HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-28 - Newport Harbor Ensign...........
BUT-· a7 l.rcldeD rtDdl
City council held a back.room
kanea.roo court Halon for manu-
facturer. the other day-cha.rre
wu COD1J'Ibutlna to the delln·
quency of Newport Beach u a
place to Uve. « eomethlne llke
that. 8meu wu bru.lbed on by fin-
1ft' man from a ChlcaJO flrm A .f-ear aocldent Saturday
which rot S3XIO of your tax ntrht cot aome thoroueh news
money for bla talent. and picture cov~aee. ~ause It
K&l'\1&1'00 oourt failed to In· happened rtlht ln tront or the
vtte the accu.aed ctttzena and &uJfJ\ BuUdJne, and anack Jn
producen to be on band to de· tbe middle of tt ln their crumpl·
fend thetr eood name and ed up sedan were the ownera and poek~found them euUty publiah.n of the Enalp.
1n a~a and eoalced thmt Publlaher Arvo Raapa bad
from $25 to $175 eaeb every year 1topped tn the tnatde lane of t« We by a UUle trick of rala-tout Bwy., waltlnr to mab a
lnf their ~ permit f .. left tum onto Heliotrope Aye. 1n
from 1QO 1ID 800 I* cent. order to drop tn at the £naten
.uked bJ' Yletii'M to explain. otrle.. The car wu ltrUck wtth
coundl bu t.ultd blurb which considerable fOI"ee from the rear
oous with love and atfK'llon for by a cou~ convertible, was
business people but dlscloaes pushed Into the oocomlng !an~
that up untU now It hu simply or traffic and hit head-on with
been In too blf a hurT)' to i'et
thelr money to bother about con·
sultatlona. Now however.-.lnce
dty kJttJ J.t well fed tor a whlle
wtth fat tax tncreues and juicy
caah balance 1urplu---lt will
conant rracloualy to Uaten to
protftta, that 11, Ju" in cue
there bap~na to be any.
Manutacturen ahould not feel
too upeet about tblL Think of
the other w.Jnea erou~ which aot clobbered wtth lntteues run-
llinl over 1000 per cent-and Mr1 Chlca10 did not even leave a
memo teWne why.
It tht. can bap~n 1n Newport
Bead\, clad we don't Uve ln
Cruise Dance
Plans Made
Work on the "aummer crulae"
dinner dance planned tor July
13 by the Newport Assistance
Lea,ue Ia being done Mondays
at the Lea,ue's BOCial center, ac·
cordlne to Mn. Allen Crl.eJJ,
chairman ot the dance. The
party, a summer "thank-you" to
members who have worked all
year on phiJanthropJc e n t e r·
prt.ses. will be held acaln at the
Ne-wport Harbor Yacht Club.
NeW Loudspeaker Law
For ·30-Day 'Test Run'
New Friend
Takes Him
• 1n
License Fee
Change Due
Chances In business license
fees for manufacturers are llkely
u a result of the furor raiM'd
over the big lncrea~ levied by
the new Jlcenslnr ordinance.
Manufacturers' obj«tlons are
now belnr studied by a com-
mittee of the Newport Harbor
Chambft" o( Commerce Later the
matter will be dlscu~ at a
Joint meetlne of Newport coun-
cilmen. city manar~. Chamber
committee and E. W. Meier of
the 1. L. Jacoba Co , which pre-
pare-d the new ordinance.
"We'll work for a 80lutlon
when Mr. Mel~ comes," City I
M~nager Ro~rt Shelton said at
the Monday mornlnr Council
study session.
Deadline for revision Ia AuJ.
15, which Is the final date to
pay IICfll~ fees Without penalty.
Big Budget
~earing Set
for Monday
• : I : ?I. .BtJ!I " ,.. •
• • : : c• ; • • • • ••
1 am not ~tting much impressed wrth experts. I have the old-
fashioned notion that we local folks know bed what to do for our·
selves end for ex~r town. It's, 98tting ti~ to hear, "We have. to
wait for our Mader Pi.,n," when queshons ore o.sked aboui ~tttng
adion on poru,, or playgrounds, or roodwo_ys . I'd rather h!ve us
moke our CJWn mistakes in this home town of ours, than to h~re ex·
pensiwt experts to moke the mistakes: I'm sure~ wex~ld~'t C;~ ~p
with such horrible enmples os the lrcense on::finonce. ..C.rth •ts ktll·
the-Fun-Zone" tax, end the unfair licensing of manufacturers.
You wont o comparison? Examine the '!nslbM. end rea$00able
statement of Council policy on the value of. rnd~nol gr~wth. ~en
look ot the insulting and snooty rem~rh ogarn'! tndu~ tn t~~ .ex·
perf' Jacobs report, which accuses tndustry qutte plainly of tnJurtng
the health and welfare of our city. • • •
"A N 2> t-1o w 's IHE ,
11DB ..... o-.-...at 'lun. 2S, ,.. State Collep, hair on ILf. "YMJI. &lid 1"11 IMt ..._ =.::.. Pa., tU hOlM of ~o Stat. you eouldil*t cuq a .._ out of ·-~~~·~·~-~lt~L~·~!;~~ University, my alma mate. Pine Hollow Wltb that a-man ; • n I'IIIDD IID&I pia. Ypu'VE dweloped!.. r--J..
All ovw tta. But. theN are Th... lnault8 ~ unclylq lar~st and Most ......... -r-t• •lint an.nou.ndna the hlatwleal frl@ftdahlp. ~:xeept MlwMD two Fumiture Store fn the AIM.
fada of the put. EvftY Uttle eucb, they would be eooulb to c.ll fot ,...
hamlet hu a plaque that aay. atart a tlfht, but under tile ctr· DECORATING faVICf ''Waahlnaton alept b.,... w "lJn· cum.tanc.t, t.IM;'re jut proof
eo1n alept h.,... or '"LIJtCOln at. that you' ,.. abo~ny penonal llb.tty t-UII lunch here" or .. Coolldp bad ~dtna.
b.la, sboee ahlned here." ,_. 800n u we had exehanaed
I ve cot a, better atory to tell. th ... wrbal blmn, Charlie look· Then wun t any alp to that ed eorta blank and J&Jd. "Well,
effect, but a ~in beautJtul I auppoee you want me to take little llmeato~ strum caJJed " Spruce Creek abould have an bl•· you flahlnl tomorrow. ·
Batst ... Gar~tt
' Famithi"9' for homes. dubtt y.dlfa.
l017 w. eo..t Hl9hwtY H.w,..+ ._. torlcal marker and rm 101n1 to I looked aurpn.d u all 1ft·
atart a memorial tu:nd to that out and parrle4 wtth "You know,
etlec:t. The perpetual bronze tab· I badn*t pluntd on It, but Iince !::======:;;::::=::::==:!
let ahoald aay "Pratdent Ike you brlnr It ~~· I Jut appe-n Ebenhower flabed here". It to haq thrown In AT
wouldn't burt anytblnl to add a 1HI: LAS1' . cld
The guys who put up the money should .have .the say-so on spend· --------------------------ing it. For this very sound reason, I remam soltdly o.pposed to the
line In very amall print, down trout ve.t and fly box, "'1 old
at the bottom that would say ~'Au~ JMl, wttb a NEW No.
"C.Q. aJeo tlfhed hfte on June 313 Cortland' non·alnkable tly
22. 1956, and dld NOT have the Une on It, and a brand new ~lla
Hofbnan Hex with him that no fly-rod, their 10' '75-'-tbat
21 c tax increase that is being decided by ou r Counctl. How can so
few personr--7 of them--assume the right to levy such an enormous
burden on the bods of ell of us without giving us the chonce to soy
"yes'' or "no"? That's not the woy I interpret the duties ond ,...
sponsibili ties of ou r elected representatives.
The 21 c is not needed for the coming yeor's budget. It took
some persistent questioning, but the truth come out Monday night
thot the 21 c is eadusively for o nest egg for schemes of the future.
To pin-point it specifically. it's reolly for acqui ring the Pacific Electric
property ond moving the station to ~est Newport. . .
Is Council ofrei4 to put thts plan up to the dectston of the
people 7 If that is so, it is o ~d project. Let the t&xp4yers decide
if they wont to start laying oside dough ot the rote of o 21 c toa
jump for this or ony other project.
• • •
The West Newport follts ore unhappy &bout the f&ct thot their
letter obotlt the pE project wo s reod Ol'lly in port; they think thot
communications from locol citizens to their elected councilmen should
be rood in full, so thot the full inte nt is heord. That viewpoint has o
lot of merit ...... Principal Joe Hamblet soys that there wos o
loudspeake r for the seniors ot the hi9h school groduotion eaercises;
but it conted out during o portion of the speech .... Kenny Nic-
hols reminds us that the Ho~net was sunlt during World War II. and
thot the Hornet coming here Sept. 1-2-3 is just the namesake of the
com~t veteran carrier of the Pacific fighting.
0.1, c••l• ..... s.w Here
•• DPEI su•at Specials for Thun.., Fri.. & Sat.. June 28. 29, 30
IWU I I 6 OSCAD-1 1.1 RQ.
aamuta CA..JOJfftT&
oec:u JIAYD'I
53 f.
day... flb In a ault~ue neet u any. e LUCK aETUUS thlnl tlnce It hu four MctloM
How 1 mana1ed to tith the IMtead of the uaual three. AJJ I
stream that Ike fa.bed 11 quite really need 11 a ~pJ• of lea.W& e DEJCOCL\TS vs. GOP ruaona. had be given the order a ta• and 1 mJgbt u weJl let I even bro_.pt my own OS... jut
Do you .notice the difference to do so. Be made the declalon for old tlme'a aake."
In the public relations practiced to lay the "facta on the Une" you In on lt. "Ok,h" aald CharUe "Meet First. let's ret one thing ' ' by the Republicans In connection with complete details. And In atralsht. 1 did NOT leave my ~e to~orrow mornJne at ~
wtth President Ike's health epJ. thl.! second epleode, he ordered beloved CallfornJa to travel back o cl~OV --· ..,...!._ •
lOdes, and the secrecy maintain· that the public be a1ven the de· here all thoae dreary mUes. jual • • ..... _ .. .., .....
ed In connection with the health tall! with diaerams. pictures and to go tlshtne. No. my dear old Nat thtna you know It wu
of the late President Roosevelt! lectures by the operating aur· aunt needed me. She had a serl· mornlng and Ch,arlle and I were
ln the latter c:aae the utmoat geon. Nothing was withheld, not ous lllnHL She Ia In her 80's and rolling up Penn a Valley toward
aec::recy wu malntalned rleht up even the $1.015 a day he paya tor I'm hft only cl~ relative 50 Spruce Cl~
to the time ol hla death. FDR's board. I had to aay adJoa to my blue , ''Yo~·re ln Judt", Nld CharUe,
blood press~. whlcb wu prob· H09' can I be eo posJtive about Pacific for a Ume. C.Q. Junior, "!'here • a .well guy up the vaJ.
ably one point under the boll· It being his dec:talon bot,h Urnes! now my big boy, came along. ley here named Bob Harpster.
tng point tor years before bl.t He ls not only the presfdent but We anlved at State CoUeee He hu a private at:ream that'a
death, wu never allowed to be the com.mander-ln·chlef of both Just u the elock 1n Old Main one ol the beat ben.bouta-ln
mentioned. To ~ who had docton In charge. lnddentally, struck the wltchlna hour of mid· lad, tbat'a where Praldent Ike
a chance to observe hJm. It wu I served with both of them. Dr. night. A.a eoon as 1 had borrow· flahed when he wu up here on
no doubt obvfou. that be wu Snyder, who 11 the ~ldent'a ed Shenn Lutx'a Ford and made vacation several yeara aeo. He
a sick man before the nominal· White Houae ph~lclan, and Dr. a trip to see my aunt 36 miles wanted all you outdoor WT1ten
lng convention. So closely waa Heaton, who operated on hlm. down the old Bald Eagle Valley. from afar to have fu:n, eo he'a
hls condition concealed that the Now of all thlnp comes the to the Lock Haven Hoapltal, and opened hla atream to our local
people el~ted him, when the chalrman of the Democratic found her dotne nicely, 1 re· committee for your tlahlne plea·
truth was thta he was like a Party, who moans that the ~ membered that the Outdoor aure. That'a where we are head·
man with one foot ln the erave. publlcana are ualne the details Writers AsaoctaUon of America, ed now."
When President Eisenhower of Ike's health u political prop· ot which I am proud to be a We atopped and met Bob and
had a coronary attack, It could aganda. That to me is the des· member, was havlna their na· hla wlle. They live In a ereat
have been passed oU as acute ln· b tlonal convention ln-lmaatne-old atone house not fu from dl&estlon and Ita real nature con· perate eraaplne at a straw Y State College, all this week. Spruce Cleek. We didn't stop to
cealed by hll doctors tor political a drownlna man. Well, I just had to put on my say '"Tha.nka" when we had our
old ftahlna cap with the Paclllc tlahtna. eo I NY here, '"Thana,
Anglers' marlin button on It and Bob, for your kind courtesy. It
up to headquarten and reels· wu real tun, that brought back
ter! And It wu strictly a happy many a happy memory( ana I11 LEIIen ---------
----------------------------coincidence that about the tlnrt bet President Ike felt just a.s
To the Editor:
Many people must have been
u astonished u I was to read
ruy I ran Into turns out to be an happy after hta day on your
old flahln' buddy from away beautllul ltrceam. Thanks a mll·
back, Charlie Stoddard, ol the lion."
Penn State UnJvenlty faculty. I wu afraid, after all these e 1 ARIWEUD ""TES·. trout.leu years, that I mJiht
We ahook bands heartily, and have forgotten how to catdt
attft all these yean apart, after trout. But all wu well. Alter a
appropriate remarka between two little Ume. I wa.s hry1n& a little
old trlends.,econalatlns ot "Gosh, Black Gnat under the over-hang-
Charlie, I never realized your lng hemlocka on the tar bank. I
head wu such a t unny shape. ended up with four tine, fat
Last Ume I saw you. you had brown trout. the lar,ut about
Editor of the Enai&n.
The tollowlne probably should
be captioned, "Straws In the
Wind," or, "Whither drttta the
Ship of State," or 10me otber
trite and banal phrue.
Last month James Utt. our
Coneressman, stated that the
gold reserves of the UnJted
States hed fallen below the level
required by law to maintain the
Integrity of our national CUJ"rency
and ourJlscal atablllty.
Recently Coleman Andrewa.
• • • former CommJaaJoner of Internal
Editor of the EnaJgn, Revenue, stated that the Income
Jt hu been my pleuure to Jive Tax was unworkable, contused.
ln Corona del Mar alnce Feb. 11, lmposaJble of admJnJ.stratJon and
1951. aleo to vote for eome of that It wu destroying the solid
those who are ~n1 on our mJddle clua ot the nation.
A year aao Gov. Bracken Lee
that be believed
the Income tax wu Ule,al 1n
many of Ita appllcatlon:a and
that he would not pay h11 tax
without a ,test of the conatltu·
tlon&Jity of tbe Jaw.
Now comes W. E. ·stone'• Ita·
tlatlcal ~port ahowtna. and I
quote, "ln 19M (mo.t r~nt year
avaUable) the corporate act.IYI·
tt• of the federal fOW'rJllnen.t
Cactivltiea ln which the federal aovemment ahould not be .,.....
mltted to encal'e under a frfe
fltteen lnchea lon1. Charlie bad
caught five, and I didn't feel too
badly, tor old Charlie hu nevft
ltopped trout·flabln& alnce the
long-ago days when I left Centre
County. He deserved to beat me!
We had only one ftah to clean.
We bl~ the other el&ht and
put them back In Bob Harpstft's
Spruce Creek to erow bl&&er
and fatter, maybe for Ike, may-
be tor aome other President.
maybe for 10me other lucky Cal·
llomlan who wtU be Invited to
tlah the ueen canopied waters
of a merry, tumblln& Penn)'llva-
nla trout atream. The one trout
we had laJd 1n the .,.. under
SAVING! = :.~:-.............. ~1.00
.... tllll
B •et .......,_.
e Non-olly -wtu not aln
e 1oth tng ... non· !feU)' -
aand and dJrt won't cllnl' to the akin.
• Protects. eootbea and hula ~run-parched and wind-burned akin. .
e Cont&Jna alltcone to hold
the aetlve auntannlna apnt to the akln-prevent8 wuhlnl
oU by peraplraUon or a llaht
dJp In the pooL Doell not con· taln any alcohol.
ua •o. •awJOtrr ar..YD.
2 Blodts No. ot Aldlea on old Btglnfay) t a tw...-.
at the tip of Y.O'Ir pen
•••• y .... u
• •
Te S..e Y•
mo.... A ...
PH0N1 HY. 4-1177
601 N.. c .... ...,
PHONI HY.antt. 1-1191
• HY.-.... 2-1196
..Uclln& pennlta far ,... .,. • ***"*' ....,..
proedled u.. rmo.DOO t01aJ u aJ. C..,. Ewnon, f•nce at 4B7 --ttoo.eao .......... added w-.a.wter, 1120: John Sha~. durtn& u.. put wellk. 1.Arfe1t ctwellD& at 317 Santa Ana Ave., l*ll'lt wulclt a -.soo dweWni ata.AIOO
Ill cutt Baftll. eiiAJmOil IIJIOPI •..w~M~ FoUow1nc pamtta ,.... s. lade Stat«, .wbnmtnar pool
-..4· 0 Beyl, t2,800; R. E. Blrtchft",
• _ ~ UYD addJUon at 1928 Itvtne, $3.250. -~ • ~-IILAirD O.Jiol'd TobJll, 1·UDJt. 2·*-7 God.fer 110und proot1n1 at 110 n.tllq at 701 KIQP U. SD.· • soo: )ln. c. .. Hert.t.. ac~c~~Uoo ~=roo.
at 1J11 Ktnp Jtd., _.,; Rob8t Paul )lou, beer •tan at 109 .... ...._.---..;. ._ tM 11 rt Olander, ·-at !100 8t. An· Palm. ..... .,.,. ,.._1e ,.._._h_..J, D& DWAD W. liD. UK. left. ,_.. drhw clacdr· C'lacrrye ef b\:aal.... --«Uapw
_...., \,ftVI' uo:ru; ..,., ~ .... Lee lclaooelr.. aula-.t claairau 1a Barbor Co-UD&ty Cll .. t ............... . ciNW8 Jtd., · partJtlon.l at 700 E. Bay Ave., c1a-.. e1 ,_...Ual aollcttatioM, ...a 11411p1a •lcSerlDf tile ..,..... .... ---. .... tlaeV f-..cl er.mo Ill.& 1400: c. Jl. Erwin, add to laraee. J(. .. .,.... Jr .. rtgtat. ..Utaat ~ ia drift. {E.aalp plaoto) B. E. Feln.ltein. add prap tr.10 W . Ooean rt., tt()O. _..:...:..:........::...:..::...:....:..::__:..:.....___:: _____ _.....________ ---------
and ccmwrt bath to bedroGm and • a&Wtoft • • , l U C .1 lho,Nr, '751 VIa LlcSo Soud. $1,800. M. Martin. replaee damaled cIvIc e a 9 u e rg e s 0 uncI e1110a CLift'l bu:U4Ina. 117~ 29th st. Sl.OOO:
Kn. Lowe. wall at J18 Drift. Bob Dalton•., •lan at 34!50 Via T p bt• • 8 d t 5 Jan Davia .ntertalned tnem· wooc1. 1400. Oporto, s:so: aen Reddtck. addt· 0 U ICIZe U ge ooner t»en ot the Soropt1mt.t etub at • co.oiiA D&L liD tlon, 116·118 23rd St., $2,000; Roy · • her home at 213 Via Cordova.
Balboa Yaebt Club, add tollet. Brown, replace patio Jlab, 3400 The Woman's Civic LHrue ol l rlna. after a dlxuufon of recent Udo, Jut week on Tueaday. After mo... and drftalnc-room.-. 1801 Marcu., $1,000; John Luce, ca-Newport Harbor hu voted to re· budpt hearlnta where the pro· • patio .upper the new alate ot
Ba,atde Dr .. 1'.800. bana at » El Pueo. Lido Trailer quHt the Cit)' Council to publllh ~ budret wu not avaUable otflcen., beaded by Doone~
Pa.rk.. 12.500; John.aon 6 SOn, used the city budpt earlier In the tu-for pubJJc dt..t:ributJon unW late ~n~~ Lawao~ ~ed car ul.,. otflee, 600 W. Cout ture and make It avaUabJe for In the afternoon Ju.t prior to the n aa. ·
Hwy., Jl.BOO. public atudy 1n ample tJme .,.. n.m evuin1 hearlntr.
tore bud,et bearlnp. Other action taken by the
The r e com m en d ation wu Learue wu an appropfiatJon ol • ~
made at the re&1f!ar meetlne of SGl.OO to the Community Youth e PAaTT
the IJ'OUP lut week ln VIlla Ma · Center for the purehue ot I'AYOa
kitchen equlpmett. and $100 for Pacltlc Tel.,hone's new teat park improvement 1n various • OP'F1CI ••• I l•k'aalar center 1n eo.ta Mesa at 1796 Or· 6' ~ C" ------partJ ot the city. 1'011111 anp Ave., ts "now at full oper-._.-. ~a,s Tuesday's meetJne al110 In·
atlon for Harbor area telephone eluded the Installation of a new
eubacrlben," accordln1 to Man· alate of offleers. headed by Mrs.
,..,.. .. ..... ..,...., ... .....
~ ....... .... ,.Ill
cotlONA DR MAl
~ .. ,.., •..W....•r H.,._ 41 .. aeer Ted Ham brook. Brownie Troop 18 ol Newport Phillip J. Burton, President. Other lJdo Sbopplna Ceater
telephone people in the center ta Instead of Tburada)'ll. They re-ft"t Marshall, vice-president; Mrs. -At the helm o1 almost 70 plant Heights 1J meetJnr on Fridays lncomJne omeers are Mrs. llob· ~~--~--~~-~-i~,.~~n.~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~
W. T. Lanarjahr, supervlalne cently viewed new-born babiH Thomas A. Wllllama. leCOnd
pl.ant service foreman. His duties from the nuraery window at vice-president; Mrs. A. Marbure GI•FIIII conalat of maJntaJning tele· Hoag Hc.pltal and d1.Jcuued the Yerkes, recordlne ~eCretary; Mrs.
P phone oommunlcatlons for over care of younger •Litera and ~ A. Huber, correspondlne
•--_. 23,000 telephones 1n the Newport b th secretary; Mrs. A. S. Brown, treu-IJ•···-~ .. ... Beach, Dana Point, San Cle-ro era. • • • urer; Mrs. Lou a J. C.nar, audJ.
1111 &. c.-........
c.-..a ...
.... J..-1
U ~'1117 IIA liD-
mente, and San Juan Caplstuno A candleUiht lnvNtlture cere-tor. and Mrs. Frank Jtarcl. hfa.
exchanees. mony wu held by Fifth Grade torian. The Installation cen!·
Mr. Lanejahr has over 32 yean Girl Scouts for Joan Mitchell, a mony was conducted by Mrs.
with the company. He started n scout thl.s ear • Gordon WevUJ.
out u cable test.man In 1924. Hls ew • ~ • · Lyell L. Buttermore. Jr .. ~ke
previous poaltJon wu plant oper · Sixth Crade Girl Scout Troop on home design and the d~elop·
aUne ... tetant 1n the Anaheim 35 met with thelr famUies Tues· ment b! the harbor area. Traclnc
dt.trlct area. day evetlnl June 12. at the recent trends ln desicn from the
"You'll see Harbor area tele-Costa Mesa Park Cor a pot·luck standardized, severe modemJsttc
phones mushroom to over 28.00?, dlnnft" and Court of Awards cere-of the 1920'a, he descrfbed the
etatlons before thls year ls up, mo Y more lnd.Jviduallz.ed oreanlc. or
he aaye. n · romanUc reallstlc deslcn of the He lives at 320 Collins Ave~ Badges were awarded to Caro· present.
Balboa Island. with l)ls wtte lyn Berl. Jnn Forbes, Cheri BeJlnnlnc with the premlw
Ann. and aons BUl Jr.. 16, and Cutendyke, Beth NottJ.a. Marilla that "every penon hu the rleht
Joe, 9. Nott, Patsy O'Connor, Jerry Ran-to a llle ot .,.auty, privacy. and
The Leonard Corblns moved re·
cently from 2133 Oran1e Ave.,
•••• .... T,MMMI._. Costa Mesa, to 29 Palm.s.
daiJ, Patti Rleland, Betty Rusten-spaciousness. In a home that will
bach, BonnJe Jean Welch, Vlcld express and extend the llvfntr of
Shleld.a, Diane Peterson. Joan the occ:upant.s.'' Mr. Buttermore
Freitas, Pam Bartholomew, Ro· strased the emphasis on nat\1n
chelle Rhoades. Vlckt West and to be found ln modem deetcn.
Barbara Plckertne. the variety and n extblllty of new
LEGAL RanCE Barbara Nott. .Mariner Scout. materials, and the weldlne of
Rona or TaDI1U"' SALE preeent.ed flye-year ptns and all the tteatJn1 arts ln the mod-
On July 17, l.B, at 10:00 AM~ stan to the ctrla. Bonnie Jean em structure.
Pacllle DayiiJbt 11me FARMERS We.lch invited tM parents to In· ;;::=::::::::::::==::::::::==;-
AND MERCHANTS TRUST COM· spect the camp Jlte wblcb had Scrft Up to Bcr.lf •
PANY Ort LONG BEACH, u been erected for dlsplay and CTJSTOII DBAPDIEI Trustee under and pursuant to thanked parents who had do-at
Deed of or Tran.ater 1n 1'ru5t exe· nated equJpment and time. Troop •• IAICIIE'
cuted by LYLE R. POPE and President Vldd West cave the
GERALDEAN POPE, husband and welco~. and 80lll leadft" Pam HARBOR 6li6
Capistrano ·By The Sea
Specializing in all Types of
Or Write To
wUe, dated AprU 25. 1955, record· Bartholomew led the rtrls In 2919 £. Coast Hwy~
ed June 10, ~ tn &ook ~. ~~~n~CL~----------~------~::::=Co==ro~n=a=d=e=l=M::u::::=:~::::::::::::::::::=::=::::::::::::::::=:::::~ Paee 187, of Official Records In _
the ottlce of the Recorder of Or·
33915 Del Obispo Rd., Dana Point
anee County, California, and se-
curlnc. amonr other obllcatJons,
note for $1,400.00 dated April 25,
1955, ln favor of FARMERS 6
BEACH, a corporation, wtll seU
at public auction to highest bid·
det' for cash, PAYABLE 1n Law-
ful .Money of the United States
of America at time of sale. at
the South Front Entrance to the
County Court House, ln the City
ot Santa Ana, County of Orange, Orco Block Co. State of Calltomla, all right,
title, and Interest conveyed to
BUILDING BLO,..., ••• SJZES-.ALL TYPES and now held by lt under said ""~ Deed or Transfer In the property ~~ 7-a. · K'lmleetly lo4I"J'M .ttuate ln the City ot Newport
10a JrA1ta1a.. I..._ a. L IICida. .... A-. Beach, Newport Bea.ch-Jud.Jclal }=~=======~?=~~~~==.::::::::::===, Dt.trlct. aald County and State, no-Ceuw.._ -DNiabocacls described as:
Ru ber 111 Lot 87 of Tract No. 1218, 1n ~ ~ ii"noJ!m ,.: the City of Newport Beach .
T...., LDfOUVII County of Oranee, State of CAll. .,.... IBOP Calltomla. u .tlown on a
lSI &. IM lt. e-ta .._ map thereof ~9ed 1n
LD&IIT!' a.ast book 37. pares 47, 48 and 49,
22 Yeen In Oranp County Miscellaneous Maps. records
Costa Mesa Luinber Co.
............. C1111e .... LD I t1 1-1111
of aald Oranre County.
Subject to tru.t deeds of tee·
or d.
Said Nle will be made. but
without co~ant or warranty,
apl'fta or lmpUed, rerardJng
tlUe, poaaetslon . or encum·
braneea. to ~ the balanee of
the prtnelpal aum of aatd note.
to-wtt: •uoo.oo with tnterftt
from lune 9, 1955, at the rate
of (61A) atx per eent per annum.
compounded. advances. lf any,
under the t...u of uld Deed or
Tra.nster· t.et. dl&r~H and ex·
perwee ~ the 1'1'\dtee and of
trut aeetad b7 saJd Deed ow
Tbe IMMftc:tary under said
Died 01' ,.,.....,, .,. I'M80D ot •
bJrHda ar dllault lD tbe obltra·
tloD8 8leWed • •• batt ...
tae:Ubld and dell'ftncl to UDder·
~ • wrttllla ~ ot
Dlftd and D I IIIII .. Sale
a.nd WtiUW ...... ol ~and ot J:lec:doD to ea-the mwa. . ..... to ..u ..w PNfiltr ..,
---.................... and ........,.. ........... ~ ...
........... ... , .... _ ..... 4
~ ............... ar.cta ......................... ... ..,, .... J.Jr, .. Ollltlal .................. omc..
~-----,.. ... ..-:IIAJn'l
IWOfi CD9AR ~ laiO . .,.. ~~~:::=;;;.-.~~-;:;.;;.,.~i!i~"--~N ~ J,; c. ........... IIIII I ~ • & w. I I a II &•
Mod. I 3104 -1-ton, 1 08 ~" bcu
MocW 3104 -~-too, 78~" box
Taka your pick of today._
mo•t moclern Plckups!
They're the champs of the lightweight c.ta.,
loaded with the kind ol feature. that pay oa in
fast-working efficiency on any job!
Under the hood you've got Chevy's fam001
Thriltmuter 6 engine, the work-h<ne ol the
industry! Or, optional at extn cost, an ultra
abort""troke V8. You get Bal1-Gsr Steering, Hjp-
Lem ventilation, concealed Safety Stepa aad
Work StwlU.,l You set a ~~'&in-baht tailgate, ftat..
)edged lide paela and a low platform for fMY
bdinal Stop by for detaiJI on today'a belt
Pickup buyl
' 1Uk·Force·llclalp I
LA~ N .ooeAH
\tiWS R)R
COeaT·'IO·c:owT NOtt/INe..
101 anMAff CAU •••
..... ~ .......
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Staff Honors
Aileen Martin
T. M. Hlmbtook, your T....,.... Manqer in Newport Bath
• • • • • .Faculty and .taft membera of
• Harbor VIew School aave .a 1\U·
• prlae farewell party for thelr
• principal, Mlsa Alleen Martin.
• The party, a pot-luck dinner,
• waa beld at the home of Mrs. •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Oorothy Bodine, 619 Hellotrope
Ave., Corona del Mar. The teach·
en and aervtce penonneJ ala6
A telephone helps plan for pleasare
Here'a a picture of a family lltart.lDc a pleuant weekad nca-
tion trip. And here'a bow they planned lt. W. wife cal\ed the
aports abop to aee that their t.ennla raclteta were re.tru.nc. She
phoned the cleanera, too, about that IIUit abe wanted to wear.
And they arranged, by telephone, for the neighbors toJeecl the
cat. He caUed ahead for re.ervationa and they're off. Sure-
this is a special occaalon. But even if lt'a everyday, the tele-
phone ia aJwaya ready to do eo many thlnp. eo quickly, and
with so much convenience. The men and women of Pacific Tel
ephone work to make your telephone more uaeful every day.
Like to take a trip at $0.0008 a mile?
preaented Misa Mkrtln wtth an
alllcator b&e an appreda~on of
her work as principal of the
Another cttt presented to Mlss
Martfn wu a marble desk clock
and matching marble pen aet as
a farewell gilt from the PTA
"oard of Harbor VIew School.
SCIENTIST ))OJ v;. Litle. ..__. .....
A branch of Tlta Mother Church, TM F,im ChiHdl of ChriJf, Sciet~tiff, in ao..
ton, MauachiiWttL
Sunday xhool 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Service II :00 a.m.
Wedftflday Eveni119 MMti119 1:00 P··"'·
llaadinq lloom louted at )) IS Via
l ido, N-port ... ch. i• open -•
clayt f,_. t:OO a.m. to S:OO P-"'·
Wed__,.ys fte~~t~ 9:00 •·"'· to 7:45
p.m. Fnday -.v"9' '-7:00 p.n1. ht
t:OO p.m. CIOMd Holid.ys.
Th. public it c.o<dially iMriled to et·
tend the ch11rch M rvicet and -tM
llMd;nq .lloom.
Margaret L Scharle
Teacher ot Plano
Organist • Aecompantat
Eventna Claaa for Adulta
307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar
COiilibMift II&'IWODIIT -···••t..c... ..... LD lf~-456~ .... J ..... w. lldllaM Sunday: 8:30" a.m., Church Sun·
day Sdlool; 9:30 .nd 11:00
a.m. Mornlnc Worshlp-7 p.m. eoneae Ap .J,IYF Service -7
p.m. Hlcb Sdlool I4YF Service: 8 p.m., youne adulta croup aervlce. ,'
• a e
The Basis of World Peace
TD caoaca or CIUUB'f Pint c;unta o1 auw lcleat18t. •....-t .... •• aaan~t at.. eo.ta ..... FJaT aAftiiT cauw La.tr I·IOC7 mE BASIS OF WORLD PEACE ltatJona and rea t rIc t I o n a or ..... ._ a.. ... n• M
D. a. lhnt. ........_ In the Bible we read (llalah throueh a1n. lldtnea. and death, 0.... ._.
Sunday .Rr'V10111: 9:45 a.m. Bible 26·3) '"Thou wilt keep him In a. teen to be wtthout ........,_.when ._. '· G. •••• --atudy· 11 un. momlnc wor· · • · , -~-SUftda7 a.i'lesl: t:e &.& lun· ablp: 7:30p.m. evenlnc.ervtee. perfect peace, wboee mJnd Ia ~nan a blrtb.rJcht ol beedom Ia c1q lebaol; u LID. W~l'llb MJdweek lerVlce, 7:30 p.m. atayed on thee: bec:au.e be tru.t· c:Jalmed and malnta.lned. Clearly, ...,_; 1:30 p.JD ..
Wedneaday. eth In thee." Cod create. man tre.. and Hla Tratnlnr Uhloa·~
In theM tlmea ol dlverpnt and law, to wblc:b the raJ mu .. ntnr !ervk:e. W : ,.:ao
TD caoaca or Cidld"t apparently J.rreeondlable ldeol· aubject. en.aurea exemption from K·~ Pra~. _Pra!N an Bible c:::. ~~ ~ bcles. how are we to demonltrate bondace ot any 8011. Man Ia pel'· tu "-..· ~~r· l:fo c..t;~~ prac:tically the tulllllment ol the petually free, lor b1a .,dellaht Ia ~~~ ~· Pr ;;uq
1•5711 Scriptural promlae? In the law ol tbe Lordi and In p.m. 1 ,.yerr · ,
-r.a ='Jr lllalaW No one w1ll deny that perfect hla law doth be meditate day l&t&WIW DAY ADfDidf Sunday Servteee: i :4.5 a.m. B. ole peace Ia the Ideal .tatua for bOth and ntpt'" ('-Jm 1:2). ...,..... ...., ....... a.
.tudy; 10:515 a.m. wonblp .-v· natlona and lndJvtdualL A peace· Doubt and feu I'IUI.7 t.mpt u •••pout ·~
Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenln• lerVlce. tul and united world Ia neither to beUeve that ac...,....on and LaJrttr .. ...
an ldeellatk: dream nor an un· opprealon have unrped Cod._ Sat ..._ D. ~ 1"'ttt! .... •·"' CilJdi'T CWUKB WT 'riiK IU attainable roel. Universal har· rovernment; materj al laws, UI'Ck.Y ~~rioll: __. c-uatty .._.allllt th lrl 1 bath boot: 9:30 LJL -S.· aalbocllll9d. at 14tlt lt.. ......... mony ~m now u e ap tua when not patterned an. the dJ· mon: 11:00 a.m. ~ meet· --~ -fact. althoup material belJef vine, may Mftn to ........ In w_ .. __ .. •:OO --th •-1 4 1 b e: ~q.,.. p.m. ~ -..,, .., A. c..t.a auccesta o erw...,. many n J u at c e a ; ut when _
Sunday WonhJp. 9:30 a.m. and ... "The chlldten of Cod have thouebt Ia ~ we ex· IT. ---
11 a.m. Church School, 8:30 but one M1nd.'' writes Mary chance the miqlvtnp of mortal raaallaa&AII c:auw---
L'ID. Midweek K.eet:lna: 7:00 Baker Eddy, the Dt.eoWftr and mind for the verttJea ot IJnJ:Donal lltlll lt. & lt. h' oaa ..._
p.m. Wednaday precetied by Founder of Chrlatlan Science, In Truth---we prove In Individual .._ .._ .._ ..._..
6:15 p.m. potluck. "Sclenee and Health with Key to experteMe that the Jaw ot the LD'n tr....,.
IT JOACIIDI8Cii Scriptures" (p. 470). Thla reall.z. Lord Ia the law ol IOOd bued s~ ~~G
liM 0..... A.._ C:.. ..._ atlon tranxenda borders and upon Immortal ju.tlce, by which and 1i a.m.; Cburda • a.a.1r 1-1.-& boundaries, natlonaJa.tlc rlval· all tdeu are aovemed equltab~. 9:30 and U :OO: lr. m.h. Sr. p.._ ~ J •• ..._ rtes. ldeolocJeal barriers, and It Ia clear that Cod'a affllprtnc Hlah and c:oUep arc feUow.
llalwky 11-at 7, L I. 10 ...S wars. and unities men In one cannot be enalaved, cannot be ahfJ~e. 1 p.m.; 'ftuanclay. Pra,..r,
11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Kua at brotherhood. Since all men are aubjucated by enw in any dec· ltucty poup, 1:30 a.m.
7:00 Lm. -Confeulon: Satur· the chUdren of God, and alnce potJc form, When th... 11 one
daya from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to Cod Ia All·ln·all, then everY· law only, the unJvenal law of
8:30 p.m. where, loJically, there can be Cod, cood ...
caoaca or on LADY or liT. CARMD • .. , ............. )1 ..... , ......... I'DIST Uftll1' CMUIICB neJther power, preaence, nor World harmony Ia bued upon · ar •&WIOft place for anythlnc or anyone op· the law of cood and the accept·
aalbocl ahod.. Jtlla & Coart Ita.. posed to God . . . anee, In human c:oNclouanMI, of •....-t Tyranny, whether It aeeb to t]le fact that there Ia but one
r..._•:-=a..JW"' r..._~.._...
~ JSD--LibMtr 1-JIIft lmpoee lt.MJl upon the Individual ~lnd, God .•. The Chrt.st.lan Sd·
Pancws lledMn a. ,....._ or aoclety, throu&h unlawful llm· en~ Monitor.
. ,, .......
Sunda,. K..-: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Cont-'on: Sat·
urdaya and eva ollat FrtdQ'I
and Holy D•ra from 4:00 to 5:30 ~~ and from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. Da.llY ~ 8:00 a .m. rtnt Friday: 6:30a.m. and 8:00p.m. N ov•n a <JWpetual Help):
SuQday services: 9:4.5 a.m.. Sun· day School: 11:00 a.m., Wor·
ablp Service; 7:30p.m. Sunday. eve nlnc Service; M1d·Week
Service: 7:30 IUD-Wedneaday Prayer Meeting.
CMpeL loatMm CciW. .... Ceiiii.-
LIIMny .... 1
.... C.E..ft--•d Sunday achool 9:30 a.m., momlng
worship 11 a.m. Youna people a e r v J c e 6:30 p.m., eveninc evancellst aerv1ce 7:30 p.m.
MJd .week service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
CIIUaCII of tile •u.a•&WE ~-A......._ lt.. c.ta lleea .__, a... a.tft Wllllmne
Uberty 1-7111 Sund.ay "Services: Sunday School,
9:30 a.m. :Momtnc WorahJp at
10;30 a.m. Evan1ellatlc Serv· tee. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunda,y; Prayer meet·
lng, 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday.
115 A9a'e Aw.. a.lboa Ja1ciiD4 ............. ~lapp
IL\Jboc 4515 Sunday ServIce a : 9:30 a.m.
Church Schoo!.; 9:fJO and 11:00
a.m. Worahlp ::;ervJee.
C2Jft'aAL amu cauaca U1fiYDIIAUIT OOIOioalft 01Afl A.., at Did lt. J'&LLOWIIID
c.sn. ..... ~ .... Dell c:t-••·-A.A.~...... SlSW ................. Sunday School: 9:45tun. Mom · ActU19 ......_., ws.w.. wu.y
lnc Service, 11 :00; Evenlne Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Mom· Sei'vlce. 7:30. Mld·Week Serv· lng worship, 11:00 a.m. Ice, Wed nead ay , 7:30p.m. _
Young people meet 8:15 p.m. FlaT .II"SNJII.Y or GOD
Sund-.y. llad 1t. l &w. a..._ c..-.....
-•• I1Y 14'111
urra.a.ur•a,_& .. W"I0-11'1',.. ~ ••• ad II. l£ CNalc. ...._
-..1 ....... -•w;:wav ~ ..... Sunday Scbool: &:30 a.m. war.
------lh.lp: 10:55 a.m. aacl evaaaeUst LD I It I aervkle, 7;30 p.m. Youq Piople
Jllw • ...._.. a...l1awS and' ChUdreD'a ~ 6:30 Duplicate momlnc aervtcea - 9 p.m. SUn MJd·week atnsce·
Lrn: and 11:15 a.m .• Sunday1· w~~. 7:.30 ,P.m.~
Kindergarten and PJ"e.Sdloo ~onary Council. Tlaunctaya Dept. Sunday School, 9 a .m.; 9·30 a.m. for all c!Ay 1at Grade tbroup Adult Sun· · •
Monday, 7:.S p.m.
~ADa. liM COillioaHt cauaca
'1PJ!!ili'-...... .....,._ ...........
Sunday Worship ~: 1:45 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 8un4ay lehool:
9:4.5 a.m.
IY. JAIID DIICC»AL ............ ~ .... ........
Jllw.)eM& .......
day School. 10 a.m.; bu. pro.
v1ded and Nunery provided for
both MI'Vtcea and 10 a.m. SUn·
day School.
Sund&,. .. "Jt-: I• a.m. Holy Oomaumlall; 1:15 hall,. Sen'· Sce.Ua.m .. W'Otllltp.enice. FlaT IOU IUD UftJIT Th~ Services: 1:15 a.m.
ISO w . ...=;;e C....... :~n. ulld; 10:30 Holy Com·
CDJST LdiiiDix CII'U'aca or COITA MDA ~'o.!-:t ~.lou. Costll -.r:: . . ....... ...,.~,.....,.
Sunday Servtcea: Worahlp Serv·
lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at
10:15 a.m.
~L~ ;:::-...... IT. JOIDI YWIJr&1'
Sunday .cbooJ. 1:45 a.m.: church 114 ....._a .... ..._l.a.d
a e r vIce 11:00 a.m. Tralnlne ...,.... aa• !!~~J 7l.m. su8nday. EvT~I raa. 11 s•• ~. ,_.. ""'"".u 1p 8 p.m. unday. ""~~" Sundq Malljia: 8:30 a.m. • 9:30 en and omcen mfietln2 7 p.m. a.m. Cont-..on: SatutdQJ and
Wedneeday. Pra}W aerVlce and eva of tat JTldays and Holy Bible ltucty 7:45 p.m. Wednea· Daya; 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m.; nr.t
dq. • Frtct.,y Mul 8 Lm. Jf you could journey acrosa the nation at the rate of eight-hun·
dredths of a cent a mile, you'd say it waa pretty low-cost trav-
eling, wouldn't you ? Well , it
coats no more to aend y our
voice traveling cross coc.ntry
from right here in town. For
only $2.00 pJua tax-that'a the
station-to-station rate after
a.ix o'clock on weekdaya and all
day Sunday-you can have a
friendly three-minute tele-
phone vlait that will bridge aa
many aa three thouaand mjlea.
Isn't there aomeone who would
like to hear the aound of your
voice tonight ?
r--...:...:.:.;:..::.:::.;::...=:=:.:.;::;.:;:;:._..., THIS SPIRITUAL SFJUES JS SPONSORED BY Friendly Nelehborhood Service
Shown here Is W. T. Lana·
jahr, Supervtalng Plant SerV· lee Foreman, who wu r• cently ualgned to bead the
teat center which Ia respon· albl~ for malntalnlnl tete•
phone communlcatloaa lor
OYft 23,000 telephona In the
Newport Beach., Dana Point. San Clemente and San .Juan ca,..,_no excla ....... 1"MM
important operatiOn preyt.
ou.sl,. wu loeat.r In Banta ~ 1M. bu been IDIDftd to
1'711 Ora n re Awnue In
CCISIIa --. wha. Lanr· Jallr .Ia the
110 Broadway
Ll 8-Maa • 8-k'W eo.ta ~~~-
Servtnc the Harbor Ar~
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
~ E. Cout Hhrhwa,.
Corona del liar
Baltz Mortuary
Llbea17 ... 2121
17h Ia Supalor, Costa »-
BOTB J..OCA1101a
11art1or ....._ at Oilier
,..,.., ~ ~u.
t•• r -· ......
-' WllAID IOATS 5eMtt the H..._ » y...,.
.... Hatt-N..C..W...
U'-ty t-2062
EAll W. STANllY, RNitor
s.a., ,._,.. ....... sa-·,,..
..... OM..a HerfMr 1771 ....,..._
COSTA MESA MOTOtS ,_. .......... c.-c pi le "'-'• lso ... ..... ..., ........... .
IMI "'W!., ~ W..
The "-T • (I;• fwl'he .. ..taY•'-·
W• ~ SIH ~ Ste111,. JOJ ..... Stre.t ........
The ~ela Mall
New .. le"--t a....n
2lJ4.....,....N..c..teW... ,.... ....., l-422t
..... ·-· WMII •
JJII L C.... HwJ., c:--. ......
n. DAVIS MOWN Co. T•••••> ... .. MiW•"-....... ,
·-""'-~C.. .....
Y .. Hs•aO...~ W
MJI L c..t H.,.; c:..ie ... W. .......,..,.
JOHN E. SADLSR. RNtor AI,__ .. ,_ ....
JJJJ L C... Hw,., C... tW W. ......,MD
.... Af-t ........ ....
Hit L c..t ...,,. C... ... W. ........ _
Llll IIIIET ..
"' 8Cr'Aift, you acream. We all
liC'I'eaDl for Ice cream!'' ... Would
a three 1allon bucket for
.... your ecreamte wtemled
Which broken down quart·waya
would COiJt you n c . . . wblcb
wh.n comp«ted to the rea-u1at
price ot 7&: per quart tor Todd'a
lee cream 18 a 8Cfe&mJnr rood
buy ... So Screamble down to
Rlehartfa Town and flU up yout
freezer .•. 'nll.a II the aame ex·
oellent quality you've been pay.
tnr 10 oenta a cone for In our
front lobby . . . And what exotic
flavors! Banana Nut.
Road, Pl8tachlo Nut.
Scotch R.lpple, Dutch Appl~. Pep-
permint Stick &nd Esc Nor . . .
* * *
ltllflttioDJ U yoa daa't IMift
......... tJuw ,.uaa ....
...._ ta ,_.. ......... Get
Ia • tile 11C1D0P wltla • frs.cl
-two ••• Oa-t .........
• wW ....... ... tlalee ---~-----...---••• wttll • u~ ~ ll•dt.,.
yoa Ollll ......... __,
..... y ................. ..
bar·IMI (w .._.. tataa. bclr·
b-q) -tile l'outla .. Jaly •••
* * *
Lildra Queen Is Manied
to William F. Rowland
A blue dd wblt. colot IeMme ..._ eleftcla Que1D wu her wu ~b)' Jun. bnde M._ .....,. • .Wei o1 aonor. Tht
Llldra QQe..a few her 11Nd41ftr to ~ wu lilt. VJdde
WUllaa ~ a owl a n d . P'reclertdl ot eo.ta Maa, a coualn
White -•die'' and blue delphln-crl tiM 1111de. Pamela ~
lUll' ...... ..,.t~ CapUta de San anotber eouatn, wu ~ fb'L
AlrtoOio _....n1 chapel, whee D\ck WT of Puadena .erved
tbe double rtnr CfftmOny t«* u be.t man. and usben were
plaee. n.e bridal attendants AJJu Baftman G( Lo. An,.el•
WON blue aowna tD ClOmpUment utcl.4eft ParreU o1 W'lc:tdta, ~All ·
the traditional white ot the bri· .... Tbe croom'• ...... Kn. std
clal clnle. Weith ol Madera. aan,c the wed-
The brtde II the daurht« ol cllnr lOla.. ucompanled by Mra.
Mr. and Mra. Glen D. Queen of Clara J'aut .t the orran.
480 E. 18th St., eo.ta Mesa. 11le A.at.tt ltb th 1 aroom t• the _,n ol Mr. and Mra. nr w e recept on,
R. S. &owJand of Madera Nell wt\lc:h wu held In the ehapel · rardeM. wu Mn. Leonard Tim-Warren ot Lona Beach, atudent berlake, another eou..ln of the
body pre&ldent of Pe~ brlde. 1bs. Queen received CUesta
Collel'e and mlnt.ter of the In a pale blue .Uk drea with
Church of Christ. united the White aoceaorlea and a ooraa e
younl' couple at a candlellaht of white roees. The ~.
eeremony which took plaee Frl· mother wore a turquolae en-
day evenlnl'. J une 8. eemble With a coraaa of Ink The bride wore a tloor-lenrth camatlona e P
white nylon orcanza 10Wft With · portrait neckline bordered with 'nle younr couple choee B~
VenetJan lace. The bout!ant Bear lot their honeymoon. The
aklrt, endlnr In a chApel train, brlde La a IJ"&duate of Newport
wa.s abo trlmmed wtth VeneUan Harbor Hlrh School. The poom
lace. She wore a crown ol net pet.aU and pearls which held a attended Pepperdine Colle&e &nd nn~p veU and carried a bou-Fullerton Junior Colle,.~ before
quet of white r~ and atephan-tnrolllnl' 1n Oklahoma Unlver-
otls. • • atty.
Chapter PB ot California P.E.O. they were demitted. Th~ only In·
was organized June 16 at Chrf.at ltJate was Mrs. Brown, daurhter
Church by t}Je Sea In Balboa by of Mrs. Davis .
the alate or1anlzer. Mrs. H. A. A ht.story of memben waa pre-
Upton of Lac Altos. It wa.s the seoted by Mrs. Stoner. the tim
414th state chapter oraanlud. vlee-presJdent ot the new chap.
Mrs. Walter M. Bliven of ter. who Is a put at•te president.
Corona del Mar was elected pres-She &elected the charter list.
ldent; MIS. S, C. Stoner, first A 10-year pln was presented to
vlce-prealdent; Mrs. J. R. Win· Mra.. Thompson from her former
M• L •11 p I B •d slow, reoordlna aecretary; Mrs. chapter. CAndled apples are hiJhlY rec:-ISS UCI e ope s rl e c. c. Fuller, eorrespondlnr RC· Chapter "'NQ. the first chapter
ommended to keep the alnall fly retary, Mra. W. D. Rainey, t:nu-In Newport Beach, was hostess
u• 1. WEll&
occupied for a spell ... Produce f G Q rr Cost~ ~ J sa urer; Mn.. c. c. Brueneman. tor the day • .erving luncheon for department La tbe plaee ... De· 0 en e U a y 1 'U lVI e cha plain, and Mrs. 1.. M. Reed, the morning session and presld-
llcloua red hot flavored candy-I'Uard. lng over the tea table tor mem· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~iiiiii~ii= oovfted plppln.a ... Don't make .At home at 93S Sunset Or., llam DeSutter of Corona del Mar, Other members of Chapter PB be's and I'Uests later.
the Jdd8 walt until next Ballo-Costa Mesa, after a honeymoon who wore a pink rown with are: MJtaes.. H. T. Berry, Ed Boyd, Experiences worklnr w 1 t h
ween, let 'em have some to tn Santa Barbara are Mr. and white aceftSOries ana pink car-J. G. Bush. R. L. Davta. Everet Chapter NQ were desctrbt'd by
enjoy on the Fourth. candled Mrs. Euaene C. Quarry, who were naUona. Mr. DeSutter serv~ u Francllere, L. H. Mathlu. Rachel Mrs. A. E. Fox of 'I'hree Arch Bay,
apples also make a cunnlnl married May 27 In a double rlnr best man. Uahers were RJchard Wlley, R. E. Raue, Charlotte who held the charter for NQ, and
eenterpleee, all with the end8 ~mony at CapUJa de San An-Hornby of Costa Mesa and Ron -ThomP'()n, T. E. Crozier. D. F. Mrs. Edmund Gardner of Ven-
their sttek.l In a IJ"&pefrult or tonto weddlnr Chapel In Ana-ald Quarry of Santa Ana. Hlnc.kley, N. S. Visel, J. A. Shep-tura, who orl'&nlzed NQ. They
cantaloupe . . . very outdoorish, beim. 1be bride Ia the former Followtna the eeremony, a re-ar!Uon. C. C. Brown, H. A. Selby. are both put state presidents.
yet cay fM a junior ret to· M.la Luellle Pope, daurhter of eeptlon was held at the bride's C. W. Jtlrkpatrlck and A. N. The P. E. 0 . S~rhood wu STaAW uca • IBOiliiD AII'D
UTSD i iUlal .OISD'f retber ... Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Pope of parents home where pink and Vance. founded In 1869 at Mt. Pleaaant,
M3 Diana Lane, N~rt Hta. white fiowera dec or ate d the A mornlnr business meeting of Iowa. It now hu chapters ln 47
The poom la the aon of Mr. and brlde'a table aunoundlnr the atate officers and member& Pte· atatea. ln 6 provinces In Canada.
Mn. Kenneth Quarry of ~ E. w~dlnr cake. A.atatlnr wtth the ced~ the orranlzatlon service. the Dlstrlct of Columbia. A.la.aka
20th St., eo.ta Mesa. ~Uc9n were Mlsa Donna Ham-wblch was wltneued by aome and Hawall. There are more than
)lla Pope waa man-led In a llton. Mlsa Marilyn lngmuMOn 150 frlend8 of the member& trom 121.000 members ln 3,400 chap-IIA .a ..... ~te~em~~~~a~~~~~.~~~~a~~~~~u~~----------2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c2rfta of waltz la,rth with a Pope. -
white net bat. Sbe carried a wed· Mrs. Pope received runts In a auza aAPr'DD
dint bouquet ot white earnatJona yellow abantunr suit with white The toUowinl' babies were pre·
and Wy of the valley. aoceuoriH and a eorsare of aented tor Baptiam durlnr the •
Matron ot honor was Mra. Wll· white carnations. momJnr church worship June 17
Both the bride and groom at the Corona del Mar Commu-
graduated from Newport Harbor nity Church: .JennUer Leslie Stet-
Glamour Hllh School, the bride abo at-teruen, d.aurhter of Mr. and Mrs.
tended Oranre Coast CoHere apd Donald David Ste.rfenaen: and
We will be c:lORd the Fourth the l'foom l'f&duated from San'a Thomu Wendell Hoyt. ~n o1 Mr.
ot July ... God Bless America! Gl. mpses Ana Junior Collece. and Mra. Harlan Wendell Hoyt.
1 DAUCIITEU POa PPAUTZI * * * -ADa Gl~l'l C" .....,.___ A dauet\ter, Judith Harriet. 10
•• ~ ....... ~ lbs. 2 oz., was born to Mr. and
* * *
Mrs. Paul Plautz of 433 Tustin
Ave., N~rt Helabta.. In Hoaa
Presidents of clvk groups were M~orlal HospJW on Saturda)lt
Invited to eat lunch today June 9.
(Thursday) as guests of Costa jjii[il~~lllll!l~~~~~-·
MMA Girl Scouta during tbelr
day camp on Irvine Ranch prop·
erty between 17th St. and Harb9r
Approximately 250 girls from
20 Costa Mesa Glrl Scout units
have held their day camp on the
grounds alnee laat Sunday. Their
day camp ends tomorrow, (Frl·
day). Some troops have stayed
all nlaht at the camp. Others
have cooked lunch over camp
(ires, carr!~ on craft work and
cone on hlkes. Mrs. Walter MJl·
ler was day camp director.
~our tlgurel
• ,.. .............. ! ....... ....
.. ,_olWf .. jDyolU ...... ...
• ntn ro-d-.. ~.....-.r wwyl
,._ .... ,.. WlllicfllJo..ill4 .......
,.,.,.._ _.r-wt tit W t Y• _. ..... ..a'-""..._,, AI. _ .................. ,.. ....
~~vw..,. ......... a.. .... ...,. .... __, ...... ......
If you're saving for Y..QW" independence •••
, ... where you sa~e does make a difference
Ewry advaDUIII co.ll.._ ,.,..,_'•villllor your "'g.,, ..... o.,.· n.t'l __, ... .,..,,...,..,
•villlllia ........ Sa ........ ~Aw ....
You beMil 11J _, ,_, ...., dtil • • .,._
B.J.oeO..C ..... rm. ,.,.._, .. _ .. , t.
~_.....,..._ ........ a.. • ..a.
,.,.. ...... ...&~ .. ,. ....... .
Aa4 • .,..,... ,.. ... , " ........... .
...... e\111 1 d ,_ ........ JI'IIlcaal
,..... ... ....., ..... u
..... .... 2 .... ,. .. ,... ......... ....... ·--;-~ .. ·.-.__ ........ ..... .. .... ...... ... .. ._. ,,
by Iliad _M.,...... aad •blwldal teaenoa.
Tiley are .......S vp to SIO,OOO by ca. FSUC-aa
~ ol ca. u ... a. ............
,..._ .,.. • ......., •l1 A,..•tca. ,. ,._.,
/llltMW ., ..., ... ~ ..,., ,., ,__.
~-w.~ .......... ~., .......,..... ........ .,. .. , ••••• o.,~
• •• or • ....., ..,.. •. ·"* ,.., -"' ........ A ....,.., aow •
roa ui.& ICIIOOLS & DlllaUCTIOJI :..:::;:...::~~--.-,:--~--:-:-;-:---:;;; • ...-REAL ESTATE_CLA.SSES_ S:n. GE Befrla. for eale, For pro..-v owners and .u.o bed·daveopon. Ju.at reup-_. ... ~ holatered. excellent cond., $75. tboae ma~a for new .tate
exama. 2 nlble weekly atu't· RA 63'1'9. lng July 11 anct U at CDK 12 rr. SAD.BOAT. Snowblrd. 2 Community Clu.rclt, 611 Bel·
pn. aa11a. HA 0182·WK. totrope CDM. at 7:45 p.m.
WALlnJT D. R. TABLE and 6 --""---------upholltend dlaJra. Excellent IDLP W AIITED
COilclttioll.. Seata U ~ X2D-_!: BOY===-o=a--=G=m==-.-to~-o-per-a7te_co_n·
2 CIIDUS OarENTAL auGS-oetaion at Buffalo Ranch.
1 blue, U'r x 13'8" $2850; 1 Knowlecl6e of lee crHm need·
10ld. 10'3"' X 14'3" $2800 call M . Transportation neceu&ry.
Ba aM· W for appointment. HA ()652.J bftween 6·8 p.m.
BABY GRAND DE KALB (Wurllt· __:o.::nl~Y.:..· .....,..,.==-=-----zer) ptano tor aale. Not ornate. MEN WANTED: For summer
Price ~. C&U HYatt 4·3349. work. Balboa Fun Zone. Apply
KAPLE BUNK-BEDS, co m p I . after 7 p.m. Offl;::.ce.::.:·-="'"'===== ~p and mattrea, $29.95 FRY COOK AND WAITRESS.
let. MAPLE DINETTE tsble A VInce's Cafe, 631 3ht St., New·
4 chain, $11.915 let. MAPLE port.
DBI.. BEDS. aprtnp A mat·w --=ANTED~---:__,.A-u-to-salesmen-Here
treaes, $1.8.95 set. Ph. Jet!enon are wonderful opportunltle. for
7·1853.. 11352 We:stmln.ster, Gar· energetic hardworking men
den Grove. • who want to make good money
SPINET PIANOS Rental returns selling the most popular car
like new etc. You always find on the market today-Ford.
wonderfUl savings In tha dept. Apply tn person for further In·
Small ~I net $385. others $435, formation. Theodore R o b I n s
tt65. Klrro type Maple Spinet Ford. 3100 W. Coast Hwy., New·
~. Mahog. $1.95. Sc.hmJdt· port Beach. LI 8·34TI.
PhflJJpe. 5.20 No. Main, Santa HOUSEKEEPER and mother's
AAa. Save $UO on 2 new spin· helper tor month ot July. Ha eta slJghtly damaged at Fair 5875.
A HOIIM! Show. _rtELIAB.:::;..,;.:::,=-=LE:-=--=w=o-=-MAN::-c~.--;-ho-u-:se:-::;-:-kee==-p.
FISHING BOAT, 26 rr .. Gray Ma· er and chUd care, permanent,
riDe enpe. rNdy tor fishlne. aalary open. u 8·5251. $1..550. Ha 84.
•••••• , ..... 1 BA.IOIOND ORGANS, all mod·
e1a, chord organ slJehtly used.
Good aavtng on this, any one can play tt without J~na. 1~ EMPLOYER RETAINED
Scbmidt·Phllllps. 5.20 No. Main. AGEMCY
Santa Ana, Orange County NO FEE collected fr-om applicant
Hammond Dealer. U3.-31ft Newport Beach
GRAND PIANOS. Many to choose
from. Muon A Hamlin, Lester,
Knabe, C&bJe. Extra special,
Schleicher grand only $465.
Another IJ)edal. fine shape
$565. Save $1000 ~bn Knabe
Grand like new. Schmldt·Phll·
Ups Big Plano It Organ Store,
5.20 No. Main. Santa Ana, al·
ways 100 pianos_·------,
$5.00 PER MONTH buys good
practice pianos. S89. $125. $137,
SlSO and up. SchmJdt·Philllps.
520 No. Main, Santa Ana.
Establl&bed 1914. Free Vall·
dated parktng.
WANTED: 40 used plana. for our
big rental dept. Hlehest cub
allowance in trade for Organ,
Splnet or Grand Plano. Sch·
mldt·PhiUips, 520 No. Main St.,
Santa Ana.
tt. sloop near Balboa Island.
Phone collect: EXbrook 48935.
WANTED TO LEASE with option
to buy, 2 or 3 BR. moderate
priced home. Needed by 1une;
excellent relerence. Ha 5347.
I Iris-
will start local Telephone
Company careers this month.
Will You Be
One of Them'r
• Full Pay as You Learn. • Frequent Periodic Increases.
i :30 to 4:30
122 West Third
Santa Ana
Coast Hwy., CDM, Ha 1964.
CALL Edna Crate. rental apt!·
clallst with DoriJ Bray, realtor,
216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
BA 20 or BA 64. ' DE LuXE 2 B.R. UNFURNISHED
duplex. Ocean alde highway.
CDM. Avail. Aug. 1. F.A. heat.
hdw. tl., fireplace. sep. patlos.
Adults.. HA lSM·R.
WANTED: Construction work.
Considerable construction and
sales experience. Married. A~e
34. Phone: LI 8·2233.
and Hlgb School Math by Col·
lege Student. Call HA 5509.
.ALSO, experienced yard Up·
keep. HA 5509.
Speclallzing In patio care .
Udo Isle &: Corona del Mar.
Dudley Cavanauib
Kl 5·1621
MA'ruRE WOMAN wiahes baby
attune and care of alck. knit·
ttnc M crocheting. ~ay M
nleht. HA 3192·M.
CDM man would like gardening.
clean.up, ete. Call Kl 3·21.22,
Mel UpshaU.
Baby Harold Inman, Infant ton
of Mr. and Mra. Joe H. Inman of
3238 Clay St., Newport Helehts.
died Saturday In Hoar Memorial
Hospital shortly after birth.
Private funeral services for the
baby were held Monday In the
Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. He u
survived also by his brother. Rus·
sell Wayne, and hl.a maternal
grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Thomp.
ton of Newport Beach.
Roderick MacKenzie. 90, of 20f4
Santa Ana Ave .• Costa Mesa, died
Sunday In Orange county gefl.
eraJ hospital after a abort 111·
FREE KJTI'ENS to good homes. ness. He was a native ot Mus·
Long and short haired. excep. acbusetts. and bad lived in Costa
tlonally nice. HA 1862 or HA Mesa tor seven year.
1461. Funeral serv:l~ for Mr. Mac·
WILL EXCHANGE TR.ANSPOR· Kenz.le were herd at 10:30 a.m.
TATION. drive. or ride Long yesterday In Baltz Costa Mesa
Beach State, C 1 asses 9·12. Chapel, with the Rev. Jame. S.
Phone Harbor 1240. Stewart. pastor of St. Andrews
RENT a new Studio plano, $10 Presbyterian Church. oUlclaUng.
per month. All term rental ap. IU...... .. ...... plies on buy. Schmldt·Phlllips, llflll.,...lf 1111
520 _!lo. Main, Santa Ana. Graveside services for Infant
HAMMOND SPINET Organ, $4 a daughter Leaz.e Lanene Wood
week In your home. with our were held Tuesday at Harbor
LESSON ·LOAN PLAN. Private Rest Me mortal Park by Rev.
lessons. Hurry, only a few Joseph w . McShane, pastor of
avaUable. SchmJdt · PhllUps. the Costa Mesa Community
520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Methodlat Church.
Establahed 1914. The Infant gtrl passed away
IDVICES at birth In Hoag Memorial Hos· * ·.~twel Box * pltal on Saturday, June 23. She
Is survived by her parents. Mr.
and Mn. llmmte Wood of .212
QUta P011t All Oecaloea Flower St.. Costa Mesa: two
brother, lack and James; her
FINE WATCII REPAIRING maternal grandparent Mrs. W. G.
''Prompt Service-Grave. of Costa Mesa, and pater·
Reasonable Prices" nal grandparent Mra. LJJ!y Wood
and patio ln the winter.
Excellent Jocatton on Balboa
tsJand, near North Bay.
498 Park. Balboa laland HAm
Brand new 3·be4r. home, 2
tiled baths. modern de.trn.
exposed beam ceilings. Inter·
comm to each room. sliding
glass doors to patio. Take
small down or trade for lot
or Jots ... will assume. • • •
INVEST In this under·mar·
ket priced acreage ... Acroy
street from new development
... Grows daUy In value ...
Now prl~ as lnve.tment. 3
acre piece. Submlt as ~ow as
$4000 acre. . 'II. •
Heights home-3 bedr., 1 ~
baths -hardwood Ooors -
step down to llvtn.e room-
! a r g e fire-place -modern
kitchen-bar-iron ra.lllng-
fenced-1 a n d scaped-clde
drive to dble carage-Bar·
ga.ln at $18. 750! • • •
2 NEW HOMES ... both are
furnished. G J as a enclosed
tiled heated baths. Fireplace.
garage.. ~ block to beach. ·n home leased). Street lm·
provements p a I d. Arrange
tenn ... -dear property. • • •
HAS TO BE SOLD. Make of.
fer 5 acres on Placentia. M·1
Zoned. Submtt downs and
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa
LI 8-1632; LI 8·1400 eves. LOST: BLUE PARAKEET, Male.
Reward 314 Goldenrod, Corona
del Mar.
Jobs open tor Truck Drivers,
Electrical Engineers. Survey.
ors, Laborers. Diesel Opera·
tors, Clerical Workers, Steno·
graphers. Steamfitters, Fore·
men and many other Job
cJa.sslllcatlons. Salaries $750
to $1500 per month. Foreign
employment provlaes FREE
transportatJon, b o a r d and
lodging, me41cal care, an·
nual vacations and bonuse.,
recreation and wages are tax
JlartMie> 1403 VIles of Maryvllle, Mo. Arrange. ------------
-E. Cat. 8 ,.~ del 11 ments were by Parkes·Rldle>: • •"f&ft ...
"Be Sure-Insure"
ROOM 302. 1424 K STREET, N.W.
Are you looldnc to the fu.
ture? We are! That's wby we
are offering ateacly ~ba with
c..r ·~~·:1 ..,
.,_ wy .. -ar Mortuary of Costa Mesa. ••uu SOME FREE -30ME FEE
ApplJcants needed, many ottlce
Jobs. also restaurant. and do·
mestlcs. Many Jobs for qualified
men. < Reglsts now.)
June Farrar EmpL Acency,
402% 32nd St., Newport
Painting -Decorating
t..tc...d Oaetnldor
18f7 Oran,. Ave. eo.ta Mesa Ubertz .... Uberty U632
BA 2171
Owner moving eut. must
seU tbla week.
Stove, Frlgldalre, auto Wub·
er, Norge dryer, blond TV,
blond DR. set, blond coffee
table, telephone table, end
tables and lampe. green
pluttc sectional, 4 oceaalon·
al chain, 4 Hollywood beds,
2 chest of drawers, 2 dreu·
era. red c1Jnette .et. 2 rounct
mirrors. lawnmower, ~arden
tooU and ladder.
• 2 be4rooms.
e waJJ to wall earpet
e newly palnted
• Eut aide, eo.ta Mesa
• Double rarage
' • Sewers
• Close ln
• Full price $10,500
• $750 down, t85 per mo. •. , ....... ....,
\ ... .. .. •.• "'•••• ., •••••"
OPaf J:VI:!fiNCS UN'nL 9:(1() P.M. .; .
....... ., ._. I V• le•lll
VDY UASONABLE TERMS ...._...,11$14,.
Your lMpectlon Ia respectfully tollclte4.
• • •
Earl W . Stanley
On Rlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further Information
0159•1111 Lll• Ctllt .... ..,
25' x 110' wfth aecess to the alley for plenty of paddq
area. Full price-
p, liG -H.,r ,., "• w. lift!
2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona 4el Mar BA: 174.1; BA: (1J7'I
CillO ....
OCEAN VIEW. Fine family home of 2 bednna. A Cieri.,
1 ~ batlu. laree ten~ Jot. Qu.Uty bullt with loa ol "extru.." $10,000 cash down.
FULL PRJCE $26.500 • • •
cnOU ol anw·w
A newer home of 2 large bednn.s .. 2 baths. well-planMd
kitchen A llv:lne room. Ready to move In now-at the low a.ak.lng price of $24,500. • • •
UTUIIIY liD su•ay
I 114. P.l.
BAY liliES
3-bedrooms. 2 spacious patios, large dtntne FOe*.
Full price only $23,000.
For earlier Information call:
Edlth Maroon, Hyatt 4-6222 Lou.la Boynton Harbor ..-rB • • •
Ellf w ..... ,
225 Kartne An .. Balboa laland eau BaRcw rm
LooJr:1na at Inflated prices ... Kake a date wta •
to see what ~ wfll buy.
Best eaatalde locatlon. Near ewt')'tblng. Betta> a.
new. Btc ocwered Patio. The whole fanilly wW t11f1r thla.
"You'll 1.lb our tr1eDcU)' ~
Pbone Harbor 2474
331!5 E. Cout Blahwa:r
Corona del Mar
.... Pbone. JlA 5212 It'a to our own lntere.t U we
can hire men who will make
a career with our d7na.m1c buatnea. We therefcl'e ott•:
Sample .election 1n your boaw.
EUGI.:JU 0. &AUJCDJ:IIS SSOO takes everything
BA 2)58
1118 Newport Bl...S., eo.ta Me. 400 &. 1Vtb St., Co1ta liMa
u 8·51501 1:¥-. u 8·7'l37 ----------~----~=-----t:lf.SOO
SteacJ7 lobe
On-tbe·Job traiDJnc aeai acfftacw wnt • tc*lbUJU-. 5-dQ, 40 hr ......
lbtawtww .... ,_ f""'Mdl ...
open .................. .
..._.IIi~ GII!X IIDJ. IU7 ..... Mit !' __ .. ....
~ 1:11 ........ 4 p.m.
liftrlii ..... ---•
500 J1.llt ltnel. &;;port Beeeb
c::mot.a'ft u.DICAJIIrG . IIDTAU SAVE )(()Nft Home lc 2 IDoome •M Ill
Recon41tloaed paJnt bruab• furnJabecS-on fW a.-t man
101: up. Jfew lblpment arrfv. UD.tt ~ ,..._ .-oGO
eel. to handle. ,
31533 1!. Cout Jfw:r. 1'121 .. CoMt Jlw7.
CcnDa del Ku c... ...... , Clllt ....... ..
Council Briefing of letters
Draws Protests of Citizens
A new City Council policy of wtll1ng to admit is worth waJttnr
brlettnr letters Instead of read-for.
lnr them 1n full hu drawn crltl· Surely there isn't anythlnr so
cbm from members of the West urgent ln connection with this
Newport Improvement Assn. proposition that we can not well
Monday ntrbt a letter from the aUord to await the time, which
aaodation wu read only ln may not be far away, when they
part. It ur1ed termination of ne-are going to flnd that It Ia rood
roUattona wtth Pacl11c Eledrlc business to abandon the line al·
on the J1'()unda that "P.E. Ia together. Thla. however, Ia not
about ready to throw In the rolng to bappen 11 we continue
sponee" and might ab&ndon to shake a half mWlon dollan
their Newport line &!together 11 under their nose.
we didn't "continue to shake a Our Idea would be to withdraw
half million dollars under their from all negotlaUona. 1:0 ahead
n~. and widen Balboa Boulevard;
H~ 1s the full text of the force the PE to take down their
poles and pave bdween their letter: tracks; make them clean up
.June 21, 1956 their right-of-way and adjolnlna
TO ntE MEMBERS OF THE property which belonp to them
CITY COUNCIL In West Newport. and 11 they
NEWPORT REACH, CALIFORNIA don't do It the City should do ~Uemen: It and charge them for the RTV·
The members of the West New-Ice. Adopt a good tou1h policy
port Improvement A.uoclaUon which should buteo their de-
would Jlke to prHent our views clslon to pull out. M far u we
In connection with the Pacl11c are concerned In Wat Newport,
Electric altuatlon for your con-there Ia no percental'e In mov-
sfderatlon. lng the present tennJnua from
Many of us who have been the established business district
here tor .orne time ren.-mber ot Newport to a residential dla·
when the PE did a thrtvtnr bus!· trlct In West Newport Beach
ness In both passenger and where It ls bound to bave a de·
treleht. and no doubt at that pressing actJon on property
time they were operatlnr very values.
profitably. We have all witness-We can concur In any move-
eel the decline of thla traffic>-ment that wtll rid the City en·
first the passenger buslnea tlrely of the Pacl11c Electric; but
dwindled to a point where It wu plans sugee:ated at prewnt are
no lonrer profitable to operate certainly lnJmlcaJ to the best In·
and It wu dlacontlnoed. Now teresu of property owners ln
the freight tratllc wl11 acarcely West Newport.
amount to one carload or fnlcht WEST NEWPORT
per day; and there Ia little doubt IMPROVEMENT
that thll kind of bualne:aa wUJ A.SSOCI.AnON
not pay for the maintenance of MAR.K ENGELKE
the road bed, to say nothing of President
cost of operation of a dally
Now, h avlnr witnessed this de· 1111 fire fta.l
cline over the period of a few ......
years. we are wondering 11 the The City of Costa Mesa flre de·
Pacific Electric I• not about partment will start functioning
ready to throw In the sponge, as at 8 a.m. Sunday Fire Chief
certainly to continue to race a Ralph Lee announces.
deficit for very long would not Liberty 8·6160 wUl be the tele·
be good buatnea tor thefl...-un· phone number to call for tires
less they are waiting for the sug-within the City of Costa Mesa.
rested band-out from the City Residents llv1D&' In county tet·
of Newport Beach wble.b we are rltory out&ide the Costa city
llmlts wtll continue to call Zen·
lth 6000.
Miss Gail Frahm of COM
Is Wed to ~ack G. Perkins
A double ring ceremony per-• IJI.ce dress with pink carnations.
formed by Rev. .James Stewart Best man wu Harry Williamson
of St. Andrews Presbyterian of Huntln&'ton Beach. Ut~hers
Church, Newport Helrhts, united were Nonnan Frahm .Jr., brother
In manlage Miss Gall Miriam of the bride, and Michael Leon-
Frahm, da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. ard of Corona del Mar.
Norman F. Frahm of 412 Fern· Miss Farnham sang two wed-
leaf Ave .• Corona del Mar. and ding sol08, areompanled by
.Jack Gaylon Perkins, son of Mr. Thomas Sisto Jr. at the organ.
and Mrs. Sam Perkins of West Miss Farnham and Miss Melva
Anaheim. Rue assisted at the reception,
The wedding was held In the whUe JltUe Mlas Sandra Perkins.
home of MJss Marearet Frahm. lQ.year-old slater of the groom,
cousin of the bride, at 309 Nar-passed boxes of groom's cake.
clssua Av .. Corona del Mar. and Mrs. Frahm wore a pale gr~n
the reception wu held 1n the eyelet dress with pink cuna-
aarden following the service. The on.s. The rroom·s mother wore
bride wore a white lace gown a aUk print with a corsare of
over tatfeta In waltz length with bronze cunatlons.
a wreath of pale blue tlower ln Followtnr a honeymoon In En·
her hair. She canied white car· senada, Baja. California. the
nations on a white Bible, which younr couple are making their
had been presented her by a. home In West Anaheim. The bride
group of the Oranre Coast YMCA. graduated from .Newport Harbor
when abe retired aa their presi· High School and attended Orance
dent. Coast Colleee. Her new husband
Attendlne her was her sister, attended Huntington Beach High
Mrs. Raymond Michael Healey of School and Orange Coast College
Costa Mesa. the former Patricia and served wtth the U. S. Army
Frahm. Mrs. Healey wore pink paratroopers.
U~&Daapwy ~~· ISSei w ....-t .~.. eo.ta ....
Members of the new fire de·
partment Include en~neers Leon .
A. Tremblay and Ray M. GaJlac·
her and basemen Martin B.
Kooken. Archie Y. Locke, Richard
T. Knight and Robert R. Van·
For Beach Suits. Bathing Suits It Sportswear. Stripes, Prints.
It Plains In Sail Cloth, Poplins and Novelties. 88c to tic
For other wear: Silks, Nylons. A~lo-.. Orlons. Rayons and
Pima or EJYPtlan Cottons. Vat Dyed Plaln Terry Cloth
and Prints.
Brine's Calico Shop
111 Eaat 18~ St.. Co.ta MetiCL Ph. Uberty 8-2011
Wat to the EcS1Me eo..-•arldag t.D the nell'
yoU II
You'vt ~'Or1led hard to make
yeur ~r.ooey -now make '/fNf
money wort f01 you. Hlvt 1Q~Mo
ttsttd in some atodl ttllt Isn't
pe~ina off? Is your moMJ ltmd
twat few an emerpnq, wMf't It's
111ni,. no interest-or a mealy
2%. Thars not aoad lluliMU-
a 't be lltisfled with 1m ttiM
3\Al% uml ..
them diYidends -mry tNH
monttll-currtfltly 3Yl% • yetr.
Tllis his bHft loinl .. f()( 20
ye~r~! TM dlmllll W Mines in
Ulis ... ls lfllter thlfl Mf
-llld your ..,..., COIIIdn't bt
mort Slftly Mltld. Doo't lost
tt1s !MIItll's ..,.,. -mall your
1riOIII7 to .,... ......... 10.
Md Itt 'IfNI ......, for tM fuA
::.. ~ziPPO"
~...,..., .... ,. ......... .
IDS. JACK CA'fLOif PEUINS --------------------
STVDEJIITS BOBOilED High Department: Sandra Brat·
Certlflcates or Promotion wer~ I cher . .Jill Brisbin, BUJ Clow. Coral
given out on .June 17 by Church Coonrod. John Cottingham. Dor·
School Supt. llorman L. Brown of othy .Jean Day, John Gruwell.
the Corona del Mar Community Barbara Hughes.. Margaret ln·
Church. BJbles w~ preented to gram. .Jay R Lonaley. Gay Ann
the foUowtnc children. with U · MacGillivray. c har 1 t' s ~yton. cell~t attendan~ records. who ed 1 k ~ promoted from the Inter· VIrginia Procter. Randy R d c
mediate Depattl'Mnt to .Junior and Cheryl Weitzel.
COIIOI'CA Da. JLUt orne.
...... ~Jal
Lal'a, ann a Co.
,., ..... kwtdte
- -.,.. IIIDCil aau ... ............. ...._ .......... .._, ...... ,
611 ..... R_., --1'1, .._. Wttt .............
Cl' ----..a .... . ,.._ ...... --..... ---------...... ---
.. . ' . . .
Civic Assn. Hears of Fight
To Prevent Smog in County
John H. Maxey. 17. of 303'1S ·
33rd St., Newport Beach, suttered
minor injuries ln a t~·c:ar &e·
cldent on N~ Blvd.. :no foot The fight to keep smog out ot adequate •moe control equipment nortb of J2nd St., Newport Beach,
Ore.nre County wu told to the ls Installed. at 9 :50 a .m. 1\aesday, June 19.
Corona del Mar Ch·lc Assn. at In this connection, he sald that Mr. Ma.Jtey's car crashed Into a
the Youth Center BuUdlng last hts oUICt' hu not yet Issued a parked car reg1strf'ed to WUJ..lam
Friday. permit tot the huge Southern F. Klmlnel of 290 FlOW'e.r St.,
Speaker was Dlxon Tubbs, alr ~111orn la Edl$0n Co. power Costa Mesa, whJcb was lmocked
pollution control ottlcer tCK plant already under construction Into another parked car ~
Orange County. this side of Huntington Beach sterflt to Harnet M. 8row'n ot
He hu the r~nsJbUity of Such a pennlt must be approved Long Beach.
checklne on smog productn• betort' the plant can co Into -------
dangers ln new Industry. His of · operation. be said.. Read the Enslen Want Ad paae.
flee also hu the power to d~y JMMMMM--wiiiiijiiiiiiiiMMMiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a perm.lt to an industry unless
8".1. Church
Board Names
Bob Guenther ,.
Ro~rt Guenther, 121 Ameth~
Ave., Balboa Island, has been
named the new chairman of the
board of trust~ of the Balboa
I s 1 and Community Methodist
Church. He su<."Ceed.s Mrs. Wll·
Jlam E. Bowles. Mrs. Francis
Riley is the new secretary.
The new board, " h lc-h ts rt'
sponsible for the physical and
lega l dlrE"Ction of the church. Jn·
clud~ Clinton T. Coane. Donald
E. Smith. Mrs. \\'ayne Hunter.
and ~t rs. Bowles.
1«-t>IN'ted chairman of the
Commission on Flnan<'fl was Burt
C. Lowt>n Jr. Commtsslon mem· I ~rshlp Includes Robert Ibbotson, I
P. F. Baines. Ted R Hauser. Otto
Hoeg. Mrs. Coane. and Mrs.
1 Hunter.
Finch Afghan
• • •
t • •
"As last as Wt> can. and do It RJGHT'"
2756 E COAST Jrn."Y. HARBOR 3083
Best·dog·in·show award went ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to Champion Crown Crest Zar· F
donx. a :?·yt'ar.old Afghan hound
of Corona df'l Mar. at the Har·
bor Cities Kennel Club all brt¥<1
dog show and obedlen<'fl trail
Kay Finch, owner of th~ af
ghan. received the trophy from
Mrs. P~rle Mesta. form('r U. S.
ambassador to Lux.emboure.
Mil W. WaperDies
II, ........
Fw ....
Services were ht>ld Thursday ~===~====================~ In Parkes·Ridley Mortuary Chap-.;
el for John W. Wagner. Ill. ot :J7i
W. Wll90n St.. Costa Mesa. Mr.
Wagner died .June 17 In Lone
Beach Vetnans Hospital alter an
extended Wness.
He was a native of St. Loula.
Mo .. mowd to San Francbco In
1910. and came to Costa Mesa ln
1951. He serve<! In tbe U. S. Navy
In l907 as a coppersmith and fol I
lowed that trade untU his ~
tlrement. just prior t'b his lllness.
Survivors Include his wtfe.
Ratt1e May Wa,ne-, and daurh·
ter, Mrs. Naomi ~n. of th~
bOI"ne address: ·a .t~n. Kinder
W. Smith of Ridunond. Call1 .•
and a brother. Jlarry Wacn« of
MJ--u.rl lnter'~Mftt was In Bar·
bor !test O!metft'7.
SPliTS WEll ._. wa•m
• • •
• •
PAaT'l _... clbaaacl b7 tbe
•e=n •t .. tM •s I ................ w. ...... -.a ... ._ ....... ~
8111 Ia •• .. 51l'lt .........
Aftw C.... dltl M•• .ad lalaa Amon~ th~ Harbor area young-WWicaa Wlalte Jr. n.. _.....
Rft'a appearing In Peptto and ....... Ia ---• ,.. _ .. ..__ A.rt:t.t 1belD)a PadcSock Hope Joanne's ''Varletle. ot 1956" held •--.. --r.--Ia back ln thla country after Jut week at tbe Ora.nce Cout loba 'Wuu-'Will ... •I x ....
palntlq Europe ~P one aide and eou~,. were Carol Tough of ~-A .. ~-=-~-=-:!!:'. down th~ other JOt' months and Newport Helghta as the lack·ln· • .__.. • -..-
months and months -that 11, the Box and GaD Tough u the ...a.. It • tbeU weddJ84r
she sketched Europe and will flU dragon Oy. It looked like Judy data. (~ plaot.)
1n the colon wh~n she get. Corfman of Corona del Mar and UGLEJIS QODfG UGLJXG
Ann Stanl~y of Newport ln the Friday Anglers Luncheon ChJb
ballet. GaU Moset of Costa Mesa will be depleted tomorrow by 15
was the "sunshine girl" In a members who are planning to
singin g number. Out ot the 500 be aboard the club's tirst fishing
In the fast, I'm sure there were charter trip. The Friday Anglers,
oodles more from the Harbor, but on an albacore hunt, will leav~
with the fast acting and dane-at 3 a.m. aboard the SuZaa out
Checkered -Stripes
or Plain.
lng, the elaborate costumes plus of Balboa PaviUon. that theatrical make-up It was.:..._ ___________ _;_ __________ _
hard to recognize our little ama-
teurs-they looked soooo profes.
slonal! • • •
The Georre MacCinlties ot 442
El Modena, Newport Heights,
have gone north to VVashlnrton
State to their favorite haunts,
the Islands near Vancouver.
Their son Walter MacCinltie of
Lonr Beach Is leaving soon to go
back east tor further advanced
book Jarnln'. • • •
Zonta Plans Benefit Party
At Jamaica Inn Restaurant
The Zonta Club of Newport from this benetJt party wUJ be
Harbor 1.1 plannJng a benetJt pre· used tor the club's service pro·
opening dinner party at the Ja. Jects, Including a second year's
maica Inn, Corona del Mar, to acholarsblp of $300 to Valerie
be held In mid-July. D' Amato, an honor atud~nt at
Mrs. Earl Stanley, lle'Vfce Long Beach State College.
chaJrman, rePOf'led at the June The party wtll be held follow.
14 meeting that the lunda ralsed lng completion of the Jamaica The horse-lovin' young people, Inn Restaurant. and Just before
who call themselves the Cen· Its formal opening.
taurs. took an overnight hQI'Sf!-Dr. Iran LlaiM An anticipated "craft" talk by
back rldln~ trfp to Irvine Park • T• flll.l-Peg Haapa at the June meeting last week on Wednesday and ,...._ at th~ Shore Clllfl borne ol Mrs.
Thunlday with AI Beltran and James Ray was cleverly turned
Bert Proctcrr as their adult ad· Dr. Giles T . Brown, chairman Into a surprtae shower tor Doro·
visors. All the farnUies ot the ot the Social Science Division thea Sheely, club pns.ldent. who
riding club met the girls out at at Orange Cout CoJlep, l@ft by was prepartQa to Iea.ve lot t:le
the Park tor a picnic supper on a1r y..te~ &om New tork Zonta I•t.DaUonal eo.nt•ence
Wednesday nlrht. .After rldJng CJty on • tour that wlll ea.rry at Sun Va.IJey. Idaho. Presum-
tcrr hours the parents found their bJm 30.000 mn. through At.rlea ably leavtnc tlae room for
otfsprlnr sWl had ~nourb pep aDd return. "PI'OPI'' tor h• talk, Kn. Bupa •r.... to co tandem bicycle rldlne and He wU1 be tour leader fO'l a nturnec~ wttb a toy motot acooter
_,..., J \. ' f I (
Jack B. Quisenbeny
F .... ,...._ ....lplt
. .............. ....
at ............ -ec.y-to-.-y .....
* Pin ,....._ • ..__ .ad llwsslllld ...._
• • Ollltiaa!D9 Alfl'UAL PAYIDIIT ,._ tD ,.. eta. .,..... ORilla oatJ117 .ad .... --.y.
* Trac:ll lluuaDcle ,_ load .... ·~ ...... aDd apu....._ "T.U. • ....,. .. fit .,.., Deed.
*U'-......... *All....U ...................
Prompt Local Claima s.mc.
Tltdeet ._. -..... ll. ...... ...-t..,.. rowing. On Thunday, howeve'J', atx unJt "Sernlnar lD Atrlca." Dr. ~ the pJaeard, ''Sun Valley th~y found the eager riders a Brown and hla wUe will arrlw at or aa.t" and ._ped with atfta
little weary and Joeded down Bru..ebl today, then tly to Cal.ro. tor a.. pa ulllaL _J.I.=~~~~~~~~~~~ =~~~~~~~~~~~~ D 0 II L D S 0 I ' S with lots of n~ or unu.ed From there, the party wllJ 10 to [;
MUICles. Ethiopia, Nairobi. Zanzibar, Tan· , 5 & IDe STORE • • • pnytka. Johannesburr. cape.
Visitors from overseas arrived town. Eut London. the Traru.ket
300 IIADf ST11EKT last week by aJr from London territory, Pondoland. Natal, OUr·
2515 E. COAST BJGBWAT B ALB 0 A and were met at the Burbank bin. Pretoria, Kruger National iji:~co~a~O~If~A~~D~EL~~M.Aa~i:i:~~~~~~ii~~~~iii~il alrport by Mrs. George Benz or Park. -Rhodesia, VIctoria Falls. Newport Heights. Cherie and Elizabethville, Albert National
(!I _ 1_ . . Dusky Scholes the two mad~· Park, and the Congo country. !J",<~.~· .I~~ Bea~ c>~ molselles of French descent <or There are 28 1n the party. HI~ -r wer~ they monsters. Blanche!)
EXPERT STYUNG-SHAPING are a couple of French poodles. plf p _.ICC r PERMAN9fTS-TINTING one black and one white, belong· 1JII .. ~ All work auPf!I'Vbed by VlOLET lng to Blanches son. Bruce 1:1..a.. II E
I -m JCAJUJn: AVE. BArb. 151 BALaOA Scholes and his wlte, Paddle. Mr . .-.,.... ••II!J••-·
and Mrs. Scholea-..111 be along
soon as they are flying from Scot-Mlaa Patricia E. Payne, Eng-WALT AM CLARXE'S land this week and expect to pick Uah Jmtructor at Oranre Coaat IIA.IIIAI SlOPS up a car In the east and drive to Collere. will leave tomorrow for
~unny C41Uomla. Bruce hu been a summer travel vacation In IPOIITSWEAII from WAmJ)[I with the u. s. military forces Europe. She wiJl fly to England Swim Suits, Saronp, Dresses. Kelkla "Children's" In England. HJs wife, who ori· and plans to visit many parts o.f
Things. Muumuus, Luau Costumes, Men's Aloha glnally came from Enrland, just the Britiah Ialea, the Netherland.l.
SbJrt.s, GIJts. Decorations. South Sea Party Deco= can't walt to get back to USA Belglwn. the Rhine, and France. ~~~~==~·~~~~~~~c~-~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~·~~~>~~~~===============~l ~m~~~~of~tt~ ~ will be spent In London and YOU 'LL FIND
Smart Accessories, fine furniture and complete
decorating service at
Where we carry
furniture desi9ned by
Paul McCobb,
Mi1o BaUCJhmen,
Cal Mode and
meny oth.ts in-
dudin<J aome of
our own designs -smartly
styled and moderately ptic.d ..•
Parts, where she will carry on
ortglnal research.
am. .ou TO Jill' ...
A dau~ter, Carol Diane, 6 lbs.
10 oz.. was born to Mr. anct Mra.
Rkbard MUler of 1805 Clay St.,
Newport Heights, ln Hoa1 Memo·
rial H~ltal on Thursday, lune
Phone ln your newt stort• to
10Ul' JoeaJ newapaper, the En·
alp. Harbor 1U4.
,Dextrose --AirD •
Com Oil
ElBTI& fll
* * • ......... ..A.. ... ___ _. _,.. 't.. )(
* * *****
eUARA .. T • "--.r..,_...,....., ................ ..., ... ....................
Master Plan
Is Awaited
,.._. new muter plan for
betleh• aact pub for tbe CltJ ot
Jf..,port 8eac:ll M awatt.d "J
..-bin ot tbe dty Parka, IMdl &n4 ..,._Uon ~. It eaa. for ......... pJannJq for .... eon. clelllu main .,.... .......
Ba,.SCS. Dr., ~Polnt aa4 Ia·
aplratloa Point In Corona del
Paik ectmn._..,Mn lut .-
wen natUied that eoademDatloa
and title deara.nce.,.. ~nan
coneurnatly for Iota to be added
to Otunel Park. Weet Kewport.
A redwood boK b.u beeD bullt
&nND4I the ~ roota ot a
tree In the Udo Park In which
dirt will be plaeed to protect the a-. Sprfald• heeds were ot·
deNd lowend In the llqonla
Park at f1nt Ave., Corona del-----------__,.-_;_...:....___::___...:..__..:._ __ Mar.
Boy Maypole of Balboa bland v ~-.J Su p =-::t~e~:r ~=o:rth~ arwu mmer rogram tft1n ol Stanley Hadfield, r•·
alene<~. Chairman Charles Van·
--:--·: th• ..-.,. Of Re(feation Started
aal7a.c..e Beaut1fy•ng ~;;;;;;:;.;~==;;;;;~=;;;~====;;;:~===~ W k F t d The coordinated recr~at1on pro-RWIS, and Bob Wrlaht; act:Jvitles ~ 0 r e e eram for youth and adult. ot -YOlleyb&ll, croquet, aottball, INDOOR ARD PATIO PLANTS , Newport Beech aot under way t.etherball, quiet·tJ.me actJviUes
ss..u ...
G1da' to 14 .......... ,..... -·---···--···-·-·--............. -................ _. .. __ .. 115M N=rt be~~:a:Oart ~0~; Jut week and will conUnue (checkers, etc.). handicraft and
PIDDL& L&AF PIG-.---·-·-.. -.......... -.... -................. __ .,. d f th1l n ted b throuahout the •ummer month&. m.y hour. Midaet "C'' Leaaue IILIT L&AP JI<*ITI':IIAI.. ........ -.... ·--.. -·---··-.. ·• 11.11 awar or year pre.en Y The proanm 1.1 des.lped tor Bueball.
IJU'I' mr ..., ODDDIIC* ..... _ .................... --...11 to .,. Oranae Cout Aaocl&Ud Cham· resident. ol Newport Buch and Youth Center, adjacent to Bar·
YAIIIOGIIIUTATVII. 'ALIIL ftiii.OD&aiiDO•. ben ol CommeJ"Ce wu celebrated 1.1 belnc jointly 1porwore4 by the bor Vlew School, Corona del Mar:
fO'niOL In'. DW'rUU.CIIIA. .. --.. -........ ..-c • ,.. at the pot-luck picnic at the new City of Newport Beach .Recrea· 9:30.2:30 Monday thru Friday;
I* AUIDTI.Y .N.NWu•ORIL •svnuaE R y* Newport laland park on Satur· tlon Department and the ftew. Supervbor Ellen Smith; ac:tlvi·
day, June 9. port Harbor Union Hl1b School tlett-YOUeyba.JJ. paddle tmn1a,
The wlnnlnc trophy and the District ln cooperation with the buRtball .aftball (10 t--.. ) Others ln Cotton
and Lutex from ...
-&. 17'1111T. COITA IDIA acrap book whlch det&Ued New· N Bea · • '"'" • ~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~-·· beauWJcatlon proJect 1 .. ~1 ch E 1 em en tar Y qulet·tlme actIvIt I e •, Model
Hal White
BAilBOR 4005-W
. Co.,, IJI/4/Ie $HOP
50% off
U.S. ROYAL .. ,.. nRES
40% off
_. ~ .. u ... la th 1 k oxnoo Dlmtct. buJ1dln1. J1ecuJ.ar vfattl by addl· w~e on ..._, Y at e P en Supervbed recreation wru be tlonal penon fc. bandJc:ratt and
Prominent ln the .crap book wu provided at Horace En.IJI'ft Sc:bool 11tory hour KJdcet ''C' Lea the tu.tory or the buUdlnc of the playcround aru, between lrvtne Buball · cue
Newport laland recreation park, Ave. and St Andr...,. Road on
dedlcaUd lut month. Clltt Drive fn Clift Ra . th • JOOL Of'U Oth~ beautitk:.atlon project~ CommunJ1y Youth Cent~~t.: Kewport Harbor Union Hilb
In N~ 'tn!re the Balboa pier at the Harbor Vleow Elemen School, ~ and lrvtne, Newport
park executed by the Balboa School Sth and 1 is A tg;' Hell'btl. Pool, 10 to noon and
Improvement A.uoclatlon, 1en· rona ~ Mar· ~ S=~la . 1:00-4:00 p.m. thru Au,ust 10,
era1 cle&n·UP and brick entrance cround, betw~n J6th and asib Monday thru Frtday.........tmmtna,
walla at the bay plus new re<:re· Streett on w Balboa Blvd N llte-~&vlnl and dlvtn1 Je.ona;
aUon tacllitlea done by the Be~· port. and th~ Newport iiem ._. Planroand and Bo~' Gym. 1:30-
con Bay Community A.ssodAtion, tary School betw l3th end 2:30-Monday tbru Friday; SU·
tree and llhrub plantlnc at New· l4th streets' on w eea"atboa 81~ PftVbon Art Wood, and Emn
port School• arranced by the Balboa · ·• !feeme, actlvttlea ba•lcetball (In
Native Dauahtera of the Golden . l)'m), 80ftball (10 and 12 inch),
West and the aelectlon of the • BOO'IIS LilTED lhufDAoard, volleyball, "tennil
clty fi9"eJ', Arbor Day plantlnc Supervbed IUmme. r playaround leuoJ\.1 for becfnners," paddle
and annual &arden tour entered houra will be 10 a.m. to 12 noon tennJs. c r o q u e t • carorna and
by the Women's commJU. ot and 1 to 5 P.M. on all areu ex-chedten.. MJd,.et ''C" Leacue
the Chamber of Commerce. cept the Newport School, where Baseball.
-ONJr I'IIIDAft 'IlL Billa ~ ... -
We Gift Green Stampe
llltB.,.....-t..._~ ...
Georp Sherrill of Newport the hours will be 1 to 4 p.m. Harper Elementary School. 18th
bland arranced an HawaUan Boys and cf.rla from the New-and Tultln. Costa Mesa: 9:30-
theme for the famlly plcnJc held port Hel&hb and Harbor HJgh · 2:30 Monday thru Friday; Super-
at the new park. A .urprlae part Ianda ana are uraed to attend visor Pauline Gardner; activities ~------.... -............... __________ ..,..
of the proaram wu the gift of a the proaram at Hora~ Enalgn -paddle tennis. volleyball. te·
travel diary cfwn to Mr. and School. Boy1 and ilrla from the th~ball, basketball. I 0 ( t b a 11 ,
Mn. James Edwards, who are entire Corona del Mar area are kkk·ball. c he c k e r 1. Jteeular
leavtna this month on a Euro-requested to take advantace of vt.sitl by additional penon for
pean trip. 'Mr. Edwards is pl'ftl· the procram at the Community handicrafts and ltory hour.
dent of the Newport Island As· Youth Center. • AT lfOifTE VJSTA
eociatlon .. Cbalrman of the picnic Resident. from Balboa bland, Monte Vilta E 1 em en ta r y
commJttee wu MrL Kerm JUma. Beacon Bay, Bay Shores, and Jr. School. 390 Monte V'-ta. Costa.
president of the Newport bland vine Terrace have an option of Mesa ; 9:30·2 ;30 Monday thru
Auxiliary. attending either the Ho,..ce En· Friday; Supervisor Chas. Ran· -liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit In dlaplaylnc the tropey, Mra. slcn or Community Youth Center daU; activities-volleyball, soft.
Jllchard Weber ol Newport bland. area. ball, paddle tennls. basketbaiJ,
who accepted the prl.ze on be· All residenta from McFadden tetherball. c a r o m 1. checkera,
halt of Newport Beach, explained Place on to the end of Balboa kick·ball. ~gular visits by ad·
that the trophy wu for tlrst Penm.ula are invited to have dltlonal person for handicrafts
prize ln the most artlsUc beauU· their children attend the pro· and ltory teUlnr. MJdret "C"
flcatlon. Newport abo won ~· gram at Newport Elementary Leaaue Bueba.ll.
oncl prize f« the mo.t extensive School. Resident. from the Sea· Hora~ Enai,n School. 1400
beautlflcatlon I m prove menta. ahore Colony, Lfdo Iale, West Clltt Drive, Newport Heights:
Mrs. Chester Welty 1r .• of Santa Newport and Newport bland 9:30·4:00 Monday thru Friday;
Ana, who 1.1 a Corona del Mar areu can participate in the 38th Supervllor Clay SumrelJ; ac:tlvl·
Dortat. pre~~ented the awards. Street procnm. tle.-voUeyball. .aftball. paddle
elfVSJc I'BOCaAII ten n i •• basketball, tetherball, caroms. checkers. kkk·ball. Beg. A apeclal music program will ular visits by additional per10n
be conducted at the Horace En· for handlcn.tts and story telling.
sign School area for all boys and Mldret ''C" and "8" League
girls of the Newport area who Baseba.ll.
have had at least one year of Handicraft Prorram (all ex·
!lchool Instruction In Instruments. cept High School J -Supervisor
This ~pedal event Pf'Oifam wlU Betty Graham.
cc61cJal • • • •
WElCOME A80AIDI • • • • .to
Newport Horbor'a ftn.t water·
front Nndezvous ..• leiwrely
d ining In o d istincfi"'• English
T overn atmosphere.
be held on Tuesdays and Thurs· Volunteer help Is needed. P~r·
da.ya from 1 to 3 P.M. at the Hor· sons Interested should contact
aoe Enalp School Music Room. the BusJness Office ot the New.
lt will be under the leadership of port Harbor Union Hirh School. ,.,.. • ._..boat ~~ • . • Ou•t all~~e
Lewis Kidder, local elementary Uberty 8-1121. aM clocka .•• ,.Md .... "'-• .. Mr¥·
achool music Instructor. There -------• -.u, ,,..,. • ~'·"'· o,. au .. d•, ....
are no fees atta ched to the pro· • ••-,.. ... -·-.._,.._,.. ·. · aruftdl _..__"-to •·"'·· -•• ~,. -..-..... "-"'-"-Ha~ .,_ aram, except for the purchase The Ed1ar F. Aliens moved .....,_ PO
of music. which will amount to last week from 406 Snua Harbor --VIA 0 liTO
no more tha n $1.00 per child. Road. Clift Haven. to 421 Sea· NIIWPO"T aaACH.t.eALt"o""'A ~ilpro~~~ba;~u;d~M~"~Co~ro;n;a~~~~;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;"~~~-~~~fl~L~*;-;~~~~~;~;;-;;, period of elrht week&
The people who will be re·
aponalble for leaderah.lp on all
the~e proarams are lt«ftaUon
Supervl.lots Judy Root. Berni•
Lehmann. and Eldred Lokker,
and Jtec:reation Leaders l..ft
aou.h, Dlane Davis and Ellen
Smith. • ac•nnw,.n~w ... Orn:a:D
Fe. further tntonnatlon for
rec:rMUon propuos In the Clty
of Neowport Beach. pleue contact
the ltecrNtlon Department at
Harbor 5063.
Here Ia a awnm&f7 olactlvitles:
Newport Park, 3Ith and Balboa
Blvd., Neowpott ... da: ,:.,..,.~:.N
Konda.7 thl\l Fltda.y; ~pervlaor
Diane Davis: Aea.ttiee-voi.Jey-iliiiill!llillliiiiiiiiiiilllll '*11. 80ftball, croq~ ahuM• Ito a r d , buk....U. qutec,Ume
..-(ella-.. etc.). -.war
~ by adclldoDal penon for
MadJeraft aDd *-7 ftll1n.c. o.ta ~~~~ea Partr. m w. 11t1a
a: t:J0..4:oo ~ th.na rrt· ..,, lka,..vt&un -..._,. .bn
Th.e Harb« Area'•
Mo.t Complete
TIE ..... TI ... ,_ __
Jantzen and Catalina Swim and Sportswear
White Stag Sportswear e Ivan Frederics Dresses
Ship 'N Shore Blouses e JCaynee Boyswear
uV1enneae Girl" Dr.aea e Spalding Saddl• & Bucb
w~·a and Formfit Corsetry
..._.. wa.DIIIG-aOAT ft'D KM
.. ·-c.-1 .,._,, •••rwt ..... tasrty .. ~
MERCURY OUTBOARD MO'tOBS w. Iento. Wlaat w. leU
u..ty t-1512 ISID W. eo.t Jlltlaway, We.rp.t lecacta
-----_......,.. -~
~ ...... of ... UDtl& J.,. 8 1' liD of ..... ,..., ....... ~ .. 0... .....
..... , ,.,.. .. h.lleltle .... c...a ...... .. ................ a..-......... ._
.. 0.... .. tae Jaly. ~ .t ........... .....
Hfl~t 's FisiJing?
local Legion
Members At
State Meet
• Albacore abould be ln around tires. You ean't blame the beaeh Commander ot Amedcan Le-
the 14-mlle bank any day now front home owners objectJnr to rJon Poft 291. Ralph and Mrs.
ln.stead of the ":ZOC·r a 11 on" beinr smoked-out eveninr after Bo~ds, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
bank", that one boatman jokinr· evenlnr by followers ol this JohiUIOn, Mt. and Mrs. Robert
ly radioed was the spot he was mJrhty popular form of rettea· Brlrr• and Mrs. Gus TampU.
catchinr 'em last Friday. That tlon. Just hope the city fathers ~ all ln Sacramento thla week
43-fathom bank directly south of don't ret too enthusiastic and attendJnr the state convention
here on a Jlne south-east ot the cut them out entirely. I must of the American LerJon and the
eut end of San Clemente Island admJt It would improve rrunlon Awdliary.
la traditionally the early ftshf.nr huntlnr. however. They mJrht Both Mr. and Mrs. Brfrp and
around for the longtins. Some even ret 80 carried-away u to the Kenneth l ohruons lett last
landings are sending boats on want to clOM the beaches ate week-end to be at the capital
thll long run with others waitJnr Balboa &Jtd Newport at mid· early and attended the meeting of ~r=====•a:::::z:::zs::IZIIE!!IIIIIIla:::ll::•••m:.III.C
tot the tlsh to come In closer. nJght. It thll little deal Ia In the Forty.and-Elght and the Eight· ''lEW .......... J" 0-'--II I -.•
The Westerner ls now on an work-. rrunton bunters should and-Forty, which preceded the 811VWIMHI r.... ... -
albacore special run from the demand to be permitted to do LerJon Convention. Commander
Newport Pier leavtnr at 3 a.m. thelr huntlnr leeaJly with the Bonds stayed to conduct last
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur-necessary ~ona written Into nlrht's LerJon meeting before
days and Sundays. On the other any city ordlnan~ ad.opted. leaving for Sacramento.
days It fishes local, leaving at
6 a.m. When the albacore move L H b • s L ~~::e~~:Ve::'~~-~~ a a ra an unset eague:
runs anglers on the wesurner T Q A • t A h • are catching small white sea ars pen gaans na elm bus, an occasional barracuda
and some hallbut. Anrlers on the ~ven Sunset ~arue football coach the c team, assisted 1-o-bs·~·ng ·Go-o-ds barge, Georgia, anchored oft the rames.. three to be played at Or· WWLam Bums. Newport PIer. are c:atchlnr Coach and Mra. Don Burns left ,reenback mackerel, halibut, anre Coast College, and two Jut week by air lor a two-weeJc A!:'!:Ttio-~fla~Wi''~01•1 flounder and grouper. F i rat practJ~ games dates have been stay In HawaU. The coach plana
Daily 11:30 & 7:00p.m.., 11.50. CbDdreQ.ISc
* * * u-.o~ •' shore-boat out Is at 6 a.m.. hour· announced by Head Coach Don to do 80me aurttnr ln llland 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES ~~;~;•;•iil•;;~~~~~~iiii~;;~;~;~ ly thereafter. Burna for the Harbor Tar varsity waters before retumlnr to hla The Fury Is leavlnr at 3 a.m. footbaJlers UU. tall. Thft'e'Jl be IUrn.m« )ob with Newport Beach
dally on the albacore run trom an eighth tnm In the Sunset ute ruar4s.
Davey's Locker and ll bTlnrJng Learue In the fall, u La Habra Etghth rrade atu~nts from
them ln. The Jet I ll fi.lhlnr moves up from the Oranp the Horace EMJrn School and
* Boat Lecma.g E..-y 20 MinutM *
E ...... 0... .... • -..y o--.• ........ & lp.a.
local from Davey's Locker, leav-Learue. Everett Rea School attended re·
lng at 5 a .m. Nine ch.arter boats The first practice ram'e wU1 be cent spring football sessions at
are available at Davey's Locker. against Excelalor High School. the bJgb 8cllool to run throurh
Looks llke the hand wrftJnr ll there, on Sept. 21 with the terond plays Coach Burna bad rJven
on the waU In regarca to beach against Montebello Hlp School. them ln talks earUer In their
here at Davld80n P1eld on Sept. ac:hooll. , ... ~ ..... ........ 28. All Jearue and practice c---a-'""""'""'u-HfO--LI--1-D ___ .....,
rames wtll be played at 7 :30 Clltdd......, a..a..~.ou.-
p.m. c.u
The tlrat learue game wfJl be .. MA-11£'
Ed Murset of Bay Shores. pre:aJ. against A n a h e I m at Orange ......
dent of the Newport Be•ch Lawn Coast Collere on Oct. 5. Other RAmM>B 1171
Bowling A.uoclatlon won the rarnes to follow include Garden ~ eo:.f Hwy ..
Auatrallan Singles 'tournament Grove, there, Oct. 12; Huntlnrton ~-;;-;;'i;i_;;;;:_;;'i;iiiilllar;;'i;i;;'i;i:iiiij-.i~
on the Municipal Greens lut Beach, at Orana-e Cout Collere. • eK Oct. 19; La Habra., on Davidson
wEd. was really hot and led the Field, Oct. 26; Full~n. thne,
field with 14 points to wtn first Nov. 2; Santa Ana., at Oranre
prlu:. Walter Wood and Walter Coast College, Nov. 9 and the lut
Pearson of Corona del Mar with game against Oranre, at Oranre,
10 points tied tor second and on Nov. 16·
third places. In the play-off Mr. Football practice wUl start on
Wood won second and Mr. Pear· Sept 3 on Davl~ tleld with
son took third place. morning and evenlng aesslons.
John Lamar and Lloyd Steeves John McCow~n wUl be varsity
of Balboa and M. E. Taylor of line coach; Bill Bern au, back·
Corona del Mar with 8 points field coach. and Georre Hunter.
Ued ror fourth position In the end coach. EmU Neeme will
play-ott Mr. Taylor wo~ fourth coach the B team. aulated by
prlze. Mike Pelslnger. Bill Straw will
314 Midgets Micro Midgets
The l ohn Trebler family have
returned from their Los Angeles
home to their Corona del Mar
home at 2820 Bayview Ave. for
the summer. Son John expects to
attend Orange Coast College this
summer, whlle son Per Is look·
lng forward to working at a
mountain resort.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sailors have
left their Newport Heights home
and have moved to El Segundo,
where Mr. Sailors hu assumed
hll city manarer duties. •
Otl Newport BIYcL, Enter oppoete Scmta ADa Country Club
--::~ =~ ---=----------------------~-----
Enioy The Sun • • • Sand • · • • and Slri.
The ~astest Growing
Scm ra11-JtC~~too
)4••• .. , 1.1.7 ,..
•••••• J ....
AacM • ....., .... u._
A.riJftl ft I ... .....
Swim Class at Beaches
Will Begin on Melldcly
..... 01 h SwtmmJ.nr el ... at beedl 1:30 p.m.: ---any a-, .... Iii& MW ... I • •-.. -.-.., •-.IBIG ...... 'n• loeaUona w1l1 belin Monday Ia 1:30 to 2 p.111.; bqinften, a,.
m · 'he· Jth _. the summer NCreatJon propam 10 and 11, 11om 2 to 2:30p.m.;
1 n •= of the HJeh Sehool Dlltrlct. befinnen. a1•. 8 and 9, trom c.e All , wh A new IChedule ot leaona be· 2:30 to 3 p.m.; bel1nnen. aaes
·• rtn.a each 2 wee1ta. under the and 7, from 3 to 3:30 p.m. Cbll· I15GO 00 aupervlaton ot a Bed Crou wat« dren under 8 will .W be pet·
safety tnmuctor. mJtt.ect. -IUJa . 'nle beach JoeatJona wl11 be at 1'be ~ule at lOth and Bay,
lOth St. and Bay Ave.. Balboa; Balboa, 11 a follO'N'I: S~ IEI'v. at Ruby Ave. on Balboa lala.nd, any aee; 9:30 to 10 a.m.; Inter·
u-L-l'ua and at China Cove In Coma M1 mediates, and ace. 10 to 10:30
AlliRiiJIIIIiiiiiiJ ..., Mar. There wW be no 8WlmmJJta p.m.; betf.nnen. a1es 8. 9 and
Col1M G~ ~ duaet at Bay Sb~ th18 aum· 10, from 10:30 to 11 un.; be·
KeJ:enM. ~ Bulbea mer. flnnen, ares 8 and 7, from 11
Cor. E. Cout Swy. at Ordws The IChedule at China Cove to 11 :30 a.m.; beflnner&. aees ~from P.O .. a>M ~d Balboa laland Ia u follows: 6 and 7, from 11:30 to 12 noon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~In~t~ennedia~~~te~e~l...,iiian~y~al~e~,~~~tio ~~~n under 6 will be pet· i Leuon.a in small craft han·
dllne wtll be tauebt near the Sea
Scout Rue on Mariners Mlle lA
Newport. beflnnlne M on day.
11le Harbor Alee IUJIUl\er bu-Strldtland, a 8-7 gtant wbo wu
Utba1l IIUIOD at tlle Boys Qub All·C.I.JP. few Huntlnaton Beach
In eo.ta x .. opened lut nlaht HJp 8cbool three years qo and
wttb the A team. prov'ldtnc U.. 11 C'U.r'Nntly .t&rrtnc tot Seattle
comped'don. B tftm. will play Unlven:lt)'; s.4 Pred Jfftbltt, an
on Tbund.ay ntebta. and AA All·Surw.t e&lft from N"'P.()rt
tama oa t'rtdaya. More than 100 Ra.rbar now atten4lnc UCLA ;
boya ae pa:rtidpatinc ln the 3 and 8·5 B1ll lnloe.e. who just f'ln·
Jeecu-. llbed bla eecond auon at Or·
C&ptal.na for the B LHsue are anp Cout Colleee.
John FonUua. alcb Sc:bllcben· Add odler 0CC stan Wetzel,
mayer, 'nm Jonee. lton Keeler, P'ttzpatrtclc and 14l.Mon, plus
Dean Peue &lld Wayne Connell. memben of the Newpon Harbor
1121a leesue. compoeed ot h1fb Htcb c b amp I o n a b 1 p Varsltl'
echool C'a and 8tb era~ will .cauad, and an uclt.lq leacue
pl-.y evey Tbunday nJeht at should be on hand at the Boys'
8:30, 7:30 and 8:30 beltnninl Club thla summer. There are
th.l.s eoventnc. four teams In the A.A. leasue and
'nle A Leacue eapta.l.na are they w111 play every Friday nteht
Rlcb Ta.rnowsld, John FonUua, at 7 and S. beetnnlne tomorrow.
For Suiiimer Cheer ~=~:.e111ntermedlate ...............
New poupa will ata.rt at the ·
Jerry Hulbert, llm Mulder, Bob JPor letterheada and enwl~
Wb\&.e and Borer htenon. Tbla Call the Enman. Ban-lllt.
leasue 11 made up of Bee and lV -----------.--players and the teams will play
every .Wednesday nJcbt at 6:30,
FIIEIT a.atll ,
Ask for Other Jtatyoa Corner SpedalUes
Open from 10:10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
132 Acate Ave.-BALBOA ISLA.ND-Comer of Park • Acate
Hl&:h School pool Monday. Ap· DlxJ Lee Thaden, 21, of 1524 7:30 and 8:30. First eames were
pllcanta should alen up at the Santanella Terrace, Irvine Ter· played laat ntcht.
pool tomorrow (Friday) if ,_. raee, hu won the silver wtnp The AA Leaeue captaln.a are
alble. Girls' elaues are gtven 1n ot· an American Airlines stew· Bruce J:nJpp, Btll Wetzel, Dennis
the momlnp. bq'lnnlng at 9:30, ardess. Sbe 11 uatgned to nJgbt Fitzpatrick and Don Minson. The
and boys' cluses In the after· duty at American'• Olght crew AA t.eaeue could prove to be a
noon, beelnnlne at 1. Ute aav-bue at Buffalo, N.Y. real "battle ot the gtanta.'' It bu
lne cluses for both boys and She 11 a 1.952 eraduate ot such at.ara at H Armand Nettles,
flrla are offered In the after. Newport Harbor Hl&:h SChool an All·SUnaet Leaeue player
noon, at 1 and 3 p.m. and attended tbe University from Harbor several years back
Adult lesson. are offered on Arlmn at Tu010n and the <>ranee and just out of the service; Dave
request at an these swtmm1nc Cout Junior College at Costa Petenon. a 6-6 bleb acorlnc
loeatlona. Mesa. teammate ot Nettles'; Dick
Maior League Pirates Win
Openers, 8 to 3 and 2 to 1
~-.UMJ:8 8'f11W.utr
-,. · L · DPI'wE :.,. -
ftCA \ t (., ~' .·. ·" · 0
...... 1•1••'11 ~, ....
1 ... Jn••• "PF" Dina ••
Ill .. _.... A.._ 8cdbocllalaad-~ .. 1
......... dlllly _ • .....,. .........
CIIONW) ............. -.
WiUG81 om,.y ll 0& _...., ....... 14.
Alt.-~ID,_..._. aad.lo. Eat ,..._ aMI ear.,
lfta Cue 0;;149 IF 'e J:lltn,
·~· _ ...................
~. 4
. . .
• I
04&ING IU)NG" _ ... _
""I W.aet Wlttl A ....W
u.s.~ n,.. w..w .. a M.W ..
c-plete ~ ... s.Mce
Food & GrOg
From Our Chin•e C>Yen-
-Catering to Parties-
Harbor 871
• uaon . 8-3011
1100 ll .. SL
Sam's Famous
Seafood cafe
Special Eastem Cherryatoaw CJcmw,
Eaatem ()ptera.-On HaHaheJL
IJttle Necbd Steam Clem&
Fr-.h Crab, FI'Nh Lob.ter,
--cmc:l mcmy Seafood Speda&
Plenty of Fr .. ParldDv * MODERATE PRICF.S *
* * *
IRMA & JOHN WEHRT, Pn>.Pri-tom
. IIADOa sa.
Ill ...................
Showi.ng AU Working Parta
Something new in Auto Service is our tile-walled service
area with "hospital white" equipment and service ·benches,
all our Volkswagen service at factory specified repair prices.
Newport BlYd. at 22Dd St., Newport Beach
"BED HO'r VALUES b Thun.., FrL Sat.. hme 2L21. mil
Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. 8uDdat cmd Holiclara I All. to 8 P.M.
~----------·----25¢ ~-T-ILE------·-·· _3_1_~ ~J:-__ 17-
------------• U1'11'1 a.ACU'•WK
~~---2 FOB 35¢ iicii
I~ T'O'JfA aD JDAT....aiiD avD
~ UIOal"'ID't
61¢ ILL BOX _____ _ -------IIAII'niiD.I.'S-~ ,.,..
6 oz. 2 23~ ,.,. oz. CAN___ FOB PrG._ ____ _ 17-~-------:.....'