HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-12 - Newport Harbor Ensign\
WbeN to hold thb year's Co·
rona del Mar Lobster Bake!
guerlte could alao be uled tor
displays and booth•.
'fWODDAT. IU'LT 11. liM
Annex 'Pian
Is Dropped
That'a the queaUon lacing the
Lot.ter Bake CommJttee, and
they would Uke to hear about
the wiahes of the local restdena.
2. The Newport Harbor Buffalo
Ranch, 2 mllrs up on Coast Hwy .•
where there Ia a laree black·
topped area avallabl~.
Annexation of th~ site above
the Arches where the Hellpot
Corp. t. bullcUng Its n~ head·
quarten wu abandoned by the
Newport Beaeh City Council Mon.
day evenlna.
Hellpot Attorney Edwin Tay.
lor aubmltted a protest against
the ann~tton, thereby terml·
naUng the proct'('dlngs. since I
Hell pot wu the only land owner
'Jbe committee met Monday
momJng at the Corona del Mar
Snack. Shop and narrowed down
the location to two poealble altea:
1. The vacant Iota at the corner
of <hut Highway and Mari'J~
rtt. Ave., where a portion of Mar-............ ,.
• , ..... P'lada
City councll'a amazing Sl.SOO,·
000 pmbl~ on a auper-luxury
traller park--an adventure Into
the tJnanclal stratosphere of prl·
vate bu~nesa usually reservt'd
tor speculations of the Laa Vegas
hotel ~tanda a fair chance
of makJng a name for lt.aelr as
the biggest and costliest bungle
yet by City Hall
<Aneral Chairman Bob Murphy
Invited local l'ftld~ntl to express
t&elr vtews by calling him at
lf'arbor 1403, location chairman
Kenny Brandt at Harbor 2441, or
the Ensign newspaper at Harbor
Th~ main beach, where last
year's Lobster Bake was held, wm be unavailable thla year, be·
cause the .event Is 5Cht"duled tor
the Sept. 15·16 week·end - a
crowded time tor the Beach .
A declalon will be made at a
committee me>etlng to be held at
7:30 p.m. Friday, .July 20. at the
Youth Center.
One of the big events of the
Lob~r Bake will be selection
of the Queen, who will also retrn
u Mlss Golden Jubilee durlne
the week's special Cestlv1tles
honoring the 50th anniversary
ot the City oC Newport Beach.
The .Junior Chambt"r of Com·
merce l.s In charge of th~ Que>en
contest and Is now ...eking ron·
testantl to vie> for the tiUe.
Mr. Taylor aald H~llpot could
not go ahead 111'fth the annexa-
tion becau.M Hollywood actor
Jimmy CagM)', from whom Hell·
pot had purd\ued the land, had
not withdrawn hlo; ob,l«tlon.
Withdrawal of objf'<.'tlon by Wit .
llam Carney, brothtr of the actor,
was not •uMcleDt. he said.
The Cagneye had' obj«teod on
two grounda: tnnuatlon would
mean losa al oil rights to the
Protests Hurled at
LOOJDJfQ for all u.. wwld Wte Carn~ys, because drilling within
city limits l.s prohibited: sa tis·
factory lndumlal zoning Cor ad·
joining Cagney proJ)('rty should Beach Lease Plan a tlnt rate Jot.t., c:bet Ia aoJ>
MwphJ. vea-a1 dud.rmcm tor
tbe 11156 C«ooa del Mar l...ob-n. lkdra. Thla pktwe of Bob.
wbo Ia ~ of tbe J-.1
a-la C«ooa del Mar. wa.
taba Moa.day IDOnl1D9 at a
Loa.tw lklke COGUDlttee meet·
lDCJ 1a U.. SIICidt Sbop.
Clrst bt' provtded
In a letter to Council William
Cagney said t.be C"agneys rould not rom ply wtth a June 28 re· Ob.J«tlons. hav~ ~n ralaed ·boa bland Balboa Pe>nlnsulam of the problems ht"lng cnated by qu~st of Rellpot to give up min by loc&l busanesses and C'lt1uns would all •·tsh to do the sam~ the tremendous lnnux ol people
eral rights. 1 agaJnst proposals to rest.rlct use I thine.· the Caudells asked They ~e &s.80clation commended the
M Do Bill __ _. of local bt'aches by outsiders. s.ald tht'}' had ronfade>nce an the Council for honesty and fort"
gret at the outromf' of the an Such proposals. aimed at out· ounc ln fair dealing. repre· sightedness and octered ltl own
By the time the bllla tor bung·
les. bulldlnp and land ~ tor
the 60-traller layout are run
through the totallur-1~1 tax·
payen wtll have at lea.t $25,000
Invested in each t.raJler apace.
In order to make both en4a
meet on t.ht. deal, councU wW
haw td ,.,t 24 ~acea for $1.800
a y~ar. 24 more for $1.500. an.d
th~ remalnJnr 12 tor $1200, ~c·
cordlne to Ita own figure&. Thne
are ~ higher-bracket berth•
than are to be found at the cltY•
Business license Law
Amended by Od. 15th
ayor ra exprt'~ rt' C II · I .
nexatlon procee-dings and said Iawing ~andalism. littering and ~ntlng all and not a f_," servl~ to the Council In the
she hoped .o~nethlng can be trespustng, have ~n dl.S('U~ In a lt-ttM to C.oundl. the l.lttlf'
study ol rommunlty llfe and
worked out In the future by the newly ~ganlud Little I Island A.ssn said that some type problems and servlnc u a 80Und
Inclusion of the HeiiPot land lsJand A.un and by the Balboa of rontrol Is Inevitable b«ause lng board of local opinion.
In another annexation of bigger PenJnsula Point Assn.
scope Is a likely solution At the study session of the
Newport ~ach Parks, Beaches
and Recreation CommlAlon la.t 2 LaWS Q KId we>ek. Commissioner Tom Norton, POLICE CHECK LEADS
big, .wank prJvate competitor The bu.lneu llceru~e law will
Ju.t aCI"'U the channel. be amended, but tor the moment
LJvtntln the Municipal Trailer all bu•tneaaea ahould pay their
•ead will be Jtke eatJn1 five Ucen.ae fflft to l9!56·S7 1 d· aquare rneala a day at Roman· r n. accor
otf'L Wonderful u you can af. ance with the new Khedule. Jte.
ford lt. But can councl.l Gad 10 fun4a wm be m&de where necee·
traJJertte. 'Who wUl pay that ary when the revt.ed llcena dou~ally .aoce they ean Cll'dlna.nee becomes etfA!cUve-not
not .wn launch their little boata later than Oct.. 15.
from the pr~nd they will That wu the J1at ot the .tate·
be baJTed from the beach directly ment ol polJey praented Monday
In tront by a 900-Coot long stock· evening by City Manaiff Robert
ade. Shelton and a~pted by the
Som~ people tbJnk that u Newport Beach City Council
council wants to fiJI the park City Manager Sh~lton told
undft th~ condltloru tt ahould Council that the lice~ ordl·
start •luhlng the r~nts rirht nance "contains oonntctlng lang·
now. uage, Inadequate definitions. 11·
Anoth~tlckllsh part of the blf lo(lcal diacrlnalnatlons 'between
gamble Ls that the voting pub· business cJasslflcatfons, and Is
Jlc may ret so disgusted wtth
the meta that It wUl decide to
file another Initiative petition
like It cUd on the council's stub·
born at\empt to clOCM! the beach
to t.h~ public -and then th~
whole kaboodle wlU go down the
Costly bungles nick out like
warta all over th.-plannJnr and
construction. Already 4l daya be·
h ind th~ Kheduleod opening date,
the patk t. la.lng $200 a day In
rsUmated rent&t.--a total so far
of S8,200.
On top of thla lou. councU
lut w~k surprlalncly walveod
the $100 a day contractual'pen·
alty tor delay-virtually making
an outright allt of $UOO to the
contractot. And th~ park l.s not
open yet.
Gene Nichols
First in U.S.
Coin Contest
ColD .u.ctw a.. lfldlola
ot Salbocr lalcmcl baa woa top
bODOn 1a tbe oatloael Judgtllg
of aa.. A bacll'ridocd co&D col·
Jectlou br the A..aMdcml lfWD·
lalatic AMoc:kltioa. Th1a waa
the eoUectiGa t.bat wa. Oil ella·
play at Jfewpwt aalJ)oa ~·
lap CIDd Loaa clmt.DcJ DatioDal coaa ~ a.. waa a aecoDd
picKle ...... last .,..ar.
Set City Tax Another heavy loss in revfllue
amounting to 8011\ethlng under
$3(),000 wu quite unnecesaary Q J I 2 3 wh~n council ahut down com-n u y
pletely 9 month• ago the old ....,~o •mall trafla park In order to The ctty tax rate for l~·:rT
clear the lf!'OUnd for Its $l.SOO,OOO will be aet at the July 23 Coun·
dram clilld. • cU meeting, City Manaeer Robert
On the IUbject of cleartna the Shelton aald Monday. A net In·
pound. ortatnaJ proiJ'&m called crease of 2l.c bu been proposed
tor taldnl bt4a on the matter. by the Clt:y CouncU.
::;~:ta~~:~~~ a~o~~~~a~~o~~... d :~ ~~ ~ucs~~~~~nar!::u~:: .. t IN PHARMACY HOLDUP e OaJECTIVE.S s d d go tor such a propo._'Ull, because
Councll authorized the city an uspen e ~:: ::ru~ ~~es:~;:m; ~~;
manager to reodratt the UCft\W Newport City Cou ctl ed ordinance with t.h.-followln" ob· --• ....._., n approv bu.tn..._ A fellow commlaloner. Nf"NP()rt pollee are checkina on t.&t. A.sa and Codeine u -· """ • ...es tax ..... nances 790 and 191 ao,. Maypole. la head of tbe new n .... #oiU jectlvea: Monday ~ tbcft tm.mett., Little ls.land Assn. a number ol leada ln the day. tat. Emp compound and CO·
1. l'urther equaUz&Uon ol bule ately p&I.'Mid a third ordbuaooe Mrs. PbJJI 8 rt f C 1 ll(ht holdup at the Coi"'Oa del detne, 1 If.; 17 tat. Emp com·
Ut"e\W fflft appUca.ble to com-auapendlnf the ttrat two. d I M I~--u on oth orona l Mar Pharmacy, but no .,.,_. pound and codeine, 1 er.; 17 tat. para ble buatne-aes. Contuai 9 f! ar po n""" out to e com· have ~n mad Ernp compound and codeine ~
2. More logical aeeregatlon and nr. ~ut quit~ In order. mission~ the dang~r oC any at e If : ~ caps ropavtn ~ g:r.,. (53
cJa.aslltcatlon of thoee businesses ~th t u.e theff ts a posslbtlltyj tempt to r~lct public bt'aC'hH. The loss !rom thf' holdup. gr. lspeca and opium .......,d~; a the r~nUy enae1ed ordl whiC'h OC"Curi't"d at <1:09 p.m. la.t ..--or occupations to which special nance ""rmlttlna 11_1 (. "1"he beaC'hes Wt"rt' given to the papaverine. dolophiM and UCO· charges above the baste (ees are "" • co "'' on ° city by trust grant 1rom the stat£' Thursday wa~ r <" P 0 r t e d as dan. appllcablf'. sales taxes by the state may be as public bt'aC'hes." sht" said 'If $461 ~ C",l<.h and $52 6i' worth Makt'
3. Clarification of code provl· found unronstltutlonal I thE.' trust Is nola ted the grant ot nart'Otle" used 1n ~~f'~p a:~r!)~ll 0~!t~rn
slons for euler Interpretation OTdlnanC't's 790 and i91 provldt> C'an bt' withdrawn.. C: II P.-arc;,,J ph<Hmac-y ownt"r mmed
and administration. for city roll<'C'tlon oC sales taxes Caty Coun<'ll rE'<'el\'eod a ll'llf'r s.w1 that t" o m<'n entered tht> e STUDIED n CBAIIBU As explainNl by City Manager Monday from ~lr. ~d Mrs Fran <.tort' and ~gan lnoklng at grf't't
Thl.s dE'Clslon to revise th~ 11. Robt'rt Shelton. those ordanances cas Caudell of ClHC Ha\'f'n pro anJ: <'.trcl<. and sun gi&SSf'S A T e
C't'nse rates followed the constd· ar~ "spart-tln•s In thE.' kE" box. testing any J)('titiOn '"hie h ma} dt>rk 84\K('cl If sht> rould help rautweln
erable protests raised by manu-1 to bt' used In <'a.ae the.> state.> law be prt>sented r('Qut"St ing that L11 "~o '"e rl' JU'I look ing," they
facturers over Increases In their Is attaC"kl"d o;u~ully. so that tit' Island rPSidt'nt!> hf' allu~Apd ~.11cl nnl' man th~n wt-nt to the
fees In the new schedule pre. the .~lty woulcl still have a sales to lease the Little Island bt'a<'ht'~ n•ar o! thf' stor~ and asked for
pared by the survey firm of J. L. tax. I lor private use th(' manag~r ' IT • I s t
Jarobs Co. Th~ Newport Harbor "We hopt' It's In dt"l.'p Crr-e~... "Whc.>rt' would the mattf'r stop., 'Tm the managf'r." Mr Pein10l r1a e
Chamber of Commerce studied said City Attorney Karl Dalvs. as each area-Short' Cliffs. BaJ. <~air! Tht' ml\n pulled a gun from
the new ordinance, and sub· I hi., wa1..t band and told Mr. Pelr·
mltted a re-commendaUon to N L Will B D "'I to put all the mon~y and nar· A jury trial ha.c; bN>n ll<'t Cor
CouncU that a nat fee ot $25 bt' ew aw I ar og' s rotiC'I an a S3<"k 10 am. Thursday. July 19, 14l set for a ll busln~sses. "You C"an t havt' all the nar-1 h~ar charges ot rE>SI~tlng arr~t
Commenting on thls recom· rotiM," Mr Pelrs.ol rt'plled to the 1 and interferin~ with an arrt'i'l1
mendatlon. Mr. Shelton sald, iiiJnman I against CharlE-S Trautwrin. 18. ot
"The> position oC the Chamber Is F Ba F t Bea h ''I'm a ~IC'k man:· th~ gunman 11";69 Santa Ana Avt>. Costa
essentially rompatlble wtth th~ rom y ron ( es said. again df'mandang all the ~esa. In S<~nta Ana Orang(' mu
previously announet"d position oC narrotiC'S :\1r Pelrsol bt>gan 1 mC'Ipal rourt
the City Council. namely. that empt)-lng a narrotiC'~ drawt'r Into Attorney Rob('rt llurwit£. rC'p
equallzatlon of business license City Attorn!'~ Karl Davis was boat trailers bt' prohibited on the paJ)("r "aC"k He M id thl' ll'Jn rf'SE'ntang thf' art U'<t'd apJWart'd ~~ Is a prlm:c; objective, and Instructed by Newport Beach I Balboa Island: referred the lt'ttcr 1 man t~lkt'd to h1m approxl·l for t~e arraagnmt"nt l;ao;t Thurs ce::!e ~v~nu~ f m business 11· City Council Monday evenlng to I to city manager I mately trn minutt's and durin£:
day m thf' c•ourt f'ntrrl'd a not ~ beo ~~~ary con· draft an ordinance to exclude e ApprO\t'd a rPSOiutlon relax that t1mr put thr gun back Into guilty plf'a anrl th<' jury trial ~·It 1s ~t~y ~~~ th!';,': dop from all public bay front lng rt'Sidt-n<'e rt-qulremt>nts tor his waast was ~t.
creUon of the City Council to beaches u well u any public 1 polkt'men and firemen. emab I Th<' gunm.1n tht'n grl\btM"d the Mr HUI"\\1t7 appt'arf'd In N~· lm~ additional fees or taxes parks whlc~ are u~ primarily lashing a rt'Sid('n<'e area that In· paper MC'k JOinrd t hf' M'<'Ond port ~a<"h Justl<'<' roun on Mon .
upon certain classHicatlons of as children s playlf!'Ounds. dudes most oC Costa ME"Sa. up I man and ";\lkl'd t'almly out of day .J ul)' 2. and made a mot ion
business. lt It la In the public Th~ rt'C'Ommt'ndatlon was made to Wilson St. the stort" Witnt'.~ "AW them requ<'stang the change ot ""nure
Interest to do so." by Chief ot Pollee John Up50n, e Confirme-d SI.890 a.ssessm~nt walk down tht' slrfft r-;0 C'&r was The t'hVJZt' wu gTantf'O by
Mr. Shelton aatd his objective acting on 8 su(gestlon by Mrs. for wPt>k abatt>m~nt on vacant s.t"f'n or hurd They were be-Judg~ 0 J. Dndgt"
wu to equalize u tully as pos· Betty Reynolds. wbo had asked Jots; this sum will be char~ to ll~v<"d to ha\f" met a third man '"The basis for r('QuMtt'd <"hang~
alble toward a Oat fee, but that that dogs bt' barT-ed trom all Jot ownt-rs. In front ot th<' All American was that thPrr aM-many wit
some> tYPM ol busl,lless should be> Newport bay front beaches. No • Approve-d a 30·day permit Market. C"<lrona del Mar. but nesses that 1 would nPt"d who
subject to dJtferenUal treatment. rt'COmmendatlon wu m ade con· tor Roland Vallely for public ad their dlrt'ctlon from there waa would bt' 'afraid to testily down
He aaJd he hoped to maintain C"ernlng ocean front bt'ach es. dr~ss system ln hls boat rental unknown here' for fear of poulble reprl
$25 as a bulc fee. where no problem l.s reported . offiC't' In Balboa. The fim man was dHcrlbed sal." Mr. Hurwitz said. One contractor Nld he would Mr. Shelton uked Council Mon·
have done the gradeout for day evening tor more time for
Jl,O.OOO In a maxlmu.m c1 eight study of aalarles for city person·
dQa time. City dec:lded to put nel. Be aaJd Council can act on 'Fill Draw' .Ia+ city m!IW1I on the job and It took recOmlnendatJona on luly 23 and ...
Council also: e Approvt"d a new ~mployH as being about 77 to 30 yt"Anl old. A formal lf'tter was ~nt Mon· e Received a letter from Hor· classllkatlon. poiiCt'Woman, wtth brown balr. S ft. 9 ln. to 5 tt. 11 day to Nt'WJ)Ort polll"t" by the at
ace Maut ot Balboa Island uk· n lary range o( $316 to $382 a ln. ln height. 160 to 180 pounds. tom~ tet>klng to ~ubrnlt the
lng enfor<."t'ment of the law pro· month. mullt'ular build. suntanned. weat· four young men and two otncen
hlbiUng ptcnkkJn1 on th~ bt"ach e Grantf'd a llcen.e to Doug lng dark gold rimmed gla~. lnvolvt"d to either a lle d•~or
and suggested that parking of Buell ol Corona del Mar to oper. gray trouS~er&. gray ElRnhowrT or truth serum tHts with an
42 da.YI ph1.1 an unaecou.nted·for make any ral.les retroactive to 1-·-·· If IIJ .um lD man and machlne boun July L • •-. -with eome of the 41rt belng Mr. Shelton aleo announced A "fut draw" demonstration
moved on and otf three tt!D8-I that for the next mMt!ng he and Sunday at th~ South Cout Gun
told. Clt:y ~eft Bert Webb wtll Club ranp res u 1 ted tn the
am And the eeww bungl..-wat.er have a Hat ol pr1ortU.. tor lm· wounding ot Peter Murray. 18,
would not run upbW the flrst provt.n1 tt.f:ldcnde8 ln the pres· ot 1517 w. St. Gertrude Pl., Santa
ttme the ...,..-en ...,.. laJd 10 the ent water sntem. Ana. Job ba4 to be relet. the same He polnt.d out that the budget Held ln eonnectlon tn the 10~ • PfOP'*IS an lneraat t,n the mln· shootlnt wu the ranp J'QUtef,
Tbl8 ,.::Y trall• park pmble Lmum wate rate for " Inch lohn Yeadon. s E. 2.1r4 St..
b a dNam d\ll4 w&o. parent· meten from 11..10 to tuO l* e-ta M-. He .Ud be 4kt not
ap tiM C"OUncll cannot deny. montb. to ~ ftllt U.... pro~ kDow tM ru.n wu ~tt.<t wtMn
Bt1lfll many man llmllar &ftm Mo.t urtent now ... an under· h• drftr It llnd pWW the trtaer
dlUdren ...,.. al•a.mtnr tn the ~ wat« u._ whldt the dt:J a.tm tbe routll u4 uttd 'hba ~,_ ot tM coundl wt\Ue lt twa~ bopes~ to complete thla tt.caJ Lf b• bad ben ~ the
the tDpQW wtth an uua 21• year. "Cut draw.•
eent tu ~ ln order to ""»ut 11M bullet 'W'tnt tluouatl tbe
on loW" t:mOOO a,_, to blow 1111111. you$b'• body llM anera-t from
u lt .. at -101M u )'wt • bla ba a. .... talten to &uta
V&I\M and ~ apen«n• ., L11rl AM Colami.INtJ ~taL
...... wltMM ..-taliWlr tiM ...._ 01 u.. ..,...? !few om ::we w •btil wtm Bar· nu.&T,.,. •••
It .. ~ too lat. to lil•d '* ~ ....... ~ .... CI.II'F ..... WOIIAir
vii 11111 ,......., .... ,.... c.nUrlnlilan.d =-· of tile ...... ......... ............. 1ST _.. •• .._ ,. • ....,_ .._. 11 JllfWJIOit ....._ du'-.,. K.lJIP Jt.. am a • ._ wu aw-
11111 .............. to ..... Don... .. ..... A--. Dr • .....ty ...... -..... ..... ... ... ~--...... tar lMte ..._~, .... Jim OlriQ', blao.t fired~ .... ..,..,.
ud al 1 h 1Niii 1M un4w ._..,w't II; -OaWI. _,. vt.Mr bo.all at·t:o~ p.a. ,_.
ltMI J' 7'1" I ?~ •· ...,., ... 1llllela ........... -· 'ftllt ~ ...... h a ...... '*" ... ,,, ,... 0 ..
Mayor's Car
Hit at Arches
,__ I\' a at-. II. el sa ,_.
Dr-ewe. ............. .._._Nt ___ , 0
.a. 811dillat ., ...... ...,_
... 11111 ............. et
1.1aa p..a I a t 1 t• •• a pat ............ ,... ... ,...,...,.. __. .......... .,~.-. ....... ~~. ......... .... AM A:.._ a...._...._. .... _ .. ...,.. -................. ..... ····~ ..... -..... ,,, ........... .. ..... .... ......
......... -.6 ............... --.. -····.. .. ~-----~:-"
ate Doua's Dog House No. 2 at type Ja<"lc~ The second man was agreemrnt that the re~ulb could
236 Marine A~ .. Balboa Jaland. ~~~ as 6 ft.. 160 to 1'70 be u.ed In rourt. e Granted a llce.n.e to Paul pouuds. about 30. medium build. On June lO. Nf'WJ)Ort pollee
Golden. new owner ol Lustrwaah. wearlnl platn horn rirnrM'd had an-en«i Richard Motter of
<"ar wub at 2244 W. Coast Hwy .. glasws. dark wavy halr. with a Santa Ana on a cbarce ot bJgh·
on Marlnen Mlle. plaid shirt. w~ littering. ~tft Pndart.a ot
• Approwd a Ucense ror Nel-At 7:37 p m lut Thunday of. Santa Ana on a charce at unla..,.
mn ·Mdn~ Corp. for Jarnaka Ocen aubmJUed a group ol mug f\al aaembly ud ~autwwi.D ttt ....
Inn Nlf(&urant and co c Jt ta II P~ to llr and KnL ~ Second Aw. and Mari'MI't
lounp. 21'71 E. Coast Rwy., Co· to attefi\Pt to l~tlty th~ Na· Ave .• Corona tkl Xu. Tnautwela.
rona del Mar. subject to obtain· pects. Mr. Petnol p~ one u wu mvt:k 1D u-. fi dw ..
lnf u.. and n«upancy permit reemb!Dta ~ ftnt ~ and tnt the &llepd altw'tttlcm ~
and health department approval. Mrs. ~ plclted anothc'r f'f'. polJoR. 'nae omc.n tmal¥1d ._..
• Approwd th~ oath of oftkoe lel'ftbll~ tbo IM't"'nd ·~ wmtam Saunden U4 lhtala&
ot lames B. Mayor u a ~«'liar omc:en ~n 'Wftlt to 417 Col· Deln..
polJee oftJcer ud ol Robert deNod A~ .. o.rona del Mar. to
Bum~ u a tlpf!daJ polit-e tJif/l tbe mq lbotJ to Mrs. )f.,. I • a I
ome.. c,r, .............. " .. err. and ·-··~"······· e ea.u.d tor b~ foe Aut. U a trtend. Carobu ~ rtrt1a. vt
for tn.tallJna wata main &om Oanteb ~ w .,.. ,..._ ...
11\b and CUft Df .. our Ra~ to II\ tbll ~·•t u.. ttiM 411
10th and J:rv1ftce Ave.. H~ the ~,., ..._. 0111tr '!'be o.aai ... 1llr --lllllli Ta::~ u oontloller reo = 4
tmat.le ~ ·~ ": Dltl• • WIJ1 1tlttiiM11 -u..t JffWpwr. _. • .nnuaJ ............. .., ..........
IIIIII'IMIIF •t ·4!1 ....-tclt A llliltl .. -~ tl• . W'll IQ. -..._ .... ,.,. .. t~~.DCT. .., ....... -.,,.._. • • a c
............... ., ............ £ ......
• ............
1 •
I .. ,._ Hop
OIIJ Clloice leals Solll H•e
Specials for Thurs.. Fri. & Sat.. July 12. 13. 14th.
IIIII leell!
LegO' Lamb lb. 69(
• 4
LAMB CHOPS lb. 79f.
SPARE RIBS lb. 49f.
~ ....
ROAST lb. 4,_
,..,..-. ......
~ ••• efMI ............... , ...
....... wa.DIIfQ....80aT .,... ... JaW & VIIID .o&ft & ~
BOBF8IDE GaEilAL ~ ., ... CMIIl ., ...... ,... ..... • ..........
To 5erM Y•
t.40HTHL Y ,A YMeffS
nwATHmC savta
m OceeA Aw..
PHONf HY. 4-1177
... N. II C m' a a .. t
...oNE HYednth 2-1191
., HY...e. 2-1196
·~~--··-..... -..-...-..---..In n Dl---1:-11 1 ........ I.A.A.B .-
... Built iii B.l.
A tzS.5QO pei-mlt r« a 1)'1'0 and pb ln Tenaee, $150.
.......... pool at Park Ave. and e LIDO IIU
Apte Ave. on Balboa l.lland lau D. D. Weclmat.J, addltloll at 108
..._ t.\MCI by th• Newport Vla PI~ .. J8.275.
Beadl BuJldJ.nc Dept. to a.a1n. • t::UrP aan~r llarwJ' D. Pe~, WhOM real ~ Gardiner, 2-story, 2-
eetate _..... .. DOW' located at unit ctwaU~ at 2001 K1..op Jld .•
tl\.at ..... 123.eoo. au..r blc permit. laaued dur· • UT arons
lq tile tint week of .July ln· ltobart JUppe, addlt.lon at l881
eluded a $23.SOO triplex on S.a· Qoatvtew, ... m; Carl HU.,.n,
view Ave. In Corona del Mar ancJ addition at 271.& Bayahore Dr .•
a $23,800 duplex on JtJne• B.d. Ln 13.000.
Haven. • •-&•W,..IO""''ft DJGIITI n.. Ml'l)' 1u}y penn1ts. tatal· BuU S m o 11 c h • comcnadaJ
lint f).35,000 tn value, Included: butldlnt at 438 N. Newport Blvd..
e J.ALIIOA IILAIID tU25; Clyct. Shaver. lllan b
o. L·aumble, remodell1nc at :rd ~1:-='iu:S = 308 Coral. t:t ooo· Harvey Peue. v ·• ..,.,.,, • JY1Il and ..bmnin1 pool at 4110· Jlnc at 2380 15th St. ~
-Park Ave., $25.500; Motpn e -ACOJf U.T Lupher demolish · buUdlnr at C. L. Cooper, tenoe at 140 Har·
235 E. Bay n. 1550· Lome war· bor l.aland Rd., 8900; Warren ~b· ner, N~DoMUin, at 116 s. Bay bona. altl'rationa at 58 Cutter ltd..
n.. $2.!500; Qeorte Schroff. re· $1,500.
.tdtnl at 210 Sapphire. 1875. ' e aAUOA
................ IAeAa· .......... •••c•tt ••· baa ,..... .. lltafl .. PfcdaJft
11 ' 1 Ia; Cor.orcrtioa.
JDJJCJ8 w ..-Clllld • ...., ...
wedt .a-t at 1577 Placlatia
A.--. U. T. ftocapeoa.. ,_. _... • • a a ot u.. finD. em. ••-'*' IlL MdoW't appolat· ... -... ,...rtr.-t la ...,. ............. .
George Sherrill Will Be
Park Commission Chairman .
Gec:qe Sber1ll wm be tnatallec! tbe lltuOy JMet~na ot ~ eom-
u cha.1rma.D and Tom Jifcrton u m'-lon n.-csay, 1uly 3.
vic)e.cbaJnnan wbeft tbe Newport 'J"M cwnm'M'on took no action
Beach Pa..rkll, Be&c.b and Jlec:n. on a propaaal by Boy Maypole
atJon Comml.uloa meeta nm to llmJt w.e til Uttle bland Tu~ evenlnt ln City Ball. beacllee to local raJdent. and
'l'be two men WeN aeleeted at property owmen only. Comm.U·
'C . • D ru1se ance
Friday Night
alonen pointed out that the Ltsue
had not been Included In the
apnda for ltUdy. Tbe meetfnt
wu for ltUdy only with no tor-
mal action to be taken.
Tbe n.-ty · ottanu:ed Little
l.aland AMn. propoeed the leu-
A dance conte.t, with trophlet 1n& ot beach~ on Little laland
tor the bat dancen, wUl be a wtth t10me mea.na of ffttrlctlnt
new "fun" teat~ ot thls year'a UN ot the beaches tO local real·
aumrner formal belnt presented dent&.
by the Newport Beach Aaittanoe Mo aetion wu taken on a pro·
Leatue tomorrow (Fricayl eve· pout to penntt pt:y traller park
nlng at the Bal.,. Bay Club. rtaldenb keeplq their boat.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hayes will moored In front of the park.
have charge of the contest and ~;;:;;:;::;;;:;:;;:::;::::::;=:::::;-da.n~ trophies, aald Mn.. Allan DECIOaA1'DIO ,._ ==t Crlsell. chairman of the aummer -tete. Pointinc up the theme "a I.e V• ..,. Y-
Sumr"Der cru1ae" Mra. ~11 ~· 0111 ...._ .. ,.
vealed that yacht. with a color .. _.
.scheme of turquJ~ and bot 2tlll!. OOAST IIWY .
-'7 ..... 'ftot hww Tool
cas •·
pink w1ll be uaed for the decor· OOBOJU DEL MA.a
atlons. ~;;;;~:::;;;:;:;;:;;:;;~~==~~======~ Members of her committee tor r
e COIIOirA DEL ~ Charles Watner, re-roof at 1813
City of M~ Beacbth. rest :· ::rt;:··:J:a
room on Glen Dr., near pa way WUll H--'-od-' down to lJttle Corona Beach. am ............ n. rem ..,. r•· ts.325· Brown cloae ln porch and rap, Mo. !58 Balboa Coves. ttBO. remov~ steJMJ: 518 M a r t eo I d , • •awroft' · 31 Saved as
Big Swells Hit
Beaches Here
tM party are Mmes.. Roland
Wright. Bay Lancenheim, 1oeeph
Stawicki, Arthur Lewis, Wllla.rd
Killion. .John WeMter, Arthur
Best. Wlltred .Berla, Roy Lyman,
Lawrence Pfister, JL E. St:kker.
Robert Gardner and Van Hayes.
Mrs. GaratJer and Mrs. Hayes
will be in charge of tlck.eta.
u•· Lucille ArMs. 1-atory ad· Bayahore Park, outboard shop
dtUon' at 619% Mar 1 u e r l t e . at 112 W. Coast Hwy., $800; C.
18.650: A. It. Phelps, earaee at w....uem, plum•ln• abop at 407
619 Narclaus convert old earaae 31ft. $1,000; Walter A.lmua. ad·
to den S4 oro· Charles Mutera. dltton at 218"' 3Stb St.. SUOO;
3-unlt.' 2-atory' apartnlfllt bulld· Art Kistler, tltn at 2901 Newport
lnJ at ~10 Seaview $23500· Blvd .• $75; .John Stitch, demollab Big eround swells resulted In
Lonnie Vlncent. 1trn' for 'n~ dwelllne at 112 W. Coast Rwy. Newport Beach lite guardJI res· • Ill If •• Will
VIncent'• Drur Stan 3021 E damarect by tire, $200; R. AI· cufnc 31 per.cms last Thursday
Coa.lt Hwy., SS.OOO. • · .weet. fence for doC yard. 5701 on local ~aches. Life Guard 11 Plllal lall .. l
• DrYDIZ TZJmAC& Seashore Dr .• $1.50; J. E. Owens. Capt Bob Moore reported.
Neal HanU. fence at ~7 Dol· Storace at 112 .w. Cout Hwy., The blJ swells created dl!fl· Gold medal winner, expert
i ·---------· $100; Howard Hall, re-aJdtnc at culty for •urf swimmers. Capt. class. In the plstol matches June 109 77th St., taSO: Baq Elcrow. Moore pointed out. The rescues 24 at the South Coast Gun Club mgn at 1600 W. Coast Hwy .• $ISO. Included 1S on. the maln beach. ranee was Louls E. Pratt of Costa
Corona del Mar. 3 at Buck Gully. Mesa with a ~tCore f 90 ut t 3 at 1Sth St.; 5 at 17th St.; 3 100 • 0 0 0 Deaver Wins
PC Regatta
at 22nd St. and 5 at Orange St. si,-~a.-ter stlv medal In· The nlJbt tuard rescued 3 more .. _......, er ~ w t 17th St. a.ttu 7.30 p m. ner with a JICOre ot 96 was Srt
a A crowd "'f 50,oo0 persons was BUJ Blue of the Newport Poll~
estimated to ~ on local beaches Dept. Marksman bron~ medal
Dick Deaver of the Balboa on the Fourth of .July with 9 winMr was C. F. Norte of Colrta
Yacht Club, ..U1ng his Chal· racues. 21 mJnor tint aid cues Mesa with a ~ of 83. ~. won ln the PC cl .. of the and 9 loa children handled by Next trap shoot and pistol
.aYC 4th o1 .July Reratta. winntnc Ufe pards. match wtl1 be Mid .JuJy 29.
all 3 races tor a total of 2~
Capisla •ao By The Sea
Specializing in all Types of
GYpsy s.-sn4
For Further Information Call
Or Write To
33915 Del Obispo Rd.. Dana Point
~--_____ ..__.,....,.._..,.. ___ ,.. Pll~~ ~~::-:~=:., po=nd with 7 points was Bob •• llfll., J .. ilc
Lamar ot Newport Harbor Yacht J Is a.......a.-.....11
Club Ln Sin bad. He came In thJrd -WI XCII
In the flnJt race and placed tee· Alread" 100 chlldren have r~· -Kno.c ond In the other two. J Third with 8 polnts was .Jack lstered tor ID8truction in tennis
Toon ot BYC In Patsy Ann, plac· at the Hlp School courts. Art ... .,.It •-•1 Jng a«ond In the tJrst race and Wood Ia n~r tor this phaH
third ln the other two. ned tor of the IIUJnl'ner rec:reaUon pro·
fourth were Dan Tboml*>ll of cram of the Hleh School Dlst:rict.
NHYC In Happy Days and Bob Of th011e ~clnlng thll aum·
Woodward of BYC in 1oy 'Ibree. mer, Mary Helmholz. Valery and
• r ~ ..... ~. ,· t' ( OODF!gl
La .........
• Filii TI&WJ .
lta.ren Pope.)oy. Bobby Scudder.
Georce Oerrouth. Tim Brown and
Albert and Alvin Gordon are do·
In( very W@U. lD the advanced
1'J"0QP. ~ WU.n. Dlul Kerr,
Barbara Ltl.fnethal. bdleJ Stu·
-··-·········-......... -........ FIIOII
--·-.. --. ___ .r.oJI
I._.. 1 ._ 1 Jtol.and BaJJey til Corona del art. ..ut.Dn MelJor' and GaiJ 2111£11 If Mar entered the wtnD.Inc dlcle Toutb aft movinl' Into ~
tor the t1nt time by rolling 10 and J&me play. OPEN U:30 A.M. TO 8:.10 P.M. a.osED TUESDAYS MM I. co.ur HWY .. polnta tw top bonon ln the 0tMr activttlft ue c.arroms, DINNE& SEKn:D ALL DAY SUNDAY FBOM NOON TO 8:30P.M. COlONA DIL WAI
~~~ .... weekly AWitrallan stncte. Lawn ahuff.leboard. checker-. buket· ISIS &. eo.t eo.... del ac..
Bowlinl tournament on the New-ball~!2and~_2f~oot~b~all~ ____ __!_!f!!!!!!!!!!W!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!B~!!!!!!!!!!I!!!I!!I!!!!I!!If!!!!!I!!!~~!!I!!!I!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!I!!!I!!!!!!!!I!!!B!!!I!!Ii!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!~
port Beac:h MunJdpa.l Bowllnt
ned for second pla~ with 9
polnta were Uoyd Steeves, Walt
Pearson. TayLor Carr and Mrs.
Can. In tbe play-off Mr. Carr
won .econd poaltJorr and Jrin.
Carr ftnbhed thlrd.
o,tillsta ... , , •• ..........
LOCAL AGENT Sleek. deadly plded missiles.
poised tor Instant action a t close-
ly -guarded I au n c hIn g sites
throughout the southla nd. were
discussed and demonstrated by
Pa t Reynolds ot Pacific Tele·
phone at last week's meetJng of
the Newport Harbor Optimist
l'm NEWPORT AVE.. <X>ST A MESA oma: S-55!54 a.ES. Uberty S-5063
-··-... -----
Nlke. (pronouru:ed Nyekee),
one of the nation'• most ran·
tast.lc weapons ln the anenal Cor
defenM, ls the ,.Wt of a jolnt
und~g by Bell Telephone
Laboratorl• and Douglas Alr·
craft. Mr. Reynolds explained
how a pattern of interlocking
radar enabl~ the m1D11e to seek
out and ln one bllndlnt flub,
d8troy an merny aiJeraft.
... __ --... ...... _
For tbe easie•t, aale.t
big,trud operation ever i:nown
••. Chevrolet proudly presents
£ec:luatr. ... ..._ •• ••• lb• tnt avfomatlc trcmamJafca c:J.~ ,edoU)'
lor h.aYT-dul)' J.aul.Uig • • • W'OI'b lor z:ou all. tit• tUM/ SJ. lotwanl Q)a acfl Clltll
a torqM ~gift elailf.lree dtil'ing oa Ja.ilJe or JD fndc:l for dowDgnJC,_
cmd mo.f alowdowu.a tl:twe'• a JWYOiat.Jooary ''r.tmder to COiltrol t.rvc1 .-.cf.
.a.. ~ n-.· • ...., IMNa aaytlUng lik• It lor ~ big-trvct opero.
tioa. ~ -· • uce coa. CIDCfiiDJ)l"'ftd KODODD)' aa U.. I&J9.bWU7f
Tad·A.rce Jh&c:b
AI:J~g lea U CUI "old-/a•Jeioaed tzad/ -I I ,_.., ,_ .... 0. -:.::.e··· .. . ..... ~ .... . .............. .... _ .....
a. ................ , ... ,._ ......... '" ....... .... _ ................ .. ... . ,,,, ._..._......,
• lo.
.._..... . ~.
Sirls S+•+er' Susan Br-own
Tells of Sacramento Meeting ... an18ad ltaadard v..soa
, Blbl• ...,. pta~eatacl to pupUa
Batbor ~·a ''Gtrl 3tat~r: o..e. fll llzafot4 Couat7, be· ID the MW tourtll·pacle d~-~-~~!~~~!~~~~!~!~~~~!~~~~!!! 8uaD 8rowft. pv. a report ot -• laM aum.d emNtm-promotJon Sun d a 7 at
b« expertencea tn s.eramento ... ID e.-'*' at Ba.rbor HJeb Cburcll by the s.a. n.. ~-
on Tbunclay tor tbe eo.ta tlall PM& J'8U. Sbecot the r«:n· tat:Jon wu tnac1e by Mn. Gaylont
MeM Amerlean au. JUi*.,• becaue of her In· Toh!JJ. Who bacS taupt tbe d&lll
Untt ~ and on _._ ID GA4 ID B1P School. durtnl the put year whlle it wu
fol' the Jlfewport American -AlllllpJDent. Suaan be· third pade. AD att.eadance re-
AuxiJJary Unit 291. JGapcl to 11M Whll part)' and qul.rm)ent WU MCIUaey to re-... 2 ......
Suaan. the .Saucbter of Mr. and foqlat abe political campatan cetve one of the Btbl-, whldl
Mrs: Lawrence Brown ot 911 C1lff wttll ,.,.-and s-ten and were liven by the local w~··
Dr.. C1lff Hawn. wu tbe pl Iota ot .,..cbes. until they Soclety of Cbrtatlan s.r.tce:
cho.en by both Leeton Awdlat· pi'Oftld viceotluu over the TorleJI Puplla recelvlnr B1bl• were
tea to reprHent thit entire area aDCI maaaa-d to elect their can· Claudia Oaborn•. ('.:heeyl IJoyd,
at the annual Girl's State weeiL dldate for aowrnor. Outalde of Gree Stod4. Darrel IJoyd, ~area
She Is a Junior at Newport Bar· the tun and the pia ahe met, Wash.ka, Arthur Parla, Ellen.
bor High School Su.aan bad two thlnp to aay, Loelkes, and Claire Dorton. Tbe
r. All
I a••··~ ...... ~
.. , ... fte C1 ..... .._ P• •.-tr 111"-
By actually partlclpatlne In about ber w.lt In Sacramento. clus was promoted Into the
campalans, election and govern· on.. food wu wOnderful, and the Junior Department of the Church
ment operat1on1, Susan. wtth .-ather wu terlbly hot! School
IIJ 0.... .... .,... .. 1 ..
other etrla about her are. learn~
flrat hand allout American Cltl·
zeoshJp. Su6n explain~ bow
the &irls were orcanlud Into
cities and c*>untJes upon their
arrival In Sacramento. She aa1d
even their bunk a.reu repre·
sented atreets, and that Nellie
Bly Younr. the deterate from
Lapna Beach, had a time keep·
In& order because she was
elected county aherlff.
SUsan's first job was recreatJon
comml.utoner for her city, com -
posed of 30 eJrls, which was
named Harte City. She later ran
for and won the job of County
attmd tire eJUtu4 of, ~ .eltoia
-----nil W ... lltl EIIIJ W ............ Yt.-----
cowoattt IBTIIODIBT • w. a• at.. c.e. ..... LlbeltJ I-GII .... J~W.KciMDe Mrs. Watson Heads WSCS Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun·
day School; 9:30 and 11:00 A picnic luncheon at eo.ta Circle, head~ by 'Mrs. Emma
a .m. Mornlne Wonhlp-7 p.m. Mesa Park Tuesday was one of Weatherford; the Newport Ht.a.
CoUeee Ap ldYF Service -7 the summer meetlnes of the Circle, of which Mra. Marian p.m . HJeh School MYF ~lee; w . So .,~1 •-h •--8 p.m., youne adulta eroup om en • · ~ ey .. c aum•n: and th~
• -~~~:r tlan Service of U'ren as chairman.
PmiT c:aoaa or caaJiT
_t__ IQ&Ihdl ~Yie=-~ ....
SUn~ Sehol: 9:15 a.a. Sun· ~7 Sentce: U :00 L11L Wed·
neilday r:ventna Keettna: 8:00. Beadlnc Boom. 3315 VI& IJdo,
N.wpcrt Beach. opea t a.m.·
5 p.m. week daya. t a.m.-7:.S
p.m. Weclnead&A 17·1 p.m. Frt· dayevmlnp. ... lahs•lalrWI
........ DIMJ
A June bride was Miss Rosalyn
Joyce Bushman, daurhter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Buahman or Or·
anre. who became the wtte of
aMrlon M. Davey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Davey of 2196 Rural
Lane, Costa Mesa.
aervtce. . ~~ ctety for Chris· Newport Clrcle, with Mrs. John
T1IE CIIVaCII or CID.IST 1---... Cb.rlst Church Monthly eeneral m~np of
1050 Cb~UG lt.. c-t. lleea by the Sea. the WSCS are held year 'round rD11T aAPI'IIT C&UKB
D. ~·=--Th~ WSCS at the Newport-Sal· on the second Tuesday of each laDta .\-.A.._ et Ma .. oUa
111112 •• s.ts
Of .......
Sunday ..mces: 9:45 a.m. Bible boa Methodist Church Is com · month. The meetlne beelns with ~ .._
atudy; 11 a.m. mornine wor-posed of five circles, orielnally a prayer seaton from 10 to 10:30 Sunda:-"~ees·•:.45 a.m. Sun·
ahlp; 7:30 p.m. evenlnl service. form~ alone eeographlc Jines. a.m., follow~ by business meet· day School. it &.m. Worahlp
Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. but now somewhat dlffused, ac· lng until noon. After luncheon, Services; 6:30 p.m.. BaptLat W~esday. cording to Mrs. Ralph Watson, served by one of the cbcles, the TralnlnJ Union; 7 :30p.m. Eve-
newly elected president of the attetnoon program b preaen~. n1n1 Service. W~y: 7:30
CIDUST caoaca rl TilE SEA WSCS. Other officers of the ac-Each clrde b In charee ~the p.m.. Prayer, Pra.l8e and Bible Coaa..t~ K.t!lodlat tlve group of church women in· church for a month at a 'lime. Stud'-. Monday: T:30 ~.m.
lcdboa m.d.~4'Mt.. Xewporl elude Mrs. Harold Arthur, vice-Thb Includes takJne care of the Men • Chorus praetlce; :30 ~: ._.,, 11oy A.~ president; Mrs Earl Stoneback. altar Cowers, furnlshlne greeters p.m. Men'• Prayer KeetJ.ne.
Sunday Worship, 9:30 a.m. and secretary; Mrs. Leon Ferguson, at church, preparfn& the lunch-IT. UDa&Wi ~ J• H d w d J k F • There are two new sets of u a.m. Church School. 9:30 treasurer; and Mrs. John Elliott, eon for WSCS meeting and any na~ ,.c:a-o•JICII-IVIISS 00 e s ac . ox I grandparents In Corona del Mar a.m. Midweek M=: 7:00 secretary of promotion. other speclal activities that taU 15tla lt. & lt. Aml••• ....
due to a vlsJt from the stork at p.m. W~esday ~ by The five circles within wscs In that month. The bfe annual _..... ~~ Jlltlll ~-..& Make Home in Corona del Mar Hoag H~pltal on ·Frlday, June 6:15p.m. potluck: are Las Amlgas. organlud on project of wscs b the late fall ·a.:tm 29. A new baby &Jrl, Paula Ann, ST JO~ iiCII Balboa Peninsula Point. with church bazaar, usually held In .....-a ...,, J-L ••M30 Maldn& their home at 510 H. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic In welehlng Just S pounds. was 1114 0....,. A.._ 'C:t. ,.._ Mrs. John Kimble u chairman; Nevember. Each circle partlcl· SUNDAY: Kom~ wonhl~:
Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar, Minnesota. The groom a the son borp to Mr. and Mrs. George LJIMI1y 1-1011 the Balboa Island Circle, which pates with a booth and all day :~ 11 dAftbo ~m h. o;:•
are newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Fox of Watson Jr. The new arrival Is the Patbew n.-c. J, xma servtn1 of food Jncludln& lunch· HI hand iJ : r. ~ U ·
Eueene Fox. The bride Is the Rainville, VIrginia. granddaulbter of Mr. and Mn.. laaday ~~-at 7. L t. 10 aDd Includes moat members ol the eon and dinner b a feature 1ot ahfpa. ~n p.:; ~ur!f:7• ~a;::
former Miss Prudence Hood. The young couple were mar-T~ Ruasell of 1.22 Breaken Dr. 11 :30 a.m. Weekdays: Mass at church choir, and haa Mrs. Ar· both church members and the atudy group. 1:30 a.m.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph rled June 30 at St. James Epfsco-and Mr. and Mrs. Georre Watson 7:00a.m.-Confesalon: Satur· thur as chairman; the Balboa community.
Hood Of Bay Shores and -and· al en h Th ddl Sr of SOt~ Ma.rt,old Ave. daya from 4:00 to 5:1~7:00 to CBU&a or on LADY •. p urc . e we ng cere· -'d 8•30 p m. or liT. CJIIIICD. daughter of the late Dr. Charles mony was followed by a recep· The p&rftlta' olflctal '""" ence · · TBE CIIUJICB or CIIJUST ..,..,... DAY ADVUilil •
FllSl CHURCH 0' CHRIST tlon at tf}e Balboa Bay Club. was still In Long Beach, when I'1JIST aAPTDT CB'U11CB Odd Felloows Lodge. ......... 8Ift. .. .._ lt.. 1"1 ··=-~ Xewpolt
SOENTIST Mrs. Alan Hatch was her twin the baby was born. but a mov· or XEWIOJIT 1 .. x..,..n A.._ •....-t ••lllttll raa.p-.!! -:.m
W;=• llOl V"141 l.Wo, ~ ~ slst.er's matron of honor, and In& van over the week-end trans-lcdboa a19d... lltb & Court Sta.. c.ta ..... l.u..tr 1-1111 _ Ia -·
A brench of The Mother Church, The Mi8s Cyn. thla Strother was maid port~ their belonrlnp to 414 If~ Ubertf 1·5711 ZW. D. a.~ --~uldla9-• A , ••• ...._
Firtl Chyrch of Christ, x ielltist, Ill ac... of honor. Carl McBurney serv~ Fernleaf Ave.. Corona del Mar, ~ JSS t.-10'71 Sund~a-y Se~-.J~9 .. :4~m. D . ble Sabturdathay Mooomlnl·. 9~.30~ces..:. ~~: Sunday M~: 8:00 aDd 10:00 ton, Meswchu~eth. where the baby wUl make her ~~ ~ Q. oluYola ,.......... J -Scb ......., ~ and 12:00 a.m. Confe88Jon: Sat· Sunday Schooi 9:15 •·"'· as best ma n. Edward Orms, Lar· first home. Sunday lftvlces: 9:45 a.m.. Sun-atudy: 10:55 a.m. worablp aerY· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer D:Met· urdaya and eves. ot t.t J'rldaya
Sunday Service 11:00 •·"'· ry Shumaker and William Earle day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor-lee; 7:30 p.m. evenln& lftvlce. tne: Wednaday, 8:00p.m. and Holy Dayw from 4:00 to
W.dn-ley Eve-,i"9 Meet•"9 1-90 p.~t~. were ushers. LJtUe Nancy Daleh LEGAL ROTJCE ablp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday S:30 p.m. and from T:30 to 8:30
Reeding Room louted et HIS Vie st'rvedasnowerglri.Asslstln&at ROTJCEOFDVSTErSSALE evenlne Service; Mid-Week ~A~~~~ URIVI"*'IW'f'COIOI'1niiiTT p.m.DaUyM&IIII:OOa.m.First
lido, Newpart Beech, it open week the reception was Miss KatJe 0 J 1 7 1956 0 00 ... ~ Service: 7:30 p.m. W~esday .,....:::,_~-1 -1-"-~~--Pl'fday: 6:30a.m. and 1:00 p . .m.
de.,. frorn 9:00 •·"'· to 5:00 P·"'· FitzGerald. n u Y 1 • • at 1 : A.Jn., Prayer Meeting. ----'• -----·--Novena (Perpetual Help): W.dnetdey1 frorn 9:00 e.m. to 7:<45 The bride attended Orange Paelflc DayU,ht 'nme FARMERS A. A. Jtn1n&....... SIS W. ll.u.. ..,_ a.a.. Monday,7:45 p.m.
P·"'· Fndey rteninqt frotft 7:00 p..ll'l. to Coast College. The groom stud I~ I AND MERCBAN'TS TRUST COM· ~· AIIDDLT OP COD Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· Actl8g 'M!e'•taa WIIJ.'-wu.r
':00 P·"'· ~IOHd Holide'f'-Jaw at West VIrginia University. PANY OF LONG BEACH. as Cn ... L Wa.=m {;dL ~-ljl~eek~ S~~~fp~ lt::::: Mom· C0801fA Dla. MD The public ;, c;ordielly invited to ••· Trustee under and punuant to ~1<=----1 d ., 30 • CCIDIOiiHI C&O*'* he _ 1 -1 Ice, W e d n e • a y , • : p.m. C iiJ~ ~e; .. ~::oe .:~rch Mrvices end ., .. tt.. lfDfXESOTARS BEaE = o~;r ~\.in~~ ..... C.&. ftw rrd , Youne people meet 6:15 p.m. PDIT AII...._T OP GOD IU ~i ...
Minnesota friends who now GERALDEAN POPE. husband and Sunday cool 9:30a.m.. mornlne Sunday. 11z4 lt. & a.. A...._ c.t. ..._ -
Jive In the Southland are visit· wlf•, dat-.a AprU 25, 1..w::o:: -rd· worshlaerv'P .. ?6~_30m. Y.m..ounr people Llbedy 14711 ......., ...,, ..._ a-JIDe A CCIIDplete L1De of
Wool Carpet aa low a IS.ts yd.
801 lAlCHE'
HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del Mar
G M U f C "' ""' ~ n •w r t."' P eventna R&Wi'OWT ~· ••• •d 11. C. c::..ac. ..._ Sunday Wonblp Serftcea: 9:30 lng the eorge oe ers 0 . O· ~ June 10, 1955. In Book 3099, evanaellst aervice 7:30 p.m. LUI*IIU C&UKII S .a-•-... -1 9 30 W U 00 •··-A·-•-.. 1 rona del Mar. who mov~ from Paee 187, ot Offlctal Bec::ord.a In Mid-week aervlce 7:30 p.m. 2101 CWI DL. •....-t a.&glata un ..... y -: : a.m. «· a.m., : a.m.~---...oo :
St. Paul t his past year. The the offJce of the Recorder of Or· Weclneaday. Llbedy ._.., ahJp: 10:55 a.m. and evanplUt 9:30a.m.
Moellt'rs made a trip back to ange County, C&llfomJa. and se· ...,, -....t Qreel..S ::rcea.1~ =., '?~ ST. JAIID &i'iiCGPAL
Minneapolis In May and saw curing, among other obll&aUona, caoaa ol tbe XAUIDJ: DupUcate momtne aervtce.-9 p.m. Sun.. Mid-week Senice: a. Yle ~lkw;wt .._.
"'prlng anlve, but lett before the note for $1.400.00 da~ April 25. 1• A~m lt.. c:-t::.~ a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sundayl· Wednaday 7:30 p.m. Ladl_. . ..._ 1m1 hot spell moved ln. ..... W.. Clift WL.--Jllnderlarten and Pre· Schoo Mltelo ... ..., • Council. 'nlured•-...,. ,.._ & ...._ ...._ .=:::::::::-=:::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~::_ ____ 1955. In favor of FARMERS 6 ~ 1·7181 Dept unday School, 9 a.m.; 9!30 a~in:'"tor aU day. --Sunday eervsc.: 8:00 a.m. Holy
MERCHAN'TS BANK OF LONG Sunday Serv1ces: Sunday School, bt Grade through Adult Sun· Communion; 9:15 Family Serv-
1. UTiaATIC fCl·
1111111 Olltr Sensl
-. ....... ice
tlht awtlllaticllly. ... .,.,. .. ..,,
111m 01111 Sensl8es
a.frlrlrttar ce• .. wiCIIl..,_...,.,,
... ,.. ..............
different from all other. I
BEACH, a corporation, wUl sell 9:30 a.m. Morftln& Worship at day Scbl, 10 a.m.: bus PJ'O· tee. 11 a.m.. wonblp eervice.
at public auction to hleheat bid· 10:30 a.m. EvanSen.tlc Serv· vlded and Nu'::l ~d~ for 1'D11T IOU raw aAP1'11T Thunday Serv1ces: 9:15 a.m.
der for caah, PAYABLE In Law--fee, 7 p.m. Sun ay. N.Y.P.S.. both service. an 0 a.m. Sun· ..... W. -f{'._OIICII1t.. ,.~ ~~-Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Hol.7 Com· ful Money of the United States 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· day School. , ---mun.lon. ol America at time of sale, at In&. 7:30 p.m. Weclnesday. LJbaty a.aua CIIJUST LUTIIEL\Jf c:au.ca ._._, Dr. llldaard B. ._. IT. JOD 'flAJfJfE'i' the South Front Entrance to the a.u.ao~ 11LAJm OP COSTA KUA Sunday achool, 9:4!5 a.m.; church JIC ....._A...._..._ lalaDd
County Court House, In the City COJOIVIriTT IOTIIODIST AIDc::e:;s.£J.aL •ervlce 11:00 a.m. Tralnlne J1AJtMw 1114 of Santa Ana. County of Orange, 115 Agqte A.._ lcdboa lalaad Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlne rat~aer • ......_ KJ.IeT, ...._
State of Calltomla, all right. JQ~aUW: a... Doaald lapp wonhlp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach-Sunday Ml..lleS: 8:30 a.m. 1r 9:3()
title. a nd interest conveyed to BAibcw C5l5 Paatw1 ...,, l.otJacg Tonow en and ottleen meettnr 7 p.m. a.m. Con!euJon: Saturdayw and
and now held by It under said Sunday ServIce a : 9:30 a.m . Sundt)' Services: Worship Serv· W~nesday. Prayer service and eves. of t.st Frldayw and Holy
Deed or Transfer In the property Church Schoo!; 9:30 and 11:00 Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at Bible study 7:4!5 p.m. Wednea-l)ayw; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Pint
situate In the City of Newport a.m. Worahlp :service. 10:15 a.m. day. Pl'tday Ma.a 8 a.m.
Beach. Newport Beach-Judicial IPU'ICf SPIRITuAL SERIES JS SPONSORED BY THESE CJVJC-MINDED FIRMS AND ftlftiVJDu•wa District, aald County and State, •~ A&-.u. ~
d~t~das: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 87 of Tract No. 1218, In
the City of Newport Beach,
County of Orange, State ot
Calltomla, as abown on a
map thereof recol'ded In
book ~. paeea 47, 48 and 49,
Mlacellaneoua Mall' recorda
of aaJd Oranee County. CARVER CAAFT
Subject to trut deecb of rec· ,_ EV1NaUDI OUTIOAI.DS
ord. -' W1ZAID IOATS
SaJd we wfll be made, but *""'t • ......., n Y""
without covenant or warranty, '"' ...,._ lh4.. C.. W..
expresa or Implied, ~ ____ ~ _ _...;.''-~-----
tltle, p o • • e 1 al o n , or enc:um·
branc:es, to pay the balance of EARL W. STANLEY,...,._
the prtnclpal sum of aaJd note, to-wtt: ~400.00 wtth lntenat s.a., ........ ......., ......
from June 9, 18. at tbe rate ..... Oflees ......., tm
of (I") m per cent per aanam, compounded, I~ lf UTt ____ ..... __,...._ .... ____ _
a1u1er tbe tariM ot aaJd Deed or
Tr&Nifer; .... ~ a.Dd G •
peuee of the ,.,_... ancl ol. • 8mu.-u.t ~
t:ru.at eneted by aald Deed « C ,,.,, .Wu • a s..tsa Tra..... ...,_,,.....,..
,.... JleDefJelu7 UDdlr ..w .,. ....,.. .... c.. ....
DMd « 'l'r'a..t., 'b)' ,...... ot • ~ ..-bl'aedl « defad in tbe oWtca· -------.;....-,__...._ ____ _
doaa aeured t~Mn~Jir, ...... .
aeeuwG aDCI deUftNd to ..... .
...... • W'l1ttlla ~ f/1
o.lad ancl Dlalaz4 ..
1\e P1ece To~.
'-1\e ...... v .. "-·
We ~;.... SAH '"-Ste•pa
JOJ .... ~. Stt.et, .....
1\e lledr .........
.............. a...-.
JU4' ............... e..teW.. ..... Lltwrtr 1-4m
...... ·-· Willi
Ull L c:..t tt.r~ C... .... W.
o..... ~· ..... c.i,'ll• 111t.
NDWitW.. ....... ..... .....,_ .,.. ..... Jlodel" ~ ....
ot m.~ • ~a...._.----------~--~~--------------------~~~--=•..:0_..#=" ......... :::&a~
:.:.. ~~~.-~· Jl'l.... ............... . .. ..... ., ...... .,
~ .... .... ~~·ar~.Un.l
,...., .............. SeMe.
110 ""*4••t• e..te M-ta.t, ... )41,
lAY cmes Ru.tSH DISfiOSAI. co. ..... c .... t1 .... ..... .,..... ttl 11/j ,,.. .... ~
.... WWMisr ,._ c-. .... ............
The DAVIS IIOWH Co. ,.... .. •.. ,. ................ ,,..,Ill .
·-~ ..... c-. .... La.ftr....,
JOHN E. SAOl.Sit, ltMitot •
J,j ,..._ ef ·-· II
IWtiOO ltAnAN NT SHe» ~~ ..... . Da_, ........ .. •tL..._ ... .._
• • I • of soda~
'< »
PartlM clurinl the Jut __. ot Marie ltay'a alater 1a vlaltine
8ebool bade tanweJJ to M.L. h• from New York ...
Marie Beftem, wbo hU ,_.IMCI • • •
u art IMtnador ol. the Newport Moteo .-ma to be the land
8Heb ~ ldu,.la after ql tnehantment thla aurnmer u
man7, manJ ,_,. ql ~. tar u Rarbcw ana v.l.altlng ,oe..
10M Heffern ,... ftted to pu· Kra. Raymond ~nt Barwoy and
U. at DIIIMJI&Ad and tM ber daupter Mary ol Colona del ~ben 0\lb and Neelwd Mar • .,. .outh of the border ritht lltt.. 1Dcludlq a IOlcl ~let now v.l.aftJn1 a Jot of potnta ot
&ft4 a eamadon let. lntet'Mta and atopplnl vta the
DAR Plans Fall Luncheon, uww ••..-1 ~. JWLY II.-
Card Party for Sept. 12 aaa...a ......... The.llarlc E~ c.Mbrar.d
Plana for th 1 at ~... the Towtb of JlllJ with vtait.ara fall 1 e. r annu ., ..... y mittee headl wben t.bey met lOt from San Ptandaeo M.r I.D4..,..,
wae =::o:Y :!n:!: ~! := K:pe~on ~': ~~. Mra. ~·~rth~h£n:!t:=. ::;.:=
DAJt executive board aad com· The annual beneCt party of Dr. home emoute r.r-s..n
Mrs. S. Diehl
Is President
the ll"'U.P wm be held at the Diqo.
Newport Harbor Yacht Club on -:::::::;::;:::;:===:::===:: September U. wfth Mn. larnee " ~Joe of ShOft Cllt:ts u ebair·
DbcuaJon wu al110 hdd on
Wltll U!!!K • • • • alrplane at Mexico Clty, Aea.J. qne. Culton. remedial ,..d. puJeo and othen. ludy Blum ot
lnl teadler for the Newport Balboa laland Ia atuctying ln Mex·
luly 12, uee Elementary Sehoola, Ia havtnr a leo City thll aul'lmW!r, u .,. Mr.
tumm« vacaUon In Mexico whlle and Mn. Ed Rice of Corona del
Newport Be&cb, Call.f. taldnl counes ln "-•k:an cuJ· Mar.
ture apon.IIOI'ed by the Lonl
Beach State CoJJep. 8be wW be
of Fellows hiD ~ell:>;,~ =.,:.n~=.
MIS. Stuart Diehl ot sol Gol· Iutton held lut Thunday at the
denrod Ave. bu been eleded home of Mra. Donald Bart. Udo
prea.ldent of the Women's F~lJow. Isle. Co·chalrman of the CAll
ahip of the Corona del Mar Com· party wu Mra. MernJce Bowles. • • • munlty Church. Mrs. A. L. Plnkley, .11ewly
P'rlenda! Where would we be gone about a month.
without youT We wouldn't!.Our • • •
We always knew It was a nJce
place to live, but we didn't know
It wu paradJ~~e; never-the-leu
we received today an Item about
80f1leone Who lives ln "Clift
Other officers tor the coming elected re~nt, presided over the
year are Mra. 1. K. Hamel, tint meeUnc. whlcb wu abo at· vi~ p~dent; Mrs. Maklolm tended by Mma. Taylor, John aim ... To make your shopp1na Mualc teacher Clara Ellen Spel·
h oun • • • pleuant, eomfortable man Is warldng ln the children'•
and rel&Jdng . . . no bUITf, no aection of th.e Santa Ana public Heaven."
~ J•ISS ~ JarsaC Shannon. aeeond vtce president; Beach. c. K. Boardman. Walter lVI lVI Mrs. A. J. Gruwell, recording ~«· Clpe, Bowles, B. M. Adrian, E.
I E d letary; Mrs. Boward Boeert. CCW· W. Crumley, Helmer Dlckey, Ann ~-~----.................. .. ....... _ ........... ~Qot. acu.ny, no carry . . . no puthee library thla summer.
DO waJtee ... no eea.rdlee ------------• • • S ngage to r6pondlnl' secretary; Mrs. C1lt1 Harbeson, F. L. Lowe, William _, ........................ .......
... Bowewr, about nine t.lmea
a nat we 1et caught with our
aervlc:. down ... We flnd our·
~~elves 1n a .ort of ~nded
a n I m a t I o n . . . Not enough
checker-. not enoueb wide alales
. . . and too many friends . . .
1banka, trlenda, for ~lng .o pa·
Uent before tbe ble holiday last
week . . . To you new trtend.s
who came for the flrst ttme ...
elve ua another try ... We prom·
1se faithfully you won't have to
watt .o long ... 1bat 1s. untll
the Saturday before next Labor
Day ••.
* * *
rn.dal !'1om cdl .,_ tM
........ tool 0v aw ~.--. baa _,...,___...,_.y .. ,...... ... na.r---pll •• • wttll .... .ao.ta .. _ .. .., ........... .. ........... .., .... u..r .-.s aw u M'cl _. _... ............................ ..... ..., ..m.cs ... ~ .... --· -·to ...... ............. d1ldll9 tbeU
Wilt ... ••• ... • • • Del _ _. ..... ...,...._..
* * *
Marlene Dale
Anderson wed
to Sturtevant
Maldna their new home at 576
Deborah Lane, Harbor Blghland.s.
are Mr. and Mra. Wane1 Bradley
Sturtevant. Who were married at
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
on the last day of lune.
1be bride ls the former Miss
Marlene Dale Anderson, daurh·
ter ol Mr. and MrL Claude D.
Andenon ot 522 Beryl Lane, Har·
bor Richlands. Mr. Sturtevant Ia
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Sturtevant ol 1921 Bayalde Dr ..
Corona del Mar.
Miss Catherine Sturtevan' was
maid of honor fo.r her ))rother•a
wife-to-be, while ~bn P. Lang·
enhelm ~~erved u best man. The
bride is a graduate of Newport
Harbor BJch School and Wrleht
MacMahon business school in
Beverly Bllla. She al.o attended
UCLA. where abe wu a member
of Delta Ga.rn.ma Sorority.
1be bridegroom. abo a Harbor
RJgh graduate. attended the Unl·
verslty of Colorado, where be af.
flllated with Delta Tau Delta fra·
ternlt;y. He at.o attended Oran1e
Coast College and ls now attend
lng Lon1 ~ach State College
until h1a graduation ln Febru.
ary. 1be young couple have ~n
honeymoonlna tn Colorado.
RA!tlrlnc Auemblyman Earl Quial, treasurer; Mrs. A. A. Tritt. Hueh Hoover. C. E. Stoval
Stanley lett Jut week·end for a Ph .• l Rogerson Kemper, auditor; Mrs. John Sad· Jr .• Frank Penow, Hobert Roper,
... __ ... ........, ....... ...
.. , ...... crtNA-Otol , ............ ....
., ..... ,. 0 -,....... cmu.-CN.
vacation in Honolulu. leir, historian; and Mrs. Fra~ ChaJlen Landen. and Julian
• • • Cox. padia.menta.rian. Brooks. and M.las Dorothy Unaon
, ............ , ....... .__. ....................................
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Acker· Mr. and Mrs. A. Roy Marsac Mrs. Diehl hu recently ap· and Mlu Mary Ann Bowles.
man of 39th St., Jlfewport, enter· of 515 Carnation Ave., Corona pointed the following women to
talned frlenck from Newport and del Mar. thla week announced serve on eomm1ttees this year:
Lone Beach for a Fourth ol July the eneaeement of thelr daaeh· Mrs. S. W. Blacltbeard. budeet
Urbecue and "watch -the fire· ter, Jeanette VIrginia. to PhiUip and finance; Mrs. Lew Petitt.
works'' party. Mr. and Mrs. Fran· Roeeraon. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. courtesy; Mrs. Edwin Comlce.
cis Penn and Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Rogenon of Tacoma, Wuh. devotionals; Mrs. W. B. Ba.kkela
Joseph Murray and d'aughte, 1be groom-to-be attended schools and MrL K. V. DUt.s, eourtesy;
Joyce •. were visitors from Long In Taeoma and Is currently aerv-Mn. R. W. Wales, literature;
Beach, and Milton Lewis wa.a lng with the Marines In Camp Mrs. M. C. Vaughn, kitchen; Mrs.
jewell~ welty n.oBJST
OCCASlONS present from Newport. Pendleton. Miss Ma.rsac gradu· W. D. Humuon and Mrs. H. W.
•· • • • ated this June from Newport Wood, membership; Mn. Herbert P'Ne Dellwwt
... ~·---· ....... ................... ·s:-.. ..._._....,_ ........
lll~olaf......,... .......
,. ,. -D~-<Al ........... .... -.-..,......., ... -...... . _, __ ....,"'""_ .............. . .... ..._ ................. _ ... .....
....... --------___ ,........_ ... --... .... ...
lrtHA~ ,_ ~ ......... tO-.......... ·-----.. ~ . -· .. -··-·~.~~~ .....
IEALTI FillS The lawyer's ladles plan to Harbor High School. Miller, publicity; Mrs. <Aoree Fl!:"en ~~
open a Lawyer Reference Service Davies, UnJted Church Women; Anywhere 353 RO. KEWI'Oft aLVD.
In Santa Ana come ~pt.ember, ft... ft... .... R .I 8o Mrs. J. W. Barrett, wedding dl· ssa L eo.t ._,.CI (2 Blocks North of the Arches)
according to the latest announce· I • IIIIIIIW I II rector; Mrs. 0 . M. CampbeU, ea.... did .,_ LDMity ~
mt-nt of the Orange County Bar 1 • Lo Trl gifts; and Mrs. J. W. Randall, ~=--liii!!-!!l!!!!ll\!!!!-!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Auxiliary. Among the new offl· ••ftll II Christian education and family.
cers of the Auxllla.ry are Mrs. Ways and mearu projects of
Thomas Heffernan, first vice Mr. and Mrs. Theo Robins and the Women's Fellowship vary
president. and Mrs. Mark Soden. daughter Mary are o(f on a trom year to year. This tall they
second vice president. month·lonr jaunt to points east have already planned a Harvest
• • • and 110uth and the aouthwest. dinner and church night. Every
Mr. and MrL Charles Suther-They left by train on the year there 1s a goal of money to
land are here for part ot the fourth of July. heading first for help with the general and bulld·
summer and getting ready, for Dearborn, Mlch · where they were lng expense'S of the Corona del
thelr daughter's weddJng In Au· to pick up a new rord car From Mar Community Chur~h. Rec::ent·
aust. Mrs. Sutherland's mother, there their path led up to Nl· ly this money has helped to buy
Mrs. D. R. Rooke of Corona del agar a Falls. and Canada. then to modern e q u 1 p men t for the
Mar, new back to New York late New York City and Wuhlncton. kitchen of the newly built aoctal
this sprlne and visited for aev· D.C. Then back home by a south· hall. Women or the church also
eraJ weeki and later .aceompa· erly route, by way ot Louisiana contribute to church school needs
nled the family on thelr motor and Texas. where they w1ll vlslt and ~~ervlce tor the younc people .
trip to this coa.st. relatives of Mrs. Robins. Son Bob "Mite" boxes, saved by the ln·
• • • Robins meanwhile Is holdJng dlvidual mernben. a.re rUts of
One of th011e new stickers forth. at the Ford headquarten the IJ'OUP and used for 1) youth
which says "FIRE! NEWPORT on Mariners Mlle. campe such as Plllflm Pinea at·
BEACH. phone Harbor 15" 1s tended by the youne people of
pasted on the telephone at ... )lJl.T CTB aJJITRJ)AT this area. 2l missions <this year
O ltU.St...n .. ~
Eza. J'OUDdi ID -p1aor IIUif IJ.
ipCii1iDc }"'m ocbcrww ~ ~
Yoe a. pt rid of cloflicuh ,.._. .,
~r chr rdu:aoJ Sau&Y S,--m
way. We eqwopoo-}'OW' tipre,ldt
,_ ,...._, firm and opcm moack.
In • -.&ne fipac~~
,....._ IDd )'DOI'U CllJOY ""'7 ~ .......&.
CALL--b a frer erial ...
-,.,_ .. ,. No obllpx&
the Newport ~acb Fire Depart· A patio supper party at the the money wlU be eent to Ft. ;::===========; ment! (Harbor 1s, that b .) home of Dr. and Mrs. David Nlel· ~rthold Mission In North Da·
LaN)ftt and Mort Complete • • • ~~en. 122 VIa Lo~a. Udo. on July kota); and 31 a forelcn mlsalon
Furniture Store in the Ate.. From Torino, Italy, comes a Fourth. celebrated the blrthday such u Cua MLna ln Jlfaples.
lovely eolored postcard and on of Dr. Nielsen. Italy.
C.ll fof "-tbe ba.ck this meauce: '7orlno
DECORATING SERVICE la be.autltul, only Corona del Mar
Ubetty f.SS II _ is better . . . hope to be baek
OPD zvumca IT AnOia tM&Iit
I.AIITA AliA a.,.,.. .......... ._ ..... Bob Sduoeder of our J'lower
Shop hu a &tend ln Karachl.
India ... ~wd a letter from
hJm lut mon~ and uked h1m about the tint of August. Re·
rards to all ... Gene <Boeto>" • • •
Miss Jacquelyn de los Rios
Is Wed to EarlL. Cooper to wire .ome flower& up to B r J =;to~~~~::::;!: IUS t II. b lf II~ I Vlsltfne Helen and ~Kuster
the ume man had Bob send Fumi"'incp for homes. In Corona del Mar is Helen's ala· June 21. the day that would aid Jackson of Costa M~. Personalized Cleaning tlowera to l:n,land tbr him · · · dubs. yachts. ter from New llampah~ and her have ~n the golden w~dlng served u uaben.
• 1b1a belnl lu]y · · · aeema u lOI7 w. Coe.t Hl9hw•y two dauehtera. Carol and ludy. anniversary of the bride's ma· Uttle Charla Sparman wu &ood a Ume u any to tell you N~ INch ternal grandparents, was choeMm nower girl and Marilyn Be-e~
... accordlna to Bob, June 1a not Read Erwlp Want Ad& u her weddlng date by Miss and Sandra Chamberlain -·r•
the bJr wedd.1n1 month ... Fall =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=~;;~;;~~~;.;~~~ 1 1 EJ 1 ... _ 1 RJ f """"'"' r acque yn . a ne UC' os os or taper lighters. All of them were
Ia the Ume wben m«e eouplea her ma.rrlage to Ea.rl L. Cooper. c1ressed in nutty pink an~ blue
hlteb thelr jolned handa to 1M D IIOfJllC •• 111 nc.•• or ,_,_.,.... The bride b the daughter of dreuea..
matrimonial star • . . Mr. and Mrs. Leo de los RJoa of Bouquets of pink and white
* * *
.... tn.c~.,.. ..........
_......_.b-*..,.Woaa _,..., ........... ......... A~..._.
... .,.. -.-.y ..... ,..
--...S ..t ap Ia a Jlffr to ............................
Newoorl Bolb.oo
announces new
Oil ice Ho11rs
On Friday, July 13th. we wD1 be opel\
untO 6 n m .. and wiJJ ""'""aln open unto
S evf'rv Frfdav thereafter.
364 Flower St.. ea.ta Mesa. The gladloU and t.tl wb1te tapers
groom's parenta are Mr. and Mrs. decorated the church and the
Horace C. Cooper of Felix, vta ~pt1on, wb1eb was held at
Farmington. Calilomla. Goodell Hall of the church. Wed·
1be Rev. Roy Carbon Pft'· dJng solos were sung by Miss
formed the double rlnc candJe· Marveleoe Moody of Corona del
light ceremony at Cbr'-t Church Mar. Miss Sandra Chamberlaln
by the Sea. Mlsa de los Rlos woce assisted with the guest book at
a waltz length aown fashioned the l"f'Ception.
of tiers of chantilly lace. The After a honeymoon In Santa
fitted bodice had a swe-etheart Barbara the young couple wm
neckline with long sleeves. She make their home at 1921 Maple
wore a matching lace and pearl St., Costa Mesa. The bride Is a
pill-box cap boldJnr a short IJ. graduate of N"'J)Ort Harbor
luslon veil. Seed pearls also HJgh School a.nd hu been at·
dotted the dress. tendJng Lone Beach State Col ·
Free Pick-Up & Delivety
Wednesdays & Saturdays
Personalized Cleaning
,.._ • •••••n It a bAt •• ,
Twwty.....,. teet .. --.Ia·
.... pl.tlc ..... wttla .....
................. tolay
............... poiA. bat
tweatal'dyWU.oa eiO....ct
to Mlcl It ap ••• P• Ciiiif ....
.. ..... Wei. flat ..s .,..
..U It ap • • • Eldl'a apec:lal ............... We wiD be clOtlei on Satmdav, July
14th and on rverv Saturdav thereafter .
Mrs. Robert L. Qoyd, the for· lege. The groom graduated trom
mer <:«ella Earel, of N('WpOI't the College of the Pa.cltlc at I
Belchts. wa.a her cousin's matron Stockton.
of honor. She wore a blue lace •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;==========~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~=::;:
* * *
Ever aee an -cg c:up wftb a
wool bat 1 TheM were purchuecl
by our bolanan 0 . W. tbe lut
time he wu ln New York ...
Made tn Italy. theee ea c:upe
otter ldtehen or bed tray bou·
tJque at Ita nn.t . . . You have
your chote. of Dumpty Dumpty
or lbr1 Ka.ry QuJte Contrary
•.• • Tile -rr c:up wttb Jta wool
hat ~-atop a muaieal box
deconted with Moth• aoo.e rta· ure~t wbJcb tum to make the
m ualc . . . U J'DU wlah an 811
e\lP wtth a wool hat. but With·
out the mualc box .•• We ba~
that too .•. What an ortatnal
· thoupt tor .omeone 1n the boe·
pltal • • . Or tor .ameone wbo
1~ to keep their boOed egp
warm .,.
* *
Tbeae houn~ will be oblerved at botJi
th"' Main Ofttce and thf' Col"(ma del )(ar
Our dec:l«ton to f'trtAb1fsb this new
eebednlf! fn"nw~ a Mill ¥11!9 of OU1' ea.
tom""'' n"f'd,. fn wh'"" thev n'ft &1:>-
Jn'Oval. We wf1h to ftri-M nut' thanb
to them for their """'"tnv fntereft and
heJnful J'e1)1~ ~md Mmmfl'nte.
You may alwavw add tn or wfthdra•
from 1'IODI' aeeount bv man - a ate,
ennvPntent wav to lu•ndl., voth" ea.tn ..
t,.., .. ~llet~otw. We l>&Y &It l)08ta~ for
o.n. .............. ......... _
ANe 10M MIOCMnote
1166 YIA UDO· •
dress with a corsage of aweoet
peas al'ld ro.es. Mia Beverly
Be-ebe of Garden Grove v.•u maid
of honor In a plnk lace dress
with a bouqud of pink roees.
Bridesmaid wu Mrs. Donald
I Jacluon. the formft J'oane 0,·
den. of eo.ta Mesa, who also
wore blue lace.
The brlde'a cousln, Robert L.
Boyd m. !lei'Ved u betJt man.
Other coustna. lack Boyd of
Santa Ana and Robert Moody l r .
of Santa Ana Belahta.. and Don·
t f II I \ ( ' I I' T I'' ... \
~"'-: ~t;
Summer SUit SALE
aaou. bnmd name IDeo
.... iD PCIItl~~ cmd
II a c: 11:. CA•arlate ~_. ...
..... of ... cmd cab ..
• • • u ...... r 11 ..
K ' ........ PI •
IS Die • ....... J.qi a... &. U.. ~~~ l'nla Jt. aooeaadoli IContloa II ._ • NJe ......_, lbould a.. MdaNd null ud ~ on a...,__,. llcapwt -..eta Met! .... C'ciiQ Mea llad lltalted
Clt1 AttlllfMJ K.ut O.WI Ill Ute ..... a-pn~ ea.ru.. ~~ ba-.le wtta 0.. ..... OD A~ DeVIl c ......... tMI
the 11th IC. naa•tiDa. Mr. Dunp.a kadn"t .. ..,. ...,.
LUl ~ tiM CIOWt ._... a ftdent t.dl to eoMtltute a aa-.
t•mporar'1 ............... ol action. Attorney Du.qan
aplnllt lfewport Jl U n Uq wttJt cJalmed that Newport eoqht
Itt •nnexatJon. UJIOI' ....,._l&tton determination ol boundarl• by
Jut MondQ & beuiq on a pet~. the eounty boundary commlM.Ion
tlon for a wrlt of mandate on the 17th St. annaatloll
brou1ht by Ctty Attorney Donald throueh lu ~6th St. annexation.
Dunean of eo.ta Meea wu con-1be Newport annexation wu
tJnued unW out Monday. . waJtlne out a 30-day period re·
Attorney Dun1an claimed that qulred after adoption by the city
counC'll before beln1 forwarded
to the secretary of state in Sac-
ramento tor ratification. 'lbe re·
strainlne orde.r halted action on
torwardlne the annexation to the
John J.. Reynolda, 74, of 1902 state.
Orange Ave., eo.ta Mesa. died The Costa Mesa city councU
last Thursday In Hoac Hospital ha.s scheduled a pubUc hea.rlna
after a brief Wneu. Be was a on Aug. 6 tor protest. and ob.Jec·
retired school c\llll)dlan. t1ons agaJnst Ita annexation. A
Survlvon lnclude his wUe, petition contalrung the valid slg·
Carol; 6 sisters, Mrs. Flora Beatty natu.res of more than a quarter
of Balboa, Mrs. Leda Haun of ot the qualltled electou resldJna
Newport, Mrs. Ada Guthridge of ln the a.rea calling for the an-
Bay8lde, Mra. Ruby Crane of nexatlon of the land to Costa
Huntlncton .Beach, Mrs. Edna Mesa was received by the Costa
Kelley of Perris and Mrs. Imo· Mesa city councll on JuJy 2. The
eene Ashman of La Jolla, and councU set the date for the pub·
a brother, Roy Reynolds of Boa· tic hearing and passed a resolu·
tonla, Calif. Mr. Reynolds was a tlon of Intention to call a special
native Callfornla, born on Rose-annexation electJon.
cran Estate near Compton.
Services were held Monday In .L ··-01 ...... Parkes·Ridley Mortuary Chapel. , ...
Interment was In Harbor Rest
Memorial Park..
Twins--a boy and a girl-were
born Monday, July 9, to Dr. and
Mrs. Uoyd Ocheltree, 206"' Crys·
tal Ave., Balboa Island, In Santa
Ana Community Hospital. Dr.
Ocheltree malntaln.s oUlces at
2451 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del
Mrs. Jenny McKeon, 56. of 536
Hazel Drive, Corona del Mar,
died Tuesday at her home. She
was a native ot Port Huron.
Mich., and had been a resident
ot Corona del Mar for 6 years.
Survivors Include her husband.
Frank McKeon; 4 daughters. Mrs.
Betty Rkhards. Mrs. Patricia
Blackletter and Miss Susan M e·
Keon41!ll1 of Corona del Mar, and
Mrs. Joan Trugh ot Fullerton.
IPA•Jn EU •cdlleab69Foa.rtla
•• Jaly ..... lltt» girl llb
Ttaa xa.a-. ..,. 4. wbo Ia u..
c~aqtrw of Dr. CIDd 11n. Dcrri4 •w..a of 112 VIa Loftla. Lido.
(Eulp pliloto) ------CBalSTJAJf SCIEMCE c:Bl1aCB
"~ the Father hath llle In
himself; so hath he given to the
Son to have llle In hlrnself." This
verse t:rom John (5:26) ls the
Golden Text of the Lesson-Ser-
mon on "Life" at the Newport
Beach ChrisUan Science church
on Sunday. ------CBRIST CBUBCII aT TBE SEA
The Rev. Carl Doss. father of
famous adopted "International
Family," will be guest preacher
Sunday at Christ Church by the
Sea. His sermon on "Open An-
other Door" w111 be based on bls
perso"al experiences. The Rev.
R(\Y Carlson and family are on
vacation during July.
... ........ I'Nd llwllllwna GICorooa deJ Mar, ,... M t..._.. llluiM aub ca_..t • aa..cor. tM ant cs.y 'l'IMt t.am. OllutleiMr ..,, tiM
Ilea-WOII 1M Uda to t&U7 t1a. ..._.. boet·ICIOI9 ot CofoDa Clltl Mar ... t aaarllllt.
1111u•111 A.l'uwe 'l'eurDuMnt. the coaapetltloD and ltart tb4dr bu IWIC.btecl all the wa.J to ~·
MN * ~ ud ~. dub well aloftl vlc:tor'1 laM. braJtu. • ... tMir ....,. wwe due lD no ~ tint qy a..d b .. d up D. L (l)on) Hau.r, wbGie
-'1 ••--to a boet UIMd tbJoaaJa a )-·productive eecond louthen CaUtonUa ~lorN Ia at
tM PAY OFF. dq. aM tM w11m.1.q dub, an· Cr)'llta1 COVe, and WbO Ia lhlp'r
TM ..... tiWDif ol tbe PAY nou_.. at a ciD\Mr &Del rw...-lnUIMr aboard the I. 8. Lolu· orr ........ W.nder. Elton ~-•t the klboa .. y land, ~~ tht ~nc card
HrU.U. Wltla trammaa. Dr. VIc· Club hn4ay evenfl\1, wu rt.I.U hm Glbralw to Jforrn M•dow
tor a. -.,. el LoDI 8Meb and tbt IJPt ~ Karl.tft Qub. and DNA au.tU:
llurM7 111U -.aura.nt owner Dr. BOCMW, wllo won eop lnciJ· "Wlll be home about tile latt.
v'tduaJ boncn, waa alllo ~ part ot Septembft, •provldlnl
S I_ 8 b captam of tbe club. 'lbe PAY thlnp tum out th• way 1 want mOK8 om OP'J' really paid oU!! them. "Have about l.our larp T·
We taJJced to Elton Hall*lt the bOn• reaeb' for me."
I D• d d~ after the contest. Ht con· e • • S ISCOVere firmed thetr 28 nth that r~.ret The J'wnJut Garden Shop,
day, 7 the MCOnd day. With flab· operated by Mr. and Mra. John S.
A smoke bomb, constructed of in• beitnnhll at alx on the PAY Scotteld, opena today (1bu,..y)
an u n k n ow n material, was OFF, Hallett aaJd they were tn at 2700 E. Coa.t Hwy., Corona del
burled in a city nower bed by flab from the openJna minute Mar.
Newport .Beach firemen to ex-on Saturday. The Femleat Garden Shop fea-
Unculsb it at 10:08 p.m . on the By 8:30 a.m. when many boata turet~ Interior plantlnp. tropical
Fourth of July. were st:lll fiahleas, Fred Herahorn shade plant.a. birds of paracllle, nut amoke bomb, ahaped already had 9 fbb, Dr. Hoover 7. fuchsia hanetnc buketr In
about four lnche. squa.re and 16 LADY LUCK th~n turned her bloom, bouaalnvlllla, hlblac:ua.
lnches lone was found on the smile on "VIc" Hoover, who ea.rdenJu and many other planta
Ocean Front between the Balboa "limited out" with 10 albaCXII'e at to enhance 1ardena.
Pier and "A" St. There had been 8:58 a.m. Hershom rot his lOth Mr. Scofield hu had 12 yean
an attempt by the public to ex· lone·fin at 9:20. The PAY OFF'a e~rlence In the nursery bust·
tlneulsh lt with water but to no muter, Elton.Hallett. trolled the nea, startJnc w1tb Mnl. H. C&r-
avall. balance of the day with one rod dou Sloan ol the Cardoza Gar·
In the rod-holder and ended with dens. Corona del Mar, and more
ln.Ditklnktllck ... ,,.. . ..,.. •.
Mrs. Dick Drake is convaJes.
dne at her Corona Highlands
home after a major surgical
operation ot several hours which
took place at St. Joseph Hospital.
Rowena ls now able to sit up
and take nout11hment ... even
have a t~ visitors after 4 ...
but she and Di ck have been
missed at Jot. of parties lately
and fleure It'll be a while be-
tore they are completely back In
the social swlng.
Htrllerl F_.1i1, 84,
of. Clstl 1111 Dill
but eleht albacore. receqt.ly with Norman'• N~.
Accordlne to Tournament rules. , • • •
an addiUonal 5~ of the acore U there s a lhortaee or steau
was added tor each 30 minutes at Coast Super Market. It's be-
unused flshlne Ume remalnlnr cauae butcher John Colby Is tak·
In the day. Dr. Hoover added lng them home to feed hls wlte,
60% to hls limit ·~. Herahorn who spent nearly a month In the
55%. The PAY OFF weighed In hospital with sureery and blood
391 poflnds of fish th\ flrst day, transfusions, etc. While she was
garnering polnts more than some there and John was home dolne
of the participating clubs' five the cookln' and household chores,
teams ~re able to tally. al-both of their kids came down
though most boats did well on with the chicken pox-just to
Saturday. keep things complicated. •
Point score was: Ught Tackle Marlin Club For letterheads and mvelo~
209.12 points. -C&U th~ Enalp. Hatbor llH.
Paclllc Anglers-177.96 points.
Tuna CJub (Avalonl -155.63
...,..U»to ....,aa
for the entire summer
You leaYe it •.•
W e wash it!
WAIIIEIEIIE ......,..,
Services were held yesterday
at Baltz Mortuary, with the VIcar
Chandler Jackson of St. John the
Divine Episcopal Mission Church
of Costa Mesa officiating.
"How to Live Without Anxiety
and Tension" will be the Sunday
sermon topic at the Corona del
Mar Community Church to be
delivered by R.ev. Norman Brown
of Corona Highlands. Mr. Brown,
.uperlntendent of the Sunday
School, ls preachlne In the ab-
sence of the church regular
pastor, Rev. Edwin C. Gomke,
who Is on vacation.
The story of the Hebrew peo-
ples. from the patria rchs to the
prophets. will be depicted In
drama and narration at 10:30
a.m. tomorrow IFrlday) at the
Balboa Island Community Meth·
odlst Church The program wUJ
be presented by children of the
Vacation Church School. who on
that day conclude their two-week
study of the Bible.
Herbert Theodore Fountain. 84.
of 450 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa.
died Friday at hls home after a
short Illness. He was a naUve of
Glen Ellen, llilnois. came to thls
community In '1.931, and wu an
Interior dl'C'Orator hy trade.
~rvlces were heJd Sunday at
Parkes·RldJey Mortuary Chapel.
The body l"as shipped to YOI'k,
Nebraska, for Interment .
HA.RBOR 6176 2919 E. Cout Hwy ..
Corona del Mar
Acrosa the street from
SS3I Ea8t Coat llwy. (Corner Orchid)
CofoDcr del Mar
'"Look ·-tile red door"'
•• AnT
e orncz
LEGAL JfO'nCE Uon and shall eovern for all de·
BE.SOLt7TIOif MO. '511 taUs as to the extent, manner,
RESOLtrnON OF THE CITY and location ot the proposed
COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF chanrea and modlllcatlons here-
NEWPORT BEACH. CAU· In proposed to be Ol'dered.
TAlN PROPOSED CHANGES mated that the COlt of dolne the
AND MODIF1CATIONS IN work as originally contemplated
THE WORK UNDER RESO-wUl be lncreued,~V reason of
LUTION OF I:NTENTION NO. the chanaes propoMcf to be made
4421, DECLA.RJNG ITS lN · as set tortb herein, by the aum
CHANGES AND MODinCA-SECTION 3. -It 1s further the
L dw4eU~-~ Q~, aafbmd 11an1
frahaaa io a woodeduUr
~oaveoieot ~~eiOIOI eoacaiaer
tbat releua a 6oe .U.
of refrahm. 1,.,~
ac a 6Apr coucb ••• wiJI
nor ataio, dampeo 01 ........
Larae 6 oz. CliO ••.10
-nu Pnecdptlua .. _ ,.
~IJ7 &. c..t awy ..
Williams ~~~~~--Don't get a mid-summer wilt! A .....,.. fresh white pair of gloves will
Udo Shopplnc Center do wonders to make you look
TIONS AND FtXJNG A TIME Intention of the Council to
AND PLACE FOR HEARING cbanee the provtrlon made In
OBJECTIONS TO SAID PRO-R.esoluUon No. 44-40 prov1dlne
POSED CHANGES, AND GIV-that the assessment in the pro·
lNG NOTICE ntEREOF. ceedln.p be made and slened by
WHEREAS. thls City Council the City Enetneer by ellmlnatlnc
lla:dlcw •s• sao VIa Lido cool and crlsp and amartJy fuh.
;;~::;;;;;;~:;;;;;~~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~ lonable In your summer frocks.
Elgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
3123 Eo,t Coe1t Hl9hwey
Corol\e del Mer
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Hlahway
Corona del Mar
Rea. Phone, HA 5232
Sales. Serv1c. and Jtepaht
Terma, 10 hr Cent Dowll
Phone Harbor 5.?10
And It's so easy to keep them
fresh and white when you have
the beautlluJ Crescendoe glov~
they are tailored like leather
gloves but made of a beautiful
washable fabric ... Have smart
little touches that make them
beautifully d ist inctive. too. Co me
dld on the 77th day ot December. Section 2 ot said Rftolutlon No.
1955. adopt IU Rftolutlon of In -44-40.
tentlon No. 4421 declarlne Ita SECTION 4. That qotlce ta
Intention to order certain work hereby given that fhe 23 day of
and Improvement In 31st Stnft July, 1956, at the hour of 7:30
and other 511-eets and rlghta of p.m., ln the Councll Cham~ of
way In said City and after no-this City Council In the City Hall
tlce duly given. did hold a bear-ln the City of Newport Beach,
lng thereon at the time and place California, ts the time and place
fixed In uld Resolution of In-when and where any and all per· and see them at O'BRIEN'S.
Dac1oD batlate .up.. cool cmct
abadowproof • • • .aatly lcrwl·
d.ryclble wttbout aa LroaJog
p roblem . • . are man'eloua for
uDder your ab .. J' s u m m • r
frodca. CottoD • pettlooata too.
are ~ . • • billy full
AlfD slim styl• for all your
tt'ntlon. at which hearing pro· sons having any objectlora to
tests or objt'ctlons were not made the changes proposed to be made
by the owners ot more than one-may appear before the City
h alf of the area to be assessed Council and show cause why
for sa ld Improvement: a nd, saJd changes should not be or-
WHEREAS. this Council did dered, In accordance with this
thereupon acquire j urisdiction Resolution. ObjectJons must be
and did, by Resolution. order the In writing and be filed with the
work described In said Resolu-City Clerk of said City not later
tlon of Intention No. 4421, and than the U~e set few hearlne of
If you want to be a summer a lter notice duly given received said o bjections.
star In your hot weather ward-bids for a nd entered lnto a con-SECTION 4. The Olty Clerk of
robe, be sure you have the proper tract fOI' the doing of saJd work; aa.ld City Is hereby dlrected to
supporting cast-a eood stra p· and. cert.lly to the adoption of this
less bra for one thing. DON'T WHEREAS. It now appears Raolutlon and to cauae the aame
go 'rouncl tugging at straps to that certain· changes and modlfl· to be published once not lea
keep them out of sight or pin-cations should be made In the than ten (10) days prior to the
nlng them securely at the r isk work In 47th Street as described date of aald hearlne In Newport
of spoUing the ltne of l our dreas. In said Resolution of Intention Harbor Ensign. a n~apaper
DO pop Into O'BRIEN S and ask No. 4421 ; that said proposed publlahed and clr~ulated In aald
to see their good fitting strap· changes and modlllcaUons are City, which newspapeor 1s hereby
less bras -models that really sftown upon that certaln plan designated by the Councll tor the
give your figure support u well known as Sheet 6A of Plan No. publication of this ~lutlon.
as maklng you feel at ease. 440 showlne the plan of the pro-APPROVED and ~PTED by
Oa. JDOn Clddltioll ._. -r posed revision of grade and curb the City Council, slped by the
·--on the northwest side of 47th Mayor. and attested by the City
aaJDJDer wardrobe --addl· Street and has been approved by Clerk, thla 9th day of July, 1956.
t1o1a tbat wUl •c*e JOW au· this Council and Ol'dered filed ln DORA o. HILL
nat CIO!St1laM •on ~. the Office ol the City Eneineer. MAYOR ot the City of Newport
bat w bida wW c1-. be a woocl NOW, T H ERE F 0 RE, TilE .Beach, CallfomJa. ~t ,_ JMI' '.....S CITY COUNCIL OF TilE ATI'EST: ,.._--4..,. _..... ....... CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, M.arcery Scbtouder
Ia .oae of tbe ..,. la1at aDd CALIFORNIA. DOES HERE· City Clerk
._....._ str1 E • • a..ic BY RESOLVE, DE'TER.MINE STATE OF CAUFORNtA •
...tNd W. ..... • .,..._ to AND ORDER AS FOlJ.OWS: COUNTY OF OllAHGJ: )a
.._ .._ ,.._ ..._..._ ...S SECnON 1. That the publlc in· CITY OF .NEWPORT UACR
.__, tale •• ... claW • .._ terest and convenJence requl.re I, MARGE I Y SCIDIOUDEJI,. a. ._ ..-....._ A ... and tt la the lntentJon of the Qty City Clerk cl tbe Ctty ol1!!wport
-•••-edll 10 ••ell ID Councll of aaJd City to ordet eft· lleuh, CallfornJa. DO RDbY ~ a wda a • taln chana-. modl.OcaUona. and CEB'firt that th• fonao~ a. .
QUICK QUIPS: Bermuda abort. revtalona In the work on 47th olutloa. betftl lt.tlolvtion l'fo. ~kt IOU know we have them Street. In the foUowinl ~. 4511, wu duly ~ppr....S. pa-.1
at O'AIEJf'Sf You bekba! OUJl to wit: The ehan1tn1 and modi· and adopte4 byU.. at;y CeuDdl.
SALI!f r .. It's rtJJl I Oiq on. fYtnl of t.M 1Jade f« the raid &pp;owd Ud ..... by the wotk on 47th ltNet and tn tbe ~· .., • ....._. _. ... OtT
Plenty ol parklnc beh!Dd the curb ·~'!: nart.bw• il4e ot an. aD at a ,...._ ....una
store. aaJd 47th ......... lleptune ol .... atr o-wtl .... -... Annue and Ballloa Bl"-&Del Ia IUa -.,; laiJ. ~ ... tMt
-• , the In~ tt.aNoC. ........ tlae .... .... ..... .....
natJnr e1rta1a cun.r oe tM ee •ll ••• t.J tM .......,... ...., Mid ~ ... ol f'NI to wte: ""
ltNet, &11 ln tbe IIIU.UW aad •· A1'D: Onac:fa.• 8Mt. IIII.JMi.
tmlt u ...... • ..W .._ M Kq, WIWilt. ............... ol _.. Plaa..: ... wlaldl ._.. DL
....... ........, IlluDed to.... IIOD: Cr .... • ... •a• .u-... ·iiiirc;;;:;:•~~~~~~~~ ................. ,._ •· .............. ··--_---!~~~~~..;.;;-...:.J .......... F J1C!S 111-;ilir: ....... ,...., ....
.t•l I. ICMB.D r_.,..w. • ..._•a
Oil .. lB. Ill
featuring . ......_........_
• • •
DO YOU laave a filirftiliiMd m
~ Apt. Co NDtT We wtll be
perm. and ,..,oMlble tAmanta.
Ca1J Out .,..,., 8eMct ~ roa IAL& ~ & Ja!!U\."TTIOI_ cno dl..,... to ,.ouJ. c 7·35015. iidl . liMkiiCi PLYWOOD UAL J:ITATI! Q.AUES PUDWII:D-ONE IUL hou.e,
.oAT. Rewly palnC.CS.I• U.. For propeR)' ownen and CDM. Jl5 It tenantt eare. tor
thlna for chllctren. 125 HA thoee ttudytnc for new ttate anaU prc1en. Shown by ap-
1137·11. 60C ~hJd AYe., CD\1. a&ma. 2 Ill• weekly .tart· pointiiMftt.. Evp.. eall U 8-7127.
USED PUJlNrnJU. twin bed8 ln. l uly 11 and 12. at CDM ri1i1iUiitD AP.unii:Jn'. Co-
with mat:tr---. davenport alkl CoauDWllt;J auueb. m Bel· rona del Mar. yearlY bula.
occ.ulona.J chau, .tudlo couch, ~ CDM. at ?:CS p.m. PNI• 11"1~ penon. Cholet.
hi~ bed. M..50 b all ..._. WAirftD ":""-:IU=13U-;:..;.::.:,a.~......,..=-:::-::r-===
pteoa Ba 1371. nnnoi RIGB SCHOOL boy to A 8TZP noM OCEAN PBONT. iY OWJO:R. Ll4o llle lnvltelt fun help wfth Cardeninl and odd CDM. latp 2 B.a. home CwW
whUe llvtnc in tb1t I B.&. 1~ foM In Corolla del .Mar. Har· a~te t ). Larce 00'11• bath home with larp patio. bor ..._ erect patJo. dble. rarap, Dk.ely ~500 Loan~ eourte.y tum.labecl ~l.Y ,.,t.&J bet'·
to......._ BA 4103. •••• ....... Sept. l'llone OXford 7·N78 col·
BED·DAVDPOHT jWit reuphol· 1ect or HArbor 2061-W. .aerect. uceOnt eoDcl, HA 6379. ~ DIPLOYD U!TADO:D FliiHJSiiiD iOOM, wttb Private
BEAU'IUUL larp lot near Lake, AODCf batl's:.f.d Mparate entrance.
Arrowhead Contact Mia. Dora fifO n:E eolleet.ed from ~Jcut HA ·W. Bolton. 117te Lambert Ave., E1 ~:nat Mewpoft a..cb P81iJVIIOiii;o;;:A7ilft..-"'6~m:;;;;c:;;;:ESw;-::::w1tb=~pbo:-o~n~e
Monte, Ca.Ut., Pbooe rorrre.t &NWertnr Mf'Vlce. Secfttary It
8-1.558. .,.._ notary available. Ground Floor
MUST SELL nearly new PhUco New Trident Bldc .• 2300 New·
retrtcerator. treeur top, dln· MORE THAN port Blvd., Newport Beach (Ad·
Inc room aet and china cabl· 500 GOU.S Jaeeont South Cout Co.) Court·
net. ~lent condition. Twin wtll 1tart local Telephone "Y to broker&. HArbor 3028..
~dl. Call lira. Me· Company careen thla month. CALL Edna Crate, rental ape.
Kenzie, RA 038.'5 or HA 47. ww You Be clalt.t wtth Darb Bray, realtor,
Movtnc. would Uke to ..U Wur· One ot 'JbftD! 21t Marine Ave .• Balboa Wand.
llt:.r Spinet Plano. leM than BA 20 or HA 64.
1 ye&r old, can be aeen In • ID'IC&S
Santa AnL For d.etalla. write Pull Pay u You Learn.. -------------
• PAIN'I1NG 6 DECORATING. 1n· Mrs. Herbert Bloomqw.t, D terlor and exterior. 20 Years ltlnp Road, Roeevtll, Calli. Frequent PeriodJc lnereaaes. 1 w k exper ence. or done prompt· Electronic Oraan. llke new. 1485. -<>Denlnp tor-ly and neatly. Free eatlmates.
save t.'SlO. Schmidt • Ptilllfpt1 TELEPHONE OPERATORS L. B. MciCenzJe. HA 0395 or H.A
BJC Plano 6 Orcan Co .. ~ N. _Apply_ 47.
* Main, Santa Ana. * 1...--.1 It Knabe Grand juat IIJce new. re· 8:30 to 4:30 ..... I
polllet~aed; pay out balance 122 West 'l'hJnt
11985. aame a.a. rent. $475. buys Santa Ana sweet toned Grand, numy
othera like Flecher, Wurlltur. --..--P'-'A!~CI'-..,.n~c;;;....;;'J'ELEPHi.=;;;==O~ME:.=.. __
Muon 6 Jlamlln. etc. All
wonderful baraalna. Schmidt·
Phillips Blr Plano • Organ Co ..
520 N. Maln. Santa Ana.
feet condition. 1100. or will
trade for patio turnltur~. twin
bedsteads. cheat ot drawer. or
bookcues (prt'fer older pieces).
HArbor 0633.
Wutlltzft' Eledlonlc plano. from
1311. See It a t Dlaneyland or
here. ScbmJdt • PbWipa 81.
Plano • Orcan eo.. 520 If
Main, Santa AnL
KA.PLE BUR~BEDS.:=--c-o_m_p_lr-.
.prtnp and matt:rea, 129.95
4 chain, $l6.9!S Mt. MAPtZ
DBL. BEDS. aprlnp 6 milt·
~ f!SSS aet. Ph. leftenon
7 ·1.&53, 11.352 Watm.bllter, Oar·
dn <:rove.
lobs open tor Truck Orlvma,
Electrical .Enctneen. Survey.
on, Laborers, Dietel Opera·
ton. Cleorfca.J Workera, Steno-
ITaphers. Steamfitters. Fore·
men and many other Job
cla.uiftcatlon.s. Salart,es t750
to ll.!iOO per month. Foretcn
employment provtoa FaEE
transportation. board and lodltnc. medleal care, an·
nual vacatlona and bonu.es,
recreation and waces are tax
. b-ee.
ROOM 302. 14.24 ~ STREET, N.W.
HAIOIOND ORGANS aU JiiOCWit -----------
wonderful chance to ~"1. a , TEl
cood uaed Ra.mmond Of'Pilj .lmnO.B OOU.EGE al.o. one only. a H&IJ\JnOfHI mea SCHOOL
ChOI'd Orcan. hurry and ... .Are YOu looldu to the fU.
t h-at once, blc .. vt.nc. turef We are! T!iat'a why we
Sch.mldt·Phmls-Bl' Plano • are offermr atead)t Jobe with Or&an Co .• 530 M. Ma.f.n. Santa real
ndG i&T, ~ rl .. Gr_, Ka· 0.. 111111£1 IIJ
rlne .nrtne. ready tor nabtnc.
$1.!150. Ha 4864.
Spinet Plano beautiful eaM and
tone. ..ve over $150. on thll.
Another barC'aln Knabe Mlno·
type Spinet $195. Many otheor
CJMt b~ Schmidt · PbiJUps
Blc Plano It Orcan eo .. S20 N.
Vain, Santa AnL
a&AL IITAft WAftm
W Alf'I'ED TO LI!A.SI! with option
to buy, 2 or 3 BJl. mocterat•
prkoed home. Needed by June;
excdlent reference. Ha 5347.
FOR LEASE. .tore ln bu.y center
In CDM. Phone HYatt 4-4996,
'M ..... ,.
Pk:k Up.
lt'a to our own lnterst J.t we
can hire men who will make
a eareer with our dynamic
bualna&. We therefore otteor:
SteacSy Jot.
On·the·Job trainlnc Real advancement
5·day, 40 hr. week,
Interview now tor Immediate
opentnp tor atudenm Inter· ested tn l une opentna M.UJ. tary atatu. not-oon.aldered.
Apply 8:30 Lin. thru 4 p.m.
1030 E. lit Street UITIIII
a.TIEIII c•••n Ul ca.
auta Fw All 0 c lou
"Prompt Servloe-
Reaaonable Prices"
.__, 1403
1711 E. c.t. a wy .. eo..... del Mar
ApplJcant. needed, many otflce
JotJ.. &Do l'fttauranta and do·
mestlca. Many Jot. tor qualllled
men. CR.eaUter now.)
luntt Panar EmpJ. Acency, 402~ 32nd St., Newport
Pcnntmg -Decorating
lJeeftwd Cootrac:tor 1887 Oranp Ave.. Costa Mesa
Uberty U62l Uberty U632
HA 2976
Sample .eJection In your home.
EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS sao 3t.t Street. Newport BeaeJ.
SltB er-n St.ampe
,.,. dell~
RA 1031 2'7te E. Cout Bwy. ,..... ....
.,~ Ca.rdJ&c Coed.ltJon8
~dM7 Ston• "~,.;:;.~ u 8-501.2
lnll Prljlcllra
rott IIENT
"·MM 16-10( 35-MII and 100( SounJ Plojec:ton
Model Airplane SuppUa ... c .... _
1782 Newport Blvd .. Co8te Me~a
Phone Uberty 8· 7042
A day camp offerinc a daUy
or weelll7 .:bedtlle. Ptiva~
butruetlon ctwn In awiJn.
mfhc . tennlt. tllhlnc, rldlnc
and other IPOrU by K.bool
...... A.._.._ ..... ........... ,. ._.
.... CX)Aft Inn'. a.olfA·Da.MAa
11111 l1 It I•• I•
• Ji.iilir II ::r: " -.... ,.._ ·-m.~:M .............
wW be Iota __.. tun In thla
~ t-M*oom 6 ~ home ftllat 8CI'Cel tram our
bftt ~ beach.
Vllta·VIaion view of the
md:N Harbor from the ~·ft.
lMnr room ... H'lll7' din·
inc room ... huce patio wtth room tor pool • . . ~
lot. zoned R·2.
. .., ..... ...,
Corona n-1 Mar Branch
3$.10 E. Cout Rwy., Harbor~
The State of California
Department of
Motor Vehlrl~
3.000 Square Peet of rround
•floor oUice apace and 15.000
Square Feet of parklnc space
on the trlnae of the bualness
for use as a Department of
Motor Vehlclea branch ottlce-.
Will consider exlstlna build·
ing or new construction. For
details contaq
W. P. Scanland.
Department ot Motor Vehlclea
3500 S. Hope Street
Los Angelea 7, California
Richmond 8·3161
u ....
2 cboJce C·l Iota on the
Boulevard ln Newport. 50 tt.
bontace on 2 meets. Prime
invesctment property. Both
tor $15.500. , ........ .....,
2001 W. Balboa Blvd.
HA 231.3
Ne'WJ)Ort Beach, Callt.
• • •
NEW STJl.EET with 2 new
borDa ~ bUt. to beacb. Both
b o m e 1 turnJabed -tlled,
heated baths -nreplacea -
aararea. All lmprovm.nu pd.
Down payment to ault. R.eql
from 1 home should make
paymenta. No tlnance cbarce,
action wanted.
• • •
Newport Helcht.a. Best Lot
• • •
$17.500 wrm $5.000 OOWK
buys 3 units wJt.b $200 mo.
Income. No. 1-a 3·bedr .. 2
bath home. No. 2-a l ·bedr.
duplex at rear or lot. ca.
rares. sewers, near Catholic
• • •
dwelllnc. 2 corner bdrma.,
paneled den. Hwd. Fln., ear·
pettnc w.to·w 1n LJvinc R:m ..
HaU• 6 Dlnlnc AreL Used
brkk F.P. Ralaed Hearth
Built-In Kitchen ... 2 tiled
baths . . . foreed Thermo
Heat. Shake Root. Dbl ra·
rage. Covered cement patio.
Fenced • landseaped. $17,000 Terms.
1857 Newport Ave .• Costa Meu
U 8-1632; U 8··1400 eves.
Cll IUPL£1
Rlltic, 1-Wr. _,, ·
2~ •••• ,.,......
4 yrs. old. Well built.
2 garaces. patio. shake
roof. One apt. leased .
A very rOod buy at $19,850 .
rv AN w. EBllA.RIYl",
3333 E. Cit. Hwy. Corona del Kar
Harbor :M22
Outstandlnc modern 2-bedr.
6 den home. 2 baths. kau.
tlruJ patio. and land.scaplnc .
Oce-an vie"¥
lUilE vu ...
2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8.f2'T7
cAt the Signal 1
Newport kach
011011 DEL IAR
Marine view from this attractive nt!'Wer home. 3 tine
bedrooms. 1 ~ baths. rumpus room. 68xl50 fenced lot.
Loads or "extru" In this quality home. Asking $32.500.
with $10.000 down.
• •
On these broad level streeu with sJdewa.lk.s, ls thJ.s
3-bedroom. 2 bath home. Carpets and drapes Included.
A 65' x 115' lot. fully landscaped. Excellent tlnanclnc
on price ol $35,000 to qualltled buyers.
• • •
A tully developed lot with 2 patios, BBQ. and shade
trees. 3 nl~ bedrooms. large llvlnf room. tl.replace, din· Loa room. convenient kitchen. AI furnbb~dy to
move ln. A.~nr $23.000.
Elrl w ..... ,
125 Martne Ave., Balboa laland Call Harbor 1175 ............ ,...
A real fa.mQJt boiM llW ud ocoan ~ ~
W.. rumpu. I'OOift. 1ut1t ~ ....._ 2 batba. 2 bl1dt
... 0 ...... 2000 ... ft. t..,... IGt wttll ct.ata .... tmce.
STOP AJm ID 'ftUS 11010: WBJC8 M\TST SIU..f
A~KD~G na-.-wmr
180MN'I'. JULY 11. 1-5&WJOWI •1..,_ + B f ... . ~
.Irvine T erra'e
.......... "'•••• ., •••••"
.. ..... , ... I V• l•••lf
Your lospectlon Ia rapecttully aoJidted.
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 101. Newport Harbor, opposite the
pew Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor FUrther l.nformatlon ·
IMp F..., I•••
Custom built 3 bed.room 6 den. 2100 sq. n.. 1 ~ bat.b.t.
HW Ooora, tlreplaee, FA beat. Blt.·ln ranee It oven. dl.sp~ extra stOI'ace and built-Ins. Covf!red patio. T5' lot.
Electric aaraceo door openttr. Almost new. Attractively
priced at $2-1.500. A new llatlng. C&.U to see this now.
2667 E. Coast Bwy., Corona del Mar BA: 174.1; B.A: ~
7f1 X 140' N~rt Blvd., C zone: 3 buUdlnp.-.-2 nMd ~aJ.rs to code. Key lot. ~IJinal price $27.500, wm DOW
consider all otfers under $20,000. Owner u.nable to ma.ke repairs.
SaL 6 Sun. -401 38th St. -Newport Ia.Land Duplex on Newport laland--3-bedroom and 2·bedroom. One unlt rurnbbed. Ao-oss the street from park and·
bay swtmmlnr. Good vlf'W. Owner anxious to -.u. $23,750.
NEWPoRT BEACH Commercial oftloe bulldl.n• With lovely 2-~m
home on aecond n oor. Ott hJabway tn Cood loe.tlon near new post otflee. 1~ sq. tt. in office, 960 in apart·
ment. 2760 sq ft. In 5-garare·wanbou.se unJts. Alao lot
for oll-street paridnc. Must be wen to recocntz.e advan. tares
FIIJJCIS .1. I.VITI, le .. r
3420 W Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport BJvcl
Harbor 1428 Eves., Har~ 1565 Ub«ty 8·5101
TEIAS •1117
Not exactly In Texas. but In Huntlncton Beach 1ft ba~ tlve Iota Improved with four rentals and
ExceUeont terms available.
This l!t a legitimate deal and owners have bonltlde reasons tor st"lllng.
PLEASE do not phone r~gardlng this listing Howev-e-
do come ln a.s this may ~ your chance or ~ uteUme:
2117 W Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beac-h
Well planned. spacious.. 3 bedroom Jar~ dlnl room. and ~rvlre porC'h. Built in O\'en &lid ranae Dls~~ washt"T. disposal and E-xhaust fan. Hardwood noon., tlnpla~ large-double garage And man)' ocher d-lr able features ,..... ·
Ptfll~ II .. II --
17500 DOWN
"you'll like our frJendly tervice''
Ubes1y S.U39 400 £. 17th St.. ec.ta M-.
Lone or short terms.
C·l Pn~ Lot 70' x 103'
Downtown Coa t Rvo')'. Co·
rona del Mar. Next to Marya
Hou-. ot Maple. Call DAwn.
port 6 -8019.
2721 E. a...t Rflbwoa,y
Corona ~ Mar, Callt.
The term D!AI.TOa .. DOt a ~ ......... --
..-r" -It II tbe adutfe ........_Uoa fer u...
pkqM to tr...a aD ........... ~. , .....
to the b1atl ........... ~ b1 u.. Code ., ....
Gil U.. lfatloD&I A• a rtetaoa o1 a..t.1 ..._ ...... _. ~
tM Cal.lllniAa .......... ,_ ............ , .. ..
c.t ,. • ..... .,
011 TIIID.
Collne Glbbob.l. Dorothy M~ennL Karcuertte B~rhes
Cor. E. Cout Kwy. at Orchid
Acroa from P.O .. CDM
Pczrt. & Semce For AD Foreign Machin•
f.1711 Ill Dl4utdal W • e-ta K
La ()osla
Pet Show Set
For Friday at
Youth Center
••ec:eUaarou pets.
Jf..t week u.. u.... wW be
~t ~ A ....netT abow
wW be belcl ,........., ewDJat.
Pareata Cllld trieDda an IAYitecl
to attired u.. ....... lAog'lle
II••II.U. v-e-Ia U.. Yoatla c.at. bcd1 O.lcl tbat .........
aDd tiMe n.ala .. tlae Cldi'f'l·
tiM aDd .....n.ty abow which
the c::b1ldnD wW ,.....~.
The Youtla C..tw la opea oa
week _,. .,_ 10 to DOOil CIDd
I to S p.m.
Zonta Club to Hold Benefit
At Jamaica Inn Next Week
A pre-openlnr benefit dinner Stanley, past president of the
party will be given at the new club.
l amaJca Inn, Corona del Mar, on As a sneak preview of the new
Wednesday, July 18, u a fund Jamaica Inn dining room. din·
raising social event of the Zonta ner will be served at 8 p.m. with
Club of l'ewport Harbor, It wu a social hour beginning at 6:30
announced thJa week by MJidfed p.m. Musical entertainment will
c..tJ ......... .
be featured durtnr the evenlnr.
Although the aeatlng In the
new dining room will be limited.
tickets wiU be available to Zon·
tlana and their llJesls and !rlend.l
• STUll •
New oUI~rs of the Oranre ln the Newport Harbor area
County Society of Accountanta while they last. accordlnr to the
Include Malcomb Angell of New· committee. 'nckeu are available
port Helrhta. first vice-president, trom Allee Burke at The Clothes
and l ack Cutle of Costa Mesa, Horse on Balboa Island. Ruth
secretary-treasurer. layred at Coast Properties In Bal·
d f d They will be Installed tomor· boa, Frances Mears at the Cam· i 2 u n e e ate row (Friday) eventnr at Disney. era Shop In Costa Mesa and Per zsa lfEWIOft at.VD. e COSTA MESA land Hotel. Donald Story of Raapa at The Newport Harbor .. _._ .... ..._ • • .,._, ----· ..... • , _ _...._ '-~ Santa Ana 1a the new president. Enalrn newspaper In Corona del Teams to Meet 8t7ETEU GE"?sow M~e Jamaica Inn ls belnr ~ • A son, David Earl, wu born opened this month by Andy Me·
fJ ..1,}~ Denny Fitzpatrick's Pistons and to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bueter ol Intyre of the Encore Rl!staurant ------T Don Minson's Warriors wUl meet 1200 CllU Dr., Newport Height.. on La Clenega, Lc» Aneeles, In
tomorrow (Friday) night at the In Hoar Memorial Hospital on connection with the Jamaica Inn r;"'4~~ Harbor Boys' Club In a game Friday, June 22. Hotel, which opened last month.
---_ which will decide the league ;;;;;;;;;;;;=============;;;;;;;;=====;;;;;;j leadership of the AA summer
basketball league. ··u'S •ruftall ,.. Both teams are undefeated thua IIA 15.4 YAII far In league play. The Platona
won Jut Friday night over the
Celtlcs 71·61, and the Wanton
scored a close 63·60 wln over the
Gary Green led the Plstona to .... ,. ftljl •aEr victory with 24 points, while FJtz. ... ~-....-5. patrick racked up lO. For the 1011· :-= ....._ lng Celtlca, Capt. BtU Wetzel and
..... ._ fmct ..... ._., te wat te ._pat-· ~ree aU'C'C" eac po ~ . n.. ........ CIDCidllll1 ..... a.. ..... . .. -,.._ M ......._ h tt-20 I
bew ANa dalw _ ap_ ~ ll..S.. tua npt ....... WI Mln.aon wu high man for hla
• 101 • .._ tara 111M-rual u .._. • ..,._ .. • au. Wanlona with 15, followed by
~ -. teammates Dave Petenon and
10171 U. 1. Inn'. 101 Dear UABEDI LCiiiOD 5-G6t Armand Nettles with 12 each.
Clullllll CAFE _ ll••••• The Lakers, capta.tned by Bru~ _..... Knipp, ~ upset the Warriors
ftill ......._ ...._}-!-! -.f ..,_. Ob-••tmu-t u center Dick Strkkland hlt the
Ia ~ eo..ty. _,..,. "-..._..., .... claea •-~ neu for a tremendous 34 polnta.
ded1l1 0 1 r r too4 atboda 10 •weta ..._ tlana .... t tfM Game tlme for the Plston·War·
... ~ lt'a ...U. • btp • An • rtza 0 ....,_ ta tbe rlor 1ame t. at 7:30. The Celtlcs ba-.11M Cllld n.ab cd8e an e.ata.red. Yet Lta .. ,._ IMA
01,5 ,.. gift aiMo ....t dooL w111 meet the Laken ln the pre·
127 z.. CEJtrEa. A.JIAJIEDI D.,.._. 5-4.511 llmlnary game at 6:30.
VIlA 1111111
• n.••
Gingham Restaurant
SERVIN& .. .., .. L•• linn• ' •..• .,., ... ......,
7 ........ 10 p.m.
1•.., IIIII,...
No. A ·Z7899
In the Matter of the Estate of
Raymond E. Wenger, also known
u Ray E. Wenger, also known
u R. E. Wenter. Deeeaaed.
Notice ls hereby given that the
petition of M. A. Wenger tor the
probate of the Will of the above
named decedent and for the J.ssu.
an~ of Letters Testamentary to
the petitioner will be heard at 10
o'clock A.M. on July Z7, 1956, at
the court room of Department 2
of the Superior Court of the State
of California In and for the
County of Orange.
County Clerk
Date l u ly 9, 1856.
A. X. Phelpa, 3429 E. Cout Hwy.
Corona del Mar, Calif.
Attorney tor Petitioner.
Publlah : July 12·19·~. 19lS6.
In the Newport Harbor Enslen.
If he weJ'e U'riDcJ toclCif, Rnlr•
Bea)amln Fnmldba woald adfOUCdlr.
tJu1ft aa Mroaqlr • M ..._ 61. a.
wouldMIIlactNe: ..............
!be rewarda oi dada toclar ..
9fecder them ••er. for til•• are
many mcwe deldlab&e tbiD9a to ea..
foe. ProYe your tbdft bl a 8cm1MJ1
paeebcaok ol th1a bcmk.
Newport Harbor Bank
ihrilling thoroughbred
coml"fl tltl• Safurday, JULY J4flt
~ . . . .
~ ... ~ Newport Ha~r Rn.t watef•
front Nndenoovr • • . a..teurefy
dlftlftt 1-. a 4lattftdlve t,..hrh
OPEN EVERY DAY-10 A.M. to MIDNITE e • uy EYDY ' e FIIEE -RIDES 5e 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.
• Complete Dinner Menu
•nd Servin• the . ' Flneat Food In the
H•rbor Are•
Opm E11frl Da,'ll
/n1m 11:00 AJI to '-'()() AM ................... .._ ...... • . y_. ,_ LIA P II I HMI: IICIIII Nea;uc;
........ llr: ............
'Y ..
Small Graft
Class Statts
Next ~onCiay ·
A new 2-weelt -son In araaU
e:ratt tMtruc:Uon •tu 8tart lion·
day neu tiM Sea Seout 1ue on
Mar1nen MU.. Jlolly Bai'CUJJM
ol Corona del Mat 18 hwtruct4'.
SlfD·UP da7 18 tomorrow (P'rt·
'"'-echedule for tht. pbue the Mnnmer reereatlon propam
ot the Hlth School Dlatrtct Ia aa
9 to 10:30 a.m.-BaaJc boatfq.
JncludJng nomenclature and cen·
eral -.rnanahlp.
10:30 a.m. to 12 noon-Canoe-Inc.
1 to 3 p.m.--8a.UJ.De,
3 to f :30 p.m.-Paddleboard· Jnc.
All applicant. mu.t be expert
IWim.men. In the aaJ~ eJ-.
preter.nce wlll be cfven to theM
holdJnc JunJor or aenlor lite aav-
fnc card&.
A new 2-week.aeulon wtll at.o
ata.rt MondtY at the HJeh Sc:bool
pool. ~atstratlon dates are (to·
day) and Monday.
No. A-27406
the c:redttora ot and au penona
havtna clatma aptnat the aald
decedent or aald estate to fJJe
them wltb the necessary vouch·
ers In the offJce ol the Clerk of
the Su~or Court of the State
of California, ln and tor the
County of Orange, or to present
the same, with the necessary
vouchen In the Office of the
Clerk ot Uie Superior Court of the
State of CaWornla, In and for the
County of Orange, or to present
the aame, with the neceuary
vouchers. to the und~trned at
his or her place of business,
Dorothy L CalUs, % Harwood,
Heffernan It Soden. 2S1:5 E. CGast
Highway, Corona del Mar. CaUt.
within slx months after tbe t1nJt
publication of this notice.
Da~: July 6, 1956.
Executrl.x of the Estate of lAid
Attorn~ for Executrix
Publlah: July 12·19·-Au1. 2
In Tbe Newport Harbor EnaJp.
Margaret L Scharle
Teadler of P1aDo
l"rien411 Mellbborbood Service
110 Broadway
U 8-3433 lr 8-3434 Costa Meu
Servinl tbe Harbor Area
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
3520 E. Cout aa:rway Corona del
Baltz Mortuary
11h It Superior, Coeta lieu
Harbor Blvd. at Glaler
KDOEBl·Y 5-U58
This -weekend we invite you to see the new model homes
in Southern California's finest residential de velopment,
get in the swim
... live in the sun
at ·
Hale crest
Residents foresighted enough to ltve at Halecrest Campu5 Estates
win live a full life. They'll be proud "proprietors" of their very own
private 4-acre recreation area, complete with beautiful swimming
pool, spacious clubhouse, Little League Baseball Diamond, picnic
grounds, as well as tennis and handball courts. It's community
Jiving at its very best-best for growing youngsters and • 'young·
sters" who never grow old. Why settle for less than Halecrest
Campus Estates? Near your favorite beaches ... just a Freeway skip
to all industrial areas. Come live the tull life at Halecrest Campus
Estates, where living is easy ... where living is fun ... in beautiful
Costa Mesa.
Priced from $15,350 • VA and FHA Terms
Veterans: As low • $300 DOWN (Plus costs and impounds)
Non-Veterans: Just $999 down (Plus costs)
from $76.50 per month (principal and interest)
3utit-•n 'fVt:::,lern-Holly
R~nge and Oven
&. Built-in Westinghouse
., Dishwasher in color
&. Cedar Shake or Heavy
., Rock Roofs
&. 3 and 4 Bedrooms and
., 2 baths
&. Used Brick and Limestone
., Fireplaces
t Choose from 14 designs,
5 Leisure-Living Roor Plans t Privacy-Insured Lots
.. livin& Room Paneled with
., Ash and Amerwood
.. Sidewalks and Gently
.,. Curved Streets for Safety
.. Step Saver Inter-Com
.,. and Radio System
&. Another Hale Company
.,. Quality Development
Sales Apnts: Walker & lee, Inc.,
Hurts 1 As
~Trip Pirates 1..0 .
.., 111D YAIU In the 1·0 ~ vktor7 ucJ
Mldaet Lftlue buebalJ ln the both pltdled brUU-"t ball Dal·
Barbot .,_ wu loaded wtth ton aave up only one btt wtille
many exdttna aama Jut week. ~ out L1 Pltat.. Sharp
Tbe b~ aa.ro-1n the Major aaw up two aateUea and abo
uaeue belnt the Dod,era' clOM tanned J dozen.
1.0 win over the Pb'atH. tbe Palaterrt dlaplayed aome top
Braves' 9-7 defeat o! the Plrat-. notch bltttne u be slammed out
and the Glantl' 3·2 victocy OVf!l a double and a IJ'&ftd alam
the Braves.· homer to lead hls teamma• to
Other Mldeet Leaeue 100res .a 9·0 victory over tbe Dodeen.
~cft~~u~~ ~~~bs 15, STATI Df COaoKA DEL MD iiSoL1mOif RO. MD Eltbteenth Street, Coeta Mesa.
Dodgers 5; Cards 6, Giants 2. Bruce W~ hu I"DDYed trom A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Calltomla, a heartne wtU ~'had,
American Leaeue-Braves 5, 504 Acacia Ave .. Corona del Mar, COUNCIL OY THE ClTY OP at whJch hearing the City Coun·
Cardinals 4; Cut. s, Braves 7. to 513 Marl~old Ave. COSTA MESA OP INTENTION ell &ball bear and pus upon all
International Leaeue-Braves TO ANNEX. AND GMNG NO· written protests tiled at any time
6, Pirates 4; Giants 8, Cards 13. MO'nCE OP PUm.IC IIEAJIDfG 11CE THEREOF. before said hour set for satd
Pioneer Leaeue -Braves 12. Notice Is hereby given that the WHEREAS, there ls aJtuated hearlne by any person ownlne
Giants 4; Pirates &. Cards 4; Plannlne Commission of the City out.ltde and eontJeuous to the real property within the territory
Cardlnah 4, Braves 1. of Newport Beach will hold a City ol Costa Mesa a certain un· so proposeci to be annexed, and
Cautornla State Leaeue-Card· public heartne on the appUca· Inhabited area as hereinafter at any time before the hour set
lnals 24, Giants 6· Braves 11 PJ. tlon of ALLEN G. PEIRSOL for more particularly described; and for said bearing any owner o!
rates 7; Cube 16. Dodgers' 13; a variance No. 302 ~permit: An WHEREAS. the owners of over property w1thln the territory pro·
Cardinals 18, Braves 3· Cubs 5, encroachment of lO' Into three one-halt o! the land and the posed to be annex~ may rue a
Pirates 1. ' <3) foot required slde yard Mt· territory by area and by assessed written protest aealnst the an·
Irvine Coast CC to Hold
Member~Guest Golf Tourney
4 Boys Try
to Gang Upon
Fred Stillings
J'red 8t.Wlnp. Corona 4el Mar
youth, eba.rpd that bla eu wu
foreed oft the road at hmlee.l
Aw. and Ocean Blvd., Corona del
Mar, by tour bo~ 17 to 1& at
1:15 a.m. Sunday.
He Aid the yout.ba bad been
4ftnkJnc and were mad at hlm tor taldna 1ft. Sally Goode out
on a date, elallnlna ahe wu the
lfrl·trlencl ol ODe ot the boya.
The tour boya atarted to can&'·UP
on the Corona 4ti Mar youth and
be hit two of thtlm, knocldna one
ol the boy. down. Nel.lhbora.
heartnc the dnturbance, eaUed
pollee. 1be boys climbed Into
their ear and left the acene
toward Carnation Ave. and Coast
Hwy., befGre pollee anlved.
MJ81 Goode aatd ahe knew the
bo~ that they Wf!le from Or·
an,e. The Stllllnc youth declined
to rue a eomplaJnt.
Bead the Eutan Want Ad -pace.
WeStern League -Pirates 14. back to allow for extension of valuation as ahown on the last nexatJon. The protest shall set
Braves 12; Cardinals 18. Giants fireplace. On Lot S. Block 530• equalized assessment roll In the forth the name of the owner o!
6; Dodgers 12, Cubs 11; Cardinals Tract CDM. 506 Begonia. County o! Oranee have expreued the property affected and etve a s. Braves 1; Cubs 4, Pirates 5; Notice Is hereby further given themselves aa desirous of havtng description of sald property In
Dodgers 2. Giants 0 that said public heartne will be the aame annexed with the clty general terms.
The Irvine Coast Country Club partner In thla bHt-baJl.of.part.
will Inaugurate Its firat annual nera tournament. The Invited
Member-Guest Tournament with euest must be a member of a
qualltytng rounds Aug. 1, 2 and club alflllated wttb the Southern IJ .... 11411II .. E
3, and tournament rounds on iCallfornla Golf Astn.
Eastern League .:.._ Braves 11 held on the l9th day of July, of Costa Mesa, and The City Clerk of the City of
Pirates 10; Giants 21, Cardlnah 1956• at the hour o! 8=00 p.m. In WHEREAS, lt would be for the Costa Mesa la hereby authorized
ZT · Dodgers 24. Cubs 14 the Council Chambers of the best Interests of the City of Costa and direct~ to cause a copy of
Aug. 4 and 5. Spread between partners' hand·
Deadline for entries Ia Sunday leap I• limited to 6. Handicap 1
midnight, July 22. accordlne to limit wlll be 24. Entrants may IIMII L11.1t111111 Some of the outstanding play. Newport Beach City Hall, at Mesa to annex the said herein· this Resolution to be publlsh~
ers were Roy Dalton of the Major which tlme and place any and after described property, and once a week for two week.s prior Jack WIJder. chaJrman. have a hleher handJcap than 24,
Each playing member ls re· but JDUSt play throuehoot the 1111 &. C...t .._ • ., League Dodgers. Gil Sharp of the all persons Interested may ap· WHEREAS, there has been to said hearing In the Costa
Pirates, and Gene Palaferrl of pear and be heard thereon. submitted on or about the 22nd Mesa Globe Herald, a newspaper
quested to lnvJte a member of tournament u a 24 c-del K•
another eoU club to play as his Prlzes wtU be atven tor Jow ~ 1.-J the American Cubs. Dalton and RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary day of May. 1956, to the Oranee of general circulation, published
Sharp were the opposlne pitch ers Newport Beach City Plan· County Boundary Commission a In the City of Costa Mesa. and
APORT //,"/.
( tl/lONA OEL /ltiAil·liA#Il. 'Ill HI 'I ••••
· nine Commlaslon. legal description and plat of also In tt&e Newport Harbor En·
KOTICE OP rvauc JIEAJIDfG the said hereinafter uninhabited sign. a newspaper ol eeneral clr-
11iP Ia FriCIInMI •• J., Fr• .... Notice ls hereby given that the area, for Its approval. pursuant culatlon published In Ute County
Planning Commlas1on of the Clt,y to Section 35002 of the Govern-of Ora.nge and outsJde the City
of Newport Beach will hold a ment Code of the State of Call· of Costa Mesa. WUllam Martin of Pasadena
public hearlne on the appltca· fornla; and The City Clerk ls further au· suffered a compound thleh frac-
tion of Balboa Coves Community WHEREAS. the approval of thorlz.ed and direct~ to mall a ture In jumplne trom a ~t to a
Assodatlon for a .va.rlance No. aata Orange County Boundary written notice of th~ proposed seawall In front of 114 Grand
303 to pennlt: Ao,yninga to be at-Commission has been secur~ annexation to all persons to Canal, Balboa Island, at 11 :04 tach~ to houses In tract No. lOU and reported tlpon by the Boun-whom land .,roposed to be an-p.m. Saturday. He was taken by
but not to extend further than to 4ary Commission with respect to nexed ls assessed 1n the 18ft ambulance to Hoar Hospital for
six Inches back. of the line of th~ deflnltness a.nd the certainty available equallud assessment an emereency operation.
waterway. On Lots No. 1 to No. ol the proposed boundaries; roll at the address shown thereon Newport poUce said Martin
68 Inc., Tract 1011. Balboa Coves. NOW. 'MfEREFORE. BE IT RE· or a.s known tg said Ctty Clerk. had been In the process of dls·
Notice ls hereby further given SOLVED by the City Council of The above ati4 foreeolne Reso· embarkJne from the boat. Michl·
that said public beartne will be the City of Costa Mesa, a City of luUon was duly and re,ularly ean. owned and operat~ by
held on the 19th day of July, the Sl.xth Clus, to annex the pa.sse-d and adopt~ at a regular Robert Shaw of 114 Grand Canal.
1956, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. In said real pro~ as hereinafter meeting of the City Council of Martin jumped trom the boat but
the Council Chamben of the deterlbed. which saJd real pro· the City of Costa Mesa held on missed hls l ooting on the sea
Newport Beach City Ball. at perty Is contiguous to th~ present the 2nd day of 1u1y, 1956, by the walL
which time and place any and boundaries of aald City of Collta followlne roll call vote, to-wit: "Bill took a Uttle blteer step
all penons Interested may ap· Mesa. and which property ls. at AYES: Coundlmen -Pinkley, than he thoueht." pollee quot~
pear and be heard thereon. the preRnt time. uninhabited. Smith. Nelaon, Meyers. the sklpper as atatine.
erou and low net qualWers and
for the actual tournament. Jaulila.i!,.i!l' iiiiiiiiiiiAII;!Jas.alii! Social events wUJ Include a
faShion show luncheon for the
women on Fr1day, Aue. 3, and a
tree 4ance for participants and
wives Saturday, Au,. 4, beeJn·
nine at 9 p.m. •
Chairman Wilder announces
the folowtng committee mem·
bers: Irv Watcher and BrUce
Marston, palrlnp and Nrtlna;
Bud Bay, scorlne; Harold Peter·
aon, ereens; Pred Button, hoep1·
tallty; Joe Prelnlneer and Don
Harwood, trophies; Chet Farrar,
danoe; Jerry Helperln and Art
Roux, rules; George Holstein m,
publlclty; Roland CM~> Lac·
erlof, parl-mutu~l; ao.&lle Vance,
tournament hostess. AliO a.ubt·
lnr In the ananeementa are
Hadd Rlne. club pruJdent: Bob
Roux. ualstant profealona.J. and
Henri Tubach, club manacer.
""BaDer Tlllm.
POGiil -· (JfO TVUI) w.scra ~we•a.t a.cue
WBJQIII Olfi.T II OZ. sa...ayr.s·••'H• A New Concept In hnonaJ BadJo. Ear Phone and Carry.
lna Cue Optional, Extra.
·-..... .a..s.. c.ta ·-
RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary NO'nCE lS HE'Bl:BY GIVEN NOES: Councilmen-None.
Newport Beach City Plan· that It ls proposed by the aald ABSENT: Councilmen-Martin. BOTTS MOVE TO COSTA'IOSA U. S. ...,., nrw
nine Commt.saion. City of Costa Mesa to annex the IN WITNESS W H ERE 0 F I Th'e Harlan Hoyta have moved IIE·UJ'IIOUTD W~tlli-1 '-'~thl ....
"Bhowui Ju1cti11"
Ava Gardner, Stewart Granger
• • ALSO • •
"The Sea Shall
lot Hate Tllenl"
Notice b hereby etven that the
Plannlne Commtulon o! the City
of Newport Beach wlU hold two
public hearings on the appllca·
tlon of ActJ9n of Planning Com·
mission Initiating proposed
amendment to. amend Zoning
Code (Ordinance No. 6351 ffoom
''Undassltled" to R·l ·B Zoning
on Portion of Lot 159, Block 53
of Irvine's Subdivision, Tract
1763, 1805. 1806, located between
nineteenth and twentieth streets
on Irvine Av~.
Notice Is hereby further given
that said public hearings will
be held on the 19th day of July.
year 56 and the 16th day of Au·
gust year 56. at the hour of 8:00
p.m. In t.be Council Chambers of
the Newport Beach City Hall, at
which time and place a ny and
all persons Interested may ap·
pear and be heard thereon.
RAY Y. COPEUN. Secretary
Newport Beach City Plan-
ning Co mmission.
SANTA ANA ~tweea 4tlt and 5tlle• BROADWAY
n-IU W111
Doon 0pea at •:•-&eaarday ... s-ay at n:te
', ) .... "' : L. 0 RIvE I N --U{A{IlC HHtiH1f'i c
~ ..... ·-
-• •\lllllol i.' .. ..
= ..........
Tov TrGER .,_ ........ .,
beretn~r described real pro· hereunto set my hand and aeal from Corona del Mar to their CIMdn. ...... ~ r....a.-.. .,. .. .,.
perty to the City of Cocta Mesa. thJa 3rd day ol ,July, 1956. newly completed home at 468 c-pa.t. LMbricetlofl s.Mce
which aa.ld real property aball, A. C. 8W A.RTZ Walnut Place, eo.ta Mesa. Ra.r· .. fltEE rt~U' I DEUVEJtY
1n these proceedlnp. beu the City Clerk aad a-otoclo Clerk Jan b uaodated wtth h1l father. BARIIOa ll7e ,._. He.W )094
name "GISLER ST1lEET NO. 2 of the Ctty Cound.J, City of Cocta Wendell Hoyt. In the operation 2919 !!. Coast u-.., 2201 E. Coett Hl.,.,_y et Avoc.do
ANNEXA'nON." Tb~ specific de-Mesa. of Hoyt'a Harbor Eneravtng Co. Corona del K;f CofoM del Mer
scription of the boundaries of the rPu~bl~la~b~::_:J~uJ~y~12~an~c1~19:•:_:195S~:· ~~~n~eo.ta~~:_M~esa.~-------!....:::=::=:::=:::=:::=:::::_~~~~~~~~~~~~~ territory proposed to be annexed -
are as follows;
'That portion of Section 4,
Township 6 South. Range 10
West, In the lands allotted to
Eduardo Polloreno In deaee
of partition of the Rancho
Santiago de Santa Ana. and
that portion of Section 33,
Township 5 South, Range 10
West, In the lands allotted to
James McFadden In decree
of Partition of the Rancho
Santiago de Santa Ana. both
recorded In Book B of Judge·
ments of the 17th Judicial
District Court of Los Angeles
County, State of California,
in the County of Oranee. ~tate of California. described
as follows:
That portion of said Section
4, conveyed to J. Edmond
Snow by Deed recorded tn
Book 106. Page 247 of Deec:b,
records of said Orange Coun-
ty, lying Easterly of a line.
parallel with and distant
Westerly 2480.13 feet mea·
sured a long said Northerly
line of said Section 4. from
the Westerly line of the Fair-
view Tract as per map re·
corded In Book 25, Page 76,
ot Miscellaneous Records of
said Los Aneeles County,
and that ~rtlon of aald Sec·
tion 33. further described as
BetrlnnJng at a point In the
existing boundary of the City
of Costa Mesa. aaJd point
belne the Northwe.terly cor·
ner of aald Falrview Tract;
thence alon1 the Westerly
Une of Aid Fairview Tract
aald line belne ln part the
boundary line of aald City of
eo.ta Mesa South o• 38' 57''
Eat 2140.9C teet: thencle
South 89" S9' 35'' West ~13
feet; thence ftol'th o· .. 57"
West 2856.24 feet to a point
ln the Northerly Une ol G~
ler Avenue, u ddcrtbed tn
a Deed to the County of Or·
anre recorded In Book 225.
Pap 891 of· Deeda; thence
alone aaJd North•ly llfte
Eut ~.13 feet to a point
In the bounclat)' ol .. 14 Ot:J'
of ec.ta ..... ; tbenee loutll·
•IJ aloft~ tiM R«t.~Mr~ pro-
loapUoll ot tbe W..-riY
liM of saJ4 l'alMew 'l'tld.
aiel llne belftl tbt bowld8i7
of .... CH:1 ot ec.t• ..... .,....,..ft' .. WJO
,.. tD • palM til ..............
c.t.atalftC ~ AcNI;
"'*I &&a JlfO'I'IC2 II 6111 II
OlVDihei•IIM .... ...... ~ .. .... illll ... , .. c....-
"RED HOT" Valu• for Thun.., Fri., Sat., July 12. 13, 14th
Stote Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday aad Holidap 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Oreo Cookies S Y R U P
--·------··-··-23 ~ ~~z. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"-· iiiiiiiiiiiiiii--.;:.29¢:..
AUW'I' ,_ICDIA Eaq ...
Kleenex nssues
· Marshmalows
101/s oz.
BAG _26f --------
Da. iiOiitWA:Iela•• ,.._ ... a.....,..
~:N l_-oa._ 2 ,_ 31•