 h s and stag(' -
Mesa. One Is .on display at Har Jewel Box. was namE'd yt'<IN GlfX'Ckner asslstf'd b~
old Caldwell s Rod and Re<>l day morning as genPral rha1r Watson. Grant Howald
Shop on Balboa Island And th<> man for tht' 1956 Corona d{'l ~1ar Br.tgg and J1m Ray
\' t'rnt'
other was taken to Lo~ An~eles Lobc;t{'r Bak{' which w11J bf' hl'lti Slt('-Kl'nn) Brandt
to be shown off on a television ~pt 15 and 16 during :-.ewport " C'ook•n~;-Duncan Ste\\ Mt and
program last night undrr the Goldl'n Jubile<> Week R •r ~1ar-.ar
auspices of Art Gronsky of the This announreml'nt wac; m:\114' l.ayout-Lyf'll Ruttt'rmnrr
Pavilion. r· ~~und-'"'-•n L'lrkpatrl<' r-.. II 1 at a brrak1ast met>ting in Ch' s "" "' ,.. " The '-:lVe a was ow on gas 1 b "·f K R Trf'asurt' hunt-Jim \·, • ., ll\. kr and one generator was out when nn Y "rs. aren run1nl!
the albacore were caught late rhairman of thl' Corona dl'~ ~tar F'lnancf' -Grant flrM.tid and
City Pofice
Officer Is
Hit* BiHen
I Otfk <"r William Saunders of
N(>wport police suffered bites on j the lndl'x and middle tlneers of
his right hand, skinned th~ back
of th(> hand on th~ pavement .
also suffered a nf'Ck scratch and
a bruiSt>d knet> In a scutn~ at
Marguerite Av<>. and S..COnd Av~,
Corona deJ Mar, at 3:20 am yes-
terday 1 W <"d nesday I
The !l<'utfle ~lted In the ar-
rest o~ Charles J Trautwein 18.
of 1769 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa
I :\!~. on c-hargt.'S of assaulllne
an offlr'ff. resisting arrest and
failure to dlspe~ Pe-ter A. Pen-
darts, 22. of Santa Ana was
charged with reslsttnr arrest.
I unlawful ~mbly and unneces·
sary noise. RJchard L. Motter. 22.
of Santa Ana was charred with
puttJng offensive matter on the
Offl<'t"r Saunden said he saw
Motter throw three pi~ of
I paper from a vehicle, nopped thf'
car and placed him under atTest
for breaking the city's antiJ!itter
law. Pendarls alJ~gedly startf'd
strlkinr Ofti<'t"r Saunders Th~
offloet' orde~ the trio to dls·
pen1e due to unlawful &.~Mmbly.
'nl~ ottl<'t"'r pla<'t"d hndarla
undpr atTeSt on a char«e of fall·
Urf' to di~r.if' and took his prl
"'<Jnf'r by the fof'f'arm to lt'ad him
to tht' police car Th<> pnsont'T ~?
isted tht' otfl('('r charged and
tht'y started rollmg ovf'T and over
on tht' J::"Utl<'r SlrN>t and n<>arby
lawn TrautweIn nllt"~edly
punt hf"i'J lh<' oftie'ff on thP back
whllt> the lattC"r Wll'i on th<'
I[Tounti anrl Off1N>r Tlouelao; Ot'ln
bloc-kNI Traul\o\'f"in with a blow
tu tht' f •rPhearl
Hornet Here Monday Therefore It took all Merchants Di~ision of the Chan F. V S.ldf'rtwr~r
night to reach Newport Harbor I bf'r of Commt>rre Fao;h ion ghnw -1\i.'H) To.,ne I s
for the weighing ln. Skipper of 1 Mr. Murphy has had rons1df'r '>t'n nnd W.tnda Thomd' e pt
the boat was Ralph Creas«>y. who abl<'. exp('rit>nce with promot Hon Pri7<''>--Pat Rurkh:n<lt •
hu been skipper of fishing boats l of b1g ev('nts In conn<"Ctlnn with Publt<·lty-Tomm) FMtrr. a' The Aircraft Carrier Bom.t
!or 20 years. He was one of the midgrt auto racing. He ust'd to "lsted by B<>n Reddlrk and Arvo wW help Newport Beacb cele·
original mrmbers of the Gaft«.>rs operatl' race tracks in Tular<'. llaapa. brat• Ita GoldeG Jabtlee by
Club of thf' Tuna Club of Avalon B a k r r s t it>ld and Carp4c'ntf"rla QuN'n rnntro;t-Junwr Ch.1m GDchoriD9 off Jf...-pol't aamo.-
He has '~kipper~ suC'h famou" drawing as many at 9.000 SPf'<' b<'r of l'nmml'rr.-S4pt. 1. 2 aDd l.
anglt"rs of the Tuna Club as Phil tators t'arh WN>k t>nd to the thrt'f' Ad\·1-.nr) -AI Clt'mrn<"' an<1 l The fttera:D of World WfD
Swatrit'ld. Jlmm.y J ump and the rarM Kl'nny Brantit n ODIDbat ID tbe South Padflc
great ('ount Mankowski. He Op('ratffi a je·welry stor<' In P~"•hlr loc at 1nn r>f ttw l.l•h!'l<"r w111 be opea to the public char·
Chamber offlclat. said they
wanted to study the Information
complied by the survey firm of
J. L. Jacob5. who had prepared
the new ll<'t"nse ordinance, and
then make a u g JC e 1 t I o n s for
changes to the Ctty CouncU lt
any fee~ were found to be out of
~uth La~una bf'for(> comln!Z t" Bakl' 1<. t h.-'"" al< n~ t "tsl "") lD9 ber .-taft ben. Bocrta w111
Corona d('i Mar to nrwn lhf' bl'tWN'n 'lf'riP ... Dr,,. lr .tnti!h{' tab Ylslton to the BonMt. GC·
Robert Shelton began his ca-,and they would receive en<'OUr· Pancake r·lme Jt"\'{') 8o't with ~1ary Tonnr<~('n lnln('toa!'t C'uuntr) tluh v.ht•r(> c:ordiD9 to Admlral 'naantou
reer as elty manager of Newport agement and reward for good Mr 'lurphy namt'd the follow th<' 19'l:! BakP "a ... h<'lti • Jam-. USJf (ret.), of lkly
When the Jacobs survey was
announced lut fall, the Board of
Dlrectora of the Chamber had
written to City Counell asking
for the opportonJt;y to ltudy the
Jacobs recommendations before
action wu taken on a new' ordl·
nance. The matter had not been
referred to the Chamber, how·
Thls wu the Nme U<'t"nw or·
dlnance wbteh caulled the furor
over the high f-. levied aealnst
individual James In the Balboa
Fun Zone. That portion of the
ordinance wiU not go tnto effect
unttl Oct. 1, 1~. 'nle othez pro-
vlalona ot. the orcllnance are d ·
fect:Jve u of July 1.
Ray Wenger
of COM Dies
Beach Monday with a straight· I work. The Balboa Bay Lions Club In~ rnmm1tte<> chalrmt>n: Sbons. DrMideat of ~be lltb
forward talk to members of the He put great {'mphasls on good will tM.> st-rvlng pancak<" brl'ak Entl'rtainrnt'nt -Chet FO\rnr lf.T.A. PICNIC TONIGHT lle9kla of the lfa.y Leavu•
City Council, department heads public rt>lations and "ket>plng fasts thtc; Saturday In front C"f .t"-<~l«t('(l by H a r o I d Hl'trk k A tam h Jll• "'' '" hf' ng plar Admiral James will be aasat.d
and the press. the public's business public." Richard'<~ L1do Ma rkt>t to raisr Frank Jordan. A K Pht"lpc; anc1 nN! fur thl' 4'' , . .,rn" Thursda~ 1 ID pnpratioaa fa the BonM't'a
He pledged hlm.seU to work for "Very few matters must be funds for their bt'neflt proj<"Ct~ thf" Buffalo Ranch by thf' ~ T \ l luh nf th" luro"la Ylslt by Boward '--of
better and progressive city gov· contldentJal. and If so. only &>r\'lng will bt'eln nt 7 ;3Q and Food procurt'ml'nt -Norman df'l Mar t nmm 1'1 t\ Church Thl' 8alboa. s--•deut of the Or·
ernment, and he made It clear tem p o r a r II y ... he said. "We continuE' to 11 :30 am Duncan Hac-kford. a!'..o;i~tf>d hy Norman pu·nlc "Ill hf' hl'h1 at r..JO p m QD9'e Cowlty Couucil of tbe
that he was golng to run ttu! should Invite public scrutln}' and McAlpin<' Is In charge. M{'adows and Bob Moore at the Cn .. ta MMa Park. Ra.y 1.ecJ9ue.
ahow-at the pleuure of the City help. We have no monopoly on ----------------------
Council. the right answers. To ket>p the
Mayor Dora H111 also men· public Lnformed, we must get the
tloned this principle of "chain story out In a factual way. and
of command." She said that the rely on th~ ultimate good judg·
Council had been looking for· ment ol the public."
ward to havin& Mr. Shelton take He ureed hl.s fellow city em·
CNez the administration of city ployees to work hard and pro·
attatrs. with the Council servlnr ductlvely, "because city govern·
u a board of directors. ment. can be aa effective and
Mr. Shelton emphasized hla useful and efficient as private
potnts wtth a few quips and business. 'nlere Is no more lm·
jokes u he explained hla poll· portant bualness anywhe~."
Dr. Hall Hurt
in Car Crash
des and plana. Jle uked for CO·
operation of the . department
heada. uratne them to ob.."f'rw
the UDee o( authority, or chain
of command. Belti'Hied the lm·
portanc:e of competence amona
eft)' employees. becaute "thla Ia
J!.a1m0nd E. Wen,.-, 19. of the blaSt~ In Newport Dr. Henry Hall, 4& ol131 Broad·
asu <>eeu BlvcJ.. Corona del JIMdl. and It 18 DOt our money way, eo.ta a~._ su1lerecJ rnaJot
Mat 41ed Moada)' ln San LuJa w .. re bancntna... ln.jurles when thrown born his 0~ wblle ntumtna tram a "'ne of my fUDctlona ts to ear toUowlnf an Acddent at v...uon. know b.-well 10\1 4o your job... N41Wp01t P"rMWa1 and Beacon St..
He wu a utlft o1 Gnen.uJe. be aatd.. "Walboold all v1ew our Newport B~pt., at 3:01 p.m. ~ ancl bad ltftd here fOt tbe lobe .. -·~ Oft Jf'Obadon. w. Tu.s.y.
1 a. ... a NtJre4 .,.. not h .. lUll beca.uae 10me-or. HaD wu tabft to Roac ~ciMlc o1 oa1ce and OM b...,. ODell; uMI expect to Memorial Roepltal. Otftdala
ltadonerY IUPPU.. R• wu a ....wn fbteWr. 'l'Wwlty _yean ol there I&Jd r-terd_,• U.at he WU
IDIIDW o1 tb• 11.1111oa1e Lodp ~ lftiPt W ~ one tufferlnl ftam a lhbn Deck
and fll ~ lbrtM Lodle ol Da7· ,... ~t*' • tbD& wrtebra. , ..._ aaao. aa4 a pal!t ~~*~''-Mr. ~·· .,,..., t« lo1· or. Halt• cu. tn..ttna eut (1ft of ..,.,., I aJt7 to OUf m..-. IJ'Itelft of JMeol\ St. collided wttJ\ & CU'
..... _ ...... ~ ........ ~ to iiNDd\. u tM drt'nll.., LorrtM .. .,.., • ol ,_ w...-ud a -. Dr. 11. po11c1 Mild. and to the Ut\6·21M at.. Jlr~ ._. A; .... .; Ltil Al ,,.. .... ........... tn..a~.n~·.ua __ lf....,.,rt,.,... r•••••• •• k .. * eo -. -.,, ,,..._ nportiid.~'I'IW Me~· -==: • .... II••••••~· .. ,_.... tlfttwa,..t.•tada•..., ;J .. _... • _.... Ill fte lfcwptwcm•-· Ill )1111~-~--••• • Ill ............... -.... . -............ .
.,. Hop
Our new city manager, Robert Shelto n, had a lot of good infor-
mation in his opening speech Monday morning to Council members
and department h.ods. He was being loo~ed ot very ~eenly, end
listened to very dosely too, end I g4the.r thot the general reaction
wos favorable. He is steppinCJ into o big job. We oil wish him well.
One point in his talk wos particularly pertinent. "Keep the pub-
lic's business public," he said. From his Monday's speech, ond from
other conversation with him, I gather that his policy is to let the public
~now whet is going on.
Such hos not always been the coso, ond the results hove olwoys
been deplorable. Latest sony example wos the new license fee ordi·
nonce. It still riles me to recoil how blithely and quietly the ordi-
nance wos introduced, ond how difficult it wos to e~e out the details.
The storm that lfxploded over the Council after the newspapers re·
veoled some of the drastic implicat ions of the new low should teach
Council some sort of o lesson.
I ...........
.. 0
And the end is not yet In sight. Some new surprises were re-
vealed when bills for 1950-57 business licenses were received Monday.
Small manufacturing firms . in the over-1 0-employees category, got
the rude jolt of a license increase from $25 to $200. A N D ::J• , c,-a. ,
I believe that is just as unfair as trying to tox the Fun Zone out of "" .;a """ H 0"" ~0 yo~
business. Why discriminate against the monufecturers. who are the FA V 0 R foR l'o E C! , .._ e ......
bosic wealth producers in ony city? There ore e greet many other "-~ ..v '""' ..,
types of businesses with more employees, more gross revenue, greeter IV\ .., B ;>
profits, and requiring more city services-but paying only o nominal I· ' "-• U ~ f\ S K '( • • ••
$25or $~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High license fees will discourage manufAtctul'ing firms from com-
ing here. We need such enterprises, because they ore good for o city.
Council should toke another hard look ot this new license ordinance. e LISTEN AND LEARN
I don't much care for the attitude of City ~ouncil os publicly ex·
pressed lost week by Councilman J ay Stoddard: "If you don't li~e
what we're doing, recoil us." J oy is not alone in this attitude: it hos
been expressed before by other members of Council.
They might just os well say: "We know whet's be st for you ond
the city ... We don't wont to be bothered with listening to you
argue your case ... We've made up our minds. ond that's how
we're going to vote."
Thot's not the American woy of government by the people, for
the people. of the people. It is, rather, one of the symptoms of the
stra nge melody peculiar to office ' holders--the superior, know-it-oil
attitude. scornful of the wisdom of the public.
Thot oHitude is nonseMe. The basic strength of our American
woy is foith in the ultimate wisdom and judgment of the people . A
single individual, or o smoll group, might go berse~ on some strange
program, but when public opinion is allowed to work effectively, such
misto~es a re prevented.
It is unrealistic to tal~ of recoil, Joy. And two yeors is too long
to wo it to get o chan ce to kick you out. So it would be much wiser
ond saner to listen and le~~rn. e LET THE GRA DUATES HEAR
The pole vaulting pastor, Bob Richards. gave a fine speech to
the r-jigh School graduating doss. He told them to go out for the
highest mark there is. 11nd he reminded them that the human race
would be nothing without the drive to oim for high marh.
Wo,derful 11dvice. The only drowbock was that the grods didn't
hear a thing he WllS ~eying. The pastor hod to turn his bock on the
grads end tol~ to the parents ond visitors sitting in the stonds. And
the loud5peo~ers were turned toward the stands, not toward the grad-
Next year. let s let the groduofes heor the speech. The message
is for them. ond not for the
W~Et-J '01 IE.
C~OPS/ •
-p:. = -~ .......... Solt1 ...
Speciala for Thura.. Fri., & Sat.. June 21, 22. 23
SWIP I L OICAa Oa LVYa---AU lhal
I WDI ..... _. .. '*
SAUSAGE ·~ ....
OOOD m 21i111UIU
Your City Council voted 4 to 3
to replace one cent of the ad-
vertising ta..x In order to balance
the advertt.lng budget. Appar-
ently tht. came right out of the
blue to the 3 who opposed lt.
This Is a compllment to the
mayor'a maneuvering. Looks like
she wangled a majority vote and
steamrolled It through. Those
voting for It were Lee Wilder.
Stanle-y Rldderhof and Clarence
Bigbie, and the mayor cast the
deddlng vote.
1bl.s tax wu recommended by
Bert Webb, the acting city man·
ager. He t. the one who recom-
mended hlmleU to be given a
new job to be created by the City
CouncU-u chJef ol the Depart-
ment of Public Works and Engi-
neenng, In order to lend more
glamor to h ls duties and to re -
tain that salary of $913 a month
that he has been getting as ac-
ting city manager.
Let's follow the city engineer's
S&lary during the years of sky-
rocketing total englner depart-
ment salarie-s: $543 a monr:h ln
1953; $591 In 1954; $749 In 1955;
and now $913 proposed for 1956-
57. Tha t's running quite a siz-
able chunk ahead of Inflation.
Let's also go back and look at
the empire building history of
the EnglnH"rlng Department:
Total salaries were $8.600 In
1952-53; $10.374 In 1953-54; $12.-
484 In 1954-55; $28.l!i6 In 1955·
56; Sl9.496 proposed for 1956·57.
That was a jump of $15.672 from
last year to thls; and Sll.340
more proposed tor the coming
year. This Is a 463.9'70 Increase
over 1952-53. How much did
our population Increase during
that time! Not over 30o/o. • • • e ADVERTISDfG FUJfD
• • •
that It will not prove to be too
far for you to get back occa-
sionally. • • • e WELCOME. ID. SJIE1. TOJf
An open Jetter to the new city
manager of Newport Beacon:
Dear Mr. Shelton,
Welcome to Newport Beach.
On assuming your duties as
city manager, may I on behall
of my readers wish you success
In the job.
I thlnk I represent the think-
Ing of a Jot of taxpayers when I
say we hope that we have,
through our Council, acquired a
public servant who wtll have our
Interest at heart. We hope that
the public will be kept Informed
C and may I add that the public
Is notorious for lack of lntertost
In city govtomment). We hope
also that you will be able to
manage our city In an eUiclent.
economical manner without sac-
rl!lclng any of the e&Sf!ntlal serv-
Newport Barge Flllilng .................... ..,... ... ......, ........... , ............
'W..e.m.'* Day boat *"-
(,A / DaiiJ' I a.m.
~· Q ........ ,.,,. ....
Dr. J'Nd Ru.,_, deaD ol IIMil 1 ... ln Blythe. He w111 .tart In
at 0ranp eout eou... a1nce hill .. poe&Uon MY 1.
tile ~ninl ol tbe collep 1n Dr. Huber eame to Orance
1tf,l,. hu aeciPYd • PQI!tJon u Cout u deaD of men from Glen·
dlleca Ill. ..a. v.-IUDiot Col· dale Collep, where he had been
Phone In your DeWS 8tOrSee to
your local IMI'ftP&per, the En·
alp. Bubor U1'-
() ~"""'.
. Q~
VIJ.IIIIlll r.-... e. xwi••JL......., ~..., .. ,... cblctk. .. vw. .. ... .. -.. Or-.. c..atr'• ............. .
... -. ·-~-_.. ....... L11J11t .... ...... ~...._...._... v ... -......-. ... a..-ta
hu.te& ----~ -~~~EZ~-=~==~==~=---~..a~.a----
ftla ............. ~ ... .w.l QhiM IMkWI ... :.g:. z; c;a:.~·-~ ;..=--:.:::-..::
.......... Jr. ...a • tdp te .AMb*' Clal I Ia tM ._.... ........................ TetUaS.y.u...._
Qtl .. ~--.-t .... 117 L C&II&L AlrADDI Dt 1 S-4511
~ ....
WElCOME AIOAIOI • • • • .to
N.wport Ha rbor• finest water·
front rendezvous . . . leisurely
dining In a distinctive English
T avef'n atmosphere.
an EDIUah and Social Science
1ftltrUdOr fot three years. Be
Nee.lwct h1a B.A. trom u.c..L.A.
In 1937, hla M.A. from U.S.C. In
1NO, and hla Ed. D. bom U.S.C.
tn lB. Be Ia a lJeutenant colo-
nel tn the army re.erve.
Palo Verde l u nl o r Collep
lltartll4 Ita operation tn 1H7 and
now baa an enrollment ol 100
.tuckmta. A rapid lncreue In the
enrolment Ia antldpated 1D the
nat tlve yean.
"I repet havtn• to leave my
frlen4a and coUeacues at Oranae
Cout CoUep," Dr. Huber aald,
"but I am lookinl forward to de·
vtioptna a .aund junior colleae
prolf&m In Palo Verde."
Six Songs by
Miss Spelman
Are Published
MJ.as Clara Ellen Spelman has
recently been notllied that a1x
ol hu orialnal .onp for chlldren
wUl be pubUahed by the SUver
B\Ud~ Mus!c Company In thelr
new Mrles. "Music Through the
Town" and ''Mualc In Our Town."
Mlaa Spelman baa been a
teacher ln the Newport Beach
Elementary School System for
19 years. For the put six yean
abe hu been apeclal muslc
teacher for all the pades
throuah tltth In all the Newport
Elementary Schools.
She hu llerVed as President of
the Orance Councy Music Auo·
elation. and bas been a membeF
ot the music committee for the
Newport Beaeb Bu.alness and Pro-
fesalonal Women's Club.
Hts. School
Open in Fall
The Newport Hel1bta Elemert·
tary School, just completed on
an B~·aCI'e atte at 15th St. and
Santa Ana Ave., will be open
for cluaes thl.a fall IllS S VWIYEDE COIITEST·
The school hu been deslaned AJn'--!.aftly Joaa s..-of
to blend with the residential ~ l.aa.t wtU be aaaoog a
character of the nlabborbood. It u.t of 0....,. Coaaty glr1a to
baa low pitched roofa. brick tlldra part Ia tbe cowaty I1Da1a
vene« end walla and an attrac· ,_ t.be ,..._ UDI.,..... Coat.t
Uve forecourt connecttna the ad-t1Ua laadaf at the ~!aDd
m.lnlatratlon buUdlna. mulUpur· ...._1 pooL The CDIIt.t ta ..t
poee room and kinderaarten with ._ I p.aa. Tbe 21-J'MI'-okl
the parklna loL Jalaad ..._ty • rltlat ... Ia
'lbere are lt cl-.-ooma, two '-m.v-. II ur... Mw aa ...
kinderaarten room8, an admlnt· W Jla =-=· ta ..,.
ltratlon unit and a complete tiMI'e wttla tbe If..-,. TIMU
cafeteJia.audJtorlum. The build· J.JaDd ..... ia at 223 had
lnp were built at a cost ot $10.0t Aft.
a square foot. A large paved
area and pua arn In the play· .... llrZII IMI'II II around pi'Ovlde recreation facill·
ties. A separate ldnder~arten T1 Wll T'----' playaround Ia alao provided. ........ ,
The c a f e t o r l u m bas been Joe Stamp of Balboa Ill and,
named Ftndlay Hall·ln honor ot who wll1 800D be Jlvtnc In Co·
C«don B. nndlay, wbo bas been rona del Mar, won the AustralJan
a membeF of the 8chool board of Sl~les touma.ment on the Ne-w·
truateea for 18 years. port Beach Lawn Bowline Greens
lut week. "Put Ball" Joe, scored
a bla ~ polnta for first prize.
Rex Brandt to Show Movie
At Summer School Opening .
Ba Brandt wm *ow h1a !lcbolandlJ,p awarcta to the mom. "Watercolot Land.leape," Brandt Summer School are an-
at 8 p.m. Saturday In the patio nounced b)' Mr. Brandt.
ot ht. 8t'Uctio, fl11 Goldenrod Ave., A.nDette Crawford of eo.ta
tot• the openJn• of the Brandt Meu. a .tuclent at Oranp Cout
Summer Sc:bool ol Palnttna. Collep, hu rectived the Ku Ep.
The new tum hu been pur· allon Chapter ot the Beta Slama
ebuecl by the United Stat• In· Phi Art SdlolarahJp.
formation ~ ~t of The Annual Sdlocd award
State, tor d.lltrlbutlon aboard, pvm to an outRandLoa young
and Ia belna releued In llfJ'VeJl painter resident qt the Lapna
dltferent laneuaces. Beach-Newport llarboc area 'hu
Much ot the movie Ia made-at been lf&Dted to Melinda SmJth,
Ladder Bock. on the cout be· dauabter of ~ Wllll.un B. ~=========~; tween Lacuna and Corona del SntlUt. of 14l~E. Bay Front, Bal·
Mar. The aecond part Ia a warm· boa. She Ia a Junior at Newport
toned l&nd.lcape pal.otlna. with Harbor Hlcb School.
the Irvine Cattle Ranch ln the Frank Ackerman, 23, student ..
forearound and Santlaco Peak at Chouinard Art Inatltute and
(Sadd.lebacld 1n the dlstanee. res1dent of Glendale, bu been HARBOR 6176
The alx·week aummer course des1,anated t.eachlna uaistant 2919 E. Cout BW7 ..
will empba.slze many of the :::for;;;;;th:;ia;;•;;Wlllner~~~pr~o~pam~~·~;;;;;;;;;;;d~~~Coro~~n~a~d~el~M~ar~;~ polnta illustrated In the fllm. r
with the studenta worklna In
watercolor or oil, as they prefer.
Georae POlito of San Franclac:o,
wlll aaaJn be guest ln.st:ructot
and Betty Winkler will aca1n
bead the coune ln watercolor
teclmlque. uslna Mr. Brandt's
manual, ''Watercolor Technique"
.. a text.
Joan lrvina Brandt will aealn
otter a Tuesday mornlnc course
for younptera from 8 to 12 years
of age.
Llcl••llukfalt Ill .... .., 21
Le(ion Brealdut Chairman BUl
Tlahe announced thla week that
Uuouah the dforta ot h1a Co·
Chairman VInce Cusumano, and
ticket Chairman Bob Sehwamb.
plans are bealnnlna to take
shape fOr the 8th Annual Break·
fut to be held Saturday, July 28,
at All American Market ln New·
port Beach.
SaRI IIJ ..... ,
1100 Coa.t lfiqbway
AC3018 n.oll u.z..oA UT CLO
Bruno F. Engel, 73. transient. ~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=:=:=;;;;~~~;;;:;;:~~~~~~
was arrested on a cbarce ot
steeplna in an auto at 12:20 a.m.
last Thursday atter the Interior
ot his sleeplne quarters. a 1938
station wagon. wu consumed ln
names near Ocean Front and
32nd St.. Newport Beach.
An unidentified penon pulled
Engel from the fiamtnc car and
the Newport Bea~ tire depart·
ment was called to extinguish the
names. Engel told pollee he had
been living ln the vehicle for
about four months and evidently
dropped a clgaret which ~rted
the fire. He wu found lying on
the aand ln front of 3!JJ11 W.
Ocean Front. He sa.ld he wu not
burned and did not need medl·
cal attention.
8qin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
l 123 Eett Coert Hiqllw.y
eo.-...., ... .,
Thrtt rt•JOns why ovw
69,000,000 Amtric.M tntruft
thtir s•vm,s to • b.nl Wt
cordiafly invitt your •ccounl
IIWIY, Three players tied for second
place with 12 polnta each. In the '===============
,.,.. eltef'Nelt --.rtoe • • Oueri ellpe eiMI dMkl ••• ~M41 ,,.., 'IHiveret• •~v.
.. u ll)f '""" I .. m. Oft luiMI•'l ,,.., ........ ,. •.•• ,__ -ved ,,..... , '·'"·•
.....,.tiMe. Ha~ ...
M50 VIa Aperto
NIIW~"T 8aACH..;:LI,.O,.NIA .,. tiM .. ,. at LI4M ~"11 c;.llter
Capisl1 ano By The Sea
tJ Sanitarium .
Specializing in all jYpes of
33815 Dil Qlilpo Rd., Dcma PdDt
play·off Dr. Wllllam Wlllard of
New residents ln Corona del Corona del Mar, playing In hl11
Mar are Mr. and Mrs. Frank last tournament for the summer.
Grannt.a. who arrived last week won ~nd prize. Dr. and Mrs.
at thelr new home. 221 Orchid Willard Jert for Estes Park.
Ave., Corona del Mar, from their Colorado, last week. William
former residence In South La-Brims of Santa Ana placed thlrd
auna. In Corona del Mar. the and U oyd Steeves of Balboa tin·
Gra.nnl.a' wtll be nearer thelr IBh ed fourth.
daughter and son·ln·law. the
Howard Ahmansona of Harbor
laland. Mr. and Mrs. Grannis are
long time southern California
residents. They lived In South
Laguna for five years. • • •
Newcomers to Corona del Mar
a.re Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Rowe
and ll·Ye&.r·old son Richard.
They are Uvtna temporarily ln
an apartment on Coast Hlgbway
whlle waltlna to buUd thelr new
home on Serra Drive In Corona
Hlplancta. M.r. Rowe h u been with the
accountlna department of the
Pasadena Star News. M.ra. Rowe
wtll teach In the Newport school
qttem next fall .
..... Nil Car,
IJ. •lv•..,.
Someone put a make in his
car, Don Aakew of * ery.tal
Ave .• BalbN bland. complained
to Newport pollee at 4:10 p.m.
June a. TIM U\&ke erawled under
the trunk ol tM car and could
not be removed ,.. trunk wu
left open and later' the make
could be IMil ll&ftlllll out of the
t:nlnk ol the car. Oflleerl took
It tnto the badE ..., ..... ud
tamed It--.
The Finest Food In
The Harbor Area"
l ~
' ' '
lewport Harbor Bank
l-435 E. Co.nt Hi~ey
••• 7"/u FUMrm4""
r-•··· .•
-............. INr &. COMT WWAY c-............ ..,
~ar9ed and ~oat Complete
Fumiiu,. Store In the ArM.
c.n ~«.,..
Llbertv t-5511
Hause ... Gar~tt
Fumishin9s for ~
clubs, yod.ts.
3017 W. Co..t Highwey
N-porl a..dl
ea.. ••urrr PAYOD
differ., from "' otlters I
UMI! Only S.m l
...... lnd ..,.. jc,.
cubes 1utom1tically.
Ho lriJS to lfllpty I
Seneltlelller ....
fW ,0001 ................ ................ ... ...., ..... ,
2. SfLDfT us lfb. an•t Only 1n Strwt
does I tiny '-s na.
Nkt a Md cold. llo
motor, 110 noise I
Ulf1l1 Only Stf'fll Gu
Rtfr iaer•tor co11u
wiHI 10-yur Wlnllltyl
""' !* less 7
Yo• aet every featllre yw .....
and more-in tbe new Serve1 G• lee-Server
Relri,entor: Bir separate freezer. Automatic
defroatlnl. Colof.bellnced interior &tylinc.
Dew-Malic freabenera. Tilt-out en traya.
In-a-door abelvea. RoD-out tbelvea. Snack
drawer that doublet • 1 terviol tray. Trip-
saver door handles. V*t JOUr Serve! dealer
or Gas Compeny today •
Only GAS ' &ives you sucl11nodem 1111a11111c lll!lliMCell
-~·.-..--.-y-... . ... -. '-.. ~···--
At Youth C811
Margaret L Scharle
Teacher of Plano
Orcanllt · Accompanlat
Evenlnf Cl....es for dulta
Cotona del Mar
Frl~ndly Nelihborhood Service
11 0 Broadway
PDIIT aAft'DT CB1JJICII or •awNn ....._ fh'd.: lltla & Cotut Its..
~asr~ •. 30ft ...... ~-1.,.._
e/Wce ·
• f'DIIT cauaca ar I"!W.., .... 'I' ........ a.Y ........ Ifewp:ut .... ...... _
Sunday Schol: 9:15 a.a., Bun· day Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed·
ne.sday Eventnr Meettnr: 8:00.
Readang Room, 3315 VIa Lido,
Newport Beach, o~ 9 a.m.·
5 p m w~k d ays, 9 a.m.-7:45
p.m. WPctnesdnys, 7-9 p.m. Frt·
day evenmgs.
FIBST aAPrJST CIIUilCII laata A8G A.e. at N.,._atc
eo.ta ..... ...,, P. G.lf..-aaa
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sun·
day School; 11 a .m. Worshtp
Servl~; 1 :30 p.m., Baptlat Training Unlon; 7:30p.m. Eve-
ning Service. Wednesday: 7:30
p.m., Prayer, Pralae and Bible
Study. Monday: 7:30 p.~.
Men,'s Chorus practJcel· 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meet nr.
lEVU ta DAY ADVUidT •....-t ..... at ..... lt.. ·~---Libedy ••••
EJdew J), .. ••• ..... Saturday Morning~: Sab·
bath School: t!» a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Pnl:Y• meet-
lnr: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
ST.ADIDWI nzDTI"EIIIAII ~ca.no111 ... ~
lStll st. £ st. • a a a a acs.. .... ,_ ..... I4::Mol
LDelty •• ")?n
~ ... J-LI..-..t
SUNDAY: Moml"' ......... p. t :31 and 11 a .. m.: Onueh School,
9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Hlrh. St.
High and tolle,e are Fellow-
ahlpa. 7 p.m.; nuusday, Prayet',
Jtudy VOQP, t:.30 a.m.
caoaca 011 on LIIIW
OP liT. CA8DL IKIW ........ -.&.Wswpwt ..... 1114 ·-=.::a: "i?· =-.,. .. .....
Sunday M .... : 8:00 and 10:00
Sunday aervtees: 9:45 a.m., Sun·
day SchoOl; 11 :00 a.m .. , War·
I hlp Seorvta.; 7:30 p.m. Sunday --,;;;;;~iiiftiYij;-o;;iift;;-~--;;;;;;;;::;;;:=-:-;-::=:-==:::::::===-even I n r Serv1ce; Mid· Week CER"NAL aDLI! CBUIICB UWJ\'EJIIALIIT COJOIUWJTT
and 12:00~a.m. ConlaaJon: Sat-
urdaJ8 and efta. oil bt Frtdaya
and Holy Da~ from 4:00 to
5:30 ~·m: and from 7:30 to 8 :30
p.m. Dally M• 1:00 a.m. P'tnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help):
Service: 7":30 p.m. WednHday 0• ,. A....,~ lll'illlt. ~
Prayer Meetinr. C.... ~ a.a..ty a.um &WJ Cl•th-...
Monday, 7:45 p.m. A. A. x-wa. ..._ SIS W • ....._ ...,_ .....
JI.AJmO. AIIDDl~ OF QOJ) Sunday Sdtool: t :.S a.m. Morn· Actfa9 lftah .. t waua-~
Q ... L ........ C.W. lnc Service, 11:00; Ewninc Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom-COIIO•A DEL 11U ~ ~ aer.ke. 7:30. llkl·week Sefy. lnr wo:nhfp, 11:00 a.m. OC4f1h1Uff caoa:a
..... c.&. 'fll-•d Younr people nvet 6:15 p.m. I'DIIT au --..:w~ A -·• a.etn lee, Wed neaday , 7:30p.m. c TiJII
Sunday achool 9:30a.m., momlnc Sunday. Dad lt. -~~.!_ ~-.-a= ...
wonh.lj) 11 a.m. YouJlC = LlbMy I4'Nl ....., ._ ...,... QeaM
•uvfee 8 :30 p.m., Pli R&Wtoa'l' JU.DOa .. ,.., • ._~c....._._._ Sunday W~p Services: t :45
evancell.t service 7:30 p.m. LOI**•U cauaca Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· a.m.. U:OO a.na.SundaySc:hool: Mid-week 8et'Vb 7:30 p.m. tsel aMI DL. ......,. .... til lhlp: 4.0:55 a.m. and evan-JUt 9~" a.m. Wednesday. Ull Itt ...... ..-vi 7 30 y •-1 '
CIIU&a ee a. •man
1-AMII .... lt.. C... M-
PadDI't .... at.. Wtull1111-•
I..IMity .. , •••
Sunday Servkes: Sunday School,
9:30 a.m. Morntnc Wonhlp at
10:30 a.m. Evan1elllttc: Serv· lee, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. ~unday; Prayer meet·
lJif, 7:30 p.rn. Wednesday.
115 A9ate A..._ a.llloa Ja&c.d ~· ...,, DeDid4 lapp BAJbcw C5l5
Sunday S e r v I c e 1 : 9:30 a.m. Church School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service.
..... ...._. Cln~hn« oe, : . p.m. ounc Peop e ft J.AIID KftlcX)•AL
Duplleate 118tllnc ..we. _ 9 and CbllclNn's s.rvtce, 6:30 ._ ft. LM1It • OUj4ilt .._.
a.m. aftd 11:15 a.fD.t Sun~! t>~n. M.J~week SemceLadl ; ....... J(lncJercarten and Pre-School ay, : rf..m. es ._. 1.._ a.......,..._
Dept. Sunday School 9 a.m.; Mt.lonary Counc: ' 1bW'14aya scmcki _,~. 8:30 a.m. B 1
bt Grade throulh Adult ~un· 9:30 a.m. for all day. Cemmunl~; t :15 f'amAy S:.:. ~School, 10 a.m~: bua -Ice. 11 a.m., wontdD .ervtoe. and JifunerY for I'IDT IOUIBW UPTDT 1bu.rsday a.rvtc:.: l :15 a.m.
both ...vtea ancf a.m. Bun· CIIUW Prayw Gullc1; 10:.30 Holy Corn·
day School. 150 W. ·---1t.. C.... 11-munlon. UllrltY a..-CIIaJIT LUTII&Uif CIIVaCII ...._., Dw. _._. a. .._ IT. JOBR Y1A1r11'n
()P COSTA II&IA Sunday sc:hooli 9:t5 a.m.; church 114 ..--. Aftw ...._ Jslad (1IIMout 1~ a e r vI c e 1 tOO a.m. Tralninr ....._ 11M ,
AaerlcaD IAt'{la llelL Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlnr P.a. It Jl w ~~ ...._ eo.t. ..._ wonhJp 8 p.m. 9und.y. TMdt· Sunday M•n•:-8:30' a.m. 6 9:30 ,_._, .... ...._. ~ ~ and officers meettnr 7 p.m. a.m. Cont.-Jon.: Saturdaya and
Sunday Serv1oes: WorshJp Serv· Wedneeday. Pra)'ft MrVJce and eva of bt Frlc1&711 and Holy Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at Bible ltUdy 7:t5 p.m. Wednes· Days; 7:30 tQ 8:30 p.m.: First
10:15 a.m. day. Friday M.u. "a.m.
SPIRITUAL SERIES IS SPONSORED BY THESE CIVIC.NIImED FIIIMS AND .INDIVJDU.AI3 u 8·3433 lr 8-3434 Costa Mesa ;::=:========: THIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------N O W ... TWO
Servtnc the Harbor Area
Baltz M ortuary
Harbor 42 3S20 E. Cout Hldlway Corona del Jlar
Baltz Mortuary
Uberty 8-2121
17h 1r Superior, Costa Mesa
Barb« Blvd. at Glal•
KJMBERI,Y 5-1191
$eMttf ftle Harlter 2l Y Mft
lttl Hlf'lt« llf¥d .. c..ta Mill
Ub.rtr t-2062
Sa1JAt .....,.,. H.,W StMa' lf)l
....... OMaet .._.., 1771 .........
1221 w.c.... .... , • ....,.,. ....
1M Plea Te &a
Fer n. •.-c~t y .. "-·
We &We SIH Gt'Mfl StaMpa
JOJ ....... Str..t, ..... H""-lOt
n. Sactt.l.,. ...... .... _, ..... a.....
2124 New,.,t N .. C.... W... ,.__ LIMfty t-4129
·~ With
n II L C..tt Hw, .. C.... Ml ....,
......., 2474
Ofattte c-ty'e w..t Ce Jl Ia .....
MJJ Y\e LU., ~ .....
Jelt w Ca;1i' UaatW, ..._ D*tl.. ,,.. .......
..., WWttW ~c.. ...... &a.tr ...... , ,.
The DAVIS MOWN C.. , .................
~Wan H-Att,e&a .....
........., I-MJ7
Y .. He•eo-.11 ....
MJI I. c...t ....,., C.... 4.1 W.
.......Af-t ..............
.... I. c:..t ~c.-., ... .........
IAMIOO RATTAN $1FT SHOP ...... ......., ...... .. o. ................ ...
.. 1 ........... .....
....... 1112
Llll IIIIET .......
Oh what a bee.otlful summer!
Jt will be If you drive carefully
Kids are out of schools, ~~~body's on vacation . . . The
htrhwaya are crowded. with cars,
90?' of which don't know where
they are rotn1 exactly . . .
Watch, look and walt!
* * *
.. ...... .. , ... ......
the train.
And S. P.
acener"JI. ''
......... ..,....... ....... :.::=......
. JHI lilT Of IJDII--fOI POlD 01 fiiiiOHl
~ ..... IL-WWWIP'-
.,.. ............. . ,. cwr ......... ,..,.,. .. .....
N .-r dad eaaaer. y.,. caa flf II l ~,,.._.,~,aa'rl+ , ............ , ..... .. s.••n• SW&UIII .... ~"~~~. aFPft .... • a,.,_-·
~A AliA
Ja. l-7'fl0
IIJ W .... 0
• M.
~ .. 1'11io san.ol .... •• ••• r•e•·'·· JoftJiar,
J'ODDIU ooki•l filant, a.. .. cifyi•J t.._lr _poeto,..,
usiq dae STAUflD.HOIO
PLAN of ,...&w ~ ud
caloric red11ccioa. ~
yovneU wicb tbe STAUfflll
HOME PLAN today.
~«4Y ...... IIIfll v .. Cia IMfy .. ....
!!Of. My
fill •r•o~nAfiOM. " .....,_
.. Ill 1 th• w• • ... ..
......... ..._ Uoolf ... -"' .,_. .... , .. ,.., .......... ....... ..................... -.. , .......
<., I ,,, l r J I ., .. .
SUYLc..t ..... -1
CornctiYe m.o..
Doctors Pnecription
Caretul. Capable fittiD9 S.rrice * .II. SIIJ IIISE *
• -
Mll L o.-t .....,. ft.IU 1177
Including the best·seller
TEAr-by DL SdWI4ler
BE~UTDSFOB m-• .... ..... liDS
The halr l.s cut so that
the natural waves fall
In easily without ex·
cesstve trouble ~t us
thape your halr so It
will ~ as easy to
k~p Jt It is lovely.
E~ n=k;...Q-~ -L-JcJfPi &R'cJ···
because it's eaayl
Happy the homemaker whole kitchen bouse~ an ~l«tric
ranee. 1t makes meal preparation a miracle of ease
a peed and convenience ... and it gives perfect result.-
every time. Wbo wouldn't be happy wat.b a romblnat.aon
like that? Especially when it cmta 10 little-electric
ranc• rate htch in «<nomy, too.
Mc.t people tell us that their favorite feature ia the
toH of electric cook.ifta ... the fact that aa -.ctrie l'ell
it a1mplicity itM:lf in opentiocL ~ pNP&N U. iooda.
pot them Oll. and a.t c:cJ~aPINl1 nlOIDatk COiltroaa do
the work and the wat.chial.
bl ct.D haw cook ina like that, rilht an. Ira fM1
... aee JOUl ct.Jer.
• •
The Oecqe Buecol.u and the CuJ'-7 &ncl Mn. &. G. Anclenoa
Walt« Wort.IHmll, a.otb ol Udo lt. helplq to celebrate.
I.ale e.Jebrated tbelr matua1 wed· • • •
cline date, June 1. at lob Dal· Tbe GardMr ~.took a,..,
ton'• new renauram on tbe Udo boun c« to ,. ftabfn' down cap.
c:b~L 1bJ.1 Ia the 17tb annt· iltraao 'WaY and came back
venary f« both eoup1• wbo wtth .veal ra.lllbow trout. ac·
weore married ln a dcM.Ible wed· CQJ'~ to ho~ckle alley
dlnl e.remony becau.M Mn. Jue. rumcw In Corona del Mar.
cola and Mra. Worttaen ue twtn • • •
alaten. It wu really a triple COII'Dr AJm oom·
celebration fOt June 1 wu the The Job Ra.maaya of Irvine
bl.rthday ot 13 year old Suaan Terrace have just returned from
BuoooiL a trip to Y~Jll)te ... Dr. Eliza·
• • • beth Hutcht..on haa taken a trip
AJ.o eeen at the Bob Dalton east, a.nd the Dr. J. C. Humph~y
re.taurant last wek were Mr. and famlly ot Corona del Mar. In·
Mra. Georee Hoac n entertatnJne cludtne the two children, are
Mrs. Hoal'• parenta. the Harry planntne an extenalve trip over
Parkers of Beverly HJlla In cele· eastern United States -with a
bratton of the Parker'a thirty-jaunt to Havana, Cuba, aaJllna
seventh weddJna annlvenuy. from the tip of FJo,tda . . . A
Abo tn the party were Mn. whole raft ot Zontlana are leav-
Hoal'• ailter and brother-in-law, lnl th1a week-end for the Inter·
Mr. and Mrs. Dax.ld _Mcher of national convention In Sun Val·
Brentwood . . . A twenty-fourth ley, Idaho, lndudlne President
weddlne annlvenary party ln· Dorothea Sheely and Mildred
eluding Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Stanley, Ruth Jayred. Helen
ZWiebel ot Balboa Island. hon-Stockton, Vlr,tnla Luther, Eva
orea, and Mr. and Mn. Leo Aapln. Dr. Helen Roberuon and
Root of Corona dd M.u, Mr. and Peggy Relnert. After the conven·
Mrs. John Gouvlan and Mr. and tlon Mrs. Aapln and Mrs. Luther
Mn. E. W. Zwiebel of Ude, Ce,r. have planned a lone way home
ald Lovejoy of eo.ta Mesa and vta Alaska.
Lou Warner of North Hollywood • • •
For Mesa
Fancy Bonn~ts Win Prizes
at 'Hats in Bloom' Party
... And a 13th wedding annl· "Fun aboard La Volte" was the
versary dJnner for Mr. and Mrs. Utle of last week-end when the
Redfield Dinwiddie of Lido with Charles Lambs f>t Lido Invited
Lido Isle neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Udo nelehbors, Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Harrla, Mr. and Mrs. Jack RaJph Tandowsky. and the Keith
Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Me· Cordreys to board their schooner
Amigos Greet
New Member,
" 5 'Muchachos'
for the Balboa Power Squadron
trek to Catalina. Also with them
was Ralph Tandowsky Jr.. who
has finlahed his military aervlce.
The youne soldier was stationed
with mUltary Intelligence In aev·
eral of the hot spots or Europe.
particularly In Austria and Italy,
during hls military tour. • • •
Mrs. James Holliday, Mrs. Wll·
llam Keirn and Mrs. T. Avery
A 684,410 budget. calllne for a Flaher were winners of the "Hats
70-cent tax rate for the City of In Bloom" parade at the final
Costa Mesa for 1956·57, will be spring proeram of the Udo Iale
considered by the Costa Mesa Woman's Club held last week on
city counciJ next Monday night. Tuesday at the Lido Clubhouse.
The budeet was submitted by Program for the afternoon was a
City Manager George Coffey display of orlelnal fall faahlona
Monday night. Largest proposed designed and pr~nted by Doro·
expenditure for the year Ia $181.: thy O'Hara <Mrs. Henry Lunney)
560 for the polle. department. of Lido Isle. complimented by
The city fire departm.ent Is hat.!l by Leslie James. The lash·
scheduled to spend $61.925. It Ions were modeled by Lido Club
will start functioning on July 1. members with Mrs. Hal Dlke do·
The proposed 751 ·lot subdlvl-tne the narration.
slon west of Harbor Rest Me· In a brief business meeting News for Lido Islanders: the mortal Park. submitted by Dud· precedlne the fashion show. Mrs. The Amlgos Vlejos. whose snack bar Is open again for sum· ley Smith or Los Angeles. was Thomas Letto. outeolne pres ..
motto. roughly translated, Ia mef munching -lnciLJdlng that referred back to the city plan· thanked all members of the out·
"do nothing useful," met to do wonderful homemade deep·dlsh nlng comml.sslon for reconsider· going board of officers and In·
more of same yesterday noon atl apple pte! allon on the basis of new lnfor· trodu~ the new officers, who
the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. • • • matlon. The city planners last were pinned with corsages.
A('('Ordlngly, they voted In a 1 Mrs. William Mlrams made week had rejected the subdivt· Th~ prize wlnnlne nowered hats
new full nedged mlemt be;-C~,; fashion hl.story at the June aJon.. for the "Hats In Bloom" portion land (Moose) Lager o o ....,. Nightingale meeting by appear· of the party were selected from
Haven. after he had first pre·' lng In her famous Hedda Hopper GlamouT a multitude of beautifully now-sented proof that he had learned hat of yellow roses and pale blue ed d
true humility during his period I velvet crownlna a buttercup yel· ered bonnets creat an worn
• by each rnember of the UWC
brown and purple. Crepes and
llght-welgbt wools wer~ the pre·
dominant fabrics, created with
distinctive drapes over the bo·
dice deslened to sUm the figure.
Flattering V and square neck·
lines were In evidence.
Mrs. L. R. McCulley acted aa
mistress of• ceremonies for the
proeram. Luncheon decor was
provided by a committee lncluJi·
lne Mrs. Robert Templeton.
chairman, and Mmes. Don Hart.
Mac Horn. Jerry McCJalre. Marl·
an Olaen, Robert Frailey. Gene
Vreeland and William Morris.
Club members modeling fash·
Ions Included Mmes. · Donald
Colegrove. Paul Roeers. Keith
Cormy, Howard Illo. William
Mlrams. Francis Dawson. Paul
Butler. John Glass. Don Hart.
Jerome Helperln, Hueh Hut8on.
Robert Harrl.s. Joe Prelnlnger and
Edward Lester Smlth.
A chlc~n salad luncheon was
prepared for the capacity crowd
by Mrs. Lee Sames and her com·
mlttee. lncludlne Mrs. A. F.
Heinze. Mrs. R. H. Kirby and Mrs.
Robert Keppen.
ot probation as a "Muchacho." low linen dress. The hat was Gl present. Mrs. Holliday's prize
The Am,gos abo accepted five won by Mrs. Mlrarns at the Hoaa irnpses wlnnlne "most beautiful" hat
characters as nl'w Muchachos. Hospital Auxiliary Fund Fair was a unique headpiece shaped
Emcees Les Steffensen a nd Judge last October. .., Aaa like a flah In red. white and CDI 8..111•• Ia..
Bob Gardnet' took care of the • • • blue nowera. Mrs. Kelm was ... u.._ .. •
Induction. and they Invoked the The Mexican travel agent aent GOING SOME PLACE? It seema winner of the most original rea. Jehc:•lll flciiW ...... "buddy system." calling upon a back a little note with the con llkl" evf'rybody's golne SOME turing a Uny Lido Isle street ... -DIRia
regular ml"mber to watch out flrmatlon or the wedding trip place! It's hard to keep track scene bordered by rf'd gl'ranlums That d l g gIn g along Coast
after t'ach Muchacho. plans for Marguerite Hurhes of or our best friends anymore -to portray her prl:u of a new Highway ln Corona del Mar Is
The new probationers. and I the Corona del Mar Travel Serv what with everyone popping off Buick which 8he l'f'Cently won. tor Installation of 6-duct conduit
their guardians. arE' City Attor-Ice and her Intended, Arth~~ 1o Europe or Hawaii -at lea.stl Mrs. Fisher's humorous hat -a 1 that will provide additional tell'·
ney Karl Davis. watched over by/ Johnson. He wrote. "I hope you San Francl8co or Mexico! With life-sized birthday cake made of phone facUlties for Corona del
"buddy" Arvo Haapa; Pollee be very happy and have ~ant' so many peo~ gotne so many huae feathery white daisies and Mar. The underground lnstalla·
Chief John Upson. with "buddy" many chlldrf'n like we 0 n 1 places. It's no wonder O'BRIEN'S topped with pink ~andles -wu Uon will extend from near Poppy
Gordon FInd I a Y : "has ·I>H'n" Mexico!" 1~ chock full of clothes perfect for In honor of her own birthday Ave. to Marguerite Ave .. and will
Coun<'llman Gerry &>nnett. with I • • • travel. that day. connect with the underbay eros·
"buddy" and also has·been coun· The good ship Orsova will I 0.. of u,. ..t lmpol'ta:Dt Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky played sing to Balboa.
Divine light, ectfon-
loving girdle!
Oips'n'dives, t.ts you•
woist breathe fi'M 'n'·
eosy yet flott.ns
tummy, slims hips
firmly. sh.er ttyfon
power net, ~-L
Moil ond telePtOfle
orders pro~
Harbor 286t
rllman Bob Allen; Laguna Ford carry a number of Harborltes poi..Dta of tranl dotbee .U... a c com pan y1ng music at the This phue of the projE-ct will
man John Weld. "buddy" and when she stearns out of the Los dap la to laMp ·-UcJbt. .,._ plano during the tashlon show cost about $35.000, according to
Nt"wport Ford man Theo Robins: Angeles Harbor Saturday on h~r ClnJM at a.-t part of ..-.ry which featured street and cock· Pacific Telephone Manager Ted Co d 1 M
and TltlP lno;urance man Walt way to Europe-pas.sene~ will Jcnuat ..... to be by 1NI9tat·ta L~l~l~st~y~J~es~tn:;b:Ja:c~k:· _:ta:u~pe~·.:b:lu:es~:H:a::,:m:b:,roo::k.::_ _______ ___:_ _ _:2:.:5~1:.:5:.....:::E:.ast=.:.._Coas:...:...:.:..:..:.t_H_ig.:::....h_w_ay..:..:., __ ro_n_a __ e __ ar __ _ Corbin. with "buddy" escrow include the John Bakf'r family CIOII.Idoa.a cdr1.liML 1o ..., we _
man Dean Bradford. of Irvine Terrace and former fbr 1t 10 tbat ut,. aDd al9h·
Special mention waa given to tucher Mlas Isabelle Bowles and u.. aDd robee aDd bloa ... -
Dick (Father of the Year) Rich· her mother Mrs. Lucy Bowles of ..._. ctr.... .•• an • Ugbt
ard. Marshall l brew-manl DuC· Balboa Island. tbat you caa v-t OCMt.J. aDd
field. and new City Manager Bob • • • oodlee iato you traftWa9
ShPiton. who also got a bunch Corona del Mar teacher Meta CCIM before tbey --.b •
of brlllo to shine up· his tar· Bachmann Is off to Colorado mucla aa a poaad of te«tbenl
nlshed halo. during summer vacation to visit Travellers, we find. are a lazy
ht>r daughter and son·in law and breed -sometimes even lazier
A Complete LlDe of her 1WO grandchildren. The than some of us folka at home-
PDf£ CABPETI latest grandchild waa just added and frequently there Ia neither
Wool carpet aa low aiS.IS yd. to the family a few weeks ago. time nor place for fancy launder·
801 lAlCHE' Mrs. Bachmann slid she Is ex· lng. so mi-lady's clothes must be
pectlng to have l'l"er grandchll· easy to care tor ... slow to soli
HARBOR 6176 dren nearer In the fall as the .. a breeu to wash ... and no
2919 E. Coast Hwy., family 111 talking of moving to trouble to dry. Hence: dozens
Corona del Mar Santa Barbara. and doU'n!l of mi-lady's choice ~~~ij~~§~~~~~~~~ii~~~~:DF~Ci:C:j fashions come In fabrics that i , . 1 _ . . drip· dry after just a swlab ·~ u_,.; __ • a-• gt:ltiD#f, through laundry suds. • ffl "-""....,. -r oa tb• trtp you11 waat to J EXPERT STYUNG-SHAPING look amart. be comtonab1e Clad
;'/ PERMANENTS-TINTING wear ... n Niaa O'arWa "9·
./' _.)_, AU work IUoe.rviaed by VlOLET psta tbe Uttle aWl aDd cottola
I ' ·-S27 MABDR AVF-~ 151 -.u..oA ISLJUfD twMC! suit fOI' tiM ~deed tnl9'el
coatpaion Toa'U ...U. tiM
U9bt·1NI9tat Milt Ia a frteD4
fOI' W. wiMD yoa .-t you
Reservations Now Harbor 3930
WEDNESDAY. June 27th
•Francis Norton Shop
213 N. Broadway, Sapta Ana
* Presented by Vema Miller Chann School
La.cbr• FIOID 12 !fooD t
Bay Side DriYe at Mari.tle Ave.
; -.·., ·-
nlatt..e aDd ~ at tiM
eD4 of • ~ trtp ... tllld tbe Uttle a.-......_, aaJt Ia
loolda9 .....ty aa trtiD aa tbe
lllliDate J'OQ left ......._ P•
tJaoee wM ........ ..U..Iy
.. YaCIItiou. -ta:t.g ..
£a91aad -u.. ~ coaatrs.. J'OQ'U tiDd • IJ9fat·
welpt wool nit by Dcridow
• pnc.ae. --....y .. year
wwcbobe. T'be cs-1o U... of
DtmdowL tot-tiMI' wtth tbeb
........ .s.t.ll ..... tectioa of ~ ..... ,..._.....,.
tnat:tftly ..U-d ~ ••• e d aad
~ ..... Ja fteiT
For year 'round ltvtna In Call·
tornta u well u a perfect co.-
tume for travel. come Into O'BJU-
EN'S and Me our IID&It new eol·
lectlon ol knJtted d..-and
IUits. Throw aw~ JOUr Pft•eorl·
e.Jved notJont about lmtta be·
fore you come In ancS eee the
mqnllleent 1tyUn1 now~ ahown In tile new band
.uembl• at O'DIP'S. Yoa'D
low them! Burry ln and ....
.. .. a....,.
~ ........ ... ,_
ROAD ...
both Chevrolets!
To the rre, the new Ccrvette and
the...,. Chem>let are far diftenot.
Bat thele two champiou have ODe
aaperb quality in commOD-botl)
were born to eliDa to the I'OIId u
thouab they were part ol itl
Chevrolet' a utoniahinc roadability
ia a bii nuon why it'a America'•
~ tnek atoek ear raeina ebam-
pion. It ean caRd doa out-run aDd
ou~handle eara with 100 mon
honepower. When you wed roek-
eolid atability to .uperb qirw
auch u the 220-h.p. V8 that ftubed
the C<nette to a new American
.,n.a ear record-thea yau pt a
real championahip combination.
Stop by fer a ample!
Americ:e'a le'l"t.Miffnl c:et-
2 ...-on more owners then enr
• •
Ptograil Gets
Officially Under Way
ay IIIII:& YAIL& TIM flnt ball for the Kajar
'!be B~ Ale. &o,.-Club Leai\M a.hlbtdons wu thrown
eu.m.DMr bueba11 procram wu by, Councilman Stanley Rldder-
Mnt omdaiiY on lt. way wtth bot ot Jfewpcn Beecb pltclllnc to
a bup c.emonY lut J'rtday Coundlman A. L. Pinkley ot
~tll1lt at tM eo.ta Mella Park. eo.ta MeA. C&Jllnc the bal1a
Hllndteda ot onlookere. oom-ud ltrlk• wu Counctlmal\
poM4 ma1nly ot JDOru and 4&• Brucie K&rUD of eo.ta Meu.
watehed o.-1000 bueba1l play-Rot.rt Glnpich. Newport Beach
.. bolD aa-1-11 ID&I'dl around Beereatioll DiNetoJ', umplnd the
the part&. driMi d In tbetr OUb7 bua
new unlfonna. To .tart otl the exhibition con-
The parade wu led onto the test. the Cube huded the Dodc·
fleld by a col« pard ~poeed en a 2-0 whit.-uhlng In two ot ldx Mld,et Leque ballplayer.. lnnlnp. Nnt Pete Helke. of the
They were Jlm Barnett of tbe Gluta and GU Sbup or the PI-
C Le.,ue Cudlnab, Tom Bryu rates became entangled Jn a
of the A Leacue PtJ'ates, Dlelde heated p Itch era • duel which
Green ot the AA Leacue Cube. ended ln a 1-1 deadlock •t the
IUehud Kaneebo of the C Lea,ue end ot thrW frames. The Card-
Glut.. Chatl• Meulne of the B lnals beat the Braves 4-0 to con·
Leape Bra,_, and Jack Wlhon elude the procram.
ol the B LeaiUe Dodgen. The m an Iareely responsible
Junior C.C.
Bob Berkley ot Costa • Mesa
wu named to succeed .Jim Pen-
ney u preaJdent ot the Newport
Rubor .Junior Chamber of Com·
meree last Tbunday evenlnr at
the Newport Harbor Yacht Club,
at the ttnt re,ular election of
the eroup alnce the orranlzation ·
al oftlcera were Installed. Mr.
Berkley 1s manacer of Bidwell's
Men'• Store on Balboa X.land.
Bob Robin• and W~tlt Spicer
Jr. we-re elected vice presld4mts.
Bill Grundy was named secre·
tary, Harlan Hoyt, treasurer, and
Bill Manning, state director.
fLAT aAU.I TllM plaoto ~ tM ••a .. tlc ..U.tty • ball AI M __ ._ Ia tiM Jla:rbcw ~au..·~ ~-·~llllf paog:aam so on the board of directors web..._ way ..... Ia u • .,._..w SWy Wlltll .. ,. Beu.trope are put president .Jim Penney. A..._ c.-. c1e1 ,._, taJdD9 0 ltaaky IIWbl9 Cit u.. ball willie Milo Brandmeyer, Rob RIX50n.
........, 19 Cit Uao Toatla C.'-!Wd. ~ Ja ri91tttlew. ._ u.. Roy Ward, Buck Bean. Bill =mtt•rl Leclpe Otatita. playiD9 WedaMIIII'f'l Cit tM -Straw, Hal McLaughlin. Bill Me· M-oed. (Eaalp ,._) Dowell and Jacll: Penney. Refu· __ ;_. ____ .;..__.;.._..;.__....;..______________ Jar meetings ot the group will be
held thls summer, but not at
their reKUlar meeting place. the
Yacht Club. Installation w1ll be
In July.
I I H e e + e e e e *!' +;a a ,
I M M e;e;e E E M •••• 8 •:•:>
tor thla splendid basebaU pro·
eram Ia ltod Macmillan. athletk
dlrector for the Harbor Area
Boys' Club. Bod reviewed the
hlator)' of Do,. Club bueball,
which becan back In 1947. In
1953, there were only tour teama
with a total ot 60 players. Now.
the procram b.u apread to 82
teams encactnc .arne l,lSO boya.
Ceria .....
C-1 Lit, 40-tl.
highway !rontage, 100-tt.
deep with access to alley.
Ideal for 40 x 60 bulldtnr
with ample parking In rear.
Best commercial lot buy In
Corona del Mar.
3444 E. Coast Hwy ..
Corona del Mar Harbor 2288
ln this 3 B.R. home you will
find the typical charm of
Balboa lalandl The larre
patio ts a step from Uvtnc
room and kttcbe~ pleu-
ant feature for Informal llv·
lnl and entertalntnc. Attrac-
tively furnished, It ts the
Ideal •ununeT home. Better
IIUD lflln CO.
498 Park. Balboa bland HA ·m
c •••• , ..... atrial ........
85'x300' Commercial zoned
lot In the middle of Coat&
Mesa'• futest growine busJ.
ness dev .. opment on East
and we've priced It rtrht!
ExclllSive with us!
27(1 x 400' C o m m e r c I a 1
"Swing" Corner at lntera«·
tlon of major highway and
through boulevard In Costa
Mesa. Ample room fo r major
oll eompany lease and drive-
In restaurant. Priced at less
than fl!IO per fl'Ont foot on
h ighway ... An exclusive-
but ple&H no request for
telephone Information.
Have owner-developer of U ·
celJ4mt Industrial tract In
CosU. Mesa who wUJ build
to suit tenant on long or
short term leases and from
4000 sq. tt. up. Come In and
discuss thls further with us.
llAJI. •k':Sfl ..
KTLA'a teh: ubi
oC ~ CCir· ...... -..w .... ...........
.... cdlp.a.
tbe llaJbM ha z-.. .. mode
lllaftnt ......
Cllam ~ JM• torcloy .._..
--..,... lldp-
Dally Vacation Church School
of the Corona del Mar Commu-
nity Church wlll begin Monday
C••••rclllleltals SMf I .. 111 S,101 IIJ I lucll RIIJ., lie.
per. wlto Ia • top lllCI9idaa •• cl
aaoater ~
...-. oppoare
tift clllf'l • W'Mil
-Cb_ .... 5. ~Cit·
p.IL .. also ...... . ....
ber of pen•lll
• p pearoDCM
oo:b ... ua.
Dr. Milum Named Chairman
for Community Chest Drive .
Dr. Edward W. Mllum of Bay
Shores hu been named cam·
paten chairman of the 1956 N~·
port Harbor Community Chest
.,.... ....... --. ... 1. ............ 1,.
2911 E. COA!rr RWY.
.I KiUI: .
drive scheduled for October. The
announcement was made this
week by Dr. Robert Olander,
chairman of the board or dlrec·
A5-'lstant chairmen ar~ Mrs.
Lee Schonek and Ra lph Myerl .
Dr. Milum served as asslt~t8nt
chairma n for the '55 drive. He's
chairman of the Newport Harbor
Union High School Citizens Com·
mlt1ee and chairman of the Or·
llnge Coast College Lions Club
football project. He Is also on th~
board of the Newport Harbor
Committee of the American Field
Mrs. Schonek, who served as a
Newport Heights major for the
ddve In 1955. ls active In the
Newport Harbor Women's Civic
League· and St. Andrew' I Presby -
terian Church. Prior to coming to
Newport Beach she wu enpged
In women'• club work In San
Ralph Myers. who practltet
general Jaw in Corona del Mar,
has served as a business captain
tbr both Red Cross and Commu-
nity Chest drives. He ls a former
prealdent of botb the Corona del
Mar Civic Asllloclatlon and the
Harbor AJ'ea • Toast.rdastera Club.
He II a 1953 craduate of the UnJ-
veralty ol Southern California
School ot Law. · , ......... ............
at the church for a two week
program. Children of the com·
munlty !rom four years old
through ninth erade are Invited
to attend regl.stratlon tree, ac·
cording to Harriet Randall. su-
pervlsor. The curriculum will In-
clude Bible study, stories. sing·
lng, handcraft. worship, r~ea
tlon and refTeshments. Classes
wlll be held weekda)'ll !rom 9 to
11 a.m. except July 4.
"Promise of God'' will be the
Rev. Roy Carlson's sermon topic
at Christ Church By the Sea in
Newport Beach Sunday. The
unctuary choir under the direc-
tion of Mrs. A. .J. Rutter will pro·
vide music for the 11 a.m. serv·
Ice. At 6 :30 p.m. the junior blch
youth. seve n t h and e ighth
erades. will mefl In room one
and the aenlor youth. erades
nine through 12, will mefl In
Goodell Hall.
The discovery of Christian Sci·
ence, Its Scriptural orlcin, tenets,
and teachings will be dlscussed
In the l..Hson-Sermon entitled
"Christian Science" to be read
Sunday at the Newport Beach
church. The Golden Text !>f the
aermon Is quoted from Revela·
Uon (12:101, "Now ls come aal·
vat.Jon, and st.renrth. and the
kJncdom or our God, and the
I)O'Wr of his Christ.',.
The pluterlng of the south ex-
terior wall of the Balboa Island
Community Methodist Olurch
hu been completed. The project,
supervised by Mrs. William E.
Bowles, trustees chairman. wlll
protect the Interior wall trom
rain le~age and wUl r ive the
exterior or the church a better
appearance. JO'" c.D.X. ,.ca.-nu~aca-
New members of the Corona
del Mar Community Church are
Mrs. Harold Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs .• Kenyon .J. ScuddeJ', Mr. and
Mrs. Don S. Btlacoe, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn V. FUbert ud theiJ' dauch·
t«, Fern Koerner; WUllam A.
Coonrod, Mr. and Mrs. Mertice E.
Taylor, Mra. Ma.bel Coulter, Mrs.
Mabel DtnMn, Mn.. Shlrley Shutt.
MJ'. and ~ Ray Tyrone, Mrs.
Nancy Thier and Mr. and Mra.
Raymond Schwartz.
Nearly 100 tntmbers of the
The Jlfewport Rubor Younc Jte. J'trtt Baptllt Ouareh ot eo.ta COROKA DEL MAR publicans wUt _. a Rlehtteld Mel& attmc1ecl the Lake Hume PJIARIIACY ()tl moVIe on -caufomJa'l Burled Bible CoD h reD c e ln Fresno
Rear of 2229 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
Otfk:ll & Sbop or St~ Space
124 Tustin
Newport Beach
FraHil .1. Honllll,
Ha 1428 or 1565
e 3-~r. lr den and 2 baths.
e 1800 sq. tt of quality
and beauty.
• Cuatom built for those who
want a home tar above
Priced to sell at $27,500
with only $9,000 down
1999 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa
u 8-3333
Are you looklnl to the fu·
ture? We are! That'll why we
are oUerlnr steady jobs with
Career O,••:t•IIJ
It's to our own Interest It we
can hire men whe will make
a career with our d,ynamlc
business. We therefore offer:
Steady Jobs On-the-job training
Real advancement
possl btl It lea.
5-day, 40 hr. week.
Interview now lor Immediate
openings tor atudents inter-
ested In June openings. Mill·
tuy atatus not conaldered.
Apply 8:30 a.m. thru 4 p.m.
1030 E. lat Street
1875 Harbor Boulevard
Costa M4!58, California
R. F. ~des
R. W . Goossen
Day or night phone U 8-7714
3 acres on Placentia. Has low
apot. but hu low price.
Good Investment. Land being
developed across street.
• • •
A DANDY Farm Type Homt-.
2 -bedr . paneled den. tiled
baths. built in kitchen. used
brick F.P .. w-to-w carpeting,
Hwd. Ooor5. sliding glass
doors to covered c-emen'
patio. perlmlteT heatIng :
shake roof. dbl. garage. rt>ar
yard fenced, landsca~.
• • •
Ice Station, 156' x 120' x 17(1
corner Harbor Blvd. Must
sell. Priced as Investment.
Income $175 montb ... But
ready now for Immediate
1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa
U 8-1632; U 8-1400 eves. • LOOI ! !
at 210 VIa Udo Nord
e 3 be-drms .. 2 baths
e Pier lr large slip
e Complt>tely furn. lr ready
to l1ve in.
SELL !-Yes' at $69,500 ($40.·
000 Loansl
TRADE! -YM! good com ·
merclal or "Inside" resJdence.
RE:-JT!-Yes! Season $3.500
30th A Newport Blvd. HA 1600
PatronlD the merchants wbo
advertlae ID the Newport Rar
bor Enslen-
-ra • 1 .,.._ ft,..._a.-~tr--~uure'' at 8 o'dodt tonJcbt County ucJ wtU report on the
..._.,. (Thunlday> at Putt Aft. Cafe. JMetlnp at the ewntq vaper a
Balboa Ialand. 'nle mov1e wtU lerViee at 7:.10 p.m. Sund~. At
-.a. 'I lEST IIYI
¥11111--FIIIT .. _._. 11::..C: ::.•· explain the oll and PI c:onMr· 11 a.m. an. P. 0 . Reumann wUJ iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i.i~nidoniiiiillliGPa.1iiii ........ iUIIIILiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tal• Oil "()ettiq VDdeiMetJl tbe Loacl." •
1.1. a&IWOUifi ""CW-o• ... -
TM IM¥. Ewtni Stallton Hud·
... aiJIIDdabt .a. ... ol .. An· ~· .. ....,.. .... Cllwc:ta, x ... '*' ~ ww .. tM J\Mit .... ._ Suniday, 1ue ,._ at tM ............ ~ .....
.... ctlwda. ...........
a.t u.. t:ao ud n ...,.., • ,tow wUl ............ y ...... Dr • ._...
-... •• nzne _.... c::a.~~qD ",, .. , ........ , .... ...
.. -...; Jill ... ,..,..., ... ' .... ,.... ........ ol ....
~~--.. ~~~~~--~--~~~~~~ ....... ! .... ft ... ~ ~ • t• .... .......
.... •d••• ............ ....
• -• -,anll llr II 'r .. ..... ,.
Or 10 ...... ""..-.... t tsma.
• .. 1M ... Olllta ...
IWUMDAT, 1ft& II, 1-waw»<M'i-..-
Irvine Terrace
..... ~~~.~ ''I••• ., •-"
OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. ........ , ..... , .......
, ... $21,000 .. 534-
Your Inspection 1a respect1ully solicited.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101. Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 for Further lnformation
.. If ..................... .
that It haa been our pleuure to offer. Fl.repla~. hard-
wood noora. accoustlc plaster, lg. master bedroom
opens to patio, toldlnr alum. awnings, D> wtrtnc,
dream kitche-n Beautiful yard-Oowera 1r plants. Red-
wood fenced 50' x 1Z7' lot Do not buy before .eelnc
this very lovely home. Priced to sell-&ood t~
:J667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 17-tl; HA: trm
I to 4:30 P.l~
3 b<-drooms. 2 ~ndou~ patios. largt' dlnln~r room
Full prl('(' only $23 000 .
3 -bedrs. and 2 baths. center hall plan, larre slldJne glass doora to patl~n Dolphin Terrace.
Good terms to quallfled buyer. $32.500-leuebold. • • •
UllOA ISLlll
An all year around home, rustle tlnlsh lnslde--2 bed-
rooms. 1 ~ ba~xtra wall bed and outside shower-
Beautiful patio and barbe-cu~er must seU-wanta
oUer . • • •
New listing In this exclusive district -Living room
opens to large patio. al110 bar k itchen and dining space
--3 bedrooms and two baths.
Abo-a very large-attractive one bedroom apart·
me-nt-A real bargain nt $38.500.
ExqulsJte 4-~room. 3 bath home. Suitable Cor larp
family, enclosed pauo. . . .
Earl w ..... ,
225 Marine A"-BaJboa J.aland CaU Harbor l'm
For e-arlier Information call:
Edith Ma..roon, Hyatt 4 6222 LouiS Boynton Harbor 2878
CORONA HIGHLANDS-<-ho1ce \'lt'W lot "·lth ~rma·
nent OC'f'an view Just rc-duN'd Cor quick AAil' Multiple
Listing No. 7210
BACK BA \"-large corner lot Finest BnC'k B11y 'lf'C'tlon.
Multiple LlsUng No. 69R2.
WI. W.IIJIFIID llsstcialll
Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Jslttnd -JIA 2462
lallfl• u•111..t •• lrnl:
Caravan Special
ML No. ~Very Unuual t.hrft bedroom home In
ea.ta Mea.. Onl1 two )~art oJ~ Walls ln lJv.
lnc ~ ancl DlnJq ~ a.ctc ~
heald on lbllO Lot-Pl1~ SlO.SOO.
...11U ....
Newport Harbor
Board of
'EN'SiG~:tCLA!siF~-o ~~~~~~~· .... ~:s·h ~::j:~~ 1
CA8 U1111 FOB EMIIGif WANT ADS letr olftee went vaeatsoe.bla to One Ye•r ~•go GetS Sl 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times Reno, with plau tor a lot ol u " ... b'-in• Ill eucb IPOtl .. 20 vorda at ~-.75 1.25 1.50 Lake Tahoe and the IMide ol Devtd CJm. ot cwr Hawn. ·
21 ._ Qt\ _...._ 1 00 1 50 2 00 the.. eutnot .. · Art kiltJer wbo lilt a ..., open raJlP NCOI'4 A IIID.D ........ t.uecl ~ ,_.... W.. ~
., ON Wu.v-• • • took a .._ ..,.. oft, doetiW'a with ........ t ~In tM lut ... b7 llle ... ,.t IIMdl lued: 31 to 40 Watfla 1.25 2.00 2.50 ---. but he'a a.dt Ill the X rlDI 1D a tiiD&llbcln JUle tour· lull.._.,.,.,_... to 1M h· • .....,.
Each OS 07 aroo" eelUAa ,_,. ... c. to the Da1ll8lt. IMnMcS to tboot at U.. cUJc ......,llant C.. llr ....uoa Dill CJula,! dW. elu....._ word over 40 .03 · · patrona on ffewpcn Blvd. thla 1out1a Cout Cun CJab Jut a ola ....S...,. • tiM a.w at Rl W • ._..._ ami., ~
Caah muat be recei'Yed within 7 d~ of first insertion week. ,_, ..,. ~at au &. 1111a.a 8Wd.. WaD ~ .ad .-...d llolir,
---------·--• • • ..,_. reedt.Jna bJa Ullla blrtb· llalltoa. • -W . ..,, --:·Padftc 'hJe. 11ID liD d..uted ad In the Tbe Paul Jonee ae.Jt.on have d.q, he earned the luniet Dla· WWa the laelp ol 1lill hqe pboM, add ...._. ~ at •·
Eul ClOIIta oob' $UO 1 mewed l"to tbell' br&Dd uew and~ mtlem.an award from penDJt. tile total ,_ lillie put .._. ~ m & ..._ ~..-rtioluL Call lD yo::! beautJtul buUdlnc at 2l01 W. the Natipnal atfle .u.a. ol Am.· w.k wu ..,._, llrtqt,q tbe .. ..._ IIIO.ODO
a4a to llarb« W'-Balboa Blvd., Newport. around lea. bqu!Nmenta for tbJa award month 'a l'eCXIWd to _,,000. e a&WW ............ . the cornet from their former of. are "'7 n.ld -18 pU.. ot C. M. Lahtra. ~bua -.t Jlfo. r
.................. A.A ...... ~ ......... AA.AAAA.A.. flee on Newport Blw. qualltleat.Jen ttrtnc Jn JlfOIW, .. t. 3 Are Hurt .• n a North Udo, 'l'ra.u. Park, . . . . . tJna, lc.neeU~ and .tandtna po. tuOO; L. B. Pwry, ...U at _,.
ft)a aAi.a I&AL DTATE 6 JI&IIT.AU LOST AJfD roU•D lltlo.na. Dravtd Ia al8o the 1956 Seubcn, 1150: John uc1 1t.aJ1My
a:rr. GJ: ltetrla. tor sale,. ATrRAC'IlVE RANCH STYLE FOUND: Coronaddel~Penhianl ~tb::.c:f.:;.~n~unJoramall-S-Car Crash =~~..:.~..:·r!t!.
Allo bed-davenport. Juat reup· Du_plex. Ocean aide Hwy., CDM. cat, creY an uavwu " te Another Juotor aha.rpaboota' u remodelllna at J001 w. Octe.n
holatered. excellent cood., $75. F 1 n e • t construction. Heavy feet and cheat. Quite thtn. 9-year-old Craie Cook ot 310 l(a. Three pe110na sufteted minor rt., tMX): WW1ua Lollar, ,..
HA 6379. aha.ke root. Eaeb unit has 2 Probably I~ some tor tlme. rlne A ¥e., Balboa laland .. In 1eea lnjurl• in a tfve-car accldent at model e a ban a, No. D, Udo
12 rr. SAILBOAT. Snowbird. 2 BJL, Fireplace, F.A. beat, hdw. H.Vbor 2989·W. than 6 weeki ot ahootlnc be bu Cout Hwy. and Acacla Ave., Co· Ttallft' Park, .-.mo: 'W. a. taq.
pn. sall.a. BA 0162-WK. tlr. Carace ... p. patloa, OWner. II"'"DA'I'IOIII WAJITED earned his aha.rpabooter award rona del Mar, at 9;32 a.m. Sun· t:l'e'y, cabana a t at E1 Pueo. Lido
WAI..NUT D. R. TABLE and 6 HA 1684·R. from the National Ritle A..m., day. TtaD• Park. t2,000.
upbolatered chair&. Excellent $10. 750-R.eaaonable Terms. SUMMER TUTORlNG, Jr. Hlch the 4th pbue ot qua.IUlcation Beda Gutat.on. 34, received • e U'l' • NID .
condition. Seata 12. HA 24.20-M. 3 bedrooms. and Rich Sehool Math by Col· flrinc toward the Junior Dilttn· richt let InJury and Hlldtnc Kn. Ollbuq. tnelneratar at Ro.
MOJlllLS MINOR _ late 'S4. Ex· Wall to wall carpettnc. Dr&· le,e Student. Call HA 5:509. culahed IUtleman award. Be wu Gustat.aon. 39, inJury to an arm lJ aay 111aa4. SUOO.
cellent condJUon. R 6 H. 10•000 pes. Land.lcaplnc. fen ced , ALSO, experlenced )'&I'd UP· tbe winner In thJa month'• ln· and both lep. 'nley were rldlnc • CUI"P ..._
mUes. Extremely economical, OO~p~~A¥e., near 19th St. ~5509· -formal "handicap" lunlot Small· 1n a :Z otdrl.:b by B. R. Custaf· WWiam PeU., 1emodel pnp Ideal car for cuual transpor· Costa Mesa SuMMLA 'nJ'1'()1UNG, crades 2• bore lUOe Match, open to all 80ft. • Arrowhead. lon· Into bedroom, 1.121 ~ 1t4.,
tation. l"\oH-4"al owner will Owner on property. 8 1n all .ubjecta. by experi· JunJora under 19. athan Helaey ot Laaun• Beach 12.000; CUnton FaetJDan. fence ..,...... --enced. weD-recommended, eer· rece&Yed a right let and n.oee at S05 St. An.._. lt4., taZ.
allow Sat. and Sun. by appt. TRADE FOR SUMMER UVING: tf.tlcated teacher. Call Ha Cub kouts Injury •.ben hla car crubed into • ••---•• HA 3067·R. 3·bedr. home, 2 aero ln Fullet· th back f the Q\Utat.8o --._. -c:Ml •.• .. CHJNESE OIUENTAL RUGS-ton Hills for Country Uvlnc ln l18'7·W. e 0 n car, lenmw Ban1a. l·at«y, l ·unlt • whlch was aianalJnc tor a lett chftUna at co El Modena. $11,·
1 blue, U'3'' x 131r' $2850; 1 ex~e tor beach bouse. Call QARDENING • PACT~ ... 11--------tA'!,~ ott Coast Hwy. onto Acacla 500.• aeor-D--1.unJt. 2• .. .... -cold. 10'3" X l4'3" $2800 call bef01"e 5 p.m. Lambert 5·3438. ...,.. •-._...... --
Ha 694.w for appointment. FOR RENT: Unrumlahed, nice Spedallzlnc tn patio care. Cub Scout Pack 81 ot the Bal-The Cuatat.on ,ar wu knocked atory dwellnc at 447 Santa Ana I ........
BABY ORAND DE KALB (Wurllt· 2 BR carace apt. Year's lease, Udo I.&le It Corona del Mar. boa Island Community Metho· 60 teet acrota the hlebway and Ave., S28.000. ••~
zer) plano for sale. Not ornate. $95 per mon~ Ha 2422. dlst Cburdl held t .. :lr annual aldewalk to damace two parked • LIDO IIU -•• I..._ Price $350. Call HYatt 4·3349. 1 BR. FURNISHED CO'n'ACE, Dudley Cavanaueh picnic Saturday, June 9, at the cars tn the Snack Shop parklnc lJdo laJe Community~ .• ob· a.iiiE-.
---1 7,... u lrl CD'• .. , ,. .. ,621 Costa Mesa Park. lot. The cara were e~lateted to lefVel'll platfonn tor race com· a-& ._. MAPLE BUNK BEDS. compl. pao. garage . .,.~ a, -. "".,.'"' Att~ the traditional baseball Lewis 1 BHd ot d;e~dale and mlttee, 701 Vla lJdo Soud. ....,.,: ~L t~UNIS ~ aprlnp and mattreu, $29.95 Ha 633. M.AnJRE woiliAN wlahes baby game, lunch wtth tree soft . lohn Canon. 1·atory,1-unJt dwel· LYON ._.. _...,
8et. MAPLE DINETI"E table It OFFICES FOR RENT, Blrtcher aJttlnc and care ot alck. knit· drinks and Ice cream was served Kenn.etb W. Brenn~ of 501 ~ line at 112 Via Florence, $22,680; :====-· 4 chatra. $16.95 aet. MAPLE BJ<tc .• Mar Crest Corp. 2515 E. ttnr or c:rochetln&. I)ay or Chris M 11 rece1 _.. *'~ BeeonJa Ave., Corona del Mar. Horace White l ·unlt, 2·ato"'
DBL. BEDS _._ 6 t ~A ..... .-ue er Vo:u ...... ~ The thlrd parked ear damaced ' ·# • ap ... 4Jp m. · Coast Hwy., CDM. Ha 1~. nJiht. HA ~AOUO·M. prize for his outstandlne sales wu occupied by Leonard perruz. dwelllnc at 212 Via Koron,
treaes. $18.95 aet. Pb. Jettenon CALL Edna CraJg, rental ape. COM man would like cardenlng, performance on Scout Clrcus z1 of 1705 Clay St., Newport Hta. $28..245; William .Tahna, addltlon
7·1853. 11.352 Westminster, Car· ctallst with Dorta Bray, realtor, clan·UPJ ete. Call KJ 3·2122. tickets In the local area and It was parked 0 Coast Hurv at 119 VIa Koron, $3.800.·
den Grove. 216 Marlne Ave .. Balboa Wand. Mel Upe.balL thlrd prize In the Ha.rbot Council. n -~· • COIIO•A DEL MAll
SPINET PIANOS Rental returns BA 20 or BA 64. Bill Tackaberry and Henry T. E. Lord, 1-story, 1-unlt dwel·
llke new etc. You always find DE LUXE 2 B.R. UNFURNISHED ICISCELLAJfEOOS Sprague followed aecond and B. ·A . Delaney llnc at 418 Goldenrod, $12.875; ......... ~:=:.:~::t:==:•·t
wonderfUl .. vt.np In th1a dept. duplex. Ocean aide hJchway, FREE KJTrENS to eood homes. third In Balboa Island sales. M. .T. Artman, 1-unJt. 2-atoey
Small spinet $385, others $435, CDM. AvaU. Auc. 1. F.A. heat. Long and short halred. excep· Recftatlonal actlviUes included o•leS at 38 dwdllnc added at 503~ Acada.
$465. Mlno type Maple Splnet hdw. fl .• flreplace, sep. paUos. tlonally nice. HA 1862 or HA the wheel barrow, sack. and tB.lOO; V. L. Putdl. alteratJona
$287, Mahoc. $195. Schmidt· Adults. HA 1684·R.. 1461. three . lecced races. and the at 121 Ordlld. $1.500: Lawrenc"e
Pbllllps. 520 No. Main, Santa WILL EXCHANGE TRANSPOR· water me 1 o n·eatlnc and en· Services were held yesterday Labanon. 1·atoly, 1-unlt dwel· IJlforli:Mir~
Ana. Save $1.20 on 2 new spin· a.EAL ESTATE WAKTED TATION. drive. or ride Long throwtnc contests. for Bruce Albert Delaney. 38. one Una at no ColcJenrod. $14.500.
eta. aJichtJy damaced at Fair wANTED TO LEASE with opUon Beach State. C 1 asses 9-12. The picnic was planned by of the Delaney Btotben Sea Food • aAI.ItOA IILAirD
6 Home Show. to buy, 2 or 3 BR. moderate Phone Harbor Uta. Nell Halloway, KOutmuter; Bar· firm In Newport, who died Satur· Alan Berrtncton, lnatal.l cabf· , •••• ;.;;;;,;;I FlSHING BOAT, 26FT .• Gray Ma· priced b.ome. Needed by June; RENT a new Studio plano. $10 old James, aal.tant t~eoutmut~. day ln San Diego. Mr. Delaney net8 In ldteben, 122 Colllna.
rine enctne, ready for tishlng. exoeUent reference. Ha 5347. per month. All term rental ap· Mrs. Ann Mueller, den motben, was • naUve ot New leney and $1.400: Charlea Lake, convert ca· $1~. Ha 4864. plJes on bl.l)'. Scbmldt-PhlllJpa, and members ot the Cub Seout bad Jived 1n Lacuna and then rap to car port. 221 Orand
JlAliMOND ORGANS, all mod· BUSDIESS OPPOIITUJfiTIES 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Committee. Coat& Mesa tor elrbt years. The Canal. $400: Baker, fence and h r::::tt.-..c::"-
ela. chord organ slightly used. WHOLESALE NATIONALLY AD· .... ~oND s~ Or ... family addresa is 324 MacnoUa alab, 303 Camet, $330; Lorraine '-·Jar lhapee Good saving on this. any one VERTISED Greeting Card busl· HIUD.lnk 1 r....,b~• • ~ ~ • K OJmAT IS DE ADLDfE Ave., eo.ta Kesa. Brenna.n, alteraUona at at Ame· ..W~'"iiavzu, .. a
f 1 $1500 M h wee n your om.~ """'"' our Summer session clasaes at Or-&6-. n....tan-la -·rvt"ed by h'-tb-.,...,... ,__ can play It without lessons. ness or sa e. ere an· LESSON w •v e. .o.v Prl te ~ """' -~ ... ~· .. ~-... •·•~ '--~•A MESA MAmlSS CO.
dl d So th Co st fr · ,.,.,. .-&.oo~U.. va an•e eoa.t CoiJe•e atarted this -''•, w.--n•~·. a -n, Martin e ••• .... A --.. IJOJ Schmldt·Phllllps, 520 No. Main, .se an u a an· 1 B nl t • • wu.. .......-""'"' ..., -....., ... _ Santa Ana, Oranae County chlse. 34298 El Molino. Capl· essona. uny, 0 Y a I!W week. Studenta wUl not be al· Bruce, and ttve dauchtera, Janls, l&J"Dea Ruth, awnlnc at 19 BaJ. -.~~~~~~~~~;;;;;
Hammond Dealer. • strano Beach, GY 6·5250. !~llaNble. ~ln dtSan· taPhl~l~ lowed to rectster tor credit after Linda. Call and Toni; two boa Coves, tc!O: Gerald Sparka, li ~ o. .ma • n.~.... next Monday, It wu stated by brothen, Francis and Nick. both a.Jterattona at 37 Balboa Covea,
GRAND-PIANos: Many to choose HELP WAKTED Establlabed 1914. Dr. Bull B. Peterson, president. ot Costa Mesa, and three alaters. tsOO.
from, Mason &! HamUn, Lester, EXPERIENCED HOTEL MAID FOUR FLUFFY BABY lUT'IENS. M.ra. Toni Hull ot Richmond; eiiAJmO• J11Q111...AJrM Knabe, Cable. Extra special, · d calico colora· tree U OAJ. •-a Schleicher grand only $465. Steady work. Apply-Kef! Niles Ol"aace an • ..,.. Mrs. Mary Ford ot Indiana and Ernest Taylor, IWimmln.f pool
Another special. fine shape -Villa Marina. HA liD>. to cood homes. Ha 4044. lfOTtCE OP' ftVIT&E'S SALE Mn. Ruth Hill ot Hollywood. at 600 Beryl Lane. t:2.000; uatln
$565. Save $1000 on Knabe WANTED: Auto salesmen-He~ --~.._ I ....... On July 17, 1956, at 10:00 A.M.. Rev. F. W. Bartel. auoclate Stu.rt~t. yard and Olftlce for
Grand Hke n~. Schmidt-Phil· are wonderful opportunities for Ullp Pacific Dayllcbt 'nine FARMERS Pastor ot the FtntBapu.tCbun:b MW aubdJYblon near 17tb St.,
h d kl s a.... ... AND MERCHAl'fTS TRUST COM· ot Colta Mesa. ottlclated at the 12,008. lips Big Plano 6 Organ Store, energetic ar wor ng me~ 'Ill JW PANY OF WNG BEACH, u funeral aervlce held at 11 a.m. • *'~»& TKD•CZ 520 No. Main. Santa Ana, al· who want to m ake good money p ways 100 pianos. selling the most popular car • --4 215 ...... St. Trustee under and purauant to yesterday at Baltz Coat& Mesa Mac co Corp.. 1-atory, l ·unlt American ...., •• on LH.D Deed of or Trans!~ In Truat exe-Chapel Interment wu at Mel· dwelllnc at 721 Patollta. $19.3:10:
$5.00 PER MONTH buys good on the market today-Ford. Meetlnn 2nd...Cth Wed. 8 p.m. cuted by LYLE R. POPE and ~Abbey. l·.tory, 1·unlt dwelllna at 1301
practice pianos. S89. $125. $137, Apply ln person for further In· GERALDEAN POPE, husband and Bonnie Doone, $38.530: 1·.tor7.
$1 50 and up. Schmfdt·Phllllps. formation. Theodore R 0 b 1 n a SfJI!ICU wife, dated April 25, 1955, r«<>rd· 1·unlt dwelllnc at 1401 Bonnie
520 No Main. Santa Ana, Ford. 3100 W. Coast Hwy .. New· * .... Ill * ed June 10. li55, 1n Book 3099, Doone, $20.850; John Kluc. fence l:;lllillliii:!iiiiii;lliilif
Established 1914. Fr~ Vall· port Beach. Ll 8'3471· -Paee 187, of Official Recorda In at 1515 Serellade TetTace, $200. P
dated parking. HOUSEKEEPER and mother's Gtftll F• All 0 _,_, the oUice ot the Rec:order of Or-
helper for month of July. Ha ange County, California. and se·
w_MT_ ED 58'75. FINE WATCH REPAIRING curing, among other obligations.
WANTED : 40 used pianos for our RELIABLE WOMAN, housek~P· ''Prompt Service-note for $1 .400.00 dated April 25,
big relltal dept. Highest cash er and child care. pennanent. Reasonable Prices" 1955, In favor ot FARMERS 6
allowance In trade for Organ. salary open. Ll 8·5251. MERCHANTS BANK OF LONG
Spinet or Grand Plano. Sch · 1 HELP WANTED:Mother's help· Bart.. 18 BEACH, a corpora,Uon, wlll sell
mldt Phillips, 520 No. Main St., er; 2 children. prefer live tn, 2738 E. c.t. Bwy .. Conlla del Mar at public auction to hlchest bid·
• Santa Ann. salary. Ha 3286 afternoons. SOME FREE-30ME FEE der for cash, PAYABLE In Law·
SLIP, PIER OR MOORING for 40 Appltcanu needed, many ottlce f'ul Money ot the United States
ft. sloop nf'ar Balboa Island. ae.-ae PlfiOIIII jobs, also restaurants · and do· of America at time of sale, at
Phone collect: EXbrook 48935, ..,.. mestlcs. Many joba for quallfied the South Front Entrance to the
L.A. men. (Register now.) County Court House. In the City --100% EMPLOYER RETAINED June Fanar Empl. Agency, of Santa Ana, County of Orange,
1 1 AGENCY 402~ 32nd St.. Newport State of Calltornla, all right.
For etterheads and enve ope$ NO FEE collected from applicant title. and Interest conveyed to
Call the Enslen, Harbor ll14. 413·31st Newport Beach Painting _ Decorating and now held by It under said
PAPER HANGING Deed or Transt~ In the property
"Be Sure-Insure"
will start local Telephone
Company careers this month.
Will You Be
One of Them?
• Full Pay as You Le~rn. • Frequent Periodic Increases.
-Openings for-
GEORGE BURKHARDT situate In the City ot Newport
Beach. Newport Beach·Judlclal
District. said County and State, UCOPn~ Cont:n-rtnr
1897 Orance Ave. eo.t.a Mesa
U~rty ~28 Uberty 8.0632
HA 29'76
Sample aelec:Uon In your home.
500 31at Street. Newport Beach
deecr1bed as:
Lot 87 of Tract No. 1218. In
the City ot Newport Beach,
County of Orance, State of
California, u ahown on a
map thereof ~ded In
book 37, paces 47, 48 and 49,
Mlscellaneoua Mapt, records
ot said Orance County .
Subject to t:ruft deeda of rec·
or d .
Said sale wUl be made, but
without covenant or warranty,
Two rooms tn tbe home ot Mr. W. L EVEa&TI"'MOVE
and Mra. Robert Forbs, of 220 The W. L. Evetetta ot 306 Mar·
Vla Genoa, Udo tale, are fea· guerlte Ave., Coron~del Mar, are
tured In a home improvement movlne to Mont~ey Park for
article ln the cunent luue ot about a ye.,. They expect to re·
Town loumal magazine. tum to the Harbor area next
The rooms are the bedrooms year.
belonctnc "to the Forbes' two jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
pre·teen-age children, Bobby and lean.
In an article called "5 Rea·
aons Why These Me Ideal Bed·
rooms for Sub·T~nera," Town
l ournal pictures the rooma -
and the children-In color. And,
to give Its two mllUon families
new Ideas• about home Improve-
the maeulne points out
the lmportant features In the
design and planning of the bed·
rooms. which Bobby and l ean
thl are "the alk:kest bedrooms
ln Beach."
Bulldiac C.tnctor
).446 E. COAST HW"'' ..
CO-ONA DEL ~AI . . , ....... ..•.
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coaat Highway
Corona del Mar
Ret. Phone, HA 5232
-Apply -
8:30 to 4:30
122 West Third
Santa Ana
SltB Green Stamps
,..... dellwry
HA 1038 2'744 E. Cout Bwy.
tJtle, p o a a e a al on , or encum-expreaa or Implied, recardinr ~~==~iil!r=;.:~.:~
brances, to pay the bal'nce
tbe principal aum ol eald note,
to·wtt: $1400.00 with Interest
from lune• 9, lJCJ5, at the rate
ot (6~ > alx per cent per annum,
compounded. ad'Va.,.,_, 11 any,
under the tft'n'W ot aald Deed or
Tranater; fees, ..,,_ and O ·
~ of the Truatee and ot
Sales. Se-vtce and Repa.lnl
Ternu. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
It P Ail'fT SHOP
ColllpJete CollJalon Wortl
Auto Patnttna rr.e l:lttJ:ut.-~ Ua ftnt
-w ... 1'7UIIt., CCIIta )(-u .. '7S08
1oM open lor Truck Drsvera.
Electrical Enctneen. Survey-
ora, Laboren, Dleeel Opera· ton. Clertcal Workers. Steno-
crapbert, Steamfltten. Fore·
men and many other job
claalflcatlon& Sal~ f7SO
to $1500 per mon1h. Porelcn
m1ployment PfO"''Gee nEE
trantportatlon, board and
lodlinc. medical can, &n•
nual vacatioN and bonuae~,
reereatton and .. .,.. .,.. tax
CAWWIAI-MP._ Will& 10 DftDlfA~AL
---------·""'·---JIOOK Q. lOCK &IWt, Jf.W.
W AIIIIJf<JIOJf S. D. C. -~ "=.." ·C-:._
.. ...
CALL 'I'DDWOif.a....., CA ....... , .... ....a;.
7 27 ... ~~·~~~==·~ ........ • I . ----7 , ........ .:~
.,...... .........
truat created by .. ld Deed or fl•ll!!!~~~~~~~~-~~~~--~~···•ii
Transfer. ~ .&!JIN& The BeMflda,Y vftd« aalcl nliiA
Deed or Tranat•. by reuon of •
FOil Jt1I!ICT breach or def.aaJt Ill tiM obllp·
8-MM l&·MM 35-IOt tiona 81!CUftd t!Mnby, ~«•
and 1001 lou:noi Plujec:tlan eaeut.d UMI ... , .. _. to under·
rAST cdLott rtLM SDV1CZ at~!*~ a ..,..._ DR~caUon o1 ~;;•••••••~:;;:.;:.;;.;;! Model Airplane Suppl._ Default and o..ud for Sale
I • ·~ ...._ an4 ..ntt. Jf._., a..c:b and &IIIII Alrl ~ f1l 1!kct1cm to 4!11-* a. ....,.
1'712 R....-rt lhd., Oallta ..._ = ._, seLl ... PJOI*tJ to ~M~~~ -~·.~ .,...._ t~Mrs~.~W, ....... a 1-.
..... .... andlnlped. In_.._.._..
Motsll'• ...at1 ,.. -II .................. ., ...... ....... •,. ..... .., .... ., ••l6Je ..... uu~·: ... :.::lfi!!!I~~-..•II!I•••• .. •~•••••••••.CR JlraDd ad J'l.''tM"I ,.,. ltc*_.._,Mif, .... Jtr, of IC
,. all ,..,1111 ........ .... ~· .............. .
c:lal 1lc. -,..II. i.e ~ .-.. · -r A...,.. ~ -,:c~=fll llf .. IIA ~-, J II'! 0010 .. ....................
At Orant• Co.tty's
lNcl1"9 HOMe L.ndint
U' TO S I o.ooo.
AJ AcCMtttt o--.41 .o.., ..... .
TN IMif ... M_... ... ,... ...... .
Scm FrcmciKo
January 1. 1957 ., . ..... ~ ......
Aadd•ILaw..y .............
Afs'd'" F11•..U.. ..U. •=••C••--._ AtiMM. .......
......... .. IMR
a.a..Jt& I h"s=L ...S
tnt a
c.t As> t .wy
Harbor 1248
Coline Clbbcma, Dorothy
Mc:K•nna. liarJUer1te Hu1he.
Cor. E. Cout .II~. at Orchld
Acros.. from P.0 4 COM
wying ••• end
beteeving that
u.s. a....a n,..
Wes).IAf I Pet.~
Complete Lubricetioll SeNiee
rt.oM Ht~ )094
1201 E. eo. .. Hlthwty et AYOcedo
CotoM ct.l Met
' /
Balboa Pewer Squadr~n Holds
Annual Round-Up at Avalon f"J '·Ltrr .af -~J
t ' I • I< ,. •, , " ' I. • . •I •.• •• ~~
Mil V.. r w 0 J1A aoa •••pert -..eta
•1 eo.t Bwr-BA ZSJS c.-del-
111111 I 1•1 •he E,111111•1
IIIIIs h••• "Pr lllna •••
221 Ncatae A...._ lalboa ~.a-d-.... JMi
..... : N ....,._,.....,. W .,_.
• u .....
1 P.M. WED •• JUNE 27
KTLA'S Skipper Frank Herman
IN PERSON with his TV Magic Show!
(Skipper Frank is star of KTLA'S Cartoon Carnival
~ P.M. Mon.-Fri. on Channel 5)
IMioons. II
•&i m.·a,.,a:... the POUCE BLOt IER L d ::: L~r · .. w&JMaDAT. J1DIK JJ e iVII'D&T. rcnra 17
J1n. Pred Bunt of 3al OCUil Alben RSU ot 512 W. 8a)' Aw.; 'I'M remalftl ot ~~once 0 . En· Blvd. eorooa d.t Mar ~ Balbcwa. teportecl that bit wu..
lllp. fonDS wperlntendent ot the theft of two rup n-om a Lone, bad taken u ov.doee ol
lfewport IIMd1 e le men t a r Y tJeaeway between bar bome and .a-pan. pllu and cut her ~ ~ wUl be plaeed In urn· ber ar e Mra. Harold w. wn.t In a ~ble . auldde at·
IDIDt In the Alqove of Peace_ But:.. !f m' i 20th St.. CoMa tftllpt durina the n!Cht ••• lfel·
catbedral Mauoleum of Holly· Mea. reported the thdl o1 her da Glbeon ot 1.205 Park Ave., Bal·
woocJ Memorial Park Cemetery, purse contalnlnl • cub and an boa laland, suffered minor ln·
Ilia widow, Jln. H«ace Ena1A t80 check from a counter tn Vln· Jurlet wben her car and a car
baa .._.need. cent's Udo Dru&s. Newport driven by Kenneth F. Bamel ot
Bl..a remaiM will be In a place Be ch Boys reported ahoot· s.ctondo Beach were In an acel·
betw.-motion picture atara In a flr~~ckera at Apolena Ave. dent at Balboa Ave. and Apolena
ltUdolph Valentino and DoueJu an~ Park Ave Balboa Island, a t Ave .. Balboa Island, at 3:35 p.m.
J'alrbanka due to hU ~~lnence 9 .58 P m w.;~ eone wben offl· ... Robert Starkey, 29, of 424 In local .:hooll, MrL ~uuen an· · · 1· ed RA!ldlands Ave., Newport Helehta,
nouneed. n.. arraneementa were ce~AT JinR l t suffered Injury to a hand and
made Monday. He died June 9 • d 1 ' by Dennl..a De· mouth when hla car hit a parked
1n Wadlworth Hospital, Sawtelle. A car17 r ~en Whittier hlt the car on Balboa Blvd, 105 foot west
He had eerved for 34 years 1n the Zonla. • driven b Beryl of lOth St., Newport Beach, ree·
Newport Beach elementary sch ool = C~~:. ~-:of 54& Tu.Jn Ave., J..ateftd to Ella Goldner ol 217·
aystem. Newport Heleht.s. stopped for 33td St., Newport Beach, at 4:13
L&Aft LIDO traffic on the upper bay brtdee a.m .... Joe W. Arnold of the
at 2:55 p.m .... Mrs. Ruth Reyn· Costa Mesa Nlke bue reported The B. F. Bauma have moved olds. 47 of 518 Westminster Ave., the possible theft of a $90 wrist·
t.rom 439 Vla Udo Soud to 1998 Newport Helebta. was booked on watch from h1s car In the "A"
I.rvlne Ave., Costa Mesa. a grand theft charge for alleeed· St. parking lot. Balboa ...
ly taking betWeen $700 and S800 Ma.reo Anlch of 206 Amethyst
worth of checks from R. E. Ave., Balboa Island, reported
Blrtcher, .2515 E. Coast Hwy., Co· that obscene words were written
rona del Mar, where s he had ln hls house and patio under
Tel. llcat»oc tOOl
Flowers Tele,.,.apbed
3521 E. eoc.t IIJGbWCIT eon-del ,_
IAt Us llelpYoa
Call llcat»oc 11,.
2919 E. COASr HWY.
APORT JZ,:.~..
<"Cl/IONA DEl lltttA II·'f,U/It'IIIHl'l •••••
been fonnerly employed . . . conatructJon at 520 Seaward Rd.,
• FBJDAY. Jt1WE 15 Corona Hlihlands . . . Robert
Jfpur or five boys went swim · Hom of 358 Dahlia Ave., Corona
ming In the Ken Niles Vllla Ma· del Ma r, reported the theft of a
rlna swimming pool. used vulear $10 white cotton car cover ...
language and took light bulbs William Nicholson of 124 E. Bal·
from outside lights at.12:24 a .m. boa Blvd., Balboa, reported the
w H Faucett of 223 Grand theft of an $85 tlbergliss surf C~~al. ·Baiboa Isla nd, complained board and surf board rack from
that during the night a large the top of hls car ln the Balboa
potted plant w as tAken from 221 parking lot . . . Gus Franklin,
Grand Canal and thrown Into the 63, of 1001 W. 8 ay Ave., Balboa,
canal breaking a fence on the suffered a heart ·attack and was
property ... A Costa Mesa gtrl, taken to Hoag Memorial Hos·
15. was arrested on a curfew vlo· pltal by ambulance at 1 :53 p.m.
lation charge at 11:45 p.m. ln the e MOifDAY • .JVJfE 11
Rendezvous Ballroom. Balboa, Richard L. "Mlompson of 2132
and was later taken to juvenile SevUle Ave., Balboa, reported
hall: officers believed she was that he and his wlte woke up at
possibly under the Influence of 3:12 a.m. when a brick crashed
marijuana . . . Roy N. Hunter, through a slx by eight foot wln-
25, of 217"'·29th St., Newport dow In their home, tore a hole In
Beach and Samuel J. Wllkeson, a drape, and continued across
21. of 308"' Marine Ave .• Balboa to the other side of the 1oom to
Island, were atTested at 11 :15 strll<e a wooden ledge of another
p.m. on charges of drlnl<lng ~ large window. causJng from $150
In public at Merle's Drive In to S200 damage ...
parking lot. Corona del Mar · · · e JIOJfDAY. ]lJl'fE 11
JlALPII LEE ball beaD ap-
polllted fUe cllYf .... tM City
of eo.ta ...... by City .. _.....
c....,. eo&y. aaw to. ball
................ tioaom-101'
tM d ty .... tM past 11 IDOiltba.
.. ,.,.. ..... 1upectOI' .. tM
City of lledoedo a.acb for four
yMn Clad ball beaD Ia tM fire ....nc. .... 11 ,.an. •• I'Midea
at 1113 Clab .... .... Coeta
Meea. (Eaalp Pboto)
Six Players
Get 'Rascos'
"Rascos" were presented Sat-
urday at the first a nnual New-
port Players Award Banquet to
Marthella Randall for her per-
formance ln a leading role; Jo
Wilder , Gene Benedict a nd Jack
Nelson for suportlng roles; Orren
Brooks. for hls role In ''The Hast)
Hea rt," and Marjorie Barnett.
voted "most valuable player of
the year."
Best play award went to "You
Can 't Tal<e It With You," directed
by Kent Andrews. Top prize for
selling the most tickets went to
Clara Axtater.
More than 100 players and
guests watched the festivities
at the Vllla Marina restaurant.
BYC Is Host
for 2 SCYA
n.. IUboa Yadat Club bu
been eeleeted by tbe ICYA tor lhe eecond eo...eeuuw year to be
hoet club tor ellmJnatlon rae.
In SoUthe'n CaJUanda 110 ~ npmal candld4t.. tor the two
major North AiMrlcan aaUlne
cupe-tbe SEARS and the MAL· LORY.
EllmtnaUorw tor the SEARS
CUP wtll be held thl..a week-end,
June 23-~. The aklppera and
crews muat be 18 yean o.r
yo~er. The wlnnlne aklpper
and crew wUJ then aaU-off In the
semJ.flnala aeatnst otber con•
testanta on July 15-6·7, at Vic·
torla. Brlttah 'Columbia. The
West Cout winner ol. that ellml·
nation wUl then eo t o the final..a
to be held at the Royal St. Law·
renee Yacht Club, :Montreal, Can·
ada on Aueu-t 71.
Southern California ellmlna·
tiona tor the Sears CUp wUJ be
salled in boats of the Tbl..atle
Class, courteay of the BYC Thlltle
••• ?5 ' p 1 ••• on;e ......
• 12M 1 If AI I ... 9 .ta wllk ••1. E. Plrti!MITYIIII ••• 25tldl wllk
•••==•~t a ... atldlwllk .,_u.._,
1~==.:=~.':'1:".:1 ....................... .,., ......
n~:als for the Mallory Cup wlll JOHNSON & SON
be sa.lled In Washington waters
with the Corinthian Yacht Club OOJnllfDn'AL·LIIfCOI.If·JO.aCVJIT D&ALD
ot Seattle as host club. Southern 100 w. eoc.t Jlltlaway. •.....-rt a..:ta
Callfornla Eliminations wlll be -PBOD U I ·SMS -
held under the au•plces ol the ~~~!!!!!!!!~~~::!!!!!:!.!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Balboa Yacht Club on J uly 6-7·8. -=
in a keel boat yet to be sele<:ted.
._.,., Ia Dal11111
T 1 File ftr El•
Next Monday l..a final tiling
date tor the Clvll Service Board
examination for firemen for the
City of Newport Beach. The writ·
ten examination will be held at
9 a .m. Tuesday, July 3, In Coun-
dl Chambers.
Appilcatlons may be obtained
In City Hall. Appllcan" must be
between 21 and 31 years of age.
Salary range Is $316-~ per
month, plus a uniform al'f w·
ance, 15 days vacation and 7
"lEW IIIWIIIT" Cl'lllll II lc.a
ITA.an IUJfDAY. 1VJfZ llnl
Daily 11:30 & 7:00p.m.# $1.50. Children 65c
* * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RJDES * Boat Lecmog E•ery 20 MiDut• *
I £ ....... Oceaa .... -....., o--.· ....... & I p..aa.
A Riverside boy. 16, was &JTested Kenneth Kirsch of 517 ~ Be·
on a drunk driving charge at gonia Ave., Corona del Mar. re-
23rd St. and Ocean Front, New· ported his wtte, Delores and son,
port Beach, at 9:32 p.m. and wu Stanley, 2"', m.l.ulng from th eir
taken by ambulance to the PSf· home; a note said they were -~.
cho ward of Orange county hoe· going home to Watertown, S. D. JIIAIIIIJI
pltal after h e became violent In ... Robert T. \flgdon, 27, of 210 -•n UDIO
z. .... ,. ........ ,
the Newport jall drunk tank and Crystal Ave., Balboa Island, was Mr. a nd Mrs. A. N. Zerman of rJIUil
was released later to hls step-arrested on a felony check 221 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del CWO nqu )
father . . . charge at 513 Acacia Ave., Co· Mar, have returned from Sacra-Wodd's ... , .... -.uo e SATUJIDAY. JUKE 18 rona del Mar, at 6:45 a.m. and mento. where they saw their WEJQIIS Olri.Y 11 oz.
The 21-foot cabin cruiser, Sun· was releued later to Santa Ana granddauehter. Mrs. C 1 are n c e A :::: ~~ ~~ • ~nal
beau, operated by Dr. Paul Ham · pollee . . . A farnlly chipmunk Worthley, receive her Bachelor Pll&h
ilton of Lynwood, with three pu· was quarantined after blUnc of Arts dell'ee u a teacher from ~~dJ&..Ear OpttoO:., a~~-
sengers aboard. ran aground In Robin Redlleld, 5, ot 2148 E. Sacramento State Coll~e. Ac· .
the surf off "G" St .. Balboa, at Ocean Front. Balboa ... A 169.SO companying tbem on the trip DAVJI.IIIWI 00.
2:45 a.m . and waa towed off by vacuum cleaner with aU attach· wu their dauchter, Mrs. A. E. U I-Ja7
the u.S. Coast Guard ... Two menta was reported stolen from Confer of Santa Ana, who l..a the ••~~cataow a1..s., c:o.ta 11...,
small boys apparently set a Its storage place at Corona del ::mo:::th:er::_:o~f_..:th=e..:new.::~ll':.:•:d:_::u:a:te~.-_..:~=========~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ small fire which was found Mar Community Church, 611
-... -----,..""-JOHU..:_~ fA'-"'08
-v ~ooo.-~ON an-a ~-··-.... ---..--.~ ... -c._-____ _.,...._ __ ..,..
Starta w~. JuDe %7
smoking In t he yard of Mr11. Heliotrope Ave ....
I.Jegh Lovell. 124.2 Ocean Front, e TUESDAY. ]lJl'fE 11
Newport Beach · · · Sven Pre· Martin K. Kenyon of 406 E.
torlus. 15. of 706 Beeonla Ave., Bay Ave.. Balboa. complained
Corona del Mar, reported his bl· that a hit and run car damaged
cycle taken lrom In front of his car during the night parked
3121 E. Coast Rwy .. Corona del at Bay Ave. and Cypress St.. Bal·
Mar: It was later found ln an boa ... Willia m Sadler of 317
a lley at Bayside Dr. and J asmine Alvarado St., Balboa. reported
Ave .... Carll driven by Evelyn the theft of an eight-foot fish·
N. Dennis. 19. of El Monte anu lng pole ... Two bottles of Vod·
John E. Stoll. 21. of Fullerton, ka valued at $1 .15 and $2.24 were
were in an accident at 13th St. stolen from the La Cantina
and Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach Liquor Store, 3244 E. Coast Bwy.,
. . . Dorothy Hughes of 723 lr· Corona del Mar. by one of four
vine Ave .. Newport Heights. re · men who came Into the store at
ported her daughter, Susan, 14· 11 :45 p.m., two of the men m ak ·
had run away from home during lng purchases to keep the clerk
I wanrl'ft the night, taking her clothes · · · occupied ... ~ Rawlln A. GoltE'r of Laguna e WEDNESDAY. JUKE 20 WIIJIA Beach lost the rlg~t front wheel A five by seven toot plate glass of his car whUe drtvlng on Coast b h '7,_,..., H t 2·40 a m causing h im window was broken y t ree UIIIIDIII wy. a · · · fl persons In Nana's Tacos, 311
to Jose control and ~It a re Palm St., Balboa, a t 1:24 a.~ ..
-"" • hydrant at Coast Hwy. and Jas· witnessed by the Balboa ferry "Y..,.., .... .., .. ..,.., ... ,. mine Ave., Corona del Ma r . . . oper ator who called pollee ...
u .-.~oauu Ulnt I' n . ouvno Opea • :00 • eu .,.•luU •U.,.la a u ,. II•U
Cartoon ('arnJval Frt Sat 8-Sat.. 8... Doon ~ •
~1 "Good-bye,
\ M y La d y" . '
.-,.;) • • DRIVE IN -r"f lC TH£ATIH '> 1:)
~ '"'I.,-•t -,.. ... 1: ....
.... ~~-,..,:
·,, SfAR CHffb
~MtfA, .I
j . rT .. f •
C.astlunl Flllilla
Hola J-••••111
The Worthington Lees of 1939
Bayside Dr .• Corona del Mar. en·
tertalnea about 40 members and
guests of Flotilla 22 of the Coast
Guard Auxiliary at a June round·
up of the group. which started
with a predicted log race to Seal
Beach and back.
Special guests of the festivities
were Captain John Rountree,
comm ander of the Uth Cout
Goard Dlst:rtct, and Lt. Com·
mander Ken BUderback. dln!ctor
of the Auxiliary for the lltb
Cout Guard Dl.strtct.
Winner ot the predicted lot
race was Worthlneton Lee. com·
mandeor of Flotilla 22, Jn the
Marwortb: J ohn Stricker o1 Cliff Hav~ came ln MCOnd aboerd
the JarS.; an4 Hume Seymour of
Corona del Mar eame tn tblrd
aboard the Valtl. .........
• Inial •••••
'nle Boutll Cout Gu Club wW
btl'ln a to....tr butc rUle train· lnl ClOUI'M. ~ wttb l'atlCJUl _,. ~ ot .... _ _...,.~
nat~ ........
dub .ru,e on llf.ae.Vthur ,.. d ... wtlJ ..-.. 2
Coas t Supe r Mark et
"''RED HOT"' Valuet~ far 11wrL. Fri.. Sat.. June 21-22--23.
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Sunday and Holi&zy. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
=:'o~nu:=-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;:3:;.:1:.;.¢ 4 ~
------------• on OWJf MA!f&-..,. hl'k -----:::~•D-•-•.,:rw.•:---"TUNASTTLE SAUSAGE 49fr. iiPE'"OuVES
24oL ~st
BOX ... ---··-·--~ S1~00
27( BOIIJUL.-IIJd.... 49·· ~AJ 31( __ .. _ · BACON .......... ; .......... . Dlld-14 oz .arTLE lfAftOifAL ..anT CO.
OREO Tomato Ketchup
~'m.t: 21¢
~!:Ns -·---·---2 ... 27¢ ~~.oa;---··-· 37~